The University's main office was established at No. 46 North Bailey, Durham, in 1937, as had been recommended in the report of the Royal Commission on the University of Durham, 1935, and provided for under new statutes made in 1937 under the 1935
University of Durham Act. The registrar and an assistant registrar had their offices here. There was a branch office at Newcastle upon Tyne, at 23 St Thomas Street, in the charge of an assistant registrar. The university's School Examinations Board,
which was also under the administrative control of the registrar, had its offices at 6 Eldon Place, Newcastle upon Tyne. The University Office and the bodies it administered were concerned with the maintenance of academic standards, examinations,
and matters affecting the university as a whole.
On the independence of Newcastle University, the university offices in Durham formerly in 38 and 46 North Bailey were moved to Old Shire Hall which officially came into use on 18 November 1963.
Office FilesReference: UND/CB1Dates of creation: 1931 - 2003
The sequence of files of the university was commenced in 1937, following the establishment of a University Office. The majority of the files employed treasury tags, whereby their contents were retained in the (chronological) order in which they
were filed and their integrity thus ensured. Each subject file was allocated a unique reference (which was quoted in the correspondence) and the file title was noted on the file cover. Attached to the inside front cover of the files was a
“minute sheet”, providing a numbered list of contents of the file: “no. of minute” (the unique number allocated to the filed letter, etc), “date of
minute”, and “minute” (e.g. name of correspondent and / or subject). By 1938 the university's registrar was using a stamp to record on each letter etc. received the following information :
“Received -” (the date being recorded), “Reply sent -” (the date), “Answd. by -”, “Remarks -”, and
“File No. -”, the date received and the file number almost always being recorded. By 1941-1947 the stamp had been simplified to record “Rec'd”, “Dept.”,
“Remarks”, “Completed”, and “File No.”; by 1948 and still as late as 1958 the stamp used provided the following headings : “Received”, “Date”, “Remarks”, and “File No.”.
The University Office's files are those employed by the vice-chancellor, later the vice-chancellor and warden, and by the registrar, and their principal officers (e.g. assistant registrars, and administrative assistants, etc.), correspondence of
all the same on a particular subject generally being filed on the same file.
Listed by Adrian Allan in situ in the Politics Hut in Old Elvet in July 1999. His disposal recommendations were implemented, the files were transferred to Palace Green Library, repackaged and the list checked and augmented as necessary by Eleanor
Hingley and Robin Farndon in July-September 2008.
UND/CB1/A1 1938 - 1999
Academic Dress, comprising correspondence (with and about Gray and Son (Robemakers) Ltd., and including correspondence with those offering the university old academic dress of the university that they possess. (Includes correspondence in 1940
with the Countess of Balfour regarding the doctoral robes of the university of Durham and the federal Victoria University which had belonged to Mr and Mrs Henry Sidgwick and which Lady Balfour wished to dispose of. Mrs Sidgwick was Lady Balfour's
sister-in-law, being sister of Arthur Balfour, the prime minister and first earl.)
1. 1938-1951.
2. 1951-1960.
3. 1960-1963.
4. 1963-1999.
UND/CB1/A2a 1948, 1959 - 1960
Anatomy, Chair of, comprising particulars of the chair, and correspondence, 1948; and particulars of the chair, and correspondence, 1959 -60. (The file does not include any applications or curricula vitarum. Mr John
Short was appointed to the chair in 1948 and Dr R.J. Scothorne in 1960.)
UND/CB1/A2b 26 March 1979 - 18 May 1987
[Careers Admissions Conferences], comprising correspondence and agenda papers about higher education conferences for sixth formers held at Durham and elsewhere.
1. 1979-1986.
2. 1986-1987.
UND/CB1/A2c 1965 - 1972
Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions, comprising agendas of meetings of the Ad Hoc Comnmittee (of Senate) on Admissions, 1965-1969, and correspondence.
1. 1965-1969.
2. 1969-1972.
UND/CB1/A2d 22 August 1995 - 30 July 1998
Admission: Entry Qualifications, correspondence, information from UCAS regarding General Studies qualifications and their eligibility for entry requirements.
UND/CB1/A3a 1938 - 1941
[Air Raid Precautions], comprising correspondence, and copies of notices (relating to the University Office at Durham and to university examinations at King's College).
UND/CB1/A3b 1965 - 1976
Advertising, comprising correspondence (almost solely with G. Street and Co Ltd, Incorporated Practitioners in Advertising, London, later entitled Streets Advertising Ltd., Incorporated Practitioners in Advertising, London, and including the
texts of advertisements which the University wished to place), and copies (cuttings from the press) of the press advertisements of University of Durham posts. Samples only retained.
1. 1965-1966.
2. 1975-1976.
UND/CB1/A4a 1964 - 1999
Air Squadron, Northumbrian/Northern Universities, comprising correspondence, and copies of the Commanding Officer's reports (terminal reports and reports on summer camps). (The Air Squadron's offices were in Newcastle upon Tyne.)
1. 1964-1973.
2. 1973-1988.
3. 1988-1999
UND/CB1/A4b/1-4 1940 - 1949
Andrew Reid and Co, comprising correspondence with Andrew Reid & Co Ltd, printers, Newcastle upon Tyne, regarding the printing of the University's Calendar, prospectuses, regulations, syllabuses, index to Court minutes, etc.
1. 1940-1942.
2. 1942-1945.
3. 1945-1948.
4. 1948-1949.
UND/CB1/A5a 1938 - 1961
Appeal, comprising correspondence:
1. 1938-1940, copy of
University of Durham Building Fund Special Appeal (October 1938), list (dated 21 December 1938) of donations received for the University of Durham Building Fund; analysis of earmarkings (of donations, to note whether
they were for Newcastle, Durham , or unearmarked) as at 22 November 1938; summary of donations received and promised up to 26 April 1939.; and a letter from Lord Percy to Miss Potts 21 November 1938 requesting support.
2. 1941 - 1947, 1954 - 1959, 1961, text of “A report and an application to supporters” [of the University of Durham Appeal Fund] [c.1942], text of a report to subscribers [c.1946], and
The Durham Colleges Appeal Report [1959]. ( In 1938 £370,0 was sought and [by 1942] a total of £143,173 had been received.)
UND/CB1/A5b 1963 - 1980
Athletic Union, comprising agendas of Durham University Athletic Union Committee (later entitled the General Committee of the Durham University Athletic Union), and correspondence.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1967.
3. 1967-1968.
4. 1968-1971.
5. 1971-1972.
6. 22 November 1972 - 18 May 1976, also list of DUAU winter achievement Durham honours and some memoranda on finance.
7. 19 May 1976 - 23 April 1980, also some treasurer's annual reports.
8. 22 February 1985 - 6 November 2000, including Souvenir Programmes
9. 7 November -
UND/CB1/A6 1939 - 1958
Applied Science, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence, also (for 1943-1945, 1948-1949, and 1955) some agenda papers of the Faculty of Applied Science.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1942-1958.
UND/CB1/A7 1938 - 1961
Applied Science, Faculty of, comprising correspondence, and (for 1947-1956) some agenda papers of the Faculty.
1. 1938-1941.
2. 1941-1951.
3. 1953-1961.
UND/CB1/A8 1939 - 1999
Arts, Faculty of, comprising agendas of the Board of the Faculty of Arts and of Boards of Studies, and correspondence.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1942-1945.
3. 1945-1947.
4. 1948-1949.
5. 1949-1950.
6. 1953-1955.
7. 1962-1964.
8. 1964-1965.
9. 1965-1966.
10. 1966.
11. 1966-1967.
12. 1967-1968.
13. 1968-1969.
14. 1969-1971.
15. 1971-1973.
16. 1973-1974.
17. 1974-1976.
18/i&ii. 1976-1978.
19/i&ii. 1978.
20. 1978-1980.
21. 1980.
22/i&ii. 1980-1982.
23/i&ii. 1982-1984.
24. 1984-1985.
25. 1985-1987.
26. 1987-1990.
28/i&ii. 1992-1993.
29. 1993-1999.
UND/CB1/A8a 1940 - 1972
Arts, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence.
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1942.
3. 1942-1943.
4. 1943-1944.
5. 1944.
6. 1945-1946.
7. 1946.
8. 1950-1951.
9. 1959-1962.
10. 1969-1972.
UND/CB1/A8b 1965 - 1988
Arts, Higher Degrees in, comprising agendas of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, and correspondence. Samples only retained.
1. 1965-1966.
2. 1975-1976.
3i&ii. 1984-1986.
4i&ii. 1986.
5. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/A8c 1962 - 1994
Arts, Concessions and Exemptions, comprising agendas of the Concessions Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, and correspondence.
1a. 1962-1968
1. 1983-1985.
2. 1985-1988.
3. 1988-1991.
4&5. 1990-1991.
6&7. 1991-1992.
8&9. 1992-1993.
10. 1991-1994.
UND/CB1/A8d 1963 - 1998
Arts Planning Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Arts Planning Committee and related correspondence; also minutes of meeting of the Arts Planning Sub-Committee of the University of Durham Policy and Resources Committee, 1
November 1996.
1. 1963-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1986.
3. 1986-1988.
4. 1988-1989.
5i&ii. 1989-1992.
6. 1992-1996.
7. 1997-1998.
UND/CB1/A8e 1985 - 1999
Arts Degree Regulations Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Arts Regulations Committee, latterly as agenda papers of the Teaching and Learning Committee's Faculty of Arts Sub-Committee; and correspondence (separate sections -
'Withdrawn Applications', Withdrawals', etc.)
1i&ii. 1985-1988.
2. 1986-1987
3. 1987.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5. 1989.
6i&ii. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8a,8b. 1991.
9. 1991-1992.
10i&ii. 1992-1993.
11i&ii. 1993-1994.
12i&ii. 1994.
13i&ii. 1994-1995.
14i&ii. 1995-1996.
15i&ii. 1996-1997.
16. 1997-1998.
17. 1998-1999.
18. May-August 1999.
UND/CB1/A8f October 1986 - 12 November 1991
Arts, Centre for the Study of Literature and Theology, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of the Centre and of the Committee for the Certificate in Theology, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/A8g 1946 - 1961
Sub-Faculty of Fine Art, Architecture and Town Planning, comprising agenda papers for meetings of the Sub-Faculty of Fine Art, Architecture and Town Planning, and correspondence.
1. 1946-1951.
2. 1951-1961.
UND/CB1/A8h 1949 - 1962
Sub-Faculty of Oriental Studies, comprising agenda papers and correspondence.
UND/CB1/A8i 14 August 1991
Committee for the Validation of St John's and Ushaw College, letter about refusing an applicant to the BA in Theology and Ministry entry.
UND/CB1/A8j 30 November 1984 - 18 December 1990
Committee for the Degree of BA with Honours in Combined Studies with Arts, correspondence, agendas and minutes.
UND/CB1/A8k October 1964 - September 1965
Committee on the Introduction of Fine Art as a Subject for Study in the University, agendas, minutes.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A8l October 1966 - February 1968
Standing Committee for the Degree of BA in General Studies, correspondence, agendas and minutes.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A9 1964 - 1998
Appointments Outside Vacancies, correspondence including lists of clergymen of the Church of England who hold posts at the university, relating to the General Synod elections of a representative from Durham University, the establishment of a
chair in Industrial Engineering at Swansea University and the creation of a lectureship in Norwegian at the University of Newcastle.
UND/CB1/A9a 1951 - 1952
Re-organisation and Working of the Faculty of Arts, comprising agendas of the Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts on Organisation and Working of the Faculty of Arts, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/A10 1940 - 1963
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941.
3. 1942-1943.
4. 1943-1944.
5. 1944-1945.
6. 1945-1951.
7. 1951-1957.
8. 1957-1960.
9. 1960-1962.
10. 1962-1963.
Appointments Board, comprising correspondence about appointments and careers advice for students (some relating to individual students, and including details of vacant posts received by the University of Durham), and a few agenda papers of the
Durham University Appointments Board for 1951 onwards (especially for 1951 -57). The Appointments Board was established in 1946 to give advice and information to present and past members of the university over choice of careers and to assist them to
find suitable employment by arranging careers talks and discussions, vacation experience, interviews with employers and individual consultations with the Board's officers, based at 45 North Bailey.
UND/CB1/A10a 1945 - 1963
Appointments Board, reports and minutes.
1. 1945-1957.
2. 1957-1963.
UND/CB1/A10c 10 January 1981 - 12 May 1992
Address List for Retired Members of Staff, comprising correspondence, also an alphabetical list of the names and addresses of retired members of staff dated April 1992.
UND/CB1/A11 1982 - 1997
University's Support for the Arts Committee.
1. 1982-1985.
2. 1985-1988.
3. 1988-June 1992.
4. October 1993 - May 1994.
5. October 1994 - May 1995.
6. October 1995 - May 1996.
7. October 1996 - December 1997 including a script for “Pink and Blue” , a Purple Film production.
UND/CB1/A11a 1982 - 1988
University's Support for the Arts Sub-Committee A - Assembly Rooms.
UND/CB1/A11b 1982 - 1988
University's Support for the Arts Sub-Committee B - Arts Finance.
1. 1982-1985.
2. 1985-1988.
UND/CB1/A11c 1983 - 1988
University's Support for the Arts Sub-Committee C - Performing Arts Fund.
UND/CB1/A11d 1963 - 1972
Appointments Board, comprising agendas of the Appointments Board of the Universities of Durham and then the joint board of the universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne, and correspondence, about students' careers.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1967.
4. 1967-1969.
5. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
UND/CB1/A11e 1986 - 1988
Durham Sixth Form Centre Centre Shared Use Management Committee.
UND/CB1/A11f 1993 - 1997
University's Support for the Arts Committee project files.
1. 1993-1994.
2. 1994-1995.
3. 1995-1996.
4. 1996.
5. 1996-1997.
UND/CB1/A12 1963 - 2001
Archaeology Department.
1. 1963-1980.
2. 1980-1981.
3. 1986-1989.
4i&ii. 1989-1995.
5. 1990-1992.
6. 9 August 1995 - 2 April 2001.
7. 3 April 2001 -
UND/CB1/A12a 1940 - 1947, 1953, 1963
Administrative Arrangements, comprising correspondence (including that regarding proposals to reduce clerical posts, 1946).
UND/CB1/A13 1939 - 1960
Accounts, University, comprising correspondence, also copy of University of Durham Estimates for 1943-1944.
UND/CB1/A14 1975 - 1996
Appointments, Terms and Conditions, comprising copies of particulars of individual posts, standard conditions of appointment of lectureships, etc. and a very little related correspondence.
1. 1975-1978.
2. 1978-1981.
3. 1981-1989.
4i&ii. 1989-1991.
5i&ii. 1991-1993.
6i&ii. 1993-1995.
7. 1995-1998.
UND/CB1/A14a 1939, 1945, and 1947
Anomalous Payments, comprising correspondence; the 1939 correspondence refers to but does not enclose a copy of a report about anomalous payments.
UND/CB1/A15 1939 - 1977
Arts, Concessions and Exemptions, comprising correspondence with and about individual students.
1. 1939-1942.
2. 1942-1945.
3. 1945-1960.
4. 1962.
5. 1974-1977.
UND/CB1/A16 18 November 1963 - 31 December 1989
Applied Physics, Department of, later Applied Physics and Electronics, Department of, comprising correspondence, and some related papers (including copies of Current Activities in Molecular Electronics, University of Durham, February 1987, the
School of Engineering and Applied Science's Submission for the Accreditation of a Degree in Applied Physics and Electronics by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, March 1986, and [two handbooks for students] 2nd and 3rd Year Single Honours
Courses, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, 1979 -80).
1. 1963-1980.
2. 1980-1987.
3. 1987-1989.
UND/CB1/A16a February 1991 - 1999
Academic Audit, comprising correspondence (with the CVCP Academic Audit Unit, the Higher Education Quality Council, etc.); draft report of the HEQC's audit of the University of Durham's validation arrangements; report of the Academic Audit Unit
on the University of Durham; HEQC publications (Annual Report and
Update, its newsletter); University of Durham Working Party on Academic Audit papers; and Guidelines on Institutional Practice.
1i-ii. 1991-1994.
2. 1991-1994.
2a. 1993
3. 1994.
4i-ii. 1994-1996.
5. 1996-1999.
UND/CB1/A16b 8 January 1982 - 22 July 1991
SEAS (Applied Physics), comprising miscellaneous correspondence relating to the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics.
UND/CB1/A16c 1940 - 1946, mostly 1940 - 1942
Acting Registrar, comprising miscellaneous correspondence (about individuals, etc.) (Mr Niblett was certainly Acting Registrar during the period 1940-1944.)
Paper file
UND/CB1/A16d 1946 - 1957
Anthropology, comprising correspondence (including copy of Proposals for the Expansion of Anthropological Teaching in the University of Durham [1949]).
UND/CB1/A16e 1949 - 1952
Anthropology, Readership in, comprising particulars of the Readership [at King's College], and correspondence (including that with Dr H. Meinhard, who was appointed in 1950).
UND/CB1/A17 1941 - 1963
Air Squadron, comprising correspondence, also lists of RAF cadets (matriculated etc.), and the terminal report of the Commanding Officer of Durham University Air Squadron for the Epiphany Term 1961. (The Air Squadron's offices were at Newcastle
upon Tyne.)
UND/CB1/A17a 1969 - 1989
Committee on Appointments, correspondence, agenda papers for the statutory committee on readerships in the departments of Zoology, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, and the chair of Chemistry, with applications for readerships.
UND/CB1/A18 1 July 1967 - 14 June 2000
Anthropology, Board of Studies in, comprising a very few agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Anthropology, also correspondence (mainly about the Department of Anthropology) and related papers (including Programmes and Orientations of Social
Anthropological Research based at the Department of Anthropology, University of Durham, n.d. [c.1980].
1. 1 July 1967 - 22 May 1987
2. 28 May 1987 - 13 June 2000
3. 14 June 2000 -
UND/CB1/A18a 4 December 1991 - 16 April 1993
Anthropology, comprising correspondence and related papers.
UND/CB1/A18b 1944 - 1947
Arts, Sub-Committee on Ex-Servicemen, comprising correspondence with and about the same.
1. 1944-1946.
2. 1946-1947.
UND/CB1/A19 1967 - 1998
Ad Hoc Committees other than Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions, comprising agendas of various Ad Hoc Committees, on examination procedures, student participation, of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on higher degrees, of Council on
college finance, on the Composition Fee, on Canon Professorships, on the future of the departments of English, and of the working party on word processors; and related correspondence.
1. 1967-1968.
2. 1968-1969.
3. 1969-1972.
4. 1973-1986.
5. 1998.
UND/CB1/A19b 1946 - 1957
Agriculture, Faculty of, comprising correspondence (only).
UND/CB1/A20 24 October 1980 - 30 September 1998
Academic Electoral Assembly, comprising agenda papers of the Standing Committee of the Academic Electoral Assembly, nominations, notices and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1980-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1988.
3. 1988-1992.
4. 1992-1998.
UND/CB1/A20a September 1965
Meeting of the Academic Staff agenda and staff club constitution.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A21 1970 - 1998
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Ministry
(1) Postgraduate studentships, correspondence, press notices of new awards to universities, and booklets on postgraduate agricultural studentships (1971 and 1972).
(2) Letter from G. R. Waters, under-secretary Land Use, Conservation and the Countryside on a plan for deregulation of the department's environmental responsibilities (with attached plan)
UND/CB1/A22 October 1971 - 11 July 2000
Association of University Teachers, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Durham Association of University Teachers' General and Annual General Meetings; DAUT circulars to members; AUT circulars and copies of AUT's
News Bulletin and Update, and copies of other AUT publications, and also agenda papers of the (University's) Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee with DAUT, for 1990 - 93
1. 1971 - 1976.
2. 1978 - 1981.
3i&ii. 1981 - 1984.
4i&ii. 1984 - 1986.
5. 1986 - 1988.
6. 1988 - 1991.
7. 1991 - 1997.
8. 1997 - 2000.
9. 2000 -
UND/CB1/A22a 1947 - 1962
Arts Examinations, Enquiries, Complaints, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/A23 1946 - 1956
American and Dominion students, comprising correspondence.
1. 1946-1948.
2. 1948-1951.
3. 1951-1956.
UND/CB1/A24 23 October 1981 - 29 January 1999
Adult and Continuing Education, Department of, comprising correspondence and related papers (including a very few departmental course leaflets), also copies of some publications of other bodies including the National Institute of Adult Continuing
Education (NIACE), the WEA, and the University of Durham's Industrial Relations Group.
1i&ii. 1981-1984.
2i&ii. 1981-1986.
3. 1986-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5. 1989-1991.
6i&ii. 1991-1994.
7. 1995-1999.
8i&ii. 1998-1999.
For later material of the Centre for Lifelong Learning see UND/CB1/L14
UND/CB1/A24a 1947 - 1949
Anglo-Saxon Studies, comprising a copy of a note by the registrar on Anglo-Saxon Studies; correspondence (including some with Mr H.S. Offler); report of the department of Archaeology for 1949/50; and draft proposals for the coming Quinquennium of
the department of Archaeology.
UND/CB1/A26 1939 - 1963
Conference of Registrars and Secretaries (AHUA - Association of Heads of University Administration), correspondence and conference minutes.
UND/CB1/A27 1994 - 2007
Applied Social Studies, Centre for, comprising of correspondence, a report concerning Interprofessional Education, and Consortium Memorandums.
UND/CB1/A28 July 1991 - March 1993, January 1997 - 31 December 2002
Audit Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Audit Committee of the University of Durham and related correspondence.
1. 1991-1993.
2. 1997-1998.
3. 1997.
4i&ii. 1999-2001.
5. 2001.
6. 2001.
7i&ii. 2002 - 2005
8. 11 June 2002, meeting agenda & minutes
9. 26 February 2002, meeting agenda & minutes
UND/CB1/A29 1950
Administrative Costs (Comparison of), comprising [Questionnaire] of the registrar which was sent to other universities seeking information about their administrative costs; correspondence; and copy of a note by the registrar on administrative
costs. ( The Treasurer's Committee had asked for the administrative costs of the University and its Divisions to be investigated. The registrar's note concluded that expenditure on administration was not excessive.)
UND/CB1/A32 1952 - 1965
Assistant Registrar (Special), comporising correspondence primarily regarding staff golf matches but also some miscellaneous correspondence.
1. 1952-1956.
2. 1956-1965.
UND/CB1/A33 1954, 1960
Agriculture, Chair of, comprising correspondence (1954 and 1960); particulars of the chair and conditions governing appointment (1954); and curriculum vitae of Mr M.McG. Cooper (appointed Professor of Agriculture and
Rural Economy, 1954).
UND/CB1/A38 1957 - 1958
Applied Mathematics, Chair of (at Durham), comprising job advertisement, and correspondence (including that with Dr K. Stewarton, who was appointed and whose application is included).
UND/CB1/A39 February 1997 - February 1998
Academic Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/CB1/A40 October 1991 - February 1993
Diploma in Work with Adolescents Aycliffe Centre for Children, minutes, correspondence and papers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A41 November 1991 - June 1996
Archives and Special Collections, including correspondence and reports on the move from Prior's Kitchen and service funding difficulties
Previous file number: D7B
Paper file
UND/CB1/B1 1940 - 1952, 1960 - 1961
Biblical Studies Certificate in, comprising correspondence (with and about students, etc.)
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1944.
3. 1944-1952, 1960-1961.
UND/CB1/B2 18 November 1963 - 9 September 1988
Botany, Department of, comprising correspondence and related papers (including Dr R.R.D. Croy's
“A Code of Practice for Operations in the Category II Containment and Service Laboratories” (University of Durham Department of Botany, 1980), and University of Durham and University of Newcastle upon Tyne's joint
Proposal to the Agricultural and Food Research Council for an Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Soil / Plant Interactions, March 1988). (Botany was subsumed with Zoology in the new Biological Sciences department in 1988.)
1. 1963-1980.
2. 1980-1988.
UND/CB1/B2a 1 April 1994 - 30 September 1996
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), comprising correspondence and copies of BBSRC publications (including
BBSRC Business and Corporate Plan 1996 - 2000).
UND/CB1/B4 1944 - 1963
Bachelor of Divinity, comprising correspondence (prinicipally with and about individual students), and (for 1944 only) reports of examiners.
UND/CB1/B4a 1963 - 1995
Blood Transfusion Service
UND/CB1/B5 1963 - 1988
Buildings Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Buildings Committee of the University of Durham also of some (Extension) Project Sub-Committees (St Aidan's College, Van Mildert College, etc.), and a little related correspondence. (The
Buildings Committee's responsibilities were taken over by the new Estates and Buildings Committee in late 1984.) 17 details developments in Biology and Zoology and the setting up of Biological Sciences, 1982 - 88.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967-1968.
7. 1968-1970.
8. 1970-1972.
9. 1972-1973.
10. 1973-1974.
11. 1974-1975.
12. 1975-1977.
13. 1979-1981.
14i&ii. 1981-1982.
15i&ii. 1982-1984.
16i&ii. 1984-1986.
17. 1982-1988.
UND/CB1/B5a 28 June 1988 - 6 September 1996
Biological Sciences, Department of, comprising correspondence and related papers (including copy of the department's brochure [1991]).
1. 1988-1993.
2i&ii. 1988-1992.
3. 1994-1996.
4i-iii. 1992-2000.
5. 2000-2008
UND/CB1/B5b 1944 - 1945
Botany, Readership in, comprising correspondence, and some agenda papers of the Statutory Committee for the appointment of a Reader in Botany and Head of Department of Botany in the Durham Division; includes copy of the application of Mr A.D.
Peggs [? appointed].
UND/CB1/B6 1963 - 2000
Business School, comprising agendas of the Ad Hoc Committee (of the Council) on the Business School and of the Advisory Committee of the Durham University Business School; Feasibility Study and Plan; and correspondence (with the chairman of the
Coal Board, etc.); includes copies of some Business School publications (course details etc.)
1. 1963-1968.
2. 1968-1971.
3. 1971-1972.
4. 1972-1976.
5. 1976-1978.
6. 1978-1980.
7. 1980-1981.
8i-ii. 1981-1983.
9i-ii. 1983-1984.
10i-ii. 1984-1986.
11i-ii. 1986-1988.
12i-ii. 1988.
13i-ii. 1988-1989.
14. 1990.
15i-ii. 1990-1991.
16i-ii. 1991-1992.
17. 1992.
18. 1992-1993.
19i-ii. 1993-1994.
20i-ii. 1994-1995.
21i-ii. 1995-1997.
22i-ii. 1997-1998.
23i-ii. 1998.
24. 1998-1999.
25. 1999-2000.
25a. 1987-1990.
26. 2000-2002
27. 2002-2004
28. 2004-2008
29. 1999-2007
UND/CB1/B6a 4 December 1984 - 1999
Board of Governors for the Business School, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence.
1. 1984-1990.
2. 1990-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1995.
4i&ii. 1995-1996.
5i&ii. 1996-1998.
6i-ii. 1998-1999.
7. 1999.
UND/CB1/B6b 1945 - 1962
Bequests and Donations, comprising correspondence (especially with solicitors and banks, and including extracts from wills).
UND/CB1/B6c 1950 - 1963
Dr. Henry Buxton - Bequests, comprising correspondence. (The University of Durham and the United Liverpool Hospitals were the residuary legatees of Dr Buxton; Dr Buxton left an annuity to his housekeeper, who was evidently still alive in 1958.)
UND/CB1/B7 29 November 1982 - 3 June 2004
Botanic Gardens, comprising correspondence and papers (including those relating to the opening of the visitor centre by the chancellor on 1 July 1988), also agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee on Gardens and Grounds and the
Friends of the Garden.
1. November 1982 - January 1991.
2. February 1991 - June 2004.
UND/CB1/B9 1963 - 1999
Bequests and Donations.
UND/CB1/B10 29 May 1970 - 24 May 1971
British Association Meeting in Durham in 1970, comprising correspondence and papers (including catalogue of British Association Members' Art Exhibition at the Durham Arts Centre, and typescript text of the orations delivered by the Public Orator
at a Special Congregation held in the Great Hall of Durham Castle on 5 September 1970), also agenda papers of the British Association Local Executive Committee (meetings held at Durham).
1. 1970.
2. 1970-1971.
UND/CB1/B11 1984 - 1992
[University of Brunei] , comprising correspondence communicating university departments' comments on proposed academic links with the University of Brunei and copies of a document “University of Durham : Visit to Brunei
25th - 28th February 1985”.
1. 1985.
2. 1984-1992.
UND/CB1/B11a 1963 - 1976
Bede College, comprising agendas of the Governing Body [to 1972] and of the Bede College Committee (from 1972 onwards), copied minutes of its various committees, and correspondence.
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1968.
3. 1968-1970.
4. 1970-1972.
5. 1972-1973.
6. 1973-1974.
7. 1974-1976.
UND/CB1/B11b 1972 - 1981
Bede/ St Hild's Governing Body of, comprising agendas of the Governing Body of the College of St Hild and St Bede, copied minutes of its various committees, and correspondence, and also “Proposed Future Use of College
Buildings in event of Merger with University”, a March 1978 report by the Buildings Office, University of Durham.
1: 1972.
2. 1972-1973.
3. 1973-1974.
4. 1974-1975.
5. 1975-1976.
6. 1976-1977.
7. 1977.
8. 1977-1978.
8a. 1978.
9. 1978-1979.
10. 1979.
11. 1979-1981.
12. 1981.
UND/CB1/B12 14 February - 22 July 1964, 4 February - 8 June 1970
Burnham Committee, comprising correspondence (principally with Sir William Alexander, honorary secretary of the Burnham Committee) mainly about the BMus degree.
UND/CB1/B12a 1985 - 1986
British and Foreign School Society.
UND/CB1/B13 12 May 1976 - 20 October 1977
Billingham Forum, comprising a very little correspondence (mainly about meetings of the Board of Management of Billingham Forum).
UND/CB1/B13a 1950 - 1951
The Beggar's Opera - for the Chancellor's Installation, comprising correspondence, accounts, and copy of the programme. (The performance was put on in the Assembly Rooms, Durham by members of the University in 1950).
UND/CB1/B13b 1996 - 1997
Binding, correspondence on the binding of university publications.
UND/CB1/C1 3 July 1980 - 2002
Council, comprising correspondence and papers (not agenda papers), the papers including [in the early 1980s] copies of the terms and conditions of appointment of named individuals. Some later files include envelopes of agenda papers. There are
also some additional envelopes of loose papers including those relating to the induction of Council members 2001 - 02 and the review of the effectiveness of the Council, 2000.
1. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1982.
3i&ii. 1982
4i&ii. 1982-1983.
5i&ii. 1983-1984.
6i&ii. 1984-1985.
7i&ii. 1985-1986.
8i&ii. 1986-1987
9i&ii. 1987-1988.
10. 1988.
11i&ii. 1988-1990.
12i&ii. 1990-1993.
13. 1993-1995.
13a. 1994.
14i&ii. 1995-1996.
14a. 1995-1997.
15i&ii. 1996-1997.
16i&ii. 1997.
17i&ii. 1997.
18i&ii. 1998
19. 1998-1999.
20. 1999.
21i&ii. 1999-2000.
22. 2000.
22a. 2001.
23i-ii. 2002-2001.
23a. 2001-2002.
73. 2001.
74. 2001-2002.
75. 2002-2003.
76. 2003-2004.
77i&ii. 2004- + loose paper
UND/CB1/C1(i) 1996 - 2006
1 paper file
UND/CB1/C2 1939 - 1978
Calendar (of the University of Durham), comprising correspondence relating to amendments to be made, and relating to the printing and supply of copies. (Sample files only retained.)
1. 1949-1940.
2. 1950.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1976-1978.
UND/CB1/C3 18 November 1963 - 2007
Classics, Department of, comprising correspondence, and papers (including papers for a January 1965 committee on the staffing position in the department and a report for 1966 - 67 of the department of Classics and Ancient History and a brochure
of the department of Classics and Ancient History, 1998). One of the files includes a sealed envelope of papers entitled 'Abortive Review of Classics 1997'. The files include little dating from the 1970s.
1i&ii. 1963-1989.
2. 1989-1998.
3. 1998-2007
Transferred to UND/CF3/D1964-1968, 31 October 2011.
UND/CB1/C5 1955 - 1985
Certificates and Parchments, comprising correspondence of the registrar with former students, employers, etc, including copies of typescript certificates supplied to employers etc. that named persons passed specified examinations etc. Sample
files only retained.
1. 1955.
2. 1975.
3. 1984-1985.
UND/CB1/C5a 1950 - 1967
Certificates and Parchments, Writing of, comprising correspondence (mainly copies of letters to Mr T. Spence, Whitley Bay, requesting him to prepare parchments including honorary degree parchments). Sample file only retianed.
UND/CB1/C6 October 1939 - December 2010
Chancellor, being correspondence with the chancellor, and including several photographs. 4 concerns the 11th earl of Scarbrough (d. 1969) and his successor as chancellor, the Rt Hon Malcolm MacDonald (chancellor, 1970-1981), and related papers
(including [Durham Cathedral service sheet for a memorial service] for Lord Scarbrough, 14 October 1969, and the University of Durham press notice about the appointment of Mr MacDonald as chancellor and about his visits to the University). 5
concerns correspondence with Mr Malcolm MacDonald, later with Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias [chancellor 1981 onwards], and with others (including with Mr MacDonald's sister, Mrs Sheila Lockhead, about her late brother's papers and their deposit with
the university), and related papers (including agenda papers of the Joint Committee of Senate and Council to consider the nomination of a new chancellor, 1981, the service sheet for the service of thanksgiving for the life and work of the Rt Hon
Malcolm MacDonald, PC, OM, 1901-1981, at Westminster Abbey on 3 March 1981, and programmes for successive visits of the chancellor to the university). 6 is mostly the suggestions for possible chancellors in 1991 and 7 the process of choosing that
chancellor with minutes of the committee.
1. 1939-1947.
2. 1949-1960.
3. 1960-1963.
4. 18 November 1963 - 19 January 1980.
5. 5 April 1980 - June 1988.
6. March - April 1991.
7. February 1991 - January 1992.
8. 1 February 1991 - 2 December 1999.
9. 3 December 1999 - 8 December 2010
UND/CB1/C6a July 1949 - November 1963
Chancellorship(s), Committee on, including on the nomination of chancellor 1958, comprising copy of agenda and minutes, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/C6b 1958 - 1964
File of correspondence on arrangements for the chancellor's visit to the University in October 1964; also press cuttings reporting on the installation of the earl of Scarbrough as chancellor [1958].
UND/CB1/C6c January 1950 - January 1993
Chancellor, Installation of, Arrangements for Ceremony; includes copies of proceedings and: (4) programme of the installation of Mr Malcolm MacDonald as chancellor on 12 December 1970, and sample invitation cards; (5) programme of the
installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias as chancellor, 30 June 1982, luncheon menu card, and text of the orations delivered by the public orator in presenting the honorary graduands on 30 June, and typescript of the sermon delivered by
Archbishop Robert Runcie; (6) agenda papers of the working party on arrangements for the installation of the chancellor [Sir Peter Ustinov], typescript of the texts of the chancellor's address in Durham Cathedral on 7 May 1992 and of the speech of
the vice-chancellor and warden at the installation and of the texts of the orations of the public orator in presenting the honorary graduands, sample invitation cards, and programme, also press cuttings from the local and national press, and letters
of thanks with the score of Derek Downes's fanfare in 1992.
1. 1950-1951.
2. 1958.
3. 1958-1959.
4. 10 July 1970 - 17 August 1971.
5i-ii. 14 May 1981 - 30 November 1982.
6. 17 January - 4 June 1992.
6a. 1992.
7. January 1992 - January 1993.
7a. February - April 1992.
UND/CB1/C6d 1958
Chancellor, Installation of : Honorary Degrees conferred at, comprising correspondence with the honorary graduands and texts of the orations delivered by the public orator.
UND/CB1/C6e February - April 2005
Chancellor, Installation of: Teesside, order of ceremony, invitation, information for the ceremony, correspondence, with a DVD “Celebrating 75 Years of Higher Education” . Check.
UND/CB1/C7 June 1937 - 2003
Codrington College [Barbados, British West Indies], comprising correspondence with the college's principal, much of it routine in nature.
1. 1937-1948.
2. 1948-1951.
3. 1951-1955.
4. 1955-1963.
5. 1963-2003.
UND/CB1/C8 1963 - 2000
Chemistry, Department of, comprising correspondence (including that relating to the filling of posts and research grants) and related papers and publications (including publications of the Royal Society of Chemistry, brochure
“Research Opportunities in Chemistry” [?1990], papers about the opening of the Durham Laboratories of the IRC in Polymer Science and Technology on 30 September 1991, the University of Durham Internal Audit Report on
the Chemistry Department, 1996, the University of Durham Department of Chemistry Research Opportunities for Graduates [1994], and BSc Courses in Chemistry : Information for Prospective Students [1993] ). (2a and 4a originally from the Science
1. 1963-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1988.
2a. February 1982 - March 1989.
3. 1988-1991.
4i&ii. 1991-1996.
4a. September 1994 - September 1995.
5i&ii. 1996-1997.
6. 1997-2000
UND/CB1/C8a 1960 - 1963
Chemistry (2nd Chair of) at Durham' , comprising correspondence with the appointee (Dr Musgrave) and copy of his curriculum vitae.
UND/CB1/C8b September 1970 - March 1974, December 1992 - March 1993
Chemistry Board of Studies [File] From Science Site, comprising agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Chemistry, and related correspondence.
UND/CB1/C9 1 July 1983 - 30 June 1986
Commercial and Public Affairs, Office of, comprising correspondence with the University of Durham's Office of Commercial and Public Affairs; agenda papers of the Committee for the Management of the Office of Commercial and Public Affairs; and
related papers and publications (including the North of England Development Council's Biotechnology in the North of England [?1984] and Durham
Mountjoy Research Centre brochure [1985]).
1. 1983-1984.
2. 1984-1986.
UND/CB1/C9a 1987 - 2000
Childcare Facilities, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Nursery Management Committee; University of Durham Internal Audit Report on the University Nursery, 1993; and related papers.
1. 1987-1990.
2i-ii. 1990-1995.
3. 1995-1997.
4. 1996-2000
UND/CB1/C9b 1938 - 1955
Commerce, Faculty of, correspondence, minutes and agendas of the faculty board.
UND/CB1/C10 1982, 16 May 1985 - 2012
Congregation, comprising correspondence; sample cards and tickets; Durham Cathedral service sheets for Congregation Day; procession lists; instructions; and text of speeches [of the vice-chancellor].
1a. 1982
1i&ii. 1985-1987.
2i&ii. 1987-1988.
3i&ii. 1988-1990.
3a. 1989-1999.
4. 1990-1991.
5i&ii, 5a. 1991.
6i&ii, 6a. 1993.
7i&ii. 1993-1994.
8i&ii. 1994-1996.
9. 1996.
10i&ii, 10a. 1996-1998.
11i&ii. 1998.
12. 1998-2001.
12a. 1998-2001.
12b. 1998-1999.
12c. 2000.
13,13a-f. 2001-2003.
14. 1998
42. 2003-2012
UND/CB1/C10a 1944 - 1973
Congregation Arrangements, including tickets and notices.
1. 1944-1951.
2. 1952-1961.
3. 1963-1973.
UND/CB1/C10b 1981 - 1984
Congregation Photographers, correspondence re the appointment of a photographer, with sample photographs of Durham graduates, from J.B. Carlin of Ushaw Moor and Shiv Parshad of Hartlepool.
UND/CB1/C11 2 July 1981
Computing, Department of, comprising just a carbon copy of a letter to the registrar of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne regarding UMRCC allocations [of computing time ] 1981 - 82.
UND/CB1/C11a 20 September 1984 - 1993
Colleges Committee, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Colleges Committee later the Colleges Consultative Committee; and related papers.
1i-ii. 1984-1988.
2. 1988-1993.
UND/CB1/C11b March 1939 - 2010
Convocation, comprising copies of agenda papers, also correspondence and copies of the vice-chancellor's addresses to Convocation; includes copies of agenda papers of the Joint Standing Committee of Convocations, this committee being
representative of the Convocations of the universities of Birmingham, Durham, Liverpool, etc.
1. 1939-1951.
2. 1951-1960.
3. 1960-1963.
4. 1989-2010.
UND/CB1/C11c March - May 1952
Correspondence with members of Convocation re change in name of University, comprising correspondence and press cuttings on proposed change in name from “The University of Durham” to “the
University of Durham and Newcastle”.
UND/CB1/C12 1963 - 1990
Clermont University, correspondence with and about the University of Clermont, some being in French, and a “Cultural agreement between the University of Durham and the University of Clermont-Ferrand II in the field of
Arts and Humanities” .
UND/CB1/C13 7 March 1973 - 2005
Car Park, comprising correspondence; lists of car licences issued (names and car registration numbers recorded); a very few agenda papers of the Car Parking Committee; and a very few University circulars.
1. 1973-1975.
2. 1975-1999.
3. 2000-2005
UND/CB1/C13a 1975 - 1984
Cars - Registered by Students, lists and correspondence.
UND/CB1/C13b 1952
The Future Development of the University of Durham, report of a committee appointed by the Court of the University, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/C15 18 November 1963 - 2008
College Chaplains, comprising correspondence (including that with the bishop of Durham and with the heads of houses); some agenda papers of the Consultative Committee on University Chaplaincies; and notes of discussions.
1. 1963-1980
2. 1980-2008
UND/CB1/C15a November 1938 - December 1955
Calendar Committee, comprising correspondence, also copies of minutes and agendas of the committee.
UND/CB1/C16 March 1939 - June 1952
Chairman's Committee [of the Court], comprising correspondence re meetings, especially their arranging; does not include copies of minutes.
UND/CB1/C17 1939
College Buildings, comprising correspondence and memoranda.
UND/CB1/C18 1 June 1985 - 3 February 1999
Centre for Overseas Research and Development, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Centre for Overseas Research and Development; and some publications (including the Centre for Overseas Research
and Development : a brochure for an exhibition prepared for a visit by Princess Anne on 3 June 1988).
1. 1985-1991.
2. 1991-1999.
3. 1999-2003
UND/CB1/C18a January 1940 - January 1945
Correspondence with the Dep[uty] Chief Censor, Liverpool, etc. re the despatch of publications etc. abroad etc.
