Papers of Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey
Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl Grey (1851-1917)
Related material - here


Reference code: GB-0033-GRE
Title: Papers of Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey
Dates of creation: 1775-1778, 1803-1937, 1962; chiefly 1860-1917
Extent: 19 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl Grey (1851-1917)
Language: English

Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl Grey (1851-1917)

Son of General Charles Grey and nephew of 3rd earl; succeeded his uncle in 1894. Married Alice, daughter of R. Stayner Holford M.P., of Westonbirt, Gloucs. One son, four daughters. The 4th earl was a colourful character, involved in a great variety of activities and interests. He started his career as an M.P., then managed his uncle's estates, was involved in the British South Africa Company, and was Administrator of Rhodesia in 1896 and Governor-General of Canada 1904-1911. He took a leading role in movements such as co-operation and co-partnership, temperance (public house trusts), electoral reform (proportional representation), church reform, university extension, garden cities, and, above all, imperialism (imperial federation, Dominion House). Never rich, he made continual attempts to improve his finances by investment in all sorts of concerns, usually ending disastrously.


The contents of the papers closely reflect the 4th earl's varied career and multifarious interests. South Africa, Rhodesia, Canada, imperialism and co-operation are particularly strongly represented. The volumes in the collection include diaries and journals, notebooks on a wide variety of topics in which the earl was interested, notes on his reading, financial records, drawings, and scrapbooks of press cuttings etc.

Accession details

GRE/B1-B291 Papers, were included in the main deposit of the Earl Grey Papers with the with the University of Durham Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic (from 1990 part of the Archives and Special Collections department of Durham University Library) and deposited by the 5th Earl Grey, 1956.
GRE/B292-B293/8 Additional papers, deposited by Lord Howick, 29 November 1994. Misc.1994/95:14.
GRE/B293/9 letter donated by Mrs Sandy Willmore, 20 May 2015. Misc.2014/15:83.

Conditions of access

Open for consultation.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


The arrangement relates to some extent to periods in the earl's career and matters with which he was involved, although correspondence on any topic may be widely scattered. Box numbering continues that for the 3rd earl's papers. Volumes are shelved in a separate sequence (GRE/V/E).


Many documents are presently numbered only at file level. Some review and revision of cataloguing language was undertaken in February 2021


Duplicates remain to be extracted from some files.


No further accruals are expected.

Finding aids

1. Word-processed brief subject list. This provides a summary subject guide to the catalogue.
2. Catalogue, with summary listing of volumes.
3. Manuscript card index of correspondents, which is meant to be used in conjunction with the box list. A few subject cards (e.g. Canada, Newfoundland) are also included. Each card bears a box and file number. The depth of descriptive detail varies greatly, but fuller information can always be discovered by cross-referring to the box list.
4. Typescript list of material concerning Africa.

Location of originals and copies

The originals of some papers relating to Canada are held by the Public Archives of Canada, and are replaced among the 4th earl's papers in Durham by photostat copies (boxes 247-254). In other cases the originals of material relating to Canada are in Durham, with copies in the Public Archives of Canada. The material given to Canada was selected by the Dominion Archivist in 1955. When all or the greater part of a file concerned Canada, the original was given to the Public Archives, and a copy was left in Durham; when the greater part of a file did not concern Canada, the file was left in Durham, and photostats of the relevant material went to the Public Archives. All the material held by the Canadian Public Archives, both originals and copies, is listed in Public Archives, Canada, Finding aid no. 85, revised 1981.

Related material - here

Earl Grey Papers The Earl Grey Papers held by the Library include related family and estate material.


Begbie, Harold, Albert, fourth Earl Grey: a last word, 3rd ed. (London, 1918)
Sims, Graham, Paladin of empire: Earl Grey and Rhodesia (Salisbury, 1970)


Papers of Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey
Inspector Graham and Blood Indian Reserve
Reference: GRE/B170/1
Dates of creation: 1905-1911
Extent: 34f.Paper

