Durham University Records: Central Administration and Officers
2 occurrences of Clare Spurgin
[Clear Hits]

Administrative history
Related material - here


Reference code: GB-0033-UND/C
Title: Durham University Records: Central Administration and Officers
Dates of creation: 1555 - date
Extent: 518 linear metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Most of the records have been created by Durham University, but many of the deeds associated with properties acquired by the university as part of its estate considerably predate the university and were created by previous owners/tenants of those properties.
Language: English predominantly, with occasional Latin and even Welsh

Administrative history

The formal and executive head of the university was initially the warden. These two functions were separated out in the 1908 act with the establishment of a chancellor as the formal head and the vice-chancellor (who had been to some extent presaged by the sub-warden) as the executive head of the administration. The vice-chancellor was to be, and is, assisted by pro-vice-chancellors. The post of warden was revived for the Durham Colleges in 1937, when the post of vice-chancellor was rotated between the warden and the rector of King's College. The vice-chancellor continued to be warden after 1963. The registrar has always been the chief administrative officer of the university, and is still responsible for overseeing all aspects of the processing of students through the university. The university has similarly always had a treasurer, responsible for its finances. Both have been assisted by an ever-growing number of staff and departments. Proctors, senior and junior, dealt with attendance and degrees but did not outlast WW2. Estates and Buildings, Personnel and perhaps especially Development and Public Relations are functions that have, by contrast, grown since WW2 as, with ever-growing numbers, the university has ever more buildings to construct and maintain, ever more staff to administer under ever more regulations, and ever more funds to raise for its work from supporters and alumni.


These records cover a broad range of types and formats concerned with all aspects of the administration of the university, its estate and staff by its officers. The records of the formal head of the university, (since 1908 the chancellor), are few and mainly concerned with their installation. The administrative papers of the university's executive head, from 1909 the vice-chancellor, supported by the registrar, are generally subsumed within a central filing system which covers all aspects of the university's administration, and also includes files supporting the work of many of its committees. Before 1963, there were separate filing systems for the administration of the Durham Colleges, that is the colleges in Durham, and the university as a whole, ie including Newcastle, and also affiliated colleges at such as particularly Fourah Bay in Sierra Leone. After 1963, a single system persists, though by the 1990s this is less generally used for central filing with the growth in size of the administration and the establishment of separate filing systems in the burgeoning separate departments.
Aside from these central files, there are also some records of vice-chancellors carrying out functions away from the university, either representing the university on national bodies, or acting in an independent capacity; there are such sequences for Sir Derman Christopherson (VC 1961-1978) and Sir Fred Holliday (VC 1980-1989). Vice-chancellors were increasingly supported from their inception by pro-vice-chancellors, though separate records of their work only consistently survive from the time of John Clarke (PVC 1984-1990).
Records of the registrar, supplemented by those of the proctors (which office ceased in WW2), include all those to do with the core aspect of the university: the admission, administration, teaching, examination and graduation of its students. So these include registers of students admitted, lecture timetables, a few student files, exam papers, mark books/sheets, pass lists and records of the graduation of students, and the university's honorary graduates, at congregations, including speeches, photographs and videos.
The financing of the university's work has left extensive series of volumes of financial records, including ledgers, cash books and journals, with again separate sequences for the distinct colleges and university administrations until 1963.
Public relations and development work has been an ever growing and vital part of the university's work, which has generated considerable files on events and public relations, and newsletters, alongside extensive audiovisual and press cuttings collections.
Finally, a quantity of artefacts and memorabilia, especially gowns, hoods and headwear, are also part of the archive.

Accession details

Transferred to the University Library from the university's central administration at various times since the 1950s, and especially since 2004 with the major sequences of central files being deposited in 2008.

Previous custodial history

Almost all these records have always been held by the university, supplemented by the occasional donation, particularly of artefacts.

Conditions of access

There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the Data Protection Act applies.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Collections (e-mail pg.library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


Arranged into the present classification in April 2004 after consultation between M.M.N. Stansfield, M.S. McCollum and E.R. Rainey, with additional classes added subsequently as necessary.


Some accessions are appraised on site before transfer, others are appraised when received at Palace Green. Clean duplicates are generally removed.


Continuous further accruals are anticipated. In April 2004, a retention schedule and other records management procedures were developed for the university's records to facilitate the regular transfer of records from the university's departments and offices to the archive. This draft retention schedule was developed further on the appointment of the first university records manager in August 2006, and then reviewed in 2019.

Related material - here

Papers of the vice-chancellors F.B. Jevons (sub-warden/VC 1902-1911) and Sir James Duff (VC/warden 1937-1958) are held separately in Durham University Library ASC, though their administrative work does not feature strongly.


Central Administration and Officers
Reference: UND/C
University Office
Reference: UND/CB The University's main office was established at No. 46 North Bailey, Durham, in 1937, as had been recommended in the report of the Royal Commission on the University of Durham, 1935, and provided for under new statutes made in 1937 under the 1935 University of Durham Act. The registrar and an assistant registrar had their offices here. There was a branch office at Newcastle upon Tyne, at 23 St Thomas Street, in the charge of an assistant registrar. The university's School Examinations Board, which was also under the administrative control of the registrar, had its offices at 6 Eldon Place, Newcastle upon Tyne. The University Office and the bodies it administered were concerned with the maintenance of academic standards, examinations, and matters affecting the university as a whole.
On the independence of Newcastle University, the university offices in Durham formerly in 38 and 46 North Bailey were moved to Old Shire Hall which officially came into use on 18 November 1963.

Office Files
Reference: UND/CB1
Dates of creation: 1931 - 2003 The sequence of files of the university was commenced in 1937, following the establishment of a University Office. The majority of the files employed treasury tags, whereby their contents were retained in the (chronological) order in which they were filed and their integrity thus ensured. Each subject file was allocated a unique reference (which was quoted in the correspondence) and the file title was noted on the file cover. Attached to the inside front cover of the files was a “minute sheet”, providing a numbered list of contents of the file: “no. of minute” (the unique number allocated to the filed letter, etc), “date of minute”, and “minute” (e.g. name of correspondent and / or subject). By 1938 the university's registrar was using a stamp to record on each letter etc. received the following information : “Received -” (the date being recorded), “Reply sent -” (the date), “Answd. by -”, “Remarks -”, and “File No. -”, the date received and the file number almost always being recorded. By 1941-1947 the stamp had been simplified to record “Rec'd”, “Dept.”, “Remarks”, “Completed”, and “File No.”; by 1948 and still as late as 1958 the stamp used provided the following headings : “Received”, “Date”, “Remarks”, and “File No.”.
The University Office's files are those employed by the vice-chancellor, later the vice-chancellor and warden, and by the registrar, and their principal officers (e.g. assistant registrars, and administrative assistants, etc.), correspondence of all the same on a particular subject generally being filed on the same file.
Listed by Adrian Allan in situ in the Politics Hut in Old Elvet in July 1999. His disposal recommendations were implemented, the files were transferred to Palace Green Library, repackaged and the list checked and augmented as necessary by Eleanor Hingley and Robin Farndon in July-September 2008.

UND/CB1/A1   1938 - 1999
Academic Dress, comprising correspondence (with and about Gray and Son (Robemakers) Ltd., and including correspondence with those offering the university old academic dress of the university that they possess. (Includes correspondence in 1940 with the Countess of Balfour regarding the doctoral robes of the university of Durham and the federal Victoria University which had belonged to Mr and Mrs Henry Sidgwick and which Lady Balfour wished to dispose of. Mrs Sidgwick was Lady Balfour's sister-in-law, being sister of Arthur Balfour, the prime minister and first earl.)
1. 1938-1951.
2. 1951-1960.
3. 1960-1963.
4. 1963-1999.
UND/CB1/A2a   1948, 1959 - 1960
Anatomy, Chair of, comprising particulars of the chair, and correspondence, 1948; and particulars of the chair, and correspondence, 1959 -60. (The file does not include any applications or curricula vitarum. Mr John Short was appointed to the chair in 1948 and Dr R.J. Scothorne in 1960.)
UND/CB1/A2b   26 March 1979 - 18 May 1987
[Careers Admissions Conferences], comprising correspondence and agenda papers about higher education conferences for sixth formers held at Durham and elsewhere.
1. 1979-1986.
2. 1986-1987.
UND/CB1/A2c   1965 - 1972
Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions, comprising agendas of meetings of the Ad Hoc Comnmittee (of Senate) on Admissions, 1965-1969, and correspondence.
1. 1965-1969.
2. 1969-1972.
UND/CB1/A2d   22 August 1995 - 30 July 1998
Admission: Entry Qualifications, correspondence, information from UCAS regarding General Studies qualifications and their eligibility for entry requirements.
UND/CB1/A3a   1938 - 1941
[Air Raid Precautions], comprising correspondence, and copies of notices (relating to the University Office at Durham and to university examinations at King's College).
UND/CB1/A3b   1965 - 1976
Advertising, comprising correspondence (almost solely with G. Street and Co Ltd, Incorporated Practitioners in Advertising, London, later entitled Streets Advertising Ltd., Incorporated Practitioners in Advertising, London, and including the texts of advertisements which the University wished to place), and copies (cuttings from the press) of the press advertisements of University of Durham posts. Samples only retained.
1. 1965-1966.
2. 1975-1976.
UND/CB1/A4a   1964 - 1999
Air Squadron, Northumbrian/Northern Universities, comprising correspondence, and copies of the Commanding Officer's reports (terminal reports and reports on summer camps). (The Air Squadron's offices were in Newcastle upon Tyne.)
1. 1964-1973.
2. 1973-1988.
3. 1988-1999
UND/CB1/A4b/1-4   1940 - 1949
Andrew Reid and Co, comprising correspondence with Andrew Reid & Co Ltd, printers, Newcastle upon Tyne, regarding the printing of the University's Calendar, prospectuses, regulations, syllabuses, index to Court minutes, etc.
1. 1940-1942.
2. 1942-1945.
3. 1945-1948.
4. 1948-1949.
UND/CB1/A5a   1938 - 1961
Appeal, comprising correspondence:
1. 1938-1940, copy of University of Durham Building Fund Special Appeal (October 1938), list (dated 21 December 1938) of donations received for the University of Durham Building Fund; analysis of earmarkings (of donations, to note whether they were for Newcastle, Durham , or unearmarked) as at 22 November 1938; summary of donations received and promised up to 26 April 1939.; and a letter from Lord Percy to Miss Potts 21 November 1938 requesting support.
2. 1941 - 1947, 1954 - 1959, 1961, text of “A report and an application to supporters” [of the University of Durham Appeal Fund] [c.1942], text of a report to subscribers [c.1946], and The Durham Colleges Appeal Report [1959]. ( In 1938 £370,0 was sought and [by 1942] a total of £143,173 had been received.)
UND/CB1/A5b   1963 - 1980
Athletic Union, comprising agendas of Durham University Athletic Union Committee (later entitled the General Committee of the Durham University Athletic Union), and correspondence.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1967.
3. 1967-1968.
4. 1968-1971.
5. 1971-1972.
6. 22 November 1972 - 18 May 1976, also list of DUAU winter achievement Durham honours and some memoranda on finance.
7. 19 May 1976 - 23 April 1980, also some treasurer's annual reports.
8. 22 February 1985 - 6 November 2000, including Souvenir Programmes
9. 7 November -
UND/CB1/A6   1939 - 1958
Applied Science, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence, also (for 1943-1945, 1948-1949, and 1955) some agenda papers of the Faculty of Applied Science.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1942-1958.
UND/CB1/A7   1938 - 1961
Applied Science, Faculty of, comprising correspondence, and (for 1947-1956) some agenda papers of the Faculty.
1. 1938-1941.
2. 1941-1951.
3. 1953-1961.
UND/CB1/A8   1939 - 1999
Arts, Faculty of, comprising agendas of the Board of the Faculty of Arts and of Boards of Studies, and correspondence.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1942-1945.
3. 1945-1947.
4. 1948-1949.
5. 1949-1950.
6. 1953-1955.
7. 1962-1964.
8. 1964-1965.
9. 1965-1966.
10. 1966.
11. 1966-1967.
12. 1967-1968.
13. 1968-1969.
14. 1969-1971.
15. 1971-1973.
16. 1973-1974.
17. 1974-1976.
18/i&ii. 1976-1978.
19/i&ii. 1978.
20. 1978-1980.
21. 1980.
22/i&ii. 1980-1982.
23/i&ii. 1982-1984.
24. 1984-1985.
25. 1985-1987.
26. 1987-1990.
28/i&ii. 1992-1993.
29. 1993-1999.
UND/CB1/A8a   1940 - 1972
Arts, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence.
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1942.
3. 1942-1943.
4. 1943-1944.
5. 1944.
6. 1945-1946.
7. 1946.
8. 1950-1951.
9. 1959-1962.
10. 1969-1972.
UND/CB1/A8b   1965 - 1988
Arts, Higher Degrees in, comprising agendas of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, and correspondence. Samples only retained.
1. 1965-1966.
2. 1975-1976.
3i&ii. 1984-1986.
4i&ii. 1986.
5. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/A8c   1962 - 1994
Arts, Concessions and Exemptions, comprising agendas of the Concessions Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, and correspondence.
1a. 1962-1968
1. 1983-1985.
2. 1985-1988.
3. 1988-1991.
4&5. 1990-1991.
6&7. 1991-1992.
8&9. 1992-1993.
10. 1991-1994.
UND/CB1/A8d   1963 - 1998
Arts Planning Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Arts Planning Committee and related correspondence; also minutes of meeting of the Arts Planning Sub-Committee of the University of Durham Policy and Resources Committee, 1 November 1996.
1. 1963-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1986.
3. 1986-1988.
4. 1988-1989.
5i&ii. 1989-1992.
6. 1992-1996.
7. 1997-1998.
UND/CB1/A8e   1985 - 1999
Arts Degree Regulations Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Arts Regulations Committee, latterly as agenda papers of the Teaching and Learning Committee's Faculty of Arts Sub-Committee; and correspondence (separate sections - 'Withdrawn Applications', Withdrawals', etc.)
1i&ii. 1985-1988.
2. 1986-1987
3. 1987.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5. 1989.
6i&ii. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8a,8b. 1991.
9. 1991-1992.
10i&ii. 1992-1993.
11i&ii. 1993-1994.
12i&ii. 1994.
13i&ii. 1994-1995.
14i&ii. 1995-1996.
15i&ii. 1996-1997.
16. 1997-1998.
17. 1998-1999.
18. May-August 1999.
UND/CB1/A8f   October 1986 - 12 November 1991
Arts, Centre for the Study of Literature and Theology, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of the Centre and of the Committee for the Certificate in Theology, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/A8g   1946 - 1961
Sub-Faculty of Fine Art, Architecture and Town Planning, comprising agenda papers for meetings of the Sub-Faculty of Fine Art, Architecture and Town Planning, and correspondence.
1. 1946-1951.
2. 1951-1961.
UND/CB1/A8h   1949 - 1962
Sub-Faculty of Oriental Studies, comprising agenda papers and correspondence.
UND/CB1/A8i   14 August 1991
Committee for the Validation of St John's and Ushaw College, letter about refusing an applicant to the BA in Theology and Ministry entry.
UND/CB1/A8j   30 November 1984 - 18 December 1990
Committee for the Degree of BA with Honours in Combined Studies with Arts, correspondence, agendas and minutes.
UND/CB1/A8k   October 1964 - September 1965
Committee on the Introduction of Fine Art as a Subject for Study in the University, agendas, minutes.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A8l   October 1966 - February 1968
Standing Committee for the Degree of BA in General Studies, correspondence, agendas and minutes.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A9   1964 - 1998
Appointments Outside Vacancies, correspondence including lists of clergymen of the Church of England who hold posts at the university, relating to the General Synod elections of a representative from Durham University, the establishment of a chair in Industrial Engineering at Swansea University and the creation of a lectureship in Norwegian at the University of Newcastle.
UND/CB1/A9a   1951 - 1952
Re-organisation and Working of the Faculty of Arts, comprising agendas of the Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts on Organisation and Working of the Faculty of Arts, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/A10   1940 - 1963
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941.
3. 1942-1943.
4. 1943-1944.
5. 1944-1945.
6. 1945-1951.
7. 1951-1957.
8. 1957-1960.
9. 1960-1962.
10. 1962-1963.
Appointments Board, comprising correspondence about appointments and careers advice for students (some relating to individual students, and including details of vacant posts received by the University of Durham), and a few agenda papers of the Durham University Appointments Board for 1951 onwards (especially for 1951 -57). The Appointments Board was established in 1946 to give advice and information to present and past members of the university over choice of careers and to assist them to find suitable employment by arranging careers talks and discussions, vacation experience, interviews with employers and individual consultations with the Board's officers, based at 45 North Bailey.

UND/CB1/A10a   1945 - 1963
Appointments Board, reports and minutes.
1. 1945-1957.
2. 1957-1963.
UND/CB1/A10c   10 January 1981 - 12 May 1992
Address List for Retired Members of Staff, comprising correspondence, also an alphabetical list of the names and addresses of retired members of staff dated April 1992.
UND/CB1/A11   1982 - 1997
University's Support for the Arts Committee.
1. 1982-1985.
2. 1985-1988.
3. 1988-June 1992.
4. October 1993 - May 1994.
5. October 1994 - May 1995.
6. October 1995 - May 1996.
7. October 1996 - December 1997 including a script for “Pink and Blue” , a Purple Film production.
UND/CB1/A11a   1982 - 1988
University's Support for the Arts Sub-Committee A - Assembly Rooms.
UND/CB1/A11b   1982 - 1988
University's Support for the Arts Sub-Committee B - Arts Finance.
1. 1982-1985.
2. 1985-1988.
UND/CB1/A11c   1983 - 1988
University's Support for the Arts Sub-Committee C - Performing Arts Fund.
UND/CB1/A11d   1963 - 1972
Appointments Board, comprising agendas of the Appointments Board of the Universities of Durham and then the joint board of the universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne, and correspondence, about students' careers.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1967.
4. 1967-1969.
5. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
UND/CB1/A11e   1986 - 1988
Durham Sixth Form Centre Centre Shared Use Management Committee.
UND/CB1/A11f   1993 - 1997
University's Support for the Arts Committee project files.
1. 1993-1994.
2. 1994-1995.
3. 1995-1996.
4. 1996.
5. 1996-1997.
UND/CB1/A12   1963 - 2001
Archaeology Department.
1. 1963-1980.
2. 1980-1981.
3. 1986-1989.
4i&ii. 1989-1995.
5. 1990-1992.
6. 9 August 1995 - 2 April 2001.
7. 3 April 2001 -
UND/CB1/A12a   1940 - 1947, 1953, 1963
Administrative Arrangements, comprising correspondence (including that regarding proposals to reduce clerical posts, 1946).
UND/CB1/A13   1939 - 1960
Accounts, University, comprising correspondence, also copy of University of Durham Estimates for 1943-1944.
UND/CB1/A14   1975 - 1996
Appointments, Terms and Conditions, comprising copies of particulars of individual posts, standard conditions of appointment of lectureships, etc. and a very little related correspondence.
1. 1975-1978.
2. 1978-1981.
3. 1981-1989.
4i&ii. 1989-1991.
5i&ii. 1991-1993.
6i&ii. 1993-1995.
7. 1995-1998.
UND/CB1/A14a   1939, 1945, and 1947
Anomalous Payments, comprising correspondence; the 1939 correspondence refers to but does not enclose a copy of a report about anomalous payments.
UND/CB1/A15   1939 - 1977
Arts, Concessions and Exemptions, comprising correspondence with and about individual students.
1. 1939-1942.
2. 1942-1945.
3. 1945-1960.
4. 1962.
5. 1974-1977.
UND/CB1/A16   18 November 1963 - 31 December 1989
Applied Physics, Department of, later Applied Physics and Electronics, Department of, comprising correspondence, and some related papers (including copies of Current Activities in Molecular Electronics, University of Durham, February 1987, the School of Engineering and Applied Science's Submission for the Accreditation of a Degree in Applied Physics and Electronics by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, March 1986, and [two handbooks for students] 2nd and 3rd Year Single Honours Courses, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, 1979 -80).
1. 1963-1980.
2. 1980-1987.
3. 1987-1989.
UND/CB1/A16a   February 1991 - 1999
Academic Audit, comprising correspondence (with the CVCP Academic Audit Unit, the Higher Education Quality Council, etc.); draft report of the HEQC's audit of the University of Durham's validation arrangements; report of the Academic Audit Unit on the University of Durham; HEQC publications (Annual Report and Update, its newsletter); University of Durham Working Party on Academic Audit papers; and Guidelines on Institutional Practice.
1i-ii. 1991-1994.
2. 1991-1994.
2a. 1993
3. 1994.
4i-ii. 1994-1996.
5. 1996-1999.
UND/CB1/A16b   8 January 1982 - 22 July 1991
SEAS (Applied Physics), comprising miscellaneous correspondence relating to the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics.
UND/CB1/A16c   1940 - 1946, mostly 1940 - 1942
Acting Registrar, comprising miscellaneous correspondence (about individuals, etc.) (Mr Niblett was certainly Acting Registrar during the period 1940-1944.)
Paper file
UND/CB1/A16d   1946 - 1957
Anthropology, comprising correspondence (including copy of Proposals for the Expansion of Anthropological Teaching in the University of Durham [1949]).
UND/CB1/A16e   1949 - 1952
Anthropology, Readership in, comprising particulars of the Readership [at King's College], and correspondence (including that with Dr H. Meinhard, who was appointed in 1950).
UND/CB1/A17   1941 - 1963
Air Squadron, comprising correspondence, also lists of RAF cadets (matriculated etc.), and the terminal report of the Commanding Officer of Durham University Air Squadron for the Epiphany Term 1961. (The Air Squadron's offices were at Newcastle upon Tyne.)
UND/CB1/A17a   1969 - 1989
Committee on Appointments, correspondence, agenda papers for the statutory committee on readerships in the departments of Zoology, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, and the chair of Chemistry, with applications for readerships.
UND/CB1/A18   1 July 1967 - 14 June 2000
Anthropology, Board of Studies in, comprising a very few agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Anthropology, also correspondence (mainly about the Department of Anthropology) and related papers (including Programmes and Orientations of Social Anthropological Research based at the Department of Anthropology, University of Durham, n.d. [c.1980].
1. 1 July 1967 - 22 May 1987
2. 28 May 1987 - 13 June 2000
3. 14 June 2000 -
UND/CB1/A18a   4 December 1991 - 16 April 1993
Anthropology, comprising correspondence and related papers.
UND/CB1/A18b   1944 - 1947
Arts, Sub-Committee on Ex-Servicemen, comprising correspondence with and about the same.
1. 1944-1946.
2. 1946-1947.
UND/CB1/A19   1967 - 1998
Ad Hoc Committees other than Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions, comprising agendas of various Ad Hoc Committees, on examination procedures, student participation, of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on higher degrees, of Council on college finance, on the Composition Fee, on Canon Professorships, on the future of the departments of English, and of the working party on word processors; and related correspondence.
1. 1967-1968.
2. 1968-1969.
3. 1969-1972.
4. 1973-1986.
5. 1998.
UND/CB1/A19b   1946 - 1957
Agriculture, Faculty of, comprising correspondence (only).
UND/CB1/A20   24 October 1980 - 30 September 1998
Academic Electoral Assembly, comprising agenda papers of the Standing Committee of the Academic Electoral Assembly, nominations, notices and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1980-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1988.
3. 1988-1992.
4. 1992-1998.
UND/CB1/A20a   September 1965
Meeting of the Academic Staff agenda and staff club constitution.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A21   1970 - 1998
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Ministry
(1) Postgraduate studentships, correspondence, press notices of new awards to universities, and booklets on postgraduate agricultural studentships (1971 and 1972).
(2) Letter from G. R. Waters, under-secretary Land Use, Conservation and the Countryside on a plan for deregulation of the department's environmental responsibilities (with attached plan)
UND/CB1/A22   October 1971 - 11 July 2000
Association of University Teachers, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Durham Association of University Teachers' General and Annual General Meetings; DAUT circulars to members; AUT circulars and copies of AUT's News Bulletin and Update, and copies of other AUT publications, and also agenda papers of the (University's) Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee with DAUT, for 1990 - 93 only.
1. 1971 - 1976.
2. 1978 - 1981.
3i&ii. 1981 - 1984.
4i&ii. 1984 - 1986.
5. 1986 - 1988.
6. 1988 - 1991.
7. 1991 - 1997.
8. 1997 - 2000.
9. 2000 -
UND/CB1/A22a   1947 - 1962
Arts Examinations, Enquiries, Complaints, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/A23   1946 - 1956
American and Dominion students, comprising correspondence.
1. 1946-1948.
2. 1948-1951.
3. 1951-1956.
UND/CB1/A24   23 October 1981 - 29 January 1999
Adult and Continuing Education, Department of, comprising correspondence and related papers (including a very few departmental course leaflets), also copies of some publications of other bodies including the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE), the WEA, and the University of Durham's Industrial Relations Group.
1i&ii. 1981-1984.
2i&ii. 1981-1986.
3. 1986-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5. 1989-1991.
6i&ii. 1991-1994.
7. 1995-1999.
8i&ii. 1998-1999.
For later material of the Centre for Lifelong Learning see UND/CB1/L14
UND/CB1/A24a   1947 - 1949
Anglo-Saxon Studies, comprising a copy of a note by the registrar on Anglo-Saxon Studies; correspondence (including some with Mr H.S. Offler); report of the department of Archaeology for 1949/50; and draft proposals for the coming Quinquennium of the department of Archaeology.
UND/CB1/A26   1939 - 1963
Conference of Registrars and Secretaries (AHUA - Association of Heads of University Administration), correspondence and conference minutes.
UND/CB1/A27   1994 - 2007
Applied Social Studies, Centre for, comprising of correspondence, a report concerning Interprofessional Education, and Consortium Memorandums.
UND/CB1/A28   July 1991 - March 1993, January 1997 - 31 December 2002
Audit Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Audit Committee of the University of Durham and related correspondence.
1. 1991-1993.
2. 1997-1998.
3. 1997.
4i&ii. 1999-2001.
5. 2001.
6. 2001.
7i&ii. 2002 - 2005
8. 11 June 2002, meeting agenda & minutes
9. 26 February 2002, meeting agenda & minutes
UND/CB1/A29   1950
Administrative Costs (Comparison of), comprising [Questionnaire] of the registrar which was sent to other universities seeking information about their administrative costs; correspondence; and copy of a note by the registrar on administrative costs. ( The Treasurer's Committee had asked for the administrative costs of the University and its Divisions to be investigated. The registrar's note concluded that expenditure on administration was not excessive.)
UND/CB1/A32   1952 - 1965
Assistant Registrar (Special), comporising correspondence primarily regarding staff golf matches but also some miscellaneous correspondence.
1. 1952-1956.
2. 1956-1965.
UND/CB1/A33   1954, 1960
Agriculture, Chair of, comprising correspondence (1954 and 1960); particulars of the chair and conditions governing appointment (1954); and curriculum vitae of Mr M.McG. Cooper (appointed Professor of Agriculture and Rural Economy, 1954).
UND/CB1/A38   1957 - 1958
Applied Mathematics, Chair of (at Durham), comprising job advertisement, and correspondence (including that with Dr K. Stewarton, who was appointed and whose application is included).
UND/CB1/A39   February 1997 - February 1998
Academic Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/CB1/A40   October 1991 - February 1993
Diploma in Work with Adolescents Aycliffe Centre for Children, minutes, correspondence and papers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/A41   November 1991 - June 1996
Archives and Special Collections, including correspondence and reports on the move from Prior's Kitchen and service funding difficulties
Previous file number: D7B
Paper file
UND/CB1/B1   1940 - 1952, 1960 - 1961
Biblical Studies Certificate in, comprising correspondence (with and about students, etc.)
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1944.
3. 1944-1952, 1960-1961.
UND/CB1/B2   18 November 1963 - 9 September 1988
Botany, Department of, comprising correspondence and related papers (including Dr R.R.D. Croy's “A Code of Practice for Operations in the Category II Containment and Service Laboratories” (University of Durham Department of Botany, 1980), and University of Durham and University of Newcastle upon Tyne's joint Proposal to the Agricultural and Food Research Council for an Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Soil / Plant Interactions, March 1988). (Botany was subsumed with Zoology in the new Biological Sciences department in 1988.)
1. 1963-1980.
2. 1980-1988.
UND/CB1/B2a   1 April 1994 - 30 September 1996
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), comprising correspondence and copies of BBSRC publications (including BBSRC Business and Corporate Plan 1996 - 2000).
UND/CB1/B4   1944 - 1963
Bachelor of Divinity, comprising correspondence (prinicipally with and about individual students), and (for 1944 only) reports of examiners.
UND/CB1/B4a   1963 - 1995
Blood Transfusion Service
UND/CB1/B5   1963 - 1988
Buildings Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Buildings Committee of the University of Durham also of some (Extension) Project Sub-Committees (St Aidan's College, Van Mildert College, etc.), and a little related correspondence. (The Buildings Committee's responsibilities were taken over by the new Estates and Buildings Committee in late 1984.) 17 details developments in Biology and Zoology and the setting up of Biological Sciences, 1982 - 88.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967-1968.
7. 1968-1970.
8. 1970-1972.
9. 1972-1973.
10. 1973-1974.
11. 1974-1975.
12. 1975-1977.
13. 1979-1981.
14i&ii. 1981-1982.
15i&ii. 1982-1984.
16i&ii. 1984-1986.
17. 1982-1988.
UND/CB1/B5a   28 June 1988 - 6 September 1996
Biological Sciences, Department of, comprising correspondence and related papers (including copy of the department's brochure [1991]).
1. 1988-1993.
2i&ii. 1988-1992.
3. 1994-1996.
4i-iii. 1992-2000.
5. 2000-2008
UND/CB1/B5b   1944 - 1945
Botany, Readership in, comprising correspondence, and some agenda papers of the Statutory Committee for the appointment of a Reader in Botany and Head of Department of Botany in the Durham Division; includes copy of the application of Mr A.D. Peggs [? appointed].
UND/CB1/B6   1963 - 2000
Business School, comprising agendas of the Ad Hoc Committee (of the Council) on the Business School and of the Advisory Committee of the Durham University Business School; Feasibility Study and Plan; and correspondence (with the chairman of the Coal Board, etc.); includes copies of some Business School publications (course details etc.)
1. 1963-1968.
2. 1968-1971.
3. 1971-1972.
4. 1972-1976.
5. 1976-1978.
6. 1978-1980.
7. 1980-1981.
8i-ii. 1981-1983.
9i-ii. 1983-1984.
10i-ii. 1984-1986.
11i-ii. 1986-1988.
12i-ii. 1988.
13i-ii. 1988-1989.
14. 1990.
15i-ii. 1990-1991.
16i-ii. 1991-1992.
17. 1992.
18. 1992-1993.
19i-ii. 1993-1994.
20i-ii. 1994-1995.
21i-ii. 1995-1997.
22i-ii. 1997-1998.
23i-ii. 1998.
24. 1998-1999.
25. 1999-2000.
25a. 1987-1990.
26. 2000-2002
27. 2002-2004
28. 2004-2008
29. 1999-2007
UND/CB1/B6a   4 December 1984 - 1999
Board of Governors for the Business School, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence.
1. 1984-1990.
2. 1990-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1995.
4i&ii. 1995-1996.
5i&ii. 1996-1998.
6i-ii. 1998-1999.
7. 1999.
UND/CB1/B6b   1945 - 1962
Bequests and Donations, comprising correspondence (especially with solicitors and banks, and including extracts from wills).
UND/CB1/B6c   1950 - 1963
Dr. Henry Buxton - Bequests, comprising correspondence. (The University of Durham and the United Liverpool Hospitals were the residuary legatees of Dr Buxton; Dr Buxton left an annuity to his housekeeper, who was evidently still alive in 1958.)
UND/CB1/B7   29 November 1982 - 3 June 2004
Botanic Gardens, comprising correspondence and papers (including those relating to the opening of the visitor centre by the chancellor on 1 July 1988), also agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee on Gardens and Grounds and the Friends of the Garden.
1. November 1982 - January 1991.
2. February 1991 - June 2004.
UND/CB1/B9   1963 - 1999
Bequests and Donations.
UND/CB1/B10   29 May 1970 - 24 May 1971
British Association Meeting in Durham in 1970, comprising correspondence and papers (including catalogue of British Association Members' Art Exhibition at the Durham Arts Centre, and typescript text of the orations delivered by the Public Orator at a Special Congregation held in the Great Hall of Durham Castle on 5 September 1970), also agenda papers of the British Association Local Executive Committee (meetings held at Durham).
1. 1970.
2. 1970-1971.
UND/CB1/B11   1984 - 1992
[University of Brunei] , comprising correspondence communicating university departments' comments on proposed academic links with the University of Brunei and copies of a document “University of Durham : Visit to Brunei 25th - 28th February 1985”.
1. 1985.
2. 1984-1992.
UND/CB1/B11a   1963 - 1976
Bede College, comprising agendas of the Governing Body [to 1972] and of the Bede College Committee (from 1972 onwards), copied minutes of its various committees, and correspondence.
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1968.
3. 1968-1970.
4. 1970-1972.
5. 1972-1973.
6. 1973-1974.
7. 1974-1976.
UND/CB1/B11b   1972 - 1981
Bede/ St Hild's Governing Body of, comprising agendas of the Governing Body of the College of St Hild and St Bede, copied minutes of its various committees, and correspondence, and also “Proposed Future Use of College Buildings in event of Merger with University”, a March 1978 report by the Buildings Office, University of Durham.
1: 1972.
2. 1972-1973.
3. 1973-1974.
4. 1974-1975.
5. 1975-1976.
6. 1976-1977.
7. 1977.
8. 1977-1978.
8a. 1978.
9. 1978-1979.
10. 1979.
11. 1979-1981.
12. 1981.
UND/CB1/B12   14 February - 22 July 1964, 4 February - 8 June 1970
Burnham Committee, comprising correspondence (principally with Sir William Alexander, honorary secretary of the Burnham Committee) mainly about the BMus degree.
UND/CB1/B12a   1985 - 1986
British and Foreign School Society.
UND/CB1/B13   12 May 1976 - 20 October 1977
Billingham Forum, comprising a very little correspondence (mainly about meetings of the Board of Management of Billingham Forum).
UND/CB1/B13a   1950 - 1951
The Beggar's Opera - for the Chancellor's Installation, comprising correspondence, accounts, and copy of the programme. (The performance was put on in the Assembly Rooms, Durham by members of the University in 1950).
UND/CB1/B13b   1996 - 1997
Binding, correspondence on the binding of university publications.
UND/CB1/C1   3 July 1980 - 2002
Council, comprising correspondence and papers (not agenda papers), the papers including [in the early 1980s] copies of the terms and conditions of appointment of named individuals. Some later files include envelopes of agenda papers. There are also some additional envelopes of loose papers including those relating to the induction of Council members 2001 - 02 and the review of the effectiveness of the Council, 2000.
1. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1982.
3i&ii. 1982
4i&ii. 1982-1983.
5i&ii. 1983-1984.
6i&ii. 1984-1985.
7i&ii. 1985-1986.
8i&ii. 1986-1987
9i&ii. 1987-1988.
10. 1988.
11i&ii. 1988-1990.
12i&ii. 1990-1993.
13. 1993-1995.
13a. 1994.
14i&ii. 1995-1996.
14a. 1995-1997.
15i&ii. 1996-1997.
16i&ii. 1997.
17i&ii. 1997.
18i&ii. 1998
19. 1998-1999.
20. 1999.
21i&ii. 1999-2000.
22. 2000.
22a. 2001.
23i-ii. 2002-2001.
23a. 2001-2002.
73. 2001.
74. 2001-2002.
75. 2002-2003.
76. 2003-2004.
77i&ii. 2004- + loose paper
UND/CB1/C1(i)   1996 - 2006

1 paper file
UND/CB1/C2   1939 - 1978
Calendar (of the University of Durham), comprising correspondence relating to amendments to be made, and relating to the printing and supply of copies. (Sample files only retained.)
1. 1949-1940.
2. 1950.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1976-1978.
UND/CB1/C3   18 November 1963 - 2007
Classics, Department of, comprising correspondence, and papers (including papers for a January 1965 committee on the staffing position in the department and a report for 1966 - 67 of the department of Classics and Ancient History and a brochure of the department of Classics and Ancient History, 1998). One of the files includes a sealed envelope of papers entitled 'Abortive Review of Classics 1997'. The files include little dating from the 1970s.
1i&ii. 1963-1989.
2. 1989-1998.
3. 1998-2007
Transferred to UND/CF3/D1964-1968, 31 October 2011.
UND/CB1/C5   1955 - 1985
Certificates and Parchments, comprising correspondence of the registrar with former students, employers, etc, including copies of typescript certificates supplied to employers etc. that named persons passed specified examinations etc. Sample files only retained.
1. 1955.
2. 1975.
3. 1984-1985.
UND/CB1/C5a   1950 - 1967
Certificates and Parchments, Writing of, comprising correspondence (mainly copies of letters to Mr T. Spence, Whitley Bay, requesting him to prepare parchments including honorary degree parchments). Sample file only retianed.
UND/CB1/C6   October 1939 - December 2010
Chancellor, being correspondence with the chancellor, and including several photographs. 4 concerns the 11th earl of Scarbrough (d. 1969) and his successor as chancellor, the Rt Hon Malcolm MacDonald (chancellor, 1970-1981), and related papers (including [Durham Cathedral service sheet for a memorial service] for Lord Scarbrough, 14 October 1969, and the University of Durham press notice about the appointment of Mr MacDonald as chancellor and about his visits to the University). 5 concerns correspondence with Mr Malcolm MacDonald, later with Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias [chancellor 1981 onwards], and with others (including with Mr MacDonald's sister, Mrs Sheila Lockhead, about her late brother's papers and their deposit with the university), and related papers (including agenda papers of the Joint Committee of Senate and Council to consider the nomination of a new chancellor, 1981, the service sheet for the service of thanksgiving for the life and work of the Rt Hon Malcolm MacDonald, PC, OM, 1901-1981, at Westminster Abbey on 3 March 1981, and programmes for successive visits of the chancellor to the university). 6 is mostly the suggestions for possible chancellors in 1991 and 7 the process of choosing that chancellor with minutes of the committee.
1. 1939-1947.
2. 1949-1960.
3. 1960-1963.
4. 18 November 1963 - 19 January 1980.
5. 5 April 1980 - June 1988.
6. March - April 1991.
7. February 1991 - January 1992.
8. 1 February 1991 - 2 December 1999.
9. 3 December 1999 - 8 December 2010
UND/CB1/C6a   July 1949 - November 1963
Chancellorship(s), Committee on, including on the nomination of chancellor 1958, comprising copy of agenda and minutes, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/C6b   1958 - 1964
File of correspondence on arrangements for the chancellor's visit to the University in October 1964; also press cuttings reporting on the installation of the earl of Scarbrough as chancellor [1958].
UND/CB1/C6c   January 1950 - January 1993
Chancellor, Installation of, Arrangements for Ceremony; includes copies of proceedings and: (4) programme of the installation of Mr Malcolm MacDonald as chancellor on 12 December 1970, and sample invitation cards; (5) programme of the installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias as chancellor, 30 June 1982, luncheon menu card, and text of the orations delivered by the public orator in presenting the honorary graduands on 30 June, and typescript of the sermon delivered by Archbishop Robert Runcie; (6) agenda papers of the working party on arrangements for the installation of the chancellor [Sir Peter Ustinov], typescript of the texts of the chancellor's address in Durham Cathedral on 7 May 1992 and of the speech of the vice-chancellor and warden at the installation and of the texts of the orations of the public orator in presenting the honorary graduands, sample invitation cards, and programme, also press cuttings from the local and national press, and letters of thanks with the score of Derek Downes's fanfare in 1992.
1. 1950-1951.
2. 1958.
3. 1958-1959.
4. 10 July 1970 - 17 August 1971.
5i-ii. 14 May 1981 - 30 November 1982.
6. 17 January - 4 June 1992.
6a. 1992.
7. January 1992 - January 1993.
7a. February - April 1992.
UND/CB1/C6d   1958
Chancellor, Installation of : Honorary Degrees conferred at, comprising correspondence with the honorary graduands and texts of the orations delivered by the public orator.
UND/CB1/C6e   February - April 2005
Chancellor, Installation of: Teesside, order of ceremony, invitation, information for the ceremony, correspondence, with a DVD “Celebrating 75 Years of Higher Education” . Check.
UND/CB1/C7   June 1937 - 2003
Codrington College [Barbados, British West Indies], comprising correspondence with the college's principal, much of it routine in nature.
1. 1937-1948.
2. 1948-1951.
3. 1951-1955.
4. 1955-1963.
5. 1963-2003.
UND/CB1/C8   1963 - 2000
Chemistry, Department of, comprising correspondence (including that relating to the filling of posts and research grants) and related papers and publications (including publications of the Royal Society of Chemistry, brochure “Research Opportunities in Chemistry” [?1990], papers about the opening of the Durham Laboratories of the IRC in Polymer Science and Technology on 30 September 1991, the University of Durham Internal Audit Report on the Chemistry Department, 1996, the University of Durham Department of Chemistry Research Opportunities for Graduates [1994], and BSc Courses in Chemistry : Information for Prospective Students [1993] ). (2a and 4a originally from the Science site.
1. 1963-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1988.
2a. February 1982 - March 1989.
3. 1988-1991.
4i&ii. 1991-1996.
4a. September 1994 - September 1995.
5i&ii. 1996-1997.
6. 1997-2000
UND/CB1/C8a   1960 - 1963
Chemistry (2nd Chair of) at Durham' , comprising correspondence with the appointee (Dr Musgrave) and copy of his curriculum vitae.
UND/CB1/C8b   September 1970 - March 1974, December 1992 - March 1993
Chemistry Board of Studies [File] From Science Site, comprising agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Chemistry, and related correspondence.
UND/CB1/C9   1 July 1983 - 30 June 1986
Commercial and Public Affairs, Office of, comprising correspondence with the University of Durham's Office of Commercial and Public Affairs; agenda papers of the Committee for the Management of the Office of Commercial and Public Affairs; and related papers and publications (including the North of England Development Council's Biotechnology in the North of England [?1984] and Durham Mountjoy Research Centre brochure [1985]).
1. 1983-1984.
2. 1984-1986.
UND/CB1/C9a   1987 - 2000
Childcare Facilities, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Nursery Management Committee; University of Durham Internal Audit Report on the University Nursery, 1993; and related papers.
1. 1987-1990.
2i-ii. 1990-1995.
3. 1995-1997.
4. 1996-2000
UND/CB1/C9b   1938 - 1955
Commerce, Faculty of, correspondence, minutes and agendas of the faculty board.
UND/CB1/C10   1982, 16 May 1985 - 2012
Congregation, comprising correspondence; sample cards and tickets; Durham Cathedral service sheets for Congregation Day; procession lists; instructions; and text of speeches [of the vice-chancellor].
1a. 1982
1i&ii. 1985-1987.
2i&ii. 1987-1988.
3i&ii. 1988-1990.
3a. 1989-1999.
4. 1990-1991.
5i&ii, 5a. 1991.
6i&ii, 6a. 1993.
7i&ii. 1993-1994.
8i&ii. 1994-1996.
9. 1996.
10i&ii, 10a. 1996-1998.
11i&ii. 1998.
12. 1998-2001.
12a. 1998-2001.
12b. 1998-1999.
12c. 2000.
13,13a-f. 2001-2003.
14. 1998
42. 2003-2012
UND/CB1/C10a   1944 - 1973
Congregation Arrangements, including tickets and notices.
1. 1944-1951.
2. 1952-1961.
3. 1963-1973.
UND/CB1/C10b   1981 - 1984
Congregation Photographers, correspondence re the appointment of a photographer, with sample photographs of Durham graduates, from J.B. Carlin of Ushaw Moor and Shiv Parshad of Hartlepool.
UND/CB1/C11   2 July 1981
Computing, Department of, comprising just a carbon copy of a letter to the registrar of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne regarding UMRCC allocations [of computing time ] 1981 - 82.
UND/CB1/C11a   20 September 1984 - 1993
Colleges Committee, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Colleges Committee later the Colleges Consultative Committee; and related papers.
1i-ii. 1984-1988.
2. 1988-1993.
UND/CB1/C11b   March 1939 - 2010
Convocation, comprising copies of agenda papers, also correspondence and copies of the vice-chancellor's addresses to Convocation; includes copies of agenda papers of the Joint Standing Committee of Convocations, this committee being representative of the Convocations of the universities of Birmingham, Durham, Liverpool, etc.
1. 1939-1951.
2. 1951-1960.
3. 1960-1963.
4. 1989-2010.
UND/CB1/C11c   March - May 1952
Correspondence with members of Convocation re change in name of University, comprising correspondence and press cuttings on proposed change in name from “The University of Durham” to “the University of Durham and Newcastle”.
UND/CB1/C12   1963 - 1990
Clermont University, correspondence with and about the University of Clermont, some being in French, and a “Cultural agreement between the University of Durham and the University of Clermont-Ferrand II in the field of Arts and Humanities” .
UND/CB1/C13   7 March 1973 - 2005
Car Park, comprising correspondence; lists of car licences issued (names and car registration numbers recorded); a very few agenda papers of the Car Parking Committee; and a very few University circulars.
1. 1973-1975.
2. 1975-1999.
3. 2000-2005
UND/CB1/C13a   1975 - 1984
Cars - Registered by Students, lists and correspondence.
UND/CB1/C13b   1952
The Future Development of the University of Durham, report of a committee appointed by the Court of the University, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/C15   18 November 1963 - 2008
College Chaplains, comprising correspondence (including that with the bishop of Durham and with the heads of houses); some agenda papers of the Consultative Committee on University Chaplaincies; and notes of discussions.
1. 1963-1980
2. 1980-2008
UND/CB1/C15a   November 1938 - December 1955
Calendar Committee, comprising correspondence, also copies of minutes and agendas of the committee.
UND/CB1/C16   March 1939 - June 1952
Chairman's Committee [of the Court], comprising correspondence re meetings, especially their arranging; does not include copies of minutes.
UND/CB1/C17   1939
College Buildings, comprising correspondence and memoranda.
UND/CB1/C18   1 June 1985 - 3 February 1999
Centre for Overseas Research and Development, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Centre for Overseas Research and Development; and some publications (including the Centre for Overseas Research and Development : a brochure for an exhibition prepared for a visit by Princess Anne on 3 June 1988).
1. 1985-1991.
2. 1991-1999.
3. 1999-2003
UND/CB1/C18a   January 1940 - January 1945
Correspondence with the Dep[uty] Chief Censor, Liverpool, etc. re the despatch of publications etc. abroad etc.
UND/CB1/C19   21 June 1962 - 2004
Centre for the Middle Eastern Islamic Studies, Committee for, comprising correspondence; [incomplete] agenda papers of the Standing Committee for the Centre of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; and publications (of the Centre, etc.)
1. 1962-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3. 1969-1971.
4. 1971-1972.
5. 1972-1976.
6. 1976-1978.
7i&ii. 1978-1983.
8i&ii. 1983-1988.
9. 1988-1992
10i&ii. 1992-1994.
11. 1994-1999.
12. 1999-2003
13. 2003-2004
UND/CB1/C19a   15 February 1975 - May 1987
Finance Sub-Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Finance Sub-Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Standing Committee for the Centre of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; and correspondence.
1. 1975-1979.
2. 1979-1985.
3. 1985-1988.
UND/CB1/C19b   17 October 1968 - 5 December 1986
Publications Sub-Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Publications Sub-Committee of the Standing Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; and correspondence.
1. 1968-1980.
2. 1980-1988.
UND/CB1/C19c   2001 - 2002
College Review 2002 + background papers, comprising correspondence and papers (including the final report The Future Organisation of the University : College Review Group).
i-iii. 2002
iv. 6 December 2001 - 17 May 2002
UND/CB1/C19(i)   1998 - 2000
Contemporary Chinese Studies, Centre for
1. 1998-2000
1 Paper File
UND/CB1/C20   18 November 1963 - 11 May 1999
Copyright, comprising correspondence principally about granting consent to the use of texts published by the University (in the Durham University Journal, Durham University Gazette, etc.)
1. 1963-1989.
2i-ii. 1989-1999.
UND/CB1/C20a   1949 - 1962
Crests, Individual, comprising correspondence, including that with the College of Arms.
UND/CB1/C21   1963 - 14 September 1993
Computer, University later Computer Unit later Computer Service, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Computer Unit, later Computer Unit Committee, later Computer Service Committee ; and related papers (including some Computer Unit Area Reports and publications of CTI [Computers in Teaching Initiative], etc.)
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967.
5. 1967-1968.
6. 1968-1969.
7. 1969.
8. 1969-1970.
9. 1970-1971.
10. 1971-1973.
11. 1973-1975.
12i&ii. 1975-1978.
13. 1978-1980.
14i&ii. 1980-1983.
15i&ii. 1983-1984.
15a. 3/4 May 1984 Computer Board visit.
16i&ii. 1984-1987.
17i&ii. 1987-1988.
18i&ii. 1988-1990.
19. 1990-1991.
20. 1991.
21i&ii. 1991-1992.
22. 1992-1993.
23. 1994-2006
Continued by UND/CB1/I8.
UND/CB1/C21a   1981 - 1986
Word-processing Working Party, agendas and papers.
1. 1981-1982.
2. 1982-1983.
3. 1983-1986.
UND/CB1/C21b   November - December 1945
Classical Association, correspondence.
UND/CB1/C22   8 March 1963 - 23 November 1982
Ceremonies Committee, University, comprising agenda papers of the Ceremonies Committee and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/C22a   1 September 1985 - 2000
Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees, comprising correspondence (including proposals of persons for honorary degrees); agenda papers of the Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees Committee; text of the Public Orator's orations; University Press Releases; unsuccessful nominations; and correspondence with honorary graduands / graduates.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1988.
3i&ii. 1989-1990.
4i&ii, 4a. 1990.
5i&ii. 1991-1993.
6a&b. 1993-1994.
7i&ii, a-c. 1994-1995.
8i&ii, a-d. 1994-1996.
9i&ii. 1996-1998.
10. 1998-1999.
10a. 1998.
10b. 1999.
10c. 1998-1999.
10d. 1999.
10e. 1999-2000.
11. September 1999 - July 2000.
12. April 2003 - March 2006.
UND/CB1/C22b   March 1948 - 1963
Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham's Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee, and correspondence with the Advisory Committee on Colonial Colleges of Arts, Science and Technology (whose secretary was based at the Colonial Office, London), including: Fourah Bay College (Sessional Paper No.1 of 1949), latter Advisory Committee's report on Fourah Bay College [1951]; draft charter and statutes for Fourah Bay 1959; report of Sierra Leone Education Committee 1954; plans of Fourah Bay May 1952; governor's report on Fourah Bay 1948; bill for Fourah Bay 1949; report of the Commission on Higher Education in West Africa 1945.
1. 1948-1953.
2. 1954-1963.
UND/CB1/C23   23 March 1971 - 14 March 2008
Collingwood College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body; correspondence; and related papers.
1. 1971-1975.
2. 1975-1979.
3i&ii. 1979-1987.
4i&ii. 1987-1989.
5i&ii. 1989-1993.
6i&ii. 1993-1996.
7i&ii. 1996-1999.
8. November 1999 - November 2002.
9. December 2002 - November 2005.
10. January 2006 - March 2008.
UND/CB1/C24   1985 - 2003
Centre for Seventeenth Century Studies, correspondence, publicity material for the Centre, programme for the 10th international conference (held at Durham University 14-17 July 2003).
UND/CB1/C25   19 September 1988 - 5 January 1990
Chinese Department, comprising a very little correspondence (principally about the development of Chinese studies at Durham).
UND/CB1/C25a   1989 - 1990
Conference Policy Working Party, established by Policy COmmittee minute 57 of 21 April 1989, a sleeping committee from 20 December 1989.
UND/CB1/C25b   November 1990 - August 1999
Conference Trade and related matters, correspondence including the Commercial Office marketing plan 1994/5.
Paper file
UND/CB1/C26   1973 - October 2007
Careers and Advisory Board later Careers Advisory Service, comprising agenda papers of the Durham University Careers Advisory Board later the Careers Advisory Service Board meetings; correspondence; and papers (including some annual reports of the Durham University Careers Advisory Service, publications of the Higher Education Careers Services Unit, The Careers Advisory Service Guide (University of Durham, 1997), and DUCAS's Information for Employers).
1. 1973-1975.
2i&ii. 1975-1979.
3. 1979-1981.
4i&ii. 1981-1983.
5i&ii. 1983-1986.
6i&ii. 1986-1989.
7i&ii. 1989-1991.
8i&ii. 1991-1993.
9i&ii. 1993-1995.
10i&ii. 1995-1998.
11. October 1998 - March 2001.
12. March 2001 - October 2007.
UND/CB1/C27   1974 - 1989
Change of Address, correspondence.
UND/CB1/C28   14 October 1985 - 23 August 1989
Computer Science Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/C28a   1989 - 2001
CFSTA/CFFSTA, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Council Fund for Students Travelling Abroad ; copies of completed application forms; and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1989-1992.
1a. 1990.
1b. 1990-2001.
1c. 1991.
1d. 1991.
2, 2a. 1993.
3, 3a. 1994.
4, 4a. 1995.
UND/CB1/C28b   October 1953 - April 1954
Chair of Chemical Engineering [at Newcastle], comprising particulars of the chair, correspondence, and application of Dr J.M. Coulson [ the successful applicant]
UND/CB1/C29   June 1986 - 30 July 1998
Continuing Education Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Continuing Education, and a little related correspondence, on the merger with Education (2), the merger's cancellation (3), the development of part-time undergraduate degrees (4), the review of Continuing Education (5), and the review and withdrawal of part-time degrees (6).
1. 1986-1990.
2. 1995-1996.
3. 1996.
4. 1997.
5. 1997-1998.
6. 1999-2002.
UND/CB1/C29a   28 October 1994 - 7 February 2006
City Liaison, comprising correspondence (including that with the MP for Durham, the town clerk and chief executive of Durham City Council, and individual city councillors) about all aspects of the interation between the university, its students and the local community.
1a&b. 28 October 1994 - 25 January 1996.
2. 26 January 1996 - 7 February 2006.
UND/CB1/C31   14 April 1986 - 7 April 1988
Conference of University Administrators, comprising CUA conference publications and correspondence [of the University of Durham CUA branch correspondent].
UND/CB1/C31a   March 1995 - February 1998
Mr Stewart's Correspondence CNRS (Centre National de la Reserche Scientifique), comprising correspondence (regarding CNRS staff visiting Durham under the CNRS - Durham Fellowship Scheme and the establishment of the agreement with CNRS).
1. 1995-1998.
2. 1998.
UND/CB1/C32   2 October 1986 - 28 February 2001
CRE Conference - Durham 1989 and CRE Papers, comprising correspondence and copies of CRE and other publications including circulars. 5 of the files relate to the IX General Assembly of the Standing Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities, held at Durham, 11 - 15 September 1989.
1i&ii, 1a. 1986-1988.
2i&ii, 2a. 1988-1989.
3i&ii, 3a-d. 1989.
4i&ii. 1989-1994.
5i&ii, 5a. 1994- October 1997.
6I&ii. 1 November 1997-28 February 2001.
UND/CB1/C33   10 February 1987 - 19 February 2002
Colleges Board, comprising agenda papers of the Colleges Board, including annual reports and accounts from colleges, and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1987-1988.
2. 1988-1990.
3i&ii. 1990-1993.
4i&ii. 1993-1996.
5i&ii. 1996-2000.
6. 2000-2002.
UND/CB1/C33a   January 1990 - 2006
Colleges Board - Planning Committee, comprising agenda papers [only] of the Colleges Board Planning Committee.
1. 1990-1997.
2. 1997-2006.
UND/CB1/C33b   October - November 1999
College Annual Plans and Meetings with SMG, annual reports of the colleges and the Graduate Society, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/C33c   1993 - 1994
Working Party on Alcohol Abuse amongst Students, comprising completed questionnaires, correspondence and papers.
UND/CB1/C34   July - November 1987
Centre for the Exploitation of Science and Technology (CEST), correspondence and a bid to host such a new centre.
UND/CB1/C35   1 November 1988 - 9 February 1998
Career Development and Training of University Staff, comprising correspondence; copies of issues of Durham University Staff Training and Development Newsletter ( The Dustsheet); and other publications.
1. 1988-1991.
2. 1991-1998.
UND/CB1/C36   20 April 1979 - 16 December 1996
Credit Transfer / Access including Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA), comprising correspondence with CNAA, and copies of publications (of CNAA, CVCP, etc.), and related papers.
1. 1979-1991.
2. 1991-1996.
UND/CB1/C37   30 July 1987 - 2 April 1993
Computerisation of Administrative Systems - Student Records, comprising correspondence, also (loose) copy of University of Durham : Main Student Records Training September 1990 (about the course being run about the new system).
UND/CB1/C38    1998 - 2000
Working Group on College Residence and Catering Operations (CRACO) minutes, agendas and correspondence, including Conference and Tourism Draft Marketing Plan 2000/2001.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/C39   20 May 2003 - 30 March 2006
Complaints, dealt with by the registrar.
Paper file
UND/CB1/C40   1994 - 2008
Proposed Centre for Counselling 1994, CESCO, and Accreditation of Counselling Qualifications, comprising correspondence about proposed Centre for Studies in Counselling (CESCO) and regarding the Accreditation of Counselling Qualifications, with some leaflets, annual reports and notices of conferences.
1. 1994.
2. 1996-1997.
2a. 1996-1998.
3. 1999-2008.
UND/CB1/C41   4 April 1990 - 7 March 2001
Crofton Hall Field Study Centre, comprising correspondence (including that with the secretary and the chairman of the Crofton Trust), notes on meetings with representatives of the Crofton Trust and about the Crofton Trust, and its eventual transfer to Voluntary Action Cumbria, with related papers, leaflets for the centre, annnual financial statements for Crofton Trust for 1997-1999, and lots of correspondence of Eric Cresswell including some copies of 1960s-1970s, leaflets for Rydal Hall, and the annual report of Cumbria Association of Clubs for Young People 2000-2001..
1. 1990-1995.
2. 1995-1997.
3. 1997-1998.
4i&ii. January 1999 - March 2001.
5. March 2001 - May 2002.
6. June 2002 - January 2003.
UND/CB1/C42   2 November 2004 - 1 October 2007
Committee of University Chairmen, some correspondence and publications, including: Handbook for members of Audit Committees in Higher Education Institutions (February 2008/06), CUC Newsletter Issue 21 April 2007, Committee of University Chairmen: Interim Report of the Working Party on the Review of Institutional Performance (May 2002)
Paper file
UND/CB1/D1   1963 - 3 October 2000
Dunelm House, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Dunelm House Committee, with MORI publications: Attitudes of University Finalists Participants' Report (March 1993 and March 1994).
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1968.
3. 1968-1969.
4i&ii. 1969-1972.
5. 1972-1975.
6. 1975-1979.
7. 1979-1990.
8. 1990-2000.
UND/CB1/D1a   1965 - February 1992
Dunelm House Staff Club, comprising agenda papers of the AGM of the University of Durham Staff Club later the Staff Common Room, in Elvet Riverside (closed 1992), and related correspondence, membership lists, notices and papers.
1. 1965-1966.
2. 1966-1992.
UND/CB1/D1b   1976 - 2005
Dunelm House catering
1. 1976 Ad Hoc Committee draft report on catering
2. 2002 DSU tender for the provision of café services, with annexes, accounts and correspondence
3. 2005 Contract and tender for DSU café services
2 paper files and 1 book
UND/CB1/D1c   1937 - 1949
Dining Club (University), especially dinners of the Faculties Club, mostly correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/D2   23 May 1979 - 3 July 1987
Data Processing, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Administrative Data Processing Steering Group, and a very little related correspondence and papers.
UND/CB1/D2a   1997 - 1998
Dearing Papers and the Dearing Committee, reactions and responses to the Dearing Report and the CVCP's report on the action it will take in response.
UND/CB1/D3   18 November 1963 - March 1965
Durham School Examinations Board, comprising some agenda papers of the University of Durham School Examination Board, and a little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/D3a   December 1936 - July 1963
Durham Office, comprising correspondence (including that with staff re appointments), particulars of posts, applications for posts, copies of notices and circulars, and equipment catalogues.
1. 1936-1939.
2. 1940-1942.
3. 1942-1947.
4. 1947-1954.
5. 1954-1958.
6. 1958-1961.
7. 1961-1963.
UND/CB1/D3b   1979 - 1981
The Durham Address from Industry, correspondence, invitations and guest lists, with a copy of Sir Derek Ezra's address “Coal and Energy Policy” .
UND/CB1/D4   1963 - February 2006
Development Programme Committee, later (from the file for November 1984 - October 1989 onwards) Development, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Development Programme Committee, later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Development Planning Group, later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Development Programme Advisory Board, still later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Development Council, then from 1998 just correspondence and reports on fund-raising; and related correspondence and papers.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967-1968.
7. 1968-1969.
8. 1969.
9i&ii. 1969-1970
10. 1970-1973.
11. 1973-1975.
12. 1975-1978.
13. 1978-1980.
14i&ii. 1980-1984.
15. 1984-1989.
16. 1989-1991.
17i&ii. 1991-1993.
18i&ii. 1993-1994.
19i&ii. 1994-1995.
20i&ii. 1995-1996.
21i&ii. 1996-1998.
22. 1998-2006. Closed to 2037.
UND/CB1/D4a   5 November 1981 - 19 December 1983
Development Programme Committee and Quinquennial (sic), Joint Committee of', comprising a few agenda papers of and correspondence about the Development Programme Committee and the Quinquennial Committee [joint meeting of the Development Programme Committee and the Quinquennial Committee, discussing appeal projects].
UND/CB1/D4b   1990 - 1996
Development Office (formerly Fundraising Office) including development of Durham University Business School.
1. 1990-1991.
2. June 1993 - October 1996.
UND/CB1/D4c   January 1939 - 1963
School Examinations Board (Durham), comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham School Examinations Board, and correspondence.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1947.
3. 1947-1951.
4. 1951-1953.
5. 1953-1955.
6. 1955-1957.
7. 1957-1958.
8. 1958-1960.
9. 1960.
10. 1960-1961.
11. 1961-1963.
UND/CB1/D5   1 January 1998 - 23 July 2003
Departmental Plans, comprising minutes of meetings, correspondence, and [draft] academic departmental annual plans and objectives.
1. 1 January 1998 - 15 March 2000.
2. 16 March 2000 - February 2001.
3. 1 March 2001 - 23 July 2003.
UND/CB1/D6   18 November 1963 - 17 February 1970
DePauw Exchange, comprising correspondence regarding the exchange scheme between the University of Durham, DePauw and Indiana Universities, also a copy of the Inauguration Issue of De Pauw Alumnus, December 1963.
UND/CB1/D6a   1987 - 1998
Duisburg University, correspondence, some in German, publicity material for Duisburg and copies of the Duisberger Report and Universitäts Report.
UND/CB1/D7   1939 - 2006
Discipline Committee, comprising correspondence re individual student cases, mainly over plagiarism or drunken behaviour, and a very few copies of agenda papers and minutes of the Discipline Committee, including some student exam scripts, with a later file of Discipline Committee reports and supporting correspondence.
1. 1939, 1946-1963.
2. 1970-1980.
3. Register of discipline cases 1993-2006.
4. 23 January 1979 - 1 July 1987.
5. 2 July 1987 - 12 June 1995.
6. 13 June 1995 - 7 October 1996.
7. 8 October 1996 - 8 July 1998.
8. 9 July 1998 - 15 March 2001.
9. 16 March 2001 - 4 August 2003.
UND/CB1/D8   1939 - 1959
Doctor of Science, comprising correspondence re regulations, including rights to wear gowns.
UND/CB1/D9   18 November 1963 - 30 April 2008
Dean and Chapter, comprising correspondence (especially that of the vice-chancellor with the dean of Durham); copies of Durham Cathedral Calendar [of services]; a few service sheets; and related papers.
1. 1963-1988.
2. 1988-1996.
3. 1997-2008.
UND/CB1/D9a   September 1939 - 1963
Durham University Sudents' Representative Council and Athletic Union, comprising correspondence and a few agenda papers of the DUSRC; it appears that the files do not include Athletic Union papers.
1. 1939-1951.
2. 1951-1963.
UND/CB1/D10   13 September 1980 - 1 December 1984
Durham University Academic Information Service (DAIS), comprising correspondence with DAIS, and copies of some DAIS publications and copies of discussion papers of DAIS.
UND/CB1/D10a   July 1993 - June 1994
Durham and Newcastle Collaboration on Computing (DANCOC), correspondence and minutes.
UND/CB1/D11   1963 - 7 February 1997
DSc Degree, comprising correspondence (with candidates, enquirers, etc.) about the degree.
1. 1963-1997.
2. 1986-1991.
UND/CB1/D11a   December 1937 - July 1945
DD Examiner's Report on Candidates, comprising correspondence, and reports of examiners.
UND/CB1/D12   14 February 1966
Diploma in Education, comprising just a letter from Professor E. Eaglesham, professor of Education, about the change in title of the present Diploma in Education to the post-graduate Certificate in Education.
UND/CB1/D12a   1931 - 1963
DLitt Examiner's Report on Candidates, comprising correspondence, and reports on candidates' theses.
UND/CB1/D12b   1948 - 1961
DLitt, comprising correspondence, and memoranda on the degree.
UND/CB1/D12c   January 1989 - January 2004
Data Protection, correspondence about hte university's compliance with the 1984 and 1998 Acts, and a code of conduct, and Academic Office documentation of 2000/2001.
Paper file
UND/CB1/D13   September 1991 - 14 May 2002
Deaf Studies Research Unit, comprising reports on the future of the University of Durham Deaf Studies Research Unit (within the Department of Sociology and Social Policy); copy of brochure produced for the conference hosted by the unit (on 'Issues in Interpreting', 17 - 20 April 1994); reports on funding of the unit; and some correspondence and related papers and publications.
1. September 1991 - 22 April 1997.
2. 23 April 1997 - 14 May 2002.
UND/CB1/D13a   1933 - 1957
DCL Examiner's Report on Candidates, comprising correspondence, and reports of examiners.
UND/CB1/D15   18 November 1963 - 16 September 2008
Durham City and County Councils, comprising correspondence with both Durham City Council and (to a lesser extent) Durham County Council, and related papers and some publications (about the Review of Local Government, Durham Task Force, etc.) including the City of Durham Local Plan 1998 consultation draft, and meetings and papers for the County Durham Economic Forum and the County Durham Lifelong Partnership, with copies of the County Durham Economic Strategy 2002-2007, North West Durham Programme for Action 2001-2006 and Strategic Vision for County Durham [2004]
1i&ii. 1963-1986.
2. 1986-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1993.
4i&ii. 1993.
5i&ii. 1993-1996.
6. 1996-1999.
7. 7 October 1999 - 31 December 2001.
8. 1 January 2002 - 2 May 2003.
9. 3 May 2003 - 16 September 2008.
10. February - June 2005 Durham City Vision.
UND/CB1/D15a   1987 - 1992
Durham City and County Council Joint Working Party, correspondence and agendas for the University Liaison Meetings netween Durham City Council and the university and arrangements for the working party.
UND/CB1/D18   November - December 1951
Degrees by Diploma, comprising correspondence, principally re an Hon. Doctorate of Civil Law for HRH the Duke of Edinburgh.
UND/CB1/D21   November 1955 - June 1958
Chair of Dental Surgery, comprising correspondence, also the University of Durham's memorandum for the McNair Committee on the reasons for the lack of candidates for training as dentists.
UND/CB1/D22   January 1956 - November 1958
Chair of Dermatology, comprising correspondence re the establishment and filling of the chair.
UND/CB1/D23   1956 - 1960
General Dental Council, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/D24   January 1949
Committee of deans of the faculties of Science, Applied Science and Agriculture, agenda papers
Paper file
UND/CB1/D25   March 1991 - October 1995
Durham 2000 paper of vice-chancellor October 1991, and the subsequent working party on the colleges established by Policy and Resources Committee on 30 September 1994 to review how best to sustain and support the college system into the next centruy, minutes and papers, including a Review of the Colleges and Societies of the University of Durham report 24 August 1995 by Commonwealth Higher Education Management Service.
1. March - October 1991, responses to the initial call for views and then responses to the Durham 2000 paper.
2. October 1991 - February 1992, Durham 2000 paper and correspondence
3. December 1994 - March 1995, working party on the colleges papers.
4. May - October 1995, working party on the colleges papers.
5. May - July 1995, sub-committee of the working party papers.
5 paper files
UND/CB1/E1   1951 - 1954
Education Committee ; Faculty of Education, comprising correspondence with staff, students, etc. (1 file kept as sample.)
UND/CB1/E1a   1963 - 20 December 2006
English Department, comprising correspondence with and about students and staff, and a few agenda papers (including those of the University of Durham Policy Committee visit to the School of English, June 1989).
1. 1963-1973.
2. 1973-1979.
3i&ii. 1979-1989.
4. 3 November 1989 - 12 October 2000.
5. 13 October 2000 - 20 December 2006.
UND/CB1/E2 & E3a   14 February 1973 - 2 October 2009
Education Department/School, comprising agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Education, correspondence, papers (including those concerning Ofsted, including the latter's inspection reports) and publications.
E2/1. 1973-1976.
E2/2. 1976-1979.
E2/3. 1979-1981.
E3a/1i&ii. 1981-1983.
E3a/2i&ii. 1983-1985.
E3a/3i&ii. 1985-1987.
E3a/4i&ii. 1987-1988.
E3a/5i&ii, 5a, 5b. 1988-1989.
E3a/6i&ii. 1989.
E3a/7i&ii, 7a. 1990.
E3a/8i&ii. 1991-1993.
E3a/9i&ii, 9a. 1993-1995.
E3a/10i&ii. 1995.
E3a/11i&ii. 1995-1996.
E3a/12i&ii. 1996-1997.
E3a/13i&ii. 1997.
E3a/14i&ii. 1997-1998.
E3a/15. 1998.
E3a/16. 1998-1999.
E3a/22. 23 July 1999 - 13 February 2000.
E3a/23. 14 February - 11 September 2000.
E3a/24. 12 September 2000 - 25 March 2004.
E3a/25. 26 March 2004 - 2 October 2009.
UND/CB1/E2a   1963 - February 1990
Education Faculty, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education (and of some of the Board's Committees and latterly of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Consultative Committee on Teacher Education), and a little related correspondence.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967-1969.
5i&ii. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
7. 1972-1973.
8. 1973-1974.
9i&ii. 1974-1977.
10. 1977-1978.
11. 1978-1979.
12. 1979-1980.
13. 1980-1981.
14. 1981-1983.
15. 1983-1986.
16. 1989-1990.
UND/CB1/E2b   10 September 1988 - 19 February 2008
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), comprising correspondence, and copies of ESRC circulars and publications, including annual reports.
1i&ii. 1988-1993.
2i&ii. 1993-1996.
3. 9 October 1996 - 5 January 2001.
4. 6 January 2001 - 19 February 2008.
UND/CB1/E2c   1970 - 1985
Senate Concessions and Exemptions Committee, comprising correspondence, also copies of minutes and some agenda papers.
UND/CB1/E2d   1969, 20 May 1975 - 14 August 1985
Postgraduate Courses in the Education Faculty, later Higher Degrees and Diplomas, comprising correspondence (with applicants for places and about studies), and agenda papers of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Education later the agenda papers of the Committee for Higher Degrees and Diplomas of the Faculty of Education.
1. 1969.
2. 1975-1976.
3i&ii. 1976.
4i&ii. 1976-1977.
5i&ii. 1977-1978.
6i&ii. 1978-1979.
7i&ii. 1979.
8i&ii. 1979.
9i&ii. 1979-1980.
10i&ii. 1980-1981.
11i&ii. 1981.
12. 1981-1982.
13. 1982-1983.
14i&ii. 1983-1984.
15i&ii. 1984-1985.
UND/CB1/E2e   5 April 1982 - 16 December 1985
Examinations and Examiners [Education], comprising correspondence; External Examiners' reports; External Examiners' completed claim forms; etc.
UND/CB1/E2f   27 September 1978 - 19 January 1984
Education, Bachelor of, comprising correspondence including that about individual candidates.
UND/CB1/E2g   5 April 1979 - 1 May 1980
Ad Hoc BEd Transitional Period Committee Faculty of Education, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education's Committee to Supervise the Programme of BEd Candidates in the 'Transitional Period' 1979 / 82; agenda papers of one meeting of the Board of Studies in Education; and correspondence.
UND/CB1/E2h   5 December 1977 - 20 June 1985
Advisory (Professional) Committee on Teacher Education, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education's Advisory Committee on Teacher Education later the Advisory (Professional) Committee on Teacher Education, and a little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/E2i   27 October 1981 - 10 October 1984
Further Professional Studies Certificates, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E2j   1978 - 1985
Teesside Polytechnic Diploma in Special and Remedial Education, comprising correspondence with staff of the polytechnic, also some agenda papers of the University of Duham Faculty of Education's working party on a review of the Diploma in Education of Children with Special Educational Needs, and the polytechnic's course proposal (1982) for the latter diploma.
UND/CB1/E2k   September 1981 - 13 August 1985
New College Diploma in the Teaching of Primary Science, comprising correspondence about the Diploma in the Teaching of Primary Science at New College, Durham (validated by the University of Durham); external examiner's report, 1985; and related papers.
UND/CB1/E2l   10 June 1976
(Bede College) tribunal (applicant for PGCE).
UND/CB1/E2m   March 1957 - November 1963
Education Faculty MEd Standing Committee, then (1963) Universities of Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne M.Ed. Coordinating Committee agendas and papers, with applications and administrative arrangements for the MEd vacation course in January 1962, and syllabuses and lists of candidates for the MEd and some examiners' papers.
1. 1957-1960.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1963.
3 paper files
UND/CB1/E2n   February 1988 - December 1992
New College Diploma and Certificate in Teaching Students with Special Educational Needs, correspondence and papers.
Pepr file
UND/CB1/E3   1963 - 22 October 1981
Extra -Mural Board, comprising agendas of the University of Durham Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, correspondence, and agendas of the University of Durham Board for Extra-Mural Studies (later entitled the University of Durham Board of Studies in Extra-Mural Studies and then the Delegacy for Adult and Continuing Education); publications of the Delegacy (including Sessional Report); and correspondence.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1972.
4. 1972-1975.
5. 1975-1978.
6. 1978-1980.
7. 1980-1981.
8. 1981.
See E2 above.
UND/CB1/E4   1963 - 24 September 2008
Estates Committee, later Estates and Buildings, comprising agenda papers of the Estates Committee, later the agenda papers of the Estates and Buildings Committee [until late 1980s only]; correspondence, and related papers and publications.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
3. 1964-1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967.
7. 1967-1968.
8. 1968-1969.
9. 1969-1970.
10. 1970-1976.
11. 1976-1979.
12i&ii. 1979-1982.
13i&ii. 1982-1985.
14i&ii. 1985-1986.
15i&ii, 15a. 1986-1988.
16i&ii. 1988-1989.
17. 1989-1991.
17a. 1990-1991.
18i&ii. 1991-1992.
19i&ii. 1992-1993.
20i&ii. 1993-1995.
21i&ii. 1995-1996.
22i&ii. 1996-1997.
23. 1997-1998.
24. 1 April 1998 - 7 February 2000.
25. 8 February - 30 April 2000.
26. 1 May 2000 - 31 December 2002.
27. 1 January 2003 - 1 June 2006.
28. 2 June 2006 - 24 September 2008.
UND/CB1/E4a   1980 - 1992
Water Statistics, survey of water usage by Estates and Buildings.
UND/CB1/E6   19 February 1972 - 12 February 2007
Education, Ministry of, later Education and Science, Department of (DES), later still Education, Department for, comprising correspondence; and copies of circulars and other publications of the Department.
1. 1972-1976.
2. 1976-1979.
3. 1979-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1985.
5i&ii. 1985-1986.
6i&ii. 1986-1988.
7i&ii. 1988-1989.
8i&ii. 1989-1991.
9i&ii. 1991.
10i&ii. 1991-1993.
11i&ii. 1993-1995.
12i&ii. 1995-1996.
13i&ii. 1996-1997.
14i&ii, 14a. 1997-1998.
21. 26 September 1998 - 11 May 2000.
22. 12 May 2000 - 28 March 2001.
23. 29 March 2001 - 12 February 2007.
UND/CB1/E7   January 1994 - 7 November 2002
European Commission (EC) Contracts, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham 'Meeting on European Issues'; correspondence; and related papers.
1. January 1994 - 19 September 1995.
2. 20 September 1995 - 7 November 2002.
UND/CB1/E7a   1963 - 29 May 1981
Education, Institute of, comprising agenda papers of the Academic Board of the Institute and of Institute Committees, copies of The Institute of Education of the Universities of Newcastle and Durham Journal, Handbook of the Institute (1965/66 and 1970/71), and copies of minutes and agendas of the Delegacy of the Institute of Education.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1966.
3. 1966-1968.
4. 1968-1970.
5. 1970-1971.
6i&ii. 1971.
7. 1971-1972.
8. 1972-1974.
9. 1974-1976.
10. 1976-1979.
11. 1979-1981.
12. May 1972 - April 1979, correspondence re membership of the Delegacy.
UND/CB1/E8   3 May 1958, 16 October 1961, 2 August 1965 - 19 April 1973
Extraordinary Examinations, comprising agenda papers for a 3 May 1958 committee meeting, a very little correspondence (principally with and about candidates sitting Extraordinary Examinations), also a copy of a brief report on African Studies at the University of Durham (1968).
UND/CB1/E8a   5 June 1987 - 30 January 2006
ERASMUS, comprising correspondence and related papers (including circulars and copies of publications of the Commission of the European Communities and ERASMUS (including the UK Erasmus Student Grants Council, Canterbury)). (ERASMUS : European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students)
1. 1987-1989.
2. 1989-1991.
3. 1991-1997.
4. 1 August 1997 - 30 January 2006.
UND/CB1/E9   December 1995 - November 1996
Working Group on SMEL, comprising correspondence and papers (including reports) of the working group on the School of Modern European Languages.
1. 1995-1996.
2. 1996.
UND/CB1/E9a   26 January 1988 - 20 December 2006
School of Modern Eurpoean Languages, correspondence about its administration and, especially, appointments of staff to it.
Paper file
UND/CB1/E10   1963 - 1966
Engineering Science Building, comprising agendas of the Engineering Science I Building Sub-Committee, correspondence, and an application for a grant for the equipment required in the building.
UND/CB1/E10a   16 November 1974 - 18 September 1990
European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee, and related correspondence and papers (including copies of Higher Education Exchange, No.3, Spring 1975, and Overseas Universities, No. 26, August 1979).
1i&ii. 1974-1978.
2i&ii. 1978-1980.
3i&ii. 1980-1981.
4. 1981-1990.
UND/CB1/E11   December 1958, 18 November 1963 - 31 October 1968, n.d. [1970]
Excavation - Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, comprising papers for a December 1958 organising committee, correspondence, and orders for the supply of copies of D.H. Fryer, Surveying for Archaeologists [1961] (and, to a lesser extent, the supply of copies of E. Birley, The Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949 (1952)); and copy of the 2nd summary (excavation) report of Holme House, Piercebridge 1970.
UND/CB1/E11a   18 April 1980 - 20 November 1995
Expeditions Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Council Committee on University Expeditions (including prospectuses of proposed expeditions and reports on the Africa 1992 Expedition and the Karakoram Expedition 1992 (both in 3b)).
1i. 1978-1986.
1ii. 1986-1988.
2. 1989-1992.
2a-c. 1992.
3a. 1992-1993.
3b. November 1990 - February 1995.
4. 1993.
5. 1994.
6. 1995.
UND/CB1/E12   June - September 1942
Lecturer in Education [Newcastle upon Tyne], comprising particulars of the post and correspondence with applicants (including the appointee, Miss A.K. Lloyd).
UND/CB1/E12a   1963 - 2006
Emeritus Professors, correspondence, including re the decision to make all retired readers, readers emeriti. Check ?and merge with E17.
UND/CB1/E13 & E20   November 1938 - 31 July 1987
Excavation Committee, comprising agendas of the Joint Excavation Committee [established in 1924], and correspondence; includes “Jarrow Monastic Excavations” (typescript report by R.J. Cramp on “Jarrow excavations 1975”, summarising the results of earlier work and outlining the object of excavations this year).
E13/1. 1938-1941.
E13/2. 1941-1951.
E13/3. 1951-1955.
E13/4. 1955-1958.
E13/5. 1958-1959.
E13/6. 1959-1961.
E13/7. 1961-1962.
E13/8. 1962-1963.
E20/1. 1963-1969.
E20/2. 1969-1972.
E20/3. 1973-1979.
E20/3a. 1974-1976.
E20/4. 1979-1981.
E20/5i&ii. 1981-1986.
E20/6. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/E13a   1967
Enquiries, General, comprising correspondence, principally with prospective students. (Sample file only retained).
UND/CB1/E14   April 1943 - December 1945
Committee on Concessions to Ex-Service Men, comprising correspondence with and about Ex-Service men.
UND/CB1/E14a   5 December 1963 - 16 April 2003
External Examiners, Payments to, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee to review the fees paid to External Examiners (including details of the fees paid to external examiners by other universities).
1a&b. 1963-1979.
2, 2a. 1979-1991.
3. 4 October 1991 - 16 April 2003.
UND/CB1/E16   August 1939 - March 1940
Emergency Arrangements, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E16a   1963 - 1979
Examinations, Candidates Unable to Attend, correspondence and lists of sick bay examinees.
UND/CB1/E17   1941 - 1961
Emeritus Professors, comprising correspondence with Emeritus Professors, principally re conferment of the title.
UND/CB1/E17a   1963 - 1996
Examination Accommodation, correspondence.
UND/CB1/E18   September 2007
Newcastle University Vice-Chancellor Inauguration.
UND/CB1/E19   16 February 1967 - 29 March 1973
Economic Studies, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence (particularly about the BA in Economic Studies at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone).
See E13 above.
UND/CB1/E20a   February 1989 - November 1993
Enterprise in Higher Education, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Steering Committee, later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Management Committee for the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative; correspondence; and related papers (including copies of the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Project Annual Reports 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992, copy of University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education 1989 / 1993 Programme Evaluation, and copy of EHE - A Vision for Higher Education (Enterprise in Higher Education Speeches and Papers from the EHE Directors' Conference [at Edinburgh, 1993]).
1. 1988-1990.
1a. 1989.
2i&ii. 1991-1993.
UND/CB1/E21   (24 April 1987) - 29 July 1997
East Asian Studies Department, comprising correspondence (including that with the University Grants Committee and with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and other universities including The People's University of China, Beijing, also with The Japan Foundation) and related papers (including “Chinese at Durham” leaflet 1989, University of Durham East Asian Studies 1990 - 91 (a booklet including an account of the department's history), The Japan Festival 1991 (booklet on the Japan Festival North), MA in Chinese Art and Archaeology brochure (of the Department of East Asian Studies with The Oriental Museum), and a brochure of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 1996. (The department's origins may be traced back before the Second World War when Mr T.W. Thacker was appointed reader in Semitic Philology. After the War, Mr Thacker developed the School of Oriental Studies. Following the enquiry on oriental studies launched under the chairmanship of Sir Peter Parker in 1985 and its consequent report, the university established the department of East Asian Studies.)
1. 1989-1991.
2i&ii. 1991-1997.
UND/CB1/E21a   1941 - 1950
Entrance Examination (General), comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E22   January 1964 - February 1970, January 1974 - 7 March 1986
Efficiency Bar, Committee on the Operation of, comprising agenda papers of the Standing Committee on the Operation of the Efficiency Bar, and related correspondence; the agenda papers include submissions (incorporating curricula vitarum) made on behalf of individuals to the committee.
1. 1964-1970.
2. 1974-1986.
UND/CB1/E22a   1992 - 1997
European Studies, Centre for, correspondence and North East England and the Single European Market: 21 September 1992. Abstracts.
UND/CB1/E23   1963 - 8 November 1989
Engineering Department, later Engineering Science Department, comprising correspondence, and papers. The papers include some agenda papers (including the department's proposals for expansion 1983, etc., and a very few Board of Studies in Engineering Science agenda papers); copies of some papers by staff members including T.J. Heard's “The Mathematical Education of Engineers at School and University” (1978); MEng brochure and related press release, n.d. [c.1980]; paper by H. Marsh (Department of Engineering) on “A Levels, Accreditation and the Academic Requirements for Membership” [of the Engineering Institutions] (1982); and some press releases etc. of The Engineering Council.
1. 1963-1968.
2. 1968-1976.
3. 1976-1980.
4i&ii. 1980-1986.
5. 1986-1989.
UND/CB1/E23a   1993 - 1994
Events, lists of, at Durham University.
UND/CB1/E24   1964 - 3 October 2003
Economics Department, comprising correspondence; some copies of papers by members of staff of the department (including Professor Walter Elkan and Professor Murray Wolfson); a few agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Economics ; text of the submission to the University Grants Committee's Business and Management Sub-Committee visiting the department of Economics on 19 June 1985; submission of the University of Durham BA Honours School in Accounting and Economics to the Board of Accreditation of Educational Courses , 16 June 1986; copies of papers concerning the department of Economics assembled for the University of Durham Policy Committee's visit to the Social Science Departments on 16 May 1988; [the University Grants Committee's] report on the department of Economics [1988]; and information on the Spicer and Regler Chair of Accountancy.
1. 1964-1968.
2. 1968-1978.
3i&ii. 1978-1986.
3a. 1978.
4. 1986-1989.
5. 29 September 1989 - 3 October 2003.
UND/CB1/E24a   July 1963
Statutory Committee on the appointment of a chair of Economics (Edward Allen appointed), agenda and papers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/E25   (2 March 1964) - 13 March 1979
Education, Proposed School of, comprising correspondence [subsequent to the Senate Committee report on the proposal for a School of Education adopted following the Robbins Report] and related papers (including concerning the secretarial establishment of the School of Education), and programme for the School of Education staff conference at Ripon (1978).
UND/CB1/E25a   1983 - 27 July 2007
Engineering and Applied Science (School of) later Engineering and Computer Science (School of) [the change in title of the school to the School of Engineering and Computer Science occurs by late 1991], comprising correspondence; papers (including University of Durham School of Engineering and Applied Science's IEE Accreditation Documentation 1987); a few papers concerning the laying of the commemoration stone (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) Building 1 July 1986); the warden's miscellaneous papers concerning a proposed new School of Engineering and Applied Science (1985); papers for University Grants Committee's Technology Sub-Committee visit on 18 May 1988; The Engineering Council press releases and publications on restructuring higher education, etc; copies of publications of other bodies (including The Fellowship of Engineering; reports etc. of Industry North Project : Understanding Technology (INPUT) (a collaborative project supported by the University of Durham, etc.); University of Durham School of Engineering and Applied Science Board of Studies in Computer Science : Students' Handbook 1988/89; (loose) papers for University Grants Committee's Technology Sub-Committee visit on 18 May 1988; various course prospectuses of the School of Engineering and Applied Science [1987] (loose in a folder); papers for degree accreditation visit by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers on 24 May 1990; proposal (by the Centre for Telecom Networks, University of Durham) for British Telecom University Research Initiative in Telecommunications Network Modelling (1990); papers for BCS [Computer Science] Accreditation Visit on 7 March 1991; School of Engineering and Computer Science Business Plan, July 1991.
The later files include a number of press releases and other publications of The Engineering Council; School of Engineering and Computer Science Course Management Committee in Computer Science : Undergraduate Handbook 1993/94; University of Durham Centre for Molecular Electronics brochure, n.d. [1994]; University of Durham School of Engineering Research Review 1994 - 1995; University of Durham Centre for Electronic Systems brochure [1995]; ReCET : Regional Centre for Electonics Technologies : A Proposal by the University of Durham (September 1996).
Two envelopes comprise papers concerning the Joint Board of Moderators Accreditation Visit to the School of Engineering, October 1994. With the exception of a folder of earlier correspondence and miscellaneous papers of the Warden concerning a possible School of Applied Science and Engineering, 1983 - 85, the remainder of the papers assigned the reference of E25 date from May 1985 - December 1996.
1. 1983-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1987.
3i&ii, 3a, 3b. 1987-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5i&ii. 1989.
6i&ii. 1989-1990.
7i&ii. 1990-1991.
8i&ii, 8a, 8b. 1991-1993.
9i&ii, 9ai&ii. 1993-1995.
10i&ii. 1995-1996.
11i&ii. 1997-1999.
12. 24 September 1999 - 27 July 2007.
UND/CB1/E25b   1981 - 1995
SEAS (Computer Science): Board of Studies, general, development plan Department of Computer Science.
1. 1981-1991.
2. 1985-1991.
3. 1989-1991.
4. 1995.
5. 1995.
UND/CB1/E26   8 July 1965 - June 1985
Economic History Department, comprising correspondence and related papers (including minutes of a meeting of the Board of Studies in Economic History held on 16 May 1984), concerning inter alia the merger of the Department with the Board of Studies in Modern History and the merger of the Departments of Economic History and Modern History (1984).
UND/CB1/E27   1948 - 1953
Educational Psychology Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/E27a   1965 - 1984
Experimental Officer, correspondence regarding the status of experimental officers and their appointments.
UND/CB1/E28   25 February 1975 - 21 September 1978
Education, Bachelor of' comprising correspondence, also agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee of Senate for the Degree of Bachelor of Education in the College of St Hild and St Bede, later the agenda papers of the University of Durham Board of the Faculty of Education's BEd Standing Committee and the Concessions and Exemptions Committee; also some related papers (including the Dean of the Faculty of Education's paper on “The Future Pattern of Undergraduate Studies in Education in the University of Durham”, September 1978).
1. 1975-1976.
2i&ii. 1976-1978.
UND/CB1/E28a   [29 October 1976] - 25 November 1980
Education, Bachelor of in the College of St Hild and St Bede, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee of Senate for the Degree of BEd in the College of St Hild and St Bede and later agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education's BEd (New Regulations) Standing Committee II, and related correspondence.
1. 1976-1979.
2. 1979-1980.
UND/CB1/E28b   January 1980 - 4 August 1981
Ad Hoc Committee on the Degree of BEd, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Education's Ad Hoc Committee on the Degree of BEd (only).
UND/CB1/E28c   19 October 1990 - 1 September 1998
Environmental Matters, comprising correspondence; Green Ideas Competition Committee papers and some University of Durham Environmental Policy Working Group papers; some agenda papers of the University of Durham Energy Management Committee; and a brochure of the University of Durham Environmental Research Centre (1996).
1. 1990-1997.
2. 1997-1998.
UND/CB1/E28d   March - April 1983
Environment Competition - Presentation, comprising correspondence and papers (college proposals) concerning the Greening the Colleges Competition and the 30 April [1983] announcement of the winner.
UND/CB1/E29   1980 - 1997
Environment, Department of the, corespondence, information and forms for the Dept of the Environment/Transport Register of Research, lists of research interests of members of staff, and a prospectus for the Forum for the Future scholarship porgramme.
UND/CB1/E30   1997 - 1998
Eleanor Rathbone Lecture, correspondence, notes, booking forms, copy of the 1998 memorial lecture by Chris Freeman Family Allowances, Technical Change, Inequality and Social Policy (Liverpool UP 1998), also invitation lists, a complete list of lectures since 1948, publicity material for the lecture and RUKBA, and invoices.
UND/CB1/E31   1946 - 1963
External Examiners Payments, comprising correspondence (including that with other universities) and schedules of payments.
UND/CB1/E32   1947 - 1960
Northern Advisory Council for Further Education, Newcastle, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the Council, and copies of the Council's annual reports.
UND/CB1/E33   1948 - 1963
Examination Modifications, comprising correspondence and memoranda.
1. 1947-1957.
2. 1957-1963.
UND/CB1/E34   1950 - 1959
History of Education, comprising correspondence, also reports (of their activities..) of Research Fellows in Educational History, and report (1950) of the Board of the Faculty of Education on, inter alia, materials for the history of education.
UND/CB1/E34a   1949 - 1967
Durham University Exploration Society [at King's College], comprising constitution, expedition reports, memoranda, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/E36   1953 - 1960
Examination Results Statistics, comprising statistics and related correspondence.
1. 1953-1959.
2. 1959-1960.
UND/CB1/F1   3 December 1963 - 14 September 1999
French Department, comprising correspondence (concerning named students, visiting lecturers, etc.), also the annual report of the department for 1966/67.
1. 1963-1975.
2. 1975-1999.
UND/CB1/F1a   1936 - 1949, 1951 - 1963
False Claims, comprising correspondence re claims to hold degrees etc., and copy of opinions re bogus degrees supplied (in 1937) by the Universities Bureau of the British Empire.
1. 1936-1949.
2. 1951-1963.
UND/CB1/F2   12 April 1963 - 30 November 2007
Fees (General), comprising correspondence (with the Education departments of councils, college heads, individual students, etc.), also copy of the National Union of Students' report on Survey of Accommodation Costs for Students in Halls and Lodgings 1969/70 (1969) (this report naming individual universities).
1. 1963-1972.
2. 1974-1999.
3. 19 August 1999 - 30 November 2007.
UND/CB1/F3   12 September 1968 - 19 October 2006
Fellowships and Exhibitions - University, later Fellowships, Grants and Exhibitions - University, comprising correspondence (including that with the secretary of The Sir James Knott Trust), some agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee for Research Awards (especially for the meeting on 6 May 1971), and some particulars of research fellowship posts.
1. 1968-1972.
2. 1972-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1997.
4i&ii. 1997-1999.
5. 6 July 1999 - 19 October 2006.
UND/CB1/F3a   5 November 1982 - 21 December 1999
Sir Derman Christopherson Foundation Fellows, terms and conditions, and correspondence about their appointment.
Paper file
UND/CB1/F4   1939 - 27 February 2006
Fourah Bay College, comprising correspondence (principally with the principal and the registrar of the college; some agenda papers of the College's Finance and Development Committee and of the College Council; The University of Sierra Leone Act 1967; some college pass lists; and Sierra Leone Government Report of the Triennial Grants Committee appointed to consider the Estimates of Fourah Bay College, the University College of Sierra Leone for the period 1 September 1964 to 31 August 1967 and the Government Statement thereon.
[Fourah Bay College was affiliated to the University of Durham on 16 May 1876. The affiliation came to an end on 22 February 1967.]
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1947.
3. 1947-1948.
4. 1948-1950.
5. 1950.
6. 1950-1951.
7. 1951.
8. 1951-1953.
9. 1953-1954.
10. 1954-1957.
11. 1957-1959.
12. 1959-1960.
13. 1960.
14. 1960-1962.
15. 1962.
16. 1962-1963.
17. 1963-1964.
18. 1964.
19. 1964-1965.
20. 1965.
21. 1965.
22. 1965-1966.
23. 1966.
24. 1966.
25. 1966-1967.
26. 1967.
27. 1967-1970.
28. 1970-2006.
UND/CB1/F4a   13 November 1963 - 29 December 1972
Fourah Bay College, Visits of Staff, comprising correspondence concerning visits of staff to Durham (including for examiners' meetings) and some related papers (including report from the Joint Meeting of the Overseas Colleges Advisory Committee of the University of Durham and of Fourah Bay College Staff, Durham, 8 July 1966), and reports from meetings of the Arts and of the Science staffs of the University and Fourah Bay College, 9 and 10 July 1964.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1972.
UND/CB1/F4b   9 January - 13 November 1964
Fourah Bay College, Pure Science, comprising a very little correspondence about a named candidate, practical examinations in Chemistry, and examiners for Fourah Bay College.
UND/CB1/F4c   18 November 1963 - 14 January 1970
Fourah Bay College, Advisory Examiners Visits, comprising correspondence, also copies of reports from Advisory Examiners visiting Fourah Bay College (1964 - 69).
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1970.
UND/CB1/F4d   1953 - 1954
Fourah Bay council meeting papers.
UND/CB1/F4e   March 1954
Future of Fourah Bay College, documents submitted by teaching staff, including the “Mining Report” .
UND/CB1/F5   1937 - 1946, 1951 - 1962
Functions and Ceremonies, comprising correspondence, including that relating to addresses to foreign universities and that relating to the annual service (held at Durham Cathedral) in commemoration of founders and benefactors.
1. 1937-1946.
2. 1951-1962.
UND/CB1/F6   31 October 1968 - 15 October 1990
Fawcus Fund, comprising correspondence (with and about applicants including applications for grants), also agenda papers of the University of Durham Fawcus Trust Fund and Council Fund for Students Travelling Abroad.
1. 1968-1971.
2. 1971-1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1979.
5. 1979-1981.
6i&ii. 1981-1984.
7i&ii. 1985-1986.
8i&ii. 1986-1988.
9i&ii, 9a. 1988-1990.
UND/CB1/F6a   1939 - 1961
French Degrees - Equivalence, comprising correspondence, also Convention of 1939 between the University of Paris and the University of Durham (signed by the president of the Council of the University of Paris and the vice-chancellor of the University of Durham) re the BA Honours 1st Class in the School of French's rights re the L. es Lettres of the University of Paris.
UND/CB1/F6b   27 January 1998 - 19 June 2000
Faculty Handbooks, some correspondence and mainly additions to them.
Paper file
UND/CB1/F7   12 March 1964 - 2 October 1990
French Assistants, comprising correspondence with and about language assistants in the Department of French.
1. 1964-1980.
2. 1980-1990.
UND/CB1/F9   1973 - 1984
Faculties - Cases Relating to Unsatisfactory Progress, correspondence with candidates.
UND/CB1/F10   20 April 1964 - 21 April 1998
Fleck, Isabel - Award, comprising agenda papers of the Isabel Fleck Award Committee and related correspondence (including that with Lord Fleck); and copies of Extract from the Trust Deed of 1 January 1959 made by Sir Alexander Fleck forming the trust in favour of the University of Glasgow and the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham (establishing The Isabel Fleck Award or Awards).
[The Isabel Fleck Research Fellowships were established by Lord Fleck in memory of his wife. Lord Fleck was chairman of ICI Ltd., 1953 - 60. He was a member of the Council of the Durham Colleges and then of the University of Durham from 1951 until his death in 1968. In his will he left funds for the institution of one or more Isabel Fleck Research Fellowships to further research in English or Scottish Medieval History up to 1400 AD.]
1. 1964-1973.
2. 1973-1998.
3. 1979-1980.
UND/CB1/F12   November 1965 - 11 January 1974
Fellowships, Turner and Newall, comprising agenda papers of the Turner and Newall Research Fellowships Committees of various universities (London, Newcastle upon Tyne); and of the Joint Committee for the Turner and Newall Fellowship of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle; of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' Inter-University Consultative Committee on Turner and Newall Research Fellowships; and related correspondence and papers (including brochure on Turner and Newall Ltd., Manchester, an international mining and manufacturing organisation [ c.1965], and Turner and Newall Research Fellows' Symposium…14 and 15 July 1965: Abstract of Proceedings.
1. 1963-1971.
2. 1971-1974.
UND/CB1/F12a   7 March 1989 - 4 April 2000
Fundraising (General), comprising correspondence (including with consultants) and agenda papers of a Fund Raising Meeting.
1. 7 March 1989 - 21 June 1990.
2. 7 June 1989 - 4 April 2000.
UND/CB1/F12b   November 1989 - May 1990
Fund Raising Management Committee Friday 24 November 1989, comprising agenda papers for meetings of the Fund Raising Committee.
UND/CB1/F13   November 1963 - 13 October 2008
Founders and Benefactors, comprising correspondence and papers concerning the Commemoration of Founders and Benefactors Service at Durham Cathedral including a very few orders of service, also invitation lists, guest lists for luncheons, and the typescript of the text of the sermon preached by the archbishop of York (30 October 1963).
1i&ii. 1963-1988.
2i&ii. 1988-1996.
3. 1 December 1996 - 14 February 2001.
4. 15 February 2001 - 13 October 2008.
UND/CB1/F14   July 1993 - November 1997
Finance Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
1. July 1993
2. November 1995 - June 1996
3. March - May 1997
4. November 1997
Paper file
UND/CB1/F14a   July 2001 - March 2002
Future Academic Organisation of the University, Advisory Group with minutes, documents, correspondence, drafts and a final report for the vice-chancellor.
1. Minutes August 2001 - February 2002, and final report to the vice-chancellor.
2-4. Documents.
5-7. Correspondence.
7 paper files
UND/CB1/G1   31 July 1973 - 19 October 1988
Gazette, comprising correspondence (including with Titus Wilson and Son, Ltd., printers) about the supply of copies of the Durham University Gazette and also, to some extent, concerning the supply of text for the Gazette. (The files generally do not include any text submitted for publication in the Gazette.)
UND/CB1/G2   1992, 24 May 1993 - 10 February 2006
Graduate School, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Graduate School Committee, later of the governing body of the Graduate Society; correspondence; and related papers (including copies of University of Durham Guidance / Notes / Guidelines for Postgraduate Students and Supervisors in the Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Science, 1992 - 93).
1. 1992 - 22 October 1998.
2. 24 October 1998 - 10 February 2006.
UND/CB1/G3   1963 - 8 December 2009
Grey College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of Grey College, and correspondence, with some copies of college publications such as annual reports, Grey Matters and SCR newsletters.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1971.
3. 1971-1973.
4. 1973-1976.
5. 1976-1979.
6. 1979-1982.
7i&ii. 1982-1987.
8. 1987-1990.
9i&ii. 1990-1993.
10i&ii. 1993-1998.
11. 1 April 1998 - 6 February 2000.
12. 7 February 2000 - 31 July 2002.
13. 1 August 2002 - 8 December 2009.
UND/CB1/G3a   1949 - 1950, 1954
Readership in Greek [at King's College], comprising particulars of the post, correspondence with the applicants (including the appointee, in 1950, H.Ll. Hudson-Williams), and the curriculum vitae of H.L.l Hudson-Williams.
UND/CB1/G4   6 November 1963 - 30 May 2007
Geography Department, comprising correspondence; related papers (including copies of some Geography department newsletters and minutes of Joint Consultative Committee and what appears to be a good set of annual reports of the department, also copies of a few publications by members of staff including Dr E.W. Anderson's report to the Department of Education and Science about maintained boarding accommodation (1980), Research and Development Surveys in Northern Oman - Final Report Vol. II Water (1978), P.J. Atkins' Geography in Higher Education : A Guide for Intending Students [1991], also M.J. Tooley, ed., The History of Geography in the University of Durham 1928 - 1988 (1989), and a folder of introductions to exhibitions for the Department's 60th anniversary (1989).
1. 1963-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1980.
3i&ii. 1980-1987.
4i&ii. 1987-1991.
5i&ii. 1991-1994.
6i&ii, 6a. 1994-1996.
7i&ii. 1996-1997.
8. 1 January 1998 - 2 May 2000.
9. 3 May 2000 - 30 May 2007.
UND/CB1/G5   24 October 1963 - 16 March 2004
Geology Department, later Geological Sciences Department, comprising correspondence and related papers (including copy of return to the Earth Sciences Review questionnaire 1987, some minutes of the Committee of Heads of University Geoscience Departments, Annual Report of the Department of Geological Sciences 1991 (the first of a new series of Departmental Annual Reports reinstated after a gap of a few years), and University Grants Committee : Building for Success in the Earth Sciences (2nd Report of the Earth Sciences Review, HMSO, 1989).
1. 1963-1973.
2. 1973-1979.
3i&ii, 3a-c. 1979-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1992.
5. 1992-1994.
5a. 28 November 1992 - 5 April 2001.
6. 1993-1994.
7. 1995-1996.
8. 6 April 2001 - 16 March 2004.
UND/CB1/G5a   January - February 1966
Statutory Committee on a Personal Chair in Geophysics, agendas and papers, including testimonials for M.H.P. Bott.
Paper file
UND/CB1/G6   1961 - 1999
German, Department of, correspondence, including papers for committees for the teaching of German to Science students (1961) and non-specialist students (1965).
UND/CB1/G7   28 January 1964 - 18 January 1996
German Language Assistants, comprising correspondence with and about German language assistants, also copies of the terms and conditions of appointment of named individuals as language assistants in the Department of German.
1. 1964-1987.
2. 1987-1996.
UND/CB1/G8   28 August 2001 - 18 November 2010
George Stephenson College, small amount of correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/G9   February 1962 - 2012
General Lectures, Committee on, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee on General Lectures, later of the University of Durham General Lectures Committee; correspondence; and related papers (including posters advertising public lectures and lists of lectures and meetings in the University of Durham).
1a. 1962-1965, posters for lectures.
1b. 1962-1963.
1. 1970-1972.
2. 1972-1975.
2a, 2b. 1974.
3. 1975-1979.
3a. 1976.
4i&ii. 1979-1983.
5i&ii. 1983-1985.
6i&ii, 6a. 1985-1987.
7i&ii. 1987-1989.
7a. 1988.
7b. 1988-1989.
8. 1989-1990.
9. 1989-1999.
10. 1990-1991.
11. 1992.
12. 1993-1994.
13. 1994.
14. 1995
15. 1996.
16. 2003-2012 (posters only)
UND/CB1/G10   August 1966 - June 1992
GCE Correspondence with Examining Boards (other than Durham), comprising correspondence with the Joint Matriculation Board (JMB), University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, etc., and about these boards.
1. 1966-1973.
2. 1973-1992.
UND/CB1/G11   May 1962 - 12 December 2006
Graduate Society, comprising agenda papers for the committee looking into graduate facilities and then setting up the Graduate Society, copy of terms and conditions of appointment for the principal of the Graduate Society; agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the Appointment of a Principal for the Graduate Society; agenda papers of the governing body; and correspondence.
1. 1962-1971.
2. 1971-1979.
3. 1979-1984.
4. 1984-1989.
5i&ii. 1989-1997.
6. 1 April 1997 - 31 December 2002.
7. 1 January 2003 - 12 December 2006.
UND/CB1/G12   10 February 1966 - 9 January 1981
Grants - Medical Research Council, comprising correspondence with the Medical Research Council (etc.), copies of MRC UGTA Notes, and copies of University of Durham circulars about postgraduate awards.
UND/CB1/G12a   12 March - 28 September 1987
Grants Research - General.
UND/CB1/G12b   16 April 2002 - 21 July 2005
Narional Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY), correspondence and a newsletter The Nagty News [2004].
Paper file
UND/CB1/G13   1967 - 2003
General Regulations of the University, correspondence, copies of the general regulations and various revisions, information on Crichton University campus, form for the 2000-2001 Directory of CRE members, guidelines on the abuse of trust.
UND/CB1/G14   1 August 2004 - 6 November 2007
School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA), correspondence and some papers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/H1   1938 - 1986, 1995
Honorary Degrees, comprising correspondence (including nominations of persons to receive honorary degrees and memoranda in support of nominations); texts of speeches delivered by the public orator when presenting candidates for honorary degrees; and related papers (including agenda papers of the Honorary Degrees Committee, correspondence with the honorands, press notices, and guest lists).
1. 1938-1939.
2. 1940-1941.
3. 1942-1944.
4. 1944-1947.
5. 1946-1948.
6. 1948-1950.
7. 1949-1950.
8. 1950-1951.
9. 1951-1952.
10. 1952-1953.
11. 1953-1954.
12. 1954-1955.
13. 1955-1957.
14. 1957.
15. 1957-1958.
16. 1958-1959.
17. 1959-1960.
18. 1960-1961.
19. 1961-1962.
20. 1961-1963.
21. 1963-1966.
22. 1966-1967.
23. 1967-1969.
24. 1969-1971.
25. 1971-1973.
26. 1973-1975.
27i&ii. 1974-1977.
28. 1977-1979.
29. 1979-1981.
29a. 1979.
30i&ii. 1981-1983.
30a. 1981.
31i&ii. 1983-1985.
32. 1986.
33. 1995.
UND/CB1/H1a   30 November 1989 - 6 July 1993
Health Studies Institute, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Academic Board for the Institute of Health Studies; related papers (including brochures of the University of Durham Nursing Studies, Northern Regional Health Authority Consultation Document on a new Health Authority for North Durham [1991], Introduction to Research in Nursing : Collected Papers : ENB 870 Course, Day Seminar 18th April 1991 (Centre for Nursing Studies and Health Care Research Unit with the Department of Adult and Continuing Education , University of Durham); and applications for NHS Trust status made by South Tees Acute Hospitals (1991) Gateshead Community Health (1991) and by Derwentside (1991).
1. 1989-1991.
2. 1991.
3. 1991-1993.
3a. 1992.
UND/CB1/H1b   1994 - 14 October 2007
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), information on the HUSID Look-up Service (HLS), the University of Durham's response to the UCAS/HESA Subject Code Harmonisation Project, data for the 1997-98 Non-Credit-Bearing Course Record, information on data and record collection, information supplied by Durham in Liaison Contact Arrangements, copies of the data supplied for The Times Good University Guide, and notification of any changes to the Student Records System.
1i&ii. 1994 - 1999.
2. 23 July 1999 - 14 October 2007.
UND/CB1/H2   1963 - 29 November 2006
History Department, comprising correspondence.
1. 1963-1987.
2. 1987- 25 July 1999.
3. 26 July 1999 - 29 November 2006.
UND/CB1/H3   1963 - 3 December 2009
Hatfield College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body, correspondence, and related papers (including North Eastern Universities O and M Unit Report 154 : Hatfield College, University of Durham : Review of the Use of Contractors for Catering and Cleaning (March 1982), some agenda papers of some Senior Common Room meetings, an appeal for £500,000 brochure [1988], University of Durham internal audit report on Hatfield College (1992), The Hatfield Record Vol. 5 No. 3 (1994), Hatfield College Prospectus [1995]) and some SCR Calendars.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3i&ii. 1969-1972.
4. 1972-1975.
5i&ii. 1975-1978.
6. 1978-1980.
7i&ii. 1980-1983.
8i&ii. 1983-1986.
9i&ii. 1986-1988.
10. 1988-1989.
11i&ii. 1989-1992.
12i&ii. 1992-1995.
13. 1995-1997.
14. 1997-1999.
15. 27 September 1999 - 30 April 2002.
16. 1 May 2002 - 31 October 2004.
17. 1 November 2004 - 3 December 2009.
UND/CB1/H4   1963 - 25 April 2007
Heads of Houses Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of Heads of Houses and of the joint meetings of the Committee of Heads of Houses and the Committee of Senior Men and Women, and later (agenda papers of) the Ad Hoc Committee on the Duties of College Officers, and some related correspondence. [After 1986, these files tend just to comprise correspondence and related papers -not agenda papers, it appearing that the committee as such no longer met latterly.]
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1968.
4. 1968-1971.
5. 1971-1973.
6. 1973-1975.
7. 1975-1977.
8. 1977-1980.
9. 1980-1982.
10i&ii. 1983-1986.
11. 1986-1990.
12i&ii. 1990-1995.
13. 30 March 1995 - 25 April 2007.
UND/CB1/H5   1963 - 2010
Heraldry, lists of arms and mottoes of the colleges, correspondence on the arms, grants of arms and mottoes, and explanations of the mottoes.
UND/CB1/H6   1963 - 1978
Hospital - Sherburn, comprising agenda papers of the quarterly meetings of the governors of Sherburn Hospital and of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Sherburn Hospital, and some related correspondence.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1969.
4. 1969-1971.
5. 1971-1973.
6. 1973-1975.
7. 1975-1978.
UND/CB1/H6a   18 September 1987 - 31 March 1999
HESIN Higher Education Support for Industry in the North, comprising agenda papers of the HESIN Steering Committee and of the HESIN Access Group, later of HESIN's Executive Committee; correspondence (with HESIN's office, at Newcastle upon Tyne, etc.) concerning HESIN's work, IGDS (Integrated Graduate Development Scheme) Course on Manufacturing Systems Engineering with Marketing; also Memorandum of Co-operation re IGD Scheme, HESIN brochure and other HESIN publications, photocopy of draft of University of Newcastle Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies' 'North East of England Economic Assessment' (November 1992), and IGDS in Manufacturing Systems Engineering with Marketing publications (Background, Course Document, Resources, and Validation Panel's Final Report) (1991) (concerning the scheme offered in partnership between the Polytechnics of Newcastle, Sunderland and Teesside, the Universities of Durham and Newcastle, and the Open University). (HESIN was a collaborative venture between the five higher education institutions in the North East of England, founded in 1983.)
1i&ii. 1987-1990.
2, 2a. 1990-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1995.
4i&ii. 1995-1999.
5. January - March 1999.
UND/CB1/H8   3 March 1979 - 8 April 2003
Hospitality, comprising correspondence about supporting entertainments, lunches, conferences and receptions.
1. 3 March 1979 - 8 November 1989.
2. 9 November 1989 - 26 September 2000.
3. 27 September 2000 - 8 April 2003.
UND/CB1/H9   1949 - 16 June 1964
Henley Fund, comprising correspondence (mainly re claims made by D.U.B.C [the Durham University Boat Club] for grants and expenses). The Henley Fund Committee ceased to exist by 1963.
H9. 1949-1963.
H10e. 1963-1964.
UND/CB1/H9a   18 November 1963 - 15 February 2007
Government Department of Health and Social Security, correspondence with, also some appointments in the School of Health, and HEFCE's Annual monitoring and corporate planning statements, and financial forecasts 2005 (April 2005/20).
Paper file
UND/CB1/H10   3 August 1993 - 27 June 2011
HEFCE, comprising correspondence; copies of HEFCE circulars; agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Quality Assessment Panels, etc; copies of HEFCE assessment reports concerning University of Durham departments; University of Durham Academic Office : Courses and Quality Section memoranda; and other HEFCE publications (Council Briefing, reports, consultation papers, etc); and some Council for Academic Freedom and Academic Standards reports.
1i&ii. 1993-1994.
2i&ii. 1994.
3i&ii, 3a. 1994-1995.
4i&ii. 1995.
5. 1995.
6i&ii. 1995-1996.
7i&ii. 1996.
8i&ii. 1996.
9i&ii. 1996.
10i&ii. 1996.
11i&ii. 1996-1997.
12i&ii. 1997.
13. 1997.
14. 1997.
15i&ii. 1997-1998.
16i&ii, 16a. 1998.
17i&ii, 17a, 17b. 1998-1999.
18, 18a. 1999.
19i&ii, 19a, 19b. 1999.
20, 20a. 2000.
21i&ii, 21a. 2000.
22a, 22b. 2000.
21i&ii, 21a. 2000-2001.
22. 2001.
23. 2001.
24. 2001.
25, 25a. 2001-2002.
26. 2 - 3 July 2001.
26a. 2001 annual operating statement.
27. 4 - 31 July 2001.
27a. HEFCE report Performance Indicators December 2001.
27b. HEFCE reports 2001 -2002.
28. 1 - 31 August 2001.
29. 1 - 30 September 2001.
30. 1 - 31 October 2001.
31. 1 November 2001 - 31 March 2002.
32. 1 April - 30 June 2002.
33. 1 July - 31 October 2002.
34. 1 November 2002 - 31 January 2003.
35. 1 February - 31 March 2003.
36. 1 April - 16 June 2003.
36b. HEFCE visit 30 May 2003.
37. 16 June - 30 November 2003.
38. 4 December 2003 - 31 March 2004.
39. 1 April - 31 July 2004.
40. 1 August - 31 December 2004.
41. Reused as 45.
42. June 2004 - January 2005.
43. November 2004 - June 2005.
44. June - November 2005.
45. 1 January - 1 June 2006.
46. 1 - 30 June 2006.
47. 1 July 2006 - 14 February 2007.
48. 21 September 2009 - 27 June 2011.
UND/CB1/H10a   1 August 1993 - 29 January 2009
HEFCE, Warden's correspondence with, comprising correspondence, also copies of HEFCE circulars, HEFCE assessment reports on University of Durham departments, etc.
1i&ii. 1993.
2i&ii. 1993.
3i&ii. 1993-1994.
4. 1994.
5. 1994.
6i&ii. 1994
7i&ii. 1994.
8i&ii. 1994-1995.
9i&ii. 1995.
10i&ii. 1995.
11. 1995.
12i&ii. 1995.
13i&ii. 1995-1996.
14i&ii. 1996-1997.
15. 1997-1999.
16. 7 May 1999 - 5 March 2000.
17. 6 March 2000 - 4 April 2001.
18. 5 April 2001 - 30 April 2002.
19. 1 May 2002 - 31 March 2004.
20. 1 April - 15 December 2004.
21. 16 December 2004 - 1 February 2005.
22. 9 February 2005 - 5 February 2007.
23. 16 February 2007 - 6 August 2008.
24. 6 February - 9 October 2007.
25. 1 August 2007 - 29 January 2009
UND/CB1/H10b   1991 - 2000
HEFCE meetings, correspondence and assorted papers on university funding.
UND/CB1/H10c   1998 - 2002
HEFCE Visit and Restructuring Bid; Corporate Plan Section Annual Operating Statement, Widening Participation Bid, Developing Good Management Practice Bid - Joint Durham/Sheffield etc, Sheffield lead, correspondence, HEFCE publications and documents on bids.
1. 1998-2000.
2. 1999-2000.
3. 1999-2000.
4. 2000-2002.
UND/CB1/H10d   26 January 1999 - 1 March 2000
HEFCE Poor Estates Bids, bis and correspondence
See UND/CB1/H9 above.
UND/CB1/H11   29 June 1981 - April 2003
Hearing-Impaired Students, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the University of Durham Advisory Committee on Hearing - Impaired Students, and related publications (of the University of Durham ,etc.) (including brochure of the University of Durham Deaf Studies Research Unit : Advanced Diploma and MA Degree in Sign Language Studies [1991]).
1i&ii. 1981-1988.
2. 1988-1990.
3. 1990-1992.
4. 1992-1999.
5. 17 February 1999 - April 2003.
UND/CB1/H12   27 January 1993 - 30 October 2005
Howlands College (first file), later Howlands Trust'(2 further files), and Public Relations and Howlands College (1 file), comprising correspondence and papers concerning a proposed new college at Howlands Farm; agenda papers of New College Project Committee; reports; and papers sent to competitors in the RIBA Competition.
1i&ii. 1993-1994.
2i&ii. 1994.
3i&ii. 1994-1995.
4. 1993-1996.
4a. 2 May 1995 - 30 October 2005.
UND/CB1/H12a   1993 - 1994
Arup Associates 30 Years On, Review booklet produced by Arup Associates.
UND/CB1/H13   22 February 1999 - 15 September 2002
Higher Education Reach-Out to Business and the Community (HEROBC), correspondence and papers.
1. 22 February 1999 - 18 April 2001.
2. 9 January - 15 September 2002.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/H14   24 January 2000 - 31 May 2007
Health, Medicine and Environment, Faculty of, correspondence and papers and Board agendas and papers, with some School of Health Board of Studies papers, and including (in 5a) Lost in Translation: A commentary on Labour's health policy four years into the NHS Plan by Kenneth Calman et al.
1. 24 January 2000 - 31 March 2002.
2. 1 April - 31 December 2002.
3. 1 January - 31 December 2003.
4. 1 January 2004 - 11 March 2005.
4a. 21 July - 1 September 2004.
5. 18 October 2004 - 31 May 2007.
5a. 11 July 2005 - 20 June 2006.
7 paper files
UND/CB1/H15   21 December 1999 - 20 December 2001
Centre for Health Studies, a small amount of correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/I1   2 May 1966 - 8 August 1969
Indiana University Exchange, comprising correspondence, and a very few agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Committee of Senate and Council on Exchange Studentships and agenda papers of the committee appointed to select Indiana and DePauw Exchange Students.
UND/CB1/I1a   1938 - 1961
Indian Students and Students Overseas, comprising correspondence, etc., including lists of overseas students at King's College).
1. 1938-1940.
2. 1943-1951.
3. 1952-1960.
4. 1960-1961.
UND/CB1/I1b   1965, 1981 - 1991
Information for Members of Staff Booklet, correspondence, material for the Computer Unit, the Play Group and the Women's Society for the booklet.
UND/CB1/I2   April 1985 - 6 July 2005
Ian Graham Awards Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Committee for the Ian Graham Awards. (Mr Ian Graham, registrar and secretary of the University of Durham, died in December 1984.)
1. April 1985 - 29 May 1991.
2. 30 May 1991 - 6 July 2005.
UND/CB1/I3   May 1964 - 6 December 1976
Imperial College of Science and Technology, comprising a very little correspondence, and related papers. (Dr Derman Christopherson, Vice-Chancellor and Warden , University of Durham, became a Fellow of Imperial College in 1966.)
UND/CB1/I3a   July 1988 - 13 November 2006
International Office, comprising correspondence and related papers (including a number of publications of overseas universities, etc. that were received), also agenda papers (seemingly only up to February 1994) of the University of Durham International Office Steering Committee.
1. 1988-1991.
2. 1991-1992.
3i&ii. 1991-1992.
4i&ii. 1993-1994.
5. 1994.
6i&ii. 1994-1995.
7i&ii. 1995.
8i&ii. 1995.
9i&ii. 1995-1996.
10. 1996-1999.
11. 25 January 1999 - 13 November 2006
UND/CB1/I4   1949 - 1955
Icelandic Expedition of D.U.E.S. [Durham University Exploration Society,based at King's College], comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/I4   1963 - 7 July 1978
I.C.I. Fellowships, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne Joint ICI Fellowships Committee and of the University of Durham ICI Fellowships Committee.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965.
4. 1965-1966.
5. 1966-1970.
6. 1970-1973.
7. 1973-1978.
UND/CB1/I4a   6 March 1964 - 14 April 1969
I.C.I. Fellowships, Applications, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle Joint ICI Fellowships Committee and of the University of Durham ICI Fellowships Committee.
UND/CB1/I4b   16 November 1963 - 15 April 1969
I.C.I. Fellowships, Correspondence and Reports, comprising correspondence, annual reports of various universities concerning their own ICI Research Fellowships (including Universities of Durham and Newcastle ICI Research Fellowships report for the year).
UND/CB1/I4c   6 February 1967 - 13 January 1968
I.C.I. Fellowships, Policy, comprising correspondence, also agenda papers of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle Joint ICI Fellowships Committee.
UND/CB1/I5   1949 - 1963
I.C.I. Fellowships Correspondence and Reports from I.C.I. Fellows at the University of Durham.
1. 1949-1954.
2. 1954-1957.
3. 1957-1959.
4. 1959-1962.
5. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/I5a   29 January 1971 - 30 June 2001
Institute of European Studies, comprising correspondence (with The Institute of European Studies, Chicago), and agenda papers of the Council and of the Executive Committee of the Inter-University Council, and agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate's ad hoc Committee on the (future of the) Institute of European Studies, also papers concerning the IES Review of the Durham Centre (1986), financial statements of the Durham Centre of the IES (Illinois) Ltd. 30 June 1989, agenda papers for the AGM of the Durham Centre of the IES (Illinois) Ltd. 10 October 1994, and financial statements of the IES Durham Centre of the IES (Illinois) Ltd. for the years to 30 June 1995 and to 30 June 1996. (The IES is stated to be a US educational charity established in 1950 with seven centres in Europe; in 1969 IES and the University of Durham agreed to establish a centre in the legal form of a company registered as an educational charity and Parsons Field Court was built (and paid for by IES) for self-catering accommodation of the IES students.)
1. 1971-1978.
2i&ii. 1978-1996.
3. 19 November 1996 - 30 June 2001.
UND/CB1/I6   31 January 1969 - May 1978
Information Committee (University Prospectuses and Pamphlets), comprising correspondence and agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Information Committee.
UND/CB1/I6a   5 June 1991 - 23 October 2003
Information Technology Strategy Committee, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the Information Technology Strategy Committee and of the committee's IT Strategy Working Group, also some reports of the Inter-University Committee on Computing.
1i&ii. 1991-1992.
2i&ii. 1992-1993.
2a. 1992- 14 May 1999.
3i&ii. 1993-1994.
4. 3 February 1994 - 23 October 2003.
UND/CB1/I6b   12 May 1989 - 23 October 1995
Campus Wide Information Service (CWIS) DUCIS Durham University Campus Information Service, comprising agenda papers of the Campus Wide Information Service (CWIS) Advisory Group , Information Technology Strategy Committee, DUCIS Steering Group, and DUCIS Advisory Group, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/I6c   July 1989 - July 1991
Working Papers on the ''set Up'' of the Information Technology Strategy Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers (of the Information Technology Strategy Committee).
UND/CB1/I6d   18 July 1991 - 7 May 1998
Information Technology Users' Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Information Technology Users' Committee [a sub-committee of the Information Technology Strategy Committee], and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1991-1993.
2. 1993-1998.
UND/CB1/I6e   16 March 1988 - 1992
Working Group on Certificate in Computer Literacy, comprising agenda papers of the Working Group on Computer Literacy (a working group of the Computer Service Committee); (no correspondence).
1. 1988-1990.
2. 1991-1992.
UND/CB1/I6f   2 January 1991 - 15 September 1993
1992 Procurement Steering Group, comprising agenda papers of the 1992 Procurement Steering Group (of the MUMAC Computing Service) and of the Durham Working Group on the 1992 Procurement (of the Information Technology Strategy Committee), and a very little related correspondence. (Concerns the replacement of the central service computer for the Universities of Durham and Newcastle.)
1i&ii. 1991-1992.
2. 1992-1993.
UND/CB1/I6g   1950 - 1960
Insurances, correspondence
UND/CB1/I6h   August 1991
Working Party of the IT Strategy Committee on Printing Services, minutes, agendas and correspondencea single letter informing working party members about the appointment of members of The Technical Working Party on Printing Services.
UND/CB1/I6i   1992 - 1993
Teaching Technology Initiatives Steering Committee, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the committee, with a a report of the IUTC Skills in Universities - the Way Forward (1992).
UND/CB1/I6j   1992 - 1993
Computer Science Steering Group, agendas and minutes, and information on the University Computer Service.
UND/CB1/I6k   1992 - 1993
Working Group on IT Training, reports, agendas and minutes.
UND/CB1/I6l   January - September 1993
Working Group on Administrative Computing Matters in Colleges, minutes.
UND/CB1/I6m   1992 - 1993
Software Steering Group, minutes and agendas, with a photocopied article comparing various desk-top publishing pakcages, Evaluation of Visualisation Systems: AGOCG Technical Report, the university's policy for PC software, correspondence, and articles comparing database and spreadsheet software.
UND/CB1/I7   1991 - 1999
Industrial and Commercial Liaison Strategy Committee, correspondence, agendas for Industry Related Activities, copies of the European Newsletter for the North-East, report on The Development of the University of Durham Within the Higher Education System, and information on the Industrial and Commercial Forum.
UND/CB1/I8   23 June 1994 - 3 May 2005
Information Technology Service, comprising correspondence; copy of JISC[Committee]'s Guidelines for Developing an Information Strategy (1995), University of Durham Information Technology Service's Courses Directory 1996 - 97, copy of University of Durham bid for funds to HEFCE under the HEFC LAN/MAN Initiative 1997 - 98, and University of Durham Millenium Taskforce: Departmental Year 2000 Action (1998).
1. 23 June 1994 - 23 September 1998.
2. 1 October 1998 - 6 October 2003.
3. 7 October 2003 - 3 May 2005.
For earlier files see UND/CB1/C21.
UND/CB1/I9   3 June 1994 - 22 November 1999
Industry and Commerce Club, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Industry and Commerce Club Management Steering Group; agenda papers of the AGM of the University of Durham Industry and Commerce Club; agenda papers of the University of Durham Industry Related Activities meetings; and related correspondence and papers.
1i&ii. 1994-1996.
2i&ii. 1996-1999.
UND/CB1/I10   1948
Industrial Injuries, comprising correspondence, and notes re procedure in other universities (including Durham) and re liability against claims by examiners.
UND/CB1/I11   September 1993 - June 1997
1. Investments Committee agendas, minutes and reports, September 1993 - December 1994.
2. Investments Sub-Committee of Finance Committee agendas, minutes and reports, March - June 1997.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/J2   28 August 2001 - 30 September 2009
John Snow College, some governing body papers for 2002-2002, then permissions for student trransfers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/J3   1 January 2003 - 28 June 2005
Joint Appointments Committee, making recommendations for the membership of all standing and joint standing committees of Council and Senate, meeting annually in Easter term, papers and correspondence.
1. 1 January 2003 - 28 June 2005.
2. June 2003 committee papers.
3. June 2004 committee papers.
4. June 2005 committee papers.
4 paper files
UND/CB1/J4   26 March 2003 - 18 October 2006
Joint Procurement Policy and Strategy Group, cmprising mainly JISC correspondence and circulars.
Paper file
UND/CB1/J5   1 December 2005 - 17 August 2007
Josephine Butler College, correspondence about its establishment and then student transfers.
Paper file
UND/CB1/K1   5 January 1937 - 27 March 1962
King's College, comprising correspondence (mainly with the registrar of King's College); some agenda papers of the Academic Board of King's College; memorandum on the financial position of King's College (1937); lists of overseas students 1942-1943 and 1950; agenda papers of the committee to discuss the possibility of the introduction of Physical Education as a degree subject (1957); statement on action taken by King's College to implement the Gate Committee's report (Report of the Committee on the Control of Expenditure by the Universities from Non-Recurrent Grants) (1959); memorandum on the demand for graduate teachers 1960 - 67 (1960); and statement by King's College for the visitation by the University Grants Committee (October 1960).
1. 1937-1939.
2. 1939-1941.
3. 1941-1944.
4. 1944-1960.
5. 1960-1962.
UND/CB1/K1a   15 February 1969 - December 1978
Kent, University of, at Canterbury, comprising agenda papers of the Academic Advisory Committee of the University of Kent at Canterbury (of which Sir Derman Christopherson was a member); University of Kent at Canterbury Gazette, Nos. 4-6, 8, 13-15 September 1969 - October 1971, September 1973, September 1977 and [July 1978]; 4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 13th reports of the vice-chancellor; agenda papers for the meeting of the Court of the University on 23 February 1973 and minutes of this meeting; and a little related correspondence agenda papers of the AGM of the Court of the University and of the General Committee of the University.
UND/CB1/K2   16 November 1979 - 5 November 1981
Kepier Court Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Kepier Court Committee, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/K2a   1943 - 1963
King's College Council, comprising agenda papers and a very little correspondence.
1. 1943-1946.
2. 1947-1948.
3. 1948-1950.
4. 1950-1951.
5i&ii. 1951-1952.
6. 1952-1953.
7. 1953-1955.
8i&ii. 1955-1957.
9. 1957.
10. 1957-1958.
11. 1958-1959.
12. 1959-1960.
13. 1960.
14. 1960-1961.
15. 1961-1962.
16. 1962.
17. 1962.
18. 1962.
19. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/K3   1943 - 1963
King's College Academic Board, comprising agenda papers.
1. 1943-1948.
2. 1948-1949.
3. 1950-1952.
4i&ii. 1953-1959.
5. 1959-1961.
6. 1961-1962.
7. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/L1   14 April 1981 - 15 July 2010
Library, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of some meetings of DSU and library staff and of the University of Durham Joint Council / DAUT committee and of CLASSLINC; University Library exhibition catalogues on the Fleece and Rocket Presses (1989); Report to the Library Committee and the Policy Committee of the Library Sub-Committee on Special Collections (1989); library annual reports 1989/90, 1992/93, and 1993 - 94; papers for the Warden's visit to the University library (1991); Library Information Pack [1994]; publications of outside bodies; agenda papers for the University of Durham Library Committee meeting on 28 May 1997; brochure produced for the opening of the University Library extension by the chancellor (Sir Peter Ustinov) on 30 June 1997; and (in an envelope of loose papers) correspondence etc. re 'April 1995 : 1995 Review of Durham University Library Materials Manchester, SOAS, UCL'.
1i&ii. 1981-1984.
2i&ii. 1984-1989.
3. 1989-1992.
4i&ii, 4a. 1992-1995.
5. 1995- 30 January 1998.
6. 1 February 1998 - 7 June 2000.
7. 8 June 2000 - 31 December 2004.
8. 1 January 2005 - 15 July 2010.
UND/CB1/L1a   March 1979, May - August 1989
Transfer of Library Books, comprising correspondence with the University of Manchester consequent upon the relocation to Manchester of Drs Healey, Luft and Smith (in the field of Oriental Studies), May - August 1989; also (loose in the file) copy of North Eastern Universities O and M Unit [Report] on the University of Durham The University Library (March 1979).
UND/CB1/L1b   1938 - 1961
Law, Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence (including that re examinations for prisoners of war).
1. 1938-1940.
2. 1940-1961.
UND/CB1/L2   February 1980 - May 1997
Library Committee, comprising agenda papers of meetings of the Curators of the Library and of the Library Committee, and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1980-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1985.
3i&ii. 1985-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1991.
5. 1991.
6i&ii. 1991-1993.
7i&ii. 1993-1995.
8i&ii. 1995-1997.
UND/CB1/L2a & L9   1938 - 1988
Faculty of Law, comprising correspondence, also (for 1945-1946 and 1968 on) minutes and reports of the Board of the Faculty.
L2a/1. 1938-1963.
L9/1i&ii. 1968-1972.
L9/2. 1972-1975.
L9/3. 1975-1978.
L9/4i&ii. 1978-1984.
L9/5. 1984-1988.
UND/CB1/L4   1963 - 1994
Local Education Authorities Entrance Awards, correspondence.
UND/CB1/L6   July 1982 - 4 July 2011
Leverhulme Trust, comprising copies of Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' circulars about Leverhulme Commonwealth / USA Visiting Fellowships; publications of The Leverhulme Trust (reports on grants made); related correspondence; and copies of some applications for Leverhulme Trust Personal Research Professorships and Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellowships, and copies of the annual reports of the Leverhulme Trustees 1995 - 97.
1. 1982-1991.
2i&ii. 1991-1995.
3i&ii. 1995-1996.
4i&ii. 1996- 7 October 1998.
5. 25 November 1998 - 4 July 2011.
UND/CB1/L7   1951 - 10 May 2003
Leave of Absence, comprising correspondence with and about applicants for leave of absence (and sabbatical leave).
1. 1951-1960.
2. 1965-1979.
3. 1979-1989.
4. 1989-1993.
5. 1993-1996.
6i&ii. 1996-1998.
7. 1998- 18 November 1999.
8. 19 November 1999 - 10 May 2003.
UND/CB1/L8   22 January 1964 - 9 April 1999
Lectures, Inaugural, comprising correspondence; copies of notices/circulars about inaugural lectures; also the typescript of the text of the inaugural lectures of Professors G.R. Batho ( “The Practice of Teaching”, 1975), A.J.M. Milne (“Politics and Controversy”, 1977), P. Bridgwater (“The Learned Ape”, 1978), and C. Jones (“Current Issues in Phonological Theory”, 1980).
1. 1964-1972.
2i&ii. 1972-1976.
3. 1976-1979.
4i&ii. 1979-1988.
5. 1998-1999.
UND/CB1/L8a   March - November 1951
Law School at Durham: Proposals for, comprising copies of letters of the registrar to the vice-chancellor (at 38 North Bailey) and to Lord Eustace Percy (rector of King's College) and agenda papers and report for a committee.
See L2a above.
UND/CB1/L9a   30 July 1990 - 1 May 2007
Language Centre, papers about its establishment and then about appointments of staff and its administration.
1. 30 July 1990 - 23 March 2001.
2. 24 March 2001 - 1 May 2007.
3. Language Centre Advisory Committee papers, agendas and correspondence re the setting up of the committee and its first meeting on 20 November 1991.
3 paper files
UND/CB1/L10   June 1964 - 18 January 2007
Law Department, comprising correspondence; copy of Honours School in Law : Regulations and Syllabuses 1971 - 2; papers for a visit of the University Grants Committee Study Group on Law (8 March 1972); papers on the question of tenure (of academic staff) in the university (1981); paper by Dr L.D. Gurnswamy about EEC Legislation Controlling Mercury Pollution in U/S (1982); paper by the committee of Heads of University Law Schools on 'Law as an Academic Discipline' (1984); a few Board of Studies in Law minutes (mid 1980s only); papers for the Vice-Chancellor's Visit to the Department (26 October 1990); copy of Inter Alia (University of Durham Student Law Journal) Vol. 1 No.6 (Spring 1997); Department of Law Prospectus for the Academic Year 1966 - 67; and the majority (p.5-144) of the published text of [the Wilson Report on Legal Education in the UK, 1966] (and covering correspondence of Professor Dowrick with the vice-chancellor about the report, [which had been produced by the Society of Public Teachers of Law], 1966).
1, 1a. 1964-1972.
2. 1972-1983.
3. 1983-1990.
4i&ii. 1990- 17 November 1997.
5. 1 January 1998 - 31 December 2004.
6. 1 January 2005 - 18 January 2007.
UND/CB1/L10a   1953 - 1960
“Lunatic File” , comprising letters and copies of publications sent to the registrar and others [by persons of a disordered mind] on religious subjects (theories of creation, etc.)
UND/CB1/L10b   January - February 1966
Statutory Committee on the establishment of a chair in Law in place of the exiting readership, agendas and papers, with testimonials for F.E. Dowrick.
Paper file
UND/CB1/L11   1966 - June 1977
Lodgings, comprising correspondence; lists of lodgings (issued by the University of Durham Lodgings Committee); and agendas of meetings of the Sub-Committee on Lodgings.
1. 1966-1969.
2. 1969-1977.
UND/CB1/L11a   1966 - 1969
Lodgings Committee.
UND/CB1/L11b   1990 - 1995
Student Loans, reports and agendas of meetings to consider access funds, correspondence, information on the government's proposals for Topup Loans for studernts, a report on Student Loans: Certifying Eligibility.
1. 1990-1991.
2. 1990-1995.
UND/CB1/L11c   1990 - 1994
Student Loans - Durham Colleges, correspondence and information on student loans.
UND/CB1/L11d   1990 - 1992
Student Loans - Students, correspondence.
UND/CB1/L11e   May 1990 - 19 December 2001
Student Loans Company, correspondence with occasional circulars and annual reports from.
Paper file
UND/CB1/L12   25 October 1973 - 23 April 1979
College Lists, comprising lists (and amendments to lists) of students in residence (and galley proofs of printed lists of such students), and related correspondence.
UND/CB1/L12a   5 March 1980 - 11 September 1991
Lecturers, Part-time and Temporary, comprising correspondence, also some agenda papers of the University of Durham Quinquennial Committee's Sub-Committee on Part-Time Teaching.
1i&ii. 1980-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1985.
4i&ii. 1986-1988.
5. 1988-1991.
6. 1991.
UND/CB1/L12b   28 November 1972 - 2 November 1973
Undergraduate Lists, comprising computer print-out of lists of Undergraduate Students in Residence (arranged per department) and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/L13   1 October 1993 - 16 July 2002
Linguistics and English Language, Department of, correspondence with some reports, briefings and course prospectuses.
Paper file
UND/CB1/L14   29 January 1999 - 22 September 2005
Centre for Lifelong Learning and HEFCE Widening Participation, correspondence and papers, including Centre for Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Part-Time Study 1999/2000
1. 29 January 1999 - 22 September 2005.
2. 26 March - 16 December 1999, part-time degrees.
3. 17 January - 9 May 2000, part-time degrees.
4. September 1999 - 19 October 2001, staffing.
5. 25 October 1999 - 23 August 2000, Environmental Sciences.
For earlier material of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, see UND/CB1/A14.
UND/CB1/L15   21 September 1999 - 14 November 2004
League Tables, correspondence and reports on DU's position in various tables, including The Sunday Times University Guide 16 September 2001 and The Daily Telegraph The Best For Your Children by Chris Woodhead and John Clare Part 4 The University Years. [2001].
Paper file
UND/CB1/M1   March 1983 - 23 July 1986
Materials Science and Technology, Centre for, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Council Negotiating Committee for the Research and Development Centre and (later) of the University of Durham Management Committee for the Centre for Materials Science and Technology; University of Durham press release concerning the Mountjoy Research Centre's cutting of the first turf at this development by the chancellor of the University (3 July 1984); brochure of the Durham Mountjoy Research Centre (1984); correspondence (with English Estates, etc.); agenda papers of the University of Durham Management Committee for the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories [on 26 March 1985 the University Council agreed that the Centre for Materials Science and Technology should be re-named the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories, and consequently there was a change in the title of the Management Committee]; papers for a press conference at Mountjoy Research Centre on 14 May 1986; correspondence etc. re the opening of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories by the University chancellor on 1 July 1986; and (loose in the last file) Northern Executive (a quarterly technical journal to promote the interests of the industrial north; an official journal of the Engineering Industries Association) Issue No. 2 (1986) which includes an illustrated article on Durham Mountjoy Research Centre and colour views of the exterior of the centre on the front cover; an English Estates brochure Durham Mountjoy Research Centre.
1i&ii. 1983-1984.
2i&ii. 1984-1986.
UND/CB1/M1a   July 1991 - December 1998
Modularisation, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Working Party on Modularisation, set up by Senate to consider proposals for the introduction of a modular degree structure for undergraduate degrees, and of the Teaching and Learning Committee's Working Group on Modularisation; and memoranda (of the Academic Office's Courses and Quality Section).
1. July 1991 - January 1992.
2. February 1992 - March 1997.
3. April 1997 - December 1998.
UND/CB1/M1b   December 1992 - 23 April 1993
Working Group on Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements, Wednesday , 24th February 1993, and Working Group on Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements, Friday, 25th June 1993, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's Working Group on Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements; and related papers. From Science Site.
UND/CB1/M1c   7 May 1991 - 17 March 1992
Senate Regulations and Admissions Working Group on Modularisation 1991 - 92 + 1992 - 93, comprising correspondence, memoranda, and related papers. From Science Site.
UND/CB1/M2   15 November 1972 - 31 July 1975; 25 November 1979 - 19 December 1983
Manual and Domestic Staffing Committee, comprising correspondence about rates of pay for manual and domestic staff and about staff gratuities.
UND/CB1/M2a   30 June 1986 - 17 June 1998
Mountjoy Research Centre, comprising agenda papers of the Durham Mountjoy Research Centre Review Meeting and of the Strategy Meeting; correspondence; and related papers (including report on the future development of Durham Mountjoy Centre by Segal Quince Wicksteed, consultants, March 1989).
1. 1986-1992.
2i&ii. 1992-1998.
UND/CB1/M3   9 September 1969 - 4 February 1976
Middleton St. George College of Education, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of the Middleton St. George College of Education (County Council of Durham), and a little related correspondence. (Sir Derman Christopherson, the vice-chancellor, was a member of the governing body.)
1i&ii. 1969-1973.
2. 1973-1975.
3. 1975-1978.
UND/CB1/M3a   1937 - 1945
M.Ed. Thesis, Examiners Reports on, comprising correspondence and reports.
UND/CB1/M3b   1 January 1998 - 19 September 2008
Medical Research Council, correspondence with, mainly about appointments to it.
Paper file
UND/CB1/M4   September 1971 - September 2021
Matriculation Ceremony, comprising correspondence; circulars; some texts of the matriculation addresses of the vice-chancellor (dating from the late 1980s - 1996 and 2021) and others; Freshers Conference Handbook 1979 and Durham Students Union Intro Week brochure 1984.
1. September 1971-1989.
1a. 1976.
2. 1989 - 10 November 1998.
3. 12 November 1998 - 6 October 2004.
4. 6 November 2002 - 9 October 2003.
5. 12 November 2003 - 6 October 2004.
6. 1 December 2004 - 4 November 2008.
7. October 2017 - September 2021.
UND/CB1/M4a   1933 - 1961
M.Litt. Thesis, Examiners Reports on, comprising correspondence and reports.
UND/CB1/M5   1940 - 1961
Master of Education, comprising correspondence; examination questions; and some reports. (2 sample files only retained.)
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1960-1961.
UND/CB1/M5a   1988 - 1997
Molecular Electronics, Centre for, Current Activities in Molecular Electronics from 1988 and 1990, the 1988-89 annual reports of the Centre for Molecular Electronics, correspondence on laboratory accommadation, correspondence on Laboratory Accommodation and Details of the British Nuclear Fuels plc works in the Centre for Molecular Electronics.
UND/CB1/M6   30 December 1966 - 12 December 1978
Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of the North Eastern Branch of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; correspondence; and (other) publications of the North Eastern branch (circulars), also some Institution of Mechanical Engineers (London office) circulars to members, etc.
1. 1966-1973.
2. 1973-1978.
UND/CB1/M6a   15 August 1991 - 16 October 2002
Management Information Services, including correspondence and reports (1990s) on university IT services.
Paper file
UND/CB1/M12a   1981 - 1987
Microprocessor Centre, correspondence, Newsletter 2, reports on the Computer Board's Microprocessor Programme (1982) by the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils and on The Future Role, Policy and Management of the Microprocessor Centre.
UND/CB1/M7, M15   1908 - 21 May 2002
Military Education, The Universities of Northumbria, later Military Education Committee, The Universities of Northumbria, comprising correspondence of the secretary of the committee 1908-1925, much of it with the War Office, covering such as finances, a proposed medical unit (1924), the central organisation of Military Eduation Committees, report of a conference on Officers Training Corps 17 February 1911, headquarters (College Road, Newcastle), payments to sergeant instructors, appointments of officers, the formation (in 1908) and organisation of the OTC, the inclusion of Military Science and training in university courses, regular army commissions; then (1939-2002) agenda papers of The Universities of Northumbria Military Education Committee; correspondence, reports, and copies of War Office circulars (addressed to the chairmen of Military Education Committees etc.); and a pamphlet on the Central Organisation of Military Education Committees, September 1960.
M15/8-9. 1908-1925.
M15/1. 1939-1948.
M15/2. 1948-1951.
M15/3. 1951-1952.
M15/4. 1953-1954.
M15/5. 1954-1958.
M15/6. 1958-1960.
M15/7. 1963.
M7/1. 1963-1965.
M7/2. 1965-1967.
M7/3. 1967-1972.
M7/4. 1972-1978.
M7/5i&ii. 1978-1979.
M7/6. 9 May 1989 - 21 May 2002.
UND/CB1/M8   1940 - 1961
Faculty of Medicine, comprising correspondence, and (especially for the period up to 1950) some agenda papers.
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1952.
3. 1953-1961.
UND/CB1/M9   8 November 1963 - 20 February 2007
Mathematics Department, later Mathematical Sciences Department, comprising correspondence; a few minutes of meetings of the Board of Studies in Mathematics and a few sessional reports of the department, 1960s - early 1970s; agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Mathematics / later Mathematical Sciences, 1970 - 75 and 1992 - 94; papers assembled for the vice-chancellor's visit to Mathematical Sciences on 7 June 1991; report of a group working under the auspices of the London Mathematical Society entitled The Future for Honours Degree Courses in Mathematics and Statistics (1992); brochure on Mathematical Sciences at Durham [1996]; and a self-assessment document in respect of the Department of Mathematical Sciences which was forwarded to the QAA (Quality Assessment Authority) (July 1998).
1. 1963-1975.
1a. 1969-1989.
2. 1975-1982.
3. 1982- 26 October 1998.
3a. 1982-1993.
3b. 1991-1994.
3c. 1992-1994.
3d. 1995-1996.
4. 1 November 1998 - 20 February 2007.
UND/CB1/M10   October 1963 - July 1988
Music Faculty, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Music up to 1984; copy of submission for the University Grants Committee Review of Music Departments (1988); and correspondence concerning the phasing out of the Bachelor of Music degree (1984 - 85).
1a. 1963-1964.
1i&ii. 1969-1970.
2i&ii. 1981-1984.
3. 1984-1988.
UND/CB1/M10a, M11b   28 January 1964 - 22 March 2007
Music Department, comprising correspondence; brochures of Durham University Choral Society [1968]; summary of proposed developments in computer-electronic music at Durham University (1973); pamphlet produced for the Oriental Music Festival at Durham, 4 - 17 August 1979; papers for the Vice-Chancellor's visit to the department on 18 June 1980; copy of Anthony Elton, Music and Life Book One (1985); brochure of the Durham University Concert Series 1987 - 88, Durham Music Calendar October - December 1987, Durham University Concert Series : Musicon 1989 - 1990 (brochure), and an external review of the department May 2003.
M10a. 1964-1979.
M11b/1. 1979- 23 October 1989.
M11b/2. 24 October 1989 - 22 March 2007.
UND/CB1/M10b   1945 - 1946
Matriculation Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence with prospective students, students, and examiners; and some examination and degree pass notices signed by examiners. Sample only retained.
UND/CB1/M10c   1947 - 1951
BA Hons in Music, comprising proposals, correspondence, memorandum (1947) on University of Durham courses in music, etc.
UND/CB1/M10d   1950 - 1951
Music Examinations: comprising correspondence with solicitors etc. re student's claims against the University as a DMus candidate.
UND/CB1/M11   1 February 1964, 20 October 1964 - 7 June 1971
Medical School, comprising correspondence (especially concerning proposals for a Medical School in Durham, including correspondence with Charles Grey, MP); draft of a letter from the University of Durham to the Royal Commission on Medical Education (1965); and copies of articles on medical education published in the British Medical Journal, 1 February 1964 and 16 April 1966.
UND/CB1/M11a   1963 - 1966
Warden's papers re Medical School November 1963 to June 1966, comprising correspondence (with Charles Grey, MP, Professor Kenneth Hill of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, University of London, the University Grants Committee, etc.); and agenda papers of the University of Durham Working Party on Developments in the field of Medical Education.
See M10a above.
UND/CB1/M12   3 December 1963 - 31 January 1964
Members of the University, comprising correspondence (about residence of individual staff outside three miles from Durham City and about a former graduate, etc.)
UND/CB1/M13   1939 - 1963
Military Training Service, comprising correspondence, and copies of Ministry of Labour and National Service circulars, etc.
UND/CB1/M13a   1982 - 1985
Malcolm MacDonald Fund, correspondence, South-South Option (1982) a lecture given by Julius K. Nyerere for the Third World Foundation, publicity materials for the rickshaw ride from Land's End to John O'Groats for the Malcolm MacDonald Memorial Fund, the Spring newsletter from 1982 of the Commonwealth Society with an article about the establishment of the Malcolm MacDonald Memorial Fund (p.7), and publicity material for the memorial fund.
UND/CB1/M14, M14b   June 1939 - February 1943, November 1972 - 1 November 1993
Matriculation Board, later Matriculation Committee, later Matriculation and Admissions Committee, comprising correspondence; agenda papers (up to 1985 only) of the University of Durham Matriculation and Admissions Committee; and related papers (and publications).
M14b. 1939-1943.
M14/1. 1972-1973.
M14/2i&ii. 1973-1974.
M14/3. 1974-1975.
M14/4i&ii. 1975-1976.
M14/5. 1976-1977.
M14/6i&ii. 1977-1978.
M14/7. 1978-1979.
M14/8. 1979-1980.
M14/9. 1980-1981.
M14/10. 1981-1983.
M14/11i&ii. 1983-1984.
M14/12i&ii. 1984-1987.
M14/13. 1987-1993.
UND/CB1/M14a   March 1983 - 18 March 1991
Matriculation Qualifications, comprising correspondence; and copies of publications received (publications of the Secondary Examinations Council, etc.)
1i&ii. 1983-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1991.
See M14 above.
UND/CB1/M14c   18 October 1994 - 9 May 2000
Minority Funding, correspondence and HEFCE circualrs on funding for minority subjects
Paper file
See M7 above.
UND/CB1/M15a   1963 - 1964
Master of Letters, correspondence, mostly about successful theses.
UND/CB1/M16   1963 - 1991
Master of Arts, correspondence.
UND/CB1/M17   1963 - 1976
Master of Science, correspondence.
UND/CB1/M18   31 October 1968 & December 1969
Ministry of Overseas Development, comprising “Research Department [? of the Association of Commonwealth Universities] Memorandum : African Studies in Universities in the United Kingdom” (October 1968), and circular letter from the Ministry of Overseas Development about overseas economic and social research grants.
UND/CB1/M18a   23 February 1966 - July 1967
M.O.D. Additional Posts Scheme, comprising correspondence (including with Fourah Bay College) about the Ministry of Overseas Development's scheme for sponsored staff ; copies of advertisements of academic posts at the University of Durham and at Fourah Bay College, and copies of terms and conditions of appointment of lectureships in the University of Durham.
UND/CB1/M20   1951
Readership in Mining [King's College], comprising correspondence (including that with Mr J.D. Jenkins, who was appointed), and copy of Mr Jenkins's application.
UND/CB1/N1   12 June 1969 - 7 August 1975
Neville's Cross College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of Neville's Cross College of Education (County Council of Durham), and related correspondence. (The vice-chancellor, Sir Derman Christopherson, was a member of the governing body.)
UND/CB1/N1a   1940 - 1957
Newcastle Office [of the University], comprising correspondence regarding staff, accommodation, etc.
UND/CB1/N1b   1975 - 2003
New College, correspondence, programme for 1988-1989 North-East Festival of Languages and Schools/Industry Links, report from the 1987 North-East Regional Festival of Languages and Seminar “Making Languages Work”, with New College's annual report and review for 2001/02.
UND/CB1/N2   7 February 1983 - 12 July 1988
Nominating Committee (Council), comprising agenda papers of the Nominating Committee of Council, and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1982-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1987.
3i&ii. 1987-1988.
UND/CB1/N2a   6 November 1980 - 25 July 1988
Nominating Committee (Senate), comprising agenda papers of the Nominating Committee of Senate, and related correspondence.
1. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1982.
3i&ii. 1982-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1984.
5i&ii. 1984-1985.
6i&ii. 1985-1986.
7i&ii. 1986-1987.
8i&ii. 1987-1988.
9, 9a, 9b. 1988.
UND/CB1/N2b   30 September 1988 - 31 December 2002
Nominating Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Nominating Committee, and related correspondence. (At their meetings held on 10 May and 24 May 1988 respectively, Senate and Council agreed that the Senate Nominating Committee and the Council Nominating Committee be merged into a single joint Committee.)
1i&ii. 1988-1989.
2i&ii. 1989.
3. 1989-1990.
4. 1990.
5. 1990.
6i&ii. 1990-1991.
7i&ii. 1991.
8i,ii,iii. 1991-1992.
9, 9a. 1992.
9b. 1992-1997.
10, 10a. 1993
11i&ii. 1993.
12. 1993-1994.
13, 13a. 1994.
14. 1994.
15, 15a. 1995.
16, 16a. 1995.
17, 17a. 1996.
18, 18a. 1997.
19. 1998.
20. 1997-1999.
20a. 1998.
21, 21a-c. 1999.
22. 18 August 1999 - 31 December 2002.
23. 18 February 2000 meeting agenda, papers, correspondence and business agreed by circulation.
24-25. 9 June 2000 meeting agenda, papers, correspondence and business agreed by circulation.
26. 3 November 2000 meeting agenda, papers, correspondence and business agreed by circulation.
27. 16 February & 2 November 2001, 15 February 2002, meetings (cancelled) papers.
28. 1 June 2001 meeting papers.
29. 31 May 2002 meeting (cancelled) papers.
30. 13 August 2002 meeting papers.
31. 25 November 2002 meeting papers.
UND/CB1/N2c   1948 - 2008
Nominating Committee files for each committee that a university member was appointed to:
Universities etc:
1N. Alvey Programme for Advanced Information Technology 1985
1aN. Japan Foundation Endowment Committee 2000-2001
2N. Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth 1999-2000
2aN. Safer Stockton Partnership 2000-2001
3N. Board of the Bow Trust (Durham) Ltd 1982-2000
4N. Board of Management of the North East Museums 1965-2000
5N. Board of Governors of Sherburn Hospital 1981-2006
6N. Board of Trustees of Bishops Cosins Alms Houses 1985-2007
7N. British Universities Film and Video Council 1968-2002
8N. British and Foreign School Society 1985-1986
9N. Cleveland County Council Education Committee 1969-1995
10N. Council of North Regional Examinations Board 1980-1989
10aN. North of England Anglo-Japanese Society 1989-1992
11N. Durham County Council Education Committee 1980-1999
12N. Inter-University and Polytechnic Council for Higher Education Overseas 1952-1994
13N. Georgian Theatre (Richmond) Trust 1948-1994
14N. Universities' Committee on Computing 1987-1989
15N. Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik 1982-1984
16N. Liverpool University Court 1950-2004
17N. National Bureau for Handicapped Students 1982-1989
18N. Newcastle University Court 1966-2005
18aN. Northern Informatics Applications Agency 1995-1997
19N. North of England T.A.V.R. 1950-2000
20N. Northern Arts General Council 1964-1992
21N. Standing Conference of Arts and Social Sciences in Univerities (SCASSU) 1986-1993
22N. Sunderland Borough Education Committee 1983-1990
23N. Universities and Schools in the North of England Conference Steering Committee 1980-1988
24N. Universities of Northumbria Military Education Committee (NUMEC) 1980-2007
25N. Universities Transatlantic Exchanges Committee 1981-1993
26N. University of Newcastle upon Tyne Computing Laboratory Committee 1970-1988
27N. Standing Conference on University Studies of Africa 1988-1998
28N. Creche Management Committee 1989
29N. Council of the Friends of the Oriental Museum 1990-1995
30N. Environmental Council 1992-1999
31N. World University Service 1991-1999
32N. HESIN Sub-Committees and Working Parties 1991-1996
33N. Tees-Wear Access Federation Committee 1991
34N. Joint Committee on South African Studentships 1991
35N. Nature's World (The Botanic Centre Middlesbrough) 1992-1999
36N. Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (CATE) (blank)
37N. Durham County Conservation Trust Ltd 1992
38N. Joint East Asia Programme of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne 1992
39N. Northern Examinations and Assessment Board: Northern District Committee 1992-1995
40N. Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association 1993-1999
41N. Skill National Bureau for Students with Disabilities 1993
42N. UK Council for Graduate Education 1994-1999
43N. Committee for the North of England Universities Collaboration on Information Technology 1995
44N. Deans of Science Committee and European Association of Deans of Science 1994-1995
45N. Council of the Deans of Arts and Humanities 1994-1995
46N. Hartlepool Education Committee 1996
47N. County Durham Informatics Joint Venture 1996
48N. Royal Society Samuel Ramsay Award 1996
49N. Further Education Youth and Community Service Sub-Committee 1996
50N. Hartlepool Education and Children Board 1999
51N. The Regional Open Network for the North (TROCN) 1999-2003
52N. Club Sophia 1998-1999
53N. Stockton's Learning Towns and Lifelong Learning Partnership 2002
54N. Cathedral Council 2001-2007
55N. Tees Valley Arts 2003
Schools and colleges:
1N(SC). Acklam VIth Form College 1980-1987
2N(SC). Barnard Castle School 1950-2008
3N(SC). Bede Sixth Form College 1980-1987
4N(SC). Central Newcastle High School 1982-2006
5N(SC). Cleveland College of Art and Design 1973-1989
6N(SC). Cleveland Technical College 1981-1987
7N(SC). Convent of the Assumption Richmond 1952-1994
8N(SC). Durham High School 1984-2007
9N(SC). Egglescliffe School 1980-1987
10N(SC). Hartlepool Sixth Form College 1984-1989
11N(SC). Kirby College of Further Education 1981-1987
12N(SC). Marton Sixth Form College 1982-1987
13N(SC). Monkwearmouth College of Further Education 1972-1987
14N(SC). Nelson Thomlinson School, Wigton 1953-1991
15N(SC). New College, Durham (empty)
16N(SC). Northallerton Grammar School 1954-2005
18N(SC). Polam Hall, Darlington 1967-2005
19N(SC). Prior Pursglove Foundation 1950-1991
20N(SC). Richmond School Trust 1950-2001
21N(SC). Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne 1965-2008
22N(SC). Stockton Sixth Form College 1980-2004
23N(SC). Stockton-Billingham Technical College 1956-2001
24N(SC). Sunderland Church High School 1984-1994
25N(SC). Sunderland Polytechnic 1964-1987
26N(SC). Teesside Polytechnic 1972-1985
27N(SC). Wearside College of Further Education 1978-1988
28N(SC). Westfield School, Newcastle upon Tyne
29N(SC). Dame Allens' School 1986-2001
30N(SC). Yarm School 1989-2001
31N(SC). Durham College of Agriculture and Horticulture 1989-1994
32N(SC). Board of Bede's World Museum 1991-2005
33N(SC). Norton Educational Trust 1982-2005
34N(SC). Stokesley School 1979-1988
35N(SC). Prudhoe High School 1995
36N(SC). Stockton Riverside College 2002-2003
2 boxes
UND/CB1/N3   23 December 1970 - 3 September 1992
N.U.M.A.C., comprising agenda papers of the Northumbrian Universities Multiple Access Computer Committee, and correspondence.
1. 1971-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1977.
3i&ii. 1977-1978.
4. 1978-1980.
5i&ii. 1980-1989.
6. 1989-1992.
UND/CB1/N3a   1997 - 29 January 2010
Papers for the 1994 Group Meeting at Telford 15 September 1999, correspondence, questionnaires concerning a name change for the 1994 Group (formed in 1994 as part of the CVCP from members of 16 universities with a strapline of 'to promote excellence in research and teaching. To enhance student and staff experience within our universities and to set the agenda for higher education.'), address labels.
1. 1997-1999.
2. 1997-1999.
3. 11 August 1998 - 29 January 2010.
UND/CB1/N4   28 September 1971 - 21 February 2000
Northern Arts, including some papers for the Northern Arts Board meetings, occasional brochures and annual reports, and particularly correspondence about the Northern Arts Literary Fellowship.
Paper file
UND/CB1/N5   7 June 1972 - October 1977
North-East Area Study, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee (of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences) for the Centre for the North East Area Study; correspondence; and personnel-related papers concerning the 1973 appeal. [The North-East Area Study was established in 1972 to conduct research in to a range of social, economic and planning problems of the industrial North-East; it was funded primarily by a grant from the Social Science Research Council; the study commenced on 1 October 1972.]
1, 1a. 1972-1973.
2, 2a-c. 1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1977.
UND/CB1/N5a   1986 - 1998
Northern Registrars and Secretaries, correspondence, annual report to the Northern Registrars from the Northern Universities Regional Training Programme for Administrative Staff (1988-1989), information on the Midwest Consortium for International Activities Inc. (MUCIA), agendas and minutes, notes.
UND/CB1/N6   June 1983 - 19 May 2008
Nuffield Foundation, correspondence with the foundation about its grants for Social Sciences, and some brochures and circulars.
1. June 1983 - 15 June 2000.
2. 16 June 2000 - 19 May 2008.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/N7   [c.May 1973] - 5 October 1981, September 1985 - 25 November 1999
Northern Advisory Council for Further Education, later (from 1981 onwards) Northern Council for Further Education, comprising copy of the 26th Annual Report of the Northern Advisory Council for Further Education 1972 - 73; agenda papers of meeting of the Council; and a very little related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1973-1974.
2i&ii. 1974-1976.
3i&ii. 1976-1978.
4. 1978-1979.
5. 1979-1980.
6i&ii. 1980-1987.
7. 1987-1999.
UND/CB1/N7a   1968 - 1999
NCFE Academic Board for Higher Technology, minutes of the Northern Advisory Board AGM, details of special and advanced courses at various colleges, listed and published by the Northern Advisory Council for Further Education (NCFE), agendas and minutes for the Finance and General Purposes Committee and one set of minutes for the Council.
UND/CB1/N8   1980 - 1986
Newsletter, mainly correspondence, drafts of articles, copies of the newsletter of the University of Durham from March, June, July and November 1981.
UND/CB1/N9   1963 - 9 December 1993
Next Week, later Next Week Information, comprising copies of University of Durham Next Week and Next Week Supplement (duplicated typescript, advertising public lectures, society meetings, etc. in the University and - in Next Week Supplement - publishing details of awards made by outside bodies) and University of Durham Information ; posters advertising public lectures, concerts, etc; copies of a number of issues of the Durham Music Calendar; copies of “Lectures and Meetings in the Easter…Term” (duplicated typescript circulars); copies of Durham Inter-Collegiate Christian Union programme cards and Durham Union Society Calendar; and related correspondence. The files dating from July 1986 onwards generally comprise just copies of Next Week, etc. and not posters etc. of individual events; copies on file of University of Durham Information Nos.4 (12 December 1986) onwards to No. 169 (9 December 1993) and (separate) Next Week and, for a short time in late 1986, Newspoints.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1969.
4. 1969-1970.
5. 1970-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
7. 1972-1973.
8. 1973.
9. 1973-1974.
10. 1974-1976.
11i&ii. 1976-1978.
12. 1978-1979.
13. 1979-1980.
14. 1980-1981.
15i&ii. 1981-1982.
16i&ii. 1982-1983.
17i&ii. 1983-1984.
18i&ii. 1984-1985.
19i&ii. 1985-1986.
20. 1986-1990.
21. 1990-1993.
UND/CB1/N10   9 January 1967 - 25 March 2008
North East, Conference of the Universities and Schools in the, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne's Universities and Schools in the North of England Conference Steering Committee (and of the Working Party of the USNE Conference); and copies of conference programmes. (The conference alternated between the two universities, of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne.)
1. 1966-1972.
2. 1972-1975.
3i&ii. 1975- 16 June 1989.
3a. 1983.
5. 17 June 1989 - 25 March 2008.
UND/CB1/N11   19 May 1966 - 22 March 2001
Natural Environment Research Council, comprising correspondence (especially , for the period up to the early 1970s, copies of notifications of the award of studentships by NERC); copies of some NERC publications (especially dating from the 1980s onwards, including those about research grants, and NERC's corporate plan, its newsletter The Researcher later Awards and Training Newsletter, and the NERC Strategy for Earth Sciences, November 1989); and programme for visit by NERC Council members and senior officers to the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Durham, on 16 September 1993.
1. 1966-1970.
2. 1970-1973.
4. 1973-1980.
4. 1980-1989.
5. 1989- 24 October 1996.
6. 25 October 1996 - 22 March 2001.
UND/CB1/N11a   1985 - 1990
Natural Environment Research Council, comprising general files: general correspondence, 1987 - 89, and correspondence about NERC research studentships (including lists of research students).
1. 1985-1990.
2. 1985-1990.
UND/CB1/N12   July 1967 - April 2005
Northern Universities Conference, comprising correspondence; Reports (typescript later duplicated typescript booklets, for the period up to 1986 inclusive) on individual Northern Universities' Conferences; copies of background papers for the conference including programme, 1987; programme for the 1989 conference; and brief report on the 1988 conference.
1. 1967-1972.
2. 1972-1981.
3i&ii. 1981-1989.
4. May 1989 - March 2000.
5. March 2000 - April 2005.
UND/CB1/N12a   21 November 1972 - 21 March 1974
Northern Universities Conference in Durham 1973, comprising correspondence about the Northern Universities Conference, held at Durham, 11-13 April 1973; also Report of the Conference of the Northern Universities 11-13 April 1973 (booklet).
UND/CB1/N12b   1959 - 1961
Nuclear Reactor, comprising correspondence regarding proposal for a reactor and its site. (The UKAEA in 1961 decided that the University of Durham was not to be included among the first three universities to receive a nuclear reactor.)
UND/CB1/N13   Summer 1983 - Spring 1986
National Advisory Board for Public Sector Higher Education (NAB): NAB Bulletins.
UND/CB1/N15a   June 1990 - August 2000
1. Cleveland College of Nursing and Midwifery in Collaboration with University of Durham “A New Preparation for Practice Project 2000” submission to the ENB and the University of Durham for approval of a three years nursing course leading to registration with the UKCC on the parts of the Professional Register relevant to Adult Care (part 12), Mental Health (part 13) and Child Care (part 15) along with a Diploma in Nursing Studies awarded by the University of Durham.
2. Papers re the establishment of the diploma, including a draft business plan of Cleveland College for 1992/93 and minutes of the college's management board 1990-1993.
3. Centre for Nursing Studies and Centre for Health Studies, including Bulletins 1996-1998, October 1993 - August 2000.
3 paper files
UND/CB1/N15b   August - November 1993
Integration of College of Nursing Proposal, comprising three copies of a Proposal of the University of Durham to the Northern Regional Health Authority for the Integration of the Durham and Teesside College of Health within the University of Durham (September 1993); Invitation (of the Northern RHA) to Submit a Proposal for the Integration of a College of Health, Nursing and Midwifery to within (sic) University or College (July 1993); correspondence; and related papers (including drafts of papers to be submitted as part of the bid to the RHA).
UND/CB1/N16   30 July 2004
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, copy deed for the management of the transfer arrangements following closure of academic courses, only signed by the Durham parties.
Paper file
UND/CB1/O1   1947, 1951 - 21 December 1995
Observatory, comprising inventory (by E.F. Baxter and W. Hall) of the property under the control of the curators of Durham University Observatory (1947), weather summaries January 1953 to December 1955 by L. Buss and a little correspondence.
1. 1951-1969.
2. 1972-1995.
UND/CB1/O1a   1949 - 1950
Thomas Wright of Byers Green [near Spennymoor, County Durham], comprising correspondence regarding the celebrations of the bicentenary of the publication in 1750 of Thomas Wright's Original Theory of the Universe.
UND/CB1/O1b   1949 - 1953, 1959
Observatory Committee.
UND/CB1/O3   1963 - 1997
Orders, Suppliers and Quotations, correspondence, invoices, receipts, stationary samples, orders to companies.
UND/CB1/O5   1982 - 1986
Oriental Music Festival, invitations and participant lists for the garden party on 11 June 1982, letters of thanks and acceptance/rejection, itinerary and presentation lists for the visit of HRH Princess Alexandria to the Durham Oriental Music Festival 21 July 1982, Oriental Music: an Introductory Guide publicity for the 1982 festival, the interim report of the festival, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/O7   1963 - 1 October 1989
Oriental Studies, School of, comprising correspondence (concerning staffing, Gulbenkian Museum, etc.); copies of some exhibition catalogues; copies of some papers by school staff members; 1st annual report of Durham Oriental Music Festival (July 1974); programmes of Durham Oriental Music Festival, 1976 and 1979; report on Durham Oriental Music Festival, 1979; The Oriental Museum, University of Durham appeal brochure (for a new public gallery, 1986); and Universities' China Committee in London : Annual Report 1986/87. (The School of Oriental Studies was re-titled the Department of East Asian Studies from 1 October 1989.)
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1972.
3. 1972-1974.
4. 1974-1978.
5. 1978-1980.
6i&ii. 1980-1984.
7i&ii. 1984-1988.
8. 1988-1989.
9. 1989.
UND/CB1/O7a   18 January 1989 - July 2008
Oriental Museum, comprising agenda papers of the Board of Trustees of the Oriental Museum (only to October 1993 on the files), later (by October 1997) the agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Oriental Museum, later (by October 1998) the University Museums Committee; copies of Oriental Museum exhibition brochures, also copies of The Orient Express (newsletter of the Friends of the Oriental Museum) Nos. 4 (September 1990) - 7 (September 1993) , No. 10 (sic) (September 1994), No. 11 (May 1995), and No. 15 (October 1998) ; photocopy of the will of Mr Eric R.G. Kidd (d. December 1991) who bequeathed various Chinese artefacts to the Gulbenkian Museum; University of Durham internal audit report on the Oriental Museum (1993); draft of the declaration of trust establishing the Oriental Museum Trust (1994); reprint of article by Trevor Horne on “Oriental Museum, Durham” published in The Architectural Review, February 1984; and papers (correspondence, ' New Gallery Fund' brochure, etc.) concerning the Oriental Museum Building Project (extension) (1995). (As noted above, there appears to be a gap in sequence of agenda papers between October 1993 and October 1997.)
1. 1989-1992.
2i&ii. 1992-1994.
3i&ii. 1994-1998.
4. December 1998 - July 2008.
UND/CB1/O8   1963 - April 2006
Overseas Students, comprising correspondence; lists (only for the period up to the very early 1970s) of University of Durham overseas students; copies of some publications received from UK and overseas bodies; some agenda papers of the North-East Higher Education Consortium (1991) and its Working Group on Meet and Greet (1991); and related papers (including those concerning Czechoslovak Student Scholarship Fund and (Durham University) Czech Student Appeal Committee, 1968 - 71), and correspondence with the United Kingdom Council of the World University Service.
1. 1962-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3i&ii. 1969-1972.
4. 1972-1973.
5. 1973-1978.
6. 1978-1983.
7i&ii. 1983-1986.
8i&ii. 1986-1988.
9. 1988-1991.
10i&ii. 1991.
11. 1991-1992.
12. 1992.
13. September 1992 - April 2006.
UND/CB1/O8a   9 January 1981 - 31 August 1994
Overseas Research Students - F.S.S. / Fees Support Scheme', comprising copies of applications for awards under the Universities and Colleges in the United Kingdom Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme; agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee on the Recruitment of Overseas Students (including 4th Annual Report 1980 - 81); correspondence (with the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and applicants); and some related papers.
1i&ii. 1981-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1984.
3. 1984-1994.
4. 1986.
5. 1987.
UND/CB1/O8b   2 November 1981 - 1993
Committee for the Recruitment of Overseas Undergraduate Students, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Recruitment of Overseas Students; agenda papers of joint meetings of the University of Durham European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee and the Committee on Recruitment of Overseas Students and (later) agenda papers of the University of Durham Overseas Academic and Students Committee (established by the Senate on 15 May 1984); some agenda papers of the North East Higher Education Consortium on Overseas Student Recruitment; and related papers (including copies of publications of outside bodies including the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges and the British Council).
1i&ii. 1981-1984.
2i&ii. 1984-1987.
3i&ii. 1987-1993.
UND/CB1/O8c   18 November 1982 - 23 July 1986
Gabbitas -Thring, comprising correspondence with Gabbitas - Thring (advisers on higher education / advisers on independent education), the British Council, etc., and related publications. These records concern the advertising of University of Durham overseas, etc., in publications.)
1. 1982-1986.
2. February - July 1986.
UND/CB1/O8d   September - October 1950
Organisation of Degree Courses.
UND/CB1/O8e   1985 - 1989
Overseas Students North East Consortium, invoices, information on the British Higher Education Mission to Hong Kong by the British Council, correspondence including a postcard from Malaysia, an invitation to the International Educational Fair in Kuala Lumpur 1986, a discussion document for the visit to Brunei 1985, and information on the North East Higher Education Consortium on Overseas Students Recruitment Bridging Course and the Steering Group of the Education Counselling Service.
UND/CB1/O8f   1986 - 1989
British Council Recruitment of Overseas Students, proforma for a survey, correspondence, visitors proposal forms from the British Council and guidelines for subscribers to the Education Counselling Service 1985/86.
UND/CB1/O9   January 1969 - 7 August 1989
O & M Unit, comprising correspondence with the North Eastern Universities O and M Unit, and copies of O and M Unit Reports (not solely on the University of Durham); the reports produced for the University of Durham which are on the files are those on: College Finances (October 1972), The University Library (March 1979), The Administration of the College of St Hild and St Bede (January 1982), Use of Microprocessors in Colleges (October 1982), and Word Processing in the Central Administration (February 1986).
1. 1969-1975.
2. 1973-1987.
3. 1987-1989.
UND/CB1/O9a   October 2000 - December 2006
One North East, correspondence and reports including Moving Forward: The Northern Way Action Plan - Progress Report (January 2005).
Paper file
UND/CB1/O10   10 June 1970 - November 2002
Open University, comprising correspondence (including that concerning OU Summer Schools, about University of Durham staff acting as tutors for the OU, and about joint degrees [with the OU] in Geology); North Eastern Universities O and M Report on the University of Durham Printing Unit -Costing and Management Information System (July 1973); and some OU publications (re Licensing the OU : Broadcast Timetable, the Licensed Off Air Recording Scheme, etc.)
1. 1970-1979.
2i&ii. 1979-1989.
3i&ii. 1989-1994.
3. 1994.
5. 1995.
6. August 1994 - November 2002.
UND/CB1/O11   April 1981 - 4 March 1998
Committee for the Organisation and Co-ordination of Open Days, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham University Open Days Committee; correspondence; and completed Open Day questionnaires 1981 (completed by departments, colleges, etc.)
1. 1981.
2. 1982.
3. 1982-1998.
UND/CB1/O12   1986 - 1995
Overseas Development Administration, correspondence and details on a workshop on “Preparing Detailed Research Proposals Addressing Policy and Practice Issues” , and the Third Medium Term Plan (1990-1995) by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
UND/CB1/P2   20 November 1963 - June 2006
Physics Department, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of committees on the appointment of lecturer; some annual reports of the department and some Board of Studies in Physics agenda papers (for the late 1960s - June 1992); G.D. Rochester, “The History of Astronomy in the University of Durham from 1835 to 1939” (typescript, 1980; published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 21, 1980, p.369-378); synopsis prepared for a visit of the Science Research Council Astronomy 1 Committee on 5/6 June 1980; Physics at Durham (brochure, 1984); Undergraduate Physics at Durham University (brochure, 1987); Physics in Durham A Guide for prospective undergraduates [1990]; papers (ring-bound) assembled for the vice-chancellor's visit to the Physics Department on 13 May 1991; Department of Physics : Esprit Basic Research Action project proposal (2 ring-bound volumes, [1991]); and papers presented for visit of the Science Research Council Nuclear Physics Board to the departments of Applied Mathematics and Physics on 21 and 22 May 1973 ( bound volume); Institute for Computational Cosmology launch of the Cosmology machine July 2001.
Includes files “From Science Site”, and 1 envelope (containing the bound volume of papers presented for the SRC Nuclear Physics Board visit in May 1973). The files from the Science Site include agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Physics, October 1970 - June 1992.
1, 1a, 1b. 1963-1979.
2i&ii, 2a, 2b. 1979-1990.
3i&ii. 1990-1991.
4i&ii, 4a-c. 1991-1997.
5. April 1997 - December 2001.
6. January 2002 - June 2006.
UND/CB1/P2a   1952 - 1961
Supplementation of Pensions, comprising correspondence, especially with other universities; includes copy of report on the supplementation of FSSU benefits which the treasurer of the Durham Colleges and the registrar of the University of Durham submitted to “the Committee” [Treasurer's Committee].
UND/CB1/P2b   January - March 1965
Statutory Committee on the Personal Professorships in Physics, agendas and papers including testimonials for J.A. Chalmers and A.W. Wolfendale.
Paper file
UND/CB1/P3   1963 - 1993
PhD, application forms, correspondence, PhD regulations of the University of Bradford, The Nature of the PhD: a Discussion Document published by the Advisory Board for the Research Councils (Office of Science and Technology).
UND/CB1/P4   20 November 1963 - January 2007
Psychology Department, comprising correspondence; minutes of the Board of Studies in Psychology (December 1992 - June 1993); and related papers (which include an application for a computer for the on-line control and analysis of psychological experiments, etc. (1969), IBM Fellowship Proposal (1970), Department of Psychology, University of Durham : Introductory Handbook (photocopy) [?1983], signed petition sheets (1985) calling for a new professor to be appointed in the near future (the department having been without a professor for two years), and the Board of Studies in Psychology's response to the preliminary report of the sub-committee on Biological / Life Sciences (1986). (Includes files “From Science Site”, which include correspondence, etc., 1992 - 95, and minutes of the Board of Studies in Psychology, December 1992 - June 1993.)
1, 1a. 1963-1979.
2i&ii. 1979-1988.
3. 1988-1999.
4. 1992-1993.
5. 1992-1994.
6. 1995.
7. February 1999 - January 2007.
UND/CB1/P4a   1939 - 1961
Press later Press (News in), comprising copies of “University Notes” (supplied to the press), University of Durham press notices , “University News”, and correspondence, also News (re King's College), and some few press cuttings, and abstracts of some lectures.
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1948.
3. 1948-1951.
4. 1951-1955.
5. 1955-1957.
6. 1957-1961.
UND/CB1/P5   12 November 1975 - 25 March 1993
Publications Board, comprising agenda papers of the Publications Board of the University of Durham; correspondence; and photocopy of memorandum of agreement between Oxford University Press and the University of Durham (13 December 1948).
1. 1975-1978.
2. 1978-1981.
3i&ii. 1981-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1986.
5. 1986-1989.
6. 1989-1991.
7. 1991-1993.
UND/CB1/P5a   May 1975 - June 1977
Publications Board under new independent arrangements, comprising correspondence about alternative publishing methods (following the end of the contract with Oxford University Press), and agenda papers of the Publications Board.
UND/CB1/P5b   1976 - 1993
Files on specific publications by members of or connected with the university.
UND/CB1/P5b/1   6 October 1976 - 30 June 1991
M. Lyons, The Revolution in Toulouse (Peter Lang, 1978)
UND/CB1/P5b/2   11 December 1976 - 31 January 1986
P.E. Lewis, The Burlesque Drama (Edinburgh UP)
UND/CB1/P5b/3   23 January 1978 - 18 October 1991
W.R. Ward, Theology, Sociology and Politics: The German Protestant Social Conscience 1890-1933 (Peter Lang 1979)
UND/CB1/P5b/4   1 December 1978 - 18 October 1991
D. Hillery, Music and Poetry in France from Baudelaire to Mallarmé, (Peter Lang 1980)
UND/CB1/P5b/5   15 May 1979 - 18 October 1991
R.G. Maber, Poetry of Pierre le Moyne, (Peter Lang 1982)
UND/CB1/P5b/6   27 July 1979 - 18 October 1991
A. Saunders, The Sixteenth Century Blason Poétique (Peter Lang 1981)
UND/CB1/P5b/7   24 February 1984 - 9 January 1988
J. Britnell, Jean Bouchet (Edinburgh UP 1986)
UND/CB1/P5b/8   5 - 16 November 1984
R.A. Chapman, Public Policy Studies: The North East of England (Edinbrugh UP), estimates Titus Wilson.
UND/CB1/P5b/9   14 April 1988 - 17 July 1992
K.M. Hutton, Cuthbert Bede's Verdant Green (Durham 1986)
UND/CB1/P5b/10   8 July 1988 - 31 July 1990
C.D. Lloyd, Huysmans and the Fin-de-Siècle Novel, (Edinburgh UP)
UND/CB1/P5b/11   20 April 1990 - 21 February 1991
J.D.G. Dunn, J.B. Lightfoot: Bishop and Scholar, (Durham University Journal 1992)
UND/CB1/P5b/12   3 October 1990 - 11 March 1993
G. Ferguson, Mirroring Belief: the Devotional Poetry of Marguerite de Navarre (Edinburgh UP 1992)
UND/CB1/P5b/13   I.P. Roberts, Craft, Class and Control: the Sociology of a Shipbuilding Community (Edinburgh UP 1993)