UND/CB1/C19 21 June 1962 - 2004
Centre for the Middle Eastern Islamic Studies, Committee for, comprising correspondence; [incomplete] agenda papers of the Standing Committee for the Centre of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; and publications (of the Centre, etc.)
1. 1962-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3. 1969-1971.
4. 1971-1972.
5. 1972-1976.
6. 1976-1978.
7i&ii. 1978-1983.
8i&ii. 1983-1988.
9. 1988-1992
10i&ii. 1992-1994.
11. 1994-1999.
12. 1999-2003
13. 2003-2004
UND/CB1/C19a 15 February 1975 - May 1987
Finance Sub-Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Finance Sub-Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Standing Committee for the Centre of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; and correspondence.
1. 1975-1979.
2. 1979-1985.
3. 1985-1988.
UND/CB1/C19b 17 October 1968 - 5 December 1986
Publications Sub-Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Publications Sub-Committee of the Standing Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; and correspondence.
1. 1968-1980.
2. 1980-1988.
UND/CB1/C19c 2001 - 2002
College Review 2002 + background papers, comprising correspondence and papers (including the final report
The Future Organisation of the University : College Review Group).
i-iii. 2002
iv. 6 December 2001 - 17 May 2002
UND/CB1/C19(i) 1998 - 2000
Contemporary Chinese Studies, Centre for
1. 1998-2000
1 Paper File
UND/CB1/C20 18 November 1963 - 11 May 1999
Copyright, comprising correspondence principally about granting consent to the use of texts published by the University (in the
Durham University Journal, Durham University Gazette, etc.)
1. 1963-1989.
2i-ii. 1989-1999.
UND/CB1/C20a 1949 - 1962
Crests, Individual, comprising correspondence, including that with the College of Arms.
UND/CB1/C21 1963 - 14 September 1993
Computer, University later Computer Unit later Computer Service, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Computer Unit, later Computer Unit Committee, later Computer Service Committee ; and related papers (including
some Computer Unit Area Reports and publications of CTI [Computers in Teaching Initiative], etc.)
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967.
5. 1967-1968.
6. 1968-1969.
7. 1969.
8. 1969-1970.
9. 1970-1971.
10. 1971-1973.
11. 1973-1975.
12i&ii. 1975-1978.
13. 1978-1980.
14i&ii. 1980-1983.
15i&ii. 1983-1984.
15a. 3/4 May 1984 Computer Board visit.
16i&ii. 1984-1987.
17i&ii. 1987-1988.
18i&ii. 1988-1990.
19. 1990-1991.
20. 1991.
21i&ii. 1991-1992.
22. 1992-1993.
23. 1994-2006
Continued by UND/CB1/I8.
UND/CB1/C21a 1981 - 1986
Word-processing Working Party, agendas and papers.
1. 1981-1982.
2. 1982-1983.
3. 1983-1986.
UND/CB1/C21b November - December 1945
Classical Association, correspondence.
UND/CB1/C22 8 March 1963 - 23 November 1982
Ceremonies Committee, University, comprising agenda papers of the Ceremonies Committee and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/C22a 1 September 1985 - 2000
Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees, comprising correspondence (including proposals of persons for honorary degrees); agenda papers of the Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees Committee; text of the Public Orator's orations; University Press Releases;
unsuccessful nominations; and correspondence with honorary graduands / graduates.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1988.
3i&ii. 1989-1990.
4i&ii, 4a. 1990.
5i&ii. 1991-1993.
6a&b. 1993-1994.
7i&ii, a-c. 1994-1995.
8i&ii, a-d. 1994-1996.
9i&ii. 1996-1998.
10. 1998-1999.
10a. 1998.
10b. 1999.
10c. 1998-1999.
10d. 1999.
10e. 1999-2000.
11. September 1999 - July 2000.
12. April 2003 - March 2006.
UND/CB1/C22b March 1948 - 1963
Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham's Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee, and correspondence with the Advisory Committee on Colonial Colleges of Arts, Science and Technology (whose
secretary was based at the Colonial Office, London), including:
Fourah Bay College (Sessional Paper No.1 of 1949), latter Advisory Committee's report on Fourah Bay College [1951]; draft charter and statutes for Fourah Bay 1959; report of Sierra Leone Education Committee 1954; plans
of Fourah Bay May 1952; governor's report on Fourah Bay 1948; bill for Fourah Bay 1949; report of the Commission on Higher Education in West Africa 1945.
1. 1948-1953.
2. 1954-1963.
UND/CB1/C23 23 March 1971 - 14 March 2008
Collingwood College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body; correspondence; and related papers.
1. 1971-1975.
2. 1975-1979.
3i&ii. 1979-1987.
4i&ii. 1987-1989.
5i&ii. 1989-1993.
6i&ii. 1993-1996.
7i&ii. 1996-1999.
8. November 1999 - November 2002.
9. December 2002 - November 2005.
10. January 2006 - March 2008.
UND/CB1/C24 1985 - 2003
Centre for Seventeenth Century Studies, correspondence, publicity material for the Centre, programme for the 10th international conference (held at Durham University 14-17 July 2003).
UND/CB1/C25 19 September 1988 - 5 January 1990
Chinese Department, comprising a very little correspondence (principally about the development of Chinese studies at Durham).
UND/CB1/C25a 1989 - 1990
Conference Policy Working Party, established by Policy COmmittee minute 57 of 21 April 1989, a sleeping committee from 20 December 1989.
UND/CB1/C25b November 1990 - August 1999
Conference Trade and related matters, correspondence including the Commercial Office marketing plan 1994/5.
Paper file
UND/CB1/C26 1973 - October 2007
Careers and Advisory Board later Careers Advisory Service, comprising agenda papers of the Durham University Careers Advisory Board later the Careers Advisory Service Board meetings; correspondence; and papers (including some annual reports of
the Durham University Careers Advisory Service, publications of the Higher Education Careers Services Unit,
The Careers Advisory Service Guide (University of Durham, 1997), and DUCAS's Information for Employers).
1. 1973-1975.
2i&ii. 1975-1979.
3. 1979-1981.
4i&ii. 1981-1983.
5i&ii. 1983-1986.
6i&ii. 1986-1989.
7i&ii. 1989-1991.
8i&ii. 1991-1993.
9i&ii. 1993-1995.
10i&ii. 1995-1998.
11. October 1998 - March 2001.
12. March 2001 - October 2007.
UND/CB1/C27 1974 - 1989
Change of Address, correspondence.
UND/CB1/C28 14 October 1985 - 23 August 1989
Computer Science Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/C28a 1989 - 2001
CFSTA/CFFSTA, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Council Fund for Students Travelling Abroad ; copies of completed application forms; and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1989-1992.
1a. 1990.
1b. 1990-2001.
1c. 1991.
1d. 1991.
2, 2a. 1993.
3, 3a. 1994.
4, 4a. 1995.
UND/CB1/C28b October 1953 - April 1954
Chair of Chemical Engineering [at Newcastle], comprising particulars of the chair, correspondence, and application of Dr J.M. Coulson [ the successful applicant]
UND/CB1/C29 June 1986 - 30 July 1998
Continuing Education Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Continuing Education, and a little related correspondence, on the merger with Education (2), the merger's cancellation (3), the development of part-time
undergraduate degrees (4), the review of Continuing Education (5), and the review and withdrawal of part-time degrees (6).
1. 1986-1990.
2. 1995-1996.
3. 1996.
4. 1997.
5. 1997-1998.
6. 1999-2002.
UND/CB1/C29a 28 October 1994 - 7 February 2006
City Liaison, comprising correspondence (including that with the MP for Durham, the town clerk and chief executive of Durham City Council, and individual city councillors) about all aspects of the interation between the university, its students
and the local community.
1a&b. 28 October 1994 - 25 January 1996.
2. 26 January 1996 - 7 February 2006.
UND/CB1/C31 14 April 1986 - 7 April 1988
Conference of University Administrators, comprising CUA conference publications and correspondence [of the University of Durham CUA branch correspondent].
UND/CB1/C31a March 1995 - February 1998
Mr Stewart's Correspondence CNRS (Centre National de la Reserche Scientifique), comprising correspondence (regarding CNRS staff visiting Durham under the CNRS - Durham Fellowship Scheme and the establishment of the agreement with CNRS).
1. 1995-1998.
2. 1998.
UND/CB1/C32 2 October 1986 - 28 February 2001
CRE Conference - Durham 1989 and CRE Papers, comprising correspondence and copies of CRE and other publications including circulars. 5 of the files relate to the IX General Assembly of the Standing Conference of Rectors, Presidents and
Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities, held at Durham, 11 - 15 September 1989.
1i&ii, 1a. 1986-1988.
2i&ii, 2a. 1988-1989.
3i&ii, 3a-d. 1989.
4i&ii. 1989-1994.
5i&ii, 5a. 1994- October 1997.
6I&ii. 1 November 1997-28 February 2001.
UND/CB1/C33 10 February 1987 - 19 February 2002
Colleges Board, comprising agenda papers of the Colleges Board, including annual reports and accounts from colleges, and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1987-1988.
2. 1988-1990.
3i&ii. 1990-1993.
4i&ii. 1993-1996.
5i&ii. 1996-2000.
6. 2000-2002.
UND/CB1/C33a January 1990 - 2006
Colleges Board - Planning Committee, comprising agenda papers [only] of the Colleges Board Planning Committee.
1. 1990-1997.
2. 1997-2006.
UND/CB1/C33b October - November 1999
College Annual Plans and Meetings with SMG, annual reports of the colleges and the Graduate Society, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/C33c 1993 - 1994
Working Party on Alcohol Abuse amongst Students, comprising completed questionnaires, correspondence and papers.
UND/CB1/C34 July - November 1987
Centre for the Exploitation of Science and Technology (CEST), correspondence and a bid to host such a new centre.
UND/CB1/C35 1 November 1988 - 9 February 1998
Career Development and Training of University Staff, comprising correspondence; copies of issues of Durham University Staff Training and Development Newsletter (
The Dustsheet); and other publications.
1. 1988-1991.
2. 1991-1998.
UND/CB1/C36 20 April 1979 - 16 December 1996
Credit Transfer / Access including Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA), comprising correspondence with CNAA, and copies of publications (of CNAA, CVCP, etc.), and related papers.
1. 1979-1991.
2. 1991-1996.
UND/CB1/C37 30 July 1987 - 2 April 1993
Computerisation of Administrative Systems - Student Records, comprising correspondence, also (loose) copy of University of Durham : Main Student Records Training September 1990 (about the course being run about the new system).
UND/CB1/C38 1998 - 2000
Working Group on College Residence and Catering Operations (CRACO) minutes, agendas and correspondence, including Conference and Tourism Draft Marketing Plan 2000/2001.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/C39 20 May 2003 - 30 March 2006
Complaints, dealt with by the registrar.
Paper file
UND/CB1/C40 1994 - 2008
Proposed Centre for Counselling 1994, CESCO, and Accreditation of Counselling Qualifications, comprising correspondence about proposed Centre for Studies in Counselling (CESCO) and regarding the Accreditation of Counselling Qualifications, with
some leaflets, annual reports and notices of conferences.
1. 1994.
2. 1996-1997.
2a. 1996-1998.
3. 1999-2008.
UND/CB1/C41 4 April 1990 - 7 March 2001
Crofton Hall Field Study Centre, comprising correspondence (including that with the secretary and the chairman of the Crofton Trust), notes on meetings with representatives of the Crofton Trust and about the Crofton Trust, and its eventual
transfer to Voluntary Action Cumbria, with related papers, leaflets for the centre, annnual financial statements for Crofton Trust for 1997-1999, and lots of correspondence of Eric Cresswell including some copies of 1960s-1970s, leaflets for Rydal
Hall, and the annual report of Cumbria Association of Clubs for Young People 2000-2001..
1. 1990-1995.
2. 1995-1997.
3. 1997-1998.
4i&ii. January 1999 - March 2001.
5. March 2001 - May 2002.
6. June 2002 - January 2003.
UND/CB1/C42 2 November 2004 - 1 October 2007
Committee of University Chairmen, some correspondence and publications, including:
Handbook for members of Audit Committees in Higher Education Institutions (February 2008/06), CUC Newsletter Issue 21 April 2007, Committee of University Chairmen:
Interim Report of the Working Party on the Review of Institutional Performance (May 2002)
Paper file
UND/CB1/D1 1963 - 3 October 2000
Dunelm House, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Dunelm House Committee, with MORI publications:
Attitudes of University Finalists Participants' Report (March 1993 and March 1994).
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1968.
3. 1968-1969.
4i&ii. 1969-1972.
5. 1972-1975.
6. 1975-1979.
7. 1979-1990.
8. 1990-2000.
UND/CB1/D1a 1965 - February 1992
Dunelm House Staff Club, comprising agenda papers of the AGM of the University of Durham Staff Club later the Staff Common Room, in Elvet Riverside (closed 1992), and related correspondence, membership lists, notices and papers.
1. 1965-1966.
2. 1966-1992.
UND/CB1/D1b 1976 - 2005
Dunelm House catering
1. 1976 Ad Hoc Committee draft report on catering
2. 2002 DSU tender for the provision of café services, with annexes, accounts and correspondence
3. 2005 Contract and tender for DSU café services
2 paper files and 1 book
UND/CB1/D1c 1937 - 1949
Dining Club (University), especially dinners of the Faculties Club, mostly correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/D2 23 May 1979 - 3 July 1987
Data Processing, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Administrative Data Processing Steering Group, and a very little related correspondence and papers.
UND/CB1/D2a 1997 - 1998
Dearing Papers and the Dearing Committee, reactions and responses to the Dearing Report and the CVCP's report on the action it will take in response.
UND/CB1/D3 18 November 1963 - March 1965
Durham School Examinations Board, comprising some agenda papers of the University of Durham School Examination Board, and a little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/D3a December 1936 - July 1963
Durham Office, comprising correspondence (including that with staff re appointments), particulars of posts, applications for posts, copies of notices and circulars, and equipment catalogues.
1. 1936-1939.
2. 1940-1942.
3. 1942-1947.
4. 1947-1954.
5. 1954-1958.
6. 1958-1961.
7. 1961-1963.
UND/CB1/D3b 1979 - 1981
The Durham Address from Industry, correspondence, invitations and guest lists, with a copy of Sir Derek Ezra's address “Coal and Energy Policy” .
UND/CB1/D4 1963 - February 2006
Development Programme Committee, later (from the file for November 1984 - October 1989 onwards) Development, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Development Programme Committee, later the agenda papers of the University of Durham
Development Planning Group, later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Development Programme Advisory Board, still later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Development Council, then from 1998 just correspondence and reports on
fund-raising; and related correspondence and papers.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967-1968.
7. 1968-1969.
8. 1969.
9i&ii. 1969-1970
10. 1970-1973.
11. 1973-1975.
12. 1975-1978.
13. 1978-1980.
14i&ii. 1980-1984.
15. 1984-1989.
16. 1989-1991.
17i&ii. 1991-1993.
18i&ii. 1993-1994.
19i&ii. 1994-1995.
20i&ii. 1995-1996.
21i&ii. 1996-1998.
22. 1998-2006. Closed to 2037.
UND/CB1/D4a 5 November 1981 - 19 December 1983
Development Programme Committee and Quinquennial (sic), Joint Committee of', comprising a few agenda papers of and correspondence about the Development Programme Committee and the Quinquennial Committee [joint meeting
of the Development Programme Committee and the Quinquennial Committee, discussing appeal projects].
UND/CB1/D4b 1990 - 1996
Development Office (formerly Fundraising Office) including development of Durham University Business School.
1. 1990-1991.
2. June 1993 - October 1996.
UND/CB1/D4c January 1939 - 1963
School Examinations Board (Durham), comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham School Examinations Board, and correspondence.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1947.
3. 1947-1951.
4. 1951-1953.
5. 1953-1955.
6. 1955-1957.
7. 1957-1958.
8. 1958-1960.
9. 1960.
10. 1960-1961.
11. 1961-1963.
UND/CB1/D5 1 January 1998 - 23 July 2003
Departmental Plans, comprising minutes of meetings, correspondence, and [draft] academic departmental annual plans and objectives.
1. 1 January 1998 - 15 March 2000.
2. 16 March 2000 - February 2001.
3. 1 March 2001 - 23 July 2003.
UND/CB1/D6 18 November 1963 - 17 February 1970
DePauw Exchange, comprising correspondence regarding the exchange scheme between the University of Durham, DePauw and Indiana Universities, also a copy of the Inauguration Issue of
De Pauw Alumnus, December 1963.
UND/CB1/D6a 1987 - 1998
Duisburg University, correspondence, some in German, publicity material for Duisburg and copies of the
Duisberger Report and Universitäts Report.
UND/CB1/D7 1939 - 2006
Discipline Committee, comprising correspondence re individual student cases, mainly over plagiarism or drunken behaviour, and a very few copies of agenda papers and minutes of the Discipline Committee, including some student exam scripts, with a
later file of Discipline Committee reports and supporting correspondence.
1. 1939, 1946-1963.
2. 1970-1980.
3. Register of discipline cases 1993-2006.
4. 23 January 1979 - 1 July 1987.
5. 2 July 1987 - 12 June 1995.
6. 13 June 1995 - 7 October 1996.
7. 8 October 1996 - 8 July 1998.
8. 9 July 1998 - 15 March 2001.
9. 16 March 2001 - 4 August 2003.
UND/CB1/D8 1939 - 1959
Doctor of Science, comprising correspondence re regulations, including rights to wear gowns.
UND/CB1/D9 18 November 1963 - 30 April 2008
Dean and Chapter, comprising correspondence (especially that of the vice-chancellor with the dean of Durham); copies of Durham Cathedral Calendar [of services]; a few service sheets; and related papers.
1. 1963-1988.
2. 1988-1996.
3. 1997-2008.
UND/CB1/D9a September 1939 - 1963
Durham University Sudents' Representative Council and Athletic Union, comprising correspondence and a few agenda papers of the DUSRC; it appears that the files do not include Athletic Union papers.
1. 1939-1951.
2. 1951-1963.
UND/CB1/D10 13 September 1980 - 1 December 1984
Durham University Academic Information Service (DAIS), comprising correspondence with DAIS, and copies of some DAIS publications and copies of discussion papers of DAIS.
UND/CB1/D10a July 1993 - June 1994
Durham and Newcastle Collaboration on Computing (DANCOC), correspondence and minutes.
UND/CB1/D11 1963 - 7 February 1997
DSc Degree, comprising correspondence (with candidates, enquirers, etc.) about the degree.
1. 1963-1997.
2. 1986-1991.
UND/CB1/D11a December 1937 - July 1945
DD Examiner's Report on Candidates, comprising correspondence, and reports of examiners.
UND/CB1/D12 14 February 1966
Diploma in Education, comprising just a letter from Professor E. Eaglesham, professor of Education, about the change in title of the present Diploma in Education to the post-graduate Certificate in Education.
UND/CB1/D12a 1931 - 1963
DLitt Examiner's Report on Candidates, comprising correspondence, and reports on candidates' theses.
UND/CB1/D12b 1948 - 1961
DLitt, comprising correspondence, and memoranda on the degree.
UND/CB1/D12c January 1989 - January 2004
Data Protection, correspondence about hte university's compliance with the 1984 and 1998 Acts, and a code of conduct, and Academic Office documentation of 2000/2001.
Paper file
UND/CB1/D13 September 1991 - 14 May 2002
Deaf Studies Research Unit, comprising reports on the future of the University of Durham Deaf Studies Research Unit (within the Department of Sociology and Social Policy); copy of brochure produced for the conference hosted by the unit (on
'Issues in Interpreting', 17 - 20 April 1994); reports on funding of the unit; and some correspondence and related papers and publications.
1. September 1991 - 22 April 1997.
2. 23 April 1997 - 14 May 2002.
UND/CB1/D13a 1933 - 1957
DCL Examiner's Report on Candidates, comprising correspondence, and reports of examiners.
UND/CB1/D15 18 November 1963 - 16 September 2008
Durham City and County Councils, comprising correspondence with both Durham City Council and (to a lesser extent) Durham County Council, and related papers and some publications (about the Review of Local Government, Durham Task Force, etc.)
including the
City of Durham Local Plan 1998 consultation draft, and meetings and papers for the County Durham Economic Forum and the County Durham Lifelong Partnership, with copies of the County Durham
Economic Strategy 2002-2007, North West Durham Programme for Action 2001-2006 and Strategic Vision for County Durham [2004]
1i&ii. 1963-1986.
2. 1986-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1993.
4i&ii. 1993.
5i&ii. 1993-1996.
6. 1996-1999.
7. 7 October 1999 - 31 December 2001.
8. 1 January 2002 - 2 May 2003.
9. 3 May 2003 - 16 September 2008.
10. February - June 2005 Durham City Vision.
UND/CB1/D15a 1987 - 1992
Durham City and County Council Joint Working Party, correspondence and agendas for the University Liaison Meetings netween Durham City Council and the university and arrangements for the working party.
UND/CB1/D18 November - December 1951
Degrees by Diploma, comprising correspondence, principally re an Hon. Doctorate of Civil Law for HRH the Duke of Edinburgh.
UND/CB1/D21 November 1955 - June 1958
Chair of Dental Surgery, comprising correspondence, also the University of Durham's memorandum for the McNair Committee on the reasons for the lack of candidates for training as dentists.
UND/CB1/D22 January 1956 - November 1958
Chair of Dermatology, comprising correspondence re the establishment and filling of the chair.
UND/CB1/D23 1956 - 1960
General Dental Council, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/D24 January 1949
Committee of deans of the faculties of Science, Applied Science and Agriculture, agenda papers
Paper file
UND/CB1/D25 March 1991 - October 1995
Durham 2000 paper of vice-chancellor October 1991, and the subsequent working party on the colleges established by Policy and Resources Committee on 30 September 1994 to review how best to sustain and support the college system into the next
centruy, minutes and papers, including a
Review of the Colleges and Societies of the University of Durham report 24 August 1995 by Commonwealth Higher Education Management Service.
1. March - October 1991, responses to the initial call for views and then responses to the Durham 2000 paper.
2. October 1991 - February 1992, Durham 2000 paper and correspondence
3. December 1994 - March 1995, working party on the colleges papers.
4. May - October 1995, working party on the colleges papers.
5. May - July 1995, sub-committee of the working party papers.
5 paper files
UND/CB1/E1 1951 - 1954
Education Committee ; Faculty of Education, comprising correspondence with staff, students, etc. (1 file kept as sample.)
UND/CB1/E1a 1963 - 20 December 2006
English Department, comprising correspondence with and about students and staff, and a few agenda papers (including those of the University of Durham Policy Committee visit to the School of English, June 1989).
1. 1963-1973.
2. 1973-1979.
3i&ii. 1979-1989.
4. 3 November 1989 - 12 October 2000.
5. 13 October 2000 - 20 December 2006.
UND/CB1/E2 & E3a 14 February 1973 - 2 October 2009
Education Department/School, comprising agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Education, correspondence, papers (including those concerning Ofsted, including the latter's inspection reports) and publications.
E2/1. 1973-1976.
E2/2. 1976-1979.
E2/3. 1979-1981.
E3a/1i&ii. 1981-1983.
E3a/2i&ii. 1983-1985.
E3a/3i&ii. 1985-1987.
E3a/4i&ii. 1987-1988.
E3a/5i&ii, 5a, 5b. 1988-1989.
E3a/6i&ii. 1989.
E3a/7i&ii, 7a. 1990.
E3a/8i&ii. 1991-1993.
E3a/9i&ii, 9a. 1993-1995.
E3a/10i&ii. 1995.
E3a/11i&ii. 1995-1996.
E3a/12i&ii. 1996-1997.
E3a/13i&ii. 1997.
E3a/14i&ii. 1997-1998.
E3a/15. 1998.
E3a/16. 1998-1999.
E3a/22. 23 July 1999 - 13 February 2000.
E3a/23. 14 February - 11 September 2000.
E3a/24. 12 September 2000 - 25 March 2004.
E3a/25. 26 March 2004 - 2 October 2009.
UND/CB1/E2a 1963 - February 1990
Education Faculty, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education (and of some of the Board's Committees and latterly of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Consultative Committee on Teacher Education), and a little related
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967-1969.
5i&ii. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
7. 1972-1973.
8. 1973-1974.
9i&ii. 1974-1977.
10. 1977-1978.
11. 1978-1979.
12. 1979-1980.
13. 1980-1981.
14. 1981-1983.
15. 1983-1986.
16. 1989-1990.
UND/CB1/E2b 10 September 1988 - 19 February 2008
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), comprising correspondence, and copies of ESRC circulars and publications, including annual reports.
1i&ii. 1988-1993.
2i&ii. 1993-1996.
3. 9 October 1996 - 5 January 2001.
4. 6 January 2001 - 19 February 2008.
UND/CB1/E2c 1970 - 1985
Senate Concessions and Exemptions Committee, comprising correspondence, also copies of minutes and some agenda papers.
UND/CB1/E2d 1969, 20 May 1975 - 14 August 1985
Postgraduate Courses in the Education Faculty, later Higher Degrees and Diplomas, comprising correspondence (with applicants for places and about studies), and agenda papers of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Education later the
agenda papers of the Committee for Higher Degrees and Diplomas of the Faculty of Education.
1. 1969.
2. 1975-1976.
3i&ii. 1976.
4i&ii. 1976-1977.
5i&ii. 1977-1978.
6i&ii. 1978-1979.
7i&ii. 1979.
8i&ii. 1979.
9i&ii. 1979-1980.
10i&ii. 1980-1981.
11i&ii. 1981.
12. 1981-1982.
13. 1982-1983.
14i&ii. 1983-1984.
15i&ii. 1984-1985.
UND/CB1/E2e 5 April 1982 - 16 December 1985
Examinations and Examiners [Education], comprising correspondence; External Examiners' reports; External Examiners' completed claim forms; etc.
UND/CB1/E2f 27 September 1978 - 19 January 1984
Education, Bachelor of, comprising correspondence including that about individual candidates.
UND/CB1/E2g 5 April 1979 - 1 May 1980
Ad Hoc BEd Transitional Period Committee Faculty of Education, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education's Committee to Supervise the Programme of BEd Candidates in the 'Transitional Period' 1979 / 82; agenda papers of one
meeting of the Board of Studies in Education; and correspondence.
UND/CB1/E2h 5 December 1977 - 20 June 1985
Advisory (Professional) Committee on Teacher Education, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education's Advisory Committee on Teacher Education later the Advisory (Professional) Committee on Teacher Education, and a little
related correspondence.
UND/CB1/E2i 27 October 1981 - 10 October 1984
Further Professional Studies Certificates, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E2j 1978 - 1985
Teesside Polytechnic Diploma in Special and Remedial Education, comprising correspondence with staff of the polytechnic, also some agenda papers of the University of Duham Faculty of Education's working party on a review of the Diploma in
Education of Children with Special Educational Needs, and the polytechnic's course proposal (1982) for the latter diploma.
UND/CB1/E2k September 1981 - 13 August 1985
New College Diploma in the Teaching of Primary Science, comprising correspondence about the Diploma in the Teaching of Primary Science at New College, Durham (validated by the University of Durham); external examiner's report, 1985; and related
UND/CB1/E2l 10 June 1976
(Bede College) tribunal (applicant for PGCE).
UND/CB1/E2m March 1957 - November 1963
Education Faculty MEd Standing Committee, then (1963) Universities of Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne M.Ed. Coordinating Committee agendas and papers, with applications and administrative arrangements for the MEd vacation course in January 1962,
and syllabuses and lists of candidates for the MEd and some examiners' papers.
1. 1957-1960.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1963.
3 paper files
UND/CB1/E2n February 1988 - December 1992
New College Diploma and Certificate in Teaching Students with Special Educational Needs, correspondence and papers.
Pepr file
UND/CB1/E3 1963 - 22 October 1981
Extra -Mural Board, comprising agendas of the University of Durham Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, correspondence, and agendas of the University of Durham Board for Extra-Mural Studies (later entitled the University of Durham Board of Studies
in Extra-Mural Studies and then the Delegacy for Adult and Continuing Education); publications of the Delegacy (including Sessional Report); and correspondence.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1972.
4. 1972-1975.
5. 1975-1978.
6. 1978-1980.
7. 1980-1981.
8. 1981.
See E2 above.
UND/CB1/E4 1963 - 24 September 2008
Estates Committee, later Estates and Buildings, comprising agenda papers of the Estates Committee, later the agenda papers of the Estates and Buildings Committee [until late 1980s only]; correspondence, and related papers and publications.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967.
7. 1967-1968.
8. 1968-1969.
9. 1969-1970.
10. 1970-1976.
11. 1976-1979.
12i&ii. 1979-1982.
13i&ii. 1982-1985.
14i&ii. 1985-1986.
15i&ii, 15a. 1986-1988.
16i&ii. 1988-1989.
17. 1989-1991.
17a. 1990-1991.
18i&ii. 1991-1992.
19i&ii. 1992-1993.
20i&ii. 1993-1995.
21i&ii. 1995-1996.
22i&ii. 1996-1997.
23. 1997-1998.
24. 1 April 1998 - 7 February 2000.
25. 8 February - 30 April 2000.
26. 1 May 2000 - 31 December 2002.
27. 1 January 2003 - 1 June 2006.
28. 2 June 2006 - 24 September 2008.
UND/CB1/E4a 1980 - 1992
Water Statistics, survey of water usage by Estates and Buildings.
UND/CB1/E6 19 February 1972 - 12 February 2007
Education, Ministry of, later Education and Science, Department of (DES), later still Education, Department for, comprising correspondence; and copies of circulars and other publications of the Department.
1. 1972-1976.
2. 1976-1979.
3. 1979-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1985.
5i&ii. 1985-1986.
6i&ii. 1986-1988.
7i&ii. 1988-1989.
8i&ii. 1989-1991.
9i&ii. 1991.
10i&ii. 1991-1993.
11i&ii. 1993-1995.
12i&ii. 1995-1996.
13i&ii. 1996-1997.
14i&ii, 14a. 1997-1998.
21. 26 September 1998 - 11 May 2000.
22. 12 May 2000 - 28 March 2001.
23. 29 March 2001 - 12 February 2007.
UND/CB1/E7 January 1994 - 7 November 2002
European Commission (EC) Contracts, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham 'Meeting on European Issues'; correspondence; and related papers.
1. January 1994 - 19 September 1995.
2. 20 September 1995 - 7 November 2002.
UND/CB1/E7a 1963 - 29 May 1981
Education, Institute of, comprising agenda papers of the Academic Board of the Institute and of Institute Committees, copies of The Institute of Education of the Universities of Newcastle and Durham Journal, Handbook of the Institute (1965/66 and
1970/71), and copies of minutes and agendas of the Delegacy of the Institute of Education.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1966.
3. 1966-1968.
4. 1968-1970.
5. 1970-1971.
6i&ii. 1971.
7. 1971-1972.
8. 1972-1974.
9. 1974-1976.
10. 1976-1979.
11. 1979-1981.
12. May 1972 - April 1979, correspondence re membership of the Delegacy.
UND/CB1/E8 3 May 1958, 16 October 1961, 2 August 1965 - 19 April 1973
Extraordinary Examinations, comprising agenda papers for a 3 May 1958 committee meeting, a very little correspondence (principally with and about candidates sitting Extraordinary Examinations), also a copy of a brief report on African Studies at
the University of Durham (1968).
UND/CB1/E8a 5 June 1987 - 30 January 2006
ERASMUS, comprising correspondence and related papers (including circulars and copies of publications of the Commission of the European Communities and ERASMUS (including the UK Erasmus Student Grants Council, Canterbury)). (ERASMUS : European
Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students)
1. 1987-1989.
2. 1989-1991.
3. 1991-1997.
4. 1 August 1997 - 30 January 2006.
UND/CB1/E9 December 1995 - November 1996
Working Group on SMEL, comprising correspondence and papers (including reports) of the working group on the School of Modern European Languages.
1. 1995-1996.
2. 1996.
UND/CB1/E9a 26 January 1988 - 20 December 2006
School of Modern Eurpoean Languages, correspondence about its administration and, especially, appointments of staff to it.
Paper file
UND/CB1/E10 1963 - 1966
Engineering Science Building, comprising agendas of the Engineering Science I Building Sub-Committee, correspondence, and an application for a grant for the equipment required in the building.
UND/CB1/E10a 16 November 1974 - 18 September 1990
European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee, and related correspondence and papers (including copies of
Higher Education Exchange, No.3, Spring 1975, and Overseas Universities, No. 26, August 1979).
1i&ii. 1974-1978.
2i&ii. 1978-1980.
3i&ii. 1980-1981.
4. 1981-1990.
UND/CB1/E11 December 1958, 18 November 1963 - 31 October 1968, n.d. [1970]
Excavation - Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, comprising papers for a December 1958 organising committee, correspondence, and orders for the supply of copies of D.H. Fryer,
Surveying for Archaeologists [1961] (and, to a lesser extent, the supply of copies of E. Birley, The Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949 (1952)); and copy of the 2nd summary
(excavation) report of Holme House, Piercebridge 1970.
UND/CB1/E11a 18 April 1980 - 20 November 1995
Expeditions Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Council Committee on University Expeditions (including prospectuses of proposed expeditions and reports on the Africa 1992 Expedition and the Karakoram Expedition 1992
(both in 3b)).
1i. 1978-1986.
1ii. 1986-1988.
2. 1989-1992.
2a-c. 1992.
3a. 1992-1993.
3b. November 1990 - February 1995.
4. 1993.
5. 1994.
6. 1995.
UND/CB1/E12 June - September 1942
Lecturer in Education [Newcastle upon Tyne], comprising particulars of the post and correspondence with applicants (including the appointee, Miss A.K. Lloyd).
UND/CB1/E12a 1963 - 2006
Emeritus Professors, correspondence, including re the decision to make all retired readers, readers emeriti. Check ?and merge with E17.
UND/CB1/E13 & E20 November 1938 - 31 July 1987
Excavation Committee, comprising agendas of the Joint Excavation Committee [established in 1924], and correspondence; includes “Jarrow Monastic Excavations” (typescript report by R.J. Cramp on
“Jarrow excavations 1975”, summarising the results of earlier work and outlining the object of excavations this year).
E13/1. 1938-1941.
E13/2. 1941-1951.
E13/3. 1951-1955.
E13/4. 1955-1958.
E13/5. 1958-1959.
E13/6. 1959-1961.
E13/7. 1961-1962.
E13/8. 1962-1963.
E20/1. 1963-1969.
E20/2. 1969-1972.
E20/3. 1973-1979.
E20/3a. 1974-1976.
E20/4. 1979-1981.
E20/5i&ii. 1981-1986.
E20/6. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/E13a 1967
Enquiries, General, comprising correspondence, principally with prospective students. (Sample file only retained).
UND/CB1/E14 April 1943 - December 1945
Committee on Concessions to Ex-Service Men, comprising correspondence with and about Ex-Service men.
UND/CB1/E14a 5 December 1963 - 16 April 2003
External Examiners, Payments to, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee to review the fees paid to External Examiners (including details of the fees paid to external examiners by other universities).
1a&b. 1963-1979.
2, 2a. 1979-1991.
3. 4 October 1991 - 16 April 2003.
UND/CB1/E16 August 1939 - March 1940
Emergency Arrangements, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E16a 1963 - 1979
Examinations, Candidates Unable to Attend, correspondence and lists of sick bay examinees.
UND/CB1/E17 1941 - 1961
Emeritus Professors, comprising correspondence with Emeritus Professors, principally re conferment of the title.
UND/CB1/E17a 1963 - 1996
Examination Accommodation, correspondence.
UND/CB1/E18 September 2007
Newcastle University Vice-Chancellor Inauguration.
UND/CB1/E19 16 February 1967 - 29 March 1973
Economic Studies, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence (particularly about the BA in Economic Studies at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone).
See E13 above.
UND/CB1/E20a February 1989 - November 1993
Enterprise in Higher Education, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Steering Committee, later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Management Committee for the University of Durham
Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative; correspondence; and related papers (including copies of the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Project Annual Reports 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992, copy of University of Durham
Enterprise in Higher Education 1989 / 1993 Programme Evaluation, and copy of EHE - A Vision for Higher Education (Enterprise in Higher Education Speeches and Papers from the EHE Directors'
Conference [at Edinburgh, 1993]).
1. 1988-1990.
1a. 1989.
2i&ii. 1991-1993.
UND/CB1/E21 (24 April 1987) - 29 July 1997
East Asian Studies Department, comprising correspondence (including that with the University Grants Committee and with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and other universities including The People's University of China, Beijing, also with The
Japan Foundation) and related papers (including “Chinese at Durham” leaflet 1989, University of Durham East Asian Studies 1990 - 91 (a booklet including an account of the department's history), The Japan Festival 1991
(booklet on the Japan Festival North), MA in Chinese Art and Archaeology brochure (of the Department of East Asian Studies with The Oriental Museum), and a brochure of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 1996. (The department's origins
may be traced back before the Second World War when Mr T.W. Thacker was appointed reader in Semitic Philology. After the War, Mr Thacker developed the School of Oriental Studies. Following the enquiry on oriental studies launched under the
chairmanship of Sir Peter Parker in 1985 and its consequent report, the university established the department of East Asian Studies.)
1. 1989-1991.
2i&ii. 1991-1997.
UND/CB1/E21a 1941 - 1950
Entrance Examination (General), comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E22 January 1964 - February 1970, January 1974 - 7 March 1986
Efficiency Bar, Committee on the Operation of, comprising agenda papers of the Standing Committee on the Operation of the Efficiency Bar, and related correspondence; the agenda papers include submissions (incorporating curricula vitarum) made on behalf of individuals to the committee.
1. 1964-1970.
2. 1974-1986.
UND/CB1/E22a 1992 - 1997
European Studies, Centre for, correspondence and
North East England and the Single European Market: 21 September 1992. Abstracts.
UND/CB1/E23 1963 - 8 November 1989
Engineering Department, later Engineering Science Department, comprising correspondence, and papers. The papers include some agenda papers (including the department's proposals for expansion 1983, etc., and a very few Board of Studies in
Engineering Science agenda papers); copies of some papers by staff members including T.J. Heard's
“The Mathematical Education of Engineers at School and University” (1978); MEng brochure and related press release, n.d. [c.1980]; paper by H. Marsh (Department of Engineering) on “A
Levels, Accreditation and the Academic Requirements for Membership” [of the Engineering Institutions] (1982); and some press releases etc. of The Engineering Council.
1. 1963-1968.
2. 1968-1976.
3. 1976-1980.
4i&ii. 1980-1986.
5. 1986-1989.
UND/CB1/E23a 1993 - 1994
Events, lists of, at Durham University.
UND/CB1/E24 1964 - 3 October 2003
Economics Department, comprising correspondence; some copies of papers by members of staff of the department (including Professor Walter Elkan and Professor Murray Wolfson); a few agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Economics ; text of the
submission to the University Grants Committee's Business and Management Sub-Committee visiting the department of Economics on 19 June 1985; submission of the University of Durham BA Honours School in Accounting and Economics to the Board of
Accreditation of Educational Courses , 16 June 1986; copies of papers concerning the department of Economics assembled for the University of Durham Policy Committee's visit to the Social Science Departments on 16 May 1988; [the University Grants
Committee's] report on the department of Economics [1988]; and information on the Spicer and Regler Chair of Accountancy.
1. 1964-1968.
2. 1968-1978.
3i&ii. 1978-1986.
3a. 1978.
4. 1986-1989.
5. 29 September 1989 - 3 October 2003.
UND/CB1/E24a July 1963
Statutory Committee on the appointment of a chair of Economics (Edward Allen appointed), agenda and papers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/E25 (2 March 1964) - 13 March 1979
Education, Proposed School of, comprising correspondence [subsequent to the Senate Committee report on the proposal for a School of Education adopted following the Robbins Report] and related papers (including concerning the secretarial
establishment of the School of Education), and programme for the School of Education staff conference at Ripon (1978).
UND/CB1/E25a 1983 - 27 July 2007
Engineering and Applied Science (School of) later Engineering and Computer Science (School of) [the change in title of the school to the School of Engineering and Computer Science occurs by late 1991], comprising correspondence; papers (including
University of Durham School of Engineering and Applied Science's IEE Accreditation Documentation 1987); a few papers concerning the laying of the commemoration stone (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) Building 1 July 1986); the
warden's miscellaneous papers concerning a proposed new School of Engineering and Applied Science (1985); papers for University Grants Committee's Technology Sub-Committee visit on 18 May 1988; The Engineering Council press releases and publications
on restructuring higher education, etc; copies of publications of other bodies (including The Fellowship of Engineering; reports etc. of Industry North Project : Understanding Technology (INPUT) (a collaborative project supported by the University
of Durham, etc.); University of Durham School of Engineering and Applied Science Board of Studies in Computer Science : Students' Handbook 1988/89; (loose) papers for University Grants Committee's Technology Sub-Committee visit on 18 May 1988;
various course prospectuses of the School of Engineering and Applied Science [1987] (loose in a folder); papers for degree accreditation visit by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers on 24 May 1990; proposal (by the Centre for Telecom Networks,
University of Durham) for British Telecom University Research Initiative in Telecommunications Network Modelling (1990); papers for BCS [Computer Science] Accreditation Visit on 7 March 1991; School of Engineering and Computer Science Business Plan,
July 1991.
The later files include a number of press releases and other publications of The Engineering Council; School of Engineering and Computer Science Course Management Committee in Computer Science : Undergraduate Handbook 1993/94; University of
Durham Centre for Molecular Electronics brochure, n.d. [1994]; University of Durham School of Engineering Research Review 1994 - 1995; University of Durham Centre for Electronic Systems brochure [1995]; ReCET : Regional Centre for Electonics
Technologies : A Proposal by the University of Durham (September 1996).
Two envelopes comprise papers concerning the Joint Board of Moderators Accreditation Visit to the School of Engineering, October 1994. With the exception of a folder of earlier correspondence and miscellaneous papers of the Warden concerning a
possible School of Applied Science and Engineering, 1983 - 85, the remainder of the papers assigned the reference of E25 date from May 1985 - December 1996.
1. 1983-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1987.
3i&ii, 3a, 3b. 1987-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5i&ii. 1989.
