AdministrationReference: UND/F8/CPrincipalReference: UND/F8/C1Margaret Fergusson (1940-1955)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/E
UND/F8/C1/E1 1947 - 1954
Admissions, correspondence about university policy and with individuals and schools, also specimen letters for invitations to interview, rejections etc.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E2 May 1942 - July 1950
Association of Principals, Wardens and Advisers of University Women Students (APWA), minutes, agendas, papers and some correspondence of and about the annual conferences and (from 1947 when the principal joined it) committee meetings, including
re the creation of the Association out of a conference of University Advisers to Women Students and Wardens of Women's Halls in 1942.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E3 [1950] - 1962
Awards, circulars and correspondence re Education awards for students, including CVCP memorandum of procedure 1950 and agreed note on procedure 1953, Derbyshire Education Committee 1961 report, Ministry of Education Circulars 252, 263, 339 and
5/61 and Administrative Memoranda 425, 563 and 569, Statutory Instrument 1962 No.1689
The University and Other Awards Regulations 1962
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E4 1947 - 1954
Awards - State Scholarships, correspondence, lists of students in receipt of, and forms for.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E5 May 1946 - December 1949
Awards - Winifred Foster Scholarship, correspondence re its administration.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E6 December 1945 - October 1951
Buildings Committee minutes, agendas and papers, concerning the St Mary's College development, with annotations, with related correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E7 1950 - 1954
Charities, correspondence with those soliciting the support of students, financially or in person: Alexandra Rose Day, Alington Club, British Legion Poppy Day, Invalid Children's Aid Association, NSPCC, Sons of the Clergy Society, SPG, UMCA
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E8 October 1947 - February 1956
Conferences and meetings, hire of premises, correspondence with organisations and individuals.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E9 June 1951 - June 1956
Departments - Education, correspondence with about St Mary's students doing the Education Diploma.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E10 December 1949 - December 1957
Departmental termly reports on students, some departments on all students, others on just St Mary's.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E11 January 1954
Finances, report on for the year to 31 July 1953 by T.C. Squance & Sons of Sunderland.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E12 May 1952 - September 1955
Freshers' Conference, correspondence, programmes, brochures, lists of those attending.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E13 October 1950 - August 1954
General correspondence re: David Thomas's drawing of the new building; copying a 35mm film in 16mm; aerial photogaphy of the college by Aero Pictorial Ltd; a TES article on the new building; the college's entry in
Britannica Book of the Year, Pevsner and the Ministry of Education's list; the college's Index Generalis entry; the Carnegie Endowment prize.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E14 1952 - 1971
History of the college, letters and notes re the college arms, site, a stole given to Fourah Bay, and a piece on the college for the first Durham University Society magazine.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E15 May 1943 - April 1954
JCR, correspondence especially re its finances, including its 1928 constitution with revisions to 1939, and lists for 1952-1953 of college student officials, members of the library committee, and St Mary's representatives on university
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E16 December 1946 - June 1952
Lodgings, correspondence with landladies, including Mrs O'Callaghan, Mrs Turner, Mrs Battiscombe, Mrs Cullingford, Mrs Dawson-Walker, Mrs Gibby, Mrs Wetherall, and Mrs Wright, re the accommodating of SMC students.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E17 November 1951 - November 1953
Maintenance Fees, correspondence with other universities, including returns to a short questionnaire about the adequacy or otherwise of the fee and what it covers, from universities at Bangor, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Leeds,
Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford, Reading, and Sheffield.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E18 July 1952 - May 1955
Maintenance of the new college buildings, specifications and correspondence, including with the treasurer of Durham Colleges and Vincent Harris, the architect, re problems with and finishing off the new building.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E19 August 1952 - January 1955
Maintenance of the grounds, correspondence, including re snow clearance, roses, grass and hay cutting, and including a printed
ATCO Service leaflet for lawn mowers.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E20 June 1944 - June 1948
Medical Insurance Scheme, correspondence re setting one up and bills for medical work.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E21 November 1948 - November 1957
National Health Service, correspondence re listed students registering with Dr Jacka.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E22 October 1948 - October 1964
Notices and circulars to students from the principal, including arrrival information and rules/regulations for behaviour in the College.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E23 September 1946 - May 1952
Notices re the issuing of buckets of coal to students.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E24 October 1953 - March 1956
Notices re registration, matriculation and examinations.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E25 February 1954 - August 1955
Printers, correspondence and estimates for printing the college prospectus: Wm Dresser and Sons of Darlington; Durham County Press.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E26 [c.1930 - c.1950]
Prospectuses for other higher education institutions:
1. The Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth, List of University Institutions in the British Commonwealth (1949), 8p
2. University of Bristol Halls of residence for Women Manor Hall and Clifton Hill House, 20p, with 1947 prospectus insert, also for Halls of Residence for Men Wills Hall, Burwalls, Wraxall Court (1947)
3. Association to Promote a Third Foundation for Women in the University of Cambridge (c.1950), 4p
4. Girton College Cambridge (1951), 16p
5. Newnham College [Cambridge] (1940), 20p, with entrance exam requirements
6. National Council of YMCAs Courses at the College of the Venerable Bede University of Durham Education Department (c.1950), 8p
7. William Temple College Hawarden (1947), 8p, with letter and syllabus
University of Leeds Report on Post-War Developments in the University (1944), 64p
9. University of Liverpool Derby Hall (for men) (c.1950), 4p, with rules
10. Bedford College for Women University of London (1947), 52p
11. Westfield College University of London (1951), 24p
12. City of Manchester Education Committee Scholarships and Awards for Senior Students (1947), 40p
13. Ashburne Hall University of Manchester (c.1930), 6p
14. Ashburne Hall University of Manchesetr (1935), 8p
15. Ashburne Hall University of Manchester (c.1945), 8p, with Constitution, Rules (1945) and Fees (1941)
16. Hulme Hall [University of] Manchester (c.1945), 8p
17. Langdale Hall University of Manchester (c.1950), 8p
18. St Anselm Hall Manchester University (c.1950), 4p + 8p
19. Lady Margaret Hall Oxford (1951), 20p
20. Somerville College Oxford (1951), 20p, with registration form
21. St Hugh's College Oxford (1951), 16p
22. University of Reading (1946), 16p
23. University of St Andrews Halls of Residence for Men Students (c.1940), 12p
24. University of St Andrews Halls of Residence for Men Students (1946), 24p
25. University of St Andrews Residences for Women Students (c.1950), 6p
A Short History of Whitelands College [Putney] 1841-1947, by D.A. Counsell, 22p
26 printed paper booklets
UND/F8/C1/E27 February 1949 - March 1954
Registrar (Durham University at 46 North Bailey), correspondence with re examinations, matriculation, fees and individual students.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E28 October 1950
University and College Regulations
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E29 October 1947 - June 1955
Secretary (Durham Colleges), correspondence with re swimming bath admission, sports facilities, academic coaching, college arms, Universities Yearbook entries, admissions, Colleges Handbook, UGC figures, students in residence lists, registration
and matriculation, occasional students, failures, scholarship exam timetables, student employment survey.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E30 1941 - 1955
Staff, correspondence, mainly re appointment and termination, with
Margaret A. Allan, assistant domestic bursar, 1945.
M.D. Anderson Scott, domestic bursar, 1944.
S. Barrot, coaching, 1945-1946.
M.Betty Booth/Bowen-Jones, 1946-1954.
Marjorie A. Chapman, cook, 1949-1954.
Mrs Ehrenberg, 1953.
Elizabeth L. Falconer, temporary resident, 1953.
Miss Harley, resident, 1947-1948.
A. Hembry, assistant domestic bursar, 1953.
A. Le Planquais, coaching, 1947-1948.
Alice Mackenzie, assistant bursar, 1953-1955.
T. McLoughlin, gardener, 1952-1953.
Laura Ragg née Roberts (first principal 1899-1900, reminiscences of the Claypath hostel), [1946-1950].
Miss Stovin, secretary, 1941.
Rita H. Swinn, assistant bursar, 1948-1953.
Beryl A. Thurston, resident, 1946-1948.
Miss Watson, house tutor, 1946.
Dorothy Whewell, secretary, 1946.
Maria Wickert, resident, 1948-1950.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E31 1948 - 1957
Teaching Posts, correspondence with headmistresses re the availability of teaching posts for students, including printed prospectuses for schools at: Fritham House, Lyndhurst; Crofton Grange, Buntingford.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E32 November 1947 - September 1954
Treasurer, correspondence re university fees.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E33 September 1946 - August 1955
Treasurer, correspondence with.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/E34 November 1951 - June 1955
Visitors, correspondence with visitors to the college, usually about staying.
Paper file
Marjorie Williamson (1955-1962)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/F
UND/F8/C1/F1 1953 - 1961
Admission procedures, correspondence, proformas, reports, surveys, including correspondence, forms and returns for the CVCP's sub-committee on applications for admission (The Kelsall Report] with details of applicants to St Mary's in 1955, and
the subsequent draft (1957), [first] (1958), second (1960) and third (1961)
Report of an Ad Hoc Committee on Procedure for Admission of Students of the CVCP.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F2 1955 - 1962
Admissions, correspondence with individuals and schools, also specimen letters for invitations to interview, rejections etc.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F3 September 1959 - February 1961
Appointments Board, corrrespondence about arrangements for talks, advice sheets about careers and particularly careers for women, and notices of talks, some at St Mary's.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F4 January 1954 - December 1964
Awards - Entrance Scholarships, lists of candidates, arrangements for their accommodation and interviews at St Mary's, and timetables, with lists of all candidates, with their schools, ages, and papers to be taken, for 1959 and 1960.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F5 1955 - 1959
Awards - State Scholarships.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F6 August 1958 - December 1962
College Buildings, correspondence, especially with Col D.M. Eley, Colleges Building Officer, and Marshall Sisson, architect, re a college extension.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F7 1958 - 1965
Forms, blanks for admission to St Mary's, Russian classes, degree examinations, financial awards, fees, college rooms, DCSRC Freshers' Conference, GCE exam results, university admission and the Christmas carol service.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F8 August 1956 - October 1962
Freshers' Conference, correspondence, programmes, brochures, lists of those attending.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F9 February 1957 - October 1959
Hungarian Students Appeal Fund, correspondence re contributions from St Mary's students.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F10 May 1956 - July 1962
Interior Decorating, correspondence, estimates and specifications.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F11 May 1954 - June 1958
Lodgings, correspondence with landladies and the treasurer about accommodating students.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F12 November 1955 - February 1958
Maintenance of the grounds, correspondence including with GEC re installing lanterns on the pillars at the entrance.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F13 October 1951 - October 1961
Mischief Night, correspondence and circulars abhorring it and about measures to counter it.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F14 November 1955 - November 1960
National Blood Transfusion Service, correspondence re staff and students attending donor sessions, with two Christmas cards from the Service.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F15 April 1955 - December 1964
Notices - end of term, re arrangements for luggage, dinners, coffee parties, equipment, vacating rooms, forwarding addresses, society accounts.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F16 October 1955 - October 1962
Notices - college and especially university re student matriculation, registration, and examinations.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F17 April 1955 - October 1961
Notices - university events: librarian's talks, freshmen's sermons, Founders and Benefactors service.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F18 January 1957 - February 1967
Rag, correspondence, mainly with SRC about St Mary's students involvement in.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F19 [February] 1955 - February 1966
Scholarships, University of Durham, annual lists of Entrance Scholarships and Exhibitions.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F20 May 1955 - May 1964
Scholarships, University of Durham, internal, details of awards and lists of students awarded them.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F21 May 1954 - March 1962
Scholarships, others, flyers for awards offered by external institutions, generally for women: Lady Mabel Smith Trust (West Yorkshire), Girton College Cambridge, the Commonwealth, British Federation of University Women (International Research
Studentships), University of Glasgow, Harkness Fellowships, Imperial Chemical Industries, David Davies Memorial Institute (Cecil Peace Prize), Staedtler Scholarship, Royal Asiatic Society, College Hall London (Pfeiffer Fellowship), City of
Liverpool, London School of Economics (Montague Burton Studentships), Smith College Massachusetts Chemistry Fellowships for Women, London County Council (Gilbert Foyle Educational Trust), King's College Newcastle (Sir James Knott, Wilfred Hall and
Earl Grey Memorial Fellowships), Westfield College University of London, the British School at Rome, British Import Union of Copenhagen, Nottinghamshire County Council (Henry Mellish Scholarship Trust) and Monmouthshire.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F20 September 1955 - September 1960
Secretary - correspondence with, re students, including the lists of those in residence, matriculation and overseas students.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F21 July 1955 - May 1960
Secretary - correspondence with re administrative matters including Colleges Handbook alterations.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F22 April 1955 - March 1966
St Mary's Society, meeting agendas and reunion programmes, with some lists of lost addresses, and lists of addresses of all members, including a galley proof of a 1964 list.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F23 April 1956 - March 1961
Students, correspondence about involving students in Durham Hospital Management Committee, BBC in Manchester, Church of England Children's Society, British Sailors' Society, SPG, Townswomen's Guild, and enquiring of those doing Social Studies and
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F24 March 1955 - November 1962
Treasurer - correspondence with the University Finance Officer re Annual University Fees.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F25 July 1956 - July 1960
Treasurer - correspondence with the University re the repayment of students' caution money.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/F26 August 1957 - August 1960
Treasurer - correspondence with re redecorating costs, sales of borchures, telephone box etc.
Paper file
Mary Holdsworth (1962-1974)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/G
UND/F8/C1/G1 January 1963 - September 1973
Admissions Policy, St Mary's and UCCA procedures (1973) and correspondence with the headmistress of Holton Park Girls Grammar School, Wheatley (1963).
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G2 November 1963 - June 1966
Appointments Board, notices of talks, lists of employers' visits, circulars of postgraduate awards and courses and some corrrespondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G3 September 1969 - July 1970
Aycliffe School, school managers' meetings (Mary Holsdworth was a manager) minutes, agendas and papers including re appointing a new principal, Building, and Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting minutes, principals' monthly reports and
inspection notes and reports.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G4 June 1963 - July 1969
Buildings Committee, papers for this university committee and its sub-committees, especially that for College Z/Trevelyan College on which the principal sat, with annotations and some plans.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G5 October 1967 - October 1969
Buildings Committee, St Mary's College Houses Sub-Committee, minutes, agendas and papers including plans by William Whitfield for the staff and tutors' houses.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G6 January 1963 - June 1975
College Buildings, correspondence re maintenance and developments, including pen and colour wash designs for dining room chandeliers, drawings of library bookcases, and some estimates. (Little material for the 1970s.)
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G7 July 1973
Congregation, correspondence re arrangements and tea party invites, with lists of accommodation payments.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G8 October 1967
Durham City Land Use and Transportation Study correspondence and survey forms.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G9 June 1964 - May 1967
Examinations, University, administration.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G10 April - May 1963
Garden, correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G10 November 1968 - May 1969
General Lectures Standing Committee of the university, correspondence about lecturers and arrangements for them (Kenneth Adam, Prof Ayer and Ron Dore)
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G12-13 July 1964 - January 1968
Heads of Houses Committee of the university, minutes, agendas and papers, with some annotations, and a little correspondence.
12. July 1964 - June 1966.
13. March 1966 - January 1968.
2 paper files
UND/F8/C1/G14 June 1964 - August 1967
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Centre, minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence, with also papers for the 27th International Conference of Orientalists at Ann Arbor, August 1967.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G15 October 1962 - October 1967
Notices - college and especially university re student matriculation and registration.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G16 February 1965
Notices - disciplinary re unscrewing ground floor room window blocks.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G17 February - November 1973
O&M Report on College Finances, and papers of the ad hoc Council Committee on College Finances, with a little correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G18 1962 - 1964
Overseas students corrrespondence about possible admissions; Fourah Bay and USA.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G19 July 1965 - January 1970
Slavonic and East European Studies, correspondence and minutes of committees re in Durham and outside involving Mary Holdsworth.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G20 1960 - 1967
St Mary's Day, telegrams offering congratulations on the day, and a 1963 programme for revamping it.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G21 April - May 1970
St Mary's Society, letters from alumni unable to attend the reunion, on the subject of mixed colleges, either elsewhere in Durham or St Mary's.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G22 October 1964 - October 1969
Staff files, including cvs, correspondence re appointment and references:
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G23 1954 - 1966
Tutors, correspondence with
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/G24 1962 - 1964
Papers including correspondence and applications relating to prospective international students applying to Durham, including the Caribbean and Africa
File retained as a sample
Paper file
Joan Kenworthy (1977-1999)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/J
UND/F8/C1/J1 April - June 1986
Appointment of college chaplain Philip Luscombe.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J2 January 1987 - December 1989
Audit, correspondence with the university's auditors, Thomson McLintock/Peat Marwick McLintock, re their draft (22 January 1987) and final (31 March 1987) report
“Organisation of College Accounting”, with copies of the reports, and their auditing of the college's accounts in 1989.
UND/F8/C1/J3 1978 - 1997
Internal Audits: correspondence and reports
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J4 1982 - 1992
Bequests to the college, correspondence, accounts and some will extracts.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J5 November 1997 - August 1998
Boat Club, correspondence including re a possible Bailey boat house, and drinks for Friends.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J6 July 1989 - January 1991
Brochure for the Development Fund, drafts and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/J7 June 1993 - March 1995
Buildings and extensions, correspondence, especially with Estates and Buildings, also with HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother re an invitation, declined, in 1994 to open an extension.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J8 June - July 1998
Sir Kenneth Calman VC, correspondence with re his initial visit and involvement in Centenary celebrations plans.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J9 March 1997 - November 1998
Careers Advisory Service, correspondence and the text of a lecture of 6 November 1998 “A Life in Commerce - is it Worthwhile and is it Fun?”
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J10-11 1980 - 1999
Chaplain and Chaplaincy Committee, correspondence, including appointments of chaplains, college grace, membership of the committee, missioners, furniture for the chapel, Fergusson memorial, outings, visiting choirs, with occasional minutes and
2 paper files
UND/F8/C1/J12 November 1994 - November 1999
City Liaison, correspondence and reports about incidents of student misbehaviour.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J13 September - November 1981
College booklet, revised by M. Hird and M. McCollum, correspondence re its printing and an honorarium, also the Fine Art Fund.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J14 1989 - 1999
Computer hardware and software procurements, and maintenance, estimates, invoices, correspondence and flyers.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J15 November 1990 - June 1999
Computing in College, correspondence, especially with ITS.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J16 June 1974, July 1985 - June 1989, June 1995
Congregation, circulars and invites re university and college arrangements, and dinner menu.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J17 January - April 1998
Dame Catherine Cookson, correspondence with re her possible support for the college.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J18 July 1987 - October 1996
Departmental Links, lists of named individuals in departments acting as links with the college, with associated correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J19 November 1996
Durham First comments.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J20 January 1977 - November 1990
Durham University Society, correspondence with, especially Bill Dey and including Society minutes and newsletters etc where pertinent to the college, eg Miss Kenworthy appointed Northern Chairman November 1979.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J21 February 1980 - May 1996
Elvet Garth, correspondence about the maintenance and use of the properties (1-3) by the college.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J22 January 1988 - March 1994
Enterprise in Higher Education, correspondence, reports and course booklets re St Mary's involvement.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J23 October 1992 - December 1998
Fellowships - General Visiting, minutes of university meetings about fellowship applications, with correspondence, and applications.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J24 November 1994 - June 1999
Fellowships - Farmington for Teachers of Religious Education, correspondence re fellowships at SMC and elsewhere.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J25 1993 - 1997
Fellowships - Honorary, individual files, especially re celebratory dinners and lectures, with also an invite to Penelope Keith and a query about membership of the Society of Fellows:
Rosemary Cramp 1993.
Joyce Quin 1994.
Baroness Howe of Idlicote, formerly Aberavon, 1995.
Denise Robertson 1996.
Ann Burdus 1997.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J26 March 1990 - February 1999
Okinaga Visiting Fellowship in Japanese Studies, correspondence re the fellowship and about individual fellows.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J27 October 1987 - October 1989
Freshers' Week, correspondence re and information sent out to undergraduates and postgraduates, for the college and DSU.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J28 November 1988 - June 1989
Fundraising, 1989 Development Fund, correspondence involving St Mary's Society, re possibly using a professional fundraiser (Mulholland) with a draft agreement, also minutes and agendas of meetings
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J29 September 1989 - March 1997
Fundraising and bequests (Sawdon).
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J30 July 1996
History of Women's Education in Durham proposed leaflet, correspondence.
Paper file, 3f
UND/F8/C1/J31 January 1985 - June 2003
Ian Graham Memorial Fund, correspondence about their establishment on his death in 1985 to reward contributions by students outside the academic sphere, with forms and correspondence about SMC students subsequently nominated.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J32 July 1993 - November 1997
Lectures - Gordon Manley Memorial Lecture, held annually from November 1993 by the North-East Centre of the Royal Meteorologial Society and the Dept of Geography, followed by dinner in St Mary's College, correspondence, posters, CVs of speakers,
also a service paper for Gordon Manley's memorial service in Gonville and Caius College chapel 8 March 1980, Society News (Royal Meteorologoical Society) Vol.4 No.3 July 1993,
The BOC Foundation Newsletter No.3 December 1994, Education and the Environment The Way Forward Dept of the Environment Conference Report 1995.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J33 [c.1974] - May 2001
Library, correspondence and reports re the college's library, including some copy Governing Body minutes.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J34 December 1981 - May 1982
Malcolm Macdonald Memorial Fund, correspondence re a visit to Kenya and a sponsored rickshaw ride from Lands End to John o'Groats.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J35 September 1975 - September 2000
Matriculation, correspondence and instructions from the Registrar re procedures and college instructions for students to sign the register.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J36 January 1991 - February 1999
MCR, correspondence with officers, notices of elections and minutes, and a newsletter.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J37 May 1989 - December [1990]
Postgraduate students, correspondence with re career moves.