Subjects of letters include: Treatment of First Nations peoples; agriculture and the First Nations peoples at File Hills; a tepee at Ottawa; Grey's proposed gift to the First Nations peoples; music and drama challenge trophy; Graham's work among the First Nations peoples.
23 May 1910 2 copies letter Grey to C.A. Magrath.
25 July 1910 Letter Charles Alexander Magrath to Grey. Replying to the above, and concerning drought in his constituency (Medicine Hat, Alberta).
31 December 1908 Letter W.M. Graham to Grey.
n.d. Copy address of welcome from several ex-pupils of Government Indian Schools (now members of the File Hills Colony) to Grey.
27 October [1905 x 1911] Letter Violette Graham to Grey.
16 October 1905 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Graham.
16 October 1905 Copy letter Grey to Mr Graham.
29 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Inspector Graham.
16 October 1905 Copy letter Grey to Frank Oliver.
3 April 1911 Letter W.M. Graham to Grey.
Record of crops sown, harvested, hay put up, new land broken, acres summer fallowed, etc., by individual First Nationers, season 1910 - File Hills.
Comparative statement showing crops harvested in 1901 and 1910 in South Saskatchewan Inspectorate.
18 December 1906 Letter R.J.S. Bertram for the Handicrafts Co. Newcastle upon Tyne to Grey; concerning designs for a processional trophy or shield, with account of prices of each.
28 November 1906 Letter W.M. Graham to Grey.
16 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Graham.
17 December 1906 Copy letter (not sent) from Grey to George [9th Earl of Carlisle].
26 December 1906 Copy Grey to A.G. Bertram.
27 February 1908 Copy Grey to Frank Oliver.
Notes concerning the visit of a Superior General of Missionaries to the First Nations peoples at Qu'Appelle.
11 October 1906 Press cutting - Grey's visit to the File Hill First Nations peoples.

Former reference: Drawer 1 File 1

GRE/B170/2   1898-1909
Mainly concerning copies of works of art, portraits of great men in Canadian history and pictures for the National Gallery of Canada.
25 October 1898 - 6 January 1908 7 letters Jane Hawkins to Grey. (Copy Oliver Williams to Jane Hawkins November 1906, written at end of letter Miss Hawkins to Grey, 30 November 1906).
2 July 1898 1 letter Jane Hawkins to 9th Earl of Carlisle.
10 April 1906 - 19 December 1907 3 copy letters Grey to Jane Hawkins.
2 July [1898] Note: Earl of Carlisle to Grey.
9 January 1909 1 letter William Pugsley to Grey.
22 November 1907 and 18 January 1908 2 copy letters Grey to Pugsley.

Paper   19f.
Former reference: Drawer 1 File 2.
GRE/B170/3   1908-1909
Account of Grey's visit to British Columbia, his request for a national park reserve between Argenta and Toby Creek; repair work on trails; migration from Quebec to the West; Grey's cold reception at N. Westminster; prison conditions there; promotion of the fishing potentialities of British Columbia; a Sikh militia; electoral reform and proportional representation.
23 November 1908 - 4 October [1909] 4 letters Richard McBride to Grey.
18 October 1908 - 29 November 1909 4 copy letters Grey to McBride. [There are 5 printed copies (1 found by RH) and one typescript copy of the letter of 18 October].
2 April 1909 Letter F.J. Fulton to McBride.
31 March 1909 Copy letters from .... to Francis Bacon, E.E. Chipman, Neil Mackay, H.G. Parsons.
31 March 1909 Memorandum by Thomas Taylor to McBride.

Paper   65f.
Former reference: Drawer 1 File 3.
GRE/B170/4   1910-1916
Grey's challenge shield for recruitment of cadets in Canada; the scout movement; the scouts as a means of race fusion in Canada; an Advisory Council for the scouts; Grey's plans for Empire Day 1910.
23 January 1910, 8 February 1910, 25 March 1910, 14 May 1910, 2 August 1912, 2 June 1916 6 letters Baden Powell to Grey.
4 January - 6 April 1910 3 copies Grey to Baden Powell.
19 February 1910 Copy Grey to Alexander Fisher.
7 February 1910 Letter Lady Jane Lindsay to Grey.
4 January and 19 February 1910 2 copies Grey to Lady Jane Lindsay.
21 May 1910 Letter Grey to Sir Frederick William Borden.
Pencil sketch of Cecil Rhodes in 1897, with inscription stating it was given to Grey by Sir R[obert] Baden Powell in 1913. Mounted on paper; fragment of comic newspaper on dorse.

Paper   26f.
Former reference: Drawer 1 File 4.
Blood Indian Reserve
Reference: GRE/B170/5
Dates of creation: 1905-1915
Extent: 13f. Paper

27 November 1905 Francis Pedley (Dep. Superintendent Gen. Dept. of Indian Affairs) to Col. J. Hanbury Williams, enclosing: memorandum of information concerning the Blood Reserve; MS notes by Grey on the Blood Reserve. Typescript facts and figures concerning Indian farming, etc.
31 January 1906 Letter F. Pedley (?) to A.F. Sladen, enclosing: memo of money value of the Treaty Triennial Clothing issued to Blood Indians during the period 1895-1905.
30 November 1915 Letter Sir Clifford Sifton to Grey, concerning Mr Graham as an Indian Official.
27 June 1907 Copy letter Owen Owens to W.M. Graham, concerning a First Nationer who is serving a term of imprisonment and the File Hills Colony.