6i&ii. 1989-1990.
7i&ii. 1990-1991.
8i&ii, 8a, 8b. 1991-1993.
9i&ii, 9ai&ii. 1993-1995.
10i&ii. 1995-1996.
11i&ii. 1997-1999.
12. 24 September 1999 - 27 July 2007.
UND/CB1/E25b 1981 - 1995
SEAS (Computer Science): Board of Studies, general, development plan Department of Computer Science.
1. 1981-1991.
2. 1985-1991.
3. 1989-1991.
4. 1995.
5. 1995.
UND/CB1/E26 8 July 1965 - June 1985
Economic History Department, comprising correspondence and related papers (including minutes of a meeting of the Board of Studies in Economic History held on 16 May 1984), concerning inter alia the merger of the Department with the Board of
Studies in Modern History and the merger of the Departments of Economic History and Modern History (1984).
UND/CB1/E27 1948 - 1953
Educational Psychology Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E27a 1965 - 1984
Experimental Officer, correspondence regarding the status of experimental officers and their appointments.
UND/CB1/E28 25 February 1975 - 21 September 1978
Education, Bachelor of' comprising correspondence, also agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee of Senate for the Degree of Bachelor of Education in the College of St Hild and St Bede, later the agenda papers of the
University of Durham Board of the Faculty of Education's BEd Standing Committee and the Concessions and Exemptions Committee; also some related papers (including the Dean of the Faculty of Education's paper on “The Future
Pattern of Undergraduate Studies in Education in the University of Durham”, September 1978).
1. 1975-1976.
2i&ii. 1976-1978.
UND/CB1/E28a [29 October 1976] - 25 November 1980
Education, Bachelor of in the College of St Hild and St Bede, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee of Senate for the Degree of BEd in the College of St Hild and St Bede and later agenda papers of the Board of
the Faculty of Education's BEd (New Regulations) Standing Committee II, and related correspondence.
1. 1976-1979.
2. 1979-1980.
UND/CB1/E28b January 1980 - 4 August 1981
Ad Hoc Committee on the Degree of BEd, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Education's Ad Hoc Committee on the Degree of BEd (only).
UND/CB1/E28c 19 October 1990 - 1 September 1998
Environmental Matters, comprising correspondence; Green Ideas Competition Committee papers and some University of Durham Environmental Policy Working Group papers; some agenda papers of the University of Durham Energy Management Committee; and a
brochure of the University of Durham Environmental Research Centre (1996).
1. 1990-1997.
2. 1997-1998.
UND/CB1/E28d March - April 1983
Environment Competition - Presentation, comprising correspondence and papers (college proposals) concerning the Greening the Colleges Competition and the 30 April [1983] announcement of the winner.
UND/CB1/E29 1980 - 1997
Environment, Department of the, corespondence, information and forms for the Dept of the Environment/Transport Register of Research, lists of research interests of members of staff, and a prospectus for the
Forum for the Future scholarship porgramme.
UND/CB1/E30 1997 - 1998
Eleanor Rathbone Lecture, correspondence, notes, booking forms, copy of the 1998 memorial lecture by Chris Freeman
Family Allowances, Technical Change, Inequality and Social Policy (Liverpool UP 1998), also invitation lists, a complete list of lectures since 1948, publicity material for the lecture and RUKBA, and invoices.
UND/CB1/E31 1946 - 1963
External Examiners Payments, comprising correspondence (including that with other universities) and schedules of payments.
UND/CB1/E32 1947 - 1960
Northern Advisory Council for Further Education, Newcastle, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the Council, and copies of the Council's annual reports.
UND/CB1/E33 1948 - 1963
Examination Modifications, comprising correspondence and memoranda.
1. 1947-1957.
2. 1957-1963.
UND/CB1/E34 1950 - 1959
History of Education, comprising correspondence, also reports (of their activities..) of Research Fellows in Educational History, and report (1950) of the Board of the Faculty of Education on, inter alia, materials
for the history of education.
UND/CB1/E34a 1949 - 1967
Durham University Exploration Society [at King's College], comprising constitution, expedition reports, memoranda, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/E36 1953 - 1960
Examination Results Statistics, comprising statistics and related correspondence.
1. 1953-1959.
2. 1959-1960.
UND/CB1/F1 3 December 1963 - 14 September 1999
French Department, comprising correspondence (concerning named students, visiting lecturers, etc.), also the annual report of the department for 1966/67.
1. 1963-1975.
2. 1975-1999.
UND/CB1/F1a 1936 - 1949, 1951 - 1963
False Claims, comprising correspondence re claims to hold degrees etc., and copy of opinions re bogus degrees supplied (in 1937) by the Universities Bureau of the British Empire.
1. 1936-1949.
2. 1951-1963.
UND/CB1/F2 12 April 1963 - 30 November 2007
Fees (General), comprising correspondence (with the Education departments of councils, college heads, individual students, etc.), also copy of the National Union of Students' report on Survey of Accommodation Costs for Students in Halls and
Lodgings 1969/70 (1969) (this report naming individual universities).
1. 1963-1972.
2. 1974-1999.
3. 19 August 1999 - 30 November 2007.
UND/CB1/F3 12 September 1968 - 19 October 2006
Fellowships and Exhibitions - University, later Fellowships, Grants and Exhibitions - University, comprising correspondence (including that with the secretary of The Sir James Knott Trust), some agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing
Committee for Research Awards (especially for the meeting on 6 May 1971), and some particulars of research fellowship posts.
1. 1968-1972.
2. 1972-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1997.
4i&ii. 1997-1999.
5. 6 July 1999 - 19 October 2006.
UND/CB1/F3a 5 November 1982 - 21 December 1999
Sir Derman Christopherson Foundation Fellows, terms and conditions, and correspondence about their appointment.
Paper file
UND/CB1/F4 1939 - 27 February 2006
Fourah Bay College, comprising correspondence (principally with the principal and the registrar of the college; some agenda papers of the College's Finance and Development Committee and of the College Council; The University of Sierra Leone Act
1967; some college pass lists; and Sierra Leone Government Report of the Triennial Grants Committee appointed to consider the Estimates of Fourah Bay College, the University College of Sierra Leone for the period 1 September 1964 to 31 August 1967
and the Government Statement thereon.
[Fourah Bay College was affiliated to the University of Durham on 16 May 1876. The affiliation came to an end on 22 February 1967.]
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1947.
3. 1947-1948.
4. 1948-1950.
5. 1950.
6. 1950-1951.
7. 1951.
8. 1951-1953.
9. 1953-1954.
10. 1954-1957.
11. 1957-1959.
12. 1959-1960.
13. 1960.
14. 1960-1962.
15. 1962.
16. 1962-1963.
17. 1963-1964.
18. 1964.
19. 1964-1965.
20. 1965.
21. 1965.
22. 1965-1966.
23. 1966.
24. 1966.
25. 1966-1967.
26. 1967.
27. 1967-1970.
28. 1970-2006.
UND/CB1/F4a 13 November 1963 - 29 December 1972
Fourah Bay College, Visits of Staff, comprising correspondence concerning visits of staff to Durham (including for examiners' meetings) and some related papers (including report from the Joint Meeting of the Overseas Colleges Advisory Committee
of the University of Durham and of Fourah Bay College Staff, Durham, 8 July 1966), and reports from meetings of the Arts and of the Science staffs of the University and Fourah Bay College, 9 and 10 July 1964.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1972.
UND/CB1/F4b 9 January - 13 November 1964
Fourah Bay College, Pure Science, comprising a very little correspondence about a named candidate, practical examinations in Chemistry, and examiners for Fourah Bay College.
UND/CB1/F4c 18 November 1963 - 14 January 1970
Fourah Bay College, Advisory Examiners Visits, comprising correspondence, also copies of reports from Advisory Examiners visiting Fourah Bay College (1964 - 69).
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1970.
UND/CB1/F4d 1953 - 1954
Fourah Bay council meeting papers.
UND/CB1/F4e March 1954
Future of Fourah Bay College, documents submitted by teaching staff, including the “Mining Report” .
UND/CB1/F5 1937 - 1946, 1951 - 1962
Functions and Ceremonies, comprising correspondence, including that relating to addresses to foreign universities and that relating to the annual service (held at Durham Cathedral) in commemoration of founders and benefactors.
1. 1937-1946.
2. 1951-1962.
UND/CB1/F6 31 October 1968 - 15 October 1990
Fawcus Fund, comprising correspondence (with and about applicants including applications for grants), also agenda papers of the University of Durham Fawcus Trust Fund and Council Fund for Students Travelling Abroad.
1. 1968-1971.
2. 1971-1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1979.
5. 1979-1981.
6i&ii. 1981-1984.
7i&ii. 1985-1986.
8i&ii. 1986-1988.
9i&ii, 9a. 1988-1990.
UND/CB1/F6a 1939 - 1961
French Degrees - Equivalence, comprising correspondence, also Convention of 1939 between the University of Paris and the University of Durham (signed by the president of the Council of the University of Paris and the vice-chancellor of the
University of Durham) re the BA Honours 1st Class in the School of French's rights re the L. es Lettres of the University of Paris.
UND/CB1/F6b 27 January 1998 - 19 June 2000
Faculty Handbooks, some correspondence and mainly additions to them.
Paper file
UND/CB1/F7 12 March 1964 - 2 October 1990
French Assistants, comprising correspondence with and about language assistants in the Department of French.
1. 1964-1980.
2. 1980-1990.
UND/CB1/F9 1973 - 1984
Faculties - Cases Relating to Unsatisfactory Progress, correspondence with candidates.
UND/CB1/F10 20 April 1964 - 21 April 1998
Fleck, Isabel - Award, comprising agenda papers of the Isabel Fleck Award Committee and related correspondence (including that with Lord Fleck); and copies of Extract from the Trust Deed of 1 January 1959 made by Sir Alexander Fleck forming the
trust in favour of the University of Glasgow and the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham (establishing The Isabel Fleck Award or Awards).
[The Isabel Fleck Research Fellowships were established by Lord Fleck in memory of his wife. Lord Fleck was chairman of ICI Ltd., 1953 - 60. He was a member of the Council of the Durham Colleges and then of the University of Durham from 1951
until his death in 1968. In his will he left funds for the institution of one or more Isabel Fleck Research Fellowships to further research in English or Scottish Medieval History up to 1400 AD.]
1. 1964-1973.
2. 1973-1998.
3. 1979-1980.
UND/CB1/F12 November 1965 - 11 January 1974
Fellowships, Turner and Newall, comprising agenda papers of the Turner and Newall Research Fellowships Committees of various universities (London, Newcastle upon Tyne); and of the Joint Committee for the Turner and Newall Fellowship of the
Universities of Durham and Newcastle; of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' Inter-University Consultative Committee on Turner and Newall Research Fellowships; and related correspondence and papers (including brochure on Turner and
Newall Ltd., Manchester, an international mining and manufacturing organisation [ c.1965], and Turner and Newall Research Fellows' Symposium…14 and 15 July 1965: Abstract of Proceedings.
1. 1963-1971.
2. 1971-1974.
UND/CB1/F12a 7 March 1989 - 4 April 2000
Fundraising (General), comprising correspondence (including with consultants) and agenda papers of a Fund Raising Meeting.
1. 7 March 1989 - 21 June 1990.
2. 7 June 1989 - 4 April 2000.
UND/CB1/F12b November 1989 - May 1990
Fund Raising Management Committee Friday 24 November 1989, comprising agenda papers for meetings of the Fund Raising Committee.
UND/CB1/F13 November 1963 - 13 October 2008
Founders and Benefactors, comprising correspondence and papers concerning the Commemoration of Founders and Benefactors Service at Durham Cathedral including a very few orders of service, also invitation lists, guest lists for luncheons, and the
typescript of the text of the sermon preached by the archbishop of York (30 October 1963).
1i&ii. 1963-1988.
2i&ii. 1988-1996.
3. 1 December 1996 - 14 February 2001.
4. 15 February 2001 - 13 October 2008.
UND/CB1/F14 July 1993 - November 1997
Finance Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
1. July 1993
2. November 1995 - June 1996
3. March - May 1997
4. November 1997
Paper file
UND/CB1/F14a July 2001 - March 2002
Future Academic Organisation of the University, Advisory Group with minutes, documents, correspondence, drafts and a final report for the vice-chancellor.
1. Minutes August 2001 - February 2002, and final report to the vice-chancellor.
2-4. Documents.
5-7. Correspondence.
7 paper files
UND/CB1/G1 31 July 1973 - 19 October 1988
Gazette, comprising correspondence (including with Titus Wilson and Son, Ltd., printers) about the supply of copies of the
Durham University Gazette and also, to some extent, concerning the supply of text for the Gazette. (The files generally do not include any text submitted for publication in the Gazette.)
UND/CB1/G2 1992, 24 May 1993 - 10 February 2006
Graduate School, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Graduate School Committee, later of the governing body of the Graduate Society; correspondence; and related papers (including copies of University of Durham Guidance / Notes /
Guidelines for Postgraduate Students and Supervisors in the Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Science, 1992 - 93).
1. 1992 - 22 October 1998.
2. 24 October 1998 - 10 February 2006.
UND/CB1/G3 1963 - 8 December 2009
Grey College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of Grey College, and correspondence, with some copies of college publications such as annual reports,
Grey Matters and SCR newsletters.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1971.
3. 1971-1973.
4. 1973-1976.
5. 1976-1979.
6. 1979-1982.
7i&ii. 1982-1987.
8. 1987-1990.
9i&ii. 1990-1993.
10i&ii. 1993-1998.
11. 1 April 1998 - 6 February 2000.
12. 7 February 2000 - 31 July 2002.
13. 1 August 2002 - 8 December 2009.
UND/CB1/G3a 1949 - 1950, 1954
Readership in Greek [at King's College], comprising particulars of the post, correspondence with the applicants (including the appointee, in 1950, H.Ll. Hudson-Williams), and the curriculum vitae of H.L.l
UND/CB1/G4 6 November 1963 - 30 May 2007
Geography Department, comprising correspondence; related papers (including copies of some Geography department newsletters and minutes of Joint Consultative Committee and what appears to be a good set of annual reports of the department, also
copies of a few publications by members of staff including Dr E.W. Anderson's report to the Department of Education and Science about maintained boarding accommodation (1980),
Research and Development Surveys in Northern Oman - Final Report Vol. II Water (1978), P.J. Atkins' Geography in Higher Education : A Guide for Intending Students [1991], also M.J.
Tooley, ed., The History of Geography in the University of Durham 1928 - 1988 (1989), and a folder of introductions to exhibitions for the Department's 60th anniversary (1989).
1. 1963-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1980.
3i&ii. 1980-1987.
4i&ii. 1987-1991.
5i&ii. 1991-1994.
6i&ii, 6a. 1994-1996.
7i&ii. 1996-1997.
8. 1 January 1998 - 2 May 2000.
9. 3 May 2000 - 30 May 2007.
UND/CB1/G5 24 October 1963 - 16 March 2004
Geology Department, later Geological Sciences Department, comprising correspondence and related papers (including copy of return to the Earth Sciences Review questionnaire 1987, some minutes of the Committee of Heads of University Geoscience
Departments, Annual Report of the Department of Geological Sciences 1991 (the first of a new series of Departmental Annual Reports reinstated after a gap of a few years), and
University Grants Committee : Building for Success in the Earth Sciences (2nd Report of the Earth Sciences Review, HMSO, 1989).
1. 1963-1973.
2. 1973-1979.
3i&ii, 3a-c. 1979-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1992.
5. 1992-1994.
5a. 28 November 1992 - 5 April 2001.
6. 1993-1994.
7. 1995-1996.
8. 6 April 2001 - 16 March 2004.
UND/CB1/G5a January - February 1966
Statutory Committee on a Personal Chair in Geophysics, agendas and papers, including testimonials for M.H.P. Bott.
Paper file
UND/CB1/G6 1961 - 1999
German, Department of, correspondence, including papers for committees for the teaching of German to Science students (1961) and non-specialist students (1965).
UND/CB1/G7 28 January 1964 - 18 January 1996
German Language Assistants, comprising correspondence with and about German language assistants, also copies of the terms and conditions of appointment of named individuals as language assistants in the Department of German.
1. 1964-1987.
2. 1987-1996.
UND/CB1/G8 28 August 2001 - 18 November 2010
George Stephenson College, small amount of correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/G9 February 1962 - 2012
General Lectures, Committee on, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee on General Lectures, later of the University of Durham General Lectures Committee; correspondence; and related papers (including posters
advertising public lectures and lists of lectures and meetings in the University of Durham).
1a. 1962-1965, posters for lectures.
1b. 1962-1963.
1. 1970-1972.
2. 1972-1975.
2a, 2b. 1974.
3. 1975-1979.
3a. 1976.
4i&ii. 1979-1983.
5i&ii. 1983-1985.
6i&ii, 6a. 1985-1987.
7i&ii. 1987-1989.
7a. 1988.
7b. 1988-1989.
8. 1989-1990.
9. 1989-1999.
10. 1990-1991.
11. 1992.
12. 1993-1994.
13. 1994.
14. 1995
15. 1996.
16. 2003-2012 (posters only)
UND/CB1/G10 August 1966 - June 1992
GCE Correspondence with Examining Boards (other than Durham), comprising correspondence with the Joint Matriculation Board (JMB), University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, etc., and about these boards.
1. 1966-1973.
2. 1973-1992.
UND/CB1/G11 May 1962 - 12 December 2006
Graduate Society, comprising agenda papers for the committee looking into graduate facilities and then setting up the Graduate Society, copy of terms and conditions of appointment for the principal of the Graduate Society; agenda papers of the
Statutory Committee on the Appointment of a Principal for the Graduate Society; agenda papers of the governing body; and correspondence.
1. 1962-1971.
2. 1971-1979.
3. 1979-1984.
4. 1984-1989.
5i&ii. 1989-1997.
6. 1 April 1997 - 31 December 2002.
7. 1 January 2003 - 12 December 2006.
UND/CB1/G12 10 February 1966 - 9 January 1981
Grants - Medical Research Council, comprising correspondence with the Medical Research Council (etc.), copies of MRC UGTA Notes, and copies of University of Durham circulars about postgraduate awards.
UND/CB1/G12a 12 March - 28 September 1987
Grants Research - General.
UND/CB1/G12b 16 April 2002 - 21 July 2005
Narional Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY), correspondence and a newsletter
The Nagty News [2004].
Paper file
UND/CB1/G13 1967 - 2003
General Regulations of the University, correspondence, copies of the general regulations and various revisions, information on Crichton University campus, form for the 2000-2001 Directory of CRE members, guidelines on the abuse of trust.
UND/CB1/G14 1 August 2004 - 6 November 2007
School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA), correspondence and some papers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/H1 1938 - 1986, 1995
Honorary Degrees, comprising correspondence (including nominations of persons to receive honorary degrees and memoranda in support of nominations); texts of speeches delivered by the public orator when presenting candidates for honorary degrees;
and related papers (including agenda papers of the Honorary Degrees Committee, correspondence with the honorands, press notices, and guest lists).
1. 1938-1939.
2. 1940-1941.
3. 1942-1944.
4. 1944-1947.
5. 1946-1948.
6. 1948-1950.
7. 1949-1950.
8. 1950-1951.
9. 1951-1952.
10. 1952-1953.
11. 1953-1954.
12. 1954-1955.
13. 1955-1957.
14. 1957.
15. 1957-1958.
16. 1958-1959.
17. 1959-1960.
18. 1960-1961.
19. 1961-1962.
20. 1961-1963.
21. 1963-1966.
22. 1966-1967.
23. 1967-1969.
24. 1969-1971.
25. 1971-1973.
26. 1973-1975.
27i&ii. 1974-1977.
28. 1977-1979.
29. 1979-1981.
29a. 1979.
30i&ii. 1981-1983.
30a. 1981.
31i&ii. 1983-1985.
32. 1986.
33. 1995.
UND/CB1/H1a 30 November 1989 - 6 July 1993
Health Studies Institute, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Academic Board for the Institute of Health Studies; related papers (including brochures of the University of Durham Nursing Studies, Northern Regional Health Authority
Consultation Document on a new Health Authority for North Durham [1991],
Introduction to Research in Nursing : Collected Papers : ENB 870 Course, Day Seminar 18th April 1991 (Centre for Nursing Studies and Health Care Research Unit with the Department of Adult and Continuing Education ,
University of Durham); and applications for NHS Trust status made by South Tees Acute Hospitals (1991) Gateshead Community Health (1991) and by Derwentside (1991).
1. 1989-1991.
2. 1991.
3. 1991-1993.
3a. 1992.
UND/CB1/H1b 1994 - 14 October 2007
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), information on the HUSID Look-up Service (HLS), the University of Durham's response to the UCAS/HESA Subject Code Harmonisation Project, data for the 1997-98 Non-Credit-Bearing Course Record, information
on data and record collection, information supplied by Durham in Liaison Contact Arrangements, copies of the data supplied for
The Times Good University Guide, and notification of any changes to the Student Records System.
1i&ii. 1994 - 1999.
2. 23 July 1999 - 14 October 2007.
UND/CB1/H2 1963 - 29 November 2006
History Department, comprising correspondence.
1. 1963-1987.
2. 1987- 25 July 1999.
3. 26 July 1999 - 29 November 2006.
UND/CB1/H3 1963 - 3 December 2009
Hatfield College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body, correspondence, and related papers (including North Eastern Universities O and M Unit Report 154 :
Hatfield College, University of Durham : Review of the Use of Contractors for Catering and Cleaning (March 1982), some agenda papers of some Senior Common Room meetings, an appeal for £500,000 brochure [1988],
University of Durham internal audit report on Hatfield College (1992), The Hatfield Record Vol. 5 No. 3 (1994), Hatfield College Prospectus [1995]) and some SCR Calendars.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3i&ii. 1969-1972.
4. 1972-1975.
5i&ii. 1975-1978.
6. 1978-1980.
7i&ii. 1980-1983.
8i&ii. 1983-1986.
9i&ii. 1986-1988.
10. 1988-1989.
11i&ii. 1989-1992.
12i&ii. 1992-1995.
13. 1995-1997.
14. 1997-1999.
15. 27 September 1999 - 30 April 2002.
16. 1 May 2002 - 31 October 2004.
17. 1 November 2004 - 3 December 2009.
UND/CB1/H4 1963 - 25 April 2007
Heads of Houses Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of Heads of Houses and of the joint meetings of the Committee of Heads of Houses and the Committee of Senior Men and Women, and later (agenda papers of) the Ad Hoc Committee on
the Duties of College Officers, and some related correspondence. [After 1986, these files tend just to comprise correspondence and related papers -not agenda papers, it appearing that the committee as such no longer met latterly.]
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1968.
4. 1968-1971.
5. 1971-1973.
6. 1973-1975.
7. 1975-1977.
8. 1977-1980.
9. 1980-1982.
10i&ii. 1983-1986.
11. 1986-1990.
12i&ii. 1990-1995.
13. 30 March 1995 - 25 April 2007.
UND/CB1/H5 1963 - 2010
Heraldry, lists of arms and mottoes of the colleges, correspondence on the arms, grants of arms and mottoes, and explanations of the mottoes.
UND/CB1/H6 1963 - 1978
Hospital - Sherburn, comprising agenda papers of the quarterly meetings of the governors of Sherburn Hospital and of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Sherburn Hospital, and some related correspondence.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1969.
4. 1969-1971.
5. 1971-1973.
6. 1973-1975.
7. 1975-1978.
UND/CB1/H6a 18 September 1987 - 31 March 1999
HESIN Higher Education Support for Industry in the North, comprising agenda papers of the HESIN Steering Committee and of the HESIN Access Group, later of HESIN's Executive Committee; correspondence (with HESIN's office, at Newcastle upon Tyne,
etc.) concerning HESIN's work, IGDS (Integrated Graduate Development Scheme) Course on Manufacturing Systems Engineering with Marketing; also Memorandum of Co-operation re IGD Scheme, HESIN brochure and other HESIN publications, photocopy of draft
of University of Newcastle Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies' 'North East of England Economic Assessment' (November 1992), and IGDS in Manufacturing Systems Engineering with Marketing publications (Background, Course Document,
Resources, and Validation Panel's Final Report) (1991) (concerning the scheme offered in partnership between the Polytechnics of Newcastle, Sunderland and Teesside, the Universities of Durham and Newcastle, and the Open University). (HESIN was a
collaborative venture between the five higher education institutions in the North East of England, founded in 1983.)
1i&ii. 1987-1990.
2, 2a. 1990-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1995.
4i&ii. 1995-1999.
5. January - March 1999.
UND/CB1/H8 3 March 1979 - 8 April 2003
Hospitality, comprising correspondence about supporting entertainments, lunches, conferences and receptions.
1. 3 March 1979 - 8 November 1989.
2. 9 November 1989 - 26 September 2000.
3. 27 September 2000 - 8 April 2003.
UND/CB1/H9 1949 - 16 June 1964
Henley Fund, comprising correspondence (mainly re claims made by D.U.B.C [the Durham University Boat Club] for grants and expenses). The Henley Fund Committee ceased to exist by 1963.
H9. 1949-1963.
H10e. 1963-1964.
UND/CB1/H9a 18 November 1963 - 15 February 2007
Government Department of Health and Social Security, correspondence with, also some appointments in the School of Health, and HEFCE's
Annual monitoring and corporate planning statements, and financial forecasts 2005 (April 2005/20).
Paper file
UND/CB1/H10 3 August 1993 - 27 June 2011
HEFCE, comprising correspondence; copies of HEFCE circulars; agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Quality Assessment Panels, etc; copies of HEFCE assessment reports concerning University of Durham departments;
University of Durham Academic Office : Courses and Quality Section memoranda; and other HEFCE publications (Council Briefing, reports, consultation papers, etc); and some Council for Academic Freedom and Academic Standards reports.
1i&ii. 1993-1994.
2i&ii. 1994.
3i&ii, 3a. 1994-1995.
4i&ii. 1995.
5. 1995.
6i&ii. 1995-1996.
7i&ii. 1996.
8i&ii. 1996.
9i&ii. 1996.
10i&ii. 1996.
11i&ii. 1996-1997.
12i&ii. 1997.
13. 1997.
14. 1997.
15i&ii. 1997-1998.
16i&ii, 16a. 1998.
17i&ii, 17a, 17b. 1998-1999.
18, 18a. 1999.
19i&ii, 19a, 19b. 1999.
20, 20a. 2000.
21i&ii, 21a. 2000.
22a, 22b. 2000.
21i&ii, 21a. 2000-2001.
22. 2001.
23. 2001.
24. 2001.
25, 25a. 2001-2002.
26. 2 - 3 July 2001.
26a. 2001 annual operating statement.
27. 4 - 31 July 2001.
27a. HEFCE report
Performance Indicators December 2001.
27b. HEFCE reports 2001 -2002.
28. 1 - 31 August 2001.
29. 1 - 30 September 2001.
30. 1 - 31 October 2001.
31. 1 November 2001 - 31 March 2002.
32. 1 April - 30 June 2002.
33. 1 July - 31 October 2002.
34. 1 November 2002 - 31 January 2003.
35. 1 February - 31 March 2003.
36. 1 April - 16 June 2003.
36b. HEFCE visit 30 May 2003.
37. 16 June - 30 November 2003.
38. 4 December 2003 - 31 March 2004.
39. 1 April - 31 July 2004.
40. 1 August - 31 December 2004.
41. Reused as 45.
42. June 2004 - January 2005.
43. November 2004 - June 2005.
44. June - November 2005.
45. 1 January - 1 June 2006.
46. 1 - 30 June 2006.
47. 1 July 2006 - 14 February 2007.
48. 21 September 2009 - 27 June 2011.
UND/CB1/H10a 1 August 1993 - 29 January 2009
HEFCE, Warden's correspondence with, comprising correspondence, also copies of HEFCE circulars, HEFCE assessment reports on University of Durham departments, etc.
1i&ii. 1993.
2i&ii. 1993.
3i&ii. 1993-1994.
4. 1994.
5. 1994.
6i&ii. 1994
7i&ii. 1994.
8i&ii. 1994-1995.
9i&ii. 1995.
10i&ii. 1995.
11. 1995.
12i&ii. 1995.
13i&ii. 1995-1996.
14i&ii. 1996-1997.
15. 1997-1999.
16. 7 May 1999 - 5 March 2000.
17. 6 March 2000 - 4 April 2001.
18. 5 April 2001 - 30 April 2002.
19. 1 May 2002 - 31 March 2004.
20. 1 April - 15 December 2004.
21. 16 December 2004 - 1 February 2005.
22. 9 February 2005 - 5 February 2007.
23. 16 February 2007 - 6 August 2008.
24. 6 February - 9 October 2007.
25. 1 August 2007 - 29 January 2009
UND/CB1/H10b 1991 - 2000
HEFCE meetings, correspondence and assorted papers on university funding.
UND/CB1/H10c 1998 - 2002
HEFCE Visit and Restructuring Bid; Corporate Plan Section Annual Operating Statement, Widening Participation Bid, Developing Good Management Practice Bid - Joint Durham/Sheffield etc, Sheffield lead, correspondence, HEFCE publications and
documents on bids.
1. 1998-2000.
2. 1999-2000.
3. 1999-2000.
4. 2000-2002.
UND/CB1/H10d 26 January 1999 - 1 March 2000
HEFCE Poor Estates Bids, bis and correspondence
See UND/CB1/H9 above.
UND/CB1/H11 29 June 1981 - April 2003
Hearing-Impaired Students, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the University of Durham Advisory Committee on Hearing - Impaired Students, and related publications (of the University of Durham ,etc.) (including brochure of the University
of Durham Deaf Studies Research Unit : Advanced Diploma and MA Degree in Sign Language Studies [1991]).
1i&ii. 1981-1988.
2. 1988-1990.
3. 1990-1992.
4. 1992-1999.
5. 17 February 1999 - April 2003.
UND/CB1/H12 27 January 1993 - 30 October 2005
Howlands College (first file), later Howlands Trust'(2 further files), and Public Relations and Howlands College (1 file), comprising correspondence and papers concerning a proposed new college at Howlands Farm; agenda papers of New College
Project Committee; reports; and papers sent to competitors in the RIBA Competition.
1i&ii. 1993-1994.
2i&ii. 1994.
3i&ii. 1994-1995.
4. 1993-1996.
4a. 2 May 1995 - 30 October 2005.
UND/CB1/H12a 1993 - 1994
Arup Associates 30 Years On,
Review booklet produced by Arup Associates.
UND/CB1/H13 22 February 1999 - 15 September 2002
Higher Education Reach-Out to Business and the Community (HEROBC), correspondence and papers.
1. 22 February 1999 - 18 April 2001.
2. 9 January - 15 September 2002.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/H14 24 January 2000 - 31 May 2007
Health, Medicine and Environment, Faculty of, correspondence and papers and Board agendas and papers, with some School of Health Board of Studies papers, and including (in 5a)
Lost in Translation: A commentary on Labour's health policy four years into the NHS Plan by Kenneth Calman et al.
1. 24 January 2000 - 31 March 2002.
2. 1 April - 31 December 2002.
3. 1 January - 31 December 2003.
4. 1 January 2004 - 11 March 2005.
4a. 21 July - 1 September 2004.
5. 18 October 2004 - 31 May 2007.
5a. 11 July 2005 - 20 June 2006.
7 paper files
UND/CB1/H15 21 December 1999 - 20 December 2001
Centre for Health Studies, a small amount of correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/I1 2 May 1966 - 8 August 1969
Indiana University Exchange, comprising correspondence, and a very few agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Committee of Senate and Council on Exchange Studentships and agenda papers of the committee appointed to select Indiana and
DePauw Exchange Students.
UND/CB1/I1a 1938 - 1961
Indian Students and Students Overseas, comprising correspondence, etc., including lists of overseas students at King's College).
1. 1938-1940.
2. 1943-1951.
3. 1952-1960.
4. 1960-1961.
UND/CB1/I1b 1965, 1981 - 1991
Information for Members of Staff Booklet, correspondence, material for the Computer Unit, the Play Group and the Women's Society for the booklet.
UND/CB1/I2 April 1985 - 6 July 2005
Ian Graham Awards Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Committee for the Ian Graham Awards. (Mr Ian Graham, registrar and secretary of the University of Durham, died in December 1984.)
1. April 1985 - 29 May 1991.
2. 30 May 1991 - 6 July 2005.
UND/CB1/I3 May 1964 - 6 December 1976
Imperial College of Science and Technology, comprising a very little correspondence, and related papers. (Dr Derman Christopherson, Vice-Chancellor and Warden , University of Durham, became a Fellow of Imperial College in 1966.)
UND/CB1/I3a July 1988 - 13 November 2006
International Office, comprising correspondence and related papers (including a number of publications of overseas universities, etc. that were received), also agenda papers (seemingly only up to February 1994) of the University of Durham
International Office Steering Committee.
1. 1988-1991.
2. 1991-1992.
3i&ii. 1991-1992.
4i&ii. 1993-1994.
5. 1994.
6i&ii. 1994-1995.
7i&ii. 1995.
8i&ii. 1995.
9i&ii. 1995-1996.
10. 1996-1999.
11. 25 January 1999 - 13 November 2006
UND/CB1/I4 1949 - 1955
Icelandic Expedition of D.U.E.S. [Durham University Exploration Society,based at King's College], comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/I4 1963 - 7 July 1978
I.C.I. Fellowships, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne Joint ICI Fellowships Committee and of the University of Durham ICI Fellowships Committee.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1970.
6. 1970-1973.
7. 1973-1978.
UND/CB1/I4a 6 March 1964 - 14 April 1969
I.C.I. Fellowships, Applications, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle Joint ICI Fellowships Committee and of the University of Durham ICI Fellowships Committee.
UND/CB1/I4b 16 November 1963 - 15 April 1969
I.C.I. Fellowships, Correspondence and Reports, comprising correspondence, annual reports of various universities concerning their own ICI Research Fellowships (including Universities of Durham and Newcastle ICI Research Fellowships report for
the year).
UND/CB1/I4c 6 February 1967 - 13 January 1968
I.C.I. Fellowships, Policy, comprising correspondence, also agenda papers of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle Joint ICI Fellowships Committee.
UND/CB1/I5 1949 - 1963
I.C.I. Fellowships Correspondence and Reports from I.C.I. Fellows at the University of Durham.
1. 1949-1954.
2. 1954-1957.
3. 1957-1959.
4. 1959-1962.
5. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/I5a 29 January 1971 - 30 June 2001
Institute of European Studies, comprising correspondence (with The Institute of European Studies, Chicago), and agenda papers of the Council and of the Executive Committee of the Inter-University Council, and agenda papers of the University of
Durham Senate's ad hoc Committee on the (future of the) Institute of European Studies, also papers concerning the IES Review of the Durham Centre (1986), financial statements of the Durham Centre of the IES (Illinois) Ltd. 30 June 1989, agenda
papers for the AGM of the Durham Centre of the IES (Illinois) Ltd. 10 October 1994, and financial statements of the IES Durham Centre of the IES (Illinois) Ltd. for the years to 30 June 1995 and to 30 June 1996. (The IES is stated to be a US
educational charity established in 1950 with seven centres in Europe; in 1969 IES and the University of Durham agreed to establish a centre in the legal form of a company registered as an educational charity and Parsons Field Court was built (and
paid for by IES) for self-catering accommodation of the IES students.)
1. 1971-1978.
2i&ii. 1978-1996.
3. 19 November 1996 - 30 June 2001.
UND/CB1/I6 31 January 1969 - May 1978
Information Committee (University Prospectuses and Pamphlets), comprising correspondence and agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Information Committee.
UND/CB1/I6a 5 June 1991 - 23 October 2003
Information Technology Strategy Committee, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the Information Technology Strategy Committee and of the committee's IT Strategy Working Group, also some reports of the Inter-University Committee on
1i&ii. 1991-1992.
2i&ii. 1992-1993.
2a. 1992- 14 May 1999.
3i&ii. 1993-1994.
4. 3 February 1994 - 23 October 2003.
UND/CB1/I6b 12 May 1989 - 23 October 1995
Campus Wide Information Service (CWIS) DUCIS Durham University Campus Information Service, comprising agenda papers of the Campus Wide Information Service (CWIS) Advisory Group , Information Technology Strategy Committee, DUCIS Steering Group,
and DUCIS Advisory Group, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/I6c July 1989 - July 1991
Working Papers on the ''set Up'' of the Information Technology Strategy Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers (of the Information Technology Strategy Committee).
UND/CB1/I6d 18 July 1991 - 7 May 1998
Information Technology Users' Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Information Technology Users' Committee [a sub-committee of the Information Technology Strategy Committee], and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1991-1993.
2. 1993-1998.
UND/CB1/I6e 16 March 1988 - 1992
Working Group on Certificate in Computer Literacy, comprising agenda papers of the Working Group on Computer Literacy (a working group of the Computer Service Committee); (no correspondence).
1. 1988-1990.
2. 1991-1992.
UND/CB1/I6f 2 January 1991 - 15 September 1993
1992 Procurement Steering Group, comprising agenda papers of the 1992 Procurement Steering Group (of the MUMAC Computing Service) and of the Durham Working Group on the 1992 Procurement (of the Information Technology Strategy Committee), and a
very little related correspondence. (Concerns the replacement of the central service computer for the Universities of Durham and Newcastle.)
1i&ii. 1991-1992.
2. 1992-1993.
UND/CB1/I6g 1950 - 1960
Insurances, correspondence
UND/CB1/I6h August 1991
Working Party of the IT Strategy Committee on Printing Services, minutes, agendas and correspondencea single letter informing working party members about the appointment of members of The Technical Working Party on Printing Services.
UND/CB1/I6i 1992 - 1993
Teaching Technology Initiatives Steering Committee, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the committee, with a a report of the IUTC
Skills in Universities - the Way Forward (1992).
UND/CB1/I6j 1992 - 1993
Computer Science Steering Group, agendas and minutes, and information on the University Computer Service.
UND/CB1/I6k 1992 - 1993
Working Group on IT Training, reports, agendas and minutes.
UND/CB1/I6l January - September 1993
Working Group on Administrative Computing Matters in Colleges, minutes.
UND/CB1/I6m 1992 - 1993
Software Steering Group, minutes and agendas, with a photocopied article comparing various desk-top publishing pakcages,
Evaluation of Visualisation Systems: AGOCG Technical Report, the university's policy for PC software, correspondence, and articles comparing database and spreadsheet software.
UND/CB1/I7 1991 - 1999
Industrial and Commercial Liaison Strategy Committee, correspondence, agendas for Industry Related Activities, copies of the
European Newsletter for the North-East, report on The Development of the University of Durham Within the Higher Education System, and information on the Industrial and Commercial
UND/CB1/I8 23 June 1994 - 3 May 2005
Information Technology Service, comprising correspondence; copy of JISC[Committee]'s Guidelines for Developing an Information Strategy (1995), University of Durham Information Technology Service's Courses Directory 1996 - 97, copy of University
of Durham bid for funds to HEFCE under the HEFC LAN/MAN Initiative 1997 - 98, and University of Durham Millenium Taskforce: Departmental Year 2000 Action (1998).
1. 23 June 1994 - 23 September 1998.
2. 1 October 1998 - 6 October 2003.
3. 7 October 2003 - 3 May 2005.
For earlier files see UND/CB1/C21.
UND/CB1/I9 3 June 1994 - 22 November 1999
Industry and Commerce Club, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Industry and Commerce Club Management Steering Group; agenda papers of the AGM of the University of Durham Industry and Commerce Club; agenda papers of the
University of Durham Industry Related Activities meetings; and related correspondence and papers.
1i&ii. 1994-1996.
2i&ii. 1996-1999.
UND/CB1/I10 1948
Industrial Injuries, comprising correspondence, and notes re procedure in other universities (including Durham) and re liability against claims by examiners.
UND/CB1/I11 September 1993 - June 1997
1. Investments Committee agendas, minutes and reports, September 1993 - December 1994.
2. Investments Sub-Committee of Finance Committee agendas, minutes and reports, March - June 1997.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/J2 28 August 2001 - 30 September 2009
John Snow College, some governing body papers for 2002-2002, then permissions for student trransfers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/J3 1 January 2003 - 28 June 2005
Joint Appointments Committee, making recommendations for the membership of all standing and joint standing committees of Council and Senate, meeting annually in Easter term, papers and correspondence.
1. 1 January 2003 - 28 June 2005.
2. June 2003 committee papers.
3. June 2004 committee papers.
4. June 2005 committee papers.
4 paper files
UND/CB1/J4 26 March 2003 - 18 October 2006
Joint Procurement Policy and Strategy Group, cmprising mainly JISC correspondence and circulars.
Paper file
UND/CB1/J5 1 December 2005 - 17 August 2007
Josephine Butler College, correspondence about its establishment and then student transfers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/K1 5 January 1937 - 27 March 1962
King's College, comprising correspondence (mainly with the registrar of King's College); some agenda papers of the Academic Board of King's College; memorandum on the financial position of King's College (1937); lists of overseas students
1942-1943 and 1950; agenda papers of the committee to discuss the possibility of the introduction of Physical Education as a degree subject (1957); statement on action taken by King's College to implement the Gate Committee's report (Report of the
Committee on the Control of Expenditure by the Universities from Non-Recurrent Grants) (1959); memorandum on the demand for graduate teachers 1960 - 67 (1960); and statement by King's College for the visitation by the University Grants Committee
(October 1960).
1. 1937-1939.
2. 1939-1941.
3. 1941-1944.
4. 1944-1960.
5. 1960-1962.
UND/CB1/K1a 15 February 1969 - December 1978
Kent, University of, at Canterbury, comprising agenda papers of the Academic Advisory Committee of the University of Kent at Canterbury (of which Sir Derman Christopherson was a member);
University of Kent at Canterbury Gazette, Nos. 4-6, 8, 13-15 September 1969 - October 1971, September 1973, September 1977 and [July 1978]; 4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 13th reports of the vice-chancellor; agenda
papers for the meeting of the Court of the University on 23 February 1973 and minutes of this meeting; and a little related correspondence agenda papers of the AGM of the Court of the University and of the General Committee of the University.
UND/CB1/K2 16 November 1979 - 5 November 1981
Kepier Court Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Kepier Court Committee, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/K2a 1943 - 1963
King's College Council, comprising agenda papers and a very little correspondence.
