Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Misc.Ch
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1000-1999
Dates of creation: 1093 - 19th century
Extent: ca. 1,000 items
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
The class Miscellaneous Charters was created in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph Stevenson, in the process of cataloguing substantial portions of Durham Cathedral's medieval muniments. How exactly he proceeded is not clear, but his work did
not cover major sections of medieval material, notably the documents catalogued in the late fifteenth-century Magnum Repertorium, and also almost all the accounting material. He catalogued the documents classed in the sequence of numbered Locelli, a
medieval creation whose basic principle of arrangement according to subject he retained, but without preserving its details. The documents initially assigned to Miscellaneous Charters had clear topographical associations, for the arrangement
evidently began with an alphabetical order of places in view, and it is uncertain whether it was originally intended to have in this class the very much more miscellaneous material, some of it post-medieval, that Stevenson went on to include;
nonetheless, where he could do so, he attempted with each fresh batch of material to maintain an alphabetical order of places.
Stevenson left the arrangement of the documents catalogued in the Magnum Repertorium untouched. Despite the fact that catalogues survived, or could be reconstructed from endorsements on the documents, he re-arranged every other medieval
collection of deeds, assigning the documents to Miscellaneous Charters. Subsequently, with the aid of the extant catalogues, Canon Greenwell restored what he believed to be the arrangement of the deeds of the Almoner (Elemos.), Finchale priory
(Finc.), and the Sacrist (Sacr.), transferring the documents out of Miscellaneous Charters. He did not attempt the same with the Scottish material, although the catalogue in Misc.Ch. 1026 might have made this possible, and he left in Miscellaneous
Charters the collections which are attested by endorsements on the documents, notably the Communar's deeds, also the deeds of the Trinity chantry and of the chantries of Bishops Skirlawe and Langley. Documents remain in Miscellaneous Charters whose
endorsed medieval markings reveal that they formerly belonged in the system of locelli, or in receptacles described as cista and cophinus. Also within Miscellaneous Charters are to be found a substantial number of post-dissolution documents, most of
them from the period 1540-1600. One notable medieval collection found in Miscellaneous Charters is a private fifteenth-century deposit of Claxton family deeds; these are only readily identified by the fact that they concern property and other
matters with which the chapter had no connection. The same applies to a single document relating to property in Ireland, Misc.Ch. 5243, presumably deposited by its beneficiary, who never returned to collect it; there may be other, less conspicuous,
Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.
19th century wrappers destroyed on repackaging in 2024, noting:
Seals for items 1139-1172 and 1229-1242 noted as "varnished"
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library ( The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but
responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.
To make the catalogue of Miscellaneous Charters less bulky it was split into parts in April 2018. As the Charters do not have a single logical sequence, so the split is purely by number and does not convey any significance by the
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1-999Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1000-1999Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 2000-2999Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive:
Miscellaneous Charters 3000-3999Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 4000-4999Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 5000-5999Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 6000-end
Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève ms.356 (Cartulary of Ste-G) p.171, s.xiii med. Viris religiosis in Cristo karissimis R. priori Dunelinen' (recte Dunelmen') ecclesie et eiusdem ecclesie conuentui H(erbertus) abbas et A. prior totusque
conuentus sancte Genouese Par' salutem in domino. In vestram volumus venire noticiam quod nos in deposito recepimus trecentas marchas bonorum nouorum et legalium sterlingorum nomine vestro de pecunia domini pape per manum Stephani de Sorci burgensis
Ambian' pro qua etiam pecunia mandauit nobis dominus Stephanus capellanus domini pape per litteras suas patentes in litteris vestris reclusas quod ipsam pecuniam in deposito reciperemus et ipsam tamdiu penes nos custodiremus donec de ipsa pecunia
mandatum aliud haberemus. In cuius rei testimonium presentes litteras sigillis abbatis et prioris pro se et pro conuentu sancte Geno(uese) vobis transmittimus sigillitas. Actum anno domini mo.cco.xxxo. in die natiuitatis sancti Iohannis Bapt(iste).
Anderson, J.
Scotland Independent (1705)
Thomson, A.
Coldingham: parish and priory (1908)
Regesta regum scottorum, 1153-1424, vols. 1-2, ed. Barrow, G.W.S.
Carr, A.A.
A history of Coldingham priory (1836).
The priory of Coldingham. The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings ..., ed. Raine, J. (Surtees Society: v12. 1841)
Hunter, W.K.,
History of the Priory of Coldingham (Edinburgh, 1858)
Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837) [cited
Calendar of the Charter Rolls (London, 1903-1927) [cited as [
C.Ct.R. ]
Durham Episcopal Charters, 1071-1152, ed. H.S. Offler (Surtees Society 179, 1968)
Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis: A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham , compiled in the fifteenth century, ed. W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872)
Greenwell, W. and Blair, C.H. “Durham seals”,
Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd ser. vii-xvii (1911-20) [cited as G&B ]
Rotuli litterarum patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1835) [cited
Calendar of the Patent Rolls (London, 1891-1916) [cited as
C.P.R. ]
Rhymer, T.
Foedera ... (London, 1704-35).
Monasticon Anglicanum (1655: repr. 1846)
Rites of Durham ed Raine, J. (Surtees Society v15)
Wyon, A.B. and Wyon, A.
The great seals of England from the earliest period to the present time, (London, 1887).
Misc.Ch. 1000-1100DCD Misc.Ch. 1000 [?1240s]
Charter of Richard son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to Simon his brother 10 acres of land in the "cultura" of Coteflat, with a toft and croft of 1 acre of land on the eastern part of Richard's garden, for a rent of 8d
p.a., to the fraternities of St John (1d), St Mary of Bedleem (1d), St Lazarus (1d), and the church of Ayton (5d)
Witnesses: Lord Anketin, Prior of Coldingham, Henry de Seleby, terrar, Lord William de Lind', Alan de Swinton, William de Mordington, John his son, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam his
son, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No. 2925. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1000. - Charter of Richard son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1001 2 July 1450
Exemplification of a charter of Alexander II [Misc.Ch. 615] concerning the woods of the prior and convent of Coldingham by Thomas Nesbit prior of Coldingham
Paper, 1p, some staining on the dorse
Size: 11¾ x 8¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1002 [?1230s]
Charter of David de Quickswood, granting to the fabric of the church of Coldingham 16 acres of his land in the "territorio" of Coldingham, with ⅓ of a toft and croft in the western part of the vill of Coldingham, which
land he holds in exchange for land in the vill of Aldcambus.
Witnesses: Thomas de Melsanby, Prior of Coldingham, Lord Ranulf de Bonkil, Lord William de Mordington,
Lord Alan de Swinton, Walter & Andrew de Paxton, Adam de Reston & Bertram his son, William, clerk of
Midford, Ralph the provost, John de Lumsden, William Scot , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 4½"
Seal: G&B No.2943. Green wax. Attached by parchment tag through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1002. - Charter of David de Quickswood, granting to the fabric of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1003 [?1230s]
Charter of Gilbert, son of William, son of Halden de Rothbury, selling and quitclaiming to John de Hunsingore or his assigns, all the land he had in Coldingham, for 6 silver marks, viz. the land which Ralph Contract gave
to the prior and convent of Coldingham and which they gave to him at an annual rent of 12d.
Witnesses: Lord Thomas, Prior of Coldingham, Lord Henry de Prendergest, Adam his son, William
de Lumsden and David his son, Robert son of G. the steward and Thomas his son, John de Lumsden, Ralph the provost,
Richard de Herigton, William de Herigton, Adam the Baker, Ralph the sergeant, William Scot , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 3½"
Seal: G&B No. 2983. Green wax. Attached by parchment tag through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1003. - Charter of Gilbert, son of William, son of Halden de ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1004 [26 May] 1331
Charter of Thomas, son of Ralph de Swinewood, quitclaiming, in the court of the Prior of Coldingham at Aldengraw, on Tuesday after the Feast of St Petronilla [1331 - 4 June] to the prior and convent of Durham, the fifth
part of the vill of Swinewood, which he held by hereditary right of his great-grandfather (proavi) Roger.
Witnesses: Lord Robert de Lawedre, father of the justiciar of Lothian, Lord Robert de Lawedre his son, Lord Henry de Prendergest,
kts., John de Raynton, Gilbert de Lumsden, John Eghlyne, steward of the Prior of Coldingham, Roger de
Westlumsden, Alexander de Chesholme, Henry, Lord of Swinton, John de Aynnewyk, John de Paxton,
William son of Ralph, and many others
Given at Coldingham, Trinity 1331.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some staining
Size: 9¾ x 9¼"
Seal: Fragment only. Attached by parchment tag through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1005 [1258 x 1290]
Charter of Henry de Prendergest, knight, informing H[ugh of Darlington] prior of Durham that after the death of Adam his father he did homage and paid relief for his father's tenements, viz. 60/- for the tenement in
Prendergest and 3/- for the tenement in Coldingham, and obliging himself to pay more if it is found after enquiry by good and legal men that he should.
Parchment, 1m, damaged left edge repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 7¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2919. Green wax. Fragmentary. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1005. - Charter of Henry de Prendergest, knight, informing H[ugh of Darlington] ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1006 [c.1230s]
Charter of David de Quickswood granting, with the assent of Thomas his heir [see Misc.Ch. 1007] 1½ acres of land in the "territorio" of Coldingham, viz. that which he had next the sea under the rock "Sabuli".
Witnesses: John and Stephen, chaplains of Coldingham, Robert son of Gregory, William the clerk,
Geoffrey and German, clerks, Alan, the sacrist's man, Benedict the smith , and many others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2942. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXLVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1006. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting, with the assent of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1007 [c.1250s]
Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, confirming the gift of David his father in Misc.Ch. 1006 q.v.
Witnesses: John & Stephen, chaplains of Coldingham, Robert son of Gregory, William the clerk,
Geoffrey and German, clerks, Alan the sacrist's man, Benedict the smith , and many others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 2"
Seal: G&B No.2947. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXLVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1007. - Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, confirming the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1008 [c.1240s]
Charter of David de Quickswood granting, with the assent of the prior and convent of Coldingham and of his heirs, to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and the almoner of Coldingham 3 roods of land next to Ebbecnol on the east,
which Waldef Pethun held, which he had exchanged for lands in Aldcambus.
Witnesses: David & Stefan, chaplains, Robert son of Gregory, Thomas and Alexander, sons of David de Quickswood,
Roger son of Ralph the provost, Geoffrey & German, clerks, Ralph the sergeant , and many others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 3¼"
Seal: G&B No.2943. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXLIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1008. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting, with the assent of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1009 [later 13th century]
Charter of Hugh Levedyman de Largehope and Eva his wife, quitclaiming the sale of all his land which Laurence, son of William, son of Gocelin of Berwick had in Prendergest, which Laurence sold to Richard, prior and convent
of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Robert, son of the steward of Coldingham, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Gilbert
de Lumsden, John son of Ingeram, Patrick son of Coleman, Adam Marshall, John de Billingham,
Elias the brother, Robert son of Reginald, Gregory de Betyoc.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2870 & 1 unidentified. Natural wax. Each attached by a parchment tag through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5968
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5969
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1009. - Charter of Hugh Levedyman de Largehope and Eva his wife, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1010 6 July 1366
Declaration that the Prior of Coldingham is not bound to answer suits at the courts of the Justices Itinerant of the King of Scotland, because he holds the barony of Coldingham in pure and perpetual alms by royal charter.
Added to the rolls by Adam Forestar, clerk of the rolls, by precept of Dom Robert of Erskine justiciar.
At Melrose at the court of the justices itinerant, Monday 6 July 1366.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 4¾"
Seal: the office of Justices Itinerant. Natural wax. Attached to a tongue cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1011 [c.1230s]
Charter of David de Quickswood granting 1 acre of land in the "campo" of Coldingham for celebrating mass of St Mary in the church of Coldingham, viz. that acre lying on Halidunestele.
Witnesses: David, Stephen and Reginald of Coldingham, chaplains, David de Lumsden, Gilbert son of John,
Robert son of Gregory, Geoffrey & German, clerks, Ralph the sergeant, Peter his son,
Benedict the smith, Alan the sacrist's man , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 3"
Seal: Blank parchment sealing tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1011. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting 1 acre of land ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1012 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Elias the smith giving to God, St Mary, St Ebbe, and the sacrist of Coldingham all his land on Pilemor with ½ acre of land; and all his land in 2 places in the west part of Dunekonl?; and one "delphum" and its
contents on Halidene, and ½ acre next to the way by Stirkendun; all in exchange for 1 toft, viz. the toft which Wido the chaplain gave to the sacrist.
Witnesses: William de Scremerston, steward, Adam de Prendergest, Robert [son] of the steward, Adam son of John, Alan the sacrist's man, Adam the janitor, John de Billingham , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B No.2824. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1012. - Charter of Elias the smith giving to the sacrist of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1013 [?1230s]
Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, for the souls of his father and mother, granting to God, St Cuthbert, and the prior and convent of Durham 10 acres of land in the "territorio" of Coldingham in the place
called Flores, which his father had granted them [Misc.Ch. 886].
Witnesses: T[homas de Melsanby] Prior of Coldingham, Robert Arundel, William Buke, Laurence, Hugh the clerk, John de Dorsete, Geoffrey de Norhanton , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 4½"
Seal: G&B No.2948. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1013. - Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1014 4 June 1304
Notarial instrument witnessing an appeal entered by Thomas de Rillington, proctor of the monks of Durham, to Alan, Abbot of Alnwick, against Anthony Bek who had obtained from the Pope [Benedict XI] the Priorship of
Coldingham for Hugh, Bishop of Biblien', and pointing out why the letters from the Pope [quoted] were obtained by "suggestio falsi et suppressio veri".
Present: Brothers William de Yerdeley and Adam de Schelton, canons of the monastery of Alnwick, Masters Peter de Fishburn, Thomas
de Middelburgh, William de Allerton , Henry de Bette, clerks.
Notarial sign of Thomas de Seleby, clerk of York diocese, NP by imperial authority and judge ordinary.
Parchment, 1m, some small rust holes
Size: 14 x 20"
Decoration: elaborated initial 'I'
Printed: Raine SS.12 IV.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1014. - Notarial instrument witnessing an appeal entered by Thomas de Rillington, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1015 [?1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby R?[alph de Kerneth] prior, and the convent of Durham, grant to Adam de Edington lands in Coldingham with ⅓ of a toft and croft of David de Quickswood, which the said David gave the prior and convent from
his land in the vill of Coldingham, in exchange for land which he [Adam] held in the vill of Aldcambus [enumerated], rendering an annual rent of 6d to the fabric of the church of Coldingham.
Witness: chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “carta” cut through, top left corner gnawed away with some text lost, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 6½ x 5"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1254 (counterpart)
Copied in DCD Reg.I, f.i.14v-15r.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1015. - Indenture whereby R. Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1016 19 June 1341
Letters of Walter de Skaresbrek, prior-presentate to the Priory of Coldingham, appointing Robert de Kellawe monk of Durham and Gilbert de Lumsden his proctors.
Sealed with the seal of the common Chapter of Durham.
At Durham, 19 June 1341.
Reply of the Bishop of St Andrew's to the letters, received from monk Simon
Date: St Andrew's, 13 January.
Parchment, 1m, with 3 diamond-shaped [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 10¾ x 6"
Seal: Missing, stubs for a [sealing] tongue and wrapping tie
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXXXVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1017 [mid 13th century]
Letters of W. master of "Sancti Monialium" of Haddington, by the abbot of Dunfermline and D. vicar of Haddington, by the abbot of Holyrood subdelegated as judges by the papal delegates, certifying that Robert Burning
denies having any right over land in Haddington, which W[illiam] King of Scots gave to the prior and convent of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8½ x 4¾"
Seal: (1) of W. G&B No.3662.
(2) of the vicar of Haddington. G&B No.3643.
Both green wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Copy: Misc.Ch. 1452, item 7
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCLV; (and translated) P.C. Ferguson,
Medieval Papal Representatives in Scotland ... 1125-1286, (Edinburgh 1997), p.286-288.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1017. - Letters of W. master of Sancti Monialium of Haddington, by ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1018 ?[1244 x 1258]
Indenture of Bertram, prior, and the convent of Durham, confirming to Henry, son of Unfrid de Rapereslawe, and Agnes, daughter of David de Paxton, all that part of the "hereditas" of David which fell to Agnes his
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, with 'carta' cut through, some tears repaired c.1970
Size: 6½ x 3"
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.16r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1018. - Indenture of Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, confirming ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1019 [3 November] 1278
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior, and the convent of Durham, grant to Adam son of Costric, his heirs and assigns except for Jews and other religious men, all that land in Renigton with capital messuage and all
pertinents, which Adam son and heir of Reginald Dreng of Renigton brought to the house of Coldingham for an annual rent of 8s, half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist, half at St Martin.
Witness: chapter.
At Durham, morrow of All Souls 1278.
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented head, zig-zag, ?'carta' cut through, some tears and stains
Size: 8¾ x 6"
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i..49v
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1019. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1020 16 January 1331
Notarial instrument, whereby Adam de Pontefract, prior of Coldingham, desiring the friendship of James, Bishop of St Andrew's, promises to give him 200 marks sterling, and on the next visit of the bishop to Coldingham will
assign him rents worth that sum, and the bishop will confirm the privileges of Coldingham and all agreements of his predecessors.
Done in the cemetery of the church of Leswade, present Robert de St Andrew's, canon of Glasgow and John de Ayton, perpetual vicar of Leswade.
Notarial sign of Rauland Oliver de Stanisfeld, clerk of York
diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¼ x 8½"
Printed: Raine SS.12 XVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1021 11 June 1442
Notarial instrument, in which John Oll, Prior of Coldingham, declares how he appeared before James [II], King of Scotland, and declared how he had been presented to the priorship by the prior and convent of Durham and
admitted by James [Kennedy], Bishop of St Andrew's, and this instrument was prepared to certify to this admission.
In the presence of: James [Kennedy], Bishop of St Andrew's, Lord Alexander de Levyngston, Lord of Calentare, Lord John Sibalde,
Lord of Balgownie, Lord Alexander de Home, Lord of Home, James de Levyngston, captain of Stirling Castle, Master William Turnbull, keeper of
the Scottish privy seal, Henry de Levyngston "computor" of the rolls, Edmund de Haya and Alexander de Cokburn, with many others
Date: royal chamber in Stirling Castle around the 4th hour, 11 June 1442, Pont.12 Eugenius IV.
Notarial signs of: Henry Malvile, priest of St Andrew's diocese, MA, NP by imperial authority; John Arowe, priest of St Andrew's diocese, NP by imperial authority; and James de Parkle, clerk of St Andrew's diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¼ x 17¾"
Printed: Raine SS.12.CLVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1022 [1240s]
Charter of Adam, son of Philip de Coldingham, granting to William the carpenter of Coldingham 1 toft and a croft in Coldingham, viz. which Adam son of Gunnild held in Coldingham, and 1½ acres of land between Flaxiwelles
and Kelloclawe, to hold of Gilbert de Wolveston and Agnes de Prendergest, his wife, for 16d p.a. in equal portions at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and St Martin, with warranty against all men and women.
Witnesses: Lord Richard, Prior of Coldingham, Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of the steward, Gilbert de Lumsden, Ralph the sergeant, Robert son of Reginald, Gregory de Betyoc, John de
Billingham, Elias the baker, John Bricun , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B No.2785. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1022. - Charter of Adam, son of Philip de Coldingham, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1023 [1325 x 1332]
Charter of Robert, called almoner, of Coldingham, quitclaiming to Lord Adam de Pontefract, prior and convent of Coldingham, 1 toft and croft and 14 acres in Coldingham, called Stampardescroft.
Witnesses: Roger de East Lumsden, Robert de Hoveden, Adam Forester, John Ponder,
Thomas Stute, and others
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 9 x 4¼"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1023. - Charter of Robert, called almoner, of Coldingham, quitclaiming to Lord ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1024 [29 January 1441/2] (recto)
Language: Latin (recto) English (verso)
Recto. Draft of a letter to the proctor of the church of Durham at Rome, saying that William Drax died 6 December last, and that John Oll had been admitted and instituted, but William Boys, monk of Dunfermline, claimed to
be presented thereto, and saying he encloses extracted clauses from papal bulls concerning presentations to Coldingham.
Dorse. Draft of a petition seeking letters from the Cardinal of England, and the earls of Salisbury and Northumberland directed to the king of Scotland, asking for the monks of Durham to enjoy the right of presentation to
the church of Coldingham.
Both sides with cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 1p, torn
Size: 14½ x 3½"
Copy (recto): Reg. II para. f.151v
Printed (recto): Raine, SS.12 CXLV.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1024. - Recto. Draft of a letter to the proctor of the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1025 [late 15th century]
Part of a catalogue of charters concerning the Convent of Coldingham, with some marginal places and dates, dated up to 1471, with cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 1p, damaged edges repaired with paper c.1970
DCD Misc.Ch. 1026 [late 15th century]
Repertorium of charters and muniments etc, concerning the prior of Coldingham, with some marginal places and dates, from 1.Scotie to 4.Scotie, dated up to 1471, .
Paper booklet, 8f, some ink stains
Size: 225 x 155mm
Watermark: hand with a flower
DCD Misc.Ch. 1027 [mid 13th century]
Charter of John de Golin, son of John de Steveniston, granting to the God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Durham at Coldingham that carrucate of land in Swinton which Lord William de Golin held of the chapter
of Durham for a quitclaim of the vill of Greater Lumsden.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, sheriff of Berwick, Lord William de Mordington, Lord John de Letham',
Lord Alan de Swinton, Lord Adam de Prendergest, Robert, William and Alexander de Paxton, John son of
Elias, William, vicar of Aldcambus, Bertram de Little Reston, Robert son of Reginald, Adam, reeve of
Coldingham , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 6"
Seal: G&B No.2837 (repaired). Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXVIII
Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 1034.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1027. - Charter of John de Golin, son of John de Steveniston, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1028 [mid 13th century]
Charter of John de Steveneston, son of Archibald de Golin, with the assent of John his heir, renouncing and quitclaiming to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the prior and convent of of th emonks of Durham at Coldingham that
carrucate of land in Swinton which Bertram, prior and convent of Durham, gave to William de Golin, his brother, for the quitclaim of the vill of Greater Lumsden and the renunciation of his rights in that vill.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, sheriff of Berwick, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton,
Lord John de Letham, Adam de Prendergest, Robert, William and Alexander de Paxton, William, vicar of
Aldcambus, John son of Elias, Bertram de Reston , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7½ x 5¾"
Seal: (1) of John de Golin. G&B No.2837. Natural wax.
(2) of John de Steveneston. G&B No.2994. Green wax.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXVI
Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 1033.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1028. - Charter of John de Steveneston, son of Archibald de Golin, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1029 [22 November] 1271
Charter of William, son of Beatrix de East Swinton granting to God and St Ebbe, the Prior and monks of Coldingham serving God all that land with pertinents in Estirswinton which Walter son of Leolph "my uncle" held,
warranted against all men and women.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, Lord Peter de Mordington,
milites, Master Hugh de
Hartlepool, William Bel, vicar of Lamberton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Thomas Frances, Alan de
Swinton, and others
Given in the full court at Ayton, Sunday after the Octave of St Martin in winter 1271.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.3000. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip reused from another document through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1030
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1029. - Charter of William, son of Beatrix de East Swinton granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1031 [c.1246 x 1250]
Charter of Patrick son of Thomas son of David de Quickswood, in 1246, quitclaiming to God, St Mary, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and Richard, Prior of Coldingham and the monks of Durham serving God there, the vill of Swinton, the
vill of Aldcambus and 10 acres in Flores, with warranty against all men and women.
Witnesses: Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of the steward of Coldingham, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Patrick son of Coleman, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Adam son of Walter de Upper Ayton,
David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Elias the smith of Coldingham, Gregory de Betyoc, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 5½"
Seal: G&B No.2946. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip reused from another document through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1031. - Charter of Patrick son of Thomas son of David de ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1032 [early 13th century]
Charter of William, called rector of the church of Golin, with the assent of John his brother and heir, granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe of Coldingham and the prior and monks there serving God of 2 marks of
silver, half at St Martin and half at St John the Baptist, in the land which he holds from the monks in Swinton.
Witnesses: John his brother and heir, Lord William, chaplain of Hadington, Hugh the clerk, William de Langold, Hunric, marshal of the Prior, Adam de Laton his brother, Walter de Alaineseles , and many
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 5¼"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1032. - Charter of William, called rector of the church of Golin, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1033 [mid 13th century]
Charter of John de Steveneston, son of Archibald of Golin, with the consent and will of his heir John, for the salvation of the souls of himself and his ancestors and successors, granting and quitclaiming to God, St
Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the prior and monks of Durham at Coldingham of that carucate of land in Swinton which Bertram, prior, and the convent of Durham, gave to William of Golin, his brother, for the quitclaim of the vill of Greater Lumsden and the
renunciation of his rights in that vill, which his brother William and John’s ancestors held of the prior and monks of Durham by a charter of the chapter of Durham, and he has now resigned and returned this charter, and the confirmation of King
William [of Scotland] into the hand of Dom Anketin, prior of Coldingham, in the full chapter of the monks of Coldingham and in the court of the prior at Ayton.
Sealed by John himself and his son John.
Witnesses: Dom William de Lindsey sheriff of Berwick, Dom William de Mordington, Dom Alan of Swinton, Dom John de Letham, Adam de Prendergest, Robert, William and Alexander de Paxton, William vicar of Aldcambus, John son of Elias, Bertram of
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¼ x 5"
Seal: G&B Nos.2837 & 2994. Each attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1028
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1033. - Charter of John de Steveneston. ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1034 [mid 13th century]
Charter of John de Golin, son of John de Steveneston (
Stepnistone) conceding and confirming to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and the monks of Durham at Coldingham that carucate of land in the
territory of Swinton which Dom William of Golin held of the prior and convent of Durham with a charter of the chapter of Durham for a quitclaim of the vill of Greater Lumsden, and which his father John returned and resigned to the monks in their
chapter and in the court of the prior of Coldingham at Ayton, and John has confirmed and sworn to this in the chapter of the monks of Coldingham for him and his heirs.
Witnesses: Dom William de Lindsey sheriff of Berwick, Dom William de Mordington, Dom John de Letham, Dom Alan de Swinton, Dom Adam de Prendergest, Robert, William and Alexander de Paxton, John son of Elias, William vicar of Aldcambus, Bertram of
Little Reston, Robert son of Reginald, Adam, reeve of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2994. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1027
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1034. - Charter of John de Golin, son of John de Steveneston. ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1036 [?1270s]
Charter of Alan de Upper Swinton granting to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the prior and monks of Coldingham that land on Kirkcroft in the territory of Lower Swinton between the churchyard to the south and the River Lethe
to the north.
Witnesses: Lords Henry de Prendergest and Peter de Mordington, kts., Simon de Baddeby, Adam son of Walter de Ayton,
Thomas Fraunceys de Ayton, William de Ayton, Richard Franceys de Ayton, John de Reston,
Elias son of Roger de Ayton, Patrick the sergeant de West Reston, Patrick son of Alice de West Reston, Robert Lavird
de Aldengrawe, Thomas son of Robert de Coldingham, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9½ x 5½"
Seal: G&B No.2999. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1036. - Charter of Alan de Upper Swinton granting to the Prior ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1037 [?1270s]
Charter of Stephen, son of Siwan de Ayton, granting to God and St Cuthbert and the Prior and monks of Coldingham all his land at Wytefeld, which Reginald de Reston held of him in farm.
Witnesses: Patrick son of Adam, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, Elias de
Prendergest, A. his son, William de Lumsden, Walter, Henry and Andrew de Paxton, John de
Lumsden, A. de Reston, Richard de Reston, Elias and Morice and Adam de Ayton , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B No.2752. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1037. - Charter of Stephen, son of Siwan de Ayton, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1038 [26 June] 1331
Charter of Patrick de Dunbar, son of Lord Alexander, son of the Earl of Dunbar, granting and quitclaiming in the Prior's court at Ayton, on Wednesday after the feast of St John the Baptist, to Adam de Pontefract, prior and
convent of Coldingham, ½ carrucate of land in Swinewood, which he bought from Thomas, son of Ralph.
Witnesses: Lord Robert de Lawedre, Justiciar of Lothian, Robert de Lawedre his son, sheriff, Henry de Prendergest,
Hugh Giffard, John de Rayngton, Henry de Swinton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Roger de
Lumsden, John de Paxton , and many others
Given at Lower Ayton, Wednesday after the Feast of St John Baptist 1331.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11 x 3½"
Seal: G&B No.2811. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1038 - Charter of Patrick de Dunbar granting and quitclaiming in the Prior's court at Ayton DCD Misc.Ch. 1039 [29 May] 1331
Charter of John, son of Walter de Bonkill, burgess of Berwick, granting and quitclaiming to Adam de Pontefract, prior and convent of Coldingham, ½ carrucate of land which he held by the concession of Thomas, son of Ralph
de Swinewood in that vill.
Witnesses: John de Ranigton, mayor of Berwick, John de London, John Crabbe, constable of Berwick,
Thomas de Heton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Patrick son of William Russel, Robert Frere,
William son of Ralph , and many others
Given at Coldingham, Wednesday after Holy Trinity 1331.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.2768. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXXIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1040 [c.1195 x 1214]
Charter of John son of Gunnild, daughter of Alwold and Aldrithe confirming with the assent of Gunnild his mother, to Richard nephew of Simon, once Prior of Coldingham, the sale by Ralph his uncle of 1 toft in Coldingham of
the house of Godwin of the infrimary to the east 11 perches and towards the south from the road up to the stream, and 20 acres of land in Coldingham for 6d p.a., half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Pledges on either part: Robert de Prendergest, Elias his uncle, Ralph son of Godwin, Reginald de
Witnesses: Arnald, Prior of Coldingham, Simon, Prior of Holy Island, Alexander de Bonkill, Patrick de Swinewood, Henry de Prendergest, William de Aldcambus, Thomas de Aldcambus , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.2841. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1040. - Charter of John son of Gunnild, daughter of Alwold and ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1041 [mid 13th century]
Charter of William de Loulin, quitclaiming to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and the monks of Durham at Coldingham all the land he held within and without the vill of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Walter and
Andrew de Paxton, Geoffrey Ridel, William de Lumsden, Robert son of Gregory, Adam de Little
Reston, William the clerk, Bertram de Reston, Ralph the reeve, William Scot , and many
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5½ x 2¼"
Seal: G&B No.2875. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1041. - Charter of William de Loulin, quitclaiming to the monks of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1042 [?1270s]
Charter of Adam, son of Adam de Edington, granting to Ralph le Messager son of Alan the Granger of Coldingham, for his homage and service, 16 acres of arable land in Coldingham, parcels itemised, with ⅓ of a toft and croft
which the prior and convent gave to Adam his father and which he gave to Robert son of Roger his brother which Robert resigned to him in the Prior's court, rendering annually 1d towards the fabric of the church of Coldingham, and 6d at
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., Adam son of Elias, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, William son of Adam de Ayton, John son of Bertram de Reston, Gilbert de Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert the steward of
Coldingham, Richard his brother, William son of John de Billingham, Adam son of Elias the baker, Robert
Hopper, John de Beyringe, clerk to the Prior.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 7"
Seal: G&B No.2818. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1042. - Charter of Adam, son of Adam de Edington, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1043 [?1270s]
Charter of Juliana, daughter of Humfrey Faber of Alclent, selling to the Prior and monks of Coldingham for 4 silver marks, all the land which Richard her brother had in the vill of Coldingham of his conquest and which he
gave to her at his death.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, William de Mordington, Simon, the
Prior's brother, W. de Lumsden, W. de Munros, Robert son of the steward, Ralph the reeve,
Adam son of Ylif , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5¼ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B No.2859. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1043. - Charter of Juliana, daughter of Humfrey Faber of Alclent, selling ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1044 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Haldan Braciator, with the assent of Matilda his wife, selling and quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham all the land he bought of Ralph, son of Elwold, in Coldingham, locations itemised, for 1
mark silver.
Witnesses: Gregory the steward, Constentin, Ralph the reeve, Walter Burning,
Patrick son of Thomas, Philip the janitor, Philip de Cellario, Michael the deacon,
Roger the marshal, Robert the cook, Nicholas the clerk, William de Tormodesbi, Alexander Granger , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 3½"
Seal: G&B No.2770. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1044. - Charter of Haldan Braciator, with the assent of Matilda his ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1045 21 October 1439
Charter of John Hale of Leith, resigning to William Drax (Drakys) Prior of Coldingham, 3 tofts and 2 acres of land, in the vill and territory of Coldingham, for sum of money.
Witnesses: William de Kellow, John Bale, Thomas Scot, Alexander Rowsse,
John Gray, and others
At Leith, 21 October 1439.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11½ x 6½"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1046 [1276 x 1296]
Charter of John Hopper granting to the almoner of Coldingham 1 toft with a curtilage and 1 free farmhouse (
bracina) in the vill of Coldingham between the tofts of John Rape and Robert
Grangenarius, for a sum of money which Robert Bowes almoner of Coldingham gave him, rendering to the prior and convent 6d p.a., half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: John de Baddeby, Henry de Prendergest, Robert de Hoveden, John Grythman,
Robert de Blackburn, Roger de Lumsden, Patrick de Blackburn, Gregory Fete , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 5"
Seal: G&B No.2847. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1046. - Charter of John Hopper granting to the almoner of Coldingham ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1047 [29 September] 1277
Letter of Robert [de Stuteville], Bishop of Dunkeld, to the pope saying that the collector of the tenth for the Holy Land in the Bishopric of Dunkeld had deposited in the church of Dunkeld £105. 9. 6½d for the first year;
£110. 0. 8¼d for the second year; £64. 10. 9¾d for the third year, which sums he promises to repay to the pope on demand.
At Torkesey, Michaelmas 1277.
Parchment, 1m, tear, some stains
Size: 8¾ x 2"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1047. - Letter of Robert, Bishop of Dunkeld, to the Pope saying ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1048 2 August 1292
Mandate of the Prior of Coldingham and John de Cremona, commissaries of Master Giffred de Vezano, to the dean of Le Merse, to cite the churches, itemised with their sums, to appear and reply for arrears of a subsidy of a
tenth for the Holy Land owed by Master Baiamund.
At Coldingham, 2 August 1292.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9 x 4¾"
Seal: Missing. Tags for 2 left, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1048. - Mandate of the Prior of Coldingham and John de Cremona, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1049 [29 November] 1289
Letter to the Prior of Coldingham from William, dean of Le Merse, concerning the citation of David de Graham, kt., to pay a certain debt, reciting the following mandate.
Mandate of the prior of Coldingham, deputed by Master Gifredi de Vezano, canon of Cambrai, papal chamberlain and executor of the Holy Land business in Scotland, to the dean of Le Merse, having been mandated by Vezano to recover within 3 months a
debt of £40 owed by Cristino de Insula burgess of Perth to Nicholas de Graham miles concerning a collation of the predicate friars of Berwick, to be heard on Monday after Hilary in the church of the Holy Trinity,
Date: Coldingham, the morrow of St Katherine [26 November] 1289.
At Eccles, vigil of St Andrew 1289.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 5"
Seal: [Sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stubs
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1049. - Letter to the Prior of Coldingham from William, dean of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1050 [1294]
Letter of R. abbot of Kelso (
Kalk') to H[enry of Horncastle] prior of Coldingham and the convent, reciting the following letters.
Letters from John [of Halton] bishop of Carlisle, collector of tenths and obventions, granted for the aid of the Holy Land, to the abbot of Kelso, to appoint the prior of Coldingham to collect the tenths in the archdeaconry of Lothian, to be
answered for by them or their proctor in the church of Kelso on Friday after St James for the third year of the subsidy.
Date: London, 18 Kal. July [14 June] 1294.
Date: monastery [of Kelso], (date lost).
Parchment, 1m, damaged with some of the lower part lost with text missing, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 8¾ x 3¾"
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1050. - Letter of R. Abbot of Kelso to H. Prior of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1051 [5 July] 1280
Acquittance by Andrew, rector of Inchbriok, collector of a tenth for aid to the Holy Land, to the prior and convent of Coldingham for 87 marks 6s 1½d as tenth for the third year, 87 marks 6s 1½d as tenth for the fourth and
fifth years, and 43 marks 9s 8¾d for half of the sixth year.
At Holyrood, Edinburgh, Friday before the Octaves of SS Peter & Paul 1280.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 3"
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with 2 wrapping ties below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1051. - Acquittance by Andrew, rector of Inchbriok, collector of a tenth ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1052 [11 September] 1280
Acquittance of Gilbert de Lynd', monk of Arbroath (
Abbrodoc), collector of tenths for a subsidy for the aid of the Holy Land with Master Bayamund de Vicia papal nuncio in Scotland, for the
tenths of all benefices for 5 years of Master Adam, reeve of the church of St Mary in St Andrew's, reciting the following mandate.
Mandate of Bayamund de Vicia to the subprior of the monastery of Arboroath to receive £40 from Master Adam.
At: Lunbors, Decollation of St John the Baptist [29 August] 1280.
At [Arbroath], Wednesday before the Octave of the Nativity of the BVM 1280.
Parchment, 1m, gnawed round some edges with some text lost, with a stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 6½ x 4"
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1052. - Acquittance of Gilbert de Lynd', monk of Aberbrothoc, collector of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1053 [20 April] 1288
Mandate from the official of the court of Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of the letters of Master Giffredus de Vezano, canon of Cambrai, papal chamberlain, papal nuncio in Scotland, and executor of the business of the Holy
Land in Scotland, and the prior of Coldingham, his deputy, ordering the deans in the diocese of Glasgow to pay the sums for the help of the Holy Land to the prior of Coldingham.
At Glasgow, Tuesday before St George the martyr 1288.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9 x 3½"
Seal: fragments on 3 tongues with a further 9 blank tongues (one reinforced with sewing) , and a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1053. - Mandate from the Official of the Court of Glasgow, acknowledging ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1055 6 September 1446
Notarial instrument, in the chapter house at Durham, copying a document which Henry Helay, monk, read in chapter, apologising for calling John Oll, prior of Coldingham, a bondman and not
free, and acknowledging this to be false.
Witnesses: William Ebchester prior of Durham, Master John Mody SPP former subprior, Roger Lanchester, Thomas Witton, John Gonnerton, Thomas Nesbit, John Barlay, William Lytham, John Oll, John Moorby, William Partrick, Richard Kelloe, Thomas Ward,
William Dalton, William Eden, Robert Westmorland, Robert Emmyldon, John Warner, Thomas Lewyn, Thomas Hexham, Richard Bell, John Middleham, John Ripon, William Kelloe, William Seaton, Henry Rakett, John Bradbury, William Fige, William Hesilden,
William Rodburn, William Birden, John Bedford, William Essby, Richard Billingham, Thomas Holme, Thomas Halghton, Robert Knoute, John Roos, Roger Yowdall, John Acley, Thomas Bichburn, and Thomas Darlington monks; William Hoton of Hardwick steward of
the prior of Durham, John Binchester chaplain, Thomas Thornburgh attorney general of the prior and chapter for the diocese of Durham.
Date: Durham cathedral chapter house, 6 September 1446, Pont. 16 Pope Eugenius IV.
Notaries: John Berehalgh, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority, and Richard Prentys, priest of York diocese, NP by papal and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 15¼ x 13"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1056 26 July [1446]
Letters of Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmorland, John Neville, Thomas Neville, Thomas Lomley, William Eure, Wiliam Lomley, William Hilton, Robert Eure, Roger Thornton, Robert Claxton, William Hoton of Hardwick, William Hoton
of Hunwick, John Sayre and William Mordon, stating that John Oll, Prior of Coldingham, was free born.
At Brancepeth Castle, 26 July 24 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 17¾ x 7¼"
Seal: 1 unidentified, with 13 further now blank parchment tags, all indentified, each through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1057 4 May 1426
Return of an inquisition made in the presence of the Prior of Coldingham on the lands and services of Robert Warde of Raynton, deceased, and to be taken over by Simon Ward, his brother and heir. Given under the seal of
David Home, bailiff of Coldingham, and several of the inquisitors.
At: court of the prior of Coldingham at Roston, 4 May 1426.
Parchment, 1m, with 3 groups of 6 horizontal cuts
Size: 11½ x 4½"
Seal: 4 surviving. Attached to strips (one now detached) cut from foot of document, all identified, with 2 further blank tongues, [and a wrapping tie stub]
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1058 13 November 1430
Extent of the lands, itemised, of Adam Forman, by assize of Paton Heryng, Paton Home, Hugh of Spens, Alexander Heryng, John of Raynton, John of Qhitlaw, Richard of Edyngton, William of Mandyrston, John of Mandyrston, Thomas of Mandyrston, Richard
of Ellan, George of Ellam, Alexander of Ellam, Robert of Nesbet, John Heryng, William of Raynton, Patrick of Nesbet, John of Chyrnsid, John of Kellow, John of Nesbet, Gilbert of Lumysden, Thomas of Lumysden, Nicholas of Paxton, John of Paxton, and
John of Ayton, chosen at Kellilaw in Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 19 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B Nos.2758, 2778, 2819, 2855, 2879, 2882, 2884, 2909, 2966, 2991, 3008 & 2 undientified, each on a parchment tag through 3 slits in a turnup, with a further 9 blank tags (24 in
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXXXVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1059 24 December 1465.
Receipt by John Lax to Richard Billingham for monies "pro causa de Coldingham" and "pro materia de Hylton".
At: Rome, 24 December 1465
Paper, 1p
Size: 8¾ x 4"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1060 16 June [1468]
Letters under the signet of the King [Edward IV] to the Prior of Durham authorising him to pay a sum of money in which Richard Bellingham, monk of Durham, had become bound for his release having been imprisoned,
amongst others, in the lordship of the archbishop of Cologne (Coleyne) on his way back from Rome.
Sign manual of King at head.
Given at the monastery of Stratford, 16 June.
Paper, 1p
Size: 12" x 8½"
Seal: fragments, applied to the dorse
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1060a
Printed: Raine SS v.12, p.228.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1060a [16 June 1468]
[Copy] letters concerning ransom money for Richard Bellingham, plus an additional clause, concerning the reason why Richard Bellingham was detained "by occasion of a certin duetie pretended to be due by yis lande to ye said
Paper, 1p
Size: 7¾" x 8¼"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1060
DCD Misc.Ch. 1061 15 August [mid 15th century]
Letter from Arthur Darcy to the Prior of Durham concerning the Prior's promise to grant him the presentation to the parsonage of Giggleswick.
Paper, 1p
Size: 8¾ x 10¾"
Seal: residue, applied
Watermark: vase with a flower coming out of the top
DCD Misc.Ch. 1062. & 1063 1445
1062. Copy mandate of John Oll, Prior of Coldingham, to the bailiff of the barony of Coldingham to give seisin of the lands of Alexander de Lumsden, deceased, in West Lumsden, to Thomas de Lumsden, his heir.
Given at Coldingham, 12 January 1444/5.
1063. Copy mandate of John Oll, Prior of Coldingham, to the bailiffs of the barony of Coldingham concerning the relief on the lands of West Lumsden.
Given at Coldingham, 22 February 1444/5.
Paper, 1p, some small stains and holes
Size: 11½ x 7¼"
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1064 28 March 1424
Copy of letters of James I acknowledging an obligation to Henry [VI] King of England, of £40,000 repayable at certain times and places, stated.
Under privy seal.
Date: 28 March 1424 and 18 James I.
Paper, 1p
Size: 9 x 7¼"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1065 [?1460s]
Letter [from Richard Billingham] giving an account of proceedings in the papal court concerning Coldingham.
Paper, 1p, left half badly damaged by damp, fragile, with much text lost
Size: 9 x 13"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXXVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1066 14 February 1465
Indenture containing a note of documents which Richard Billingham took with him to Rome on business concerning the church of Durham about Coldingham, Hilton, procurations, copies of bulls and Coldingham commissaries.
Paper, 1p, indented left side, zig-zag
Size: 9 x 11½"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1067 [July 1443]
Copies of 5 bulls (last one incomplete) of Pope Eugenius IV, concerning the claim of William Boys, monk of Dunfermline, to be prior of Coldingham (7 July, 11 July, 11 July, 11 July 1443).
Paper, 2f, torn
Size: 8¾ x 11¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1068 [mid 15th century]
Copies of instruments and processeses on behalf of William Drax, prior of Coldingham, against Brown and Bowmaker, concerning the priorship of Coldingham, including the record of a proces before Robert Sutton between the proctor of the prior and
convent of Durham and James at Gate vicar of Fishwick over his presentation, an appeal, and a notarial instrument, in which William Drax, Prior of Coldingham, showed and had enrolled his institution as prior, 16 June 1422. (Original: Misc.Ch. 695.).
Also 13 items of evidence about Drax, numbered 13 to 25.
Paper, 4f, torn
DCD Misc.Ch. 1069 [mid 15th century]
Language: English; Latin (dorse, no. 2)
Recto. Copy of an indenture made at Durham 16 September 1441 between John and William, Priors of Durham and Coldingham, and Sir Davy Home of Wedderburn, whereby he is granted the office of bailiff of the cell and barony of Coldingham for a term
of 40 years.
Dorse. (1) Draft of an indenture of lease made at Durham on Whitsunday 1441 between William Drax, Prior of Coldingham, and squire James of Whitlaw, where the former leases lands in Raynton.
(2) Draft of an indenture of lease by John, Prior of Durham, to David Home of Wedderburn of 16 husbandlands in Aldcambus.
(3) Draft of an indenture of lease [16 September 1441] between the prior and convent of Durham and David Home of Wedderburn of land in Aldcambus.
With interlineations and cancellations.
Paper, 1p
Size: 11½ x 16½"
Original: Misc.Ch. 656 (recto)
Original: Misc.Ch. 1247 & 1248 (dorse 2)
Original: Misc.Ch. 660 (dorse 3)
Another draft: Misc.Ch. 1070 dorse (dorse, 1)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1069. - Recto. Copy of an indenture made at Durham 16 September ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1070 [mid 15th century]
Language: Latin (recto); English (dorse)
Recto. Draft account of Thomas Nesbitt, chamberlain of Durham, from 13 May 1439 to 25 May 1440.
Dorse. Draft indenture between John prior and the convent of Durham with William prior of Coldingham, and Sir Davy Home of Wedderburn kt, appointing him bailiff of the cell and barony of Coldingham, 16 September 1441.
With cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 1p
Size: 8¼ x 12"
Another version: Misc.Ch. 1069, dorse (1) (dorse); Misc. Ch. 656.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1070. - Recto. Draft account of Thomas Nesbitt, camerarius of Durham, from ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1071 [c.1466]
Copy of letters from John Lax, to Richard Billingham, proctor of the church of Durham at the papal court, concerning a dispute with Patrick and John Home, about the monastery of Coldingham and a reply by Richard Billingham
(19 September, undated), also receipts of John Lax of 4 sums from the papal secretary after Billingham's arrival in Rome, with an acuittance of 22 January 1465/6.
Paper, 1p
Size: 11¾ x 17"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXV and CCXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1071. - Copy of letters from John Lax, to Richard Billingham, proctor ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1074 23 February [?1450s]
Letter of David Home of Wedderburn to the prior of Durham, asking for his office [of bailiff of Coldingham?] to be for life, and for his pension to be increased to 100s.
Given at the Tower of Colbrandspeth, 23 February.
Paper, 1p, 3 pairs of short cuts
Size: 11¾ x 6½"
Seal: fragments, applied to the dorse
Printed: Raine SS.12 CXXII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1075 [c.1400]
Memorial of Master John Elwalde to enquire at Hull and elsewhere in what place the ships of Arnald ?Black (Blerk) were captured in which were several papal dispensations and bulls [enumerated] relating to Scottish
matters concerning Archibald Douglas, John Scot, Thomas Murray, John Cockburn, the bishop of St Andrew's, Douglas church being made collegiate, John Innerkerhn, Ingeram Lyndsay, Master John Elwald safe conduct, Master David Hamilton, Alexander
Paper, 1p
Size: 5¾ x 10¼"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1076 1466
Three receipts by Anastasius de Aprilatiis of Interamne to Richard Billingham for sums of money.
Paper, 1p
Size: 8½ x 9¾"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1077 8 January [1432]
Letter of Richard [Neville], earl of Salisbury to the prior and convent of Durham, thanking them for their prayers, and informing them of the coronation of the King [Henry VI] at Paris on 16 December [1431] and informing
them of his imminent return to London.
Given at Rouen, 8 January.
Paper, 1p, pairs of short horizontal cuts [for a wrapping tie]
Size: 11¾ x 4¾"
Seal: fragment, applied to the dorse
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1077. - Letter of Richard, Earl of Salisbury to the Prior and ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1079 21 July [ c.1440s]
Letter from John Barowe to Richard Billingham, monk of Durham, detailing letters received from the Rome courier, complaining of a mistake in the despatching of writs from Rome, and the trouble and annoyance he is therefore
put to.
At London, 21 July.
Paper, 1p, pairs of short horizontal cuts [for a wrapping tie]
Size: 8¾ x 5"
Seal: fragment, applied to the dorse
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1079. - Letter from John Barowe to Richard Billingham, monk of Durham, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1080 28 July 1445
Indenture testifying that William Seton, chancellor, delivered to Robert Westmorland in the name of John Oll, Prior of Coldingham, "evidencias", charters, bulls, etc, concerning Coldingham.
Paper, 1p
Size: 4 x 5¾"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CLXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1080. - Indenture testifying that William Seton, chancellor, delivered to Robert Westmorland ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1085 10 May [1428 x 1460]
Letter from Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury and Lord of Mounthermer to the prior of Durham, recalling their last meeting in Durham, and saying that he had spoken to Sir William Bowes recently at Middleham concerning the
support of the church of St Cuthbert and his obligations as a recently made knight but did not receive a certain answer.
At Middleham, 10 May.
Paper, 1p
Size: 11½ x 6½"
Seal: paper unidentified, applied to the dorse
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1085. - Letter from Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury and Lord of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1087 12 March 1443
Letter from Davy Home (Hwme) of Wedderburn to the prior and convent of Durham, setting out at length his complaints and grievances against John Oll, concerning the office of bailiff of
Coldingham for 40 years, Alexander Home holding Old Cambus, and the influence of the earl of Northumberland.
Written at Colbrandspeth, 12 March 1442/3.
With some cancellation and interlineation.
Paper, 1p, indented head, zig-zag, left part of the head lost with some text missing
Size: 11½ x 6"
Seal: G&B No.2853. Red wax, applied on the lower front
Printed: Raine SS.12 CLX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1088 1 March [1409 x 1417 ]
Letter from Ralph, earl of Westmorland, Lord Neville, Raby and Middleham to John Wessington (Wasshington), sacristan of Durham, asking him to postpone a suit between himself and the abbot of
Blanchland until the bishop of Durham and himself come to those parts.
Given at Sheriff Hutton (Shirefhoton), 1 March.
Paper, 1p, some damage, repaired with paper c.1970
Size: 12 x 5¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1090 12 August [?1440s]
Drafts of letters to the Lord of Hayles and Sir Davy Home, declining to make John Barley prior of Coldingham at their request and setting out the reasons.
Dorse. Order of tables and guests at a feast in the refectory (high, middle and 2nd tables).
At Durham, 12 August.
With some cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 1p, top left and bottom right corners torn off and lost with some text missing
Size: 11½ x 11½"
Copy: Reg. Parv. II. f.142
Printed: Raine SS.12 CXXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1090. - Drafts of letters to the Lord of Hayles and Sir ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1091 1 December [?1440s]
Letter from Robert Umfraville to the prior and convent of Durham asking for the office of porter to be granted to Richard Bispham.
At Berwick, 1 December.
Paper, 1p
Size: 12 x 7"
Seal: residue, applied to the dorse
DCD Misc.Ch. 1092. & 1093 1428
1092. Copy of an indenture between John [Wessington], prior, and the chapter of Durham, and William de Douglas, earl of Angus and lord of Liddesdale and Jedburgh forest, whereby the prior and chapter demise to him all the
lands and woods of Brokholes, Harwood and Denewood, in the shrievalty of Berwick, for a term of 60 years, for 10 Scotch marks p.a.
Given at Bonkill. 28 February 1427/8.
1093. Acquittance of John [Wessington], prior and the chapter of Durham, to the earl of Angus, etc, for money for 1 year for the above lands.
At Durham, 21 January 1427/8.
Paper, 1p
Size: 11¾ x 9½"
Original: Misc.Ch. 1230 (of 1092)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1092. & 1093 - 1092. Copy of an indenture between John, prior, and the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1094 [?1416 x 1446]
Letter of David Home of Wedderburn to John [?Wessington], prior of Durham, asking that his office of bailiff of Coldinghamshire might be for life.
Paper, 1p
Size: 1½ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B No.2854, applied to the dorse
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1097 (in part)
Printed: Raine SS.12 CXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1095 1 July 1472
Letter from Richard Billingham, monk of Durham, to the prior of Durham, giving an account of the proceedings in the consistory at Rome concerning a case against Patrick Home and John Home about Coldingham, and also the
ambassadors of the king of Portugal showing obedience to the pope.
At Rome, 1 July 1472.
Paper, 1p, 4 pairs of horizontal cuts down each edge
Size: 8½ x 11¼"
Seal: fragment, applied to the dorse
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1096 28 July 1445
Copy of a public instrument copying various presentations, addressed to the bishop of St Andrew's, to the churches in the diocese of St Andrew's belonging to the prior and convent of Durham, viz. Ederham, Edenham,
Fishwick, Stichil and Erceldon, as recited by their proctor and monk Robert Westmorland.
Date: registry of the prior and convent of Durham, 28 July 1445 and Pont.14 Eugenius IV.
With some cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 1p
Size: 11½ x 15½"
Fair copy: DCD Reg. IV, f.23r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1097 [?1416 x 1446]
Unsigned letter of David Home asking that his office of bailiff of Coldingham be granted for life.
Paper, 1p, 3 pairs of double horizontal cuts
Size: 11½ x 3¾"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1094
Printed: Raine SS.12 CXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1098 [mid 15th century]
Replies to the articles against the right of the prior of Durham. He may not remove at will a prior presented by himself.
Paper, 1p, stained on the left side
Size: 11½ x 8½"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1099 26 April 1475
Letter from the proctor of the convent of Durham in the papal curia to the prior of Durham, concerning various matters including Coldingham, and also preferring the prior to the church of Chichester, Dom Rothomagen (?the
archbishop of Rouen), Comite Jeronimo, and John Gerona.
At Rome, 26 April 1475.
Paper, 1p, right side damaged and lost with some text missing, repaired with paper c.1970
Size: 8½ x 11½"
Related letter: DCD Reg. Parv. III, f.156r-157r.
Printed: Raine SS.12 CCXXXV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1100 [30 November] 1274
Charter of William, son of Robert de Hatteley, granting to the monks of Coldingham 1 toft with 2 acres of arable land in the vill of Faunes, and 1 toft in the vill of Melockstan, and 2 acres of arable land on the south of
the same town with right of pasture.
At chapter celebrated at Stichill, Friday before St Nicholas 1274,
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10¼ x 5"
Seal: G&B No.2843. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham CCCXLIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1100. - Charter of William, son of Robert de Hatteley, granting to ...
Misc.Ch. 1101-1200DCD Misc.Ch. 1101 [c.1230 x 1244]
Charter of Robert de Hatteley, with the assent of Matilda his wife and his heirs, granting to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham, in free, pure and perpetual alms, 1 toft with 2 acres of arable land in Faunes
between his chief mansion and the land of William Boley; 1 toft in Melockstan with 2 acres of arable on the south of the vill, one acre between the toft and corft of Hugh son of Heyhtrede and the other on Leyes, with common of pasture for 100 ewes,
8 cows with their young of 2 years, and 2 horses, 60 (
sic) ewes, 4 cows and 1 horse at Faunes and 60 ewes, 4 cows and 1 horse at Melockstan.
Witnesses: Lord W. Prior of Holy Island, Richard sacrist of Coldingham, Oger de Tyeis, constable of Norham,
Master William de Haya, John, vicar of Norham, Roger de Loulnine, Walter de Watton,
Robert de Clifford, William Ridel, Robert of Ripon, Alan de Laton, William de
Harop, John de Buketon, Richard de Dichent, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 4½"
Seal: G&B No.2844. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXLII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1101. - Charter of Robert de Hatteley, with the assent of Matilda ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1102 5 May 1337 [or 1307]
Charter of William Ridel, Lord of Flemington, confirming the gift by Robert de Lambton, son and heir of William de Lambton to William Stobbe, burgess of Berwick, of 1 bovate of land with pertinents in Flemington, for an
annual rent of 1d at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Richard Brown, John Gray, John Fraunceys, John [son] of Stephen,
Elias Ayr de Ayton , and many others
Given at Hemington, 5 May 1337.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 10¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B No.2967. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Green wax.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXLVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1103 20 April 1442
Resignation by Alexander Home to John Oll, prior of Coldingham, of Hundwood with all pertinents.
At Dunglas, 20 April 1442.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2850. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXLVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1104 [1234 x 1244]
Lease by Thomas [Melsonby] prior and the convent of Durham to Ranulph son of Acolf of Melockstan (
Melokestan) of a toft and 2 acres of arable land in the vill of Faunes, between the chief mansion of Robert of Hatteley
and the land of William Bolay, and a toft in the vill of Melockstan and 2 acres of arable land on the south side of the same vill, 1 between the toft and croft of Hugh son of Hettred and the other on Leyes, with common of pasture for 100 ewes, 8
cows with their young of 2 years, and 2 horses, 60 (
sic) ewes, 4 cows and 1 horse at Faunes and 60 ewes, 4 cows and 1 horse at Melockstan, with all liberties etc as detailed in Robert of Hatteley’s charter, rendering
annually 4s in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin in Winter, and he can collect the tithes of the sheaves of the parish of Erceldon at his own costs, and he will be subject to the jurisdiction of the dean of Merskes.
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented head, wavy, 'cirographwm' cut through
Size: 11.7 x 22.5 cm
Seal: G&B No.2890. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.70r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1104. DCD Misc.Ch. 1107 [later 12th century]
Charter of David de Paxton, granting to the monks of Coldingham half a carrucate of land in Halkes and Jarford viz. 2 bovates of corn land and 2 bovates of oat land, 1 toft and 1 acre of land in the vill of Paxton, for an
annual rent of £1.
Witnesses: Ronphar the priest and Adam his nephew, Peter the chaplain, Master Merlin and Maurice his son,
Master Anger and William Cambus and Walter his brothers, Edward de Cambus, William the reeve and Robert and Waldef his sons,
Elias de Prendergest, Elias de Ayton, Waldef son of William, Adam de Reston, Elwold and Haldan and Reginald de Reston, Elgi son of Fuel, Patrick son of Alden, Gregory de Coldingham,
William de Cellario, Thomas son of the reeve, John son of Seleth, Wido de Acle, Adam son of Ylif, Henry the Prior's servant , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7 x 5¾"
Seal: G&B No.2907. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1107. - Charter of David de Paxton, granting to the monks of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1108 19 March 1434
Charter of Muriel de Cheserhelm, daughter and heir of John de Cheserhelme, with the assent of Alexander de Sutherland de Dufhous, her husband, appointing Edward Beulyre and David de Dysart her proctors for resigning her
lands of Paxton with the tenements of Aldengraw to William Drax, prior of Coldingham.
At Strabrok, 19 March 1433/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¼ x 4"
Seal: (1) of Muriel. G&B No.2780.
(2) of Alexander. G&B No.2995.
Red wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1108. - Charter of Muriel de Cheserhelm, daughter and heir of John ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1109 7 February 1424
Resignation by Robert de Ros, Lord of Cragy, to William [Drax], prior of Coldingham, of all his lands of Paxton and Aldengraw in the shrievalty of Berwick.
At Perth, 7 February 1423/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¼ x 3"
Seal: G&B No.2982. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Red wax. Tie tag below.
See also: Misc.Ch. 877 for appointment of proctors
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1110 [23 May] 1272
Charter of John, son of Bertram de East Reston, granting to God and St Ebbe and the prior and monks of Coldingham, in pure, free and perpetual alms, 1 toft with a croft and pertinents between his land and the toft of Helye
son of Roger, rednering annually at Christmas a pound of wax to the sacrist of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Peter de Mordington, Lord Henry de Prendergest,
milites, Gilbert de
Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, Robert Laverd, Patrick son of Alice de West Reston, Patrick, sergeant of the
same, Elias son of Roger.
Given in full court at East Reston, Monday before St Augustine, the apostle of the Angles, 1272.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 11 x 4½"
Seal: G&B No.2972. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1110. - Charter of John, son of Bertram de East Reston, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1111 [?1230s]
Charter of John son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior and convent of Coldingham all his homage and service with annual rent which William Cantor and Eda his wife owe him
for the land and tenement they held of him in the vill of Little Reston by the feoffment of Adam son of Cospatrick his grandfather.
Witness: All the court of Ayton.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 11¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.2972. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1111. - Charter of John son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1112 [14 November] 1254
Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior of Coldingham and the monks of Durhm there 2 tofts with buildings on the east of Little Reston with crofts of 2
acres and 1 rood of land; and 12 acres and 3 roods of arable land in the same vill, all itemised.
Witness: the prior's court at Ayton, the day after St Brice, bishop, 1254.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¼ x 6"
Seal: G&B No.2973. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1112. - Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1113 [?1270s]
Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting to God, St Mary and the fabric of the church of Coldingham in pure, free and perpetual alms one "sellio" of arable land with pertinents in the vill of Little
Reston on the east between the land of the church of Coldingham and the land of William de Lindeseye, warranted to the church and the sacrist of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lords Peter de Mordington, Adam de Edington and Henry de Prendergest, knights, William son of Adam de Ayton,
Richard Franceys, Elias son of Roger de Reston, Ralph de Swinewood, Patrick, sergeant, de Reston, and
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B No.2972. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1113. - Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1114 [?1270s]
Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the prior and monks at Coldingham two bovates of land with one toft, croft, buildings and appurtenances in the vill of Reston
which William Cantor and Eda his wife once held from him of the gift of Adam son of Gospatric father of Eda his grandfather, quitclaimed by Eda in the full court of Ayton.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, William de Baddeby, constable of Berwick, Simon de Baddeby, coroner,
Hugh and Reginald, sergeants to the King, William son of Adam de Ayton, William de Hylton, Simon de
Swinewood, Gilbert son of Gilbert de Lumsden, William de Cakefurlang, Elias de Reston, Patrick the
sergeant, and all the court of Ayton
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 7¾"
Seal: G&B No.2972. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1114. - Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1115 [30 May] 1266
Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, Roger, prior of COldingham, and the monks of Durham at Coldingham, one meadow called Listalhuh in Little Reston, in pure, free and
perpetual alms.
Witness: The court of Dom Roger, prior of Coldingham, held at Ayton, Sunday after Trinity 1266.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9¼ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.2972. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1115. - Charter of John, son of Bertram de Little Reston, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1116 [17 September] 1281
Charter of John, son of Bertram de East Reston, with the assent of Robert his son, quitclaiming to the prior and convent [of Coldingham] the vill of East Reston with the lordship of that vill.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest,
miles, Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Robert Oliver,
burgher of Berwick, Gilbert de Lumsden, John de Baddeby, William de Ayton, Nicholas de Paxton,
Thomas Franceys de Ayton, and others
At Ayton, in the full court of the prior of Coldingham, Wednesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 1281.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9¼ x 4"
Seal: (1) of John. G&B No.2972.
(2) of Robert his son. G&B No.2976.
Green wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1116. - Charter of John, son of Bertram de East Reston, with ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1117 [?1270s]
Charter of John, Lord of Little Reston granting to God, St Cuthbert and the prior and monks of Coldingham 1 toft and a croft of 1½ acres which Geoffrey de Billon once held in Little Reston, with various other lands set out
in detail, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Lord Peter de Mordington, Lord Henry de Prendergest,
milites, William de
Luddeby, Simon de Luddeby, John Ridel, Adam de Prendergest, Thomas Franceys de Ayton,
Gilbert de Lumsden, Elias de Reston, Simon de Swinewood, Patrick, sergeant of Reston,
Robert, clerk of Mordington , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12 x 5"
Seal: G&B No.2972. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1117. - Charter of John, Lord of Little Reston granting to the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1118 [later 13th century]
Charter of Richard, called Frauncays, of Upper Ayton, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and the prior of Coldingham and the monks there his messuage with tofts and crofts adjoining, and all his land in Upper Ayton.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, Peter de Prendergest, William de Roxburgh, steward of Coldingham,
John son of Adam, John Gray de Ayton, and others
At: full court of Ayton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¼ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.2830. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1118. - Charter of Richard, called Frauncays, of Upper Ayton, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1119 [4 July] 1283
Charter of John
dictus Purroc, son of William Scot of Coldingham, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham all his land with pertinents in the vill and territory of Upper Ayton.
