Modern pencil foliation: 1-3, 3*-381.f.381 is a former paste-down, now raised. A tab was formerly attached to f.168.
f.1 singleton, now glued at the gutter to f.2, I-II8, III10, IV12, V-VI8, VII4, VIII-XVI8, XVII2 (= ?8 lacks leaves 2-7), XVIII-XLVIII8, f.381, former pastedown now raised, is a singleton glued at the gutter to f.380.
Written space: 255-260 x 150-155 mm. Two columns (width, 68 mm). Lines: 42 in quires I-VII (f.2-58); 45 in quires VIII-XVII (f.59-132); 43 or 44 in quire XVIII (f.133-140); 43 in quire XIX-XLVIII (f.141-380)
Pricking: generally awl, occasionally knife. Pricked in both side margins for the horizontal rulings. Prickings intermittently preserved in the upper and outer margins, rarely in the lower one.
Ruling: generally lead, occasionally ink. Pairs of verticals flank both columns (three in total in the intercolumnar space); a further pair of verticals in the inner margin, another in the outer margin. The first horizontal is always extended. The number of horizontals extended at the bottom of the text-block changes from page to page: none, the last one, the last two, the last and the penultimate, three of the last four. Pairs of horizontals towards the middle of the text-block are intermittently extended. A further pair of horizontals is generally supplied in the upper margins (for the names of authorities).
Written in Textualis quadrata for the lemmata, Textualis quadrata/semi-quadrata for the commentary. Probably one scribe throughout, working more neatly on the first fifty or so pages than thereafter. Contemporary corrections, often made in rasura, guided by notes in lead and/or ink in the margins.
Historiated or decorated initials, 12+ lines high, for the principal divisions.
The initials for the other psalms are 5+ lines high, alternately red then blue, with tight ‘fern’ flourishing in the other colour plus green, and yellow. Verses are headed by 2+-line high initials, red then blue, flourished in the other colour (a green example on f.249r). Tails occasionally extended into the margins with additional flourishing (e.g. f.95r, 238r, 248v, 249r, 266v, 292v). Commentaries begin with a 1-line-high initial, red if the verse initial is blue, then vice versa (green examples on f.249r, 250r).
Some numerous later 12th century Nota marks, a few with accompanying notes (e.g. f.147v, 148r, 223v, 298r – citing Gregory, Moralia). A schema relating to Mensa added to the lower margin of f.167v (Ps. 68.23, ‘Fiat mensa eorum ...’).
Crude, lead sketch of a human head, added 15th century or later, f.297v, lower outer corner.
Standard Tuckett binding, but preserving 16th/17th century leather covers featuring blind stamped design, over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century). Stains on f.381v from turn-ins and from the fixtures for a pair of clasps.
Written in England or France, later 12th century.
Thoroughly-erased inscription in red ink (?ex libris), f.381r, centre.
“Liber sancti Cuthberti de Dunelm' ex dono domini Iohannis de Insula Militis. quem qui alienauerit. Anathema Sit. amen”, late 13th century, f.381r, top. (Not noted by Rud, this flyleaf may conceivably have come from a different, slightly narrower, book).
“.h.” [crossed through] 14th/15th century, f.2r, top left.
“.h. [crossed through] Psalterium glosatum De communi libraria Monachorum Dunelm'”, later 15th century, f.2r, top left.
“Pi E”, 15th century, f.2r, above the right hand text column.
“T Swalwell”, f.2r, top centre (Thomas Swalwell, monk of Durham approximately 1483-1539).
Lacks the lemmata and commentary for Psalms 52.1 - 55.1 owing to the loss of leaves between f.131 and 132. The scriptural text is written to a large gauge on every other line; Peter Lombard’s commentary is written half the size on every line, starting immediately after the citation. Authorities are named in display capitals in the upper margins (in various combinations of red and blue), each name (generally ‘avg′’, ‘amb′’, ‘cas'’, ‘ier′’ but written in full on f.116r, 117r, 118r) being associated with sigla of dots and occasionally dashes (the sigla change on f.296r with the arrival of Ambrose: Augustine is initially a triangle of three dots but from f.296r just two dots; Cassiodorus is initially two dots, one beside the other, then a dot on a dash; Ambrose is a triangle of three dots; Jerome, two dots one above the other) which then reappears in the relevant part of the commentary below. ‘Re’ or ‘Rem’ and ‘Hil’, though written in red or blue to the same scale, are placed in the side margin (e.g. f.79v, 128r, 192r, 299r). Lemmata within the commentary are underlined in red.
Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss. , Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).
Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, approximately 1100-1160, Commentarium in Psalmos , Library of Latin Texts A (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010)
Stegmüller, Friedrich, Repertorium biblicum medii aevi , (Madrid: 1950-1980)
Mynors, R.A.B., Durham Cathedral manuscripts to the end of the twelfth century. Ten plates in colour and forty-seven in monochrome. With an introduction [including a list of all known Durham manuscripts before 1200] , (Durham: 1939)