UND/CB1/P5b/14   20 August 1991 - 10 July 1992
A. Sokolov, Russia's Silver Age
UND/CB1/P5c   1942 - 1946
Prisoners of War, comprising correspondence (with PoW examination candidates, the British Red Cross Society, etc., re the supply of books, etc.)
UND/CB1/P6   27 February 1964 - 13 July 1992
Palaeography and Diplomatic Department, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Joint Committee of the Dean and Chapter of Durham and the Council of the University of Durham on the Prior's Kitchen (papers up to 1972); draft copy of Deans and Major Canons of Durham, 1541 - 1900 : Provisional Lists (1972); agenda papers of the Department of Palaeography Building Sub-Committee (1979); agenda papers for meetings of the Board of Studies in Palaeography and Diplomatic (1972, 1984, and 1989); agenda papers for meetings of a small group to consider the Future Administration of the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic (1984); agenda papers of the Committee for Palaeography and Diplomatic, 1985 - 88; papers for the visit by the Policy Committee (of the University of Durham) to the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic on 12 October 1987 and report of the visit; Note on Committees of the Department, 1985; List of Pamphlets and other Printed Matter relating to the North East of England preserved in the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic in the University of Durham (1983); and agenda papers of the Working Party on Palaeography and Diplomatic (to consider the University's response to the University Grants Committee Working Party Report on Palaeography) (1988).
(The Note on the Department's Committees, 1985, records that a Standing Committee of the Durham Colleges Academic Board was established for Palaeography and Diplomatic after the appointment of the Reader in Palaeography and Diplomatic in 1948; that this Committee lapsed in 1963; and that in 1954 a Joint Committee of the Dean and Chapter of Durham and the Council of the Durham Colleges was established and met in 1965, 1967 and 1972 but not thereafter.)
1. 1963-1973.
2i&ii. 1973-1988.
3. 1988-1992.
UND/CB1/P6a   May 1996 - May 1997
Phonographic Performance Lrd, correspondence, information sheets and licence applications for the public use of sound recordings in especially colleges.
Paper file
UND/CB1/P7   1963 - 1998
Press Notices, comprising copies of University of Durham press notices, later (March 1981 onwards) entitled press releases, later entitled University of Durham News (March 1987 - September 1994), and thereafter entitled press releases; and related papers (including text of the speeches delivered by the public orator, 1970, 1973 - 74, 1976 -78, 1982 - 83, and 1985 - 86; and the vice-chancellor's Convocation addresses 1972 (issued as a press release), 1981 and later).
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1974.
3. 1974-1981.
4. 1981-1984.
5. 1984-1988.
6. 1988-1992.
7i&ii. 1992-1997.
8. 1993-1998.
UND/CB1/P7a   1938 - 1950
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, comprising correspondence (principally with Lord Eustace Percy, rector of King's College).
UND/CB1/P7b   1992
“Plans for the Colleges and Societies for the Period up to 1997”
Includes vice chancellor's letter of the 4 March 1992 to Heads of Houses; registrar's memorandum of 12 March 1992 to Heads of Houses and individual plans received from all of the colleges
Paper report
UND/CB1/P8   1963 - 1999
Prizes External, information on the British Telecom Catalysts in Higher Education Award, the Daily Telegraph Young Science Writer Award, the 1998 Japan Prize, the Partnership Awards, Tyne and Humber Branch Prize, VG Instruments 21st Anniversary Prize, Ross McWhirter Memorial Essay Competition, The Sid Chaplin Literary Award, the Donald Tovey Memorial Prize, and applications for some.
UND/CB1/P9   1963 - 2005
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (General), correspondence.
UND/CB1/P10   August 1939 - December 2006
Public Orator, comprising agenda papers for the Committee on the Appointment of a Public Orator; correspondence; and texts of the speeches delivered by the public orator, [1966], 1982 - 83, and 1987 - 97; and texts of the University's addresses written in English and in Latin and addressed to other universities, 1983, 1987 - 88 and in later years up to 2006.
1. 1939-1962.
2. 1963-1968, 1974-1989.
3i&ii. 1989-1997.
4. January 1998 - December 2006.
UND/CB1/P11   1940 - 2003
Publications, Exchange of.
1. 1940-1947.
2. 1967-2003.
UND/CB1/P11a   January 1986 - May 1991
Policy Committee visits to departments etc comprising agendas, papers submitted beforehand (often including annual reports), and subsequent reports.
1. Business School 23 January 1986.
2. Economics department 12 May 1986.
3 School of Education 17 September 1986.
4. School of East Asian Studies 26 September 1986.
5. School of Education 12 January 1987.
6. Three Life Sciences 19 January 1987.
7. Central Administration and Careers 20 January 1987.
8. Oriental Studies, CMEIS, Museum 13 May 1987.
9. Computer Centre 18 May 1987.
10. Library 16 July 1987.
11. Music department 9 October 1987.
12. Palaeography and Diplomatic department 12 October 1987.
13. Geological Sciences 25 November 1987.
14. Physics department 7 December 1987.
15. Chemistry department 16 December 1987.
16. St Cuthbert's Society 24 February 1988.
17. Social Sciences faculty four departments 16 May 1988.
18. Anthropology department 14 July 1988.
19. Department of Adult and Continuing Education 6 October 1988.
20. Business School 11 January 1989
21. School of English 2 June 1989.
22. School of Modern European Languages 2 October 1989.
23. Geography department 4 October 1989.
24. Archaeology department 11 October 1989.
25. Aycliffe Centre 15 December 1989.
26. Durham Students Union and Careers 2 October 1990.
27. Central Administration 5 November 1990.
28. Computer Centre 19 November 1990.
29. Philosophy department 11 January 1991.
30. Classics, Theology and Mathematics departments 11 February 1991.
31. Colleges 28 May 1991.
9 files
UND/CB1/P12   5 April 1984 - 1999
Policy Committee, later Policy and Resources Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Policy Committee (entitled the Policy and Resources Committee from January 1994) and related correspondence and papers (includes papers circulated in advance of the Policy Committee's visits to various departments and schools). There is little related correspondence in the later files which are almost solely comprised of agenda papers.
1i&ii. 1984-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1986.
3. September - December 1986.
3a. January - June 1987.
3b. July 1987 - January 1988.
4a. February - June 1988.
4b. July - December 1988.
4c. January - June 1989.
4d. July - October 1989.
5a. October - December 1989.
5b. January - June 1990.
5c. July - December 1990.
5d. January - June 1991.
5e. July - December 1991.
5f. January - December 1992.
5g. 1992. College 5 year strategic plans.
5h. January - September 1993.
6a. September 1993 - April 1994.
6b. April 1994 - May 1995.
7. September 1995 - September 1996.
8a. October 1996 - May 1997.
8b. June - October 1997.
9a. November 1997 - February 1998.
9b. May 1998.
10. June 1998 - May 1999.
UND/CB1/P12a   1935 - 1945
Ph.D. Theses, Examiners Reports on, comprising reports and related correspondence.
UND/CB1/P12b   May - September 1988
Visitor Centre for Durham World Heritage Centre Proposal, comprising correspondence; “A World Heritage Centre Proposal to the University of Durham” (by Banyan International group Ltd., June 1988); agenda papers of the University of Durham Research and Initiatives Committee (with “World Heritage Centre” Durham as an agenda item); and “World Heritage Centre Durham” (outlines “advanced heritage studies” ands “heritage interest related programmes”) [1988].
UND/CB1/P12c   2003 - 2011
World Heritage Site:
Durham World Heritage Site Tourism Issues discussion paper, One Northeast, by Chris Blandford Associates, November 2003
Final draft for discussion, March 2004
Draft management plan by One NorthEast leaflet, June 2006
Management plan final report, November 2006
Visitor Centre official opening leaflet, 6 July 2011
Paper file
UND/CB1/P13   27 May 1969 - 1991
Promotions Committee, comprising (1-3) correspondence regarding special payments and about promotions with a few committee agenda papers for 1979, 1984 and 1988, with further agenda papers including CVs and testimonials in files
1. 1969-1973.
2. 1973-1988.
3. 1988-1991.
4a-b. 1968.
5a-d. 1969.
6a-b. 1970.
7a-b. 1971.
8a-b. 1972.
9. 1973.
10. 1974.
11. 1975.
12. 1976.
13. 1977.
14. 1978.
15a-c. 1982,
UND/CB1/P13   1948 - 1949
Pharmacy, Degree of, comprising agendas of the Committee on Proposed Degree in Pharmacy, and correspondence; includes copy of Note of Conference of Newcastle members of the Committee in (sic) Proposed degree in Pharmacy.
UND/CB1/P14   8 July 1963 - May 2007
Philosophy Department, comprising correspondence; some agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Philosophy (1984 and 1985-1986); and related papers (including typescript of Professor David E. Cooper's paper on “Free Speech and the Idea of the University” (1988) and University of Durham Review of Philosophy : Response to the [University Grants Committee's] Working Party Questionnaire (1988)).
1. July 1963 - Setpember 1988.
2. September 1988 - April 2001.
3. April 2001 - May 2007.
UND/CB1/P15   1945 - 1963
Professors and Readers Appointments, comprising correspondence, copies of particulars of individual professorships and readerships, and some agendas and papers for the Committee on Professorships and Readerships.
1. 1945-1950.
2. 1951-1957.
3. 1957-1960.
4. 1960-1962.
5. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/P16   1963 - 1991
Professorships and Readerships, Committee on, correspondence, agendas, minutes and papers of the Academic Staffing Committee (Professorships and Readerships).
1. 1963-1982.
2. 1982-1984.
3. 1984-1991.
UND/CB1/P16a   1949 - 1962
New Professorships and readerships, correspondence.
1. 1949-1960.
2. 1960-1962.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/P17   1982 - 1994
University Contributions to Outside Publications, correspondence, copies of articles and leaflets to which the university contributed, copies of entries for the CRAC Studies Guides.
UND/CB1/P18   1963 - 21 October 1987
Playing Fields, Board of Management of, comprising correspondence, and (mainly for the period 1965-1968) agendas of the Board of Management of the Playing Fields and of a meeting of the Maiden Castle Development Sub-Commitee; includes the programme for the opening ceremony of the Maiden Castle Sports Hall and Playing Fields and Athletics Meeting on 8 May 1965 and paper by the University of Durham Physical Recreation Officer on Physical Recreation Facilities within the University, 1985.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1968.
3. 1968-1977.
4. 1977-1987.
UND/CB1/P18a   April 1994 - November 2001
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC), circulars and corrspondence, especially re fellowships, and including presentation to it by the UK Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology at University of Durham February 2000.
1. April 1994 - April 2000.
2. April 2000 - November 2001.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/P19   1964 - July 2004
Politics Department, comprising correspondence; and related papers (which include a few concerning the appointment of lecturers, some programmes of the University of Durham Public Policy Studies Group 1984-1989, copies of Dr R.A. Chapman's papers (1981), Department of Politics : Syllabus Final Honours Courses in Politics 1988 - 89 (1988), One Year MA in Politics : Studies in Political Philosophy, etc. [ ?1988], Politics Department at Durham University : An Introduction for Undergraduates [ ? 1988], and papers on the department submitted to the Policy Committee [of the University] 1988 with related papers of the dean-elect of the Faculty of Social Sciences), and some programmes of the Public Policy Studies Group.
1. 1964-1968.
2. 1968-1979.
3i&ii. 1979-1990.
4. May 1990 - July 2004.
UND/CB1/P21   1970 - 2006
Postgraduate Students - General, application forms and details of the application process (including a diagram on transparency), correspondence, programmes for introductory days, an envelope of “Applications approved by the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences - students did not arrive in Durham” .
UND/CB1/P22   16 November 1971 - 24 October 1985
Parsons Field Court, comprising correspondence (including with student residents) and related papers (including lists of residents and copy of Terms of Occupancy of 1972). (Parsons Field Court, a two storey building beyond Parsons Field House, provided self-catering accommodation for men and women students.)
1. 1971-1976.
2i&ii. 1976-1982.
3. 1982-1985.
UND/CB1/P23   22 September - 18 December 1975
Weekly Summary of Information, comprising copies of University of Durham Weekly Summary of Information, 22 September - 6 October 1975, and a memorandum suggesting that the circulars be discontinued.
UND/CB1/P23a   1982 - 1997
Police, correspondence, also an information document entitled Your Police: the Facts.
UND/CB1/P24   1947 - 1961
Pension Schemes, comprising correspondence, also copy of Pension and Life Asssurance Scheme (for employees of the Durham Colleges), 1943, copy of information about the University of Durham pension scheme, 1957, and copy of the bursar's report on group pension scheme, 1947.
UND/CB1/P24a   July 1987
Regional Management Services Unit North Eastern Universities report 19 University of Durham “Printing and Reprographics”.
UND/CB1/P24b   1977 - 2006
Purchasing Group North-East Universities, annual reports from the NEUPG for 1990, 1992 and 1993, an internal audit report on the University of Durham A Review of Purchasing Policy and the Puchase Order System at the University of Durham (1991-1992), minutes of the NEUPG Co-ordinating Committee, correspondence.
UND/CB1/P25   July - September 1984
Publicising University Research, letter and reply about Link-Up - the British Association magazine and trhe possibility of contributions of articles by members of the university.
UND/CB1/P26   October 1984 - September 1995
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, comprising agenda papers of the General Committee and of the Annual General Meetings of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee; and a little related correspondence and some papers (including the annual reports of the committee and copies of Science in Parliament 1991 onwards). (The committee was constituted in November 1939 as an unofficial non-party group of members of both houses of parliament and representatives of scientific and technical institutions with the object of providing a permanent liaison between parliament and science.)
UND/CB1/P27   1949 - 1960
Palaeography and Diplomatic, comprising correspondence (regarding staff, gifts to the department, etc.)
UND/CB1/P36   1956 - 1963
Psychology Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/P37   June 2005 - June 2007
Portrait of Sir Kenneth Calman, vice-chancellor, correspondence with the artist Anne Mackintosh and others about its commissioning, display, presentation and insurance.
Paper file
UND/CB1/P38   April 1978
Portrait of Sir Derman Christopherson, vice-chancellor, initial circular letter from the Portrait Committee asking for subscriptions.
Paper, 1f
UND/CB1/P39   March - November 1948
Committee of Senate on PhD examinations, agenda, minutes, and papers.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/Q1   1963 - 1971
Quinquennial Committee 1962/67 and 1967/72, agendas and correspondence.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1966.
4. 1966.
5. 1966-1967.
6. 1967.
7. 1967-1968.
8. 1968-1969.
9. 1969-1970.
10. 1970-1971.
UND/CB1/Q1a   1967 - 1972
Quinquennial Planning 1967-72, information received from faculty boards and departments and related correspondence.
1. 1966.
2. 1966-1968.
UND/CB1/Q1b   1970 - 17 June 1977
Quinquennial Committee 1972/77, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1970-1972.
2. 1972-1973.
3. 1973.
4. 1973-1974.
5i&ii. 1974-1975.
6. 1975.
7. 1976-1977.
UND/CB1/Q1c   1971 - 28 December 1981
Quinquennial Committee 1977/82, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1971-1977.
2i&ii. 1977-1978.
3. 1978-1979.
4. 1979-1980.
5. 1980-1981.
6i&ii. 1981.
UND/CB1/Q1d   1950 - 1957
Quinquennial Estimates, University, comprising correspondence, drafts, memoranda submitted by some departments, registrar's note of his conversation with Lord Eustace Percy (in 1950), etc.
UND/CB1/Q1e   1964 - 1966, 28 June 1972 - 24 May 1979
Quinquennial Visitations, comprising correspondence, also agenda of Ad Hoc Committee of Senate on Meeting with the University Grants Committee, minutes of meeting of the staff delegation to meet the UGC, and University of Durham Statistical Information requested by the UGC and General Survey and Summary of Developments (typescript, MS dated 1966) in connection with the quinquennial visit on 24 May 1966. (The file does not appear to include a copy of the UGC's written record of what was said at the visitation.)
Quinquennial Planning papers
UND/CB1/Q1g   1962 - 1967
Quinquennial 1962/67 documents, secretary's copies.
UND/CB1/Q1h   December 1998 - October 2001
Quality Assurance Agency Institutional Review, registrar's file, correspondence, circulars, reports.
Paper file
UND/CB1/Q1i   March 1999 - May 2009
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), correspondence, circulars and reports
Paper file
UND/CB1/Q2   19 January 1982 - 28 June 1985
Quinquennial Committee, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1981-1983.
2. 1983-1985.
UND/CB1/Q2a   1952
Quinquennial Grant - 1952-57 - Correspondence with Lord Eustace Percy, comprising correspondence, principally of the registrar, with Lord Eustace Percy.
UND/CB1/Q2b   January 2000 - November 2003
Quotas, correspondence about student quotas.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R1   17 April 1986 - 30 July 1993
Resources Committee, agendas and correspondence.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1987.
3i&ii. 1987-1988.
4i&ii. 1988-1989.
5. 1989.
6. 1989-1991.
7. 1991.
8. 1991-1993.
UND/CB1/R1a   1939 - 1946
Readerships, comprising agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on Personal Professorships and Readerships and of some committees on readerships, and correspondence. (Includes the curriculum vitae of Mr F.C. Hood, appointed reader in History in [1940].)
UND/CB1/R1b   May 1998 - February 2003
Regional Strategy Advisory Committee, a university committee/group working with regional development agencies such as One NorthEast, agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R2   2 July 1985 - 10 December 2007
Research Committee, later Research and Initiatives Committee [the title of the committee changing in early 1987], later [in 1993] Research Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Research Committee.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1987.
3i&ii. 1987.
4i&ii. 1987-1988.
5i&ii. 1988.
6. 1988.
7i&ii. 1988-1989.
8. 1989.
9i&ii. 1989-1990.
10i&ii. 1990.
11i&ii, 11a. 1991.
12. 1991.
13i&ii, 13ai&ii. 1991.
14i&ii. 1991-1992.
15i&ii, 15a. 1992.
16i&ii, 16ai&ii. 1992.
17, 17a. 1992-1993.
18i&ii. 1993.
19i&ii. 1993.
20, 20a, 1993.
21, 21a. 1993-1994.
22i&ii, 22aqi&ii. 1994.
23i&ii. 1994.
24. 1994.
25i&ii, 25a-f. 1994.
26i&ii, 26a. 1995.
27i&ii, 27a-c. 1995.
28i&ii, 28a-di&ii. 1995-1996.
29i&ii. 1996.
30i&ii. 1996.
31i&ii. 1996-1997.
32, 32a-g. 1997.
33i&ii. 1997.
34, 34a, 34bi&ii, 34c. 1997-1998.
35i&ii. 1998.
36. 1998.
36a. May 1998. Research Monitoring Group.
37i&ii. 1998-1999.
37a. December 1998.
38i&ii. February - May 1999.
39i&ii. May - October 1999.
39a. February 1999.
39b. March 1999.
39c. April 1999.
40i&ii. October - November 1999.
41i&ii. November - December 1999.
41a. November 1999.
41b. December 1999.
42. 2 December 1999 - 2 July 2000.
43. 3 July 2000 - 10 December 2007 (nothing 2004-2005).
UND/CB1/R2/1996   6 November 1995 - 15 August 1997
Research Assessment Exercise 96, comprising correspondence (including with staff of the Higher Education Funding Council); memoranda and circulars concerning the preparations for submissions for the Research Assessment Exercise and concerning the outcomes and action proposed to be taken, also including copy of 1996 Research Assessment Exercise : The Outcome (HEFCE Circular ref. RAE 96 1/96, December 1996) which includes Ratings by Unit of Assessment (e.g. a particular subject) for all institutions.
1i&ii. 1995-1996.
2. 1996-1997.
“to be kept with R.2”
UND/CB1/R2/2001   May 1999 - April 2006
Research Assessment Exercise 2001 (RAE 2001), comprising correspondence, memoranda, circulars and some university RAE committee papers, including Interdisciplinary Research and the Research Assessment Exercise (April 1999) (HEFCE circular ref. RAE 1/99), Research Assessment Exercise 2001: Guidance on Submissions (May 1999) (HEFCE circular ref. RAE 2/99), Research Assessment Exercise 2001: Corrections to assessment panels' criteria and working methods (June 2000) (HEFCE circular ref. RAE 2/00) Research Assessment Exercise 2001: Guidance to completing RAE forms (August 2000) (HEFCE circular ref. 5/00), RAE Circular 1/01 Membership of assessment Panels and Sub-Panels, and rae2008 Research Assessment Exercise Guidance on submissions (June 2005) (HEFCE cricular ref. 03/2005).
1. 4 May 1999 - 23 January 2001.
2. 24 January 2001 - November 2002, April 2006.
3. February 2000 - March 2001.
3 paper files
“to be kept with R.2”
UND/CB1/R2a   27 April 1989 - 14 June 2000
Central Staff Research Fund, comprising copies of applications made by members of staff for funds from the Central Staff Research Fund, later (by late 1990) the Special Staff Travel Fund (of the University of Durham), and associated correspondence and papers. Some of the early papers and some later papers are in envelopes as 'Meeting Documents' for the committee administering the fund. The papers include lists of decisions reached (name, department, purpose, departmental allocation, amount requested, and decision).
1. 1989-1990.
2. 1990-1991.
3. 1991-1992.
4i&ii. 1992-1993.
5. 1993-1996.
6i,ii,iii. 1996-1998.
7. 19 November 1998 - 14 June 2000.
UND/CB1/R2b   June 1989 - 28 June 1994
University of Durham Research Studentships, comprising copies of applications for University of Durham Research Studentships and related correspondence, also some copies of research students' reports on research conducted (over the past year), and latterly also agenda papers of the Research Awards Sub-Committee (of the University of Durham's Research and Initiatives Committee).
1. 1989-1990.
2i&ii. 1990-1991.
3. 1991-1993.
4. 1993-1994.
UND/CB1/R2c   1942 - 1951, 1958
Rector - King's College', comprising correspondence (regarding salary, announcing the appointment of Mr C I C Bosanquet, the supply of Senate and Court papers to the Rector, etc.)
UND/CB1/R3   1963 - May 1980
Research Fund - Agenda and Minutes, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Research Fund Committee and a little related correspondence.
1. 1963-1968.
2. 1968-1975.
3. 1975-1980.
4. 1980.
UND/CB1/R3a   31 May 1985 - January 2001
Regulations Committee, later Regulations and Admissions Committee [the latter title being adopted by late 1987], comprising agenda papers of the Regulations Committee [of Senate], later the Regulations and Admissions Committee, and related correspondence and papers.
1i&ii. 1985-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1988.
3. 1988-1989.
4. 1989-1990.
5. 1990.
6. 1990-1991.
7. 1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9i&ii. 1992.
10. 1992-1993.
11. 1993.
12. May 1993 - January 2001.
UND/CB1/R3b   1986 - 2006
Student Appeals, correspondence, including with the bishop of Durham as visitor.
1. 1986-1996, alphabetical.
2. 1990-1994, chronological.
3. 1994-1996, chronological.
4. 1997-1999, alphabetical.
5. 2000-2003, alphabetical.
6. 2004, alphabetical.
7. 2005, alphabetical.
8. Register of academic appeals November 1992 - February 2006.
UND/CB1/R4   21 January 1980 - 12 May 1981
Research Fund - General, comprising correspondence, and minutes of the meeting of the Research Fund Committee held on 23 May 1980.
UND/CB1/R4a   21 April 1980 - 9 December 1999
Research Fund for Special Projects and Special Projects Research Fund, comprising agenda papers of the Committee for the Research Fund for Special Projects, and some related correspondence.
1. 1980-1984.
2. 1980.
3. 1980.
4. 1984-1999.
UND/CB1/R4b   14 July 1980 - 21 March 1983
Special Projects Research Fund and Research Fund for Special Projects, comprising agenda papers (the first meeting being held on 25 July 1980) and related correspondence and papers (including copies of reports received from award holders).
1. 1980-1981.
2. 1981.
3. 1982-1983.
UND/CB1/R4c   May 1981 - February 1984
Special Projects Research Fund Reports, comprising copies of reports to Senate of the Committee for the Research Fund for Special Projects (and to the Quinquennial Committee, February 1984). (The Special Projects Research Fund was established by the University Council on 20 May 1980, the fund to be used to foster new, high quality research initiatives or to accelerate the progress of existing highly promising lines of enquiry.)
UND/CB1/R4d   1952 - 1958
Repairs and Renewals (Office), comprising correspondence regarding the University's offices in Durham and Newcastle, including the supply of new duplicating machines and typewriters.
UND/CB1/R5   1990 - 27 August 1993
Registration of Students, comprising correspondence and University of Durham circulars concerning the registration of students (registration instructions).
1. 1990-1992.
2. 1992-1993.
3. 1993.
UND/CB1/R6   May 1980 - 9 March 1994
Research Foundation Committee, comprising agenda papers of meetings of the Research Foundation Committee (of the University of Durham) up to those for the meeting on 30 September 1986, and related correspondence. Much of the correspondence and papers dating from late 1986 onwards concern applications for the Sir Derman Christopherson Foundation Fellowships. (The Research Foundation Committee was established by Senate on 12 May 1981; its terms of reference included the making of recommendations to Senate for the appointment of Foundation Fellows.)
1i&ii. 1980-1982.
2. 1983-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1987.
4. 1987-1991.
5. 1991-1994.
UND/CB1/R6a   1937 - 1954
Riddell Memorial Lectures, comprising correspondence with those who gave the memorial lectures, also on the subject of the printing of the lectures, supply of copies, copyright, etc.
1. 1937-1939.
2. 1940-1942.
3. 1941-1943.
4. 1943-1945.
5. 1946-1948.
6. 1948-1950.
7. 1950-1951.
8. 1951-1953.
9. 1953-1954.
UND/CB1/R6b   1945 - 1956
Riddell Memorial Lectures, General Policy, comprising correspondence (with the lecturers etc, regarding publication of the lectures, etc).
1. 1945-1955.
2. 1954-1956.
UND/CB1/R6c   1957, 1961 - 1962
Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture, comprising correspondence regarding the Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture, 1957, and about the Riddell Memorial Lectures, 1957 -58 (the latter correspondence being principally with Mrs Nora Chadwick and concerning the publication of her Riddell Memorial Lectures).
UND/CB1/R6d   October 1996 - November 2005
Remembrance Day service, correspondence and process notes re arrangements for the service and the subsequent parade, and also for some other cathedral services such as founders and benefactors, and occasional special services such as for the millennium.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R7   1938 - 1957
Registrar (Special), comprising correspondence (including copies of references provided by the registrar). Includes: correspondence with Professor P.M. Roxby of the University of Liverpool and (in 1947) with Professor A.J.B. Hutchings, Professor of Music; some of the correspondence dating from 1947 concerns the subject of deans of the faculties; correspondence regarding Sir William Marris for a Dictionary of National Biography article on Sir William which Sir Harry Haig was contributing; Mr Angus (the registrar)'s paper on 'Present Trends in British Universities' (1949) and on the GCE and Matriculation in Universities (1949); correspondence on accommodation (for visitors, staff, etc), individual persons; from 1952 onwards mainly the acceptance or declining of invitations to attend meetings, receptions; typescript “Memoirs of the Early Years of the 1900's in the University Office, 38, North Bailey, Durham by The Office Boy” (written in 1950 by Robert Brown, who joined the staff in 1906), with correspondence with him and others regarding his memoirs [which were not published].
1. 1938-1948.
2. 1948-1950.
3. 1950-1951.
4. 1951-1952.
5. 1952-1957.
UND/CB1/R7a   1963 - 1981
Rowntree Trust, correspondence, Senate Committee for Rowntree Studies in Durham agendas and minutes.
UND/CB1/R8   27 May 1980 - 31 August 1990
Registrars' Conference, comprising correspondence and papers (including agenda papers and copies of the Conference of Registrars and Secretaries Conference Proceedings 1981 - 84 and 1986 - 88).
1i&ii. 1980-1985.
2i&ii. 1985-1989.
3. 1989-1990.
UND/CB1/R8a   1967 - 1968
Registrars' Conference, comprising papers relating to the conferences held at Southampton (1965), Durham (1968, including replies to the questionnaires sent out to fellow registrars and secretaries by the registrar of the University of Durham and agendas and correspondence of the Steering Committee for the conference at Durham, these papers dating from 1967 and 1968), and Leicester (1969).
1, 2. 1967.
3. 1967-1968.
4-9. 1968.
UND/CB1/R8b   1967 - 1968
Registrars' Conference at Durham, 1968, comprising correspondence, minutes, and replies to questionnaires on administrative staff structures of individual universities, including orders for copies of the Conference photograph) and copy of minutes of the Meeting of the Conference of Registrars and Secretaries held in the University of Durham on 9 April 1968
1. 1967-1968.
2, 3. 1968.
UND/CB1/R8c   June - 12 December 1978
Northern Registrars Conference at Durham 1978, comprising correspondence; information on various matters provided by individual Registrars for circulation to all Northern Registrars; agenda papers for meeting at Durham on 8 December 1978.
UND/CB1/R8d   February 1981
Meeting of Northern Registrars and Secretaries 27 February 1981, comprising list of agenda items, a map of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and a few related papers.
UND/CB1/R8e   1939, 1945, 1950
Roman Wall Museum, comprising correspondence, also copy of heads of agreement between King's College, University of Durham and the Newcastle (upon Tyne) Society of Antiquaries (to provide a University Museum of Archaeology at King's College), [1939], and copy of an agreement between the University of Durham and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1950.
UND/CB1/R9   1941 - 1942
Roll of Service, comprising correspondence, including a few returns (to an invitation made by the university) giving details of individual graduates' service.
UND/CB1/R9a   1949 - 1950
Roman - British Archaeology, Personal Professorship in, comprising details of the chair of Roman-British History and Archaeology, agenda of the Committee of Senate on Professorships and Readerships, and correspondence. (Dr. Ian A Richmond was appointed to this chair, held at King's College.)
UND/CB1/R10   20 February 1978 - February 2007
Royal Society, comprising correspondence; copies of Royal Society Press Releases, Royal Society News, notices of meetings, and annual reports of The Royal Society.
1i&ii. 1978-1982.
2i&ii. 1983-1989.
3. 1988-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1994.
5i&ii. 1994-1997.
6. 1997-1999.
7. November 1999 - February 2007.
UND/CB1/R10a   1941 - 1944
R.A. Cadets, comprising lists of candidates (at King's College) for commissions in the Royal Artillery and in the Royal Armoured Corps, results of examinations of candidates, and correspondence.
UND/CB1/R11   18 November 1963 - 1970, 1975 - 1978, 1985 - 25 September 1990
Registrar's Personal File, comprising correspondence (of Mr J.C.F. Hayward, registrar and secretary) concerning annual review of the gradings (of clerical and secretarial staff, etc) and in response to invitations etc; and related papers (including some agenda papers of Van Mildert College's Senior Common Room and other Colleges' Senior Common Rooms.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967-1968.
5. 1968.
6. 1968-1969.
7. 1969.
8. 1969-1970.
9. 1975-1976.
10. 1975-1977.
11. 1976-1977.
12. 1977-1978.
13. 1985-1987.
14. 1988-1990.
UND/CB1/R11a   1955 - 56, 1961
Roman British History and Archaeology, Personal Professorship in, comprising correspondence, also report of the committee (recommending the appointment of Mr Eric Birley, 1955 , he being appointed to the personal chair in 1956); also correspondence regarding the proofs of Mrs Chadwick's Riddell Memorial Lectures, 1961.
UND/CB1/R11b   17 May 1969, 1 November 1973 - 1 March 1978
Rugby and Rugby Dinner to celebrate the winning of the 1968/69 UAU championship by Durham University Rugby Club on 17 May 1969, correspondence and records of the DURC.
1. 1969.
2. 1973-1978.
UND/CB1/R12   1931 - 1987
Administration Miscellaneous, comprising papers taken from files (Registrar - General) prior to shredding.
1. 1931-1970.
2. 1970-1987.
UND/CB1/R13   14 July 1967 - 14 September 1999
Russian Department, comprising correspondence and related papers (including those concerning the appointment of language assistants in the department of Russian and copy of the University Grants Committee's report on Russian and Russian Studies in British Universities, December 1979); also copy of the Association of University Teachers' Submission to the UGC concerning the UGC Report on Russian and Russian Studies in British Universities (1980) and typescript record of a session at the BUAS [British Universities Association of Slavists] Conference at Durham 1980 addressed by Professor R.J.C. Atkinson (discussion of the UGC's Russian Report).
1. 1967-1988.
2. 1988-1999.
UND/CB1/R15   22 April 1981 - 20 October 1986
Review, University Government and Structure - Review Committee, comprising correspondence (very little predating September 1983 and the correspondence there is on the file mainly being in response to the Holgate report's recommendations ); agenda papers for meetings of the Sub-Committee of Senate on the Review of the Structure and Government of the University to be held on 3 February 1984 and later; agenda papers of the Council Committee on the Holgate Report and of the Joint Committee of Senate and Council to Review the Implementation of the Holgate Report; and related papers (including copy of the University of Durham : Report on the Structure and Government of the University (Prepared by the Review Committee [chaired by Dr S. Holgate], July 1983)).
1. 1981-1982.
2. 1985-1986.
UND/CB1/R15a   22 April 1981 - 13 June 1983
Review, University Government and Structure - Select Committees, comprising agenda papers of various Select Committees (on the Review of the Government and Structure of the University) (i.e. Building Select Committee, Select Committee on Colleges, Select Committee on Research, Select Committee on Services, Select Committee on Boards of Studies, and Select Committee on Faculties), and related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1981-1982.
2, 3. 1981-1982.
4. 1982-1983.
UND/CB1/R15b   1955 - 1959
Roman-British History in [and] Archaeology, Readership in (in the Newcastle Division), comprising text of the advertisement of the post, correspondence, and copy of the application of Mr J.P. Gillam (who was appointed as from 1956).
UND/CB1/R16   1981 - 2005
Royal Commonwealth Society, correspondence, publicity material for the University Technology Transfer Dinner, the Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (1986-87), and the February/March 1985 copy of Commonwealth magazine.
UND/CB1/R17   September 1988 - October 2006
Research Leave, comprising correspondence; a very few agenda papers of the Research Leave Sub-Committee and of the Research and Initiative Committee; and a few Research Leave Reports.
1. 1988-1989.
2. 1988-1991.
3. 1989.
4. 1989-1990.
5. 1990-1991.
6. 1991-1992.
7i&ii. 1991-1993.
8. 1992-1993.
9i&ii. 1993-1996.
10. 1995-1996.
11. 1996-1998.
12i&ii. 1999.
13. October 1998 - October 2006.
UND/CB1/R18   December 1991 - June 2003
Royal Academy of Dancing, correspondence about degree courses and links.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R19   1994 - 1999
Reprographics, correspondence, minutes of the Reprographics Contract Management with Prontaprint, invoices, sold notes for the sale of secondhand goods to non-conusumers by the university, analysis of queried invoices by Prontaprint, information from DANKA Office Imaging Ltd, maintenance agreement with DANKA, details of updates to the Telecomms Book, advertisements for Ideal paper cutters.
UND/CB1/R20   1994 - 1999
Reviews of Academic Courses of Study and Teaching, correspondence regarding reviews, with copies of reviews of Linguistics and English Language, Engineering, and Sociology and Social Policy.
UND/CB1/R21   July - December 1998
Congregation Registration Forms.
1i&ii. July 1998.
2i&ii. December 1998.
UND/CB1/R22   1981 - 2003
Retirements dinners, menus or seating plans for annual parties/dinners for retiring university members of staff with invites and lists of attendees.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R22a   October 1999 - June 2004
Regional Strategy, correspondence with such as European Economic Development Services Ltd.
Paper file
UND/CB1/R23   2005
25 Years' Service programmes, detailing those staff who had achieved 25 years' service and some events etc of 25 years before.
Card, 2f
UND/CB1/R26   December 1959 - February 1970
Reappointment Committee, agendas, minutes and papers for the committee reappointing lecturers at the end of their probationary periods, including some reports on the relevant staff.
1. December 1959 - January 1966.
2. December 1966 - February 1970.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/S1   1963 - January 2010
St Cuthbert's Society, comprising agenda papers of the meetings of the governing body; and related correspondence and papers (which include University of Durham Internal Audit Report on St Cuthbert's Society, December 1994, and St Cuthbert's Society Constitution, Standing orders and Rules, 1997.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1969.
3. 1969-1975.
4i&ii. 1975-1987.
5. 1987-1989.
6i&ii. 1989-1994.
7. 1994-1998.
8. November 1998 - December 2003.
9. January 2004 - January 2010.
UND/CB1/S1a   July 1988 - [January 1989]
Working Party to Consider and Report on the role of the St Cuthbert's Society, comprising correspondence and related papers (including documents (concerning St Cuthbert's Society) for the Policy Committee working party prepared by Dr R.K. Ashton); other agenda papers of the working party (established by the Policy Committee on 22 April 1988) , and copy of the report of the Working Party on St Cuthbert's Society, n.d. .
UND/CB1/S1b   1940 - 1966
Scholarships and Prizes, comprising correspondence (including that with the donors of fellowships, etc), copies of particulars of scholarships and prizes (a number of which were offered by the University of Durham, but others were offered by other institutions, particularly the Nuffield Foundation ), and some lists of entrance scholarships etc. awarded by the University of Durham, with a printed Particulars of Entrance and other Scholarships, 1964.
1. 1940-1951.
2. 1952-1966.
UND/CB1/S2   1960 - November 2010
St Aidan's College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body of St Aidan's College; correspondence; and related papers (including copy of St Aidan's College Handbook 1991 - 92, and University of Durham Internal Audit Report on St Aidan's College, April 1993, St Aidan's Association 50th Anniversary Edition of the Newsletter, January 1997, and St Aidan's Association Newsletter, January 1998).
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963-1966.
3. 1966-1969.
4. 1969-1972.
5. 1972-1978.
6. 1978-1984.
7. 1984-1989.
8. 1989-1991.
9. 1991-1996.
10. 1996-1998.
11. November 1998 - March 2001.
12. March 2001 - June 2003.
13. June 2003 - November 2010.
UND/CB1/S2a   1987 - 1988
Principal of St. Aidan's Dr Clarke appointed 1988[sic], comprising applications (loose in folder), and agenda papers for interviews of those [shortlisted], including copies of references. (Dr Peter H. Clarke was appointed.)
1. 1987.
2. 1987.
3. 1987-1988.
UND/CB1/S3   1940 - February 2006
Science Faculty, comprising correspondence, and some agenda papers for meetings of the Board of the Faculty of Science.
1. 1940-1948.
2. 1948-1962.
3. 1962-1963.
4. 1963-1964.
5. 1965.
6. 1965-1966.
7. 1966.
8. 1966.
9. 1966-1967.
10. 1967-1968.
11. 1968-1969.
12. 1969.
13. 1969-1972.
14. 1972-1973.
15. 1979-1996.
16. 1989-1990
17. 1990-1991.
18. January 1994 - February 2006.
UND/CB1/S3a   1958, 1962
Science Advisory Board, comprising agenda papers for a Science Advisory Board meeting at King's College on 23 January 1958, and copy of a letter to Professor Coates, department of Chemistry, regarding the membership of the Board.
UND/CB1/S3b   December 1991 - 1993
Board of Examiners Report Forms 1991 - 92, comprising Board of Examiners' Reports, 1992 ( 1 folder of loose papers); Examinations, December 1991 - December 1992 : correspondence, instructions to examiners, etc. (1 file); and Board of Examiners Reports 1992 - 93 Exams ( folder of Board of Examiners' reports on various subjects in the Science Faculty, 1993).
1. 1991-1992.
2. 1992-1993.
3. 1963-1972.
4. 1993-1994.
UND/CB1/S3c   1962 - 1966
Science, Concessions and Exemptions, comprising agendas of the Concessions Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, and correspondence.
1. 1962-1963.
2. 1963-1966.
UND/CB1/S3d   1962 - 1963
Science - Durham, Sub-Faculty of, comprising correspondence, and copy of minutes of and report on a meeting of the Durham Sub-Faculty of Science held on 21 March 1962.
UND/CB1/S3e   22 November 1972 - 17 October 1973
Science, Higher Degree Application(s), comprising correspondence (with and about applicants) and agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's Higher Degrees Committee.
UND/CB1/S3f   January 1994 - November 2006
Faculty of Science Area Sub-Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Science (Area) Sub-Committee (of the University of Durham's Teaching and Learning Committee), and a very little related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1994-1995.
2, 2a. 1995-1996.
3, 3a, 3b, 3c. 1996-1998.
4. February 1998 - November 2006.
UND/CB1/S3g   January, March and May 1992, and March 1993
Faculty Planning Sub Committee Originals, comprising some agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's Faculty Planning Sub-Committee and concerning the charging system for academic accommodation; student statistics concerning Mathematical Sciences; and draft Faculty of Science Academic Audit : Teaching Quality Questionnaire.
1. 1992-1993.
2. 1993.
UND/CB1/S3h   23 January 1992 - 19 April 1993
B.Sc. Degree Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Science's B.Sc. Degree Committee (seemingly only for the meetings held 22 October 1992 - 26 April 1993), correspondence, and papers (especially for the period 1992 - December 1992).
1, 2. 1992.
3-5. 1993.
UND/CB1/S3i   5 October 1995 - 18 March 1996
Science Faculty RAE 96 Group meeting agenda.
1. 1995-1996.
2. 1996.
UND/CB1/S3j   7 August 1991 - 17 August 1992
[Science Faculty] dean's correspondence.
1. 1991.
2. 1992.
UND/CB1/S3k   24 May 1991 - 21 December 1994
Harperley Hall Scenes of Crime Course Initial Validation, comprising correspondence; copy of Memorandum of Association between the University of Durham and Harperley Hall National Training Centre for Scientific Support to Crime Investigation, 1993; and related papers.
UND/CB1/S3l   1992 - 1997
General Examinations Board, exam marks in BSc and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science instructions to Examiners for the Degree of Bachelor of Science, agenda papers for the General Examinations Board of the faculty.
UND/CB1/S4   1941 - 1973
Senate, comprising correspondence (much of it communicating Senate decisions), and also (in the files for 1966 -73, though mainly up to 1970 only) some agenda papers of the Senate. (One of the files includes a duplicated typescript copy of the Foreign Office Committee on Russian Studies : Report of Sub-Committee A and of Report of Sub-Committee B, [1945].)
1. 1941.
2. 1941-1943.
3. 1943-1945.
4. 1945-1946.
5. 1946-1948.
6. 1948-1949.
7. 1949-1951.
8. 1951.
9. 1951-1952.
10. 1952-1953.
11. 1953-1954.
12. 1954-1955.
13. 1955-1956.
14. 1956.
15. 1956-1957.
16. 1957-1959.
17. 1959-1960.
18. 1960-1961.
19. 1961-1962.
20. 1962-1963.
21. 1963.
22. 1963-1964.
23. 1964.
24. 1964-1965.
25. 1965-1966.
26. 1966.
27. 1966-1967.
28. 1967.
29. 1967-1968.
30. 1968-1969.
31. 1969-1970.
32. 1970-1971.
33. 1971-1972.
34. 1972-1973.
35. 1973.
UND/CB1/S4a   January 1983 - October 1985
Senate Higher Degrees Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Higher Degrees Committee and related correspondence.
1. 1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1985.
UND/CB1/S4b   January 1995 - June 2004
Senate/Council Academic Appeals Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Senate Academic Appeals Committee and much related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1995.
2. 1995-1996.
3i&ii. 1996-1997.
4i&ii. 1997-1998.
5. 1998-1999.
6. April - September 1999.
7. September 1999 - February 2000.
8. February - May 2000.
9. May 2000 - April 2001.
10. April 2001 - August 2002.
11. August 2002 - June 2004.
UND/CB1/S4c   1954 - 15 April 1994
Senate Concessions and Exemptions Committee, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence, principally regarding individual students.
1. 1954-1963.
2. 1968-1969.
3. 1969-1970.
4. 1970-1971.
5. 1971-1972.
6. 1972-1973.
7. 1973.
8. 1973-1974.
9i-iii. 1976-1978.
10. 1977-1978.
11. 1979-1980.
12. 1980.
13. 1982-1985.
14. 1994.
UND/CB1/S4d   1978 - 1997
Honorary Title Letters, correspondence informing those in receipt of honorary titles of the fact.
1. A-C.
2. D-G.
3. H-K.
4. L-O.
5. P-S.
6. T-Z.
UND/CB1/S4e   1998 - 2006
Honorary Title Letters, correspondence informing those in receipt of honorary titles (fellowships, chairs and the like) of the fact, with some CVs.
1. A-B.
2. C.
3. D-G.
4. H.
5. I-K.
6. L.
7. M.
8. N-Q
9. R.
10. S.
11. T-V.
12. W-Z.
12 paper files
UND/CB1/S5   October 1978 - March 2007
St Mary's College, comprising agenda papers of the governing body and of the Senior Common Room of St Mary's College, and some correspondence. Also includes St Mary's College Society [Newsletters] 1992 - 97 [annual]; lectures delivered at and published by the College 1989 - 91 (lectures by William J. Schafer, Dan C.H. Christensen, Rosemary Sylvester-Bradley, the Most Revd Dr John Habgood, Edward H. Wong, A.B. McKillop, and Professor C.K. Barrett - the last being on “Theology in Durham in the Ramsey Period” (1991)); University of Durham Internal Audit Committee Report on St Mary's College (1992); St Mary's College Handbooks, 1992 / 1993, 1993 / 1994, 1994/ 95, 1995 / 96, and 1996/ 97; and Information Supplement : St Mary's College (brochure) [1995].
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1971.
3. 1971-1973.
4i&ii. 1973-1978.
5. 1978-1983.
6i&ii. 1983-1987.
7. 1987-1989.
8i&ii. 1989-1992.
9i&ii. 1992-1993.
10i&ii. 1993-1995.
11. 1995-1997.
12. 1997-1999.
13. February 1999 - February 2001.
14. February 2001 - July 2002.
15. August 2002 - December 2003.
16. January 2004 - March 2007.
UND/CB1/S6&S39a   1954 - 1957, 1960, 1963 - December 2006
St Chad's College, comprising agenda papers of the executive, later (December 1985 onwards) of the governing body, later (by December 1990) of the college council of St Chad's College, and agenda papers of the Senior Common Room; correspondence; draft of Appeal (January 1960); and memorandum on New Buildings, n.d. [? 1960], copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of St Chad's College (incorporated on 4 May 1910), January 1976; St Chad's College Newsletter 1985; St Chad's Chapel [Card] Calendar, Easter Term 1988; St Chad's College Annual Reports 1990/91, 1991/92, and 1993/4; Form and Order [of Service] for the Admission of the Revd Dr Duane W.H. Arnold as 8th principal of St Chad's College, 3 November 1994; report on Land and Buildings : Management and Repair ( of St Chad's College), 1995. [The college finance and house committees reported to the college's executive.]
S39a. 1954-1960.
S6/1. 1963-1967.
S6/2. 1967-1973.
S6/4. 1973-1977.
S6/5. 1977-1983.
S6/6i&ii. 1983-1988.
S6/7. 1988-1990.
S6/8. 1989.
S6/9. 1990-1993.
S6/10i&ii. 1993-1995.
S6/11i&ii. 1995-1996.
S6/12i&ii. 1996-1998.
S6/11a. 1 October 1998 - 20 March 2001.
S6/12a. 21 March 2001 - 30 November 2002.
S6/13. 1 December 2002 - 15 December 2003.
S6/14. 16 December 2003 - 26 June 2006.
S6/15. 12 December 2005 - 5 December 2006.
UND/CB1/S7   23 October 1963 - 30 October 2009
St John's College, comprising correspondence; programme (order of service) of the Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of St John's College Durham with Cranmer Hall at Durham Cathedral on 11 June 1969; chapel cards [1979]; agenda papers of the annual general meeting and council of the college and of the College Council 1980 onwards; Memorandum and Articles of Association of St John's College (incorporated on 11 January 1911), 1978; report on and plans for proposed new dining hall, 1983; St John's College Durham City Conference and Holiday Centre (brochure) [1985]; Vision for Tomorrow : St John's College Durham (brochure) [1986]; St John's College: Information and Regulations, June 1987; order of service for Service of Thanksgiving (St John's College with Cranmer Hall, Durham) at Durham Cathedral on 15 March 1988; Principal's Letter, June 1988; (loose in one of the files) T.E. Yates, A College Remembered : St John's College, Durham 1909 - 1979; College Record 1992 : St John's College Durham [annual report]; Cranmer Hall St John's College Ember List 1992; College publicity material, October 1992; St John's College annual reports 1993 - 95 [principally accounts, as a company]; publicity material of the College [1994]; St John's College : College Record 1997 /98 [report]; and photocopy of Memorandum of Association of the University of Durham with St John's College, 1997 (signed in January 1998).
1. 1963-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1986.
4i&ii. 1986-1988.
5i&ii. 1988-1990.
6i&ii. 1990-1993.
7i&ii. 1993-1996.
8. 1996-1998.
9. 1998-1999.
9a. 1999.
10. 20 July 1999 - 30 April 2002.
11. 1 May 2002 - 29 September 2003.
12. 30 September 2003 - 22 April 2005.
13. 1 January 2006 - 30 October 2009.
UND/CB1/S7a   1937 - 1938, 1946 - 1961
Societies and Clubs (University and Divisional), comprising correspondence (including that with the Durham University Society (London) [founded in 1921] and with the University of Durham Philosophical Society).
UND/CB1/S8   1963 - 24 October 2006
St Hild's College then St Hild and St Bede College, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Standing Joint Committee of St Hild's College and the College of the Venerable Bede, the joint meetings of the governors of St Hild's College and the College of the Venerable Bede, the college committee of St Hild's, and then the governing body, also the governing body (Charity Trustees) of St Hild and St Bede; 1st Annual Report of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (for 2 April 1979 - 31 March 1981); chaplaincy of the college cards Epiphany Term 1982; University of Durham 150th Anniversary Appeal : The College of St Hild and St Bede brochure [1982]; Second 'Annual' Report of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (for 1 April 1981 - 31 August 1983); agenda papers of the Managing Trustees of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (October 1983 - January 1985); brochure on the College [1985]; photocopies of letters etc. concerning [Bede] College, (1919 - 21); College of St Hild and St Bede University of Durham : An Appeal (brochure), 1991; University of Durham Internal Audit report on the College of St Hild and St Bede, 1992; and The College of St Hild and St Bede University of Durham College Community Handbook 1995 - 1996 (1 vol.).
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1967.
4. 1967-1969.
5i&ii. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1972.
7. 1972-1973.
8. 1973-1975.
9i&ii. 1975-1982.
10. 1983-1985.
11i&ii. 1985-1989.
12. 1989-1992.
13i&ii. 1992-1993.
14i&ii. 1993-1995.
15i&ii. 1995-1997.
16. 1 January 1998 - 7 February 2000.
17. 8 February 2000 - 28 February 2003
18. 1 March 2003 - 24 October 2006.
UND/CB1/S8a   26 February 1985 - 10 November 2010
St Hild and St Bede College Trust, comprising agenda papers of the managing trustees of the St Hild and St Bede Trust (include Investment Management Reports); 5th Annual Report (for the year ended 31 March 1987) and later Annual Reports of the Trust at least up to the 9th (for the year ended 31 March 1991), also the 14th Annual Report (for the year ended 31 March 1996) ; correspondence; and College of St Hild and St Bede University of Durham An Appeal (brochure) [1982].
1i&ii. 1985-1988.
2. 1988-1991.
3i&ii. 1991-1993.
4i&ii. 1993-1997.
5. 1 March 1997 - 21 November 2000.
6. 22 November 2000 - 10 November 2010.
UND/CB1/S8b   1936 - 1963
Statistics and Returns (Other than University Grants and Examinations), comprising correspondence, registration of day student statistics, schedules of numbers of students in residence, and staff-student ratios for several individual universities for 1950-1951. (The registration of day student statistics cover not only the University of Durham but also copies of such returns, for 1939, made by the Universities of Reading, Sheffield, Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, and Manchester. The correspondence on the file includes that with The University of Durham Commissioners, whose office was in London, especially on the subject of the title of King's College Newcastle upon Tyne from 1937 onwards.)
1. 1936-1939.
2. 1940-1947.
3. 1947-1951.
4. 1951-1959.
5. 1959-1962.
6. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/S9   1969 - 2000
Student Records, comprising correspondence (with the Universities' Statistical Record, UCCA, etc.), also copy of University of Durham : Preliminary Report on Central Record System for Students (1970). ( The correspondence, which is largely that of Mrs J.M.L. Berry, computer programmer, Old Shire Hall, especially concerns the proposed computerised student record system. The files include a copy of the university's course coding instructions, and a print out of a course list of all the university's undergraduates, October 1971, giving name, college, year, and subjects studied, code numbers being given for the last. The files do not include copies of the returns made to UCCA.)
1. 1969-1971.
2i&ii. 1971-1972.
3. 1972-1973.
4. 1973-2000.
UND/CB1/S9a   1970 - 1981
Student Records - Postgraduate, comprising correspondence (with USS, etc.) (Includes copy of the University of Durham Careers Advisory Service list of those awarded postgraduate higher degrees at the University of Durham October 1971 - September 1972 (recording name, degree awarded, date, and destination).)
1. 1970-1973.
2. 1973-1981.
UND/CB1/S9b   1963 - 1968
Senior Lecturers, comprising correspondence, also agendas of the Committee for Promotion to the Grade of Senior Lecturer.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1968.
UND/CB1/S9c   1972 - 1987
Amendments, correspondence, a list of student numbers from various departments in 1973.
UND/CB1/S10   13 March 1964 - 14 September 1999
Spanish Department, comprising correspondence with the Department of Spanish, later the Department of Spanish and Italian, concerning staffing, students, visitors, etc., also the future of Italian at Durham.
1i&ii. 1964-1998.
2. 1998-1999.
UND/CB1/S11   5 February 1964 - 11 February 1969, 19 October 1979 - 7 September 1988
Sabbatical Leave, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Sabbatical Leave Committee (for meetings up to that on 17 February 1982 and then for meetings on 13 February 1985 - 11 February 1987 only), and correspondence (including that communicating the committee's decisions).
4. 1964-1969.
1i&ii. 1979-1982.
2i&ii. 1982-1984.
3. 1984-1987.
UND/CB1/S11a   1978, 1990 - 1992
Standing Conference on University Entrance (SCUE), draft of the Unified Entrance Guide, minutes of meetings between NCC and SCUE, also the 1978 pulbication Universities and the N and F Proposals.
UND/CB1/S12&S12d   1963 - 17 November 2009
Students' Representative Council/Union Durham, comprising correspondence, and a relatively very few agenda papers of the D.U.S.R.C., of the Joint Committee of Senate and the D.S.U., of the Joint Committee of the D.S.U. and the Council , and of the D.S.U. Council (in the case of the latter, especially for the 1970s).
S12d/1. 1963-1965.
S12d/2. 1965-1969.
S12/1. 1969-1970.
S12/2. 1970-1971.
S12/3. 1971-1973.
S12/4. 1973-1976.
S12/5. 1976-1979.
S12/6. 1979-1980.
S12/7i&ii. 1980-1986.
S12/8i&ii. 1986-1988.
S12/9. 1988-1991.
S12/10. 1991-1994.
S12/11. 1994-1999.
S12/12. 28 January 1999 - 17 November 2009.
UND/CB1/S12a   November 1961 - 30 October 1987
D.S.U. Joint Committee of Council, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Committee of S.R.C./D.S.U. and Council; related correspondence; and agenda papers for a meeting of the Durham Student Union Council on 6 May 1987.
1. 1961-1966.
2. 1966-1969.
3. 1969-1975.
4. 1975-1988.
UND/CB1/S12b   7 February 1968 - 30 October 1987
D.S.U. Joint Committee of Senate, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Committee of Senate and S.R.C. , later (1971 onwards) entitled the Joint Committee of Senate and D.S.U.; and agenda papers of the University of Durham joint Committee on Student Participation (agenda papers for meetings 13 November 1970 onwards up to the minutes of a meeting held on 14 June 1972).
1. 1968-1979.
2. 1979-1988.
UND/CB1/S12c   November 1987 - November 2006
University / D.S.U. Consultative Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University / DSU Consultative Committee, later (minutes of meeting held on 14 November 1988 onwards) entitled the University of Durham Joint Committee of the University and Durham Students' Union; and related correspondence and papers. 2001-2006 incomplete.
1i&ii. 1987-1996.
2. 1996-1999.
3. 2001-2006
See S12 above.
UND/CB1/S12e   1977 - 1978
Student Representation [on Boards of Studies], comprising correspondence. (Includes a copy of a paper for Senate on suggested changes in student representation, n.d.)
UND/CB1/S12f   1938 - 1967
Staff General, including committees for appointing an administrative assistant and their secretary.
1. 1938-1951.
2. 1951-1963.
3. 1966-1967.
UND/CB1/S12g   1975 - 1988
Freshers' Conference DSU, correspondence about arrangements for the Freshers' Conference, and a Freshers Conference Handbook (1978).
UND/CB1/S13   1963 - 1 March 2004
Student Activities, comprising correspondence (including with the Durham Colleges' Charity Appeal, the Durham Colleges' Rag Committee, Freshers' Conference, Durham University Theatre, regarding permission for dances to be held at specified hours, with Alington House Community Association, 4 North Bailey, including copies of minutes of the FOLKUS Executive Committee, also details of Durham University Theatre's forthcoming productions, and correspondence regarding Durham Charity Rag Mag, the Durham University Exploration Society, predominantly on the subject of expeditions, a number of prospectuses and reports of Durham University Expeditions; and a copy of Durham Careers : The 1987 Durham University Careers Brochure. ). (Includes copies of Freshers' Conference programme/ brochures for 1970 and 1971.)
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1968.
3. 1968-1973.
4. 1973-1976.
5i&ii. 1976-1988.
6. 11 November 1988 - 1 March 2004.
UND/CB1/S13a   1938 - 1944, 1951 - 1952, and 1956 -1957
Seal, University, comprising correspondence (with the General Medical Council, etc.) regarding the supply of officially sealed lists of candidates who received degrees, etc. (The file does not include copies of lists of graduates, etc., but does include a typescript transcript of the Grant of Arms to the University made in 1843.)
UND/CB1/S14   1963 - 2 April 2004
Student Statistics, comprising copies of University of Durham Reports of Student Numbers (providing statistics), also a few lists of students (especially of the Faculty of Science, October 1964), Collection Marks January 1964, University of Durham Some Notes and Statistics from a Survey of 'A' Level marks, final results and types of school, 1971 - 1975 (1976) and UCCA's Statistical Supplement 1964-5; later such surveys up to that entitled Some Notes and Statistics from a Survey of 'A' Level Marks, Final Results and Types of School, 1977 - 83 (1983); other reports (statistical information, student/staff ratios, 'A' level scores of Durham entrants, etc., especially for the period of the mid 1980s onwards); and some correspondence. (Loose in one of the files is a copy of the University Grants Committee's schedules of occupations taken up by students who qualified for first and for higher degrees 1969 -70, providing statistics, individual universities not being identified by name.)
1. 1963-1969.
2. 1969-1975.
3. 1975-1979.
4i&ii. 1979-1987.
5. 1987-1990.
6. 16 January 1990 - 2 April 2004.
UND/CB1/S14a   1987 - 1996
Student Statistics - Enquiries from Outside Bodies, correspondence, some copies of statistics sent in reply.
UND/CB1/S16   1942 - 1963
Social Studies, comprising correspondence (including that with the Joint University Council for Social Studies and Public Administration); also some copies of minutes of the Council of the Joint University Council for Social Studies and Public Administration, 1947 and 1953, and copies of reports of the University of Durham Social Studies Committee of Senate, 1943, and related papers, 1943, and draft regulations for the degree in Social Studies, 1946.
1. 1942-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/S16a   10 September 1988 - 19 August 2003
Staffing Policy Committee, some committee papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S17   28 July 1980 - 12 July 1987
Committee for Staff Travel and Research, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for Staff Travel and Research (up to the papers for the meeting on 9 June 1986), and much correspondence.
1i&ii. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981.
3i&ii. 1981-1982.
4. 1982-1983.
5i&ii. 1983
6i&ii. 1983.
7. 1983-1984.
8i&ii. 1984.
9. 1984-1985.
10i&ii. 1985-1986.
11. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/S17a   1939 - 1946, 1951 -1955
Standing Orders, comprising correspondence; draft Ordinances, 1952; note on meeting of Court Committee on Standing Orders, 1952; and copy of Standing Orders of Senate with manuscript amendments [1939].
UND/CB1/S18a   1966 - 1999
Statistics and Returns Other Than University, some correspondence, registration statistics for many universities from the University Grants Committee, provided by the universities, photocopies of figures derived from Statistics of Education (1976, vol.6), student/staff ratios for the Northern Universities (as defined in the correspondence), CVCP performance indicators for Durham and other universities, copies of the Office of Population Censues and Surveys (OPCS) Monitor for December 1980 and the Statistical Bulletin for November 1980.
UND/CB1/S19   1939 - 1948, 1952
Statutes and Records, comprising correspondence (regarding changes in name of graduates and licentiates on marriage etc., the decease of graduates, etc.) (In 1939 reference is made to a 'new publication' [of the University of Durham] of Statutes and Records.)
UND/CB1/S19a   1970 - 1974
System 4 Users Group, correspondence, minutes of the group, information on the UCCA “Special Projects On-Line Computer Processing for Admissions”.
UND/CB1/S20   1940 - 1950
Scrap, Collection of, comprising correspondence regarding the collection of scrap metal and (especially) scrap paper from University departments, etc., and including a copy of a circular of 1940 of the acting registrar on arrangements for collection and listing “suggested materials for scrap” (including railings, empty tins, surplus books and pamphlets, contents of waste paper baskets, and newspapers and magazines).
UND/CB1/S20a   1963 - 1976
Syllabuses and Prospectuses Concerning Courses, correspondence, copy of the Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars 1968, copy of Which University (1965) on Durham.
UND/CB1/S21   1963 - 1984
Scholarships Modern Languages Travelling, correspondence regarding the awarding and acceptance of Modern Languages Travelling Scholarships by the university, with a prospectus of the College of Europe in Bruges.
UND/CB1/S23   March 1965 - October 1972, November 1977 - January 1999, June 2012
South African Scholarships Fund, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Southern Africa Scholarship Committee (only, it seems, up to the meeting to be held in May 1982); much related correspondence (applications, etc. and especially re the cases of Pityana, Maraj and Ramogale 1970-1972, all unable to take up their scholarships as they were denied passports); and some agenda papers of the 27th and later meeting of the Joint Committee on Southern African Scholarships held at the WUS (World University Service) held on 18 February 1983 and later; also agenda papers of the University of Durham Ruth First Memorial Scholarship Committee, 1986-1989. [Southern African scholarships were open to anybody from South Africa or from Rhodesia, Mozambique, or Angola who was qualified to read for a degree at the University of Durham. Later (in 1985 and later years) the Scholarships Fund was linked with funds collected in memory of Ruth First.] Also poster for a Ruth First Educational Trust benefit jazz concert 9 June [2012].
1a. 1965-1972.
1. 1977-1980.
2i&ii. 1980-1985.
3i&ii. 1985-1991.
4. 1987-1989.
5. 1991-1993.
6. 1993-1999.
7. 2012.
UND/CB1/S23a   1941 - 1945
State Bursaries, comprising copies of Board of Education and Universities Bureau of the British Empire circulars, and correspondence. ( The file includes lists of State Bursars at the University of Durham in 1941 and 1942.)
UND/CB1/S23b   1963 - 1964
Social Studies Department, comprising agendas of the (University of Durham) Committee on the Future of the Department of Social Studies, and correspondence.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964.
UND/CB1/S23c   [1974]
Register of Scholarships and Prize Funds, detailing for each descriptions of the fund, references to it in documents and some copy documents.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S23d   1983 - 1991
Scholarships and Prizes sub-committees, minutes, agendas and papers:
1. 1983 To Review Values and Conditions, proposals dropped
2. 1987 To Review the Award
3. 1990-1991
Paper file
UND/CB1/S24   20 November 1978 - January 2003
Scholarships - General and Renewed (and Scholarships Awards Committee), comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Scholarships Awards Committee (only, it appears, up to those for the meeting on 4 July 1991); and much correspondence (that in the wallets including correspondence with the Charity Commission, etc. about the review of scholarships in 1993-1994).
1. 1973-1976.
2. 1978-1980.
3. 1980-1982.
4i&ii, 4a. 1982-1984.
5. 1984.
6i&ii. 1984-1987.
7, 7a. 1989.
8, 8a. 1990-1992.
9i&ii, 9a-e. 1991-1994.
10. 1994-1997.
11. 6 July 1992 committee papers.
12. April 1997 - January 2003.
UND/CB1/S24a   13 May 1964 - October 1993
Choral Scholarships, comprising correspondence, completed entry forms for choral scholarships, and photocopies of UCCA forms.
1. 1964-1971.
2. 1986-1987.
3. 1987-1988.
4. 1987-1988.
5. 1988.
6. 1988-1989.
7. 1989-1990.
8. 1990-1991.
9. 1991-1992.
10. 1992-1993.
11. 1992-1993.
UND/CB1/S24b   3 October 1973 - 20 June 1974
Mitsui Europe Student Programme, comprising correspondence concerning the M.E.S. Programme. (Mitsui and Co. Ltd., London, invited the University of Durham to nominate four students for the company to consider for sponsorship on a visit to Japan, and the University Senate established a small committee to nominate the four students.)
UND/CB1/S25   September 1990 - November 1991
SEAS Board of School From Science Site, comprising copies of the minutes of the Board of the University of Durham School of Engineering and Applied Science and of the Board of Studies of the School of Engineering and Computer Science.
UND/CB1/S25a   1989
Applications for Shell (UK) Research Fellowship, particulars of the fellowship and applications for it.
UND/CB1/S25b   1965 - 1996
Scholarships - Kennedy Memorial, publicity material and application information for the Kennedy Memorial Scholarships, applications and references for the scholarships, correspondence, a copy of an article and an issue of The Scribbler in which the applicant wrote (issue 2, October 1989) as supporting material.
UND/CB1/S26   1949 - 1960
Secretary to the Schools Examination Board.
1. 1949-1951.
2. 1951-1960.
UND/CB1/S26a   1963 - October 2005
Standing Orders, correspondence on the inception of committees, standing orders for committees, including Council and Senate, and amendments to Schedule I of the governing body standing orders.
1. 1963-1997.
2. April 1997 - July 2000, including Internal Audit Report Effective Financial Management 28 July 1999.
3. July 2000 - November 2002.
4. December 2002 - October 2005.
UND/CB1/S27&S30   1947 - 1960, 25 October 1965 - June 2008
Statutes and Records, comprising correspondence (with Messrs. Dickinson Dees, Solicitors, Newcastle upon Tyne, the University Commissioners, and some others), and related papers (memoranda etc.) concerning amendments to University Statutes; also signed [notifications] of meetings of the Privy Council which approved alterations to the Statutes.
S30. 1947-1960.
S27/1. 1965-1991.
S27/2. November 1991 - April 2005, June 2008.
UND/CB1/S27b   November 1987 - 13 January 1988
Powers and Responsibilities Boards of Studies, Schools, etc. Responses from Departments, etc. to Mr Hayward's paper, comprising paper on the Government and Structure of the University [written by Mr Ian Stewart, deputy registrar] and correspondence.
UND/CB1/S28   1996 - 1999
Strategy, reports and accounts of meetings discussing the future of the university in terms of teaching, policy and finance, as well as a debate about getting into the “Top 5” , and a write-up of the Awayday 1999.
See S27 above.
UND/CB1/S31   5 November 1979 - 18 January 1990
Schoolteacher Fellowships, comprising copies of applications for schoolteacher fellowships (including South African) and related correspondence with and about applicants, also agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for Schoolteacher Fellowships.
1. 1979-1982.
2. 1982-1986.
3. 1986-1990.
UND/CB1/S31a   1947 - 1961
Statutes - Correspondence with Privy Council, comprising correspondence, also copies of orders of His/Her Majesty in Council).
UND/CB1/S32   7 December 1989 - October 2008
Sports Facilities Board of Management, comprising correspondence; University of Durham Internal Audit Report on the Sports Centre (1993); British Universities Sports Association Handbook 1994 - 95; University of Durham Strategic Objectives for the Provision and Operation of Facilities for Sport in the University (January 1995); Sport : Raising the Game (Department of National Heritage, 1995); agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for Sport (for the first meeting on 3 November 1995 and for later meetings); The British Academy of Sport (Sports Council, 1995; and draft proposal for the development of outdoor and indoor sports facilities at the University of Durham 1996).
1i&ii. 1989-1996.
2. 1996-1999.
3. January 1999 - January 2001.
4. January 2001 - October 2003 including Durham Sport newsletters.
5. November 2003 - October 2008 including copies of Sports Bulletin.
UND/CB1/S32a   1948 - 1953
Statutes, Emergency, comprising correspondence.
UND/CB1/S36   28 August 1979 - 14 May 1987
Standing Committee for Research Awards, comprising correspondence with and about) applicants; copies of applications; and agenda papers of the University of Durham Standing Committee for Research Awards, later (July 1986 onwards) the University of Durham Research Committee : Sub-Committee on Research Awards.
1. 1979-1980.
2. 1980-1981.
3. 1981-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1984.
5. 1984-1985.
6. 1985-1986.
7. 1986-1987.
UND/CB1/S39   February 1964 - 28 January 1988
Stipends Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Stipends Committee (only up to those for a meeting on 6 July 1965); correspondence; and copies of Universities' Council for Non-Teaching Staffs circulars and other papers, and including the Bransden/Pearson report on the remuneration of college bursars January 1985 and the bursars' reaction to it.
See S6 above.
UND/CB1/S40   1963 - 2003
Staff Cricket Club, correspondence, lists of team members, fixtures, accounts, results, and individual averages, minutes of the Annual General Meetings.
The club's records, including scorebooks, further minutes and accounts etc, are in UND/GA10.
UND/CB1/S41   1968 - February 2004
Social Sciences Faculty, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences; correspondence; and papers (including some prospectuses of the Faculty 1979 and later of First Years Honours degree courses offered in the Faculty of Social Sciences and later still the Faculty's Undergraduate Handbook 1995 - 96); also 2 volumes of papers produced for the Visit of the University Grants Committee's Social Studies Sub-Committee to Durham on 27 November 1986. By 1990 and thereafter, these records almost solely comprise agenda papers of the Faculty Board.
1. 1968-1970.
2. 1970-1972.
3. 1972-1973.
4. 1973.
5. 1973-1974.
6. 1974-1975.
7. 1975-1977.
8. 1977-1978.
9. 1978-1980.
10. 1980-1981.
11. 1981-1983.
12i&ii. 1983-1984.
13i&ii, 13a. 1984-1985.
14i&ii. 1985-1986.
15i&ii. 1986-1987.
16. 1987-1988.
17. 1988-1989.
18i&ii. 1989-1990.
19, 19a, 19b. 1990.
20i&ii, 20a, 20b. 1990-1991.
21. 1991
22. 1991-1992.
23. 1992.
24a,b,ci&ii,d,e. 1992.
25. 1992-1993.
26i&ii, 26a, 26b. 1993-1996.
27. October 1996 - February 2004.
UND/CB1/S41a   8 November 1978 - 24 April 1998
Examinations and Examiners, comprising correspondence (including that with examiners) concerning the appointment of examiners [in departments of the faculty of Social Sciences] and some sessional lists of examiners in the faculty.
1i&ii. 1978-1983.
2i&ii. 1983-1988.
3. 1988-1998.
UND/CB1/S41b   13 September 1985 - 17 February 1986
Higher Degrees in Social Science, comprising much correspondence with students (applicants and those who were registered as higher degree students), including that in forwarding copies of theses to the University Library; and agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee.
Sample only retained.
UND/CB1/S41c   13 December 1982 - 15 July 1985
Concessions and Exemptions, comprising correspondence concerning individual students, and agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences Concessions Committee
Sample only retained.
UND/CB1/S41d   February 1986 - 9 March 1990
Consultative Committee on Teacher Education, comprising agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Consultative Committee on Teacher Education and its Sub-Committee on Staff Plans for Classroom Experience; and related correspondence and papers (including Runnymede Research Report : Education for All : A summary of the Swann report, 1985).
1i&ii. 1986-1988.
2i&ii. 1988-1990.
UND/CB1/S41e   March 1990 - May 1991
Faculty Validation Committee, comprising just the agenda papers of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Faculty Working Group on Validation, later (the 2nd meeting onwards) entitled the Faculty Committee on Validation then the Faculty Validation Committee.
1i&ii. 1990-1991.
2. 1991.
UND/CB1/S41f   19 December 1985 - 31 August 1999
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Faculty of Social Sciences' Degree Regulations Committee, later (October 1993 onwards) agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's Social Sciences Area Sub-Committee [which had different terms of reference to the former Degree Regulations Committee] later entitled the Teaching and Learning Committee : Faculty of Social Sciences Sub-Committee.
1i&ii. 1985-1990.
2i&ii. 1990-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1994.
4i&ii. 1994-1995.
5i&ii. 1995.
6i&ii. 1995-1996.
7i&ii. 1996.
8i&ii. 1996.
9. 1996-1997.
10i&ii. 1997.
11i&ii. 1998-1999.
12. 1999.
UND/CB1/S41g   1986 - 1987
Bachelor of Education, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the Committee on Restructuring the BEd Degree, proposals for the course structure and assessment, and suggestions for the courses as part of the degree, including handbooks for the new BA Honours degree in Education and an Advanced Diploma in Pre-Vocational Education and Vocational Preparation at New College validated by the University of Durham.
UND/CB1/S41h   1985 - 1987
Further Professional Studies in Education, correspondence, applications and invoices.
UND/CB1/S41i   1986 - 1988
Teesside Polytechnic Diploma in the Education of Children with Special Educational Needs, correspondence and a pass list for October 1986.
UND/CB1/S41j   1988 - 1989
New College Diploma in the Teaching of Primary Science, a little correspondence on successfully examined students.
UND/CB1/S41k   June 1988
Diploma in Mathematical Education (Teesside), a little correspondence on successfully examined students.
UND/CB1/S41l   1988 - 1989
MBA by Open Distance Learning, correspondence, Regulations for Courses in Durham University Business School in the Faculty of Social Science (1988-89), Credit Where Credit's Due - an information document on credit transfer, prospectus for the MBA Programme for Young Managers at the International Management Centre from Buckingham (IMCB), the IMCB 1988-1989 Conspectus for Members and Associates, and the 23rd Annual Report and Accounts of the IMCB (1986).
UND/CB1/S41m   November 1970 - November 1998
Social Sciences Quinquennial Planning Committee, (first meeting held on 3 February 1971) agenda papers and correspondence.
1. November 1970 - October 1973.
2. October 1975 - October 1977.
3. October - November 1998.
UND/CB1/S41n   April - July 1986
Sub-committee on Staff Plans for School Experience, correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S42   8 December 1965 - 2010
Students' Health Service, later Student Health Centre, later Student Mental Health Guidelines, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Consultative Committee for the Student Health Centre (meetings 4 December 1970 - June 1987); 3rd Annual Report of the Medical Officer of the University of Durham 1966 - 67; S.E. Finlay, The Present Position of Student Health Services in the Universities and Medical Schools of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (July 1967); agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee of Reference for the Student Health Service, November 1982 onwards; agenda papers of the Heron Working Party (on the Relationship of the Student Health Service with the NHS), 1985 [the Working Party was chaired by Mr L.J. Heron, a member of the University Council]; agenda papers for the [University of Durham] Health and Safety Policy Committee meeting on 26 February 1988 [but not for later meetings]; and notes of meetings of the Working Group on Student Health Service, 1992. (The 9th and later annual reports of the Medical Officer of the University of Durham are incorporated in the agenda papers of the Consultative Committee for the Student Health Service, 27 November 1973 and later.) (The Consultative Committee for the Student Health Service was evidently disbanded by the University Council and its functions in effect taken over by the Health and Safety Committee with a revised membership of the latter.) (It will be noted that there are no committee agenda papers postdating February 1988 on these files.)
1. 1965-1978.
2i&ii. 1978-1986.
3. 1986-1994.
4. 1994-2010.
5. 2000-2001.
UND/CB1/S42a   June 1991 - October 2002
Student Counselling Service, correspondence, reports, minutes of a Counselling Services SuppORt Group, and some annual reviews.
Paper file
UND/CB1/S43   13 December 1982 - June 2004
Society of Fellows, comprising correspondence; 1st Annual Report 1982 - 83 and later Annual Reports (for the early years of the Society only); applications for fellowships and college fellowships; Durham University Research Foundation and Society of Fellows brochure [1988]; agenda papers of meetings of the University of Durham Research Foundation : College Fellowships, 1996 - 97; and minutes of a meeting of the University of Durham Research Foundation : College Fellowships held on 5 December 1996 (selecting candidates, etc.); annual dinners.
1. 1982-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1996.
4. March 1998 - January 2000.
5. January 2000 - June 2004.
UND/CB1/S43a   1963 - 1972
Science Site and Observatory, Committee on Administration of, comprising correspondence, and a very few agenda papers (especially for 1969 -72) of the Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory. 1963 -72
UND/CB1/S44   10 November 1978 - August 2005
Sociology and Social Policy, Department of, comprising correspondence; DHSS-Funded Research Programme : Programme Director's Report and Main Report - produced for visit by the chief scientist on 9 June 1981; papers concerning appointments to posts in the department; University of Durham Work and Employment Research Unit document (about the unit), March 1986; report of the Review Committee on Sociology (University Grants Committee, March 1989) and report of the Review Committee on Social Policy and Administration (UGC, March 1989); Submission by the Deaf Studies Research Unit (DSRU), University of Durham to the Panel of Four's Commission of Enquiry into Human Aids to Communication, [1991], and report to the vice-chancellor on the Future of the Deaf Studies Research Unit (DSRU) within the Department of Sociology and Social Policy, September 1991.
1i&ii. 1978-1987.
2. 1987-1991.
3. 1991-1999.
4. February 1999 - August 2005.
UND/CB1/S44a   1964 - 1978
Sociology and Social Administration, Department of ( 1 file) and Social Theory and Institutions, Department of (1 file), comprising correspondence, and memoranda. (Include draft application on North East Area Study to be submitted to the Social Science Research Council, 1971; some notes on the growth of the Department of Social Theory and Institutions; and photocopy of typescript of Professor Philip Abrams' “Community Care : Some Research Problems and Priorities”, 1977.)
UND/CB1/S45   1964 - 2001
Senior Men and Women, comprising copies of circulars of the registrar to all senior men and women and the president of St Cuthbert's Society (later to senior men and women, presidents of JCRs, chairman of the Graduate Society, and president of the SRC), agenda papers for meetings of senior men and women of JCRs with the registrar, and correspondence. (The files include “A Note on the Origins and Functions of the Committee of Senior Men and Women 1963 - 1968” [1968] and later, updated, editions of this note (including 1976); also “Suggestions on lines of possible future development for the College communities in the University of Durham” (1969) drawn up by the committee of Senior Men and Women.), with later minutes and papers of the Senior Men and Women Committee, and arrangements for the annual dinner.
1. 1964-1969.
2. 1969-1973.
3. 1973-1978.
4. November 1978 - November 2000.
5. November 2000 - February 2001.
6. 1995-2001.
UND/CB1/S45a   1972
Dinner for Past and Present Senior Men and Women, Saturday, 21 October 1972, comprising circular regarding the dinner, proof/draft of the menu/toast card, and correspondence. (The dinner was held in the Great Hall of Durham Castle, on 21 October 1972, to mark the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Committee of Senior Men and Women.)
UND/CB1/S46   4 July 1978 - 6 September 1988
Social Sciences Research Council, comprising correspondence (concerning SSRC Studentships, awards, grants, etc., from mid / late 1980s onwards also concerning submission rates); University of Durham North-East Area Study (1972-1977) : Final Report to SSRC [1978]; a few SSRC later (from 1 January 1984 onwards) ESRC publications (newsletter, press releases, ESRC supplement, etc.) especially dating from the mid 1980s onwards; and two copies of Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Human Communication : Proposal to the ESRC (May 1988) (submitted by the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Glasgow) [ ? unsuccessful proposal].
1. 1978-1979.
2. 1979-1983.
3. 1983-1988.
4. 1988.
UND/CB1/S49   September 1972 - 21 July 1988
Staffing Committee, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Staffing Committee, 1972-1973 and 1976; minutes of the University of Durham Interim Consultative Committee, 1982 and 1984; and correspondence and related papers (including copy of the personnel officer's revised proposals on committee structure for staffing matters, 1988).
UND/CB1/S49a   January - December 1994
Science Park, correspondence, University and Communities: Draft Final Report for the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and the working papers for the Science Park Liaison Group.
UND/CB1/S54   29 October 1976 - May 2005
Safety in the University, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the University of Durham Health and Safety Policy Committee (this committee receiving the minutes of the University of Durham Safety Committee); Safety Bulletin No.1; copy of the North Eastern Universities O and M Report on Safety Services in the Universities : The Staffing Requirement, March 1981; University of Durham Safety Handbook [1984]; University of Durham Rules for Radiation Protection, June 1987; memoranda; Report of the Working Group on Occupational Health and Safety, 1992; copies of some Safety Inspection reports for Old Shire Hall, 1993 onwards; University of Durham Health and Safety Office : Health and Safety Management circulars, Nos. 1 (29 January 1993) - 10A (July 1995); Health and Safety Management at the University of Durham : A Review conducted by Linda Donachie, Fiona Macneill and Patrick Nelis, HM Inspectors of Health and Safety, January 1998.
1i&ii. 1976-1984.
2. 1984-1989.
3. 1989-1992.
4i&ii. 1992-1998.
4a. 1993.
5. October 1998 - March 2004.
6. March 2004 - May 2005.
UND/CB1/S54a   1974 - 1975
Old Shire Hall - Security, comprising correspondence, and circular on Old Shire Hall : Security Procedures.
UND/CB1/S55   1979, 1980
Ad Hoc Joint Senate / Hild - Bede Governing Body Committee for Transitional Period 'Faculty of Education', comprising just a copy of a letter from W.E. Saxton to Dr S. Holgate, master, Grey College, concerning a meeting of the Ad Hoc Joint Senate / Hild-Bede Governing Body Committee, 3 April 1979, and copy of circular of W.E. Saxton (deputy registrar) cancelling the meeting of the Joint Committee of Senate and of the trustees of the Foundation of the College of St Hild and St Bede due to be held on 15 May 1980 as there was no business to justify calling the meeting.
UND/CB1/S56   November - December 1957
Sub-committee [of the Ceremonies Committee] on Service Degrees, agenda papers
Paper file
UND/CB1/S57   January - February 1965
Committee on Lecturers reaching the end of their probationary period agendas.
Paper file
UND/CB1/T1   1968 - September 2006
Timetables, comprising correspondence, circulars to heads of departments concerning timetables and timetable changes, and some timetables (per department).
1. 1968-1980.
2. 1973-1978.
3. 1978-1983.
4. 1983-1988.
4a. 1986-1993.
5. June 1988 - September 2006, including departmental allocations for centrally bookable rooms 1995/96, by faculty.
UND/CB1/T1a   1940 - 1963
Theological Colleges and Students, comprising correspondence (including that with and about students and prospective students [at various theological colleges affiliated to or otherwise connected with the University of Durham] and also about courses at individual colleges, this latter correspondence being principally with the colleges' principals).
1. 1940-1941.
2. 1941-1951.
3. 1952-1963.
UND/CB1/T2   1939 - 1988
Theology Faculty, later Divinity Faculty, comprising correspondence (with theological colleges, prospective students, etc.), and agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Theology (Faculty of Divinity by October 1963), also of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Divinity, the Concessions Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Divinity and the Board of Electors for the Lightfoot Professorship of Divinity 1964.. (The Board agenda papers date from 1941 onwards but there are very few of them indeed prior to 1963, from whence they are on file; the files for 1963 onwards are bulky by comparison with those for the previous period.)
1. 1939-1941.
2. 1941-1951.
3. 1952-1961.
4. 1961-1963.
5. 1963-1967.
6. 1967-1969.
7. 1969-1971.
8. 1971-1973.
9. 1973-1974.
10. 1974-1975.
11. 1975-1977.
12. 1977-1978.
13. 1978-1979.
14. 1979.
15. 1979-1980.
16. 1980-1983.
17. 1983-1988.
UND/CB1/T2a   15 October 1982 - 24 June 1985
Concessions and Exemptions, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the Faculty of Divinity's Concessions Committee.
UND/CB1/T2b&T3   9 December 1963 - April 2007
Theology Department, comprising correspondence (concerning staff, students, visitors, proposed Institute for the Study of Literature and Theology, etc.), papers for the visit of the vice-chancellor on 18 May 1983, and some agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Theology (1986). Loose in the files: University of Durham Department of Theology: CALIBAL [Computer Assisted Learning in Biblical and Ancient Languages] Project : Final Report (January 1988), brochure on the Department of Theology [ c.1991], papers for the warden's visit to the department on 29 May 1991, and brochure on Joint Honours in Philosophy and Theology [1993].
T2b. 1963-1980.
T3/1i&ii. 1980-1988.
T3/2i&ii. 1988-1996.
T3/4. August 1996 - April 2007.
UND/CB1/T2c   October 1982 - October 1986
Higher Degrees, comprising correspondence; agenda papers of the Faculty of Divinity's Higher Degrees Committee (later entitled the Committee for Higher Degrees), and related papers. The second file (January - October 1986) comprises solely agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Theology.
1. 1982-1985.
2. 1985-1986.
UND/CB1/T2d   31 January 1979 - 16 July 1985
Examinations and Examiners in, comprising correspondence [concerning the work of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Divinity].
UND/CB1/T2e   10 May 1978 - October 1987
Theology, Certificate in, comprising correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Committee for the Certificate in Theology.
UND/CB1/T2f   December 1999 - November 2007
Teacher Training Agency, including correspondence with it and reports of it, with financial statements of the teacher training agency 1998-99
Paper file
See T2b above.
UND/CB1/T4   1963 - 2000
Theses for Higher Degrees, correspondence, proposal for a thesis, and regulations on the consultation of theses deposited in the library.
UND/CB1/T5   26 May 1967 - 11 May 1979
Technology Educational - Northern Universities Working Party on, comprising correspondence and related papers (not minutes) concerning the Northern Universities Working Party for co-operation in educational technology (the secretary in 1970 and 1972 being based at the University of Salford); also the files include information for candidates : School Teacher Fellowships (Independent Television Authority) (May 1967), and Northern Universities Working Party for Cooperation in Educational Technology : report on the activities of the working party 1966 - 72 [1972]. The second file - for 1973 - 1979 - is very thin and does not relate to the working party itself after 1974.
1. 1967-1973.
2. 1973-1979.
UND/CB1/T5a   11 September 1969 - 1975 , 1978 - 21 April 1978
Technology Educational - Senate Committee on, comprising agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Educational Technology: minutes of the meeting on 20 October 1969 but thereafter rather comprises correspondence and papers (not later minutes); also copies of publications of outside bodies (some loose in the files) including [University Grants Committee] duplicated typescript report from the Higher Activity Centres in Educational Technology [c. 1971] and comments on the latter by Mr Ashman and by Mr Panton (of the University of Durham), UGC Memorandum on Educational Technology (1971), and the University of Durham's [response] report to UGC Educational Technology Subcommittee Conference…1 July 1971. The second file - dating from 1972 - 75 and 1978 - is very thin and related mainly to the British Universities Film Council, including a copy of the Council's newsletters Nos. 23 ( November 1974) and 25 (May 1975).
1. 1969-1972.
2. 1972-1978.
UND/CB1/T5b   June 1987 - October 2000
Tubingen University, correspondence about links and especially over its International Centre from which DU withdrew in 2000.
Paper file
UND/CB1/T6   12 June 1987 - July 2008
Teikyo University, comprising correspondence (with the British Council, Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan, St Mary's College, University of Durham, Teikyo University of Japan in Durham, etc.); agenda papers of the University of Durham Teikyo Development Group,1989; programme of the opening ceremony, Durham Cathedral, 24 April 1990; Teikyo University Group (brochure) [1990]; minutes of a meeting of the University of Durham Teikyo Foundation (UK) and Teikyo University of Japan in Durham, 16 September 1991; and related papers (including photocopy of applications of Teikyo University of Japan in Durham students for college memberships, 1991, and photocopy of [? draft] unsigned heads of agreement between Teikyo University of Japan and the University of Durham, 1988), and copies of Teikyo University in Durham Gazette.
1i&ii, 1a, 1b. 1987-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1991.
3, 3a. 1991-1992.
3b. 1991-1992.
4i&ii. 1991-1999.
4a. 1992-1994.
4b. 1992-1994.
4c. January 1999 - April 2001.
5. April 2001 - July 2008.
UND/CB1/T6a   1938 - 1963
Treasurer's Committee, comprising correspondence, also a few agenda papers (mainly dating from within the period 1938-1944 only) of the Treasurer's Committee of Court.
1. 1938-1951.
2. 1951-1963.
UND/CB1/T7   1969 - 1988
Training of University Teachers, comprising correspondence (including that with the Co-ordinating Committee for the Training of University Teachers); agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Training in University Teaching later (by 1974) the Committee on Training in University Teaching [though there are no agenda papers for 1975 onwards]; papers concerning a conference on “Problems and Techniques of University Teaching” held at the University of Durham in 1971; some copies of publications of other bodies (including The Nuffield Foundation: Group for Research and Innovation in Higher Education Newsletters Nos. 3 and 4, October 1973 and April 1974, and Impetus (the newsletter of the Co-ordinating Committee for Training of University Teachers) Nos. [1] [ 1975] - 10 (December 1978), and CCTUT Occasional Publication No.1, 1978); agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Training in University Teaching (February 1979 onwards), later (February 1986 onwards) entitled the Committee on University Teaching; papers concerning conferences for new members of staff of the University of Durham; and agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for the Career Development and Training of University Staff (meetings 16 November 1987 onwards). [The University Council at its meeting on 3 November 1987 agreed that the present Committee on University Teaching be abolished and that a Joint Committee for the Career Development and Training of University Staff be established.]
1. 1969-1972.
2. 1972-1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1978.
5. 1978-1981.
6i&ii. 1981-1984.
7i&ii. 1984-1986.
8. 1986-1988.
UND/CB1/T7a   November - December 1999
Technology Transfer, notes and memoranda.
UND/CB1/T8   1964 - 2000
Theatre, University, comprising correspondence (including that with Durham County Council), memoranda (including Dr Christopherson's memorandum on “Proposals for a Theatre”, 1964), notes on meetings, and report (1968) by the theatre consultant (Martin Carr) on the Durham Theatre Project. (The proposed theatre was to be in the Millburngate redevelopment.)
1. 1964-1965.
2. 1965-1968.
3. 1968-2000.
UND/CB1/T8a   26 September 1981 - 25 October 1984
Durham University Fringe Theatre, comprising correspondence, and [annual] reports (including accounts) of DUFT at Edinburgh [Fringe] Festival 1981 - 84. (Mr Ian E. Graham, the university registrar, was honorary treasurer of DUFT.)
UND/CB1/T8b   1944 - 1947, 1957
Theology, Sub Committee [of the Faculty of Theology] on Ex Servicemen, comprising correspondence, and a very few agenda papers.
UND/CB1/T9   17 December 1964 - February 2007
Trevelyan College, comprising correspondence (including concerning individual students); agenda papers of the statutory committee on the principalship (of College 'Z') 1965 and of the governing body of Trevelyan College (first meeting on 23 February 1966) (with multiple copies of the minutes of the 34th meeting of Governing Body on 5 November 1975); prospectus for October 1966; programme for the opening [by the duke of Northumberland] of the Sir James Knott Hall on 21 November 1973; agenda papers of the AGM of the Senior Common Room and circular letters (of SCR's secretary) to SCR members [these papers being noticed on the files for the late 1980s]; Hippocampus, The Magazine of The Trevelyan Society, May 1993; Trevelyan College : College Regulations and Living Arrangements, July 1993; Trevelyan College Senior Common Room newsletters, Epiphany Term 1995 and later up to the issue of Easter Term 1996; and (in a wallet) some papers for the warden's visit to the college on 11 May 1982. With a very thin file of of correspondence on the Trevelyan files from 2004.
1. 1964-1969.
2. 1969-1973.
3. 1973-1975.
4. 1975-1976.
5. 1976-1978.
6. 1978-1981.
7i&ii, 7a. 1981-1984.
8i&ii. 1984-1988.
9. 1988-1990.
10i&ii. 1990-1996.
11. May 1996 - October 2001.
11a. 2004.
12. October 2001 - February 2007.
UND/CB1/T9a   8 February 1967 - 25 March 1968
Trevelyan College - Opening Ceremony, comprising correspondence (much in response to invitations to the opening ceremony, but also with Lord Butler, who opened the college on 12 March 1968); text of the public orator's speech at the Congregation at which the DCL degree was conferred upon Lord Butler; University of Durham press notice about the opening of the college; and programme of the opening ceremony.
UND/CB1/T9b   1948 - 1951
Town and Country Planning, comprising correspondence, also [draft] memorandum [of 1948] for submission to the committee of enquiry appointed by the Minister of Town and Country Planning and the Secretary of State for Scotland to consider the qualifications desirable in those engaged in Town and Country Planning.
UND/CB1/T10   November 1969 - 1988
Technical Staffing Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Universities' Committee on Technical Staffs' Central Executive Committee and of the UCTS up to 1975 (only); copies of circular letters of the Universities Committee for Non-Teaching Staffs; a very little related correspondence; and a copy of the Chapman Working Party Report (May 1978), this working party having been established by UCCA. Loose in a wallet: copies of University Technical Staffs: Manual on Implementation as jointly agreed between Universities' Committee for Non-Teaching Staffs and ASTMS.., April 1972, and correspondence and papers concerning the regarding of named staff, 1972 - 73.
1. 1969-1988.
2. 1972-1977.
UND/CB1/T10a   1991 - February 2006
Trade Marks, correspondence with especially Taylor Johnson Garrett, applications for trade marks, Trade Marks Examination Reports and notes on them, notes from a seminar on trade marks, a document in French Grande-Bretagne: Stages de Langue (1997), invoices, information booklets from the Patent Office Registering a Trade Mark and Search and Advisory Service.
1. 1991-1999.
2. February 1999 - May 2001.
3. July 2005 - February 2006.
UND/CB1/T11   February 1988 - 19 April 1994
Teesside Initiative, comprising correspondence (with Teesside Development Corporation, Middlesbrough Borough Council, Teesside Polytechnic, Universities Funding Council, etc.); copies of Property Director“The Bright Side of Teesside ?”, Summer 1988, and The Newcastle Initiative (brochure [1988]); agenda papers of the University of Durham Teesside Academic Planning Group 1988 onwards, agenda papers of the University of Durham Teesside Development Group December 1988 onwards and agenda papers of the Teesside Initiative Committee (Original Group) February 1989; reports on meetings; A College for the 1990s on Teesside Background to the initial proposal (December 1988); The Teesside Initiative in Higher Education (brochure) [1989]; The Teesside Initiative in Higher Education : Academic Plan (1989); Dermot Killip, Towards an Arts and Entertainment Strategy for Cleveland: A Report, February 1990; Teesdale, A Joint Development by Teesside Development Corporation, Bank of Scotland and Murray B. S. Ltd., n.d. [1990] (brochure of photographs of the site in the course of development); agenda papers of the Teesside Joint Developments Executive [of Durham University / Teesside Polytechnic] ; drafts of Joint Venture Agreement between Teesside Polytechnic Higher Education Corporation and the University of Durham (1991), of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of [University College Teesside] (sic) (1991), and of Teesside Development Corporation and the University College on Teesside : Development Agreement (1991); agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside : Academic Planning Group; draft of Joint Venture Agreement in respect of the Joint University College on Teesside between Teesside Polytechnic Higher Education Corporation and the University of Durham and The Joint University College on Teesside (1992); Teesdale, A partnership in renewal (brochure, n.d. [ ? 1991]); A New World of Learning: The Joint University College on Teesside (brochure, n.d. [1992]); University of Durham on Teesside: A proposal to establish a College on Teesside as part of the University's development strategy in the 1990s and 21st century : some background information for Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, chairman of the University Grants Committee (from the vice-chancellor of the University of Durham, pro-vice-chancellor Dr J.P. Barber, and Mr J.C.F. Hayward, registrar and secretary) (8 December 1988); agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Board of Directors (1st meeting on 26 March 1992 and later meetings' agenda papers); agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: General Meeting, 26 March 1992; agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Course Approval Panel for Human Sciences, 29 April 1992; agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Academic Planning Group, 1992; agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Interim Academic Council, [1992]; County of Cleveland Education Committee: Education Statistics 1984; Cleveland County Research and Intelligence: Cleveland 1988 - 1992: An Economic, Demographic and Social Review (May 1988); agenda papers of the Joint University College on Teesside: Finance Committee; [note: in October 1992, the title of the College changed from Joint University College on Teesside to University College, Stockton on Tees] ; agenda papers of University College, Stockton on Tees : College Academic Council (up to 1994); agenda papers of University College, Stockton on Tees : Board of Directors (up to 1994); photocopy of Handbook University College, Stockton on Tees formerly The Joint University College on Teesside 1992 - 93 (1992); University College, Stockton Newsletter Nos. 1, March 1993, and 2, September 1993; An Internal Audit Review of Administrative Procedures at The University College Stockton on Tees (March 1993); Teesside 2000 No. 3, 26 May 1993 (visit of HM The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to Teesside, including University College); photocopy of signed and sealed Memorandum of Association of the Joint University College on Teesside (20 December 1991) and of Certificate of Incorporation of the Joint University College on Teesside (under the Companies Act 1985), February 1992, and of the Certificate of Incorporation of Change in Name : University College, Stockton on Tees, 16 November 1992; drafts of leases and underleases of sites, 1992 - 93; Teesside TEC Ltd : Executive Summary of the Corporate Plan 1993 - 1996 [1993]; Teesside 2000 No. 5, 8 December 1993; and University College, Stockton on Tees : Report and Accounts for the period ended 31 July 1993 (18 November 1993). [University College, Stockton on Tees was a joint venture between the Universities of Durham and Teesside. In 1994, the University of Durham assumed administrative and financial responsibility for the University College and from April 1994 the registrar and secretary of the University of Durham, Mr John Hayward, took over as principal on a half-time basis.]
1i&ii, 1a. 1988-1989.
2i&ii, 2a. 1989-1990.
3i&ii, 3a. 1990-1991.
4. 1991.
5i&ii. 1991-1992.
6i&ii. 1992.
7i&ii. 1992.
8i&ii. 1992.
9. 1992.
10i&ii. 1992.
11i&ii. 1992-1993.
12i&ii. 1993.
13i&ii. 1993.
14i&ii. 1993.
15. 1993-1994.
16. 1994.
UND/CB1/T12   18 April 1978 - 17 December 2002
Teaching Resources, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee on Teaching Resources (and of its Technical Sub-Committee); related correspondence; and papers (including photocopy of returns to survey of audio and video equipment available in University of Durham departments, 1979).
1. 1978-1985.
2. 1985-2002.
UND/CB1/T13   26 January 1993 - October 2002
Teaching and Learning, Committee of, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee (from the shadow meeting on 7 June 1993 onwards, the papers including self assessments of departments) and related correspondence; agenda and related papers of the Teaching and Learning Committee's Sub-Group on the Training of University Teachers (Teaching and Learning Certificate), 1994 (including copies of The UK Universities' Staff Development Unit Occasional Green Paper No. 8 (1994) and Improving Learning in Higher Education : A Case Study…(1994); agenda papers of the Teaching and Learning Committee's Working Group on Modularisation [such papers noted on files by at least 1994 and thereafter]; and agenda papers of the Working Group on the Academic Year Monday Starts (1995).
1. 1993.
2. 1993-1994.
3. 1994.
4i&ii. 1994.
5i&ii, 5a. 1994.
6i&ii. 1994.
7i&ii. 1994-1995.
8i&ii. 1995.
9i&ii. 1995.
10. 1995.
11i&ii. 1995-1996.
12i&ii. 1995-1996.
13i&ii. 1996.
14i&ii. 1996-1997.
15i&ii. 1997.
16i&ii. 1997-1998.
17. 1998-1999.
17a-d. 1999.
17e. September 1999 - October 2002.
17f. November 2000 - January 2002, agendas.
18. September-November 1999.
19. January 2000.
20. February 2000.
21. March 2000.
22. May 2000.
23. June-July 2000.
24. Correspondence October 1999 - July 2000.
25. February 2003 (partial)
26. June 2003
UND/CB1/T13a   January 1994 - September 1999
Teaching and Learning Initiatives Advisory Group, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's Teaching and Learning Initiatives Advisory Group (TLIAG), and related correspondence. (Includes copy of Peter Slee, University of Durham : Enterprise in Higher Education 1989 / 1993 Programme Evaluation, n.d. [1993 or 1994].
1i&ii. 1994-1995.
2i&ii. 1995-1997.
3. January 1998 - September 1999.
UND/CB1/T13b   December 1993 - 28 July 1999
Course Reviews Advisory Group, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's Course Review Advisory Group and of the Course Review Advisory Group's Working Group on Course Reviews; and some related correspondence.
1i&ii. 1993-1995.
2i&ii. 1995-1997.
3. 1997-1999.
4. 1999.
UND/CB1/T13c   1994 - 1999
Advisory Group for Exams and Assessment, minutes and agendas, with supporting documentation and some correspondence.
1. 1994-1999.
2. 1999.
UND/CB1/T13d   1996 - 1999
Advisory Group on Access and Admissions, minutes and agendas, with supporting documentation and some correspondence.
UND/CB1/T17   1951
Treasury Grants (Non-Recurrent), comprising correspondence regarding applications for non-recurrent grants for the academic year 1951-1952.
UND/CB1/U1   1963 - March 2008
University College, comprising correspondence (including that concerning individual students, the discontinuance of the use of the Judges' Lodgings in Durham Castle 1971, the origins etc. of the Solway Fellowship, the proposed admission of women to the College 1985, [University Council agreed to the admission of women to University College from October 1987], the use by the bishop of Durham of the “Bishop's Suite” at the Castle 1987, with the Department of the Environment, English Heritage, and The Pilgrim Trust, etc. concerning conservation work on the Castle, 1987-1991, the Castle Appeal media launch in 1991 (appeal for £2.5m for repairs and restoration), and the World Heritage site which Durham was awarded in 1987); agenda papers of the governing body; agenda papers of the University of Durham Durham Castle Trust (established in 1992), 1992-1993; and related papers. The related papers include University College Durham : Castlemen's Society Appeal (brochure, concerning the proposed development on “Sutton Site”, adjoining Saddler Street) [1972], University College Chapel Epiphany Term 1975 card, University College Senior Common Room Calendars (details of charges, major dinners, college meetings, etc.), appeal brochure concerning the West Courtyard Common Room (to create a new room there) (January 1981), University College, The Castle, Durham : Tourist Accommodation (brochure) [1981], University College Handbook : Information and Regulations [ 1988], photocopy of The Durham Castle Trust (charity) deed (30 March 1992), Durham Castle (appeal brochure) [1991], internal auditors reports on University College 1993 and 1996, Durham Castle Conservation Plan 2005, University College Strategy 2004-2007.
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1967.
3. 1967-1969.
4. 1969-1973.
5i&ii. 1972-1978.
6. 1978-1981.
7i&ii. 1981-1987.
8. 1987-1989.
9i&ii. 1989-1993.
10i&ii. 1993-1996.
11i&ii. 1996-1998.
12. December 1998 - June 2000.
13. June 2000 - June 2002.
14. July 2002 - February 2004.
15. February 2004 - March 2008.
UND/CB1/U1a   1985
University of Durham: documents relating to the visit of the University Grants Committee Education Sub-Committee.
UND/CB1/U2   1938 - 1993
University Grants Committee later Universities Funding Council, comprising correspondence and related papers. Includes correspondence regarding the University of Durham's application for a grant from the National Fitness Council towards the cost of providing accommodation for physical exercise and recreation in the buildings of King's College Newcastle (1938-1939), the treasury grant, annual returns, estimated expansion of the university, preliminary estimates of income and expenditure of the Durham Colleges for 1944-1945 and preliminary estimates of the University of Durham for income and expenditure 1946-1947, copies of the UGC's later the UFC's circular letters, and (later) of HEFCE circular letters and consultation papers ; copies of some returns to the UGC/UFC (including Self-Assessment and Claim for Excellence : Business and Management Studies : Durham University Business School, July 1993) ; University of Durham papers relating to the visit of the UGC Social Sciences Sub-Committee in 1973, Physical Sciences Sub-Committee in 1978, and Arts Sub-Committee to Durham on 20 November 1985 Vol. 2 Department Research Profiles and [Vol.1]; University of Durham : Planning for the late 1980s : Submission to the University Grants Committee, November 1985; University of Durham : Visit of the University Grants Committee Education Sub-Committee 13 February 1985 (2 vols; submissions to UGC); University of Durham : Visit of the UGC Social Studies Sub-Committee to Durham 27 November 1986 (2 vols; submissions to UGC); 'Speaking to the Future' : A Review of the Requirements of Diplomacy and Commerce for Asian and African Languages and Area Studies (Chairman : Sir Peter Parker; February 1986); University Grants Committee Annual Survey Academic Year 1984 - 85 (Cmnd. 9815, 1986); Chinese at Durham (brochure [c.1988]); 1992 Company Profile (Durham University Business School's Small Business Centre, n.d. [1990]); and photocopy of University College Stockton : Corporate Plan 1992 - 1996 [1993]. One file relates to the 'Senate Group to meet UGC, Tuesday 15 December 1981 7.00 p.m.' : agenda papers and related correspondence, 1981 - 82 One wallet of papers comprises University of Durham Documents relating to the visit of the University Grants Committee 28 January 1982. File '14 (A)', entitled 'University Grants Committee : Research Selectivity Exercise 1989', comprises copies of returns per Unit of Assessment (including, per Unit, information concerning named staff members - date of birth, present employment, qualifications, source of finance, etc. - a Statement of Research Plans per Unit, and a list of publications per Unit of Assessment.
1. 1938-1939.
2. 1939-1944.
3. 1944-1946.
4i&ii. 1953-1958
5i&ii. 1959-1963.
6. 1963-1965.
7. 1965-1966.
8. 1966-1967.
9. 1967-1969.
10i&ii. 1969-1970.
11. 1970-1971.
12. 1971-1973.
13. 1973-1975.
14. 1975-1977.
15i&ii. 1977-1984.
16i&ii. 1984-1986.
17i&ii. 1986-1987.
18i&ii. 1987-1988.
19. 1988-1989.
20i&ii. 1989-1991.
21i&ii. 1991-1993.
22i&ii. 1993.
UND/CB1/U2a   1963 - 1993
U.G.C. - Warden's Correspondence with, later Warden's correspondence with U.F.C., comprising correspondence and related papers. The related papers include Report on Russian and Russian Studies in British Universities (UGC, December 1979; chairman of the committee which produced the report : Professor R J C Atkinson) and University of Durham : Notes on Discussion to be held with the UGC on 13 June 1980; Report on Computer Science (Mathematical Science Sub-Committee, UGC, May 1982); UGC Circular letters and copies of returns by the University of Durham to the UGC (including applications for 'New Blood' posts in the academic year 1984/85); University of Durham Visit of the U.G.C. Social Studies Sub-Committee to Durham 27 November 1986 Vol. 1 General Submissions; Strengthening University Earth Sciences : Report of the Earth Sciences Review (UGC, 1987); Changes in Structure and National Planning in Higher Education : Universities Funding Council (DES, 1987); Durham University Business School Small Business Centre : Education for Enterprise Project : Proposal for Funding for Enterprise Education (1987); Development Project to establish an Export Development Programme for Small and Medium-size enterprises : Proposal to the University Grants Committee PICKUP Scheme (1987); Dental Review Working Party : Report (UGC, February 1988); Business and Management Studies Sub-Committee Accountancy Group : Report Accountancy Teaching in Universities (UGC, May 1988); photocopy of papers prepared by the University for the Visit of the University Grants Committee 1 February 1989 ; Veterinary Education into the 21st Century : Report of the Working Party on Veterinary Education (UGC, January 1989); Biological Science at Durham University Postgraduate Studies Department of Botany (brochure [c.1988]); Report of the Working Party on Archaeology (UGC, March 1989); The Future of University Biology : Report of the Review of Biological Sciences (UGC, February 1989); Review of Departments of Occupational Health (UGC, February 1989); Report on the 1989 Research Assessment Exercise (Universities Funding Council, December 1989); Review of the UGC's Biotechnology Initiative : Interim Report [c. 1989]; University of Durham : Investment Appraisal for Biological Sciences Building (1991); Third Annual Report on Monitoring Research Selectivity (UFC, December 1989); UFC Biotechnology Initiative : Report by the Review Group (June 1990); various UFC Consultation Papers and Circulars; A Funding Methodology for Teaching in Higher Education : Report from the Joint Working Group [Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council and the UFC] (March 1992); The Polytechnics and Universities Funding Council Action Plan for the creation of a single Funding Council for Higher Education in England (UFC and PCFC, 1991) [ Under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, the HEFC for England was established on 6 May 1992 and took over responsibility for funding from the UFC and the PCFC from 1 April 1993] ; copies of HEFCE Press Releases, and HEFCE News Nos. 1 - 3 (October 1992 - July 1993); Promoting Quality and Opportunity (HEFCE Annual Report 1992 - 93) ; copies of HEFCE reports on various subjects (e.g. Average Units of Council Funding for the Academic Year 1992 - 93 (HEFCE, Report R1 / 93) and A Report for the Universities Funding Council on the conduct of the 1992 Research Assessment Exercise (HEFCE, Scottish Higher Education Funding Council, and HEFC for Wales, June 1993) ; copies of University of Durham self-assessments and claims for excellence by the Departments of Chemistry, History and Law (May 1993); and University Statistics 1990 - 91 Volume Three, Finance (Universities' Statistical Record, 1993).
1. 1963-1965.
2. 1965-1966.
3. 1966-1968.
4. 1968-1969.
5. 1969-1971.
6. 1971-1973.
7. 1973-1974.
8. 1974-1976.
9i&ii. 1976-1978.
10i&ii. 1978-1980.
11. 1980-1981.
12i&ii. 1981-1983.
13i&ii. 1983-1985.
14i&ii. 1985-1987.
15i&ii. 1987-1988.
16i&ii. 1988.
17i&ii. 1988-1989.
18i&ii. 1989.
19i&ii. 1989-1990.
20i&ii. 1990-1991.
21i&ii. 1991-1992.
22i&ii. 1992.
23. 1992-1993.
24i&ii. 1993.
25i&ii. 1993.
26. 1993.
UND/CB1/U2b   4 October 1968 - 11 July 1978
U.G.C. - Quinquennial Visit 1970, comprising correspondence, memoranda and related papers concerning the visit by the UGC on 4 March 1970; also correspondence: October 1974 about liaison between NHS Authorities and Universities; [1977] (concerning UGC Annual Survey 1976 - 77 : errors in the publication); and 11 July 1978 (photocopy of letter from the UGC about the proposed chair of Accountancy).
UND/CB1/U2c   September 1981 - March 1982
UGC - Visitation in 1982, comprising correspondence, programme, and draft texts and submissions [some of which were used in writing memoranda (not on the file) for the UGC visit].
UND/CB1/U2d   1973 - 1978
Visits of UGC Sub-Committees, comprising correspondence, programmes, and agenda papers for visits by the Arts Sub-Committee to Durham, Friday, 2 November 1973, comprising programme, points for discusssion, and lists of those attending. 1973, also agenda papers for the visits by the Education Sub-Committee on 15 October 1975 and 21 November 1977 and the Physical Sciences Sub-Committee in December 1978; includes copies of the University of Durham Institute of Education Handbook 1975 -76 and University of Durham Department of Education Prospectus 1976 -77 and Department of Education Handbook 1975 -76.
2. 1973.
1. 1975-1978.
UND/CB1/U2e   1980
Visit to UGC Friday, 13 June 1980, comprising statistical information about students, accommodation, etc. (prepared for visit).
UND/CB1/U2g&U3   1960 - November 2006
Union Society, comprising correspondence, also photocopy of [unsigned] declaration of trust of 1963 (regarding the Durham Union Society), a list of members 1977, handbooks 1965 and 1973, calendars for a number of terms from Epiphany Term 1966 onwards, members' brochure 1992/93, and constitution 1993, and agreements for the use of university properties by the Union signed in 1996 and 2002.
U2g. 1960-1963.
U3/1. 1963-1978.
U3/2. 1978-1995.
U3/3. February 1996 - November 2006.
UND/CB1/U2h   June 1996 - July 2007
Universities for the North East (UNIVS4NE). This grew out of meetings of the five northern vice-chancellors and HESIN in 1999 as a collaboration between the North East's Higher Education providers 'to support economic and social regeneration through links with industry, commerce, education/training, the arts, sport, leisure and the heritage sector, and to harness their national and international links for the benefit of the region'. It comprised the universities of Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland, and Teesside, and the Open University's Newcastle base. It first met on 9 December 1998 and entered a formal memorandum on 13 July 1999 to change HESIN's constitution and name to Universities for the North East. The papers comprise correspondence, reports such as Compact Between One Northeast and Universities for the North East, The Regional Contribution of Higher Education: Universities at the heart of the North East (March 2001), and The North East Innovation Strategy & Action Plan 2001 Building a Knowledge Driven Region, and agendas, papers and minutes of its Board and Executive Committee meetings.
1. June 1996 - January 1999.
1a. July 1998 - January 2001.
1b. December 1998 - September 1999.
1c. September 1999 - December 2000.
1d. January - May 2001.
2. October 2000 - January 2002.
2a. January 2001 - June 2002.
3. July 2002 - September 2003.
4. September 2003 - December 2004.
5. January - December 2005.
6. March - November 2006.
7. April - July 2007, with an Information Pack outlining the organisation's role.
12 paper files
See UND/CB1/U2g above.
UND/CB1/U3a   1947 - 1963
University Celebrations, comprising correspondence (principally with other universities regarding their own celebrations), also copies of the texts of addresses to the University of Durham , and text of the Latin address of the University of Durham in response to an address received in 1948 from the Charles IV University of Prague together with related correspondence regarding the correct Ciceronian Latin to be employed in this address, also press cuttings, documents, etc. regarding the centenary of the Queen's University of Belfast, 1949; the University of Glasgow's 1949 invitation to its 1951 celebrations of its five hundredth anniversary; address of the University of Sydney to the University of Durham, 1951; (programme of) the University of Malaya's Foundation Day and the installation of the Rt. Hon. Malcolm MacDonald as chancellor, 8 October 1949; and a BW photograph of the declaration (in English) of the Senate of the University of Durham that at a congregation held at King's College Newcastle upon Tyne on 28 November 1951 the degree of Doctor of Civil Law honoris causa was conferred upon HRH Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (signed by the chancellor, the vice-chancellor, and the registrar, with the university's seal attached, at the foot).
1a. 1947-1949.
2. 1947-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/U4   1960 - 1963
University Grants Committee, comprising correspondence, copies of circular letters, etc. The files include especially the documents prepared for the UGC's visit to the University of Durham, 28 October 1960; also copies of returns to the UGC questionnaire on student wastage (1961), of student statistics and staff statistics, and of a return made on staff recruitment 1961-1962; also copy of Statistics of Graduate Employment for 1960-1961; and copy of a list of addresses (October 1962) providing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of academic staff members and lay officers, etc. of the Durham Colleges.
1. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CB1/U4a   1982 - 1984
University Appeal 1982, correspondence and a report on the appeal for submission to Council.
UND/CB1/U5   1984 - 1990
University Exhibition 1985, publicity information on the exhibition, invitations and a guest list for the buffet lunch and opening ceremony, with correspondence.
UND/CB1/U6   1963 - 1997
Universities Officers Training Corps (OTC), attendance list and minutes for the Northumbrian Universities Military Education Committee (MEC), reports to the MEC, annual reports and year book for the OTC, invitations to and information on the opening of the NUOTC Centre, and a file on NUOTC containing general information and correspondence.
UND/CB1/U7   24 August 1967 - 17 May 2011
Ushaw College, comprising correspondence (with the archbishop of Liverpool, the president of Ushaw College, and others); memoranda (including one by professors H.E.W. Turner, C.K. Barrett and D.R. Jones, department of Theology, University of Durham, concerning Ushaw College, 4 December 1967); agenda papers of the University of Durham Council Committee on Ushaw College (meetings held 6 May 1968 onwards); Ushaw College Priests for Tomorrow (brochure, October 1977); and correspondence concerning individual students at Ushaw College. [Much of the correspondence, etc. concerns the proposal to enable students of Ushaw College to take the BA with Honours in Theology and the BA General Degree with the Theological subjects, and the acceptance of the college as a licensed hall of residence of the University of Durham, the latter being agreed as from 1 August 1968.] Also formal notification of the closure of the college in June 2011, and a copy of Ushaw Magazine No.272 1992-93.
1. August 1967 - November 1989.
2. November 1989 - May 2011.
UND/CB1/U8   28 July 1986 - 18 August 1999
University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories (UDIRL), comprising correspondence; photocopy of an article on the Durham Mountjoy Research Centre published in Northern Executive No. 2 (1986); agenda papers of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Management Committee later of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Advisory Board (which latter had its first meeting on 23 January 1986) and of [ad hoc committees, e.g. the Committee on the Appointment of a Director of the UDIRL, 1988] ; UDIRL (brochure [1990]); agenda papers of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Executive Board [a revised body functioning 1990 onwards and still running in October 1998]; agenda papers of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Working Group (Science) on UDIRL 1992, and of the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories Working Group on the Business Plan 1994; and Ground Water and the Environment, An Environmental Engineering Workshop 15 - 24 September 1995, The Mountjoy Research Centre, Durham, England (brochure). [It appears that the advisory board was suspended in December 1991 and its functions taken over by a new Industrial and Commercial Strategy Committee but agenda papers of this committee are not to be found on these files.]
1. 1986-1989.
2i&ii. 1989-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1995.
4i&ii. 1995-1996.
5i&ii. 1996-1998.
6. 1998-1999.
UND/CB1/U9   1964 - July 2002
Durham University Society, comprising correspondence (especially with the chairman and honorary secretary), some diaries of events of the Society, reports on annual general meetings, membership lists (providing names and addresses, 1971, 1973, 1974 and 1988), circulars, newsletters (up to No. 16, 1987, though not a complete set for 1969 - 87), constitutions and programmes. [The Durham University Society was founded in 1866 as an association of Durham graduates. In 1986 the Society had more than 1500 members.]
1. 1964 - 1983.
2. 1969 - 1973.
3. 1983 - February 1990.
4. March 1990 - July 2002.
UND/CB1/U10   11 December 1989 - March 2007
University College Stockton, comprising correspondence (including that with the vice-chancellor of the University of Teesside and also some concerning individual students); agenda papers of the University College Stockton-on-Tees Board of Directors; and related papers. The related papers include: University of Durham Internal Audit Report on University College Stockton, 1994; The Further Progress of the Teesside Development Corporation October 1993 - September 1994 (Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, November 1994); Teesside Millenium, The Spirit that Sets us Apart (folder for a press release, March 1995); (draft) agreement between University College Stockton on Tees and the University of Durham concerning the transfer of the assets and undertaking of the University College Stockton on Tees, 1996 (concerns the winding up of the company limited by guarantee entitled University College, Stockton on Tees); University of Durham University College, Stockton Staff Handbook and Regulations 1996/7; A Guide to UCS [1996]; correspondence with the Charity Commission and related papers relating to the winding up of University College Stockton (a registered charity), 1992-94 (in an envelope); names and addresses [1989] (in a wallet); correspondence concerning the launch of the Teesside Initiative in Higher Education at Middlesbrough Town Hall on 16 February 1990 and a list of those invited (in a wallet); Research on Teesside Application to The Wolfson Foundation (March 1999) with notes for the meeting, and latterly papers for council meetings of Stephenson and John Snow colleges.
[University College owed its origin to the recognition in late 1987 of the need for additional higher education provision on Teesside. Encouraged by Cleveland County Council, the Health Authority, the Teesside Development Corporation, and industry, the University of Durham and the then Teesside Polytechnic established a Joint Development Exercise in January 1990. In February 1991 the Teesside Development Corporation offered a site and a building. On 9 September 1991 this offer received government approval and detailed planning began to enable the college to open in October 1992. In February 1992 University College was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the provisional name of the Joint University College on Teesside. At the end of September 1992 permission was received to change the name of the College and the Company to 'University College, Stockton on Tees'. The college was initially part of the University of Durham in academic partnership with the University of Teesside. During 1994 it was agreed that the University of Durham should take over the management of the college. Professor R.T. Parfitt, the first principal, retired and Mr John Hayward, registrar of the University of Durham, was appointed principal. By 1996 the college was a constituent college of the University of Durham.]
1. 1989-1990.
2. 1990.
3. 1992-1997.
3i&ii. 1994-1995.
5i&ii. 1995-1997.
6i&ii. 1997-1999.
6a. January 1999 - May 2000, including UCS JCR constitution 1 June 1997.
6b. May 2000 - January 2001.
6c. January - October 2001.
7. October 2001 - July 2002.
7a. 2000 (suggestions for naming the two colleges)
8. August 2002 - December 2003.
9. December 2003 - March 2007.
UND/CB1/U11   1995 - April 2010
Ustinov Institute, HEFCE Bid for, correspondence on the bid, assessment of the department and its links, copy of the invitation to bid, review of former Soviet and East European Studies by HEFCE, self-evaluation reports, details of the course, agendas and minutes of the Ustinov Institute Steering Group, prospectus for the Ustinov Institute degree in Slavonic Studies, departmental plan for the Department of Slavonic Studies.
1. Former Soviet and East European Studies: Invitation to Bid: Ustinov Institute 1995-1996.
2. Bid to HEFCE: Former Soviet and East European Studies: Ustinov Institute 1995-1996.
3. Monitoring of HEFCE Bid 1996-1998.
4. Working Group Report on the Ustinov Institute 1999.
5. March 2001 - April 2010, mainly requests for transfers into and out of Ustinov College, with some correspondence about the college and papers for its council meeting November 2007.
UND/CB1/U12   1963 - July 1982
University Arts Finance Committee, comprising correspondence (including that in 1981 concerning the Durham University Fringe Theatre's visit to the Edinburgh Fringe [Festival] ); and agenda papers of the University of Durham University Arts Finance Committee.
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1968.
3. 1968-1969.
4. 1969-1970.
5. 1970-1972.
6. 1972-1973.
7i&ii. 1973-1974.
8i&ii. 1974-1976.
9i&ii. 1976-1978.
10. 1978-1980.
11i&ii. 1980-1982.
UND/CB1/U13   1973 - 1995
University Statistical Records - Undergraduates, comprising correspondence (principally with the Universities Statistical Record), and print-out of copies of the University of Durham's (statistical) returns and of individual named students (dates of birth and of enrolment, subject of study, etc.); lists of prospective students who have withdrawn and lists of students who have been added or given UCCA numbers.
1i&ii. 1973-1975.
2i&ii. 1979-1986.
3. 1986-1987.
4. 1987-1988.
5. 1988-1989.
6. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9, 9a. 1992-1993.
10. 1993-1995.
UND/CB1/U13a   1972 - 1993
University Statistical Records - Postgraduate, comprising correspondence; and computer printouts (some loose in the files) of lists of individual students (providing name, date of birth, etc.); and some printouts of statistics of postgraduate student numbers.
1. 1972-1979.
2. 1979-1986.
3. 1986-1987.
4. 1987-1988.
5. 1988-1989.
6. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9. 1992-1993.
UND/CB1/U13b   28 December 1973 - 4 May 1993
University Statistical Records - Staff, comprising correspondence; and computer printouts providing statistics and details relating to individual members of staff (identified by number, not name, and by date of birth, etc.) per department. (One file comprises USR Continuing Education Record : copies of sheets, per course, providing title of course, number registered on the course, etc.)
1i&ii. 1973-1984.
2i&ii. 1974-1984.
3. 1984-1986.
4. 1986-1987.
5. 1987-1988.
6. 1988-1989.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1993.
UND/CB1/U13c   12 October 1985 - 9 November 1994
University Statistical Record Continuing Education/University Statistical Records Continuing Education, comprising correspondence; Continuing Education Record sheets 1985 / 86 and 1986 / 87 (per course); and computer printouts (of statistics per course). Files for 1988 / 89, 1989 / 90, and 1991 / 92: reference numbers are given to be allocated to the Continuing Education Record but there are no statistics per individual course.
1. 1985-1986.
2. 1986-1987.
3. 1987-1988.
4i&ii. 1987-1988.
5. 1988-189.
6. 1989-1990.
7. 1990-1991.
8. 1991-1992.
9. 1992-1994.
UND/CB1/U13d   1989 - 1994
USR Student Load, student load tables.
UND/CB1/V1   1940 - 1949, 1954, 1959 - 1962
Vice-Chancellor, comprising correspondence (miscellaneous correspondence, though principally copies of letters from the registrar to the vice-chancellor), also agendas for meetings of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals 26 October 1945 - 26 July 1946 (minutes of meeting held on the latter date).
UND/CB1/V1a   1977 - 1997
Committees to appoint a new vice-chancellor papers
1. December 1977 - June 1978 correspondence and minutes
2. June - September 1978 correspondence and minutes
3. September 1978 - February 1979 correspondence and minutes
4. May 1978 meeting papers
5. March - June 1978 letters from staff
6. December 1988 - September 1989 official committee papers
7. 1 November 1988- 13 June 1989 working file 1
8. 13 June 1989 - 23 October 1989 working file 2
9. March 1989 recommendations from within the university
10. March - April 1989 recommendations from other universities and research councils
11. February 1996 - June 1997 minutes, meeting papers and university recommendations
11 paper files
1-6 closed until 2030; 7-10 closed until 2040; 11 closed until 2048.
UND/CB1/V1b   February 1990 - April 2004
University Visitor, correspondence with the bishop of Durham as visitor, and his office, generally about appeals to him by students or staff, but also about the bishop's role as visitor and also about a visit to the visitor (July 1995).
1. February 1990 - September 1997.
2. October 1997 - April 2004.
2 paper files
UND/CB1/V2   1992 - 1995
CVCP Handbook.
UND/CB1/V3   1963 - 1964
Vice-Chancellor - Miscellaneous, comprising correspondence (including copy of a letter to the Minister of Science and Technology regarding the public enquiry held into the use of the land which the university hoped, as part of its expansion programme, to develop in part for a building maintenance depot, and also correspondence with the earl of Scarbrough (chancellor of the university) including that about the university's use of Lumley Castle).
UND/CB1/V4   1963 - June 2009
Van Mildert College, comprising agendas of the governing body (first meeting held on 22 February 1965), later council, and generally a very little related correspondence, including concerning individual students; also agendas of the Joint Committee of Senate and Council on the Mastership of Van Mildert College, 1964 (not including any applications or curricula vitarum); agendas of the Sub-Committee for Van Mildert College, 1964; Senior Common Room circulars (a calendar of forthcoming events, per term), latterly entitled Senior Common Room Programme (Epiphany Term 1994 onwards) and then SCR Bulletin (1997 on); agenda papers of the AGM of the SCR of the College; (University of Durham) Internal Audit Reports on Van Mildert College, 1993 and 1996; Van Mildert College (brochure concerning accommodation for visitors…[1997]). Amongst the agenda papers is a copy of Van Mildert College University of Durham : Additional Accommodation Feasibility Study Report October 1984 (by J. Graham Butcher, University of Durham Buildings Office, and others) the HEFCE publication Organisational Learning and the Future of Higher Education (2003).
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1969.
3i&ii. 1969-1973.
4i&ii. 1973-1975.
5. 1975-1976.
6. 1976-1978.
7. 1978-1980.
8i&ii. 1980-1983.
9i&ii. 1983-1986.
10i&ii. 1986-1989.
11i&ii. 1989-1992.
12i&ii. 1992-1995.
13i&ii. 1995-1997.
14. 1997-1999.
15. January 1999 - November 2000.
16. November 2000 - October 2002.
17. November 2002 - October 2004.
18. November 2004 - June 2009.
UND/CB1/V5   1963 - 1995
Visitors to the University, comprising correspondence and related papers. The papers include some concerning conferences being held at the University (programmes, abstracts, etc.); dinner parties, sherry parties; school 6th form visits; luncheons; overseas visitors (including from China and Ambassadors from foreign countries, including the Japanese Ambassador to the UK in 1985 and 1995 ); visits by the Secretary of State for Education and Science (Sir Keith Joseph, 1982), the Secretary General of the CVCP (1984), and UK government ministers and MPs; visits of representatives of overseas universities; visits by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh (14 October 1963, to the Science departments, including the programme for his visit), Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan (1992), the American Ambassador (Hon. Raymond Seitz, 1992), the Chinese Ambassador (1994), the Director of the Wellcome Trust (1994), and the Director of The Wolfson Foundation (1995); also papers concerning lectures delivered at the University of Durham by outside speakers (e.g. Baroness Blackstone, on delivering the Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture [published by Liverpool University Press in 1988]). The files include agenda papers for a meeting of the Governing Body of Van Mildert College to be held on 10 June 1987.
1. 1963-1965.
2i&ii. 1980-1981.
3. 1981-1983.
4i&ii. 1983-1985.
5i&ii. 1985-1987.
6i&ii. 1987-1991.
7i&ii. 1991-1993.
8i&ii. 1993-1994.
9i&ii. 1994-1995.
10i&ii. 1995.
UND/CB1/V6   May 1964, 18 December 1978 - 27 July 1988
Vacation Study, comprising correspondence (concerning payments for students, applications for vacation grants, etc.); also agenda papers of the University of Durham Vacation Grants Committee, later, June 1981 onwards, the Vacation Study Committee (up to the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 1986).
UND/CB1/V7   19 March 1981 - 23 July 1984
Visiting Committees of Senate, comprising agenda papers of various visiting groups (to departments, etc.) visiting group to Computing / Mathematics, visiting group to the School of Education, committee for the Vaux Breweries Fund for Sport, and visiting group to the College of St Hild and St Bede; together with a very little related correspondence.
UND/CB1/V8   30 March 1990 - 26 August 1999
Validation, comprising (extensive) correspondence (some of which concerns individual named students) and related papers; faculty course validation progress summary sheets; proposal to the University of Durham from St John's College and Ushaw College for a BA Honours degree in Theology and Ministry (1999); agenda papers of the University of Durham Senate Regulations and Admissions Committee Working Party on Validation (the working party being established by the Senate Regulations and Admissions Committee at its meeting on 5 March 1990, though the papers only cover 1990, with later papers concerning the Senate Committee on Validation); agenda papers of the Working Party on Academic Audit (1993); and papers relating to the Senate Committee on Validation (1993, also agenda papers of the Senate Committee on Validation). These papers concern courses at New College, Durham; Durham and Teesside College of Health; The College of the Royal Academy of Dancing; Darlington College of technology; BA in Theology and Ministry at St John's and Ushaw Colleges; National [Police] Training Centre, Harperley Hall; and Newcastle Cognitive Therapy Centre. The papers include reports from University Assessors of validated courses. (The Report of the Senate Committee on Validation to the Teaching and Learning Committee, 4 October 1995, provides an account of the growth in validation activity undertaken by the University since October 1990.)
1,1a. 1990-1993.
2i&ii. 1993.
3. 1993-1994.
4i&ii. 1994.
5i&ii. 1994-1995.
6i&ii. 1995.
7i&ii. 1995-1996.
8i&ii. 1996.
9i&ii. 1996-1997.
10i&ii. 1997.
11i&ii. 1997-1998.
12i&ii. 1998-1999.
13. 1999.
14i&ii. 1999.
UND/CB1/V11   1979 - 1980
Vice-Chancellor - Personal, comprising correspondence (including letters of congratulation received by Professor Holliday on his appointment as vice-chancellor).
UND/CB1/V11a   1979
Personal Students, comprising correspondence (of the vice-chancellor) with and about students and former students.
UND/CB1/V14   1979
Vice-Chancellor - University General, comprising correspondence, also a number of newsletters and other publications sent to the University; also (in folder) “Reception for Hollidays, 3 March 1979” comprising invitation list, and correspondence about the reception in the Great Hall of Durham Castle to meet the vice-chancellor elect and Mrs Holliday, 3 March 1979.
UND/CB1/V16   1949, 1979
VCM or VCC or Vice Chancellor Misc. Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the 1949 readership in German [in the Durham Division] (including summary of applications), and correspondence (principally the applications submitted for the readership; there is no indication as to who was appointed), and a file of various outside committees, especially Northern Arts, that the VC sat on in 1979.
1. 1949.
2. 1979.
UND/CB1/V18   1979
Occasional Lectures, comprising correspondence, and copies of texts (vice-chancellor's foreword for the Durham Students Union Handbook, addresses delivered at degree congregations, address at matriculation ceremony, all delivered by Professor W.K.R. Musgrave, acting vice-chancellor and warden).
UND/CB1/W1   1940 - July 2011
Warden - Personal, comprising correspondence (some in response to unsolicited enquiries, from “cranks”, etc.) concerning bereavements, congratulations on awards, retirements, appeals for funds, persons seeking posts at the university, etc., together with some related publications (of some other universities, charities, companies, etc.) The correspondence includes some with MPs and government ministers. The correspondence and enclosures to some extent reflect the individual vice-chancellors' academic interests (e.g. zoological and biological sciences in the case of Professor Holliday, and medical in the case of Sir Kenneth Calman), with the texts of scientific papers by Professor Ebsworth and others submitted for publication and copies of medical-related papers by Sir Kenneth Calman (both those submitted for publication and copies of published papers by himself) and copies of published health / medical-related papers written by others being included on the files.
1. 1940-1960.
2. 1963-1964.
3-5. 1964.
6i&ii. 1964-1965.
7i&ii. 1965-1966.
8. 1966.
9. 1966-1967.
10. 1967-1968.
11. 1968.
12. 1968-1969.
13. 1969-1970.
14. 1970-1971.
15i&ii. 1971-1972.
16. 1972-1973.
17i&ii. 1973-1974.
18. 1974-1976.
19. 1976-1978.
20. 1978.
21. 1980.
22i&ii. 1980-1983.
23i&ii. 1983-1984.
24i&ii. 1984-1986.
25i&ii. 1986-1988.
26i&ii. 1988-1989.
27. 1989-1991.
28. 1991-1992.
29i&ii. 1992-1993.
30. 1993-1997.
31i&ii. 1997-1998.
32i&ii. 1998.
33,33a. 1998-1999.
34-36. 1999.
37. 1999-2000.
38i&ii,39i&ii,40,41i&ii,42i&ii. 2000.
43i&ii. 2000-2001.
44-46. 2001.
47i&ii. 2001-2002.
48, 48a. 2002.
48b. September 2002 - June 2003.
49. June 2003 - April 2004.
50. April - December 2004.
51. January - June 2005.
52. June - December 2005.
53. January 2006 - December 2007.
54. February 2008 - July 2011.
UND/CB1/W1a   1963 - October 2009
Warden - Personal Students, comprising correspondence with and about individual students; lists of freshers; reports of some Durham University Expeditions (e.g. South Turkana Expedition, 1983) and proposal for Durham University Expedition : Reef Expedition to Belize, September 1991; Durham Careers, 1986 (brochure); particulars of staff and course of the Department of Geography Session 1989 - 90; Project Post (extracts from volunteers' letters around the Project globe) [Nos. 1 and 2], November 1990 and February 1991; So You Want to Live Out (Durham Students Union advisory publication) [1992]; ON Magazine (Old Shire Hall address), Vol. VI, No. 2, November 1992 (includes an interview of Sir Peter Ustinov); photocopies of applications for Kennedy Scholarships, 1994 - 95; The Freshers Ball News (illustrated reports) [1994]; Durham University Student Community Action (brochure) [1994]; D.U.C.C. (cricket club fixture card, 1994 Season); University of Durham Counselling Service : Annual Statistics 1991 / 92 and 1992 / 93 (1993); Silence in Tibet : A report on five weeks travel to the Land of the Snows by Piers Shedder ( a Durham University student) (1994); Durham University Student Community Art (brochure) {1995]; Poland Team Diary, Kadtub 1998 (extracts from diary entries); Kadtub '96 The Diary (diary / report produced by the Durham University students' 1996 Poland Expedition to a school / orphanage). The correspondence includes that with the Cricket Club, the Durham University Student Community Action (SCA), and an envelope containing letters from students opposing the proposed “one to one signing in” scheme for college bars, 1995.
1. 1963-1967.
2. 1967-1973.
3. 1973-1978.
4. 1978.
5i&ii. 1980-1986.
6. 1986-1990.
7. 1990-1992.
8i&ii. 1992-1995.
9. 1995-1997.
10. 1997-2002.
11. August 2002 - October 2009.
UND/CB1/W2   1973 - 1977
Warden - References, comprising correspondence (references provided for staff and former students).
Closed until 2058 under DPA.
UND/CB1/W2a   1940 - 1945, 1961
War Records, comprising correspondence (regarding students who have joined the forces, listing and, in some cases, providing details (on copies of printed form “University of Durham Academic Record of Student called up for Service with the Forces”) of their academic record.
UND/CB1/W3   1980 - 1992
Warden - Annual Report, correspondence, relevant statistics requested, guidelines for publishing the University of Durham Gazette, receipts, and circulation lists for the annual report.
UND/CB1/W4   1963 - 1968, 12 July 1979 - 19 November 1998
University General/Warden - University General, comprising some correspondence but more particularly copies of publications, etc. received by the warden :-
Publications received from the Standing Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities (publications of CRE seem only to be on the earlier files); International Association of University Presidents; World University Service ( WUS News and Annual Reports); British Telecom; Post Office; Department of Trade and Industry; International Association of University Presidents; Council for Industry and Higher Education (a number of publications up to at least 1995); Council of Europe: Council for Cultural Co-operation; International Association of Universities; North East Chamber of Commerce, Trade and Industry (circulars, copies still being found on the files up to at least 1995); KPMG Higher Education Newsletter; Economic Research Office, Northern Development Corporation (Agenda for the North: Consultation Paper, 9 March 1992); The Committee of Directors of Polytechnics (Newsletter); AUA (Association of University Administrators) (Newslink - newsletter); Society for Research into Higher Education; the Quality Support Centre (a service to higher education from the Open University); the Commission of the European Communities (relatively few publications, dating from 1993 onwards); Research Strategy Branch, Employment Department, Sheffield (ED Research Brief(s)) (these Research Briefs being on the files at least up to 1995); Higher Education Statistics Agency (circulars); and USS (Universities Superannuation Scheme); and from some individual universities and polytechnics in the UK and overseas (newsletters, etc.).
The publications include :-
N.C. Davidson, An Investigation into the possibility of developing alternative areas in compensation for the eventual loss of the remaining areas of Seal Sands, Teesmouth, May 1980.
The files include a number of publications relating to the NE, also correspondence, and agenda papers relating to the university. In the order in which they appear on the files, these publications etc. include the following :-
University of Durham : Financial Handbook for Departments, 1986.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham Quantitative Planning Group meeting on 29 May 1992.
Papers for the Vice-Chancellors' Meeting with Chairmen of Boards of Studies 21 July 1986.
Programmes of conferences in the UK and overseas.
University of Durham Internal Audit Reports : Miscellaneous Debtors and Cash Receipts (1992) and Payroll System (1992).
Agenda papers for meetings of the University of Durham Quantitative Planning Group meetings on 29 May 1992 and later.
University of Durham Annual Report of the Internal Audit Service (3 December 1992).
University of Durham Plans and Performance 1994 [ ? text / notes for a talk].
University of Durham Strategic Review, 1994.
Business Survey North : Quarterly Economic Survey (conducted by the Economic Research Office of the Northern Development Co. in association with the Tyne and Wear and Teesside Chambers of Commerce, 1994).
Some University of Durham Media Reports and some correspondence with Keith Seacroft (Information Office); Public Relations Officer's reports on number of appearances of the university in the press, etc. found on the files by 1994 with copies of University of Durham press releases being found on the files at least up to December 1996.
[University of ] Durham Resource Allocation Model 1994/95 (May 1994) : draft for consultation (and version dated July 1994 that was approved by the Policy Committee).
Agenda papers of County Durham Common Purpose Advisory Group (1994 onwards), with an address c/o the University of Durham's School of Education; this group was registered as a charity and as a company limited by guarantee.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham Library Review Group meeting on 14 June 1994.
University of Durham Industry and Commerce Club Annual report 1993/4.
News@durham : The Newsletter of the University of Durham Information and Technology Service, Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1994.
Agenda papers of Durham Universities Investments Ltd.'s directors for meeting on 15 July 1994.
Correspondence concerning the establishment of a Centre for Forensic Science at the University of Durham, 1994.
Business Survey North: Quarterly Economic Survey (conducted by the Economic Research Office of the Northern Development Co. in association with the Tyne and Wear and Teesside Chambers of Commerce), 1994 and 1995.
Agenda papers of The Parliamentary University Group, 1994 onwards; the University of Durham was a member of the group 1994/95 onwards and the group is noted initially as being c/o Barry Sheerman, MP.
Memorandum of the university treasurer re financial forecasts, 12 August 1994.
Some HMSO publications, including Report to the Minister for Health on Supporting Research and Development in the NHS (1994).
Simon Fairhall, editor, British Polytechnics Sports Association 1969 - 1993: The History of the Association.
Publications of The Further Education Funding Council (including circulars, committee news of the Northern Region, and reports of the inspectorate).
Agenda papers of the University of Durham 2000 Revisited : Purposes and Objectives for 1995 - 2000 - Working Group (established to examine recurrent resource implications of the paper) meeting on 30 November 1994.
University of Durham Annual Report of the Internal Audit Service 1993/94.
University of Durham Strategic Review 1994.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham 2000 Working Party on Colleges, 1994-95; the working party was established by the Policy and Resource Committee at its meeting on 30 September 1994.
Agenda papers of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Committee's meeting on 17 January 1995.
University of Durham: Strategy for European Initiatives 1994 - 1999 [1994].
University of Durham Internal Audit Reports - Review of Fixed Assets (1995), and Information Technology Service - Trading Activity (1995).
The Second R and D Index: Information on the health-related research expertise of the twelve universities in the NHS Executive Northern and Yorkshire area (December 1994).
Consultative Document regarding a merger between Monkwearmouth College, Sunderland, and Wearside College, Sunderland (16 February 1995).
University of Durham Planning and Resource Allocation (a paper by P.D.B.C. [Dr Collins]), January 1995.
Dale Campbell-Savours, MP, The Case for the University of the Lakes (1995), together with a covering letter for Mr Campbell-Savours to the vice-chancellor, 31 March 1995.
University of Durham Internal Audit Report on Student Registration, Records and Statistical Returns (1995).
Northern Region of England Profile 1995 (North of England Assembly of Local Authorities, 1995).
Harold Silver et al., The External Examiner System : Possible Futures : Report of a Project Commissioned by the Higher Education Quality Council (May 1995).
North Eastern Universities Purchasing Group Annual Report 1994
Memoranda written by Dr P.D.B.Collins, pro-vice-chancellor and sub-warden, 1995.
Correspondence with MPs.
Some publications of the Northern and Yorkshire Regional Health Authority.
University of Durham Internal Audit Report on Research [finances] (1995).
Some correspondence with the North of England Anglo-Japanese Society.
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals Management Statistics and Performance Indicators 1993/94 for University of Durham departments (1995).
Agenda papers of CICHE [The British Council's Committee for International Co-operation in Higher Education] Regional Panel for North Africa meeting on 20 July 1995.
1995 Financial Forecasts (for the University of Durham, 1995).
CRAC [Careers Research and Advisory Centre] Annual Report 1994.
Government Office for the North East Annual Report 1994/95 (1995).
Community Health Care North Durham: Annual Report 1994/95 (annual report of this NHS Trust,1995).
University of Durham Centre for Molecular Electronics (brochure, [1995]).
USS (Universities Superannuation Scheme) publications, including Report and Accounts for year ending 31 March 1995.
Introducing The Information Technology Service [of the University of Durham]…Courses Michaelmas Term 1995.
Tyne and Wear Foundation : Annual Review 1995.
Parliamentary University Group : some circulated papers of the group dating from 1995.
Some Department of Health and NHS publications, 1995.
Regional Government Consultative Paper (North of England Assembly of Local Authorities, 1995).
University of Durham Internal Audit Report on Debtors (1995).
Agenda papers for the vice-chancellor's meeting with Heads of Houses on 26 September 1995.
University of Durham Courses Directory (Information Technology Service, University of Durham, 1995).
RDS News (Quarterly newsletter of RDS: Understanding Animal Research in Medicine).
Northern Development Co Annual Report 1994/95.
Papers (proposals) of Ernst and Young for the University of Durham on (i.e. for a meeting concerning) Evaluation of Funding Proposals (1995).
University of Durham Counselling Service Annual Report 1994/95.
The International Centre for Life: A Millenium Bid for Newcastle and the North East submitted by Tyne and Wear Development Corporation, University of Newcastle, City of Newcastle upon Tyne, and NHS Executive Northern and Yorkshire [an application to The Millenium Commission,] [1995].
Minutes of the Executive Council meeting of the Friends of Durham Cathedral 19 September 1995.
Agenda papers for the AGM of Durham University Investments Ltd. on 21 November 1995.
Minutes of meeting of the Durham Business and Education Executive (on) 29 November 1995.
University of Durham Annual Report of the Internal Audit Service 1995.
The Dustsheet: Durham University Staff Training and Development Newsletter, No. 13, January 1996.
Minutes of meeting concerning the future of No. 5 The College and the care of the Chapter [of Durham Cathedral]'s archives 7 December 1995.
Common Purpose Magazine, Winter 1995-6 ; a national magazine.
The Royal Society of Chemistry : Additions to the Library; these lists of accessions appear latterly on these files, no doubt being sent to Professor Ebsworth in his role as an inorganic chemist by training.
The Universities' and Colleges' Staff Development Agency [an agency of the committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals]: Report and Accounts 1994-95 and other publications, 1995.
University of Newcastle Annual Report 1994-95 (a brief, well illustrated report)
Revisions of the University of Durham Teaching and Learning Handbook (1996).
Copies of Headlines: A fortnightly digest of University news and information, 19 February 1996 (University of Durham).
Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Council of the Friends of Durham Cathedral 28 February 1996.
University Treasurer's (regular ) reports to Senior Officers of approved requests to fill posts financed from general funds.
University of Durham Retirement Benefits Plan 1969 …Quarterly Report to 31st December 1995.
Some correspondence with University of Durham staff, also memoranda (sent to/copied to the vice-chancellor, registrar, etc. (e.g. memorandum of the Working Group on College Bars, [a report to Policy and Resource Committee], March 1996), these memoranda being noticed on the files especially in the mid 1990s.
University College, Durham Castle Society: The Lowe Library Appeal (a leaflet appealing for funds to extend the Library, 1996).
Agenda papers of the County Durham Common Purpose Advisory Group Meeting, 1996.
Common Purpose Magazine [national magazine], Spring 1996.
Durham First, The University of Durham Magazine, No. 3, Spring 1996.
Parliamentary University Group: agenda papers for the AGM on 17 May 1995.
Standards in Public Life : Local Public Spending Bodies : Further and Higher Education Bodies (including Universities) Grant-Maintained Schools…: Second Report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Chairman Lord Nolan Vol. 1, Report (Cm 3270 - I, HMSO, 1996).
Programmes for visits by distinguished visitors to the University of Durham.
University of Durham Centre for Health Studies Department of Sociology and Social Policy (brochure, 1996).
University of Durham Health Facts, Bulletin of the Centre for Health Studies, No.1, June 1996.
The Fastest Changing Region in Europe : Northern Business Forum Consultation Document (1996).
County Durham Common Purpose : Advisory Group meeting agenda papers (including copies of applications submitted by potential participants and End of Year Report 1996/97), June 1996-July 1998.
Photocopies of press articles (mid 1990s).
North of England Museums Service: correspondence and AGM agenda papers (including annual reports).
Government Office for the North East: annual reports 1995/96 and 1996/97.
Festival of Environment Programme 11th May 1966 (University of Durham and Northumbrian Water Group).
Agenda papers of Durham University Investments Ltd.'s Directors, 29 October 1996.
Correspondence includes internal correspondence (within the university); with staff of government departments (DTI, etc.); concerning nominations to attend royal garden parties; with overseas universities and governments; the press; some businesses and companies; the University Commissioners, 1992; (former) students; the chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; local bodies (including the NE Chambers of Commerce, and the North of England Museums Service); with the Government Office for the North East (which organised meetings of vice-chancellors, TEC chief executives and the regional director of GO - NE) 1996-97; and copies of letters congratulating individuals on the award of a civil or other honour.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1966.
4. 1966-1967.
5. 1967-1968.
6. 1980.
7i&ii. 1985-1986.
8i&ii. 1992.
9i&ii. 1994.
10i&ii. 1995.
11i&ii. 1996.
UND/CB1/W4a   1942, 1946
War Service, Records of, comprising correspondence (principally regarding women students and conducted with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, etc.), and some agenda papers of the University of Durham National Service Committee for Women Students, 1942; also correspondence regarding the making of a record of the war service by members of the University of Durham, 1946, and a copy of duplicated typescript Durham University Senior Training Corps : Record of Service of members of the Corps serving with H M Forces [1946].
UND/CB1/W5   8 January 1980 - October 2009 (with gaps)
Warden's Engagements, comprising correspondence and related papers concerning lunches, dinners, presentations, guest speakers, papers, welcome addresses, concerts, receptions, installation of university chancellors, ceremonies, etc. which the warden/ vice-chancellor was invited to attend/ deliver; files include copies of invitations issued by the warden/ vice-chancellor and papers concerning visits overseas, also some agenda papers (including of the directors of International Medical Education Trust 2000, of which Sir Kenneth Calman was a director). [Note : only a sample of these files have been retained.]
1i&ii. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1987.
3i&ii. 1992-1993.
4i&ii. 1995.
6i&ii. 1998-1999.
7i&ii,7a. 2000.
8. 2001.
9. March - May 2001.
10. April - May 2002.
11. March - June 2003.
12. April - June 2004.
13. May - September 2005.
14. March - June 2006.
15. January - May 2007, May 2008.
16. May 2007 - April 2009.
17. August 2008 - October 2009.
UND/CB1/W5a   4 May 1984 - 15 September 2006
Warden - Engagements (Internal), comprising correspondence and related papers concerning invitations to events (lunches, dinners, performances, lectures, farewell and other presentations, buffet suppers for honorary graduands, dinners for Senior Men and Women, etc.) at the University of Durham and in Durham (including programmes and correspondence about the visits of dignitaries to Durham).
1i&ii. 1984-1989.
2. 1989-1992.
3i&ii. 1992-1997.
4i&ii. 1997.
5i&ii. 1997-1998.
6i&ii. 1998.
7i&ii. 1998-1999.
8i&ii. 1999.
9i&ii. 1999.
10. 30 November 1999 - 9 April 2000.
11. 10 April - 9 July 2000.
12. 10 July 2000 - 4 April 2001.
13. 5 April - 26 June 2001.
14. 27 June - 30 September 2001.
15. 1 October 2001 - 30 April 2002.
16. 1 May - 31 October 2002.
17. 1 November 2002 - 28 February 2003, including the visit by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine, 1 November 2002.
18. 1 March - 30 May 2003.
19. 1 June 2003 - 29 April 2004.
20. 30 April - 31 December 2004.
21. 1 January - 17 June 2005.
22. 3 July - 31 December 2005.
23. 1 January - 15 September 2006.
UND/CB1/W5b   30 June 2010
Warden - Invitations issued by the Warden.
Paper file
UND/CB1/W6   September 1980 - 1992
Miscellaneous Committee/Warden - Miscellaneous Committees, comprising agenda papers and a very little related correspondence, especially concerning -
Governors of Sunderland Polytechnic (1980-1981)
Board of Trustees of the Civic Trust for the North East (1980-1989)
The Underwater Conservation Society (1980 onwards)
Council for Environmental Education (1981 onwards)
Universities China Committee in London (Annual Reports for 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1983-1984 to 1985-1986, and other papers for the AGMs held in 1981-1982 and 1984-1986)
The Scottish Field Studies Association Ltd. (1981-1988)
Scottish Freshwater Group (1982)
World University Service (some publications, including newsletters)
Council for the Preservation of Rural England Durham and Teesdale Branch : newsletters, etc., 1980-1989.
Durham Association of Boys' Clubs: agenda papers for AGM on 12 November 1984 including 51st Annual Report 1983-1984.
North Sea Forum: agenda papers, 1986-1987.
Annual Report of the Northumbria Universities Officer Training Corps Academic Year 1987/88.
1. 1980-1981.
2i&ii. 1981-1983.
3i&ii. 1983-1985.
4i&ii. 1986-1989.
5. 1989-1992.
UND/CB1/W6a   1942 - 1945, 1956
War Degrees, comprising correspondence regarding war degrees and about individual students; also duplicated typescript list of University of Durham degrees awarded under regulations for war concessions, n.d. [1945]. (The list of degrees awarded provides the degree, name of the graduate, College, and date.)
UND/CB1/W7   1963 - 1999
Warden - References Outside of Durham, comprising correspondence ( including copies of the references which the warden/vice-chancellor provided in respect of applications made by individuals for posts outside the University of Durham, especially various chairs and vice-chancellorships).( The references include one dated 19 July 1972 for Marjorie Mowlam : “…she is unquestionably a young woman of exceptional personal quality, even if not quite in the first rank as a scholar… She was Vice President (in effect woman president) of the Students Union in 1970, and was one of the most active, efficient and sensible holders of that office we have had for some years.”)
1. 1963-1966.
2. 1966-1970.
3. 1970-1978.
4. 1990-1999.
UND/CB1/W8   December 1963 - May 2006
Warden - Occasional Lectures,
Christopherson: texts (mainly typescript but some in MS.) of his lectures and addresses and articles (the articles being for publication in journals and in the press), and related correspondence and papers (programmes and posters advertising the lectures, etc.), also copies of the texts of his reviews of books contributed to various journals. (Includes the text of his reply to the presentation made to him at the farewell party in the Great Hall of Durham Castle on 16 December 1978.)
Holliday: correspondence (including that turning down invitations) and texts of addresses, articles (for publication), forewords (for publications), addresses to convocation (1980-1988), matriculation addresses (1980-1988), after-dinner speeches (at the Durham Union Society, schools, etc.), addresses to congregation (1981-1989), texts of addresses to staff of the university and to Association of University Teachers' meetings, and conference addresses; also text of the Warden's Report 1981/82, his published Inaugural Anniversary Lecture (City of Durham, 8 October 1982), his Report on Visit to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia 9-16 November 1982, and book reviews. Though some of the texts are handwritten, the vast majority are in typescript.
1. 1963-1964.
2. 1964-1965.
3. 1965-1966.
4. 1966-1968.
5. 1968-1970.
6. 1970-1972.
7. 1972-1975.
8. 1975-1979.
9i&ii. 1980-1984.
10i&ii. 1984-1989.
11. 1989-2006.
UND/CB1/W9   1963 - 1978
Warden's Newsletter, comprising single copies of the duplicated typescript “Warden's Newsletter”, and a very little related correspondence.
1. 1963-1972.
2. 1963-1978.
UND/CB1/W10   1980 - March 1990
Washington Development Corporation, comprising correspondence (including initial correspondence with Sir Peter Scott and later correspondence with the Development Corporation); and agenda papers of the Joint Consultative Committee of the Washington Waterford Park, later (July 1986 onwards) entitled the Management Advisory Committee of the Washington Waterford Park.
1. 1980-1990.
2. 1990.
UND/CB1/W11   1967 - February 2001
A. J. Wheeler Fellowship - General Correspondence, comprising general correspondence (mainly with applicants), also: copies of University of Durham circulars about the fellowship; copies of Addison Wheeler Fellows' annual reports 1981-1983; applications for the fellowship; agenda papers for meeting of the Addison Wheeler Research Fellowship's Appointing Committee on 3 May 1984. (Revd Addison James Wheeler died in 1967 at the age of 85 years; having read Theology at the University of Durham, he took Holy Orders on graduating but after some years became a schoolmaster. Ill health prevented him from achieving his ambition of a career in scientific research. He had built up sufficient capital to provide research fellowships for young men and women of outstanding promise. The fields of study of the fellowships were normally, but not exclusively, to be in the Life Sciences.)
1. 1967-1979.
2i&ii. 1981-1984.
3i&ii. 1984-1999.
4. January 1999 - February 2001.
UND/CB1/W14   1985 - 1999
Warden's Welcome to New Postgraduate Students, correspondence, invoices, briefing for the welcome ceremony, list of student nationalities represented, drafts of his speech, and an envelope containing reply slips for the luncheon to welcome new students.
UND/CB1/W15   February 1981 - September 1990
Work experience, correspondence about and some applications.
Paper file
UND/CB1/Z1   21 October 1974 - 7 July 1988
Zoology, Department of, comprising correspondence (concerning staffing and funding of the department, visiting lecturers, visit of the University Grants Committee Biological sub committee in 1975, seminars, a stuffed and mounted specimen of the Great Auk 1977, buildings, research students, development of biological science in the University 1980-1981, etc.); agenda papers for a meeting on the future development of Biology on 3 June 1981; text of publication on the Island of Boreray (1981) and copy of The 1980 Boreray Expedition Report (on the ecology and natural history of Boreray, St Kilda) edited by Neil Duncan, David Bullock and Kenneth Taylor, Department of Zoology, University of Durham, September 1981; lists (per term) of forthcoming seminars in the Department of Zoology; copies of some staff members' published papers; submission by the Department of Zoology to the Policy Committee, January 1987; and some research proposals.
UND/CB1/Z1a   March 1971 - 24 May 1973
Department of Zoology Board of Studies, comprising copies of minutes of meetings of the Board of Studies in Zoology 10 March 1971 - 21 May 1973.
UND/CB1/Z1b   1958/59 - 1967/68
Zoology department annual reports.
UND/CB1/Z2   n.d. & 1974
1. File Lists, alphabetical.
2. List of Files in Document Room and Filing Room, including lists of files formerly in 38 and 46 North Bailey.
UND/CB1/Z3   [c.1970]
Complete List of Various Committees, at Durham and Newcastle.
Durham Colleges Office
Reference: UND/CC
General files
Reference: UND/CC1
Dates of creation: 1840 - 1961, most 1937 - 1960
This varied collection of administrative records from the Durham Colleges Office document the running of the university in Durham in the years immediately before, during and after World War Two. They provide a picture of academic life under these unusual circumstances. Persevering with the business of teaching in the face of interruptions, the university continued to engage with other universities and the government authorities, contribute to the war effort as a home front, appoint lecturers and other staff, and matriculate and confer degrees on students. From annual reports and financial statements to the numerous requests from, and responses to, young individuals wishing to postpone military service, these records provide an insight into a unique period in academia, Durham city and its vicinity in the Second World War. The scope of these records is wide-ranging, but in summary comprises records to do with admissions, official engagements, building plans, appeals for funds for building extensions, offers of lodgings from Durham residents to students, office furniture brochures, appointments, central register forms, fellowships, scholarships, references written for students and staff, teaching arrangements through the war, lecture attendances, the Home Guard, details of air raid precautions, offers of National Service work from staff, students' military training while studying, Emergency Statutes of British Universities, war arrangements, registration and call-up of age groups, women's call-up and National Service, the University Air Squadron, post-war plans and National Insurance schemes.
Inventoried in the basement of Old Shire Hall by Adrian Allen in the summer of 1999, the records were subsequently appraised and the residue transferred to Palace Green Library in July 2008 where they were checked, repackaged, listed and numbered at file level by Sarah Maskill in October 2008 to March 2009. The list was uploaded to XML by Michael Stansfield in April 2009.

UND/CC1/A1-2   July 1938 - May 1945
Academic Board - Agenda and Minutes, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers of the Academic Board of the Durham Colleges.
1. July 1938 - May 1941.
2. October 1941 - May 1945.
UND/CC1/A3   1938 - 1946
Academic Board, comprising correspondence, also a few agenda papers.
UND/CC1/A4-5   1938 - 1947
Accommodation - Castle, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC1/A6   1947 - 1950, 1956 -1959
Adviser on Lodgings, comprising correspondence (including in particular that with landladies who were offering accommodation); a few agenda papers of the Committee on Lodgings 1947-1948; and list of lodgings n.d. [1950].
1. 1947-1948.
2. 1948-1950.
3. 1956-1959.
UND/CC1/A7   1939 - 1943
Air Raid Precautions, comprising correspondence, and copies of circulated notices.
UND/CC1/A8   1941 - 1946
University Air Squadron, comprising correspondence (principally with the Wing Commander Commanding, Durham University Air Squadron).
UND/CC1/A9   1939 - 1946
Annual Report, comprising correspondence, copies of duplicated typescript of the Warden's Annual Report on the Work of the Durham Colleges during the Session 1938 -39, and (in particular) annual reports submitted by heads of Colleges and various departments (with covering correspondence) for inclusion in the Annual Report.
1. 1938-1939.
2. 1939-1945.
3. 1945-1946.
4. 1938-1947.
UND/CC1/A10   1939 - 1947
Annual Report - Warden, comprising copies of duplicated typescript of the Warden's Annual Report on the Work of the Durham Colleges during the Session for Sessions 1938 -39 to 1946 -47 inclusive (the latter report being entitled the Warden's Annual Report for the Session 1946 -47), and related correspondence.
UND/CC1/A11   1949 - 1955
Anthropology, comprising correspondence (especially regarding the teaching of the subject at both Divisions of the University); copy of “Special Regulations for Hons. in Economics and Anthropology... and Regulations for the Diploma in Anthropology” n.d. [1949]; and copy of particulars of the readership in Anthropology (at Newcastle) [1950] [to which Dr H.H. Meinhard was appointed].
UND/CC1/A12   1938 - 1939
Appeal Committee, comprising draft of an appeal pamphlet; correspondence, etc. re Appeal of the University of Durham for a building fund of £350,000; lists of cheques received from Durham old students; and lists of donations. (Up to 26 April 1939 £128,816 17s 2d in donations had been received and promised.)
UND/CC1/A13   1938 - 1939, 1946 - 1947
Appeal Fund, comprising Appeal Dinner names and addresses [1938], St Mary's College Proposals for New Building [1938], and Statement for submission to Court on the position and needs of the Durham Division 1938, and Department of Science Second Extension (1938) (all these papers being loose in a folder); also correspondence 1938-1939, lists of tradesmen and firms with whom the Durham Colleges deal, text of [press notice], St Mary's College Durham Report 1937 -38, University of Durham Building Fund : Special Appeal (brochure, October 1938), University of Durham Building Fund analysis of earmarkings of donations, copy of Durham Business Review (October 1938), list of firms who subscribed to the 1921 Appeal and the amounts they subscribed [to King's College], and lists of firms who subscribed annually to the Department of Naval Architecture and firms who did not subscribe to the 1921 Appeal but should be approached again (these papers being in, and in some cases, loose in a file for the period 1938-1939); and correspondence 1946-1947, and University of Durham Appeal Fund : printed report to subscribers (1947).
1. 1938.
2. 1938-1939.
3. 1946-1947.
UND/CC1/A14   1937 - 1939
Mr M.P. Applebey, comprising correspondence of the warden with Mr Applebey (of ICI Ltd., Billingham, County Durham; treasurer of the university).
UND/CC1/A15   1959 - 1960
Department of Applied Physics, comprising correspondence; particulars of the chair of Applied Physics (Durham Division) [to which Dr D.A. Wright was appointed]; agendas of the Board of the Faculty of Applied Science; report of the Committee on Courses in Applied Physics to the Board of the Faculty of Applied Science; agendas of the Committee of the Sub-Faculty of Applied Physics; and report on meetings of the New Departments (Applied Science) Committee.
UND/CC1/A16   1939 - 1940, 1944 - 1946
Appointments Board, comprising correspondence, and some agendas of the University of Durham Committee on the University Appointments Board (later entitled Appointments Board Committee) for 1944-1946. ( The university established an Appointments Board for the university as a whole.)
UND/CC1/B1   1937 - 1946
Board of Studies Scheme, comprising correspondence; copy of paper on Scheme for Establishment of Boards of Studies n.d. [1938]; draft memorandum for the Council Committee on terms of lecturers' appointments (1938); and Durham Colleges Academic Board standing orders (1937).
UND/CC1/B2   1938 - 1952
Board of Theological Studies, comprising correspondence, and some agendas of the Board of Theological Studies (of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham) later of the Board of the Faculty of Theology.
UND/CC1/B3   1938 - 1939, 1960
Boards of Studies, including reports of the faculties of Science, Education and Arts reports.
UND/CC1/B4   1840, 1931, 1948 - 1960
Bow Church, comprising correspondence (regarding the filling of the ecclesiastical living, the use of the church for University purposes, etc); minutes of meeting of the Committee on the future of Bow Church (1949); agenda papers of the Committee on the pending vacancy in the benefice of St Mary-le-Bow and the Chaplaincy of Grey College... (to which the Revd. Richard Bevan was appointed) (1960); and copy of the printed Cathedrals Measure, 1931 (21 and 22 George 5 No.7) and of 3 and 4 Victoria cap.CXIII (Act to carry into effect, with modifications, the 4th report of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 1840).
UND/CC1/B5   1938 - 1947
British Council Bursars, comprising correspondence, principally regarding provision of accommodation for overseas students at the University funded by the British Council.
1. 1938-1946.
2. 1947.
UND/CC1/C1   1939 - 1948
The Castle, General, comprising correspondence (regarding evacuation of valuables, the furnishings to be provided for various parts of the castle, etc.); plans (ground plan n.d., and plans indicating the location of the proposed floodlighting of the castle and cathedral, n.d.); printed “Report of Durham Castle Preservation Committee”, 1939; two photographs (taken by the Sunderland Echo) of people viewing a model of the west side of the Castle and associated poster and press cuttings relating to the exhibition of the model at Sunderland Public Art Gallery, 1940; list of valuables distributed for safe custody (to various locations in Durham, including the wine cellar of Hatfield College); list of slides relating to Durham Castle Preservation; duplicated typescript “List of Pictures and Prints in Durham Castle - October 1836” and duplicated typescript report (to the warden and senate) on “Fragment of a Report on the Castle Pictures Incomplete and Unsigned October 1874”; and duplicated typescript “Report of the Castle Pictures Committee and Catalogue of Paintings in the Castle June 1875” (which, inter alia, states that there were “about 150 paintings in the Castle”.)
UND/CC1/C2   n.d. [1939]
Central Register forms, comprising printed forms completed by some academic and senior administrative staff of the Durham Colleges, providing their name, address, date of birth, brief outline of career, nationality, state of general health, etc. (Includes forms completed by: Professor Claude C. Abbott, Mr William S. Angus, Mr William N. Austin, Frances E. Barendt, Mr Joseph L. Burchnall, Eric L. Burton, Bertram Colgrave, Dorothy M. Daldy, Rachel E.D. Donaldson, Decima L. Douie, Beatrice M. Hamilton Thompson, Mr Laurence N. Helsby [Lecturer in Economics, 1931-1945, later, 1963- 1968, Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury and Head of the Home Civil Service], Francis C. Hood, Clifford E.J. Leech, Gordon Manley, Hugh A. Murray, R.T. Norman, Arthur P. Rossiter, Mr Leonard Slater, Rev Hedley F.D. Sparks, Richard P. Wright.)
UND/CC1/C3   1938 - 1945
Chairman's Committee, Correspondence etc, comprising correspondence, and some agendas of the Chairman's Committee of Court (much of it on the subject of the distribution of the increased Treasury grant).
UND/CC1/C4   1957 - 1960
CLU : Clermont University, comprising correspondence (mainly about the exchange scheme between the Universities of Clermont and Durham).
UND/CC1/C5   1943 - 1948, 1955 - 1956
College Lists, comprising correspondence with colleges (including that regarding individual students), and lists of students in the various colleges.
1. 1948-1949.
2. 1946-1948.
3. 1943-1947.
4. 1955-1956.
UND/CC1/C6   1943 - 1947
Colonial Education Commission, comprising correspondence of Dr J. D. Duff regarding the work of the Commission on Higher Education in West Africa (of which he was a member), including references to both Fourah Bay College, and Makerere College, Gordon College, etc. (The Secretary of the Commission was based at the Colonial Office, London.)
UND/CC1/C7   1957
Confidential letters of the Difficulties between Principal and Vice-Principal. March to May 1957, comprising correspondence of Sir James Duff with various persons in Ghana, including the registrar of University College of Ghana, and in Britain, including the registrar of the University of Oxford, and copies of memoranda, regarding the difficulties between Mr D.M. Balme, principal of the University College of Ghana, and [?Mr] G.I. Smith, the vice-principal, and the immediate aftermath.
UND/CC1/C8   1950 - 1952, 1954
Co-ordination and Admissions Committee, comprising agenda papers regarding both the Committee of Academic Board (of the Durham Colleges) which was formed to consider the co-ordination of admissions to the Durham Colleges and (some agenda papers) regarding the Heads of Houses Committee, and correspondence. (Includes some sample application forms for admission to the individual colleges, also a copy of a brochure of St Hild's College, Durham [1950].)
UND/CC1/C9   1951, 1954, 1956, 1958
Co-ordination of Admissions Procedure, comprising copies of duplicated typescript agendas of the Heads of Houses Committee and of a joint meeting of representatives of the Heads of Department and Heads of Houses (regarding admission procedure).
UND/CC1/C10   1937 - 1946
Council - Agenda and Minutes, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers (including minutes) of the Council of the Durham Colleges. (Loose in one of the files is a duplicated typescript copy of the Standing Orders of the Council of the Durham Colleges, November 1937.)
1. 1938-1939.
2. 1939-1940.
3. 1939-1941.
4. 1940-1942.
5. 1941-1943.
6. 1942-1944.
7. 1943-1945.
8. 1944-1946.
UND/CC1/C11   1938 - 1946
Council - General comprising correspondence (regarding non- attendance at meetings, communicating decisions of the Council, communicating matters for consideration by the Council, etc.). (The correspondence includes some with the dean of Durham on the subject of Cosin woodwork in the Cathedral, now stored in Durham Castle, 1943. There is also some correspondence with the chancellor of the University, the Marquis of Londonderry.)
1. 1938-1942.
2. 1938-1946.
UND/CC1/C12   1938 - 1946
Court File, comprising correspondence, and copies of minutes and agenda papers of the Court.
1. 1938-1945.
2. 1938-1946.
UND/CC1/C13   1954 - 1955
Correspondence, Forms, etc. relating to the V-Cs Enquiry into Admission of Students, comprising correspondence, circulars, and some enquiry forms (both unused and completed, for admission to the University of Durham), etc. relating to the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' Enquiry into Admissions.
UND/CC1/D1   1940 - 1948
Dates of Term, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC1/D2   1938, 1947
Dramatic Society, comprising correspondence (mainly regarding a new constitution of the Durham Colleges Dramatic Society, a draft of which together with a memorandum on the same are also enclosed, 1938); also copy of a letter making brief reference to the Dramatic Society and the Assembly Rooms, 1947.
UND/CC1/D3   1956 - 1957
DTC, Darlington Training College, comprising copies of minutes and agenda papers of the Committee of Darlington Training College (including copy of the College's Building Programme brochure, 1957).
UND/CC1/D4   1955 - 1961
Durham University Exploration Society
UND/CC1/D5   1938 - 1958
Durham University Journal, comprising correspondence, and notes (i.e. copy) for publication in the Durham University Journal. (Includes lists of theological students at St John's College and at St Chad's College, and lists of Honours students in Classics, French, and History, all 1930-1939 [?later published in the Journal ].
1. 1938-1946.
2. 1948-1958.
UND/CC1/E1-2   1939 - 1946, 1958 - 1960
Education Department (General), comprising correspondence of the warden (especially with Professor M.V.C. Jeffreys, Education Department, to 1946, and Prof E.J.R. Eaglesham 1958-1960), copies of the prospectuses of the Department of Education for sessions 1939-1940 and 1941-1942, and some agenda papers of the board of the faculty of Education.
E1. 1939-1942
E2/1. 1943-1946.
E2/2. 1958-1960.
UND/CC1/E3   1945 - 1946
Elections - General, etc, comprising correspondence of the warden mainly regarding the Combined English Universities, including correspondence with candidates (especially Sir Ernest Simon); includes copy of the election address of Stanley Wormald, Socialist candidate.
UND/CC1/E4   1939 - 1944
Emergency Statutes of British Universities, comprising copies of Emergency Statutes supplied by various universities.
UND/CC1/E5   1939 - 1948
Engagements, comprising invitations to attend various events received by the warden and related correspondence.
UND/CC1/E6   1954
EPSA, Enquiry - Drop in Admissions in Pure Science, comprising correspondence with various universities regarding their number of new entrants in Pure Science. (The concern about the subject at Durham arose because for two successive years there had been a substantial relative drop in the number of new entrants in Pure Science at Durham compared with the number of new entrants in Arts; in consequence, the Academic Board asked the secretary, Dr Holgate, to ask if other universities had had a similar experience.)
UND/CC1/E7   1942 - 1954
Estimates, comprising copies of Estimates of Income and Expenditure of the University of Durham, of the Durham Colleges, and of King's College Newcastle upon Tyne, and a little related correspondence.
1. 1945-1952.
2. 1941-1947.
3. 1945-1949.
4. 1954.
UND/CC1/E8   1948 - 1958
Examinations, comprising correspondence, and some agendas of the Senate Committee on Examinations, especially Examination Failures.
UND/CC1/E9   1946
Examinations Results, including timetables.
Not used.
UND/CC1/E11   1938 - 1945
Examiners, Payment, comprising correspondence; extracts from minutes (dating from 1910 onwards) regarding payments to examiners; analysis of payments to examiners; and copy of duplicated typescript list of University of Durham Examiners for 1939.
UND/CC1/E12   1938 - 1942
Extensions Committee, comprising correspondence and some agenda papers of the Extensions Committee (a committee appointed by the Council of the Durham Colleges to “consider requirements for buildings and available finance”).
UND/CC1/E13   1937 - 1939
Extensions. Science Laboratories, comprising correspondence, estimates, reports, manufacturers' brochure (re steel furniture), and plan / diagram of some fuirnishings (cupboards etc.) relating to proposed extensions to the Science Laboratories of the Durham Colleges; floor plans and sections of the [Durham] Union Society building, Palace Green (1939); and a very few agenda papers of the Extensions Committee.
1. 1936-1939.
2. 1939.
3. Brochure.
UND/CC1/E14   1939 - 1941
Extensions. Science Labs., comprising correspondence (with the architect, the University Grants Committee, builders, etc.); financial statements; and estimate for the proposed Science Laboratories submitted by Messrs. Marshall, Tweedy and Bourn, chartered architects, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1939. Included on the file is a typescript copy of Opinion of Counsel, 1926, regarding whether the same person could be appointed master of University College and master of Hatfield College at the same time and whether it was possible to combine their administrations and domestic services. ( In view of the result of the University Appeal and the reserve funds available, the Council decided that the Extension to the Science Laboratories and new Union Buildings were the only projects which could be entertained immediately.)
UND/CC1/E15   1939 - 1954
Extra Lectures, comprising correspondence (including regarding inaugural lectures), and copies of circulars regarding courses of lectures in the Durham Colleges and in King's College (1948 -49).
1. 1939-1948.
2. 1948-1954.
UND/CC1/E16   1948 - 1949
Expenses for Visiting Conferences, comprising correspondence, and papers regarding Committee of the Council of the Durham Colleges considering the question of the payment of travelling expenses to staff attending scientific meetings.
UND/CC1/F1   1941 - 1948
Family Allowances, comprising a little correspondence, a copy of a circular regarding the University of Durham's scheme for family allowances (1942), and later Durham Colleges circulars on the subject.
UND/CC1/F2   1938 - 1943
Fellowships, comprising correspondence (with and about applicants, including applications), and some agenda papers of the Academic Board's Fellowships Award Board.
UND/CC1/F3   1938 - 1948
Fellowships, Scholarships, Prizes. External, comprising details of such prizes etc., and a little related correspondence.
UND/CC1/F4   1948 - 1955
Films, comprising details of the British Universities Film Council (including a copy of its document “Constitution, Work and Finance”); correspondence (especially with Mr C.J. Duncan, director, department of Photography, Medical School, Newcastle); some agendas of the Durham University Film Council (King's College, Newcastle Division) Academic Board Sub-Committee (1948); and balance sheet of the Durham Colleges Film Society for Session 1954 -55.
UND/CC1/F5   1951
Financial Relationships Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda for Committee of Council (of the Durham Colleges) to consider the financial relationship between the Council and its maintained Colleges and Societies.
UND/CC1/F6   1937 - 1948
French Assistant, comprising correspondence with and about French Assistants (in the Durham Colleges). (These posts were of one year's duration.)
UND/CC1/F7   1944 - 1948
Further Education Training, comprising correspondence (especially with the Ministry of Education and particularly about grants for students), 1945 -48; and 2nd Report of the Interdepartmental Standing Committee on Further Education and Training (1944).
UND/CC1/G1   1941 - 1948
Geography Department, comprising correspondence (largely with Miss Dorothy Sylvester and with Mr L. Slater).
UND/CC1/H1   1939 - 1943
How Memorial, comprising correspondence, also text of circular about the memorial. (Canon John How, master of University College and professor of Latin, died in October 1938, and in his memory an annual prize was established for the student of the Durham Division obtaining the highest place in the final school of Classical and General Literature.)
UND/CC1/H2   1940 - 1942
Home Guard, comprising correspondence, and lists of students of the Durham Colleges in the Local Defence Volunteers.
UND/CC1/H3   1951 - 1960
Heads of Houses Committee, comprising [an ? incomplete set of ] copies of agenda papers, and a little related correspondence.
UND/CC1/H4   1948 - 1958
Heraldry, comprising duplicated typescript “The Arms of Durham University and Durham Colleges : Some Common Variations in their Representation”, n.d; typescript transcript of the text of the grant of arms to University College (1912); black and white prints of the arms of the individual Durham Colleges; copy of printed The Arms of the Durham Colleges by the Revd. L.R. Pearson, 1948, (which states that most of the colleges's arms are “without authority”); and correspondence (including that with the College of Arms).
UND/CC1/H5   1959
Hatfield Association, comprising correspondence (principally on financial matters, including subscriptions).
UND/CC1/H6   (1920), 1940
Hatfield College Mastership St Mary's College Principalship, in fact comprising agenda papers of Council Committee (not including applications or curricula vitarum), including draft terms and conditions of appointment as principal of St Mary's College, report of the Committee on the Government of St Mary's College, and typescript transcript of the licence given by the Council to Miss Donaldson as principal of St Mary's College (1920).
UND/CB1/H7   October 1948 - January 1949
Committee of Senate on Higher Doctorates agenda papers, including a prospectus of higher degrees in the faculties of Science, Applied Science and Agriculture, and whose recommendations (for DSc degrees) a committee of the deans of the faculties of Science, Applied Science and Agriculture was set up to implement.
Paper file
UND/CC1/I1   1939 - 1948
International Student Service and Foreign Students, comprising correspondence (with International Student Service, London, regarding individual students, etc.) and lists of students from abroad (at the Durham Colleges).
UND/CC1/I2   1955, 1959 - 1960
Isabel Fleck Award, comprising correspondence (including that with Sir Alexander Fleck).
UND/CC1/J1   1938 - 1946, 1950 - 1958
Joint Recruiting Board, comprising correspondence with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, etc., copies of statistical and other returns made to the ministry and to the Joint Recruiting Board (at Newcastle upon Tyne), and circulars of the ministry's Military Recruiting Department.
1. 1942-1946.
2. 1938-1942.
3. 1950-1958.
UND/CC1/J2   1938 - 1946
Joint Committee for Education Agenda and Minutes, comprising agendas of the Joint Committee for Education (of the Durham Colleges).
UND/CC1/J3   1956 - 1960
Joint Committee of Council and S.R.C., comprising correspondence, and agenda papers.
UND/CC1/J4   1957 - 1959
Joint Committee for Science, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC1/J5   1939 - 1946
Joint Committee for Science Agenda and Minutes, comprising agendas of the Joint Committee for Science (of the Durham Colleges) and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC1/K1   1944
Kepier Power Station, comprising correspondence, and copies of the texts of the evidence to be given by Dr M.P. Applebey (chairman of Council of the Durham Colleges) and by Dr Duff (warden) at the enquiry into the proposed power station at Durham.
UND/CC1/L1   1949 - 1957
Laboratories - Staff, comprising correspondence (including that relating to wages and to the training of technicians); reports from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals's University Joint Committee on Technical Staffs; list of Science students in the Durham Colleges, October 1951; and [Durham Colleges] student statistics, 1951.
UND/CC1/L2   1948 - 1959
Lecture Attendances, comprising returns of names and numbers of students in attendance at some lectures for the period up to 1956; copies of circulars regarding lectures; and correspondence. (It is clear that the lecture attendance returns are very incomplete.)
UND/CC1/L3   1938 - 1958
Lecture Rooms Equipment, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC1/L4   1938 - 1944
Library, comprising correspondence (principally with the University Librarian); a few copies of lists of books added to or presented to the University Library; copy of annual report 1940-1941; and annual report (of the Board of Curators of the Library) 1937-1938.
UND/CC1/L5   1958 - 1960
University Library, comprising correspondence (principally with the University Librarian).
UND/CC1/L6   1952 - 1960
Local Education Authorities - Entrance Awards, comprising correspondence (with local education authorities and with other universities, etc.), and copies of circulars.
UND/CC1/L7   1953 - 1955
London Schools Examination Board, comprising correspondence with the University Entrance and School Examinations Council, University of London, regarding marks obtained by candidates who had applied for places at Durham.
UND/CC1/L8   1944 - 1946
Lumley Committee - Near Eastern Languages, comprising correspondence of the warden (including that with Sir Roger Lumley, later earl of Scarbrough, with Professor T.W. Thacker, and with the University Grants Committee); memoranda on the extension of the facilities for Near Eastern Studies in Durham (by Professor Thacker) and other agenda papers of the Durham Colleges's Committee on Near-Eastern Studies; and copy of (duplicated typescript) “Report of Interdepartmental Committee of Enquiry on Oriental, Slavonic, East European and African Studies”', which was chaired by Lord Scarbrough, (1946).
UND/CC1/M1   1938 - 1948
Matriculation Ceremony, comprising copies of circulars regarding the matriculation ceremony for undergraduates, lists (arranged per college) of students who had matriculated in the Durham Colleges, and correspondence.
UND/CC1/M2   1946 - 1949
Medical School in Durham, comprising correspondence, copy of minutes of the meeting of the University of Durham Court held on 28 October 1946, and memorandum by Professor J.C. Spence (Department of Child Health, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle) on “Medical School at Durham”. (The university believed that there was scope at Durham for a Medical School in connection with a new hospital; both divisions of the university approved the proposal.)
UND/CC1/M3   10 January 1940 - 2 May 1945
Military Service - Appeals, comprising duplicated typescript copies of decisions of the umpire in the cases of students of various universities who had appealed from the decision of a Military Service (Hardship) Committee with the appended comments of “A.D.McN.” [Sir Arnold D. McNair, vice-chancellor, University of Liverpool] on the umpire's decisions. (It is presumed that copies of these decisions with appended comments were circulated to universities by way of advice on the case law which was being established on the subject.)
1. 1940.
2. 1940-1943.
3. 1943-1944
UND/CC1/M4   1940 - 1944
Military Service - Durham Colleges Staff, comprising correspondence (mainly with the University Grants Committee) especially about applications for deferment of calling up for military service for certain members of university staff; loose in the file is a copy of a poster regarding arrangments for registration at the offices of the Ministry of Labour and National Service on 9 December 1939 of those men who on 1 December 1939 were between the ages of 20 and 23 years.
UND/CC1/M5-7   1939 - 1942
Military Service, General, comprising correspondence with and about students called up, 1939-1942; copies of National Service Acts application forms for deferment of calling up of a man and related government publications (including other application forms); list of male full-time students in the Durham Colleges born within the period 4 June 1918 - 3 June 1919 and who were in attendance at the beginning of the Summer Term 1939; Durham Colleges circulars regarding compulsory military service; and lists of names of applications made by Durham Colleges students for postponment of military service sent to the Employment Exchange on 15 June 1939.
5. 1939.
6. 1939-1942.
7. 1940-1942.
Not used.
UND/CC1/M9   [1939 - 1940]
Military Service Miscellaneous Forms, comprising stock of application and other forms.
UND/CC1/M10   1939 - 1941
Military Service Registration and Postponement, comprising correspondence (with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, heads of Colleges, individual students, etc.), and lists of students registered and for registration.
UND/CC1/M11   1939 - 1945
Military Service - Students (inc. Medical Grades III and IV), comprising correspondence with and about individual students.
UND/CC1/M12   1940
Liability for Military Service forms completed by individual students, the forms giving name, date of birth, date and place of registration, registration number, course details, whether applied for postponement, etc; the forms are in five separate alphabetical sequences (on the file).
UND/CC1/M13   1939 - 1943
Military Service Records, comprising copies of documents regarding the keeping of war records, lists of candidates interviewed by the Joint Recruiting Board and recommended for commissions, and correspondence (with and about individual students).
UND/CC1/M14   [c.1940]
Military Service - Students, W.R.U.1 forms only.
UND/CC1/M15   1939 - 1942
Military Service Theological Students, comprising correspondence (with and about individual theological students, including correspondence with several bishops including the archbishop of York), and lists of theological students arranged per college. (Theological students were in a reserved category as regards military service.)
UND/CC1/M16   1940 - 1943
Military Service - University Staff (King's and 46 North Bailey), comprising correspondence with the University Grants Committee, etc.) regarding ages of reservation for the University's staff and regarding named individual staff (including the registrar's clerk and the registrar of the university).
UND/CC1/M17   1944 - 1948
Ministry of Labour, comprising correspondence; copies of Ministry circulars (re deferment of call up,etc.); and typescript text of draft pamphlet on “National Service and the University Student” written by - Milne, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1948.
UND/CC1/M18   1946
Miscellaneous - Board of Governors, 1944 Education Act and changes to governing boards for schools, correspondence, reply slips from numerous correspondents.
UND/CC1/M19   1938 - 1945
Miscellaneous Committees (External), comprising correspondence, and some agendas of external bodies (including the Finance Committee of the Community Service Council for Durham County Ltd, the Governors of Sherburn Hospital, and the Governors of Durham Johnston Grammar School).
UND/CC1/M20   1936, 1939 - 1940
Miscellaneous Estimates and Scheme for Refurnishing and Rearrangement of Lecture Rooms; Miscellaenous Material for Seven Exhibition, comprising lists of furniture etc. required for individual lecture rooms etc, noting the prices of the same; black and white photographs of framed coats of arms of [City Guilds of Durham], list of plate of the City of Durham and of the Guilds (including dates etc of the the individual pieces), description of the plate of the Corporation and Guilds, printed List of Freemen resident in Durham and suburbs on 1 July 1940, and text of [catalogue of] exhibition of the civic plate to commemorate the annual festival of the National Foundation of Cathedral Old Choristers' Associations in Durham 18 - 20 September 1936.
UND/CC1/M21   1942 - 1946
Miscellaneous - Students, comprising correspondence with and about students.
UND/CC1/M22   1939
Roman Wall Museum, comprising correspondence (mainly of the warden with the rector of King's College), and including the drafts of the heads of agreement between King's College, University of Durham, and the Newcastle Society of Antiquaries (to provide a University Museum of Archaeology sited at King's College).
UND/CC1/N1   1938
National Service (offers from staff September 1938), comprising correspondence (including that with the Ministry of Labour and with staff, giving their particulars of date of birth, experience, etc.)
UND/CC1/N2   1939
National Service, Offers from Staff, June 1939 Central Register, comprising correspondence (with staff and the National Service Department (Central Register) of the Ministry of Labour) regarding registration on the central register, and circulars of both the Durham Colleges and the Universities Bureau of the British Empire regarding the central register. (Includes a copy of Lord Eustace Percy's correspondence with Sir Horace Wilson of HM Treasury and correspondence regarding the central register entries for linguists on the staff of the University of Durham; also (loose in the file) copies of the forms completed by seven linguists on the Durham Colleges' staff - including Mr T.W. Thacker, Reader in Hebrew, and Professor A.L. Sells, Professor of French Language and Literature - providing their name, address, date and place of birth, outline of education, languages, etc.)
UND/CC1/N3   1938 - 1939
National Service (offers from Researchers), comprising copy of notice about undergraduates and National Service, and correspondence.
UND/CC1/N4   1941 - 1943
Exemption from Part-time National Service (S.T.C.,U.A.S.,A.F.S.), comprising circular of the Durham Colleges regarding students reserved from calling up; correspondence with and about students; list of students who are members of the Durham contingent of the DUSTC (Durham University Senior Training Corps); and lists of exemptions from part-time military service.
UND/CC1/N5   1948
National Insurance Scheme, comprising correspondence with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, and copies of circulars of the Durham Colleges regarding the liability of students to pay National Insurance contributions.
UND/CC1/N6   1957 - 1959
Neville's Cross College, comprising correspondence (regarding the principalship, etc.)
UND/CC1/N7   1947
North Eastern Regional Council for Technical Education, comprising agenda papers of the first and later meetings of the North Regional Council for Technical Education (whose office was in Newcastle), and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC1/N8   1954 - 1956
Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board, comprising correspondence (prinicipally regarding individual students, but also on the subject of finding someone to act as supervisor of the JMB's Durham Centre).
UND/CC1/N9   1955
N.U.J.M.B., comprising correspondence principally with the Joint Matriculation Board, Manchester, regarding a few individual prospective students.
UND/CC1/N10   1948 - 1951
New Buildings, comprising agendas of the Buildings Committee of the Durham Colleges and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC1/O1   1951 - 1958
Office Equipment, comprising correspondence, and copies of suppliers' brochures (including those of Roneo and of Gestetner Ltd.)
UND/CC1/O2   1938 - 1946
O.T.C. - S.T.C., comprising correspondence; also copies of the Commanding Officer's annual reports for 1943 -44; D.U.S.T.C.[ Durham University Senior Training Corps ] Record of Service of Members of the Corps serving with HM Forces [1946]; minutes of a meeting between War Office representatives and a deputation from the University of Durham to discuss questions regarding new buildings for the Newcastle unit of the University's OTC Contingent (1938); and some War Office circulars.
UND/CC1/O3   1952 - 1960
Occasional Students, comprising correspondence with Occasional Students (and a very little correspondence about them), and copies of registration forms.
UND/CC1/P1   1955 - 1960
Palatinate, comprising correspondence with the editor, etc.
UND/CC1/P2   1940 - 1948
Part-Time and Temporary Lecturers, comprising correspondence with and about such lecturers.
UND/CC1/P3   (1843-1844,1870, 1876), 1905, 1920 - 1921
Pemberton Fund, comprising typescript transcript of [regulations] of the Fund (1844) and of extract from the minutes of the Senate on the subject (1870 and 1876) and from letters of [Charles] Thorp [Warden] numbered 374-6, 379 and 380 (dating from 1843-1844); copy of printed report on the University of Durham Scholarship and Prize Funds (1905); and correspondence, 1921. [It appears that the Pemberton Fund and Fellowship and Scholarships were transferred in 1921 to Armstrong College, Newcastle upon Tyne.]
UND/CC1/P4   1948
Physical Training and Games, comprising correspondence, also report of the Committee of the Academic Board (of the Durham Colleges) on sports facilities.
UND/CC1/P5   1948 - 1960
Department of Philosophy, comprising correspondence (including that with the head of the department, who was Professor W.H.F. Barnes until 1959) and copies of the department's annual reports.
UND/CC1/P6   1953 - 1960
Policemen's reports, comprising weekly and other reports by the university's constables.
UND/CC1/P7   1939 - 1948
Purchase of Books, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers (1939-1940) of the Commmittee appointed by the Academic Board (of the Durham Colleges) to consider whether the facilities available in Durham for the purchase of books by staff and students can be improved.
UND/CC1/P8   1949 - 1950
Provision of a New Field, comprising correspondence (including that with other universities regarding their playing field facilities), and agenda papers of the Buildings Committee of the Durham Colleges (1949).
UND/CC1/P9   1938 - 1944
Press, comprising correspondence, and text of “news” (regarding appointments, retirements, etc.) (The “news” releases include ones which refer to Council in 1939 agreeing to establish a governing body for University College and which outline the career of Professor C.E. Whiting on his retirement in 1939 from the chair of History in the Durham Colleges, of which he was the first occupant.)
UND/CC1/P10   1950 - 1960
Press, comprising copies of Durham Colleges' press notices and related correspondence.
UND/CC1/P11   1943 - 1947
Post-War - Plans and Estimates, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of the Academic Board on Post-War Plans, correspondence (of Professor Duff), and related papers (including copy of printed University of Durham 2nd Supplementary Memorandum of Evidence to the University Grants Committee on the Medical School of the University [1945]).
UND/CC1/P12   1953 - 1956
Proposed New Posts, comprising correspondence (of the warden etc) and some related papers (of the Academic Board).
UND/CC1/P13   1946
Proposed Theatre at Durham, comprising copy of minutes of a public meeting held in the Town Hall, Durham regarding the proposed theatre, and correspondence.
UND/CC1/P14   1937 - 1938
2 letters about parking permits for Palace Green.
Found in UND/CA2/9 22 November 2005 and transferred thence.
UND/CC1/R1   1945 - 1948
Radiochemistry, comprising correspondence regarding the establishment of a Radiochemistry Laboratory, to be called the Londonderry Laboratory since the greater part of the chancellor's benefaction was being used towards its cost. [The laboratory was opened in 1947.]
UND/CC1/R2   1947
Radiochemistry - Opening Ceremony, comprising correspondence (with invitees, Lord Portal, etc.) regarding the opening of the Durham Colleges Radiochemistry Laboratory on 4 June 1947 by Marshal of the RAF Viscount Portal of Hungerford; duplicated typescript copy of the address of Lord Portal at the opening of the Londonderry Laboratory; [text of the speech of the public orator in presenting Lord Portal for an honorary degree of D.C.L.]; and typescript of the vice-chancellor's speech on the opening of the laboratory.
UND/CC1/R3   1940 - 1943
Radio Scheme, comprising copy of minutes of a meeting (held in London in 1940) to discuss the provision of skilled radio personnel in the officer category for the fighting services; correspondence (including some with the chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster); and lists of Physics graduates (a selected list compiled in connection with radio work). (The correspondence includes references to individual former students and a list, dating from 1941, of past students in Physics considered the most suitable.)
UND/CC1/R4   1940 - 1941, 1944
R.A.Cadets, comprising correspondence of the warden (with the rector of King's College, the War Office, etc.) regarding courses for candidates for the Royal Artilllery.
UND/CC1/R5   1941 - 1942, n.d.
R.A.F. Cadets (Syllabus and Forms), comprising copies of the University Assisted Scheme: Outline Syllabus, syllabuses for proposed courses for RAF cadets (at the University of Durham), and timetable for short courses.
UND/CC1/R6   1937
Reconstitution, comprising correspondence (including some with the Marquess of Londonderry, [chancellor of the University]) under the new statutes of the university regarding membership of the Council of the University, and of faculties, etc.
UND/CC1/R7   1959 - 1960
Reconstitution of the University, comprising correspondence of Sir James Duff (with the rector of King's College, etc.), and memorandum of C.I.C. Bosanquet (rector of King's College) on the proposal to separate King's College and to establish a separate university in Newcastle (1960).
UND/CC1/R8   1956 - 1957
Redevelopment of North Bailey area ( Mr. Worthington), comprising correspondence (including that with Mr T. Shirley S. Worthington, architect, Manchester, and with Dr Thomas Sharp, Oxford ); agenda papers of the Committee of Council (of the Durham Colleges) formed to consider the needs that Mr Worthington should be asked to meet by a re-development of the Owengate, North Bailey, Dun Cow Lane area (sic); and note for a meeting of the Development Programme Committee (of the Durham Colleges), 1957.
UND/CC1/R9   1941, 1944
Registration and Call-up of Age Groups, comprising correspondence (with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, Col. Macfarlane-Grieve, Durham Castle, etc.); list of students (indicating college and year of study); copies of certificates that individual students were full-time students and had been preparing for [a specified examination]; and duplicated typescript copies of Proclamation under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act 1939 regarding call -up.
UND/CC1/R10   1941 - 1944
Registration and Admission of Students, comprising copies of the Durham Colleges' circular on the registration of students; also sample registration cards, lists of RAF cadets at University College and Hatfield College (1942), list of students in residence at various colleges, Michaelmas 1942, and some correspondence.
UND/CC1/R11   1945
Registration of Students, comprising duplicated typescript copies of Durham Colleges' circulars regarding registration for courses; lists of students (per College), Michaelmas Term; list of RAF cadets at University College and Hatfield College; list of Science students; and some correspondence.
UND/CC1/R12   1946 -48
Release from M.S. - Students, comprising correspondence with and about students.
UND/CC1/R13   1938 - 1950
Research Fund, Agenda and Minutes, comprising typescript and duplicated typescript agendas of the Research Fund Committee (of the Durham Colleges).
UND/CC1/S1   1943, 1947
Sabbatical Terms, two sets of recommendations of Committee on the Institution of a Scheme for Sabbatical Terms (1943).
UND/CC1/S2   1956 - 1960
Sabbatical Terms, comprising correspondence, and some agenda papers of the Sabbatical Terms Committee (of the Durham Colleges).
UND/CC1/S3-6   1947 - 1950
Financial Position - Entrance Scholars, comprising statements of candidates' financial circumstances, lists of scholarships awarded, and related correspondence.
3. 1947-1948.
4. 1948.
5. 1949.
6. 1950.
UND/CC1/S7   1940
University Scholarships, comprising correspondence (with candidates etc.), and copies of notices (both those regarding the scholarships and those announcing the names of those awarded them). (Amongst those awarded a university scholarship was Sydney Holgate, Hatfield College, awarded the University's Mathematics Scholarship.)
UND/CC1/S8   1948
Science Laboratories - Opening Ceremony, comprising correspondence (including that with Dr Applebey and Lord McGowan, chairman of ICI Ltd., who was to have opened the laboratories but was not well enough whereby Dr Alexander Fleck, a director of ICI, opened them in his place), and an invite for the opening on 9 November 1948.
UND/CC1/S9   1957 - 1959
Senate Committee on Professorships and Readerships, comprising correspondence (communicating resolutions of the Senate regarding the constitution of statutory committees to consider such appointments).
UND/CC1/S10   1953 - 1954, 1957
Senate Committee on Examination Failures, comprising agendas of the Senate Committee on Examination Failure, and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC1/S11   1955, 1957
Spalding Trust, comprising copy of 4th News Letter of the Union for the Study of the Great Religions (April 1955), and correspondence (dating from 1957) with Mr T. Knox-Shaw, CBE, regarding the university taking on financial responsibility for the lectureship which the Spalding trustees have supported to the end of the current quinquennium.
UND/CC1/S12   1940
Staffs' Children Evacuation, forms regarding children's overseas reception scheme, details of Children's Overseas Reception Scheme, and some related correspondence with staff.
UND/CC1/S13-14   1940 - 1943
Stipends Committee, comprising lists of publications of Dr J.A. Chalmers (and jointly with other members of staff) for 1942-1943, and copies of some journal and other publications of some staff, 1940-1943. (The persons whose publications are represented in this folder are Professor A. Holmes of the Department of Geology, Doris L. Reynolds, Dr J. Alan Chalmers of the Department of Physics, and Mr A.A.L. Caesar of the N E Development Board, c/o King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne.)
13. 1943.
14. 1939-1946.
UND/CC1/S15   1938 - 1941
Student Statistics, comprising lists of students; analysis of student numbers for 1933 -38; correspondence; and statistics of numbers of new students per session under the headings of [Colleges] for Sessions 1921/22 to 1938/39.
UND/CC1/S16   1955 - 1960
Student Health Service, comprising correspondence (including that with other universities), and agendas of meetings held in 1956 to discuss the possibility of setting up a Student Health Service in Durham. (A good deal of the correspondence concerns the visits of the Mass Radiography Unit to the University.)
UND/CC1/S17   1951 - 1952
SRC and Other Outside Contracts.
UND/CC1/S18   [1956]
Language:   English
List of signatories of the Durham Colleges staff petition/protest to the government against the British invasion of Egypt in 1956, after the Egyptian seizure of the Suez canal.
1 sealed envelope
Presented by Dr A.I. Doyle c.1958, Acc No Misc.2002/2003:14.
Prior to 18 October 2004, stored at OSR Cabinet A2.
UND/CC1/S19   1954 - 1963
Staff accommodation, notices of university properties available for rent, with a poster for the Accommodation Office.
Paper file
UND/CC1/T1   1937 - 1943
Teachers' Training Course (Correspondence), comprising correspondence (including that with other universities, especially with Dr A.D. McNair, vice-chancellor of the University of Liverpool, in his capacity as chairman of the Committee on the Supply and Training of Teachers, and also with Lord Eustace Percy, etc.), and related memoranda.
UND/CC1/T2   1945 - 1946
Theology Faculty, comprising copy of the report of a Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Theology on the position of Associated Theological Colleges in the Colonies; a very little correspondence (unrelated to the aforesaid report); and copy of duplicated typescript letter sent in November 1945 to the principals of six theological colleges regarding the L.Th.[ Licence in Theology] and B.A.
UND/CC1/T3   (1919, 1922 - 1923), 1941 - 1942
University Training Department and Bede College (Warden's Correspondence), comprising correspondence (including some with the bishop of Durham and the dean of Durham); draft report on relations between Bede College and Durham University; and copy of Durham Colleges Council minutes on the subject (1919, 1922) and of minutes of the “Joint Board” (1923).
UND/CC1/T4   1938 - 1940, 1946 - 1948
Training Colleges Examination Board, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Joint Examinations Board for Training Colleges, and related correspondence.
UND/CC1/T5   1948, 1956
Training Colleges Examination Boards, comprising copy of General Reports of External Examiners on Final Examination 1948 (of the University of Durham Joint Examinations Board for Training Colleges); copy of published accounts of the Board for 1948; and copies of a letter sent by the secretary to training colleges' staff in 1956.
UND/CC1/T6   1940 - 1948
Training College Sub-Committee, comprising agendas of the Training College Sub-Committee (of the County Council of Durham Education Department), and related correspondence.
UND/CC1/T7   1940 - 1946
Teaching Arrangements, comprising correspondence (of the warden, with heads of departments, etc.) and some copies of notices regarding lectures.
UND/CC1/U1   1956 - 1960
Durham Union Society, comprising correspondence (including that with the president of the Society).
Not used.
UND/CC1/U3   1947 - 1951
Universities Bureau, comprising agendas and memoranda of the Association of Universities of the British Empire (later British Commonwealth) and of the CVCP, and a very little related correspondence, also annual reports of the AUBC. (Includes agendas of the AGM of the AUBC.)
UND/CC1/U4   1942 - 1944
Universities Bureau (Green Book Sub-Committee), comprising agendas of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' Sub-Committee on the Board of Education Green Book [inter alia, concerned with the regional organisation of adult education, the recruitment and training of teachers, and the award of University Entrance Scholarships], correspondence (with other vice-chancellors, including Dr A.D. McNair of the University of Liverpool), and report of the Sub-Committee of the CVCP on Dr McNair's Committee on the Training of Teachers, (etc.), with correspondence.
UND/CC1/U5   1943 - 1946
Universities Bureau (McNair Report), comprising correspondence (including that with Dr McNair, Lord Eustace Percy, and the Ministry of Education), report (and drafts of report) of the CVCP's Sub-Committee on the NcNair Report on the Training of Teachers, and note of the [Durham Colleges]'s meeting on the McNair Report (1946).
UND/CC1/U6   1925, 1929, 1932 - 1934, 1937 , 1940 - 1946
University Grants Committee, comprising correspondence with the UGC (and others), 1940-1946, and copies of some returns to the UGC; also (loose in the file) details of the Durham Division Tutorial Classes and analysis of occupation of students attending the same 1936-1937, copy of Durham Colleges' Memorandum to the UGC (1934) and related papers (1932-1934), Lecture List for Epiphany Term 1934 (Science) for the Durham Division, Epiphany Term 1929 (final list) [of students, per college], Epiphany Term 1925 (final list) (of Arts, Theology, and Science students, annotated to indicate age group, whereabouts of home in the British Isles / outside the British Isles / foreign countries, etc), copy of return to the UGC for 1924-1925, copy of (typescript) report on Educational Work of Durham Colleges (n.d. but probably c.1924-1925), and related papers and statistics. (Some of the loose papers are in an envelope addressed to Mr J.S.G. Pemberton, President of Council of the Durham Colleges, and franked in July 1925.)
UND/CC1/U7   1953 - 1960
University Office, comprising correspondence (regarding individual students, the installation of the chancellor in 1958, etc.), also minutes of a meeting of the Registrars' Conference held in the Newcastle Office of the University of Durham in 1960.
UND/CC1/U8   1952 - 1960
University Officers' Training Corps, comprising correspondence; and copies of brochures of the Durham University Training Corps (Territorial Army) and Durham University Co. Women's Royal Army Corps (Territorial Army), and of the Durham University Air Squadron, and The Royal Naval Volunteers Reserve and the University of Durham [copies of which were evidently sent to new students].
UND/CC1/U9   1939, 1952 ,1955
Documents for University Grants Committee Visitation, 17 June 1955, comprising copies of returns to the UGC 1938-1939 and 1951-1952, copy of documents sent by the University of Durham to the UGC in 1939, full statement of non-professorial delegation at meeting with the UGC (1955), list of publications of staff of the Durham Colleges (1951-1955), programme of UGC Visitation on 17 June 1955, correspondence and related papers (1955).
UND/CC1/V1   1941 - 1945
Vacation Work for Staff, comprising correspondence (with the Board of Trade, including Mr Hugh Dalton, President of the Board of Trade, etc.)
UND/CC1/V2   1940 - 1948
Vacation Work for Students, comprising correspondence (with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries regarding the University Harvesting Scheme, and with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, etc.)
UND/CC1/V3-5   1937 - 1943
Vice-Chancellors' Committee of the Constituency', comprising copies of minutes and agenda papers of meetings of the Vice-Chancellors of the Constituency [Combined English Universities], and correspondence (including that with the MPs for the Combined English Universities Constituencies), especially re the meeting at Durham, June 3rd, 1939 with the vice-chancellor of the university in the chair).
3. 1937-1939.
4. 1939.
5. 1939-1943.
UND/CC1/V6   1941 - 1946
Vice-Chancellor - Miscellaneous, comprising correspondence of Dr James Duff as vice-chancellor, including that with the chancellor of the University (the Marquess of Londonderry) and the dean of Durham.
UND/CC1/V7   1937 - 1939
Sub-Committee of Vice-Chancellors, comprising in fact correspondence of Mr J.L. Burchnall (secretary to the Council of the Durham Colleges) on staff matters, also lists of applications for a lectureship in Mathematics and copies of applications for the lectureship (1939).
UND/CC1/V8   1958 - 1959
Vice-Chancellor - Miscellaneous, comprising correspondence of Sir James Duff including that with the heads of some other universities and university colleges.
UND/CC1/V9   1936 - 1939
Vice-Chancellors' Conference, comprising agenda papers of meetings of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire and of meetings of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals. (Does not include any correspondence.)
1. 1936-1938.
2. 1938.
3. 1938.
4. 1938-1939.
UND/CC1/V10   1939
Secretary's and Warden's Correspondence (War Arrangements), comprising correspondence (including that with staff and with other universities), and copies of circulars (to staff and to students).
UND/CC1/W1   1939 - 1940
War 1 Durham and Newcastle arrangements. Retention List. Miscellaneous, comprising correspondence (with the Universities Bureau of the British Empire, Lord Eustace Percy, etc.), lists of staff of the Durham Colleges, and “Retention Lists” (of staff of the Durham Colleges and of King's College who may be required when the University has settled down to teaching under war conditions).
UND/CC1/W2   1939 - 1942
War 2 Accommodation. Concessions. Requisitioning. Military Training Act. Miscellaneous, comprising correspondence (including with the master of University College and some other heads of houses), and copies of circulars of the Durham Colleges.
UND/CC1/W3-4   1938 - 1946
Warden - References, etc, comprising correspondence of the warden with former students, staff of the University of Durham, etc., and with prospective employers (providing references for the latter). (Includes a reference of 1943 in respect of Mr Angus, the Registrar of the University, stating that he “has really great abilities. In the two and half years between his appointment as University Registrar and his departure for war work he put the “business” of this University on to a firmer footing than ever before” and mentioning his work in redrafting all the regulations of the University, etc.)
W4. 1938-1940.
W3. 1941-1946.
UND/CC1/W5-6   1938 - 1946
Warden - Personal (Misc.), comprising correspondence (with persons in the University of Durham, at other universities and elsewhere, including former colleagues and students of Dr Duff).
UND/CC1/W7   1940 - 1946
Warden - General, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC1/W8   1941 - 1945
Women's (Students) Registration and Call Up and Part-time National Service, comprising correspondence (with and about individual students, and the Universities Bureau of the British Empire), National Registration Identity Numbers (forms completed by students, providing this number, etc.), and returns by students to questionnaire regarding work (Civil Defence, Social Service, etc.) which they were undertaking.
UND/CC1/W9   1941 - 1942
Women's Registration and Call Up (Staff), comprising correspondence, mainly with the Ministry of Labour and National Service, the UGC, and Lord Eustace Percy.
Colleges Office files to 1960
Reference: UND/CC2
Dates of creation: 1909 - 1963, mostly 1937 - 1960 Listed by Adrian Allan in situ in the Politics Hut in Old Elvet in July 1999, July 2001, July 2002, July 2003, and July 2004. His disposal recommendations were implemented, the files were transferred to Palace Green Library, repackaged and the list checked and augmented as necessary by Jenny Graham in August 2008.