Date: Coldingham, Sunday after SS Peter and Paul 1283.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6½ x 5"
Seal: G&B No.2935. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1119. - Charter of John de Purroc, son of William Scot of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1120 [1260s x 1270s]
Charter of Walter Purroc granting to Adam "dicto de Camera" three "seliones" together with "le Hevederume de Cornario fosci" in Upper Ayton from the spring of Maurice on the ?north to the croft of Thomas Fraunceys on the
north, for a sum on omeny, rendering annually 1d at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Roger, prior of Coldingham, Henry de Prendergest, William de Ayton, John Riddel de
Ayton, John de Prendergest, Thomas Fraunceys, Richard Fraunceys, Ambo de Ayton,
William de Billigham, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert Cogan, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9 x 4½"
Seal: G&B No.2937. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1120. - Charter of Walter Purroc granting to Adam dicto de Camera ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1121 [later 13th century]
Charter of Robert Purroc (with the assent of Walter his son) granting to William Scot of Coldingham 7 acres of land in the territory of Ayton, with a toft in the same vill, one three acre near Wapencros, 3 acres on
Estfeld, three roods on Eyset and one rood on Langacres, for a rent of one pair of white gloves or 1d at Christmas.
Witnesses: Robert, son of the steward of Coldingham, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert Burning, Bertram, son of Robert Cook of Durham, Gregory de Bethyoc, Simon de Swinewood, Robert Hopper,
John Lang of Lumsden, Edward, son of Robert de Lumsden, William Burel, Nicholas the clerk , and many
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 3"
Seal: (1) of Walter Purroc. G&B No.2937. Green wax.
(2) of Robert Purroc. G&B No.2936. Natural wax.
Both attached by parchment strips, recycled from other documents, through foot
of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1121. - Charter of Robert Purroc (with the assent of Walter his ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1122 [28 March] 1259
Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc of Ayton granting to his lords the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 bovate of 13 acres of land in Ayton, viz. that bovate which Berneger held from Robert Purroc.
Witnesses: Lord Alan de Harecars, Robert de Walhope, Gilbert de Lumsden, Henry de
Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, Walter son of the smith, Simon de
Swinewood, William de Cakefurland, Elias the clerk.
Date: the prior's court at Ayton, Friday after the Annunciation of the BVM 1259.
Size: 7¾ x 4½"
Seal: G&B No.2938. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1122. - Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc of Ayton granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1123 [?1270s]
Charter of Walter, son and heir of Robert Purroc granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 bovate of land with pertinents in Upper Ayton, with 1 toft of 30 feet, viz. 1 acre and 1 rood in the croft belonging to the
said toft, together with other lands, set out in detail, for a sum of money, and he enters into a bond of 20 marks for this.
Witnesses: Lords Peter de Mordington and Henry de Prendergest, kts., John Ridel, William de Upper Ayton,
Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, Simon de Baddeby, John de Reston, Elias de
Reston, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B No.2937. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1123. - Charter of Walter, son and heir of Robert Purroc granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1124 [?1270s]
Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham 2 bovates of land with pertinents in Upper Ayton, with 1 toft of 30 feet by the house formerly of his father Robert on the east, with
parcels detailed, for a sum of money, and he has entered into a bond in 20 marks fo rthis.
Witnesses: Lords Peter de Mordington and Henry de Prendergest,
milites, John Ridel, William de Upper
Ayton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert de Coldingham, John de
Reston, Elias son of Roger, Robert Laverd of Aldengraw, Thomas Fraunceys of Ayton, Adam son of
Walter, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10¼ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B No.2939. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1125
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1124. - Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc, granting to the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1125 [?1270s]
Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham of two bovates of land in the vill and territory of Upper Ayton with a toft of 30 feet nearby, close to the house formerly of Robert
Purroc his father on the eastern side; that is, one acre and one rod in the aforementioned toft, eight acres on the eastern and western part of the aforementioned vill of Upper Ayton, four acres on the western part, three acres and three rods on
Stanelawe, eleven acres and one rod on
Lovys, two acres on
Slixtanelawe, one and a half acres on
Falnlawebutte, and one acre at
Meredeneside; to have and to hold to the aforementioned prior and convent of Coldingham and their successors freely, peacefully and honourably, for a certain sum of money which they paid him in his greatest and urgent necessity; also quitclaiming
his right thereby, on pain of 20 marks if any ecclesiastical or civil suit is brought; with warranty etc against all men and women.
Witnesses: Dom Peter de Mordington (
Morthyngton) and Henry de Prendergest,
milites, John Ridel, William of Upper Ayton, Gilbert of Lumsden, Adam of Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert de
Coldingham, John of Reston, Elias son of Roger, Robert Laverd of Aldengraw, Thomas Fraunceys of Ayton, Adam son of Walter.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10½ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B No.2939. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1124
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1125. - Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc. ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1126 [March 1276]
Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc of Ayton, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and the prior and monks of Coldingham in free, pure and perpetual alms, all his lands and appurtenances in Upper Ayton, with all the
land which Alice, once wife of Maurice, held and returned to him in the Prior's Court at Ayton, the day after the Annunciation of the B.V.M. 1276 [26 March].
Witnesses: Lord Peter de Mordington, Lord Henry de Prendergest, William de Baddeby, Simon de
Baddeby, John Ridel, Adam de Prendergest, Richard Fraunceys of Ayton, William de Ayton,
Adam de Coldingham, Robert Cogan, Patrick the sergeant of Reston, John son of Bertram de Little Reston,
Ralph de Swinewood, Thomas Fraunceys de Ayton, John son of Adam de Ayton, Gilbert de Lumsden,
Robert the clerk, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8½ x 5"
Seal: G&B No.2939. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1126. - Charter of Walter, son of Robert Purroc of Ayton, quitclaiming ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1127 [later 13th century]
Charter of Augustine, son of Maurice (
Hauwisie) de Merington, resigning and quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Coldingham all his right in 1 toft and croft in the
vill of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Robert de Hoveden, Roger de Lumsden, Robert de Blackburn, Patrick de
Blackburn, Thomas Stute, Robert Wariner, Elias Brecum, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 3¼"
Seal: G&B No.2891. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip, recycled from another document, through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1127. - Charter of Augustine, son of Maurice de Merington, resigning and ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1128 [early 14th century]
Proceedings in the prior's court at Ayton concerning 12d wrongly taken by John Kynborn in his tenement of Coldingham at Eyemouth, "nomine sedis unius navis ibidem applicati".
Seals of Witnesses: Gilbert de Lumsden, Richard Fraunceys, William Procurator, Simon de
Baddeby, John de Eccles, Robert Lavyrd, Ralph de Swinewood, John son of Adam,
William de Ayton, Patrick son of Alice, suitors at the said court; John de Baddeby, John de Aukerston,
John de Wyndscheles, Nicholas de Paxton
Date: Thursday St Botulph's to Friday after the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 11½"
Seal: G&B Nos.2730, 2743, 2754, 2755, 2815, 2830, 2867, 2880, 2911, 2996, 3011, & 3 unidentified, 13 on parchment tag and 1 on a hemp cord through double slits in a turnup, with a further
blank double slit
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1128. - Proceedings in the Prior's court at Ayton concerning 12d wrongly ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1129 [?1240s]
Charter of Anger, son of Moses, granting to God and St Mary and the lights where the masses are said daily to the BVM in the church of Coldingham a toft and croft in Coldingham which Haldan son of Emma once held of him,
between the houses of the chaplains and Roger the man of St Ebbe. The sacrist of Coldingham will account to the house for a yearly rent of 2s, half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Anketin, Prior of Coldingham, John, John, Stephen,
Robert, Geoffrey, chaplain of Coldingham, Adam de Prendergest, Robert, William and Alexander de Paxton,
John, son of Elias de Ayton, Bertram de Little Reston, Robert son of Gregory, William de Scremerston,
William, vicar of Aldcambus, Roger son of the reeve, and others
And Lord William de Mordington adds his seal.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 4½"
Seal: (1) of William de Mordington. G&B No.2895. Natural wax.
(2) of Anger. G&B No.2892. Green wax.
Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXC
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1129. - Charter of Anger, son of Moses, granting to Coldingham a ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1130 [?1240s]
Charter of Richard, son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to God and St Mary and the fabric of the church of Coldingham for the salvation of the souls of himself and his ancestors, in pure and perpetual alms, 12d annually
at St Martin, from his house and land in Coldingham which Robert Dispensator held in farm from him.
Witnesses: A[nketin] prior of Coldingham, H. de Seleby, terrar, William vicar of Aldcambus, William de Scremerston, Adam son of John, Elias the baker, Adam the janitor, Ralph the
sergeant, and others
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 5¼ x 5¼"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXCVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1130. - Charter of Richard, son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1131 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Bertram de Beniston, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 house which he held in the vill of Coldingham with a toft and croft and 2 acres in Coldingham for 4 marks silver.
Witnesses: Lord Adam de Pauleworth, Lord William de Mordington, Andrew and Walter de Paxton, Maurice de Ayton, Adam de Little Reston, Bertram his son, William the clerk, Robert de
Ripon, William Scot de Coldingham , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined, some stains
Size: 6¾ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B No.2759. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXCVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1131. - Charter of Bertram de Beniston, quitclaiming to the Prior and ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1132 [early 13th century]
Charter of John de Houburne, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham all the service of his land at Coldingham which Richard de Coldingham held of him.
Witnesses: Walter de Lindsey, Patrick son of Adam, Alan de Swinton, Henry de
Prendergest, Maurice de Ayton, John son of Elias, Reginald son of Merlin, Eli de Prendergest ,
and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7½ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B No.2856. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXCIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1132. - Charter of John de Houburne, granting to the Prior and ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1133 [1220s x 1230s]
Charter of John de Houburne, granting to God and St Mary and the church of Coldingham 1 acre of land in the "campo" of Coldingham, lying next to Harstaneshape and in Linteslandes, which Etheldreda his "avia" gave to
Coldingham; and 1 other acre which Ralph his uncle also gave to the church, 3 perches at Ebbcnol and Milnerig and 1 perch on Halidennestele, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Lord Thomas, Prior of Coldingham, David de Houburne, Peter and Stefan, chaplains of Coldingham,
Henry de Prendergest, William de Lumsden, John de Lumsden, Ralph the reeve, Alexander the Granger , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 3½"
Seal: G&B No.2857. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXCV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1133. - Charter of John de Houburne, granting to the church of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1134 [early 13th century]
Charter of John de Houburne, granting to God and St Mary and St Ebbe and the monks of Coldingham, in pure and perpetual alms, 1 toft between the houses of Richard de Coldingham and William de Lovelin.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, William de
Lumsden, Thomas de Aldcambus, Elias de Prendergest, Adam his son, Adam de Reston,
William de Reston , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 1½"
Seal: G&B No.2856. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXCIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1134. - Charter of John de Houburne, granting to the monks of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1135 [?1240s]
Charter of Mathew de Houburne, quitclaiming to God and St Mary and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham at Coldingham his lands, buildings and tofts in the vill of Coldingham concerning which he impleaded the prior and
convent by royal writ in the prior's court.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Robert
William and Alexander de Paxton, William vicar of Aldcambus, Robert son of Gregory, John son of Elias, Bertram de Reston, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B No.2858. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXCVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1135. - Charter of Mathew de Houburne, quitclaiming to the Prior and ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1136 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Ralph, son of Philip, granting to God, St Mary, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and the monks of Durham at Coldingham all his land in the vill of Coldingham which he held of Robert son of Gregory and which his ancestors
held from Robert's ancestors, in pure and perpetual alms, to construct an alms house at Coldingham, saving for the said Robert 3s from the said land half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin for which the prior of Coldingham will satisfy
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, sheriff of Berwick, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton,
Adam de Prendergest, William vicar of Aldcambus, Robert, William and Alexander de Paxton, John son of Elias de Upper
Ayton, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of Reginald de Reston , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B No.2914. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXCIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1136. - Charter of Ralph, son of Philip, granting to the monks ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1137 [early 14th century]
Charter of John, son and heir of Richard Plume de Coldingham, quitclaiming to God, St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Coldingham a toft and 1 acre of land in Coldingham, for a sum on money, part of the heredity of
his mother Beatrice, for which he is obligated in 10 marks to the prior of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Robert de Hoveden, Roger de Lumsden, Robert de Blackburn, Patrick de
Blackburn, Thomas Stute, Robert Wariner, Elias Bretun, William de Potthou, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.2916. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip, recycled from another document, through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1137. - Charter of John, son and heir of Richard Plume de ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1138 [later 13th century]
Charter of Walter de Simpring and Cicilia his wife, granting and quitclaiming in the court of the prior of Coldingham all right in a toft and croft in the vill of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, John Ridel, John de Reston, Thomas Fraunceis,
Adam son of Walter, Richard Fraunces, Simon de Baddeby, Ralph de Swinewood, Elias de Reston, Patrick Messore, Robert Lavird, Gilbert de Lumsden, Gilbert his
son, Thomas de Coldingham, Thomas de Prendergest, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¼ x 4¼"
Seal: (1) of Walter.
(2) of Cicilia. G&B No.2989. Green wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXCI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1138. - Charter of Walter de Simpring and Cicilia his wife, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1139 [early 13th century]
Charter of Waldef, son of Uctred de Reston selling to the prior and monks of Coldingham ½ of all his land of Reston inside and outside the vill, for 10 silver marks.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Walter de Lindsey, Alan de Swinton, Walter
Frebarn, Henry de Prendergest, Gregory the steward, Elias de Prendergest, Robert the provost,
Adam de Reston, Richard de Reston, Maurice son of Merlin, Robert de Cellario , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B No.1139. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1139. - Charter of Waldef, son of Uctred de Reston selling to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1140 [26 January] 1283
Charter of Simon, called "de Swinewood", quitclaiming to God, St Mary, St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 bovate and 8 acres of land with a toft and croft in the vill and "territorio" of East Reston,
viz. the land which Uctred son of Elwold once held.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest
miles, Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Adam de
Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert de Coldingham, and the Prior's court.
At Ayton, the morrow of the Conversion of St Paul 1282/3.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 12½ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B No.2998. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1140. - Charter of Simon, called de Swinewood , quitclaiming to the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1141 [?1230s]
Charter of Thomas, prior, and the convent of Coldingham, granting to Richard Brun 12 acres of land in Coldingham next to Blackemorespottes, rendering for it 3lbs wax p.a.
Witnesses: Patrick son of Adam, Walter de Lindsey, sheriff of Berwick, William de Wideslade, Henry de Prendergest, William de Lumsden, Elias de Prendergest, Adam his son, Adam de
Reston, Reginald de Reston, Richard de Reston, Maurice de ?Ayton, John de Lumsden,
Ralph the provost, Ralph the sergeant, William Scott , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 5"
Seal: Thomas, prior of Coldingham. G&B No.3649. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1141. - Charter of Thomas, Prior, and the Convent of Coldingham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1142 [c.1220s]
Charter of David son of Arnold stating that he did homage to Ralph the prior, and the monks of Coldingham, for the land his father held in Aldcambus; and rendering an annual rent of 5/-.
Witnesses: Peter, chaplain of Coldingham, Master Anger, Patrick de Swinewood, Walter de
Lindsey, Gervase Ridel, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, Edward de Aldcambus,
Ralph the archdeacon, Gregory the steward, Robert de Ederham, Robert de Bekil , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 3¾"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham CLXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1142. - Charter of David son of Arnold stating that he did ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1143 15 January 1426
Indenture, whereby William Drax, prior and the monks of Coldingham, undertakes to pay to Thomas Purvas of Swinewood 105 marks as discharge of all debts due to him, 25 marks at Whitsun, 40 marks at Martinmas and 40 marks at
Whitsun, with Hugh of the Spens and John of Mandriston to be 'borous' to Thomas, and Patrick Home, David Home and James of WHitelaw (Qwhytlaw) obligated.
Witnesses: Alexander Home, Sir William of the Hall, Patrick Home, Davy Home,
William de Manderston, Nicholas de Paxton.
At Coldingham, 15 January 1425/6.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 10¾ x 5"
Seal: John de Manderston. G&B No.2884. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXCVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1145
Seal: 4 loose seals.
(1) of John of Chirnside. G&B No.2778.
(2) of Alexander Home. G&B No.2850.
(3) of David Home of
Wedderburn. G&B No.2853.
(4) of David, son of Arnold de Quickswood. G&B No.2941.
All red wax. 3 still attached to parchment strip.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1146 [13 March 1250]
Obligation of William, vicar of Aldcambus, made the day after the feast of St Gregory [13 March] at Coldingham, to the prior of Coldingham, for 4 "boves" or their value, 24/-, taken in the
wod and warenne of the prior on the Vigil of the Circumcision 1249.
Witnesses: Robert, son of the steward, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert de
Coupland, Alan, the sacrist's man, Gregory de Borthigg, Patrick Scot, Patrick son of Coleman,
and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 3½"
Seal: William. G&B No.3010. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXCII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1146. - Obligation of William, vicar of Aldcambus, made the day after ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1147 [1263 x 1276]
Charter of Augustine Cissor and Agnes Cantor his wife with the assent of Alice their daughter, in full court of East Reston (
Estyrreston), quitclaiming to John, son of Bertram of East Reston that toft and croft lying
between the land of John son of Bertram and the toft of Elias son of Roger, and if they vex him in any way, they will pay all damages along with his expenses, and we will also be thereby obligated on oath on pain of 100s to the archdeacon of Lothian
and 100s to the prior of Coldingham, to be enforced by the prior of Coldingham in ecclesiastical jurisdiction with the sentence of excommunication.
Sealed by Roger prior of Coldingham and Augustine.
Witnesses: Dom Peter de Mordington, Dom Henry de Prendergest,
milites, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, Robert Laverd, Patrick son of Alice of West Reston, Patrick the sergeant of the same, Elias son of Roger.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 13 x 7¼"
Seal: G&B No.2781, on a parchment tag, with a further blank tag, each through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1257
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1147. - Charter of Augustine Cissor and Agnes Cantor quitclaiming a toft ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1148 [early 13th century]
Charter of David son of Arnald of Quickswood granting to God, St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Coldingham all his land in the "campo" of Aldcambus, in exchange for 2 bovates of land, and 1 toft and croft in
Coldingham, and for the corn tithes for 1 year of Greater Lumsden, valued at 5 marks, and the prior and convent will give him a pair of spurs or 2d p.a.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Walter de Lindsey, Walter Frebarn, Henry de
Prendergest, Gregory the steward, Alexander Swinton, Adam de Reston, William de Lumsden,
Ralph the archdeacon of Lumsden, John his son, Richard de Renigton, Reginald de Reston,
William his son, Constantine de Coldingham, Walter de Burning , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 4½"
Seal: G&B No.2941. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1148. - Charter of David son of Arnald of Quickswood granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1149 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Solomon Frebern de Lamberton granting to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and the prior and convent of Coldingham a toft in the vill of Kirklamberton between the tofts of David Stobert
emptor and Hugh Black, and 6 acres of land there at Meduhope, Kerlingstanflat, Chove, Choveleine and Linaker.
Witnesses: Lord Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, William de
Scremerston, David and Gilbert de Lumsden, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, William son of
Waldef, Robert son of Reginald, Elias Pistor, John de Billingham, Thomas the clerk, and
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.2832. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1149. - Charter of Solomon Frebern de Lamberton granting to the Prior ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1150 [later 13th century]
Inquisition at Aldcambus on the true value of the vicarage of Aldcambus, which the jury finds to be 17 marks, out of which have to be paid the stipend of a clerk, besides “procur' Archidi' et
sinodalia".”, and lights and other things found in the church.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 3½"
Seal: Originally 9. 4 survive.
(1) of John the baker. G&B No.2863.
(2), (3) & (4) Not found in G&B.
All green wax. Attached to strips cut from left foot of
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CXCIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1150. - Inquisition at Aldcambus on the true value of the vicarage ... [DCD Misc.Ch. 1151]
Now 1.1.Sacr.11.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1152 [?1237]
Indenture whereby W[illiam de Bondington] bishop of Glasgow, recites a bull of Pope Gregory [IX] to the treasurer and precentor of Glasgow concerning the grandfather of David de Lumsden, sentenced to death, dated Viterbii,
Non. December Pont.9 ([5 December 1236]), and repeating the agreement between David and the monks of Durham concerning the vill of Aldcambus, and mentioning a cyrograph between the monks and his grandfather Edward.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'conpositio' cut through
Size: 11¾ x 7¼"
Seal: Originally 3. Fragments of 2 left. One detached [that of Bishop of Glasgow]. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXLVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1152. - Indenture whereby W. Bishop of Glasgow, recites a Bull of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1153 [c.1200]
Charter of David son of Ernald de Quickswood granting to Adam hs brother 1 toft with a house, and a croft, and 7 acres of land in the "campo" of Aldcambus, parcels detailed, free of all service save foreign service of the
king, for an annual rent of 2 pairs of spurs or 2 pennies at Pentecost, and 6d for merchet.
Witnesses: Peter, vicar of Aldcambus, Lord William de Lumsden, Thomas son of William de Aldcambus,
Nicholas the clerk and Henry the clerk, Hugh the carpenter, Walter son of Edward, Moses son of Richard and Ralph his
brother and Gregory his brother, Haldan son of Geoffrey and Waldef his brother, Simon son of William , and many others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B No.2941. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1153. - Charter of David son of Ernald de Quickswood granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1154 [1260s]
Charter of Adam, son of Roger de Edinton, obliging his tenement in the "territorio" of Coldingham to Roger, prior of Coldingham, for observing an agreement between him and W[illiam] Cuthbert almoner of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest
miles, Master W. de Edinton, Master W. de Wolveston,
William de Bellingham , and many others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 2¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from left foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1154. - Charter of Adam, son of Roger de Edinton, obliging his ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1155 [early 13th century]
Charter of Walter Frebern granting to God, St Mary, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe the virgin, the prior and monks of Coldingham in free, pure and perpetual alms, half his toft in the vill of Lamberton, viz. the half nearer the
church of Lamberton.
Witnesses: Henry de Prendergest, William de Mordington, Alan de Swinton, William de
Lumsden, John de Lumsden, Adam de Reston, Richard de Reston, Elias de Prendergest,
Alan his son, Robert son of the steward , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2833. Fragment only. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1155. - Charter of Walter Frebern granting to the Prior and monks ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1156 [5 May ?1432]
Supplication of William Brown Sac. Pag. Bac., monk of Dunfermline, to the pope, concerning his claim to Coldingham, then held by William Drax.
At Florence, 3 Non. May, Pont.2 [?Eugenius IV].
With some contemporary amendments and ?17th century annotations.
Paper, 1p
Size: 12 x 4¼"
Printed: Raine SS.12 CIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1157 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham the homage and service which Patrick son of Colman owed him for land he gave to Patrick in Aldcambus.
Witnesses: William de Mordington, Alan de Swinton, Walter de Paxton, Andrew de
Paxton, Bertram de Reston , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2949. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1157. - Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1158 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, granting to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the monks of Durham at Coldingham all the land which his father held in the vill of Aldcambus.
Witnesses: Lord Patrick, Earl of Dunbar, Lord Patrick his son, Lord John de Maxwell (
sheriff of Berwick, William de Mordington, Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, William de
Lumsden, Simon, brother of the Prior, Walter de Paxton, Andrew de Paxton, Robert son of the
steward, Adam son of Ylif , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined, one central hole with some letters lost
Size: 5½ x 3"
Seal: G&B No.2950. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1158. - Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1159 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Adam son of Laysingh' selling to Bertram de Beniston his house in the vill of Coldingham, with a toft and croft and 2 acres of land in the "territorio" of Coldingham, viz. Colilawe, for 3 silver marks, rendering
annually 12d at St John the Baptist and St Martin, to be held by right of heredity.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Geoffrey
Ridel, Walter de Paxton, Andrew de Paxton, William de Lumsden, William de Munros,
Robert son of the steward, William the clerk , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¼ x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1159. - Charter of Adam son of Laysingh' selling to Bertram de ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1160 29 October 1437
Inquisition post mortem, before David Home, bailiff of Coldingham, on Thomas Redpat, father of George Redpat who died seised of ⅓ carrucate in Aldcambus.
Witnesses: Hugh de Spens, Alexander Lumsden, Nicholas Paxton, George Ellum, Gilbert Lumsden, George Redpat, William Learmouth, Robert Lumsden, William de Aldyncraw, Richard Wardlaw, William Rainton, James of Kelloe, John Bewelas, Thomas Lumsden,
Thomas Forman, John Ayton, John Ayr.
Date: Reston, 29 October 1437.
Parchment, 1m, arrow-shaped [cancellation] cuts and 2 pairs of horizontal cuts
Size: 9¼ x 3¾"
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1161 15 January 1426
Letters of Thomas Purvas of Swinewood (Swynwode), acknowledging that he is fully satisfied of all debts due to him by William Drax, prior of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Alexander Home, Sir William of the Hall, Patrick Home, Davy Home,
William de Manderston, Nicholas de Paxton.
Sealed with the seal of John Mandriston 'with grete instance'.
Date: Coldingham, 15 January 1425/6.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11½ x 3¾"
Seal: John de Manderston. G&B No.2884. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXCVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1162 3 June 1407
Joint obligation of John de Aycliffe, prior of Coldingham and Alexander Home, to Thomas Purvas of Ederham, with all farms, profits, etc, securing a loan by Purvas to them, involvig aso William Drax, sacrist of Coldingham.
At Coldingham, 3 June 1407.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 10½ x 5¾"
Seal: John de Aycliffe. G&B No.3653. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXCII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1163 [11 November] 1308
Indenture of agreement between Richard de Cotesmor, almoner of Coldingham, and Adam Fullo, whereby Richard demises to Adam 1 toft and curtilage which Isabella Hopper once held in the vill of Coldingham, and 1 "thorale"
with curtilage between the tofts of William Baylle and formerly John Rap, for a term of 10 years for 8/- p.a. for 2 years in equal terms at Pentecost and St Martin, and 10/- p.a. thereafter, and Adam is to build a chamber and dig ditches around the
Pledges for Adam: William son of Robert, Silvester de Castro.
Date: St Martin 1308.
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented head, zig-zag, cyrogafwm cut through
Size: 8¾ x 3¾"
Seal: Adam Fullo [missing], William son of Robert and Silvester de Castro, neither found in G&B. All natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1163. - Indenture of agreement between Richard de Cotesmor, almoner of Coldingham, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1164 [8 August] 1372
Letters of the official of the archdeacon of Lothian, David de Marr, on his visitation of the parish church of Coldingham saying he spent the night there not as an official but as a friend.
Date: Coldingham, Sunday before St Laurence the martyr 1372.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¾ x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1165 20 May 1422
Demise by William Drax, prior of Coldingham, to John de Manderston and William de Manderston of all his lands of Ederham for 5 years for £10 p.a.
At Berwick, 20 May 1422.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12½ x 4¼"
Seal: William Drax. G&B No.3654. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document, [wrapping tie stub below].
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXCV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1166 [20 June] 1375
Obligation [cut in cancellation] of Robert de Claxton, prior of Coldingham, to Gilbert Heryng, Lord de Edmersdene, for £24 to be paid at the vill of Coldigham at St Martin.
Sealed with his seal and that of his fellow monk John of Lymington.
At Coldingham, Wednesday after the Holy Trinity 1375.
Parchment, 1m, 5 vertical [cancellation] cuts
Size: 11½ x 4¾"
Seal: Missing, on a tongue. Tie tag.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXC
DCD Misc.Ch. 1167 1/8 March 1326
Indenture whereby William [of Cowton], prior, and the convent of Durham, demise to Patrick son of William son of Ralph and to Agnes his wife, 1 toft and 2 bovates of land in Coldingham which the said William son of Ralph
held, to hold on behalf of the office of chief sergeant in the priory of Coldingham, for an annual rent of 3/-, and other duties.
At Durham 1 March for the apposition of the chapter seal, and at Coldingham 8 March for the seals of Patrick, Agnes, Henry de Prendergest and Roger de Lumsden 1325/6.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, ?indenta cut through, small diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the left corner of the turnup
Size: 10½ x 7"
Seal: (1) Patrick son of William.
(2) Agnes his wife. G&B No.2952.
(3) Henry de Prendergest. G&B No.2920.
(4) Roger de Lumsden. G&B No.2881.
All natural wax.
Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1168 28 February 1428
Indenture whereby John [Wessington], prior and the convent of Durham, say that James [I], King of Scots, had taken the cell of Coldingham into his protection but is now otherwise busy, and appoint Lord William de Douglas,
earl of Angus and lord of Liddeldale and Jedburgh forest as protector of the cell of Coldingham.
At Bonkill, 28 February 1427/8.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 13 x 4¼"
Seal: William Douglas. G&B No.2799. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1169 11 May 1332
Indenture whereby Adam de Pontefract, prior of Coldingham, demises to William de Carnoto 2 "sealingas" viz. Birkinside and Ampirley, and 1 carrucate of land in the demesne of Swinewoodburnes, which Nicholas de Prestwick
held, and 1 toft with one-sixth carrucate of land called Unthanc, in Raynton, from 1332, for term of 5 years, with covenants including the provision of timber for building, repairs and ploughs.
Witnesses: Lord Robert de Lawedre, justiciar of Lothian and sheriff of Berwick, Lord Robert de Lowedre his son, Lord Henry de
Prendergest, kt,, John de Echlyi, steward of the barony of Coldingham, Gilbert de Lumsden, John de Raynton , and many others
At Coldingham, 11 May 1332.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, phrase cut through including Maria
Size: 10¼ x 8¾"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXXVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1170 [11 November] 1304
Indenture of agreement between Robert de Bowes, almoner of Coldingham, and William de Houburn, whereby the almoner demises to William that toft which Robert Squier once held in the vill of Coldingham, for the term of 10
years for 3/- p.a. at the 4 annual terms within the barony of Coldingham.
Date: St Martin 1304.
With some cancelled lines.
Parchment, 1m, various V-shaped [cancellation] cuts, indented head, zig-zag, with letters cut through
Size: 7¼ x 4"
Seal: fideicessores.
(1) Robert Haliman. G&B No.2842.
(2) Robert de Kilpin. G&B No.2864.
(3) Missing.
Green wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1170a
Loose seal, found in 2010 with DCD Misc.Ch. 1139-1170 and probably detached from one of those
DCD Misc.Ch. 1171 [1234 x 1244]
Charter of Thomas [of Melsonby], prior, and the convent of Durham, granting to Simon, son of Thomas, 1 carrucate of land in Renigton, viz. that carrucate which Simon bought from John de Hunsingore, together with a toft,
for an annual rent of ½ mark at 3 terms, that is 20d at Easter, 30d at St John the Baptists, and 30d at St Martin, and rendering foreign service.
Witnesses: Robert de Upsetlington, sheriff of Berwick, Patrick son of Adam, Henry de Prendre, William de Wideslade, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Robert de Ederham, William de
Lumsden, Thomas de Aldcambus, Adam de Reston, Bertram his son, Reginald de Reston,
Patrick Dreng , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9½ x 3¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1171. - Charter of Thomas, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1172 8 February 1459
Inquisition post mortem by Robert Artht, William Handmeraw, Gilbert Lumsden, Thomas Lumsden of West Lumsden, James Paxton, John Atkynson, James Kellow, John Lumsden, John Ellen, Edward Lumsden,
Alexander Handmeraw of the same, George Edwardson, Robert Blakbord, John Lichtharnes, and Patrick Ben, on Agnes Thorald, grandmother of Robert Hog, who died siesed of 1 bovate of land in Lower Ayton, finding that Robert Hog is her rightful heir and
is to hold from the prior and convent for 20d p.a.
Date: Reston, 8 February 1458/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¾ x 6¼"
Seal: Originally 5. 4 survive.
1) of Robert Eicht. G&B No.2821.
2) of Gilbert de Lumsden. G&B No.2878.
3 & 4) Not found in G&B.
All red wax. Attached by
parchment strips cut from left foot of document, with remains of a tie threaded through double slits.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXXVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1173 [1189 x 1213]
Indenture whereby Bertram, prior, and the convent of Durham grant to William, nephew of Arnald, prior of Coldingham, as vicar the altarage of the church of Ercildon with all its lands, for 10 marks silver p.a. to the prior
and convent of Durham.
This indenture has been corrected at a later date with cancellations, interlineations and an addition at the foot.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, carta cut through, torn, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 7¼ x 7"
Seal: double slit [in a turnup] for a [sealing tag]
Decoration: elaborated initial B
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.109v.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1173. - Indenture whereby Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1174 [27 September] 1275
Letter of Richard [of Claxton], prior, and the convent of Durham to W[illiam Wischard] bishop of St Andrew's, presenting Oliver de Baddeby to the vicarage of Fishwick, vacant by the resignation of Master William de
At Durham, 5 Kal. October 1275.
Parchment, 1m, 3 various stabbed holes
Size: 7¼ x 2½"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.109r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1174. - Letter of Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1175 [1234 x 1244]
Indenture whereby Thomas [of Melsonby], prior, and the convent of Durham, grant to William son of Peter de Ederham, 10 acres of arable land in the vill of Ederham, and 1 acre of meadow with a toft and croft which his
father once held for 1 silver mark p.a. to the leperhouse of Aldcambus.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, carta cut through, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner, also another hole and a slit along the foot
Size: 5 x 2¼"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.16v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1175. - Indenture whereby Thomas, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1176 [4 May] 1276
Indenture whereby Richard [Claxton], prior and the convent of Durham, demise to John de Baddeby 1 carrucate of land in Little Reston, which they had as a gift from Bertram de Little Reston, together with a toft and croft
of 3 acres formerly held by Adam de Sueldene, and another ½ carrucate of land which the prior of Coldingham had in exchange for land in farm from the sacrist of Coldingham and 2 acres of meadow of Bylliside and one acre at Homiscnolle, and all the
"frisea" which the sacrist of Coldingham had on the south part of the meadow of Linthalwy for 40/- p.a. at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and St Martin to the commune of Durham by the hand of the sacrist of Coldingham.
At Durham, 4 Non. May 1276.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, triangular [filing] hole in the right end of the turnup
Size: 9¾ x 6"
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag, with 2 stabbed hoples in the turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1196 (except for difference in date)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1176. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, demise ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1177 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby Ralph [Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Thomas son of Ranulf, a chantry "infra repta curie sue" where he will dwell in the "territorio" of Stichil, with other conditions.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, carta cut through
Size: 6½ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.2959.i. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXLII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1177. - Indenture whereby Ralph, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1178 [9 September] 1328
Letters of William [of Cowton], prior and the convent of Durham, to Adam de Pontefract, prior of Coldingham, commissioning him to present a suitable person to the vicarage of the parish church of Edenham.
At Durham in chapter, 5 Id. September 1328.
Parchment, 1m, faded, some holes with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 10¼ x 2¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.109r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1179 [11 June] 1281
Letters of Richard [of Claxton], prior and the convent of Durham granting authority to Nicholas de Ybernia, sacrist of Coldingham, Adam de Twyville, almoner, and William de Darlington, terrar, to appoint suitable persons
to vacant ecclesiastical benefices in the bishopric of St Andrew's.
At Durham, 3 Id. June 1281.
Parchment, 1m, various cut [filing] holes
Size: 8¼ x 2¼"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.110r.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DL
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1179. - Letters of Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1180 [3 November] 1278
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior of Durham, and the convent, grant to the chapel of the B.V.M. and the Blessed Nicholas in the vill of West Reston, and to the chaplain 1 toft in the same vill, viz. that which
Reginald, called Rutherkird, once held in which the chaplain might live.
Witness the chapter.
Given at Durham, day after All Souls 1278.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, carta cut through, lined, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner, with various other stabbed holes
Size: 8¼ x 4"
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Other half of indenture: Misc.Ch. 1241
Copied in DCD Reg.I, f.i.15r.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXLVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1180. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior of Durham, and the Convent, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1181 3 July 1355
Letter of John [Fosser] prior of Durham, as commissary of Bishop Hatfield, saying that it was recorded at the bishop's visitation in [Durham] cathedral that his fellow monk Robert Kellow, prior of Lytham, had purged
himself on a charge of taking £27 from Coldingham.
At Durham, 3 July 1355.
Parchment, 1m, left edge damaged and parts lost with some text missing, some staining, slit on the right side
Size: 10¾ x 4¼"
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1182 17 April 1355
Letter of [John Fosser] prior of Durham, as commissary of Bishop Hatfield, dismissing a charge against his fellow monk Robert Kellow, prior of Lytham, of taking from Coldingham £27 while sacrist there (see Misc.Ch.
At Durham, 17 April 1355.
Parchment, 1m, 2 diamond-shaped [filing] holes on the left side, 1 stabbed hole in the bottom right corenr
Size: 10 x 3¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1183 [1258 x 1290]
Indenture whereby Hugh [of Darlington], prior, and the convent of Durham, grant to Elias de Coldingham, baker, and Robert de Coldingham his first born son, a house and toft belonging to Adam, baker and a croft in the vill
of Coldingham, and a house and croft with 6 acres of land which Ake Vigil once held, and all the land which Walter de Clare caused to be cultivated near Halyden, for 7s silver to the cell of Coldingham in equal portions at the Nativity of St John
the Baptist and St Martin, for all services except tithes and multure, with remainder to Elias's other sons, also granting a free place at Coldingham mill with the free men.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, lined
Size: 7¼ x 5¼"
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1183. - Indenture whereby Hugh, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1184 4 May 1426
Inquisition post mortem, held at Reston in the court of the prior of Coldingham before David Home, bailiff, with jurors John de Raynton, Hugh de Spens, John de Mandston, John de Cheirnside,
George de Elleme, James de Qwhitlaw, William de Kellaw, John de Mandston jr, William de Aldyncraw, Thomas Acchynson, Nicholas de Paxton, Thomas de Lumsyden, Patrick de Beure, Nicholas Wayt, Nicholas Brade, on George de Wardlaw son of Patrick de
Wardlaw, who died seised of various lands (enumerated) and they were taken into the hands of the prior of Coldingham for lack of a true heir.
Date: 4 May 1426.
Parchment, 1m, some gnawing along the head
Size: 9¼ x 5¾"
Seal: Originally 5. 3 survive.
1) of Thomas de Lumsden. G&B No.2882.
2) of John de Manderston. G&B No.2884.
3) of Hugh de Spens. G&B No.2991.
All red wax.
Attached to strips cut from left foot of document, with a wrapping tie stub below
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1185 [12 January 1277]
Letters of Richard [Claxton], prior of Durham to W[illiam Wischard] bishop of St Andrew's, presenting his chaplain Dom John de Alverton to the vicarage of the church of Lamberton, vacant
mortem William, formerly vicar.
At Durham, Prid. Id. Jan. 1276/7.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 2¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.109r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1185. - Letters of Richard, Prior of Durham to W. Bishop of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1186 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby Ralph [Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Robert, son of Reginald de Great Reston, 1 carrucate of land in Great Reston and other lands, enumerated, with a brewery (
bracinum), for 4/- p.a., half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin, and Robert will provide for the king's corrody 32d annually at Easter, and will mill their corn up to 13 vas at Reston mill.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, ?cirogrfwm cut through
Size: 6¾ x 5½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached through foot of document, but no slit.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.15r-v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1186. - Indenture whereby Ralph, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1187 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby R[alph Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, with the consent of Master Alan, parson of the church of Ederham, grant to Herbert de Camera a chantry in his chapel of Kinebrigeham, and Herbert grants
to the church of Ederham 4 bovates of land in Kinebrigeham with tofts and crofts and 21 acres on the east of Tunestalles, and ½ mark half at St Martin and half at Pentecost, in place of the tithe of the mill of Kinebrigeham; and the rector of the
church of Ederham is to have a brewery (
bracinum) in the vill of Kinebrigeham; the chaplain will stay in the vill of Kinebrigeham and Herbert will pay his synodals and all the chapel's necessities; the clerk of the
chapel will take holy water to the 3 vills of Blacheder, Kinebrigeham and West Nesbit; Herbert and his household will visit the mother church at Christmas, Pentecost and the Assumption of the BVM.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cyrograph' cut through, head repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 6 x 7¼"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1189 (similar)
Copy: Reg. I. f.17
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1187. - Indenture whereby R. Prior, and the Convent of Durham, with ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1188 [29 October] 1286
Indenture whereby Hugh [of Darlington], prior and the convent of Durham, had granted to Adam, called Sele, de Renigton, and Adam, son of William, his brother, ½ carrucate of land in Renigton, for 22½d p.a. to the house of
Coldingham at the terms of the barony of Coldingham, and 10d for King's corrody.
At Durham, the morrow of SS Simon & Jude 1286.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, some stains
Size: 7¾ x 4"
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.17v-18r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1188. - Indenture whereby Hugh, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1189 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby R. prior and the convent of Durham, with the assent of Master Alan, parson of the church of Ederham, grants to Herbert de Camera a chantry in his chapel of Kinebrigeham, with tofts and crofts and ½ mark
silver from his mill of Kinebrigeham, and the rector of the church of Ederham is to have a (
bracinum) in the vill of Kinebrigeham; the chaplain will stay in the vill of Kinebrigeham and Herbert will pay his synodals and
all the chapel's necessities; Herbert and his household will visit the mother church at Christmas, Pentecost and the Assumption of the BVM.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 2 cut and 1 stabbed [filing] holes along the foot
Size: 6 x 3¼"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1187 (similar)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1189. - Indenture whereby R. Prior, and the Convent of Durham, with ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1190 [26 May] 1264
Charter of Hugh [of Darlington], prior and the convent of Durham, granting to William de Baddeby and John his son, all the land in Great Reston which Roger, prior of Coldingham held from the king of Scotland, which John
Scot once held from them, with common pasture of the vill of Reston between Reston and Playleywaie, from Playleywaie up to Thungeburn, excepting the dowry of Alice stepmother (
noverice) of John Scot.
At Durham, 7 Kal. June 1264.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Size: 6¾ x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.16r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1190. - Charter of Hugh, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1191 [25 October] 1277, [29 September] 1278
Recto. Indenture made at Michaelmas 1278, of agreement between R[ichard of Claxton] prior of Durham and Thomas Ranulph,
miles, whereby the prior sells to him the marriage (
maritagium) of John, son and heir of David de Paxton, or his nearest heir, for 40 marks, to be paid at Berwick, half at St Matthew and half at the Assumption of the BVM 1279, with pledges for Ranulph of Peter de Mordington
miles, Philip de Ridall and Walter de Barton burgesses of Berwick.
Dorse. [Copy] grant by Richard [of Claxton], prior of Durham, to William de Baddeby of the marriage of the son and heir of David de Paxton, or his nearest heir.
At Holy Island, 8 Kal. November 1277.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirograf' cut through, cut [filing] hole in the bottom left corner
Size: 7½ x 7½"
Seal: Foot cut off which may have had a sealing tag through a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 851 (other half of this indenture)
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.16r-v (recto) and 17r (dorse).
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXLIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1191. - Recto. Indenture made at Michaelmas [29 September] 1278, of agreement ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1192 [1234 x 1244]
Indenture whereby Thomas [of Melsonby], prior, and the convent of Durham, grant to John de Billingham 2 bovates of land in Coldingham with a toft and croft, viz. the land which Arnald, prior of Coldingham, bought from
David de Quickswood, for 10/- p.a. silver, on Palm Sunday to the house of Coldingham and also 1 toft and croft which Ralph son of Godwin once held for 12d p.a. and 1 toft with buildings which Mabilla held, for 4d p.a., both rents half at the
Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Endorsed (later 13th century) as not yet registered.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, carta cut through, lined, [filing] holes in bottom R and L corners
Size: 7¾ x 7¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1192. - Indenture whereby Thomas, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1193 ?1 April 1266
Letters of H[ugh of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to G[ameline] bishop of St Andrew's, presenting Patrick de Durham to the vicarage of the church of Ederham, vacant by the death of Peter, once vicar.
At Durham, ?Kal April 1266.
Parchment, 1m, lower left part part torn off and missing with some text lost, some wormholes
Size: 7½ x 1¾"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.108v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1193. - Letters of H. Prior and the Convent of Durham to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1194 [14 February] 1274
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Robert Hopper of Coldingham 2 tofts in Coldingham, 1 between the houses of Ely the miller and formerly of Adam Haretothe, and the other
between the houses of William de Anecroft and Edward Sinewyrith, with 1 acre of land in Coldingham, next to the stream of Haliden, called Wyndayacre, for 4/- silver p.a. to the house of Coldingham, half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and
half at St Martin.
At Durham, 16 Kal. March 1273/4.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'cirographwm' cut through, 2 diamond-shaped holes cut out of each end of the turnup
Size: 7¾ x 4"
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.17v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1194. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1195 [1189 x 1213]
Indenture whereby B[ertram], prior, and the convent of Durham, granting to Unfrid de Rapereslawe ½ carrucate of land in the vill of Paxton, which David, son of Liulf de Paxton gave to the house of Coldingham for ½ mark
silver p.a., half at St John in Midsummer and half at St Martin.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, deep zig-zags, 'carta' cut through, stabbed hole in the centre of the foot
Size: 5¼ x 3¼"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1291
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1195. - Indenture whereby B[ertram], Prior, and the Convent of Durham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1196 [29 April] 1276
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior, and the convent of Durham demise to John de Badeby, his heirs and assigns except for Jews and other religious men, of 1 carrucate of land in Little Reston, which they had as a
gift from Bertram de Little Reston, with a toft and croft of 3 acres which Adam de Fueldene formerly held, half the carucate being between Freselawe and Stinestheswelle, and Mortrop and Eddriswayms, with the other half which the prior of Coldingham
had in exchange for land in farm from the sacrist of Coldingham by
ambulate of worthy men of Coldinghamshire, and 2 acres of meadow of Billiside, and 1 acre at Homiscnolle and all the
which the sacrist of Coldingham had on the south part of the meadow of Lithalwy for 40/- sterling p.a. to the
commune of Durham by the hand of the sacrist of Coldingham half at St John the Baptist and half at St
At Durham, 3 Kal. May 1276.
Some cancellations and an interlineations, and various practice words and letters at the foot.
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented head, zig-zag, various holes along the foot
Size: 10 x 6"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1176 except for difference in date
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1196. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham demise ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1197 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture of Ralph [Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, granting to Simon, son of Thomas 2 bovates of land and half an acre in the field of Greater Reston which Adam son of Patrick Marshall gave to God and St
Cuthbert and the house of Coldingham, at Wlnestrothflat and Blakelaweflat 14 acres, at Wellebuttes 10½ acres, at Langelineacre 2½ acres, and the toft and croft which are at his house to the west, rendering annually to the house of Coldingham a pound
of pepper or 6d at St John the Baptist, and also a toft and croft by Wlnelawe and 28 acres in its field, which begin between Wellebuttes and the field of Aldingrawe, descending by Langelmeace to between Wlnestrothflat and Langeflat, rendering
annually to the house of Coldingham 12d, half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Wintess: our chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'carta' cut through, various [filing] holes along the foot
Size: 6¼ x 5¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1252
Similar version: Misc.Ch. 5920
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1197. - Indenture of Ralph, Prior and the Convent of Durham grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1198 [11 November] 1285
Indenture of agreement between Gilbert de Schireburn, sacrist of Coldingham, and John de Smeton whereby Gilbert demises to John all the land which Alan son of Eda daughter of Roger "cimentar" held in Coldingham, with the
assent of Alan and Christana formerly the wife of Roger, except for 4 acres in Hallsyd which Gilbert leased from Alan and Christana, for 20 years, for 8s p.a. sterling to the sacrist on Palm Sunday and 2s silver p.a. to Alan, half at the Nativity of
St John the Baptist and half at St Martin, with the buildings worth 9s 3½d to be in as good state or better at the end of the lease, and he might add more to the value of 10s, and if the 8s rent ceases he will incur a fine of a bezant.
Pledges for John: John Brikun, William of Billingham.
Date: St Martin 1285.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, lined
Size: 7¼ x 7¾"
Seal: "fideiussores".
(1) John de Smeton. G&B No.2990.
(2) William de Bellingham. G&B No.2761.
(3) John Brechin. G&B No.2771.
All green wax. Attached by
parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1198. - Indenture of agreement between Gilbert de Schireburn, sacrist of Coldingham, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1199 [1277]
Indenture whereby Henry of Horncastle, prior of Coldingham, undertakes that as he owes at the Assumption of the BVM 1276 £108 10s, that is £40 for St John the Baptist term for Ederham church, £19 for the penison etc for
the same term, and St Martin in the same year, and also £40 for St John the Baptist 1276 and £9 10s for the pension for the same term by consideration of R[ichard of Claxton] prior of Durham, each year he will pay to the prior of Durham £80, half at
Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin, beginning at the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1277 until the debt is cleared.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirographum' cut through, some damp stains repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 7¾ x 4"
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1199. - Indenture whereby Henry de Horncaster, Prior of Coldingham, undertakes to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1200 1 May 1442
Letters of John [Wessington], prior of Durham, constituting David Home of Wedderburn (Whederburne), miles, bailiff of the cell of Coldingham and of lands belonging
to it, for a term of 12 years.
At Durham, 1 May 1442.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¾ x 3¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXIV
Misc.Ch. 1201-1300DCD Misc.Ch. 1201 [?1159 x 1162]
Charter of Thomas, prior and chapter of St Cuthbert of the church of Durham, granting to R[obert] son of Gore, clerk, the church of Edenham with its lands, tofts, crofts and 3 chapels viz. Stichil, Neithanesthurne and
Newton, from St Cuthbert for life, for 16 marks p.a., 5 marks within the octave of the Purification of the BVM, 5 marks within the octave of St John the Baptist, and 6 marks within the octave of St Cuthbert in September.
Witnesses: John the archdeacon, M. Thomas de XVI Vallibus, S. de Camerar', Robert de
Tribois, John de Rane, Engelard, Elias and W., Bishop's clerks, R. priest of Selescheriche,
Dolfin, priest, William, priest, Simund, priest
With some interlineations and cancellations.
Parchment, 1m, some damage towards the foot with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 8 x 5¾"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.108v.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1201. - Charter of Thomas, Prior, and the Chapter of Durham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1202 23 July 1333
Letter of William [of Cowton], prior and the convent of Durham to E[dward Balliol], King of Scots, sent by Robert de Graystanes Doc. Sac. Th., asking for him to take into his protection the cell of Coldingham.
In the chapter at Durham, 23 July 1333.
Parchment, 1m, right end damaged with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 10¼ x 3"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1203 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby Ralph [Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to William de Michford "nomine vicarie" the altarage of the church of Aldcambus, with all pertinents, except the tithes of corn of their demesne and
the whole vill, and of their animals.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'carta' cut through, [filing] hole in right end of turnup
Size: 6½ x 4¼"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.108r-v.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXLI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1203. - Indenture whereby Ralph, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1204 20 May 1460
Letters of John Pencher, prior of Coldingham, appointing his fellow monks William Cuthbert and William Elwyke his proctors, to appear before the prior and convent at their chapter at Durham.
At Coldingham, 20 May 1460.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¾ x 5"
Seal: John Pencher. G&B No.3657. Red wax. Fragment only. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1205 [1263 x 1276]
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Patrick Scott, his heirs and assigns except for religious men, royal bailiffs and Jews, all the land in Great Reston which John Scott,
brother of Patrick, held and forfeited to the King of Scotland, and which Roger, prior of Coldingham had from the king.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 8¼ x 2¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Similar version: Misc.Ch. 1213
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.15v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1205. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1206 [25 February] 1283
Letter of Nicholas de Lochmaben (
Lowhmaban), official of the archdeacon of Lothian, concerning the payment by Walter de Burdon
miles of 1 stone of wax annually to
the priory of Coldingham as promised in the charter of his father.
At Mordington, the morrow of St Matthew 1282/3.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 2¾"
Seal: (1) of Nicholas de Lochmaben. G&B No.3636.
(2) of W. Dean of the Merse.
Both natural wax. Attached to strips cut from foot of document, with a wrapping tie stub
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1206. - Letter of Nicholas de Lochmaben, official of the archdeacon of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1207 [later 13th century]
Parchment sheet containing enrolments of certain charters of "libertates concesse ecclesie de Coldingham", identified as f.18-19 in the muniments of Coldingham:
1. Charter of Robert, Bishop of St Andrew's granting exemption to the church of Coldingham from all episcopal aid "cana & cuneved".
Dated in another hand 16 Kal. August in St Kenelm, martyr [17 July] 1127.
2. Charter of David I, confirming above [Misc.Ch. 569, without witnesses].
3. Bull of Pope Alexander III confirming above [Cart. Vet. f.20v].
4. Verso. Bull of Pope Urban III confirming above [Cart. Vet. f.27v].
5. Charter of William the Lion [Misc.Ch. 586, without witnesses] confirming the above.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 11¼"
Original: 1. Misc.Ch. 1298
Original: 2. Misc.Ch. 569; copied in Reg. I, f.i.19r-v.
Copy: 3 Reg. I, f.i.19v.
Copy: 4 Reg. I, f.i.19v.
Original: 5. Misc.Ch. 586; copied in Reg. I, f.i.19v-20r.
Printed: 1. Carr. App. 3. p.323.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1207. - Parchment sheet containing enrolments of certain charters of libertates concesse ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1208 [1189 x 1213]
Charter of Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham for the love and reverence of St Ebbe the virgin, for works of the church of Coldingham, 5 silver marks received of the
sacrist of Coldingham from the altar of Coldingham.
Witness: the chapter of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6 x 3"
Seal: the Prior of Durham. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1208. - Charter of Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1209 [1162 x 1189]
Charter of Germanus, prior and the chapter of Durham, granting to Walter de Ercildon (
Archeldon) that if Robert, parson of the church of Ercildon dies, Walter will hold it for life for 3 marks
p.a., 20s within the octave of Pentecost and 20s within the octave of St Martin.
Witnesses: John, archdeacon of Durham, Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian, Al' priest of Wallsend.
Parchment, 1m, [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 6½ x 3¼"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.109v.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1209. - Charter of German, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1210 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby Ralph [Kerneth], prior and convent of Durham, grants to Mathew de Aldengraw ½ carrucate of land in Aldengraw, with 1 toft and croft, for 20/- p.a. at Pentecost to the house of Coldingham.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'carta' cut through, stabbed hole in the centre of the foot
Size: 5¼ x 4"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.13r.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXL
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1210. - Indenture whereby Ralph, Prior and Convent of Durham, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1211 [26 April] 1277
Letters of Richard [of Claxton], prior and convent of Durham to W[illiam Wischard], bishop of St Andrew's, presenting Master Hugh de Hartlepool to the vicarage of the church of Erceldon, vacant by the death of Master Peter
de Coldingham.
At Durham, 6 Kal. May 1277.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9 x 2½"
Seal: [Sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stub
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.109v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1211. - Letters of Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1212 [1202 x 1213]
Indenture whereby Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, grant their chapel of Newton to W[illiam Malvoisine] bishop of St Andrew's, free from their mother church of Ederham, as in the agreement between them and the
bishop on the liberties of the churches in St Andrew's, with the pledge of the prior of Coldingham.
Witness the chapter of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through, stabbed [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 5½ x 4¼"
Seal: [Sealing tag] slit through the foot
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.17r.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1212. - Indenture whereby Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1213 [1263 x 1276]
Indenture whereby R[ichard of Claxton], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Patrick Scott, his heirs and assigns, except for religious men, royal bailiffs and Jews, all the land in Great Reston which John Scott,
Patrick's brother, held and forfeited to the king of Scotland, and which Roger prior of Coldingham had from the king.
Witness the chapter of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 8½ x 3½"
Seal: Missing.
Similar version: Misc.Ch. 1205
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1213. - Indenture whereby R. Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1214 [12 March] 1304
Letters of Richard [de Hoton], prior of Durham, setting out the allowances for William de Midilton, once prior of Coldingham, in servants, food, drink and money, including the mansio formerly of Henry of Silton former
prior of Coldingham with 2 servants, 1 for the chamber and the other to prepare his food.
At Coldingham, 4 Id. March 1303/4.
Parchment, 1m, lined, turnup
Size: 11¾ x 3½"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1214. - Letters of Richard, Prior of Durham, setting out the allowances ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1215 [1258 x 1290]
Indenture whereby Hugh [of Darlington], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Peter Cogan of Coldingham 1 messuage with a curtilage in Coldingham between the house formerly of Philip the janitor and the house of
William the carpenter, for 2/- p.a. to the house of Coldingham, half at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'carta' cut through
Size: 8 x 4"
Seal: Missing, slit in a turnup.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.12v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1215. - Indenture whereby Hugh, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1216 [3 March] 1266
Indenture whereby Hugh [of Darlington], prior and the convent of Durham, demise to Lord Henry de Prendergest 1 carrucate of land in Little Reston, viz. that which he had as a gift from Bertram de Little Reston, together
with a toft and croft of 3 acres which Adam de Fueldene formerly held, half a carrucate between Fresslaw and Staneschesewelle, and between Morcrop and Edriswaynis, and the other half which the prior of Coldingham had in exchange for land which he
demised from the sacrist of Coldingham perambulated by the worthy men of Coldinghamshire, and 2 acres of meadow at Billiside and an acre at Honnscnolle, and all the freshwater marsh which the sacrist of Coldingham had on the south of the meadow of
Linthalw, for 40/- p.a. to the community of Durham by the hand of the sacrist of Coldingham, half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
At Durham, 5 Non. March 1265/6.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, lined, 2 crude [fling] holes cut on the left side
Size: 12½ x 5½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.14r.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXLVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1216. - Indenture whereby Hugh, Prior, and the convent of Durham demise ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1217 [28 January] 1280
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. February 1279/80.
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to Henry of Horncastle, prior, and the monks of Coldingham of a place to live on Holy Island on the north of Lamsete 120 feet long and wide, rendering annually at the exchequer in Norham 6d at the
4 annual terms usual in Norhamshire.
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron, then seneschal of Durham, Thomas de Herrington, and John son of Marmaduke,
milites; and Masters Alan of Easingwold, John Hock, Robert Avenel and Nicholas of Appleby.
Date: [North]allerton, 6 Id. September [8 September] 1279 Pont. 5.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'abcdefgh' cut through, 3 [filing] holes cut around the edges
Size: 8½ x 4¾"
Seal: Missing, slit through a turnup.
Copies: DCD Reg. I, f.ii.22v-23r; 2.1.Spec.3; Cart.II, f.9r and 9r-v.
Original grant: DCD 4.2.Pont.9a.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1217. - Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1218 6 June 1334
Letters of Brother William Hamer of "alba ecclesia" quitclaiming Adam de Pontefract, once prior of Coldingham, and Alexander de Lamsley, prior of Coldingham, from all debts including a £19 obligation for sheep bought.
At Alban ecclesiam del Hamer, 6 June 1334.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¾ x 3¾"
Seal: (1) of William Hamer.
(2) of Abbot of Holyrood.
Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1219 [1244 x 1253]
Letters of Bertram [of Middleton], prior and convent of Durham, to D[avid de Bernham] bishop of St Andrew's presenting Dom William de Sedgefield chaplain to the vicarage of the church of Fishwick, vacant by the death of
Gregory, once vicar.
Parchment, 1m, bottom left corner missing with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970, some staining
Size: 6½ x 2"
Seal: Missing.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1219. - Letters of Bertram, Prior and Convent of Durham to the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1220 [26 December] 1322
Indenture, of agreement between Richard de Qwytword, prior of Coldingham, and William de Schurthous, concerning land in Golyn, called Duremland, demised for 7s p.a., half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
At: Sunday St Stephen Protomartyr 1322.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cyrograf' cut through
Size: 7¾ x 4½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied in Ushaw 25 f.89r.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCLVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1221 [21 February] 1276
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Henry de Prendergest,
miles, all the land which the prior and convent of Coldingham had in Prendergest, viz.
which Henry held to farm from Roger de Wolviston, once prior of Coldingham, in exchange for lands which Henry had in Coldingham and Renigton and which he gave to Coldingham, except 20 cartloads of heath from the common of Renigton, and the toft
which Laurence the cook and Henry Dog held in Coldingham with 4 acres of land, and for the toft and 4 acres Henry de Prendergest will pay 2/- silver.
Witness the chapter.
At Durham, 9 Kal. March 1275/6.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, lined, various stabbed and cut [filing] holes
Size: 10¼ x 6½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.13v-14r.
Other part of exchange: Misc.Ch. 1236
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXLVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1221. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1222 [c.1430s]
Roll, containing:
Recto. Proceedings of the courts of William Drax prior of Coldingham, especially at Reston, from 1408 to 1426.
Dorse. Details of leases from Coldingham in Aldcambus, the barony of Coldingham, Lower Ayton, West Reston and Swinewood.
Parchment roll, 3m, some damage to m.1 with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1225 [mid 15th century]
Rental of the lands and tenements of the prior and convent of Coldingham, with some amendments.
Paper roll, 4p
DCD Misc.Ch. 1226 [c.1269 x 1275]
Transcript of charters concerning the liberties of the church of Coldingham sent by R. Prior of Newburgh, the Abbot of Alnwick, the Prior of Birkburn and Master Bernard, to the Pope:
1. Charter of Robert, Bishop of St Andrew's granting exemption to the church of Coldingham from all episcopol aid "cana & curneved".
16 Kal. Aug., feast of St Kenelm, martyr [17 July] 1127.
2. Charter of David I confirming above.
3. Bull of Pope Alexander III confirming above.
4. Bull of Pope Urban III confirming above.
Parchment, 1m, some gnawing along the foot
Size: 18 x 12"
Seal: Sealed with the seals (conserved c.1970) of the four transcribers.
(1) of Bernard, Prior of Newburgh. G&B No.3521.
(2) of William, Abbot of Alnwick. G&B No.3404.
of Geoffrey, Prior of Brinkburn. G&B No.3415.
(4) of Bernard. G&B No.2760.
All natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Another version: Misc.Ch. 1207
Original: 1. Misc.Ch. 1298
Original: 2. Misc.Ch. 569
Original: 5. Misc.Ch. 586
Another copy: 3. Cart. Vet. f.20v
Another copy: 4. Cart. Vet. f.27v
Printed: 1. Carr. App. 3. p.323.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1226. - Transcript of charters concerning the liberties of the church of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1226*
Seal: Loose seal of the Abbey of Whitby. Natural wax.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1226+ [early 13th cent.]
Seal: Loose seal of Thomas [of Melsonby], Prior of Coldingham (as G&B 3649)
Listed within Stevenson's Misc.Ch. catalogue (1846) and included within Greenwell and Blair seals catalogue (1911-1921). Noted as missing, 9 June 1983 (MGS, within Stevenson)
DCD Misc.Ch. 1227 1186 x 1188
Transcript of charters of the prior and convent of Durham concerning freedom from Can and Curered etc in St Andrew's:
(1) Charter of Robert, Bishop of St Andrew's.
(2) Charter of David I confirming the same.
(3) Bull of Alexander III confirming same.
Statements from each sealant verifying the authenticity of the transcripts.
Parchment, 1m, tear in the foot with some of the turnup missing, some staining, some gnawing of the right edge
Size: 17½ x 13"
Seal: (1) of the Abbot of Rievaulx. G&B No.3536.
(2) of Arnold, Abbot of Melrose. G&B No.3672.
(3) of Richard, Abbot of Byland. G&B No.3421.
(4) of Bernard, Prior of
Newburgh. G&B No.3521.
All natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Original of (1): Misc.Ch. 1298
Original of (2): Misc.Ch. 569
Copy of (3):
DCD Cart.Vet., f.27v
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1227. - Transcript of charters of the Prior and Convent of Durham ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1228 25 January 1414
Charter of John de Aclif, prior of Coldingham, confirming the gift to Nicholas de Wardlaw by William de Wardlaw of all his lands in Aldcambus.
At Coldingham, 25 January 1413/4.
Parchment, 1m, some damage, repaired with collagen c.1970
Size: 10¾ x 3¼"
Seal: John de Aycliff. G&B No.3653. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CXCIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1229 [?1245 x 1248]
Charter of Richard, son of Henry Cissor of Durham, selling, with the assent of Bertram de Little Reston, to Richard, prior and the convent of Coldingham, ½ carrucate of land in Little Reston which he had from the said
Bertram, rendering annually 2s to the said Bertram, half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin, and he will also give £20 to the fabric of the dormitory at Coldingham, subjecting everything to the jurisdiction of the dean of Mereskes and the
vicar of Berwick.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 8"
Seal: (1) of Richard. G&B No.2782.