1. 1943-1946.
2. 1947-1948.
3. 1948-1950.
4. 1950-1951.
5i&ii. 1951-1952.
6. 1952-1953.
7. 1953-1955.
8i&ii. 1955-1957.
9. 1957.
10. 1957-1958.
11. 1958-1959.
12. 1959-1960.
13. 1960.
14. 1960-1961.
15. 1961-1962.
16. 1962.
17. 1962.
18. 1962.
19. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/K3 1943 - 1963
King's College Academic Board, comprising agenda papers.
1. 1943-1948.
2. 1948-1949.
3. 1950-1952.
4i&ii. 1953-1959.
5. 1959-1961.
6. 1961-1962.
7. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/L1 14 April 1981 - 15 July 2010
Library, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of some meetings of DSU and library staff and of the University of Durham Joint Council / DAUT committee and of CLASSLINC; University Library exhibition catalogues on the Fleece and Rocket Presses
(1989); Report to the Library Committee and the Policy Committee of the Library Sub-Committee on Special Collections (1989); library annual reports 1989/90, 1992/93, and 1993 - 94; papers for the Warden's visit to the University library (1991);
Library Information Pack [1994]; publications of outside bodies; agenda papers for the University of Durham Library Committee meeting on 28 May 1997; brochure produced for the opening of the University Library extension by the chancellor (Sir Peter
Ustinov) on 30 June 1997; and (in an envelope of loose papers) correspondence etc. re 'April 1995 : 1995 Review of Durham University Library Materials Manchester, SOAS, UCL'.
1i&ii. 1981-1984.
2i&ii. 1984-1989.
3. 1989-1992.
4i&ii, 4a. 1992-1995.
5. 1995- 30 January 1998.
6. 1 February 1998 - 7 June 2000.
7. 8 June 2000 - 31 December 2004.
8. 1 January 2005 - 15 July 2010.
UND/CB1/L1a March 1979, May - August 1989
Transfer of Library Books, comprising correspondence with the University of Manchester consequent upon the relocation to Manchester of Drs Healey, Luft and Smith (in the field of Oriental Studies), May - August 1989; also (loose in the file) copy
of North Eastern Universities O and M Unit [Report] on the University of Durham The University Library (March 1979).
UND/CB1/L1b 1938 - 1961
Law, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence (including that re examinations for prisoners of war).
1. 1938-1940.
2. 1940-1961.
UND/CB1/L2 February 1980 - May 1997
Library Committee, comprising agenda papers of meetings of the Curators of the Library and of the Library Committee, and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1980-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1985.
3i&ii. 1985-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1991.
5. 1991.
6i&ii. 1991-1993.
7i&ii. 1993-1995.
8i&ii. 1995-1997.
UND/CB1/L2a & L9 1938 - 1988
Faculty of Law, comprising correspondence, also (for 1945-1946 and 1968 on) minutes and reports of the Board of the Faculty.
L2a/1. 1938-1963.
L9/1i&ii. 1968-1972.
L9/2. 1972-1975.
L9/3. 1975-1978.
L9/4i&ii. 1978-1984.
L9/5. 1984-1988.
UND/CB1/L4 1963 - 1994
Local Education Authorities Entrance Awards, correspondence.
UND/CB1/L6 July 1982 - 4 July 2011
Leverhulme Trust, comprising copies of Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' circulars about Leverhulme Commonwealth / USA Visiting Fellowships; publications of The Leverhulme Trust (reports on grants made); related correspondence; and
copies of some applications for Leverhulme Trust Personal Research Professorships and Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellowships, and copies of the annual reports of the Leverhulme Trustees 1995 - 97.
1. 1982-1991.
2i&ii. 1991-1995.
3i&ii. 1995-1996.
4i&ii. 1996- 7 October 1998.
5. 25 November 1998 - 4 July 2011.
UND/CB1/L7 1951 - 10 May 2003
Leave of Absence, comprising correspondence with and about applicants for leave of absence (and sabbatical leave).
1. 1951-1960.
2. 1965-1979.
3. 1979-1989.
4. 1989-1993.
5. 1993-1996.
6i&ii. 1996-1998.
7. 1998- 18 November 1999.
8. 19 November 1999 - 10 May 2003.
UND/CB1/L8 22 January 1964 - 9 April 1999
Lectures, Inaugural, comprising correspondence; copies of notices/circulars about inaugural lectures; also the typescript of the text of the inaugural lectures of Professors G.R. Batho (
“The Practice of Teaching”, 1975), A.J.M. Milne (“Politics and Controversy”, 1977), P. Bridgwater (“The Learned Ape”, 1978), and C. Jones (“Current Issues in Phonological Theory”, 1980).
1. 1964-1972.
2i&ii. 1972-1976.
3. 1976-1979.
4i&ii. 1979-1988.
5. 1998-1999.
UND/CB1/L8a March - November 1951
Law School at Durham: Proposals for, comprising copies of letters of the registrar to the vice-chancellor (at 38 North Bailey) and to Lord Eustace Percy (rector of King's College) and agenda papers and report for a committee.
See L2a above.
UND/CB1/L9a 30 July 1990 - 1 May 2007
Language Centre, papers about its establishment and then about appointments of staff and its administration.
1. 30 July 1990 - 23 March 2001.
2. 24 March 2001 - 1 May 2007.
3. Language Centre Advisory Committee papers, agendas and correspondence re the setting up of the committee and its first meeting on 20 November 1991.
3 paper files
UND/CB1/L10 June 1964 - 18 January 2007
Law Department, comprising correspondence; copy of Honours School in Law : Regulations and Syllabuses 1971 - 2; papers for a visit of the University Grants Committee Study Group on Law (8 March 1972); papers on the question of tenure (of academic
staff) in the university (1981); paper by Dr L.D. Gurnswamy about EEC Legislation Controlling Mercury Pollution in U/S (1982); paper by the committee of Heads of University Law Schools on 'Law as an Academic Discipline' (1984); a few Board of
Studies in Law minutes (mid 1980s only); papers for the Vice-Chancellor's Visit to the Department (26 October 1990); copy of Inter Alia (University of Durham Student Law Journal) Vol. 1 No.6 (Spring 1997); Department of Law Prospectus for the
Academic Year 1966 - 67; and the majority (p.5-144) of the published text of [the Wilson Report on Legal Education in the UK, 1966] (and covering correspondence of Professor Dowrick with the vice-chancellor about the report, [which had been produced
by the Society of Public Teachers of Law], 1966).
1, 1a. 1964-1972.
2. 1972-1983.
3. 1983-1990.
4i&ii. 1990- 17 November 1997.
5. 1 January 1998 - 31 December 2004.
6. 1 January 2005 - 18 January 2007.
UND/CB1/L10a 1953 - 1960
“Lunatic File” , comprising letters and copies of publications sent to the registrar and others [by persons of a disordered mind] on religious subjects (theories of creation, etc.)
UND/CB1/L10b January - February 1966
Statutory Committee on the establishment of a chair in Law in place of the exiting readership, agendas and papers, with testimonials for F.E. Dowrick.
Paper file
UND/CB1/L11 1966 - June 1977
Lodgings, comprising correspondence; lists of lodgings (issued by the University of Durham Lodgings Committee); and agendas of meetings of the Sub-Committee on Lodgings.
1. 1966-1969.
2. 1969-1977.
UND/CB1/L11a 1966 - 1969
Lodgings Committee.
UND/CB1/L11b 1990 - 1995
Student Loans, reports and agendas of meetings to consider access funds, correspondence, information on the government's proposals for Topup Loans for studernts, a report on
Student Loans: Certifying Eligibility.
1. 1990-1991.
2. 1990-1995.
UND/CB1/L11c 1990 - 1994
Student Loans - Durham Colleges, correspondence and information on student loans.
UND/CB1/L11d 1990 - 1992
Student Loans - Students, correspondence.
UND/CB1/L11e May 1990 - 19 December 2001
Student Loans Company, correspondence with occasional circulars and annual reports from.
Paper file
UND/CB1/L12 25 October 1973 - 23 April 1979
College Lists, comprising lists (and amendments to lists) of students in residence (and galley proofs of printed lists of such students), and related correspondence.
UND/CB1/L12a 5 March 1980 - 11 September 1991
Lecturers, Part-time and Temporary, comprising correspondence, also some agenda papers of the University of Durham Quinquennial Committee's Sub-Committee on Part-Time Teaching.
1i&ii. 1980-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1985.
4i&ii. 1986-1988.
5. 1988-1991.
6. 1991.
UND/CB1/L12b 28 November 1972 - 2 November 1973
Undergraduate Lists, comprising computer print-out of lists of Undergraduate Students in Residence (arranged per department) and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/L13 1 October 1993 - 16 July 2002
Linguistics and English Language, Department of, correspondence with some reports, briefings and course prospectuses.
Paper file
UND/CB1/L14 29 January 1999 - 22 September 2005
Centre for Lifelong Learning and HEFCE Widening Participation, correspondence and papers, including
Centre for Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Part-Time Study 1999/2000
1. 29 January 1999 - 22 September 2005.
2. 26 March - 16 December 1999, part-time degrees.
3. 17 January - 9 May 2000, part-time degrees.
4. September 1999 - 19 October 2001, staffing.
5. 25 October 1999 - 23 August 2000, Environmental Sciences.
For earlier material of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, see UND/CB1/A14.
UND/CB1/L15 21 September 1999 - 14 November 2004
League Tables, correspondence and reports on DU's position in various tables, including
The Sunday Times University Guide 16 September 2001 and The Daily Telegraph The Best For Your Children by Chris Woodhead and John Clare Part 4 The University Years. [2001].
Paper file
UND/CB1/M1 March 1983 - 23 July 1986
Materials Science and Technology, Centre for, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Council Negotiating Committee for the Research and Development Centre and (later) of the University of Durham Management Committee
for the Centre for Materials Science and Technology; University of Durham press release concerning the
Mountjoy Research Centre's cutting of the first turf at this development by the chancellor of the University (3 July 1984); brochure of the Durham
Mountjoy Research Centre (1984); correspondence (with English Estates, etc.); agenda papers of the University of Durham Management Committee for the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories [on 26 March 1985 the University Council
agreed that the Centre for Materials Science and Technology should be re-named the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories, and consequently there was a change in the title of the Management Committee]; papers for a press conference at
Mountjoy Research Centre on 14 May 1986; correspondence etc. re the opening of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories by the University chancellor on 1 July 1986; and (loose in the last file)
Northern Executive (a quarterly technical journal to promote the interests of the industrial north; an official journal of the Engineering Industries Association) Issue No. 2 (1986) which includes an illustrated
article on Durham
Mountjoy Research Centre and colour views of the exterior of the centre on the front cover; an English Estates brochure
Durham Mountjoy Research Centre .
1i&ii. 1983-1984.
2i&ii. 1984-1986.
UND/CB1/M1a July 1991 - December 1998
Modularisation, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Working Party on Modularisation, set up by Senate to consider proposals for the introduction of a modular degree structure for undergraduate degrees, and of the
Teaching and Learning Committee's Working Group on Modularisation; and memoranda (of the Academic Office's Courses and Quality Section).
1. July 1991 - January 1992.
2. February 1992 - March 1997.
3. April 1997 - December 1998.
UND/CB1/M1b December 1992 - 23 April 1993
Working Group on Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements, Wednesday , 24th February 1993, and Working Group on Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements, Friday, 25th June 1993, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's Working
Group on Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements; and related papers. From Science Site.
UND/CB1/M1c 7 May 1991 - 17 March 1992
Senate Regulations and Admissions Working Group on Modularisation 1991 - 92 + 1992 - 93, comprising correspondence, memoranda, and related papers. From Science Site.
UND/CB1/M2 15 November 1972 - 31 July 1975; 25 November 1979 - 19 December 1983
Manual and Domestic Staffing Committee, comprising correspondence about rates of pay for manual and domestic staff and about staff gratuities.
UND/CB1/M2a 30 June 1986 - 17 June 1998
Mountjoy Research Centre , comprising agenda papers of the Durham
Mountjoy Research Centre Review Meeting and of the Strategy Meeting; correspondence; and related papers (including report on the future development of Durham Mountjoy Centre by
Segal Quince Wicksteed, consultants, March 1989).
1. 1986-1992.
2i&ii. 1992-1998.
UND/CB1/M3 9 September 1969 - 4 February 1976
Middleton St. George College of Education, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of the Middleton St. George College of Education (County Council of Durham), and a little related correspondence. (Sir Derman Christopherson, the
vice-chancellor, was a member of the governing body.)
1i&ii. 1969-1973.
2. 1973-1975.
3. 1975-1978.
UND/CB1/M3a 1937 - 1945
M.Ed. Thesis, Examiners Reports on, comprising correspondence and reports.
UND/CB1/M3b 1 January 1998 - 19 September 2008
Medical Research Council, correspondence with, mainly about appointments to it.
Paper file
UND/CB1/M4 September 1971 - September 2021
Matriculation Ceremony, comprising correspondence; circulars; some texts of the matriculation addresses of the vice-chancellor (dating from the late 1980s - 1996 and 2021) and others; Freshers Conference Handbook 1979 and Durham Students Union
Intro Week brochure 1984.
1. September 1971-1989.
1a. 1976.
2. 1989 - 10 November 1998.
3. 12 November 1998 - 6 October 2004.
4. 6 November 2002 - 9 October 2003.
5. 12 November 2003 - 6 October 2004.
6. 1 December 2004 - 4 November 2008.
7. October 2017 - September 2021.
UND/CB1/M4a 1933 - 1961
M.Litt. Thesis, Examiners Reports on, comprising correspondence and reports.
UND/CB1/M5 1940 - 1961
Master of Education, comprising correspondence; examination questions; and some reports. (2 sample files only retained.)
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1960-1961.
UND/CB1/M5a 1988 - 1997
Molecular Electronics, Centre for,
Current Activities in Molecular Electronics from 1988 and 1990, the 1988-89 annual reports of the Centre for Molecular Electronics, correspondence on laboratory accommadation, correspondence on Laboratory Accommodation
and Details of the British Nuclear Fuels plc works in the Centre for Molecular Electronics.
UND/CB1/M6 30 December 1966 - 12 December 1978
Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of the North Eastern Branch of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; correspondence; and (other) publications of the North Eastern branch (circulars), also some
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (London office) circulars to members, etc.
1. 1966-1973.
2. 1973-1978.
UND/CB1/M6a 15 August 1991 - 16 October 2002
Management Information Services, including correspondence and reports (1990s) on university IT services.
Paper file
UND/CB1/M12a 1981 - 1987
Microprocessor Centre, correspondence, Newsletter 2, reports on the
Computer Board's Microprocessor Programme (1982) by the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils and on The Future Role, Policy and Management of the Microprocessor
UND/CB1/M7, M15 1908 - 21 May 2002
Military Education, The Universities of Northumbria, later Military Education Committee, The Universities of Northumbria, comprising correspondence of the secretary of the committee 1908-1925, much of it with the War Office, covering such as
finances, a proposed medical unit (1924), the central organisation of Military Eduation Committees, report of a conference on Officers Training Corps 17 February 1911, headquarters (College Road, Newcastle), payments to sergeant instructors,
appointments of officers, the formation (in 1908) and organisation of the OTC, the inclusion of Military Science and training in university courses, regular army commissions; then (1939-2002) agenda papers of The Universities of Northumbria Military
Education Committee; correspondence, reports, and copies of War Office circulars (addressed to the chairmen of Military Education Committees etc.); and a pamphlet on the Central Organisation of Military Education Committees, September 1960.
M15/8-9. 1908-1925.
M15/1. 1939-1948.
M15/2. 1948-1951.
M15/3. 1951-1952.
M15/4. 1953-1954.
M15/5. 1954-1958.
M15/6. 1958-1960.
M15/7. 1963.
M7/1. 1963-1965.
M7/2. 1965-1967.
M7/3. 1967-1972.
M7/4. 1972-1978.
M7/5i&ii. 1978-1979.
M7/6. 9 May 1989 - 21 May 2002.
UND/CB1/M8 1940 - 1961
Faculty of Medicine, comprising correspondence, and (especially for the period up to 1950) some agenda papers.
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1952.
3. 1953-1961.
UND/CB1/M9 8 November 1963 - 20 February 2007
Mathematics Department, later Mathematical Sciences Department, comprising correspondence; a few minutes of meetings of the Board of Studies in Mathematics and a few sessional reports of the department, 1960s - early 1970s; agenda papers of the
Board of Studies in Mathematics / later Mathematical Sciences, 1970 - 75 and 1992 - 94; papers assembled for the vice-chancellor's visit to Mathematical Sciences on 7 June 1991; report of a group working under the auspices of the London Mathematical
Society entitled
The Future for Honours Degree Courses in Mathematics and Statistics (1992); brochure on Mathematical Sciences at Durham [1996]; and a self-assessment document in respect of the Department
of Mathematical Sciences which was forwarded to the QAA (Quality Assessment Authority) (July 1998).
1. 1963-1975.
1a. 1969-1989.
2. 1975-1982.
3. 1982- 26 October 1998.
3a. 1982-1993.
3b. 1991-1994.
3c. 1992-1994.
3d. 1995-1996.
4. 1 November 1998 - 20 February 2007.
UND/CB1/M10 October 1963 - July 1988
Music Faculty, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Music up to 1984; copy of submission for the University Grants Committee Review of Music Departments (1988); and correspondence concerning the phasing out of
the Bachelor of Music degree (1984 - 85).
1a. 1963-1964.
1i&ii. 1969-1970.
2i&ii. 1981-1984.
3. 1984-1988.
UND/CB1/M10a, M11b 28 January 1964 - 22 March 2007
Music Department, comprising correspondence; brochures of Durham University Choral Society [1968]; summary of proposed developments in computer-electronic music at Durham University (1973); pamphlet produced for the Oriental Music Festival at
Durham, 4 - 17 August 1979; papers for the Vice-Chancellor's visit to the department on 18 June 1980; copy of Anthony Elton,
Music and Life Book One (1985); brochure of the Durham University Concert Series 1987 - 88, Durham Music Calendar October - December 1987, Durham University Concert Series : Musicon 1989 - 1990 (brochure), and an
external review of the department May 2003.
M10a. 1964-1979.
M11b/1. 1979- 23 October 1989.
M11b/2. 24 October 1989 - 22 March 2007.
UND/CB1/M10b 1945 - 1946
Matriculation Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence with prospective students, students, and examiners; and some examination and degree pass notices signed by examiners. Sample only retained.
UND/CB1/M10c 1947 - 1951
BA Hons in Music, comprising proposals, correspondence, memorandum (1947) on University of Durham courses in music, etc.
UND/CB1/M10d 1950 - 1951
Music Examinations: comprising correspondence with solicitors etc. re student's claims against the University as a DMus candidate.
UND/CB1/M11 1 February 1964, 20 October 1964 - 7 June 1971
Medical School, comprising correspondence (especially concerning proposals for a Medical School in Durham, including correspondence with Charles Grey, MP); draft of a letter from the University of Durham to the Royal Commission on Medical
Education (1965); and copies of articles on medical education published in the
British Medical Journal, 1 February 1964 and 16 April 1966.
UND/CB1/M11a 1963 - 1966
Warden's papers re Medical School November 1963 to June 1966, comprising correspondence (with Charles Grey, MP, Professor Kenneth Hill of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, University of London, the University Grants Committee, etc.);
and agenda papers of the University of Durham Working Party on Developments in the field of Medical Education.
See M10a above.
UND/CB1/M12 3 December 1963 - 31 January 1964
Members of the University, comprising correspondence (about residence of individual staff outside three miles from Durham City and about a former graduate, etc.)
UND/CB1/M13 1939 - 1963
Military Training Service, comprising correspondence, and copies of Ministry of Labour and National Service circulars, etc.
UND/CB1/M13a 1982 - 1985
Malcolm MacDonald Fund, correspondence,
South-South Option (1982) a lecture given by Julius K. Nyerere for the Third World Foundation, publicity materials for the rickshaw ride from Land's End to John O'Groats for the Malcolm MacDonald Memorial Fund, the
Spring newsletter from 1982 of the Commonwealth Society with an article about the establishment of the Malcolm MacDonald Memorial Fund (p.7), and publicity material for the memorial fund.
UND/CB1/M14, M14b June 1939 - February 1943, November 1972 - 1 November 1993
Matriculation Board, later Matriculation Committee, later Matriculation and Admissions Committee, comprising correspondence; agenda papers (up to 1985 only) of the University of Durham Matriculation and Admissions Committee; and related papers
(and publications).
M14b. 1939-1943.
M14/1. 1972-1973.
M14/2i&ii. 1973-1974.
M14/3. 1974-1975.
M14/4i&ii. 1975-1976.
M14/5. 1976-1977.
M14/6i&ii. 1977-1978.
M14/7. 1978-1979.
M14/8. 1979-1980.
M14/9. 1980-1981.
M14/10. 1981-1983.
M14/11i&ii. 1983-1984.
M14/12i&ii. 1984-1987.
M14/13. 1987-1993.
UND/CB1/M14a March 1983 - 18 March 1991
Matriculation Qualifications, comprising correspondence; and copies of publications received (publications of the Secondary Examinations Council, etc.)
1i&ii. 1983-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1991.
See M14 above.
UND/CB1/M14c 18 October 1994 - 9 May 2000
Minority Funding, correspondence and HEFCE circualrs on funding for minority subjects
Paper file
See M7 above.
UND/CB1/M15a 1963 - 1964
Master of Letters, correspondence, mostly about successful theses.
UND/CB1/M16 1963 - 1991
Master of Arts, correspondence.
UND/CB1/M17 1963 - 1976
Master of Science, correspondence.
UND/CB1/M18 31 October 1968 & December 1969
Ministry of Overseas Development, comprising
“Research Department [? of the Association of Commonwealth Universities] Memorandum : African Studies in Universities in the United Kingdom” (October 1968), and circular letter from the Ministry of Overseas
Development about overseas economic and social research grants.
UND/CB1/M18a 23 February 1966 - July 1967
M.O.D. Additional Posts Scheme, comprising correspondence (including with Fourah Bay College) about the Ministry of Overseas Development's scheme for sponsored staff ; copies of advertisements of academic posts at the University of Durham and at
Fourah Bay College, and copies of terms and conditions of appointment of lectureships in the University of Durham.
UND/CB1/M20 1951
Readership in Mining [King's College], comprising correspondence (including that with Mr J.D. Jenkins, who was appointed), and copy of Mr Jenkins's application.
UND/CB1/N1 12 June 1969 - 7 August 1975
Neville's Cross College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of Neville's Cross College of Education (County Council of Durham), and related correspondence. (The vice-chancellor, Sir Derman Christopherson, was a member of the governing
UND/CB1/N1a 1940 - 1957
Newcastle Office [of the University], comprising correspondence regarding staff, accommodation, etc.
UND/CB1/N1b 1975 - 2003
New College, correspondence, programme for 1988-1989 North-East Festival of Languages and Schools/Industry Links, report from the 1987 North-East Regional Festival of Languages and Seminar “Making Languages Work”,
with New College's annual report and review for 2001/02.
UND/CB1/N2 7 February 1983 - 12 July 1988
Nominating Committee (Council), comprising agenda papers of the Nominating Committee of Council, and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1982-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1987.
3i&ii. 1987-1988.
UND/CB1/N2a 6 November 1980 - 25 July 1988
Nominating Committee (Senate), comprising agenda papers of the Nominating Committee of Senate, and related correspondence.
1. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1982.
3i&ii. 1982-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1984.
5i&ii. 1984-1985.
6i&ii. 1985-1986.
7i&ii. 1986-1987.
8i&ii. 1987-1988.
9, 9a, 9b. 1988.
UND/CB1/N2b 30 September 1988 - 31 December 2002
Nominating Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Nominating Committee, and related correspondence. (At their meetings held on 10 May and 24 May 1988 respectively, Senate and Council agreed that the Senate Nominating Committee and the Council
Nominating Committee be merged into a single joint Committee.)
1i&ii. 1988-1989.
2i&ii. 1989.
3. 1989-1990.
4. 1990.
5. 1990.
6i&ii. 1990-1991.
7i&ii. 1991.
8i,ii,iii. 1991-1992.
9, 9a. 1992.
9b. 1992-1997.
10, 10a. 1993
11i&ii. 1993.
12. 1993-1994.
13, 13a. 1994.
14. 1994.
15, 15a. 1995.
16, 16a. 1995.
17, 17a. 1996.
18, 18a. 1997.
19. 1998.
20. 1997-1999.
20a. 1998.
21, 21a-c. 1999.
22. 18 August 1999 - 31 December 2002.
23. 18 February 2000 meeting agenda, papers, correspondence and business agreed by circulation.
24-25. 9 June 2000 meeting agenda, papers, correspondence and business agreed by circulation.
26. 3 November 2000 meeting agenda, papers, correspondence and business agreed by circulation.
27. 16 February & 2 November 2001, 15 February 2002, meetings (cancelled) papers.
28. 1 June 2001 meeting papers.
29. 31 May 2002 meeting (cancelled) papers.
30. 13 August 2002 meeting papers.
31. 25 November 2002 meeting papers.
UND/CB1/N2c 1948 - 2008
Nominating Committee files for each committee that a university member was appointed to:
Universities etc:
1N. Alvey Programme for Advanced Information Technology 1985
1aN. Japan Foundation Endowment Committee 2000-2001
2N. Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth 1999-2000
2aN. Safer Stockton Partnership 2000-2001
3N. Board of the Bow Trust (Durham) Ltd 1982-2000
4N. Board of Management of the North East Museums 1965-2000
5N. Board of Governors of Sherburn Hospital 1981-2006
6N. Board of Trustees of Bishops Cosins Alms Houses 1985-2007
7N. British Universities Film and Video Council 1968-2002
8N. British and Foreign School Society 1985-1986
9N. Cleveland County Council Education Committee 1969-1995
10N. Council of North Regional Examinations Board 1980-1989
10aN. North of England Anglo-Japanese Society 1989-1992
11N. Durham County Council Education Committee 1980-1999
12N. Inter-University and Polytechnic Council for Higher Education Overseas 1952-1994
13N. Georgian Theatre (Richmond) Trust 1948-1994
14N. Universities' Committee on Computing 1987-1989
15N. Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik 1982-1984
16N. Liverpool University Court 1950-2004
17N. National Bureau for Handicapped Students 1982-1989
18N. Newcastle University Court 1966-2005
18aN. Northern Informatics Applications Agency 1995-1997
19N. North of England T.A.V.R. 1950-2000
20N. Northern Arts General Council 1964-1992
21N. Standing Conference of Arts and Social Sciences in Univerities (SCASSU) 1986-1993
22N. Sunderland Borough Education Committee 1983-1990
23N. Universities and Schools in the North of England Conference Steering Committee 1980-1988
24N. Universities of Northumbria Military Education Committee (NUMEC) 1980-2007
25N. Universities Transatlantic Exchanges Committee 1981-1993
26N. University of Newcastle upon Tyne Computing Laboratory Committee 1970-1988
27N. Standing Conference on University Studies of Africa 1988-1998
28N. Creche Management Committee 1989
29N. Council of the Friends of the Oriental Museum 1990-1995
30N. Environmental Council 1992-1999
31N. World University Service 1991-1999
32N. HESIN Sub-Committees and Working Parties 1991-1996
33N. Tees-Wear Access Federation Committee 1991
34N. Joint Committee on South African Studentships 1991
35N. Nature's World (The Botanic Centre Middlesbrough) 1992-1999
36N. Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (CATE) (blank)
37N. Durham County Conservation Trust Ltd 1992
38N. Joint East Asia Programme of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne 1992
39N. Northern Examinations and Assessment Board: Northern District Committee 1992-1995
40N. Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association 1993-1999
41N. Skill National Bureau for Students with Disabilities 1993
42N. UK Council for Graduate Education 1994-1999
43N. Committee for the North of England Universities Collaboration on Information Technology 1995
44N. Deans of Science Committee and European Association of Deans of Science 1994-1995
45N. Council of the Deans of Arts and Humanities 1994-1995
46N. Hartlepool Education Committee 1996
47N. County Durham Informatics Joint Venture 1996
48N. Royal Society Samuel Ramsay Award 1996
49N. Further Education Youth and Community Service Sub-Committee 1996
50N. Hartlepool Education and Children Board 1999
51N. The Regional Open Network for the North (TROCN) 1999-2003
52N. Club Sophia 1998-1999
53N. Stockton's Learning Towns and Lifelong Learning Partnership 2002
54N. Cathedral Council 2001-2007
55N. Tees Valley Arts 2003
Schools and colleges:
1N(SC). Acklam VIth Form College 1980-1987
2N(SC). Barnard Castle School 1950-2008
3N(SC). Bede Sixth Form College 1980-1987
4N(SC). Central Newcastle High School 1982-2006
5N(SC). Cleveland College of Art and Design 1973-1989
6N(SC). Cleveland Technical College 1981-1987
7N(SC). Convent of the Assumption Richmond 1952-1994
8N(SC). Durham High School 1984-2007
9N(SC). Egglescliffe School 1980-1987
10N(SC). Hartlepool Sixth Form College 1984-1989
11N(SC). Kirby College of Further Education 1981-1987
12N(SC). Marton Sixth Form College 1982-1987
13N(SC). Monkwearmouth College of Further Education 1972-1987
14N(SC). Nelson Thomlinson School, Wigton 1953-1991
15N(SC). New College, Durham (empty)
16N(SC). Northallerton Grammar School 1954-2005
18N(SC). Polam Hall, Darlington 1967-2005
19N(SC). Prior Pursglove Foundation 1950-1991
20N(SC). Richmond School Trust 1950-2001
21N(SC). Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne 1965-2008
22N(SC). Stockton Sixth Form College 1980-2004
23N(SC). Stockton-Billingham Technical College 1956-2001
24N(SC). Sunderland Church High School 1984-1994
25N(SC). Sunderland Polytechnic 1964-1987
26N(SC). Teesside Polytechnic 1972-1985
27N(SC). Wearside College of Further Education 1978-1988
28N(SC). Westfield School, Newcastle upon Tyne
29N(SC). Dame Allens' School 1986-2001
30N(SC). Yarm School 1989-2001
31N(SC). Durham College of Agriculture and Horticulture 1989-1994
32N(SC). Board of Bede's World Museum 1991-2005
33N(SC). Norton Educational Trust 1982-2005
34N(SC). Stokesley School 1979-1988
35N(SC). Prudhoe High School 1995
36N(SC). Stockton Riverside College 2002-2003
2 boxes
UND/CB1/N3 23 December 1970 - 3 September 1992
N.U.M.A.C., comprising agenda papers of the Northumbrian Universities Multiple Access Computer Committee, and correspondence.
1. 1971-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1977.
3i&ii. 1977-1978.
4. 1978-1980.
5i&ii. 1980-1989.
6. 1989-1992.
UND/CB1/N3a 1997 - 29 January 2010
Papers for the 1994 Group Meeting at Telford 15 September 1999, correspondence, questionnaires concerning a name change for the 1994 Group (formed in 1994 as part of the CVCP from members of 16 universities with a strapline of 'to promote
excellence in research and teaching. To enhance student and staff experience within our universities and to set the agenda for higher education.'), address labels.
1. 1997-1999.
2. 1997-1999.
3. 11 August 1998 - 29 January 2010.
UND/CB1/N4 28 September 1971 - 21 February 2000
Northern Arts, including some papers for the Northern Arts Board meetings, occasional brochures and annual reports, and particularly correspondence about the Northern Arts Literary Fellowship.
Paper file
UND/CB1/N5 7 June 1972 - October 1977
North-East Area Study, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee (of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences) for the Centre for the North East Area Study; correspondence; and personnel-related papers concerning
the 1973 appeal. [The North-East Area Study was established in 1972 to conduct research in to a range of social, economic and planning problems of the industrial North-East; it was funded primarily by a grant from the Social Science Research
Council; the study commenced on 1 October 1972.]
1, 1a. 1972-1973.
2, 2a-c. 1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1977.
UND/CB1/N5a 1986 - 1998
Northern Registrars and Secretaries, correspondence, annual report to the Northern Registrars from the Northern Universities Regional Training Programme for Administrative Staff (1988-1989), information on the Midwest Consortium for International
Activities Inc. (MUCIA), agendas and minutes, notes.
UND/CB1/N6 June 1983 - 19 May 2008
Nuffield Foundation, correspondence with the foundation about its grants for Social Sciences, and some brochures and circulars.
1. June 1983 - 15 June 2000.
2. 16 June 2000 - 19 May 2008.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/N7 [c.May 1973] - 5 October 1981, September 1985 - 25 November 1999
Northern Advisory Council for Further Education, later (from 1981 onwards) Northern Council for Further Education, comprising copy of the 26th Annual Report of the Northern Advisory Council for Further Education 1972 - 73; agenda papers of
meeting of the Council; and a very little related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1973-1974.
2i&ii. 1974-1976.
3i&ii. 1976-1978.
4. 1978-1979.
5. 1979-1980.
6i&ii. 1980-1987.
7. 1987-1999.
UND/CB1/N7a 1968 - 1999
NCFE Academic Board for Higher Technology, minutes of the Northern Advisory Board AGM, details of special and advanced courses at various colleges, listed and published by the Northern Advisory Council for Further Education (NCFE), agendas and
minutes for the Finance and General Purposes Committee and one set of minutes for the Council.
UND/CB1/N8 1980 - 1986
Newsletter, mainly correspondence, drafts of articles, copies of the newsletter of the University of Durham from March, June, July and November 1981.
UND/CB1/N9 1963 - 9 December 1993
Next Week, later Next Week Information, comprising copies of University of Durham Next Week and Next Week Supplement
(duplicated typescript, advertising public lectures, society meetings, etc. in the University and - in Next Week Supplement - publishing details of awards made by outside bodies) and University of Durham Information ;
posters advertising public lectures, concerts, etc; copies of a number of issues of the Durham Music Calendar; copies of “Lectures and Meetings in the Easter…Term” (duplicated typescript circulars); copies of Durham
Inter-Collegiate Christian Union programme cards and Durham Union Society Calendar; and related correspondence. The files dating from July 1986 onwards generally comprise just copies of Next Week, etc. and not posters
etc. of individual events; copies on file of University of Durham Information Nos.4 (12 December 1986) onwards to No. 169 (9 December 1993) and (separate) Next Week and, for a short time in late 1986,
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1969.
4. 1969-1970.
5. 1970-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
7. 1972-1973.
8. 1973.
9. 1973-1974.
10. 1974-1976.
11i&ii. 1976-1978.
12. 1978-1979.
13. 1979-1980.
14. 1980-1981.
15i&ii. 1981-1982.
16i&ii. 1982-1983.
17i&ii. 1983-1984.
18i&ii. 1984-1985.
19i&ii. 1985-1986.
20. 1986-1990.
21. 1990-1993.
UND/CB1/N10 9 January 1967 - 25 March 2008
North East, Conference of the Universities and Schools in the, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne's Universities and Schools in the North of England Conference Steering Committee (and of the Working
Party of the USNE Conference); and copies of conference programmes. (The conference alternated between the two universities, of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne.)
1. 1966-1972.
2. 1972-1975.
3i&ii. 1975- 16 June 1989.
3a. 1983.
5. 17 June 1989 - 25 March 2008.
UND/CB1/N11 19 May 1966 - 22 March 2001
Natural Environment Research Council, comprising correspondence (especially , for the period up to the early 1970s, copies of notifications of the award of studentships by NERC); copies of some NERC publications (especially dating from the 1980s
onwards, including those about research grants, and NERC's corporate plan, its newsletter
The Researcher later Awards and Training Newsletter, and the NERC Strategy for Earth Sciences, November 1989); and programme for visit by NERC Council
members and senior officers to the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Durham, on 16 September 1993.
1. 1966-1970.
2. 1970-1973.
4. 1973-1980.
4. 1980-1989.
5. 1989- 24 October 1996.
6. 25 October 1996 - 22 March 2001.
UND/CB1/N11a 1985 - 1990
Natural Environment Research Council, comprising general files: general correspondence, 1987 - 89, and correspondence about NERC research studentships (including lists of research students).
1. 1985-1990.
2. 1985-1990.
UND/CB1/N12 July 1967 - April 2005
Northern Universities Conference, comprising correspondence; Reports (typescript later duplicated typescript booklets, for the period up to 1986 inclusive) on individual Northern Universities' Conferences; copies of background papers for the
conference including programme, 1987; programme for the 1989 conference; and brief report on the 1988 conference.
1. 1967-1972.
2. 1972-1981.
3i&ii. 1981-1989.
4. May 1989 - March 2000.
5. March 2000 - April 2005.
UND/CB1/N12a 21 November 1972 - 21 March 1974
Northern Universities Conference in Durham 1973, comprising correspondence about the Northern Universities Conference, held at Durham, 11-13 April 1973; also Report of the Conference of the Northern Universities 11-13 April 1973 (booklet).
UND/CB1/N12b 1959 - 1961
Nuclear Reactor, comprising correspondence regarding proposal for a reactor and its site. (The UKAEA in 1961 decided that the University of Durham was not to be included among the first three universities to receive a nuclear reactor.)
UND/CB1/N13 Summer 1983 - Spring 1986
National Advisory Board for Public Sector Higher Education (NAB):
NAB Bulletins.
UND/CB1/N15a June 1990 - August 2000
1. Cleveland College of Nursing and Midwifery in Collaboration with University of Durham “A New Preparation for Practice Project 2000” submission to the ENB and the University of Durham for approval of a three
years nursing course leading to registration with the UKCC on the parts of the Professional Register relevant to Adult Care (part 12), Mental Health (part 13) and Child Care (part 15) along with a Diploma in Nursing Studies awarded by the University
of Durham.
2. Papers re the establishment of the diploma, including a draft business plan of Cleveland College for 1992/93 and minutes of the college's management board 1990-1993.
3. Centre for Nursing Studies and Centre for Health Studies, including Bulletins 1996-1998, October 1993 - August 2000.
3 paper files
UND/CB1/N15b August - November 1993
Integration of College of Nursing Proposal, comprising three copies of a Proposal of the University of Durham to the Northern Regional Health Authority for the Integration of the Durham and Teesside College of Health within the University of
Durham (September 1993); Invitation (of the Northern RHA) to Submit a Proposal for the Integration of a College of Health, Nursing and Midwifery to within (sic) University or College (July 1993); correspondence; and
related papers (including drafts of papers to be submitted as part of the bid to the RHA).
UND/CB1/N16 30 July 2004
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, copy deed for the management of the transfer arrangements following closure of academic courses, only signed by the Durham parties.
Paper file
UND/CB1/O1 1947, 1951 - 21 December 1995
Observatory, comprising inventory (by E.F. Baxter and W. Hall) of the property under the control of the curators of Durham University Observatory (1947), weather summaries January 1953 to December 1955 by L. Buss and a little correspondence.
1. 1951-1969.
2. 1972-1995.
UND/CB1/O1a 1949 - 1950
Thomas Wright of Byers Green [near Spennymoor, County Durham], comprising correspondence regarding the celebrations of the bicentenary of the publication in 1750 of Thomas Wright's
Original Theory of the Universe.
UND/CB1/O1b 1949 - 1953, 1959
Observatory Committee.
UND/CB1/O3 1963 - 1997
Orders, Suppliers and Quotations, correspondence, invoices, receipts, stationary samples, orders to companies.
UND/CB1/O5 1982 - 1986
Oriental Music Festival, invitations and participant lists for the garden party on 11 June 1982, letters of thanks and acceptance/rejection, itinerary and presentation lists for the visit of HRH Princess Alexandria to the Durham Oriental Music
Festival 21 July 1982,
Oriental Music: an Introductory Guide publicity for the 1982 festival, the interim report of the festival, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/O7 1963 - 1 October 1989
Oriental Studies, School of, comprising correspondence (concerning staffing, Gulbenkian Museum, etc.); copies of some exhibition catalogues; copies of some papers by school staff members; 1st annual report of Durham Oriental Music Festival (July
1974); programmes of Durham Oriental Music Festival, 1976 and 1979; report on Durham Oriental Music Festival, 1979; The Oriental Museum, University of Durham appeal brochure (for a new public gallery, 1986); and Universities' China Committee in
London : Annual Report 1986/87. (The School of Oriental Studies was re-titled the Department of East Asian Studies from 1 October 1989.)
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1972.
3. 1972-1974.
4. 1974-1978.
5. 1978-1980.
6i&ii. 1980-1984.
7i&ii. 1984-1988.
8. 1988-1989.
9. 1989.
UND/CB1/O7a 18 January 1989 - July 2008
Oriental Museum, comprising agenda papers of the Board of Trustees of the Oriental Museum (only to October 1993 on the files), later (by October 1997) the agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Oriental Museum, later (by
October 1998) the University Museums Committee; copies of Oriental Museum exhibition brochures, also copies of
The Orient Express (newsletter of the Friends of the Oriental Museum) Nos. 4 (September 1990) - 7 (September 1993) , No. 10 (sic) (September 1994), No. 11 (May 1995), and No. 15 (October 1998) ; photocopy of the will
of Mr Eric R.G. Kidd (d. December 1991) who bequeathed various Chinese artefacts to the Gulbenkian Museum; University of Durham internal audit report on the Oriental Museum (1993); draft of the declaration of trust establishing the Oriental Museum
Trust (1994); reprint of article by Trevor Horne on “Oriental Museum, Durham” published in The Architectural Review, February 1984; and papers (correspondence, ' New Gallery Fund'
brochure, etc.) concerning the Oriental Museum Building Project (extension) (1995). (As noted above, there appears to be a gap in sequence of agenda papers between October 1993 and October 1997.)
1. 1989-1992.
2i&ii. 1992-1994.
3i&ii. 1994-1998.
4. December 1998 - July 2008.
UND/CB1/O8 1963 - April 2006
Overseas Students, comprising correspondence; lists (only for the period up to the very early 1970s) of University of Durham overseas students; copies of some publications received from UK and overseas bodies; some agenda papers of the North-East
Higher Education Consortium (1991) and its Working Group on Meet and Greet (1991); and related papers (including those concerning Czechoslovak Student Scholarship Fund and (Durham University) Czech Student Appeal Committee, 1968 - 71), and
correspondence with the United Kingdom Council of the World University Service.