Former reference: Drawer 1 File 5.

GRE/B170/6   1909-1910
Mackinder Education Scheme 1909; The organisation of lantern lectures about the United Kingdom in certain provinces of Canada; the lantern lecture scheme in India; Grey's ideas for Empire Day.
23 September 1909, 21 December 1909 Copy letters Grey to H.J. Mackinder.
24 December 1909 Copy telegram Grey to Mackinder.
8 July 1909, 25 October 1909 Letters H.J. Mackinder to Grey.
n.d. Cable Mackinder to Grey.
29 October 1909, 5 January 1910 Letters Richard McBride to Grey.
23 December 1909, 4 January 1910 Telegrams McBride to Grey.
21 December 1909 Copy letter Grey to McBride.
21 December 1909 3 copies telegram Grey to McBride.
3 January 1910 Copy telegram A.F. Sladen to McBride.
19 January 1910 Letter R. Fletcher to Grey.
10 August 1909 (2 copies), 24 September [1909] Copy letters Grey to Sir J. Hanbury Williams.
6 September 1909 Copy letter Sir J. Hanbury Williams to Mrs Reford.
3 September 1909 Letter Elsie Reford to Sir John Hanbury Williams.
10 August and 1 September 1909 Copy letters Grey to A.C. Rutherford.
3 September 1909 Letter Walter Scott to Sir John Hanbury Williams.
n.d. 3 copies letter Grey to Mr Roblin.
3 copies memorandum by Grey for the private consideration of Roblin. List of towns in W. Canada.

Paper   42f.
Former reference: Drawer 1 File 6.
Canadian Aspiration for Federation
Reference: GRE/B170/7
Dates of creation: 1903-1908
Extent: 4f.Paper

31 October 1908 Letter Andrew Macphail to Grey on the Maritime Provinces which look to England rather than to Canada.
4 November 1908 Letter Sir Richard John Cartwright to Grey concerning the above.
23 November 1903 Pamphlet: The Future of Canada - address by J.M. Clark before the Mulock Club, Toronto.
Notes from the above by Grey.

GRE/B170/8   1911
Grey's proposal that a pecuniary reward or some other public recognition should be given to Dr Saunders whose work in the Canadian experimental farms had proved of such great value to Canada.
n. d. 2 letters Sydney Fisher to Grey 8-19 April 1911 3 copy letters Grey to Fisher.
5-6 April 1911 2 letters William Saunders to Grey.

Paper   11f.
David Wark
Reference: GRE/B170/9
Dates of creation: 1905
Extent: 10f.Paper

21 July 1905 Letter David Wark to Grey, re his health.
"Suggestion" by Wark concerning the ownership of land in N. Brunswick and an illegal attempt to mine coal in Nova Scotia.
Typescript copies of the above two documents.
7 August 1905 Letter David Wark to Grey concerning Manitoba.

Former reference: Drawer 1 file 10.

The Old Fort, Toronto
Reference: GRE/B170/10
Dates of creation: 1906-1908
Extent: 13f.Paper

(1906) Pamphlet: The Old Fort at Toronto 1793-1906 by Jean Earle Geeson.
22 December 1905 Circular letter from [the Secretary ?] of the Historical and Patriotic Societies to candidates for the position of alderman of Toronto, concerning the plan to run a railway through the old fort.
n.d. Letter Jean Earle Geeson to Grey, thanking Grey for his active sympathy to the movement for the preservation of the Old Fort and a proposal to create a sort of Chelsea Hospital in or near it. Enclosure: Press cutting of letter F.B. Biggar "Make it a Soldiers Home": use for old fort.
11 June 1906 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Jean Geeson, acknowledging above letter to Grey and reporting Grey's sentiments.
8 January 1907 Letter William Mortimer Clark to Grey, concerning the railway and the old fort. Press cutting "Save the Old Fort: joint meeting of patriotic and historical and military societies pass resolution on subject".
23 January 1908 Letter G. Sterling Ryerson (President the Old Fort Protective Assoc.) to Grey, concerning the Association's fears about the city authorities and the fort, and enclosing copies of the following correspondence, etc., concerning it viz: telegram Frederick Borden to the Mayor of Toronto, 17 January 1908; letter Eug. Fiset to the said Mayor, 18 January 1908; letter E.F. Jarvis to ..., 27 November 1906; letter Eug. Fiset to the Deputy Minister Dept. of the Interior, 12 March 1907; letter L. Pereira (Ass. Sec. Dept. of the Interior) to Fiscet, 15 March 1907.

Former reference: Drawer 1 file 11.

Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph
Reference: GRE/B170/11
Dates of creation: 1905-1906
Extent: 9f.Paper

Sir W. McDonald Grey's visit to the Ontario Agricultural College and the MacDonald Institute (a consolidated school).
16 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Sir William MacDonald.
17 May 1906 Letter Sir William MacDonald to Grey.
16 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Dr Robertson.
16 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Dr Mills.
16 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Mr Creelman (President, Ontario Agricultural College).
21 December 1905 Letter Creelman to Grey.

Former reference: Drawer 1 file 12.

McGill University
Reference: GRE/B170/12
Dates of creation: 1905-1911
Extent: 26f.Paper

Dr MacPhail, Mr Reford, Sir Hugh Graham, Dr Peterson.
23 January and 28 January 1911 Copies Grey to Robert Reford. Question of financial support for McGill University.
18 January and 25 January 1911 Letter Robert Reford to Grey. Financial needs of the McGill University.
18 January 1911 Letter M.? Russ? to Grey, Sir Hugh Graham and McGill University.
16 January 1911 Letter Sir Hugh Graham to Grey, organising of a new appeal for McGill University.
22 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Dr Peterson (Principal of McGill), Sir William MacDonald's refusal to allow any connection between his institution and McGill University.
15 April 1911 Letter Andrew Macphail to Grey concerning J.A. Stevenson; the arbitration treaty between England and USA mentioned.
19 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Dr Peterson. E.B. Sargant's suggestion with respect to a consultative association between the various educational authorities in Canada.
25 March 1906 Letter H.C.L. Milhau to Grey. Her French circle and a medal.
27 March 1906 Copy Grey to Mdlle Milhau. Her French circle and a medal.
Typescript sheet: "Concours Oratoire Du Cercle Français".
Typescript bulletin of information about the offer by Robert Reford of financial aid to McGill University.
16 March 1906 Letter Charles Metcalfe to Grey. A scheme for University men to tour the Empire; the situation re the Empire in South Africa.
2 March 1906 Letter W. Peterson to Grey - boat racing; an honorary degree for Andrew Carnegie.
24 February 1906 Copy letter Grey to Peterson, proposed sending of a McGill crew to compete on the Zambesi; McGill and America; Mdlle Milhau.
21 December 1905 Letter W. Peterson to Grey, concerning 2 candidates for Rhodes scholarships; Sir W. MacDonald and the "federation" scheme with B. Colombia and the N. West.
18 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Dr Peterson. A Rhodes scholar's success at Oxford; University Extension in Ottawa.
18 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Goldwin Smith. The Rhodes scholar's success and various books.
18 December 1905 Letter Peterson to Grey; the success of a Rhodes scholar in winning awards at Oxford.
19 October 1905 Letter Peterson to Grey - consultations which he hopes to have with Grey.

Former reference: Drawer 1 file 13.

Proposed "Lady Victoria Grenfell" Hospital Cot
Reference: GRE/B170/13
Dates of creation: 1907-1911
Extent: 13f.Paper

19 July 1907 Letter Ada J. Bergeron to Grey, proposal about a cottage hospital for crippled children to be known as "The Lady Victoria Grenfell Memorial Hospital"; with notes of Grey's reply. Enclosure: 9 July 1907 Letter Geo. G. Foster to Mrs Bergeron, on the same topic.
9 May 1907 Copy Grey to Mrs Bergeron, same topic and Arthur Grenfell's offer to endow a hospital cot.
15 May 1907 Letter Ada J. Bergeron to Grey, same topics.
22 June 1907 Letter Sir Hugh Graham to Grey, the Sarah Maxwell Memorial Hospital and a memorial to the late Lady Grey.
6 January 1908 Letter J. Ross Robertson to Grey, a cot in memory of Lady Victoria Grenfell.
27 December 1910 Letter D'Arcy Scott to Grey on his proposal to spend the money collected for a memorial to Lady V. Grenfell on the Ottawa Boys' home.
6 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Scott, disapproving of the above scheme.

Former reference: Drawer 1 file 14.

Miss Montgomery (Mrs L.M. MacDonald)
Reference: GRE/B170/14
Dates of creation: 1910-1911
Extent: 13f.Paper

Concerning her literary works.
26 September 1910, 7 December 1910, 1 May 1911 3 letters Miss L.M. Montgomery to Grey.
20 September 1910 - 1 December 1910 4 copies Grey to Miss Montgomery.
29 September 1910 1 letter John Macnaughton to Grey.
22 April 1910 1 letter Rachel W. Willison to Grey, concerning Miss Montgomery.

Former reference: Drawer 1 file 15.