(2) of Bertram de Reston. G&B No.2971.
Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document, with a further slit in the
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1258.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1229. - Charter of Richard, son of Henry Cissor of Durham, selling, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1230 28 February 1428
Indenture between John [Wessington], prior and the chapter of Durham, and Lord William de Douglas, earl of Angus and lord of Liddesdale and Jedburgh forest, whereby the prior and convent demise to him all the lands and
woods of Brokholes, Harewood and Denewood, with the bounds of Mideldenesheved through Mereburneheved to the west to Cracokohestirstrete up to Erford, for 60 years for 10 scotch marks p.a. at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
At Bonkil, 28 February 1427/8.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 13 x 3½"
Seal: G&B No.2799. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Misc.Ch. 1092
DCD Misc.Ch. 1231 [11 May] 1326
Indenture of agreement between William, son of Patrick of Blackburn, Eda his wife, Cristiana his daughter and John de Reynton, burgess of the town of Berwick viz. whereby William, Eda and Cristiana demise for 12 years to
John 30½ acres of arable land in Great Reston, together with 1 bovate and 1 toft belonging to the said 30½ acres, rendering to the house of Coldingham 2/6d silver and to the heirs of Patrick 1 silver penny, and 1lb of wax at the Nativity of St John
the Baptist for lights for Coldingham St Mary.
Witnesses: Robert de Blackburn de Aldengraw, Robert de Blackbarn, Edward de Aldengraw, Adam de
Blackburn, William son of Stephen de Reston, and others.
Date: Pentecost 1326.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, 'abcdef' cut through, some stains
Size: 9¾ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B No.2764. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1232 [c.1280s]
Charter of Robert Lavird de Aldengraw, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Coldingham the wood of Ristonside "salva mili estoveria" without special licence of the prior of Coldingham through
his forester.
Sealed with the seals of Adam of Gullane (
Goly) archdeacon of Lothian and Master Nicholas of St Andrew the archdeacon's official.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., John Ridel, Richard Franceis, Gilbert de
Lumsden, John de Reston, Thomas son of Robert the steward, Ralph de Swinewood, David de
Lumsden, Elias son of Roger de Reston, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.2867. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip reused from another document through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1232. - Charter of Robert Lavird de Aldengraw, quitclaiming to the monks ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1233 [1441 x 1446]
Indenture between John [Wessington], prior and the convent of Durham and John [Oll], prior of Coldingham, dependant on the church of Durham, and Alexander de Home, for his good and laudable service as sub-bailiff of the
priory, whereby he is granted an annual pension of £10 for life in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, and should it be 3 months in arrears he may distrain on the vill of Greater Reston.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 12¼ x 7½"
Seal: G&B No.2852. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1234 [?1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby R[?alph Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham, grant to God and St Boyden and the monks there all the meadow of Pars extending to Bilye and Mereburne, and adjoining lands between the highway and the
meadow, and between Hungerhaln and Mereburne, which Adam son of Eylif and Robert Laverd gave them.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through, slit and 3 stabbed holes along the foot
Size: 5¾ x 2¾"
Seal: Missing.
Copied in DCD Reg.I, f.i.9v.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1234. - Indenture whereby R. Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1235 18 October 1419
Indenture between John [Wessington], prior and the convent of Durham, and Marion, prioress and the convent of Coldstream upon Tweed, whereby Little Swinton is confirmed to the priory of Coldstream formerly given by John
Swinton of Scotland arm to the prioress and convent of Coldstream, held in chief by the prior and convent of Durham and their cell of Coldingham by military service and suit of court three times a year, for an annual
rent of 13s 4d in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, and also 8s for a corrody for the king at Easter, hereby granted anew reserving services and just the 13s 4d rent.
At Durham. In the chapter house, 18 October 1419.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Size: 14 x 8¾"
Seal: G&B No.3427. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in the foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1236 [23 February] 1276
Charter of Henry de Prendergest granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham in exchange for lands in Prendergest which they gave him which he formerly leased from Roger of Wolviston former prior of Coldingham, all his
land in the vill and territory of Renigton, except for 20 cart loads of heath p.a. from the common; and also all his land in the vill and territory of Coldingham with the homage and service of Thomas son of Roert of Coldingham, except for the toft
next to the churchyard of Coldingham St Michael which Lawrence Cok and Henry Dog held with 4 acres of land under the meadow called Gestemedu, paying 2s to the house of Coldingham half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Hugh de Berkeley, justiciar of Lothian, Lord Adam de Edington, Lord Peter de Mordington,
William de Baddeby, Simon de Baddeby, John Ridel, Richard Fraunceis de Ayton, Robert the clerk, and others.
At Ayton in the prior's court, 7 Kal. March 1275/6.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 12½ x 6¾"
Seal: G&B No.2919. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Misc.Ch. 1240
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1236. - Charter of Henry de Prendergest granting to the Prior and ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1237 [?1234 x 1244]
Charter of Thomas [of Melsonby], prior and the convent of Coldingham, granting to John de Hunsinghoure 1 carrucate of land in Renigton, viz: the carrucate he bought from Patrick Dreng, for 5/- p.a. to the prior and convent
of Coldingham, half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin, and 20d for the king's corrody at Easter.
Witnesses: Walter de Lond', William his son, Henry de Prendergest, Adam his son,
Gregory the steward, Elias de Prendergest, William de Lumsden, Walter de Ederham,
Andrew de Paxton, Ralph the provost , and many others.
Parchment, 1m, text written on the turnup
Size: 9¼ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B No.3649. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1237. - Charter of Thomas [of Melsanby] Prior, and Convent of Coldingham ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1238 [1189 x 1202]
Charter of John, archdeacon of Lothian, to the clergy of Lothian, with the consent and will of his lord Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's, conceding, testifying and confirming the immunities and liberties which his lord bishop conceded
and confirmed to the prior and monks of Durham in the churches of Lothian.
Witnesses: Ranulph the archdeacon, Andrew the dean of Tyninghame, John the dean of Foghoh, Patrick parson of Linton, Alexander parson of Dunbar, Master Anger, Master Alan of Richmond, Robert of St German, Walter of St Julian, Philip of Hales,
Everard, Archibald, John of Ketton, Richard Brun, Gibbe, Thomas of the chamber.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 170mm
Seal: G&B No.3634, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1238. DCD Misc.Ch. 1239 [26 May] 1276
Inspeximus by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following charter.
At Norham, 7 Kal. June 1276 Pont.2.
Charter of William of Scremerston and Elizabeth his wife, granting to Henry of Prenderguest,
miles, land in the vill of Rennigton, to hold as they had for the marriage of Eustace of Newbiggin, rendering annually a
pound of cumin from the third generation of their heirs in lieu of all dues except foreign service [c.1270 x 1276]. [Misc.Ch. 5978 & 5979].
Parchment, 1m, central ?burn hole with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 237 x 207mm
Seal: Robert de Insula. Natural wax. G&B No.3124. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: J. Raine,
History and Antiquities of North Durham, p.93;
English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.223-224.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1239. - Inspeximus by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1241 [3 November] 1278
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior of Durham, and the convent, grant to the chapel of the B.V.M. and the Blessed Nicholas in the vill of West Reston, and to the chaplain 1 toft in the same vill, viz. that which
Reginald, called Rutherkird, once held in which the chaplain might live.
Witness the chapter.
Given at Durham, day after All Souls 1278.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through, lined
Size: 8¼ x 4"
Other half of indenture: Misc.Ch. 1180
Copied in DCD Reg.I, f.i.15r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1241. - Indenture of Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham. ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1242 [21 August] 1288
Inspeximus of Anthony Bek, bishop of Durham, of the following charters to the house of Coldingham of the earls of Dunbar [Misc.Ch. 743, 773 and 772].
Charter of Patrick I, earl of Dunbar granting to the prior and monks of Coldingham one half of Bilie, viz. the half lying between the two Restons and Aldengrawe on one side, and Chirnside and Blakeburn on the other.
Witnesses: Lord Patrick the earl's son, Walter de Lindsey, sheriff of Berwick, Roger de Merley, steward of Patrick the
earl, Patrick son of Adam, John de Letham, Adam de Paulsworth, William de Mordington,
Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, William de Lumsden, and many others
Charter of Patrick III, earl of Dunbar, son of Patrick son of Patrick Earl, granting to Henry, prior and the monks of Coldingham half of Bilie viz. the half between the two Restons and Aldengraw, and Chirnside and
Blackburn as in the agreement between Earl Patrick his grandfather and Thomas, prior [Misc.Ch. 744] [1248 x 1288]
Witnesses: Lord Patrick Edger, earl's steward, Lord Robert, earl's uncle, Lord David de Graham, sheriff of Berwick,
Lord Simon Bayard, Lord Adam de Edington, Lord Robert de Montgomery, Lord William de Scremerston,
Lord John Chaplain earl's proctor, Thomas de Nesbit, Robert son of the steward of Coldingham, Adam de
Prendergest, & many others
Charter of Patrick III, earl of Dunbar, son of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar granting to the prior and monks of Coldingham half of Bilie, viz. the half lying between the two Restons and Aldengraw, and Chirnside
and Blackburn, as in the charter of Earl Patrick his grandfather [Misc.Ch. 743] [1248 x 1288]
Witnesses: Lord David de Graham, sheriff of Berwick, Lord Aymer, sheriff of Roxburgh, Lord Nicholas de Sules,
Lord William de Mordington, Lord Robert de Montgomery, Lord Patrick Edger, earl's steward, Lord Robert the earl's
uncle, Lord Robert de Powelworthe, Lord Adam de Morham, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de
Prendergest, Thomas de Nesbit, and others
At Norham, 12 Kal. September 1288.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 10¾"
Seal: G&B No.3125. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXVIII
Calendared in
Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.17-18.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1242. - Charter of Anthony Bek, Bishop of Durham, confirming charters to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1243 [15 June] 1277
Inspeximus of Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following charter, inspecting a charter of Robert, bishop of St Andrew's [Misc.Ch. 1298 q.v.].
Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrew's confirming to Algar prior of St Cuthbert of Durham before King David, Thurstan archbishop of York, Ranulph [Flambard] bishop of Durham, John bishop of Glasgow, Geoffrey abbot of St Albans, the church of
Coldingham quit from all service (including cana and cuneverthe) and also confirming this church and other churches and chapels pertaining to Durham within his see, free from episcopal
Witnesses: Robert his brother, Alan priest of Litim, Adulfo priest of Aldehanstoc, Henry priest of Lemhale, Orin priest of Ederham, John priest of Legardeswde, Godwin steward (dapifer), Godwin his chamberlain.
Date: before the door of the church of St John the Evangelist, Roxburgh, 16 Kal. August, feast of St Kenelm the martyr, 1127.
Sealed by Robert de Insula at [Bishop] Middleham, 17 Kal. July [17 July] 1277.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 247 x 185mm
Seal: G&B No. 3124. Green wax. Half missing. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Original (charter): DCD Misc.Ch.1298.
Printed: J. Raine,
History and Antiquities of North Durham, p.93;
English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.192-193.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1243. - Inspeximus of Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1244 [1244 x 1258]
Indented charter of Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, granting to Stephen Bovenell' the whole tithe of corn of Little Swinton and the whole tithe of corn of the land called Threplandes, about which there was a
dispute between the prior and convent and Earl Patrick, for his whole life, with a toft and a croft in the western part of Greater Swinton which is called Gasecroft, rendering p.a. to the mother church of Swinton 1lb of white wax.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through, lined
Size: 6¾ x 5¼"
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.14v.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1244. - Indented charter of Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1245 [21 August] 1288
Inspeximus of Anthony Bek, bishop of Durham, of the following charter of Patrick I, earl of Dunbar. [Misc.Ch. 744 q.v.].
Indenture of agreement between Lord Patrick I Earl of Dunbar and Thomas, prior and the monks of Coldingham, concerning the marsh of Beal (Bylie), sharing it between them [c.1230]
Witnesses: Lord Patrick the Earl's son, Walter de Lindsey, sheriff of Berwick, Roger de Merley, steward of Earl
Patrick, Patrick son of Adam, John de Letham, Adam de Paulsworth, William de Mordington,
Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, William de Lumsden, and many others
Date: Norham, 12 Kal. September, 1288.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.3125. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham DXVII
Calendared in
Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.16-17.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1245. - Charter of Anthony Bek, Bishop of Durham, confirming a charter ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1246 [15 June] 1277
Inspeximus by Robert [de Insula] bishop of Durham, of the following charter.
Notification by William, bishop of St Andrew's, of a composition dated 17 August 1204 between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, concerning the can and
cunewech [rents], procurations, custody, institutions to and visitation of churches in the diocese of St Andrew's pertaining to Durham (including Aldecantibus, Lamberton and Fishwick), with Durham receiving rights and
privileges in return for the chapels of Newton and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham [?1204]
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master
Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillescl', Dom Mehero de Quentimilite, John de Wilton, William de Binile, Master Isaac, Master Richard, Robert de Heya.
At [Bishop] Middleham, 17 Kal. July 1277.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 15½ x 6¾"
Seal: G&B No.3124. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 664.
Original (charter): DCD Misc.Ch. 1317.
Printed: J. Raine,
History and Antiquities of North Durham App. DXVI;
English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.189-192.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1247 16 September 1441
Grant by John [Wessington], prior and the chapter of Durham, to David Home son of David Home miles, 16 husbandry lands in the vill and territory of Aldcambus, with the site and mill pond, and cottages, in exchange for
16 husbandry lands in the vills and fields of Coldingham (3), Ayton (10) and Rainton (3), reserving their demesne lands in Aldcambus, with David Home to render 15s 4d annually, half at St Martin and half at Pentecost.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1441.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Size: 350 x 150mm
Seal: 3 slits in a turnup for a [parchment sealing tag]
Other half: DCD Misc.Ch. 1248.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1248 16 September 1441
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 1247.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, some stains
Size: 350 x 150mm
Seal: blank parchment sealing tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1249 [mid 13th century]
Charter of Mabel, daughter of Constentin, granting to farm to William Frereman a toft and croft in the east part of Prestrikel, containing 1 acre and 1 rood of land; also 1 acre and 1 rood in Coldingham, for an annual rent
of 12d, half at St John in Summer and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of the steward, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de
Lumsden, Adam the marshal, Robert son of Reginald, John de Billingham, Adam Franceis,
Thomas his son, Patrick Scot , and many others
Parchment, 1m, part of the foot missing, also a cut [filing] hole at the right end of the foot, and a further stabbed hole
Size: 5¾ x 5"
Seal: Mabel. G&B No.2788. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1249. - Charter of Mabel, daughter of Constentin, granting to farm to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1251 [?1189 x 1213]
Charter of Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, granting to Adam de Reston the small vill of Reston with pertinents, to hold as his father held it in the time of King Malcolm [IV] or his grandfather in the time of
King David [I], doing the same service as his predecessors.
Witnesses: John de Ketton, Richard Brun, Ely D'Elmeden, Henry de Prendergest,
Edward de Aldcambus, Alan de Swinton , and many others.
Endorsed including (15th century) 'non invenitur in tabulis'.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 5¾"
Seal: Natural wax. Totally disfigured. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1251. - Charter of Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, granting ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1252 [1218 x 1234]
Charter of Ralph [Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, granting to Simon, son of Thomas, 2 bovates & ½ acre of land in Great Reston viz. which Adam son of Patrick the marshal gave to Coldingham; and a toft and
croft for 1 pound of pepper or 6d p.a.; and 1 toft and croft and 28 acres of land next to Wulvelaw for 12d p.a.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 5½"
Seal: Priory of Durham. G&B No.3427. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Half only.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1197
Similar version: Misc.Ch. 5920
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1252. - Charter of Ralph, Prior and the Convent of Durham grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1253 24 February 1411
Charter of Thomas Purvas of Hundwood, binding himself to deliver to John of Aycliffe prior of Coldingham all charters, etc, concerning the mortgage of lands in Swinewood, and renting of lands in Ederham, when 220 gold
nobles have been paid to him by the prior, and promising to observe the renting to Mariote de Barde and William de Barde of lands in Ederham.
Given at Coldingham, 24 February 1410/1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¾ x 5¼"
Seal: (1) of Thomas Purvas. G&B No.2940.
(2) of John de Manderston. G&B No.2885.
Red wax. Attached by parchment strips, recycled from other documents with much line decoration,
through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXCIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1254 [?1218 x 1234]
Indenture whereby R. prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Adam de Edington 16 acres of land in the territory of Coldingham, with ⅓ of a toft and croft which David de Quickswood gave the prior and convent in exchange
for land in Aldcambus for an annual rent of 6d for the fabric of the church of Coldingham.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, 2 large arrow-shaped [cancellation] cuts, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through
Size: 6½ x 5½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1015 (counterpart)
Copy: Reg. I. f.14v
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1254. - Indenture whereby R. Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1255 14 May 1442
Letters of John Oll, prior of Coldingham, appointing Alexander Home, knight, of that ilk, bailiff and governor of the lordship and lands of the house and barony of Coldingham, for term of life.
Date: Durham, 14 May 1442.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13½ x 5¼"
Seal: John Oll. G&B No.3655. Red wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DC
DCD Misc.Ch. 1256 28 October 1445
Notarial instrument by John [Wessington], prior and the chapter of Durham, appointing Alexander Home, David Home, John Logan, William Creniston, milites, John Oll prior of Coldingham and John Pencher their fellow
monks, Master Alexander de Casteltar' and Gilbert de Parke canons of Glasgow, Archibald Laurison MA, Master Robert Lawedre, James Parklea and Alan Clerk, as proctors.for the utility of their church and their priory of Coldingham, giving them full,
free and lawful power, and special mandate to appear on their behalf and that of their prior of Coldingham before William, abbot of Kelso, Patrick, abbot of Holyrood, and [Andrew] (erased), abbot of Newbattle, judges delegated by Eugenius IV, pope,
as contained in the commission directed to them, or before any of them, jointly or severally; and to present to them, or to whomsoever of them, the said commission and another letter of the same pope, namely a writ for the protection of the said
priory of Coldingham, granted for the reformation thereof over the right of patronage of certain benefices pertaining to the prior and chapter of Durham and the priory of Coldingham, and, by reason thereof, against James, bishop of St Andrew's; and
to act for them in that cause, responsibilities enumerated.
Witnesses: Edmund Tillet, William Bolton, John Hexham
Notarial sign of Robert Berehalgh, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
At Durham in chapter house, 28 October 1445.
Parchment, 1m, large diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 18½ x 11½"
Seal: the Convent of Durham. G&B No.3427. Green wax. Attached to parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. IV. f.25v.
Draft: DCD Loc.IX: 26.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXX.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1257 [1263 x 1276]
Charter of Augustine Cissor and Agnes Cantor his wife with the assent of Alice their daughter, in full court of Estyrreston, quitclaiming to John, son of Bertram de Estyrreston that toft and croft and pertinents lying
between the land of John son of Bertram and the toft of Elias son of Roger.
Witnesses: Lord Peter de Mordington, Lord Henry de Prendergest,
milites, Gilbert de
Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, Robert Laverd, Patrick son of Alice de Westyrreston, Patrick the sergeant of
the same, Elias son of Roger, and others.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 9"
Seal: (1) of Roger of Wolviston, Prior of Coldingham. G&B No.3651.
(2) of Augustine Cissor. G&B No.2781.
Both natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1147
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1257. - Charter of Augustine Cissor and Agnes Cantor his wife with ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1258 [c.1245 x 1248]
Charter of Richard, son of Henry Cissor of Durham, selling and quitclaiming, with the assent of Bertram de Reston, his lord, to Richard, prior and the convent of Coldingham, ½ carrucate of land with appurtenances in the
vill and territory of Little Reston, which he held from the said Bertram for 2/- p.a. in equal portions at St John the Baptist and St Martin, to be paid to the said Bertram.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6½ x 3½"
Seal: G&B No.2782. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1258. - Charter of Richard, son of Henry Cissor of Durham, selling ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1259 20 February 1470
Letters of Richard [Bell], prior and chapter of Durham, appointing John Eden prior of Holy Island, Richard Billingham, Thomas Haughton, Thomas Halver, and Thomas Pickering their fellow monks, Masters John Burne, Robert
Kelynghole, Robert Chesseman, John Pickering, and William Newton graduates, Robert Watson priest, Master Robert Bartram NP by apostolic authority, Robert Maners and Richard Ogle
milites; Roger Heron and John Widdrington
armigeres, Robert Sanderson and Alan Green, proctors in a suit against Patrick Home and David Home for forcibly seizing John Peucher prior of Coldingham in the Roman curia firstly before Master John de Ceretanis auditor
of causes in the papal palace, and secondly Master Antony de Grassis LLD and coauditor of causes in the papal palace.
In the chapter house at Durham, 20 February 1469/70.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 16¾ x 16½"
Seal: the Priory of Durham. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1259. - Letters of the Priors and Convents of Durham and Coldingham ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1260 10 March 1430
Indenture made at Durham, between John [Wessington], prior and the chapter of Durham, and Thomas Atkinson and his wife of Bonkil, leaving to him the lands of Brokhole, Herwood and Denewood, for a term of 15 years, for 10
scotch marks p.a. in equal portions at Martinmas and Whit Sunday, with wood for fuel and repairs ('byggyng of new houses and reparelying of yam'), but to keep no pigs ('swyne') there.
At Durham, 10 March 1429/30.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 12¼ x 5¼"
Seal: Thomas Atkinson. G&B No.2742. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Misc.Ch. 1270 (shortened)
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1260. - Indenture made at Durham, between John, Prior and the Chapter ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1261 21 January 1428
Indenture between John [Wessington], prior and the convent of Durham, and Lord William de Douglas, earl of Angus and Lord of Liddel and Jedburghforest, witnessing that the prior and convent of Durham granted to farm to
Lord William all lands and woods of Brokholes, Harewood and Denewood, with pertinents, in the shrievalty of Berwick, for a term of 60 years, for 10 scotch marks p.a. at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
At [Durham] chapter house, 21 January 1427/8.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 13 x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip, document identified, through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1262 [?1189 x 1203]
Charter of Bertram, prior of Durham, confirming the sale of 20 acres of land with 1 toft in the vill of Coldingham, which Ralph, son of Elwold, made to Richard, nephew of Simon, once prior of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Ralph, prior of Coldingham, Adam de Bonkill, sheriff of Berwick, Richard, marshal, Adam, son of Aldan, Patrick his son, Gervase Ridel, Master Walter de Haddington, Master
Alan de Richmond, Master Anger, Gregory the steward, Henry de Prendergest, Elias de
Prendergest, John de Ketton, Richard Brun , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7½ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.3430. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1262. - Charter of Bertram, Prior of Durham, confirming the sale of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1263 [?1239 x 1245]
Indented final concord between A. prior of Coldingham and Eda and Maria de Paxton, sisters and their heirs and William de Paxton, son of Eda, seeking by royal writ of recognition directed to Lord William de Lindsey,
sheriff of Berwick, and his bailiffs, concerning a wood called "Ristonside" viz. that the "solium" and "custodia" of the said wood should belong to the prior and convent, and that the said Eda, Maria and William are to have reasonable allowances of
wood for their use in Aldengraw.
Witness: The court of the king. At Berwick in full "comitatie".
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirograf' cut through, lined
Size: 7¼ x 6¾"
Seal: Originally 3. 2 survive.
(1) of William de Paxton. G&B No.2913.
(2) of Maria. G&B No.2910.
Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1263. - Indented final concord between A. Prior of Coldingham and Eda ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1264 22 October 1354
Letters of John [Fosser], prior and the convent of Durham, to Walter de Scaresbrek, prior of Coldingham, offering him the vill and pertinents of Fishwick to sustain him in his old age when he resigns as prior of
Coldingham, and a room called Lythum in the monastery of Durham.
Given in the chapter house at Durham, 22 October 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11 x 6¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1265 [1234 x 1244]
Indenture whereby Thomas [of Melsonby], prior and the convent of Durham, with the consent of Roger, vicar of Ederham, grant to Herbert de Camera of a chantry in his chapel of Kinebrigham and Herbert grants to the church of
Ederham 4 bovates of land in Kinebrigham with tofts and crofts, and 21 acres on the east of Tunstalles and ½ mark silver in place of the tithe of the vill of Kinebrigham; and the vicar of the church of Ederham is to have one "bracinum" in the vill
of Kinebrigham, and th eclerk of the chapel is to carry the blessed water to Blacheder, Kinebrigham, and West Nesbit (cf. Misc.Ch. 1187 and 1189).
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'carta' cut through, slit and 2 cut 'filing holes in the foot, also some thread and stitching holes
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXLIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1266 [1244 x 1258]
Indented charter of B[ertram of Middleton] prior and the convent of Durham, granting to Gregory, marshal of Coldingham, that messuage of their almonry which Walter de Clare once held for 2 silver shillings p.a.
in equal portions at St John the Baptist and St Martin, payable to the prior of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'carta carta carta' cut through, [filing] hole cut in the bottom right corner, lined
Size: 8 x 4"
Seal: Missing. Was chapter seal. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.12r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1266. - Indented charter of B[ertram] Prior and the Convent of Durham, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1267 [1244 x 1258]
Charter of Bertram [of Middleton], prior and convent of Durham, granting to the sacrist of Coldingham 1 carrucate of land with pertinents in Little Reston, viz. that which once belonged to Bertram de Reston, for 3 silver
marks p.a. at St Michael.
Witness the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, slits along the foot, cut [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 6¾ x 4¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.13v.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXLIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1267. - Charter of Bertram, Prior and Convent of Durham, granting to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1268 8 May 1427
Inquisition post mortem held in the court of the prior of Coldingham, before David Home, bailiff, by Adam of Nesbit, Richard de Edynton, Thomas of Lumsden, Adam Forman, John de Madston, William de Madston, Nicholas of
Paxton, Thomas Ade, Philip of Nesbit, William de Aldyncrab, Ralph Boumakare, Robert Bele, Gilbert of Lumsden, John of Chirnside, and John Paxton, on John Hopper, grandfather of Robert Hopper, who died seised of 1 tenement in Coldingham with 4 acres
of land, 2 tenements with 2 gardens in Soulton, a butcher's shop worth 6/8d p.a., held from the prior of Coldingham for 4/2d p.a. and which are in the hands of William Dogude by mortgage.
Date: Reston, 8 May 1427.
Parchment, 1m, 3 lines of double pairs of horizontal cuts
Size: 8¾ x 6"
Seal: Robert Bell. G&B No.2757. Red wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1269 15 October 1439
Inquisition post mortem held in the chief court of Coldingham, before David Home, bailiff, by John of Rainton, Hugh de Spens, James of Whitlaw, Patrick de Knollis, Adam Forman, George de Ellame, Gilbert Lumsden, John
Atkinson, Richard Wardlaw, Alexander Lumsden, James Kello, Henry Cosour, Thomas Lumsden, Robert Lumsden, and Thomas Forman, on Margaret "ga to ye aile", who died seised of 2 acres of land with 3 tofts in the vill and territory of Coldingham, finding
that John Hal is the rightful heir, the land is worth 40d. p.a. and is now in the lands of the prior of Coldingham by the defect of execution of the heir.
Date: Reston, 15 October 1439.
Parchment, 1m, 4 lines of double pairs of horizontal cuts
Size: 11½ x 7½"
Seal: 1) of David Home. G&B No.2853.
2) of John of Laur. G&B No.2866.
3 & 4) Not found in G&B.
Red wax. Attached to strips cut from left foot of
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1270 10 March 1430
Indenture made at Durham, between John [Wessington], prior and the chapter of Durham, and Thomas Atkinson and his wife of Bonkil, leaving to him the lands of Brokhole, Herwood and Denewood, for a term of 15 years, for 10
scotch marks p.a. in equal portions at Martinmas and Whit Sunday, with wood for fuel and repairs ('byggyng of new houses and reparelying of yam'), but to keep no pigs ('swyne') there.
At Durham, 10 March 1429/30.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 11¾ x 7¼
Seal: G&B No.2742. of Thomas Atkinson. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1260 (shortened version)
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1271 [1250s]
Indenture settling a dispute between the prior and convent of Coldingham for the prior and convent of Durham, and the prioress and convent of Southberwick, concerning tithes of three "culturarum" in the parish of
Bondington - Sayntmariflat, Frereflat and certain land of Lathom - which are granted to the prior and convent of Durham.
Witnesses: Lord Robert de Montgomery, miles, Lord Alan de Artaires, Lord William de
Homerden, Lord William de Scremerston, Master de ponte de Southberwick, Master John de Barton, Master
Roger de Redinges, Master Adam de Lochmaben, John Gray, mayor of Berwick, Robert de Durham, Adam son of
Philip de Berwick, Thomas de Nesbit, Roger son of the reeve, Thomas de Clif, clerk, and others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirographum' cut through, lined
Size: 6 x 5¾"
Seal: G&B No.3647. Natural wax. Half lost. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCLI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1272 [?1195 x 1214]
Indented charter of Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, granting to Ralph, son of Godwin, for his homage and service, 2 bovates of land in the vill of Coldingham, with a toft and croft, viz. the bovates which Arnald,
prior of Coldingham bought from David de Quickewood for 10 silver shillings p.a. on Palm Sunday; also 1 toft and croft which Ralph bought from Ralph, prior and convent of Coldingham for 12d p.a., half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and half
at St Martin.
Witnesses: Patrick son of Adam, Walter de Lindsey, Walter Frebern, Henry de
Prendergest, Gregory de Coldingham, Ralph the archdeacon, John his son, William son of Edward de
Aldcambus, Elias de Prendergest, Adam his son, Adam de Reston, Thomas de Nesbit,
Alan de Swinton, Reginald de Reston, Reginald de Reminton, Constantine de Coldingham,
Philip the janitor, Philip de Cellario, Samson de Elemosinaria , and many others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through, cut [filing] hole in the left bottom corner
Size: 8¾ x 7½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.12r-v.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1272. - Indented charter of Bertram, Prior and the Convent of Durham, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1273 18 January 1440
Letters of John [Wessington], prior and the convent of Durham, declaring that the prior and convent have the right to choose the sacrist of the priory church of Coldingham within the kingdom of Scotland, given them by King
Edgar son of St Margaret, queen, confirmed by popes and bishops of St Andrew's.
Given at Durham in the chapter house, 18 January 1439/40.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 14½ x 5"
Seal: G&B No.3427. Green wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Printed: Raine SS.12 CXXVI
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1274 8 February 1459
Inquisition post mortem held at Reston by Robert Archi, William Handyncraw, Gilbert Lumsden, Thomas Lumsden of West Lumsden, James Paxton, John Atkinson, James Kellow, John Lumsden, Edward Lumsden, Alexander Handyncraw,
George Edwardson, Robert Blackberd, and John Lichtharnes jurors, on George Ellum, who died seised of 4 tofts in Coldingham with 23 acres of land and a toft and croft with 3 acres of land in West Reston, finding that John Ellum is the rightful heir
and should hold the lands from the prior of Coldingham for 20d p.a. for the Coldingham lands and 2/- p.a. from the West Reston lands.
Date: Reston, 8 February 1458/9.
Parchment, 1m, with various pairs of double horizontal cuts
Size: 12½ x 6¼"
Seal: Robert Eicht. G&B No.2821. Red wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1274*
Seal: Seal only: Loose seal of Robert Eicht. G&B No.2821. Attached [probably] to strip cut from foot of document. Red wax.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1275 [1218 x 1234]
Indenture of R[alph Kerneth] Prior of Durham, granting to David de Quickswood for his homage and service, and in return for his land of Aldcambus which he gave to the prior and convent, 60 acres of land in Coldingham with
a toft and croft which Waldef Pethan held, and 10 acres of demesne culture in Flores and one messuage next to the smithy with common pasture, for 4/- p.a. at St Martin and St John the Baptist.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through, various stabbed holes on the foot and left side
Size: 6 x 3½"
Seal: Missing.
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.15r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1275. - Indenture of R. Prior of Durham, granting to David de ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1276 1 March 1416
Indenture between John [of Hemingbrough], prior and convent of Durham and John [of Aycliffe], prior of Coldingham, and James de Whitlaw whereby the prior and convent of Durham and the prior of Coldingham let to farm to
James, their lands of Brokhole and Harwood, with pertinents, in the shrievalty of Berwick, for 16 years, for 6 Scottish marks p.a. in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, at Coldingham, witht he farm to be refunded if he dies within 4
Date: 1 March 1415/6.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 11¼ x 5¼"
Seal: James de Whitlaw. G&B No.3007. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1276*
Seal: Seal only: Loose seal of Nicholas de Whitlaw. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. G&B
DCD Misc.Ch. 1277 [13 May] 1340
Recto. Mandate of the vicar general of the bishop of Durham to the archdeacon of Durham and Northumberland, citing letters from William [of Cowton] prior of Durham to R[ichard of Bury] bishop of Durham asking for the
excommunication of his fellow monk William de Scaccario for his rebellion and disobedience to be published in the diocese, dated Durham 9 May 1340, and asking them to request their officials, deans, rectors, vicars and parochiol chaplains to publish
Given at Durham, 3 Ides May 1340.
(1) Appointment by John de Butterwick, almoner of Durham, of William de Hakensew as his attorney.
(2) Letter to the prior of Coldingham to send the tithes of lambs of the parish of Norham to pasture in Coldingham.
(3) Letter to the prior of Holy Island concerning the household of R. de Cotesmore who is aged, infirm, decayed, decrepit and moribund.
Size: 9½ x 4¼"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1278 [?1230s]
Charter of Guido the chaplain, giving to God and St Mary the Virgin for the lighting of the church of Coldingham where the mass of the Virgin is daily celebrated a toft and croft he had in Coldingham of Bertram de Reston
which Bertram had as a gift of Elias the smith, for 3d p.a. payable at Pentecost by the sacrist to Bertram.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Robert,
William and Alexander de Paxton, John son of Elias, Bertram de Little Reston, Robert son of Reginald, Roger son of the reeve, William son of Waldef, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 3½"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip, reused from another grant, through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1278. - Charter of Guido the chaplain, giving for the lighting of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1279 [28 April] 1366
Indenture, between Patrick de Heyborne, miles, and Lord Robert de Walworth, prior of Coldingham, witnessing that Patrick lets to farm to the prior his vill of Prendergest with pertinents for 2 years from Pentecost next,
paying 12 marks in the first year and 14 marks in the second year.
At Coldingham, Tuesday St Dunstan the Bishop, 4 Kal. May 1366.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 8¾ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B No.2845. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1280 8 December 1468
Appointment by Richard [Bell], prior of Durham, and the convent, of their fellow monk Richard Billingham as their proctor to do their business at the Scottish court, especially concerning the cell of Coldingham and its
dependent churches and the letters of sequestration of John de Ceretanis, the intrusion thereon by Patrick and John Home, and concerning the bishop of Aberdeen.
Given in the chapter house at Durham, 8 December 1468.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13 x 8½"
Seal: Priory of Durham. G&B No.3427. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXXIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1281 17 December 1471
Letters of Richard [Bell], prior of Durham, with the assent of John Eden, prior of Holy Island, appointing John Grene, Thomas Genour and William Masham and Robert Saundreson proctors to present papal letters executorial of
Master Antony de Grassis LLD, archpriest of Bonovia, papal auditor, concering the priory and barony of Coldingham to Edward [IV] and James [III], Kings of England and Scotland.
Given in the chapter house of Durham, 17 December 1471.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 14 x 5¼"
Seal: Priory of Durham. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. G&B No.3427.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1281. - Letters of Richard, Prior of Durham, with the assent of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1282 16 March 1450
Letters of William [Ebchester], prior and the chapter of Durham, declaring that on 16 September 1441 Sir Davy Home kt had been granted the office of bailiff of Coldingham, which was afterwards resigned and broken, and the
office granted to Sir Alexander Home his cousin at Durham on 4 January 1442/3, and Davy Home was thereby paid for 1 year and 16 weeks by the late prior of Coldingham John Oll.
Given in the chapter house at Durham, 16 March 1449/50.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¾ x 5"
Seal: [Sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stubs
Printed: Raine SS.12 CLXXVIII & see N.D. App. DLXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1282. - Letters of William, Prior, and the Chapter of Durham, declaring ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1283 5 January 1439
Charter of William Drax, prior of Coldingham, granting to Alexander de Lumsden, Lord of West Lumsden, son of Thomas de Lumsden, all the lands of West Lumsden with pertinents which the said Alexander had surrendered to the
prior and convent, to be held by Alexander and his heirs male, with reversion to his brother Thomas, to his brother John, to his brother William jr, to his father Gilbert, to his kinsman Thomas Lumsden of Coldingham, and to the heirs general of
Witnesses: Lord Alexander de Home, miles, Thomas de Home, Dom John Pencher,
Lord William Hall, rector of Hulton, William de Aldengraw, Robert de Lumsden, Lord John Laurence,
Lord Thomas Tothereck , and many others
At Coldingham, 5 January 1438/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13 x 5¼"
Seal: G&B No.3654. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXCIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1284 14 April 1355
Letters of Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, concerning the carrying away by Robert de Kellawe, prior of Lytham, of £27 from the priory of Coldingham, giving him powers to examine and correct or
punish the said Robert de Kellawe.
Given in the Bishop's manor at Auckland, 14 April 1355 Pont.10.
Parchment, 1m, with an elongated diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 11¾ x 4¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXX & Priory of Coldingham SS.12 XXXVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1285 10 June 1446
Letters of John [Mody], sub-prior of Durham, to John Oll, prior of Coldingham, summoning him to attend, and to cite his fellow monks to do so as well, on Thursday 30 June next ensuing the election of the new prior of
Durham, the post being vacant by the resignation of John [Wessington], former prior.
At Durham, in the chapter house, 10 June 1446.
Parchment, 1m, 4 stabbed holes on the left edge with remains of a parchment tie
Size: 13 x 5¼"
Seal: No seal.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXXII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1286 [2 October] 1323
Letters of William [of Cowton], prior and convent of Durham, to the bishop of St Andrew's, presenting Adam de Kilmayne, chaplain, to the vicarage of Lamberton and asking for him to be admitted.
In chapter at Durham, 6 Non. October 1323.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10 x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below.
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.110r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1287 [20 May] 1362
Inquisition made by Adam of Lumsden, Robert of Paxton, Patrick Raulson, Thomas Ayer, William Russell, John Raulson, Jopps Sergand, William Rede, William Hobson, Patrick Hetonsman, Hugh Marshall, Patrick de Blacborn, and
Willliam son of Adam, on the value of lands in Upper Lamberton and services due to the prior of Durham, finding that the lands are worth 24 marks and that the heir owes homage, ward and relief to the prior of Durham.
Date: Coldingham, morrow of St Dunstan 1362.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½ x 2½"
Seal: Originally 11. Now either missing or very fragmentary. Attached by parchment strips, 1 reused from another document, through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1288 9 October 1438
Inquisition post mortem in chief court, held by David Home, with jurors Adam Nesbit, Andrew de Blakedir, Patrick of Nesbit, James of Whitlaw, Richard of Edington, Alexander of Lumsden, Thomas Atkinson, William de
Aldyncraw, James de Kello, Henry Cosour, William de Raynton, Richard of Wardlaw, Thomas of Lumsden, Thomas Forman, George de Ellam, Gilbert of Lumsden and George de Redpeth, on Cristiana Bron, once wife of John Wans[?], who held land in the
territory of Raynton in the barony of Coldingham worth 30/- p.a.
Date: Reston, 9 October 1438.
Endorsed (?contemporary) as 'nullius valoris'.
Parchment, 1m, with 3 double pairs of horizontal cuts
Size: 8¾ x 4¼"
Seal: 1) of Alexander of Lumsden. G&B No.2877.
2) of Gilbert of Lumsden. G&B No.2878.
Both red wax. Attached to strips cut from left foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1289 [18 August] 1276
Indenture whereby Richard [of Claxton], prior and convent of Durham, grant to Nicholas, son of William de Hospitali and Alice, daughter of Robert de Coldingham, 2 bovates of land with pertinents in the vill and territory
of Aldcambus, viz. those 2 bovates which Edward, son of Yrneway, held for an annual rent of 6¾d to the house of Coldingham for the king's corrody at Easter.
Witness the chapter.
Given at Durham, 15 Kal. September 1276.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, ?'carta carta' cut through, various stabbed holes, lined
Size: 9½ x 4¼"
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.13v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1289. - Indenture whereby Richard, Prior and Convent of Durham, grant to ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1290 [19 December] 1291
Acquittance of Henry the chaplain, proctor of Master Baldred, rector of Kinghorn, acknowledging the receipt from the prior and convent of Durham at the hands of Stephen, sacrist of Coldingham, of 100/- sterling at
Martinmas for the annual pension he has of the prior and convent.
Given at Coldingham, Wednesday before St Thomas the Apostle 1291.
Parchment, 1m, damaged, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 7½ x 2¼"
Seal: [Sealing tongue] stub
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1290. - Acquittance of Henry the chaplain, proctor of Master Baldric, rector ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1291 [1189 x 1213]
Indenture whereby B[ertram], prior of Durham, on the petition of Ralph, prior of Coldingham, and with the consent of the monks of Coldingham, grants to Unfred Rapeslawe ½ carrucate of land in Paxton which David son of
Liulf of Paxton gave to the house of Coldingham for ½ silver mark p.a., half at St John in Midsummer and half at St Martin.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through, bottom corner missing, repaired with parchment c.1970, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 6¼ x 4¼"
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie stubs]
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1195
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.14v, attrib. to Prior Ralph
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1291. - Indenture whereby B[ertram] Prior of Durham, on the petition of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1292 26 March 1444
Notarial instrument, made 19 March 1443/4 in which John Loury, priest, petitions James [Kennedy] bishop of St Andrew's, concerning the perpetual vicarage of Ederham, patrons the prior and convent of Durham, vacant by the
death of Master Henry Broun, and his presentation thereto, and the bishop's reply thereto.
Witnesses: Master Patrick de Home, ?archdeacon of Teviotdale in the church of Glasgow, Dom Thomas Lethe chaplain, Edward of Lumsden, Oswald of Wardlaw.
Notary: William Boyis of St Andrew's diocese and bedel of the university, NP by imperial authority.
At Perch, 26 March 1444.
Parchment, 1m + 1m
Size: 2 items
Seal: Both sealed together through feet by parchment strip bearing the Bishop's seal. G&B No.3630. Red wax. Broken in two, repaired c.1970.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1293 18 January 1442
Inspection by James [Kennedy], bishop of St Andrew's, in form of notarial instrument of a charter of Robert III [Misc.Ch. 645] inspecting a charter of David II [Misc.Ch. 644] inspecting a charter of Robert I [Misc.Ch. 635]
confirming charters of Edgar [Misc.Ch. 555 etc. See Misc.Ch. 635].
In presence: Master Walter Stuart, rector of the University of St Andrew's, John de Schewes, official of St Andrew's, Hugh
Kennedy, reeve of the royal chapel of St Andrew's, John Legret, canon of Glasgow, Alexander de Bauraneos, vicar of Kylspyndy.
Notaries: Thomas de Grinychace, clerk of Glasgow diocese, NP by imperial authority, and Daivd Kay, priest of St Andrew's diocese, NP by imperial authority.
At St Andrew's, 18 January 1441/2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 18¼ x 23"
Seal: James Kennedy. G&B No.3629. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1294 [?27 May] 1312
Inspeximus by William [de Lamberton] bishop of St Andrew's of charters and confirmations of the kings of Scotland and earls of the March about Ederham and East Nesbit as follows:
Charter of Gospatric, earl of Dunbar, brother of Dolfin, granting to the monks of St Cuthbert the vill of Ederham and its church together with all its chapels and the vill of Nesbit, for the souls of King Malcolm [III] and his sons Kings Edgar
and Alexander and King David and his son Henry, and for the souls of himself, his wife, son and all his parents. Witnesses: William son of Duncan, Gospatric his son, Ulkil son of Meld, Rand' de Lind', S. the priest, John the chaplain, Gospatric son
of Crin, Aldan his brother, Lambert the dapifer. Original: Misc.Ch. 778
Charter of Gospatric Earl of Dunbar, granting and confirming to the monks of Durham the alms which his father gave them, viz. Ederham and Nesbit and the church of Ederham, for the souls of his father and mother, King Malcolm [III] and his sons
Kings Edgar, Alexander and David, and his son Henry, and King Malcolm [IV], and for the souls of himself, his wife, his sons Waltheof and Patrick, and all his parents. Witnesses: Andrew the Archdeacon, Adam his brother, Nigel the chaplain, Ketel son
of Dolfin, Ernald, Alden the dapifer, Adam son of Alden, Adam son of Gospatric. Original: Misc.Ch. 777
Charter of Waltheof, Earl [of Dunbar], son of Gospatric the Earl, granting and confirming to the monks of Durham the vill of Ederham and its church and chapels, together with the vill of Nesbit, for the souls of his father and mother, King
Malcolm [III] and his sons Kings Edgar, Alexander and David, and his son Henry, and King Malcolm [IV], and King William and his brother David, and for the souls of himself, his wife, his sons Patrick and Constantine, and all his parents. Witnesses:
Andrew the archdeacon, Patrick the Earl's brother, Adam son of Alden, Walter, Gilbert Fraser, Richard the King's clerk, Master John nephew of Robert the Bishop, Robert, canon of St Andrew's, Robert son of Seulf, Master Herbert, Cetel of Letham,
Aldan the Earl's steward, Gamel the steward, Roger the steward, Edward de Aldcambus, William de Bolthebi, Stephen Papedi. This charter was confirmed 1167. Anno 1 of William King of Scotland [in Misc.Ch. 596?] Original: Misc.Ch. 787
Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, son of Waldef, Earl, granting to the monks of Durham the vill of Ederham and its church, with the chapel of Ercildon and its other chapels and pertinents and the vill of Nesbit, for the souls of his father
and mother, King Malcolm [III] and his sons Kings Edgar, Alexander and David, and his son Henry, and King Malcolm [IV], and his lord King William and his brother David, and for the souls of himself, his wife, his heirs, and all his parents.
Witnesses: Lord Hugh the Chancellor, Master William Malvoisin, Richard de Prebenda, Hugh de Sigillo, William de Bores, Master Richard de Coldingham, Master Anger, Geoffrey de Anecroft, Gilbert de Whittingham, Robert de Muschamp, Richard de Merley,
Stephen Papedi, Adam son of Alden, Patrick his son, Nes de Waleton, Robert de Burnvill, Robert his son, Gilbert de Houme, Gilbert son of Walter, Roland the steward, William son of Edgar, Henry de Prendergest, Edward de Aldcambus, Alan de Swinton,
William de Nesbit. Original: Misc.Ch. 764
Charter of Henry, earl [of Huntingdon and Northumberland], son of David king of the Scots, granting to the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert and the monks of Coldingham, Ederham and Nesbit, as Gospatric, brother of Dolfin, held them on the day
when he was alive and dead. Witnesses: William the chancellor at Durham, Eustace son of John, Hugh le Bret, Walter de Bolbec, Robert Foliot, Gilbert de Umfraville. Original: Misc.Ch. 757
Charter of David I granting to the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert of Coldingham and the convent there, Edrom and Nisbet in perpetual alms as Cospatric brother of Dolfin held them on the day when he was alive and dead, with their boundaries, as
freely and quietly as they hold the other lands belonging to Coldingham. Witnesses: Herbert, Abbot of Roxburgh, Daniel, Prior of Jedburgh, Ascelin, Archdeacon of Glasgow, William son of Duncan, Earl Duncan, Hugh de Morville, Gervase Ridel, Alain son
of Waldef, Gospatric his brother, William de Summerville, William de Groham Date: Roxburgh, 17 Kal. September Anno 1139. Original: Misc.Ch. 571
Charter of William the Lion confirming to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham the gift of Earl Gospatric and his successors, viz. Nisbet, and the vill and church of Edrom with all its chapels and appurtenances. Witnesses: Richard, Bishop
of St Andrew's, Nicholas the Chancellor, Richard the Chaplain, Richard de Morville, Constable, W. son of Alan, Dapifer, David Olifard, Dolfin the Chaplain, John, son of Orm, Sheriff of Roxburgh. At Roxburgh. Original: Misc.Ch. 596
Inspeximus by William de Lamberton bishop of St Andrew's of all these charters and confirmations not in any way abolished, cancelled or vitiated as in this transcript.
Date: Coldingham, the morrow of St Augustine 1312.
Parchment, 1m, [original] tear with an [original] partially sewn repair
Size: 245 x 545mm
Seal: Blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1294. DCD Misc.Ch. 1295 9 June 1419
Mandate to institute and induct by Henry [Wardlaw], bishop of St Andrew's, to Richard de Spott, dean of the Merse, informing him that, on presentation by the prior and convent of Durham, and on the recommendation of the same prior and convent and
of other trustworthy persons, he has collated the office of prior of Coldingham to William de Drax, monk of Durham, and provided and personally invested him therewith by handing over his ring; instructing him, on sight of the presents, to go in
person to the priory of Coldingham and to institute the said William in, and to induct him into the priorate of Coldingham; and, as a token of institution, to affix his seal of office to the presents after ( post ) the bishop's seal, subscribing the
date, place, names of witnesses and form of execution in due form.
Date: St Andrew's, 9 June 1419 Pont.16.
Below, in a different hand, is the Attestation of induction, subscribed to the foregoing, by Richard de Spott, dean of the Merse, signifying that he has inducted William Drax as prior of the cell of Coldingham, and invested him therein with the
keys of the church, chalice, stole and corporal cloth.
Witnesses: Dene John de Huton' monk, William Bene chaplain, William de Crainyston' of Graden NP, Nicholas de Paxton', John de Wardelaw, John de Crainyston', Robert Raylston'.
Date: [Coldingham] 27 July.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 220 x 310mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3628 & 3641, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: DCD Reg.III, f.111r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1295* 1 April 1423
Mandate to institute and induct by Henry [Wardlaw] bishop of St Andrew's, to Richard de Spot, dean of Merse, the vicarage of Berwick being vacant by the death of Dom William Weardale last vicar, at the presentation of the prior and chapter of
Durham, the bishop having collated Dom William Durham priest of Durham diocese through his proctor William Bentlay clerk, Spot is to induct and put William or his proctor into corporeal possession.
Date: St Andrew's, 1 April 1423 Pont.20.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 275mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3628 & 3641, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1296 [10 March] 1289
Exemption by William [Fraser] bishop (minister) of St Andrew's, at their request, to Henry and the prior and convent of [Coldingham] from having to provide hospitality at the episcopal visitation.
Date: Coldingham, Thursday before St Gregory the Pope 1288/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.3624, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1296. DCD Misc.Ch. 1297 1 October 1259
Admission by G[ameline] bishop (minister) of St Andrew's, at the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, of William of Tughall clerk as vicar of Ersilden, now vacant.
Date: Tyninghame, 1 October 1259.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 50 x 155mm
Seal: G&B No.3622, on a tongue
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1297. DCD Misc.Ch. 1298 [17 July] 1127
Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrew's confirming to Algar prior of St Cuthbert of Durham before King David [I], Thurstan archbishop of York, Ranulph [Flambard] bishop of Durham, John bishop of Glasgow, Geoffrey abbot of St Albans, that the
church of Coldingham shall be quit from all service (including
cana and
cuneverthe) and also confirming this church and other churches and chapels pertaining to Durham within his see, free
from episcopal aid.
Witnesses: Robert his brother, Blahan priest of Litim, Aldulfo priest of Aldehanstoc, Henry priest of Lemhale, Orin priest of Edenham, John priest of Legardeswde, Godwin steward (
dapifer), Godwin his chamberlain,
Date: before the door of the church of St John the Evangelist, Roxburgh, 16 Kal. August, feast of St Kenelm the martyr 1127.
Size: 110 x 295mm
Seal: missing but seen and illustrated by James Anderson in the early 18th century, as detailed in Shead
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 669, 1207 and 1226.
Inspeximus: (1277) DCD Misc.Ch. 1243.
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.135-137.
Printed: A.C. Lawrie,
Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. LXXIII.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1298. - Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrews confirming to Algar ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1299 20 March [1305]
Inspeximus by Edward [I] of the following charter of Alexander [III]., King of Scotland, to the prior and convent of Coldingham, granting them free warren and free forest in Coldinghamshire.
Witnesses: A[ntony Bek] bishop of Durham, W[alter Langton] bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, J[ohn of Halton] bishop of
Carlisle, R[obert Wischard] bishop of Glasgow, Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, Ralph de Monte Hermerii, earl of Gloucester and
Hertford, Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford & Essex, Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, Robert de Brus, earl of Carrick,
John de Britannia junior, Adomer de Valencia, Robert son of Roger, Robert de la Warde, steward of the
household, & others.
Given at Westminster, 20 March 33 Edward [I].
Charter of Alexander [III]., King of Scotland, to the prior and convent of Coldingham, granting them free warren and free forest in Coldinghamshire.
Witnesses: Hugh de Berkeley, John Cumyn the son, Simon Fraser.
Date: Selkirk, 16 June 27 [Alexander III] [1276]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¾" x 6½"
Seal: 3 holes in a turnup for [sealing cords], now torn
Decoration: elaborated initial 'E'
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1299. - Inspeximus by Edward I of a charter of Alexander, King ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1300 [15 August] 1309
Inspeximus by William [de Lamberton] minister [bishop] of St Andrew's of 2 charters of Edgar and 1 charter of David, kings of the Scots, and a fourth charter of Patrick earl of Dunbar, not cancelled, abolished, abrased or in any other way
vitiated, bearing their assigned seals in white wax:
Charter of Edgar granting to the church and monks of Durham, for the souls of his father and mother, and for the good of his body and soul and his brothers, sisters and all his ancestors and successors the
mansio of
Coldingham; together with the
mansiones of Old Cambus, Lumsdaine,
Regnintum, Reston, Swinewood,
Farndun, Ayton, the other Ayton, Prenderguest,
Cramesmuthe (Burnmouth); with lands, woods, waters, tolls, wreck of ships and all customs belonging to the
mansiones which the king his father held.
(Original DCD Misc.Ch. 555.)
Charter of Edgar granting to God and St Cuthbert and his monks, for the souls of his father and mother, himself, and his brothers and sisters, Coldingham and all their lands in Lothian as freely etc as the king had them in his own land.
(Also in DCD Cart. Vet. f.100v.)
Charter of David [I] king of the Scots addressed to all throughout his kingdom in Scotia and Lothian, Scots and English, granting to God and St Cuthbert and his monks of Durham, in alms, the following lands in Lothian:- Coldingham, Old Cambus,
Lumsdaine, Reston,
Remintun, Swinewood, Prenderguest, Ayton, the other Ayton,
Crammesmuthe, Lamberton, the other Lamberton, Paxton, Fishwick and Swinton with all rights, customs,
appurtenances, etc for the good of his soul and the souls of his son Henry, his parents, his brothers and sisters, by concession of his son Henry.
Witnesses: John, Bishop [of Glasgow], Robert de Brus, Herbert the chancellor, Ascelin the archdeacon, Pagan de Braose, Hugh Brett, Berengar Engain, Gospatric the sheriff, Aimar.
Confirmed in 1126, the third year of his reign, at Peebles.
(Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 567.)
Charter of Patrick [I], earl of Dunbar, son of Waldef, earl, granting to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham the vill of Ederham and its church, with the chapel of Ercildon and its other chapels, and the vill of Nesbit, for the souls of
his father and mother, King Malcolm [III], his sons Kings Edgar, Alexander and David, his son Henry, King Malcolm [IV], his own lord King William and David his brother, himself, his wife, his heirs and all his parents.
Witnesses: Lord Hugh the Chancellor, Master William Malvoisin, Richard de Prebenda, Hugh de Sigillo, William de Bores, Master Richard de Coldingham, Master Anger, Geoffrey de Anecroft, Gilbert de Whittingham, Robert de Muschamp, Richard de
Merley, Stephen Papedi, Adam son of Alden, Patrick his son, Nes de Waleton, Robert de Burnvill, Robert his son, Gilbert de Houme, Gilbert son of Walter, Roland the steward, William son of Edgar, Henry de Prendergest, Edward de Aldcambus, Alan de
Swinton, William de Nesbit.
(Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 767.)
Date: Durham, Assumption of the BVM 1309.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 260 x 365 mm
Seal: William bishop of St Andrew's (G&B No.3625), on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1300.
Misc.Ch. 1301-1400DCD Misc.Ch. 1301 [17 August] 1204 x 1209
Notification by William [Malvoisin], minister [bishop] of St Andrew's, of a composition dated in the church of St Andrew's, 3rd weekday after the Assumption the BVM [17 August] 1204, between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of
Durham and the church of Coldingham, with the church of Coldingham and its chapels being free of
can and
cunewech [rents], procurations, hospitality, synodals, aids, assignations of vicars,
and all other exactions, saving canonical justice and obedience, and all their other churches in the bishopric may be free from
can and
cunewech, procurations and hospitality, with Durham to
answer to a common aid from their churches in the bishopric of St Andrew's as any other abbot or prior holding freely in the bishopric, having them as in the time of his predecessor Roger, with vicars presented by them for the cure of souls to be
admitted without any difficulty, and the bishop's officials, when travelling annually around the monks' churches with 3, 4 or 5 horses, are to be provided with hospitality, except in the 3 churches of Old Cambus (
Aldecambus), Lamberton and Fishwick which will be exempt during his time but after his death will revert to how it was before his promotion, and at a general visitation of the bishopric, their churches will also be visited but
without any procuration, which they will also be exempt from on the bishop's processing on return from overseas, all in return for the chapels of Newton and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham, and while Newton chapel is vacant the prior and monks
of Durham will pay annually to the bishop through the prior of Coldingham 15 marks, half at St Martin and half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Sealed by the bishop and church of St Andrew's, with the assent of the chapter, and archdeacons R and J.
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master
Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillescl', Dom Mehero de Quentimilite, John de Wilton, William de Binile, Master Isaac, Master Richard, Robert de Heya.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 220 x 315mm
Original (1204): DCD Misc.Ch. 1314.
Another version: DCD Misc.Ch. 1308 (fewer witnesses).
Inspeximus: (1277) DCD Misc.Ch. 664 and 1246; Misc.Ch. 6806.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1301. DCD Misc.Ch. 1302 [28 March 1165 x [probably 13] May 1178]
Letter of Richard bishop of St Andrew's to G[erman] prior and the convent of Durham with many expressions of affection and regard, and an assurance that he would do nothing against their honour or advantage, and therefore, when the other day
there took place the dedication of the church of Ednam, he neither did nor intended anything to the detriment of them or their church, nor was there anything done or intended by anyone there but, as reason demanded and custom required, he handed
over the key of the church to the parson, and the bishop also invested with the key of the church the prior of Coldingham, whom he understands to be one of their monks and faithful and devout, not influenced by anyone's request, and with no word or
sign having been given by the prior himself or another on his behalf, for reason denies and custom rejects the idea that a monk be appointed to that cure, when he is cloistered and comes to the bishop without any letter from the community, even if
possibly by their orders.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 125mm
Seal: G&B No.3616, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLVIII; (with a calendar)
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.247-249.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1302. DCD Misc.Ch. 1303 [17 July 1127 [perhaps 1140] x 1151]
Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrew's that an agreement was made between the mother church of Edenham and the chapel of Newton before him and Hugh the constable that the mother church of Ednam should have the tithes and
rectitudines from Newton and that the monks of Coldingham, to whom the mother church belongs, should cause mass to be sung at the chapel three days a week and that the men of Newton should come to the mother church at
Christmas, Candlemas,
diebus Tenebrarum, Easter day, Rogation days, Whitsun and St Cuthbert's day. If the men of Newton should fail to pay tithes to Ednam, then divine service shall be discontinued until they are
reconciled to the mother church.
Witnesses: Turold the archdeacon, Roger and Waldef the monks, Aulfo the chaplain and Ralph the chaplain, Swein and Goscelin the priests, and Robert the clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 225 x 100mm
Seal: G&B No.3614, on a double tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Near duplicate (fewer festival and witnesses): DCD Misc.Ch. 1334.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXLVIII.
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.167-168.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1303. - Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrews that an agreement ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1304 [17 August] 1204 x 1209
Confirmation by the prior and convent of St Andrew's of a notification by William [Malvoisin], minister [bishop] of St Andrew's, of a composition dated in the church of St Andrew's, 3rd weekday after the Assumption the BVM [17 August] 1204,
between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, with the church of Coldingham and its chapels being free of
can and
cunewech [rents],
procurations, hospitality, synodals, aids, assignations of vicars, and all other exactions of the bishop and his official, saving canonical justice and obedience, and all their other churches in the bishopric may be free from
can and
cunewech, procurations and hospitality, with Durham to answer to a common aid from their churches in the bishopric of St Andrew's as any other abbot or prior holding freely in the
bishopric, having them as in the time of his predecessor Roger, with vicars presented by them for the cure of souls to be admitted without any difficulty, and the bishop's officials, when travelling annually around the monks' churches with 3, 4 or 5
horses, are to be provided with hospitality, except in the 3 churches of Old Cambus (
Aldecambus), Lamberton and Fishwick which will be exempt during his time but after his death will revert to how it was before his
promotion, and at a general visitation of the bishopric, their churches will also be visited but without any procuration, which they will also be exempt from on the bishop's processing on return from overseas, all in return for the chapels of Newton
and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham, and while Newton chapel is vacant the prior and monks of Durham will pay annually to the bishop through the prior of Coldingham 15 marks, half at St Martin and half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Sealed by the bishop and church of St Andrew's, with the assent of the chapter, and archdeacons R and J.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 255 x 235 mm
Seal: Cathedral priory of St Andrew's (G&B No.3679), on a parchment tag, thought a slit in a turnup
Original (1204): DCD Misc.Ch. 1314.
Another version: DCD Misc.Ch. 1308 (fewer witnesses).
Inspeximus: (1277) DCD Misc.Ch. 664 and 1246; Misc.Ch. 6806.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1304. DCD Misc.Ch. 1305 [9 June] 1295
Inspeximus by William [Fraser] bishop of St Andrew's of a notification by William [Malvoisin], minister [bishop] of St Andrew's, of a composition dated in the church of St Andrew's, 3rd weekday after the Assumption the BVM [17 August] 1204,
between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, with the church of Coldingham and its chapels being free of
can and
cunewech [rents],
procurations, hospitality, synodals, aids, assignations of vicars, and all other exactions of the bishop and his official, saving canonical justice and obedience, and all their other churches in the bishopric may be free from
can and
cunewech, procurations and hospitality, with Durham to answer to a common aid from their churches in the bishopric of St Andrew's as any other abbot or prior holding freely in the
bishopric, having them as in the time of his predecessor Roger, with vicars presented by them for the cure of souls to be admitted without any difficulty, and the bishop's officials, when travelling annually around the monks' churches with 3, 4 or 5
horses, are to be provided with hospitality, except in the 3 churches of Old Cambus (
Aldecambus), Lamberton and Fishwick which will be exempt during his time but after his death will revert to how it was before his
promotion, and at a general visitation of the bishopric, their churches will also be visited but without any procuration, which they will also be exempt from on the bishop's processing on return from overseas, all in return for the chapels of Newton
and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham, and while Newton chapel is vacant the prior and monks of Durham will pay annually to the bishop through the prior of Coldingham 15 marks, half at St Martin and half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Sealed by the bishop and church of St Andrew's, with the assent of the chapter, and archdeacons R and J.
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master
Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillescl', Dom Mehero de Quentimilite, John de Wilton, William de Binile, Master Isaac, Master Richard, Robert de Heya.
Ratifying, approving and confirming it for the priors of the priories of Durham and Coldingham, for the love and reverence of the glorious confessor St Cuthbert, and to remove ambiguity, obscurity and fraud, confirming that they shall be free of
all procurations and hospitality, either ordinary or extraordinary.
Date: Drilton, 5 Id. June 1295.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 305 x 340 mm
Seal: William bishop of St Andrew's (G&B No.3624), on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with an unpicked wool sealbag
Original (1204): DCD Misc.Ch. 1314.
Another version: DCD Misc.Ch. 1308 (fewer witnesses).