1. 1962-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3i&ii. 1969-1972.
4. 1972-1973.
5. 1973-1978.
6. 1978-1983.
7i&ii. 1983-1986.
8i&ii. 1986-1988.
9. 1988-1991.
10i&ii. 1991.
11. 1991-1992.
12. 1992.
13. September 1992 - April 2006.
UND/CB1/O8a 9 January 1981 - 31 August 1994
Overseas Research Students - F.S.S. / Fees Support Scheme', comprising copies of applications for awards under the Universities and Colleges in the United Kingdom Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme; agenda papers of the University of Durham
Committee on the Recruitment of Overseas Students (including 4th Annual Report 1980 - 81); correspondence (with the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and applicants); and some related papers.
1i&ii. 1981-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1984.
3. 1984-1994.
4. 1986.
5. 1987.
UND/CB1/O8b 2 November 1981 - 1993
Committee for the Recruitment of Overseas Undergraduate Students, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Recruitment of Overseas Students; agenda papers of joint meetings of the University of Durham
European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee and the Committee on Recruitment of Overseas Students and (later) agenda papers of the University of Durham Overseas Academic and Students Committee (established by the Senate on 15 May 1984); some
agenda papers of the North East Higher Education Consortium on Overseas Student Recruitment; and related papers (including copies of publications of outside bodies including the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges and the British
1i&ii. 1981-1984.
2i&ii. 1984-1987.
3i&ii. 1987-1993.
UND/CB1/O8c 18 November 1982 - 23 July 1986
Gabbitas -Thring, comprising correspondence with Gabbitas - Thring (advisers on higher education / advisers on independent education), the British Council, etc., and related publications. These records concern the advertising of University of
Durham overseas, etc., in publications.)
1. 1982-1986.
2. February - July 1986.
UND/CB1/O8d September - October 1950
Organisation of Degree Courses.
UND/CB1/O8e 1985 - 1989
Overseas Students North East Consortium, invoices, information on the British Higher Education Mission to Hong Kong by the British Council, correspondence including a postcard from Malaysia, an invitation to the International Educational Fair in
Kuala Lumpur 1986, a discussion document for the visit to Brunei 1985, and information on the North East Higher Education Consortium on Overseas Students Recruitment Bridging Course and the Steering Group of the Education Counselling Service.
UND/CB1/O8f 1986 - 1989
British Council Recruitment of Overseas Students, proforma for a survey, correspondence, visitors proposal forms from the British Council and guidelines for subscribers to the Education Counselling Service 1985/86.
UND/CB1/O9 January 1969 - 7 August 1989
O & M Unit, comprising correspondence with the North Eastern Universities O and M Unit, and copies of O and M Unit Reports (not solely on the University of Durham); the reports produced for the University of Durham which are on the files are
those on: College Finances (October 1972), The University Library (March 1979), The Administration of the College of St Hild and St Bede (January 1982), Use of Microprocessors in Colleges (October 1982), and Word Processing in the Central
Administration (February 1986).
1. 1969-1975.
2. 1973-1987.
3. 1987-1989.
UND/CB1/O9a October 2000 - December 2006
One North East, correspondence and reports including
Moving Forward: The Northern Way Action Plan - Progress Report (January 2005).
Paper file
UND/CB1/O10 10 June 1970 - November 2002
Open University, comprising correspondence (including that concerning OU Summer Schools, about University of Durham staff acting as tutors for the OU, and about joint degrees [with the OU] in Geology); North Eastern Universities O and M Report on
the University of Durham Printing Unit -Costing and Management Information System (July 1973); and some OU publications (re Licensing the OU : Broadcast Timetable, the Licensed Off Air Recording Scheme, etc.)
1. 1970-1979.
2i&ii. 1979-1989.
3i&ii. 1989-1994.
3. 1994.
5. 1995.
6. August 1994 - November 2002.
UND/CB1/O11 April 1981 - 4 March 1998
Committee for the Organisation and Co-ordination of Open Days, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham University Open Days Committee; correspondence; and completed Open Day questionnaires 1981 (completed by departments, colleges,
1. 1981.
2. 1982.
3. 1982-1998.
UND/CB1/O12 1986 - 1995
Overseas Development Administration, correspondence and details on a workshop on “Preparing Detailed Research Proposals Addressing Policy and Practice Issues” , and the Third Medium Term Plan (1990-1995) by the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
UND/CB1/P2 20 November 1963 - June 2006
Physics Department, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of committees on the appointment of lecturer; some annual reports of the department and some Board of Studies in Physics agenda papers (for the late 1960s - June 1992); G.D. Rochester,
“The History of Astronomy in the University of Durham from 1835 to 1939” (typescript, 1980; published in the
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 21, 1980, p.369-378); synopsis prepared for a visit of the Science Research Council Astronomy 1 Committee on 5/6 June 1980; Physics at Durham (brochure, 1984);
Undergraduate Physics at Durham University (brochure, 1987); Physics in Durham A Guide for prospective undergraduates [1990]; papers (ring-bound) assembled for the vice-chancellor's visit to the Physics Department on 13 May 1991; Department of
Physics : Esprit Basic Research Action project proposal (2 ring-bound volumes, [1991]); and papers presented for visit of the Science Research Council Nuclear Physics Board to the departments of Applied Mathematics and Physics on 21 and 22 May 1973
( bound volume); Institute for Computational Cosmology launch of the Cosmology machine July 2001.
Includes files “From Science Site”, and 1 envelope (containing the bound volume of papers presented for the SRC Nuclear Physics Board visit in May 1973). The files from the Science Site include agenda papers of the
Board of Studies in Physics, October 1970 - June 1992.
1, 1a, 1b. 1963-1979.
2i&ii, 2a, 2b. 1979-1990.
3i&ii. 1990-1991.
4i&ii, 4a-c. 1991-1997.
5. April 1997 - December 2001.
6. January 2002 - June 2006.
UND/CB1/P2a 1952 - 1961
Supplementation of Pensions, comprising correspondence, especially with other universities; includes copy of report on the supplementation of FSSU benefits which the treasurer of the Durham Colleges and the registrar of the University of Durham
submitted to “the Committee” [Treasurer's Committee].
UND/CB1/P2b January - March 1965
Statutory Committee on the Personal Professorships in Physics, agendas and papers including testimonials for J.A. Chalmers and A.W. Wolfendale.
Paper file
UND/CB1/P3 1963 - 1993
PhD, application forms, correspondence, PhD regulations of the University of Bradford,
The Nature of the PhD: a Discussion Document published by the Advisory Board for the Research Councils (Office of Science and Technology).
UND/CB1/P4 20 November 1963 - January 2007
Psychology Department, comprising correspondence; minutes of the Board of Studies in Psychology (December 1992 - June 1993); and related papers (which include an application for a computer for the on-line control and analysis of psychological
experiments, etc. (1969), IBM Fellowship Proposal (1970), Department of Psychology, University of Durham : Introductory Handbook (photocopy) [?1983], signed petition sheets (1985) calling for a new professor to be appointed in the near future (the
department having been without a professor for two years), and the Board of Studies in Psychology's response to the preliminary report of the sub-committee on Biological / Life Sciences (1986). (Includes files “From Science
Site”, which include correspondence, etc., 1992 - 95, and minutes of the Board of Studies in Psychology, December 1992 - June 1993.)
1, 1a. 1963-1979.
2i&ii. 1979-1988.
3. 1988-1999.
4. 1992-1993.
5. 1992-1994.
6. 1995.
7. February 1999 - January 2007.
UND/CB1/P4a 1939 - 1961
Press later Press (News in), comprising copies of “University Notes” (supplied to the press), University of Durham press notices , “University News”, and correspondence, also News
(re King's College), and some few press cuttings, and abstracts of some lectures.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1948.
3. 1948-1951.
4. 1951-1955.
5. 1955-1957.
6. 1957-1961.
UND/CB1/P5 12 November 1975 - 25 March 1993
Publications Board, comprising agenda papers of the Publications Board of the University of Durham; correspondence; and photocopy of memorandum of agreement between Oxford University Press and the University of Durham (13 December 1948).
1. 1975-1978.
2. 1978-1981.
3i&ii. 1981-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1986.
5. 1986-1989.
6. 1989-1991.
7. 1991-1993.
UND/CB1/P5a May 1975 - June 1977
Publications Board under new independent arrangements, comprising correspondence about alternative publishing methods (following the end of the contract with Oxford University Press), and agenda papers of the Publications Board.
UND/CB1/P5b 1976 - 1993
Files on specific publications by members of or connected with the university.
UND/CB1/P5b/1 6 October 1976 - 30 June 1991
M. Lyons,
The Revolution in Toulouse (Peter Lang, 1978)
UND/CB1/P5b/2 11 December 1976 - 31 January 1986
P.E. Lewis,
The Burlesque Drama (Edinburgh UP)
UND/CB1/P5b/3 23 January 1978 - 18 October 1991
W.R. Ward,
Theology, Sociology and Politics: The German Protestant Social Conscience 1890-1933 (Peter Lang 1979)
UND/CB1/P5b/4 1 December 1978 - 18 October 1991
D. Hillery,
Music and Poetry in France from Baudelaire to Mallarmé, (Peter Lang 1980)
UND/CB1/P5b/5 15 May 1979 - 18 October 1991
R.G. Maber,
Poetry of Pierre le Moyne, (Peter Lang 1982)
UND/CB1/P5b/6 27 July 1979 - 18 October 1991
A. Saunders,
The Sixteenth Century Blason Poétique (Peter Lang 1981)
UND/CB1/P5b/7 24 February 1984 - 9 January 1988
J. Britnell,
Jean Bouchet (Edinburgh UP 1986)
UND/CB1/P5b/8 5 - 16 November 1984
R.A. Chapman,
Public Policy Studies: The North East of England (Edinbrugh UP), estimates Titus Wilson.
UND/CB1/P5b/9 14 April 1988 - 17 July 1992
K.M. Hutton,
Cuthbert Bede's Verdant Green (Durham 1986)
UND/CB1/P5b/10 8 July 1988 - 31 July 1990
C.D. Lloyd,
Huysmans and the Fin-de-Siècle Novel, (Edinburgh UP)
UND/CB1/P5b/11 20 April 1990 - 21 February 1991
J.D.G. Dunn,
J.B. Lightfoot: Bishop and Scholar, (Durham University Journal 1992)
UND/CB1/P5b/12 3 October 1990 - 11 March 1993
G. Ferguson,
Mirroring Belief: the Devotional Poetry of Marguerite de Navarre (Edinburgh UP 1992)
UND/CB1/P5b/13 I.P. Roberts, Craft, Class and Control: the Sociology of a Shipbuilding Community (Edinburgh UP 1993)
UND/CB1/P5b/14 20 August 1991 - 10 July 1992
A. Sokolov,
Russia's Silver Age
UND/CB1/P5c 1942 - 1946
Prisoners of War, comprising correspondence (with PoW examination candidates, the British Red Cross Society, etc., re the supply of books, etc.)
UND/CB1/P6 27 February 1964 - 13 July 1992
Palaeography and Diplomatic Department, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Joint Committee of the Dean and Chapter of Durham and the Council of the University of Durham on the Prior's Kitchen (papers up to 1972); draft copy of Deans
and Major Canons of Durham, 1541 - 1900 : Provisional Lists (1972); agenda papers of the Department of Palaeography Building Sub-Committee (1979); agenda papers for meetings of the Board of Studies in Palaeography and Diplomatic (1972, 1984, and
1989); agenda papers for meetings of a small group to consider the Future Administration of the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic (1984); agenda papers of the Committee for Palaeography and Diplomatic, 1985 - 88; papers for the visit by the
Policy Committee (of the University of Durham) to the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic on 12 October 1987 and report of the visit; Note on Committees of the Department, 1985; List of Pamphlets and other Printed Matter relating to the North
East of England preserved in the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic in the University of Durham (1983); and agenda papers of the Working Party on Palaeography and Diplomatic (to consider the University's response to the University Grants
Committee Working Party Report on Palaeography) (1988).
(The Note on the Department's Committees, 1985, records that a Standing Committee of the Durham Colleges Academic Board was established for Palaeography and Diplomatic after the appointment of the Reader in Palaeography and Diplomatic in 1948;
that this Committee lapsed in 1963; and that in 1954 a Joint Committee of the Dean and Chapter of Durham and the Council of the Durham Colleges was established and met in 1965, 1967 and 1972 but not thereafter.)
1. 1963-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1988.
3. 1988-1992.
UND/CB1/P6a May 1996 - May 1997
Phonographic Performance Lrd, correspondence, information sheets and licence applications for the public use of sound recordings in especially colleges.
Paper file
UND/CB1/P7 1963 - 1998
Press Notices, comprising copies of University of Durham press notices, later (March 1981 onwards) entitled press releases, later entitled University of Durham News (March 1987 - September 1994), and thereafter entitled press releases; and
related papers (including text of the speeches delivered by the public orator, 1970, 1973 - 74, 1976 -78, 1982 - 83, and 1985 - 86; and the vice-chancellor's Convocation addresses 1972 (issued as a press release), 1981 and later).
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1974.
3. 1974-1981.
4. 1981-1984.
5. 1984-1988.
6. 1988-1992.
7i&ii. 1992-1997.
8. 1993-1998.
UND/CB1/P7a 1938 - 1950
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, comprising correspondence (principally with Lord Eustace Percy, rector of King's College).
UND/CB1/P7b 1992
“Plans for the Colleges and Societies for the Period up to 1997”
Includes vice chancellor's letter of the 4 March 1992 to Heads of Houses; registrar's memorandum of 12 March 1992 to Heads of Houses and individual plans received from all of the colleges
Paper report
UND/CB1/P8 1963 - 1999
Prizes External, information on the British Telecom Catalysts in Higher Education Award, the Daily Telegraph Young Science Writer Award, the 1998 Japan Prize, the Partnership Awards, Tyne and Humber Branch Prize, VG Instruments 21st Anniversary
Prize, Ross McWhirter Memorial Essay Competition, The Sid Chaplin Literary Award, the Donald Tovey Memorial Prize, and applications for some.
UND/CB1/P9 1963 - 2005
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (General), correspondence.
UND/CB1/P10 August 1939 - December 2006
Public Orator, comprising agenda papers for the Committee on the Appointment of a Public Orator; correspondence; and texts of the speeches delivered by the public orator, [1966], 1982 - 83, and 1987 - 97; and texts of the University's addresses
written in English and in Latin and addressed to other universities, 1983, 1987 - 88 and in later years up to 2006.
1. 1939-1962.
2. 1963-1968, 1974-1989.
3i&ii. 1989-1997.
4. January 1998 - December 2006.
UND/CB1/P11 1940 - 2003
Publications, Exchange of.
1. 1940-1947.
2. 1967-2003.
UND/CB1/P11a January 1986 - May 1991
Policy Committee visits to departments etc comprising agendas, papers submitted beforehand (often including annual reports), and subsequent reports.
1. Business School 23 January 1986.
2. Economics department 12 May 1986.
3 School of Education 17 September 1986.
4. School of East Asian Studies 26 September 1986.
5. School of Education 12 January 1987.
6. Three Life Sciences 19 January 1987.
7. Central Administration and Careers 20 January 1987.
8. Oriental Studies, CMEIS, Museum 13 May 1987.
9. Computer Centre 18 May 1987.
10. Library 16 July 1987.
11. Music department 9 October 1987.
12. Palaeography and Diplomatic department 12 October 1987.
13. Geological Sciences 25 November 1987.
14. Physics department 7 December 1987.
15. Chemistry department 16 December 1987.
16. St Cuthbert's Society 24 February 1988.
17. Social Sciences faculty four departments 16 May 1988.
18. Anthropology department 14 July 1988.
19. Department of Adult and Continuing Education 6 October 1988.
20. Business School 11 January 1989
21. School of English 2 June 1989.
22. School of Modern European Languages 2 October 1989.
23. Geography department 4 October 1989.
24. Archaeology department 11 October 1989.
25. Aycliffe Centre 15 December 1989.
26. Durham Students Union and Careers 2 October 1990.
27. Central Administration 5 November 1990.
28. Computer Centre 19 November 1990.
29. Philosophy department 11 January 1991.
30. Classics, Theology and Mathematics departments 11 February 1991.
31. Colleges 28 May 1991.
9 files
UND/CB1/P12 5 April 1984 - 1999
Policy Committee, later Policy and Resources Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Policy Committee (entitled the Policy and Resources Committee from January 1994) and related correspondence and papers (includes papers
circulated in advance of the Policy Committee's visits to various departments and schools). There is little related correspondence in the later files which are almost solely comprised of agenda papers.
1i&ii. 1984-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1986.
3. September - December 1986.
3a. January - June 1987.
3b. July 1987 - January 1988.
4a. February - June 1988.
4b. July - December 1988.
4c. January - June 1989.
4d. July - October 1989.
5a. October - December 1989.
5b. January - June 1990.
5c. July - December 1990.
5d. January - June 1991.
5e. July - December 1991.
5f. January - December 1992.
5g. 1992. College 5 year strategic plans.
5h. January - September 1993.
6a. September 1993 - April 1994.
6b. April 1994 - May 1995.
7. September 1995 - September 1996.
8a. October 1996 - May 1997.
8b. June - October 1997.
9a. November 1997 - February 1998.
9b. May 1998.
10. June 1998 - May 1999.
UND/CB1/P12a 1935 - 1945
Ph.D. Theses, Examiners Reports on, comprising reports and related correspondence.
UND/CB1/P12b May - September 1988
Visitor Centre for Durham World Heritage Centre Proposal, comprising correspondence;
“A World Heritage Centre Proposal to the University of Durham” (by Banyan International group Ltd., June 1988); agenda papers of the University of Durham Research and Initiatives Committee (with
“World Heritage Centre” Durham as an agenda item); and “World Heritage Centre Durham” (outlines “advanced heritage studies” ands
“heritage interest related programmes”) [1988].
UND/CB1/P12c 2003 - 2011
World Heritage Site:
Durham World Heritage Site Tourism Issues discussion paper, One Northeast, by Chris Blandford Associates, November 2003
Final draft for discussion, March 2004
Draft management plan by One NorthEast leaflet, June 2006
Management plan final report, November 2006
Visitor Centre official opening leaflet, 6 July 2011
Paper file
UND/CB1/P13 27 May 1969 - 1991
Promotions Committee, comprising (1-3) correspondence regarding special payments and about promotions with a few committee agenda papers for 1979, 1984 and 1988, with further agenda papers including CVs and testimonials in files
1. 1969-1973.
2. 1973-1988.
3. 1988-1991.
4a-b. 1968.
5a-d. 1969.
6a-b. 1970.
7a-b. 1971.
8a-b. 1972.
9. 1973.
10. 1974.
11. 1975.
12. 1976.
13. 1977.
14. 1978.
15a-c. 1982,
UND/CB1/P13 1948 - 1949
Pharmacy, Degree of, comprising agendas of the Committee on Proposed Degree in Pharmacy, and correspondence; includes copy of Note of Conference of Newcastle members of the Committee in (sic) Proposed degree in
UND/CB1/P14 8 July 1963 - May 2007
Philosophy Department, comprising correspondence; some agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Philosophy (1984 and 1985-1986); and related papers (including typescript of Professor David E. Cooper's paper on
“Free Speech and the Idea of the University” (1988) and University of Durham Review of Philosophy : Response to the [University Grants Committee's] Working Party Questionnaire (1988)).
1. July 1963 - Setpember 1988.
2. September 1988 - April 2001.
3. April 2001 - May 2007.
UND/CB1/P15 1945 - 1963
Professors and Readers Appointments, comprising correspondence, copies of particulars of individual professorships and readerships, and some agendas and papers for the Committee on Professorships and Readerships.
1. 1945-1950.
2. 1951-1957.
3. 1957-1960.
4. 1960-1962.
5. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/P16 1963 - 1991
Professorships and Readerships, Committee on, correspondence, agendas, minutes and papers of the Academic Staffing Committee (Professorships and Readerships).
1. 1963-1982.
2. 1982-1984.
3. 1984-1991.
UND/CB1/P16a 1949 - 1962
New Professorships and readerships, correspondence.
1. 1949-1960.
2. 1960-1962.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/P17 1982 - 1994
University Contributions to Outside Publications, correspondence, copies of articles and leaflets to which the university contributed, copies of entries for the CRAC Studies Guides.
UND/CB1/P18 1963 - 21 October 1987
Playing Fields, Board of Management of, comprising correspondence, and (mainly for the period 1965-1968) agendas of the Board of Management of the Playing Fields and of a meeting of the Maiden Castle Development Sub-Commitee; includes the
programme for the opening ceremony of the Maiden Castle Sports Hall and Playing Fields and Athletics Meeting on 8 May 1965 and paper by the University of Durham Physical Recreation Officer on Physical Recreation Facilities within the University,
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1968.
3. 1968-1977.
4. 1977-1987.
UND/CB1/P18a April 1994 - November 2001
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC), circulars and corrspondence, especially re fellowships, and including presentation to it by the UK Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology at University of Durham February 2000.
1. April 1994 - April 2000.
2. April 2000 - November 2001.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/P19 1964 - July 2004
Politics Department, comprising correspondence; and related papers (which include a few concerning the appointment of lecturers, some programmes of the University of Durham Public Policy Studies Group 1984-1989, copies of Dr R.A. Chapman's papers
(1981), Department of Politics : Syllabus Final Honours Courses in Politics 1988 - 89 (1988), One Year MA in Politics : Studies in Political Philosophy, etc. [ ?1988], Politics Department at Durham University : An Introduction for Undergraduates [ ?
1988], and papers on the department submitted to the Policy Committee [of the University] 1988 with related papers of the dean-elect of the Faculty of Social Sciences), and some programmes of the Public Policy Studies Group.
1. 1964-1968.
2. 1968-1979.
3i&ii. 1979-1990.
4. May 1990 - July 2004.
UND/CB1/P21 1970 - 2006
Postgraduate Students - General, application forms and details of the application process (including a diagram on transparency), correspondence, programmes for introductory days, an envelope of “Applications approved by
the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences - students did not arrive in Durham” .
UND/CB1/P22 16 November 1971 - 24 October 1985
Parsons Field Court, comprising correspondence (including with student residents) and related papers (including lists of residents and copy of Terms of Occupancy of 1972). (Parsons Field Court, a two storey building beyond Parsons Field House,
provided self-catering accommodation for men and women students.)
1. 1971-1976.
2i&ii. 1976-1982.
3. 1982-1985.
UND/CB1/P23 22 September - 18 December 1975
Weekly Summary of Information, comprising copies of University of Durham Weekly Summary of Information, 22 September - 6 October 1975, and a memorandum suggesting that the circulars be discontinued.
UND/CB1/P23a 1982 - 1997
Police, correspondence, also an information document entitled
Your Police: the Facts.
UND/CB1/P24 1947 - 1961
Pension Schemes, comprising correspondence, also copy of Pension and Life Asssurance Scheme (for employees of the Durham Colleges), 1943, copy of information about the University of Durham pension scheme, 1957, and copy of the bursar's report on
group pension scheme, 1947.
UND/CB1/P24a July 1987
Regional Management Services Unit North Eastern Universities report 19 University of Durham
“Printing and Reprographics”.
UND/CB1/P24b 1977 - 2006
Purchasing Group North-East Universities, annual reports from the NEUPG for 1990, 1992 and 1993, an internal audit report on the University of Durham
A Review of Purchasing Policy and the Puchase Order System at the University of Durham (1991-1992), minutes of the NEUPG Co-ordinating Committee, correspondence.
UND/CB1/P25 July - September 1984
Publicising University Research, letter and reply about
Link-Up - the British Association magazine and trhe possibility of contributions of articles by members of the university.
UND/CB1/P26 October 1984 - September 1995
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, comprising agenda papers of the General Committee and of the Annual General Meetings of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee; and a little related correspondence and some papers (including the annual
reports of the committee and copies of
Science in Parliament 1991 onwards). (The committee was constituted in November 1939 as an unofficial non-party group of members of both houses of parliament and representatives of scientific and technical institutions
with the object of providing a permanent liaison between parliament and science.)
UND/CB1/P27 1949 - 1960
Palaeography and Diplomatic, comprising correspondence (regarding staff, gifts to the department, etc.)
UND/CB1/P36 1956 - 1963
Psychology Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/P37 June 2005 - June 2007
Portrait of Sir Kenneth Calman, vice-chancellor, correspondence with the artist Anne Mackintosh and others about its commissioning, display, presentation and insurance.
Paper file
UND/CB1/P38 April 1978
Portrait of Sir Derman Christopherson, vice-chancellor, initial circular letter from the Portrait Committee asking for subscriptions.
Paper, 1f
UND/CB1/P39 March - November 1948
Committee of Senate on PhD examinations, agenda, minutes, and papers.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/Q1 1963 - 1971
Quinquennial Committee 1962/67 and 1967/72, agendas and correspondence.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1966.
4. 1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967.
7. 1967-1968.
8. 1968-1969.
9. 1969-1970.
10. 1970-1971.
UND/CB1/Q1a 1967 - 1972
Quinquennial Planning 1967-72, information received from faculty boards and departments and related correspondence.
1. 1966.
2. 1966-1968.
UND/CB1/Q1b 1970 - 17 June 1977
Quinquennial Committee 1972/77, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1970-1972.
2. 1972-1973.
3. 1973.
4. 1973-1974.
5i&ii. 1974-1975.
6. 1975.
7. 1976-1977.
UND/CB1/Q1c 1971 - 28 December 1981
Quinquennial Committee 1977/82, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1971-1977.
2i&ii. 1977-1978.
3. 1978-1979.
4. 1979-1980.
5. 1980-1981.
6i&ii. 1981.
UND/CB1/Q1d 1950 - 1957
Quinquennial Estimates, University, comprising correspondence, drafts, memoranda submitted by some departments, registrar's note of his conversation with Lord Eustace Percy (in 1950), etc.
UND/CB1/Q1e 1964 - 1966, 28 June 1972 - 24 May 1979
Quinquennial Visitations, comprising correspondence, also agenda of Ad Hoc Committee of Senate on Meeting with the University Grants Committee, minutes of meeting of the staff delegation to meet the UGC, and University of Durham Statistical
Information requested by the UGC and General Survey and Summary of Developments (typescript, MS dated 1966) in connection with the quinquennial visit on 24 May 1966. (The file does not appear to include a copy of the UGC's written record of what was
said at the visitation.)
Quinquennial Planning papers
UND/CB1/Q1g 1962 - 1967
Quinquennial 1962/67 documents, secretary's copies.
UND/CB1/Q1h December 1998 - October 2001
Quality Assurance Agency Institutional Review, registrar's file, correspondence, circulars, reports.
Paper file
UND/CB1/Q1i March 1999 - May 2009
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), correspondence, circulars and reports
Paper file
UND/CB1/Q2 19 January 1982 - 28 June 1985
Quinquennial Committee, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1981-1983.
2. 1983-1985.
UND/CB1/Q2a 1952
Quinquennial Grant - 1952-57 - Correspondence with Lord Eustace Percy, comprising correspondence, principally of the registrar, with Lord Eustace Percy.
UND/CB1/Q2b January 2000 - November 2003
Quotas, correspondence about student quotas.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R1 17 April 1986 - 30 July 1993
Resources Committee, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1987.
3i&ii. 1987-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5. 1989.
6. 1989-1991.
7. 1991.
8. 1991-1993.
UND/CB1/R1a 1939 - 1946
Readerships, comprising agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on Personal Professorships and Readerships and of some committees on readerships, and correspondence. (Includes the curriculum vitae of Mr F.C. Hood, appointed reader in History in
UND/CB1/R1b May 1998 - February 2003
Regional Strategy Advisory Committee, a university committee/group working with regional development agencies such as One NorthEast, agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R2 2 July 1985 - 10 December 2007
Research Committee, later Research and Initiatives Committee [the title of the committee changing in early 1987], later [in 1993] Research Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Research Committee.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1987.
3i&ii. 1987.
4i&ii. 1987-1988.
5i&ii. 1988.
6. 1988.
7i&ii. 1988-1989.
8. 1989.
9i&ii. 1989-1990.
10i&ii. 1990.
11i&ii, 11a. 1991.
12. 1991.
13i&ii, 13ai&ii. 1991.
14i&ii. 1991-1992.
15i&ii, 15a. 1992.
16i&ii, 16ai&ii. 1992.
17, 17a. 1992-1993.
18i&ii. 1993.
19i&ii. 1993.
20, 20a, 1993.
21, 21a. 1993-1994.
22i&ii, 22aqi&ii. 1994.
23i&ii. 1994.
24. 1994.
25i&ii, 25a-f. 1994.
26i&ii, 26a. 1995.
27i&ii, 27a-c. 1995.
28i&ii, 28a-di&ii. 1995-1996.
29i&ii. 1996.
30i&ii. 1996.
31i&ii. 1996-1997.
32, 32a-g. 1997.
33i&ii. 1997.
34, 34a, 34bi&ii, 34c. 1997-1998.
35i&ii. 1998.
36. 1998.
36a. May 1998. Research Monitoring Group.
37i&ii. 1998-1999.
37a. December 1998.
38i&ii. February - May 1999.
39i&ii. May - October 1999.
39a. February 1999.
39b. March 1999.
39c. April 1999.
40i&ii. October - November 1999.
41i&ii. November - December 1999.
41a. November 1999.
41b. December 1999.
42. 2 December 1999 - 2 July 2000.
43. 3 July 2000 - 10 December 2007 (nothing 2004-2005).
UND/CB1/R2/1996 6 November 1995 - 15 August 1997
Research Assessment Exercise 96, comprising correspondence (including with staff of the Higher Education Funding Council); memoranda and circulars concerning the preparations for submissions for the Research Assessment Exercise and concerning the
outcomes and action proposed to be taken, also including copy of
1996 Research Assessment Exercise : The Outcome (HEFCE Circular ref. RAE 96 1/96, December 1996) which includes Ratings by Unit of Assessment (e.g. a particular subject) for all institutions.
1i&ii. 1995-1996.
2. 1996-1997.
“to be kept with R.2”
UND/CB1/R2/2001 May 1999 - April 2006
Research Assessment Exercise 2001 (RAE 2001), comprising correspondence, memoranda, circulars and some university RAE committee papers, including
Interdisciplinary Research and the Research Assessment Exercise (April 1999) (HEFCE circular ref. RAE 1/99), Research Assessment Exercise 2001: Guidance on Submissions (May 1999) (HEFCE
circular ref. RAE 2/99), Research Assessment Exercise 2001: Corrections to assessment panels' criteria and working methods (June 2000) (HEFCE circular ref. RAE 2/00) Research Assessment Exercise
2001: Guidance to completing RAE forms (August 2000) (HEFCE circular ref. 5/00), RAE Circular 1/01 Membership of assessment Panels and Sub-Panels, and rae2008 Research Assessment Exercise
Guidance on submissions (June 2005) (HEFCE cricular ref. 03/2005).
1. 4 May 1999 - 23 January 2001.
2. 24 January 2001 - November 2002, April 2006.
3. February 2000 - March 2001.
3 paper files
“to be kept with R.2”
UND/CB1/R2a 27 April 1989 - 14 June 2000
Central Staff Research Fund, comprising copies of applications made by members of staff for funds from the Central Staff Research Fund, later (by late 1990) the Special Staff Travel Fund (of the University of Durham), and associated
correspondence and papers. Some of the early papers and some later papers are in envelopes as 'Meeting Documents' for the committee administering the fund. The papers include lists of decisions reached (name, department, purpose, departmental
allocation, amount requested, and decision).
1. 1989-1990.
2. 1990-1991.
3. 1991-1992.
4i&ii. 1992-1993.
5. 1993-1996.
6i,ii,iii. 1996-1998.
7. 19 November 1998 - 14 June 2000.
UND/CB1/R2b June 1989 - 28 June 1994
University of Durham Research Studentships, comprising copies of applications for University of Durham Research Studentships and related correspondence, also some copies of research students' reports on research conducted (over the past year),
and latterly also agenda papers of the Research Awards Sub-Committee (of the University of Durham's Research and Initiatives Committee).
1. 1989-1990.
2i&ii. 1990-1991.
3. 1991-1993.
4. 1993-1994.
UND/CB1/R2c 1942 - 1951, 1958
Rector - King's College', comprising correspondence (regarding salary, announcing the appointment of Mr C I C Bosanquet, the supply of Senate and Court papers to the Rector, etc.)
UND/CB1/R3 1963 - May 1980
Research Fund - Agenda and Minutes, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Research Fund Committee and a little related correspondence.
1. 1963-1968.
2. 1968-1975.
3. 1975-1980.
4. 1980.
UND/CB1/R3a 31 May 1985 - January 2001
Regulations Committee, later Regulations and Admissions Committee [the latter title being adopted by late 1987], comprising agenda papers of the Regulations Committee [of Senate], later the Regulations and Admissions Committee, and related
correspondence and papers.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1988.
3. 1988-1989.
4. 1989-1990.
5. 1990.
6. 1990-1991.
7. 1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9i&ii. 1992.
10. 1992-1993.
11. 1993.
12. May 1993 - January 2001.
UND/CB1/R3b 1986 - 2006
Student Appeals, correspondence, including with the bishop of Durham as visitor.
1. 1986-1996, alphabetical.
2. 1990-1994, chronological.
3. 1994-1996, chronological.
4. 1997-1999, alphabetical.
5. 2000-2003, alphabetical.
6. 2004, alphabetical.
7. 2005, alphabetical.
8. Register of academic appeals November 1992 - February 2006.
UND/CB1/R4 21 January 1980 - 12 May 1981
Research Fund - General, comprising correspondence, and minutes of the meeting of the Research Fund Committee held on 23 May 1980.
UND/CB1/R4a 21 April 1980 - 9 December 1999
Research Fund for Special Projects and Special Projects Research Fund, comprising agenda papers of the Committee for the Research Fund for Special Projects, and some related correspondence.
1. 1980-1984.
2. 1980.
3. 1980.
4. 1984-1999.
UND/CB1/R4b 14 July 1980 - 21 March 1983
Special Projects Research Fund and Research Fund for Special Projects, comprising agenda papers (the first meeting being held on 25 July 1980) and related correspondence and papers (including copies of reports received from award holders).
1. 1980-1981.
2. 1981.
3. 1982-1983.
UND/CB1/R4c May 1981 - February 1984
Special Projects Research Fund Reports, comprising copies of reports to Senate of the Committee for the Research Fund for Special Projects (and to the Quinquennial Committee, February 1984). (The Special Projects Research Fund was established by
the University Council on 20 May 1980, the fund to be used to foster new, high quality research initiatives or to accelerate the progress of existing highly promising lines of enquiry.)
UND/CB1/R4d 1952 - 1958
Repairs and Renewals (Office), comprising correspondence regarding the University's offices in Durham and Newcastle, including the supply of new duplicating machines and typewriters.
UND/CB1/R5 1990 - 27 August 1993
Registration of Students, comprising correspondence and University of Durham circulars concerning the registration of students (registration instructions).
1. 1990-1992.
2. 1992-1993.
3. 1993.
UND/CB1/R6 May 1980 - 9 March 1994
Research Foundation Committee, comprising agenda papers of meetings of the Research Foundation Committee (of the University of Durham) up to those for the meeting on 30 September 1986, and related correspondence. Much of the correspondence and
papers dating from late 1986 onwards concern applications for the Sir Derman Christopherson Foundation Fellowships. (The Research Foundation Committee was established by Senate on 12 May 1981; its terms of reference included the making of
recommendations to Senate for the appointment of Foundation Fellows.)
1i&ii. 1980-1982.
2. 1983-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1987.
4. 1987-1991.
5. 1991-1994.
UND/CB1/R6a 1937 - 1954
Riddell Memorial Lectures, comprising correspondence with those who gave the memorial lectures, also on the subject of the printing of the lectures, supply of copies, copyright, etc.
1. 1937-1939.
2. 1940-1942.
3. 1941-1943.
4. 1943-1945.
5. 1946-1948.
6. 1948-1950.
7. 1950-1951.
8. 1951-1953.
9. 1953-1954.
UND/CB1/R6b 1945 - 1956
Riddell Memorial Lectures, General Policy, comprising correspondence (with the lecturers etc, regarding publication of the lectures, etc).
1. 1945-1955.
2. 1954-1956.
UND/CB1/R6c 1957, 1961 - 1962
Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture, comprising correspondence regarding the Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture, 1957, and about the Riddell Memorial Lectures, 1957 -58 (the latter correspondence being principally with Mrs Nora Chadwick and
concerning the publication of her Riddell Memorial Lectures).
UND/CB1/R6d October 1996 - November 2005
Remembrance Day service, correspondence and process notes re arrangements for the service and the subsequent parade, and also for some other cathedral services such as founders and benefactors, and occasional special services such as for the
Paper file
UND/CB1/R7 1938 - 1957
Registrar (Special), comprising correspondence (including copies of references provided by the registrar). Includes: correspondence with Professor P.M. Roxby of the University of Liverpool and (in 1947) with Professor A.J.B. Hutchings, Professor
of Music; some of the correspondence dating from 1947 concerns the subject of deans of the faculties; correspondence regarding Sir William Marris for a
Dictionary of National Biography article on Sir William which Sir Harry Haig was contributing; Mr Angus (the registrar)'s paper on 'Present Trends in British Universities' (1949) and on the GCE and Matriculation in
Universities (1949); correspondence on accommodation (for visitors, staff, etc), individual persons; from 1952 onwards mainly the acceptance or declining of invitations to attend meetings, receptions; typescript “Memoirs
of the Early Years of the 1900's in the University Office, 38, North Bailey, Durham by The Office Boy” (written in 1950 by Robert Brown, who joined the staff in 1906), with correspondence with him and others regarding his memoirs [which were
not published].
1. 1938-1948.
2. 1948-1950.
3. 1950-1951.
4. 1951-1952.
5. 1952-1957.
UND/CB1/R7a 1963 - 1981
Rowntree Trust, correspondence, Senate Committee for Rowntree Studies in Durham agendas and minutes.
UND/CB1/R8 27 May 1980 - 31 August 1990
Registrars' Conference, comprising correspondence and papers (including agenda papers and copies of the Conference of Registrars and Secretaries Conference Proceedings 1981 - 84 and 1986 - 88).
1i&ii. 1980-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1989.
3. 1989-1990.
UND/CB1/R8a 1967 - 1968
Registrars' Conference, comprising papers relating to the conferences held at Southampton (1965), Durham (1968, including replies to the questionnaires sent out to fellow registrars and secretaries by the registrar of the University of Durham and
agendas and correspondence of the Steering Committee for the conference at Durham, these papers dating from 1967 and 1968), and Leicester (1969).
1, 2. 1967.
3. 1967-1968.
4-9. 1968.
UND/CB1/R8b 1967 - 1968
Registrars' Conference at Durham, 1968, comprising correspondence, minutes, and replies to questionnaires on administrative staff structures of individual universities, including orders for copies of the Conference photograph) and copy of minutes
of the Meeting of the Conference of Registrars and Secretaries held in the University of Durham on 9 April 1968
1. 1967-1968.
2, 3. 1968.
UND/CB1/R8c June - 12 December 1978
Northern Registrars Conference at Durham 1978, comprising correspondence; information on various matters provided by individual Registrars for circulation to all Northern Registrars; agenda papers for meeting at Durham on 8 December 1978.
UND/CB1/R8d February 1981
Meeting of Northern Registrars and Secretaries 27 February 1981, comprising list of agenda items, a map of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and a few related papers.
UND/CB1/R8e 1939, 1945, 1950
Roman Wall Museum, comprising correspondence, also copy of heads of agreement between King's College, University of Durham and the Newcastle (upon Tyne) Society of Antiquaries (to provide a University Museum of Archaeology at King's College),
[1939], and copy of an agreement between the University of Durham and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1950.
UND/CB1/R9 1941 - 1942
Roll of Service, comprising correspondence, including a few returns (to an invitation made by the university) giving details of individual graduates' service.
UND/CB1/R9a 1949 - 1950
Roman - British Archaeology, Personal Professorship in, comprising details of the chair of Roman-British History and Archaeology, agenda of the Committee of Senate on Professorships and Readerships, and correspondence. (Dr. Ian A Richmond was
appointed to this chair, held at King's College.)
UND/CB1/R10 20 February 1978 - February 2007
Royal Society, comprising correspondence; copies of Royal Society Press Releases, Royal Society News, notices of meetings, and annual reports of The Royal Society.
1i&ii. 1978-1982.
2i&ii. 1983-1989.
3. 1988-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1994.
5i&ii. 1994-1997.
6. 1997-1999.
7. November 1999 - February 2007.
UND/CB1/R10a 1941 - 1944
R.A. Cadets, comprising lists of candidates (at King's College) for commissions in the Royal Artillery and in the Royal Armoured Corps, results of examinations of candidates, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/R11 18 November 1963 - 1970, 1975 - 1978, 1985 - 25 September 1990
Registrar's Personal File, comprising correspondence (of Mr J.C.F. Hayward, registrar and secretary) concerning annual review of the gradings (of clerical and secretarial staff, etc) and in response to invitations etc; and related papers
(including some agenda papers of Van Mildert College's Senior Common Room and other Colleges' Senior Common Rooms.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967-1968.
5. 1968.
6. 1968-1969.
7. 1969.
8. 1969-1970.
9. 1975-1976.
10. 1975-1977.
11. 1976-1977.
12. 1977-1978.
13. 1985-1987.
14. 1988-1990.
UND/CB1/R11a 1955 - 56, 1961
Roman British History and Archaeology, Personal Professorship in, comprising correspondence, also report of the committee (recommending the appointment of Mr Eric Birley, 1955 , he being appointed to the personal chair in 1956); also
correspondence regarding the proofs of Mrs Chadwick's Riddell Memorial Lectures, 1961.
UND/CB1/R11b 17 May 1969, 1 November 1973 - 1 March 1978
Rugby and Rugby Dinner to celebrate the winning of the 1968/69 UAU championship by Durham University Rugby Club on 17 May 1969, correspondence and records of the DURC.
1. 1969.
2. 1973-1978.
UND/CB1/R12 1931 - 1987
Administration Miscellaneous, comprising papers taken from files (Registrar - General) prior to shredding.
1. 1931-1970.