Paper file, 5f
UND/F8/C1/J38 February 1986 - January 1991
Prospectus, new version, drafts and correspondence, copies of current college and JCR versions [1986], with also notices on the death of Chancellor Margot Fonteyn.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J39 1985
Prospectus, student version, drafts and a [JCR] newsletter.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J40 1981 - November 1998
SCR Meals Members, letters inviting individuals, lists of members and events.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J41 1980 - 1987
SCR Meals Members, letters inviting individuals, and some other correspondence with SCR members.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J42-45 [1980 - 1999]
SCR Residents, correspondence re their accommodation, including also Christmas cards and postcards, with some CVs, arranged alphabetically by resident.
42. I-O.
43. O-S.
44. S-V.
45. V-Z.
4 paper files
UND/F8/C1/J46 April 1988 - May 1995
Special occasions, programmes, speeches, invites, thank yous and menus for: St Mary's Day dinner 1988, Literary dinner with Melvyn Bragg 1991, Dr Guernina's International Evening 1991, cathedral 900th anniversary service 1993, St Mary's Day
dinner speech [1993/4], Edna Jenkinson's 40th anniversary in Durham party, Special Congregation for the centenary of women at Durham 13 May 1995
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J47-58 1988 - 1999
Correspondence re Teikyo, annual files:
47. 1988 including plans for staff housing, building project sub-committee minutes, and copy statement of intent, heads of agreement and lease.
48. 1989 including Joan Kenworthy's visit to Japan, plans for planting, paths and boundaries, programme for the Teikyo School UK formal opening ceremony 14 April, minutes of the Teikyo Development Group, drafts of the lease, and the programme for
the turf-cutting 17 January.
49. 1990 especially with Henry King bursar of Teikyo College, on administrative arrangements and the interaction of the two colleges, also copy manuscript of Yasushi Naka’s paper on the problems of integrating Teikyo and Durham, invites and
programmes for the opening ceremony 24 April, and photos of Kimiko Kinishma’s visit to St Mary’s in January
50. 1991 re administrative arrangements, including copy agreements with Teikyo for the provision of amenities, and a copy manuscript paper by Prof Naka on life in Durham
51. 1992 including copies of the agreement re the provision of amenities for Teikyo, The Teikyo (in Japanese) for 1992
52. 1993 including copy article from
Insight Japan called England, their England
53. 1994 including re Mr Yamauchi’s gift of photographs to St Mary’s
54. 1995 includes a Teikyo University of Japan in Durham 1995/96 Course Handbook
55. 1996 includes a course handbook, an [unofficial] prospectus of St Mary’s, Claire Whitelaw’s St Mary’s prospectus for Teikyo students, and an information sheet on St Mary’s in Japanese
56. 1997 includes a course handbook
57. 1998 includes programmes for the Teikyo festival, a course handbook and administrative instructions for the Arrival/Induction Course at Wadham College and Durham 10-17 April.
58. 1999 includes Mr Yamauchi’s photo album of his visits to St Mary’s 1992-1994, its buildings and staff, also a course handbook
12 paper files
UND/F8/C1/J59 c.1990
Newspaper cuttings re Teikyo and its development in Durham.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J60 1989 - 1991
Article offprints, magazines, and brochures re Teikyo:
The Roundel The Magazine for ICI People June 1989
“Teikyo University Japan” brochure [c.1990]
“Teikyo University Group” brochure [c.1990]
“Teikyo University in the University of Durham” brochure [c.1990] , mostly in Japanese
- North of England Anglo-Japanese Society constitution
“College Life Today: The Economics of Indulgence”, S. Masumi offprint.
“Woman and Man in Modern Japan”, T. Masatochi offprint.
- David Hale,
Acquiring Communicative Competence: some problems for Japanese speakers of English booklet
- “The Japanese Smile and the Bishido” , J. Ishida, paper read at St Mary’s 10 February 1991
- “Japan’s foreign policy and its challenge for Europe” , R. Drifte, inaugural lecture at Newcastle University 25 October 1990
Teikyo Kokusai News Vol.1 Issue 1 Autumn 1990, Number 4 Spring 1992, Number 5 Autumn 1992
- “On Problems of the International Integration of the Teikyo University and the University of Durham” , Z. Guernina.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/J61 February 1979
Papers relating to the death of the former Principal, Mary Holdsworth, including transcript of an address by K. C. Dunham at her memorial service, and obituary
Paper fie
UND/F8/C1/J62 1977 - 1990
Institute of European Studies: correspondence about I. E. S. students in college
Jennifer Hobbs (1999-2007)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/K
UND/F8/C1/K1-3 May 1999 - October 2000
Art exhibitions at SMC:
1. Fay Pomerance (9-24 October 1999) “A Retrospective of Paintings, Ballet and Costume Designs”, correspondence especially with Henry Dyson, posters, catalogue, invites, May - November 1999.
2. Joyce Willmore (6 - 21 May 2000) “A Retrospective” , pen and ink, pencil, and watercolours, correspondence, poster, list of exhibits, invites, November 1999 - October 2000.
3. Margot Waters (30 September - 15 October 2000) fabric collage, machine embroidery and drawings, correspondence, invites, lists of exhibits, June - October 2000.
3 paper files
UND/F8/C1/K4 January 1999 - February 2002
Fellowships - General Visiting, correspondence and some applications.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K5 1999 - 2002
Fellowships - General Visiting, individual files:
Miss Deirdre O'Sullivan, Epiphany 1999.
Prof Pamela J. Smith, Easter 2000.
Dr Fiona J. Hibberd, Michaelmas 2000.
Prof Beth Lau, Easter 2002.
Mrs Lesley Newhouse-Maiden, Michaelmas 2002.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K6 September 1999 - September 2003
Fellowships - Farmington for Teachers of Religious Eduction, correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K7 2000 - 2003
Fellowships - Farmington, for Teachers of Religious Education, individual files:
Andrea Parker 2000.
Elizabeth Wightman 2001.
Ann Casson 2003.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K8 1999 - 2001
Fellowships - Honorary, individual files, with also an invite to Baroness Boothroyd and synopses of all the college's honorary fellows to 1999:
Biddy Baxter 1999.
Dame Deirdre Hine 1999.
Elizabeth Llewellyn-Smith 1999.
Ann Loades 1999.
Elizabeth Boyd & Gwyneth Cole 2000.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K9 June 1999 - March 2003
Fellowships - Okinaga Teaching Fellowship in Japanese Studies, general correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K10 March 1998 - July 2002
Fellowships - Okinaga Teaching Fellowships in Japanese Studies, individual files:
Juri Maryama 1998/99.
Junko Ogawa 1999/00.
Kanako Nishizumi 2000/01.
Kayako Matsuo 2001/02.
Yuka Oeda 2002/03.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K11 February 1999 - March 2002
HEFCE Hardship Fund and Access Loans, administration of, correspondence with some forms and minutes, especially with the Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K12 October 2001 - March 2002
Music conductor's stand in memory of Nikki Ratcliffe (d2000), made by Ian Anderson, given by Mrs Joyce Ratcliffe, correspondence re its making and the gala night in aid of the consequent anaphylaxis campaign.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K13 January 1999 - May 2001
SCR Centenary Fellowship Fund, correspondence re its setting up, details of donations and correspondence with its holders.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K14 October 1999 - March 2002
SCR Centenary fellowship fellows, individual files:
Adriana Ritt, Michaelmas 1999
Brian Hudson, Easter 2000
Tim Meadowcroft, Easter 2001
Pavla Frydlová, Epiphany 2002
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K15 February 2000 - October 2003
SCR Meals Members, letters inviting individuals to join.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K16 October 2002 - October 2003
Senior Cover, rotas for, term and vacation.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K17 February 2000 - April 2004
Teikyo, correspondence re the administration of Teikyo students, the signing ceremony 1 May 2004, lists of students, fire instructions translated into Japanese, and relations with the TUID principal.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K18 May 2003 - May 2007
Teikyo, correspondence lists especially re the signing ceremony for Teikyo students, and also re accommodation and flats.
Paper file
UND/F8/C1/K19 Michaelmas 2000 & Epiphany 2001
List of college staff and residents with telephone extension numbers
Paper file
Phil Gilmartin (2007-2011)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/L
Simon Hackett (2011-2019)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/M
UND/F8/C1/M1 9 January 2013
Invite to a celebration of the restoration of St Mary's Terrace, including an image of folk dancing on the terrace c.1955.
Card, 1f
Maggie Dawn (2019-2022)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/N
Adrian Simpson (2022-)
Reference: UND/F8/C1/O
Bursar - Financial RecordsReference: UND/F8/C2
For balance sheets 1903-1937, see UND/CA2/11
UND/F8/C2/1 1914 - 1997
Cash books:
1. July 1914 – September 1921
2. October 1921 – October 1927
3. November 1933 – July 1940
4. September 1940 – February 1948
5. August 1951 – July 1958
6. August 1958 – June 1962
7. July 1962 – December 1966
8. January 1967 – January 1970
9. February 1970 – September 972
10. October 1972 – March 1975
11. April 1975 – March 1978
12. April 1978 – January 1981
13. February 1981 – October 1983
14. November 1983 – October 1986
15. November 1986 – July 1989
16. August 1989 – December 1992
17. January 1993 – July 1994
18. August 1994 – February 1996
19. March 1996 – January 1997
19 bound volumes
UND/F8/C2/2 1953 - 1963
Battels Books, termly, for junior and senior members.
Sampled as most of the information also appears in the fees books.
1. Epiphany 1953
2. Easter 1958
3. Easter 1963
6 paper books
UND/F8/C2/3 1964 – 1996
Fees books, recording termly accounts of junior and senior members:
3. Michaelmas 1964 – Easter 1970
4. Michaelmas 1970 – Easter 1975
5. Michaelmas 1975 – Easter 1980
6. Michaelmas 1980 – Easter 1983
7. Michaelmas 1983 – Epiphany 1989
8. Easter 1989 – Epiphany 1990
9. Michaelmas 1991 – Easter 1996
9 paper files
UND/F8/C2/4 January 1953 – May 1961
Provisions cash book.
Paper book
UND/F8/C2/5 1952 – 1974
Salaries books:
1. August 1952 – September 1965
2. August 1965 – March 1974
2 paper books
UND/F8/C2/6 August 1944 – November 1951
Wages book, listing those (no occupations, and different names to those in 5 or 7) paid monthly, then weekly from August 1951.
Paper book
UND/F8/C2/7 1949 - 1974
Wages books, occupations only appear from September 1964:
1. February 1949 – March 1951
2. April 1951 – May 1952
3. June 1952 – June 1953
4. June 1953 – June 1954
5. June 1954 – June 1955
6. June 1955 – May 1956
7. June 1956 – June 1957
8. June 1957 – May 1958
9. May 1958 – May 1959
10. May 1959 – April 1960
11. April 1960 – May 1961
12. May 1961 – June 1962
13. June 1962 – July 1963
14. August 1963 – April 1964
15. April – October 1964
16. November 1964 – April 1966
17. April 1966 – August 1967
18. September 1967 – January 1969
19. January 1969 – June 1970
20. July 1970 – February 1971
21. February 1971 – March 1974
21 paper books
UND/F8/C2/8 1974 – 1996
Pay records
Paper volumes
UND/F8/C2/9 1952 – 1991
College journal:
1. July 1952 – January 1975
2. April 1975 – August 1991
2 paper books
UND/F8/C2/10 1962 – 1968
Bursar’s journal:
1. Epiphany 1953 – Michaelmas 1962
2. Christmas 1962 – Michaelmas 1968
2 paper books
UND/F8/C2/11 1951 – 1991
Transfer ledger:
1. 1951/2 – 1970/1
2. 1970/1 – 1976/7
3. 1976/7 – 1990/1
3 paper books
UND/F8/C2/12 1977 – 1985
Paper book
UND/F8/C2/13 1991 – 1999
Sales ledgers:
1. 1991/92
2. 1992/93
3. 1993/94
4. 1994/95
5. 1995/96
6. 1996-1999
6 paper files
UND/F8/C2/14 1991 – 1996
Nominal ledgers:
1. 1991/92
2. 1992/93
3. 1993/94
4. 1994/95
5. 1995/96
5 paper files
UND/F8/C2/15 1974/5 – 1987/8
Sundry debtors
Paper book
UND/F8/C2/16 1904 – 1944
Loan Fund book, inserted:
Agreements for loans to students February 1904 – October 1936 and October 1942 - October 1944
Balance sheets 1903 – 1905, 1907 – 1931, with auditor’s correspondence
Paper book
UND/F8/C2/17 1902 - 1997
Loan Fund ledgers 1902 – 1955 1955 – 1996/7
2 volumes
UND/F8/C2/18 1902 – 1997
Loan Fund cash book
Paper book
UND/F8/C2/19 1951 - 1998
Bank statements (Barclays)
Paper file
Sampled, one month every fifth year retained.
UND/F8/C2/20 September - December 1956
Invoices for St Mary's College (sample)
Paper file
UND/F8/C2/25 October 1953 - June 1958
High Table register, detailing names of students and their attendance at high table each week during term.
Paper book
UND/F8/C2/26 1992 - 1993
Surveyors returns from Estates and Buildings for work done for St Mary's College.
Paper file
UND/F8/C2/27 1954 - 1997
Student fees and charges, circulars and correspondence re vacation residence and meals, luncheon vouchers, maintenance charges, tuition fees, PhD fees, rebates, charges for students in other colleges and lodgings, laboratory deposits.
2 paper files
UND/F8/C2/28 1931 - 1976
Loan Fund balance sheets as at 31 July, with associated accounts and correspondence, including printed rules of the Fund, applications for loans 1937-1942, individual receipts for loans and requests for the repayment of loans.
Paper file
UND/F8/C2/29 1980 - 1989
Payroll estimates, with staff names
Paper file
UND/F8/C2/30 1953 - 1962, 1989
Revenue accounts for the college for the year ending 31 July, 1988/89 include possible finances of new study bedrooms, incidence of vacation bookings and vacancies.
Paper file
UND/F8/C2/31 1954 - 1962, 1991
Annual estimates of income and expenditure for the college, incorporating revised estimates for the previous year and actual income and expenditure for the year before that.
Paper file
UND/F8/C2/32 1954/55 - 1970/71
Allowances book for various members of staff
Paper volume
UND/F8/C2/33 1977/78 - 1996//97
Wine account statements for St Mary's College
Paper file
UND/F8/C2/34 1965 - 1991
Ledger statements of accounts
Paper file
Bursar - Administrative FilesReference: UND/F8/C3UND/F8/C3/1 April 1941 - March 1952
Conferences, selected details for:
List of vacation schools pre-1939
YMCA Education Department 1941
Girls' Friendly Society 1941
Durham County Branch of the Working Men's Club and Institute Union 1941-1942
Yorkshire Congregational Union and London then Home Missionary Society 1941-1946
Le Play Society 1942
Geographical Association 1942
Institute of Sociology 1942
North-East Regional Committee for Education in HM Forces 1943
Christian Auxiliary Movement 1943, 1949
Student Christian Movement of Great Britain and ireland 1944-1945
Miners Welfare National Scholarship Scheme 1945
Methodist Church Temperance and Social Welfare Dpartment 1945-1946
Town and Country Planning Vacation School 1945-1946
National Women Citizens' Association 1946
Nurses Christian Movement 1947
Hope Street Methodist Young Peoples' Fellowship 1947
Mind Association 1948
London School of Slavonic Studies 1948
Women's Voluntary Services 1948
Library Association 1949
Central Council for Health Education 1950
Stockholm Extra-Mural Board 1951
Durham County Federation of Women's Institutes 1951
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/2 October 1940 - June 1950
Furniture inventories, overall for 1940 (with valuations), 1947 and 1950, with also inventories of individual rooms in the various college properties for various dates.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/3 October 1984
Buildings - Additional Accommodation Feasibility Study Report, building design J. Graham Butcher, consulting engineer Roy Robson Associates, quantity surveyor Elliott & D'Arcy, final version and annotated draft.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/4 February 1991
Buildings - SMC Development Phase I Additional Accommodation Sketch Design Stage Report, building design J. Graham Butcher, consulting engineer Cairns & Byles, sturctural engineer R.T. James & Partners, quantity surveyor Lumsdon Wood
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/5 June 2004
Congregation, booking forms.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/6 1953 - 1966
Conferences, selected details for
1953 British Council, The Northern Scene course in Yorkshire and Co Durham
1961 Paediatric Research Unit, Inter-University Jewish Federation of Great Britan and Ireland, ASLIB Northern Branch
1962 Denmark International Student Committee
1963 British Agricultural History Society, National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Durham Club, Yorkshire Geological Society, Royal School of Mines, Science Masters, Durham and
Newcastle Boards of Extra-Mural Studies, European Orthodontic Society, Rutherford College of Technology Department of Industrial Administration and General Studies, Consett Iron and Steel Ltd, National Spastics Society, Church of England Men's
1964 Entomologists, Workers' Educational Association, Consett Iron Co Ltd, HM Treasury
1965 Institute of Education Senior Students
1966 Society of Applied Bacteriology, American Institute for Foreign Study, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Royal College of Midwives, International Mineralogical Association, British Archaeological Association
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/7 1985 - 1992
Conferences, correspondence and flyers re facilities at SMC and elsewhere.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/8 8 October 2011 & 18 October 2014
Terence Bennett paintings, private view invite, 8 October 2011
“The Art of Blue Peter - Bob Broomfield's Illlustrations fo the BBC Children's TV Programme 1965-1988”, preview programme 18 October 2014
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/9 November 1996
Industrial action notice and food handouts.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/10 1949 - 1966
Information for first year students, also Diploma in Education and postrgaduate students from 1963.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/11 1962 - 2002
Insurance - fire, contents, employers' liability and travel, including certificates, estimates, inventories of the college's silver, claims about fires in 1984 and 1994, loans of pictures and inspections of equipment such as luggage lifts and
kitchen equipment.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/12 May 1998
Internal Audit Service report.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/13 1997 - 2002
Phone numbers and email addresses for college.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/14 March 1999 - June 2000
SCR Centenary Fellowship Fund, financial, lists of donations
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/15 1986
Staff - Assistant Bursars, comparative survey of duties and hours in various colleges in Durham.
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/16 1969 - 1974
Open University Summer Schools held at St Mary's College, including minutes of meetings, correspondence, and handbooks
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/17 1971 - 1972
Financial records relating to conferences by outside groups held at the college in Christnas 1971
Paper file
UND/F8/C3/18 November 1993 - January 1996
Bursar's College Housekeepers Meeting papers, including agendas and minutes of meetings
This file mostly relates to a cross-college committtee but also includes a copy of the St Mary's College House and Safety Committee minutes from 30 January 1996
Paper file
Bursar - PlansReference: UND/F8/C4UND/F8/C4/1 1947 - 1950
Building plans and blueprints by Vincent Harris for the construction of the new college, (later the Fergusson Building), depicting several of the proposed schemes, including:
?Scheme 2, site plan, chapel to the east with an open semicircular south garden, print, c.1944
?Scheme 3, plans of the lower ground (chapel under entrance steps), ground, 1st and 2nd floors, prints, June some amended October 1947
?Scheme 4, plans of the site, site with services and landscape changes, basement/ground (circular chapel in east basement), 1st and 2nd floors, also elevations and sections I and II, copy negatives and prints, June 1948
Also detailed drawings of WCs and bathrooms
Some of the printed plans have pencil amendments, clearly seeking space for extra bedrooms. Also there are copies of an undated “Key Plan”.
No plans present for scheme 1 as depicted on the walls of the main college corridor.
UND/F8/C4/2 c.1954
Key plans (room plans) for Fergusson Building.
UND/F8/C4/3 1960
Plans for construction of Chapel including designs for fixtures.
UND/F8/C4/4 1960 - 1962
Building plans for construction of New Building, now Williamson Building.
UND/F8/C4/5 1963
Plans for the construction of the JCR Bar, now Conference Bar in dining hall.
UND/F8/C4/6 c.1963 - c.1992
Room plans of Fergusson Building, post-1963 bar to pre-1992 conference hall extension.
UND/F8/C4/7 1965
Plans of changes to set-up of Williamson basement space.
UND/F8/C4/8 1969
Building plans of West Court housing complex.
UND/F8/C4/9 1975
Fire precaution plan for Fergusson Building.
UND/F8/C4/10 1988
Building plans and site maps for Teikyo University accommodation blocks.
UND/F8/C4/11 1992
Building plans and illustrated mock-ups of dining hall extension and conference centre addition to Fergusson Building.
UND/F8/C4/12 1992
Building plans and illustrated mock-ups of en suite rooms extension to Williamson Building.
UND/F8/C4/13 May 1995
Illustrations and site maps for changes to handrails on St Mary's College grounds.
UND/F8/C4/14 c.1960 - 1993
Building plans for changes to buildings not undertaken by St Mary's College.
ChaplainReference: UND/F8/C5UND/F8/C5/A
UND/F8/C5/C1 1975 - 2005
St Mary's College Chapel Library,
“Record of Borrowings”
Includees date, name of borrower, title of book, author, and date returned
Paper book
UND/F8/C5/C2 1943 - 1956
Chapel cash book, including receipts and expenditure
Paper book
UND/F8/C5/D1 Easter 1972 - Epiphany 2011
Chapel term cards (1972, 1974, 1987, 1996 - 2004, 2006, 2007) and lists of services (1986, 1991,1994,1995, Easter 2005, Epiphany 2006, 2011).
UND/F8/C5/D2 1950 - 2019
Service papers (various)
UND/F8/C5/D3 [?2000]
Posters for chapel services and special events organised by the Chaplain
Paper file
UND/F8/C5/DA1 August 1995
Letter of introduction from Chaplain Margaret Parker to first-year students.
Assistant PrincipalReference: UND/F8/C6UND/F8/C6/1 1952 - [?2000]
Papers relating to the tutorial system, including circulars and directives, as well as correspondence with the Treasurer and the Durham Colleges Division
Paper file
UND/F8/C6/2 1953, 1999 - 2002
Tutors - lists of students assigned annually to each tutor.
Paper file
UND/F8/C6/3 1999 - 2000
Tutor's Directory, produced annually detailing information about college procedures, JCR officers, plans of the college, phone nos etc.
Paper file
UND/F8/C6/4 October 2000 - October 2002
Tutor - correspondence with about becoming a tutor and issues with particular students.
