Reference code: GB-0033-DPR2
Title: Durham Probate Records: post 1858
Dates of creation: 1858-1940
Extent: 31 metres
Held by: Durham University Library Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Durham District Probate Registry
Registers kept by the Durham District Probate Registry in relation to probate jurisdiction after 1857. Further background information is included within the collection-level description.
collection-level description for accession details and previous custodial history.
Open for consultation. See notes within
collection-level description for further details.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist
where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material. See notes within collection-level description for further details.
These volumes are too large to be photocopied and we do not provide other forms of copies from them unless in exceptional circumstances. Copies of all wills proved and probate administrations granted in England and Wales from 1858 onwards can be
accessed at, and copies ordered from, the Probate Service or from District Probate Registries. Details are on the Probate Service website.
National Probate Calendar for 1858-1942 is available on microfiche in the Palace Green library search room (to 1935), the Northumberland and Durham Family History Society
Library in Newcastle upon Tyne, and other libraries and record repositories within the region. Further information on the national probate calendar and its availability online is included within The National Archives
guide to wills and probate records.
Howard of Naworth Papers, volumes 44/16-17 (temporary reference): two volumes containing copies of “manorial wills”, ca.1839-1866 and ca.1870-1943. These are copies of wills proved in various registries which contain references to properties
within the Howard manors, chiefly in the Barony of Gilsland, Cumberland, together with a few references to Northumberland properties in the second volume. Please contact the search room in advance if you require access to the Howard of Naworth
Northumberland Archives Service (at Woodhorn) holds a set of volumes parallel to the Co. Durham series in DPR2/1 and containing registered manuscript copies of wills
proved at Newcastle upon Tyne District Probate Registry, 1858-1939. The wills are primarily those of testators whose property was situated in Northumberland and Newcastle upon Tyne, but from 1926 onwards these volumes also contain some wills of
testators from Gateshead and other places in County Durham situated immediately south of the river Tyne.
Will registersReference: DPR2/1/1-131Dates of creation: 1858-1940
Extent: 131 large volumes
Registered copies of wills, with one or two volumes for each year. The copies are in manuscript up to September 1933 and typescript thereafter. The wills are primarily those of testators whose property was situated in the county of Durham, with
certain limitations on the coverage after 1926 (see under related material at Northumberland Archives Service above). Within each volume the copy wills are usually arranged chronologically by date of probate. The volumes do not contain any copies of
grants of administrations (relating to estates of intestates); for such grants see under DPR2/3.
Most registers include an annual manuscript index of names of testators. Entries in these indexes are arranged alphabetically by initial letter of the testator's surname; within each letter group they are then arranged chronologically according
to the date of probate.
Registers DPR2/1/113-131 (1931-1940) also include separate annual manuscript indexes of grants of administration (relating to the estates of intestates). No copies of the grants themselves for this period will be found in the registers or
elsewhere in the Library.
Microfilms of the indexes (but not of the registered wills) are available for consultation and copying (ref 5TC 222-227, positives in Palace Green library search room)
DPR2/1/1 1858
DPR2/1/2 1859
DPR2/1/3 1860
DPR2/1/4 1861
DPR2/1/5 1862
DPR2/1/6 1863
DPR2/1/7 1864
DPR2/1/8 1865
DPR2/1/9 1866
DPR2/1/10 1867
DPR2/1/11 1868
DPR2/1/12 1869
DPR2/1/13 1870
DPR2/1/14 1871
DPR2/1/15 1872
DPR2/1/16 1873
DPR2/1/17 1874
DPR2/1/18 1875
DPR2/1/19 1876
DPR2/1/20 1877
DPR2/1/21 1878
DPR2/1/22 1879
DPR2/1/23 1880
DPR2/1/24 1881
DPR2/1/25 1882
DPR2/1/26 1883
DPR2/1/27 1884
DPR2/1/28 1885
DPR2/1/29 1886
DPR2/1/30 1887
DPR2/1/31 1888
DPR2/1/32 1889
DPR2/1/33 1890
DPR2/1/34 1891
DPR2/1/35-36 1892
DPR2/1/37-38 1893
DPR2/1/39-40 1894
DPR2/1/41-42 1895
DPR2/1/43-44 1896
DPR2/1/45-46 1897
DPR2/1/47-48 1898
DPR2/1/49-50 1899
DPR2/1/51-52 1900
DPR2/1/53-54 1901
DPR2/1/55-56 1902
DPR2/1/57-58 1903
DPR2/1/59-60 1904
DPR2/1/61-62 1905
DPR2/1/63-64 1906
DPR2/1/65-66 1907
DPR2/1/67-68 1908
DPR2/1/69-70 1909
DPR2/1/71-72 1910
DPR2/1/73-74 1911
DPR2/1/75-76 1912
DPR2/1/77-78 1913
DPR2/1/79-80 1914
DPR2/1/81-82 1915
DPR2/1/83-84 1916
DPR2/1/85-86 1917
DPR2/1/87-88 1918
DPR2/1/89-90 1919
DPR2/1/91-92 1920
DPR2/1/93-94 1921
DPR2/1/95-96 1922
DPR2/1/97-98 1923
DPR2/1/99-100 1924
DPR2/1/101-102 1925
DPR2/1/103-104 1926
DPR2/1/105-106 1927
DPR2/1/107-108 1928
DPR2/1/109-110 1929
DPR2/1/111-112 1930
DPR2/1/113-114 1931
DPR2/1/115-116 1932
DPR2/1/117-118 1933
DPR2/1/119-120 1934
DPR2/1/121 1935
DPR2/1/122-123 1936
DPR2/1/124-125 1937
DPR2/1/126-127 1938
DPR2/1/128-129 1939
DPR2/1/130-131 1940
Grants of ProbateReference: DPR2/2/1-99 Dates of creation: 1876-1886 and 1894-1928
Extent: 99 large volumes
Grants of probate, with one or more volumes for each year. The eight-year gap (1887-1893) appears to have been ignored within the volume numbering scheme adopted by whichever office bound these volumes. The grants of probate are bound
chronologically within each volume but are not individually numbered.