2. 1970-1987.
UND/CB1/R13 14 July 1967 - 14 September 1999
Russian Department, comprising correspondence and related papers (including those concerning the appointment of language assistants in the department of Russian and copy of the University Grants Committee's report on Russian and Russian Studies
in British Universities, December 1979); also copy of the Association of University Teachers' Submission to the UGC concerning the UGC Report on Russian and Russian Studies in British Universities (1980) and typescript record of a session at the
BUAS [British Universities Association of Slavists] Conference at Durham 1980 addressed by Professor R.J.C. Atkinson (discussion of the UGC's Russian Report).
1. 1967-1988.
2. 1988-1999.
UND/CB1/R15 22 April 1981 - 20 October 1986
Review, University Government and Structure - Review Committee, comprising correspondence (very little predating September 1983 and the correspondence there is on the file mainly being in response to the Holgate report's recommendations ); agenda
papers for meetings of the Sub-Committee of Senate on the Review of the Structure and Government of the University to be held on 3 February 1984 and later; agenda papers of the Council Committee on the Holgate Report and of the Joint Committee of
Senate and Council to Review the Implementation of the Holgate Report; and related papers (including copy of the University of Durham : Report on the Structure and Government of the University (Prepared by the Review Committee [chaired by Dr S.
Holgate], July 1983)).
1. 1981-1982.
2. 1985-1986.
UND/CB1/R15a 22 April 1981 - 13 June 1983
Review, University Government and Structure - Select Committees, comprising agenda papers of various Select Committees (on the Review of the Government and Structure of the University) (i.e. Building Select Committee, Select Committee on
Colleges, Select Committee on Research, Select Committee on Services, Select Committee on Boards of Studies, and Select Committee on Faculties), and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1981-1982.
2, 3. 1981-1982.
4. 1982-1983.
UND/CB1/R15b 1955 - 1959
Roman-British History in [and] Archaeology, Readership in (in the Newcastle Division), comprising text of the advertisement of the post, correspondence, and copy of the application of Mr J.P. Gillam (who was appointed as from 1956).
UND/CB1/R16 1981 - 2005
Royal Commonwealth Society, correspondence, publicity material for the University Technology Transfer Dinner, the
Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (1986-87), and the February/March 1985 copy of Commonwealth magazine.
UND/CB1/R17 September 1988 - October 2006
Research Leave, comprising correspondence; a very few agenda papers of the Research Leave Sub-Committee and of the Research and Initiative Committee; and a few Research Leave Reports.
1. 1988-1989.
2. 1988-1991.
3. 1989.
4. 1989-1990.
5. 1990-1991.
6. 1991-1992.
7i&ii. 1991-1993.
8. 1992-1993.
9i&ii. 1993-1996.
10. 1995-1996.
11. 1996-1998.
12i&ii. 1999.
13. October 1998 - October 2006.
UND/CB1/R18 December 1991 - June 2003
Royal Academy of Dancing, correspondence about degree courses and links.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R19 1994 - 1999
Reprographics, correspondence, minutes of the Reprographics Contract Management with Prontaprint, invoices, sold notes for the sale of secondhand goods to non-conusumers by the university, analysis of queried invoices by Prontaprint, information
from DANKA Office Imaging Ltd, maintenance agreement with DANKA, details of updates to the
Telecomms Book, advertisements for Ideal paper cutters.
UND/CB1/R20 1994 - 1999
Reviews of Academic Courses of Study and Teaching, correspondence regarding reviews, with copies of reviews of Linguistics and English Language, Engineering, and Sociology and Social Policy.
UND/CB1/R21 July - December 1998
Congregation Registration Forms.
1i&ii. July 1998.
2i&ii. December 1998.
UND/CB1/R22 1981 - 2003
Retirements dinners, menus or seating plans for annual parties/dinners for retiring university members of staff with invites and lists of attendees.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R22a October 1999 - June 2004
Regional Strategy, correspondence with such as European Economic Development Services Ltd.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R23 2005
25 Years' Service programmes, detailing those staff who had achieved 25 years' service and some events etc of 25 years before.
Card, 2f
UND/CB1/R26 December 1959 - February 1970
Reappointment Committee, agendas, minutes and papers for the committee reappointing lecturers at the end of their probationary periods, including some reports on the relevant staff.
1. December 1959 - January 1966.
2. December 1966 - February 1970.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/S1 1963 - January 2010
St Cuthbert's Society, comprising agenda papers of the meetings of the governing body; and related correspondence and papers (which include University of Durham Internal Audit Report on St Cuthbert's Society, December 1994, and St Cuthbert's
Society Constitution, Standing orders and Rules, 1997.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1969.
3. 1969-1975.
4i&ii. 1975-1987.
5. 1987-1989.
6i&ii. 1989-1994.
7. 1994-1998.
8. November 1998 - December 2003.
9. January 2004 - January 2010.
UND/CB1/S1a July 1988 - [January 1989]
Working Party to Consider and Report on the role of the St Cuthbert's Society, comprising correspondence and related papers (including documents (concerning St Cuthbert's Society) for the Policy Committee working party prepared by Dr R.K.
Ashton); other agenda papers of the working party (established by the Policy Committee on 22 April 1988) , and copy of the report of the Working Party on St Cuthbert's Society, n.d. .
UND/CB1/S1b 1940 - 1966
Scholarships and Prizes, comprising correspondence (including that with the donors of fellowships, etc), copies of particulars of scholarships and prizes (a number of which were offered by the University of Durham, but others were offered by
other institutions, particularly the Nuffield Foundation ), and some lists of entrance scholarships etc. awarded by the University of Durham, with a printed
Particulars of Entrance and other Scholarships, 1964.
1. 1940-1951.
2. 1952-1966.
UND/CB1/S2 1960 - November 2010
St Aidan's College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of St Aidan's College; correspondence; and related papers (including copy of St Aidan's College Handbook 1991 - 92, and University of Durham Internal Audit Report on St Aidan's
College, April 1993, St Aidan's Association 50th Anniversary Edition of the Newsletter, January 1997, and St Aidan's Association Newsletter, January 1998).
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963-1966.
3. 1966-1969.
4. 1969-1972.
5. 1972-1978.
6. 1978-1984.
7. 1984-1989.
8. 1989-1991.
9. 1991-1996.
10. 1996-1998.
11. November 1998 - March 2001.
12. March 2001 - June 2003.
13. June 2003 - November 2010.
UND/CB1/S2a 1987 - 1988
Principal of St. Aidan's Dr Clarke appointed 1988[sic], comprising applications (loose in folder), and agenda papers for interviews of those [shortlisted], including copies of references. (Dr Peter H. Clarke was
1. 1987.
2. 1987.
3. 1987-1988.
UND/CB1/S3 1940 - February 2006
Science Faculty, comprising correspondence, and some agenda papers for meetings of the Board of the Faculty of Science.
1. 1940-1948.
2. 1948-1962.
3. 1962-1963.
4. 1963-1964.
5. 1965.
6. 1965-1966.
7. 1966.
8. 1966.
9. 1966-1967.
10. 1967-1968.
11. 1968-1969.
12. 1969.
13. 1969-1972.
14. 1972-1973.
15. 1979-1996.
16. 1989-1990
17. 1990-1991.
18. January 1994 - February 2006.
UND/CB1/S3a 1958, 1962
Science Advisory Board, comprising agenda papers for a Science Advisory Board meeting at King's College on 23 January 1958, and copy of a letter to Professor Coates, department of Chemistry, regarding the membership of the Board.
UND/CB1/S3b December 1991 - 1993
Board of Examiners Report Forms 1991 - 92, comprising Board of Examiners' Reports, 1992 ( 1 folder of loose papers); Examinations, December 1991 - December 1992 : correspondence, instructions to examiners, etc. (1 file); and Board of Examiners
Reports 1992 - 93 Exams ( folder of Board of Examiners' reports on various subjects in the Science Faculty, 1993).
1. 1991-1992.
2. 1992-1993.
3. 1963-1972.
4. 1993-1994.
UND/CB1/S3c 1962 - 1966
Science, Concessions and Exemptions, comprising agendas of the Concessions Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, and correspondence.
1. 1962-1963.
2. 1963-1966.
UND/CB1/S3d 1962 - 1963
Science - Durham, Sub-Faculty of, comprising correspondence, and copy of minutes of and report on a meeting of the Durham Sub-Faculty of Science held on 21 March 1962.
UND/CB1/S3e 22 November 1972 - 17 October 1973
Science, Higher Degree Application(s), comprising correspondence (with and about applicants) and agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's Higher Degrees Committee.
UND/CB1/S3f January 1994 - November 2006
Faculty of Science Area Sub-Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Science (Area) Sub-Committee (of the University of Durham's Teaching and Learning Committee), and a very little related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1994-1995.
2, 2a. 1995-1996.
3, 3a, 3b, 3c. 1996-1998.
4. February 1998 - November 2006.
UND/CB1/S3g January, March and May 1992, and March 1993
Faculty Planning Sub Committee Originals, comprising some agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's Faculty Planning Sub-Committee and concerning the charging system for academic accommodation; student statistics concerning Mathematical Sciences;
and draft Faculty of Science Academic Audit : Teaching Quality Questionnaire.
1. 1992-1993.
2. 1993.
UND/CB1/S3h 23 January 1992 - 19 April 1993
B.Sc. Degree Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's B.Sc. Degree Committee (seemingly only for the meetings held 22 October 1992 - 26 April 1993), correspondence, and papers (especially for the period 1992 - December
1, 2. 1992.
3-5. 1993.
UND/CB1/S3i 5 October 1995 - 18 March 1996
Science Faculty RAE 96 Group meeting agenda.
1. 1995-1996.
2. 1996.
UND/CB1/S3j 7 August 1991 - 17 August 1992
[Science Faculty] dean's correspondence.
1. 1991.
2. 1992.
UND/CB1/S3k 24 May 1991 - 21 December 1994
Harperley Hall Scenes of Crime Course Initial Validation, comprising correspondence; copy of Memorandum of Association between the University of Durham and Harperley Hall National Training Centre for Scientific Support to Crime Investigation,
1993; and related papers.
UND/CB1/S3l 1992 - 1997
General Examinations Board, exam marks in BSc and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science instructions to Examiners for the Degree of Bachelor of Science, agenda papers for the General Examinations Board of the faculty.
UND/CB1/S4 1941 - 1973
Senate, comprising correspondence (much of it communicating Senate decisions), and also (in the files for 1966 -73, though mainly up to 1970 only) some agenda papers of the Senate. (One of the files includes a duplicated typescript copy of the
Foreign Office Committee on Russian Studies : Report of Sub-Committee A and of Report of Sub-Committee B, [1945].)
1. 1941.
2. 1941-1943.
3. 1943-1945.
4. 1945-1946.
5. 1946-1948.
6. 1948-1949.
7. 1949-1951.
8. 1951.
9. 1951-1952.
10. 1952-1953.
11. 1953-1954.
12. 1954-1955.
13. 1955-1956.
14. 1956.
15. 1956-1957.
16. 1957-1959.
17. 1959-1960.
18. 1960-1961.
19. 1961-1962.
20. 1962-1963.
21. 1963.
22. 1963-1964.
23. 1964.
24. 1964-1965.
25. 1965-1966.
26. 1966.
27. 1966-1967.
28. 1967.
29. 1967-1968.
30. 1968-1969.
31. 1969-1970.
32. 1970-1971.
33. 1971-1972.
34. 1972-1973.
35. 1973.
UND/CB1/S4a January 1983 - October 1985
Senate Higher Degrees Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Higher Degrees Committee and related correspondence.
1. 1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1985.
UND/CB1/S4b January 1995 - June 2004
Senate/Council Academic Appeals Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Senate Academic Appeals Committee and much related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1995.
2. 1995-1996.
3i&ii. 1996-1997.
4i&ii. 1997-1998.
5. 1998-1999.
6. April - September 1999.
7. September 1999 - February 2000.
8. February - May 2000.
9. May 2000 - April 2001.
10. April 2001 - August 2002.
11. August 2002 - June 2004.
UND/CB1/S4c 1954 - 15 April 1994
Senate Concessions and Exemptions Committee, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence, principally regarding individual students.
1. 1954-1963.
2. 1968-1969.
3. 1969-1970.
4. 1970-1971.
5. 1971-1972.
6. 1972-1973.
7. 1973.
8. 1973-1974.
9i-iii. 1976-1978.
10. 1977-1978.
11. 1979-1980.
12. 1980.
13. 1982-1985.
14. 1994.
UND/CB1/S4d 1978 - 1997
Honorary Title Letters, correspondence informing those in receipt of honorary titles of the fact.
1. A-C.
2. D-G.
3. H-K.
4. L-O.
5. P-S.
6. T-Z.
UND/CB1/S4e 1998 - 2006
Honorary Title Letters, correspondence informing those in receipt of honorary titles (fellowships, chairs and the like) of the fact, with some CVs.
1. A-B.
2. C.
3. D-G.
4. H.
5. I-K.
6. L.
7. M.
8. N-Q
9. R.
10. S.
11. T-V.
12. W-Z.
12 paper files
UND/CB1/S5 October 1978 - March 2007
St Mary's College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body and of the Senior Common Room of St Mary's College, and some correspondence. Also includes St Mary's College Society [Newsletters] 1992 - 97 [annual]; lectures delivered at and
published by the College 1989 - 91 (lectures by William J. Schafer, Dan C.H. Christensen, Rosemary Sylvester-Bradley, the Most Revd Dr John Habgood, Edward H. Wong, A.B. McKillop, and Professor C.K. Barrett - the last being on
“Theology in Durham in the Ramsey Period” (1991)); University of Durham Internal Audit Committee Report on St Mary's College (1992); St Mary's College Handbooks, 1992 / 1993, 1993 / 1994, 1994/ 95, 1995 / 96, and
1996/ 97; and Information Supplement : St Mary's College (brochure) [1995].
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1971.
3. 1971-1973.
4i&ii. 1973-1978.
5. 1978-1983.
6i&ii. 1983-1987.
7. 1987-1989.
8i&ii. 1989-1992.
9i&ii. 1992-1993.
10i&ii. 1993-1995.
11. 1995-1997.
12. 1997-1999.
13. February 1999 - February 2001.
14. February 2001 - July 2002.
15. August 2002 - December 2003.
16. January 2004 - March 2007.
UND/CB1/S6&S39a 1954 - 1957, 1960, 1963 - December 2006
St Chad's College, comprising agenda papers of the executive, later (December 1985 onwards) of the governing body, later (by December 1990) of the college council of St Chad's College, and agenda papers of the Senior Common Room; correspondence;
draft of Appeal (January 1960); and memorandum on New Buildings, n.d. [? 1960], copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of St Chad's College (incorporated on 4 May 1910), January 1976; St Chad's College Newsletter 1985; St Chad's Chapel
[Card] Calendar, Easter Term 1988; St Chad's College Annual Reports 1990/91, 1991/92, and 1993/4; Form and Order [of Service] for the Admission of the Revd Dr Duane W.H. Arnold as 8th principal of St Chad's College, 3 November 1994; report on Land
and Buildings : Management and Repair ( of St Chad's College), 1995. [The college finance and house committees reported to the college's executive.]
S39a. 1954-1960.
S6/1. 1963-1967.
S6/2. 1967-1973.
S6/4. 1973-1977.
S6/5. 1977-1983.
S6/6i&ii. 1983-1988.
S6/7. 1988-1990.
S6/8. 1989.
S6/9. 1990-1993.
S6/10i&ii. 1993-1995.
S6/11i&ii. 1995-1996.
S6/12i&ii. 1996-1998.
S6/11a. 1 October 1998 - 20 March 2001.
S6/12a. 21 March 2001 - 30 November 2002.
S6/13. 1 December 2002 - 15 December 2003.
S6/14. 16 December 2003 - 26 June 2006.
S6/15. 12 December 2005 - 5 December 2006.
UND/CB1/S7 23 October 1963 - 30 October 2009
St John's College, comprising correspondence; programme (order of service) of the Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of St John's College Durham with Cranmer Hall at Durham Cathedral on 11 June 1969; chapel cards [1979]; agenda papers of the
annual general meeting and council of the college and of the College Council 1980 onwards; Memorandum and Articles of Association of St John's College (incorporated on 11 January 1911), 1978; report on and plans for proposed new dining hall, 1983;
St John's College Durham City Conference and Holiday Centre (brochure) [1985]; Vision for Tomorrow : St John's College Durham (brochure) [1986]; St John's College: Information and Regulations, June 1987; order of service for Service of Thanksgiving
(St John's College with Cranmer Hall, Durham) at Durham Cathedral on 15 March 1988; Principal's Letter, June 1988; (loose in one of the files) T.E. Yates,
A College Remembered : St John's College, Durham 1909 - 1979; College Record 1992 : St John's College Durham [annual report]; Cranmer Hall St John's College Ember
List 1992; College publicity material, October 1992; St John's College annual reports 1993 - 95 [principally accounts, as a company]; publicity material of the College [1994]; St John's College : College Record 1997 /98 [report]; and
photocopy of Memorandum of Association of the University of Durham with St John's College, 1997 (signed in January 1998).
1. 1963-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1986.
4i&ii. 1986-1988.
5i&ii. 1988-1990.
6i&ii. 1990-1993.
7i&ii. 1993-1996.
8. 1996-1998.
9. 1998-1999.
9a. 1999.
10. 20 July 1999 - 30 April 2002.
11. 1 May 2002 - 29 September 2003.
12. 30 September 2003 - 22 April 2005.
13. 1 January 2006 - 30 October 2009.
UND/CB1/S7a 1937 - 1938, 1946 - 1961
Societies and Clubs (University and Divisional), comprising correspondence (including that with the Durham University Society (London) [founded in 1921] and with the University of Durham Philosophical Society).
UND/CB1/S8 1963 - 24 October 2006
St Hild's College then St Hild and St Bede College, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Standing Joint Committee of St Hild's College and the College of the Venerable Bede, the joint meetings of the governors of St Hild's College and
the College of the Venerable Bede, the college committee of St Hild's, and then the governing body, also the governing body (Charity Trustees) of St Hild and St Bede; 1st Annual Report of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (for 2 April 1979 - 31 March
1981); chaplaincy of the college cards Epiphany Term 1982; University of Durham 150th Anniversary Appeal : The College of St Hild and St Bede brochure [1982]; Second 'Annual' Report of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (for 1 April 1981 - 31 August
1983); agenda papers of the Managing Trustees of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (October 1983 - January 1985); brochure on the College [1985]; photocopies of letters etc. concerning [Bede] College, (1919 - 21); College of St Hild and St Bede
University of Durham : An Appeal (brochure), 1991; University of Durham Internal Audit report on the College of St Hild and St Bede, 1992; and The College of St Hild and St Bede University of Durham College Community Handbook 1995 - 1996 (1
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967-1969.
5i&ii. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
7. 1972-1973.
8. 1973-1975.
9i&ii. 1975-1982.
10. 1983-1985.
11i&ii. 1985-1989.
12. 1989-1992.
13i&ii. 1992-1993.
14i&ii. 1993-1995.
15i&ii. 1995-1997.
16. 1 January 1998 - 7 February 2000.
17. 8 February 2000 - 28 February 2003
18. 1 March 2003 - 24 October 2006.
UND/CB1/S8a 26 February 1985 - 10 November 2010
St Hild and St Bede College Trust, comprising agenda papers of the managing trustees of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (include Investment Management Reports); 5th Annual Report (for the year ended 31 March 1987) and later Annual Reports of the
Trust at least up to the 9th (for the year ended 31 March 1991), also the 14th Annual Report (for the year ended 31 March 1996) ; correspondence; and College of St Hild and St Bede University of Durham An Appeal (brochure) [1982].
1i&ii. 1985-1988.
2. 1988-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1993.
4i&ii. 1993-1997.
5. 1 March 1997 - 21 November 2000.
6. 22 November 2000 - 10 November 2010.
UND/CB1/S8b 1936 - 1963
Statistics and Returns (Other than University Grants and Examinations), comprising correspondence, registration of day student statistics, schedules of numbers of students in residence, and staff-student ratios for several individual universities
for 1950-1951. (The registration of day student statistics cover not only the University of Durham but also copies of such returns, for 1939, made by the Universities of Reading, Sheffield, Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, and Manchester. The
correspondence on the file includes that with The University of Durham Commissioners, whose office was in London, especially on the subject of the title of King's College Newcastle upon Tyne from 1937 onwards.)
1. 1936-1939.
2. 1940-1947.
3. 1947-1951.
4. 1951-1959.
5. 1959-1962.
6. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/S9 1969 - 2000
Student Records, comprising correspondence (with the Universities' Statistical Record, UCCA, etc.), also copy of University of Durham : Preliminary Report on Central Record System for Students (1970). ( The correspondence, which is largely that
of Mrs J.M.L. Berry, computer programmer, Old Shire Hall, especially concerns the proposed computerised student record system. The files include a copy of the university's course coding instructions, and a print out of a course list of all the
university's undergraduates, October 1971, giving name, college, year, and subjects studied, code numbers being given for the last. The files do not include copies of the returns made to UCCA.)
1. 1969-1971.
2i&ii. 1971-1972.
3. 1972-1973.
4. 1973-2000.
UND/CB1/S9a 1970 - 1981
Student Records - Postgraduate, comprising correspondence (with USS, etc.) (Includes copy of the University of Durham Careers Advisory Service list of those awarded postgraduate higher degrees at the University of Durham October 1971 - September
1972 (recording name, degree awarded, date, and destination).)
1. 1970-1973.
2. 1973-1981.
UND/CB1/S9b 1963 - 1968
Senior Lecturers, comprising correspondence, also agendas of the Committee for Promotion to the Grade of Senior Lecturer.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1968.
UND/CB1/S9c 1972 - 1987
Amendments, correspondence, a list of student numbers from various departments in 1973.
UND/CB1/S10 13 March 1964 - 14 September 1999
Spanish Department, comprising correspondence with the Department of Spanish, later the Department of Spanish and Italian, concerning staffing, students, visitors, etc., also the future of Italian at Durham.
1i&ii. 1964-1998.
2. 1998-1999.
UND/CB1/S11 5 February 1964 - 11 February 1969, 19 October 1979 - 7 September 1988
Sabbatical Leave, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Sabbatical Leave Committee (for meetings up to that on 17 February 1982 and then for meetings on 13 February 1985 - 11 February 1987 only), and correspondence (including that
communicating the committee's decisions).
4. 1964-1969.
1i&ii. 1979-1982.
2i&ii. 1982-1984.
3. 1984-1987.
UND/CB1/S11a 1978, 1990 - 1992
Standing Conference on University Entrance (SCUE), draft of the
Unified Entrance Guide, minutes of meetings between NCC and SCUE, also the 1978 pulbication Universities and the N and F Proposals.
UND/CB1/S12&S12d 1963 - 17 November 2009
Students' Representative Council/Union Durham, comprising correspondence, and a relatively very few agenda papers of the D.U.S.R.C., of the Joint Committee of Senate and the D.S.U., of the Joint Committee of the D.S.U. and the Council , and of
the D.S.U. Council (in the case of the latter, especially for the 1970s).
S12d/1. 1963-1965.
S12d/2. 1965-1969.
S12/1. 1969-1970.
S12/2. 1970-1971.
S12/3. 1971-1973.
S12/4. 1973-1976.
S12/5. 1976-1979.
S12/6. 1979-1980.
S12/7i&ii. 1980-1986.
S12/8i&ii. 1986-1988.
S12/9. 1988-1991.
S12/10. 1991-1994.
S12/11. 1994-1999.
S12/12. 28 January 1999 - 17 November 2009.
UND/CB1/S12a November 1961 - 30 October 1987
D.S.U. Joint Committee of Council, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Committee of S.R.C./D.S.U. and Council; related correspondence; and agenda papers for a meeting of the Durham Student Union Council on 6 May 1987.
1. 1961-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3. 1969-1975.
4. 1975-1988.
UND/CB1/S12b 7 February 1968 - 30 October 1987
D.S.U. Joint Committee of Senate, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Committee of Senate and S.R.C. , later (1971 onwards) entitled the Joint Committee of Senate and D.S.U.; and agenda papers of the University of Durham
joint Committee on Student Participation (agenda papers for meetings 13 November 1970 onwards up to the minutes of a meeting held on 14 June 1972).
1. 1968-1979.
2. 1979-1988.
UND/CB1/S12c November 1987 - November 2006
University / D.S.U. Consultative Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University / DSU Consultative Committee, later (minutes of meeting held on 14 November 1988 onwards) entitled the University of Durham Joint Committee of the University
and Durham Students' Union; and related correspondence and papers. 2001-2006 incomplete.
1i&ii. 1987-1996.
2. 1996-1999.
3. 2001-2006
See S12 above.
UND/CB1/S12e 1977 - 1978
Student Representation [on Boards of Studies], comprising correspondence. (Includes a copy of a paper for Senate on suggested changes in student representation, n.d.)
UND/CB1/S12f 1938 - 1967
Staff General, including committees for appointing an administrative assistant and their secretary.
1. 1938-1951.
2. 1951-1963.
3. 1966-1967.
UND/CB1/S12g 1975 - 1988
Freshers' Conference DSU, correspondence about arrangements for the Freshers' Conference, and a
Freshers Conference Handbook (1978).
UND/CB1/S13 1963 - 1 March 2004
Student Activities, comprising correspondence (including with the Durham Colleges' Charity Appeal, the Durham Colleges' Rag Committee, Freshers' Conference, Durham University Theatre, regarding permission for dances to be held at specified hours,
with Alington House Community Association, 4 North Bailey, including copies of minutes of the FOLKUS Executive Committee, also details of Durham University Theatre's forthcoming productions, and correspondence regarding Durham Charity Rag Mag, the
Durham University Exploration Society, predominantly on the subject of expeditions, a number of prospectuses and reports of Durham University Expeditions; and a copy of Durham Careers : The 1987 Durham University Careers Brochure. ). (Includes
copies of Freshers' Conference programme/ brochures for 1970 and 1971.)
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1968.
3. 1968-1973.
4. 1973-1976.
5i&ii. 1976-1988.
6. 11 November 1988 - 1 March 2004.
UND/CB1/S13a 1938 - 1944, 1951 - 1952, and 1956 -1957
Seal, University, comprising correspondence (with the General Medical Council, etc.) regarding the supply of officially sealed lists of candidates who received degrees, etc. (The file does not include copies of lists of graduates, etc., but does
include a typescript transcript of the Grant of Arms to the University made in 1843.)
UND/CB1/S14 1963 - 2 April 2004
Student Statistics, comprising copies of University of Durham Reports of Student Numbers (providing statistics), also a few lists of students (especially of the Faculty of Science, October 1964), Collection Marks January 1964, University of
Durham Some Notes and Statistics from a Survey of 'A' Level marks, final results and types of school, 1971 - 1975 (1976) and UCCA's
Statistical Supplement 1964-5; later such surveys up to that entitled Some Notes and Statistics from a Survey of 'A' Level Marks, Final Results and Types of School, 1977 - 83 (1983); other reports (statistical
information, student/staff ratios, 'A' level scores of Durham entrants, etc., especially for the period of the mid 1980s onwards); and some correspondence. (Loose in one of the files is a copy of the University Grants Committee's schedules of
occupations taken up by students who qualified for first and for higher degrees 1969 -70, providing statistics, individual universities not being identified by name.)
1. 1963-1969.
2. 1969-1975.
3. 1975-1979.
4i&ii. 1979-1987.
5. 1987-1990.
6. 16 January 1990 - 2 April 2004.
UND/CB1/S14a 1987 - 1996
Student Statistics - Enquiries from Outside Bodies, correspondence, some copies of statistics sent in reply.
UND/CB1/S16 1942 - 1963
Social Studies, comprising correspondence (including that with the Joint University Council for Social Studies and Public Administration); also some copies of minutes of the Council of the Joint University Council for Social Studies and Public
Administration, 1947 and 1953, and copies of reports of the University of Durham Social Studies Committee of Senate, 1943, and related papers, 1943, and draft regulations for the degree in Social Studies, 1946.
1. 1942-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/S16a 10 September 1988 - 19 August 2003
Staffing Policy Committee, some committee papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S17 28 July 1980 - 12 July 1987
Committee for Staff Travel and Research, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for Staff Travel and Research (up to the papers for the meeting on 9 June 1986), and much correspondence.
1i&ii. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981.
3i&ii. 1981-1982.
4. 1982-1983.
5i&ii. 1983
6i&ii. 1983.
7. 1983-1984.
8i&ii. 1984.
9. 1984-1985.
10i&ii. 1985-1986.
11. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/S17a 1939 - 1946, 1951 -1955
Standing Orders, comprising correspondence; draft Ordinances, 1952; note on meeting of Court Committee on Standing Orders, 1952; and copy of Standing Orders of Senate with manuscript amendments [1939].
UND/CB1/S18a 1966 - 1999
Statistics and Returns Other Than University, some correspondence, registration statistics for many universities from the University Grants Committee, provided by the universities, photocopies of figures derived from
Statistics of Education (1976, vol.6), student/staff ratios for the Northern Universities (as defined in the correspondence), CVCP performance indicators for Durham and other universities, copies of the Office of
Population Censues and Surveys (OPCS) Monitor for December 1980 and the Statistical Bulletin for November 1980.
UND/CB1/S19 1939 - 1948, 1952
Statutes and Records, comprising correspondence (regarding changes in name of graduates and licentiates on marriage etc., the decease of graduates, etc.) (In 1939 reference is made to a 'new publication' [of the University of Durham] of Statutes
and Records.)
UND/CB1/S19a 1970 - 1974
System 4 Users Group, correspondence, minutes of the group, information on the UCCA
“Special Projects On-Line Computer Processing for Admissions”.
UND/CB1/S20 1940 - 1950
Scrap, Collection of, comprising correspondence regarding the collection of scrap metal and (especially) scrap paper from University departments, etc., and including a copy of a circular of 1940 of the acting registrar on arrangements for
collection and listing “suggested materials for scrap” (including railings, empty tins, surplus books and pamphlets, contents of waste paper baskets, and newspapers and magazines).
UND/CB1/S20a 1963 - 1976
Syllabuses and Prospectuses Concerning Courses, correspondence, copy of the
Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars 1968, copy of Which University (1965) on Durham.
UND/CB1/S21 1963 - 1984
Scholarships Modern Languages Travelling, correspondence regarding the awarding and acceptance of Modern Languages Travelling Scholarships by the university, with a prospectus of the College of Europe in Bruges.
UND/CB1/S23 March 1965 - October 1972, November 1977 - January 1999, June 2012
South African Scholarships Fund, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Southern Africa Scholarship Committee (only, it seems, up to the meeting to be held in May 1982); much related correspondence (applications, etc. and especially
re the cases of Pityana, Maraj and Ramogale 1970-1972, all unable to take up their scholarships as they were denied passports); and some agenda papers of the 27th and later meeting of the Joint Committee on Southern African Scholarships held at the
WUS (World University Service) held on 18 February 1983 and later; also agenda papers of the University of Durham Ruth First Memorial Scholarship Committee, 1986-1989. [Southern African scholarships were open to anybody from South Africa or from
Rhodesia, Mozambique, or Angola who was qualified to read for a degree at the University of Durham. Later (in 1985 and later years) the Scholarships Fund was linked with funds collected in memory of Ruth First.] Also poster for a Ruth First
Educational Trust benefit jazz concert 9 June [2012].
1a. 1965-1972.
1. 1977-1980.
2i&ii. 1980-1985.
3i&ii. 1985-1991.
4. 1987-1989.
5. 1991-1993.
6. 1993-1999.
7. 2012.
UND/CB1/S23a 1941 - 1945
State Bursaries, comprising copies of Board of Education and Universities Bureau of the British Empire circulars, and correspondence. ( The file includes lists of State Bursars at the University of Durham in 1941 and 1942.)
UND/CB1/S23b 1963 - 1964
Social Studies Department, comprising agendas of the (University of Durham) Committee on the Future of the Department of Social Studies, and correspondence.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
UND/CB1/S23c [1974]
Register of Scholarships and Prize Funds, detailing for each descriptions of the fund, references to it in documents and some copy documents.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S23d 1983 - 1991
Scholarships and Prizes sub-committees, minutes, agendas and papers:
1. 1983 To Review Values and Conditions, proposals dropped
2. 1987 To Review the Award
3. 1990-1991
Paper file
UND/CB1/S24 20 November 1978 - January 2003
Scholarships - General and Renewed (and Scholarships Awards Committee), comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Scholarships Awards Committee (only, it appears, up to those for the meeting on 4 July 1991); and much correspondence
(that in the wallets including correspondence with the Charity Commission, etc. about the review of scholarships in 1993-1994).
1. 1973-1976.
2. 1978-1980.
3. 1980-1982.
4i&ii, 4a. 1982-1984.
5. 1984.
6i&ii. 1984-1987.
7, 7a. 1989.
8, 8a. 1990-1992.
9i&ii, 9a-e. 1991-1994.
10. 1994-1997.
11. 6 July 1992 committee papers.
12. April 1997 - January 2003.
UND/CB1/S24a 13 May 1964 - October 1993
Choral Scholarships, comprising correspondence, completed entry forms for choral scholarships, and photocopies of UCCA forms.
1. 1964-1971.
2. 1986-1987.
3. 1987-1988.
4. 1987-1988.
5. 1988.
6. 1988-1989.
7. 1989-1990.
8. 1990-1991.
9. 1991-1992.
10. 1992-1993.
11. 1992-1993.
UND/CB1/S24b 3 October 1973 - 20 June 1974
Mitsui Europe Student Programme, comprising correspondence concerning the M.E.S. Programme. (Mitsui and Co. Ltd., London, invited the University of Durham to nominate four students for the company to consider for sponsorship on a visit to Japan,
and the University Senate established a small committee to nominate the four students.)
UND/CB1/S25 September 1990 - November 1991
SEAS Board of School From Science Site, comprising copies of the minutes of the Board of the University of Durham School of Engineering and Applied Science and of the Board of Studies of the School of Engineering and Computer Science.
UND/CB1/S25a 1989
Applications for Shell (UK) Research Fellowship, particulars of the fellowship and applications for it.
UND/CB1/S25b 1965 - 1996
Scholarships - Kennedy Memorial, publicity material and application information for the Kennedy Memorial Scholarships, applications and references for the scholarships, correspondence, a copy of an article and an issue of
The Scribbler in which the applicant wrote (issue 2, October 1989) as supporting material.
UND/CB1/S26 1949 - 1960
Secretary to the Schools Examination Board.
1. 1949-1951.
2. 1951-1960.
UND/CB1/S26a 1963 - October 2005
Standing Orders, correspondence on the inception of committees, standing orders for committees, including Council and Senate, and amendments to Schedule I of the governing body standing orders.
1. 1963-1997.
2. April 1997 - July 2000, including Internal Audit Report
Effective Financial Management 28 July 1999.
3. July 2000 - November 2002.
4. December 2002 - October 2005.
UND/CB1/S27&S30 1947 - 1960, 25 October 1965 - June 2008
Statutes and Records, comprising correspondence (with Messrs. Dickinson Dees, Solicitors, Newcastle upon Tyne, the University Commissioners, and some others), and related papers (memoranda etc.) concerning amendments to University Statutes; also
signed [notifications] of meetings of the Privy Council which approved alterations to the Statutes.
S30. 1947-1960.
S27/1. 1965-1991.
S27/2. November 1991 - April 2005, June 2008.
UND/CB1/S27b November 1987 - 13 January 1988
Powers and Responsibilities Boards of Studies, Schools, etc. Responses from Departments, etc. to Mr Hayward's paper, comprising paper on the Government and Structure of the University [written by Mr Ian Stewart, deputy registrar] and
UND/CB1/S28 1996 - 1999
Strategy, reports and accounts of meetings discussing the future of the university in terms of teaching, policy and finance, as well as a debate about getting into the “Top 5” , and a write-up of the Awayday
See S27 above.
UND/CB1/S31 5 November 1979 - 18 January 1990
Schoolteacher Fellowships, comprising copies of applications for schoolteacher fellowships (including South African) and related correspondence with and about applicants, also agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for Schoolteacher
1. 1979-1982.
2. 1982-1986.
3. 1986-1990.
UND/CB1/S31a 1947 - 1961
Statutes - Correspondence with Privy Council, comprising correspondence, also copies of orders of His/Her Majesty in Council).
UND/CB1/S32 7 December 1989 - October 2008
Sports Facilities Board of Management, comprising correspondence; University of Durham Internal Audit Report on the Sports Centre (1993); British Universities Sports Association Handbook 1994 - 95; University of Durham Strategic Objectives for
the Provision and Operation of Facilities for Sport in the University (January 1995); Sport : Raising the Game (Department of National Heritage, 1995); agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for Sport (for the first meeting on 3
November 1995 and for later meetings); The British Academy of Sport (Sports Council, 1995; and draft proposal for the development of outdoor and indoor sports facilities at the University of Durham 1996).
1i&ii. 1989-1996.
2. 1996-1999.
3. January 1999 - January 2001.
4. January 2001 - October 2003 including
Durham Sport newsletters.
5. November 2003 - October 2008 including copies of
Sports Bulletin.
UND/CB1/S32a 1948 - 1953
Statutes, Emergency, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/S36 28 August 1979 - 14 May 1987
Standing Committee for Research Awards, comprising correspondence with and about) applicants; copies of applications; and agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee for Research Awards, later (July 1986 onwards) the University
of Durham Research Committee : Sub-Committee on Research Awards.
1. 1979-1980.
2. 1980-1981.
3. 1981-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1984.
5. 1984-1985.
6. 1985-1986.
7. 1986-1987.
UND/CB1/S39 February 1964 - 28 January 1988
Stipends Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Stipends Committee (only up to those for a meeting on 6 July 1965); correspondence; and copies of Universities' Council for Non-Teaching Staffs circulars and other papers,
and including the Bransden/Pearson report on the remuneration of college bursars January 1985 and the bursars' reaction to it.
See S6 above.
UND/CB1/S40 1963 - 2003
Staff Cricket Club, correspondence, lists of team members, fixtures, accounts, results, and individual averages, minutes of the Annual General Meetings.
The club's records, including scorebooks, further minutes and accounts etc, are in UND/GA10.
UND/CB1/S41 1968 - February 2004
Social Sciences Faculty, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences; correspondence; and papers (including some prospectuses of the Faculty 1979 and later of First Years Honours degree courses offered in the Faculty
of Social Sciences and later still the Faculty's Undergraduate Handbook 1995 - 96); also 2 volumes of papers produced for the Visit of the University Grants Committee's Social Studies Sub-Committee to Durham on 27 November 1986. By 1990 and
thereafter, these records almost solely comprise agenda papers of the Faculty Board.
1. 1968-1970.
2. 1970-1972.
3. 1972-1973.
4. 1973.
5. 1973-1974.
6. 1974-1975.
7. 1975-1977.
8. 1977-1978.
9. 1978-1980.
10. 1980-1981.
11. 1981-1983.
12i&ii. 1983-1984.
13i&ii, 13a. 1984-1985.
14i&ii. 1985-1986.
15i&ii. 1986-1987.
16. 1987-1988.
17. 1988-1989.
18i&ii. 1989-1990.
19, 19a, 19b. 1990.
20i&ii, 20a, 20b. 1990-1991.
21. 1991
22. 1991-1992.
23. 1992.
24a,b,ci&ii,d,e. 1992.
25. 1992-1993.
26i&ii, 26a, 26b. 1993-1996.
27. October 1996 - February 2004.
UND/CB1/S41a 8 November 1978 - 24 April 1998
Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence (including that with examiners) concerning the appointment of examiners [in departments of the faculty of Social Sciences] and some sessional lists of examiners in the faculty.
1i&ii. 1978-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1988.
3. 1988-1998.
UND/CB1/S41b 13 September 1985 - 17 February 1986
Higher Degrees in Social Science, comprising much correspondence with students (applicants and those who were registered as higher degree students), including that in forwarding copies of theses to the University Library; and agenda papers of the
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee.
Sample only retained.
UND/CB1/S41c 13 December 1982 - 15 July 1985
Concessions and Exemptions, comprising correspondence concerning individual students, and agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences Concessions Committee
Sample only retained.
UND/CB1/S41d February 1986 - 9 March 1990
Consultative Committee on Teacher Education, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Consultative Committee on Teacher Education and its Sub-Committee on Staff Plans for Classroom Experience; and related
correspondence and papers (including Runnymede Research Report : Education for All : A summary of the Swann report, 1985).
1i&ii. 1986-1988.
2i&ii. 1988-1990.
UND/CB1/S41e March 1990 - May 1991
Faculty Validation Committee, comprising just the agenda papers of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Faculty Working Group on Validation, later (the 2nd meeting onwards) entitled the Faculty Committee on Validation then the Faculty Validation
1i&ii. 1990-1991.
2. 1991.
UND/CB1/S41f 19 December 1985 - 31 August 1999
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Degree Regulations Committee, later (October 1993 onwards) agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's
Social Sciences Area Sub-Committee [which had different terms of reference to the former Degree Regulations Committee] later entitled the Teaching and Learning Committee : Faculty of Social Sciences Sub-Committee.
1i&ii. 1985-1990.
2i&ii. 1990-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1994.
4i&ii. 1994-1995.
5i&ii. 1995.
6i&ii. 1995-1996.
7i&ii. 1996.
8i&ii. 1996.
9. 1996-1997.
10i&ii. 1997.
11i&ii. 1998-1999.
12. 1999.
UND/CB1/S41g 1986 - 1987
Bachelor of Education, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the Committee on Restructuring the BEd Degree, proposals for the course structure and assessment, and suggestions for the courses as part of the degree, including handbooks for the new
BA Honours degree in Education and an Advanced Diploma in Pre-Vocational Education and Vocational Preparation at New College validated by the University of Durham.
UND/CB1/S41h 1985 - 1987
Further Professional Studies in Education, correspondence, applications and invoices.
UND/CB1/S41i 1986 - 1988
Teesside Polytechnic Diploma in the Education of Children with Special Educational Needs, correspondence and a pass list for October 1986.
UND/CB1/S41j 1988 - 1989
New College Diploma in the Teaching of Primary Science, a little correspondence on successfully examined students.
UND/CB1/S41k June 1988
Diploma in Mathematical Education (Teesside), a little correspondence on successfully examined students.