Inspeximus: (1277) DCD Misc.Ch. 664 and 1246; Misc.Ch. 6806.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1305. DCD Misc.Ch. 1307 [27 June] 1295
Inspeximus by the prior and convent of St Andrew's of an inspeximus by William [Fraser] bishop of St Andrew's of a notification by William [Malvoisin], minister [bishop] of St Andrew's, of a composition dated in the church of St Andrew's, 3rd
weekday after the Assumption the BVM [17 August] 1204, between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, with the church of Coldingham and its chapels being free of
cunewech [rents], procurations, hospitality, synodals, aids, assignations of vicars, and all other exactions of the bishop and his official, saving canonical justice and obedience, and all their other churches in the
bishopric may be free from
can and
cunewech, procurations and hospitality, with Durham to answer to a common aid from their churches in the bishopric of St Andrew's as any other abbot or
prior holding freely in the bishopric, having them as in the time of his predecessor Roger, with vicars presented by them for the cure of souls to be admitted without any difficulty, and the bishop's officials, when travelling annually around the
monks' churches with 3, 4 or 5 horses, are to be provided with hospitality, except in the 3 churches of Old Cambus (
Aldecambus), Lamberton and Fishwick which will be exempt during his time but after his death will revert
to how it was before his promotion, and at a general visitation of the bishopric, their churches will also be visited but without any procuration, which they will also be exempt from on the bishop's processing on return from overseas, all in return
for the chapels of Newton and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham, and while Newton chapel is vacant the prior and monks of Durham will pay annually to the bishop through the prior of Coldingham 15 marks, half at St Martin and half at the Nativity
of St John the Baptist.
Sealed by the bishop and church of St Andrew's, with the assent of the chapter, and archdeacons R and J.
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master
Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillescl', Dom Mehero de Quentimilite, John de Wilton, William de Binile, Master Isaac, Master Richard, Robert de Heya.
Ratifying, approving and confirming it for the priors of the priories of Durham and Coldingham, for the love and reverence of the glorious confessor St Cuthbert, and to remove ambiguity, obscurity and fraud, confirming that they shall be free of
all procurations and hospitality, either ordinary or extraordinary.
Date: Drilton, 5 Id. June 1295.
Date: chapter of St Andrew's, 5 Kal. July year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some damage down the centre, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 400 x 400 mm
Seal: Cathedral priory of St Andrew's (G&B No.3679), on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Original (1204): DCD Misc.Ch. 1314. Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 1310.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1307. DCD Misc.Ch. 1308 [17 August] 1204 x 1209
Notification by William [Malvoisine], minister [bishop] of St Andrew's, of a composition dated in the church of St Andrew's, 3rd weekday after the Assumption the BVM [17 August] 1204, between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent
of Durham and the church of Coldingham, with the church of Coldingham and its chapels being free of
can and
cunewech [rents], procurations, hospitality, synodals, aids, assignations of
vicars, and all other exactions of the bishop and his official, saving canonical justice and obedience, and all their other churches in the bishopric may be free from
can and
procurations and hospitality, with Durham to answer to a common aid from their churches in the bishopric of St Andrew's as any other abbot or prior holding freely in the bishopric, having them as in the time of his predecessor Roger, with vicars
presented by them for the cure of souls to be admitted without any difficulty, and the bishop's officials, when travelling annually around the monks' churches with 3, 4 or 5 horses, are to be provided with hospitality, except in the 3 churches of
Old Cambus (
Aldecambus), Lamberton and Fishwick which will be exempt during his time but after his death will revert to how it was before his promotion, and at a general visitation of the bishopric, their churches will
also be visited but without any procuration, which they will also be exempt from on the bishop's processing on return from overseas, all in return for the chapels of Newton and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham, and while Newton chapel is vacant
the prior and monks of Durham will pay annually to the bishop through the prior of Coldingham 15 marks, half at St Martin and half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Sealed by the bishop and church of St Andrew's, with the assent of the chapter, and archdeacons R and J.
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master
Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillesclive, Dom Sehero de Quentimilite.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 235 x 330 mm
Seal: William bishop of St Andrew's (G&B No.3619) and chapter of St Andrew's (G&B No.3678), each on dark coloured silk cords, threaded cross-wise through 4 holes at each end of a
Original (1204): DCD Misc.Ch. 1314.
Another version: DCD Misc.Ch. 1301 (more witnesses).
Inspeximus: (1277) DCD Misc.Ch. 664 and 1246; Misc.Ch. 6806.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1308. DCD Misc.Ch. 1309 [2 February] 1194
Announcement to the clergy of the diocese of St Andrew's by Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's that, in the presence of King William and his brother David earl [of Northumberland and Huntingdon], the dispute between the churches of St
Andrew's and Durham over the liberties of the churches which monks of Durham have in Lothian was settled as follows: with the advice and consent of all his chapter, Roger granted to Prior B[ertram] and the monks of Durham that the church of
Coldingham with its chapels should be free and quit of cain and conveth, procurations and hospitality dues, and all other exactions, synodals and aids, and everything else as regards the elect of St Andrew's and his successors and all officials of
the diocese of St Andrew's, reserving canon law and obedience. Similarly all their other parish churches in the diocese of St Andrew's shall be free and quite of cain, conveth, procurations and hospitality dues as regards the elect and his
successors, unless they want to give them gratis, and nothing more shall be exacted in those parish churches by officials of the diocese of St Andrew's than in the parish churches of the abbot of Kelso, or any other abbot who holds them in the
diocese. When a common aid is imposed on the whole diocese of St Andrew's, the monks will be responsible for it to the bishop elect for those parish churches, as with other religious houses in the diocese. The monks will have the same power and
disposition in these parish churches that other abbeys have in theirs. Prior B[ertram] and the monks of Durham, with the advice and consent of H[ugh du Puiset] bishop of Durham and all his chapter, gave for the sake of peace to the church of St
Andrew's the chapel of Nenthorn, free and quit both from them and from the mother church of Ednam.
Witnesses: William king of the Scots, Earl David his brother, Osbert abbot of Kelso, William abbot of Holyrood, Hugh abbot of Newbottle, Hugh archdeacon of St Andrew's and chancellor fo the king, William Malveisin (
Malevicino) archdeacon of Lothian, Earl Patrick, Richard Marshall (
Marescaldo), Patrick son of Adam, Jocelin archdeacon of Dunkeld, Hugh king's chaplain, Richard de Prebenda, Hugh de Sigillo, Henry
Medico, Ralph and Walter king's chaplains, Master Richard de Coud', Master Robert de Edinton, Master Ranulph the official, Master John de Legr', Master John Scot, Master William de Hal', Marchisio de Aubin, John of London, John the chaplain, Ralph
Costein, Ralph the clerk, Richard clerk of Legr', Andrew dean of Lothian, John dean of Fogo, Master Adam parson of Hereshill, Geoffrey de Hupsetinton, Patrick and William de Linton, Alexander of Dunbar, Gilbert de Witengham, Harbert dean of Glasgow,
Robert parson of Edenham, Walter chaplain of Earl Patrick, Patrick parson de Homa, Walter de Smalham.
Date: Edinburgh, Purification of the BVM 1193/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 310 x 150mm
Seal: G&B No.3616, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXII.
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.279-281.
Later summary: DCD Misc.Ch. 1325.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1309. DCD Misc.Ch. 1310 [27 June] 1295
Inspeximus by the prior and convent of St Andrew's of an inspeximus by William [Fraser] bishop of St Andrew's of a notification by William [Malvoisine], minister [bishop] of St Andrew's, of a composition dated in the church of St Andrew's, 3rd
weekday after the Assumption the BVM [17 August] 1204, between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, with the church of Coldingham and its chapels being free of
cunewech [rents], procurations, hospitality, synodals, aids, assignations of vicars, and all other exactions of the bishop and his official, saving canonical justice and obedience, and all their other churches in the
bishopric may be free from
can and
cunewech, procurations and hospitality, with Durham to answer to a common aid from their churches in the bishopric of St Andrew's as any other abbot or
prior holding freely in the bishopric, having them as in the time of his predecessor Roger, with vicars presented by them for the cure of souls to be admitted without any difficulty, and the bishop's officials, when travelling annually around the
monks' churches with 3, 4 or 5 horses, are to be provided with hospitality, except in the 3 churches of Old Cambus (
Aldecambus), Lamberton and Fishwick which will be exempt during his time but after his death will revert
to how it was before his promotion, and at a general visitation of the bishopric, their churches will also be visited but without any procuration, which they will also be exempt from on the bishop's processing on return from overseas, all in return
for the chapels of Newton and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham, and while Newton chapel is vacant the prior and monks of Durham will pay annually to the bishop through the prior of Coldingham 15 marks, half at St Martin and half at the Nativity
of St John the Baptist.
Sealed by the bishop and church of St Andrew's, with the assent of the chapter, and archdeacons R and J.
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master
Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillescl', Dom Mehero de Quentimilite, John de Wilton, William de Binile, Master Isaac, Master Richard, Robert de Heya.
Ratifying, approving and confirming it for the priors of the priories of Durham and Coldingham, for the love and reverence of the glorious confessor St Cuthbert, and to remove ambiguity, obscurity and fraud, confirming that they shall be free of
all procurations and hospitality, either ordinary or extraordinary.
Date: Drilton, 5 Id. June 1295.
Date: chapter of St Andrew's, 5 Kal. July year as above.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 335 x 405 mm
Seal: Cathedral priory of St Andrew's (G&B No.3679), on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Original (1204): DCD Misc.Ch. 1314. Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 1307.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1310. DCD Misc.Ch. 1311 30 April 1444
Refutation by James [Kennedy] bishop of St Andrew's of Misc.Ch. 1312.
At St Andrew's, 30 April 1444.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¼ x 3½"
Seal: James Kennedy. G&B No.3630. Red wax.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1312 16 April
Notarial enrolment of an appeal by Henry Brison, priest of Glasgow, saying he had been presented by the prior and convent of Durham to the parochial church of Ercildon, and obstructed by James [Kennedy], bishop of St Andrew's, and appealing to
Pope Eugenius IV.
Witnesses: John de Athra NP, Andrew de Drommond, John Thonas, Henry de Strayton, James Patrick armiger.
Date: in the pomerio in ?Strome (Struelme) castle, 11th hour before midday, 16 April 1444.
Notary: Gawanus Brady, priest of Dunblane diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 7¾"
Seal: James Kennedy. G&B No.3630. Red wax, on a parchment tag.
Misc.Chs. 1311 & 1312 are sealed together by the parchment seal tag through the feet of the two documents.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1313 18 January 1442
Notarial instrument reciting a mandate of James [Kennedy] bishop of St Andrew's to Richard de Knoll dean of Merse to institute and induct John Oll monk of Durham, presented by the prior and convent of Durham, as prior of Coldingham, vacant by the
death of William Drax last prior.
Date: St Andrew's, 18 January 1441/2 Pont.4.
Notary: David Kay, priest of St Andrew's diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Dorse (contemporary)
Certification of having carried out the induction by Richard de Knoll dean of Merse.
Witnesses: Dom Alexander de Howme and Dom David de Dowme milites, Dom Robert Erghow, Dom John Peucher, and Dom Richard Wrasre monks, Hugh de Spens, Gilbert of Lumsden, David of Lumsden, Alexander of Nesbit, Dom William Bone, Dom Thomas Thoryc and
Dom John Lowry chaplains.
Date: 22 January year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 315mm
Seal: James Kennedy. G&B No.3629. Red wax, on a parchment tag through 3 slits in a turnup.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1314 8 January 1446
Notarial instrument, whereby James Kennedy, bishop of St Andrew's, appoints John Gray, rector of the parish church of Lyston, Nicholas de Otterburn, canon of Glasgow and official of Lothian, and William Forman, his
proctors to appear before Patrick, and Thomas de Kelso, abbots of Holyrood and Newbottle, deputed by the pope to hear a dispute about the patronage of certain benefices between himself and the prior and convent of Durham.
Witnesses: Master John Legati, archdeacon of St Andrew's, Alan Stewart, captain of the castle of St Andrew's, George Martin,
marshal, Master William, clerk and notary public
Notarial sign of William de Boys, of St Andrew's diocese and bedel of the university, NP by imperial authority.
At the castle of St Andrew's, 8 January 1445/6.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 16¾ x 10¼"
Seal: James Kennedy. G&B No.3630. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1315 12 September 1456
Mandate to induct by James [Kennedy], bishop of St Andrew's, to his dean of Christianity of the Merse or whatsoever other chaplain celebrating within his diocese deputed by him to execute the presents, since the priory of Coldingham is vacant by
the resignation in his hands of Thomas Nesbit, last prior thereof, before a notary and witnesses; and following presentation by William [Bell] prior and the chapter of Durham instructing him: to go to the cell of Coldingham and institute John
Pencher, monk of Durham, or his proctor as prior of Coldingham and to put him in bodily possession thereof; to supress any gainsayers; and to affix his own seal to the presents after the bishop's round seal as a sign of his execution hereof, with
the presents to remain in the possession of the said John.
Date: Pittenweem, 2 September 1456, Consecration 19.
Endorsed (contemporary):
Certificate of induction by William Bertreme, dean of the Merse and vicar of Swinton, of John Pencher into the priorate of Coldingham, by keys, book, chalice and the other altar furnishings.
Witnesses: David Home of Wedderburn, miles; Master Gilbert Heryng', parson of Innerwick; Thomas Thoþerik, William Bone, John Wake, chaplains; William Aldyncraw, Edward Lummy[s]den, armigeres.
Done: 5th day after the date of the presents [16 September 1456, assuming inclusive reckoning].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 225mm
Seal: 1. James Kennedy, bishop of St Andrew's. G&B No.3630. Red wax. 2. Dean of Merse. G&B No.3642A. Red wax.Each attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup.
Copy: DCD Reg.IV, f.141r-142r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1316 1457
Notarial instrument, certifying a document by James de Lumsden, priest of St Andrew's diocese, appealing to Pope Calixtus III against the refusal by James [Kennedy], bishop of St Andrew's, to admit him to the perpetual
vicarage of the church of Stichil, vacant by the death of the last vicar Dom Robert de Thurbrande, although presented by the prior and convent of Durham, and rather collating, investing and instituting John Raperlaw priest of St Andrew's
Witnesses: Dom James Hog chaplain, Robert Marcial clerk, John Wilson.
Date: monastery of the Holy Cross Edinburgh, 11 July 1457.
Notarial sign of Thomas Lainge, clerk of St Andrew's diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Denial by Bishop James Kennedy of James Lumsden's appeal as Master John Repperlau had been instituted to Stichil 4 months previously in March.
Date: Pittenweem, 10 August 1457.
Parchment, 1m + 1m
Size: (1) 12¼ x 10½"; (2) 10 x 7¼"
Seal: James Kennedy. G&B No.3630. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of documents.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 1317 1204
Notification by William, bishop of St Andrew's, of a composition dated 17 August 1204 between the bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, concerning the
can and
cunewech [rents], procurations, custody, institutions to and visitation of churches in the diocese of St Andrew's pertaining to Durham (including Aldecantibus, Lamberton and Fishwick), with Durham receiving rights and
privileges in return for the chapels of Newton and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham.
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master
Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillescl', Dom Mehero de Quentimilite, John de Wilton, William de Binile, Master Isaac, Master Richard, Robert de Heya.
Date: 1204.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirographum' cut through, lined, two holes with some text lost
Size: 220 x 315mm
Notification: DCD Misc.Ch. 1301 and 1308.
Inspeximus: (1277) DCD Misc.Ch. 664 and 1246; Misc.Ch. 6806.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1317. - Notification by William, bishop of St Andrews, of a composition ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1318 [14 May x 25 November 1185]
Letters for Pope L[ucius III] from Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow, E[rnald] abbot of Melrose and G[eoffrey] abbot of Newminster, saying that they understood by his papal bull at Verona of 14 May that, although Bishop R[ichard]
of St Andrew's, confirmed by Pope Alexander [III], had confirmed certain liberties ot the monks of Durham and their churches, H[ugh] bishop of St Andrew's and his officials had gone against this by oppressing the monks, which they are to stop, and
so they heard the parties and then first the bishop and then the prior [of Coldingham] and monks refused to answer summonses, the case ran over into the next day, and the judges decided to remit it to the pope.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 6¼"
Seal: (1) of Arnald, Abbot of Melrose.
(2) of G. Abbot?
(3) Missing.
Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DVII;
Papsturkunden in England, iii no.374;
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p. 115-119 (with a translation).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1318. - Letters for Pope I[nnocent III] from Jocelyn, Bishop of Glasgow, ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1319 [1172 x 1177]
Confirmation by Richard [bishop] of St Andrew's to the church of Durham of the church of Earlston which was adjudicated to the monks in the bishop's presence, to be held freely, quietly and honourably, reserving his episcopal right and
Witnesses: Andrew archdeacon of Lothian, Walter archdeacon of St Andrew's, Geoffrey abbot of Dunfermline, John abbot of Holyrood [Edinburgh], Amfredo abbot of Newbattle, Roger abbot of Dryburgh, Aiulf and Patrick deans, Geoffrey de Leswade,
Robert de Pert, Alexander and Albino chaplains, Geoffrey clerk of Tyninghame.
Date: in full synod in the church of St Cuthbert at Edinburgh (
Parchment, 1m
Size: 210 x 80mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by a parchment tag through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXI;
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.201-202 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1319. DCD Misc.Ch. 1320 [18 October] 1240
Notification by David [of Bernham], bishop of St Andrew's, that he was charitably received in the house of Coldingham, and this is not to be used to prejudice either the agreement between Dom William [Malvoisine], his predecessor, and the prior
and convent of Coldingham, or their house.
Date: St Luke 1240.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 165 mm
Seal: David bishop of St Andrew's (G&B No.3620), damaged edges repaired with wax, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1320. DCD Misc.Ch. 1321 [6 January 1161 x 13 September 1162]
Grant by Arnald bishop [of St Andrew's] to the church of St Cuthbert of Ednam of the tithes and other ecclesiastical rights of that vill, the chapels of Newton, Stichill and Nenthorn, with the tithes and rights of their respective vills, and to
the church of Ednam of all that land which was given at its original dedication, and the land which the man of that vill gave at its second dedication in the bishop's presence, in free and perpetual alms, with the church of St Cuthbert of Durham to
hold it as they did in the time of his predecessor Bishop R[obert].
Witnesses: Herbert bishop of Glasgow, John abbot of Kelso, Osbern abbot of Jedburgh, Thor the archdeacon, Gamel the dean, Aldred dean of Roxsburgh, Nigel the priest, Master Andrew, Master Thomas, Master Herbert, Master Merlin, Robert son of
Seolf, Adam de Dumb', William scriptore, Goce priest of Stichill, Robert the clerk, Herbert his brother.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 200 x 140mm
Seal: G&B No.3614, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLI;
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p. 172-173 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1321. DCD Misc.Ch. 1322 2 August 1362
Letters testimonial of William [de Landallis] bishop of St Andrew's of the purging of William of Bamburgh prior of Coldingham of an article accusing him of incontinence and lapsu carnis with a certain Margaret Reed,
heard before the bishop's commissaries, and his absolution fromt he article and the restitution of his good fame.
Date: ?Inchemurth, 2 August 1362.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed hole in the bottom right corner and an elongated diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 105 x 325mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag through a slit in the foot, ?with a tongue and tie cut off
DCD Misc.Ch. 1323 16 January 1331
Notarial instrument concerning the agreement between Adam de Pontefract, prior of Coldingham, and James [Benet], bishop of St Andrew's, whereby the prior gives the bishop sufficient rents to bring in 200 marks sterling in
4 years and the bishop confirms all the privileges of the priory.
Witnesses: Lord Robert de St Andrew's, canon of Glasgow, Lord John de Ayton, perpetual vicar of Leswade
Date: the churchyard of Leswade church in St Andrew's diocese, 16 January 1330/1.
Notarial sign of Nicholas, called Campion, clerk, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m, lined, various holes
Size: 9¼ x 14"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1324 14 February 1368
Licence of William [de Landallis] bishop of St Andrew's granted to the prior of Coldigham and Brother William Bulmer of the predicate order to hear the confessions of and absolve the parishioners of the churches of Berwick and Coldingham.
Date: Haddington, 14 February 1367/8.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.3627, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1325 [?early 13th century]
Summary copy that, in the presence of King William and his brother David, the dispute between the churches of St Andrew's and Durham over the liberties of the churches which monks of Durham have in Lothian was settled as follows: with the advice
and consent of all his chapter, Roger granted to Prior B[ertram] and the monks of Durham that the church of Coldingham with its chapels should be free and quit of cain and conveth, procurations and hospitality dues, and all other exactions, synodals
and aids, and everything else as regards the elect of St Andrew's and his successors and all officials of the diocese of St Andrew's, reserving canon law and obedience. Similarly all their other parish churches in the diocese of St Andrew's shall be
free and quite of cain, conveth, procurations and hospitality dues as regards the elect and his successors, unless they want to give them gratis, and nothing more shall be exacted in those parish churches by officials of the diocese of St Andrew's
than in the parish churches of the abbot of Kelso, or any other abbot who holds them in the diocese. When a common aid is imposed on the whole diocese of St Andrew's, the monks will be responsible for it to the bishop elect for those parish
churches, as with other religious houses in the diocese. The monks will have the same power and disposition in these parish churches that other abbeys have in theirs.
Date: Edinburgh, Purification of the BVM [2 February] 1193/4.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 95 x 210 mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.11v-12r.
Original (more extensive, with witnesses): DCD Misc.Ch. 1309.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1325. DCD Misc.Ch. 1326 11 January 1363
Mandate by William [de Landallis] bishop of St Andrew's to the deans of Haddington and le Merske, or either of them, the priory of Coldingham being vacant by the death of Wiliam of Bamburgh last prior, at the presentation of the prior and convent
of Durham and the collation of the bishop of Brother William of Walworth, to invest and institute Robert or his proctor and to induct into corporeal possession of the priory.
Date: Foress, 11 January 1362/3.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 250mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3627 & 3640, each on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1327 19 February 1330
Confirmation by James [Bennet] minister (bishop) of St Andrew's to the prior and convent of Durham and the prior and monks of Coldingham of their privileges of cane and conneweth for
procurations, hospiciis and other rites conceded to them.
Date: Coldingham, 19 February 1329/30.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.3626, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1328 18 February 1330
Letters of James [Bennet] bishop of St Andrew's to the prior and convent of Coldingham indemnifying them from providing for his overnighting on his visitation as this has been a matter of dissension between them.
Date: Coldingham, 18 February 1329/30.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 280mm
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1329 19 February 1330
Quitclaim by James [Bennet] bishop of St Andrew's to the prior and convent of Coldingham for 200 marks for the tithes of sheaves for the churches of Swynton and West Nesbit assigned for 4 years.
Date: Coldingham, 19 February 1329/30.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 255mm
Seal: G&B No.3626, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1330 [28 March 1165 x 12 January 1167]
Notification by Richard bishop of St Andrew's, with his fellow papal judges delegate Ailred abbot of Rievaulx and William abbot of Melrose, of the settlement of the dispute between the churches of Durham and Kelso over the chapel of Earlston
according to the tenor of letters of Pope Alexander [III], which mandated that if the prior of Durham could prove title by possession of the chapel of Earlston for 40 years without interruption, they should impose silence about the chapel on the
monks of Kelso, and title by possession for 40 years was canonically proved in their presence by the oath of 12 priests, 1 deacon and 2 laymen, and so the judges imposed silence on the monks of Kelso and awarded the chapel to the church of Durham in
Witnesses: Osbert abbot of Jedburgh (
geddewrthe), Nicholas the chancellor, Andrew archdeacon of Lothian (
Laudonie), Aiulf and Iocio deans, Robert canon of St Andrew's, Master Herbert,
Elias de Ilderton, Hervey and Eilaf chaplains of Berwick, Romfar the chaplain, Alan priest of Hilton, Alan priest of Wallsend, Master Gocelin.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 125-105 x 220mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3536, 3616 & 3671, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in the foot
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLIX; (with a calendar)
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.244-245.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1330. DCD Misc.Ch. 1331 28 July 1341
Letters of the prior and convent of St Andrew's to Master Andrew de Badby, rector of the church of Mordington, saying that since the priorship of Coldingham was vacant and Walter de Scaresbrek had been presented by the
prior and convent of Durham, he is to institute and induct the said Walter to the priorship.
At St Andrew's, 28 July 1341.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12 x 5¼"
Seal: the Cathedral Priory of St Andrew's. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. 2 tie tags.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXCIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1332 22 January 1371
Monition by William [de Landallis] bishop of St Andrew's to the prior and convent of Coldingham of his visitation of them on 8 February next and that they should provide food and drink for him and his familia.
Date: Edinburgh, St Vincent 1370/1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 270mm
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1333 [17 August 1204 x June 1208]
Notification by William [Malvoisine], bishop of St Andrew's, to P[atrick, abbot] of Dunfermline, H[enry, abbot] of Arbroath, G[uy, abbot] of Lindores, T[homas], prior of St Andrew's, R[alph de Wat] and J[ohn of Leicester], archdeacons of St
Andrew's [and Lothian], that an agreement has been made between him and the prior and convent of Durham concerning controversy which was between them in a form which can be inspected in letters under his seal.
Parchment, 1m, bottom left corner repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 60 x 150mm
Seal: [Sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1333. DCD Misc.Ch. 1334 [17 July 1127 [perhaps 1140] x 1151]
Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrew's that an agreement was made between the mother church of Edenham and the chapel of Newton before him and Hugh the constable that the mother church of Ednam should have the tithes and
rectitudines from Newton and that the monks of Coldingham, to whom the mother church belongs, should cause mass to be sung at the chapel three days a week and that the men of Newton should come to the mother church at
Christmas, Candlemas,
diebus Tenebrarum, Easter day, Rogation days and St Cuthbert's day. If the men of Newton should fail to pay tithes to Ednam, then divine service shall be discontinued until they are reconciled to
the mother church.
Witnesses: Turold the archdeacon, Aulfo the chaplain and Ralph the chaplain, Swein and Goscelin the priests, and Robert the clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 140 x 145mm
Seal: G&B No.3614, on a now detached tongue (formerly Misc.Ch.1306)
Near duplicate (additional festival and witnesses): DCD Misc.Ch. 1303.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXLVII; A.C. Lawrie,
Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CCXII.
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.165-167.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1334. - Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrews that an agreement ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1336
Seal: Seal only: Loose seal of William [Malvoisine], Bishop of St Andrews [G&B No.3619; from Stevenson catalogue, 1846]
Missing. Noted [by Greenwell, late 19th century] as belonging with Misc.Ch. 1301 and restored thereto, but no longer survives with that charter (noted as no longer present with Misc.Ch.1301 in seals catalogue, late 20th century)
DCD Misc.Ch. 1337 [1172 x 1177]
Confirmation by Richard [bishop] of St Andrew's to the church of Durham of the chapel of Earlston which was adjudicated to the monks in the bishop's presence as a daughter of their mother church of Edrom, with the monks to hold it as freely and
quietly as any chapel in the diocese of St Andrew's.
Witnesses: Andrew archdeacon of Lothian, Walter archdeacon of St Andrew's, Geoffrey abbot of Dunfermline, John abbot of Holyrood [Edinburgh], Amfredo abbot of Newbattle, Roger abbot of Dryburgh, Aiulf and Patrick deans, Geoffrey de Leswade,
Robert de Pert, Alexander and Albino chaplains, Geoffrey clerk of Tyninghame.
Date: in full synod in the church of St Cuthbert at Edinburgh (
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 70mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub above
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLX;
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.200-201 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1337. DCD Misc.Ch. 1338 [c.1200]
Confirmation by Thomas prior and the convent of St Andrew's of the composition made at Edinburgh between Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's and Bertram prior and the monks of Durham, in the presence of William King of the Scots and his
brother Earl David, over the status of their churches in Lothian (
Witnesses: Master Rannulf and Master John archdeacons, Marchisio de Auben, Geoffrey de Graufe, Roger, Geoffrey, and Radulfus ?Nigro clerks of the bishop.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 135mm
Seal: G&B No.3678, damaged edges repaired with wax c.1970, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1338. DCD Misc.Ch. 1339 [c.1200]
Confirmation by Thomas prior and the convent of St Andrew's of the composition made at Edinburgh between Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's and Bertram prior and the monks of Durham, in the presence of William King of the Scots and his
brother Earl David, over the status of their churches in Lothian (
Witnesses: Master Rannulf and Master John archdeacons, Richard and Richard of Leicester chaplains of the bishop, Margisio de Aubin, Andrew dean of Lothian, John dean of Kinghorn, William chaplain of Duruefen, Master William de Line, Master
Stephen of Beverley.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 185mm
Seal: G&B No.3678, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1339. DCD Misc.Ch. 1340 [17 March 1199 x 17 June 1200]
Announcement to the clergy of the diocese of St Andrew's by Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's that, for the love of St Cuthbert and the soul of King William, his heirs and successors, and for the souls of all the bishop's successors and
predecessors, he has confirmed and decreed that the agreement made between him and Prior Bertram and the monks of Durham should be inviolably observed, namely, the one made on 2 February 1194 at Edinburgh in the presence, and with the agreement, of
King William, his brother Earl David and very many others, thus: with the common advice and assent of his whole chapter he granted to Durham Cathedral Priory that its church of Coldingham with the chapels belonging to it shall be free and quit of
cain, conveth, procurations, hospitality dues and all other exactions, synodals, aids and all other things from the bishop, his successors and all officials of the diocese of St Andrew's, reserving canonical justice and obedience. All its other
churches in the diocese shall be free and quit in perpetuity from the same dues, unless the monks are willing to pay them voluntarily. Nothing greater shall be demanded by officials of the diocese from those parish churches than from the parish
churches of the abbot of Kelso or any other abbot in the diocese. When a common aid is imposed throughout the diocese, the monks shall be responsible for it to the bishop and his successors from their parish churches, just as any abbot or prior does
for his in the diocese. He has granted that the monks shall have in perpetuity as much power, dignity and disposition in all their parish churches as any abbot has in his churches in the diocese. Prior Bertram and the monks of Durham, with the
advice and assent of H[ugh du Puiset] bishop of Durham and his whole chapter, have given and granted to the church of St Andrew's, the bishop and his successors, the chapel of Nenthorn to be held and granted in perpetuity to whomever they will,
free, quit and absolved both from them and from the mother church of Ednam.
Witnesses: William king of the Scots, Earl David his brother, Osbert abbot of Kelso, William abbot of Holyrood, Hugh abbot of Newbottle, Master Ranulph archderacon of St Andrew's, Earl Patrick, Richard Marshall (Marescaldo), Patrick son of Adam,
Hugh Parvo, Richard de Prebenda, Hugh de Sigillo, Henry Medico, Radulph and Walter chaplains of the lord king, Master Robert de Edentun, Master John de Legr (Leicester), Master William de Lina, Andrew dean of Lothian, John dean of Fogo, Herbert dean
of Glasgow.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some gnawing on the right edge, some stains
Size: 255 x 210mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXVI.
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.292-294.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet., f.107v-108r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1340. DCD Misc.Ch. 1341 [6 June] 1199
Announcement to the clergy of the diocese of St Andrew's by Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's that he has confirmed by his charter to Prior B[ertram] and the monks of Durham those churches which they had
in usus
proprios in the diocese of St Andrew's before he was promoted to the see, and out of love and reverence for the most precious confessor St Cuthbert and for the soul of King William, and all his heirs and successors, and for the souls of all
the bishop's successors and predecessors, he has granted and by this document confirmed that, on a vacancy in other churches which they have in the diocese, they may, without any other presentation, convert them at will
in usus
proprios for the maintenance of Christ's poor and guests, and hold them peacefully in their own hand, reserving the epsicopal dues, to be inviolably observed forever. The bishop inhibits under anathema anyone who should go against this
confirmation or presume to harm it, and if anyone attempts to do so, he shall incur the indignation of God and the wrath of St Andrew and the Confessor Cuthbert, along with the bishop's curse, unless he repent.
Witnesses: Osbert abbot of Kelso, Robert abbot of Dunfermline, William abbot of Edinburgh, Thomas prior of St Andrew's, Master Ranulph archderacon [of St Andrew's], William Malveisin archdeacon, Andrew and John deans, Master Robert of St
Andrew's, Master John of Leicester, Master Walter of Driffield, Markiso de Albeni, Master Isaac, Master William de Line, Master Anger, Richard chaplain, Geoiffrey de Cranford, Master Alan of Richmond, Master Abraham, William de Alnow, Ralph the
clerk, Richard le Megre, Robert of St German, Pagan son of Master Gilbert.
Date: 1199 Pentecost after the coronation of John king of the English.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 215 x 205mm
Seal: G&B No.3616, edges repaired, on a parchment tag, detached, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXVII (abridged).
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.295-296.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet., f.108r-v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1341. DCD Misc.Ch. 1342 [15 February 1198 x 7 July 1202]
Confirmation by Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's, at the presentation of Prior B[ertram] and the convent of Durham, to Master Alan of Richmond of the church of Edrom (
Ederham) with all its appurteenances both
in teinds and in other obventions in pure and perpetual alms, except for the chapel of Earlston (
Erchildun), to be held as freely, quietly and honoruably as anyone holds his church in the diocese, reserving the epsicopal
Witnesses: Master Ranulph, Master William de Lina, Master Isaac, Richard and Richard chaplains, Andrew dean of Lothian, John dean of Fogo, Master Henry of Eccles, Master Roger of Richmond, Alan de Manefeld, Matthew de Cuton, Alan son of Hervicus,
Paul de St Rumaldo, Adam his brother.
Date: 1199 Pentecost after the coronation of John king of the English.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 200 x 100mm
Seal: G&B No.3616, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXXII.
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.308-309.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1342. DCD Misc.Ch. 1343 [1199 x 1211]
Inspeximus by the prior and convent of St Andrew's of a charter of Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's, for the charity and love of the glorious confessor Cuthbert and for the salvation of the souls of W[illiam the Lion] king of the Scots
and the bishop and his predecessors and successors, granting and confirming to God and St Cuthbert and Prior Bertram and the monks of Durham serving the memory of the saint in Durham all their churches in the bishoprick of St Andrew's, that is the
church of Coldingham, the churches of Berwick, the church of Swinton, the church of Edenham, the church of Ederham, the church of Lamberton, the church of Fishwick, the church of Oldcambus (
Aldecambhus), and the church
of Earlston (
Ercildon), with chapels and all things belonging to those churches for the maintenance of Christ's poor and guests may be converted in
usus proprios in perpetuity when a vacancy
occurs, reserving the episcopal dues.
Witnesses: the abbot of Kelso (
Kelchou), Robert abbot of Dunfermline, the abbot of [Holyrood] Edinburgh (
Edenburc), Thomas prior of St Andrew's, Master Ranulf [de Wat] and William
Malveisin (
Mauveisin) archdeacons, Andrew and John deans, Master Robert of St Andrew's, Master John of Leicester, Master Walter of Driffield, Marchisio de Auben (
Albaneia), Master Isaac,
Master William de Line, Master Auger, Master Alan of Richmond, Master Abraham, Richard the chaplain, Geoffrey of Cranford, William de Alnoy, Ralph the clerk, Richard le Megre, Robert de St German, Pagan the clerk, Harald Pincerna, Everard the
Confirming to the prior and convent of Durham all their churches and chapels in the bishopric of St Andrew's for their own uses to support the poor of Christ.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 260 x 175mm
Seal: G&B No.3679, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 971.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1343. DCD Misc.Ch. 1344 [17 March 1199 x 7 July 1202]
Mandate by Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's to Ranulph archdeacon of St Andrew's and his officials, out of reverence for the glorious confessor Cuthbert, to read and causer to be heard in his common chapter those charters granted by him
to the prior and monks of Durham so that if any problem about this should emerge through the passage of time they and the chapter may bear witness to the truth of this concession.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 175 x 50mm
Seal: G&B No.3616, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXXI.
Printed (with a calendar):
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.308.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1344. DCD Misc.Ch. 1345 [c.1200]
Confirmation by R[obert of Berwick] abbot of the church of Christ of Dunfermline and the convent there of the composition made at Edinburgh between Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's and Bertram prior and the monks of Durham, in the
presence of William King of the Scots and his brother Earl David, over the status of their churches in Lothian (
Lodoneia, and afterwards recited and conceded before the same Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's in
the synod at Musselburgh (
Muscelburg) in 1200.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 235 x 75mm
Seal: G&B No.3659, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet., f.109v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1345. DCD Misc.Ch. 1346 [28 March 1165 x 1166]
Confirmation by Richard [bishop] of St Andrew's of the grant of Earl Gospatric to the church of Durham of the vills of Nesbit and Edrom and the church of the latter with all its chapels etc, to be held freely and quit of all customs and exaction,
reserving episcopal right.
Witnesses: Osbert abbot of Jedburgh, Andrew and Matthew archdeacons, Aiulf and Iocio deans, Robert brother of the bishop, Nigel chaplain, Robert canon of St Andrew's, Rotbert son of Saulfi, Master Herbert, Alexander chaplain, Master Abraham,
Geoffrey the clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 235 x 75mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLVII;
Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.202-203 (with a calendar).
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet., f.107r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1346. DCD Misc.Ch. 1348 7 March [1438]
Letters patent of Henry VI taking into his special care and protection the priory of Coldingham and its manors, granges, etc, for one year, because of the destruction and wasting caused by both Scottish and English
Given at Kennington manor, 7 March 16 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12" x 8"
Seal: Seal: tongue cut off. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham p.80, App. CCCCXLI.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1349 14 February [1340]
Copy of writ of Edward III addressed to the sheriff of Berwick to return the barony of Coldingham and its appurtenances to the prior and convent of Durham, as petitioned by them in the last parliament at Westminster
reciting the institution of William de Scaccario (Lescheker) as prior of Coldingham, his almost fatally wounding his fellow monk Robert of Kelloe, his being recalled to Durham, his resignation, and being replaced as prior of Coldingham by Alexander
of Lamsley and put in custody in Durham, but then he escaped after a year and travelled abroad, and secured a writ from Edward duke of Cornwall who had custody of the kingdom to restore the barony of Coldingham to him.
Given at Kennington, 14 February 14 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 10¾" x 9¾"
Printed: Raine, ND, p.80, App. CCCCXXXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 1350 4 March [1305]
Charter of Edward I granting to the priors and convents of Durham and Coldingham a weekly market on Wednesdays and a yearly fair of a fortnight in October, in Coldingham.
Witnesses: R[obert Wischard] bishop of Glasgow, W[alter Langton] bishop of Coventry & Lichfield, J[ohn of Halton] bishop of
Carlisle, A[ntony Bek] bishop of Durham, Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, Ralph de Monte Hermerii, earl of Gloucester &
Hertford, Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford & Essex, Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, Robert de Brus, earl of Carrick,
John de Britannia junior, Adomer de Valencia, Robert son of Roger, Robert de la Warde, steward of the
household, & others.
Given at Westminster, 4 March 33 Edward I.
Parchment, 1m, damaged foot and turnup repaired with parchment c.1970, some staining with some text badly faded
Size: 14½" x 11"
Seal: [holes] in a turnup for sealing cords torn off
DCD Misc.Ch. 1351 [12 June] 1310
Mandte of William [of Lamberton] bishop of St Andrew's to his official the archdeacon of Lothian to cite the prior of Durham, since he did not appear at the synod at St Andrew's on Thursday in the week of Pentecost, to appear in the church of
Holy Cross in Edinburgh on Monday after St James concerning the church of Ederham to answer for his contumacy.
Date: St Andrew's, Friday after St Barnabas 1310.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 245mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag thourhg a slit in the foot
DCD Misc.Ch. 1352 [?1200]
Charter of O[sbert] abbot and the convent of Kelso (
Kelchov) testifying the composition between Roger [de Beaumont bishop] elect of St Andrew's and Bertram prior and the monks of Durham, before William, king of the
Scots, and his brother Earl David and other worthy men in Edinburgh (
Edeneburg) about the status of the churches that the said monks hold in Lothian (
Lodoneia), which was then recited and
conceded before the said Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrew's in 1200 in the synod of Musselburgh (
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.3665, damaged with some lost, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup, with a wrapping tie above
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet., f.109v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1352. DCD Misc.Ch. 1353 [?1200]
Charter of W. abbot and the convent of Holy Cross [Edinburgh] testifying the composition between [Roger de Beaumont bishop] elect of St Andrew's and Bertram prior and the monks of Durham, before William, king of the Scots, and his brother Earl
[David and other worthy] men in Edinburgh (Edeneburg) about the status of the churches that the said monks hold in Lothian (Lodoneia), which was then recited and conceded before the said
[Roger de Beaumont bishop] of St Andrew's in 1200 in the synod of Musselburgh (Muschelburg).
Parchment, 1m, damaged in the centre and along the foot with text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 80 x 200mm
Seal: part of a blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1354 [14 October] 1171
Indenture of agreement between the church of Durham and the church of Kelso, in the presence of Hugh [du Puiset], bishop of Durham, viz. that the abbot and convent of Kelso resign all claim to the chapel of Ercildon and
its appendances, and the prior and convent of Durham quitclaim the chapel of Gordon with tithes; Kelso also quitclaims to Durham the church of St Laurence of Berwick and the tithes of 1 carrucate of land in that vill, retaining only the tithes of 1
fishery called
Witnesses: Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian, John, archdeacon of Durham, Master Richard de Coldingham,
Master Gocelin, Hervey the priest, Master Thomas de Lamberton, Samson the chaplain,
William son of Robert, Gilbert the provost, Richard de Umfraville, John nephew of the abbot,
Date: St Luke 1171.
Parchment, 1m, 'cyrographum;' cut through along the head
Size: 7¼ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B No.3665. of the Abbey of Kelso. Natural wax varnished. on a parchment tag through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.114r.[iiii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXLIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1354. - Indenture of agreement between the church of Durham and the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1355 22 July [1380]
Letters patent of Richard II granting licence to the prior and convent of St Cuthbert of Durham to accept from the king of Scotland the cell of Coldingham, lately occupied by the Scots.
'Middleton', by writ of privy seal.
Given at Westminster, 22 July 4 [Richard II].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¼" x 5"
Seal: Great seal of Richard II. White wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1356 [c.1240]
Indenture of agreement between A. prior of Coldingham and the convent, and the mayor and burgesses of Berwick concerning the tithing of the king's mills belonging to the vill of Berwick which was settled thus: the mayor
and burgesses will pay to the prior and convent for the tithing of the mills 6 silver marks p.a., half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin, and the prior and convent will seek nothing more.
Witnesses: Master David, king's chamberlain, Lord Ranulf de Bonkil, Lord Richard, parson of Culthir,
Master Laurence, vicar of Berwick , and many others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 7 x 3¼"
Seal: Common seal of Berwick. G&B No.3729. Natural wax varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCLIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1356. - Indenture of agreement between Q. Prior of Coldingham and the ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1357 26 May 1408
Notarial instrument, of letters of John, bishop of Frequentinus, auditor deputed by the pope, to the abbot of Alnwick, the prior of Tynemouth and the guardian of the house of God in Berwick, in a suit in the Roman
curia between William Wardale, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Berwick, and the priors and convents of Coldingham and Durham concerning an 80 marks pension, fruits, rents, etc, belonging to the said vicarage,
ordering the same to be sequestrated, and other documents in the same dispute.
Witnesses: Masters Gumpert Fabri de Wuldunghen and Nicholas Falkenberg NPs, clerks of Magunten and Bratislava dioceses.
Date: in his house, Saturday 26 May 1408 at the 3rd hour Pont.2 Pope Gregory XII.
Notarial sign of John Stroe de Borken clerk of Monasterien diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m, prick holes down each edge
Size: 23¾ x 22¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by cords (2 stabbed holes) through a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1358]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1325-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1359]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1325-8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1360]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1331-2 (A)
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1361]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1327-8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1362]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1331-2 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1363-1364]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland Expenses 1329 (A).
DCD Misc.Ch. 1365 [later 13th century]
Account roll, showing total of all the churches of the prior of Durham with the church of Ederham.
Parchment roll, 1m, with the fragment of another sewn to the foot
Size: 140 x 65mm
Printed: Raine SS.12 p.xv.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1366]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland Expenses 1329 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1367]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1352-3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1368]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1342-3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1369]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1344-5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1370]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1344-5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1371]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1345-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1372]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1346-7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1373]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1347-8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1373*]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1349-50.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1374]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1350-1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1375]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1351-2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1376]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1352-3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1377]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1353-4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1378]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1353-4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1379]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1354-5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1380]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1355-6 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1381]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1355-6 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1382]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1356-7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1383]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1357-8 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1384]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1358-9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1385]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1358-9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1386]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1359-60 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1387]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1359-60 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1388]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1360-1 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1389]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1361-2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1390]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist Status 1362.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1391]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1362-3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1392]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1363-4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1393]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1364-5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1394]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1364-5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1395]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1365-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1396]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1365-7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1397]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1365-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1398]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1366-7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1399]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1366-7 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1400]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1366-7 (B).
Misc.Ch. 1401-1500[DCD Misc.Ch. 1401]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1367-8 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1402]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1367-8 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1403]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1367-8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1404]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1368-9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1405]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1368-9 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1406]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1368-9 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1407]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1369-70 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1408]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1365-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1409]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1311-2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1410]
Now Proctor's Accounts, Scotland 1329-30.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1411]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1360-1 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1412]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1362-3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1413]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1363-4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1414]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1369-70 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1415]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1369- 70.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1416]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1357-8 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1417]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1370- 1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1418]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1370- 1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1419]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1371-2 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1420]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1371-2 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1421]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1371-2 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1422]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1371-2 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1423]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1372-3 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1424]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1372-3 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1424*]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1373-4 (B)
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1425]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1372-3 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1426]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1372-3 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1427]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1372-4 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1428]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1373-4 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1429]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1374.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1429*]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1373-4 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1430]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior Status 1374.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1431]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1375- 6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1432]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1399- 1400.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1433]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1405-6 (A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1434]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1405-6 (B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1435]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior 1398- 9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1436]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Sacrist 1412- 3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1437]
Now Coldingham Accounts, Prior Status 1447.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1438 [later 13th century]
List of debts owed by and to the house of Coldingham.
Parchment roll, 1m, cancelled with 2 large arrow cuts
Size: 210 x 185mm
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXIV?
DCD Misc.Ch. 1439 [?January 1442]
Language: Latin & English
Pleas and reasons adduced by Andrew abbot and the convent of Dunfermline on behalf of William Boys, calling himself prior of Coldingham, against John Oll, also prior, why the monks of Durham have no right in Coldingham, while the monks of
Dunfermline have.
Addressed to James [Kennedy] bishop of St Andrew's.
Paper roll, 3m
Previously Loc.II.68.
Printed: Raine SS. 121 CCXLIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 1440 [15th century]
Regulations concerning an indulgence granted by the pope in the jubilee (cf. Misc.Ch. 1448).
Paper rolls, 2r, with stitching holes along the foot of 1, upper part of each roll gnawed away with text lost
DCD Misc.Ch. 1448 is the lower part of r.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1441 20 July 1308
Notarial instrument enrolling an appeal by Robert de Gisburn, monk of Durham, and proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, against the excommunication by Dom Raymond de Monte Boerii, canon of Santonen', general auditor
of causes of the court of Bertrand [bishop of Albiensi], papal chamberlain, of Brothers John de Laton and William de Canton monks of Durham, also Richard de Aislaby subprior, Richard de Gunton infirmarer, Roger of Stanhope sacrist, Peter of
Sedgefield refectorian, Michael de Cichelton granger, William of Egglescliffe, Robert de Lageton, and Thomas de Aldeweld chamberlains, Roger of School Aycliffe bursar, Geoffrey de Tendall and Thomas of Haswell almoners, John de Hayseby and Henry of
Newcastle librarians, John de Setton cellarer, monks of Durham, for not repaying to Avocado Nery of Avocado, Raynuncio, Gerard, Hugh, Francis, Reynuncio, Bettino and Simon sons of Avocado, citizens and merchants of Florence loans of 450 marks and
600 marks .
Witnesses: Masters Adam de Kirkeby, Hugh of Corbridge and Adam dictus Fraunk, clerks of York and St Andrew's dioceses.
Date: hall of the King of France Pictaver where sit the auditors of the sacred palace, 20 July 1308 Pont. 3 Pope Clement V.
Notary: Henry William of Erdeslawe, clerk of York diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment roll, 1m, some stains
Decoration: elaborated initial 'I'
Discussed in C.M. Fraser,
A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.170.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1442 [6 January 1083]
[c.1300] copy of a [spurious] bull of Pope Gregory [VII] to William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham and his successors, ordering that no one is to interfere with the rights (some of which are specified) or possessions of the monks of Durham.
Date: Beneventoper manus John Cartern papal notary and chancellor, 8 Id. January Pont.10 Pope Gregory VII.
Endorsed (contemporary) with a description.
Parchment, 1m, gnawed and torn with text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Previously Loc.III.46.
Further copies: DCD 3.13.Pont.6 (printed in W. Holtzmann,
Papsturkunden in England, vol.II, (Berlin 1935), p.132-136); Cart.I, f.1r-v (printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.vii-x; Cart.Vet., f.11r; Loc.IX:
2; and also Durham Cathedral Library MS A.II.16, f.101v.
Bishop Richard Kellaw inspeximus in DCD Loc.III:28.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1443 [16 May] 1196
[Later 14th century] copy bull by Pope Celestine III, further to that which Pope Gregory VII is known to have instituted, decreeing that the monks of Durham have the right to free election of their prior, who should then be second in dignity
after the bishop in the church of Durham and be archdeacon over the churches pertaining to the monastery; ordaining that the prior and monks be free from injustices and grievances of bishops, being subject to no ecclesiastical conditions or
services, and that they should carry out the divine work with the greatest tranquillity; ordaining that, on the death of a bishop of Durham, there be no successor put forward by trickery or force, but only he whom the prior and monks, or the
majority of them, care ( previderint) to elect; and ordaining that the prior and monks have the liberties, immunities and ancient and reasonable customs granted to their church and hitherto observed, and to endure unimpaired in the future.
By the hand of Cencius, cardinal deacon of S. Lucia in Orthea, the pope's chamberlain.
Date: Lateran, 17 Kal. June 1196.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed holes on the foot and left edge
Size: 16¼ x 6½"
Original: DCD 1.1.Pap.1. (now missing).
Further copies: DCD Cart. Vet. f.28v-31r, printed in
Papsturkunden in England, ed. Walther Holtzmann, (Berlin, 1935) II, p.470-74, no. 278; Cart.I f.7r-8v; Reg. IV, f.14r-v; Misc.Ch. 1444.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1444 [15th century]
Copy of 2 bulls:
(1) of Celestine III, about the free election of the prior and his privileges, [16 May] 1196.
(2) of Alexander III, confirmation of privileges grant by Bishop William [of St Calais], [8 June 1165].
Both to the
prior of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, stitching holes along the head and also around an original tear near the foot
DCD Misc.Ch. 1445. & 1446 [later 12th century]
Copy of two bulls of Pope Alexander III:
(1) Confirming to the church of Durham their churches in the province of York, [28 July 1171 x 1180] (also Cart. Vet., f.34r).
(2) Granting power to institute parsons in their churches, [8
August 1164] (also Cart. Vet., f.23r).
Parchment roll, 1m, lined
DCD Misc.Ch. 1447 [early 14th century]
Copy of 7 bulls of Pope Martin IV: 23 January 1284, 7 October 1283, 23 October 1283, 15 May 1284, 15 May 1284, 15 May 1284, 15 May 1284.
Parchment roll, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole at the foot
Previously Loc.XIV.9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1448 [15th century]
An indulgence granted by the pope in the jubilee appointing confessors and setting out the duties of the confessed.
Paper roll, 1m, stitching holes along the head
DCD Misc.Ch. 1440 r.1 is the upper part.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1449 [15th century]
Copy of a bull of Pope Celestine [III?] granting certain liberties to the church of Durham re specific churches.
Parchment roll, 1m
DCD Misc.Ch. 1450 [15th century]
Copy of 4 bulls of Pope Martin IV, all to the bishop of Dunkeld: 2 June 1284, 13 June 1284, 15 May 1284, 16 June 1284.
Parchment roll, 1m, sititching holes along the head and foot
Previously Loc.[?].38.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1451 [15th century]
Copy of a bull of Pope Calixtus II confirming the rights, possessions and privileges of the church of Durham.
At the Lateran, Id. May (15 May) 1123.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¾ x 6¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 1452 [15th century]
Roll containing enrolments of charters concerning the liberties of the church of Coldingham, the first four as sent by R. prior of Newburgh, the abbot of Alnwick, the prior of Brinkburn and Master Bernard to the pope:
(1) Charter of Robert, bishop of St Andrew's, granting exemption from can and curered in 1127.
(2) Charter of David I confirming same.
(3) Bull of Pope Alexander III confirming same, 10 Kal. February.
(4) Bull of Urban III confirming same, 16 Kal. May.
(5) Charter of William Fraser, bishop of St Andrew's, confirming the charter of William Wishart, bishop of St Andrew's, exempting from can and curered, at Duilton. V Id. June 1295.
(6) Charter of William the Lion.
(7) Charter of W. de Haddington and D. vicar of Haddington, judges - subdelegate, notifying that Robert de Buryng renounces any right to land in Haddington.
(8) Charter of Thor Longus, granting to the church of Durham Edenham and 1 carrucate of land.
(9) Indenture whereby William, prior and convent of Durham demise to farm to Patrick, son of William, son of Ralph and Agnes his wife, 1 toft and 2 bovates of land in Coldingham for 3/- p.a., at Durham 1 March and at Coldingham 8 March
Parchment roll, 2m, m.1 gnawed around the edges
Original: 1-4. Misc.Ch. 1226
Original: 1. Misc.Ch. 1207
Original: 2. Misc.Ch. 569
Original: 6. Misc.Ch. 606
Original: 7. Misc.Ch. 1017
Copy of original: Cart. Vet. f.20v
Copy of original: Cart. Vet. f.27v
DCD Misc.Ch. 1453 6 May 1412
"Assedatio" (survey) of the lands of the barony of Coldingham by John Acley, prior.
Parchment roll, 5m, damaged head repaired with parchment c.1970
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1454 [31 January] 1293
Agreement about suits before Hugh de Cressingham and his fellow justices itinerant in Northumberland between William de Tynedale and Lucy the widow of Thomes of Dilston (Develeston) in the Octave of Hilary, whereby
William conceded that Lucy should hold Dilston manor of him for life, as detailed in Simon of Dilston's charter and King Edward [I]'s confirmation, except for Widehaugh (Wydhalg) culturia,
and William also handed over to Lucy a toft and 18 acres of arable land in the vill and territory of Dilston, and a third part of the wood of Donstanwod in Corbridge, for which Lucy handed over to William a third part of
the culturia of Wydhalg in Dilston and all the land that she held in Higham (Heygham) by way of dower, and she had no claim against the prior of Hexham over Milburn (Milneburn), and Lucy also handed over to William all the documentation she had concerning Thomas of Dilston's inheritance, and Lucy would also pay William 2½ marks annually, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, Thursday after the Conversion of St Paul 21 Edward [I].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirografws abcdefghi' cut through
Size: 200 x 270mm
Seal: 3 slits in a turnup [for a parchment sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1455 [31 January] 1293
Counterpart to Misc.Ch. 1454.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirografws abcdefghi' cut through, damaged down the left side with some text lost
Size: 200 x 270mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1456 [13 July 1309]
Lease by Adam son of William de Tyndale to Henry del Syde of Alnwick (Aynewyk) of all his land in North Widehaugh (Wydehalgth) from St Martin 1309 for 15 years, with Adam's guarantor to be
his brother Thomas de Tyndale.
Witnesses: Thomas of Matilda of Dilston (Divillistone), Alan son of Richard of Corbridge, Alan of Erington, Adam son of Alan, Thomas son of Richard called Prest.
Date: Sunday after the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr year as above.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 105 x 175mm
Seal: G&B No. 2366, on a parchment tag, thorugh a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.91.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1457 [14 October] 1339
Lease by Sir William de Tyndale to Geoffrey de Cokeside of the tenement of Walter son of Walter and the husbandland which Alan Hunter lately held in Dilston (Dyvelstone) at the will of William, rendering annually 30s
at St Cuthbert in March and September in equal portions, with William covenanting that Geoffrey should not be ousted unless he should be found contraiant to the lord or other tenants, or be attainted of trespass, and Geoffrey undertook to act in the
way of neighbourhood in all things as other husbandmen did, to abide by the custom of the township, and not to put cattle on the land except at the seasons and in the places rescribed by custom, and he was not to sublet and was to be responsible for
his labourers, and to mill his corn at Dilston mill, and for his multure 2 bowls (bolls) of wheat, 2 of barley and 2 of brays made from barley.
Date: Dilston (Dyvolston), Thursday before St Luke 1339.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'abcdefghi' cut through
Size: 120 x 155mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.245-246.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1458 [12 October] 1330
Lease by Dom William de Tyndale to Henry Lister of 13½ acres of land which Hugh de Ryhill held in Dilston for 17s per annum, and 6½ acres of land between le Schawes for 13s per annum, 4
acres 1 rod at Smalacres for 8s 6d per annum, 13½ acres in the North Field and le Milnehaluth in Dilston for 22s 6d per annum, for 4
years from St Martin 1330, rendering 17s at St Michael and Easter in equal portions, beginning at Easter 1331.
Date: Dilston (Dyvelstone), Friday before St Luke 1330.
Individual rents etc interlineated
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Size: 80 x 170mm
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie below] stubs
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.245.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1459 [19 April] 1376
Lease by Walter de Tyndale, lord of Dilston (Develstone), to John of Claxton, of hi smanor and vill of Dilston with whatever he might have by way of lordship there, with the mill whose site is in the field (solo) of Corbridge, from Easter 1376 for 60 years, rednering anually to Walter and his heirs, without scandal or bad fame, £20 in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, beginning at Pentecost 1377, with distraint detailed,
and an allowance for building.
Witnesses: Robert de Louthre, William of Shafto (Schafthowe), Robert de Hidwyn, John Lowesson, John of Corbridge, William Ayrigg.
Date: Dilston, Saturday in the feast of Easter 1376.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'abcdefghi' cut through
Size: 170 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.2490, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.254-255.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1460 [13 October] 1357
Grant by Hugh de Roughsyde chaplain to Dom William de Tindale miles of the manor of Dilston for his life, of the lord king, with remainder to Walter son of Thomas de Tindale and the heirs of his body, then to Annabel
daughter of Dom William de Tindale and the heirs of her body, and then the right heirs of William de Tindale.
Witnesses: John de Striveline, Gerard de Woderingtone, John Heroune, Roger Mawdite, and Robert de la Vale milites, Robert de Insula de Wodeburne, William de Hidwyn West, Gilbert de Vallibus, Robert de Hidwyn East,
Thomas Turpyne, Nicholas de Hoghton.
Date: Dilston ( Devilston), Friday the Quindene of St Michael 1357.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 230mm
Seal: G&B No.2490 and 1 unidentified, each on a parchment tag with a further blank tag, each through a slit, identified, in a turnup
Other copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 1461 & 1462.
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.250.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1461 [13 October] 1357
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 1460.
Parchment, 1m, some staining and damage
Size: 190 x 230mm
Seal: 1 blank parchment [sealing] tag reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup, with 2 further torn slits
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.250.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1462 [13 October] 1357
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 1460.
Parchment, 1m, damaged variously with some text lost, some staining
Size: 155 x 240mm
Seal: 7 slits in a turnup for [sealing tags]
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.250.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1463 [13 June] 1294
Lease by Gilbert Heyron to Lucia lady of Dilston (Dyveleston) of his mills at Ford for 6 years, as Dom William Heyron had them, and if Lucia is denied a third of the rent, then Gilbert will be obligated in 8 marks 8s
10½d, and if Lucia suffers any other damages, the sheriff of Northumberland can distrain from Gilbert's goods, and if the mills are washed away Lucia will rebuild them at her own cost to be assessed by faithful men at the end of her term.
Date: Trinity 1294.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'cirographum' cut through
Size: 160 x 200mm
Seal: G&B Nos.1271 & 1281, each on a parchment tag reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1464 5 May 1359
Language: French
Record of payments made by Sir William Heron to Sir William Tynedale (Tyndall) of £106 13s 4d through various people at various times, recorded by Robert de Hydewyne chaplain, including payments for ?Wolviston (Develeston) mill, in Durham, at the exchequer, and at the assizes, and involving Patrick Lardesmaugh, Nicholas de Raynes, John de Coupeland, Walter du Ray, Alan del Strother, William of Preston, William de Emmeldon, Robert of
Fenwick, Hugh of Colwick, William del Peke, Gervase de Wilford, Adam of Walton, Roger de Baykeston, and Simon de Burne.
Date: Wolviston, 5 May 1359.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 160 x 260mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.250.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1465 [30 April] 1340
Language: French
Lease by Monsieur William de Tyndale to John de Cuxfild burgess of Newcastle upon Tyne of 6 acres and a rod of land in Dilston (Dyveleston), of which 2½ acres are south and north of the road of Les Schawes, 2½ acres are south and north of Haulghg' mill formerly held by Sir Hugh de Ruxside chaplain, and 5 rods are at the head of the land of Hugh de Bourton near the road from Les Schawes
formerly held by John Audrien, from St Martin 1340, for 10 years, rendering annually 1d at Pentecost if requested.
Date: Dilston, Sunday before SS Philip and James year as above.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 80 x 175mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1466 [1374]
Will of [Walter de Tyndale], to be interred, the day after his death, at Corbridge, privately, before dawn, with 4 candles to be hired for 40d at the high altar, and 40d for the offertory, and his body to be carried as other common men's are and
not in a chest, with 10s to be given to each of the 4 orders of friars in Newcastle, for 2 trentals of masses for the souls of himself, Lucy who was his wife, their children, their ancestors and benefactors, and 10s to the people of the Westpyttel
(the Hospital of St Mary on Westgate, Newcastle), with 2 quarters of wheat and 2 beasts the day of the burial, without asking the men of Dilston, and 15 days or 3 weeks after the burial, 2 of his closest friends are to ask by letter an abbot, prior
or subprior to sing a mass for his soul at Corbridge, and 1 or 2 knights to do honour to the order of knighthood, but not to his body, at as small a cost as possible by accord with the vicar of Corbridge or the warden etc, without asking any man in
Dilston, all to be done if his goods will suffice.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 195 x 230mm
Translation printed in: J.L. Freer, 'Anglo-Norman Archives at Durham',
Durham University Journal (L, 1957-58), p.127.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1467 17 December [1384]
[Claxton] (Dilston)
Letters patent of Richard II granting during the minority of the heir to John, Lord Neville, the custody of the lands of the late William de Claxton, knight, of the yearly value of £100 in part
payment of 1,300 marks due to him from the king for repairing Bamburgh castle.
Given at Westminster, 17 December 8 Richard II.
Middleton, by bill of the treasurer.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¼" x 5½"
Seal: Fragment only, attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Copies: Patent Roll 8 Richard II pt.i m.2.
Calendar of Patent Rolls 1381-1385, p.492.
Transcribed in: E. Bateson,
A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.42n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1468 [1289]
Language: Latin
Lease by Walter lord of Edlingham to Thomas lord of Dilston (Diviliston) and Lucy his wife in survivorship of his Higgeley mill and all his sequela, rendering annually 8 marks, half at
Pentecost and half at St Martin, beginning at Pentecost 17 Edward [I].
Witnesses: William Herun miles, Walter Herun, Peter clerk of Alnwick, Gilbert of Edlingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 200mm
Discussed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.241.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1469 [1287]
Language: Latin
Confirmation by Hugh de la Val that Thomas lord of Dilston (Divelston) was enfeoffed of all his land an an annual rent between the Tyne and Derwent of the land which he had on the part of his wife Matilda, and grant
to Thomas of everything due from the lands from the enfeoffment to St Martin 16 Edward [I].
Witnesses: Dom William de le Cley prior of Hexham, Dom W. de L:indsey subprior, William de Slaveley.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 210mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.241.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1470 [c.1397]
Language: French
Copy agreement between Monsieur Thomas Gray sire of Heaton and Monsieur John de Lilburne on the one side and Monsieur Raplh de Eure and Thomas de Claxton on the other, that concerning debates between William de Claxton, the said Thomas, and
Richard de Crawcestre with his wife Emmot over lands in Dilston, Kirkhalgh and Corbridge, a day has been assigned at Durham, Tuesday before the feast de la Chaundeleur next, for arbitrators - for Richard and Emmot,
Monsieur Gerard de Heron and John of Mitford, and for William and Thomas, Monsieur William de Fulthorp and Gibon of Elvet - to treat about the dbates over these lands with no leases to be made meantime, with the earl of Westmorland to be an
Date: before [Ralph Neville] earl of Westmorland at Brancepeth.