Paper file
UND/F8/C6/5 2016 - 2017
Mentoring, including a college
Mentor Handbook, “Data Protection and Information Management Guide for College Mentors” , “Values Statement” , and “Mentoring
Scheme” , and a University Careers ... Centre Supporting College Mentors brochure.
Paper file
ArchivistReference: UND/F8/C7UND/F8/C7/D1 8 May 2007 - 7 June 2007
Draft article by Nick Holmes on the architect Vincent Harris and the building of St Mary's college in 1952, with a list of archive material provided for him and his synopsis of VIncent Harris of February 2007, and some correspondence.
Paper file
Domestic ServicesReference: UND/F8/C8UND/F8/C8/C1 10 October 1973 - 24 January 1989
Log book of users of Sewing Room.
College KitchensReference: UND/F8/C9UND/F8/C9/C1 1951 - 1969; 1970 - 1971; 1997
Stock registers for the kitchens.
UND/F8/C9/C2 1974
Correspondence with food providers regarding prices and vegetarian options.
UND/F8/C9/C3 November 1973 - February 1974
Lists of goods for each college kitchen and prices paid.
UND/F8/C9/C4 2011
Special dinners menus:
Prof Nancy Cartwright 7 December 2011
Paper leaflet
College LibraryReference: UND/F8/C10UND/F8/C10/B1 1943 - 1948
Cheques and receipts for library expenses.
UND/F8/C10/B2 1948 - 1953
Cheques and receipts for library expenses.
UND/F8/C10/B3 1953 - 1958
Cheques and receipts for library expenses.
UND/F8/C10/B4 1959 - 1961
Cheques and receipts for library expenses.
UND/F8/C10/C1 1952 - 1956
Correspondence on behalf of the library with university officials.
UND/F8/C10/C2 1951 - 1961
Correspondence on behalf of the library with donors.
UND/F8/C10/C3 1948 - 1961
Correspondence on behalf of the library regarding book purchases and binding.
UND/F8/C10/CA1 27 April 1988 - 19 June 1990
Log book of library books checked out by students.
PortersReference: UND/F8/C11UND/F8/C11/C1 24 April - 13 December 1956
Log book of students' leaving of college and destinations.
UND/F8/C11/C2 22 January - 26 June 1958
Log book of students' leaving of college and destinations.
UND/F8/C11/C3 1963 - March 1968
Log book of students' leaving of college and destinations.
UND/F8/C11/C4 [c. 1963] - October 1970
Log book of students' leaving of college and destinations (for students living in North-East Wing).
Clubs, Societies and AssociationsReference: UND/F8/EJunior Common RoomReference: UND/F8/E1UND/F8/E1/A1 April 1941 - May 1946
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room. Includes amendments and revisions to the constitution.
UND/F8/E1/A2 June 1946 - May 1953
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A3 June 1953 - October 1957
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room. Includes amendments to the constitution.
UND/F8/E1/A4 October 1957 - November 1960
Minute book of the meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A5 January 1961 - December 1964
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A6 1965 - April 1968
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A7 May 1968 - October 1973
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A8 November 1973 - October 1979
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A9 November 1979 - March 1984
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A10 May 1984 - November 1986
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A11 February 1987 - February 1991
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A12 May 1997 - January 2000
Minutes of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A13 October 1999 - March 2001
Minute book of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A14 October 2001 - November 2001
Minutes of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/A15 April 2001 - February 2002
Minutes of the general meetings of the Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/AA1 October 1958 - May 1970
Minutes of the Junior Common Room Committee.
UND/F8/E1/AA2 October 1970 - May 1973
Minutes of the Junior Common Room Executive Committee.
UND/F8/E1/AA3 May 1983 - May 1986
Minutes of the Junior Common Room Executive Committee.
UND/F8/E1/AA4 January - June 1996
Minutes of the Junior Common Room Executive Committee with minutes from Monday and Senior Common Room meetings.
UND/F8/E1/AA5 October 1999 - June 2001
Minutes of the Junior Common Room Executive Committee.
UND/F8/E1/AB1 November 1992 - February 1999
Listings of students on serving staff at formals.
UND/F8/E1/AC1 May 1989 - June 1991
Student comments about the JCR bar for use by the bar committee.
UND/F8/E1/AD1 November 1993 - June 1994
Minutes, reports, and motions of the Durham Students' Union as recorded by St Mary's Senior DSU Representative.
UND/F8/E1/AD2 November 2001 - June 2002
Minutes, reports, and motions of the Durham Students' Union as recorded by St Mary's Senior DSU Representative.
UND/F8/E1/AD3 November 2002 - June 2003
Minutes, reports, and motions of the Durham Students' Union as recorded by St Mary's Senior DSU Representative.
UND/F8/E1/B1 9 October 2001
Minutes from the Junior Common Room Finance Committee meeting.
UND/F8/E1/B2 July 1930 - March 1961
Account book with listings of expenditures by the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/B3 August 1970 - October 1977
Cash book for the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA1 11 October 1954 - 28 June 1955
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA2 October 1955 - 14 August 1956
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA3 October 1956 - 30 July 1957
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and the expenses of the JCR and Chapel, including the expenses for the college play.
UND/F8/E1/BA4 1 October 1957 - 16 July 1958
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and the expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA5 October 1958 - 3 July 1959
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and the expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA6 14 October 1959 - 30 August 1960
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and the expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA7 21 October 1960 - 6 July 1961
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and the expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA8 October 1961 - 29 June 1962
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and the expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/BA9 16 October 1962 - 28 July 1963
Receipts for charitable donations from, battels to, and the expenses of the JCR.
UND/F8/E1/C1 1975, 1978, 1985
Copies of the constitutions of St Mary's College Junior Common Room.
UND/F8/E1/CA1 2001
Correspondence of the JCR President and Secretary for part of 2001.
UND/F8/E1/CB1 1958 - 1960, (?)2002 - 2003
Listings of the Junior Common Room officials and executive boards.
UND/F8/E1/CC1 April 2001 - March 2002
Listings of the members of the Junior Common Room and their lodgings, either in college or elsewhere.
UND/F8/E1/D1 September 2002 - July 2005
Term cards listing events during term (Michaelmas 2004 missing).
UND/F8/E1/D2 1996 - 2002, 2004, 2009, 2015
St Mary's College Alternative/Freshers Handbook; booklets written by JCR Exec members to welcome first year students to Mary's.
UND/F8/E1/D3 1981 - 1984
St Mary's College
Newsletter; written by students for circulation, with entries by Principal Kenworthy.
UND/F8/E1/D4 [1996]
JCR president's circular welcome letter from Kim Bowring.
Paper, 1f
UND/F8/E1/D5 April 2004
Money Money Money Your Guide to Getting Your Hands on Cash for JCR Societies, Clubs, Projects and You!, by Hayley O'Connor, JCR president.
Paper booklet, 14f
UND/F8/E1/D6 [?2000]
St Mary's College JCR,
“The definitive guide to being a senior student”
Paper brochure
UND/F8/E1/DA1 1997
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DA2 1998
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DA3 1999
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DA4 2000
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DA5 2001
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DA6 2002
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DA7 2003
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DA8 2005
St Mary's College Year Book.
UND/F8/E1/DB1 [c. 1980s]
Dance ephemera:
Programme for
Land of the Rising Sun;
Ticket for
Poster for
Emancipation Disco.
UND/F8/E1/DB2 14 October 1955 - 24 June 2003
Dance ephemera:
Invitation to principal for dance on 14 October 1955;
Invitation to principal for dance on 11 May 1956;
Invitation to senior man for dance on 19 October 1956;
Invitation to principal for dance on 10 May 1957;
Invitation to principal and SCR for dance on 16 May 1958;
Invitation for dance on 16 May 1958;
Invitation to principal and SCR for dance on 8 May 1959;
Invitation to SCR for dance on 16 October 1959;
Programme for
At Home on 13 May 1960;
Programme for
At Home on 6 May 1961;
Invitation for dance on 20 October 1961;
Invitation for dance on 18 May 1962;
Invitation to Miss Chilton for dance on 15 May 1964;
Invitation to Miss Chilton for dance on 14 May 1965;
Invitation to Miss Chilton for dance on 13 May 1966;
Ticket for Mary's Day Dance on 1 February 1968;
Invitation for dance on 10 May 1968;
Set: Invitation to Mr. Richard D. Hird for dance on 10 May 1968, Invitation to R. D. Hird for Mary's Day Dance on 31 January 1969, Invitation to R. D. Hird for dance on 9 May 1969;
Invitation to R.D. Hird for
Informal Dance on 13 November 1970;
Invitation and programme for
Formal Ball on 7 May 1971;
Invitation to Marilyn and Richard Hird for
Mary's Fairground Fantasia on 12 November 1971;
Invitation for
Formal Ball on 12 May 1972;
Programme for
The Midsummer Ball in 1988;
Wristband for
St Mary's Midsummer Ball in 1993;
Ticket of Miss Kenworthy for
Zodiac Ball on 15 June 1995;
Menu for
Zodiac Ball on 15 June 1995;
Programme for
A Midsummer Nights Cruise Ball on 18 June 1998;
Ticket for
St Mary's College Midsummer Ball on 11 June 2001;
Invitation to SCR for
Midsummer Ball on 18 June 2002;
Programme for
Mary's Day: " the Moulin Rouge!" on 1 March 2003;
Poster for
Breakfast at Mary's on 24 June 2003.
UND/F8/E1/DB3 21 November 2003 - 19 June 2011
Dance ephemera
Ticket for
St Mary's College Informal Ball: The Great Piractical Rambustification on 21 November 2003;
Object envelope with fake jewels from
St Mary's College Informal Ball: The Great Piractical Rambustification, 1 blue jewel, 3 pink jewels, and 26 gold jewels;
Programme and ticket of Tom Willmore for
Mary's Day 2004: Walk Like An Egyptian on 28 February 2004;
Programme and ticket of Gillian Boughton for
Mary's Day 2004: Walk Like An Egyptian on 28 February 2004;
Invitation to
St Mary's Midsummer Ball "All That Jazz" on 17 June 2004;
Programme and ticket of Lindsay O'Sullivan for
St Mary's Midsummer Ball "All That Jazz" on 17 June 2004;
Programme for
St Mary's Midsummer Ball "All That Jazz" on 17 June 2004;
Programme of Gillian Boughton for
St Mary's Midsummer Ball: A Fairy Tale Ending... in 2005;
Programme for
St Mary's Midsummer Ball 2006: The Orient Express on 13 June 2006.
Wristband for
Mary's Day 2011 on 19 June 2011.
UND/F8/E1/DB4 1 December [1978] - 13 June 1991
Ball posters
St Mary's College Informal Ball - A Day at the Races on 1 December [1978].
St Mary's College Midsummer Ball on 19 June 1981.
St Mary's College Midsummer Ball on 17 June 1983.
St Mary's College 53rd Midsummer Ball: Fantasy and Illusion Masquerade Ball on 16 June 1983.
St Mary's Midsummer Ball with Humphrey Lyttelton on 22 June [1984].
Formal Ball - St Mary's College: Request the Pleasure... on 21 June 1985.
The Midsummer Ball on 19 June 1987.
The Midsummer Ball on 16 June 1988.
The 50th Midsummer Ball - St Mary's College on 13 June 1991.
UND/F8/E1/DB5 22 February 1990, 16 March 1990
Seating plans for JCR Guest Night on 22 February 1990 and St Mary's Day Dinner on 16 March 1990.
UND/F8/E1/E1 March 1977 - January 1983
College House Committee minute book March 1977 to January 1978.
In Epiphany Term 1978, this committee was abolished, being replaced by informal meetings between the bursar and the deputy senior woman, which meetings this is the deputy senior woman's diary of from April 1978 to January 1983.
Paper book
Middle Common RoomReference: UND/F8/E2UND/F8/E2/A1 21 October 1997
Minutes of MCR meeting to elect an Executive Committee.
UND/F8/E2/C1 [c. 1990s]
Copy of MCR Constitution.
UND/F8/E2/D1 1999 - 2000
St Mary's College Postgraduate Handbook.
UND/F8/E2/D2 2000 - 2001
St Mary's College Postgraduate Handbook.
UND/F8/E2/D3 2002 - 2003
St Mary's College Postgraduate Handbook.
UND/F8/E2/D4 3 March [2012]
Posters for MCR events:
Ceilidh, 3 March [2012].
Paper, 1f
UND/F8/E2/D5 2014 - 2015
St Mary's College MCR Welcome Booklet, with a foldout leaflet Introduction to St Mary's College
Paper booklets, illustrated, 28p + 1f
UND/F8/E2/DA1 October 2000
The MCR Gazette, newsletter for members of the MCR.
UND/F8/E2/DB1 22 January [c. 2000s]
Notice to MCR members regarding MCR Guest Night at High Table on 22 January.
Senior Common RoomReference: UND/F8/E3UND/F8/E3/A1 October 1940 - April 1968
Minute book of the meetings of the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/A2 April 1969 - April 1989
Minutes of the meetings of the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/A3 October 1989 - October 2006
Minutes and agendas of the meetings of the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/AA1 May 2003 - January 2005
Minutes of specially convened subcommittees of the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/B1 June 1968 - September 1990
Account listings of income and expenditures of the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/B2 October 2002 - January 2004
Account book for the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/BA1 10 January 1971 - 27 August 1981
Receipts and invoices for goods and services requested by the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/BA2 October 1976 - 26 November 1982
Lists of bottles of wine available for purchase by members of the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/BB1 29 June 1998 - 27 August 2001
Correspondence regarding financial matters of the SCR, per treasurer Valerie Clark.
UND/F8/E3/BB2 26 April 2002 - 3 July 2002
Correspondence and notes regarding members and finances of the SCR, per treasurer Valerie Clark.
UND/F8/E3/C1 [c. 1960s] - 1 February 2005
Copies of constitutions of the SCR.
UND/F8/E3/C2 14 September 2002 - 26 March 2003
Brainstorming notes (Quick Thinks) for the SCR and their involvement with college.
UND/F8/E3/CA1 October 1990 - 12 October 2004
Lists of members of the Senior Common Room.
UND/F8/E3/CA2 April 1989 - October 2004
Lists of members of the Senior Common Room resident in college each term.
UND/F8/E3/CA3 26 January 1994 - 12 October 2004
Correspondence with members of the SCR regarding their membership.
UND/F8/E3/CA4 1990, 2001
Survey responses by members of the SCR.
UND/F8/E3/CB1 14 October 1976 - December 1978
Obituaries and news items of members of the SCR.
UND/F8/E3/D1 October 1991 - December 2002
Listings of events for the SCR by term.
UND/F8/E3/D2 January 2001 - June 2008
Term cards listing events during term (Michaelmas 2001 missing).
UND/F8/E3/DA1 [c. 1980s]
St Mary's College Senior Common Room: Guide for New Residents.
UND/F8/E3/DA2 [c. 1990s]
St Mary's College Senior Common Room: Guide for New Residents.
UND/F8/E3/DB1 September 2002 - April 2007
Newsletter of the SCR with news and comments from SCR President, College Principal, and SCR Treasurer.
UND/F8/E3/DB2 October 1993 - June 2000
Sign-up slips for and invitations to members of the SCR to SCR and JCR events.
UND/F8/E3/DB3 22 October 2004 - 10 April 2008
Letters and sign-up slips for members of the SCR for events of term.
UND/F8/E3/DC1 2 November 1999, 1 February 2001
Advertisements for SCR events in college.
UND/F8/E3/DC2 5 December 2001
Table plan for Senior Common Room Christmas Guest Night Dinner.
UND/F8/E3/DC3 1993
“Brick Wall” for SCR Development Fund 1993.
St Mary's College SocietyReference: UND/F8/E4UND/F8/E4/A1 October 1986 - January 2006
Minutes of meetings of the SMC Society.
UND/F8/E4/B1 6 August 1990 - July 2000
Correspondence relating to the status of the SMC Society as a charitable organisation.
UND/F8/E4/C1 [c. 1919 - 1956], 1956, 1986
Copies of constitutions of the SMC Society.
UND/F8/E4/C2 2000
Information packet regarding the purpose of the SMC Society.
UND/F8/E4/C3 11 August 2005
Description of position of St Mary's College Society Newsletter Editor.
UND/F8/E4/CA1 5 February 2001 - 7 August 2003
Correspondence regarding the collection and use of member information.
UND/F8/E4/CA2 18 - 29 June 2001
Correspondence regarding the award of SMC Society scholarship funds to members of the JCR at St Mary's.
UND/F8/E4/CB1 1946 - 2016
Invitations and programmes for annual reunions of the St Mary's College Old Students' Society, later the St Mary's College Society; includes 1946, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1958-1962, 1965, 1973, 1984, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997-1999, 2001, 2005, 2015,
UND/F8/E4/CC1 1 September 1989 - 1 November 1997
Lists of attendees or interested parties for the mini-reunions or regional gatherings of the SMC Society.
UND/F8/E4/CD1 4 November 1992 - 7 July 1993
Correspondence relating to the raising of funds for St Mary's College.
UND/F8/E4/CD2 22 October 1992 - 19 July 1993
Correspondence relating to the requests for donations of funds and raffle prizes for St Mary's College.
UND/F8/E4/CD3 May - July 1993
Correspondence with peeresses and female MPs regarding the donation of funds to St Mary's College.
UND/F8/E4/CD4 15 December 1992 - 7 July 1993
Correspondence regarding thanks for donations and aid of the development of St Mary's College.
UND/F8/E4/CE1 [c. 1910s - 1930s]
Lists of addresses of former students, also includes notation of life members of the Old Students' Society.
UND/F8/E4/CE2 1964, 1967, 1970, 1994, 2000
Lists of members of the SMC Society with addresses.
UND/F8/E4/CE3 1982 - 2002
Correspondence with members of the SMC Society regarding news and address information.
UND/F8/E4/CF1 2000
Responses to survey sent to SMC Society members; sorted by maiden names, A - Ke.
UND/F8/E4/CF2 2000
Responses to a survey sent to SMC Society members; sorted by maiden names, Ki - W.
UND/F8/E4/D1 1931/32
Report, comprising the annual report of the principal, lists of past and present students with subjects, degrees, occupations etc, and society accounts. This became a Newsletter in 1941
with less comprehensive details of former students, which became comprehensive again in 1945. From 1989 it was just headed St Mary's College Society. In 1998 it was titled News and Issue
1, with the following year Newsletter being the title. The format has remained similar throughout, though the college news has come from an increasing variety of college and student officers, and the news of old
members has become less comprehensive over time. Issues are present for every year, with 1974's being titled St Mary's College 1899-1974 An account of the Women's Hostel 1899-1920 and some impressions of later college
life, edited by Marilyn Hird, later expanded and republished as Doves and Dons in 1982.
1931/32 to 1941 are photocopies.
Formerly: Per Local STM
UND/F8/E4/D2 [1998]
Commemorative booklet of the 1998 reunion for the class of 1958, including biographical notes of subsequent careers and photos of buildings and people from 1958, including the college photo, and at the reunion, and also a couple of songs:
“Freshers Madrigal” and “The Mary's Girls Get Firsts”.
Paper booklet, comb bound, 19f
UND/F8/E4/DA1 12 December 1970
Visitor log book for the Installation of the Chancellor, The Rt. Hon. Malcolm John MacDonald, P.C., O.M., with table plan for accompanying dinner.
UND/F8/E4/DA2 13 April 1999 - 24 September 2001
Visitor log book for St Mary's College Society Reunions; 13 April 1999, 26-28 June 1999, 26-28 September 1999, 22-25 September 2000, and 21-24 September 2001.
UND/F8/E4/DB1 [1999]
St Mary's College ... Achievement in a College, highlighting college activities and aspects, past and present, and encouraging [alumnae] to support the college.
Printed colour illustrated 3-fold leaflet
Boat ClubReference: UND/F8/E5UND/F8/E5/B1 17 - 20 January 1995
Correspondence regarding the sponsorship of the boat club by various firms and companies.
UND/F8/E5/C1 2 July 1960 - 9 June 1995
Correspondence regarding St Mary's punt and the boat club generally.
UND/F8/E5/D1 10 March 1994 - 31 January 2003
Boat Club ephemera.
Dinner Menu and invitation to Miss Kenworthy to Annual Boat Club Dinner on 10 March 1994
Letter of 13 November 1997 to
Durham First editors regarding St Mary's female rowers in the early history of the hostel and college.
Invitation to SMCBC
The Full Monty Ball (almost) on 9 March 1998.
Sports page from 31 January 2003 edition of
Palatinate regarding the Hatfield Cup and the presence of a men's crew on behalf of St Mary's.
UND/F8/E5/D2 15 November 2001 - 28 April 2005
A History of the Boat Club, contains photographs and articles regarding events of the Boat Club.
ChoirReference: UND/F8/E6UND/F8/E6/B1 October 1940 - December 1959
Account book for St Mary's Choir.
UND/F8/E6/D1 2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
Dramatic Society (later Drama Society, and then Foot of the Hill Theatre Company)Reference: UND/F8/E7UND/F8/E7/B1 February 1949 - December 1959
Account book for St Mary's College Dramatic Society.
UND/F8/E7/B2 19 January 1994 - 14 July 1996
Correspondence regarding the financing of productions of Cyrano de Bergerac and The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
UND/F8/E7/B3 1999
Society letter requesting donations from the SCR.