UND/CB1/S41l 1988 - 1989
MBA by Open Distance Learning, correspondence,
Regulations for Courses in Durham University Business School in the Faculty of Social Science (1988-89), Credit Where Credit's Due - an information document on credit transfer, prospectus
for the MBA Programme for Young Managers at the International Management Centre from Buckingham (IMCB), the IMCB 1988-1989 Conspectus for Members and Associates, and the 23rd Annual Report and
Accounts of the IMCB (1986).
UND/CB1/S41m November 1970 - November 1998
Social Sciences Quinquennial Planning Committee, (first meeting held on 3 February 1971) agenda papers and correspondence.
1. November 1970 - October 1973.
2. October 1975 - October 1977.
3. October - November 1998.
UND/CB1/S41n April - July 1986
Sub-committee on Staff Plans for School Experience, correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S42 8 December 1965 - 2010
Students' Health Service, later Student Health Centre, later Student Mental Health Guidelines, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Consultative Committee for the Student Health Centre (meetings 4 December 1970 -
June 1987); 3rd Annual Report of the Medical Officer of the University of Durham 1966 - 67; S.E. Finlay,
The Present Position of Student Health Services in the Universities and Medical Schools of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (July 1967); agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee of Reference for the
Student Health Service, November 1982 onwards; agenda papers of the Heron Working Party (on the Relationship of the Student Health Service with the NHS), 1985 [the Working Party was chaired by Mr L.J. Heron, a member of the University Council];
agenda papers for the [University of Durham] Health and Safety Policy Committee meeting on 26 February 1988 [but not for later meetings]; and notes of meetings of the Working Group on Student Health Service, 1992. (The 9th and later annual reports
of the Medical Officer of the University of Durham are incorporated in the agenda papers of the Consultative Committee for the Student Health Service, 27 November 1973 and later.) (The Consultative Committee for the Student Health Service was
evidently disbanded by the University Council and its functions in effect taken over by the Health and Safety Committee with a revised membership of the latter.) (It will be noted that there are no committee agenda papers postdating February 1988 on
these files.)
1. 1965-1978.
2i&ii. 1978-1986.
3. 1986-1994.
4. 1994-2010.
5. 2000-2001.
UND/CB1/S42a June 1991 - October 2002
Student Counselling Service, correspondence, reports, minutes of a Counselling Services SuppORt Group, and some annual reviews.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S43 13 December 1982 - June 2004
Society of Fellows, comprising correspondence; 1st Annual Report 1982 - 83 and later Annual Reports (for the early years of the Society only); applications for fellowships and college fellowships; Durham University Research Foundation and Society
of Fellows brochure [1988]; agenda papers of meetings of the University of Durham Research Foundation : College Fellowships, 1996 - 97; and minutes of a meeting of the University of Durham Research Foundation : College Fellowships held on 5 December
1996 (selecting candidates, etc.); annual dinners.
1. 1982-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1996.
4. March 1998 - January 2000.
5. January 2000 - June 2004.
UND/CB1/S43a 1963 - 1972
Science Site and Observatory, Committee on Administration of, comprising correspondence, and a very few agenda papers (especially for 1969 -72) of the Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory. 1963 -72
UND/CB1/S44 10 November 1978 - August 2005
Sociology and Social Policy, Department of, comprising correspondence; DHSS-Funded Research Programme : Programme Director's Report and Main Report - produced for visit by the chief scientist on 9 June 1981; papers concerning appointments to
posts in the department; University of Durham Work and Employment Research Unit document (about the unit), March 1986; report of the Review Committee on Sociology (University Grants Committee, March 1989) and report of the Review Committee on Social
Policy and Administration (UGC, March 1989); Submission by the Deaf Studies Research Unit (DSRU), University of Durham to the Panel of Four's Commission of Enquiry into Human Aids to Communication, [1991], and report to the vice-chancellor on the
Future of the Deaf Studies Research Unit (DSRU) within the Department of Sociology and Social Policy, September 1991.
1i&ii. 1978-1987.
2. 1987-1991.
3. 1991-1999.
4. February 1999 - August 2005.
UND/CB1/S44a 1964 - 1978
Sociology and Social Administration, Department of ( 1 file) and Social Theory and Institutions, Department of (1 file), comprising correspondence, and memoranda. (Include draft application on North East Area Study to be submitted to the Social
Science Research Council, 1971; some notes on the growth of the Department of Social Theory and Institutions; and photocopy of typescript of Professor Philip Abrams' “Community Care : Some Research Problems and
Priorities”, 1977.)
UND/CB1/S45 1964 - 2001
Senior Men and Women, comprising copies of circulars of the registrar to all senior men and women and the president of St Cuthbert's Society (later to senior men and women, presidents of JCRs, chairman of the Graduate Society, and president of
the SRC), agenda papers for meetings of senior men and women of JCRs with the registrar, and correspondence. (The files include “A Note on the Origins and Functions of the Committee of Senior Men and Women 1963 -
1968” [1968] and later, updated, editions of this note (including 1976); also “Suggestions on lines of possible future development for the College communities in the University of Durham” (1969) drawn up by the
committee of Senior Men and Women.), with later minutes and papers of the Senior Men and Women Committee, and arrangements for the annual dinner.
1. 1964-1969.
2. 1969-1973.
3. 1973-1978.
4. November 1978 - November 2000.
5. November 2000 - February 2001.
6. 1995-2001.
UND/CB1/S45a 1972
Dinner for Past and Present Senior Men and Women, Saturday, 21 October 1972, comprising circular regarding the dinner, proof/draft of the menu/toast card, and correspondence. (The dinner was held in the Great Hall of Durham Castle, on 21 October
1972, to mark the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Committee of Senior Men and Women.)
UND/CB1/S46 4 July 1978 - 6 September 1988
Social Sciences Research Council, comprising correspondence (concerning SSRC Studentships, awards, grants, etc., from mid / late 1980s onwards also concerning submission rates); University of Durham North-East Area Study (1972-1977) : Final
Report to SSRC [1978]; a few SSRC later (from 1 January 1984 onwards) ESRC publications (newsletter, press releases, ESRC supplement, etc.) especially dating from the mid 1980s onwards; and two copies of Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Human
Communication : Proposal to the ESRC (May 1988) (submitted by the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Glasgow) [ ? unsuccessful proposal].
1. 1978-1979.
2. 1979-1983.
3. 1983-1988.
4. 1988.
UND/CB1/S49 September 1972 - 21 July 1988
Staffing Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Staffing Committee, 1972-1973 and 1976; minutes of the University of Durham Interim Consultative Committee, 1982 and 1984; and correspondence and related papers (including
copy of the personnel officer's revised proposals on committee structure for staffing matters, 1988).
UND/CB1/S49a January - December 1994
Science Park, correspondence,
University and Communities: Draft Final Report for the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and the working papers for the Science Park Liaison Group.
UND/CB1/S54 29 October 1976 - May 2005
Safety in the University, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Health and Safety Policy Committee (this committee receiving the minutes of the University of Durham Safety Committee); Safety Bulletin No.1; copy of
the North Eastern Universities O and M Report on Safety Services in the Universities : The Staffing Requirement, March 1981; University of Durham Safety Handbook [1984]; University of Durham Rules for Radiation Protection, June 1987; memoranda;
Report of the Working Group on Occupational Health and Safety, 1992; copies of some Safety Inspection reports for Old Shire Hall, 1993 onwards; University of Durham Health and Safety Office : Health and Safety Management circulars, Nos. 1 (29
January 1993) - 10A (July 1995); Health and Safety Management at the University of Durham : A Review conducted by Linda Donachie, Fiona Macneill and Patrick Nelis, HM Inspectors of Health and Safety, January 1998.
1i&ii. 1976-1984.
2. 1984-1989.
3. 1989-1992.
4i&ii. 1992-1998.
4a. 1993.
5. October 1998 - March 2004.
6. March 2004 - May 2005.
UND/CB1/S54a 1974 - 1975
Old Shire Hall - Security, comprising correspondence, and circular on Old Shire Hall : Security Procedures.
UND/CB1/S55 1979, 1980
Ad Hoc Joint Senate / Hild - Bede Governing Body Committee for Transitional Period 'Faculty of Education', comprising just a copy of a letter from W.E. Saxton to Dr S. Holgate, master, Grey College, concerning a meeting of the Ad Hoc Joint Senate
/ Hild-Bede Governing Body Committee, 3 April 1979, and copy of circular of W.E. Saxton (deputy registrar) cancelling the meeting of the Joint Committee of Senate and of the trustees of the Foundation of the College of St Hild and St Bede due to be
held on 15 May 1980 as there was no business to justify calling the meeting.
UND/CB1/S56 November - December 1957
Sub-committee [of the Ceremonies Committee] on Service Degrees, agenda papers
Paper file
UND/CB1/S57 January - February 1965
Committee on Lecturers reaching the end of their probationary period agendas.
Paper file
UND/CB1/T1 1968 - September 2006
Timetables, comprising correspondence, circulars to heads of departments concerning timetables and timetable changes, and some timetables (per department).
1. 1968-1980.
2. 1973-1978.
3. 1978-1983.
4. 1983-1988.
4a. 1986-1993.
5. June 1988 - September 2006, including departmental allocations for centrally bookable rooms 1995/96, by faculty.
UND/CB1/T1a 1940 - 1963
Theological Colleges and Students, comprising correspondence (including that with and about students and prospective students [at various theological colleges affiliated to or otherwise connected with the University of Durham] and also about
courses at individual colleges, this latter correspondence being principally with the colleges' principals).
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1951.
3. 1952-1963.
UND/CB1/T2 1939 - 1988
Theology Faculty, later Divinity Faculty, comprising correspondence (with theological colleges, prospective students, etc.), and agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Theology (Faculty of Divinity by October 1963), also of the Higher
Degrees Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Divinity, the Concessions Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Divinity and the Board of Electors for the Lightfoot Professorship of Divinity 1964.. (The Board agenda papers date from 1941 onwards
but there are very few of them indeed prior to 1963, from whence they are on file; the files for 1963 onwards are bulky by comparison with those for the previous period.)
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1951.
3. 1952-1961.
4. 1961-1963.
5. 1963-1967.
6. 1967-1969.
7. 1969-1971.
8. 1971-1973.
9. 1973-1974.
10. 1974-1975.
11. 1975-1977.
12. 1977-1978.
13. 1978-1979.
14. 1979.
15. 1979-1980.
16. 1980-1983.
17. 1983-1988.
UND/CB1/T2a 15 October 1982 - 24 June 1985
Concessions and Exemptions, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Faculty of Divinity's Concessions Committee.
UND/CB1/T2b&T3 9 December 1963 - April 2007
Theology Department, comprising correspondence (concerning staff, students, visitors, proposed Institute for the Study of Literature and Theology, etc.), papers for the visit of the vice-chancellor on 18 May 1983, and some agenda papers of the
Board of Studies in Theology (1986). Loose in the files: University of Durham Department of Theology: CALIBAL [Computer Assisted Learning in Biblical and Ancient Languages] Project : Final Report (January 1988), brochure on the Department of
Theology [ c.1991], papers for the warden's visit to the department on 29 May 1991, and brochure on Joint Honours in Philosophy and Theology [1993].
T2b. 1963-1980.
T3/1i&ii. 1980-1988.
T3/2i&ii. 1988-1996.
T3/4. August 1996 - April 2007.
UND/CB1/T2c October 1982 - October 1986
Higher Degrees, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Faculty of Divinity's Higher Degrees Committee (later entitled the Committee for Higher Degrees), and related papers. The second file (January - October 1986) comprises solely agenda
papers of the Board of Studies in Theology.
1. 1982-1985.
2. 1985-1986.
UND/CB1/T2d 31 January 1979 - 16 July 1985
Examinations and Examiners in, comprising correspondence [concerning the work of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Divinity].
UND/CB1/T2e 10 May 1978 - October 1987
Theology, Certificate in, comprising correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Committee for the Certificate in Theology.
UND/CB1/T2f December 1999 - November 2007
Teacher Training Agency, including correspondence with it and reports of it, with
financial statements of the teacher training agency 1998-99
Paper file
See T2b above.
UND/CB1/T4 1963 - 2000
Theses for Higher Degrees, correspondence, proposal for a thesis, and regulations on the consultation of theses deposited in the library.
UND/CB1/T5 26 May 1967 - 11 May 1979
Technology Educational - Northern Universities Working Party on, comprising correspondence and related papers (not minutes) concerning the Northern Universities Working Party for co-operation in educational technology (the secretary in 1970 and
1972 being based at the University of Salford); also the files include information for candidates : School Teacher Fellowships (Independent Television Authority) (May 1967), and Northern Universities Working Party for Cooperation in Educational
Technology : report on the activities of the working party 1966 - 72 [1972]. The second file - for 1973 - 1979 - is very thin and does not relate to the working party itself after 1974.
1. 1967-1973.
2. 1973-1979.
UND/CB1/T5a 11 September 1969 - 1975 , 1978 - 21 April 1978
Technology Educational - Senate Committee on, comprising agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Educational Technology: minutes of the meeting on 20 October 1969 but thereafter rather comprises correspondence and papers (not later minutes);
also copies of publications of outside bodies (some loose in the files) including [University Grants Committee] duplicated typescript report from the Higher Activity Centres in Educational Technology [c. 1971] and comments on the latter by Mr Ashman
and by Mr Panton (of the University of Durham), UGC Memorandum on Educational Technology (1971), and the University of Durham's [response] report to UGC Educational Technology Subcommittee Conference…1 July 1971. The second file - dating from 1972 -
75 and 1978 - is very thin and related mainly to the British Universities Film Council, including a copy of the Council's newsletters Nos. 23 ( November 1974) and 25 (May 1975).
1. 1969-1972.
2. 1972-1978.
UND/CB1/T5b June 1987 - October 2000
Tubingen University, correspondence about links and especially over its International Centre from which DU withdrew in 2000.
Paper file
UND/CB1/T6 12 June 1987 - July 2008
Teikyo University, comprising correspondence (with the British Council, Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan, St Mary's College, University of Durham, Teikyo University of Japan in Durham, etc.); agenda papers of the University of Durham Teikyo
Development Group,1989; programme of the opening ceremony, Durham Cathedral, 24 April 1990; Teikyo University Group (brochure) [1990]; minutes of a meeting of the University of Durham Teikyo Foundation (UK) and Teikyo University of Japan in Durham,
16 September 1991; and related papers (including photocopy of applications of Teikyo University of Japan in Durham students for college memberships, 1991, and photocopy of [? draft] unsigned heads of agreement between Teikyo University of Japan and
the University of Durham, 1988), and copies of
Teikyo University in Durham Gazette.
1i&ii, 1a, 1b. 1987-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1991.
3, 3a. 1991-1992.
3b. 1991-1992.
4i&ii. 1991-1999.
4a. 1992-1994.
4b. 1992-1994.
4c. January 1999 - April 2001.
5. April 2001 - July 2008.
UND/CB1/T6a 1938 - 1963
Treasurer's Committee, comprising correspondence, also a few agenda papers (mainly dating from within the period 1938-1944 only) of the Treasurer's Committee of Court.
1. 1938-1951.
2. 1951-1963.
UND/CB1/T7 1969 - 1988
Training of University Teachers, comprising correspondence (including that with the Co-ordinating Committee for the Training of University Teachers); agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Training in University
Teaching later (by 1974) the Committee on Training in University Teaching [though there are no agenda papers for 1975 onwards]; papers concerning a conference on “Problems and Techniques of University Teaching” held
at the University of Durham in 1971; some copies of publications of other bodies (including
The Nuffield Foundation: Group for Research and Innovation in Higher Education Newsletters Nos. 3 and 4, October 1973 and April 1974, and Impetus (the newsletter of the Co-ordinating
Committee for Training of University Teachers) Nos. [1] [ 1975] - 10 (December 1978), and CCTUT Occasional Publication No.1, 1978); agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Training in University Teaching (February 1979 onwards), later (February
1986 onwards) entitled the Committee on University Teaching; papers concerning conferences for new members of staff of the University of Durham; and agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Career Development and Training of
University Staff (meetings 16 November 1987 onwards). [The University Council at its meeting on 3 November 1987 agreed that the present Committee on University Teaching be abolished and that a Joint Committee for the Career Development and Training
of University Staff be established.]
1. 1969-1972.
2. 1972-1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1978.
5. 1978-1981.
6i&ii. 1981-1984.
7i&ii. 1984-1986.
8. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/T7a November - December 1999
Technology Transfer, notes and memoranda.
UND/CB1/T8 1964 - 2000
Theatre, University, comprising correspondence (including that with Durham County Council), memoranda (including Dr Christopherson's memorandum on “Proposals for a Theatre”, 1964), notes on meetings, and report
(1968) by the theatre consultant (Martin Carr) on the Durham Theatre Project. (The proposed theatre was to be in the Millburngate redevelopment.)
1. 1964-1965.
2. 1965-1968.
3. 1968-2000.
UND/CB1/T8a 26 September 1981 - 25 October 1984
Durham University Fringe Theatre, comprising correspondence, and [annual] reports (including accounts) of DUFT at Edinburgh [Fringe] Festival 1981 - 84. (Mr Ian E. Graham, the university registrar, was honorary treasurer of DUFT.)
UND/CB1/T8b 1944 - 1947, 1957
Theology, Sub Committee [of the Faculty of Theology] on Ex Servicemen, comprising correspondence, and a very few agenda papers.
UND/CB1/T9 17 December 1964 - February 2007
Trevelyan College, comprising correspondence (including concerning individual students); agenda papers of the statutory committee on the principalship (of College 'Z') 1965 and of the governing body of Trevelyan College (first meeting on 23
February 1966) (with multiple copies of the minutes of the 34th meeting of Governing Body on 5 November 1975); prospectus for October 1966; programme for the opening [by the duke of Northumberland] of the Sir James Knott Hall on 21 November 1973;
agenda papers of the AGM of the Senior Common Room and circular letters (of SCR's secretary) to SCR members [these papers being noticed on the files for the late 1980s];
Hippocampus, The Magazine of The Trevelyan Society, May 1993; Trevelyan College : College Regulations and Living Arrangements, July 1993; Trevelyan College Senior Common Room newsletters, Epiphany Term 1995 and later
up to the issue of Easter Term 1996; and (in a wallet) some papers for the warden's visit to the college on 11 May 1982. With a very thin file of of correspondence on the Trevelyan files from 2004.
1. 1964-1969.
2. 1969-1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1976.
5. 1976-1978.
6. 1978-1981.
7i&ii, 7a. 1981-1984.
8i&ii. 1984-1988.
9. 1988-1990.
10i&ii. 1990-1996.
11. May 1996 - October 2001.
11a. 2004.
12. October 2001 - February 2007.
UND/CB1/T9a 8 February 1967 - 25 March 1968
Trevelyan College - Opening Ceremony, comprising correspondence (much in response to invitations to the opening ceremony, but also with Lord Butler, who opened the college on 12 March 1968); text of the public orator's speech at the Congregation
at which the DCL degree was conferred upon Lord Butler; University of Durham press notice about the opening of the college; and programme of the opening ceremony.
UND/CB1/T9b 1948 - 1951
Town and Country Planning, comprising correspondence, also [draft] memorandum [of 1948] for submission to the committee of enquiry appointed by the Minister of Town and Country Planning and the Secretary of State for Scotland to consider the
qualifications desirable in those engaged in Town and Country Planning.
UND/CB1/T10 November 1969 - 1988
Technical Staffing Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Universities' Committee on Technical Staffs' Central Executive Committee and of the UCTS up to 1975 (only); copies of circular letters of the Universities Committee for Non-Teaching
Staffs; a very little related correspondence; and a copy of the Chapman Working Party Report (May 1978), this working party having been established by UCCA. Loose in a wallet: copies of University Technical Staffs: Manual on Implementation as
jointly agreed between Universities' Committee for Non-Teaching Staffs and ASTMS.., April 1972, and correspondence and papers concerning the regarding of named staff, 1972 - 73.
1. 1969-1988.
2. 1972-1977.
UND/CB1/T10a 1991 - February 2006
Trade Marks, correspondence with especially Taylor Johnson Garrett, applications for trade marks, Trade Marks Examination Reports and notes on them, notes from a seminar on trade marks, a document in French
Grande-Bretagne: Stages de Langue (1997), invoices, information booklets from the Patent Office Registering a Trade Mark and Search and Advisory
1. 1991-1999.
2. February 1999 - May 2001.
3. July 2005 - February 2006.
UND/CB1/T11 February 1988 - 19 April 1994
Teesside Initiative, comprising correspondence (with Teesside Development Corporation, Middlesbrough Borough Council, Teesside Polytechnic, Universities Funding Council, etc.); copies of
Property Director“The Bright Side of Teesside ?”, Summer 1988, and The Newcastle Initiative (brochure [1988]); agenda papers of the University of Durham
Teesside Academic Planning Group 1988 onwards, agenda papers of the University of Durham Teesside Development Group December 1988 onwards and agenda papers of the Teesside Initiative Committee (Original Group) February 1989; reports on meetings;
A College for the 1990s on Teesside Background to the initial proposal (December 1988); The Teesside Initiative in Higher Education (brochure) [1989]; The Teesside
Initiative in Higher Education : Academic Plan (1989); Dermot Killip, Towards an Arts and Entertainment Strategy for Cleveland: A Report, February 1990; Teesdale, A Joint Development by
Teesside Development Corporation, Bank of Scotland and Murray B. S. Ltd., n.d. [1990] (brochure of photographs of the site in the course of development); agenda papers of the Teesside Joint Developments Executive [of Durham University /
Teesside Polytechnic] ; drafts of Joint Venture Agreement between Teesside Polytechnic Higher Education Corporation and the University of Durham (1991), of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of [University College Teesside] (sic) (1991), and
of Teesside Development Corporation and the University College on Teesside : Development Agreement (1991); agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside : Academic Planning Group; draft of Joint Venture Agreement in respect of the Joint
University College on Teesside between Teesside Polytechnic Higher Education Corporation and the University of Durham and The Joint University College on Teesside (1992); Teesdale, A partnership in renewal (brochure,
n.d. [ ? 1991]); A New World of Learning: The Joint University College on Teesside (brochure, n.d. [1992]); University of Durham on Teesside: A proposal to establish a College on Teesside as part
of the University's development strategy in the 1990s and 21st century : some background information for Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, chairman of the University Grants Committee (from the vice-chancellor of the University of Durham,
pro-vice-chancellor Dr J.P. Barber, and Mr J.C.F. Hayward, registrar and secretary) (8 December 1988); agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Board of Directors (1st meeting on 26 March 1992 and later meetings' agenda papers);
agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: General Meeting, 26 March 1992; agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Course Approval Panel for Human Sciences, 29 April 1992; agenda papers of the Joint University
College on Teesside: Academic Planning Group, 1992; agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Interim Academic Council, [1992]; County of Cleveland Education Committee: Education Statistics 1984;
Cleveland County Research and Intelligence: Cleveland 1988 - 1992: An Economic, Demographic and Social Review (May 1988); agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Finance Committee; [note: in October
1992, the title of the College changed from Joint University College on Teesside to University College, Stockton on Tees] ; agenda papers of University College, Stockton on Tees : College Academic Council (up to 1994); agenda papers of University
College, Stockton on Tees : Board of Directors (up to 1994); photocopy of Handbook University College, Stockton on Tees formerly The Joint University College on Teesside 1992 - 93 (1992); University College, Stockton
Newsletter Nos. 1, March 1993, and 2, September 1993; An Internal Audit Review of Administrative Procedures at The University College Stockton on Tees (March 1993); Teesside 2000
No. 3, 26 May 1993 (visit of HM The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to Teesside, including University College); photocopy of signed and sealed Memorandum of Association of the Joint University College on Teesside (20 December 1991) and of
Certificate of Incorporation of the Joint University College on Teesside (under the Companies Act 1985), February 1992, and of the Certificate of Incorporation of Change in Name : University College, Stockton on Tees, 16 November 1992; drafts of
leases and underleases of sites, 1992 - 93; Teesside TEC Ltd : Executive Summary of the Corporate Plan 1993 - 1996 [1993]; Teesside 2000 No. 5, 8 December 1993; and University College, Stockton on Tees : Report and Accounts for the period ended 31 July 1993 (18 November 1993). [University College, Stockton on Tees was a joint venture between the Universities of Durham and Teesside. In
1994, the University of Durham assumed administrative and financial responsibility for the University College and from April 1994 the registrar and secretary of the University of Durham, Mr John Hayward, took over as principal on a half-time basis.]
1i&ii, 1a. 1988-1989.
2i&ii, 2a. 1989-1990.
3i&ii, 3a. 1990-1991.
4. 1991.
5i&ii. 1991-1992.
6i&ii. 1992.
7i&ii. 1992.
8i&ii. 1992.
9. 1992.
10i&ii. 1992.
11i&ii. 1992-1993.
12i&ii. 1993.
13i&ii. 1993.
14i&ii. 1993.
15. 1993-1994.
16. 1994.
UND/CB1/T12 18 April 1978 - 17 December 2002
Teaching Resources, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee on Teaching Resources (and of its Technical Sub-Committee); related correspondence; and papers (including photocopy of returns to survey of audio and video
equipment available in University of Durham departments, 1979).
1. 1978-1985.
2. 1985-2002.
UND/CB1/T13 26 January 1993 - October 2002
Teaching and Learning, Committee of, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee (from the shadow meeting on 7 June 1993 onwards, the papers including self assessments of departments) and related
correspondence; agenda and related papers of the Teaching and Learning Committee's Sub-Group on the Training of University Teachers (Teaching and Learning Certificate), 1994 (including copies of The UK Universities' Staff Development Unit Occasional
Green Paper No. 8 (1994) and
Improving Learning in Higher Education : A Case Study…(1994); agenda papers of the Teaching and Learning Committee's Working Group on Modularisation [such papers noted on files by at least 1994 and thereafter]; and
agenda papers of the Working Group on the Academic Year Monday Starts (1995).
1. 1993.
2. 1993-1994.
3. 1994.
4i&ii. 1994.
5i&ii, 5a. 1994.
6i&ii. 1994.
7i&ii. 1994-1995.
8i&ii. 1995.
9i&ii. 1995.
10. 1995.
11i&ii. 1995-1996.
12i&ii. 1995-1996.
13i&ii. 1996.
14i&ii. 1996-1997.
15i&ii. 1997.
16i&ii. 1997-1998.
17. 1998-1999.
17a-d. 1999.
17e. September 1999 - October 2002.
17f. November 2000 - January 2002, agendas.
18. September-November 1999.
19. January 2000.
20. February 2000.
21. March 2000.
22. May 2000.
23. June-July 2000.
24. Correspondence October 1999 - July 2000.
25. February 2003 (partial)
26. June 2003
UND/CB1/T13a January 1994 - September 1999
Teaching and Learning Initiatives Advisory Group, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's Teaching and Learning Initiatives Advisory Group (TLIAG), and related correspondence. (Includes copy of Peter
University of Durham : Enterprise in Higher Education 1989 / 1993 Programme Evaluation, n.d. [1993 or 1994].
1i&ii. 1994-1995.
2i&ii. 1995-1997.
3. January 1998 - September 1999.
UND/CB1/T13b December 1993 - 28 July 1999
Course Reviews Advisory Group, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's Course Review Advisory Group and of the Course Review Advisory Group's Working Group on Course Reviews; and some related
1i&ii. 1993-1995.
2i&ii. 1995-1997.
3. 1997-1999.
4. 1999.
UND/CB1/T13c 1994 - 1999
Advisory Group for Exams and Assessment, minutes and agendas, with supporting documentation and some correspondence.
1. 1994-1999.
2. 1999.
UND/CB1/T13d 1996 - 1999
Advisory Group on Access and Admissions, minutes and agendas, with supporting documentation and some correspondence.
UND/CB1/T17 1951
Treasury Grants (Non-Recurrent), comprising correspondence regarding applications for non-recurrent grants for the academic year 1951-1952.
UND/CB1/U1 1963 - March 2008
University College, comprising correspondence (including that concerning individual students, the discontinuance of the use of the Judges' Lodgings in Durham Castle 1971, the origins etc. of the Solway Fellowship, the proposed admission of women
to the College 1985, [University Council agreed to the admission of women to University College from October 1987], the use by the bishop of Durham of the “Bishop's Suite” at the Castle 1987, with the Department of
the Environment, English Heritage, and The Pilgrim Trust, etc. concerning conservation work on the Castle, 1987-1991, the Castle Appeal media launch in 1991 (appeal for £2.5m for repairs and restoration), and the World Heritage site which Durham was
awarded in 1987); agenda papers of the governing body; agenda papers of the University of Durham Durham Castle Trust (established in 1992), 1992-1993; and related papers. The related papers include
University College Durham : Castlemen's Society Appeal (brochure, concerning the proposed development on “Sutton Site”, adjoining Saddler Street) [1972], University College Chapel
Epiphany Term 1975 card, University College Senior Common Room Calendars (details of charges, major dinners, college meetings, etc.), appeal brochure concerning the West Courtyard Common Room (to create a new room there) (January 1981),
University College, The Castle, Durham : Tourist Accommodation (brochure) [1981], University College Handbook : Information and Regulations [ 1988], photocopy of The Durham Castle Trust
(charity) deed (30 March 1992), Durham Castle (appeal brochure) [1991], internal auditors reports on University College 1993 and 1996, Durham Castle Conservation Plan 2005, University
College Strategy 2004-2007.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1969.
4. 1969-1973.
5i&ii. 1972-1978.
6. 1978-1981.
7i&ii. 1981-1987.
8. 1987-1989.
9i&ii. 1989-1993.
10i&ii. 1993-1996.
11i&ii. 1996-1998.
12. December 1998 - June 2000.
13. June 2000 - June 2002.
14. July 2002 - February 2004.
15. February 2004 - March 2008.
UND/CB1/U1a 1985
University of Durham: documents relating to the visit of the University Grants Committee Education Sub-Committee.
UND/CB1/U2 1938 - 1993
University Grants Committee later Universities Funding Council, comprising correspondence and related papers. Includes correspondence regarding the University of Durham's application for a grant from the National Fitness Council towards the cost
of providing accommodation for physical exercise and recreation in the buildings of King's College Newcastle (1938-1939), the treasury grant, annual returns, estimated expansion of the university, preliminary estimates of income and expenditure of
the Durham Colleges for 1944-1945 and preliminary estimates of the University of Durham for income and expenditure 1946-1947, copies of the UGC's later the UFC's circular letters, and (later) of HEFCE circular letters and consultation papers ;
copies of some returns to the UGC/UFC (including Self-Assessment and Claim for Excellence : Business and Management Studies : Durham University Business School, July 1993) ; University of Durham papers relating to the visit of the UGC Social
Sciences Sub-Committee in 1973, Physical Sciences Sub-Committee in 1978, and Arts Sub-Committee to Durham on 20 November 1985 Vol. 2 Department Research Profiles and [Vol.1]; University of Durham : Planning for the late 1980s : Submission to the
University Grants Committee, November 1985; University of Durham : Visit of the University Grants Committee Education Sub-Committee 13 February 1985 (2 vols; submissions to UGC); University of Durham : Visit of the UGC Social Studies Sub-Committee
to Durham 27 November 1986 (2 vols; submissions to UGC);
'Speaking to the Future' : A Review of the Requirements of Diplomacy and Commerce for Asian and African Languages and Area Studies (Chairman : Sir Peter Parker; February 1986); University Grants
Committee Annual Survey Academic Year 1984 - 85 (Cmnd. 9815, 1986); Chinese at Durham (brochure [c.1988]); 1992 Company Profile (Durham University Business School's Small Business
Centre, n.d. [1990]); and photocopy of University College Stockton : Corporate Plan 1992 - 1996 [1993]. One file relates to the 'Senate Group to meet UGC, Tuesday 15 December 1981 7.00 p.m.' : agenda papers and related correspondence, 1981 - 82 One
wallet of papers comprises University of Durham Documents relating to the visit of the University Grants Committee 28 January 1982. File '14 (A)', entitled 'University Grants Committee : Research Selectivity Exercise 1989', comprises copies of
returns per Unit of Assessment (including, per Unit, information concerning named staff members - date of birth, present employment, qualifications, source of finance, etc. - a Statement of Research Plans per Unit, and a list of publications per
Unit of Assessment.
1. 1938-1939.
2. 1939-1944.
3. 1944-1946.
4i&ii. 1953-1958
5i&ii. 1959-1963.
6. 1963-1965.
7. 1965-1966.
8. 1966-1967.
9. 1967-1969.
10i&ii. 1969-1970.
11. 1970-1971.
12. 1971-1973.
13. 1973-1975.
14. 1975-1977.
15i&ii. 1977-1984.
16i&ii. 1984-1986.
17i&ii. 1986-1987.
18i&ii. 1987-1988.
19. 1988-1989.
20i&ii. 1989-1991.
21i&ii. 1991-1993.
22i&ii. 1993.
UND/CB1/U2a 1963 - 1993
U.G.C. - Warden's Correspondence with, later Warden's correspondence with U.F.C., comprising correspondence and related papers. The related papers include Report on Russian and Russian Studies in British Universities (UGC, December 1979; chairman
of the committee which produced the report : Professor R J C Atkinson) and University of Durham : Notes on Discussion to be held with the UGC on 13 June 1980; Report on Computer Science (Mathematical Science Sub-Committee, UGC, May 1982); UGC
Circular letters and copies of returns by the University of Durham to the UGC (including applications for 'New Blood' posts in the academic year 1984/85); University of Durham Visit of the U.G.C. Social Studies Sub-Committee to Durham 27 November
1986 Vol. 1 General Submissions;
Strengthening University Earth Sciences : Report of the Earth Sciences Review (UGC, 1987); Changes in Structure and National Planning in Higher Education : Universities Funding Council
(DES, 1987); Durham University Business School Small Business Centre : Education for Enterprise Project : Proposal for Funding for Enterprise Education (1987); Development Project to establish an Export Development Programme for Small and
Medium-size enterprises : Proposal to the University Grants Committee PICKUP Scheme (1987); Dental Review Working Party : Report (UGC, February 1988); Business and Management Studies
Sub-Committee Accountancy Group : Report Accountancy Teaching in Universities (UGC, May 1988); photocopy of papers prepared by the University for the Visit of the University Grants Committee 1 February 1989 ; Veterinary Education into the 21st Century : Report of the Working Party on Veterinary Education (UGC, January 1989); Biological Science at Durham University Postgraduate Studies Department of Botany (brochure [c.1988]);
Report of the Working Party on Archaeology (UGC, March 1989); The Future of University Biology : Report of the Review of Biological Sciences (UGC, February 1989); Review of Departments of
Occupational Health (UGC, February 1989); Report on the 1989 Research Assessment Exercise (Universities Funding Council, December 1989); Review of the UGC's Biotechnology Initiative :
Interim Report [c. 1989]; University of Durham : Investment Appraisal for Biological Sciences Building (1991); Third Annual Report on Monitoring Research Selectivity (UFC, December 1989); UFC Biotechnology Initiative : Report by the Review Group (June 1990); various UFC Consultation Papers and Circulars; A Funding Methodology for Teaching in Higher Education : Report from the Joint
Working Group [Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council and the UFC] (March 1992); The Polytechnics and Universities Funding Council Action Plan for the creation of a single Funding Council for Higher Education in
England (UFC and PCFC, 1991) [ Under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, the HEFC for England was established on 6 May 1992 and took over responsibility for funding from the UFC and the PCFC from 1 April 1993] ; copies of HEFCE Press
Releases, and HEFCE News Nos. 1 - 3 (October 1992 - July 1993); Promoting Quality and Opportunity (HEFCE Annual Report 1992 - 93) ; copies of HEFCE reports on various subjects (e.g.
Average Units of Council Funding for the Academic Year 1992 - 93 (HEFCE, Report R1 / 93) and A Report for the Universities Funding Council on the conduct of the 1992 Research Assessment
Exercise (HEFCE, Scottish Higher Education Funding Council, and HEFC for Wales, June 1993) ; copies of University of Durham self-assessments and claims for excellence by the Departments of Chemistry, History and Law (May 1993); and
University Statistics 1990 - 91 Volume Three, Finance (Universities' Statistical Record, 1993).
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1968.
4. 1968-1969.
5. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1973.
7. 1973-1974.
8. 1974-1976.
9i&ii. 1976-1978.
10i&ii. 1978-1980.
11. 1980-1981.
12i&ii. 1981-1983.
13i&ii. 1983-1985.
14i&ii. 1985-1987.
15i&ii. 1987-1988.
16i&ii. 1988.
17i&ii. 1988-1989.
18i&ii. 1989.
19i&ii. 1989-1990.
20i&ii. 1990-1991.
21i&ii. 1991-1992.
22i&ii. 1992.
23. 1992-1993.
24i&ii. 1993.
25i&ii. 1993.
26. 1993.
UND/CB1/U2b 4 October 1968 - 11 July 1978
U.G.C. - Quinquennial Visit 1970, comprising correspondence, memoranda and related papers concerning the visit by the UGC on 4 March 1970; also correspondence: October 1974 about liaison between NHS Authorities and Universities; [1977]
(concerning UGC Annual Survey 1976 - 77 : errors in the publication); and 11 July 1978 (photocopy of letter from the UGC about the proposed chair of Accountancy).
UND/CB1/U2c September 1981 - March 1982
UGC - Visitation in 1982, comprising correspondence, programme, and draft texts and submissions [some of which were used in writing memoranda (not on the file) for the UGC visit].
UND/CB1/U2d 1973 - 1978
Visits of UGC Sub-Committees, comprising correspondence, programmes, and agenda papers for visits by the Arts Sub-Committee to Durham, Friday, 2 November 1973, comprising programme, points for discusssion, and lists of those attending. 1973, also
agenda papers for the visits by the Education Sub-Committee on 15 October 1975 and 21 November 1977 and the Physical Sciences Sub-Committee in December 1978; includes copies of the University of Durham Institute of Education Handbook 1975 -76 and
University of Durham Department of Education Prospectus 1976 -77 and Department of Education Handbook 1975 -76.
2. 1973.
1. 1975-1978.
UND/CB1/U2e 1980
Visit to UGC Friday, 13 June 1980, comprising statistical information about students, accommodation, etc. (prepared for visit).
UND/CB1/U2g&U3 1960 - November 2006
Union Society, comprising correspondence, also photocopy of [unsigned] declaration of trust of 1963 (regarding the Durham Union Society), a list of members 1977, handbooks 1965 and 1973, calendars for a number of terms from Epiphany Term 1966
onwards, members' brochure 1992/93, and constitution 1993, and agreements for the use of university properties by the Union signed in 1996 and 2002.
U2g. 1960-1963.
U3/1. 1963-1978.
U3/2. 1978-1995.
U3/3. February 1996 - November 2006.
UND/CB1/U2h June 1996 - July 2007
Universities for the North East (UNIVS4NE). This grew out of meetings of the five northern vice-chancellors and HESIN in 1999 as a collaboration between the North East's Higher Education providers 'to support economic and social regeneration
through links with industry, commerce, education/training, the arts, sport, leisure and the heritage sector, and to harness their national and international links for the benefit of the region'. It comprised the universities of Durham, Newcastle,
Northumbria, Sunderland, and Teesside, and the Open University's Newcastle base. It first met on 9 December 1998 and entered a formal memorandum on 13 July 1999 to change HESIN's constitution and name to Universities for the North East. The papers
comprise correspondence, reports such as
Compact Between One Northeast and Universities for the North East, The Regional Contribution of Higher Education: Universities at the heart of the North East (March 2001), and
The North East Innovation Strategy & Action Plan 2001 Building a Knowledge Driven Region, and agendas, papers and minutes of its Board and Executive Committee meetings.
1. June 1996 - January 1999.
1a. July 1998 - January 2001.
1b. December 1998 - September 1999.
1c. September 1999 - December 2000.
1d. January - May 2001.
2. October 2000 - January 2002.
2a. January 2001 - June 2002.
3. July 2002 - September 2003.
4. September 2003 - December 2004.
5. January - December 2005.
6. March - November 2006.
7. April - July 2007, with an Information Pack outlining the organisation's role.
12 paper files
See UND/CB1/U2g above.
UND/CB1/U3a 1947 - 1963
University Celebrations, comprising correspondence (principally with other universities regarding their own celebrations), also copies of the texts of addresses to the University of Durham , and text of the Latin address of the University of
Durham in response to an address received in 1948 from the Charles IV University of Prague together with related correspondence regarding the correct Ciceronian Latin to be employed in this address, also press cuttings, documents, etc. regarding the
centenary of the Queen's University of Belfast, 1949; the University of Glasgow's 1949 invitation to its 1951 celebrations of its five hundredth anniversary; address of the University of Sydney to the University of Durham, 1951; (programme of) the
University of Malaya's Foundation Day and the installation of the Rt. Hon. Malcolm MacDonald as chancellor, 8 October 1949; and a BW photograph of the declaration (in English) of the Senate of the University of Durham that at a congregation held at
King's College Newcastle upon Tyne on 28 November 1951 the degree of Doctor of Civil Law honoris causa was conferred upon HRH Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (signed by the chancellor, the vice-chancellor, and the registrar,
with the university's seal attached, at the foot).
1a. 1947-1949.
2. 1947-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/U4 1960 - 1963
University Grants Committee, comprising correspondence, copies of circular letters, etc. The files include especially the documents prepared for the UGC's visit to the University of Durham, 28 October 1960; also copies of returns to the UGC
questionnaire on student wastage (1961), of student statistics and staff statistics, and of a return made on staff recruitment 1961-1962; also copy of Statistics of Graduate Employment for 1960-1961; and copy of a list of addresses (October 1962)
providing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of academic staff members and lay officers, etc. of the Durham Colleges.
1. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/U4a 1982 - 1984
University Appeal 1982, correspondence and a report on the appeal for submission to Council.
UND/CB1/U5 1984 - 1990
University Exhibition 1985, publicity information on the exhibition, invitations and a guest list for the buffet lunch and opening ceremony, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/U6 1963 - 1997
Universities Officers Training Corps (OTC), attendance list and minutes for the Northumbrian Universities Military Education Committee (MEC), reports to the MEC, annual reports and year book for the OTC, invitations to and information on the
opening of the NUOTC Centre, and a file on NUOTC containing general information and correspondence.