Paper, 1f, 3 lines of pairs of horizontal slits
Size: 75 x 295mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.259.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1471 [1430]
Language: French
Petition to parliament by Sir William Claxton, saying that one Walter de Tyndale was seised of Dilston manor, and after his death his daughters and heirs Joan and Emma entered the manor, Joan died without issue, Emma married Richard de Crawcestre
and had issue, then Richard died and Emma held it, after whose death Claxton claimed it as her cousin and heir, that is son of William son of Alice sister of William father of Thomas father of the said Walter, when on last 17 September Nicholas
Clerk parson of Spofforth, John Fenwick esquire, Lionel Chester esquire, and Roger Booth of Newcastle with John fitz a Jolyiakaboutepan and around 80 others armed for war came and evicted Claxton from Dilston and held it
in the name of the earl of Northumberland, seizing Claxton's goods to the value of £10, and because of the great service and power of the earl in Northumberland, Claxton cannot hope for a favourable verdict from a local jury so he is petitioning
parliament for the restoration of his holding of DIlston which he has had for 40 years and more as detailed in inquisitions and by writs of diem clausit and the eviction of the earl and others on pain of £200.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 470mm
Calendared in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.260.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1472 [1203 x 1212]
Language: Latin
Grant by Thomas of Dilston (Diveleston) to Walter de Wessington his generum of a carrucate of land in the mill of Milburn (Milleburne) which he has in free
marriage with Diana, Thomas's sister, to be held quit of multure, but if they lease it their tenants will provide multure.
Witnesses: Otuelo de Insula, Robert de Neuham, Robert of Fenwick, Matthew de Witefeld, William de Faudona, John de Tritlingtone, John de Brentingham, Geoffrey son of Geoffrey, Reginald Basset, Robert son of Thomas, Jordan Hayrun, William de
Latona, Richard Sherburn (Schireburne).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 135mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.237.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1473 20 May [1334]
Language: French
Confirmation by Monsieur Henry Percy, as Monsieur Robert son of Roger formerly lord of Corbridge granted to Thomas of Dilston (Develston) the wood of Dunstanewode with the bounds detailed in Robert's deed, of the wood
for his life to Monsieur William de Tyndale rendering annually 1d at Christmas with William permitting Henry and the burgesses of Corbridge ot have common pasture in the wood.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, 20 May 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 65 x 245mm
Discussed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.87.
Copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 465.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1474 [1267 x 1272]
Language: Latin
Grant by William son of John de Tyndal and his wife Margery to Thomas of Dilston (Diveleston) of all their land in North Widerhaugh (Northerwydhalu) cultivation, with an additional
warranty by Margaret of the land given in free marriage.
Sealed by William de Tyndal sr.
Witnesses: Guiscard de Charun sheriff of Northumberland, John de Haulton, Hugh de la Val, Thomas de Bykerton, Robert de Menevile, William de Slaveley.
Parchment, 1m, some mould damage repaired with collagen c.1970
Size: 150 x 205mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.89-90.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1475 19 April 1324
Language: Latin
Grant by Richard of Wetwang to his son Richard of a messuage and all the land in the vill and field of Dunstan (Doustane) which he formerly held of Thomas son of Michael, rendering annually 19d, half at Pentecost and
half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Ralph of Skelton, John de Rodom, Robert Lanerok, William de Cornhale, John son of Henry.
Date: Dunstan, 19 April 1324.
Parchment, 1m, some original blemishes on the right edge
Size: 125 x 245mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1476 [24 October] 1374
Language: Latin
Grant by Walter de Tyndall lord of Dilston (Devilston) Dom William of Claxton miles of an annual rent of 100 marks from his manor of Dilston and from the vill at St Martin and Pentecost in equal portions, with
distraint detailed.
Witnesses: John de Vepound, Robert de Louther, Gilbert de Vaus, John de Vaus de Beaufrounte, John Lawson jr, John de Hydewyne.
Date: Dilston, Tuesday after St Luke the Evangelist 1374.
Parchment, 1m, some damp damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 115 x 275mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.253.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1477 [later 13th century]
Grant by Nicholas ?Lomb and his wife Agnes, daughter of William son of Patrick, to Thomas lord of Dil[ston] of [land] in the field of North Milburn in a cultivation by Le Hare...
Witnesses: Dom ... ...derington, Dom John de Hoggett, Dom Robert de Maynvill.
Parchment, 1m, left side lost with much text missing
Size: 65 x 130mm
Seal: 2 slits in a turnup [for sealing tags]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1478 [1118 x 1128]
Charter of Henry I notifying the bishop of Durham [?Hugh of Le Puiset], the justiciar, sheriff and barons of Northumberland and others, of the grant to William, son of Aluric, of Colubrugia
(Corbridge) of the land of Richard his brother, of Dilston, which Richard held from the king in chief on the day when he was alive and dead, to hold as freely as Richard held it, and for the same service.
Witnesses: Alberic de Vere, Odard sheriff of Northumberland.
Given at Rouen
Parchment, 1m, some damage along the foot, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 7" x 3½"
Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1563.
Printed: J. Hodgson,
History of Northumberland, part ii volume iii, p.16; T.A.M. Bishop no 184.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1479 [26 August] 1357
Language: Latin
Grant by William de Tyndale miles to Walter son of Thomas de Tyndale of Dunstanewod in Corbridge saving to William for his life the wood brueriam et feugeriam
growing in Dunstanewode and saving common pasture of the herbage for the said William and his Dilston tenants and all who ought communicare by right, to be held of Henry Percy.
Witnesses: Robert de Insula of Woodburn, Robert de Hydewyne Est, Gilbert Vaus, Alan de Felton, Robert de Hudespeth, John de Tyrqwyth.
Date: Dilston, Saturday after St Bartholomew 1357, 31 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, badly rubbed and worn in part
Size: 60 x 210mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.249-250.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1480 [?1230s]
Grant by Simon of Dilston (Divelestone) to Robert de Maynvilla of 2 bovates of land in Dilston with toft and croft, whcih William the bastard held, and of the increment of 9 acres of land of Simon's dem3esne in
Dilston which William also held, doing the foreign service, and rendering annually a sparrowhawk (nisum sorum) or 12d at St Peter ad Vncula, and if Robert forfeits he will give 12d for the
relief of his 12d.
Witnesses: Dom John son of Robert, Dom Hugh de Bolbec, Dom Robert de Wicestre, Dom William Bayhart, Henry de Laval, John de Haultone, Gilbert de Slaveley, William son of John, Winoc the forester, Gilbert the clerk, Mansel de Slaveley.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 170mm
Seal: multi-coloured patterned cords [for a seal] through 2 slits in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.239.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1481 [1199 x 1213]
Grant by Robert son of Roger to Thomas son of Robert of Dilston (
Diveleston) of all the land which his father Robert held in Dilston which is said to pertain to the manor of Corbridge whereby a perambulation was made
for Thomas by precept of King John, to be held by service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee, to be held by Thomas in fee and heredity of Robert.
Witnesses: Geoffrey son of Peter earl of Essex, Robert constable of Chester, Peter son of Herebert, William Briwerr, Roger de Cressy, Richard de Unfrancvill, Walter son of Gilbert, Gilbert de Laval, Roger de Merelay, Hugh de Bolebec, Robert de
Laval, Robert Lelu, Roger and William son of William, Robert de Kanc.
Parchment, 1m, some small stains
Size: 110 x 165mm
Seal: G&B No.1003, on multi-coloured patterned cords, laced through 2 holes in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.61.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1481 - Grant by Robert son of Roger of Dilston to Thomas son of Robert of Dilston near Corbridge DCD Misc.Ch. 1482 13 June [1393]
Letters patent of Richard II, exemplifying inquisitions post mortem on Walter de Tyndale and William de Claxton, as to who held the manor of Dilston, co. Northumberland.
Given at Westminster, 13 June 16 Richard II.
Examined by Robert de Garton and Henry Maupas clerks.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 25" x 18½"
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a parchment sealing tag]
Calendared in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.257.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1483 1 August [1357]
Letters patent of Edward III granting licence, on payment of 20 marks to the hanaper, to William de Tyndale to enfeoff Hugh de Rughside, chaplain, of the manor of Develston, held in chief from the king, to reenfeoff
William, with remainders to Walter son of Thomas de Tyndale, then Anabella daughter of William, then the right heirs of William.
Given at Westminster, 1 August 31 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13" x 7½"
Seal: Great seal of Edward III. Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip through seal and fold in foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1484 [27 March 1380]
Lease by Isabella, who was the wife of William of Claxton chivaler, to Thomas of Claxton, of all the lands etc in Dilston (Develston) by Corbridge which she holds as her dower of the late
William's lands, for her life, rendering to her annually 10 marks in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin.
Witnesses: Robert de Louther, John Forster, William Ayrik, Robert de Hudspeth, John Lawson.
Date: Dilston, Tuesday after Easter 3 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m, some stains, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 120 x 300mm
Seal: G&B No.617, on a parchment tag, through 2 a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1485
Copy agreement between Thomas son of Simon Dilston querulent and Robert son of Roger deforciant about reasonable estovers of the same Thomas in the wood of the same Robert in Corbridge over a plea before Gibert of Preston and his fellow justices
itinerant at Newcastle, the morrow of SS Peter and Paul 53 Henry III [30 June 1269]
Paper, 1p, damaged and stained with some text lost, repaired with paper c.1970
Size: 220 x 300mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1486 [1289]
Bond of William lord of Sclaveley to Thomas lord of Dilston in £4, for a loan, to be paid at St Martin 1289, with pledges Robert Waukelin, Thomas de Wellu', ? ?, William son of Robert del Schelis.
Parchment, 1m, some staining with some text lost
Size: 50 x 200mm
Seal: G&B Nos.2098, 2238, and 2262, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further 2 slits
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.241.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1487 6 September 1446
Notarized letters testimonial by William [Ebchester] prior and the chapter of Durham giving notice that John Oll', prior of Coldingham, publicly produced and showed certain letters and public instruments concerning his title of honour and fame,
regarding which he had manifoldly been derogated by his rivals with the devouring flame of jealousy and foul malice, as he asserted; and he had the same read out by Robert Westmerlande, monk of Durham and proctor of the chapter: the following
notarized letters, the following letters, and the following notarial instrument, that John Oll' asked the prior and chapter to grant letters patent upon the foregoing letters and instruments touching his reputation and honour; and that they have
done so, instructing the notaries to subscribe and publish the letters as well as ordering their seal to be set thereto.
Notarized letters by the dean of Christianity of Durham and the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham, relating that John Oll', monk of Durham and prior of Coldingham, publicly showed and produced a certain paper
schedule containing certain articles about his reputation and honour, and handed it over to the dean and official, asking them to receive and examine certain witnesses brought by him for proof of the said articles, and to reduce their words into
public form; and that the dean and official, acceding to his request and taking the following Schedule of articles on the part of John Oll', monk and priest of Durham, prior of Coldingham, intended for proof before the dean of Christianity of Durham
and the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham, lest the truth be obscured, that (1) John Oll' and his kin were and are of free condition, and are immune from the yoke of servitude, and have been taken and reputed as such
whilst alive since time out of mind; [2] he, his father and grandfather and the rest of his family originated in the barony of Brancepeth, and were taken for free men, as they were, during their whole time there; [3] upon the foregoing, within the
said barony and the places round about there is public knowledge; examined the witnesses on oath concerning the articles, and they deposed as follows: William Blithman', priest, forty-eight years old and more, he says, originating from the barony of
Brancepeth, a witness produced on the part of John Oll', says that the articles contain the truth; asked how he knows, he says that his mother, who died inside the last two years, told him that she knew Robert Oll', John's grandfather, who used to
dwell in Boggle Hole, to the west, next to the west park of Brancepeth [between Willington and Crook], where Robert Lethom' now lives, and William Oll', John's father, whom the witness knew while he lived, had been born there; and John had been born
in the vill of Brancepeth, in the house where his father died; and the witness said that they were free men and of the best valetti of the barony, and has never heard any of them named as being of servile status, but rather of good repute, honest
life and praiseworthy behaviour; and that he has never heard that anyone of servile status had been born in the barony; that, after William Oll' died, John's mother moved to Durham with all her goods and she died there; that the reputation of John
and his kin has never been other than that they were free men; that he has not been influenced; that John Oll' had been free since birth; and that if anything different is claimed, it is from rancour and envy; Peter Bireley, seventy-seven years old
and more, originating in the barony of Brancepeth, he says, agrees with the previous witness and says that he knew Robert and William Oll', and one day saw around sixty of that surname playing football at Helmington Row in the barony, who were named
among the best valetti of the barony and as free men; and that he has never heard of anyone of servile status being born in the said barony; Robert de Yorke, seventy-four years old and more, he says, originating in the said barony, agrees with
Peter; John Lethom', fifty-eight years old, originating in the said barony, in the place where the father of John Oll' had been born, agrees with the first co-witness; Richard Maynherde, fifty-eight years years old, originating in the barony, says
that he knew William Oll' of Stanley [north of Crook presumably], brother of Robert Oll', John's grandfather, and that John's ancestors were among the best valetti of the barony and had never been named as bondmen or serfs; and, for the rest, agrees
with the previous witnesses; Thomas Wren, sixty years old and more, originating in the barony, agrees with the previous witness; Hugh Watson', fifty-six years old and more, he says, originating in the barony, agrees with the first witness; John
Hamsterley, fifty-six years old, originating in the barony of Brancepeth, agrees with earlier witnesses; William Hoton' of Elvet, sixty years old and more, originating in the said barony, agrees with his co-witnesses; Robert Lethom', forty years old
and more, he says, originating in the said barony, says that he was given a knife decorated with silver by William Oll', John's father, and that he had dwelt and been born in the same place where William Oll' had been born, next to the west park of
Brancepeth; and for the rest agrees with the earlier witnesses; Thomas Wilkynson' of Brancepeth, sixty years old and more, once, he says, a servant of William Oll', agrees with Richard Maynherd' in all things; Richard Hamsterley, thirty-four years
old and more, agrees with his co-witnesses; John Maynsforth of Durham, seventy-one years old and more, he says, says that he knew William Oll', father of John Oll', and that his own wife used to be William's servant and dwelt with him for a long
time; that he knew the others of John's kin as good valetti and as very valiant (valentibus) within the barony; that never in his life has he heard them called serfs or of servile status; that he knows well that, if any servitude be imputed to John,
it should be from envy and ill-will and not otherwise; and that John is a free man from birth, like all his family. Whereafter the dean and official, at the request of John Oll', ordered the depositions to be reduced into a public instrument. Under
the signs and names of the notaries, and subscribed by the second- and third-named of them, and under the seals of the dean and official. Witnesses: William Hoton', J.P. of the bishop and steward of the prior of Durham; Thomas Todde, William
Barkdale, priests of Durham dioc.
Notaries: John Berehalgh, clerk of Durham dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority, scriba for the dean and official in this matter, with the instrument being written by another; Richard Prentys, [priest] of York dioc., N.P. by apostolic
and imperial authority; John Runkhorne, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield dioc., N.P. by apostolic authority; (eschatocols recited).
Date: the church of St Oswald's Durham, 21 July 1446.
Letters by Ralph Nevyle, earl of Westmorland; John Nevyle and Thomas Nevyle, the earl's brothers; Thomas Lomly, William Eure, knights; William Lomley, William Hilton', Robert Eure, Roger Thornton', Robert Claxton', William Hoton' of Hardwick,
William Hoton' of Hunwick, John Sayre and William Mordon', squires, to all, and particularly to the prior and monks of Durham, although the sin of envy towards John Oll monk of Durham has thrust an error on hearers by the serpentlike tongues of
those jealous of him, as they have heard, testifying that they know him to have been a free man from birth, springing from most worthy valetti within the barony of Brancepeth, and immune from all yoke of servitude; asking that they see fit to
consider and declare John Oll' to be free and well-born, and to have been oppressed by no yoke of servitude or bondage at any time.
Date: Brancepeth castle, 26 July 1[446], 24 [Henry] VI.
Notarial instrument recording that in presence of the prior and monks of Durham (&c), Henry Helay, monk of Durham, appeared in person, and publicly read the following Paper schedule (English) stating: that it is openly said that he has
slandered John Oll by saying that he was a bondman and not of free condition; that he said to the then prior, John Wessyngton', that one John Belassis had told him this; and that he had told no-one but the prior “in gret councell' allonly” up to the
time that it was discovered by John Oll'; admitting, nevertheless, that he had said it of malice, that John Oll' is free-born; and asking forgiveness from John Oll', whereafter John Oll', prior of Coldingham, personally present, asked the notaries
to draw up the foregoing into one or more public instruments. Witnesses: William Ebchestre, prior of Durham, Mr John Mody, S.T.P., lately subprior, Roger Langchestr', Thomas Witton', John Gonnerton', Thomas Nesbitt, John Barlay, William Lyham, John
Oll', John Moorby, William Partrike, Richard Kellowe, Thomas Warde, William Dalton', William Eden', Robert Westmerlande, Robert Emmylton', John Warner', Thomas Lewyn', Thomas Hexham, Richard Bell', John Midelham, John Rypon, William Kellowe, William
Seton', Henry Rakett, William Fige, John Bradbery, William Hesilden', William Rodburn', William Birden', John Bedforth, William Essby, Richard Billyngham, Thomas Holme, Thomas Halghton', Robert Knoutte, John Roos, Roger Youdale, John Acley, Thomas
Bichburn', Thomas Darlyngton', monks of Durham, assembled as the chapter of Durham; and also William Hoton' of Hardwick, steward of the priory of Durham, John Binchestr', chaplain, and Thomas Thornburgh', attorney-general of the prior and chapter,
of Durham dioc. Notaries: John Berehalgh', clerk of Durham dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority, scriba of the prior and chapter, with the instrument having been written by another, and Richard Prentys, priest of York dioc., N.P. by
apostolic and imperial authority, subscribing (eschatocols recited, with that of Berehalgh' mentioning an interlineation).
Done: chapter house, Durham, 6 September 1446.
Witnesses: as in the last written instrument.
Notaries: John Berehalgh', &c, as above, and Richard Prentys, &c, as above, subscribing (eschatocols recited).
Date: chapter house, Durham, 6 September.
Parchment, 1m, badly stained with some holes and some text lost, especially towards the foot
Size: 750 x 435mm
Seal: (1) of Priory of Durham. G&B No.3427. Green wax.
(2) of William Ebchester, Prior of Durham. G&B No.3447. Red wax.
Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed in
Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cclxxviii-cclxxxiv.
Copy: DCD Reg. IV. f.34r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1488 [1458]
Language: Latin and English
Notarial instrument containing the "Acta Commissiariorum" concerning the truce between James II and Henry VI saying that since a truce had been concluded, during that truce the English may freely enter Scotland, and the
Scots England.
Witnesses: Master John Twysse LLB of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, Master Richard Langport Dec Bac of Bath and Wells diocese, Peter Danyell, Edward Skelton, Robert Radclyff armiger, Dom Robert Cowell chaplain vicar
of Preston.
Notaries: (no notarial signs) William Hudson, clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority; Archibald Quhytlaw, clerk of St Andrew's diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m, parts damaged by mould and faded, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 390 x 400mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1489 1 June 1422
Notarial instrument, whereby John Wessington, prior of Durham, Stephen Hoveden, Thomas Rowe, William Blakeston, John Hoton, John Durham, William Drax, prior of Coldingham, Robert Eseby, John Lethome, William Barry, John Gesseburn, John Fishburn,
Hugh Werkings, William Durham, Roger Lanchester, John Swineshead, Thomas Moreby, Thomas Nesbit, John Bonerton, John Durham, Richard Fowne, John Merlay, Thomas Hesilrig, John Durward, George Sither, John Barlay, William Liham, William Graike, John
Lumley, Thomas Ayre, John Oll, William Parterick, Thomas Lawson, Richard Kellow, Thomas Hexham, John Harome, Thomas Ward, Robert Arcow, Thomas Ford, Thomas Foster, William Dalton, John Burnaby, William Eden, appoint Masters John de Scribaris, Robert
Sutton, Thomas Rossell, John Wath, Henry Hobynk and John Blodwell proctors to the papal court concerning disputes re the priory of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Masters Thomas Tange and Robert Berall NPs, Dom John Binchester chaplain, William Bentlay clerk of Durham and York dioceses.
Notaries: William Doncaster, clerk of York diocese NP by apostolic authority; Thomas Tang, clerk of Durham diocese NP by apostolic authority; Robert de Berall, clerk of Durham diocese NP by apostolic authority.
Notarised by William Doncaster.
Date: Durham cathedral vestiary, 1 June 1422 Pont. 5 Pope Martin V.
Parchment, 1m, some parts stained or faded with some text faded
Size: 300 x 520mm
Previously Loc.XXI (?).
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1492
DCD Misc.Ch. 1490 [1490]
Instructions of Henry VII to the bishop of St Asaph, the earl of Surrey, the prior of Durham, Sir John Cheyne, Sir Richard Tunstall, Master William Shefeld, Master Alexander Legh and Thomas Metcalf, commissioners, appointed to arrange a truce
with the king of Scotland, especially concerning the breaking of truces, robberies, the borders, and the "Fishgarth" on River Esk; 13 items.
Paper roll, 2m, some damage to the head and especially the foot where the right part is missing with text lost, repaired with paper c.1970
Size: 290 x 750mm
Cf. commission dated 4 April 1490, see Bain,
Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, IV, 317, no. 1559.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1491 [c.1500]
Summaries of proceedings against John and Patrick Home for seizing the cell of Coldingham: 26 entries, firstly processus aliqualiter breviatur, then clero & populo declarando, and a
summary list, with also 2 entries vacat.
Paper booklet, 5f
Size: 220 x 310mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1492 1 June 1422
Notarial instrument, whereby John Wessington prior of Durham, Stephen Hoveden, Thomas Rowe, William Blakeston, John Hoton, John Durham, William Drax prior of Coldingham, Robert Eseby, John Lethome, William Barry, John
Gesseburn, John Fishburn, Hugh Werkings, William Durham, Roger Lanchester, John Swineshead, Thomas Moreby, Thomas Nesbit, John Bonerton, John Durham, Richard Fowne, John Merlay, Thomas Hesilrig, John Durward, George Sither, John Barlay, William
Liham, William Graike, John Lumley, Thomas Ayre, John Oll, William Parterick, Thomas Lawson, Richard Kellow, Thomas Hexham, John Harome, Thomas Ward, Robert Arcow, Thomas Ford, Thomas Foster, William Dalton, John Burnaby, William Eden, appoint
Masters John de Scribaris, Robert Sutton, Thomas Rossell, John Wath, Henry Hobynk and John Blodwell proctors to the papal court concerning disputes re the priory of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Masters Thomas Tange and Robert Berall NPs, Dom John Binchester chaplain, William Bentlay clerk of Durham and York dioceses.
Notaries: William Doncaster, clerk of York diocese NP by apostolic authority; Thomas Tang, clerk of Durham diocese NP by apostolic authority; Robert de Berall, clerk of Durham diocese NP by apostolic authority.
Notarised by William Doncaster.
Date: Durham cathedral vestiary, 1 June 1422 Pont. 5 Pope Martin V.
Parchment, 1m, stitching holes along both thte foot and head, some stains
Size: 305 x 500mm
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1489
Printed: Raine SS.12 CVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1493 [c.1500]
Copy of a bull of Pope Innocent VIII to the archbishop of St Andrew's, and the bishops of Glasgow and Aberdeen concerning Coldingham and Patrick Home.
Date: Rome St Peter, 5 Kal. May 1487.
With marginal notes in a different hand.
Paper booklet, 4f
Size: 305 x 500mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1494 [later 14th century]
Supplication of the sacrist of Coldingham [to the prior of Durham] that the following statutes of Bertram, once prior of Durham, set out for the good and honour of Coldingham, should be observed, 13 entries.
Parchment roll, 1m, some [original] holes
Size: 220 x 340mm
Printed: Raine SS.12 XLII
DCD Misc.Ch. 1496 [later 13th century]
Rental of the possessions of the house of Coldingham in Scotland.
On the dorse: “Nomina illorum qui petunt per billas terras seisitas in Manu Prioris Dunelm' per Cartam domini Regis forisfact' in Baronia de Coldingham.”
& “Expositio verborum” . A glossary of terms concerning methods of holding and kinds of fee.
Parchment roll, 4m, head damaged with some text lost, and faded, central tear down all of m.4, all repaired with parchment c.1950
Size: 170 x 2400mm
Copy: Expositio verborum: Cart. I. f.44v.
Printed: Rental: Raine SS.12 App. LXXXV
Printed: Expositio verborum: Raine, North Durham App. DCX from Cart. I.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1496. - Rental of the possessions of the house of Coldingham in ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1497 [2 March 1257 x 1265]
Indulgence of 20 days by William [of Radnor] bishop of Llandaff to those who bring or send offerings to the feretory of St Cuthbert or to the fabric of the church [of Durham] or the maintenance of lights.
At London, 6 Non. March Pont. [blank, William de Radnor]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 170mm
Seal: G&B No.3200, (attrib. to William de Burgh), attached by tongue with wrapping tie below, torn off and sewn back on, apparently in the Middle Ages.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1498 [17 November] 1259
Indulgence of 40 days by Augustine [of Nottingham] bishop of Laodicea to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham Cathedral] for the purposes of devotion or prayer and bring offerings.
At Durham, 15 Kal. December 1259.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 120 x 190mm
Seal: G&B No.3703, Attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1499 [5 June x 13 November 1305]
Indulgence of 40 days each by Zampus bishop of Sovana, Leonard bishop of Chiron, and Nicholas bishop of Tortiboli to those who for the purposes of devotion, prayer, or pilgrimage visit the altar of the Holy Cross beyond
the entrance to the choir of the monastery of Durham, or hear divine office there on the feasts of the Nativity, Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost, the feasts of the Holy Cross, and on the octaves of those feasts, and also on the four feasts of
the Virgin Mary and the feasts of the Apostles; or who contribute to the books, lights, vestments, or other ornaments of the same altar or give legacies to it; and who offer prayers for the happy and peaceful state of the priory of Durham and its
At Perugia, 1305, in the time of Bertrand archbishop of Bordeaux, pope elect.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 270 x 490mm
Seal: (of bishop Zampus wanting)
Leonard bishop of Chiron (G&B No.3694)
Nicholas bishop of Tortiboli (G&B No.3724).
Each attached by green silk cords through 2 square holes in the folded foot of document:
cord of bishop Zampus' seal wanting; cord of bishop Nicholas' seal has parted and been repaired.
Decoration: decorated initial 'U' and some line decoration around the enlarged initial 'Universis' and some other initials
Misc.Ch. 1501-1600DCD Misc.Ch. 1503 [7 May] 1258
Indulgence of 40 days by William [of Portroyal] bishop of Connor to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for the purposes of devotion or prayer.
At Durham, Non. May 1258, Pont. 2 [William of Portroyal].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 165mm
Seal: imperfect G&B No.3103, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1505 [11 April] 1319
Indulgence of 40 days by John bishop of Connor to those who for the purposes of devotion come to Durham Cathedral and make offerings in honour of St Cuthbert to his feretory or the shrine.
At Durham, 3 Id. April 1319, Pont. 25 [John].
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 105 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.3105, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1506 [21 July] 1273
Indulgence of 40 days by Carbric [O'Scoba] bishop of Raphoe to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert at Durham for the purposes of prayer and devotion.
At Durham, vigil of St Mary Magdalene 1273.
Parchment, 1m, some holes with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 85 x 195mm
Seal: G&B No.3206, attached by double parchment tag through 3 slits in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1507 [29 January 1255]
Indulgence of 40 days by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for the purposes of devotion and prayer, and bring offerings; confirming for ever all indulgences granted to the
feretory by other bishops, and listing the following such indulgences, which he has inspected:
(1) Silvester bishop of Carlisle, 40 days.
(2) Gilbert bishop of Whithorn, 40 days [sic], 7 Kal Nov. 1248.
(3) Gilbert bishop of Whithorn, to each of five altars “in fronte ecclesie” consecrated by him, “every day for ever”, 40 day, 1253.
(4) Thomas bishop of Annadown, 30 days.
(5) Clement bishop of Dunblane, 20 days, Kal May 1253.
(6) Clement bishop of Dunblane, “every day for ever”, 40 days, at the consecration of a major altar, Nones June 1253.
(7) Albinus bishop of Brechin, 40 days.
(8) Richard bishop of Sodor, Man, & the Isles, 40 days.
(9) Abel bishop of St Andrew's, 40 days, 4 Nones June 1254.
(10) W. bishop of Norwich, 40 days, 6 Ides Sept. 1254
(11) Richard bishop of Dunkeld, 40 days, morrow of St Lucy 1254.
Dare: [Bishop] Auckland, 4 Kal. February, Pont.6.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 191 x 133mm
Seal: fragment only G&B No.3122, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
Duplicate: with different date and confirming four more indulgences: 2.13.Pont.2
Original: 1. Misc.Ch.1520
Original: 2. Misc.Ch.801
Original: 3. Misc.Ch.802.
Original: 4. Misc.Ch.1514
Original: 6. Misc.Ch.820
Original: 7. Misc.Ch.798
Original: 8. Misc.Ch.814
Original: 9. Misc.Ch.818
Original: 10. Misc.Ch.1515
Original: 11. Misc.Ch.807
English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.68-69.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1508 [24 March] 1250
Indulgence of 40 days by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for the purposes of devotion and prayer, and bring offerings; confirming all indulgences granted to the feretory by
his predecessors or other bishops.
At Durham 9 Kal. April Pont.1, vigil of the Annunciation of the BVM 1250.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 191 x 104mm
Seal: G&B No.3122 fragment, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.57-58.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1509 [1 December 1301]
Indulgence of 20 days by Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham to those who at the feasts of the Holy Cross visit the new altar of the Holy Cross in Durham Cathedral or make offerings towards its illumination.
At Durham, Kal December, 18 [Antony Bek].
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: blank doubled parchment [sealing] tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
Printed in
Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.82.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1510 [17 February 1275]
Indulgence of 40 days by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for the purposes of devotion and prayer, and bring offerings; confirming all other indulgences granted to the
feretory by his predecessors or other bishops.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 13 Kal. March, Pont.1.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 226 x 174mm
Seal: G&B No. 3124, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.183-184.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1510*]
Detached seal G.& B. 3124
Transferred to 4.2.Pont.7, to which it belongs, 7 September 1964 (M.G.S.)
DCD Misc.Ch. 1511 [27 February 1265]
Indulgence of 40 days by Hugh [Balsham] bishop of Ely to those who make offerings to the feretory of St Cuthbert, to the fabric of the church [of Durham], or the maintenance of lights.
At London, 3 Kal. March Pont.8.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 175mm
Seal: imperfect G&B No.3189, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1512 [9 July] 1235
Indulgence of 30 days by H[ugh of Northwold] bishop of Ely to those who contribute to the fabric of a new work which R[ichard Poore] bishop of Durham intends should be built at the east end of the church of Durham to house
the body of St Cuthbert, as the existing stone vaulting above his tomb is full of cracks and threatens to collapse; or who within the next seven years visit that place for purposes of prayer.
At London, 7 Ides July 1235.
With endorsements including by ?Greenwell that it 'settles ... the date of the Nine Altars'.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 170mm
Seal: detached, on double tag (G&B No.3188). Slit for tag through folded foot of document. Seal re-attached by threads passed through slit and ends of tag.
Printed in:
English episcopal acta. 42, Ely 1198-1256, ed Nicholas Karn, (Oxford 2013) p.169-170.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1513 [5 October] 1306
Indulgence of 40 days by Robert [Orford] bishop of Ely to those who at the feasts of the Holy Cross visit the new altar of the Holy Cross in the church of St Cuthbert at Durham and made offerings to the altar or for its
At Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 3 Nones October 1306, Pont. 4.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 110 x 245mm
Seal: imperfect, detached, on tongue (G&B No.3191). Seal re-attached by stitching end of tongue to foot of document. [With a wrapping tie stub]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1514 [2 April 1242 x 1247]
Indulgence of 30 days by Thomas [O'Malley] bishop of Annadown to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for the purposes of devotion and prayer, and bring offerings.
At Durham, 4 Nones April. Pont. [blank].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 175mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B No.3192), attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1515 [8 September] 1254
Indulgence of 40 days by Walter [Suffield] bishop of Norwich to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham Cathedral] for the purposes of devotion and prayer, and bring offerings.
At Durham, 6 Ides September 1254, Pont.10.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 120 x 180mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B No.3203, extensively repaired c.1970), attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
English episcopal acta. 32, Norwich, 1244-1266, ed Christopher Harper-Bill (Oxford 2007), p.43-44.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1516 [7 March] 1279
Indulgence of 40 days by William [Middleton] bishop of Norwich to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for the purposes of devotion and prayer, and bring offerings.
At Durham, Nones March 1278/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 230mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B No.3204), attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
English episcopal acta. 40, Norwich, 1266-1288, ed Christopher Harper-Bill (Oxford 2012), p.141-142.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1516. - Indulgence of 40 days by William [Middleton] bishop of Norwich ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1517 [7 March] 1279
Indulgence of 40 days by William [Middleton] bishop of Norwich to those who contribute to the new fabric of the church of Durham; valid until the completion of the work begun.
At Durham, Nones March 1278/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 205mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B No.3204), attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
English episcopal acta. 40, Norwich, 1266-1288, ed Christopher Harper-Bill (Oxford 2012), p.140-141.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1518 [1241 x 1244]
Letters of Th[omas Melsanby] prior and the convent of Durham setting out the indulgences granted by the pope and by English and Scottish bishops, and the masses and psalters granted by religious houses, for the benefit of
benefactors to the church of Durham, the fabric of which is in need of contributions owing to cracks in the eastern part of the church which threaten its collapse: namely, indulgences of 40 days from the pope, 40 days from the archbishop of York, 80
days from Hugh [of le Puiset] bishop of Durham, 40 days from Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham, 40 days from the bishop of Carlisle, 40 days from the bishop of Lincoln, 40 days from the bishop of Galloway, 40 days from the bishop of St Andrew's,
40 days from the bishop of Dunkeld, & 30 days from the bishop of Glasgow, totalling 430 days; and various numbers (specified) of masses and psalters from the religious houses of Newminster, Blanchland, Hexham, Brinkburn, Tynemouth, Coldingham,
Bolton, Finchale, Holy Island, Bamburgh, Jarrow, Wearmouth, Farne, Neasham, Lambley, Berwick, Holystone, [St Bartholomew] Newcastle, and Durham, totalling 7,332 masses and 4,500 psalters.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some stains
Size: 180 x 335mm
Seal: Wanting. Triangle of holes for cords through folded foot of document.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1519]
Now 3.1.Finc.44.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1520 [16 June 1248]
Indulgence of 40 days by Silvester [Everdon] bishop of Carlisle to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for purposes of devotion and prayer and bring offerings.
At Durham, 16 Kal. July, Pont. 1.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 80 x 185mm
Seal: G&B No.3096, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1521 [17 October] 1333
Indulgence of 40 days by John [Kirkby] bishop of Carlisle to those who for purposes of devotion and prayer visit the church of St Cuthbert at Durham and the shrine therein.
At Bewley manor, 16 Kal. November 1333, Pont. 2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 260mm
Seal: G&B No.3099, cracked, attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1522 [28 March] 1334
Indulgence of 40 days by John [Kirkby] bishop of Carlisle to those who at the feasts of the Holy Cross visit the new altar of the Holy Cross in Durham Cathedral or make offerings toward its illumination.
At Pittington, 5 Kal. April 1334, Pont. 2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 255mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B No.3099), attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1523 [1 January] 1261
Indulgence of 20 days by Henry [of Wingham] bishop of London to those who visit the church of St Cuthbert at Durham and pray or make offerings at the feretory of St Cuthbert.
At London, Circumcision 1260/1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 190mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B No.3201), attached by double parchment tag through a slit in the folded foot of document.
English episcopal acta. 38, London, 1229-1280, ed Philippa Hoskin (Oxford 2011), p.92-93.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1523. - Indulgence of 20 days by Henry [of Wingham] bishop of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1524 [27 February 1266 (or 1262?)]
Indulgence of 40 days by Henry [of Sandwich (or of Wingham?)], bishop of London, to those who visit the church of Durham for the purposes of devotion or prayer, and make offerings to the feretory of St Cuthbert, the fabric
of the church, or the maintenance of lights.
At London, 3 Kal. March, Pont. 3 [Henry of Sandwich (or of Wingham?)].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 170mm
Seal: (similar to, but not identical with, G&B No.3201 secretum, counterseal of bishop Henry of Wingham). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
English episcopal acta. 38, London, 1229-1280, ed Philippa Hoskin (Oxford 2011), p.93-94.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1524. - Indulgence of 40 days by Henry [of Sandwich (or of ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1525 26 September [1447] - 12 November [1450]
Dilston manor court roll for courts held, by Robert Claxton miles: 26 September 26 Henry VI; 18 April 27 Henry VI; 14 October 28 Henry VI; 30 April 28 Henry VI; 12 November 29 Henry VI.
Parchment roll, 1m, some holes and rubbing with some text lost
Size: 465 x 235mm
Some extracts printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.272-273.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1526 [1139 x 1140]
Charter of H[enry] son of the King of Scotland addressed to the bishop of Durham, etc, notifying of his gift to William son of Alfric [the sheriff] of Corbridge of the land of Richard his brother in Dilston, to be held of
Henry in chief, as Richard held it of King Henry I on the day of his death, for the third part of one kinight's service.
Witnesses: Jordan the chaplain, William nephew of the King, Robert de Brus
At Roxburgh
Parchment, 1m, damaged with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1950
Size: 5¾ x 5½"
Seal: Missing. Had been attached by strip cut from left foot.
Printed: J. Hodgson,
History of Northumberland part II iii p.17;
Regesta Regum Scottorum I The Acts of Malcolm IV, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh 1960) no.22;
The Charters of King David
I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.83.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1526. - Charter of H[enry] son of the King of Scotland addressed ... DCD Misc.Ch. 1527 [27 October 1374]
Bond by Walter de Tyndale lord of Dilston to William Claxton chivaler that Tyndale and the heirs of his body would not alienate Dilston manor, or the vill, or Kirkhalgh manor, or any lands or tenements in Corbridge,
or the third part of Kirkhalgh manor held by his mother Constance for life, or grant any rent charge for terms of life or years, only excepting leases by court roll for 12 years to tenants of similar status to those then existing at Dilston, or make
any estate that might disturb Claxton or his heirs from entering upon the said lands in the event of Tyndale dying childless, with the penalty for non-observance being an annual rent charge from Tyndale to Claxton of 100 marks from Dilston manor to
Claxton, his heirs and assigns.
Date: Dilston, vigil of SS Simon and Jude 48 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, abcdefg cut through
Size: 200 x 250mm
Counterpart: DCD Misc.Ch. 1657.
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.253.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1528 [early 13th century]
Quitclaim by Serlo of Hexham (Hextildesham) of his right in all his land in the fields of Dilston (Divillistona) in Widhalc by the culturam of the canons towards the north to Robert de Meyneville, for which Robert paid 20s in his great necessity.
Witnesses: Robert de Slaveleye, Peter de Vall', William of Halton, John of Middleton (Mideltona), Richard of Nafferton, Thomas of Wittington (Wytingtona), Manselm de Slaveleye, William
Kenebill, Hamo de Blacedeleye, Waldevo de Spiridena, Guy Foristar, Robert clerk of Cambridge.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 50 x 155mm
Seal: G&B No.1332, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.239.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1529 [later 13th century]
Quitclaim by William son of Hervicus le Raper formerly living in Darlington, to Peter son of William of Walworth (
Wallewrt) and Alice his wife, of his right in 4½ acres of land in the fields of Darlington with the
associated toft and croft, for 4 marks and a surcoat (
supertunica) given him in his great necessity, as detailed in a charter which Peter had for the land from Cecilia Coc, rendering annually to him 1d at Christmas and a
pair of gloves at Easter or 1d for all services, and making the services due to the bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Ralph of Blackwell (
Blacwel), John of Oxenhall, Adam Clero, Hugh of Blackwell, William Redhod, Peter son of Geoffrey, Robert son of Benedict, William de Rule, Walter Luterel, Robert son of Walter, William
of Fery clerk.
Parchment, 1m, lined, attached by thread round the tag to the next
Size: 115 x 220mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, though 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1529 and 1530 - Quitclaim and grant by William son of Hervicus le Raper formerly living in Darlington, to Peter son of William of Walworth DCD Misc.Ch. 1530 [later 13th century]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Walewrd) to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd), of a rod of land in Darlington, on (super)
le Madergarthes, for life, rendering annually a rose at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John Benet, John son of Peter, Gilbert of School Aycliffe (Scolacley).
Parchment, 1m, attached by thread around the tag to the above
Size: 65 x 220mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1531 [later 13th century]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (
Wallewrd) to William son of William of Walworth, of half a bovate of land in the field of Darlington, whereof 1½ acres are in
half an acre abuts on the park, and 1 acre and 1 rod on
Aslacker, 1½ rods on
Langlandes, 1 rod abuts on
Hundon, 3 rods beyond
Haluctongate, half an acre on
Nesseflat, a headland (
foreram) is in
Nesse, 1½ rods in
Nykersille, a rod abuts
Stryfhenges, a rod in
Royerum, a rod on
Linghou, a rod at
Scmalthornrene, half an acre at
Moskerdyke, 1½ rods at
Turfikerdike, and 1 rod abuts
le Madergarthes, for life, rendering annually a rose at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, Thomas of Kirkby (
Kyrkeby), Richard of Aycliffe (
Acly), Gilber of School Aycliffe (
Scolacly), Ralph of
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 210mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1531 - Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William son of William of Walworth, of half a bovate of land in the field of Darlington DCD Misc.Ch. 1532 [26 July 1318]
Final concord in the bishop's court before $Robert of Brompton and Richard of Stanley (Stanlaw) bishop's justices, between William of Walworth, querulent, and Adam of Sutton and his wife Eva, inpedientes, over 3 acres of land in Darlington which Adam and Eva recognise to be William's as per their charter, for which William has given Adam and Eva a sore sparrowhawk (spervarum sorum)
Date: Durham, Wednesday the morrow of St James the Apostle 12 Edward [II], Pont. 1 Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, indented head and left side, wavy, 'cirograp' cut through
Size: 110 x 220mm
Original deed: DCD Misc.Ch. 1594.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1533 [early 14th century]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William son of William of Walworth of 3½ rods of land in the field of Darlington, of which half an acre is in 3 selions, one in Dodmireholme, another at Acbalke, and the third on Le Buttes, and 1½ rods at Blacwelthorn, for life, rendering annually a grain of pepper
at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter of Darlington, Thomas of Kirkby, Richard of Aycliffe, Gilbert of School Aycliffe.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 205mm
Seal: G&B No.2562, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1534 [18 December] 1320
Grant by William of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington of 3 rods of arable land in Darlington in exchange, whereof one rod is under Bathel by the land of
the said William son of Peter on the east, one rod is on le Northcrostlat by the land of the said William son of Peter on the south, and one rod leads from Hundou to Sciretolker by the land of the said William son of Peter on the north, for 3 other rods in Darlington, of which half an acre is on le Sydberi, and one rod is on Gravenhou, warranted according to the form of the exchange.
Witnesses: Ivo Bell bailiff of the borough of Darlington, John son of Peter, William Redhod, John Benet, John Brule, John son of Samson, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Date: Darlington, Thursday before St Thomas the Apostle 1320.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirografatus' cut through
Size: 120 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.2562, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1535 [16 January] 1330
Grant by William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive to Richard Porter living in Darlington and his wife Agnes, of a burgage in Darlington (Derlyngton) between the messuages of
Adam Tewer and Richard Chamberlain, to be held by them and the heirs of their bodies, of William and Olive and the heirs of their bodies or their heirs and assigns if they die without heirs of their bodies, rendering annually 18s in equal portions
at Pentecost and St Martin, with right of reentry if the rent is in arrears for 40 days.
Witnesses: William of Durham, John of Lytham, William of Burdon, John Bruyt, William Bett, John Alman, John Orreman.
Date: Darlington, Tuesday after Hilary 1329/30.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, some damp stains
Size: 150 x 240mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further slit
DCD Misc.Ch. 1536 [2 January] 1340
Grant by William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive to Richard Porter living in Darlington and his wife Agnes, of their tenement in the borough of Darlington between the tenements formerly of John of Lithom
and Isabella his wife, and of Adam Tewer, to be held by them and the heirs of their bodies, of William and Olive and the heirs of their bodies or their heirs and assigns if they die without heirs of their bodies, rendering annually 25s in equal
portions at Pentecost and St Martin, with right of reentry if the rent is in arrears for 40 days.
Witnesses: Thomas of Tours and Ralph Troyes bailiffs of Darlington, John of Thorp, John Underwood (Undirwod), William of Burdon, John Orman, Alexander Barton.
Date: Darlington, Sunday after the Circumcision 1339/40.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 145 x 280mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1537 [early 14th century]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of a place of land to the north of his hall in Darlington which Thomas Pannebryht formerly held, towards the highway.
Witnesses: William son of Peter of Darlington, John son of Peter, John Bruse, William Marshall, William son of Peter of Walworth clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.201, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1538 [early 14th century]
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of a cultivated land on Hundou in the field of Darlington.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, Adam de Sucton, John Bruse, Richard of Aycliffe, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Endorsed (contemporary) as Hundehowe.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 190mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1539 [2 March] 1323
Grant by Robert Basely to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of a messuage and half an acre of land in Darlington, the messuage being in Northgate and the land abutting Mikilmyr.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, Ivo Bell, John son of Peter of the same, William of Durham.
Date: Darlington, Wednesday before SS Perpetua and Felicitas 1322/3.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 80 x 235mm
Seal: G&B No.162, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
attached by thread round the tag to Misc.Ch. 1540
DCD Misc.Ch. 1540 [2 March] 1323
Appointment by Robert Basely of Adam Mindrum as his attorney to deliver seisin to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of a messuage in Northgate and half an acre abutting Mikilmyr.
Date: Darlington, Wednesday before SS Perpetua and Felicitas 1322/3.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 50 x 185mm
Seal: G&B No.162, on a tongue
attached by thread round the tongue to Misc.Ch. 1539
DCD Misc.Ch. 1541 [1323]
Enfeoffment by John Benet of Darlington of William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) in 2 acres of land abutting his spring towards the north, with William agreeing to pay, if he holds it beyond 6 years from St
Martin 1323, 40d per acre annually.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John Bruse, William Redhod, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 80 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.201, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1542 [20 June] 1315
Grant by Agnes daughter of Edmund of Coniscliffe (Conesclif) to William of Walworth (Walwrd) of a burgage in Blacwelgate between the burgages of the said
William and Margaret of Ruxl.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Benet, Alexander Skrloke.
Date: Darlington, Friday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1315.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 210mm
Seal: residue, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1543 [22 March] 1321
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of his grange sited within his messuage at the head of the vill of Darlington, with licence to William to move it wheresoever he might wish, and he
can also have egress and ingress with his carts and wagons (bigis & carectis) over his land for transporting corn and other necessaries to the grange.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John Randolf, William of Helton, William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrht).
Date: Darlington, Sunday after St Cuthbert in March 1320/1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.201, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1544 [early 14th century]
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of an annual rent of 6s in Darlington from a tenement which Simon de Bonay holds in the same vill.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter of Darlington, John son of Samson, John Bruse, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 200mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1545 [29 August] 1329
Quitclaim by Walter son of William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington (Derlyngton) to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive of his right to a rod of land in Darlington on
Granhou near the selion of the said William on the west.
Witnesses: Ivo Bell, William of Durham, William of Burdon, Nicholas Taverner, John of Lytham, John Willymot.
Date: Darlington, Saturday the morrow of St Augustine the Bishop 1329.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1546 [c.1330]
Grant by Walter son of Duncan le Barker to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of a messuage in Darlington between the houses of William Lorimer and Agnes of Walworth.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, John son of Samson, Walter of Thoresby.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 215mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1547 [c.1330]
Grant by Adam de Sucton and his wife Eva to William of Walworth (Walewrd) of all his land in Gravenhoubothme and their 3 selions in Grangelith in the field of Darlington.
Witnesses: John Benet, William son of Peter, John son of Peter, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further slit
DCD Misc.Ch. 1548 [c.1330]
Grant by William of Hilton to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive of 2 burgages in Darlington which he was given by Agens of Walworth, between the burgages formerly of Thomas Kaytyf and Wymarce
Witnesses: Ivo Best, William of Durham, Ralph Best, William of Burdon, John Bruys, Nicholas Taverener, John of Lytham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No.1348, on a parchment tag recycled from another deed, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1549 [4 July] 1331
Grant by John Alman and his wife Alice to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive of a burgage on the west side of William and Olive's grange, for them and the heirs of their bodies, of the bishop of
Durham, with remainder to their right heirs.
Witnesses: William of Durham, John of Lytham, William of Burdon, John Bruys, Alexander of Barton.
Date: Darlington, Thursday after SS Peter and Paul 1331.
Parchment, 1m, damaged with two holes with text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 75 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.1589 & unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1550 [c.1330]
Grant by John Alman and his wife Alice to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive of a messuage in Darlington in Blacwelgate on the north of William's messuage burgage on the west side of William and
Olive's grange, for them and the heirs of their bodies, of the bishop of Durham, with remainder to their right heirs.
Witnesses: Ivo Bell, William of Durham, Ralph Bell clerk, William of Burdon, John Bruys, Nicholas Taverner.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 70 x 220mm
Seal: 2 unidentified (1 only a fragment), each on a parchment tag recycled from other deeds, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1551 [c.1330]
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Margery of 3 acres of meadow by the ford (vadum aque) on the east, for life,
with free ingress and egress through the middle of his field, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Samson, John Bruse, William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd).
Endoirsd (contemporary) as being a document of J. Benet about 3 acres of meadow.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 195mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1552 [c.1330]
Grant by Alice son of Peter of Coxhoe (Coxalke) to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of 2 messuages in Darlington, formerly held by John Mynyot tailor (cissor) and Henry Hatgod.
Witnesses: Ralph of Troys, Hugh of Newton, John of Thorp, William of Wicton, James Undirwod, John Samson.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 75 x 250mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1553 [mid 13th century]
Grant by William Ioye to Helewise daughter of Ralph of Coxhoe (Chokeshou) of an acre of land in the field of Darlington next to Paynesker to the north, rendering annually 2d for lights for
the BVM, that is 1d at the Assumption of the BVM and 1d at the Purification of the BVM.
Witnesses: William Page, Adam the clerk, Guy Aubelyn, Richard of Castle, Ralph of Coxhoe, Ralph of Blackwell, William son of Edolf.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 80 x 180mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
attached by thread around the tag to Misc.Ch. 1554
DCD Misc.Ch. 1554 [c.1330]
Grant by Walter son of Alice Ioye of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of an acre of land in Darlington, whereof half an acre is in Handale, a rod is on Rislawe, and a rod is on Brakenbergh.
Witnesses: Peter the clerk, William his son, John son of Peter, John benet, Adam of Troys, John Bruse, Adam of Sutton, John son of Christiana of Oxenhale.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 210mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
attached by thread around the tag to Misc.Ch. 1553
DCD Misc.Ch. 1555 [20 January] 1314
Bond of William of Barton merchant to John son of William Benedict in 40s to restore a charter whereby John is enfeoffed of a place of meadow called Prestmenholme in 1323.
Date: Darlington, Sunday before the Conversion of St Paul 1313/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 230mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
attached by thread around the tag to Misc.Ch. 1556
DCD Misc.Ch. 1556 [12 November] 1316
Acknowledgement by William of Barton burgess of Darlington that John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington had enfeoffed him with 2 acres of land and meadow, of which one acre of land is between the land of the said John on each side and
abutts on Faundik in one head and towards Pollum on the other, and the other acre of meadow is on the east of Skyren between the meadows of the said John and
WIlliam of Walworth (Walleworth), and William will restore the land and the charter after 16 years at St Martin 1332, and if he does still hold the land after 16 years he will render annually to John 7s at the 4 usual
terms, with John being entitled to distrain if it is unpaid.
Witnesses: Ivo Bell, William son of Peter of Darlington, John son of Peter, John Samson of the same, John clerk to the said Macogrene.
Date: Darlington, Friday the morrow of St Martin 1316.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
attached by thread around the tag to Misc.Ch. 1555
DCD Misc.Ch. 1557 [early 14th century]
Grant by Edissa of Coniscliffe (Conesclive) in her pure widowhood and liege power to Robert Janitor of all her burgage in the vill of Darlington with all longitude and latitude in Blacwellegate next to the burgage of William de Ruyl to the north which she was given formerly by Walter son of Benedict.
Witnesses: John de Saundon bailiff of Darlington, William de Ruil, Peter clerk, William of Trimdon clerk, Samson butcher (Carnifice), Hugh of Blackwell clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 230mm
Seal: G&B No.678, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1558 [early 14th century]
Grant by Richard Tailor (Cissor) of Darlington to James Glover (Cyrothecario) of Richmond and his wife Isolda of a burgage in the vill of Darlington in Blacuellgate between the burgages of Robert Logge and Robert Cole which he had from Thomas de Graystanes for a sum of money, rendering annually 5s in equal portions at the 4 usual quarters and 1d annually at Christmas for the
fabric of the church of St Cuthbert in Darlington, and doing all the services due to the bishop of Durham and borough of Darlington.
Wintesses: Walter de Anforth, William of Nottingham, Ivo Bell bailiff of the borough of Darlington, Peter clerk, John son of Peter, William sonm of Peter the clerk, John son of Samson, Hugh of Blackwell clerk.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag, letters cut through, lined faded
Size: 140 x 205mm
Seal: 2 slits in a turnup [for sealing tags]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1559 [17 February] 1310
Grant by Robert son of Guy smith of Darlington to William of Hilton and Matilda his wife, of an acre of arable land in the field of Darlington, half an acre at Langfurshot by the land of Peter the clerk to the south
and half an acre by Mickilnire on the east, which he had from his father, for a sum of money, rendering annually to his father Guy for his life a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and after his father's death
to Robert and his heirs.
Witnesses: William son of Peter, John Benet, William of Walworth, John son of Samson, Master Adam Marshall (Marescall).
Date: Darlington, 13 Kal. March 1309/10.
Parchment, 1m, one small hole with some text lost
Size: 130 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag recycled from another document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1560 [27 December] 1290
Inspeximus by Richard [de Hoton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following charter of Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham.
Grant by Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham to William son of Benedict of Darlington of 4 acres 3 rods and 4 perches of land in the east field of Darlington by the south part of the bishop's meadow on Biscopflat in
exchange for a piece of land which was WIlliam's within the bishop's park at Darlington and newly enclosed, to be held with all the services etc due without any secular services etc.
Witnsses: Master William of St Botulph bishop's steward of Durham, Dom Peter Thoresby bishop's chancellor, Dom Guiscard de Carnus bishop's justiciar, Doms John Marmeduke, Gilbert of Heworth (Heuurth), Richard de
Cartenay, and Hugh of Burdon milites, William Redhod of Darlington, Peter clerk, William de Rule, Ralph de Trois, Gilbert de Graystane, John of Blackwell, Hugh his brother.
Date: Durham, Monday before St Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist by the hand of William of St Botulph steward Pont. 7. [18 September 1290]
Date: Durham, 6 Kal. January 1290.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 140 x 250mm
Seal: 3 slits in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 1561 next below.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1561 [27 December] 1290
Another copy of Misc.Ch. 1560.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, damaged by damp with some text lost, a diamond-shaped [filing hole in both the right and left bottom corners, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 185 x 245mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.33r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1562 [24 June] 1302
Lease by William son of Benedict of Darlington to Peter dictus of Morpeth and Dionisia his wife of all the land which was held by Dionisia daughter of Benedict of Darlington and sister of William in the field of
Darlington in Hundehou, for 20 years, rendering annually 5s at the 4 usual terms .
Date: St John the Baptist 1302.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cyrographus' cut through
Size: 120 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1563 12 January 1322
Quitclaim by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth of his right to 3 acres of meadow in Darlington to the west of the River Skerne (Schyren) which William holds of him
for a term of years.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Schirningham), William son of Peter of Darlington, Ralph de Warshope, John Brus, William of Egglescliffe (Eggesclif).
Date: Durham, 12 January 1321/2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 200mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1564 [17 January] 1322
John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington enfeoffed William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of an annual rent of 10 marks from all his lands in Darlington, and William has granted that as long as John
holds those lands, William will have no claim on them to distrain for the rent.
Witnesses: Ralph de Warshop, William of Egglescliffe (Egesclif), Ralph of Whitwell, John of Stokesley.
Date: Durham, Sunday after Hilary 1321/2.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cyrografwm' cut through
Size: 75 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1565 [17 January] 1322
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of an annual rent of 10 marks from all his lands in Darlington in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin,
with the right to distrain in those lands if the rent is in arrears.
Witnesses: Ralph de Warshop, William of Egglescliffe (Egesclif), Ralph of Whitwell, John of Stokesley.
Date: Durham, Sunday after Hilary 1321/2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.204, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1566 [?1320s]
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrr) of a place of meadow by the bishop's ditch, to be held for life in separality with free ingress and
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter of Darlington, William son of Peter of Walworth, Gilbert of School Aycliffe (Scolacly).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.203, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1567 [?1315]
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) and Margery his wife of a place of meadow called Langsike in longitude and latitude in the field of
Darlington in separality with free ingress and egress, rendering annually a rose for 11 years at St John the Baptist beginning at St Martin1315, and if they want to hold it beyond 11 years they will pay 4 marks annually.
Witnesses: William of Oxney (Oxenale), William son of Peter, Ralph of Blackwell, John son of Peter, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cyrographatus' cut through
Size: 140 x 200mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1568 [?1320s]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of 3 acres of land in Darlington of which 2 acres are belwo his garden and one acre is held by William of Barton for a term of years and abutts on
Fitundyke and Pallum.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Skirnyngham), William son of Peter clerk of Darlington, Ralph of Blackwell, John Bruys.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.201, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1569 [?1318]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of 3 acres of land variously in his field of Darlington, with free ingress and egress over the land of the said John, rendering annually a rose at
St John the Baptist for 9 years, beginning at St Martin 1318, and thereafter 40s at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, Ralph of Blackwell, Nicholas of Oxney (Oxenal).
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag, 'cyrographwm' cut through
Size: 80 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1570 [?1320s]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of 2 acres of arable land in Darlington, abutting on his spring on the north side.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter, William Redhode, John Bruse, William son of Peter of Walworth the clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.202, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1571 [22 October] 1316
Grant by John son of William Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of 3 acres of land in Darlington to the rear of William's garden, being that culitvation called Ducecroft with free ingress and egress over John's land as may be useful for William for composting (compostandam) the said land and making any repairs without any contradiction, for life in
separality, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist if requested.
Witnesses: Ivo Bell and William son of Peter of Darlington, John son of Peter and John of Morton in the same, John Bruys and John of Samson of the same, John clerk called Macegrene.
Date: Darlington, Friday after St Luke 1316.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 120 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.203, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1572 [?1320s]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth of the site of his dovecote in his messuage at the head of the vill of Darlington, and a place of land between the grange of William and the dovecote, for life, with free ingress and egress
for William to the dovecote through John's garden for life at will.
Witnesses: William son of Peter Clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter, John Bruse, William Marshall, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 80 x 230mm
Seal: G&B No.201, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1573 [1321]
Since John Benett of Darlington enfeoffed William of Walworth (Walleworth) of 3 acres of land in Darlington of which 2 acres are belwo his garden and one acre is held by William of Barton for a term of years and
abutts on Fitundyke and Pallum, William has conceded that if he and his heirs stay there beyond 7 years from Pentecost 1321, they will pay John and his heirs annually 6s starting at Pentecost
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Skirningham), William son of Peter clerk of Darlington, Ralph of Blackwell, John Bruys.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirografatum' cut through
Size: 110 x 225mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1574 [?1317]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of a piece of meadow in the field of Darlington called le Bradmedow with free entry and exit over John's land, rendering
annually a rose for a term of 4 years at the Nativity of St John the Baptist, beginning at St Martin 1317, and after that term rendering annually 20s in equal portions at St Martin and Pentecost.
Witnesses: Wiliam son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, Adam ?de Troys, John Bruse, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, stained
Size: 80 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1575 [?1320s]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to Wiliam of Walworth (Wallewrd) common pasture in all his lands, meadows and pastures in Darlington for all his animals without number after the removal(levata) of the corn and hay until the Invention of the Holy Cross, and in all the fallow (warettis) and newly broken (friscis) land for the whole year, and also a route
for his carts (carectis) and wagons (bigis) from the vill of Darlington to the eastern field of the same vill through the middle of his field for carrying his manure (fimam) and corn.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, Nicholas lord of Oxney (Oxenale), Ralph of Blackwell, John Bruse of Darlington, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 105 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1576 [?1320s]
Grant by Adam Proctor (Procurator') of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of 14d froma burgage in Blacwelgate.
Witnesses: John son of Peter of Darlington, Adam de Troys, Robert Brun, John son of Benedict.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1577 [29 March] 1336
Quitclaim by Robert Gul of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of his right to a burgage in Darlington in Blakwelgate to the north of William's burgage.
Witnesses: John son of Samson, Ralph of Troyes, John of Thorp.
Date: Darlington, Friday after Palm Sunday 1336.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 80 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag recycled from a quitclaim of James ?, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1578 [2 July] 1332
Quitclaim by Thomas of Coniscliffe (Cinisclif) to William of Walworth (Wallworht) and his wife Olive of his right in half an acre of land in Darlington.
Witnesses: John de Schepways, Adam Ferour, John Drinkal.
Date: Coniscliffe, Thursday after SS Peter and Paul 1332.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 70 x 195mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1579 [?1320s]
Quitclaim by Walter son of Duncan the Barker of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) his nephew of his right to a messuage in Darlington between the house of the vicar and 4 acres of land in the territory of
the same vill and a virgate of meadow in Stereholme which fell to him in heredity after the death of his mother Alice and 1½ acres of land and a virgate of land in the territory of Blackwell which he and his ?kinswoman (amica) Agnes had from William de Rule by the assize of mort dancestor.
Witnesses: Peter the clerk of Darlington, William son of Peter the clerk of the same, John son of William son of Benedict of the same, John son of Samson, Adam of Sutton, John son of Peter, Adam de Troys, Simon son of Emma, Peter Cook.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 195mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1580 [mid 13th century]
Grant by Cecilia Cook daughter of William Cook to Peter son of William of Walworth (Walewurthe) living in Darlington of all her land in the fields of Darlington with a toft and croft between Robert Stot and William of
Trimdon, and another croft between the croft of Walter of Trimdon, to be held by Peter and Alice his wife, rending annually ½d at Easter for all customs and demands, making due service to the lord bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Adam the clerk, Walter Tinctor, William Redhod, John Stute, William de Rule, Adam Butcher (Carnifice), Walter Oter, Peter son of Geoffrey, Stephen de Pincerna, Hugh of Blackwell.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 115 x 165mm
Seal: G&B No.656, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1581 [May ?1320s]
Grant by John Alman of Penrith (Penereth) and his wife Alice to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and [his wife] Olive of [a] burgage in Darlington in Blacwelgat which was formerly Wymarte Puddyngwright's [next to] the burgage formerly of Robert of Stapleton.
[Witnesses: Ralph Blackw]ell, William of Durham, Ralph Bell clerk, Wido of Burdon, John Bruy[s].
Date: Darlington, Tuesday after St Dunstan 1[32?].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letter cut through, much gnawed with text on the left and right sides lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 65 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further slit
DCD Misc.Ch. 1582 [28 August] 1335
Grant by Matilda who was the wife of William Rous of Barnard Castle, in her widowhood and liege power, to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of her burgage in Blakwelgat in Darlington and
all her arable land in Darlington behind the garden of John Bruys.
Witnesses: William of Durham (Doresme), William of Burdon, John of Thorp, Ralph Bell, John son of Samson, Hugh of Newton clerk.
Date: Darlington, Monday after St Bartholomew 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.2104, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1583 [21 August] 1335
Appointment by Matilda who was the wife of William Rous of Barnard Castle of William of ?Easby as her attorney to deliver seisin to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of her burgage in Blakwelgat in Darlington and all her arable land behind the garden of John Bruys of Darlington as detailed in her charter.
Date: Barnard Castle, Monday before St Bartholomew 1335.
Parchment, 1m, seal torn off but reaffixed c.1970
Size: 45 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.2104, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1584 [25 January] 1339
Receipt of John de Bermeton to William of Walworth (Walleworth) for a quitclaim made to Dom Henry son of Hugh lord of Ravensworth for his land in Langton.