GRE/B170/15   1906
Richmond Smith, George Johnson and preferential trade, resolutions to be presented by the Montreal Board of Trade; postal rates in the Empire; cable news service; Johnson's activities; trade unionists and the 1906 election in Britain; the Tariff Commission and the election campaign and a preferential arrangement.
25 April 1906 Letter W.A.S. Hewins (Secretary of the Tariff Commission) to Grey.
8 May 1906 Letter Grey to Colonel Hanbury Williams concerning Richmond Smith and Chamberlain's tariff reform movement.
18 May 1906 Letter George Drummond to J. Hanbury Williams enclosing the following letter: Letter George Johnson to Mr Drummond, 11 May 1906.
Note by Grey stating that he would like to see Johnson.

Paper   10f.
Former reference: Drawer 1 file 16.
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy
Reference: GRE/B170/16
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 19f.Paper

Delays to trains on account of snow; Major Paske as a potential hotel manager; the time for a journey between Quebec or Halifax and Hong Kong; the silver mines at Cobalt; fruit farmers as a counter balance to the power of American directed Trade Unions; clearing of land preparatory to colonisation from England; a similar scheme for Rhodesia; the C.P. Railway as a promoter of a colonisation scheme in W. Canada; C.P.R. steamship passenger services.
30 January 1905 - 9 January 1910 6 letters Sir Thomas Shaughnessy to Grey.
23 June 1905 - 25 November 1908 4 copies Grey to Shaughnessy.
Rough notes by Grey on steamship services.

Former reference: Drawer 1 file 17.

GRE/B170/17   1907-1911
The defeat of reciprocity; the Canadian election result; Chamberlain and colonial preference; publication of the Elgin papers; whiskey; defence reorganisation; Mackenzie King and the naval question; the Strathcona Trust and military duties; reorganisation of the cabinet; Grey's sympathy to defeated candidates.
22 September 1911 Copy letter Grey to Bryce. Part of letter from Sydney Fisher to Grey.
24 September 1911 Letter George M. Wrong to Grey.
14 September 1911 Letter Sir A.B. Routhier to Grey.
21 September 1911 Copy Grey to Routhier.
25 August 1907 and 29 September 1911 2 letters R.W. Perks to Grey.
8 September 1911 Letter Lord Elgin to Grey.
30 September 1911 Letter E.? Scott Raff to Grey.
9 August 1911 Letter John M. Harlan to Grey.
17 September 1907 Letter John M. Harlan to Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
22 September 1911 Copy letters Grey to Mr Fisher, Geo. P Graham, W.S. Fielding, Sir Richard [Cartwright], Mackenzie King.
23 September 1911 Letter Sir Richard Cartwright to Grey.
28 September 1911 Letter Geo. P Graham to Grey.
26 September 1911 Letter W.S. Fielding to Grey.
25 September and 3 October 1911 Letters Mackenzie King to Grey.
25 September 1911 Letter Geo. Garneau to Grey.

Paper   33f.
Former reference: Drawer 1 file 18.
GRE/B170/18   1911
24 September 1911 Letter Herbert Symonds to Grey, concerning a resolution on christian unity passed at a General Synod of the Church of England in Canada, 13 September 1911. Enclosure: Copy of the said resolution.

Paper   5f.
GRE/B170/19   1906-1908
20? January 1908 Letter C. Frederick Hamilton to Col. Hanbury Williams concerning a speech he had given and observations on the Monroe Doctrine.
15 December 1908 Letter D.W. McDermid to Grey concerning the enclosure. Enclosure: 22 June 1906 Copy letter from Thomas Robinson to his brother Admiral Robinson, concerning the Monroe Doctrine and the desirability of Anglo-American co-operation.

Paper   11f.
National Geographical Society, Washington
Reference: GRE/B170/20
Dates of creation: 1906-1907
Extent: 6f.Paper

c.17 November 1906 Copy note from Grey to William Moore (President National Geographical Society America), declining invitation to the Society's annual banquet.
14 November 1906 Letter Willis Moore to Grey, inviting Grey and Lady Grey to the above occasion.
3 January 1907 Letter Moore to Grey, concerning the above Society. Enclosure: Pamphlet on the Society Programme 1906-7.

GRE/B170/21   1911
Erection of statue to James Robertson in Winnipeg; trophies donated by Grey.
2 May 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir Daniel MacMillan.
11 May 1911 Letter MacMillan to Grey.
28? May 1911 Letter Jane Aikins to Grey.
Press cutting: "Earl Grey's Offer Before Presbytery" (Free Press 10 May ....).