UND/CC2/1   1946 - 1954
Absence, comprising correspondence about the absence of students and staff (through illness or other reason).
UND/CC2/2-11   May 1945 - July 1963
Academic Board - agenda and minutes, comprising (mainly duplicated typescript) copies of agendas and minutes of the Academic Board of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham, with a few annotations of the papers [some by Dr Holgate] to note action to be taken as a result of the Board's deliberations; also includes copies of the published Reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies year ending 31 August 1957, 31 August 1959, 31 August 1960 and 31 August 1962.
2a. May 1945 - May 1948.
2b. May 1948 - November 1950.
3. January 1951 - November 1952.
4. November 1952 - May 1955.
5a. October 1955 - November 1956.
5b. November 1956 - June 1957.
6. May 1957 - January 1959.
7. May 1957 - June 1960.
8a. February 1959 - May 1960.
8b. March 1960 - February 1961.
9a. February - September 1961.
9b. October 1961 - February 1962.
10a. May - October 1962.
10b. November 1962 - February 1963.
11. May - July 1963.
UND/CC2/12-14   November 1946 - July 1960
Academic Board : General, comprising correspondence (with the registrar of the University of Durham, and with staff, apologies for absence, etc.), and some agenda papers of committees of the Academic Board (including New Developments in Arts May 1960).
12a. November 1946 - July 1948.
12b. September 1948 - November 1951.
13b. November 1951 - July 1954.
13a. September 1954 - December 1955.
14. January 1956 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/15-18   June 1946 - July 1960
Accommodation : Lecture Rooms, comprising correspondence, completed application forms requesting use of rooms addressed to the secretary of the Durham Colleges' Students' Representative Council by individual student societies (these forms being signed as sanctioned by the DCSRC and [then forwarded to the secretary of the Durham Colleges]), also some programmes of conferences.
15. June 1946 - December 1949.
16. January 1950 - February 1952.
17b. March 1952 - February 1954.
17a. March 1954 - November 1956.
18. January 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/18a   December 1950 - September 1954
Accommodation Committee of Council, agendas, minutes and papers, especially consequent on the new buildings for St Mary's College and Mathematics and Geography, including surveys of buildings such as 24 and 26 North Bailey, and some correspondence, such as an extensive plea for Music department accommodation from Arthur Hutchings in February 1952.
Paper file
UND/CC2/19-20   1909 - 1959
Accounts, comprising single copies of Durham Colleges : Accounts (with the exception of a copy for the year 1919), from 1946 entitled Revenue Accounts for [year] and Balance Sheet, also a copy of the printed Summary of Accounts 1913-14 to 1917-18; almost all the Accounts are printed but the Accounts for 1917 are in MS. and the figures in the Accounts for 1916 and 1918 are both in MS. ( a number of the accounts have been signed by the treasurer and by the auditor), also single copies of printed University of Durham Revenue Account for [year] and Balance Sheet at, for 1949-50 to 1956-57 (but not for 1951-52 and 1955-56) and for King's College for 1953-54 and 1954-55; and a very little related correspondence up to 1959 and notes on accounts.
19b. 1909 - 1920.
19a. 1921 - 1942.
20. 1946 - 1959.
UND/CC2/21   18 August 1948 - 20 June 1963
Address List, comprising correspondence about change of address of students and staff and officers, also copy of printed The Durham Colleges : List of Addresses of University and College Officers in the Durham Division of the University of Durham, October 1958.
UND/CC2/22   23 November 1938 - 5 March 1959
Administrative Staff, comprising correspondence (with applicants for posts, interviewees, and appointees), copies of office notices, copies of text of job advertisements, and duty rota (for university police).
UND/CC2/23-26   July 1946 - July 1960
Admissions, comprising correspondence with and about students and prospective students (including those from overseas); also loose correspondence and papers relating to the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' Ad Hoc Committee on Procedures for Admission of Students comprising a copy of a completed questionnaire submitted by the Durham Colleges and other papers submitted [to the Committee] and a draft report of the Ad Hoc Committee.
23b. July 1946 - January 1947.
23a. February 1947 - July 1948.
24b. March 1948 - July 1950.
24a. August 1950 - December 1951.
25b. December 1951 - May 1955.
25a. June 1955 - August 1958.
26. March 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/27-28   October 1938 - June 1960
Advertising, comprising correspondence with the press and texts of advertisements of posts and some press cuttings of such advertisements, and a few further particulars of posts.
27b. October 1938 - December 1948.
27a. January 1949 - July 1953.
28b. November 1953 - March 1958.
28a. March 1958 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/29-31   December 1941 - May 1955
Affiliated Colleges, comprising correspondence (especially of the Warden, Dr James Duff) including that with the Colonial Higher Education Commission, London, the Colonial Office, and the Inter-University Council for Higher Education in the Colonies, and Fourah Bay College, with and about The Technical College, Sunderland, Fourah Bay College and Codrington College (especially); also some agenda papers of the Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee (including copies of the Colony of Sierra Leone Sessional Papers No. 13 of 1948 (on Higher Education in Sierra Leone) and 1 of 1949 (on Fourah Bay College), the committee's Report on Fourah Bay College, [1952], and a copy of the Fourah Bay College Development Plan 1951 - 1956); and including a copy of the Durham Colleges' Statute and Regulations concerning Affiliated Colleges, n.d.
29b. December 1941 - July 1949.
29a. August 1949 - May 1951.
30b. April 1951 - February 1952.
30a. March 1952 - February 1953.
31. October 1953 - May 1955.
UND/CC2/32-33   1953 - 1959
Annual Reports - Colleges and Departments, comprising mainly duplicated typescript annual reports of colleges, Science departments, some individual other departments, and some related correspondence; also the Warden's Report to Council for Sessions 1955 - 1959.
32b. 1953 - 1955.
32a. 1955 - 1956.
33b. 1956 - 1958.
33a. 1958 - 1959.
UND/CC2/34   November 1941 - [December 1955]
Annual Report : Warden, comprising duplicated typescript and typescript annual reports of the Warden to the Council and of annual reports of some departments, Colleges and Societies (and galley proof of the Warden's Report for 1954 -55), and a very little related correspondence.
34b. 1956 - 1958.
34a. 1955 - 1956.
UND/CC2/35   1 February 1938 - 1 March 1947
Correspondence with Dr M. P. Applebey, comprising correspondence of the treasurer of the Council of the Durham Colleges with Dr Applebey (of ICI Ltd., Billingham and [home address] Hartburn, Stockton-on-Tees) on Estates Committee business, investments, real property, etc. (Correspondence in 1941 makes reference to Durham House Settlement)
UND/CC2/36-38   November 1946 - March 1960
Appointments Board, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers for meetings of the University of Durham Appointments Board, and a very little related correspondence. (including copies of the 10th - 14th Annual Reports of the Board, 1955 - 1959 and of the 1st and 2nd published Annual Reports of the Board, 1957/8 and 1958 -59.
36. November 1946 - March 1950.
37b. May 1950 - April 1953.
37a. May 1953 - November 1955.
38b. February 1956 - May 1958.
38a. June 1958 - March 1960.
UND/CC2/39   19 October 1949 - 26 June 1951
Appointment of Chancellor, comprising Dr Duff (Warden)' s correspondence concerning Dr G.M. Trevelyan's appointment as chancellor and about those to receive honorary degrees at the congregation at which the chancellor will confer honorary degrees; about the chancellor's installation ; and about the chancellor presiding at degree congregations later on (with the text of [the chancellor's installation speech]).
UND/CC2/40   9 March 1946 - 16 July 1948
Appointments (General), comprising correspondence with applicants for academic and academic-related posts; very rarely includes a curriculum vitae or particulars of the post.
UND/CC2/41-42   8 January 1946 - October 1960
[Appointments (Terms and Conditions)], comprising duplicated typescript Terms and Conditions of appointment of various academic and academic-related posts, and a very little related correspondence.
41b. 1945 - 1952.
41a. 1953 - February 1959.
42. February 1959 - October 1960.
UND/CC2/43   15 November 1948 - 8 December 1959
Department of Archaeology, comprising correspondence (especially with Eric Birley), agenda papers of the Standing Committee for Archaeology (a Durham Colleges' Committee), and annual reports of the Department of Archaeology.
43b. November 1948 - November 1954.
43a. December 1954 - December 1959.
UND/CC2/44   21 May 1949 - 26 January 1955
[Arts General Degree], comprising correspondence (including that with students) about the BA in General Studies, and agenda papers of the Committee on 1st Year Course for BA in General Studies (a committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Durham) and of the Committee on the Organisation and Working of the Faculty of Arts.
UND/CC2/45   (14 September 1955) - 4 July 1960
Assembly Rooms, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers of the Committee of Management of the Assembly Rooms and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC2/46   5 December 1955 - April 1960
Associated Examining Board, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers of the Associated Examining Board for the General Certificate of Education (with offices in London ) and a very little related correspondence; copies of some AEB publications are loose in the file. (Sir James Duff was a member of the Board.)
UND/CC2/47   10 March 1954 - April 1960
Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth, comprising copies of ACU circular letters (regarding vacancies in Commonwealth universities, etc.), lists of academic visitors to the UK, and some correspondence (including regarding Sir James Duff's tour following the AUBC Quinquennial Congress held in Montreal in 1958).
UND/CC2/48   February 1957 - July 1960
Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth, comprising lists of academic visitors to the UK, agenda papers (reports of the Executive Council of the AUBC), AUBC circulars, and some correspondence.
UND/CC2/49   January - May 1960
BBC Governors Agenda Documents, comprising copies of duplicated typescript agenda papers G9/60 - G57/60 (reports, and recommendations and notes); does not include any correspondence or minutes. [Sir James Duff served as a governor of the BBC, 1959 - 65, and was its vice-chairman, 1960 -65, and temporary chairman, 1964.]
UND/CC2/50-51   October 1935 - July 1960
Bede College, comprising correspondence (especially between the warden and the principal) and some agenda papers of the Committee of the College, later of the Governing Body (including copies of the Annual Report).
50b. October 1935 - September 1950.
50a. October 1950 - August 1953.
51b. January 1954 - October 1957.
51a. November 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/52   15 May 1933, 1 February 1938 - 28 January 1944
Correspondence with E.T. Bell, comprising correspondence of the treasurer with Mr E.T.Bell [estate agent and receiver to the Durham Colleges, who died on 25 December 1943], at the Estates Office, 1 Queen Street, Durham, about individual university properties, including farms and woods, and a little about Mr Bell following his death.
UND/CC2/53   22 September 1954 - 10 December 1959
Blood Transfusion Service, comprising correspondence, principally about arrangements for accommodation of the service for blood donor sessions at Durham.
UND/CC2/54   July 1939 - November 1949
Board of Extra-Mural Studies, comprising agenda papers of the Board, correspondence, and related papers (including published Universities Council for Adult Education : Report on the Years 1945-6 and 1946-7 and Report on the War Years 1939-40 to 1944-45).
54b. July 1939 - June 1948.
54a. July 1948 - November 1949.
UND/CC2/55-57   May 1952 - May 1960
Board of the Faculty of Arts, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers for meetings of the Board of the Faculty of Arts (of the University of Durham); does not include any correspondence.
55b. May 1952 - May 1955.
55a. October 1955 - February 1956.
56b. February 1956 - March 1957.
56a. May 1957 - May 1958.
57b. November 1958 - April 1959.
57a. May 1959 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/58-59   November 1951 - July 1960
Board of the Faculty of Science [of the University of Durham], comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers and a very little related correspondence; loose in the file is a duplicated typescript Annual Report of the Science Departments, 1954 -1955.
58b. November 1951 - April 1956.
58a. May 1956 - August 1958.
59. August 1958 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/60   [c. September ] 1948 - 20 November 1959
Botany, comprising correspondence with Professor Valentine (etc.), also duplicated typescript reports of the Department of Botany for Session 1948-9 and for 1949/50, 1950/51, 1951/2, 1952/3 and 1953/4, and programme [of the Department of Botany] for the Quinquennium 1957/62 (detailing the department's needs).
UND/CC2/61-63   October 1946 - July 1960
British Council, comprising correspondence about foreign university interchange scheme and visits (arranged by the British Council) made to Durham (by British Council scholarship holders, Soviet professors, etc.), lists of British Council scholars at present studying in the UK, and copies of British Council circulars, correspondence about short courses and vacation schools Includes some particulars of the Commonwealth University Interchange Scheme and British Council application forms for travel grants (under the Commonwealth University Interchange Scheme) (in 62a), the British Council's handbook 1959-60 Scholarships Abroad (in 63a) and some circulars about the Foreign University Interchange Scheme.
61b. October 1946 - July 1950.
61a. August 1950 - April 1953.
62b. May 1953 - September 1956.
62a. October 1956 - December 1957.
63b. January 1958 - November 1959.
63a. December 1959 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/64-65   November 1956 - September 1960
Buildings Committee of Durham Colleges, comprising agenda papers (including copies of minutes) for meetings and a very little associated correspondence.
64b. November 1956 - June 1958.
64a. June 1958 - June 1960.
65. November 1957 - September 1960.
UND/CC2/66   15 October 1948 - 24 November 1959
Calendar, comprising correspondence about University Calendar, (Handbook of Regulations, Prospectuses, and University Almanack) entries, and some agenda papers of the University of Durham Calendar Committee; loose in the file is a copy of p.1-69 of Vol. I of the University Calendar for 1955 -56.
UND/CC2/67   June 1952 - 18 August 1955
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, comprising correspondence (about marks obtained in GCE examinations by named candidates who have applied for admission to Durham) and copies of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate Regulations for GCE Examinations . (The Syndicate's responses to these enquiries are not on this file.)
UND/CC2/68   28 July 1948 - 4 July 1960
Car Park - Palace Green, comprising correspondence (including that with University police) about the issue of car parking permits and about the use of the car park; also some lists of 'Cathedral Engagements' [i.e. services].
68b. July 1948 - April 1957.
68a. May 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/69   29 November 1948 - 2 February 1955, 8 March - 15 July 1960
Chairman - General, comprising copies of letters written by the chairman of the Council of the Durham Colleges ( Dr Applebey, later -1955 onwards- Dr E.F. Collingwood), principally addressed to the warden, Dr Duff, and copies of some letters to Dr Applebey.
UND/CC2/70   23 August 1948 - 6 July 1960
Department of Chemistry, comprising correspondence (especially with Professor G.E. Coates ), also some particulars of applicants for posts and some Sessional Reports for the department.
70b. August 1948 - April 1956.
70a. May 1956 - July 1960
UND/CC2/71-72   December 1946 - March 1960
Civil Service, comprising correspondence with and about individual students who were candidates for Civil Service posts, and copies of Civil Service Commission circular letters.
71b. December 1946 - March 1950.
71a. April 1950 - June 1953.
72b. January 1954 - October 1955.
72a. November 1955 - March 1960.
UND/CC2/73   30 July 1948 - 25 July 1960
Department of Classics, comprising correspondence, also copies of Sessional reports of the department, some agendas of a committee of the Academic Board (about a lectureship in Classics), and details of honours and general classes (courses, subjects, number of lectures per session, lecturer, and number of hours per week).
73b. July 1948 - July 1956.
73a. August 1956 - July 1960.
Moved to UND/CF3/D1952-1963, 31 October 2011.
UND/CC2/79-81   January 1941 - June 1958
Committees - Miscellaneous, comprising principally agenda papers (and related correspondence) of various committees including the Riddell Memorial Lectures Committee, the Committee on Accommodation, statutory committees (on individual chairs and readerships), Nominating Committee, Calendar Committee, Excavation Committee, Heads of Houses Committee, Buildings Committee, the Gardens and Grounds Sub-Committee, Museum of Roman Antiquities Joint Committee of Management, Board of the Faculty of Applied Science, Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee, Board of the Faculty of Education, Stipends Committee, also minutes of the Board of the Faculty of Science, 22 January 1941.
79b. January 1941 - March 1950.
79a. March 1950 - June 1951.
80b. July 1951 - September 1954.
80a. October 1954 - December 1955.
81b. July 1954 - May 1957.
81a. May 1957 - June 1958.
UND/CC2/82-83   September 1949 - March 1960
Commonwealth Fund Fellowships Committee of Award, comprising correspondence, and some agenda papers, and the notes of Sir James Duff (a member of the Committee) on candidates, and mark sheets.
82b. September 1949 - May 1951.
82a. June 1951 - December 1953.
83. January 1954 - March 1960.
UND/CC2/84   19 September 1938 - 23 October 1959
Concessions, comprising correspondence with and about students, and some agenda papers of the Concessions Committees of the Faculties of Arts and of Science.
UND/CC2/85   29 May 1946 - 5 July 1960
Congregations, a very little correspondence, also circulars about degree congregations, and detail/instructions for marshals and others.
85b. May 1946 - June 1953.
85a. July 1953 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/86   13 May 1954 - 23 December 1959
Congregations, comprising a very few copies of Detail for Marshals and Others, and corrected texts of the Reports of the Vice-Chancellor [Sir James Duff] to the Annual Meetings of Convocation, 2 July 1954 and 2 July 1955; includes some correspondence with Dr G.M. Trevelyan [chancellor of the university].
86b. May 1954 - June 1956.
86a. June 1956 - December 1959.
UND/CC2/104   11 June - 5 November 1963
Council Minutes and Agendas, comprising duplicated typescript minutes and agendas for meetings of the Council of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham, later (for the meeting of 5 November 1963 only) the Council of the University of Durham; includes a copy of The Durham Colleges in the University of Durham : Report by the Warden for the year 1962 -63; does not include any correspondence.
UND/CC2/105-108   June 1946 - June 1960
Council [of the Durham Colleges] General, comprising correspondence (including that with the registrar of the University of Durham and including that about a visit by Mr Eamon de Valera), 24 June 1946 - 19 April 1950; also some few Council agenda papers (including Memorandum on Library Staff : Numbers and Salaries, n.d. [1949]) and minutes of the third meeting of the Executive Committee of the British Association, 18 November 1948 (which Lord Eustace Percy chaired); and Standing Orders of the Council of the Durham Colleges, November 1937, and including reports of Council committees and copy minutes of the Governing Body of University College, 4 October 1955, University College's Report on the Academic Year 1954/55, and the Constitution of the Durham Women's Union Society (1956).
105b. June 1946 - May 1948.
105a. May 1948 - April 1950.
106b. May 1950 - November 1951.
106a. December 1951 - June 1953.
107b. July 1953 - September 1954.
107a. October 1954 - December 1955.
108b. January 1956 - July 1957.
108a. August 1957 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/112-118   April 1949 - July 1959
Council of Arts, Science and Technology Committee (CAST), comprising copies of duplicated typescript agenda papers of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Colleges of Arts, Science and Technology (ACCAST) which from September 1957 onwards became The Council for Overseas Colleges of Arts, Science and Technology (COCAST, whose's office was at 12 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London) (Sir James Duff was a member, along with the Council of Ghana University College), and related correspondence. [This Committee was serviced by the Colonial Office.] The agenda papers include: Colony of Sierra Leone : Higher Education in the British West African Colonies (Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1947); Colony of Sierra Leone : Survey of Technical and Further Education : Sierra Leone and Gambia (Freetown, 1949); Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone : Survey of the Secondary Schools of Sierra Leone with recommendations concerning their curricula by A. E. Nichols (Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1950); Report by the Secretary [ of the Advisory Committee] on his visit to West Africa, May/June 1952; a letter from the bishop of Sierra Leone to Sir James Duff, 12 January 1954, on the latter's [impending] visit to Sierra Leone; Sir James's correspondence of February 1953 regarding his recent visit; the report by Sir James Duff on his visit to Fourah Bay College in the 17 February 1953 meeting minutes; Report of the Working Party on Higher Education in East Africa, (1955); particulars of advertised posts at Fourah Bay College; correspondence of Sir James Duff with Professor E.J.R. Eaglesham, professor of Education, which inter alia reveals that in 1946 the University of Durham gave notice to all affiliated theological colleges that it would abolish the Licence in Theology in 1949 and so the affiliation of all these colleges came to an end; copy of the letter of Sir James Duff to the Secretary of the Council, 4 June 1959, in which he resigned from the membership of COCAST with the transfer of Fourah Bay College from the auspices of COCAST to those of the IUC, a transfer which a later letter reveals that he welcomed.
112b. April 1949 - June 1950.
112a. June 1950 - April 1951.
113b. February - October 1951.
113a. November 1951 - January 1953.
114b. February 1953 - January 1954.
114a. January 1954 - May 1954.
115b. June 1954 - March 1955.
115a. April - December 1955.
116b. January - July 1956.
116a. July - December 1956.
117b. January - July 1957.
117a. August 1957 - October 1958.
118. July 1958 - July 1959.
UND/CC2/119-120   June 1957 - December 1960
Agenda papers for meetings of the Court of the University of Durham (including copies of the printed minutes of the Council and of the University's Revenue Account and Balance Sheet); no correspondence on the file. Loose in 119a: University of Durham : King's College Newcastle upon Tyne : Rector's Report 1956 - 57. (The Earl of Scarbrough served as chairman of the Court of the University, October 1946 - March 1957.)
119b. June 1957 - May 1958.
119a. May 1958 - June 1959.
120b. June - December 1959.
120a. December 1959 - December 1960.
UND/CC2/121-132   1940 - March 1963
Court - Correspondence and Minutes, comprising agenda papers (including minutes ) for Court meetings and a very little related correspondence, includes in 132: University of Durham : King's College Newcastle upon Tyne Rector's Report 1961-1962.
121b. 1940, December 1945 - March 1947.
121a. March 1947 - February 1949.
122b. March 1949 - July 1950.
122a. July 1950 - May 1951.
123. June 1951 - May 1953.
124b. November 1953 - March 1954.
124a. March - December 1954.
125. December 1954 - March 1955.
126b. May - December 1955.
126a. December 1955 - March 1956.
127b. March - June 1956.
127a. June - December 1956.
128. December 1956 - January 1960.
129. March - July 1960.
130b. December 1960 - December 19861.
130a. December 1961 - May 1962.
131. December 1962.
132. July 1962 - March 1963.
UND/CC2/133-134   November 1937 - May 1953
Court - Treasurer's Committee of, comprising agenda papers for meetings 13 March 1951 - 12 March 1953 (including minutes of the Committee up to those for the meeting held on 20 May 1953), and a very little related correspondence. The agenda papers include copies of the Balance Sheet and Revenue Account of King's College, the Accounts of the Durham Colleges, and the Revenue Account and Balance Sheet of the University of Durham.
133b. November 1937, June 1938 - December 1948.
133a. December 1948 - December 1950.
134. March 1951 - May 1953.
UND/CC2/135   February 1943 - 10 November 1955
DTC, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of Darlington Training College (including the principal's reports, minutes of the Committee, Handbook for Students 1953 - 54, Annual Report 1948 - 49, and copies of the following issues of D.O.S.A. News Sheet : Nos. 10 (Dec. 1943), 20 - 22 (Dec. 1948 - Dec. 1949), 24 (Dec. 1950), and 26 and 27 (Nov. 1951 and May 1952).
135b. February 1943 - November 1951.
135a. November 1951 - November 1955.
UND/CC2/136   18 July 1948 - 18 June 1960
Demonstrators, comprising correspondence relating to the filling of posts and the appointment of Demonstrators, together with a copy of a duplicated typescript note on “Remuneration of Student Demonstrators and their Liability to Contribute to National Insurance” , n.d. [?1952].
UND/CC2/137   January 1955 - 2 March 1960
De Pauw Exchange Scholarship Scheme, correspondence about the selection of individual students to take part in the exchange scheme with De Pauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, USA, and lists of applications (under the De Pauw Exchange Scholarship Scheme, the Scholarship was held at De Pauw University).
UND/CC2/138   January 1958 - 25 June 1960
Development Programme Committee, comprising agenda papers of the Development Programme Committee of the Durham Colleges, and a little related correspondence.
UND/CC2/139   5 February 1958 - 13 July 1960
Development Programme, comprising correspondence (principally of the Warden, including that with Sir Basil Spence); also copies of duplicated typescript report (on “the Provisional Building Programme (of the Durham Colleges) 1962 - 1968” (March 1960)) and agenda papers of the Development Programme Committee (of the Durham Colleges).
UND/CC2/140   11 June 1948 - 4 March 1954
Durham Colleges Athletic Union, agenda papers of the DCAU's committee and general meeting and of the Durham University Athletic Union (including copies of the DUAU constitution, laws and standing orders 1947, the DCAU constitution and standing orders 1949, the DCAU constitution 1947, and the suggested revised constitution of the DCAU [up to 1953]); correspondence; and copies of sports equipment catalogues 1947.
UND/CC2/141   27 January 1955 - 30 June 1960
Durham Colleges' Athletic Union, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence; loose in the file: copy of the DCAU constitution and standing orders (1954), and copies of sports equipment catalogues.
UND/CC2/143-145   10 November - 2 December 1924, October 1944 - March 1958
Education faculty and department, comprising [some] agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Education, faculty committees, and the Durham Colleges' joint committee for Education, and annual reports on the work of the Department of Education; some duplicated typescript papers of the Department of Education (syllabuses, vacation course details, etc) and correspondence (of the warden etc), including: correspondence/copy of correspondence with the Board of Education about the status of St Hild's College and Bede College, 10 November - 2 December 1924 which Dr Holgate (secretary of the Durham Colleges' office) sent to the warden on 12 May 1951; J.G.A. Pocock (Research Fellow in Education), “University of Durham : Survey of the Materials available on the history of education in the North East of England 1500 - 1800” (duplicated typescript, August 1952); a “Summary of Teacher Training Survey” [re Western Germany] (duplicated typescript, August 1956); A Survey of Teacher Training in Western Germany (August 1956); [Mr A. Pennington of the Department of Education, Durham, was involved with the visit to West Germany].
143b. October 1944 - July 1949.
143a. July 1949 - February 1952 (including November - December 1924).
144b. March 1952 - September 1953.
144a. September 1953 - December 1955.
145b. January - October 1956.
145a. October 1956 - March 1958.
UND/CC2/146   24 November 1948 - 13 July 1960
Department of English, comprising correspondence; posters and notices of lectures ; a few annual reports of the department; some agenda papers of the Board of Studies in English for a meeting on 7 February 1955; some particulars of posts; and agenda papers for a committee of the Academic Board (of the Durham Colleges) regarding a lectureship in English, 1949.
UND/CC2/147   28 June 1954 - 28 April 1959
English Speaking Union, comprising agenda papers of the Committee of the Northumberland and Durham Branch of the English-Speaking Union (the agenda papers including membership lists); and correspondence (with the chairman, the hon. secretary, etc; Sir James Duff was a member of the committee).
UND/CC2/148-149   4 February 1947 - 28 June 1948
Entrance Scholarships, comprising completed entry forms (for Entrance Scholarships in Arts and Science at the Durham Colleges); correspondence; lists of awards made; lists of candidates; particulars of entrance and other scholarships; and a few MS. and printed examination papers.
148. 4 February 1947 - 23 February 1948.
149. 10 March - 28 June 1948, this file does not include any examination papers.
UND/CC2/150-156   March 1946 - June 1960
Estates Committee, comprising minutes and agenda papers of the Estates Committee of the Durham Colleges; the only correspondence is with Professor T.W. Thacker regarding the upkeep costs of an Alsatian dog of the caretaker of Elvet Hill, December 1956.
150b. March 1946 - September 1948.
150a. September 1948 - June 1950.
151b. June 1950 - September 1951.
151a. September 1951 - July 1952.
152b. August 1952 - April 1953.
152a. April 1953 - December 1954.
153b. March 1954 - March 1955.
153a. April - December 1955.
154b. January - May 1956.
154a. June - December 1956.
155b. January - June 1957.
155a. June 1957 - October 1958.
156b. December 1958 - October 1959.
156a. October 1959 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/157   November 1958 - September 1960
Estates Committee (Warden), copies of minutes and some agendas (no correspondence).
UND/CC2/158   April 1951 - June 1958
Examination Results, comprising copies of notices / lists of those who had passed various (undergraduate and postgraduate degree and diploma etc.) examinations of the University of Durham and a very little related correspondence (regarding failure rates 1954 - 1956).
158b. April 1951 - June 1957.
158a. June 1957 - June 1958.
UND/CC2/159   October 1949 - October 1951
Extra-Mural Studies Board of University of Durham (Durham Division): annual reports, agenda papers for Board meetings, and correspondence, etc; includes: (161a) agenda papers for the 46th anniversary meeting of the Northern District of the WEA, 13 October 1956; (162) largely correspondence with Northern News Sheet (WEA Northern District) No. 1 (1957), WEA Northern District 47th Annual Report 1956-57, WEA Northern District: Trade Union Education 1955-56-57, and Universities Council for Adult Education: Report on the Year 1955-1956; (164) particulars of the post of director of Extra-Mural Studies in the Durham Division, applications for this post, and correspondence (including that with Sir Eric Ashby) on the subject (Mr T.F. Daveney was appointed).
159b. October 1949 - October 1950.
159a. October 1950 - October 1951.
160b. November 1951 - August 1953.
160a. September 1953 - June 1954.
161b. July 1954 - September 1955.
161a. October 1955 - December 1956.
162. January 1957 - July 1960.
163b. October 1957 - December 1958.
163a. January - July 1959.
164. August 1959 - August 1960.
UND/CC2/170   February 1938 - 27 November 1946
Fees, Student, correspondence (arranged alphabetically by surname / institution) with and about students about student fees.
UND/CC2/171   22 December 1948 - 27 February 1956
Fees Committee, comprising correspondence (including that with and about individual students); also a copy of a few [agenda papers of the Fees Committee], 1949-1950.
UND/CC2/174   July 1941 - March 1942, February 1945 - 24 October 1951
Fellowships and Exhibitions (University) Research Studentships, comprising correspondence with and about applicants and holders of such posts.
174b. July 1941 - March 1942, February 1945 - June 1947.
174a. June 1947 - October 1951.
UND/CC2/175   3 December 1951 - 2 May 1960
Fellowships and Exhibitions University, comprising correspondence with (and about) applicants (only).
175b. December 1951 - March 1956.
175a. April 1956 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/176   8 November 1955 - May 1960
Finance and General Purposes Committee, comprising agenda papers for meetings of the University of Durham's Court committee; there is no correspondence on the file.
176b. November 1955 - May 1958.
176a. May 1958 - May 1960
UND/CC2/177-185   March 1952 - July 1960
Fourah Bay College, comprising agenda papers for meetings of the Council of the College and correspondence (of the warden Sir James Duff, etc.) with the principal of the college and others, and including: a note that any correspondence before March 1952 will probably be found in IUC, ACCAST or AFC files; correspondence regarding a visit by college staff to Durham in July 1954); copies of candidates' applications for posts at the college (including the principalship, 1955); correspondence about candidates applying to study at Durham; Report of the Sierra Leone Education Commission (Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1954) (concerning Fourah Bay College and its future, stating inter alia that the college receives Colonial Development and Welfare assistance allocated through ACCAST; printed copy of the royal charter constituting “Fourah Bay College - The University College of Sierra Leone” agreed by the Privy Council on 21 December 1959; copy of printed Draft Charter and Statutes of the College, 13 August 1959; and Sierra Leone : Report of the Sierra Leone Education Commission (Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1954) [another copy of this Report is loose in file 180].
177b. March 1952 - February 1954.
177a. February - June 1954.
178b. June - November 1954.
178a. November 1954 - May 1955.
179b. May 1955 - June 1956.
179a. July 1956 - October 1957.
180. November 1956 - July 1960.
181b. December 1956 - January 1958.
181a. January - May 1958.
182b. January - September 1958.
182a. October 1958 - April 1959.
183b. March - July 1959.
183a. July 1959 - April 1960.
184. 1954, 1959, 11 May - 6 July 1960.
185b. May - August 1955.
185a. August 1955 - November 1956.
UND/CC2/186   20 July 1948 - 18 July 1960
French Assistant [in the Durham Colleges], comprising correspondence with and about French Lectrices, French Lecteurs and related papers.
UND/CC2/187   14 October 1948 - 1 July 1960
French Department, correspondence, principally with Professor J. Lough, including that regarding appointments to the staff, also copies of the department's annual reports, lecture lists, and class lists (for teaching).
187b. October 1948 - February 1954.
187a. March 1954 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/188   7 January 1949 - 12 May 1960
Fulbright Scheme, comprising lists of visiting lecturers, etc. under the Fulbright Awards Scheme; other Fulbright Scheme circulars; and correspondence regarding Fulbright Scholars and their proposed visits to Durham.
188b. January 1949 - May 1952.
188a. June 1952 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/195   June / July 1954
GCE Examination Results Arts, comprising Durham Colleges forms on which are entered the GCE Examination Results for candidates (one form per candidate) and noting whether the applicant is a candidate for Honours and if so in which Honours School. (File arranged in sections per Examination Board.)
Closed until 2035 under the Data Protection Act.
UND/CC2/196   1953 - July 1954
GCE Examination Results Science, comprising Durham Colleges forms on which are entered the GCE Examination Results for candidates (one form per candidate) and noting whether the applicant is a candidate for Honours and if so in which Honours School, June / July 1954. (File arranged in sections per Examination Board.)
Loose in the file : statistics of results of students entering degree courses in October 1948 and in October 1949, and survey of general and pass degree results in June and September 1953, and also GCE results for a number of students ( applicants for places at Durham) per Examination Board, June 1954.
Closed until 2035 under the Data Portection Act.
UND/CC2/197   1955
GCE marks of candidates applying in 1955 (with some for 1956), comprising a record (on forms of The Durham Colleges) of the name, address, school, college (applied for admission to), results of the candidate, and whether the candidate is for Honours and if so in which school; the forms (one per applicant) are arranged in alphabetical sections of the file. Includes: (155) individual Examination Boards' results for several students.
197a. A-E.
197b. F-Z.
Closed until 2036 under the Data Protection Act.
UND/CC2/198-204   1956 - 1962
GCE marks of candidates applying for admission in .. to GCE marks of candidates applying for admission in October 1962, record (on Durham Colleges forms) of the name etc. of candidates (recording the information under the headings as on file 197). The Examination Boards' results for several students are generally loose in the files.
198. 1956.
199. 1957.
200. 1958.
201a. 1959 A-F.
201b. 1959 G-Z.
202a. 1960 A-G.
202b. 1960 H-Z.
203a. 1961 A-L.
203b. 1961 M-Z.
204a. 1962 A-L.
204b. 1962 M-Z.
Closed until 2043 under the Data Protection Act.
UND/CC2/205   10 November 1949 - 31 March 1960
Geography Department, comprising correspondence, also sessional reports, agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the chair of Geography at Durham (1956, to which Dr W.B. Fisher was appointed), and papers regarding other appointments.
UND/CC2/206   2 November 1948 - 10 June 1960
Geology Department, comprising correspondence (principally with Professor K.C. Dunham), and some sessional/annual reports (up to that for 1953/54).
UND/CC2/207   8 October 1948 - 11 July 1960
German Department, comprising correspondence, collections' results, agenda papers for Academic Board Committee (on the lectureship in German, 1956), and annual reports (for the period up to that for 1954/55).
UND/CC2/208   24 September 1948 - 18 June 1960
German and Lektor, comprising correspondence with and about applicants and those appointed Lektor in German (including some curricula vitarum).
UND/CC2/209-211   November 1951 - 16 July 1960
Gold Coast - University College, comprising agenda papers of the Council of the University College of the Gold Coast (from 1957 the University College of Ghana) and related papers (including copies of: the University College's “Notices”; University College Reporter (Reports and Recommendations made to the Senate) No. 259 (16 March 1960) Vol. 7 No. 23; and Report of the Grants Committee on Higher Education in Ghana (Accra, April 1959); the Bye-Laws of the University College of the Gold Coast …published as Official Notice No. 37 of 19 January 1954 and the Bye-Laws of the University College of Ghana…incorporating amendments approved by the University College Council at its 21st and 24th meetings, 1 July 1957), and related correspondence (of Sir James Duff, who was one of the two representatives of the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas on the Council of the University College, including with the Ghanaian prime minister Dr K. Nkrumah.)
209b. November 1951 - November 1952.
209a. December 1952 - May 1954.
210b. April 1954 - January 1956.
210a. February - December 1956.
211b. April 1956 - May 1959.
211a. June 1959 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/212   October 1940 - 20 May 1949
Governing Bodies. University and Hatfield (Joint Governing Body) 1936 to 1948, comprising agenda papers of the Joint Governing Body of University College and Hatfield College, and related correspondence (including a memorandum by Professor J.L. Burchnall [Professor of Mathematics] on University College and Hatfield College, 13 June 1943). In an envelope on the file are copies of applications for the lectureship in Theology at Durham (including that of the Revd H.F.D. Sparks [who was appointed to the post in 1936 and held it until 1946] ) and references in respect of the same, 1936, and (some) of the agenda papers for a meeting of the Council of the Durham Colleges to be held on 1 July 1936 (which include reference to the appointment of a lecturer in Theology).
UND/CC2/213   3 December 1947 - 18 February 1960
Grace Term, comprising correspondence communicating Senate resolutions allowing students a Grace Term (owing to illness or personal problems) and related correspondence about the students in question.
UND/CC2/214   15 April 1959 - 15 July 1960
Grey College, comprising correspondence with the Master etc., also copy of the minutes of the Grey College Building Sub-Committee (of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham) 11 December 1959. File includes “Notes on the ultimate size of Grey College” [probably written by Dr Sidney Holgate, the Master].
UND/CC2/215-216   16 November 1938 - 11 July 1960
Hatfield College, comprising agenda papers of the Governing Body of Hatfield College (including annual report), and correspondence.
215b. November 1938 - October 1952.
215a. November 1952 - November 1955.
216. February 1956 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/218-222   November 1948 - August 1960
Hebrew and Oriental Studies Department, comprising agenda papers of the Standing Committee for Oriental Studies and the Academic Board Committee on Oriental Studies (which latter body recommended that a Standing Committee for Oriental Studies be formed); annual reports of the Department of Oriental Studies; agenda papers of committees of the Academic Board (of the Durham Colleges) regarding appointments to lectureships; agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the readership in Turkish; and a good deal of correspondence (especially with Professor T.W. Thacker, Dr H.N. Spalding of Oxford (a benefactor of the department of Oriental Studies), Mr Malcolm Macdonald, Mr Raymond Dawson (a lecturer in Chinese), the University Grants Committee and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on the opening of the Gulbenkian Museum [on 28 May 1960]).
Includes: (218) a memorandum on the “Expenditure of the Scarbrough Grant” [ written by Professor Thacker], n.d. [ 1948]; (219) a paper [written by Dr Spalding, and also supported by others] on “The Promotion of Ethical, Philosophic, and Religious Education and Culture”; (220) Dr Spalding's memorandum on “A worldwide movement to strengthen religion” [1952]; (221) Professor Thacker's memorandum on housing the Malcolm Macdonald Collection; (221) the Union for the Study of the Great Religions: Sixth News Letter, June 1956.
218. November 1948 - December 1950.
219b. February - October 1951.
219a. October 1951 - May 1952.
220b. May 1952 - February 1953.
220a. February - December 1953.
221b. January 1954 - October 1955.
221a. October 1955 - December 1956.
222b. December 1956 - August 1958.
222a. September 1958 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/223-225   February 1948 - July 1960
Higher Degrees, correspondence with and regarding candidates for higher degrees, agenda papers of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Arts and (to a lesser extent) the Faculties of Science and Education, lists of research students, and some copies of [notices] reporting the names and thesis titles of those who had satisfied the examiners (for a higher degree). Includes copies of some examiners' reports amongst the agenda papers of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Arts.
223b. February 1948 - January 1953.
223a. January 1953 - October 1954.
224b. November 1954 - July 1956.
224a. July 1956 - December 1957.
225b. January 1958 - February 1959.
225a. February 1959 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/226   10 December 1948 - 12 May 1960
History Department, comprising correspondence of Sir James Duff and others with Professor Edward Hughes, Sir Alexander Fleck FRS, and others (including correspondence about the Isabel Fleck Award); some applications for the lectureship in Modern History (as part of the agenda papers of the committee on the lectureship in Modern History, 1957); papers relating to the lectureship in History, 1949 (as part of the agenda papers of the Committee of Academic Board on the vacant Lectureship in History [to which Mr K.L. Ellis was appointed]); some annual reports of the department; and copies (on the file) of the published inaugural lectures of Professors E. Birley ( Archaeology in the North of England, 1958), H.S. Offler (Medieval Historians of Durham, 1958), and W.B. Fisher ( The Middle East; Then And Now, 1958).
UND/CC2/227-228   September 1942 - July 1960
Honorary Degrees, comprising correspondence of Sir James Duff and others with and about honorary graduands (and about persons whose names were suggested for honorary degrees); also some agenda papers of the University of Durham Honorary Degrees Committee. The correspondence includes that with Professor A.M. Ramsey (Hon. D.D., 1951) and those, including Mr C Roy Hudleston, on whom service degrees were conferred.
227b. September 1942 - July 1946.
227a. August 1946 - August 1953.
228b. September 1953 - November 1955.
228a. November 1955 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/229   November 1956 - December 1959
Hungarian Students, comprising agenda papers of the Hungarian Students Fund Committee (of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham), and correspondence regarding individual students (and also a little correspondence with individual students). The file also includes papers about the Durham Colleges' appeal for Hungary; minutes of a joint meeting of the (Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals') Committee on Hungarian Students and the Sub-Committee dealing with allocation of the students, 9 June 1958; other CVCP agenda papers of its Sub-Committee on the Selection of Hungarian Refugee Students; and copies of the following publications: Hungarian Refugee Students at U.S. Colleges and Universities: One Year Later (February 1957 - January 1958) and Hungarian Refugee Students at U.S. Colleges and Universities: A Progress Report (March 1957), both published by the Committee on Educational Interchange Policy (New York, USA).
UND/CC2/230-231   September 1948 - December 1958
I.C.I. Fellowships Committee, agenda papers and a very little related correspondence (of Sir James Duff, including that with Sir Alexander Fleck, FRS, [Chairman of I.C.I.], 1957, and of Dr Holgate.)
230b. September 1948 - February 1953.
230a. February 1953 - November 1955.
231b. December 1955 - January 1957.
231a. January 1957 - October 1958.
UND/CC2/231a   March - October 1956
I.C.I. Essay Prizes committee minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CC2/232-241   August 1947 - July 1960
Institute of Education, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham Delegacy of the Institute of Education (which held its first meeting on 16 January 1948), of the Institute's Finance, Academic and Appointment of Staff Tutors committees and correspondence (of Sir James Duff). Includes: (232) galley proof of the [Almanack] of the Institute of Education, [c.1948]; (233) the published Report of a conference on Britain's need for Higher Education (Campaign Committee for the Expansion of Higher Education, London, December 1947); (235) University of Durham Institute of Education : General Reports of External Examiners on Examinations for Diplomas and Certificates 1952; (236) University of Durham Institute of Education : General Reports of External Examiners on Examinations for Diplomas and Certificates 1953; (237). University of Durham Institute of Education : General Reports of External Examiners on Examinations for Diplomas and Certificates 1954; (238) The Department of Extension Services, Secondary Training College, Bombay : News- Letter, No. 3 (February 1956); (239) University of Durham Institute of Education General Reports of External Examiners on Examinations for Diplomas and Certificates 1957; (240) corrected carbon copy of a typescript report on the Faculty of Education and Institute of Education [in East Africa, ? at Makere University College] which appears to have been written by Professor Brian Stanley of the Institute of Education on a two months' visit to East Africa, dated 4 April 1958.
232b. August 1947 - June 1948.
232a. June - November 1948.
233b. December 1948 - July 1949.
233a. July 1949 - March 1950.
234b. March 1950 - January 1951.
234a. February 1951 - March 1952.
235b. January 1952 - March 1953.
235a. March 1953 - March 1954.
236b. March - October 1954.
236a. November 1954 - March 1955.
237b. March - December 1955.
237a. December 1955 - March 1956.
238b. March - November 1956.
238a. November - December 1956.
239b. October 1956 - September 1957.
239a. September 1957 - March 1958.
240b. April - November 1958.
240a. November 1958 - May 1959.
241b. June 1959 - February 1960.
241a. February - July 1960.
UND/CC2/242-256   October 1945 - August 1960
Inter-University Council for Higher Education in the Colonies/Overseas (renamed February 1955), agendas, also for its Executive Committee, and some related correspondence of Dr, later Sir, James Duff (including that relating to Fourah Bay College and that relating to a meeting with the Council's Secretary, Mr Walter Adams, and correspondence with subsequent secretaries Mr S.J. Worsley and Mr I.C.M. Maxwell). Includes:
(242) the Council was considering Education policy in Africa in 1947 and there is reference to the Report of a Commission on Higher Education in West Africa, Cmd. 6655 [?1947];
(243) a few agenda papers of the Colonial University Grants Advisory Committee;
(244) a report on the visit made by Sir James Duff and Dr Douglas Veale to West Africa in January 1953;
(245) a few agenda papers of the Colonial University Grants Advisory Committee and Report of the Commission on Higher Education for Africans in Central Africa (Central African Council, Salisbury, 1953);
(246) Report of the Committee of Enquiry on Medical Education in Malaya November - December 1953 (Colony of Singapore, 1954) and The University College of Khartoum …: Report and Accounts to 31st December 1953;
(249) Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas 1946-54, Cmd.9515, HMSO, 1955;
(253) The University of Khartoum…: Report and Accounts on the year ended 30th June 1957 and Report of the Committee appointed to review the policy of the University College of the West Indies December 1957 - January 1958 (committee chaired by A.S. Cato);
(254) Report on the Development of Veterinary Education in East Africa 24th November 1958 [submitted to the Colonial Secretary] and The Central African Journal of Medicine Supplement to Vol. 5 No. 3, March 1959 (being the 2nd report of the Medical School Planning Committee re the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland).
242b. October - November 1945.
242a. November 1945 - January 1950.
243b. February 1950 - April 1952.
243a. April - July 1952.
244b. August - October 1952.
244a. October 1952 - March 1953.
245b. March - September 1953.
245a. September - December 1953.
246b. January - March 1954.
246a. March - June 1954.
247b. June - September 1954.
247a. September - December 1954.
248b. January - July 1955.
248a. July - December 1955.
249b. January - May 1956.
249a. May - September 1956.
250. September - December 1956.
251b. January - February 1957.
251a. February - July 1957.
252b. July - November 1957.
252a. November 1957 - March 1958.
253b. April - October 1958.
253a. October 1958 - January 1959.
254b. January - March 1959.
254a. April - July 1959.
255b. August - December 1959.
255a. December 1959 - March 1960.
256b. May - July 1960.
256a. July - August 1960.
UND/CC2/257   19 January 1938 - 27 September 1950
Correspondence re Investments, comprising correspondence of the treasurer (including that with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (under the Universities and College Estates Act 1925) and with [? the Honorary Treasurer of the University]).
257b. January 1938 - February 1941.
257a. March 1941 - September 1950.
UND/CC2/259a   May 1938 - February 1951
Johnston School, comprising agendas of meetings of the governors of the Durham Johnston Grammar School and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC2/259b   June 1946 - August 1950
Joint Recruiting Board of the University of Durham: correspondence (with the secretary, etc.), lists of students who have applied for deferment (in order to enter colleges in the Durham division of the university), and some Ministry of Labour and National Service circular letters, etc.
UND/CC2/260   May 1938 - October 1957
Joint Committee for Education, comprising agendas of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham Joint Committee for Education, and related correspondence (mainly with Professor E.J.R. Eaglesham of the Department of Education, Durham Colleges).
260b. May 1938 - October 1948.
260a. November 1948 - October 1957.
UND/CC2/261-263   May 1938 - February 1958
Joint Committee for Science (of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham), agendas and related correspondence. Includes: (262a) annual report of the Science Departments 1956-57.
261b. May 1938 - January 1947 agendas and correspondence.
261a. February 1947 - May 1951 agendas and correspondence.
262a. January 1953 - October 1954 agendas.
262b. October 1951 - January 1953 agendas.
262c. November 1951 - May 1954 correspondence.
263b. November 1951 - April 1956 agendas and correspondence.
263a. May 1956 - February 1958 agendas and correspondence.
UND/CC2/264-265   March 1953 - May 1955
Joint Examinations Board of the Associated Examining Board for the General Certificate of Education (whose office was in London), comprising copies of syllabuses, draft question papers, and [other] agenda papers of meetings, and a little related correspondence. (In March 1953 Sir James Duff was appointed by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals to serve on the new Joint Examinations Board.)
264b. March 1953 - February 1954.
264a. March - April 1954.
265. May 1954 - May 1955.
UND/CC2/266-268   September 1945 - April 1960
King's College, comprising correspondence (especially of Sir James Duff) with Lord Eustace Percy and later with his successor as rector, Charles Bosanquet, and also the registrars of King's and the university; also agenda papers of the Durham University Appointments Board, the Committee on Personal Appointments (of the University of Durham), the university statutory committees on various chairs, personal professorships, the readership in Physiology etc, the boards of the university faculties of Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Commerce and Law, and the Executive Committee of the British Association. Includes copies of: King's College rector's reports for 1947, 1948, 1951-52,1952-53, and 1955-56; King's College …Appeal for £250,000 [1953]; King's College General Information Calendar; list of King's College students from abroad in the academic year 1958-59; King's College Statement of Accounts 1957-58; and an illustrated brochure published on the opening (on 10 October 1958) of The Percy Building at King's College.
266b. September 1945 - September 1949.
266a. September 1949 - July 1953.
267b. October 1953 - April 1956.
267a. April - November 1956.
268. January 1957 - April 1960.
UND/CC2/269-270   November 1940 - May 1960
Laboratories General, comprising agenda papers of the Durham Colleges Council committee formed to make proposals for another Science Building and the Durham Colleges Joint Committee for Science; annual reports of the Science Department; correspondence (especially with Miss Beatrice Hollingworth [secretary to the Department of Science, 1928 onwards]); lists of Science students (Durham Colleges); and a cutting from The Architects' Journal 9 January 1958 (on Durham University's buildings).
269b. November 1940 - April 1952.
269a. May 1952 - November 1954.
270b. November 1954 - May 1956.
270a. June 1956 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/271   18 January 1941 - 28 November 1951
Laboratory Staff, comprising correspondence with and about staff (including Sir James Duff's correspondence with Dr M.P. Applebey [lay officer]); and some few agenda papers of the Durham Colleges Joint Committee for Science.
271b. January 1941 - October 1947.
271a. October 1947 - November 1951.
UND/CC2/271-272   February 1938 - June 1950
Land in and near Durham, comprising correspondence (arranged alphabetically by correspondent) regarding the sale of property, repairs, tenancies, rent due, use of property, etc. The correspondents include Durham County Council, the town clerk of Durham and H.E. Ferens and Son, solicitors, 38 Saddler Street, Durham.
272a. February 1938 - May 1948 A-H.
272b. February 1938 - May 1948 I-Z.
273a. December 1941 - June 1950 A-M.
273b. December 1941 - June 1950 N-Z.
UND/CC2/274   February 1938 - 28 December 1950
Lecture Rooms, comprising correspondence regarding furniture, furnishings, acquisition (in 1949) of No. 50 North Bailey (late the Halmote Court Office), etc. Some of the correspondence is arranged alphabetically by correspondent and the remainder, from January 1947 onwards, in chronological order. Very little of the correspondence concerns the use of accommodation / permission to use accommodation.
274b. February 1938 - January 1947, filed alphabetically.
274a. January 1947 - December 1950, filed chronologically.
UND/CC2/275-278   February 1944 - March 1960
University Library, comprising correspondence (particularly of Sir James Duff and Dr S. Holgate) with the university librarian and other library staff members; lists of university library periodicals and annuals (1949-50); agenda papers of the library Board of Curators; agenda papers of the sub-committees appointed to consider the establishment for a permanent staff in the university library (1944) and on departmental libraries (1945); some annual reports of the University Libraryl lists of missing [books]; lists of books purchased.
276b. February 1944 - January 1948.
276a. January 1948 - July 1949.
277b. September 1949 - December 1950.
277a. December 1950 - February 1952.
278b. November 1951 - February 1953.
278a. February - December 1953.
278d. January 1954 - January 1955.
278c. January - December 1955.
275/1b. January 1956 - March 1957.
275/1a. March 1957 - November 1958.
275/2b. December 1957 - May 1959.
275/2a. May 1959 - March 1960.
UND/CC2/279   7 November 1949 - 25 June 1960
Mathematics Department, comprising correspondence (of the warden and the secretary); also agenda papers of the committees on the chair of Mathematics at Durham (1957), the lectureship in Statistics (1957), and the lectureship in Mathematics (1950 and 1952); also annual reports of the Department for 1953-54 and earlier; and some manufacturers' details of calculating machines [?c.1949].
279b. November 1949 - December 1958.
279a. January 1957 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/280-281   October 1938 - May 1960
Matriculation Board, comprising some correspondence (of the secretary and the warden), and agenda papers of the University of Durham Matriculation Board and the University of Durham Matriculation and School Examination Board's Matriculation Committee (which first met on 25 September 1956) and of the Matriculation Board (for meetings held up to that to be held on 12 May 1955).
280b. October 1938 - July 1949.
280a. August 1949 - February 1953.
281b. July 1953 - September 1956.
281a. September 1956 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/282   25 October 1948 - 4 November 1959
Matriculation Ceremony, comprising circulars about the ceremony, certifications that listed persons qualified without further examination to matriculate (to read for the degree or diploma noted), and related correspondence.
UND/CC2/284   October 1960 - March 1961
Mechanical Engineers, Institute of, comprising agenda papers of the institute's North Eastern Branch Committee and of the Education Committee of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, and a very little related correspondence (of Dr Christopherson). Includes: prospectuses of Manchester College of Science and Technology's Industrial Administration courses 1960-61, the University of Manchester's courses in the department of Mechanical Engineering 1960-61, and of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Stellenbosch [1959]; also Hatfield Technical College Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering - details of the course recognised by the National Council for Technological Awards as leading to the Diploma in Technology in Aeronautical Engineering , also an application to the National Council for Technological Awards for the recognition of this course (leading to the Diploma …).
UND/CC2/285-286   July 1947 - June 1960
Military Education, comprising agenda papers of the Military Education Committee of the University of Durham, copies of War Office circular letters, minutes of the Central Organisation of Military Education Committees of Universities and University Colleges, correspondence, and related papers (including a brochure on Officer Training for the Royal Signals [1947]).
285b. July 1947 - February 1950.
285a. February 1950 - December 1952.
286b. March 1953 - March 1958.
286a. March 1958 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/287   15 August 1944 - 22 October 1959
Ministry of Education, comprising copies of ministry circulars and memoranda, and some related correspondence (including a draft proposed reply by King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne on the subject of the Adult Education Committee, 1953, and related papers).
287b. August 1944 - December 1951.
287a. December 1951 - October 1959.
UND/CC2/288   7 July 1948 - 30 January 1960
Ministry of Labour, comprising ministry and National Service circular letters/memoranda and other publications (including reports on Present and Future Supply and Demand for Persons with Professional Qualifications in…(various named subjects, 1949-50), and a little related correspondence.
UND/CC2/289-292   25 January 1946 - 29 July 1960
Miscellaneous Enquiries - Courses, comprising correspondence with and about prospective students.
289b. January 1946 - August 1948.
289a. August 1948 - December 1950.
290b. October 1950 - June 1954.
290a. June 1954 - December 1956.
291b. December 1956 - February 1957.
291a. February 1957 - March 1959.
292b. March - December 1959.
292a. December 1959 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/301a   1957 - 1960
Miscellaneous Pamphlets and Booklets for Higher Education in East Africa:-
- Higher Education in East Africa (Government Printer, Entebbe, n.d. [ ?1957]) (White Paper issued jointly by the Governments of Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda and His Highness' Government of Zanzibar)
- Royal Technical College of East Africa:/Nairobi: Annual Report and Accounts for the year 1956-57; Calendar 1957-58; Development Plan, by Anthony M Chitty (1960)
- Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology: Speeches made at the Opening of the College by HRH The Princess Royal at Zaria on Saturday, November 23rd 1957; Official Opening by HRH The Princess Royal …on 23 November 1957 (brochure); Calendar 1957-58; Calendar 1958-59; Report of the Visitation March / April 1958
UND/CC2/301b   1955 - 1959
Miscellaneous Pamphlets and Booklets for Higher Education in West Africa:-
- Kumasi College of Technology (Gold Coast/Ghana): Foundation Oration 12th December 1957 (delivered by Anthony M Chitty); 1957 Calendar; 1958 Calendar
- University College of the Gold Coast/Ghana (Sir James Duff being a member of the college's Council: Annual Report by the Principal 1954-1955; Report of the Institute of Extra-Mural Studies for the Academic Year October 1954 - July 1955; “Principal's Annual Report 1956-57” (duplicated typescript); “Development of Legon Site: Final Accounts, and Final Reports and Statements” (of the architects, consulting engineers, and quantity surveyors), February and October 1958
- Fourah Bay College Sierra Leone: Appeal Fund (brochure), n.d. [c.1957]; Visitation Report (1959)
UND/CC2/303   16 January 1952 - 14 June 1957
Miscellaneous - Students, comprising correspondence with and about students (and prospective students), including some completed Durham Colleges registration forms of British and overseas students.
303b. January 1952 - December 1953.
303a. December 1953 - June 1957.
UND/CC2/304   1938 - 1956
M.Litt. and M.Ed., comprising correspondence (arranged alphabetically per surname) with and about students principally about payment (in settlement of fees for these degrees) and about approval of candidacy for these degrees.
304a. A-F.
304b. G-Z.
UND/CC2/305a   28 January 1949 - 4 October 1956
Mass Radiography, comprising correspondence about the Mass Radiography Unit's visits to the university and copies of associated circulars, pamphlets and posters, also lists of students to attend Mass Radiography Unit sessions.
UND/CC2/305b-306   5 October 1941 - 26 July 1960
Music Department, correspondence (principally with Professor Hutchings), copies of annual report for 1948/49, 1952/53, 1953/54, and 1954/55, agenda papers of the Music Faculty Board, statement on development for the Quinquennium 1952/57, memoranda.
305b. August 1941 - August 1951.
306. August 1951 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/307-308   7 October 1938 - December 1956
Neville's Cross College, comprising agenda papers of the County Council of Durham Training College Sub-Committee, correspondence, and related papers (including proposed terms of agreement for Neville's Cross College to take over the premises of Hatfield College and the master's house as from 1 January 1940).
307b. October 1938 - February 1950.
307a. March 1950 - June 1954.
308. July 1954 - December 1956.
UND/CC2/309   February 1939 - February 1943
New Buildings, comprising correspondence [of the treasurer of the Durham Colleges] alphabetically arranged by the initial of the surname of the correspondent; principally concerns the extensions to the Science Laboratories.
UND/CC2/310   18 January 1952 - 13 March 1958
New Buildings, comprising correspondence (of the warden, etc.) on possible new building acquisitions or constructions., and agenda papers of the Buildings Committee of the Durham Colleges.
UND/CC2/311   15 September 1948 - 1 May 1954
Norman Chapel [in Durham Castle], comprising correspondence (of the warden, with Lord Mottistone, FRIBA, the secretary of The Pilgrim Trust, etc., including on the subject of the service of re-dedication of the chapel and the dedication of the chapel furniture by the bishop of Durham as a memorial to the cadets of the University Air Squadron who were killed in the Second World War on 19 February 1953); agenda papers of the Durham Colleges Buildings Committee; and a copy of an illustrated [appeal] leaflet about the Norman Chapel (March 1950).
UND/CC2/312-313   10 June 1954 - July 1960
North East Industrial and Development Association, comprising correspondence (including that with the Association's secretary and with individual industrialists, etc.) and Association agenda papers.
312b. June 1954 - July 1955.
312a. July 1955 - November 1956.
313b. December 1956 - December 1958.
313a. January 1959 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/314-315   November 1947 - July 1960
Northern Advisory Council for Further Education, comprising agenda papers of the Programme Committee (Courses for Technical Teachers), the Academic Board for Technology, Commerce and Art, the Committee of Chief Education Officers, the Academic Board for Higher Technology, the Committee on Nautical Education, and the Agricultural Board, and including its Third Annual Report 1949-50; and a little correspondence. (The Northern Advisory Council for Further Education was founded in 1947; it established Boards - Agricultural Board, formed at the end of 1949, Academic Board for Technology, Commerce and Art whose first meeting was held on 13 November 1947, and an Adult Education Board [not yet formed by 1950].)
314b. November 1947 - October 1950.
314a. October 1950 - July 1958.
315b. July 1958 - June 1959.
315a. June 1959 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/316   November 1938 - November 1954
Observatory Curators.
316b. November 1938 - October 1951.
316a. October 1951 - November 1954.
UND/CC2/318   23 August 1948 - March 1953
University Office, comprising agenda papers of the Court committee on the appointment of an assistant university registrar, 1952; general correspondence; note by the registrar on the university's administrative costs, 1950; and reports of the registrars' conferences held at the University of London 21 September 1948 and 20 September 1949, and at the University of Nottingham, 1951.
318b. August 1948 - July 1952.
318a. February 1952 - March 1953.
UND/CC2/319-322   January 1939 - June 1960
Palaeography and Diplomatic Department, comprising correspondence (including with Sir Maurice Powicke); agenda papers (of the standing committee on Palaeography and Diplomatic, the statutory committee on the readership in Palaeography, the joint committee of the Dean and Chapter of Durham and the Council of the Durham Colleges on the Prior's Kitchen, including a copy of the agreement between the Dean and Chapter of Durham and the Durham Colleges regarding the Prior's Kitchen scheme, 1955); copies of the annual reports of the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic (including MS one for Session 1949-50); and copy of University of Durham : Report by the Court of the University to the University Grants Committee on Development Policy for the Post-War Period, n.d. [?c.1944]; copies of notices of seminars and copies of posters advertising lectures. Includes: (322) copies of the handlist of Halmote Court Books, Palatinate of Durham and Bishopric Estates in The Prior's Kitchen…deposited by The Church Commission; List of Political and Public Correspondence of the 2nd Earl Grey 1787-1843 (The Prior's Kitchen…, 1956).
319b. January 1939 - December 1948.
319a, January 1949 - December 1950.
320b. January 1951 - May 1953.
320a. May 1953 - May 1954.
321b. May 1954 - June 1955.
321a. July 1955 - November 1956.
322b. January - October 1957.
322a. October 1957 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/333   4 July 1949 - 30 June 1960
Part-time and Temporary Lecturers, comprising correspondence with and about part-time and temporary lecturers (including certificates that named staff have carried out their duties to the satisfaction of [the head of department] and including copies of terms and conditions of appointment to various temporary lecturer posts).
333b. July 1949 - May 1958.
333a. May 1958 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/335   June - September 1939
Payments to Staff, correspondence with Mr L.N. Helsby [later Lord Helsby] on the subject of the payment of salaries.
UND/CC2/337-338   27 December 1934 - 28 December 1951
Phoenix Assurance Co, comprising correspondence of the treasurer with Phoenix and others regarding policies, and on the subject of insurance, also schedules of policies.
337b. December 1934 - June 1939.
337a. July 1939 - May 1945.
338b. November 1945 - February 1950.
338a. February 1950 - December 1951.
UND/CC2/339   17 February 1939 - 30 June 1960
Physics Department, comprising correspondence (mainly with Professor G.D. Rochester and much of it about staffing); terms and conditions of appointments of staff; and some annual reports of the department for 1949/50 - 1953 /54.
339b. February 1939 - February 1957.
339a. February 1957 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/340-343   May 1905, February 1940 - March 1965
University Prizes, comprising copies of notices of awards; correspondence with and about candidates and about selecting passages for the Long Reading Prize, etc; and some Prize Regulations, copies of notices of availability of prizes, and texts (unprepared passages and prepared passages) to be read [Long Reading Competition]. 342 includes a copy of the printed report on the University of Durham's Scholarship and Prize Funds by Herbert S. Squarey, FCA, Sunderland, May 1905.
340b. February 1940 - June 1948.
340a. June 1948 - October 1950.
341b. February 1951 - October 1952.
341a. October 1952 - December 1953.
342b. May 1905, January 1934 - July 1955.
342a. August 1955 - April 1957.
343b. May 1957 - August 1958.
343a. August 1958 - July 1960 & March 1965.
UND/CC2/345   19 September 1950 - 21 June 1960
Psychology Department, comprising correspondence (principally with Professor F.V. Smith), also some papers about appointments to a lectureship in Psychology (1953), etc., course details, memoranda, and reports for 1950/51 to 1953/54.
345b. September 1950 - November 1954.
345a. November 1954 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/345c   February 1939 - May 1941
Senate Committee on Publications, agendas, papers and minutes, including a list of exchange of publications.
Paper file
UND/CC2/346-347   December 1948 - May 1960
Publications Board, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers of the University of Durham Publications Board and a very little related correspondence. (The Board was constituted and its terms of reference determined at a meeting of Senate on 15 June 1948.)
346b. December 1948 - October 1954.
346a. October 1954 - June 1958.
347. August 1958 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/349-351   August 1950 - December 1959
Quinquennial Estimates - Agendas and Minutes, comprising duplicated typescript memoranda, statements, reports (by individual departments), and agenda papers of (a) the Joint Committee of Council and Academic Board (of the Durham Colleges) which is preparing the Statement on development and policy for the Quinquennium 1952/57, (b) [later] of the 'Joint Committee on Quinquennial Estimates' of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham [which first met on 21 May 1955 and was formed to consider the procedure for preparing Quinquennial Estimates for 1957/62], this Joint Committee being later known as the 'Quinquennial Estimates Committee' (of the Durham Colleges) [though still probably a joint committee of Academic Board and Council]; and some very little correspondence. (Includes King's College's Quinquennial Estimates.)
349b. August 1950 - January 1951.
349a. January - April 1951.
350. June 1955 - May 1956.
351b. May 1955 - June 1956.
351a. June 1956 - December 1959.
UND/CC2/352   15 December 1954 - 31 May 1956
Quinquennial Documents from Departments, comprising duplicated typescript departmental expenditure schedules, lists of projects, statements, memoranda on individual departments, proposals for the Quinquennium 1957/62 (statement to Senate and Court), [and] Quinquennial Estimates Committee agenda papers.
UND/CC2/353   7 February 1948 - 2 October 1959
Radiochemistry Section, comprising correspondence (with Professor F.A. Paneth, FRS, professor of Chemistry, and others, largely on the subject of staffing (staff appointments, research studentships/research fellowships/research assistant posts), and agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the Readership in Radiochemistry at Durham (1954).
353b. February 1948 - May 1953.
353a. May 1953 - October 1959.
UND/CC2/354-356   January 1941 - February 1948
RAF Cadets 1st - 10th batches/courses, comprising correspondence, copies of nominal rolls of RAF cadets taking Arts/Science courses/university short course cadets, [etc.], lists of names and addresses (and date of birth, names and addresses of next of kin, and name of school attended) of RAF cadets, and timetables of short courses, arranged by course - 1st course January - October 1941, 2nd course August 1941 - March 1942, 3rd course February 1942 - January 1947 (sic), 4th course October 1942 - March 1943, 7th course April 1944 [onwards], 8th course October 1944 [onwards], 10th course [October 1945 onwards, for three terms].
354b. January - October 1941 (1st batch).
354a. August 1941 - March 1943 (2nd - 4th batches).
355b. March 1943 - February 1948 (4th & 5th batches).
355a. April 1943 - February 1948 (6th & 7th batches).
356b. July 1944 - January 1948 (8th - 10th batches).
356a. October 1942 - January 1948 (releases and returns)
Some reproduced and discussed in R.E.H. Heady, “Castlemen, Durham University Air Squadron and the Royal Air Force 1941-1946”, (published by Alex Nelson for the Durham Castle Society, March 1995)
UND/CC2/357   23 July 1947 - 10 December 1951
Reconstitution, comprising correspondence (between the warden and Lord Eustace Percy, the Earl of Scarbrough, Dr M.P, Applebey, etc.); agenda papers of the Senate committee on Revision of the Statutes and of the Court committee on Procedure for Proposals for Reconstitution; draft memoranda (written by Lord Eustace Percy); and report of the Conference on the Reconstitution of the University (14 February 1950). (The correspondence includes a letter from Lord Eustace Percy written at 'RVI' [Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne], n.d. [? late 1951].)
357b. July 1947 - March 1950.
357a. March 1950 - December 1951.
UND/CC2/358-359   5 January 1955 - 4 July 1960
References, comprising correspondence of Sir James Duff with and about persons (staff of the university including those at Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone, also those other persons known to Sir James) and related papers (particulars of the posts in question).
358b. January 1955 - January 1958.
358a. January 1958 - December 1959.
359. January - July 1960.
Closed until 2041 under the Data Protection Act.
UND/CC2/360-361   1 October 1943 - 19 July 1960
Registration of Students, comprising correspondence, also copies of circulars about the registration scheme for students / registration of students, and some lists of students [these lists predating 1950].
360b. October 1943 - October 1949.
360a. October 1949 - October 1955.
361. January 1956 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/362   1957 - 1959
Assistant and Temporary Lecturers, Research Assistants and Research Fellows, comprising correspondence (arranged in alphabetical sections) with and about such persons, and including copies of terms and conditions of appointment of the same.
UND/CC2/363   2 March 1951 - 3 June 1960
Research Fund - Agendas and Minutes, comprising duplicated typescript agenda papers of the Research Fund Committee of the Durham Colleges. (No correspondence on the file.)
363b. February 1951 - November 1955.
363a. November 1955 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/364   1938 - 1945
Research Fund Applications, comprising correspondence with applicants, arranged in alphabetical sections.
364a. A - Q.
364b. R - Z.
UND/CC2/365-369   4 March 1946 - 30 January 1960
Research Fund General, comprising correspondence, receipts (for expenditure by research fund grant holders), and a few copies of minutes of the Research Fund Committee.
365b. March 1946 - January 1950.
365a. January 1950 - October 1951.
366b. November 1951 - June 1952.
366a. July 1952 - March 1954.
367b. January - December 1956.
367a. December 1956 - December 1957.
368b. February - September 1958.
368a. September 1958 - January 1960.
369. February - June 1960.
UND/CC2/371   23 December 1933 - 17 November 1936
Royal Commission 1934 Secretary of Council, comprising correspondence of the secretary to the Council of the Durham Colleges (Mr J.L. Burchnall) with The University of Durham Commissioners (whose office was at Westminster, London) and with the [President] of the Board of Education, etc., also agenda papers of the Commission Committee (of the University of Durham). (Concerns the proposed statutes of the University of Durham.)
371b. December 1933 - November 1935.
371a. December 1935 - November 1936.
UND/CC2/372   29 April 1943, 13 November 1948 - 18 December 1956
Sabbatical Terms, comprising correspondence with applicants, also copies of agenda papers and minutes of the Sabbatical Terms Committee (of the Durham Colleges).
UND/CC2/373   8 May 1952 - 28 October 1953
Scarbrough - Collingwood Report, comprising correspondence of Sir James Duff with the Earl of Scarbrough, Dr E.F. Collingwood, and the rector of King's College, (etc.), and some agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee of Senate on the Scarbrough - Collingwood Report. (There is a reference dating from 1953 and also in the Report to it having long been one of the Durham Colleges' ambitions to have a University Medical School in Durham as well as in Newcastle upon Tyne.)
UND/CC2/387-391   March 1947 - 20 July 1960
Scholarships General and Renewal, comprising correspondence, completed forms of application for the award or renewal of scholarships, and lists of awards or renewals made.
387b. March 1947 - December 1948.
387a. December 1948 - July 1950.
388b. June - September 1950.
388a. September 1950 - December 1951.
389b. January - July 1952.
389a. July 1952 - July 1953.
390b. April 1952 - June 1954.
390a. June 1954 - December 1955.
391b. May 1956 - July 1958.
391a. July 1958 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/392   1938 - 1948
Scholarships: Modern Languages Travelling Scholarships 1947 - 1948, Miners' Welfare Scholarship Scheme August 1947 - June 194 [?8], British Institute Scholarships February 1942 - June 1945, Horsfall Scholarships September 1938 - November 1946', comprising (in separate sections) correspondence, etc. In the case of the Miners' Welfare Scholarship Scheme, there is correspondence, [agenda papers] - providing personal details of individual applicants, including the report of a headmaster, and a personal letter, also [? Dr Duff's] notes and marks awarded on the interviewing of candidates; in the case of the other scholarships, the papers mainly comprise a little correspondence, and lists of awards made, etc.
UND/CC2/393-394   20 August 1943 - 21 July 1960
State Scholarships, comprising correspondence (mainly with the Ministry of Education and about holders and those awarded scholarships), schedules of scholarships awarded (in the form of copies on Ministry of Education forms). 393 includes correspondence between Sir James Duff and Lord Eustace Percy on the allocation of state scholarships between Newcastle upon Tyne and Durham.
393b. August 1943 - September 1949.
393a. September 1949 - November 1955.
394b. February 1956 - September 1957.
394a. September 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/395a   November 1935 - June 1948
Scholarships: State Scholarships and Others and Scholarship Pamphlets, comprising correspondence, and copies of Ministry of Education circular letters.
UND/CC2/395b   October 1938 - May 1948
University Scholarship[s] February 1941 - March 1947; Winifred Foster Scholarship November 1946 - May 1948; Scholarship Centres October 1938 - June 1947', comprising correspondence with and about applicants and published details of scholarships offered by other universities, 3 February 1941 - March 1947; (in the case of the Winifred Foster Scholarship) correspondence, 11 November 1946 - 29 May 1948; and (in the case of Scholarship Centres) comprising correspondence and a very few copies of agenda papers of the Committee on Scholarship Examination Centres, 21 October 1938 - 26 June 1947.
UND/CC2/395-399b   5 February 1946 - 25 May 1960
School Examinations Board, comprising agenda papers of the University of Durham School Examinations Board (which had its offices in Newcastle-upon-Tyne), and some related correspondence. (From the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 1956 onwards the Board is entitled the Matriculation and School Examination Board.)
398a includes: a galley proof of the University of Durham Matriculation and School Examination Board Statistics and Subject Reports General Certificate of Education Examinations Winter 1957 Midsummer 1958; a copy of the University of Durham Matriculation and School Examination Board General Certificate of Education Examinations 1960 : Regulations and Syllabuses.
396b. February 1946 - November 1950.
396a. December 1950 - May 1953.
397. October 1953 - December 1955.
398b. January 1956 - March 1958.
398a. March - December 1958.
399b. January - December 1959.
399a. January - May 1960.
UND/CC2/399c   April - July 1951
School Examinations Board General Purposes Committee minutes and agendas.
Paper file 
UND/CC2/400   24 October 1935 - 15 November 1944
Science and Education departments' correspondence, comprising correspondence of the treasurer, in alphabetical sequences, on the subjects of salaries, equipment, insurance policies, etc.
400a. A - K.
400b. L - Z.
UND/CC2/401-402   29 October 1952 - 21 May 1960
Science Exemptions Committee, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the University of Durham Board of the Faculty of Science Exemptions Committee (Durham Division) later entitled the University of Durham Faculty of Science Committee on Exemptions and Examinations in Pure Science. 401 includes the agenda papers of the Science Departments Committee, 1959-1960 (including the Science departments' anual report 1958 - 1959).
401b. October 1952 - September 1954.
401a. October 1954 - August 1955, November 1958 - June 1960.
402. September 1955 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/412a   1953
Senate Committee on Professorships and Readerships, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the statutory committees on various chairs etc., and copies of applications in separate sections of the file : chair of Chemistry, Durham.
UND/CC2/412b   1952 - 1953
Senate Committee on Professorships and Readerships, comprising correspondence, agenda papers of the statutory committees on various chairs etc., and copies of applications in separate sections of the file : - Miscellaneous, 22 April 1952 - 2 April 1953; Chair of Surgery, King's College, 1953.
UND/CC2/414   February 1947 - June 1951
Senate - Letters, including that of Lord Eustace Percy and Sir James Duff.
UND/CC2/415   May 1960
Senate - Correspondence, comprising copies of Senate agenda papers; also copies of letters of the Registrar of the University of Durham about Personal Readerships, 30 May 1960.
UND/CC2/425-426   2 July 1942 - 4 June 1960
Social Studies, comprising correspondence with the Department of Social Studies (and also with Mr L.N. Helsby, then at HM Treasury, etc.); copies of annual reports of the department; copies of Draft report of the Academic Board Committee on Social Studies (1943); copy of terms and conditions of appointment of a lecturer in Economics from 1 October 1951 and agenda papers of the Committee of Academic Board re the new lectureship in Economics (1949); draft Regulations for Degree in Social Studies (1943); correspondence with the Ministry of Education etc. and papers re the Further Education and Training Scheme; memoranda and proposals (for a Durham Colleges Institute of Business Studies / Business Research, and re the future development of law teaching in the Durham Colleges, etc); a very few agenda papers of the Board of Studies in Economics, Politics and Social Studies; and agenda papers of the Committee on the lectureship in Law in the Department of Social Studies (1957) and of the Committee of the Academic Board on the temporary lectureship in Economics.
425b. July 1942 - August 1950.
425a. August 1950 - December 1955.
426b. January 1956 - March 1958.
426a. April 1958 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/427   14 August 1942 - 16 March 1945
Senior Training Corps correspondence, comprising correspondence of the [secretary of the Durham Colleges] with the adjutant of Durham University Senior [Officer] Training Corps , the Inspector of Taxes, etc., mainly on financial matters; the correspondence is arranged in alphabetical sections. (There is very little on this file.)
UND/CC2/428   1919 - 1972
Register of Staff (showing particulars of salary, salary increments and F.S.S., comprising statements of account (alphabetically arranged, per member of staff), providing name, date of appointment, commencing salary, date on increment, amount of increment, name of Assurance Company, option number, first premium …date of last premium (as headings ). (Concerns academic and academic-related staff; appears only to cover staff appointed up to 1939.)
428a. A - G.
428b. H - Z.
UND/CC2/439-443   6 January 1949 - 19 June 1960
Standing Committee for Research Awards, comprising correspondence (including statements of candidates' financial circumstances) with and about applicants for awards (research studentships, fellowships in Arts, etc., some of the correspondence including that on the subject of assessment of theses), and agenda papers of the Durham Colleges' Standing Committee for Research Awards.
439b. January 1949 - June 1950.
439a. June 1950 - September 1951.
440b. October 1951 - May 1953.
440a. May - October 1953.
441b. July 1953 - April 1955.
441a. May 1955 - October 1956.
442b. September 1956 - June 1958.
442a. June 1958 - December 1959.
443. January - July 1960.
UND/CC2/444a   23 June 1942 - 29 June 1948
State Bursaries - Languages 23 June 1942 (date of a Board of Education circular) - 3 February 1943 (principally correspondence with and about)
State Bursars - Radio, correspondence with and about (including correspondence between Dr James Duff and Lord Eustace Percy), 31 August 1944 - 31 October 1945.
Stores - Surplus Government, correspondence with the Department for Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Lord Eustace Percy, etc. regarding physical and other apparatus they would wish to acquire for the university from government surplus, January 1944 - 20 February 1946.
Staffing Requirements, correspondence, and (especially) individual departments' statements of staffing needs for 1947, November 1945 - 29 June 1948.
UND/CC2/444b&472   Michaelmas 1941 - May 1960
Student Statistics, correspondence, schedules of numbers of students, and lists of students.
444b. Michaelmas 1941 - October 1948.
472b. October 1948 - November 1954.
472a. November 1954 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/446   13 August [1938] - 11 March 1960
St Chad's College, comprising correspondence (principally with the principal), reports of the college on academic years/annual reports (for 1946/47 and later up to that for 1953/54), lists of students (October 1957), etc.
UND/CC2/447-449   9 October 1947 - 21 July 1960
St Cuthbert's Society, comprising correspondence (including that of Dr Duff with the president of Ushaw College, 1952); lists of names and addresses of students; annual reports; and agenda papers of the governing body (for meetings to be held on 25 April 1956 and later up to the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 1959, [these agenda papers for this limited period possibly being incomplete]. 449 includes typescript reports by Ernst-Wilhelm Kurschat (of Krefeld, [West Germany]) on his second term in Durham (Epiphany Term 1960) and on Michaelmas Term in Durham (January 1960) being at St Cuthbert's Society; Krefeld was one of Germany's promising undergraduates studying at British universities per The Educational Interchange Council, London.
447b. September 1947 - February 1953.
447a. March 1953 - December 1955.
448b. February 1956 - October 1957.
448a. November 1957 - December 1959.
449. January - July 1960.
UND/CC2/450   June 1949 - April 1960
St Cuthbert's Society Governing Body, comprising agenda papers for meetings 12 October [1949] up to the minutes of a meeting held on 27 April 1960 (the papers including a copy of the constitution of St Cuthbert's Association, June 1949), and a little correspondence. The file includes, attached, floor plans of Nos.12 and 13 South Bailey showing proposed alterations to No.12 and extensions to No.13, 1953.
450b. June 1949 - January 1955.
450a. January 1955 - April 1960.
UND/CC2/451-452   4 October 1938, 19 December 1940 - July 1960
St Hild's College, comprising correspondence, and agenda papers of the governing body (and of the annual meetings of the subscribers of the college).
451b. October 1938 - December 1951.
451a. December 1951 - October 1955.
452b. April 1955 - June 1958.
452a. June 1958 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/453   23 May 1940 - 14 May 1960
St John's College, comprising correspondence; copies of annual reports for 1948/49, 1952/3, and 1953/54; list of students and courses, Michaelmas 1952; (in a sealed envelope) report of the inspection of St John's College 17 - 20 November 1947 by the Dean of Carlisle (Very Revd C. Mayne) and Canon V.L. Johnstone; and draft report of the committee to consider the possibility of giving financial assistance for tuition given by the staff of St Chad's and St John's Colleges [1951].
453b. May 1940 - May 1956.
453a. June 1956 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/456-458   August 1935 - June 1960
St Mary's College, comprising correponsdence, annual reports, and governing body meeting papers.
456a. August 1935 - November 1949.
456b. January 1950 - December 1952.
457a. February 1953 - December 1954.
457b. January 1955 - November 1959.
458. January - June 1960.
UND/CC2/459   16 April 1952 - 4 May 1953
St Mary's College Opening Ceremony 4 May 1953, comprising correspondence (including that with the private secretary to HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother), timetable, luncheon menu / toast list (for luncheon at Durham Castle), admission cards (to St Mary's College); also invitation card to the vice-chancellor (Sir James Duff) to attend a dinner (associated with the jubilee celebrations of the University of Leeds) at the Civic Hall, Leeds, on 26 April 1954, and to be attended by The Queen Mother.
459b. April 1952 - April 1953.
459a. April - May 1953.
UND/CC2/460-464   4 January 1938 - 19 May 1960
Students' Activities, comprising correspondence with and about individual student societies and clubs, the Durham Colleges Athletic Union, the Durham Colleges Students' Representative Council (including some agenda papers of the latter), the Durham Union Society, the Officers' Training Corps, etc. Includes: (460) the programme for the National Union of Students' Congress at Liverpool, April 1947; (461) the Durham Union Society : Rules, March 1948; (462) An Introduction to the University 2nd - 6th October 1952 (a Freshers' Conference brochure); (463) lists of public lectures in the university, 1957; (464) lists of public lectures in the university, 1958-1960, (listing the name of the society or department, the lecturer, subject, and time and place).
460b. January 1938 - January 1944.
460a. February 1944 - July 1947.
461b. September 1947 - April 1950.
461a. May 1950 - March 1953.
462b. January 1952 - February 1954.
462a. February 1954 - December 1955.
463b. February 1956 - March 1957.
463a. March - December 1957.
464. January 1958 - May 1960.
UND/CC2/465-467   25 October 1946 - 21 July 1960
Students From Abroad, comprising correspondence about students from aboard (also some correspondence with such students); also lists of such students (including those at King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne) for the 1950s. The correspondence includes that with the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth.
465b. October 1946 - October 1948.
465a. October 1948 - December 1950.
466b. January 1951 - July 1955.
466a. August 1955 - December 1956.
467b. January - November 1957.
467a. November 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/468   1940 - 1948
Students Representative Council, correspondence of the treasurer, arranged alphabetically per surname of the correspondent.
468a. A - L.
468b. M - Z.
UND/CC2/469-471   25 July 1938 - 20 July 1960
Students' Representative Council, correspondence and agenda papers (up to May 1959) of the Durham Colleges SRC. 471 includes a copy of the Durham Colleges SRC Handbook First Edition, 1957.
469b. July 1938 - September 1947.
469a. September 1947 - June 1949.
470b. June 1949 - April 1952.
470a. May 1952 - December 1956.
471. January 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/473   March 1952 - 12 July 1960
Theology Department, comprising correspondence (including that with the principal of Codrington College); some few agenda papers of the Board of the Faculty of Theology; report by Professor H.E.W. Turner on Codrington College, Barbados, 29 December 1959 (following his visit to the college); and some departmental annual reports 1951/52 to 1954/55.
473b. March 1952 - December 1956.
473a. January 1957 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/476-477   February 1956 - 19 July 1960
Timetables, comprising duplicated typescript copies of [Lecture, Tutorial etc.] timetables (annotated to correct / update and noting the initials of the lecturer etc.), together with a very little correspondence (except in the case of files 476 and 477 which include a bit more correspondence, 477 solely comprising correspondence).
476. February 1956 - January 1960.
477. February - July 1960.
UND/CC2/478   31 March 1938 - 4 November 1942
Tithes correspondence of the treasurer (principally with the Tithe Redemption Commission, London, also with the university's solicitor, Mr Francis E. Joblin, etc.), arranged in alphabetical sections per surname / name of office.
UND/CC2/479   5 January 1949 - 23 December 1958
Training College Sub-Committee, comprising a very little correspondence, and agenda papers of the County Council of Durham Training College Sub-Committee. (The papers are concerned with Neville's Cross College and Wynyard Hall Training College.)
479b. January 1949 - May 1957.
479a. May 1957 - December 1958.
UND/CC2/480   2 September 1950 - 14 July 1960
University Air Squadron, comprising correspondence (principally with the commanding officer of Durham University Air Squadron, Jesmond); and copies of the commanding officer's terminal reports, 1956-1960. Includes: Officer, 1, Spring Term 1960 [No. 1, prepared by the Central Office of Information for the Air Ministry], and a recruitment leaflet about the DUAS (1950).
UND/CC2/481a   25 May 1944 - 4 May 1948
Universities Bureau, comprising, under the following sub-headings :-
- I.C.I. Fellowships: correspondence and agenda papers of the University of Durham Committee for Award of ICI Fellowships, 10 August 1944 - 4 May 1948.
- McNair Report Institute of Education: correspondence; notes on two alternative plans of the McNair report; and agenda papers of meeting on the proposed Institute of Education [of the University of Durham] and of the Committee on the Institute of Education, 25 May 1944 - 7 February 1948.
UND/CC2/481b   1938 - 1948
Universities Bureau, comprising:
- Demobilisation of Students: correspondence with Lord Eustace Percy, etc. and Ministry of Education and other circulars, 29 September 1944 - 12 April 1948
- China Committee: agenda papers of General Meetings of the Universities' China Committee in London (including annual report [1938]), and a very little related correspondence. 1938 - 48
UND/CC2/482a   May 1946 - February 1948
Universities Bureau, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals : circulars, agenda papers of the committee, and a very little related correspondence (of Dr Duff).
UND/CC2/482b   March 1944 - January 1946
Universities Bureau, comprising Standing Committee of Forces Preliminary Examination Committee [ of the Universities Bureau of the British Commonwealth] : copy of the minutes of the 1st (15 February 1945) - 5th (14 January 1946) meetings, related agenda papers (including Revised Draft Forces Preliminary Examination, detailing the scope and intention etc. of the examination), and a little correspondence.
UND/CC2/483   April 1951 - February 1955
Universities Bureau, comprising agenda papers of general meetings of the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth, circulars (including lists of academic visitors to the UK published by the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth), and correspondence. Includes: reprint of Sir Douglas Copland, 'Australian Universities : Their Financial Position' from Nature, 30 June 1951, and printed [report on] National Conference of Canadian Universities : Twenty-Seventh Meeting held at McGill University 30 May - 1 June 1951.
483b. April 1951 - July 1952.
483a. August 1952 - February 1955.
UND/CC2/484-486   September 1938 - July 1960
University College September 1938 - 9 October 1953', comprising agenda papers of the governing body of University College, Durham, some room lists of students and correspondence (principally that of the master with the warden). Includes papers on the mastership of University College, n.d. [ ? 1939], [? by Dr Duff], and on the government of University College by Dr J.F. Duff, 15 February 1939.
484b. September 1938 - October 1951.
484a. October 1951 - October 1954.
485b. October 1953 - March 1956.
485a. March 1956 - September 1958.
486. October 1958 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/487   September 1938 - May 1948
University College Mastership : correspondence and agenda papers of the committee on the mastership of University College, 18 October 1938 - 9 May 1940;
University Statistics : (just) copies of the University Grants Committee's published Returns from Universities and University Colleges in receipt of treasury grant for the academic years 1937 - 38, 1941 - 42, 1942 - 43, and 1944 - 45;
University Air Squadron : correspondence, and copies of Durham University Air Squadron leaflet (incorporating an application for membership form), July 1945 - January 1948, n.d ;
University Calendar : correspondence, report of the Calendar Committee, and typescripts of calendars of meetings, examinations, etc., 29 September 1938 - 23 January 1948;
University Office : correspondence, copies of notices and circulars, and some agenda papers of the Calendar Committee and of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, 7 May 1946 - May 1948;
Universities Year Book : correspondence with the Universities Bureau of the British Empire, and circulars (about the Year Book), 2 September 1946 - 2 April 1948. 1938 - 48 (file)
UND/CC2/488   19 July 1955 - December 1959
University - General, comprising correspondence (including that with the rector of Kings College, Newcastle upon Tyne, and with Charles Morris, vice-chancellor of the University of Leeds, about the industrial experience of university teachers), and papers (including [draft] report of the committee of the Durham Colleges on the tenure of lectureships, n.d. [1959].
UND/CC2/489-493,495-496,499-500   1922 - December 1960
University Grants Committee, comprising copies of returns to the University Grants Committee (including lists of staff and their salaries) and related correspondence; and papers (including text of reports on the Educational Work of the Durham Colleges, lists of students including records of their secondary education and home towns, report of the Director of the Durham University Observatory to the Board of Curators 1929/30, University of Durham : Durham Division : Prospectus of the Department of Pure Science 1928 - 9, University of Durham : Durham Division : Prospectus of the Department of Education 1927, Durham University Gazette (Vol. II Nos. 49 - 51, 8 December 1927 - 21 June 1928, No. 55 26 June 1929 and other issues of the mid 1920s - 1929 and June 1931 - n.d. [1937] ), offprint of a paper by Professor P.J. Heawood from the Mathematical Gazette, July 1926), reports on 'Educational Work', Council of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham : printed Memorandum of Evidence for the Royal Commission on the University of Durham, May 1934, returns of both divisions of the university to the University Grants Committee regarding Social Sciences and related correspondence (for the UGC's Social Sciences Sub-Committee), correspondence (with the UGC and with the rector of King's College, etc.), submissions for non-recurrent grants, returns of student numbers (per College) to the Durham Colleges' Office, copy of the UGC's University Development : Report on the Years 1947 to 1952, Cmd. 8875, 1953), notifications of the UGC's decisions on applications for grant aid, etc., correspondence of Sir James Duff with Professor D.G. Christopherson, Imperial College, London, regarding staff-student ratio, 1960, the published UGC Returns from Universities and University Colleges in receipt of Treasury Grant Academic Year 1948 - 49 (HMSO, 1950), returns (by recent individual named graduates) to the Durham Colleges' questionnaire about employment following graduation, 1950.
489b. 1922 - June 1928.
489a. June 1928 - October 1930.
490b. June 1931 - 1933.
490a. 1933 - 1937.
493b. 1936 - 1939.
493a. 1939 - 1941.
499b. 1941 - 1947.
491b. August 1946 - May 1948.
491a. September 1947 - December 1950.
499a. 1948 - 1951.
492b. January 1951 - May 1952.
492a. June 1952 - January 1954.
500b. 1952 - 1955.
495b. January 1954 - November 1955.
495a. December 1955 - June 1957.
500a. 1956 - 1960.
496. July 1957 - December 1960.
UND/CC2/494   5 August 1937 - 29 July 1940
Uuniversity Grants Committee, correspondence of the warden with its chairman and secretary, the rector of King's College, etc.
UND/CC2/497   11 May 1955 - 24 June 1960
University Grants Committee Graduates' Occupations, comprising duplicated typescript copies of statistics (produced by the UGC) of subsequent occupations and availability for employment of students who qualified for first degrees or higher degrees for 1953-54 - 1958-59; and copies of [some] Durham Colleges' returns of such statistics for 1954 - 55 and 1958 - 59; and related correspondence.
497b. May 1955 - January 1958.
497a. January 1958 - June 1960.
UND/CC2/498   11 August 1950 - June 1955
University Grants Committee Visitation 17 June 1955, comprising agenda papers of the Council (re UGC visit on 18 October 1950), and papers re UGC visitation on 17 June 1955, the latter comprising correspondence; notes for members of staff taking members of the UGC; (published) Statement by King's College (for the Visitation); programme; note by the warden on recent developments and future plans; memorandum of the Durham Colleges non-professorial staff delegation; and copies of other documents submitted for the visitation.
UND/CC2/501   October 1937 - 1 June 1951
University Treasurer and Registrar correspondence, comprising correspondence of the treasurer of the Durham Colleges, arranged in alphabetical sections per subject of the correspondence and alphabetically per registrar and per hon. treasurer of the University of Durham.
502a. A- Q.
502b. R - Z.
UND/CC2/502   5 November 1948 - 24 June 1959
University Year Book, correspondence with the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth about entries for the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook, also proofs of entries.
UND/CC2/515   21 September 1937 - 13 August 1938
Vice-Chancellor's Letters, comprising carbon copies of letters written by the vice-chancellor [Dr J.F. Duff].
UND/CC2/516   15 September 1937 - 7 November 1938
Vice-Chancellor's Miscellaneous Letters, correspondence of Dr J F Duff (including that with Thomas Sharp, School of Architecture, King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, about the Durham City road scheme); also some agenda papers (including those of the North of England Education Conference, the University of Durham Calendar Committee, Durham University Excavation Committee, and the Board of the Faculty of Applied Science, etc., also copy of University of Durham report by the registrar on changes in regulations consequential to the new statutes, particulars of the university posts of assistant registrar and financial clerk, and memorandum from the Council of the Durham Colleges to the Court of the University).
516b. September 1937 - February 1938.
516a. February - November 1938.
UND/CC2/517   16 July 1946 - 30 January 1954
Vice-Chancellor's Miscellaneous Letters, correspondence (including that with the chancellor of the University, the Marquess of Londonderry, and with Lord Eustace Percy); agenda-related items of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals; notes for the vice-chancellor's speech at Convocation 30 June 1950; draft of memorandum of the Council of the City of Durham to the Parliamentary Committee 25 May 1948 (about parliamentary boundaries); typescript of article 'Durham University' by Walter Elliot, MP, n.d. [1947, [published - ? same version - in the Observer, Sunday 27 July 1947]; papers about the visit to British universities (including Durham) by the rectors of the universities of Brussels, Louvain, Liege, and Ghent in Belgium, 2 - 20 November 1946.
517b. July 1946 - June 1947.
517a. July 1947 - January 1954.
UND/CC2/518a   November 1953 - November 1958
Vice-Chancellor's Miscellaneous Letters, more general correspondence to (sic) Sir James Duff in his capacity as vice-chancellor.
UND/CC2/518b   November 1953 - April 1958
Vice-Chancellor's correspondence directly concerned with the Vice-Chancellors' Committee in London. The file comprises :- agenda papers of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and related correspondence; and general correspondence (including draft letter to the [chairman] of the University Grants Committee, December 1954, about academic salaries, and correspondence with the Secretary of the CVCP on the same subject).
UND/CC2/519   24 March - 3 July 1953
Visit of Vice-Chancellors and Executive Heads of Universities, comprising correspondence (principally that of Dr S. Holgate) and related papers (including copy of programme and list of members attending) about the Conference of Executive Heads of Commonwealth Universities held at Durham, 6 - 10 July 1953.
UND/CC2/520   6 September 1937 - 18 August 1941
Warden - Correspondence with Rector, comprising correspondence with Lord Eustace Percy (who assumed office as rector of King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on 6 September 1937); the subjects of the correspondence include lectures for units of HM Forces (1939 -40), the opening of the Medical School by HM The King 21 February 1939, the Appeal for funds for new buildings (1938), and the allocation of the Treasury grant (1938).
520b. September 1937 - June 1938.
520a. July 1938 - August 1941.
UND/CC2/521-523   7 September 1955 - 4 April 1960
Warden Forthcoming Engagements, comprising correspondence in response to invitations to attend meetings, dinners, etc., to speak at school speech days, give talks, etc. Includes (523) : Durham Senate correspondence, 22 March - 9 September 1960, regarding invitations to Sir James Duff.
521b. September 1955 - February 1957.
521a. March 1957 - February 1958.
522b. February 1958 - January 1959.
522a. February - September 1959.
523. February 1959 - April 1960.
UND/CC2/524-528   20 February 1948 - 16 May 1955
Warden - General, comprising miscellaneous correspondence and related papers. Includes:
(524) agenda papers of the Executive Committee of The Community Service for Durham County Ltd., of the British Institute of Adult Education, London, and of the Colonial University Grants Advisory Committee, 1948 - 49;
(525) abridged translation of the 1st Annual (1948) Report of La Fondation 'Sanatoriums des Etudiants de France' by Dr D. Donady, November 1949.
(526) correspondence and papers about Convocation 1952; correspondence with Lord Eustace Percy; and letters received from Dr G.M. Trevelyan [chancellor] and other correspondence about the proposed change in the name of the university; correspondence with the earl of Scarbrough (about the Scarbrough - Collingwood Report); notes for an address on 'Freedom and Authority from the standpoint of the University' [by Sir James Duff] to the North of England Education Conference, January 1952.
(527) a separate section on the Examination Results Inquiry 1953 (including agenda papers of the Committee of the Academic Board of the Durham Colleges which was formed to consider the incidence of failure in examinations, the document providing statistics about students who entered in 1948 and 1949); also typescript of Sir James Duff's review of Vol. VI (the final volume) of Winston Churchill's The Second World War (1954) for the Newcastle Journal; and agenda papers of the AGM of The Community Service Council for Durham County Ltd., 1952.
(528) circular with attachments (including list of names and addresses of Old Members) to 'Old Members' of the St Anselm Hall Association, Manchester (Sir James Duff having been a Sub-Warden of the Hall), 1955.
524b. February - October 1948.
524a. November 1948 - October 1950.
525b. December 1949 - December 1950.
525a. January - September 1951.
526b. September 1951 - July 1952.
526a. August - November 1952.
527b. January 1953 - May 1954.
527a. June - October 1954.
528. November 1954 - May 1955.
UND/CC2/529   10 September 1937 - 28 July 1938
Warden's Out-Letters, comprising carbon copies of letters written by the warden; in 529a is an alphabetical index to the correspondents. The correspondents include other vice-chancellors, Lord Eustace Percy, Dr M.P. Applebey, etc. and the subjects include applications for posts and the Durham University Appeal. (In a letter of 23 March 1938, Dr Duff wrote that “As a group of buildings there is nothing in England to equal the Castle and Cathedral on their rock” .)
529b. September 1937 - April 1938.
529a. May - July 1938.
UND/CC2/530   14 September 1937 - 4 May 1938
Warden's In-Letters, comprising letters received by the warden (and not his replies), with no index to the correspondents. [For the Warden's responses, see file 529, above.] Includes duplicated typescript of duties of a registrar or secretary for the Durham Colleges; papers about the Durham Colleges' Appeal; memorandum (for Middlesbrough Education Committee) by the director of Education, Middlesbrough, on grants to universities; (duplicated typescript) memorandum on the teaching of Theology in Durham; analysis of occupation of students on WEA tutorial classes, Durham Colleges, 1936 - 37, and related papers about WEA courses (at the Durham Colleges) 1937 - 38.
530b. September 1937 - January 1938.
530a. February - May 1938.
UND/CC2/531   25 November 1937 - 3 September 1938
Warden's In-Letters, comprising letters addressed to the warden (and not his responses). The subjects of the letters include the terms of the appointments of professors, readers, and lecturers; the position of the head of the department of Science; and an enquiry into Durham muniments [of the Dean and Chapter].
531b. November 1937 - June 1938.
531a. June - September 1938.
UND/CC2/532   14 August 1950 - 3 August 1951
Warden - Papers on Quinquennial Estimates, comprising correspondence with Lord Eustace Percy, the University Grants Committee, etc; agenda papers of the Rector's Committee and of the Durham Colleges' Standing Committee of Council and Academic Board; and drafts of statements on expenditure, etc.
532a. August 1950 - August 1951.
532b. November 1950 - January 1951.
UND/CC2/533-544   11 September 1946 - 25 July 1960
Warden - Personal, comprising correspondence, including that with other vice-chancellors, Dr M.P. Applebey, the earl of Scarbrough, the chairman of the University Grants Committee, Professor Patrick W. Duff (of Trinity College, Cambridge, [brother of Dr Duff]). 534 and later files include a number of invitations to events, etc., and correspondence with persons applying for posts. Includes:
(538) correspondence about the University Library, 1952.
(540) memorandum of evidence submitted by the United Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals to the Committee of Enquiry into the costs of the NHS by the board of governors of the United Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals [1954].
(541) an obituary of Professor Percy J. Heawood written by Sir James Duff for the journal Nature, 1955; also correspondence with Miss Mary Applebey about her father (Dr Applebey), 1955; and Sir James Duff's draft text for pamphlet on “Higher Education in the Colonies”, 1954.
(542) Sir James Duff's [pamphlet] on “Universities and Nations in the Making” and his obituary of Sir Godfrey Thomson (d.1955).
(543) correspondence about the proposed sale of Leconfield Estates (estates of Lord Leconfield) in the Lake District (including copy of letter to Dr G.M. Trevelyan), 1957, also other correspondence with Dr Trevelyan, who was contemplating resigning as chancellor of the university.
533b. September 1946 - January 1948.
533a. February - November 1948.
534b. December 1948 - August 1949.
534a. September - December 1949.
535b. November 1949 - April 1950.
535a. May - July 1950.
536b. August 1950 - January 1951.
536a. February - August 1951.
537b. September 1951 - February 1952.
537a. February - May 1952.
538b. May - November 1952.
538a. December 1952 - April 1953.
539b. April - July 1953.
539a. July - October 1953.
540b. November 1953 - February 1954.
540a. March - August 1954.
541b. September - December 1954.
541a. December 1954 - February 1955.
542b. February - July 1955.
542a. August - December 1955.
543b. January - July 1956.
543a. July 1956 - December 1957.
544b. January - October 1958.
544a. November 1958 - July 1960.
UND/CC2/545   [1951]
Warden - Quinquennial Estimates - Durham Colleges - King's College - University of Durham, comprising (in separate sections of the file) duplicated typescript copies of the Quinquennial Estimates (and related statements) of the Durham Colleges, of King's College, and of the University of Durham, to be submitted to the University Grants Committee for the Quinquennium 1952 - 57; together with MS. statistics [by Sir James Duff] giving the establishment, department, and estimate of increases in staff numbers 1952 and 1956 for the Durham Colleges. (There is no correspondence on the file.)
UND/CC2/546-547   June 1946 - 29 December 1954
Warden - References, comprising correspondence with and about those seeking references for posts they were applying for; in a number of cases, the references relate to those in posts in Education whom Sir James Duff knew from before he became warden. Includes:
(546) notes of a meeting held at Lumley Castle on 4 September 1951 to consider the situation arising from the recent serious cracks around the North-East Tower.
(547) list of those attending the University of Durham Joint Recruiting Board RAF University Short Courses Nos. 2 - 5 and 7 - 9 (noting names and whether or not a certificate of proficiency was awarded, University Examination (noting A,B,C,D or E), and findings of the board (noting “Yes”“Not Yet”“Rec” etc.).)
546b. September 1946 - September 1949.
546a. September 1949 - October 1951.
547b. October 1951 - October 1953.
547a. November 1953 - December 1954.
UND/CC2/548   [1957]
Warden - Report for Session 1956-1957, typescript text - general section, then annual reports on individual departments and schools, and colleges and societies. No correspondence on the file.
UND/CC2/549   13 April 1951 - 17 October 1953
Warden - 7th Universities Congress 1953, correspondence and related papers (including programme) about the 7th Quinquennial Congress of Universities of the Commonwealth held at Durham, 6 - 10 July 1953, (and publications etc. about the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth).
549b. April 1951 - May 1953.
549a. June - October 1953.
UND/CC2/550   18 April 1940 - 19 May 1943
War Savings Group, comprising correspondence of George E. Fawcus [of the treasurer's department, Durham Colleges Office] and Mr E.L. Burton (treasurer, Durham Colleges) arranged in alphabetical sections, per surname, about National Savings Schemes and the War Savings Campaign; also certificate of Durham Colleges' National Savings Group's affiliation to the National Savings Committee through the Durham City Local Savings Committee, 18 April 1940; licences (for performance of plays etc.) in the Assembly Rooms, 1943; and copies of War Savings (Campaign Journal of the National Savings Movement) Vol. 1, Nos.9 (October 1940) - 12 (January 1941) and Vol.2 Nos.1-3 (February - April 1941). (Relates inter alia to involvement with the sale of National War Bonds, Defence Bonds, and National Savings Certificates through which the government sought to mobilise the financial resources of the nation.)
UND/CC2/551   29 April 1938 - 24 December 1946
Workmen's Compensation Insurance, comprising correspondence, in alphabetical sections per surname / name of company (e.g. Phoenix Assurance Co Ltd), about claims in respect of accidents at work (in laboratories, etc.) and about cover for employees working for the Durham Colleges; generally does not detail the nature of the accident.
UND/CC2/552a   November 1948 - August 1949
Working Party - Ministry of Education, on University Awards (appointed in April 1948, Dr Duff being a member) : Report (HMSO, 1948), correspondence (including that communicating Dr Duff's forceful comments on the draft proposals etc. communicated to Mr G.G. Williams, Ministry of Education, the chairman of the working party), agenda papers (including draft report of the working party), and copies of the AUT's Reports on University Developments May 1944 and November 1945, copy of duplicated typescript Civil Service Selection Board Psychological Bulletin No. 14 : Notes on Scholarship Holding among 2750 candidates at the Civil Service Selection Board, August 1948, and other papers.
UND/CC2/552b   September 1940 - February 1948
Youth Organisations Conference 1940 - 1944, comprising correspondence (including some more general correspondence about the Durham County Association of Boys' Clubs, of which Mr Duff was a vice-president), and agenda papers of the Executive Committee of the Standing Conference of Voluntary Youth Organisations in County Durham (of which Mr Duff was treasurer, later chairman of the Executive Committee until January 1944). 12 September 1940 - 24 April 1944.
Women's Union, comprising copy of the constitution of the Durham Women Students' Association, n.d. [c.1932]; copy of the constitution of the Durham Women's Union Society, n.d. [ ? c. 1940]; correspondence (of Mr Austin [secretary of the Durham Colleges]) with the president of the Union and [? the president of the Durham Women's Union] about the Women's Union; and agenda item no. 14 (of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham Council, 7 May 1940) about the revised constitution of the Durham Women Students' Association. n.d. [c.1932], May 1940 - 31 October 1946.
Zoology 1941 - 1946, comprising agenda and related papers of the Committee of the Academic Board on the Teaching of Zoology (including [draft] paper on Zoology Teaching in the Durham Colleges);correspondence (1943 - 46); and related papers about the teaching of Botany and Zoology at the Durham Colleges and the establishment of a readership in Zoology. 19 May - May 1941, 11 June 1943 - 8 August 1946.
YMCA Advisory Committee 1940 - 1941, comprising correspondence about the establishment of an Advisory Committee for the YMCA at Durham (on which Dr Duff briefly served). 4 November 1940 - 16 September 1941.
Youth Service Diploma 1942 - 1948, comprising correspondence, and papers (including interim report on the part-time two year course which began in October 1942, the report being headed Diploma in Youth Service, and subsequent reports on the diploma course) about courses for the Diploma in Youth Service (held in both divisions of the University of Durham) and about the appointment of a lecturer in Education for the Diploma in Youth Service. The papers include notes on a meeting of teachers in the courses for the Diploma in Youth Service, 5 June 1944. 15 January 1942 - 10 February 1948.
UND/CC2/553   24 February 1948 - 22 January 1960
Zoology Department, correspondence (principally with Professor J.B. Cragg), agenda papers (of the Committee on the Lectureship in Zoology 1949, Committee on the Lectureship in Zoology (Entomology) 1957, etc., including copies of applications of candidates), reports of the department for the Sessions 1948 /49 to 1953/54, and proposals of the department for the Quinquennium 1957-62.
553b. February 1948 - October 1955.
553a. November 1955 - January 1960.
UND/CC2/600   March - May 1948
St Cuthbert's Society, appointment to the post of secretary, applications with curricula vitae, list of applicants, an requests for references (Mr H.H. Carleston appointed).
Paper file
Colleges Office files 1960-1963
Reference: UND/CC3
Dates of creation: 1946 - 1964, mostly 1960-1963
UND/CC3/A1   1 September 1960 - 15 November 1963
Academic Board, comprising agendas of the Academic Board (of the Durham Colleges), and correspondence.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/A4   1960 - 1963
Appointments Board [ Durham University Appointments Board, later the Appointments Board of the Universities of Newcastle and Durham], comprising agenda papers (including a copy of the 15th annual report, for 1959 - 60) and correspondence.
1. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CC3/A5   1960 - 1963
Athletics Union, comprising agenda papers of the Durham Colleges Athletic Union and of Durham University Athletic Union (of both the pre and post 1963 University of Durham).
UND/CC3/A7   1962 - 1963
Affiliated Colleges, comprising correspondence (principally re Fourah Bay and Codrington Colleges), also copy of The Times Weekly Review's Survey of Barbados, 22 February 1962 (which refers to Codrington College).
UND/CC3/A10   1959 - 1963
Archaeology Department, comprising agendas of the Standing Committee for Archaeology (of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham) and of the University of Durham's Excavation Committee; also correspondence, and some related reprints of published articles.
UND/CC3/A11   1960 - 1963
Assembly Rooms, comprising agendas of the Committee of Management of the Assembly Rooms, and related correspondence.
UND/CC3/A13   1960
Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth (AUBC) spare documents.
UND/CC3/A14   1960 - 1963
Applied Physics Department, comprising correspondence, also agenda papers of the meeting of the Committee of the Sub-Faculty of Applied Physics to be held on 6 October 1961; includes a draft memorandum by Professor D. Christopherson (then at Imperial College of Science and Technology, London) on the planning of courses in Applied Science at the Durham Colleges, July 1960, which was prepared after Professor Christopherson had discussed the subject with Professor Wright of the University of Durham.
UND/CC3/B1   1960 - 1963
Bede College, comprising agendas of the governing body of the college; correspondence of the warden with the college's principal; copy of the college's annual report 1961 -62; copy of Bede College Conference Centre brochure; copy of reprint of Mr K.G. Collier (principal)'s article “Academic Learning in a Modern Society” , published in Educational Review, vol.12, no.3, June 1960; and (loose in the file) reprint of Mr Collier's article “Problems of Communication for Teachers”, published in Educational Review, vol.14, no.3, June 1962.
UND/CC3/B2   1960 - 1963
Botany Department, comprising correspondence of various officers of the Durham Colleges, including the warden.
UND/CC3/B5   1960 - 1963
Buildings Committee, comprising agendas and a little correspondence.
1A&1B. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
3. 1963.
UND/CC3/B7   1961 - 1963
Business Research Unit, comprising correspondence, and agendas of the Standing Committee for the Business Research Unit [which was established in October 1960].
UND/CC3/B9   1962
Business Management Studies, comprising a letter from Alan J. ?Odler, Department of Social Studies, to the warden, on the subject of management training, referring to a meeting on the subject which had been held in Newcastle upon Tyne on 6 September 1961.
UND/CC3/C1   1960 - 1963
Council, comprising agenda papers and correspondence regarding items for the agenda and also reporting on the resolutions of the Council; includes correspondence of June 1963 with the Mayor of Middlesbrough regarding a proposed meeting to consider the question of establishing a university on Tees-side (sic).
1A&1B. 1960-1961.
2. 1960-1962.
3. 1962-1963.
4. 1963.
UND/CC3/C2   1961 - 1963
Court, comprising agendas, and correspondence; loose in the file is a copy of the Durham Colleges's Estimates for the Quinquennium of 1962 - 67, 1961.
1. 1961.
2. 1961-1963.
UND/CC3/C3   1960 - 1963
Classics Department, comprising correspondence, also agenda of meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the Court, 24 May 1961.
UND/CC3/C5   1960 - 1963
Chemistry Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/C6   1960 - 1963
Concessions, comprising some agendas of the Concessions Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, and of the Senate Concessions and Exemptions Committee, and correspondence (concerning students changing course, etc.)
UND/CC3/C8   1960 - 1963
Chairman [of Council]: General, comprising correspondence (principally of the warden and of Mr Ian Graham, the registrar) with Dr, later Sir, Edward F. Collingwood.
UND/CC3/C9   December 1960 - 1963
Committees: Miscellaneous, comprising agenda papers of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Court, the Observatory Committee, the Board of the Faculty of Science's Exemptions Committee, the Excavation Committe, and other committees, also some correspondence.
UND/CC3/C15   1960 - 1963
College Chaplains, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/C16   1960 - 1963
Congregation, comprising circulars, and some correspondence.
1. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CC3/C19   1963
Committee on Professorships and Readerships, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/D1   1957 - 1963
Development Programme Committee, comprising committee agendas, and correspondence (including some with the University Grants Committee).
1. 1957-1960.
2. November 1960- May 1962.
3. May - October 1962.
4. October 1962 - November 1963.
UND/CC3/D1a   June 1963
[Report on ] “The Music School in Divinity House Palace Green” , by Bernard Taylor and Associates, Architects, Manchester; includes plans.
UND/CC3/D4   1960 - 1963
Depauw (sic) Exchange, comprising correspondence with and about those students participating in the (one year) exchange scheme with DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, USA.
UND/CC3/D7   1960
Degree Courses in Arts, comprising copy of duplicated typescript general regulations for the BA Honours Degrees in Economics, Politics, Law, [and] Social Theory and Institutions, (at Durham), n.d., and copy of duplicated typescript invitation of the warden (11 November 1960) to staff to attend a dinner party to discuss the need for honours courses on a wider basis than a single subject honours degree.
UND/CC3/E1   1960 - 1963
English Department, comprising correspondence (principally of the professors with the warden), and some lecture posters.
UND/CC3/E2   1960 - 1963
Education Department, comprising agendas (principally of the Standing Committee of the Department of Education (of the Durham Colleges) and of the Board of the Faculty of Education and of the Board of Studies in Education), and correspondence.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/E3   1960 - 1963
Extra-Mural Board, comprising agendas of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies (including some published details of extra-mural classes and adult courses), and correspondence.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/E5   1960 - 1963
Examinations Results etc, comprising copies of timetables of examinations, copies of some pass and class lists, and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC3/E7   1960 - 1963
Education, Institute, comprising agendas of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Education and of the Delegacy of the Institute of Education (including copies of indexes of the Delegacy's minutes), and a little related correspondence; includes copies of Durham University Institute of Education Journals.
1. 1960-1961.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1962.
4. 1962-1963.
5. 1963.
6. 1960-1963, Journals Nos 59, 61, 63-65, 67, 68, 70-72.
UND/CC3/E7a   1961 - 1963
Education, Institute of (Durham), comprising agendas of both the Delegacy of the Institute of Education and of the Committee on the establishment of an Institute of Education in Durham, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/E7b   1962
Agenda papers of Committee on Deputy Directorship, Delegacy of the Institute of Education, comprising copies of applications and of referees' letters.
UND/CC3/E10   1961 - 1963
Engineering Science Building, comprising agenda papers of the Engineering Science I Building Sub-Committee, also copy of minutes of the Statutory Committee on the Chair of Engineering Science (1963), and (loose in the file) agenda papers [ ? of Dr Christopherson, as a member of an outside committee] regarding equipment required for Engineering Science at the University College of Sussex (1963).
UND/CC3/F1   1960 - 1963
French Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/F1a   1963
Second Chair of French, comprising agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the Chair of French in the Durham Division and of the Statutory Committee on the Chair of English in the Durham Division; Dr Mossop was appointed to the second chair of French.
UND/CC3/F2   1960 - 1963
Fourah Bay College, comprising agendas of the college's Council and of the selection committee for the post of assistant registrar, also some correspondence (including that relating to college candidates admitted to study at the University of Durham), together with the following (some of these items being loose in the file) : copies of college publications including Calendars for Sessions 1960-61 and 1961-62, brochure on the College, and programme for Congregation for conferment of degrees by the Visitor of the College (HM The Queen ) on 30 November 1961, and photographs (of Dr Christopherson and graduates [and senior staff]) taken at the College's Congregation held on 1 February 1963.
1. 1960-1961.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1962.
4. 1962-1963.
5. 1963.
UND/CC3/F7   1960 - [1963]
Fulbright Scheme, comprising particulars of Fulbright Travel Grants, schedules of American graduate scholars in the UK under the Fulbright programme, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/F8   1960 - 1963
Fleck, Isabel Award, comprising correspondence with and about the Isabel Fleck Award and those made a grant.
UND/CC3/G1   1960 - 1963
Grey College, comprising agendas of the governing body, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/G1a   1961
Grey College Opening Ceremony (on 19 October 1961), comprising press notice, list of those invited, correspondence (principally with those invited), and menu card for dinner.
UND/CC3/G2   1960 - 1963
Geography Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/G3   1960 - 1963
Geology Department, comprising correspondence, also copy of duplicated typescript Estimates for Equipment of Second Stage of New Building (of the Geology Department), 1963.
UND/CC3/G3a   1963
Readership in Geophysics, comprising agenda papers of the Statutory Committee on the Readership in Geophysics in the Durham Division ( which include particulars of the post); does not include any applications, curricula vitarum, or correspondence.
UND/CC3/G9   1960 - 1963
G.C.E. correspondence with Examining Boards (other than Durham), comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/H1   1960 - 1963
History Department, comprising Collections lists, and correspondence (including that with Mr Frank Atkinson, director of the Bowes Museum, regarding his plans for a new Open-Air Folk Museum near the City of Durham and enquiring about the university's plans to create a department of Social History or Local History or 'Folk Life', 1962 -63); the file also contains copies of the minutes of a meeting of the Governing Body of Hatfield College held on 24 May 1963.
UND/CC3/H2   1960 - 1963
Hatfield College, comprising agendas of meetings of the governing body, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/H4   1960 - 1963
Heads of Houses, Committee of.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/H5   1960
Heraldry, comprising correspondence with the College of Arms regarding Mr I.E. Graham (secretary of the Durham Colleges)'s MA - Mr Graham stating that it is of the University of Edinburgh - this information being required by the College for the “Memorial for Durham Colleges”.
UND/CC3/H6   1960 - 1963
Higher Degrees, comprising agendas of the Higher Degrees Committee (Durham Division), and correspondence (including that with candidates).
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/H7   1960 - 1962
Honorary Degrees, comprising correspondence (including that with the chancellor, with those nominating candidates, and with the honorary graduands), also (for 1962 only) copy of the text of the speeches delivered by the Public Orator when presenting candidates.
UND/CC3/H8   1961 - 1962
Hungarian Students, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/H10   1961 - 1963
Sherburn Hospital, comprising agendas of the Finance Committee, of the House Committee, and of the governors of the hospital (of all of which Dr Christopherson was a member), and a very little related correspondence.
1. 1961-1963.
2. 1963.
Continued in UND/CB1/H6.
UND/CC3/H11   1961 - 1963
Harkness Fellowships, Committee of Award for the Commonwealth Fund's(sic), comprising circulars of the committee, correspondence, and mark sheets, also [Dr Christopherson's] brief notes on and pencil sketches of the head and shoulders of a number of the candidates he interviewed [as a member of the British Committee of Award of the Commonwealth Fund] n.d.[1962 ] and 1963; also copies of The Commonwealth Fund : Historical Sketch 1918 - 1962 and of The Commonwealth Fund's Christmas Letter to the Fellows, 1963.
UND/CC3/I4   1961 - 1963
Imperial College of Science and Technology, comprising correspondence of Dr Christopherson on academic matters (higher degree applications, applications for posts including those made by former members of his staff at Imperial College, talks given by him at the College, etc.)
UND/CC3/I5   1962 - 1963
Inter-Universities Committee on Computing, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence. (Dr Christopherson became chairman of the committee during the period covered by the file.)
UND/CC3/K1   1960 - 1963
King's College, comprising agenda papers of meetings of the Boards of the Faculties of Law, Economic Studies, Agriculture, Medicine, etc., of the university ; copies (1963) of applications for the chair of French in the Newcastle Division of the university; agenda papers of the Committee on the Second Chair of Chemical Engineering (in the Newcastle Division), including copies of applications, 1963; and correspondence (of the vice-chancellor, and the registrar and secretary). Loose in one of the files is a copy of Viscount Ridley, “The Development of the Iron and Steel Industry in North West Durham”, being the the Tyneside Geographical Society Lecture 1961 (delivered at King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne and published by the Society).
1&2. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/K2   1960
King's College Council Minutes, comprising agenda papers (including copies of minutes) of the Council.
UND/CC3/L1   1961 - 1963
Library, comprising agendas of the meetings of the curators (including annual report), copies of lists of books purchased, lists of books missing, and correspondence (of the warden, etc.)
1. 1960-1961.
2. 1961-1963.
3. 1963.
UND/CC3/L2   1962
Lecture Rooms Equipment, comprising correspondence about the provision of a lantern and a lantern operator for [two separate lectures.]
UND/CC3/L6   1961, 1963
Lectorial Spread, comprising two letters to the warden,one from K. Stewarton of the War Office (1961) and the other from ? J. Grant of the Institute of Education, University of Durham (1963).
UND/CC3/M1   1963
Matriculation, comprising agendas of the Matriculation Committee (of the University of Durham); copies of the University of Durham : Matriculation and School Examination Board General Certificate of Education Examinations 1964 - Regulations and Syllabuses; and a little correspondence.
UND/CC3/M4   1960 - 1963
Music Department, comprising agendas of the Board of the Faculty of Music, and correspondence (principally with Professor A. Hutchings).
UND/CC3/M5   November 1960 - November 1963
Military Education, comprising agendas of the Military Education Committee of the University of Durham, including also its sub-committee, and (for the first meeting, to be held on 18 November 1963) of the Universities of Northumbria Military Education Committee; and correspondence, and including a copy of DAIS Newspaper of the Sunderland Technical College Students' Union Vol.9 No.4, 29 November 1961..
UND/CC3/M7   1960 - 1963
Mathematics Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/N1   1960 - 1963
Neville's Cross College, comprising agendas of the County Council of Durham's Training College Sub-Committee, and correspondence.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/O3   1960 - 1963
Office Staff, comprising correspondence with and about staff and applicants.
UND/CC3/O4a   1960 - 1963
Oriental Studies Department, correspondence.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/P2   1960 - 1963
Physics Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/P3   1960 - 1963
Psychology Department, correspondence.
UND/CC3/P6   1960 - 1963
Prizes - University.
UND/CC3/P9   1960 - 1963
Policemen's Reports, comprising a very little correspondence, and the reports of individual university policemen about various incidents.
UND/CC3/P10   1958 - 1963
Philosophy Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/P12   1960 - March 1964
Publications Board, comprising agendas of the Publications Board (of the University of Durham), and a very little related correspondence.
UND/CC3/Q1   1958 - 1963
Quinquennial Committee, comprising agendas of the Quinquennial Committee, and correspondence, including a 1961 sub-committee on developments in Linguistics.
1. 1958-1960.
2. 1960-1961.
3. 1961-1963.
4. 1963.
UND/CC3/R1   April 1960 - November 1963
Reconstitution of the University, agenda papers for the committees set up on 1 November 1960 of both Council (to consider asepcts of the new constitution with regard to finance, property and the relationship between the principal governing bodies) and Academic Board (to consider in broad terms the structure of academic government, not excluding the relationship of the chief academic body to the Council).
1. April 1960 - March 1962.
2. April 1962 - January 1963.
3. January - November 1963.
UND/CC3/R6   1960 - 1963
Russian Department, comprising correspondence, also including typescript proposed syllabus for honours in Russian.
UND/CC3/S1   1960 - 1963
St Cuthbert's Society, comprising agendas of the governing body, and correspondence (including details of the homes and local addresses of students).
1. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CC3/S1a   1960 - 1963
St Cuthbert's Society Principalship Committee, comprising agenda papers for committee meetings and a very little related correspondence. (Mr J.L. Brooks was appointed principal.)
UND/CC3/S2a   1962 - 1963
St Aidan's College Principalship Committee, comprising committee agenda papers (including copies of the applications received), and correspondence. (Dame Enid Russell-Smith was appointed principal from 1 October 1963.)
1. 1962-1963.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CC3/S3   1960 - 1963
St Mary's College, comprising agendas of the governing body, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/S3a   1961 - 1963
Principalship of St. Mary's College, comprising committee agenda papers (including copies of applications received), and correspondence. (Mrs Mary Holdsworth was appointed principal from 1 October 1962.)
1. 1961.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1961-1963.
UND/CC3/S4   1960 - 1963
St Chad's College, comprising correspondence (principally with the principal).
UND/CC3/S5   1960 - 1963
St John's College, comprising correspondence, also copies of minutes of the Appeal Committee of the college, and appeal brochures (1962). (The correspondence includes that relating to the laying of the foundation stone of the new extension, 1961.)
UND/CC3/S6   1960 - 1964
St Hild's College, comprising agendas of the governing body, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/S7   1960 - 1963
Spanish Department, comprising correspondence.
UND/CC3/S7a   June 1963
Statutory Committee on the appointment of a chair in Spanish, agenada and testimonails for J.L. Brooks.
Paper file
UND/CC3/S8   1946 - 1963
Senior Lecturers, comprising correspondence (letters received in support of nominations for promotion to senior lecturer, etc.), also agendas of the committee for promotion to the grade of senior lecturer.
UND/CC3/S9   (1949), (1954), 1960 - 1963
Sabbatical Terms, comprising agendas of the Sabbatical Terms Committee, and correspondence, 1960 -63. (Loose in the file is a copy of the minutes of the first meeting of the committee, 1949, and very brief notes on sabbatical leave taken 1949-1954.)
UND/CC3/S10   1960 - 1963
Students Representative Council, comprising agendas of meetings of the Durham University Students Representative Council, and correspondence.
1. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CC3/S13   1960 - 1963
Student Statistics, comprising lists of students (in alphabetical order per examination), statistics of student numbers ('report on student numbers'), and correspondence.
UND/CC3/S16   1960 - 1963
Science Faculty, comprising agendas of the Board of the Faculty of Science, and correspondence; includes - not always with the board agendas - copies of agendas of the Observatory Committee, summaries of meteorological readings at Durham University Observatory, and Seismological Bulletins of Durham University Observatory.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1962-1963.
UND/CC3/S16a   1962 - 1963
Durham Sub-Faculty of Science, comprising agendas of the Durham Sub-Faculty [which reported to the Faculty of Science], and a little related correspondence.
UND/CC3/S17   1960 - 1963
School Examinations Board (Durham), comprising agendas of the Matriculation and School Examination Board, later entitled the School Examination Board, and correspondence. Includes copies of some University of Durham Matriculation and School Examination Board publications.
1. 1960-1963.
2. 1963.
UND/CC3/S20   1960 - 1963
Social Studies, comprising agendas (1963) of the Committee [of the Academic Board] on the Future of the Department of Social Studies [with particular reference to the development of a School of Law in Durham], and correspondence. Includes a copy of “Statistical Reasoning” , the inaugural lecture (delivered in 1962) of Professor R.L. Plackett, professor of Statistics in the Newcastle Division, published by the Univeresity of Durham, 1963.
UND/CC3/S24   1960 - 1963
Students from Abroad.
UND/CC3/S26   1960 - 1963
Science Departments Committee, comprising agendas of the Science Departments' Committee, and correspondence; includes annual reports of the Science departments, and a copy of the “Green Book” [prospectus], [1961].
1A&B. 1960-1962.
2. 1962-1963.
3. 1963.
UND/CC3/S30   1960 - 1963
Senate, comprising agenda papers, and correspondence. Loose in one of the files : two copies of the University of Durham King's College Newcastle upon Tyne Rector's Report 1959 -1960.
1A&B. 1960-1961.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1963.
UND/CC3/S36   1960 - 1963
Student Health Service, comprising agendas (1963 only) of the Committee on the Establishment of a Student Health Service, and correspondence. Includes: a duplicated typescript paper “A New Medical School for Durham”, by Charles Grey, M.P.,n.d.[1963], which argues the case for such a medical school and suggests that Durham University could break new ground by reserving at least 50 per cent of the places at the new medical school for students from overseas; Proceedings of the British Student Health Officers' Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 1960; Report of a Conference (on Student Mental Health) of the World University Service, 1961.
UND/CC3/S38   1960 - 1963
Stipends Committee
UND/CC3/S39   1960 - 1963
Staff Cricket Club, comprising agendas of the 12th and 14th annual general meetings of the Durham Colleges Staff Cricket Club, and correspondence. (Mr I.E. Graham served as the club's hon. secretary in 1961.)
UND/CC3/S40   1961 - 1962
S.R.C. Building, comprising agendas of the SRC Building and Staff House Sub-Committee (only).
UND/CC3/S41   1961 - 1963
Sunderland Technical College, comprising correspondence, also copy of memoranda (of 1961) of Sunderland Local Education Authority on the Affiliation of Sunderland Technical College to the University of Durham. ( In fact, a relationship was established by the college with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.)
UND/CC3/S42   May - June 1963
Science Laboratories, Committee on the Administration of, agenda papers.
Paper file
UND/CC3/T2   1960 - 1963
Theology Department, comprising agendas of the Board of the Faculty of Theology, and correspondence; also duplicated typescript curricula vitarum and extracts from references re applications for [the Lightfoot Chair of Divinity, to which Dr R.P.C. Hanson was appointed [?c.1961]].
1. 1960-1963.
2. n.d.
UND/CC3/U1   1960 - 1963
University College, comprising agendas of the governing body, and correspondence.
UND/CC3/U3   1960 - 1963
University Office, comprising copies of circulars on holiday closure dates, and some little correspondence (about the appointment of Mr R.S. Boumphrey, Finance Officer, as [first] Finance Officer of the University of Lancaster, etc.)
UND/CC3/U4b   1960 - 1963
University Grants Committee - Warden's Correspondence With', comprising correspondence with the chairman of the UGC.
UND/CC3/U4c   1961 - 1963
University Grants Committee - Committee on Teaching Methods [chairman: Sir Edward Hale], comprising agendas of the Committee on University Teaching Methods (of which Dr Christopherson was a member), and correspondence (including that regarding the University of Durham's response to the committee's questionnaire on the subject); also agendas of the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham Committee on University Teaching Methods [established to consider the answers to be sent to the Hale Committee]. Includes copies of the publicatioins of other bodies.
1A&B. 1961-1962.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1962.
4. 1962-1963.
5. 1963.
UND/CC3/U6   1960 - 1963
University Officers' Training Corps, comprising correspondence with the War Office (including the Secretary of State), the chancellor of the university, etc., especially about the future of OTCs (and the decision to discontinue the WRAC sub-unit in University OTCs).
UND/CC3/U8   1960 - 1963
University Air Squadron, comprising terminal reports (i.e. each term) of the squadron leader of the Durham University Air Squadron, Newcastle, and some correspondence.
UND/CC3/U10   1960 - 1963
University Society, comprising correspondence with Durham University Society (especially its hon. secretary and its chairman).
UND/CC3/V3   1961 - 1963
Vice-Chancellor - Miscellaneous', comprising correspondence (including that regarding invitations to attend other universities' anniversary celebrations) and associated publications, including Proposal for a University of Stamford, 1961, also Revenue Account and Balance Sheet for 1960 - 61 of both the University of Durham and the Durham Colleges in the University of Durham and of King's College Newcastle upon Tyne.
UND/CC3/V4   1963
Van Mildert College, comprising copy of minutes of Sub-Committee for Van Mildert College, and letter from the University Librarian regarding Bishop Van Mildert's handwritten “Sic vos non vobis” on a scrap of paper in the University Library (this information being communicated as the librarian believed that the new college would be considering the adoption of a motto).
UND/CC3/W1   1960 - 1963
Warden - Personal, comprising correspondence (including that with persons overseas) regarding Dr Christopherson's publications, the invitations he received, etc. Includes papers re the visit of Lord Hailsham [?Minister for Science] to Durham in March 1963, and copies of publications sent by outside bodies.
1. 1960-1961.
2. 1961-1962.
3. 1962.
4A&B. 1962-1963.
5A&B. 1963.
UND/CC3/W3   1960 - 1963
Warden - Annual Report, comprising correspondence, also copy of Report by the Warden for the year 1961 -62.
UND/CC3/W4   1960 - 1963
Warden - (University General), comprising correspondence (including that with the equerry to the duke of Edinburgh, 1963). Includes 2nd draft of a Preliminary Division [between Durham and Newcastle] of the Assets of the University of Durham, 1961.
UND/CC3/Z1   1960 - 1963
Zoology Department.
Reference: UND/CD
Dates of creation: 1913 - 2012
The records mainly concern the installation of chancellors, being programmes, newspaper cuttings, photographs, recordings
The university was established with the warden as its head. The dean of the cathedral declined to be the first warden, so the archdeacon, Charles Thorp, took on the office. Thereafter, the office was held by the dean, until the 1908 Act replaced the warden by a chancellor as the titular head, and established a vice-chancellor, assisted by pro-vice-chancellors, as the chief executive officer of the university. The dean of Durham, warden at the time of the Act, continued as the first university chancellor. Thereafter, the post has been held by eminent aristocratic, political, academic and cultural figures.
Durham University Wardens/Chancellors
1. 1832-1862Charles Thorp, Archdeacon of Durham
2. 1862-1869George Waddington, Dean of Durham
3. 1869-1894William C. Lake, Dean of Durham
4. 1894-1909George W. Kitchin, Dean of Durham

4. 1909-1912George W. Kitchin, Dean of Durham
5. 1913-1918 Henry George Percy, 7th Duke of Northumberland
6. 1919-1928John George Lambton, 3rd Earl of Durham
7. 1929-1930Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland
8. 1931-1949Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry
9. 1950-1957George Macaulay Trevelyan
10. 1958-1969Lawrence Roger Lumley, 11th Earl of Scarbrough
11. 1971-1981Malcolm John MacDonald, P.C., O.M.
12. 1982-1990Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias
13. 1992-2004Sir Peter Ustinov
14. 2005-2011Bill Bryson
15. 2012-2022Sir Thomas Allen
16. 2023- Dr Fiona Hill
Formerly UND/A13.

Henry George Percy, 7th Duke of Northumberland (1846-1918)
Reference: UND/CD5
Reference: UND/CD5/A
Dates of creation: 1913 Other papers re the installation are in UND/CA5/12.
Photos of the installation are in MIA 1/132-139.

UND/CD5/A1   1913
Installation scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, programmes and tickets.
Book of card leaves with paper and card items stuck in
Compiled and presented by Rev S.R.P. Moulsdale, 26 November 1913.
Formerly numbered 38.B.6.
UND/CD5/A2   1913
Installation committee minutes, with programmes, tickets and notes about the order of proceedings.
Paper file
UND/CD5/A3   5 May 1913
Illustrated Chronicle
John George Lambton, 3rd Earl of Durham (1855-1928)
Reference: UND/CD6
Reference: UND/CD6/A
Dates of creation: 1919Paper file

Installation progammes and tickets.

Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland (1880-1930)
Reference: UND/CD7
Reference: UND/CD7/A
Dates of creation: 1929
UND/CD7/A1   1929
Installation programmes, tickets, orders of proceedings, correspondence and bills, also concerning the conferring of degrees at the same time.
Paper file
UND/CD7/A2   1929
Installation newspaper cuttings.
Paper file
Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry (1878-1949)
Reference: UND/CD8
Reference: UND/CD8/A
Dates of creation: 1931
UND/CD8/A1   1931
Installation and honorary degree programmes, tickets, orders of proceedings, table plans, correspondence, score of J.C. Bridge's Ode, committee minutes, bills.
Paper file
UND/CD8/A2   1931
Installation newspaper cuttings.
Paper file
George Macaulay Trevelyan (1876-1962)
Reference: UND/CD9
Reference: UND/CD9/A
Dates of creation: 1950 For a printed report detailing the programme and speeches, see UND/CA1/33.

UND/CD9/A1   1950
Installation programmes, tickets and newspaper cuttings, including for a performance of John Gay's The Beggar's Opera.
Paper file
UND/CD9/A2   1950
Cassette recording of the speech made by Sir James Duff, vice-chancellor of Durham University, at the installation of G.M. Trevelyan as chancellor.
C90 cassette tape, in a plastic box
Presented by Mrs Margaret Rogister of Durham, 21 August 21, Acc No Misc.21/22:123.
UND/CD9/A3   24 May 1950
BBC sound recordings of the chancellor's installation (numbered as sides 1-8 of 12).
DMR 2140
Lawrence Roger Lumley, 11th Earl of Scarbrough (1896-1969)
Reference: UND/CD10
Reference: UND/CD10/A
Dates of creation: 1958
UND/CD10/A1   1958
Installation programmes, tickets, lists of guests, seating plans, details of arrangements, chancellor's speech and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CD10/A2   1958
Recordings of the installation ceremonies at Durham and Newcastle, with copies of each.
3 reel to reel EMI 7" tapes of the original recordings, with 2 reel to reel AMPEX 7" tapes copies
Deposited by Keith Seacroft, Durham University Public Relations Officer, 9 February 1999, Acc No Misc.1998/99:13.
UND/CD10/A3   15 - 16 October 1958
An album of mounted BW photographs of the installation of Lawrence Roger Lumley, 11th Earl of Scarbrough as chancellor of Durham University, featuring dinner in Eustace Percy Hall, the procession and then ceremony in King's Hall, and then congregation in the Great Hall at Durham Castle and afterwards outside on the steps. With typewritten descriptions identifying:
Mrs Cragg, Mr Fulton, Prof Dayash, Dr Collingwood, Sir Charles Morris, Mrs R.B. Green, Dr T.S.R. Boase, Miss Duff, Dr Hugh Dalton, the duchess of Northumberland, the vice-chancellor, Lady Scarborough, the Norwegian ambassador, Lady Dorothy Macmillan, the earl of Scarborough, Madame Prebensen, Harold Macmillan, Mrs Bosanquet, the duke of Northumberland, Mr W. Hamilton, Lord Normanby, Sir Walter Drummond, Prof Cooper, Prof Cragg. Prof Tuck, Lady Lascelles, Lord Harding, Lady Bowman, Lady Harding, Sir Alan Lascelles, Mrs Wild, Sir David Campbell, Sir Thomas Havelock, Prof Barnes (public orator), Mr G.R. Hanson, Sir Robin Rowell, Sir James Bowman, the dean of Durham, Maurice Harland bishop of Durham
Size: 260 x 210mm (album), 210 x 140mm (photos)
Prepared and presented by the Durham Colleges Office, 4 February 1959.
Formerly Add Ms 570 (to 12 June 2006) and MS 378.4281 before that.
Another version: UND/CK1/BF1958.
UND/CD10/A4   October 1958
Newspaper cuttings about the chancellor's installation and especially the honorary degree for the prime minister, Harold Macmillan, and the flour bomb attack on him.
Malcolm John MacDonald, P.C., O.M. (1901-1981)
Reference: UND/CD11
UND/CD11/A   12 December 1970
Installation programmes, tickets, invites, correspondence, seating plans and circulars, and including correspondence about arrangements for their honorary degrees with Lord Shinwell and Dame Sybil Thorndike.
Paper file
UND/CD11/B   3 March 1981
Service paper for the Westminster Abbey service of thanksgiving for his life and work, with a ticket and a copy of the address by Shridath Ramphal, Commonwealth Secretary-General.
Paper booklet, 12p, + 1p
Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias (1919-1991)
Reference: UND/CD12
Reference: UND/CD12/A
UND/CD12/A1   June 1982
Programme, invites, tickets, lists of guests, plans, scripts, notices and correspondence for the chancellor's installation 30 June 1982 and associated events.
UND/CD12/A2   June 1982
Programme, invites, tickets, lists of guests, plans, scripts, notices and correspondence for the chancellor's installation 30 June 1982 and associated events.
UND/CD12/A3   1 July 1982
Newspaper cuttings about the installation and Dame Margot Fonteyn.
UND/CD12/A4   June 1982
Language:  English and Welsh
Congratulatory address on the installation from the University of Wales, signed by the vice-chancellor and registrar.
UND/CD12/A5   [?1980]
Parts 1-12 of Mozart's 'Serenade No. 10' score played at the installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn as chancellor in 1992. Includes manuscript notes of the names of those who played the various parts.
Published by Edwin F. Kalmus, New York.
Stamped: “University of Durham, Department of Music”
12 parts
Reference: UND/CD12/B
UND/CD12/B1   11 June 1983
Photographs of Dame Margot Fonteyn receiving an honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from the University of Santa Clara, California, showing her arriving, relaxing, with the university president, signing a programme and book, on the dais, being robed, and speaking, with a covering letter from the president, William J. Rewak, and a programme for the graduation ceremony.
UND/CD12/B2   August 1996
First day cover of stamps for “Women of Achievement” , namely Dorothy Hodgkin, Elisabeth Frink, Daphne du Maurier, Marea Martman and Margot Fonteyn (with ballet shoes), with Durham University shield and stamp, dated 6 August 1996 by the Post Office, with a covering letter of 19 August 1996 and a printed statement from Susannah Strettle of Fourpenny Post about the cover's creation at the university and the Post Office in Durham.
UND/CD12/B3   February 1991
Obituaries, newspaper cuttings from The Times et al, with photographs.
Paper file
Sir Peter Ustinov (1921-2004)
Reference: UND/CD13
Reference: UND/CD13/A
Dates of creation: 1992
UND/CD13/A1-3   March - May1992
Programme, invites, tickets, plans, lists of guests, correspondence, thank you letters, Ustinov's installation speech and minutes of meetings for the installation on 7 May and associated events.
Reference: UND/CD13/B
Dates of creation: 2004
UND/CD13/B1   10 November 2004
Durham Cathedral memorial service programme, 2 copies
2 paper booklets
Another copy is in the Durham University Local Collection at PamL 378.4281 UST/DUR
UND/CD13/B2   10 November 2004
Video of the Durham Cathedral memorial service, including clips of Ustinov speaking at various congregations.
VHS video tape, E120
Given by Keith Seacroft, Head of Public Relations, Durham University, 18 January 2005, Accession No Misc. 2004/2005:30.
Another copy is in the Durham University Main Library video collection.
UND/CD13/B3   November 2004
Catalogue of an exhibition in Palace Green Library celebrating Sir Peter Ustinov as chancellor 1992-2004.
Paper file
Dr Bill Bryson OBE (1951-)
Reference: UND/CD14
UND/CD14/1   9 November 2005
Installation programme, with a copy inserted of Anne Stevenson's poem composed for the occasion.
Programme given by Judy McKinnell, 14 November 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:31; poem from the vice-chancellor, Sir Kenneth Calman, 24 November 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:39.
UND/CD14/2   13 October 2006
Chancellor's dinner menu, in the Castle.
UND/CD14/3   24 March 2012
Farewell dinner menu, in the Castle, signed by Bill Bryson.
Card booklet, 4f
UND/CD14/4   [March 2012]
Farewell scrapbook, containing farewell messages from staff and students, photographs of Bill Bryson at various events, including being awarded the freedom of Durham City, a DUCK naked calendar shot in Palace Green Library and a car suspended from Kingsgate Bridge, and copies of all his Congregation speeches.
Paper book, bound in faux-leather and stamped with the university arms and "Durham University"
From the Retail Office, May 2012, Acc No Misc.2011/12:65.
Sir Thomas Boaz Allen (1944-)
Reference: UND/CD15
UND/CD15/1   26 June 2012
Installation programme, signed by the chancellor.
Paper booklet, 4f
Dr Fiona Hill (1965-)
Reference: UND/CD16
UND/CD16/1   29 June 2023
Installation programme
Paper booklet, 8f
Vice-Chancellor and Warden
Reference: UND/CE
Dates of creation: 1942 - 2006 From the university's foundation, the warden had been its formal and executive head. These roles were separated out by the 1908 act with the establishment of a chancellor as the formal head and the vice-chancellor (who had been to some extent presaged by the sub-warden) as the executive head of the administration. He was to be, and is, assisted by pro-vice-chancellors. The post of warden was revived as the head of the Durham Colleges in 1937, when the post of vice-chancellor of the university was rotated with King's College. The vice-chancellor continued to be warden after 1963.
1840 Rev Henry Jenkyns
1841 Rev Temple Chevallier
1854 Rev Henry Jenkyns
1855 Rev John Edwards
1856 Rev Temple Chevallier
1857 Rev Henry Jenkyns
1858 Rev John Edwards
1859 Rev Temple Chevallier
1860 Rev Henry Jenkyns
1861 Rev John Edwards
1862-1871 Rev Temple Chevallier
1872-1880 Rev Adam S. Farrar
1881-1895 Rev Robert J. Pearce
1896-1901 Rev Alfred Plummer
1902-1909 Frank B. Jevons
1910-1911 Frank B. Jevons
1912-1913 George H. Philipson
1914-1915 Henry Gee
1916-1917 William H. Hadow
1918-1919 John S.G. Pemberton
1920-1921 David Drummond
1922-1923 Arthur Robinson
1924-1925 Sir Theodore Morison
1926-1927 Percy J. Heawood
1928-1929 Sir Thomas Oliver
1930-1931 Henry Ellershaw
1932-1933 Sir William S. Marris
1934-1935 Stephen R.P. Moulsdale
1936 Robert A. Bolam
1937-1938 James F. Duff
1939-1940 Lord Eustace Percy
1941-1942 James F. Duff
1943-1944 Lord Eustace Percy
1945-1946 James F. Duff
1947-1948 Lord Eustace Percy
1949-1950 James F. Duff
1951 Lord Eustace Percy
1952 Charles I.C. Bosanquet
1953-1954 James F. Duff
1955-1956 Charles I.C. Bosanquet
1957-1958 James F. Duff
1959-1960 Charles I.C. Bosanquet
1961-1978 Derman G. Christopherson
(1979 William K.R. Musgrave acting)
1980-1990 Frederick G.T. Holliday
1990-1998 Evelyn A.V. Ebsworth
1998-2007 Sir Kenneth Calman (& Provost of UoD Stockton Campus 2001)
2007-2014 Christopher Higgins
(2014-2015 Ray Hudson acting)
2015-2021 Stuart Corbridge
(2021 Antony Long acting)
2022-date Karen O'Brien
Provost of University College Stockton
1999-2000 John C.F. Hayward
CE3/1-4 deposited by the university librarian 2 February 2007, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:39.

Reference: UND/CE1
UND/CE1/A1   October 1963 - February 1974
“The Warden's Newsletter”, some with supplements on new members of staff.
UND/CE1/A2   January 2008 - March 2022
“Vice-Chancellor's Bulletin”, Nos.17, 44-47B, 49, 53-71B, 73-81, 81B-130, 132-153A, 155, 156, 158-163, 166-168, 170-175, 177-179 only. The bulletin formally ended with 179 in July 2015, but the new vice-chancellor continued to issue occasional briefings and notices focused more closely on the governance of the university, and especially its strategy, and dealing with its response to the COVID-19 coronavrius pandemic in March 2020 with all students being sent home and staff working from home, delivering exams online, then the gradual reopening of buildings and preparations for the new academic year and online teaching, and an initial statement from Karen O'Brien January 2022.
UND/CE1/A3   May 2013 - January 2014
“Governance Review Project Bulletin”, issues 1, 2 and 4, 5 only
Paper file
Reference: UND/CE2
UND/CE2/1   2006
Durham University Vice Chancellor Recruitment Pack, providing background information about the university, with images and charts.
Deposited by the Registrar, 24 May 2006, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:73.
Reference: UND/CE3
UND/CE3/1   April - June 1985
University Grants Committee Equipment Sub-Committee visit 6 June 1985
Report, inventories of music, palaeography and library, departmental profiles and preparatory documents.
4 paper files
UND/CE3/2   20 November 1985
University Grants Committee Arts Sub-Committee visit
Papers and departmental research profiles
UND/CE3/3   27 November 1986
University Grants Committee Social Studies Sub-Committee visit
General and departmental submissions.
UND/CE3/4   1 February 1989
University Grants Committee visit information.
UND/CE3/5   December 2006
Strategic Plan to 2010 Summary
With facts and figures, a 2007 diary and a calendar of 175th anniversary events in 2007.
Reference: UND/CE4
UND/CE4/1   3 March 1979
Invite to meet the VC elect, Prof F.G.T. Holliday and Mrs Holliday, in the Great Hall of Durham Castle.
UND/CE4/2   13 March 2022
Evensong with the colleges' choirs, to welcome Prof Karen O'Brien as Vice-Chancellor and Warden, in Durham Cathedral.
Paper booklet, 16p
Sir Derman Christopherson
Reference: UND/CE7
Dates of creation: 1942 - 1979 Christopherson was vice-chancellor and warden 1960-1978, having previously been a scientific officer in the Research and Experiments Dept of the Ministry of Home Security 1941-1945, then a demonstrator (1945) and lecturer (1946) in Cambridge University's Engineering Dept, before being professor of Mechanical Engineering at Leeds University 1949-1955 and then professor of Applied Science at Imperial College of Science and Technology 1955-1960.

Reference: UND/CE7/A
UND/CE7/A1   September 1962 - November 1965
Warden's speeches
Speeches made at various internal and external events, also some annual reports.
UND/CE7/A2   April 1965 - December 1967
Warden's speeches
UND/CE7/A3   January 1968 - September 1970
Warden's speeches
UND/CE7/A4   October 1970 - April 1973
Warden's speeches
UND/CE7/A5   May 1973 - December 1974
Warden's speeches
UND/CE7/A6   January 1975 - May 1978
Warden's speeches
Reference: UND/CE7/B
UND/CE7/B1   May 1964 - May 1969
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Minutes, agendas and correspondence concerning the committee for university salaries, stipends and the investment of university funds.
Closed under DPA until 2050.
UND/CE7/B2   July 1969 - December 1971
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2052
UND/CE7/B3   December 1971 - December 1972
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2053
UND/CE7/B4   January 1972 - June 1974
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2055
UND/CE7/B5   July 1974 - July 1975
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2056
UND/CE7/B6   July 1975 - December 1976
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2057
UND/CE7/B7   January 1977 - December 1978
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2059
UND/CE7/B8   August - November 1978
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2059
UND/CE7/B9   February - November 1979
Stipends and Investments Committee papers
Closed under DPA until 2060
UND/CE7/B10   1968 - 1972
College maintenance fees
Minutes, agendas and correspondence regarding college costs, maintenance and fees charged to students
UND/CE7/B11   1973 - 1979
College maintenance fees
UND/CE7/B12   1955 - 1959
Durham Colleges Quinquennium estimates
documents detailing the estimated developments of all aspects of the university for the next five years, with recommendations for those five years. Each department and college is included, with special note being made of operations in the ?affiliated university college in Ghana.
UND/CE7/B13   1960
Durham Colleges Quinquennium estimates
UND/CE7/B14   April - September 1960
University Grants Council correspondence
concerning student numbers, university visits and consultations with the UGC in London
UND/CE7/B15   April 1960 - November 1977
University Grants Council visitations
in October 1960, March 1970, March 1975 and November 1977
UND/CE7/B16   June 1967 - May 1971
University Grants Council consultation meetings
UND/CE7/B17   June 1967 - July 1968
University Grants Council chairman's correspondence
UND/CE7/B18   August 1968 - July 1970
University Grants Council chairman's correspondence
UND/CE7/B19   June 1974 - December 1975
South African investments, correspondence regarding the university's international investments during the time of the anti-apartheid movement
UND/CE7/B20   February - March 1976
South African investments
replies to letters
UND/CE7/B21   October 1967 - September 1969
Cost Analysis papers
Agendas, reports and data regarding departmental and student costs
UND/CE7/B22   November 1968 - July 1970
Finance Sub-Committee
Minutes, agendas, reports and correspondence of the university finance sub-committee
University Administration
Reference: UND/CE7/C
UND/CE7/C1   November 1972 - May 1974
Staffing committee
Agendas, minutes, reports and correspondence about working practices for teaching and non-teaching staff.
UND/CE7/C2   June 1974 - June 1975
Staffing committee
UND/CE7/C3   July 1975 - December 1976
Staffing committee
UND/CE7/C4   December 1969 - July 1970
Committee on Non-Teaching Staff
UND/CE7/C5   April - November 1969
A level grades, containing reports on A level entry standards
UND/CE7/C6   December 1963 - January 1966
Robbin's report on the establishment of a possible school of Education
UND/CE7/C7   February - June 1960
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh
UND/CE7/C8   July 1977
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh
UND/CE7/C9   August - November 1969
Home Office meeting with chief constables
UND/CE7/C10   January - June 1970
University development in the 1970s
UND/CE7/C11   July 1967 - November 1968
University accountability
UND/CE7/C12   1977 - 1978
Hild-Bede merger staff appointments
Closed until 2059
UND/CE7/C13   May 1964 - May 1965
Hatfield College committee
UND/CE7/C14   June 1963 - November 1967
Honorary Degrees Committee and disciplinary matters
UND/CE7/C15   August 1967 - July 1969
Vice-Chancellor posts elsewhere
Correspondence re VC positions at other institutions and the appointments of others to similar positions
UND/CE7/C16   1963 - 1969
Student discipline
External bodies
Reference: UND/CE7/D
As vice-chancellor, Christopherson was a member of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP); he was its chairman 1967-1970.

UND/CE7/D1   Ocotber 1967 - February 1968
CVCP chairman's file
UND/CE7/D2   March - October 1967
CVCP chairman's file
UND/CE7/D3   August 1967 - February 1969
CVCP chairman's file
UND/CE7/D4   March - July 1968
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D5   August - December 1968
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D6   January - April 1969
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D7   May - August 1969
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D8   September - December 1969
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D9   January - August 1970
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D10   September 1970 - April 1972
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D90   May 1972 - July 1973
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D91   August 1973 - December 1974
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D92   January 1975 - December 1977
CVCP general file
UND/CE7/D11   17 November 1967
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D12   19 January 1968
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D13   22 March 1968
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D14   17 May 1968
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D15   12 July 1968
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D16   18 October 1968
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D17   13 December 1968
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D18   18 January 1969
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D19   31 January 1969
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D20   28 March 1969
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D21   30 May 1969
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D22   18 July 1969
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D23   19 September 1969
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D24   17 October 1969
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D25   September - December 1969
CVCP correspondence
UND/CE7/D26   23 January 1970
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D27   20 February 1970
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D28   13 March 1970
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D29   22 May 1970
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D30   17 July 1970
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D31   2-4 October 1970
CVCP special meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D32   16 October 1970
CVCP meeting agendas, minutes and papers
UND/CE7/D33   January - February 1972
CVCP election of chairman, vice-chancellor's committee
UND/CE7/D34   May 1967 - March 1968
CVCP steering committee
UND/CE7/D35   April 1968 - 16 May 1969
CVCP steering committee
UND/CE7/D36   17 May 1969 - 31 July 1970
CVCP steering committee
UND/CE7/D37   1975 - 1978
CVCP finance sub-committee
UND/CE7/D38   September 1970 - December 1971
CVCP universities and industries joint committee
UND/CE7/D39   January - December 1971
CVCP universities and industries joint committee
UND/CE7/D40   January - June 1972
CVCP universities and industries joint committee
UND/CE7/D41   1 January - 31 July 1970
CVCP university salaries, prices and incomes board
UND/CE7/D42   November 1967 - December 1968
CVCP university salaries, prices and incomes board
UND/CE7/D43   January - December 1969
CVCP university salaries, prices and incomes board
UND/CE7/D44   July - August 1973
CVCP universities, polytechnics and industries committee
UND/CE7/D45   September 1973 - September 1974
CVCP universities, polytechnics and industries committee
UND/CE7/D46   1976 - 1979
CVCP universities, polytechnics and industries committee
UND/CE7/D47   April 1967 - July 1968
CVCP division A minutes, agendas and correspondence
Division A dealt with university buildings, residences and equipment, capital grants and student numbers
UND/CE7/D48   August 1968 - December 1969
CVCP division A minutes, agendas and correspondence
UND/CE7/D49   August 1968 - June 1972
CVCP division A minutes, agendas and correspondence
UND/CE7/D50   April 1967 - July 1968
CVCP division B minutes, agendas and correspondence
Division B dealt with finance, quinquennials, fees, student union fees, tuition fees, university costs and grants
UND/CE7/D51   August 1968 - June 1970
CVCP division B minutes, agendas and correspondence
UND/CE7/D52   April 1967 - July 1968
CVCP division C minutes, agendas and correspondence
Division C dealt with academic salaries, staff and student statistics, academic, teaching and non-teaching staff matters, representation, salaries, redundancies, appointments, and trade union communications
UND/CE7/D53   August 1968 - June 1970
CVCP division C minutes, agendas and correspondence
UND/CE7/D54   April 1967 - July 1968
CVCP division D minutes, agendas and correspondence
Division D dealt with undergraduate and postgraduate courses, libraries, interuniversity links and exchanges and student numbers
UND/CE7/D55   August 1968 - June 1970
CVCP division D minutes, agendas and correspondence
UND/CE7/D56   May 1967 - June 1970
CVCP division E minutes, agendas and correspondence
UND/CE7/D57   October 1974 - February 1975
CVCP postgraduate education study group
investigating how postgraduate courses should be developed, their provision, research versus taught, vocational versus non-vocational, full versus part-time, and also support for postgraduates and their financing
UND/CE7/D58   March - May 1975
CVCP postgraduate education study group
UND/CE7/D59   June - October 1975
CVCP postgraduate education study group
UND/CE7/D60   October 1975 - May 1976
CVCP postgraduate education study group
UND/CE7/D61   1974 - 1975
CVCP postgraduate education study group correspondence
UND/CE7/D62   1976
CVCP postgraduate education study group report
UND/CE7/D63   1970 - 1972
CVCP working party on external relations
UND/CE7/D64   1977 - 1978
CVCP working party on student union financing
UND/CE7/D65   October 1969 - October 1970
CVCP joint standing committee with local authority education committees
UND/CE7/D66   March 1971 - September 1972
CVCP mobility working group
UND/CE7/D67   July 1967 - May 1968
CVCP Open University
UND/CE7/D68   May 1967 - March 1968
CVCP correspondence with individual vice-chancellors
UND/CE7/D69   April - December 1968
CVCP correspondence with individual vice-chancellors
UND/CE7/D70   January - December 1969
CVCP correspondence with individual vice-chancellors
UND/CE7/D71   January - August 1970
CVCP correspondence with individual vice-chancellors
UND/CE7/D72   July 1967 - July 1970
CVCP action sheets
detailing actions to be taken or instructions issued after each meeting of the CVCP, its divisions and committees, including document transfers
UND/CE7/D73   September 1968 - July 1970
CVCP working party on the structure of university government
UND/CE7/D74   April 1968 - April 1970
CVCP file on student affairs
covering student political activities, student demonstrations and revolts, and methods to reduce student revolts including greater representation
UND/CE7/D75   January 1969 - July 1970
CVCP file on student affairs
UND/CE7/D76   March - December 1968
CVCP file on student affairs
including the Cambridge meeting of June 1968
UND/CE7/D77   April 1967 - May 1970
Committee of Polytechnic Directors
correspondence and reports re a “Policy for Polytechnics”, aiming to address the issues of the role of polytechnics and education standards
UND/CE7/D78   1968
Tenth Commonwealth Universities Congress, Sydney
Travel documents, correspondence and conference itinerary information re this five yearly meeting
UND/CE7/D79   1969
Meeting with US presidents, representatives of the Association of American Universities, as chairman of CVCP
UND/CE7/D80   January 1967
Overseas students' fees, House of Commons deputation
Correspondence, meeting notes and cuttings re increases in overseas student fees in 1967, with Christopherson as both a VC and chairman of the CVCP
UND/CE7/D81   October 1967 - July 1970
AUT consultation meetings
Reports and correspondence re the use of computers, teacher training, and arrangements for meetings and conferences
UND/CE7/D82   November 1968 - January 1970
Parliamentary Select Committee on Education and Science (student relations)
Articles, minutes of evidence 7 February 1969 and correspondence re student representation and relations
UND/CE7/D83   December 1970 - November 1971
Church of England Board of Education, Higher Education committee papers
UND/CE7/D84   November 1971 - December 1972
Church of England Board of Education, Higher Education committee papers
UND/CE7/D85   January - November 1973
Church of England Board of Education, Higher Education committee papers
UND/CE7/D86   January 1974 - March 1975
Church of England Board of Education, Higher Education committee papers
UND/CE7/D87   August 1973 - May 1974
Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education executive committee papers
UND/CE7/D88   c.1975
British Council, visit to China papers
UND/CE7/D89   1976 - 1978
Joseph Rowntree Trust, Social Contexts of Neighbouring advisory committee (Christopherson chairman)
Personal Research
Reference: UND/CE7/E
UND/CE7/E1   1942 & 1946
Home Security Ministry report on “Bombs and Bomb-proof Shelters” (1942)
Report of the British Mission to Japan on “The Effect of the Atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki” (1946)
(Christopherson was a scientific officer in the Research and Experiments Dept of the Ministry of Home Security 1941-1945)
Sir Fred Holliday
Reference: UND/CE8 Holliday spent his early academic working life at Aberdeen University 1956-1979, being first a researcher (1956) and then a scientific officer (1958) in the Marine Laboratory there, before being appointed a Zoology lecturer in 1961. He became a Biology professor in 1967 and then a Zoology professor in 1975, meantime serving as acting principal of the university of Stirling 1973-1975, having been deputy principal in 1972. He was vice-chancellor and warden at Durham 1980-1990. His outside interests that feature in this collection include: the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), of which he was a member 1973-1979; the Nature Conservancy Council (NCC), of which he was a member 1975-1980, serving as its deputy-chairman 1976-1977 and its chairman 1977-1980; the National Heritage Memorial Fund, where he was a trustee 1980-1991; the Leverhulme Trust Research Awards advisory committee of which he was a member from 1978 and chairman from 1989; British Rail Eastern Region Board of which he was chairman 1986-1990; the Rowett Research Institute of Nutrition and Health at the University of Aberdeen on whose board of governors he sat 1976-1984; the Scottish Marine Biological Association on whose council he served 1967-1985, being its chairman 1979-1985; the Commission for Energy and the Environment on which he sat from 1978

Reference: UND/CE8/A
UND/CE8/A1   1964 - 1973
Personal correspondence, including receipts
UND/CE8/A2   December 1973 - April 1975
Personal correspondence
UND/CE8/A3   April - August 1975
Personal correspondence
UND/CE8/A4   September 1975 - May 1976
Personal correspondence
UND/CE8/A5   June 1976 - March 1977
Personal correspondence
UND/CE8/A6   March 1977 - May 1978
Personal correspondence
UND/CE8/A7   May 1978 - May 1979
Personal correspondence
UND/CE8/A8   May - December 1979
Personal correspondence
UND/CE8/A9   January 1975 - December 1979
Various correspondence
UND/CE8/A10   May 1968 - December 1981
Home Office papers re cruelty to animals and experiment licences
UND/CE8/A11   1956 - 1977
Group photographs:
1. British Association Section D (Zoology) 1956
2. Group of [students] 1969-70, all identified
3. Group of [academics, at a conference, in Manchester], by Guttenberg of Manchester, c.1975.
4. Newspaper cutting from The Press and Journal, “The battle for disappearing Britain ...”, with a picture of Fred Holliday, 19 January 1977.
Reference: UND/CE8/B
UND/CE8/B1   October 1974 - September 1979
Aberdeen university general
UND/CE8/B2   1974 - July 1979
Aberdeen statistical reports and senate papers for July 1979
UND/CE8/B3   September 1977 - March 1978
Committee for the university open day
UND/CE8/B4   October 1977 - May 1978
Schools liaison, correspondence, reports, minutes and agendas between Scottish university Science faculties, including student distribution and entrance requirements
UND/CE8/B5   January 1976 - December 1978
Schools liaison
UND/CE8/B6   September 1978 - November 1979
Non-academic staff establishments working party, minutes, correspondence and reports re the structure, number and pay of non-academic staff
UND/CE8/B7   c.1975
Work load working party papers
UND/CE8/B8   January - April 1975
Work load working party agendas and minutes
UND/CE8/B9   c.1975
Work load working party various
UND/CE8/B10   January - February 1975
Final assessment working party minutes and agendas
UND/CE8/B11   1975 - 1978
Final assessment working party papers, including entrance requirements
UND/CE8/B12   October 1965
Memorandum for the submission to the University Grants Committee, on behalf of, respectively, the university, non-professorial staff and professors of the faculty of Medicine
UND/CE8/B13   June - November 1979
Science Faculty Board meetings minutes
UND/CE8/B14   December 1974 - May 1977
Science Faculty papers
UND/CE8/B15   June 1977 - June 1979
Science Faculty papers
UND/CE8/B16   January 1975 - January 1979
Science Faculty committees minutes and agendas
UND/CE8/B17   1978
First and second year Biology teaching working party
UND/CE8/B18   1979
Third and fourth year Biology teaching working party
UND/CE8/B19   1977 - 1978
Biology interface project, studying the differences between and problems in secondary and tertiary Biology teaching, including reports, surveys and meetings
UND/CE8/B20   1978 - 1979
Biology interface project
UND/CE8/B21   March - July 1977
Postgraduate students consultative committee re matters of postgraduate student welfare
UND/CE8/B22   December 1974 - April 1977
Postgraduate staff application letters
Closed until 2058 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B23   August 1974 - December 1979
Postgraduate students in post
Closed until 2060 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B24   March 1976 - November 1977
Planning and staffing committee minutes and agendas
UND/CE8/B25   November 1976 - November 1977
Planning and staffing committee papers
UND/CE8/B26   August 1975 - January 1979
Zoology department correspondence re expedition proposals and their finance
UND/CE8/B27   January - November 1979
Zoology department correspondence re expedition proposals and their finance
UND/CE8/B28   c.1973 - 1976
Zoology department research proposals, reviews and grant applications, largely undated
UND/CE8/B29   December 1978 - April 1979
Zoology department staff applications and CVs
Closed until 2060 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B30   November 1974 - November 1979
Zoology department staff meetings
UND/CE8/B31   July 1974 - October 1979
Zoology department teaching memoranda, manuals and timetables
UND/CE8/B32   December 1974 - January 1979
Zoology department administration, correspondence, memoranda, regulations and statistics
UND/CE8/B33   May 1975 - December 1979
Zoology department, correspondence re arranging visitors to the department
UND/CE8/B34   December 1974 - April 1978
Correspondence with other universities
UND/CE8/B35   May 1978 - December 1979
Correspondence with other universities
UND/CE8/B36   February - September 1979
Correspondence with Durham university
UND/CE8/B37   October - December 1979
Correspondence with Durham university
UND/CE8/B38   July 1976 - October 1979
Institute of Biology correspondence and regulations
UND/CE8/B39   June 1975 - May 1979
Research institutes in and around Aberdeen, correspondence
UND/CE8/B40   October 1976
UGC visit
UND/CE8/B41   October 1978 - January 1979
Health and Safety, correspondence and regulations re overnight experiments
UND/CE8/B42   February - March 1978
Fisheries Science, report on salmon disease, possibilities for a school of Fisheries Science, newspaper cutting re new techniques and fisheries research
UND/CE8/B43   March 1978 - December 1979
Fisheries Science
UND/CE8/B44   March 1975 - October 1979
Science Research Council, correspondence
UND/CE8/B45   February 1975 - January 1979
Applications to trusts and foundations, including photographs and data
UND/CE8/B46   January - December 1979
Applications to trusts and foundations, including photographs and data
UND/CE8/B47   May 1975 - April 1976
Other departments in Aberdeen university, correspondence
UND/CE8/B48   May 1976 - October 1978
Other departments in Aberdeen university, correspondence
UND/CE8/B49   October 1978 - October 1979
Other departments in Aberdeen university, correspondence
UND/CE8/B50   May 1973 - November 1979
AUT circulars, handbooks, publications and notices
UND/CE8/B51   April 1975 - December 1979
Scottish Economic Council correspondence and expenses (Holliday was a member 1975-1980)
UND/CE8/B52   November 1975 - May 1979
Training of university teachers committee, minutes and agendas
UND/CE8/B53   Match 1976 - June 1979
Training of university teachers committee, papers, quinquennium reports, correspondence
UND/CE8/B54   July 1975 - November 1979
Paid invoices
UND/CE8/B55   December 1975 - April 1976
Technical staff grading panel, promotions and salaries, correspondence and reports
Closed until 2057 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B56   April 1976 - February 1978
Technical staff grading panel, promotions and salaries, correspondence and reports
Closed until 2059 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B57   January 1978 - January 1979
Technical staff grading panel, promotions and salaries, correspondence and reports
Closed until 2060 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B58   January - December 1979
Technical staff grading panel, promotions and salaries, correspondence and reports
Closed until 2060 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B59   June 1973 - August 1979
Technical staff, appointments and dismissals, with conditions
Closed until 2060 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B60   January - December 1979
Technical posts gradings reviews
UND/CE8/B61   March 1975 - January 1977
Devolution, newspaper cuttings, reports and correspondence re the devolution of control of Scottish universities
UND/CE8/B62   February 1975 - October 1979
Principal's correspondence, includes a 1977 Scottish Development Agency report
UND/CE8/B63   1977 - 1979
University prospectus editorial committee papers and draft documents
UND/CE8/B64   March 1977 - March 1979
University prospectus editorial committee minutes and agendas
UND/CE8/B65   January - February 1976
Human Science, papers, correspondence and minutes exploring a possible Human Science degree
UND/CE8/B66   May 1975 - October 1976
University Secretary, correspondence
UND/CE8/B67   October 1972 - September 1978
External appointments, correspondence and invitations
Closed until 2059 under DPA.
UND/CE8/B68   December 1975 - June 1979
Medical Faculty, correspondence and minutes re the teaching of Biology to first year Medical students
Reference: UND/CE8/C
UND/CE8/C1   November 1979 - December 1980
Computer Unit directorship
UND/CE8/C2   January - December 1980
Stipends and Investments committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2061 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C3   January - December 1981
Stipends and Investments committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2062 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C4   May - December 1982
Stipends and Investments committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2063 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C5   January - December 1983
Stipends and Investments committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2064 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C6   January - May 1984
Stipends and Investments committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2065 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C7   June - December 1984
Stipends and Investments committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2065 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C8   1980
Staffing committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2061 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C9   1981
Staffing committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2062 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C10   1982
Staffing committee, agendas, minutes and reports
Closed until 2063 under DPA.
UND/CE8/C11   July 1981 - October 1982
Working party on the distribution of future financial resources
UND/CE8/C12   January 1983 - February 1984
Working party on the distribution of future financial resources
UND/CE8/C13   February 1978 - November 1984
Planning for Higher Education in the 1990s, reports and correspondence
UND/CE8/C14   January 1985 - December 1986
Planning for Higher Education into the later 1980s and the 1990s
UND/CE8/C15   October 1985 - April 1986
Responses from bodies outside Durham to the government's 1985 green paper on the development of Higher Education into the 1990s
UND/CE8/C16   1981 - 1983
University Grants Committee and cuts, general
UND/CE8/C17   July 1982 - May 1983
Centre for Materials Science and Technology, correspondence, also minutes and agendas of the planning committee, papers re the 150th anniversary appeal and a presentation to government ministers, press releases, and an English Industrial Estates feasibility report on joint participation with the university.
Paper file
UND/CE8/C18   June 1983 - May 1984
Centre for Materials Science and Technology, correspondence, also including Scotland Investors Chronicle Annual Review 27 May 1983 and British business Weekly news from the Departments of Industry and Trade 29 April - 5 May 1983.
Paper file
UND/CE8/C19   July 1979 - November 1980
150th Anniversary Appeal, minutes of the Council Ad Hoc Committee and then the Executive Committee of the Appeal, reports and correspondence, up until the appointment of John Machin as Appeal Director in November 1980.
Paper file
External Bodies
Reference: UND/CE8/D
UND/CE8/D1   January 1976 - June 1978
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) general correspondence
UND/CE8/D2   September 1973 - November 1979
NERC general correspondence
UND/CE8/D3   May 1974 - September 1978
NERC council minutes, agendas and reports
UND/CE8/D4   February 1974 - June 1978
NERC project group B, terrestrial and freshwater life sciences, correspondence and reports re financing research groups
UND/CE8/D5   [1975 - 1979]
NERC reports and plans for NERC funded operations
UND/CE8/D6   April 1975 - March 1977
Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) chairman's business
UND/CE8/D7   February - June 1977
NCC chairman's business
UND/CE8/D8   July 1977 - April 1978
NCC chairman's business
UND/CE8/D9   April - July 1978
NCC chairman's business
UND/CE8/D10   June 1978 - May 1979
NCC chairman's business
UND/CE8/D11   April - November 1979
NCC chairman's business
UND/CE8/D12   November - December 1979
NCC chairman's business
UND/CE8/D13   January - April 1980
NCC chairman's business
UND/CE8/D14   November 1973 - August 1979
NCC Council agendas and minutes
UND/CE8/D15   September - October 1979
NCC Council agendas and minutes
UND/CE8/D16   April - June 1975
NCC reports and correspondence
UND/CE8/D17   June 1975 - June 1976
NCC reports and correspondence
UND/CE8/D18   September 1976 - October 1977
NCC reports and correspondence
UND/CE8/D19   November 1977 - January 1979
NCC reports and correspondence
UND/CE8/D20   February 1975 - May 1979
NCC general correspondence
UND/CE8/D21   October - December 1979
NCC general correspondence
UND/CE8/D22   January - April 1980
NCC general correspondence
UND/CE8/D23   May - December 1980
NCC general correspondence
UND/CE8/D24   September 1975 - March 1977
NCC Advisory Committee on Science (ACOS), correspondence re topical environmental issues, appointments to ACOS and the financing of Science.
UND/CE8/D25   July - December 1979
NCC ACOS papers
UND/CE8/D26   March 1977 - February 1980
NCC ACOS papers
UND/CE8/D27   December 1979 - April 1980
NCC ACOS papers
UND/CE8/D28   March 1975 - March 1977
NCC ACOS minutes and agendas
UND/CE8/D29   April - June 1978
NCC advisory panel on the future of Life Sciences at Imperial College
UND/CE8/D30   March - November 1977
NCC Coho salmon, importing and farming, cuttings, correspondence and the “Importing Live Fish Bill”
UND/CE8/D31   August 1979
NCC Balance of Effects and Priorities (BEP), correspondence and plans re the operation of the NCC
UND/CE8/D32   September 1979
NCC BEP papers
UND/CE8/D33   December 1979
NCC BEP papers
UND/CE8/D34   August - December 1979
NCC BEP review group
UND/CE8/D35   November 1976 - March 1977
Devolution of government in the UK and the continuing role of the NCC in advising government, correspondence and reports
UND/CE8/D36   November 1977
UND/CE8/D37   September 1976 - November 1979
NCC England, reports and minutes re England and its nature resources, SSSIs and conservation areas, the operation of working groups and finance
UND/CE8/D38   April 1977 - June 1979
NCC Great Britain, reports and minutes re England and its nature resources, SSSIs and conservation areas, the operation of working groups and finance
UND/CE8/D39   August 1977 - August 1978
NCC information papers, reports on finance, accounts and grants
UND/CE8/D40   May 1978
NCC Marine Conservation, correspondence and reports
UND/CE8/D41   c.1977
NCC general
UND/CE8/D42   1970s - 1980s
NCC, information on individual sites, post cards and maps
UND/CE8/D43   1978 - 1979
NCC Nature Conservation Review, “Wood production outlook review”
UND/CE8/D44   June 1977 - October 1979
NCC otters, correspondence, publications and reports re the conservation of otters
UND/CE8/D45   1979
NCC The Ribble, press releases and correspondence re the Ribble estuary
UND/CE8/D46   1970s
NCC and Royal Society of Edinburgh symposium, “Natural environment of the Outer Hebrides”, contributions and notes
UND/CE8/D47   September 1976 - March 1978
NCC Scotland, reports and minutes re Scotland and its nature resources, SSSIs and conservation areas, the operation of working groups and finance
UND/CE8/D48   March 1978 - October 1979
NCC Scotland, reports and minutes re Scotland and its nature resources, SSSIs and conservation areas, the operation of working groups and finance
UND/CE8/D49   1978 - 1980
NCC seals, correspondence, publications and reports re the conservation of seals, with cuttings and press releases re their culling
UND/CE8/D50   1979
NCC Wales, policies and activities in Wales
UND/CE8/D51   December 1976 - November 1979
NCC Wales, minutes and information papers re Welsh sites and activities
UND/CE8/D52   1977
NCC Wales, University College Cardiff department of Zoology field guide, and “Nature Conservation in Wales a Review and Look Forward”
UND/CE8/D53   1975 & 1977
NCC staff directories, including Wales 1977
UND/CE8/D54   October 1980 - December 1981
National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) Investments committee performance reports, cuttings, minutes and correspondence
UND/CE8/D55   January - December 1982
NHMF Investments committee
UND/CE8/D56   January - July 1983
NHMF Investments committee
UND/CE8/D57   August 1983 - May 1984
NHMF Investments committee
UND/CE8/D58   June 1984 - June 1985
NHMF Investments committee, includes House of Lords reports
UND/CE8/D59   July 1985 - June 1986
NHMF Investments committee
UND/CE8/D60   July - December 1986
NHMF Investments committee
UND/CE8/D61   September - November 1980
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D62   December 1980 - April 1981
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D63   May - September 1981
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D64   October - December 1981
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D65   January - March 1982
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D66   April - June 1982
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D67   September - October 1982
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D68   November 1982 - February 1983
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D69   March - June 1983
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D70   April - June 1986
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D71   July - September 1986
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D72   October - December 1986
NHMF agendas, minutes, reports and papers
UND/CE8/D73   April - November 1980
NHMF general, correspondence, photographs, publications, and reports
UND/CE8/D74   November 1980 - April 1981
NHMF general, correspondence, photographs, publications, and reports
UND/CE8/D75   May 1981 - April 1982
NHMF general, correspondence, photographs, publications, and reports
UND/CE8/D76   January - March 1985
NHMF general, correspondence, photographs, publications, and reports
UND/CE8/D77   June 1978 - December 1979
Leverhulme Trust Research Awards, applications, correspondence and grants policy documents
UND/CE8/D78   January - December 1980
Leverhulme Trust Research Awards, applications, correspondence and grants policy documents
UND/CE8/D79   January - May 1981
Leverhulme Trust Research Awards, applications, correspondence and grants policy documents
UND/CE8/D80   June 1981 - December 1982
Leverhulme Trust Research Awards, applications, correspondence and grants policy documents
UND/CE8/D81   January - December 1983
Leverhulme Trust Research Awards, applications, correspondence and grants policy documents
UND/CE8/D82   January 1984 - June 1985
Leverhulme Trust Research Awards, applications, correspondence and grants policy documents
UND/CE8/D83   July 1983 - March 1985
British Rail Eastern Region Board agendas, minutes and reports re especially finance, managers' reports, electrification, heritage, crime and safety
UND/CE8/D84   January - October 1983
British Rail Eastern Region Board correspondence, including business reports, Board minutes and other activities
UND/CE8/D85   November 1983 - November 1984
British Rail Eastern Region Board correspondence, including business reports, Board minutes and other activities
UND/CE8/D86   January - September 1983
British Rail Eastern Region cuttings, leaflets, reports and accounts
UND/CE8/D87   September 1983 - August 1984
British Rail Eastern Region cuttings, leaflets, reports and accounts
UND/CE8/D88   Setpember 1984 - February 1985
British Rail Eastern Region cuttings, leaflets, reports and accounts
UND/CE8/D89   November 1975 - February 1979
Rowett Research Institute (RRI), papers re policy, funding and appointments
UND/CE8/D90   October 1975 - August 1979
RRI correspondence arranging meetings, dinners and general business
UND/CE8/D91   January 1980 - December 1982
RRI correspondence, including governing body minutes and annual reports on research topics
UND/CE8/D92   March - October 1983
RRI correspondence, including governing body minutes and annual reports on research topics
UND/CE8/D93   September 1975 - November 1979
RRI governing body minutes and agendas
UND/CE8/D94   1978 - 1979
RRI DAFS reviews, incomplete
UND/CE8/D95   April 1975 - April 1979
Scottish Marine Biological Association (SMBA) minutes, agendas and general proceedings including appointments
UND/CE8/D96   April 1977 - October 1979
SMBA correspondence, business and scientific reports, grant applications, and Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory
UND/CE8/D97   November 1974 - December 1979
SMBA correspondence, including with the Underwater Conservation Society
UND/CE8/D98   December 1979 - December 1980
SMBA correspondence
UND/CE8/D99   January - April 1981
SMBA correspondence, also some related publications, minutes, cuttings and staffing and scientific reports
UND/CE8/D100   May 1981 - February 1982
SMBA correspondence, including the Calanus grounding (4 July 1981) enquiry
UND/CE8/D101   March - September 1982
SMBA correspondence, minutes and scientific reports
UND/CE8/D102   October 1982 - August 1983
SMBA correspondence, including staffing matters and instructions to vessel users
UND/CE8/D103   September 1983 - February 1984
SMBA correspondence re staffing, appointments, planning, agendas and research applications
UND/CE8/D104   March - August 1984
SMBA correspondence re agendas, forward planning, appointments and promotions
UND/CE8/D105   September 1984 - April 1985
SMBA correspondence re agendas, forward planning, appointments and promotions
UND/CE8/D106   April 1979 - December 1983
SMBA employment tribunals correspondence, meetings and cuttings
UND/CE8/D107   1978 - 1981
The Commission on Energy and the Environment (CENE) correspondence and agendas
UND/CE8/D108   1977 - 1978
CENE reports:
National Planning Guidelines 1977
Scottish Development Department, Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals Planning Notes 1977
The Environmental Implications of Different Energy Sources 1978
The Environmental Implications of Renewable Energy Sources 1978
Scar on the Landscape, Open Cast Mining 1978
Further Information on Population Growth and Numbers of Households 1978
Long Range Transport of our Pollution 1978
Radioactive Waste Policy and Perspectives 1978
UND/CE8/D109   1979
CENE reports:
Energy Projections 1979
Article from Scientific America on “World Coal Production”
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Coal Study 1979
Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy Sources 1979
Environmental Planning Impact of Colliery Waste Disposal
The Watt Committee on Energy
National Coal Board and CENE, Coal Study 1979
Combined Heat and Electrical Power Generation in the UK
UND/CE8/D110   1979 - 1980
NCC Commission on Energy and the Environment 1979
Council for the Protection of Rural England, Coal Study 1979
Royal Town Planning Institute, Coal and the Environment 1979
Nuclear Incident at 3-Mile Island 1980
Shell, Role of Coal in Meeting World Energy Needs 1980
CENE Coal Study
CENE 3-Mile Island
CENE Scottish National Planning Guidelines
CENE Green Paper on Energy Policy
CENE Population Growth Assumptions in the Green Paper
CENE Terms of Reference
CENE Planning Policy and Energy Development
UND/CE8/D111   1981
National Coal Board and CENE Coal Study 1981, introduction, foreword and chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12-16, 18, 19, 21
UND/CE8/D112   1981
CENE report:
Coal in the Energy Scene - Challenge and Opportunity
UND/CE8/D113   1980 - 1981
Norseman TV, application to the Independent Broadcasting Authority (2 drafts) with correspondence
UND/CE8/D114   1978 - 1980
Independent Broadcasting Authority:
- particulars of the independent TV contract
- annual report and accounts 1978-1979
- guide 1980
UND/CE8/D115   January 1987 - November 1989
Council for Environmental Education, reports and correspondence
UND/CE8/D116   January 1988 - July 1989
CVCP group on alternative funding (Holliday produced papers for the group)
Evelyn Ebsworth
Reference: UND/CE9
Dates of creation:

Reference: UND/CE9/A
UND/CE9/A1   3 October 1996
Awards: pametni medal, from Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, [?on behalf of] the conference of rectors.
Paper, 1f
Christopher Higgins
Reference: UND/CE11 Higgins studied botany at Grey College, Durham University, graduating with a first class degree in 1976. He was awarded a PhD in 1979 for his study of peptide transporters in the embryos of germinating Barley. Working at University of Dundee, his focus turned to genetics and cell biology. He was appointed Nuffield Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. In April 2007, he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Durham University and took early retirement on 30 September 2014.

UND/CE11/1   2007 - 2012
Papers relating to the University's Keeper of Fine Art, Henry Dyson, including collection agreements, reports, correspondence, invoices etc relating to a variety of subjects (Public Catalogue Foundation, commissions etc)
Also includes word-prcoessed report by Dyson : “Durham University Register of Fine Art, Important Furniture, Silver and Artefacts” (December 2010)
1 file & 1 report 
Reference: UND/CP After the introduction of the post of pro-vice-chancellor by the 1908 Act, there were initially three pvcs at Durham. This was reduced to just one after the 1937 Act when the post was in effect the deputy to the vice-chancellor with both posts alternating between the heads of the Durham and Newcastle administrations. There remained only one pvc after the 1963 Act until 1967 when a second post was added, with the first pvc then being recognised as vice-warden as well. In 1987, a third pvc was added. By 2020, a deputy vice-chancellor had been instituted in 2016, combined with the post of provost. There were also 2 pro-vice-chancellors, and 2 vice-provosts
Durham University Pro-Vice-Chancellors
1910-1911 Sir George Hare Philipson
1910-1916 Sir William Henry Hadow
1910-1916 John Stapylton G. Pemberton
1912-1914 Frank Byron Jevons
1914-1918 Sir George Hare Philipson
1916-1918 Rev Henry Gee
1916-1921 Frank Byron Jevons
1918-1919 Sir David Drummond
1920-1923 Sir Theodore Morison
1920-1926 John Stapylton G. Pemberton
1922-1926 Sir David Drummond
1924-1930 Arthur Robinson
1926-1930 Sir Theodore Morison
1927-1928 Robert Howden
1928-1932 Percy John Heawood
1930-1932 Sir Thomas Oliver
1930-1932 Sir William Sinclair Marris
1932-1936 Sir Robert Alfred Bolam
1932-1937 John Stapylton G. Pemberton
1932-1934 Rev Stephen Richard Platt Moulsdale
1934-1937 Sir William Sinclair Marris
1936-1937 Rev Stephen Richard Platt Moulsdale
1937-1939 Lord Eustace Percy
1939-1941 James F. Duff
1941-1943 Lord Eustace Percy
1943-1945 James F. Duff
1945-1947 Lord Eustace Percy
1947-1949 James F. Duff
1949-1951 Lord Eustace Percy
1951-1953 James F. Duff
1953-1955 Charles I.C. Bosanquet
1955-1957 James F. Duff
1957-1959 Charles I.C. Bosanquet
1959-1960 James F. Duff
1960-1961 Derman G. Christopherson
1961-1962 Charles I.C. Bosanquet
1962-1963 Walter A. Whitehouse
1963-1967 Sidney Holgate
1967-1969 Sidney Holgate (& Vice-Warden)
1967-1970 George D. Rochester (2nd PVC)
1969-1973 Leonard Slater
1970-1979 William K.R. Musgrave
1973-1974 Mary Holdsworth
1974-1982 James L. Brooks
1979 George M. Brown
1979-1984 Eric Sunderland
1982-1985 Irene Hindmarsh
1984-1990 John I. Clarke
1985-1988 Edward C. Salthouse
1987-1992 James P. Barber (PVCs)
1988-1994 Graham E. Rodmell
1991-1997 Peter D.B. Collins
1992-1999 Michael C. Prestwich
1994-2000 Barry S. Gower
1997-2004 John Howard Anstee
1999-2005 Joy Annette Palmer-Cooper
2000-2006 Alan Bilsborough
2004-2007 Philip Alan Jones PVC and deputy vice-chancellor
2005-2008 W. James Stirling PVC
2007-2008 Gillian May Nicholls PVC
2007-2016 Ray Hudson PVC and deputy vice-chancellor (2011)
2008-2014 Tom McLeish PVC
2008-2012 Anthony Forster
2008-2015 Robin Coningham PVC
2012-2015 Tom Ward PVC
2011-2016 Graham Towl PVC
2014-2018 Claire Warwick PVC
2015-2019 Tim Clark PVC
2016-2019 Owen Adams PVC
2016-date Antony Long deputy vice-chancellor and provost
2017-date Alan Houston vice-provost
2019-date Colin Bain vice-provost
2018-date Claire O'Malley PVC
2019-date Jeremy Cook PVC

John I. Clarke
Reference: UND/CP1
Dates of creation: 1983 - 1990 John Clarke, professor of Geography, was appointed a pro-vice-chancellor and director of development in 1984. This work involved the development of the university in terms of its buildings and departments, and also the development of its contacts with both the region, especially through the inter-university HESIN organisation, and the rest of the world, partly through the university's CORD organisation.

UND/CP1/1-2   November 1985 - March 1990
Accommodation Review Committee, minutes, agenda papers and correspondence (JIC chairman)
UND/CP1/3   August 1986 - December 1987
Adult and Continuing Education Department (DACE), correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/4   May 1987 - January 1990
Archaeology Department Visitor Centre, correspondence, proposals, possible exhibition text and an application for a Durham City Visitor Centre of April 1988
UND/CP1/5   September 1988 - September 1989
Business School, correspondence, reports and minutes
UND/CP1/6-7   September 1986 - April 1990
Centre for Overseas Research and Development (CORD), correspondence, reports and terms of reference (JIC was its chairman)
6. September 1986 - October 1987
7. January 1988 - April 1990
UND/CP1/8   February 1988 - Aril 1989
Co Durham Development Company, correspondence
UND/CP1/9   April 1988 - October 1989
Colleges, correspondence and reports re relations with and proposals by
UND/CP1/10   March 1986 - April 1989
College Plans for Expansion, correspondence, proposals and plans
UND/CP1/11   September 1989 - March 1990
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals, reports and correspondence
UND/CP1/12   May 1987 - January 1989
Composition Fee Committee, minutes and correspondence with the Durham Student Union (DSU), including copies of DSU annual accounts for 1985 and 1986, DSU submissions to the committee for 1987/88 and 1988/89, JCR Composition Fee Submission 1988, JCR Compositon Fee Appeal June 1987, and DSU Welfare Department brochure [1987].
UND/CP1/13   May 1988 - September 1989
Conferences, correspondence re specific conferences and conference facilities at Durham
UND/CP1/14   June - October 1988
Congregation, Music at, correspondence, specification, photo and demonstration tape of an organ to provide accompaniment in the Castle
UND/CP1/15   October - November 1989
Courtaulds Research, correspondence re the inaugural professor of Polymer Chemistry at Durham
UND/CP1/16   July 1986 - March 1988
Department of Trade and Industry, correspondence
UND/CP1/17   September - October 1989
Derwentside District Council, correspondence re developments
UND/CP1/18   October 1986 - January 1987
Development, correspondence re possible 150th anniversary appeal projects
UND/CP1/19   May 1986 - January 1988
Development, correspondence and reports re Mountjoy and the strategy for the 1990s
UND/CP1/20   February 1987 - June 1989
Development Planning for the university, including the architects' report of 15 February 1979 on proposals for Maiden Castle Sports Centre
UND/CP1/21   March 1987 - March 1989
Development Planning Group minutes and papers
UND/CP1/22   January - September 1988
Earth Sciences Review, correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/23   February 1987 - April 1988
Engineering and Applied Science, School of (SEAS), correspondence
UND/CP1/24-25   September 1987 - April 1990
Enterprise in Higher Education, joint management committee of the University of Durham, reports, correspondence and brochures
UND/CP1/26   November - December 1985
External Image and Generation of External Revenue (EIGER) committee, agenda papers for its establishment
UND/CP1/27   December 1985 - January 1986
Geography Department, correspondence re the possible transfer in of Lampeter geographers
UND/CP1/28   March 1987 - July 1989
Geology Department, correspondence, with proposals and plans for possible development
UND/CP1/29   February 1986 - November 1989
Graduate Society, accommodation for overseas members in an Islamic Building, correspondence, proposals and plans, including also correspondence with and about A.A. Mughram (DPhil 1973) March 1967 - November 1973
UND/CP1/30   December 1987 - December 1989
Higher Education Support for Industry in the North (HESIN), correspondence, minutes, proposals and memorandum of agreement
UND/CP1/31-41   February 1983 - April 1989
HESIN, executive committee minutes, agenda papers and correspondence (JIC took over Durham's representation from John Machin, director of Commercial and Public Affairs, in 1987, at a time when HESIN was establishing an office in Newcastle, and seems also to have inherited his files (31-35) from HESIN's inception in 1983;
31. February 1983 - December 1984
32. January - December 1985
33. January 1986 - January 1987
34. 1984 North of England Development Council (NEDC) HESIN brochure
35. [1984] HESIN Biotechnology report, with the NEDC report Biotechnology in the North of England An Environment of Distinction
36. May - December 1986
37,38. January - December 1987
39,40. January - December 1988
41. March - April 1989
UND/CP1/42   March - October 1987
Hotel in Durham, correspondence re a possible development
UND/CP1/43   September 1986 - June 1987
Industrial Database, correspondence and proposals re setting up a database of north-east industrial addresses
UND/CP1/44   January 1989 - January 1990
Institute for Adolescent Disorders, correspondence and reports re a visit to the Aycliffe Centre for Children and the possibility of establishing at Durham and/or validating courses of a National Institute
UND/CP1/45   June 1986 - January 1989
Institute for Historical Studies, correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/46   July 1987 - April 1990
Liaison Working Party of Durham University with Durham City Council, correspondence, reports and newspaper cuttings
UND/CP1/47   January 1986 - June 1988
Life Sciences, correspondence re possible departmental changes in Botany, Zoology and Pyschology
UND/CP1/48   February 1986 - May 1988
Maintenance Fee Committee, correspondence, reports and minutes
UND/CP1/49   November 1986 - May 1988
Malaysia, correspondence re contacts with Malaysia and students from there, especially with the Centre for British Teachers Ltd
UND/CP1/50   January - February 1987
Management Planning Group, minutes, agenda papers and correspondence
UND/CP1/51   June 1986 - May 1988
Management Skills and Appraisal training, correspondence, reports and course outlines
UND/CP1/52   August 1986 - July 1987
Manpower Services Commission, correspondence re research contracts
UND/CP1/53   June - August 1986
Masters Degree in Development Studies, proposal correspondence
UND/CP1/54   July 1986 - August 1987
Microprocessor Centre, correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/55   December 1987 - November 1989
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Centre for (CMEIS), correspondence
UND/CP1/56   March 1987 - January 1988
Minerals Conference, correspondence and reports re a possible United Nations conference to be held in Durham in 1989 which did not occur
UND/CP1/57   September 1986 - July 1987
Modern European Languages, School of, correspondence
UND/CP1/58   September 1986 - April 1988
Molecular Electronics, University of Durham Centre for, correspondence and reports re its setting-up
UND/CP1/59   December 1986 - April 1990
Mountjoy Research Centre, correspondence and reports re its development
UND/CP1/60   July 1986 - February 1987
Music Department, correspondence, including re the possible transfer of Music and Philosophy from Newcastle University to Durham
UND/CP1/61   March - September 1987
National Online Manpower Information System (NOMIS), reports and correspondence re its move to Mountjoy
UND/CP1/62   October 1985 - July 1988
Newcastle University, correspondence re shared subjects and working
UND/CP1/63   October 1987 - May 1989
Mr R. Norman's Development at Potters Bank, correspondence
UND/CP1/64   September 1986 - June 1989
Northern Development Company, correspondence
UND/CP1/65   March 1987 - October 1989
Northumbrian Universities Multiple Access Computer (NUMAC) Committee, correspondence, reports, minutes and annual report for 1987-88
UND/CP1/66   June 1986 - January 1989
Oman, correspondence, brochures, and reports re cooperation, under the auspices of CORD, with the Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, over the Oman Wahibi Sands Project in association with the Royal Geographical Society, including photographs of the camp and the personnel involved and a SEAS brochure on the “Operational Control of Electrical Power Systems (OCEPS) Project” .
UND/CP1/67   May - June 1987
Open University, correspondence re possible collaboration
UND/CP1/68   September 1986 - February 1989
Parker Report and Oriental Studies at Durham, correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/69   October 1986 - March 1990
Personal academic correspondence
UND/CP1/70   June 1986 - October 1989
Pickup programme, correspondence and brochures, including a copy of the Department of Education and Science's Inprogress Autumn 1989
UND/CP1/71   October - November 1989
Pickup Europe Unit, proposal for its management by HESIN, correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/72   July 1987 - October 1988
Qatar, correspondence re staff recruitment for the University of Qatar
UND/CP1/73   August 1986 - February 1989
Recruitment of Overseas Students, correspondence
UND/CP1/74   July 1986 - April 1987
Research Corporation Ltd, annual report and correspondence
UND/CP1/75   January 1987 - May 1990
Research and Initiatives Committee, correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/76   November 1985 - January 1986
Russian, transfer into the department from Liverpool University, correspondence
UND/CP1/77   February 1987 - February 1988
St Cuthbert's Society, correspondence, plans and reports of visits re possible development
UND/CP1/78   February 1987 - October 1988
Saudi Arabia, correspondence re contacts, especially with Saudi Fisheries Co, and including their annual report for 1987 and two bilingual newsletters
UND/CP1/79   July 1987 - January 1990
Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) Inter-Institutional Research Centres (IRCs), correspondence, proposals, reports and minutes
UND/CP1/80   January - July 1986
South Africa, Working Group on the University's Disinvestment from, correspondence, minutes, DSU report of January 1986 “Investors in Aparthaid” and Grey College petition
UND/CP1/81   1986 - 1989
Student Statistics, correspondence and reports
UND/CP1/82   June 1985 - April 1990
Sudan, correspondence and reports re contacts with Sudan and Sudan studies at Durham
UND/CP1/83   November 1986 - January 1989
Theology, Centre for the Study of Literature and Theology, correspondence and report on the CALIBAL project
UND/CP1/84   November 1986 - July 1987
Techmart 1987, correspondence re Durham University's attendance
UND/CP1/85   November 1987 - April 1990
Teikyo University Institute in Durham, development correspondence, reports and brochures
UND/CP1/86-87   October 1986 - November 1989
University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories (UDIRL), correspondence, advisory board minutes, and accounts
UND/CP1/88   November 1986 - March 1988
University Grants Committee circulars with a little correspondence
UND/CP1/89   October 1986 - April 1988
University and Industry interface, correspondence, reports and brochures
UND/CP1/90   May & July 1986
University Officers, meeting papers for 14 July and programme for presentation to Council 27 May
UND/CP1/91   November 1987 - July 1988
World Heritage Centre, correspondence, including with Sir Stanley Cook and Robin Mills, proposals, plans and brochures
Graham E. Rodmell
Reference: UND/CP2
Dates of creation: 1987 - 1995
UND/CP2/1-17   June 1990 - August 1993
Academic Audit working party correspondence and reports, including report to Senate July 1991 and paperwork for the March 1992 CVCP Academic Audit Unit visit
1. June-December 1990.
2. January-June 1991.
3. July-December 1991.
4. January-June 1992.
5-15. March 1992 CVCP visit paperwork, 11 booklets
16. July-December 1992.
17. January-August 1993.
UND/CP2/18-27   May 1990 - December 1992
Admissions, including the working group, set up by the Colleges Board [in March 1990] under the chairmanship of GER “to advise on the policy and procedures for the admission of undergraduate, postgraduate, occasional and overseas students to the University”, proceeding by inviting submissions from departments and colleges, taking into account Sir Christopher Ball's May 1990 RSA report More Means Different Widening Access to Higher Education and producing a final report after various drafts.
18. Working group agendas, minutes and papers for meetings 15 May - 25 June 1990.
19. Returns from departments and heads of houses to GER's request for views on admissions May - August 1990.
20. More Means Different report (final May 1990 and interim October 1989) and responses May - October 1990.
21. Deans' meeting and admissions August 1990.
22. Working group agendas, minutes and papers (including draft reports) for meetings October 1990 - April 1991.
23. Deans' meeting and admissions August 1991.
24. Review of admissions and analysis of responses February - May 1992.
25. Correspondence re admissions March - December 1990.
26. Correspondence re admissions January - December 1991.
27. Correspondence re admissions July - December 1992.
UND/CP2/28   October 1991 - September 1992
Advent for Europe event at Durham to mark the UK's presidency of the European Commission, under the auspices of The Signpost Europe Office, correspondence.
UND/CP2/29   January 1992 - May 1994
Amnesty International Annual Human Rights Lecture, supported by Durham University, correspondence re potential speakers and with speakers about arrangements and subjects.
UND/CP2/30   June 1990 - February 1991
BRITE/EURAM programme proposal, correspondence.
UND/CP2/31   March 1989 - August 1993
British Council, correspondence with and about.
UND/CP2/32   January 1988 - January 1989
Centre for Overseas Research and Development (CORD), correspondence and catalogue of the exhibition for the visit of HRH Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, 3 June 1988.
UND/CP2/33   March 1991 - January 1992
Chancellor, Joint Committee for the Appointment of, papers and correspondence re the eventual choice of Sir Peter Ustinov
Closed until 2053 under DPA.
UND/CP2/34   November 1989 - June 1993
Commission of the European Communities European Social Fund, correspondence and reports.
UND/CP2/35   1991
Composition Fee Committee, agenda papers including the DSU submission for 1991/92, minutes and correspondence.
UND/CP2/36   November 1989 - December 1993
Congregation, programmes, invites, timetables, seating plans and speeches.
UND/CP2/37   December 1987 - September 1988
Education Reform Bill working group, minutes, correspondence, reports, including the final report to Senate and Council of September 1988.
UND/CP2/38   December 1990 - November 1993
Enterprise in Higher Education, correspondence with the director of the Enterprise Bureau, annual reports of the Enterprise in Higher Education project for 1991 and 1992, and Peter Slee's Enterprise in Higher Education 1989/1993 Programme Evaluation report.
UND/CP2/39-40   July 1987 - June 1992
Erasmus, correspondence with the Erasmus Bureau and about it, with reports, publications, and newsletters.
39. July 1987 - October 1990.
40. September 1991 - June 1992.
UND/CP2/41   July 1989 - September 1992
Estates and Buildings Review Committee, agenda papers, minutes, reports and correspondence.
UND/CP2/42   December 1988 - April 1990
European Association of International Education Administrators (EAIEA), steering committee minutes, lists of members, brochures and correspondence.
UND/CP2/43   September 1988
European Community Course Credit Transfer System, scheme outline and correspondence.
UND/CP2/44   December 1990 - February 1992
Extension of Teaching Hours, papers for a meeting and correspondence.
UND/CP2/45   March 1989 - July 1994
General Lectures Committee, minutes and correspondence, especially with Joyce Quinn MP, Prof Anatoly Gromyko and Sir Nicholas Goodison re lectures in 1989, 1992 and 1992 respectively.
UND/CP2/46   May 1990
HOST (Hosting for Overseas Students), correspondence.
UND/CP2/47-52   June 1988 - March 1993
International Office, correspondence and reports concerning its inception and running.
47. 1988.
48. 1989.
49. 1990.
50. 1991.
51. 1992.
52. 1993.
UND/CP2/53   December 1989 - October 1992
Jean Monnet project, Commission of the European Communities, correspondence and Durham applications.
UND/CP2/54-56   May 1989 - November 1991
Maintenance Fee Committee, agenda papers, minutes, reports, DSU submissions, “Guidelines for College Accounts” (Blue Book) [1991] and correspondence.
54. May - October 1989.
55. February - October 1990.
56. January - November 1991.
UND/CP2/57-58   June 1991 - February 1993
Modularisation working party, minutes, reports and correspondence.
57. June 1991 - October 1992.
58. November 1992 - February 1993.
UND/CP2/59   April 1988 - February 1991
Overseas Academic and Students Committee, papers and correspondence, including the Handbook for New Overseas Students 1988.
UND/CP2/60-64   December 1988 - August 1993
Regulations and Admissions Committee of Senate, correspondence.
60. 1988-1989.
61. 1990.
62. 1991.
63. 1992.
64. 1993.
UND/CP2/65-70   September 1988 - July 1994
Restructuring Working Group, agenda papers, correspondence, reports and minutes, concerning discussions with departments and individuals re early retirements.
65. September 1988 - February 1989.
66. May 1989 - October 1991.
67. May 1993 - June 1994.
68. February 1989 - July 1994, correspondence with individuals re early retirement.
69. July 1989 - March 1991, correspondence with departments and colleges.
70. June 1989 - April 1991, demise of the Palaeography and Diplomatic department and the agreement re the care of Durham Dean and Chapter's archive at 5 The College.
UND/CP2/71   August 1991 - September 1992
Schools Liaison, correspondence about the establishment of a schools liaison officer and with the appointed officer.
UND/CP2/72-74   December 1992 - June 1994
Teaching and Learning Committee, correspondence, reports and memoranda
72. December 1992 - September 1993.
73. October - December 1993.
74. January - June 1994.
UND/CP2/75-79   September 1988 - November 1992
Teikyo University in Japan project.
75. September-December 1988 project papers and correspondence.
76. March 1989-November 1992 reports, agreements and correspondence, especially with St Mary's College.
77. December 1989-April 1990 opening ceremony by HRH duchess of Kent arrangements.
78. June-October 1990 Board of Management papers and correspondence.
79. March-May 1992 Durham-Teikyo agreement meeting papers.
UND/CP2/80   February 1990 - August 1992
Tempus scheme for cooperation and mobility in higher education between Central/Eastern Europe and the European Community, about some Polish and Hungarian students coming to Durham, with some reciprocation, correspondence, papers and reports including Tempus's Vademecum for 1990/91 and 1992/93.
UND/CP2/81-98   April 1988 - October 1995
[Validation Committee of Senate], minutes, papers and correspondence:
81. Royal Academy of Dancing BA (Hons) The Art and Teaching of Ballet submission, with papers, programme and correspondence for the university's validation visit March-September 1993.
82-84. County Durham Consortium of Health Education Providers ENB Framework for Continuing Professional Education and the Higher Award with BA (Hons) in Professional Studies for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting submission with appendices March-April 1993.
85-89. Darlington College of Technology/Durham and Teesside College of Health Certificate/ Diploma in Nursing Studies, submissions (including from New College Durham Department of Health and Science for the BSc (Hons) in Community Health Nursing) and correspondence December 1992-October 1995.
90-94. New College Durham Advanced Diploma in Primary Education submissions April 1988-May 1993.
95. National Training Centre for Scientific Support to Crime Investigation and The Metropolitan Police Scene of Crime Branch Training Centre Diploma in Fingerprint Expertise Validation Submission.
96-98. Visit of Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) Division of Quality Audit Validation of Programmes of Study in Associated Institutions additional documentation February 1993.
UND/CP2/99-101   January 1990 - December 1992
Vice-Chancellor's Group, Tuesday Meetings, correspondence and reports.
99. January 1990.
100. October 1990 - September 1991.
101. October 1991 - December 1992.
UND/CP2/102-105   April 1989 - May 1994
Student Health, Occupational Safety and Counselling, including minutes and papers of a working group on student health services and the Student Health Centre, and correspondence, including with the University Medical Officer and the Durham Family Health Services Authority.
102. March - November 1989.
103. January - December 1991.
104. January - December 1992.
105. January 1993 - April 1994.
Peter D.B. Collins
Reference: UND/CP3
Dates of creation: July 1987 - June 199779 paper files

UND/CP3/1   December 1993 - November 1995
Accommodation general, correspondence re lecture rooms, fittings and some staffing issues.
UND/CP3/2-3   April 1990 - December 1992
Accommodation Review Committee, correspondence and reports, with occasional plans.
2. April 1990 - June 1991.
3. August 1991 - December 1992.
UND/CP3/4-7   October 1987 - May 1997
Biological Sciences/Pyschology Building, correspondence, reports, plans, working party/extension project sub-committee agendas and minutes, and brochures.
4. October 1987 - April 1992.
5. July 1992 - November 1993.
6. January 1994 - November 1995.
7. January 1996 - May 1997.
UND/CP3/8   November 1991 - September 1992
Chancellor, selection and installation, correspondence, biographies, invitations and programmes.
UND/CP3/81   June 1989 - October 1991
Chemistry and Geological Sciences Building extension, inbcluidng correspondence, plans and the Stage D. Report of October 1989.
Paper file
UND/CP3/9   November 1994 - December 1995
Continuing Vocational Education, bid to HEFCE, correspondence, reports, meeting agendas and minutes, and an AWBL Newsletter No.2 November 1994 of the University of Liverpool.
UND/CP3/10-15   April 1994 - June 1997
Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE), and School of Education, review, and the proposed School for Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE), correspondence, reports, and review group agendas and minutes.
10. April - December 1994.
11. March - April 1995.
12. May - June 1995.
13. July - November 1995.
14. February - December 1996.
15. January - June 1997.
UND/CP3/16   December 1992 - April 1993
Development, correspondence and brochures for a STRIDE- Teamwork proposal and the Industry and Commerce Club.
UND/CP3/17-19   October 1988 - November 1989
Durham Resource Allocation Model (DRAM) Working Group, correspondence, reports and agendas.
17. October 1988 - March 1989.
18. April - June 1989.
19. July - November 1989.
UND/CP3/20   July - November 1987
Elvet Riverside Accommodation Review Working Group, correspondence and plans (PDBC chair).
UND/CP3/21-22   September 1995 - December 1996
European Centre for Advanced Industries at Royal Quays, correspondence, reports and specifications.
21. September - December 1995.
22. January - December 1996.
UND/CP3/23-27   September 1991 - December 1994
Higher Education Support for Industry in the North (HESIN) executive committee (PDBC chair), agendas, minutes, correspondence and reports.
23. September - November 1991.
24. March - October 1992.
25. January - June 1993.
26. July - December 1993.
27. January - December 1994.
UND/CP3/28-33   October 1988 - January 1995
HESIN, correspondence, reports and some committee minutes.
28. October 1988 - December 1989.
29. January - December 1990.
30. January - December 1991.
31. January - December 1992.
32. January - December 1993.
33. February 1994 - January 1995.
UND/CP3/34   August 1995 - April 1996
HESIN government white paper on Regional Government for the North, reports and correspondence.
UND/CP3/35-37   October 1990 - February 1994
Industrial Liaison, correspondence and reports, including the text of a speech by Secretary of State Peter Lilley “Innovation: Competition and Culture” 21 May 1991.
35. October 1990 - July 1991.
36. September 1991 - November 1992.
37. February 1993 - February 1994.
UND/CP3/38-40   October 1991 - December 1994
Industrial Research Laboratories, correspondence with its director and reports, also some minutes of the working group on it, later its advisory board, and a proposal for a Durham Catalyst Technology Company.
38. October 1991 - December 1992.
39. January - December 1993.
40. January - December 1994.
UND/CP3/41-46   November 1991 - June 1993
Mountjoy Science Park Development by Dysart Developments Ltd, correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, agreements, plans.
41. November 1991 - March 1992.
42. June 1992, KPMG appraisal report.
43. July - August 1992.
44. September 1992.
45. October 1992.
46. November 1992 - June 1993.
UND/CP3/47-49   March 1990 - November 1994
Mountjoy Research Centre Development, correspondence and reports.
47. March 1990 - November 1991.
48. January - December 1992.
49. January 1993 - November 1994.
UND/CP3/50-51   October 1993 - April 1996
Quality Assessment Visits to Departments, correspondence and reports including HEFCE Report on Quality Assessment 1992-1995 (November 1995).
50. October 1993 - December 1994.
51. February 1995 - April 1996.
UND/CP3/52-55   April 1993 - June 1997
Quantitative Planning Group, considering resource allocation, the Durham Resource Allocation Model (DRAM and (for accommodation) DRAMA), and college fees, correspondence and reports, including copies of HEFCE circulars 6/94 ( Cost Centres, February 1994) and 36/94 (The Allocation of Departments to Cost Centres, November 1994) .
52. April - December 1993.
53. January - December 1994.
54. January - December 1995.
55. January 1996 - June 1997.
UND/CP3/56   September 1990 - January 1994
Research Assessment Exercise 1992, correspondence and reports, including copies of HEFCE circulars 5/92 ( Research Assessment Exercise 1992), 15/92, 26/92 (Research Assessment Exercise 1992: The Outcome), HEFCE's report on the conduct of the 1992 RAE and HEFCE's consultation paper 6/93 Research Assessment (June 1993).
UND/CP3/57-58   May 1995 - May 1997
Sport - working group to consider the development and implementation of a university policy for sporting activities which led to the establishment of the Committee for Sport in October 1995, agenda papers and minutes.
57. May - September 1995.
58. October 1995 - May 1997.
UND/CP3/59-63   October 1993 - June 1997
Sport - General, correspondence and reports, including the Department of National Heritage's Sport Raising the Game (July 1995), Graham Sports Centre plans, Sports Development Officers' Centre newsletters and ETTA North Region Coaching newsletters.
59. October 1993 - June 1994.
60. March - December 1995.
61. January - May 1996.
62. May - September 1996.
63. January - June 1997.
UND/CP3/64   February 1995 - May 1996
Sport - Sports Centre Joint Steering Group, minutes and agenda papers.
UND/CP3/65   November 1996 - June 1997
Sport - Sport Facilities Project Sub-Committee, minutes and agenda papers.
UND/CP3/66   November 1995 - December 1996
Sport - charges on students, correspondence and reports.
UND/CP3/67   July 1995 - September 1996
Sport - Cricket, correspondence and reports, especially for the development of the Centre for Excellence and its staffing.
UND/CP3/68   August 1995 - February 1996
Sport - Gymnastics, correspondence about a possible Gymnastics Centre.
UND/CP3/69   July 1995 - March 1996
Sport - Rowing, correspondence, including re a possible Centre of Excellence and a race on the Tyne.
UND/CP3/70   September 1995 - November 1996
Sport - Rugby, correspondence, including re a model player agreement and a Rugby Football Union report A Review of Student Rugby (August 1995).
UND/CP3/71-73   August 1994 - June 1997
Training and Enterprise Council (TEC) for Co Durham, correspondence and reports, including Gita Prasad's Lifetime Learning In and Around the City of Durham (1996).
71. August 1994 - December 1995.
72. April - December 1996.
73. January - June 1997.
UND/CP3/74   February - April 1994
Tyne and Wear Chamber of Commerce, celebrity lecture by Sir William Purves in Durham Castle on 18 April, correspondence about the arrangements.
UND/CP3/75-79   August 1989 - July 1991
University Planning Group, correspondence, reports and minutes, including the university's Student Statistics 1990-1991 and Planning and Funding 1989/90 - 1994/5.
1. August 1989 - February 1990.
2. February - April 1990.
3. April - June 1990.
4. October 1990 - March 1991.
5. April - July 1991.
UND/CP3/80   January - February 1994
William Waldegrave visit to the Science site 18 February, including programme, correspondence, press releases, notes for speeches, and Foresight Newsletter of the Technology Foresight Programme No.1 Spring 1994.
Paper file
James Barber
Reference: UND/CP4
Dates of creation: 1989 - 1992
UND/CP4/1   June 1989 - July 1992
Institute of Health Studies, correspondence about its establishment in 1989 and the establishment of the Centre for Nursing Studies within it, also agendas for its Academic Board meetings (first meeting 28 November 1990), and correspondence with especially South Tees Health about the possible association with it of the Cleveland College of Nursing and Midwifery.
UND/CP4/2   May 1990 - June 1992
Institute of Health Studies, Director, Dr Jane Keithley, correspondence about her appointment and with her about the development of the Institute and its work.
UND/CP4/3   May 1990 - July 1992
Institute of Health Studies, Centre for Nursing Studies, Head of Nursing Studies, Dr Sheila Harrisson, correspondence with her about the development of the Centre and its work.
UND/CP4/4   September 1989 - August 1990
Institute of Health Studies, Cleveland College of Nursing and Midwifery Management Committee, minutes, agendas and papers including principal's job description.
UND/CP4/5   June - October 1991
Health reports, with some correspondence: Northern Regional Health Authority Strategic Review of Education and Training Provision Consultation Document (June 1991), Northern Regional Health Authority Rationalisation and Management of Nursing, Midwifery and Radiography Colleges (October 1991) and Department of Health Research for Health A Research and Development Strategy for the NHS (September 1991).
UND/CP4/6   September 1991 - June 1992
Institute of Health Studies, Strategy Working Group papers and correspondence, including a university DACE printed brochure for The Diploma in Management of Human Services.
UND/CP4/7   February - July 1992
Institute of Health Studies, Chair in Nursing, correspondence about setting one up.
UND/CP4/8   July 2004
“The Teesside Initiative: A Personal View”, James Barber's recollections of the development of Stockton, with a covering letter sending it to Sir Kenneth Calman.
Paper file
UND/CP4/9   November 2008
Draft article by James Barber “The South Africans in Durham” , published in Durham First, with a colour print of the 1986x1987 MA students and a letter sending it to the editor.
Paper file with a colour print
UND/CP4/10   April 1989
Cleveland sites, South Cleveland Hospital Scheme 2 outline development plan June 1981, with colour photographs of the hospital (St Luke's), Middlehaven, Teesdale, Teesside University Site (1968) and Poole Hospital.
Paper file
UND/CP4/11   January 1990
Teesside Initiative briefing notes.
Paper file
Michael Prestwich
Reference: UND/CP5
Dates of creation: 1991 - 1995
UND/CP5/1   June 1994 - January 1995
Admissions, correspondence, reports and tables of numbers of students coming to Durham.
UND/CP5/2   October 1991- November 1993
Adult and Continuing Education Department (DACE), correspondence about developments and about the Senate Committee on Continuing Education, with the following reports: HEFCE Continuing Education Policy Review December 1992, HEFCE circular 18/93 Continuing Education May 1993.
UND/CP5/3   October - November 1992
Cathedral 900, correspondence re bids for funding for projects for the celebrations.
UND/CP5/4   November 1992 - April 1995
Clerical Regrading/Review, correspondence and paperwork re specific cases and the work of the Non-Academic Staffing Committee.
UND/CP5/5   September 1992 - January 1994
Enterprise in Higher Education, correspondence, reports and papers, including: Durham University Directory of EHE-Funded Projects 1991-92 and 1992-93, N. Entwistle The Impact of Teaching on Learning Outcomes in Higher Education A Literature Review June 1992 for CVCP (copy), Durham University Enterprise in Higher Education Annual Report 1992, USDU Briefing Papers four and five January 1994 D. Farrington The Higher Education Charters: Implications for Universities and their Staff and R. Gunn Franchising in Higher Education, the Enterprise Bureau with St John's College University of Durham “Training for Success” Course Guide 1993-1994, Enterprise in Higher Education College Courses, L. Harvey, A. Burrows and D. Green Criteria of Quality Summary QHE Project October 1992 (copy), NICEC Briefing Careers Services and Teaching Departments October 1992.
UND/CP5/6   August 1992 - August 1994
Executive Information System (DUX), correspondence with Management Information Systems re its possible development.
UND/CP5/7   July 1992 - August 1993
General, correspondence re such as committee membership, computers, Spalding Trust, Duisberg, prospectus photos, and examining.
UND/CP5/8-10   January 1993 - January 1995
Graduate School, correspondence re its administration, especially research degree appeals, including also a Durham conference 13 April 1994 “The Higher Education Charter: Implications for Graduate Education”, and reports by John Hogan on “Graduate Schools: The Organization of Graduate Education in the USA” and “Graduate Schools: The Organisation of Graduate Education” [in the USA and Europe].
8. January 1993 - April 1994.
9. May - August 1994.
10. September 1994 - January 1995.
UND/CP5/11   July 1992 - August 1994
Health and Safety, Management Board agendas and papers, also correspondence.
UND/CP5/12   January 1993 - January 1994
Health and Safety, information leaflets and reports, including Health and Safety in the University leaflet July 1993, Survey Regarding UK Regulations on Public Supply and Works and Contracts (HEFCE August 1993), Health and Safety Office circulars No1-3 and Durham University Health Centre annual report 1992-93.
UND/CP5/13   March 1993 - July 1994
Health and Safety, correspondence, newspaper cuttings and reports re transport and especially the use of minibuses, regulations covering them, their procurement, and the towing of boat trailers.
UND/CP5/14   March 1993 - May 1994
Health and Safety, fire safety, procedures and incidents, correspondence and reports, including a HSE leaflet Passive Smoking at Work ([1992]).
UND/CP5/15   December 1992 - July 1994
Health and Safety, radioactive waste and water pollution, correspondence and reports, including also concerning COSHH, mercury and asbestos.
UND/CP5/16   November 1992 - October 1993
Health and Safety, electrical equipment safety, correspondence.
UND/CP5/17   December 1992 - May 1994
Health and Safety, inspectors' vists and open days. correspondence.
UND/CP5/18   June 1993 - July 1994
Health and Safety, student activities, correspondence, especially re student balls and with the DU Mountaineering Club.
UND/CP5/19   November 1992 - September 1994
Health and Safety, correspondence re general issues, matters of policy and insurance.
UND/CP5/20   October 1992 - April 1995
History, correspondence and papers concerning his own work as a historian (queries, reviews, courses, research etc) and the administration of the History department.
UND/CP5/21   September 1993 - September 1994
Howlands Trust proposed new college, correspondence, mainly with the president-designate, Deborah Lavin.
UND/CP5/22   August 1992 - April 1993
Institute of Health Studies, Working Group on Nursing and Health Studies, minutes, correspondence, papers, and reports which recommended that Health and Nursing should be separate units within the Department of Sociology and Social Policy (which report Senate adopted in May 1993).
UND/CP5/23   June 1993 - January 1995
Institute of Health Studies, correspondence especially with the Northern Regional Health Authority and the National Health Service about research, including: Proposed Merger of the Lancaster and The South Cumbria Health Authorities Consultation Document [August 1993], Yorkshire Regional Health Authority Strategy for Research and Development 1993/94, Northern Regional Health Authority Research and Development: Report and Forward Plan September 1993, First Report to the Central Research and Development Committee from the Standing Group on Health Technology December 1993, Newcastle University Centre for Health Services Research Newsletter No.7 April 1994, and “Report of the RCGP Research Fellow 1993” by Dr A. Palo S. Hungin.
UND/CP5/24-28   August 1992 - October 1994
Institute of Health Studies and Centre for Nursing Studies correspondence about their development, work, funding, appointments to them and their relationships with other institutions, including the following reports: Northern Regional Health Authority Strategy for the Provision of Occupational Therapy Education December 1992, Yorkshire Health R&D Index information on the health-related research expertise of the seven universities in the Yorkshire Health Region May 1993, Department of Health A Centre for Research and Development in Primary Health Care A Statement of Requirements May 1993, North Durham Community Health Care Application for NHS Trust Status [1993], Northern Regional Health Authority Research and Development Plan: Initial Strategy January 1993, Proposal to the Northern Regional Health Authority for the Integration of the Durham and Teesside College of Health with the University of Durham September 1993, PRS Newsletter preliminary issue November 1993, “An Action Plan for the Medical School University of Newcastle Upon Tyne 1993 to 1996”, Newcastle University Centre for Health Services Newsletter Issue No.8 August 1994.
24. August - December 1992.
25. January - June 1993.
26. July - December 1993.
27. January - June 1994.
28. July - October 1994.
UND/CP5/29-34   January 1992 - August 1994
Research, correspondence, papers and reports re graduate student issues, the business of the Graduate School office, and the Graduate School and Research committees, a proposed Research office, Research Assessment Exercises, the recruitment of research students, research awards, postgraduate student numbers and responses to William Waldegrave's white paper Realising our potential A Strategy for Science, Engineering and Technology (HMSO 1993), including also PCFC's The Funding of Research by the Higher Education Funding Council for England consultation paper (July 1992), UFC's Research Assessment Exercise 1992: The Outcome circular 26/92, a copy IMS report The Demand for PhD Science Graduates: Summary A Report to the Science and Materials Board of the SERC [1994], a UWE Conference Report Research Assessment: The Way Ahead (1993), Social Sciences News from the ESRC (August 1993 Issue 20) and focus The Official Northern & Yorkshire R.H.A. Research & Development Newsletter (Winter & Spring 1994).
29. January - November 1992.
30. January - March 1993.
31. April - June 1993.
32. July - December 1993.
33. January - March 1994.
34. April - August 1994.
UND/CP5/35-37   April - November 1993
Research Committee departmental visits, including their 1992 RAE report, and usually the report and subsequent correspondence on the visits.
35. April - May 1993, Chemistry, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Politics, Economics, Sociology, History.
36. June 1993, East Asian Studies, CMEIS, Business School, English, Classics, Law, Education, Anthropology, Philosophy, Archaeology, Theology, Music, Physics, Geography.
37. November 1993, Adult and Continuing Education, East Asian Studies, English.
UND/CP5/38-39   August 1992 - March 1995
Staff Training, correspondence, reports, and brochures for training courses run by the university and elsewhere, including CVCP Occasional Green Paper No.3 (December 1992) HE Departmental Leadership/Management - An Exploration of Roles and Responsibilities, DFE circular 14/93 The Initial Training of Primary School Teachers: New Criteria for Courses, EPSRC Research and Training for Wealth Creation brochure, UCoSDA Publications for Higher Education (July 1994), and UCoSDA Briefing Paper 13 (November 1994) Staff Development to Support Research.
38. 1992-1993.
39. 1994-1995.
UND/CP5/40   January - June 1994
Statutes, proposed changes, correspondence.
UND/CP5/41-42   November 1992 - July 1994
University College Stockton, courses at, correspondence re their development, especially with the University of Teesside, with also some course outlines.
41. November 1992 - December 1993.
42. January - July 1994.
Barry S. Gower
Reference: UND/CP6
Dates of creation: 1987 - 1999
UND/CP6/1-3   October 1994 - August 1996
Admissions, correspondence, reports and papers, with agendas and minutes of working groups an the admissions of students and the regulations.
1. October - December 1994.
2. January - December 1995.
3. February - August 1996.
3 paper files
UND/CP6/4   October 1997
Boards of Studies annual reports, with some correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CP6/5-7   August 1993 - February 1996
Centenary of Women students honorary degrees ceremony May 1995, including a working group on arrangements for the ceremony and an associated seminar, arrangements for a lecture by Tessa Blackstone, and a subsequent working group on the role and status of women in the university, with a copy of AUT Woman newsletter (No.36 Autumn 1995).
5. August 1993 - November 1994.
6. January - May 1995.
7. June 1995 - February 1996.
3 paper files
UND/CP6/8-11   July 1994 - June 1998
Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE), and School of Education, review, and the proposed School for Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE) and Centre for Professional Development, correspondence, reports, and review group agendas and minutes, including HEFCE report Continuing Vocational Education (CVE) Development Funding (October 1994), DfEE Higher Education Briefing Paper No 1 from the WBL Network (February 1996).
8. July - November 1994.
9. March - August 1995.
10. March - December 1996.
11. January - June 1998.
4 paper files
UND/CP6/12-15   November 1993 - August 1996
External Examiners, correspondence, reports and papers of BSG as chairman of Teaching and Learning Committee, including some reports of external examiners, Coopers & Lybrand's Higher Education Quality Council Review of Quality Audit report (December 1993) and H. SIlver, A. Stennett, R. Williams, The External Examiner System: Possible Futures (Quality Support Centre, May 1995).
12. November 1993 - November 1994.
13. January - August 1995.
14. September - November 1995.
15. January - August 1996.
4 paper files
UND/CP6/16-19   June 1987 - April 1995
Open University, collaboration with over joint degrees, especially a BA (Ed), including correspondence, working party papers,
16. June 1987 - October 1988, joint BA (Ed).
17. January 1988 - February 1992, all departments.
18. November 1991 - July 1992, joint degrees.
19. May 1992 - April 1995, joint degrees.
4 paper files
UND/CP6/20-22   March 1994 - February 1996
Teaching Quality Assessment - Anthropology, reports and correspondence, including HEFCE Quality Assessment of Anthropology 1994-95 Subject Overview Report QO 13/95 and HEFCE University of Durham Anthropology November 1994 Quality Assessment Report Q137/95.
20. March - November 1994.
21. April - November 1995.
22. January - February 1996 (includes Geography).
3 paper files
UND/CP6/23   June 1993 - July 1995
Teaching Quality Assessment - Applied Social Work, reports, correspondence and self-assessment documents, including HEFCE Quality Assessment of Applied Social Work 1994 Subject Overview Report QO 5/95 and HEFCE University of Durham Applied Social Work February 1994 Quality Assessment Report Q183/94.
Paper file
UND/CP6/24   July 1993 - July 1995
Teaching Quality Assessment - Business School, reports, correspondence and self-assessment documents, including HEFCE Quality Assessment of Business and Management Studies 1994 Subject Overview Report QO 7/95 and HEFCE University of Durham Business and Management Studies February 1994 Quality Assessment Report Q172/94.
Paper file
UND/CP6/25-26   March 1996 - March 1998
Teaching Quality Assessment - Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS), reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report of February 1997.
25. March - December 1996.
26. January 1997 - March 1998.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/27-28   February 1993 - October 1995
Teaching Quality Assessment - Computer Science, reports, correspondence and self-assessment documents, including HEFCE Quality Assessment of Computer Science 1994 Subject Overview Report QO 8/95 and HEFCE University of Durham Computing March 1994 Quality Assessment Report Q212/94.
27. February - December 1993.
28. March 1994 - October 1995.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/29-30   November 1995 - February 1999
Teaching Quality Assessment - Engineering, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report University of Durham General Engineering November 1997 Q44/98.
29. November 1995 - December 1997.
30. January 1998 - February 1999.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/31-32   February 1994 - August 1998
Teaching Quality Assessment - English Studies, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report University of Durham English October 1994 Q20/95 and a HEFCE Subject Overview Report Quality Assessment of English 1994-95 QO 12/95.
31. February - December 1994.
32. January 1995 - August 1998.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/33-34   March 1994 - April 1996
Teaching Quality Assessment - Geography, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report University of Durham Geography February 1995 Q184/95, a HEFCE Subject Overview Report Quality Assessment of Geography 1994-95 QO 11/95, and a first year Department of Geography Introductory Booklet 1993/94.
33. March - December 1994.
34. January 1995 - April 1996.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/35-36   March 1994 - January 1996
Teaching Quality Assessment - Geology, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report University of Durham Geology November 1994 Q125/95 and a HEFCE Subject Overview Report Quality Assessment of Geology 1994-95 QO 14/95.
35. March - November 1994.
36. January 1995 - January 1996.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/37-38   January 1995 - July 1997
Teaching Quality Assessment - Linguistics and English Language, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report of January 1996.
37. January - December 1995.
38. January 1996 - July 1997.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/39-40   January 1995 - July 1998
Teaching Quality Assessment - Modern Languages French, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report of February 1996.
39. January - December 1995.
40. February 1996 - July 1998.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/41   January 1995 - January 1997
Teaching Quality Assessment - Modern Languages German, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report of October - November 1995.
Paper file
UND/CP6/42-43   December 1994 - June 1998
Teaching Quality Assessment - Modern Languages Russian, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report of January 1996.
42. December 1994 - December 1995.
43. January 1996 - June 1998.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/44-46   January 1995 - January 1999
Teaching Quality Assessment - Modern Languages Spanish and Italian, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents.
44. January - December 1995.
45. January - December 1996
46. January 1997 - January 1999.
3 paper files
UND/CP6/47-48   March 1994 - January 1997
Teaching Quality Assessment - Music, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Quality Assessment Report University of Durham Music January-February 1995 Q236/95 and a HEFCE Subject Overview Report Quality Assessment of Music 1994-95 QO 15/95.
47. March - December 1994.
48. March 1995 - January 1997.
2 paper files
UND/CP6/49-52   February 1994 - February 1997
Teaching Quality Assessment - Sociology, reports and correspondence, including self-assessment documents and a HEFCE Subject Overview Report QO 9/95 Quality Assessment of Social Policy and Administration 1994-95 , and sample self-assessments from Chemistry, Law and History for 1993.
49. February - December 1994.
50. January - June 1995.
51. July - December 1995.
52. January 1996 - February 1997.
4 paper files
UND/CP6/53   March 1990 - November 1994
Validation Committee of Senate, periodic review of the Diplomas in Health Visiting and Health Studies at New College Durham including agenda, report, and memorandum.
Paper file
Reference: UND/CF Durham University registrars:
1835-1866Rev Temple Chevallier
1866-1869Rev Francis F. Walrond
1869-1877Rev Thomas Thornton
1877-1913Walter K. Hilton
1914-1937Harold G. Theodosius
1938-1951William S. Angus (William R. Niblett acted in his absence 1941-1944)
1952-1961Ernest M. Bettenson
1962 David H. Willson acting
1963-1984Ian E. Graham
1985-1998John C.F. Hayward
1999-2001John V. Hogan
2002-2008Lee Sanders
2008-2012Carolyn Fowler
2013-2014Peter Judge
2015-dateJennifer Sewell

Mr W.S. Angus, who became registrar in March 1938, in succession to Mr H G Theodosius (registrar, 1914 - December 1937), was born in 1899. He had served as warden of the halls of residence for men at the university of Liverpool, 1923-1928, before later, 1932-1938, serving as registrar of Armstrong College (later King's College), Newcastle upon Tyne. On Mr Angus's appointment in 1952 as secretary of the university of Aberdeen, he was succeeded as registrar by Mr E.M. Bettenson, who had been appointed assistant registrar at the university's Newcastle upon Tyne office in 1947. Mr Bettenson became registrar of King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne in July 1961 (later becoming registrar of the university of Newcastle upon Tyne), being succeeded as registrar of the university by Mr Ian E. Graham (secretary of the Durham Colleges, 1959-1961, and formerly assistant registrar of the university). By the time of John Hogan, the post was registrar and secretary, and since Peter Judge it has been just secretary.
In 2020, the University Secretary is responsible for the University’s overall governance, assurance and legal compliance. The Secretary provides advice and support to the University’s governing body and board of trustees (the Council), to the Senate (University academic governing body), and to the Vice-Chancellor as the University’s Chief Executive Officer and his Executive Team. The University Secretary’s Office comprises Governance and Executive Services, Legal Services, and the University Assurance Service, which includes the University Information Governance Unit.