Date: Darlington, Monday the Converson of St Paul 1338/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1585 [?1320s]
Grant by Stephen of [North]allerton to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of a piece of land abutting on his garden whch he was given by John Benet, 68 feet in longitude and 26 feet in latitude, with free
ingress and egress to the same place with his cart from the highway up to the same place during the time of stubble (stipulacionis) and fallow (varette), to be held in separality for the
whole year.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, Nicholas of Oxney (Oxenale), John son of Peter of Darlington, William son of Peter of Walworth, Gilbert of School Aycliffe (Scolacly).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 200mm
Seal: G&B No.1015, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1586 [?1320s]
Grant by Walter de Thuresby to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of a place of land in Darlington to the west of the tenement of the said William which was formerly Duncan Tanner's (Tannator) containing in longitude 70 feet and in latitude 14½ feet.
Witnesses: William son of Peter of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, Ivo Bell, William Redhud, William of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1587 [10 November] 1335
Grant by William son and heir of Adam of Stokesley to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive of 2 burgages in Darlington in Blacwellgat which John of Stainton and Robert
Beryer formerly held of his father Adam of Stokesley.
Witnesses: John son of Samson and Ralph de Troyes bailiffs of the borough of Darlington, John of Thorp, William of Burdon, William Leg, William of Easby, Hugh of Newton clerk.
Date: Darlington, Friday before St Martin 1335.
Parchment, 1m, a stain
Size: 120 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1588 [10 June] 1314
Quitclaim by Thomas son of Richard Dryng of Haughton [le Skerne] (Halughton) to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of his right to a burgage in Darlington in
Blacwelgate between the houses of Agnes daughter of Edward and Agnes of Walworth.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter, John son of Samson, Thomas of Kirkby (Kyrkeby), Richard of Aycliffe (Acley), John Marcegreve, Gilbert of School
Aycliffe (Scolacley), William son of Peter of Walworth.
Date: Darlington, Monday the vigil of St Barnabas the Apostle 1314.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 105 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.815, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1589 [?1320s]
Grant by Peter son of Beatrice of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of 6 selions of land in the field of Darlington in Hurthewrdcroke by the land of the same
William in exchange for 5 selions in the field of Dodmire.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, Adam of Woodham (Wodom), William son of Peter of Walworth.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig--zag, 'cirografatum' cut through
Size: 90 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1590 [?1320s]
Grant by Emma of Walworth (Wallewirth) to William of Walworth her brother of a messuage in Darlington to the west of the messuage of Richard le Porter.
Witnesses: John ?Samson, Ralph de Troys, Hugh of Newton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1591 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrth) to William son of William of Walworth of a rod of land in the west field of Darlington between th elands of Simon of Christiana and Simon Huwecte, and a place of
meadow in le Stryne Enges.
Witnesses: John Benet, William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Bruys.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No.2563, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1592 [16 January] 1330
Grant by William of Walworth (Walleworth) and Olive his wife to Richard Porter living in Darlington and Agnes his wife, of a burgage in Darlington between the burgage of Adam Tewer and the messuage of Richard
Chamberlain (Chaumbirlayn), to be held of them and the heirs of their bodies with reversion to their heirs, rendering annually to them 18s in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, with right of reentry if the rent
is 40 days in arrears.
Witnesses: William of Durham, John of Lytham, William of Burdon, John Bruys, William Bett, John Alman, John Orreman.
Date: Darlington, Tuesday after Hilary 1329/30.
Endorsed (contemporary) as duplicate.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 140 x 215mm
Seal: 2 blank parchment [sealing] tags, each through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1593 [11 November] 1313
Lease by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrth) to William of Walworth of a rod of land in the west field of Darlington by the cross of Cockerton, and a place of meadow abutting on Nesse, for 12 years.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Benet.
Date: St Martin 1313.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag, 'cirografatws' cut through
Size: 65 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.2563, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1594 [26 July 1318]
Final concord in the court of the bishop of Durham before RObert of Brompton and Richar of Stanley (Stanlaw) justices, between William of Walworth (Waleword) querulent and Adam of Sutton
and his wife Eva over 3 acres of land in Darlington which Adam and Eva recognise as held by William by their gift for which they have received a sore sparrowhawk.
Date: Durham, Wednesday the morrow of St James 12 Edward [II] and Pont. 1 Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, indented head and right side, wavy, letters cut through on both
Size: 110 x 220mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1595 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrth) to William son of William of Walworth of the whole part of the hay growing in all the marshes of the whole field of Darlingtron due to him through a bovate and a
half of land in the same vill, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist if requested.
Witnesses: Peter the clerk, William son of the same Peter, John Benet, John son of Peter, John Samson
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 235mm
Seal: G&B No.2563, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1596 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William son of William of Walworth of a rod of land on Crosflat by the land which was of William de Troyes.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Benet, Adam of Sutton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 210mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1597 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Walleworth) to William son of William of Walworth of a rod of land in the field of Darlington on Rotherum between the lands of John son of
William and Stephen Leante, and a selion on Linghowe in the same vill, for life, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist for all services.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of William son of Benedict, John son of Peter, William Harald.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 95 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.1978a, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1598 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Walewrd) to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of 1½ acres of land with a rod in Gravonbothme, a rod in
Grimesdale, half an acre on Suynsty, and half an acre abutting on the moor and Mydelkevel, and also a selion on Brakenbery, for life,
rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist for all services.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John Benet, John son of Peter, John Bruse.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1599 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walowrth (Wallewrd) to William of Walowrth and Olive his wife of 3 selions of arable land in the field of Darlington, of which 2 are on Schorthandal and 1
is on Handal by the land which was Peter son of Beatrice's to the north.
Witnesses: Walter son of William son of Peter, John Bruse, Adam of Woodham (Wodom), John son of Peter son of Beatrice.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1600 [22 November] 1316
Quitclaim by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William son of William of Walworth of his right to 7½ acres of land in Darlington in the fields of Dodmire, Handale,
Nesse and around Scuetolker.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Benet, William of Hilton,
Date: Darlington, Monday the vigil of St Clement the Pope 1316.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 215mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Misc.Ch. 1601-1700DCD Misc.Ch. 1601 [14 March] 1317
Quticlaim by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William of Walworth of his right to 3½ acres of land in Darlington in the west field, of which 1 selion is at Bathil, 1 selion
is on Gravenhow, 2 are at Smalthornreu, 1 selion is at Bathelker, 1 selion is at Grimesdale, 2 selions are at Swynsty, 1 selion is at Blacwelthorn, 1 seion is at Lycristing, 1 selion is on Madergarthes, 1 selion is on le
Graystane, 2 selions are on Lynhow and Rotherom, 1 selion is on Fingermire, and 1 selion is at Mosekerdike.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Schiringham), William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter.
Date: Darlington, Monday before St Cuthbert in March 1316/7.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 195mm
Seal: G&B No.2564, on a parchment tag reused from another Walworth document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1602 [?1310s]
Grant by Matthew of Middleton to John son of Samson of Darlington of a messuage in the vill of Darlington in the neighbourhood (vico) of Blacwelgate between the messuage of Adam the man of
Master Richard to the south and le Bedhuse to the north.
Witnesses: William son of Peter of Darlington, Master Richard of the same, Ivo Bell of the same, John son of Emma of the same, Incolao le Taverner of the same.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 220mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag from a draft? of this (cites Matthew), through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1603 [c.1300]
Grant by William dictus Redhod of Darlington to Margaret widow of Roger son of Ydonia of a burgage in Blacwellegat between the burgages of Robert Spareu and formerly Roger Totti, given him
by Roger son of Ydonia, rendering annually to him 12d half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: William son of Benedict, William de Rule, Adam Procurer, Peter the clerk, Hugh the clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 195mm
Seal: G&B No.2066, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1604 10 October 1349
Appointment by John of Hatfield of William of Drayton as his proctor to be inducted into the canonry which Willliam de Kildesby formerly held in the prebednal church of Darlington
Sealed with Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham's seal by special request of Hatfield.
Date: London, 10 October 1349
Parchment, 1m, stained, diamond-shaed [filing] hole on the left edge, gnawed a bit along the head
Size: 105 x 295mm
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stub
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1605]
Now 6.2.Elemos.5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1606 [c.1300]
Grant by William de Rule and Helewisa his wife to William of Danby (Danebi) in free marriage with Agnes daughter of the said Helewisa and the heirs of Agnes's body of a messuage in Blacwellegate between the tofts of
Henry Dene and William son of Lucy, and a rent of 32d annually from a toft between the tofts of Duncan Tannator and Hugh Fallonis, and all their land in the territory of Conniscliffe Lower (Cunesclif Inferiori) which
they were given by William son of Gilbert, and half an acre of land which they were given by Ysmania daughter of Peter of Burdon in the territory of Conniscliffe (Cunescliva), as detailed in their charters, rendering
annually 1½d at Christmas, with reversion to William of Danby for life and then to William and Helewisa's heirs.
Witnesses: William son of Benedict, Walter Tinctore, William Redhode, Peter the clerk, Thomas de Mort, William Curtays of Walworth (Walewrth).
Parchment, 1m, stained, lined
Size: 120 x 195mm
Seal: G&B Nos.729 & 2135, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1607 [14 December 1309]
Grant by Walter son of Duncan Tannator of Darlington of the reversion of 4 acres of land in the field of Darlington and a rod of meadow in Steresholm in the field of Blackwell, which his father Duncan holds by the law
of England of his inheritance and which after [Duncan's] death ought to descend to Walter, to William of Walworth (Wallewrth), with Walter being obligated thereby to William in 20 marks.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, Adam de Troys, Thomas of Kirkby, John Brus, John Samson, John Benet.
Date: Darlington, Sunday the morrow of St Lucy the Virgin 3 Edward [II] and Pont. 27 Bishop Antony [Bek] of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 245mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1608 [21 June 1342]
Inquisition before John de Menevill sheriff of Durham, by the oaths of Richard de Oxenale, John de Cheswick (Chesewyk), John of School Aycliffe (Scolacley), Walter son of John of
Brafferton, Roger Gillet, William son of Thomas de Bermeton, Walter Wyot, Gilbert of Woodham (Wodom), Henry of Whessoe (Quessowe), Roger of Brafferton, Oliver of Richmond and Thomas Northman,
that Thomas Hanwell feloniously killed John Quaynte at Archdeacon Newton (ArchedekinNeuton) around the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Pont.7, and that the same Thomas stole there 4 horses price 41s which were of William
Sonder, John of Haughton, and William Tunnok, around St Lucy Pont.8, and that William of Durham of Darlington ?pledged (impignorat) men coming with carts on the highway leading from the vill of Haughton (Haulghton) to Darlington at Litelhaulghtonfeld.
Date: Darlington, Friday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist Pont. 9 Bishop Richard [de Bury] of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, damaged with the lower left corner lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 115 x 265mm
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stub
DCD Misc.Ch. 1609 [1218 x 1234]
Confirmation by Prior Ralph [Kerneth] and the convent of Durham of a grant by R[ichard ?Marsh] bishop of Durham to Benedict of Darlington (Derninton) of half a carucate of land in Darlington (Derhynton), 3 acres called Pondercroft, 6 acres with a toft in Sedgefield (Segesfeld), and 24 acres of land in Sedgefield.
Witness: the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head zig-zag but only at each end, many letters cut through
Size: 90 x 185mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.4r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1610 [24 May] 1271
Lease by Thomas Pannebrihit to Richard Cissor of his burgage in the vill of Darlington, for 4 years, for a certain sum of money, rendering annually for the western half 3s, that is 9d each at St Cuthbert in September, St Martin, St Cuthbert in
March and Pentecost.
Witnesses: Adam the clerk, William son of Benedict, William de Rwle, Peter son of Geoffrey, John the parson.
Date: Pentecost 1271.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, lined
Size: 110 x 135mm
Seal: G&B No.1956, on a parchment tag reused from an ?account, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1611 [23 October 1341]
Inquisition before John de Menevill sheriff of Durham and William of Dalton coroner of the ward of Darlington of the presentments of Roger Gelet, Walter Wyot, John of Heighington, John of Henworth of Aycliffe, Henry de Haulatby, Gilbert de
Quessowe, Ralph de Troys, William of Burdon, John Underwood, Adam de Milleby, John Gravan and Robert Porter that: William de Melsingby, Robert de Melsingby Wroth and Robert Stot formerly servant of John Surtays killed John Banenothesleve merchant at
Branconmore by Morton on Monday after St Edmund the King Pont 5 (23 November 1338) and stole goods worth £10; and William de Melsingby stole a horse at Darlington of John of Malton on Tuesday after Michaelmas Pont 6 (5 October 1339); and William,
Robert and Robert, with William of Coleville and John Hunter, are common thieves and stole horses in various places; and Robert Taylor of Merrington and Adam son of William Thomas Pinder of Merrington stole 5 cows and a bullock (stirkett) at Great Chilton which were John de Strevelyng's on Sunday before the Decollation of St John the Baptist Pont 8 (26 August 1341); and Robert Taylor stole a horse worth 10s from Alan of Cockerton at Cockerton on
Friday after St Luke Pont 2 (20 October 1335); and Hugh Carter burgled the bishop's grange at Coatham and took away corn at various times to the value of 4s; and that Richard Willy of Walworth became an adherent (adhesit
fidem) of David Bruce (de Broys) (King David II) enemy of King Edward [III], and afterwards the enemies of the king and the bishop of Durham came into England and captured John son of Thomas of Middridge, and
abducted him to Scotland and detained him there for David Bruce, and ransomed him, and afterwards the same Richard came into the liberty of the bishop of Durham at Walworth and there received men from Scotland, enemies of the king and the bishop,
and sold oxen and cattle which were these enemies', and Richard tarried at Walworth so that he and the enemies took men within the bishopric of Durham, imprisoned them and ransomed them, and so Richard is a ?spy (?explorator) of David Bruce, enemy of the king and bishop, within the bishopric of Durham; Thomas Collan burgled the sheepfold of John Randolf of Bollum at Bollum around the Nativity of St John the Baptist Pont 4 (24 June 1337)
and rustled 5 of John's sheep price 5s; and the same Thomas stole at Westthikley around the same feast 3 sheep price 3s which were John de Thorpton's; and the same Thomas stole at Bollum 2 sheep price 2s around the same
feast which were Thomas son of Gilbert's; and the same Thomas deprived various men unknown of goods and chattels to the value of 50s at Billirshawbank around the same feast.
Date: Rokenhalegrange, Tuesday before SS Simon and Jude Pont. 8 Richard [de Bury] bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 275 x 250mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a tongue, with a further 4 blank tongues
DCD Misc.Ch. 1612 [later 13th century]
Grant by Walter son of David Tinctor of Darlington to Ralph de Troys and Eva his wife of a burgage in Vrangelyth in the field of Darlington containing 3 selions (essyliones) with all longitude and latitude between the
burgages formerly of Robert son of Walter to the south and William Redhod in the prenominated place to the north for a sum of money, rendering annually a rose at the time of roses if demanded.
Witnesses: William de Rule, William son of Benedict, William Redhod, Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, Richard Brun, Robert his brother, Hugh of Blackwell clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 105 x 165mm
Seal: G&B No.777, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1613 [later 13th century]
Grant by Stephen dictus de Buteleria of Darlington to William de Rule and Helewise his wife of 4 selions of land in the south field of Darlington between the lands of WiIliam de Rule and William Cokerel for a sum of
money, rendering annually ½d at Christmas.
Witnesses: Dom Guichard de Charvus steward of [the bishop of] Durham, John of Malton sheriff of Durham, Ralph of Blackwell, William son of Benedict of Darlington, Peter clerk of the same, Adam Proctor of the same, Robert son of Walter, John son
of Peter, William of Trimdon clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No.503, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1614 [later 13th century]
Quitclaim by William son of Ralph of Coxhoe (Cokeshou) jr to William his brother sr of his right in an acre of land in the field of Darlington which his mother Agnes gave him in her liege power, of which half is at
Bracanbery and half is at Duynevest, rendering annually ½d at the Purification of the BVM.
Wintesses: Benedict son of Odo, Ralph of Blackwell, Simon Tinctor, Adam clerk, John Tinctor, William Page, William Leulyn.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 70 x 165mm
Seal: G&B No.720, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1615 [later 13th century]
Grant by Alice son of John son of Peter of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) and his wife Olive of half an acre of land in the field of Darlington at Rislow between the land of William of both sides, with
reversion, if William and Olive die without heirs of their bodies, to William's right heirs.
Witnesses: William of Durham, John Bruise, John of Lytham, Adam of Woodham, William son of Peter of Walworth clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 120 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1616 [later 13th century]
Quitclaim by Emma widow of William son of Luke of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walewurth) and his wife Agnes of her gith in a burgage in Blacwelgate to the south of the burgage of William son of Benedict in
Darlington, hers by dowry on the death of her late husband William.
Witnesses: William de Rule, William son of Benedict, William Redhod, Peter the clerk, Ralph de Troys, William of Trimdon clerk, Hugh of Blackwell clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 60 x 210mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1617 [later 13th century]
Grant by Roger de Hundegacre to William Lewin and Helwise his wife of ?part of a house which was Roger Canor's in Blakwellgat near the said William to the north which came to him in heredity through his wife Alice,
daughter of the said Roger, for a sum of money, and if the warranty against all men and women fails, he will provide half an acre of his land at Micelmyre.
Sealed by himself and, for greater security, his faithful Adam the clerk and Adam son of Aywlard the smith.
Witnesses: Richard bailiff of Darlington, Benedict son of Odo, William Page, Simon Tinctor, John Tinctor, Ivo the merchant, Ralph clerk, William Scotico, John the clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 135 x 175mm
Seal: G&B Nos.116, 791 & 1419, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1618 [14 July] 1328
Grant by Richard of Stanley (Stanlawe) to Richard son of Gilbert of Durham of all his lands in the fee and territoy of Darlington which William of Burdon of Darlington holds of him in Darlington.
Witnesses: Bernard of Thrislington (Thurstanton) bailiff of of the borough Darlington, William of Durham, Nicholas Taverner, Ralph Bell, John Brouis.
Date: Darlington, Thursday before St Margaret the Virgin 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1619 14 March 1309
Parchment, 1m
Size: 125 x 235mm
Seal: G&B No.552, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Grant by Alice widow of Henry of Barnard Castle, living in Darlington, in her widowhood and liege power, to John son of Samson Butcher (Carvificis) of Darlington, of his burgage in Darlington between
les Madergarthes which she was given by Agnes dictus Barker her aunt (amice), between the burgages of the said John and Stephen dictus Tabard.
Witnesses: Peter of Darlington clerk, John son of Peter, Ivo Bell, Hugh of Blackwell, John son of Emma, John son of Richard Benett, John son of Adam son of Emma, William Marshall, John Clerk son of Adam Butcher.
Date: Darlington, 14 March 1308/9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1620 [14 July] 1328
Appointment by Richard of Stanley (Stanlawe) of William of Burdon living in Darlington as his attorney to deliver seisin to Richard son of Gilbert of Durham of all the lands that he had in the fee and territory of
Darlington which William of Burdon of Darlington holds of him in Darlington.
Date: Darlington, Thursday before St Margaret the Virgin 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 215mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, [with a wrapping tie stub below]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1621 [c.1310]
Grant by Guy Smith (Faber) of Darlington to his son Robert of an acre of arable land in the field of Darlington, that is half an acre on Langfurschot by the land of Peter the clerk to the
south and half an acre by Mickilmire on the east, for 18s given him in his great necessity, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Peter Clerk of Darlington, John Benett, John son of Peter, John son of Samson, Gilbert Basly, Hugh of Blackwell (Blacuell) clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 110 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.1146, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1622 [later 13th century]
Grant by Ralph Ceuloth of Darlington to Emma daughter of Stephen son of John Woying of Darlington of all his land in Handale in the territory of Darlington given him by Cecilia Cock for a certain sum of money given him in his great necessity,
rendering annually ½d at Christmas.
Witnesses: Ralph of Blackwell (Blacuel), John lord of Oxney (Oxenhale), William son of Benedict, Peter son of Adam the clerk, William Redehode, William de Roule, Adam called Proctor,
Robert son of Benedict, Walter of Trimdon, Peter of Walworth (Waleuurth), William son of Matilda, John son of Peter of Darlington.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter of Ralph Kaulot.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 195mm
Seal: G&B No.575, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1623 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William of Walworth and his wife Margaret of half an acre of land in the field of Darlington at le Cnocker by the land of William de
Troyes to the east for life.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Benet, Thomas of Kirkby, Richard of Aycliffe (Acly), Gilbert of School Aycliffe (Scolacly).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1624 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Walewrd) to William son of William of Walworth of 1½ acres of land in Darlington at Hurthewrdkrok for life, rendering annually a rose at St John
the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, Gilbert of School Aycliffe (Scolacly), John son of Benedict.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1625 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrd) to William son of William of Walworth of half an acre of land in Darlington, whereby 1 selion is tended (tendet) on
Fyngeruure and the other on Moskerdyk, for life, rendering annually a grain of pepper at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Benet, Gilbert of School Aycliffe (Scolacly).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1626 [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrth) to William son of William of Walworth of 2 acres of land in the field of Darlington, of which 3 rods are at Hurtheworthcrok, half an
acre is tended on le Lytelker by Sadberygat, and 3 rods are tended on Aslaker, for life, rendering annually a rose at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Benet, Thomas of Kirkby, John Marcegrene.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 75 x 210mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1627 [?1320s]
Grant by William Redhod of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth)of an acre of land in Darlington at le Holekerre by the land of the said William of Walworth.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Skirnyngham), Nicholas of Oxney (Oxenall), John of Morton, John Bruys, John Marcegrene.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 85 x 230mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1628 [?1320s]
Grant by Simon son of Emma of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of 3 acres of land in Darlington in Langhandale.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Skirnynghame), Nicholas of Oxney (Oxnale), Ralph of Blackwell, William son of Peter of Darlington, John Benett of the same.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No.796, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1629 [4 May] 1325
Grant by Walter of Thoresby to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of a place of land in Darlington by the garden of the said William on the west containing in latitude 15 feet, with all the latitude and longitude
towards Hundgat.
Witnesses: William son of Peter, Ivo Bell, John of Morton, William of Durham, John son of Samson, John Bruys.
Date: Darlington, Saturday the morrow of the Invention of the Holy Cross 1325.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.2437, on a parchment tag reused from ?a draft of this deed, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1630 [?1320s]
Grant by Alice daughter of William de Rule to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of an acre of land in Darlington on Oxenhalgat.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham, Nicholas of Oxney (Oxenhal), William son of Peter of Darlington, John Bruys, William Redhud.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag reused from another deed, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1631 [5 April] 1331
Grant by John son of Peter of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and his wife Olive of 16 acres of land in Darlington in various parcels at Stopirdale, Mikilmyrdyk, Swaytrekeld, Doddemyrfeld and the north part of Jarningat on le Crosseflatt and at
Pottersyk, to be held by William and Olive and the heirs of William of the bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: William of Skernihgma (Skirnynghame), Richard Chancellor, Thomas Tours, Nicholas of Oxney (Oxenhale), Walter Passemor, Walter son of William son of Peter, Ivo Bell.
Date: Darlington, Tuesday after St Ambrose 1331.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1632 [?1320s]
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) and his wife Margery of a culture of land in the field of Darlington called le Halleflat and a
place of meadow of the said land adjacent with free ingress and egress through the middle of his own field, for life, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William of Newbiggin (Neubiging), John Wyot, John son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, William Marshall, William son of Peter of Walworth (Wallewrrth).
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 120 x 190mm
Seal: G&B No.203, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1633 [?1319]
Grant by John of of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of 4 acres of arable land in his field seperately of Darlington on the south of the spring in the same field,
and 5 acres of meadow of which 3 are on the west of the River Skerne and 2 are in le Bradmedow in the same field, to be held of the bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Schirningham), Nicholas lord of Oxney (Oxenale), William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, William son of Peter of
Parchment, 1m, some staining, lined
Size: 115 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.201, on a parchment tag anotated 'W habet', through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1634 [?1319]
Enfeoffment by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of 4 acres of arable land to the south of the spring in his field separately of Darlington and 5 acres
of meadow of which 3 acres are to the west of the River Skerne and 2 acres are in le Bradmedow in the same field by the charter residing with the same William, and William has conceded that if he and his heirs hold the
same land and meadow after 8 years from Pentecost 1319, he will render to the same John 100s annually starting at Pentecost 1327, along with for vesture of the meadow in the 8th year 2 marks.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Skyringham), Nicholas lord of Oxney (Oxenale), William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, William son of Peter of
Endorsed (contemporary) as a document of John Benet.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirografat'? cut through, lined
Size: 135 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.202, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1635 [?1319]
Grant by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of 2 acres of arable land in his field separately of Darlington to the south of the spring in the same field,
with 5 acres of meadow of which 3 acres are to the west of the River Skerne and 2 acres are in le Bradmedow in the same field, to be held of the bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham (Schiringham), Nicholas lord of Oxney (Oxenale), William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John son of Peter of the same, William son of Peter of
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 100 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.202, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1636 [14 May] 1324
Grant by William son of John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of a messuage in Darlington at the exit of Blackwellgate (Blacwelgat), for life, rendering annually a
rose at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, Nicholas of Oxney (Oxenhal), John of Morton, John son of Peter, John Bruys.
Date: Darlington, Monday before St Dunstan 1324.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'cirographatus'? cut through
Size: 110 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.207, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1637 [28 March] 1336
Quitclaim by James Skinner (pelliparius) of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walleworth) of his right to a burgage in Darlington in Blackwellgate (Blakwelgat) on the south of the house of William Log.
Witnesses: John son of Samson, Ralph de Troyes, John of Thorp.
Date: Darlington, Thursday after Palm Sunday 1336.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag recycled from a ?draft, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1638 [?1319]
Draft of Misc.Ch. 1634, with corrections.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'cirographatus'? cut through, some staining
Size: 110 x 215mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1639 [29 July] 1331
Grant by Robert Carter to William of Walworth and Olive his wife of a half acre of land in Darlington in Granhoubothum to be held by them and their procreated heirs of him for his life, with remainder to the right
heirs of William.
Witnesses: William of Durham of Darlington, John of Lytham, Nicholas Skinner, John Bruys, Alexander of Barton.
Date: Darlington, Monday after St James 1331.
Parchment, 1m, some ?rust holes
Size: 100 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag recycled from a ?draft, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1640 [?1330s]
Grant by William Rous of Barnard Castle to William of Walworth of a burgage in Darlington between William's tenements on both sides at le Madergarthes in the said vill.
Witnesses: William of Durham, John Bruys, Ralph Bell, William of Burdon, John Wilymot.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1641 [1 August] 1313
Quitclaim by Alice widow of Henry of Barnard Castle and Alice Buke daughter of Cecilia le Barker to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) of their right to a messuage in Darlington between the houses which
were Henry Dene's and Agnes of Walworth's.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of William Benedict, John son of Peter, John Marcegrene, John son of Samson, John of Stokesley.
Date: Darlington, Wednesday St Peter ad vincula 1313.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 200mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1642 [?1310s]
Grant by Walter son of Duncan Tanner (Tannator) of Darlington that the croft in Bathelgate which his father Duncan holds by the law of England of his inheritance and which after Duncan's death ought to revert to him (Walter), shoudl remain to
William of Walworth (Wallewrth).
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John Benet, Adam de Troys, John Bruys, William of Walworth beyond the river (ultra aquam), Adam of Sutton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 220mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1643 [6 December] 1314
Quitclaim by John son of William son of Benedict of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrd) and Margery his wife of his right to a cultivated land (cultura terre) called
le Halleflat and a place of meadow adjacent to be held in their separality for all the time of the year with free ingress and egress through the middle of his field as more detaile din his charter of enfeoffment.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter of Darlington, John son of Samson, John Bruse, William son of Peter of Walworth.
Date: Darlington, Friday St Nicholas the Bishop 1314.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 215mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1644 [5 November] 1335
Quitclaim by John Harald of Darlington to William of Walworth (Walleworth) and Olive his wife of his right in 1½ acres of land in Darlington in Nesse.
Witnesses: John son of Samson, Ralph Troys, Adam of Woodham (Wodome).
Date: Darlington, Sunday after All Saints 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1645 [?1331]
Grant by John son of William Harald of Darlington to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewrd) and Olive his wife of 1½ acres of land in the field of Darlington beyond the road which leads to Haughton (Halucton) by the land of John Bruse to the west, with William and Olive also conceding that if they hold the land beyond 9 years from St Cuthbert in March 1330/1 then they will be obliged to render to the said John 10s from
the said land.
Witnesses: John Bruse, John son of Samson, William son of Peter of Walworth, John Maysterman.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 100 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1646 [30 July 1310]
Quitclaim by William the Marshal (Mareschal) of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of his right in an acre in Darlington which he was given by Walter Duncan.
Witnesses: Richard de Hoton, William of Killerby (Kiluirby), Adam of Sutton, William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, John Benet, Adam de Troys, John son of Peter of Darlington, John Bruis.
Date: Darlington, Thursday after St James 4 Edward [II] and Pont. 27 Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, a stain
Size: 80 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1647 [12 May] 1332
Grant by Richard son of Gilbert of Durham to William of Walworth and Olive his wife of all his lands and meadows in the vill and Territory of Darlington which he had from Richard of Stanley (Stanlawe).
Witnesses: Thomas Surtees (Surtays), William of Skerningham, Richard Chancellor (Chaunceler), William of Durham of Darlington, Thomas of Raby.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after the Translation of St Nicholas 1332.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1648 [?1310s]
Grant by Gilbert of School Aycliffe (Scolacly) to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of a burgage in le Madergarthes [in Darlington], rendering annually for life
a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: John Benet, William son of Peter the clerk, Thomas of Kirkby, John Samson.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 50 x 200mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1649 [?1310s]
Grant by Cecilia daughter of Robert of Blakeston to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of a burgage in Darlington in Bathelgate between the lands of the said William and Ralph de Troyes.
Witnesses: John Samson, William de Weton, John his son, William Broun, John of Thorp.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1650 [?1310s]
Grant by Walter son of Duncan Tannator of Darlington of 4 acres of land in the field of Darlington and a rod of meadow in Steresholm in the field of Blackwell that Duncan his father holds by the law of England of his
heredity and ought to descend after his death to Walter, should rather remain to William of Walworth (Wallewrth).
Witnesses: Peter clerk of Darlington, William son of the same Peter, John Benet, John son of Peter of Darlington, Hugh of Blackwell, Adam de Troys, John Brus, Adam of Sutton, William of Walworth beyond the river (Wallewrth
ultra aquam).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1651 [?1310s]
Grant by John Benet of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) of an acre of meadow in Darlington on the west of Langsyk, to be held in separality at all times of the year for life,
rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk of Darlington, Ralph of Blackwell, John Bruys, John of Morton.
Parchment, 1m, a stain
Size: 80 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1652 [later 13th century]
Grant by Cecilia of Whitby (Witeby) to Samson Svin for a sum of money given in her great necessity of a burgage in the area (vico) called Blackwellgate (Blacwelgat) between Isabella wife formerly of Simon Noutfot and Agnes daughter of Roger Barker, rendering annually a rose at St John the Baptist in Summer, and if the warranty fails, Cecilia's heir Adam is obligated to provide
his croft in Bathelgate near Helewise Leulin.
Witnesses: Robert of Thorp bailiff of Darlington, William son of Benedict, Walter Tinctor, Adam the proctor, William Redhod, Peter son of Adam the clerk, William de ?Rulens.
Parchment, 1m, stained
Size: 120 x 135mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, disintegrating, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Seal crumbled and document unfit for production
DCD Misc.Ch. 1653 [later 13th century]
Quitclaim by Roger son of Ydonia of Darlington to William Redhod of his right to a burgage in the vill of Darlington in the neighbourhood of Blackwellgate (Blacwellgat) between the burgages of Robert Sparrow (Sparu) and formerly Roger Totti.
Witnesses: William son of Benedict of Darlington, William de Rule, Adam the proctor, Peter the clerk, Robert son of Walter Tinctor, John Brun, Hugh the clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 180mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1654 [later 13th century]
Grant by John son of Richard son of Henry of Darlington to Roger son of Ydonia and Margaret his wife os his right to an area (area) within the vill of Darlington in the road (via) of
Blackwellgate (Blacwellgat) between the lands of Hugh son of Malcolm and Robert Sparrow (Spareu) which Nicholas Tannator holds of him in fee, rendering annually 12d in equal portions at
Pentecost and St Martin.
Witnesses: Robert of Thorp bailiff of Darlington, Walter Tinctor, John Stute, William Redhod, William de Rule, Peter son of Geoffrey, Ralph Caulot, John son of the parson.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1655 [later 13th century]
Quitclaim by Walter son of Duncan le Barker of Darlington to William of Walworth (Wallewrth) his nephew of all his part containing a messuage in Darlington which he and his kinswoman (amita) Agnes gained (luctra fuimus) from William de Rule in an assize of mort d'ancestor, that is half [a messuage] of 26½ feet in longitude and latitude in
Blackwellgate between the solars (solarium) of Agnes Walworth (Wallewrth) and William de Rule.
Witnesses: Peter the clerk of Darlington, William the son of Peter the clerk of the same, John son of William son of Benedict of the same, John son of Samson of the same, Adam of Sutton, Adam de Troys, Simon son of Emma, John son of Peter, Thomas
de Kilnerby, Richard of Burton, Peter the cook.
Parchment, 1m, a stain
Size: 80 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1656 [27 March 1310]
Grant by Simon son of Robert de Stapilton that a messuage in Darlington in Blackwellgate, which his father Robert holds of him by the law of England of his heredity and which ought to come to him after his father's death, should remain to William
of Walworth (Wallewrth), with Robert obligated to William in 20 marks by way of warranty.
Witnesses: John son of Peter of Darlington, William of Peter clerk of the same, Adam de Troys, Thomas of Kirkby, John Sampson, John Brus, Alexender le Specer, John Benet.
Date: Friday after the Annunciation of the BVM Pont. Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham 27.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.2308, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1657 [27 October 1374]
Bond by Walter de Tyndale lord of Dilston (Devileston) to William Claxton chivaler that Tyndale and the heirs of his body would not alienate Dilston manor, or the vill, or Kirkhalgh manor,
or any lands or tenements in Corbridge, or the third part of Kirkhalgh manor held by his mother Constance for life, or grant any rent charge for terms of life or years, only excepting leases by court roll for 12 years to tenants of similar status to
those then existing at Dilston, or make any estate that might disturb Claxton or his heirs from entering upon the said lands in the event of Tyndale dying childless, with the penalty for non-observance being an annual rent charge from Tyndale to
Claxton of 100 marks from Dilston manor to Claxton, his heirs and assigns.
Date: Dilston (Devilleston), vigil of SS Simon and Jude 48 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, some damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 190 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.627, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Counterpart: DCD Misc.Ch. 1527.
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster,
A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.253.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1658]
Now 3.1.Sacr.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1659]
Now 3.1.Sacr.16*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1660 [27 October] 1255
[Contemporary copy] lease by Dom Alexander the chamberlain of Durham to William of Sockburn of the church of Dinsdale (Diteneshal) with its land for 6 years, rendering annually to the rector by the hand of the said
chamberlain, or whomever the rector may assign, 13 marks, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and to the sacrist of Durham 3 marks annually at the same terms, with William to answer for all the works of the said church at his own costs, with
William obligating himself and his goods thereby to the jurisdiction of the archdeacon of Durham or his official, with pledges of Dom Roger rector of Sockburn, Thomas of London and Richard de Mara.
Date: vigil of SS Simon and Jude 1255.
With a [14th century] note at the foot that this was about the church of Dyntynshale from the time of the second Bertram [of Middleton, prior of Durham].
Parchment, 1m, 2 stabbed holes on the left side and 1 pin hole in the foot
Size: 110 x 180mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.20r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1661 [27 March 1310]
Notification by P [?Patrick of Hartlepool] official of the archdeacon of Durham to W[alter Kirkham] bishop of Durham of an inquisition which established that the church of Dinsdale (Ditinshal) had been vacant since
the death of the last rector Master Hugh of Barnard Castle on Thursday before SS Simon and Jude, presented by the prior and convent of Durham, whose right of presentation is disputed by Dom Ralph Surtees (Surthez), and
that the church is taxed at 100s.
Date: Darlington chapter, morrow of SS Simon and Jude 1253.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 210mm
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stub
Copies in DCD Reg. I, f.i.115r-v; Cart. II, f.179v.
Another version: DCD 1.11.Spec.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1662]
Now 6.2.Elemos.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1663 [3 April 1396]
Grant by John Motte of West Deeping (Depyng) to John Attepersones skinner of the same and his wife Cecilia of the reversion of half of a messuage with a garden in West Deeping between the bondage of the earl of Kent
(Thomas Holand) to the east and the other half of the messuage to the west, abutting on the highway to the north and on the bank of the [River] Welland to the south, rendering annually to John Motte 4s at the 4 usual terms for his life, and after
the death of Alice sister of Cecilia the other half of the messuage should remain to John and Cecilia.
Witnesses: John Pavy de Leham, John Orston of West Deeping, Thomas Crounker of the same, William Juges of the same, Hugh Spillesby of the same.
Date: West Deeping, Monday after Easter 19 Richard II.
With various contemporary doodles, copies of the start of the document
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, some small stains and a tear on the left edge
Size: 75 x 265mm
Seal: 2 pairs of 3 slits in a turnup [for sealing tags]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1664 1 May 1328
Quitclaim by Iveta, formerly the wife of Richard of Wetwang, to her son Richard of her right by way of dower in lands given to her son by his father Richard in Dunstan (Donstane).
Witnesses: Doms Gilbert of Brunton (Burndon) bailiff of Embleton (Emeldon), and Edmund of Craster (Craucestr) milites, John de
?Oartyndon, John of Roddam Rodom of Newton, Simon Darreis, John son of Henry, William of Cornhill (Cornhal).
Date: in her widowhood at Dunstan, 1 May 1328, 2 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 220mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1665 20 July [1367]
Grant by William Latymer son of John Latymer of Tytherington (Tyveryngton) and his wife Elizabeth to Richard of Thornton chaplain and Walter de Rudstan of York tailor of 2 messuages, 7 bovates, 3 acres and 3 rods of
land in Lower Dunsforth (Netherdunsford) and 2 tofts and 4 bovates in Brampton.
Witnesses: Thomas Gower, John of Strensall, William of Lofthouse, Richard of Pickering, John of Pinchbeck (Pynchebek), Robert Archer of Tyverynton.
Date: Lower Dunsforth, 20 July 41 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, stained
Size: 115 x 275mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1666 28 November 1546
Letter from Ellen Layton widow to dean & chapter re going to law over a debt of £37 due to them from her, mentioning the tithes of Duddo, owed by Thomas Carlell, and Felkington, owed by Marmaduke Shafto, and Middleton St George.
Paper, 2f, part of f.2 cut off and missing
Size: 305 x 215mm
Seal: residue, applied, on the dorse
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1667]
Now 1.2.Elemos.10a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1668]
Now 2.2.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1669]
Now 2.2.Elemos.5a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1670]
Now 2.2.Elemos.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1671]
Now 2.2.Elemos.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1672]
Now 2.2.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1673]
Now 2.2.Elemos.11.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1674]
Now 2.2.Elemos.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1675]
Now 2.2.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1676]
Now 2.2.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1677]
Now 2.2.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1678]
Now 2.2.Elemos.5b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1679]
Now 2.2.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1680]
Now 2.2.Elemos.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1681]
Now 2.2.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1682]
Now 2.2.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1683]
Now 2.2.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1684]
Now 2.2.Elemos.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1685]
Now 1.2.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1686]
Now 1.2.Elemos.10b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1687]
Now 1.2.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1688]
Now 1.2.Elemos.7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1689 10 June 1518
Grant by John Claxton clerk, son and heir of John Claxton of Old Park (Oldeparke), to John Forster chaplain and John Clerke notary public, of a waste in the South Bailey of Durham between his tenement where James
Forster lives to the south and the tenement of the almoner of Durham where John Adthe lives to the north.
Date: Durham, 10 June 1518.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.607, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1690 12 June 1518
Appointment by John Claxton clerk, son and heir of John Claxton of Old Park (Olde Parke), of John Bukeley as his attorney to deliver to John Forster chaplain and John Clerke notary public seisin of a waste in the
South Bailey of Durham according to the charter between them.
Date: 12 June 1518.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 310mm
Seal: G&B No.607, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1691 18 June 1518
Quitclaim by John Claxton clerk, son and heir of John Claxton of Old Park (Olde Parke), to John Forster chaplain and John Clerke notary public of his right to a waste in the South Bailey of Durham between his tenement
where James Forster lives to the south and the tenement of the almoner of Durham where John Adthe lives to the north.
Date: 18 June 1518.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.607, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1692]
Now 1.1.Finc.13†.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1693 24 March 1436
Receipt of Thomas Karlele heir of Ralph Bassett to John [Wessington] prior of Durham for 3s for rent of a tenement in the Bailey of Durham for 2 terms, that is St Cuthbert in September and St Cuthbert in March.
Date: Durham, 24 March 1435/6.
Parchment, 1m, some damage with some letters lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 65 x 265mm
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stubs
DCD Misc.Ch. 1694 1 December 1426
Receipt of Thomas Karlele heir of Ralph Bassett to John [Wessington] prior of Durham for 3s for rent of a tenement in the Bailey of Durham for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1426.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 310mm
Seal: G&B No.533, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1695 4 December 1428
Receipt of Thomas Karlele heir of Ralph Bassett to John [Wessington] prior of Durham for 4s 6d for the terms of St Martin, Pentecost and St Martin last for the annual rent of 3s for a tenement in the Bailey of Durham.
Date: Durham, 4 December 1428.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.533, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1696]
Now 1.1.Finc.13*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1697 10 July 1418
Inspeximus by John [Wessington] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence
Licence by letters patent by Thomas [Langley], bishop of Durham, to John Holderness, clerk, and Alan Hayden, chaplain, to found a chantry of one chaplain holding divine service in perpetuity at the altar of St Katharine in the church of Durham
St Mary in North Bailey for the souls of John Bellassys and Sybil, lately his wife, and all faithful dead, according to the ordinance of the said John Holderness and Alan; and to give and assign to the chaplain of the chantry and his successors 4
messuages and 5½ acres of meadow which are held of the bishop in chief in the city of Durham, and 17 messuages and 9 acres of meadow, and 39s 4d of rent in the same city which are not held of the bishop; and that the chaplain be able to receive the
said properties from John Holderness and Alan, and he and his successors be able to hold the same properties in perpetuity; the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding because the 4 messuages, and 5½ acres of meadow are held of the bishop in chief; not
wishing John Holderness and Alan or the chaplain and his successors to be troubled by his ministers by reason of the foregoing; saving to himself and his successors, and to other chief lords of the fee, the rents and services used and wont therefor.
By the hand of William Chaunceller', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 28 June, Pont. 12 [1418]
providing only that John Holderness and Alan Hayden appropriate to the chantry, and that the chaplain and his successors acquire 13 messuages and 7 acres of meadow held in chief of the prior and convent, and 13s 4d rent from a messuage and 18
acres of land upon Bellasis, which Thomas Gray, clerk, now holds of the prior and convent in their Old Borough of Durham, in no wise without obtaining the licence of the prior and convent; saving rents, suit of court of the Old Borough, and other
services used and wont whatsoever from the said properties.
Date: Durham, 10 July 1418.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 215 x 380mm
Seal: G&B No.533, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously Loc.X.56
Copy: DCD Reg. III, f.61v-62r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1698]
Now 6.1.Elemos.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1699 8 March 1569
Latin and English
Award by new commissioners between Knighton and Whitfield over two burgages in Durham Market Place, parcel of the lands of Cornforth and formerly held by William Eden.
Dated: York, 8 March 1568/9.
Paper, 1p
Size: 160 x 210mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1700 31 January 1439
Lease by William Doncaster dean of the collegiate church of Auckland and John Binchester chaplain to Thomas Burton mercer of a shop on the corner in the market place in Durham with the house built above it which William and John were given by
William Palfrayman, from St Martin past for the life of Thomas, rendering annually 20s 4d at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions beginning at Pentecost next, with right of reentry if the rent is behind for half a year, with William and John to
maintain it at their cost.
Date: Durham, 31 January 1438/9.
With William Clerc smith and John Raper fleshhewer pledges for Thomas.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 310mm
Seal: 3 blank parchment [sealing] tags, 2 through 1 slit and 1 through 3 slits in a turnup
Misc.Ch. 1701-1800DCD Misc.Ch. 1701 [3 July] 1397
Gift by Master John Hagthorp, son and heir of the late John Hagthorp, to Master John Cokyn and Master Thomas Hexham clerks, John Fullour and John Egglescliffe chaplains, of a chamber within the chief tenement of John Hagthorp at the head of
Souterpath in Durham, between the tenements of Robert Berall on the south and William Chalker on the north, with a piece of waste adjacent on the west of the chamber, with free ingress and egress through the tenement,
with the waste being 36 feet long and 20 feet wide at the south end and 26 feet wide at the north end, on condition that the four of them will give it to the brothers and sisters of the Guild of Corpus Christi of Durham within 20 years, otherwise
Hagthorp can reenter.
Witnesses: Thomas Bell, Thomas Marshall, Peter Brabaner.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after SS Peter and Paul 1397, 20 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 260mm
Seal: G&B No.660 and a fragment, each on a parchment tag, with 2 further blank tags, each through 3 slits in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1702]
Now 6.1.Elemos.3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1703 27 September [1365]
Letters patent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham granting to Master John de Hagthorp his clerk of a vacant place (placeam) on the place (Palace Green) of Durham 24 feet wide between the place formerly of William
de Westley and the gate towards the cemetery of our church of Durham, and John may build on the bishop's stone wall there next to the place, as long as it is not to the damage of the bishop or his successors or the wall, rendering annually at his
Durham exchequer 12d at the terms of Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Date: Durham, by the hand of the bishop's clerk John of Kingston, 27 September Pont. 21, by privy seal letter.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 125 x 295mm
Seal: G&B No.3138, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Inspeximus: DCD Misc.Ch. 1704.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1704 27 September [1365]
Inspeximus by John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham of the following letters patent.
Letters patent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham granting to Master John de Hagthorp his clerk of a vacant place (placeam) on the place (Palace Green) of Durham 24 feet wide between the place formerly of William
de Westley and the gate towards the cemetery of our church of Durham, and John may build on the bishop's stone wall there next to the place, as long as it is not to the damage of the bishop or his successors or the wall, rendering annually at his
Durham exchequer 12d at the terms of Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Date: Durham, by the hand of the bishop's clerk John of Kingston, 27 September Pont. 21 [1365]
Date: Durham chapter house, 20 [August] 1367.
Parchment, 1m, lined, faded, some damage
Size: 110 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.3427 fragment, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Copy: DCD Reg. II, f.269r-v & 343v.
Original (letters patent): DCD Misc.Ch. 1703.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1705 12 March [1379]
Inspeximus by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham of a document enrolled in the bishop's chancery for his clerk William del Orchard of a messuage and a garden on Palace Green (
placeam) Durham.
Letters patent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham granting to his clerk William del Orchard a messauge with a garden on Palace Green Durham, as enclosed by fence (palacium) and ditch; to be held by William, his
heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 18d yearly at the bishop's exchequer of Durham at the terms in the bishoprick, for all service.
Date: Durham, by the hand of John of Kingston bishop's clerk, 2 April Pont. 19 [1364]
Inspeximus by John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham of the above grant by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 8 May 1364.
Date: Durham, by the hand of William de Elmeden bishop's chancellor, 12 March Pont. 34.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 185 x 345mm
Seal: G&B No.3138, damaged, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Copy (inspeximus of Fossor): DCD Reg. II, f.267r & 338r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1706 [later 13th century]
Grant by Nicholas dictus of Roxburgh (Rokysburgo) furrier (parmentarius) and Emma dicta of Lundon his wife to Apsalon of Durham
sellario at fee farm of all his land with all buidlings etc between the land of Warin Pictor and the land of Robert Pictor and ?Byoner Wawtering his wife in perpetuity with all liberties etc within and without the
Borough of Durham, rendering annuallyto them 9s and for lights for St Mary in the Galilee of Durham 2s half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and to the bishop and the Borough of Durham 9d at the same terms.
Witnesses: Gilbert the Butcher (carnifice), Thomas Lewyn reeves (prepositis) in Durham, John Tywe, Reginald Mercator, William Arthur, Gilbert Parmentario, Robert Pictore, Roger Cutellio,
Henry Coco, Walter Speciarer.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 110 x 250mm
Seal: remains of a parchment [sealing] tag stitched up, through a slit in a turn up, with another slit [for a further tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1707 21 August [1402]
Quticlaim by Thomas de Elmeden, since he gave 2 messuages on Palace Green (placeam) Durham called Orchardplace and Hagthorpplace to John de Elmeden his brother
and his wife Agnes for life with reversion to himself anf his heirs, and John and Agnes gave all their holding (status) in the messuages to John Bellasis (Belasys) of Durham and his son John,
of his right in the messuages and their reversion to Belasys and his son.
Witnesses: Gilbert of Elvet, William of Cottingham (Cotyngham) clerk, Robert Fenrothir, Hugh Corbridge, William Ward.
Date: Durham, 21 August 3 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 270mm
Seal: residue, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1708 4 September [1404]
Bond of Thomas de Elmeden to John of Bellasis (Belasys) of Durham and his son John in £20 to be paid to John and John or their attorney at Durham at Christmas next, for peaceful possession of 2 messuages on Palace
Green Durham formerly of William de Elmdon.
Date: 4 September 5 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 255mm
Seal: G&B No.863, on a tonuge, [with a wrapping tie stub below]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1709 15 September 1360
Grant by William of Orchard (Orcheyerd) clerk to Dom Thomas de Whom chaplain and Thomas of Coxside of Durham of his 2 tenements in the Bailey Durham, one with a garden on Palace Green (super
placeam) in the same Bailey and the other in Owengate (Owynesgate) between the tenements of William de Menevill and John of Elvet.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1360.
Witnesses: Thomas of Tudhoe, Roger Cowherd (Couhird), William de Gildefurth, Adam Gronem, Thomas of Cocken, John Coteler.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.1920, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1710]
Now 3.2.Sacr.9d.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1711]
Now 3.2.Sacr.20.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1712 [?April] [c.1330]
Grant by William of Chilton to John Snype and Agnes his wife of a burgage in Suterpeth in the Borough of Durham between the burgages of Geoffrey Taverner and the said William, length and breadth given, rendering
annually 2s, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, with right of reentry if this is unpaid for 40 days.
Witnesses: Simon of Esh (Esche), W[illiam] de Sclikeburne, Richard son of Gilbert, bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, B[enedict]?, Adam de Wodef[?}, John of Hilton, John of Tudhoe, John Yehemond, Robert Sch[?],
Geoffrey de [?], Ralph [?Canc]ellar, John de Her[?] clerk.
Date: court of the Borough of Durham, Tuesday after Palm Sunday 13[?].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, damaged (gnawed?) with various holes and some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 140 x 210mm
Seal: [slit in] a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 1713 28 November 1518
Qutilciam by Alice Fenwick (Fenwyke) of Durham widow, formerly wife of Robert Fenwick of Durham, since John Foster chaplain and John Clerk of Durham notary possess that burgage in Flesshewergat in Durham which was formerly Robert Fenwick's, between the burgages formerly of John of Catterick (Cateryke) armiger to the south and of the chantry of St
John the Baptist in the church of St Nicholas in Durham to the north, by the gift of William Fenwick chaplain son and heir of the said Robert Fenwick of 23 November 1518, of her right in the burgage to the said John and John .
Date: 28 November 1518, 10 Henry VIII.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 200 x 400mm
Seal: G&B No.969, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1714 n.d. [1568/9 ?]
Report of commissioners appointed for examination over a tenement in Durham Market Place concerning William Eden and the lands of Cornforth.
Paper, 1p
Size: 295 x 205mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 1715 4 February [1403]
Quitclaim by William son and heir of Thomas de Elmden to John Bellasis (Bellasyes) of Durham and his son John of his right in 2 messuages on Palace Green (placeam) Durham called
Orchardplace and Hagthropplace.
Witnesses: John Fossour, William Ward, John Ferrour.
Date: Durham, 4 February 4 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m, stained
Size: 100 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.868, on a parchment tag reused from another document concerning Cecilia, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1716 6 January [1403]
Quitclaim by John de Elmden son and heir of William de Elmden to John Bellasis (Belasys) of Durham and his son John of his right in the tenement on Palace Green (placeam) Durham called
Orchardplace and Hagthorpplace.
Witnesses: John Fossur, Robert Gouwarton, John Ferur.
Date: Durham, 6 January 4 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.856, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1717 21 August [1402]
Quitclaim by William of Cottingham (Cotyngham) clerk to John of Belasis of Durham of his right in 2 messuages called Hagthorpplace and Orchardplace on Palace
Green (placeam) Durham.
Witnesses: Gilbert of Elvet, Hugh Corbridge (Corbryg), Robert Fenrother.
Date: Durham, 21 August 3 Henry IV.
Endorsed (later 15th century) as being about Hagthourne and Horcherkerd place.
Parchment, 1m, some fading
Size: 85 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.701, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1718 20 November [1400]
Grant by Thomas de Elmeden to John de Elmeden and his wife Agnes of his messuage in Durham called Orchardplace and Hagthorpplace on Palace Green (placeam)
Durham for life in survivorship, rendering annually a red rose (rosam rubiam) at the Nativity of St John the Baptist if requested.
Witnesses: William de Cawethorne, William Warde, Robert of Lytham (Lethome), Thomas of Fishhouses (Fysshowes).
Date: 20 November 2 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 80 x 295mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1719 [8 April] 1377
Appointment by Thomas de Wham chaplain of of Robert Currour clerk as his attonrey to deliver seisin to William of Hawthorn and John of Egglescliffe (Egliscliff) chaplains of a messuage with a garden on Palace Green
(placeam) Durham and a place in Owengate between the tenements formerly of Simon of Esh and John del Cotes given him by William del Orchard clerk, as detailed in his charter to them.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Sunday after Easter 1377.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 305mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 1720 27 June [1418]
Grant by John Holderness clerk and Alan Hayton chaplain to John Newton and Richard Buckley clerks of a messuage and a garden on Palace Green (placeam) Durham, that is the buildings and stone walls extending along
Palace Green from the messuage of the archdeacon of Durham to the vennel that leads from Palace Green to the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, which they were given by John Belasis as detailed in his charter.
Witnesses: William Chancellor (Chaunceller), John Hoton, John of Aislaby (Aslakby) jr, William Melot, John Mordon.
Date: Durham, 27 June 6 Henry V.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 110 x 310mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1721 19 March [1439]
Grant by Richard Buckley clerk to Thomas Holden armiger, Nicholas Hulme and Richard Corston clerks of a messuage and a garden on Palace Green (placeam) Durham, that is the buildings and
stone walls extending along Palace Green from the messuage of the archdeacon of Durham to the vennel that leads from Palace Green to the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, which he was given with the later John Newton clerk by John Holderness
clerk and Alan Hayton chaplain as detailed in their charter.
Witnesses: William Chancellor (Chaunceller) armiger, William Raket, Robert Strother.
Date: Durham, 19 March 17 Henry VI.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a feoffment ... of a tenement formerly of John Belasis on Palace Green in the Bailey by the cathedral.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.2257, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1722]
Now 3.2.Sacr.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1723 10 April 1519
Quitclaim by John Foster chaplain and John Clerk notary public to Thomas [Castell] prior and the convent of Durham of their right in a messuage and 16s annual rent from it in Fleswergate Durham between the burgages of
John Catterick on the south and the chantry of St John the Baptist in the church of St Nicholas Durham on the north
Date: Durham, 10 April 1519.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 330mm
Seal: G&B No.1013 and another unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1724 7 May 1576
Mandate by Francis Bunney MA, by the authority of the commissary of the bishop of Durham sede vacante, and Masters John Pilkington, Ralph Lever and George Cliffe, canons of Durham, to John Roddam and Lionel Jackson
their apparitors, to cite Anthony Knighton of the North Bailey of Durham and all the kin of the late Thomas Knighton formerly of the North Bailey, in a testamentary case, to appear in the Galilee on 13 May.
Date: Durham, under the seal of the official of the dean and chapter, 7 May 1576.
Signed by Bunney and Cliffe.
Endorsed with a certificate of its execution by John Knighton curate of the parish church of the North Bailey, 13 May year as above.
Paper, 1p, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 155 x 210mm
Seal: residue, applied on the left front
DCD Misc.Ch. 1725 6 April 1576
Mandate by John Pilkington BTh, Francis Bunney and Ralph Lever MA, and George Cliffe BTh, canons of Durham Cathedral and appointed to execute eclesiatical justice by the authority of the commissary of th ebishop of Durham sede vacante, to the curate of St Nicholas Durham to cite Agnes Gowland of his parish in a case of defamation against Alison Hogg of the parish of St Giles, to appear in the Galilee on 13 April.
Date: Durham, under the seal of the official of the dean and chapter, 6 April 1576.
Signed by Bunney.
Endorsed as executed by William Headlam curate of St Nicholas Durham.
Paper, 1p, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 130 x 210mm
Seal: residue, applied on the left front
DCD Misc.Ch. 1726 10 April 1519
[Draft] grant by Ralph of Amundeville to Bertram de Cellario of a messuage in the Bailey of Durham, in latitude towards the street 40 feet and in longitude towards the west 140 feet, between the tofts of Alexander the gardener and William the
carpenter, to be held in fee and heredity, rendering annually 40d, half at St Martin and half at Pentecost. Incomplete.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 150 x 145mm
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1727]
Now 1.2.Elemos.6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1728 9 November 1444
Grant by Thomas Cocken of Durham to Thomas Thornburgh of Durham of an annual rent of 12d from 2 burgages now one built tenement, in latitude between the burgages or tenements of the prior and convent of Durham on the north and the heir of
Wyndgates now William Bowes miles on the south, and in longitude from the street and le Probourwell in front up to the burgage of the chantry of St Mary in the church of St Nicholas Durham behind, of a burgage in
Framwellgate in Durham on the west road there in the tenure of Matilda his sister, between the burgage of John Cocken his son and Margaret his wife, and his own burgage, of his 3 burgages between the burgage of William Bowes miles on the north and le Castelchare to the south, and an acre of land between the land of Richard Raket to the north and le Castelway to the south.
Date: Durham, 9 November 1444, 23 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 125 x 370mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1729 11 September 1465
Lease by Richard [Bell] prior and the chapter of Durham, with the consent of Dom Thomas Hexham prior and the confraternity of the cell of Finchale, to Robert Bartram clerk, of 2 tenements now annexed with their buildings, yeards (ortis), and gardens, in the parish of St Mary the Virigin in the North Bailey Durham, between the tenements of the prior and confraternity of Finchale on both sides, that is tenements in the tenure of James Dvune on the south
and Thomas Wall on the north, extending straight from the street to the stone wall of the lord bishop of Durham to the west, to be held by Robert and his wife Johanna and theirs heirs and assigns from Pentecost last for 70 years, rendering annually
to the prior and confraternity of Finchale 21s 4d in equal portions at St Martin and Pentecost, with right of distraint if the rent is in arrears for half a year, or reentry if distraint is insuifficient, with the prior and confraternity of FInchale
to maintain the tenements at their cost, similarly any new build of Robert and Johanna.
Date: chapter house of Durham, 11 September 1465, 5 Edward IV.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 240 x 295mm
Seal: G&B No.224, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Formerly: DCD Loc.XXXV:76.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1730]
Now 1.16.Spec.73.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1731]
Now 3.2.Sacr.26.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1732]
Now 3.2.Sacr.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1733]
Now 3.2.Sacr.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1734]
Now 3.2.Sacr.25.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1735]
Now 3.2.Sacr.9b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1736]
Now 3.2.Sacr.27.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1737]
Now 3.2.Sacr.9c.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1738]
Now 3.2.Elemos.10.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1739 20 December [1428]
Surrender by Thomas Holden armiger of 2 waste messuages in the North Bailey Durham, on the north side of Owengate (Ouwynsgate) and on the west of a waste tenement formerly of Robert
Yekemond, which he holds by law of England for life after the death of Matilda daughter of Gilbert of Elvet, formerly his wife, to Alice widow of John Aslakby sister of the said Gilbert.
Date: Durham, 20 December 7 Henry VI.
Endorsed (contemporary) as enrolled in the chancery of Durham 6 January 7 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.1359, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1740 21 December [1428]
Appointment by Alice wiodw of John Aslakby of William Raket as her attorney to deliver seisin to Richard Bukley and Nicholas Hulme clerks of 2 waste messuages in the North Bailey Durham, on the north side of Owengate (Ouwynsgate) and on the west of a waste tenement formerly of Robert Yekemond, according to her charter.
Date: Durham, 21 December 7 Henry VI.
Endorsed (contemporary) as enrolled in the chancery of Durham 22 December 7 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.97, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1741 9 January [1369]
Grant by John Gategang to John of Elvet of a messuage in the Bailey Durham between the tenements of Robert Yekemond and the same John of Elvet.
Witnesses: William de Menevill, John of Birtley, Robert of Masham, Adam Brown, Richard Chaloner, William Pye.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after Epiphany 1368/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1742 [31 August] 1355
Grant by William de Bedyngham to John of Elvet of a messuage in Owengate (Ouwynsgate) in the Bailey Durham, between the messuages of Thomas of Cocken and formerly of Ralph de Washop.
Witnesses: William of Drayton, Thomas of Cocken, Robert of Coatham (Cotum), Adam Brown, John Coteler.
Date: the Bailey Durham, Monday after the Decollation of St John the Baptist 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1743 21 December [1428]
Grant by Alice wiodw of John Aslakby, sister of Gilbert of Elvet, to Richard Bukley and Nicholas Hulmer clerks of 2 waste messuages together in the North Bailey Durham on the north side of Owengate (Ouwynsgate) on the
west of a waste messuage formerly of Robert Yekemond.
Witnesses: William Eure and William Bowes milites, William Chancellor (Chaunceler), Thomas Claxton and Thomas Billingham armigeres.
Date: Durham, 21 December 7 Henry VI.
Endorsed (contemporary) as enrolled in the chancery of Durham 22 December 7 [Henry VI].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.97, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1744 26 December [1428]
Quitclaim by John Aslakby to Richard Bukley and Nicholas Hulme clerks of his right to 2 waste messuages together in the North Bailey Durham on the north side of Owengate (Ouwynsgate) given them by his mother
Witnesses: William Eure and William Bowes milites, William Chancellor (Chaunceler), Thomas Claxton and Thomas Billingham armigeres.
Date: Durham, 26 December 7 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 295mm
Seal: G&B No.99, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1745 7 May 1576
Mandate by Francis Bunney MA, by the authority of the commissary of the bishop of Durham sede vacante, and Masters John Pilkington, Ralph Lever and George Cliffe, canons of Durham, to John Roddam and Lionel Jackson
their apparitors, to cite Thomas Harrison of the North Bailey Durham, kinsman of Thomas Gibson formerly of the South Bailey Durham, intestate deceased, to appear in the Galilee on 18 May.
Date: Durham, under the seal of the official of the dean and chapter, 7 May 1576.
Signed by Bunney and Cliffe.
Endorsed with a certificate of its execution by John Knightlei clerk, 13 May year as above.
Paper, 1p
Size: 150 x 210mm
Seal: residue, applied on the front
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1746]
Now 6.1.Elemos.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1747]
Now 4.2.Sacr.3a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1748]
Now 4.2.Sacr.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1749]
Now 3.2.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1750]
Now 3.2.Sacr.29.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1751]
Now 3.2.Sacr.24.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1752]
Now 3.2.Sacr.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1753]
Now 3.2.Sacr.21.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1754 [9 April] 1352
Grant by William Shiphird of Ravensworth to William de Bedyngham of his messuage in the North Bailey Durham between the tenements of Thomas of Cocken and the heir of Peter Lonnes.
Witnesses: William of Drayton, Thomas of Cocken, John of [North]allerton carpenter, John of Stamford (Stamforth), Adam Brown (Broune).