Paper   5f.
GRE/B170/22   1906-1911
25 September 1911 Letter J. McLeod to D. Malcolm Enclosing press bulletin on estimated yield of the 4 principal grain crops of Saskatchewan prepared by the Provincial Department of Agriculture.
Rough notes on wheat yield, etc.
23 October 1911 Cablegram A.F. Sladen to Grey, giving estimate of Prairie Provinces grain yields.
13 May 1910 Letter William Saunders to Sladen, concerning the ripening times of grain.
15 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to J.S. Dennis, concerning his irrigation works.
13 November 1906 Letter W. Baker to Grey, covering the following: memorandum regarding the C.P.R. Coy's irrigation project in Alberta. Signed J. Dennis,
5 November 1906. memorandum regarding the growth of winter wheat in Southern Alberta and the shipment of flour made therefrom to the orient and Australia. Signed J.S. Dennis, 5 November 1906.
15 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to W.R. Baker, concerning the above memoranda.

Paper   16f.
GRE/B170/23   1911
Royal Canadian Yacht Club and National Horse Breeding Bureau.
29 September 1911 Letter Commodore .... Jarvis to Grey, enclosing memo on the Royal Canadian Yacht Club.
21 April 1911 Letter Sydney Fisher to A.E. Sladen, concerning the Breeding Bureau and its petition to the King.
19 April 1911 Letter J.G. Rutherford to Sladen, same subject.
14 April 1911 Letter from Andrew Shearer, President, and other officials of the Canadian National Bureau of Breeding to Grey, same subject. Enclosures: Officers of the Bureau. Rules of the Bureau. Petition of the Bureau to the King requesting that he would donate a horse for breeding purposes. Rules for competition for the cup presented by King George V to be competed for at the Central Canada Exhibition Association's annual fairs.

Paper   11f.
Talbot Papineau
Reference: GRE/B170/24
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 13f.Paper

A picture of Papineau's great-grandfather; Papineau's account of his first term as Rhodes scholar at Oxford; model settlements for the working classes in Montreal; books on housing.
2 February [1905], 5 April 1910 Letters T.M. Papineau to Grey.
4 February 1906 Copy letter Papineau to Mr Fleet.
4 February 1905 - 13 April 1910 3 copies Grey to Papineau.
3 March 1906 Letter Caroleen R. Papineau to Grey.
Copy letter Grey to Mrs Papineau.

University of Pennsylvania
Reference: GRE/B170/25
Dates of creation: 1906-1910
Extent: 12f.Paper

Invitations to Grey to be Orator at University of Pennsylvania on "University Day"; a premature plan for a farewell dinner to Grey; invitation to address the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes; the aims of the Society.
3 December, 18 December, 31 December 1906, 3 May 1907, 8 October 1910 5 letters Charles C. Harrison to Grey.
9 May 1907 1 copy letter Grey to Harrison.
21 November 1910 1 draft letter Grey to Butler Duncan.
22 November 1910 Letter John Hays Hammond to Grey.
Draft telegram Grey to Hammond.
6 December 1910 Copy telegram Grey to Hammond.

Farmers' Deputation
Reference: GRE/B170/26
Dates of creation: 1910-1911
Extent: 27f.Paper

The subject of the letters is mainly the book Rural Problems in the United States - requests for it and thanks for it.
c.1910 Leaflet Exchange Value of Farm Products.
13 January 1911 Letter John Shier to Grey.
14 January 1911 Letter B. Gilbertson to the Post Office Inspector, Ottawa.
16 January 1911 Letter P. Coolican?, Assistant Post Office Inspector, to Miss Gilbertson.
24 December 1910 Letter H.B. Cowan to Grey.
19 December 1910 Letter Stephen D. Carey to Grey.
21 December 1910 Letter M.K. Ells to Grey.
4 January 1911 Letter T.A. Crerar to Grey.
10 January 1911 Letter R.G. Home Morgan to Grey.
29 December 1910 Letter S.B. Hatheway to Grey.
Lists of farmers who formed a deputation to the Government and to whom Grey presented a book on Rural Problems in the United States, by Sir Horace Plunkett.

GRE/B170/27   1910-[1912]
Mainly poetry and literature; the conflict between Lords and Commons in England. [Letters from Lilian Chapman, Clara Kirckhaffer and Weir Mitchell originally in this file have been moved].
February 1910 1 letter Hilda Grenfell to Grey.
29 December ...., n.d., 26 February [1912] 3 letters Mary Jennings to Grey.
6 January 1910, 19 May 1910 2 letters Ethelwyn Wetherald to Grey.
8 January 1910 1 letter B.E. Walker to Grey, enclosing extract of a letter to Walker 7 January 1910.