Registration and Admission
Reference: UND/CF1
Senior members
Reference: UND/CF1/A
Dates of creation: 1832 - 1909, 2009
UND/CF1/A1   20 July [1832] - 9 November 1842
Register of members of the university
- List of senior members of the university, with a record of the [payment] by some of them of a £1 annual sum 1833-1834, 1834-1835, and 1835-1836 (subsequent columns marked up to 1841-42 all blank).
- List of the senior members of the university - governors, officers, academics, and the rest - recording their degrees at admission, and subsequent degrees gained, in chronological order [of admission]. 20 July [1832] - 28 April 1840
- List of students, recording their faculty and degrees held and subsequently gained, in chronological order [of admission]. 28 October 1833 - 9 November 1842.
- List of annual admissions totals 1833-1842.
- [Draft] list of senior members of the university [1832].
- List of names “Not in Book”.
- Letter from Charles Thorp to the Chapter with names to be added.
- List of names headed “Durham Convocation”.
- Letter from Thomas Garnett of University College to [the registrar] with names “removed from the boards” 30 June 1840.
- List of students from T. Garnett [for adding to the book] for Easter and Michaelmas 1840.
- List of students [for adding to the book Michaelmas 1842].
- Letter of acknowledgement from H.W. Watkins to Mr Beanlands 1 October 1884.
- List of names [for adding to the book Michaelmas 1842].
Paper book, in reverse calf binding, blind stamped edge, in a slipcase, repaired by T.N. Cotton of [Durham County Record Office] November 1992
Size: 250 x 380mm
Formerly UND/A1/1
UND/CF1/A2   1839 - 1909
Fellowships register
Recording the date, name and degree of those eligible for and elected to fellowships.
At the front are extracts from an order in council and the university regulations about fellowships and elections to them 1841-1897.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine red morocco and gilt label
UND/CF1/A3   1840 - 1909
Fellows declaration book
Recording the declaration made by fellows, wth the dates and names of fellows.
Paper book, vellum bound by Andrews of Durham, gilt cover title
UND/CF1/A4   9 September 2009
Service paper for the installation of Revd Prof Mark Allen McIntosh as Van Mildert Professor of Divinity, and canon residentiary of Durham Cathedral, at evensong in Durham Cathedral.
Registers of matriculated students
Reference: UND/CF1/B
Recording students' names, faculty and college, with occasional other remarks

UND/CF1/B1   October 1910 - April 1922
Matriculation register
Paper book, reverse calf binding
Digitised material for Durham University Matriculation register October 1910 - April 1922 - UND/CF1/B1
UND/CF1/B2   October 1922 - October 1932
Matriculation register
List of candidates for the first exam in music September 1932
List of students from the College of Medicine who had signed the matriculation register November 1932
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF1/B3   October 1932 - October 1946
Matriculation register
Lists of students matriculating at Durham, King's and Sunderland Michaelmas 1946 to Michaelmas 1947.
UND/CF1/B4   October 1928 - January 1945
Matriculation register for associated theological colleges
Affiliated colleges admissions books
Reference: UND/CF1/C
Recording students' names, their date/term of admission, and their faculty

UND/CF1/C1   11 January 1871 - October 1953
Affiliated colleges admissions book
Codrington College 11 January 1871-Michaelmas 1952 (front of book)
Fourah Bay 1 February 1876-Michaelmas 1953 (back of book)
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF1/C2   October 1953 - October 1966
Affiliated colleges admissions book
Fourah Bay only. Recording now also the length of the course
Paper book, reverse calf binding
Other admissions registers
Reference: UND/CF1/D
Dates of creation: 1833 - 1971
UND/CF1/D1   28 October 1833 - 19 June 1896
Admissions book for students in Durham
Recording the name and date of admission of the student, written by the student, in chronological order. From Michaelmas 1857, the faculty and college of each student is recorded [by the registrar]; from Easter 1871 this is also autograph.
Paper book, leather bound, 2 brass clasps, spine title
Size: 245 x 385mm
Deposited by Dr C.D. Watkinson, deputy university librarian, 1995.
Formerly UND/A1/10
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Admissions register for Durham students, 1833-1896 - UND/CF1/D1
UND/CF1/D2   15 October 1896 - [January] 1936 & Michaelmas 1960
Admissions book for students in Durham
Recording the name, date of admission, faculty and any previous college, written by the student; with also their date of birth from Michaelmas 1921. At the front is printed the oath to conform to the university's regulations.
UND/CF1/D3   Michaelmas 1936 - Michaelmas 1959
Admissions book for students in Durham
The succeeding register up to 1963 was subsequently reused for Neville's Cross students and is held (March 2011) in New College Durham.
Another register for Durham Colleges except Hatfield and Bede for 1961 and 1962 was reused as Van Mildert's admissions register 1965-1990 and is now UND/F10/D2/1. Another one for 1961 and 1962 for Durham Colleges, reused as Hatfield admissions register 1963-1998, is now UND/F7/D2/1.
UND/CF1/D4   6 September 1861 - 8 September 1884
Medical students register
Recording their name, date and place of birth, present residence, date of registration, place of study, registering body and Arts exam passed; all details are not always entered, especially during the 1870s when often only the name and date are recorded.
Inserted: a letter of 14 June 1884 from John Bateley about his brother [Robert's] registration in 1871.
Paper book, half-leather binding, spine lost, mostly unused
Size: 560 x 240mm
Formerly UND/A1/7
UND/CF1/D5   September 1920 - June 1948
Licence in Theology students register
Recording the name, their former institution, term of entry, when they passed the papers in parts A, B and C, and when they completed. Arranged alphabetically, first drawn up c.1930, then added to annually.
With a note at the front of the exams qualifying for exemption from parts A and B.
Paper book, buckram bound
UND/CF1/D6   January 1923 - October 1962
Admissions register of licentiates in Theology and graduates
Completed by the student, by term, recording their name, date of birth, college and course.
Inside the front cover is the oath sworn on admission.
Paper book
UND/CF1/D7   October 1961 - October 1967
Graduates Admissions Register recording term, date of birth, name, course/subject and college; autograph.
Inside the front cover is the oath sworn on admission.
Largely blank.
UND/CF1/D8   [October 1961] - October 1973
Graduates Admissions Register recording term, date of birth, name, course/subject and college; autograph. (Different names to D7).
Inside the front cover is the oath sworn on admission.
Largely blank.
UND/CF1/D9   October 1966 - October 1967
Graduates Admissions Register recording term, date of birth, name, course/subject and college; autograph. (Different names to D7&8).
Largely blank.
UND/CF1/D10   1977 - 1988
[Part-time Science] Graduates Admissions Register recording signature, date of birth and name/course.
On the front flyleaf is the oath sworn on admission.
Largely blank.
UND/CF1/D11   September 1920 - September 1960
Music external students register
recording their name, when they took their exams, and the degree gained (BMus or DMus). Arranged alphabetically.
Paper book
UND/CF1/D12   April 1978 - March 1986
Music BMus students register recording date of birth, name, date of registration, and exams passed/failed. Arranged generally chronologically. Largely blank.
Paper booklet
UND/CF1/D13   2 October 1948 - 29 September 1971
Institute of Education register
With the signatures of new students enrolled (to 1950 only) and new staff presented each year from each constituent college (Bede, Hild, Neville's Cross, Durham Colleges Education Department, Sunderland Technical/Polytechnic, Sunderland College of Education, Wynyard Hall, Darlington, Middlesborough/Teesside, Middleton St George).
Paper guardbook, metal hinged buckram covered wooden boards, with a leather strap with lock and key, title on the front cover
UND/CF1/D14   [c.Michaelmas 1968 - Michaelmas 1974]
Admissions book - Darlington College
Detailing name, date of birth, college and subject.
UND/CF1/D15   Michaelmas 1963 - Michaelmas 1974
Admissions book - St Hild's College
UND/CF1/D16   Michaelmas 1969 - Michaelmas 1971 & Michaelmas 1974 - Michaelmas 1978
Admissions book - Middleton St George's College
UND/CF1/D17   [Michaelmas 1968] - Michaelmas 1971 & Michaelmas 1974
Admissions book - Sunderland College of Education
UND/CF1/D18   Michaelmas 1968 - Michaelmas 1971 & Michaelmas 1974 - Michaelmas 1978
Admissions book - Sunderland Technical College/Polytechnic
UND/CF1/D19   Michaelmas 1969 - Michaelmas 1999
Admissions book - Institute of European Studies, detailing date of birth, name, faculty, college and signature
Paper book
UND/CF1/D20   Michaelmas 1949 - Michaelmas 2019
Admission Book Durham University, with the student's promise printed in the front, recording:
Michaelmas 1949 to Michaelmas 1962 for Durham Colleges, by college and then alphabetically, the name, date of birth, college and faculty.
Michaelmas 1968 for Ushaw College, name, college, date of birth and faculty.
Michaelmas 1994 to Michaelmas 2007, signature of one student per college.
Michaelmas 2008 to date, signature of one undergraduate and one postgraduate per college.
Paper book, leather bound, spine title
Other Lists of Students
Reference: UND/CF1/E
UND/CF1/E1   September 1896 - December 1921
Term book
Recording each term, by faculty, the students in residence in Durham with their college. From 1916 it is organised by subject.
Inserted is a blank University of Durham Certificate of Proficiency in General Education.
Paper book, leather bound, badly scuffed
UND/CF1/E2   Michaelmas 1892
Printed table of some Durham Colleges Arts students for University College, Unattached and Bishop Hatfield Hall for Michaelmas 1892 with a table of the days of the week. Some students at the head of each list are labelled “LS” or “DS” ; some at the end are italicised.
Formerly LL378.4281, Acc No 46513; transferred from this 12 December 2005.
UND/CF1/E3   Easter 1937 - Michaelmas 1985
Termly (annual from 1968) lists of students in residence, detailing surname, initials, year/subject and scholar/exhibitioner, by college (men's then women's), with overall totals at the end. Format changed from landscape to portrait in 1979.
Term lists of Durham Colleges: 1937 Easter; 1938 Michaelmas; 1939 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1940 Easter, Michaelmas; 1941 Epiphany, Easter; 1942 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1943 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1944 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1945 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1946 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1947 Epiphany, Easter.
The Durham Colleges Students in Residence: 1950 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1951 Easter, Michaelmas; 1952 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1953 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1954 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1955 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1956 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1957 Epiphany, Michaelmas; 1958 Epiphany, Michaelmas; 1959 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1960 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1961 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1962 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1963 Epiphany, Easter.
University of Durham Students in Residence: 1963 Michaelmas; 1964 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1965 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1966 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1967 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas; 1968 Epiphany, Michaelmas; 1969 Michaelmas; 1970 Michaelmas, 1971 Michaelmas; 1972 Michaelmas, 1973 Michaelmas, 1974 Michaelmas; 1975 Michaelmas, 1978 Michaelmas; 1979 Michaelmas; 1980 Michaelmas; 1981 Michaelmas; 1982 Michaelmas; 1984 Michaelmas; 1985 Michaelmas.
Also a list for [Michaelmas 1937] annotated with some students' ages and home towns.
UND/CF1/E4   Easter 1937 - Easter 1946
Term lists for Durham Colleges students, by course, then by college and alphabetically, detailing the subjects taken, printed. Missing:
Michaelmas 1937, Easter 1938, Epiphany 1940.
The Easter 1937, Epiphany 1938 and Epiphany 1939 lists are anotated with students' origins: [within] 30 miles, British Isles, Empire, foreign.
UND/CF1/E5   1966/67
Lists of students in the faculties of Arts, Education and Science, by degree, then year, then alphabetically, detailing Within 30 Over 30, whether they are foreign or Commonwealth, age at entry, college, year of course, number of terms in residence, and subjects studied, with remarks, with those from St Cuthbert's Society indicated.
Paper file
UND/CF1/E6   1854 - 1856
Collections Reports, detailing, by term, the student's surname and often initials and college, and then their performance by each tutor, also at morning chapel, conduct in college, and examinations; often in one word or a succinct phrase. Most are initialled by the warden, Charles Thorp.
Paper book, in marbled half-leather covers, paginated to p.238
Stamped as presented by Professor H. Ellershaw, 28 January 1924.
Formerly numbered: L.V.57 (inside front cover); L378.4281 (inside front flyleaf); LH 3G 1 (spine);
Digitised material for Durham University Records: student reports 1854-56 - UND/CF1/E6
Reference: UND/CF1/F
UND/CF1/F1   1992 & 1993
Factsheets giving advice to applicants on each department, complementing the prospectus but providing more uptodate information with information on such as typical offers.
Reference: UND/CF2
Scholarships registers
Reference: UND/CF2/A
UND/CF2/A1   October 1838 - October 1898
Recording students' names, date of admission, length of time since admission and patron/award. On 21 November 1859 Chapter decided to open their scholarships to public competition.
With 4 inserted notes of scholars and 1 of absentee fees.
Largely unused.
Scholarships students files
Reference: UND/CF2/B
Dates of creation: 1953 - 1960
Correspondence, reports and forms re the award of scholarships, exhibitions or research studentships (Research, Open, Foster, Gisborne, De Bury, Maltby, Hatfield, Lightfoot, Pears, Theological Honours, Jenkyns, Ellerton, Lindsay) to Durham Colleges students (undergraduates and postgraduates), and their payment or deferral, filed alphabetically by student, and chronologically within the file.
The papers are in original University of Durham or Durham Colleges personal files, referenced PD or PS respectively, labelled with the name of the student
Closed for 80 years from the last date on file under DPA.

Scholarship exams
Reference: UND/CF2/C
UND/CF2/C1   January 1961 - January 1964
Entrance Scholarship Examinations registers, detailing, for Arts and Sciences, alphabetically, students' names, school, college, date of birth, principal subject, papers to be taken, and comments.
Paper file
UND/CF2/C2   January 1957, January 1960 - January 1966
Entrance Scholarships Examinations interview and some exam timetables.
Paper file
Reference: UND/CF3
Examination papers
Reference: UND/CF3/A
Dates of creation: 1834 - 2010
Printed papers for the examinations set by Durham university, mostly finals for the various bachelor and masters degrees subject to examination, and the diplomas, licences and certificates. The earlier sets also include matriculation, admission and entrance papers, collections and intermediate exams. Some of the earliest papers were not dated, or even titled. The material is mainly for exams set and held in Durham. There is material intermittently for exams at Armstrong College, and later King's, but the series contains no medical exam papers.
No material survives in this series for 1857-1873. However, exam papers were printed in the annually published Calendar until 1897 when the separately printed series in CF3/A1896- below was begun.
Exam papers were printed up to 1897 in the Calendar.
For further exam papers for 1875, see Add Ms 480.
Further exam papers for 1834-1836 are in Durham Cathedral Library, Raine 8.

UND/CF3/A1   1834 - 1840
Exam papers for finals and intermediate exams, filed chronologically.
Paper guard-book, bound in half-leather marbled covers, now detached   1 volume
Formerly numbered O.II.52.
UND/CF3/A2   1834 - 1856
Exam papers in annual bundles (none for 1844) of varying completeness, in the order within the bundles of Divinity, Classics, Philosophy, History, Mathematics and Science.
Paper bundles
Presented in June 1909 by Revd Dr Greenwell via Revd Dr Gee.
Formerly numbered H.F.16.
UND/CF3/A3   1874 - 1896
Exam papers in incomplete annual bundles.
Paper bundles
UND/CF3/A4   September 1896
Exam papers for the BMus degree.
Paper, 2 items
UND/CF3/A5   1876, 1878 - 1882
Annual booklets of printed exam papers, examiners' reports, class lists, exam regulations and forthcoming subjects for persons not members of Durham university, with some loose undated exam papers also for those not at the university.
Paper booklets   6 booklets & 1 bundle
UND/CF3/A6   1835 - 1838
Exam papers, Arts and Engineering.
Paper book
Formerly numbered N.v.26 and CA.I.12
UND/CF3/A7   1841 - 1844
Exam papers, Arts and Mathematics with some Theology
Paper book, bound in half-leather marbled boards
Formerly numbered N.v.25 and B.II.8
UND/CF3/A8   1845 - 1849
Exam papers for Theology, Classics, Ethics, History and Mathematics, BA and MA.
Paper book, bound in half-leather marbled boards
Formerly numbered B.ii.9 and L.vii.41.
UND/CF3/A9   1856 - 1859
Exam papers for Theology, Classics, Ethics, Logic, History, Mathematics and Medicine, BA and MA, some manuscript.
Paper book, bound in half-leather marbled boards, front detached
Formerly numbered L.vii.39.
UND/CF3/A10   1859 - 1871
Exam papers in varied chronological order for the Licence in Theology and Divinity part of the BA, with some manuscript [drafts], also some History/Ancient History, with some amendations.
Paper book, bound in marbled boards, half-leather
Formerly L.vii.43.
UND/CF3/A11   1871 - 1880
Exam papers in Theology, with some [draft] in manuscript.
Paper book, bound in half-leather covered marbled boards
Formerly numbered: L.vii.45.
UND/CF3/A12   1881 - 1890
Exam papers in Theology.
Paper book, bound in half-leather covered boards
Formerly numbered: L.vii.42.
UND/CF3/A13   1875 - 1884
Exam papers in Arts with occasional ms amendments.
Paper book, bound in half-leather covered marbled boards
Formerly numbered: L.vii.40.
UND/CF3/A14   1885 - 1893
Exam papers in Arts with occasional ms amendments.
Paper book, half-leather binding by Andrews and Co of Durham
Formerly numbered: L.vii.44.
UND/CF3/A15-16   1874 - 1895
Exam papers in Mathematics.
15. 1874-1888.
16. 1889-1895.
2 paper books, bound in red covers
Given by R.J. Pearce, 1 November 1904.
Formerly 18.C.13-14 and K.vii.63-64.
UND/CF3/A17-25   1896 - 1905
Exam papers, further copies of the next items, split up into Arts, BLitt and Theology exams, and separately bound up with 3 years worth of papers in each, so the volumes cover 1896-1899, 1899-1902 and 1902-1905.
9 paper books, in blue covers, bound by T. Caldcleugh, bookbinder of Durham
Formerly numbered K.vii.1-9.
UND/CF3/A26   1891 - 1910
Exam papers in music, BMus and DMus, photocopies.
Paper book
UND/CF3/A27   December 1935 & March 1936
Collections exam papers for Durham Colleges, Latin and Greek first year pass.
Paper file
UND/CF3/A1896-2019   1896 - 2019
Examination papers.
The papers are mostly just for the Durham division before 1964 and include matriculation and scholarship entrance exams. The series contains no medical exam papers. There are separate volumes of Pure Science papers for 1935-1939 and Applied Science, Law, Commerce and Architecture papers (all from Armstrong) for 1936-1939. Occasional other Armstrong papers are included in the Durham papers. Later on, there are sets of exam papers from all the faculties at King's from 1952. Papers for the resits in August/September are also present from 1955. Papers for Queen's Campus exams are present from 1992.
By 2019, the subjects were: Anthropology, Arabic, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Business (BUSI & BUSS), Chemistry, Chinese, Classics, Computing Science, Economics (ECON & ECOS), Education (EDUC & EDUS), Engineering, English, French, Geography, German, History, Italian, Japanese, Law, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology (PSYC & PSYS), Russian, Government and International Affairs, Sociology, Spanish, Sport, Theology.
Printed papers bound in volumes up to 1939, then loose sheets in boxes, with some during the war not printed, then printed papers in booklets for each subject, before files of single sheets by 2000   50 volumes and c.178 boxes
The sequence is an aggregation of the set of (mainly Arts) papers held in the university library and sets of papers held by Student Planning and Assessment and transferred to ASC in and since May 2007.
B.Com. exam papers for the Newcastle Division are in Add Ms 1708.
Examination pass lists
Reference: UND/CF3/B
Pass lists record the names, colleges and classes where relevant, of candidates who have passed the university's exams. These are initally lists of names written in volumes. By around 1930 they are often typescript lists stuck into the volumes. Many of the volumes are partially, or even largely, unused.

UND/CF3/B1   June 1835 - April 1889
Theology pass lists,
for finals, first year and admissions exams, with recommendations for awards
Paper book, reverse calf binding, 2 metal clasps
UND/CF3/B2   June 1889 - June 1944
Theology pass lists, for:
- finals for the Licence in Theology, Part B from Epiphany 1917, Parts A & B from December 1929, with Part C from Michaelmas 1934
- finals for the Bachelor in Divinity
- Theology first year and admission exams to Michaelmas 1891
- finals for the Diploma in Theology from June 1930
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B3   December 1891 - March 1936
Theology pass lists, for:
- first years to Michaelmas 1916
- admissions to Michaelmas 1894
- finals for the Licence in Theology Part A from Michaelmas 1916, Parts A & B from December 1929, with Part C from Michaelmas 1934
- finals for the Diploma in Theology from June 1930
(replicates CF3/B2 from December 1929)
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B4   June 1836 - June 1876
Arts pass lists
Includes Arts BA finals, first and second years, MAs, Theology first years (1839 & 1840 only), Engineer finals, first and second years (only to Michaelmas 1848 & 1854), Medicine all degrees (from Michaelmas 1854), Bachelor of Civil Law finals (from June 1858).
Pass lists from the College of Medicine stuck in from 1866.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine missing, torn
UND/CF3/B5   December 1876 - December 1916
Arts BA finals pass lists
Includes also pass lists for Arts first year exams Michaelmas 1876 to Easter 1891, with recommendations for awards, and a pass list for Medicine finals of Easter 1878.
Paper book
UND/CF3/B6   December 1891 - March 1925
Arts first year pass lists,
with lists of awards made.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B7   June 1917 - June 1944
Arts BA finals pass lists
Covering initially both the BA in Litt. Ant. and BA (Modern) or other than in Litt. Ant., and then the various Honours classes as well as the ordinary BA.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B8   March 1884 - March 1907
Preliminary exams in the Arts for graduation in Medicine and Science pass lists.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B9   October 1895 - June 1912
BLitt pass lists,
for the first, second and third exams, and BA (Modern) intermediates and finals pass lists from June 1911.
Paper book
UND/CF3/B10   June 1912 - September 1934
Arts first year pass lists.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B11   June 1912 - September 1934
Arts second year pass lists.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B12   June 1874 - September 1909
Science pass lists
Finals for the Associateship in Science, BSc and MSc, detailing the subject, and also first and intermediate exams from 1895.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B13   June 1910 - September 1921
Science pass lists
Finals, intermediate and first exams for the BSc and BCom, detailing the subjects, also MSc and DSc exams.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B14   June 1874 - June 1883
School exams pass lists
Register of those passing exams for non-members of Durham university, listing their names, age, address and school, in 2 lists: seniors (ages 13-17) and juniors (ages 12-15). Prize winners are also recorded, along with, from 1875, girls and the names of examiners.
With a list of successful candidates in the Local Examinations July 1897.
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/B15   November 1879 - November 1956
Law (BCL) pass lists
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B16   June 1879 - November 1890
Medicine and Surgery pass lists
All exams and degrees.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B17   Michaelmas 1890 - September 1901
Medicine and Surgery pass lists.
All exams and degrees.
Transferred from IT Services 21 February 2006, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:53.
UND/CF3/B18   April 1902 - June 1913
Medicine and Surgery pass lists.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B19   June 1913 - September 1921
Medicine and Surgery pass lists.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B20   September 1890 - September 1940
Music pass lists
BMus from 1890 and DMus from 1896.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B20A   1941 - 1990
Pass lists for written examinations for BMus and DMus, with an alphabetical list of external examiners 1890-1990 at the back.
Paper book
UND/CF3/B20B   1908 - 1980
Pass lists for BMus, DMus and occasional MMus degrees, accepted exercises.
Paper book, lists tipped in from 1924
UND/CF3/B21   March 1884 - March 1907
Education pass lists
Certificate of Proficiency in General Education, with indications of the subjects and classes from September 1887. With lists of those not gaining the certificate, but qualifying as students in music from March 1896.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, largely unused
UND/CF3/B22   June 1896 - June 1941
Education pass lists
Certificate for Teachers in Secondary Schools to 1903, then Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Teaching.
Inserted is a letter of 17 November 1897 from Henry Gurney of the Durham College of Science to W.K. Hilton suggesting keeping a register of those passing the Secondary School Teachers Certificate exam, and listing those doing so in 1896 and 1897, and also a blank mark sheet for December 1930.
Paper book, leather binding
UND/CF3/B23   November 1929 - December 1970
Education pass lists
MEd with theses titles recorded from 1951.
Paper book
UND/CF3/B24   February 1970 - June 1981
Education higher degrees pass lists
Paper book
UND/CF3/B25   November 1910 - February 1968
MA pass lists
Including the titles of theses from 1951, and 1 MLitt in 1968.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/B26   January 1965 - July 1975
MA, with also some MSc and BCL, pass lists for Arts, Social Sciences, Divinity, Music and Law faculties.
UND/CF3/B27   July 1975 - December 1979
MA, with also some MSc and BCL, pass lists for Arts, Social Sciences, Divinity, Music and Law faculties.
UND/CF3/B28   November 1910 - December 1979
MLitt pass lists
Including the titles of theses from 1951, and 1 BDiv in 1974.
Paper book
UND/CF3/B29   June 1973 - December 1979
MPhil pass lists for Social Sciences faculty.
UND/CF3/B30   1914 - 1965
Doctorates pass lists
- DD 1914-1952
- BD 1964-1965 with the titles of theses
- DCL none
- DLitt 1923-1948 with a list of candidates and results 1923-1947
- PhD 1923-1964, (Arts only) with the titles of theses from 1933
Paper book
UND/CF3/B31   August 1964 - January 1980
PhD pass lists for all faculties except Science
Paper book
UND/CF3/B32   November 1962 - July 1969
Pass lists, Science faculty higher degrees:
PhD November 1962 - January 1967.
MSc November 1962 - July 1969.
DSc June 1964 - November 1968.
UND/CF3/B33   February 1967 - June 1973
Pass lists, Science faculty higher degrees:
PhD February 1967 - June 1973.
MSc August 1969 - November 1971.
DSc February 1970 - October 1971.
UND/CF3/B34   November 1971 - August 1976
Pass lists, Science faculty higher degrees:
DSc November 1971 - April 1976.
PhD June 1973 - April 1976.
MSc November 1971 - August 1976.
UND/CF3/B35   December 1941 - July 1944
Degrees awarded under regulations for war concessions
UND/CF3/B36   June 1945
Exam pass list
UND/CF3/B37   March - December 1946
Exam pass lists
UND/CF3/B38   January - December 1947
Exam pass lists.
UND/CF3/B39   January - November 1948
Exam pass lists.
UND/CF3/B40   June - November 1949
Exam pass lists.
UND/CF3/B41   Easter - December 1950
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
UND/CF3/B42   March - June 1951
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B43   June - November 1952
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
UND/CF3/B44   March - December 1953
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
Formerly UND/CC3/P2a.
UND/CF3/B45   March - December 1954
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
Formerly UND/CC3/P2a.
UND/CF3/B46   March - November 1955
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
UND/CF3/B47   January - December 1956
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
UND/CF3/B48   March - December 1957
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
UND/CF3/B49   January - December 1958
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
UND/CF3/B50   January - December 1959
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B51   January - December 1960
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B52   January - December 1961
Exam pass lists, sorted chronologically.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B53   January - December 1962
Exam pass lists, diplomas and first degrees, then higher degrees.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B54   March - September 1963
Pass lists, first degrees, Durham Colleges.
UND/CF3/B55   January - December 1963
Pass lists, first degrees King's College, higher degrees Durham and King's.
UND/CF3/B56   June 1964 - June 1967
Pass lists for first degrees at Newcastle University, for subjects including candidates gaining a Durham qualification noted.
UND/CF3/B57   1969 - 1979
League tables and analyses of pass lists.
UND/CF3/B58/1-3   1953/54 - 2002/03
Psychology pass lists, all degrees
UND/CF3/B1964   June - September 1964
Pass lists, all subjects, ordinary and higher degrees. Includes Newcastle Medicine.
UND/CF3/B1965A   June - September 1965
Pass lists, all subjects, all exams, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1965B   June - December 1965
Pass lists, all subjects, higher and some ordinary degrees and diplomas. Includes Newcastle Medicine.
UND/CF3/B1966A   January - September 1966
Pass lists, all subjects, all exams, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1966B   January - December 1966
Pass lists, all subjects, higher and some ordinary degrees and diplomas. Includes Newcastle Medicine.
UND/CF3/B1967A   January - September 1967
Pass lists, all subjects, all exams, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1967B   January - December 1967
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1968A   January - September 1968
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1968B   January - December 1968
Pass lists, higher with some ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1969A   January - September 1969
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1969B   January - December 1969
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1970A   January - September 1970
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1970B   January - December 1970
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1971A   January - September 1971
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1971B   January - December 1971
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1972A   June - September 1972
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1972B   January - December 1972
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1973A   June - September 1973
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1973B   January - December 1973
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1974A   June - September 1974
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1974B   January - December 1974
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1975A   June - September 1975
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1975B   January - December 1975
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1976A   June - September 1976
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1977A   June - September 1977
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1977B   January - December 1977
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1978A   June - September 1978
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1978B   January - December 1978
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1979A   June - September 1979
Pass lists, ordinary degrees.
UND/CF3/B1979B   January - December 1979
Pass lists, higher degrees.
UND/CF3/B1980A   June - September 1980
Pass lists, all subjects, first degrees, all exams.
UND/CF3/B1981A   June 1981
Pass lists, Science, first degrees, finals.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B1982A   June 1982
Pass lists, Science, first degrees, finals.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B1983A   June 1983
Pass lists, Science, first degrees, finals.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B1984A   June 1984
Pass lists, Science, first degrees, all exams.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B1985A   June 1985
Pass lists, Science, first degrees, all exams.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B1986A   June 1986
Pass lists, Science, first degrees, all exams.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B1987A   June 1987
Pass lists, Science, first degrees, all exams.
Paper file
UND/CF3/B1988A   June 1988
Pass lists, all undergraduate exams.
UND/CF3/B1989A   June 1989
Pass lists, all undergraduate exams.
UND/CF3/B1990A   June 1990
Pass lists, all undergraduate exams.
UND/CF3/B1991A   June 1991
Pass lists, all undergraduate exams.
UND/CF3/B1992A   June 1992
Pass lists, all undergraduate exams.
UND/CF3/B1993A-B2003A   June 1993 - September 2003
Pass lists, all undergraduate degrees, all years, each year in 1 binder.
UND/CF3/B2004A-B2005A   June 2004 - September 2005
Pass lists, all undergraduate degrees, all years, each year in 3 binders for June, June, and August/September.
6 paper files, each in a blue lever arch 2 ring plastic binder
UND/CF3/B2006A-B2015A   June 2006 - September 2015
Pass lists, all undergraduate degrees, all years, each year in 4 binders for June, June, June, and August/September.
40 paper files, each in a blue lever arch 2 ring plastic binder
UND/CF3/B1977B-B2003B   August 1977 - July 2003
Pass lists, all postgraduate degrees, for the year August to July, in files for 1977-1981, then for 2 years each until 1991/92 thence in annual years.
18 paper files, each in a green lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CF3/B2003B-2009B   August 2003 - July 2009
Pass lists, all postgraduate degrees, for the year July to August, in 2 annual files, 1 for research and 1 for taught degrees.
12 paper files, each in a green lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CF3/B2009B-B2013B   August 2009 - July 2013
Pass lists, all postgraduate degrees, for the year July to August, in 3 annual files, 1 for research and 2 for taught degrees.
12 paper files, each in a green lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CF3/B1999C   1990 - 1999
Pass lists, Modular MA degrees for:
Sociology and Sociol Policy; Sign Language; Education
2 paper files, each in a green lever arch 2 ring binder
Examination marks
Reference: UND/CF3/C
Dates of creation: 1896 - 1981
Mark books record candidates' names, usually their college, and the marks they were awarded in individual papers, with each year being signed by the examiner or the chairman of the Board of Examiners. The marks are usually numbers before 1911 when a system of letters comprising combinations of N (fail), S (satisfactory) and V (distinction) with - and + was introduced. In 1922 the system changed to numbers 1-7 or Greek letters. Actual marks reappeared in 1942. Failures are often cancelled. Many of the books are partially if not largely unused. Volumes from 1933 take the form of individual mark sheets, often photocopied, either bound up or filed on brass posts between board covers, in chronological or sometimes subject and then chronological order.

UND/CF3/C1   September 1906 - June 1930
Matriculation examiners' mark book
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/C2   October 1930 - January 1947
Matriculation examiners' mark book
Paper book, reverse calf binding
UND/CF3/C2A   July 1947 - September 1960
Entrance Examination mark sheets, for exams in January, July and September, recording the centre where the exam was taken, course and later the college applied to, and the mark in the subjects taken or the school certificate already gained.
UND/CF3/C3   December 1904 - March 1949
Licence in Theology examiners' mark book
- 1949 mark sheet
- Exam regulations for the Faculty of Theology
Paper book
UND/CF3/C4   June 1908 - November 1969
Bachelor of Divinity examiners' mark book
Inserted: marks sheets 1957-1961
Paper book
UND/CF3/C5   March 1915 - June 1922
Theology first year mark book
Inserted: list of candidates June 1915
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C6   June 1919 - September 1960
Diploma in Theology mark book
Inserted: Apologetics paper June 1920 and mark sheets 1949-1960
Paper book
UND/CF3/C7   October 1937 - June 1965
Certificate in Biblical Studies mark book
It became the Diploma and Certificate in 1959.
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C8   December 1896 - December 1905
BA finals examiners' mark book
Inserted are mark sheets for [December 1905], French marks for December 1905 and logic marks for December 1905 sent by W.H. Fairbrother of Lincoln College, Oxford.
Paper book
UND/CF3/C9A   June 1899 - June 1933
BA finals examiners' mark book
Recording only BA Theological Honours by Easter 1912
Paper book, reverse calf binding with cross-stitch
UND/CF3/C9B   June 1912 - November 1946
BA finals examiners' mark book
Initially in the same hand as C9A. Records classics and mathematics honours, Newcastle honours and preliminaries and Durham passes in Litt. Ant., and Durham and Newcastle passes other than in Litt. Ant., and Colonial lists.
Transferred from [Durham University Student Planning and Assessment] 22 November 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:35.
UND/CF3/C10   June 1908 - June 1911
BA finals examiners' mark book
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C11   June 1908 - December 1910
BA finals examiners' mark book
With details of an order for a new mark book
C9A,10,11 complement rather than replicate each other
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C12   March 1899 - April 1910
Examiner's mark book
Recording marks for the certificate of proficiency, admission, simple admission, first year Arts, final BLitt, some final BA Hons. (from 1903), classical honours and scholarships, with most being entrance and first year Arts
“F.B. Jevons Hatfield Hall Durham”on the first flyleaf
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C13   March 1899 - March 1907
Examiners' mark book
Recording marks for Arts preliminary and 1st year, the certificate of proficiency, scholarship and matriculation exams.
Paper book
UND/CF3/C14   June 1912 - November 1946
BA first year Intermediate examiners' mark book
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C15   March 1915 - June 1946
Arts first year exams mark book
- Printed examination regulations, including an explanation of the marks as: S+ pass with distinction, S pass, S- weak, VS insufficient, NS definite failure.
- Mark sheet for June 1940
- Printed lists of candidates for June 1924 and June 1945
Paper book
UND/CF3/C16   June 1912 - November 1946
Arts second year exams mark book
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C17   November 1904 - June 1912
BLitt finals examiners' mark book
Paper book, reverse calf binding, with cross-stitching
UND/CF3/C18   November 1909 - November 1962
Law (BCL) mark book
Paper book, half-leather binding
UND/CF3/C19   1908 - June 1947
Music exercises mark book
For BMus and DMus, recording names, addresses, title of the piece, result and comments. Including first year exams from 1927.
Paper book
For the compositions submitted, see the Music Exercises collection in Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections, reference UMU.
UND/CF3/C20   June 1947 - November 1955
Music exercises mark book
For BMus and DMus, no first year exams.
Paper book, half-leather binding, largely unused
For the compositions submitted, see the Music Exercises collection in Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections, reference UMU.
UND/CF3/C21   June 1933 - September 1942
Mark sheets for Pure and Applied Science, Commerce and Law
Paper book, blue buckram binding
UND/CF3/C22   June 1937 - June 1949
Mark sheets for the Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Teaching/Education, also the Diploma in Youth Service
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C23   June 1943 - December 1947
Mark sheets for Pure and Applied Science, Commerce and Law
Paper book, in blue buckram binding
UND/CF3/C24   September 1946 - September 1957
Mark sheets for Arts exams (General Studies, Social Studies, Honours)
Paper book
UND/CF3/C25   June 1947 - June 1971
Mark sheets for all Fourah Bay candidates, all subjects
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C26   June 1948 - September 1952
Mark sheets for Town Planning, Architecture, Law, Social Studies (Newcastle Divison), Fine Art, Commerce, Pure Science
Paper book
UND/CF3/C27   June 1948 - September 1952
Mark sheets for Applied Science
Paper book
UND/CF3/C28   June 1953 - September 1958
Mark sheets for Pure Science
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C29   June 1953 - September 1958
Mark sheets for Applied Science
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C30   June 1953 - September 1958
Mark sheets for Architecture, Economic Studies, Fine Art, Law, Social Studies, Town Planning
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C31   June 1959 - September 1963
Mark sheets for Architecture, Economic Studies, Fine Art, Law, Social Studies, Town Planning and Land Use.
UND/CF3/C32   June 1953 - June 1981
Mark sheets for the MEd/MA in Education, also
- Diploma in Advanced Studies in Education 1969-1973
- Diploma in Education 1979-1981
Includes Newcastle students to 1970
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C33   June 1958 - September 1961
Mark sheets for BA General Studies, Social Studies and Honours, all exams.
UND/CF3/C34   June 1959 - June 1963
Mark sheets for BSc Applied Science.
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C35   June 1959 - September 1965
Mark sheets for BSc Pure Science.
UND/CF3/C36   June 1966 - September 1970
Mark sheets for BSc Pure Science.
UND/CF3/C37   June 1962 - September 1970
Mark sheets for:
- BEd 1967-1970
- Diplomas in Theology, Archaeology, Arabic, Biblical Studies and Anthropology 1962-1970
Paper guardbook
UND/CF3/C38   June 1962 - September 1965
Mark sheets for BAs.
UND/CF3/C39   June 1966 - September 1968
Mark sheets for BAs.
UND/CF3/C40   June 1969 - September 1970
Mark sheets for BAs.
UND/CF3/C41   1971
Mark sheets, first degrees.
Generally arranged henceforth: BA General; BA Hons Arts; BA Hons Social Sciences; BSc; Dips; BEd; September exams.
UND/CF3/C42   1972
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C43   1973
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C44   1974
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C45   1975
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C46   1976
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C47   1977
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C48   1978
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C49   1979
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C50   1980
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C51   1981
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C52   1982
Mark sheets, first degrees.
UND/CF3/C53   June 2000
Mark sheets, some BA.
UND/CF3/C54   May - September 1983
Mark sheets first degree. BA General finals and preliminary; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc Pass degree finals, and second and first year all; BEd finals and second year; BSc first year September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C55   May - September 1984
Mark sheets first degree. BA General finals and preliminary; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc Pass degree finals, and second and first year all; BSc first year September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C56   May - September 1985
Mark sheets first degree. BA General finals; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc Pass degree finals, and second and first year all; BSc first year September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C57   May - September 1986
Mark sheets first degree. BA General finals; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc Pass degree finals, and second and first year all; BSc first year September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C58   May - September 1987
Mark sheets first degree. Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc Pass degree finals, and second and first year all.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C59   May - September 1988
Mark sheets first degree. Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc first year and finals; BSc September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C60   May - September 1989
Mark sheets first degree. BA preliminary; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc first year and finals; BSc September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C61   May - September 1990
Mark sheets first degree. BA preliminary; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc first year and finals; BSc September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C62   May - September 1991
Mark sheets first degree. BA preliminary and combined Arts finals; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc first year and finals; BSc September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C63   May - September 1992
Mark sheets first degree. BA preliminary and combined Arts finals; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc first year and finals; BSc September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C64   May - September 1993
Mark sheets first degree. BA preliminary and combined Arts finals; Social Sciences preliminary; Science BSc first year and finals; BSc September resits.
Paper file
UND/CF3/C65   May - June 1994
Mark sheets first degree. Science BSc second year and finals
Paper file
Collections Mark Sheets
Reference: UND/CF3/D
UND/CF3/D1952-1963   December 1950 - March 1963
Collections mark sheets (Durham Colleges only) for these beginning/end of term internal exams, held for all subjects and all years, each term, with also some papers, timetables, consequent reports on students' performances, and correspondence, especially about absenteeism.
13 paper files
For some earlier collection results 1834-1835 and 1940-1948, see in UND/CA4/11a (Deed Boxes) and UND/F8/D3/1 (St Mary's College exam results) respectively.
UND/CF3/D1964-1968   December 1963 - January 1968
Collections mark sheets, with occasional correspondence.
5 paper files
UND/CF3/D1972-1975   October 1971 - May 1975
Collections mark sheets.
4 paper files
UND/CF3/D1985-1986   January 1985, January 1986
Collections mark sheets for BAs (1985) and BScs (1985 & 1986).
2 paper files
UND/CF3/D1993   January 1993
Collections mark sheets.
Paper file
Reference: UND/CF3/E
UND/CF3/E1   1946 - 1964
Theses register
Recording the name of the candidate, the date and number of copies of their thesis received, its title, the examiners, the authority, the result, the informing of the candidate, when copies were sent to the candidate and/or the library, and when the examiners were paid, for:
MA 1946-1963
MEd 1946-1964
M.Litt. 1946-1964
BD 1947-1960
DCL 1950
Ph.D. Arts 1947-1963
DD 1946-1961
DSc 1964
DLitt 1946-1963
Ph.D. Science 1962-1964
MSc 1962-1964
Paper book
UND/CF3/E2   1958 - 1959
Theses abstracts
Filed alphabetically by candidate.
Paper file
UND/CF3/E3   1961 - 1962
Theses abstracts
Filed alphabetically by candidate.
Paper file
UND/CF3/E4   1962 - 1963
Theses abstracts, higher degrees, all subjects
Filed alphabetically by candidate.
UND/CF3/E5   1963 - 1964
Theses abstracts, higher degrees, all subjects
Filed alphabetically by candidate, including former King's students.
UND/CF3/E6   1964 - 1965
Theses abstracts, higher degrees, all subjects
Filed alphabetically by candidate, N-W only, including former King's students.
Other exam records
Reference: UND/CF3/F
UND/CF3/F1   1903 - 1909
Examinations payments regulations book
Recording the changes to fees payable for the various exams.
Paper book, half-leather bound, largely unused
UND/CF3/F2   c.1948 - 1992
Instructions to Examiners:
For entrance, bachelor, masters and doctorate exams (c.1948-1949);
For Science Faculty, Arts Faculty and Economic Studies (revised April 1956).
For Science Faculty. January 1959, [1966].
For Applied Physics Sub-Faculty. May 1961.
For the BSc. [pre-1966], February 1966, [1969], May 1971.
For the BA, BEd and BSc. May 1972.
For the BSc. May 1973, February 1977, November 1980, February 1981.
For the BA. May 1981.
Information file for examiners. May 1988, May 1989, June 1991.
For the BA in the Arts Faculty, the BA in the Social Sciences Faculty, the BA with Honours in Education in the Social Sciences Faculty, and the BSc in the Science Faculty. May 1992.
For the BSc in the Science Faculty. December 1992.
Paper file
UND/CF3/F3   1952, 1959-1967, 1970, 1974-1990, 1992-1997
Exam timetables for May/June each year.
Draft/provisional: 1970, 1992, 1995 (part), 1996.
1952 Durham Division only
1959-1961 incomplete
1962 Collections, Pure Science Durham and Draft BA Social Studies June only
1963 Collections, Finals BA Social Studies May/June and all September only
1964 Collections, Epiphany Arts Collections and Finals BA Social Studies May/June only
1965 Collections only
1966 includes drafts and Epiphany Collections.
UND/CF3/F4   May - June 1994
Invigilators' records comprising:
Timetable of invigilators;
Student exam attendance cards (sample only);
Report forms of exam irregularities (sample only).
UND/CF3/F5   [1978]
Examination papers proof and printing record sheets.
UND/CF3/F6   1979
Examination entry forms of students for MA/MMus/MSc.
UND/CF3/F7   1968 - 1972
Correspondence re the sitting of BMus/MMus/DMus exams.
UND/CF3/F8   1985 - 1988
Correspondence re the sitting of BMus exams and the degree's withdrawal.
UND/CF3/F9   1992
Proofs of exam papers.
UND/CF3/F10   June 1883
List of BA finals candidates, issued by the senior proctor, Alfred Plummer.
Paper, 1f
UND/CF3/F11   1977, 1993
Procedures where candidates miss exams, undergraduate and postgraduate: January 1977; March 1993.
Paper file
UND/CF3/F12   [c.1930s]
Durham Colleges Terminal Collections exam script, blank.
Paper, 4f
UND/CF3/F13   [c.1965]
University Examinations regulations posters.
Paper, 2f
UND/CF3/F14   2007 - 2012
Examination answer books as used from: c.2007 (supplementary book); 2009; 2012.
3 paper booklets
Boards of Examiners
Reference: UND/CF3/G
UND/CF3/G1   June 1992 - June 1997
Board of Examiners for the Certificate in Social Studies minutes and papers, including some mark sheets.
Paper file
Closed until 2078 under DPA.
Examiners' Reports
Reference: UND/CF3/H
UND/CF3/H1   1962 - 1981
Science Faculty Examiners' reports on higher degree theses, in neither alphabetical nor chronological order.
Paper file
Closed until 2062 under DPA.
UND/CF3/H2   1961 - 1974
Social Sciences Faculty Examiners' reports on higher degree theses, in neither alphabetical nor chronological order.
Paper file
Closed until 2055 under DPA.
UND/CF3/H3   1973 - 1981
Social Sciences Faculty Examiners' reports on higher degree theses, in neither alphabetical nor chronological order.
Paper file
Closed until 2062 under DPA.
Reference: UND/CF4 A Synopsis of Dr. Farrar's theological lectures at Durham : For the use of students in the divinity class (1869) is ref SC 05354 at Palace Green Library (http://library.dur.ac.uk/record=b1279115a).

Reference: UND/CF4/A
UND/CF4/A1   Michaelmas 1874 - Easter 1995
Lecture lists
Timetables of weekly lectures for each term by lecturer, and subject from Epiphany 1897. The lists are initially handwritten. The subject lists are printed, and the lecturer lists are also printed from Michaelmas 1899. From Michaelmas 1920 the lists of Arts and Theology lecturers are printed on separate sheets. The lists record the topic of the lecture series, and the location from Easter 1899. Lectures were only held in the mornings, including Saturdays. The lists are only for the Durham Colleges until 1963, with Science subjects included after 1943.
1. 1874-1940 (Durham Colleges only).
2. 1943-1949 (incomplete, Durham Colleges only).
3. 1952-1959 (incomplete, Durham Colleges only).
4. 1960-1967 (incomplete, Durham Colleges only).
5. 1965-1969 (correspondence and drafts, Science only).
6. 1969/70-1979/80 (Science only).
7. 1980/81-1983/84 (all).
8. 1984/85-1987/88 (all).
9. 1988/89-1990/91, 1992/93-1994/95 (all).
Individual paper sheets, initially 1 sheet a term, blue until Epiphany 1879, then white, 2 sheets from Epiphany 1899, then 3 from Michaelmas 1920; 4 bundles a year by 1980   9 boxes
Sheets for 1874 to 1902 given by Rev Dr Plummer in June 1902; later lists received from the university registrar.
Formerly UND A10.
See UND/CA2/1o for draft lecture lists for 1938.
UND/CF4/A2   October 1992 - November 2019
Public lecture posters:
Sir Nicholas Goodison, “Europe Now: A Banker's View”, 14 October 1992.
Lord Judd, “Charity and Justice” (the annual Human Rights lecture), 30 October 1992.
Very Revd Dr John Arnold, “Europe in the Churches; the Churches in Europe” (11th Sir Kingsley Dunham Lecture), 21 June [2002].
“Flesh and Blood: The Body and the Arts”, 17 October [2005]
“The Legacies of Charles Darwin”, January - April 2007.
Dr Thilo Rehren, “Glass in Ancient Egypt - Splendour for the Pharaoh” (Qatar Foundation UK Lecture), 4 November 2013
Mark Jackson, “The Gertrude Bell Archive”, 1 November 2019
Helen Cooper, “Between Memory and the Future: Medieval Romance”, 6 November 2019
UND/CF4/A3   14 March 1955 - 7 June 2007
Inaugural lectures by professors, published by the University of Durham:
Clifford Leech, English, “A School of Criticism”, 14 March 1955
H.S. Offler, Medieval History, “Medieval Historians of Durham”, 14 March 1958
E. Birley, Roman-British History and Archaeology, “Archaeology in the North of England”, 6 May 1958
C.F. Evans, Lightfoot Professor of Divinity, “Queen or Cinderella”, 23 February 1960.
C.K. Grant, Philosophy, “Belief and Action”, 31 May 1960.
G.V. Smithers, English Language, “The Making of Beowulf”, 18 May 1961.
R.P.C. Hanson, Lightfoot Professor of Divinity, “The Bible as a Norm of Faith”, 12 March 1963.
D.J. Mossop, Modern French Literature, “The Origins of the Idea of Pure Poetry”, 7 May 1964.
A.W. Wolfendale, Physics, “The Search for the Neutrino”, 1971
T.J. Willmore, “Symmetry”, 25 January 1972.
H. Marsh, “Gas Lubricated Bearings - Some Engineering 'Heresies'”, 30 January 1973.
Eric Sunderland, “Some Bio-Social Aspects of Anthropology”, 27 February 1973.
M.J. Goodman, “The Rule of Law in Twentieth-Century Britain”, 8 May 1973.
H.C. Baker, “The Manager and his Environment”, 14 May 1974.
Alan J.M. Milne, Politicial Theory and Institutions, “Politics and Controversy”, 25 January 1977.
Patrick Bridgewater, German, “The Learned Ape”, 17 January 1978
Frank Coffield, Education, “Cycles of Deprivation”, 20 October 1981.
P.D.A. Harvey, Medieval History, “The Historian and the Written Word”, 17 November 1981.
James D.G. Dunn, Divinity, “Testing the Foundations: Current Trends in New Testament Study”, 9 February 1984.
Dudley B. Wilson, French, “The Figure of Transport”, 17 May 1984.
Allan A. Gibb, Business School, “Has Entrepeneurship a Place in the University?”, November 1985.
Richard S. Ellis, Astronomy, “The Evolution of Galaxies”, 5 March 1986.
Richard A. Chapman, Politics, “The Art of Darkness”, 20 October 1988.
Edward Harris, Classics, 7 June 2007.
UND/CF4/A4   1944 - 1977, 2013 - 2014
Inaugural lectures invites and posters, mostly pre-1963 Durham Colleges, but also some for King's College.
Paper and card file
Reference: UND/CF4/B
UND/CF4/B1   2000 - 2005
Teaching and Learning Handbook 20 (the last time it was produced in hard copy in its entirety), with updates of section 6 on examinations and assessments of 2002 and 2005.
2 paper files in plastic 4-ring binders
Course lists
Reference: UND/CF4/C
UND/CF4/C1   1961/62 & 1964/65
Lists of students on courses listing their college, year, age on entry, number of terms kept and subjects being studied, for:
Arts and Science Faculties, Durham Colleges 1961-1962.
Arts Faculty 1964-1965.
UND/CF4/C2   1972/73
List of undergraduates at the university in alphabetical order, listing name, title, college, address, subject, year and undergraduate status. With a covering letter of 28 November 1972 detailing two additions.
Student Files
Reference: UND/CF5
Students on Military Service
Reference: UND/CF5/A
Dates of creation: 1936 - 1943

UND/CF5/A1   October 1936 - June 1943
W.R./U.1 forms detailing the academic record of students called up for military or national service, filed alphabetically, for Durham Colleges.
Recording names, college, permanent address, date of entering the university, date of leaving for service, number of terms kept, nature of war service, faculty, school entered for, and courses taken.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/CF5/A2   October 1942 - June 1943
Student file - RAF cadets (Arts) fourth course, comprising cards on each student with birthdate, school and academic record to date, also mark sheets and tutors' comments.
Closed until 2023.
UND/CF5/A3   April - September 1943
Student file - RAF cadets (Arts) fifth course, comprising cards on each student with birthdate, school and academic record to date, also mark sheets and tutors' comments.
Closed until 2023.
UND/CF5/A4   October 1943 - March 1944
Student file - RAF cadets (Arts) sixth course, comprising cards on each student with birthdate, school and academic record to date, also mark sheets and tutors' comments.
Closed until 2024.
UND/CF5/A5   April - September 1944
Student file - RAF cadets (Arts) seventh course, comprising cards on each student with birthdate, school and academic record to date, also mark sheets, tutors' comments and weekly orders.
Closed until 2024.
UND/CF5/A6   October 1944 - March 1945
Student file - RAF cadets (Arts) eighth course, comprising cards on each student with birthdate, school and academic record to date, also mark sheets and tutors' comments.
Closed until 2025.
International Office Student Files
Reference: UND/CF5/B
Dates of creation: 1969 - 2001
Files for International Exchange students survive from 1969. These were students from the USA who came to Durham via the Institute for European Studies. The files contain admission forms, details of grades and progress, some correspondence and photographs of the student.
Files for Erasmus exchange students survive from 1989. These were students who exchanged with others from European institutions with European funding, generally involving the English department. The Socrates scheme was for staff exchanges on the same basis.
Other exchange schemes were also set up for Japanese, Tubingen, Blaise-Pascal and Fribourg students.
Deposited by the International Office September 2004, Acc No Misc.2004/2005:17.
All files are closed for 80 years from the last date on the file under the Data Protection Act as containing sensitive personal information.

Postgraduate Student Files
Reference: UND/CF5/C
UND/CF5/C1   1986 - 1996
Postgraduate student files
35 transfer case boxes
All files are closed for 80 years from the last date on the file under the Data Protection Act as containing sensitive personal information.
UND/CF5/C2   September 1975
Postgraduate matriculation forms and student cards.
Closed under DPA until 2055.
Retained as a sample June 2007.
UND/CF5/C3   1974 - 1985
Social Sciences postgraduates index, detailing name, degrees entered for and awarded, source of funding, department and supervisor, thesis title.
6'' x 4'' card index
UND/CF5/C4   1967 - 1989
Education Diplomas and MAs, with occasional other degrees and subjects, student record cards with personal details, occupations and academic progress, successful and unsuccessful/withdrawn candidates.
10" x 8" cards, 3 boxes
Student Record Cards
Reference: UND/CF5/D
UND/CF5/D1   c.1900 - 1963
Student record cards with details of name and degrees awarded (to 1937) then name, date and place of birth, address at matriculation and occasionally subsequently, school, date and faculty of matriculation, exam results, date and degree of graduation, prizes.
9 drawer 3 x 5" index card cabinet
Closed until 2044 under Data Protection Act.
Reference: UND/CF6 Congregation is a gathering of members and friends of the university at which degrees are conferred on those qualified to receive them, the last stage in the process of obtaining a university qualification and the standout ceremonial event in the university year. In the university's early years, Cosin's Library was used for this occasion, but growing numbers meant that the Great Hall of the Castle increasingly came to be used from 1885 for Durham ceremonies and the King's Hall for Newcastle ceremonies. Various other venues were used in both cities, including in Durham the Cathedral's Chapter House, Hatfield College Hall, St Aidan's College Hall, Cosin's Library and especially the Applebey Lecture Theatre on the Science Site, and ceremonies were also held in Codrington in Barbados and Fourah Bay in Sierra Leone for students of the university's affiliated colleges there. From 1974, the Great Hall of Durham Castle was used almost exclusively until the ever-growing numbers of graduands meant that this was not feasible as a venue and the ceremony was moved in 2002 to the Durham Cathedral nave.

Congregation registers - lists of graduates
Reference: UND/CF6/A
Dates of creation: 1938 - 2008
UND/CF6/A1   November 1938 - June 1943
Congregation lists, signed and sealed, detailing those receiving degrees:
1938 November 1, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1938 December 10, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1938 December 17, Medical School, Newcastle;
1939 February 7, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1939 June 27, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1939 June 28, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1939 August 1, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1939 October 21, Medical School, Newcastle;
1939 November 7, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1939 December 16, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1939 December 22, Medical School, Newcastle;
1940 February 6, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1940 March 27, Medical School, Newcastle;
1940 June 25, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1940 June 26, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1940 November 5, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1940 December 14, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1940 December 20, Medical School, Newcastle;
1941 June 24, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1941 June 25, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1941 December 13, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1941 December 19, Medical School, Newcastle;
1942 June 23, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1942 June 24, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1942 December 12, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1942 December 18, Medical School, Newcastle;
1943 February 12, King's College, Newcastle;
1943 March 26, Council Room, King's College, Newcastle;
1943 June 29, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1943 June 30, King's Hall, Newcastle.
UND/CF6/A2   December 1943 - July 1949
Congregation lists, signed and sealed, detailing those receiving degrees:
degrees awarded under war concessions December 1941 - July 1944;
1943 December 11, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1943 December 23, Medical School, Newcastle;
1944 July 11, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1944 July 12, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1944 December 16, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1944 December 22, Medical School, Newcastle;
1945 July 10, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1945 July 11, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1945 July 24, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1945 December 15, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1945 December 21, Medical School, Newcastle;
1946 June 26, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1946 June 27, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1946 August 27, Chapter House, Durham Cathedral;
1946 December 14, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1946 December 20, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1947 June 4, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1947 July 1, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1947 July 2, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1947 December 13, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1947 December 19, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1948 May 29, Sutherland Dental School, Newcastle;
1948 June 29, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1948 June 30, City Hall, Newcastle;
1948 December 11, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1948 December 17, Library, Sutherland Dental School, Newcastle;
1949 February 3, Wilberforce Memorial Hall, Freetown, Fourah Bay;
1949 July 1, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1949 July 2, City Hall, Newcastle.
UND/CF6/A3   August 1949 - December 1953
Congregation lists, signed and sealed, detailing those receiving degrees:
1949 August 31, City Hall, Newcastle, programme, inaugural meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science;
1949 October 1, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1949 December 16, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1949 December 17, Cosin's Library, Durham.
1950 May 24/25, Great Hall, Durham Castle and Newcastle, installation of chancellor programmes;
1950 June 30, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1950 July 1, City Hall, Newcastle;
1950 September 30, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1950 December 15-16, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle and Cosin's Library, Durham;
1951 February 16, Fourah Bay College;
1951 June 29-30, Great Hall, Durham Castle and City Hall, Newcastle;
1951 September 29, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1951 December 14-15, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle and Cosin's Library, Durham;
1952 June 27-28, City Hall, Newcastle and Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1952 September 27, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1952 December 13, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1952 December 19, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1953 January 20, Fourah Bay College;
1953 July 3-4, Great Hall, Durham Castle and City Hall, Newcastle;
1953 July 8, Hatfield College Hall, Durham;
1953 September 26, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1953 December 12, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1953 December 19, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle.
UND/CF6/A4   January 1954 - December 1956
Congregation lists, signed and sealed, detailing those receiving degrees:
1954 January 15, Fourah Bay College;
1954 July 2-3, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Newcastle;
1954 September 25, Cosin's Library, Durham;
1954 December 18, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1955 February 3, Fourah Bay College;
1955 July 1-2, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle;
1955 September 24, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1955 December 17, Library, Sutherland Dental School, Newcastle;
1956 January 18, Fourah Bay College;
1956 June 29-30, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Newcastle;
1956 September 22, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1956 December 15, Great Hall, Durham Castle.
Paper book
UND/CF6/A5   January 1957 - December 1960
Congregation lists, signed and sealed, detailing those receiving degrees:
1957 January 17, Fourah Bay College;
1957 July 5-6, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Newcastle;
1957 September 28, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1957 December 14, Library, Sutherland Dental School, Newcastle;
1958 January 16, Fourah Bay College;
1958 May 17, King's Hall, Newcastle;
1958 July 4-5, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle;
1958 September 27, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1958 October 16, King's Hall, Newcastle, and Great Hall, Durham Castle, installation of chancellor programmes;
1958 November 25, Codrington College;
1958 December 13, Library, Sutherland Dental School, Newcastle;
1959 March 6, Fourah Bay College;
1959 July 3-4, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle;
1959 September 26, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1959 December 19, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1960 January 28, Fourah Bay College;
1960 July 1-2, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle;
1960 September 24, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1960 December 17, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle.
Paper book
UND/CF6/A1961-1969   April 1961 - December 1969
Congregation lists, detailing those receiving degrees:
1961 April 28, Fourah Bay College;
1961 July 7-8, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle;
1961 September 23, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1961 November 30, Fourah Bay College;
1961 December 16, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1962 July 5-7, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle;
1962 September 22, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1962 December 15, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1963 January 7, Sutherland Hall, Medical School, Newcastle;
1963 February 1, Fourah Bay College;
1963 July 4-6, Great Hall, Durham Castle and King's Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle;
1963 September 28, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1963 December 14, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1964 January 18, Fourah Bay College;
1964 July 1 & 7, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1964 September 26, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1964 November 30, Fourah Bay College;
1964 December 12, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1965 June 30 & July 6, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1965 September 25, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1965 December 1, Fourah Bay College;
1965 December 11, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1966 June 18, St Aidan's College, Durham;
1966 June 29, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1966 July 4, Dunelm House Hall, Durham;
1966 September 24, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1966 November 30, Fourah Bay College;
1966 December 10, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1967 June 28, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1967 September 23, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1967 November 30, Fourah Bay College;
1967 December 9, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1968 March, Trevelyan College, Durham;
1968 June 26, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1968 September 21, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1968 November 30, Fourah Bay College;
1968 December 14, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1969 June 25, Great Hall, Durham Castle;
1969 September 27, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1969 November 29, Fourah Bay College;
1969 December 13, Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham.
UND/CF6/A1970-1979   July 1970 - December 1979
Congregation lists, detailing those receiving degrees, all in the Great Hall, Durham Castle unless otherwise detailed:
1970 July 1-2, September 5; September 26 & December 5 both Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1971 June 30-July 1; September 25 & December 11 both Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1972 June 28-29, December 9 Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1973 July 6-7, December 15 Applebey Lecture Theatre, Science Site, Durham;
1974 July 3-4, December 14;
1975 July 2-3, December 13;
1976 June 30- July , December 11;
1977 June 29-30, December 10;
1978 June 28-29, December 9;
1979 June 27-28, December 8;
UND/CF6/A1980-1989   June 1980 - December 1989
Congregation lists, detailing those receiving degrees, all in the Great Hall, Durham Castle:
1980 June 25-26, December 13;
1981 July 1-2, December 19;
1982 July 7-8, December 11;
1983 June 29-30, December 10;
1984 July 4-5, December 15;
1985 July 3-4, December 14;
1986 July 2-3, December 13;
1987 July 1-2, December 12;
1988 June 29-30, December 10;
1989 June 28-29, December 16.
UND/CF6/A1990-1999   July 1990 - December 1999
Congregation lists, detailing those receiving degrees, all in the Great Hall, Durham Castle, unless otherwise stated:
1990 July 4-5, December 8;
1991 June 26-27, December 14;
1992 July 1-2, December 12;
1993 June 30-July 1, December 11;
1994 June 29-30, December 10, December 18 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre;
1995 June 28-30, July 14, December 9;
1996 June 26-28, December 14;
1997 July 2-4, December 13;
1998 July 1-3, December 12;
1999 June 30-July 2, December 11.
UND/CF6/A2000-2009   July 2000 - July 2009
Congregation lists, detailing those receiving degrees, in the Great Hall, Durham Castle until December 2001, thence in Durham cathedral, containing full scripts for the ceremonies by 2004:
2000 July 5-7, December 8-9.
2001 June 27, 29 (includes staff invitation)
2002 June 27-28
2003 July 3
2004 January 16, June 30-July 2.
2005 January 13-14, June 28-July 1.
2006 January 12-13, June 27-30.
2007 January 11-12, June 26-29.
2008 January 10-11, June 24-27.
2009 January 15-16, June 30-July 3.
UND/CF6/A2010-2018   January 2010 - January 2018
Congregation lists, listing those receiving degrees in Durham cathedral and full scripts for the ceremonies (none produced for Summer 2018 - Winter 2019):
2010 January 14-15, July 1.
2011 January 14, June 28-July 1.
2012 January 12-13, June 26-29.
2013 January 10-11, June 25-28.
2014 January 16-17, July 1-4.
2015 January 8-9, June 23-26.
2016 January 14-15, June 28-July 1.
2017 January 12-13, June 27-30.
2018 January 11-12, June 26-29.
2019 January 10-11.
9 paper files
UND/CF6/A2020-   January 2020 -
Congregation lists, listing those receiving degrees in Durham cathedral:
2020 January 9-10.
2023 January 5-6.
2023 June 29.
2024 June 28 - July 6
4 paper files
Cathedral services
Reference: UND/CF6/B
UND/CF6/B1959-1995   1959 - 1995
Congregation cathedral service papers, with some tickets:
1959, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1982-1990, 1992, 1993, 1995.
Reference: UND/CF6/C
UND/CF6/C1920   [c.1920]
Proceedings in Convocation for awarding degrees and admitting proctors.
Paper leaflet, 4f
UND/CF6/C1934   1934
Convocations timetable, programme and regulations.
Paper leaflet, 2f
UND/CF6/C1937   1 July 1937
Centenary Celebrations Convocation 1st July, 1937 programme
Paper leaflet, 2f
UND/CF6/C1961-1969   July 1961 - June 1969
Congregation programme, describing the ceremony.
1961 July.
1965 June/July.
1969 June, with a ticket.
3 paper leaflets
UND/CF6/C1970-1978   July 1970 - June 1978
Congregation programme, detailing the ceremony, also the chief officers and timetable from 1976.
1970 July.
1971 June/July.
1974 July.
1976 June/July.
1978 June.
5 paper leaflets
UND/CF6/C1982-1985   July 1982 & July 1985
Congregation programmes, detailing the chief officers, ceremony and timetable.
A copy of the 1981 programme is: UND/F8/H7/174.
UND/CF6/C1988   June 1988
Congregation programme, detailing the ceremony, location, chief university officers and those receiving honorary degrees, with images of graduates, the locations and the gowns of each degree.
Size: 150 x 210mm
UND/CF6/C1990-1999   July 1990 - June 1999
Congregation programmes, detailing the ceremony, location, chief university officers and those receiving honorary degrees, with images of graduates, the locations and the gowns of each degree.
Copies present for the following ceremonies:
1990 July, December;
1991 June, December;
1992 July;
1994 June, December;
1995 May, June (Stockton), June (Durham), December;
1996 June; June (Stockton)
1997 July; July (Stockton), December;
1998 June (Stockton), July (Durham), December;
1999 June (Stockton).
Size: 150 x 210mm, then 210 x 210mm from 1994
UND/CF6/C2000-2009   December 2000 - July 2009
Congregation programmes, detailing the ceremony, location, chief university officers and those receiving honorary degrees, with images of graduates, the locations and the gowns of each degree.
Copies present for the following ceremonies:
2000 December;
2001 June, December;
2002 June, November, December;
2003 January, July, October;
2004 January, June/July;
2005 January, June/July;
2006 January, June;
2007 January, February (Thailand), February (Music), June;
2008 January, June;
2009 January, June/July.
Size: 210 x 210mm, then 210 x 300mm from 2002
UND/CF6/C2010-2019   January 2010 - July 2019
Congregation programmes, describing the university, location, ceremony, procession, location, honorary graduands, gowns, Dunelm Society, congregation information and useful contacts.
Copies present for the following ceremonies:
2010 January, June/July.
2011 January, June/July.
2012 January, June.
2013 January, June.
2014 January, July.
2015 January, June.
2016 January, June/July.
2017 January, June.
2018 January, June.
2019 January, July.
19 printed paper booklets, colour, with images
Size: 210 x 300mm
UND/CF6/C2020-2024   January 2020 - March/April 2022
Congregation programmes, describing the university, location, timetable of ceremonies, ceremony, staff procession, chancellor, honorary graduands, gowns, alumni community, congregation information and useful contacts.
Copies present for the following ceremonies:
2020 January.
2022 March-April (includes graduands from Summer 2020-Winter 2022 who did not receive their degrees due to the coronavirus pandemic).
2023 January.
2023 June-July
2024 June-July
Printed paper booklets, colour, wih images
Reference: UND/CF6/D
Dates of creation: 1989 - 2012
Videos of congregation ceremonies, including the procession in, the shaking of graduands' hands, speeches by the chancellor, and orations for honorary graduates by the pubic orator, and the procession out, mainly inside the Great Hall of Durham Castle, but also on occasion including some less formal views outside before and after the ceremony, with some videos also being edited as more formal memoirs of Durham with a brief introduction from the vice-chancellor and some views of the university, its colleges and student activities. The videos were produced initially by Interface Video Productions of Salford, and then from December 1998 by Coverdale Studios of Colchester, and then from June 2002, when the ceremonies had moved into Durham cathedral, by Graduation Film Services of Carlisle. The format changed from video to DVD in November 2005.

UND/CF6/D1989/1-2   29 June 1989
Honorary graduations:
1. Mr H.R.A. Lyttleton.
2. Prof P. Haggett; Prof C.J. Joachain.
UND/CF6/D1990   5 July 1990
UND/CF6/D1991/1-3   14 December 1991
Honorary graduations:
1. Antonia Susan Byatt.
2. John Proctor.
3. Martin Wyatt Holdgate.
UND/CF6/D1992/1-3   7 May 1992
Installation of Sir Peter Ustinov as chancellor:
1. Final edition (2 copies).
2. Office copy.
3. Unedited version (2 hours).
UND/CF6/D1992/4   2 July 1992
Honorary graduation of Richard Leslie Hill and John Ivan George Cadogan.
UND/CF6/D1994/1   30 June 1994
Honorary graduation of Alexsandr Yakovlev.
UND/CF6/D1994/2-3   10 - 11 December 1994
2. Honorary graduation, Rev Toomas Paul, 10 December
3. Congregation, 11 December
UND/CF6/D1995/1   13 May 1995
Special congregation to mark the centenary of the supplementary charter permitting the university to award degrees to women. 2 copies.
UND/CF6/D1995/2-5   29 June 1995
2. Honorary degree to Prof Frank Rhodes, 3pm.
3. Congregation 3pm.
4. Honorary degree to Mikhail Gorbachev, 3.50pm.
5. Congregation 3.50pm.
UND/CF6/D1996/1-2   27 June 1996
Honorary graduations:
1.Sir Anthony Caro, R.B. Kitaj, Susan Danby, 3pm.
2. Robert Hawley, Lord Lewis of Newnham, Lord Sterling of Plaistow, 3.50pm.
UND/CF6/D1997/1-2   3 July 1997
Honorary graduations:
1. Robert Malpas, Donald Frederick Hawley, 2.30pm.
2. Hiroaki Fujii, Colin Marsh Marshall, 3.20pm
UND/CF6/D1997/3-4   13 December 1997
Honorary graduations:
3. Sir George Russell, 12.20pm.
4. Robert Hardy, Edward Wood, 1.10pm.
UND/CF6/D1998/1   [1998 x 2001]
Unidentified congregation tempore Calman as VC and Ustinov as chancellor, in the Castle.
UND/CF6/D1998/2-4   2 July 1998
Honorary graduations:
2. HRH Prince Charles, 1.30pm. 2 copies.
3. Dame Bridget Ogilvie, Prof Raymond Freeman, 3pm.
4. Dr Robert Anderson, Dr Harold Evans, 4pm.
UND/CF6/D1998/5-6   12 December 1998
Honorary graduations:
5. Mr Jin Ku Kang, 2pm.
6. Mr Dennis Jobling, Prof Vincent Brümmer, 2.55pm.
UND/CF6/D1999/1-2   1 July 1999
Honorary graduations:
1. Cynthia Ann Connolly, Lord Cowdrey of Tonbridge, 2.45pm.
2. Ian Macfarlane Stewart, John Charles Polkinghorne, 4pm.
UND/CF6/D2000/1-3   6-7 July 2000
Honorary graduations:
1. Roald Hoffmann, Jean-Pierre Serre, 6 July 12.40pm.
2. Charles Brian Handy, 6 July 4pm.
3. Congregation, 7 July 9.10am.
UND/CF6/D2000/4-5   8-9 December 2000
Honorary graduations:
4. Miriam Stoppard, 8 December 2.30pm.
5. Stuart McPhail Hall, 9 December 12.20pm.
UND/CF6/D2001/1-4   26-28 June 2001
1. Congregation Stockton church, 26 June 12.45pm.
2. Congregation with the honorary graduation of Sir Arnold Wolfendale, 27 June.
3. Congregation, 28 June, 10.05am.
4. Congregation, 28 June 12.15pm.
UND/CF6/D2002/1-12   26-28 June 2002
1. 26 June 9.00am.
2. 26 June 11.00am.
3. 26 June 2.00pm.
4. 26 June 4.15pm.
5. 27 June 9.00am.
6. 27 June 11.00am.
7. 27 June 2.00pm.
8. 27 June 4.15pm.
9. 28 June 9.00am.
10. 28 June 11.00am.
11. 28 June 2.00pm.
12. 28 June 4.15pm.
UND/CF6/D2002/15   15 November 2002
Inauguration of the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics and the conferment of honorary degrees
1 video
UND/CF6/D2002/13-14   13 December 2002
13. 13 December 9.30am.
14. 13 December 11.30am.
UND/CF6/D2003/1-12   2-4 July 2003
1. 2 July 9.00am.
2. 2 July 11.00am.
3. 2 July 2.00pm.
4. 2 July 4.00pm.
5. 3 July 9.00am.
6. 3 July 11.00am.
7. 3 July 2.00pm.
8. 3 July 4.00pm (with a DVD).
9. 4 July 9.00am.
10. 4 July 11.00am.
11. 4 July 2.00pm.
12. 4 July 4.00pm.
UND/CF6/D2004/1-4   16 January 2004
1. 16 January 9.00am.
2. 16 January 11.15am.
3. 16 January 2.00pm.
4. 16 January 4.15pm.
UND/CF6/D2004/5-16   30 June - 2 July 2004
5. 30 June 9.00am.
6. 30 June 11.15am.
7. 30 June 2.00pm.
8. 30 June 4.15pm.
9. 1 July 9.00am.
10. 1 July 11.15am.
11. 1 July 2.00pm.
12. 1 July 4.15pm.
13. 2 July 9.00am.
14. 2 July 11.15am.
15. 2 July 2.00pm.
16. 2 July 4.15pm.
UND/CF6/D2005/1-4   13 - 14 January 2005
1. 13 January 11.00am.
2. 13 January 2.00pm.
3. 14 January 11.00am.
4. 14 January 2.00pm.
UND/CF6/D2005/5-18   28 June - 1 July 2005
5. 28 June 2.00pm.
6. 28 June 4.00pm.
7. 29 June 9.00am.
8. 29 June 11.00am.
9. 29 June 2.00pm.
10. 29 June 4.00pm.
11. 30 June 9.00am.
12. 30 June 11.00am.
13. 30 June 2.00pm.
14. 30 June 4.00pm.
15. 1 July 9.00am.
16. 1 July 11.00am.
17. 1 July 2.00pm.
18. 1 July 4.00pm.
UND/CF6/D2005/19   9 November 2005
Special congregation to celebrate the installation of the 11th chancellor, Bill Bryson. 2 copies.
2 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2006/1-4   12 - 13 January 2006
1. 12 January 11.00am.
2. 12 January 2.00pm.
3. 13 January 11.00am.
4. 13 January 2.00pm.
UND/CF6/D2006/5-17   27 - 30 June 2006
5. 27 June 2.00pm.
6. 27 June 4.00pm.
7. 28 June 9.00am.
8. 28 June 11.00am.
9. 28 June 2.00pm.
10. 28 June 4.00pm.
11. 29 June 9.00am.
12. 29 June 11.00am.
13. 29 June 2.00pm.
14. 29 June 4.00pm.
15. 30 June 9.00am.
16. 30 June 2.00pm.
17. 30 June 4.00pm.
UND/CF6/D2007/1-4   11 - 12 January 2007
1. 11 January 11.00am.
2. 11 January 2.00pm.
3. 12 January 11.00am.
4. 12 January 2.00pm.
UND/CF6/D2007/5-18   26 - 29 June 2007
5. 26 June 2.00pm.
6. 26 June 4.00pm.
7. 27 June 9.00am.
8. 27 June 11.00am.
9. 27 June 2.00pm.
10. 27 June 4.00pm.
11. 28 June 9.00am.
12. 28 June 11.00am.
13. 28 June 2.00pm.
14. 28 June 4.00pm.
15. 29 June 9.00am.
16. 29 June 11.00am.
17. 29 June 2.00pm.
18. 29 June 4.00pm.
UND/CF6/D2008/1-4   10 - 11 January 2008
1. 10 January 11am.
2. 10 January 2pm.
3. 11 January 11am.
4. 11 January 2pm.
4 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2008/5-18   24 - 27 June 2008
5. 24 June 2pm.
6. 24 June 4pm.
7. 25 June 9am.
8. 25 June 11am.
9. 25 June 2pm.
10. 25 June 4pm.
11. 26 June 9am.
12. 26 June 11am.
13. 26 June 2pm.
14. 26 June 4pm.
15. 27 June 9am.
16. 27 June 11am.
17. 27 June 2pm.
18. 27 June 4pm.
14 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2009/1-4   15 - 16 January 2009
1. 15 January 11am.
2. 15 January 2pm.
3. 16 January 11am.
4. 16 January 2pm.
4 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2009/5-18   30 June - 3 July 2009
5. 30 June 2pm.
6. 30 June 4pm.
7. 1 July 9am.
8. 1 July 11am.
9. 1 July 2pm.
10. 1 July 4pm.
11. 2 July 9am.
12. 2 July 11am.
13. 2 July 2pm.
14. 2 July 4pm.
15. 3 July 9am.
16. 3 July 11am.
17. 3 July 2pm.
18. 3 July 4pm.
14 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2010/1-4   14 - 15 January 2010
1. 14 January 11am.
2. 14 January 2pm.
3. 15 January 11am.
4. 15 January 2pm.
4 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2010/5-18   29 June - 2 July 2010
5. 29 June 2pm.
6. 29 June 4pm.
7. 30 June 9am.
8. 30 June 11am.
9. 30 June 2pm.
10. 30 June 4pm.
11. 1 July 9am.
12. 1 July 11am.
13. 1 July 2pm.
14. 1 July 4pm.
15. 2 July 9am.
16. 2 July 11am.
17. 2 July 2pm.
18. 2 July 4pm.
14 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2011/1-4   13 - 14 January 2011
1. 13 January 11am.
2. 13 January 2pm.
3. 14 January 11am.
4. 14 January 2pm.
4 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2011/5-16   28 June - 1 July 2011
5. 28 June 2pm.
6. 28 June 4pm.
7. 29 June 9am.
8. 29 June 11am.
9. 29 June 2pm.
10. 29 June 4pm.
11. 30 June 9am.
12. 30 June 11am.
13. 30 June 2pm.
14. 30 June 4pm.
15. 1 July 2pm.
16. 1 July 4pm.
12 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2012/1-4   12 - 13 January 2012
1. 12 January 12noon.
2. 12 January 3pm.
3. 13 January 10am.
4. 13 January 12noon.
4 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2012/5-19   26 - 29 June 2012
5. 26 June installation of Thomas Allen as the 12th chancellor of Durham University (3 copies)
6. 26 June 2pm.
7. 26 June 4pm.
8. 27 June 9am.
9. 27 June 11am.
10. 27 June 2pm.
11. 27 June 4pm.
12. 28 June 9am.
13. 28 June 11am.
14. 28 June 2pm.
15. 28 June 4pm.
16. 29 June 9am.
17. 29 June 11am.
18. 29 June 2pm.
19. 29 June 4pm.
15 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2013/1-3a   10 - 11 January 2013
1. 10 January 10am.
2. 10 January 3pm.
3. 11 January 10am.
3a. 11 January 12noon.
4 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2013/4-17   25 - 28 June 2013
4. 25 June 11am.
5. 25 June 2pm.
6. 25 June 4pm.
7. 26 June 9am.
8. 26 June 11am.
9. 26 June 2pm.
10. 26 June 4pm.
11. 27 June 9am.
12. 27 June 11am.
13. 27 June 2pm.
14. 27 June 4pm.
15. 28 June 9am.
16. 28 June 11am.
17. 28 June 2pm.
14 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2014/1-5   16 - 17 January 2014
1. 16 January 10am.
2. 16 January 12 noon.
3. 16 January 3pm.
4. 17 January 10am.
5. 17 January 12 noon.
5 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2014/6-18   1 - 4 July 2014
6. 1 July 2pm.
7. 1 July 4pm.
8. 2 July 9am.
9. 2 July 11am.
10. 2 July 2pm.
11. 2 July 4pm.
12. 3 July 9am.
13. 3 July 11am.
14. 3 July 2pm.
15. 3 July 4pm.
16. 4 July 9am.
17. 4 July 11am.
18. 4 July 2pm.
13 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2015/1-5   8 - 9 January 2015
1. 8 January 10am.
2. 8 January 12 noon.
3. 8 January 3pm.
4. 9 January 10am.
5. 9 January 12 noon.
5 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2015/6-19   23 - 26 June 2015
6. 23 June 11am.
7. 23 June 2pm.
8. 23 June 4pm.
9. 24 June 9am.
10. 24 June 11am.
11. 24 June 2pm.
12. 24 June 4pm.
13. 25 June 9am.
14. 25 June 11am.
15. 25 June 2pm.
16. 25 June 4pm.
17. 26 June 9am.
18. 26 June 11am.
19. 26 June 2pm.
14 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2016/1-4   14 - 15 January 2016
1. 14 January 12 noon.
2. 14 January 3pm.
3. 15 January 10am.
4. 15 January 12 noon.
4 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2016/5-19   28 June - July 2016
5. 28 June 9am.
6. 28 June 11am.
7. 28 June 2pm.
8. 28 June 4pm.
9. 29 June 9am.
10. 29 June 11am.
11. 29 June 2pm.
12. 29 June 4pm.
13. 30 June 9am.
14. 30 June 11am.
15. 30 June 2pm.
16. 30 June 4pm.
17. 1 July 9am.
18. 1 July 11am.
19. 1 July 2pm.
15 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2017/1-5   12 - 13 January 2017
1. 12 January 10am.
2. 12 January 12 noon.
3. 12 January 3pm.
4. 13 January 10am.
5. 13 January 12 noon.
5 DVDs
UND/CF6/D2017/6-20   27 - 30 June 2017
6. 27 June 9am.
7. 27 June 11am.
8. 27 June 2pm.
9. 27 June 4pm.
10. 28 June 9am.
11. 28 June 11am.
12. 28 June 2pm.
13. 28 June 4pm.
14. 29 June 9am.
15. 29 June 11am.
16. 29 June 2pm.
17. 29 June 4pm.
18. 30 June 9am.
19. 30 June 11am.
20. 30 June 2pm.
15 DVDs
Registrar's Office Files
Reference: UND/CF7
UND/CF7/A1   April - September 1993
Academic Reorganisation, correspondence, memoranda, plans, reports on “Academic Management” by the Academic Planning Committee and “The Use of the Present Student Records System in Departments and Colleges” by T. Rillands.
UND/CF7/A2   1989 - 1991
Academic-Related Staffing Committee, agendas and minutes with correspondence concerning appointments of staff including CVs and applications for personal promotions.
UND/CF7/A3   1980 - 1982
150th Anniversary Celebrations Committee, correspondence, minutes and agendas.
UND/CF7/A4   February - March 1938
Appeal on Behalf of the University of Durham, draft with notes for outlining the appeal brochure, and “A Second Shot” by W.L. Runwick, with correspondence.
UND/CF7/A5   1979 - 1981
Faculty of Arts Ad Hoc Committee on American Studies, agendas, minutes and correspondence.
UND/CF7/A6   February - March 1992
Working Party on Arrangements for the Installation of the Chancellor, agendas and minutes, invitations and orders of ceremony.
UND/CF7/A7   1961 - 1962
Assembly Rooms, correspondence.
UND/CF7/A8   1973 - 1982
Assheton-Salton File, photocopied and original newscuttings, also correspondence.
UND/CF7/A9   June - September 2002
Administrative Review and Savings, correspondence, copy of “Review on Administrative Expenditure” report, comparisons with other universities, annual reports for service departments.
UND/CF7/A10   May 1952
Opening Ceremony of the Applebey Lecture Theatre and West Building, tickets, arrangements and order of ceremony, correspondence including a postcard, formal letters of acceptance, guest lists.
UND/CF7/A11   October 1965
Note to Members of the Academic Staff on the Administrative Organisation of the University, outlining committees with their secretary, the various administrative and fnancial activities of the registrar's staff, and those responsible for the various new building projects.
Paper file
UND/CF7/A12   February 2002
“Univeristy of Durham, The Future Autocratic Disorganisation of the University, Final Report to the Vice Chancellor”
15 pages
UND/CF7/C1   April - June 1983
Catering Committee (Ad Hoc), correspondence, questionnaires and answers, agendas.
UND/CF7/C2   1944 - 1946
Chair of Engineering, correspondence, prospectus for the De Havilland Aeronautical Technical School (April 1945), 22nd Annual Report of the Welding Research Council (31 March 1945) and 7th Progress Report of the Welding Research Council (31 March 1944) from the Institute of Welding.
UND/CF7/C3/1   1984 - 1987
Commercial Exploitation, agreement between the university and Research Corporation Ltd (1985), publicity for the British Technology's “Technology Transfer”, information on intellectual property rights and patents.
UND/CF7/C3/2   1987 - 1994
Intellectual Property Rights, correspondence, agenda of a meeting relating to university policy on intellectual property and technology transfer, and minutes of the Technology Audit Working Group.
UND/CF7/C4   1993 - 1994
Consultants' Advice File on the Hotel-Keeping Function of the Colleges, extracts from the Gardner Merchant report, Proposals for the University of Durham by Gardner Merchant, publicity material for Chartwells on catering at the university, Catering Consultancy for Durham University by Fairfield Catering Co Ltd, Consultancy Advice on the Hotel Dimensions of Colleges and Proposals for a Joint Churches Youth Service in England: Consultancy Study on Possible Options for Future Developments by Anderson Grounds and Co, correspondence.
UND/CF7/C5   July - August 1979
Council Appeals Committee, correspondence and a record of the Senate Discipline Committee regarding the appeal of Mr J.H. Dennis.
UND/CF7/C5A   1973 - 1974
Appeal Committee re Mr A.T. Needham, minutes and papers for the Senate Nominating Committee, with correspondence.
UND/CF7/C7   1963 - 1968
Cosin's Hall, correspondence and BW photographs of the roofline in 1966.
UND/CF7/C8   1992 - 1993
Colleges Planning, correspondence, photocopied article on “Selecting Conference Venues” from Promoting Education (issue 9), photocopied plans of the possible expansion of the College of St Hild and St Bede, strategic plans for all colleges and the Graduate Society 1992-1997.
UND/CF7/C9   1992 - 1993
College Quotas, correspondence relating to college quotas and tables of quotas.
UND/CF7/C10   March - May 1990
Ad Hoc Committee on the University's Contribution to the Arts, agendas and minutes, report to the Quinquennial Committee and Council, correspondence, including details of other universities' contributions to the Arts.
UND/CF7/D1   1989 -1993
Durham Association of University Teachers (DAUT), correspondence.
1. 1989-1992.
2. January-November 1993.
UND/CF7/D2   1989 - 1998
Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee with DAUT, agendas, minutes and reports, with an information document from the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) “Redundancy Handling” (1989), and booklets on Good Employment Practice: University Contract Researchers (AUT 1991) and Promoting People (CVCP 1993), and correspondence.
1. 1989-1992.
2. 1993-1998.
UND/CF7/D3   1964
Development Plan to 1981.
UND/CF7/E1   May - November 1991
The Eccles Working Party on the Colleges, correspondence and reports.
UND/CF7/E2/1   1973 - 1978
Buildings Office: Chemistry/Geology Roof Extensions, correspondence, valuations, site reports, draft contract, negative drawings and a form for building projects from the University Grants Committee.
UND/CF7/E2/2   1995 - 1997
Estates and Buildings Projects: Biological Sciences/Pyschology Extension, agendas and minutes of the sub-committee, correspondence, plans of the proposed extension and publicity for Pullman's Portakabins.
UND/CF7/E2/3   1996 - 1998
Estates and Buildings Project: Chemistry Extension Committee, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee.
UND/CF7/E3   January - April 1986
Joint Committee of Senate and Council on the Review of Outside Income Generation and External Liaison (EIGER), minutes and agendas, correspondence and reports.
UND/CF7/E4   1930 - 1934
School Examinations and Award of Higher Certificates, correspondence, publications on entry qualifications, examinations, entrance tests and regulations for the award of certificates from the University of Durham and the Joint Matriculation Board of the universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield and Birmingham.
UND/CF7/G1   2011 - 2014
Governance and Executive Support scanned copies of important documents received from other offices
Numbered with index
Paper file
UND/CF7/H1   1981 - 1997
UGC (HEFCE), correspondence, reports, financial forecasts, UFC Code of Practice for University Internal and External Audit, intake place allocations, reviews of courses, proposals to the UGC, press releases, Higher Education Students Early Statistics Survey (1992), information on Research Assessment Exercises and Funding of Research, ITT Quality Assessment forms, policy reviews.
1. 1981-1986.
2i&ii. 1986-1987.
3i&ii. 1987-1988.
4. May-October 1988.
5i&ii. 1988-1989.
6i&ii. 1989-1990.
7i&ii. 1990-1991.
8i&ii. 1991-1992.
9i&ii. March-October 1992.
10i&ii. 1992-1993.
11i&ii. February-August 1993.
12i&ii. 1993-1993.
13i&ii. 1994-1995.
14i&ii. 1996-1997.
UND/CF7/H2   1993 - 1995
HEFCE circulars, on funding, projects, teacher training intake, procedures and legal matters, surveys, programmes, codes of practice, fees, inspections, consultations, financial returns, directories of contacts, with some joint circulars, consultations, reports and a 1993 issue of HFCE Council News .
1i&ii. July-December 1993.
2i&ii. 1994.
3i&ii. 1995.
4. November 1994 - December 1995.
UND/CF7/H3   1975 - 1985
UGC Education Sub-Committee Visits, travel expense claims, visits programmes, Institute of Education handbooks, prospectuses, regulations for qualifications, information on courses, train times, comments for the sub-committee from the Education Department Board of Studies, arrangements for the visits, introductory papers.
1. October 1975.
2. November 1977.
3. February 1985.
UND/CF7/H4   November 1986
UGC Social Studies Sub-Committee Visit, information on higher degree completion rates, university staff, seating plan, programme, map, guidance notes for visits, handwritten notes, 2 volumes of information for the sub-committee from general members of staff and various departments.
UND/CF7/H5   September 1946
Details of Staff Pay and Services Requested by UGC, correspondence, tables of staff numbers, professional salaries and the salaries of individual readers.
UND/CF7/H6   1992 - 1994
HEFCE Documents and Correspondence, including circulars, consultations, reports from the Joint Funding Councils Libraries Review Group, summaries of funding changes in HEFCE and financial schedules for 1993-1994 in Durham, HEFCE annual reports (1992-1993), and correspondence between the university and HEFCE.
UND/CF7/H7   1971 - 1979
Hild/Bede Merger Miscellaneous Correspondence.
UND/CF7/H7a   1977 -1978
Hild/Bede Merger Miscellaneous Papers, including regulations on appointments to lectureships, an article from Personnel Management (1978) on mergers, a leaflet on Teacher Education - Safeguarding and Compensation, a copy of the “Bede College Service Agreement for Principal Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Lecturers”.
UND/CF7/H7b   1977 - 1978
Hild/Bede Merger Letters to and from the Vice-Chancellor.
UND/CF7/H7c   October 1977
Hild/Bede Merger Report on the Possible Future Use of Buildings in Hild/Bede, containing folded plans.
UND/CF7/H7d   June - October 1978
Hild/Bede Merger Arrangements for the Rundown Period.
UND/CF7/H7e   1978 - 1979
Hild/Bede Merger General Academic Matters.
UND/CF7/H8   1967 - 1979
Hild/Bede Merger Governing Body Constitution, correspondence and drafts.
UND/CF7/H8a   March - April 1979
Hild/Bede Merger Shadow Governing Body, minutes and agendas.
UND/CF7/H9   [1979]
Hild/Bede Merger Matters Concering Non-Academic Staff Appointments, assessment of additional resources and personnel required by the library following the merger, and assimilation arrangements.
UND/CF7/H10   1979 - 1980
Hild/Bede Merger Transitional Period, correspondence.
UND/CF7/H11   1978 - 1979
Hild/Bede Merger Buildings Matters, with a programme for the visit of UGC officers to the college in 1977, plans for the college from the architects Spence and Price, agendas and minutes of the Working Party on Accommodation Provision for an Expanded School of Education, plan for the “Utilization of Residential Facilities as a Council College or Colleges”.
UND/CF7/H12   April - June 1982
Visiting Group to the College of St Hild and St Bede, including arrangements for the visit, with the appointment of the visiting group and report 152 of the North Eastern Universities O & M Unit on The Administration of the College of St Hild and St Bede (1982), also photocopied plans and an accommodation schedule, with correspondence.
UND/CF7/H13   1994 - 1997
Howlands Trust - New College, correspondence.
1. March 1992 - September 1993.
2. October 1993 - December 1994.
3. January 1995 - July 1996.
UBND/CF7/H13a   July 1993 - May 1996
Howlands Trust: New College, Management Steering Group minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF7/I1   December 1994
Internal Audit Service Annual Report
UND/CF7/I1a-l   March 1993 - February 1995
Internal Audit reports:
a1. Collingwood College March 1993.
a2. Collingwood College April 1994.
b. Graduate Society October 1993.
c. Grey College June 1993.
d. Hatfield College February 1994.
e1. St Aidan's College March 1993.
e2. St Aidan's College March 1994.
f1. St Cuthbert's Society August 1993.
f2. St Cuthbert's Society December 1994.
g. College of St Hild and St Bede September 1993.
h. St Mary's College February 1994.
i. Student registration, records and statistical returns June 1994 - February 1995.
j1. Trevelyan College June 1993.
j2. Trevelyan College August 1994.
k. University College April 1994.
l. Van Mildert College March 1994.
UND/CF7/I2   1992 - 1997
International Office Steering Committee Meetings, correspondence, details of international visits, agendas and minutes, annual reports, Durham's application for an Institutional Contract, reports on international strategy.
UND/CF7/I3   1992 - 1997
International Office, correspondence, reports, photocopied heads of agreement for the Durham Centre of the Institute of European Studies (Illinois) Ltd, international strategy reports, statutory instruments on exempt dwellings, newsletter of the European Association for International Education (June 1992) and bulletin of the East/South Asia Higher Education Information Office (June 1992), the appointment of a director (Jenny Hobbs) and the covering of payments to the British Council which did not include VAT.
UND/CF7/I4   1953
International Service Rally - Durham, details, correspondence, programmes, arrangements and expenses of the International Service Rally of the Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI, formerly the British Association of Rotary Clubs).
UND/CF7/I5   1993 - 1997
IT Service Management Steering Group, agendas and minutes, reports, some personal handwritten notes, minutes of the Network Development Group, draft of The Objective and Outline Structure of the New Information Technology Service (1993), comments on it, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the DUMAS Steering Group, DUMAS: Lessons of Success - Report on a Workshop of Users (1996), proposals for changes to the IT Service, submissions for regrading and promotion within the IT Service.
1. 1993.
2i&ii. 1993-1997.
UND/CF7/I6   1994 - 1995
IT Services, correspondence, booklet The Powerhouse Project: An Introduction to the new MAC Powerhouse Systems and Details of Powerhouse Systems, presentation to colleges.
UND/CF7/K1   1966 - 1976
Dr U.A. Karci Appeal, agendas, supporting documentation and recording of a meeting of an ad hoc committee of Council to consider an appeal against the Senate Probationary Committee's recommendation that his appointment should not be confirmed at the end of his probationary period.
UND/CF7/L1   1977 - 1979
Luncheon Vouchers Ad Hoc Committee, minutes and reports of the working party on the future of lunch arrangements in Colleges including the luncheon voucher sheme, copy of the colleges questionnaire, summary and analysis of results.
UND/CF7/L2   1979 - 1980
University Library Ad Hoc Committee, agendas and minutes, reports, also report 120 of the North Eastern Universities O&M Unit (March 1979) on the University Library, and notes on a draft of it.
UND/CF7/M1   1993 - 1994
MAC Initiative Implementation Audit, some correspondence, publicity material for an information seminar given by the Family Support Group, the Durham questionnaire for the Initiative Implementation Audit, as well as a blank copy, information document from the HEFCE Audit Service on “The Management and Administrative Computing Initiative” (April 1993).
1. October-December 1993.
2. January-June 1994.
UND/CF7/M2   1993 - 1994
Management Information Services, correspondence, benefits cost analysis on moving the VAX computer, photocopied articles on the Management and Administrative Computing Initiative (MAC) in Computing Weekly, and press releases from CHA Computer Solutions, Strategic Plan Proposal from the Powerhouse Family Support Group, an April 1993 issue of The Power House newsletter and an information document on Management Information Systems (MIS).
UND/CF7/M3   1989 - 1993
Management Information Services Steering Group, annotated agendas and minutes, some correspondence, University of Durham Management Information Systems Study, photocopied article from Technology Focus on “College Ties”.
1. 1989-1992.
2. 1992-1993.
UND/CF7/M4   1992 - 1993
Mountjoy Research Centre, agendas and minutes of meetings of the directors of the Mountjoy Research Co Ltd and a little correspondence.
UND/CF7/M5   15 July 1969
Minutes and agendas - proposals for a standard style for Senate Committees, Faculties and Faculty Committee
Paper file
UND/CF7/N1   1993 - 1995
North Eastern Universities Purchasing Group (NEUPG), minutes and agendas, a document on the group's development, NEUPG annual reports for 1990 and 1992-1994, members' names and addresses, reports, tables of levels of attendance at meetings 1993-1994, information on Academic Institutions Management Services (AIMS), previously the North-Western Universities Management Services Unit, 15th report of the Committee of Public Accounts on University Purchasing in England (1993-1994), information on the North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium.
1. April-December 1993.
2i&ii 1993-1995.
UND/CF7/N1A   1992 - 1995
NEUPG Members of the Group, correspondence, lists of members and addresses.
UND/CF7/N2   1967 - 1968
Non-Academic Staff Common Room Committee, minutes and agendas, correspondence.
UND/CF7/O1   1952 - 1959
Office Notices.
UND/CF7/P1   1968 - 1980
R. Pallister Appeal,
1. Against his PhD mark, including examiners' reports, correspondence, his application form and the abstract of his thesis, 1968-1975.
2. Correspondence giving advice over his failure, 1976-1979.
3. His PhD examination, correspondence, examination invoice, copy of the Faculty of Education prospectus (1980/81), agenda of the Senate Higher Degrees Committee, report from the Visitor to whom Pallister appealed, 1979-1980.
4. Post fresh examination, invoice for J.E. Miller, university solicitor in the case, for legal representation and correspondence regarding the final refusal of his PhD, January-September 1980.
UND/CF7/P2   1989 - 1991
Palmers Garth/Dunelm House Reallocation, detailing the use and structure of Dunelm House in 1989, reports on the expansion of student numbers, plans for the proposed Estates and Buildings Dept in Dunelm House, correspondence, and a paper on “Accommodation for the Careers Advisory Service” (1990).
UND/CF7/P3   1986 - 1988
Postgraduate Office, application forms for various universities, including Durham, information on the Graduate Society, report of the ad hoc committee of Council on the future of CASSO and the O&M report no.60 on personnel management.
UND/CF7/P4   1993
Powerhouse Project, details and plans for the MAC Initiative Powerhouse Project.
UND/CF7/R1/1992   1992
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 1992: submissions from deaprtments, correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF7/R1/1996   1996
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 96:
1. Agenda and supplementary agenda for the 17 April 1996 meeting, giving a breakdown of research by department.
2. Second supplementary agenda of 17 April 1996.
3i,ii,iii. Final returns, summation of assessments for all departments and researchers.
4a-c. Correspondence and draft submissions from departments.
UND/CF7/R1/2001   1997 - 2002
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2001:
1-4. Submissions from (by Unit of Assessment number) April 2001:
1. 13 Psychology; 14 Biological Sciences; 18 Chemistry; 19 Physics; 20 Earth Sciences; 22 Pure Mathematics; 23 Applied Mathematics; 24 Statistical and Operational Research;
2. 25 Computer Science; 26 General Engineering; 35 Geography; 36 Law; 37 Anthropology; 38 Economics and Ecomometrics; 39 Politics and International Studies; 41 Social Work;
3. 42 Sociology; 43 Business and Management Studies; 44 Accounting and Finance; 46 Middle Eastern and African Studies; 47 Asian Studies; 50 English Language and Literature; 51 French; 52 German, Dutch and Scandinavian Languages;
4. 55 Iberian and Latin American Langauges; 56 Linguistics; 57 Classics, Ancient History, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies; 58 Archaeology; 59 History; 62 Philosophy; 63 Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies; 67 Music; 68 Education
5. Feedback on submissions from HEFCE, with comments on each Unit of Assessment. March 2002
6. HEFCE Requests: Research Activity Survey 1997 (October 97/21; Research Activity Survey 1998 (October 98/51); Research Activity Survey 1999 (October 99/59).
6 paper files
UND/CF7/R2   1988 - 1989
Research Selectivity Exercise, with replies from departments.
UND/CF7/R3   1989 - 1990
Review of Residential Accommodation, correspondence, a survey of student accommodation charges (1990/91) as compared to Oxford and Cambridge, plans and architects' drawings for new accommodation, table of Estates and Buildings' additional accommodation projects.
UND/CF7/R4   1987 - 1992
Restructuring Working Group, correspondence, reports, budget centre profiles, divided-off sections for individual departments, summary of all staff in departments, assessment of colleges, new academic appointments scheme (NAAS), tables of planned new appointments, UGC provisional distribution of funds, correspondence.
1i&ii. 1987-1988.
2. 1988-1992.
3. Restructuring law, correspondence, September 1989.
4. Replies from departments on plans for the 1990s, 1988-1989.
UND/CF7/R5   1988 - 1993
Regional Management Services Unit (RMSU), agendas and minutes of the management committee, summary of replies on Priority Based Budgeting, NEUPG annual reports 1989 and 1991, presentations to the North Eastern Universities Consortium (11 November 1991) and on priority based budgeting in universities (December 1991), leaflet on Opportunities in Europe from Spicers Centre for Europe, publicity material for DA Computers and Telecommunications, report on University Purchasing in England by the National Audit Office, agendas of the NEUPG Coordinating Committee, documents on the development of the North Eastern Universities Purchasing Group and its management committee.
UND/CF7/S1   1993 - 1997
Senior Administrative Officers Meetings, correspondence, HEFCE consultation on Value for Money Initiative: Consultation on Future Projects (1996), copy of Academic-Related Staff Self-Report Form, document on Staff Development and Appraisal for Academic and Academic-Related Staff, prospectus for the MBA at Durham.
UND/CF7/S2   1964 - 1968
Senior Common Rooms Membership, lists of members, correspondence and a prospectus for St Hild's College.
UND/CF7/S3   1991 - 1992
Space Charging, correspondence about the proposal to begin charging departments for accommodation.
UND/CF7/S4   1947
St Mary's College Foundation Stone Laying, arrangements for the ceremony and luncheon, guest lists, an invitation and drafts, programme for the visit of HRH Princess Elizabeth to Durham, correspondence, including letters from the private secretary to HRH and Lord Londonderry.
UND/CF7/S5   1973 - 1980
Staff Matters and the University in General, including lits of chancellors of British universities, lists of university staff and ex-staff by age and department, procedure agreements with various staff ad hoc bodies, a little correspondence, details of sick pay and sick leave, three booklets on the history of the university [by Ian Graham].
UND/CF7/S5a   1990 - 1991
Staff Transfers (General) Between Universities, correspondence.
UND/CF7/S6   1978 - 1987
Student Matters, including regulations concerning grants, copy of an appeal and judgement in the House of Lords, statutory instruments on Local Education Authority Awards, statistics on admissions, wastage rates, and undergraduates given permission to live out of college, analysis of the results of a questionnaire on the habitations of Durham students, notes on the employment of students and overseas students.
UND/CF7/S7   1969 - 1971
Student Lodgings, lists with a little correspondence.
UND/CF7/S8   1987 - 1988
Strategy Meeting, summary of discussons, notes, copy of Forward Plans to 1989-90 and the EIGER Report, discusssion of roles in the university, papers on strategy.
UND/CF7/S8a   September 1988
Strategy Report, Planning for the 1990s: Responses to the Registrar's Letters of 16 May 1988.
UND/CF7/S9   January 1992
Sports and Physical Recreation at Durham working group report looking at the use of Maiden Castle.
Paper file
UND/CF7/T1   1979 - 1981
Teaching Practice Panel, agendas and minutes of the Institute of Education's panel, documents on good teaching practice and a little correspondence.
UND/CF7/T2   1993 - 1995
Teaching Quality Assessment, feedback reports and subject overview reports, self-assessments, some correspondence, including a Law Dept first year handbook 1994/95 and a copy of the Quality Assessment report for Law at King's College London.
1. Chemistry.
2. History.
3. Law.
UND/CF7/U1   1985 - 1987
Establishment of a University Company, draft report, diagram of institutional relationships, sample cash flow projections, agendas and minutes of a working party to consider a University Company, copy of Response to the Jarratt Report, extracts from the EIGER report, publicity material for the University of Sheffield Anniversary Reunion (1986).
UND/CF7/V1   1989
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) Awards Sub-Committee, CVCP paper: An Analysis of Student Loan Options, copy articles on finance and student loan issues, copies of government documents about student finance and the responses of CVCP and various institutions Lloyds Bank Economic Bulletin (1989), publicity for Career Development Loans, Feasibility Study Report on Top-Up Student Loan Scheme by Price Waterhouse (1989) and a report on Top-Up Loans for Students by the Department of Education and Science.
UND/CF7/V2   1984 - 1985
Visitor's Roles and Powers, regulations, University of Leeds Handbook for Academic and Academic-Related Staff and Guide to the Administration, correspondence.
UND/CF7/V3   February 1989
Visitor Strategy Discussions, correspondence summary of discussions with university officers, document on Council membership, copy university statutes.
UND/CF7/W1   1990 - 1991
Wynyard Hall Links with Yale, correspondence, strategy documents for Wynyard Hall.
Courses and Quality Section/Validation Office
Reference: UND/CF8 The Validation Office grew out of the Courses and Quality Section of the Academic Office. By 2006, it had ceased as a separate office with its functions being absorbed within the Academic Support Office.

Internal Subject Reviews
Reference: UND/CF8/A
Dates of creation: February 1989 - May 2006
The files feature the documentation assembled for the review, which might include minutes of various relevant departmental committees for the preceding year or two (Board of Studies, Teaching, Research, Staff/Student etc), also Board of Examiners reports and minutes, course handbooks, copy QAA reports, policy documents, student surveys, statistics and programme specifications. There may also be a draft of the report, comments on that, the report itself, correspondence, subsequent actions and follow-up reports. The reviews changed from faculty to university in 2002.

UND/CF8/A35   February 1989 - February 1992
Mathematical Sciences faculty review 13 March 1989, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A2   24 April 1989
Anthropology faculty review report.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A40   March 1989 - November 1991
Music faculty review 18 May 1989 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A24   December 1989 - April 1993
English Studies faculty review 26 January 1990 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A48   March - April 1990
Politics faculty review documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A11   February 1990 - October 1991
Chemistry faculty review 23 May 1990 report, documentation and subsequent correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A15   November 1989 - February 1992
Computer Science faculty review 21 February 1990 report, documentation, subsequent correspondence and progress report.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A17   February - March 1990
Economics faculty review 20 February 1990 report, documentation, and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A20   November 1989 - August 1990
Education faculty review 9 March 1990 report, documentation and correspondence, including documentation for the extended visit by Her Majesty's Inspectorate 1989-90.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A26   March 1990 - November 1991
French faculty review 16 March 1990 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A43   November 1990 - January 1991
Philosophy faculty review 29 November 1990 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A50   November 1990 - February 1993
Psychology faculty review 4 December 1990 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A32   February 1991 - February 1992
History faculty review 12 February 1991 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A22   March - November 1991
Engineering faculty review 11 March 1991 report and documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A55   March - August 1991
Sociology and Social Policy faculty review 8 May 1991 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A58   May 1991 - May 1992
Spanish and Italian faculty review 13 May 1991 documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A29   December 1991 - March 1993
Geological Sciences faculty review 4 December 1991 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A31   December 1991 - January 1993
German faculty review 10 December 1991 report and subsequent correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A4   31 January 1992
Archaeology faculty review 31 January 1992 report, with supporting documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A6   19 February 1992
Biological Sciences faculty review report, with submission documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A13   November 1991 - March 1993
Classics and Ancient History faculty review 26 February 1992 report, documentation, subsequent correspondence and progress report.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A33   November 1990 - June 1992
Law faculty review 17 March 1992, report, documentation and correspondence, including a report of a faculty review of 28 November 1990.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A38   March 1992 - August 1993
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies faculty review 27 April 1992 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A46   October 1991 - August 1992
Physics faculty review 5 May 1992 report, documentation and correspondence, with various handbooks, syllabuses and prospectuses.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A28   June 1991 - January 1993
Geography faculty review 15 May 1992 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A59   May 1992 - December 1993
Theology faculty review 20 May 1992 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A8   December 1992 - October 1993
Business School review report to faculty 8 December 1992, with drafts, correspondence and the submission of supporting documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A36   January - July 1993
Mathematical Sciences faculty review 11 March 1993 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A49   March 1993 - June 1994
Politics faculty review 11 March 1993 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A53   March - June 1993
Russian faculty review 12 March 1993 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A1   April 1993 - January 1994
Adult and Continuing Education faculty review 26 April 1993 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A42   April - June 1993
Natural Sciences BSc degree faculty review 4 May 1993 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A41   June 1993 - January 1995
Music faculty review 24 November 1993 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A3   3 December 1993 - 18 January 1995
Anthropology faculty review 3 December 1993 report, with drafts, correspondence and the submission of supporting documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A25   January - June 1994
English Studies faculty review 23 February 1994 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A18   February - October 1994
Economics faculty review 11 March 1994 report, documentation, and correspondence.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A12   April 1994 - March 1995
Chemistry faculty review 9 May 1994 report, documentation and subsequent correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A27   March 1994 - April 1995
French faculty review 18 May 1994 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A34   November 1994
Linguistics and English Language faculty review 1 December 1994 documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A51   January 1993 - June 1996
Psychology faculty review 5 December 1994 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A44   December 1994 - June 1996
Philosophy faculty review 1 March 1995 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A23   December 1994 - August 1995
Engineering faculty review 13 March 1995 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A16   February 1995 - May 1996
East Asian Studies faculty review 5 May 1995 report, documentation, subsequent correspondence and progress report.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A56   January 1995 - July 1996
Sociology and Social Policy faculty review 18 May 1995 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A7   February 1996 - November 1997
Biological Sciences faculty review report 28 February 1996, submission documentation and subsequent progress report.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A47   November 1995 - February 1997
Physics faculty review 29 April 1996 report, documentation and correspondence, with various handbooks, syllabuses and prospectuses.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A39   January 1996 - February 1997
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies faculty review 13 May 1996 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A14   July 1996 - July 1997
Classics and Ancient History faculty review 27 November 1996 report, documentation, subsequent correspondence and progress report.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A5   4 December 1996
Archaeology faculty review submission of supporting documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A60   November 1996 - May 1997
Theology faculty review 5 March 1997 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A30   March - May 1997
Geological Sciences faculty review 11 March 1997 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A37   January 1995 - April 1998
Mathematical Sciences faculty review 15 May 1997 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A21   October 1997 - May 1998
Education faculty review 12 March 1998 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A54   March 1998
School of Modern European Languages [French, German, Spanish, Italian] faculty review 18 March 1998 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A52   July 1997 - November 1999
Psychology faculty review 30 April 1998 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A9   15 May 1998
Business School faculty review documentation.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A45   January 1998 - August 2000
Philosophy faculty review 17 February 1999 report, documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A10   March - May 1999
Centre for Applied Social Studies and Community and Youth Work Studies Unit faculty review 20 May 1999 documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A19   November 1999
Economics faculty review November 1999 documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A57   January - February 2000
Sociology and Social Policy faculty review 11 February 2000 documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A61   March 2000 - July 2001
Human Sciences (Stockton) faculty review 16 March 2000 documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A62   May 2000 - October 2001
Business Finance (Stockton) faculty review 8 May 2000 documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A63-64   September 2000 - March 2003
History faculty review 26/27 October 2000 documentation and correspondence.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A65   October 2000 - December 2002
Geological Sciences faculty review 16/17 November 2000 documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A66   July 2000 - July 2002
Anthropology faculty review 5/6 December 2000 documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A67-68   December 2000 - July 2003
Compter Science faculty review 15/16 January 2001 documentation and correspondence.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A69-71   January 2001 - July 2006
Engineering faculty review 29/30 January 2001 documentation and correspondence.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A72-74   November 2000 - November 2003
Law faculty review 17/18 February 2001 documentation and correspondence.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A75-77   January 2001 - December 2002
Environmental Sciences (Stockton) faculty review 26/27 April 2001 documentation and correspondence.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A78   May 2001
Geography faculty mini-review 9 May 2001 documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A79-80   July 2001
Centre for Studies in Counselling (CESCO) (Education) faculty review 11/12 July 2001 documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A81-82   January 2002
Institute of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (IMEIS) university review 8/9 January 2002 documentation and correspondence.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A83-85   January 2002 - October 2004
East Asian Studies university review 22/23 January 2002 documentation and correspondence.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A86   February 2002
Chemistry university review 20/21 February 2002 documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A87   March 2002
Modern European Languages university review 7/8 March 2002 documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A88   February 2002 - April 2004
Combined Honours in Arts university review 2 May 2002 documentation and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A89   [May 2002]
Music university review [May 2002] documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A90-91   [October 2002]
English Language and Linguistics university review [October 2002] documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A92-96   December 2002 - May 2005
Physics university review 4/5 December 2002 documentation and correspondence.
5 paper files
UND/CF8/A97   January 2003
Combined Honours Social Sciences university review 22 January 2003 documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A98-101   February - September 2003
Psychology university review 6/7 March 2003 documentation and correspondence.
4 paper files
UND/CF8/A102-105a   April 1999 - July 2006
Biological and Biomedical Sciences university review 12 April 1999 and 20/21 March 2003 documentation and correspondence.
5 paper files
UND/CF8/A106   April 2003 - May 2005
Mathematical Sciences university review 8/9 May 2003 report and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A107-108   November 2003
English university review 4/5 November 2003 documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A109   December 2003
Foundation Programme university review 11 December 2003 documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/A110-112   December 2003
Business School university review 15 December 2003 documentation and correspondence.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A113-115   March 2004
Geography university review 3/4 March 2004 documentation.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A116-117   April 2004
Medicine (Stockton) university review 27/28 April 2004 documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A118-119   April 2004 - July 2006
Natural Sciences university review 12 May 2004 documentation, reports and correspondence.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A120-121   November 2004
Classics and Ancient History university review 23/24 November 2004 documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A122-124   September 2004 - March 2005
Philosophy university review 10/11 March 2005 documentation, report and correspondence.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A125-128   April 2005 - March 2007
School of Applied Social Sciences university review 9/10 May 2005 documentation (separate for Sociology and Sport), report and correspondence.
4 paper files
UND/CF8/A129-131   July 2005
School of Economics, Business and Finance university review 12/13 July 2005 documentation.
3 paper files
UND/CF8/A132-135   January - December 2006
Education university review 13/14 February 2006 documentation, report and correspondence.
4 paper files
UND/CF8/A136-137   March 2006
Theology and Religion university review 14/15 March 2006 documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/A138-141   May - November 2006
Archaeology university review 10/11 May 2006 documentation, report and correspondence.
4 paper files
UND/CF8/A142   May 2006
Law university review 18 May 2006 documentation.
Paper file
External Courses Periodic Reviews
Reference: UND/CF8/B For earlier reviews of some of these courses, see the files of PVC Graham Rodmell at UND/CP2/81-98.

UND/CF8/B1   March 1990 - April 1995
New College Durham Dept of Health and Science Diplomas in Health Visiting and Health Studies periodic review 23 November 1994:
1. Draft and final reports
2. Review day agenda and administrator's notes
3. Correspondence February 1994 - April 1995
4. First Periodic review 1994 of Diploma in Health Visiting/Health Studies Modular Programme
5. First Annual Review of Modular Programme (Health Studies) 1990/1991 October 1991
6. Second Annual Review of Diplomas in Health Visiting/Health Studies Modular Programme 1991/1992 September 1992
7. Third Annual Review of Diplomas in Health Visiting/Health Studies Modular Programme 1992/1993 1993
8. Diploma in Health Visiting Course Handbook 1993-94
9. Certificate in School Nursing 1993-94
10. Practice Nursing Course Course Handbook 1993-94
11. Handbook for Programme Committee of Diploma in Health Studies September 1992
12. Diploma in Health Studies Course Handbook 1994
13. Submission for Revalidation of Health Visitor and Related Courses March 1990
14. Modular Health Studies Programme Diploma in Health Visiting/Health Studies Programme Information Appendices Periodic Review 1994
14 paper files and booklets
UND/CF8/B2   December 1992 - December 1994
New College Durham MA/Advanced Diploma in Education periodic review 16 September 1994
1. Draft and final report
2. Planning meeting agenda and minutes
3. Correspondence December 1992 - December 1994
4. Modular INSET Programme MA(Ed.)/Advanced Diploma in Education Periodic Review 1994
5. Proposed Modular Programme for MA/Advance Diploma in Education At New College Part I Outline of Proposed Modular Programme
6-15. Appendices 2-22.
16. Notes on Original Validation Approval; Notes on Validation Fees; Instructions to Examiners; Annual Report 1992/93.
16 paper files and booklets
UND/CF8/B3   June 1998 - December 1999
New College Durham BSc in Community Health Nursing and Diploma in Health Studies periodic review 8 October 1999
1. Final report BSc
2. Draft report comments BSc
3. Draft report comments Dip
4. Planning meeting agenda and minutes
5. Commentary and notes used to prepare it
6. Review Submissions and comments on them, includes Dip student handbook
7. Notes taken at the review
8. Correspondence June 1998 - December 1999
8 paper files
UND/CF8/B4   February 1999 - October 2001
New College Durham MA/Advanced Diploma in Education periodic review 13 April 2000
1. Correspondence February 1999 - January 2000
2. Planning meeting agenda and minutes
3. Review submission
4. Panel comments on the submission
5. Commentary and notes for it
6. Notes taken at the review
7. Draft report comments
8. Final report
9. Supporting documents, including revised handbook, memorandum of association and instructions to examiners
10. External Assessment Board/Management Committee minutes November 1999 - October 2001
10 paper files
UND/CF8/B5   2004
New College Durham BSc in Community Health Nursing and Diploma in Health Studies periodic review 7 September 2004
1. Panel membership, review checklist, minute extracts, programme specifications, finance, review timetable, pre-meeting notes, correspondence, original signed documents and notes
2. Final report
3. Policies and Procedures Document - Dip
4. Policies and Procedures Document - BSc
5-7. Assessment of Practice Module Practice Learning Portfolio
8. Mentor Handbook - BSc
9. Supporting Evidence Document - Dip
10. Supporting Evidence Document - BSc
10 paper files and booklets
UND/CF8/B6   1996
Harperley Hall Diploma in Scientific Support Skills (Ordinary and APEL) periodic review 13 November 1996
1. Draft and final reports
2. Overview Document
3. Supporting Documentation including CVs, regulations, syllabus, instructions to examiners, student handbooks, management committee, responsibilities, appeals, organisation and staffing, external examiners' and assessors' reports, statistical data
4. Review day timetable and administrator's notes
5. Commentary
6. Correspondence March - October 1996
7. Planning meeting agenda and minutes
7 paper files
UND/CF8/B7   2001
Harperley Hall National Police Training Centre Diploma in Crime Scene Examination periodic review 19 October 2001
1. Checklist and meeting schedules, report and response, correspondence and review documentationFebruary - October 2001
2. Periodic Review, with a prospectus
2 paper files
UND/CF8/B8   2006
Harperley Hall Centrex National [Police] Training Centre Diplomas in Crime Scene Examination and Fingerprint Examination periodic review February 2006 mission, plan, chart, responsibilities, external examiners' and assessors' reports, management committee and validation sub-committee minutes, annual reviews, previous periodic review, student feedback, Board of Examiners, programmes, concessions, CVs, staff training, appraisals, mentoring.
4 paper files
UND/CF8/B9   2007 - 2008
[Harperley] National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA, formerly Centrex) interim review supporting documentation:
Institutional background and general policies
Programme details, student support & progression
Programme review and quality assurance
Staff information
4 paper files
UND/CF8/B10   January - November 1995
Darlington College of Technology Diploma in Nursing periodic review 23 June 1995
1. Periodic Review of Diploma in Nursing Programme June 1995
2. Periodic Review of Diploma in Nursing Programme Supporting Documentation June 1995
3. Correspondence, reports, minutes, agendas, timetables, background notes, January - November 1995
3 paper files
UND/CF8/B11   September 1993 - July 1996
Darlington College of Technology Certificate in Nursing Studies periodic review, due 1996/97 [?but not carried out]
1. Letter discussing a possible review 10 July 1996
2. Memorandum of Association between Darlington and Durham re the Certificate signed 15 October 1993
3. Certificate in Nursing Studies for Validation by University of Durham revised September 1993
3 paper files
UND/CF8/B12   January - December 1995
Ushaw College, St John's College and Wesley Study Centre BA in Theology and Ministry periodic review 11 October 1995, reports, correspondence, timetables and minutes
Paper file
UND/CF8/B13   October 1995 - March 1996
St John's College Certificate in Theology and Ministry, periodic review 13 March 1996
1. Final and draft reports, correspondence, notes, commentary, planning meeting agenda and minutes, October 1995 - June 1996
2. Overview and response of St John's
3. Supporting documentation appendices, validation document, visit report, regulations, responsibilities, management committee, appeals, validation fee, CVs, student handbook, syllabus, Board of Examiners, external examiners' and assessors' reports student feedback, teachers' meetings, statistics, annual reports, entry qualifications, new course units, certificate into a degree, staff development
4. Cranmer Hall, St John's College Ushaw College Wesley Study Centre Degree in Theology and Ministry Handbook 1996-97
5. Ushaw College Degree in Theology and Ministry for ordinands Course Handbook 1996
5 paper files
UND/CF8/B14   August - December 1997
Newcastle Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies Centre, correspondence and papers re the upgrading of the post-qualification Certificate in Cognitive Therapy to a Diploma.
Paper file
UND/CF8/B15   June 1998 - November 2000
Newcastle Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies Centre, PG Diploma in Cognitive Therapy periodic review 22 September 1999
1. Correspondence, review submission and comments, commentary, review notes, draft and final report and comments
2. Supporting documents - CVs, regulations, reading list, prospectus, instructions to examiners, marking guidelines, student handbook, essay guidleines, management committee, responsibilities, appeals, staff development, advertising
2 paper files
UND/CF8/B16   March 2003 - March 2004
Newcastle Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies Centre, PG Diploma in Cognitive Therapy periodic review 29 March 2004
1. Correspondence, review submission and comments, commentary, review notes, draft and final report and comments
2. Review documentation including agendas, programmes, marking conventions, reports, external examiners, assessors, programme leaders, student feedback, performance indicators, market research, management committee
2 paper files
UND/CF8/B17   April 1997 - January 2000
College of the Royal Academy of Dancing, BA in the Art & Teaching of Ballet periodic review 28 June 1998
1. Draft and final reports and response, commentary, correspondence, review day timetable and administrator's notes, planning meeting agenda and minutes
2. Revalidation Periodic Review Documentation May 1998
2 paper files
UND/CF8/B18   June 1998 - November 1999
College of the Royal Academy of Dancing BPhil Ballet & Contextual Studies periodic review 3 September 1999
1. Correspondence, planning meeting agenda & minutes, review submission, comments, commentary and notes, review notes, draft report comments and final report
2. Revalidation Periodic Review Documentation September 1999
2 paper files
UND/CF8/B19   July 2002 - July 2003
Royal Academy of Dance, BA in Dance Education, BA in the Art and Teaching of Ballet, PG Certificate of Education: Dance Teaching, periodic review 22-23 May 2003
1. Review checklist, panael membership,contacts, minute extracts, final report, programme specifications, accommodation & travel, finance, timetable, documentation, correspondence, pre-meeting notes and timetable
2. Supporting documentation including programe reviews, specifications, regulations and handbooks, Board of Examiners minutes, external examiners' and assessors' reports
2 paper files
Quality Assessment/Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Reviews
Reference: UND/CF8/C
Dates of creation: September 1993 - October 2001

UND/CF8/C30   September 1993
Higher Education Quality Council Division of Quality Audit University of Durham Validation Arrangements Quality Audit Report
Printed paper booklet, ii + 26p + covers
UND/CF8/C23   November 1993
QA report (Q59/94) History.
Paper booklet
UND/CF8/C24   November 1993
QA report (Q46/94) Law.
Paper booklet
UND/CF8/C25   November 1993
QA report (Q99/94) Chemistry.
Paper booklet
UND/CF8/C26   February 1994
QA report (Q172/94) Business and Management Studies.
Paper booklet
UND/CF8/C27   February 1994
QA report (Q183/94) Applied Social Work.
Paper booklet
UND/CF8/C28   March 1994
QA report (Q212/94) Computing.
Paper booklet
UND/CF8/C29   October 1994
QA report (Q20/95) English.
Paper booklet
UND/CF8/C1   April 1994 - September 1995
Geology QAA subject review report November 1994 (Q125/95), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C2   March 1994 - February 1996
Music QAA subject review report January-February 1995 (Q236/95), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C3   February 1994 - October 1995
Geography QAA subject review report February 1995 (Q184/95), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C4   January 1995 - April 1996
German QAA subject review report October/November 1995 (Q38/96), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C5   February 1995 - June 1996
Sociology QAA subject review report November 1995 (Q94/96), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C6   January 1995 - November 1996
[Spanish] Iberian Studies QAA subject review report November 1995 (Q12/97), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C7   January 1995 - October 1997
Russian and Eastern European Languages and Studies QAA subject review report January 1996 (Q100/96), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C8   December 1994 - July 1997
Linguistics QAA subject review report January 1996 (Q129/96), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C9   January 1995 - February 1997
French QAA subject review report February 1996 (Q235/96), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C10   January 1995 - January 1997
Italian QAA subject review report March 1996 (Q156/96), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C11   April 1996 - November 1997
Middle Eastern and African Studies QAA subject review report February 1997 (Q162/97), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C12   October 1995 - August 1998
General Engineering QAA subject review report November 1997 (Q44/98), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
2 paper files
UND/CF8/C13   November 1996 - May 1998
East Asian Studies QAA subject review report March 1998 (Q157/98), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C14   January 1997 - March 1999
Physics & Astronomy QAA subject review report November 1998 (Q52/99), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C31   January 1999
Quality Audit Report University of Durham
Printed paper booklet, iv + 24p
UND/CF8/C15   April 1997 - April 2000
Pyschology QAA subject review report February 1999 (Q94/99), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C16   January 1998 - April 2000
Mathematical Sciences QAA subject review draft report March 1999 (Q224/99), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C17   March 1997 - October 2000
Biomedical Sciences QAA subject review report October 1999 (Q5/2000), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C18   April 1999 - April 2000
Biological Sciences QAA subject review report January 2000 (Q132/2000), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C19   March 1999 - October 2001
Archaeology QAA subject review report November 2000 (Q85/2001), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C20   December 1999 - August 2001
Philosophy QAA subject review report February 2001 (Q226/2001), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C21   March 2000 - October 2001
Theology QAA subject review report March 2001 (Q205/2001), preparatory documentation, self assessment document, pre-visit arrangements and visit documentation.
Paper file
UND/CF8/C22   October 2003 - May 2004
Institutional Audit QAA report February 2004 with a Self Evaluation Document for Institutional Audit, a student submission from DSU and a draft audit report.
Paper file
Report formerly: L+378.4281DUR/QUA
Reference: UND/CF8/D
UND/CF8/D1   18 January 2002
Validation Handbook
Uploaded to the university website in March 2002 and subsequently maintained and updated there.
Paper file
UND/CF8/D2   2003/04, 2004/05, 2006/07 - 2008/09, 2012/23
Student Survival Guide , covering studying, appeals and complaints, academic services, rights and responsibilities, health and safety and the environment, financial support, council tax, and student organisations and support services.
Formerly: Per Local DUR
Examination Procedures
Reference: UND/CF8/E
UND/CF8/E1   1989/90 - 1997/98
Instructions to examiners marking convention statements with some correspondence:
1989/90 Social Sciences
1990/91 Sciences and Social Sciences
1991/92 Sciences and Social Sciences
1992/93 Sciences and Social Sciences
1993/94 Social Sciences
1995/96 Arts and Social Sciences
1996/97 Arts and Social Sciences
1997/98 Arts and Social Sciences
8 paper files
Staff/Student Records
Reference: UND/CF8/F
UND/CF8/F1   1948 - 1980
Grants to staff for research expenses, principally of travel, accomodation and maintenance, some with project numbers and some out of the Sabbatical Leave Fund, sorted by name and then chonologically.
Box of 5' x 3' index cards
Graduate School
Reference: UND/CF9
UND/CF9/1   October 2002
Information pack for new postgraduate students, including welcoming letters, invites, information, and the printed 2002/03 booklets:
Guide to Postgraduate Research Training
Guidelines for Postgraduate Students, Supervisors and Course Directors
Paper file in a card sleeve
UND/CF9/2   September 1997 & September 1998
Guidance Notes for Postgraduate Students on Taught Courses
2 paper booklets, in card covers
UND/CF9/3   September 1997 - September 1999
Guidelines for Postgraduate Research Students and Supervisors September 1997
Guidelines for Postgraduate Research Students and Supervisors September 1998
Guidelines for Postgraduate Students, Supervisors and Course Directors September 1999
3 paper booklets, in card covers
UND/CF9/4   Autumn 2004
Postgraduate Update newsletter promoting especially postgraduates at Queen's
Printed colour illustrated paper leaflet, 2f
UND/CF9/5   [2005]
Congratulations Postgraduate Study at Druham University
Printed colour illustrated card leaflet, 2f
UND/CF9/6   2007/08
Postgraduate Training Handbook
Printed paper booklet, spiral-bound
UND/CF9/7   2007/08
Postgraduate Student Guide
Printed paper booklet, spiral-bound
Careers Advisory Service/Careers, Employability and Enterprise Centre/Careers & Enterprise
Reference: UND/CF10
Reference: UND/CF10/A
UND/CF10/A1   1989 - 2019
Durham Careers, 4th edition, including background to job hunting, careers in accountancy, finance and commerce, retailing, industry and consultancy, and university recruitment, Careers Guide for October 1990 (first edition), Durham Student Guide to Careers Planning 1992/93 and 1993/94, Careers Advisory Service Guide 1994, & 1995, then (edition 7) The Careers Advisory Service Guide for 2000, then (editions 8 & 9) The Guide for 2001 and 2002, then The Careers Advisory Service Guide for 2003 and [2003/4] (editions 10 & 11), then The Durham Guide to Career Planning, for 2004/5 (with inserted flyer) and 2005/6 (12th-13th editions), 2006/7 and 2007/8, covering: making effective applications, researching employers, work experience, postgraduate study, taking time out, and listing various employers. ?Superseded by Step into your Career (2013 edition), but back to The Durham Guide to Career Planning (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018), then Your Careers & Enterprise Centre Top Tips for your Future [2019].
21 printed illustrated colour booklets
UND/CF10/A2   1998 - 2005
Moving On: Career Planning for Finalists 1998, Moving On a final year supplement to The Guide 2001, The Durham Finalist, for 2004/5 (12p) and 2005/6 (8p), outlining how the careers service can help finalists and what they need to do.
4 printed illustrated colour booklets,
UND/CF10/A3   Michaelmas 1992 - Epiphany 2006
Programmes of events in Michaelmas 1992 and Epiphany 1993 terms.
What's Going On at Durham/Stockton?, listing presentations and fairs being held at: Durham Michaelmas 2004, Stockton Epiphany 2006, Durham Epiphany 2006.
Paper file
UND/CF10/A4   2004 - 2019
Information leaflets:
What's available from your Careers Advisory Service - How can we Help? 2004/5
Preparing for a Job Interview 2005/6
Making the Most of your Vacations 2007/8
Graduates Support available after graduation 2017
Your Careers Centre Top Tips for Your Future [2017]
A Guide to Making the Most of Your Internships [2018]
Enterprise Support 2017 & [2019]
Why do a Placement Year? [2019]
Student Employment Service: Local, part-time work 2016
International students: how the Careers Centre can help 2017
PhD students: help and support available 2017
The Student Services Portal 2017
SME Guide Supporting Your Intern [2019]
Paper file
UND/CF10/A5   Michaelmas 2004
Course brochures:
Personal Skills “Route to Success” Michaelmas 2004 for Penultimate Year Students.
Focus on your future ... [2010]
Card file
UND/CF10/A6   Autumn 1992
North East Graduate Directory
Paper booklet
UND/CF10/A7   2009 - 2019
Flyers and posters:
Work Experience Fair 2009
Photography Competition [2010]
Blueprint Enterprise Challenge [2013]
Employer Information Fair 2013
Situational Judgement [2013]
Thinking of Doing a PhD? [2013]
Law for Non-Law Students [2014]
Enterprise Workshops [2014]
CV Applications Cliniic [2014]
CV Check Drop-In [2014]
Graduates Support available after graduation [2015]
Careers and Internship Fair 2016
Volunteering & part-time Jobs Fair 2019
Paid internships [2019]
Paper file
UND/CF10/A8   1979/80 - 20001/02
Annual Report for 1979/80-1984/85, 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94-2000/01, also for the Stockton Campus 2000/01-2001/02.
7 paper files and 12 printed paper booklets
UND/CF10/A9   1992/93 - 1998/99
Information for Employers 1992/93 and 1993/94, Information for Employers Handbook 1998/99
3 printed paper booklets
UND/CF10/A10   March 1990 - August 1999
Careers Advisory Service regular publications and circulars, including:
Notice Board (Nos5 & 12, 1990-1991)
Vacancy List (weekly summaries of vacancy information from employers and tutors)
Career News (weekly newsletter from the service)
Vacwork (information on vacation work and courses aimed at final and penultimate year students)
Paper file
UND/CF10/A11   2009, [2011]
the Durham award stand out from the crowd Student Handbook 2009/10, with a flyer
the Durham award stand out from the crowd Durham Award Handbook [2011]
2 printed colour illustrated spiral bound booklets, + 1f
UND/CF10/A12   [2010 - 2012]
Your Career Starter Guide Prepare for your future [2010]
Your Career Starter Guide Step in to your future [2012]
2 printed colour illustrated paper boklets
UND/CF10/A13   July 2012
Do you have the skills to succeed? encouraging students to carry out a skills audit of themselves.
Paper booklet, 16p
UND/CF10/A14   2013
Student notebook, lined pages for students to take notes on their modules with various printed pages of careers advice and adverts
Paper book,spiral-bound
UND/CF10/A15   2011 - 2013
Durham Law Fair brochures, sponsored by MacFarlanes, detailing exhibitors, held in November
3 printed paper booklets
Counselling Service
Reference: UND/CF11
Reference: UND/CF11/A
UND/CF11/A1   1996/97 - 2004/05, 2006/07
Counselling Service Annual Report http://library.dur.ac.uk/record=b1687907~S1
8 spiral-bound booklets + 2 paper files
Reference: UND/CF11/B
UND/CF11/B1   [2013]
Help and advice leaflets:
“What is Counselling?”
“Counselling Service & Self Help Information”
“Self Esteem”
“Coping with Exam Anxiety”
“Preparing for University Life”
“Home Sickness”
“Understanding Anxiety and Panic Attacks”
“Being Assertive”
“Losing a Loved One”
“Body Image”
Paper file
UND/CF11/B2   [2013]
Leaflets about the Counselling Service, one in Chinese
Paper file
UND/CF11/B3   September 2012
Counselling Service information for Students leaflet
Paper, 3-fold
UND/CF11/B4   [c.1995] - 2007
Information leaflets
Student Counselling Service [c.1995]
Information for Members of Staff 2004/2005
Counselling Service 2005/6
Information for Students Supporting Students 2007/2008
4 paper leaflets
UND/CF11/B5   20 August 2014
Counselling Service A fresher's guide for International and EU students
Paper leaflet
UND/CF11/B6   July 2001
Report on Student Support
Printed paper booklet, 24p
UND/CF11/B7   [2018 x 2023]
Information for Students leaflets:
Counselling Service
Fitness to Study Policy and Procedure
Mental Health Policy and Procedure
Sexual Violence & Misconduct Policy and Procedure
Report + Support
4 printed 3-fold paper leaflets
UND/CF11/B8   14 October 2002 - 20 January 2003
University of Durham, Student Support Services, Counselling Service, “Further Help with Common Difficulties (External to the University)”
List of issues with contact details of organisations offering support
Paper file
Student Recruitment and Admissions
Reference: UND/CF12
Reference: UND/CF12/A
UND/CF12/A1   2004 - 2007
Teachers on Track annual conference brochures 2004, 2005, 2007, inviting teachers to keep on top of current research and relay developments on to their pupils.
3 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/CF12/A2   2003 - 2006
STARS programme annual brochures (2003/4, 2004/5, 2005/6, [2006/7]) (Student Targeted Aspiration Raising Scheme), aiming to encourage progression into higher education in the north-east by providing study skills and university visits.
4 printed colour illustrated paper brochures
UND/CF12/A3   2004 - 2007
Promotional brochures explaining the service available for schools and colleges, summer schools and student recruitment.
4 printed colour illustrated paper brochures
UND/CF12/A4   January 2004 - November 2022
Open Days booklets and flyers:
Open Days 2004, Open Days 2010 (23/24 March), Open Days 2011 (22/23 March), Durham University Pre-application Open Days Durham City (March & September 2013), Open Days 2014 (30 June, 5 July, 20 September) detailing a programme and timetable of talks and tours, with information about the university and maps, also Post-offer Visit Days (16-18 March 2015), Durham City Open Days 2015 (22, 27 June, 26 September), Open Days 2016 (27 June, 2 July, 24 September), Open Days 2017 (26 June, 1 July, 23 September), Open Days 2018 (25 & 30 June, 21/22 September), Open Days 2019 (1 & 6 July, 20 & 21 September), Open Day College Guide 2019 Information for Undergraduates, Postgraduate Open Day Guide, 23 November 2022, Your Guide to Colleges [2023].
Also (A4A) an Alternative Open Days Prospectus, produced by Unite Community membership, for 27 June and 2 July 2016; Preparatory Information For Parents and Guardians [2018] and a Postgraduate Open Day flyer 28 November 2018/13 February 2019.
2 BW booklets, 1 file and 18 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/CF12/A5   2009
Your university Your future Your choice Supported Progression: The Durham Compact Scheme, a programme aimed at talented year 12 students in Co Durham offering academic and financial support to aid progression to Durham University.
Printed paper colour illustrated brochure
Reference: UND/CG Treasurer
1833-1858William C. Chaytor
1859-1860 Rev John Pedder
1860-1897Arthur Beanlands
1897-1898Ralph A. Sampson
1898-1902Frank B. Jevons
1902-1937Frederick W. Ritson

Honorary Treasurer
1938-1942Sir Joseph Reed
1942-1955Sir Thomas Bradford
1956-1962Marquis of Normanby
1963-1969Col James C.R. FitzGerald-Lombard

Finance Officer
1971-1979Alexander McWilliam

1980-1987Alexander McWilliam
1988-2014Paulina Lubacz

Chief Operating Officer
2014-2016Paulina Lubacz
2016-2019Jane Robinson
Chief Financial Officer
2019-dateStephen Willis

In 2020, the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the financial strategy of the University. He provides direction and oversight, and drives financial and operating performance to ensure the financial sustainability of the University.
Most of the pre-1964 material came in 2 major accessions to the department of palaeography and diplomatic, from the finance officer on 3 September 1971 and from the treasurer's department, via Dr C.D. Watkinson, Deputy Librarian, on 19 September 1991; these were transferred to Palace Green Lbrary on 30 November/1 December 1992. In addition other records were received in a deposit of material (mostly nineteenth century) from University College in 1972, 1 nineteenth century volume was bought in 1996, and more volumes were received from the department on 15 March 2004 (Acc No Misc.23/2004:31).
The material was initially sorted within each accession. All such records were brought together in March 2005.

University of Durham general and Durham Colleges
Reference: UND/CG1
Financial records concerning the university as a whole up to c.1910, then just the Durham Colleges, ie not Armstrong College and the College of Medicine in Newcastle (to 1937) or Kings College (from 1937) , until 1963, then Durham University.

University accounts
Reference: UND/CG1/1
Dates of creation: 1842, 1930 - 2008
UND/CG1/1/1   January - September 1842
University account, with the 1841/1842 estate account inserted loose.
Paper booklet
Deposited by the Treasurer, 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/14.
UND/CG1/1/2/1930-2021   1930 - 2019, 2021
Durham Colleges printed annual accounts for 1930, 1932-1935, 1937-1947, 1948/49 (with notes),1949/50.
Durham Colleges printed annual revenue accounts and balance sheets: 1951/52, 1956/57-1960/61, 1962/63-1963/64. 1961 is a typescript preliminary estimate.
University of Durham printed annual revenue accounts and balance sheets: 1964/65 - 1968/69.
Durham University annual accounts for the year to 31 July, 1970-1975 single issues; one bound volume for 1976-1993. They become Financial Statements between 1994-2016 incorporating reports from the treasurer and auditors, statements on the university's corporate governance and its Council's responsibilites, as well as the accounts. After 2016 they incorporated the university's annual reports.
No annual report was published for 2020.
1 box
UND/CG1/1/3   1966/67 - 1987/88
Annual estimates, also budget allocations in 1987/88. Missing 1970/71.
UND/CG1/1/4   September 1966 & September 1971
Estimates for the Quinquennium, 1967-72 and 1972-77.
2 paper booklets
Treasurer's day books
Reference: UND/CG1/2
Dates of creation: 1834 - 1880
A chronological daily record of the treasurer's receipts and disbursements, with various memos, letters, notes and lists inserted
Deposited by University College 1972.
Formerly UND/A1/2/2-4.

UND/CG1/2/1   1834 - 1859
Treasurer's day book for February 1834 to December 1859, with Mr Stoddart's payments from 8 March to 28 September 1859 added at the end.
Paper book
Digitised material for Treasurer's day book for February 1834 to December 1859 - UND/CG1/2/1
UND/CG1/2/2   13 January 1859 - 21 October 1865
Treasurer's day book
With loose leaf account papers now stored in separate file
Paper book & file
UND/CG1/2/3   24 October 1865 - 23 November 1880
Treasurer's day book
Paper book
University/Durham Colleges ledgers
Reference: UND/CG1/3
Dates of creation: 1893 - 1964 1-43 deposited by the Finance Officer 3 September 1971; 44 deposited by the treasurer 15 March 2004; 45 deposited by the treasurer 23 June 2011.
1-43 formerly UND/A2/1.

UND/CG1/3/1   1893 - 1896
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3//2   1896 - 1897
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/3   1897 - 1898
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/4   1898 - 1899
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/5   1899- 1900
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/6   1900 - 1901
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/7   1901 - 1902
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/8   1902 - 1903
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/9   1903 - 1904
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/10   1904 - 1905
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/11   1905 - 1906
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/12   1906 - 1907
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/13   1907 - 1908
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/14   1908 - 1909
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/15   1909 - 1910
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/16   1910 - 1911
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/17   1911 - 1912
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/18   1912 - 1913
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/19   1913 - 1914
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/20   1914 - 1915
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/21   1915 - 1916
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/22   1916 - 1917
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/23   1917 - 1918
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/24   1918 - 1919
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/25   1919 - 1920
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/26   1920 - 1921
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/27   1921 - 1922
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/28   1922 - 1923
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/29   1923 - 1924
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/30   1924 - 1925
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/31   1925 - 1926
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/32   1926 - 1927
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/33   1927 - 1928
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/34   1928 - 1929
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/35   1929 - 1930
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/36   1930 - 1931
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/37   1931 - 1932
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/38   1932 - 1933
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/39   1933 - 1934
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/40   1934 - 1935
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/41   1935 - 1936
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/42   1936 - 1937
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/43   1937 - 1938
Durham Colleges ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/44   1963 - 1964
University ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/3/45   1957 - 1970
University ledger, indexed.
Paper book, in steel-edged boards
University/Durham Colleges cash books
Reference: UND/CG1/4
Dates of creation: 1872 - 1963
Chronological record of receipts and expenditure, with entries cross-referenced to the ledgers.
1-2 deposited by University College 1972; 3-39 & A1deposited by the Finance Officer 3 September 1971; 40 deposited by the Treasurer 19 September 1991.
1-2 formerly UND/A1/3; 3-6 formerly UND/A2/4/1-4; 7-36 formerly UND/A2/2; 37-39 formerly UND/A2/4/17-19; 40 formerly UND/A3/12; A1 formerly UND/A2/32; A3 formerly UND/A2/46.

UND/CG1/4/1   10 October 1872 - 14 January 1876
Treasurer's cash book, with receipts, bills, letters and memos inserted.
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/2   10 December 1877 - 30 September 1887
Treasurer's cash book, with receipts, bills, letters and memos inserted.
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/3   1897 - 1900
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/4   1901 - 1903
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/5   1903 - 1906
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/6   1909 - 1912
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/7   1912 - 1917
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/8   1918 - 1922
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/9   1922 - 1926
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/10   1926 - 1929
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/11   1930 - 1933
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/12   1933 - 1936
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/13   1936 - 1939
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/14   1939 - 1942
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/15   1942 - 1945
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/16   1945 - 1947
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/17   1947 - 1948
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/18   1949 - 1950
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/19   1950 - 1951
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/20   1951 - 1952
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/21   1952
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/22   1952 - 1953
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/23   1953 - 1954
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/24   1954
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/25   1955
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/26   1955 - 1956
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/27   1956 - 1957
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/28   1957
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/29   1957 - 1958
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/30   1958 - 1959
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/31   1959 - 1960
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/32   1960
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/33   1960 - 1961
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/34   1961 - 1962
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/35   1962 - 1963
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/36   1963
Durham Colleges cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/37   1963 - 1964
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/38   1966 - 1967
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/39   1967 - 1968
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4/40   1968 - 1972
University cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4A/1   1898 - 1907
Petty cash book
Cross-referenced to the cash book.
Paper book
UND/CG1/4A/2   1949 - 1951
Petty cash book
Cross-referenced to the cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/4A/3   1954 - 1963
Petty cash book
Paper book
University/Durham Colleges journals
Reference: UND/CG1/5
Dates of creation: 1897 - 1965
Entries cross-referenced to the ledgers.
1-8 and 11-12 deposited by the Finance Officer 3 September 1971; 9-10 and 13-14 deposited by the Treasurer 19 September 1991.
1-4 were formerly UND/A2/10; 5-8 and 11-12 were formerly UND/A2/11; 9-10 were formerly UND/A3/10; 13-14 were formerly UND/A3/11.

UND/CG1/5/1   1897 - 1900
University journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/2   1900 - 1904
University journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/3   1904 - 1908
University journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/4   1908 - 1913
University journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/5   1913 - 1919
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/6   1919 - 1926
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/7   1926 - 1932
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/8   1932 - 1938
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/9   1938 - 1946
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/10   1946 - 1951
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/11   1951 - 1959
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/12   1959 - 1965
Durham Colleges journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/13   1965 - 1981
University journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/5/14   1981 - 1984
University journal
Paper book
Durham Colleges purchases journals
Reference: UND/CG1/6
Dates of creation: 1951 - 1959 Deposited by the Finance Officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/23.

UND/CG1/6/1   1951 - 1955
Durham Colleges purchases journal
Paper book
UND/CG1/6/2   1955 - 1959
Durham Colleges purchases journal
Paper book
University/Durham Colleges capital ledgers
Reference: UND/CG1/7
Dates of creation: 1903 - 1972 Deposited by the Treasurer 19 September 1991; 1-3 were redeposited 17 July 23 having apparently been subsequently borrowed back.
1-4 formerly UND/A3/21; A1 formerly UND/A3/13.

UND/CG1/7/1   1903 - 1931
University/Durham Colleges capital ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/7/2   1931 - 1950
Durham Colleges capital ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/7/3   1950 - 1970
Durham Colleges/University capital ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/7/4   1970/71 - 1971/72
University capital ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/7A/1   c.1932 - 1942
Register of securities
recording investments in stocks, cross-referenced to the capital ledger.
Paper book
University property registers
Reference: UND/CG1/8
Dates of creation: 1833 - 1891
UND/CG1/8/1   20 July 1833 - 15 December 1891
University property register recording sales of property and alienations of leases. Includes an index of purchasers and some lessees, with plans of many of the properties
Much of the property the university received from Durham dean and chapter was in South Shields and much of it was sold on fairly quickly to provide money for the endowment of the university.
Paper book   950p
Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/1.
Cf. Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections MAW/7/5, a register of university deeds for 1883-1893 from the university solicitors' office which replicates some of the entries and adds others for the 1890s in particular. Marked up Ordnance Survey maps relating to many of these properties are in Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections NSR Planfile H4.
Digitised material for University property register recording sales of property and alienations of leases, 20 July 1833 - 15 December 1891 - UND/CG1/8/1
University and Durham Colleges Sealing Registers
Reference: UND/CG1/8A
Dates of creation: 1910 - 1984
Registers initiated with the estabishment of Council in 1910, recording the authorisation for legal documents such as share dealings, policies, mortgages, Sales and purchases of properties, petitions to parliament and also the transmission of congregation lists and congratulatory addresses to other institutions.

UND/CG1/8A/1   21 June 1910 - 18 October 1954
University register of documents sealed by order of Senate, signed by the vice-chancellor or pro-vice-chancellor to 1937, thence usually by the treasurer and registrar.
Paper book
UND/CG1/8A/2   22 December 1954 - 28 June 1961
University register of documents sealed under the authority of Court, signed usually by a member of Court and the registrar.
Paper book
UND/CG1/8A/3   28 June 1961 - 31 July 1963
University register of documents sealed under the authority of Court, signed usually by a member of Court and the registrar.
Paper book
UND/CG1/8A/4   26 October 1937 - 20 December 1956
Durham Colleges sealing register, signed by two, with cross-references to the authorising Council or occasionally Estates Committee minute.
Paper book
UND/CG1/8A/5   9 January 1957 - 9 July 1963
Durham Colleges sealing register, signed by two, with cross-references to the authorising Council or occasionally Estates Committee minute.
Paper book
UND/CG1/8A/6   9 August 1963 - 8 October 1969
University sealing register, signed by two, with cross-references to the authorising Council or occasionally Estates Committee minute.
Paper book
UND/CG1/8A/7   8 October 1969 - 11 April 1975
University sealing register, signed by two, with cross-references to the authorising Council minute.
Paper book
UND/CG1/8A/8   25 April 1975 - 13 December 1984
University sealing register, signed by two, with cross-references to the authorising Council minute.
Paper book
University and Durham Colleges rentals
Reference: UND/CG1/9
Dates of creation: 1931 - 1966 Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/18 and 19.

UND/CG1/9/1   1931 - 1947
University rental
Paper book
UND/CG1/9/2   1947 - 1960
Durham Colleges rental
Paper book
UND/CG1/9/3   1960 - 1966
Durham Colleges rental
Paper book
Durham Colleges Durham house rent books
Reference: UND/CG1/10
Dates of creation: 1905 - 1959 Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/17.

UND/CG1/10/1   1905 - 1921
Durham house rent book
Paper book
UND/CG1/10/2   1921 - 1945
Durham house rent book
Paper book
UND/CG1/10/3   1945 - 1959
Durham house rent book
Paper book
Durham Colleges other rents
Reference: UND/CG1/11
Dates of creation: 1933 - 1967
UND/CG1/11/1   1953 - 1967
Sunderland ground rents 1953-1965.
Rental of flats at Kepier Court, Durham, 1966-1967.
Paper book
Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/20.
UND/CG1/11/2   1933 - 1966
South Shields estate rental 1933-1947.
Shincliffe cottages rental 1946-1966.
Paper book
Deposited by the finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/43.
Scholarship account books
Reference: UND/CG1/12
Dates of creation: 1840s - 1879 Deposited by University College in 1972.
1 was formerly UND/A1/8 and 2 was formerly UND/A1/6.

UND/CG1/12/1   1840s
Warden's exhibition book, mostly unused, recording names on 2 leaves only for 184_.
Paper book
UND/CG1/12/2   1872 - 1879
Scholarships account book
Receipts for scholarships, exhibitions and prizes signed by the recipient.
Paper book
University/Durham Colleges scholarships and stipends ledgers
Reference: UND/CG1/13
Dates of creation: 1862 - 1971
The first volume records the receipt of stipends for university academic posts and offices. A ledger for stipends for university staff and scholarships for the award holders had been instituted by 1903. In 1951 it was split into 2 separate volumes for stipends and scholarships.
For the acquisition of 2, see below; 2 was deposited by the finance officer in 1971; 1 was deposited by University College in 1972; the rest were deposited by the treasurer on 19 September 1991.
1 was formerly UND/C1/10; 2 was formerly UND/A1/15; 3 was formerly UND/A2/34; 4 was formerly UND/A3/2; 5-9 were formerly UND/A3/3; 10-11 were formerly UND/A3/3B; 12 was formerly UND/A3/3A.

UND/CG1/13/1   1862 - 1883
University stipends receipt book.
UND/CG1/13/2   1869 - 1897
University scholarship fund ledger.
Paper book
Purchased from Michael Richardson in 1996 (order 95/8528) who had acquired it from a bookstall in Durham market run by R.J. Dickinson, classics lecturer at Durham University (a department housed in a building formerly occupied by the university's central administration), accession Misc.1995/96: 15.
UND/CG1/13/2A   Michaelmas 1877 - Michaelmas 1893
University Estate (Order in Council) Account Book, detailing receipts annually from estates, and payments for stipends, fellowships and theological scholarships (accounted for separately), and estate expenses, and payments to schools and clergy etc.
Purchased at the Anderson & Garland auction, lot 651 part of the Colin Higgins Collection.
UND/CG1/13/3   1901 - 1903
University stipends and scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/4   1903 - 1910
University stipends and scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/5   c.1911 - 1919
Durham Colleges stipends and scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/6   1919 - 1927
Durham Colleges stipends and scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/7   1927 - 1935
Durham Colleges stipends and scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/8   1935 - 1945
Durham Colleges stipends and scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/9   1945 - 1951
Durham Colleges stipends and scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/10   1951 - 1960
Durham Colleges scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/11   1960 - 1971
Durham Colleges scholarships ledger
Paper book
UND/CG1/13/12   1951 - 1963
Durham Colleges stipends ledger
Paper book
Durham Colleges stipends books
Reference: UND/CG1/14
Dates of creation: 1942 - 1965
Chronological records of payments of stipends to named individuals.
1-2 deposited by the treasurer 10 September 1991; 3-6 deposited by the treasurer 14 March 2004.
1-2 formerly UND/A3/3D.

UND/CG1/14/1   1942 - 1945
Durham Colleges stipends account book
Paper book
UND/CG1/14/2   1945 - 1950
Durham Colleges stipends account book
Paper book
UND/CG1/14/3   1950 - 1954
Durham Colleges stipends account book
Paper book
UND/CG1/14/4   1955 - 1959
Durham Colleges stipends account book
Paper book
UND/CG1/14/5   1959 - 1962
Durham Colleges stipends account book
Paper book
UND/CG1/14/6   1962 - 1965
Durham Colleges stipends account book
Paper book
Durham Colleges salaries books
Reference: UND/CG1/15
Dates of creation: 1943 - 1965
Chronological records of the monthly payments of salaries to central administrative, library, science laboratories and colleges named staff.
1-6&8 deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991; 7 deposited by the treasurer 14 March 2004
1 formerly UND/A3/3C; 2-5 formerly UND/A3/3E; 6 & 8 formerly UND/A3/3F.

UND/CG1/15/1   1943 - 1948
Durham Colleges salaries book
Paper book
UND/CG1/15/2   1948 - 1951
Durham Colleges salaries book
Paper book
UND/CG1/15/3   1951 - 1954
Durham Colleges salaries book, with some loose correspondence about salaries and appointments inserted.
Paper book
UND/CG1/15/4   1954 - 1957
Durham Colleges salaries book
Paper book
UND/CG1/15/5   1957 - 1959
Durham Colleges salaries book
Paper book
UND/CG1/15/6   1961 - 1962
Durham Colleges salaries book
Paper book
UND/CG1/15/7   1962 - 1963
Durham Colleges salaries book
Paper book
UND/CG1/15/8   1963 - 1965
University salaries book
Paper book
Durham Colleges weekly wages books
Reference: UND/CG1/16
Dates of creation: 1939 - 1961 Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/5.

UND/CG1/16/1   1939 - 1943
Durham Colleges weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG1/16/2   1943 - 1944
Durham Colleges weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG1/16/3   1945 - 1946
Durham Colleges weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG1/16/4   1946 - 1947
Durham Colleges weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG1/16/5   1958 - 1959
Durham Colleges weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG1/16/6   1959 - 1960
Durham Colleges weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG1/16/7   1960 - 1961
Durham Colleges weekly wages book
Paper book
Durham Colleges staff tax and pension contributions books
Reference: UND/CG1/17
Dates of creation: 1944 - 1965 Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991
Formerly UND/A3/6&7.

UND/CG1/17/1   1944 - 1953
Durham Colleges staff PAYE book
Paper book
UND/CG1/17/2   1961 - 1965
Durham Colleges staff income tax and pension contributions book
Paper book
Durham Colleges staff pension registers
Reference: UND/CG1/18
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1940 Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/8.

UND/CG1/18/1   1938 -1940
Durham Colleges staff pensions register
recording staff alphabetically, their post, dates of birth and joining, and their entitlements under the FSSU scheme.
Paper book
Tuition fees books
Reference: UND/CG1/19
Dates of creation: 1841 - 1909
Recording the numbers and names of students in residence each term and their payments of admissions, chest, library and tuition fees for students in Durham.
1&2 deposited by University College in 1972; 3 was deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
1&2 formerly UND/A1/4; 3 formerly UND/A2/33.

UND/CG1/19/1   1841 - 1848
Admissions, chest, library and tuition fees book
Paper book
UND/CG1/19/2   1848 - 1876
Tuition, chest and library fees book
Paper book
UND/CG1/19/3   1902 - 1909
Tuition fees book
Names of students are no longer recorded from Michaelmas 1907.
Paper book
Durham Colleges BA absentee fees books
Reference: UND/CG1/20
Dates of creation: 1897 - 1928
Recording student's name, college, number of terms, total fee and the portion due to the library, University College, Hatfield, and the university chest, with remarks.
Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/39.

UND/CG1/20/1   1897 - 1928
Durham Colleges BA absentee fees book
Paper book
Playing Fields Board of Managment accounts
Reference: UND/CG1/21
Dates of creation: 1951 - 1968 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/13.

UND/CG1/21/1   1951 - 1968
Playing Fields account book
Inserted are bank statements, a cheque book and a letter of 10 October 1968 closing the account and transferring the balance to the University General Account.
Paper book
Dunelm and Science Site Canteen accounts
Reference: UND/CG1/22
Dates of creation: 1958 - 1966 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND A2/14,16,17.

UND/CG1/22/A1   1961 - 1966
Dunelm and Science Site Canteen cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/22/B1   1962 - 1963
Dunelm Coffee Bar petty cash book
Paper book
UND/CG1/22/C1   1958 - 1962
Science Site Coffee Bar stocks and sales account book
Paper book
Receipt books
Reference: UND/CG1/23
Dates of creation: 1962 - 1966 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/22.

UND/CG1/23/1   1962 - 1966
Receipt book containing carbons of receipts issued by T.E. Bell
Paper book
Expensive Equipment Fund accounts
Reference: UND/CG1/24
Dates of creation: 1966 - 1967 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/25.

UND/CG1/24/1   1966 - 1967
Expensive Equipment Fund account book
Expenditure on major items of equipment nos 19 to 49.
Paper book
Durham Colleges Invoices
Reference: UND/CG1/25
Dates of creation: 1937 - 1940paper items filed in lever arch files within slip cases

Parts of 3 sequences of invoices survive from the late 1930s: invoices paid (filed in annual bundles), No1 account and No2 account (both filed in one chronological sequence).
Deposited from the Classics department in July 22, though originally from the treasurer's department.
Formerly UND/A16.

UND/CG1/25/A1   1937 - 1938
Invoices paid, original file 1
UND/CG1/25/A2   1937 - 1938
Invoices paid, original file 2
UND/CG1/25/A3   1937 - 1938
Invoices paid, original file 4
UND/CG1/25/A4   1938 - 1939
Invoices paid, original section 1 part 1
UND/CG1/25/A5   1938 - 1939
Invoices paid, original section 1 part 2
UND/CG1/25/A6   1938 - 1939
Invoices paid, original section 2 and 3
UND/CG1/25/A7   1938 - 1939
Invoices paid, section 4
UND/CG1/25/A8   1939 - 1940
Invoices paid, original section 1
UND/CG1/25/A9   1939 - 1940
Invoices paid, original section 2 and 3
UND/CG1/25/A10   1939 - 1940
Invoices paid, original section 4
UND/CG1/25/B1   6 - 29 July 1938
No1 Account, invoices B3864-B3981
UND/CG1/25/B2   5 August - 5 December 1938
No1 Account, invoices B3982-B4303
UND/CG1/25/B3   6 December 1938 - 11 March 1939
No1 Account, invoices B4304-B4627
UND/CG1/25/B4   13 March - 16 June 1939
No1 Account, invoices B4628-B4939
UND/CG1/25/B5   19 June - 31 July 1939
No1 Account, invoices B4940-B5162
UND/CG1/25/B6   1 August - 7 December 1939
No1 Account, invoices B5163-B5500
UND/CG1/25/B7   8 December 1939 - 15 March 1940
No1 Account, invoices B5501-B5846
UND/CG1/25/B8   18 March - 31 July 1940
No1 Account, invoices B5847-B6272
UND/CG1/25/C1   5 August 1937 - 31 March 1938
No2 Account, invoices 6869-7323
UND/CG1/25/C2   3 August 1938 - 27 April 1939
No2 Account, invoices 7566-7983
UND/CG1/25/C3   1 May - July 1939
No2 Account, invoices 7984-8144
UND/CG1/25/C4   August 1939 - 31 July 1940
No2 Account, invoices 8145-c.8500
UND/CG1/26   1972 - 1974
Colleges and Societies annual revenue accounts for the year ending 31 July, with a model of college costs and unit costs per resident student at Feb 1975 prices.
Reference: UND/CG1/27
UND/CG1/27/1   [1985]
Manual of Financial and Related Procedures for Budget Officers
UND/CG1/27/2   [1991]
Treasurer Training, covering cash book maintenance, bank reconciliations, accruals and prepayments, year end accounts, VAT, and accounting controls.
Paper file, spiral bound
UND/CG1/27/3   1995 & October 1996
Junior Common Rooms Preparation of Accounts and Budgets Notes for Guidance, 2 editions: revised 1995 and October 1996
2 paper files, spiral bound
UND/CG1/27/4   [February 1998]
Internal Control Manual for Colleges A Good Practice Guide, produced by the Internal Audit Service, with a covering letter from the Internal Auditor Peter Ennis sending it to the principal of Van Mildert College.
Paper file, in a 2 ring plastic binder
Reference: UND/CG1/28
UND/CG1/28/1   1 September 1922 - 21 July 1932
Certificates, correspondence and receipts of the Legal and General Assurance Society with H.G. Theodosius re his life insurance policy.
Paper file, 24f
UND/CG1/28/2   5 - 6 May 1931
Correspondence over a bequest of £100 from the executors of the late Bishop Robertson to found a prize for Divinity.
Paper, 3f
UND/CG1/28/3   4 May 1934 - 12 January 1944
Correspondence over the sale of 5% Conversion Loan by Barclays Bank, Durham.
Paper, 5f
UND/CG1/28/4   8 October 1937
Letter from J.L. Burchnall, acting treasurer, to A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve about replacing the late F.W. Ritson on the Military Education Committee as a trustee.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG1/28/5   15 March 1938
Duplicate agreement with Frank Sargent about his holding the office of Observer.
Paper, 3f
UND/CG1/28/6   19 July 1940
Receipt for the university holding L. Paulin's National Savings Certificates for the duration of the war.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG1/28/7   25 January 1943
Receipt for Sir T.A. Bradford from Allison & Coulson for 1948-53 Conversion Stock.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/CG1/28/8   23 January 1948
Instructions from the Bank of England for the redemption of 3% Conversion Stock 1948-53.
Paper, 3f + envelope
UND/CG1/28/9   12 January 1957
Road fund licence and insurance for the DU Excavation Committee “shooting brake” .
Paper, 4f + envelope
UND/CG1/28/10   31 May 1960 - 16 January 1961
Trustee Savings Bank pass book for the DU Codrington Library account.
Paper booklet
University of Durham
Reference: UND/CG2
Financial records for the overall administration of the university of Durham, ie both the Durham Colleges, and the colleges in Newcastle, from the time of the creation of the 2 divisions (1910) until the creation of the independent university of Newcastle (1963).

University of Durham ledgers
Reference: UND/CG2/1
Dates of creation: 1912 - 1958
with cross-references to the cash book and the journal.
1-4, 6, 8-12, 14-15, 17-19 deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971; 5, 7, 13, 16 deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
1-4, 6, 8-12, 14-15, 17-19 formerly UND/A2/3; 5, 7, 13, 16 formerly UND/A3/9.

UND/CG2/1/1   1912 - 1919
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/2   1919 - 1925
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/3   1925 - 1930
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/4   1930 - 1935
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/5   1936 - 1938
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/6   1938 - 1939
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/7   1939 - 1946
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/8   1946 - 1947
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/9   1947 - 1948
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/10   1948 - 1949
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/11   1949 - 1950
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/12   1950 - 1951
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/13   1951 - 1952
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/14   1952 - 1953
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/15   1953 - 1954
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/16   1954 - 1955
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/17   1955 - 1956
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/18   1956 - 1957
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
UND/CG2/1/19   1957 - 1958
University of Durham ledger
Paper book
University of Durham cash books
Reference: UND/CG2/2
Dates of creation: 1912 - 1963
cross-referenced to the ledger.
Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/4/5-16 and 4B/1-2.

UND/CG2/2/1   1912 - 1920
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/2   1921 - 1927
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/3   1927 - 1933
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/4   1933 - 1938
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/5   1938 - 1939
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/6   1939 - 1946
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/7   1946 - 1950
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/8   1950 - 1953
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/9   1953 - 1956
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/10   1956 - 1958
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/11   1958 - 1960
University of Durham cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/12   1960 - April 1963
University of Durham cash book
Receipts are only recorded to June 1961, and then see 13 below; payments continue to April 1963.
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/13   July 1961 - July 1963
University of Durham cash book - receipts
Paper book
UND/CG2/2/14   April - July 1963
University of Durham cash book - payments
mostly blank.
Paper book
University of Durham journals
Reference: UND/CG2/3
Dates of creation: 1912 - 1963
with cross-references to the ledgers.
Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/10/5-10.

UND/CG2/3/1   1912 - 1919
University of Durham journal
Paper book
UND/CG2/3/2   1919 - 1924
University of Durham journal
Paper book
UND/CG2/3/3   1924 - 1930
University of Durham journal
Paper book
UND/CG2/3/4   1930 - 1936
University of Durham journal
Paper book
UND/CG2/3/5   1936 - 1939
University of Durham journal
Paper book
UND/CG2/3/6   1960 - 1963
University of Durham journal
Paper book
University of Durham creditors' journals
Reference: UND/CG2/4
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1960 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/30&31

UND/CG2/4/1   1949 - 1954
University of Durham creditors' journal A (other than the Institute of Education)
Paper book
UND/CG2/4/2   1949 - 1955
University of Durham creditors' journal B Institute of Education
Paper book
UND/CG2/4/3   1954 - 1960
University of Durham creditors' journal B Institute of Education
Paper book
UND/CG2/4/4   1953 - 1959
University of Durham creditors' journal C
Expenses of School Examinations Board analysis book
Paper book
University of Durham staff salaries books
Reference: UND/CG2/5
Dates of creation: 1954 - 1961
covering staff of the registrar's and university offices, the Institute of Education, Appointments Board, Schools Examination office, ICI and Turner/Newall fellows, computing lab and museums staff.
Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/3F/1-2.

UND/CG2/5/1   1954 - 1958
University of Durham staff salaries book
Paper book
UND/CG2/5/2   1959 - 1961
University of Durham staff salaries book
Paper book
University of Durham weekly wages books
Reference: UND/CG2/6
Dates of creation: 1950 - 1961
for the staff of the Durham and Newcastle offices.
Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/4.

UND/CG2/6/1   1950 - 1952
University of Durham weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG2/6/2   1952 - 1955
University of Durham weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG2/6/3   1955 - 1957
University of Durham weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG2/6/4   1957 - 1959
University of Durham weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG2/6/5   1959 - 1960
University of Durham weekly wages book
Paper book
UND/CG2/6/6   1960 - 1961
University of Durham weekly wages book
Paper book
University of Durham degree fee books
Reference: UND/CG2/7
Dates of creation: 1906 - 1930 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/38 and, prior to that, 2-4 (ie there was originally an earlier volume now missing).

UND/CG2/7/1   1906 - 1919
University of Durham degree fee book
Paper book
UND/CG2/7/2   1919 - 1929
University of Durham degree fee book
Paper book
UND/CG2/7/3   1929 - 1930
University of Durham degree fee book
Paper book
University of Durham ledgers - examination expenses and degree fees
Reference: UND/CG2/8
Dates of creation: 1910 - 1912 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/35.
cf. UND/CG3/1 for earlier examination and degree fee ledgers.

UND/CG2/8/1   1910 - 1911
University of Durham ledger - examination expenses and degree fees
Paper book
UND/CG2/8/2   1911 - 1912
University of Durham ledger - examination expenses and degree fees
Paper book
University of Durham cash books and journals - examination expenses and degree fees
Reference: UND/CG2/9
Dates of creation: 1910 - 1924 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/41, 40 and 37.

UND/CG2/9/1   1910 - 1912
University of Durham cash book and journal - examination expenses and degree fees
Cash book 1910-1912.
Journal 1910-1911.
Paper book
UND/CG2/9/2   1911 - 1912
University of Durham journal - examination expenses and degree fees
Paper book
UND/CG2/9/3   1924
University of Durham temporary journal - examination expenses and degree fees
Paper book
University of Durham other examination account books
Reference: UND/CG2/10
Dates of creation: 1948 - 1958 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/36.

UND/CG2/10/1   c.1948 - 1954
G.C.E. Examination candidates' fees book
Paper book
UND/CG2/10/2   1949 - 1954
Examination fees received (Durham)
Paper book
UND/CG2/10/3   c.1953 - 1958
Institute of Education schedule of payments to examiners and course fees
Paper book
University of Durham grants for non-recurrent expenditure
Reference: UND/CG2/11
Dates of creation: 1936 - 1963 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/26-28.

UND/CG2/11/1   1936 - 1963
University of Durham grants for recurrent and non-recurrent expenditure
and their allocation between the university, Durham Colleges, King's College and the Institute for Education.
Paper book
UND/CG2/11/2   1959 - 1963
University of Durham building and furnishing projects ledger
including particulars of grants for non-recurrent expenditure.
Paper book
UND/CG2/11/3   1960 - 1963
University of Durham grants for non-recurrent expenditure cash book No2 account
Paper book
Quinquennial estimates
Reference: UND/CG2/12
Dates of creation: 1954 - 1962
recording actuals against estimates
Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/29.

UND/CG2/12/1   1954 - 1962
Quinquennial estimates
Paper book
Appointments Board petty cash books
Reference: UND/CG2/13
Dates of creation: 1959 - 1963 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/45.

UND/CG2/13/1   1959 - 1963
Appointments Board petty cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/13/2   1962 - 1963
Appointments Board petty cash book (Durham office)
Paper book
University of Durham petty cash books
Reference: UND/CG2/14
Dates of creation: 1931 - 1963 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/46.

UND/CG2/14/1   October 1931 - December 1938
University of Durham petty cash book
for the office at 46 North Bailey, Durham.
Paper book
UND/CG2/14/2   June 1947 - March 1954
University of Durham petty cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/14/3   March 1954 - September 1962
University of Durham petty cash book
Paper book
UND/CG2/14/4   September 1962 - July 1963
University of Durham petty cash book
largely blank
Paper book
UND/CG2/14/A1   March 1959 - July 1963
University of Durham petty cash book
for the deputy registrar's Newcastle office.
Paper book
Publications petty cash books
Reference: UND/CG2/15
Dates of creation: 1931 - 1938 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/46.

UND/CG2/15/1   October 1931 - October 1938
Publications petty cash book
for the Calendar, Gazette, degree certificates and the centenary book.
Paper book
Reference: UND/CG3
Senior Proctors
Reference: UND/CG3/1
Dates of creation: 1896 - 1900
managing [the Durham division's] investments and examinations.
B and C deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971; A deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
A formerly UND/A3/15; B and C formerly UND/A2/9.
cf. UND/CG2/8 for later examination and degree fee ledgers.

UND/CG3/1/A1   1898 - 1899
Senior Proctors' accounts
Paper book
UND/CG3/B1   1897 - 1898
Senior Proctors' ledger and journal
Paper book
UND/CG3/1/B2   1898 - 1899
Senior Proctors' ledger and journal
Paper book
UND/CG3/1/B3   1899 - 1900
Senior Proctors' ledger
Paper book
UND/CG3/1/C1   1896 - 1897
Senior Proctors' cash book
Paper book
UND/CG3/1/C2   1897 - 1898
Senior Proctors' cash book
Paper book
UND/CG3/1/C3   1898 - 1899
Senior Proctors' cash book
Paper book
UND/CG3/1/C4   1899 - 1900
Senior Proctors' cash book and journal
Paper book
Reference: UND/CG4
Department of Science
Reference: UND/CG4/1
Dates of creation: 1925 - 1965 A-D deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971; E deposited by the treasurer July 22.
A-C formerly UND/A2/12; D formerly UND/A2/24.

UND/CG4/1/A1   1925 - 1930
Department of Science ledger
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/A2   1939 - 1949
Department of Education and Science ledger
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/A3   1949 - 1964
Department of Science ledger
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/B1   1925 - 1932
Department of Science cash book
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/B2   1932 - 1938
Department of Science cash book
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/B3   1938 - 1945
Department of Science cash book
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/B4   1946 - 1947
Department of Science cash book
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/C1   1925 - 1938
Department of Science journal
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/C2   1938 - 1956
Department of Science journal
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/D1   1955 - 1957
Department of Science purchases journal
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/D2   1957 - 1959
Department of Science purchases journal
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/D3   1959 - 1961
Department of Science purchases journal
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/D4   1961 - 1963
Department of Science purchases journal
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/D5   1963 - 1965
Department of Science purchases journal
Paper book
UND/CG4/1/E1   1936 - 1937
Department of Science invoices certified and paid
Paper file
UND/CG4/1/E2   1937 - 1938
Department of Science invoices certified and paid
Paper file
UND/CG4/1/E3   1937 - 1938
Department of Science invoices certified and paid
Paper file
UND/CG4/1/E4   August 1938 - April 1939
Department of Science invoices 1-382
Paper file
UND/CG4/1/E5   April - July 1939
Department of Science invoices 383-522
Paper file
UND/CG4/1/E6   July 1939 - August 1940
Department of Science invoices 1-381
Paper file
Individual Colleges
Reference: UND/CG5
University College
Reference: UND/CG5/1
Dates of creation: 1847 - 1893
The Castle Trust was funded by rents from the college, spent on workmen [repairing the castle].
Deposited by University College, 1972.
Formerly UND/A1/5.

UND/CG5/1/A1   1847 - 1884
Castle Trust account book
opens with the balance of the last account, i.e. there was probably an earlier now lost volume.
Paper book
UND/CG5/1/A2   1884 - 1893
Castle Trust account book
Paper book
Neville Hall
Reference: UND/CG5/2
Dates of creation: 1852 - 1857
Neville Hall in Newcastle was intended primarily for students in medicine; opened in 1852, it survived only until 1857.
Deposited by University College, 1972.
Formerly UND/A1/9.

UND/CG5/2/A1   October 1852 - May 1857
Neville Hall account book
recording receipts from battels and the costs of running the hall.
Paper book
Women's Hostel/St Mary's College
Reference: UND/CG5/3
Dates of creation: 1904 - 1940 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/5.

UND/CG5/3/A1   4 February 1904 - 23 October 1940
Durham Women's Hostel loan fund minute book
This became the St Mary's College loan fund in May 1923.
Inserted at the front are copies of the printed [1904] rules, with 1913 alterations, and the new edition of c.1923. The fund provided loans of up to £15 per term for women to study at Durham.
Paper book
St Aidan's College
Reference: UND/CG5/4
Dates of creation: 1948 - 1964 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/6.

UND/CG5/4/A1   1948 - 1960
St Aidan's Society cash book
Paper book
UND/CG5/4/A2   1960 - 1964
St Aidan's Society cash book
Paper book
St Cuthbert's Society
Reference: UND/CG5/5
Dates of creation: 1955 - 1973 A1 deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971; A2-C1 deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
A1 formerly UND/A2/7; A2-B1 formerly UND/A3/16; C1 formerly UND/A3/21.

UND/CG5/5/A1   1957 - 1962
St Cuthbert's Society cash book
Paper book
UND/CG5/5/A2   1962 - 1966
St Cuthbert's Society cash book
Paper book
UND/CG5/5/A3   1966 - 1973
St Cuthbert's Society cash book
Paper book
UND/CG5/5/B1   1957 - 1966
St Cuthbert's Society petty cash book
Paper book
UND/CG5/5/C1   1955 - 1959
St Cuthbert's Society caution money accounts
Paper book
Shincliffe Hall
Reference: UND/CG5/6
Dates of creation: 1956 - 1964 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/43.

UND/CG5/6/A1   1956 - 1964
Shincliffe Hall cash book
Paper book
Reference: UND/CG5/7
Dates of creation: [c.1990]
UND/CG5/7/1   [c.1990]
“Guidelines for College Accounts”
Paper file, stapled, with card covers, 71f
UND/CG5/7/2   January 2002
Understanding the Financial Process at the University of Durham: Financial Procedures Manual
Paper file, in a 4 ring plastic binder
Other Durham Institutions
Reference: UND/CG6
Durham Colleges Students Representative Council
Reference: UND/CG6/1
Dates of creation: 1948 - 1965
The financial records cover sports clubs, societies, social and charitable activities, and administrative expenses.
Deposited by the treasurer 19 September 1991.
Formerly UND/A3/23.

UND/CG6/1/A1   1948 - 1953
Durham Colleges S.R.C. ledger
Paper book
UND/CG6/1/B1   1954 - 1965
Durham Colleges S.R.C. journal
Paper book
Durham University Military Education Committee
Reference: UND/CG6/2
Dates of creation: 1908 - c.1950
UND/CG6/2/A1   May 1908 - March 1916
Volunteer Corps Cash Book Army Book 89b, recording receipts, and then expenditure under the headings of headquarters, care and repair of arms, range expenses, cost of supplying, camp expenses, travel, rations, loans, miscellaneous regimental establshments, horsing batteries of heavy artillery, prizes, officers' outfits, barack training and allowances, with inserted some bills and a statement of accounts for the Officers Training Corps Senior Division for the year ended 31 March 1909.
Paper book
Transferred from Old Shire Hall 2008.
UND/CG6/2/A1   1 December 1937 - 27 August 1948
Durham University Military Education Committee adjutant's petty cash book
Paper book
Deposited by Richard Brickstock from the Dept of Classics, North Bailey, where it had been in a cupboard, presumably since the building had been the office of the treasurer of the Durham Colleges, July 22, Acc No Misc.22/23:1.
UND/CG6/2/A2   c.1950
Durham University Military Education Committee account book
Paper book
Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/47.
Institute of Education
Reference: UND/CG6/3
Dates of creation: 1959 - 1963 Deposited by the university finance officer 3 September 1971.
Formerly UND/A2/46.

UND/CG6/3/A1   March 1959 - July 1963
Institute of Education petty cash book
Paper book
Board of Management of the Women's Playing Fields
Reference: UND/CG6/4
Dates of creation: 1897 - 1946 Transferred from Old Shire Hall basement records store 21 May 2008, Acc No Misc:2007/8:65.