UND/F8/E7/D1 April 1945 - October 1966
Production related ephemera:
Programme for
In Waltz Time by Philip Johnson, Women at War by Edward Percy, and A Change for the Worse - a Morality by James Bridie, 30 April and 1 May 1945;
Invitation to
The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde, 30 April - 3 May 1949;
Invitation list and programme for
The Schoolmistress by A.W. Pinero, 1950;
Invitation, invitation list, and programme for
The Professor's Love-Story by J.M. Barrie, 30 April and 1 May 1951;
Invitation and programme for, and two photographs and letter regarding,
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, 13 and 14 June 1952;
Programme for
Prunella by Laurence Housman and H. Granville-Barker, 16 and 17 March 1953;
Invitation and programme for
The Only Jealousy of Emer by W.B. Yeats and Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red Barn edited by Montagu Slater, 2 and 3 December 1953;
Invitation, invitation list, programme, and additional programme for
A Masque for St Mary's by Hamish Swanston, 30 November and 1 December 1954;
Invitation, invitation list, and programme for
The Boy with a Cart by Christopher Fry, 15 and 16 November 1955;
Invitation, invitation list, and programme for
Ralph Roister Doister by Nicholas Udall, 27 and 28 November 1956;
Invitation and programme for
The Clandestine Marriage by G. Colman and D. Garrick, 21 and 22 February 1958;
Invitation, invitation list, and programme for
Noah by André Obey, 25 and 26 February 1959;
Invitation and invitation list for
The Beaux' Stratagem by George Farquhar, 26 and 27 November 1959;
Invitation, invitation list, and programme for
Epitaph for George Dillon by John Osborne and Anthony Creighton, 7 and 8 December 1960;
Invitation, invitation list, and programme for
Love For Love by William Congreve, 6 and 7 December 1961;
Invitation for and correspondence regarding
Ring Round the Moon translated by Christopher Fry from Jean Anouilh's L'invitation au château, 9 and 10 May 1963;
Invitation and advertisement for
Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red Barn edited by Montagu Slater, 7 and 8 May 1964;
Invitation and programme for
Androcles and the Lion, by George Bernard Shaw, 12 and 13 May 1965;
Invitation and programme with insert for
Summer and Smoke by Tennessee Williams, 27 - 29 October 1966.
UND/F8/E7/D2 1997 - 2022
Production related ephemera:
Flyer and programme for
Chicago: A Musical Vaudeville by John Kander and Fred Ebb, 13 - 16 March 1997;
Programme for
The Matchgirls by Bill Owen and Tony Russell, 26 February - 1 March 1998;
Ticket, programme, and comment card for
Hamlet edited by Louise E. Foster, 11 - 14 March 1998;
Programme for
Shakers by John Godber and Jane Thornton, 16 and 17 June 1998;
Script for
A Foreign Affair by Brian Worthy, June 1998;
Ticket and programme for
Bugsy Malone by Alan Parker and Paul Williams, 13 - 15 June 2002;
Ticket and programme for
The Boy Friend by Sandy Wilson, 19 - 21 June 2003;
Paperweight from Mary's Day, 1 March 2003;
Programme for
The Matchgirls by Bill Owen and Tony Russell, 20 - 22 June 2005.
Programme for
Grease, 16-17 June 2016.
Programme for
Peter Panto, 11-12 December 2016.
Programme and reviews for
The Unexpected Guest by Agatha Christie, 4-5 March 2017.
Reviews for
The Comedy of Errors, 2-4 March 2018.
Programme and reviews for
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, 14-15 June 2018.
Review for
One Night Only, 2 November 2018.
Programme and reviews for
Harlequinade by Terence Rattigan, 16-17 March 2019.
Programme and reviews for
High School Musical by Disney, 25-26 June 2019.
Programme and reviews for
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, 17-18 November 2019.
Poster for
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, 14-15 March 2020 (cancelled).
Programme, poster and reviews for
Lady Windemere's Fan by Oscar Wilde, 12-14 November 2021.
Reviews for
She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen, 10-12 February 2022.
UND/F8/E7/D3 [c. 1987] - 21 June 2003
Posters for drama productions:
Godspell 8 - 10 March c. 1987 (inscribed by cast members and production crew);
2 posters for
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas 29 February - 3 March 1995;
The Matchgirls 26 February - 1 March 1998;
Hamlet 11 - 14 March 1998 (A4 size);
The Boy Friend 19 - 21 June 2003.
UND/F8/E7/D4 19 November 1996 - 14 March 1998
Posters for drama productions:
Second Wedding 19 - 20 November 1996;
Chicago: A Musical Vaudeville 13 - 16 March 1997;
Hamlet 11 - 14 March 1998.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 14-15 June 2018
UND/F8/E7/DA1 [c. 2000s]
Leaflet explaining the unique quality of the Drama Society at St Mary's.
UND/F8/E7/DA2 [c. 1990s]
Script book of
Hark the Herald Angels by Robin Wrayth; no production of play believed to have been performed.
UND/F8/E7/DB1 6 December 1946
Newspaper clippings of
Love for Love produced by the Durham Colleges Dramatic Society.
Gilbert and Sullivan SocietyReference: UND/F8/E8UND/F8/E8/D1 22 - 23 June 2003
Flyer and programme for
The Mikado.
Literary and Debating SocietyReference: UND/F8/E9UND/F8/E9/D1 1946 - 1960
Visitors' Night debates invites, detailing speakers:
“That All True Innocence Comes Through Experience”, 1 February 1946;
“There is More Wisdom Heard in Railway Carriages Than in University Debates”, 10 March 1947;
“That Learning Teaches More in One Year Than Experience in Twenty”, 11 February 1949;
“That This House Has No Confidence in the Force of Gravity”, 2 March 1951;
“That This House Prefers This Side of the River”, 2 May 1952;
“This House Prefers to Live in an Ivory Tower”, 16 June 1953;
“The Specialist is Never Completely Civilised”, 12 March 1954;
“This House Will Make Its Business To Create Rather Than Compare”, 4 March 1955;
“With Words We Govern Men”, 2 March 1956;
“The Only Means of Strengthening One's Intellect is to Make Up One's Mind About Nothing”, 5 March 1957;
“A Work of Art is a Social Act of a Solitary Man”, 11 March 1958;
“The Universe is Becoming a Bore”, 3 March 1959;
“This House Believes in the Devil”, 25 February 1960.
Swimming ClubReference: UND/F8/E10UND/F8/E10/B1 January 1934 - December 1955
Account book for St Mary's Swimming Club.
St Mary's Arts CommitteeReference: UND/F8/E11UND/F8/E11/A1 November 1986 - September 1999
Minutes of the meetings of the SMC Arts Committee.
UND/F8/E11/B1 June 1994 - October 1997
Account sheets for the Arts Committee Fund.
UND/F8/E11/B2 30 October 1992 - 13 November 1992
Correspondence relating to the support of the Arts Committee by the National Audit of Capital Needs.
UND/F8/E11/C1 11 November 1988 - 16 October 1997
Correspondence regarding the Arts Committee events and membership.
UND/F8/E11/C2 21 February 1993, 20 February 1996
Lists of attendees for Arts Committee events.
UND/F8/E11/C3 1992 - February 1995
Requests to and by the Arts Committee for artwork to display.
UND/F8/E11/C4 15 February 1993 - June 1998
Planning notes for events produced by Arts Committee.
UND/F8/E11/D1 10 June 1991 - 23 February 2003
Invitations to events produced by Arts Committee.
UND/F8/E11/D2 18 November 1988 - 20 February 1996
Flyers advertising events produced by Arts Committee.
UND/F8/E11/D3 6 May 1983 - 11 June 1994
Posters of Arts Committee events:
Ricercare by Wilfred Foxe, 22 February [c. 1980s];
Song Recital by Melanie Armitstead, 6 May 1983;
The London Cantilena Quintet, 21 February 1993;
Coffee Morning, 11 June 1994 (A4 sheet).
UND/F8/E11/D4 21 February 1993 - 22 February 2002
Programmes and tickets from events produced by Arts Committee.
UND/F8/E11/DA1 1 December 1985 - 14 November 1993
Cultural news items in the Durham region of interest to the Arts Committee.
UND/F8/E11/DA2 2 June 1994 - 13 June 1994
News and correspondence regarding the death of Jerome Roche, an important member of the Arts Committee.
Friends of St Mary'sReference: UND/F8/E12
The Friends were established in 2014 to enable not just alumni, but also family members, friends and supporters of students to keep in touch with the college, irrespective of their original connection with it. Friends were to receive regular
updates and newsletters, invitations to special events such as a Friends' Formal Dinner, and opportunitites to contribute to college developments, such as enhancing the library.
UND/F8/E12/1 [2014] & 2015
St Mary's College Friends 2014 An Introduction booklet, with membership and Sponsor a Book forms inserted
Paper colour illustrated printed booklets, + 3f
UND/F8/E12/2 2017
Friends Magazine, issue 7 (2017)
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
PhotographsReference: UND/F8/FCollege groupsUND/F8/FA
Annual photographs of the assembled college, both senior and junior members. For a period from 1966 to 1984, photos seem only to have been arranged only every second year, otherwise they were done annually, in the Easter term. Also photographs of
freshers from 1997, done at matriculation in the Michaelmas term.
A June 1940 group is in Add Ms 1663.
UND/F8/FA1916 [c.1916]
Outside the Abbey House entrance, in shirts, skirts, some ties, and gowns, identified (in): E.J. Cann, H.M. Spraggon, W. Wheatley, E.P. Troughton, D. Tomlinson, G. Pestell, R. Worsley, N.M. Tunstall, Miss R.E.D. Donaldson, A. Barlow, W. Dodds, K.
Harle, A. Garbett, D. Thwaite, M.B. Robinson.
BW print digital copy printout
Originals: UND/F8/H10/25 and (Gibby negative) GIN Pi22.
Printed: in
St Mary's College 1899-1974, ed. M. Hird (Durham 1974); E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.192.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, 1916 - UND/F8/FA1916 UND/F8/FA1927 [1926 or 1927]
College, in 8 The College garden, in white shirts, dark skirts and gowns, with some mortar boards, by J. Spencer Adamson of 69 Saddler St, Durham.
Originally Eveline Blackett's (see UND/F8/H11 for the rest of her material. The photo is undated but she was at SMC 1925-1929, it is not the same as the 1929 photo and she was in France in 1928, so it is probably 1926 or 1927.
BW print, mounted on board, with a paper cover
Size: 155 x 205mm (print), 250 x 305mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, c.1927 - UND/F8/FA1927 UND/F8/FA1927A 1927
College, in 8 The College garden, in white shirts, dark skirts and gowns, unidentified.
Size: 205 x 150mm (print), 250 x 220mm (mount)
Donated by Gianetta Corley, 28 September 2023, Acc. No.Misc.2023/24:23
UND/F8/FA1931 1931
College, outside the 8 The College entrance, in skirts, ties and gowns, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms. With a separate sheet identifying most.
2 BW prints, one mounted on board, + negative of centre + 1f
Size: 155 x 205mm (print), 280 x 355mm (mount)
Other copies: EDI M12 and M13.
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.26.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, 1931 - UND/F8/FA1931 UND/F8/FA1941 June 1941
College, in the garden, with terraced flower-beds, arches and sandbags behind, in skirts and gowns, by John R. Edis, unidentified.
2 BW prints
Size: 150 x 205mm
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.194.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, 1941 - UND/F8/FA1941 UND/F8/FA1952 1952
College, outside the 8 The College entrance, in skirts and gowns, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms, some separately identified.
Elizabeth Clarke, Beatrice Hall, Daphne Watkins, Frances Lee-Jones, Rachel Clayton, Doreen Lyall, Joyce Pretty, Mary Bostock, Gill Crispin, Janet Eason, Jane Luce, ?Ann Richardson, Doreen Britt, Joyce Bell, Madeleine Ough, Renate Heidemann,
Barbara Tipton, Hazel Hudson, Margaret Croasdale, Pauline King, Mary Deighton, Barbara Walton, Marion Colthorpe, Eileen Lander, Lorna Rudd, Jennifer Green, Jean Elders, Clarice Hird, Joan Clibbon, Ann Battershill, Anne Walmsley, Betty Thickett, Kath
Williams, Con Gilbey (senior woman), Miss Leonara Derville, Miss Calvert, Miss Jean Telfer, Miss Christine Fage (tutor), Miss Fergusson (principal), Rev Paddy McDermott (chaplain), Miss Marjorie Booth (bursar), Dinah Throne, Elspeth Jamieson, Pat
Bell, June Huggins, Betty Hickman, Pat Howell, Beryl Gowen, Ann McCormack, Enid Preston, Joan ?, Joanne Smith, Sylvia Platt, Kath Whalley, Pat Wragg, and Margaret Pillar.
2 BW prints, one mounted on board
Size: 190 x 295mm (print), 310 x 440mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, 1952 - UND/F8/FA1952 UND/F8/FA1953 1953
College, outside the new college, dining hall entrance, in skirts and gowns, by John R. Edis, 1 lady with a dog, some identified.
Renate Heidemann, Helen Stähelin, Pat Ainsworth, Margaret Croasdale, Mary Bostock, Janet Perkins, Liz Clarke, Daphne Watkins, Gwyneth Rees, Jane Luce, Biddy Baxter, Joyce Pretty, Margaret Selby, Bridget Milne, Elspeth Jamieson, Frances Lee-Jones,
Ann Battershill, Doreen Lyall, Jennifer Green, Janet Eason, Anne Walmsley, Dinah Throne, Mary Wardle-Harpur, Anne Beatty, Pat Wragg, Eileen Lander, Kath Whalley, Joanne Smith, Pat Howells, Ann McCormack, Enid Preston, June Huggins, Marion Colthorpe,
Margaret Pillar, Anne Greenwood, Ann Stevenson, Thelda Hook, Betty Hickman, Nancy Parker, Hazel Hudson, Mary Deighton, Jean Elders, Doreen Britt, Miss Jean Telfer, Miss Calvert, Miss Fergusson (principal), Miss Fage (tutor), Miss Winter, Miss Booth
(bursar), Miss Leo Derville, Barbara Sykes, Rosemary Richardson.
2 BW prints + negative
Size: 195 x 295mm
2 given by Mrs Wilson.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, 1953 - UND/F8/FA1953 UND/F8/FA1956 1956
College, outside the main college entrance, in skirts and gowns, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms, one with all identified on the back, with also a separate sheet identifying all.
2 BW prints, 1 mounted on board, + 1f
Size: 210 x 375mm (print), 310 x 480mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, 1956 - UND/F8/FA1956 UND/F8/FA1980 7 May 1980
College, outside the main college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Fillinghams of Elvet Bridge, Durham, 2 proofs, mostly unidentified but front row (LtoR) ?,?,?,?, Karen (assistant bursar), ?, Pam Aynesworth, Brenda ?, Sheila Gordon
(Principal's secretary), Jane Bonner, ?, ?, ?, Joan Kenworthy, ?, Sheila Strongman (holding the college cat), Nigel Sturnberg, Maggie Earnshaw, Hazel Emslie, ?, ?, ?.
4 BW prints
Size: 220 x 370mm
Digitised material for St Mary's College Group Photograph, 1980 - UND/F8/FA1980 UND/F8/FA1984 1984
College, outside the back of the college, on the lawn, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Buchanan of Portslade, unidentified, titled as “St Mary's College JCR” (but includes staff).
2 BW prints
Size: 165 x 770mm
UND/F8/FA1990 1990
College, in the car park outside the college entrance, a semi-circular panorama, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Buchanan, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
2 BW prints
Size: 165 x 860mm
UND/F8/FA1991 1991
College, in the car park outside the college entrance, a semi-circular panorama, in skirts/trousers and gowns, with 1 child, by Buchanan, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 165 x 1020mm
UND/F8/FA1992 1992
College, in the car park outside the college entrance, a semi-circular panorama, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Buchanan, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 165 x 850mm
UND/F8/FA1993 1993
College, in the car park outside the college entrance, a semi-circular panorama, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Buchanan, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
4 BW prints
Size: 165 x 1040mm
UND/F8/FA1994 [May] 1994
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, laminated
Size: 255 x 605mm
UND/F8/FA1996F [October 1995]
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, with a photocopy and sheet identifying all.
4 colour prints, 2 laminated, + 2f
Size: 255 x 630mm
UND/F8/FA1996 [May] 1996
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, 3 different images, 2 sizes, the smaller identified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 255/235 x 620/740
UND/F8/FA1996B June 1996
Midsummer Ball survivors, outside the college entrance, in ball gowns, 2 images, unidentified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 195 x 380mm
UND/F8/FA1997F [October 1996]
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 255 x 620mm
UND/F8/FA1997 [May] 1997
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, laminated
Size: 255 x 720mm
UND/F8/FA1998F [October] 1997
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 255 x 630mm
UND/F8/FA1998 [May] 1998
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, 2 sizes, the smaller identified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 255 x 675/760mm
UND/F8/FA1999F [October 1998]
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, laminated
Size: 255 x 615mm
UND/F8/FA1999 [May] 1999
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, 2 sizes, the smaller identified.
3 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 235/255 x 760/680mm
UND/F8/FA2000F [October 1999]
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in white shirts, dark skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 255 x 680mm
UND/F8/FA2000 [May] 2000
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Oadby, Leicester, titled with the college arms, 2 sizes, the smaller identified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated, the other in 2 parts sellotaped together
Size: 205/255 x 615/710mm
UND/F8/FA2001F [October] 2001
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in white shirts, dark skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, laminated, the other in 2 parts sellotaped together
Size: 255 x 720mm
UND/F8/FA2001M [March] 2001
Middle Common Room, in the college grounds, with daffodils, in gowns, titled with the college arms, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, 4 images, identified.
Machiko Sekimoto, Simone Heil, Clare Everett, Deborah Spain, Elin Ruud, Juddith Huppert, Nadja Schinkel, Donata Kick, Christine Lorenz, Adam Webber, John Newton, Lana Nimri, Ricarda Hampel.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 150/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FA2001 [May] 2001
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, 2 different images, identified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated, the other in 2 parts sellotaped together
Size: 200 x 505mm
UND/F8/FA2002F [October 2001]
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, laminated
Size: 255 x 605mm
UND/F8/FA2002 [May] 2002
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, one titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated, the other in 3 parts sellotaped together
Size: 205/255 x 630/710mm
UND/F8/FA2003F [October 2002]
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in dark skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, laminated
Size: 255 x 630mm
UND/F8/FA2003 [May] 2003
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
3 colour prints
Size: 210 x 450mm
UND/F8/FA2003I [May] 2003
International students, in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and gowns, titled with the college arms, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, 2 images, unidentified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 150/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FA2004F [October 2003]
[Freshers], outside the college entrance, in white shirts, dark skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 210 x 450mm
UND/F8/FA2004 [May] 2004
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, identified.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 210 x 430mm
UND/F8/FA2007F [October 2006]
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in dark skirts/trousers and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2007A [May] 2007
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers, some jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2007B [May] 2007
College, outside the college entrance, in various fancy dress, with various masks and hats, banners etc. titled with the college arms
Size: 280 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2008F [October] 2007
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in dark skirts/trousers and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2008A [May] 2008
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers, some jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
UND/F8/FA2008B [May] 2008
College, outside the college entrance, in various fancy dress, with various masks and hats, a flag, brolly, two rowing blades, flowers, a tug-of-war rope, cuddly toy, bottle, two dogs, titled with the college arms.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2009F [October] 2008
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in dark skirts/trousers and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2009A [May] 2009
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers, some jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
UND/F8/FA2009B [May] 2009
College, outside the college entrance, in various fancy dress, with various masks and hats, banners, cuddly toys, and two dogs, titled with the college arms.
Colour print, mounted on board
UND/F8/FA2010F [October] 2009
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in white shirts, dark skirts/trousers, jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2011F [October] 2010
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in white shirts, dark skirts/trousers, jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, with a welcome banner and balloons, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2011A [May] 2011
College, outside the college entrance, in skirts/trousers, some jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2011B [May] 2011
College, outside the college entrance, in various fancy dress, with various banners, three dogs, titled with the college arms.
Size: 270 x 390mm
UND/F8/FA2011G [June] 2011
Finalists, outside the college entrance, in smart dresses/suits, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2013F [October] 2012
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in white shirts, dark skirts/trousers, jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FA2015F [October] 2014
Freshers, outside the college entrance, in white shirts, dark skirts/trousers, jackets and ties, and gowns, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 400mm
College RoomsReference: UND/F8/FBUND/F8/FB1994 [May] 1994
[JCR Executive], on the steps in front of the college wing, in skirts/dresses and gowns, identified (in Boyd): Lucy Watkins, Rosie Smith, Joanne French, Sheeba Bawa, Lisa Harris, Hannah Daniels, Elle Fox, Helen Topping, Fiona Guy.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), facing p.224.
UND/F8/FB1996 [May] 1996
JCR Executive, on the steps in front of the college wing, in skirts/dresses and gowns.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F8/FB1997 [May] 1997
JCR Executive, outside the front of the college before a cherry tree, in skirts/dresses and gowns.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F8/FB1998A [May] 1998
JCR executive, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, one titled and with the college arms, identified.
Amy Fox, Elizabeth Walker, Cathy Aldridge, Hannah Clark, Louise E. Foster, Joanne Eccleshare, Emily Agg-Manning, Sasha Blacker, Jenny Brown, Clare Partridge.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 180/210 x 250/300mm
UND/F8/FB1998B [May] 1998
JCR executives outgoing of 1997/98 and incoming of 1998/99, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns, informal.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 250mm
UND/F8/FB1998C [May] 1998
[?Incoming] JCR executive, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 255mm
UND/F8/FB1999A [May] 1999
JCR executive, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, one titled and with the college arms, identified: Karen Chisholm, Catherine Cockfield, Susan
Whittaker, Julia Buckingham, Maggie Smith, Julie Ann Gordon, Fiona Watson, Heather Lane, Helen Richardson.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 255/300mm
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), facing p.151 (with some different identifications).
UND/F8/FB1999B [May] 1999
JCR executives outgoing of 1998/99 and incoming of 1999/00, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns, informal, 2 different images, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, 1 titled with college
arms and identified.
Angela Gortowski, Catherine Cockfield, Charlotte Easton, Julia Buckingham, Karen Chisholm, Fiona Watson, Emily Agg-Manning, Susan Whittaker, Rebecca Randall, Caroline Evans, Helen Richardson, Sarah Lea, Maggie Smith, Sally Cheesman, Julie Ann
Gordon, Heather Lane, Rachel McDermott-Evans.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155 x 255mm
UND/F8/FB1999C [May] 1999
[?Incoming] JCR executive, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns.
Colour print
Size: 155 x 255mm
UND/F8/FB2000A [May] 2000
JCR executive, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns, by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, one titled and with the college arms, informal, identified.