UND/CB1/U7 24 August 1967 - 17 May 2011
Ushaw College, comprising correspondence (with the archbishop of Liverpool, the president of Ushaw College, and others); memoranda (including one by professors H.E.W. Turner, C.K. Barrett and D.R. Jones, department of Theology, University of
Durham, concerning Ushaw College, 4 December 1967); agenda papers of the University of Durham Council Committee on Ushaw College (meetings held 6 May 1968 onwards);
Ushaw College Priests for Tomorrow (brochure, October 1977); and correspondence concerning individual students at Ushaw College. [Much of the correspondence, etc. concerns the proposal to enable students of Ushaw
College to take the BA with Honours in Theology and the BA General Degree with the Theological subjects, and the acceptance of the college as a licensed hall of residence of the University of Durham, the latter being agreed as from 1 August 1968.]
Also formal notification of the closure of the college in June 2011, and a copy of Ushaw Magazine No.272 1992-93.
1. August 1967 - November 1989.
2. November 1989 - May 2011.
UND/CB1/U8 28 July 1986 - 18 August 1999
University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories (UDIRL), comprising correspondence; photocopy of an article on the Durham
Mountjoy Research Centre published in
Northern Executive No. 2 (1986); agenda papers of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Management Committee later of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Advisory Board (which
latter had its first meeting on 23 January 1986) and of [
ad hoc committees, e.g. the Committee on the Appointment of a Director of the UDIRL, 1988] ; UDIRL (brochure [1990]); agenda papers of the University of Durham
Industrial Research Laboratories Executive Board [a revised body functioning 1990 onwards and still running in October 1998]; agenda papers of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Working Group (Science) on UDIRL 1992, and of
the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Working Group on the Business Plan 1994; and Ground Water and the Environment, An Environmental Engineering Workshop 15 - 24 September 1995, The
Mountjoy Research Centre , Durham, England
(brochure). [It appears that the advisory board was suspended in December 1991 and its functions taken over by a new Industrial and Commercial Strategy Committee but agenda papers of this committee are not to be found on these files.]
1. 1986-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1995.
4i&ii. 1995-1996.
5i&ii. 1996-1998.
6. 1998-1999.
UND/CB1/U9 1964 - July 2002
Durham University Society, comprising correspondence (especially with the chairman and honorary secretary), some diaries of events of the Society, reports on annual general meetings, membership lists (providing names and addresses, 1971, 1973,
1974 and 1988), circulars, newsletters (up to No. 16, 1987, though not a complete set for 1969 - 87), constitutions and programmes. [The Durham University Society was founded in 1866 as an association of Durham graduates. In 1986 the Society had
more than 1500 members.]
1. 1964 - 1983.
2. 1969 - 1973.
3. 1983 - February 1990.
4. March 1990 - July 2002.
UND/CB1/U10 11 December 1989 - March 2007
University College Stockton, comprising correspondence (including that with the vice-chancellor of the University of Teesside and also some concerning individual students); agenda papers of the University College Stockton-on-Tees Board of
Directors; and related papers. The related papers include: University of Durham Internal Audit Report on University College Stockton, 1994; The Further Progress of the Teesside Development Corporation October 1993 - September 1994 (Stockton-on-Tees
Borough Council, November 1994); Teesside Millenium, The Spirit that Sets us Apart (folder for a press release, March 1995); (draft) agreement between University College Stockton on Tees and the University of Durham concerning the transfer of the
assets and undertaking of the University College Stockton on Tees, 1996 (concerns the winding up of the company limited by guarantee entitled University College, Stockton on Tees); University of Durham University College, Stockton Staff Handbook and
Regulations 1996/7;
A Guide to UCS [1996]; correspondence with the Charity Commission and related papers relating to the winding up of University College Stockton (a registered charity), 1992-94 (in an envelope); names and addresses
[1989] (in a wallet); correspondence concerning the launch of the Teesside Initiative in Higher Education at Middlesbrough Town Hall on 16 February 1990 and a list of those invited (in a wallet); Research on Teesside
Application to The Wolfson Foundation (March 1999) with notes for the meeting, and latterly papers for council meetings of Stephenson and John Snow colleges.
[University College owed its origin to the recognition in late 1987 of the need for additional higher education provision on Teesside. Encouraged by Cleveland County Council, the Health Authority, the Teesside Development Corporation, and
industry, the University of Durham and the then Teesside Polytechnic established a Joint Development Exercise in January 1990. In February 1991 the Teesside Development Corporation offered a site and a building. On 9 September 1991 this offer
received government approval and detailed planning began to enable the college to open in October 1992. In February 1992 University College was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the provisional name of the Joint University College
on Teesside. At the end of September 1992 permission was received to change the name of the College and the Company to 'University College, Stockton on Tees'. The college was initially part of the University of Durham in academic partnership with
the University of Teesside. During 1994 it was agreed that the University of Durham should take over the management of the college. Professor R.T. Parfitt, the first principal, retired and Mr John Hayward, registrar of the University of Durham, was
appointed principal. By 1996 the college was a constituent college of the University of Durham.]
1. 1989-1990.
2. 1990.
3. 1992-1997.
3i&ii. 1994-1995.
5i&ii. 1995-1997.
6i&ii. 1997-1999.
6a. January 1999 - May 2000, including UCS JCR constitution 1 June 1997.
6b. May 2000 - January 2001.
6c. January - October 2001.
7. October 2001 - July 2002.
7a. 2000 (suggestions for naming the two colleges)
8. August 2002 - December 2003.
9. December 2003 - March 2007.
UND/CB1/U11 1995 - April 2010
Ustinov Institute, HEFCE Bid for, correspondence on the bid, assessment of the department and its links, copy of the invitation to bid, review of former Soviet and East European Studies by HEFCE, self-evaluation reports, details of the course,
agendas and minutes of the Ustinov Institute Steering Group, prospectus for the Ustinov Institute degree in Slavonic Studies, departmental plan for the Department of Slavonic Studies.
1. Former Soviet and East European Studies: Invitation to Bid: Ustinov Institute 1995-1996.
2. Bid to HEFCE: Former Soviet and East European Studies: Ustinov Institute 1995-1996.
3. Monitoring of HEFCE Bid 1996-1998.
4. Working Group Report on the Ustinov Institute 1999.
5. March 2001 - April 2010, mainly requests for transfers into and out of Ustinov College, with some correspondence about the college and papers for its council meeting November 2007.
UND/CB1/U12 1963 - July 1982
University Arts Finance Committee, comprising correspondence (including that in 1981 concerning the Durham University Fringe Theatre's visit to the Edinburgh Fringe [Festival] ); and agenda papers of the University of Durham University Arts
Finance Committee.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1968.
3. 1968-1969.
4. 1969-1970.
5. 1970-1972.
6. 1972-1973.
7i&ii. 1973-1974.
8i&ii. 1974-1976.
9i&ii. 1976-1978.
10. 1978-1980.
11i&ii. 1980-1982.
UND/CB1/U13 1973 - 1995
University Statistical Records - Undergraduates, comprising correspondence (principally with the Universities Statistical Record), and print-out of copies of the University of Durham's (statistical) returns and of individual named students (dates
of birth and of enrolment, subject of study, etc.); lists of prospective students who have withdrawn and lists of students who have been added or given UCCA numbers.
1i&ii. 1973-1975.
2i&ii. 1979-1986.
3. 1986-1987.
4. 1987-1988.
5. 1988-1989.
6. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9, 9a. 1992-1993.
10. 1993-1995.
UND/CB1/U13a 1972 - 1993
University Statistical Records - Postgraduate, comprising correspondence; and computer printouts (some loose in the files) of lists of individual students (providing name, date of birth, etc.); and some printouts of statistics of postgraduate
student numbers.
1. 1972-1979.
2. 1979-1986.
3. 1986-1987.
4. 1987-1988.
5. 1988-1989.
6. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9. 1992-1993.
UND/CB1/U13b 28 December 1973 - 4 May 1993
University Statistical Records - Staff, comprising correspondence; and computer printouts providing statistics and details relating to individual members of staff (identified by number, not name, and by date of birth, etc.) per department. (One
file comprises USR Continuing Education Record : copies of sheets, per course, providing title of course, number registered on the course, etc.)
1i&ii. 1973-1984.
2i&ii. 1974-1984.
3. 1984-1986.
4. 1986-1987.
5. 1987-1988.
6. 1988-1989.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1993.
UND/CB1/U13c 12 October 1985 - 9 November 1994
University Statistical Record Continuing Education/University Statistical Records Continuing Education, comprising correspondence; Continuing Education Record sheets 1985 / 86 and 1986 / 87 (per course); and computer printouts (of statistics per
course). Files for 1988 / 89, 1989 / 90, and 1991 / 92: reference numbers are given to be allocated to the Continuing Education Record but there are no statistics per individual course.
1. 1985-1986.
2. 1986-1987.
3. 1987-1988.
4i&ii. 1987-1988.
5. 1988-189.
6. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9. 1992-1994.
UND/CB1/U13d 1989 - 1994
USR Student Load, student load tables.
UND/CB1/V1 1940 - 1949, 1954, 1959 - 1962
Vice-Chancellor, comprising correspondence (miscellaneous correspondence, though principally copies of letters from the registrar to the vice-chancellor), also agendas for meetings of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals 26 October
1945 - 26 July 1946 (minutes of meeting held on the latter date).
UND/CB1/V1a 1977 - 1997
Committees to appoint a new vice-chancellor papers
1. December 1977 - June 1978 correspondence and minutes
2. June - September 1978 correspondence and minutes
3. September 1978 - February 1979 correspondence and minutes
4. May 1978 meeting papers
5. March - June 1978 letters from staff
6. December 1988 - September 1989 official committee papers
7. 1 November 1988- 13 June 1989 working file 1
8. 13 June 1989 - 23 October 1989 working file 2
9. March 1989 recommendations from within the university
10. March - April 1989 recommendations from other universities and research councils
11. February 1996 - June 1997 minutes, meeting papers and university recommendations
11 paper files
1-6 closed until 2030; 7-10 closed until 2040; 11 closed until 2048.
UND/CB1/V1b February 1990 - April 2004
University Visitor, correspondence with the bishop of Durham as visitor, and his office, generally about appeals to him by students or staff, but also about the bishop's role as visitor and also about a visit to the visitor (July 1995).
1. February 1990 - September 1997.
2. October 1997 - April 2004.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/V2 1992 - 1995
CVCP Handbook.
UND/CB1/V3 1963 - 1964
Vice-Chancellor - Miscellaneous, comprising correspondence (including copy of a letter to the Minister of Science and Technology regarding the public enquiry held into the use of the land which the university hoped, as part of its expansion
programme, to develop in part for a building maintenance depot, and also correspondence with the earl of Scarbrough (chancellor of the university) including that about the university's use of Lumley Castle).
UND/CB1/V4 1963 - June 2009
Van Mildert College, comprising agendas of the governing body (first meeting held on 22 February 1965), later council, and generally a very little related correspondence, including concerning individual students; also agendas of the Joint
Committee of Senate and Council on the Mastership of Van Mildert College, 1964 (not including any applications or curricula vitarum); agendas of the Sub-Committee for Van Mildert College, 1964; Senior Common Room
circulars (a calendar of forthcoming events, per term), latterly entitled Senior Common Room Programme (Epiphany Term 1994 onwards) and then SCR Bulletin (1997 on); agenda papers of the AGM of the SCR of the College; (University of Durham) Internal
Audit Reports on Van Mildert College, 1993 and 1996; Van Mildert College (brochure concerning accommodation for visitors…[1997]). Amongst the agenda papers is a copy of
Van Mildert College University of Durham : Additional Accommodation Feasibility Study Report October 1984 (by J. Graham Butcher, University of Durham Buildings Office, and others) the HEFCE publication
Organisational Learning and the Future of Higher Education (2003).
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1969.
3i&ii. 1969-1973.
4i&ii. 1973-1975.
5. 1975-1976.
6. 1976-1978.
7. 1978-1980.
8i&ii. 1980-1983.
9i&ii. 1983-1986.
10i&ii. 1986-1989.
11i&ii. 1989-1992.
12i&ii. 1992-1995.
13i&ii. 1995-1997.
14. 1997-1999.
15. January 1999 - November 2000.
16. November 2000 - October 2002.
17. November 2002 - October 2004.
18. November 2004 - June 2009.
UND/CB1/V5 1963 - 1995
Visitors to the University, comprising correspondence and related papers. The papers include some concerning conferences being held at the University (programmes, abstracts, etc.); dinner parties, sherry parties; school 6th form visits;
luncheons; overseas visitors (including from China and Ambassadors from foreign countries, including the Japanese Ambassador to the UK in 1985 and 1995 ); visits by the Secretary of State for Education and Science (Sir Keith Joseph, 1982), the
Secretary General of the CVCP (1984), and UK government ministers and MPs; visits of representatives of overseas universities; visits by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh (14 October 1963, to the Science departments, including the programme for his visit),
Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan (1992), the American Ambassador (Hon. Raymond Seitz, 1992), the Chinese Ambassador (1994), the Director of the Wellcome Trust (1994), and the Director of The Wolfson Foundation (1995); also papers concerning lectures
delivered at the University of Durham by outside speakers (e.g. Baroness Blackstone, on delivering the Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture [published by Liverpool University Press in 1988]). The files include agenda papers for a meeting of the
Governing Body of Van Mildert College to be held on 10 June 1987.
1. 1963-1965.
2i&ii. 1980-1981.
3. 1981-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1985.
5i&ii. 1985-1987.
6i&ii. 1987-1991.
7i&ii. 1991-1993.
8i&ii. 1993-1994.
9i&ii. 1994-1995.
10i&ii. 1995.
UND/CB1/V6 May 1964, 18 December 1978 - 27 July 1988
Vacation Study, comprising correspondence (concerning payments for students, applications for vacation grants, etc.); also agenda papers of the University of Durham Vacation Grants Committee, later, June 1981 onwards, the Vacation Study Committee
(up to the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 1986).
UND/CB1/V7 19 March 1981 - 23 July 1984
Visiting Committees of Senate, comprising agenda papers of various visiting groups (to departments, etc.) visiting group to Computing / Mathematics, visiting group to the School of Education, committee for the Vaux Breweries Fund for Sport, and
visiting group to the College of St Hild and St Bede; together with a very little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/V8 30 March 1990 - 26 August 1999
Validation, comprising (extensive) correspondence (some of which concerns individual named students) and related papers; faculty course validation progress summary sheets; proposal to the University of Durham from St John's College and Ushaw
College for a BA Honours degree in Theology and Ministry (1999); agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Regulations and Admissions Committee Working Party on Validation (the working party being established by the Senate Regulations and
Admissions Committee at its meeting on 5 March 1990, though the papers only cover 1990, with later papers concerning the Senate Committee on Validation); agenda papers of the Working Party on Academic Audit (1993); and papers relating to the Senate
Committee on Validation (1993, also agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Validation). These papers concern courses at New College, Durham; Durham and Teesside College of Health; The College of the Royal Academy of Dancing; Darlington College of
technology; BA in Theology and Ministry at St John's and Ushaw Colleges; National [Police] Training Centre, Harperley Hall; and Newcastle Cognitive Therapy Centre. The papers include reports from University Assessors of validated courses. (The
Report of the Senate Committee on Validation to the Teaching and Learning Committee, 4 October 1995, provides an account of the growth in validation activity undertaken by the University since October 1990.)
1,1a. 1990-1993.
2i&ii. 1993.
3. 1993-1994.
4i&ii. 1994.
5i&ii. 1994-1995.
6i&ii. 1995.
7i&ii. 1995-1996.
8i&ii. 1996.
9i&ii. 1996-1997.
10i&ii. 1997.
11i&ii. 1997-1998.
12i&ii. 1998-1999.
13. 1999.
14i&ii. 1999.
UND/CB1/V11 1979 - 1980
Vice-Chancellor - Personal, comprising correspondence (including letters of congratulation received by Professor Holliday on his appointment as vice-chancellor).
UND/CB1/V11a 1979
Personal Students, comprising correspondence (of the vice-chancellor) with and about students and former students.
UND/CB1/V14 1979
Vice-Chancellor - University General, comprising correspondence, also a number of newsletters and other publications sent to the University; also (in folder) “Reception for Hollidays, 3 March 1979” comprising
invitation list, and correspondence about the reception in the Great Hall of Durham Castle to meet the vice-chancellor elect and Mrs Holliday, 3 March 1979.
UND/CB1/V16 1949, 1979
VCM or VCC or Vice Chancellor Misc. Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the 1949 readership in German [in the Durham Division] (including summary of applications), and correspondence (principally the applications
submitted for the readership; there is no indication as to who was appointed), and a file of various outside committees, especially Northern Arts, that the VC sat on in 1979.
1. 1949.
2. 1979.
UND/CB1/V18 1979
Occasional Lectures, comprising correspondence, and copies of texts (vice-chancellor's foreword for the Durham Students Union Handbook, addresses delivered at degree congregations, address at matriculation ceremony, all delivered by Professor
W.K.R. Musgrave, acting vice-chancellor and warden).
UND/CB1/W1 1940 - July 2011
Warden - Personal, comprising correspondence (some in response to unsolicited enquiries, from “cranks”, etc.) concerning bereavements, congratulations on awards, retirements, appeals for funds, persons seeking
posts at the university, etc., together with some related publications (of some other universities, charities, companies, etc.) The correspondence includes some with MPs and government ministers. The correspondence and enclosures to some extent
reflect the individual vice-chancellors' academic interests (e.g. zoological and biological sciences in the case of Professor Holliday, and medical in the case of Sir Kenneth Calman), with the texts of scientific papers by Professor Ebsworth and
others submitted for publication and copies of medical-related papers by Sir Kenneth Calman (both those submitted for publication and copies of published papers by himself) and copies of published health / medical-related papers written by others
being included on the files.
1. 1940-1960.
2. 1963-1964.
3-5. 1964.
6i&ii. 1964-1965.
7i&ii. 1965-1966.
8. 1966.
9. 1966-1967.
10. 1967-1968.
11. 1968.
12. 1968-1969.
13. 1969-1970.
14. 1970-1971.
15i&ii. 1971-1972.
16. 1972-1973.
17i&ii. 1973-1974.
18. 1974-1976.
19. 1976-1978.
20. 1978.
21. 1980.
22i&ii. 1980-1983.
23i&ii. 1983-1984.
24i&ii. 1984-1986.
25i&ii. 1986-1988.
26i&ii. 1988-1989.
27. 1989-1991.
28. 1991-1992.
29i&ii. 1992-1993.
30. 1993-1997.
31i&ii. 1997-1998.
32i&ii. 1998.
33,33a. 1998-1999.
34-36. 1999.
37. 1999-2000.
38i&ii,39i&ii,40,41i&ii,42i&ii. 2000.
43i&ii. 2000-2001.
44-46. 2001.
47i&ii. 2001-2002.
48, 48a. 2002.
48b. September 2002 - June 2003.
49. June 2003 - April 2004.
50. April - December 2004.
51. January - June 2005.
52. June - December 2005.
53. January 2006 - December 2007.
54. February 2008 - July 2011.
UND/CB1/W1a 1963 - October 2009
Warden - Personal Students, comprising correspondence with and about individual students; lists of freshers; reports of some Durham University Expeditions (e.g. South Turkana Expedition, 1983) and proposal for Durham University Expedition : Reef
Expedition to Belize, September 1991;
Durham Careers, 1986 (brochure); particulars of staff and course of the Department of Geography Session 1989 - 90; Project Post (extracts from volunteers' letters around the Project
globe) [Nos. 1 and 2], November 1990 and February 1991; So You Want to Live Out (Durham Students Union advisory publication) [1992]; ON Magazine (Old Shire Hall address), Vol. VI, No. 2,
November 1992 (includes an interview of Sir Peter Ustinov); photocopies of applications for Kennedy Scholarships, 1994 - 95; The Freshers Ball News (illustrated reports) [1994]; Durham University
Student Community Action (brochure) [1994]; D.U.C.C. (cricket club fixture card, 1994 Season); University of Durham Counselling Service : Annual Statistics 1991 / 92 and 1992 / 93 (1993); Silence in Tibet : A report on five weeks travel to
the Land of the Snows by Piers Shedder ( a Durham University student) (1994); Durham University Student Community Art (brochure) {1995]; Poland Team Diary, Kadtub 1998 (extracts from diary entries); Kadtub '96 The
Diary (diary / report produced by the Durham University students' 1996 Poland Expedition to a school / orphanage). The correspondence includes that with the Cricket Club, the Durham University Student Community Action (SCA), and an envelope
containing letters from students opposing the proposed “one to one signing in” scheme for college bars, 1995.
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1973.
3. 1973-1978.
4. 1978.
5i&ii. 1980-1986.
6. 1986-1990.
7. 1990-1992.
8i&ii. 1992-1995.
9. 1995-1997.
10. 1997-2002.
11. August 2002 - October 2009.
UND/CB1/W2 1973 - 1977
Warden - References, comprising correspondence (references provided for staff and former students).
Closed until 2058 under DPA.
UND/CB1/W2a 1940 - 1945, 1961
War Records, comprising correspondence (regarding students who have joined the forces, listing and, in some cases, providing details (on copies of printed form “University of Durham Academic Record of Student called up
for Service with the Forces”) of their academic record.
UND/CB1/W3 1980 - 1992
Warden - Annual Report, correspondence, relevant statistics requested, guidelines for publishing the
University of Durham Gazette, receipts, and circulation lists for the annual report.
UND/CB1/W4 1963 - 1968, 12 July 1979 - 19 November 1998
University General/Warden - University General, comprising some correspondence but more particularly copies of publications, etc. received by the warden :-
Publications received from the Standing Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities (publications of CRE seem only to be on the earlier files); International Association of University Presidents; World
University Service (
WUS News and Annual Reports); British Telecom; Post Office; Department of Trade and Industry; International Association of University Presidents; Council for Industry and Higher Education (a number of publications up
to at least 1995); Council of Europe: Council for Cultural Co-operation; International Association of Universities; North East Chamber of Commerce, Trade and Industry (circulars, copies still being found on the files up to at least 1995); KPMG
Higher Education Newsletter; Economic Research Office, Northern Development Corporation (Agenda for the North: Consultation Paper, 9 March 1992); The Committee of Directors of Polytechnics (Newsletter); AUA (Association of University Administrators)
(Newslink - newsletter); Society for Research into Higher Education; the Quality Support Centre (a service to higher education from the Open University); the Commission of the European Communities (relatively few
publications, dating from 1993 onwards); Research Strategy Branch, Employment Department, Sheffield (ED Research Brief(s)) (these Research Briefs being on the files at least up to 1995); Higher Education Statistics Agency (circulars); and USS
(Universities Superannuation Scheme); and from some individual universities and polytechnics in the UK and overseas (newsletters, etc.).
The publications include :-
N.C. Davidson,
An Investigation into the possibility of developing alternative areas in compensation for the eventual loss of the remaining areas of Seal Sands, Teesmouth, May 1980.
The files include a number of publications relating to the NE, also correspondence, and agenda papers relating to the university. In the order in which they appear on the files, these publications etc. include the following :-
University of Durham : Financial Handbook for Departments, 1986.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham Quantitative Planning Group meeting on 29 May 1992.
Papers for the Vice-Chancellors' Meeting with Chairmen of Boards of Studies 21 July 1986.
Programmes of conferences in the UK and overseas.
University of Durham Internal Audit Reports : Miscellaneous Debtors and Cash Receipts (1992) and Payroll System (1992).
Agenda papers for meetings of the University of Durham Quantitative Planning Group meetings on 29 May 1992 and later.
University of Durham Annual Report of the Internal Audit Service (3 December 1992).
University of Durham Plans and Performance 1994 [ ? text / notes for a talk].
University of Durham Strategic Review, 1994.
Business Survey North : Quarterly Economic Survey (conducted by the Economic Research Office of the Northern Development Co. in association with the Tyne and Wear and Teesside Chambers of Commerce, 1994).
Some University of Durham Media Reports and some correspondence with Keith Seacroft (Information Office); Public Relations Officer's reports on number of appearances of the university in the press, etc. found on the files by 1994 with copies of
University of Durham press releases being found on the files at least up to December 1996.
[University of ] Durham Resource Allocation Model 1994/95 (May 1994) : draft for consultation (and version dated July 1994 that was approved by the Policy Committee).
Agenda papers of County Durham Common Purpose Advisory Group (1994 onwards), with an address c/o the University of Durham's School of Education; this group was registered as a charity and as a company limited by guarantee.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham Library Review Group meeting on 14 June 1994.
University of Durham Industry and Commerce Club Annual report 1993/4.
News@durham : The Newsletter of the University of Durham Information and Technology Service, Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1994.
Agenda papers of Durham Universities Investments Ltd.'s directors for meeting on 15 July 1994.
Correspondence concerning the establishment of a Centre for Forensic Science at the University of Durham, 1994.
Business Survey North: Quarterly Economic Survey (conducted by the Economic Research Office of the Northern Development Co. in association with the Tyne and Wear and Teesside Chambers of Commerce), 1994 and 1995.
Agenda papers of The Parliamentary University Group, 1994 onwards; the University of Durham was a member of the group 1994/95 onwards and the group is noted initially as being c/o Barry Sheerman, MP.
Memorandum of the university treasurer re financial forecasts, 12 August 1994.
Some HMSO publications, including Report to the Minister for Health on Supporting Research and Development in the NHS (1994).
Simon Fairhall, editor,
British Polytechnics Sports Association 1969 - 1993: The History of the Association.
Publications of The Further Education Funding Council (including circulars, committee news of the Northern Region, and reports of the inspectorate).
Agenda papers of the University of Durham 2000 Revisited : Purposes and Objectives for 1995 - 2000 - Working Group (established to examine recurrent resource implications of the paper) meeting on 30 November 1994.
University of Durham Annual Report of the Internal Audit Service 1993/94.
University of Durham Strategic Review 1994.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham 2000 Working Party on Colleges, 1994-95; the working party was established by the Policy and Resource Committee at its meeting on 30 September 1994.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's meeting on 17 January 1995.
University of Durham: Strategy for European Initiatives 1994 - 1999 [1994].
University of Durham Internal Audit Reports - Review of Fixed Assets (1995), and Information Technology Service - Trading Activity (1995).
The Second R and D Index: Information on the health-related research expertise of the twelve universities in the NHS Executive Northern and Yorkshire area (December 1994).
Consultative Document regarding a merger between Monkwearmouth College, Sunderland, and Wearside College, Sunderland (16 February 1995).
University of Durham Planning and Resource Allocation (a paper by P.D.B.C. [Dr Collins]), January 1995.
Dale Campbell-Savours, MP,
The Case for the University of the Lakes (1995), together with a covering letter for Mr Campbell-Savours to the vice-chancellor, 31 March 1995.
University of Durham Internal Audit Report on Student Registration, Records and Statistical Returns (1995).
Northern Region of England Profile 1995 (North of England Assembly of Local Authorities, 1995).
Harold Silver et al.,
The External Examiner System : Possible Futures : Report of a Project Commissioned by the Higher Education Quality Council (May 1995).
North Eastern Universities Purchasing Group Annual Report 1994
Memoranda written by Dr P.D.B.Collins, pro-vice-chancellor and sub-warden, 1995.
Correspondence with MPs.
Some publications of the Northern and Yorkshire Regional Health Authority.
University of Durham Internal Audit Report on Research [finances] (1995).
Some correspondence with the North of England Anglo-Japanese Society.
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals Management Statistics and Performance Indicators 1993/94 for University of Durham departments (1995).
Agenda papers of CICHE [The British Council's Committee for International Co-operation in Higher Education] Regional Panel for North Africa meeting on 20 July 1995.
1995 Financial Forecasts (for the University of Durham, 1995).
CRAC [Careers Research and Advisory Centre] Annual Report 1994.
Government Office for the North East Annual Report 1994/95 (1995).
Community Health Care North Durham: Annual Report 1994/95 (annual report of this NHS Trust,1995).
University of Durham Centre for Molecular Electronics (brochure, [1995]).
USS (Universities Superannuation Scheme) publications, including Report and Accounts for year ending 31 March 1995.
Introducing The Information Technology Service [of the University of Durham]…Courses Michaelmas Term 1995.
Tyne and Wear Foundation : Annual Review 1995.
Parliamentary University Group : some circulated papers of the group dating from 1995.
Some Department of Health and NHS publications, 1995.
Regional Government Consultative Paper (North of England Assembly of Local Authorities, 1995).
University of Durham Internal Audit Report on Debtors (1995).
Agenda papers for the vice-chancellor's meeting with Heads of Houses on 26 September 1995.
University of Durham Courses Directory (Information Technology Service, University of Durham, 1995).
RDS News (Quarterly newsletter of RDS: Understanding Animal Research in Medicine).
Northern Development Co Annual Report 1994/95.
Papers (proposals) of Ernst and Young for the University of Durham on (i.e. for a meeting concerning) Evaluation of Funding Proposals (1995).
University of Durham Counselling Service Annual Report 1994/95.
The International Centre for Life: A Millenium Bid for Newcastle and the North East submitted by Tyne and Wear Development Corporation, University of Newcastle, City of Newcastle upon Tyne, and NHS Executive Northern and Yorkshire [an application
to The Millenium Commission,] [1995].
Minutes of the Executive Council meeting of the Friends of Durham Cathedral 19 September 1995.
Agenda papers for the AGM of Durham University Investments Ltd. on 21 November 1995.
Minutes of meeting of the Durham Business and Education Executive (on) 29 November 1995.
University of Durham Annual Report of the Internal Audit Service 1995.
The Dustsheet: Durham University Staff Training and Development Newsletter, No. 13, January 1996.
Minutes of meeting concerning the future of No. 5 The College and the care of the Chapter [of Durham Cathedral]'s archives 7 December 1995.
Common Purpose Magazine, Winter 1995-6 ; a national magazine.
The Royal Society of Chemistry : Additions to the Library; these lists of accessions appear latterly on these files, no doubt being sent to Professor Ebsworth in his role as an inorganic chemist by training.
The Universities' and Colleges' Staff Development Agency [an agency of the committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals]: Report and Accounts 1994-95 and other publications, 1995.
University of Newcastle Annual Report 1994-95 (a brief, well illustrated report)
Revisions of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Handbook (1996).
Copies of
Headlines: A fortnightly digest of University news and information, 19 February 1996 (University of Durham).
Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Council of the Friends of Durham Cathedral 28 February 1996.
University Treasurer's (regular ) reports to Senior Officers of approved requests to fill posts financed from general funds.
University of Durham Retirement Benefits Plan 1969 …Quarterly Report to 31st December 1995.
Some correspondence with University of Durham staff, also memoranda (sent to/copied to the vice-chancellor, registrar, etc. (e.g. memorandum of the Working Group on College Bars, [a report to Policy and Resource Committee], March 1996), these
memoranda being noticed on the files especially in the mid 1990s.
University College, Durham Castle Society: The Lowe Library Appeal (a leaflet appealing for funds to extend the Library, 1996).
Agenda papers of the County Durham Common Purpose Advisory Group Meeting, 1996.
Common Purpose Magazine [national magazine], Spring 1996.
Durham First, The University of Durham Magazine, No. 3, Spring 1996.
Parliamentary University Group: agenda papers for the AGM on 17 May 1995.
Standards in Public Life : Local Public Spending Bodies : Further and Higher Education Bodies (including Universities) Grant-Maintained Schools…: Second Report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Chairman Lord Nolan
Vol. 1, Report (Cm 3270 - I, HMSO, 1996).
Programmes for visits by distinguished visitors to the University of Durham.
University of Durham Centre for Health Studies Department of Sociology and Social Policy (brochure, 1996).
University of Durham Health Facts, Bulletin of the Centre for Health Studies, No.1, June 1996.
The Fastest Changing Region in Europe : Northern Business Forum Consultation Document (1996).
County Durham Common Purpose : Advisory Group meeting agenda papers (including copies of applications submitted by potential participants and End of Year Report 1996/97), June 1996-July 1998.
Photocopies of press articles (mid 1990s).
North of England Museums Service: correspondence and AGM agenda papers (including annual reports).
Government Office for the North East: annual reports 1995/96 and 1996/97.
Festival of Environment Programme 11th May 1966 (University of Durham and Northumbrian Water Group).
Agenda papers of Durham University Investments Ltd.'s Directors, 29 October 1996.
Correspondence includes internal correspondence (within the university); with staff of government departments (DTI, etc.); concerning nominations to attend royal garden parties; with overseas universities and governments; the press; some
businesses and companies; the University Commissioners, 1992; (former) students; the chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; local bodies (including the NE Chambers of Commerce, and the North of England Museums Service); with the Government Office for
the North East (which organised meetings of vice-chancellors, TEC chief executives and the regional director of GO - NE) 1996-97; and copies of letters congratulating individuals on the award of a civil or other honour.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1966.
4. 1966-1967.
5. 1967-1968.
6. 1980.
7i&ii. 1985-1986.
8i&ii. 1992.
9i&ii. 1994.
10i&ii. 1995.
11i&ii. 1996.
UND/CB1/W4a 1942, 1946
War Service, Records of, comprising correspondence (principally regarding women students and conducted with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, etc.), and some agenda papers of the University of Durham National Service Committee for
Women Students, 1942; also correspondence regarding the making of a record of the war service by members of the University of Durham, 1946, and a copy of duplicated typescript Durham University Senior Training Corps : Record of Service of members of
the Corps serving with H M Forces [1946].
UND/CB1/W5 8 January 1980 - October 2009 (with gaps)
Warden's Engagements, comprising correspondence and related papers concerning lunches, dinners, presentations, guest speakers, papers, welcome addresses, concerts, receptions, installation of university chancellors, ceremonies, etc. which the
warden/ vice-chancellor was invited to attend/ deliver; files include copies of invitations issued by the warden/ vice-chancellor and papers concerning visits overseas, also some agenda papers (including of the directors of International Medical
Education Trust 2000, of which Sir Kenneth Calman was a director). [Note : only a sample of these files have been retained.]
1i&ii. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1987.
3i&ii. 1992-1993.
4i&ii. 1995.
6i&ii. 1998-1999.
7i&ii,7a. 2000.
8. 2001.
9. March - May 2001.
10. April - May 2002.
11. March - June 2003.
12. April - June 2004.
13. May - September 2005.
14. March - June 2006.
15. January - May 2007, May 2008.
16. May 2007 - April 2009.
17. August 2008 - October 2009.
UND/CB1/W5a 4 May 1984 - 15 September 2006
Warden - Engagements (Internal), comprising correspondence and related papers concerning invitations to events (lunches, dinners, performances, lectures, farewell and other presentations, buffet suppers for honorary graduands, dinners for Senior
Men and Women, etc.) at the University of Durham and in Durham (including programmes and correspondence about the visits of dignitaries to Durham).
1i&ii. 1984-1989.
2. 1989-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1997.
4i&ii. 1997.
5i&ii. 1997-1998.
6i&ii. 1998.
7i&ii. 1998-1999.
8i&ii. 1999.
9i&ii. 1999.
10. 30 November 1999 - 9 April 2000.
11. 10 April - 9 July 2000.
12. 10 July 2000 - 4 April 2001.
13. 5 April - 26 June 2001.
14. 27 June - 30 September 2001.
15. 1 October 2001 - 30 April 2002.
16. 1 May - 31 October 2002.
17. 1 November 2002 - 28 February 2003, including the visit by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine, 1 November 2002.
18. 1 March - 30 May 2003.
19. 1 June 2003 - 29 April 2004.
20. 30 April - 31 December 2004.
21. 1 January - 17 June 2005.
22. 3 July - 31 December 2005.
23. 1 January - 15 September 2006.
UND/CB1/W5b 30 June 2010
Warden - Invitations issued by the Warden.
Paper file
UND/CB1/W6 September 1980 - 1992
Miscellaneous Committee/Warden - Miscellaneous Committees, comprising agenda papers and a very little related correspondence, especially concerning -
Governors of Sunderland Polytechnic (1980-1981)
Board of Trustees of the Civic Trust for the North East (1980-1989)
The Underwater Conservation Society (1980 onwards)
Council for Environmental Education (1981 onwards)
Universities China Committee in London (Annual Reports for 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1983-1984 to 1985-1986, and other papers for the AGMs held in 1981-1982 and 1984-1986)
The Scottish Field Studies Association Ltd. (1981-1988)
Scottish Freshwater Group (1982)
World University Service (some publications, including newsletters)
Council for the Preservation of Rural England Durham and Teesdale Branch : newsletters, etc., 1980-1989.
Durham Association of Boys' Clubs: agenda papers for AGM on 12 November 1984 including 51st Annual Report 1983-1984.
North Sea Forum: agenda papers, 1986-1987.
Annual Report of the Northumbria Universities Officer Training Corps Academic Year 1987/88.
1. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1983.
3i&ii. 1983-1985.
4i&ii. 1986-1989.
5. 1989-1992.
UND/CB1/W6a 1942 - 1945, 1956
War Degrees, comprising correspondence regarding war degrees and about individual students; also duplicated typescript list of University of Durham degrees awarded under regulations for war concessions, n.d. [1945]. (The list of degrees awarded
provides the degree, name of the graduate, College, and date.)
UND/CB1/W7 1963 - 1999
Warden - References Outside of Durham, comprising correspondence ( including copies of the references which the warden/vice-chancellor provided in respect of applications made by individuals for posts outside the University of Durham, especially
various chairs and vice-chancellorships).( The references include one dated 19 July 1972 for Marjorie Mowlam : “…she is unquestionably a young woman of exceptional personal quality, even if not quite in the first rank as a
scholar… She was Vice President (in effect woman president) of the Students Union in 1970, and was one of the most active, efficient and sensible holders of that office we have had for some years.”)
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1970.
3. 1970-1978.
4. 1990-1999.
UND/CB1/W8 December 1963 - May 2006
Warden - Occasional Lectures,
Christopherson: texts (mainly typescript but some in MS.) of his lectures and addresses and articles (the articles being for publication in journals and in the press), and related correspondence and papers (programmes and posters advertising the
lectures, etc.), also copies of the texts of his reviews of books contributed to various journals. (Includes the text of his reply to the presentation made to him at the farewell party in the Great Hall of Durham Castle on 16 December 1978.)
Holliday: correspondence (including that turning down invitations) and texts of addresses, articles (for publication), forewords (for publications), addresses to convocation (1980-1988), matriculation addresses (1980-1988), after-dinner speeches
(at the Durham Union Society, schools, etc.), addresses to congregation (1981-1989), texts of addresses to staff of the university and to Association of University Teachers' meetings, and conference addresses; also text of the Warden's Report
1981/82, his published Inaugural Anniversary Lecture (City of Durham, 8 October 1982), his Report on Visit to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia 9-16 November 1982, and book reviews. Though some of the texts are handwritten, the vast majority are in
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1966.
4. 1966-1968.
5. 1968-1970.
6. 1970-1972.
7. 1972-1975.
8. 1975-1979.
9i&ii. 1980-1984.
10i&ii. 1984-1989.
11. 1989-2006.
UND/CB1/W9 1963 - 1978
Warden's Newsletter, comprising single copies of the duplicated typescript “Warden's Newsletter”, and a very little related correspondence.
1. 1963-1972.
2. 1963-1978.
UND/CB1/W10 1980 - March 1990
Washington Development Corporation, comprising correspondence (including initial correspondence with Sir Peter Scott and later correspondence with the Development Corporation); and agenda papers of the Joint Consultative Committee of the
Washington Waterford Park, later (July 1986 onwards) entitled the Management Advisory Committee of the Washington Waterford Park.
1. 1980-1990.
2. 1990.
UND/CB1/W11 1967 - February 2001
A. J. Wheeler Fellowship - General Correspondence, comprising general correspondence (mainly with applicants), also: copies of University of Durham circulars about the fellowship; copies of Addison Wheeler Fellows' annual reports 1981-1983;
applications for the fellowship; agenda papers for meeting of the Addison Wheeler Research Fellowship's Appointing Committee on 3 May 1984. (Revd Addison James Wheeler died in 1967 at the age of 85 years; having read Theology at the University of
Durham, he took Holy Orders on graduating but after some years became a schoolmaster. Ill health prevented him from achieving his ambition of a career in scientific research. He had built up sufficient capital to provide research fellowships for
young men and women of outstanding promise. The fields of study of the fellowships were normally, but not exclusively, to be in the Life Sciences.)
1. 1967-1979.
2i&ii. 1981-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1999.
4. January 1999 - February 2001.
UND/CB1/W14 1985 - 1999
Warden's Welcome to New Postgraduate Students, correspondence, invoices, briefing for the welcome ceremony, list of student nationalities represented, drafts of his speech, and an envelope containing reply slips for the luncheon to welcome new
UND/CB1/W15 February 1981 - September 1990
Work experience, correspondence about and some applications.
Paper file
UND/CB1/Z1 21 October 1974 - 7 July 1988
Zoology, Department of, comprising correspondence (concerning staffing and funding of the department, visiting lecturers, visit of the University Grants Committee Biological sub committee in 1975, seminars, a stuffed and mounted specimen of the
Great Auk 1977, buildings, research students, development of biological science in the University 1980-1981, etc.); agenda papers for a meeting on the future development of Biology on 3 June 1981; text of publication on the Island of Boreray (1981)
and copy of
The 1980 Boreray Expedition Report (on the ecology and natural history of Boreray, St Kilda) edited by Neil Duncan, David Bullock and Kenneth Taylor, Department of Zoology, University of Durham, September 1981; lists
(per term) of forthcoming seminars in the Department of Zoology; copies of some staff members' published papers; submission by the Department of Zoology to the Policy Committee, January 1987; and some research proposals.
UND/CB1/Z1a March 1971 - 24 May 1973
Department of Zoology Board of Studies, comprising copies of minutes of meetings of the Board of Studies in Zoology 10 March 1971 - 21 May 1973.
UND/CB1/Z1b 1958/59 - 1967/68
Zoology department annual reports.
UND/CB1/Z2 n.d. & 1974
1. File Lists, alphabetical.
2. List of Files in Document Room and Filing Room, including lists of files formerly in 38 and 46 North Bailey.
UND/CB1/Z3 [c.1970]
Complete List of Various Committees, at Durham and Newcastle.