UND/CG6/4/1   Michaelmas 1897 - September 1946
No 2 account receipts and payments book
Inserted at the front are Estates Committee recommendations about the administration of the playing fields; also inserted are some accounts, and, at the back, some bills.
UND/CG6/4/2   17 October 1928 - 14 October 1943
No 2 account bank book.
UND/CG6/4/3   14 October 1943 - 1 August 1946
No 2 account bank book
Racecourse Playing Fields Trustees
Reference: UND/CG6/5
UND/CG6/5/1   19 September 1913 - 17 September 1924
Receipts and expenses account book.
Treasurer's Files
Reference: UND/CG7
Treasurers' deed boxes.
Transferred from the Palatine Centre, 7 October 2014, Acc No Misc.2014/15:12.
2 metal boxes, one whose contents were listed as “deed box C”, so its original numbering was retained and the other box has been numbered as A with its contents listed in chronological order; listed by M M N Stansfield and Richard Lawrie December 2014 - April 2015
Contents of former deed box [A]
UND/CG7/AA1   1832
An Act to Enable the Dean and Chapter of Durham to Appropriate Part of the Property of their Church to the Establishment of a University in Connexion therewith, for the Advancement of Learning
Paper booklet, 38p
One has a Durham University Library stamp and “38.B.1.9” on the dorse
UND/CG7/AA2   1862
Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Durham University Commissioners, with some notes at the back, and “S.R.P. Moulsdale” on p.iii.
Paper booklet, viii + 126 + ivp, in reverse calf covered boards, blind stamped round the edge, back board missing, bound by Andrews & Co of Saddler St, Durham
UND/CG7/AA3   1908
University of Durham Act
Paper booklet, ii + 18p, 7 copies
UND/CG7/AA4   1909
Statutes Made by the Commissioners under the University of Durham Act, 1908
Paper booklet, 20p
UND/CG7/AA5   4 May 1910
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Governing Body of St. Chad's Hall, by Ayrton, Radcliffe & Wright of Liverpool
Paper booklet, 16p, in brown card covers
UND/CG7/AA6   1913
University of Durham Statutes
Paper booklet, 32f, in soft cream overs
UND/CG7/AA7   1913
Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act [3 & 4 Geo.5 Ch.32.]
Paper, ii + 14p
UND/CG7/AA8   2 December 1913
Charity Commission Scheme for Bishop Cosin's Library, noted on the front cover by J.L. B[urchnall] as received 6 January 1934
Paper, 3f in paper covers
UND/CG7/AA9   January 1918 - June 1919
File on the question whether the income of the Deanery should be reduced by £1000 from £3000 as it no longer held the Wardenship, including “Extracts from the Minutes of the Council of the Durham Colleges” in 1918, notes and correspondence, with drafts, of S.R.P. Moulsdale vice-chancellor, J.C. Welldon dean, J.G. Wilson chapter clerk, A.H. Cruickshank, William Sutherland secretary to Prime Minister Lloyd George, and S.E. Downing secretary to the Ecclesiastical Commission, with also extracts of correspondence between Bishop Van Mildert, Bishop Maltby, and Archdeacon Thorp and others on the subject.
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA10   [c.1920]
Printed circular from the Modern Language Association entitled “Modern Language Professorships” urging “the importance of securing Englishmen” for such posts
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AA11   14 March 1921
Statutes to alter and supplement the Statutes in relation to the Durham Division of the University of Durham made under The University of Durham Act 1908, to accommodate the recent changes to the various halls, Non-Collegiate students, Women's Hostel etc. 2 copies
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AA12   1922
First Interim Report of Committee on National Expenditure (HMSO)
Paper booklet, 172p in blue paper covers
UND/CG7/AA13   1922
Board of Education Third Report of the Advisory Committee on the Distribution of Exchequer Grants to Universities and University Colleges in England (HMSO, 1913, reprinted)
Paper, 10p
UND/CG7/AA14   June 1922 - February 1923
“Specification Book Durham University Science College” of A.J. Dawson, comprising:
Articles of Agreement between The Kleine Patent Fire Resisting |Flooring Syndicate Ltd of 133-136 High Holborn London and the Council of Durham Colleges, 20 February 1923
Estimates for the erection of proposed Science Laboratories for: preliminary and general items; excavator and concretor; bricklayer; mason and asbestos roofer; carpenter; joiner and ironmonger; plasterer and tile fixer; founder and smith; external plumber; glazier; painter; internal plumbing; drainage; fume flues; gas fitter and electrical installation; heating and hot water installation and ventilation; roadways and entrance gates; addenda. July 1922
Specification of Works, indexed. June 1922
Paper book, in marbled covers
UND/CG7/AA15   17 October 1922
“Counsel's Opinion” of A.M. Begg of Lincoln's Inn on an “Agreement as to establishment of a Technical College” for Durham County Council and the Council of Durham Colleges
Paper file, 8f
UND/CG7/AA16   27 February 1923
Copy deed granting recognition by the Council of Durham Colleges to St John's College as a college of the Durham Division of the University of Durham, with a copy minute of Council of 4 December 1924 re the Department of Education and the status of the training colleges within the university
Paper, 3f
UND/CG7/AA17   March 1923
“Standing Orders of Senate”, with various amendments and insertions
Paper booklet, 8p, in brown card covers
UND/CG7/AA18   1925 - 1999
Acts of Parliament re university estates, with some notes and a covering letter from the Solicitors' Law Stationery Society Ltd about acquiring the 1925 Act, 19 February 1970:
Universities and College Estates Act Ch.24, 40p
Universities and Colleges (Trusts) Act 1943 Ch.9, 4p
Universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne Act 1963 Ch.xi, 66p
Universities and College Estates Act 1964 Ch.51, 10p
Correspondence concerning the reform of the Trustee Investments Act 1961 (affecting the investment powers of bodies governed by the 1925 Act)
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA19   7 December 1925
Counterpart agreement as to the Judges' Lodgings in Durham Castle between the Council of Durham Colleges and Durham County Council for the County Council's financial contribution to their upgrading.
Paper, 2f + 1f
UND/CG7/AA20   [1926]
Copy “Terms and Conditions of Appointment of the Master of University College”
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AA21   15 December 1926
University of London Act, 1926. [16 & 17 Geo.5. Ch.46.]
Paper, 10p
UND/CG7/AA22   23 July 1928
Statutes Made for the University under the University of London Act, 1926
Paper, 40f
UND/CG7/AA23   9 October 1928 - 13 June 1939
Documents re the Durham Castle Preservation Fund, trustees the Marquess of Londonderry, the bishop of Durham, Sir Thomas Oliver, Prof Percy J. Heawood and Edward W. Lidderdale
Letter from the Chief Inspector of Taxes re tax relief for the Fund, 9 October 1928
Agreement and Schedule of Conditions of Building Contract from Messrs J. Thompson & Sons Ltd, 28 February 1929
Declaration of Trust for the Durham Castle Preservation Fund, 15 March 1929
Deeds of Covenant to subscribe to the Fund of Charles Harold Tetley 18 March 1929, Sir John Priestman 26 August 1929, Sir Hugh Bell Bart 10 December 1929, William Joseph Baron Kirkley 1 April 1930
Phoenix Assurance Co insurance policy for the model of the Durham Castle, 10 January 1935
Further Agreement of John Thompson and Sons, of Peterborough, builders, 16 April 1937, with a covering letter, 9 April 1937
Accounts for 18 February 1928 to 17 May 1939, 7 June 1939
Report 1921-1939 submitted to Senate 13 June 1939
With four envelopes, numbered 825 and 848-850, with the trustees' seals applied, and a description of the castle's repair needs, typescript and ms
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA24   [1930]
“Note on the origin and constitution of the Joint Board Administering the Departments of Science and Education” by the Durham Colleges
Paper, 3f
UND/CG7/AA25   1930
University Grants Committee Report including returns from Universities and University Colleges in Receipt of Treasury Grant Academic Year 1928-29 (HMSO), with various tables listing figures for each university of students in residence, age at admission, types of degree, faculties, subjects, income, expenditure, staff, library books and treasury grants.
Paper booklet, 74p, in soft grey covers
UND/CG7/AA26   [c.1930] - 1963
Register of share certificates, insurance policies, agreements and other documents, packages 1-141, distributed between deed boxes A-D, most cancelled with notes that they had been passed on to the University of Newcastle or 38 North Bailey in 1963, with some going elsewhere (especially King's College) beforehand
Paper guard book
UND/CG7/AA27   [1933]
University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Report of Inquiry Held in February and March, 1933, at the Request of the Chancellor of the University by Sir Amherst Selby-Bigge, Bt., K.C.B., re the termination of Dr Hutchens's employment.
Paper booklet, 52p
UND/CG7/AA28   1934 - 1937
Royal Commission on the University of Durham documents including:
1. Minutes of the Commission Committee 25 January 1934 to 24 April 1936
2,3.Notes of a meeting of 17 May 1934 being evidence on behalf of the Council of Durham Colleges, with a further summary of oral evidence
4. Commission Committee opinion of Counsel.
5,6. Memorandum of Evidence for the Royal Commission on the University of Durham, May 1934, 2 copies
7. R.C. 1-7, being statements on various topcis: 1 University of London; 2 University of Wales; 3 Durham Castle; 4 Canon Professorships; 5 Hours of Teaching; 6 Statutes; 7 University of Durham Act 1908
8,9. Royal Commission on the University of Durham Report (1935), 2 copies
10,11. A Bill intituled An Act to make further provision respect to the University of Durham and its constituent divisions and colleges (HMSO), 5 June 1935, 2 copies
12,13. Council of the Durham Colleges Report of Commission Committee, with a schedule of the documents printed therein, April 1936, 2 copies
14-21. Statutes for the University of Durham, and for the Durham and Newcastle Divisions Thereof, Proposed to be Made by the University of Durham Commissioners Appointed by the University of Durham Act, 1935: first draft (29f) with representations due by 1 April 1936; revised first draft (31f) with representations due by 15 June 1936; [further] revised first draft (31f) with representations due by 18 July 1936; second draft (32f) with representations due by 25 October 1936, each with amendments; final version (33f) sealed 12 January 1937, 2 copies; publication by Royal Order in Council (34p) 29 July 1937, 2 copies
22. Affiliated and Associated Colleges Memorandum submitted by Percy J. Heawood ...
23. Representations pursuant to Section 4(2) of the University of Durham Act, 1935 made on behalf of the University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne
24-57. With much copy correspondence, observations, notes and representations from the College of Medicine and Armstrong College
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA29   30 January 1934
Copy “Licence to Miss Angel Lawrence to Conduct a Hall or House of Residence” from the Council of the Durham Colleges for St Hild's College
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AA30   [January 1936]
James Dudley, “Education and the E.S.A.”, (The Common Room Spring Number) offprint, re the Educational Settlements Association
Paper booklet, 8p
UND/CG7/AA31   May - August 1936
Documents relating to Senate negotiations with Statutory Commissioners over the university's statutes, and also re the statutes of Durham Cathedral, including correspondence, reports and draft statutes.
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA32   13 March 1946 - 8 January 1963
Deeds of covenant for 7 years to the Council of Durham Colleges from:
Marquess of Londonderry, 12 March 1946
David Ramage, 28 January 1948
Montague Burton Ltd of Leeds, 11 May 1950
Lionel Jacobson, 4 June 1953
Bainbridge and Co Ltd of Newcastle, 8 January 1963, ?for the Excavation Committee appeal
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA33   December 1947
“Inventory of Property under the Control of the Curators of Durham University Observatory, Compiled by E.F. Baxter and Wilfred Hall”, with an initial letter, plan of the site, notes on the items in the inventory and bibliography for them.
Paper book, 20f in grey hard covers by Durham COunty Press Ltd of Sadler St, Durham
UND/CG7/AA34   11 April 1949
Agreement for G.W. Lazenby & Co Ltd of Ferryhill to complete the Men's Rooms in the grounds of Hatfield College, to the designs of E. Vincent Harris of 19 West Eaton Place, London, by 10 July 1950, with a bond, using a printed model of the Royal Institute of British Architects of 1939, revised 1948.
Paper booklet, 20p + 1f inserted
UND/CG7/AA35   14 April 1949
Agreement for Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co Ltd of Craven House, Northumberland Avenue, London, to supply a district heating system for Durham Colleges and Cathedral by Easter 1950, to drawings by Oscar Faber and Partners, using a printed model from the Institution of Civil Engineers and Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors of December 1945.
Paper booklet, iii + 17p, in card covers
UND/CG7/AA36   9 January 1950
Agreement for James R. Rutherford & Sons Ltd of Jesmond Road, Newcastle, to complete St Mary's College, to the designs of E. Vincent Harris of 19 West Eaton Place, London, by 8 September 1951, using a printed model of the Royal Institute of British Architects of 1939, revised 1948, with additional stipulations inserted, and a covering letter of 19 November 1954 for a “Memorandum of Explanation in Support of Individual Supplementary Claims by James R. Rutherford” .
Paper booklet, 20p + 2f stuck into the back, + 1f +8f
UND/CG7/AA37   January 1950 - September 1957
Papers re the claim of Messrs. Leslie & Co for reinbursement of extra costs and expenses re the Mathematics and Geography Wing building:
Articles of Agreement for the erection of a Geography and Mathematics Wing to the Science Block by Leslie and Co Ltd for The Council of Durham Colleges with conditions, 15 January 1950
1st and 2nd claim of Messrs Leslie
Opinion of J.P. Allen & Hill, chartered quantity surveyors of Newcastle, 23 September 1957
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA38   16 December 1951 - 15 August 1968
Will of Mr Addison James Wheeler of Knights Spill, Fulbrook, Burford, Oxfordshire, leaving his property to the University of Durham to provide for research studentships:
Copy will of A.J. Wheeler 16 December 1951
Envelope with a note about the loss of the original will 20 May 1952
List of securities transferred from A.J. Wheeler to the University of Durham 19 August 1955 to 22 February 1956 with a covering letter 27 April 1956
Will of A.J. Wheeler 1 April 1960
Codicil of A.J. Wheeler 5 September 1960
Death certificate of A.J.Wheeler 3 March 1967
Envelope with a note of the opening of the will on 3 March 1967
Probate copy of the will of A.J. Wheeler 6 June 1967
Inland Revenue Estate Duty Account of J.C.R. Fitzgerald-Lombard 15 August 1968
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA39   [1952]
King's College Newcastle Upon Tyne Appeal for £250,000, including a plan of current and proposed buildings, with 2 blank deeds of covenant inserted
Paper booklet, 4f + 2f in grey card covers
UND/CG7/AA40   [1952]
“St Mary's College Durham Comments on Messrs Rutherford's Claim” re prolongation of contract and increased costs, with a draft
Paper, 3f
UND/CG7/AA41   March 1952 - October 1961
Orders of the Minister of Agriculture authorising loans for the following projects:
a heating system for University and Hatfield Colleges and other buildings, 1 March 1952
new buildings for St Mary's College, 1 March 1952
two houses for maintenance staff in Stockton Road, 9 August 1956
a residential flat on the top floor of 43 North Bailey, 1 July 1958
converting Hollingside House into 4 flats and providing garages, 27 January 1960
Stage I of Grey College, 18 October 1960
a Master's House for Grey College, 13 October 1961
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA42   July 1957 - August 1958 & May 1961
Appeal Fund deeds of covenant, with a list
Paper file, 69 items each 1f + 1 item of card, 2f
UND/CG7/AA43   March - July 1959
Grey College Phase II raft foundation documents:
Form of tender, conditions of contract, specification, bill of quantities and schedules by architects Thomas Worthington & Sons of Manchester amd consulting engineers C.S. Allott & Son of Manchester, 21f, March 1959
Plans received, 4 items, 10 June 1959: 1218-20449-23B section through raft foundation; 1218/20417/20B raft slab finished levels; 1218/20424/21B details of excavation layout; 1218/20425/22B sections of excavation plan
Agreement for the construction of a reinforced concrete raft for Grey College by Holland & Hannen and Cubitts (Scotland) Ltd of Edinburgh with the Council of Durham Colleges, 1f, 8 July 1959
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA44   21 July 1960 & 20 February 1961
2 Business Research Unit covenants
Paper, 3f
UND/CG7/AA45   10 May 1962
Durham Colleges Planning Appeal against a refusal of their plans for a new Arts Block building in New Elvet (ELvet RIverside): case for counsel to advise with Mr W.L. Roots's opinion (2 copies, both annotated) witha covering letter from Edward Freeman solicitor.
Paper, 4 items
UND/CG7/AA46   1962 - 1968
Documents re a project for the laying of sewers and stormwater drains and constructing water purification works.
3 items
UND/CG7/AA46/1   May 1962
“Drainage of New Development Contract No.10 Civil Engineering Works”, comprising: tender, conditions of contract, specification of work, bill of quantities, with a list of drawings, by Babtie Shaw & Morton, chartered civil engineers of Glasgow and London, signed by Stephen Dorin of John W. & S. Dorin Ltd of Whitley Bay, 9 July 1962.
Paper book, ii + 79f
UND/CG7/AA46/2   3 May 1963
Copy letter from Babtie Shaw & Morton to Tarmac (Civil Engineering) Ltd, whose tender was initially rejetced, suggesting that they might replace the present contractor.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AA46/3   16 August 1968
“Drainage of New Development Final Measurement of Work Executed by Messrs. John W. & S. Dorin Ltd”
Paper book, 49f in blue card covers
UND/CG7/AA47   2 August 1963
Memorandum of agreement for John Richard Paterson of Oscar Faber and Partners to be the Consulting Engineer and Oscar Faber and Partners to the the Associated Consulting Engineer for heating, mechanical and electrical services for Stage I of the University of Durham's proposed Engineering Building.
Paper booklet, 2f + 4f within grey card covers
UND/CG7/AA48   [c.1965]
Draft catalogue [by the treasurer] of documents held by him relating to scholarships and prize funds, with some annotations
Paper file, 18f
UND/CG7/AA49   30 April 1965
Agreement for Donald Ireland Ltd of Highways, Edge Hill, Danas Hall, Ponteland, to carry out landscape works at St Aidan's College to the drawings of Brian Hackett of 46 High St, Newcastle, with also:
Specification of work to be done and materials to be supplied, by Sir Basil Spence architect and Brian Hackett, landscape consultant.
A planting schedule of trees, shrubs, climbing and hedging plants, bilbs, and flower boxes; listing position, quantity, height above ground on planting, cost and species.
2 plans of the scheduled plantings.
Paper, 5 items
UND/CG7/AA50   February 1966
Bill of Quantities for Jevons House at North Bailey, architects Bernard Taylor & Associates of Manchester, chartered quantity surveyors Northcrft Neighbour & Nicholson of Liverpool for: general conditions and preliminaries; demolitions; sub-structures; concrete work; brickwork; masonry; roofing' carpentry; joinery; structural steelwork; plumbing installation; engineering installation; electrical installation; plasterwork; glazing; painting; drainage; external works.
Paper book
UND/CG7/AA51   March - November 1967
Palace Green Library reduction in height of tower block, file of newspaper cuttings, including the 1967 Annual Report of the City of Durham Trust, copy of Roy Gazzard, “Architecture in the Public Sector North-East Renaissance”, Official Architectural and Planning (April 1967), p.562, correspondence with William Whitfield, and a copy enforcement notice from Durham City Council of 7 June 1967 to reduce the tower's height.
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA52   9 November 1967
Agreement between the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the University of Durham relating to the Northumbrian Universities Multiple Access Computer, with working party proposals for the administration of the joint computer installation inserted as an appendix
Paper, 2f + 3f
UND/CG7/AA53   February 1969
Note from G. Collard to the vice-chancellor with a photocopied paper on the proposed re-siting of the National Foundation for Educational Research in Durham, outining possible sites
Paper, 3f
UND/CG7/AA54   March 1969
“Gulbenkian Museum of Eastern Art ... An exhibition of Purchases under the Sir Charles Hardinge Bequest 1968-9” catalogue
Paper file, ii + 21f
UND/CG7/AA55   September - October 1969
Van Mildert College library, case of a former tutor-librarian buying books for himself with library funds, letters, legal opinion and copy Finance and General Purposes Committee agenda and papers
Paper file
UND/CG7/AA56   [c.1971]
File of copies and notes about University Scholarships
1. Extracts from Senate minutes re the Pemberton Fund, March 1843 to May 1863
2. Extracts from Senate minutes re relations with the College of Science, January 1871 to November 1879
3. Extracts from Senate minutes re the Brackenbury Fund, March 1873 to May 1875
4. Report by Herbert Squance into “University of Durham Scholarship and Prize Funds” , May 1905
5. Notes on the Pears Scholarship and the Pemberton Fund
6. Copy letter from Herbert Squance to the treasurer re Endowed Scholarship Funds, 19 December 1925
7. “Academic Board Committee on Conditions for the Award of Prizes” report, 28 October 1952
8. Durham Colleges Council minutes, 4 November 1952
9. Scholarships and Prize Funds, treasurer's draft report [c.1966]
10. Notes of balances in Schaolrship and Prize Funds, 8 February 1963
11. Original Terms of University Scholarships notes [c.1971]
12. Notes on funds in Endowed Scholarships, 31 July 1951, with a covering letter
13. “Particulars of Entrance and other Scholarships” for Durham Colleges , 1952
14. Ministry of Education University Awards The Report of the Working Party on University Awards (1948)
15. “University of Durham Scholarships and Prize Funds Copy Opinion of Council” from Francis E. Joblin, 9 August 1905, with a bill for his costs
16. Correspondence and notes about the Pemberton Fund and Armstrong College and the Pears Fund and the College of Medicine, November 1934
17. Notes on scholarships, [c.1952]
Paper file
Contents of former Deed Box C
James Barry Divinity Scholarship
UND/CG7/AC1/1   12 September 1891
Appointment of new trustees
Parchment, 2f
UND/CG7/AC1/2   18 March 1913
Scheme made by the Board of Education
Paper, 1p
UND/CG7/AC2   21 July 1944
Trust Deed between the bishop of Durham, the dean of Durham, and the Council of Durham Colleges relating to £2500 bequeathed under the will of Dr H.E.D. Blakiston for the upkeep and repairs of Durham Castle
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC3   15 May 1934
Photostat copy of the will of Miss Hannah Brackenbury, proved 13 May 1873, with a covering letter from Francis E. Joblin
Paper, 9p + 1p
UND/CG7/AC4   11 June 1955
Trust Deed between George Ernest Fawcus and the Council of the Durham Colleges investing £1250 to help students from outside Great Britain, and especially from India and Bihar
Paper, 2f
Isabel Fleck award
UND/CG7/AC5/1   1 January 1959
Trust Deed between Sir Alexander Fleck of ICI and Lloyds Bank Ltd for the investment of £1000 to support chemical research at Glasgow University and historical research at Durham University
Paper, 8p in hard covers
UND/CG7/AC5/2   10 November 1961
Will of Alexander Baron Fleck of Saltcoats, providing inter alia for an Alexander Fleck Research Fellowship at a Scottish University, preferably Glasgow, in Biochemistry, and an Isabel Fleck Research Fellowship at Durham University in English or Scottish Medieval History
Paper, 7f
UND/CG7/AC6   5 January 1940
Draft and copy of a trust deed of the University of Durham to invest subscriptions raised to found a scholarship as a memorial to George Horsfall Frodsham, late vicar of Halifax and bishop of North Queensland, with a covering letter from P.E. James, chairman of the Bishop Frodsham Scholarship Fund Committee
Paper, 3 items
Formerly in deed box B and package 54
Harris Scholarship
UND/CG7/AC7/1   [30 October 1944]
Copy extract from the will of Revd Frederick George Harris establishing a scholarship for a candidate of Hatfield College intending to enter the Church
Paper, 1f
UND/CG7/AC7/2   31 March 1947
Duplicate deed between the trustees of the will of the late Revd Frederick George Harris and Miss Sarah Ellen Butterfiled varying the terms of a life interest under the will and her rights to continue living in 5 Eddington Road, Fairhaven, Lytham St Anne
Paper, 4f
UND/CG7/AC7/3   1 November 1978
Memorandum of Dickinson Dees and Co outlining the history of the Harris bequest and its use henceforth to support the newly independent chaplaincy at Hatfield College
Paper, 1f
UND/CG7/AC7/4   19 December 1978
Deed of the University of Durham allowing the funds to provide for a Harris Fellowship at Hatfield College
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC8   4 December 1946
Henley Fund, extracts from Senate minutes 1934-1935, annotated
Paper, 1f
Formerly in deed box B and package 21(a)
UND/CG7/AC9   4 January & 2 October 1911
Will and codicil of Rt Hon Balthazar Walter, Lord Ilkeston, died 31 January 1913, establishing a scholarship at Durham University for a woman student in the Durham Division, in memory of his late daughter Winifred Foster, a former student of the university, with a covering letter from his son the new Lord Ilkeston at 23 High St, Warwick, 18 February 1913
Paper, 4f + 2f
UND/CG7/AC10A   29 January 1900 - 30 September 1936
Letter from H.G. Innes at The School, Sutton Valence, to [Percy] Heawood 29 January 1900 suggesting that the [Innes Fund] be used for Unattached men generally, with various notes and subsequent letters about the investment of the fund
Paper file
UND/CG7/AC10B   30 June 1925
Receipted bill of C.W. Gibson, masons, of Atherton St Durham to Rev N.D. Coleman for repairs to the boat house on the Race Course
Paper, 1f
UND/CG7/AC11   17 January - 28 March 1911
Correspondence between Revd A.W. Gross at Luxor Winter Palace, Egypt, Richard Till and the treasurer of Durham Colleges about investments to support the Lightfoot Scholarship
Paper file
UND/CG7/AC12   25 July 1845 – 9 June 1947
Documents related to the Lindsay Scholarship, including
Copy (17 June 1971) of the grant (25 July 1845) by Ralph Lindsay esq.
Draft of proposed Order and Scheme 26 January 1906.
Order for the Scholarship 19 June 1906.
Correspondence with the Board of Education on the non-awarding of the Scholarship since 1912, 6 February – 14 March 1923.
Copy of a letter to H. K. Luce stating that the Scholarship should be restricted to the Durham Division, 9 June 1947.
Correspondence and documents relating to accounts and investments on an annual basis 1906 – 1935.
Paper file
UND/CG7/AC13    31 December 1862
Photostat will of Alice Long of Lythe in the County of York, widow of Revd William Long: £200 to be invested in Parliamentary stocks and funds, with the dividends and annual proceeds to be given as a prize yearly to the best reader from amongst the students, chosen on conditions and regulations prescribed by the Warden, Masters and Scholars.
Paper, 10f
UND/CG7/AC14    28 February 1948
Copy will of John Wilson Lowthian of 83 Trevor Terrace North Shields: residue of estate left to the University of Durham.
Paper, 1f
UND/CG7/AC15    23 June 1846
Indenture between Edward Maltby, Bishop of Durham, and the Warden, Masters and Scholars of the University of Durham founding a scholarship of £333 6s 8d: dividend, with interest and annual proceeds to go towards the support, benefit and maintenance of a student of divinity in Bishop Hatfield’s Hall for 2 years.
Parchment, 1f
UND/CG7/AC16   24 May 1921 – 27 March 1922
4 letters concerning the transfer of £3,400 5% War Loan of the Pemberton Fund from the University of Durham to Armstrong College, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.
Paper, 4f
UND/CG7/AC17    1903 – 1955
Documents relating to St Mary’s College Loan Fund. Includes:
Paper, 8f
UND/CG7/AC17/1   2 April 1903
The establishing indenture of between Elizabeth Robinson, Principal of the Woman’s Hostel, and William Kitchin, Warden of the University, William Watking, archdeacon, and Frank Byron Jevons, principal of Hatfield Hall, to establish a loan fund for the assistance of women students of limited means based on subscriptions of c. £180.
UND/CG7/AC17/2   [early 20th century]
St Mary’s College Loan Fund Rules.
UND/CG7/AC17/3   1954
Letter and document detailing the transfer of the fund to the Council of Durham Colleges.
UND/CG7/AC17/4   30 June 1955
Balance Sheet.
UND/CG7/AC18   1938 – 1950
Documents and copies relating to the foundation and trusteeship of the Solway Fellowship of University College, and alterations to the trusteeship. Includes:
Paper, 28f
UND/CG7/AC18/1   17 December 1938
Copy Declaration of Trust.
UND/CG7/AC18/2   30 January 1946
Appointment of new trustees.
UND/CG7/AC18/3   26 May 1949
Case for the opinion of counsel on altering the terms of the trusteeship.
UND/CG7/AC18/4   18 November 1949
Charity Commission Notice.
UND/CG7/AC18/5   17 January 1950
Charity Commission Certificate.
UND/CG7/AC18/6   30 January 1950
Originating Summons.
UND/CG7/AC18/7   20 February 1950
Deed of Retirement of Revd James McIntyre from the Trustees of the Solway Fellowship.
UND/CG7/AC18/8   18 May 1950
High Court of Justice Chancery Division Order.
UND/CG7/AC18/9   31 October 1950
Deed of Appointment of the Council of the Durham Colleges.
UND/CG7/AC18/10   post 1963
Note on the Solway Fellowship.
UND/CG7/AC19   16 January 1855 – 1939
Documents and copies relating to the Charities of Bishop Cosin’s Library and the Maltby Library, and the University Library. Includes:
Paper, 10f
UND/CG7/AC19/1-3   19 June & 8 August 1911
2 letters relating to the Maltby Library and a copy of the 16 January 1855 Deed of Declaration of Trust
UND/CG7/AC19/4   2 December 1913
Copy of a Charity Commission Order relating to Bishop Cosin’s Library.
UND/CG7/AC19/5   1938 - 1939
The Libraries of the Durham Division: extract from the University Calendar
UND/CG7/AC20    19 May – 27 October 1931
Documents and copies relating to the proposal by Stansfield Richardson of Sunderland to create the Emma Richardson Fund, proceeds of which should be used for teaching in the department of Theology.
Paper, 10f
UND/CG7/AC21    8 August 1946
Copy of the will of Harold Eaton Evans, establishing the Evans Scholarship for theological study.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC22   16 March 1973
Trust Deed by the University of Durham establishing the Birley Bursary Fund from a donation by Eric Birley, to fund travel outside England, Scotland or Wales by students of archaeology undertaking suitable project work.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC23   8 January 1974
Trust Deed by the University of Durham establishing the Hunter Davies Prize Fund, to award an annual prize to any student of the University for the best piece of journalism in Palatinate.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC24   1927 – 11 April 1972
Documents re the Addison James Wheeler Trust. Includes:
Paper, 11f
UND/CG7/AC24/1   1967
Note revealing A.J. Wheeler’s identity.
UND/CG7/AC24/2   5 February 1960
Codicil to A.J. Wheeler’s will.
UND/CG7/AC24/3   11 April 1972
Letter detailing proposed steps to be undertaken following the death of Sara Victoria Wheeler, the remaining settlor.
UND/CG7/AC24/4   1927
Copy of the Trust Deed.
UND/CG7/AC24/5   3 November 1972
Counsel’s Opinion on Sara Victoria Wheeler’s estate.
UND/CG7/AC25   31 January 1933 – 25 June 1981
Documents re the Wansborough Scholarship, to fund a candidate who intends to take Holy Orders in the Church of England at Hatfield College. Includes:
Paper, 5f
UND/CG7/AC25/1   31 January 1933
Copy of a Minute of Council.
UND/CG7/AC25/2   25 June 1981
Deed amending the conditions of award.
UND/CG7/AC26   25 March 1974
Declaration of Trust for the Rochester Fund to support the Rochester Prize, awarded annually to a first year student in the Faculty of Science, and to create an annual lecture, called the Rochester Lecture, given by a distinguished scientist nominated by the Board of Studies in Physics.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC27   19 June 1975
Declaration of Trust establishing the Willimott Prize Fund for an annual prize to any student of the University who has made the best specialist field study of soil during the year.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC28    23 May 1980
Deed varying the terms of the award of the Whittaker (Memorial) Scholarship. To provide for a scholarship to be awarded to a graduate in the Arts of Durham University intending to seek Holy Orders in the Church of England, who will reside for one or two years in or near Durham City and undertake a higher degree in Theology.
Paper, 2f
UND/CG7/AC29   19 May 1980
Deed of gift and variation, transferring to Durham University Library a selection of 16th - 20th century medical books of the late Charles Ernest Kellett (list of items included).
Paper, 23f
UND/CG7/B2   31 March 1987
“Organisation of College Accounting” , report by Thomson McLintock.
Paper file, in card covers
UND/CG7/C1   2008 - 2010
Papers relating to the potential purchase of Houghill Campus (East Durham College) by the University, including correspondence and reports
2 files 
UND/CG7/D31   February - August 1968, August 1990, March 1998 - June 1999
Ushaw College, ad hoc committee minutes and papers re Ushaw being recognised as a licensed hall of residence of Durham University on 1 August 1998, table of entry numbers for all colleges August 1990, and correspondence re the payment of college fees 1998-1999.
Paper file
UND/CG7/E1   2011 - 2016
North East Seed Capital Fund valuation reports and account statements, with some correspondence:
File 1: 2011
File 2: 2012
File 3: 2013 - 2016
3 paper files
Procurement Office
Reference: UND/CG8
Reference: UND/CG8/H
UND/CG8/H1   [1997]
“Insurance Manual”, with an appendix of specimen claim forms.
Paper booklet, in a spiral binder, i + 26 + xiif
Reference: UND/CI
Dates of creation: 1877 - 1944 The university had two proctors, a senior proctor and a junior proctor. They were appointed for one year and were to direct proceedings in Convocation under the chancellor, and to have charge of the ordinary discipline of the university. By 1937, there were also four pro-proctors. After the 1937 Act, their roles were subsumed elsewhere, although their appointment remained an option for a while.
Durham University Proctors
1836-1837 Rev Thomas W. Peile, Rev Charles T. Whitley
1838 Rev Thomas W. Peile
1839-1840 Rev Thomas W. Peile, Rev Charles T. Whitley
1841 Rev Thomas W. Peile, John Thomas
1842-1844 Rev Charles T. Whitley, Edward Massie
1845-1846 Rev Charles T. Whitley, Rev David Melville
1847 Rev David Melville, Steuart A. Pears
1848 Rev Charles T. Whitley, Rev William G. Henderson
1849 Rev David Melville, George Butler
1850 Rev Charles T. Whitley, George Butler
1851 Rev William G. Henderson, Henry Harris
1852 Rev Charles T. Whitley, Rev James G. Lonsdale
1853-1854 Rev John Pedder, Rev James J. Hornby
1855 Rev Charles T. Whitley, Rev Joseph Waite
1856 Rev John Pedder, Rev James J. Hornby
1857 Rev John Pedder, Robert B. Hayward
1858 Robert B. Hayward, Rev Joseph Waite
1859 Rev John Pedder, Rev James J. Hornby
1860 Rev James J. Hornby, Rev Joseph Waite
1861-1863 Rev Joseph Waite, Rev James Barmby
1864 Rev James Barmby, Rev James J. Hornby
1865-1873 Rev James Barmby, Rev Joseph Waite
1874-1875 Rev James Barmby, Rev Frederick J. Copeman
1876 Rev James Barmby, Rev Alfred Plummer
1877 Rev Joseph T. Fowler, Rev Alfred Plummer
1878-1882 Rev Alfred Plummer, Rev William Sanday
1883-1885 Rev Alfred Plummer, Rev Joseph T. Fowler
1886-1892 Rev Alfred Plummer, Rev Archibald Robertson
1893 Rev Alfred Plummer, Rev Joseph J. Shortt
1894-1896 Rev Archibald Robertson, Rev Joseph J Shortt
1897-1899 Frank B. Jevons, Rev Henry Ellershaw
1900-1901 Rev Joseph T. Fowler, Rev Henry Ellershaw
1902-1904 Percy J. Heawood, Arthur Robinson
1905-1907 Arthur Robinson, Rev John Hall
1908-1909 Rev John Hall, Percy J. Heawood
1910 Percy J. Heawood, Robert Howden
1911-1912 Robert Howden, Rev Stephen R.P. Moulsdale
1913-1914 Rev Stephen R.P. Moulsdale, Peter P. Bedson
1915-1916 Peter P. Bedson, Arthur Robinson
1917-1918 Arthur Robinson, James A. Menzies
1919-1920 James A. Menzies, Percy J. Heawood
1921-1922 Percy J. Heawood, Walter N. Haworth
1923-1924 Walter N. Haworth, Rev Henry Ellershaw
1925-1926 Rev Henry Ellershaw, Harold J. Hutchens
1927-1928 Harold J. Hutchens, Rev Edward G. Pace
1929-1930 Rev Edward G. Pace, George R. Goldsbrough
1931-1932 George R. Goldsborough, Joseph L. Burchinall
1933-1934 Joseph L. Burchinall, Stuart MacDonald
1935-1936 Stuart MacDonald, George H. Christie
1937 George H. Christie, Vernon Brown

Grace registers
Reference: UND/CI1
UND/CI1/1   23 October 1877 - 12 December 1936
Senior proctor's register of graces granted for degrees and licences to be conferred at Codrington and Fourah Bay Colleges recording in chronological order the full name, college and degree or licence (generally BA, MA and LTh) to be conferred, with marginal notes that the degree /licence had been “conferred”.
Loose in the volume is a letter from M. Smith, Beacon-Side, Penrith, Cumberland, to the Senior Proctor, 21 September 1879, in which he states that he is forwarding a certificate of various degrees and licences which have been conferred by the bishop of Sierra Leone at Fourah Bay College on 16 April 1879; the certificate is not enclosed but the letter provides the details of the degrees / licences and the names of the persons concerned .
Paper book, half-leather bound, mostly unused
Formerly OSH Deed Box 7/3.
Praelector's books
Reference: UND/CI2
Each term the students in Durham are listed by subject and then college, recording their non-attendance at morning chapel and lectures, with a total of the days they attended during the term. There are occasional notes of medical certificates, departures and absences for bereavements. From June 1916, the students are listed alphabetically within their subject, rather than by college.

UND/CI2/1   January 1889 - December 1907
Praelector's book
On the inside front cover are the duties of the junior proctor.
Paper book, reverse calf bound, blind stamped edges, spine title label
UND/CI2/2   January 1908 - June 1926
Praelector's book
On the inside front cover are the duties of the junior proctor, with a Science collections mark sheet for Epiphany 1926 inserted.
Paper book
Digitised material for Praelector's book - January 1908 - June 1926 - UND/CI2/2
UND/CI2/3   September 1926 - March 1934
Praelector's book
On the inside front cover is a statement about the praelector's duties re extra-mural discipline of 28 February 1928.
Paper book
UND/CI2/4   April 1934 - June 1938
Praelector's book
With notes of the lecturer recording [the absence].
Paper book
Senior Proctor's Degree Books
Reference: UND/CI3
UND/CI3/1   1890 - 1944
Senior Proctor's degree book
recording names, institutions (for ad eundum degrees), and degrees or licences 1890 to 1908 and, reversed,
signatures of those receiving Theology degrees and licences, declaring they are members of the Church of England 1890 to 1944.
Paper book
Public Orator
Reference: UND/CJ
Dates of creation: 1939 - 2009
Speeches of the Public Orator presenting candidates for honorary degrees 1939, 1941, 1951, 1954/55-1957/58 (Durham and Newcastle divisions), 1959-1960, 1970 (September), 1974 (December), 1975 (July), and 1981/82 onwards, arranged chronologically.
The files also include valedictory notes by Dr. FitzPatrick on his period as Public Orator, photographs of some of the honorary graduates, and some correspondence, press releases, and orders of ceremony.
The post of public orator was instituted in 1938. Previously, such orations were made by a variety of members of staff, which system was reverted to after David Fuller's retirement in 2007. The post was held by:
1938-1941Bertram Colgrave
1941-1945William L. Renwick
1945-1948Joseph L. Burchnall
1948-1951Ian A. Richmond
1951-1955Canon Prof. Stanley L. Greenslade
1955-1958Prof. Geoffrey B.A. Fletcher
1958-1959Prof. Winston H.F. Barnes
1959-1962Prof. Karl W. Britton
1962-1966William A. Prowse
1966-1981Prof. William B. Fisher
1981-1989Rev. Dr. Patrick J. FitzPatrick
1989-1999Prof. John R. Watson
1999-2002Prof. Michael C. Prestwich
2002-2007Prof. David S. Fuller

Speeches for 1954-1959 were presented by the university registrar; speeches from 1981 onwards have been presented by the public orators.
Formerly UND A10.
Richard Watson, “Mr Chancellor I present ...”, Durham First (8, Autumn 1998), p.15-17.
Speeches for the period 1953/54-1981/82 were printed in the university's Gazette. An additional complete, bound set of Professor J.R. Watson's orations is located in the University Library's printed book collections Palace Green library at XLL 829.3 WAT.
Earlier speeches are printed in the Durham University Journal or the local newspaper, The Durham Chronicle. Lists of honorary graduates are published in the university's annual Calendar.

Public Orator's Speeches for Honorary Graduates
Reference: UND/CJ1
Dates of creation: 1939 - 2011 Orations from 2002 are accessible online at http://www.dur.ac.uk/ceremonies/congregation/honorary/speeches/.

UND/CJ1/1939A   [27 June 1939]
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL William Waymouth Gibson; Godfrey Hilton Thomson
MEd John William Collier
UND/CJ1/1939B   1 August 1939
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches:
MDS Lilian Lindsay; Arthur Thomas Pitts
UND/CJ1/1941   June 1941
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL William Nasmith Smith
DD Oliver Chase Quick
MDS James Coltman; John Thomas Jackson
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1947   [July 1947]
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Mrs Irene Ewing, Bernard Mouat Jones, Rt Hon John James Lawson, Sir Angus Watson
DD Dr Harold Henry Rowley
DLitt Thomas Downing Kendrick
DSc Sir Claude Dixon Gibb
UND/CJ1/1950A   24 May 1950
Durham, Castle Great Hall, installation of G.M. Trevelyan as chancellor, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Leopold Stennet Amery; Sir James Fitzjames Duff; Claude Aurelius Elliott, John Henry Bacon Forster; Hugh Pattison Macmillan, Baron Macmillan of Aberfeldy
DLitt Dr George Norman Clark; Dorothy Leigh Sayers; Professor John Dover Wilson; George Malcom Young
DSc Sir Edgar Douglas Adrian; Sir William Lawrence Bragg
Paper file, typescript
The oration for Dorothy Sayers is incorporated in J.R. Watson's Dorothy Sayers's honorary degree at Durham (Durham 1994), (DUL PamL+ 378.4281 SAY/WAT).
UND/CJ1/1950B   25 May 1950
Newcastle, City Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Wentworth Henry Canning Beaumont Viscount Allendale, Ronald Bramble Green, Clive Cookson, Sir Mark Hodgson
DD Rt Rev Noel Baring Hudson, bishop of Newcastle; Very Rev. John Lowe, dean of Christ Church Oxford
DLitt Hon. Victoria Mary (Vita) Sackville-West; Geoffrey Winthrop-Young
DSc Edward Foyle Collingwood
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1952   27 June 1952
Newcastle, City Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Charles Ion Carr Bosanquet
DLitt Sir Alan Gardiner, Sir Lewis Namier, Ronald Syme
DSc Edward Neville da Costa Andrade, Frank Debenham
MA Jona William Walton
MSc Robert Houstoun, George William Temperley
MEd Catharine MacLennan
UND/CJ1/1953A   3 July 1953
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DD Einar Molland
DCL Geoffrey Fenwick Jocelyn Cumberlege, Henry Mackinson Spink
DSc Alexander Fleck, Richard William Lewis Gawn
MA George Ernest Fawcus, Martha Sabrina Gordon
MSc Edmund Graham Clark
UND/CJ1/1953B   4 July 1953
Newcastle, honorary graduate speech (by the deputy public orator, Prof I.A. Richmond):
DLitt Sir Harold George Nicolson
UND/CJ1/1953C   8 July 1953
Durham, Hatfield College hall, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Thomas Alty, William Archibald Mackintosh, Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar, Stephen Henry Roberts, John Ewart Wallace Sterling
UND/CJ1/1954A   2 July 1954
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL James Chuter Ede; Brigadier Sir John Hunt
DLitt Colonel Jean Baradez; Sir Edmund Craster; Sir Harold Williams
MA Richard Luck
MSc Charles Edmonds
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1954B   3 July 1954
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Sir Russell Brain
DSc Willem Everhard Boerman
MEd David Johannes Bäckström
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1955A   1 July 1955
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Samuel Watson
DSc Vice-Admiral Sir Archibald Day
DLitt Andrew Sydenham Farrar Gow; Roger Aubrey Baskerville Mynors
DMus Boris Ord
MA Colonel Geoffrey Edleston Wheeler
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1955B   2 July 1955
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Humphrey Charles Baskerville Mynors
DSc John Ramsay Gibbie
MA John Atkinson; Edwin Frederick Patterson
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1956A   29 June 1956
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Sir George Reginald Barnes
DLitt Esmond Samuel De Beer
DSc William Harold Pearsall
MA William Percy Hedley (
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1956B   30 June 1956
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Emlyn Capel Stewart Wade
DSc John Hammond; Sir Philip Bulmer Johnson; Sir James Anderson Scott Watson
MA Robert Dippie Steedman
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1957A   5 July 1957
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DLitt Charles Bruneau; Bertram Colgrave
DSc Sir William George Penney; Harold Clayton Urey
MA James Kenneth Hope; Francis Featherstonehaugh Johnson; James Brownbill Twemlow
MDS Harry Davis; Frederic Albert Hossack
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1957B   6 July 1957
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Sir John Sebastian Bach Stopford; Geoffrey Hugh Benbow Streatfeild
DLitt Hilda Frances Margaret Prescott
MA Percival Harry Edwards
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1957C   18 July 1957
Newcastle, Medical School Sutherland Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Alexander Hislop Hall; Solomon Wand
DSc Sir George White Pickering
MD Mona Macnaughton
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1958A   17 May 1958
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Kenneth Mervyn Baskerville Cross; Donald Evelyn Edward Gibson
MA Donald McIntyre; Cyril Douglas Spragg
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1958B   4 July 1958
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Sir Charles Noble Aiden-Clarke; Samuel Alexander Sadler Forster
DLitt Flora Robson
MEd John Archbold
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1958C   5 July 1958
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DD Most Rev. Philip Carrington, Archbishop of Quebec
DCL Sir David Campbell
DLitt Lionel Charles Robbins
DSc Sir Vivian Ernest Fuchs
MA Sydney Middlebrook
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1958D   16 October 1958
Newcastle, King's Hall, installation of Lord Scarbrough as Chancellor, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Sir James Bowman; Sir Thomas Henry Havelock; Maurice Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister; Hugh Algernon Percy, Duke of Northumberland; Per Preben Prebensen
DSc Sir Herbert Babington Robin Rowell
MA George Robert Hanson
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1958E   16 October 1958
Durham Castle, Great Hall, congregation, honorary graduates speeches:
DD Very Revd John Herbert Severn Wild
DCL Rt Hon Hugh Dalton; Field Marshal Lord Harding; Rt Hon Sir Alan Frederick Lascelles
DLitt Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase; Walter Hamilton
MA Revd Charles Reginald Appleton
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1959A   3 July 1959
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Very Rev. Israel Brodie Alexander; George Grant
DDSc Sir Eric Wilfred Fish
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1959B   4 July 1959
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Ursula, Lady Ridley
DLitt William Plomer
DSc Hans Herman Kuehne
MA Samuel Medsforth
Paper file, typescript
Formerly L 053.782
UND/CJ1/1960A   1 July 1960
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Henry Cecil Ferens; John James Grant
DSc Donald Hunter
MA Joseph William Foster; Thomas Gray
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1960B   2 July 1960
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Sir William Holford; Sir Harold Jeffreys
DLitt George Kitson Clark; Helen Louise Gardner
DSc Edwin Sherbon Hills
MA Thomas Tindle Anderson; Winifred Cotterill Donkin
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1962A   5 July 1962
Newcastle, King's Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Leonard Knight Elmhirst
DLitt Frederick William Mallandaine Ashton; Wystan Hugh Auden
DSc Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett
MA Monica Mary Withers
UND/CJ1/1962B   6 July 1962
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Charles Robert Grey, Lord Grey
DLitt Charles Spencer Chaplin
DSc Benjamin Spock
UND/CJ1/1963   7 January 1963
Newcastle, Medical School, honorary graduate speeches
DSc Walter Hermann Bucher; William Maurice Ewing; Richard Kräusel
UND/CJ1/1968   12 March 1968
Trevelyan College opening ceremony honorary graduate speech
DCL Richard Austen (Rab) Butler, Lord Butler of Saffron Walden
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1970A   5 September 1970
Durham, Castle Great Hall, special congregation to mark the meeting of the British Association in Durham, honorary graduate speeches
DLitt Harold Orton
DSc Basil John Mason; Athelstan Spilhaus; Lord Todd of Trumpington
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1970B   12 December 1970
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches at the installation of Malcolm MacDonald as chancellor
DCL Emanuel Lord Shinwell
DLitt Henry Moore; Freya Madeline Stark; Dame Sybil Thorndike
DSc Prof George Porter
With the toast proposed to the chancellor at the subsequent luncheon.
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1971   1 July 1971
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DLitt Jacques Blondel; Ann Katharine Swynford Lambton
DCL John Garmondsway Wrightson bt
DMus Alan Bush
MA William Morrow; Ronald Watson.
UND/CJ1/1974   14 December 1974
Durham, Castle Great Hall, special congregation to mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of the science laboratories, honorary graduate speeches
DSc Harry Godwin; Edgar Heilbronner; Peter Kent
MSc James Stanley Redhead
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1975   3 July 1975
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Benjamin Atkinson Wortley
DD John Stapylton Habgood, Bishop of Durham
DLitt Alexander Augustine Parker
DSc Leslie Fleetwood Bates
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1981A   6 February - 1 April 1981
1. Appointment of Dr FitzPatrick as Public Orator 6 February, with a letter of confirmation 27 March.
2. Letter from Prof W.B. Fisher of 1 April congratulating Dr FitzPatrick on his appointment.
Paper file   3 items
UND/CJ1/1981B   2 July 1981
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
DCL Sir (Ernest) Henry Phelps Brown
DLitt Sir Rupert Hart-Davis
DSc Helmut Blume; David S. Brown
MA Franz Eschbach
Paper file, typescript
UND/CJ1/1981C   19 December 1981
Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary graduate speeches
MA Rosalind Cecilia Hildegard Tanner
MMus Katherine Joan Balfour Dickson
Gazette photocopy
Paper, 1f
UND/CJ1/1982A   January 1982
Dr P. FitzPatrick's public orator's file re arrangements for the installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn as chancellor on 30 June 1982.
1. Minutes of a meeting of the Ceremonies Committee on 16 October 1981 to discuss arrangements for the installation ceremony and congregation.
2. Draft instructions for the general administrative arrangements, annotated by FitzPatrick.
3. General administrative arrangements for the installation.
4. Order of processions, duties, timetables, seating, tickets, plans, guests, marshals.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1982B   March 1982
Correspondence between the registrar, I.E. Graham, and the public orator re invitations to the installation and congregation on 30 June 1982.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1982C   30 June 1982
Congregation for the installation of the chancellor, Dame Margot Fonteyn, the conferring of honorary degrees, and the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the university's founding, in Durham cathedral nave.
1. Order of ceremony, including honorary graduates speeches for
DD Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie, archbishop of Canterbury
DCL Charles Grant Ponsonby Moore, earl of Drogheda
DSc David Frederick Attenborough; Mary Catterall
DLitt Sir John Betjeman ( in absentia )
DMus Malcolm Arnold; Kiri Te Kanawa; Ninette de Valois ( in absentia )
2. Order of proceedings
3. Programme of order of proceedings
4. Copy invitations, tickets and luncheon menu
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1982D   30 June 1982
Press releases no15-19 re the installation of the new chancellor.
1. No.15 Speeches by the public orator:
2. No.16 Speeches by the vice-chancellor.
3. No.17 Information sheet.
4. No.18 Speeches by Margot Fonteyn after her installation as chancellor and by the dean of Durham in honour of the 150th anniversary of the university.
5. No.19 Donation by Tyne Tees Television to the university of Durham's Performing Arts Fund.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1982E   June - August 1982
Correspondence re the installation and congregation ceremony.
1. Dr P.J. FitzPatrick and Dr D.D. Vonberg, M.R.C. Cyclotron Unit, re the honorary degree for Dr Mary Catterall and background for the speech.
2. Dr P.J. FitzPatrick and Sir John Betjeman.
3. Letter from Ian Graham, registrar, thanking Dr FitzPatrick for his note of appreciation.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1982F   30 June - 19 November 1982
150th anniversary of the founding of Durham university (all photocopies).
1. Order of service for the service of thanksgiving in Durham cathedral, 30 June 1982.
2. Programme for the presentation of the perpetual right to process the civic sword, and the inaugural anniversary lecture by Prof. Holliday, City of Durham, 8 October 1982.
3. Dinner menu, Durham town hall, 19 November 1982.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1982G   11 July 1982
Durham, music department, honorary degree speech.
DMus Prof. Lee Hye-Ku
( Gazette) photocopy.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1983A   1983
Congratulatory addresses by Dr P. FitzPatrick sent to other universities in honour of their anniversaries.
1. University of Zaragoza, Spain (in Latin).
2. University of Auckland, New Zealand.
3. University of Edinburgh.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1983B   30 June 1983
1. Durham, Castle Great Hall, honorary degree speeches.
DCL F. Clare Spurgin next hit
DSc Arthur Hinton Rosenfeld; Sir Frederick Stewart
DLitt Albert Habib Hourani; John Nowell Linton Myres; Edmée Duchess de la Rochefoucauld
DMus Jacqueline du Pré
2. Obituary of Edmée de la Rochefoucauld, died 20 September 1991.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1983C   10 December 1983
Honorary degree speeches:
DLitt John William Shirley
DMus Witold Lutoslawski
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1984   5 July 1984
Honorary degree speeches:
DCL Prof. Glanville Llewellyn Williams
DSc Prof. Sir Geoffrey Allen
DLitt Sir Kenneth James Dover; Prof. John McManners
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1985A   4 July 1985
Honorary degree speeches:
1. DCL Prof. William Grigor McClelland
2. DSc Prof. Jerzy Wdowczyk
3. MA David Edgar Foster Ogden
4. Letter from the university of Queensland re their 75th anniversary and a ms copy of a congratulatory address by Dr FitzPatrick sent to them.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1985B   14 December 1985
Honorary degree speeches:
DD Prof Martin Hengel
DCL Sir Shridath Surendranath Ramphal; Peter William Reynolds ( in absentia )
MA Cyril Christie
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1986A   2 & 3 July 1986
Honorary degree speeches:
2 July
DLitt Prof. Sir Randolph Quirk
3 July
DSc John Nicholas Blashford Snell; Sir Denis Rooke
DLitt Sir Alfred Ayer
Letter from university of Duesto, Spain, re their 100th anniversary and a copy of the congratulatory address (in Latin) sent to them.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1986B   December 1986
Honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Thomas Julian Brown ( in absentia )
DCL Sir Derman Guy Christopherson; Dame Enid Russell-Smith
MSc Ralph Hinshelwood Daly
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1987A   1987
Correspondence re anniversaries of other universities with congratulatory addresses by Dr P. FitzPatrick.
1. Papua New Guinea University of Technology
2. University of Western Australia, Perth
3. University of Technology, Sydney (notes only)
4. Luther College, USA
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1987B   20 March 1987
1. Honorary graduate speech:
DD Cardinal George Basil Hume
2. Ticket to the special congregation.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1987C   July 1987
Honorary graduate speeches:
DD David Edward Jenkins
DLitt Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie; Brian Redhead
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1987D   December 1987
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Frank Atkinson; Takashi Ishihara
MA Ruth Mary Tait
MBA Ronald Mead Pearson
Letter from J.C.F. Hayward, registrar, confirming the reappointment of Dr P. FitzPatrick as public orator.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1988A   February - November 1988
1. Correspondence from SPCK re the naming of rooms in the bookshop after eminent people connected with the university, February.
2. Correspondence concerning and an order of service for a thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey for the life of Michael Ramsey, archbishop of Canterbury, 27 June 1988.
3. Letter from the vice-chancellor of 5 July to Dr P. FitzPatrick accepting his resignation as public orator.
4. Letter from J.D. Norton, principal of St Cuthbert's Society, 21 November, about H.L. Mencken's remarks on honorary degrees.
5. Congratulatory address for Bologna university's 9th centenary, September, in Latin with translation.
6. Congratulatory address to Erasmus university, Rotterdam on its 75th anniversary, November, in Latin and Dutch.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1988B   July 1988
Honorary graduate speeches:
1. DCL David Harvey Vernon
2. DSc George Andrew Olah
3. DLitt George Humphrey Wolferstan Rylands
4. DMus Thomas Allen
5. Letter of thanks from George Rylands to Dr P. FitzPatrick
7. Letter of thanks from David Vernon.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1988C   December 1988
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL David James Grant
DSc Gerald Malcolm Durrell
DLitt Timothy Peter Wiseman
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1989A   29 June 1989
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Edward Short, Baron Glenamara of Glenridding
DSc Peter Haggett; Charles Jean Joachain
DMus Humphrey Richard Adeane Lyttelton
DLitt Ann Todd
Congregation luncheon menu 29 June 1989.
Letter of thanks for Prof Holliday to Dr P. FitzPatrick.
Letter from Dr P. FitzPatrick to the Warden, thanking him for his speech at the graduates' luncheon.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1989B   11 July 1989
“Birds of Praise”, comments by Dr P. FitzPatrick on the material collected during his term of office as public orator (October 1981 to June 1989) and his arrangement of it.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1989C   September 1989
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Prof Carlo Alfredo Romanzi; William Whitelaw, Viscount Whitelaw
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1989D   15 December 1989
Honorary graduate speech:
DCL Sir Gordon Slynn
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1990A   July 1990
Honorary graduate speeches:
DD Geza Vermes
DCL HRH. Crown Prince El-Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
DMus Toru Takemitsu
MA John MacDonald Young
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1990B   December 1990
Honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Jorgen Troels-Smith; Erik Christopher Zeeman
DLitt Doris Lessing
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1991A   June 1991
1. Copy order of service, congregation 26 June 1991 in thanksgiving for the life of Dame Margot Fonteyn.
2. Tail-piece to “Birds of Praise”, in German.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1991B   June 1991
Honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Prof. Gordon Higginson
DLitt Prof. James Thompson Boulton
MSc Leonard Charles Evetts
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1991C   September 1991
Honorary degree speeches:
DMus Sheila Ann Armstrong; John Pierre Herman Joubert; Frederick William Rimmer
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1991D   December 1991
Honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Martin Wyatt Holdgate
DLitt A.S. Byatt (Antonia Susan Byatt)
MA John Procter
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1992A   May 1992
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Léon Davico; Terence Hardy Waite; Aleksandr N. Yakovlev (in absentia ; see below, July 1994)
DLitt Glenda May Jackson; (Sir Peter Ustinov was also presented for the degree of DLitt but there was no oration)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1992B   2 July 1992
Honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Sir John Cadogan
DCL Sir Ronald Dearing
DLitt Richard Leslie Hill
MA James Donald Robson
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1992C   12 December 1992
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Sir Leon Brittan; William Louis Gaines
MSc John Fenwick Hutchinson
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1993A   19 March 1993
Honorary graduate speeches:
DD Rev. Peter Richard Baelz; George Leonard Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1993B   June 1993
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Hans-Dietrich Genscher
DSc Prof. Gordon Stone
DMus Evelyn, Lady Barbirolli
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1993C   December 1993
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Sir Peter de la Billière
MMus Gordon John Dodd
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1994A   30 June 1994
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Raymond G.H. Seitz; Alexsandr N. Yakovlev (graduand; see above May 1992)
DSc Sir Richard Southwood
DLitt Fred Zinnemann (in London, on 21 July)
Paper file
(In May 1994 Charles Kuon Kao received an Honorary DSc in Hong Kong; no copy of the oration is held in this collection, but one is included in the bound set of Professor J.R. Watson's orations as public orator, located in the University Library's printed collections at XLL 829.3 WAT.)
UND/CJ1/1994B   December 1994
Honorary graduate speeches:
DD Rev. Toomas Paul
DCL Shiro Fujimoto
DMus Sir Peter Maxwell Davies
MA Hilda Guy
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1995A   13 May 1995
Special congregation to mark the centenary of the admission of women to University of Durham degrees. Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Diana, Lady Eccles of Moulton; Prof Rosalyn Higgins; Catherine Lalumière
DSc Prof Rosemary Jean Cramp, Dame Cicely Mary Strode Saunders
DMus Prof Nicola Frances LeFanu
DLitt Dr Maya Angelou; Ms Mary Beatrice Midgley; Dr Barbara Reynolds
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1995B   July 1995
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Mikhail Sergeyevitch Gorbachev ( in absentia ); Adolf Theis
DSc Frank Harold Trevor Rhodes
DMus Sir Georg Solti ( in absentia )
DLitt George Steiner
(Speeches for two honorary degrees awarded jointly by the University of Durham and the University of Teesside at University College, Stockton, to David Bellamy and Angela Cooper, were not given by the University of Durham Public Orator, and copies are not held in this collection.)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1995C   9 December 1995
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Sir John Hall; Howard Thomas Henry Middleton Phelps
MA Joseph Halpin
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1996A   14 May 1996
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Toshio Arata
DSc Sir Terence Harrison
Paper file
(On 20 January 1996 the Hon. Mrs Elsie Tu received an honorary DCL in Hong Kong; no copy of the oration is held in this collection, but one is included in the bound set of Professor J.R. Watson's orations as public orator, located in the University Library's printed collections at XLL 829.3 WAT.)
UND/CJ1/1996B   27 June 1996
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Susan Danby; Jeffrey Maurice Sterling, Baron Sterling of Plaistow
DSc Dr. Robert Hawley; Jack Lewis, Baron Lewis of Newnham
DLitt Sir Anthony Caro; Ronald B. Kitaj
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1996C   14 December 1996
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Steven Geoffrey Redgrave
DSc Sir Terence Burns
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1997A   July 1997
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL His Excellency Hiroaki Fujii; Sir Donald Hawley; Josef Jarab (at University College, Stockton); Sir Colin Marshall
DSc Robert Malpas
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1997B   12 December 1997
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Sir George Russell
DLitt Robert Hardy
MA Edward Wood
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1998A   30 June 1998
University College Stockton honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Pat Barker; Richard Griffiths; P.D. James (Phyllis Dorothy James, Baroness James of Holland Park)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1998B   2 July 1998
Durham, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL HRH The Prince of Wales; Harold Evans
DSc Dame Bridget Margaret Ogilvie; Raymond Freeman; Robert Geoffrey William Anderson
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1998C   December 1998
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Jin-ku Kang
DD Vincent Brümmer
DMus Evelyn Glennie (at Stockton)
MSc Dennis Jobling
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1999A   June 1999
Stockton honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Jonathan Miller
DSc William Herbert Laming, Baron Laming of Tewin
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1999B   July 1999
Durham honorary degree speeches:
DCL Michael Colin Cowdrey, Baron Cowdrey of Tonbridge; Ian Macfarlane Stewart
DSc Sir John Charlton Polkinghorne
MA Cynthia Connolly
Filed with the orations at the July 1999 congregation, which was Prof. J.R. Watson's last as Public Orator, is an extract from the “laudatio” delivered for him by the University Chancellor, Peter Ustinov.
Paper file
UND/CJ1/1999C   December 1999
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam
DLitt Ian Stephenson (James Ian Love Stephenson)
DSc Sir Martin John Rees
MSc Audrey Warner
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2000A   July 2000
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Charles Handy
DSc Alan Cowey (at Stockton); Roald Hoffman; Jean-Pierre Serre
(Miriam Stoppard was due to receive an honorary degree at this congregation, but was unable to come, and received it instead in December - see below)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2000B   December 2000
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Stuart McPhail Hall
DSc Miriam Stoppard
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2001   July 2001
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL John Charles Frederick Hayward; Matthew Clive Pinsent
DSc David William Rhind; Sir Arnold Whittaker Wolfendale
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2002A   June 2002
Honorary graduate speeches to mark the opening of the Wolfson Building, Stockton:
DCL Sir Frederick Holliday; Evelyn Algernon Valentine Ebsworth
DSc Sir Donald Irvine; John Walton, Lord Walton of Detchant
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2002B   June 2002
Honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Lord Foster of Thames Bank, Order of Merit; Amartya Kumar Sen
DSc Bernard Kouchner
DD John Robert Arnold
DLitt Thetis Blacker
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2002C   15 November 2002
Special ceremony at the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Peter James Ogden
DSc Richard Salisbury Ellis
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2002D   [2002]
Memorial tribute and appreciation of Victor Watts (1938-2002), includes 5 photos of him.
Paper, 4f, printed
UND/CJ1/2003A   15 January 2003
Special ceremony in Tunstal Chapel, Durham Castle, honorary graduate speech:
DMus Richard Sidney Hickox
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2003B   3 & 4 July 2003
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Sir Nicholas Vernon Scheele; Peter Hugh Trevor Mimpriss, CVO; Timothy Bartel Smit
DD Rt Rev Anthony Michael Arnold Turnbull
DSc Sir Paul Maxime Nurse
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2003C   15 October 2003
Special ceremony, Tunstal Chapel, Durham Castle, honorary graduate speech:
DMus Arvo Pärt
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2004   2 July 2004
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Sir Harry Kroto
DCL Bill Bryson
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2005A   13 January 2005
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Professor Sir John Ridley Pattison
DCL Dr John Bridge
MMus David Crookes (oration by Professor Peter Manning)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2005B   30 June - 1 July 2005
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DMus Peter Carter
DCL Sir Derek Wanless
DSc Professor Julia Goodfellow, Professor Sir Gareth Gwyn Roberts
DLitt Anne Stevenson
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2005C   9 November 2005
Durham cathedral, honorary degree speeches at the installation of Bill Bryson as chancellor:
DLitt Professor Stanley Wells
DSc Professor Richard Dawkins (oration by Dr Madeline Eacott)
DCL Rev Nicholas Holtam (oration by Dr Colin Crowder)
UND/CJ1/2006A   12 - 13 January 2006
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DD Walter Cardinal Kasper
DCL Alan Heesom
DCL Rt Hon Lord Derek Foster of Bishop Auckland
DCL Will Greenwood
With a newspaper cutting from the Daily Telegraph sports section of 14 January 2006 by Will Greenwood commenting on his degree, the oration and his time in Durham.
UND/CJ1/2006B   28 - 30 June 2006
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DMus Chris Barber
DSc Professor Geoffrey Ainsworth Harrison, Robert J. Sternberg
DCL Luke Philip Hardwick Rittner
UND/CJ1/2007A   12 January 2007
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Professor Simon David Manton White, Professor Sir John Peebles Arbuthnott
DD Rabbi Lionel Blue OBE
UND/CJ1/2007B   6 February 2007
Durham music school, honorary graduate speeches by Prof Jeremy Dibble:
DMus Jane Marian Manning, Anthony Edward Payne (husband and wife).
Paper file, 8f
UND/CJ1/2007C   16 February 2007
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, honorary graduate speeches by Prof Joy Palmer-Cooper:
DCL Vinya Shanthidas Ariyaratne, Ranjith Senaratne.
UND/CJ1/2007D   21 February 2007
Language:  English and Thai
A Collection of Citations Honouring His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand by Foreign Institutions and Organizations (December 1959 - July 2007) (2007), ISBN 978-974-8049-83-0, including at p.358-363, the text of the honorary graduate speech for a DCL received at Chitralada Villa, Dusit Palace, Bangkok, with photographs of the ceremony and the certificate.
Sent by Amabassador Kitti Wasinondh of the Royal Thai Embassy, London, and forwarded from the vice-chancellor, Acc No Misc.2008/9:4.
UND/CJ1/2007E   23 June 2007
Durham cathedral, special congregation celebrating 175 years of Durham University, honorary graduate speeches by various:
DD Nicholas Thomas Wright bishop of Durham (Mr Alan Heesom)
DCL George Alagiah (Prof Ash Amin)
DSc Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Prof James Stirling); Sir Mike Tomlinson (Prof Jane Taylor)
DMus James Loy MacMillan (Prof David Fuller)
UND/CJ1/2007F   27 - 29 June 2007
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches (the last by an official public orator):
DCL Richard John Adams (28 June) (Prof Tim Burt), Judge Navanethem Pillay (27 June)
DSc Alec Lord Broers (29 June); Alastair David William Fothergill (27 June); Prof Dame Marilyn Strathern (27 June)
UND/CJ1/2007G   22 October 2007
Trevelyan College, honorary graduate speech by Dr Phil J. Gates:
DSc Pippa Greenwood.
UND/CJ1/2008A   10 - 11 January 2008
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Prof John D. Barrow (10 January) (Carlos Frenk)
DCL Sheikha Abdulla Al-Misnad (10 January) (Lynn Newton)
DD Most Rev Dr Rowan Douglas Williams, archbishop of Canterbury (11 January) (Walter Moberly)
UND/CJ1/2008B   24 - 27 June 2008
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Fenwick Justin John Lawson (24 June, Gillian E Boughton); Christopher John Lendrum (27 June, Anne Galbraith); David Sproxton (27 June, Ray Hudson)
DSc Sir Kenneth Calman (25 June, Ash Amin); Michael Anthony Church (26 June, Tim Burt)
MA Dorothy Ann Anson (27 June, Alan Heesom)
MSc Thomas Caygill (25 June, Ken Wade); Derek Hudspeth (26 June, Antony Long)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2009A   15 - 16 January 2009
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Dr David Constantine (16 January, Prof N.D.B. Saul)
DCL General Sir Francis Richard Dannatt (16 January, Anthony Forster); Jonathan David Edwards (15 January, Peter Warburton)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2009B   30 June - 3 July 2009
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DD Timothy Dudley-Smith (2 July, Prof J.R. Watson)
DLitt Lady Mary Florence Elinor Stewart (3 July, Prof Chris Hutchison)
DCL Judith Hann (30 June, Prof Mike Pennington); Richard Gordon Monk (1 July, Alex Standish)
DSc Paul Ormerod (2 July, Dr Alex Bentley)
MSc Ronald Lancaster (1 July, Prof Martyn Chamberlain)
UND/CJ1/2010A   8 March 2010
Durham Castle, Great Hall, “Celebrating Excellence”, foreword by the chancellor, programme, menu, nominations for Ruth Etchells and Ian Doyle receiving the chancellor's medal, and lists of members of the university in receipt of national honours, fellowships of learned societies, promotions, and departmental research nominations.
Also Chancellor's Medal orations for:
A. Ian Doyle (Richard Gameson)
Ruth Etchells (Margaret Masson)
Also the presentation folder with the oration for Ian Doyle, with his acceptance letter to the vice-chancellor and his letter of thanks to RIchard Gameson, and the vice-chancelllor's letter giving notice of the award.
Paper booklet, 20p + paper file + leather folder
UND/CJ1/2010B   2 July 2010
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Prof Hamidullah Amin (30 June, Profs Anoush Ehteshami and Jonathan Rigg); Prof Michael Antony Aston (2 July, Prof Christopher Gerrard); Prof Terry Eagleton (1 July, Prof Stephen Regan)
DCL David Crosidale-Appleby (1 July, Prof Ray Hudson)
DSc Robert Charles Swan OBE (29 June, Prof Stuart Lane)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2011A   2 March 2011
Durham Castle, Great Hall, “Celebrating Excellence”, foreword by the chancellor, programme, menu, nominations for Rosemary Cramp and Arnold Wolfendale receiving the chancellor's medal, and lists of members of the university in receipt of national honours, fellowships of learned societies, promotions, and departmental research nominations, with the list of FBAs amended by A.I. Doyle.
Also Chancellor's Medal orations for:
Rosemary Cramp (Chris Scarre)
Arnold Wolfendale (Martin Ward)
Paper booklet, 20p + paper file
UND/CJ1/2011B   11 April 2011
Lord's Cricket Ground, London, honorary graduate speech:
DCL Andrew John Strauss (Peter Warburton).
With a menu for the dinner, signed by Strauss and Holly Colvin (DU student and England women's cricket team), and an invite, with notes from Jennifer White and Jon Purcell.
paper file
UND/CJ1/2011C   29 June - 1 July 2011
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DD Nicholas Lagrishe Alleyne Lash (30 June, Prof Paul Murray)
DLitt Keith Edwin Wrightson (1 July, Prof Chris Brooks)
DSc Donald Poon-huai Liao (29 June, Prof Andrew Deeks)
DCL Amjad Mazah Hussain (1 July, Prof Anthony Forster)
MEd Carol Ann Carr (1 July, Prof Chris Hutchison)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2012A   12 January 2012
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speech:
DLitt Joanna Barker (Prof David Cowling)
Paper, 2f
UND/CJ1/2012B   7 March 2012
Durham Castle, Great Hall, “Celebrating Excellence”, foreword by the chancellor, programme, menu, nominations for Ken Wade and Michael Prestwich receiving the chancellor's medal, and for Douglas Davies receiving the Knowledge Transfer Award, with lists of members of the university in receipt of national honours, fellowships of learned societies, promotions, and departmental research nominations.
Also Chancellor's Medal orations for:
Ken Wade (W.J. Feast)
Michael Prestwich (Philip Williamson)
Paper booklet, 20p + 2f
UND/CJ1/2012C   25 - 29 June 2012
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Biddy Baxter (27 June, Prof Simon Hackett)
DLitt Irina Georgieva Bokova (29 June, Prof Robin Coningham)
DLitt David Inshaw (26 June, Prof Jonathan Long)
DLitt Philip Pullman (25 June, Dr Simon James)
DSc Brent Cheshire (27 June, Prof Jon Gluyas)
DCL Jeremy Guy Vine (27 June, Prof Tim Burt)
DCL Charles Alexander Wilson (28 June, Prof Joe Painter)
DMus John Milford Rutter (28 June, Prof Jeremy Dibble)
MSc Gary Fildes (29 June, Prof Sir Arnold Wolfendale)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2013A   10 - 11 January 2013
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Huw Benyon (11 January, Prof Ray Hudson)
DCL Valerie Ann Amos (10 January, Prof Lena Dominelli)
DMus Graham Rhodes Johnson (11 January, Prof Jeremy Dibble)
MA Kenneth West (11 January, Prof Douglas Davies)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2013B   25 - 28 June 2013
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DD Eamon Duffy (28 June, Prof Alec Ryrie)
DSc Peter Ware Higgs (27 June, Prof Nigel Glover)
DSc David Phillips (26 June, Prof Andrew Beeby)
DCL Lynne Brindley (26 June, Prof Richard Gameson)
DCL Hussein Hamed Sayed Hassan (26 June, Prof Rob Dixon)
DCL Atifete Jahjaga (27 June, Dr Jeroen Gunning)
DCL Peter Lampl (25 June, Prof Steve Higgins)
DCL Adetokunbo Oluwole Lucas (25 June, Dr Mark Booth)
DCL Wolfgang Schomburg (26 June, Prof Michael Bohlander)
DMus Gillian Constance Weir (25 June, Prof Jeremy Dibble)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2014A   17 January 2014
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speech:
DLitt Michael Sharratt (Prof Paul Murray)
Paper, 2f
UND/CJ1/2014B   1 - 4 July 2014
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Mosobalaje Olaloye Oyawoye (1 July, Prof Jon Gluyas)
DSc Jane Ellen Buikstra (4 July, Prof Charlotte Roberts)
DCL Barbara and Tony Laithwaite (2 July, Prof Tim Burt)
DMus James Bennett Lancelot (3 July, Prof Julian Horton)
MA Robert Young (2 July, Ray Hudson)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2015A   9 January 2015
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speech:
DD Justin Welby (Prof Mike Higton)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2015B   23 - 24 June 2015
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Ahmed Cassim Bawa (23 June, Prof Patrick Dovey)
DCL Gabrielle Nicole Logan (24 June, Dr Peter Warburton)
DCL Peter Alan Shaw (24 June, Revd Prof David Wilkinson)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2016A   14 - 15 January 2016
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc Anthony George Doré (15 January, Prof Bob Holdsworth)
DSc Carl Stephen Patrick Hunter (15 January, Prof Paula Chadwick)
DLitt Sheila Baroness Hollins (14 January, Prof Chris Cook)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2016B   25 April 2016
Durham castle, chancellor's medal orations:
Prof Richard Chambers (by Prof Graham Sandford)
Prof Ian Simmons (by Prof Harriet Bulkeley)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2016C   29 June - 1 July 2016
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Robert Burgess (29 June, Dr Michael Gilmore)
DLitt George Garlick (1 July, Prof Ludmilla Jordanova)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2017A   12 January 2017
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DSc John C. Taylor (12 January, Prof Stephen Regan)
MMus Kathryn Tickell (12 January, Prof Charles Adams)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2017B   24 April 2017
Durham castle, chancellor's medal orations:
Prof John Richard Watson (by Dr Margaret Masson)
Prof David Thomas (by Prof Barbara Graziosi)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2017C   28 - 29 June 2017
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
MSc Dr Rob Catty (28 June, Dr Katherine Hampshire)
DLitt Sir Andrew Motion (29 June, Prof Stephen Regan)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2018A   11 - 12 January 2018
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DCL Wendy Shephered (11 January, Prof Nicole Westmarland)
DLitt Jonathan Ruffer (12 January, Charles S. Adams)
DSc Chris Terrill (12 January, Dr Steve Lyon)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2018C   30 April 2018
Durham Castle, Great Hall, “Celebrating Excellence”, foreword by the chancellor, programme, menu, nominations for Margaret Harvey, Judith Howard amd Anthony Unsworth receiving the chancellor's medal, and for Camila Caiado receiving the Knowledge Transfer Award, with lists of members of the university in receipt of national honours, fellowships of learned societies, promotions, and departmental achievement nominations.
Durham Castle, chancellor's medal orations:
Dr Margaret Harvey (by Professor Stephen Taylor)
Professor Judith Howard (by Professor Mark Wilson)
Professor Anthony Unsworth (by Professor Jon Trevelyan)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2018B   26 - 29 June 2018
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Prof John Morrill (26 June, Prof Stephen Taylor); Cmdr David Childs (28 June, Prof Douglas Davies)
DSc Prof Veena Das (27 June, Dr Nayanika Mookherjee)
DCL Sir Andrew McFarlane (29 June, Prof Thom Brooks)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2019A   10 - 11 January 2019
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
MA Gordon Bacon (10 January, Prof John Williams)
MSc Damon de Laszio (11 January, Prof Carlos Frenk)
DSc Neil Hunt (11 January, Prof Gordon Love)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2019B   29 April 2019
Durham Castle, chancellor's medal oration:
Professor Robert Layton (by Professor Catherine Alexander)
Paper, 1f
UND/CJ1/2020A   9 - 10 January 2020
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DD Most Revd Dr John Sentamu (9 January, Revd Dr Philip Plyming)
DLitt Sir Kevan Collins (9 January, Prof Steve Higgins)
DSc Barbara Vest (10 January, Prof Jon Gluyas)
DCL Chris Kelly (10 January, Prof Ann MacLarnon)
Paper file
UND/CJ1/2023A   5 January 2023
Durham cathedral, honorary graduate speeches:
DLitt Claire Malcolm
Paper file
Public Orator's files
Reference: UND/CJ2
UND/CJ2/1   12 January 1974
Invite to a celebration of W.B. Fisher's “seven years of oratory” , and 20 years of “Chairmanship, Directorship, Principalship & Brinkmanship” .
Card, 1f
Information Office
Reference: UND/CK By 2020, this had become the Marketing and Communications Office, whose role was to work in partnership with staff and student colleagues to raise the University's profile and engage a vast cross-section of audiences in the markets in which the university operated, from prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students and those who influence them, to the global academic community, funding councils and policy makers. The office also managed the University's reputation by disseminating good news and engaging the media, policy groups and the general public to manage and mitigate reputational risk.

Public Relations Office - Audio-Visual Material
Reference: UND/CK1
Slides - alphanumeric sequence
Reference: UND/CK1/A
Dates of creation: 1980s

UND/CK1/AP1.1&7   [1980s]
Portrait of Sir James Duff, vice-chancellor.
UND/CK1/AP1.2&12   [1980s]
Portrait of Revd David Melville.
UND/CK1/AP1.5&10   [1980s]
Portrait of Bishop Van Mildert, university co-founder.
UND/CK1/AP1.9&11   [1980s]
Portrait of Archdeacon Charles Thorp, first warden of the university.
UND/CK1/AQ1.1-16 (6 missing)   [1980s]
Congregation ceremonies, in the Castle Great Hall, on the steps, in the courtyard and processions along Palace Green.
UND/CK1/AR1.2   [July 1986]
Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn with 3 by the laid foundation stone for the Mountjoy Research Centre.
UND/CK1/AR1.5&6   [?July 1983]
Dame Margot Fonteyn naming the “University of Durham” locomotive, standing by the engine with flag raised.
UND/CK1/AR1.7   [1983]
Dame Margot Fonteyn, ?the mayor of Durham and another at [the opening of] the university exhibition in Palace Green Library.
UND/CK1/AR1.8   [30 June 1988]
Dame Margot Fonteyn, Sir Fred Holliday and Dr Diana Collecott at the launch of the Basil Bunting Poetry Centre.
Slides - numeric sequence
Reference: UND/CK1/A
Dates of creation: c.1992 - 20033612 x 35mm colour slides, in plastic sheets, maximum 20 to a sheet

Images taken, many by Royston Thomas, for use in university promotional literature by the Public Relations Office. The slides were organised roughly by subject and have all been stamped with a 6 digit number, which has been retained as the reference, omitting the initial 00. A number of the images have more than one copy, and appear in more than one subject category. None of the slides have been dated or have any details of place or person other than the broad subject categorisation.
Consecutively numbered from 0005, with occasional slides now missing. This replaced a previous alphanumeric numbering system, now snowpaked out. All slides are labelled with the university crest and also “Please return to Public Relations Office ...”.
Some of the slides have been printed, on occasion more than once, in the university's alumni magazine ( Kingsgate 1991-1994; Durham First 1995-date). These have been identified, as indicated, where possible. Some have also been printed, along with a number of others, in the various prospectuses of the university.
Some of these images are also available online in the university's Image Management System, accessible from http://www.dur.ac.uk/dev.comms/marketing/images/.