Sarah Russell, Rachel McDermott Evans, Caroline Evans, Sally Cheesman, Helen Keegan, Emily Agg-Manning.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 150/210 x 240/300mm
UND/F8/FB2000B [May] 2000
JCR executives outgoing of 1999/00 and incoming of 2000/01, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns, informal, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with college arms and identified.
Nicola Guy, Helen Keegan, Susannah Wesley, Julie Plumb, Caroline Evans, Sheila Chatrath, Sophie Buttle, Charlotte Mummery, Emily Agg-Manning, Sheila Tran, Rachel McDermott Evans, Sally Cheesman, Sarah Russell.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 210 x 300mm
UND/F8/FB2000C [May] 2000
[?Incoming] JCR executive, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers with gowns, by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, titled and with the college arms and identified.
Nicola Guy, Charlotte Mummery, Susannah Wesley, Julie Plumb, Sheial Chatrath, Sophie Buttle, Emily Agg-Manning, Sheila Tran.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 210 x 295mm
UND/F8/FB2001 [March] 2001
JCR executive, in the college grounds, daffodils in flower, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, 4 different images, some informal, one titled with the college arms and identified.
Sophie Buttle, Abby Hooks, Sheila Chatrath, Sheila Tran, Nicola Guy, Anne-Therese Hov, Clare Everett.
3 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FB2002A [May] 2002
JCR executive, in the college grounds beneath a cherry tree in blossom, in skirts/trousers, by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, one titled and with the college arms and identified.
Nuala Geary, Virginia Mayes-Wright, Laura Betteridge, Jody Mellor, Hayley O'Connor, Anna Tavares, Felicity Garrow, Viv Scott, Nicola Guy.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FB2002B [May 2002]
[JCR executives outgoing 2002 and incoming 2003], in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and tops, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 155 x 245mm
UND/F8/FB2003A [May] 2003
JCR executive, in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and “Exec” individually identified pink rugby shirts (front row only), by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, 3 titled and with the college arms, 1
informal, 2 identified.
Jo Freer, Leanne Hunnings, Helen McConniffe, Laura Betteridge, Kimberley Proud, Jessica Baldwin, Naiomi Thalayasingam, Nicola Guy, Claire Egan, Katii Walls.
3 colour prints, 2 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FB2003B [May] 2003
JCR bar committee, in the college grounds, in trousers and “Bar Committee” individually identified maroon polo shirts, by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, 2 titled and with the college arms, 2 informal,
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FB2003C [May] 2003
JCR social committee, in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and shirts, by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, titled with the college arms, informal, identified.
Telesfora Grey, Rachel Miller, Miranda Sugden, Emmie Spring, Mary Hatt, Leane Hunnings, Sarah Keable, Reiko Bridge, Jo Freer.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 210 x 295mm
UND/F8/FB2003D [?May 2003]
[?Incoming] JCR executive, in the college grounds, in trousers and [?“Exec” ] individually identified light blue rugby shirts, 2 informal, 1 rear view, unidentified.
3 colour prints
Size: 155 x 245mm
UND/F8/FB2004A [May] 2004
JCR executive, in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and gowns, by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, 2 titled and with the college arms, 1 informal, 2 identified.
Georgina Kearney, Amy Skinner, Emmie Spring, Nyssa Mildwaters, Kimberley Proud, Cat Ripley, Reiko Bridge, Hayley O'Connor, Sarah Chowdhury, Caroline Wrixon.
3 colour prints, 2 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FB2004B [May] 2004
Midsummer “All That Jazz” ball committee, in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and individually identified black polo shirts, by Richard Snart Photograpy of Leicester, titled with the college arms and
Susannah Evans, Laura Clark, Holly Dobson, Oonagh Barratt, Sarah Gregory, Emma Clark, Kirsten Sjovoll, Jan Taylor, Pabasara Kumari Ariyawansa, Caroline Wrixon.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FB2004C [May] 2004
JCR bar committee, in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and light blue bar committee polo shirts, informal, unidentified.
2 colour prints
Size: 155 x 245mm
UND/F8/FB2004D [May] 2004
JCR social committee, in the college grounds, sitting on the ground, in skirts/trousers and light blue individually identified committee polo shirts, unidentified.
2 colour prints
Size: 155 x 245mm
UND/F8/FB2005 [May] 2005
JCR executive, in the college grounds, in skirts/trousers and tops, 1 informal with feather boas and balloons, unidentified.
2 colour prints
Size: 155 x 245mm
UND/F8/FB2015M [October] 2014
MCR group in shirts, ties and suits/skirts, titled with college arms at the top, identified
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FB2017M [October] 2016
MCR group in shirts, ties and suits/skirts, titled with college arms at the top, identified
Size: 300 x 400mm
UND/F8/FB2020M [October] 2019
MCR group in shirts, ties and suits/skirts, titled with college arms at the top, identified
Size: 300 x 400mm
Boat ClubReference: UND/F8/FCUND/F8/FC1930 [1930]
Four crew [who took part in the first timed boat race against Armstrong College] standing on the bank, blades aloft (looms only visitble), wearing shorts, tights, shoes, white shirts, blazers, scarves, by
Northern Echo, identified (on the back): Alice Y.C. Wood, Brenda Jarman (later Eddleston), Doris Petch, Dorothy Eltringham, Marjorie Harvent.
BW print
Size: 170 x 200mm
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.178.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Boat Club Photograph, 1930 - UND/F8/FC1930 UND/F8/FC1944 [c.March] 1944
Durham Women's Colleges Four (all SMC) standing on the bank with bldes (dark [?purple] with a [white] stripe) aloft, with Leeds University Four, in [white] shirts, shorts and scarves, by
Yorkshire Post, identified: B. Faulkner, M. Braun, P. Waugh, B. Button, J. Barnes.
Photocopy printed BW print
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.179.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Photograph Boat Club, 1944 - UND/F8/FC1944 UND/F8/FC1955 May 1955
Four crew standing on the bank by Brown's boathouse, blades (double ?white chevron on ?blue) aloft, in white shirts, shorts and socks, [just before the christening of the new college blades], identified (on the back): Linne Regina, Shirley Lee,
Newton Etrehardt, Mavis Brockmein, Dorothy Parker.
BW print
Size: 85 x 60mm
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.181.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Photograph Boat Club, 1955 - UND/F8/FC1955 UND/F8/FC1985 [May] 1985
Boat club (42 members), outside the college entrance, in Boat Club sweatshirts (front row) or tops and gowns (rest), with crossed blades (?purple).
Photocopy printed BW print
Printed: E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.184.
UND/F8/FC1997 [?March] 1997
?First four crew standing in the college grounds by a cherry tree, in boat club hooded purple sweat shirts.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F8/FC1999 [May] 1999
Boat club (10 members), in the college grounds by a cherry tree in blossom, in various casual dress (1 boat club purple/black top), with crossed Sutton blades (white single chevron on purple), by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 255/295mm
UND/F8/FC2004 [May] 2004
Boat club (12 members), in the college grounds under a cherry tree, in boat club tops (black and purple) and jeans, with crossed Crocker macon blades (lilac) and four tankards, 4 different images, 2 informal.
4 colour prints
Size: 155 x 240mm
HockeyReference: UND/F8/FDUND/F8/FD1911 1911
Women's Hostel hockey XI, outside, in white shirts, ties, dark skirts, with sticks and a ball, unidentified.
Photocopy printed BW print
Size: 90 x 130mm
Original: EDI M2.
Printed: in
St Mary's College 1899-1974, ed. M. Hird (Durham 1974); E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.174.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1911 - UND/F8/FD1911 UND/F8/FD1913 1913
DWSA hockey XI, on a tennis court with the cathedral beyond, in white shirts, ties and dark skirts, with sticks and a ball, by John R. Edis, identified: E. Owen, D. Bushell, D. Young, M. Waite, E. Thomas, D. Murgatroyd, M. McCartan, W.
Shackleton, E. Burn (Capt), G. Jacob, I. Tweddle.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 155 x 205mm (print), 280 x 355mm (mount)
Printed: in
St Mary's College 1899-1974, ed. M. Hird (Durham 1974).
Digitised material for St Mary's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1913 - UND/F8/FD1913 UND/F8/FD1927 1927
Durham Colleges Women's hockey XI, outside, in white shirts, dark pinafores (one with star and ribbon) with some sashes, with sticks and some pads, identified: Morton, J. Saunders, M. Wilson, N. Hare, D.A. Martin, N.E. Rigby, N.W. Watts (Sec),
F.E. Cook (Capt), D. Barron (Vice-Capt), M.B. Muriel, D.G. Mason.
Photocopy printed BW print
Size: 155 x 200mm
Printed: in
St Mary's College 1899-1974, ed. M. Hird (Durham 1974); E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), p.174.
Digitised material for St Mary's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1927 - UND/F8/FD1927 UND/F8/FD1999 [March] 1999
SMC Hockey team, in front of the college entrance, in trousers/shorts and purple hockey polo shirts individually identified with nicknames, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester.
Tanya Mann, Rachel McDermott-Evans, Jennifer Brown, Julie Ann Gordon, Caroline Evans, Julia Buckingham, Katharine Skinner, Anne T. Hov, Fiona Watson, Naomi Cane, Emma Furness, Hannah Morrey, Elizabeth Kelleher, Jennifer Chesworth, Rachel Cook,
Hannah Marriott.
Colour print, laminated
Size: 210 x 295mm
UND/F8/FD2001 [March] 2001
SMC Hockey team, in the college grounds, in trainers, socks, shorts and purple hockey polo shirts individually identified with nicknames, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester.
Rachel Morley, Jessica France, Kate Atkinson, Kat Skinner, BK Witt, Rae McDermott-Evans, Loz Galliers, Helen McConniffe, Claire Hardy, Catherine McGarey, Cath Bennison, Emma Jackson.
4 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 255/295mm
UND/F8/FD2002 [May] 2002
SMC hockey team, in the college grounds, in trousers/shorts and purple hockey shirts with a white chevron and collars, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, identified.
Jane Roche, Laura Nye, Lucy Rigby, Helen McConniffe, Leanne Hunnings, Harry Booth, Caroline Ainley, Rae McDermott-Evans, Lorraine Galliers, Jennifer Wilkinson, Ting Chi Fok.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 255/295mm
UND/F8/FD2003 [May] 2003
SMC hockey team, in the college grounds, in trainers, purple socks, skirts, and purple hockey shirts with a white chevron and collars, with sticks, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, 1 informal displaying “Mary” knickers, identified.
Eleanor Bailey, Lucy Rigby, Liz Martin, Kelly Henderson, Alix Farquhar, Charlotte Gilbert, Ashleigh Taylor, Helen McConniffe, Cat McGarey, Jane Lupson, Millie Bustard.
2 colour prints, laminated
Size: 210 x 295mm
NetballReference: UND/F8/FEUND/F8/FE2003 [May] 2003
SMC netball team, in the college grounds, in trainers, skirts, and purple individually nicknamed polo shirts, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with college arms, 1 informal, identified.
Rachel Hearne, Alix Farquhar Sarah Granville, Claire McBrien, Claire Green, Stephanie Drake, Rebecca Nott, Kerstin Hess, Kim Barrett, Rachel Moon, Emmie Spring, Charlotte Taylor, Vickie Edwards, Reiko Bridge.
2 colour prints, laminated
Size: 210 x 295mm
UND/F8/FE2004A-C [May] 2004
SMC netball squad, and teams A and B, in the college grounds, in trainers, skirts, and purple individually named polo shirts, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, 2 titled with college arms, identified.
Alicia Cain, Amy Tudor, Danielle Goodger, Emmie Spring, Lizzie Starkie, Melissa Parsey, Alix Farquhar, Jo Finch, Laura Healey, Poppy Cormack-Loyd, Geraldine Sheridan, Rachel Hearn, Victoria Edwards, Charlotte Taylor, Katherine Taylor, Reiko
4 colour prints, 2 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
BadmintonReference: UND/F8/FFUND/F8/FF2001 [March] 2001
SMC badminton club, in the college grounds, with daffodils, in trousers and tops, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with college arms and identified:
Georgina Johnson, Diana Cheng, Virginia Mayes-Wright, Suzette Pettit, Helen Chiu, Caroline Ashdown, Natalie Lawrence, Eleanore Ward.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FF2003 [May] 2003
SMC [?badminton club], in the college grounds, in trousers and tops, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with college arms and identified.
Reeta Patel, Suzette Pettit, Katrina London, Rachel Harvey, Diana Cheng, Rebecca Nott, Georgina Johnson, Claire Stocks.
Colour print
Size: 210 x 295mm
FootballReference: UND/F8/FGUND/F8/FG1998 1998
[SMC football team] Mary's Canaries, on a pitch, in yellow shirts, shorts and socks, with ball.
BW photocopy of printed colour print
Size: 105 x 145mm
Original printed: in E.B. Boyd,
St Mary's College 1899-1999, (Durham [1999]), facing p.150.
Chapel ChoirReference: UND/F8/FHUND/F8/FH2001 [March] 2001
SMC chapel choir, in the college grounds, with daffodils, in trousers/skirts and tops, with gowns and stoles (purple with white edging), and music folders, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with college arms and identified.
Hilary Satchell, Rachel Tennis, Nadja Schinkel, Elin Ruud, Nicola Eaves, Juddith Huppert, Jessica Davies, Ruth McDonald, Simone Heil, Karen Adams, Anna Reed, Rev Charlene Moss (chaplain), Clare Partridge (director), Victoria Horden, Catherine
Ross, Suzette Pettit.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FH2002 [May 2002]
SMC chapel choir, in the college grounds, in trousers/skirts and tops, with gowns and stoles (purple with white edging), and music folders, mostly unidentified.
?, Ruth McDonald, ?, ?, Kathrine Delaney, ?, ?, Rev Sue Nicholson, Catherine Ross, Suzette Pettit.
Colour print
Size: 155 x 245mm
UND/F8/FH2003 [March] 2003
SMC chapel choir, in the college grounds, in trousers/skirts and tops, with gowns and stoles (purple with white edging), and music folders, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with college arms and identified.
Laura Betteridge, Nicola Eaves, Natalie Stoter, Robert Nimmo, Clare Skelly, Suzette Pettit, Katie Beverley, Naomi Potter, Catherine Ross (director), Lizzi Fricker, Georgina Johnson, Katherine Delany.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
UND/F8/FH2004 [March] 2004
SMC chapel choir, in the college grounds, in trousers/skirts and tops, with gowns and stoles (purple with white edging), and music folders, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, titled with college arms and identified.
Katie Beverley, Naomi Potter, Katie Wrathmell, Ellie Crouch, Catherine Ross, Rev Sue Nicholson, Lizzie Fricker.
2 colour prints
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
Drama SocietyReference: UND/F8/FIUND/F8/FI2001 [March] 2001
SMC Drama Society executive, in the college grounds, with daffodils, in trousers and tops, by Richard Snart Photography of Leicester, 1 being dramatic, titled with college arms and identified.
Helen Keegan, Jo Wood, Lydia Pratt, Sheila Chatrath.
2 colour prints, 1 laminated
Size: 155/210 x 245/295mm
Student Photograph AlbumsReference: UND/F8/FXUND/F8/FX1 1992 - 1994
Photographs by Alexandra West (1992-1995) of the construction of the Williamson Building (October 1992-June 1993), student room interiors, chapel interiors with new lamps dedicated 1993, conference hall including staff party December 1993, Summer
Ball 1994, Congregation June 1994, dinner for graduates and graduands, SCR party December 1993, SMC Society dinner May 1994, garden party 1994.
BuildingsReference: UND/F8/FYUND/F8/FY1 [c.1992]
Conference hall under construction.
Colour print
Size: 105 x 150mm
UND/F8/FY/A1 [c. 1920]
St Mary's College at Abbey House.
Size: 99 x 125mm
UND/F8/FY/A2 [c. 1930s]
St Mary's College Chapel in the Deanery.
Size: 161 x 206mm
UND/F8/FY/B1 [c. 1990]
Photograph of a framed architect (Vincent Harris)'s perspective of the new college.
Size: 202 x 202mm
UND/F8/FY/B2 [c. 1953]
St Mary's College, Fergusson Building north front.
Size: 86 x 115mm
UND/F8/FY/BA1 1986
Views of Fergusson Building.
UND/F8/FY/BA2 1986
Views of Fergusson Building with snow.
UND/F8/FY/C1 [c. 1993-1994]
St Mary's College, Williamson Building, ensuite block construction.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FY/CA1 1986
Views of Williamson Building.
UND/F8/FY/D1 16 May 1986
College grounds, path towards Main Library and Science Site, daffodils in flower
Size: 101 x 124mm
UND/F8/FY/D2 August 1993
College grounds, garden space, shrubs, trees, pond, bench, students lying.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FY/DA1 1986
Views of the grounds from the main drive.
UND/F8/FY/DA2 1986
Views of the grounds, including one from the cathedral tower.
UND/F8/FY/DA3 1986
Views of the cathedral from St Mary's College.
UND/F8/FY/E1 [c. 1953 - 1994]
College interiors: dining hall, student rooms, SCR, front hall and passageways.
Size: 133/174/102 x 107/126/151mm
UND/F8/FY/EA1 1986
Interior views of college bedrooms.
UND/F8/FY/EA2 1986
Views of college dining hall.
UND/F8/FY/EA3 1986
Views of conference room, college library, and college chapel.
Individuals, other groups and eventsReference: UND/F8/FZUND/F8/FZ/A1 1947
Princess Elizabeth's visit, being greeted by the principal.
Size: 99 x 125mm
UND/F8/FZ/A2 November 1962
St Mary's College formal dinner, high table: Mary Curtis, Irene Calvert, Mrs Holdsworth, Beryl Aitken, Jennifer Cole, Joan Brothers, Edna. By North of England newspeprs.
Size: 258 x 305mm
UND/F8/FZ/A3 1984
Images from college production of
Featuring: Steve Levett, Jill Slater, Martin Hall, Karen Oates, Collette Harte, Jane Davis, Steve Hedges, Dave Hall, Suzanne Orian, Martin Chamberlain, Rachel Timmons, Anna Brown, Dave Hedges, Liz Freeman, Pam Waters, Debbie Susong
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A4 1989
Images of an unidentified dinner in college.
UND/F8/FZ/A5 10 April 1991
Retirement party for Dorothy 'Dot', including all staff and a cake.
Size: 127 x 178mm
UND/F8/FZ/A6 1992
London Reunion
Featuring: Gwyneth Cole, Elizabeth Hubbick, Marie Brown, Pat Cook, Libby Utting, Janet Stevens, Sheila ?, Jill Bibby, Brenda Barnard.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A7 23 June 1993
Garden party, including presentations, juggling, food in the hall, and piano and saxophone playing outside.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A8 [June] 1994
Garden party, including string quartet, juggling, speeches, food in the hall, Dr Maureen Flanney-Reilly.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A9 29 February - 3 March 1995
Backstage images of the production of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
Size: 68 x 101mm
UND/F8/FZ/A10 [June] 1995
Garden party, including Miss Elizabeth Ashton, Dr Fadia Faqir, Miss Yukiko Morita, the principal, bonsai trees, food outside.
Size: 101/156 x 149/202mm
UND/F8/FZ/A11 [June] 1995
Summer ball.
Size: 88 x 129mm
UND/F8/FZ/A12 1995
Reunion chapel service, tea and dinner.
Elizabeth Brooks, Rachel S., I. Rowell, Ann Jones, Pat Kohnstan, Ellie Fox, C. Brass, F. Greener, Dorothy Wilson, Mrs Chapman, Denise, Miss Aynesworth, Ann Elliott, and some husbands.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A13 [June] 1995
Congregation/third year dinner.
Gwyneth Cole, Mike Weston, Pat Hudson, Maria Giles, Duane Olson, Helen Weston, John Hudson.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A14 1 November 1997
Spain/London reunion.
UND/F8/FZ/A15 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 1, in Newcastle.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A16 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 3.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A17 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 4.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A18 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 5.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A19 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 8.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A20 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 12.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A21 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 14.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A22 1 March 2003
Mary's Day Photo Scavenger Hunt, Team 17.
Size: 121 x 176mm
UND/F8/FZ/A23 1 March 2003
Mary's Day entertainment, drinks, dancing and music.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A24 2006
Reunion dinner.
Dorothy Wilson, Jennie Hobbs, Ann Loades, Margaret Collins, Ann Elliott, Annette Peters, Linda Moore, Marilyn Hird.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A25 [c. 1980s]
St Mary's College unidentified event.
UND/F8/FZ/A26 [c. 1985]
Professor Donald D. Clayton, visiting fellow, donating copies of his books
The Dark Night Sky and The Joshua Factor to the college library, with family.
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/A27 [c. 1990]
St Mary's College Society reception - London, Cabot Square [?].
Size: 101 x 149mm
UND/F8/FZ/AB1 1947
Princess Elizabeth lays the foundation stone for the new college.
UND/F8/FZ/AB2 June 1999
St Mary's College Reunion.
UND/F8/FZ/AB3 27-28 June 1999
Scenes from St Mary's College Centenary Celebrations.
UND/F8/FZ/AC1a 1986
Photographs by Stan Turner of the Formal Ball.
UND/F8/FZ/AC1b 1986
Photographs by Stan Turner of the Formal Ball.
UND/F8/FZ/AC2a November 1991
Lunch for benefactors at Canary Wharf.
UND/F8/FZ/AC2b November 1991
Lunch for benefactors at Canary Wharf.
UND/F8/FZ/B1 [c. 1950]
Women of St Mary's College in academic dress, in front of 8 The College.
Size: 62 x 77mm
UND/F8/FZ/B2 [c. 1960s]
Women of St Mary's College at a formal dinner in the new college (Fergusson Building).
Size: 89 x 127mm
UND/F8/FZ/B3 [c. 1960s]
Student photograph of Hilary Dyson.
Size: 65 x 51mm
UND/F8/FZ/B4 [c. 1970s]
Images of people at St Mary's College, including Dame Margot Fonteyn and a hockey match injury.
Size: 89/126 x 124/187mm
UND/F8/FZ/B5 [c. 1980s]
Images of people at St Mary's College.