Paper   13f.
GRE/B170/28   [early 20th century]
Short notes by Grey on members of the Canadian House of Commons and Senate. These notes contain biographical material and often details of the constituency that the member concerned represented, with occasional observations by Grey. They were evidently compiled after the interviews which Grey arranged with each member. See also Grey Books and Pamphlets No. 1101.
Paper   256f.
GRE/B170/29   1911-1913
The Ne temere decree and Father Burke's mission to the Vatican concerning its application in Canada.
9 November 1911 Letter R. L. Borden to Grey.
16 November 1911, 20 November 1911 2 letters Sir Charles Fitzpatrick to Grey.
27 November 1911 Copy letter Grey to Fitzpatrick.
3 December 1911 Letter Rev. Father A. E. Burke to Grey.
13 December 1911 Copy Grey to Rev. Father Burke.
9 February 1912 Letter Sir R. L. Borden to Grey enclosing typescript copy of speeches made in New York at a banquet of the Canadian Society of New York, 8 December 1911: “The Empire” by Robert Cooper Smith; “His Majesty's Representatives” by Ambassador Bryce; “Democracies of the English Speaking World” by R. L. Borden; “The Land we Live in” by John A. Dix; “Canada” by Revd Charles A. Eaton.
9 December 1911 Press cutting: “Borden is frank with Canadians at New York”.
8 August 1913 Unsent letter Grey to Borden.

Paper   60f.
Monroe Doctrine
Reference: GRE/B170/30
Dates of creation: 1908
Extent: 63f.Paper

Article by H. Brougham Leech on the Monroe Doctrine.
Typescript copy of article by Adam Shortt on the Munroe Doctrine.
28 February 1908 Cutting from the Montreal Star: “Dr Thompson and the Monroe Doctrine”.
Memorandum on the Monroe Doctrine.

The Negro in Africa and America
Reference: GRE/B170/31
Dates of creation: [early 20th century]
Extent: 30f.Paper

Memorandum on the Negro in Africa and America.

Forestry Convention
Reference: GRE/B170/32
Dates of creation: 1903-1906
Extent: 11f.Paper

Notes of speeches at a Forestry Convention. MS notes on timber.
10-12 January 1906 2 copies programme of Canadian Forestry Convention, with MS notes.
Rough MS notes on forestry.
Review of Forest Administration in British India for the Year 1901-02 by S. Eardley-Wilmot (Calcutta 1903).

GRE/B170/33   1855-1909
2 January 1909, 12 March 1909 2 letters Charles W. Boyd to Grey, concerning his report on the prospects of Rhodesia and his hopes of getting the Governorship of Newfoundland.
Verses “O Canada”.
Typescript extracts from La Presse, Montreal 18 December 1907, and Le Soleil, Quebec 16 December 1907, concerning Grey's battlefields consecration scheme.
Cutting from Le Courier de Montmagry, 27 December 1907, reporting a talk by Grey at the Women's Canadian Club on national sentiment in Canada and the battlefields scheme.
MS notes by Grey.
MS “Discours J. G. Chauveau 13 Juillet 1855” (verse).
MS and typescript copy of “Discours prononcé a Montréal, le 25 Juin 1883, au concert organisé en faveur du Révérend M. Labelle, pour la colonisation”, by J.A. Chapleau, on the pioneers of Canada.
26 June 1884 MS notes of another “discours” by Chapleau.

Paper   20f.
GRE/B170/34   [early 20th century]
“Unused article” by Benjamin Sutle (President Royal Society of Canada), “The French Canadians”.
Cutting “Unwritten History - Benjamin Sulte Discusses Sidelights on Canada's Early Days Before Canadian Club - Influence of Early Salons - they took a Leading Part in securing a Constitution for Canada”. (Montreal Gazette 12 November 1907).

Paper   8f.
Importation of American Cattle into England
Reference: GRE/B170/35
Dates of creation: 1884; 1902-1908
Extent: 7f.Paper

Pamphlet: Canadian Store Cattle Trade Report of Proceedings at Conference of Representatives of Agriculturists, Consumers, Co-operative Societies, Commercial and Shipping Interests, and Municipal, Harbour and Local Authorities held in the Westminster Palace Hotel on 23 October 1902.
Press cuttings (1884) concerning English import restrictions on live cattle from USA - includes a letter from Grey to The Times.
Cutting from The Montreal Witness 16 July 1908 on British embargo against Canadian live cattle as a protectionist measure.

GRE/B170/36   1905
Leaflet: School Room Decoration by J. George Hodgins (Toronto 1905).
Paper   2f.
GRE/B170/37   1909
4 May 1909 Letter R.W. Scott to Grey, enclosing extract of a speech he had made which contained some figures Grey wished to have. The figures concern the prosperity that followed union of upper and lower Canada 1841-1854.
Pamphlet, by R.W. Scott: The Choice of the Capital - Reminiscences Revived on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Selection of Ottawa as the Capital of Canada ... (Ottawa 1909).