UND/CK1/A0005-0089   [c.1995]
University College Stockton, buildings - Ebsworth and Holliday, exteriors, with some [students] walking about, and some interiors, including the rotunda and library, also a lecture and seminar in progress.
Missing: 13, 69, 74, 88.
UND/CK1/A0090-0240   [June 1995]
[First] graduation at Stockton, students, individually and in groups, some individual academics, processing down Stockton High Street to the parish church, including Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, and honorary graduand David Bellamy (158) and relaxing afterwards with refreshments in and around the Holliday building.
Missing: 117, 133, 194.
See the article in Durham First, (2 Autumn 1995), p.16-17.
176 (group of graduands; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (2, Autumn 1995), p.17.
UND/CK1/A0253-0752, 0766-0767, 3133-3140   [c.1995 - c.2000]
Durham graduation congregation ceremonies in the Castle, students and academics processing round Palace Green and in the Castle, relaxing with guests and friends, individually and in groups, also around town in academic dress, and robing up in Pemberton (720s & 730s)
Missing: 260, 272, 311, 375, 467, 473, 522, 591, 628, 750.
258 (graduands processing round Castle courtyard) printed in Durham First (12, Autumn 2000), p.19.
359 (graduates in front of Castle Hall window; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.39.
462 (girl in straw hat with roses) printed in Durham First (7, Spring 1998), p.31.
488 (student with a cross dyed in his hair) printed in Durham First (8, Autumn 1998), p.25.
645 (St Mary's students at graduation; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.26.
Graduation at Stockton, students and academics processing along Stockton High Street.
Missing: 753.
Collingwood College, views of the grounds, building exteriors, entrance, interiors including dining hall, bar, also students relaxing outside, marquee, building crane.
790 (students in dining hall; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (14, Autumn 2001), p.14-15.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A0770
St Cuthbert's Society, doorway, gardens, Bailey street front.
St John's College, gardens, buildings, Bailey and garden fronts, view towards St Oswald's, students relaxing in the gardens and walking along the Bailey, dining hall, St Mary the Less church.
Missing: 860, 873, 884, 889, 901.
865 (2 students lying on lawn, 1 reading a magazine) printed in Durham First (14, Autumn 2001), p.16.
886 (student at front door, bicycle against railings; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (2, Autumn 1995), p.28.
888 (students in dining hall; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (5, Spring 1997), p.28.
St Aidan's College, building exteriors, students relaxing in the grounds, the pond, the cottage and steps up to it.
957 (3 girls on a wall, college beyond; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (6, Autumn 1997), p.30 and Durham First (14, Autumn 2001), p.18.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A0964 & A0978
Portrait of Bishop William Van Mildert by T. Lawrence, 1829, in Auckland Castle.
Hatfield College, grounds, building exteriors, the gates, students walking and relaxing in the grounds, Bow Lane frontage.
Missing: 1021, 1024, 1025.
1077 (2 students at porter's lodge) printed in Durham First (14, Autumn 2001), p.17.
Grey College, grounds with views of the cathedral, building exteriors, students in the grounds.
Missing: 1118, 1122.
UND/CK1/A1145-1184, 1186-1191, 1193-1196
College of St Hild and St Bede, grounds, exteriors of buildings, students walking in the grounds, views of the college from the Old Racecourse showing the bandstand, rowing blades (1173),
1180 (7 students in front of college; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.41.
UND/CK1/A1185, 1192
Palace Green, University Library exterior.
Trevelyan College, grounds, sculpture, building exteriors, students relaxing and playing croquet, daffodils in flower.
Missing: 1221, 1230.
1261 (daffodils; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (8, Autumn 1998), p.6, and Durham First (11, Spring 2000), p.20.
Van Mildert College, grounds, building exteriors, the lake, students playing golf.
1309 (lake, bicycles against railings in front; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (3, Spring 1996), p.28.
UND/CK1/A1332-1349, 1351-1370
St Mary's College, grounds, building exteriors, students walking.
1332 & 1351 (part-view of college and 4 students walking up steps; photos by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.1, 26; 1351 also printed in Durham First (3, Spring 1996), p.11, and Durham First (7, Spring 1998), p.29.
St Chad's College, chapel interior, grounds, building exteriors, Bailey and garden frontages, students walking and cycling.
University College, fellows' garden, new fellows' garden building, general exteriors, hall, keep, Tunstal Gallery, entrance with details, students walking and cycling
Missing: 1476, 1480, 1482, 1495, 1496, 1509, 1510, 1515, 1544, 1547.
Ushaw College, building exteriors.
Graduate Society, building exteriors at Parsons Field and Palatine House (St Oswalds), also the vice-chancellor's residence at the Botanic Gardens.
Non-extant: 1627.
1611 (cyclist in the gardens of Fonteyn Court Ustinov) printed in Durham First (16, Autumn 2002), p.28.
UND/CK1/A1350, 1630-1709
Durham Cathedral, distant views from various angles, morris men on Palace Green, sailing boat on the Wear, people in the cloisters, closer up exteriors, interiors of Chapel of the Nine Altars, Bede memorial.
Missing: 1667, 1686, 1694, 1696, 1699.
1704 (4 students in trees, cathedral beyond; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (8, Autumn 1998), p.7.
Microelectronics, researchers with equipment.
Computers, with users in various environs.
“Region”, two views of dales and one of the entrance to Newcastle Fashion Centre.
Science, chemical table, plants, organisms, circuit boards, formulae, researchers with equipment, whiteboard, diagrams.
Durham General, exterior views, miners' gala (1890, 1896), Dunelm House, streets, oxyceteline cutter on a sign-post in Owengate, Saddler St, Elvet, College, station, viaduct, Palace Green almshouses.
Music, early music flutes and recorders, pianists, Gurukul ethnic music group concert in the Music School, recording studio, conductor, violinist, cellist, trombonists and other brass outdoors, saxophonist.
1965 (girl playing recorder; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.2.
Doorway to the Economics Dept, 24 [Old Elvet].
Rowing, Durham regatta races, sculls, doubles, quads, pairs, fours, eights, launching/docking, boats on the bank, canoeists, crowds, punts, rowing boats
Missing: 2051, 2064, 2074, 2095, 2106, 2110.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A2171
Library, Main Library exteriors, entrance, reading areas, Palace Green Library entrance, interiors, searchroom (parchment roll), law reading room, Pace Building roof
Missing: 2161, 2184, 2188, 2197.
2145 (student in ASC Palace Green searchroom using a parchment roll; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.3.
2178 (Palace Green Law Library students working; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (13, Spring 2001), p.2.
Dunelm House (DSU), building exterior, students gathered round, walking past, bicycles, balloons.
Missing: 2234.
2245 (student approaching 2 students at entrance; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.17.
Cricket, match in progress at the Old Racecourse, posed team and group of four, pavilion, spectators.
Missing: 2284.
Lectures, various, students and lecturers.
Tutorials and seminars, various, in classrooms, libraries, offices, some lab work with equipment, students and lecturers.
2426 (lecturer at table with 6 students; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (7, Spring 1998), p.28.
UND/CK1/A2491-2508, 2879-2881, 2889, 2892
Freshers Fair, various stalls inside [Dunelm House], featuring badminton, roots 'n' rhythm, boats, riding, orchestra, film, wine tasting, Caledonian, and chess clubs.
2492, 2494, 2495, 2507 (Freshers Fair) printed in Durham First (11, Spring 2000), p.19-20.
Accommodation, interiors of student rooms, with some students.
2531, 2546, 2549, 2553 (Lucy Evans and Colette Erskine in their room at St Cuthbert's; Hannah Clarke in her room at St Mary's; Campbell McDonald in his room at Castle; Becky Morgan in her room at Van Mildert; photos by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (8, Autumn 1998), p.10-13.
Laboratories, interiors, researchers and equipment, some materials.
Missing: 2571.
2575 (2 researchers in ?Chemistry; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (7, Spring 1998), p.8.
2610 (2 researchers in lab; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (12, Autumn 2000), p.11.
Staff, individuals, some groups: Evelyn Ebsworth (2627, 2629, 2651, 2657), Archdeacon Charles Thorp portrait (2655), Bishop William Van Mildert portrait (2656), James Duff portrait (2657) Dame Margot Fonteyn (2658).
2652 (Margaret Collins in office) printed in Durham First (12, Autumn 2000), p.18.
Durham Cathedral distant views, with individuals in the foreground, also wooden sculpture in cloister garth (2676), College gateway (2679, 2695), St Godric's church (2698).
Gardens, in Durham, especially the Botanic Gardens, with some people, 1 in snow (2724).
Bridges, in Durham, views of and along, with people and some bicycles, Framwellgate, Elvet, Kingsgate, viaduct, Prebends.
Aerial views of Durham, especially the peninsula, Science site, and the colleges of Van Mildert (2809, 2810, 2815), Collingwood (2817), St Aidan's (2821), St Mary's (2830).
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A2828
UND/CK1/A2855-2878, 2882-2888, 2890-2891, 2893-2894
Flowers, mostly paintings of, some originals.
River banks, Wear, bridges, mills, weirs, punts, people walking, lying, rowing boats lined up in Durham.
Elvet Riverside lecture rooms entrance, various groups of people on the steps.
Leisure, exterior of cinemas, “Millennium” and “Holywood Bowl”, Teesside Leisure Centre Stockton .
Shops/shopping, a shop front and interior (?DSU) with students, and an outdoor stall, selling clothing.
East Asian Studies, exteriors of Elvet Hill House, with sundial, and students walking around, and an interior.
Hockey, men's and women's hockey matches in progress, on grass and artificial.
Anthropology, indoors, students and lecturers in classes, studying skeletons, having coffee and cakes.
Children, infants and juniors, in labs, nurseries, classes, outdoors at the cathedral.
Rugby, matches in progress, also a stand at Freshers Fair (3160).
UND/CK1/A3193-3194, 3196
Durham Market Place, Pant and the marquis of Londonderry statues.
Durham churches, St Oswald (3217-3219), St Nicholas(3220,3222), St Mary the Less (3221), St Margaret (3223).
Archaeology, Saxon/Viking helmets, dig at Hadrian's Wall (Housesteads 3247).
Croquet, played on Palace Green, Cosin's Hall beyond.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A3269
Tennis, games in progress on hard and grass courts.
Sport, matches in progress - men's and women's - rugby, football, cricket, also training runs.
Missing: 3325.
3323 (cricket match on Racecourse cathedral beyond; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (8, Autumn 1998), p.20 and Durham First (13, Spring 2001), p.26.
Sport, rowing, fours, pairs, doubles, sculls, on the water, at the dock, also spectators on the river bank.
Missing: 3345, 3366.
Sport, women's and men's hockey, running, basketball, trampolining, tennis, croquet, rowing (eights), and students walking.
Missing: 3388.
3383 (female hockey goalkeeper crouching rear; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (11, Spring 2000), p.23.
Congregation, students in academic dress with families and guests, singularly and in groups, and processing, on Palace Green, at the castle and around town.
Missing: 3444, 3482, 3512.
Durham, including views of woods (3517), mill (3518), castle (3519), cathedral central tower (3520-3521), rowing boats lined up (3522), Old Shire Hall cupola (3523), Main Library at night (3524), George Stephenson statue (3526).
Missing: 3525.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A3523
Out and About, students variously around Durham, including cathedral, Prebends Bridge, Elvet Bridge, St Oswald's church, Palace Green Library, Kingsgate Bridge, shops (Van Mildert, Scorpio) , Market Place with stalls, streets, doorways, people walking, bicycles, men sack-barrowing a desk, outside the Music Dept, Owengate, Bow Lane, on the river bank, outside Elvet Riverside, at the Regatta, saxophonist (3746), relaxing on lawns, reading books, painting (3783-3784).
Missing: 3552, 3622, 3656, 3361-3364, 3708-3709.
At Work, students studying books in the Palace Green and Main Libraries, using a parchment roll in the ASC searchroom, using PC computers, in laboratories with equipment, discussing in seminars/tutorials, with bones, looking at maps, listening with headphones, attentive in lectures, using surveying equipment outdoors, on a dig, in labs with chemicals, cultures, models.
Missing: 3852.
?3791 (student in the law library; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.35.
3794 (student in the law library; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (11, Spring 2000), p.15.
3799 (Palace Green Law Library students working; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (13, Spring 2001), p.2.
3804 (student in ASC Palace Green searchroom using a parchment roll; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.3.
3828 (2 looking at maps; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (11, Spring 2000), p.13.
3830 (discussing bones; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.6.
3857 (2 academics holding up an item jointly in a lab; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (15, Autumn 2002), p.3.
3860 (?culture being compared to charts) printed in Durham First (13, Spring 2001), p.13.
3863 (Pyschology Dept brain scanner and a student; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (14, Autumn 2001), p.7.
3866 (girl with safety glasses in Chemistry lab; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (5, Spring 1997), p.5.
Images of a galaxy (3867), chemical structure (3868), plate [from the Oriental Museum] (3869), sculpture of a bishop from the Botanic Garden (3870), Lawrence of Durham (3871), manuscript elaborated initial B (3872).
3867 (galaxy) printed (part) in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.16.
3868 (chemical structure) printed (part) in Durham First (16, Autumn 2002), p.15.
Colleges, Abbey House, students at Van Mildert and Trevelyan, unloading a car, inside student rooms.
Missing: 3884.
Services, students in the Careers Centre, in the [DSU] shop showing cards, posters, clothing, in the Main Library, groups of students in various indoor locations, in the Students Union, playing chess, at the Freshers Fair - stalls for Amnesty (3922), Hot Curry (3926), shotokai karate (3928), Caledonian (3929), anarchists (3930), relaxing in the coffee bar and a student JCR.
Missing: 3892.
3891 (3 students in Careers Centre) printed in Durham First (12, Autumn 2000), p.21.
3942 (students in ?Main Library/a JCR, cathedral beyond) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.34.
Children, in the university nursery and a lab.
Close-ups, 3 females, 1 in the Accommodation Office, also Sir Peter Ustinov as chancellor (3952).
Stockton, exteriors of Holliday building, with groups of students.
Missing: 3960, 3965, 3971.
Chancellor, Sir Peter Ustinov in full academic dress, mostly in procession in Durham, also Stockton (3997, 4006), and seated with Lady Evelyn Barbirolli (3998) and Gordon and Judith Stone (3999) in July 1993, and imprinting his hand in wet concrete at Stockton 1992 (4004, 4005).
Students, walking, sitting talking, lying under a tree reading a book, cycling, reading a paper, at graduation, in groups and singly, with a badminton racquet.
4028 (student reading a book lying against a tree; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (11, Spring 2000), p.14.
4041 (male and female graduates being photographed) printed in Kingsgate (3 No1, Spring 1994), p.16.
4053 (Kumar Iyer Union President M1998; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.29.
4082 (girl in straw hat with roses) printed in Durham First (7, Spring 1998), p.31.
4083 (doctoral graduate in “Hatfield 94” shades; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.3.
4084 (Jennifer Collins 3rd year Maths sitting on a stone bench with bag and book; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (9, Spring 1999), p.15.
Overseas students, singly, in groups, at graduation.
Palace Green, Cosin's Hall/Almshouses, Palace Green Library, Abbey House (theology).
Chemistry, chemical structure, experiment, students in a lab.
Cycling, cycle race Milk Race 1992 going down Owengate, bicycles lined up on science site.
4123 (Milk Race 1992) printed in Kingsgate (1 No2, Summer 1992), p.17.
Canteens, Collingwood dining hall (4128).
Studying, students at work, in Anthropology (skeletons).
Families, mothers/fathers with children, and a family group.
4131 (graduation family group; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First, (9, Spring 1999), p.37.
4132 (Stockton female graduate with child 1995; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First, (2, Autumn 1995), p.17.
Astronomy, emblem of the 14th Astronomer Royal.
Meetings, groups of people round tables.
Politics, students with bicycles outside Politics dept front door 48 Old Elvet.
Sport, students playing pool, football, ?judo, rowers walking with blades and on an ergometer.
Biology, diagram of an eye, picture of a blue butterfly.
Catering, staff carrying food and drink across the Castle courtyard.
DSU, students approaching Dunelm House, seated inside.
University Office, Old Shire Hall exterior details.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A4174
Biological Sciences, overview of the buildings, interior of the Oriental Museum exhibition area.
Teikyo University, building exterior.
Geography, 2 and 3-dimensional maps of UK and Co Durham, 2 students studying maps.
UND/CK1/A4187-4353   June - July 2003
Congregation graduation Summer 2003, students and academics processing into the cathedral and castle, groups of graduates, with families, guests, and drinks, also views inside the cathedral from the west end of the nave, graduates in a phone box, in front of the Exhibition Hall entrance and Cosin's Library door.
Researchers with lab equipment, children in a lab and nursery, the cathedral, students walking, sitting on walls.
3863 (Pyschology Dept brain scanner and a student; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (14, Autumn 2001), p.7.
Technology, students sitting at computer PCs, working in libraries, looking at microscopes, lab equipment, bones.
4379 (student at a PC computer) printed in Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.35.
UND/CK1/A4385-4421   July 2002
Congregation graduation Summer 2002, graduates processing into the cathedral, with families and guests afterwards on Palace Green, in a phone box, group with their hoods up, with child, camera, pram.
Out and About, on a raft in the river, on an ?African fishing boat, loading a car, in a punt, on a hike in mountains, outside Elvet Riverside, tractor and trailer with ?Africans, Celtic cross-head.
Congregation graduation, processing to the castle, large group photo.
Stockton, buildings exteriors, graduation, students in lab coats, canoeing course on the Tees, creek with boats, flooded bicycle, railings and ?cricket ground, Durham Science site aerial view, Elvet Riverside from the river.
4445 (graduates in front of Holliday building; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (2, Autumn 1995), p.17, Durham First (12, Autumn 2000), p.20, and Durham First (13, Spring 2001), p.1.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/A4444
Durham Buildings, Owengate, Van Mildert, Abbey House, The Bailey, Palace Green Law Library, Elvet Riverside from the river, 24 Old Elvet.
UND/CK1/A4469-4475   June 2001
Congregation graduation, various groups of graduates.
UND/CK1/A4476-4494   June 2002
Congregation graduation, processing into the cathedral, inside the cathedral with Ustinov on a TV screen, formal group photo in front of the Castle Hall steps, informal groups of graduates, families and guests.
4478 (graduates & guests on Palace Green) printed in Durham First (16, Autumn 2002), p.33 and Durham First (18, Spring 2004), p.29.
4484 (cathedral interior Ustinov on TV; photo by Royston Thomas) printed in Durham First (16, Autumn 2002), p.32.
UND/CK1/A4495-4496   1998
Stockton graduation, female graduates with glasses.
Graduate Society, Parsons Field and vice-chancellor's house exteriors.
Bridges, Kingsgate and viaduct.
Sport, volleyball, 2 players, indoors.
Stockton, Holliday building exterior, Sir Peter Ustinov imprinting his hand in cement, dignitaries in hard hats, inside the rotunda.
UND/CK1/A4520-4534   2 July 2002
Congregation graduation, processing to the cathedral, graduate and wife with pram.
UND/CK1/A4535-4621   June/July 2002
Congregation graduation, processing to the cathedral and from the castle, graduates with families and friends afterwards on Palace Green and in a formal group on the Castle Hall steps.
UND/CK1/A4622-4624   December 2002
Congregation graduation, processing to the cathedral.
Photographs - Buildings
Reference: UND/CK1/BB
UND/CK1/BB/A1/1   [c.1925]
Abbey House, Palace Green, front, with railings, gates, front garden and blocked windows, with a lady at the door.
Size: 195 x 250mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/19.
Printed in Marilyn Hird ed, St Mary's College, 1899-1974 (Durham 1974).
UND/CK1/BB/A1/2   29 October 1992
Abbey House, Palace Green, (Theology Dept), front. By Fillinghams.
Size: 125 x 100mm
Formerly: E000287.
UND/CK1/BB/B1/1-7   [c.1995]
Bailey, 38 South Bailey, Classics Dept, exterior, street frontage and entrance.
Size: 130 x 175mm
1 image printed in News for members of staff (March 2001), p.3.
UND/CK1/BB/B1/8   [c.1995]
Bailey, 43 South Bailey, History Dept, exterior street frontage, from the south.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: 101714.
UND/CK1/BB/B2/1-5   [1990s]
Botanic Gradens, showing the visitor centre, glasshouse, and Shadows of the Past sculptures by Colin Wilbourn.
Size: 120 x 90mm
Formerly: F00008-18.
UND/CK1/BB/B3/1   [?1980s]
Business School, exterior, view from NW.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: INF/BUS/P/9 and E000092.
UND/CK1/BB/C1/1-19   [1930s]
Durham Castle, restoration work, including distant views and details, mostly exteriors from the river and courtyard, also the Great Hall (full of timber and railway lines) and Tunstal Gallery interiors, showing scaffolding, shutes, hoists, railways, steel girders, brick pillars, concreting, mortaring, pointing, shuttering, and workmen.
Size: 120/175 x 170/250mm
Formerly: A000203.
UND/CK1/BB/C1/20-33   [1980s - 1990s]
Durham Castle views from above and from the cathedral tower, exterior views of the keep, courtyard (1 with congregation guests), and gatehouse.
Size: 100-250 x 90-250mm
Formerly: A000158-188 and (1) INF/UNY/P/5.
View from above printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.94-95.
UND/CK1/BB/C1/34-35   February 1989
Durham Castle gatehouse with scaffolding and detail of stonework erosion.
Size: 125 x 180mm
Formerly: A000186-187.
UND/CK1/BB/C1/36   [1991]
Durham Castle, royal coat of arms of Charles II, 7' high painting on canvas, prior to remounting on the Great Hall wall.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: A000158.
UND/CK1/BB/C1/37-43   [?1990s]
Durham Castle interiors: Tunstal Gallery, Great Hall from the floor and from the gallery, Black Stairs, Tunstal chapel, Norman chapel.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: 7195-7206 and A000175-7 and 215.
UND/CK1/BB/C1/44-49   [c.February 1993]
Durham Castle exteriors, details of stonework erosion on the North Terrace side.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: 7198-7204 and A000172-4 & 2006-8.
1 image printed (BW) in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.12 and Kingsgate, (Vol.2 No.1, Spring 1993), p.5.
UND/CK1/BB/C2/1   [1960s]
Chemistry/Geology building front exterior.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 310 x 255mm
UND/CK1/BB/C2/2   1992
Chemistry/Geology building, entrance exterior.
Size: 190 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/GEL/P/4 and E000200
UND/CK1/BB/C2/3   [c.1995]
?Chemistry/Geology building entrance atrium interior.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: E000309.
UND/CK1/BB/C3/1   [?1980s]
Collingwood College exteriors, and a student working in his room.
Last by Colin Westwood of London.
Size: 130-205 x 170-260
UND/CK1/BB/C3/5-13   [1990s]
Collingwood College exteriors, views from the meadow and across the pond, also its coat of arms.
Size: 100-150 x 150-215mm
Formerly: A000026-34.
UND/CK1/BB/C4/1   [c.1990]
Computer Centre new extension exterior.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: 101741 & E000085.
UND/CK1/BB/C5/1   March 1969
Cosin's Hall, from the rear, with crane and hoarding, during the construction of University College's Bailey Court.
Size: 90 x 140mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/14.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/C5/1
UND/CK1/BB/C5/2-4   [1998]
Cosin's Hall entrance.
[By Royston Thomas]
Size: 150 x 210mm
Formerly: B000003.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/C5/2
UND/CK1/BB/D1/1-2   [c.1960]
Dun Cow Lane, two views form the bottom of the street and from further back in North Bailey, showing Abbey Cottage prior to facsimile rebuilding, and three of Louis Allen's children in the churchyard, and a parked car registration UHN 844.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Presented by C.R. Hudleston 1963.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/3,4.
UND/CK1/BB/D2/1-19   [c.1960s - 1980s]
Various views of Dunelm House and Kingsgate Bridge from the road, river and across the river, and three interiors of the [Fonteyn] ballroom: set out for a dinner (by Fillinghams); the 1969 [AGM] of the YWCA [Young Women's Christian Association] in progress; decorated for an [oriental] ball.
Size: 65 x 120mm - 205 x 255mm
Formerly: INF/DUN/P/1, J000062, B000043.
1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.69.
UND/CK1/BB+   [1923]
Durham general: “The Durham Colleges in the University of Durham”, photographs of the colleges in Durham:
Title page “Durham Colleges”, with a decorated D, names of the 7 colleges, and stating that a new Science building was in the course of construction with the [foundation] stone laid on 30 May 1923. By Hood & Co Ltd, St Bride Works, Middlesbrough.
1. University College, entrance to the Great Hall.
2. University College Tunstal chapel, looking W to the organ.
3. St Mary's College (in The College), looking N from the garden, showing the undercroft and greenhouse.
4. Hatfield College, interior, looking SE from the entrance across the tennis court.
5. University College, Great Hall interior, looking towards high table.
6. Bede College, exterior, looking NW from the gardens along the front.
7. St John's College, exterior, looking SE from the Bailey to the main entrance.
8. Palace Green, looking NW to the lecture rooms, Cosin and Routh libraries.
9. University College, looking NW, at night, from without the gates.
10. Palace Green, looking SW to Routh and Cosin libraries, the lecture rooms and the Union, with a ?policeman, and 3 children in the Cosin library doorway.
11. St John's College, looking NW from across the river.
12. St Chad's College, looking SE from the Bailey to the main entrance.
13. University College Great Court, looking SE to the gatehouse, with the cathedral central tower beyond.
14. St Hild's College, looking N from across the river showing the whole front, with allotments on the slope in front.
15. The earl of Durham, the chancellor, laying the foundation stone of the new Science building, in robes, with 4 other senior academics in robes, and 3 others in suits, with a ceremonial platform behind.
Title page repeated.
15 BW prints, mounted on board, in a portfolio, titled in gold on the front with the arms and motto
Copy of 9 in UND/EA1/JB33.
Copy of part of 15 in UND/CK1/BD.
UND/CK1/BB/D3/1   [?1950s]
Durham General - aerial view of the peninsula from the south-east, by The Yorkshire Post.
Size: 170 x 110mm
UND/CK1/BB/D3/2-5,6-66,67-84,85-204   [1966 - 1967]
Durham General - aerial views of the Hill colleges (St Aidan's, Trevelyan, Van Mildert, St Mary's and Elvet Hill House) and the Science site, from generally the south, with the cathedral, St Oswald's and the city beyond (prints), with negatives of aerial views all over Durham.
?By Newcastle University Dept of Photography.
Size: 120-180 x 165-260mm
Negatives series numbered:
(35mm) A/044715, A/051085;
(medium format) 85-109 (25 images), 110-126 (17 images), 127-157 (31 images), 158-204 (47 images; 22 August 1967).
UND/CK1/BB/D3/205   [?1970s]
Durham General - aerial view of Elvet and the peninsula from the east.
Size: 300 x 230mm
UND/CK1/BB/D3/206   [?1970s]
Durham General - aerial view of the peninsula from the south.
Size: 100 x 70mm
UND/CK1/BB/D3/207-221   October 1978
Durham General - aerial views by Charles Bartram of Milburngate, Durham:
distant views, also closer views of peninsula/Elvet, Maiden Castle Sports Centre/Houghall, Hill colleges, Science Site, Hild-Bede.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: 234-236.
UND/CK1/BB/D3/222-232   October 1978
Durham General - aerial views by Charles Bartram of Milburngate, Durham:
distant views from the south, close views of the Hill colleges, especially St Mary's, and the Science Site.
Size: 125 x 125mm (8 prints); 150 x210mm (1 print); 250 x 200mm (2 prints)
Formerly: 238/3-10.
UND/CK1/BB/D3/233-274   [c.1980]
Durham General, aerial views
Most from afar, some closer up of Hild/Bede, Elvet/peninsula, peninsula, Science Site, Hill colleges, Racecourse, Van Mildert, Collingwood, St Aidan's, Grey/St Mary's, Trevelyan, Frankland prison.
By Charles Bartram of Milburngate Centre, Durham.
Size: 55 x 55mm
UND/CK1/BB/D3/275-278   [c.1980]
Durham General, aerial views:
Science Site, peninsula, Maiden Castle Sports Centre/Houghall.
Size: 55 x 55mm
Formerly: B000019.
UND/CK1/BB/D3/270-325   16 - 19 April 1980
Durham General - high level views from the top of the cathedral tower by Charles Bartram, featuring Palace Green Library, the Castle, other Palace Green buildings, Dunelm House, the College, also some ground level views of the front and back of No 5 The College.
Size: 250 x 200mm (4 sheets); 200 x 125mm (1 sheet)
Formerly: films 797-799, 954C, 955C.
UND/CK1/BB/D3/326-369   1981 - 1992
Durham General, aerial views by AirFotos of Fawdon, Newcastle.
326-327. Peninsula from the south and the north. 10 July 1981.
328-331. Science Site, Hild-Bede, St Aidan's/Business School, Grey/Trevelyan. 15 June 1983.
332-336. General, Collingwood/Grey/Botanic Gardens, Van Mildert/Trevelyan. 20 October 1983.
337-344. Science Site and the Hill colleges from the south and east, peninsula and Gilesgate from the west. 15 May 1984.
345-348. Science Site especially Main Library, peninsula. 6 July 1984.
349-350. Science site from the east, Elvet and peninsula from the east. ?1980s.
351-352. General from the south and east. 29 April 1992.
353-369. Elvet/peninsula, Science Site, Hill colleges, Hild/Bede/Gilesgate, Observatory, Maiden Castle Sports Centre/Houghall, general from the south and east. 14/15 May 1992.
Size: 200-280 x 200-220mm
UND/CK1/BB/D3/370-473   [c.1990]
Durham General - aerial views by Photo Mayo of Gateshead:
distant general views, with some closer views of the Hill colleges, the Science Site, and the peninsula.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: E794/1-115.
UND/CK1/BB/D3/474-498   [c.1990]
Durham General - aerial views:
distant views, closer views of peninsula, Hill colleges, St Aidan's/Van Mildert/Trevelyan, Collingwood/Grey, Science Site, peninsula.
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BB/D3/499-502   15 May 1992 & 9 June 1996
Durham General - aerial views from the south and the north, with two closer views of the peninsula.
By AirFotos Ltd of Fawdon, Newcastle.
Size: 60 x 60mm
Formerly: L9606-4826-5 and B000018-24.
UND/CK1/BB/D3/503-523   [c.1970s]
Durham General views:
down Crossgate and over Framwelgate Bridge, featuring the Durham City Working Mens Club & Institute and the Fighting Cocks pub;
up Owengate, students walking up, cathedral beyond;
across Leazes Road underpass to the Market Place and St Nicholas church;
down Leazes Road, cathedral and castle beyond;
up from the river bank to Framwelgate Bridge, the castle and cathedral;
across from South St to the Pace Building extension to Palace Green Library;
aerial of the river and peninsula areas from the south (by Photo-Mayo Ltd of Gateshead);
over trees of the cathedral and castle;
from atop the cathedral down north over the castle and Palace Green library, west between the western towers to South St, and south over the College, the choir school, No12 and the Prior's Kitchen;
from Palace Green up to the castle keep;
aerial of the Science site from the east;
cathedral from Observatory Hill.
Size: various
UND/CK1/BB/D4/1-4   [c.1980]
Durham cathedral , views of at night.
Size: 170 x 230-260mm
UND/CK1/BB/D4/5-10   [1980s - 1990s]
Durham general views:
5. Durham Cathedral lit up at night, scaffolding on the tower, looking north.
6. Elvet Bridge looking north, in the mist. By Royston Thomas.
7. Durham Cathedral south transept roof, with scaffolding, from the west end of the nave roof.
8. River Wear weir, mill, Banks and Durham Cathedral west end above, winter.
9. View up Saddler St from Saddlers Yard looking south.
10. Prince Bishop boat on the Wear, with Elvet Bridge and Durham castle beyond. By Paul Sidney.
Size: 100-200 x 120-200mm
Formerly: B000022-53.
UND/CK1/BB/D4/11-14   [?1990s]
Durham, general views ?by Royston Thomas, all of the cathedral from afar.
11. From Wharton Park, with St Godric's court and church in the foreground.
12. From Whinney Hill.
13. From Red Hills.
14. Through the viaduct with a train crossing.
Size: 40 x 50mm
Formerly: B000016-50.
UND/CK1/BB/D4/15-30   [?1999]
Durham, Thomas Royston's views of Durham, 5 printed in Images of Durham (1999):
15. St Godric's church tower with the cathedral beyond.
16. Cathedral cloister benches and window shadows.
17. View along Elvet Bridge towards Old Shire Hall.
18. A rowing four at Durham School dock, Prebends Bridge beyond.
19. Stair-rail down to Kingsgate Bridge on the Bow Lane side.
20. Castle bailey pillar and lamp, with Cosin's Library stair turret and the cathedral north transept beyond.
21. James Britton's tomb in Durham Cathedral.
22. Path with a fence and steps rising through a wood, with two girls, one in a gown, (?the Banks or Pelaw).
23. Bicycle dripping with icicles propped against a building.
24. Frosty railings with the cathedral west end and lowering clouds beyond.
25. Group photo being taken in Hild Bede car park with the cathedral beyond.
26. With a negative.
27. View up Elvet Bridge to Saddler St with two girls laughing.
28. With a negative.
29. View along the outside of Framwelgate Bridge south side with Durham castle above (negative).
30. 8 students arranged about Durham Castle Hall steps (negative).
Size: 310-260 x 210-240mm
Formerly: B000027-47.
UND/CK1/BB/D4/31-39   [?1990s]
Durham General, views of Palace Green, including the Library, its entrance, the Castle gateway, the cathedral, and also of the College, including No.12 and the water tower.
Size: 75 x 60mm
Formerly: B000001, 42, 46, 51.
UND/CK1/BB/D4/40   [c.1995]
Linocut of Framwelgate Bridge, Durham castle and cathedral.
Size: 170 x 65mm
Formerly: K000020.
UND/CK1/BB/D4/41-65   [c.2000]
Durham university sites: Kingsgate Bridge, Mountjoy, Collingwood and Van Mildert Colleges.
UND/CK1/BB/D4/66-122   1998
66-120. Durham: buildings round Palace Green, also St Mary's and Trevelyan Colleges.
121-122. Negatives of a college interior with an unidentified adult and child.
UND/CK1/BB/E1/1-3   August 2004
Earth Sciences building, exterior general and details, and interiors of stairs and fittings.
By RJB Communications.
Formerly: E217a-x.jpg.
UND/CK1/BB/E2/1-3   [c.1970]
Elvet Hill House exteriors and interior of the Oriental Library.
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/CK1/BB/E3/1-4   [1970s - 1980s]
Elvet Riverside buildings, viewed from across the river, and over the road.
Size: 120/165 x 165/215mm
UND/CK1/BB/E4/1   [1967]
Engineering building, exterior view with cathedral beyond.
Size: 135 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BB/E4/2-8   1992
School of Engineering and Computer Science building exteriors, especially the entrance, also an interior of a staircase. Designed by Faulkner Browns, it won the Hadrian Award for the best building in the north region completed between January 1984 and December 1987.
Size: 4 x 200 x 250mm, 4 x 200 x 150mm
BW image formerly: INF/ENG/P/12.
BW image printed in Password (No.26, May-Jun 1991), p.1 and Kingsgate (3 No.1, Spring 1994), p.15.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/E4/2
UND/CK1/BB/E4/9-12   1992 & [c.1995]
School of Engineering and Computer Science building exterior view from across the car park looking towards the cathedral.
Size: 190/200 x 125-250mm
UND/CK1/BB/E4/13-19   1998
School of Engineering and Computer Science building interior of the atrium, looking out; also 2 views along Kingsgate Bridge towards the cathedral.
By Mike Blenkinsop Studios of Burnopfield.
Size: 205 x 255mm
Formerly: Q105 & J000061.
UND/CK1/BB/G1/1-6   [c.1970]
Geography building exteriors, Applebey lecture theatre interior, looking up at the banked seats, and library interiors.
Size: 170-210 x 220-295mm
One formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/5.
UND/CK1/BB/G2/1-20   [1990s]
Grey College, exterior views of the Hollingside, Elvet and Oswald blocks, also Fountains Hall and the view to the cathedral.
Size: 125-150 x 90-125mm
UND/CK1/BB/G3/1   31 July 1979
Guisborough Priory, east end.
By Cleveland County Council, Dept of Economic Development and Planning.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/1(3) and C4481.
UND/CK1/BB/H1/1-3   [c.1995]
Hadrian's Wall, view along the top of a low section, with a man and a woman walking alongside, [modelling clothes].
By Michael Busselle of Crouch, Kent.
Size: 180/200 x 250mm
UND/CK1/BB/H2/1   20 March 1978
Hartlepool, St Hilda's church exterior from the SW.
By Cleveland County Council, Dept of Economic Development and Planning.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/1(5) and C2515/8.
UND/CK1/BB/H3/1-3   [c.1880]
Hatfield College
1. A and B stairs with students outside.
2. Chapel, hall and entrance, with students outside.
3. Chapel, hall and entrance.
By Thomas Heaviside of Queen St, Durham.
Size: 105 x 65mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/11,12,18.
Two printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.10 (11), 47 (12).
UND/CK1/BB/H3/4-7   [c.1900]
Hatfield College
4. Tennis court with rectory and St Mary le Bow beyond.
5. Terrace showing Fowler's window.
6. Dining hall interior.
7. J.T. Fowler's sitting room.
Originals by J.T. Fowler.
Size: 125 x 180mm
Originals held by Miss Collingwood.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/13,15,20,21.
Two printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.57 (20), 115 (15).
UND/CK1/BB/H3/8   c.1900
Hatfield College, back of, also showing the boat house, from below and across the river, winter, trees bare.
By F.W. Morgan of Durham.
Size: 195 x 145mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/2.
Printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.61.
UND/CK1/BB/H3/9   1930
Hatfield College, tennis court, quadrangle, hall, chapel and entrance.
Size: 215 x 160mm
Presented by Rev G. Beckwith (brother-in-law of D. Ramage, librarian) 3 September 1947.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/27.
Published as a postcard by George Bailes (see UND/CK1/BB next below).
UND/CK1/BB/H3/10   [c.1930]
Hatfield College, looking down on the tennis court area.
Frith's Series, by G. Bailes of Silver St, Durham.
Size: 140 x 90mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/7.
Original photo, UND/CK1/BB next above.
UND/CK1/BB/H3/11   [c.1930]
Hatfield College, terrace above the Banks.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/8.
UND/CK1/BB/H3/12-22   [1980s - 1990s]
Hatfield College, exteriors of buildings, most from within the college, showing the gardens, pond, greenhouse, also 1 of the chapel from the Bailey, 1 of Bow St looking towards the cathedral, 1 of the walk below the wall and also Margot Smith's 1989 painting of the Rectory and A staircase.
Size: 80-200 x 95-150mm
Formerly: A000039-51.
UND/CK1/BB/H4/1-13   1990 - 1997
Hollingside House, the vice-chancellor's residence, inside and out, the garden and the views beyond, ?taken by Rose Ebsworth.
1. Dining room interior. 1990.
2. Drawing room interior, with Rose Ebsworth. 1991.
3. Maid's room on the 3rd floor, stripped/being stripped of wallpaper. 1991.
4. Rose garden and roses on the south front. 1991.
5. View across Howlands Farm. 1991.
6. Dining room with a buffet on the table. 5 March 1992.
7. House exterior from across the garden. July 1993.
8. Rose garden. July 1993.
9. House exterior with virginia creeper. 1994.
10. Kitchen interior. 9 May [?1997].
11. Kitchen interior 199[?7].
12. Exterior with virginia creeper. 1997.
13. View over Howlands Farm with a combine harvester at work. August 1997.
13 colour prints
Size: 100 x 150mm
Presented by Prof and Mrs E.A.V. Ebsowrth after his retirement as vice-chancellor, 20 September 1998, Acc No Misc.1998/99:6.
UND/CK1/BB/H4/14   1964
View from the air of Hollingside House
Copyright: Mr J. Fox (address supplied on back of photograph)
Colour print
Given to Grey College by the Vice Chancellor, Christopher Higgins
UND/CK1/BB/H5/1-3   1994
Howlands Farm site, views of cornfields and woods.
Size: 200 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BB/H5/4-5c   September 1994
Howlands Farm, model of a new college by Arup Associates, also a plan and a list of their previous commissions.
By Arup Associates.
Size: 310 x 205mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/H5/5a
UND/CK1/BB/K1/1   21 November 1963
Kingsgate bridge second section being swung into place, view from the river.
From The Times Weekly Review p.1.
Size: 300 x 440mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/K1/1
UND/CK1/BB/L1/1-3   [1967]
Science Library exteriors.
One by Shepherd Building Group of York.
Size: 150-190 x 190-250mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/L1/3
UND/CK1/BB/L2/1-3   [March 1982]
Main Library interior, issue desk, books being issued to students.
Size: 165 x 220mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/L2/2-3
UND/CK1/BB/L2/4-8   June 1990 - [?1990s]
Main Library, from the Geography Building looking to the entrance bridge, with the cathedral beyond, and a line of students studying at tables.
1 [by] “AED”, and another by C. Dressers of Geology.
Size: 85-170 x 60-160mm
Formerly: 560.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/L2/6 & 8
UND/CK1/BB/L3/1-3   [c.1995]
Lindisfarne Castle, from the west, with a man and a woman walking along the fence by the shore in front, [modelling clothes].
By Michael Busselle of Crouch, Kent.
Size: 180/200 x 250mm
UND/CK1/BB/M1/1-4   29 November 1961
University mace, inscribed “Dean Kitchin chancellor, 27 June 1911” , [given anonymously (DUJ xx 1911, p.145)] full-length and close-up of the head, front and back.
Size: 120 x 170mm
Formerly: 271/2-6A & 6 023271 2-6A.
UND/CK1/BB/M2/1-6   [1970s - 1980s]
Maiden Castle sports centre exteriors of the building, car park pitches and running track, and interiors of students using the gym and multi-gym.
Size: 150-200mm x 200-230mm
UND/CK1/BB/M3/1   19 January 1951
Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge, view from the bank.
By Cleveland County Council, Dept of Economic Development and Planning.
Size: 215 x 140mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/1(1) and C5383/2.
UND/CK1/BB/M3/2   4 August 1975
Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge, view from the river.
By Cleveland County Council, Dept of Economic Development and Planning.
Size: 215 x 140mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/1(2) and C5438.
UND/CK1/BB/M4/1-3   [?1980s]
Mountjoy Research Centre: artist's impression, completed exterior and interior of the Industrial Research Laboratories with a man at a computer terminal.
Size: 210/250 x 120/200mm
Formerly: 8682/1 & F000040-41.
1 image printed in Password (No.4, Jun 1987), p.5.
UND/CK1/BB/M4/4-20   [?1988]
Mountjoy Research Centre being constructed, scaffolding, workmen checking levels, fitting lintels and window frames.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: INF/MRC/P/5 & 6.
UND/CK1/BB/N1/1-3   [c.1965]
?Newcastle, Stephenson Building, Heat Engines Laboratory, interiors, general view and two views of researchers at work.
By Harold White of London Lane, Bromley.
Size: 205 x 255mm
Formerly: B3967-3970.
UND/CK1/BB/N1/4   18 January 1968
Man in an office with typewriter and telephone, looking down on a ?lab at Newcastle.
By Newcastle University Dept of Photography.
Size: 150 x 210mm
Formerly: A/053730/1.
Printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.80
UND/CK1/BB/N2/1-2   [c.1950]
Aerial views of the university's buildings in Newcastle, including King's Hall, with the south wing of the Bedson Building underconstruction, and also showing the Royal Victoria Infirmary. By Turners (Photography) Ltd of 99-105 Northumberland St, Newcastle
2 BW prints
Size: 210/240 x 300mm
Formerly: 1863/A and C.
UND/CK1/BB/O1/1-2   [c.1995]
Old Elvet frontage, north side, featuring the Education Centre.
Size: 130 x 180mm
UND/CK1/BB/O1/3-8   [1970s - 1980s]
Old Elvet, 23/26, Economics Dept, street frontage and rear exterior views. Colour print by D.J. Hutchinson October 1986.
Size: 100-165 x 130-215mm
Formerly: E000099-101
UND/CK1/BB/O2/1-47   [c.1994]
Old Shire Hall, exterior details, the cupola, from afar, drawing, the entrance, the back (also Elvet methodist chapel), interior reception area, Council room, Senate chamber, stairs, floors, ceilings, stained glass windows, tiles, light fittings, balustrade. Also 3 slide images (44-46) of 5 The College exterior and 1 of Palace Green Library front.
Size: 130-150 x 175-200mm
Formerly: R00015-76.
1 image printed in Kingsgate (3 No.2, Autumn 1994), p.24 and another image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.73.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photographs - UND/CK1/BB/O2/1-47
UND/CK1/BB/O3/1-3   [1967] - 1988
Oriental Museum interior, exhibition area.
One by Gulbenkian Museum.
Size: 165-200, 210-250mm
One formerly: INF/ORM/P/1 & F000033 & 101748.
UND/CK1/BB+   1 June - July 1927
Palace Green, south-east end, showing part of the almshouses, the garage, fire station, entrance to Museum Square and Abbey House with female students in the windows.
By John R. Edis of Durham.
Size: 400/360 x 345/280mm
Formerly: Misc Photos +PH 3/A/1,2.
1 image printed in Elizabeth B. Boyd, St Mary's College A Centenary Review (Durham [1999]), p.13.
UND/CK1/BB/P1/1   [c.1994]
Palace Green Library exterior front.
Colour negative
UND/CK1/BB/P1/2-13   [?1990s]
Palace Green, full panaroma of all the surrounding buildings.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: B000004-15.
UND/CK1/BB/P1/14-19   2 April 1993
Palace Green, aerial views of the buildings surrounding it, ?taken from a crane/hoist in the middle, featuring: Palace Green Library, Pemberton Rooms and Abbey House, Cathedral, Almshouses, and Cosin's Hall.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/LBY/P/10, INF/CIT/P/1, INF/CAT/P/1; 8184, 8187-8188, 8191-8193.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BB/P1/16
UND/CK1/BB/P1/20-28   [1969 - 1990s]
Palace Green Library entrance, interiors of Room 3 (Law library) with students working, interiors of Bamburgh and Routh libraries, and interiors of Cosin's Library with students working.
Large transparency by Charles Bartram of Milburngate Centre, Durham.
Size: Prints: 215 x 165mm & 100 x 150mm; transparencies: 115 x 90mm & 75 x 60mm
Formerly: INF/LBY/T/2.
UND/CK1/BB/P2/1   [?1962]
?Physics lecture theatre, an academic with a piece of equipment on a table in front of a blackboard.
By Jack T. Marriott of Stockton-on-Tees.
Size: 160 x 210mm
Formerly: 62/D/10632.
UND/CK1/BB/P2/2-6   [?1990s]
Physics building entrance exterior.
Formerly: E000317.
UND/CK1/BB/P3/1-3   [?1980s]
Pyschology building, Mountjoy, distant views, one in the snow.
One by Fillinghams.
Size: 115-165 x 160-210mm
One formerly: E2000283.
UND/CK1/BB/S1/1-4   [c.1970s-1990s]
St Aidan's College, exterior views of accommodation and lake, a snowy view from the college of the graveyard and the cathedral, and an interior of the JCR.
One by Turners (Photography) Ltd of Newcastle.
Size: 100-200 x 150-250mm
Two formerly: A000095-96.
UND/CK1/BB+   [c.1960]
St Chad's College Bailey street front, looking south, students walking in the street, motorcycle and sidecar parked.
By T. Mason of New Elvet.
Size: 245 x 295mm
UND/CK1/BB/S2/1-7   [c.1990s]
St Chad's College, exterior views of the Bailey and garden frontages, also of the chapel and garden, and an interior of the research library.
Size: 130-225 x 90-165mm
Formerly: A000101-106.
UND/CK1/BB+   [c.1930]
St Cuthbert's Society, formerly J.G. Wilson's house from across the Wear, through trees.
Size: 510 x 400mm
Formerly: Misc Photos +PH 3/A/3
UND/CK1/BB/S3/1   [c.1990s]
St Cuthbert's Society, from the back.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000107.
UND/CK1/BB/S4/1   [c.1900]
St Hild's College exterior from below.
Size: 265 x 2130mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/1.
UND/CK1/BB/S4/2   [c.1930]
St Hild's College, from across the river showing college buildings and gardens. Sent from Boston by G. to H. Pelham Pestle at Stockton inviting him to visit and asking if he would like a secondhand book from Boots for his “little birthday”.
Size: 135 x 85mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/9.
UND/CK1/BB/S4/3   [c.1950]
St Hild's College, college buildings and gardens from across the river. With some printed text about the college.
By Elvott and Fry.
Size: 250 x 160mm
“Miss Haworth” on the back.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/
UND/CK1/BB/S4/4   [c.1980]
College of St Hild and St Bede, view from across the Old Racecourse cricket ground.
Size: 170 x 220mm
UND/CK1/BB/S4/5-14   [c.1990s]
College of St Hild and St Bede, exteriors of buildings, details of spiral staircase, statue of Bede and clock on the chapel wall, and a distant overall view from the SW.
Size: 130/145 x 90/100mm
Formerly: A000109-118.
UND/CK1/BB/S5/1   [?1950s]
St John's College principal's walk garden terrace.
Size: 220 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BB/S5/2-13   [1980s x 1990s]
St John's College, exteriors, Bailey entrance, garden front, gardens, and Cruddas House, also interiors of library (with student), group of students listening to a talk on Third World problems, student working in their room, the audio-visual training unit at work with alady being filmed, and a group of college buskers in the Market Place raising funds for a children's holdiay from Northern Ireland.
Size: 125-230 x 85-190mm
Formerly: A000129-125.
UND/CK1/BB/S6/1-2   [c.1960]
St Mary's College, views of the cathedral from, with scaffolding being erected in front of the college.
Size: 240 x 190mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/A/17,18.
UND/CK1/BB/S6/3-17   [c.1990s]
St Mary's College, exteriors of buildings, details of gates, doorway with sundial over, 3 students walking down the drive wth blossom behind and sitting under blossom.
Size: 125/150 x 100/120mm
Formerly: A000128-138 & A000211-212.
1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.53.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/1   [?1991]
Stockton, Queen's Campus, Holliday Building model.
Size: 300 x 210mm
Printed in Password (No.28, Sep 1991), p.1.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/2-3   [1991]
Stockton, Queen's Campus, Laidler's artist's impression of the Holliday Building with boats and footbridge, also of the Tees Barrage with locks, salmon fish pass, footbridge, canoe slalom.
Size: 300 x 210mm
1 image printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.1.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/4   [1991]
Stockton, Queen's Campus, aerial view of the site with some work done on roads, with the proposed bridges and barrage marked.
Size: 300 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BB/S7/5   [1991]
Stockton, Queen's Campus, aerial view of the site with some further work done on roads, with the proposed bridges and barrage marked.
Size: 300 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BB/S7/6   10 March 1992
Stockton, Queen's Campus, Holliday Building under construction, steel frame in place, view from across the river.
Size: 300 x 210mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/6.
Printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.1.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/7-9   May 1992
Stockton, Queen's Campus, Holliday Building nearing completion, aerial and ground level views, also a view of the whole Teesside site with the Teesside Development Corporation Building complete and the Princess Diana Bridge under construction.
By Cleveland Colour Labs.
Size: 300 x 210mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/7&9.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/10   15 May 1992
Stockton, Queen's Campus, Holliday Building nearing completion aerial view.
By AirFotos of Fawdon, Newcastle.
Size: 255 x 205mm
Formerly: L 9205-3141-8.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/11-14   Summer 1992
Stockton, Queen's Campus, Holliday Building nearing completion, aerial views.
By Cleveland Colour Labs.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/8 and 3114/17, 18, 26 and 3083/15.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/15   29 August 1992
Stockton, Queen's Campus, Holliday Building nearing completion, and adjacent car park, aerial view.
By AirFotos of Cawdon, Newcastle.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: L9208-3375-5.
UND/CK1/BB/S7/16   [?1992]
Stockton, Radio House TFM, new purpose built broadcasting studios and offices.
Size: 295 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BB/S7/17   [?1992]
Middlehaven Redevelopment Scheme coloured plan.
Size: 285 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BB/S7/18   13 January 1999
Stockton, Queen's Campus, plan of phases on either side of the river Tees.
By Peter Mernagh film & photography.
Size: 185 x 250mm
Printed in Durham First (No.9, Spring 1999), p.32.
UND/CK1/BB/S8/1   3 September 1985
Stockton Town Hall.
By Cleveland County Council, Dept of Economic Development and Planning.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/1(4) and C7810/39.
UND/CK1/BB/T1/1-4   March 1990
Teikyo University, Lafcadio Hearn Cultural Centre exteriors.
By David Hudspeth.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: F000044-47.
UND/CK1/BB/T1/5-7   13 April 1990
Teikyo University, buildings constructed by Shepherd: Lafcadio Hearn Cultural Centre entrance and court, and the accommodation buildings, Estuko and Shoichi halls.
By Shepherd Construction Ltd.
Size: 200/250 x 200mm
Formerly: 9496H4-10 & F000048-50.
UND/CK1/BB/T2/1-12   [c.1990] - March 1999
Trevelyan College, exteriors, including daffodils and students forming the letters “Treve”.
Size: 100-230 x 100-175mm
Formerly: A000139-149 and A000210.
“Treve” image printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.20-21.
UND/CK1/BB/T2/13   [?1990s]
Trevelyan College, oil painting by Julian Trevelyan (196?), “Florence by Night”.
Size: 35mm
UND/CK1/BB/U1/1   [c.1983]
Ushaw College, St Cuthbert's chapel interior, looking west. Photo by S. Bean, printed by E.T.W. Dennis of Scarborough.
Size: 150 x 105mm
UND/CK1/BB/U2/1-2   September 1994
Ustinov College, views of a model of the Howlands Farm site (Graduate Society) by Arup Associates architects.
Size: 210 x 310mm
Formerly: A000003-4.
UND/CK1/BB/U2/3-9   [c.2000]
Ustinov College, bar area, empty and with students and a film running, also a study bedroom with occupant.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BB/V1/1-6   [c.1970s] - 2003
Van Mildert College, buildings round the lake, also fountain and ducks.
One by North of England Newspapers.
Size: 95-200 x 125-250mm
UND/CK1/BB/W1/1   2 April 1997
Wynyard Park site at Teesside, Samsung Electronics buildings, aerial view.
By AirFotos Ltd.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: L 9704-5165-12.
UND/CK1/BB/W1/2-3   1996 & 1998
Wynyard Park site at Teesside, Samsung Electronics, internal, female staff working at printed circuit board assembly and computer monitor production.
By Mike Blenkinsop Studios of Annfield Plain.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: P72-22 & P256-4.
UND/CK1/BB/Z1/1-2   [?1980s]
Zoology Dept, Science Site, entrance exterior and interior with notice boards, wall mounted display cases and a ?moose head.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: INF/ZOO/P/1-2.
Photographs - Individuals
Reference: UND/CK1/BC
UND/CK1/BC/A1   [c.2000]
Jon Adams, English, half-length, in the garden [of the English Dept].
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/A2   [2001]
Richard Adams (St John's, Sociology 1968), mostly half-length, in jacket and tie, in front of Fairtrade/Traidcraft notices, outside St John's College, seated talking, and with a packet of coffee beans.
By Dave Foster of Northpoint Media.
With a compliments slip.
Size: 150 x 230mm
Formerly: K000047-55.
2 images printed in Durham First (No.13, Spring 2001), p.20, 22.
UND/CK1/BC/A3   [c.2000]
Mamito Akita, Linguistics and English Language research student, half length, seated.
Size: 150 x 210mm
Formerly: E000214.
Printed in University of Durham Postgraduate Prospectus 2000 & 2001, p.108.
UND/CK1/BC/A4   [c.1994]
George Alagiah, (1955-) (Van Mildert, Politics) head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: P000001
Printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.26, Durham First (No.5, Spring 1997), p.23, Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), front cover and N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.61.
UND/CK1/BC/A5   [c.1960]
Sculpted heads of Charles Allwood (1874-1955) (student c.1911-1912) and Mrs Aina Allwood, founders of the Anglo-American Center, Mullsjah, Sweden, by sculptor Leo Pruul.
Size: 150 x 105mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/35.
UND/CK1/BC/A6   [c.2000]
Abdul Gabbar Al-Sharafi, CMEIS research student, 3/4 length, seated, shirt and tie.
Size: 150 x 210mm
Formerly: E000327.
Printed in University of Durham Postgraduate Prospectus 2000 & 2001, p.112.
UND/CK1/BC/A7   [1957]
Dr M.P. Applebey chairman of Council, formerly fellow and tutor of St John's College Oxford, in his ICI laboratory at Billingham, seated at a desk holding a paper with a phone adjacent.
With 2 letters of James Duff to Miss Hollingworth of 2 & 4 March 1957 about copying the photo and having a bronze plaque inscribed to Applebey.
Size: 205 x 200mm
Photo formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/77.
UND/CK1/BC/A8   [c.2000]
Bashak Arda, Archaeology, half-length, in coat and scarf.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000010.
UND/CK1/BC/A9   [c.1995]
Jeff Astley, professor of Theology, at his desk in his office as director of the North of England Institute for Christian Education in Carter House, Pelaw Leazes Lane, cathedral through the window.
Size: 175 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BC/B1   23 October 1998
Jas Pal Badyal, professor of Chemistry, jacket and tie, in a lab with the flourescing tube that leaves the super coating on the object inside.
By Stuart Outterside of North News & Pictures, Newcastle.
Size: 300 x 210mm
Formerly: E000056-58.
UND/CK1/BC/B2   [?c.1996]
Mark Bailey, (Hild-Bede, Economic History, BA 1982), full length, in black tie, cut from a larger group photo.
Size: 60 x 165mm
Formerly: P000002.
Printed in Durham First (No.5, Spring 1997), p.19.
UND/CK1/BC/B3   [1994]
Prof Michael J. Baker, (King's 1953-8), seated in his office, suit and tie.
Size: 100 x 130mm
Printed in Kingsgate (3 No2, Autumn 1994), p.20.
UND/CK1/BC/B4   [2002]
Gemma Baldwin, Hatfield student, collecting post from the pigeonholes.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000094.
UND/CK1/BC/B5   [1994]
John M.T. Balmer, (University 1980-1, Collingwood 1987-8), half length, suit and tie.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Printed in Kingsgate (3 No2, Autumn 1994), p.20.
UND/CK1/BC/B6   [2002]
John Banks and Chris Burton, Hatfield students, in the college grounds.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000090.
UND/CK1/BC/B7   [c.1990]
Peter Bantock, resident caretaking supervisor (Elvet/Peninsula area), seated by a table, in a suit.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 175 x 175mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/8(8) and 7573.
UND/CK1/BC/B8   1861
F.D. Barker, full length, in a suit, in a photographer's studio, leaning on a chair with a painting of the cathedral behind.
Size: 90 x 150mm
Formerly: K000007.
Printed in Durham First (No.3, Spring 1996), p.30.
UND/CK1/BC/B9   [c.1995]
Ronald Barnett, (St Cuthbert's), London Institute of Education, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Formerly: P000003.
Printed in Durham First (No.2, Autumn 1995), p.22.
UND/CK1/BC/B10   [1991]
Ms Di Barnes, research fellow in Community Care, half-length.
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: E000073.
Printed in Kingsgate, (1 No1, Winter 1991), p.10.
UND/CK1/BC/B11/1   [May 1990]
David Bellamy, (1933-), Botany lecturer to 1982, in academic dress, receiving a CNAA honorary doctorate from the Princess Royal, Princess Anne, at St James's Palace. With a press release.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: P000005.
UND/CK1/BC/B11/2   [c.1995]
David Bellamy, seated on a bale of straw, in coat and trousers, holding a cow, held on a lead by a lady in [?Saxon] dress [on Palace Green].
By North Point of Quayside, Newcastle.
Size: 150 x 220mm
Formerly: P000004 and 14196.
UND/CK1/BC/B11/3   December 1974
David Bellamy, Botany, half-length, in open-necked shirt, in a lab, holding up seaweed.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Printed in Northern Echo December 1974.
UND/CK1/BC/B12   [2002]
Lou Bentley, Hatfield student, head and shoulders, inside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000081.
UND/CK1/BC/B13   [1994]
David Bernstein, half length, in suit and tie, with microphone.
Size: 125 x 175mm
Printed in Kingsgate (3 No2, Autumn 1994), p.20.
UND/CK1/BC/B14   [2002]
Lynne Berry, Hatfield Admissions Secretary, head, inside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000082.
UND/CK1/BC/B35   1960
E.M. Bettenson in academic procession.
BW print
Size: 165 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BC/B15   24 May 1985
E.M. Bettenson, registrar of King's and Newcastle, half-length, in a suit, glasshouses behind.
By Audio-Visual Centre, Newcastle University.
Size: 105 x 150mm
Formerly: A/175378/22.
UND/CK1/BC/B16   [1996]
Andy R. Beven (Grey Politics/Pyschology 1979), in a leather coat, by a tree and against a balcony at Grey College.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: P000006, 1584-1594.
One image (1587) printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.18.
UND/CK1/BC/B17   [c.1990]
Prof Alan Bilsborough, head and shoulders, shirt and jersey.
Size: 100 x 160mm
UND/CK1/BC/B18   [c.1980]
Prof Eric Birley (1906-1995), Archaeology, half-length, jacket and tie, examining a pot.
Size: 160 x 215mm
Formerly: E000017.
UND/CK1/BC/B19   [2002]
Andrew Blacoe, Hatfield student, head and shoulders, outside.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000089.
UND/CK1/BC/B20   [c.1990]
Dr Gerald Blake, principal Collingwood College, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 60 x 80mm
Formerly: INF/CWD/P/2(2).
UND/CK1/BC/B21   [?April 1989]
Prof David Bloor, professor of Applied Physics, School of Engineering and Applied Science, half-length, jacket and tie.
Size: 90 x 130mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/7(1).
Printed in Password (No.14, May-Jun 1989), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/B22   17 June 1997
James Boiling (1968-) (Hilde-Bede, History BA), cricketer, Surrey, Durham, playing for Durham CCC v. Kent, hitting the ball as a batsman with a Kent fielder [?Matt Walker] watching and, with others, congratulating his captain David Boon on a rare wicket.
Size: 295 x 210mm
Formerly: G000060-61.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.6, Autumn 1997), p.27.
UND/CK1/BC/B23   [c.2000]
Alistair Bowden, Dinosaur Coast Project Officer, researching and raising awareness into Britain's Jurassic Coast in Yorkshire, in fleece and tie, half-length, on a rocky shoreline.
By Tony Bartholomew.
Size: 175 x 125mm
Formerly: E000008.
UND/CK1/JC+   1903
Eutychus Bowe, in ?a fireman's uniform, standing on Palace Green beside a fire engine, with fittings spread around, with the castle master's residence beyond. On the back is a newspaper cutting describing the gift of the fire engine by the Durham Colleges Council to Hull Museum, with a later note of its destruction in a WW2 air raid.
By John R. Edis of Sadler St, Durham.
Size: 455 x 355mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/C/1.
UND/CK1/BC/B24   [?1992]
Jack Boyd, director of Personnel, half-length, in a suit seated by a table.
By Paul Sidney of Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 180 mm
Formerly: 7580 & I000094.
UND/CK1/BC/B25   [c.1960-1990]
Warren Bradley (1933-2007) (Hatfield 1955), Manchester United and England footballer then teacher.
1. In United shirt, head and shoulders.
2. In United kit and boots, kicking.
3. In shirt, jersey and leather jacket, head and shoulders, [1999]. By Dave Foster of Northpoint Media.
4. In United kit and trainers, kicking.
5. In a match for United, shooting at goal.
6. In jacket and tie, showing 4 kids how to tackle.
7. In a suit with 4 other players and [?the manager] sitting on a bench [at an airport], with airline bags, ?eating.
8. Printed team-sheet for Manchester Utd v. Aston Villa c.1960.
Size: 95-190 x 125-175mm
Formerly: P000081-92.
3 images printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.26-27; 1 image also printed in Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.21; 2 images printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.58-59.
UND/CK1/BC/B26   [August 1996]
Graham Brady MP (1967-) (Hatfield LLB 1989), in jacket and tie, with wife (Victoria) and daughter (Catherine) in a garden (2 images), also head and shoulders (2 images). With a covering letter from him, as Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate.
Size: 35-100 x 50-150mm
Formerly: K000036-41.
UND/CK1/BC/B27   [c.1920]
Sir William Henry Bragg (1862-1942), scientist, (DCL and opened the Science Site 1924), head and shoulders, in suit and tie.
By Bassano Ltd, Dover St, London.
Size: 210 x 290mm
Formerly: 65401-1B & Misc Photos PH 3/B/13.
UND/CK1/BC/B28   1924
T.F. Brass, vice-chairman of the Joint Committee for the Science Laboratories and chairman of the County Education Committee, seated, in a suit and tie, holding a paper, signed.
Size: 215 x 275mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/76.
UND/CK1/BC/B29   [1996]
Lindy Brewster, curator, Oriental Museum, Fulling Mill and cathedral behind.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 140 x 215mm
Formerly: F000019.
Printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.24.
UND/CK1/BC/B30   [c.2000]
Richard Brewster, English, full length, squatting in the garden of the English Dept.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/B31   December 1974
Duncan Brown, Zoology PhD student, head and shoulders, in jersey and shirt, with a crayfish on a table and measuring it with calipers.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BC/B32   December 1974
Prof Malcolm Brown, head of Geology, in jacket and tie, sitting at a microscope, with a geological map.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Printed in Northern Echo December 1974.
UND/CK1/BC/B33   [c.2000]
James Buchanan, Physics, standing by an experiment.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/B34   [2002]
Prof Tim Burt, master of Hatfield, head and shoulders, tie and fleece, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000071.
UND/CK1/BC/C1   [c.1989]
Richard Caddel, reader services, University Library, full length, in the Main Library stacks.
Size: 150 x 190mm
Formerly: INF/LBY/P/5(1&2).
1 image printed in Password (No.14, May-Jun 1989), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/C2/1-2   [c.1980 & 1998]
Sir Kenneth Calman, vice-chancellor, head and shoulders, suit and tie.
Colour image by David Hutchinson.
Size: 125/170 x 175/240mm
Formerly: (colour image) I000017.
Colour image printed in Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.1.
UND/CK1/BC/C2/3   [2006]
Sir Kenneth Calman, in shirt and tie, and Lady Calman, ¾ length, with the VC's portrait on an easel, in the studio [of the artist Anne Mackintosh].
Colour print
Size: 225 x 305mm
UND/CK1/BC/C3/1   [?1991]
Will Carling, (1965-) (Hatfield) in action, with ball, for England against Australia, also in picture are Rob Andrew, Rory Underwood, and Michael Lynagh.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: P000008.
Printed in News for members of staff (July 2000), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/C3/2   [c.1995]
Will Carling, head.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: P000007.
UND/CK1/BC/C3/3   [1996]
Will Carling, 3/4 length, in shirt and trousers, pointing, flipchart behind.
By John Houliham of Guzelian photography, Bradford.
Size: 150 x 205mm
Formerly: 14870 and P000009.
Printed in Durham First (No.3, Spring 1996), p.23.
UND/CK1/BC/C4   1 October 1991
Albert Cartmel, Wing-Commander, Castle Bursar, in a barbourcoat, on the roof of the Castle Great Hall with the keep beyond.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: 7308.
UND/CK1/BC/C5   [1992]
John Casken, music lecturer (1981-1992), composer, leaning on a snooker table, shirt.
By Malcolm Crowthers of London.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly 592/JC/CT2/12BW.
UND/CK1/BC/C6   [2002]
Wai S. Chan, Hatfield student, head, by a notice board.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000067.
UND/CK1/BC/C7   [c.1990]
Mr D.C. Chaney, head and shoulders.
Size: 65 x 65mm
UND/CK1/BC/C8   [c.July 1998]
Mark James Chilton, (1976-), cricketer, Lancashire, in Durham UCC kit, batting and standing with a bat at the Racecourse.
Size: 130 x 180mm
Formerly: G000038-43.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.8, Autumn 1998), p.21.
UND/CK1/BC/C9   [1926 x 1965]
Dr George H. Christie, Chemistry lecturer, full-length standing against a wall, and head and shoulders.
Size: 70/90 x 100/125mm
UND/CK1/BC/C10/1-2   1969
Sir Derman Christopheron receiving an honorary LLD at Leeds University from Katie duchess of Kent and making his acceptance speech.
Size: 120 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BC/C10/3-4   [June 1978]
Sir Derman Christopherson, in a suit, seated at a desk, writing. 2 images.
Size: 255 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BC/C10/5-6   [1979]
Sir Derman Christopherson, portrait in his VC robes by David Poole.
Size: 130 x 175mm
Formerly: I000026.
Detail printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.72.
UND/CK1/BC/C11/1   [c.1980]
Prof John Clarke, PVC, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 85 x 115mm
Formerly: INF/GEG/P/5 & I000027.
UND/CK1/BC/C11/2   [c.1990]
Prof John Clarke, pro-vice-chancellor, half-length, suit and tie, outside ?Geography.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/C11/3-6   [c.1990]
Prof John Clarke with Gordon McWhirter at his retirement, outside Geography.
Size: 155 x 110mm
1 image printed in Password (No.21, Jun-Jul 1990), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/C12   [c.1990]
Prof Tony Cockerill, director of the Business School, head and shoulders, suit and tie.
Size: 100 x 125mm + 125 x 130mm
UND/CK1/BC/C13   12 February 1987
Prof David Cooper, Philosophy, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
By D.J. Hutchinson.
Size: 60 x 85mm & 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/PHL/P/1(1) & 2
1 image printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/C14   [2002]
Simon Cooper and Jenny Daniels, (Hatfield students), outside Hatfield tennis court, cathedral behind.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000061.
UND/CK1/BC/C15   [March 1992]
Dr John C. Coulson, reader in Animal Ecology, dept of Biological Sciences, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
By David J. Hutchinson.
Size: 120 x 180mm
Formerly INF/BIO/P/2.
Printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/C16   [2002]
Carwyn Cox, Hatfield student, head and shoulders, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000076.
UND/CK1/BC/C17   [c.1990]
Prof Rosemary Cramp, Archaeology, head and shoulders, in a coat, outside.
Size: 175 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/ARC/P/3.
Printed in Password (No.21, June-Jul 1990), p.2.
UND/CK1/BC/C18   [c.1996]
Tim Cranston, (St Cuthbert's LLB 1993), promotional poster for the Law Partnership solicitors, with images of him as an ice hockey player in Great Britain kit with stick and helmet and also as a lawyer in a suit with briefcase and mobile phone.
Size: 210 x 300mm
Formerly: P000010.
Printed in Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.20.
UND/CK1/BC/C19   [?June 1989]
Dr Ros Crawley and Dr Rosemary Stevenson, Pyschology dept, half-length, in front of a blackboard with algebraic expressions.
Size: 120 x 90mm
Printed in Password (No.15, Jul 1989), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/C20   [2002]
Steve Crone, catering manager, and Norman Darwin, chef, Hatfield, in the kitchens.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000062.
UND/CK1/BC/C21   [1994]
Keith Crosier, (Grad Soc), seated in his office, jacket and tie.
Size: 50 x 60mm
Printed in Kingsgate (3 No2, Autumn 1994), p.20.
UND/CK1/BC/   [1937 x 1939]
C. Hugh Curtis (Bede, DipEd, 1937-1939), at Bede:
1. With another man (?brother) 3/4 length, in jackets and ties.
2. Interior of Bede chapel looking east.
3. Exterior of Bede College from below, gardens and war memorial in front.
4. Curtis sitting, 1/2 length, in jacket and tie.
5. Group of 13 men, mostly in sports kit, on the college entrance steps.
6. Curtis standing outside, in gown and mortar board, full length.
7. Curtis standing outside, in gown, with book, full length.
8. ?Dining club, men in black tie at dinner.
CD containing 8 BW prints
UND/CK1/BC/C22   2008
C. Hugh Curtis (Bede., DipEd, 1937-1939), half length, in jacket and tie, in front of an organ.
With an April 2008 article from DU Newswire interviewing him about his time at Bede, printing out 4 from the next above.
Size: 210 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/C23   [1988]
Tim Curtis (1960-) (Hatfield, English BA 1982), cricketer for Worcestershire, half-length, in England kit.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/D1   [c. January 1991]
Fred D'Aguiar, Northern Literary Arts Fellow, School of English, head and shoulders, shirt.
Size: 35 x 45mm
Formerly: INF/EGL/P/1
Printed in Password (No.24, Jan-Feb 1991), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/D2   [c.June 1999]
John Dale (King's 1954), head and shoulders, suit, at the Racecourse for a cricketers reunion.
[By Dave Foster of Northpoint Media.]
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/D3   April 1996
F. Richard Dannatt (1950-) (Hatfield Economic History BA), in a brigadier's uniform with a UN beret as Commander Sector South West in Bosnia. On the back is an advert about leaving the army.
Size: 200 x 260mm
Formerly: P000011.
Printed in Durham First (No.6, Autumn 1997), p.19.
UND/CK1/BC/D4   [c.1997]
Hunter Davies, (1936-) (Castle General Arts) seated, in a shirt.
By Frank Herrmann.
Size: 180 x 125mm
Formerly: P000013.
Printed in Durham First (No.5, Spring 1997), p.29, Durham First (No.7, Spring 1997) front cover and N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.61.
UND/CK1/BC+   [c.1920]
Sir William Dawson, (director of Education at the time of and first secretary to the new Science Site) in a suit and tie, seated at a desk with a sheaf of papers, signed by him.
By Lafayette Ltd.
Size: 330 x 280mm
Formerly: E62814 & Misc Photos PH 3/B/14.
UND/CK1/BC/D5/1   [20 January 1993]
David V. Day, in academic dress, 3/4 length, in Durham Cathedral chapter house, [at his installation as principal of St John's College].
By Paul Sidney.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: A000119.
UND/CK1/BC/D5/2   [c.June 1999]
David Day (University 1959), head and shoulders, jacket and tie, at a cricketers reunion at the Racecourse.
[By Dave Foster of Northpoint Media.]
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/D6   [?1996]
Phil de Glanville (1968-) (Economics), rugby player for Bath and England, in Bath kit, as captain holding aloft [?the Pilkington Cup] after the 1996 (or possibly the 1995) final [at Twickenham].
By James Grant Media Group.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Formerly: P000024.
UND/CK1/BC/D7   [c.1993]
Ken Delanoy, deputy treasurer, seated by a table, suit and tie.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 180mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/8(1) and 7583.
UND/CK1/BC/D8   [c.2000]
Prof Jeremy Dibble, Music, in a Davis University sweatshirt, seated at a keyboard, composing.
By Northpoint Media, 25 Aynsley Terrace, Consett.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: 99241 and E000237-242.
UND/CK1/BC/D9   [c.2000]
Paul Dimelow, East Asian Studies, half-length, in the dept's garden.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/D10   [c.1993]
Miss Wendy Duery, secretary in the Enterprise in Higher Education Office, half length, leaning on a table.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 175 x 175mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/8(9) and 7571.
UND/CK1/BC/D11   [1958]
Portrait of Sir James Duff in his VC's robes by Henry Lamb.
Size: 190 x 240mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/87.
UND/CK1/BC/D12/1   [2002]
Moira Dunn, Hatfield catering supervisor, at a table in Hatfield dining hall.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000054.
UND/CK1/BC/D12/2   [2002]
Moira Dunn, Hatfield catering supervisor, with Paul Engsberg, visiting fellow, in Hatfield dining hall, half-length.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000068.
UND/CK1/BC/E1   [c.1995]
David Eagle, Leeds Deloitte & Touche, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 125 x 180mm
Formerly: P000014.
UND/CK1/BC/E2   [1974] - June 1992
Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, half and full length, in his VC's robes, in a suit, in a suti at a desk, and in top hat and tails with his CBE [1974] (by Charles Green of Edgware).
Size: 95-150 x 125-200mm
Formerly: I000042-45.
1 image printed in Password (No.16, Oct 1989), p.1.
UND/CK1/BC/E3   [c.1990]
Heidi Edmondson, University College, head and shoulders.
Size: 35 x 40mm
UND/CK1/BC/E4   [1996]
Jonathan Edwards, (1966-) (Van Mildert Physics 1987) in a sweatshirt, with his wife Alison (one image) and son Sam (one image), both with his silver Olympic medal. With a covering note.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 300 x 210mm
Formerly: P000016-17.
One image printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.23.
UND/CK1/BC/E5/1   [c.1990]
Prof Richard Ellis, professor of Astronomy, Physics, head and shoulders, jersey and tie.
Size: 130 x 190mm
Formerly: INF/PHY/P/1.
UND/CK1/BC/E5/2   [c.1990]
Prof Richard Ellis, professor of Astronomy, Physics, head and shoulders, shirt.
Size: 110 x 110mm
Formerly: INF/PHY/P/2.
UND/CK1/BC/E6   [2002]
Stephen Ellis, Alex Johnstone and Hywell Bennett, Hatfield students, carrying a sofa.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000057.
UND/CK1/BC/E7   [c.1990]
M. Hossein Emami, Lifelong Learning, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 40 x 50mm
UND/CK1/BC/E8   3 December 1999
Paul Engsberg, visiting administrator, with Kathleen Kelsall Watson, seated [?in her front room], holding her dog Judy.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/E9   [c.1990]
Peter Ennis, internal auditor, Treasurer's Dept, seated at a table, suit and tie.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 180mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/8(2) and 7574.
UND/CK1/BC/E10   [1989]
Miss Ruth Etchells, principal of St John's College 1979-1988, with Rev Dr Anthony Thiselton principal-elect, in the college gardens by a sundial.
Size: 165 x 120mm
Formerly: INF/STJ/P/1.
Printed in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/E11   24 May 1988
Harold Evans, (1928-) (Castle Politics and Economics) in dark suit and tie, reading at a lectern at a memorial service for Sir Denis Hamilton.
By Press Association Photos.
Size: 240 x 175mm
Formerly: P000019.
Printed in Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), front cover.
UND/CK1/BC/E12   [c.1880]
Canon Thomas Saunders Evans, 3/4 length, in coat, with top hat, monocle and staff.
By R. Herbert of Silver St, Durham.
Size: 105 x 170mm
?Presented by Miss Collingwood.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/21,22.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BC/E12
UND/CK1/BC/F1   [?1990s]
Fadir Faqir, CMEIS lecturer, head and shoulders.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000223.
UND/CK1/BC/F18   5 May 1904
Adam Storey Farrar, head and shoulders, in white tie, by Fradelle & Young, 283 Regent St, London
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 190 x 145mm
UND/CK1/BC/F2   [?1943 x 1951]
George Fawcus, treasurer 1943-1951, head and shoulders, suit and tie.
By Bassano Ltd of Wigmore St, London.
Size: 230 x 305mm
UND/CK1/BC/F3   [?February 1987]
Prof W. James Feast, Chemistry, head and shoulders, shirt and jersey.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly INF/CHE/P/4(3).
Printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.3, Password (No.7, Mar 1988) p.5 and Password (No.13, Mar-Apr 1989), p.1.
UND/CK1/BC/F4   1998 x 1999
Barry Ferguson, [Biological Sciences], head and shoulders, examining cacti in a hothouse.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 225 x 155mm
Formerly: E000023.
UND/CK1/BC/F5   December 1974
Dr J.M. Findlay, Pyschology, half-length, in a jersey, pointing at a chart about visual behaviour in newborn babies.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Printed in Northern Echo December 1974.
UND/CK1/BC/F6   [1994]
Alèxe Finlay, (St Mary's 1971-1974), tutor at St Mary's, head and shoulders.
Size: 125 x 175mm
Printed in Kingsgate, (3 No2, Autumn 1994), p.17.
UND/CK1/BC+   1925
Durham Colleges Fire Brigade, formal group photo: F. Welsh, C. Sands, A. Young, F. Tate, W. Plunkett, J. Redden, W. Wills, H. Caldicott, (all firemen), W. Vasey (Station officer), Sgt Instructor R.A. Walton MM (Captain), H. Dennison (1st Officer), J. Pratt (fireman). Walton in military uniform, the rest in suits, 8 wearing helmets with “DU” on the front, 9 wearing belts with pouches, 2 holding ?standpipe extensions. With a ladder on a carriage behind, and 5 hoses, a standpipe, and 2 lamps on the ground in front.
Paper mounted on board   1 BW photo
Size: Photo 153 x 211mm mounted on 300 x 372mm
Given by Mrs S.M. Derrick of Wareham, 9 July 2004, acc no Misc.2004/2005:9.
UND/CK1/BC/F7   [c.1989]
Ruth First, half-length, in one raising a glass with Winnie Mandela.
By Shawn Slovo.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: INF/PPL/P/15.
1 image printed in Password (No.12, Feb 1989), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/F8   1911
E.N.M. Firth, University College, half-length, in a college boat club blazer.
Size: 80 x 150mm
Formerly: K000006.
Printed in Durham First (No.3, Spring 1996), p.30.
UND/CK1/BC/F9   1994
Dr Paddy FitzPatrick, reader in Philosophy, public orator, with hanging baskets, and a hoe, outside 48/49 Old Elvet, (he was a key player in getting Old Elvet departments and Old Shire Hall to join in a City Council scheme to brighten the street environment with hanging baskets).
[By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences].
Size: 125 x 180mm
Formerly: 0246, 0252, 0253.
UND/CK1/BC/F10   [?February 1987]
Prof Anthony Fletcher, History, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 90 x 115mm
Formerly: INF/HIS/P/1.
Printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/F19   [1982 x 1989]
Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, in full academic dress, with Sir Fred Holliday vice-chancellor, her husband Roberto Arias in a wheelchair and ?Lady Phillip Holliday, in Durham Castle courtyard at Congregation.
Colour print
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BC/F11   [c.2000]
Gill Foucard, Biological Sciences, in the Botanical Gardens, in various locations including under the ant.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/F12   [?February 1988]
Dr Gillian Foulger, Geological Sciences, head and shoulders.
Size: 45 x 45mm
Formerly: INF/GEL/P/1.
Printed in Password (No.7, Mar 1988), p.1 and Password (No.12, Feb 1989), p.7.
UND/CK1/BC/F13   [c.July 1998]
Graeme Fowler, (1957-), coach DUCC, cricketer (Lancashire, Durham, England) in a sweatshirt, standing and shouting at the Racecourse.
Size: 130 x 180mm
Formerly: G000033-34.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.8, Autumn 1998), p.21.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/1   [c.1900]
Joseph Thomas Fowler, seated at a table, with mortar board, scroll and box.
By Thomas Heaviside of Queen St, Durham.
Size: 110 x 160mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/27.
Original held by Miss Collingwood.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/2   [c.1900]
Joseph Thomas Fowler, head and shoulders.
Size: 115 x 160mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/28.
Original held by Miss Collingwood.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/3   [c.1900]
Joseph Thomas Fowler, seated, with a book, folding screen behind.
Size: 110 x 160mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/29.
Original held by Miss Collingwood.
Printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.115.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/4   March 1903
Joseph Thomas Fowler, in gown and mortar board with book, walking on Palace Green, Music School and cathedral churchyard railings, students, and horse and trap behind. 2 copies.
Size: 165 x 115mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/30.
Original held by Miss Collingwood.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/5   [c.1900]
Joseph Thomas Fowler, in suit and boater, with tricycle, in the grounds of Liversedge vicarage, by an oak tree, with family: Ellen Eyre Fowler, Ethel Fowler, Ellen Fowler nee Williamson grandmother, William Fowler grandfather, Joe Fowler great-uncle, with maids.
Size: 170 x 120mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/31.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/6   [c.1900]
Family group seated in a woodland (identified by J.T. Fowler): A. Robertson, Miss Robertson, W. Sanday, W. Fowler, Mrs Robertson, Miss Robertson, Mrs Sanday, J.T. Fowler, ?.
Size: 180 x 130mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/66.
Original held by Miss Collingwood.
Printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.64.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/7   [c.1900]
Canon J.T. Fowler, head and shoulders, in suit and dog collar.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/81.
UND/CK1/BC/F14/8   June 1922
Canon J.T. Fowler in clerical dress, with cape, hat and stick, with Henry Gee, in clerical dress, half length, seated, outside, at Minsterworth Court, taken by Mrs Vyner Ellis.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 135 x 170mm (print), 230 x 260mm (mount)
Given c.1960 by Miss Helen Stocks.
UND/CK1/BC/F15   [c.1995]
Catherine Fox (aka Kathy Wilcox), novelist, head and shoulders, in shirt, sitting in a church pew.
By Birmingham Post & Mail Ltd.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: P000022.
Printed in Durham First (No.8, Autumn 1998), p.19.
UND/CK1/BC/F16   [c.July 1998]
Simon Francis (1978-), cricketer (Hampshire and Somerset), half-length, in cricket kit, standing with ball and about to bowl.
Size: 130 x 180mm
Formerly: G000050.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.8, Autumn 1998), p.21 and Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.25.
UND/CK1/BC/F17   1992
Mark Frost (Grey, Geography BA 1984), cricketer, bowling [for Surrey against Glamorgan], batsman and umpire also in view.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: P000023.
UND/CK1/BC/G1   1918
Henry Gee, dean of Gloucester, in academic robes, in a chair with the Gloucester arms behind, painting by John Collier.
Photo by Dorothy Wilding of Old Bond St, London, 1920.
Size: 230 x 290mm
Formerly: 08237E & Misc Photos PH 3/B/11.
UND/CK1/BC/G2   [c.2000]
Claire George, student in 17th century studies, standing outside.
Size: 125 x 175mm
UND/CK1/BC/G3   [c.1990]
Alan Gibb, director of the Small Business Centre, with Derek Hornby, of Rank Xerox Ltd, a keynote speaker at the GAP launch, in front of Business School exhibition boards.
Size: 235 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BC/G4   [c.1990]
Vernon Gibson, BP Chemicals professor of Chemistry, head and shoulders, suit and tie.
By Fillinghams.
Size: 125 x 175mm
Formerly: L412.
UND/CK1/BC/G5   1997
Pete Gofton (St Cuthbert's, Sociology 1997), (aka Johnny X), drummer in the band Kenickie with his fellow band members Lauren Gofton (aka Lauren Laverne), Marie du Santigao (aka Marie Nixon) and Emmy-Kate Montrose (aka Emma Jackson).
By Elaine Constantine for EMI Records.
Size: 175 x 125mm
Formerly: P000034-36.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.15.
UND/CK1/BC/G6   [c.1995]
Dick Goodings, former lecturer, head and shoulders.
Size: 70 x 110mm
UND/CK1/BC/G7   [c.1947]
[Ian Graham], (-1984), registrar, head and shoulders, in academic dress, [graduation photo from Edinburgh University.]
By F.R. Yerbury of Edinburgh.
Size: 190 x 255mm
Loaned by Patricia Kay of Baxter Wood, Crossgate Moor, Durham, to Andrée Moffat (chief clerk) from 1 January 1986.
UND/CK1/BC/G8   29 April 2003
Dr Barbara Graziosi, lecturer in Classics (2001-), National Teaching Fellow, outside the Classics Dept, on Palace Green, in a book-lined office, teaching in front of and amongst a class.
By i2i Photography.
Size: 220 x 305mm
1 image printed in Durham First (No.17, Spring 2003), p.29 and News for members of staff (June 2003), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/G9   [1994]
Prof Stephen A. Greyser, chairman, editorial board, Harvard Business Review, seated in his office, jacket and tie.
By Richard A. Chase of News Bureau, Harvard Business School.
Size: 130 x 180mm
Printed in Kingsgate (3 No2, Autumn 1994), p.20.
UND/CK1/BC/G10   [1924 x 1943]
Dr Benjamin Millard Griffiths, reader in Botany, standing, in a garden.
Size: 80 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/H1   August 2001
Wade Hall-Craggs (Grey, Archaeology 1988) and wife Emma Hall-Craggs, Durham rowing coaches, in sports gear, on bikes, with megaphone, riding beside the Wear along the Racecourse, [coaching a crew].
By Northpoint Media of Shotley Bridge.
Size: 210 x 300mm
Formerly: G000085.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.22-23.
UND/CK1/BC/H2   [c.1995]
Laura Hankins, student, writing at a lecture-room desk.
Size: 180 x 130mm
UND/CK1/BC/H3   [c.1995]
Judith Hann, (1942-) (Zoology BSc), broadcaster, head and shoulders, in a jacket, signed.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: P000026.
UND/CK1/BC/H4   [c.1990]
Prof Anthony Harding, Archaeology from 1 August 1990, head and shoulders, shirt.
By Dept of Archaeology.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: INF/ARC/P/4(1).
Printed in Password (No.19, Mar-Apr 1990), p.2.
UND/CK1/BC/H5   [1990]
Mr Fred E. Hardy (BSc 1957), head and shoulders, suit, scientist at Proctor and Gamble Newcastle, chosen for membership of the Victor Mills Society in 1990 for key technological contributions to the company.
Size: 100 x 125mm
Formerly: 000030.
UND/CK1/BC/H6   [c.1990]
Prof R.H. Harris, head and shoulders, shirt and tie.
Size: 150 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BC/H7   [c.June 1999]
Don Harrison (University 1956), head and shoulders, in jacket and tie, at a cricketers reunion at the Racecourse.
[By Dave Foster of Northpoint Media.]
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/H8   December 1974
John Hawgood, professor and director of the computer unit, seated at a keyboard with a ?telephone exchange.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Printed in Northern Echo in December 1974.
UND/CK1/BC/H9/1   18 May 2000
Dr Robert Hawley, chairman of University Council, head and shoulders, in a suit.
By The Journal, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 255mm
Formerly: I000024.
Printed in Durham First (No.9, Spring 1999), p.12.
UND/CK1/BC/H9/2   [c.August 1997]
Dr Robert Hawley (King's, Engineering BSc 1959), Dr Malcolm Kennedy (Sunderland, Engineering BSc 1960), Dr John Parnaby (King's, Mechanical Engineering 1961), 3/4 length, in suits, past presidents of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, on the north bank of the Thames, London Eye behind.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: 000120.
Printed in Durham First (no.6, Autumn 1997), p.21, Durham First (No.12, Autumn 2000), p.10 and Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.10.
UND/CK1/BC/H10   [c.1990]
John Hayward, registrar and secretary, provost of Stockton, head and shoulders, in a suit.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: I000085.
UND/CK1/BC/H11   [March 1993]
Lorraine Headon/Simpson, DARO/Estates and Buildings administrative assistant, head and shoulders.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 100 x 155mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/9(1), R00009 & 11, 7819-7830.
UND/CK1/BC/H12   [c.1954]
Prof Percy J. Heawood, with Mrs Heawood, seated, in a garden.
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/H13   [c.1995]
Lorraine Heggessey, (1956-) (Collingwood English BA) head and shoulders, controller of BBC1.
Size: 110 x 160mm
Formerly: P000121.
UND/CK1/BC/H14   1998
David Hemmingway, university policeman, in uniform and helmet, half-length, outside the cathedral.
By Royston Thomas.
Size: 150 x 210mm
Formerly: R000005-8.
UND/CK1/BC/H15/1   [c.1995]
Adrian Henri (1932-2000) (King's Fine Art BA 1955), head and shoulders, leather jacket and scarf, Bloodaxe Books promotional picture.
By Moira Conway.
Size: 300 x 210mm
Formerly: P000084.
Printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.16.
UND/CK1/BC/H15/2   2000
Adrian Henri painting, “Fairground Image 2, 1962”, part of an exhibition of his paintings at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.
Size: 150 x 210mm
Formerly: P000085.
Printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.17.
UND/CK1/BC/H16   [c.1860]
Henzell, University College, full length, in gown with mortar board, in a photographer's studio.
Size: 65 x 100mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/54.
UND/CK1/BC/H17   [c.1920]
Prof C.F. Herdener, chair of Modern Languages, d1930, head and shoulders, signed by him.
By John R. Edis.
Size: 90 x 140mm
Printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.139.
UND/CK1/BC/H18   [c.1991]
Irene Hindmarsh, former principal of St Aidan's College, head and shoulders.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: 6412-6426.
Printed in Kingsgate (1 No1, Winter 1991), p.19.
UND/CK1/BC/H19   [c.1989]
Marilyn Hird, reader services, University Library, at a PC computer in the Main Library.
Size: 150 x 175mm
Formerly INF/LBY/P/4(1).
Printed in Password (No.14, May-Jun 1989), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/H20   November 1992
Jenny Hobbs, director of the International Office, half-length, jacket and jersey, seated by a table.
By Paul Sidney of Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 180mm
Formerly: 7582 & I000092.
Printed in Password (No.35, Dec 1992), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/H21   [2002]
Sue Hodgson, Hatfield College receptionist, standing at the counter in reception.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000053.
UND/CK1/BC/H22   [2002]
Catherine Høgel, Hatfield student, director of choral music, half-length, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000079.
UND/CK1/BC/H23/1   [c.1985]
Fred Holliday, vice-chancellor, seated at a desk.
Size: 115 x 170mm
UND/CK1/BC/H23/2   [1988]
Fred Holliday, seated at a desk with phone, in a suit, curtain behind.
By Turners (Photography) Ltd of 7-15 Pink Lane, Newcastle.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BC/H23/3   [September 1990]
Portrait of Fred Holliday, seated in a suit, by ER, presented to him on his retirement as vice-chancellor in September 1990.
By Paul Sidney, of Biological Sciences.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: 5671.
UND/CK1/BC/H23/4   [1990]
Portrait of Fred Holliday in his VC's robes standing midst bluebells under a tree.
Size: 130 x 180mm
Formerly: 152/9 & I000025.0
UND/CK1/BC+   [c.1930]
Beatrice Hollingworth, half length, in suit, pearls and brooch, seated writing, signed.
Size: 240 x 300mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/75.
UND/CK1/BC/H24/1-3   July 1995
Prof Judith Howard, half length, holding a crystal.
By Allan Mushen.
Size: 50 x 60mm + 110 x 85mm
Formerly: E000048-50.
Printed in Durham First, (No2, Autumn 1995), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/H24/4-16   [?1991]
Prof Judith Howard, Chemistry, seated, looking through a diffractometer, also seated with an open book in front of a machine.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 125 x 120mm + 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BC/H25/1   [c.1880]
Revd James Howarth, head, in collar and coat.
By Morgan of Saddler St, Durham.
Size: 105 x 165mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/23.
UND/CK1/BC/H25/2   [c.1890]
Revd James Howarth, seated, in a mortar board, with wife and family.
By Paul Stabler, artist photographer, of John St, Sunderland.
Size: 105 x 165mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/25.
UND/CK1/BC/H26/1   September 1993
Martin Hughes, Philosophy Dept and AUT national president 1993-1994, half-length, jacket and tie, outside the entrance to [AUT] United House, 1 Pembridge Road, [London].
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000294 and Hicks 93/N/19.
UND/CK1/BC/H26/2   [c.2004]
Martin Hughes, lecturer, half-length, jacket and tie, outside, with a student on either side.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: J000051.
Printed in University of Durham Undergraduate Prospectus 2004, p.94.
UND/CK1/BC/H27/1   [July] 1989
Simon Hughes (1959-) (Hild-Bede Geography 1982), cricketer and broadcaster, in flight in his bowling follow-through playing for Middlesex against Hampshire in the semi-final of the NatWest Trophy at Southampton.
By Patrick Eagar of Kew.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: 65114-19 and P000031.
UND/CK1/BC/H27/2   [June 1990]
Simon Hughes, in his bowling follow-through.
By Paul Lewis.
Size: 95 x 205mm
Formerly: P000032.
UND/CK1/BC/H28   7 June 1996
Nasser Hussain, (1968-) (Mathematics), cricketer, in the First Test for England against India at Edgbaston, saluting the crowd with his bat and helmet off after scoring a century (128).
By Coloursport of St Peters St London.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Formerly: P000033 + G000051.
UND/CK1/BC/H29   [?1996]
Rachel Huxford, member of the “Utterly Butterly Barnstormers” wing walking team, in flight, in coloured suit and parachute, on the top wing of a biplane, with another plane and wing-walker beyond.
Size: 125 x 185mm
Formerly: K000023.
UND/CK1/BC/J1   [c.1913]
Dr Frank B. Jevons lecturing in gown and mortar board, behind a lectern, in a lecture room (Palace Green Library Wolfson Gallery as of 2013), map on the wall behind.
Size: 240 x 270mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/90.
Original: MIA 1/129A.
UND/CK1/BC/J2   [c.1850]
James Finlay Weir Johnston 1796-1855, 3/4 length, sitting on a chair
BW copy print, mounted on board
Size: 210 x 155mm
UND/CK1/BC/J3   [2002]
Alexander Johnstone, Hatfield student, head and shoulders, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: 000064.
UND/CK1/BC/K1   [2002]
Rebecca King, Hatfield tutor, + unidentified lady, having coffee seated in Hatfield SCR.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000075.
UND/CK1/BC/K2   [c.1995]
Mika Kizu, lecturer in East Asian Studies, talking to a group of students round a table, blackboard behind.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000096.
UND/CK1/BC/K3   [c.2000]
Dr Panagiotis Koutrakos, Law lecturer, half-length, jacket and tie.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000276.
UND/CK1/BC/L1   [1912]
The Sphinx Supplement March 1912 offprint, half-length image of Thomas Arnold Lee (Hatfield), captain of DUHC, in ?hockey blazer, with a biography.
Size: 185 x 250mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/8.
UND/CK1/BC/L2   [c.1990]
Miss Janette Longstaff, assistant internal auditor, Treasurer's Dept, seated at a table.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 175 x 180mm
Formerly INF/ADM/P/8(14&15), and 7575 & 7576.
UND/CK1/BC/L3   August 1988
Gordon Lord, (1961-) (Hild-Bede 1983), cricketer then cricket administrator, batting for Worcestershire against Gloucestershire at Bristol, making 101, Jack Russell wicketkeeper and four other fielders in view.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: P000037
UND/CK1/BC/L4/1-13   July 1988
Miss Paulina Lubacz, treasurer, seated at a desk.
Size: 130 x 165mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/1(1).
UND/CK1/BC/L4/14-37   [1994]
Paulina Lubacz, treasurer: in the Senate chamber, Old Shire Hall; seated on the Racecourse river bank, band stand behind; on the steps into OSH; head and shoulders.
Size: 3 x 160 x 210mm and 1 x 175 x 125mm
Formerly: I000095-96
1 image printed in Kingsgate (3 No2, Autumn 1994), p.15.
UND/CK1/BC/L5   [c.1990]
Simon Luckett, personnel officer, seated at a table, jacket and tie.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 175mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/8(5&6) and 7577 & 7578.
UND/CK1/BC/L6   1988
Mrs Olwyn Lund, accounting assistant, Treasurer's Dept, half length.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/4.
UND/CK1/BC/M1   [2002]
Tammy McDermott, Hatfield student, and Theo Harman, Hatfield librarian, in the library, seated at a table, book open.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000060.
UND/CK1/BC/M2/1-3   [c.1970]
Malcolm MacDonald, head and shoulders, in a suit, signing papers, with a map on the wall behind.
Size: 165 x 210mm, 100 x 135mm, 120 x 160mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BC/M2/3
UND/CK1/BC/M2/4   [c.1980]
Malcolm MacDonald, chancellor, head and shoulders, suit and tie.
With a leaflet for his memorial fund.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: I000028
UND/CK1/BC/M3   [c.1990]
Elaine McFarland, Lifelong Learning, head and shoulders.
Size: 35 x 45mm
UND/CK1/BC/M4   [1997]
John McLaren (Van Mildert LLB 1972) diplomat, banker and novelist, half-length, in jacket and shirt, seated with a grand piano with music behind.
By Charles Hopkinson of Broomwood Road London.
Size: 135 x 190mm
Formerly: P000038
Printed in Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.10.
UND/CK1/BC/M5   [c.1990]
James MacMillan, (DMus, Grad Soc 1984), composer (b.1959), head.
By Barry Marsden, Boosey and Hawkes.
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/CK1/BC/M6/1   [c.January 1987]
Prof David McNamara, School of Education, head.
Size: 85 x 120mm
Formerly: INF/EDU/P/2.
Printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/M6/2   17 February 1987
Prof David McNamara, School of Education, half-length, jacket and tie.
By D.J. Hutchinson of Durham University.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/EDU/P/3(1).
Printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/M7/1-2   [c.1990]
Gordon McWhirter, superintendent technician Geography dept, seated, in a suit, outside the dept.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/M8   [?1987]
John Machin, Business School, head and shoulders.
Size: 45 x 60mm
UND/CK1/BC/M9   [c.2000]
Sarah Markham, Mathematics, 3/4 length, large cheese plant behind.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/M10   [1990]
Dr Paul Maropolous, Engineering and Applied Science lecturer, winner of Joseph Whitworth prize for the best paper in production engineering published in 1990 by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
Size: 60 x 80mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/13.
Printed in Password (No.26, May-Jun 1991), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/M11   [2002]
Paul Marsden, Hatfield organ scholar, head and shoulders, in a fleece, in front of the organ.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: A000093.
UND/CK1/BC/M12   1938
James Irvine Orme Masson, professor of Chemistry and head of Science, head and shoulders, in a suit and tie.
By J. Russell and Sons of Baker St, London.
Size: 185 x 255mm
Formerly: 18951F & Misc Photos PH 3/B/70.
UND/CK1/BC/M13   [2002]
Ann Maughan and Dawn Draper, Hatfield bedding ladies, in cleaning tabards with buckets and cleaning gear, in a doorway.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000066.
UND/CK1/BC/M14   [c.2000]
Mavatikua, student on the Foundation for SME Development entry, seated at a table.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/M15/1-3   1998
Richard Metcalfe, director Estates and Buildings, suit and tie, hard hat, outside, Mountjoy buildings in construction behind.
Size: 125 x 180mm
Formerly: R000001-3.
UND/CK1/BC/M16   [?1992]
Miss Andree Moffat, chief clerk, in a jersey and skirt, seated by a table.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 180mm
Formerly: 7570 & I000093.
UND/CK1/BC/M17   [1997]
Sir Fergus Montgomery MP (1927-) (Bede, Education 1950), in a suit, standing with his hands on the shoulders of Graham Brady, retired and new Conservative MPs for Altrincham and Sale West.
Size: 160 x 210mm
Formerly: P000039.
Printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.4.
UND/CK1/BC/M18   [1940]
John Lyle Morison, professor of Modern History at King's 1922-1940, half-length, seated, in academic dress.
Size: 165 x 210mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/55.
Published in Durham University Journal December 1940.
UND/CK1/BC/M19   [c.1930]
S.R.P. Moulsdale, head and shoulders, in suit and dog collar.
Size: 160 x 200mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/74.
UND/CK1/BC/M20   [c.April 1990]
Bill Mounsey, lab technician in Physics, Applied Physics, Engineering and Applied Science for 27 years, at his retirement presentation, in suit and tie, half-length, holding a china model otter.
Size: 105 x 145mm
Printed in Password (No.20, May 1990), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/M21/1   [?1987]
Dr Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam (1949-2005) (Trevelyan, Anthropology BA 1970), politician, half-length, in a jacket with a Labour rossette [?campaigning as prospective Labour MP for Redcar].
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: INF/PPL/P/3 and P000040.
Printed in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/M21/2-3   1 August 1995
Mo Mowlam MP in relaxed wear at home, seated at a table in a book-lined [study], with coffee mugs.
By North News and Pictures, Newcastle.
Size: 210 x 295mm
Formerly: P000041-42.
UND/CK1/BC/M22   [2002]
Arthur Moyes, (Hatfield 1946), Hatfield archivist and director of Hatfield Trust, head and shoulders, suit and tie, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000087.
UND/CK1/BC/M23/1-3   [c.April 1991]
Audrey Mullender, director of the Centre for Applied Social Studies, head and shoulders, outdoors.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: 5972-5974.
1 image printed in Password (No.26, May-Jun 1991), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/N1   [?February 1988]
John Normile, retired (1988) print room supervisor, Geography Dept, head and shoulders, shirt and tie.
Size: 75 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/GEG/P/1.
Printed in Password (No.7, Mar 1988), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/O1/1-9   [1991]
Peat Oberon (Bede 1963-1965), blacksmith at work at the forge in Eaglescliffe.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 50 x 50mm
1 image printed in Kingsgate (1 No.1, Winter 1991), front cover, with story inside.
UND/CK1/BC/O2/1-2   [June 1978]
Professor D.P. O'Brien, head of Economics, in a suit, seated at a table, books behind. 2 images.
Size: 255 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BC/O3   [c.1990]
Sean O'Brien, poet, head and shoulders, open shirt and jersey.
Size: 105 x 130mm
Formerly: E000211.
UND/CK1/BC/O4   [c.1990]
Hillary Seton Offler, standing, in Bow Lane, with pipe and umbrella, in jacket and tie.
Size: 180 x 130mm
UND/CK1/BC/O5   [c.1990]
Portrait of [Admiral] Sir Chaloner Ogle (1680/1-1750), naval officer, in coat and breeches with a staff, full length, standing on the shore, with a naval battle beyond, by T. Hudson, on long term loan from the Bowes Museum to St Mary's College, hanging on the stairs to the SCR.
Size: 100 x 125mm
Formerly: A000127.
UND/CK1/BC/P1   [c.1930]
Canon E.G. Pace, vice-master of Hatfield 1917-1947, head and shoulders, suit and dog collar.
Size: 180 x 250mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/82.
Printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.138.
UND/CK1/BC/P2/1-40   [c.2000]
Prof Joy Palmer, pro-vice-chancellor, with a [?primary school] class, in their classroom.
By Allan Mushen of Houghton-le-Spring.
Size: 135 x 200mm (prints)
UND/CK1/BC/P3/1-3   [c.1991]
Prof Bob Parfitt, principal of the new Joint University College on Teesside, 1 head and shoulders and 2 half-length, all suit and tie.
Size: 120 x 155mm, 125 x 175mm, 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/4&5.
1 image printed in Password (No.26, Dec 1991), p.6.
UND/CK1/BC/P4   [c.1990]
Dr D. Parker, Chemistry, head and shoulders, shirt and jersey.
Size: 45 x 65mm
UND/CK1/BC+   [c.1930]
Charles Kennett Pattinson (-1983), (St John's BA), sub-librarian October 1926 - June 1927, cathedral precentor and sacrist, full length, in suit, dog collar and gown, ?outside Palace Green Library exchequer doorway.
Size: 240 x 300mm
Formerly: 4991 and Misc Photos PH 2/B/3.
UND/CK1/BC/P5   [c.1990]
Anthony Payne, (1936-) (St Cuthbert's, Music 1961), composer, half-length, shirt.
By Hanya Chlala, Chester Music.
Size: 110 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BC/P6   [c.2000]
Mark Peacock, mature student, in coat and jersey, outside Old Shire Hall.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: J000048.
UND/CK1/BC+   [c.1930]
John S.G. Pemberton, 3/4 length, seated, in academic dress, portrait.
By Paul Laib (1869-1958) of Thistle Grove, Drayton Gardens, South Kensington.
BW print, mounted on card
Size: 335 x 440mm
UND/CK1/BC/P7   [?February 1988]
Dr Mike C. Petty, Applied Physics and Electronics, half-length, jacket and tie.
Size: 90 x 130mm
Printed in Password (No.7, Mar 1988), p.5.
UND/CK1/BC/P8/1-4   [c.1985 - 1995]
Dr Howard Phelps, chairman of Council, in suits and casual dress, seated, 4 different images.
45 by QFT Photography Ltd of Hatton Square, London.
Size: 35-150 x 45-200mm
Formerly: P000043-45.
1 image printed in Password (No.4, Jun 1987), p.8 and Password (No.30, Feb-Mar 1992), p.1.
UND/CK1/BC/P9   [1912]
The Sphinx Supplement March 1912 offprint, half-length image of Sir George Hare Philipson, vice-chancellor, president of the College of Medicine, in academic robes, at a table with quill and paper, with a biography.
Size: 185 x 250mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/9.
UND/CK1/BC/P10/1-2   [c.1990]
Michael Prestwich, History professor, PVC, Public Orator, half-length, seated by a table.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 180mm
Formerly: 7568-7569 & INF/ADM/P/8 & I000088-89.
UND/CK1/BC/P11   [c.1995]
Prof Rob C. Provine, Music, half-length, in a shirt, playing a large recorder.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000228.
UND/CK1/BC/Q1   [c.1990]
Brendan Quayle and Dr Bill Williamson, outside the Adult Education Centre, heads and shoulders, jackets, ties and jersies.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: INF/ACE/P/1
UND/CK1/BC/Q2/1-32   [1996]
Joyce Quin MP, lecturer French and Politics 1976-1979, half-length, in suit, with briefcase, outside the entrance to Newcastle Castle.
By North Point, Quayside, Newcastle.
Size: 140 x 200mm
Formerly: K000030-33.
1 image printed in Durham First (4, Autumn 1996), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/R1/1-3   December 1974
James Redhead, (1909-?), lab chief technician, joined 1926, with a microscope and cleaning a flask.
By North of England newspapers.
Size: 205 x 255mm
1 image printed in Northern Echo December 1974.
UND/CK1/BC/R2   [c.1920]
James Rhoades (1841-1923), [?] DLitt Durham, full length, in full academic dress.
Size: 215 x 280mm
UND/CK1/BC/R3   [2002]
William Robbins and Oliver Scutt, Hatfield students, in a clinch, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000058.
UND/CK1/BC/R4   [c.1990]
Prof G.G. Roberts, head and shoulders.
Size: 130 x 130mm
UND/CK1/BC/R5   [c.February 1996]
Denise Robertson, honorary fellow St Mary's College, alumnus, and author, in a dress, head and shoulders.
Size: 125 x 180mm
Formerly: A000126.
Printed (inverted) in Durham First, (No.3, Spring 1996), p.10.
UND/CK1/BC/R6/1   [c.1930]
Arthur Robinson, half-length, in academic dress.
Size: 195 x 255mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/71.
Printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.131.
UND/CK1/BC/R6/2   [c.1930]
Arthur Robinson, master of Hatfield College, head and shoulders, in suit and tie.
By Lafayetts of Manchester.
Size: 205 x 280mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/72.
Printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.129.
UND/CK1/BC/R7   [c.1995]
Dr J.F.F. (Fred) Robinson, Sociology lecturer, shirt and tie, seated writing at a desk.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: E000292.
UND/CK1/BC/R8   [c.1890]
William Robinson, Castle porter, standing in the Tunstal Gallery in cap and gown with rod ?as a university bedel.
Size: 75 x 110mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/91.
Original in Add Ms 1618/10.
UND/CK1/BC/R9   17 February 1987
Dr Graham Rodmell, pro-vice-chancellor, senior lecturer French, seated, 3/4 length, jacket and tie.
By D.J. Hutchinson.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/FRN/P/1(1).
Printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/R10   [1 July 1947]
Harry Moore Rowe (1926-2003), (University College, Law BA) head and shoulders, in jacket and tie and academic dress, [at graduation], by Daisy Edis of Durham.
BW print, mountd on card
Size: 115 x 150mm
Given by his niece J. Linda Drury, 21 January 2004 (Acc No Misc.2003/4:20).
UND/CK1/BC/R11/1-3   [c.1985 - 1995]
Sir George Russell, (1935-) (BA) in suits, half-length, 3 different images, 2 seated, 1 speaking at a podium, identified as chief executive of Marley plc, chairman of 3i Group plc (27 April 1994) and chairman of the Northern Development Company.
Size: 125-210 x 165-200mm
Formerly: P000046-48.
UND/CK1/BC/S1   [2002]
Andrew Sage, Hatfield student, leaning out of a window.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000074.
UND/CK1/BC/S2   [2002]
Angel Scott, Hatfield senior tutor and vice-master, head and shoulders, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000083.
UND/CK1/BC/S3   [c.January 1990]
Paul Sidney and David Hutchinson, in lab coats, in the new Biological Sciences colour lab at a processing machine.
Size: 190 x 160mm
Printed in Password (No.18, Jan-Feb 1990), p.6.
UND/CK1/BC/S4   [2002]
Rachel Skinner, Hatfield student, head and shoulders, outside.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000065.
UND/CK1/BC/S5/1-2   [c.1990]
Prof Antoni Slabas, Biological Sciences, head and shoulders, shirt/shirt and tie, 2 different images.
Size: 35 x 50mm & 65 x 75mm
1 image printed in Password (No.20, May 1990), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/S6   [c.1995]
Ed Smith, head and shoulders, suit and tie.
By Keith Saunders of London.
Size: 150 x 220mm
UND/CK1/BC/S7   [1987]
Robin Smith, director of the MBA/MSc in Managment programme at the Business School, head and shoulders.
Size: 50 x 50mm
Formerly: INF/BUS/P/4.
Printed in Password (No.3, Apr-May 1987), p.8.
UND/CK1/BC/S8   [c.1990]
Prof Bernard Smythe, Development Director, half length, suit and tie.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 180 x 180mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/8(7) and 7579.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BC/S8
UND/CK1/BC/S9/1   [c.1988]
Martin P. Speight (1967-) (St Chad's), cricketer and coach, head and shoulders, at graduation in his gown in front of the Castle.
Size: 110 x 100mm
Formerly: P000049.
UND/CK1/BC/S9/2   [September 1990]
Hove & Away Official Newsletter of Sussex County Cricket Club with a picture of Martin Speight batting on the front cover.
Size: 145 x 210mm
Formerly: P000050.
UND/CK1/BC/S10/1-2   [1996]
Rachel Squire MP, (Trevelyan Anthropology/Sociology BA 1975), 3/4 length, in a suit, against the west and north-east aspects of Dunfermline abbey.
By Norval photographers of Dunfermline.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: 74-96A and K000034-35.
UND/CK1/BC/S11/1-5   [c.2000]
Sonja Stanojevic (Politics MA), half-length, in denim jacket, fleece and jeans, on [New Elvet Bridge] and inside [the castle].
By Northpoint Media Centre of Quayside, Newcastle.
Size: 150 x 230mm
Formerly: 45896 and P000051-55.
UND/CK1/BC/S12   [2002]
Andrew Stark, Hatfield student, head, inside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000077.
UND/CK1/BC/S13   [c.2000]
Prof Paul G. Starkey, professor of Arabic, CMEIS/School of Modern Languages, half length, jersey.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000218.
UND/CK1/BC/S14   [c.1995]
Angie Stephenson, International Student Officer, with Miss Sahab Farwaneh (Grey, Chemistry postgrad), in a Chemistry lab with equipment around.
[By Paul Sidney.]
Size: 150 x 190mm
Formerly: 0453.
UND/CK1/BC/S15/1-116   [1999]
Ian Stephenson (BA Art 1956), in various poses, at an exhibition of his paintings hanging at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition August 1999, with images of some of the works, people looking at them, and ?his wife Kate. With negatives of other images of Ian Stephenson and his paintings.
By Royston Thomas.
Size: 230 x 150mm (2), 150 x 100mm (15)
Formerly P000182.
2 printed in Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.26, 28.
UND/CK1/BC/S117   [1989]
John Stephenson (1965-) (Hild-Bede 1987), cricketer for Essex and England and cricket administrator, half-length, in his England shirt [on the occasion of his one cap against Australia at the Oval].
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: P000057.
UND/CK1/BC/S118   [2002]
Dennis Stevenson, Hatfield porter, head and shoulders, with flat cap.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000069.
UND/CK1/BC/S119   [c.1995]
Prof James Stirling, professor of Mathematical Science and Physics, head and shoulders, shirt and tie.
Size: 100 x 130mm
UND/CK1/BC/S120/1-4   [c.February 1993 & c.September 1999]
Sam Stoker, master of St Cuthbert's Society, suit and tie, head and shoulders, leaning on Prebends Bridge with the cathedral beyond in the colour images.
Size: 95 x 130mm
Formerly: A000108 and I000108-109.
Images printed in Kingsgate, (Vol.2 No.1, Spring 1993), p.23 and Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.21.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BC/S120
UND/CK1/BC/S121   [c.1995]
Rachel Street, student, sitting in a tutorial in an office.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: J000041.
UND/CK1/BC/S122   [c.1987]
Sinclair Sutherland, Research Assistant, in the IBM-Geography computer suite, Geography Dept, using an IBM Personal Computer AT.
Size: 190 x 190mm
Formerly: INF/GEG/P/3.
Printed in Password (No.5, October 1987), p.4
UND/CK1/BC/S123/1-3   [c.July 1998]
Luke David Sutton, (1976-), cricketer, in Durham UCC kit, cricketer, Somerset, Derbyshire, Lancashire, wicketkeeper, breaking the stumps and standing with his gloves.
Size: 130 x 180mm
Formerly: G000028-31.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.8, Autumn 1998), p.21.
UND/CK1/BC/T1   [2002]
Nana Taylor and Lucy Stokes, Hatfield student, in Hatfield dining hall.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000056.
UND/CK1/BC/T2   [c.2000]
Chris Thomas, Biological Sciences, half-length, open shirt, outside.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000025.
UND/CK1/BC/T3   [c.1870]
John Thomas, fellow and tutor of University College 1836-1841, later Lambeth Palace Librarian 1848-1862, standing, in a suit. From an original at All Hallows-by-the-Tower, London.
With a letter of 30 June 1958 from Mrs Amy E. Bush at Bath giving the copy photo, detailing its provenance, and providing background on John Thomas.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/12.
UND/CK1/BC/T4/1-2   [?February 1987]
Prof R.N. Thompson, Geological Sciences, head and shoulders, suit and tie.
Size: 40 x 50mm
Printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/T5   [c.1860]
Charles Thorp, warden, archdeacon of Durham, seated at a table, in robes and with mortar board.
By T. Heaviside, photographer, of Durham.
Size: 60 x 100mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/34.
UND/CK1/BC/T6   [2002]
Susan Trigg, Hatfield student, head and shoulders, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000070.
UND/CK1/BC/T7/1-8   [c. March 1993]
Prof Maurice Tucker, Geology, in a fleece, on rocks on the seashore, showing the fossilised footprints of a giant newt to some schoolchildren, and their parents, with closeups of the marks.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 140-200 x 200-210mm
Formerly: 7759-7766 and A000183-184..
2 images printed (in BW) in Kingsgate (2 No.1, Spring 1993), p.13.
UND/CK1/BC/T8   [c.June 1999]
Chris Turner (Bede 1952), head and shoulders, jersey and tie, at a cricketers reunion at the Racecourse.
[By Dave 3 of Northpoint Media.]
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/T9/1-2   [c.June 1999]
Frank Tyson (1930-) (Hatfield 1955), head and shoulders, in shirt and jersey, at a cricketers reunion at the Racecourse.
[By Dave Foster of Northpoint Media.]
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BC/T10   [c.1900]
Canon Henry Baker Tristram, half length, bearded, from the Durham University Journal.
Printed BW print
UND/CK1/BC/U1   [?February 1989]
Prof Tony Unsworth, Engineering and Applied Science, head and shoulders, jacket and tie.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/8.
Printed in Password (No.13, Mar-Apr 1989), p.3 and Password (No.26, May-Jun 1991), p.3..
UND/CK1/BC/U2   [2002]
Andrew Unterhalter, Hatfield student, half-length, in South African rugby jersey, by the college plaque in the dining hall.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: A000092.
UND/CK1/BC/U3   [2002]
Laura Upcott, Hatfield student, on a rowing erg in a gym.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000073.
UND/CK1/BC/U4/1-3   [c.2000]
Emma Uprichard, Sociology, on Prebends Bridge, cathedral beyond.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/U5/1   [1960]
Peter Ustinov, chancellor, in his Oscar-wining role in Spartacus as Lentulus Batiatus, full length, column and chair behind..
Size: 200 x 255mm
Donated by Paul Gray of Washington.
Formerly: I000106 TBC 2.
UND/CK1/BC/U5/2   [c.1992]
Sir Peter Ustinov, head and shoulders, head resting on his arm, jacket and tie.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/CHA.P/6 & I000054.
Printed in Password (No.30, Feb-Mar 1992), p.1.
UND/CK1/BC/U5/3   [c.1995]
Sir Peter Ustinov, full length, in suit and cardigan, bursting through a door.
By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 220 x 305mm
Formerly: I000084.
Printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.9.
UND/CK1/BC/V1   [c.1995]
David Vigar, head and shoulders, suit.
Size: 150 x 205mm
Formerly: P000058.
UND/CK1/BC/V2   [c.2000]
Aikatannia Vousoura, Classics, head and shoulders, in front of the Classics Dept sign.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/W1   [c.1995]
Prof K. Wade, Chemistry, head and shoulders, jersey and tie.
Size: 45 x 65mm
UND/CK1/BC/W2   September 1997
Yasmin Waljee, (Trevelyan, LLB 1991) head and shoulders, Pro Bono Officer, Lovell White Durrant.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: P000117.
Printed in Durham First (No.12, Autumn 2000), p.24.
UND/CK1/BC/W3/1-2   1997
Minette Walters, (1949-) (Trevelyan, French BA 1971) half length, in hat and coat, leaning against a lime tree on Palace Green with the cathedral behind and in front of the Castle gateway.
By North Point.
Size: 230 x 150mm
Formerly: P000059 & 64.
59 printed in Durham First (No.6, Autumn 1997), p.15.
UND/CK1/BC/W4/1-3   [c.March 1999]
Dr Peter Warburton, director of Sport, in his DU Sport tracksuit, half and full-length, on a Maiden Castle pitch and inside the Centre.
Size: 180 x 130mm
Formerly: G000081-83.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.9, Spring 1999), p.25.
UND/CK1/BC/W5   [c.1900]
H.W. Watkins (1844-1922), archdeacon of Durham, seated at a table with a book, top hat and gloves.
By Fradelle & Young, London. Published by George Neasham, Durham.
Size: 220 x 300mm
Presented by J.G. Wilson esq, March 1924.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/15.
UND/CK1/BC/W6/1   1988
Mrs Margaret Watson, accountancy assistant, Treasurer's Dept, half length.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/3.
UND/CK1/BC/W6/2   [c.1988]
Mrs Margaret Watson, systems coordinator, Mr John White, assistant treasurer, and Mrs Olwyn Lund, research grants/contracts, half-length, in [their office] in the treasurer's dept.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: R000078.
Printed in Password (No.12, Feb 1989), p.6.
UND/CK1/BC/W7   [c.1900]
Arthur Watts, of Bede College and Witton Gilbert, with family, ? wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters, outside Bede College entrance.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/78.
?Original held by Katherine Beer.
UND/CK1/BC/W8/1-6   [c.2000]
Stephen P.S. Weatherseed, (St Cuthbert's) 3/4 length, in a suit, on the waterfront in Hong Kong, executive partner of Grant Thornton.
Size: 40/90 x 50/125mm
Formerly: P000065.
UND/CK1/BC/W9   [1940]
C.E. Whiting, professor of History 1931-1939, vice-principal of St Chad's 1906-1939, seated, in academic robes with honours, printed in Durham University Journal, January 1940.
Size: 155 x 200mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/18.
UND/CK1/BC/W10   [2002]
Rahul Williams, Hatfield student, (from Switzerland), head, outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 125mm
Formerly: A000072.
UND/CK1/BC/W11   [February 1994]
Barry Wilson, caretaker Old Shire Hall, in the post room, in janitor's coat and Newcastle Utd scarf, proudly displaying a framed photo of Newcastle Utd first team squad, [presented to him at Maiden Castle by Kevin Keegan].
?By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: R000004.
Printed in Durham Advertiser 12 February 1994.
UND/CK1/BC/W12/1-10   [c.1995 - 1997]
Jock Wishart (Hild-Bede 1974), explorer, yatchsman, oarsman, on a number of his exploits:
1. Receiving a Durham University flag from Peter Slee in the Senate chamber at OSH.
2. Displaying a Durham University flag outside.
3. In his Mount Gay Rowing Team teeshirt and boat [in Barbados having completed] the 1997 Atlantic Rowing Race.
4. On board the Cable and Wireless Adventurer boat with Scott Hayter.
5. Welcoming ?Peter Slee on board the Cable and Wireless Adventurer trimarine boat moored on the ?Tyne.
6. A couple on the boat.
7. In his Mount Gay Rum rowing boat, with a colleague, rowing away from cliffs.
8. Displaying a Durham University flag in the snow.
9. Displaying a Durham University and Union Jack flags with Andy Higgs and Julian Johnson at the North Magnetic Pole.
10. Displaying a Durham University pennant in front of a palm tree on a beach.
Size: 100-200 x 100-305mm
Formerly: P000068-77.
9 printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.22); 3 printed in Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.19 and Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.21.
UND/CK1/BC/W13/1-3   [c.1990] - January 1991
Prof Arnold Wolfendale, Astronomer Royal, professor of Physics retired 1991, half length, seated.
Size: 220-150 x 210-305mm
Formerly: E000295-296, 323.
1 image printed in Password (No.24, Jan-Feb 1991), p.1.
UND/CK1/BC/W14   [c.1995]
Prof A.J. Woodman, half-length, wall behind.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BC/W15   [?November 1989]
Applied Physics professors: John Woods (retired February 1989), David Bloor (newly appointed), Gareth Roberts (left 1984), 3/4 length, indoors.
Size: 120 x 95mm
Printed in Password (No.17, Nov-Dec 1989), p.3.
UND/CK1/BC/Y1   12 November [1989]
Aleksandr Yakovlev (Hon DCL 1994), Soviet politburo member, half-length, in a suit, arriving at Haneda airport for talks with Japanese leaders.
By Press Association, London.
Size: 175 x 230mm
Formerly: INF/PPL/P/12 and P000078.
UND/CK1/BC/Y2/1-2   [c.2000]
Gabby N. Yorath (Logan since 2001) (1973-) (Hild-Bede LLB) , half-length, in a jacket, midst a display of hanging football boots, one image signed.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: P000079-80.
UND/CK1/BC/Y3   [c.1989]
Prof Andrew Young, Psychology, half length, jacket and tie, in his office.
Size: 95 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/PSY/P/3.
Printed in Password (No.15, Jul 1989), p.6.
UND/CK1/BC/Z1   [c.1960]
Fred Zinnemann, (hon degree 1995), half-length, thick jacket, hat and glasses.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Printed in Durham First (1, Spring 1995), p.22.
Photographs - Events
Reference: UND/CK1/BD
UND/CK1/BD+   1894
“Presentation of silver trowel & mallet, to the chairman, the Rev. Canon Whitley, D.D., on his laying the foundation stone of the new filtering works, by members of the Bedlingtonshire Local Board.”, crowd of bowler-hatted gentlemen surrounding a hoist with block and tackle on a platform.
By The Northern Fine Art Photo Co, Turnbull's Buildings, Market Place, Blyth.
Size: 400 x 510mm
Presented by Mrs B. Bower, Towngate House, Higher Whitley, Warrington, 1988.
Formerly: Misc Photos + PH 2/B/2.
UND/CK1/BD/1900   [1900]
Staff group, 8 men, in gowns and mortar boards, outside the Castle Great Hall.
BW copy print
Size: 130 x 180mm
UND/CK1/BD+   1923
Durham Colleges group photo, staff and students, in gowns, the staff and women wearing mortar boards, in the Castle courtyard, by Debenham of Edinburgh.
Size: 695 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BD/1923/1   [30] May 1923
Procession to the laying of the foundation stone for the Durham Laboratories on the Science Site, in full academic dress: Sgt Foster, Bedel Gart with mace, Hensley Henson bishop of Durham, earl of Durham chancellor, Dr Arthur Robinson VC, Sir Theodore Morison principal of Armstrong College, Dr J.S.G. Pemberton president of Durham Colleges, Revd S.R.P. Moulsdale with brief-case.
Size: 260 x 210mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/73.
Original (larger image): UND/CK1/BB+/15.
UND/CK1/BD/1923/2   [?30 May 1923]
?Laying of the foundation stone for the Science Site by John George Lambton, earl of Durham, chancellor, with a wooden mallet and a stone on a rope and hook.
?By Northern Echo.
Size: 120 x 165mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/24.
UND/CK1/BD1926   Easter 1926
Staff group standing on the steps outside the Science Laboratories, identified by C.W. Gibby: H.J.E. Dobson, L. Hastings, Elsie Phillips, Irvine Masson, E.F. Baxter, B.M. Griffiths, W. Hopkins, A.K. Macbeth, J.L. Burchnall.
BW print, mounted on paper
Size: 120 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BD1928   24 November 1928
Unveiling of the Co Durahm war memorial, members of Senate in procession, headed by the bedel with mace, and then [the Marquis of Londonderry], with also Prof H. Ellershaw, Dr Pace and Dr Arthur Robinson identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 195mm (print), 280 x 345mm (mount)
UND/CK1/BD/1947/1   4 June 1947
Viscount Lord Portal, Marshal of the RAF, in RAF uniform, signing the visitors' book at Hatfield College on opening the Radiochemistry laboratories.
Size: 125 x 115mm
UND/CK1/BD/1947/2-26   23 October 1947
Visit of Princess Elizabeth to Durham to lay the foundation stone of St Mary's College.
By Northern Echo (5755):
2. PE speaking on a dais under an awning, with Bishop Alwyn Williams and Lord Eustace Percy in VC's robes on her left and right. 5755(17).
3. PE walking with crowd behind, including Lord Eustace Percy.
4. PE bending to lay the foundation stone on block and tackle.
5. James Duff, PE and another man (?architect) with the lowered foundation stone and block and tackle.
6. PE leaving the foundation stone awning accompanied by James Duff.
7. PE shaking a female academic's hand with James Duff in attendance, [Daimler] behind.
8. PE being presented with a bouquet of cream carnations and palatinate purple violets by a female graduate, with George Fawcus, Prof E. Hughes, Mrs Hughes, Dr M.P. Applebey, and James Duff in attendance.
By Newcastle Chronicle & Journal:
9. PE talking to a man in a line of men and women with walking sticks, accompanied by Sir Robert Chapman, in uniform, deputy lieutenant of Co Durham.
10. Man with an artificial arm explaining woodwork to PE at Finchale College.
11. PE having a line of dignitaries introduced to her by Henry Ferens mayor of Durham, crowds behind.
12.PE using a mallet to fix the foundation stone in place.
13. PE at Finchale Abbey Training Centre for the Disabled talking to a line of men
14. PE talking to man [outside the cathedral].
15. James Duff speaking to a microphone under an awning, with PE seated to his right.
16. James Duff escorting PE away from the stone-laying dais at St Mary's.
17. PE walking along a path in the College accompanied by James Duff and Sir Robert Chapman.
18. PE walking through the cathedral accompanied by the dean through a line of flag bearing girl guides.
19. PE talking to Henry Ferens, mayor of Durham, viewed over a wall.
20. PE receiving a bouquet of flowers at the old St Mary's in the College, James Duff and George Fawcus, with others, in attendance.
By Durham Advertiser:
21. Henry Ferens, mayor of Durham, showing PE a board with a map of Durham, George Bull looking over it.
22. Henry Ferens, mayor of Durham, introducing a curtseying Mrs Henry Bull to PE, also in the line of dignitaries Mrs Ferens (mayor's mother), J.K. Hope (clerk to the county council and recorder), Mrs Hope, Ratty Gibbons in the mayor's bodyguard (executive officer in the rodent department), G.R. Bull (town clerk).
23. Henry Ferens, mayor of Durham, talking to PE on Prebends Bridge.
24. PE about to get into her Daimler outside the cathedral on Palace Green, the general, Dean Alington, Canons Greenslade and Richardson, police, photographers and crowd looking on.
25. PE walking across The College, accompanied by the general and James Duff.
26. PE with Henry Ferens, mayor of Durham, over a wall, line-up of ?bedesmen and crowd beyond.
27. PE speaking on a dais under an awning.
Size: 215/255 x 160/200mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/3-5,17,32,33,36,39,40, 43-53,62-65,69.
40 printed in M. Richardson, Durham Cathedral City From Old Photographs, (Stroud 2010), p.109; 69 printed in Marilyn Hird ed, St Mary's College, 1899-1974, (Durham 1974) and Elizabeth B. Boyd, St Mary's College a Centenary Review (Durham 1999), p.28.
UND/CK1/BD/1948/1-2   1 May 1948
Rag Day procession, St Mary's College float ( “Bacchanalia” ), on Palace Green, views from the side and above, featuring: Betty Myres, Denys Moffat, Betty Wallenburg, Jill ?Langlands, ? ?Douglas, Elizabeth Melling, Joy Adamson, Pat Duffield/Kohnstam.
Size: 170 x 120mm
1 image printed in Kingsgate (3 No.2, Autumn 1994), p.19 and printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.41.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BD/1948/1
UND/CK1/BD/1948/3   [July 1948]
Durham Miners' Gala, on the Old Racecourse with Bede College beyond, 5 banners displayed, including Tudhoe and Greenside lodges.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 260mm
UND/CK1/BD/1956/1-3   1 November 1956
Visit of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to St Mary's College
By Durham Advertiser.
1. QM looking at a volume of Durham photographs presented to her, bound by Sidney M. Cockerell. Also in picture are G.M. Trevelyan, Dr Marjorie Williamson (principal) and Lord Lawson.
2. QM being greeted by Dr Williamson outside the entrance to St Mary's, with press and dignitaries around, and students lining the tarmac, and two royal cars parked.
3. QM, with Dr Williamson, talking to students in the library at St Mary's.
Size: 210 x 155mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/2,6,7.
6 printed in Marilyn Hird ed, St Mary's College, 1899-1974, (Durham 1974).
UND/CK1/BD/1959   [c.April 1959 x 1960]
St Cuthbert's Society burning a redundant clinker four boat at St Cuthbert's, students admiring, with drinks, and a trophy.
By Durham Chronicle.
Size: 135 x 85mm
Given by Susan Jourdain (St Aidan's 1960) [in 1994].
Printed in Kingsgate (3 No.2, Autumn 1994), p.18.
UND/CK1/BD/1961   [?April 1961]
Opening of [the SRC coffee bar in the former] Dunelm [Hotel], Old Elvet, tea party, with Alderman Ferens being served tea indoors with students and Ian Graham standing around.
By Northern Echo.
Size: 90 x 140mm
Formerly: 61/5/D331.
UND/CK1/BD/1963/1-9   [27 May 1963]
[?Last meeting of Court], men in suits seated in studded leather chairs round a U of tables in the panelled Council Room, Armstrong Building (duke of Northumberland in the chair, on his right Sir Derman Christopherson VC and then C.I.C. Bosanquet PVC, with Dean Wild and Alderman Ferens beyond, on the chair's left E.M. Bettenson registrar, then Prof Lowdon dean of Medicine, then ?, then W.B. Fisher, with Collingwood at the far right end), and a lunch (?subsequently) with the presentation of a silver salver, a lidded cup and a pair of candlesticks between Christopherson and Bosanquet with each standing and making speeches.
By Newcastle University Photography Dept.
Size: 210 x 150-160mm
Formerly K/029042/3 (bis), 4, 7-9.
UND/CK1/BD/1963/10-12   [18 June] 1963
Last joint Newcastle/Durham meeting of Senate in the Council Room, Armstrong Building, Newcastle, Sir Derman Christopherson in the chair, on his left E.M. Bettenson, then Eric Saxton, on his right Bosanquet, then [Prof Lowdon], also Fisher and Sydney Holgate, meeting in progress.
By King's College Dept of Photography, printed 13 July 1963.
Size: 215 x 160mm
Formerly: K/028568/1-3.
UND/CK1/BD+   14 October 1963
Visit of Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh, to the Science Laboratories, walking outside, accompanied by Derman Christopherson VC in academic dress, and others.
Size: 305 x 360mm
Formerly: Misc Photos +PH 3/B/4.
UND/CK1/BD/1963/13-15   11 December 1963
Opening of Kingsgate Bridge, Councillor Norman Richardson (mayor of Durham) cutting the tape, watched by Ove Arup and Derman Christopherson VC, Lady Christopherson and Ian Graham behind, also a view of photographers in front of the party walking across the bridge and the bridge floodlit at night.
Size: 2 x 155 x 115mm, 1 x 210 x 160mm
2 images printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.69.
UND/CK1/BD/1964   Summer 1964
University reception for Sir James Duff on his appointment as Lord Lieutenant of Co Durham at Grey College, in formal dress: Norman Sarsfield mayor of Durham, Sir James Duff, Lord Scarbrough chancellor, Derman Christopherson VC.
By Fillinghams of Durham.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/68.
UND/CK1/BD/1965   [c.June 1965]
?Castle Master's garden party, including E.M. Bettenson with glasses talking to the Hon. DCL, and Col FitzGerald-Lombard with glasses at right edge
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/CK1/BD+, BD/1968/1-5   [12 March 1968]
Trevelyan College opening:
BD+. lunch, end of the first course/dessert, 4 tables, Sir Derman Christopherson on the first, with [?Lady Butler] and Ian Ramsey bishop of Durham on his right, on his left ?, then Collingwood, and Miss Joan Bernard (principal) and Lord Butler on her right, Mrs Moorman on his right, Prof D.R. Jones on her right, on her left Lord Scarbrough, ?, Moorman bishop of Ripon on the second, and Fitzgerald-Lombard fourth on the right, with Sydney Holgate on his right on the third table;
1. Sir Derman with John Eastwick-Field (architect) and Lady Butler coming out of the entrance;
2. Lord Butler coming out of the entrance;
3. Lord Butler closeup in academic dress with two joyous female students;
4. Sir Edward Collingwood giving his introduction;
5. Lord Butler giving his speech opening the college.
By Fillinghams.
Size: 115-160 x 160-300mm
UND/CK1/BD/1968/6-11   April 1968
Registrars' Durham conference: dinner in Castle, black tie, starters, silver on the tables, Sir Derman Christopherson on the top table; assembled group by the lake at Van Mildert College: LtoR including Ian Graham, ?, Linfoot (Kent), ?,?,?,?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?, W.R.G. Lewis (Birmingham),? (Strathclyde),?,?, J.V. Loach (Leeds), ? (UMIST), Curry (Sheffield/Edinburgh), Charles H. Stewart (Edinburgh), Hutchison (Glasgow), also Burchnall.
By Fillinghams, proofs.
Size: 6 x 210 x 160mm; 1 x 370 x 210mm
Formerly: 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10.
UND/CK1/BD/1968/12   August 1968
Association of Commonwealth Universities Council meeting, Australia, Sir Derman Christopherson present.
Size: 170 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BD/1969/1-4   [4 x 7 March 1969]
[Durham University Theatre production of “The Beggars' Opera”.]
Size: 215 x 165mm
One image printed in University of Durham General Prospectus 1970-71, p.32.
UND/CK1/BD/1970   1970
Rag Bonny Baby competition, girl ina pram with teddy bear and balloons, with three [students] assisting, with rag collecting tins.
BW print
Size: 165 x 120mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BD/1970
UND/CK1/BD/1972/1-2   3 & 5 July 1972
Otumfuo Opoku Ware II, Asantehene, ruler of the Ashanti region of Ghana, with Mrs Victoria Poku, his wife, Mr Stephen Andoh, private secretary, and Opanin Kofi Tuo, officer of the household, on a visit to Britain, at Trevelyan College with Sir Derman Christopherson VC and Miss J. Bernard, principal of Trevelyan, and also in front of a trophy cabinet. With a covering note from R.R. Keats of the Central Office of Information, Northern Region, in Newcastle.
Crown copyright.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly R8046/6/U.
UND/CK1/BD/1973/1-13   [21 November 1973]
Opening of the Sir James Knott Hall at Trevelyan College, on the platform: Sir Derman Christopherson VC, Jane Dawson senior woman, Humphrey Lord Trevelyan, Sir William Reid chairman of Council, the duke of Northumberland, Miss Bernard principal, Ian Graham registrar, with views also of the audience in the hall. By Fillinghams.
Size: 170 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BD/1974   [6 September 1974]
NATO Advanced Study Institute in the Origin of Cosmic Rays conference 26 August - 6 September 1974 group in front of the Physics building, 82 present, including Arnold Wolfendale (front row, 8 from L).
Size: 300 x 105mm
UND/CK1/BD/1976   [June] 1976
University College Congregation garden party in the master's garden, identified: G.R. Batho, C. Preece, J.C. Lumsden, A. Wolfendale, Mrs and D. Crane, A. Peckett., P.J. Rhodes.
Size: 150 x 105mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/26.
UND/CK1/BD/1977/1-18   [14 July 1977]
Visit of HM Queen Elizabeth II with Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh, and her Silver Jubilee tour, alighting from her Daimler limousine at the top of Owengate/corner of Palace Green, being greeted by Derman Christopherson VC and his wife, also meeting Prof W.K.R. Musgrave PVC and Prof J.L. Brooks PVC, with the Lord Lieutenant of Durham in attendance, and crowds of onlookers in and in front of the Master of University College's garden, with some police; also the VC's party walking from the Castle gateway.
With a covering note from Raul Werney of Birtley sending one of the photos to the VC.
Size: 125-200 x 100-200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1978/1-25   1978
[New] Squash [courts] opening, groups of squash club members, male and female groups and the coach, also a dinner in the Senate Room in Castle, tables laid out beforehand, and the party afterwards; none identifed.
Size: 90 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BD/1978/26-71   1978
Student parties indoors and on the river bank near Prebends Bridge [held by ?Antoinette] Toinette Montgomery: in the latter various people in the river, others wear a policeman's helmet. Also a 1980 photo of Toinette with Geoffrey Brook at his home in Missouri, 31 July.
Size: 90 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BD/1978/72-84   15 June 1978
Agreement for setting up the Spicer and Pegler Chair of Accountancy at Durham.
Print: Professor D.P. O'Brien, head of Economics, Clifford S.H. Hampton, students partner at Spicer and Pegler, Sir Derman Christopherson VC, Ian E. Graham, secretary and registrar, seated round a table in the VC's office in OSH with papers.
Contacts: 12 different images of O'Brien, Christopherson and Graham seated round the table.
Size: 215 x 165mm, 255 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BD/1980/1   [c.1980]
Olivetti promotion on Palace Green with a lady seated at a desk with a typewriter and flowers, a man standing speaking on the telephone, and a lady standing at a photocopier, looking towards the castle.
Size: 200 x 255mm
UND/CK1/BD/1980/2-24   30 June 1980
[Student performance] of the play [The Tempest] on the lawn in the woods down the Banks below Hatfield, with the audience on raked seating, including also 2 images of students outside Elvet Riverside. By Charles Bartram of Milburngate Centre, Durham.
Size: 125 x 125mm (prints), 65x65mm (transparencies), 205 x 255mm (contacts)
UND/CK1/BD/1980/25-33   [early November 1980 x 1989]
Unveiling of the plaque and photo of Ian Graham at the Maiden Castle Sports Centre by Derman Christopherson, with Fred Holliday, and many others.
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1981/1-4   28 September 1981
Retirement dinner group at Durham Castle, in the Norman arch off Tunstal gallery: Fred Holliday VC, with Mrs Holliday, Prof W.B. Fisher, Mr H.W. Emerton (bursar Van Mildert), Prof J.C. Mann, Mr F.R.C. Bagley (Persian Studies lecturer), Prof W.K.R. Musgrave, with ?Mrs Musgrave, Mr A.C. Heath (Computer Unit programme adviser).
Size: 200 x 200 & 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1982/1   4 June 1982
Visit of HRH Princess Margaret,
1. Being greeted by Fred Holliday VC, Lord Lieutenant Lord Barnard and Mark Hughes MP in Durham Castle courtyard, with onlookers, photographers and the cathedral beyond.
2. Crowd outside Palace Green Library.
3-9. Entering Cosin's Library, and being shown an exhibiton of documents in Cosin's Library by Dr Ian Doyle, Miss Agnes Macaulay, Miss Beth Rainey, Mr Alan Piper and Mr Brian Cheesman.
Size: 125 x 125mm (1) and 90 x 130mm (2)
UND/CK1/BD/1982/2-20   11 June 1982
Dame Elisabeth Frink opening the Henry Moore: head helmet exhibition, to celebrate the university's 150th anniversary, at the DLI museum, with Fred Holliday, and others, admiring the various sculptures.
Size: 200 x 200mm
7 is printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference, (2007), p.128, though inaccurately captioned.
UND/CK1/BD/1982/21   22 June 1982
Sir Ralph Carr-Ellison, chairman of Tyne-Tees Television, presenting a cheque for £2000 to Dame Margot Fonteyn, with the vice-chancellor Fred Holliday also present.
Size: 255 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BD/1983/1-25   [2 July 1983]
Dame Margot Fonteyn unveiling the “University of Durham” Inter-City train [at Durham station], also making a speech, waving a flag and blowing a whistle, being presented with an OO [Hornby] model HST 3-car set, with [unidentified ?BR dignitaries] and at a buffet reception.
Size: 90-125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1984/1-11   June 1984
Presentation of the Duke of Edinburgh gold award badge to Gary Nestor (Van Mildert) by Fred Holliday, in the garden of the VC's residence, followed by tea for friends and family.
By Mr Hudspeth.
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1984/12-28   3 July 1984
Cutting the first turf for the new Mountjoy Research Centre with the chancellor, Dame Margot Fonteyn, wielding the spade, Mr Tony Pender (chief executive, English Estates), making a speech with also Fred Holliday VC, on a small dais under an awning, with an audience and a film crew.
Size: 125 x 40-125mm
Formerly: INF/MRC/P/3.
UND/CK1/BD/1985/1-2   [?July] 1985
Dame Margot Fonteyn signing first day covers, seated at a desk.
2 colour prints
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/CHA/P/2
UND/CK1/BD/1985/3-7   [?July] 1985
Opening of the University Exhibition in Palace Green Library with Dame Margot Fonteyn being shown the board on the Old Fulling Mill by Dr Clive Preece SEAS with the mayor of Durham Councillor Alan Crooks, also the chancellor being presented with a plate by Val Paramore of Sunderland Embroiderers Guild.
5 colour prints
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/CHA/P/3.
UND/CK1/BD/1985/8-11   September 1985
Visit of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, in Durham Castle courtyard, with Fred Holliday VC et al.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: S45/1, 3, 6, 7.
UND/CK1/BD/1985/12-25   [c.1985]
Unidentified dinners and receptions, featuring Margot Fonteyn, with various speakers.
14 colour prints
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1986/1   1986 x 1987
South African schoolteacher fellows on an MA course in Durham, at Hatfield College: J. Naidoo, Arthur Brookes, T.D. Mseleku, Ola Anthony, M.J. Nkwinti, Stanley E. Bamford, Michael A. Samuel, Robert Kekana, Dr James Barber, Mrs Iris Radebe, Mrs J. Gossen, Mrs M.M. January.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/HAT/P/3.
UND/CK1/BD/1986/2-10   1 July 1986
Opening of the Mountjoy Research Centre/University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories, Dame Margot Fonteyn, chancellor, unveiling a plaque, with vice-chancellor, Sir Fred Holliday and others [?from English Estates] in attendance, also having equipment demonstrated.
9 colour prints
Size: 125 x 85-125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1986/11-33   July 1986
Laying of the foundation stone for the new engineering building by Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn, assisted by Mr Stuart Hendy of Faulkner Browns architects and two workmen from Faircloughs, showing an extending arm crane, spirit level and trowel, with also speeches by the architect, chancellor and David Grant, chairman of Council, with also the vice-chancellor Sir Fred Holliday, Mrs Holliday, Mr Derek Myers of Faircloughs and Mrs Wendy Sterling in attendance, also a model of the building.
23 colour prints
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/2
UND/CK1/BD/1986/34-37   24 October 1986
Presentation of 1050 books on behalf of the Chinese Embassy to the Oriental Library, in the library at the School of Oriental Studies with a selection of the books on the table, Fred Holliday VC, Mr Chaozhong Wang, consul for Education, Chinese Consulate, Manchester, and Mrs Wang.
By D.J. Hutchinson, Durham University.
Size: 1 x 250 x 200mm, 2 x 200 x 200mm, 1 x 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/LBY/P/3
1 image printed in Password (No.1, Jan 1987), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/1986/38-39   29 October 1986
The receipt of the Malcolm MacDonald papers by the department of Palaeography and Diplomatic, with a selection of the papers and boxes on a table in the main teaching room at 5 The College, with Donald Simpson, librarian of the Royal Commonwealth Society, Mrs Sheila Lochhead, sister of Malcolm MacDonald, and Jo Fewster, senior assistant keeper.
By D.J. Hutchinson, Durham University.
Size: 250 x 200mm + 190 x 190mm
Formerly: INF/PAL/P/2.
1 image printed in Password (No.1, Jan 1987), p.7.
UND/CK1/BD/1986/40-45   5 November 1986
Duisburg exhibition/lecture: Prof Adam Weyer, rekter of Duisburg university, Prof Fred Holliday, Councillor Robert Clewes, mayor of Durham, Mrs Clewes, mayoress of Durham, in front of exhibition boards, outside room 142, Elvet Riverside.
Size: 2 x 165 x 215mm and 4 x 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/VCH/P/1(1-3) (colour).
UND/CK1/BD/1987/1-4   February 1987
Visit of Angela Rumbold, Education Minister, to an enterprise workshop at the Business School, meeting Tyneside teacher Mrs Louise Bower, in front of a “Vocational Enterprise Company” display.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: INF/BUS/P/3 (1-4).
1 image printed in Password (No.2, Feb-Mar 1987), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/5   [?March] 1987
Lisa Girling, 1st year Theology, being embraced by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, in a cassock, after she presented him with a carnation, his favourite flower, on the occasion of his being made an honorary freeman of Durham.
By Brian Clough, Northern Echo.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: INF/PPL/P/1 and P000167.
Printed in Password (No.3, Apr-May 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/6   [?March 1987]
The NOMIS (National Online Manpower Information System) team, based in Geography: Peter Dodds, mapping supervisor, Eileen Beattie, secretary, Bob Nelson, system manager and research officer in Geography, Kath Lund, secretary, Alan Townsend and Michael Blakemore, directors, and Larry O'Brien, system programmer.
Size: 145 x 105mm
Printed in Password (No.3, Apr-May 1987), p.7.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/7-8   3 June 1987
Fred Holliday, E.M. Bettenson, registrar emeritus (Newcastle University), and [Mrs Bettenson] in the Senate Room, Durham Castle, in front of the fireplace, at a lecture by Bettenson.
By Paul Sidney, Botany Dept.
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: 621/1&2.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/9-20   30 June 1987
Opening of the new extension to the Engineering Building by Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn cutting a ribbon inside, also with a hybrid car, and internal views of the roof and the atrium, with aspeech by Prof P. Mars, with also present Mr Derek Myers director of Fairclough Building Ltd, Mr Ernie Watkinson of the architects FaulknerBrowns, Mr G. Harding of Lucas Chloride, Dr J.R. Bumby
12 colour prints, 1 mounted on card for exhibition
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/3.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/21-27   30 June 1987
Opening of the IBM computer suite in the Geography Dept by Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn, unveiling a plaque, and being shown the suite by Krysia Rybaczuk of Sinclair Sutherland and David Reid resident director IBM, and by Sharon Harper and Mike Blakemore at keyboards.
7 colour prints
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/GEG/P/4
UND/CK1/BD/1987/28-34   9 July 1987
Presentation of the British Telecom Telecommunications Technology Award (trophy and certificate) to student Adrian Colbrook by Mr Tony Stevens, BT NE District general manager, in Durham Castle, Tunstal Gallery, Norman Archway, also on the steps of the Great Hall with Fred Holliday VC, and in the SCR with the student's parents Mr and Mrs Colbrook, and a group photo in the SCR of David Duxbury (deputy district general manager), Bill Hay (Wearside manager), Mrs Mildred Brown (deputy mayor of Durham), Wing-Co Albert Cartmell (bursar University College), Prof Keith Bennett, Barry Rowlands (district engineer).
Colour by Mike Blenkinsop Studios of Low Fell; BW by D.J. Hutchinson of Durham University.
Size: 3 x 165 x 215 mm, 4 x 200 x 250mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/1 & 2, and 1/5,6,14 Tel.
1 image printed in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/35-38   [15 July] 1987
Society of Fellows dinner [at Hatfield College], black tie, in front of exhibition boards on the Society: Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Fred Holliday VC, Mandy Marlo (research fellow in Anthropology), Robert Allison (research fellow in Geography), Sir Malcolm Brown (director of the Institute of Geological Sciences and emeritus professor of Geology).
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/3.
1 image printed in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/39-93   [September 1987]
Visit of Diana Princess of Wales as patron of the British Deaf Association, being instructed in sign language by Mr Clark Denmark, research fellow, with 10 deaf people learning to be tutors in British Sign Language, hearing other projects explained by Mr David Brien, Senior Research Fellow in Sociology and Social Policy, in front of exhibition boards, signing an official photo of herself and being presented with a crystal paperweight by graduate student Thaweesakdi Boonkerd, meeting other undergraduates and postgraduates with Mr Colin Davies, tutor in charge of the special service, and Dr Margaret Collins, and then spending some time with Mr Mary Brennan, teaching fellow in Sign Language at the School of Education, and Mr Stewart Simpson, director of the Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People, throughout being attended by Fred Holliday VC and the Lord Lieutenant of Durham, arriving and departing the School of Education by Daimler limousine with groups of onlookers.
By [David Hutchinson] and ? (2 separately numbered sequences).
Size: 125 x 85mm
4 images printed (BW) in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.1, 6-7, another image printed in Password (No.7, Mar 1988), p.8.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/94-115   [?September 1987]
The unveiling of the World Heritage Site plinth by Fred Holliday, Peter Baelz dean of Durham, and Colin Moynihan MP, Junior Environment Minister, with onlookers, and after the plinth had been mortared into place by two masons.
Size: 15 x 125 x 85 mm, 7 x 125 x 125mm
Formerly: WH/1-22.
1 image printed (BW) in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.6; another image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.101.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/116   [?September 1987]
Mrs Marie Enright, of Shandon Southern Products Ltd of Runcorn, winner of the Institute of Supervisory Management's Industrial scholarship, with Mr Sam Stoker, vice-master and senior tutor at Hatfield College, at Hatfield in front of a painting.
By Fillinghams.
Size: 160 x 210mm
Formerly: INF/HAT/P/1.
Printed in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1987/117-119   December 1987
Visit of Mr Takashi Ishihara, chairman Nissan Motor Co Ltd, to the Oriental Museum, looking at exhibits in and out of cases, with Mr Don Starr (lecturer, Oriental Studies).
Size: 140/150 x 205mm
Formerly: INF/ORM/P/3.
1 image printed in Password (No.7, Mar 1988), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/1   [?February] 1988
Visit of MPs Dr Mo Mowlam and Ms Hilary Armstrong to the Business School course Women in Management, with students Julian Gaskell, Sam Coyne and Lynn Townley.
Size: 170 x 120mm
Formerly: INF/BUS/P/2.
Printed in Password (No.7, Mar 1988), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/2   28 March 1988
Durham University Society reception, Board of Trade Club, Toronto: John Ruffle, keeper of the Oriental Museum, Diane Crew (St Mary's 1968), Charles Lawfords (St Cuthberts 1960), jackets and ties, badged, holding books.
Size: 120 x 90mm
Printed in Password (No.8, May-Jun 1988), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/3   29 April 1988
Colpitts Poetry reading in Dunelm House, Dr Avril Sokolov (Russian dept), standing, introducing Fazil Iskander (Soviet writer), seated, with book, abstract painting behind.
Size: 140 x 100mm
Iskander image printed in Password (No.8, May-Jun 1988), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/4   5 May 1988
Richard Mayland (Price Waterhouse), Sir Gordon Borrie (Director General of Fair Trading) and Peter Johnson (Economics Dept) at the final lecture in the series “Competition in Industry”, sponsored by Price Waterhouse and organised by the Economics Dept.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: INF/ECO/P/1.
Printed in Password (No.8, May-Jun 1988), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/5   23 May 1988
Basil Bunting poetry archive (Mountjoy collection), presentation of a cheque by English Estates: Mr Peter Watson (area manager English Estates), Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, Mrs Sima Bunting, Prof J.R. Watson (English), with an £11000 cheque, in front of exhibition boards displaying Bunting.
By Ian Dobson Photography.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: INF/LBY/P/6(3) and MF10/6/1.
Image of J.R. Watson printed in Password (No.13, Mar-Apr 1989), p.3; the rest of the photo printed in Password (No.9, Jul 1988), p.1).
UND/CK1/BD/1988/6   [c.June] 1988
Newsmaker of the Year award of a jade crystal by the Software Maintenance Association to the Centre for Software Maintenance, held by Prof Keith Bennett (director), Barry Cornelius, Malcolm Munro and Dave Robson outside the Centre at the School of Engineering and Applied Science.
Size: 125 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/4.
Printed in Password (No.9, Jul 1988), p.2.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BD/1988/6
UND/CK1/BD/1988/7-63   3 June 1988
Visit of Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, to the Centre for Overseas Research and Development (CORD), based at the Mountjoy Research Centre:
display of spinning and weaving from Oman, Columbia; greeting, talking to and discussing exhibits with Dr John Turner (director Mountjoy Research Centre), Dr Roderic Dutton (director CORD), Prof John Clarke PVC, Fred Holliday VC, Dr W.T.W. (Dai) Morgan (Geography Dept), Dr Ewan Anderson (Geography Dept), Dr Phil Gates (Botany Dept), Dr Brian Whitton (Botany Dept), Mr Martin Harvey Sherwood (project manager, livestock production, Oman), Mrs Alison Sherwood (postgrad), Dr Eric Cresswell (CORD advisor and retired Geography lecturer), Dr Robert Drewett (Psychology Dept lecturer), Dr Robin Mills (senior research fellow), Mrs Angela Christie (postgrad), Mrs Helen Elson (CORD secretary), Mr John Grannan (Computing Office), Annette Cooke, Mr David Grant (chairman university council and Lord Lieutenant of Durham), Miss Charlotte Dutton (postgrad), Mr Alan Stobbs, Mr George Manuh, Miss Alison Lochhead; signing the visitors' book; her car arriving; exterior of the Mountjoy Research Centre with the royal standard flying; display on the Gezira Community Development Project, PC computer, laptop computer, solar lighting, water, soils, irrigation, grass, pasture, animals.
BW print by The Echo Sunderland.
Size: 125 x 125mm + 100 x 150mm
Formerly: INF/COR/P/2.
5 images printed in Password (No.9, Jul 1988), p.1-3; 1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.99.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/64-65   30 June 1988
Opening of the Basil Bunting poerty archive exhbition in Palace Green Library by Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn.
1. Being presented by Dr Diana Collecott, with Dr George Rylands and Mrs Sima Bunting watching.
4. Vice-chancellor Sir Fred Holliday reading from a book of Bunting verse, with also (LtoR) David Burnett, ?, ?, Agnes Macaulay librarian.
2 colour prints
Size: 200 x 170mm
UND/CK1/BD/1988/66-72   1 July 1988
Opening of the Botanic Garden Visitor Centre, Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn unveiling a plaque indoors, being presented with a basket of flowers by Stephanie and Morag Ansdell, with the vice-chancellor Sir Fred Holliday in front of an exhibition on the genetic engineering of plants for insect resistance, and also with Prof Donald Boulter of the Botany Dept.
7 colour prints
Size: 200 x 160-180mm
Formerly: INF/BNG/P/1.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/73   22 July 1988
Retirement of Mr Alick McWilliam, treasurer, in the SEAS building, with Nina Clennell, Mrs McWilliam and Margaret Golightly.
Size: 135 x 90mm
Formerly: INF/ADM/P/2(5).
UND/CK1/BD/1988/74-85   10 August 1988
Durham/Teikyo project, signing ceremony in Durham Castle: Prof J.I. Clarke (director of University Development) and Dr Okinaga (president, Teikyo University) signing at a table with John Kirby (Durham County Council Finance Officer), Councillor Robert Pendlebury (chairman Durham County Council), Councillor Mrs Mildred Brown (mayor of Durham), Mr Carl Firmin (town clerk and chief executive, Durham City Council) and Philip Helm (Dickinson Dees solicitors) in attendance; also exchanging gifts of a Japanese doll and a picture of the Castle, and Dr Okinaga with Mr Sekiguchi (Teikyo London representative) being interviewed outside by BBC TV, and a group photo of the Teikyo representatives including Prof Hojo.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/JAP/P/1.
1 image printed in Password (No.10, Oct-Nov 1988), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/86   [9 November 1988]
Royal Society Phillips lecture given by Sir Robin Nicholson, with Fred Holliday, Mr Jim Smith, plant director Phillips components, Councillor Mrs Mildred Brown mayor of Durham, and Mr Ian Willcock plant director Phillips Electrical Washington, in suits, on the steps of the Norman Entrance, Tunstal Gallery, Durham Castle.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Printed in Password (No.11, Dec 1988), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/87   [early November 1988]
Mr Charles Tilley of Peat Marwick McLintock shaking hands with Fred Holliday in front of the plaque at the opening of the Peat Marwick McLintock Computer Room in Elvet Riverside.
Size: 160 x 160mm
Printed in Password (No.11, Dec 1988), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1988/88-90   31 December 1988
Signing of an agreement for staff and student exchanges between Durham University and the Maurice Thorez State Institute of Foreign Languages in Moscow: Dr Graham Rodmell PVC and Dr Irina Khaleyeva (rektor of the Maurice Thorez Institute) signing, also Dr John Slatter (lecturer in Russian), Prof William Harrison (professor of Russian), Dr Sergei Goncharenko (pro-rektor of Maurice Thorez Institute) and Dr Galina Strelkova (dean of English, Maurice Thorez Institute) in attendance.
Size: 2 x 215 x 165mm, 1 x 180 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/RUS/P/2.
1 image printed in Password (No.13, Mar-Apr 1989), p.8.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/1-10   17 January 1989
Turf cutting ceremony for the Durham/Teikyo project next to St Mary's College, with a JCB in attendance and a tree being planted: Councillor Mrs Mildred Brown (mayor of Durham), Mr Uchida (Shimizu), Mr Sekiguchi (Teikyo UK), Prof Hojo (Teikyo Japan), Susan Alleyn (Teikyo UK), John Diplock, Prof John Clarke, John Hayward, Carl Firmin (Durham City town clerk), Brian Richardson (managing director Shepherds); also presentations of a Japanese plate, a drawing of [an eagle] and an engraved silver trowel in Durham Guildhall.
Size: 150/200 x 200mm
2 images printed in Password (No.12, Feb 1989), p.5.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/11-14   24 January 1989
Opening of the Fenwick-Kiln Archaeological Laboratory: Mr Robert Kiln, Prof Rosemary Cramp, Mr John Fenwick, in the lab, with microscopes and a skull; unveiling a plaque; demonstrating a fragment of Anglo-Saxon glass; Mr John Casey (Archaeology), Dr Martin Millett (Archaeology), Mrs Kiln, Dr Robert Kiln, Dr Martin Jones (Archaeology).
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/ARC/P/2.
3 images printed in Password (No.13, Mar-Apr 1989), p.1 & 5.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/15   [c.February 1989]
Deaf tutors - Tony Crompton, Richard Belsten, Sheila Moon, Keith Hughes, Maureen Cox, Anne Mearns - who completed the university's British Sign Language Tutor Training Course displaying their certificates presented by Fred Holliday VC, in academic dress, on Palace Green.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Printed in Password (No.13, Mar-Apr 1989), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/16   14 February 1989
Sir Harry Secombe with Fred Holliday VC, seated in the Senate Room, Durham Castle, fireplace, table with flowers, and tapestry behind, in conversation for the Highway programme screened by ITV on 19 March 1989.
By D.J. Hutchinson.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/VCH/P/4 and HS 2.
Printed in Password (No.13, Mar-Apr 1989), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/17   7 March 1989
Fred Holliday VC receiving a jumbo cheque for £5000 from Chris Dickinson, British Rail area manager Newcastle, on Durham Station platform south to help pay for the development of a manual for trainers in Youth Enterprise Centres, a project being carried out by the Small Business Centre at the Business School.
By British Rail Eastern Region Photographic Unit of York.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/VCH/P/5 and Y893.9602.6.
Printed in Password (No.14, May-Jun 1989), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/18   April [1989]
Visit of Prof Xu Zhentao to the Oriental Museum, in front of some [Chinese] calligraphy exhibits of his transcripts of oracle bones.
Size: 120 x 125mm
Formerly: F000026.
Printed in Password (No.14, May-Jun 1989), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/19-20   [c.April 1989]
Presentation to Dennis Jobling, supervisor in charge of teaching services, by colleagues in the Physics Dept, on the occasion of his 40th year of service, in a lecture room: Dr Derek Corner, Prof Brian Barnsden, Prof Arnold Wolfendale, Mr Fred Cleveland, Emeritus Prof George Rochester.
Size: 190/200 x 145/160mm
Formerly: 11589 & INF/PHY/P/3.
Printed in Password (No.14, May-Jun 1989), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/21-22   [May 1989]
Prof Tony Unsworth of the Centre for Biomedical Engineering working with a hip function simulator, with a press release titled “Lubricating the Joints” on the back explaining the project, a finalist in the sixth Northern Personality of the Year award arranged by the North-East branch of the Variety Club of Great Britain..
By London Pictures Service.
Size: 250 x 200mm (print)
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/9 and E000147 & 159.
1 image printed in Password (No.14, May-Jun 1989), p.5.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/23-27   27 June 1989
Society of Fellows dinner at Collingwood College, groups inside in front of the college arms on the wall:
1&3. Dame Margot Fonteyn, Willie Whitelaw Viscount Whitelaw, Fred Holliday VC, Prof Arnold Wolfendale.
4&5. Tony Downes, Mrs Audrey Wolfendale, Willie Whitelaw Viscount Whitelaw, Dame Margot Fonteyn, Prof Arnold Wolfendale, ?, Fred Holliday VC, Mrs Holliday.
6. Dame Margot Fonteyn, Willie Whitelaw Viscount Whitelaw, James A. Fearon, mayor of Durham, Mrs Fearon.
By Fillinghams.
With a newspaper cutting about the occasion.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/28-33   September 1989
9th General Assembly of The Standing Conference of European Rectors and Vice-Chancellors (CRE) opening ceremony: clergy (bishop of Durham) and the mayor of Durham's bodyguard processing in Durham cathedral, rectors and chancellors of European universities in academic dress processing past Cosin's Library on Palace Green.
Size: 3 x 125 x 190mm, 2 x 125 x 85mm
UND/CK1/BD/1989/34   September 1989
Prof Fred Holliday displays the new agreements with European Universities at the CRE conference, with Prof Dr Adolf Theis, Prof Dr Gernot Born, Dr Graham Rodmell, Prof Henrik Jensen and Prof Guillermo Calleja, on the steps outside Old Shire Hall.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Printed in Password (No.16, Oct 1989), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/35   September 1989
29th annual conference of the National Association for Environmental Education at Hatfield College: Prof David Bellamy, Joy Palmer (School of Education and the association's chairman), Dr James Barber PVC.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/1989/36-85   13 September 1989
CRE conference, dinner at the Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne: informal groups with drinks, being presented to the mayor, seated at dinner. Identified:
1. Prof I. Fells (Newcastle University), Mrs A.L. Crombie, Mrs I. Fells, Prof R.N. Dixon (Bristol University), Prof A.L. Crombie (Newcastle University).
2. Dr R. Nagelli (Bern), Mr J.E. Moffit.
3. Lord Brian Hilton Flowers, the dean of Durham, Mrs G.G. Ingram, Lady Mary Flowers, Dr D.J.E. Ingram (Canterbury).
4. Mr I.E.M. Farquhar (Peat Marwick McLintock), Prof J.M. Bricall, Mrs K. Farquhar, Mrs M. Bricall, ?, Prof Dr E. Togrot.
5. Mrs E de Smit, Prof J.H.A. de Smit (Rector Magnificus, University of Twente, Enschede), Prof I. Butterworth (Queen Mary and Westfield College, London).
6. Prof A. Grave (Bergen, Norway), Mrs A. Lid, Mrs J. Goddard, Mrs A. Chitty, Dr A. Chitty (NEI Northern Engineering Industries), Mrs Milly (Bergen), Prof J.B. Goddard (Newcastle University), Prof M. Lerheim.
7. Mr G. Aves (Canada), Mr J. Piasecki, Prof M.A. Dias (UNESCO).
8. Prof D. Hass (Berlin), Mr A. Clarke (Durham University), Prof H. Henrig (Leipzig).
9. Prof A. Karadeniz, Prof E. Gozükara, Prof M. Goruh, Prof H. Ertugrul, Prof E. Saygin, Prof T. Karpuzoglu.
10. Dr W. Williamson (Durham University), Mrs M. Renate, Prof B.D.E. Konig (Köln).
11. Mr J.S. Ward OBE, Mr M. Rowarth, Mrs D. Iley, Mrs J.S. Ward, Dr R. Iley CBE.
13. Prof J.A. Cannon (Newcastle University), Mrs M. Cannon, Prof M.B. Harris (Essex University), Mrs B.M. Harris.
14. Prof A.D. Edwards (Newcastle University), Mrs A.D. Edwards, Mr J.J. Paterson (Newcastle University), Mrs Paterson, Mrs Kari, Prof I. Lonning.
By Newcastle University Audio-Visual Centre.
Size: 125 x 85mm
Formerly: CN/215299/1-50.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/86   [c.October 1989]
Mr T. Cunnington (Piling Technical & Sales Manager), Mr N. Cocksedge (Marketing Manager), Dr Alan Selby (SEAS), and Mr Bailie (Marketing) at a half-day seminer on steel piling at Durham University in collaboration with British Steel.
Size: 145 x 105mm
Printed in Password (No.17, Nov-Dec 1989), p.10.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/87-89   [?November 1989]
Durham University Society annual dinner, informally in the bar, and seated at table, in the wardroom of T.S. Queen Mary on the Thames, George Russell, chairman of IBA, standing and speaking after dinner, with Howard Phelps, the Society's president, seated next to him.
Size: 175 x 125mm
Printed in Password (No.16, Oct 1989), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/90-140   [November 1989]
Kim Thomas (Hild/Bede, engineering; rower), Sunday Times Sportswoman of the Year, at the award ceremony in Drapers Hall, London, with the presenter Nelli Kim, Russian gymnast, with a copy newspaper cutting from the Sunday Times about the ceremony.
By Times Newspapers Ltd.
Size: 200 x 140mm + 290 x 210mm
Printed in Password (18 Jan-Feb 1990), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/141   [?November 1989]
Dr Bill Williamson, Dr Vivian Shelley and Dr John Senior, Adult and Continuing Education Dept, half-length, in front of a wall, on the award of £100,000 from the Training Agency with Leeds University to examine ways of helping people improve their knowledge of Science.
Size: 170 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/ACE/P/2(1).
Printed in Password (No.17, Nov-Dec 1989), p.10.
UND/CK1/BD/1989/142   [November 1989]
DUCK week circus marathon, students Ben Adler (on unicycle) and Benn Binns (juggling) helping to raise funds, on Palace Green.
Size: 125 x 175mm
Formerly: INF/STU/P/6.
Printed in Password (No.18, Jan-Feb 1990), p.5 and N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.93.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/1   [?c.1990]
Symposium organised by the Centre for Overseas Research and Development (CORD) on the Prosopis species ( “Tree of Life” ), group photo of 20 men and women, standing, outside: (LtoR) ?, ?, ?, ?Mike Richardson, ?, R.W. Dutton, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Dai Morgan
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: INF/COR/P/3.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/1A   [1990 x 1997]
[VC] Evelyn Ebsworth and A.N. Other holding a “Declaration of Commitment” to energy efficiency, inside [?Biological Sciences] next to a wall display of floral and landscape images.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BD/1990/2-3   [c.January 1990]
Dr John Marshall, director of the Business School, with Sir Douglas Hague, former director of ESRC, who visited the school to give talks on the future of Social Sciences and Research, and Management Education, outside the front door to the Business School.
Size: 150 x 200mm
1 image printed in Password (No.18, Jan-Feb 1990), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/4-7   [c.January 1990]
Inaugural lecture of Prof Jim Feast as Courtaulds' Professor of Polymer Chemistry, with Dr David Giachardi, director of research for the Courtaulds Group, also Fred Holliday and the mayor [of Durham], within and without a lecture theatre.
Size: 160 x 185-210mm
1 image printed in Password (No.18, Jan-Feb 1990), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/8-13   16 February 1990
Launch of the Teesside Initiative in Higher Education between Durham University and Teesside Polytechnic in Middlesbrough Town Hall, with Dr Michael Longfield, director of Teesside, and Fred Holliday VC signing the joint executive agreement and shaking hands on it, also present Dr Oliver Coulthard, deputy director Teesside, Dr James Barber PVC, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC designate and Dr David Grant chairman of Council.
Supplied by Nic Mitchell, Teesside Public Relations Officer.
Size: 175 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/2.
1 image printed in Password (No.19, Mar-Apr 1990), p.5 and Password (No.28, Sep 1991), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/14   [c. March 1990]
In the Japanese-style garden of the Cultural Centre of Teikyo University in Durham, Mr Louis Allen, fellow of the Northumbrian Universities East Asian Centre, Miss Susan Alleyn, project manager, and Mr Henry King, bursar for Teikyo, in coats and jacket/tie.
Size: 190 x 160mm
Printed in Password (No.19, Mar-Apr 1990), p.1
UND/CK1/BD/1990/15-46   May 1990
Visit of HRH Katie duchess of Kent, opening the Lafcadio Hearn Centre at Teikyo University, greeting and talking to students and academics, including Dr Soichi Okinaga, having a tea ceremony explained by teamaster Michael Birch, unveiling a plaque in the garden, and leaving down the steps of Shoichi Hall, with the lord lieutenant, chief constable and Fred Holliday in attendance, also (5087) ?Miln a teacher of English as a Foreign Language, and Henry King on steps.
Size: 6 x 150 x 100mm, 18 x 125 x 125mm, 8 x 200 x 200mm
3 images printed in Password (No.20, May 1990), p.1 & 6.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/47-65   [July] 1990
Discover the Nature of Change exhibit at the Gateshead Garden Festival, being visited by Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn, with various exhibitors, including Dr Michael Tooley with a climate change model, and outside feeding ducks on a lake, and being transported on a buggy.
19 colour prints
Size: 200 x 180-200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1990/66-73   3 July 1990
Foundation ceremony for the new Geology/Chemistry building, Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn, vice-chancellor Sir Fred Holliday and Mr Derek Myers managing director Wiltshier Modern mortaring in the foundation plaque, also speeches, and with the mayor of Durham Councillor Bill Hartwell and the mayoress Mrs Joan Crooks.
8 colour prints
Size: 205 x 205mm
Formerly: INF/GEL/P/3 and 5494-5513
UND/CK1/BD/1990/74-90   6 July 1990
Vice-Chancellor's farewell presentation and portrait unveiling in the Great Hall, Durham Castle, including presentation of a carriage clock to the vice-chancellor and a basket of flowers to Lady Philippa Holliday by Dame Margot Fonteyn, also speeches, by her, the vice-chancellor, Dr David Grant chairman of Council, PVC Prof John Clarke, and the registrar Mr John Hayward, also the portrait, and a tablecloth embroidered by Nina Clennell with the VC's colleagues' signatures, and groups of the chancellor and the Hollidays with the artist Liz Rowe, Mr Terry Hill and Mrs Helen Hill, and Mrs Carolyn Holliday and Mr Richard Holliday, and an overview of the assembled party in the Hall.
Size: 205 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/VCH/P/3.
1 image printed in Password (No.22, Sep 1990), p.5.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/91   [c.October 1990]
A group of Durham and European partners on the RACE European Community programme on a visit to SEAS: Nicholas Karatzas (Alpha SAI), Michael Hansen (KTAS), Morton Hansen (EC), Alan Vedrenne (IBM), Mohammed Touman (Durham), Richard Earnshaw (Durham), Sylvie Maure (GSI/ERLI), group in casual dress in a room [?in Engineering] with PC computers.
Size: 170 x 140mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/11.
Printed in Password (No.23, Nov-Dec 1990), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/92-99   10 October 1990
Opening ceremony of the Tunstall Building, Van Mildert College: Evelyn Ebsworth VC with scissors cutting the ribbon, and with Mrs Rose Ebsworth by the lake, also in a group photo outside the building with Prof John Machin, ?, Mr Ron Sawyer, the Ebsworths, Dr Judith Turner (principal Van Mildert), Councillor William Hartwell (mayor of Durham), Jane Watkinson, Hefin Rees (senior man Van Mildert), and Dr John Marshall, and also Dr Turner speaking at the opening.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/VMT/P/2 and A000150-152.
1 image printed in Password (No.23, Nov-Dec 1990), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/100-105   19 November 1990
Launch of the Booker Chair of Entrepeneurship in the Service Sector at the Business School: Dr John Marshall, director of the Business School, Mr Barry Skipper, chief executive Booker Foods, Prof Grigor McClelland, member of the Governing Body of the Business School and former chairman of Laws Stores, and Prof David Kirby, the new professor, all separately speaking against a backdrop of DUBS display boards.
Size: 150-200 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1990/106   10 x 12 December 1990
Conference “Tourism Research: Into The 1990s”, held at Durham Castle, group outside ? with exhibition boards behind (LtoR): Dr Peter Johnson (Economics Dept), Dr Barry Thomas (Economics Dept), Lord Ullswater (Minister for Tourism), Dr James Barber PVC.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly INF/ECO/P/3 and 5880.
Printed in Password (No.24, Jan-Feb 1991), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1990/107   19 December 1990
Judith Willis and Elaine Simpson, Estates and Buildings, presenting an outsize cheque for £2000 to Dr A.W.C. Craft of the North of England Children's Research Charity, raised at the university staff Christmas party, Christmas tree and cards behind.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/6.
Printed in Password (No.24, Jan-Feb 1991), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/1   [c. January 1991]
Physics Dept Rochester Lecture, drinks afterwards, with Prof Arnold Wolfendale, Sir Neville Mott Nobel prizewinner, Emeritus Prof George Rochester and Prof Alan Martin, in suits, standing.
Size: 125 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/PHY/P/4.
Printed in Password (No.24, Jan-Feb 1991), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/2   [c.January 1991]
Launch of the National Westminster Bank plc/Business School Growth Training Manual with Ted Fuller, deputy director Small Business Centre, Barry Latham, deputy regional executive director Nat West Bank North Regional Office, David Sutcliffe, A1 Drawing Office Services, and Prof Bernard Smythe, University Development Director, with Nat West Bank display boards behind.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/BUS/P/5.
Printed in Password (No.24, Jan-Feb 1991), p.5.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/3   [c.March 1991]
The first group of the new programme at the Business School for the Employment Service with Tim Atterton (bottom right) outside the Business School.
Size: 180 x 130mm
Printed in Password (No.25, Mar-Apr 1991), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/4-5   [c.April 1991]
Rt Rev Cecil Richard Rutt, former bishop of Leicester (rtd 1990; a donor to the Museum), with John Ruffle, keeper of the Oriental Museum, examining items in the Oriental Museum, during a visit to Durham to give a public lecture on the life of the Korean Yi Kyo-Bo.
Size: 170 x 140mm
Formerly: INF/ORM/P/4.
Printed in Password (No.26, May-Jun 1991), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/6   [April 1991]
Langley Park lodge of National Union of Mineworkers, 13 men with their banner c.1950, used in Further and Higher Education Week lectures on Langley Park.
Size: 135 x 110mm
Formerly: K000009.
Printed in Password (No.27, Jul-Aug 1991), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/76   9 April 1991
Participants at the Second International Sudan Studies Conference held at the University of Durham, outside, view from above, with a covering letter from Lesley Forbes to Evelyn Ebsworth.
BW print + 1f
Size: 155 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BD/1991/7-13   14 June 1991
“Green Ideas” Competition, presentations of cheques by Evelyn Ebsworth VC to: Juliet Birt (Hatfield College) on behalf of Andrew Mitchinson (Grey College); Sarah Wilson (Biological Sciences post-grad); Justin Heath (Hild/Bede, joint first prize); James Carnegie (Hild/Bede, joint first prize).
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/5 and 6239-6246.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/14   17 June 1991
Visit of Mr Edward Leigh MP (Minister for Trade and Consumer Affairs) to the Chemistry/Geology Building to lecture, with: Pamela Denham (Dept of Trade and Industry regional director) and Dr Peter Collins (dean of Science).
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/4 and 6249.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/15   25 June 1991
Inauguration of CHAMPS (Centre for Historic Area Management and Practice): Anthony Harding chairman, Dame Jennifer Jenkins, Councillor David Bell mayor of Durham, Prof Rosemary Cramp, and Tony Scott director, all standing in front of exhibition boards about CHAMPS.
Size: 150 x 110mm
Formerly: INF/ARC/P/5.
Printed in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/15a   July 1991
Topping-out ceremony of the Fisher House Graduate Society accommodation block at Whinney Hill: Branda Lawson (Nomad Developments), Evelyn Ebsworth VC and David Pearson (Elliott Projects) affixing the last roof tiles.
Size: 190 x 125mm
Printed in Password (No.28, Sep 1991), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/16   [c.July 1991]
North East Graduate Recruitment Fair, organised by Durham University Careers Advisory Service, in the Graham Sports Centre, showing stands, employers and graduates.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: F000034.
Printed in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/17   11 July 1991
David Mullen, director of the Northumbrian Water Graduate Enterprise Programme at the Business School, receiving an outsize cheque for £40,000 from Sir Michael Straker, chairman of Northumbrian Water Group PLC, in front of NWGEP exhibition boards.
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BD/1991/18-31   30 September 1991
Opening of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) for Polymer Science and Technology Durham laboratories (also at Leeds and Bradford universities) by William Whitelaw, Viscount Whitelaw, unveiling a wall plaque and being shown equipment by Prof Jim Feast (associate director of the IRC), with Evelyn Ebsworth VC in attendance, and group photos, around the plaque with also Prof Tony Johnson (assistant director IRC Bradford) and Prof Ian Ward (director IRC Leeds), and in front of display boards in the foyer with also Prof David Bloor (Applied Physics), Prof Dick Chambers (Chemistry), Prof Robin Harris (Chemistry), Dr Randle Richards (IRC), Prof Judith Howard (Tioxide Professor of Chemistry), and being introduced to Lord Whitelaw: Dr David Grant (chairman of Council) and Dr Peter Collins PVC.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 200 x 160/200mm
Formerly: INF/CHE/P/6 and 6360-6381.
1 image printed in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.7.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/32-39   3 October 1991
Launch of the Joint University College on Teesside in the Swallow Hotel, Stockton: formal speeches from the seated panel of Jim Lewis (project coordinator, Durham University), Richard Lines (chairman Teesside governors), Evelyn Ebsworth (VC Durham University), Michael Fallon (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State DES), Dr Michael Longfield (director Teesside), Dr David Grant (chairman Durham University Council); and then with a model of the new college in front of display boards, and Michael Fallon talking to local sixth formers Catherine Butler, Nicky Sefu and Anthony Dryden.
Size: 200 x 150-200mm
Formerly: INF/TSD/P/3 and 6336, 6343, 6345-6347, 6349, 6351, 6353.
1 image printed in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/40-41   [c.November] 1991
Grey College: Sydney Holgate, former master, and Victor Watts, master, with Mr Bhiniod Bacha, head of the Mauritius Civil Service and Secretary for Home Affairs, visiting his old college to make a donation to the Foundation, with a note from Keith Seacroft.
Size: 210 x 140/150mm
Formerly: INF/GRY/P/2(1&2).
Printed in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.8.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/42   [c.November] 1991
Retirement presentation by Prof Alan Martin to Mr Fred Cleveland, Physics Dept superintendant for 19 years, with Mrs Maureen Cleveland, in a [Physics] lecture room.
Size: 170 x 160mm
Formerly: INF/PHY/P/5.
Printed in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.8.
UND/CK1/BD/1991/43-75   28 November 1991
Visit of HM Queen Elizabeth II to University College, Durham Castle, for a lunch hosted by Durham County Council: the motorcade, Daimler and police motorcyclists in the courtyard, the Queen and Prince Philip meeting students in the courtyard, and staff outside and in the Great Hall, the Queen and Prince Philip signing their official portrait and the visitors' book, accompanied by Councillor Mick Terrans (chairman of Durham County Council), Mrs A. Robinson (chairman's lady), Dr David Grant (Lord Lieutenant), Evelyn Ebsworth VC, and Dr Edward Salthouse (Master of University College), with TV crews and photographers in attendance, also the royal standard flying above the keep, the gatehouse in scaffolding and staff in the Great Hall with tables laid up before the lunch.
Size: 100-200 x 150-255mm
Formerly: INF/UNY/P/13-15 and 6424-6434.
1 image printed in Password (No.29, Dec 1991), p.1; another image printed in Kingsgate (Vol.3 No.1, Spring 1994), p.2 and Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.8; another image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.111.
Another image: UND/F1/FZ11.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/1   [1992 x 1995]
First meeting of North-East Universities vice-chancellors at Sunderland to sign an agreement launching a joint master's degree for engineers in industry: Dr Mike Longfield (Teesside), Dr Anne Wright (Sunderland), Mr James Wright (Newcastle), Prof Evelyn Ebsworth (Durham), Prof Laing Barden (Northumbria).
By George Bosnyak.
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BD/1992/2   [1992]
Visit of an Arab dignitary (with stick, robes and headwear) to CMEIS, 3 other gentlemen seated with him, including Prof Adrian Brockett on his right.
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1992/3-50   January 1992
Launch of the Industry and Commerce Club at Trevelyan College by Sir Paul Nicholson, reception, lots of displays, informal groups.
By David Hutchinson.
Size: 150 x 100mm + 250 x 200mm
Formerly: 7678-7690.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/51   16 January 1992
First presentation of the Northumbrian Water Business Awards to Richard Friend, winner of the CPCR Great Escape award, and Angus Myles, winner of the Northumbrian Water Business Planning award, with Sir Michael Straker, chairman of the Northumbrian Water Group plc, and Neil Robinson, chairman and chief executive of the Metro Radio Group.
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BD/1992/52   20 January 1992
Gordon Hodgson, chief executive of Cowies Motor Group, hands over an outsize £5000 cheque to a cardboard cutout of himself, as a member of the Durham Castle Appeal Trust, in Durham Castle courtyard.
By North East Studios of Gosforth.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/UNY/P/16.
Printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/53-55   22 January 1992
Visit of Alan Howarth, Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Education and Science, to Palace Green Library, discussing a display of books in Cursitors with Miss Beth Rainey (Keeper of Rare Books), Dr John T.D. Hall (University Librarian) and History students Heather Sharkey (PG), Emma Sweeney (UG) and Catherine Usher (UG).
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/8 and 6467-6469.
1 image printed in Password (No.30, Feb-Mar 1992), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/56-60   28 January 1992
Launch of the computer network: Evelyn Ebsworth VC making the final connection; speaking to it with Brian Lander (operations manager, Computing Service); the latter showing the connection to Gavin Litchfield (consultant, Improcom Ltd) and David Tilley (operations manager, Improcom Ltd); group photo in front of display boards of (LtoR) John Lindley (director, Computing Service), Lander, Tilley, Chris Croft (managing director, Improcom Ltd), Willy Lang (Semple & Cochrane) and Ian McKendrick (Semple & Cochrane).
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/COC/P/2.
2 images printed in Password (No.30, Feb-Mar 1992), p.7.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/61   30 January 1992
Archaeological Conservation and Management project handover ceremony in Durham Guildhall, on the staircase, with Dr Martin Millett handing over summaries of evidence of what lies beneath Durham's historic buildings on a computer cassette to Councillor David Bell, mayor of Durham, funded by Durham City Council and English Heritage, represented by Dr Stephen Johnson, holding a copy of the report.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/ARC/P/6.
Printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.8.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/62-63   18 February 1992
Marion Rout, chief statistician, Dept of Employment Sheffield, and Paulina Lubacz, university treasurer, signing a new 3 year contract between NOMIS and the Dept of the Employment, watched by members of the NOMIS team, D of E, and the University's Computing Service and Treasurer's Dept. Also NOMIS team members: Mark Ireland, Dorothy Trotter, Elizabeth Gandy, Peter Dodds, Sheila Shippen and Michael Blakemore (director).
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: INF/GEG/P/8.
1 image printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.7.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/64   [c.March 1992]
Presentation of a cheque to establish the Northumbrian Water Fellowship at Collingwood College by Robert Smith, managing director of Northumbrian Water, to Dr Gerald Blake, principal.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: A000025.
Printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.2.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/65-66   18 March 1992
Visit to University College, Durham Castle, of Raymond Seitz, US Ambassador, to give the International Celebrity Lecture, in the Norman Archway, Tunstal Gallery, with Dr Edward Salthouse (Master), Mrs Salthouse, Mr Tilmouth (chief executive Tyne and Wear Chamber of Commerce), and Mrs Tilmouth.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly INF/SPE/P/10 and 6484-6485.
1 image printed in Password (No.31, Apr-May 1992), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/67-85   [5 - 7] May 1992
Sir Peter Ustinov at various functions [before] his installation as chancellor on 7 May 1992:
- with various international students inside St Mary's College (3 images).
- opening the Shadows of the Past sculptures, Prince Bishops Garden, at the Botanic Gardens, crowd around (3 images).
- admiring an unveiled bronze head to Dame Margot Fonteyn in the Main Library, also with Fred and Mrs Holliday (2 images).
- at a reception in Caedmon Hall, also Terry Waite (2 images).
- in the chancellor's chair, with Evelyn Ebsworth and John Hayward alongside (4 images).
- on New Elvet road bridge (2 images).
- at a meeting with students in ?the Fonteyn Ballroom, Dunelm House (2 images).
- in a formal group photo with the heads of houses: (seated) Dr Vernon Armitage (Hild & Bede), Sir Peter Ustinov, Dr Judith Turner (Van Mildert), (standing) Dr Gerald Blake (Collingwood), Miss Joan Kenworthy (St Mary's), Dr James Barber (Hatfield), Victor Watts (Grey), Sam Stoker (St Cuthbert's), Bob Williams (St Aidan's), Dr Anthony Thiselton (St John's), Eric Halladay (St Chad's), Dr George Marshall (Trevelyan), Rt Rev Mgr Richard Atherton (Ushaw) (1 image).
[By Paul Sidney]
Size: 200/150 x 150/100mm
Formerly: 6888- 6942, F000043.
Images variously printed in Kingsgate (Vol.1 No.2, Summer 1992), p.6, and Password (No.32, Jun 1992), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/86-88   21 May 1992
Judith Hann delivering the DUS annual lecture Media 2000 at the Shell Centre, with video and TV, other equipment, and the Independent newspaper.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/PPL/P/14 and P000027-29.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/89-93   3 June 1992
Milk Race, start of the ninth stage of the Round Britain cycle race from Palace Green, with the mayor of Durham dropping the flag, support cars, ambulance, motorbike cameramen, the mayor's bodyguard, and cyclists. (Some printed back-to-front).
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/SPECD/P/11.
1 image printed in Password (No.33, Jul-Aug 1992), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/94-104   June 1992
Reception outside St Mary's College for the Society of Fellows dinner, with Sir Peter Ustinov talking to and greeting:
7076. Prof Tony Unsworth and his wife Jill.
7077. ? and ?.
7079. Yvonne Harvey.
7080. ? and ?Arnold Wolfendale.
7081. Prof Alan Bilsborough and wife.
7082. Prof Paul D.A. Harvey.
7083. Prof John Woods and Mrs Woods.
7085. Sir David and Mrs Goodall.
7086. Joan Kenworthy and Arnold Wolfendale.
7087. Arnold Wolfendale.
7088. Willie Whitelaw, Viscount Whitelaw.
By David Hutchinson, with his bill.
Size: 200 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1992/105   30 June 1992
Site visit at Parsons Field Court II (Graduate Society accommodation): Mr Bill Dixon, managing director of Dixon Construction Ltd, Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, pointing with stick, and Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, all in hard hats.
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BD/1992/106-107   30 June 1992
Sir Peter Ustinov, in jacket and tie with stick, at the foundation of the proposed Joint University College on Teesside:
- impressing his hand into a box of wet cement, in hard hat, looking aghast.
- walking above the site, River Tees beyond.
By Peter Mernagh and Paul Sidney.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: 7045.
Another image printed in Password (No.34, Oct-Nov 1992), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/108   6 August 1992
Telephone slogan competition winner, presentation [in the Chemistry labs] of an answering machine by Richard Metcalfe (director Estates and Buildings) to Prof Judith Howard (Chemistry), also David Green (Telecomms manager).
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/EBD/P/1.
Printed in Password (No.34, Oct-Nov 1992), p.5.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/109   October 1992
Evelyn Ebsworth signing an agreement at the People's University Beijing, China, with President Huang Da of the university countersigning; also Wang Qingyuan (Foreign Affairs Bureau), Prof Jin Ge (head, Foreign Affairs Bureau), Mrs Liu Shujen, Prof Jin Tianxiang (Language Centre).
By Mrs Ebsworth.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: INF/VCH/P/7.
Printed in Password (No.35, Dec 1992), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/110-115   22 October 1992
Honorary fellowship of CMEIS being bestowed on His Excellency Dr Sheikh Sultan of Sharjah by Evelyn Ebsworth, in CMEIS, with tea and cake cutting afterwards; also: John Norton (chairman CMEIS), Graham Rodmell PVC, Prof Adrian Brockett (Prof of Arabic), the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Prof Ewan Anderson (CMEIS).
By David Hutchinson.
Size: 150/200 x 200mm
Formerly: 7553-7559.
1 image printed in Password (No.35, Dec 1992), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1992/116   [c.November 1992]
Mr Rashid Al-Jahadhmy, Student Advisor with Shell International Petroleum Co, presenting Prof Roger Searle, Geological Sciences, with copies of Oman's Geological Heritage on a recent visit to the university.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Printed in Password (No.35, Dec 1992), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/1-3   1993
Presentation of the BT 2nd Year Electronics Prize, a certificate, by 2 [BT staff] to [a student], on top of [the Engineering Building] with a satellite receiver dish behind. Also, in the same setting, the presentation of a trophy by 1 [staff member] to [a student], and a view of the dish with a student/researcher.
Size: 250 x 180mm, 200 x 200mm, 255 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1993/4-5   1993 x 1994
Sir Peter Ustinov practising Geordie under instruction from Prof Bill Williamson in the Language Centre in front of a whiteboard.
Size: 200 x 155mm
Formerly: 8749, 8758 & I000047-48.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/6-15   13 January 1993
Visit of Dr Shoichi Okinaga (president of Teikyo University) to receive an honorary fellowship in the Dept of East Asian Studies, being shown the department and receiving his fellowship in the Council Chamber, Old Shire Hall, from Evelyn Ebsworth VC, making a speech, with Prof Richard Watson (public orator) making an oration: also in attendance: Prof Tony Unsworth, Dr Richard Hall and Dr James Cunningham (all School of Engineering and Computer Science),
Size: 150-190 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/EST/P/1 and 7727-7739.
1 image printed in Password (No.36, Jan-Feb 1993), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/16-18   23 February 1993
Sealing of the development agreement to establish a Science Park at Durham, Sir Peter Ustinov applying the university seal to the agreement on a table, also present: Dr Peter Collins PVC, John Hayward registrar, Caroline Fawcett director of Dysart Developments, Keith Seacroft, Paulina Lubacz treasurer, Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Jack Fawcett director of Dysart Developments.
By Mike Blenkinsop Studios of Annfield Plain.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: F19-2,15 & F000051-54.
1 image printed in Password (No.36 Jan-Feb 1993), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/19   [2 April] 1993
Association of University Administrators (AUA) inaugural conference, Durham, 31 March - 2 April, final photo call, forming the AUA letters on Palace Green, view from above.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/14.
Printed in Password (No.37, Mar-Apr 1993), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/20-29   30 April 1993
Greening the Colleges prize day:
1. Mr John Cole (of Gas-Direct, competition co-sponsor), Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr J.Vernon Armitage (dean of Colleges), Mr Arthur Hoare ( Regional Energy Efficiency Officer, Dept of the Environment) signing the Document of Corporate Commitment on energy saving, with members of the winning teams in the university's environmental competition behind.
2. John Cole and Arthur Hoare with members of the Hatfield College team who won first prize.
3. Hatfield College team in the Botanic Garden (LtoR): Sally Graygoose, Leni Fawdry, Peter Morgan, Charlotte Callaghan, Sian Leary, Katherine Miles.
4. Katherine Miles of Hatfield College receiving a cheque from John Cole.
5. Nick Taylor and Liz Round of Hild/Bede College receiving a cheque from John Cole.
6. Katherine Miles explaining the Hatfield project.
7. Nick Taylor and Liz Round explaining the Hild/Bede project.
8. Jan Selby of Grey College receiving a cheque from John Cole.
9. Jeremy Poon of Van Mildert College receiving a cheque from John Cole.
10. Evelyn Ebsworth and Vernon Armitage with the Document of Corporate Commitment.
With a full list of photos, including some given away and no longer present.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/12 and 8619-8633.
3 printed in Password (No.38, Jun-Jul 1993), p.5 and Arthur Moyes, A History of Hatfield College (1996), p.330.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/30   [c.May 1993]
Opening of CACEE (the new Centre for Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe): Mr Laurence O'Keefe (former HM ambassador to Prague), Dr Frank Carter (Head of Social Sciences, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London), Prof Leo Klejn (visiting professor in the Dept of Archaeology and visiting fellow at St Mary's), Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Mr James Wright (vice-chancellor of Newcastle University), Prof Anthony Harding (director of CACEE), Dr J.C. Chapman (Dept of Archaeology, Newcastle University).
Size: 210 x 165mm
Printed in Password (No.38, Jun-Jul 1993), p.8.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/31-40   18 May 1993
Opening of University College Stockton by Queen Elizabeth II: the Queen meeting the principal Prof Robert Parfitt, the VC Evelyn Ebsworth, and Mrs Ebsworth, a line-up of the honorary fellows - Sir Ron Dearing, Mr Duncan Hall, Prof Sir Fred Holliday, Dr Michael Longfield, and the Queen and Prince Philip with Mandy Marlow (Human Sciences lecturer) and Human Sciences students with skulls, outside the Holliday Building and inside the Human Sciences laboratories.
Size: 125-200 x 125-200mm
Formerly: INF/UCS/P/1.
1 image printed in Password (No.38, Jun-Jul 1993), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/41-43   24 May 1993
Installation of a recycling collection point at Elvet Hill Car Park by Durham City Council, 3 bottle banks and a can bank: Councillor Maurice Crathorne (mayor of Durham), Dr Graham E. Rodmell PVC, Neil Laws (Durham City Council), Dr Joy Palmer (chairman, University's Environmental Policy Group), also Barry Gower, Peter Clark, Phil Gates (Botany), Richard Metcalfe and Keith Seacroft with clip-board, with student members of the Friends of the Earth and members of the University's Environmental Policy Group.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Similar image printed in Password (No.39, Summer 1994), p.9-10.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/44-45   [c.June] 1993
Sir Peter Ustinov cutting the first turf of the Science Park with a spade, also Dr Peter Collins PVC, Jack Fawcett of Dysart Construction and two men from Shepherd Construction, all in suits with Shepherd hard hats.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: F000055-56.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/46-57   [June 1993]
Durham University Society lunch at Trevelyan College with Sir Peter Ustinov, seated at lunch and afterwards in the bar.
Size: 170 x 110mm
2 images printed in Kingsgate (2 No.2, Autumn 1993), p.2 & 22.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/58-69   29 June 1993
Foundation ceremony for the Dept of Biological Sciences building at Mountjoy with Sir Peter Ustinov inserting a time capsule in the foundations, then concreted in, and unveiling a plaque on a lectern, and receiving an engraved silver trowel, with a small audience, and a JCB beyond; also Prof Peter Evans (head of dept Biological Sciences), Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Richard Metcalfe (director Estates & Buildings), and Alan Marsh (sales and marketing director Laing North-East).
By David Hutchinson, Biological Sciences.
Size: 1 x 165 x 165 mm + 11 x 200 x 200mm
Formerly: INF/BIO/P/3 and 8725-8746.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/70-73   19 July 1993
Durham County Cricket Club v. Australia, at the Raceourse: stands and marquees, Allan Border leading the Australians, Ian Botham bowling.
By Royston Thomas of Hallgarth St, Durham.
Size: 305 x 240mm
Formerly: G000062-65.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.2, Autumn 1995), p.25.
UND/CK1/BD/1993/74-85   29 July 1993
Presentation of a cheque for £1767.60 to NECCR (North of England Children's Research Charity) (Durham Branch) outside Cruddas House, St John's College, including Lorraine Simpson, with also a picture being presented by Sam Nettleton to a [?departing] female member of staff.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/1993/86-110   December 1993
Sir Peter Ustinov opening the Lindisfarne Centre at St Aidan's College, posing with dignitaries, speaking, unveiling and inspecting a lectern, being shown round the interior and exterior of the building and meeting people (9488 R.J. Williams, Alan Yarwood, Ustinov, Lieut-Com Bull).
Size: 250 x 200mm + 120 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BD/1993/111-128   [17 December] 1993
The Concrete Society's Mature Concrete Structure Award 1993 for Kingsgate Bridge, on the balcony of Dunelm House with the bridge beyond, holding the award: Norman Richardson (mayor of Durham in 1963), Evelyn Ebsworth VC, John Martin (chairman of Ove Arup) and Councillor Maurice Crathorne (mayor of Durham).
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 130 x 130mm
Formerly: 9559-9574.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/1-5   [?1994]
Evelyn Ebsworth VC awarding MBAs in Hong Kong, all in academic dress: 1 group photo with all the graduates, and 4 individuals with Ebsworth receiving their awards.
Size: 4 x 175 x 125mm + 1 x 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1994/6-7   [?1994 x 1995]
Visit of Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, to the Business School, in jacket and tie, signing the visitors' book on the reception desk, by a welcoming notice.
Size: 185/200 x 200mm
Formerly: E000297 & 299, and 8717 & 8719.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/8-10   18 February 1994
Visit of Rt Hon William Waldegrave MP to give a seminar at the IRC Polymer Chemistry Unit laboratory, at the entrance with Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr Peter Collins PVC and Mr Philip Dale (Office of Science and Technology), and being shown equipment by a female researcher and Prof Jim Feast.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/SPE/P/15 and 9659, 9650, 9660.
1 image printed in Password (No.39, Summer 1994), p.5.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/11-12   24 April 1994
Durham University Society ramble along the River Wey near Guildford and Godalming, along the tow-path, barges beyond, and crossing a bridge.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/1994/13   May 1994
Dr Robin Minney, lecturer in Religious Education, with 14 6th form pupils and teachers from Ashington Hirst High School and a Buddhist monk on the steps of the Samge Ling Buddhist monastery in Southern Scotland, with notes on his career.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BD/1994/14   [May 1994]
Durham University Association Japan barbecue at the home of David Douglas (Van Mildert 1971-1974), Kanto group organiser.
Size: 90 x 125mm
Printed in Kingsgate (3 No.2, Autumn 1994), p.21.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/15   12 May 1994
Prof Colin Blakemore FRS delivering the Durham University Society annual lecture at the Linnean Scoiety, London, with blackboard, lectern and paintings behind.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BD/1994/16   [c.June 1994]
Jeremy Snape and Alex Richards, in DUCC European Championships 1994 blazers and ties, each holding a trophy for overall winners and player of the tournament for indoor cricket VCC Wintercup in Vienna.
Size: 175 x 205mm
Printed (BW) in Password (No.39, Summer 1994), p.6 and Kingsgate (3 No.2, Autumn 1994), p.5.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/17-51   [June 1994]
Launch of the Durham University Society Fellowship at a lunch in Van Mildert College: Sir Peter Ustinov being greeted beforehand, all seated at lunch, views of top table and others, presentation, drinks informally afterwards: (0199) Alan Salaun, Howard Phelps; (0189) Salaun, Mrs Phelps, Evelyn Ebsworth, Judy Turner, Ustinov, Rose Ebsworth, Howard Phelps, Cynthia Connolly, Adrian Beney.
Size: 140 x 90mm + 150 x 100mm
BW [Paul Sidney images] formerly: 0170-0214.
2 images printed in Kingsgate (3 No.2, Autumn 1994), p.2 & 3.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/52-55   [c.August 1994]
Phonathon picnic, 17 students on a lawn in the sun, 1 with a baby.
[By Paul Sidney.]
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: 0215-0218.
1 image printed in Kingsgate (3 No.2, Autumn 1994), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/56-68   24 August 1994
Visit of Rt Hon David Hunt MP, Science Minister, to the Chemistry/Geology building and the Biological Sciences department, with David Rose (press secretary), being greeted at the entrance, being shown round, including the Fluorine laboratory (Chemistry), the Interdisciplinary Centre in Polymer Science, meeting Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Prof Robin Harris, Dr Alan Kenwright (IRC), Prof Dick Chambers, Prof Ken Bowler, and Dr John Anstee.
Size: 125 x 175mm
1 image printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.13.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/69   [October 1994]
Installation of Dr Duane Arnold as principal of St Chad's College in Durham Cathedral, in the sanctuary, Arnold and Evelyn Ebsworth VC in academic dress, with Dean John Arnold.
Size: 240 x 165mm
Formerly: A000098 and 35/80.
Printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.19.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/70   6 x 10 October 1994
RIBA exhibition Living and Learning: architects' designs for a new Durham college, 10 young designers with architect James Burland (competition winner) and Miss Deborah Lavin (president of the Howlands Trust), and a model and plans of the design.
Size: 220 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BD/1994/71-99   13 October 1994
Opening of Collingwood College new accommodation block by Princess Anne, the Princess Royal: arriving, being greeted by staff, meeting the kitchen staff, and students over a buffet, talking to Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Michael Prestwich PVC, Richard Metcalfe (director estates and buildings), John Hayward (registrar), Gerald Blake (principal), Nigel Martin (vice-principal), and college tutors, also the mayor of Durham, the chairman of Durham County Council and the Lord Lieutenant of Durham; receiving flowers, signing the visitors' book, unveiling a wall plaque with Ebsworth speaking, and meeting a wheelchair-bound student in his room, also Ralph Austin (beard) in 0406, and Austin and Watson in 0409.
[By David Hutchinson.]
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: 0351-0416.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.11.
2 images printed in Antony Tuck, Collingwood College University of Durham A Jubilee History 1972-1997, (Durham 1997), p.100.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/100-104   26 October 1994
Presentation of an outsize cheque for £700 to the Roy Castle Cause for Hope by Evelyn Ebsworth VC outside the Castle gateway to 4 walkers in teeshirts, with others, and afterwards at a buffet in the Senate Room in the Castle, including a cake with the university arms.
[The larger 3 by Paul Sidney.]
Size: 2 x 150 x 100mm, 3 x 210 x 170mm
[Paul Sidney ones] formerly numbered 0449, 0451, 0452.
UND/CK1/BD/1994/105-107   December 1994
Sir Peter Ustinov visiting the Hong Kong Alumni, with Steve Weatherseed, the Association chairman, receiving an award and speaking from a lectern, in suits and ties.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/1994/108-160   8 December 1994
Loyal Service Awards party for some 250 staff with over 25 years service, in Van Mildert College hall, including: John and Enid Smith, Ann Moss and Judy Turner, John Rochester, Harold Sweet, Alan Heesom, and Ann Rochester.
With a programme listing all the recipients, and a covering note from George Patterson, the photographer.
Size: 175 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1994/161   [c.1994]
Sir Peter Ustinov pulling a face, with 3 schoolchildren, admiring a model of Hollingside College on a table.
35mm colour slide ina plastic mount
UND/CK1/BD/1995/1   [c.1995]
John Ruffle, keeper of the Oriental Museum, discussing Oriental Museum mechandise with a man and a woman.
Size: 175 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1995/2-4   [c.1995]
Durham Miners' Gala, looking east down Elvet bridge, crowds and banners.
Size: 90 x 130mm
UND/CK1/BD/1995/5   [c.1995]
Leah-Anne Higham standing with a folder in front of a prize winning display on regreening despoiled coalpit sites.
By Paul Sidney.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/1995/6   25 January 1995
Sir Peter Ustinov receiving an award for his UNICEF work from Jimmy Carter in Atlanta, USA, both in suits and ties.
By Chip Simone of Atlanta.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.10.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/7   February 1995
Sarah Swift (La Marquise de Merteuil) and Ian Jones (Valmont), heads and shoulders, in costume, in Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Choderlos de Laclos, performed by the Pageant Theatre Co, the theatrical branch of the Durham University History Society.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: J000124.
Printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.19.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/8-218   9 February 1995
Award of the Queen's Anniversary Prizes (Durham University received it for Science and Mathematics), drinks in the Guildhall (Sir Peter Ustinov, Howard Phelps and Evelyn Ebsworth), then the ceremony in Buckingham Palace with the various university parties, all in academic dress, other chancellors include Lord Jenkins (Oxford), Princess Anne the Princess Royal (London), speech by Prime Minister John Major, and Evelyn Ebsworth receiving the award from Queen Elizabeth II.
Size: 240 x 170mm + 240 x 300mm
4 images printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.1 & 16-17.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/219-222   [14 February] 1995
Opening of the Sports Development Officers Centre in the School of Education by Rt Hon Tony Blair MP, with Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Steve Cram and others, including staff, with Blair scoring a basket in basketball.
Size: 3 x 100 x 150mm, 1 x 125 x 175mm
1 image printed in Durham First (No.2, Autumn 1995), p.7, Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.2 and N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.130.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/223-224   [c.March] 1995
Kevin Keegan, Newcastle United manager, in blue football [away] kit, inside St James' Park; also the full Newcastle United squad at St James' Park: (all LtoR) (front row) Barry Venison, John Beresford, Andy Cole, Peter Beardsley, Terry McDermott, Kevin Keegan, Arthur Cox, Kevin Bracewell, Ruel Fox, Robert Lee, Darren Peacock, (middle row) ?Paul Ferris, Derek Fazackerley, Scott Sellars, Lee Clark, Steve Howey, Mike Hooper, Steve Watson, Pavel Srnicek, Philippe Albert, Marc Hottiger, ?, Robbie Elliott, ?, Derek Wright, (back row) Chris Holland, Nico Papavasilou, Alan Neilson, ?, Steve Harper, Mike Jeffrey, Alex Mathie, ?, Martin Allen. (The Newcastle United squad used to train at the university's Maiden Castle sports ground at this time.)
Size: 125/250 x 175/200mm
Formerly: G000067, 75.
Keegan image printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.27.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/225   5 March 1995
International students families day in Fountains Hall, Grey College, [comedian] with a plastic hammer performing in front of seated children, with parents behind.
[By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.]
Size: 220 x 170mm
Formerly: 0558.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/226-227   12 May 1995
Sir Peter Ustinov at the Rudolph Valentino awards ceremony in Los Angeles, with his award for his work as an actor, also with Franco Zeffirelli, Anna Strasberg and Quincy Jones, with their awards, black tie, with a note about the awards.
Size: 180 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1995/228   [24 May 1995]
Japanese ambassador Mr Hiroaki Fujii greeting Evelyn Ebsworth VC on Palace Green when he visited to address representatives of 14 Japanese companies.
By The Sunderland Echo.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Printed in Durham First (No.2, Autumn 1995), p.19.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/229-230   24 June 1995
Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, with Evelyn Ebsworth VC, presenting Michael Young with an outsize cheque for £5000 as a Durham University Society bursary, in the dining hall of Collingwood College.
Size: 150 x 100mm
1 image printed in Durham First (No.2, Autumn 1995), p.32.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/436-439   [July 1995]
Opening of the offices of NOMIS and r.cade by Hon David Seiff, visiting professor of European Buisness Studies at Durham University, with Evelyn Ebsworth VC, and others, with a plaque being unveiled inthe office, and a computer admired with a CD being shown off.
4 colour prints, +1f
Size: 200 x 250mm
UND/CK1/BD/1995/231-315   [October] 1995
Filming of “Jude”, directed by Michael Winterbottom, starring Christopher Eccleston and Kate Winslet, showing actors and crew at work and rest in the Bailey, especially around St Mary-le-Bow, Owengate, Palace Green, Bow St and the Cathedral Cloisters.
By Royston Thomas of 17 Hallgarth St, Durham.
Size: 200 x 150mm
3 images printed in Durham First (No.3, Spring 1996), p.12-13.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/316-428   December 1995 - January 1996
Visit of Sir Peter Ustinov to Stockton and to Durham to unveil a head of himself in the Rotunda at Old Shire Hall, and to present the Anderson Grounds award in the council chamber.
By Paul Sidney.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1995/429-430   December 1995
Visit of Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, to Stockton, all indoors, talking to academics, round a table at coffee, discussing work with students seated and at computers.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: I000079, K000061-64, TBC15-18
UND/CK1/BD/1995/431-432   12 December 1995
Sir Peter Ustinov unveiling the wall plaque for the Ustinov Room in Van Mildert College and addressing the seated assembled company.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: I000073.
UND/CK1/BD/1995/433-435   14 December 1995
Sir Peter Ustinov confronting, leaning on, declaiming in front of and climbing up to an unveiled bronze head of himself in the Rotunda of Old Shire Hall, commissioned from Rev Toddy Hoare, a North Yorkshire sculptor.
By Paul Sidney, Durham University.
Size: 200/130 x 150/130mm
Formerly: I000051, 76-77.
UND/CK1/BD/1996/1-2   17 January 1996
Anderson Grounds Award, Nicholas Joyce being presented with a glass tankard by Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, with Prof Andrew Grey, Prof Richard Chapman and Angus Anderson, all in suits, in the Council Chamber in Old Shire Hall, portrait of Sir Derman Christopherson behind.
Size: 130 x 130mm
UND/CK1/BD/1996/3-14   14 February 1996
Topping out the NHS Executive Offices at the Science Park by Ian Taylor, Minister for Science, being shown round the labs by Prof Jim Feast and meeting staff, group photo in front of exhibition boards with Peter Collins PVC, Jack Fawcett (chairman Dysart Developments), Councillor Stephen McDonnell (mayor of Durham), ? (Shepherd Construction), Evelyn Ebsworth VC, and ? (Shepherd Construction), then mortaring in the final ridge tile on the roof.
Size: 7 x 140 x 100mm, 5 x 215-240 x 165mm
Formerly: 0633-0649.
UND/CK1/BD/1996/15-91   May 1996
Festival of the Environment, with sheep ancient breeds (Manx Loghton and Hebridean) grazing on Palace Green tended by 2 Anglo-Saxons, with the cathedral behind, with contact sheets of other aspects of the festival, other animals, in pens, and David Bellamy, with a press release giving the background.
Size: 2 x 150 x 220mm
UND/CK1/BD/1996/92-117   June 1996
Sir Peter Ustinov unveiling the Kindersley inscription in memory of Basil Bunting in the Botanic Garden: being driven round the garden in the 6-wheeled tractor, and admiring the inscription, alone and with Mrs Bunting, Mrs Kindersley, Evelyn Ebsworth and others.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: 1661-1688 & F000015-16.
UND/CK1/BD/1996/118   [8 June 1996]
Friends of Durham Rugby dinner at Maiden Castle, group in DJs: (LtoR) Peter Dixon, Will Carling, Peter Rossborough, girl, Jack Rowell, Mark Bailey, ?.
[By David Hutchinson.]
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: 1633.
3 images printed in
Another image printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.17.
UND/CK1/BD/1996/119   26 June 1996
UK Universities Biotechnology in Business Competition, Durham University team of 5 students with Mr Richard Page MP, in front of display boards.
Size: 180 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/1996/120-124   29 June 1996
National Training Centre for Scientific Support Skills, Harperley Hall, awards ceremony, with Sir Peter Ustinov giving out the awards and also receiving an honorary diploma in recognition of his Hercule Poirot role.
1. Formal group (standing) Prof Peter Evans (DU), Prof John Anstee (DU), Dr Norman Weston (NTC), Dr Peter Collins (DU), Keith Fryer (NTC), (seated) Peter Ablett (Director NTC), Alan Storey (NTC), Sir Peter Ustinov (DU Ch), Lesley Frame (NTC), Prof Evelyn Ebsworth (DU VC), in suits and (most) academic dress, outside in the grounds.
2&3. Sir Peter Ustinov at the microphone, being congratulated by Evelyn Ebsworth, Peter Ablett seated behind, in academic dress, in a tent of shiny material.
4. Sir Peter Ustinov having his ear-print taken, with a man smiling behind.
5. Sir Peter Ustinov holding a magnifying glass, a torch also being held.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: I000072, 78.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.9.
UND/CK1/BD/1996/125   [19 July 1996]
International Boundaries Research Unit 4th annual conference at Collingwood College, participants formally assembled at the college entrance, by the turning circle, with a list of the final participants.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1996/126   19 August 1996
Presentation of a cheque for £135,000 in respect of Cricket Foundation Development Funding to Peter Slee by Sir Colin Cowdrey at Lord's, with a covering letter from Terry Bates.
Size: 150 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1996/127-130   [c.September 1996]
Players from the Bradford Bulls rugby league team, in action in a match against Halifax, representing links between the Bulls and Durham University's Rugby League Club: Steve McNamara, Bernard Dwyer, Stuart Spruce and Brian McDermott (all chosen to go on the Great Britain tour).
By Gordon Clayton of Bradford.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Formerly: G000076-78, K000015.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.17.
UND/CK1/BD/1996/131-134   12 December 1996
Long service awards ceremony at St Mary's College:
1. Group: Prof W. Williamson, Miss P.M. Aynesworth, Mrs G.O. Hall, Mr J. Lincoln, Mrs M.E. Allison, Mrs A. Hall, Mr M. Tate, Mr R.J. Metcalfe, Mr B.D. Najak, Mrs M. Rowe, Mr P. Fisher, Mrs M.M. Jackson, Mr R.J. Williams, Dr M. Jones, Prof H. Marsh, Mrs C. Blenkin, Miss L. Wayman, Mr R. Gawley, Dr L.M. Woodward, with Prof Evelyn Ebsworth.
2. Miss P.M. Aynesworth receiving her glassware.
3. Mrs A. Hall receiving her glassware.
4. Mrs C. Blenkin receiving her glassware.
With a list of all the recipients.
Size: 200 x 155-200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1997/1   1997
Barker prize [in Zoology] winners, Amanda Lee and Mark Carson, with Pat Barker and her husband Emeritus Prof David Barker, in the School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences.
By David Hutchinson, Durham University.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: 3108.
UND/CK1/BD/1997/2-3   31 January 1997
Kenny Dalglish, as Newcastle United manager, in a tracksuit, opening the new Maiden Castle Sports Injury Clinic, being assessed by physiotherapist Angela McClintock of NEEPHA. Also a female gymnast doing a handstand.
By North News.
Size: 155/210 x 225/295mm
Formerly: G000066 & 71.
Dalglish image printed (in BW) in Durham First (No.5, Spring 1997), p.21.
UND/CK1/BD/1997/4   [c.March] 1997
Artist David Pearson painting orchids in the Botanic Garden glasshouse, with paintings of other plants displayed.
By The Journal, Newcastle.
Size: 305 x 200mm
Formerly: F000018.
Printed (in BW) in Durham First (No.5, Spring 1997), p.31.
UND/CK1/BD/1997/5   6 May 1997
Colleges Environment Competition ceremony, 9 students, 3 academics with Evelyn Ebsworth VC on the lawn at the back of Hatfield College.
[By Paul Sidney.]
Size: 210 x 165mm
Formerly: 0331.
UND/CK1/BD/1997/6   ?24 June 1997
Ben Millar, Biology prize winner, receiving a cheque from Prof Donald Boulter.
Size: 200 x 160mm
UND/CK1/BD/1997/7-26   30 June 1997
Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, opening the Main Library extension:
4204, 4206, 4209. Being shown a computer by Jessica Moore, with Dr J.T.D.Hall, librarian, behind, also in shot (LtoR) Prof Michael Prestwich, Ann Robinson (senior archives assistant) and Liz Branigan (conservator).
4205, 4210, 4211, 4213. Speeches, with the librarian and vice-chancellor.
4207, 4208, 4214, 4216-4218, 4223, 4224. Being shown a computer by Marilyn Hird, librarian and vice-chancellor behind.
4215, 4219. Being shown a computer by Dr Richard Higgins, with the librarian overseeing.
4220, 4222. Having unveiled the plaque on a stand.
4221. Vice-chancellor with shoe in hand.
Size: 215 x 155mm
Formerly: 4206 & F000037.
UND/CK1/BD/1997/27-28   26 August 1997
Mike Gatting presenting a Cricket Foundation cheque for £45,000 to Graeme Fowler as the second year of three years' funding towards the Cricket Centre of Excellence [at Lord's], and Gatting also with representatives of the 38 Cricket County Boards with a cheque for £2.5 million for junior cricket, assembled in front of the memorial to Lord Harris (1851-1932) outside Lord's, with a covering press release.
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BD/1997/29   [?10 November 1997]
Sir Peter Ustinov at Stockton, with a graduate in academic dress, [presenting prizes].
Size: 130 x 180mm
UND/CK1/BD/1998/1-3   28 May 1998
Siemens Microelectronics Ltd handing over a £10,000 cheque to Durham University at Siemen offices, also similar cheques to Northumbria and Newcastle Universities. Present: Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr Adolf Schneibe, Managing Director Siemens, Heinrich Hamann, Financial Director Siemens; also Prof Gilbert Smith VC Northumbria University, Mr James Wright VC Newcastle University, Scott Hayter Development Director Durham University.
Size: 305 x 200mm
Formerly: E000155-157 and SIE 1-3.
UND/CK1/BD/1998/4   [1 December] 1998
Long service awards ceremony at Trevelyan College, formal group with Sir Kenneth Calman vice-chancellor, R end seated Lesley Forbes, 2nd from L back row Barry Wilson, with an accompanying leaflet listing all the recipients.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/1999/1-14   1999
Sir Kenneth Calman, vice-chancellor, with the Japanese ambassador, [Sadayuki Hayashi, at the opening of the Japanese Friendship Association Sukara garden at the Botanic Garden].
1. In the garden in the snow.
2. Cutting the ribbon in the garden in the snow.
3. In the vice-chancellor's residence in front of the fireplace
Size: 200 x 250mm
UND/CK1/BD/1999/15-59   1999
1832 Society dinner at Durham Castle, drinks around the Black Staircase and Tunstal Gallery, and a presentation to the chancellor in the Senate Room; those present include: Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, John Hayward (31), Prof Brian Tanner, Peter Warburton, Lord Laming, Lady Laming, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Lady Calman, Stuart Brown, Christopher Lendrum, Mrs Margaret Lendrum, William Tudor John, Dr John Bridge (15), Dr Andrew Armour, Mrs Janine Armour, Mrs Margaret Snell, Prof Roger Searle, Mr Geoffrey Brown, Mrs Barbara Brown, Rosa Greaves, Mr Rod Lewis, Sir Paul Nicholson (in 6), Tony Cockerill (19), John Hogan (17).
By Northpoint Media of Consett.
Size: 45 x 150 x 100mm, 1 x 250 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/1999/60-61   19 February 1999
Stephen Byers, Trade and Industry Secretary, opening phase 4 of the Science Park by unveiling the onscreen plaque with a laptop and monitor, also standing in front of display boards with Prof John Anstee PVC.
By David Hutchinson.
Size: 215 x 155mm
Formerly: 4630 & F000042.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.9, Spring 1999), p.14.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/62-63   26 March 1999
Launch of Universities for the North-East, with the five vice-chancellors gathered round a bass drum, each with a drum stick: Prof Jeff Brown, Sunderland; Mr James Wright, Newcastle; Prof Derek Fraser, Teesside; Prof Gilbert Smith, Northumbria; Sir Kenneth Calman, Durham. Also all standing with arms linked.
With an accompanying press release.
Size: 200 x 125/150mm
UND/CK1/BD/1999/64   [?c.April 1999]
Durham University Challenge team, [semi-finalists 1999], in their seats in the studio: Oliver Hudson, Jesse Honey, Jack Welsby, Martin Foulkes.
By Granada Television.
Size: 250 x 205mm
Formerly: K000014.
Printed in Durham First (No.9, Spring 1999), p.36.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/65   June 1999
Frank Tyson, with Senior Cricket Coach Graeme Fowler, and 4 members of DUCC, at the Racecourse ground, on the occasion of Tyson's receipt of an honorary Palatinate.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: G000058.
Printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.58-59.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/66-71   [c.June 1999]
Reunion of cricketers from Durham's 1952 and 1953 National Universities Cricket Championship winning XIs at the Racecourse: Warren Bradley, Chris Turner, John Dale, Don Harrison, David Day and Frank Tyson. All gathered on the ground with Frank Tyson holding and tossing a cricket ball in the air, then at tea inside.
By Dave Foster of Northpoint Media.
Size: 200/150 x 150/100mm
1 image printed in Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.38.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/72-74   10 June 1999
Award of honorary palatinates at the annual palatinates dinner, with Jonathan Edwards and Frank Tyson receiving their glassware from Sir Kenneth Calman VC, and Edwards and Tyson together outside.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 190 x 125mm
Formerly: NEG 11A, 13A, 32 & G000068.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.23.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/75   26 September 1999
Sir Kenneth Calman VC, having unveiled a plaque at Shepherd Homes' new retirement development at Claypath Court, Durham, to mark the centenary of the university's foundation of a hostel for women students on the site, with Mr Roger Lidster, managing-director of Shepherd Homes, and Mrs Margaret Adair, mayor of Durham.
By Shepherd Homes Ltd.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: C15202B17 & I000016.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/76-81   [13 October 1999]
Opening of Graduate Society, Howlands Farm [Ustinov College], by Prince Andrew, duke of York, with the duke arriving, talking with academics, unveiling the plaque on a table assisted by Sir Kenneth Calman, VC, also on duke's left Paul Nicholson and Mike Richardson (in 12), and greeting [disabled] Bosnian postgraduate student Vanja Karanovic in her room.
Size: 165 x 215mm (1) and 150 x 100mm (5)
Formerly: A000001, K000057-63, TBC 11-17.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.38.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/82-84   December 1999
Stockton Campus Sleep Lab project: Eleanor Robertson with baby Lewis and Katie Hibbs with baby Henry wired up in bed.
By PA NewsCentre, London, and North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 300 x 210mm
Formerly: G000001-3.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.4.
UND/CK1/BD/1999/85-91   [11 December 1999]
Unveiling of the bronze head of Mo Mowlam in the Senate Room, Durham Castle, by Mo Mowlam and Sir Kenneth Calman VC, in full academic dress on the day of the honorary degree ceremony.
By Gillman and Soame.
Size: 250 x 190mm
Formerly: P000145-156 TBC5-16.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.11, Spring 2000), p.35.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/1-35   2000
Chancellors' 1832 Society dinner at Durham Castle, with guests drinking beforehand, seated at square tables in the Hall.
By Northpoint Media.
Size: 210 x 300mm
Formerly: 00207 & K000043.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/36-37   [4 February 2000]
Long service awards 1999 ceremony in St John's College:
1. Group photo: Geoffrey Bromiley French lecturer, Ranald Michie History professor, Paul Jones ITS, Gordon Fountain Van Mildert porter, Hilda Malyan DSU sales assistant, Paul Foley Physics technician, Jane Keithley Sociology lecturer, Isabel Lowther DSU catering assistant, Janet Everett St John's cleaner, Gloria Juniper Oriental Museum secretary, Sir Kenneth Calman vice-chancellor, Margaret Buckle Estates and Buildings cleaner, Elizabeth Hardcastle Union Society secretary, Rosemary Stevenson Psychology reader, Sylvia Shaw St Mary's laundry assistant.
2. Janet Everett, Ranald Michie, Gloria Juniper with their glassware, full-length, stage behind, with Sir Kenneth Calman, vice-chancellor.
With identifying sheets and a booklet about the ceremony.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/2000/38-39   6 March 2000
Visit of Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Dari Taylor MP (Stockton South), to Universty College Stockton, in the Holliday Building, with Sir Kenneth Calman VC and John Hayward provost.
By Peter Mernagh.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: A000218-219.
1 image (incorrectly captioned) printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference The Story of Durham University (2007), p.130.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/40-42   15 March 2000
Launch of new blood donor campaign with an outsize donor's card being held outside Dunelm House with a blood donor's van and the cathedral behind by Sir Kenneth Calman VC, James Wright Newcastle VC, Dr Dorothy Stainsby, National Blood Transfusion Service, and Sarah Kerrison, student and donor.
By David Hutchinson.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: 4761-4764 & G000004-7.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/43-46   [May 2000]
University Challenge Champions 2000, behind volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica on a table in the library: Nicholas Allen, Colin Telfer, John Stewart, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Nicholas Ledger.
By Northpoint Media (Dave Foster).
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: K000065 TBC 19.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.12, Autumn 2000), p.1.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/47-48   [June] 2000
Presentation of honorary palatinates glassware by Sir Kenneth Calman VC to Phil de Glanville and Peter Dixon, in black tie, at the annual palatinates dinner.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: P000118-119.
Both printed in Durham First (No.12, Autumn 2000), p.22.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/49-58   9 June 2000
Will Carling, in a suit, being presented with his honorary palatinate glassware, 94-96 in the grounds of Hatfield with the cathedral beyond, 97-103 at a reception with drinks in [Hatfield SCR].
94. Holding his glassware in the grounds of Hatfield, cathedral beyond.
95,96. WC and Sir Kenneth Calman VC holding the glassware.
97. Sir Kenneth Calman, Lady Calman, WC.
98. Dr Peter Warburton director of sport, WC.
99. Sir Kenneth Calman, Lisa Carling, WC, Tim Burt, Lady Calman.
100. Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Lisa Carling, WC, Lady Calman.
101. Pamela Carling, WC, Ted Wood, Pamela Wood.
102. Geoff Bromiley, Mrs Bromiley, Pamela Carling, WC, friend of WC.
103. Mark Scholey, WC, Mrs Stoker, Sam Stoker.
[By Paul Sidney.]
Size: 125 x 125mm
Formerly: P000094-103 and 4809-4818.
1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.110.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/59-60   14 September 2000
Visit of Tessa Blackstone MP, Higher Education Minister, and Dari Taylor MP (Stockton South), with Sir Kenneth Calman VC at a STARS session at Unversity College Stockton with pupils from schools in Billingham and Stockton examining skulls in Human Sciences.
By Peter Mernagh.
Formerly: A000216-217.
Size: 250 x 190mm
1 image printed in Durham First (No.12, Autumn 2000), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/2000/61   14 December 2000
Long service awards 2000 ceremony, St Chad's College, leaflet listing the recipients.
UND/CK1/BD/2001/1-6   [2001]
Ling Award for Outstanding Service to Physical Education made by the UK Physical Education Association to Dr Peter Warburton in the bar at the Oval Cricket Ground, Surrey; others present include Lilian Groves, former president of UK PEA. Wrapped up box being presented to Warburton, and a lady, also Warburton with his certificate, and with other gentlemen.
Size: 250 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/2001/7-113   30 March 2001
Visit of Alan Milburn, Health Secretary, to the Stockton Campus, backing plans for new joint partnership Medical School facilities with the promise of 50 new student places: arriving, meeting and greeting, being filmed, outside, and inside in a press conference with Sir Kenneth Calman.
By Peter Mernagh.
Size: 200 x 250mm
Formerly: K000044-46.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.12.
UND/CK1/BD/2001/114   June 2001
Warren Bradley (Hatfield 1955) (ex-Manchester United and England) and Jock Wishart (Hild-Bede 1974) (explorer, yatchsman, oarsman) receiving honorary palatinates from Sir Kenneth Calman VC at the annual palatinates dinner, all in black tie, shaking hands.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: P000138.
Printed in Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.21.
UND/CK1/BD/2001/115   [?c.July 2001]
Cutting the first sod on the site of the new IMEIS building; holding a spade are Mike Lichfield, architect, Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, and Prof Anoush Ehteshami, director.
Size: 150 x 200mm
Printed in Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.26 and News for members of staff (December 2001), p.3.
UND/CK1/BD/2001/116-121   [?October 2001]
Durham Fashion Show organised by Caroline Copeman:
- Two female students in a dance routine.
- Four male students in formation on the catwalk.
- Three female students on the catwalk.
- One male student having his hair done.
- Kylie Minogue, head and shoulders, signed with a message of support to Caroline, 2000, by Liz Collins for EMI Records.
- John Cleese, in bed with a lemur and an ostrich, signed with a message of support, Walker print.
Size: 210/300 x 150/210mm
First two images printed in Durham First (13, Spring 2001), front cover and p.17.
UND/CK1/BD/2001/122   [?October 2001]
Male lecturer discussing a skeleton with a female student, representing Durham's pre-clinical programme and the revival of medicine at the university.
By Mark Dorosz.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: G000072.
Printed in Durham First (No.13, Spring 2001), p.13.
UND/CK1/BD/2001/123-137   December 2001
Announcement of the RAE results with the heads of Durham's 5* departments (Geography, Ian Shennan; Chemistry, Randal Richards; Law, Harvey Teff; English, Patricia Waugh; History, Ranald Michie; Maths, Wojtek Zakrzewski) assembled with Sir Kenneth Calman VC and Joy Palmer PVC outside [?the Chemistry Dept], then inside talking to 3 journalists collectively, then individually, with a cameraman also filming.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BD/2002/1   [c.2002]
Sir Peter Ustinov, with John Hayward, in full academic dress, admiring the monument containing the imprint of the chancellor's hand in 1992.
Size: 200 x 250mm
UND/CK1/BD/2002/2   [March 2002 x May 2005]
Three Rivers Housing Association Group provision of student accommodation in Durham: Martin Knowles, chief executive, Clare Hepworth, chair; Gerry Steinberg, MP; Alan Bilsborough, PVC; outside Dunelm House. (Knowles appointed 1 March 2002, Steinberg MP to May 2005 election).
Size: 240 x 165mm
Formerly: I000105.
UND/CK1/BD/2002/3   [c.April 2002]
Tony Blair inspecting the “Durham Crawler”, pipe cleaning brushes, on the Durham Pipeline Technology stand at a regional exhibition, with [?Prof Ernie Appleton and Nick Pearson] and others.
Size: 210 x 150mm
Formerly: K000056 TBC 10.
Printed in Durham First (16, Autumn 2002), p.18.
UND/CK1/BD/2002/4-33   7 May 2002
Presentation of a miner's lamp to Sir Peter Ustinov to mark his 10 years as chancellor.
By Paul Sidney of Durham University.
Size: 220 x 305mm
1 image printed in News for members of staff (July 2002), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/2002/34-134   8 May 2002
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II with Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh, to Durham as part of the Golden Jubilee tour: crowds on Palace Green and around the Castle keep, dignitaries meeting the Queen and Prince Philip at the Castle, including Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, seated, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Maurice Tucker, master, students and the mayor, also lunch in the hall, signing the visitors book, and departing in the Daimler.
By Paul Sidney, University of Durham.
Size: 220 x 305mm
1 image printed in News for members of staff (July 2002), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/2002/135-139   8 May 2002
Visit of Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh, to Queen's Campus, Stockton, as part of the Golden Jubilee tour: being greeted by Sir Kenneth Calman VC and Louise McCathie, John Snow College JCR president, in academic dress; admiring student Dave France on an ergometer with Dr Stephen Garland in lab coat; viewing a Biomedical Sciences experiment with a student immersed in a box; talking to students inside; and a crowd of female students outside waiting to greet him with a union jack flag.
By Gary Walsh Photography of Norton.
Size: 145/250 x 200mm
2 images printed in News for members of staff (July 2002), p.5-6.
UND/CK1/BD/2002/140   September 2002
Alumni reunion of the first Stockton freshers, in the rotunda, c.100+.
By Northern Photographic Services of Middlesbrough.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: 12334/1.
UND/CK1/BD/2002/141-142   [c.September 2002]
Presentation of the HEERA award for Excellence for Durham First as the top alumni magazine by Geoff Capes at the East Midlands Conference Centre at Nottingham to Scott Haytor, Peter Slee and Keith Seacroft, with 3 others.
Size: 175 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BD/2002/143-249   7 October 2002
Opening of the new accommodation building Deerness at Van Mildert College by George Alagiah: groups of dignitaries, George outside the college entrance, talking to a reporter, to a student in his room, to staff and students around the college, a table of four speakers including also Sir Kenneth Calman VC, George unveiling a plaque, also George Paterson, principal (in 3).
By Gary Walsh of High St Norton.
Size: 250 x 205mm
1 image printed in News for members of staff (December 2002), p.6.
UND/CK1/BD/2003/1-22   [c.2003]
Sir Peter Ustinov talking to students at Ustinov College in the bar area.
Size: 300 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BD/2003/23-118   [c.May] 2003
Boat Race presidents Clare Leake (Durham) and Oliver Shuldham (Newcastle) being cast in plaster for Antony Gormley's “Domain Field” exhibition for the Baltic Gallery in August 2003, showing the casting process in the studio, with others already done, and the subjects meeting their casts at the Baltic overlooking the Tyne.
By Colin Davison of Newcastle.
Size: 200 x 250mm
1 image printed in Durham First (17, Spring 2003), p.32.
UND/CK1/BD/2003/119   Summer 2003
Chancellor's dinner, in the Castle courtyard, Lady Ogden, Sir Peter Ustinov, Scott Hayter and Sir Peter Ogden, black tie, with glasses in hand, drummer and percussionist from the band behind.
By Paul Sidney, Biological Sciences.
Size: 190 x 135mm
UND/CK1/BD/2004/1-44   [c.February 2004]
Signing of an agreement of cooperation with Renmin University of China, with Sir Kenneth Calman VC and Prof Ji Boacheng signing, and Prof Robert Williams and Dr William Callahan receiving awards of guest professorships at Renmin, and other gifts being exchanged.
Size: 225 x 305mm
Formerly: DSCF8367-8418.jpg.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.18, Spring 2004), p.20.
UND/CK1/BD/xx   [c.1980 - 2000]
Chancellors Ustinov and Fonteyn at congregations and official events with vice-chancellors Holliday and especially Ebsworth.
File of BW and colour prints
UND/CK1/BD/2009/1   [2009 x 2010]
Formal group, indoors, of the chancellor and senior officers of the university in full academic dress (LtoR): Seth Kunin, Anthony Forster, Robin Coningham, Tom McLeish, Andrew Deeks (all PVCs), Carolyn Fowler (registrar), Chris Higgins (VC), Bill Bryson (chancellor), Anne Galbraith (chair of Council), Ray Hudson (PVC).
Colour print
Size: 155 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BD/2012/1-13   [?2012]
Siging of the gift agreement by Kuwait to establish a chair and programme in Gulf Studies, in ?the Kuwaiti Embassy in London, with the main group photo featuring (LtoR): ?, ?, Khaled al Duwaisan ambassador of Kuwait, Prof Chris Higgins VC, ?, Tim McInnis director of DARO.
13 colour prints
Size: 150 x 230mm
Given by the ambassador of Kuwait, 3 August 2017 (Acc No Misc:2017/18:1)
UND/CK1/BD2016/1   4 June 2016
Presentation of an award by Prof Stuart Corbridge VC on behalf of Senate to Patrick Salaun as chair and then president of the Dunelm Society, and president of the Hatfield Association.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 200mm
Given by Patrick Salaun.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BD2016/1
At Work
Reference: UND/CK1/BE
Dates of creation:
UND/CK1/BE/ADM   1985
Senate in session in the Senate Chamber in Old Shire Hall, Fred Holliday chairing, Paddy FitzPatrick standing speaking, all in gowns. Printed in reverse.
Size: 250 x 250mm
UND/CK1/BE/ADM   1996
Senate in session in the Senate Chamber in Old Shire Hall, Evelyn Ebsworth chairing, Michael Prestwich standing speaking, all in gowns.
By David Hutchinson, Biological Sciences.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BE/ADM   [c.1996]
Council in session in the Council Room in Old Shire Hall, Dr Howard Phelps chairing, in jackets/ties.
Size: 250 x 175mm
UND/CK1/BE/ANT   [?1980s - 1990s]
Anthropology Dept:
1. Student discussing a wooden figure with a lecturer, with a rush mat, books behind.
2. ?Indonesian child standing on wooden stilts, trellis behind.
4. Early skull.
5. Line of 5 male ?Melanesian figures in skirts with head-dresses beating drums, dancing.
6. Male statue.
Size: 60-255 x 85-205mm
Formerly: E000001-6.
UND/CK1/BE/ARC   [c.1980]
Archaeology Dept, conservation laboratory, 3 individuals in lab coats, 1 rebuilding a pot.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: E000008.
UND/CK1/BE/ARC   15 June 1999
Archaeology Dept students at work on a dig in the medieval city of Durham.
By Ted Ditchburn, Stockton Times.
Size: 195 x 125mm
Formerly: E000011-15.
UND/CK1/BE/ARC   [c.2000]
Archaeology lecturer and student examining flints and other finds in a lecture room.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000009.
UND/CK1/BE/BIO   [c.1970s - 1980s]
Zoology Dept images: five students using Warburg apparatus to determine the respiratory quotient of an isolated tissue; two students using an oxygen electrode to demonstrate oxidative phosphrylation in blowfly flight muscle mitochondria; researcher using an electron microscope; students on a field course on the seashore; researcher checking apparatus used for research into muscular dystrophy; seagull in flight; weighing a seal pup on the seashore; using a microscope.
By T.W. Kendal.
Size: 110-210 x 110-210mm
Formerly: 3488.
Two images printed in Handbook of the Durham University Faculty of Science 1974-75, p.113.
One image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.80
UND/CK1/BE/BIO   [c.1970s - 1980s]
Botany Dept images, including plants in a greenhouse, a research fellow using a kinetic spectrophotometer to follow the activity of an enzyme, David Bellamy in an infalatable with 3 frogmen harvesting kelp, base camp of the 1966 summer expedition to Sierra Cabrera, inspecting flasks of blue-green algae in the Algal Culture Room, researchers using Warburg manometers for photosynthesis of blue-green algae, also an electron microscope and measuring the radioactivity of a plant cinstituent using a liquid scintallation spectrometer.
Size: 160-230 x 160-260mm
UND/CK1/BE/BIO   [1980s - 1990s]
Biology/Zoology/Biological Sciences Dept researchers/students at work in the lab and in the field, and images of fauna and flora:
18. Female researcher with pipet and equipment.
19. Female researcher using a microscope at Stockton.
20. Two butterflies ?mating on a plant; by Dr J.A. Pearson.
21. Female researcher with a specimen in a jar.
22. Male researcher at a computer showing a molecule model; by Paul Sidney/ David Hutchinson.
24. Female researcher with an instrument in a lab.
26. Male researcher on top of an ASM-100 cylindrical piece of equipment.
27. Julia Bryden, research technician, demonstrating automated gene sequencing on an Applied Biosystems Model 370A DNA.
28. Oil-seed rape plant.
29. Male researcher in a full face mask examining a?locust.
30. Lizard on a tree.
31. Four bee-keepers in full protective equipment with an open hive with bees flying around; by David Hutchinson.
32. Birds (?oyster catchers, whimbrels/curlews, turnstones), on a shell beach, with walkers and cars beyond.
33. Seal on a sand dune.
34. Two male students using a flourescence microscope; by Dr J.R. Pearson.
35. ?Plant/seed.
36. Researcher with mask and eye protector inserting an instrument into a capsule.
37. Curlew/whimbrel being held.
38. ?Sponge.
39. Two Xenopus tadpoles.
45. Oil-seed rape plant.
Size: 105-240 x 125-240mm
UND/CK1/BE/BUS   [June 1984]
Photocopy BW print of the class of 1983/84, 2 copies, one with everyone identified, with additional details about individuals including their then address, most memorable experience at the Business School, ambitions, hopes and plans, etc, with a covering letter from Sid Kimbrough of 22 September 2014 sending in the identifications.
Paper file
UND/CK1/BE/BUS   [?1990s]
Business School students and an academic, outside.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: E000094-95.
UND/CK1/BE/CAR   [c.2000]
Careers Advisory Service, Job Shop notice board with a lady pinning up notices, also students examining literature.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: DU7/10/02 & F000035-36.
UND/CK1/BE/CHE   June 1957
Chemistry lab of Prof G.E. Coates, 3 male students recording experiments.
By The Yorkshire Post.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: E385/9.
UND/CK1/BE/CHE   [c.1970s - 1980s]
Chemistry Dept, students in labs, with a closeup of one in safety glasses draining fluid into a beaker.
Size: 100-200 x 125-260mm
UND/CK1/BE/CHE   [?1990s]
Chemistry Dept:
51. Female researcher using a syringe in a large container; by Mike Bleninsop Studios of Annfield Plain. 1991.
52. Three primary school pupils in safety goggles with a flaming experiment in a cake-tin.
53. Male and female researcher discussing the flourescing tube.
55. A molecular-surface analysis spectrometer used by the surface-science research group.
61. Main chain aromatic liquid crystalline polymer showing nemotic organisation in the melt.
62. Spherulites of a partially crystalline block copolymer.
320. Female researcher in safety goggles with an experiment.
321. Researcher in facemask with chemical apparatus.
Size: 100-200 x 100-200mm
Formerly: E000051-53, 55, 61-62, 320-321.
UND/CK1/BE/CHE   [c.2000]
?Chemistry Dept images of researchers at work, the inside of the entrance atrium, and the exterior of the building.
[By Paul Sidney.]
Formerly: 9641.
UND/CK1/BE/CLA   [c.1990s]
Classics Dept:
68. Lecturer with a student reading a book, books behind.
69. Three Greek vases.
70. Two Greek vases (as in 69).
71. Greek vase.
Size: 150-200 x 100-250mm
Formerly: E000068-71.
UND/CK1/BE/COM   1986 - [?1990s]
Community and Youth Work/ Applied Social Studies/ Deaf Studies:
72. Community and Youth Work Studies, two female researchers discussing an open book.
74. Community and Youth Work, three adults with two children putting together toys on a table; by Sarah Banks.
75. Community and Youth Work, children playing with a crate of toys on a table; by Sarah Banks
76. Female [DUSSD] student.
77. Two special needs students with phone equipment with a lecturer; by Mike Blenkinsop Studios, 1993.
78. Female lecturer in front of a blackboard.
79. Mrs Liz Wright, British Sign Language Interpreter, Clark Denmark and David Brien in an office, seated at a desk covered with papers; by D. Huspeth, November 1986.
Size: 150/215 x 100/165mm
Formerly: E000072, 74-79.
UND/CK1/BE/CPT   20 December 1967
Computing, students at a series of consoles typing in punch cards, and two women operating mainframes.
Bt Newcastle University Dept of Photography.
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/CK1/BE/CPT   [c.1968]
Computing, two students at a satellite IBM 1130 in the Durham computer unit, with another at a ?card-reader.
Size: 170 x 120mm
1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.80.
Similar image printed in Handbook of the Durham University Faculty of Science 1968, p.61.
UND/CK1/BE/CPT   [c.1975]
Computing, including
students and academics at a row of PCs
students at a row of IBM PCs
student doing design on a Tektronix 4012
man changing a tape on an IBM 4341
man changing a disk on a Perkin Elmer 3220 system
man with card reader and printer
a printed circuit board mask being engraved in the Microprocessor Centre
12 BW prints & 1 colour print
Size: 125-190 x 125-240mm
UND/CK1/BE/CPT   [?1990s]
Computer Science, students and academics looking at various images, mathematical models, on computers.
Size: 125/150 x 100/125mm
Formerly: E000080, 82-83, 86-87, 307.
UND/CK1/BE/EAS   1991
East Asian Studies: the first Chinese/Management Studies graduates admiring a Bhudda and an exhibition case of swords, maces and hammers: Kathryn Wirz, Giles Deneuche, Sue Whittaker, Diane McCullough, Jennifer Brown, Serena Carden and Marysia Juszczakiewicz.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Formerly: E000097.
UND/CK1/BE/EAS   [c.1995]
East Asian Studies: houseboats on a lake with hills around [?in Kashmir].
Size: 250 x 170mm
Formerly: E000098.
UND/CK1/BE/ECO   [c.1980]
Economics dept computer PC classroom, with students and academics.
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BE/ECO   [c.2000]
Economics Dept students and lecturers, with a book at a desk, in front of the dept's notice board, and descending the front steps, including Daisy Gray and Christie Aumonier.
Size: 130/150 x 100/180mm
Formerly: E000102-114.
UND/CK1/BE/EDU   [c.1980]
Students on teaching practice in primary schools in ?English and Biology classes.
Size: 165 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BE/EDU   [?1990s]
Education Dept: students on teaching practice in primary and secondary school classes; also a lecturer with a female student at a table.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000116-139.
UND/CK1/BE/ENG   [c.1970s - 1980s]
Engineering Dept: robots; thermodynamics laboratory; measuring deflections on a loaded structure constructed from sandwich panels; project on sediment transfer in water; workmen at a row of machines [in a factory]; two academics with a superconducting solenoid.
Size: 120-260 x 150-240mm
UND/CK1/BE/ENG   1990 - 1991
Engineering Dept: students at work, surveying structural defects, with circuit boards and in the microprocessor clean room, testing bicycle efficiencies and an internal combustion engine, with a hybrid car (as seen on Tomorrow's World), photographing a mock-up car for fuel efficiency and examining a Rolls-Royce aero engine to reduce energy costs.
By Mike Blenkinsop Studios, Annfield Plain.
Size: 160 x 210mm
Formerly: INF/ENG/P/1&14 and E000145-170, 325.
UND/CK1/BE/ENG   November 1994
Engineering Dept: 4 students on an INPUT programme testing a hover pallet, designed to carry 100kg, by sitting on it.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Printed in Durham First (No.1, Spring 1995), p.16.
UND/CK1/BE/ENG   [?1990s]
Engineering Dept students and equipment, including microscopes, computers, circuit boards.
Size: 135-290 x 100-200mm
Formerly: E000140-166.
UND/CK1/BE/FRE   1982
Printing press being used by [David Crane] with 3 students observing, [in Elvet Riverside basement], with a covering letter of 5 February 1982.
Size: 70 x 85mm & 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BE/GEG   [c.1970s - 1980s]
Geography Dept, 2 researchers using computers for drawing maps in Geography, cartography laboratory empty and with students, a student using a Kern PG2 plotter for interpetreting aerial photographs, a laboratory for quaternary studies and two students looking at a map.
Size: 210 x 210mm
One printed in University of Durham General Prospectus 1985-86, p.106, and thereafter.
UND/CK1/BE/GEG   [?1990s]
Geography Dept images:
172. Sue Earle of Great Cowden, Hornsea, on the East Yorkshire clifftop as her farm collapses into the sea through coastal erosion. By John Giles, from PA News Photo Library, London, 17 September 1996.
173. Researcher using a surveying instrument (?theodolyte WILD TC1010) in the field.
174. View through a gate across a dale with a farm and road leading over moorland beyond. By Peter Mernagh.
175. Dunstanburgh Castle beyond shoreline rocks. By Paul Sidney.
176. Berlin Wall, man perched on top under surveillance from a riot control vehicle and a policeman.
177. A rocky shoreline, seaweed, ?near Dunstanburgh. By Paul Sidney.
178. Fireman wading through flood water past signs, cement mixer, tyres, building rubble at the Bunn Leisure West Sands Caravan Park, Selsey, West Sussex. By Stefan Rousseau, PA News Photo Library, London.
Size: 130-255 x 85-250mm
Formerly: E000172-178.
UND/CK1/BE/GEL   [c.1970s - 1980s]
Geology Dept, students collecting fossils at Redcar, a soil and geomorphology laboratory, seismological data-processing equipment, a student looking in a microscope and boring at Neasham in 1974.
Size: 130-210 x 130-260mm
UND/CK1/BE/GEL   [c.July 1994]
Geology Dept: Dr Stephen Thomas and PhD student Iwan Jones in Northern Bohemia in the Czech Republic, looking at the pollution problems of chloride deposits and the ash mountains resulting from the burning of lignite brown coal at Most. With a covering note and envelope.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000179-186.
UND/CK1/BE/GEL   [?1990s]
Geology Dept images:
195. Lecturer and a student with a microscope.
196. Drawings of geological layers and a paradoxides fossil.
198. Closeup of black and white patterned rock.
199. Geology student on fieldwork in southern Greenland, looking at snowy mountains across a fijord filled with ice floes; 1800 Ma Ketilidian granites in the foreground, 1750 rapakivi granites in the background.
Size: 55-210 x 90-150mm
Formerly: E000195-199
UND/CK1/BE/HIS   [?1990s]
History Dept images:
202. Reconstructed model of Jarrow monastery.
203. Prof Ranald Michie with a student, bookshelves beyond.
Size: 150/250 x 100/170mm
Formerly: E000202-203.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BE/HIS
UND/CK1/BE/LIB   [?1990s]
Library; female student making notes, shelves of journals behind.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: F000038.
UND/CK1/BE/LIN   [?1990s - c.2000]
Linguistics and English Language:
209. Three students rehearsing a play with table, chair and gramaphone props. By The Sunderland Echo.
210. Student discussing a book, seated, with a lecturer.
212. Row of English books - novels, plays, poems.
213. Female [student], outside Old Shire Hall.
324. Microscope, skull and chemical model, captioned “Audio visual specialist The Saville Group installed the £120,000 multi-media computer learning facility which is used for language teaching.”
Size: 100-225 x 100-250mm
Formerly: E000209-324.
UND/CK1/BE/MAT   [c.1965]
Mathematics Dept, an informal seminar with 2 female and 4 male academics discussing equations on a blackboard, including (seated, dark suit), Prof T.J. Wilmore.
Size: 85/170 x 90/120mm
Similar image printed in Handbook of the Durham University Faculty of Science 1965, p.69.
UND/CK1/BE/MAT   [?1990s]
Mathematical Sciences images:
215. Dr James Blowet, lecturer, and Sharon Carr, undergraduate, discussing equations on a blackboard. By Mark Doroscz.
216. Four students seated at a table discussing models with a lecturer standing.
Size: 125/150 x 100/125mm
Formerly: E000215-216.
UND/CK1/BE/MAT   [c.2000]
Mathematical Sciences images of lecturers lecturing, students grappling with models, or working at computers.
UND/CK1/BE/MEI   [?1990s]
Centre/Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies:
217. Arab buildings, contact prints.
219. Three students outside the Centre.
220. Arabic tower.
221. 3 pictures of arabic script.
222. Arabic dome on columns.
224. Minarets.
326. Female student outside the Centre.
328. Building details, carved alcoves.
329. Building detail, carved alcove.
330. Pile of pots and vases, minaret beyond.
331. Modern houses, older columns and rebuilt walls.
332. Courtyard, loggia, tower (as in 220).
Size: 50-260 x 105-170mm
Formerly: E000217-332.
2 images printed in Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.11-12.
UND/CK1/BE/MEL   [?1980s - 1990s]
Modern European Languages images:
Language Centre booths with an administrator. Contact prints.
225. Language Centre with an administrator at a control panel and students at computers. Contact prints.
226. Language Centre. Negatives.
227. Language Centre, students grouped on a staircase, and a student examining information files in the Careers Centre.
Formerly: E000225-227 and DU7/10/03.
UND/CK1/BE/MUS   [?1990s]
Music Dept images:
229. Musician with french horn, in jersey and jeans, in the Music School.
230. Close-up of part of a choir singing.
231. Trombone, colour transparency.
232, 254. Electro-acoustic studio: girl loading reel-to-reel tapes; sound mixer.
233. [Hill Colleges] orchestra rehearsing in Trevelyan dining hall.
234,235. Durham University Symphony Orchestra rehearsing in Van Mildert dining hall.
245,247,250,251,308. A trombonist (male), oboeist (male) and flautist (female) practising in the Music School, 1999. By Ted Ditchburn ( Northern News/Stockton Times).
252. Small [chamber] orchestra and choir rehearsing. Colour transparency, by Charles Bartram of Milburngate Centre, Durham.
253, 255, 256 + 1. Gamelan group with drums, xylophones, gongs, etc.
Size: 100-195 x 100-195mm
Formerly: E000229-308.
UND/CK1/BE/OBS   15 June 1999
Observatory: student Andy Richmond and technician Vicki Greener examining a computer screen, ?telescope with the open roof above.
By Ted Ditchburn of Northern News/Stockton Times.
Size: 195 x 125mm
Formerly: F000001-6.
UND/CK1/BE/ORM/1995/   [c.1995]
Oriental Museum images
1. Man on a horse. BW print.
2. Dancing Shiva statuette. BW print.
3. Tapestry of a battle scene with text. Colour transparency.
4. Porcelain blue and white bowl on a stem. Colour transparency.
5. Decorated case on cords. Colour transparency.
6. 3 small jade animal carvings. Colour transparency.
7. Painting of buildings amongst rocks. Colour transparency.
8. Painting of buildings amongst rocks. Colour double transparency.
9. Man on a horse. Colour transparency.
10. Museum dragon logo on card.
11. Dragon carving. Colour print.
Size: 55-250 x 60-200mm
Formerly: F000020-32.
29 printed in Durham First (No.2, Autumn 1995), p.31.
UND/CK1/BE/PAL   [c.1992]
Tom Cotton and Catherine Bonnett, conservators in Palaeography and Diplomatic, at work:
1. Examining a volume on a light stand.
2. Paring leather.
3. Lettering the spine of a book.
4. Working a press.
5. Confering over a map.
6. Repairing an inventory on a light table.
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BE/PHI   [?1990s]
Philosophy Dept images:
258. Two students discussing a book over coffee in easy chairs.
259. An engraving of ancient ruins - columns.
260. Andrew Vesalius's drawing of the human body's muscles, with a town in the background, “addressing the mind/body dichotomy”.
Size: 70/150 x 95/100mm
Formerly: E000258-260.
UND/CK1/BE/PHY   [c.1960s - 1980s]
Physics Dept, including: 3 students/researchers adjusting an 11-ton electromagnet used for work on cosmic rays; a student and an academic working on equipment re electrical discharges; discussion on a project on the audio frequency modulation of laser beam; a digisted measuring machine used in the analysis of bubble-chamber photographs; Physics Lecture Theatre in use; an automatic vibrating-sample magnetometer used to measure the magnetization of alloys and compounds containing rare-earth elements; an 8mm microwave spectrometer; a laboratory; a telescope.
Size: 110-210 x 130-260mm
Two printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.64.
UND/CK1/BE/PHY   [1990s]
Physics Dept images:
260. Student with equipment. By Mike Blenkinsop of Annfield Plain.
261. Gamma-ray telescope in the “Physics at Work” exhibition, 23 September 1992.
262. A galaxy.
263. Solar panels, round, in a large frame.
264. Strip of 3 transparencies of a student at work on equipment and students relaxing in the cafeteria.
265. Cosmology - stars.
267. Student with equipment and a computer. By Dave Hutchinson.
268. Student in lab coat recording in a book in front of a Siemens D5000 Diffraktometer. By Paul Sidney.
269. Student reflecting light beams. By Paul Sidney.
270. Two researchers confering over equipment.
271. Four students comparing notes in an office. By Mike Blenkinsop of Annfield Plain.
272-275. “Map” of Australia with close-ups.
278 Three transparencies of students at work in a lab.
300. Student fibre polishing.
301. Students at work in room 228.
302. Student lining a light source up with a detector.
303. Lab showing a cold light source oscilliscope fibre.
304. Student filter cutting.
305. Two level 2 lab technicians at work.
306. Two students at work on a lab bench.
310. Transparency of student with a wheel experiment.
311. Student in safety goggles watching an experiment, March 1997.
312. Student with a light experiment, March 1997.
313. Student with a light experiment, March 1997.
314. Student with equipment, March 1997.
315-316. Student in goggles with equipment, March 1997.
318. Two transparencies of a student with a light experiment.
319. Student with an experiment. By Sunderland Echo.
323. Transparency of a student in goggles with a light experiment.
Size: 120-250 x 100-255mm
Formerly: E000260-323.
1 image printed in Password (No.5, Oct 1987), p.5 and another in Password (No.34, Oct-Nov 1992), p.1.
UND/CK1/BE/POL   [c.2000]
Politics Dept student, head and shoulders, in a room in front of computers.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000277.
UND/CK1/BE/PSY   [c.1970s - 1980s]
Psychology Dept: baby being monitored; recording eye movement in an adult; equipment to analyse brain responses provoked by visual stimulation; controlling milk intake in suckling white rabbits.
Size: 110-120 x 160-190mm
UND/CK1/BE/PSY   [?1990s]
Psychology Dept images:
279. An experiment examining the eye/brain (3 images), also 2 men and others in a lab (2 images) and a view of the Business School with St Aidan's College beyond. 6 transparencies by Charles Bartram of Milburngate Centre, Durham.
281. Drawing of the brain.
282. Logo for Centre for Vision & Visual Cognition.
284. Illustration from Newton's Optics Book I Part II.
285. Experiment with apparatus and a computer monitor (4 images). 4 transparencies.
Size: 70-210 x 70-100mm
Formerly: E000279-285.
UND/CK1/BE/SOC   [?1990s]
Sociology: male and female student sitting on a wall by the River Wear with mugs [of coffee].
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000286.
UND/CK1/BE/THE   [?1990s]
Theology Dept images:
288. Students in a seminar seated at tables, photos of clergy on the wall behind. By Fillinghams, 29 October 1992.
289. Dr Robert Song, lecturer, with a student, at a desk discussing books, photos of clergy on the wall behind.
290. Pairs of students/academics discussing (4 images), a view out of the window [at Abbey House] of Palace Green Library. 5 transparencies.
Size: 125/150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000288-290.
UND/CK1/BE/UST   [?1990s]
Ustinov Institute - Slavonic Studies, 2 students/academics seated at a desk in an office discussing an open book.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: E000291.
Photographs - Congregations, featuring honorary graduations and the installations of chancellors
Reference: UND/CK1/BF
Dates of creation: 1898 - 2003
UND/CK1/BF1898   21 June 1898
Durham women graduates, in full academic dress, arranged around a table and a plant, with books and a scroll: Mary Gibson, Dora Heslop and Winifred Hindmarch (all St Hild's, BLitt).
Size: 150 x 190mm
Formerly: K000008.
Original: DCRO E/HB 1/652.
Printed in: A. Lawrence, St Hild's College 1858-1958, ([Durham] 1958), p.96; Durham First (No.2, Autumn 1995), p.5; N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.28.
UND/CK1/BF1929   [June 1929]
Installation of Alan Percy, 8th duke of Northumberland, as chancellor, the ceremony taking place under an awning on the steps of Durham Castle Great Hall, with the honorary graduands, other academics and guests seated in front, an orchestra and choir under [W.G. Whittaker] to one side, with boarding and workmen's huts (restoration in progress) with S.R.P. Moulsdale in front to the other.
By Northern Echo.
Size: 250 x 190mm
Given by Mrs Rowlandson 1970s.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/41.
UND/CK1/BF1946   [June 1946]
Degree ceremony in the Great Hall Durham Castle.
1. Public Orator Joseph Burchnall standing, addressing the seated chancellor Lord Londonderry, flanked by James Duff and Eustace Percy, with the bedel standing with the mace.
2. Seated honorary graduates: Norman Hepburn Baynes (DLitt), Sir Amos Lowrey Ayre, Samuel Phillips Bedson, Brigadier George Leitch (all DSc), and four of Maj-Gen William Norman Herbert, Lieu-Gen Sir Alexander Hood, Col Claud Leonard Matthews, John Moor and Sir Fred Clarke (all DCL).
2 colour prints
Size: 160 x 220mm
UND/CK1/BF1950   23 - 25 May 1950
Installation of G.M. Trevelyan as chancellor.
1. G.M. Trevelyan being met at Durham railway station by Sir James Duff, warden, and Durham students, with Mr M.T.W.J. Corben, SRC president, presenting him with a scroll of welcome, supported by Mr H.T.H.M. Phelps, secretary, SRC executive, Mr J.E. Harrison, president Durham Men's Union, Miss E. Melvin, president Durham Women's Union, and the senior men and women of each college, and others.
2. Members of staff processing from Cosin's Library to Durham Castle.
3. The Vice-Chancellor's procession proceeding from the Tunstal Gallery to the Hall, Durham Castle, in reverse order of seniority.
4. A.T.P. Williams, bishop of Durham and visitor, and J.F. Duff, vice-chancellor, leaving the Tustal Gallery.
5. Chancellor's procession leaving the Tunstal Gallery: Lord Eustace Percy PVC, G.M. Trevelyan, C.A. Elliott provost of Eton.
6. Chancellor's procession crossing the quad to the Castle Hall: Lord Eustace Percy PVC, Mr L.S. Amery, G.M. Trevelyan, C.A. Elliott provost of Eton, Lord Macmillan, Sir Lawrence Bragg, Prof Dover Wilson, Miss Dorothy Sayers.
7. The chancellor being presented on the Hall steps to those assembled below: beadle, A.T.P. Williams bishop of Durham, G.M. Trevelyan, J.F. Duff VC, 2 honorary graduands, L.S. Amery, Lord Eustace Percy PVC.
8. On the Castle Hall steps: beadle, visitor, chancellor, VC.
9. On the Castle Hall steps: chancellor, VC.
10. Chancellor's procession crossing the Castle quad from the Hall steps.
11&12. Chancellor's procession crossing the Castle quad: earl of Scarbrough chairman of court, visitor, PVC, chancellor, VC, beadle.
13. Chancellor's procession exiting the Castle gate.
14. Chancellor's procession entering Palace Green.
15&16. Chancellor's procession crossing Palace Green.
17. Chancellor's procession approaching the cathedral; earl of Scarbrough, C.A. Elliott, L.S. Amery, Lord Macmillan, Sir Lawrence Bragg.
18. Chancellor's procession approaching the cathedral: Mr Sam Watson, Countess Grey, Sir Thomas Bradford, Dr D.M. Mennie, Prof R.B. Green, Mr A.M. Milne, Dr M.P. Applebey, and others.
19. Newcastle. Chancellor's procession approaching the City Hall from the Dental School: chancellor, VC, PVC, I.A. Richmond public orator, N.B. Hudson bishop of Newcastle, Lord Allendale, Very Rev John Lowe dean of Christ Church Oxford, Prof R.B. Green, Sir Mark Hodgson, Mr Clive Cookson, Miss Vita Sackville-West, Dr E. Collingwood, Mr Winthrop-Young, W.S. Angus registrar.
20. Chancellor's procession leaving the Dental school: chancellor, VC, PVC, public orator, bishop of Newcastle.
21. Chancellor, VC and PVC approaching City Hall.
22. Chancellor, VC and PVC entering City Hall.
23-33. John Gay's “The Beggar's Opera”, performed for the chancellor's pleasure by members of Durham university, Mrs Gillian Harman's drop-curtain and the actors.
34. On the Castle Hall steps: beadle, visitor, 3 honorary graduands, chancellor, VC.
35. Academic procession lined up outside Cosin's Library, bedel Gray in front, George Fawcus, McKenna (King's Newcastle), Miss Hollingworth, George Hanson (Newcastle registrar), David Ramage behind.
36. Procession leaving the Castle Bailey, led by the bedel, chancellor, James Duff VC, Lord Eustace Percy and Bishop Alwyn Williams behind, people watching on each side.
1,2,7,12,35,36 by The Sunderland Echo.
Size: 255 x 210mm
The last also formerly Misc Photos PH 3/B/19,20,37,38, 42,86.
1 printed in Durham First, (No.6, Autumn 1997, p.17 and N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.55.
UND/CK1/BF1953   8 July 1953
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, full length, at Hatfield college, (LtoR) Dr W.A. Mackintosh DCL, Dr T. Alty DCL, Sir A. Ramaswami Mudaliar DCL, Dr G.M. Trevelyan chancellor, Sir J.F. Duff warden, Mr C.I.C. Bosanquet rector of King's, Prof S.H. Roberts DCL, Dr J.E. Wallace Sterling DCL, (back row) Prof Canon S.L. Greenslade public orator, Mr E.M. Bettenson registrar.
Size: 250 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BF1955/1   [?2 July 1955]
Honorary graduates in full academic dress, at the foot of the stairs in [ King's Hall Newcastle] (undated; identified from the types of degree), ?featuring:
[Edwin Frederick Patterson MA, Humphrey Charles Baskerville Mynors DCL, Charles Bosanquet VC, John Ramsay Gebbie DSc, John Atkinson MA.]
By Philipson Studios of 20 Oxford St, Newcastle.
Size: 165 x 210mm
Formerly numbered: J1588.
UND/CK1/BF1955/2-3   [?1950s]
Honorary graduations, by Newcastle Chronicle:
2. Male and female academics conversing, ?inside Palace Green Library.
3. Procession past Palace Green Library, 6 male academics (DScs and ?DHy) with bystanders.
2 BW prints
Size: 115 x 155mm
Transferred from St Cuthbert's Society archive 11 December 2021.
UND/CK1/BF1957   [5 July 1957]
Honorary graduates in full academic dress, on the steps of Durham Castle Great Hall, (LtoR):
(back row) Charles Bosanquet VC, James Twemlow MA, Harry Davis MDS, Rt Rev Francis Jonhston MA, James Hope MA, Prof Frederic Hossack MDS, Sir James Duff PVC, (front row) Prof Charles Bruneau DLitt, Sir William Penney DSc, Bertram Colgrave DLitt, Prof Harold Urey DSc.
By Durham Advertiser.
Size: 190 x 245mm (print), 305 x 380mm (mount)
UND/CK1/BF1958/61   4 July 1958
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, on the steps of Durham Castle Great Hall, taken by Newcastle Chronicle, (LtoR): Sir James Duff VC, Sir Charles N Aiden-Clarke DCL, Miss Flora Robson DLitt, John Archbold MEd, S A Sadler Forster DCL.
Size: 170 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BF1958/1-26   15 - 16 October 1958
Album of the installation of the earl of Scarbrough as chancellor, with a dinner the evening before in the Eustace Percy Hall, Newcastle, a ceremony in King's Hall with the awarding of honorary degrees and a further ceremony later on 16 October in the hall of Durham Castle with further honorary degrees awarded. Taken by The Sunderland Echo and Newcastle Chronicle & Journal.
1-3 Dinner in Eustace Percy Hall, black tie, general views.
4-6. Dinner in Eustace Percy Hall, top table: Mrs Cragg, Mr Fulton (VC Wales), Prof G.H.J. Daysh, Dr E. Collingwood, Sir Charles Morris (VC Leeds), Mrs R.B. Green, Dr Boase, Miss Duff, Dr Dalton, duchess of Northumberland, Sir J.F. Duff VC, Lady Scarbrough, Per Preben Prebensen Norwegian ambassador, Lady Dorothy Macmillan, earl of Scarbrough chancellor, Madame Prebensen, Harold Macmillan, Mrs Bosanquet, duke of Northumberland, Mr Hamilton, Lord Normanby, Sir Walter Drummond, Prof M.M. Cooper, Prof J.B. Cragg, Prof J.P. Tuck, Lord Ridley, Mrs M.M. Cooper, Dean John Wild of Durham, Lady Ridley, Sir James Bowman, Lady Lascelles, Lord Harding, Lady Bowman, C.I.C. Bosanquet PVC, Lady Harding, Sir Alan Lascelles, Mrs Wild, Sir David Campbell (VC Aberdeen).
7. In King's College Council Room: Sir Thomas Havelock, Harold Macmillan, the earl of Scarbrough, Per Preben Prebensen.
8. In King's College Council Room: Mr G.R. Hanson, Harold Macmillan.
9. In King's College Council Room: Lord Harding, Harold Macmillan, Sir Thomas Havelock, E.M. Bettenson registrar, Mr Hanson, Mr W. Hamilton, Per Preben Prebensen, earl of Scarbrough.
10. Court procession in King's Hall: Prof G.D. Rochester, Mr W. Thompson, Prof R.B. Green dean of Medicine, Alderman Rev R.E. Robson, Prof W.H. Morris-Jones.
11. Honorary graduands procession: Prof W.H.F. Barnes public orator, Harold Macmillan, Per Preben Prebensen, duke of Northumberland.
12. Honorary graduands joining the procession: Mr Hanson, Mr W. Hamilton, Sir Robin Rowell, Sir Thomas Havelock, Per Preben Prebensen, Sir James Bowman, Dr Boase, Sir Alan Lascelles, E.M. Bettenson registrar.
13. King's Hall: academics assembled and standing as J.F. Duff VC addresses the earl of Scarbrough chancellor with C.I.C. Bosanquet PVC and beadle in attendance.
14-15. King's Hall: views of the seated audience.
16. King's Hall: Prof W.H.F. Barnes public orator presents Harold Macmillan prime minister to the chancellor.
17-18. King's Hall: Harold Macmillan returns thanks with the chancellor and VC amused.
19. King's Hall: honorary graduates forming a procession behind the beadle to leave.
20. King's Hall: J.F. Duff VC, earl of Scarbrough chancellor, Maurice Harland bishop of Durham visitor, C.I.C. Bosanquet PVC leaving.
21. Durham Castle hall: J.F. Duff VC welcoming the chancellor, academics all seated.
22. Durham Castle hall: earl of Scarbrough chancellor returning thanks.
23. Durham Castle hall: Prof W.H.F. Barnes public orator presenting Dean Wild of Durham to the chancellor.
24. Durham Castle hall: Lord Harding returning thanks for his honorary DCL.
25. Durham Castle hall: chancellor leading the procession out.
26. Durham Castle hall steps (LtoR) front row: Dean Wild of Durham, Maurice Harland bishop of Durham, Mr J.M. Watson president DCSRC, earl of Scarbrough chancellor, ? president KCSRC, Per Preben Prebensen; (behind) Dr T.S.R. Boase, Prof W.H.F. Barnes public orator, Dr Hugh Dalton, Mr G.R. Hanson, Lord Harding, Sir Alan Lascelles, Sir James Bowman, duke of Northumberland, Sir Robin Rowell, Mr W. Hamilton.
Size: 275 x 190mm (album), 215 x 165mm (photos)
Another version: UND/CD10/A3.
One of 17-18 printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.75.
UND/CK1/BF1958/26-60   15 - 16 October 1958
Further images of the installation of the earl of Scarbrough as chancellor, with a dinner the evening before in the Eustace Percy Hall, Newcastle, a ceremony in King's Hall with the awarding of honorary degrees and a further ceremony later on 16 October in the hall of Durham Castle with further honorary degrees awarded; none identified. Taken by Newcastle Chronicle (34-37) and King's College Dept of Photography (the rest).
27-32. Dinner in Eustace Percy Hall, Newcastle.
33-37. Academic dignitaries assembled before the ceremony in King's Hall, (35) Scarbrough with his script, (36) Macmillan checking his notes.
38-51. Ceremony in King's Hall, Newcastle, with honorary degrees being awarded, and Macmillan speaking.
52-60. Ceremony in Durham Castle with honorary dgerees being awarded.
UND/CK1/BF1959A   [3 July 1959]
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, on the steps of Durham Castle Great Hall (LtoR):
[(Back row) James Duff PVC, ?Samuel Medsforth MA, Lady Ursula Ridley DCL, William Plomer DLitt, Hams Herman Kuehne DSc, Charles Bosanquet VC, (front row) Sir Eric Wilfred Fish DDSc, Very Rev Israel Brodie Alexander DCL, Lord Scarbrough, George Grant DCL.]
By Durham Advertiser.
Size: 160 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BF1959B   [4 July 1959]
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, on the steps of [King's Hall, Newcastle], (LtoR):
[James Duff PVC, Lady Ursula Ridley DCL, Lord Scarbrough, William Plomer DLitt, Hans Herman Kuehne DSc, Charles Bosanquet VC.]
By Newcastle Chronicle.
Size: 125 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BF1961   7 July 1961
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, half-length.
1. James Crawley MA and Evelyn Blyth MA, half-length, in Durham castle quad, by The Sunderland Echo.
2. (L to R) Dr F. Schon DCL, Dr C.A. Lejeune DLitt, Dr A. Hare DCL, Dr L. Guttmann DCh, Dr D.M. Christopherson PVC, earl of Scarbrough chancellor, Mr C.I.C. Bosanquet VC, Mrs E. Blyth MA, Prof G.E.H. Abraham DMus, Prof K.W. Britton public orator, Mr J. Crawley MA, on Durham Castle Hall steps, by Northern Despatch.
Size: 215 x 170mm (1) & 140 x 90mm (2)
UND/CK1/BF1962   6 July 1962
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, on the steps of Durham Castle hall (LtoR): Charles S. Chaplin DLitt, Earl Grey DCL, earl of Scarbrough chancellor, Dr Benjamin Spock DSc.
Size: 165 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BF1963   5 July 1963
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle, taken by North of England newspapers. Identified on the back, LtoR:
1st row: W. Thompson DCL, Lord Normanby DCL, Lord Scarbrough chancellor, Sir Laurence Helsby DCL, W.A. Robson DLitt.
2nd row: Dr Derman G. Christopherson VC, Dr W.A. Prowse public orator, Mr Norman Richardson mayor of Durham, Sir Edward Collingwood chairman of Council, Mr H.C. Ferens, Mr C.I.C. Bosanquet.
3rd row: Dr John Wild dean of Durham, Prof W.B. Fisher, 9 other academics including Prof K.W. Britton, Prof G.H.J. Daysh, Prof J.B. Skemp.
2 copies.
Size: 210 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BF1964   [1 July 1964]
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle, taken by North of England newspapers. Present (LtoR):
1st row: Frederic Callan Williams DSc, Winston Herbert Frederick Barnes DCL, Lord Scarbrough chancellor, Miss Beatrice Hollingworth MSc, Allardyce Nicoll DLitt.
2nd row: Derman Christopherson VC, Norman Wood Sarsfield mayor of Durham, Prof A. Whitehouse PVC.
The rest: Dr W.A. Prowse, Prof W.B. Fisher, Dean Wild, Prof J.B. Skemp, Alderman H.C. Ferens, Prof H.E.W. Turner, Prof G.E. Coates, Mr L. Slater, Prof E.J.R. Eaglesham, Prof D.H. Valentine, Prof W.K.R. Musgrave.
Size: 202 x 155mm
UND/CK1/BF1965   30 June 1965
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and other academics, in full academic dress, taken by North of England Newspapers. Identified LtoR.
1. Processing out of the Castle gateway: Mr Hyde beadle, Dr D.G. Christopherson VC, Dr S. Holgate PVC, honorary graduands.
2. On the Castle Hall steps, present: D.W. Thomas DD, Judge Carl Aarvold DCL, T.B. Tilley DCL, J. Zachary Young DSc, G.W. Allport DLitt, D.G. Christopherson VC, Dr S. Holgate PVC, W.A. Prowse public orator, William H. Woodward mayor of Durham.
Size: 215 x 155mm (1) & 215 x 170mm (2)
UND/CK1/BF1966   4 July 1966
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in the hall of Dunelm House: (LtoR) earl of Scarbrough chancellor, Lord Christopher Hinton of Bankside DSc, D.G. Christopherson VC.
Size: 165 x 123mm
UND/CK1/BF1967   28 June 1967
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, outside the hall of Durham Castle (LtoR): Oliver Whitfield MEd, Ove N. Arup DSc, Ian Ramsey bishop of Durham DD, Ernst Käsemann DD.
Size: 210 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BF1968   26 June 1968
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle, taken by North of England newspapers. Identified from a cutting from Durham Advertiser (LtoR):
Lord Patrick A. Devlin DCL, Mr Charles Hocking MEd, earl of Scarbrough chancellor, Prof John K. Galbraith DLitt, Mrs Mary C. Moorman DLitt, Dr Alec W Skempton DSc, Dr Derman Christopherson VC.
Size: 205 x 160mm
UND/CK1/BF1969   25 June 1969
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle, taken by North of England newspapers. Identified from a cutting from Durham Advertiser (LtoR):
Front row: Prof Albert E. Green DSc, Dr Derman Christopherson VC, Prof Richard W. Southern DLitt, Councillor Robert B. Carr mayor of Durham.
Back row: Prof G.D. Rochester Dr H.C. Ferens, Sir Edward Collingwood, Mr John J. Wymer MA, Dr J.H.S. Wild dean of Durham, Dr S. Holgate.
2 copies.
Size: 205 x 150mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1969
UND/CK1/BF1970A   2 July 1970
Malcolm MacDonald receiving his honorary DCL from Sir Derman Christopherson, VC, in the Great Hall of Durham Castle, with other academics seated around, with Prof W.B. Fisher delivering the oration, and then Christopherson speaking, all in full academic dress.
Size: 125 x 85mm (2) & 180 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BF1970B   5 September 1970
Honorary graduates and the vice-chancellor in ceremonial robes, in Durham Castle quad, taken by North of England newspapers. Present (LtoR):
Prof Harold Orton DLitt, Dr Athelstan Spilhaus DSc, Sir Derman Chistopherson VC, Lord Todd of Trumpington DSc, Prof Basil J. Mason DSc.
Size: 200 x 160mm
UND/CK1/BF1970C/1-72   11 - 12 December 1970
Installation of Malcolm MacDonald as chancellor and the awarding of honorary degrees in Durham Castle hall, all in full academic dress, with the dinner the night before in Van Mildert College hall, all in black tie. Most with attached post-its identifying many of the participants, with a plan at the back of the dais party at the installation ceremony.
1&2 Dr W. Arthur Prowse, master of Van Mildert, and his second wife Kathleen.
3. Dr J. David Thomas, Mrs Dickinson, R.J. Dickinson, Mrs Marian Thomas.
4. Lady Steele, Sir James Steele, ?, ?, ?, ?, Mr Len Slater, Mrs Slater.
5. Lord Shinwell, Freya Stark, Lady Shinwell, Mr I.E. Graham registrar.
6. John Digby bursar Van Mildert, David Watkinson, Jane Watkinson, ?, Rev Peter G.C. Brett, Dig Clarke, John Clarke, Mrs Gill Brett.
7. Dr J. Murray-Brown, Prof F.E. Dowrick, Mrs Murray- Brown, Mrs Dowrick, Richard Metcalfe, ?, ?.
8. ? lady.
9&10. Aerial views of the diners assembling.
11. Buddhist monk, ?, ?, Prof H.E.W. Turner.
12. Lady Shinwell, Lord Shinwell, Sir Brynmor Jones (Hull VC), Sir Derman Christopherson VC, ?.
13. A table of ?, except for George Collard buildings officer, on the far side.
14. A table of ? except Lt Col W.E.M. Morris at the head.
15. Lady Shinwell, Lord Shinwell, Sir Derman Chirstopherson, Sir Brynmor Jones.
16. Bhuddist monk, Milada Kalab, Eileen Henderson, Nina Clennell, Ann Loades.
17. ?, J.S. McKinnell, K.H. Kuhn, Mrs D. Brooks.
18. ?, Leslie Brooks (standing), Ann Orde, ?, Rachel Kuhn, Geoffrey Ivy, ?.
19. J.S. Thorp, ?, Dr Desmond Evans, Mrs Major, Dr J.V. Major, ?.
20. ?, ?, Ian Simmons, Mrs L. Chapman, Dr Wilf Chapman, ?.
21. Audrey Wolfendale, Arnold Wolfendale, ?, ?, ?.
22. Table of ? except Roger Long 3rd from R..
23. Table includes Lord Shinwell, Malcolm MacDonald, Lady Shinwell, ?Sir Brynmor Jones, Henry Miller VC Newcastle.
24. Table includes John Fagg (3rd from L), H.E.W. Turner (R end).
25. Table of ?.
26. Ian Graham, Mo Mowlam, Henry Miller, ?, ?, ?.
27. ?, Lord Shinwell, Malcolm MacDonald.
28. Sir Derman Christopherson, Lady Christopherson.
29. ?Students.
30. Aerial view of the diners.
31. Lord Shinwell, Lady Christopherson.
32. ?, Lady Shinwell, Freya Stark, H.E.W. Turner behind.
33. Eileen Henderson, Alex Henderson, Arthur Prowse.
34. Rev R. Thornhill, Mrs Thornhill, Miss Kalab.
35. ?, Mrs D. Brooks, Lord Shinwell, ?.
36. Mrs Rogister, Gill Heesom, Carole Sweet, Ann Loades.
37-72. Ceremony in Durham Castle hall with a platform of: Richard Ayre president DSU, Mr Len Slater PVC, Sir Derman Christopherson VC, Malcolm MacDonald chancellor, Prof W.K.R. Musgrave 2PVC, Mr I.E. Graham registrar, Mo Mowlam vice-president DSU, Mr Hyde bedel; flanked by: Prof W.B. Fisher public orator, Sir Douglas Logan principal London, Henry Miller VC Newcastle, Lord Boyle VC Leeds, Prof H.N. Robson VC Sheffield, Sir Brynmor Jones VC Hull, Dr T.A.F. Noble VC Leicester; with opposite: Ian Ramsey bishop of Durham visitor, Lord Shinwell DCL, Henry Moore DLitt, Freya Stark DLitt, George Porter DSc, Sir William Reid chairman of Council, Alderman H.C. Ferens vice-chairman of Council, John Wild dean of Durham.
37-42. Christopherson's speech to MacDonald.
43-50,68,69,72. MacDonald's reply.
51-54. Fisher's oration for Lord Shinwell and his receipt of his degree.
55-57. Fisher's oration for Henry Moore and his receipt of his degree.
58-60. Fisher's oration for Freya Stark and her receipt of her degree.
61-63&71. Fisher's oration for George Porter and his receipt of his degree.
64-67&70. Procession departing.
Size: 125 x 90mm (prints), 300 x 330mm (album)
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1970C/7
UND/CK1/BF1970C/73   12 December 1970
Ceremony in Durham Castle Hall, chancellor giving Dr Freya Stark her degree, also on the dais: Richard Eyre president of DSU, Mr L. Slater, Prof Fisher standing, Sir Derman Christopherson, Prof Musgrave, Mr I.E. Graham, Mo Mowlam deputy-president of DSU.
Size: 180 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BF1970C/74   12 December 1970
Formal group of academics and graduates on the steps of Durham Castle Hall (LtoR): (front row) George Porter, Lord Shinwell, Malcolm MacDonald, Freya Stark, Henry Moore; (2nd row) Henry Miller, Mr Slater, Prof Fisher, Dr T.A.F. Noble, Ian Ramsey bishop of Durham, Sir Derman Christopherson; (3rd row) Dr Hugh Robson, Brynmer Jones, Lord Boyle, Prof Musgrave; (4th row) Sir William Reed, Alderman Ferens; (in doorway) Prof G.B. Townend, Dr D.W. Wood.
By North of England newspapers.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly numbered: 70/12/D76.
UND/CK1/BF1971   1 July 1971
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle. Identified on the back from a cutting from Durham Advertiser (LtoR):
Front row: Prof Ann Katherine Swynford Lambton DLitt, Malcolm MacDonald chancellor, Prof Jacques Blondel DLitt.
2nd row: Sir John Garmondsway Wrightson DCL, Mr Ronald Watson MA, Mr William Morrow MA, Prof Alan Bush DMus.
Back row: Mr L. Slater PVC, Councillor T.W. Leonard mayor of Durham, Prof W.B. Fisher public orator, Prof K. Musgarve PVC, Sir Derman Christopherson VC.
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/CK1/BF1972   29 June 1972
Honorary graduates and academic dignitaries, in full academic dress, outside the hall of Durham Castle, (LtoR): Sydney C. Bulley bishop of Carlisle DD, Malcolm MacDonald chancellor, Prof Lucy P. Mair DLitt, Prof Konrad Lorenz DSc, Prof Kai M.B. Siegbahn DSc, Rev Bernard Payne MA, Sir Derman Christopherson VC, (behind), Prof J.I. Clarke, Charles J.B. Mitchell mayor of Durham, Prof F.E. Dowrick, Prof B.H. Barnsden, Prof W.B. Fisher, Mr L. Slater PVC, Prof W.K.R. Musgrave PVC. Taken by The Sunderland Echo.
Size: 215 x 165mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1972
UND/CK1/BF1974   4 July 1974
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle, taken by Fillinghams. Identified on the back, LtoR:
Front row: Sir Derman Christopherson VC, Prof Bruno Rossi DSc, Malcolm MacDonald chancellor, John J. Ramshaw mayor of Durham, Prof V.A. Demant DD, Prof W.K.R. Musgrave PVC.
Back row: Mrs Mary Holdsworth PVC, Eric Heaton dean of Durham, Col Miller, Sir William Reid, Prof W.B. Fisher.
Size: 235 x 185mm & 210 x 160mm
UND/CK1/BF1974B   14 December 1974
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle, present:
[?Peter Kent DSc, ?Edgar Heilbronner DSc, Malcolm MacDonald chancellor, ?Harry Godwin DSc, James Stanley Redhead MSc, Sir Derman Christopherson VC, Prof J.L. Brooks PVC].
Size: 225 x 170mm
UND/CK1/BF1975   3 July 1975
Honorary graduates, chancellor, dignitaries and academics, in ceremonial robes, on the steps of the Great Hall, Durham Castle, identified:
Prof L.F. Bates DSc, John Habgood bishop of Durham DD, Sir Derman Christopherson VC, Prof B.A. Wortley DCL, Prof A.A. Parker DLitt, Sir William Reid chairman of Council, Prof J.L. Brooks PVC, Prof W.B. Fisher public orator, Prof M.J. Goodman dean of Law, Dr P.W. Reynolds vice-chairman of Council, Prof W.K.R. Musgrave PVC.
Size: 170 x 215mm
UND/CK1/BF1977   June 1977
Photos of honorary graduates with university officers and staff, all in full academic dress, on the steps of the Great Hall of Durham Castle. Identified on the reverse LtoR:
Robert Henderson MA, Prof John G. Wilson DSc, Iris Murdoch DLitt, Malcolm MacDonald chancellor, Prof Pierre M. Benoit DD, Prof Cyril C. Addison DSc, Derman Christopherson VC, Prof W.B. Fisher, Dr Peter Reynolds, Miss Joan Bernard, Sir William Reid, Prof J.L. Brooks, Prof W.K.R. Musgrave, Prof A.W. Wolfendale, Eric Heaton dean of Durham, Miss E.J. Bradbury, Prof C.K. Grant, John McGahan DSU president, Prof J.I. Clarke. 2 copies.
Also images of just the honorands with the chancellor and VC, and, more informally afterwards in the Castle courtyard, featuring Iris Murdoch, Robert Henderson.
Size: 200 x 180mm
UND/CK1/BF1980   [?July 1980]
Congregation procession walking from the Castle towards Palace Green, headed by the bedel, followed by the chancellor [Malcolm MacDonald] and vice-chancellor [Fred Holliday].
Size: 95 x 140mm
UND/CK1/BF1981A   [2 July 1981]
Photo of honorary graduates with university officers and staff, all in full academic dress, on the steps of the Great Hall of Durham Castle, and also more informally in the Castle courtyard.
1&2. (LtoR) Front: [?Helmut Blume, Sir Henry Phelps Brown, Prof W.B. Fisher public orator, Frederick Holliday VC, ?David S. Brown; behind: Sir James Steele, P.W. Reynolds, Prof James L. Brooks PVC, Sir Rupert Hart-Davis DLitt, Franz Eschbach, Prof Eric Sunderland PVC].
3-6. Holliday, Hart-Davis, Eschbach, Phelps Brown, Blume, Brown.
7. Hart-Davis, Eschbach, Blume.
8. Hart-Davis, ?Lady June Hart-Davis.
9. Phelps Brown.
10. P.W. Reynolds, Blume, John Clarke.
11. Eschbach.
12. Kingsley Dunham, ?.
13. Hart-Davis, Lady June Hart-Davis, Dr A.I. Doyle.
13 colour prints
Size: 200 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF1981B   19 December 1981
Photo of honorary graduates with university officers and staff, all in full acadmic dress, on the steps of the Great Hall of Durham Castle. Identified on the reverse LtoR:
Cecilia Tanner MA, Joan Dickson MMus, Prof Fred G.T. Holliday VC, Dr Patrick FitzPatrick public orator, Prof Eric Sunderland PVC, Prof Leslie Brooks PVC, with J.L.J. Machin, Prof Eric Taylor, M.J.H. Sterling, ?, ?, Harry Marsh, Jim Beckford in academic dress in the background.
Size: 200 x 185mm
UND/CK1/BF1982A   29 - 30 June 1982
Photos of the installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias as chancellor, the granting of honorary degrees and the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the university in Durham Cathedral on 30 June, with also photos of laying a commemorative stone for the new library on the previous day, and the evening reception at Hild-Bede College.
A1-5,8-12, S1, T1-7. Dame Margot Fonteyn laying a memorial stone in the newly constructed ground floor of the new Main Library building, Stockton Road, assisted by masons, Fred Holliday VC, P.W. Reynolds chairman of Council, and Harry Faulkner-Brown, not in academic dress, with also her husband and ?other family, 29 June.
B1-12, C1-12, M1-12. Processions leaving Durham Castle entrance towards Palace Green, passing along Palace Green in front of Cosin's Library, proceeding towards Durham Cathedral and into the north door, including the mayor of Durham's bodyguard, the mayor of Durham Walter Stobbs (C4) with swordmaster and mace, honorary graduands, staff, students, and visiting vice-chancellors, with crowds on either side on Palace Green.
F1-11, G2-4,6-10, H1-2,4-9, K4,8,11. Installation and honorary degree ceremony in the cathedral with a dais under the crossing, with some distant shots from the west end over the congregation. Dame Margot receiving her honorary DMus (G2&6) and being made chancellor (G3-4, 7-10, K4, 8, F1); the honorary graduands (H5-6), and then receiving their degrees/orations: Robert Runcie DD (F2-3), Mary Catterall DSc (F9-11), Dame Kiri Te Kanawa DMus (H7-9), Earl of Drogheda DCL (F4-5), David Attenborough DSc (F6-8), Malcolm Arnold DMus (H2,4).
E1-4,7-8. Outside the cathedral after the ceremony, processions returning to the castle.
J3-4, D10, E9(bis),11, F12, H10-11. Formal groups on the Castle hall steps: chancellor and honorary graduates (E11); with also university officers P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Peter Baelz dean of Durham, John Habgood bishop of Durham visitor, Eric Sunderland PVC, P.W. Reynolds chairman of Council, Leslie Brooks PVC, Fred Holliday VC (E9,H10-11); with civic dignitaries, mayor Walter Stobbs, sword, mace, police, town clerk and bodyguard (D10, F12, J3-4)
D1-9,11-12, J6-9,11-12. Informally in Castle quad: Dame Margot Fonteyn with her husband Roberto de Arias (D9); and with also Fred Holliday VC (D4,J12); Fonteyn with the mayor of Durham Walter Stobbs [and Mrs Stobbs] (J6,8)); David Attenborough (D6); Earl of Drogheda (D7); Kiri Te Kanawa and Robert Runcie (D1,5); Fonteyn (J7,11); Kiri Te Kanawa (J9); Mary Catterall (D8); Fonteyn and Kiri Te Kanawa (D3).
I1-8. Margot Fonteyn chancellor, seated in Castle Senate Room (5-8 are BW).
O1-7,9-12, N1-11, P2, Q7. Evening reception in Hild-Bede College, Dame Margot Fonteyn and Senor Roberto de Arias in many, also Earl [and Countess] Drogheda (N3-5,9,O3), Fred Holliday (N1,5,6,10), Alan Heesom (N10,11), J.I. Clarke (O6, L end), Mrs Dig Clarke (O6, R end), Bill Fisher (O12), Phil Boubier (O11), Ronald Trounson and Robert Runcie (O9), Marilyn Hird, Peter Kaim-Caudle, Mr Richard Hird (LtoR O7).
P4-5,10,Q11. Fireworks above Hild-Bede.
R1-3. (BW) The new chancellor being presented by the vice-chancellor; the chancellor congratulating David Attenborough and addressing Robert Runcie on their honoraries.
5446. On the Castle Great Hall steps, the chancellor and honoraries: Robert Runcie, David Attenborough, Charles Moore earl of Drogheda, Mary Catterall, Kiri te Kanawa, Malcolm Arnold.
5457. In the cathedral, the vice-chancellor presenting the new chancellor.
6888. In the cathedral, the chancellor with Kiri te Kanawa.
Size: 125 x 125mm, 200 x 200mm, 205 x 250mm (prints), 310 x 505mm (sheets)
1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.133.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1982A
UND/CK1/BF1982B   11 July 1982
Honorary graduation of Prof Lee Hye-Ku DMus, in full academic dress, in and around the Durham University Music School, Palace Green: 1-5 under a beech tree outside the Music School, 6 exiting the Music School, 7-9 in the Music School hall on the stage. Identified LtoR:
1. Fred Holliday VC, Mrs Holliday, 1 lady, Lee Hye-Ku, lady and man, Mr Lucas bedel.
2. Holliday, Hye-Ku.
3. Keith Pratt, ?Mrs Pratt, ?, ?, ?, Hye-Ku, Rob Provine, ?.
4. Peter Manley, P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Keith Pratt, Eric Taylor, J.L. Roche, Fred Holliday VC, P.D. Manning, Lee Hye-Ku, Derek Downes, Eric Sunderland PVC, Prof J.R. Harris, ?, Mr Lucas bedel, John Casken, Rob Provine.
5. Roche, Holliday, Manning, Hye-Ku, Downes, Sunderland, Harris.
6. Hye-Ku in his DMus robes on the stage giving his thanks to the assembled dignitaries.
7. The procession leaving the Music School led by the bedel.
8. Paddy FitzPatrick giving his oration on the stage.
9. Hye-Ku receiving his degree from Fred Holliday, the audience applauding.
Size: 200 x 200mm (prints); 310 x 510mm (mounts)
UND/CK1/BF1983   30 June 1983
1-2. Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, on the Durham Castle hall steps. Identified LtoR: P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Jacqueline du Pré D Mus, Fred Holliday VC, Edmée de la Rochefoucauld DLitt, Frances previous hitClare Spurgin DCL, Irene Hindmarsh PVC, Arthur Hinton Rosenfeld DSc, Albert Habib Hourani DLitt, Eric Sunderland PVC, Frederick Henry Stewart DSc, John Nowell Linton Myres DLitt, Derek Hanson mayor of Durham, Durham City swordbearer. 2 copies.
3-4. Spanish dept staff and graduates on Palace Green in the rain, identified: Prof I. Macperhson, Prof S.L. Brooks, S. Ruiz.
Size: 200/150 x 185/100mm (prints); 310 x 510m (mount)
UND/CK1/BF1984/1-6   5 July 1984
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle quad. All identified LtoR:
1-2. Sir Geoffrey Allen DSc, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Canon Prof John McManners DLitt, Prof Glanville Ll. Williams DCL, Sir Kenneth J. Dover DLitt. 2 images.
3. Sir Geoffrey Allen DSc, Ebenezer Shuker mayor of Durham, Durham City swordbearer, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, [Mrs Shuker], Sir Kenneth J. Dover DLitt, Prof Glanville Ll. Williams DCL, Canon Prof John McManners DLitt.
4&6. Allen, Fonteyn, McManners, Dover, Williams.
5. [?Mrs Sarah McManners], McManners, ?daughter.
6. Allen, Fonteyn, McManners, Dover and Williams outside.
7-11. Ceremony inside the Great Hall.
12-14. Academic procession going towards the Great Hall in the courtyard.
15. Academic procession leaving the Great Hall in the courtyard.
Size: 190 x 190mm (prints), 255 x 255mm (mounts) (1-2); 200mm x 200mm (prints), 310 x 510mm (mounts) (3-5), 90x130mm (6-15)
UND/CK1/BF1984/7-9   [5 July] 1984
Graduates photographed by Phototronics outside the Music School:
7. Female BA, half length.
8. Female BA with parents, full length.
9. Male PhD, full length.
Size: 205 x 255mm & 1256 x 180mm
UND/CK1/BF1985A   4 July 1985
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle quad and on the Hall steps. Identified LtoR.
1. (Back) Rev Canon D.E.F. Ogden MA, Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, F.G.T. Holliday VC, I. Hindmarsh PVC; (front) Mr W. Hudspeth beadle, Jerzy Wdowczyk DSc, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, W.G. McClelland DCL.
2-4. Jerzy Wdowczyk, Rev Canon D.E.F. Ogden, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, W.G. McClelland.
5-6. Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Jerzy Wdowczyk.
7. W.G. McClelland, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor.
8. (Back) Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, F.G.T. Holliday VC, I. Hindmarsh PVC; (front) Mr W. Hudspeth beadle, Rev Canon D.E.F. Ogden MA, Jerzy Wdowczyk DSc, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, W.G. McClelland DCL, City swordbearer.
9-10. Wdowczyk, Fonteyn, McClelland.
11. Wdowczyk.
12. McClelland.
13. Ogden.
14-15. Procession passing through Durham Castle entrance: bedel, Holliday, Fonteyn, Clarke, Hindmarsh, other academics.
16-17. Graduates and guests milling in the Castle courtyard, being photographed.
18-19. Graduates and guests relaxing on Palace Green, being photographed.
Size: 115 x 115mm (prints), 165 x 165mm (mounts) (1-7); 125mm x 125mm (prints), 310 x 510mm (mounts) (8-13), 145 x 100mm (14-19)
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1985A
UND/CK1/BF1985C   [c.1985]
Graduation ceremonies in Durham Castle Great Hall, views of the hall from the dais showing granduands and guests seated, with some academics. By Camera 7.
Size: 200 x 160mm
UND/CK1/BF1986A   12 April 1986
Photos of Dr Peter William Reynolds receiving his honorary DCL (awarded in absentia 14 December 1985) at the vice-chancellor's residence of Hollingside House, Durham, all taken with the fireplace [in the library] behind, with all in full academic dress.
1-3. P.W. Reynolds holding his degree.
4-7. P.W. Reynolds receiving his degree from the vice-chancellor F.G.T. Holliday with F.J. FitzPatrick, public orator.
8-9. P.W. Reynolds holding his degree with [his wife].
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BF1986AB   2 July 1986
Photos of Fred Holliday and Dame Margot Fonteyn in full academic dress with Patrick Salaun on Palace Green, by a table ?promoting the university, at Congregation
3 colour prints
Given by Patrick Salaun
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photographs - UND/CK1/BF1986AB
UND/CK1/BF1986B/1-4   3 July 1986
Photos of honorary graduate groups on the steps of Durham Castle hall, all in full academic dress. All identified LtoR.
1. Front: Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Sir Alfred Ayer DLitt, bedel, Fred Holliday VC; back: Col J.N. Blashford-Snell DSc, P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Sir Denis Rooke DSc, Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, Dr E.C. Salthouse PVC, Durham City swordbearer.
2. Blashford-Snell, Rooke, chancellor, City swordbearer, Ayer.
3. Blashford-Snell, chancellor.
4. Chancellor with friends Mr and Mrs Fontes.
Size: Prints: 200 x 160-200mm
Formerly: INF/HON/P/3.
UND/CK1/BF1986B/5-9   [3 July] 1986
Graduates photographed by Phototronics outside the Music School:
5. Male BA with mother, full length.
6. Female BA, with mortar board, half length.
7. Female BA, with mortar board, half length.
8. Femlae BA, half length.
9. Male PhD, full length.
Size: 125-205 x 180-255mm
UND/CK1/BF1986C   December 1986
Honorary degree ceremony, in the courtyard of Durham Castle, in full academic dress, group photo including: PVC, Ralph Hinshelwood Daly, Dame Enid Russell-Smith, Sir Derman Christopherson, Fred Holliday VC, Paddy FitzPatrick public orator.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BF1987A   20 March 1987
St Cuthbert's Day degree ceremony at Ushaw College for Cardinal Basil Hume receiving a DD. All in academic/ecclesiastical dress. Identified LtoR.
1. Outside Ushaw College front door: (back) Derek Warlock archbishop of Liverpool, Dr P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Mr W. Hudspeth beadle, John Haywood registrar, (front) Peter F. Walton president of Ushaw, F.G.T. Holliday VC, Cardinal Basil Hume archbishop of Westminster DD, Prof J. Clarke PVC, John Lindsay RC bishop of Newcastle.
2-3. Outside Ushaw College front door, F.G.T. Holliday VC, Cardinal Basil Hume.
4-5. In a corridor in Ushaw College, Cardinal Basil Hume.
Size: 140 x 190mm (prints), 200 x 255mm (mounts)
1 image printed in Password (No.3, Apr-May 1987), p.5.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1987A
UND/CK1/BF1987B   2 July 1987
Honorary degree ceremony, outside Durham Castle Great Hall, in full academic dress, with honoraries holding their degrees:
1. Group: swordbearer, Dr P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Mr Brian Redhead DLitt, Prof Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie DLitt, Rt Revd David Jenkins DD, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Sir Fred Holliday vice-chancellor, Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, bedel.
2,3. The chancellor with the 3 honorands.
4. Jenkins.
5. Jenkins with the mayor of Durham Mrs Ivy Humphries and the mayoress Miss Madge Hutchinson.
6. Jenkins with Miss Rebecca Jenkins, the chancellor and Mrs Jenkins.
7. Redhead.
8. Ladurie with Dr Jean-Marie Rogister.
9. In the Great Hall, Graham Rodmell dean of Arts seated (back), Geoffrey Thrush assistant registrar seated (part), Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn standing speaking, academics seated beyond.
10. ?Bill Williamson seated, Graham Rodmell dean of Arts seated, James Barber PVC standing, Geoffrey Thrush assistant registrar seated.
Size: 205 x 205mm
Formerly: (1-8) INF/HON/P/4 and HG (D.J. Hutchinson).
UND/CK1/BF1987C   12 December 1987
Honorary degree ceremony, in the courtyard of Durham Castle, in full academic dress:
1,2. Group: Dr E.C. Salthouse PVC, Dr P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Miss Ruth Mary Tait MA, Mr Takashi Ishihara DCL, Sir Fred Holliday VC, Mr Frank Atkinson DCL, Mr Ronald Mead Pearson MBA, Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, Dr J.P. Barber PVC.
3. The honorands with the VC.
4. Pearson with the VC.
5. Pearson with Mrs Pearson.
6. Ishihara with the VC.
7. Ishihara withe Mrs Ishihara and the VC.
8. Atkinson with the VC.
9. Atkinson with Mrs Atkinson, their son Mr Atkinson, and the VC.
10. Tait with her sister and brother-in-law.
11. In Durham Castle Great Hall, on the dais, Graham Rodmell dean of Arts seated (back), Graham Barber PVC seated, John Hayward registrar standing speaking, academics seated beyond.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: (1-10) INF/HON/P/5.
UND/CK1/BF1988A/1-10   July 1988
Honorary degree ceremony, in full academic dress,
1. Group photo in the courtyard of Durham Castle: Dr P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, city swordbearer, Mr C. Firmin town clerk of Durham, Mrs Mildred Brown mayor of Durham, Sir Fred Holliday VC, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Prof George Olah DSc, Prof David Vernon DCL, Mr Thomas Allen DMus, Dr George Rylands DLitt, Dr E.C. Salthouse PVC, Mr W. Hudspeth bedel.
2. The chancellor with the honorands.
3,4. Allen with the chancellor.
5. Allen with Miss Deborah Lavin principal of Trevelyan College.
6. Allen with Mrs Allen.
7. Rylands with the vice-chancellor, Lady Holliday, Dr Roberto de Arias (in a wheelchair) and the chancellor.
8. On the dais in Durham Castle Great Hall, Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn congratulating a (rather mature) DPhil on his degree.
9,10. On the dais in Durham Castle Great Hall, Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn standing, speaking, to the amusement of the seated academics beyond.
Photos 8-10 by Camera 7.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: (1-7) INF/HON/P/6 and HG/88.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photographs - UND/CK1/BF1988A
UND/CK1/BF1988A/11-12   [July] 1988
Graduation photographs by Photoronics outside the Music School:
11. Male BSc, full length.
12. Female BA, full length.
Size: 205 x 260 & 155 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BF1988B   10 December 1988
Honorary degree ceremony, in full academic dress, by D. Hutchinson of Biological Sciences:
1. In the courtyard of Durham Castle, group photo (LtoR): Patrick FitzPatrick public orator, Graham Rodmell PVC, John Clarke PVC, Mr David James Grant DCL, Dr Gerald Durrell DSc, Fred Holliday VC, Prof Timothy Peter Wiseman DLitt, Graham Barber PVC.
2,3. The honorands.
4. The honorands with their wives.
5. Durrell with his wife.
6. Wiseman with his wife.
7. Wiseman with his mother Mrs Winifred Wiseman.
8. Wiseman with his wife and his mother Mrs Winifred Wiseman.
9. Grant with his wife Mrs Jean Grant.
10. In Durham Castle Great Hall, on the dais, Sir Fred Holliday VC congratulating a female MA graduate, Graham Rodmell PVC and John Hayward registrar seated behind, academics seated beyond.
Size: 150 x 100mm & 210 x 170mm
UND/CK1/BF1989A/1-29   29 June 1989
Honorary degree ceremony, in full academic dress, 1-18 in Durham Castle courtyard, 19-25 in Durham Castle Great Hall.
1. Group photo, including: (back row) Dr P.J. FitzPatrick public orator, Dr G.E. Rodmell PVC, Prof J.I. Clarke PVC, (front row) bedel, Mr Humphrey Lyttleton DMus, Prof Charles Jean Joachain DSc, Prof Peter Haggett DSc, Sir Fred Holliday VC, Dame Margot Fonteyn chancellor, Miss Ann Todd DLitt, Lord Glenamara DCL, Councillor James Fearon mayor of Durham, Mr Carl Firmin Durham town clerk, city swordbearer.
2. Mrs C. Joachain, Prof Joachain, the chancellor, Mrs Fearon mayoress of Durham, Councillor James Fearon mayor of Durham, Mr Carl Firmin Durham town clerk, Mrs Firmin, city swordbearer
3. The honorands with the chancellor.
4. Glenamara, Lyttleton and Todd with the chancellor.
5. Todd.
6. Todd with the chancellor.
7. Joachain with Mrs Joachain.
8. Joachain with the chancellor and Mrs Joachain.
9. Joachain with the chancellor.
10-12. Lyttleton.
13. Lyttleton with the chancellor.
14. Glenamara with the chancellor.
15. Glenamara with the chancellor and Lady Glenamara.
16. Haggett with the chancellor.
17. Haggett with the chancellor and Mrs Haggett.
18. Dr P.J. FitzPatrick, public orator, with file (last congregation).
19-21. Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn seated, surrounding seated academics amused and applauding, Edward Short Lord Glenamara and James Fearon mayor of Durham at the end of the nearest row.
22-25. Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn standing congratulating MA students.
26-27. Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn standing speaking (at different ceremonies).
28. Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn and registrar John Hayward seated, Sir Fred Holliday standing speaking (possibly not this year).
29. Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn standing, PVC John Clarke and registrar John Hayward seated (possibly not this year).
Size: 205 x 160-205mm
Formerly: (1-17) INF/HON/P/10 and DH 89 (?David Hutchinson); (22-24) INF/CON/P/2; (22-25) 85/11A-15A (Ian Coates of Macclesfield)
UND/CK1/BF1989A/30   [29 June] 1989
Graduation photograph by Phototronics outside the Music School of a male PhD, full length.
Size: 130 x 185mm
UND/CK1/BF1989B   September 1989
Honorary degree ceremony in Durham Cathedral in association with the CRE conference, with William Whitelaw, Viscount Whitelaw, and Prof Carlo Alfredo Romanzi receiving DCLs, showing the arrival in the cathedral, the orations from the dais under the Tower, and the awarding of the degrees, with academics and the mayor's bodyguard in full dress.
Size: 20 x 85 x 125mm, 1 x 90 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BF1989C   [16 December 1989]
Honorary degree ceremony, Durham Castle octagon, academics in full academic dress:
1. Group: Prof J.R. Watson public orator, Dr G.E. Rodmell PVC, bedel, Dr J.P. Barber PVC, Sir Gordon Slynn DCL, Sir Fred Holliday VC, Prof J.I. Clarke PVC.
2. Group: Mr J.C.F. Hayward registrar, Clarke, Holliday, Rodmell, Watson, Mr Hodson MacKenzie, Mrs Geoffrey Slynn, Slynn, Mr Geoffrey Slynn.
3,4. Geoffrey Slyn, Hodson MacKenzie, Mrs Geoffrey Slynn, Slynn.
5,6. Slynn with the vice-chancellor.
Size: 205 x 160-205mm
Formerly: INF/HON/P/11 and 5027-5033.
UND/CK1/BF1990A   [5 July 1990]
Honorary degree ceremony in Durham Castle SCR and Great Hall, academics in full academic dress (14 & 15 by Camera 7).
1. Group: (standing) city swordbearer, Councillor William H. Hartwell mayor of Durham, Sir Fred Holliday VC, Mr Carl Firmin Durham town clerk, (sitting) Mr Toru Takemitsu DMus, HRH Corwn Prince el-Hassan bin Talal DCL, chancellor, Prof Geza Vermes DD, Mr John Young MA.
2. Group: (standing) bedel, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Holliday, Mr John Hayward registrar, Prof J.R. Watson public orator, (seated) Takemitsu, bin Talal, chancellor, Vermes, Young.
3. Honorands and the chancellor.
4,5. bin Talal with the chancellor, one with his degree open.
6,7. bin Talal with the chancellor, HRHR Princess Sarvath, HRH Prince Rashid, and HRH Princess Sumaya.
8. Takemitsu with the chancellor.
9. Vermes with the chancellor.
10. Vermes with the chancellor and Mrs Vermes.
11. Young with the chancellor.
12. Young with the chancellor and his wife holding their daughter Nicola.
13. Young with the chancellor, his wife holding their daughter Nicola, and his interpreter Mrs Elizabeth Scott-Gibson.
14. Chancellor Dame Margot Fonteyn congratulating [deaf] John MacDonald Young MA, [sign language assistant] in front, academics seated beyond.
15. Academic dignitaries standing (LtoR): front row: Richard Chapman, Geza Vermes DD, D.L. Kirby, mayor, town clerk, John MacDonald Young MA, Crown Prince El-Hassan bin Talal of Jordan DCL; back row: Arnold Wolfendale, ?, Gordon Batho, W.D. Corner, D.J. Brien, ?, ?.
Size: 205 x 160-205mm
Formerly: (1-13) INF/HON/P/12 and 5280-5386.
UND/CK1/BF1990B   8 December 1990
Honorary degree ceremony, Durham Castle SCR, academics in full academic dress:
1. Group: (standing) Prof J.R. Watson public orator, Dr James Barber PVC, Mr John Hayward registrar, (seated) Prof Christopher Zeeman DSc, Mrs Doris Lessing DLitt, Prof Eveleyn Ebsworth vice-chancellor, Dr Jorgen Troels-Smith DSc.
2. Zeeman with the VC.
3. Zeeman with Mrs Zeeman.
4. Lessing with the VC.
5. Troels-Smith with the VC.
6. Troels-Smith with (LtoR) Dr Peter Rasmussen (Danish Geological Survey), Dr Michael Tooley (Georgaphy Dept), Mrs Tooley.
Size: 205 x 205mm
Formerly: INF/HON/P/13 and 5888-5897.
UND/CK1/BF1991A   27 June 1991
Honorary degree ceremony, Durham Castle Great Hall, in full academic dress:
1-28. Evelyn Ebsworth VC speaking and congratulating, supported by James Barber and Graham Rodmell PVCs, also Richard Watson Public Orator speaking, Gordon Higginson DSc, James Thompson Boulton DLitt and Leonard Charles Evetts MSc receiving their orations and degrees, also views of the audience, and David Bell mayor of Durham seated.
29. Group, in the Castle SCR: (standing) city swordbearer, Mr Carl Firmin Durham town clerk, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Mr John Hayward registrar, bedel, (seated) Councillor David Bell mayor of Durham, Dr Gordon Higginson DSc, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Mr Leonard Evetts MSc, Prof James Boulton DLitt.
30. Group: (standing) Prof J.R. Watson public orator, Rodmell, Hayward, bedel, (sitting) Higginson, Ebsworth, Evetts, Boulton.
31,32. Vice-chancellor with honorands.
33. Boulton with Mrs Boulton.
34. Boulton with Mrs Boulton and four other family members (?daughter, husband, 2 grandsons).
35. Evetts with Mrs Evetts.
36. Higginson with family (5 ladies, 2 gentlemen) and Sir Derman Christopherson.
Size: 150 x 100mm (28), 200 x 155-200 mm (8)
Formerly (29-36) INF/HON/P/14 and 6251-6264.
UND/CK1/BF1991B   28 September 1991
Honorary degree ceremony for the Music School centenary, academics in full academic dress, outside the Music School:
1. Group: bedel, John Hayward registrar, Prof Frederick Rimmer DMus, Prof J.R. Watson public orator, Dr John Joubert DMus, Dr James Barber PVC, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Miss Sheila Armstrong DMus, Dr Peter Collins PVC, bedel (with mace).
2. Group (Music Dept staff with honorands): Dr Robert Provine, Dr Jeremy Roche, Prof David Greer, Mr Derek Downes, Rimmer, Dr Peter Manning, Armstrong, Mr Michael Spitzer, Joubert, Dr John Casken.
3. Honorands with vice-chancellor and Prof David Greer.
4. Armstrong with the vice-chancellor.
5. Armstrong with Prof David Cooper (Philosophy) (husband).
6. Joubert with the vice-chancellor.
7. Joubert with Mrs Joubert.
8. Rimmer with the vice-chancellor.
9. Rimmer with Mrs Rimmer.
10. Ceremony in the Music School with Rimmer receiving his degree from the vice-chancellor with others seated around, and Spitzer on the organ.
11-13. Procession around the south-east corner of Palace Green.
13 colour prints
Size: 205 x 160mm
Formerly: INF/HON/P/15.
UND/CK1/BF1991C   14 December 1991
Honorary degree ceremony outside Durham Castle Great Hall, academics in full academic dress (1-7 by Paul Sidney):
1. Group: (standing) bedel, Mr John Hayward registrar, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Dr James Barber PVC, Prof John Watson public orator,, bedel (with mace), (sitting) Mr John Proctor MA, Mrs A.S. Byatt DLitt, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth vice-chancellor, Dr Martin W. Holdgate director general of The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland, DSc.
2. Honorands with the vice-chancellor.
3. Proctor with the vice-chancellor.
4. Proctor with members of his family (3 ladies, 4 gentlemen).
5. Holdgate with the vice-chancellor.
6. Holdgate with Mrs Holdgate.
7. Byatt with the vice-chancellor.
8,9. In the Great Hall, Byatt and Holdgate standing [receiving their oration], with academic dignitaries seated beyond.
9 colour prints
Size: 205 x 160-205mm
Formerly: (1-7) INF/HON/P/15 and 6447-6454.
UND/CK1/BF1992A   7 May 1992
Installation of Sir Peter Ustinov as chancellor in Durham Cathedral and the awarding of honorary degrees, all in full academic dress, featuring:
The academic procession, headed by the bedel followed by Glenda Jackson and Terry Waite, leaving the Castle gateway and arriving at the cathedral entrance.
The ceremony on a dais in the cathedral: Ustinov speaking from a lectern in his DLitt robes with Ebsworth watching, Ustinov having his chancellor's robe fitted by Richard Watson and John Hayward, Ustinov speaking from a lectern in his chancellor's robes, Ustinov seated doffing his cap, Ustinov congratulating Terry Waite on his honorary DCL, Ustinov seated and Leon Davico standing listening to his honorary DCL oration.
The academic procession, headed by the bedel followed by Ustinov, walking down the nave through the congregation, leaving the cathedral south-west door, and entering the Castle outer bailey.
Formal group photo on the steps of the Castle Hall: (back row) City swordbearer, David Grant, John Hayward, ?DSU president, Dr James Barber PVC, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Prof Graham Rodmell PVC, Prof Richard Watson public orator, bedel, John Arnold dean of Durham, (front row) ?town clerk, Michael Rochford mayor of Durham, Leon Davico DCL, Glenda Jackson DLitt, Sir Peter Ustinov, Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Terry Waite DCL, David Jenkins bishop of Durham.
Leon Davico with ?son in the Castle courtyard.
Glenda Jackson on the Castle Hall steps.
Sir Peter Ustinov entertaining Terry Waite with his mortar board.
Ustinov, Waite and Jackson on a bench.
Terry Waite in the Castle courtyard.
Ustinov in a chair in various poses.
Overview of lunch in the Castle Hall.
Terry Waite at the reception.
Also contact prints of all the events of and surrounding the chancellor's installation, featuring: the chancellor in his robes, seated in a chair in just a suit with Ebsworth and Hayward, travelling in a minibus, walking with Ebsworth, being filmed on the Elvet bridges, the academic and civic processions to, the installation ceremony in the cathedral, and the academic procession back to the castle, the formal group photos at the castle, more relaxed photos of the chancellor with family and friends, the honoraries, TV interviews, lunch in the Castle Hall, a meeting with students in ?the Fonteyn Ballroom Dunelm House, a reception (Terry Waite hugging waitresses) ?for the chancellor to meet and address staff in Caedmon Hall at Hild-Bede, meeting international students at St Mary's, unveiling a bronze head of Dame Margot Fonteyn in the Main Library, and opening the Prince Bishops Garden sculptures in the Botanic Garden.
By Paul Sidney.
Size: 150-250 x 100-200mm
16 images printed in Password (No.32, June 1992), p.1-4.
6 images printed in Kingsgate (Vo.1 No.2, Summer 1992), p.1-7.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.8, Autumn 1998), p.15.
2 images printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.119 & 132
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1992A
UND/CK1/BF1992B   2 July 1992
Honorary graduates photos, all in full academic dress, taken in Durham Castle quad (1-10) and in Durham Castle Great Hall (by Ian Coates of Wilmslow, with covering letter, 11-):
1. Standing: Durham City Sword, Councillor Michael Rochford mayor of Durham, Carl Firmin town clerk of Durham, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Dr James Barber PVC, E.A.V. Ebsworth VC, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Prof J.R. Watson public orator, J.C.F. Hayward registrar, bedel. Seated: Richard Hill DLitt, Sir Ron Dearing DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Sir John Cadogan DSc, Councillor J. Don Robson MA.
2. Standing: man and lady (family of Richard Hill), Mrs McManus (Richard Hill's daughter), Peter McManus (her husband). Seated: Richard Hill, Sir Peter Ustinov, Katherine McManus (Richard Hills' granddaughter, graduating BA).
3. Standing: Sir Ron Dearing, E.A.V. Ebsworth VC, Councillor Don Robson. Seated: Richard Hill, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Sir John Cadogan.
4. Standing: Richard Hill, with degree.
5. Seated: Richard Hill, with degree, Katherine McManus behind.
6. Seated: Richard Hill, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Katherine McManus.
7. Seated: Lady Margaret Cadogan, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Sir John Cadogan, with degree.
8. Seated: Sir Ron Dearing, with degree, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor.
9. Seated: Mrs Robson, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Councillor Don Robson.
10. Sir Peter Ustinov seated with two female PhD graduates standing behind.
11. Don Robson MA standing, receiving his oration, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor seated.
12-14. John Hayward registrar standing, acknowledging the seated chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov, and reading from his file.
15. Sir Ron Dearing DCL being congratulated by the chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov.
16. Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor standing.
17-19. Richard Hill DLitt standing receiving his degree from the standing chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov.
20-24. Sir John Cadogan standing being congratulated by the chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov.
25-29. Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor sitting, standing and declaiming.
Size: 200 x 150mm (1&4), 200 x 160mm (11-29), 200 x 200mm (the rest)
For Richard Hill, cf photos in also UND/EA1/JA9.
UND/CK1/BF1992C   12 December 1992
Honorary graduation photos, in full academic dress; 1-7 taken in Durham Castle SCR, with the White Peacock painting behind, identified LtoR, featuring the chancellor, Sir Peter Ustinov; 8-11 taekn in Durham Castle Great Hall on the dais by Ian Coates of Wilmslow, with his covering letter
1. Fenwick Hutchinson, Mrs Hutchinson.
2. Fenwick Hutchinson, Dr William Gaines, Sir Leon Brittan.
3. Standing: William Hudspeth bedel, Prof J.R. Watson public orator, Prof M.C. Prestwich PVC, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Dr Peter Collins PVC, John Hayward registrar, David Allison deputy bedel; seated: J. Fenwick Hutchinson MSc, Dr William L. Gaines DCL, Prof E.V.A. Ebsworth VC, Sir Leon Brittan DCL.
4. Dr William Gaines.
5. Sir Leon Brittan.
6. Sir Leon Brittan, Lady Diana Brittan.
7. Dr William Gaines, Lady Gillian Leggatt, Sir Andrew Leggatt.
8. Sir Leon Brittan standing, receiving his oration, seated academics behind include John Hall librarian and William Gaines DCL at L and R ends of the front row respectively.
9. Sir Leon Brittan receiving his degree from Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, Graham Rodmell and Michael Prestwich PVCs seated applauding, also John Hayward registrar.
10-11. Chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov standing and speaking, Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Rodmell and Prestwich seated attentive.
Size: Prints: 190 x 190mm (2&7) 140 x 190mm (1,3-6); 205 x 160mm (8-11)
3 from 1-7 printed in Password (No.36, Jan-Feb 1993), p.5.
UND/CK1/BF1993A   19 March 1993
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle quad (1-3, 7-10) or on the dais in Durham Castle hall (4-6, 11-15). (All identified LtoR).
1. Dr Peter Baelz, former dean of Durham, and George Carey, archbishop of Canterbury.
2. David Allison bedel, Prof R.J. Watson public orator, Prof M.C. Prestwich PVC, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Dr Peter Baelz DD, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr George Carey DD, Dr Peter Collins PVC, John Hayward registrar, William Hudspeth bedel.
3. Dr Peter Baelz, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth, Dr George Carey.
4. Seated: Prof Evelyn Ebsworth, Dr Peter Collins, John Hayward, Dr George Carey; standing, receiving his oration, Dr Peter Baelz.
5. Seated: John Hayward, Dr George Carey; standing, receiving his oration, Dr Peter Baelz.
6. Seated: Dr George Carey; standing: Evelyn Ebsworth presenting his degree to Dr Peter Baelz.
7-9. A son, Dr Peter Baelz.
10. Prof Evelyn Ebsworth, Dr George Carey.
11. Seated: Dr Peter Collins, John Hayward, Dr Peter Baelz; standing: Dr George Carey, receiving his oration.
12. Seated: Prof Evelyn Ebsworth, Dr Peter Collins, John Hayward, Dr Peter Baelz; standing: Dr George Carey, receiving his oration.
13. Seated: Dr George Carey, with the portrait of Alfred Plummer above.
14&15. Standing: Prof Evelyn Ebsworth presenting his degree to Dr George Carey.
Size: Prints: 190 x 140mm (1-4, 6, 8, 12-15), 190 x 190mm (5, 7, 9-11); mounts: 250 x 200mm and 250 x 250mm respectively.
UND/CK1/BF1993B/1-20   1 July 1993
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, outside Durham Castle (2, 7-19), in suits at Durham Cathedral (1, 3-6), or on the dais in Durham Castle Great Hall (21-35). Identified L to R.
1. John Arnold, dean of Durham, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, 4 men, 2 ladies, on the path outside Durham Cathedral leading from the north door to Palace Green.
2. Male, female, Sir Peter Ustinov, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, male.
3&4. Female, male, John Arnold dean of Durham, female, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, male, male, outside the north door of Durham Cathedral.
5&6. Dean John Arnold with Hans-Dietrich Genscher signing the cathedral visitor's book by the lectern.
7. Seated in Durham Castle fellows garden: Gordon Stone, Sir Peter Ustinov, Mrs Judith Stone.
8. Gordon Stone, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Sir Peter Ustinov, Lady Evelyn Barbirolli, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth.
9&10. Gordon Stone, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Sir Peter Ustinov, Lady Evelyn Barbirolli.
11-16. Seated: Sir Peter Ustinov entertaining Lady Evelyn Barbirolli with various musical poses.
17. Standing: David Allison bedel, Durham City swordbearer, Carl Firmin Durham town clerk, Maurice Crathorne mayor of Durham, Prof M.C. Prestwich PVC, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Prof R.J. Watson public orator, John Hayward registrar, William Hudspeth bedel; seated: Gordon Stone DSc, Hans-Dietrich Genscher DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Lady Evelyn Barbirolli DMus, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC.
18. Procession of PhD graduates walking through Durham Castle quad.
19. Standing: Durham City swordbearer, Carl Firmin town clerk; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov, Maurice Crathorne mayor of Durham.
20. Sir Peter Ustinov standing with a female PhD graduate.
21-23. Gordon Stone receiving his degree from Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor.
24. Seated lineup of honoraries: Hans-Dietrich Genscher, (recorder and mayor (Maurice Crathorne) of Durham), Gordon Stone, Lady Evelyn Barbirolli.
25. Lady Evelyn Barbirolli, seated, receiving her oration from Richard Watson.
26. Lady Evelyn Barbirolli, standing, receiving her degree from Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor.
27-30. Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, sitting, standing, talking to the seated honoraries.
31-32. Hans-Dietrich Genscher receiving his oration from Richard Watson and his degree from Sir Peter Ustinov.
33. John Hayward registrar standing, speaking.
34. University staff discussing the ceremony beforehand in the Great Hall: Geoffrey Thrush assistant registrar, Sam Nettleton, Lyn Williams, ?surveyor's staff, Andree Moffat chief clerk; audience gathering including Mrs Audrey Phelps seated at the front.
35. Parents and graduands asembling in the Great Hall.
[1-20 by Paul Sidney;] 21-35 by Ian Coates of Wilmslow.
Size: 160/200 x 200mm
One of 11-16 printed in Password (No.39, Summer 1994), p.2-3 and Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.11.
Three of 11-16 printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.118-119.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1993B/16-17
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF1995B/10
UND/CK1/BF1993B/36-39   [1 July 1993]
Graduation photos of Sarah Heseltine in her graduation robes, with her parents Michael and Anne Heseltine, and her sister, standing outside the entrance to Durham Castle; Mr Madison OSH head porter in background.
Size: 165 x 160mm
1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.83.
UND/CK1/BF1993C   December 1993
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, holding their degrees, all taken in Durham Castle Senate Room with the fireplace as a backdrop, except 9501 which is on the steps of Durham Castle hall. All taken by Paul Sidney of the Biological Sciences Dept. Identified LtoR.
1&9499&9500. Standing: Prof R.J. Watson public orator, Prof M.C. Prestwich PVC, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Peter Collins PVC, John Hayward registrar, bedel; seated: Sir Peter de la Billière DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Gordon J. Dodd MMus.
9501. Bedel, chancellor, PVCs and VC in procession.
9502-9504. Sir Peter de la Billière, Sir Peter Ustinov, Gordon Dodd.
9505&9506. Sir Peter de la Billière, Sir Peter Ustinov, Lady Bridget de la Billière.
9507. Sir Peter de la Billière, Sir Peter Ustinov.
9508&9509. Gordon Dodd.
9510. Gordon Dodd, Sir Peter Ustinov, Mrs Dodd.
9557&9558. Sir Peter de la Billière.
Size: 200 x 250mm & 205 x 205mm
UND/CK1/BF1994A   30 June 1994
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress: 1-13 in Durham Castle courtyard after the ceremony; 14- before and during the ceremony (taken by Ian Coates of Wilmslow).
1. Standing: Durham City swordbearer, Carl Firmin Durham town clerk, Bill Cavanagh Durham mayor, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Dr Graham Rodmell PVC, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, John Hayward registrar, Prof Richard Watson public orator, David Allison bedel, Graham Goff assistant bedel; sitting: Prof Sir Richard Southwood DSc, Aleksandr Yakovlev DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Raymond Seitz DCL, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC.
2. Sir Richard Southwood, Alexsandr Yakovlev, Sir Peter Ustinov, Raymond Leitz, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth.
3-6. Sir Richard Southwood, Alexsandr Yakovlev, Sir Peter Ustinov, Raymond Leitz.
7. Lady Alison Southwood, Sir Peter Ustinov, Sir Richard Southwood.
8. Male and female guest, Lady Alison Southwood, Sir Richard Southwood.
9&10. Aleksandr Yakovlev, Sir Peter Ustinov.
11. Viktor Mikitin Russian TV cameraman, Alexander Malikov Russian TV reporter, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Sir Peter Ustinov, assistant to Mr Yakovlev (male).
12. Sir Peter Ustinov talking into Alexander Malikov's microphone.
13. Aleksandr Yakovlev talking into Alexander Malikov's microphone.
14. Procession headed by the bedel and chancellor walking from the cathedral past the Music School.
15. Chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov obscuring the PVC Graham Rodmell.
16. Chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov speaking in Durham Castle Great Hall, close-up.
17. Chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov speaking in Durham Castle Great Hall with the seated audience beyond.
18. Chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov applauding.
19. Chancellor Sir Peter Ustinov standing speaking in Durham Castle Great Hall.
20. Raymond Seitz standing listening to his oration.
21. Raymond Sietz being congratulated by Sir Peter Ustinov, bedel in attendance.
22. Raymond Seitz seated next to Bill Cavanagh, Durham mayor.
23-24. Aleksandr Yakovlev standing listening to his oration.
25. Aleksandr Yakovlev being congratulated by Sir Peter Ustinov, bedel in attendance.
26-27. Sir Richard Southwood standing receiving his oration.
28. Sir Richard Southwood being congratulated by Sir Peter Ustinov.
29. Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor addressing the seated audience in Durham Castle Great Hall.
30. Sir Richard Southwood and Aleksandr Yakovlev seated.
31. The audience standing to depart Durham Castle Great Hall.
Size: 160/200 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF1994C   [21 July 1994]
Sir Peter Ustinov talking with Fred Zinnemann, in academic dress, in a room with prints of flowers on the wall, [in London], after the honorary degree ceremony.
By the Guardian newspaper.
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF1994B   10 December 1994
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle SCR with the White Peacock painting as a backdrop. Identified L to R.
1. Mrs Hilda Guy, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth.
2. Rev Toomas Paul, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth.
3. Sir Peter Maxwell-Davies, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth.
4. Sir Peter Maxwell-Davies, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth, Judy Arnold (Sir Peter's agent).
5. Mr Shiro Fujimoto, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth.
6. Mr Shiro Fujimoto, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth, Mrs Fujimoto.
7. Rev Toomas Paul, Mr Shiro Fujimoto, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth, Sir Peter Maxwell-Davies, Mrs Hilda Guy.
8. Standing: Graham Goff macebearer, Prof Richard Watson public orator, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Dr Barry Gower PVC, John Hayward registrar, David Allison bedel; seated: Rev Toomas Paul DD, Mr Shiro Fujimoto DCL, Prof Evelyn Ebwsorth VC, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies DMus, Mrs Hilda Guy MA.
Size: Prints: 190 x 140mm; mounts: 250 x 200mm
For further Hilda Guy photos, see also UND/EA1/JA10.
UND/CK1/BF1995A   13 May 1995
Honorary graduates at a special congregation celebrating the centenary of the supplementary charter permitting the awarding of degrees to women, in full academic dress, with their degrees, in Durham Castle quad and on the North Terrace. Identified LtoR.
1. Lady and Dr Maya Angelou.
2,3. Dr Maya Angelou.
4. Lady and Dr Maya Angelou.
5. Dr Barbara Reynolds.
6. Dame Cicely Saunders.
7,8. Lady Diana Eccles.
9. [Husband John] and Lady Diana Eccles.
10. Prof Nicola LeFanu and husband David Lumsdaine DMus.
11,12. Mme Catherine LaLumière.
13. Ms Mary Midgley.
14. Prof Rosemary Cramp with family: nephew Robert Beesley, niece Helen Milner, sister Mrs Margaret Beesley, brother-in-law John Beesely, nephew Robert's wife Kathleen, niece Helen's husband Mark.
15. Prof Rosemary Cramp.
16. Prof Rosalyn Higgins.
17. Husband Terrence Higgins and Prof Rosalyn Higgins.
18-20,22. Back row: Mme Catherine LaLumière, Prof Nicola LeFanu, Prof Rosemary Cramp, Lady Diana Eccles, Prof Rosalyn Higgins; front row: Barbara Reynolds, Dame Cicely Saunders, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr Maya Angelou, Ms Mary Midgley.
21. Back row: Durham City swordbearer, Mr Carl Firmin town clerk, Jim Mackintosh mayor of Durham, Michael Prestwich PVC, Peter Collins PVC, Mme Catherine LaLumière DCL, Prof Nicola LeFanu DMus, Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Lady Diana Eccles of Moulton DCL, Prof Rosalyn Higgins DCL, Barry Gower PVC, John Hayward registrar, Dick Watson public orator, Michael Turnbull bishop of Durham, David Allison bedel; front row: Dr Barbara Reynolds DLitt, Dame Cicely Saunders DSc, Dr Maya Angelou DLitt, Prof Rosemary Cramp DSc, Ms Mary Midgley DLitt.
23. Programme for the Congregation, with brief biographies of each honorary, a list of university officers, and a brief history of women at the university, with a photo on the front of the first 3 women graduates.
Size: 150/200 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF1995E   [29 June 1995]
Honorary graduation photos, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle courtyard:
1. Full group, back row: Durham city swordbearer, ?bedel, ?Carl Firmin town clerk, Dick Watson university orator, Barry Gower PVC, Peter Collins PVC, Michael Prestwich PVC, John Hayward registrar, ?David Allison bedel; front row: ?Jim Mackintosh Durham city mayor, Frank Rhodes DSc, Adolf Theis DCL, Peter Ustinov chancellor, Lady Valerie Solti (for Sir Georg Solti), Evelyn Ebsworth vice-chancellor, George Steiner DLitt.
2. Frank Rhodes DSc, Adolf Theis DCL, Peter Ustinov chancellor, Lady Valerie Solti, George Steiner DLitt.
3. ?Mrs Theis, Peter Ustinov, Adolf Theis DCL.
4. ?Mrs Rhodes, Peter Ustinov, Frank Rhodes DSc.
5. Peter Ustinov, George Steiner DLitt.
5 colour prints
Size: 150/195 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF1995C   5 September 1995
Presentation of honorary DCL to Mikhail Gorbachev in Athens at the Divani Caravel Hotel by Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, both in full academic dress.
1,10. Gorbachev.
2-4. Ustinov presenting Gorbachev with his degree.
5,8. Ustinov speaking, beside Gorbachev.
6. Academic procession led by John Hayward registrar walking between a seated audience in a hotel room, with TV cameras in the background.
7. Gorbachev displaying his degree, beside Ustinov.
8. Gorbachev, Ustinov and Hayward seated, 2 [Greek] men adjusting a door behind.
11. Ustinov.
By Brothers Anagnostopouloi of Athens.
Size: 180 x 125mm (1-9), 200 x 200mm (10)
UND/CK1/BF1995D   9 December 1995
Honorary graduation photos, in full academic dress, on Durham Castle North Terrace (1-3, 11-13) and in the SCR in front of the White Peacock painting (4-10, 14-15), identified LtoR:
1-3. Howard Phelps.
4,7. Back: David Allison bedel, Michael Prestwich PVC, Barry Gower PVC, John Hayward registrar, Graham Goff bedel; front: Joe Halpin MA, Howard Phelps DCL, Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Sir John Hall DCL, Peter Collins PVC.
5-6. Prof James Barker master of Hatfield, Howard Phelps.
8-9. Sir John Hall.
10. Howard Phelps, Mrs Audrey Phelps.
11-13. Joe Halpin.
14-15. Joe Halpin with a man and 2 ladies, family.
Size: 150/200 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF1996A   14 May 1996
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle quad (1-4, 10-11) or on the North Terrace (5-9)identified LtoR.
1. Back: Durham City swordbearer, Mr Carl Firmin town clerk, John Hayward registrar, Michael Prestwich PVC, Peter Collins PVC, Barry Gower PVC, Dick Watson public orator, David Allison bedel; front: Joseph Anderson mayor of Durham, Sir Terence Harrison DSc, Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr Toshio Arata DCL, Dr Howard Phelps chairman of Council.
2-3. Sir Terence Harrison, with 3 ladies and 2 men, family.
4. Sir Terence Harrison, wife June and a male and female associate.
5-6. Sir Terence Harrison.
7. Dr Toshio Arata with 7 male associates.
8. Dr Toshio Arata.
9. Sir Terence Harrison, Evelyn Ebsworth, Dr Toshio Arata.
10-11. Sir Terence Harrison, Dr Tohsio Arata inspecting their degrees.
Size: 150/200 x 200mm (prints); 200/255 x 250mm (mounts)
UND/CK1/BF1996B   27 June 1996
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle quad, by Coe photography, proofs, identified LtoR.
1. Mrs Rose Ebsworth, Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Sir Peter Ustinov, Mr Harley Moseley (receiving his degree 48 years after qualifying for it), Mrs Moseley.
2. Evelyn Ebsworth, Lord Sterling of Plaistow, Sir Peter Ustinov, Miss Susan Danby.
3. (Back): Durham City swordbearer, Mr Carl Firmin town clerk, Joseph Anderson mayor of Durham, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Dr Barry Gower PVC, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Dr Howard Phelps chairman of Council, Prof Richard Watson public orator, Mr John Hayward registrar, Mr David Allison bedel, Mr Graham Goff bedel; (front) Lord Jeffrey Sterling of Plaistow DCL, Dr Robert Hawley DSc, Sir Anthony Caro DLitt, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Miss Susan Danby DLitt, Lord Jack Lewis of Newnham DSc, Mr R.B. Kitaj DLitt.
4. Evelyn Ebsworth, Dr Robert Hawley, Sir Peter Ustinov, Lord Lewis of Newnham.
5. Evelyn Ebsworth, Sir Anthony Caro, Sir Peter Ustinov, Mr R.B. Kitaj.
6. Sheet of contact prints of 10 photos by Paul Sidney of the first graduates (total 12) in the art and teaching of ballet to receive their degrees(established 1990) in Durham, with staff from the London Royal Academy of Dancing (total 10, Rachel Keen, Susan Danby, Dr M. Davies and Pauline Welton identified), in Durham Castle fellows garden.
7-16. Graduates, in pairs or threes, and with parents, and academics, on Palace Green.
Size: 125 x 125mm (1-5), 250 x 200mm (6)
UND/CK1/BF1996C   14 December 1996
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle SCR with the White Peacock painting behind (1-5, 7-10) or on the North Terrace (6), identified LtoR:
1. (Back): Prof Richard Watson public orator, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Dr Barry Gower PVC, Mr John Hayward registrar, Mr Graham Goff bedel; (front): Sir Terence Burns DSc, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Steven Redgrave DCL, Dr Howard Phelps chairman of Council.
2. Steven Redgrave, Evelyn Ebsworth, Sir Terence Burns.
3. Steven Redgrave, Sir Terence Burns.
4. Steven Redgrave.
5. Steven Redgrave, wife Ann and 2 daughters Sophie and Natalie.
6. Steven Redgrave holding 2 white rowing blades, with his 2 daughters.
7. Sir Terence Burns and wife Anne.
8. Sir Terence Burns.
9. Sir Terence Burns, wife Anne and other guests, 2 men and 2 ladies.
10. Steven Redgrave, Evelyn Ebsworth, Sir Terence Burns.
Size: 125 x 100mm
6 printed in Durham First, (No.7, Spring 1998), p.18 and News for members of staff (March 2001), p.8.
UND/CK1/BF1997A   July 1997
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, with scrolls, in Durham Castle quad (11) and Tunstal Gallery, identified LtoR:
1. Sir Donald Hawley and wife Ruth.
2. Sir Donald Hawley.
3. Daughter ?Susan, Sir Donald Hawley, Lady Ruth Hawley, daughter Caroline.
4. Ambassador Hiroaki Fujii with wife and ?daughter.
5. Ambassador Hiroaki Fujii.
6. Ambassador Hiroaki Fujii with wife.
7,9. Dr Robert Malpas with wife.
8. Dr Robert Malpas.
10. Sir Colin Marshall.
11. (Back) Durham City swordbearer, Mr Carl Firmin town clerk, Dr Howard Phelps chairman of Council, Dr Barry Gower PVC, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Dr Peter Collins PVC, Prof Richard Watson public orator, Mr John Hayward registrar, Mr Graham Goff bedel, David ? bedel; Mrs Michaela Griffin mayoress of Durham, Neil Griffin mayor of Durham, Dr Robert Malpas DSc, Ambassador Hiroaki Fujii DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor Sir Colin Marshall DCL, Sir Donald Hawley DCL, Prof Josef Jarab DCL.
12. Three female graduates on Palace Green.
Size: 160 x 200mm
12 printed in Durham First (No.6, Autumn 1997), p.11 and Undergraduate Prospectus 1999, p.21.
UND/CK1/BF1997B   12 December 1997
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, with scrolls, in Durham Castle quad (9) or the SCR (1-8), identified LtoR.
1. Edward Wood with guests, 4 ladies, 3 men, 1 girl.
2. Edward Wood.
3. Sir George Russell.
4. Sir George Russell with wife Dorothy.
5. ?Daughter, Robert Hardy, ?wife Sally.
6. Robert Hardy.
7. Robert Hardy, ?wife Sally.
8. Sir George Russell, Evelyn Ebsworth, Lady Diana Eccles.
9. (Back): John Hayward registrar, Dr Barry Gower PVC, Prof John Anstee PVC, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Prof Richard Watson public orator, bedel; (front) Edward Wood MA, Sir George Russell DCL, Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Robert Hardy DLitt, Diana Lady Eccles vice-chairman of Council.
Size: 160 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF1998A   2 July 1998
Graduation in Durham Castle, honorary graduates, featuring Prince Charles, HRH the Prince of Wales, and academics in full academic dress.
1/0-32.Chancellor, vice-chancellor, mayors and other dignitaries assembling outside Cosin Library, relaxing on a bench, being photographed with student [?marshals], lining up and being introduced to Prince Charles who then goes into the library.
2/2-7 Crowd scenes, Ustinov relaxing on a bench, cameramen.
2/10-32. Processions walking along the front of Palace Green Library towards Durham Castle, including the honorary graduands with Prince Charles, guests and [?mayor of Stockton].
3/3-12. Processions passing through Durham Castle quad and into the Great Hall, with staff, honorary graduands and student graduands.
3/13-16. Prince Charles signing the visitors' book in the passage outside the Great Hall assisted by the master, Edward Salthouse.
3/17-19. Processions leaving the Great Hall down the steps back into the quad.
3/20-35. Chancellor and dignitaries (including Prof R. Watson) in the quad, with assembled graduands, being signed off against his list by Prof Tony Unsworth.
3/36. Ustinov being interviewed by a film crew.
4/2-32. Graduands assembled in Durham Castle quad, with Prince Charles walking along the line and talking to them, also the chancellor and the bishop of Durham, and Tony Unsworth checking his list.
4/36. Long line of graduands and guests assembled under an awning in Durham Castle quad.
5/10-37. Student graduates and guests on Palace Green after the ceremony, photos being taken, drinking, with tents around, displaying pictures, and Durham Castle and Cathedral beyond.
A3-15. Prince Charles, accompanied by Sir Peter Ustinov and Evelyn Ebsworth, greeting and shaking hands with academic dignitaries in the reception area of Palace Green Library: Dr Robert Hawley, Mrs Hawley, Prof Michael Prestwich, Mrs Prestwich, Prof John Anstee, Angela Anstee, Dr John Hall librarian.
A16-18. Prince Charles signing the visitors book and discussing it with John Hayward.
A20, C5. Prince Charles DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor.
B1-2. Dame Bridget Ogilvie DSc with her honorary degree scroll.
B4. Prof Raymond Freeman DSc with his honorary degree scroll.
B5. Dame Bridget Ogilvie with her scroll and flanked by Mr and Mrs M. Dwerryhouse.
B9. Prof Raymond Freeman with scroll and Mrs Freeman.
B12. Dr Robert Anderson DSc with his honorary degree scroll.
C2. Honorary graduates and dignitaries formal group. Back row: bedel Ted Rimmer, Sir Paul Nicholson lord lieutenant, Prof John Anstee PVC, Rt Rev Michael Turnbull bishop of Durham, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Councillor Derek Young mayor of Durham; middle row: John Hayward registrar, Dr Barry Gower PVC, Prof Raymond Freeman DSc, Dr Harold Evans DCL, Dr Robert Anderson DSc, Prof Richard Watson public orator, Durham City swordbearer; front row: Prof Evelyn Ebsworth VC, Charles Prince of Wales DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Dame Bridget Ogilvie DSc, Dr Robert Hawley chairman of Council.
D3. Dr Harold Evans with his honorary degree scroll.
1-6 by Thomas Royston of Durham; A3-D3 by Coe Portrait Photographers of 79A Thorpe Road, Norwich.
Size: 150/200 x 100/150mm
Two images printed in Durham First (No.8, Autumn 1998), p.1 & 17 and two in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.133.
For further photos, see also UND/EA1/JA12.
UND/CK1/BF1998B   5 December 1998
Honorary graduation of Evelyn Glennie at Stockton, in a room [?in the Ebsworth building], all in full academic dress, by Peter Mernagh, identified LtoR:
1. Evelyn Glennie, seated, with her degree, laughing.
2. Evelyn Glennie DMus, seated at a desk signing a book, standing: John Hayward registrar, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Prof Richard Watson public orator, Prof Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Sumi Ariaraj acting bedel.
Size: 195 x 250mm
UND/CK1/BF1998C   12 December 1998
Honorary graduates, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle SCR in front of the fireplace, identified LtoR.
1. (Back): Mr Ted Rimmer bedel, Mr John Hayward registrar, Prof John Anstee PVC, Dr Robert Hawley, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Prof Richard Watson public orator; (front): Mr Dennis Jobling MSc, Jin Ku Kang DCL, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Prof Vincent Brummer DD.
2. (Back) ?Jeffrey Astley, Douglas Davies, ?Colin Crowder, Walter Moberley, Alan Suggett; (front): Prof James Dunn, Vincent Brummer, Prof Anne Loades.
3. Vincent Brummer with 3 female and 2 male ?family members.
4. Dennis Jobling with 2 female and 1 male ?family members.
5. Dennis Jobling with 5 female and 4 male ?family members.
6. Jin Ku Kang, Sir Kenneth Calman.
Size: 150 x 200mm (1-5), 175 x 250mm (6)
UND/CK1/BF1999A   1 July 1999
Photographs taken by Gillman and Soame of Oxford in the University College S.C.R., in front of the pictures of Lord Crewe and the white peacock, showing the honorary graduates, academics and other officials in their full academic dress. Identified LtoR.
1-2, 17. Group: standing back row: Durham City swordbearer, Colin Shearsmith chief executive Durham City Council, John Hayward registrar, Eric Burdiss bedel, Sean James bedel with mace; standing middle row: Prof John Anstee PVC, Prof Michael Prestwich PVC, Canon John Polkinghorne DD, Ian Stewart DCL, Prof Barry Gower PVC, Prof Richard Watson public orator; seated front row: Mrs Margaret Agnes Adair mayor of Durham, Lord Colin Cowdrey DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov chancellor, Mrs Cynthia Connolly MA, Sir Kenneth Calman VC. 3 images.
3. Sir Kenneth Calman V-C with Lord Colin Cowdrey, with his honorary DCL.
4. Dr Grenville Holland, Lord Colin Cowdrey with his honorary DCL, Dr Peter Warburton and Sam Stoker.
5. Mrs Cynthia Connolly with her degree.
6. Mrs Cynthia Connolly, with Julie Connolly and David Connolly, daughter and son.
7. Mrs Cynthia Connolly with granddaughters Claire and Sarah Lumley.
8. Mrs Cynthia Connolly with her degree, and with her mother Mrs Edna Barker, Julie and David Connolly, Claire and Sarah Lumley, Hussein and Helen Azair.
9. Dr Ian Stewart, with his degree and [his wife Pamela].
10. Dr Ian Stewart, with his degree, [his wife Pamela], 1 other lady and 2 other men.
11. Dr Ian Stewart with his degree and 6 female [colleagues].
12. Canon John Polkinghorne with his degree and [Mrs Ruth Polkinghorne].
13-16. The procession ascending the steps into the Castle Hall featuring Lord Cowdrey, Michael Prestwich, and Sir Kenneth Calman smiling, waving and sticking his finger in the air.
17 colour prints 
Size: 150/207 x 100/174mm
13 printed in Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.25 and N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.130.
UND/CK1/BF1999B   11 December 1999
Photographs taken by Gillman and Soame of Oxford in the University College SCR, in front of the pictures of Lord Crewe and the white peacock, showing the honorary graduates, academics and other officials in their full academic dress. Identified LtoR.
1. Mrs Audrey Warner with her husband Jack and 3 other guests.
2. Mrs Audrey Warner, with her degree, and husband Jack.
3. Mrs Audrey Warner with her degree.
4. Dr Ian Stephenson, with his degree, and [Mrs Kate Stephenson].
5. Dr Ian Stephenson, with his degree.
6. Standing: Prof Joy Palmer-Cooper PVC, John Hayward provost of UC Stockton, Prof John Anstee PVC, Prof Barry Gower PVC; seated: Dr Ian Stephenson DLitt, Dr Mo Mowlam DCL, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Mrs Audrey Warner MSc, Sir Martin Rees DSc.
7. Standing: Prof Michael Prestwich public orator, Dr Robert Hawley DSc chairman of Council, Dr John Hogan registrar, Sean James bedel with mace; seated Dr Ian Stephenson DLitt, Dr Mo Mowlam DCL, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Mrs Audrey Warner MSc, Sir Martin Rees DSc.
8. Prof Richard Abram, Sir Martin Rees with his degree, Dr Robert Hawley, Prof Brian Tanner, Prof Carlos Frenk.
8 colour prints 
Size: 207 x 174mm
UND/CK1/BF2000A   6 July 2000
Photos of honorary graduates in a window alcove in the Durham Castle Senate Room:
- Prof Roald Hoffman DSc, alone, with Sir Kenneth Calman VC and also from Chemistry Prof Robin Harris, Prof Judith Howard and Prof Kenneth Wade;
- Prof Charles Handy DCL, alone, with Mrs Handy, with Prof Anthony Cockerill, with Sir Kenneth Calman, and with Calman, Prof Michael Prestwich and Sir Peter Ustinov in the Castle Lowe Library.
- Prof Jean-Pierre Serre DSc, alone, with Sir Kenneth Calman, and with Dr Steven Wilson, Dr Vernon Armitage, Dr Anthony Armstrong and Prof A.J. Scholl.
By Gillman and Soame.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: 94201/3 & P000104-116.
UND/CK1/BF2000B   [November] 2000
Photos of honorary graduates:
- Dr Miriam Stoppard DSc, in a chair in a window alcove in Durham Castle Senate Room, in full academic dress, alone with her degree, with Sir Kenneth Calman VC, with Michael Prestwich PVC, and with Dr Jane MacNaughton CAHHM, Dr Andrew Russell, Anthropology, and Sir Kenneth Calman VC;
- Prof Stuart Hall DCL, alone with his degree, and with Sociology academics Prof Sue Scott, Prof Roy Boyne, Dr Nick Ellison and Prof David Chaney.
By Gillman and Soame.
Size: 150 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BF2001C   June 2001
Photos of Stockton Congregation, with Matthew Pinsent receiving an honorary DCL: all in academic dress, individuals and groups of students, some with children, bottles, glasses, robing, in procession and entering Stockton church, at a signpost outside the church, the assembled congregation inside the church, Pinsent alone, with family and signing.
By Gary Walsh Photography of Norton.
Size: 250 x 205mm
Formerly: K000073-80.
UND/CK1/BF2001A   July 2001
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in full academic dress (except for P164-166) by Gillman and Soame. Wolfendale photographed in a room in Durham Castle, Rhind outside the Castle, against a climbing hydrangea and ivy covered wall, and 164-166 outside in the garden at Hatfield College. All identified LtoR.
P164-166. Standing: David Rhind, Sir Arnold Wolfendale, Sir Kenneth Calman, John Hayward; seated: Mrs Rhind, Audrey Wolfendale, Mrs Calman, Mrs Hayward.
P168. Standing: 4 men [physics department]; seated: Sir Arnold Wolfendale DSc.
P169. Seated: Sir Arnold Wolfendale DSc with his degree.
P170, 174. Standing: his wife Audrey, Sir Arnold Wolfendale DSc.
P171, 172. Standing: his wife Audrey, Sir Arnold Wolfendale DSc, Mrs Audrey Colbeck.
P173. Seated: Sir Arnold Wolfendale DSc with his degree.
P175. Standing: his wife Audrey, Sir Arnold Wolfendale DSc, Mrs Audrey Colbeck.
P176. Standing: Sir Kenneth Calman, Sir Arnold Wolfendale DSc, Prof Michael Prestwich.
P177. Standing: Ash Amin, Ray Hudson, David William Rhind DSc, Bob Allison, Tim Burt (Geography departmental staff).
P178, 179. Standing: Prof Michael Prestwich, David William Rhind DSc.
P180. Standing: man, lady, David William Rhind DSc, Mrs Christine Rhind; seated: [?his mother] (family).
P181. Standing: Mrs Christine Rhind and David William Rhind DSc.
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BF2001B/1   8 December 2001
Survivors' photo following the final Congregation in Durham Castle with the chancellor, vice-chancellor, officers, marshals and guests, not in academic dress, in St Chad's College hall, with a sheet identifying all, LtoR:
Back row: Simon Kaja student ambassador; Prof Maurice Tucker Master University College, Matthew Andrews Academic Office, Alan Heesom Dean of Social Sciences, Dr John Hogan Registrar, Alice Hobson Occupational Health Adviser, Dr Geoffrey Bromley Dean of Arts, Mr Igor Ustinov The Ustinov Foundation, Dr Keith Orford Dean of Science, Dr Michael Rowell Principal Graduate Society.
Middle row: Sandra Ball Corporate Communications, Robert Coxon member of Council, Prof John Anstee Senior PVC, Prof Alan Bilsborough PVC, Dr Eleanor Harwood Corporate Communications, Mrs Dorothy Lawton Academic Office, Helen McAninly Academic Office, Mrs Pauline Hallums Academic Office, Keith Seacroft Corporate Communications, Dr Thomas Druyen The Ustinov Foundation, Dr Fiona O'Carroll Corporate Communications.
Front row: Mr Christopher Moyes chairman of Council; Miss Andrée Moffat Academic Office, Lady Ann Calman, Sir Peter Ustinov Chancellor, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Ms Erica Young Academic Office, Mrs Nicola Parker Academic Registrar, Prof Joy Palmer-Cooper PVC.
Also smaller groups with Ustinov of: Keith Seacroft, Igor Ustinov, Thomas Druyen, Fiona O'Carroll, and Sir Kenneth Calman; Andree Moffat and Sir Kenneth Calman; and again with Andree with flowers; and with an unidentified man.
Size: 125-200 x 125-250mm
UND/CK1/BF2001B/2-3   [8 December 2001]
Graduation photo of Janis Cookson, MA in Applied Linguistics, in graduation robes, with her partner Stephen Byers, in Durham Castle quad with the Tunstal Gallery beyond. 2 images.
Size: 150 x 230mm
UND/CK1/BF2002A   June 2002
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral chapter house by Ede and Ravenscroft with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress with Ustinov holding a walking stick and the honoraries usually holding their degrees. All identified left to right.
3057. Standing: Lord Foster of Thames Bank DCL.
3060. Standing: Prof Michael Prestwich, Lord Foster, Dr Barry Thomas.
3062. Standing: Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Lord Foster of Thames Bank DCL; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
3064. Standing: Sir Kenneth Calman, Dr Bernard Kouchner; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
3066. Standing: Dr Bernard Kouchner, Prof Michael Prestwich.
3068. Standing: Dr Bernard Kouchner DSc
3072. Standing back row: ? sword bearer; Prof Alan Bilsborough PVC, Dr John Hogan, Prof John Anstee PVC, Sean James bedel with mace; standing middle row: Councillor Eileen Rochford mayor of Durham, Colin Shearsmith Durham City chief executive, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Prof Michael Prestwich, Prof Joy Palmer-Cooper, Councillor Jean O'Donnell mayor of Stockton; seated: Dr Bernard Kouchner, Dr John Arnold, Sir Peter Ustinov, Dr Thetis Blacker, Lord Foster.
5403. Standing: Dr John Robert Arnold DD dean of Durham and Mrs Anneliese Arnold.
5496. Standing: Dr John Arnold DD, Prof Michael Prestwich; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov, Dr Thetis Blacker DLitt.
5498. Seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
5499. Standing: Dr John Robert Arnold DD.
5505. Standing: Mr Arnold (twin), Dr John Robert Arnold DD, Mrs Anneliese Arnold and 2 other ladies (family).
5508. Standing: Mr Arnold (twin) and Dr John Robert Arnold DD.
5759. Standing: Prof Michael Prestwich.
5763. Standing: Prof Amartya Kumar Sen DCL.
5766. Standing: Dr Lynne Evans, Dr Matteo Iannizzotto, Prof Richard Harris; seated: Prof Amartya Sen DCL, Dr Barry Thomas.
5769. Standing: Prof Amartya Sen, Prof Michael Prestwich, Sir Kenneth Calman; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
Size: 190 x 140mm (photos), 255 x 200mm (mounts)
UND/CK1/BF2002C   [17 June 2002]
Photos of honorary graduates at the opening of the Wolfson Building, Stockton (Sir Frederick Holliday DCL, Evelyn Ebsworth DCL, Sir Donald Irvine DSc, John Walton Lord Walton of Detchant DSc) walking around and into the building, Sir Kenneth Calman VC unveiling a plaque, and formal groups with other academic dignitaries, families and friends.
Size: 300 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BF2002B   15 November 2002
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, with participants in full academic dress, against a plain backdrop. All identified left to right.
7849. Standing: Dr Peter Ogden.
7857. Standing: Mrs Catherine Ogden (?wife), Dr Peter Ogden.
7862. Standing: Mrs Frances Ogden (?mother), Dr Peter Ogden.
7863. Standing: Mrs Catherine Ogden, Mrs Frances Ogden; seated: Dr Peter Ogden.
7867. Standing: Prof Richard Ellis, Dr Peter Ogden.
7870. Standing: Prof Richard Ellis, Prof David Fuller, Dr Peter Ogden.
7874. Standing: William Maynard, Dr Peter Ogden, Martin Symons.
7877. Standing: Prof Richard Ellis.
7880. Standing: Hillary Ellis, Thomas Ellis, (children) Barbara Ellis (wife); seated, Prof Richard Ellis.
7885. Standing: Mrs Barbara Ellis, Prof Richard Ellis.
7888. Standing: Prof James Stirling, Prof David Fuller, Prof Carlos Frenk, Prof Michael Pennington; seated: Dr Peter Ogden, Sir Kenneth Calman, Prof Richard Ellis.
Size: 240 x 190mm
UND/CK1/BF2003A   15 January 2003
Photos of Richard Sidney Hickox after receiving an honorary DMus, against a plain backdrop [?in Durham Castle] by Ede and Ravenscroft in full academic dress usually holding his degree, with family, friends and others.
1980. Hickox.
1983. Hickox and Sir Kenneth Calman V-C.
1987. Hickox and wife Frances.
1997. Hickox and son Adam.
20. Hickox with (standing) Bradley Cresswick, 3 male and 1 female Sage Gateshead members.
2007. Hickox, wife Frances, son and daughter.
Size: 190 x 140mm (photos), 255 x 200mm (mounts)
1997 printed in News for members of staff (March 2003), p.6.
UND/CK1/BF2003B   4 July 2003
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral chapter house, by Ede and Ravenscroft, with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress with Ustinov holding a stick in a wheel chair. All identified left to right.
7544. Standing: Sir Nicholas Vernon Scheele DCL, [?his wife Ros]; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
7801. Standing: Raymond Gibbon mayor of Durham, Prof David Fuller, Ann Cains mayor of Stockton; seated: Peter Hugh Trevor Mimpriss DCL, Sir Peter Ustinov, Sir Kenneth Calman VC.
7808. Standing: Peter Hugh Trevor Mimpriss DCL.
8334. Standing: Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Sir Paul Maxime Nurse DSc, Rt Rev Anthony Michael Arnold Turnbull DD, Timothy Bartel Smit DCL, Prof David Fuller; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
8605. Standing: Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Sir Paul Maxime Nurse DSc.
8615. Standing: [?wife], Timothy Bartel Smit DCL, [?son].
9543. Standing: Sir Nicholas Vernon Scheele DCL, a lady, a man, Sir Kenneth Calman VC; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
9807. Standing: Peter Hugh Trevor Mimpriss DCL, George R. Sullivan, Harvey Teff, Rosa Greaves; seated: Sir Peter Ustinov.
1-9. Contact prints of the above groupings and other images of them.
Size: 240 x 190mm (photos), 305 x 255mm (mounts)
UND/CK1/BF2003C   15 October 2003
Photos of honorary graduate, family, friends, colleagues and university officers, in full academic dress, in Durham Castle Tunstal chapel, by Ede and Ravenscroft.
1. Sitting: Arvo Pärt DMus; standing: 5 gentlemen (in suits).
2. Raymond Gibbon, mayor of Durham, and ?Mrs Gibbon, lady mayoress.
Contact prints feature also Sir Kenneth Calman VC and Prof Jeremy Dibble.
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BF2005A   13 & 14 January 2005
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral chapter house, by [Ede and Ravenscroft], with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress. All identified left to right.
1. Sir John Pattison DSc (13 January).
2. Sir John Pattison with his wife Lady Pattison.
3. Sir John Pattison with Sir Kenneth Calman VC.
4. Sir John Pattison, Lady Pattison, Sir Kenneth Calman, Lady Ann Calman.
5. Sir John Pattison, Sir Kenneth Calman, Prof David Fuller public orator.
6. Prof A.P.S. Hugin, Sir John Pattison, Prof David Fuller.
7. Mr David Crookes MMus (13 January).
8. David Crookes, Sir Kenneth Calman VC.
9. David Crookes, Prof Peter Manning.
10. Sir Kenneth Calman, David Crookes, Prof Peter Manning.
11. Back: Fred Wharton (ex head of 6th form, Durham Johnston School), John Goodwill (chairman of Durham Choral Society), Roger Burton (friend), Richard Brice (conductor of Durham Choral Society), Bob Guthrie (friend); front: Phyll Bryning, David Crookes, Joan Barron (secretary of St Cuthbert's RC church).
12. Dr John Bridge DCL (14 January).
13. Dr John Bridge, Sir Kenneth Calman VC.
14. Dr John Bridge, Mrs Rosalind Bridge.
15. Prof David Fuller public orator, Dr John Bridge, Sir Kenneth Calman.
16. Back: Michelle Bridge, Kate Bridge, Dr John Bridge, Gerry Kelliher; front: Mrs Rosalind Bridge, ?Mrs Bridge sr.
17. Back: Marion Forrester, Gerry Kelliher, Sam Nettleton, Barry Wetton, Pauline Wetton, Kate Bridge; front: Mrs Rosalind Bridge, Dr John Bridge, Michelle Bridge.
18. Sam Nettleton, Marion Forrester, Dr John Bridge, Pauline Wetton, Barry Wetton.
19. Back: Consort Brian Beaumont, Sir Kenneth Calman, Prof David Fuller, Consort Dr Hawgood; front: Councillor Mrs Jennie Beaumont mayor of Stockton, Dr John Bridge, Councillor Mrs Margaret Hawgood mayor of Durham.
Size: 240 x 190mm
UND/CK1/BF2005B   1 July 2005
Photos of honorary graduates, in the cathedral receiving their degrees and in the chapter house, Sir Gareth Roberts, Anne Stevenson, Sir Derek Wanless, Peter Carter and Julia Goodfellow, in full academic dress, with academics and family, by Ede and Ravenscroft
CD with 46 colour images
UND/CK1/BF2005C   22 September 2005
Photos of honorary graduate, Joseph Stiglitz DCL, as part of the 40th anniversary celebrations of the Business School, with academics and family, inside [at the Business School] and on the steps of the Castle Great Hall, with also an image of the delegates of the 40th anniversary conference on the Castle Great Hall steps
CD with 14 colour images
UND/CK1/BF2006A   12 & 13 January 2006
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral on the dais under the central tower (1-7, 11-16, 19-24, 29-34) or in the chapter house (8-9, 17-18, 25-28, 35), [by Ede and Ravenscroft], with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress. All identified left to right.
1-3. Will Greenwood DCL seated (1) and standing (2-3) (12 January).
4-7. Bill Bryson chancellor giving his degree to Will Greenwood.
8. Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Will Greenwood, Bill Bryson chancellor.
9-10. Cardinal Walter Kasper DD standing (9) and sitting (10) (12 January).
11-16. Bill Bryson chancellor giving his degree to Cardinal Walter Kasper.
17. Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Cardinal Walter Kasper, Bill Bryson chancellor.
18-19. Lord Derek Foster of Auckland DCL standing (18) and sitting (19) (13 January).
20-24. Bill Bryson chancellor giving his degree to Lord Foster.
25. Sir Kenneth Calman, Lord Foster, Bill Bryson.
26. Lady Ann Foster, Lord Foster.
27. Lady Ann Foster, Lord Foster, Sir Kenneth Calman VC, Lady Ann Calman.
28-29. Mr Alan Heesom DCL standing (28) and sitting (29) (13 January).
30-34. Bill Bryson chancellor giving his degree to Alan Heesom.
35. Sir Kenneth Calman, Alan Heesom, Bill Bryson.
36. CD of 2 files of (1) 33 images of Kasper and Greenwood, the ceremony, in the Chapter House, and friends and supporters before/after, and (2) 27 images of Alan Heesom and Lord Derek Foster similarly.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BF2006A/28
UND/CK1/BF2006B   28 - 30 June 2006
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral on the dais under the central tower or in the chapter house, [by Ede and Ravenscroft], with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress, some variously featuring the chancellor Bill Bryson, vice-chancellor Sir Kenneth Calman, academic registrar Carolyn Fowler, and public orator David Fuller:
28 June Chris Barber (including with trombone), also Mrs Kate Barber, Alan Heesom and Mrs Gill Heesom.
29 June Geoffrey Harrison, also Mrs Elizabeth Harrison, Prof R.H. Layton, Prof Alan Bilsborough, Mrs Lyn Bilsborough.
29 June Robert J. Sternberg, also Prof Elena Grigorenko, Prof Joe Elliott, Painter.
30 June Luke Rittner, daughter Emily, mayor of Stockton, Mr Fletcher consort of the mayor, Mrs Suzanne Fletcher MBE, mayor of Durham, Cllr Jeff Lodge, Joyce LcKenna mayoress of Durham
With a list.
UND/CK1/BF2007A   12 January 2007
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral on the dais under the central tower or in the chapter house, [by Ede and Ravenscroft], with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress, some variously featuring the chancellor Bill Bryson: Prof Simon White, Prof Sir John Arbuthnott, Rabbi Lionel Blue (27 images).
Also Sir Kenneth Calman VC receiving his portrait from the chancellor in the Castle Senate Room (3 images).
UND/CK1/BF2007D   6 February 2007
Photos of honorary graduates Anthony Payne and Jane Manning, both DMus, in full academic dress with academics, especially Jeremy Dibble, and family, and the [University Chamber Choir].
CD with 10 colour JPG images
UND/CK1/BF2007B   23 June 2007
Photos of a special 175th anniversary congregation featuring honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral on the dais under the central tower or in the chapter house, [by Ede and Ravenscroft], with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress, some variously featuring the chancellor Bill Bryson: Nicholas Thomas Wright bishop of Durham, George Alagiah, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Sir Mike Tomlinson, James Loy MacMillan and a male graduate receiving a plaque.
UND/CK1/BF2007C   26 - 29 June 2007
Photos of honorary graduates, families, friends, colleagues and university officers, in Durham cathedral on the dais under the central tower or in the chapter house, [by Ede and Ravenscroft], with participants in full ceremonial/academic dress, some variously featuring the chancellor Bill Bryson and vice-chancellor Chris Higgins:
Alastair Fothergill (10 images);
flower arrangements in the cathedral (18 images);
Dame Marilyn Strathern (11 images);
David Fuller, retiring as public orator (6 images);
Judge Pillay (10 images);
Lord Broers (8 images);
Richard Adams (9 images);
175th anniversary honorary graduation on 23 June (35 images);
Chris Higgins, being dressed as vice-chancellor and speaking (13 images).
UND/CK1/BF2009A   8 July 2009
Photos of Timothy Dudley-Smith DD at his honorary graduation outside the cathedral afterwards (46 images), also in Palace Green Library being shown an exhibition in Cosin's Library by Dr Sheila Hingley and Dr John Hall and also books in Room 5 (22 images, 2 printed out), and also at a reception indoors and out at St Chad's College (16 images), with some video.
84 colour images and video on a CD + paper, 2f
UND/CK1/BF2009B   30 June - 2 July 2009
Photos in the cathedral chapter house of honorary graduates, orators, chancellor, vice-chancellor and PVCs, all in full academic dress.
1. Chancellor (BIll Bryson), Vice-Chancellor (Chris Higgins), Chair of Council (Ann Galbraith), the Deputy Warden (John Ashworth), with with 6 PVCs (Robin Coningham, Andrew Deeks, Anthony Forster, Ray Hudson, Seth Kunin, Tom McLeish).
2. Chris Higgins, Vice-Admiral Tim Laurence, Bill Bryson
3. Chris Higgins, Mike Pennington, Judith Hann, Bill Bryson
4. Chris Higgins, Judith Hann, Bill Bryson
5. Chris Higgins, Paul Ormerod, Alex Bentley, Bill Bryson
6. Chris Higgins, Alex Standish, Richard Gordon Monk, Bill Bryson
7. Chris Higgins, Chris Hutchison, Lady Mary Florence Elinor Stewart, Bill Bryson
8. Chris Higgins, Timothy Dudley-Smith, Prof J.R. Watson, Bill Bryson
9. Chris Higgins, Ronald Lancaster, Martyn Chamberlain, Bill Bryson
10-18. Bill Bryson, signed.
19-20. Ronald Lancaster, Martyn Chamberlain & 1 other.
18 colour prints
Size: 155 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BF2011A   11 April 2011
Photos of Andrew Strauss honorary DCL degree at Lords,in full academic dress, with academics especially Chris Higgins and Peter Warburton, by Ede and Ravenscroft.
CD with 10 colour JPG images
UND/CK1/BF2011B   1 July 2011
Photos of honorary graduates - Carol Carr, Keith Wrightson and Amjad Hussain - in full academic dress, with academics and family, in the chapter house, by Ede and Ravenscroft.
2 CDs with 6 and 12 colour JPG images respectively
UND/CK1/BF2012A   12 - 13 January 2012
Photos of Joanna Barker, honorary DLitt, in the chapter house, in full academic dress, with university colleagues and family, by Ede and Ravenscroft.
1 CD with 12 colour images
UND/CK1/BF2012B   June 2012
Photos of Congregation, all aspects, by Andrew Heptinstall Photography, including many from the cathedral tower, 492 images, medium and high resolution.
2 CDs
UND/CK1/BF2015   [24 June 2015]
Photo of an honorary graduation, against a curtain backdrop, in academic dress: Chancellor Tom Allen, Peter Shaw (honorary graduate), David Wilkinson (orator), ?Ray Hudson PVC.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 200mm
Photographs - Students
Reference: UND/CK1/BG
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1954]
1. Palace Green Almshouses, students standing on the grass, with books, including a man in a kilt and a black lady. 2 copies, 1 mounted.
2. Palace Green, view of the Castle and the front of the library, fromthe cathedral, with groups of students with books.
3. Castle Great Hall, looking south, students, gowned, seated at dinner.
By T. Mason of New Elvet, possibly done for their 1954 brochure on Durham Colleges but not used in it.
Size: 340 x 285mm (1) & 165 x 125 (3)
UND/CK1/BG   1987
Student disco in Dunelm House
Size: 125 x 180mm
UND/CK1/BG   1987
Students eating in the new Riverside cafeteria at Dunelm House.
Size: 140 x 100mm
UND/CK1/BG   15 - 19 February 1993
Students SOS (Save Our Services) tandem ride to Downing St, in Whitehall, on a tandem, in helmets: Dan Redford (president DSU), Pete Showler (Sports and Recreation Officer, Sunderland University Union), Lin Leadbeter (Durham rower, St Cuthbert's), Paul Wright (treasurer, Sunderland University Union).
Size: 175 x 125mm
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1995]
Group of students on Dunelm House stairs.
Size: 125 x 175mm + 200 x 300
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2005]
Students around Durham and Stockton, also some in seminars, lectures and labs, in particular outside the Main Library, with a model car, with skeletons and a skull, at the piano with a violin, in a student room with coffee, in a hospital, and in a bar.
By Gary Walsh Photography.
Formerly: Extras5_.
Some images printed in University of Durham Undergraduate Prospectus 2004.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1980]
Women's hockey match on grass between St John's and St Mary's, four players in view.
Size: 235 x 190mm
Formerly: G000074.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1995]
Female student pulling a rowing erg with a male colleague monitoring her progress.
By The Sunderland Echo.
Size: 200 x 150mm
Formerly: G000073.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1995]
Rugby match between Van Mildert and ? Colleges, players leaping for the ball at a lineout.
[By Royston Thomas.]
Size: 350 x 240mm
Formerly: K000001.
Similar photo printed in Durham First, (No.5, Spring 1997), p.21).
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1990]
Cricket match in progress on the Racecourse ground, cathedral and castle beyond.
Size: 140 x 200mm
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1990s]
Students at work in lectures, seminars and tutorials at tables and in front of computers.
One by Mike Blenkinsop.
Size: 130-195 x 96-250mm
Formerly: J000039-144.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1970s]
Freshers Fair, societies' stalls, including Ski Club, Methodists Society, Conservatives Association, by Max Robinson
Size: 130 x 195mm
UND/CK1/BG   [1999]
Freshers Fair, with stalls for student sports and societies in the Fonteyn Ballroom in Dunelm House, featuring:
63. Russian Society.
64. OTC (Officers' Training Corps).
65. ?Record Club/Dance Society.
66. Navy.
67. Anthropology Society.
68. General view.
69. ?Beer/Boddingtons.
70. King's Church Durham and European Society.
71. Belly-dancing.
72. Judo.
73. Cycling Club.
74. Rugby League Club.
75. Amnesty International.
76. Archery.
77. Purple radio, 3 students draped over a Triumph Stag car.
78. Assassins Society.
79. Badminton.
80. Chess Club.
81. Friends of Palestine (carrying out hair-braiding).
82. Spanish Society.
83. General view.
84. Sunderland Supporters.
85. Scouts and Guides.
86. Cym Gym Dyrym (Welsh) Society.
87. Two female students.
88. Fencing.
89. DUCK.
90. LGB (Lesbian, Gay and Bissexual) Association.
91. Palatinate/DSU office.
93-94. Contact prints of students organising for and visiting the fair.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: J000063-94.
12 images printed in University of Durham Undergraduate Prospectus 2004, p.40.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Images of students and food:
127. Students shopping at a student food shop.
128-130. Students at dinner.
131. Two ladies in eastern dress entering a banquet playing small bongos and cymbals.
132. A student at a MacDonalds counter.
133. Students in a dining hall at lunch/dinner.
- Students at lunch in ?St Mary's.
- Students at lunch in Hatfield.
Size: 150/200 x 100/125mm
Formerly: J000127-133.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Images of student art, drama, music and charity:
121. Student painting a large monkey design on a sheet.
122. Student making sandals out of string and cardboard.
123. DUCK week rag “hit” on a student in a JCR.
125. Scottish Dancing rehearsal.
126. Trevelayn jazz band band (lots of saxophones) in Trevelyan bar.
139. Drama/Music noticeboard.
140. Actor in a mask with leaves, horns and long hair, on Palace Green, cathedral towers beyond. By North of England Newspapers.
Size: 100/155 x 150/220mm
Formerly: J000121-140.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Images of students partying, drinking, drinking in ?St Chad's bar, dancing, dressing up as a cat and also preparing for a ball, making the “Out of the World” banner and putting down decking in a marquee.
Two by Ted Ditchburn of Northern News.
Size: 100-225 x 100-150mm
Formerly: J000054-141.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Students crossing Kingsgate Bridge, approaching Dunelm House from New Elvet, and in the shop in the DSU.
Size: 200/225 x 150/275mm
Formerly: J000059-60, 4/34, DUS/10/03.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Images of students relaxing:
49. Dave, about to catch a 125 train.
52. Male student reading Palatinate.
53. Three male students talking outside.
55. Male and female student embracing.
95. Female student sitting reading on a path leading to Dunelm House.
97. Two female students sitting drinking on a bed.
98. Male student at a cashpoint.
99. Male student asleep in bed.
100. A male student displaying his leopard skin shirt, with lots of photos on his room wall.
101. Three students on someone's bed.
102. Two female students sitting in someone's room.
Size: 100/150 x 150/200mm
Formerly: J000049-102.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1990]
International students: five of them on the steps of Old Shire Hall, with two of them looking at an exhibition inside on the university.
By Paul Sidney.
Size: 200 x 200mm
Formerly: 7836 & 7838, INF/STU/P/12, J00005-47.
UND/CK1/BG   15 May 2003
Five student musicians playing brass instruments in a boat, aerial shot, also close-up.
By i2i Photography of Newcastle.
UND/CK1/BG   [2002]
Hatfield students in various groups at the Bailey and Bow Lane entrances, and inside the college.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 150/200 x 100/125mm
Formerly: A000055-85.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1995]
Music: Durham University Symphony Orchestra rehearsing in Van Mildert dining hall.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: INF/MUS/P/1.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Stockton, students sitting and walking round the inlet with the Holliday Building beyond.
Size: 240/300 x 150/210mm
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1970s]
Student amateur dramatics, ?a farce ?in a college dining hall.
Size: 90-200 x 130-250mm
UND/CK1/BG   October 1999
Cartoon of three students oustide Dunelm House, cathedral beyond, with a North-East phrase book, speaking Geordie, or not, in the style of the Beano Bash Street Kids.
Size: 170 x 145mm
Formerly: K000013.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1980]
Congregation: images of gowned students walking past Palace Green Library, towards the Castle, and inside the courtyard. By Charles Bartram of Milburngate Centre, Durham.
6 medium format transparencies
Size: 6 x 60 x 60mm in a 210 x 300mm sheet
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1980]
Congregation, graduates and guests milling about in the Castle courtyard, gateway and cathedral beyond.
Size: 110 x 160mm
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BG
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Congregation images:
- Academic carrying his gown walking up Owengate.
- Academic in an Oxford DPhil gown walking through Castle gateway.
Size: 210 x 300mm
Latter image printed in Durham First (No.17, Spring 2003), p.4 and N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.140.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1995]
Maiden Castle hockey pitch, hockey match first girls' team, distant action, rainbow.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: G000079.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Female student playing a piano.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: 11a.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Student looking into a microscope.
Size: 175 x 120mm
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1985 - 2000]
Students using computers, including a Commodore CBM.
One by D.J. Hutchinson, Durham University.
Size: 125-200 x 100-200mm
Formerly: A000078, E000081.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Students in gowns for the various degrees.
Size: 60 x 70mm
Printed in the Congregation programmes.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.2000]
Various Durham images: individual students in a lecture theatre; Abbey House, theology, with a student nearby; entrance to the Economics Dept with students; views along Old Elvet; Dr Peter Warburton in various poses inside and outside Maiden Castle.
[By Paul Sidney.]
Formerly: 3158.
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1995]
Congregation, graduates in the castle courtyard, individuals and groups of graduates on Palace Green, students in lectures and classes.
[By Paul Sidney.]
Size: 35mm
Formerly: 4736 & J000058.
UND/CK1/BG   March 1945
1. Durham Dept of Science Physics Lab, three academics with notes and a piece of equipment.
2. Chemistry Dept Lab, researcher with lots of apparatus.
3. ?Durham Dept of Physics Lab, three male researchers with tubes of liquids, operating a unipivot [?galvanometer].
4. Durham Castle, black staircase, 2 female students, 3 prints on the wall.
5. Palace Green, looking along the front of the library towards the Castle, three individuals walking.
6. St Mary's students' common room, fireplace, chairs and 7 ladies.
7. Palace Green, looking towards Cosin's Library and the Castle, with some female students walking round in gowns.
8. Palace Green Libary, catalogue room, four female students at tables, also Bertram Colgrave at a periodicals rack.
9. Palace Green Library, [Old] Strong Room, Librarian (Acomb) showing the first folio Shakespeare on a table to two female students.
10. As 9 next above, taken from further back giving a fuller view of the strong room.
11. Palace Green Library, main reading room (room 2 in 2008), with students seated at tables, card index drawers.
12. View from Durham Castle gateway towards the cathedral with four students walking away.
13. Students' Union coffee bar (?now (2008) Palace Green library room 2) with students, RAF cadets and academics.
14. Palace Green, the front of the library, lecture rooms, and union with the cathedral beyond., some students and academics walking.
15. Palace Green, looking towards the castle, male student walking across, RAF flagpole, two cars parked.
16. RAF short course passing out parade on Palace Green, cadets in ranks with rifles and fixed bayonets, with officers in front, RAF flag on a pole.
17. Durham Castle gateway, 2 female students walking out [Mary Burkett (PGCE, St Hild's, 1945-1946) and Eva Tyson (DipEd St Hild's, 1942-1943)] with [RAF] notice on one of the entrance pillars.
18. Palace Green, looking along the front of the library towards the Castle, female students walking towads the cathedral.
19. Durham Castle, Hall, looking south, during midday meal, students, many in RAF battle dress, blackout curtains on the south window, E.G. Pace standing at the high table, speaking.
By The British Council.
Size: 240 x 290mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 2/A/1,2,5,7,8,9,23, PH 3/B/1,80,89, A/23-26, PH 5/65-68.
19 printed in A.R. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.172.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photographs - UND/CK1/BG
UND/CK1/BG   [c.1960]
Students in gowns gathered outside the Pemberton rooms on Palace Green, ?after/before lectures.
BW print
Size: 95 x 105mm
UND/CK1/BG   1984
Miners/students march from Old Elvet towards Elvet Bridge, from the back ie few slogans visible.
Printout of a scan of a BW print
Size: 210 x 295
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK1/BG
UND/CK1/BG   1945
The student body (mainly female), on Palace Green, with the Castle keep behind, with 2 enlargements.
BW print
Size: 90 x 140mm
Given by Mrs Ivy Bainbridge, September 2001, Acc No Misc.2001/02:134.
Non-Durham Photographs
Reference: UND/CK1/BH
Photographs not obviously of Durham subjects, mainly procured for use in university publications.