Date: Durham, Monday after Easter 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1755]
Now 3.2.Sacr.22.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1756]
Now 1.2.Elemos.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1757]
Now 1.2.Elemos.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1758]
Now 3.2.Sacr.9a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1759]
Now 3.2.Sacr.9f(a).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1760]
Now 3.2.Sacr.23.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1761]
Now 3.2.Sacr.9f(b).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1762]
Now 3.2.Sacr.28.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1763]
Now 3.2.Sacr.30.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1764]
Now 1.2.Elemos.2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1765
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1766]
Now 1.2.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1767]
Now 1.2.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1768]
Now 1.2.Elemos.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1769]
Now 1.2.Elemos.5b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1770]
Now 1.2.Elemos.18.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1771]
Now 1.2.Elemos.4a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1772]
Now 1.2.Elemos.4b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1773]
Now 1.2.Elemos.5a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1774]
Now 4.2.Sacr.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1775]
Now 5.2.Elemos.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1776]
Now 4.2.Sacr.14.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1777
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1778]
Now 5.2.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1779]
Now 5.2.Elemos.23.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1780]
Now 5.2.Elemos.4a
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1781]
Now 5.2.Elemos.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1782]
Now 4.2.Sacr.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1783]
Now 4.2.Sacr.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1784]
Now 4.2.Sacr.3g.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1785]
Now 4.2.Sacr.3d.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1786]
Now 4.2.Sacr.3b.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1787 28 February 1472
Grant by William Cusson of Durham chaplain to William Morton of Durham mercer of a tenement in Claypath (Clayporth) Durham on the north side between the tenements formerly of Richard Billingham armiger on the west and formerly of John Bell on the east, given him by Margaret Hodgson (Hoggeson) with the consent of her son and heir John for 99 years from St Martin 1455 as in an indenture
between him and Margaret, with William to hold it for the remainder of the term, rendering annually to Margaret 2s in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, and to the chaplain of the chantry of the Holy Trinity in St Nicholas church Durham 2s
at the same terms. Witnesses: John Morton, ? ?croft, William Bentlay.
Date: Durham, 28 February 1471/2.
Parchment, 1m, faded in parts
Size: 130 x 320mm
Seal: unidentified (part), on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1788]
Now 4.2.Sacr.18.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1789]
Now 4.2.Sacr.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1790]
Now 4.2.Sacr.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1791]
Now 4.2.Sacr.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1792]
Now 4.2.Sacr.3f.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1793]
Now 4.2.Sacr.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1794]
Now 4.2.Sacr.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1795]
Now 4.2.Sacr.3e(b).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1796]
Now 4.2.Sacr.24.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1797]
Now 4.2.Sacr.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1798]
Now 4.2.Sacr.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1799]
Now 4.2.Sacr.25.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1800]
Now 4.2.Sacr.20.
Misc.Ch. 1801-1900[DCD Misc.Ch. 1801]
Now 4.2.Sacr.22.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1802]
Now 4.2.Sacr.23.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1803]
Now 4.2.Sacr.21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1804]
Now 4.2.Sacr.3e(a).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1805]
Now 4.2.Sacr.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1806]
Now 4.2.Sacr.11.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1807]
Now 4.2.Sacr.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1808]
Now 4.2.Sacr.12.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1809 [2 October] 1354
Grant by Richard son of Richard Potter of Durham to John Prentyce of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and a curtilage place within the close of the tenement, in the North Bailey Durham between the lands of John Darcy miles to the south and the rector of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey to the north, with the house etc being on the north of the tenement and the curtilage place on the south abutting on the wall, being in length 44
feet and in width 28 feet of legal men, with free ingress and egress to the building etc through the middle of the tenement from the street to the wall, rendering annually for the lights of St Mary in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham
2d in equal portions at the Assumption and Purification of the BVM.
Witnesses: William of Charlton, Thomas of Cocken, William of Coatham (Cotom), William de Kereby, Emeric of the Bakehouse, Roger of Esh, John del Sayles, Robert de Angirton, Adam Brown, Adam Blount.
Date: Durham, Thursday after St Michael 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 11<">.
Noted on slip (destroyed) that it was sent to Palace Green Library for repair of seal, 19 July 2000
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.42r, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1810 1 February [1421]
Grant by Alice who was the wife of John Potter of the North Bailey Durham to Adam Barker of Durham barber and Matilda his wife of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of
William de Blaketoft of Durham, in the North Bailey Durham, between the lands formerly of John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc on the north of the tenement and
the curtilage on the south, abutting on the castle wall, and being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men.
Witnesses: Thomas Bryg, William Benet, Thomas Walworth (Walleworth), Adam Horsley, William Hunter.
Date: 1 February 8 Henry V.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 275mm
Seal: unidentified on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 15.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1811 20 December 1447
Quitclaim by John Dale to Thomas Dale his brother and John Binchester chaplain of his right to a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of William de Blaketoft of Durham, in
the North Bailey Durham, between the lands formerly of John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc on the north of the tenement and the curtilage on the south,
abutting on the castle wall, and being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men, which he had of the gift of the said John Binchester and Richard Rakett.
Date: Durham, 20 December 1447.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 120 x 300mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 25.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1812 [25 February] 1367
Grant by Isabella of Leicester (Leycestre) to John of Bamburgh clerk of all her lands etc within and without the bishropic of Durham.
Witnesses: Thomas Roter, Robert of Masham, Hugh Catour, Richard Chalener, William Prentis, Walter de Delverton.
Date: the Bailey Durham, Thursday after St Peter in Cathedra 1366/7.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 75 x 300mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1813 [12 January] 1391
Granmt by William Colome to John Potter, formerly the son of Richard Potter of Durham, and his wife Alice of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of William de Blaketoft
of Durham, in the North Bailey Durham, between the lands formerly of John Darcy miles and the rector of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc on the north of the tenement and the curtilage on the
south, abutting on the wall, and being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men, to John and Alice and their heirs, with free ingress and egress through the middle of the tenement from the street to the wall, rendering annually for
lights of St Mary in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey of Durham 2d in equal portions at the Assumption and Purification of the BVM, with remainder to the right heirs of John.
Witnesses: Robert Masham (Massam), Hugh Corbridge (Corbrygg), Robert Fenrewthyr, John Killinghall (Kyllynghalle), John Hagthorpe, Thomas Walworth, William
Kelloe, John Fossoure, William Prentys, Richard Whitby (Gwytby), Robert Wekmounde, John Schestyre, John Marshall, John Feroure, Robert Lytham, Robert Gownyrtone, John Watson, Alexander Huttly.
Date: Durham, Thursday after Epiphany 1390/1, Pont. 3 Walter Shirlaw bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, some damp stains and damage
Size: 190 x 260mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 12.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.42v-43r, abbrev., omitting all witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1814 30 April 1446
Grant by John Binchester chaplain and Richard Rakett to John Dale of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of William de Blaketoft of Durham, in the North Bailey Durham,
between the lands formerly of John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc on the north of the tenement and the curtilage on the south, abutting on the castle wall, and
being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men, which they had been given with William Martindale chaplain deceased by Matilda widow of Adam Barbour alias Barkar.
Date: Durham, 30 April 24 Henry VI, 1446.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 105 x 325mm
Seal: G&B Nos. 257 & 2056, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 21.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.45v-46r, dating garbled.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1815 18 September 1519
Bond of Robert Marshall of Newcastle to John Foster chaplain and John Clerke public notary in £40 to be paid at Michaelmas next, for the peaceful possession of a messuage in the Bailey Durham between th elands of Simon of Farlington (Ferlyngton)
to the north and Thomas Heryngton to the south.
Date: 18 September 1519.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously 8a Comm. 39.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1816 [1249 x 1260]
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to his valet Jordan his barber (Barbator) of a place of land in the Bailey Durham between the messuage formerly of Adam of Bradley and the messuage of Dom Robert de Neville
53 wide and in length extending from the street of the Bailey to the wall of the same, rendering annually at the bishop's exchequer in Durham 2s at the 4 annual terms of the bishoprick of Durham.
Witnesses: Dom John of Egglescliffe (Eggisclive) bishop's steward, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Richard Harpyn, Thomas de Heryngton, John de Rungeton, John Halden sheriff of Durham, Geoffrey of Egglescliffe, Roger of
Auckland (Auclenth), Gilbert reeve of Durham, Hugh Lumbard, Reginald Mercenar.
Endorsed with a description (14th century) that the messuage was in the North Bailey.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 145 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No. 3122, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 1.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.39v-40r, omitting the last 7 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1817 3 July 1437
Grant by Matilda widow of Adam Barbour alias Barkar of the North Bailey Durham to Doms John Binchester and William Martindale (Martyndall) chaplains and Richard Rakett clerk of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe
and curtilage place within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of William de Blaketoft of Durham, in the North Bailey Durham, between the lands formerly of John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St
Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc on the north of the tenement and the curtilage on the south, abutting on the castle wall, and being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men.
Witnesses: John Brake smith, Richard Heworth carpenter, Thomas Sotyby, and Thomas Brake jr.
Date: Durham, 3 July 1437.
Parchment, 1m, small piece cut out of the turnup
Size: 120 x 340mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 20.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.44v-45r, omitting the last witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1818 [27 July] 1382
Grant by John of Bamburgh clerk to John of Killerby clerk and Robert de Gunwarton of his manor of Driburnehouses formerly called the manor of Bowdale, a waste tenement in Clayport Durham
between the tenement of John of Piercebridge (Persbrig) and the road which leads to Kepier, and 2 waste adjoined tenements in the North Bailey Durham between the tenements of William of Blakeston and the rector of St
Mary in the same Bailey.
Witnesses: John of Elvet, William de Shoreton, Walter of Cocken, William Prentys, John Mantle.
Date: Durham, Sunday after St James 1382.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being about a tenement on the east corner of Kypizerchare and 2 tenements in the North Bailey opposite the hospice of the archdeacon of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, small piece cut out of the turnup
Size: 115 x 325mm
Seal: G&B No. 299, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 8.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.41v, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1819 30 April 1446
Quitclaim by John Binchester chaplain and Richard Rakett to John Dale of their right to a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of William de Blaketoft of Durham, in the
North Bailey Durham, between the lands formerly of John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc on the north of the tenement and the curtilage on the south, abutting on
the castle wall, and being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men, which they had been given with William Martindale chaplain deceased by Matilda widow of Adam Barbour alias Barkar.
Date: Durham, 30 April 24 Henry VI, 1446.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 115 x 325mm
Seal: G&B Nos. 257 & 2056, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 23.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.46r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1820 22 December 1408
Grant by John Potter formerly the son of Richard Potter of Durham to John Hylton of Durham of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe, and curtilage place within the close of that tenement in the North Bailey Durham, between the lands of John
Darcy miles to the south and the church of St Mary in the South Bailey to the north, with free ingress and egress through the middle of the tenement from the street to the wall, rendering annually for lights for St Mary
in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham 2d in equal portions at the Assumption and Purification of the BVM.
Date: Durham, 22 December 1408.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 110 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 14.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.43r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1821 [21 June] 1349
Grant by Robert of Leicester (Laycestr) of Durham to Isabella his daughter of all his lands etc within the city of Durham and without, with reversion to her father if she dies before him without heirs of her body.
Witnesses: Simon of Esh (Essch) and Richard son of Gilbert bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, Robert of Cockside (Kocsyde), William de Sclykburne, Master John of Durham rector of St Mary
in the North Bailey, Robert de Gretewryge, Alan del Comynbous, Thomas of Cocken.
Date: Durham, Sunday before St John the Baptist 1349.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 5.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.41r, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1822 [early 14th century]
Grant by Adam Couper of Durham and Cecilia his wife to Robert of Leicester (Leycestria) and Matilda his wife, their daughter, of a messuage wholely within the Bailey of Durham between the lands of John Leder and the
rector of the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, rendering annually at the exchequer of the bishop of Durham 2s at the 4 annual terms constituted within the bishoprick of Durham.
Witnesses: Ralp de Warshop, Geoffrey Priour, William Yekemond, Nicholas of Masham, Geoffrey de Cova, Richard Smith (fabro), Adam of Ripon.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 195mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Previously 8a Comm. 2.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.40v-41r, omitting the penultimate witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1823 25 March [1448]
Grant by Richard Raket to Thomas Dale brother and heir of John Dale deceased of a piece of land given him by Adam Barbour in the North Bailey Durham in a certain garden within the tenement formerly of John Dighton 7 virges wide between the garden
of the rector of the St Mary in the South Bailey Durham to the north and a path (semitam) from the street to the castle wall to the south, and 19½ virges long between the curtilage of the said Adam on the east by the
castle wall and the tenement of the same Adam on the west, on which piece of land is built a house called Mawedeleyngildhous, with free ingress and egress through the middle of the tenement formerly of John Dighton,
rendering annually to John Dighton at the Nativity of St John the Baptist a rose if requested.
Witnesses: John Cales, Richard Heworth, John Porter.
Date: Durham, 25 March 26 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 335mm
Seal: G&B No. 2056, on a parchment tag reused from another document of Robert [Nevill bishop of Durham], through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 26.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.46v-47r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1824 18 December 1447
Grant by John Dale to his brother Thomas Dale and John Binchester chaplain of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of William de Blaketoft of Durham, in the North Bailey
Durham, between the lands formerly of John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc on the north of the tenement and the curtilage on the south, abutting on the castle
wall, and being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men, which he had been given by John Binchester chaplain and Richard Rakett.
Date: Durham, 18 December 1447.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 310mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 22.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.46r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1825 [16 August] 1332
Grant by John son of William de Blaketoft of Durham to Christian who was the wife of Richard Potter of Durham of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within his tenement in the North Bailey Durham, between the lands of John
Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey to the south, formerly his by right of inheritance descending by the death of Margaret of Howden, with the house etc on the north of the tenement
and the curtilage on the south, abutting on the wall, and being in length 44 feet and in breadth 28 feet of legal men, with ingress and egress through the middle of the tenement from the street to the wall, rendering annually 1d at the Assumption
and 1d at the Purification of the BVM.
Witnesses: Robert of Leicester (Leycestr), William de Somerhouse, Francis of Jarrow (Jarovi), Richard de Bolom, Geoffrey Yekemond, Peter Lonnes, Robert of Elvet of Elvet clerk.
Date: Durham, Sunday after the Assumption of the BVM 1332.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1826 18 September 1519
Grant by Robert Marshall son and heir of John Marshall of Durham to John Foster chaplain and John Clerke notary public of Durham, of a messuage in the Bailey Durham between the lands which Simon of Farlington had to the north and which Thomas
Heryngton has to the south, 190 feet long and towards the street 45 feet wide and towards the Bailey wall 50 feet as detailed in a charter of Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham, rendering to the bishop at the usual terms 3s, and he has appointed
John Eland and Peter Bernard as his attornies to enter the messuage and deliver seisin of it to John and John.
Date: 18 September 1519, 11 Henry VIII.
Signed by Robert Marshall.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 205 x 385mm
Seal: fragment, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 38.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1827 [c.1249 x 1260]
Quitclaim by Thomas de Herington to William Mailfetes of his right to that place of land which he recovered against him in the Bailey Durham by writ of novel disseisin before Alan de Wausand, Marmaduke son of
Geoffrey, William of Middleton and Alan of Kirkham, justiciers of Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham, for which he has given William 3 marks.
Witnesses: Philip de Leya, Richard the Chancellor, Robert of Haswell (Hessewel), Walter of Ludworth (Ludewrthe), Richard de Heppedon, Peter Harepny, Roger of Eppleton (Epplingdon), Roger the Cutler, Astin of Bailey (Ballio), Adam Pollard, Lawrence Poitario de Abbatio, Richard Smith of Bailey.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 200mm
Seal: G&B No.1285, on green silk cords, threaded through 4 holes in a turnup, and also around a slit in the turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 36.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1828 [1241 x 1244]
Confirmation by Thomas [of Melsonby] prior and the convent of Durham of a grant by Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham to William Kernet of a place (placia) in the Bailey Durham between land which was Simon of
Farlington and land of Thomas de Herington, 190 feet long and 45 feet wide towards the street and 50 feet wide towards the Bailey wall.
Witness: the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 75 x 175mm
Seal: G&B No.3427, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 37.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.10r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1829 [1 January] 1409
Grant by John Hylton tailor of Durham to Alice wife of John Potter of a house with a solar, cellar, garderobe and curtilage place within his tenement in the North Bailey Durham, between the lands of John Darcy miles
to the south and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey to the north, with ingress and egress through the middle of the tenement from the street to the castle wall, rendering annually for the lights of St Mary in the church in the
North Bailey Durham 2d at the Assumption and the Purification of the BVM in equal portions, with the house etc being on the north of the tenement and the place etc on the south, abutting on the castle wall, 44 feet long and 28 feet wide by legal
Witnesses: Dom Richard Hartburn, John Birtley, William May, Alan Bower, John Overton, Elys Harper.
Date: Durham, Circumcision 1408/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 13.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.43r-v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1830 [later 13th century]
Grant by Alice the daughter of Wydo Mason (Cementar) to Adam called Couper of Durham and his wife Cecilia of a messuage wholly within the Bailey Durham between the lands of John Leder and formerly Dom Robert de
Neville for a certain sum of money, in survivorship, rendering annually at the exchequer of the bishop in Durham 2s at the 4 terms constituted in the bishopric of Durham.
Witnesses: Geoffrey called Prior, William called Yekemund, Ralph de Warshop, John Leder, William called le Usscer.
Endorsed (early 14th century) as being a charter of Alice etc of a tenement in the North Bailey later Isabella Leicester's.
Parchment, 1m, stained
Size: 95 x 195mm
Seal: unidentified fragment, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 4.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.40v, omitting the 3rd witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1831 28 May 1381
Grant by John of Bamburgh clerk to Robert de Gunwarton tailor (cissor) and John of Killerby minor of all his lands from the gift and feoffment of Isabella of Leicester (Laycestre) within
and without the vill of Durham.
Witnesses: John Leuwyn, Henry of Sherburn (Schirburne), William Sheraton (Shurrofton), Peter Dreng, John Mantyll.
Date: Durham, 28 May 1381.
Parchment, 1m, stitching holes along the obverse of the turnup
Size: 90 x 300mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 8".
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.41v-42r, omitting the penultimate witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1832 [c.1260s]
Grant by Jordan Barber (Barbator) to Master Wydo Mason (Cementar), for a certain sum of money given him in his great necessity, of a place of land in the Bailey Durham between the messuage
formerly of Adam of Bradley and the messuage of Dom Robert de Neville, 53 feet wide and extending in length from the street (vico) of the Bailey Durham to the wall of the same, rendering annually at the exchequer of the
bishop of Durham 2s at the 4 annual terms constituted in the bishoprick of Durham.
Witnesses: Dom Richard Chancellor steward of Durham, Alexander de Bydicke sheriff, Robert of Burnigill (Bruninghill) constable, Gilbert the reeve, Thomas Lewyn, Hugh Lumbard, Peter de Pouce, Alan of Brafferton,
Richard Bell, Astin Brewer (Braciator), Nicholas Tadde, Adam Pese, Robert Clerk of Durham.
Endorsed (14th century) as North Bailey and (c.1500) as Isabella Leicester.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 3.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.40r-v, omitting the last 11 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1833 2 May 1447
Appointment by John Binchester chaplain and Richard Rakett of William Killinghall (Kyllynghale) gent to deliver to John Dale or his attorney seisin of a house with cellar, solar, garderobe and a place of curtilage
within the close of a tenement formerly of John son of William Blacktoft in the North Bailey Durham according to their charter.
Date: Durham, 2 May 24 Henry VI, 1447.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 325mm
Seal: G&B Nos.257 & 2056, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 24.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.46v, dating abbreviated.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1834 [2 November] 1354
Grant by John Prentys to Richard son of Richard Potter of Durham and his wife Mariota of a house with solar, cellar, garderobe and a place of curtilage within the close of a tenement in the North Bailey Durham between the lands of John Darcy
miles to the south and the rector of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey to the north, with the house etc being on the north of the tenement and the place of curtilage on the south abutting on the wall, and being
44 feet long and 28 feet wide by legal men, to be held with free ingress and egress through the middle of the tenement from the street to the wall, rendering annually for lights for St Mary in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham 2d at
the Assumption and Purification of the BVM in equal portions, with reversion if Richard and Mariota die without heirs of their bodies to heirs extra-matrimonial of their son John, and then the right heirs of Richard.
Witnesses: William of Charlton, Thomas of Cocken, Robert of Coatham (Cotom), William de Kereby, Emeric del Bakhous, Roger of Esh, John del Sayles, Robert de Augerton, Adam Broun, Adam Blount.
Date: Durham, Sunday after All Saints 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 175 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 11".
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.42r-v, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1835 [?1290s]
Grant by William Hesnet (?) to his son Roger of a place in the Bailey Durham between the land which was of Simon of Farlington and the land of Dom Thomas de Herington miles, 190 feet long and in width towards the
street 55 feet and towards the Bailey wall 50 feet, which Roger Rody once held as in the charter of good memory of Nicholas [Farnham] formerly bishop of Durham made to him, which charter he gave to Roger with the present document, rendering annually
at the exchequer of Durham 3s at the statutory terms in the bishoprick of Durham.
Witnesses: Dom William of St Botulph steward of Durham, Dom Peter of Thoresby, Ralph [of Warsop] sheriff of Durham, John de Madinstanes (?Maidstone), John Bil, Roger of Esh (Hesse), John Plumber.
Endorsed (17th century) as a charter of William Hebnet
Parchment, 1m, lined, damage repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 150 x 190mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 35.
In a confirmation of Farnham's grant in Misc.Ch. 1828 he is William Kernet.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1836 8 March [1431]
Grant by Adam Barker of Durham barber and his wife Matilda to Alice widow of John Potter of Durham of an annual rent of 8s from all the lands given them by Alice in the North Bailey Durham between the lands formerly of Dom John Darcy
miles and the parson of St Mary in the South Bailey, for life each year at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, with distraint allowed if the rent is behind for half a year.
Witnesses: John Fosour, Richard Heworth, John Brak.
Date: 8 March 9 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 100 x 280mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 17.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.45r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1837 4 February 1436
Grant by Adam Barkear of Durham barber to Richard Raket of a piece of land given him by John Dyghton of Durham butcher (flesshewer) in the North Bailey Durham in a garden within a tenement of the same John, 7 yards
(virgas) wide, between the garden of the rector of St Mary in the South Bailey Durham to the north and a path (semitam) from the street to the castle wall to the south, 19½ yards long between
the curtilage of the said John to the east and [Adam's] tenement to the west, on which piece of land had been built a house called Mawdeleyngyldehouse, to be held with free ingress and egress to the piece through the
middle of the tenement of the said John as often and whenever, as John gave him in his charter, rendering annually to John Dyghton at the Nativity of St John the Baptist a rose if requested.
Witnesses: Richard Bukley clerk, William Raket, John Palman chaplain.
Date: Durham, 4 February 1435/6, 14 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 295mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag (reused from a ?draft of this documet, mentions Richard Raket), through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 19.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.45r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1838 [21 September 1384]
Lease by Dom Robert Blakeley (Blaklaw) subprior of the church of Durham and William of Kelloe (Kellawe) communar of the same to Dom William of Cowton chaplain of a messuage in the South
Bailey Durham, which they had been given by Master William of Farnham, for 10 years, rendering annually to the communar 13s 4d at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, beginning at Pentecost 1384, with right of entry if the rent is behind for a
Date: Durham, St Matthew year as above.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag
Size: 90 x 290mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 31.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.48r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1839 4 February [1436]
Appointment by Adam Barkear of Durham barber of William Martindale chaplain as his attorney to deliver seisin to Richard Raket of a piece of land in the North Bailey Durham with metes and bounds as detailed in his charter to Richard.
Date: Durham, 4 February 14 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 295mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 18.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.45r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1840 4 February [1421]
Quitclaim by Alice widow of John Potter of the North Bailey Durham to Adam Barker of Durham barber and his wife Matilda of her right to a house with solar, cellar, graderobe and a place of curtilage within the close of a tenement formerly of John
son of William of Blacktoft in the North Bailey Durham, between the lands formerly of Dom John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, with the house etc being on the north of the
tenement and the place of curtilage on the south abutting on the castle wall, and being 44 feet long and 28 feet wide by legal men.
Witnesses: Thomas Bryg, William Benet, Thomas Walworth (Walleworth), Adam Horsley, William Hunter.
Date: 4 February 8 Henry V.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 16".
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.44r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1841 [27 August] 1368
Quitclaim by Isabella of Leicester (Leycestr) to John of Bamburgh clerk of her right to all her lands within and without the bishoprick of Durham.
Witnesses: Robert of Masham, Hugh Catour, Richard Chaloner, William Prentys, Walter of [North]allerton.
Date: Durham in the Bailey, Sunday after St Bartholomew 1368.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 7.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.41r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1842 [27 September] 1332
Grant by John son of William of Blacktoft of Durham, having enfeoffed Christiana for life who was the wife of Richard Potter of Durham of a house with solar, cellar, garderobe and a place of curtilage within the close of a tenement between the
lands of Dom John Darcy miles and the parson of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, which he inherited on the death of Margaret of Howden, with the house etc being on the north of the tenement and the place of
curtilage on the south abutting on the wall, and being 44 feet long and 28 feet wide by legal men, to Richard son of Richard Potter of Durham and his wife Isolda of the reversion of the house etc with free ingress and egress through the middle of
the tenement from the street to the wall, rendering annually for lights for St Mary in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham 2d at the Assumption and Purification of the BVM in equal portions.
Witnesses: Robert of Leicester, William of Somerhouse, Richard of Bolam, Francis of Jarrow, Geoffrey Yekemond, Richard Goldsmith (Aurifabro), Nicholas Miller (Molendinar), Adam of Ripon,
Robert of Galilee, Peter Lounes, Robert of Elvet clerk.
Date: Durham, Sunday after St Matthew 1332.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 255mm
Seal: G&B No.275, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 10.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.44r-v, omitting the last 8 witnesses.
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 1843.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1843 [27 September] 1332
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 1842.
Parchment, 1m, part of the turnup cut away and lost, badly stained in part
Size: 150 x 255mm
Seal: slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 33.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1844 3 April 1427
Grant by John Dyghton of Durham butcher (flesshewer) to Adam Barkear of Durham barber of a piece of land in the North Bailey Durham in a garden within his tenement, 7 yards (virgas) wide,
between the garden of the rector of St Mary in the South Bailey Durham to the north and a path (semitam) from the street to the castle wall to the south, 19½ yards long between the curtilage of the said John to the east
and [Adam's] tenement to the west, on which piece of land had been built a house called Mawdeleyngyldehouse, to be held with free ingress and egress to the piece through the middle of the tenement of the said John as
often and whenever, rendering annually at the Nativity of St John the Baptist a rose if requested.
Witnesses: John Fossur, Thomas de Ryhale, Nicholas Chaunceller, Thomas Smyth, John Hylton.
Date: Durham, 3 April 1427.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.275, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 8a Comm. 16.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1845 21 March 1388
Grant by John de Sadbergh to Doms William de Graystanes and William of Cowton chaplains of a burgage in Claypath (Claypworth) between the burgages of the prior of Durham and the master of Sherburn Hospital.
Witnesses: John Custson, Roger Aspor, Adam Litster, William de Kyowe, Peter Brabener, William Jalker, William of Hedley.
Date: Durham, 21 March 1387/8.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being the enfeoffment to the prior of the third of 3 burgages together on Northraw in Clayporth
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 295mm
Seal: G&B No.2143, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 33.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.30v, omitting the last witness and with a variant year date.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1846 [25 September] 1341
Grant by William son of Henry of Hett to Geoffrey son of William Gray of Durham of a messuage between the tenements of William of Fery in Clayporth and William Cook (Coc).
Witnesses: Simon of Esh (Essch) and Robert of Coxside bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, Richard son of Gilbert, Robert Schakelock, William de [?]halton clerk, Thomas Swemy, Adam of Wearmouth (Wermuth), Warin of Coxhoe (Coxsowe), Adam Bet.
Date: Durham, Tuesday before St Michael 1341.
Parchment, 1m, some damp damage with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 140 x 250mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Previously 4a Comm. 21.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.36v-37r, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1847 [29 May] 1383
Grant by John son of William de Barneby to William de Graystanes chaplain, William of Cowton chaplain, and John of Bamburgh clerk of his messuage in the Borough of Durham between the tenements of Thomas of Tudhoe and William Jalkar.
Witnesses: John of Elvet, John of Billingham, Richard of Park, John of Aislaby, Thomas of Tudhoe, Thomas of Walworth of Fery, Robert Yekmond, William Jalkar, John Custson.
Date: the Borough aforesaid, Friday after the Octave of Trinity 1383.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being made to the prior's feoffees of a second messuage on Suthraw
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 115 x 295mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 38.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.35v, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1848 3 April 1427
Quticlaim by Robert son and heir of John of Morpeth to John Bouer coroner of Easington ward of his right to 2 tenements in Durham, one in Sadelergat in the Borough of Durham between the tenements formerly of John
Goldsmith, and himself, and the other in Claypurd in Durham between the tenement of Richard of Stafford (Stafforth) held for life of the master of Sherburn Hospital, and the tenement formerly
of Nicholas of Skelton.
Witnesses: Thomas of Coxside (Coksyde) bailiff of the Borough of Durham, Richard of Stafford, Simon of Newton clerk, John of Hebburn, William of Coxhoe (Coxsowe), Thomas of Tudhoe (Tuddowe), Thomas of Appleby.
Date: Durham, Saturday the vigil of SS Philip and James 1362.
Endorsed (contemporary) including as a quitclaim of the third of 3 burgages together on Northraw in Clayporth
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.275, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 32.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.31r, omitting the 4th witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1849 [6 December] 1427
Memorandum of the grant by Bartholomew Werkman alias Rougrys and Cecilia his wife with others to John Tudhoe and his wife Emma of a tenement in Crossgate in the Old Borough Durham between the tenements formerly of William Nusom and Lambert
Fisherman (Piscator) which was formerly Alice of Bromley's. Date: Wednesday before St Gregory 1321/2 (10 March 1322).
Copy of a grant of William Gray burgess of Durham to John of Tudhoe and Gray's daughter Emma of his burgage between the lands of Gilbert son of Hugh and Robert son of Lawrence in Clayport in the Borough of Durham, rendering annually to the
almoner of the church of Durham 12d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin. Witnesses: John of Birtley senior bailiff of the Borough, John son of John, Roger son of Lucian, James Spicer, Richard of Kelloe, Alan Straytscirap, John Clerk. Date: full
court of the said Borough, Tuesday before St Barnabas 1311 (8 June 1311).
Memorandum that this copy was transcribed from the original then in the custody of William Couper buyer of victuals of the prior and convent of Durham by John Fishburn in the house of his register, St Nicholas 1427.
Endorsed (contemporary) including being about a burgage in Suthraw in Clayport in the hand of ?Conar waste.
Paper, 1p, damaged with some text lost, repaired with paper c.1970
Size: 190 x 300mm
Previously 4a Comm. 40.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1850 [5 December] 1326
Grant by Adam de Screycefeld and his wife Emma to Robert of Leicester of Durham of the tenement in the area (vico) of Clayport in Durham between the tenement of William Marshall and the road to Kepier (Kypyer).
Witnesses: William of Hebburn (Heberne) and William Butcher (Carnifice) bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, Richard of Kelloe, Richard son of Gilbert, John de Wodishend.
Date: the Borough of Durham, Friday before St Nicholas 1326.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.2194 and another unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 3.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.28v, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1851 16 August [1452]
Quitclaim by Robert Sotheron of Durham chaplain to Richard More of Durham carpenter of his right to all the lands which he formerly held with More in Durham.
Date: Durham, 16 August 30 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 90 x 280mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 15.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.32v-33r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1852 [11 June] 1336
Grant by John of Tudhoe (Tudewe) of Durham to William of Tudhoe his son junior of his messuage in Clayport in the Borough of Durham between the tenement formerly of John son of Robert and
the tenement of Richard son of Gilbert, rendering annually to him and his wife Emma for life 2d in equal portions at St Martin and Pentecost.
Witnesses: Robert Olyver bailiff of the Borough of Durham, Richard son of Gilbert, Robert Shakelec, William de Whelton, Richard del ?Criseperk, William Gracias junior, John of Raby, John of Herdwick (Herdwyk)
Date: Durham, Tuesday St Barnabas the Apostle 1336.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being on the east of the waste on Suthraw
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, now detached, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 35.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.35r, omitting the 3rd and last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1853 [26 April] 1295]
Grant by Gilbert son of Thomas of Hamsterley to James Apothecary and Emma his wife of a burgage in Clayporth in the Borough of Durham with a malt kiln (turallio) and a brew house built
there and with all the garden adjacent, between the burgages of the same James and Geoffrey Priure clerk, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist if requested, all for a sum of money given him by James and Emma.
Witnesses: Hugh of Quarrington (Queringdon) and Gilbert of Quarrington bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, John Bille, Thomas of Raby, Hugh de Elreker, Adam de St Noodo, William Maunsel, John Mundi, Geoffrey Clerk,
Hugh of Pebbles.
Date: the court of the Borough of Durham, Tuesday after St Mark the Evangelist 1295.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 145 x 190mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 12.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.34r, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1854 [12 June] 1335.
Grant by Henry of Hett to Adam Bette of a tenement in Clayporth between the tenements of himself and formerly Lucian of Clayport.
Witnesses: Robert Oliver bailiff of the Borough of Durham, Robert of Cockside, Robert Shakelok, Richard son of Gilbert, William de Qwalton, William son of Gilbert, John of Herdwick (Herdwyk).
Date: Durham, Monday after Trinity 1335.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being on Northraw the middle of 3 burgages
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 95 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 26.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.29v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1856 [6 August] 1354
Quitclaim by John of Northalleton (Alverton) carpenter to John Boner coroner of the ward of Easington of his right in a third part of a burgage in Clayport in the Borough of Durham between
the tenement formerly of Thomas de Herneby and the tenement of Nicholas of Skelton with which John son of John Archer de Herneby enfeoffed him.
Witnesses: Robert Bowes sheriff of Durham, Thomas of Cockside (Coksyde), William of Drayton, John of Hebburn, Richard of Stafford, John Goldsmith (Goldesmyth), Robert de Eston.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St Peter ad vincula 1354.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being the third of three burgages on Northraw
Parchment, 1m
Size: 125 x 230mm
Seal: G&B No.59, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 31.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.31r-v, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1857 [1 May] 1359
Grant by John son and heir of William of Tudhoe of Durham butcher (carnificis) to Thomas of Tudhoe of Durham butcher of a tenement in Clayporth in Durham which John's mother Alice de
Nortyat holds for life of his inheritance with reversion to John after Alice's death.
Witnesses: Richard of Stafford and Thomas of Cockside bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, John of Hebburn, William of Stapleton, William of Barnby, John del Bowes, Richard of Cocken, Henry Turner, Adam de Tankerley.
Date: Durham, Wednesday SS Philip and James 1359.
Endorsed (contemporary) as the first of two messuages in Suthraw
Parchment, 1m, some staining and damaged, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 135 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.257, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 37.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.35v-36r, omitting the 3rd and last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1858 [3 October] 1352
Grant by William son and heir of William of Bugthorpe to Robert of Coatham (Cotum) and his wife Agnes of 2 burgages in Claypworth in Durham between the burgages of Gilbert of Holand and
Alexander de Luceby, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Robert.
Witnesses: Thomas of Cockside, Richard of Stafford, John of Hebburn bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, Thomas Swein, Thomas of Tudhoe, William Shelewright.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St Michael 1352.
Endorsed (contemporary) as 2 burgages at the east end of Clayporth on Northraw except for 1 small burgage there
Parchment, 1m, some fading
Size: 105 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.449, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 14.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.38r, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1859 [?1270s]
Grant by Robert of Quarrington (Querington) to Hugh of Quarrington his brother of the burgage which was formerly Hodeman Fulloner's with the toft, buidlings and structures and all the croft by the chapel of St Thomas
the Martyr to the east which he bought from Master Gilbert de Batonia, rendering a pound of cumin at St Cuthbert in September and the due services to the Borough of Durham.
Witnesses: Geoffrey of Egglescliffe (Eggisclive) constable of Durham, Lawrence de Linz sheriff of Durham, John son of Gilbert, Richard of Finchale (Finkall), Thomas Butcher (Carnific), John of Grindon, William of Easington, Jordan of Seaton, Thomas Lumbard, Henry Clerk.
Endorsed (contemporary) as charter for the hall formerly of Huddard Follonis and also (14th century) as Robert Wheringdon etc
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 110 x 155mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. vij.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.34v-35r, omitting the last 7 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1860 [29 September] 1375
Grant by Thomas of Tudhoe (
Todhowe) burgess of Durham to Thomas de Anneysley of Pittington (
Pydyngton) and his wife Juliana of his burgage in Durham in the area (
vico) of
Clayport in the same vill between the burgages of John Boner and Alice Godys.
Witnesses: William Elmeden baliff of Durham, Richard of Stafford, Richard of Cocken, John de Boynton, Roger Aspour.
Date: Durham, Saturday St Michael the Archangel 1375.
Endorsed (contemporary) as for the first of 3 burgages together on
Northraw in
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.2460, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 24.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.36v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1860. DCD Misc.Ch.1860* [c.1375]
Seal: G&B No.2460, on a parchment tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 1861 1 April 1390
Quitclaim by William of Coatham (Cotom) to William de Graystans and William of Cowton chaplains of his right in 2 burgages and half a meadow enclosed by a ditch formerly Thomas of Quarrington's (Quaryngton) next to the churchyard of the chapel of St Thomas in Durham which John Proctor (Proktour) and his wife Emma formerly had of his gift.
Witnesses: Roger Aspour, John Cave, Robert Yekmond, William Irengay, Adam Littester, John of Hall, Nicholas Lanchester.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1390.
Endorsed contemporary as being a quitclaim made to the prior's feoffees of 2 burgages and half of 3 acres of meadow by the chapel of St Thomas the Martyr called Langbak.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 115 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 9.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.16r, omitting the 4th witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1862 1 December 1444
Appointment by William Durham vicar of Berwick of Thomas Preston chaplain to deliver seisin for him to John Binchester chaplain and Thomas Thronburgh of Elvet of 3 burgages in Clayporth in Durham as in his
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, 1 December 1444, 23 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 295mm
Seal: G&B No.825, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. xx.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.32r, omitting “vicesimo” in the regnal year.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1863 [3 January 1387]
Final concord in the court of John [Fordham] bishop of Durham before Roger de Fulthorp, Ralph de Eure, William de Elmeden, and John of Preston assigned justices, between William de Graystanes chaplain and William of Cowton chaplain querulents and
John Proctour of Elvet and his wife Emma deforciants over half of 3 acres of meadow in Durham whereby John and Emma have given and quitclaimed them to William and William for which they have received a sore sparrowhawk (espervarium sorum).
Date: Durham, Thursday after the Circumcision 10 Richard [II], Pont. 5 Bishop John.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being for the half of 3 acres of meadow called Langbak by the chapel of St Thomas the Martyr.
Parchment, 1m, indented head and left side, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 135 x 270mm
Previously 4a Comm. 8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1864 16 February 1390
Grant by Emmotte formerly the wife of John Proctor (Proktour) of Elvet in her widowhood to William de Graystans and William of Cowton chaplains in her widowhood of 2 burgages and half a meadow enclosed by a ditch
which were formerly Thomas of Quarrington's by the churchyard of the chapel of St Thomas in Durham with which she was enfeoffed by William of Coatham (Cotom).
Witnesses: Roger Aspour, John Custson, Walter Tailor (Tailliour), John de Cane, Hugh Slater.
Date: Durham, 16 February 1389/90.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter of Emma daughter of T[homas] Quarrington (Wheryngdon) to the p[rior]'s feoffees of 2 burgages and half of 3 acres of meadow by the chapel of St T[homas] the Martyr called
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. ix.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.34v, 3rd witness “William” for “Walter”.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1865 1 December 1444
Quitclaim by William Durham vicar of Berwick upon Tweed to John Binchester chaplain and William Thornburgh of Elvet of his right in 3 burgages in Clayporth in Durham lying together between the burgages of Thomas
Claxton and Richard Blenkhowe, of which 2 of the burgages have been divided into 3 tenements and built upon.
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, 1 December 1444, 23 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m, ?burnt hole in the centre with some letters lost, reapired with parchment c.1970
Size: 125 x 290mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. xix.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.31v-32r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1866 [29 December] 1358
Grant by John Bratery and his wife Ivetta to Thomas of Tudhoe (Tudhowe) of Durham butcher (Carnific) of their burgage in Clayport in Durham between the
burgages of John Boner and John Goydes which they were given by John Gray kinsman and heir of Geoffrey Gray.
Witnesses: John of Belgrave and Henry of Hett bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, John Boner, Richard of Stafford, John of Hebburn, Thomas of Coxside (Coksyde), John Goldsmith, Richard of Cocken, William of Barnby.
Date: Durham, Saturday after Christmas 1358.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter of John Bracery for the first of 3 tenements of the communar in Clayporth
Parchment, 1m, some damp staining repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 130 x 320mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further slit
Previously 4a Comm. 23.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.36r-v, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1867 15 October 1447
Quitclaim by John Binchester chaplain and Thomas Thornburgh of Elvet to Richard Moore carpenter and Robert Sotheron chaplain of their right in 3 burgages in Clayporth in Durham lying together between the burgages of
Thomas Claxton and Richard Blenkhowe, of which 2 of the burgages have been divided into 3 tenements and built upon.
Date: Durham, 15 October 1447, 26 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 280mm
Seal: G&B Nos.257 & 2417, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 18.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.32v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1868 [10 January] 1346
Grant by Robert of Fery merchant to Nicholas fo Skelton of the messuage which he was given by Adam Bet in the area (vico) of Clayporth in Durham between the tenements of Geoffrey Gray
butcher (carnific) and John of Morpeth, and abutting to the south on the street and to the north on the orchard.
Witnesses: Robert of Coxside (Coksyd), Richard son of Gilbert of Durham, and Robert Schakelok bailiffs of the Borough of Durham; Simon of Esh, William de Whalton, William of Coxhoe, John of Raby, John of Morpeth,
Thomas of Cambridge (Cauntbrige).
Date: Durham, Tuesday after Epiphany 1345/6.
Endorsed as being a charter for a messuage in Clayport on Northraw that is the middle of 3 burgages there
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 27.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.30r-v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1869 [mid 13th century]
Quitclaim and acknowledgement by William son of Ordwy that against God and St Cuthbert and the prior of Durham he retained land and houses in Clayport in the city of Durham, that is stone houses with their lands in that area up to the
virgultum of the bishop of Durham, for satisfaction of which transgression the prior and convent have given him 10 marks in his most urgent necessity to alleviate the poverty of himself and his wife and his sons, and for
which he has given them his lands in the area (vico) and his wooden houses
Witnesses: William of Sherburn (Syreburne), Robert son of Hervy, William of Reading (Redings), William Maunce, Gilbert of Reading, Gilbert son of Gervase, Besingo, Wido de Santum, Alan son
of Wido, John son of Hugh, Roger of Infirmary, Alexander Skinner (Pellipario), Ralph Servant, Ralph Mauleon, Roger Hurel, Richard Hoser, Thomas Smith (Fabro).
Endrsed (14th century) as being a quitclaim by W. Ordwy of the prior's houses in Clayporth by the rectory
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 95 x 145mm
Seal: G&B No.1925, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 1.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.37r, omitting the 3rd-9th and last 5 witnesses.
Another version: DCD Misc.Ch. 1882.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1870 [later 14th century]
Copy of Misc.Ch. 1869, with witnesses omitted.
Parchment, 1m, with a parchment tie threaded through, some damage repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 95 x 360mm
Previously 4a Comm. 1 dupp.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1871 [23 May] 1383
Grant by William Baty vicar of Pittington and William Marshall chaplain to William de Graystanes chaplain, William of Cowton chaplain and John Bamburgh (Bawmburgh) clerk, of their messuage in Durham in the area (vico) of Clayporth between the tenement formerly of Geoffrey Gray butcher (carnific) now Thomas de Annesley and the tenement formerly of John Morpeth now in the hands
of the former wife of John Boner, abutting to the south on the street and to the nroth on the orchard, given him by John Boner former coroner of the ward of Easington.
Witnesses: Alan of Billingham, John of Elvet, Thomas Tudhoe (Todowe), Roger Asspor, John de Boynton, William Stanhope, William Bingley.
Date: Durham in the said area, Saturday the vigil of Trinity 1383.
Endorsed (contemporary) as the middle of 3 burgages together in Northraw
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 330mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 29.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.29v-30r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1872 [23 April] 1351
Grant by Thomas of Tudhoe (Tudhowe) to William of Barnby and Leceline, who was the wife of John Lelepay, of a messuage in the New Borough of Durham between those of John Bille and formerly John of Tudhoe, to them and
the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Leceline.
Witnesses: Thomas of Coxside and John of Hebburn bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, John Goldsmith, Thomas Swomy, Adam de Tankerley.
Date: Durham, Saturday in Easter Week 1351.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a charter about Claypworth about the 2nd messuage there of the waste on Suthraw and a memorandum of 2 wastes in 1 on the south side of the area (vico)
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 36.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.35r-v, omitting the last 2 witnesses, year “xlmo” for “quinquagesimo”.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1873 16 October 1447
Appointment by John Binchester chaplain and Thomas Thornburgh of Elvet, of William Killinghall [as their attorney] to deliver seisin to Richard Moore carpenter and Robert Sotheron chaplain in 3 burgages in Clayporth
in Durham in accordance with their charter.
Date: Durham, 16 October 1447, 26 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 260mm
Seal: G&B Nos. 257 & 2417, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 19.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.33r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1874 [24 July] 1358
Grant by John Gray, kinsman and heir of Geoffrey Gray, to John Bracery and Ivette his wife and the heirs and assigns of John, of a burgage in Clayport in Durham, between the burgages of John Boner and John
Witnesses: John of Belgrave and John of Hett bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, Richard of Stafford, Thomas of Coxside, John of Hebburn, John of Bowes, Richard of Cocken.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after St Margaret the Virgin 1358.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter of the first of 3 burgages in Clayporth
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 210mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 22".
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.36v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1875 4 November 1304
Grant by John of Barnard Castle and Emma Tuwe his wife to Hugh of Stittenham baker of Durham and Anicia his wife, of a place in their garden at the north end of their garden in Clayporth in the city of Durham, on the
south of the street leading to the chapel of St Thomas, between the lands of Geoffrey Priur and Galiana sister of the said Emma, containing in length 80 feet and in width 44 feet of legal men, with free coming and going to a spring (fontem) in their tenement to draw (hauriend) and take water whensover necessary for their business, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist if requested, all for a certain
sum of money.
Witnesses: James Spicer bailiff, William de Hebrem, Walter son of Luke, Gilbert of Quarrington (Querington), Thomas of Raby, Phillip Baker (Pistor), Edmund Baker, Wydo Baker, Walter of
Wycliffe, Robert son of Laurence, Hugh of Peebles.
Date: Durham, 4 November 1304.
Endorsed variously as being about a malt-kiln (thorale)
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 120 x 175mm
Seal: G&B No.555 and 1 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 11.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.33v-34r, omitting the 2nd witness' first name and the last 7 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1876 [13 January] 1333
Grant by Robert of Leicester (Leycestr) of Durham to William son of Richard de Lussby of Durham, of his burgage in Durham between the tenement formerly of William son of Walter to the east and a vennel called
Kyppyerschare to the west, extending from the street of Clayport to the south to the tenement which William of Walton (Whalton) now holds to the north, rendering annually 7s at Pentecost and
St Martin in equal portions, with reentry entitled if the rent is behind for a year and a day.
Witnesses: Richard son of Gilbert bailiff of Durham, Robert of Coxside, William de Slykbourn, William of Walton, Thomas Burghardiz.
Date: Durham, Wednesday St Hilary 1332/3.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 125 x 260mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 4.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.29r, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1877
Number not used.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1878 1 December 1444
Grant by William Durham vicar of Berwick upon Tweed to John Binchester chaplain and Thomas Thornburgh of Elvet, of 3 burgages in Clayporth in Durham situated together between the burgages of Thomas Claxton and Richard
Blenkhowe, 2 of which are now divided into 3 tenements and built upon.
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, 1 December 1444, 23 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 300mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. xviii.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.31v, omitting “quadragesimo” from the dating.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1879 [c.1300]
Grant by Hugh of Quarrington (Queringdon) burgess of Durham to Gilbert his son and first born of the burgage formerly Hudeman Fullonis's, with the toft, buildings and structures, and the croft adjacent to the chapel
of St Thomas the Martyr on the east, and the land whcih James Apothecary holds of the Borough of St Giles on the other, for a sum of money, doing all the services due to the Borough of Durham.
Witnesses: William of Hebbern and James Apothecary bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, John son of John, Roger son of Lucian, Alan Staytstyrap, Adam de Millinburn, Thomas of Raby, Geoffrey called Priur.
Endorsed variously (14th century) as Hugh Wheringdon, charter of a hall, and charter of a meadow.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some staining
Size: 170 x 220mm
Seal: residue, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. viii.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.34r-v, omitting the 5th and last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1880 [5 June] 1353
Grant by John son of John Archer of Hornby to John of [North]allerton carpenter of his third part of a burgage in Claypord in the Borough of Durham between the tenement formerly of Thomas of Hornby and the tenement of
Nicholas of Skelton, which descended to John on the death of his uncle Thomas of Hornby.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas Gray miles bailiff of the Borough of Durham, Richard of Stafford, William Wheelwright (Whelewryth), John Gaydes, John Goldsmith, Peter Barber.
Date: Durham, Wednesday before St Barnabas the Apostle 1353.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being the third of 3 burgages on Northraw
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 245mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a parchment sealing tag]
Previously 4a Comm. 30.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.31v, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1881 [13 November] 1306
Grant by Gilbert of Quarrington (Querindon) to Adam de Screycefeld and Emma his wife and Gilbert's daughter in free marriage, of a tenement in the area (vico) of Clayport in Durham between
the tenement of William Marshall and the road leading to Kepier (Kypiar), to be held by them and the heirs of either.
Witnesses: William of Hebbern and James le Espicer bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, John son of John, Roger son of Lucian, Walter of Wycliffe (Wyclive), Hugh of Stittenham, Philip Baker.
Date: full court of the said Borough, Tuesday after St Martin 1306.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a charter to Adam de Screisfeld and his wife Emma of a tenement by Kypyzerchar in Clayporth
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 200mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 2.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.28v-29r, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1882 [mid 13th century]
Quitclaim and acknowledgement by William son of Ordwy that against God and St Cuthbert and the prior of Durham he retained land and houses in Clayport in the city of Durham, that is stone houses with their lands in that area up to the
virgultum of the bishop of Durham, for satisfaction of which transgression the prior and convent have given him 10 marks in his most urgent necessity to alleviate the poverty of himself and his wife and his sons, and for
which he has given them his lands in the area (vico) and his wooden houses.
Witnesses: William of Sherburn (Syreburne), Robert son of Hervy, Arthur, Gilbert son of Gervase, Besingo, William of Reading (Redings) and Gilbert his brother, Wido de Santum, Alan son of
Wydo, John son of Hugh, Alexander Skinner (Pellipario), Ralph Servant, Ralph Mauleon, Roger Hurel, Richard Hoser, William Maunce, Roger of Infirmary, Thomas Smith (Fabro).
Endrsed (14th century) as being a quitclaim by W. Ordwy of the prior's houses in Clayporth by the rectory
Parchment, 1m, lined, some staining
Size: 95 x 145mm
Seal: G&B No.1925, on a parchment tag with stitching holes, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 1.
Another version: DCD Misc.Ch. 1869.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1883 [mid 13th century]
Lease by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard More of Durham carpenter of a waste burgage in Clayporth Durham between a burgage of the prior to the west and a vennel to the east, containing in width 9
virgates and in length to the north 33 virgates, and also 3 burgages together in Clayporth on the south between the tenements of John Catterick to the east and the chantry of St John the Evangelist in the church of St
Nicholas in Durham in latitude 22 virgates and in length to the south 83 virgates, from Pentecost next for 79 years, rendering annually to the prior for the first burgage at St Martin and Pentecost 6d and
Parchment, 1m, lined, damaged with some letters lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 195 x 355mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 20.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1884 8 October 1413
Grant by Walter of Middleton chaplain to Dom John Binchester chaplain and Master Thomas of Ryall clerk, of his burgage, formerly Juliana Currour's, in Clayporth in the Borough of Durham, between burgages of the prior of Durham on each side, and
abutting on the vennel called Kepyerchar to the west, and containing in longitude 21 feet and as much in latitude, which he was given by Master Henry Lounde clerk.
Witnesses: Hugh de Zekemond, Richard Blackburn, Adam Horsley, William Lytham (Lethom), Hugh Marshall.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1413.
Parchment, 1m, lined, damaged with some letters lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 105 x 195mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 39.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.28v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1885 [9 August] 1354
Grant by Nicholas of Skelton to John Boner coroner of the ward of Easington, of his messuage in Durham, given him by Robert of Fery merchant, in the area (vico) of Clayporth in Durham, between tenements formerly of
Geoffrey Gray butcher and John of Morpeth, abutting to the south on the street and to the north on the orchard.
Witnesses: Robert of Bowes sheriff of Durham, William de Whalton, John of Hebburn, Richard of Stafford, William of Coxhoe, Robert of Eston, Stephen Pokes.
Date: Durham, Saturday the vigil of St Laurence 1354.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a charter for the middle of 3 burgages together on Northraw in Clayporth.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 140 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No.2256, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 28.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.30r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1886 [later 13th century]
Grant by Adam son of Edmund of Gateshead (Gatesheved) and his wife Mariera to Thomas Germin and his wife Alice of a rent of 6s 4d annually at 2 terms from land in Clayport which was formerly Roger Cissor's and William
Chapelain's, half at St Cuthbert in Quadragesima and half at St Cuthbert in September, and also all that land which was formerly David son of Thurstan's, rendering annually the due farm to the Borough of Durham, for which Thomas and Alice have given
them a sum of money in their great necessity.
Witnesses: John Tywe, Reginald Mercenary, and Gilbert Butcher (Carnifice) reeves of Durham, Wydo de Sainton, Hugh Le Franceis, William Arthur, Roger of Bridge (Ponte), John of London,
Thomas Butcher, Roger Cultellar, Gilbert Parmentar, Walter of Colchester (Colecester), Robert Pictore, Philip Goldsmith (Aurifabr), Walter Burges clerk.
Endorsed (later 14th century) that in 1248 Thomas Germin of Stotfield (Stotefalde) gave by his will which is in the chancery the withinmentioned rent of 6s 4d to provide for one of the lamps (lampadis) in the Galilee of Durham, and also that this is for the middle of 3 tenements of the communar in Clayport on Northraw.
Parchment, 1m, lined, damaged with some letters lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 100 x 195mm
Seal: G&B Nos.1058 & 2515, each on a parchment tag reused from a ?rental, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 25["].
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.33r, omitting the last 13 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1887 [1 August] 1383
Grant by Thomas de Annesley and his wife Juliana to Dom Reginald Porter chaplain, Dom William of Cowton chaplain, and John de Killerby clerk, of their burgage in longitude and latitude in Clayporth in the Borough of Durham bewteen the burgages of
Dom William de Graystanes and William Kyhowe, given them by Thomas of Tudhoe (
Todhowe) burgess of Durham.
Witnesses: Alan of Billingham, Alan Bouwer, Roger Asspor, William Stanhope, William of Bingley, Roger of Darlington.
Date: Durham, Saturday St Peter
ad vincula 1383.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter to the feoffees of the prior about the first of the 3 burgages together in Clayporth.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No.78 & 1 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 25.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.36r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1887 - Grant by Thomas and Juliana de Annesley to Dom Reginald Porter, Dom William of Cowton and John de Killerby of a burgage in Clayporth, Durham DCD Misc.Ch. 1888 [27 October] 1342
Quitclaim by Agnes formerly the daughter of Henry of Hett to Geoffrey Gray butcher (carnifici) of Durham and his wife Alice of her right in the burgage in Clayporth given her by her brother William.
Witnesses: Robert Coxside and Simon of Esh bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, Richard son of Gilbert.
Date: Durham, Sunday before All Saints 1342.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being the first of those 3 burgages together on Northraw in Clayporth.
Parchment, 1m, damaged edges repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 105 x 250mm
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub repaired with thread and [wrapping tie] stub below
Previously 4a Comm. 22.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.33r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1889 [11 June] 1339
Grant by Adam Bet of Durham to Robert of Fery merchant of a messuage in Durham in the Borough of Durham in the area (vico) of Clayport, between the tenements formerly of Henry of Hett and Lucian of Clayport, abutting
to the south on the street and to the north on the orchard.
Witnesses: John of Durham bailiff of the Borough of Durham, Robert of Coxside (Coksyd), Richard son of Gilbert of Durham, Robert Schakelok, William de Whalton, William of Coxhoe, Roger son of Richard del Bisshoprik,
John of Raby.
Date: Durham in the area of Clayport, Friday St Barnabas the Apostle 1339.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter about a messuage in Clayport on Northraw being the middle of 3 burgages there.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 140 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No.78 & 1 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 26".
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.29v, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1890 [4 May] 1405
Quitclaim by Elizabeth widow of John of Sedbergh, in her pure widowhood, to the prior and convent of Durham of her right in a burgage in the Borough of Durham in Clayport between the burgages of the master of Sherburn Hospital and the said prior
and convent, which John Sedbergh was given by John Boner coroner of Easington ward.
Witnesses: William Warde of Sherburn, John Hyndeley, Robert Fenrother, John Fossour, William of Hedley.
Date: Durham, Monday after the Invention of the Holy Cross 1405, 6 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m, some repairs with parchment c.1970
Size: 100 x 310mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 34.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.30v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1891 [2 February] 1350
Grant by Agnes formerly the wife of John othe Bakhous, in her pure widowhood, to Thomas Halifax of Durham of her tenement which he formerly held of her at farm, in longitude and latitude between tenements of William of Brandon and herself,
rendering annually to her 8s at the 2 terms of Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Witnesses: William de Stapilton, Richard Hopper, Adam Sawer, William Pymond, John Broun, William of Hexham.
Date: Gilesgate (Saintgelygat) in Durham, Tuesday the Purification of the BVM 1349/50.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 135 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 6.:.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.38r-v, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1892 [7 November] 1345
Grant by Adam Bet of Durham to William son of John of Tudhoe of 3 tenements in the barony of Old Elvet, whereof 2 are between the tenements of William son of Emeric and Walter Ewer and the third is between the tenements of the hostillar of the
church of Durham and John of Hall, rendering annually to Adam 6s at 2 annual terms in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, and if the rent is behind for half a year and a day, Adam can reenter and distrain.
Witnesses: Reginald Forestar, Adam Baty, John of Hall, Gilbert of Ireland, John Alman, William de Duxfeld.
Date: Durham, Monday before St Martin 1345.
Endorsed (contemporary) that of the 3 tenements, W. Bowes has two in one on Northraw and the communar has one in three on Suthraw.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 140 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.230, on a parchment tag reused from another deed, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 31.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.25v-26r, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1893 [17 June] 1294
Quitclaim by Wydo Bradey son of William Bradey chaplain of Durham to Dom Richard son of Richard Pygun chaplain of his right in a certain land in Old Elvet in Durham between the lands of William Carrectar and formerly Thomas Tolly, for a certain
sum of money given him by Richard.
Witnesses: Emeric of Kelloe, Nicholas of Easington (Esigton), William Postel, Thomas Dauber, William Kay, William of Quarrington (Querigton), Robert of Darlington, Hugh Carrectar, Roger of
Fery, Richard Domino, Patrick Gyk, John de Holymseth, Andrew Burges clerk.
Date: Durham, Thursday after St Barnabas the Apostle 1294.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as about a tenement on Northraw in Old Elvet.
Parchment, 1m, some staining and parchment repairs c.1970
Size: 125 x 230mm
Seal: G&B No.358, on a parchment tag repaired with parchment, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 29.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.27r, omitting the last 9 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1894 [later 13th century]
Grant by William Bradey and his wife Matilda, daughter of William Ra, to Richard Pygun of Durham of all their land in Old Elvet between the lands of William Carectar and formerly Thomas Tolly, rendering annually to the hostillar of Durham 3
halfpennies at 2 annual terms, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, warranted against all men and women, for which charter Richard gave them a sum of money in their utmost necessity.
Witnesses: William of Eden, Robert of Melrose, Thomas of Beverley, John of Levington, John Burges, William Carectar, William Burges, Richard de Coupeland, Hugh Marshall.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as a charter about half a tenement on Northraw after John of Durham and the communar.
Parchment, 1m, stained, some damage with letters lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 95 x 190mm
Seal: G&B No.2052, on a parchment tag, with a further blank tag repaired with parchment c.1970, each through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 28.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.27r-v, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1895 [28 September] 1368
Lease by John of Bishopton subprior of the church of Durham to Robert of Ellingham, with the consent and will of the prior and convent, of 10 acres and a rod which were William Alman's in the field of Old Elvet in Durham, from St Martin 1368 for
15 years rendering annually to the house of Durham or the communar there 25s 7d at the 2 annual terms of Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Date: Durham, Thursday after St Matthew year as above.
Enorsed (15th century and c.1500) as being for underwod of Elvet and called Swalopleys.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, faded
Size: 115 x 285mm
Seal: residue, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 45.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1896 [20 July] 1382
Lease by Thomas Lythe communar of the church of Durham, with the assent of the prior and convent there, to Thomas of Ripon of 10 acres and a rod in Old Elvet in Durham under the wood, formerly of WIlliam Alman, from St Martin next for 15 years,
rendering annually to the communar 41s at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, beginning at Pentecost next, and Thomas for 3 years before the end of the lease will not cultivate the land but keep it as meadow, and if the rent is behind for a
term the communar can distrain and reenter.
Date: Durham, St Margaret the Virgin 1382.
Endorsed (c.1500) as being Swalopliesse.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy and zig-zag, 'abcdefghiklmno' cut through, damaged in parts with some letters lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 105 x 280mm
Seal: part of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 43.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.27v-28r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1897 [20 March] 1424
Lease by John [Wessington] prior of the cathedral church of Durham to William Hayster of Elvet of 10 acres and a rod of land in Old Elvet in Durham under the wood formerly of William Alman, from Pentecost next for 9 years, rendering annually to
the prior 40s at Pentecost and St Martin in equal potions starting at St Martin next, and if the rent is not paid for 40 days then the prior can distrain, andf if it is unpaid for 50 days then he can reenter, and for the last 3 years William will
not cultivate the land and will keep it as meadow.
Date: Durham, St Cuthbert in March 1423/4.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'abcdefg' cut through, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 145 x 290mm
Seal: part of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 47.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1898 [10 November] 1408
Lease by Robert Ripon subprior of the church of Durham and John Morris communar there to William Littster of Elvet (and John ?Redyhend interlined), with the assent of the prior and convent, of 10 acres and a rod of land in Old Elvet in Durham
under the wood, formerly William Alman's, from St Martin 1408 for 15 years, rendering annually to the communar 40s at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, beginning at Pentecost next, and for 3 years before the end of the lease they will not
cultivate the land but keep it as meadow, and if the rent is behind for 40 days the communar can reenter and distrain.
Date: Durham, the vigil of St Martin 1408.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, some staining and some mirrored text from another document, with a stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 120 x 250mm
Seal: 2 slits in a turnup [for parchment sealing tags]
Previously 7a Comm. 47.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1899 13 March 1478
Lease by Dom Thomas Caly subprior and Dom John Danby communar of the cathedral church of Durham to Thomas Watson of Durham litster, of a meadow under Elvet Wood by Durham called Swalopleys, from the Purification of
the BVM last for 9 years, rendering annually to the communar at the Purification of the BVM 33s 4d, and if the rent is behind for 40 days the communar can reenter.
Date: Durham, 13 March 1477/8.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, with a stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 90 x 345mm
Seal: parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 44.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.15v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1900 [17 July] 1345
Grant by William of Croxdale chaplain of Durham to William son of John Alman of Durham clerk, of 10 acres and a rod of arable land in Old Elvet, of which 9 acres are under the wood of Old Elvet between the street to Darlington on the west and the
land of the hostillar of the church of Durham on the east, and the 1 acre is between the land of the said hostillar on both sides, which land William Eccles formerly held of the hostillar, and a rod of land between the land of the hostillar on both
sides, abutting on the land of St Mary and the road to Darlington.
Witnesses: John of Burnigill, John Randolf, Robert of Backenbury, John of Hall (
Aula), Adam Bett, Adam Baty, William of Lincoln, John of Chilton, William de Duxfeld, Robert of Ellingham, William Emeryson.
Date: Durham, Sunday before St Margaret the Virgin 1345.
Endorsed (c.1500) as
Swaloplese f.24
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a repaired parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 38.