DPR2/2/1 1876
DPR2/2/2 1877
DPR2/2/3 1878
DPR2/2/4 1879
DPR2/2/5 1880
DPR2/2/6 1881
DPR2/2/7 1882
DPR2/2/8 1883
DPR2/2/9 1884
DPR2/2/10 1885
DPR2/2/11 1886
DPR2/2/12 1894
DPR2/2/13-14 1895
DPR2/2/15-16 1896
DPR2/2/17-18 1897
DPR2/2/19-20 1898
DPR2/2/21-22 1899
DPR2/2/23-24 1900
DPR2/2/25-26 1901
DPR2/2/27-28 1902
DPR2/2/29-30 1903
DPR2/2/31-32 1904
DPR2/2/33-34 1905
DPR2/2/35-36 1906
DPR2/2/37-38 1907
DPR2/2/39-40 1908
DPR2/2/41-42 1909
DPR2/2/43-45 1910
DPR2/2/46-48 1911
DPR2/2/49-51 1912
DPR2/2/52-54 1913
DPR2/2/55-57 1914
DPR2/2/58-60 1915
DPR2/2/61-63 1916
DPR2/2/64-66 1917
DPR2/2/67-69 1918
DPR2/2/70-72 1919
DPR2/2/73-75 1920
DPR2/2/76-78 1921
DPR2/2/79-81 1922
DPR2/2/82-84 1923
DPR2/2/85-87 1924
DPR2/2/88-90 1925
DPR2/2/91-93 1926
DPR2/2/94-96 1927
DPR2/2/97-99 1928
Grants of AdministrationReference: DPR2/3/1-94Dates of creation: 1858-1928
Extent: 94 volumes
Grants of administration, bound in chronological order and numbered sequentially on the face or dorse, with one or two volumes per year. Volumes DPR2/3/1-18 are labelled “Administration Acts”. For the years
1858-1873 (DPR2/3/1-16) the numbers on the grants correspond to the entries in DPR2/4/1 below. The volumes for 1919-1928 (DPR2/3/74-93) include indexes arranged alphabetically by initial letter and then chronologically within each letter.
Indexes to grants of administration for 1931-1940 are included within the will registers at DPR2/1 above, but there are no copies of the grants themselves for this period within the collection.
DPR2/3/1 1858
DPR2/3/2 1859
DPR2/3/3 1860
DPR2/3/4 1861
DPR2/3/5 1862
DPR2/3/6 1863
DPR2/3/7 1864
DPR2/3/8 1865
DPR2/3/9 1866
DPR2/3/10 1867
DPR2/3/11 1868
DPR2/3/12 1869
DPR2/3/13 1870
DPR2/3/14 1871
DPR2/3/15 1872
DPR2/3/16 1873
DPR2/3/17 1874
DPR2/3/18 1875
DPR2/3/19 1876
DPR2/3/20 1877
DPR2/3/21 1878
DPR2/3/22 1879
DPR2/3/23 1880
DPR2/3/24 1881
DPR2/3/25 1882
DPR2/3/26 1883
DPR2/3/27 1884
DPR2/3/28 1885
DPR2/3/29 1886
DPR2/3/30 1887
DPR2/3/31 1888
DPR2/3/32 1889
DPR2/3/33 1890
DPR2/3/34 1891
DPR2/3/35 1892
DPR2/3/36 1893
DPR2/3/37 1894
DPR2/3/38 1895
DPR2/3/39 1896
DPR2/3/40 1897
DPR2/3/41 1898
DPR2/3/42 1899
DPR2/3/42A 1900
DPR2/3/43-44 1901
DPR2/3/45 1902
DPR2/3/46 1903
DPR2/3/47 1904
DPR2/3/48-49 1905
DPR2/3/50-51 1906
DPR2/3/52-53 1907
DPR2/3/54-55 1908
DPR2/3/56-57 1909
DPR2/3/58 1910
DPR2/3/59 1911
DPR2/3/60-61 1912
DPR2/3/62-63 1913
DPR2/3/64-65 1914
DPR2/3/66-67 1915
DPR2/3/68-69 1916
DPR2/3/70-71 1917
DPR2/3/72-73 1918
DPR2/3/74-75 1919
DPR2/3/76-77 1920
DPR2/3/78-79 1921
DPR2/3/80-81 1922
DPR2/3/82-83 1923
DPR2/3/84-85 1924
DPR2/3/86-87 1925
DPR2/3/88-89 1926
DPR2/3/90-91 1927
DPR2/3/92-93 1928
Index to grants of probate and administrationReference: DPR2/4/1Dates of creation: 1858-1873
Extent: 1 volume
Manuscript calendar of names of deceased persons for whom grants of probate or administration were made at Durham. Within each year the deceased persons are listed chronologically by date of grant, first in a list of wills proved and then in a
list of administrations granted. The deceased persons' surname and forenames are given, with their parish or town of residence. The numbers assigned to the grants of administration in DPR2/3/1-16 above (1858-1873), match the index entries in this