UND/CK1/BH   [c.1990]
BAe 146 aircraft cockpit interiors.
By British Aerospace.
Size: 200/215 x 155/165mm
Formerly: 21424M.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1995]
Man sitting in the cockpit of a racing car, holding his Bell helmet.
By The Sunderland Echo.
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/CK1/BH   [1996 x 2002]
Football match, Newcastle United v Sunderland [?at St James's park], Alan Shearer of Newcastle Utd about to strike the ball, being tackled by ?Kevin Phillips of Sunderland, Jody Craddock of Sunderland looking on.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 300 x 210mm
UND/CK1/BH   [1997]
Skipping: man holding a rope with two young girls jumping, by a road.
Size: 150 x 215mm
1 image printed in Durham First (No.6, Autumn 1997), p.5.
UND/CK1/BH   20 August 1995
Political party leaders: John Major, Paddy Ashdown and Tony Blair before Beating the Retreat at Horseguards Parade, London.
By PA News Photo Library, PA NewsCentre, London.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: K000018.
Printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), front cover.
UND/CK1/BH   4 May 1993
Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster, from Parliament Square, traffic in front.
By PA News Photo Library, PA NewsCentre, London.
Size: 180 x 240mm
Formerly: K000016.
Printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.5.
UND/CK1/BH   28 March 1996
Cow suspected of having BSE being incinerated at an animal crematorium in Hertfordshire, overseen by a man with mask and gloves.
By PA News Photo Library, PA NewsCentre, London.
Size: 250 x 190mm
Formerly: K000017.
Printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.12.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1996]
Martin Bell, BBC correspondent, head and shoulders.
Size: 100 x 150mm
Formerly: K000021.
Printed in Durham First (No.4, Autumn 1996), p.14.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1995]
Nigel Hawthorne, actor, head and shoulders.
By Ken McReddie Ltd, Regent St, London.
Size: 200 x 255mm
Formerly: K000029.
Similar photo printed in Durham First (No.3, Spring 1996), p.4.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1995]
Girl squatting by two Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs snuffling straw.
Size: 225 x 170mm
Formerly: K000011.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1995]
Boy dressed in Newcastle United kit and coat, with their colours painted on his face, half-length.
Size: 150 x 230mm
Formerly: K000010.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1995]
New-born baby in an incubator with tubes, school children admiring.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 295 x 210mm
Formerly: K000019.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1965]
A wooden work-bench for ?architects with 5 angled drawing stations, in a workshop. “Dr [H.] Bowen Jones”.
By Studio Camm, Hawthorn Lane, Wilmslow.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: 10996-B&C.
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1990]
Karl Marx (1818-1883), half-length, seated.
Size: 60 x 70mm
UND/CK1/BH   [c.1910]
Hadrian's Wall at Cuddy's Crag, looking east. From a Newcastle City Library Local Studies negative.
Copy BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
Formerly: 13/1/97.
Reference: UND/CK1/C
Dates of creation: [c.1986] - 2005
A small collection of videos concerning life at Durham University, particularly its congregations, or relating to Durham, some commissioned by or filmed for the university, others sent to the university and/or being recordings of TV programmes or news items about the university.
For videos of congregation ceremonies, including the awards of honorary degrees and the installation of chancellors, often including images of the university, student life, and Durham, see UND/CF6/D.

UND/CK1/C1   [c.1986]
Congregation video preamble showing the installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn as chancellor (1981) and a welcome from vice-chancellor Fred Holliday.
UND/CK1/C2   1989
Language:  Japanese
“Sparkling Teikyo”, promotional video of Teikyo university
UND/CK1/C3   [?1989]
Language:  Japanese
“Teikyo”, promotional video of the city and university
UND/CK1/C4   26 October - 1 November 1994
Rushes [for congregation videos] featuring lecturing, cathedral distant views, mealtime in Van Mildert dining hall, the Language Centre, classroom teaching, student common room, an office, and lab work.
UND/CK1/C5   [?1996]
The Univiews Series 7, visual prospectus of the facilities and environment of Durham University, and also universities at East Anglia, Essex, Newcastle and Sheffield, featuring disabled and welfare facilities. Filmed by Cam3 Video.
Copyright: Uniview Academic Videos
Dated from the reference to Collingwood College being nearly 25 years old.
UND/CK1/C6   [c.1996]
Language Centre promotional video for pre-sessional English, also showing aspects of Durham city and the region. By Max Pugh productions.
UND/CK1/C7   4-7 June 1998
Durham versus Newcastle universities boat races on the Tyne, recordings from BBC Look North and Tyne Tees North-East Tonight local news programmes of the build-up and the races.
UND/CK1/C8   2 March 2000
Grundy's Wonders programme 4, Tyne Tees TV programme recording featuring Durham's buildings on Palace Green and elsewhere, particularly modern architecture, and also buildings elsewhere including Newcastle.
Production No T/0073/0026.
UND/CK1/C9   [May 2000]
University Challenge final, Durham beating Oriel College Oxford, BBC recording, team of: Nicholas Allen, Colin Telfer, John Stewart, Nicholas Ledger.
UND/CK1/C10   [c.2002]
Congregation procession on Palace Green, and then cathedral interior view of the procession exiting followed by the guests, labelled “exit door congestion” .
UND/CK1/C11   14 June 2002
Congregation video opening sequence of views of colleges and student life
UND/CK1/C12   24 June 2003
Tyne Tees North-East Tonight report on Durham University student protest outside Old Shire Hall against departmental closures to be decided on by Senate, featuring an interview with Keith Seacroft.
UND/CK1/C13   10 November 2004
“A Celebration of the Life of Sir Peter Ustinov”, memorial service in Durham Cathedral with clips of Sir Peter. 2 copies.
UND/CK1/C14   14 February 2005
University Challenge 2nd round match Durham versus Balliol College Oxford, BBC recording.
UND/CK1/C15   12 June 2012
From the Dales to the Sea a Great British Story, BBC [1] North East and Cumbria, presenter Helen Skelton, producer Chris Jackson, featuring the Weardale Chest, and contents, and the Boldon Book from Durham University Library Special Collections with an interview with Michael Stansfield
Given by the producer 12 July 2012.
UND/CK1/C16-18   2004
Three films by Research TV of research at Durham University:
16. Nanotechnology, 23 February.
17. Stay Dry, 8 March.
18. Astronomy, 19 May.
3 VHS videos
UND/CK1/C19-21   2005
Three films by Research TV of research at Durham University:
19. Dry Valleys of the Antarctic, 7 June.
20. Cosmic Cookery - Grow Your Own Galaxy, 19 July.
21. Lights, Camera, Action!
3 Betacam SP videos
UND/CK1/C22-25   [c.2005]
Four films by Research TV of research at Durham University:
22. Astronomy.
23. Switching on the Future of Fuel.
24. Hemianopia: Looking into the Dark.
25. Nanotechnology.
4 DVDs in hard plastic cases
UND/CK1/C26   5 November 2004
Sir Peter Ustinov obituary at the National Film Theatre, produced by The Machine Room, London
VHS video
UND/CK1/C27   [7 June 2013]
The Durham Story a new film telling the story of the birth, growth and character of Durham University through the antics and adventures of students across the last 180 years. Directed by Danford Showan, music by Guy Hughes, produced by Seif El Rashidi, Alex Morgan, Danford Showan.
With a programme for its launch in Durham Castle Great Hall, and a poster
DVD in a plastic colour-illustrated cover + 2f + 1f
Audio Recordings
Reference: UND/CK1/D
Dates of creation: 1961, 1989 - 2006
Recordings of radio programmes featuring Durham events or staff and of Durham lectures, also some Durham radio jingles/advertisements.
Transferred from the Public Relations Office 4 August 2006, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:5.

UND/CK1/D1   16 February 1989
BBC Radio 4 Soundtrack on Durham students' first term, producer Wendy Pilmer.
UND/CK1/D2   19 March 1993
George Carey, archbishop of Canterbury, giving the Michael Ramsey memorial lecture in St Mary's College: “Development and change : an examination of Michael Ramsey's response to Honest to God and its implications today”
Printed text available in Durham University Main Library at Pam 230 RAM/CAR.
UND/CK1/D3   14 October 1993
BBC Radio 4 Analysis: “Mass Higher Education”.
UND/CK1/D4   [1994]
[BBC] Radio [?Newcastle]: Prof. Evelyn Ebsworth vice chancellor on Durham University, the start of the new academic year, matriculation and comparisons to Tom Sharpe's “Porterhouse Blue”.
UND/CK1/D5   8 May 1996
BBC Radio Newcastle, announcement on the opening of St John's College Crossgate Centre.
UND/CK1/D6   18 August 1997
BBC Radio 5 Live, Keith Seacroft speaking on raising awareness re gas safety in student accommodation.
UND/CK1/D7   [1998]
Interview by Keith Seacroft with Jack Cunningham (Durham graduate and former Minister of Agriculture).
Article derived from the interview: “Political Scientist” in Durham First, edition 7, Spring 1998.
UND/CK1/D8   19 October 1998
Two Sir Peter Ustinov voiceovers for Reach for Tomorrow, an organisation encouraging young people to develop their potential (http://www.reachfortomorrow.org/index.htm).
UND/CK1/D9   4 November 1999
BBC Radio 4 Today programme and Radio 5 Live recordings of Dr Collin Jahoda talking about hair cells.
UND/CK1/D10   [c.2000]
Radio advertisement for University College Stockton - “Your future, our past”.
UND/CK1/D11   [c.2000]
Century Radio launch advertisement jingle - “Across the Northeast”.
UND/CK1/D12   5 February 2000
Sir Peter Ustinov speaking on the United Nations/Russia at a History conference in Durham.
UND/CK1/D13   2 March [c.2000]
BBC Radio 4 Crossing Continents highlights.
UND/CK1/D14   6 July 2000
Durham University graduation ceremony at 0955.
UND/CK1/D15   16 August 2000
BBC Radio 4 PM feature on lottery grants (Adrian Beney), provided by Durrants.
UND/CK1/D16   10 January 2002
BBC Radio 4 Today feature on Durham University computer circuit boards theft (Carlos Frenk). Also music.
UND/CK1/D17   22 January - 21 February 2003
BBC Radio Newcastle: Sir Kenneth Calman vice-chancellor on the white paper.
BBC Radio Cleveland: Prof Randal Richards on SRIF.
BBC Radio 4 “Today”: Dr Ali Ansari on Iran.
UND/CK1/D18   20 February 2003
Interview with Claire West of Durham university PR office, a general update on university news.
UND/CK1/D19   [2005]
BBC Radio Newcastle recording of students protesting at the closure of the East Asian and Linguistics departments outside Old Shire Hall.
UND/CK1/D20   September 2005
BBC Radio Newcastle recording of the vice-chancellor, [Sir Kenneth Calman], on Durham “University of the Year 2005”.
UND/CK1/D21   18 May 2006
BBC Radio Newcastle recording of Durham and Newcastle universities' music student composers being performed at the Sage, Gateshead, with a printed press release.
UND/CK1/D22   6 May 1961
Teachers' conference recording.
Postcards and other cards
Reference: UND/CK1/E
UND/CK1/E1   [c.1930]
Palace Green, looking W, showing the lecture rooms and Cosin's Library, with the judges' coach and four in front and a group of students nearby.
UND/CK1/E2   [c.1930]
River Wear, Baths Bridge looking E on regatta day, with two fours racing under the bridge decorated with shields and flags, with crowds of spectators.
Kingsway Real Photo Series, S2804.
UND/CK1/E3-6   [c.2000]
Hatfield College postcards, published by the Hatfield Trust, depicting:
3. Grant of arms 1957, from UND/AA5/1 in the university archives.
4. Hatfield College Dining Room, painting by Nicholas Leake 1998.
5. Hatfield College B Stairs, painting by Ian Curry 1999.
6. The Rectory and A Stairs, Hatfield College, painting by Margot Smith 1989.
Formerly: A000035-38.
UND/CK1/E7   [c.1995]
“Knights' Time”, Durham Castle at night, moon above the keep.
Photo by Peter Jackson, card by True North Gallery Publications of 3 Saddler St Durham, copyright The Mugwump D302.
UND/CK1/E8   [c.1970]
Science site aerial view showing the Geography and Physics buildings.
Published by the House of Andrews Ltd, Durham. Card by E. Millett & Son Ltd, Atkinson St, Leeds 10.
UND/CK1/E9   [c.1970]
Van Mildert College, aerial view, looking over also Trevelyan and St Mary's Colleges towards Durham Cathedral.
Published by Aerofilms Ltd.
Numbered A/241609.
UND/CK1/E10   [c.1930]
Neville's Cross College, dining hall, tables and chairs, some vases of flowers and a tea set.
With text from a student about procedure at mealtimes.
By G. Bailes of 24 Silver St, Durham, no.74098. Part of Frith's Series.
UND/CK1/E11   [?1930s]
Ardingley College, Sussex, aerial view, by Aero Pictorial.
Size: 140 x 90mm
Formerly: P1595.
UND/CK1/E12   [?1930s]
Harrow School, aerial view from the south-east, by Aero Pictoral.
Size: 140 x 90mm
Formerly: 9080.
UND/CK1/E13   [c.1995]
College (15) and university coats of arms.
Artwork by Roland Symons.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/CK1/E14   December 2007
Christmas card, signed by the Development and Alumni Relations team (19 of them), depicting the view along a snowy Wear to Framwelgate Bridge with the cathedral above, photographed by David Heptinstall, produced by the Development and Communications Team.
Size: 210 x 150mm
UND/CK1/E15-23   [2011]
Postcards produced by DARO to send to donors.
15. Procession leaving Durham Cathedral after Congregation.
16. Bishop Cosin's Library interior looking west, from the gallery.
17. View of Durham Cathedral from Observatory Hill.
18. Students walking along the Bailey.
19. A coxed four rowing past Brown's Boathouse on the Wear.
20. A sculler on the Tees at dusk, Queen's Campus waterside beyond.
21. View of Durham Cathedral towers through the trees from the west.
22. Graduands and families milling on Palace Green after Congregation.
23. Prebends Bridge mirrored in the still Wear, by Clare Croft.
9 colour postcards
Size: 105 x 140mm (15-19) & 100 x 210mm (20-23)
UND/CK1/E24-25   [2012]
Postcards of the artwork in the newly opened Palatine Centre:
24. John Tunnard's wall mural Crystal Forms (1951), reimagined and painted by David Venables, with the Sphere of Redemption.
25. Elvet Colliery metal relief sculpture by Peter Sales.
2 colours postcards
Size: 150 x 215mm
UND/CK1/E26-31   [2012]
Postcards produced by DARO for graduation Winter and Summer 2013
26. Palace Green procession, graduands processing towarsds the cathedral past Palace Green Library.
27. I love Durham made by students with sparklers.
28. Four students having lunch on Dunelm House balcony, cathedral beyond.
29. Infinity Bridge, Queen's, lit up.
30 Cathedral, Fulling Mill and the banks in the snow.
31. Three female Olympic torchbearers (canoeist, hockey player, fencer, with kit) on the Old Racecourse.
6 colour postcards, in a white four-flap card folder
Size: 95 x 145mm
UND/CK1/E32-39   1908 - [mid 20th century]
90-95 x 135-145mm
Views of Durham.
32. View down a cobbled North Road, horse and cart and children in the distance, with the cathedral beyond, GEM series No.404, colour, sent to George Thurlow, Felixstowe, 25 June 1908.
33. View across roofs from the station area, towards the castle and cathedral, Valentine's Series, BW.
34. View of the Old Fulling Mill with the cathedral above, by Robinson, Sationer, Jarrow, BW, sent by Sandy to Mrs Finnigan in Edinburgh.
35. View of Elvet Bridge, with the cathedral and castle beyond, Valentine Series 3725, BW.
36. View of the backs of South St houses with the cathedral beyond, Valentine Series, BW.
37. View from near the station over Framwellgate car park and St Godric's Court, with the cathedral and castle beyond, by E.T.W. Dennis, Scarborough, D.2006, colour.
38. View along the weir to the Old Fulling Mill and Cathedral above, by J. Palmer, Stationer, of Durham, colour, sent by Hannah to Mr J.W. Stamford at Ashington, 30 Septembr [19]11.
39. View from ?Observatory Hill of the cathedral, BW.
8 postcards
Given by David Watkinson 2015.
Reference: UND/CK1/F
UND/CK1/F1-6   1987 - 1990
Views by Gillie Cawthorne (Trevelyan 1985) of Durham University colleges, depicting a year in the life of the university, exhibited in Trevelyan College in 1991; the prints were produced in 2 sizes with the larger being a limited edition of 500:
1. Van Mildert College, 1987.
2. St Mary's College, 1990.
3. St Aidan's College, 1990.
4. College of St Hild and St Bede, with a cricket match on the Racecourse in front, 1990.
5. Grey College, 1990, with a large version, numbered 6/500 and signed.
6. Trevelyan College, daffodils, 1990.
Size: 430 x 300mm (x6) and 730 x 430mm (x1)
For the full collection, see http://www.gilliecawthorne.co.uk/catalogues/colleges.htm
UND/CK1/F7   1992
Durham Cathedral Sunset, by Gillie Cawthorne, viewed from Framwellgate Bridge with Prebends Bridge in the distance; signed. Part of an exhibition of her works on Durham Cathedral in St Nicholas Church Hall, Durham, in 1992.
Size: 400 x 300mm
For the full collection, see http://www.gilliecawthorne.co.uk/catalogues/dclandl.htm
UND/CK1/F8   1961
View of the Science site, looking north-east from Mountjoy towards St Mary's College, by W. Arthur Prowse, signed and dated, showing various buildings but not any white huts, as noted by Barry Woodward in a 1983 covering note.
Oil painting sketch on Windsor & Newton oilboard
Size: 305 x 400mm
Found in a plans chest drawer in Palace Green Library R5, 21 May 2019.
Computer disks
Reference: UND/CK1/G
UND/CK1/G1   2002
Photos of the Grubb-Parsons lectures (in astronomy, Physics; set up to commemorate the achievements of the Newcastle optics firm of Grubb-Parsons when it closed after 150 years of operation), given by Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith of Oxford University on “Towards a Theory of Everything? Quarks, Higgs Bosons and All That” and Professor Sir Martin Rees of the Institute of Astronomy of Cambridge University on “The Beginning and End of the Universe”.
UND/CK1/G2   [2006]
Durham University 175, film of life in the university featuring and with commentary by Bill Bryson, chancellor, also with extracts of Summer 2006 congregation, showing students and various activities in Durham and Stockton.
By Film Nova Production.
Distributed in a 2007 Christmas card by the Development and Alumni Relations Team; this copy given to Dr A.I. Doyle, and presented by him to the archive January 2008.
UND/CK1/G3   November 2012
Photos of student experience:
File of 31 images depicting student sport and drama: fencing, golf, men's basketball, men's lacrosse, men's rugby, men's volleyball, Salome, The 39 Steps, The Last 5 Years, women's football, women's hockey, women's rugby.
File of 12 images from Durham Student Theatre (DST) shows in the Assembly Rooms.
From David Williams, July 2018
UND/CK1/G4   2002 - 2009
1. Durham/Newcastle Universities Boat Race, 2006, North News and Photos
2. Durham and Newcastle crews at the Universities Boat Race launch, 26 April 2006
3. Newcastle v Durham Universities Boat Race challenge, off air recording, ITV1 Tyne Tees TV Tonight, 26 April 2006
4. Durham/Newcastle Universities Boat Race, May 2003, Northpoint Media.
5. Prof Judith Howard, North News and Pictures
6. Bill Bryson in Sedgefield, 18 May 2006, Jeff Veitch
7. NetPark images and artist's impressions, March 2003
8. NetPark, Prof Anstee and Mark Lloyd, 1 October 2003
9. NetPark digging
10. NetPark opening, 23 July 2004
11. Bill Bryson, 11 October 2006, Andrew Heptinstall & Associaties Creative Photography
12. Stockton celebrations for DU 175th anniversary, North News and Pictures
13. Critical tortoise Stockton disc 1
14. Critical tortoise Stockton disk 2
15. Critical tortoise Durham disk 1
16. University sports teams and other groups 1907-1951; graduation 2006; Wolfson Research Institute; honorary graduates 1962-1997
17. University sports teams and other groups 1907-1951; honorary graduates 1962-1997
18. Stoke Summer School 2003
19. Jules Fossett luxury maternity lingerie at MUSA 2005, Blueprint
20. Regional Visibility images, August 2005
21. Sri Lanka, 2 December 2005
22. Nursery and Hatfield, 12 May 2003, Northpoint Media
23. Sports Club, Richard Caborn on an orange exercise ball, 31 January 2002, Northpoint Media
24. Team Durham, fitness suite and Gaby Logan, 12 February 2002, Northpoint Media
25. DUSSD group images, 1 May 2002, Northpoint Media
26. DU Investing in a World-Class Future
27. DU Shaped by the Past, Creating the Future
28. Prof Gill Nicholls, PVC for Student Expereince, 1 December 2006, Andrew Heptinstall
29. Biological Sciences, S. Twiss seal videos by Paula Redman, 14 December 2006
30. Fairtrade Palace Green tea party, North News and Pictures
31. DU 175th anniversary media pack of documents and photos
32. 3 reels: Hatfield Days; Life of a Durham student in the 1950s; Life in Durham in the 1950s including Miners' Gala and Weardale fete
33. Busking Apart
34. 3 reels: Hatfield Days; Life of a Durham student in the 1950s; Life in Durham in the 1950s including Miners' Gala and Weardale fete
35. Honorary fellows, 12 January and 12 March 2007, Ede and Ravenscroft
36. Chancellor inauguration week, Bill Bryson
37. DU Call Centre, annual giving programme, 20 March 2003, i2i Photography
38. DU Call Centre, Sir Peter Ustinov and students, 4 April 2003, i2i Photography
39. David Miliband visit, Palace Green, North News and Pictures
40. DDU students rowing, 8 May 2007, North News and Pictures
41. NESCI photos and diagrams
42. Vice-chancellor Chris Higgins visit to Queen's Campus, 5 June 2007, North News and Pictures
43. DU 175th anniversary media pack
44. DU 175th anniversary, honorary degrees, 23 June 2007, North News and Pictures
45. Ray Hudson PVC at Queen's Campus, North News and Pictures
46. LHC Press Officers, PPARC
47. DU 175th anniversary, Stockton, 14 March 2007, ITV Tyne Tees TV
48. The Story of Cern A 50 year journey to the Heart of Matter, PPARC
49. DU 175th anniversary media pack
50. Baby Cradling, Mother and Baby case study, 22 June 2007, North News and Pictures
51. Bill Bryson at Bede Chapel, Lee Dobson Photography
52. Dr Stefan Przyburski, cell growing, North News and Pictures
53. Prof Ken Durose, solar cells, North News and Pictures
54. Jon Lord Durham Concerto at Durham Cathedral, 19 October 2007, North News and Pictures
55. Jon Lord Durham Concerto, media call 19 October 2007 and performance 20 October 2007, selected shots
56. Jon Lord Durham Concerto, media call 19 October 2007 and performance 20 October 2007, selected shots
57. Prof John McLachlan, incisions surgical training garment, North News and Pictures
58. Rob Dixon, dean of Durham Business School, North News and Pictures
59. Tanzania, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre (IHRDC), stills, June 2007, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
60. Tanzania, IHRDC interviews, Dr Mwinsi, Honorathy Urassa, Japhet Kihonda, Eliningaya Kweka and Fredros Okumu, Sara Moore, June 2007, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
61. Gerry Killeen in Tanzania, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
62. Malaria Forum, 16-18 October 2007, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
63. Durham/Newcastle university boat race , May 2008
64. Fenwick Lawson
65. David Sproxton degree, 26 June 2008, North News and Pictures
66. DU magician, 3 July 2008, North News and Pictures
67. Stem cell researchers (bowel cancer), 7 August 2008, North News and Pictures
68. Government and International Affairs Department, media stars, 13 March 2009, Andrew Heptinstall
69. Physics Department media stars, Carlos Trent, Martin Wardm, Pete Edwards, 18 March 2009, Andrew Heptinstall
70. ITV Tyne Tees TV, Post Traumatic Sress Disorder, Adam Noble
71. Peter Chapman, PTSD case study, North News and Pictures
72. Geography, Engineering, Earth Sciences departments, and CEM Centre
73. Archaeology and Anthropology departments
74. Chemistry and Computer Science departments
75. Music and Theology departments
76. Law, History and Busienss academics, 22 and 29 [?October 2009], Andrew Heptinstall
77. Psychology academics, 30 [?October 2009], Andrew Heptinstall
78. Compact Scheme media pictures, 12 November 2009, Andrew Heptinstall
79. Mandrills Jo Setchell, November 2009
80. Durham, 11 January 2007
81. Nicola Burlison, eysight case study, Henianopia, Dr Ali Love, 30 April 2010, North News and Pictures
82. Installation of Bill Bryson as chancellor, 9 November 2005, Ede and Ravenscroft
83. Bill Bryson visit to Geography departmnet with Peter Warburton, Prof Long and Prof Shennan, 11 November 2005
84. Bill Bryson the new chancellor, 4/5 April 2005
85. Bill Bryson opens single sex wing at St Mary's College, North News and Pictures
86. Stealing Shakespeare, True North Productions
87. DU Cosmic Cookery, Grow Your Own Galaxy, Research-TV
88. DU Predicting Landslides, Research-TV
89. DU Dry Valleys of the Antarctic, Research-TV
89 CDs in plastic sleeves in a lever arch file
UND/CK1/G5   2007 - 2013
1. 18 April 2013, BBC TV Look North segment about council elections in the North East with correspondent in Durham because of an exhibition of the Lindisfarne Gospels. Facts about the Council election and the candidates displayed using animation mimicking the gospels and correspondent reporting from within Castle[?] college library.
2. Slemens MRI scanner delivery James Cook Hospital, 19 June 2011. 107 Photos of delivery of MRI Scanner.
3. Peace prize, Press Eye. 11 Photos of recipient being presented with the 'Northern Ireland Young Peacemaker Prize'.
4. Events images, 2007/8. Photos of Tony Blair's Visit to Durham University, Honourary[?] Graduates [6 February 2007], Honorary[?] Graduates [12 January 2007], Honorary[?] Graduates [2008], Pippa Greenwood's honorary graduation [2008], Photos of the V[ice]C[hancellor's] Garden parties 2008 and 2010.
5. Sheikh Nasser of Kuwait at Durham for the Launch of the Al Sabah Programme, 13 September 2012, North News and Pictures. 108 Photos of the Sheik's arrival at Castle college and the reception and presentations for the occasion.
6. Prof Thomas Willmore commemorative sculpture, 14 March 2012, North News and Pictures. 31 Photos of the unveiling and reception of the 'Willmore Surface' Sculpture on the Science Site.
7. Hugh Robertson MP, 21 February 2012, North News and Pictures. 70 Photos of Hugh Robertson, Minister for Sport and the Olympics, at opening of Maiden Castle Sports Facility, as well as photos of students using the facility.
8. Ministerial visit of Lord David Willetts to Durham, 9 July 2012, North News and Pictures. 81 Photos of his visit, in which he formally opened 'The Cosmology Machine'.
9. DU choir sing Jerusalem in Bede chapel conducted by Jeremy Dibble, 26 June 2012, North News and Pictures. 32 Photos of the DU [Hild Bede] choir singing
10. DU torch bearers, 20 March 2012, North News and Pictures
11. Olympic torch events in Durham, 16/17 June 2012, North News and Pictures
12. Installation of Sir Thomas Allen as chancellor, academic headshots, 26 June 2012, North News and Pictures
13. Honorary degree recipients, academic headshots, 27 June 2012, North News and Pictures
14. DU Media stars 1, Carolyn Summerbell, Graham Towl, Helen Moore, Holger Maehle, Joe Elliott, Maggie O'Neill, Mark Swinbank, Peter Tymms, Ritu Katabye, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
15. DU Media stars 2, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
16. Opening of Queen's Campus Careers Centre by Vice-Chancellor Chris Higgins, 21 October 2011, Paul Sidney
17. Academics, November 2011, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
18. Durham Business School, glazed circulation and courtyard images
19. Dionne Hamil
20. Islamic Finance launch, 4 July 2011, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
21. World Heritage Centre Visitors' Centre, 20 June 2011
22. Academics headshots, 18/19 July
23. Raymond Scott powerpoint information
24. Mandrills short clips
25. Mandrillls, Jo Setchell clips
26. Durham Energy Institute
27. Sir Thomas Allen chancellor video
28. Tim Burt portraits at Hatfield, Lee Dobson Photography
29. Foetal smile, Dr N. Reissland, 24 August 2011
30. Mr Donald P.H. Liao [honorary degree], 29 June 2011, Ede and Ravenscroft
31. Prof Nicholas Lash [honorary degree], 30 June 2011, Ede and Ravenscroft
32. Careers and Enterprise Centre launch, 13 June 2011, Lee Dobson Photography
33. Queen's Campus celebration event, Lee Dobson Photography
34. Eastern Europeans are loneliest case study, 6 May 2011, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
35. Wolfson Research, 6 June 2011, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
36. Stephenson College Central Common Room opening, Steve Brock Photography
37. Painted medical students, 5 July 2010, North News and Pictures
38. Congregation, 11 January 2007
39. PVC, 28 April 2008, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
40. Palace Green Library Wolfson Gallery opening, Paul Sidney
41. Palace Green Library Shakespeare First Folio return, 7 July 2010, North News and Pictures
42. Shakespeare First Folio DVD edit, North News and Pictures
43. Shakespeare First Folio B-Roll, North News and Pictures
44. Foundation Centre, Medicine and Health, 13 November 2009, Andrew Heptinstall
45. Lifestyle 1, Law 2, Music, Jazz, Queens V.T., 2011, Andrew Heptinstall Photography
46. Aerial photography, 2010, Crombie of Edinburgh
47. Buildings, 8/10 July [2009], Andrew Heptinstall
47 CDs in plastic sleeves, in a lever arch binder
UND/CK1/G6   Michaelmas 2008
134 DSU images of events in Dunelm House, including the Freshers Bop and the Freshers Ball, Jazz Cafe, Revolver, Silent Disco, Siman and Twisted
CD in a plastic cover
UND/CK1/G7   24 June 2016
Video of the Annual King Hussein Memorial Lecture in Cultural Dialogue by Prof Gareth Evans
CD in a plastic cover
UND/CK1/G8   2014
House of Lords [alumni] event with the VC Chris Higgins, 90 images
CD, Maxell
UND/CK1/G9   8 November 2016
Audio recording of a presentation by Stuart Corbridge VC [?to Dunelm] on the university's current state and future direction.
CD, Maxell XL-II 80
UND/CK1/G10   23 March 2017
Singapore alumni event with the VC Stuart Corbridge, 576 images
UND/CK1/G11   [2012]
Promotional video of Thomas Boaz Allen [to succeed Bill Bryson as chancellor], by Drummond Central
UND/CK1/G12   [2012]
Promotional video of Thomas Boaz Allen as the new chancellor
Public Relations Office - Files
Reference: UND/CK2
Events Files 2005 deposit
Reference: UND/CK2/A
Dates of creation: 1988 - 2003
Extent: 12 files
University events held in Durham and Stockton organised by the Public Relations Office, mostly involving royals.
Language:   English
Deposited by Keith Seacroft, Head of Public Relations, 11 February 2005, Acc No Misc.2004/2005:37.

UND/CK2/A1   May - June 1988
Princess Royal visit to the Centre for Overseas Research and Development 3 June 1988.
Programmes, plans, correspondence, briefings, lists of those attending.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A2   1988 - 1991
Basil Bunting. Programmes for events about the opening of his archive 1988, an exhibition including a copy of the catalogue, press releases, correspondence, possible South Bank show appearance 1991.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A3   July 1989 - August 1990
Purchase of the portrait of Dame Margot Fonteyn.
Correspondence, bills, photo of the portrait.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A4   April - June 1990
Retirement reception for Professor Fred Holliday as vice-chancellor of Durham 5/6 July 1990.
Lists of attendees and contributions, invites, proformas, thank you letters, proformas for the retirements of Dr S. Holgate 1980, Professor Musgrave as acting vice-chancellor 1979, and Sir Derman Christopherson 1978.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A5   July - October 1990
Portrait of Sir Frederick Holliday.
Correspondence and bills.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A6   September - October 1994
Princess Royal's visit to open the Collingwood College extension 13 October 1994.
Programmes, invites, attendees, press releases.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A7   23 December 1996
Northern Business Forum Charter for Change certificate awarded to Durham University.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A8   June 1996 - July 1998, mostly January - July 1998
Prince of Wales honorary degree ceremony 2 July 1998.
Correspondence, press releases, speeches, programmes, attendees.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A9   April - May 2002
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to Durham and of Prince Philip to Stockton 8 May 2002.
Correspondence, press releases, speeches, programmes, attendees.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A10   October 2001 - May 2002
Lord Sainsbury's visit to open the new Material Chemistry laboratories 29 May 2002.
Correspondence, speeches, programmes, attendees.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A11   April - June 2002
Wolfson Research Institute, Stockton, inauguration and conferment of honorary degrees 17 June 2002.
Correspondence, speeches, programmes, attendees.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A12   May 2002 - March 2003
Royal Anthropological Institute film festival 4-6 July 2003.
Paper file
UND/CK2/A13   27 March 1998
Chemistry Dept, opening of new laboratories and lecture theatre by Dr Jack Cunningham MP, Minister of Agriculture, with programme and guest list.
UND/CK2/A14   4 April 2003
Inauguration reception for Ustinov College, programme.
UND/CK2/A15   March - May 1990
Inauguration of Teikyo University of Japan in Durham in the presence of HRH the duchess of Kent 24 April 1990, including programmes, brochures, speech of Dr Okinaga, timetables, correspondence and copy newspaper cuttings.
Paper file
General Office Files
Reference: UND/CK2/B
Dates of creation: 1982 - 2006
UND/CK2/B1   February 1991 - 30 April 1998
Alumni and Durham University Society
Correspondence (some with graduates), notes on famous alumni and and MPs with Durham connections, and a proposal by Ashley House Ltd of February 1991 for the publication of an alumni magazine, and including copies of the following photos of Armstrong College sports teams and alumni:
Hockey 1932-1933: K.S. Dodds, R.G. Oliver, J.G. Cook, F. Forest, J. Howe, George D. Rochester, J.T. Gillespie, ?, S.E. Smith, R.G. Sayer, Rev A.J. Bennett.
Hockey 1935-1936: R. Garside, N.D.G. Mountford, V. Parkin, C. Corner, ?, G.F.W. Hart, R.G. Oliver, G. Heslop, P. Crossland, D. Smeltzer, A. Gee.
Tennis 1st VI 1937: P. J?, A. Benjamin (junior champion of Turkey), R.G. Oliver, P.N. King, H. Soden-Bird, D.W. Fraser.
1st Henderson Hall reunion 1958 (2 pictures): ?, G.H. Smith, Martha O'Connor, Bill Longrigg, J.H. Brew, R.G. Oliver, J.S. Raine, J.C. Coulthard, J.P. Linton, D.A. Wright, Daish, Basil Smith, D. Raper.
Digitised material for Public Relations Office Photograph - UND/CK2/B1
UND/CK2/B2   December 2005 - April 2006
Correspondence and descriptions from Keith Seacroft of material transferred to the university's archive.
UND/CK2/B3/1   July 1994 - January 1996
Boat Race
Correspondence and notes of meetings concerning establishing a boat race between Durham and Newcastle universities on the Tyne, to be called “The Northumbrian Water University Boat-Race, in Association with The Journal.”
UND/CK2/B3/2   February - June 1997
Boat Race 1997
Correspondence, draft press releases, newspaper cuttings, The Journal special supplement and race programme, Boat Race committee minutes.
UND/CK2/B3/3   September 1997 - August 1998
Boat Race 1998
Press releases, newspaper cuttings, agendas and minutes of the Boat Race PR committee, The Journal supplement, also correspondence with Kingston Rowing Club about the loss of their four in January, and other DUBC accidents.
UND/CK2/B3/4   3 June 1999
Boat Race 1999
The Journal supplement.
UND/CK2/B3/5   October 2000 - June 2001
Boat Race 2001
Some Boat Race PR meeting minutes, correspondence about the supplement, The Journal supplement, and a booklet of newspaper cuttings and radio transcript copies.
UND/CK2/B4   1995 - 2001
Business School
Correspondence and papers about the marketing strategy and operation of the Business School, linkages with small firms, Barclays Bank, and about the Teaching Company Scheme (TCS), and agenda papers of the Foundation for Small and Medium Enterprise Development's Advisory Group inaugural meeting at Durham December 2000.
UND/CK2/B5   March 1988 - [March 1992]
Castle Appeal, draft press releases, correspondence, reports, information and plans of the castle, and newspaper cuttings, including the establishment of the Durham Castle Trust 30 March 1992, the report to HMBC on the castle by P.A. Boobyer, A.E. Cartmell and Dennis H. Jones, a printed appeal brochure featuring watercolours by Tom Robb, and the article by Marcus Binney, “Durham Castle”, Country Life (September 28, 1989), p.134-139.
UND/CK2/B3   1998 - 2003
Chancellor, Sir Peter Ustinov
Including events attended by him and his engagements on behalf of the university, correspondence with him about university issues, information about his biography, requests for help with charities and for autographs, and his timetable/script for the Stockton degree congregation of June 1999.
Deposited by the Media Relations Office 13 April 2007, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:54.
UND/CK2/B6/2   December 1995 - November 2003
Chancellor, Sir Peter Ustinov
Correspondence about events and university issues involving him.
UND/CK2/B6/3   March - April 2004
Chancellor, Sir Peter Ustinov
Obituaries and tributes.
UND/CK2/B7   1991 - 2003
City Liaison Group
Correspondence, papers and some newspaper cuttings about liaison between the university and the wider community of Durham over issues such as students living out, parties and excessive drinking, car parking, outside impressions of Durham, leaflets and codes of conduct for students, and a student Big Brother house, and including agenda papers of the Durham University, New College, Policy and City Liaison Group, and liaison with Student Community Action (SCA).
UND/CK2/B8   [1988] - December 1999
Correspondence and papers, especially concerning new heads of houses, such as the installation of David Day as principal of St John's 20 January 1993, and also including such as whether or not colleges have flags and how they are used.
UND/CK2/B9   November 1995 - April 2001
Committee for Sport
Minutes, agendas and papers.
The committee first met on 12 October 1995 as a sub-committee of the university's Policy and Resources Committee to oversee the implementation of the university's sports strategy. It was disbanded in the summer of 2001, having last met on 30 April 2001. It received reports from the director of sport and received the minutes of such as the Cricket Board, and the Health and Safety for Sport Group and newsletters from the Graham Centre for Sport and the House of Sport.
UND/CK2/B10   1993
Conferences - Association of University Administrators
Inaugural conference at Durham 31 March - 2 April, programme and publicity material - posters, invites.
UND/CK2/B11   20 September 1996 - 1 December 1998
Cricket Board
Agendas, minutes and papers. It first met on 20 September 1996 with a remit of overseeing the development of cricket within the university, reporting thereon to the Committee for Sport; Peter Slee of Corporate Communications was its secretary.
UND/CK2/B12   November 1991 - February 1998
DSU official correspondence
Includes cases of how DSU/Palatinate were involved in relations with the media and the wider community.
Paper file
UND/CK2/B13/1   September 1995 - May 1996
Films - Jude the Obscure, Obscure Films
Correspondence about the university's involvment in the filming in Durham.
UND/CK2/B13/2   September - October 1997
Films - Teenagers, September Films
Correspondence about filming the first days at Durham at Collingwood and Hild Bede of two new teenage students.
UND/CK2/B14   November 1999 - May 2001
Hawley, Dr Robert, chairman of the Council of Durham University, correspondence and papers, including an HSBC report on Global Economics Second Quarter 2000.
UND/CK2/B15/1   December 1995 - June 1998
Honorary Degrees
Correspondence with graduands about ceremonies, some nominations, biographies, press releases.
UND/CK2/B15/2   1996 - 2004
Honorary Degrees
Correspondence with graduands and their awards and the ceremonies, arranged alphabetically by graduand.
UND/CK2/B15/3-6   January 2005 - January 2006
Honorary Degrees
Correspondence and papers about the graduands and the ceremony.
3. January 2005
4. June - September 2005.
5. November 2005.
6. January 2006.
UND/CK2/B16   August 1991 - March 1998
Inaugural Lectures
Correspondence and memos about improving them, with a copy of Andrew Gray's CIPFA published February 1998 inaugural lecture Business-like but not like a Business The Challenge of Public Management (also in Main Library at Pam 350 GRA).
UND/CK2/B17   March 1996 - April 1998
Jock Wishart
Correspondence with and promotional literature from the Durham alumnus, explorer and adventurer, concerning especially trekking to the magnetic North Pole (1996), rowing the Atlantic (1997), circumnavigating the world by power boat (1998), and including his signed polo shirt from the last.
UND/CK2/B18   1963 & August - December 1993
Kingsgate Bridge
Correspondence, press releases and copies of articles ( Architects Journal 1972) and information about Kingsgate Bridge, to mark its 30th anniversary and its winning one of the first Mature Structures Awards from the Concrete Society, with an invite for its original opening on 11 December 1963, and some information also on Dunelm House.
UND/CK2/B19   September 1990 - September 1991
Music Department's 1991 centenary of the first awarding of music degrees, including a seminar paper on the history of music at Durham featuring the professors (Philip Armes, Joseph Cox Bridge, Edward C. Bairstow, Arthur Hutchings, Eric Taylor, David Greer), extracts of Board of Studies minutes re the centenary, a list of posts held by Durham music graduates, the special congregation for awarding music honorary degrees, and a reunion dinner at Hatfield.
Deposited by the Media Relations Office 17 April 2007, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:55.
UND/CK2/B20   Summer 2002 - April 2005
Niblett, Prof Roy
Extract from Barchester Chronicles (14, Summer 2002) re his latest book , and correspondence about him.
UND/CK2/B21   1991 - 1998
Old Shire Hall centenary
Correspondence, leaflets and artwork for the centenary in 1998.
Paper file
UND/CK2/B22   March - April 2003
Ove Arup Bronze Head
Correspondence about the unveiling at Kingsgate Bridge.
UND/CK2/B23   January 1994 - January 1998
Queen's Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education
Correspondence, submissions, briefing notes, programmes and requirements, Durham University being one of the inaugural winners in 1994 for “Improving Awareness of Science and Engineering in Schools”.
UND/CK2/B24   1996 - 1998
Science Park at Mountjoy. Press releases, including a colour photo of the chairman of Dysart and others with a JCB and surveyor's theodylite March 1998, also a list of tenants and a brochure.
UND/CK2/B25   June 1996 - September 1997
“Experience of quitting smoking: a national survey”, by Dr Philip Cheung and Jo Verrill of the Centre for Health Studies, with background papers, correspondence and press releases.
UND/CK2/B26   1995 - 2002
Correspondence and papers, especially about the launch of the Durham Centre of Cricketing Excellence.
UND/CK2/B27   9 December 1998
Evening Gazette supplement promoting the Stockton campus.
UND/CK2/B28/1   June 1992 - November 1993
Student Tragedies - Boat Club Accident 1992
Minibus crash on A1 on 17 June 1992 causing the death of Katy Greaves and the injury of other members of the Boat Club women's development squad en route to Henley, in a van converted with sideways-facing seating and a boat trailer.
Closed until 2074 under DPA.
UND/CK2/B28/2   8 November 1993
Student Tragedies - Taxi Crash 1993
Death of recent graduate Anna Bailey in an accident involving a taxi.
Closed until 2074 under DPA.
UND/CK2/B28/3   November 1995 - August 1997
Student Tragedies - Faulty Boiler 1995
Anne Brennan died on 15 November 1995 in a shared rented house in Flass St because of a faulty gas boiler, with correspondence and literature from DSU about safety issues.
Closed until 2078 under DPA.
UND/CK2/B28/4   August 1997
Student Tragedies - Israel Shooting 1997
Two students hitch-hiking in Israel picked up and shot by their driver - Max Hunter killed, Charlotte Gibb wounded.
Closed until 2078 under DPA.
UND/CK2/B29   October 2000 - January 2001
Ustinov Institute and Russian Courses Closure
Correspondence protesting.
UND/CK2/B30   1996 - 2004 (mostly 2004)
Sir Peter Ustinov, chancellor, mostly concerning tributes to him on his death in 2004 and the subsequent memorial events, especially the cathedral service (10 November 2004), including correspondence, programmes, meetings, also tributes on his 80th birthday, a concept for an interdisciplinary Sir Peter Ustinov Centre at the University of Vienna and his involvement in the National Training Centre for Scientific Support to Crime Investigation.
UND/CK2/B31   1990 - 1991
Dame Margot Fonteyn, chancellor, correspondence and programmes for events involving her, correspondence re her decline and then tributes after her death, wtih some newspaper cuttings.
UND/CK2/B32   July 2004 - April 2007
Correspondence and press cuttings re the extradition to the USA of the former honorary fellow and Iranian ambassador to Jordan, Nosratollah Tajik.
Paper file
UND/CK2/B33   June 1990 - June 1992
Animal Research: correspondence, especially with the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection and Durham Animal Defence, newspaper cuttings, reports, and minutes of the Animal Houses Committee about the university's use of animals in experiments, and correspondence with Lynx about the use of fur on ceremonial hoods.
Paper file
UND/CK2/B34   August 1987 - January 1990
World Heritage Site, correspondence, circulars, minutes, conference papers, including concerning the plaque ceremony, repairs to the Castle, and a possible World Heritage Centre, and The Courier (August 1988), The World Heritage Convention UNESCO leaflet 1987, The World Heritage UNESCO reference map 1989
Paper file
UND/CK2/B35-37   2002 - 2009
Special P.R.
3 lever arch files
Closed until 2090.
UND/CK2/B38   June 1994
Alumni Reunion weekend programme
Paper file
UND/CK2/B39   May 2016
Paper from Adam Brown, director of Marketing and Communications, “Communications arising from the new University Strategy and how the central services can help drive change”
Paper file
UND/CK2/B40   November - December 2016
Alumni reminiscences, sent in response to an appeal:
Janet Verwoert nee Bunn (SMC 1948-52)
?Ken Smith (c.1950)
John L. Evans re Richard James Evans
James Spence Watson (1950s)
Paper file
UND/CK2/B41   1998 - 2005
Chancellor Ustinov
general Office Archive material
Media contacts directory
Publications - COngregation 1998-2002
Publications - Durham First pre-2002 to issue 19 2005
Vice-chancellor (Sir Kenneth Calman) 2000-2005 birthday and New Year honours
UND/CK2/B42   1999 - 2006
Biographies 1999-2005
Fees and funding
Health and Medicine 2001-2004
Hon degrees 1999-2006
Internal communications (Eleanor Harwood's documents)
Keith Seacroft's documents 2000-2005
Mini staff biographies
North East Press awards 2000-2006
Risk management
Unis4ne (Universities for the North-East 2000-2002
UND/CK2/B43   1997 - 2005
Press releases 1997-1999
Press releases 2002-2005
Posted on news service only 2005
Press statements 2004
News releases 1999-2001
HTML files 1999-2002
Press Releases
Reference: UND/CK2/C
Dates of creation: 1965 - 2003
UND/CK2/C1A   February - May 1965
Press notices
Paper file
UND/CK2/C1B   22 March 1967
Press release - Fourah Bay College.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK2/C1B1   14 December 1974
Press notice, honorary degrees.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK2/C1C   16 December 1977
Press notice, retirement of VC etc.
UND/CK2/C1   30 June 1982 & 11 May 1984
Press releases 8-19 & 61.
UND/CK2/C2   September 1986 - December 1997
List of press releases 131-741.
UND/CK2/C3   September 1986 - December 1988
Press releases 131-257.
UND/CK2/C4   January 1989 - December 1990
Press releases 258-345.
UND/CK2/C5   January 1991 - December 1992
Press releases 346-431.
UND/CK2/C6   January 1993 - December 1994
Press releases 432-553.
UND/CK2/C7   January 1995 - December 1996
Press releases 554-670.
UND/CK2/C8   January - December 1997
Press releases 671-741.
UND/CK2/C9   January - December 1998
Press releases 742-811, with some correspondence.
UND/CK2/C10   January - December 1999
Press releases 812-893.
UND/CK2/C11   January - December 2000
Press releases [894]-962.
UND/CK2/C12   January - December 2001
Press releases 963-1010.
UND/CK2/C13   January - December 2002
Press releases 1012-1067.
UND/CK2/C14   January - December 2003
Press releases 1070-1124.
Public Relations Office - Donated material
Reference: UND/CK3
Dates of creation: 1941 & c.1950
G.R. Watson file
Reference: UND/CK3/A
Dates of creation: February - March 1941
Correspondence between the university of Durham and the British Red Cross about providing study guidance for 2nd Lieut George Ronald Watson, a prisoner of war in Germany, wishing to study classical literature and history and education.
Transferred from the Public Relations Office 15 February 2005, Acc No Misc.2004/2005:38 (part).
Used as the basis for an article by Paul Engsberg, “Studying in the Stalag”, Durham First (11 Spring 20), p.30-31 which includes photographs and further correspondence from the family's papers.

UND/CK3/A1   27 February 1941
Letter from Miss E. Herdman, secretary of the Educational Books Section, Prisoners of War Department, War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St John of Jerusalem, The New Bodleian, Oxford, to W.R. Niblett, [registrar], university of Durham, about 2nd Lieut G.R. Watson, a prisoner of war in Germany, BA Hons. of Durham, 1st, in Classical and General Literature 1939, who wished to study classical literature and history and the theory of education, asking for a syllabus, study notes and a book list.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A2   1 March 1941
Copy letter from [W.R. Niblett] to Professors Jeffreys and Mayne asking for a syllabus, study notes and a book list to send to Germany, saying that other former students, now prisoners of war, have already been similarly assisted.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A3   3 March 1941
Letter from Professor Jeffreys to [W.R.] Niblett enclosing a bibliography (no longer present), doubting whether education books might be allowed in Germany, and suggesting he could correspond with Watson about his studies.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A4   9 March 1941
Letter from Professor C. Mayne to [W.R.] Niblett suggesting [Professor] Jeffreys can advise better on education books and that Watson just wants to keep up his classical reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A5   10 March 1941
Copy letter from [W.R. Niblett] to Professor Jeffreys saying he is trying to find if correspondence with Watson is practicable.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A6   10 March 1941
Copy letter from [W.R. Niblett] to Professor W.C. Mayne thanking him for his list of books.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A7   10 March 1941
Copy letter from [W.R. Niblett] to [Miss E. Herdman] enclosing a list (included) of books on classical literature and history and education, a pamphlet on education courses (not present), saying that Watson would have been a student on the Diploma for Education and asking if correspondence is possible with him.
Paper, 2f
UND/CK3/A8   13 March 1941
Letter from E. Herdman to [W.R. Niblett] explaining the limitations of correspondence with prisoners of war but that Professor Jeffreys could write, and enclosing a copy of the G.P.O. regulations (not present).
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A9   18 March 1941
Letter from [W.R. Niblett] to E. Herdman asking for Watson's address and pointing out that the G.P.O. regulations had not been enclosed.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A10   21 March 1941
Letter from E. Herdman to W.R. Niblett giving Watson's address in Oflag VII C/H in Germany.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK3/A11   24 March 1941
Copy letter from [W.R. Niblett] to Professor Jeffreys giving Watson's address (cited here as Oflag VIII C/H) and details of restrictions on correspondence.
Paper, 1f
Keers Durham City photos
Reference: UND/CK3/B
Dates of creation: c.1950
2 copy BW photos of resurfacing work in Durham with a covering letter from Gordon Keers, MSc, of Aberdeen.
Transferred from the Public Relations Office 15 February 2005, Acc No Misc.2004/2005:38 (part).

UND/CK3/B1   c.1950
Resurfacing of Silver St, Durham, with steam-roller FYE428 and tarmac-layer MXD423 at work outside the Queens Head Hotel, Greenwoods, Dewhurst and Browns with various workmen and pedestrians, looking downhill, [taken by Mr Keers].
1 copy BW print 
Size: 82 x 130mm
UND/CK3/B2   c.1950
Resurfacing of Saddler St, Durham, with stone setts being replaced by tarmac after a water main had burst, showing a dumper truck, workmen with picks, shovels and pneumatic drills, and pedestrians outside House of Ankers, Currys and Read Docherty, looking towards the Market Place showing the policeman's box, [from the Durham County Advertiser].
1 copy BW print 
Size: 144 x 202mm
UND/CK3/B3   15 December 1997
Letter from Gordon Keers to the Alumni Relations Officer discussing the copyright in the photos.
Paper, 1f
Ken Hoyle DUAS photos
Reference: UND/CK3/C
2 copy photos of groups from No.4 DUAS Short Course.
[Given by Ken Hoyle] and transferred from the Development Office 16 February 2004 when they had not been used in an article on the course in Durham First (No.13, Spring 2001), p.29, Acc No Misc.2003/2004:23.

UND/CK3/C1   [1942 x 1943]
Group of DUAS Short Course No.4 RAF aircrew trainees, in uniform, on Palace Green: David Grace, John Harmsworth, Garnet Botfield, Derek Rogers, Gordon Rawson.
Size: 155 x 110mm
UND/CK3/C2   July 1942
Group of DUAS Short Course No.4 RAF aircrew trainees, in uniform, on Palace Green: Gilmore, Mike Todd, John Harmsworth, Derek Philpots, Dave Grace, Derek Rogers.
Size: 145 x 100mm
UND/CK3/D   October 2012
Mike Hall's photos of Rag:
1964 (snowy): the car suspended under Kingsgate Bridge, and being prepared on the bank, tricycle races on Palace Green; Shakespeare reading; North Road; raft races on the Wear (16 images)
1966: procession and floats; raft races on the Wear, tricycle races round Palace Green (18 images)
Sylvia Graham photos
Reference: UND/CK3/E
Dates of creation: 1958 - 19607 BW prints

Images of life at Durham University 1959-1960
1. Four male students playing cards in a ?cafe, with others looking on through the window, by Northern Echo, Rag Week c.1960.
2. On the frozen snowy River Wear, 3 male students in coats and scarves: Philip Bryan, Ian Harker, Chris Davies, all at Castle, January 1959.
3. Rag float, St Mary's College first years Children's TV, 14 February 1959.
4. Rag float, Bernard Gilpin Society, Highway Control (the winners), 14 February 1959.
5-7. 5 female students in gowns and mortar boards 'Supper in Room 92'.
Given by Sylvia Graham 6 June 2013.

Publications and printed material
Reference: UND/CK4
UND/CK4/1   [2005]
2004-05 A year at Durham University
Text, tables and illustrations on the main developments in the university.
Transferred from the Development Office 30 May 2006, Acc No 2005/2006:74.
UND/CK4/2   [?1990]
University of Durham Development Programme
With A Different Prospectus introduction and individual cases of the financial needs of The Durham Colleges, Lectureship in Third World Agriculture, Research and Education in Manufacturing Engineering, Nursing Studies, Business Economics, Fellowships and Overseas Scholarships, Research Centre on the Tourism & Leisure Industries, The Basil Bunting Poetry Centre, Research in Biomedical Engineering, Innovation and New Growth in Education, and Pyschology and Vision.
UND/CK4/3   [June 1993]
Corporate Plan to 1996/7
Outlining mission, goals, objectives, numbers and a supporting planning statement. Revised.
UND/CK4/4   1994
Strategic Review 1994.
Designed and produced by Northcross of Edinburgh.
Also on open access in the Local Collection in Palace Green Library at: PamL+ 378.4281 DUR/DUR.
UND/CK4/5   [c.1995]
Investing in Excellence
Expanding on 9 goals for the university.
UND/CK4/6   [November 1999]
First degree
University of Durham Affinity Services for the New Millennium, detailing discounted products and services available to university members, with an inserted order form and introductory flyer.
UND/CK4/7   [c.1985]
University of Durham The Conference Centre of the North.
UND/CK4/8   2002
Corporate Communications A Guide to Services
UND/CK4/9   1994 - 2001
Media Contacts, listing for journalists, by topic, academics available for comment with their areas of interest; editions: 2 (Autumn 1994), 4 (1996), 5 (1997) and 9 (2001).
UND/CK4/10   October 1991
Old Shire Hall, 2 copies
2 paper fold-out leaflets
UND/CK4/11   1991 - 1993
Facts and figures for 1991, 1992 and 1993
UND/CK4/12   1991 - 2016
Information for Visitors 1991
Information for Visitors 1991/92
Map and Information for Visitors 1993/94
Map and Information for Visitors 1995
Map and Information for Visitors 1997
Map and Information for Visitors 1998
Map and Information for Visitors 2000
Map [2001]
Map and Information for Visitors May 2003
Map and Information for Visitors Spring 2005
Map and Information for Visitors Summer 2005
Self Guided Campus Tour Durham City 2011
Self Guided Campus Tour Durham City 2013
Durham City Self-Guided Tour [?2016]
UND/CK4/13   1974 - [?1993], [2012]
details and depictions of all the colleges:
Conference Accommodation in the University of Durham April 1974
All Your Meeting Needs 1991
Holiday Accommodation at the University of Durham 1992
Conference and Group Accommodation 1992
Conference and Holiday Accommodation
Durham: an Excellent Place to Meet
Event Durham How we can help [2012]
UND/CK4/14   1994 - 2017
Leaflets re donations, including donor reports (2013-14, 2015-16 and 2016-17), alumni annual fund, donation form, invitations to leave a legacy, thank yous, Student Opportunities Fund
UND/CK4/15   1993
The Northumbria Experience, advertising holidays around Northumbria based in university accommodation.
UND/CK4/16   1992
University of Durham promotional folder, with leaflets on:
“Conference Information for 1993”
“Conference Information for 1994”
“Conference Facilities”
“Travel Information”
“Enquiry Form: Conference and Group Accommodation”
“Christian Northumbria” tour
“Northumbrian Castles and Strongholds” tour
“The Original Northumbrian Experience” tour
UND/CK4/17   [March 2010]
Durham University Strategy 2010-2020
Paper foldout leaflet, 1f, colour images
UND/CK4/18   [2011] - 2017
Memories of Durham A collection of photographs by finalists of Durham University, with captions by the students explaining what Durham meant to them. From the 2013 edition, it was by students rather than finalists.
7 colour illustrated printed paper booklets, 8f, 16f, 16f, 16f, 16f, 16f, 12f
UND/CK4/19   2007, 2008, 2012, 2013
Graduates' packs.
4 folders
UND/CK4/20   [c.2009]
Durham University: Excellence in Science, with an overview of the faculty, its key academics, departments, institutes, knowledge transfer and employer engagement, outreach and recent media coverage.
Paper booklet, in spiral-bound plastic covers, ii + 9 f
UND/CK4/21   [June 2012] & [June 2019]
“Congratulations Durham Graduates”, with fireworks below [2012]
“ Congratulations Durham Graduates” , with the Durham branding below [2019]
2 metal covered round plastic lapel badges
Size: 45mm diameter
UND/CK4/22   December 2009 - November 2011
The DARO Digest newsletter, Issues 1-6. http://library.dur.ac.uk/record=b2488812~S1
6 leaflets
UND/CK4/23   [1994] & 1995
Directory of Expertise, for [1994] and 1995, detailing by department/centre, the general subject areas and then expertise of each member of staff.
2 printed paper booklets
UND/CK4/24   [c.2008]
“Scholarships for Afghan Women” signed notepaper.
Paper, 1f
UND/CK4/25   4 July 2007
Vice-Chancellor's Summer Garden Party invite
Card, 1f
UND/CK4/26   [2012] & [2016]
A Gift for the Future. Leaving a Legacy to Durham University, advocating making a legacy to the university, with forms inserted [2012].
Creating the Future Putting a gift to Durham in your will [2016]
2 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/CK4/27   [2013]
Discounts in Durham, money off vouchers for various businesses in Durham.
Paper booklet
UND/CK4/28   [2013]
In Words & Pictures promotional booklet on the university
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet, 14f
UND/CK4/29   [2008] - [2018]
Creating the Future [2008] (48p)
Creating the Future The Campaign for Durham University 2013-2017 (24p)
Durham Inspired The Campaign for Durham University [2018] (20p), draft 5.1
I am Durham Inspired Supporting the Next Generation of Inspiration and Leadership [2018] (3p)
4 printed colour illustrated booklets
UND/CK4/30   [2014]
Durham University: Recreating a Medieval Monastic Library for the 21st Century
Printed colour illustrated booklet, 8p
UND/CK4/31   January 2015 - July 2019
We Are Dunelm:
January & June 2015, pieces by/on alumni from each decade 1950s-2000s, ed by David Williams, updated for each Congregation, booklets of 20p each
January & June 2016, How to be a Durham Alum Celebrating 150 Years of the Durham Alumni Community 3-fold leaflet
Durham Alumni - Your Community - For Life [July 2019], 12 page booklet
5 items
UND/CK4/32   [October 2016]
So Much More, outlining the university's economic, cultural, research and social contributions.
Paper file
UND/CK4/33   [September 2017]
Thank you note to alumni for their financial support, listing 5 levels of lapel badge awarded for those donating over 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years, with a 5 year badge of the university arms with “5 YEARS” beneath
Paper, 1f + a metal lapel badge
UND/CK4/34   [?2008]
Sir Gareth Roberts Memorial Fund brochure, with a biography of Roberts (1940-2007).
Printed paper brochure, 6f
UND/CK4/35   [May 2018]
DARO Privacy Notice
Printed paper booklet, 4f
UND/CK4/36   [July 2019]
Durham SME Internships leaflet
Paper, 1f
UND/CK4/37   [c.2018]
Durham Residential Research Library bookmark
Card, 1f
UND/CK4/38   [2010]
Durham University The Wolfson Foundation A Partnership for the 21st Century, detailing the Wolfson supported projects, including the Wolfson Research Institute, the Palace Green Library Wolfson Gallery and the Oriental Museum Egyptian Gallery.
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet, 44p
UND/CK4/39   [c.2010]
The Farjam "Collection" at Durham University promotional booklet for funding a chair and galleries
Printed colour illustrated booklet, 16p
Newspaper Cuttings
Reference: UND/CK5
Dates of creation: 1931 - 2008
Newspaper cuttings of articles concerning Durham University, its staff, students and former staff and students, supplemented by the later 1990s by transcripts of radio and TV broadcasts and then also by printouts from websites. The material is in chronological order. A supplementary series of a classified sequence (CK5A) for the later 1980s and earlier 1990s organised the material under the headings of: responses from press releases, students, administration, ex-students/staff, staff, departments and colleges, tourism. A further supplementary series for the later 2000s (CK5B) grouped the material under particular topics.
This archive represents an important resource not only for family historians tracing their ancestors, but also researchers investigating the history of the university and its wider context. The following is a list of news items that appear frequently throughout the collection:
• University examination results
• Degrees
• Appointments and Obituaries
• News relating to students obtaining places at Durham University.
• News concerning regional and local clergy who graduated at the university
• Substantial government or private grants and donations to the university
• Political activism of the student union
• Issues on graduate unemployment levels
• Issues of a socio-economic nature (housing, poverty, industry, unemployment, redundancy) in which university research is cited or commissioned
• Sports news in which former or current students appear as players, trainers or managers
• Frequent archaeological finds
• News relating to the high rate of graduate unemployment and the bad prospects for university graduates in the job market.
• Participation of the University theatre group in national and international festivals and contests
The material was provided by the Durrant Agency.
Owing to the large volume of material, no attempt has been made to provide a description of every article. Therefore, the following is a selection of news covered in the respective months and years for part of the archive, based on a subjective judgement of stories that are perceived to have value not only for the university itself, but also for its response to events in the wider world.
Listed by Johann Hassler 2005-2006 and Jonathan Bush 2006-2007.

UND/CK5/1931   1931 - 1937, 1943
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1941   1941 - 1949
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1945   [1945 x 1965]
Newspaper cuttings, undated
UND/CK5/1950   1950
Newspaper cuttings, including:
26 January - Dr G. M. Trevelyan was installed as chancellor of the university.
UND/CK5/1951   1951
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1952   1952
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1953   1953
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1954   1954
Newspaper cuttings, including a survey into university students' reading habits.
UND/CK5/1955   1955
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1956   1956
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1957A   1957
Newspaper cuttings
UND/CK5/1957B   June 1957 - July 1958
Newspaper cuttings about the progress and needs of the Durham Colleges Appeal. With an index of newspapers, and a list of people to whom appeal pamphlets were despatched.
UND/CK5/1958   1958
Newspaper cuttings including:
23 May - St Hild's Centenary Celebrations
24 July - Operation Book Lift, involving moving 9,000 books from Bamburgh Castle to Durham University Library, has been completed
25 July - 40,000 people attended the 150th anniversary of Ushaw College
24 October - The new university chancellor is the earl of Scarbrough, with the prime minister being among the honorary graduates
UND/CK5/1959   1959
Newspaper cuttings including:
30 January - Two students were mugged by a “pit lad” in Durham in a “town v gown” incident
UND/CK5/1960   1960
Newspaper cuttings including:
25 March - Mr George Coleridge-Taylor became the first person of colour to fill the presidential office in Durham University Students Union
2 June - A special convocation was announced in King's College, Newcastle, in order to discuss a break with Durham University
24 June - The campaign for independence for Newcastle from Durham has moved a step closer after a vote was won in favour of the breakaway
7 October - Sir James Duff, vice-chancellor of the university for 23 years has retired and given way to Prof D.G. Christopherson
UND/CK5/1961   1961
Newspaper cuttings including:
24 February - Six Durham University students have joined in the protest, held in London, against the Polaris missile
10 November - A large number of Durham University students staged a sit down protest on Palace Green against nuclear weapons
UND/CK5/1962   1962
Newspaper cuttings including:
19 January - Charlie Chaplin is to receive an honorary degree at Durham University
15 February - myth about the north-east as a strike-free area.
June - Students want to buy a horse.
26 October - A crowd of Durham students marched through the city yesterday afternoon in protest against President Kennedy's action over Cuba
UND/CK5/1963   1963
Newspaper cuttings including:
29 March - Palace Green Library extension.
26 July - Creation of Newcastle University, Durham University now ceases to be mainly a Newcastle institution.
17 October + 21 December - Kingsgate footbridge being constructed.
UND/CK5/1964   1964
Newspaper cuttings, including:
11 January - Kingsgate footbridge being constructed.
29 October - The chancellor opens the Chemistry/Geology departments extension; the fringe festival.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1965   1965
Newspaper cuttings, including:
31 March - Building of Dunelm House.
August - Fringe festival.
17 September - Building of Trevelyan College.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1966   1966
Newspaper cuttings, including the building of Trevelyan College, Dunelm House, Kingsgate Bridge, and:
August - Fringe festival.
November - DSU presidential election rigged allegation.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1967   1967
Newspaper cuttings, including:
May - University Library needs 17ft taking off the top of it.
August - Fringe festival.
28 September - University courses for prisoners.
1-7 October - 14 die in a bus crash in Yugoslavia.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1968   1968
Newspaper cuttings, including:
23 February - Student finances.
20 March - Protests against the South African rugby team; demonstration about Vietnam.
30 May - Students revolt, analysis of class and power.
June - Exam boycott.
August - Fringe festival.
8 August - Students not graduating.
15 September - Joseph Cowen protestor.
18 October - 'Snob' bias and unequal selection at Durham University.
Includes also a statement to the vice-chancellor about the Movement for a Democratic University by Sally Collard, on behalf of several, 3 July 1968
Paper file
UND/CK5/1969   1969
Newspaper cuttings, including:
January - National student drama festival.
12, 14, 25 January - Hornsey College of Art.
7 February - Students have a say in university affairs.
30 June - Death of Lord Scarbrough (chancellor).
22 July - Archaeological discovery at Monkwearmouth, Sunderland.
August - Fringe festival.
4 August - Drink led student to steal at college.
December - National student drama festival.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1970   1970
Newspaper cuttings, including:
January - National student drama festival.
26 April - Sir James Duff dies.
4 June - Philip Abrams takes new Sociology job, after student strikes.
6 August - Laithwaites; Fringe festival.
December - New chancellor.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1971   1971
Newspaper cuttings including;
8 May - Eggs thrown at protestors waiting for Margaret Tatcher.
18 June - Durham officials get honorary MA degrees for lifetime services.
2 July - Students must be ready for the computer age.
September - Fringe festival.
8-17 September - Master chosen for the new Collingwood College.
3 December - Durham University Business School wins a high place in the management index.
3/11 December - Philip Abrams fined for theft at a bookshop.
UND/CK5/1972   1972
Newspaper cuttings including:
Several months during this year: News about the investigation to locate missing student Ann Bellinger, who vanished in June 1971 while hiking on Dartmoor.
January 1972
1 + 17 Rugby team.
13 Anti-Smoking campaign.
14 Community Service volunteers helping children.
18 The National Union of Teachers pleas to increase the salary bonus of teachers with post-graduate diplomas.
19 Discussions in the North East re marketing in the new markets of the EEC, which Britain will join soon.
20 Durham University extra-mural summer holiday courses launched.
24 Coastal pollution.
25-31 Coal shortages, students contrubuting to the miners' strike fund.
26 Oriental Museum and Chinese exhibition.
February 1972
2 Support for Peter Hain.
3 Students rebuke accusations by members of the citizenship of Durham that they are a privileged class.
4 Students start collecting funds in order to support the anti-apartheid leader Peter Hain in a private prosecution; rare plants becoming extinct.
9 Vicar of Dorrige, Phillip Trevor, files for divorce, hoping to re-marry with a widow in his congregation. He is granted it the next day (the 10th)
14 Political left-wing extremists threaten disruption of the student's rag procession. Extremist right-wing groups challenge them by setting up protection squads for the procession floats to fight these disruptions.
18 The Students' Union is criticized for not giving financial aid to striking miners.
24 A botany student fails to fly over the river Wear with his home-made glider.
28 As threatened, 60 right-wing extremists attacked the rag procession, and a street battle ensued. One student was hit with a brick and taken to hospital.
March 1972
8 An earthquake shook East Lancashire and West Yorkshire, the University observatory reported.
18 College authorities warn students that they will not be re-admitted for the following term until outstanding fees are paid.
29 Concerns about population growth and the viability of the human race if current trends are maintained.
30 In a one-man protest, a Cuthbert student from Corbridge bulldozes a Roman ruin to make his point in the delicate issue of which is more valuable, the past or the present, in the conservation vs. development debate.
April 1972
11 Members of the Student Union join “the Edinburgh Movement”, which seeks to stop extreme left-wingers from taking control of the executive positions in the National Union of Students.
20 New Scientist article about the proposed seal cull on the Farne Islands.
28 Palace Green library extension wins a “Group A” award from the Civic Trust, for “improving the landscape and environment”.
29 The man who bulldozed the Roman ruin in March is expelled from the Newcastle upon Tyne Society of Antiquaries.
May 1972
29 Durham teenagers demand a youth centre, which the council had been debating for several years.
31 Chris Morris, lecturer in Anglo Saxon and Viking Archaeology at Durham university, “is contacting local authorities all over the county asking them to send in details of future development plans as early as possible, so that the sites can be checked out for any points of archaeological interest.” This after recently “emergency digs” have had to be scheduled one or two weeks before building work is due to commence at sites of potential historical interest.
June 1972
1 The grey seal cull proposed by the National Trust comes under strong criticism from Dr. John Coulson, reader in animal ecology at the university.
2 Plans are unveiled for Durham University's botanical gardens.
2 Bede College opposes its complete administrative absorption into the university.
2 Painting exhibition of protest art against the Vietnam war in Dunelm House.
2 Durham University announces the foundation of its Business School.
7 A team of scientists from Durham University lead by Dr. Bellamy are to accompany servicemen in the exploration of the uninhabited coral island of Chagos in the Indian Ocean.
9 A grant of £80,000 to study all aspects of Oman was awarded to the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies by a subsidiary of Shell Petroleum Development, Oman.
25 David Bellamy will host a TV show from November.
30 Durham University plans to have 2 more co-educational colleges (van Mildert and Collingwood) by 1974.
July 1972
24 The family of Ann Bellenger, who went missing a year ago today, are convinced that she must be dead.
August 1972
4 The London novelist and playwright Paul Bailey is awarded the Northern Arts Literary Fellowship and will advise students from Durham and Newcastle universities.
22 New clues on the case of missing student Ann Bellenger surface in Munich.
23 Durham University observatory registers a tremor in the Belford-Seahouses area.
24 First intake of students for Collingwood College announced.
27 The earth tremor reported a few days ago was due to a quarry blast.
September 1972
1 The Evening Mail reports that the scientific component of the Joint Services Expedition to an island in the Indian Ocean will be led by Durham University lecturer David Bellamy.
13 A special bus service is provided by the university for students, called for after a series of attacks at Prebends Bridge.
27 The new student bus service causes protests among Durham residents, in another “town-gown” incident.
28 The trail for missing student Ann Bellinger which had emerged in Munich leads to nothing.
October 1972
4 A Durham City councillor insists that the student bus should be stopped, as it is segregationist against the non-student population.
8 The Sunday Sun reports reactions to the death of the bishop of Durham, Dr. Ian Ramsey.
10 Memorial service for Dr. Ian Ramsey, late bishop of Durham, held at Durham Cathedral.
12 Plans are unveiled to convert premises at North Bailey, Durham into staff rooms and seminar rooms for Newcastle University.
12 The Conservative Monday Club, a right-wing organization, requests that the university compiles black-lists of socialist and IRA sympathizers.
17 Literary and poetry fellowships have been announced for novelist Paul Bailey and poet Basil Bunting at Durham and Newcastle universities.
20 Durham University Student Union plans to hold a university accommodation rent strike.
27 Professor Rosemary Cramp, head of Durham University's Archaeology department, said that the Coal Board is not doing enough to help record the archaeological finds they destroy during open cast mining.
31 Students in seven universities, among them Durham, join the National Union of Students-sponsored rent-strike over university accommodation.
November 1972
6 The student bus which caused so much criticism last month will be made publicly available to all inhabitants of Durham.
6 The much-criticised seal cull at the Farne Islands goes ahead today.
6 A city councillor complains that the university is taking the city over.
7 The “A frame” bridge across the river Wear is due to be completed in one month.
7 Technical staff strikes at the university are called off following a last-minute pay settlement.
10 The Central Council for the Disabled publishes a guide which informs students that the facilities of Durham University are not adequate for disabled students, and that they should avoid going there.
17 Reports on male students becoming the targets for late night city beatings.
20 Two Durham University students will be crossing the English Channel on a paddling canoe. They are shown in photographs on the following days practising on the river Wear.
27 The Student Union calls students to withdraw their rents, in support of the NUS campaign to do this nationally.
30 MPs protest over French nuclear tests in the Pacific islands.
December 1972
6 The city council turns down Durham University's offer to open its student bus service to the public, and allows the university to keep it as a student-only service.
16 Three consecutive reports (in different newspapers) about the jailing of two former students for two years, for the possession of cannabis and LSD as found at their flat.
19 The ambassador of Kuwait opens the documentation section of the university's Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Centre.
28 The Northern Sinfonia is to found its own chorus, which will appear for the first time in the autumn of 1973.
30 The National Student Drama Festival is to be held at Durham during the first days of the coming year.
UND/CK5/1973   1973
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1973
10 The legal age of youths working at pubs should be dropped to 16.
11 Newcastle Polytechnic joins the student rent strike which started last year.
13 The new Northern Sinfonia Chorus calls for singers to start it.
18 Roman coins found at an excavation in Piercebridge are found to be 1,500 year old forgeries.
18 A local consortium with members from Northern Arts, Durham and Newcastle Universities, Newcastle Polytechnic, North-East Educational Film Project and seven local councils will take control of the Tyneside Film Theatre.
20 Collingwood College, the first mixed-sex Durham college, is to be completed by January 31, thirteen years after it was conceived.
25 Durham University Student Union votes to join the NUS rent strike.
25 More than 700 local singers and instrumentalists are to take part in the Berlioz “Te Deum” at Durham Cathedral.
26 The registrar of Durham University warns that the students participating in the rent strike could be evicted from their accommodation, and their degrees not conferred.
February 1973
1 Collingwood College roof is topped out in a special ceremony.
2 The “A-frame” bridge across the river Wear, linking the University playing fields and the sports centre on both sides of the river, is opened.
7 Lindsay Waller launches her candidacy for the role of president of the Student Union.
13 Lindsay Waller becomes the first woman president of the Student Union in its 131-year history.
27 Post-graduate tutors and demonstrators of the University sociology department strike as a protest against low salaries.
March 1973
1 Dr Henry McFarland, professor of Education at Durham University, causes a stir by criticising the abolishment of corporal punishment in intermediate and secondary schools.
2 Professor Malcom Brown of Durham University geology department proves “beyond doubt” that orange dust brought back by the Apollo 17 astronauts and sent to Durham for analysis was not caused by water on the lunar surface.
7 Postgraduate tutors who have been on strike since last month returned to work after a pay rise was agreed.
7 The University Council makes the wearing of gowns at lectures and examinations optional, effectively abolishing them, as they had been reluctantly used so far.
14 Durham University and Newcastle Polytechnic follow the order of the NUS to boycott lectures as part of a one-day national strike to demand an annual grants review. Newcastle University refuses to participate in the strike.
15 The student strike goes on as planned in Durham and Newcastle Polytechnic.
16 Students warn that they may call for an extended autumn strike unless the government gives in to their demands for higher grants.
30 The Vindolanda archaeological excavation team finds two letters written on wooden tablets in carbon ink, dating back to about 90 BC, and sends them to Durham University to be examined by Mr Richard Wright
30 Durham University accepts a spastic student who had been rejected at grammar school because of her handicap, and instead went to a secondary school.
April 1973
3 Mr Ian Graham, registrar of Durham University, supports the students' demands for a rise in grants.
24 The Chinese ambassador visits the university, and goes to the Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art.
May 1973
16 Students are invited to a free vote to decide the future of the rent strike, held for some months now.
18 Teams from Newcastle and Durham Universities will be going on four expeditions to Iceland supported by the Royal Geographical Society.
20 Protests are planned by students during the visit of Prince Philip to Sunderland. The duke will travel to Portugal next year in order to participate in the friendship celebrations between the United Kingdom and Portugal. To the students his visit seems to condone the repressive regime of Portugal in its West African colonies.
24 Researchers on animal psychology at Durham University start to import black-paper profiles of hawks from Germany in order to stick them on to windows and prevent birds from smashing into them. This is reported as a great novelty at the time.
31 The duke of Edinburgh visits Sunderland and there is a precautionary police cordon in order to control the announced student demonstrations.
June 1973
1 Students of Durham University were refused permission to hand a letter to the duke of Edinburgh during his visit to Sunderland.
12 Durham County Police evacuated Dunelm House while an examination was taking place, due to a bomb threat.
13 The British Association TV award is presented to Dr David Bellamy of Durham University.
27 Cannabis use.
July 1973
5 For the first time in its history the University of Durham awards a PhD based wholly on the study of 20th century music.
August 1973
10 Plans start for the expansion of University College behind the castle, in Saddler Street, in what will become Moatside Court.
28 Durham University extra-mural studies department has a new base at 32 Old Elvet, after 2 years of painstaking restoration and reconstruction work of the Georgian house.
September 1973
For the last two months several interspaced articles have detailed the attempt of disabled student Susan Foster to get a government-funded tricycle for handicapped people. The articles report that she has been denied it several times, and recount her appeals.
October 1973
5 An article commenting on a national home shortage for students reports that at Durham University all students are accommodated by the University Accommodation Service.
November 1973
1 The girls of the female-only St. Mary's College of Durham University held a secret ballot and voted to open its doors to male students.
9 The Master of Grey College at Durham University bans the dinner organised by the Union Society at the premises of the college, and to be attended by Mr Enoch Powell, MP, who holds anti-immigration and racist views. The Master told the reporter that “to go ahead with the invited guest would be an unjustifiable risk to members of this college”. This is in the light of threats from left wing groups to hold disruptive demonstrations. This sparks a flurry of criticisms from readers, and a heated debate ensues in the following weeks.
10 The student-led support service Night Line starts its pilot phase.
15 Students at Bath University will be joining the rent strike, in which students of Durham University have already withheld £7.50 of their rent.
17 The governors of Durham University agree to amalgamate Durham Technical College, Bede College and Neville's Cross College.
19, 27 Opposition to Enoch Powell's visit leads to its cancellation.
26 The registrar of Durham University backs the students' claims for an increase in grants.
29 The keeper of science books at Durham University Library claims that politicians play financial football with the public library system.
UND/CK5/1974   1974
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1974
10 The unusually low tides (the lowest in the century) predicted for Jan 12 in Northumberland could reveal submerged petrified forests, Durham University scientists say.
14 The new library at the Science Site is expected to be ready by 1975. Space at the main library in Palace Green is fast running out.
16 5,000 students will be joining the rent strike in the following week.
17 A fire is reported in a Durham University science laboratory.
18 34 other student unions apart from the one at Durham will be participating in the much anticipated rent strike.
24 A cleaners' strike is planned for the following week at the university. The cleaners protest that they cannot do the amount of cleaning required from them in a three-day working week.
24 British Rail introduces the Student Travel Pass.
26 The student union votes “yes” to the planned rent strike.
26 The cleaners' strike is called off after negotiations with the University registrar.
30 The first article (since the start of this collection) in which “brighter jobs forecast for students” is mentioned, rather than a grim unemployed future.
February 1974
9 University administrators plan to change from English to continental breakfast at halls of residence in order to cut costs and make student accommodation more affordable. Also, cleaning and bed-making services would be phased-out.
15 More than 2,000 NUS member students take part in one of the largest demonstrations in London since 1968, in support of the grant rise campaign.
16 Durham University approves a pay-rise for its cleaners and other domestic-service staff.
16 The Guardian reports a concert at Durham University Music Department by famous contemporary composer Steve Reich and his ensemble, playing his piece “Drumming”. This happens just three years after the first-ever performance of Reich's music in the UK.
March 1974
2 A small scandal previously reported by the Palatinate regarding news of a stripper appearing after a University College formal dinner has been officially dismissed by the college spokesman.
15 More tablets are discovered at Vindolanda.
19 Long article in The Journal about a report from the archaeological charity “Rescue” denouncing the destruction of vast archaeological sites, victims of development and industrialisation.
21 A deputation from Durham University, including the vice-chancellor, is to attend an audience with the Minister of State in the Department of Education and Science to discuss student grants.
29 Important rearrangement of regions, counties and administrative zones for local government is announced.
April 1974
5 Times Higher Education Supplement reports a “dramatic increase in job opportunities” for graduates, according to 1972-1973 annual reports. Employers report a shortage mainly of engineers and physical scientists.
10 After her pleas for an invalid car have been successively denied by the government since July 1973, the George Drexler Offrex Foundation starts a fund to buy one for spastic student Susan Foster.
16 The Evening Gazette reports a backlash against the press scare over the unemployability of university graduates in 1972 & 1973: less young people are applying for university places.
May 1974
Several articles this month about a report from a sociology study made at Durham University which seems to suggest that the regional traits of the north-east are disappearing.
2 A delegation of Durham University students was meeting a government minister in London to discuss the issue of higher grants for students.
4 Excavations at Durham Castle moat - just before developers move in to build new student accommodation - seem to reveal that settlement at Durham is older than is often thought.
13 After months of protests demanding it, the Universities Minister will raise the student grant, from £485 to £610.
20 25 student unions, including the one at Durham University, vote not to back up the NUS ban on right-wing speakers.
20 The High Court determines that criticisms of the Vindolanda excavations published by The Times recently constitutes gross libel.
23 The student rent strike, which has been going on since last October, is declared to be over after a 25% increase in student grants was secured.
24 The Student Union is to hand £3000 plus interest to the university. This is the amount withheld since the rent strike started.
25 Dr Walter Elkan, professor of Economics at Durham University, states that low interest loans should be available for students in order for them not to need to take holiday jobs.
27 The first ever all-girls rowing crew competed at the Chester Regatta.
June 1974
5 Durham students are forced to pay a third more for bed and board following college losses of more than £70,000.
5 Special arrangements are made for blind students taking exams at Durham University.
8 A Durham University student leader defended the right for girls to drink pints of beer.
19 Plans for extensions to be built to Durham University's Shincliffe Halls of Residence to allow for an extra 38 students.
20 Exhibition of manuscripts at Durham University including letters from Sir Hugh Walpole, Robert Frost, Andre Gild, John Ruskin and the Rosetti family.
21 A new course integrating geography, science and PE is introduced at Durham University.
25 Durham University's income rose by 14% to £3.5m, of which more than £2.5m came from the Exchequer, increasing the university's income by 15% to almost £5.5m.
July 1974
4 Sue Foster, a disabled student at Durham University, gets a £100 donation from the Student Union in order to fund her special invalid car, as the government had told her on several occasions (registered by the press) that she did not qualify for one.
12 The two voluntary Anglican colleges of St Hild's and St Bede's are proposing to merge.
12 The journal Building celebrates Collingwood College as “An example of how well a large new structure can be fitted into a mature landscape”.
12 Few drop-ous at Durham.
17 Jarrow is to open an Anglo-Saxon heritage site surrounding St Paul's church, once the home of the Venerable Bede.
25 The university calls for government grants not to be reduced.
26 Liberal MP Alan Beith proposes to force a debate in parliament concerning the reorganisation of colleges of education; RIBA conference report.
29 A major international festival of oriental music is to be held in Durham University.
August 1974
7 The Architect's Journal reports on an award for Collingwood College.
8 Article in the New Scientist about military-funded research being carried out at British universities, for both the British Ministry of Defence and the American Department of Defence.
9 David Bellamy will depart to another exploration of Indian Ocean uninhabited islands, accompanied by a team of Royal Navy divers.
19 A survey at four Tyneside comprehensive schools by Newcastle and Durham Universities' Institute of Education Journal showed that sixth-formers believe that the substitution of CSE and GCE O Levels with a single exam would lower standards. Their teachers nonetheless agree with the plan.
Fringe festival.
September 1974
7 Professor W.D. Fisher of Durham University has warned that oil-rich countries could buy up a large part of British industry after Kuwait bids £91 million for the St Martin's Property Corporation.
7 A lecturer at Durham University, Mr Alan Heesom, is to become a Liberal Parliamentary candidate for Durham.
9 Journal article about some north-east landlords flouting the Race Relations Act by refusing to let their rooms to overseas students.
9 Northern Echo article about the “Generation Club” - a group organised by Durham University students to help disadvantaged inner city youths.
11 Durham University's research teams are to examine all types of recreation in south-west Durham with a view to improving facilities for the area.
12 A report from Durham University archaeology expert Peter Scott is helping to make the Roman dig at Piercebridge one of the most important archaeological sites in the north-east.
14 The Sub-Aqua Club at Durham University has organised a national project to examine biological specimens on the coast of Britain.
16 An economics lecturer at Durham University, Mr John N. Bridge, is to join the North of England Development Council as head of research and industrial development in December.
20 The report of the Council for National Academic Awards, chaired by Professor George Rochester of Durham University, states rigid divisions between those who “do research” and those who “carry the teaching load” should be outlawed.
October 1974
1 Head of Zoology fined for a drinking offence.
2 Work is to start on the building of new study-bedrooms for 120 students, a bookshop and a public house for Durham University.
18 Universities face a £30 million deficit according to a report of the committee of vice-chancellors.
19 The building for Collingwood College receives the Northern Region Award of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
November 1974
7 Artificial blood.
16 Students at Durham University hold a one-day strike over inadequate student grants.
UND/CK5/1975   1975
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1975
7 Dr John Habgood, bishop of Durham, is awarded a second doctorate by Durham University.
14 Professor H. Brown of Durham University is leading a trade mission to the Middle East.
24 NUS meeting at Durham University discussing an increase in the basic grant for postgraduate students.
24 Durham University's Delegacy for Extra Mural Studies launches a course to train men and women to work professionally in the Community and Youth Service.
February 1975
2 Susan Foster, a disabled student at Durham University, is nominated for an award by the Spastics' Society.
4 Durham University students mount a campaign to withdraw from the National Union of Students.
8 Durham University is to receive a new £2m computer to assist in mathematical calculations, the only one of its kind in a British university.
15 A disabled student at Durham University, Susan Foster, is given a new mini car to help her attend lectures.
22 Durham is among four universities targeted by student militants in protests against military research.
24 Students of Durham University march through the streets of Durham in protest against British investment in South Africa.
March 1975
6 Students are deserting left-wing politics in favour of more moderate candidates in the Durham NUS elections.
7 The Faculty of Medicine is to be renamed the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at Durham University.
11 Durham University has received another grant to aid research into cystic fibrosis.
14 Graduates in universities including Durham enjoy the best employment prospects since 1960.
24 David Bellamy is to head a team of scientists to conduct a major survey into pollution along the north-east coast.
29 Durham University has recently received research grants totalling more than £68,000.
April 1975
12 Durham University is to sponsor a major exhibition on the subject of Roman Life in the North.
16 The Queen Mother is to visit Durham University.
16 Durham University is to be awarded almost £100,000 in research grants; one of the biggest being a £34,300 grant from the Centre for Environmental Studies.
23 A trade mission to the Middle East, led by the Durham University Director of Middle East Studies Prof Howard Brown-Jones, won export orders of more than £300,000.
May 1975
1 Sociologist Bob Gibbon is leading a team of eight scientists from Durham University on an expedition to the Langtang National Park on the border of Tibet, in order to track down a number of rare animals, including the snow leopard.
2 Durham University lecturers have set up an action committee to consider future steps to improve their pay.
14 Sixty-five leading academics, including a number from the Durham University Theology Department, have signed an open letter to the archbishops of Canterbury and York warning against officially recognising exorcism in the Church of England.
22 Durham Students Union is warned of student unrest if plans to charge £520 college fees are accepted.
June 1975
10 The new college at Durham University is to be named the College of St Hild and St Bede and is to open in September.
20 Durham gardens.
July 1975
4 Inflation is causing cuts in spending at Durham University, according to the vice-chancellor, Sir Derman Christopherson.
4 Dr Josephine Butler was the guest of honour at the Dunelm Ladies Circle meeting in the Lecture Theatre of the Durham University Engineering Department.
7 Durham University's Himalayan expedition has been awarded the title of expedition of the year by the World Expeditionary Association.
24 The case of Ann Bellenger, a student of Durham University who went missing four months previously, has still not been solved.
25 A study group of vice-chancellors, under the leadership of Durham University's Sir Derman Christopherson, has recommended that overseas students should pay higher postgraduate fees than home students; Durham is the best value university.
August 1975
2 A lecturer at Durham University, Jack Gilliland, has become the new president of the United Kingdom Reading Association.
9 Plans for a £1m university library building at Durham University are to be scrapped after the Government cut 80% of its funding for university buildings.
29 Twenty archaeologists from Durham University have unearthed a piece of Saxon pottery during an archaeological dig in Hodgson's Court, Carlisle.
September 1975
12 The Department of Extra Mural Studies is designing courses for full-time students for the first time.
18 A study carried out by Ian Graham, registrar of Durham University, found that successful school leavers are being forced to turn down places at university because their parents cannot afford to send them there.
19 Durham University accommodation has been described as “worse than ever” by the Students Union deputy-president, Paul Perkins, after it was revealed that there were still more than 120 students who had no accommodation.
October 1975
9 Professor Arnold Wolfendale of Durham University has been appointed chairman of the North Regional Advisory Committee for the government's new £30 million job creation scheme.
14 Durham University students are organising a mass meeting to protest against cuts in the university budget.
17 The country's first teaching resources centre has been organised by Durham University Education Department and opened its doors for the first time in the city.
17 New records were set for the number of students enrolling on university courses although Durham University showed little change.
17 Graduates project cash bid fails.
17 Machine to measure arthritis being developed.
20 A research team from Durham University found that the new towns of the north- east (Peterlee, Washington and Newton Aycliffe) had all failed in providing adequate employment, standards of housing and public transport.
24 A one-day conference was held at Durham University on the subject of unemployment in the north-east.
28 Construction has begun on a new business school for Durham University.
November 1975
4 Nearly 500 Durham University students marched through Durham to protest about education cuts and discretionary awards.
13 Durham University face a revolt by cleaners being asked to take a pay cut because the University cannot afford the bill.
17 Durham University accepts a £6 a week pay rise for cleaners.
18 More academic staff cuts are being predicted at Durham University as the loss in funding from the Government begins to take effect.
29 Durham University students are planning to improve links between “town and gown” by setting up a committee to improve relations.
December 1975
5 Durham students are calling for a new nursery school to meet the demands of an increasing number of postgraduate parents.
8 Durham University technicians are planning strike action in order to obtain four extra days of annual leave.
UND/CK5/1976   1976
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1976
6 Durham University is to bestow an honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law on Mr Charles Grey, MP for Durham from 1945 to 1970.
8 NUS leader, Charles Clarke, attacked universities for accepting Government cuts in education spending at a NUS conference in Durham.
14 Centenary celebration services are to take place at St Oswald's church in Durham to mark the death of John Bucchus Dykes, a former precentor of Durham cathedral.
14 A threatened strike by Durham University technicians has been called off after they were granted an extra two days annual leave.
15 Northern graduates wanting a job in the civil service are likely to be disappointed after it was revealed that the public and government services graduate intake is to be cut by 90%.
18 Exiled Chilean Durham University students organised a protest in Durham City about the political situation in their own country.
February 1976
23 Durham University has reported a 9% drop in the proportion of graduates continuing their studies at PhD level between 1972 and 1974.
24 Students have asked the Equal Opportunities Commission to probe alleged sex discrimination at Durham University after it was revealed that 70% of all college applications went to two mixed colleges, Collingwood and Van Mildert.
25 Only one in 20 university students at Durham obtain first class honours degrees in comparison with almost one in five at Cambridge.
March 1976
11 More Durham University graduates were left without jobs at the end of 1975, with a 2.7% unemployment rate, in comparison with 1.5% in the previous year.
12 Durham University students are campaigning against high tuition fees which they claim are causing hardship for overseas students.
April 1976
8 Complaints about an article on St Aidan's.
19 Mr Robert Kilroy-Silk, Labour MP for Ormskirk, demanded an inquiry into a fertility drug, after the wife of the Durham University Music lecturer, Dr Price, gave birth to sextuplets, four of whom subsequently died.
22 The last of the sextuplets to be born to the wife of the Durham University Music lecturer has died.
23 A groundbreaking new atlas has been produced by the Durham University Geography department with the aid of a new computer. The aim of the atlas is to show in a way that everyone can understand how Durham's population has changed.
May 1976
7 A “Gay Liberation” cartoon contained in a pamphlet edited by a Durham University lecturer, Malcolm Macourt, has angered the Newcastle Festival of Light religious group. Mr Edward Shackleton, a member of its executive committee, described the Towards a Theology of Gay Liberation pamphlet as blasphemous.
11 Durham University is to host a discussion on how to boost job opportunities for school leavers and the over-50s.
12 A Himalayan expedition organised by Durham University was thrown into turmoil after porters employed to carry equipment deserted the group after a pay dispute.
15 A student enrolled on a postgraduate certificate of education course in religious education at Durham University has been refused his place, it was alleged, after ceasing to be a christian.
20 Durham University is asking for money from the North East job creation scheme after it was revealed that careers advisors are finding it harder to place graduates.
21 Aberystwyth University push their princiapl to resign over college investments in South Africa.
25 A meeting of students of Durham University has agreed to boycott all lectures and work for one day in protest over the lack of jobs for teachers.
June 1976
5 Mature students are less likely to be successful in their degrees at Durham University than those in their twenties.
12 Senior lecturer in minerology, Roy Phillips, has been awarded a MBE for his work in charge of early warning defence systems in County Durham.
29 The Durham University lecturer, Alan Heesom, has decided against putting himself forward for the third time as a candidate for the Liberal party in the general election.
July 1975
1 Mr Charles Grey, Labour MP for Durham for 25 years until his retirement in 1970, has been awarded an honorary degree by Durham University.
2 Susan Foster, the handicapped girl that confounded experts by getting a place at Durham University, has gained her degree in sociology and social administration.
3 Mr Roy Gazzard, a lecturer in urban geography and planning at Durham University, has been appointed architect-planner to lead the Department of the Environment professional advisory team on the Community Land Scheme.
10 Arab diplomats from Jordan, Oman and Algeria opened an exhibition in connection with the World of Islam Festival at the Middle East Centre at Durham University.
August 1975
17 The western world's first truly oriental music festival was held in Durham, organised by the music and oriental departments of Durham University.
18 Lack of accommodation in Durham is causing university students to compete with townsfolk for the limited rooms.
27 The trees in the grounds of Durham University have been hit by a massive outbreak of Dutch elm disease.
Festival fringe.
September 1976
7 College places at Durham University have been over-booked and some students will be left on the streets according to DSU president, Dick Millard.
October 1976
2 A heavily pregnant Chilean Durham University student, O'ga Concha, has been issued with an extradition order from the UK.
12 Durham University's target of filling 4,200 full time places has been met but the university is apprehensive of filling these places in the next few years given the attempts by the government to limit its spending.
16 Sir Derman Christopherson, vice-chancellor of Durham University, has warned that government plans to increase tuition fees is likely to quadruple postgraduate fees from £180 to £750 a year.
November 1976
4 At least half the academic staff at a Durham college may be made redundant if a possible merger between St Hild and St Bede and Durham University goes ahead, as it will mean the loss of lecturers' jobs.
15 A senior law lecturer at Durham University is to become one of the region's youngest professors. Mr Bernard Smythe, 39, will take up the offer of professor of Law at Durham on New Year's Day.
18 Students do not wait for jobs as only 3% unemployed 6 months after graduating from Durham.
December 1976
1 Durham University Business School has launched a scheme to help develop the export potential of the North's small firms.
4 Striking Durham University students presented a petition protesting against proposed increases in tuition fees.
20 Sir Derman Christopherson, vice-chancellor of Durham University, has warned that Government plans to increase tuition fees could be harmful to Britain's economic recovery.
20 Sir Derman Christopherson, vice-chancellor of Durham University, has also argued on a more positive note that 300 extra places will be available from next year because of the rise in tuition fees.
UND/CK5/1977   1977
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1976
6 John Edward Wood, a former Durham University student, has been awarded an OBE for his work in the mining industry.
15 John Nettleton, a former Durham University student, has been awarded an OBE for his work as director of the National Park Centre at Brockhole, Windermere.
19 Robert Henderson, handyman at Hatfield College for 21 years, is to receive an honorary degree from Durham University.
25 Plans to merge the two colleges of St Bede and St Hild are to go ahead, cutting the number of available places from 500 to 400.
February 1976
11 The Conservative candidate for Durham, Matthew Lavis, is employed as assistant registrar at Durham University.
March 1977
1 A call for greater links between industry and universities was made by the director of Durham University Careers Advisory Service in his annual report after businesses complained of not being able to attract a fair share of “good” graduates. The report also claimed that job prospects for university graduates were unlikely to improve over the next two years.
11 More graduates from Durham went into industry (103) and commerce (131) last year compared with the year before (68 and 84) and fewer into the public services (96 against 153 in 1975).
April 1977
1 Durham University announced it has received research grants totalling £73,652 for eight projects.
2 Durham University students have been warned that they face problems taking teaching degrees because of a merger between Neville's Cross College and Durham Technical College.
15 Britain's first radio literature conference took place at Durham University.
15 More school leavers are applying for places at Durham University than before as applications have increased by about 8%.
May 1977
13 Mrs Shirley Williams, the Education Secretary, has said that she has no powers to intervene in the decision of Durham University's Centre for Islamic Studies to publish a 1977 Middle East Year Book which does not include any reference to Israel.
16 Durham University engineering professor, H. Marsh, will be part of a 21 strong Conservative Party task-force which will study the relationship of education and industry.
19 Jeremy Bryant, a Durham University graduate and trainee manager at Gillette Industries, has been charged with selling industrial secrets for £8000 to a rival company.
July 1977
11 Research from a Durham University North-East education study has revealed that the region's schools are mainly staffed by those born in the locality.
15 The Queen arrived in Durham on her Jubilee tour of the country.
29 A disabled student, David Hull, has been awarded a Diploma in Community and Youth Work by Durham University's department of Extra-Mural Studies.
August 1977
3 Professor Clifford Leech.
9 The registrar of Durham University, Mr Ian Graham, has denied claims that candidates wanting a place at the university would only be interviewed if they listed Durham as their first choice.
September 1977
1 Durham University is lending material to the National Portrait Gallery in London for an important exhibition on Sir Thomas More.
2 Auction, Auk (bird) money for Durham University.
9 Durham University will not act as the examining body for New College which is to open next week.
Fringe festival.
22-23 Ian Graham's guidance for job hunters.
November 1977
3 Durham University wins University Challenge final.
5 Dr Bob Drewett of Durham University has discovered horrific details of experiments on live rats in two books he had selected for a practical course for psychology students.
15 More than 60 lecturers from Durham and Newcastle Universities are going to Westminster tomorrow to lobby ministers about their 16% pay claim.
16 The former archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Ramsey, has been made an honorary professor at Durham University.
18 Grants totalling almost £500,000 to assist Durham University research teams were announced this week.
December 1977
2 Lecturers at the Durham teacher training college of St Hild and Bede were told that nearly half of them were likely to lose their jobs if a proposed merger with Durham University goes ahead.
2 An intensive campaign to launch more Hillel Jewish centres for students at universities, including Durham, is to be launched by the North Regional Hillel Executive.
6 The University Grants' Committee has revealed that Durham University had a deficit of £47, 514 in 1975.
UND/CK5/1978   1978
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1978
6 The College of St Hild and St Bede has accepted an offer of 40 posts in Durham University as the first step towards a merger between the two institutions.
February 1978
1 Durham University is to appoint the first established chair of Business Studies at the expanding Durham Business School.
3 An Urban Studies Centre, set up by the College of St Hild and St Bede, has been established in Durham to provide a service to teachers and the general public.
11 Students have called on Durham University to withdraw its account from Barclays Bank because of its South African apartheid connections.
11 A Durham University student who systematically stole books from the University's library over a period of 12 months had robbed the library of some of its rarest books totalling £6000.
16 The Durham University student who stole rare books from the university library was sentenced to 6 months in a detention centre.
24 The New Enterprise Development Project, run at Durham University Small Business School, began its campaign to encourage the growth of small firms in the North East today.
28 Mr Edward Heath, at the Durham University Conservative Association, called for a western world summit meeting to thrash out lasting solutions to world problems, and also a frank discussion on immigration.
March 1978
6 Durham University has received more than £200,000 in grants for 14 research projects.
April 1978
17 70% of students who left Durham University last year and are employed went into industry and commerce.
May 1978
17 Tyneside and Durham student leaders have reacted angrily to a government plan to clip their powers by reducing financial support for student unions from £50 per head to £15.
20 June 1978
8 The rush to find accommodation for students at Durham University next term will not be so frantic this year with only 20 to 30 students having no place to stay. Last year, 200 students were without rooms.
15 Shell UK is to support efforts at the Durham University Business School to help small businesses get started in the North East.
29 Sir James Steel is awarded an honorary degree from Durham University.
July 1978
5 Durham University is to host the first national research conference on small firms.
21 Almost £160,000 has been promised to Durham University over the next three years to help research.
September 1978
8 Nottingham University Student Union secretary, Mr Tim Janman, believed Nottingham, along with Exeter, Durham and Bristol, was more middle class than other universities as it tended to attract people who had done well at school but failed to get to Oxford or Cambridge.
29 The cost of living in Durham City is forcing students out of the city's flats and bedsits and back to the college dormitories.
October 1978
3 Liz Buckle, a new student at Durham University, is thought to be the first disabled student with the thalidomide problem to win a place at a British university.
25 A lecturer at Durham University and organiser of the Oriental Music Festival in Durham, Keith Pratt, has managed to secure for the festival the services of Chinese classical musicians who are being allowed out of the People's Republic for the first time in a decade.
27 Britain's first ever national research conference on small businesses is set for Durham University Business School next week.
November 1978
2 Two grants totalling £23,000 have been given to Durham University by the Common Market to help jobless youngsters.
3 Professor Gordon Higginson of Durham University has been called up by the Education Secretary Shirley Williams to sit on the board of the University Grants Committee.
3 Fears are growing that the proposed merger of Durham University with the nearby College of St Hild and St Bede may not take place next year as planned as protracted negotiations over funding have delayed approval for the amalgamation.
17 Research grants worth £500,000 were announced by Durham University today.
28 A national competition designed to help create and develop new businesses in the North was being launched in Durham today. It is run jointly by Durham University and Enterprise North, and is sponsored by Shell.
December 1978
2 A campaign against South African apartheid is being waged by Durham students, including the picketing of the Barclays Bank in New Elvet, an organisation with interests in South Africa, as well as a 24-hour hunger strike.
12 Action by college authorities and students to stop increasingly violent sexual assaults on women staff and students was overwhelmingly supported by the National Union of Students conference at Blackpool yesterday. Attacks on women have been reported recently in Manchester, Wolverhampton, London, Durham and Newcastle.
UND/CK5/1979   1979
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1979
16 Dorothea Etchells will make history by becoming the first lay principal of a theological college of the Church of England, St John's College, and she will also be the first woman principal of such a college.
February 1979
7 Durham University students, members of the Amnesty International Society, will stage a seven hour vigil at the city's cathedral to draw attention to the persecution of Ugandans under President Idi Amin.
7 Louis Allen, senior lecturer in French at Durham University, has been appointed a member of the Arts Council National Drama Advisory Panel.
8 The Regional Policy Research Unit of Durham University has concluded that present policies for the future of the North East are likely to raise unemployment by more than 60,000 to 200,000 in ten years time.
19 A lecturer from Durham University, Miss Joyce Quinn, is to stand as MEP for the South Tyne Labour Party.
26 A Durham University student, Lynda Pain, fell to her death on an icy ridge in the Lake District.
Sir Derman Christopherson leaving as VC, to be replaced by Fred Holliday.
March 1979
9 Students from Durham University went to London to join a protest march demanding radical changes in the grant system.
14 Employment prospects for graduates continued to improve last year and about 20% more jobs were available according to the annual report of Durham University Careers Advisory Service.
22 Union leaders are threatening to “close down” Durham University because of a pay row with technical staff.
May 1979
18 Lynda Pain, who fell to her death while climbing a fell in the Lake District, was led by an experienced climber, an inquest at Keswick was told.
25 Dr David Barry, of Durham University, a member of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, has welcomed a move by the Durham Area Health Authority to open a discussion on whether a 15 minute film about homosexuality should be shown in local schools.
June 1979
7 Grants of £478,000 have been awarded for research projects at the university.
11 Councillor Robert Knowles of Durham County Council has criticised the amount of money given to university research after it was revealed that almost £50,000 had been given to a Durham researcher to investigate the play habits of mice and rats.
21 A South Shields man has won a £7,500 cash prize from the Build Your Own Business Competition, sponsored by Shell and Durham University. Keith Lumsden hopes to open his own coalfield near Stanley within the next six months with the help of the prize money.
July 1979
4 Durham University is £400,000 in the red it was revealed and a further £100,000 may be added to the bill when the Government makes expected cuts in grants to universities.
16 A team of six researchers from Durham University has compiled a unique atlas titled “People in Britain” which highlights the findings of the last government census using a new computer process. The findings confirm that the North East has poorer living standards than anywhere else in the country.
August 1979
22 Academics from Durham University, including Professor Robert Mills, are playing a leading role in setting up a university in the Juba region of the Sudan.
September 1979
6 Jane Emerson, a blind girl, received A-Level grade As in English, German and French, as well as a C in General Studies, thereby guaranteeing her a place at Durham University. However, 10 textbooks for her chosen degree, a BA in German, are not printed in braille and now voluntary groups and prisoners are working hard to translate these textbooks for her.
6 Enterprise North, which has a co-ordinating centre at Durham University, has expanded its operations by opening a branch in Australia.
24 A unique Masters degree is being launched at Durham University next year which is designed to combine studies of engineering, a foreign language and business studies with industrial projects.
24 A Durham University polar expedition ended in tragedy when one of the members, 21-year old geography graduate John Fair, plunged 800ft to his death.
27 Administrative and technical staff at Durham are due to strike next week because of a pay dispute.
Conference on selling food to the Middle East.
October 1979
1 The pay dispute involving university staff has caused delays for thousands of North East students receiving their grants.
17 The president of Durham Students Union, Steve Weatherseed, has criticised the University for failing to provide day nursery facilities to cater for young children.
Grant application for arthritis research turned down.
November 1979
8 Durham University students are today starting a 24 hour “work-in” as their protest against government cutbacks in education grants.
December 1979
19 Researchers are facing a grave crisis at Durham University after it was revealed by the acting vice-chancellor, Professor William Musgrave, that the university's £8 million worth of research equipment was more than a decade old and standing obsolete, and that the university cannot afford to replace it.
28 Conservationist Professor Fred Holliday is to take up his duties as head of Durham University next week when he succeeds Sir Derman Christopherson as vice-chancellor.
3 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1980   1980
Newspaper cuttings including:
January 1980
2 The future of education in the North is under the microscope at a three-day conference, presided over by Sir Derman Christopherson, which opens in Durham today.
3 Half the married women in Britain go out to work - the highest proportion in Europe, says a report from Durham University today.
5 Foreign students at Durham University face a “distinctly uncertain” future, registrar, Mr Ian Graham admitted today after the university's acting vice-chancellor, Professor William Musgrave, revealed that existing students would have to find an extra 20% on top of the normal annual increases in fees.
9 Durham University's new vice-chancellor Fred Holliday wants to see the university set up a series of small companies to sell specialised knowledge and advice to industry and government.
10 Durham Careers Service have suggested that graduates may have trouble getting jobs this summer because of cutbacks in local government and big corporations such as British Steel and British Leyland.
11 St Aidan's College, Durham University's all-women college, is to break with tradition and admit men for the first time.
16 Scientists at Durham University have invented the world's first “organic” transistor.
21 Places on Durham University's School of Education teacher training programme are going unfilled in spite of schools crying out for more specialist teachers.
February 1980
8 Durham University lecturer and writer, Dr Jim Beckford, reacted angrily yesterday to a television documentary which showed him supporting the controversial religious cult, the Moonies.
16 Durham University has come under fire today from National Union of Students president, Mr Trevor Philips, for having the highest charges for halls of residence in the country.
March 1980
5 Vital research which could ensure the survival of birds around the coastline of Britain is to be carried out by Durham scientists. A team of experts from the university's Zoology department will observe the behaviour and feeding patterns of the birds at Seal Sands, near Hartlepool.
6 Findings by a team of economists from Durham University predict that the impact of steel plant closures in the North East will result in more than 20,000 jobs disappearing.
Around Britan article.
April 1980
5 Government policies to encourage the growth of small businesses are likely to benefit the prosperous South more than the North East according to a new study by Dr David Storey of Durham University.
Row over the screening of A Princess; Britain and Saudi Arabia; NSDF.
June 1980
1 Durham University economics lecturer, Ivy Papps, has published a paper entitled “For Love or Money” in which she states that legislation forbidding sex discrimination in employment harms society.
9 Grants totalling nearly £115,000 have been awarded to Durham University.
18 Lecturers at Newcastle and Durham universities were today urged to pressurise the Government into settling their national pay claims by writing to local MPs.
18 Four New Enterprise Programmes at Durham University Business School over the last two years have generated 150-200 new jobs.
20 Durham University lecturer and action committee member John Carney has suggested that the decision to close Consett steel works “makes no economic or commercial sense whatsoever” after it was revealed that the company had made a profit of £7.5m this year.
20 Dr Muriel Morley, a lady who put a lot of effort into persuading Durham University to run a degree course in speech therapy, has received an OBE.
July 1980
5 Durham University has attacked the government over funding after the University Grants Committee only increased funding grants for equipment and furniture by 9%.
18 A course on “how to start your own business” at Durham University has inspired Tariq Usman to open his clothing manufacturing firm in Middlesbrough.
19 Durham University Careers Service have suggested that Durham's graduates are escaping the worst effects of soaring unemployment as local government and teaching graduates are still cushioned against the current recession.
23 Durham University lecturer John Carey has prepared a document outlining salvation plans for Consett's doomed steel plant in a last ditch effort to save the company.
25 According to a survey by Durham University Business School, one in two married women goes out to work in the region, compared with one in five in 1951.
August 1980
28 Students at Durham University are expected to assist the Durham County Association for the Disabled plan to co-ordinate a series of events to promote the International Year of Disabled People in the county in 1981.
28 The possibility of a special business course for redundant steel workers at Consett is being explored by the Manpower Services Commission and Durham University Business School.
September 1980
1 Durham University lecturer John Carey has been appointed industrial promotions officer for Derwentside, with the task of regenerating the depressed area with the potential closure of Consett steel works.
23 Two Durham ex-pitmen, Bob Swan and Bill Pomeroy, have walked away with a £10,000 cheque by winning the Durham University Business School Golden Opportunity Award for designing a new type of packing for explosives used in the pits.
25 A major rift has developed between site workers and university lecturer John Carey over payment of his work in the bid to save Consett steel plant.
25 Any remaining hopes of a private takeover at Consett steelworks were shattered last night after the businessmen said to be interested in buying the works pulled out.
Fringe festival.
November 1980
6 Laboratory technicians at Durham University yesterday walked out on strike following a row over a new pay deal.
21 The welfare deputy president at Durham University, Penny Jones, has issued a warning to women students not to go out alone in case of another Yorkshire Ripper attack.
29 A £65,000 grant has been made by the Wolfson Foundation towards a new extension providing 42 extra places at St Aidan's College, University of Durham.
December 1980
4 A special booklet has been prepared as part of Durham University's 150th anniversary celebrations.
19 Three Iraqi students at Durham University have been warned to be on their guard after it was revealed that Iraqi death squads were targetting Iraqi students in the country.
31 Dr Sidney Holgate, former Master of Grey College, Durham University, was awarded a CBE in the New Year's Honours List.
3 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1981   1981
Newspaper cuttings, including:
January 1981
15 David Bellamy, Durham University lecturer and TV personality, has suggested that an exotic garden for the disabled should be set up at Durham University
17 Income from rented accommodation during college holidays has given Durham the highest source of income of any university in the country
February 1981
13 Durham University students believe the current grants system should stay after a motion was passed by the Union Society against student loans
27 Durham University lecturer Dr David Bellamy has resigned from his post under pressure from senior management who felt he was spending too much time on television
March 1981
3 Students at Durham University are planning a 12 hour all-night 'work in' in protest against Government plans to introduce student loans
13 Durham University Registrar, Mr Ian Graham, warned that universities may face closure after it was revealed that they face cuts of up to 15% by 1984
25 Lady Diana Spencer has been turned down as a possible candidate for the Chancellorship of Durham University because it was felt that Buckingham Palace would regard her as too young and inexperienced
27 The Durham University Careers Advisory Service have suggested that graduates may have trouble getting a job in the next two years
May 1981
6 Dr Allan Gibb, head of Durham University Business School's small business unit and Mr Derek Craven, co-ordinator of Enterprise North, will spend next week running a small firms seminar in Kanu in Northern Nigeria
June 1981
3 Officials at Durham University are bracing themselves for possible sweeping cuts by the University Grants Committee
9 The parents of a Durham University student, Elizabeth Alder, have been shot dead by her brother (and their son), Andrew Alder
July 1981
1 A one-day conference organised by Durham University Business School aims to help small firms by encouraging closer cooperation between agencies in the North East
2 Dame Margot Fonteyn, 61, is to be the new chancellor of Durham University
3 The Government has reduced grants to Durham University by £770,000, which is enough to jeopardise the future of its education department. The university has been forced to cut the number of available places by almost half.
August 1981
10 A study by Mr Alan Townsend, lecturer in geography at Durham University, shows that more than 80% of the redundancies last year were in manufacturing industries
12 A special drive to attract overseas students to Durham has been launched by the university
September 1981
4 Durham University has taken over responsibility from the Department of Education and Science for providing support services for deaf students
8 Two Iranian students at Durham University were arrested for their part in the brief invasion of the London Consulate and warned they may face the death penalty
11 Durham University has been praised by lecturers from other universities who believe it has some of the best degree courses in the country
Fringe festival.
October 1981
1 The recently-created New College, Durham, could be threatened by a de-merger of the former Durham Technical College and Neville's Cross Teacher Training College under government proposals
20 Plans to make redundant more than a third of academics in Durham University's large education department are to be bitterly opposed by staff
23 A Durham University student, Gary Eales, is one of four who have formed a rival body to the National Union of Students, called the Independent Student Association
Alison Bush
November 1981
12 Town and gown joined forces in Durham yesterday, to attack the threatened closure of the county schools and cuts at the university
13 Four members of Durham University Students Union Executive, who wrote a letter in support of the IRA, have been called on to resign their posts
13 For the first time in nearly 40 years, the Royal Society have delivered a lecture at Durham University
17 60 staff and two coach loads of students from Durham University will join a mass protest rally at Westminster against university grant cuts
December 1981
5 Student leaders at Durham University defended the decision to allow controversial historian, David Irving, to speak at a debate at the university
12 The visit of the above lecturer passed without incident
21 The military takeover in Poland could hit space research at Durham University. Prof. Jerzy 'George' Wdowczyk of Lodz University normally spends 10 weeks at Durham University assisting scientists unravel the mysteries of high energy astrophysics but is currently stranded in the USA, trying to get back to his family in Poland
25 Dame Margot Fonteyn will be installed as Chancellor of Durham University next June as part of its 150th anniversary celebrations
Paper file
UND/CK5/1982   1982
Newspaper cuttings, including:
January 1982
14 Durham University's Vice Chancellor, Professor Fred Holliday, will address a public meeting on cuts in higher education next week
23 Durham University's 150th anniversary celebrations are to get underway officially on 3 Feb
30 Work will begin next week on the new £1.5 million central library at Durham University which will house 50,000 volumes
Interview with Mr Abolhassan Boni Sadr
February 1982
4 Durham University is planning an expansion programme to raise its academic standing on a par with Oxford and Cambridge as part of its 150th anniversary year
24 Students are threatening chaos on the campuses unless the Government boosts grants by more than the 4% now offered
24 A survey has shown that Durham University students are charged on average £953 a year for rental accommodation
25 A Durham University official has rejected suggestions that a wave of violence and vandalism is sweeping the university
March 1982
1 Students at Durham University are to make a protest against the Government's grant proposals by boycotting lectures and undertaking community service for a day
April 1982
27 A unique series of open days to mark the 150th anniversary of Durham University may foster better relations between town and gown after it was intended to open the doors of all the departments for one day to the general public
May 1982
7 Durham University students have signed a petition organised by the Polish Solidarity movement protesting against outside interference with Poland
20 Durham University is to start an annual lecture event to mark its anniversary and forge closer links with the local community
22 Durham University breathed a sigh of relief yesterday after the University Grants Committee agreed to issue a rise, although staff cuts are likely to continue
June 1982
4 Princess Margaret arrived in Durham to visit the city's university
30 Dame Margot Fonteyn was installed as the chancellor of Durham University today
July 1982
9 Durham University is organising a competition, in conjunction with the Royal Institute of British Architects, for the design of a second building for the University's Oriental Museum
26 Durham University to create a special department, the 'Office of Commercial and Public Affairs, designed to promote its public image
August 1982
27 Durham University is planning a major research centre to help British and European industry
Fringe festival.
September 1982
25 Parents are willing to pay up to £12,000 to get their child a place at Durham University
26 The Times Educational Supplement has voted Durham one of Britain's most popular universities
October 1982
2 Durham University received more than 11,000 applicants and accepted 1,280 students
9 A call for 'home rule' for the North from Durham University's Vice Chancellor has brought a bitter response from local politicians
13 A blind Durham University graduate, Mr Derek Child, has won a top job at the Open University as the university's advisor on the education of disabled students
22 The new Durham University arts administrator, Steve Dearden, is hoping to put an end to town-gown strife by making the university's arts events more accessible to the general public
November 1982
13 440 Durham University students have signed a petition protesting against their stereotypical treatment of 'upper class'
New TV programmes directed by a woman on Channel 4.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1983   1983
Newspaper cuttings, including:
January 1983
6 Dr Richard Stephenson, a scientist at Durham University, has caused controversy by suggesting the crucifixion of Christ may have taken place on Friday, April 3, AD33
February 1983
18 Further cuts in grants were announced by the Government, meaning Durham University will have to continue to economise
23 Durham University students are planning a march through the city in protest over the further cuts
26 Defence Minister Michael Heseltine last night faced one of the biggest peace demonstrations ever staged in the North East as over 1,000 torch-carrying anti-nuclear protestors gathered outside the union society at Durham University where he was due to speak
March 1983
3 Durham University Careers Advisory Service has published a report which has shown that job hunting graduates had a better year despite the recession, with only 8.1% still without a job by the end of 1982 (compared with 9.8% in 1981)
5 Almost 500 students today marched through Durham City in protest over university cuts April 1983
29 Durham University students are drawing up battle plans for a rent strike if the increase is more than 4% - Durham students already pay the highest maintenance fees in the country
John Sewel.
May - Jane Olsen's trip to Russia.
July - Dame Margot Fonteyn.
August - Fringe festival.
Paper file
UND/CK5/1984   1984
Newspaper cuttings
Paper file
UND/CK5/1985   1985
Newspaper cuttings, including:
December 1985
5 Durham University is to look overseas to offset the effects of grant cuts which are expected to lead to more than 100 job losses
14 Durham University has forecast a loss of between 45 and 50 academic posts and a similar proportion of support posts and facilities by 1989-90 to meet the annual cut of 2% in recurrent grant support from Government
Paper file
UND/CK5/1986   1986
Newspaper cuttings, including:
January 1986
10 Philip Gafga, a Durham University student severely handicapped through deafness and partial sight was among 21 young people who received awards in London to help their further education and career progress
13 Hundreds of academic staff at Newcastle and Durham Universities may strike next week in response to budget cuts
25 Uproar erupted at a Durham University debate when Tory MP Nicholas Fairburn accused the Bishop of Durham of not believing in the divinity of Christ
31 Members of all-male Hatfield College are to strongly oppose the move to allow girls to become members as of next year
February 1986
12 Hatfield College members have won their battle against admitting women during a debate in the Senate
17 The Vice-Chancellor and Warden of Durham University have taken the unprecedented step of writing a personal letter to the parents and guardians of the university's 4,700 students to point out the hardships facing their sons and daughters, including that of having to leave the university
19 The Transport and General Workers' Union is withdrawing from the forthcoming Hatfield conference for shop stewards in protest against the decision of the college not to allow female members
26 More than 500 students from Durham University will be attending a demonstration in London against Government proposals on grants and social security
27 Durham University is to consider severing its investment links with South Africa in a protest against apartheid
March 1986
3 The Northern TUC has added its weight to the boycott of Durham University's Hatfield College by deciding not to hold education courses there
7 Durham University Careers Service has reported that graduates are being lured away from industry into the financial world owing to the success of the City of London
10 A new course for black South African teachers of English is to be run at Durham University
20 The six collegiate universities, including Durham University, have been told that they face deductions in grants from public funds unless they scrap college fees
21 Durham University has lost out on becoming the new home for the Greenwich Observatory
April 1986
21 Two of Durham University's most important departments, Education and Classics, are set to expand dramatically, despite cutbacks elsewhere
23 Durham University has won a £500,000 contract to process research information for Government agencies
30 Efforts were being made to evacuate students including four from Durham University caught up in the Russian nuclear disaster
May 1986
21 Durham University will officially learn today that it is one of the 11 universities in Britain to face the maximum 0.5% cash cut (£87,000)
June 1986
1 A new Government league table of university excellence rates Durham below average in teacher training
2 A Durham University lecturer, Ruth First House, who was killed by a letter bomb, will be honoured during 10 days of anti-apartheid events in Durham County
4 Women will be admitted to Hatfield and St Chads College at Durham University from October 1988 after a decision by the University Council
5 Councils throughout the North East are today set to throw their weight behind a campaign to oppose cash cuts for the region's universities and polytechnics
12 Lecturers from the North East will converge on London today to protest at the recent university cuts
16 Cash cutbacks are forcing Durham University to pull out of running a successful Youth Training Scheme
July 1986
1 Student leaders in Durham have been angered by the University's opposition to their calls for disinvestment from South Africa
3 Graduates looking for their first job stand a better chance of finding one if they took their degree at Durham University a report concluded
26 Both Newcastle and Durham Universities have increased their earnings from industrial and commercial research by more than £100,000 between 1983-84 and 1984-85
September 1986
21 Student loans could come a step nearer this week after the vice-chancellors award committee, headed by Durham University's Vice Chancellor, Professor Fred Holliday, drew up a plan for students to pay back 50% of their grant money
23 A set of rare and valuable 19th century historical architectural books has been stolen from a library at St Chad's College, Durham University
October 1986
24 The Chinese Embassy in London has donated more than 1,000 books to Durham University Library
November 1986
5 Police have been warned that students are planning major demonstrations against two controversial Right-wingers, John Carlisle MP and David Irving, who are to attend a debate in Durham later this month
December 1986
3 Students at Durham University have been given an unexpected boost in their battle against student loans with the decision of the university lecturers to back them in their fight
5 Top businessmen are to join senior academics at Durham University to launch a national campaign to highlight how universities can assist industry with research and other services
7 Violence flared in Northumberland during an anti-hunt demonstration, in which a Durham University student was hospitalised after being hit with a fence post
21 Security is to be tightened at Durham University following the storming of a university building by IRA sympathisers
Paper file
UND/CK5/1987   1987
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 2 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1988   1988
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 2 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1989   1989
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 4 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1990   1990
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 3 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1991   1991
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 3 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1992   1992
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 4 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1993   1993
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 4 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1994   1994
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 5 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1995   1995
Newspaper cuttings
Paper files in 4 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1996   1996
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 5 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1997   1997
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 6 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1998   1998
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 6 transfer cases
UND/CK5/1999   1999
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 6 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2000   2000
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 7 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2001   2001
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 6 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2002   2002
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 4 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2003   2003
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts, including August-September concerning Hade Soleimanpour, an Iranian diplomat arrested whilst a research student at Durham university.
Paper files in 5 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2004   2004
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 6 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2005   2005
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 6 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2006   2006
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 9 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2007   2007
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 10 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2008   January - August 2008
Copy newspaper cuttings, radio and TV transcripts, and website extracts
Paper files in 8 transfer cases
UND/CK5/2011   April 2011
Newspaper cutting from Durham Times re astronomy at the university.
Paper file
UND/CK5/2013   2013
Copy newspaper cuttings and website printouts of university news, mainly academic research developments, including from Methodist Recorder re theological training for ordinands at the university, students climbing on the cathedral roof, the death of student Sope Peters, the discovery of a mass grave at Palace Green Library, the geological scuplture of the Birtish Isles, and the Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition.
2 paper files
UND/CK5/2014   2014
Copy newspaper cuttings and website printouts of research developments, student and university activities, including from Durham Times re Tom McLeish's new book Faith & Wisdom in Science.
2 paper files
UND/CK5/2015   January - May 2015
Copy newspaper cuttings and website printouts of research developments, student and university activities
Paper file
UND/CK5/2019   October 2019
Copy newspaper cuttings and website printouts of research developments, student and university activities (Neil Hunt)
Paper file
UND/CK5/2020   February 2020
Copy newspaper cuttings and website printouts of research developments, student and university activities (Charles Wilson)
Paper file
UND/CK5A/1   1 February - 31 October 1988
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/2   1 November 1988 - 31 July 1989
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/3   1 August 1989 - 31 July 1990
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/4   1 August 1990 - 30 April 1991
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/5   1 May 1991 - 29 February 1992
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/6   1 March - 30 November 1992
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/7   1 December 1992 - 30 June 1993
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/8   1 July - 31 December 1993
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/9   1 January - 31 July 1994
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/10   1 August - 30 November 1994
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/11   1 December 1994 - 30 April 1995
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/12   1 May - 30 September 1995
Newspaper cuttings, classified sequence.
Paper lever arch file
UND/CK5A/13   August 2006 - January 2007
Newspaper cuttings.
Paper file, spiral bound in plastic covers
UND/CK5B/2005   November 2005
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re Chancellor Bill Bryson's inaugural visit
Paper file
UND/CK5B/2006   February - December 2006
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re stories featuring Durham University and its members, with associated press releases, the major stories being:
Dave Petley warns of follow-up landslide threat in Pakistan earthquake zone; Anthony Gormley and P.D. James guest lecturers; Stockton Campus health week; new volcano research is closer to predicting eruptions; Kate O'Brien - women bouncers in the night-time economy; students helping to rebuild tsunami-hit Sri Lanka (November 2005 - March 2006).
Andy Elliott photographer exhibition at Stockton; Arnold Wolfendale secures Westminster Abbey memorial for the clockmaker John Harrison; Fred Worrall and Tim Burt developing models for the storage of carbon in upland peat; HEFCE grant rise reflects university's research strengths; honorary graduates celebrate an A to Z of achievement; Rachel Casiday - a third of parents distrust government advice re MMR; annual Durham Science Festival with schoolchildren visiting university labs.
New Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice to study Islamic systems; James Stirling underlines the human factor in research quality assessment; Institute for Computational Cosmology donates its CENTAUR supercomputer to Rwanda; first female professors appointed in Maths and Physics; Durham graduate Richard Palmer killed in Iraq; North East football fans can learn German in the Languages for All programme ready for the World Cup; Douglas Scott retired professor of German obituary; e-Science Research Institute uses 3-D imaging; award to Creative Gene Technology Ltd to develop pest-resistant crops; urgent funding for landslide research after the Kashmir earthquake.
Durham engineers part of wind turbine project; Tom Mildinhall 2nd university graduate killed in Iraq; Durham-Newcastle Universities boat race; Pete Edwards unveils the Universe's secrets to students; Chancellor Bill Bryson excavating Roman remains at Sedgefield; Adela Carter sports student wins Applied Research Undergraduate award; Alastair Beattie sporting student obituary; Judy Richards dating research; Tamer Qaqish award for improving Pressed Steel Products turnover; Rob Crain wins award for the computer simulation of the formation of galaxies; music students to have their compositons performed at The Sage by Northern Sinfonia; Chris Ghazala the first student to take an intercalated or second degree; novelist Kunal Basu to give the 3rd Ustinov Prejudice Lecture; Victoria Christie PhD stem cell student commended in the Commons.
Father to graduate 54 years late with his daughter; free taster programme for mature students; special ceremony for medical students going to Newcastle; DUCK raises record amount; honorary graduates; Nobel Prize winner Bob Grubbs visiting the Chemistry department; scientists identify the key to abundant and cost-effective bio-fuels; appeal for parents of young babies to help understand how dummies affect infant sleep behaviour; Sedgefield Community Archaeology Project invites locals to try.
Appointment of Chris Higgins as the new vice-chancellor; John Ashworth to be a new dean of colleges; students to help Sri Lanka recover from the tsunami; PhD student getting school children switched on at Science-Live; four Durham professors elected to British Academy fellowships; North East Inheritance project on wills; money to provide a soft X-ray diffractometer for the UK's Diamond particle accelerator; first medical students graduate.
North East student rowers selected for the Great Britain squad; admissions clearing hotline set up; rowers win medals at the World Student Championships; student David Price-Williams to appear on TV on Countdown; Heritage Open Day tours of university sites; Durham 4th in the National Student Survey; US school pupils impressed by life at Durham University.
Durham's outstanding student financial support package; Durham experts create part of a global climate modelling network; Helen Hancock's study of hospital patients' attitude to healthcare assistants; Durham top in the North-East in the Sunday Times University Guide; Lyn Williams Chemistry professor obituary; traffic plans for freshers' arrival; tributes to Chris Moyes; Business School helping Biology students' enterprise skills; Judith Howard first female Durham Chemistry professor.
Stockton Campus news; funding for N8 collaborative research project; DUCK duck race; university charity fashion show; SCA students clean Leazes roundabout underpass; healthy lifestyle courses for local schoolchidlren in cooperation with Middlesbrough Football Club; students educating adolescent girls about HIV/AIDS in Zambia; Computer Science students win the IBM University Team Challenge; Institue of Advanced Study established; sustainable living programme launched; Josephine Butler College opened; agreement to exploit a new survey telescope in Hawaii; scientists help stroke victims look into the dark; Thomas Cucchi finds a new mouse in Cyprus.
Scientists planning human/cow embryos; Ancient Human Occupation of Britain project; Durham part of a new national centre of excellence in the study of the Arab world (CASAW); student Lisa Murphy wins national chemistry award; International Landslide Centre reveals undisclosed typhoon destruction in North Korea; Alan Martin awarded prestigious physics prize; Chris Jones needs adoptive parents to volunteer for a study; Sleep Lab reveals that unhindered mother/baby contact leads to higher success rate in breast feeding initiation; Islamic art exhibition by Spennymoor school pupils opened; Andrew Owens grant for research into heart disease; award for the Student Associate Scheme for student placements in local schools; Andrew Goudie lecture on global warming; engineering students redesign the tin can.
DUCK collection; deal with NPower to supply green electricity; EDAN art exhibition explaining the origins of the Universe; PhD students assisting with teaching school Science lessons; Sean Twiss - grey seal mating patterns altered by climate change; Queens Campus prize-winning students; Chancellor Bill Bryson news including OBE.
12 paper files
UND/CK5B/2007   2007
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re stories featuring Durham University and its members, the major stories being:
January: report on coastal erosion at Cowbar; funding for a project to harness Science for better crops; honorary graduates; Gill Nicholls appointed pro-vice-chancellor for the student experience; Richard Davies's research into the Java mud volcano.
February: report on English homeowners keeping their savings in the single asset of their home; honorary degrees for Sri Lankan tsunami duo; North East Stem Cell Institute new laboratories; access to Diamond light source facility; honorary degrees for husband and wife musicians; how to build a universe; work starting on an Institute of Hazard and Risk initiative; students begin a lunchtime mentoring scheme in local schools; Princess Royal's approval for Roger Searle's expedition; welcome for Tony Blair's plans for university funding; Wolfson grant for Biophysical Sciences Institute; Durham involvement in the Newcastle Science City project; rowers bus pull.
March: University 175th anniversary celebrations; Roger Searle's Atlantic research voyage; Faith in the City conference; Extreme Pornography Conference; carbon offsetting; studies of pigs in the Pacific; bird migration patterns research; research into fashion changes; Kaiyan Kaikobad - Iran's detention of British sailors; Descartes prize for work on cosmic gamma rays; university granted Fairtrade status; Kenneth Calman's retirement as vice-chancellor; single sex wing at St Mary's College.
April: Business School report on speeding motorists; new vice-chancellor Chris Higgins; reduction of stress levels in mandrill monkeys in Chester zoo; extradition to USA of ex-Iranian ambassador to Jordan NostratollahTajik; Rus Hoezel - bottlenose dolphins disappearing; what makes a racist debate; Tufyal Choudury report on a new British muslim identity; new vice-chancellor Chris Higgins (to June).
May: memorial brass concert for Chris Moyes; university 175th anniversary celebrations including inflatables and rowing regatta; Julian Elliott - dyslexia debate; Fred Robinson - report on Blair's ten years in government; visit of David Miliband MP; Alejandra Núñez de la Mora - comfortable childhood a factor in women's fertility; greater role of faith groups in youth work.
June: North-East bid for a leading international role in providing clean energy; Lynda Boothroyd - Daddies' girls choose men who look like their fathers; honorary degree for Alastair Fothergill.
July: Gerry Killeen - bed nets may prevent malaria; Louise Amoore - enhanced airport security creating new safety risks; Durham's high ranking in the Good University Guide league tables; Ray Hudson given a regional strategy role; Freda Andersen investigating IKEA's local customer relations; Sarah Price - slave trade ship recreation; River Tees north shore bridge contract awarded; three accolades for university professors; Stockton Campus expansion on River Tees north shore.
August: bid to be UK regional energy capital; Ken Durose - thin-layer solar cells may bring cheaper green power; foot and mouth outbreak; Nadja Reissland - mothers' baby cradling habits are an indicator of stress; James Casford - Heathrow airport climate change protest; Robert Coe - A levels easier; Lynda Boothroyd - macho men are seen as a bad choice for long-term love; David Parker - new chemically sensitive MRI scan may bypass some invasive diagnostic tests in the next decade; Roger Crouch - poor design of collapsed USA Mississippi bridge; Christine Merrell - the government's early years education measures are yet to make an impact; Christian Schweiger - tabloids create England-Germany tension around football matches; Richard Davies - challenge to the earthquake theory behind the Indonesian mud volcano.
September: Yongqiang Zong and Jim Innes - Stone age farmers used fire and flood to create the first paddy fields; Gardeners' Question Time at Durham; £500,000 investment for the Stockton Campus; Robert Kentridge - colour contrast is seen by the brain earlier than previously thought; Keith Dobney - pig study sheds new light on the colonisation of Europe by early farmers; Stefan Przyborski - cell growth technology promises more successful drug development; Liang Gao and Tom Theuns - study sheds new light on early star formation in the Universe; Peter Tymms - reception year teachers are most important for primary education; Jonathan Lawson - Hild-Bede chapel listed.
October: Martin Pratt - Britain's boundary claim in Antarctica; Bill Gates boosts malaria research at Durham; Alex Bentley - strange burial positions show Pacific island life; David Alexander - astronomers unmask missing black holes; Pippa Greenwood honorary degree; Claire Horwell - rapid analysis could cut health risks of volcanic ash; Jon Lord Durham concerto; Martin Ward - from Sputnik to satellite navigation; Douglas Davies - death the great taboo; Gidon Cohen criticises Gordon Brown over not holding an early election; Chancellor Bill Bryson appearances.
November: Peter Tymms - improving literacy; school sponsorship; Anthony Forster - Britain losing touch with service men and women; opening a kosher kitchen; Paul Yeo - decisive action could prevent bird flu spread; Science takes centre stage; experts discuss the effectiveness of carbon reduction plans; Tom Rosenthal - student aims for Christmas number one; Beacons project lights the way for public engagement.
December: sustainability; trauma faced by stroke carers; North-East lead on wind farm development; life in Sri Lanka after the tsunami; funding fears for physics departments; European treaty; two new books celebrating the university's 175th aniversary; DU playing cricket at tsunami-devastated Galle.
14 paper files
UND/CK5B/2008   2008
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re stories featuring Durham University and its members, with associated press releases, the major stories being:
January: takeover of Brown Ale brewery; Durham backs organ donation proposals; boost for regeneration scheme; challenge to counter-terrorism proposals; migrating birds over-wintering in the UK could be to blame for bird flu outbreak; money to tackle health inequality; super-computer could throw light on mysterious dark energy; art and medicine meet to make the world's first operating gown; new report says Europe's birds face crisis unless climate change is tackled; biofuels still have a future; renewable energy expert says energy mix needed to meet demand; DU leads UK research project into cheaper solar energy cells; honorary degrees especially Archbishop Rowan Williams; Indonesian mud volcano; courses in Islamic banking; experimental helmet to help Alzheimer's sufferers; change to organ donor rules; Josephine Butler; WHS visitor centre; Jon Lord's Durham Concerto; growth at Stockton; tsunami project appeal; Elvet Waterside save the green campaign (Bill Bryson).
February: Academy schools (to July); students prepare for solar car race; children's under-achievement could be down to poor working memory; stonemasons' workshop; Beijing Olympics' downside for China; Super Tuesday US elections; old fault zone could be to blame for earthquake; how young scientists keep people listening while they explain their work; revolution in the handicrafts industry; peat bogs being pelted with heather; call for investment in Science study; possible cure for dementia; ancient tooth provides evidence of Neanderthal movement; Co Durham rural tour (Bill Bryson).
March: universities investing more to prevent postgraduates going overseas; the philosophy of shadows; drink law shake-up; Darwin wrong about the origin of chickens; Olympics training camps; homeless helped by student sports coaching scheme; activities of individual students; home workers fear being “out of sight, out of mind”; vice-chancellor Chris Higgins and his view of the university's role in the north east; Science village replacing 3 schools; why football teams wearing red are more successful; Centre for Catholic Studies; Sharia law undermining British values; comments on the budget statement; Changing Perspectives project and creative writing; litter-picking (Bill Bryson); Gordon Brown (Gidon Cohen); Shrievalty Awards with funds from DU; Young People's Project (Robyn Skeratt).
April: US election; Tom Patrick biography; Sean Morris and Twenty20 cricket; Charlie Davies tax bonanza; James Sweeney Olympic torch; Union debate with ex-alcohol and drug abusers; anti-litter campagin (Bill Bryson); Calman Centre opening; new business School head (Rob Dixon); Good Friday agreement flawed (Rodney Wilson); everyday experts programme (Michael Pennington); Science Festival for school pupils (Paula Martin); MoU with One North East; more black and ethnic minorities needed in teaching; DU sixth in Complete University Guide; One Big Future event for school leavers at Stockton; study into attractiveness and how we find a mate (Lynda Boothroyd); FuturePerfect DUS one day arts festival (Saskia Stainer-Hutchins); Sustainable Living Action Group wins Green Gown Award.
May: monsoon Britain story to launch Institute of Hazard and Risk Research (Stuart Lane); George Alagiah and Fair Trade products; DU impact on developing North East, major academy sponsor; Durham City Vision; DU sporting success; Heathrow Terminal 5 and the Business School; FuturePerfect music festival; woodworker at Botanic Gardens (Chris Helliwell); “Drawing from Durham” exhibition at Grey (David Venables); Chris Davidson flees Beirut; child's journey from womb to kindergarten (Charles Fernyhough); Lech Walesa speaks at DU; PVC for learning and teaching (Anthony Forster); Nigerian graduates with TTE Technical Training Group; Rosemary Cramp Society of Antiquaries gold medal; building on flood plains; student/graduate achievements; Java mud volcano collapses (Richard Davies); robots to explore underwater volcanoes (Roger Searle); further landslides feared in China (David Petley); China's earthquake and slurry lake risk (Alex Densmore); Tyne university boat race.
June: Jodrell Bank e-Merlin project (Martin Ward); Sharjah chair appointed (Habib Ahmed); big chill experiment at Cern (Nigel Glover); vice-chancellor (Chris Higgins); climate change schools project; drilling not earthquake caused the Java mud volcano (Richard Davies); health research funding boost; honorary degrees (Fenwick Lawson, David Sproxton); Maria Murphy fifth sibling to graduate from DU; women more likely to be negative after casual sex (Anne Campbell); rowing achievements of Frances Fletcher; Islamic financial markets (Rodney Wilson); UAE terror alert long overdue (Chris Davidson); sustainable oil alternatives and stem cell research praised (Toni Slabas, Stefan Pryzyborski); student/graduate achievements (Natalie Crisp et al); Queen's campus activities; Durham regatta; DSU FuturePerfect festival; Science City project; new director of development (Liesl Elder); Islamic militant jihadists inspired by dreams (Iain Edgar); North East identity not so deep-rooted (Adrian Green); first male graduates from St Mary's College; 5000 BC skeletons show nothing new in men fighting over women (Alex Bentley); binge drinking rise is a fashion phenomenon (Paul Ormerod); £3m investment for stem cell research (Chris Hutchison).
July: stolen Shakespeare first folio returns; Leicester honorary degree and freedom of Durham for Bill Bryson; registrar leaving (Lee Sanders); DU graduates at Olympics (James Clarke, Alice Freeman, Louisa Reeve, Stephen Rowbotham); European birds flock to warming Britain (Brian Huntley); new MBBS Phase I medicine programme at Queen's (Tim Blackman); CO2 storage research group project (Richard Davies); women bishops (Miranda Threlfall-Holmes); International Office director leaving (David Baker); Civil Partnership Bill debate (Donnchaidh O'Conaill); Sharon Probert and Gemma Probert mother and daughter graduate MBBS together; of war and peace (David Stevens); In Defense of a Lost Cause review (Samuel Thomas); Frankenstein review (Pamela Clemit); cutting plastic bag use; Bedlingtonshire High School visit to improve Maths; Durham City Vision bid to restore riverside gardens; Institute of Directors North East chair; heritage holiday week (Gordon Batho); supporting regional enterprise; Wallington estate soils ( Madeleine Bell); use of magic to understand the mind (Gustav Kuhn); world's oldest computer linked to early Olympics (John Steele); achieving top grades in Science subjects more difficult (Robert Coe); Fair Trade status awarded (Tim Burt); sexual assaults in Dubai (Chris Davidson); new light on jihadis (Steffen Hertog).
August: archaeologists lift lid on rare Roman coffins find in Newcastle (Richard Annis); Arctic map plots new gold rush (Martin Pratt); clean-up litter (Bill Bryson); study into A level grade rises ( Robert Coe); new brochure showcasing Durham's attractions; crystals improving understanding of volcanic eruptions (Victoria Martin); NHS is a sickness rather than health system (David Hunter); Stockton Foundation Centre (Jan Metcalf); Sichaun fault and flooding after the Chinese earthquake (Alex Densmore); stem cell indicator boost for bowel cancer survival (Chris Hutchison); cervical cancer vaccine should include boys (Paul Yeo); Gateway development unveiled; FuturePerfect arts festival debts.
September: national testing distorts primary school science teaching (Peter Tymms); black hole missing link found (Marek Gierlinski, Martin Ward); Northern Rock crisis first anniversary (Ranald Michie); dark matter big bang experiment (Nigel Glover); DU best in the North-East; new PVC Tom McLeish; animal testing to be cut by Reinnervate invention (Stefan Przyborski); Queen's campus development plans; support for North East Stem Cell Institute; new footbridge at Queen's; stem cell drug hopes (Stefan Przyborski); new scholarships for talented students; smart Star Trek style desks for schools (Liz Burd); World Heritage Site expands.
October: cosmic eye sheds light on early galaxy formation (Mark Swinbank); conclusive vote on real cause of Indonesian Lusi mud volcano (Richard Davies); Angel Alliance will push research; Beyond Ceremony book on chancellors (Bill Bryson); literary festival (Bill Bryson); Oriental Museum's Chinese exhibition; glitzy Dubai has a darker side - jailing of British couple for having sex on the beach (Chris Davidson); Nobel prize for physics, comments (Pete Edwards); scrapping school tests is positive but monitoring is essential (Peter Tymms); money for pioneering cancer imaging technology; building of the Tyne Bridge photographic archive (Adrian Green); DU's inspiring community schemes; new year at Stockton; student Iceland trip; Olympic hopefuls train at DU; Hartlepool's Spot the Rock guide (Stuart Jones); North-East Technology Park MoU; Des Pratt from Sierra Leone at DU; Climate Change Lead Schools Network; new incapacity benefit ignores health issues (Clare Bambra).
November: hijacked Saudi oil tanker comments (Chris Davidson); Sri Lankan project links academics and students; Durham's Balanced and Sustainable Communities Forum; DUCK fund-raising; luminescence shines new light on proteins (David Parker); Pacific voyage to discover clues to ancient migration (Keith Dobney, Greger Larson); US elections (John Dumbrell); leading in space science (Martin Ward); lecture by Jordanian Prince El Hassan bin Talal; pre-Budget report comment (Tony Cleaver); concerns about ID cards for foreign nationals (Steve Graham, Francisco Klauser); Shakespeare first folio theft suspect re-arrested; haemorrhage simulation; Academies plans.
December: credit crunch effect on Christmas (John Tierney); RAE boost to university's international research reputation; people wanting NHS access should be more responsible (Martyn Evans); moon's polar caraters could be the place to find ice (Vincent Eke); credit crunch hits cash-strapped home-owners (Susan Smith); links of Bonnie Prince Charlie with “O Come All Ye Faithful” carol (Bennett Zon); Phoenix project at Stockton (Andrew Russell); SCA's Santa's grotto in Durham's indoor market; Union debate with Cyrenians; Team Durham's outreach work with offenders (Emma Hall-Craggs); DUCK's grants; Angle Alliance takes off.
12 paper files
UND/CK5B/2009   2009
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re stories featuring Durham University and its members, with associated press releases, the major stories being:
January: high caffeine intake linked to hallucination proneness (Simon Jones, Charles Fernyhough); physicists get £16.7m to unravel secrets of the universe (Nigel Glover); better relationship needed with Iran (Reza Molavi); honorary degrees (Jonathan Edwards, Richard Dannatt; Shakespeare first folio theft case; the loneliness of China's 140m old people (Keming Yang); humans are the reason for strange coat colours in domestic animals (Greger Larson); DULOG's Guys and Dolls.
February: £200,000 pledged for graduates to stay on; Whitehead archives on display; diagnosis of war zone disorder (PTSD) to help stroke victims; immigration conference hosted by Martin Bell; St John's College centenary; French cafe in the Gala (Simon McKinnon); butterfly colony trial to help their survival (Brian Huntley); violent computer games have a role in fire safety (Shamus Smith); cosmologists see the cosmic dawn (Carlton Baugh); revival of Durham's 18th century music in pubs (Jeremy Dibble); views on possible women bishops (Miranda Threlfall-Holmes).
March: government boost for Gateway development; volcano expert abseils into the hottest place on earth (Danakil desert, Dougal Jerram); new material could cut future energy losses; exploring subglacial Antarctic lake (Mike Bentley); climate change affecting Europe's birds (Steve Willis); Northern funding rises; Bill Bryson launches university's book of big ideas ( Thinking about Almost Everything); Durham version of Monopoly (Helen Strangward); Lindisfarne Gospels to return to the North East.
April: Matrix protein key to fighting viruses (John Sanderson, Paul Yeo); Oriental Museum holds Chinese comics exhibition; Angel Alliance secures £2.6m to boost healthcare; Budget comments (Tony Cleaver, Peter Tavner); easing the housing pain (Susan Smith); knowledge has power; SATS flawed but assessment should stay and first years need good teachers (Peter Tymms); first female registrar appointed (Carolyn Fowler); climate change makes migration longer for birds (Stephen Willis); Gateway consultation opened; thousands of children wrongly diagnosed with dyslexia (Joe Elliott); scientists prepare to travel to Italy earthquake disaster zone (Bob Holdsworth); swine flu source spawns wild theories (Paul Yeo).
May: council was sensible not to draw on reserves to fund tax cuts (Martin Laffin); Waterston's provides online enrolment system; ambassador for Kuwait to visit Durham University's School of Government and International Affairs; Dr Antonio Tanca to hold public lecture at DU; Department of Italian to hold first ever New Italian Cinema Events week (Dr Federici); teachers oppose academy mergers; North East top 250 companies; universities should protect lecturers who have unfounded claims made against them; DU given good review by students; Oriental Museum and Old Fulling Mill Museum take part in Museums at Night; landmark bridge opens in Stockton; the use and abuse of Darwinism (Alec Ryrie); quick test for prostate cancer is being developed (David Parker); new way of gauging professional behaviour in medical students (John McLachlan); Collingwood College awarded gold status by the Green Tourism Business Scheme; residents speak out in planning enquiry over student homes; doubts over Dubai property project Hydra Village (Chris Davidson); Durham named a top five UK university; annual university boat race.
June: MPs must choose power or money (David Byrne); international electives a good way to experience global business practices first hand (Anne Woodhead); students to undertake Mongolia charity drive; researchers develop thermoset plastics which allow for remoulding and recycling (Ezat Khosravi); Iran to undertake live presidential debates (Anoush Ehteshami); Omani buy-out good for Newcastle United (Chris Davidson); Good University Guide; proposal of new financial instruments and contracts for home owners (Susan Smith); geographers split over exploration campaign of Royal Geographical Society (Jonathan Rigg); university aims to be world leader in business education (Rob Dixon); staff and students cycle coast to coast for a north east hospice; DU society of change ringers raise money for charity; DU Islamic society cycle to raise money for Gaza children; staff take on the Three Peaks; stalagmites thought to predict climate change (Lisa and James Baldini); nature parks could save birds (Stephen Willis); Christine Dunn awarded Royal Geographical Society's Cuthbert Peek Award; Christopher Rowe awarded OBE; DU ranks second in the country for theology; “the big idea”, north east could become cyberspace of international technology; Patricia Easteal takes “virtual sabbatical” at DU; Aecom wins DU deal; GSSArchitecture to work on development projects in Durham; Grey College celebrates its 50th anniversary; Sancastles hold the key to a green future; Iranian election protests (Anoush Ehteshami); Iranian election debates (Reza Mohlavi); stickleback fish have human ability to learn (Jeremy Kendal); Judith Hann to receive honorary degree from DU; Elizabeth Burd awarded the National Teaching Fellowship; students rate DU in the top ten in independent survey; “cosmic blobs” point to key stage in galaxy evolution (James Geach).
July: intense heat killed the universe's would-be galaxies (Carlos Frenk); seals respond quickly to habitat and climate change (Rus Hoelzel); knowledge of the Bible is declining (Brian D. Brown); Tony Blair launches Faith and Globalisation programme at DU; Pacific tsunami threat greater than expected; the grand canyon of Durham (Jeff Warburton); Columbian athletes could base themselves in the north east for the 2012 Olympics.
August: exam chiefs call for harder A-levels after pass rate rises again (Peter Tymms); exhibition of Andrew Heptinstall's photographs for Thinking About Almost Everything; students rate north east universities highly; autism affects the ability to read body language (Anthony Atkinson); young Afghans suffer violence and stress unrelated to war (Catherine Panter-Brick); pupil with six As at A level turned down from DU.
September: mosquito screens are cheap and effective in malaria prevention (Steve Lindsay); celebrity deaths discussed at conference (Douglas Davies); egg-shaped legacy of Britain's mobile ice sheet (David Evans); archaeological dig unearths important Ice Age finds; professor develops sleep sling for relieving baby colic (Vincent Reid); students share designs for industry; increase in number of students seeking postgraduate study; fairy tales have ancient origin (Jamie Tehrani); experts gather to debate crisis images; scientists whip up custard and a storm in science outreach and research event (Paula Martin); researchers demonstrate little change in pupils' mathematical understanding over thirty years; DU achieves highest ever ranking in university guide; plans submitted for Gateway university development.
October: rocket crash could find moon's water ice (Vincent Eke); new coastland map could help strengthen sea defences (Ian Shennan); private school pupils dominate top universities; makeover for DU sports facilities; DU selected as training camp for Sri Lankan squad in 2012; Durham business school in the top ten (Robert Dixon); fear of discrimination saw Irish names Patrick and Bridget decline (Malcolm Smith, Donald MacRaild); Durham invitation to Pope Benedict; university wins national award for supporting young researchers ;
November: 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (Michael Bohlander); rapid star formation spotted in stellar nurseries (Mark Swinbank); student charity event in Durham; Bill Bryson launches Christopher Moyes Memorial Foundation; river mapping reveals uncharted territory (John Donaldson); monkeys choose mating partners with different genes (Jo Setchell); supported progression programme (Anthony Forster); flooding in Cumbria; Dubai crisis causes stock market shares to fall (Christopher Davidson); sexual violence conference (Nicole Westmarland).
December: research says MBAs should focus more on business ethics (Rob Dixon); Durham in line to host Lindisfarne Gospels; delays in cancer treatment costs thousands of lives (Greg Rubin); creation of Institute for Local Governance; cafe aims to celebrate German culture; DUCK race; DU appoints first professor in geoenergy, carbon capture and storage (Jon Gluyas); Gateway development; Durham scientists in running for entrepreneurship prize; “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks” on “Ilkley Moor” (Jeremy Dibble); scholarship gift to help Co Durham students to study at DU (Bob Young); DU part of the launch of a £4 million scholarship scheme (Naim Dangoor).
12 paper files
UND/CK5B/2010   2010
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re stories featuring Durham University and its members, with associated press releases, the major stories being:
January: babies to help reveal more about autism (Vincent Reid); Haiti earthquake (Roger Searle); the view from the pew (Katie Bruce); Durham scientists win 3D movie award (Carlos Frenk, Nick Holliman); thousands expected to visit Lindisfarne Gospels.
February: BNP university debate cancelled; new evidence links exploration well and Lusi mud volcano (Richard Davies); class issues before the general election (David Byrne); research shows flexible work is good for your health (Clare Bambra); theft of priceless Shakespeare work.
March: earthquake in Chile (Bob Holdsworth); John Stainer's work donated to DU; catastrophic event halted galaxy (Dave Alexander); early galaxy went through a teenage growth spurt (Mark Swinbank).
April: the Icelandic volcano (Colin Macpherson, Dougal Jerram).
May: babies able to tell good from evil (Nadja Reissland); national boycott of SATS exams (Peter Tymms); neo-Nazis jailed for producing chemical weapon (John Gatehouse); student experience praised as Durham named top 4 UK University; South Atlantic map plots Falkland claims (Martin Pratt); computer technique could help partially-sighted see better (Alison Lane); drum rhythm on song for football World Cup success (Peter Okano Ongari); general election.
June: the end of Edward Elgar and £20 notes (Jeremy Dibble); trial begins over Shakespeare first folio theft; astronomers' doubts about the “dark side”; UK scientists focus on revealing hidden mysteries of the universe (Carlos Frenk) ; Yangtze River 40 million years older than previously thought (Alexander Densmore); astronomers discover origins of Milky Way (Andrew Cooper); explorer becomes doctor of science (Robert Swan).
July: documentary of the theft of Shakespeare first folio screened; DU appeals for the return of six rare books; trial of Raymond Scott for theft of Shakespeare first folio.
August: local antiques dealer jailed for the theft of Shakespeare first folio.
September: Durham Centre for Catholic Studies to meet Pope Benedict XVI (Paul Murray).
October: plans for Britain's biggest smart-grid project launched; oil boom possible but time is running out (Jon Gluyas); Stockton sports centre opens; Bill Bryson steps down as chancellor; DU scientists help measure the most distant galaxy ever discovered (Mark Swinbank); tuition fees rise; government spending review opinions; Indonesian volcano and earthquake disasters; origins of the word vampire (Andrej Petrovic).
November: length of pregnancy influenced by placenta structure; hormone therapy can make the brain younger; tigers and polar bears are highly vulnerable to environmental change (Philip Stephens); Shakespeare folio inmate gets job in prison library.
December: early years' initiatives, such as Sure Start, are failing the poor; Shakespeare first folio is centrepiece of Treasures exhibition.
12 paper files
UND/CK5B/2011   January - June 2011
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re stories featuring Durham University and its members, with associated press releases, the major stories being:
January: Shakespeare first folio returned and restored; DU and KPMG announce plans for a new accountancy degree programme; CO2 capture plans could add £60bn to UK coffers.
February: Lusi mud volcano eruptions to continue for a quarter of a century (Richard Davies).
March: Japanese earthquake and tsunami (Bob Holdsworth et al); DU welcomes tomorrow's scientists; mothers' hardwork pays off with big brains for their babies.
April: DU maintains ranking as top five university; Maths programme boosts low achievers' skills; DU could share in government funding to develop collaborative research with industry; DU study examines how outreach can support UK's disadvantaged communities; new “In-Focus 3D” system developed for medical uses, and to avoid gaming console illness; returning Strauss declares first-class loyalties.
May: no magic number for saving endangered species; Europeans the real cannibals in new book (Richard Sugg); super-injunctions with appointed members crucial to Lords' independence (Gavin Phillipson); Royal Society honours Tom McLeish and David Milner; Iselan's strong Grimsvötn volcanic eruption may indicate a shorter activity phase (Gillian Foulger); Eastern Europeans are loneliest in Europe (Keming Yang).
June: Russell Crowe visit to drama students.
November: Richard Sugg to recreate historic cannibal recipes in Gods and Monsters on C4; study into GPs' referrals of cancer patients (Greg Rubin).
6 paper files
UND/CK5B/2012   April 2012
Subject sequence of copy newspaper cuttings from regional, national and international press, and radio transcripts re stories featuring Durham University and its members, with associated press releases, the major stories being:
April: theft of Chinese artefacts from the Oriental Museum.
Paper file
Reference: UND/CL By 2020, the department was Human Resources and Organisation Development, with the role of creating an environment for staff, and those seeking employment at the University, that is supportive, informative and provides for creative and innovative employment practices and opportunities. In doing this it will support the delivery of the University Strategy and the Enabling Strategies, with the aim of being a world leading employer. The department's director since 2018 has been Joanne Race.
CL1/A1 transferred by DrA.I. Doyle 8 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:13.
CL1/A2-5 transferred by the university librarian 2 February 2007, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:39.

Reference: UND/CL1
UND/CL1/A1   1992
Staff Handbook
Paper booklet   10 + iv + 86p.
UND/CL1/A2   March 1988 & January 1995
Conditions of Employment for Clerical and Secretarial Staff Including Library Assistants and Computer Staff
UND/CL1/A3   July 1990
Staff Development and Appraisal Academic and Academic-Related Staff
UND/CL1/A4   April 1994
Staff Development and Appraisal for Academic and Academic-Related Staff
UND/CL1/A5   May 1994
Staff Development and Appraisal of Support Staff
UND/CL1/A6   August 1991
Personnel Handbook
Paper file, in a 2 ring plastic binder
UND/CL1/A7   [?2023]
Publicity leaflets relating to the Working Well Together initiative, promoting health and wellbeing among university staff.
2 leaflets
UND/CL1/A8   2024/25
Open Course Training Programme, 2024 - 2025
Printed colour brochure, 19p
UND/CL1/A9   2024/25
Leadership Development, 2024 - 2025
Printed colour brochure, 22p
UND/CL1/A10   [?2024]
Five Ways to Wellbeing
Printed colour leaflet
UND/CL1/A11   [?2024]
Coaching at Durham
Printed colour leaflet
UND/CL1/A12   [?2024]
Apprenticeship Opportunities at Durham University
Printed colour leaflet
UND/CL1/A13   [?2024]
Organisation Development values
Printed colour leaflet
UND/CL1/A14   [?2024]
Development Roles
Printed colour leaflet
UND/CL1/A15   March 2024
MyDurham Discounts
Printed colour leaflet, 2f
UND/CL1/A16   March 2024
Something for Everyone
Reward, Benefits & Recognition for DU staff and anyone considering joining us.
Printed colour brochure
UND/CL1/A17   2004
Course material for “Building, Leading and Managing a Team”
Paper file
UND/CL1/A18/1-3   2021 - 2023
Diversity Pay Report
2021, 2022 and 2023
3 PDF reports 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat
The original structure in this file has been maintained.
UND/CL1/A19   2022
“Pay Diversity Action Plan”
PDF: 14 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat: 207 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained.
Office files
Reference: UND/CL2
Academic Staff leavers files
Reference: UND/CL3
Dates of creation: 1987 - 2001
Files for academic/academic-related members of staff, including permanent and temporary, covering appointment, contracts, payments, and retirement/resignation, filed by year of departure and then alphabetically
In annual bundles by date of departure.
Closed for 80 years under DPA from the last date on file.