Copied in DCD Com.Cart. f.24v, omitting the last 7 witnesses.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1900 - Grant by William of Croxdale to William son of John Alman of arable land in Old Elvet
Misc.Ch. 1901-1999DCD Misc.Ch. 1901 [22 July] 1355
Grant by William Alman of Durham and his wife Margaret to Robert of Usworth chaplain and William of Graystones chaplain of 10 acres of land and one rod in Old Elvet, of which nine acres lie in Old Elvet Wood bounded by the Darlington Road on the
west and the hostillar's land in the east, and one acre by the hostillar's land, and the rod abutting the land of St Mary and the Darlington road.
Witnesses: Reginald Forester, Robert of Ellingham, William of Shaldeford, Henry Littester of Elvet, John of Sadberge, Robert Sinodd, John of Kelloe.
Date: Durham, Wednesday St Mary Magdalene 1355.
Parchment, 1m, some damage to the foot, repaired with parchment c. 1970
Size: 135 x 240mm
Seal: G&B Nos.49 & 50, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 39.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.25v, omitting the last 4 witnesses, year corrected.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1901 - Grant by William and Margaret Alman of Durham to Robert of Usworth and William of Graystones of 10 acres of land in Old Elvet DCD Misc.Ch. 1902 [5 April] 1353
Grant by Adam of Billingham clerk to Johanna daughter of William of Shaldeford, of all his tenements given him by William of Shaldeford in the barony of Old Elvet between the tenements of William Alman clerk and John of Elvet, rendering annually
13s 4d, in equal parts at Pentecost and St Martin, with the first payment at Pentecost next, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: William Alman clerk, Robert Sinodd, John of Fishhouse, John Baxter (Bakester), Roger Bray.
Date: barony of Old Elvet [Durham], Friday after St Ambrose 1353.
Size: 145 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.240, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 32.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.26r-v, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1903 [10 September] 1383
Grant by John son of William of Shadforth (Schaldforth) of Durham, to William of Graystones, William of Cowton, chaplains, and John of Bamburgh, clerk, all his lands, tenements, rents, and services, which he inherited
from his father after his death.
Witnesses: Richard of Park, John of Elvet, John of Aislaby, Thomas Caleys, Robert Sadeler, John of Piercebridge, William of Langley.
Date: Durham, Thursday after the Nativity of the BVM 1383.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter of John Durham monk of Durham made to feoffors.
Size: 130 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.820/2229, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 34.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.25v, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1904 [19 June] 1320
Grant by Nicholas, son of Thomas of Carlisle of Newcastle upon Tyne, to Dom Robert of Crossgate chaplain of 10 acres and one rod of arable land, of which nine acres lie in Old Elvet by the wood of Old Elvet between the Darlington road on the west
and the hostillar's land on the east, and one acre lies between the hostillar's land on either side which land William of Eccles held from the hostillar, and the rod lies between the hostillar's land on both sides and abutts on the land of St Mary
and the Darlington road.
Witnesses: Doms Robert of Lumley and Richard of Rothbury milites, Peter de Trillesden, Robert of Brackenbury, William of Hett, Gilbert Ward of Shincliffe, John Goce.
Date: Durham, Thursday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1320.
Size: 130 x 260mm
Seal: stub of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 36.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.25r, omitting the last 4 witnesses, and f.25r-v omitting all witnesses and dating.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1905 [19 June] 1320
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 1904.
Size: 110 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 36.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.25r, omitting the 4 last witnesses, and f.25r-v omitting all witnesses and dating.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1906 [15 May] 1345
Grant by Robert of Crossgate chaplain, to William of Croxdale, of 10 acres and a rod of arable land in Old Elvet, of which 9 acres lie by the wood of Old Elvet between the Darlington Road on the west and the hostillar of the church of Durham's
land on the east, and one acre lies between the land of the hostillar held by William of Eccles on both sides, and the rod lies between the hostillar's land on both sides abutting the land of St Mary's and the Darlington Road.
Witnesses: Robert of Brackenbury, John Hall (Aula), Adam Bett, Adam Baty, William of Lincoln, William of Auckland, William of Duxfeld, William Emerson, Alan of Irby clerk.
Date: Durham, Trinity Sunday 1345.
Size: 175 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 37.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.24v-25r, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1907 [1 September] 1355
Indenture between William of Graystanes chaplain and William Alman of Durham, as Alman was bound to Graystanes in 25 marks to be paid at Durham on the Purification of the BVM next along with the profits accruing since the document was drawn up,
and now Graystanes has agreed that if he and his heirs may peaceably possess 10 acres and a rod of land in Durham which he holds by grant of Alman without any interference otherwise the said bond will be permanent, and Alman has agreed that if
Graystanes or his heirs are impleaded so that they lose the land or any parcel of it or any of the annual rent except for the rent due to the chief lords of the fee then the bond will be permanent.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after the Decollation of St John the Baptist 1355.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being land under Elvet wood and also (16th century) Old Elvet Svaloplesse
Size: 145 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.49, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 40.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.26v-27r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1908 [8 August] 1353
Grant by Simon of Durham to William of Shaldeford of his 4 tenements in the barony of Old Elvet, of which one lies on the south of the manor of Elvet Hall between the tenements of the hostillar of Durham on both sides, another lies between the
tenements of William of Shaldeford on the south and Adam of Bordelby on the north, and two lie adjacent opposite the manor of Elvet Hall between tenements of Agnes of Burton on the south and the hostillar on the north.
Witnesses: William Alman clerk, Robert Litster, Robert Sinod, John Miller, and John Baxter (Bakester)
Date:Durham, Thursday after St Oswald king and martyr 1353.
Size: 115 x 260mm
Seal: part of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 33.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.26r, omitting the last 3 witnesses, with other date and name variations.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1909 [22 February] 1263
Grant by Robert, son of Thomas Tolly, with the consent and goodwill of his mother Alice, to Richard Pygim and his wife Isabel, for a certain sum of money, of certain land in Old Elvet between the lands of the hostillar and William Bradey,
beginning beneath the mound torallum and extending to the street, rendering annually to the hostillar of Durham three halfpennies, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin in Winter.
Sealed with the seals of his mother Alice and himself.
Witnesses: Robert of Melrose, WIlliam of Whitwell Wytewell, John de Levington, William Bradey, Richard of Copeland, Henry Bene, and all the court of the hostillar of Durham.
Date: before Brother Nicholas the hostillar, St Peter in cathedra 1262/3.
Endorsements including (early 14th century) charter of Robert Tolly to Richard Pyggun of half a tenement under Northraw afterwards John of Durham's and the communar's.
Size: 90 x 170mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further slit for a [seal tag]
Previously 7a Comm. 30.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.27v, omitting the last 2 witnesses, court and Acta coram.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1910 [13 January] 1384
Grant by William of Graystanes and William of Cowton chaplains to William of Cowton jr of an annual rent of 13s 4d from their 3 adjacent tenements in Old Elvet in Durham between the tenements of the hostillar of Durham on the north and Gilbert of
Elvet on the south, with which tenements William of Graystanes, William of Cowton chaplains and John of Bamburgh clerk were enfeoffed by John of Shadforth, son of William of Shadforth, with the rent to be held for life and paid in equal portions at
Pentecost and St Martin, and if the rent is in arrears for a term, then William of Cowton may distrain from the tenements.
Witnesses: Gilbert of Elvet, John Belasis, Hugh Lardener, and Thomas of Fishhouse.
Date: Old Elvet, Monday after Epiphany 1383/4.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a grant by Graystanes and Cowton to W. Cowton brother of John Durham monk ...
Size: 140 x 270mm
Seal: part of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 35.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.26v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1911 [late 13th century]
Grant by Alice, daughter of Geoffrey the painter (tinctoris), to Henry of Horneby of a burgage in South Street, Durham, between the lands of William, son of the medic, and John Hoser, for a certain sum of money,
rendering annually to Alice a halfpenny at Christmas, to the prior and convent of Durham 5d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and 4s to John son of Gilbert the reeve at the same terms, warranted against all mortal men and women.
Witnesses: John of Malton steward of the prior of Durham, John of Grindon, Richard of Slade, Thomas of Pontefract, Roger the tailor cissore, Thomas son of William son of Hugh, Thomas Blagris, Water of Brafferton, and
Robert serviens.
Size: 100 x 190mm
Seal: G&B No. 1063, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 27.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.20r-v, omitting the 3rd and last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1912 [early 14th century]
Grant by John Geldesu and Agnes his wife to Geoffrey, son of Henry of Horneby, of a tenement in the Old Borough of Durham in South Street, lying between the land of Adam Wiver and John the Tailor Cissor, rendering
annually to them at Christmas a peppercorn, if asked for.
Witnesses: Robert of Hett bailiff, Adam of Milburn, Richard of Chilton, Roger of Egglescliffe, Roger de Asck, John Goce, and John of Dalton tanner.
Size: 100 x 185mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 26.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.20v, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1913 [23 September] 1328
Grant by John Goce of Durham to Thomas Cooper Cupper and his wife Alice, of two burgages lying adjacent in the Old Borough of Durham in South Street between Goce's great house magna domum
meam and the burgage of Thomas and Alice Cooper given to them by Richard son of Thomas of Lumley.
Witnesses: John of Haulakeby bailiff of the Old Borough, Adam Wyther, John of Hart, Adam Bett, William of Chilton, John of Barnard Castle clerk, John Lorimer, Robert Jakes, William of Summerhouse, and John of Thirsk clerk.
Date: Durham, Friday after St Matthew 1328.
Size: 95 x 215mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 10.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.10r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1914 [29 August] 1349
Grant by Thomas Cooper sr to his son Thomas Cooper and his sister Alice, of three burgages lying together in the Old Borough of Durham in South Street between the burgages of John Goce jr and Adam Wethir, and that burgage in South Street
aforesaid with all the land adjacent in the field of Bellasis.
Witnesses: John Bill bailiff of the Old Borough, John of Barnard Castle sr, John Goldsmith, Adam Mason, John Potter, Robert of Cliveden, John of Hart, John of Barnard Castle jr, and William son of Reginald.
Date: Old Borough Durham, Saturday the Decollation of St John the Baptist 1349.
Size: 155 x 275mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 11.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.12v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1915 [1 May] 1355
Grant by Thomas of Morpeth vicar of Merrington to Christiana de Hayden of two burgages in South Street in the Old Borough of Durham, one between the tenements of John of Barnard Castle chaplain and Thomas of the Orchard, and the other between the
tenements of the chantry of St Mary and John Brak, and also 10 acres of land in the territory of Merrington which he had been given by Thomas son of John of Merrington, rendering annually to the prior of Durham for the 10 acres 10s, half at
Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Richard of Stafford bailiff of the Old Borough, John Goldsmith, Thomas of the Orchard, John of Hart, Adam of Bordilby, William of Heighington, John son of Richard, and Thomas son of John.
Date: Durham, Friday after St Mark 1355.
Size: 120 x 240mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 27".
DCD Misc.Ch. 1916 [30 May] 1377
Grant by Thomas Cooper chaplain to Dom William of Lanchester vicar of the church of St Oswald by Durham, John Cooper, Dom William of Falderley chaplain, and Thomas Gray clerk, of all his lands and tenements in South Street in the Old Borough of
Durham and in the field of Bellasis, as well as all his mobile and immobile goods.
Witnesses: John of Elvet bailiff of the Old Borough Durham, Thomas of Appleby, Peter Dring, William of Hare Holme, and William of Chilton.
Date: Durham, Saturday after Corpus Christi 1377.
Size: 90 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 14".
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.10v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1917 [23 October] 1364
Grant by John Goldsmith of Durham and his wife Agnes to Dom Thomas Cooper chaplain of all their lands and tenements etc in Durham.
Witnesses: Richard of Stafford bailiff of the Old Borough Durham, Thomas Cockside bailiff of the Borough of Durham, Thomas of Tudhoe (Tuddowe), John of Plompton Plumpton , John Lowyne, John Gyrdeler, John
of Rome, William of Chilton, John Edward, Thomas othe Orchard, William of Hare Holme, Thomas of Pittington.
Date: Durham, Wednesday before SS Simon and Jude 1364.
Size: 120 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup, with the stub of a further tag
Previously 7a Comm. 12.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1918 [4 November] 1364
Grant by Thomas Cooper chaplain to John Goldsmith of Durham and Agnes his wife of all the lands and tenements etc with which they enfeoffed him as detailed in their document.
Witnesses: Thomas Coxside bailiff of the Borough of Durham, Richard of Stafford bailiff of the Old Borough of Durham, Thomas of Tudhoe, Thomas Pittington, William of Chilton, John Girdeler, Robert Saddler, John of Plumpton, Roger of Darlington,
John Othe Bowes, and Alan Postell.
Date: Durham, Monday after All Saints Day 1364.
Size: 105 x 240mm
Seal: parchment [sealing] tag stub, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 13.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1919 [20 May] 1431
Appointment by John Garnter and Agnes his wife, also daughter and heir of John Potter and kinswoman (consanguineam) and heir of Thomas Cooper clerk, of Thomas Whelden as their attorney to deliver John Partrick
chaplain seisin of a messuage in South Street, Durham, according to the form and effect of their charter.
Dated: Durham, 20 May 1431.
Size: 45 x 305mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously [7a Comm.] 22.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.12r, with March for May in the date.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1920 [7 June] 1372
Quitclaim of Alice, widow of John Potter of Durham, to Thomas Copper, chaplain, of her right to all the lands and tenements which were Thomas Copper her father's in Durham.
Witnesses: John of Elvet bailiff of the Old Borough of Durham, John of Plumpton, John Short, William de Harelme, Peter Dring, and John Lamb.
Date: Old Borough, Durham, Monday before St Barnabas 1372.
Size: 75 x 290mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 14.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.10r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1921 16 October 1430
Indenture between Margaret, widow of John Horsley, and John Partrik and John Binchester, chaplains, reciting that in a previous charter dated 16 October 1430, 9 Henry VI, Margaret gave them a burgage in South Street in Durham between the burgage
of the Prior of Durham on the north and John Dawetre on the south, and now if Margaret should pay 113s 4d within two terms after St Martin next, the burgage would be restored.
Date: Durham, 16 October 1430, 9 Henry VI.
With some interlineations.
Size: 130 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 20.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.11r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1922 16 October 1430
Appointment by Margaret, wife of John Horsley, of Robert Weardale as her attorney to deliver seisin to John Partrick and John Binchester, chaplains, of a burgage in South Street in Durham.
Date: Durham, 16 October 1430, 9 Henry VI.
Size: 70 x 275m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously 7a Comm. 21.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.12r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1923 20 September 1430
Notarial instrument reciting that Margaret, formerly the wife of the late John Horsley armiger, had lost various muniments, charters, cirographs and writings concerning a burgage in South St Durham, between the
burgages of the prior of Durham on the north and John Dautre on the south, and, lest this might be to her detriment, 3 faithful men - John Pollard, Thomas Camar and Richard Glover - had sworn that around the Nativity of St John the Baptist (24 June)
1420, John Horsley gave seisin to John Park and Richard Markby of the above burgage, which they then gave to John Horsley and his wife Margaret.
Witnesses: Robert Preston, Thomas Pomeforte, John Morpeth, of York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: John Berehalgh clerk, NP by apostolic and imperial authority, of Durham diocese, eschatocol recited.
Date: St Nicholas church Durham, 20 September 1430.
Size: 200 x 320mm
Previously 7a Comm. 18.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.11v, with small variations.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1924 25 May 1431
Quitclaim of John Garnter and his wife Alice, daughter and heir of John Potter and kinswoman (consanguinem) of Thomas Cooper to John Partrick chaplain of a messuage in South Street in Durham, between the burgages of
the prior of Durham on the north and John Dawetre on the south.
Witnesses: William Raket, Thomas Cocken, John Pollard.
Dated: Durham, 25 May 1431.
Size: 75 x 310mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through slits in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 17.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.10v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1925 6 May 1431
Quitclaim of John Binchester of Durham chaplain to John Partrick chaplain, of his right to a burgage in South Street in Durham, between the burgages of the prior of Durham on the north and John Dawetre on the south, given by Margaret Horsley.
Date: Durham, 6 May 1431.
Size: 70 x 295mm
Seal: G&B No.257, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 25.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.12v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1926 28 February 1437
Grant by John Partrick (Pertryk) chaplain to John Binchester and Robert Herrington chaplains, of a messuage in South Street in Durham, between the burgages of the prior of Durham on the north and John Dawetry on the
Witnesses: William Raket, Thomas Cocken (Cokkyn), John Pollard, John Glover, and John Bycheburne.
Date: Durham, last day of February 1436/7.
Size: 100 x 335mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 23.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.10v-11r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1927 28 February 1437
Appointment by John Partrick chaplain of John Pollard as his attorney to deliver to John Binchester and Robert Herrington chaplains of a messuage in South Street in Durham, as more fully detailed in his charter.
Date: Durham, last day of February 1436/7.
Size: 70 x 320mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously 7a Comm. 24.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.12r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1928 28 November 1414
Grant by John of Belasis of Durham to John of Horsley of Durham of a burgage in South Street in Durham, between the burgages of Thomas Gray chaplain and the almoner of Durham.
Witnesses: John del Park, John Doddington, and Thomas del Lough.
Date: Durham, 28 November 1414.
Size: 120 x 260mm
Seal: G&B No.184, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 15.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.12v-13r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1929 16 October 1430
Grant by Margaret, widow of John Horsley, to John Partrick and John Binchester chaplains, of a burgage in South Street in Durham, between the burgages of the prior of Durham on the north and John Dawetre on the south.
Witnesses: William Raket, Thomas Cocken, John Pollard, Richard Glover, and Thomas Camer.
Date: Durham, 16 October 1430, 9 Henry VI.
Size: 90 x 280mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 19.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.13r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1930 25 September 1402
Grant by William Randolf, son of John Randolph of Durham tanner, to Constance, formerly the wife of Richard Abbotman, of a tenement with a garden in Framwellgate, Durham, between the tenements formerly of John de Schoroton on the north and
Richard de Hoton on the south.
The common seal of the city of Durham was attached as well as William's, as his was unknown.
Witnesses: Peter Dring, Walter Levyn, John of Kelloe, William Jakkar, John Frynde, and Richard Forester clerk.
Date: Durham, 25 September 1402, 3 Henry IV.
Size: 185 x 250 mm
Seal: G&B No.343, on a parchment tags, with a further blank tag, each through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 5.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.18v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1931 [19 March] 1381
Appointment by Peter of Walworth of Hugh of Corbridge and William of Masham as his attorneys, to deliver seisin to William of Graystanes chaplain, William of Cowton chaplain, and John of Bamburgh clerk, of all his lands, tenements, rights, rents,
etc in Durham and Edmundbyers.
Date: Durham, Monday before St Cuthbert in March 1380/1.
Size: 65 x 284mm
Seal: G&B No.2559, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 4.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.23r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1932 [1 June] 1293
Quitclaim by William of Colville to Adam Cooper (Cupere) and his wife Cecilia of his right to 1½ acres of land in the campo of Old Durham, as in their charter.
Date: Durham, Kal. June 1293.
Size: 50 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.673, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 41.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.18r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1933 [31 May] 1424
Lease by John [Wessington] prior of Durham and John Wycliffe communar, to John Bycheburne smith of Durham, of two burgages in Limekilngate in the Old Borough of Durham, between the burgages of Isabella Payn[ter]on both sides, from Pentecost next,
for 15 years, rendering annually to the communar 3s at the terms of Pentecost and St Martin, with distraints detailed, and with the communar responsible for repairing and maintaining a close on the west part of burgage during the first term, and
then Bychebourne to be responsible.
Date: vigil of the Ascension 1424.
Size: 140 x 220mm
Seal: Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, flattened and the tag repaired with parchment c.1970
Previously 7a Comm. 8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1934 [19 May] 1316
Grant by Alice and Christiana of Horneby, daughters and heiresses of Marjory Haunte, to Nicholas of Staindrop clerk and Emma his wife, of an annual rent of 8d from a burgage in Framwellgate called le Gildehous and
from a meadow adjacent held by William Gray butcher, that was held by Roger de Ponte, grandfather of Marjory, with the rent to be paid twice yearly at Pentecost and St Martin.
Witnesses: John son of John, John Bill, Thomas Burchard, Hugh of Cocken, Robert Scriptor, William of Chilton, Walter of Brafferton, Nicholas of Howden, and John of Thirsk clerk.
Date: in the court of the Old Borough Durham, Wednesday St Dunstan 1316.
Size: 100 x 200mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 6.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.21r, 2nd witness garbled, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1935 [5 May 1324]
Lease by Thomas of Hett of Durham and William son of Walter of the same vill of Durham, butcher, of one acre of arable land in the field and territory of Old Durham, lying in longitude and latitude between the land formerly of Roger Cooper on the
west and the Lonyng on the east, from St Michael the Archangel 1324 for 6 years.
Witnesses: John of Durham clerk, John of Hilton, John son of Alice of Old Durham, Geoffrey of Cassop (Cattedon), and John of Tudhoe.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St John ante portam latinam in the aforesaid year.
Size: 90 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 2 slits in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 42
DCD Misc.Ch. 1936 [29 January] 1370
Lease by Thomas of Coxside of Durham to Richard Smith of a burgage in Framwellgate in Durham between the burgages of William Sawyer and William Swemy, for life, rendering annually to Thomas 18d in 2 equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, with
distraint detailed.
Witnesses: Richard of Stafford and John of Bishopdale bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, John Lewyn, William of Sheraton (Shurneton), William of Hull, and John of Ha[ve]rton.
Date: Durham, Monday after the Conversion of St Paul 1369/70.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being about a tenement in Framwellgate super Westraw.
Size: 105 x 255mm
Seal: stub of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1937 [28 May] 1382
Quitclaim of Robert of Gainford, chaplain, and William of Graystanes, chaplain, of his right to one messuage in the Old Borough of Durham which was formerly Thomas de Wham's, chaplain.
Witnesses: Dom William of Newsham (Newsome) vicar of Bishopton, John of Headlam, and Roger of Sockburn seneschal of Sherburn.
Date: Durham, Wednesday in the week of Pentecost 1382.
Size: 80 x 275mm
Seal: [slit] in a turnup [for a parchment sealing tag]
Previously 7a Comm. 2.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.21r, omitting the office of the last witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1938 [11 December] 1383
Grant by Thomas de Hert and his wife Alice to John Largesse clerk and Joan his wife of one burgage in Durham in the vico of Allertongate, lying between the burgages of Mag. Roger of Catterick on the west and Stephen
Aspour on the east.
Witnesses: William of Hareholme, Peter Dring, William of Chilton, John Leg, and John Short.
Date: Durham, Friday after the Conception of the BVM 1383.
Size: 140 x 295mm
Seal: Two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. 7.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.18r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1939 [4 January] 1382
Grant by Thomas del Wham vicar of the church of Mitford, to Robert of Gainford, chaplain, his kinsman, and William Graystanes, chaplain, of a tenement, newly built, in the Old Borough of Durham between the tenements of the almoner of Durham on
the north and William of Hareholme (Harum) on the south.
Date: Durham, Thursday after the Circumcision 1381/2.
Size: 60 x 275mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 7a Comm. [1].
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.20v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1940 135[2]
Grant by [John] dovens of Rainton to [Richard of Murton] of a burgage formerly John de la Wald's [where W. Palfrayman lives] in the vico of St Giles.
Witnesses: ? Bakwrth ?warden of the hospital, William Vignal, Richard C?,
Date: Durham, Thursday before St ? 135[2].
Some details supplied from the (contemporary) endorsements.
Size: 120 x 230mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1941 [22 July] 1365
Quitclaim by William of Hett of Durham and Dyonisia his wife, daughter and heir of Agnes, who was the wife of John Backhouse (of ye Bachous), to Thomas Halifax of Durham of his right to all the lands and tenements in
the vico of St Giles now held by Thomas and formerly held by the said Agnes.
Witnesses: William Pymond, Adam Curtays, William of Hexham (Exham), Walter Taylor seriant to Robert Taylor, Thomas Emmesdun, and John Pon.
Dated: vico of St Giles in Durham, Tuesday St Mary Magdalene 1365.
Size: 90 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, with a further stub of a tag, each through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 3.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.38r, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1942 [26 January] 1367
Grant by Thomas de Ayneslay of Pittington to John Ponne of the vico of St Giles in Durham of a burgage in the vico of St Giles between the burgages of Thomas of Lumley and formerly of John
Witnesses: Thomas of Newton seneschal of the said vico, William Pymond, Adam Curtays, Dom Thomas of Lumley, Walter Taylor, Robert Taylor, Henry Turner.
Dated: Durham, Tuesday after the Conversion of St Paul 1366/7.
Size: 85 x 275mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1943 26 January 1471
Grant by Thomas Goswick chaplain to William Raket of Durham, senior, and his wife Sibyl, of two burgages in Durham, one of which lies in Crossgate between the burgage of formerly John Dawetry on the north and the burgage of the Corpus Christi
guild in the church of St Nicholas on the south, where the aforesaid William lives, and the other lying in the vicus of St Giles between the burgage formerly of John Salton and the burgage where John Melsamby senior now
lives on the other, given and enfeoffed to Thomas by the aforesaid William; the two burgages are to be held for life in survivorship by William and Sibyl, with reversion to Richard [Bell] prior of Durham for the communar for the subsidy of the monks
praying for the souls of William and his parents.
Date: Durham, 26 January 1470/1.
Size: 100 x 310mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 4 [?].
DCD Misc.Ch. 1944 14 April [1385]
Grant by John of Headlam and Robert of Belasis to Thomas of Newton and Agnes his wife of a burgage and 3 rods of land in Gilesgate (Seyngelygate) in the north part of Durham, given them by Edmund Baxter of Topcliffe
and Alice his wife.
Witnesses: John of Belasis, Roger Aspour, Thomas of Lumley (Lomle) chaplain, Ambrose Wright, and Walter Taylor bailiff there.
Dated: Durham, 14 April 8 Richard II.
Endorsed (contemporary and cancelled) as being a charter of Thomas Youle of Newton of a burgage in the vicus of St Giles in Northraw for a fine of the vill and for 3 selions and rendering to the master of K[epier
Hospital] annually 23s 4¼d or 8d in 1407.
Size: 130 x 250mm
Seal: one unidentified, one missing (right), each on a parchment tag (one reused from a document), through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 6".
DCD Misc.Ch. 1945 6 June 1403
Grant by John of Hindley of Durham to John Bright of Durham of a burgage in the vicus of St Giles in Durham lying between the burgage of William Palfreyman and the burgage of Cecilia of Seaham, in which he lived,
having been given and enfeoffed by John of Morton, son of Richard of Morton, as is more fully detailed in John of Morton's charter.
Witnesses: Henry of Lunde clerk, Thomas Kirkland, William Holom, Hugh Slater, John Slater, William Myles, John of Cave, and Peter Blitheman.
Dated: Durham, 6 June 4 Henry IV.
Size: 75 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 12.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.33v, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1946 8 June 1403
Quitclaim of John of Morton, son of Richard of Morton of Durham, to John Bright of Durham of his right to a burgage formerly of Richard his father in the vicus of St Giles in Durham in which John Hindley lived, by the
gift of the aforesaid John of Morton.
Witnesses: Hugh Boner, Thomas [Bolaswyth], Thomas Cowper, John [Fullow], John Appleton, and William Bower.
Dated: Durham, 8 June 4 Henry IV.
Size: 60 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified with rush surround, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 8.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.39v, omitting 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1947 [7 November] 1371
Grant by Thomas Halifax to Dom Thomas Lumley chaplain of all his lands, tenements, rents, and possessions, within and without the vicus of St Giles in Durham.
Witnesses: Robert of Corbridge, Thomas Goldsmith, Walter Taylor, Hugh Slater, and John Cave.
Date: Durham, Friday after St Leonard 1371.
Size: 80 x 260mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 5.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.38v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1948 10 July 1439
Grant by Isabel, who was the wife of John Toller, daughter and heir of Walter Alanson and Agnes his wife, daughter and heir of Margaret Thomson, in her pure widowhood, to Richard More carpenter, of a burgage in the vicus of St Giles in Durham between the burgage of the master of Kepier Hospital on the east and the burgage of [space] Bonyfaunt on the east, which the aforesaid Walter last held per legem Anglie
while he lived.
Witnesses: Robert Weardale, Robert Walker, and Thomas Bernard.
Date: Durham, 10 July 17 Henry VI.
Size: 80 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, repaired c.1970, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 16.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.32r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1949 8 November 1371
Grant by Thomas of Lumley chaplain, to Thomas Halifax and Elena his wife, and Nicholas their son, of all his lands, tenements, rents, and possessions which he had been given and enfeoffed by Thomas Halifax within and without the
vicus of St Giles in Durham.
Witnesses: Thomas Goldsmith, Walter Taylor, Hugh Slater, Robert of Corbridge, and John Cave.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St Leonard 1371.
Size: 80 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 6\.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.38v, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1950 25 March 1403
Grant by John of Morton of Durham to John of Hindley of Durham of a burgage lying in the vicus of St Giles in Durham between the burgage of William Palfreyman and the burgage of Cecilia of Seaham, formerly of Richard
of Morton, John's father.
Witnesses: Henry de Lunde clerk, Thomas of Kirkland, Hugh Slater, John Slater, John of Cave, John Bright, William Holom, and William Miles.
Date: Durham, 25 March 4 Henry IV.
Size: 80 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 11.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.38v-39r, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1951 [18 January] 1362
Language: Latin
Confirmation by William of Hett and Dionisia his wife daughter and one of the heiresses of Agnes who was the wife of John Otherbakhous, and Agnes daughter of Emma sister of the said Dionisia the later heiress of the said Agnes wife of John, of a
grant of Agnes wife of John to Thomas Halifax of Durham of her tenement in the area (vico) of St Giles in Durham which Thomas formerly held of Agnes wife of John at farm, in longitude and latitude between the tenement of
William of Brandon and another tenement of the same Agnes wife of John, rendering annually to Agnes wife of John 8s at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, for the life of Thomas.
Witnesses: William de Satpilton, William Pymond, William of Hexham, Richard Hopper, John Walker, John Broun, Stephen de Mandelayns.
Date: Durham the Borough of St Giles in Durham, Tuesday after Hilary 1361/2.
Size: 105 x 275mm
Seal: 3 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 2.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.37v-38r, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1952 6 July 1407
Language: Latin
Grant by John Bright of Durham to William Palfrayman of a burgage in the area (vico) of St Giles, Durham, between the tenements of the same William Palfrayman and Cecilia of Seaham.
Witnesses: Thomas de Huton, Thomas Kirkeland, William of Hunton, Peter Blytheman, Richard Blitheman, John of Waldon, John de Where, John Barker, William Barker, John de Mikle.
Date: Durham, 6 July 1407.
Size: 105 x 305mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 9.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.39r, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1953 [19 January] 1362
Language: Latin
Lease by William of Hett, Dionisia his wife, daughter and one of the heiresses of Agnes who was the wife of John Othebakhous and Agnes daughter of Emma sister of the said Dionisia, the other heiress of Agnes wife of John, to Thomas Halifax of
Durham of a croft in the area (vico) of St Giles in Durham and a tenement next to the croft, from St Martin 1361 for the life of the said Thomas, rendering annually to the said William, Dionisia and Agnes for the next 12
years each year a rose at St John the Baptist if requested and thereafter 10d at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Witnesses: William de Stapilton, William Pymond, William of Hexham, Richard Hopper, John Walker, John Broun, Stehen de Mandelayns.
Date: Durham in the Borough of St Giles in Durham, Wednesday after Hilary 1361/2.
Size: 105 x 245mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag with part of a further tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 4.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.39r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1954 28 April [1403]Latin
Quitclaim by John Page to John Hyndeley of Durham of his right to a burgage in the area (vico) of St Giles in Durham between the burgages of William Palfrayman and Cecilia of Seaham.
Witnesses: Thomas Cupper, Thomas Bell , John Kelloe, Thomas Goldsmith, John Dighton, John Fulmard, Robert Spicer.
Date: Durham, 28 April 4 Henry IV.
Size: 65 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 3a Comm. 10.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.39v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1955 [5 September] 1324
Language: Latin
Grant by Richard son of Thomas to Thomas Cupper and Alice his wife of a burgage in South St in the Old Borough of Durham between the burgages of John [Goce] and Adam Withir.
Witnesses: John Heulathby bailiff of the Old Borough of Durham, John Goce, John of Thirsk (Tresh), Walter of Brafferton (Brasthirton), William of Chilton, Adam Bett, Adam Whithir, John
?wert, John of Newton, Dom John Cook chaplain.
Date: full court of the Old Borough of Durham, Wednesday before the Nativity of the BVM 1324.
Size: 120 x 190mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a parchment sealing tag]
Previously 7a Comm. 9.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.10r, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1956 10 November 1386
Language: Latin
Grant by John Proctor (Proktour) of Elvet and Emmota his wife to William de Graistanes and William of Cowton chaplains of half of the meadow enclosed by a ditch to the east formerly of Thomas of Quarrington in the
east by the churchyard of the chapel of St Thomas in Durham.
Witnesses: Roger Aspour, John Cutson, Walter Taylor, John del Cane, Hugh Slater.
Date: Durham, 10 November 1386.
Size: 95 x 290mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 4a Comm. 7.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.15v-16r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1957 [14 October] 1383
Grant by William of Coatham (Cotum) jr of Durham to John Proctor of Elvet and Emma his wife, of all his lands, rents, tenements etc in Durham.
Witnesses: John of Belasis (Belisise), John of Elvet, Roger Aspour, John de Roynton, Walter Barker of Elvet, Nicholas of Lanchester.
Date: Durham, Wednesday before St Luke the Evangelist 1383.
Endorsed including (contemporary) Clayporth
Size: 80 x 280mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a parchment sealing tag]
Previously 4a Comm. 6.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.16r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1958 [July 1351]
Inquisition before Thomas of Seaton, Roger of Blakeston and Robert of Bowes, justices of the bishop of Durham, to inquire into articles recited in a commission (below) by oath of John of Goldsmith, Thomas of Coxside, Richard of Stafford, Thomas
Swemy, John of Eston, Thomas of Tudhoe, Adam of Wearmouth, John de Moriley, Thomas of Cocken, John of Rome, John of Plumpton and Stephen Pokes, saying that Thomas of Quarrington, father of Agnes wife of Robert of Coatham, and Emma sister of Agnes,
whose heiresses they are, was seised of a place of land in Durham called
le Croft by the chapel of St Thomas the Martyr on the east, which Thomas, with the consent of his mother Johanna, demised to Guy Baker (
le Pestour) of Durham for 15 years as detailed in an indenture, then Guy demised it to William of Hebburn for the said term, and William alienated it in fee simple to Alexander Langbak; they also say that Thomas loaned (
acomodavit) to William during the said term 40s to be paid if Thomas would on the day of payment
servaret that Thomas had no other status in the land except for the term of years in the said land
and that if this was not so then William would have fee simple in the land, and afterwards Thomas came to pay in
le Tolleboth in the Borough of Durham but William was absent and thereby the day of payment had passed, and
the jurors were also asked whether any quiclaim had been made to Guy, WIlliam or Alexander after the demise of the land by Thomas or Johanna or their heirs, to which they said that one had been made to William, and they reported that Adam de Trafeld
one night while Thomas slept had stolen his seal and had made a quitclaim to William of the land in the name of Thomas, and thereafter Adam languishing
in extremis had been carried in a litter into
le Tolleboth in Durham and before the whole community had confessed that he had stolen the seal and falsely made the quitclaim, whereby the jurors say that Guy, William and Alexander have no fee simple in the said land. Dated
at Durham, Friday after St James Pont. 7 Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham [29 July 1351]
Attached (sewn) to inquisition: mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham by letters patent to Thomas of Seaton, Roger of Blakeston and Robert of Bowes, to enquire by inquisition into the petition of Robert of Coatham, Agnes his wife and Emma
her sister, Thomas of Quarrington (
Queryndan) father of Agnes and Emma whose coheiresses they are, and their mother Johanna, that Thomas demised to Guy le Pestour of Durham a place of land in Durham called
le Croft by the chapel of St Thomas the Martyr for 15 years as detailed in an indenture, which Guy demised to William of Hebburn for the same term who alienated it to Alexander de Langebak in fee simple, which because of
a felony of Alexander son of the said Alexander, William de Westle has seised it for the bishop, and they are to establish whether any fee simple state in the land had been quitclaimed and to make a return to his chancery thereby under their seals,
with a writ
scire facias also issued to the sheriff of Durham. Dated at Durham, by the hand of William de Westle dean of Auckland bishop's chancellor, 23 July Pont.7 [1351]
Inquisition has two endorsements:
(contemporary) that William de Westle holds the said place of meadow by gift of the bishop and a writ scire facias has been issued to the sheriff of Durham to report on
Monday after St Laurence next (15 August) if the land should be handed over to Agnes and Emma, when William reported that it should be handed over to them
(early 15th century) as being about a lease by T. Wheryngdon to Wido Pistor etc and as being a meadow formerly of Alexander Langbak in Clayporth
Size: 205 x 300mm (inquisition), 190 x 210mm (mandate)
Seal: Inquisition with five seals: G&B Nos.725, 2287 & 1 unidentified on a tongue, with a further 2 unidentified on a detached tongue (stored
separately in same folder with document), and the stub of a further tongue, [with a wrapping tie stub below?]. Mandate with a [?stub for a sealing tongue] but no surviving seal
Previously 4a Comm. 5 (Inquisition)
DCD Misc.Ch. 1959 [26 March] 1337
Grant by Walter son of William Forsterknave, heir of Margaret Wall his kinswoman, to Ranulph of Durham clerk of a tenement in Crossgate in the Old Borough of Durham between the tenements of the alter of St Mary in the chapel of St Margaret Durham
to the east and John Palman to the west.
Date: full court of the Old Borough of Durham, Wednesday after the Annunciation of the BVM 1337.
Witnesses: John of Barnard Castle clerk and William of Chilton bailiffs of the Old Borough of Durham, Richard de Hoton, John Goce, Adam Wyther, John Goldsmith (Goldesmyth), Roger of Hart, Gilbert de Duxfeld, Robert
Iages, Laurence Gyck, Adam Mason, Thomas Cupper, Richard Burghard, John Potter.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as being for a tenement in Crossgate on Suthraw
Size: 155 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 9.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.23v, omitting the last 12 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1960 [?1290s]
Grant by Adam Stirke and Matilda his wife of their burgage with the buildings etc in Crossgate in Durham between the burgages of the same John and Margaret, and that of Roger the Taylor, rendering annually to them a rose at the Nativity of St
John the Baptist, warranted against all men and women.
Witnesses: Thomas son of William son of Hugh bailiff of the Old Borough, Henry of Hornby, Thomas of Pontefract, Richard of Chilton, Roger Taylor, Richard son of David, Roger Walle, Walter of Brafferton, Richard Undirmaykir.
Size: 120 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.2318 and 1 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 1.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.23r, omitting the last 8 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1961 [7 May] 1292
Grant by Thomas Blagris to Roger of Egglescliffe (Eggesclyve) and his wife Margaret of an annual rent of 20d from a burgage in Crossgate in Durham which Adam Butcher (Carnifex) holds of
him, between the lands of St Mary and the said Roger and Margaret, for a certain sum of money which they have given him.
Witnesses: Thomas son of William son of Hugh bailiff of the Old Borough of Durham, John of Howden, Henry of Hornby, Roger Taylor, Walter of Brafferton, Richard of Chilton, Thomas of Pontefract, Roger de Aske, Richard son of David.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross 1292.
Endorsed (14th century) as being on Suthraw in Crossgate.
Size: 120 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.279, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 4.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.22v, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1962 27 August 1414
Quitclaim by William ?Rome chaplain to John of Binchester chaplain and Thomas de Ryhale clerk of his right to two burgages together in Crossgate between the burgages of the prior of Durham to the east and formerly Peter Dryng and Margaret his
wife to the west which he was given by the said Margaret.
Witnesses: John of Belasis, John del Parke, John Knowt, John of Doddington, John Bell.
Date: Durham, 27 August 1414.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being on Northraw in Crossgate.
Size: 95 x 280mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously [6a Comm.] 23.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1963 15 October 1386
Grant by Robert of Masham of Durham to William de Graystanes, William of Cowton and Richard of Farne of an acre of land called Slateraker in Durham field next to the cellarer's orchard between
land formerly of Thomas of Tudhoe, butcher, and the road leading to Neville's Cross.
Witnesses: Thomas of Tudhoe, William of Chilton, Richard de Hoton, Peter Druag.
Date: Durham, 15 December 1386.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being on the south of le Sandepath.
Size: mm
Seal: G&B No.1724, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 15.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.19v-20r, with October for December and omitting the last witness.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1964 [24 December] 1386
[Appointment by] Robert [Masham of Thomas of Tudhoe as his attorney] to deliver] [seisin] to William Graystanes [and William of Cowton chaplains and Richard of Farne of an acre] next to the Cellarer's orchard in Durham [according to their
document made.]
[Date: Durham, Monday after St Thomas the Apostle] 1386.
Size: 85 x 145mm
Seal: G&B No.1724, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Previously 6a Comm. 17.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.20r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1965 [16 July] 1365
Quitclaim by Margaret Goldsmith, sister of the late John Goldsmith of Durham, to John Short and Agnes his wife, of her right in the lands of John Goldsmith.
Witnesses: Richard of Stafford bailiff there, John Potter, Thomas Goldsmith, Alan Postell clerk, John of Plumpton, William Chilton, William Harehelm, John Lamb.
Date: Old Borough of Durham, Wednesday before St Margaret the Virgin 1365.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as being about 3 tenements together on Northraw in Crossgate.
Size: 90 x 275mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 33.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.22r-v, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1966 [21 September] 1291
Quitclaim by Richard Malifet chaplain to John Howden and Margaret his wife of his right in the burgage which Adam Stirtke and Matilda his wife held of him in Crossgate in Durham, and in the annual rent of 2s which John and Margaret paid from that
Witnesses: Thomas son of William son of Hugh, Roger Taylor, Roger Walle, William de Neusum, Richard of Chilton, Thomas of Pontefract, Richard son of David, Thomas Blagris, William son of Ranulph.
Date: Durham in Crossgate, St Matthew the Apostle 1291.
Endorsed including (later 14th century) for the grange.
Size: 75 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.1695, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 2.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.23v, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1967 [9 December] 1310
Grant by Thomas Slater and Alice his wife, with unanimous consent, to William son of Walter of Esh (Essch) butcher and Aone his wife, of an acre of land in the Old Borough of Durham between the land of Alexander
Salter and the high street leading to the west, for a sum of money to expedite their business.
Witnesses: John de Aldwod and William son of Stephen bailiffs of the said Borough, Richard of Chilton, Robert of Hett of South Street, John Goce, Geoffrey of Hornby, Roger de Ask.
Date: full court of the said Borough, Wednesday after St Nicholas 1310.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as being for land called Sclater acre by the Old Borough of Durham on
Sandepath on the south part.
Size: 100 x 205mm
Seal: G&B No.318, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 14.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.20r, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1968 [18 December] 1386
Grant by William de Graystanys and William of Cowton chaplians, and [Richard] of Farne to Robert of Masham of an acre of land granted them by Robert called Slat[eraker] by le
Celererhorchard between the land formerly of Thomas of Tudhoe and the road leading to Neville's Cross for life, rednering annually a rose at the feast of St John the Baptist if asked for.
Witnesses: Thomas of Tudhoe, William of Chilton, Richard de Hoton, John Ledebet, John [?].
Date: Durham, Tuesday before St Thomas the Apostle 1386.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being for le Sclater Acre by Sandepeth and also Crossgate duplicated.
Size: 95 x 260mm
Seal: 3 unidentified, each on a parchment tag (2 reused from other documents), through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. [18].
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.22v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
Counterpart: DCD Misc.Ch. 1969.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1969 [18 December] 1386
Counterpart to Msic.Ch. 1968.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being on the south side of the road leading to Neville's Cross and duplicated.
Size: 85 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. [18].
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.22v, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1970 [18 May] 1320
Lease by Dom Robert Dom de Bruninghill to Cecilia Dom Schawbes of a burgage with buildings etc in Crossgate in the Old Borough of Durham between the land of St Mary and the land formerly of William Serdwele extending in length from the street to
Milneburne, for 12 years, rendering annually 5s half at St Martin and half at Pentecost, and for lights for St Margaret 10d, maintaining the buildings in timber and roofing, and with all other necessities together with
lead and cuna magna at her own cost.
Witnesses: Walter Brafferton, William of Chilton, John Coce, John of Newton, Nicholas of Howden, Alan of the Granary clerk.
Date: Pentecost 1320.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as being the third of 3 tenements formerly John Schorte's on Northraw in Crossgate.
checked MMNS 9 Feb 2022
Size: 105 x 175mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 30.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.24r, omitting the last 4 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1971 [25 August] 1407
Lease by Dom Robert Ripon subprior of Durham and William Kibblesworth communar of the same to John Folmerd of a garden (ortum) in Crossgate formerly held by Robert Belforth, from St Martin 1407 for 15 years,
renderning annually 6d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, with reentry if the rent is unpaid for 40 days.
Date: Durham, St Ebbe year as above.
Size: 145 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 38.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.17r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1972 [23 August] 1414
Grant by Agnes widow of William of Kelloe and daughter and heiress of Peter Dryng and his wife Margaret to John of Binchester ... [of 2 burgages in] Crossgate in the Old Borough Durham ... between the burgages of the prior of Durham ... of her
mother on the other part ...
Witnesses: John of Belasis, John del Parke, John K... ton, John Belton.
Date: [Durh]am, vigil of St Bartholomew 1414.
Size: 90 x 280mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Previously 6a Comm. 22.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1973 4 July 1440
Appointment by William Rakett of John Cocken as his attorney to deliver seisin in 2 burgages adjacent in Crossgate in the Old Borough of Durham to John Binchester (Bynchestre) and John Partrike chaplains as detailed
in his charter.
Date: 4 July 1440.
Size: 65 x 290mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously 6a Comm. 35.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.11r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1974 + 1975 [21 September 1383]
2 copies of a final concord in the court of the bishop of Durham before Roger de Fulthorp, Ralph de Eure, William de Elmeden, and John of Preston justices of the bishop, of an agreement between William de Graystanes clerk, William of Cowton
chaplain, John Bamburgh and John of Killerby jr querulents, and John Short and his wife Agnes deforciants, over 6 messuages, 4 acres of meadow, and 20d rent in Durham, whereby the deforciants recognise that the land etc is William de Graystanes's,
and they hand it over to the querulents and Greystanes's heirs, for which the querulents have given the deforciants a sore sparrowhawk.
Date: Durham, Monday St Matthew the Apostle 7 Richard II and Pont. 2 John [Fordham] bishop [of Durham].
Endorsed (contemporary) that 1 of the messuages is at the end of Crossgate on Suthraw, 3 are together on Northraw in Crossgate, 1 is on the south side of the Cornerboth, and 1 is on the north of Helpeth in Sadlergate, with the 4 acres being in Codesloy.
Size: 135 x 285mm
Previously 6a Comm. 11.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1976 [30 March] 1323
Grant by Hugh Bille to John of Tudhoe and Emma his wife of the croft of arable land at the exit of Crossgate called Paytefyncroft between the street leading behind le Westorcheyard and the
street leading to le Nevillecrosse, and 3 rods of arable land between the lands of William of Chilton and William the Butcher abutting on the said croft.
Witnesses: Robert Scriptore, Walter of Brafferton, William of Chilton, John of Thirsk (Thresk), John Goce.
Date: Durham, Wednesday before SS Tibert and Valerian 1323.
Endorsed (c.1500) that Paytefyncroft is by Sandepeth at the exit of Crossgate.
Size: 85 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 19.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.21r-v, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1977 [29 March] 1323
Quitclaim by Hugh Bille to John of Tudhoe and Emma his wife of his right to the croft of arable land at the exit of Crossgate called Paytefyncroft between the street leading behind le
Westorcheyard and the street leading to le Nevillecrosse, and 3 rods of arable land between the lands of William of Chilton and William the Butcher abutting on the said croft.
Witnesses: Robert Scriptore, Walter of Brafferton, William of Chilton, John of Thirsk (Thresk), John Goce.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after the Annuncation of the BVM 1323.
Size: 75 x 230mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 31.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.21v, omitting the last 2 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1978 [24 May] 1344
Lease by Hugh Burdon sr to John son of Stephen Tailor (Cissor) and William his brother, of half a messuage, formerly Thomas Sawer's, in Crossgate in the Old Borough of Durham extended at 15d per
annum to Hugh as a free tenement by William de Morden sheriff of Durham by virtue of a writ elegit directed to the sheriff whereby Hugh raised £11 10s which he recovered before Richard of Aldeborough and his fellow bishop's justices at
Durham, Wednesday in Easter week Pont. 9 Richard de Bury bishop of Durham towards Thomas Sawer by a writ de debito, to be held by John and William and their assigns of Hugh and his assigns except for Thomas Sawer as Hugh
held it, rendering annually 20d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, whereby John and William have paid Hugh £11 10s, with right of reentry if the rent is behind for 40 days, and they agree also to repair and embellish (garnir) a pair of ?sleeves manubiorum) at their cost with whatever livery during the term for Hugh if requested.
Date: Durham, Monday after Pentecost 1344.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as a messuage on Suthrawe in Crossgate.
Size: 115 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.468, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 10.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1979 1 July 1440
Grant by William Rakett to John Binchester and John Partrike chaplains of 2 burgages adjacent in Crossgate in the Old Borough of Durham between the burgages of the chapel of the chantry of St Mary in the chapel of St Margaret on the east and the
Guild of Corpus Christi on the west.
Date: 1 July 1440.
Size: 90 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.2053, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 34.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.11r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1980 [early 14th century]
Grant by John of Durham clerk to [John son of Alan Goldsmith (aurifaber)] of Durham of a meadow [under] Coddesley wood given him [by Emma of Howden] formerly his wife [for life], rendering annually to him [6s, half]
at Pentecost and [half at St Martin.]
Witnesses: John de Haulakby bailiff of the Old Borough of Durham, John Goce, William of CHilton, Gilbert son of Hgh, Richjard son of Gilbert, John of Newton, Rogert of Hart and John of Hart.
Size: 85 x 180mm
Seal: G&B No.819, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 28.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.49r, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1981 [6 January] 1327
Quitclaim by John son of John of Island (insula) to John son of Alan the Goldsmith (aurifabri) of Durham of his right in his shares (propartes) on the death of
Emma of Howden his aunt, namely his share in the tenement between the tenements of the said Alan and Ralph de Qwhitewell in the Borough of Durham, his share in the tenement in Crossgate Durham between the tenements of Margaret of Howden and William
of Chilton, his share in the tenement between the tenements of Nicholas del Slade and Thomas Stele in Crossgate, his share in the garden between the tenements of Thomas Stele and John de Aldewod in Crossgate, his share in the selion between the
meadow of William of Chilton and the tenement of John son of Thomas in Allergate, a third part of an annual rent of 20d from the tenement which John of Hart holds in the vico of Crossgate Durham, all for a certain sum of
Witnesses: John de Haulatby, Walter of Brafferton, William of Chilton, William son of Walter, John de Aldwode, Nicholas del Slade.
Date: Durham, Tuesday Epiphany 1326/7.
Size: 140 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.1605, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1982 [18 April] 1349
Grant by Emma who was the wife of John of Tudhoe, in her full widowhood and liege power, to John Mody burgess of Durham and Margaret his wife, of all the croft with the arable land at the exit of Crossgate called
Paytevyncrosse between the street behind
Westorcheard and the street leading to
Nevillcrosse and 3 rods of land between the land of William of Chilton and formerly of
William Butcher (
carnifex) abutting on the croft.
Witnesses: ?Simon of Esh and Richard son of ?Gilbert bailiffs of the Borough of Durham, William ... ?Deny, Adam Bet, John of Barnard Castle, Thomas ?Cupper.
Date: Durham, Saturday in Easter Week 1349.
Size: 145 x 220mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Previously 6a Comm. 20.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 1982 - Grant by Emma widow of John of Tudhoe to John and Margaret Mody of Durham the croft at Crossgate called Paytevyncrosse DCD Misc.Ch. 1983 [2 July] 1315
Grant by John son of Margery Undirmaister of Durham to Nicholas of Staindrop clerk and Emma his wife of all the land which he was given by the said Margery under Coddesley between the lands formerly of the said
Margery on each side, which land Margery held in fee of John son of John of Durham, rendering annually to John son of John 2s, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Apostles Peter and Paul 1315.
Witnesses: John son of John, Peter del Crook, Ralph de Warsopp, Robert Scriptore, William de Wyvelyngton, Robert of Hett, John Goce, Willliam of Chilton, Nicholas of Howden, Roger of Hart tanner, John of Thirsk (Thresk) clerk.
Size: 95 x 190mm
Seal: G&B No.2513, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 25.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.48v, dating “ante” for “post”, omitting the last 9 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1984 10 January 1471
Grant by William Raket of Durham sr to Thomas Goswyk chaplain of 2 burgages in Durham, 1 in Crossgate (Crocegate) between the burgages formerly of John Dawetry on the north and the guild of Corpus Christi in the
church of St Nicholas Durham on the south where William Raket now lives, and the other in the vico of St Giles between the burgages formerly of John Salton on one side and where John Melsamby sr now lives on the
Date: Durham, 10 January 1470/1.
Size: 75 x 320mm
Seal: part of a damaged parchment sealing tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 36.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.13r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1985 [7 April] 1294
Quitclaim by Thomas called Blagris to John of Howden and Margaret his wife of his right to a rent of 2s from John and Margaret for their burgage between the burgages formerly of Thomas of Pontefract and formerly of Adam Stircke.
Witnesses: Henry of Hornby, Thomas son of William son of Hugh, Roger the Tailor, Richard of Chilton, Thomas of Pontefract, William of Newsham (Neusum), Roger of Egglescliffe (Eggisclyve),
Stephen Catherer, Richard son of David.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St Ambrose the Bishop 1294.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as being from a toft and croft in Crossgate on Suthraw near the end of town and also 'de Grangia'.
Size: 100 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.2660, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 5.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.23r, omitting the last 6 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1986 [11 November] 1307
Lease by Thomas Slater with his wife Alice Burly and William son of Walter Butcher (carnifex) of Durham and Bone his wife of an acre of arable land in the Old Borough Durham between the high street leading to
Brancepeth and the land of Alexander Salter, for a sum of money paid for 12 years.
Witnesses: Robert of Hett bailiff of the Old Borough of Durham, Richard de Schilton, Roger of Egglescliffe (Eglisclive), Nicholas of ?Howden, William of Bollom (Bolum).
Date: St Martin 1307.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a lease of Sclateracr.
Size: 80 x 195mm
Seal: 2 blank parchment sealing tags, each through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 13.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1987 [9 November] 1323
Grant by Robert of Burnigill (Brunnyghill) chaplain to Nicholas of Howden and Alice his wife of 5 rods of land with an adjacent meadow in the field and territory of the Old Borough Durham between the land formerly of
William of Newsham (Neusome) on the west, now William of Chilton's, and the high street leading towards the south part and the north part across it and the high street leading towards the west at the head of the same 5
rods to the south, rendering annually to the chief lords of the fee 12d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, warranted against all men and women.
Wintesses: John de Anlathby bailiff, Walter of Brafferton, William of Chilton, Roger of Hart, John Goce, John of Tudhoe, John of Hart.
Date: Durham, Wednesday before St Martin in the full court of the Old Borough 1323.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being 5 rods of land abutting on Chiltonpole and also on the north part of Sandepath by the high street.
Size: 150 x 245mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 29.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.21v-22r, omitting the last 3 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1988 [29 July] 1332
Division of the heredity of various tenements and rents formerly of John of Howden and Margaret his wife, to Alan Goldsmith (aurifaber) and Alice his wife his daughter and heiress, John son of John of Island (Insula) his cousin (cognato) and heir, and John son of William of Blacktoft (Blaketoft) his cousin and heir, within and without the vill of Durham, whereby John son of
John of Island and John son of William of Blacktoft gave to Alan and Alice his wife the third portioner a burgage in Crossgate in the Old Borough of Durham between the burgages of John son of Alan Goldsmith and formerly Isabel Bell, with 3s rent
from Isabel Bell's burgage, and the burgage between the burgages of William of Chilton and Laurence Gik; and the said Alan and Alice his wife, with John their son and heir, and John son of William of Blacktoft, portioners of the heredity, grant
jointly and severally to John son of John of Island, the third portioner, 4 burgages in Allergate (Alvertongat) in the Old Borough Durham, one being at the exit of Allergate between burgages formerly of John son of
Thomas son of Hugh and Nicholas of Howden, and 2 adjacent burgages being between another burgage of the said John son of Thomas son of Hugh and a burgage of William Pakwalays, and the fourth burgage being between the burgages of Roger of Hart and
the vennel leading to the stream called Milneburne, and also 5s rent from the tenement formerly that of John of Howden and his wife Margaret, in the North Bailey Durham, between the tenements of Dom John Darcy
miles and the rector of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey Durham, with 8d rent from a house called le Gildhuse in Framwellgate in the Borough Durham, in longitude and latitude from
the road to the River Wear, and also 3s rent from land at le Wodeshend which Walron of Lumley holds, with 13½d rent from a sheepfold (ovili) under the castle moat in the Borough Durham; and
Alan and Alice his wife, with John their son and heir, and with John son of John of Island, portioners of the heredity, have granted to John son of WIlliam of Blacktoft, the third portioner, that tenement formerly that of John of Howden and his wife
Margaret in the North Bailey Durham between the said tenements on each side, rendering annually to John son of John of Island 5s, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: John de Haulathby bailiff of the Old Borough, William of Chilton, Richard son of Gilbert, John of Tudhoe, Robert de Dryburgh, William of Summerhouse, Roger of Hart, Laurence Gik.
Date: court of the Old Borough of Durham, Wednesday before St Pater ad vincula 1332.
Highlighted in the margin as first, second and third part.
Endorsed (later 14th ventury) as an indenture between the 3 portioners of the heredity of John of Howden clerk.
Size: 265 x 365mm
Seal: G&B Nos.275 & 1606, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 7.
to finish
DCD Misc.Ch. 1989 [10 April] 1316
Grant by Nicholas of Staindrop clerk and Emma his wife to Nicholas of Howden and Alice his wife of all their arable land given them by Richard Undyrmayster in the field by Codesisley between their meadow to the south
and the road which leads to Bearpark (Beaurepayr) to the north, in longitude 15 perches and in latitude 6 perches, rendering annually to the almoner of Durham 1d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: William of Chilton bailiff of the Old Borough, Roger of Hart, Richard of Stainton, John Goce, Walter of Brafferton, Ralph Tanner, Richard Marshall.
Date: Old Borough Durham, Saturday after St Ambrose the Bishop 1316.
Size: 105 x 205mm
Seal: G&B No.2288 and 1 undientified, each on a parchment tag, one identified as the communar's, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 27.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.48v-49r, omitting the last 5 witnesses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1990 [2 February] 1410
Lease by William Graystanes communar of the cathedral church of Durham to Thomas of Merrington carpenter of a tenement in Crossgate in Durham which Thomas now inhabits, from Pentecost 1410 for 15 years, rendering annually to the communar 16s,
half at St Martin and half at Pentecost, beginning at St Martin next, with right of reentry for the communar to distrain if the rent is behind for 40 days.
Date: Durham, Purification of the BVM 1409/10.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being for the middle of 3 burgages on Southraw in Crossgate which John Schort had.
Size: 115 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 37.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.18v-19r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1991 18 December 1386
Appointment by Robert Masham of Durham of William of Masham to receive from William de Graystanys and William of Cowton chaplains and Richard of Farne seisin of an acre of land called Slateraker in the field of Durham
by le Celererhorchard between the land formerly of Thomas of Tudhoe and the road leading to Neville's Cross.
Date: Durham, 18 December 1386.
Size: 35 x 260mm
Seal: G&B No.1724, on a tongue
Previously 6a Comm. 16.
Copied in DCD Com. Cart. f.22v-23r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1992 20 November 1391
Lease by John of Aycliffe (Acley) and William Monsell communar of the church of Durham, with the assent of Doms John [of Hemingbrough] prior and the convent of Durham, to William of Chilton of Durham of a meadow which
was John Sorth's by Cordesley, and 1½ acres and a rod of land formerly Thomas de Coxside's, for 8 years, rendering annually to the communar 16s at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, with right of distraint after 40 days of non-payment, with
Chilton obligated thereby in 40s.
Date: Durham, 20 November 1391.
Size: 100 x 280mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Previously 6a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1993 [26 May] 1387
Lease by Robert of Gainford and William de Graystanys chaplains to John of Sherburn mason and Alice his wife of a messuage in the Old Borough in Durham which they were given by Dom Thomas de Qwame, for 15 years, rendering annually 10s at
Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions beginning at St Martin next, with right of reentry if the rent is behind for 40 days.
Date: Durham, Pentecost 1387.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a tenement in Milneburngate.
Size: 90 x 225mm
Seal: part of 2 parchment [sealing] tags, each through 3 slits in a turnup
Previously 6a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1994 [5 January 1409]
Lease by Doms Robert Ripon subprior of the church of Durham and John Morris (del Mor) communar there, with the assent of the prior and convent, to William Harom smith (fabrum) of Durham,
of 2 acres of land which John Dewdale formerly held and an acre called Sclatteracre at the end of Crossgate in Durham, from the Purification of the BVM 1408 for 15 years, rendering annually to the communar 15s at St Michael, and William will not
cultivate the land but keep it as meadow, and if there is non-payment for 40 days the communar can distrain on the land.
Date: Durham, vigil of Epiphany year as above.
Size: 115 x 280mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1995 [31 October] 1427
Lease by Doms Stephen Howden subprior of the church of Durham and John Oll communar there to Thomas Curwen of Durham of a tenement in Crossgate in Durham on the north between the tenements of the sacrist to the west and the communar to the east,
to hold with all its buildings from St Martin next for 15 years, rendering annually to the communar at his exchequer 8s at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, beginning at Pentecost next, with right of distraint if the rent is behind for a
quarter of a year, with the communar to maintain the tenement.
Date: Durham, vigil of All Saints 1427.
Endorsed (contemporary) the first of 3 tenements on Suthraw in Crossgate formerly John Schorte's.
Size: 110 x 220mm
Seal: residue, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1996 [31 October] 1427
Lease by John [Wessington] prior of Durham to John Smyth butcher (carnifex) of Durham of a shop in Fleschewergate in Durham between the appurternances of the chantry of St James in the
church of St Nicholas Durham to the south and the tenement of Emma Palfrayman to the north, along with a meadow called Sclateracre with 2 acres of meadow called Paytyncroft at the end of
Crossgate in Durham, from St Martin next for 15 years, rendering annually at the exchequer of the communar in Durham for the shop 13s 4d at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions beginning at Pentecost next, and 13s 8d for the meadow at St
Michael, and if the rents are behind for a quarter, they are entitled to reenter and distrain.
Date: Durham, vigil of All Saints 1427.
Size: 135 x 250mm
Seal: Blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously <6a> 5a Comm.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1997 22 October 1442
Lease by John [Wessington] prior of Durham to John Haliwell of Durham barker, Richard Smyth of the same smith and Thomas Cok, of a tenement or burgage in Crossgate, between the burgages of the prior on both sides, formerly held by Thomas
Bikirton, from St Martin next for 9 years, rendering annually during the first 8 years at Pentecost and St Martin 16s in equal portions, and 20s in the last year, beginning at Pentecost next, with right of reentry if payment is behind by a quarter,
with the prior to maintain and repair the tenement at his own cost, with John, Richard and Thomas obligated thereby in 100s.
Date: 22 October 1442.
Size: 135 x 290mm
Seal: residue on a tongue, with a further [sealing tongue] stub
Previously 6a Comm.
DCD Misc.Ch. 1998 27 ?August 1414
Quitclaim by ?Richard ?Alland chaplain to John of ?Binchester chaplain and ?Thomas de ?Ryhale ?clerk of his right in 2 burgages in Crossgate in the Old Borough Durham, between the burgages of the prior of Durham to the east and formerly of ?Peter
?Dring and Margaret to the west, with which he had been enfeoffed by William ?Parke chaplain.
Witnesses: John Belasis, John del Parke, ?John ?Knowt, John of Doddington, John Bell.
Date: Durham, 27 ?August 1414.
Size: 90 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Previously 6a Comm. 21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 1999]
Now 6.4.Elemos.5.