Size: 101/101/88/127 x187/149/130/185mm
UND/F8/FZ/B6 [c. 1990s]
Images of people at St Mary's College.
Size: 101/101/126 x 67/155/176mm
UND/F8/FZ/BA1 [c. 1999]
Materials and photographs of Irene Calvert, principal of St Mary's College, 1974-1977.
Size: 102/133 x 151/184mm
UND/F8/FZ/BA2 [c. 2007]
Materials and photographs of Jenny Hobbs, principal of St Mary's College, 1999-2007.
Size: 251/41 x 200/35mm
UND/F8/FZ/BB1 [c. 1999]
Photograph of St Mary's College JCR Executive Committee.
Size: 151 x 166mm
UND/F8/FZ/BB2 [c. 1990s]
Groups of people at St Mary's College: 8 staff in the hall; 3 students on a raft on the [Wear], one praying; 4 men and 2 women seated, laughing.
UND/F8/FZ/BC1 [c. 1990]
Images of St Mary's College Boat Club.
Deposited personal collectionsReference: UND/F8/HUND/F8/H1 1906 - 1909
Rose Lloyd-Evans photo album. The subjects covered include the sights of Durham, Convocation, dons and her fellow students, mostly of the Women's Hostel, and mostly on Palace Green, also Durham Regatta and the Durham University Sports at Heaton
Park in Newcastle. Most of the photos may well have been taken by Rose Lloyd-Evans. In addition are included a number of photographic portraits of her contemporaries and images of dons as reproduced in the
Durham University Journal.
The photos have mostly been captioned and dated [by Rose]. The inside cover of the album also has a coloured coat of arms of the university, her name, and “1906-1909”.
1. Convocation, ladies and gentlemen in suits/dresses and hats gathered around the steps to the Castle Great Hall, 1908.
2. Durham Regatta, looking over the Wear from the racecourse with ladies and gentlemen in suits/dresses and hats, some with bicycles, promenading, 1908.
3. Dr J.T. Fowler, 3/4 length, in coat and mortar board with a book under his arm outside Cosin's Library.
4. Mr W.D. Lowe, Mr R.K. Hilton and Dr H. Gee in gowns and mortar boards, conferring, outside Cosin's Library.
5. Ethel Joseph and Dorothea Hodgkinson in gowns and mortar boards outside the lecture rooms (now Palace Green Library).
6. Gwladys Richards, Rose Lloyd-Evans, Marion Wykes and Dorothea Hodgkinson in gowns and mortar boards, conferring on Palace Green, with the Castle master's residence beyond.
7. Dr A. Robinson, Rev H. Ellershaw and a group of unidentified students, in gowns and mortar boards, outside the lecture rooms (now Palace Green Library).
8. Rose Lloyd-Evans, Gwladys Richards, Dorothea Tatham, Gwendolen Pockett and Dorothea Hodgkinson in gowns and mortar boards, by the notice boards outside the lecture rooms.
9. Ethel Joseph, Dorothea Hodgkinson and Dorothea Tatham in gowns and mortar boards approaching Cosin's Library across Palace Green.
10. DUBC 1st IV, ready to row, along the racecourse [at Durham Regatta], [L. Whiteley, S.C.] Bryson, [J.W. Peppercorn, and T.E.] Allen identified, crowd beyond, 1907.
11. DUBC 2nd IV, ready to row, along the racecourse [at Durham Regatta], E.S. Nicholson, J.A.T. Langdon, W.E. Dexter, T?, R.M. Moore, crowd beyond, 1908.
12. Crowd of mainly ladies in dresses and hats around the bandstand at Durham Regatta, 1908.
13. Durham Regatta, looking from the bandstand towards Baths Bridge with a crowd of ladies and gentlemen in suits/dresses and hats, 1908.
14. Edith Ellershaw and Eddie Walker (children) in a dress/sailor suit and hats [at Durham Regatta] with a crowd beyond, including men in striped boating blazers, 1908.
15. “1st Varsity Crew 1908”, Cecil Longden and Douglas Hall in boating and [blue] blazers respectively, with scarves, on the landing stage [by a boat house on the Wear].
16. View over grass tennis courts, with players, at Durham racecourse.
17. “Long Jump. Heaton Park 1908.”, man landing in the sand, 3 officials around with a crowd beyond, [Durham University Sports].
18. Measuring the long jump, with a crowd of officials round the sand pit, [Durham University Sports] Heaton Park 1908.
19. “Durham Castle (from river bank)”, missing.
20. “Leaving Galilee”, a file of students in gowns walking from the cathedral [after chapel] towards the music department, with the castle keep beyond.
21. “The Introduction”, a crowd gathered round [for the start of prize-giving at the Durham University Sports at Heaton Park 1908].
22. “The Wishing Stone” at Finchale Abbey, 7 students sitting on the ruins.
23. C.J. Saunders wading the Wear near Finchale Abbey, in his jacket and cap with a cane.
24. Dr H. Gee, Dr A. Robinson and Prof R.A. Sampson, in gowns and mortar boards, with a dog, conferring on Palace Green, with the Castle master's residence beyond.
25. Durham castle keep from Palace Green.
26. Kepier woods, 2 men sitting by a path.
27. Distribution of prizes at Heaton Park sports, with a presentation party, including one in a wheelchair, around a trophy-laden table.
28. R. French receiving his cup at the University sports at Heaton Park [for the 3 mile team race], 1908.
29. “Dicky”, (?Gwladys Richards), lady in a hat, head and shoulders, 1908.
30. Crowd of ladies and gentlemen around the Castle Great Hall steps [at Convocation], in suits/dresses and hats with some gowns and hoods.
31. [J.T. Fowler], half-length profile, in dog-collar and jacket, (as in
Durham University Journal, 16 May 1908, p.41).
32. F.C. Longden, half-length, in suit and tie.
33. Man, half-length, in jacket and tie, moustache.
34. Man, half-length, suit and tie, buttonhole.
35. Three men (?rowers) in jerseys and long shorts coming out of a ?boathouse.
36. A lecturer in gown and mortar board on his dais behind his desk in the ?Palace Green lecture room.
37. Man, half-length, in a suit and tie, with spectacles.
38. Man, head and shoulders, in suit and tie, with spectacles.
39. W.A. Garland, head and shoulders, in suit and tie.
40. Man, 3/4 length, in jacket and tie, arms folded.
41. [Lecturer] coming towards lecture rooms across Palace Green in gown and mortar board with books in his arms “Pusy He's that bad he won't ever take a good photo”.
42.Gertrude E.N. Day “Bill”, head and shoulders, tie, mortar board, spectacles, mounted, by John R Edis, 1909.
43. “Maggie” (?Margaret Owen), head and shoulders, tie, gown, mortar board, mounted, by John R. Edis, 1908.
44. St John's parish church Brandon exterior [from the south-west], a postcard to Mrs Wyke signed by Rosie Lloyd-Evans.
45. View of Framwellgate bridge, Durham castle and cathedral.
46. Man in a suit and tie, sitting on white post and rails, with a castellated turret behind.
47. The Mauretania liner at Liverpool.
48. Lady, head and shoulders, tie, spectacles, cut out of a larger photo.
49. S.C. Bryson, president of DUBC, head and shoulders, suit and tie, 1908.
50. “Gwen” (?Gwendolina Pockett), head and shoulders, dress and necklace, hat.
51. “Dicky”, (?Gwladys Richard), head and shoulders, tie, hat.
52. “Dolly”, half-length, dress, artist's studio landscape background.
53. Lady, head and shoulders, fur coat, hat.
54. Dr A. Robinson, half-length, in academic robes, spectacles (as in
Durham University Journal 15 July 1908, p.66).
55. Dr H. Kynaston, sitting in a chair reading a book, in a suit (as in
Durham University Journal, 25 March 1908, p.28).
54 BW images in an album of 12 thick card leaves with 2 framed openings on each page, in linen-covered boards with “Photographs” on the front cover
Rose Lloyd-Evans was a student at the Women's Hostel. She matriculated in Epiphany 1907, passed her first year BA exams in Epiphany 1908 and her finals in Easter 1910 and took her BA on 21 June 1910.
Transferred from the archives of King's School Chester by Helen Holyoak, Senior Librarian/Archivist, 9 March 2006, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:57.
Digitised material for Rose Lloyd-Evans photograph album, 1906 - 1909 - UND/F8/H1
UND/F8/H2 1948
Mrs Lonsdale Ragg's “The Women's Hostel 33 Claypath”, subtitled, “An account of the original hostel for women in Durham University, by its first Principal”.
With a covering letter from Miss MB Fergusson, principal of St Mary's, sending this copy to the university librarian 2 June 1949. Then transferred to the archive with Ramage's papers from his desk in Cosin Library gallery 13 September 2006, Acc
No Misc.2006/2007:8.
UND/F8/H3 1964 - 1969
Mary Holdsworth's programmes and catalogues for concerts and plays in the north-east, with one in France, with a festival catalogue, and texts of a play and poems.
20 booklets
UND/F8/H3/1 1964
Programme for a Festival of Light and Sound (Son et Lumière) at Durham Cathedral, Flora Robson narrator, script by Sid Chaplin, directed by Christopher Ede.
Printed paper booklet, 8p + covers
UND/F8/H3/2 19 - 26 September 1964
Programme for Sean O'Casey's
The Plough and the Stars at the People's Theatre, Newcastle.
Printed paper booklet, 2f
UND/F8/H3/3 March - April [?1965]
Programme for performances at Billingham Forum Theatre of Valentine Kataev's
Squaring the Circle and Shakespeare's Othello (starring Laurence Olivier and Maggie Smith).
Printed paper booklet, 6p + covers
UND/F8/H3/4 5 - 8 April 1965
Programme for the Royal Shakespeare Company's performances of Shakespeare's
The Comedy of Errors ar The Sunderland Empire Theatre.
Printed paper booklet, 8p + covers
UND/F8/H3/5 11 & 13 October [1965]
Programme for The English Opera Group's performances of Benjamin Britten's
Curlew River in Newcastle and Durham Cathedrals.
Printed card booklet, 2f
UND/F8/H3/6 1 - 4 December 1965
Programme for the National Theatre Company's production of William Congreve's
Love for Love at Newcastle Theatre Royal.
Printed paper booklet, 12p + covers
UND/F8/H3/7 [c.1966]
Programme for a performance of Shakespeare's
King Richard III, with Mike Barker as Richard III.
Printed card booklet, 2f
UND/F8/H3/8 15 June 1966
Programme for Wiener Solisten's concert at Castle Howard in the York Festival.
Printed paper booklet, 2f
UND/F8/H3/9 27 - 28 October 1966
Programme for The English Opera Group's performance of Benjamin Britten's
The Burning Fiery Furnace in Durham Cathedral.
Printed card booklet, 2f
UND/F8/H3/10 1966
The burning fiery furnace: second parable for church performance, by William Plomer; set to music by Benjamin Britten op.77.
Printed paper booklet, 40p + covers
UND/F8/H3/11 20 - 25 February 1967
Programme for performances by The Nottingham Playhouse Company of Gabriel Arout's
Beware of the Dog at the Newcastle Playhouse.
Printed paper booklet, 12p + covers
UND/F8/H3/12 5 September 1967
Programme for Molière's
Le Malade Imaginaire at La Comédie-Française, Paris.
Printed paper booklet, 40p + covers
UND/F8/H3/13 18 November 1967
Programme for a concert by The London Bach Society conducted by Paul Steinitz in Elvet Methodist Church as part of the Durham Music Festival.
Printed paper booklet, 4p + covers
UND/F8/H3/14 10 - 14 September 1968
Programme for Scottish Opera's performances of Mozart's
The Marriage of Figaro and Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes at Newcastle Theatre Royal.
Printed paper booklet, 16p + covers
UND/F8/H3/15 18 October 1968
Programme for The English Opera Group's performance of Benjamin Britten's
The Prodigal Son in Durham Cathedral.
Printed card booklet, 2f
UND/F8/H3/16 18 November - 6 December 1968
Durham Surrealist Festival, catalogue/compendium, by Ian Barker and Andrew Lanyon.
Printed paper booklet, 48p + covers, + 1p inserted
UND/F8/H3/17 19 - 24 May 1969
Programme for Derby Playhouse Company's performance of Dylan Thomas's
Under Milk Wood in The Georgian Theatre, Richmond, as part of the Third Richmondshire Festival.
Printed paper booklet, 8p + 1p inserted
UND/F8/H3/18 [1960s]
Programme for Northern Chamber Opera's performance of Pergolesi's
La Serva Padrona and Milhaud's Le Pauvre Matelot [in Bede College].
Printed foldout paper booklet, 3f
UND/F8/H3/19 [1960s]
Programme for a concert by mixed voices of The Singers in Consort, directed by Richard Wood.
Printed paper booklet, 2f
UND/F8/H3/20 [1960s]
Media Poetry from the Universities, ed J.K. Grant, printed by Coulson's of Cambridge.
Printed paper booklet, 32p
UND/F8/H4 [1890 - 1922]
Holdsworth family photo album, featuring Sir William Searle Holdsworth, OM, KC, DCL, LLD, FBA, (7 May 1871 – 2 January 1944), a legal historian, amongst whose works is the 17 volume History of English Law. He was the son of a London solicitor,
Charles Joseph Holdsworth, and his wife Ellen Caroline (née Searle). Born in Beckenham, Kent, he attended Dulwich College, and then went to New College Oxford in 1890 where he took first-class honours both in History (1893) and in Law (1894), and
second class honours in the BCL (1896). He was a fellow of St John's College Oxford (1897-1922), professor of Constitutional Law at University College, London (1903 to 1908) and the Vinerian Professor of English Law and fellow of All Souls at Oxford
from 1922. Many of the photos feature himself, his siblings, his wider family and his contemporaries at Oxford (many previously at Dulwidch). Many of the photos are in the form of formal cartes de visite with backgrounds of photographers' studios;
others are snaps of family or groups of friends.
1. WSH, head and shoulders, by Fred Hollyer of 9 Pembroke Square, Kensington [1902]
2. J.S. Holdsworth (wife) at 18, head and shoulders (née Wood)
3. Mrs Euphemia Caryer Searle, half-length (gt-grandmother to WSH)
4. Henry Grazebrook, head and shoulders, by Jabez Hughes of Rye, Isle of Wight (gt-uncle to WSH)
5. Eliza Grizebrook, half-length, by Jabez Hughes of Ryde, Isle of Wight (gt-aunt to WSH and 2nd wife of 4.)
6. J.C. Searle, half-length seated, by L.S. & P. Co (grandfather to WSH)
7. Mrs Searle, head and shoulders (grandmother to WSH)
8. [Ellen Caroline Holdsworth née Searle], mother of WSH , head and shoulders, by Negretti & Zambra of Crystal Palace
9. Miss Farmer, half-length seated with book, (1st cousin once removed to WSH)
10. [Miss Farmer], full length, seated at a table
11. Miss Holdsworth, half-length seated, (aunt to WSH)
12. Gilbert Wood, head and shoulders, by Lavender of Bromley and Beckenham (father to JSH)
13. [Gilbert Wood], 3/4 length, seated, outside
14. [Gilbert Wood], head and shoulders, by Lavender of Bromley and Beckenham (father to JSH)
15. Mrs [Ellen C.] Holdsworth with five children, on a lawn tennis court, with gardens beyond: Edward R. Holdsworth (Teddie), Nellie Holdsworth, Charles S. Holdsworth (Charlie), William S. Holdsworth, Mary Holdsworth (holding a tennis
16. Teddie Holdsworth, half-length, in cap and cape, holding a cat
17. [Teddie Holdsworth], head and shoulders, by J. James Bayfield of 37 Gipsy Hill, Norwood
18. Mary Holdsworth, head and shoulders, flowers behind
19. Richard Searle, head and shoulders, in wig and gown, (uncle to WSH)
20. Charlie Holdsworth, head and shoulders
21. William A. Holdsworth, head and shoulders (uncle to WSH), by Elliott and Fry of 55 Baker St, London
22. Henry Grazebrook, standing by a plinth and balustrade, in frock coat, with rolled umbrella and top hat (1st cousin once removed to WSH)
23. Mrs Guest, full length, seated, by a vase with a painted backrop, “Beauty of Bath”, (gt aunt of WSH)
24. Mr Guest, full length, seated, by a table and books, with plinth and drapes, and painted backrop (gt uncle to WSH)
25. Mrs Grazebrook, full length, seated by a table with a stag sculpture (1st cousin once removed to WSH by marriage, later married Revd Till)
26. Emily Jones, Mary Holdsworth, William S. Holdsworth, heads and shoulders, all in boaters
27. Mrs Guest, 3/4 length, seated with a fan by a table, by Charles Knight of Ryde, Isle of Wight (gt aunt to WSH)
28. Nellie Holdsworth, WSH, Charlie Holdsowrth, [William Searle] Holdsworth (father), WIlliam Holdsworth (uncle), Mary Holdsworth, full length, in a garden
29. Nellie Holdsworth, Mary Holdsworth, Mary ?Evans, heads and shoulders
30. Wilson Frazer, Charlie Holdsworth, heads and shoulders
31. Arthur W. Dentith, Charlie [Holdsworth], WSH, heads and shoulders
32. [George Stuart] Robertson (b1872) of New College Oxford (matric 1891), head and shoulders
33. Ashley Pratt, brother of Cowper Pratt, died, head and shoulders
34. Clarke “(keen Esperantist)” , head and shoulders, by C. Clare of Freiburg
35. F.D. Smart of Dulwich College and Keble College Oxford, head and shoulders
36. G.D. Jennings, 3/4 length, seated reading a book, by Ernest Alden of 208 Shaftesbury Ave, WC
37. Mr Searle, half length seated, by the London Stereoscopic and Photographic Co on 110 Regent's St (gt-grandfather to WSH)
38. Bobbie ?terrier dog
39. Tinker ?Jack Russell dog, on a chair
40. Lousada of New College Oxford, head and shoulders
41. Mrs Ethel V. Duff-Watson, head and shoulders in a hat, “Mofie”, by John F. Lessels, Scotland, June 1906
42. Alexander Duff-Watson, half length, “Duffie”
43. Bourtree Bush manse with church beyond, with Mr and Mrs Duff-Watson standing outside the manse porch
44. [Sir] George Macartney (1867-1945), eldest son of Sir Halliday Macartney, head and shoulders, by T.C. Turner & Co of 10 Barnsbury Park, N
45. Dora Macartney, head and shoulders (sister of W.W. Borland)
46. WSH “freshman” [at New COllege Oxford], 19 years old, 1890, 3/4 length, standing by a plinth, in gown and mortar board
47. [Joseph Robert Francis] (Joe) Frazer (b1869) of Dulwich College and Merton College Oxford (matric 1887), head and shoulders, by Hills & Saunders of Oxford
48. [John Bannerman] Wainewright (b1871) of New College Oxford (matric 1890), head and shoulders, by Thomas Fall of 9 & 10 Baker St, London
49. [Arthur William] Dentith of Dulwich College, Trinity Hall Cambridge (1893-1896), and the Indian Civil Service, head and shoulders
50. [Henry Tilson] Morgan (b1871) of New College Oxford (matric 1890), head and shoulders, by Hills & Saunders of Oxford
51. Joe Frazer of Dulwich College and Merton College Oxford, head and shoulders, by W. Blackall of 9 Magdalen St, Oxford
52. R.O. Winstedt, head and shoulders, by Soame of Oxford
53. Fortescue of Dulwich College and Brasenose College Oxford, by Hills & Saunders of Oxford, head and shoulders
54. Arthur R. Stone of Sidmouth, full length, in a boater, with cigarette, outside a glasshouse
55. Adeline Nichols, head and shoulders
56. Unidentified man, standing outside, pipe in mouth
57. Mary Powell (child), sitting on a carpet on a cushion with a book
58. Oona Ball (child), standing in a garden with a toy wheelbarrow
59. [Alfred James] Carver (1826-1909), headmaster of Dulwich College (1852-1883), head and shoulders
60. [James Edward Cowell] Welldon (1854-1937), headmaster of Dulwich College (1883-1885), full length, seated in gown with mortar board
61. [Arthur Herman] Gilkes (1849-1922), headmaster of Dulwich College (1885-1914), half length, outside, in gown and mortar board
62. Ida Gilbert Wood (child), half length (neice of WSH's wife)
63. Winter Williams [of Corpus Christi College Oxford, b1875, k in WW1], head and shoulders, by Hills & Saunders of Oxford (pupil of WSH; brother of Ivy Williams the first lady barrister)
64. Tattie Hill, 3/4 length, in gown and mortar board, holding a magazine (half cousin to WSH)
65. Firth of St John's [College Oxford], 3/4 length, by Hills & Saunders of Oxford
66. W. Wallace Campbell, head and shoulders
67. F.E. Smith Lord Birkenhead, Lord Chancellor, full length on ice skates, with a building ,people and trees beyond, taken by A.B. Graveme of Oriel College Oxford, 1921-1922
68. Mary Holdsworth, head and shoulders (sister of WSH)
69. Nellie Holdsworth, head and shoulders (sister of WSH)
70. St John's College Oxford, New Buildings Quad, 1902
71. Mrs P. Gilbert Wood (Eva), 3/4 length, outside, with hat and holding a bouquet (wife of WSH's brother-in-law)
72. Old Shawfield, drawing room entrance, with lawn tennis court in front
73. W.D. Borland, 3/4 length, leaning on a mantelpiece with ornate carved overmantel
74. Ada Hill, head, (half cousin to WSH)
75. Amherst Macartney, head and shoulders (2nd son of Sir Halliday Macartney)
76. WSH head, 1902 (copy of centre of 1)
77. ?Lilibert Holdsworth hearly 4, full length, holding a chaise longue
78. Mrs W.D. Borland when about 15 as Gilbert Gilbert Wood, full length, holding the same chaise longue as in 77
79. MI8 Group Great War: Fuller (PO), Cumber (PO), Willoughby-Wood, Nichols, Mrs Reynolds, WSH, Miss Tomlinson, in an ?office
80. William Tingey, half length
81. Corley of St John's College Oxford, head and shoulders
82. Mary Holdsworth, Mrs Ellen Holdsworth, Nellie Holdsworth, Teddie Holdsworth, outside on a lawn tennis court
83. J. Gilbert Borland and sister, full length, in a garden
84. Zit Ormiston, head and shoulders
85. [Walter Devonshire] Ellis (b1871) of New College Oxford (matric 1890), head and shoulders
86. Harry Gibbons, head and shoulders (2nd cousin to WSH)
87. Fred Walters, head and shoulders
88. J.E.C. Welldon bishop [of Calcutta] (1898-1902), head and shoulders
89. Mr Davies, head and shoulders, by Byrne & Co of Richmond
90. Mrs Davies, head and shoulders, by Byrne & Co of Richmond
91. A.F. Campbell of Grant St United Free Church Glasgow, head and shoulders, 1907
92&93. “WSH with picnic party” of 5 ladies and 3 men, outside, 1890s, 2 versions
94. St John's [College Oxford] Archery Club Ladies meeting: A.B. Gravem of Oriel College, with bow and cigar, Miss McCormick in hat, WSH in boater with cigar, by T.S. Wilder of St John's College, 1922
95. WSH with pipe with another in a horse and trap, at Marok, Norway, 1910
96. Teddie Holdsworth, aged 2, in a dress, standing on a rustic chair, [1880], by Negretti & Zambra of Crystal Palace
97. Charlie Holdsworth, aged 5, in a suit with hat, on a rustic bench, 1880, by Negretti & Zambra of Crystal Palace
98. WSH, aged 9, in a suit with a bowler hat, 1880, by Negretti & Zambra of Crystal Palace
99. Nellie Holdsworth, aged 3, in a dress, seated on a chair, August 1880, by Negretti & Zambra of Crystal Palace
100. Johnnie Searle, head and shoulders, by the London Mutual Photographic Association Ltd of 170 Fleet St, London (uncle to WSH)
101. William A. Holdsworth, head and shoulders, by Elliott & Fry of 55 Baker St, London (uncle to WSH)
102. Harry Grazebrook, head and shoudlers, by B. Kisch of Durban, Natal (1st cousin once removed to WSH)
103. Annie Grazebrook, head and shoulders, wife to Harry, holding child Toodie, by B. Kisch of Durban, Natal
104. Boys-Stones, outside, in uniform, turban, gauntlets and boots
105. Gilberta Borland, head and shoulders, by Speaight Ltd Photographers of 157 New Bond St, London
106. WSH, R[ichard] (Dick) W.G.H., Dr ?, Mrs Berthon with stick and handbag, all in hats, outside
107. [Picnic] “lunch at St Mary Pardon Brittany”, ? with pipe, WSH, Dick Holdsworth with cap and bottle, Mrs Berthon, Mrs J.S. Holdsworth, outside, seated