Non-Academic Staff records
Reference: UND/CL4
UND/CL4/1   c.1960 - 1978
Non-academic staff cards detailing name, address, post, start and end dates, date of birth, salary, NI number, date file destroyed and remarks.
Closed under DPA until 2059.
UND/CL4/2   1978 - 1992
Non-academic staff cards detailing name, address, date of birth, start date, post, start date, grade, probationary period, hours per week, weeks per year, date and reason for leaving, and some notes on their employment history with the university. Incomplete, letters E to Mc only.
Closed under DPA until 2073.
Health and Safety Office
Reference: UND/CM In 2020, the Health and Safety Service was to provide competent advice, guidance and coaching to improve outcomes and deliver on its responsibilities as the independent adviser, auditor and prime mover in the Health and Safety Management system. Its broad role was to act responsibly, manage Occupational Health Risk, promote broader awareness and ownership of occupational health issues across the University, manage risks well, support departments, colleges and services, keep pace with change, and share good practice.

Reference: UND/CM1
UND/CM1/A1   May 2006
Hands On
Health and Safety Office newsletter, issue 1 only.
UND/CM1/A2   1985 - 1992
Safety Manual
Paper file
UND/CM1/A3   October 1978
Safety Handbook, 2nd edition
UND/CM1/A4   [c.1995]
Health and Safety Information
UND/CM1/A5   January 1999
Statement of Health and Safety Policy
UND/CM1/A6   July 1993
Health and Safety in the University
UND/CM1/A7   June 2001, October 2003, October 2007
Health and Safety at Durham, with a description of the management system, a diagram of its structure, and a list of the standards. 3 editions.
3 items, foldout card, 1p
UND/CM1/A8   [October 2012]
Student Health and Safety
Paper booklet
UND/CM1/A9   1993
Brochures produced by the HEalth and Safety Office:
Health and Safety When Working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE), October 1993
Paper booklet
UND/CM1/A10   2020 - 2021
Signs, stickers and other notices produced by the University's Health and Safety Office during the Covid pandemic, to be displayed in staff areas, with guidance on correct hygiene procedures, social distancing etc.
1 box
Commercial Office
Reference: UND/CN
Office files
Reference: UND/CN1
Dates of creation: 1980 - 1989
Corporate Development
Reference: UND/CN1/A
Dates of creation: 1980 - 1987
Business development and UK wide business relationship management correspondence, project proposals, meeting agenda and minutes. Department management records including job descriptions, performance measurements, assessment and reporting requirements; correspondence reflecting housekeeping matters as they applied to/required input from the Office of Commercial and Public Affairs. Includes some material reflecting the arrangements for Mr Machin's directorship of the University Business School.

UND/CN1/A1i    March 1980 – July 1984
150th Anniversary appeal
- Appeal correspondence, from the first notification of the intention to run the appeal to the report on the key factors contributing to the success of the appeal.
- Progress reports.
- Appeal news 1981 - original charitable trusts list from which individual project extracts have been taken and acted upon.
- Appeal management committee agenda and meeting minutes.
- DP and QC meetings minutes senate report reflecting non academic staff and trade union representation.
- Brochure wording drafts – information includes draft costs for all projects.
- Marketing activity notices with particular reference to Ushaw College, University College, Maiden Castle, Sudan Archive, the Research Foundation.
- Society of Fellows – ephemera enclosed from January 1983. Correspondence covers the involvement with the vice-chancellor [VC] appeal days and the VC lectures.
- Correspondence re the relationship with Harold Evans of The Times.
UND/CN1/A1ii   March 1981 – December 1985
150th Anniversary appeal
- Correspondence re the beginning of the active relationship with consultants Craigmyle & Co (Scotland) Ltd; initial planning surrounding appeals workshop September 1981. Ephemera included are Craigmyle confidential client listings from 1979.
- Mass marketing initiatives including to university suppliers and appeal for support to university staff.
- Correspondence with UMIST regarding research into the benefits of using consultants for such a project as the 150th appeal 1985.
UND/CN1/A1iii   February 1981 - August 1983
150th Anniversary Appeal – Correspondence with W.B. Fisher
- Includes the structural hierarchy of the university in 1982 with staff numbers and turnover indicated. Also includes correspondence regarding a submission for Council's consideration of appeal projects, specifically for the Sudan archive. Other correspondence concerns support for anniversary activities includes mailing and contact lists, and exchanges with Cathy Pacific re extending support beyond the music festival.
- Transcription of a seminar address presented in 1983 (21p), seminar not identified.
- Correspondence and papers surrounding the death and funeral arrangements of Prof Fisher including: W.B. Fisher, “Urban Evolution in the Islamic Area”, in The Expanding City, (1983) p.77-102.
- Personal correspondence from J.R. Watson to Prof Fisher re romantic poets, 1984.  
UND/CN1/A1iv    November 1981 – May 1986
150th Anniversary Appeal - Durham Castle
- Correspondence and internal ephemera re commercial events at the castle: wine lists, banqueting and buffet menus.
- Correspondence re senior common room arrangements for patrons.
UND/CN1/A2i   March – August 1982
Internal Project Development - Information Management Projects
- Initial proposals and discussion documents for a range of information database projects including a regional database project
– “Buyers Guide” to the region; local area network; Small Business Advisory and Support Activities.
- Operational report from the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics: “Durham Distributed Database – a guide”, 8p.
- Correspondence with Durham County Council and North East Development Company [NEDC].
UND/CN1/A2ii   February 1984 – November 1985
Internal Project Development - Development of Academic Staff Training
- Correspondence re the renewal of interest in academic staff development, including: a report in letter form outlining key areas; marketing intellectual property; media interaction, penmanship and meetings management. The correspondence also acknowledges the successful completion of a Channel 4 documentary and the personal thanks from the YTS [Youth Training Scheme] User group to John Machin for providing an introductory talk on the work of the university.
- Includes SRHE [Society for Research into Higher Education] “staff development information exchange and newsletter” Newsletter 6, March 1984, 7p.
UND/CN1/A3i    February 1981 – April 1986
Business Development Opportunities
- Correspondence with Charities Aid Foundation [CAF] regarding private funding and universities. Includes a briefing on government expectations from industry and commerce regarding universities from a Fitzwilliam College Cambridge symposium September 1985.
- Includes: CAF conference notice, November 1985; Times Higher Education, No. 677, 25 October 1985, “New council will take broker role says Prior”, (the article introduces the role of the Council for Higher Education and Industry from which later correspondence was received directly).
- Correspondence surrounding the discussion subject - increasing the university’s non-UGC income and non-cash benefits.
- Correspondence discussing CVCPs and their work to give a higher profile to university and industry links.
- Includes: Craigmyle CAF, April 1986, “Charitable Giving and Taxation Bulletin” No. 1, 4p.
UND/CN1/A3ii   February 1984 – May 1987
University Company Working Party
- University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratory management committee meeting papers May 1986
- Correspondence re the investigating the establishment of a university company, with comparative information from the University of Sheffield, Durham Technology Holdings including 1985-1986 operational accounts. An early draft is included with a diagram showing envisaged institutional relationships.
- Includes from consultants Base International ?1986, Base International Business application of science and engineering 8p.
- Project information – information technology enterprise scheme – student enterprise support proposal and costs, includes extract from New Scientist 15 January 1987, p.17, “Campus capitalists fail to make the grade” .
- Proposal prospectus Applied Durham Research Ltd taking activities into the fields of hydroponic indoor farming (forage production), development of toner resins, inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometry background.
UND/CN1/A3iii    May – December 1984
Business Development through Consultancy Arrangements – Development Audit/Technical Audit Ltd
- Correspondence re exploring relations re supplying technical and managerial advice to development programmes and projects undertaken overseas – client base, banks etc.
- Includes a corporate brochure Technical Audit Ltd,?1984, (20p), and Product Development – TA, A Division of Technical Audit Limited, undated, (2p).
UND/CN1/A4i    May 1982 - December 1986
Regional Relationships - North East Development Council [NEDC]
- Correspondence regarding inward investor visits, chambers of trade and commerce visits, publications and a questionnaire response for the BEST initiative.
- Submission to BBC radio.
- Agenda and subsequent correspondence surrounding the Telecommunications in the Northern Region event, June 1983, re launching a potential regional initiative to enhance the economy.
- Presentation arrangements with other North East higher education institutions 1985 [HESIN] for the potential investor Monolithic Memories, includes the annual report 1984. The correspondence reflects the Department of Trade and Industry's [DTI] interest in this investment opportunity. Ephemera included reflect the change of leadership at NEDC with an undated newspaper article “The Humber Bridge” in which Dr John Bridge describes his new appointment to the Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association, reflecting on 10 years in the North East with NEDC
- Correspondence exchanged on the Library of Japanese science and technology periodicals project.
UND/CN1/A4ii   February – April 1983
Regional Relationships - Northern Universities Conference
- Programme and attendance arrangements are enclosed. Some correspondence with fellow attendees.
- Presentation notes “University interaction with industry and commerce: developing effective linkages” (6p).
- An introductory talk summary on staff development and training, assessment systems and redeployment; accompanies appraisal data capture sheet taken from what was in current use in the civil service.
- Report of the Northern Universities Conference, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 20-21 April 1983 (14p).
UND/CN1/A4iii   March – July 1983
Regional Relationships - Regional Technology (Change) Centre
- Correspondence includes an exchange with University of Newcastle upon Tyne, with additional notes reflecting the state of regional co-ordination.
- Discussion document “University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies. Regional technology change centres – A framework for discussion” (19p) which includes a graphical representation of processes within the centre.
- Report “The state of the region and the need for a technology centre” 1983, (8p).
UND/CN1/A4iv   March – November 1983
Regional Relationships - Washington Development Corporation
- Correspondence re the development of relations including the preparations for “A Sensors seminar”, Washington Arts Centre, October 1983; and re the promotional exercise at Thames Valley regarding research & development re international portrayal
- Enclosed is an article from The Financial Times, May 1983, “Survey – Rhode Island”, reflecting the business development and relationships enjoyed by Brown University by comparison with the activities of Durham University.
- Also included is the Washington Development Corporation brochure, November ?1983 (12p).
UND/CN1/A4v    February 1983 – September 1985
Regional Relationships - Regional Biotechnology Project
- Subjects include botany, bio-catalysis, continuous processing, continuous fermentation, and food processing.
- Regional Biotechnology (water damaged file and contents) syllabus folder containing seminar material from Washington Arts Centre event 29 March 1983. Includes badly damaged ephemera from Washington Town Council; marketing from Longman Cartermill; The 1984 Directory of British Biotechnology, (1p); Department of Industry [DoI]'s Biotechnology in industry: a long-term programme of support... undated, (3p); Laboratory of the Government Chemist [LGC] Biotech: Culture information service for industry (1p); Durham University Research Foundation Agricultural Applications of Genetic Engineering. Research Fellowships. Visiting Fellowships (2p). With payment receipt for John Machin's attendance and a site map stuck inside along with an unidentified: “Newdesk” article by Peter Lambert “Out of the Arc” and “putting macrosorb into production”.
- Correspondence, personal notes, an attendees list and information from the Sunderland Polytechnic and Newcastle University Synthesis Gas Research Group: “Biotechnology within Pharmacy (Sunderland Polytechnic); statement - An understanding and ultimately control of the factors determining the rheological (i.e. textural) properties of aqueous biopolymer systems (Sunderland Polytechnic)”; DoI Support for Innovation information pack on applying for financial assistance for industrial research and development.
- Correspondence with the Department of Trade & Industry [DTI] with a draft “Biotechnology in the Northern region – a co-ordinated development over the next ten years” (2p).
- Correspondence with Sunderland Polytechnic, LGC, note from AFRC Food Research Institute regarding the establishment of the Association for the Advancement of British Biotechnology; ICI; Fermentec; Darchem and PHLS – Public Health Laboratory Service; Washington Development Corporation.
- Internal correspondence re Prof Derek Ellwood's appointment as honorary visiting professor in the Department of Botany, and Dr Valentini's project to research medicine and health and nutrition in the tropics also at the Department of Botany.
- Ephemera include an extract from Technology... 18 April 1983, “North East moves into blooming bugs business” (1p); The Times Higher Education Supplement, 10 June 1983, “The fast breeder – Jon Turney examines biotechnology in the first of a series on the burgeoning links between academics and industry”; National Advisory Body for Local Authority Higher Education Report by the Secretariat, Board 13/84. Strategy for Biotechnology (33p) includes addendum and appendix.
UND/CN1/A4vi    January 1984 – December 1986
Regional Relationships - Project North East
- Correspondence and additional notes regarding projects for enterprise support and business start-up support generally.
- Project correspondence for a project to create a database for support organisations described as “The Regional Resources Bank”.  
- Ephemera included are a Project North East brochure, Newsletter 8 The Planning Exchange, January 1984 (2p); Local Economic Development Information Service [LEDIS] Initiative A69 June/July 1983 – Newcastle Priority Area Teams and The Planning Exchange; LEDIS Initiative A79 – Executive Secondment Limited with a marketing leaflet The Planning Exchange; [LEDIS] Comprehensive coverage of job creation and economic development initiatives throughout the UK, (1p).
UND/CN1/A4vii    July 1985 - April 1986
Regional Relationships - City of Durham Council Town Twinning project
- Correspondence re twinning of Durham City with Durham, North Carolina, USA.
- Correspondence reflecting the resulting relationship developed with and through the support of Glaxo, including a potential visit to the Research Triangle Park in North Carolina in support of wider benefits from the arrangement, and exploring funding arrangements for this. Includes the British Council outlook on the project and DTI interest.
UND/CN1/A5i   July 1981 – December 1983
Office of Commercial and Public Affairs - Departmental Arrangements
- Departmental briefing document for director and responses to it, introductory marketing letters to the individual groups affected by the role – colleges, societies, centres, committees and draft introductory leaflet.
- Documentation stating objectives, inputs for the director’s role within the department and in relation to all other parts of Durham University including job guidelines for the directorship, secretary, strategy and activities associated with the strategy.
- Ephemera includes the University of Durham 1983 Report on the structure and government of the University; prepared by the review committee July 1983, 86p.
- Correspondence indicating the development of the Craigmyle relationship and the management of relationships across the university departments – contact lists enclosed.
- (Enclosed within undated envelope marked for Margaret (Creighton’s) attention - 2 black and white photographs - portraits of 2 individuals.)
UND/CN1/A5ii   January 1982 – May 1984
Office of Commercial and Public Affairs - Departmental Arrangements
- Reporting arrangements to the vice-chancellor, meeting notes, agenda and minutes of the department’s management committee. Included are full input and output specifications for the director’s role as designed by John Machin. Correspondence detailing plans post 150th appeal – 1983/1984.
- Correspondence reflecting the initial work of the university with regards to industrial liaison with the EEC and other Northern regional institutions.
UND/CN1/A5iii   May 1984 – February 1986
Office of Commercial and Public Affairs - Council and Senate correspondence
- Business planning and staffing arrangements.
UND/CN1/A6i   February 1984 – September 1986
Relationship Development with other UK Universities
- Correspondence reflecting the outlook upon relationships with other UK university institutions including Edinburgh, Sunderland, Salford, Buckingham, Kent at Canterbury, North Wales and Central London.
- Also includes some material on NOMIS – National Online Manpower Information Service
– Press release “University wins half-million pound contract to process research information for government agencies” . April1986.
- Ephemera includes an article from The Journal. Northern Businessman, 17 September 1986, “New dean gets down to bidding for business”, p16, featuring Richard Hicks.
UND/CN1/A6ii   September 1983 - April 1986
Relationship Development with other UK Universities – University Directors of Industrial Liaison [UDIL]
- Partner file including agenda for a meeting held at Bradford
- Ephemera includes frrom: University of Bradford Research Industrial Liaison Office undated; Wolfson Cambridge Industrial Unit undated; Leicester Biocentre profile from May 1983 with sponsors information and general introductory material; SERC – National Information Database project - “The ASCENDA database” 8p; CII and Strathclyde University – Centre for Industrial Innovation and Technical advice and information for the small business undated.
- Correspondence with Phil Beach Events Ltd regarding a proposal for marketing activity.
UND/CN1/A7i   April 1981 – December 1986
Office of Commercial and Public Affairs - Contacts file
- General correspondence with potential 150th anniversary appeal supporters – individuals and organisational representatives and professional contacts including institutes, ICI, Teesside University. Ephemera with re a student tea party include an article from the Gloucestershire Echo 25 November 1981, “New director for Robins” .
- Guest and mailing lists included for a variety of events including Durham Enterprise Lecture 1982; the Barclays briefing on support for Warwick science park and the launch event, February 1982.
- Ephemera from The Institution of Electrical Engineers Annual Dinner 25 February 1982, 34p.
- Post appeal contacts include American Express Foundation, the Cyclotron Trust – ephemera enclosed The Cyclotron Trust Appeal for a Cyclotron for the Treatment of Cancer and for Medical Research with accompanying material July 1984.
- Ephemera and correspondence from General Technology Systems Limited. Undated. General Technology Systems Limited Capability, experience and primary interest areas. 6p.
- Ephemera Arthur Anderson & Co regarding the launch of a new Newcastle Office.
- Contains first ICI correspondence evident describing John Machin’s change of status away from the office with the award of the Durham University Business School directorship.
UND/CN1/A7ii   May – October 1985
- Correspondence with the Bishop of Newcastle
- Regarding the “Education for Change” agenda supported by project documents which make reference to Longbenton High School. Includes a response from the Campaign for the Advancement of State Education in acknowledgement of the issues raised having a wider validity than just for Newcastle and Tyne & Wear; and a further statement with personal notes added from June 1985.
UND/CN1/A7iii   September 1986
– Secondary Schools & matters related to admissions
- Department of Education and Science [DES] notification of guidance for the new AS level examinations 1986
- Regional development – “Education in urban priority areas”, notice from St Williams Foundation, York – Consultation event 1 November 1986.
UND/CN1/A7iv   February 1981 – June 1986
- Office of Commercial and Public Affairs – Personal Correspondence.
- A range of general correspondence discussing university internal matters and individual personal correspondents exchanges with John Machin.
- Systems and environmental matters regarding Old Elvet, Shire Hall, DRS Users’ meeting minutes. Discussions include how the Health and Safety at Work Act affects the Elvet site. Arrangements for microfilming services, typewriters and telephone systems, and travel arrangements through the services of Hogg Robinson (Travel) Ltd.
- Staffing committee & Council 1984. The Personnel department and non-academic staff; retirement/pensions planning 1982, & 1985; involvement in the recruitment process for the Business school in 1986 - candidate Barry McTernan.
- Junior and senior common room arrangements, the latter with particular regard to South Tees Health Authority Carter Bequest Hospital David A. Birkett, 1983.
- Correspondence with organisations such as British Ship Research Association; Community Service for Durham
– County Durham Village Venture Competition 1984 and responses to various student related queries including some international correspondents.
- Correspondence regarding a request for marketing support to raise funds for the Kingsley Dunham Trust, particularly re Geology department students.
UND/CN1/A8i   January 1985 - January 1986
- Office of Commercial and Public Affairs – Industrial development links
- Correspondence regarding outbound visit arrangement – British Gas, Press Offshore, Hartlepool Enterprise Agency [HENTA], BPB Industries plc., ICI
- Correspondence regarding inbound visits – ICI, Thorn EMI. Enclosed are some of John Machin’s notes from the events.
- Ephemera are included – Financial Times. 4th June 1984. From theory to practice – Manchester University’s industry links. p10. The Productivity Promotion Council of Australia supported by the N.S.W. Science and Technology Council Industry - University Interaction for Technological Development or intellectual property transfer. Seminar notice, June 1984. ICI New Science Group.1983. ICI New Science Group. 2p. Imperial Chemical Industries plc. Undated. ICI – How to get to Billingham. 1p. BPB Industries plc. 1984. Report and Accounts 1984. p36. BPB Industries plc. 1984. BPB - BPB Industries. p47. BSC Industry. Hartlepool Borough Council. Undated. Hartlepool Enterprise Zone. Special development area. BSC Industry area. p8. Copy of Pharos Publications Limited. Gerald H Fisher. 1975. Perceptual map Tyne & Wear Council.
UND/CN1/A8ii   December 1981 – March 1986
– Industrial development links - New Business Opportunities
- Executive training – private sector opportunities 1981
- Senior Management development – public sector opportunities - Visit to DUBS by David Urwin, Cabinet Office, regarding the opportunity for the provision of a training consultancy 1986.
- Correspondence exchanged with Northern Investors Company regarding a financial seminar to the offshore industry.
UND/CN1/A8iii   February 1984 - November 1985
- Industrial development links - Regional training support for Nissan
- Correspondence indicates the involvement of HESIN; the potential for supply chain support through training linking into the Pickup Centre.
– Correspondence with Tyne Tees Television and including notes from an outbound visit to Japan taking in an embassy event in Tokyo.
- Personal note added to a report by Louis Allen, regarding offering an opportunity to the University to become involved in Japanese WWII ex-soldiers making a reconciliation visit, due to these combatants being in battle with the Durham Light Infantry [DLI].
- Ephemera included are NEDC News – Journal of the Northern Development Council, October 1984; Extract from Business Week 24 September 1984, “Japan is buying its way into US University labs – a list of R&D funders at some schools reads like a who's who of Japanese industry”, 2p.
UND/CN1/A8iv   June 1983 – October 1985
Industrial development links - Longman Cartermill.
- Correspondence reflecting the development of the relationship surrounding the academic expertise directory Innovation, Included are submission forms and editions of the magazine from December 1983 to December 1984
- Ephemera includes Cartermill, 1984 A proposal to the national steering committee concerning the creation, management and marketing of the UTEX database, 94p.
UND/CN1/A8v   January 1982 - July 1986
- Industrial development links - Department for Industry
- General correspondence and meeting notes regarding visits including ministerial visits, and a representative's visit to DUBS 1986.
- Correspondence reflects the interest in major projects and funding development areas including:- the BEST project; Telecoms Steering Group including notes from meeting November 1985 and reflecting the input of NECCA; HESIN and a project review outcome; EUREKA and the projects potential positive influence on the regional industrial executives; a collaborative project in information technology training and continuing education; Basic Research in Industrial Technologies for Europe [BRITE] - Centre for Material Science and Technology – paper “A unique surface science facility at the Centre for Material Science and Technology Durham University”, 5p, includes an internal project handling flow chart? Also included is a report of apparatus requirements 1983, instrumentation requirements 1982 with costs; Royal Society and SERC Industrial Fellowship Scheme; ephemera includes engineering products in biotechnological applications; and increasing efforts to bring the major North East HE institutions together; microelectronics and microprocessor application programmes; BASIC Technology research prop programme; Industrial Unit for Robotics and Flexible Manufacturing, 3p, includes costs.
UND/CN1/A8vi   April 1983 – March 1986
Inbound business development visits - Central Office of Information
- Correspondence regarding visits - H.M. The Queen Mother and the Association of Economic Representatives in London [AERL].
- Ephemera includes a press release regarding the DTI appointment of an industrial adviser for the North East, October 1984; COI North Eastern Regional Office, Worldwide export publicity – how you can use the government's export publicity service, 12p.
- Correspondence regarding Mr Mand Sabnani – Wolfson Press Fellow, Business Times, Singapore, 1986, whose visit was accompanied by a COI representative.
UND/CN1/A8vii   August 1985 - November 1986
British Expertise in Science and Technology. [B.E.S.T.]
- Correspondence reflecting the relationship with Longman Cartermill regarding the Durham entries in the British Expertise in Science and Technology database directory. (The national database of the skills, knowledge and facilities of the universities, polytechnics and government research establishments.)
- Correspondence reflecting the relationship with IBM regarding PC.
- Ephemera includes: British Expertise in Science and Technology syllabus folder of original entry submission marketing literature and academics entry forms; development proposal from Cartermill – Cartermill Publishing Limited, 1984, An approach to developing, managing and marketing a national data-base/information system, linking industry and commerce to the knowledge, skills and facilities of UK universities and polytechnics, 10p. Cartermill Publishing Limited. 1985. British Expertise in Science and Technology. The national database of the skills, knowledge and facilities of the universities, polytechnics and government research establishments. Copy of document outlining progress.
- Copies of “notices of enquiries from industrial companies” ?1985-1986.
UND/CN1/A8viii   August 1986
British Expertise in Science and Technology. [B.E.S.T.]
- Background (service records) and expertise information from individual academics and key university project personal appropriate to the directory, from the departments of Anthropology, Archaeology, Applied Physics and Electronics, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Centre, Durham University Business School, Economics, Engineering, Geography, Geological Sciences, Centre for Overseas Development, Mathematical Sciences, Pickup administration, Psychology, Physics, UDIRL, and Zoology.
Some mould damage
UND/CN1/A9i    September 1981 – July 1984
Inbound visits – Local Government business development - Durham County Council
- Correspondence with Durham County Council re visit arrangements for November 1982 and the relationship between the University and the Chief Executive and Clerks office during the period. Includes information in response to a requested survey of students.
- Correspondence regarding Durham County Council and the County Enterprise Trust – 1982, introduction of potential new theatre project 1984; and the involvement with new technology in the Northern region and relations with North of England Council Association [NECCA].
UND/CN1/A9ii   October – November 1981
Inbound visits – Local Government business development - Durham City Council.
- Correspondence re arrangements forthe visit to the university re the Centre for Materials Science and Technology.
UND/CN1/A9iii    October 1982 – February 1983
Inbound visits - Trade Union Congress.
- Correspondence re arrangements for a visit to the university re science facilities.
UND/CN1/A9iv   February – March 1984
Inbound visits – Local Government business development - Peterlee Town Council
- Correspondence re arrangements for a visit to the university re the Centre for Materials Science and Technology.
UND/CN1/A10i   June 1981 – November 1983
Inbound Commercial development visits – Shell UK
- Correspondence re the 150th anniversary appeal and Shell UK's involvement as patron and donor.
- Correspondence reflects the development of interest in the Research fellowship in materials science.
- Ephemera includes a press release from Shell UK regarding Sir Francis Tombs joining the Shell UK Board.
UND/CN1/A10ii    August 1982 – December 1983
- Inbound Commercial development visits – Vaux Breweries -
Correspondence and confidential notes re Vaux, concerning the intention behind, arrangements for and links to other fund-raising events for the 150th anniversary appeal of a specific Vaux event, December 1982.
- Included are lists of donors to the appeal and lists of those whose responses are being sought.
- Also included are planning notes for further events and approaches to the commercial market.
UND/CN1/A10iii   July 1981 - March 1985
- Inbound Commercial development visits – Elf Aquitaine
- Correspondence re initial links with representatives from Elf Oil, later Elf Aquitaine.
- Included are notes on the particular areas of scientific interest and financial breakdown of the covenant established.
- Ephemera included are Sociétè Nationale Elf Aquitaine. (?1983). Research Development Innovation, 75p.
- Copy of press cuttings from UKPA/11, especially Financial Times, 6 October 1981, “Elf shows 33% drop in profits”.
- Correspondence reflects interest in the establishment of a research fellowship with fossil energy exploitation as the focus, 1982; University department responses to request for involvement in the research visit December 1982 - April 1983. Included are 2 A5 envelopes containing mat and gloss photographs from the event.
- Report – University of Durham – “A resume of areas of research within the University which may be of interest to Elf Aquitaine” – prepared in anticipation of a visit by senior staff from Elf Aquitaine to the University of Durham, to discuss areas of mutual research interest, 1 February 1983, 7p.
- Also included are two summary papers from the Department of Zoology – “Heavy metals in shorebirds and their prey in North-East England; Implications for coastal engineering projects of studies, at the Tees Estuary, on the effects of reclamation of intertidal land on shorebird populations”. - “Correspondence with the Franco British Council – some translated material – regarding the later visit from representative Antoine Iris”.
UND/CN1/A10iv   October 1982 – May 1986
- Inbound Commercial development visits
- Correspondence re visits to the University by: representatives of the University College of North Wales; Robert J. Cummings patent agent; ICI representative Dr W.F. Madden; Roger Edwardson, Regional Director of the Micro-education programme to the School of Education micro-processor centre; and Terry Endsor of Conder (Northern) Ltd.    
UND/CN1/A11    March 1982 – June 1985
– Technology Change Centre
- Correspondence re involvement with the Centre and the interest in working with the Group of Associations of Manufacturers of British Instrumentation, Control and Automation through this association in developing the Control Engineering curriculum.
- Correspondence regarding a conference March 1982.
- Meeting notes with indications of what the University may gain from involvement with the Centre.
- Copy report of the Technology Change Centre into technology transfer for the year from 2nd quarter 1983 to 2nd quarter 1984 “To investigate the mechanisms by which scientists and engineers working in industry acquire technical information to solve both predefined problems and enhance their overall knowledge”, with supporting information in the form of computer printout statistically breaking down the business community by various science related areas of interest – info training for example.
- Ephemera are included – The Technical Change Centre (?1980) & 1981 leaflets; Science and Engineering Research Council. 1982. Grinding – Research on the problems of grinding technology. 44p. ISBN 0 901660 48 5. The Technology Change Centre. 1985. The Technology Change Centre Annual Report 1984. 24p. with inserted outline of one programme of work – employment, skills and technical change research. The Technology Change Centre. December 1984. Information Transfer in engineering and science – a synopsis. 8p.
UND/CN1/A12    May 1984 - November 1985
- Investors in Industry plc.
- Correspondence and ephemera re the initial exploration of a possible relationship to help to develop projects profitably.
- Ephemera included are 3i Investors in Industry, undated, water damaged, Investors in Industry Ventures Division. 3i Ventures for a total commitment to success…, water damaged
- Meeting notes.
UND/CN1/A13   April 1985 - January 1987
- Industry Year 1986 – incorporating the “Festival of Languages”.
- Included is university and national scheme background information on the initiative and notes describing activities within the university including the Small Business Centre.
- Directory entry for the university overall is available in draft copy.
- Correspondence with initiative partners – Durham Science and Technology Regional Organisation [SATRO], Durham County Council, Confederation of British Industry [CBI] re meeting arrangements and associated national director’s visits.
- Press releases, progress reporting and background briefing from the Industry Year initiators The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. - North East Business - The Way Forward Forum. June 1986. Management forum attendee’s information is included.
- Ephemera included are: The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Industry Year 1986. Undated. Action by Industry. 5p. (syllabus folder) The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. May 1985. Industry Year 1986. 9p. The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. May 1985. Education and Industry? 3p.  
UND/CN1/A14   September 2005 - June 2009
Papers relating to the University's involvement in the regeneration of Elvet Waterside, including:
File 1: Proposals and briefs
File 2: Residents' opinions
File 3: Correspondence and other papers with Durham County Council and consultants
3 files 
UND/CN1/A15   January 2006 - October 2009
Papers relating to the redevelopment of the Riverside Gardens in Durham, including correspondence, reports, and consultation documents
1 file 
Centre for Overseas Research and Development (CORD)
Reference: UND/CN1/B
Dates of creation: 1980 - 1987
Meeting notes, correspondence and individual project papers covering the period of the Durham Development Unit and the Centre for Overseas Research and Development [CORD].

UND/CN1/B1    February 1980 – December 1985
CORD including references to the Durham Development Unit
- Correspondence re a proposal for the foundation of the development unit July 1981.
- Accommodation project 1981
- 150th Anniversary appeal correspondence introducing project groups such as Middle East, Far East, including international patronage and fundraising correspondence with supporters, for example: Shell re the use of grant aid; Dame Margot Fonteyn; Cable & Wireless and W S. Atkins; Taylor Woodrow.
- Correspondence re CORD directorship arrangements 1983 – 1986.
- Included are an itemised listing of reports, theses, conference papers and publications resulting from the Durham-Oman projects; operational experience background and externally financed research and development project select list of special reports – Department of Geography.
- Departmental progress reports, funding status reports and meeting agendas, minutes and notes regarding the continuation of CORD 1985.
UND/CN1/B2   July 1980 - June 1982
CORD North America Committee
- 150th anniversary appeal correspondence with American “helpers”
UND/CN1/B3   July 1980 – April 1983
CORD Far East Group Development
- 150th anniversary appeal correspondence re the working group (sub-committee).
- Correspondence re appropriate means to foster sponsorship links with Hong Kong and Shanghai banks, Cathay Pacific, contacts with the Japanese government representation in Britain, the Japan Foundation, and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce.
UND/CN1/B4   July 1980 – May 1984
CORD European Development Group
- 150th anniversary appeal correspondence including a paper outlining proposals from an informal meeting re European aspects of the appeal September 1980.
- Correspondence with Franco-British Council, British section.
UND/CN1/B5   May 1981 – December 1983
CORD Oman (Qaboos University)
- Correspondence and meeting notes re inbound and outbound visits including League of Arab States visits – His Excellency Omar Al-Hassan, Bernadette Millard; AERL study tour - North East Region 1984.
- Individual project correspondence and proposal papers
Al-Khabura/Khabura – Agriculture project/development project - project notes include Oman sheep/goat development project; Community development weaving project monthly report from May 1983.
The development of training courses and related to students including PhD candidate.
Amoco and Department of Trade correspondence including relating specifically to a Petroleum development project
Design, equipping and running of a language teaching institute in Khartoum 1984.
Ephemera include copy extract from Times of Oman, “Pioneer dairy unit opened”, 17 May 1984. Vol. 10, No. 12.
Proposal for a Gravity fed drip-irrigation system for existing traditionally flood irrigated farms of the Batina Coast, Oman.
Ephemera included copy extract from MEED, 10 August 1985 Background briefing –
Conservation and development: Striking a balance in Omani agriculture. p.47.
Feasibility study – Modernising Falaj irrigation systems. 1985. Proposal – Farm and bee-keeping development in the Southern region. 1985.
Studies in the Southern World
- Copy of an article of agreement for the establishment of a Durham University office at the Sultanate of Oman.
- Includes visit report for Oman, Egypt and Sudan; EEC, Brussels from November/December 1983.
Paper file
UND/CN1/B6i   July 1981 – January 1987
CORD Academic links
- Correspondence with institutions in the UK and North America – reflecting the relationship with: Willamette University, Oregon; Projected Durham, Riyadh University link, documentation for the advanced training programme; Singapore; Bologna, Italy, includes translated material; Melbourne, Australia.
- Ephemera include The University of Melbourne Gazette, (Vol. 41, No.1, March 1985), (Vol. 41, No.2, June-August 1985), (Vol. 41, No.4, December 1985). Alumni Association Constitution December 1986.
- University of Singapore – Ephemera includes: Academic information on the human resources management programme and staff application form; Marketing Institute of Singapore Diploma in Sales and Marketing syllabus & regulations, 19p, (?1983.), National University of Singapore, 1982, National University of Singapore, 25p, ISBN 9971 62 001 4; National University of Singapore, 1982, National University of Singapore. Faculty of Accountancy & Business Administration, 2p.
Paper file
UND/CN1/B6ii   February 1985 - July 1986
CORD New University of Brunei
- Discussion document exploring links between the institutions February 1985.
- Correspondence regarding advisory links, “registrarial links”, staff visit links and involvement with the Durham University Small Business Centre.
- Ephemera included are an extract from what appears to be Durham University prospectus Department of Geography, undated, “Your Three Years”, p.7-14.
- Inbound visit by a delegation from the Brunei government itinerary and accompanying material.
- Outbound visit plans including reporting of the financial guidelines for the discussions.
- Correspondence regarding development of Brunei lectureships.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/B6iii   July 1983 – October 1984
CORD Gezira University, Sudan.
- Specification for the link with the University of Bath and the University of Gezira for the development of faculty research expertise and foundation research for financial management. Correspondence regarding the course establishment for middle management in strategic planning and control.
- Department of Engineering report on a visit to the Faculty of Science and Technology at the university 1983.
Paper file
UND/CN1/B7    November 1983 – December 1984
CORD Third World Research
- Papers from the Third World discussion January 1984 re developments involving Nigeria and India
– Information exchange discussion group regarding applied research and development work
- Potential attendees list with notes following the event outlining the present position and decisions taken. Includes a report outline of a small business development programme for university staff from India.
Paper file
Departmental Development
Reference: UND/CN1/C
Dates of creation: 1980 - 1988
Correspondence, mailing listings, directory extracts and planning material resulting from the establishment of the 150th Anniversary Appeal.

UND/CN1/C1i   December 1980 – March 1983
150th Anniversary Appeal
- General correspondence re appeal arrangements from potential sponsors and supporters: Craigmyle & Company, development programme proposition in follow-up to meetings; Trade Union correspondence alluding to a rectification of a misunderstanding over the appeal; The Wells Group of Companies; Association of Business Sponsorship of the Arts; Coat of arms project from supporters of the university.
- Initial draft paper outlining scope of all projects to be included in the scope of the appeal. Includes committee and patrons' information, cost for individual projects.
- Correspondence regarding the Durham Castlemen’s Society Appeal and Old Castlemen’s magazine.
- Correspondence regarding Father Smith’s Organ appeal
Paper file
UND/CN1/C1ii   December 1980 – March 1983
150th Anniversary Appeal
- Appeal brochures – University of Durham 150th Anniversary Appeal; Oriental Library; Maiden Castle Sports Centre Extension; Laboratory of Archaeological Sciences; Chair of Astronomy; Palace Green Research Library; The Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art; Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; Arabic Persian and Turkish Studies at Durham; The Performing Arts; Exploration Society; Research Foundation; Centre for Materials Science and Technology; North East Centre for Education about Europe; Theatre Developments; Museum of Archaeology Old Fulling Mill; Environmental Studies and Exhibition Centre.
- Also Proposal for a Visiting Fellowship in the History of Printing and the Book Trades; - Durham University Research Foundation The Society of Fellows First Annual Report 1982-83
- Archaeology Science Laboratory Information Sheets – Conservation in Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Thermoluminescence Dating, Schematic Layout of the Archaeology Science Laboratory
- UDIRL – University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C1iii    March – November 1981
Advanced Brief for Patrons
– Complete full and shortened versions March 1981; revision June 1981; bound version November 1981.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C1iv    February 1981 – January 1986
Personal Responses to Appeal and Funding contributors
- Alphabetically ordered general correspondence from contributors, including covenants and single donators, including: Associated Lead Manufacturers Ltd; British Airways; British Shipbuilders; T. Cowie; Darchem; Embletons’ Garage Ltd; Fenwicks; Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd; National Coal Board; Phototronics Cleveland Scholastic Ltd; Portsmouth and Sunderland Newspapers Ltd [Sunderland Echo]; Ropner plc.; Victor Products (Wallsend) plc.; and various international banking and commercial company contributors.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C1v    December 1980 – December 1982
– Correspondence with individuals regarding patronage arrangements to support 150th Anniversary Appeal.
- Mailing and contact listings including extracts from Who’s Who and Kompass – campaign administration listings tracing individual status.
- Correspondence and handwritten notes, including from: Professor David Wilson, British Museum; Rt Hon Lord Trevelyan; Sir Francis Tombs, N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd; Sir George Taylor, Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust; Hon Sir Gordon Slynn, Court of Justice of the European Communities; Duchesse de la Rochfoucauld (some correspondence in French with some translation); Lord Ramsey of Canterbury; Hon R. Alistair McAlpine, Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons Ltd; Robert Milne, Gas & Process Ltd; Sir Archie Lamb, British National Oil Corporation (Samuel Montague & Co Limited); Sir John Keswick; Rt Hon Lord Hastings; Brian Goswell, Healey & Baker; Rt Hon Lord Glenamara; Sir Kingsley Dunham; Dr G. Malcolm Brown, Institute of Geological Sciences; Rt Hon Lord Barnard.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C2   September 1980 - May 1986
Van Mildert College
- Notes from Head of Houses meetings including ad hoc meeting of the committee on College Fellowships with correspondence including costs involved in establishing the same; correspondence includes an occasional paper from the master March 1982.
- Appeals workshop and resulting paperwork on the establishment of covenants to support The Arthur Prowse Fellowship, includes correspondence from benefactors October 1981 - 1984.
- Correspondence regarding the development of the Van Mildert Fellowships.
- Correspondence surrounding the launch of conference facilities.
- Governing body meeting; senior common room arrangements for applicants 1984-1985.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C3i   October 1980 – May 1986
Environmental Studies and Exhibition Centre (Botanic Gardens)
- Correspondence on the initial proposal of an interpretative centre, development proposals and reports including potential supporters such as Sir Robert McAlpine, Archibalds.
- Correspondence regarding the Appeal with The Wildfowl Trust in connection with gaining additional support from the university with Zoology and Botany department students using the Washington Wildfowl Park or their studies.
- Ephemera from the Trust included.
- Events marketing including correspondence exchanged with: English Tourist Board; National Gardens Scheme; Esso Mobil; Massey Fergusson
- Proposal and correspondence regarding a consultancy for construction, design and layout with Brian Coulson.
- Mailing list and marketing material for Environmental Studies Day 12 March 1983
- Marketing brochure draft Easter 1983
- Correspondence regarding Stanley Johnson Lecture, Conservative MEP – ephemera included Conservative Political Centre, European Democratic Group (1981), Caring for the Environment: A Policy for Conservatives, 27p, ISBN 0 85070 666 1.
- Press Release June 1984  
Paper file
UND/CN1/C3ii   November 1982 – July 1984
Interdepartmental Group on Environmental Issues
- Correspondence and marketing planning including ephemera Environmental Studies and Exhibition Centre and Inter-departmental group on environmental issues.
- Planning correspondence for projects: integrated waste management, Proposal for the Analysis of policy options for the utilisation of the English North-East coastal waters Tees Estuary – Correspondence with Delft Hydraulic Laboratory Netherlands November 1982; Intertidal and Waste Issues Cambridge University 1984; Project Proposal Mining North Pennine Orefield.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C4    February 1981 - May 1986
St Mary’s College – Fellowship Fund
- Includes sample newsletter from 1980
- Appeal planning beginning with Head of Houses meeting and appeals workshop
- Correspondence regarding St Mary’s College Research Fellowship – mailing arrangements to gain contributors, agenda and items for discussion at Governing Body Appeal Sub Committee; meeting reports including fellowship costs.
- Ephemera – leaflet on the fellowship appeal.
- Correspondence regarding senior common room dining rights.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C5i   November 1981 – November 1982
Student Exploration Fund – Durham University Exploration Society
- Appeal planning including grant making trust listings, mailing lists for contributors and responses.
- General correspondence including with trip participants; marketing including ephemera from trips undertakento: Peru 1982, Sahara 1982, Malaysia 1982, St Vincent 1982, South Turkana, Kenya 1982, Kericho, Kenya 1982.
- Historical overview of the Society’s activities.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C5ii    October 1982 - February 1985
Expedition Fund
- Correspondence regarding the cancellation of a lecture due to a clash with Sir Ranulph Fiennes
- Correspondence confirming the cessation of the Exploration Fund and with contributors regarding the transfer of their donations to the Expedition Fund including with Royal Geographical Society.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C6    February 1982 – April 1986
St Cuthbert’s Society – Leslie Brooks Fellowship and Visiting Fellowships
- Correspondence regarding travel arrangements for research and appeal activities.
- Appeal correspondence including: proposals; draft legal documentation for the establishment of covenants with supporters for the 150th Anniversary appeal; agenda for the appeal committee of the Society for the Leslie Brooks Fellowship and draft legal documentation for the establishment of covenants, loans and waivers by supporters for the Fellowship appeal.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C7   February 1982 – May 1986
St John’s College
- Appeal correspondence including mailing list suggestions for contributions, draft legal documentation for the establishment of covenants with supporters for the 150th Anniversary appeal, contribution proposal for the visiting fellowship fund, sponsorship received listings, publicity arrangements for Cranmer Hall. -
Development fund correspondence - December 1985
- Ephemera included Principal’s Letter 1981, Ember List 1982, brochure St John’s College Durham encloses 3 additional sheets introducing Council, staff, and subject areas.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C8    February 1981 – March 1986
St Aidan’s College
- Appeal correspondence initially indicating potential difficulty with the 150th Anniversary appeal being a 2nd appeal for the college in quick succession; correspondence also includes Research Foundation Fellowship accommodation costs, appeal mailing arrangements discussion documentation and correspondence with contributors.
- Documentation outlining the possible of extension of the college – some costs indicated.
- Personal correspondence with Irene Hindmarsh
- Correspondence regarding the visit of Bernadette Millward, on behalf of the League of Arab States. -
Arrangements for and report from Irene Hindmarsh's Hong Kong trip.
- Senior common room events and visitor accommodation correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C9   February 1981- November 1984
Graduate Society
- Correspondence following the Head of Houses meeting regarding mailing list suggestion from the William B. Fisher retirement fund appeal; drafted appeal correspondence.
- Briefing documentation from the Research Foundation
- Clarification correspondence from Middle East and North Africa Informatics Ltd [MENAI] regarding a financial contribution to the Society. Additional correspondence outlines its possible use as a means to establish a W.B. Fisher Fund for Islamic students in the form of a hardship fund.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C10    May 1982 – June 1984
Durham University Research Foundation – Industrial Relations Fellowship, visiting fellows (postgraduate)
- Correspondence including regarding the links with trade unions, and draft marketing materials – press release; - Centre proposal,
- Correspondence and memoranda regarding the potential involvement of Durham County Council through the establishment of an endowment.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C11   February 1981 – February 1985
Performing Arts Fund
- Briefing notes, meeting notes and correspondence regarding its adoption as part of the 15th Anniversary appeal activities – involvement of Durham Students Union and listing of patronage ideas.
- Correspondence with Tyne Tees Television including confirmation of decision to cease support – March 1981 – February 1985 and the work of the sub-committee.
- Student applications and panel decisions for awards.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/C12    February 1981 – May 1986
Old Fulling Mill
- Mailing and contact listings including extracts from Who’s Who for patrons, and listings for local shops, restaurants.
- Project proposal includes costs
- Special interest group agenda and meeting notes
- Correspondence re the constitution of the Friends of the Old Fulling Mill.
- Correspondence re city councillors' visit October 1983 and the subsequent university council decision to continue funding research 1984-1985, and a central appeal kitty application 1986.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C13    May 1980 - December 1983
Palace Green Research Library - research and rare books collection (1982 is not represented in this file)
- Ephemera includes: Hereford Cathedral Library appeal campaign leaflet; Printing Historical Society Bulletin, 3 May 1981, 12p. ISSN 0144-7505.
- Notes, project proposals and costs representing the involvement of the buildings sub-committee; working party, special interest group planning meetings notes including exploration of tying-in with specialist interests in engraving and book-plates.
- Correspondence including exhibition arrangements.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C14    November 1981 – January 1984
– Oriental Museum and Library
- Mailing and contact lists including specific correspondence regarding enquiry response on ‘A short history of giving in the west’
- Notes from the special interest group meetings including draft costs, floor plan drafts and marketing drafts.
- Appeals correspondence regarding patrons and funding opportunities: Sir Willie Morris, Wellcome Trust, The Croucher Foundation of Hong Kong.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C15    June 1980 - December 1986
- Gulbenkian Museum
- Ephemera included – The Oriental Museum University of Durham brochure ?1984.
- Appeal correspondence including a special interest group on Far East fundraising work; regarding patron arrangements and supporters – Alcan, Hugh MacKay; draft project costs, international supporter correspondence including China.
- Correspondence regarding the Royal Institute of British Architects [RIBA] competition entry 1981-1983. Includes revised costs and awards presentation event arrangements.
- Correspondence regarding a University council decision to continue funding research 1984-1985.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C16    October 1982 - March 1985
Department of English – 17th Century Studies Centre, Elvet Riverside
- Proposal and correspondence regarding development plans, staffing and fundraising plans.
- Correspondence regarding establishing the financial documentation for covenants etc.
- Correspondence indicating potential IBM computer equipment support.
- Notes regarding Dr R. Selden's visit to the USA 1984.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/C17    February 1981 – April 1985
St Hild and St Bede College
- Appeal correspondence including marketing letters showing the different groups to be approached.
- Mailing information re college suppliers.
- Correspondence rethe relationship with the Caedmon Trust and the potential establishment of a covenant and relationship with Tees & Hartlepool Port Authority.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C18    April 1981 - June 1986
Collingwood College
- Correspondence regarding the birthday celebration (toga) and the 150th Anniversary appeal and the use of former student UCCA records as a means to establish mailing lists for both appeals.
- Correspondence with the Business School regarding establishing research contacts – appeal for joint research project consideration (1986).  
Paper file
UND/CN1/C19    February 1981 – February 1986
Hatfield College
- Applied research centre proposal including fellowship arrangements, drafted costs and financial implications in connection with the 150th Anniversary appeal.
- Appeal correspondence including marketing brochure and presentation arrangements. -
Correspondence re a company representative visit from Taylor Woodrow.
- Correspondence includes proposed lecture programmes and research project proposals.
- Boat Club appeal proposal 1984 for the centenary year 1984-1985.
- Junior common room submission to remain a single sex (male) establishment 1986.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C20    February 1981 - September 1984
Grey College
- Correspondence re an appeal proposal.
- Notes re developing mailing lists for the appeal including an extract from a published company directory.
- Correspondence re funding arrangements for the Durham Regatta and the relationship with English Estates. -
Correspondence re the Sydney Holgate Fellowship, and with supporters re funds raised.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C21   February 1981 – June 1985
Department of Physics, Chair of Astronomy.
- Correspondence re the relationship with Northern Engineering Industries plc. [NEI] including establishing a deed of covenant.
- Ephemera include – NEI annual report and accounts 1980, 40p; NEI annual report and accounts 1981, 40p; NEI group structures and products, Publication N10, April 1981, 6p.
- Mailing and contact lists including extracts from published business directories.
- Correspondence regarding potential candidates, reflecting changes in arrangements when a candidate turns the position down.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/C22i   April 1980 – July 1982
Laboratory of Archaeological Science
- Proposals – 10 year plan 1980/1990 - The requirements of space for laboratories, The archaeological collections and archive - from the Appeal Committee and Quinquennial meeting from 1979.
- Mailing lists and notes, correspondence regarding marketing arrangements for the appeal – correspondents include The Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts.
- Ephemera enclosed in an envelope dated 4 March 1981 – Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts 1980, The third annual awards for Business Sponsors of the Arts, 1f; Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts, Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts Limited. Undated. 1p; and Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts. 1980. Business Support for the Arts April 1979 to March 1980. 28p.
- Correspondence regarding potential patrons and supporters.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C22ii   August 1982 – March 1984
Laboratory of Archaeological Science
- Mailing lists and discussion notes in preparation for the Athenaeum, London, presentation November 1982
- Correspondence with invitees – attendees and non-attendees.
- Mailing lists and notes in preparation for the presentation within the department March 1983.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C23    April 1980 - March 1984
Centre for Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies
- Working party arrangements to consider the premises for the department.
- Proposal including indicative costs and working party report September 1980 with details of sizes of facilities.
- Mailing lists and notes in preparation for marketing the appeal.
- Appeal correspondence including to patrons and supporters overseas with particular reference to the Arab world and third world interests.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C24i    February 1981 - January 1984
Maiden Castle Sports Hall Project
- Proposal outlining case for extending the Maiden Castle Sports Hall.
- Initial marketing – spiral bound draft of marketing leaflet with hand drawn floor plan of the development.
- Memorandum including costs. Special interest group reports and senate report submission.
- Mailing lists and notes in preparation for marketing the appeal.
- Correspondence with patrons and supporters.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C24ii    January 1984 - August 1988
“The Graham Sports Centre”, Maiden Castle Sports Hall Project
- Correspondence following the official end of the 150th anniversary appeal with patrons and supporters.
- Correspondence re potential support from Sports England.
- Revised costs as of January 1985 with references beginning to the Graham Sports Centre.
- Correspondence with supporters including a covenant arrangement with Vaux.
- Ephemera included: leaflet introducing a seminar - Nottinghamshire County Council, undated. Maximum use of natural turf soccer pitches, 1f; Nottinghamshire County Council. 1985. Nottinghamshire Sports facility systems research and development 1969 to 1985, 5f; Nottinghamshire County Council, 1985, An innovation from Nottinghamshire – V.H.A.F. 4f;
- Schematic drawing illustrating Maiden Castle Sports Area synthetic surface construction details, 4 February 1988, accompanied by equipment costs.
- Ephemera include brochures on artificial turf from Notts Sport Ltd.
- Board of Management for Sports Facilities meeting minutes, annual report from 1986 and correspondence. Involvement of Durham County Council indicated.
- Reports and correspondence indicating the development of ideas for student, commercial and general vacation time use for the facility. Public access listings including Sunderland Football Club and Middlesbrough Football Club correspondence.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25i   July 1981 – October 1982
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence with Barclays Bank re potential support and setting up a covenant.
- Includes an initial project proposal for a robotics oriented venture – A Proposal for the establishment of a flexible manufacturing system pilot plant at the University of Durham, July 1981, 20p, accompanied by correspondence with a bank representative.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25ii   May 1980 – September 1981
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence re establishing the graduate centre and concerns surrounding Newcastle University’s development of facilities, other concerns include adding a project to the 150th anniversary appeal when there might be some similarity to the work of the Research Councils.
- Working party report and establishing a special interest group – group remit clarified, meeting agendas included.
- Correspondence re clarification for the Department of Engineering Sciences of what was needed from them to progress fundraising – potential patron information, marketing material and other useful contacts.
- Correspondence in preparation for a Wolfson Foundation application for financial support for building costs including an in-depth proposal.
- University application to the Wolfson Foundation for a grant to establish a centre for materials science and technology – draft proposal. 79p.
- General project correspondence including with Imperial Chemicals Industries Limited [ICI].
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25iii    October 1981 – May 1982
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence re progress of the Wolfson Foundation application and additional funding opportunities such as with the BTG group, Shell, and ICI. Also general correspondence re patronage, support and donation offers including the Leverhulme Trust.
- Correspondence with the Durham Conservative and Unionist Association and central government reflecting national government's concern to see the project progress successfully. Department of Industry representative visit preparation planning and correspondence – potential grant application.
- Report and correspondence surrounding the development of the science park concept and where Durham University will feature within this.
- Special interest group meeting notes and agenda April 1982.
- Documentation in preparation for an informal meeting re university building projects with Durham City Council and English Industrial Estates.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25iv    June – September 1982
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence with central government figures and departments, in addition to major commercial patrons re preparing for a presentation on plans for the Centre taking place at the Institute of Directors [IOD], Pall Mall, October 1982.
- Ephemera includes – The Institute of Director’s. 1982. Hold your next AGM, sales conference, press briefing or social function at London’s complete business centre, 10p.
- Correspondents include Darchem, Ministry of Defence, North of England County Councils’ Association [NECCA], Ever Ready.
- Ephemera includes - ONR London US Office of Naval Research, London Branch Office, 4p, and associated correspondence
- Meeting preparation notes, draft marketing letters and responses; correspondence regarding invitation printing etc. Mailing lists for invitees.
- Draft of the Northern Executive article.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25v   September – November 1982
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence regarding donations and responses to invitations to the IOD presentation in October. Event planning progress reports and draft briefings.
- Copy newspaper articles The Northern Echo 26 October 1982 “Think-tank in bid to win region jobs”; also The Journal 26 October 1982 “£3m ‘think’ for varsity” .
- Information re London expenses of university staff attendees.
- Discussion document including up to date planning and financial summary for the Centre to be considered by vice chancellor and treasurer, referenced to the interim planning committee November 1982. Contains extensive material re costs. Notes and copy correspondence attached.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25vi   January – December 1983
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence re potential individual Local Authority support from the members of NECCA. Correspondence with other patrons and supporters.
- Ephemera includes extract from the 1983 available new edition of US Governments European Scientific Notes – Center for Materials Science and Technology, University of Durham p.338-341.
- Correspondence re local, regional and national visitors’ arrangements including Durham County Association of Trades Council, October 1983 and Wolfson Foundation representative. - Department marketing drafts.
- Further correspondence re relations with the North East Development Company, Leverhulme, Tyne & Wear County Council, Imperial Chemical Industries [ICI], Dyson Instruments and English Industrial Estates.
- Ephemera enclosed: extract from The Guardian, 9 December 1983 “Durham University boost” .
- Marketing listings in preparation for approaches to companies housed on Aycliffe and Peterlee Industrial Estates.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25vii   January 1984 – August 1985
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence re the Wellcome Trust and the Department of Industry re a major grant application. References to Mountjoy Centre.
- Contains briefing material for an untitled meeting 28 March 1984 containing copy correspondence and other evidence and responses required.
- Plan Ground Floor Block A., Scale 1:100. March 1984. No. 72/106. Hawkins Heath Partnership. For English Estates. Block B., Scale 1:100. March 1984. No. 72/106. Elevations, Scale 1:100. March 1984. No. 72/11. A4 - Photocopy Ordnance Survey Map. Scale 1:2500. Plan: NZ 2741.
- Ephemera include a conference notice: Society of Chemical Industry, An International Conference on Chemical and Materials for Electronics. 24-26 January 1984, at the Institute of Directors, Pall Mall, Programme and Registration Form, 4p; Plastics & Rubber Weekly, 16 February 1985, “A PRW Special Report - Durham nurtures key centre for materials R & D” , 7p.
- Correspondence re Dr Eric R. Howell's appointment to the directorship of the centre including his profile.
- Correspondence re Techmart Exhibition arrangements and staffing requirements.
Paper file
UND/CN1/C25viii   September - November 1982
Centre for Materials Science and Technology
- Correspondence re a presentation 25 October 1982 includes mailing lists; mail shot letters, individual responses from attendees and non attendees: government and military representatives, development organisation, subject specialist interest groups and commercial organisations; also project management response control sheets.
Paper file
Marketing Initiatives
Reference: UND/CN1/D
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1988
UND/CN1/D1   February 1984 – October 1986
Correspondence re university newsletters, student union, press releases 1980-1988 and press release circulation information (undated)
- Correspondence re the submission of copy for the Northern Executive August 1983 – June 1984.
- Appeal and other projects - stationary arrangements, costs and invoicing information including for NIMLOK display boards, and other portable display proposals.
- Correspondence re directory entries for the university.
- Correspondence exploring video production proposals, includes an overview of material available for staff for overseas marketing purposes.
- Correspondence re department links; companies indicated are Redland, Darchem.
- North East Enterprise & Innovation Exhibition New Business North and Tyne & Wear County Council May 1983 – October 1984 correspondence regarding the 1984 event.
- Correspondence with Tyne Tees TV re inclusion in the “Briefing Programme” re university and regional collaboration with industry.
- Miscellaneous correspondence regarding support with a photograp of Dame Margot Fonteyn with HMS Invincible BFPO Ships.
- Correspondence re a publication proposal from the Durham English Studies Conference 1984.
- Proposal for a Feasibility Study for Bearpark Colliery Heritage Project 1985; accompanies notes of a meeting held for discussion purposes re university involvement.
- Correspondence regarding Enterprise Lecture 1985 – Exchange with Lloyds.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D2    May 1982
The Times Industry and the Universities Special Report July 1982, notification of the project and the university's submission for inclusion.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D3    May – June 1985
Correspondence re requests to staff for a university submission to the Directory of Research and Development in the North East 1985, includes edited entries.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D4   June 1982
Correspondence re the feature on Durham and the university in Northern Life Group publication Northern Life, includes a copy article from New York Times March 1984 “On England’s Ancient Frontier” received in preparation for John's trip to the States.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D5    October 1982 – May 1983
Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development
– Submission “Working group on University/Industry Links” and correspondence acknowledging an overlap to The Times newspapers initiative.
- Includes ephemera: marketing leaflet Science Parks conference November 1982 and an unidentified extract from a report “Science Parks and Related Schemes in Britain” (undated).    
Paper file
UND/CN1/D6   August 1983 - May 1985
- Increasing tourism links including project discussion of guided tours for the Bailey colleges and accommodation offer developments.
- Correspondence regarding proposal.
- Correspondence regarding the development of tourism including exchanges with English Tourist Board, Lucy Walker and Durham Community Arts Centre regarding meeting arrangements.
- Accommodation development proposal supported by survey information regarding the untapped tourism potential of Durham and the university.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D7    February 1983 – January 1985
Durham University Exhibition
- Proposal and marketing planning including copy of opening brochure.
- Correspondence regarding support – references to Hugh MacKay Carpets.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D8    March – May 1983
British Food Week
- Correspondence and meeting agenda regarding participation in the June 1983 event – exchanges with Marks and Spencer plc., British Steel, Teesside Chamber of Commerce.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D9    August 1983 – June 1984
“Northern Executive”
- Correspondence regarding arrangements for an article to appear with reference to the Centre for Material Science and Technology – infrared technology.
- Includes the original 3 articles submitted: “Differential energy pricing for regional policy?” ; “Energy and the environment” ; “Photovoltaic solar energy conversion” .
Paper file
UND/CN1/D10    May 1983 - October 1984
Enterprise and Innovation Exhibition
– Correspondence including meeting outcome notes with Herbert Loebl OBE regarding the North East Small Firms Enterprise and Innovation Exhibition.
- Technology Market preview events correspondence regarding the 1984 exhibition at Newcastle.
Paper file
UND/CN1/D11   June 1983 - August 1986
University Directory of Industrial Research Laboratories [UDIRL]
- Correspondence regarding Directory proposal and database project.
- Kompass Directory correspondence including Directory of British Export 1985.
- Ephemera regarding Edinburgh University Centre for Industrial consultancy and liaison; University of Edinburgh Annual Report 1979-1980. Additional material from other consultancy services.
- Management committee meeting and Swansea Conference 1984  
Paper file
UND/CN1/D12    January 1981 – June 1988
Press Release file
- Circulation list for the Appeals office
- Examples of formal press releases issued throughout the period.
Paper file
Core University Developments (including post Anniversary appeal)
Reference: UND/CN1/E
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1989
Fundraising and Financial packages – bids grants, awards

UND/CN1/ E1i   February 1981 – April 1986
Trevelyan College
- Correspondence surrounding 15th Birthday celebrations – arrangements for donations, appeal and visiting fellowship
- 150th Anniversary Appeal correspondence between department and college representatives – Mrs Deborah Lavin and bursar –Lt Col D.A. Brown.
- Legal documents for the establishment of covenants. - Governing body minutes, costs, revenue and balance sheets; governing body reports November 1983; Principals Report. - Trevelyan Society – Executive Committee Progress Report 1983 - Report – A Women’s College and the crisis in the Universities 1984.
Paper file
UND/CN1/ E1ii    September 1981 – March 1985
Trevelyan College - Malcolm M. MacDonald Fund
- Copy of obituaries, and notices surrounding the chancellor’s appointment 1970.
- Marketing plans and correspondence associated with the establishment of the fund including application process
- Correspondence re fundraising activities - Rickshaw Ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats publicity – exchanges with Rev Ian S. Palmer – 1982; including poster and sponsorship form.
- Bank of Scotland correspondence regarding the Pilgrim Trust.
- Correspondence and ephemera from the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation – Education and Training Programme; {publicity on} Commonwealth Secretariat – Commonwealth Secretariat Publications January 1982; Schedule of Postgraduate Courses in United Kingdom Universities 1981-1982; Awards for Commonwealth University Academic Staff 1981-1983; Commonwealth Universities Yearbook 1982; Association of Commonwealth Universities [ACU] Publications list (undated); British Library [BL] Research in British Universities Polytechnics and Colleges Second Edition 1981; ACU Bulletin of Current Documentation No 51 December 1981.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E2    December 1984 - May 1985
Ian Graham Memorial Fund
- Obituary – Incoming correspondence expressing condolences to the university upon his loss – December 1984 – January 1985.
- University Council Notice of Fund Foundation – draft financial plans and contact list for the fundraising appeal.
- Draft Financials & Marketing - Library Collection List - June 1985
– Nominations for the Award; Awards Committee Agenda.
- 4 colour photos of the unveiling of the memorial plaque by Derman Christopherson and Fred Holliday.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E3i   April – June 1984
Peter Messenger Memorial Fund - Peter Messenger Bursary in the Performing Arts.
- Correspondence re the planning and marketing of Memorial Concert arrangements for 23 May 1984 in the Sir James Knott Hall, including programme, poster and copy of speech made at the funeral by the principal of St Chad's College 15 June 1983.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/E3ii   May 1984 - October 1986
Peter Messenger Memorial Fund – Peter Messenger Bursary in the Performing Arts
- Correspondence re establishing the fund including with parents; assessment panel and criteria settlement; marketing planning including poster 1985-1986.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E4   March 1984 – February 1986
Graduate Society Accommodation
- Notes from Buildings Office meeting.
- Initial project proposal July 1984.
- Correspondence with Wimpey Construction and Balfour Beatty; development of ideas surrounding the Avenue Site.
- Link with Muslim community expressed in correspondence with His Excellency Hassan Dabbagh - February 1986.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E5    September 1981 – March 1983
Sources of Finance: British Deaf Association [BDA]
- Correspondence re establishing in 1982 the first Fellowship for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students and interest from the Allan Brindle Hayhurst Fund to establish a covenant.
- Fundraising activity of Canon Prof Stephen Sykes from Durham Cathedral to Carlisle Cathedral October 1984.
- Correspondence with Marks & Spencer plc re support for an induction loop system.
- Contains ephemera on the subject of opportunities for Hearing Impaired students at the University of Durham (undated) and ITV Books (1981). Higher Education. Davies, Colin. Article reproduced from No Need to Shout. ISBN 0 900727 85 3; The Open University Press (undated). The Disabled Student in Higher Education: Access and Support, Report of a conference for the International Year of Disabled People, extract p.46-55.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E6   April 1984 – June 1985
VersaBraille – Fundraising Project
- Correspondence re establishing a fundraising appeal to charitable trusts on behalf of a named student Julie Hodgetts, Psychology department; correspondence includes both negative and positive responses to appeal – The Rothley Trust.
- Ephemera – System Brochure with cost quotations (?1984).
Paper file
UND/CN1/E7   October 1981 - March 1982
Wellcome Institute – Kellett Collection of Early Medical Books
- Correspondence with the Wellcome Institute regarding the establishment of funding for a teaching and/or research post for 5 years with the collection – post doctoral research fellowship.
- Planning for a luncheon event 14 December 1981.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E8    July 1984 - May 1986
Pickup Programme (Professional, Industrial and Commercial Updating Educational Programmes)
- Correspondence re the national provision of Pickup and its presentation in the North East region.
- Ephemera includes: newsletters; Press Notice No 76/85, 29 March 1985 – Department of Education and Science “One Hundredth Training scheme Launches Project brings new skills to Tyneside shop staff”; “Pickup In Progress – New Knowledge New Skills New Machines”, The Pickup Programme March 1985 No. 7.
- Pickup programme detailed budget September 1985.
- Advisory Group agenda and minutes; Interim Report to the Senate January 1985; Proposal for extension of the programme from September 1986 – August 1987 to the Senate Committee on Continuing Education May 1986.  
Paper file
UND/CN1/E9    May 1983 - October 1985
Sources of Finance: British Technology Group [BTG]
- Correspondence including a programme of a visit by BTG representatives to the university 8 July 1983 including information on departments which may have particular interests in the funding available.
- Correspondence and ephemera for the Academic Enterprise Competition 1985 includes an application form.
- Correspondence and ephemera re applying for awards from the group and a conference at the University of Newcastle 4 December 1985 including a programme and location map. Ephemera includes Innovation in construction brochure; Innovation in transport engineering; Innovation in electrical engineering; BTG Review; Finance for small companies; Finance for regional enterprise; Acorn Scheme – a joint financial package from English Industrial Estates (and) British Technology Group; Commercialising Software through BTG.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E10   January - December 1983
Sources of Funding: BP Venture Research Unit
- Correspondence re visit arrangements November 1983 re the science site's interest in funding for “Blue Skies Research”.
- Ephemera includes: selection of press cuttings provided by Shell from a variety of media June 1982; brochure – “Looking for Acorns”; transcription – “Text of an Invited Talk by Dr D.W. Braben, Venture Research Unit BP International Limited prepared for the University/ Industry Research-Expo 13th July, 1982 Pennsylvania State University, USA”, New Scientist, 21 April 1983; “BP backs revolutionary research. Britain’s largest company is spending at least £2million in a novel search for new products and methods”, 3p; article comments on Sheffield University.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E11i    August 1984 – February 1985
Sources of Finance: Correspondence and ephemera from a range of potential sources including Citibank – brochure outlining services of Citicorp.UK – undated with reference to 1983.
- Correspondence and extract from the Architects Journal“Sources of Funding – Financing construction is becoming more complex as new opportunities emerge….” 22 & 29 August 1984.
- Extract from Newcastle Chronicle & Journal“Northern Businessman” features “Northern Businessman’s Top 100 Companies”.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E12i   August - September 1985
Eureka Technopolis
- Project Correspondence – includes Eureka Criteria and outline plan for Japanese project.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E12ii   April 1986
Proposal for Oil and Gas Supply Industry Information Service in Northern Region April 1986 (Author unknown) – Special Interest Group (SIG) unknown.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E13    July 1983 – December 1985
Newcastle Technology Centre
- Correspondence re the feasibility report to English Estates - Newsletter - The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, December 1985, lead article featuring the opening of the centre.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E14    May 1984 – July 1986
Sources of Finance: Research Corporation Limited and The Research Corporation Trust
- Financial support for invention and commercialisation - The Research Corporation Trust.
– Leaflet: “Research Grants Programme”.
- Visit correspondence regarding Dr Charles des Forges – July 1984.
- Funding application (blank form) - Research Corporation Limited.
– Ephemera – Update/Report for 1983 and Research Corporation (USA) A Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Technology
- Open seminar arrangements with Dr James Green – October 1985 includes draft statement of the relationship between the University and the Corporation for 4 disciplines.
- Visit information November 1985.
- University agreement – legal documentation – unsigned.
- Correspondence with the Research Corporation including conference information and Agreement Annual Report from 1986.
- Some shorthand notes included.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E15   September – October 1983
Sources of Finance: Alvey Initiative - IT Research
- Ephemera – Alvey News September 1983
- Briefing correspondence on the initiative including guidance for universities on making an application for funding.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E16i    June - September 1983
Sources of Finance: European Economic Community Funding [EEC] – Consultants in Economic Regeneration in European Services [CERES] - Basic Technology Research Initiative
- Correspondence re proposed EC programmes
- Correspondence re calls for application; includes expression of interest forms (blanks) and Commission of the European Communities COM (83) 350 final – Proposal for Council decisions on 2 areas dated June 1983 and Directory of the Commission of the European Communities September 1983
Paper file
UND/CN1/E16ii    January 1982 – August 1987
Sources of Finance: Consultants in Economic Regeneration in European Services [CERES]
- Correspondence re the European Documentation Centre.
- Correspondence re COMETT – University and Industrial links funding - includes Commission publications and extracts – Official Journal of the European Community [OJEC), - EEC Opportunities – European Technology Community 1985.
- Regional Transfrontier University Co-operation - university representatives visit Brussels 9 October 1982 – exchanges with Roland Boyes, MEP; visit to Brussels 26-27 January 1987.
- Correspondence re Science and Technology for Development Programme including publication Commission of the European Communities COM (82) 493 final August 1982 Stimulation the Communities Scientific and Technical Potential Experimental Phase 1983. - European Community Research Programme 1983 - Annual Schemes of Higher Education Grants 1983.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E16iii       November 1984 – January 1986
Sources of Finance: Consultants in Economic Regeneration in European Services [CERES]
- Correspondence re a consultancy project, representatives: Bruce Reed and Mike Lloyd contracting arrangements.
- Correspondence re the European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technologies [ESPRIT] and ESPRIT Work Programme 1985.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E16iv    January – December 1986
Sources of Finance: Consultants in Economic Regeneration in European Services [CERES]
- Correspondence regarding ESPRIT including ephemera Task Force – Information and Telecommunication Technologies brochure.
- Correspondence regarding gaining support for the project for TV facilities and support for facilities for deaf and partially-hearing students, includes Commission publications and extracts: Official Journal of the European Community [OJEC), Innovation from Community Research Selection 1985 - Research and development in advanced communication technologies in Europe [RACE] application correspondence includes new course developments, international student planning. - 1985.
– Correspondence re the European Research and Training contracts in Biotechnology – University of Bristol Seminars – School for Advanced Urban Studies 1984.
- Ephemera - North of England Development Council (?1985), Britain Means Business Leading Technologies in the North of England.
- Following visits to University departments – CERES Update Survey from April 1986.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E16v   December 1986 - August 1987
Sources of Finance: Consultants in Economic Regeneration in European Services [CERES]
- Includes Commission publications and extracts – Official Journal of the European Community [OJEC)
- European Social Fund [ESF] correspondence re the university's ability to apply for these funds 1986 and arrangements surrounding a seminar 1987.
- Correspondence re new consultancy arrangements - notification of the non-renewal of a contract with Mike Lloyd; new representative: Trevor Newsom and correspondence regarding his visits to university departments – 1987. - Research and development in advanced communication technologies in Europe [RACE] application correspondence includes new course developments, international student planning.
Paper file
UND/CN1/E17   August – December 1989
National Institute for Adolescent Disorders
– Submission documents to the University of Durham Policy Committee including: a proposal for the establishment of the centre; “Application for Agreement in Principle to Post Qualification Diploma in Work with Adolescents”; visit to Aycliffe Centre for Children.
Paper file
Reference: UND/CN2
UND/CN2/A1   Winter [2008]
College Knowledge Quarterly Commercial News Update
Services for Students with Disabilities
Reference: UND/CO
Reference: UND/CO1
UND/CO1/A1   [1999]
Teaching Students with Disabilities Staff Information Handbook
UND/CO1/A2   [1992]
Experiences of Disability at Durham University, ed Colin Davies
UND/CO1/A3   [2013] & [2016]
Disability Support leaflets
2 paper leaflets, 2f
Printing Unit
Reference: UND/CQ
Reference: UND/CQ1
UND/CQ1/A1   March 1992
Printing Unit Handbook, revised, ed J.W. Ward, printing manager
Paper booklet in card covers, ii + 18 pages
UND/CQ1/A2   August 1972
Reprographics Instruction & Service Manual, by S.D. Grace, Purchasing Officer
Paper booklet, 38p in paper covers 
Reference: UND/CR
Enterprise Bureau
Reference: UND/CR1
Dates of creation: 1988 - 1994 The Enterprise Initiative in Higher Education was set up to enable students to develop personal, transferrable skills during their undergraduate careers and to provide them with an opportunity to apply these skills through project work and work experience. To support this, the government Training Agency awarded the university £1 million over 5 years from 1989, later clarified as ending at the end of 1993, to formalise the work that the university was doing and to extend its programme of activities to ensure that every student of the university had the opportunity to develop and enhance their competencies. Durham was one of a number of universities involved in this initiative. An office, headed by a director, was established for the work in Palmer's Garth, Hallgarth St, Durham.
Specifically, Durham's project sought to raise levels of awareness among staff and students about the general qualities that employers seek in graduates, to create opportunities for all students to develop these qualities within the university environment and to develop mechanisms for assessing levels of student attainment in these qualities, and for evaluating the programme's success in meeting these objectives. These aims were to be met by developing programmes in student profiles, employer liaison, course development for analytical and interpersonal qualities, and also teaching consultancy and service teaching for knowledge specific qualities.
(Dr D.A. Kirby, acting January - April 1989)
Dr Peter Slee, May 1989 - October 1990.
Prof Antony Fletcher, January 1991 - 1993.

Foundation Documents and Annual Reports
Reference: UND/CR1/A
UND/CR1/A1   October 1989 - December 1992
Contracts with the Training Agency, including the original signed one of October 1989 and subsequent revised annexes detailing the project's aims and objectives etc, with correspondence.
UND/CR1/A2   November 1989 - June 1993
Annual Reviews of the EHE work at Durham, including correspondence and reports
UND/CR1/A3   September 1991 - November 1992
Annual Reports, correspondence about them.
Reference: UND/CR1/B
UND/CR1/B1   January - June 1989
Steering Committee correspondence and papers, including also minutes and papers of the Policy Committee working party on conference policy of 1989 and notes of the appointing committee for the post of director.
Minutes and papers 1989-1993: UND/BB53.
Office Files
Reference: UND/CR1/C
UND/CR1/C1   August 1990 - January 1992
Academic Audit, correspondence with PVCs.
UND/CR1/C2   April 1988 - December 1993
Computer Literacy Progamme correspondence, reports, press releases, and papers for the working party.
UND/CR1/C3   June - August 1989
Computer Literacy Fellowship sponsored by Digital, correspondence.
UND/CR1/C4   June 1989 - January 1993
Economic Awareness Project, correspondence, especially with the Economics Department, and its Economic Awareness Fellow sponsored by BP.
UND/CR1/C5   March 1989 - December 1991
Employer Contacts, correspondence with employers about their involvement in the EHE, including Sainsbury's proposed Business Game.
UND/CR1/C6   July 1992 - June 1993
First Eleven Group,being the first eleven institutes where EHE started, correspondence and reports, including the report Enterprise in Higher Education The First 11 (February 1993) (with a January 1993 draft), and agendas, papers and minutes of the Round One “Celebration Group”, also papers of the Enterprise directors conference November 1992, and copies of Enterprise Action newsletter (No.2 September 1992), Insight - The Magazine for Education and Business (No.25 Autumn 1992) and Enterprise in Higher Education News (The Edinburgh Enterprise Centre, Autumn 1992).
UND/CR1/C7   June 1992 - April 1993
Northern Network of the EHEs, correspondence, agendas, minutes and papers for meetings.
UND/CR1/C8   [c.1992]
Numeracy, report of a pilot survey by Michael Cornelius “The Numeracy Needs of New Graduates in Employment” and a Universities of Durham and Teesside “Mathematics Qualification for Professional Training.”
UND/CR1/C9   June 1989 - January 1993
Staff Development, including correspondence re the Staff Development and Training Adviser post, bureau staff and training courses.
UND/CR1/C10   June 1989 - February 1993
Student Profiles Working Group correspondence.
Papers and minutes: UND/BB86.
UND/CR1/C11   January 1992 - November 1993
Student Projects, correspondence, including an Intelligence Awareness Day with Tony Buzan, a Search Conference, and a seminar for Academic Course Representatives.
UND/CR1/C12   May 1989 - January 1994
Training Agency/Training Enterprise and Education Directorate of the Department of Employment, correspondence with concerning EHE, and especially the visits of Tim Eggar and Alan Howarth.
UND/CR1/C13   April 1989 - March 1994
Training Agency, financial claims, accounts and correspondence.
UND/CR1/C14   June 1989 - February 1992
Women into Employment, correspondence re a project “Promoting Female Resources” in 1989 and then seminars in 1991.
Colleges Office
Reference: UND/CT
The collection contains a mixture of committee and working party papers (circulated discussion documents and correspondence within the group, official and unofficial), the dean’s correspondence with various other figures within university administration, some correspondence (by, cc., or forwarded to, the dean) with external groups and individuals (a very small amount on non-college business), and circulars from external bodies. There is a small amount of miscellaneous material from Armitage’s additional role as principal of Hild Bede College, mainly produced or circulated in association with his role as dean, or used to make rough handwritten notes for his business as dean. In addition, there are a number of internal circulars by people other than the dean and not on college business, and a small amount of correspondence of the same type. There are similarly a small number of letters sent or received by Armitage (as dean) within the university but on non-college business. Several of the original files have very mixed contents in subject matter and provenance, but a large amount concerns Colleges Board, its Planning Group, and the Committee of College Bursars. In addition, there are materials from or in reference to many smaller committees and working groups, some college-related and others concerned with broader issues, some of which the dean was involved with and others which reported to or produced documents circulated in committees on which the dean sat.
The main issues charted include the debate over the future of the colleges and college system; the anticipated “accommodation crisis” of the early 1990s, and resultant efforts to increase the colleges’ residential accommodation; university planning; and student healthcare. There are also numerous more occasional or smaller areas of business, which include the administration of internal student funding and financial support (mainly Hardship and Access Funds), the Maintenance Fee, and preparations for the transition to student loans; claims of sexual harassment, other pastoral business and issues of student behaviour and welfare; admissions statistics; university fundraising; staff appraisal, probation and promotions, including academic and academic-related staff, various college appointments, and various employment issues relating to college bursars; the Careers Advisory Service and Board; the Universities Grant Committee visit to Durham University in February 1989 and the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals Audit of March 1992; and Policy Committee’s visit to the colleges. There are a number of draft and revised documents, documents heavily annotated, and some informal internal correspondence.
As Council was “informed by the Vice-Chancellor” on 1 November 1988, “Policy Committee... had recommended the establishment of the post of Dean of Colleges, analogous to the three Deans of Faculties. The intention... was to provide better co-ordination in planning and other discussions involving the Colleges. Council approved the recommendation in principle, noting that the consequences for existing Committees would need to be carefully worked out”. In the meantime, interim arrangements were to be introduced. Consequently, on 7 February 1989 Senate “[n]oted that a paper on the post of Dean of Colleges was to be considered at the next meeting of Policy Committee”, while on 13 February 1989 Policy Committee minutes record the attendance of (John) Vernon Armitage as the dean of Colleges.
“Following approval by Senate and Council of the post of Dean of Colleges, Policy Committee received a note from the Registrar defining the duties and responsibilities of the Dean of Colleges in parallel with the arrangements for the Deans of Faculties” . It subsequently discussed the “Duties and Responsibilities of the Dean of Colleges” on 13 February 1989, and established that “[t]here shall be a Dean of the Colleges who shall be Chairman of the Colleges Consultative Committee”. It was agreed “that the duties and responsibilities... set out in the Registrar's paper [were to] be approved on the understanding that the importance of avoiding double representation on committees” be emphasized to Nominating Committee, that the situation be reviewed a year later, and that committee structure and the Colleges Consultative Committee be reviewed “after a year in the light of... experience” (Minutes of Nominating Committee, 2 March 1989, item 24).
The dean was to be appointed by the Colleges Consultative Committee, and to hold office for three years, with the duties attached to the position threefold. Firstly, the Dean was “to represent the Colleges and their interests on the University Committees to which the Dean is appointed ex-officio and in discussions within the University”. Secondly, the Dean was required “to provide information on the Colleges and the Collegiate system”, and “to formulate College opinion on matters of interest to the Colleges”, making this information available both within the University and beyond it. Thirdly, the officeholder was “to facilitate a corporate approach to planning by the Colleges”, both through the meetings of Heads of Houses and by her/his membership of Colleges Board, Policy Committee and Resources Committee (Minutes of Policy Committee, Appendix IV, 13 February 1989). It was also established that the dean was to be an ex-officio member of the Council of the University, Senate, Policy Committee, Resources Committee, Colleges Board, Nominating Committee, Regulations and Admissions Committee, and (as their chairman) Colleges Consultative Committee and the Committee of College Bursars. It was, however, emphasized at the time that the dean's duties were not to “in any way infringe the authority of the College Governing Bodies, or of the College Officers”, or to “interfere in” College “internal management”. These arrangements were to take effect despite a “lack of statutory provision” for the office and its duties and responsibilities, this to be made in due time and in light of experience. The initial intended analogy with the Faculty deans remained, with the appendix of the Minutes of Policy Committee that lay out this position and its duties and responsibilities published alongside an extract from a set of faculty standing orders covering the dean of the Faculty. In March, Senate approved all of the duties and responsibilities proposed on 13 February 1989 by Policy Committee for the dean of Colleges, adding that “Nominating Committee would review the Dean of Colleges' Committee membership in one year's time”. Its endorsement of Policy Committee's recommendation that the views of Heads of Houses on income generation be sought as soon as possible through the Dean of Colleges confirms that the first dean had already been appointed (Minutes of Senate, and Appendix I to the Minutes of Senate, both 7 March 1989). By June 1989, a list of the membership of the Joint Standing Councils of Senate and Council 1989/90 included (John) Vernon Armitage as a member of Careers Advisory Board (in his capacity as a Head of House, appointed 1989), and the dean of Colleges (although not naming Armitage personally) as an ex officio member of the Colleges Consultative Committee, Nominating Committee, Policy Committee, Resources Committee, and the Academic-Related Staffing Committee (Minutes of Senate, 13 June 1989, and Membership of Standing Committees of Senate 1989/90, in ibid.).

Dean of Colleges - John Armitage
Reference: UND/CT1
Dates of creation: 1983 - 1993
The papers of the first Dean of Colleges, (John) Vernon Armitage, were compiled during his five years in the post (1988-1993) but include earlier documents (1983 onwards) discussed or circulated in committees during this period. There is comparatively little material for 1993, and also little concerning the position and role of the Dean of Colleges. The content is threefold, combining issues of day-to-day college administration, policy and actions for and in relation to the colleges collectively, and discussion about, and future planning for, the college system as a whole. There is also some material related to his additional role as principal of Hild Bede college.
Dr. (John) Vernon Armitage, BSc, PhD London, FIMA, FRAS, was born in 1932. He joined Durham University as a Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences in 1959 and a Tutor (and founding member) of Grey College, having previously taught at Pontefract High School and Shrewsbury School. Armitage left Durham in 1967 to take up the post of Senior Lecturer in Maths at King's College, London, before becoming Professor of Mathematical Education (and then Special Professor) at the University of Nottingham (1970-1975 and 1976-1979). He returned to Durham in 1975 as the Principal of the College of St Hild and St Bede, remaining in this role until 1997. He also took on the position of Dean of Colleges in 1988, holding it until 1993. Dr. Armitage remains involved with the University as an Honorary Fellow of Grey College, a member of Anthropology and the School of Applied Social Sciences, and (since 1997) Honorary Senior Fellow in Mathematical Sciences. (Biographical information from http://www.debretts.com/people/biographies, viewed 21 March 2011).

UND/CT1/1   1991 - 1992
“1st meeting – Friday 15 March 10.00 am-CR1” (re. Policy Committee Visit) (1991-1992)
College accommodation expansion, and future of the colleges: letters received by Armitage on college building projects, colleges’ strategic plans;
Policy Committee: correspondence between Armitage and Vice-Chancellor Ebsworth on Policy Committee’s decisions, issues to be considered, with copy of unconfirmed minutes of Policy Committee 24 February 1992 and of variables set out in the Eccles Report; report circulated by Policy Committee ( “Strategy for the Colleges for the 1990s”, 11 January 1991)
“Policy Committee Working Party on the Colleges Discussion paper on Colleges' Establishments and Related Matter”
“Policy Committee Working Party on the Colleges Senior Common Rooms and a Footnote on Admissions (by Armitage)”
Materials re. Policy Committee visits to the colleges: letters within the university arranging meetings and proposing members, photocopies of circulated documents from Academic Registrar Thrush sent to members of the Policy Committee Visit to the Colleges Committee, 30 April 1991 (initial comments of the Regulations and Admissions Committee on the Report of the Working Group on Admissions; report of the Working Group on Admissions, incl. applicant and admission statistics, findings of student questionnaire of June 1990 on applicants and admissions)
Working Group on Admissions, and Policy Committee (visit): report circulated by Academic Registrar Geoffrey Thrush to members of the Policy Committee Visit to the Colleges Committee 30 April 1991, and initial comments on this.
Paper file
UND/CT1/2   June 1989 - October 1990
“Academic-Related Staffing Committee” (
Minutes and agendas, 18 September and 26 October 1989, 14 March and 20 June 1990; correspondence between Armitage and Jack Boyd on career structure of college bursars; reports sent to Jack Boyd on staff at the end of probationary periods; circulars, incl. “Academic-Related Staff. Annual Promotions Review”, with copy of committee procedures, criteria for new grades; correspondence from Vin McIntyre, and Secretarial and Clerical Staff Annual Review, re. Vin McIntryre’s attempts to change grade of Senior Information Post (Catherine Brown); diagrams of staff structures and pay scales; correspondence of Dr J.T.D. Hall, University Librarian, with Boyd, on proposed staff restructuring on the retirement of Mr B. Cheesman and A.D. Burnett (Deputy and Assistant Librarians); correspondence between Boyd and Armitage on Armitage serving on Statutory Committee to consider awarding a readership to Dr W.J. Stirling, and proposing Dr Lomas for promotion to a senior lectureship; documents circulated to members, incl. list of applicants, list of staff on annual review and probation, list of nominees, letters of application/support for 1% targeted element of pay or promotion; list of nominees with pen additions; written reports on procedures.
Report of Academic Staffing Committee (Professorships and Readerships) and of Academic Staffing Committee (Promotions) to Senate, on meetings.
Paper file
UND/CT1/3   July 1990 - July 1992
Access Funds
Accommodation Review Committee: minutes May 1992 (with annotations and handwritten notes)
College accommodation expansion: letter from Hayward to Andrew Walker, re. his request for planning permission for Parsons Field Project (30 January 1991)
Colleges Board: agenda 8 February 1991
Colleges Board Planning Committee: minutes 11 October 1990
Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs [and Maintenance] Working Group: minutes 8 October 1990
Committee Allocating Access Funds: student request for receipt listing tuition fees as gift, with treasurer’s reply; photocopied student letters of application, with supporting documents; letters from Armitage to Treasurer Paulina Lubacz instructing payment; application forms from students (1990/91); Armitage’s replies to students; Armitage’s correspondence with Thrush on individual students, arranging meetings, enclosing new applications, discussing Universities Funding Council guidance notes; scraps of paper with notes on applicants, lists of applicants and sums given, etc.; lists of applicants with notes; materials re. Committee Allocating Access Funds; report “Access Funds: Progress Report January 1991” (Geoffrey Thrush); document from Hayward on use of access funds for studentships; published material re. Access Funds from other organizations and institutions; photocopies of unnamed publications on Student Loans; draft/neat replies to student applications; letter to Thrush from Hatfield Bursar J. King, on Hatfield students who will suffer financially as balloted out/on not making payments till February; correspondence on use of postgraduate access funds for scholarships, to Mrs M. Hodgson, Senior Assistant Registrar of Science Faculty, cc. Thrush, Armitage; letters from departments to Armitage giving opinion on use of Access Funds; Armitage’s introductory account of “Access Funds for Student Support”; Hayward’s correspondence with Geoffrey Thrush on administration of scheme, use of money; letters sending views/recommendations on use of Access Funds; letters from St Aidan’s College directing students to approach Armitage; Access Funds’ (introductory report), “1990/91 Access Funds: Application Form”; letter from Armitage to Hayward on postgraduate Access Funds and studentships
Access funds and student loans: Eligibility Questionnaire, Eligibility Certificate, A Scheme for Dealing with Applications for Student Loans, and draft of this (circulars from Thrush various); letter from Thrush to Armitage on administration of Access Funds and Student loans
List of College Officers’ Emoluments
External circulars: Universities Funding Council; Department of Education and Science; Conference of Registrars and Secretaries
Nursery and Nursery Management Committee: circular memos from the Nursery Management Committee and its Secretary Sue Hardman, with documents, re. direct payment of Access Fund, proposals for all-day service (October-December 1990), Nursery Management Committee Financial Plan 1992/93
Principal of Hild Bede: postcard to Armitage and wife, from Diana Cooper and Angela ?, 1991; ticket for Hild Bede College Day May 1991, with memo. on back; memo. from Armitage to Mrs S. Ruskin, on payments to staff, heavily annotated
Working Group for Access Funds: agenda 13 December 1990; procedures for administering Access Funds (15 October 1990), incl. letters between Armitage and deans of faculties on postgraduate studentships.
Paper file
UND/CT1/4   1991 - 1992
Accommodation 1992 (Dr. Barber’s comm.)
Accommodation Working Party: report of the group, by James Barber (Pro Vice Chancellor, 1991)
Accommodation Review Committee: minutes with annotations and notes (May 1992 (1991-1992);
College accommodation expansion: figures for projected growth in students from 1990/1 to 1993/4; correspondence (1991) between Armitage, James Barber and Estates and Buildings on building projects for student accommodation.
Paper file
UND/CT1/5   January 1991 - February 1992
Accommodation 1992 (JVA’s Comm)
College accommodation expansion: handwritten drafts of letters to be circulated; form to circulate on anticipated student numbers 1991; circular letters from Armitage to heads of houses; Armitage’s correspondence with Geoffrey Thrush (Academic Registrar), and Metcalfe (Estates and Buildings), and with colleges re. possible available accommodation, and requests for help with finding accommodation or with funding building projects, incl. University College’s application (November –December 1991) for funding for Fellow’s Garden building project; Armitage’s correspondence with colleges re. independent builders’ projects, purchase of Palatine House (January 1992), and proposed schemes from commercial companies (January 1991, June 1992); the committee’s June 1991 report on admissions and accommodation for October 1991; photocopy of directory of local B&Bs, draft letter (July 1991) to send to B&Bs re. use for student accommodation.
Paper file
UND/CT1/6   November 1988 - February 1991 and October - November 1992
Accommodation Crisis
College accommodation expansion: circular for heads of houses and estate agents, draft and neat; Armitage’s correspondence with heads of houses, individual colleges, and Student Health Care; Armitage’s correspondence re. proposed conversion of Pelaw House to student accommodation; materials re. Parson’s Field building project (architectural plans, reports and costs, correspondence with architects); correspondence with commercial companies, asking external bodies about spare accommodation, and with the City Liaison Officer; accommodation figures (admissions targets, room numbers needed, estimated shortfall, college reports on expected shortfall); architectural plans for Old Shire Hall; correspondence of PVC J.I. Clarke with Armitage, on a self-catering society; correspondence of PVC J.I. Clarke with colleges on extra room and new colleges (1992); James Barber’s proposal for a new society (March 1992); correspondence of Diplock, Director of Estates and Buildings, with colleges, and his circulars to heads of houses
Reports to Policy Committee by Working Group on Residential Accommodation
Paper by Armitage, “Resources Committee, Student Residential Accommodation and Related Papers”, 16 January 1990 (neat and draft)
Working Group on Residential Accommodation: minutes, reports, reports to Policy Committee, and correspondence within the group.
Paper file
UND/CT1/7   [c.1990]
Accommodation Crisis, Booklets and Plan
College accommodation expansion: sketch plan 14 April 1990 (unnamed college); promotional material from building and prefab. companies, one with courtesy slip for attention of E. Wood, bursar, and saying that forwarded to Armitage in case of emergency in October; DSU living out handbook (c.1990).
Paper file
UND/CT1/8   1986 - 1992
Additional papers: Committee of College Bursars
Ad Hoc Committee on the Duties of the College Officers: preliminary report, January 1986; report, April 1986
Committee of College Bursars: minutes and reports, materials circulated to members, correspondence between members (on Food Safety Act 1992 etc.)
Correspondence: letters cc. Armitage, with the replies received.
Paper file
UND/CT1/9   [April 1990]
Additional papers: Durham Careers Guide. Solicitors’ Articles in 1992/93
Publication, as per item name (one item only).
Paper file
UND/CT1/10   1988 - 1989
Additional papers: Durham University Student Statistics.
Paper file
UND/CT1/11   May 1989 - June 1990
Alumni Committee
Fund Raising Committee: agenda 10 November 1989, with documents for circulation, incl. Interim Report from the Fund Raising Committee, by A. P. Beney, circulated to Alumni Committee
Working Group on the Development of Alumni and Other Associations: correspondence between Armitage and Hayward (December 1988) on Income Generation Working Dinner; letter from A.P. Beney to Armitage on Graduate Database (11 June 1990); letter from James Barber to Hayward on Convocation weekend (29 January 1990); minutes of the working group on the Development of Alumni and Other Associations, 30 May 1989 and 30 June 1989, with a letter from Hayward circulating these and discussing meeting of 23 May 1989; documents circulated amongst the Working Group on the Development of Alumni and Other Associations; letter from A.P. Beney to Armitage 7 November 1989 sending draft job description for Alumni Relations Officer; membership list, sent from Andree Moffat to Armitage 9 March 1989.
Paper file
UND/CT1/12   February - March 1990
Appointing Committee Director [Estates and Buildings]
Minutes 6 February 1990, memo 26 March 1990 from Hayward to Armitage, reminding of shortlisting meeting; correspondence between Hayward and Armitage March 1990 re. Armitage acting as a referee for applicant Metcalfe, with particulars of appointment.
Paper file
UND/CT1/13   March - May 1989
Appointing Committee: Principal of St Cuthbert’s Society’ • Appointing Committee: letter from Andree Moffat, Chief Clerk, to Armitage on his membership of Statutory Committee for a Principal of St Cuthbert’s Society (7 March 1989); letter to Vice Chancellor and Warden Holliday from tutor members of the governing body of St Cuthbert’s Society asking for membership of the appointing committee (22 May 1989); letter from Jack Boyd to Armitage with job description, discussion of interviews, and ‘Report of the Working Party on St Cuthbert’s Society’
Paper file
UND/CT1/14   1987 - 1990
Appraisal Committee
Correspondence between Jack Boyd and chairs of boards of studies, heads of houses and heads of sections, on appraisal documents and procedures; appraisal forms, procedures, and notes of guidance; photocopy of AUT and CVCP publications on appraisal, November and December 1987; Durham University booklet, “Staff Development and Appraisal Academic and Academic-Related Staff. July 1990”; booking form for internal training for appraisees course November 1990, circulated by Lesley MacDonald (Staff Development and Training Adviser) 22 October 1990; circular from Personnel Officer Jack Boyd to heads of houses and sections, and chairs of boards of studies, asking for views on appraisal procedures, with questionnaire (March 1990); circular from Jack Boyd to heads of houses and sections, and chairs of boards of studies, on appraisal procedures, sending out guidelines (May 1988)
Report to Senate and Council by the Working Party on Appraisal (circulated).
Paper file
UND/CT1/15   July 1983 - June 1991
Bursars 1992 Working Party
External circulars: University Grants Committee; National Audit Office; Department of Education and Science
Future of the college system: college accounts 1984-85 (photocopied, duplicates, with handwritten additions for Hild Bede); “University of Durham Annual Estimates 1985-6” (printed and bound); Armitage’s handwritten notes; proposal circulated by VC Holliday June 1986 re. revision of future of colleges; reports on future of Council Colleges; proposals and financial arguments for various future college arrangements, incl. Armitage’s preliminary drafts and handwritten notes for revision; correspondence of Deborah Lavin (principal of Trevelyan College, deputy dean) with J.C. Holt of Fitzwilliam College; documents circulated to Senate and Council on Universities Grant Committee; report by VC Warden Holliday for Senate and Council members (“Rationalisation”, 30 August 1985); “University of Durham Report on the Structure and Government of the University Prepared by the Review Committee July 1983”; papers by Holliday on council-college relations and on “Durham Colleges Plc” (the latter with responses of heads of houses); paper by Sir Alex Jarratt on efficiency in universities (29 October 1985); Armitage’s notes September 1986 on treasurer’s 1 August 1986 paper, and refutations of this paper sent to Armitage (with his annotations).
Paper file
UND/CT1/16   May 1981 - October 1992
Careers Advisory Service
Accommodation Review Committee: notice of meeting of 23 November 1989 sent to Registrar, PVC, McIntyre, Metcalfe, Durham University Athletic Union representative, Jane Kinton (Deputy President, DSU), Armitage; correspondence between Armitage and J.I. Clarke re. Clarke’s absence; “Minutes of an Informal Meeting to Discuss Accommodation for the Careers Advisory Service and Other Bodies in the Event of Palmer’s Garth Being Converted to Residential Accommodation for Students” (meeting of 23 November 1989, minutes by Armitage); memos from Vin McIntryre, Careers Advisory Service Director, “Accommodation for the Careers Advisory Service… The CAS Response” (with appendix “Careers Advisory Service: Accommodation Requirements”, and “Careers Advisory Service: Conversion Suggestion” (room sizes) (November-December 1989); memo from Vin McIntyre, “Proposal to Move the Careers Advisory Service from Palmer’s Garth to Dunelm House” (23 Nov 1989), appendices to memos by McIntyre dated 16 November and 23 November 1989; architectural plans of Dunelm House with annotations; handwritten notes, “Comments on the Move” (on back of 13 November 1989 agenda for Consultative Committee Meeting); letter from Armitage to Hayward on rooms in Dunelm House needed by Careers Advisory Service (November 1989)
Careers Advisory Board/ Careers Advisory Service Board: circular to members arranging meeting; agendas 15 June 1992, 12 February [no year]; minutes 12 March 1991, 10 June 1991; material on appointment of new adviser, Christina Allen, with 6 Dec 1989 memo from the director… Accommodation for the Careers (December 1989 – June 1992); letter to Armitage from Hudson on membership of the board, with minutes; letter from McIntyre to Armitage re. external brochure “Durham Careers 1989” and sending booklet “Careers News and Vacancy List No. 2 23 October 1989”; letter from Armitage to Clarke on Accommodation Review Committee, suggestions for use of School of Education accommodation, and sending minutes of 23 November; circulars of board, incl. reminder to members of meeting
Careers Advisory Service: letter from Hild Bede Senior Tutor Lilian Groves to tutors, 30 November 1984, on tutors attending meetings; letter from Vin McIntyre to Lilian Groves on help for students leaving university early, with letter of thanks from former student; letter from W.S. Rees of Business Studies, Watford College, re. PG Diploma in Advertising (May 1981); correspondence between John Hudson, Director of Careers Advisory Service, and Rev. W.D. Jones, Hild Bede Vice Principal, re. Annual Report, destination of graduates (1983); circulars from Careers Advisory Service to college principals or senior tutors; “Graduate Retention in the North East Region” (University of Newcastle proposing regional network of careers services), report of visit between Vin McIntyre, Dr R.A. Firth (Newcastle CAS Director) and Mr J. Preston re. this; CRAC Insight programme, Insight into Management, appraisal and invitation to Armitage; circulated extract from “Durham in the year 2000 – some possible features” (VC); handwritten and computer printout sheets on graduate destination; correspondence between Vin McIntyre and Treasurer Paulina Lubacz on Careeers Advisory Service and DRAM, Equipment Fund, PROSPECT; letter from Vin McIntyre to Secretary to Accommodation Review A.R. Gemmill re. Careers Advisory Service’s lecture room bookings; Careers Advisory Service Board circular to members re. meeting 29 June 1991; Careers Advisory Service annual reports, annual reports of the Director, and/or summaries of these, 1983-1984, 1987-1988, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, Record of Activities 1987-1988, 1989-1990; Careers Advisory Service publications, incl. “Information for Employers” (1990/91, 1992/3), Notice Board May 1990, “Durham Student Guide to Careers Planning” 1991-2; external publications (photocopy from North East Graduate Directory, Central Services Unit and The Graduate Employment Service, “Summer Recruitment Events 1990. The Official Guide”); documents re. Accommodation Review Committee and removal to Dunelm House
University planning: circulated extract from “Durham in the year 2000 – some possible features” (VC).
Paper file
UND/CT1/17   November 1989 - June 1990
Career Development and Training of University Staff, Committee: invitation to Armitage (as dean) to attend, with standing orders and membership list; materials prepared for the committee by the assistant personnel officer Ian Thompson, alone or with Armitage; report on the April 1990 Introductory Conference for New Members of Staff; report by personnel officer Jack Boyd to Senate and Council, on the Working Party on Appraisal; agendas (November 1989-November 1990, missing February 1990), incl. handwritten record of a conversation discussing a dispute between Senior Men and Women and DSU (with one participant warning of the need to avoid formal arbitration); forms and guidelines for “Staff Development and Appraisal” (academic and academic-related staff).
Paper file
UND/CT1/18   April 1991
Career Structure, College Bursars' salaries, promotions and pay scales: correspondence between Armitage and Jack Boyd (personnel officer) Spring 1991, with attached documents: memo. on [Hild Bede] college day, from Armitage to his (unnamed) vice principal, 3 April 1991.
Paper file
UND/CT1/19   1986 - 1989
Colleges Board: report of meeting of 12 February 1988; report to Council on meeting 16 March 1989, with document; photocopy of article from Times Educational Supplement, 7 November 1986, No Second Chance (re. interviews in admissions); circulated documents, incl. submissions from individual colleges to Colleges Board or treasurer for funding for building, renovation or refurbishment, or financial appraisals for these; Collingwood College’s report “Balancing Income & Expenditure in 1989/90”; Armitage’s letter to members 16 January 1987, circulating registrar’s letter on new Council Colleges Board and an extract from Council minutes of 16 December 1986, with extract from the unconfirmed Council minutes of 16 December 1986 and letters re. this; Armitage’s report of 24 September 1986, “Notes on the Treasurer’s paper dated 1st August 1986…”, and “Notes on the Treasurer’s Paper”, 29 September 1986; paper “The Durham Colleges”; “Additional Student Accommodation”, Policy Committee meeting, 21 April 1989; materials re. special meeting of Colleges Board with Council representatives on the governing bodies, re. application of “Echo Two” model to Durham Colleges and Societies, incl. extract from Council minutes of 15 December 1987 and Colleges Board’s report to Council; Armitage’s circular to heads of houses; correspondence re. Armitage’s paper on Colleges Board and on replacement of DUCCAT by KERMIT (computer system for admissions); correspondence between Armitage and Prof Rhodes re. students missing last day of term due to college residencies (February 1991); correspondence between Armitage and James Barber (Hatfield Master) and Vice Chancellor Holliday on Colleges Board’s administration of the Restructuring Fund (May 1990); internal letters re. Colleges Council, relations between College Board and heads of houses and college bursars, long vacation, Council Colleges’ model and colleges’ contribution to General Revenue Account, Alan Heesom joining College Board, proposed amendment of Regulations about payment of fees; formal letter from Armitage to Holliday, on behalf of heads of houses and bursars, on nature of appointments (10 November 1986), with Holliday’s response (12 November 1986); Armitage’s letters to Holliday re. college system under threat, Colleges Board, “Echo II”, terms of reference for the Durham Colleges Board, a Council Colleges Board, and council colleges’ payment of maintenance costs (5 January 1988), attached to “The Future of the Colleges” (Armitage, Barber and Hindmarsh, 14 August 1988); letter from Armitage to Hayward on terms of reference for Durham Colleges Board (10 February 1987);
Maintenance Fee Committee: standing orders Policy Committee: materials re.
Policy Committee meeting 21 April 1989, “Additional Student Accommodation”
Working Group on Financial Targets for Financial Appraisal: documents from colleges.
Paper file
UND/CT1/20   February 1986 - March 1989, mainly 1989
Colleges Board: “Standing Orders for the Council twenty-fifth revision”, October 1988; reports on Colleges Board, incl. for revision and comments before submission to Policy Committee (with amendments, earlier drafts) (1989); paper prepared by Armitage for joint meeting of Colleges Board and Warden, “Colleges Board and Colleges. A discussion paper…”, circulated to heads of houses 21 March 1989, with replies from colleges, Paulina Lubacz, and Vice Chancellor Holliday; Armitage’s circulars to heads of houses (with or without warden, treasurer, registrar), re. Maintenance Fee Review Committee of 6 June 1989, paper for working group on Colleges Board and its relation to heads of houses (“Colleges Board and a Management/Consultation Structure for the Colleges. A Discussion Paper”, with replies from Paulina Lubacz, Hayward, John Barber (Hatfield Master)), “Concerning the Maintenance Fee”, on the letter sent to Durham University from the University Grants Committee, asking for reports to put to Senate and Council, “The Colleges in the 1990s – Echo III”; college estimates for 1988/1989; circular from Armitage to heads of houses “Concerning the Maintenance Fee” (3 February 1986);
Committee of College Bursars: letter from Paulina Lubacz to Armitage on contractual matters within college in relation to, 20 July 1989;
Council: letter to Registrar ‘John’ from Deborah Lavin, 31 October 1990, on Council’s discussion of safety 30 October 1990;
Maintenance Fee Review Committtee’s Working Group: discussion papers circulated by from Armitage, to members for meeting of 30 November 1988, “A Formula for the Maintenance Fee….” and “A Formulation for the Maintenance Fee…”
Paper file
UND/CT1/21   October 1991 - March 1992
Colleges Board New: minutes of Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs Working Group; minutes of Colleges Board Planning Committee; Report to the Policy Committee from the Colleges Board; “Dean’s Reflections on Meetings of Colleges Board”; Colleges Board minutes (with reference to, or reports and documents from, “Durham 2000”, Colleges Board’s report to Policy Committee, Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs Working Group, Committee of College Bursars, Eccles Working Party on the Colleges (chaired by Lady Eccles), Working Group on Student Accommodation); James Barber, “Proposals to Expand the Collegiate System”, 6 January 1992, with PVC’s response; John Fielden’s (external consultant) Interim Report, with Armitage’s comments, August 1991; VC's “Durham 2000”, circulated by registrar and secretary Hayward to heads of houses and boards of studies October 1991; report of the Working Party on the Colleges, 24 February 1992, with annotations; Armitage’s report to Policy Committee 4 February 1992, re. February 1992 meeting of Colleges Board; correspondence between heads of houses and parties other than Armitage; letters from colleges to Armitage or VC on proposed expansion of colleges, and on maintenance fee; letters between colleges where cc. to dean; internal correspondence on Eccles Report; requests for Armitage’s support in a departmental appointment; correspondence sent to Armitage on Eccles Report, Report of the Policy Committee Working Party on the Colleges, funding of proposed accommodation expansion; letters from departments to Armitage or Armitage and academic registrar Thrush; other internal correspondence; various circulated documents e.g. student statistics by course (November 1991); circulars sent to members of Colleges Board Policy Committee by academic registrar Thrush; minutes (28 November 1991) of Health and Safety Policy Committee; financial appraisal for University College building project (Garden Stairs and Fellows’ Garden, 16 August 1991); circulated documents
Colleges Board Planning Committee: minutes
Colleges Board Policy Committee: materials circulated to members by academic registrar (Thrush), incl. re. appointments
Correspondence: letters received by Armitage as dean, incl. requesting Armitage’s support in a proposal for a departmental appointment; other internal correspondence
Future of the college system: Report of the Working Party on the Colleges (24 February, 1992), with annotations Health and Safety Policy Committee: minutes, 28 November 1991
Policy Committee: report to Policy Committee by Armitage, 4 February 1992, on February 1992’s meeting of Colleges Board Policy Committee
Working Party on the Colleges: report of the Working Party on the Colleges, 24 February 1992, annotated, and internal correspondence re. this Working Party on Appraisal: report by Jack Boyd (Personnel Officer) to Senate and Council on the working party.
Paper file
UND/CT1/22   November 1991 - July 1992
Colleges Board Planning: circulars from Thrush to colleges or to members of Colleges Board Planning Committee; Colleges Board Planning Committee agendas (November 1991, February 1992) with attached documents and report, incl. Eccles Report (with occasional annotation); invitations to Ranald Michie, Ken Wade and James Dunn to serve on the Colleges Board Planning Committee, October 1991; letter from the Master of Castle to Thrush, re Policy Committee and Eccles Report, forwarded by Thrush to Armitage; report sent from Deborah Lavin to Armitage, for circulation to members, January 1992.
Paper file
UND/CT1/23   February 1987 - November 1989
Colleges Consultative Committee:
Colleges Board: report of the meeting of Colleges Board 27 April 1988
Colleges Consultative Committee: agendas (February 1987-November 1989) with circulated documents (incl “Report of the Working Party on the Accommodation Officer”, 27 January 1987), some with annotations and handwritten conversations, or notes to the secretary; correspondence with members; Colleges Board’s report of the 27 April 1988 meeting; correspondence between Armitage, colleges and Geoffrey Thrush re college security after a proposal from the Director of Estates and Buildings to remove central security service; reports on security from colleges, Estates and Buildings, Committee of Senior Men and Women; reports to Senate and Council; other reports (incl with handwritten conversations on back)
DSU Welfare Department: annual reports
External circulars: Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals circular
Finance and Audit Committee: minutes, May 1988
Joint Consultative Committee: report 11 March 1987, with memo drawing attention to Committee Self-Appraisal
Libraries: college replies to questions about college libraries
Library Committee Working Party on College Libraries: report of the committee; college replies to questions about college libraries
Luncheon voucher and meal rebate: correspondence between Thrush and Armitage on teaching practice funding and meal rebate for PGCE students
Security: correspondence between Armitage, colleges and Geoffrey Thrush re college security after a proposal from the Director of Estates and Buildings to remove central security service; reports on security from colleges, Estates and Buildings, Committee of Senior Men and Women
Report of the Working Party on the Accommodation Officer 27 January 1987.
Paper file
UND/CT1/24   c.1988 - c.1989
Colleges Plc: letters forwarded by the Director for the Council for Industry and Higher Education, 17 January 1989, re encouragement of “enterprise” in Higher Education (November 1988 and undated); Business Training for Education material.
Paper file
UND/CT1/25   1977 - 1991
Committee of College Bursars:
Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs [and Maintenance] Working Group: minutes (8 October 1990, 17 October 1991)
Committee of College Bursars: agenda and minutes with attached documents and reports for discussion, some duplicates and frequent doodling and annotations (various dates April 1977 - January 1983 and November 1987 – January 1992, but incomplete series); Armitage’s correspondence with colleges, incl. on Estates and Buildings; Armitage’s correspondence on security; internal correspondence over Hill colleges’ involvement in Teikyo catering; bursars’ questionnaire on “Bed Night Analysis” for summer 1989; circular letter from Treasurer Paulina Lubacz to heads of houses and bursars; internal circular letters re conference trade and income, advertising and marketing, student vacation accommodation (newspaper photocopies); materials re luncheon voucher scheme and lunch rebate, Policy Committee Working Party on Conference Policy, new grading for manual and ancillary staff, rating revaluation, and freshers’ accommodation charge.
Paper file
UND/CT1/26   January 1991 - June 1993
Committee of College Bursars’ loose material:
Accommodation Review Committee: letter from Armitage to Projects Officer (Estates and Buildings) on succession of new Deputy Dean in place of Deborah Levin
Audit: Academic Registrar’s timetable for selection arrangements; Working Party on Academic Audit, documents sent out re Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals Academic Audit for comments
College accommodation expansion, and future of the colleges: reports, incl. “Financial and Operation Targets and Support for the Colleges” and “Private Accommodation. A Proposal” (Lara Fromings, DSU Education and Welfare Officer, May 1993)
Colleges Board: minutes, 29 October 1992 and 4 February 1993; letter from Thrush to Armitage proposing “Dean’s Business” for agenda, with circulated documents (on post of deputy dean, revised arrangements for colleges board and colleges planning committee); report on restructuring colleges board; agenda 13 May 1993; letter to Ebsworth on new Deputy Dean serving on Colleges Board
Colleges Board Planning Committee: minutes 26 April 1993 and of extraordinary meeting of 27 November 1992; Committee for Market Dependant Budget Centre and Colleges Board Planning Committee, agenda for joint meeting of 22 February 1993, with circulated documents (re colleges’ Five Year Plans, hotel functions of the colleges, maintenance fee); minutes 2 February 1993 of Working Group Concerned with the Hotel Functions of the Colleges; report of the Meeting between the Registrar and the Bursars 19 February 1993 written for this joint meeting; agenda 19 January 1993, with minutes 22 and 27 October 1992; minutes of Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs Working Group 13 October and 9 December 1992; minutes of Committee of College Bursars 11 January 1993
Committee of College Bursars: minutes, 12 October 1992, with circulated documents, incl. Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs Working Group, correspondence from other working groups and committees, and 6 April 1993; agenda and minutes 11 January 1993; minutes of Colleges Board 29 October 1992; letter from Prof Rhodes, chairman of Board of Studies, Classics, to Colleges Board, on students missing last day of term due to terms of college accommodation, with Armitage’s reply (January-February 1991); minutes of Finance and Audit Committee, 13 June 1991, with documents; Committee for Market Dependent Budget Centres and Colleges Board Planning Committee, agenda for joint meeting 22 February 1993, with circulated documents, Report of Meeting between the Registrar and the Bursars; Resources Committee, agenda 3 June 1993;
Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals Audit [CVCP], visit of 4-6 March 1992: documents sent out by the Committee, incl. seeking comments on report
Correspondence, internal: arranging meeting between Slee (Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications) and Senior Men and Women, College Bursars, Senior Tutors Group, and Heads of Houses; letter from St Cuthbert’s Society to Armitage re withdrawals and transfers; letter to Ebsworth on new Deputy Dean serving on Colleges Board; other circulated internal correspondence, e.g. on Learners Services Centre at Peterlee College; circulars, from International Office, A.E. Cartmell (University College Vice Master) to bursars, on hotel function of colleges; internal correspondence, incl. attack on Amar Qureshi, Flowers review, nursery’s use of Access Funds, possible British Council visitor Gordon Renecke, college quotas and overcrowding, arranging meetings, problems of providing accommodation for four year courses
Correspondence with external individuals and groups: letter from Miss Robbens complaining about phone calls intended for University College, forwarded to University College Master, Dr E. Salthouse, with Armitage’s reply (January-March 1993); letter from Fairfield Catering Company to Hayward re. Durham Colleges Catering Advisor; residents’ letters of complaint to Vice Chancellor and Warden Ebsworth about parking, vandalism, noise, proposed Palatine House conversion into student accommodation, with Armitage’s subsequent letters to colleges and residents
Counselling Services Support Group: agenda 3 December 1992, incl. Student Support Centre flyer and annual report 1991/92
Enterprise in Higher Education: correspondence between Nicola Boud (DSU Academic Affairs Officer) and Armitage and Vin McIntryre (Director of Careers Advisory Service), summary of possible recommendations for improving benefits of Enterprise scheme by Nicola Boud and James Ball (DSU Academic Affairs Officers) January 1993, “Enterprise in Higher Education Project. Annual Report 1992”;
Health and Safety Policy Committee: minutes 13 June 1991, with five documents (resource allocation, estimated expenditure, revenue estimates, colleges’ estimates)
Information Technology Strategy Committee, material re. working group on administrative computing matters for colleges, and agenda 24 March 1993 with documents on use of computers by college staff; Information Technology Users’ Committee, circulars to members and through university with documents asking for comments
Information Technology Users’ Committee: circular to members; report of meeting of 25 January 1993, circulated to members, heads of houses, chairs and secretaries of boards of studies, and user sections
Internal circulars, not by Armitage: from Estates and Buildings 24 September 1992 (on new phone numbers); lists of membership of Senate, Council and various committees
Joint Management Committee for the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative: minutes 16 November 1992; agenda March 1993 with documents (incl re BP Fellowship in Economic Awareness, Employer Partnership, Staff Development and Training Adviser’s Report, the Dustsheet (Durham University Staff Training and Development Newsletter) no. 6, February 1993) and 29 June 1993 (with report on Mental Literacy, Dustsheet, Continuation Progress of Round 1 Institutions)
[Joint Management Committee for the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative] Working Group on Student Profiles for the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative: agenda (with documents) and minutes 3 February 1993; (printed) “Enterprise in Higher Education Project, Annual Report 1992”; correspondence between Vin McIntryre, Director of Careers Advisory Service, and Nicola Boud (DSU Academic Affairs Officer) re. advisory committee; correspondence between Nicola Boud and Armitage re Boud sitting on advisory committee; correspondence between Nicola Boud and James Ball (DSU academic affairs officer) January 1993 re how students can benefit more from Enterprise scheme
Management Committee for the Numeracy Project: minutes, January-February 1993
Nominating Committee: circulars and memos to members; agenda 4 June 1993, report of action since last meeting; minutes 27 November 1992, circulated with memo from Peter Slee, Director of Personnal Services, on membership of Statutory and Appointing Committees, to Chief Clerk Andree Moffatt cc. Michael Prestwich; photocopy of departmental scheme (publication); letter to chair Lady Eccles from Alan Heesom, Honorary Secretary of Durham Association of University Teachers, and by the Council representative of non-academic staff (and Durham branch of Manufacturing Science and Finance) re. Research Defence Society
Policy Committee, letter from James Barber to Registrar, Vice Chancellor, and Armitage, on paper for discussion 25 January 1993
Position of Dean of Colleges: letter from Armitage to Ebsworth 5 February 1993 on failure of Colleges Board to appoint his successor; letter from Armitage to members of Colleges Board on current and future duties of Dean of Colleges, 19 February 1993
Principal of Hild Bede: letter from John Hunt 31 January 1993 re. son Jonathan’s housing problems; publication Digital’s Research and Education Review with accompanying letter; postcard to Mrs Carr, 11 March 1993, from Elizabeth Steele; copy of letter certifying that two students to receive free dental care
Quantitative Planning Group: minutes 13 January 1993
Regulations and Admissions Committee, agenda and supplementary agenda parts 1 and 2, 27 May 1993, with documents, minutes 29 April 1993 parts 1 and 2
Resources Committee: agenda 3 June 1993
Safety: publication Your Police: The Facts; HEFCE publication, Recurrent Grant for the Academic Year 1993-4
Staff Development and Training Committee: agenda 19 February 1993, with minutes of 16 November 1992
Student behaviour: phone messages from local residents complaining about parking, replies by Mrs C.A. Carr (personal assistant and college secretary); Regulations and Codes of Conduct sent to Oxford Brookes
Student funding and financial support: (Hardship Fund) Armitage’s letters to Paulina Lubacz ordering payment of Hardship Fund, to students re. payment/loans, and with students re. receipt of repayments; (Access Funds) letters from Thrush to Armitage recommending that money be granted; The Use of Access Funds: Preliminary Report January 1993; 27 January 1993, “The University Hardship Fund”; (Fawcus Trust Fund) letters from Armitage to Paulina Lubacz ordering payment, and from faculties to Armitage asking for payment
Undergraduate Prospectus Working Group: minutes 23 February 1993; minutes 26 May 1993, sent from Peter Slee (Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications) to Armitage with a memo from Slee to Rodmell and Hayward on modularization; correspondence from members to Peter Slee; summary, “Competitor Analysis”, 19 April 1993; memos from Peter Slee arranging meetings; Marking and Corporate Communications, memos with minutes, arranging meetings and sending discussion documents; circulated documents, incl. photocopies from other universities’ prospectuses; tables of comparison of different universities
University planning: DRAM and DRAMA allocations for 1993/4, Report from the Quantitative Planning Group; correspondence between Armitage and PVC Collins on Student Community Action’s use of space in School of Education and implications for DRAMA calculations; paper by Vice Chancellor, Sub Warden, and Registrar and Secretary, “Discussion with the colleges and societies of their five year plans”
Working Group Concerned with the Hotel Functions of the Colleges: minutes 2 February 1993
Working Group on Administrative Computing Matters in Colleges: interim report to Information Technology Strategy Committee, 17 May 1993
Working Group on Administrative [Computing?] Matters in Colleges: letter to Armitage from T. Rillands, Management Information Services, on Oxford and Cambridge systems, with letter from Cambridge
Working Group on Income Generation’s report, delivered to Policy Committee on Income Generation, sent by Hayward to Armitage 1 February 1989 for circulation to heads of houses
Other: North Eastern Careers Officers, Schools Liaison office, One Day Conference for Careers Advisors from the North East of England (Hild Bede, 8 March 1993), information pack, correspondence between Sam Stoker (Schools/ Access Liaison Officer) re. Armitage’s attendance, with programme; letters from students and parents to Armitage and Ebsworth re. migration, disciplinary action; Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People, “Standard”, 11, January 1993.
Paper file
UND/CT1/27   [1989]
Dean of Colleges, University planning: computer print outs of figures for 1989 entry in faculty of Science (for Armitage, with duplicates).
Paper file
UND/CT1/28   1985 - August 1989
Dean of Colleges
Business School: materials re. Board of Governors
Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs [and Maintenance] Working Group: interim report to Policy Committee
Armitage’s internal correspondence and with external figures, on future of college system
Letter from Examinations Clerk, sent by J. Halpin of Examinations Department (Certification Officer), to Armitage, re students unable to sit exams in usual centres or health centre (August 1989)
UDACE Developing Access-The Discussion Paper; Committee of Vice-Chancellors and College Principals
Correspondence with external figures on the future of Durham colleges
Health and Safety Policy Committee
Position of Dean of Colleges: calls for nomination; proposals received
University planning: Secretary of State’s speech at Lancaster University 5 January 1989, “HE - 25 years on”, circulated to Senate, Council, and Policy Committee; report from Board of Faculty of Science to Senate 26 October 1988; college quotas 1989; statistics of student population; circulated discussion document on developing a new resource allocation model
Working Group on Residential Accommodation: interim report to Policy Committee.
Paper file
UND/CT1/29   January - May 1989
Dean of Colleges
Internal circulars re. Academic and Academic-Related Salaries and from Armitage, re. college teaching; circular from Jack Boyd on names to be recommended to Council for senior lectureship
Admissions: correspondence between Keith Bennett, Dr P.D.B. Collins, dean of science, and Castle Master, Salthouse, re. colleges’ administration of applicants for Computer Science, and circular from Armitage re. this; internal correspondence re. geology applicants
Appraisal Committee: circular, Academic and Academic-Related Salaries, 22 May 1989
College accommodation expansion: “Proposal for building a shared accommodation/vacation trade block” (Grey and Collingwood Colleges), sent to Policy Committee, Resources Committee, Colleges Board, Working Group on Residential Accommodation, Vice Chancellor, Armitage, and Estates and Buildings (January 1989); internal correspondence re. this proposal
Colleges Board: materials 16 March 1989
Correspondence between Armitage, Deborah Lavin (Trevelyan College Principal), Trevelyan College students and Miss MacAdam, DSU Deputy President, Education and Welfare, re. aspirant livers-out of Trevelyan College, with student letters, Armitage’s draft reply, with note by Holliday that “I do not intend to get involved with this! No replies!”, and Armitage’s rough notes
Correspondence, internal but by people other than Armitage and on non-college business: letter from Computer Centre Director John Lindley to Armitage, Mr R.J. Williams, Dr P.D.B. Collins and Mr V.E. Watts, “Microcomputer Support and Advisory Responsibility of the Computer Centre” (February 1989)
External circulars: Economic and Social Research Council Press Notice; Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals; University Grants Committee (circulated by Hayward); Universities Funding Council; Department of Education and Science
Governing Body: internal correspondence re. nomination of new member
Hild Bede, materials prepared by Armitage for his role as Dean of Colleges: note between Armitage and Hild Bede bursar on fire precautions in colleges, with bursar’s reply, and Armitage’s annotations for Hild Bede on a report on fire safety in colleges and societies (see entry below, /29, Safety)
Information Technology: circulars from Professor K.H. Benett on results of survey on undergraduate PC ownership, and Computer Literacy Programme, with “Computer Literacy; Interim Report”, and programme and booking form for workshop on computer literacy
Nominating Committee: circular from Andree Moffatt to members re. Statutory Committee for a Chair of Chinese (17 February 1989)
Other business re. colleges/college system: report by Armitage, “Colleges Board and Colleges”, “A discussion paper primarily for Colleges Board and Heads of Houses” (4 April 1989), with draft incl. added corrections and suggestions, with memo from “D” re. suggestions; correspondence between Armitage and Victor [Watts] on college sector’s image; circulated document “J”, “Colleges Board, Report to Council for the meeting held on 8th February 1989”
Policy Committee: “Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Education, Science and Arts Committee Wednesday 14 December 1988”, circulated to members of Policy Committee by Armitage
Policy Committee Working Party on Conference Policy: correspondence between Haywood and Armitage on appointment of a representative of the College Bursars to the Working Party (May 1989)
Position of Dean of Colleges: correspondence between Armitage and Paulina Lubacz, Treasurer, on funding of the Dean of Colleges (December 1988); draft report on “The Dean of the Colleges” and “The Dean of the Faculty”, sent from Hayward to Armitage, to put to Policy Committee; correspondence between Armitage and VC Holliday on funding of Dean of Colleges; internal correspondence re. Armitage staying on Council in capacity as Dean and on the funding of the Dean of Colleges; internal circular from Armitage re. making the Dean an ex officio member of Colleges Board
Teikyo University in Durham: photocopy of Chicago Tribune article
Safety: correspondence between R.I. Kell (University Fire Safety Officer) and Armitage on fire precautions in colleges, with “Report on Current Standards of Fire Safety in College/Society Residential Property April 1989”, with note between Armitage and Hild Bede bursar, incl. bursar’s reply, and Armitage’s annotations for Hild Bede
Staffing and emergency cover in colleges: correspondence between “Vernon” and Deborah Lavin on staff living in college, in regards to safety, college contracts (confidential)
University Grants Committee visit 1 February 1989: letter from Armitage to Hayward 17 January 1989 sending revised version of draft appendix to colleges’ entry in submission from the Deans and Budget Officers (incl. original with comments and revisions, and new version), “U. G. C. Main Committee Visit, 1st February, 1989. Appendix to the section on the Colleges to be included in the papers for the meeting with Deans and Budget Officers”
University planning: correspondence between Planning Officer Muckersie and Armitage on Projected Student Numbers and Funded Student Numbers (16 February 1989); materials re. distance learning MBA, circulated by Kate Deeming, Assistant Registrar (27 January 1989); Working Group on Income Generation, “Report to Policy Committee on Income Generation”, sent to Armitage by Hayward for circulation to heads of houses; response of the Russian Department, re. Wooding Enquiry; correspondence between Armitage and VC Holliday on use of university reserves for college accommodation building projects; circulars, incl. Thrush on College Quotas 1989, Planning Officer Mr D.A. Muckersie on “Student Statistics 1988-89”; publication by the University of Lancaster, Higher Education: The Next 25 Years (February 1989); VC's statement to council 23 May 1989, circulated as extract from unconfirmed minutes; internal correspondence re. Department of Education and Science’s letter to Lord Chilver, Chairman of the Universities Funding Council, IES admissions; internal correspondence re. “Colleges’ Revised Estimates 1988/89” (figures for income and expenditure)
Working Party on Conference Policy: appointment of a representative of the College Bursars to the Working Party on Conference Policy
Photocopied materials re. The Partnership Awards (list of prizes, newspaper articles, letter to VC Holliday from Director); circulated documents, incl. list of members of Oriental Museum board of trustees; University News of Durham, with photocopied newspaper article (no newspaper named) on Durham University student retention, circulated (April 1989) by Keith Seacroft, Information Officer.
Paper file
UND/CT1/30   November 1988 - December 1989
Dean of Colleges
College libraries: circular from Hild Bede Vice Principal Miss L. Groves, to heads of houses, with paper ‘College Libraries’, 5 December 1989
Colleges Board: correspondence between Armitage and Alan Heesom on Heesom serving on Colleges Board, role of colleges (6 November 1989)
Community Charges Registration (Local Government Finance Act 1988): circular from Registration Officer Mr I.K. Proudfoot, November 1989, to colleges and letter from him to Armitage; circular from Certification Officer J. Halpin to DSU, all colleges, and departments and schools, “The Community Charge Students” (September 1989); correspondence between Community Charges Registration Officer J.N. Robson and Armitage and J.W. Diplock (Director, Estates and Buildings), re. meeting and properties owned by Durham University, with photocopy of letter from Robson to Estates and Buildings September 1989 (November 1989)
Correspondence between Armitage and Professor Marratt of the Free Church Federal Council, re. chaplaincies in Higher Education (November-December 1989); correspondence between James Barber and Geoffrey Thrush on college quotas (6 December 1989); correspondence between Armitage and Ebsworth on college-university interaction
Correspondence, internal, on Hild Bede: correspondence between Hayward and Dr Gerald Blake, Collingwood College Principal, re. litter (12 September 1989); correspondence between Armitage and Mrs M. Walker (Hild Bede Catering Officer) on a reception (November 1989)
Correspondence between Hayward and Deborah Lavin on Estates and Buildings committees, sending Review of Estates and Buildings Steering Committee; between Helen Morton, Revd David Jasper (St Chad’s College Principal) and Hayward on Helen Morton’s request to move colleges (August 1989)
Letter from Examinations Clerk, sent by J. Halpin of Examinations Department (Certification Officer), to Armitage, re. students unable to sit exams in usual centres or health centre (August 1989)
Materials re. Durham University Business School in preparation for Policy Committee visit January 11 1989 (list of members of board of governors, list of staff available 11 January, Strategic Plan)
Dunelm House/Palmers Garth conversion project: responses of DSU and Staff Common Room to plans; press release 12 December 1989 “Students and Staff threatened by University’s Rush to grow”; note between Hon Secretary of Staff Common Room Prof Gavin Townshend, “David”, VC, Registrar, Vice President (Services) DSU, and committee members arranging meeting
External circulars: University Grants Committee; Universities Information Unit; Universities Funding Council; Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals
“Sexual Harrassment of Students”, report by Registrar, with photocopy of procedures approved by Council 5 July 1988
Student behaviour: correspondence between Armitage and Mr Draper of the Half Moon Inn, on student thefts after Newcastle-Durham student rugby match (November-December 1989)
Student financial support: IUJ/NSK sponsorship of MBA in Japan – correspondence between Thrush and Armitage sending photocopied applications, blank application form and information pack, reminders to arrange interviews, and discussing interviews and shortlist (November-December 1989)
Teikyo University in Durham: photocopy of Chicago Tribune article, forwarded to Armitage from “Dereck”
University planning: extract from the unconfirmed minutes of Senate 13 June 1989 (on VC’s statement on Universities Funding Council circular 12/89, The Council’s Approach to Funding and Planning), circulated by Hayward June 1989
Unnamed working party: circular of the working party’s interim report on student health and occupational health and safety, circulated 16 November 1989.
Paper file
UND/CT1/31   December 1989 - September 1992
Dean of Colleges
Photocopy of Department of Trade and Industry and the Council for Industry and Higher Education publication, Collaboration between business and higher education (list of publications), with letter from Hayward offering his copies
Colleges Board Planning Committee: agenda and paper for meeting 14 February 1992; paper “Future of the Colleges”, circulated by A.E. Cartmell for meeting of 14 February 1992
Colleges’ Landlord’s Repairs [and Maintenance] Working Group: letter from Deborah Lavin to Assistant Treasurer Derek Linsley protesting against postponing of meetings (February 1990); minutes 17 October 1991, 6 December 1991, 21 January 1992
Committee of College Bursars: minutes 21 October 1991
Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals Audit [CVCP], visit of 4-6 March 1992): internal circulars re. academic audit unit visit 4-6 March 1992, incl. from Working Party on Academic Unit and First Meeting of Colleges Group for Academic Audit; booklets “University of Durham. Visit by the CVCP Academic Audit Unit March 1992. Additional Documentation Requested by The Auditors….”, “University of Durham. Visit by the CVCP Academic Audit Unit March 1992….”; publications CVCP/CDP Code of Recommended Practice. The Management of Higher Degrees Undertaken by Overseas Students, September 1992, CVCP Academic Audit Unit. Notes for the Guidance of Auditors; photocopies of other literature from CVCP Audit Unit, with memos circulating them; programme for its visit to Durham University, timetable of staff to be interviewed; publication Experiences of Disability at Durham University, ed. Colin Davies, published by DUADS (Durham University Access for Disabled Students) and SKILL (editorial note dated 1992); “Report to Senate Regulations and Admissions Committee”, circulated: “University Examinations Policy and Practice”, from the Working Party on Academic Audit, 2 November 1991; CVCP informational flyer Quality Assurance in Universities, circulated with a memo; other materials in preparation for visit
Correspondence between DSU and Helen Morton and Professor Holliday, on Helen Morton’s request to move colleges (August 1989); correspondence on Durham Victim Support Scheme, between J.S. Munro of Student Health Service and University College Bursar Wing Commander Cartmell; correspondence between Gerald Blake and Paulina Lubacz re. Treasurer’s request for revised college accounts; August 1990 correspondence between St Mary’s College, Assistant Registrar Ms S. Hardman, and Deputy Secretary Mr Stewart, re. administrative costs of Annual Report form AS2; letters between Armitage, VC Holliday, DSU and colleges, on student migration (July 1989, March 1990); student request to study university vacation trade for MBA, with correspondence between Armitage and Holliday (February 1990); re. allocation of Restructuring Fund (May 1990); on St Mary’s College’s agreement to accommodate Mountjoy Fellow 1991 (August 1990); letters from students to Hayward re. graduation ball January 1990, and reply; internal discussion of student car parking policy, in response to letter of complaint from Mr Smith, involving Deputy Secretary I.M. Stewart, Armitage, VC Holliday, MP Gerry Steinberg, Ian Metcalfe (May-June 1990)
Circulars: by VC Holliday, “Draft Case for John Hall to take to Yale”; circular from Information Officer Keith Seacroft on media questions about Wynyard Park proposals (10 April 1990); from Halliday, ‘Notes and Thoughts’, on 6 April 1990 meeting with MP Mr G. Steinberg, on town-gown relationships; list of recommendations to Senate and Council for senior lectureship, circulated by Jack Boyd (March 1990); from Faculty of Arts on postgraduate applications for British Academy; Hayward to heads of budget centres, with Committee of Vice Chancellors and College Principals [CVCP] press release and Vice Chancellor’s statement of UFC letters on grants and student numbers (6 March 1991)
Correspondence from Mr G.D. Karakostas of St Lawrence College, Athens, proposing affiliation
Confederation of British Industry: meeting agendas, attendance list, brief, circular, programme and booking form (September-November 1990); letter to Armitage from Analysis Consultants in Welfare Rights, 11 June 1990, with photocopied newspaper article and letter from Legal Aid Head Office; undated circular from N.C.D. Craig requesting financial support for conversion of Newcastle Rackets Court, with internal memo to “Eric”, letter of thanks from N.C.D. Craig to R.E.Q. Gurney discussing need for support from Durham and Newcastle Universities (December 1989);
External circulars: CVCP; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; The Free Church Federal Council May 1990 re. findings of the “Working Party on Chaplaincies in Higher Education”; Department of Education and Science
Health and Safety Policy Committee: minutes, 28 November 1991
Position of Dean of Colleges: Armitage’s report re. “Dean of Colleges and a Colleges Faculty Office”, sent to Hayward, suggesting making post statutory (20 June 1990)
Principal of Hild Bede materials: list of charges for Hild Bede formal dinners, August 1990
Staff: correspondence between Halliday and Armitage on 1% Targeted Element of Pay, with circular from Jack Boyd (February – March 1990)
Student funding and financial support: Nina Joachim Award Scheme, agenda for 5 November 1990, incl. minutes of 14 May 1990; consultation paper, Department of Education and Science, April 1989, on shift to fees; correspondence between Armitage and Paulina Lubacz, circular from Armitage, on metropolitan borough of Sefton letters from Fulbright Commission to VC re. funding for UK postgraduates and re. American postgraduates in Britain, forwarded by Armitage to heads of houses with warning about undergraduate-postgraduate balance, and correspondence on same topic between Armitage and Holliday
Teikyo University in Durham: Discussion paper “Teikyo Students”, 24 January, forwarded to Hill colleges and Armitage; correspondence between Teikyo, Hill colleges and Armitage re. integration, incl. of SCR (March-April 1990)
Working Group on Restructuring of the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic and the University Library’s Special Collections: undated report by J. David Thomas, chairman of Board of Studies in Palaeography and Diplomatic.
Paper file
UND/CT1/32   February - June 1990
Dunelm House/Palmers Garth
Conversion project: letters from Vin McIntyre of Careers Advisory Service to Mr Gemmill (Estates and Buildings Projects Officer) and Neil Sears, DSU Services Officer (cc. Armitage as Chariman of Careers Advisory Service Consultative Committee, DSU Reps); agenda items proposed by Vin McIntyre; agendas 24 April 1990 with documents (architectural plans, financial figures etc); handwritten availability ticklist of members for various dates (incl. Armitage, Hatfield JCR President, Careers Advisory Service); correspondence between Armitage and Hayward re. Armitage serving as chairman; correspondence from Armitage to members, arranging meetings, sending confidential synopsis by Allan Gemmill, Projects Officer, minutes, and Estates and Buildings report on tenders.
Paper file
UND/CT1/33   October 1991 - February 1992
Durham 2000/[Colleges Board Planning Committee]
Correspondence between Alan Heesom and Armitage re. Heesom’s resignation; photocopy of Times article on universities’ administrative costs (11 October 1991); letters sent to Armitage on “Durham 2000”, from Prof Dunn of Theology, Student Health Service, and Mike Richardson, Principal of Graduate Society (October-November 1991); letters from Ranald Michie and James Dunn to Armitage, October 1991, accepting membership; circular from Deborah Lavin (Trevelyan Principal, Deputy Dean) to heads of houses, on points agreed on by heads of houses for meeting with Eccles Committee; extract from unconfirmed minutes of Policy Committee 24 February 1992, circulated by Registrar and Secretary (Hayward)
Eccles Committee: circular from Deborah Lavin (Principal of Trevelyan, Deputy Dean) to heads of houses, 22 October 1991, on points agreed on for meeting with Eccles Committee [see also all references to Eccles Report, Eccles Working Party, etc.)
Policy Committee: extract from unconfirmed minutes of 24 February 1992, circulated by Registrar and Secretary J.F.C. Hayward.
Paper file
Fawcus Trust Fund [empty]
Paper file
UND/CT1/35   February 1989 - May 1990
Forward Planning (new) 1
DRAM [Durham Resources Allocation Model] Working Group: second (draft) and third report (24 April 1989 and undated)
Echo II Working Group: report to Resources Committee (on DRAM); materials 20 March 1989
Introductory Conference [for new staff]: list of attendees Easter 1980
External circulars: Universities Funding Council; Committee of Vice-Chancellors and College Principals
Policy Committee: document 38 with appendix (offers 1994/5) circulated for 27 April 1990; circulated computer printouts on offers, bids, places, prices
University planning: Estates and Buildings’ documents on expenditure, with appendices on Ordinary Repairs and Maintenance, circulated by acting director Richard Metcalfe to VC, PVC, Registrar and Treasurer, forwarded to Armitage (April-May 1990); agenda of Faculty of Science Faculty Planning Committee 22 January 1990 and of Department of Mathematical Sciences board of studies meeting 2 May 1990, with statistics on applicants and offers and report of the committee set up to review the Honours Mathematics course; circulated notes and figures re. DRAM, incl. (publication) The Durham Resource Allocation Model (14 June 1989); note on DRAM meeting; second (draft) and third report of DRAM Working Group; interim report to Resources Committee (on DRAM); materials 20 March 1989; University of Durham Planning Statement 1989-90 – 1994-5 (publication); list of contents of “Presentation to Council on Forward Planning: 19 May 1990”; circulars from Hayward and Paulina Lubacz to heads of houses or heads of budget centres, “Funding and Planning 1990/91 to 1994/5” and “Funding and Planning 1991/92 to 1994/5”, documents 1-4 (incl. first draft of Planning Statement prepared by University Planning Group, and Universities Funding Council circular); other circulated documents, incl. T Resource and T Price figures, reports re. bid to Universities Funding Council); letter from Prof Rosemary Cramp of Archaeology to Paulina Lubacz on department’s bid number
University Planning Group: circular from Treasurer Paulina Lubacz to members on implications of bid; correspondence between Paulina Lubacz from University Librarian Dr J.T.D. Hall on unit cost data and revised library figures, circulated to members; rough notes of Armitage’s phone conversation with James Barber, of Planning Meeting 14 April 1990, and of Senate 15 April 1990; Armitage’s handwritten notes [draft reports?] on back on circulated documents for Resources Committee and letter from DSU’s Jane Kinton and M. Ruth Roberts on accommodation; minutes of 14 February 1990 and undated; [DRAM figures circulated by Paulina Lubacz to members; letters from departments circulated by James Barber PVC to members on Planning Statement 1990-1995; document circulated to members by Hayward on Universities Funding Council Resources bid for Teesside Initiative.
Paper file
UND/CT1/36   May 1990
Forward Planning (new) 2
External circulars: CVCP May 1990 giving findings of survey on universities’ bidding intentions; Universities Funding Council
Policy Committee: minutes, incl. funding and planning 1991/2-1994/5, bid made, individual departments, provisional Teesside students to include in Universities Funding Council bid, offers, University of Durham Planning Statement 1989/90-1994/5
University planning: Colleges Board’s report on proposed structure of planning system; IT strategy; University of Durham Planning Statement (draft), with DRAM 1990/1 (allocations by budget centre and department), Appendix to Planning Statement (proposal for joint project with Teesside Polytechnic); Treasurer Paulina Lubacz’s internal correspondence on Durham Students’ Union Five Year Plan; bid to Universities Funding Council on Continuing Education 1991/4; letters from departments about DRAM allocations
University Planning Group: Treasurer Paulina Lubacz’s reply to School of Education query about DRAM allocation, sent to Planning Group; University’s bid for submission to Universities Funding Council, submitted to Planning Group by Treasurer Paulina Lubacz (student numbers); communications with members on planning documents submitted to Universities Funding Council [UFC], invitation for proposals for alternative allocation methods; documents circulated to members re. planning documents submitted to Universities Funding Council.
Paper file
UND/CT1/37   June 1990 - January 1991
From 1 September 1990 (circulating some documents from 1989)
Admissions: letter to Armitage from School of Education Board of Studies, concerns about filling of quota; application, offer and admission statistics
Bursars’ salaries, promotions and pay scales: correspondence over bursars’ salary scales, for bursar John Wright of Trevelyan College (November 1990)
Correspondence between Vin McIntyre (Director of Careers Advisory Service) and Jack Boyd (Personnel Officer) on careers advisors’ grading criteria, with supporting documents
Circulars: to heads of houses on noise from bars and discos ( “Fairgrounds-Colleges”); on sharing accommodation with Teikyo University in Durham; from University Safety Adviser R.I. Kell, incl. photocopy of “The Food Safety Act 1990 and You… from H. M. Government”; Mr D.A. Muckersie, Planning Officer, circular on Durham University and CVCP of the Universities of the UK’s performance indicators; re. integrated living between hill colleges and Teikyo University in Durham
College accommodation expansion: letters from individual colleges to Hayward on accommodation problems and expansion, with replies; college letters on likely inability to admit full quota in 1991/2 (1991); correspondence between colleges, Armitage, Thrush and Hayward on expansion, quotas; correspondence between Armitage and Barber on University Planning and increase in undergraduates
Community Charges Registration (Local Government Finance Act 1988): correspondence between Miss H. Paine of Community Charge Registration Office, and Master of University College (October 1990); correspondence on registration of students for this
Correspondence, internal: correspondence between Hayward and Metcalfe, cc. Armitage, on “Posters/Letters” (unspecified problem); correspondence between Armitage and Ebsworth on one PVC traditionally also being a head of house; Hayward’s letter to Armitage on Joint Committee for the Appointment of a Chancellor; Planning Officer David Muckersie’s correspondence and circular on new matriculation forms and student records; letters received by Armitage from individual colleges, on matters discussed at governing boards; letters from individual colleges to Hayward, incl. on expansion, accommodation problems; correspondence between Armitage and colleges on migration of Heather Weedon after Duck scandal (November 1990); letter from Sue Blake, Registrar’s Secretary, on student parking, with Cambridge University regulations (23 November 1992); correspondence re. Duck; correspondence between Ebsworth, Armitage and Dr Anthony Thiselton, Principal of St John’s College, on degree in theology and ministry between St John’s College and Ushaw College
Correspondence, internal but by people other than Armitage and on non-college business: letters from E. Halladay, rector of St Aidan’s College, to Mr I. Stewart, re. changes to timetabling and re. fines and disciplinary procedure; correspondence between Thrush and Margaret Earnshaw of St Mary’s College on prospectuses and “Alternative Prospectus”; letter from Ebsworth to Michael Brayn-Brown re. Duck (October 1990); correspondence between Duck Director Martin Copley, colleges, Armitage, and others, on Duck bar Crawl in “Intro. Week”
Correspondence, with external figures/groups, on college business: between North East Body Positive (forced to abandon training weekend at Trevelyan College because staff refuse to work if HIV Positive/AIDs sufferers present) and Armitage, discussing training progamme for university staff
Correspondence, with external figures/groups, on non-college business: letter from Universities Funding Council North East Institutional Group thanking Hayward for hospitality
External circulars: The Association of Commonwealth Universities – circular (information and application form) on Administrative and Senior Travelling Fellowships (1991); CVCP; Department of Education and Science; Universities Funding Council
Introductory Conference [for new staff]: correspondence and paperwork re. October 1980 Introductory Conference, between Armitage and Lesley Macdonald, Staff development and training advisor
Position of Dean of Colleges: open letter from Joan Kenworthy to Armitage, sent to heads of houses, blaming his interpretation of his role as Dean of Colleges for centralization of college affairs, with Armitage’s correspondence with VC Ebsworth re. this letter, and his reply to Kenworthy
Sexual harassment: circulars from Armitage re. Palatinate report about behaviour of Hild Bede students and his response to them, photocopy of Sunday Sun article, with a copy of the living-out regulations
Sixth Form Conference: invitation to Armitage to speak (on benefits of collegiate system), with guidelines and thanks
Staffing and emergency cover in colleges: internal correspondence on duties of resident college staff, emergency cover, involving Armitage, Safety Adviser Kell, and Treasurer Paulina Lubacz (November 1990)
Student behaviour: circulars from Armitage re. residents’ complaints about behaviour of livers-out, town-gown relations, and “Code of Conduct” for livers-out; correspondence between Prof Martin Smith and Master of University College, cc. Armitage, re. vandalism; Armitage’s circular to heads of houses re. code of conduct for livers-out; circulars from Armitage re. Palatinate revelations about Hild Bede students and complaints about livers-out, (September 1990)
Student welfare: Armitage’s circular re. planned recruitment campaign in Durham and Newcastle Universities by sect ( “Central Church of Christ in the North”) (27 September 1990)
Internal circulars, on non-college business and by people other than Armitage: circular to members from Hayward, Registrar and Secretary, calling meeting of Academic Planning Group
Other circulars from Armitage to heads of houses; programme for visit of Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education, John Vereker, 25 June 1992, with Who’s Who photocopy, from Information Officer,
Paper file
UND/CT1/38   September 1991 - March 1992
From 1 September 1991
Circulars: College Senior Tutors, circular calling meeting 11 October 1991; Armitage’s circular requesting college statistics on withdrawals (June 1992); Prof Ebsworth circular, addressed to Miss Morgan and Mr Grooves, re. rent strike (June 1992); Academic Planning Group, circular from Hayward announcing meeting (December 1991); Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees Committee, Report 4 November 1991 (discussion document); correspondence between Hayward and Sam Stoker (Schools/Access Liaison Officer) on the first 6 months report; materials re. visit of Lord Mayor to Durham, programme, photocopy from “The Lord Mayor’s Appeal” and Who’s Who; agenda for Academic Electoral Assembly 1 February 1993, with minutes for April, June and October 1992; Armitage’s correspondence with Tony Woodman on damage and litter; Armitage’s correspondence with Paul Gates, director of Duck, on disaffiliation with DSU, with minutes of liaison meeting; Armitage’s correspondence with Hayward on the Joint Committee for the Appointment of a Chancellor, appointment of Peter Ustinov, a distinction for Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer
College accommodation expansion: parents’ letters of complaint to VC Ebsworth on removal of guaranteed accommodation for whole degree, with his replies; Armitage’s calculations of college quotas, 8 December 1992, circulated to heads of houses January 1993; college letters to Armitage in response to increase in quota, incl. sending report “Suicide by Smothering”
Correspondence, internal: Armitage-Thrush correspondence on Academic Standards in Universities; Thrush’s proposed annual report form, with letter circulating it (December 1989-January 1990); memo from Development Director Prof B. Smythe, to Treasurer, cc. Armitage, on Business Expansion Schemes; letter from Principal of St John’s College, Anthony Thiselton, to Registrar Hayward, on Thiselton’s resignation and interim arrangements (June 1992); correspondence between Gerald Blake, Collingwood Principal, Richard Metcalfe, Armitage, and Mr Pain, re. holiday period security; letter from Principal of Van Mildert, Judith Turner, to John Ruffle, Keeper of the Oriental Museum, on Buddha statue; Armitage’s correspondence with James Barber on food safety policy; letter from James Barber to Mr P.F.G. Christian re. concession to continue, his complaints against Hatfield, transfer to another college; correspondence re. electrical safety and tests in colleges, from Principal of Van Mildert, Judith Turner, to Dr R. Kell, Safety Adviser, cc. others; letter from Prof D.M. Knight to James Barton, re. his appealing against enforced withdrawal; correspondence between University of Durham Development Programme and Armitage on purchase of a box at Durham Cricket Club; correspondence re. dispute between Collingwood and University Colleges on conference undercutting; correspondence between Armitage and Professor E.J. Squires on Basic Numeracy Programme; correspondence re. mature IES student Dawn Mattero with noise problems in Van Mildert College
Correspondence with external: parent letter of thanks for support for daughter during controversy (November 1991); letter from Community Service Volunteers 27 April 1992 on recent Lord Mayor’s visit, initiatives already existing at Durham; correspondence between Mrs Gilby of Wycombe Abbey School, Thrush, and Armitage, re. her visit to Durham (May-June 1992); letters to Armitage from Milford Haven Authority re. college-based fundraising, forwarded to Hayward (June 1992); letter of complaint from Mrs J.R. Hea[rld?] about son’s poor accommodation in University College and rudeness of staff when he complained, with note headed Hild Bede saying to file “very secretly”
External circulars: Standing Conference on University Entrance, note to members; CVCP (incl. circulated by Armitage to heads of budget centres); Universities Funding Council; Department of Education and Science
Future of the college system: correspondence between Armitage and PVC James Barber on expansion of collegiate system; Armitage’s correspondence with Alan Heesom on fate of colleges (March 1992)
Position of Dean of Colleges: minutes of 6 July 1992 meeting between VC and certain heads of houses to discuss future arrangements for the post of Dean of Colleges
Principal of Hild Bede: Hild Bede College Community Handbook 1990-1991; letter from Duck Director proposing booking for Valentine’s ball; Durham Litfest 1992 programme; letter from Assistant Treasurer J.R. White to J.E. Murphy (Hild Bede College JCR) re. application for support for literature festival (February 1992)
Proctors: report from Governing Body of Trevelyan College on appointment of proctors; letter from G. Marshall, senior tutor of Trevelyan College, to Armitage, with suggestions on procedure for appointment of proctors
Resources Committee: report from Board of Management for Sports Facilities, 8 June 1992
Senior Tutors Working Party: internal correspondence re. meeting of college senior tutors, and meeting of Senior Tutors Working Party
Staffing and emergency cover in colleges: letter to Dr G. Rodmell, of the Health and Safety Policy Committee, on “Chief College Crisis Contacts” (C4) (college staff in residence); list of attendees for 26 June 1992 “Emergencies in Colleges”
Student funding and financial support: Katrina McIntyre’s request for support, with report on Erasmus scheme problems, with note of receipt from Mrs Carr, Hild Bede College Secretary (March 1992)
Teikyo University in Durham: proposals for integrated living
University planning: letter from Armitage to James Barber re. University Planning (pressure on colleges, increase in undergraduates) (June 1992)
Other reports from colleges; SCA pamphlet, sent from Ebsworth to Armitage for information on relations with city; programme for visit of Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education, John Vereker, 25 June 1992, with Who’s Who photocopy, from Information Officer.
Paper file
UND/CT1/39   January 1989 - February 1992
Fund Raising Management Committee
Letter from Chief Clerk Andree Moffat to Armitage, appointing him to the Appointing Committee for Alumni Officer in the Development Office; correspondence between Prof John Clarke and R.L. Hayman of Haskel International on “President’s Circle”; report to Resources Committee by A.P. Beney, Assistant Development Director; agendas (with documents, incl. report of Working Group on Income Generation to Policy Committee, January 1989, Policy Committee minutes October 1989 ) 24 November 1989, 14 December 1989, 19 January 1990, 19 February 1990; minutes (with documents, incl. “Durham University Development Office”, summary of points made at meeting of 31 January 1990) 24 November 1989, 14 December 1989, 16 February 1990; Council minutes of 17 December 1991, sent by Prof B. Smythe, Development Director, to heads of houses; circular from B. Smythe to heads of council colleges on Fundraising Leadership Team, his role as Director of the Development Office, names of students with rich parents; reports circulated to members (University of Durham Fund Raising Revised Budget 1989/90, Fundraising Officer A.P. Beney’s Reports to Resources Committee, “The Durham University Research Foundation”, “Fund Raising in Respect of the Recognised Colleges”, “Fund Raising Projects and Targets”); other documents circulated to members (fundraising reports, Alumni Relations Officer advert, fundraising plans and programmes, Fund Raising Office Development programme (draft), extract from Resources Committee Minutes 16 November 1989, newspaper photocopy, college applications to Resources Committee for inclusion in the University’s Fundraising Plans, minutes of Fund Raising Committee 14 December 1989, drafts, “The Durham University Research Foundation”).
Paper file
UND/CT1/40   May 1989
Future Arrangements for Student Health and Occupational Health and Safety
Student health service: report “Future Arrangements for Student Health and Occupational Health & Safety”, by Armitage, and sent to Jack Boyd; internal correspondence on colleges’ opinions on role of Student Health Service; Armitage’s correspondence to colleges asking for their opinions, with their replies; James Barber’s correspondence to Armitage on Governing Body’s discussion of the Student Health Centre; Jack Boyd’s correspondence with Armitage on the Working Party to report to Council on arrangements when Dr Munro’s contract as University Medical officer expires and issues it raised, and asking Armitage to get views of colleges and societies.
Paper file
UND/CT1/41   1985 - 1988
Future of the College Independence
Ad Hoc Committee on the Duties of the College Officers: response of heads of houses to preliminary report of January 1986
Committee reports (various)
Future of the college system: financial figures (Durham University, individual colleges (1986/7), Hild Bede, and other universities); “A Strategy for the Durham Colleges” and “Some Reflections on A Strategy for the Durham Colleges” (Armitage, 8 July 1985); reports and sets of figures circulated to members of various committees (some drafts, some confidential, some with heavy amendments, frequent duplicates, some written and circulated by Armitage); Armitage’s correspondence with members and submitting papers to the VC; responses of heads of houses to reports; notes on financial considerations for various proposals (1985-1988, mainly 1986-1988); handwritten notes, and responses, on clauses of proposals
Hild Bede, materials prepared in role as Dean of Colleges: Hild Bede financial figures, current and projected
Luncheon voucher/rebate: internal correspondence, 1986, re. provision for 1986/7 [for other material on luncheon voucher/rebate see UND/CT1/25, Committee of College Bursars].
Paper file
UND/CT1/42   1983 - 1986, mainly 1985 - 1986
Future of the Colleges
External circulars: National Audit Office; University Grants Committee; Department of Education and Science
Future of the college system: college accounts 1984-85 (photocopied, duplicates, with handwritten additions for Hild Bede); University of Durham Annual Estimates 1985-6 (printed and bound); Armitage’s handwritten notes; proposal circulated by VC Holliday June 1986 re. revision of future of colleges; reports on future of Council Colleges; proposals and financial arguments for various future college arrangements, incl. Armitage’s preliminary drafts and handwritten notes for revision; correspondence of Deborah Lavin (Principal of Trevelyan College, Deputy Dean) with J.C. Holt of Fitzwilliam College; documents circulated to Senate and Council on Universities Grant Committee; report by VC Holliday for Senate and Council members (“Rationalisation”, 30 August 1985); “University of Durham Report on the Structure and Government of the University Prepared by the Review Committee July 1983”; papers by Holliday on council-college relations and on “Durham Colleges Plc” (the latter with responses of heads of houses); paper by Sir Alex Jarratt on efficiency in universities (29 October 1985); Armitage’s notes September 1986 on Treasurer’s 1 August 1986 paper, and refutations of this paper sent to Armitage (with his annotations)
Mathematical Committee: report.
Paper file
UND/CT1/43   May 1990 - March 1991
Future Student Counselling Needs (Working Party)
Minutes (18 June, 22 May 1990); agendas (18 June 1990, with college and departmental replies for discussion, and DSU Welfare Department Report to the Working Party); letters to heads of houses and departments from Geoffrey Thrush requesting information and views on student counselling needs, college provision, necessary future provision, with replies from colleges, departments, Old Shire Hall, and Student Health Service (with the Health Centre’s Annual Report); correspondence between Armitage and Thrush on a chairman and on the meeting of the Counselling Services Support Group; letter to members of Action Resources Committee re. authority to act on behalf of Senate and Council; correspondence about members of the counselling staff; circulars to members arranging meetings and sending out discussion documents; report to the Working Party, from Tim Bond, Staff Tutor in Counselling, Dept of Adult and Continuing Education, “Towards a Model for Providing Counselling in Durham University”; extracts of the Working Party’s final report – “Future Arrangements for Student Health and Occupational Health and Safety” (nos.9, 10, 16, appendix on University Medical Officer); Working Party report by Geoffrey Thrush, 4 Feb 1991; “Submission to the Working Party”, from DSU Welfare
Student behaviour: correspondence with student re. complaints made by neighbour about noise; photocopy of Independent report 20 November 1990, “The college lads who don’t know when to stop” (rape at Durham University), with Armitage’s reply for publication (May 1990-March 1991).
Paper file
UND/CT1/44   August - October 1990
Letters to Bursars Awaiting Replies
Armitage’s letters to bursars of Oxbridge colleges asking about Maintenance Fee (6 August 1990), with replies (multiple copies); correspondence between Armitage and Treasurer on Maintenance Fee, and from colleges to Treasurer; summary of information received in Oxbridge letters and a survey of other universities.
Paper file
UND/CT1/45   January 1989 - March 1991
Maintenance Fee Working Party
Colleges’ accounts 1987/8; correspondence between colleges and Paulina Lubacz or PVC; correspondence of Armitage, Treasurer and DSU with accountants re. arbitration in rent strikes over Maintenance Fee (with attached documents); Keele University survey of residence fees at UK universities
Reports and interim reports sent to Council and councils; circular letters from Armitage to heads of houses, PVC, Treasurer and VC; financial estimates and college accounts; Kate Deeming, Senior Administrative assistant, draft of letter to Oxbridge colleges and other universities re. Maintenance Fees, with replies; drafts
Maintenance Fee Committee: agendas and minutes; correspondence between Armitage and members, and to Committee from its members.
Paper file
UND/CT1/46   March 1990 - January 1992
New Additional Residential Accommodation in Council Colleges
College accommodation expansion: building project proposals from colleges; projected student numbers; internal correspondence over Parsons Field additional building project; Metcalfe’s (Director, Estates and Buildings) replies to individual colleges, cc. Armitage; letters from individual colleges on their building plans to various recipients, incl. Treasurer Paulina Lubacz; internal correspondence on expected accommodation crisis in October 1990, on conversion of Palmer’s Garth to student accommodation and resultant movement of the Careers Advisory Service, and on projects proposed by external bodies; Armitage’s proposals on accommodation solution, sent to VC; agenda for Council meeting December 1989; draft and fair copy by Armitage, “Resources Committee, Student Residential Accommodation and Related Papers” (16 January 1990); papers circulated by Registrar
Council: Agenda for December 1989
Hild Bede, materials prepared in role of Dean of Colleges: correspondence between Dean and School of Education proposing greater sharing of facilities with Hild Bede
Student behaviour: internal reports, internal correspondence, and photocopied newspaper articles, on poor behaviour of livers out.
Paper file
UND/CT1/47   September 1990 - July 1991
Papers for Policy Committee Visit
College accommodation expansion: circular from R.J. Metcalfe (Director, Estates and Buildings) on extension of accommodation, re. “Durham Colleges in the 1990s”, extract (on working group for accommodation) from unconfirmed minutes of Senate, 11 June 1991, circulated by J.P. Barber; internal correspondence on accommodation for 1991, 1992/93, 1993/4
Colleges Board member list, terms of reference, standing orders, correspondence with members (arranging meetings, member replies to circulated documents)
Correspondence between VC Holliday and John Hughes, BP Fellow for Student Peer Tutoring, inc. promotional material
External circulars: Higher Education A New Framework – presented to Parliament May 1991 by the Secretary of State for Education and Science; Universities Funding Council
Heads of houses: correspondence arranging meeting of heads of houses, minutes of their 10 June 1991 meeting (admissions, accommodation)
Policy Committee: minutes, June-October 1991; agenda, May 1991; documents circulated to members by PVC Dr G.E. Rodmell, 24 September 1990; reports and documents circulated by Hayward to members; circulars (from Hayward) to members, organizing meetings; letters from members to Hayward; internal correspondence, on issues including Staff Common Room; circulars, reports and correspondence received by the committee from within the university; “Strategy for the Colleges for the 1990s” (11 January 1991); materials re. visit to the Colleges (correspondence, reports, circulated papers on role of JCRs, what attracts students to Durham, correspondence and reports re. the visit; “Reports of The Visit of the Policy Committee to the Colleges 28 May 1991” (15), circulated by Geoffrey Thrush; reports received, incl. Graduate School’s response to Policy Committee’s suggestions on SCRs, Constitution, “Relation of the University Council to the Colleges”, “The Colleges and the Department of Estates and Buildings”, “Possible Features of the 1990s: A Personal View”, “Industrial Liaison - An Interim report”, Planning Statement 1990-1995, Colleges’ reply to Eccles Report on management of commercial areas, Edward R. Wood’s report on Vacation Income, at request of Bursars’ Committee; circulars, incl. Colleges Trading Analysis, circulated by Hayward
Working Group on Admissions (September 1990-July 1991): documents circulated to members 24 September 1990 by PVC Dr G.E. Rodmell
Working Party on the Colleges: minutes 6 and 21 June 1991.
Paper file
UND/CT1/48   November 1989 - February 1991
Hild Bede, materials prepared in role as Dean of Colleges: memos within the college; letters to police about incidents at the college, with memos by others reporting incidents; reply about Hild Bede in response to VC Holliday’s request for info on fire and security cover by resident college officers at colleges; circular on security at Hild Bede; correspondence received as college principal
Security: circulated report Safety and Security in the University and City of Durham circulated to chairs of boards of studies and heads of houses with a letter 15 October 1990; circulars from Armitage to heads of houses, chairs of boards of studies re. security problems, proposed solutions, proposals from meeting with police, request for reports of incidents, with replies from colleges and Committee of Senior Men and Women; internal circulars arranging meetings; circulars from Estates and Buildings on CCTV; circular from Armitage to heads of house on staff residence and cover, with college replies and summary of these sent to Halliday by Armitage; letter from Collingwood to Dr Kell on fire and fire safety; internal correspondence (incl. with Estates and Buildings) on action to be taken; correspondence between Armitage, Halliday, Metcalfe (acting director of Estates and Buildings) and police re. colleges’ representation on Durham City Crime Preventing Panel; other correspondence re. safety, e.g. Hild Bede SCR to Street Lighting Department; minutes of Estates and Buildings meeting with Hill college bursars on Security and Personal Safety; minutes of Safety and Security Meeting; police circular on use of Hild Bede as a trial; minutes of and internal correspondence re. Joint Meeting on Safety and Security in the University and City of Durham [with Superintendent Whitton and other police]; Handbook for students – A Degree of Crime Prevention. Crime Prevention Advice for Students.
Paper file
UND/CT1/49   June 1990 - November 1992
Sexual Harassment
Paper file
Closed until 2073 under DPA.
UND/CT1/50   October 1985 - March 1990
Staffing Committee
External circulars: Universities Academic Salaries Committees; Universities Committee for Non-Teaching Staffs; “Investing in People – Report of the Universities Manpower Review Group”
Staffing Policy Committee: letters received and circulated to members re. meetings, proposed changes to committee structure; circulars of Personnel Department; reports from Staffing Policy Committee, 23 June 1987, 23 June 1989, 16 March 1990; minutes, 26 June 1986, 5 March 1987, 23 June 1987, 5 May 1988, 27 October 1986, 2 December 1987; agendas, 27 October 1985, 5 March 1987, 23 June 1987, 5 May 1988, 27 October 1986, 2 December 1987, with documents for discussion (incl. minutes of Technical Staffing Committee and Clerical and Secretarial Staffing Committee).
Paper file
UND/CT1/51   June - October 1990
St Aidan’s New Principal
Governing Body of St Aidan’s College: minutes of extraordinary meeting of 29 June 1990
Statutory Committee to Appoint a Principal of St Aidan’s College: minutes 12 October 1990, and documents circulated by I.M. Stewart 17 October 1990 (late application from Patricia Hiddleston, minutes of 12 October, reminder of 14 November meeting)
Sub Committee established by the Governing Body of St Aidan’s College to discuss and make recommendations concerning terms and conditions of the new principal (Armitage, VC, Treasurer, Deputy Secretary Mr I.M. Stewart in attendance): minutes
Other: text for advert and job description for St Aidan’s College principal and Van Mildert College master/principal.
Paper file
UND/CT1/52   24 May 1991
Strategic Appraisal of Property
University Planning Group: letter from Metcalfe to members, arranging meeting 2 October 1991 (24 May 1991).
Paper file
UND/CT1/53   March 1990 - March 1993
Student Hardship Fund (council)
External circulars: Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals
Principal of Hild Bede: request from Geoffrey Thrush for college reports on student debt etc, with Armitage’s reply for Hild Bede
Student financial support: student letters of application or thanks; college letters forwarding student applications to Armitage; Armitage’s replies to students; Armitage’s letters to colleges or Treasurer instructing payment; draft report “The Use of Access Funds: Preliminary Report Jan 1993”; 27 January 1993, “The University Hardship Fund”, report by Armitage; internal correspondence on the Universities Funding Council block grant; correspondence with Mr Butterwick of the Leche Trust on funding for overseas students; student requests and departmental letters of recommendation for the Fawcus Trust, with Armitage’s replies; Scholarships Awards Committee circular to heads of chairs and secretaries of boards of studies, and heads of houses; request from Geoffrey Thrush for college reports on student debt etc., with Armitage’s reply for Hild Bede; CVCP student financial hardship survey.
Paper file
UND/CT1/54   November 1989 - March 1990
Student Health and Occupational Health
Health and Safety Policy Committee: minutes (30 November 1989); notes on meeting 4 December 1989, circulated by Hon Secretary Gerald Blake
Student health service: letter from Deborah Lavin to Armitage on “Student Health” (college nurses, poor liaison), 12 February 1990; letter from Chief Clerk Andree Moffatt to Armitage listing membership of Working Party to conduct review of future student counselling needs on retirement of Dr Munro.
Paper file
UND/CT1/55   August 1991 - May 1992
Student Health Service
Correspondence, internal: on administration of student health, student medical registration, proposed alterations to 24 Old Elvet Student Health Centre, statistics to be put before [unspecified] Working Party 1 May 1992; Armitage’s correspondence re. student health care, summarizing college replies, reporting back to colleges, seeking college views, giving his own opinion; correspondence between Dr J.W. Charters, Armitage, Jack Boyd, and Durham Family Health Services Authority on payment of basic practice allowance to Charters; correspondence between J.W. Charters and Dr Sheila Harrison (head of nursing studies); correspondence between Deputy Director of Estates and Buildings Mr S.P. Britton and Jack Boyd; correspondence between Charters and VC Ebsworth on staff morale, proposing counselling and stress management facility for staff; Charters’s correspondence with PVC Dr G.E. Rodmell on establishment of a University Practice; letters from Boyd, Charters and Armitage to Rodmell on protocols and ethics in new University Practice (with attachments)
VC’s Working Party on Student Health: (by Jack Boyd, Personnel Officer), 1 May 1992 with circulated documents incl. projected financial figures on University Medical Practice; minutes, 22 August 1991; memo to members by Boyd, 2 April 1992.
Paper file
UND/CT1/56   May 1990 - August 1991
Student Loan Company
Letters received by Academic Registrar Geoffrey Thrush: from Master of Grey College (June 1990, re. staffing issue in administration of loan applications), and from Senior Tutor of Van Mildert College, G. Patterson (July 1990), incl. “A Scheme for Dealing with Applications for Student Loans”
Letter received by Armitage: from James Barber, Hatfield Master (May 1990), with photocopy of circular from Student Loans Company of 21 May 1990
Letters sent to VC Ebsworth: from Student Loans Company, 5 August 1991, on payments to Higher Education Institutions.
Paper file
UND/CT1/57   1990
Student Welfare
DSU Welfare Department Annual Report 1989-90, by M. Ruth Roberts, Research and Welfare Officer, and Jane Kinton, Deputy President Education and Welfare.
Paper file
UND/CT1/58   January 1982 - February 1989
UGC [University Grants Committee] visit 1 February 1989
Correspondence: letter of 14 November 1988 from Dean to Miss Webster, Administrative Assistant at Registrar’s Office, on Canon David Edgar Foster Ogden
External circulars: Universities Funding Council; University Grants Committee; Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals
UGC visit: circulars from Armitage to heads of house on visit of UGC Main Committee 1 February 1989; internal circulars on preparations, the meeting etc, from Hayward (Registrar and Secretary) and I.M. Stewart (Deputy Secretary); draft of section on colleges to be included in papers for meeting with deans and budget officers; “Durham University in the 1990s Note by the V-C and Warden”; Password (University of Durham newsletter) 12 February 1989 report on team’s arrival; booklet “University of Durham Information. University Grants Committee Visit 1 February 1989”; Dean’s correspondence with colleges, and Dean’s correspondence with heads of houses on Main Committee visit; undated “Submission on Behalf of the Members of Senate”; UGC notes on final meeting; circulated document “E”, “Note on Meeting of Council with the U.G.C. Visiting Party 28 January, 1982”, circulated by I.E. G[raham]; Paper by Mr Muckersie on “Echo Model – Planning Numbers”, circulated by Hayward to dean of colleges, faculty deans, treasurer, planning officer, deputy secretary; letters from colleges to Dean, incl. replies to questionnaire (January 1982-1989, but early documents (from November 1983 onwards) are UGC circulars).
Paper file
UND/CT1/59   August 1989
University Chaplains
INFORM (Information Network on Religious Movements) circular inviting nomination of staff representative, with nomination form, draft notice for students, publicity material, annual reports; LSE draft notice for students on “cults” (August 1989).
Paper file
UND/CT1/60   19 October 1990 - 8 April 1991
Working Group on Admissions agenda papers for meetings 6 & 19 October, 13 December 1990, 7 & 21 January, 8 April 1991, including
Report from the Overseas Academic and Students Committee; report on “Schools Liaison (UK Schools)”, “Report from the Working Party on Schools Liaison to the Senate Regulations and Admissions Committee”, 15 January 1990, and report by Geoffrey Thrush on Schools Liaison (all circulated); Review of Additional UCCA Statistics 1981, 1984, 1987 entries, prepared by Geoffrey Thrush (figures on applications, offers, intake); letter from Dr Alan Purvis, Admissions Tutor of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, 19 October 1990, to Rodmell, on “protected quota” for admissions to BSc Hons Applied Physics and BSc Hons Electronics; letter from Michael Prestwich of the History Department to Graham [Rodmell], 23 October 1990, re. proposed changes to start of working day; letter to Geoffrey Thrush from Jonathan Hopkin, Deputy President Education and Welfare, DSU, on the Alternative Prospectus; University of Salford’s “Undergraduate Prospectus Survey” (“Undergraduate Prospectus Entry. Survey of Production Costs”, 16 October 1990); report from the Senate Regulations and Admissions Committee to the Working Group on Admissions; letter sent to Geoffrey Thrush in his capacity as secretary to the Senate Admissions Committee, from Mr A.C. Darnell of the Economics Department, on gender breakdown of admissions and state school intake, with photocopy from Guardian 24 October 1990; 4 January 1991, “Statistics for University and Colleges. Applications/Offers/Entrants vs School type” (1990 entry);
Paper file
UND/CT1/61   September 1989 - January 1992
Working Group on Student Profiles
Working Group on Student Profiles for the University of Durham Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative: minutes, September 1989, May 1990; letters from University of Newcastle upon Tyne to Dr Peter Slee, Director of Enterprise Bureau, re. student profiles (22 September 1989); correspondence between members, arranging meetings; undated History department pamphlet “Introduction to History”, and circular letter of 21 January 1992 inviting first year history students to a workshop on this; agendas (28 September 1989, 4 December 1989, 28 January 1992 (circulated by Dr Anthony Fletcher, Director of Enterprise Bureau), incl. documents for discussion, e.g. St Mary’s College self-assessment forms, Sheffield University Personal Profile and Record of Achievement Logbook, photocopies from books, self-assessment forms, etc.
Paper file
UND/CT1/62   May 1989 - August 1990
Working group to review admissions
Correspondence: letter to Armitage from prospective student J.E. Cowell asking for offer of place to be transferred from St Mary’s College to St Chad’s College, with letters from Armitage and Cowell to St Mary’s College
External circulars: “More Means Different. Widening Access to HE. Final Report by Sir Christopher Ball”; The Council for Industry and HE “Towards a Partnership. The Humanities for the Working World” (Spring 1990); Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce; UCCA’s Note of the Admissions Officers’ Conference held at the University of Exeter 10-11 April 1991; Committee of Vice-Chancellors and College Principals
Working Group to Review Admissions: information sheets on UCCA; Rodmell’s correspondence to members, re. meetings; agendas 15 May 1990, and 30 May, with documents, incl. external circulars; circular from senior assistant registrar of the Faculty of Science, to heads of houses, on admission requirements (8 August 1990); circular from Geoffrey Thrush to heads of houses re. “hold” letter (8 May 1990); Armitage’s circulars to heads of houses re. expected accommodation shortfall, meeting of heads of houses to discuss response to Senate Working Party on Admissions (8 May 1990, 11 June 1990); list of responses received to Rodmell’s letter (22 May 1990) to chairs and heads of houses; memo from Graduate Society to chairs of boards of studies, postgraduate admission officers, heads of houses, and treasurer, on admission of postgraduates from Sudan, Syria, Nigeria and Iraq (3 August 1990); publication Code of Practice. For the elimination of racial discrimination in education, circulated by Geoffrey Thrush to colleges 30 March 1991 with warning of potential scrutiny after UCCA’s analysis of ethnic background of admissions; letter to Rodmell from John Dunford, headteacher at Durham Johnston, re. Durham University admissions policy and procedures; letters from former Hild Bede student Andrew Kennedy, to Armitage and to Miss Groves, Vice Principal of Hild Bede (19 and 12 June 1990); letter from Andree Moffat to Armitage, on his appointment to the working group (29 March 1990); internal correspondence on admissions, involving staff of various colleges and departments, PVCs Rodmell and Peter Clark, Deputy Dean Deborah Lavin, Armitage, and Thrush, re. admissions procedure, role of colleges in this, integration of Durham admissions system into MIS, dual interview system, new computerized admissions system, or protected quotas in colleges (March 1990-May 1991); letter from Miss Kenworthy of St Mary’s College, apologising for absence at Colleges Board 19 July 1990 and giving response to agenda items; circulated letter on defence of college role in admissions, by Thiselton, Principal of St John’s College, 2 July 1990; letter from Thiselton 4 June 1990 apologising for absence from meeting of 2 July; reports, incl. “Durham University Application and Admission to University. A Student Questionnaire” (June 1990), “A revised DUCCAT – towards a more flexible admissions scheme for colleges and departments”, “Extract from Student Statistics 1989-90”, “Review of Admissions to Durham University”, “Undergraduate Admissions: Present Tensions and Future Problem Areas. Some Provocative Ideas” (Geoffrey Thrush, 20 December 1990), admissions statistics 1989-90 with notes (Geoffrey Thrush, May 1990), “Comparison between Durham applicants’ grades and the national picture as published in The Times” (Geoffrey Thrush, 23 August 1990); application statistics 1988; statistics from questionnaire on applications and admissions (July 1990); report on action agreed on at Dean’s meeting 17 August 1990 re. UCCA admissions 1990; external circulars, incl. those circulated to the working group by Rodmell); the working group’s response to Christopher Ball’s paper, the student questionnaire on admissions, and statistics on Durham’s admission of local students.
Paper file
UND/CT1/63   July - September 1989
Working Party on Conference Policy
Conferences and other Related Activities Steering Committee, and Working Party on Conference Policy: documents circulated for meeting of 18 September 1989 of Working Party on Conference Policy, including a report from the Conferences and other Related Activities Steering Committee • Policy Committee Working Party on Conference Policy, and Working Party Set up to Consider Conference Trade and Related Commercial Activities: agendas (5 July 1989, 18 September 1989); minutes (5 July 1989); documents circulated for meeting of 18 September 1989 (incl. Interim Report of Working Party Set up to Consider Conference Trade and Related Commercial Activities, report of Conferences and other Related Activities Steering Committee, report on buildings’ capacities and facilities); documents circulated for meeting of 21 September 1989 (incl. revised Report to Policy Committee, and Report of Working Party Set up to Consider Conference Trade and Related Activities (sent out by secretary A. E. Carnell)).
Paper file
Accommodation Office
Reference: UND/CU
Reference: UND/CU1
UND/CU1/1   [c.1980]
Students' Accommodation General Information for Students
Paper booklet
Legal Support
Reference: UND/CV Legal Support is an independent unit that represents the university in connection with legal matters. It reports directly to the treasurer and registrar.

Legal Agreements, Certificates and Licences
Reference: UND/CV1
UND/CV1/1   [1916 x 1940
Stock receipts relating to inscribed stocks held by the Council of Durham Colleges
UND/CV1/2   17 February - 9 March 1955
Papers relating to spirit licence for university laboratories
Paper file
UND/CV1/3   1 October 1971
Agreement between the University of Durham and Hunting Engineering Ltd relating to Banking Account
Paper legal agreement
UND/CV1/4A-B   8 May 1973 & 14 November 1974
Memorandum of agreement between the University of Durham and International University Publications Ltd
2 paper legal agreements
UND/CV1/5   23 July 1974
Deed of gift from Dame Enid Russell Smith to Durham University, relating to royalties and other monies from the sale of her book Modern Bureaucracy, published by Longman Group Limited
Deed of gift
UND/CV1/6   1974
Group policy by Provident Mutual Life Assurance Association concerning the salary continuation scheme of the University of Durham
Paper policy agreement
UND/CV1/7   1975 - 1985
Deed of accession and form of authority for a trust deed relating to the Universities Superannuation Scheme
Paper file
UND/CV1/8   [early 20th century]
Chinese Government Bonds
Held for Mrs Jenny Wheeler (7 April 1988)
Paper bundle
UND/CV1/9   4 March 1991
Certificate of Registration for the University Nursery
Paper agreement
UND/CV1/10   March 1991
Agreement between the Dean and Chapter of Durham and the University of Durham relating to the management of the muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Durham
Paper agreement
UND/CV1/11   January 1992
Papers relating to the Chancery PLC Deposit Repayment Agreement and the “B” Ordinary Shares document
Paper file
UND/CV1/12   18 February 1992
Agreements between the Secretary of State for Employment and the University of Durham (Simpson Curtis Solicitors):
1. Project agreement relating to the continuing management of the Nomis Programme
2. Funding agreement relating to the continuing employment of personnel engaged in the Nomis Programme
2 paper agreements
UND/CV1/13   July 1992
Deed of covenant between Roland Philip Boyd and Durham University and Ferret Information Systems Limited
Paper agreement
UND/CV1/14   29 July 1992
Joint Venture Agreement in respect of the Joint University College on Teesside between the University of Teesside and the University of Durham and the Joint University College on Teesside
Paper agreement
UND/CV1/15   1992 - 1999
Certificates of Registration for Value Added Tax
3 certificates
International Office
Reference: UND/CW
Reference: UND/CW1
UND/CW1/1   [2013]
International Office: Who we are and what we do, with details of all staff including job titles and images
Card leaflet, 3-fold
UND/CW1/2   [2013] & [2018]
Study abroad Push the boundaries of your student experience at Durham University including details of the Erasmus programme and various case studies [2013]
Study Abroad Opportunities [2018]
2 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/CW1/3   [?2010]
English Language Assessment for International Students (DALT) [?2010]
Paper file
UND/CW1/4   1988 - [2007]
Handbook for New Overseas Students 1988
Handbook for New Overseas Students 1989
Handbook for International Students 2000
Handbook for International Students 2001
Handbook for International Students 2002
Handbook for International Students 2003
Handbook for International Students 2004
International Student Handbook [2007]
8 printed paper booklets
UND/CW1/5   [1994]
Language:  English and German
10 Jahre Partnerschaft 10 Years of Partnership University of Durham Gerhard Mercator Universität Duisburg Gesamthochschule brochure celebrating the partnership, including a copy of the original 1984 agreement and various student and lecturer exchange case studies
Printed illustrated paper booklet, 44p
Former reference: PamL 378.35 ZEH
UND/CW1/6   2009
Erasmus 2009/10 Information for incoming students
Printed paper booklet
Research Office
Reference: UND/CX
Reference: UND/CX1
Research Assessment Exercise 2008
Reference: UND/CX1/A
UND/CX1/A1   2004
RAE 2008, 2004 No1, with sections on: RAE team correspondence; best practice/lessons; department correspondence; HEFCE advice/info; briefing papers; panel intelligence; [HEFCE] publications ( Guidance on submissions, June 2005, RAE 03/2005, Equality briefing for panel chairs, members and secretaries, January 2005, RAE 02/2005, Guidance to panels, Feburary 2005, RAE 01/2005); 2001 info.
Paper file, in a lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A2   2005
RAE 2008, 2005 No1, external research reviews for Anthropology, Biology, Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Theology, General and Engineering.
Paper file, in a lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A3   2005
RAE 2008, 2005 No2, with sections on: RAE management structure; panel criteria consultation; equality; dinner 20 June 2005; research output database; general policy papers; RAE investment; PG scheme; RAE simulation.
Paper file, in a lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A4   2006 - 2007
2006/07 No1. Review of Red Depts Jan 2007; RAE Management Group Meeting (16 January 2007), for: Anthropology; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Classics and Ancient History; Computer Science; Earth Sciences; Economics, Finance and Business; Engineering; Government and International Affairs; Health; Law; MLAC Arabic; MLAC Italian; MLAC Russian; MLAC Spanish.
Paper file, in a lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A5   27 January 2006 - 24 July 2007
2006/07 No2. RAE Management Group meetings, with copies of the Research Activity Surveys for 2002 and 2003.
Paper file, in a lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A6   January 2005 - July 2007
RAE 2008. HEFCE publications ( Guidance to panels, January 2005, RAE 01/2005, Units of assessment and recruitment of panel members, July 2004, RAE 03/2004, Panel configuration and recruitment, March 2004, RAE 02/2004, Initial decisions by the UK funding bodies, February 2004, RAE 01/2004); university planning; simulation exercise; RAE technical group
Paper file, in a lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A7   March 2006 - November 2007
RAE Technical: Early Career Researchers; Equality; RAE letters etc; Technical support group; Submission tool; Data; Clarification of queries; Research facilities; RAE database; Correspondence; Submitting outputs.
Paper file, in a lever arch 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A8   27 March 2007
RAE 2008 survey of submission intentions [by subject] RAE management group.
Paper file, in a 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A9   November 2007
2009/10 No1. Final submissions for: Biological Sciences; Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences; Chemistry; Physics; Pure Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Statistics and Operational Research; Computer Science and Informatics; General Engineering and Mineral & Mining Engineering; Geography and Environmental Studies; Archaeology.
Paper file, in a box file
UND/CX1/A10   November 2007
2009/10 No.2. Final submissions for: Russian, Slavonic and East European Languages; French; German, Dutch and Scandinavian Languages; Italian; Iberian and Latin American Languages; English Language and Literature; Classics, Ancient History, Byzantine and Modern Greek; Philosophy; Middle Eastern and African Studies; Education; Psychology; Anthropology; Social Work and Social Policy & Administration; Politics and International Studies; Law; Business and Management Studies; Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies; History; Music.
Paper file, in a box file
UND/CX1/A11   January - August 2008
Copies of RAE2008 PDF disks.
Paper file with CDs, in a box file
UND/CX1/A12   January - August 2008
2009/10 No.1. Post submission audit queries, by subject.
Paper file, in a box file
UND/CX1/A13   December 2008 - April 2009
RAE 2008 Results and Analysis Executive Pack: data release December 2008, Durham data only; analyses of December release data for the sector; analyses of Durham's ranking for each UoA; data release January 2009 sub-profile breakdown - Durham; analyses of sub-profile data for Durham; HESA data for PGR students for top 5 HEIs per UoA; sector data final release Spring 2009.
Paper file, in a plastic 2 ring binder
UND/CX1/A14-31   2006 - 2008
HEFCE publications:
14. Panel criteria and working methods Panel A, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(A)
15. Panel criteria and working methods Panel B, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(B)
16. Panel criteria and working methods Panel C, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(C)
17. Panel criteria and working methods Panel D, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(D)
18. Panel criteria and working methods Panel E, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(E)
19. Panel criteria and working methods Panel F, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(F)
20. Panel criteria and working methods Panel G, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(G)
21. Panel criteria and working methods Panel H, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(H)
22. Panel criteria and working methods Panel I, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(I)
23. Panel criteria and working methods Panel J, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(J)
24. Panel criteria and working methods Panel K, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(K)
25. Panel criteria and working methods Panel L, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(L)
26. Panel criteria and working methods Panel M, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(M)
27. Panel criteria and working methods Panel N, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(N)
28. Panel criteria and working methods Panel O, January 2006, RAE 01/2006(O)
29. Data collection user guide, January 2007
30. Membership of RAE2008 panels, November 2007, RAE 03/2007
31. Research Assessment Exercise 2008: the outcome, December 2008, RAE 01/2008
18 printed paper booklets
UND/CX1/A32   April 2006 - October 2008
RAE league tables and results, correspondence and reports.
Paper file
Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014
Reference: UND/CX1/B
UND/CX1/B1-2   January - July 2009
REF Bibliometrics Pilot, including presentations, correspondence and reports: “Interim report of the REF bibliometrics pilot exercise” (report by HEFCE June 2009);“ Identification and dissemination of lessons learned by institutions participating in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) bibliometrics pilot” (report to HEFCE by Technopolis 2 July 2009);
2 paper files
UND/CX1/B3   September - December 2009
REF Consultation, reports and correspondence, including Research Excellence Framework Second consultation on the assessment and funding of research (September 2009/38)
Paper file
UND/CX1/B4-6   February - June 2010
REF Impact Pilot, reports, correspondence and presentations on the development of new arrangements for the assessment of research in UK higher education institutions:
4. Case studies.
5. Pilot documents and guidance.
6. Exercises and conferences.
3 paper files
Research and Innovation Services
Reference: UND/CX2 Research and Innovation Services (RIS) provides guidance, expert advice and hands-on support for all aspects of research and research-related work, including securing funding, working with partners, undertaking knowledge exchange, demonstrating impact, commercialising outputs, ensuring good research practice and supporting professional development.

Office Files
Reference: UND/CX2/A
UND/CX2/A1   [July] 2018
Inaugural Impact and Engagement Awards, detailing those shortlisted in each faculty, with details of the judging panel.
Paper leaflet
Reference: UND/CZ
Gowns and Hoods
Reference: UND/CZ1
1-5 withdrawn from an exhibition case in the entrance hall of the Palace Green Library January 2005, Acc No Misc 2004/2005:34.
6-8 transferred from the Castle by Richard Brickstock 12 September 2007 where they had been found in a small case in the strongroom with a label “John Harrison King's College 1920s”.
UND/CZ1/A1   c.1900
Durham DCL gown owned by Dr J.S.G. Pemberton (1860-1940), sometime president of the Council of the Durham Colleges.
Scarlet cassimere gown, sleeves and front faced with white silk.
Presented by his grandson Mr C.P. Wallace.
UND/CZ1/A2   c.1980
Durham BA hood, one of the oldest of designs, like those of Oxford, Cambridge and Trinity College Dublin.
Black with white fur trim.
UND/CZ1/A3   c.1980
Durham BSc hood.
Palatinate purple silk with white fur trim, with an adjacent scarlet band.
UND/CZ1/A4   c.1980
Durham PhD hood.
Scarlet, trimmed with Palatinate purple silk.
UND/CZ1/A5   ?c.1900
Mortar board, made by William Gray and Son of Durham and Newcastle, robe makers.
UND/CZ1/A6   [1924]
Durham student's gown of John Harrison (Armstrong BA 1924, DThPT 1929).
UND/CZ1/A7   [1924]
Durham BA hood of John Harrison.
UND/CZ1/A8   [c.1930]
Durham MA hood [?of John Harrison].
UND/CZ1/A9   [1905]
Durham DHy gown of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr.
Scarlet cassimere gown, lined with scarlet silk, faced with palatinate purple and white silk
UND/CZ1/A10   [1894]
Durham MB gown of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr.
Black cord gown, trimmed with gimp, with Greek key pattern lace facings
UND/CZ1/A11   [1894]
MB hood of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr (one of the last hoods made by William Sewell).
Scarlet silk hood, lined with palatinate purple silk, bound with white fur
UND/CZ1/A12   [1894]
BS hood of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr (one of the last hoods made by William Sewell).
Rose silk hood, lined with palatinate purple silk, bound with white fur
UND/CZ1/A13   [1901]
BHy hood of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr.
Black silk hood, faced with palatinate purple and scarlet silk, bound with white fur
UND/CZ1/A14   [1905]
MD hood of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr.
Scarlet cassimere hood, lined with scarlet silk, faced with palatinate purple silk
UND/CZ1/A15   [1905]
DHy hood of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr.
Scarlet cloth hood, lined with scarlet silk, faced with palatinate purple and white silk
UND/CZ1/A16   [c.1905]
Cap of Thomas Morrison Clayton sr.
Black velvet square John Knox cap
UND/CZ1/A17   [1965]
PhD gown, of Prof C.E. Marshall, by Gray and Sons of Durham.
Scarlet cassimere gown, faced with scarlet silk. bound on the inside edge with palatinate purple silk 1 inch wide
Size: 1400 x 1700mm
UND/CZ1/A18   [1965]
PhD hood, of Prof C.E. Marshall, by Gray and Sons of Durham.
Scarlet cassimere hood, lined with scarlet silk, and bound on all edges with palatinate purple silk 1 inch wide
Size: 800 x 850mm
UND/CZ1/A19   [1965]
PhD cap, of Prof C.E. Marshall, by Gray and Sons of Durham.
Black velvet square hat with a central tassel
Size: 280 x 250mm
UND/CZ1/A20   22 July 1965
Copy bill of Gray & Son (Robemakers) Ltd of 41 & 42 Saddler St, Durham, to Mr J. Beeley of Gosforth for [the above A17-19] PhD robes for £38 10s, receipted, with a description of the robes from the Calendar affixed.
Paper, 2f
UND/CZ1/A21   [1916]
MA hood of William V. Walmsley (MA 1916)
Black silk hood lined with palatinate purple silk
UND/CZ1/A22   [1946]
DSc gown of Cyril Clifford Addison (1913-1994) (DSc 1946), by William Gray, robemaker to the university, North Road, Durham
Scarlet cassimere gown, sleeves and front faced with scarlet silk
UND/CZ1/A23   [1946]
DSc hood of Cyril Clifford Addison (DSc 1946)
Palatinate purple cassimere hood, lined with scarlet silk
UND/CZ1/A24   [1946]
DSc cap of Cyril Clifford Addison (DSc 1946)
Soft black velvet square hat, with a central tassle
UND/CZ1/A25-30   1977 - 1994
Honorary degrees and obituary of Prof Cyril Clifford Addison (1913-1994; BSc Durham 1934, PhD Durham 1937, DSc Durham 1946, Hon DSc Durham 1977, Hon DSc Warwick 1979):
25. Honorary degree envelope of Cyril Clifford Addison [1977]
26. Honorary DSc degree certificate of Cyril Clifford Addison 30 June 1977
27. Colour photograph of the honorary graduates and senior officers of the university on the steps of Durham Castle Great Hall [1977]
28. Honorary DSc degree eulogy [by Prof William B. Fisher] 1977
29. Colour photograph of Cyril Clifford Addison receiving his honorary DSc degree from Warwick University [1979]
30. Draft obituary for The Independent by Norman Greenwood with a covering letter sending it to to Addison's widow Marjorie 13 April 1994
Paper file
UND/CZ1/A31   [1933]
PhD gown of Prof Charles Edward Marshall (Armstrong, BSc 1930, PhD 1933), by Gray & Sons of Durham
Scarlet cassimere gown, faced with scarlet silk. bound on the inside edge with palatinate purple silk 1 inch wide
Size: 1400 x 1700mm
UND/CZ1/A32   [1933]
PhD hood, of Prof C.E. Marshall, by Gray & Sons of Durham
Scarlet cassimere hood, lined with scarlet silk, and bound on all edges with palatinate purple silk 1 inch wide
Size: 800 x 850mm
UND/CZ1/A33   [1933]
PhD cap, of [Prof C.E. Marshall], by Gray & Sons of Durham
Black floppy square cap with a central tassel
UND/CZ1/A34   [?1933]
MA/MSc gown, of Prof C.E. Marshall, by Gray & Sons of Durham
Black stuff gown
UND/CZ1/A35   [1928]
DSc hood of H.W. Cousins (DSc 1928)
Palatinate purple cassimere hood, lined with scarlet silk
Given by his great-nephew, January 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:27.
UND/CZ1/A36   [1928]
DSc cap of H.W. Cousins (DSc 1928), by William Gray & Son, university robe makers, of Durham and Newcastle
Soft black velvet square hat, with a central tassle
Given by his great-nephew, January 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:27.
Commemorative Memorabilia
Reference: UND/CZ2
UND/CZ2/1   [1987]
Commemorative bowl for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of King's College, Newcastle, “1937-1987”, engraved with the arms of the universities of Durham and Newcastle.
Flat glass bowl with a raised central circle, in a blue cloth covered box, with a dark blue felt lining
Size: 350mm diameter, 30mm deep
Transferred from display in the glass cases in the entrance hall of Palace Green Library 20 July 2006, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:3.
UND/CZ2/2   2008 - 2019
Graduation badges for 2008, 2009 (design changed), 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 of the university arms with the year above, in palatinate and silver.
12 metal lapel badges
Size: 25 x 16 x 9mm
UND/CZ2/3   [1887 x 1916]
A small milk jug and sugar bowl, white with on each a light blue cord design around the neck and on the front the university shield with “Durham University” underneath. W.H. GOSS (sans serif) underneath a goshawk emblem on the base, with also (on the bowl) a hash mark and (on the jug) 4 dots.
2 white china objects
Size: 75 x 80 x 50mm (jug); 55 x 105 x 105mm (bowl)
3 July 2013, Acc No Misc.2012/13:77.
UND/CZ2/4   July 1963
Commemorative bowl for the creaton of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, inscribed “From the Council of King's College Newcastle Upon Tyne to the Council of the Durham Colleges July 1963”
?silver plate bowl, inscribed on the inside base, in a Tarnprufe bag
Size: 85 x 450mm
Administrative implements
Reference: UND/CZ3
UND/CZ3/1-7   [c.1950s - 1960s]
Inking stamps:
1. Durham University arms, with a flowery background, surrounded by the motto “fundamenta eius super montibus sanctis” in a circle.
2. Durham University arms, with the legend “University of Durham” in a surrounding circle.
3. Durham University arms.
4. Durham University arms.
5. Darlington Training College monogram (letters DTC intertwined) with the motto “Quam Litterie Vita Magis” round the edge of the shield.
6. St Chad's College arms (unused).
7. James Duff signature.
UND/CZ3/8   [c.1930s]
Durham University arms with the motto “fundamenta eius super montibus sanctis” in a surrounding scroll
Size: 110 x 40mm
UND/CZ3/9   [c.1935]
Royal coat of arms surrounded by “Durham University Commission”
Size: 90 x 35mm
UND/CZ3/10   [?1837]
Durham University seal press. Base plate with a fixing hole at each end, with an upstanding curved arm supporting a detachable screw, with a large ball at each end of the handle, impacting on a plain plate supported by two single-leaf springs, with the seal fixed to the base plate below. The seal is of St Cuthbert's cross, surrounded by the legend “Sigillum Universitatis Dunelmensis A.D.MDCCCXXXVII” .
Metal, black with gold line and floral decoration
Size: 130 x 275mm (base plate), height 360mm, arm is 400mm long
UND/CZ3/11   [?1937]
Durham Colleges seal press, with an upstanding curved arm supporting a lever operated press, depressing a plain plate on to a seal fixed to the base plate below, with a detachable locking pin to keep the lever depressed. The seal is the university shield, with supporters of a lion and a mitre, with a cross above, and surrounded by the legend “SIGILLVM COMMVNE COLLEGIORVM VNIV DVNELM” .
Metal, black with gold line decoration
Size: 130 x 300mm (base plate), height 260mm (with arm in the locked position), lever is 370mm long
Reference: UND/CZ4
UND/CZ4/1   5 September 1966
University coat of arms, suspended by fabric from a roundel, decorated with a mouse. With a note recording that it was provided for Eric Halladay by Mappin & Webb of 65 Brompton Road, London.
Size: 145 x 255 x 10mm
UND/CZ4/2   [c.1912]
University coat of arms, with the motto below, with a description of the arms by J. Seaton and Co of Glasgow on the back, owned by William V. Walmsley (BA 1912).
Wooden shield, painted, with a chain for hanging on the back
Size: 300 x 255 x 8mm
UND/CZ4/3   [c.1940]
University coat of arms, [owned by Monica V. Walmsley (BSc 1942)].
Wooden shield, painted, on a wooden mount
Size: 140 x 100 x 15mm
UND/CZ4/4   [?1954]
University coat of arms, with the motto beneath, [of Richard F. Coates, BDS 1954].
Wooden shield, painted
Size: 175 x 150 x 25mm
UND/CZ4/5   [c.1950]
University coat of arms, with the motto beneath
Wooden shield painted, screwed on to a wooden mount, with hanging hooks on the back
Size: 100 x 125mm
UND/CZ4/6   [c.1960]
Blazer badge, university coat of arms, with the motto beneath
Embroidered badge and motto, on a cloth background
From Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/CZ4/7   [c.1950s]
University coat of arms, with “University of Durham” above and the motto beneath
Card, 1f, mounted on card
Size: 210 x 135mm
From Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/CZ4/8   [1948]
University coat of arms, with the motto underneath, [of J.C.H. Fyfe, Castle, BSc 1948].
Wooden shield, painted, on a wooden mount
Size: 175 x 145 x 25mm
Given by his children September 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:11.
UND/CZ4/9   [1930s]
University crest, as in use until 1947, comprising the university arms surrounded by a wavy band of 5 points, interspersed with 5 flowers, encircled by the raised university motto, with a brass hanging eyelet inset to the back, and A[ylwin] D[rakeford] Hitchin ([College of Medicine] LDS 1931, BDS 1932, MDS 1935) scratched into the base of the back.
Round wooden carved plaque
Size: 440 x 25mm
Given by Philip Sergeant, 5 February 2019, Acc No Misc.2018/19:70.
UND/CZ4/10   2022
Badge issued to 2020 and 2021 graduates with separate labels “Congratulations class of 2020” and “Congratulation Class of 2021”
These were issued to graduates in the 2022 Spring Congregation. This congregation consisted of graduands whose ceremony had been postponed in 2020 and 2021 because of the coronavirus pandemic
Metal, with university coat of arms, and year 
Reference: UND/CZ5
UND/CZ5/1   [?1990s]
University ?alumnus tie, diagonal lines of the university shield, with thin palatinate stripes inbetween, on a black field, [of Richard F. Coates, BDS 1954].
Polyester tie, by D D Freeman of Maidstone
Size: 1350 x 110mm
UND/CZ5/2   [?1990s]
University ?alumnus cravat, diagonal lines of the university shield, with thin palatinate stripes inbetween, on a black field, [of Richard F. Coates, BDS 1954].
Polyester cravat, [by D D Freeman of Maidstone]
Size: 1150 x 155mm
UND/CZ5/3   [1930s]
?University tie, diagonal lines of the university shield on a palatinate purple background, of T.M. Clayton (1907-2000, MB BS 1933, DPH BHy 1938, DM 1943).
Silk tie
Size: 1220 x 95mm
UND/CZ5/4   [1930s]
Unidentified tie, dark blue background, broad light blue diagonal stripe next to a thin silver stripe, separate red stripe, of T.M. Clayton.
Silk tie
Size: 1100 x 70mm
UND/CZ5/5   [c.1960s]
Black with pink diagonal thin stripe with university arms between, university tie of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011)
Polyester tie
Size: 1250 x 90mm
Printing Blocks
Reference: UND/CZ6
UND/CZ6/1   [c.1955]
Former Registry building on the east side of Palace Green, [in 2012] part of the Music School and Palace Green Library.
Photographic plate on a wooden block
Size: 115 x 165mm
UND/CZ6/2   [c.1935]
“Wind Rose for Year from Observations 1906-35”
Incised metal plate on a wooden block
Size: 175 x 180mm
UND/CZ6/3   [c.1970]
University of Durham arms
Metal printing block
Size: 12 x 60mm
Reference: UND/CZ7
UND/CZ7/1   [2013]
I [love] Durham University sticker
Gummed plastic backed with paper
Size: 50 x 250mm
Reference: UND/CZ8
UND/CZ8/1   [2013]
“I bagged a Durham degree” and “Durham University Dunelm Durham University Alumni Community” on each side
Linen long-handled bag, with text printed in purple
Reference: UND/CZ9
UND/CZ9/1   [c.1990]
Dark blue jersey with the university arms and “Durham University” beneath, made by Lyle & Scott of Hawick, bought by Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011).
Lambswool jersey
Size: c.550 x 400mm