108. Gilbert D. Borland (child), outside, sitting on a plinth
109. Lady, head and shoulders “taken in Rangoon & sent home in Aug. 19(18?)”
110. Man, head and shoulders, ?also taken in Rangoon 1918
111. “Dulwich College Sixth Form v. School” , 13 boys (?cricket XI), in whites, with one blazer and some caps, outside the college front door, 1890
112. In a churchyard, Mary Holdsworth and “Aunt Annie” looking at a table tomb
113. F. John Shirley, half length, in a RNVR sub-lieutenant uniform, by Swaine
114. Three men in top hats and tails, in humorous pose, by Hugh Owen of Barmouth
115-120. Eights Week at Oxford 1921: (115) a bump about to take place on the Green Bank with two VIIIs in the bank; (116-118) river crowded with punts with college barges beyond; (119-120) covering letter from Halford Constant at Oxford 19 June
explaining about attending court in Bristol re the recovery of his stolen motorbike
118 BW prints, many mounted, +2f, in an album of 20f (tick boards) + 2 endleaves (card), in padded leather embossed in gold, with part of a clasp
Size: 290 x 230mm
Digitised material for Holdsworth family photograph album, 1890 - 1922 - UND/F8/H4 UND/F8/H5 1974
Edna Jenkinson papers. Some administrative papers from her work as a senior lecturer in the university's department of Classics and Ancient History.
1 file
UND/F8/H5/1 14 July 1974
Draft ?prospectus for the department of Classics and Ancient History.
Paper, 2f
UND/F8/H5/2 23 November 1974
Report on a meeting of the Council of University Classical Departments.
Paper, 4f
UND/F8/H6 1923 - 1926
Nellie Hanson SMC Photo Album
Album of Nellie Hanson (1902-1986), later Mrs Senior, SMC 1922-1926, BA, of herself and contemporaries at St Mary's College, at leisure and sport at 8 The College, Abbey House and outside Durham.
1. Durham cathedral from Prebends Bridge, Framwelgate Bridge beyond
2. Garden at 8 The College
3. Prebends Bridge, looking NW
4. Durham cathedral [from 8 The College] “top corridor”
5. South Bailey arch, from the bridge side
6. St Mary the less (St John's College chapel) “from my window”
7. Durham cathedral from Palace Green.
8. Marion, in hat and coat, by a fence, wood beyond, Houghall Fields, September 1923
9. [Nellie] (missing October 2011)
10. Nan [Parkin and Nellie], on the beach at Roker Caves, 29 May 1924
11. Joy [and Nellie] on the beach at Roker Caves, 29 May 1924
12. [Nellie] by a picket fence at Roker Park
13. Joy by a picket fence at Roker Park
14. Dorothy, Mudd, [Nellie], Bunny, Nan [Parkin], Joy, Nick, in fancy dress at a hospital fete, 26 May 1923
15. Rufie, Timothy (1st prize), fancy dress, as Golden Shred, with golliwog, in a garden
16. Montie Gour, in fancy dress as an “Indian Lady”, in a garden
17. Joy, in fancy dress, as “Reckitt's Blue”, in a garden
18. Nan [Parkin], in fancy dress, as a milkmaid, in a garden
19. [Nellie], in fancy dress, in a garden
20. Bimbo, in fancy dress, as “Quaker Oats”, in a garden
21. Twinkle [Pallister] and Sammy [Bibby], in [SMC] striped blazers, in [8 The College] gardens, May 1923
22. Tommy [Thompson], Tarzan [Hibell], Bim and [Nellie], in dresses, on the tennis courts, with racquet, 2 June 1923
23. Ban and Joy, in suits, in 8 The College gardens, February 1923
24. Dorothy, [Nellie] and Mary, in hats and suits, on the steps of 8 The College
25&26. The Seniors of SMC in the garden of 8 South Bailey, in skirts/dresses, 17 May 1925: “Button” (Charlotte P. Watson) , “Jill” (Elinor Hollis) , “Rufie” (Eveline Scorer) , “Sammy” (Mary M.J. Bibby) , “Eppie” (Gwenllian M. Goode) , Jean [L. Gillett], “Twinkle” (Barbara A.
Pallister) , [Nellie Hanson], “Tarzan” (Winnifred M. Hibell) , “Nan” (Annie M. Parkin) , “Biddy” (Edith M. Bell) , “Tommy” (Olive M. Thompson) , “Bunny” (Edith Erwin) , “Jack” (Stella P.T. Jacka) , “Flip” (Phyllis M. Teitelbaum) ,
“Nick” (Mary A. Nicholson) , “Smiler” (Florence T. Mackie) , “Brasso” (Dorothy Forster) , “Pip” (Harriet A. Lee)
27. Pat, Bunny [Erwin], Joy, Nan [Parkin] and [Nellie] by Sunderland Bridge, 21 May 1925
28. Bunny [Erwin], [Nellie], Nan [Parkin], Joy and Ruby in Croxdale Woods
29. A[lice] Fox, H[ilda] Taylor, P[hyllis] Stamper, Dr Wilkie, M[ary] Dent, E[veline] Scorer, and Nellie, in hats and coats, at Finchale Priory, 23 May 1925
30. [Nellie], E[llen] Purdy and I[rene] G.M. Powys, on the [8 The College] fire escape, 21 May 1925
31. UMCA fete, “some madrigal singers”, in hats: [Nellie], E.M. Bell, O.M. Thompson, W.M. Hibell, J.R. Salmon, M.L. Bolton, E. Erwin, Diamond, Canon Hughes, Houghton, 14 June 1924
32. UMCA fete stall, Canon Hughes, Green, Houghton, Tommy [Thompson], 14 June 1924
33. UMCA fete stall, Houghton, Rhodes, Green, 14 June 1924
34. In the garden, Mr Houghton, E.M. Bell, W. Hibell, Mr Diamond, F.D. Bunt
35. In the garden, Mr Diamond, Mollie, Roe, Kemp, Holmes, Stranks
36. Outside at the back of SMC, Nellie in gown with papers, 20 November 1924
37. In the garden, Dorothy in a white elephant dress, 26 May 1923
38. Nan [Parkin] in hiking gear in Austria, village and valley beyond, August 1924
39. Houghall Woods, with hats and flowers, Rufie, Tarzan [Hibell], Eadie, Tommy [Thompson], Bunny [Erwin], 29 May 1924
40. SMC Boat Club coxed IV rowing on the Wear, O. Thompson, D. Peaps, M. Bibby, C.P. Watson, K.C. Millington (St Chads), June 1925
41. SMC Boat Club coxed IV at St Chads landing stage, 1925
42. DULTC 1st pair, in whites and coats, J. Hughes (Home Society), J.L. Gillitt (SMC), 1926
43. Tennis match Colleges v Staff, on court, Miss Middleton and Mr R. Rich, May 1926
44. On the tennis court, Mr R. Rich
45. On the tennis court, Miss Wilkie, Mr G.S. Gonway (serving)
46. On the tennis court, Mr Norman (obscured), Miss Donaldson
47. Staff LTC match, Mr R. Rich on court
48. After Convocation, at the Abbey House gate, Joy in academic dress, 29 June 1926
49. After Convocation, at the Abbey House gate, Nan [Parkin] in academic dress, 29 June 1926
50. [After Convocation, at the Abbey House gate], Nellie [in academic dress], 29 June 1926 (missing)
51. [After Convocation], by railings, Bunny [Erwin] in academic dress, 29 June 1926
52. [After Convocation], by railings, Nellie in academic dress, 29 June 1926
53. Durham Castle from Palace Green, June 1926
54. In the Abbey House garden, Phil, Bunny [Erwin], Nellie, Jo, Dumps.
55. Abbey House entrance, Nan [Parkin], Mary, Nellie, May 1926
56. “On the tank”, Bunny [Erwin], Mary, Dorothy, 12 June 1926
57. Outside Abbey House, Nellie, May 1926
58. On the beach at Sandsend, [Nellie], Bunny, July 1925
59. Outside Abbey House, Bunny [Erwin], May 1926
60. Outside Abbey House, Jean, June 1926
61. Outside Abbey House, Bunny [Erwin], May 1926
62. Durham Cathedral, from the west over the river
60 BW prints stuck on to card leaves, in covers titled “ALBUM” in a cartouche on the front
Size: 160 x 130mm
Digitised material for Nellie Hanson photograph album, 1922-1926 - UND/F8/H6 UND/F8/H7 1927 - 1929
Nellie Hanson UWCS Photo Album
Photo album of 3 summer camps of the University Women's Camp for Schoolgirls [?North-Eastern branch] at Pateley Bridge (1927) and then at Red House prep school in Nun Monkton (1928 and 1929), which Nellie Hanson helped to run as orderly (1927)
and then chaplain (1928 and 1929).
1. Full group at Pateley Bridge 1927, in pinafores with white diamond-shaped lapel badges, identified: W. Talbot, B. Byfield, M. Scorer, M. Thompson, W. Evans, A. Leighton, B. Chrystal, E. Child, M. Kirkby, M. Smith, L. Bayes (Ass. Ord.), B. Reay
(Games), L. Robson (chaplain), N. Cheriton (Ass. Adj.), N[ellie] Hanson (Orderly) I. Cleminshaw (Chronicle), M. Patterson (Ass. H.M.), D. Cheriton (Adjutant), E. Patterson (Housemother), E. Erwin (Rambles), B. Froggart (Sing-Song), M. Sewell, W.
Lewis, F. Mackley, B. Foster, A. Beddowes, C. Phillips, C. Ward, B. Brayshaw, W. Brangle, B. Whiteman, G. Looney, N. SMith, W. Robson, M. Evans, H. Klier, M. SHores, H. Giles.
2. “The Drill Hall” .
3. “Eleven Little Officers” , formal group.
4. “Adj. gives an exhibition” , various crossing a stream.
5. “Pateley from Greenhow” , view along a road.
6,7. Lofthouse, the waterfall, girls paddling.
8. “Perilously perched”, 4 girls showing a leg in the water [at Lofthouse].
9. “In pensive mood” , 6 girls variously sitting.
10. “The beauty chorus” , 6 girls in the Lofthouse waterfall.
11. “A clap-dance in ideal surroundings” , girls in the river.
12. “The domestic staff off duty” , 4 girls sitting.
13,14. How-Stean [Nidderdale] wooden building camp, girls sitting outside “after the caves” .
15. “The gate-post plus” [?Nellie Hanson].
16. “Five happy campers” sitting outside.
17. “Rambles + games at Stump Cross” , 2 girls by a stone wall.
18. “Time, tide, and traffic on Greenhow Hill” , girls sitting in and by the road with a horse and cart beyond.
19. “Barbara & Winnie tete-a-tete” , seated.
20. “Bank Holiday in camp” , 4 girls sitting on a wall.
21. “Three craws sat upon a wa'” , 3 girls sitting on a wall.
22. “Chaplain enjoys a joke” , sitting on a wall.
23. “After study circle” , girls sitting in a meadow.
24. “After the stalactites” , girls seated outside the entrance to Stump Cross Caverns.
25. “Humpty Dumpty” , girl standing on a wall by a telegraph pole
26. “After the campers' homegoing on the straw” , girls lying on straw indoors.
27. “Chaplain + Adj set out on a walk” .
28. “Adj caught” , in bathing costume by a river.
29. Fountains Abbey, church.
30,31. Fountains Abbey, view from Anne Boleyn's seat.
32. Fountains Abbey, nave interior looking west.
33. Fountains Abbey, church east end exterior.
34. Red House School Marston Moor 1928, formal group outside the entrance, all in pinafores with round white lapel badges, identified: D. Lyle, H. SHort, M. Hollis, E. Arkell, E. Silvester, C. Gill, M. Jones, J. Dowlen, I. Black, M. Walter, M.
Davies, M. Holmshaw (Rambles), E. Randall (Games), K. Turner (M.O.), J. Cadman-Smith (Adj.), N[ellie] Hanson (chaplain), M. Patterson (H.M.II), C. Hutson (H.M.I), N. Harrison (Sing-Song), E. Erwin (Orderly), P. Steeds (Bells), E. Miles, O. Jones, E.
Hall, N. Payne, M. Thompson, M. Joll, N. Rice-Jones, N. James, P. Gale, N. Kirkatrick, N. Prior, D. Davey, R. Seddon, E. Clancey, M.C. Smith, E. Lyddiatt, M. Watson, E. Thomas, M. Kershaw, W. Smith, W. Robson, E. Burns, C.C. Smith.
35. The chapel [at Red House].
36. Red House main front.
37. The campers, formal gorup outside the entrance.
38. The full camp (similar to 34).
39. Nun Monkton church exterior.
40. Nun Monkton village pond, cattle in it, house beyond.
41. Nun Monkton church doorway.
42. “Orderly + Sing-Song” , in the village.
43. “Orderly's circle” , 7 girls outside Red house entrance.
44. York Minster from Lendal Bridge.
45. “Chaplain's circle” , 9 girls outside Red House entrance.
46. Bishopthorpe palace from the river.
47. Sports Day, “officers threading needles”.
48. Sports Day, “blind chariots” .
49. Sports Day, hockey match, officers v campers.
50. Sports Day, officers race, the start.
51. Sports Day, tug of war.
52. Nun Monkton, juncture of the rivers Nidd and Ouse, cattle in the river.
53. Red House view across the lawn tennis court.
54. Red House chapel east window.
55. Knaresborough petrifying well.
56. Red House woods.
57. The officers, outside Red House.
58. “Our busy orderlies”, 2 girls outside.
59. “Still officers”, girls on rugs outside.
60. “Watching the bathing”, lady in striped blazer seated on a river bank with dog.
61. “More officers and NE secretary”, outside Red House.
62. Red House School Moor Monkton 1929, formal group outside the entrance, in pinafores with round white lapel badges, with some officers holding symbols of their office, identified: S. Barrett, W. Prestage, L. Thorp, W. Hoskin, K. Matthews, J.
Chisholm, M. Weir, E.S. White, E. Stringward, K. Dovey, G. Watson, B. Nicklin, F. Gibbs, E. Stewart, D. Wood, M. Harrison, B. Boiteux, T. Meetham, E. Green, H. Green, J. Emrie, M. Pyle, P. Burton, P. Mingard, H. Johnson, M. Moore, M.R. Smith
(Rambles), I. Walker (Swimming), R. Tomline (Sing-Lo), G. Woodcock (Sing-Hi), W.M. Frost (S'Adj.), J. Cadman (Adj.), N[ellie] Hanson (Chaplain), E. Erwin (H.M.), O. Brown (Tother), E.M. Randall (Bells), D. McKenna (Orderly), W.M. Talbot (Baths), Jo
WIlliams, Jay Williams, B. Britton, M. Hirst, E. Thomas, K. Welton (Baby), G. Walton, P. Liddle, K. Johnson, R. Johnson.
63. “Twelve little officers” , on the tennis court, in various dresses.
64. “Officers' rest hour” , on rugs on the lawn.
65. “Orderly off duty” [D. McKenna] on a rug near the entrance.
66. “Self Ass Ord H.M.I”, [Nellie Hanson, ?, E. Erwin] kneeling on a rug on the lawn.
67. “More officers” , in various dresses on the lawn.
68. “S'Adj and S.O.” [W.M. Frost and ?I. Walker] standing on the lawn.
69. “The officers' cricket team” , group, in pinafores, with jerseys, bats and balls.
70. “The Bugginses”, 5 girls variously attired on the lawn.
71. “The tidy kings” , 6 girls variously attired on the lawn.
72. “Vaudeville after cricket”, 4 girls ?performing, by the flagpole.
73. “Still officers” , group on the tennis court.
74. “Officer's obstacle race” , trying to bite ?food on strings.
75. “The first camp” , 8 girls in coats and hats, with cases.
76. “The last obstacle” , crawling under string.
77. “The fancy dress party” , lined up on the tennis court.
78. “The cocoanuts” , 2 girls in ?fancy dress.
79. “Visitors' day” , 4 relaxing on deck chairs.
80. “The dormy captains” , 7 girls.
81. “Visitors' day” , 5 relaxing on deck chairs.
82. “Tea time” , lots of girls sitting on the lawn.
83. “Sunday afternoon” , girls lying on rugs on the lawn.
84. York city walls [north-east corner], girls sitting in the tower.
85. “Gathering peascods” [?dance].
86. “By the waters of the canal after Rowntree's”, girls seated [?by the River Foss].
87-90. Picnic lunch in the tower at the north-east corner of York city walls, various seated including “Sing-Hi and Sing-Lo” , and “Adj” .
91. York minster, from the south-east, central tower.
Card album, 23f laced into card covers, with 91 BW prints stuck on
Size: 200 x 290mm
Digitised material for Nellie Hanson UWCS photograph album 1927-1929 - UND/F8/H7 UND/F8/H8 1977 - 1981, 1985
Alison Foster scrapbook
Alison C. Foster was an undergraudate at the college 1978-1981. She was JCR president 1980-1981 and returned to the college 1997-1998. The scrapbook covers her time as an undergraduate, her life at St Mary's, as its JCR president/senior woman,
and also her interest in DSU affairs, her social life and her academic life studying Geology/Geophysics.
1. BW print of 2nd year Geology/Geophysics students, on the steps of the department, full length.
2,3. Newspaper cuttings listing A level results from Acklam Sixth Form College (G.B. Williams underlined) and South Park Sixth Form College.
4. Letter from Miss J. Quinn, SMC resident tutor, inviting ACF to interview, 4 November 1977.
5. Letter from Joan Kenworthy offering ACF a place at SMC, 17 November 1977.
6. ACF's Arthur Holmes Society membership card, 4 October 1978.
7. ACF's British Rail student railcard, 8 November 1978.
8. ACF's National Union of Students membership card for 1978-1979.
9. ACF's Durham Union Society membership card, Michaelmas 1978.
10. Durham Union Society Calendar Michaelmas 1978.
11. Freshers' Conference Handbook 1978.
12. ACF's Freshers' Conference membership card, 1 October 1978.
13. Federation of Conservative Students, DU Association, membership card 1978/9.
An Introduction to the Federation of Conservative Students leaflet 1978.
15,16. DU Conservative Association programme of events, Michaelmas 1978 & Epiphany 1979.
17. Robert Sheaf's manifesto as a conservative MEP.
18. DU Conservative Association annual dinner ticket, 1 December 1978.
Palatinate cutting re statement by Andrew Wicks, DU Conservative Association chairman, with image.
Palatinate cutting re Jane Ardouin's resignation as DSU Executive Officer (Services), with image, 18 October [1978].
Palatinate cutting re resignations from the DSU Executive (group photo).
22. Thank you letter from the Durham Conservative & Unionist Association for help in the recent [district] elections, 16 May 1979.
23. Election poster for Matthew Lavis conservative.
24,25. [College Newsletter] cuttings re SMC sports: darts and rowing.
26. Newspaper cartoon: “Evening Harry - Ladies darts tonight is it?”
Palatinate cutting on the death of Lynda Payne of SMC in the Lakes in the snow, 24 February [1979].
28. Colour print of the view from [ACF's] room R18 of a cherry tree in blossom with the cathedral beyond.
29. SMC formal “Land of the Rising Sun” programme.
30-32. University College The June Ball programme, place card, and colour photo of ACF and [Paul Hunter], [1979].
33. Advert for Druidstone accommodation in Broad Haven, note “2H Fieldwork. Met Tim” .
34-39. Party invites 1979: (34-36) engagement of Christopher Simons and Mandy Bradley, 11 November; (37) Pamela Mosey A Conservative Party 3 November; (38) Janet and Sheila [Wallace], Guy Fawkes 9 November; (39) Caroline and Liz [Kennedy],
Birthday Bop in Klute, 12 November.
40-42. SMC Informal Ball “Sea Fever” programme, notice, and colour photo [of ACF, Tim and Chris Fielding], 30 November [1979].
43. Party invite from Kilian [WIlliams], 21st Birthday, 6 March 1980.
44. Number (41) for Northern University Regatta.
45. St Chad's College Theatre Company programme for George Farquhar's “A Beaux Stratagem”, January [1980].
Palatinate cutting and motion listing supporters (including ACF) re DSU continuing as members of NSU, 6 March 1980.
Palatinate cutting re library fines by Alison M. Stevenson, 6 March 1980.
Palatinate cutting (with image) interviewing James Cathcart as DSU External Affairs Officer, 23 January 1980.
Palatinate cutting (with image) re James Gray as incoming DSU president, 7 February 1980.
51. St Chad's College Candlemass Ball programme, menu, tickets, and photo of ACF and Tim 1980.
52. Letter to ACF re a disputed SMC [JCR presidental] election, 4 February 1980.
53. Letter to ACF from Joan Kenworthy congratulating her on being elected SMC JCR president, 7 February 1980.
54,55. Valentine Day limerick and message.
56. SMC Leap Day disco advert, 29 February [1980].
Palatinate report on the SMC JCR presidential election, 21 February 1980.
58. Congratulations card [to ACF on her election as JCR president] from Julie [Parfitt].
59. Invites 1980 for: (59) Alison [Dove's] party at SMC, 26 April; (60) Adrian and Rachel [Goudie's] party at SMC; (61) Ralph McTell plus Michel Haumont at Dunelm Ballroom, 5 May; (62) Frances [Hancock], Jane and Peter's 21st and Farewell tea
party at SMC, 9 June; (63) Durham Regatta ticket, 14 June; (64) St Chad's Garden Party, 17 May; (65) Karen, Kathryn, Kirstin party at Castle Inn, 5 June; (66) John, Katie, Steve, Veronica, Sabbaticals Party in the Riverside Room, 10 June.
67. Programme for St Mary's Dramatic Society's
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, ay Hild Bede, 23-26 April [1980].
68. SMC chapel card, Easter term 1980.
69. SMC Valedictory Service paper, 17 June 1980.
70-74. SMC Summer Ball
“The Dune” Ball 9 May 1980 notice, 3 letters declining and 1 accepting invites, and a programme.
75. Letter to ACF from Steve Weatherseed of DSU re the Maintenance Fee Committee, 22 May 1980.
76. Computer job card invite to an SMC party from Jane [Vigar] and Linda [Grey], 18 June.
77,78. Letters to ACF from M.H.P. Bott and P.D.B. Collins about changing course from Geology/Geophysics to Physics, 24 & 10 August 1979.
79. DUCK week programme, 1-8 November 1980.
80. Letter to ACF from Eric Halliday, Master of Grey, about a clash over the use of a sculling boat, 28 October 1980.
81. Invite from Joan Kenworthy to drinks with the IES and International students, 2 October 1980.
82. SMC chapel card, Michaelmas term 1980.
Palatinate cutting re the inter-collegiate competition for DUCK week 1980 fund raising, won by SMC, with a thank you letter from Lesley Angus to ACF, 20 November 1980.
Palatinate cuttings of SMC's contributions to DUCK (including image of Mary's fairies float), November 1980.
88-90. SMC Michaelmas dinner menu, ACF's speech notes, and pre-dinner drinks invite, 21 November 1980.
91-94. Correspondence of ACF with Graham Sawyer of The Union Society re coming to SMC for dinner and to speak to students re the Society, 12 June - 15 October 1980.
95-. Invites, 1980, to: (95) Dinner in University College, 20 November; (96) 21st Birthday Party in Castle for Diane and Maria [McNamara], 22 November; (97) 21st Birthday party in SMC for Marie-Anne [Rose] and Clare [Brindley], 29 November; (98)
21st Birthday Party at the City Rugby Club for Jon Ford and Mike Orton, 21 November; (99) tea at home with M.H.P. Bott, 23 November; (100) St Chad's Bonfire Party; (101) Dinner with Fred Holliday and Ian Graham in the Castle Senate Room, 20 October,
with menu (102); (103) Back to School Party in St Cuthbert's, 21 November; (104) 21st Birthday Party in the Castle for Glen [Chipp] and Phil, 8 November; (105) letter from Simon at St Chad's changing an invite, 21 November; (106) 21st Birthday Party
at 1 North Bailey for Helen [Hall] with Richard [Foster], 29 November; (107) 21st Birthday Party at the Chaplaincy for Margaret [Emery]; (108) 21st Birthday Party at the Castle for Keith [Watson], 6 December.
109,110. The Bailey Ball Gone Hollywood programme and reception invite, 14 November [1980].
111,112. SMC Informal Ball
“House of Horror” notice and programme, 26 November [1980].
113. St Chad's Informal colour photo of ACF, Tim, Karen + man.
114,115. SMC Christmas service in St Oswald's invite and service paper, 7 December 1980.
Palatinate cutting re David Bellamy's resignation from the Botany Dept.
Palatinate cutting of the letters page, from Simon Keable-Elliott, Tim Leftley, and Charlotte Davies.
118. DU Conservative Association newsletter re Sir Keith Joseph's visit, 10 November 1980.
119-126. Invites 1981 for: (119) Jeremy's 21st Birthday Edward Breakfast in Meadowfield, 17 January; (120) SMC end of term party, 15 March; (121) The Balcony Boys at Hatfield, 16 March; (122) Elizabeth's 21st Birthday Party at Trevelyan, 7 March;
(123) Alison [Dove's] 21st Birthday Party at SMC, 7 March; (124) Helen, Sheila [Wallace], Rosemary & William, 84 Nondescript Years at The Castle Inn, 30 January; (125) Ushaw College Senior Men and Women's Dinner, 26 February; (126) JCR buffet
lunch at Trevelyan, 28 January.
127. Arthur Holmes Society annual dinner menu at Collingwood College, 6 March 1981.
128-130. St Chad's 25th Jubilee Candelmass Ball programme and invites, 6 February 1981.
131-133. SMC [first] JCR Guest Night correspondence, March 1981.
134. Letter from Biddy [Baxter] to ACF thanking her for the St Mary's Day Dinner (when she gave a speech) of 27 February 1981.
135-140. DSU presidential and others election manifestoes of Rob Beckley, William Clemmey, Ian Brown, Elaine Black, February 1981.
Palatinate reports on the DSU president election campaign and result, February 1981.
143. Invite to a meeting on personal safety from Penny Jones, 11 June [1981].
Palatinate letter re the murder of Jacqueline Hill.
Northen Echo cutting re the dangers of dimly lit Prebends Bridge, 12 January 1981.
Palatinate image of Rob Beckley.
147. ACF's DSU voting card.
148. Satirical DSU election manifesto of Uncle Reggie.
Palatinate letter, with image, from Penny Jones re her Creche Campagn.
150. [DSU] emergency motion re Lesley Doyle.
Palatinate letter from Stephen Poppitt re DSU financing.
Palatinate cutting re SMC's JCR's motion re a rebate for inadequate shared rooms.
Palatinate image of Paul Manley.
Palatinate report on Nick Gibb's election rant.
155-164. Invites 1981 for: (155) Hazel's Housewarming Party at SMC, 11 Apil; (156) Annabel [Burrows], Mandy and Linc 21st Birthday Party at The Castle Inn, 12 May; (157) acceptance by Tom [Brown] of Ushaw of a lunch invite; (158) Chris [Benn] and
Nigel's Vicar's and Virgin's Party at The Castle Inn, 7 May; (159) Nigel and Anne [Burton's] 21st Celebration at Fowler's Yard, 13 June; (160) Steve [Roper] and Marj Almost 42 Party at SMC, 16 June; (161) Grad's House barbecue, 21 June; (162)
Annabel Burrows and Irene Hindmarsh, St Aidan's dinner, 27 April; (163) Alison [Brenner] 21st Birthday Party at The Castle Inn, 16 May; (164) SMC principal at home, 19 June.
165. Duke of Wellington Inn bill [for Geophysics dinner], 18 June.
166. Ralph Waller farewell drinks invite, 23 June.
167. SMC Valedictory Service invite, 18 June.
168. Final years sherry with staff invite from M.H.P. Bott, 8 June.
169. Thank you card for being “a super senior woman”.
170. Good luck card from the Social Committee.
171. Get Well card from Penny.
Palatinate reports on [DU] croquet and badminton teams, Richard Foster and Tim Bird underlined.
174. DU Congregation programme, 1-2 July 1981.
175,176. SMC Graduands' Service invite and service paper, 30 June 1981.
177. Letter from Dr Lavis to ACF thanking her for her contribution to the Ian Graham Memorial Fund, 4 September 1985.
178. Home addresses of 3rd year [Geology/Geophysics] students, with some notes of first destinations, [June 1981].
179. Congratulation cards on passing finals from Aunty Mary and Uncle Neil, Dorothy, Bessie and Joan.
Paper file, 33f with 179 items stuck or stapled on
UND/F8/H9 1940 - 1954
Margaret Fergusson's (principal 1940-1955) photographs of SMC's senior women when she was principal.
1. Sarah Errington (1938-1941), in the church doorway [at her wedding to] Rev J. McManners, 1951.
2. Sarah Errington, cutting her wedding cake with Rev McManners, 1951.
3. Hugh McManners standing in romper suit, 1 year 4 months, March 1953.
4. ?Joyce Daintith (1938-1942, SW 1941/2), kneeling with dog in SMC garden, 1940.
5. Dorothy M. Teasdale (1939-1943, SW 1942/3) [married/engaged to Leslie C.] Lowther, both seated on a rug on steps in front of SMC, Summer 1944.
6. Group of Kathleen Lamb, Betty Yates, Miss Prestcott, Lila Hellerova, Dorothy Modral, Kate L.M. Lewis (1940-1944, SW 1943/4), Muriel E. Robinson, seated in SMC garden, Summer 1944.
7. [Isobel Thomas] (1943-1947, SW 1946/7) head and shoulders, by Turners (Photography] Ltd of Newcastle.
8. Isobel Thomas, in wedding dress, walking down the path of St Paul's church Jarrow with her husband Rev [William H.] Jefferson, 30 October 1948. Copyright
The Shields Gazette.
9. Edith Muriel Beer (1945-1950, SW 1949/50), on a balcony at SMC, [?1949].
10. Cynthia G. Tett (1947-1951, SW 1950/1), at her wedding to Richard U. Dawes, with best man and 2 bridesmaids, outside, [?1951]. By Kenneth Pratt Ltd of 27 Arundel St, Portsmouth.
11. J. Constance M. Gilbey (1948-1952, SW 1951/2), in gown and hood, [?1951].
12. Renate S. Heydeman (1950-1954, SW 1953/4), head and shoulders, with brooch, [?1954].
12 BW prints
UND/F8/H10 1916 - 1943
Photograph album of Miss Rachel Eleanor Duff Donaldson (RD) (principal 1915-1940), containing photos of college buildings and students, often with herself, and their activities (especially plays) at The Abbey and (mostly) 8 The College, and
outside Durham, and also some of students' homes and susbequent children sent to her. Many of the images have captions, in often rather unclear tippex. There are also some inserted notes identifying individuals in some of the images.
1. “Going-down picnic Rothbury” Miss Dacomb (seated, front left), senior tutor, censor, and lecturer in history(?), RD (seated, front right), standing in back row: Mabel Lamb, Fay Stuart, Kathleen McGowan, Dorothy
Martin, Irene Rowell; lunch with strawberries and cream in 1929.
2. “D.W.S.A. Hospital Tournament” RD standing on lawn (left) with tennis partner (Manley?).
3. “Convocation” group outside, RD (standing, front row, third from left) with M. Watts (front row, third from right), Erica Lea (back row, first from left), and L. Wathers (? front row, first from left)
4. “The Sundial” RD standing on lawn next to sundial, in fur-trimmed coat.
5. “Garden” RD seated on steps, in fur-trimmed coat.
6. “Dr. H. I. Wilkie” portrait photograph, head and shoulders, of senior tutor and lecturer in English.
7. “Elizabethan Madrigals” postcard of the college society, in costume, c.1925; front right: Lording Tankard; W. Rigby becomes woman; pouring liquid into tankard 'Baby' Morton; to her right Kathleen McGowan; to
right behind W. Rigby - in cape and plumed hat, D. King; left front seated with church warden raw HARE; to right of seller of 'farings' and looking at bottle 'Paddy' O'Grady.
8. “Riders to the Sea” Dramatic Society production in 1928; on stage, K. McGowan (kneeling on left), Mary Drury (kneeling on right), V. Lambert (standing), and one other student (crouching).
9-11. “Congreve's Way of the World” Dramatic Society production in 1939; students in costume standing in front of steps in 8 The College garden.
12. Female student (? Miss Dacomb) posed in academic cap, hood and gown, with book, 3/4 length.
13. Dramatic society production of
Catherine Parr by L. Baring, 1928, showing three students on stage, in costume, by John R. Edis.
14. Dramatic society production, showing five students in costume, all standing on stage; lady with fan - Nancy Rigby, centre - Mary Drury, second from right - Fay Stuart.
15. “College Chapel” interior, showing the altar, built in the garden of 8 The College.
16. “Tennis Four”, four students before a door, in whites and college blazers with a racquet; Mary Watts (front left), 'Bunny' Urwin (front right), Jean Gillett (back left), c.1923x1926.
17. Four tennis players [on a tennis court], in whites and college blazers (2 striped, 1 plain), with a racquet: Dorothy Martin (front left), Jessie Watson (front right), Mary Wilson (back left), and Margaret Watts (younger sister of Mary Watts,
back right); c.1927x1928.
18. Dinner party group, in black tie/long dresses, 6 men (1 cleric), 4 ladies (RD front row, 2nd from L).
19,21. “Edmondbyers. 1938” RD seated on a hill, picnicking, with 2 [students].
20. “Saltburn. 1938” RD standing (centre) with two students on the pier, Flat Scar beyond.
22-24. “Ullswater. 1939” RD picnicking with 6 [students], seated on a treed grassy hillside.
25. Women's Hostel members in 1916, standing in the Abbey House entrance. Back row: E.J. Cann, H.M. Spraggon. Second to back row: W. Wheatley, E.P. Troughton, D. Tomlinson, G. Pestell. Second to front row: R. Worsley, N.M. Tunstall, RD, A.
Barlow, W. Dodds. Front row: K. Harle, A. Garbett, D. Thwaite, M.B. Robinson.
26. “A. Macintyre”, Aline Marion Reed Macintyre, (B.A. in 1922, Principal's Secretary 1922-1923, Bursar of St Mary's College 1923-1925), in evening dress and pearls, half length.
27. “M. Sinker”, Mary Christian Sinker seated at a desk reading a book, (B.A. in 1924), half length.
28. “D. Goinapathy”, two women and one man of Indian descent standing in a garden.
29. “Ullswater 1939” two seated students on a hillside (as in 22-24).
30. “1936” group of nine students in the garden of 8 The College, variously dressed.
31. “1936” group shot of five students (four in academic dress) standing in garden of 8 The College.
32. “V. Broxup”, Vera Forsyth Broxup with a dog standing on a lawn, (B.A. in 1923, Secretary of St Mary's College 1925-1926, senior tutor).
33. 5-8 The College buildings.
34. “The cedar” view of garden of 8 The College.
35. “The garden” two students standing near the sundial and pond in the garden of 8 The College.
36. “Main building” vegetable garden with the back of 8 The College beyond.
37. “View from College Window” of 12 The College (part), the water tower, refectory and cathedral beyond.
38. “Front of main building” archway and entrance to 8 The College.
39. “Welldan House (?)” view of South Bailey buildings.
40. South Bailey street frontage.
41. “Abbey House” front from Palace Green.
42. Young woman standing among vegetation in [8 The College] garden.
43. Back of [?Welldon House] with the cathedral tower beyond.
44. View N from the city gate at the end of the South Bailey towards St Cuthbert's.
45. “M. Cavell” woman with two children seated on steps in front of a house.
46. Young child gesticulating in a perambulator in front of a gate.
47. “H. Dales” young child sitting in a wicker basket, arms raised.
48. “C. Gulliver” woman with [daughter] seated on a beached boat.
49. Young child standing in a garden.
50. “R. Hartley” a young girl, half length.
51. Infant seated on a cushion [in a photographer's studio].
52. “Professor J.H. How.”, in clerical garb, head and shoulders.
53. Woman holding a toddler by a lamp-post.
54. Young girl in a bonnet seated with a picture book in a tent.
55. Ten students with RD (middle row, left) in the garden of 8 The College.
56. Infant seated in a perambulator; inscription on back - “Kate at 8 1/2 months. (June, 1943). With best wishes for Christmas and after. Inez Branson.”
57. “Students' Homes”“E. Millar” (formerly Ellen M. Wathes), front of a house.
58. “Students' Homes”“L. Brigham” front of a house “Craigstone” .
59. “Students' Homes”“E. Dales” lane leading to house and additional buildings with mountains in background.
60. “Students' Homes” from the interior of a home showing door and garden.
61. “Boroughbridge Modern School, Yorks. P.M. Flaternan, Oct. 1944.”, exterior.
62. View from the Banks up to 13 The College and the cathedral western towers “Taken by H. Moericke (?)”
63. “Garden” and the back of 8 The College.
64. “Garden” of 8 The College with cedar tree.
65. “Garden Steps” in 8 The College.
66. “College Chapel” interior looking towards the altar, with lilies.
Black leather album with black paper pages; 48f with 66 BW prints
Size: 225 x 310mm
Digitised material for Rachel Eleanor Duff Donaldson photograph album, 1916 - 1943 - UND/F8/H10 UND/F8/H11 1923 - 1933
Certificates and photos from Eveline Blackett's time at Bede Collegiate Girls' School, Sunderland (mostly) and Durham University.
Eveline Blackett (Mrs. Brown): 1925-1929, 1929 B.A., 1930 One term at St Hugh's College, Oxford, Crosby Fellowship, London - Research Fellowship held at Crosby Hall, London. Mary Gray Allen Studentship at St Hugh's College, Oxford. 1930 Temporary
post, Blackheath High School, 1930 Prox. acc. Bryn Mawr Scholarship, 1931 Assistant Mistress, Casterton School, Cainforth, 1933 M.A.
Given by her son 12 October 2005.
For her [1926 or 1927] college group photo, see UND/F8/FA1927.
Digitised material for Eveline Blackett photographs and certificates, 1923 - 1933 - UND/F8/H11UND/F8/H11/1 July 1923
University of Durham School Certificate A awarded to Eveline Blackett in for three years of study at Bede Collegiate School, Sunderland, with credit in Modern History, Mathematics, and Chemistry and with distinction in English, Latin, French
(written and oral), and Geography, signed by M.E. Boon, headmistress, and Arthur Robinson, vice-chancellor.
Paper, 1p, printed with ms additions
UND/F8/H11/2 July 1925
University of Durham Higher Certificate A awarded to Eveline Blackett for attendance at Bede Collegiate Girls' School, Sunderland from September 1923 for a course in Modern Studies, reaching the required standard in the principal subjects English
and French, with distinction in Modern History, and the subsidiary standard in Latin, signed by M.E. Boon, headmistress, and Theodore Morison, vice-chancellor.
Paper, 1p, printed with ms additions
UND/F8/H11/3 27 June 1929
University of Durham Degree of Bachelor of Arts certificate awarded to Eveline Blackett for first class honours in French.
Parchment, 1m, printed with ms additions
UND/F8/H11/4 24 March 1933
University of Durham Degree of Master of Arts certificate awarded to Eveline Brown.
parchment, 1m, printed with ms additions
UND/F8/H11/5-8 [c.1925]
[Bede Collegiate Girls' School Sunderland] groups, in front of netting in front of a wooden building, a few girls in dark gymslips with white badges, most dressed otherwise, various groupings of girls and [teachers]:
5. 11 girls/ladies.
6. 12 girls/ladies.
7. 11 girls/ladies.
8. 13 girls/ladies.
4 BW prints
Size: 55/70 x 80/115mm
UND/F8/H11/9 [c.1925]
4 girls in a play, on stage around a bench, in contemporary costume.
BW print
Size: 110 x 155mm
UND/F8/H11/10 [c.1925]
[Bede Collegiate Girls' School Sunderland] group, students 9in dark gymslips with white badges) and teachers (one male), in front of a windowed building, by Harold Wheatley of Sunderland.
BW print, mounted on card
Size: 135 x 185 (print), 205 x 280mm (mount)
UND/F8/H11/11 [c.1925]
Play, 8 participants on stage in period (wigs) costume.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 155 x 200mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
UND/F8/H12 1927
Charles Letts's 1927 Self-Opening Pocket Diary [of Irene Rowell (1926-1930 BSc)], with the university arms on the cover and a list of university dates for 1927 stuck inside the front cover, with only a few entries made
for January.
Paper booklet, printed with some ms entries
Size: 105 x 70mm
UND/F8/H13 1964
Photo of Rag Week, St Mary's team (7) with one riding a tricycle, Annie Kolbe on far right, with a covering letter of 2002 from Kolbe.
BW print + 1f
UND/F8/H14 [c.1955]
Photos featuring Margaret E. Selby (BA 1955), with a copy sheet identifying her. She taught at Moreton Hall, Shropshire, then returned to Durham as a tutor at Lightfoot House in 1958 before being at St Luke's Cowley, Oxford, by 1961. She went on
to be the first paid employee in the country working for Christian Aid, then set up and ran a Centre for refugees in Balsall Heath in Birmingham in the early 1960s, then worked as chaplain at Aston University before working for Sheffield Diocese and
finally as Director of Studies at Mirfield College.
1. SMC students in gowns assembling outside the college entrance [for a college photo].
2. 7 women students sitting on steps outside a large window.
3. 43 women students sitting on the same steps.
4. Rag procession, outside Palace Green Library, SMC pantomime horse, with part of Hatfield's Everest float, 1953.
4 BW prints, + 1f
Given by her niece, January 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:25.