Paper   5f.
GRE/B170/38   1911
Mainly concerning “The Empire Builders” - a book of verses by Robert J.C. Stead. Grey's idea of imperial federation on a basis of mutual respect not fear.
1 March 1911, 6 March 1911 Copy letters Grey to J. G. McKelvey.
6 March 1911 Copy letter Grey to Robert J. C. Stead.
6 March 1911 Copy letter Grey to W. T. Stead.
20 March 1911 Letter Robert J. C. Stead to Grey enclosing a photograph of himself.
23 March [1911], 5 May 1911 [found separately] 2 letters “Donna” (Mary S. Watts) to Grey.

Paper   13f.
GRE/B170/39   1909
23 December 1909 Copy letter Grey to J. S. Brierley, on Brierley's speech on the lesson of the Imperial Press Conference - Imperial Defence.
Cutting from Montreal Herald, 14 December [1909], with report of Brierley's speech.

Paper   3f.
Goldwin Smith
Reference: GRE/B170/40
Dates of creation: 1905-1906
Extent: 9f.Paper

Public House regulation; Lord Durham and his views on Canada, the British Parliament and the Trade Unions.
2 June 1905, 17 June 1905 2 copies Grey to Goldwin Smith.
5 December 1906 Letter Goldwin Smith to Grey.
23 June 1905 Letter H. Francis Perry to Grey thanking him for letters (of introduction) to English philanthropists.
Press cuttings: letters to the press from Goldwin Smith on the House of Lords; and on the union of Canada and America; also an article on Goldwin Smith.

GRE/B170/41   1842-1851
3 copies of memorandum on Montreal showing the disastrous effect on its trade of Peel's abandonment of protection in 1846.
2 copies of an itinerary and brief memoranda on various streets, etc.

Paper   10f.
Knight Sugar Company
Reference: GRE/B170/42
Dates of creation: 1905
Extent: 8f.Paper

22 September 1905 Letter J. W. Knight to Captain Danzil C. Newton concerning Knight Sugar Company stock.
13 October 1905 Memorandum on the Knight Company.
Another memorandum on the Company.
Rough notes by Grey concerning the Company.

Nickel - Nelly Lake
Reference: GRE/B170/43
Dates of creation: [early 20th century]
Extent: 2f.Paper

Notes on the “strike” of nickel made near Nelly Lake (c.450 miles from Toronto).
Rough notes concerning the above.

Captain Newton
Reference: GRE/B170/44
Dates of creation: [early 20th century]
Extent: 19f.Paper

Typewritten memorandum on the French language in the Canadian Legislatures 1759-1848 with MS appendix of extracts from the relevant Canadian constitutional documents.

Princess of Wales and Geology
Reference: GRE/B170/45
Dates of creation: 1905
Extent: 4f.Paper

9 May 1905 Copy letter Grey to Sir Arthur Bigge, covering newspaper article: “Princess Figures in Geology - Hastings Co. made Famous by H.R.H. of Wales” (Toronto News, 1 May 1905).

Shawenegan Falls
Reference: GRE/B170/46
Dates of creation: 1904-1905
Extent: 10f.Paper

2 copies of a memorandum, one with MS annotations by Grey, on a visit to the Shawenegan Falls, the Water and Power Company there and the industries it provided for; also remarks on the paper manufacturing and pulp industries in Canada.
17 December 1904 Cutting from the Ottawa Free Press, “Great wealth going to waste in vast available water power yet unharnessed”.
3 August 1905 Cutting from Toronto Globe, “Pulpwood tariff Retaliation”.
28 August 1905 Cutting from the Ottawa Free Press, “Pulpwood or Pulp”.
9 November 1905 Cutting from the Ottawa Free Press, “That Quebec Tax” (on commercial travellers).
23 August 1905 Page from The Times Engineering Supplement, with article on “Electric Transmission”.
Another copy of the above.

GRE/B171/1   1908-1909
24 September - 15 October 1908 MS journal by Grey of his tour in Western Canada.
29 July - 30 August .... Typewritten notes of a tour in Western Canada.
n.d. Draft of dispatch by Grey to Lord ... on a three months' tour of Western Canada (incomplete).
Rough MS notes by Grey (2 pieces).
30 August 1909 Letter Samuel Haughton Graves to Grey, expressing regret that he was unable to accompany Grey on all his Yukon tour and concerning a book which he (Graves) had written, etc.

Paper   37f.
GRE/B171/2   1909-1912
22 January 1912 Letter Adam Shortt to Grey. The Public Service Commission of Inquiry in Canada; the Civil Service Commission and Civil Service reform; the new Canadian Government.
14 March 1912 Letter F. D.? Crosman? to Grey, expressing support for Grey in founding the institute and his belief that Grey would one day be Prime Minister.
26 January 1912 Letter Professor John George Adami to Grey. The Garden City movement in Canada and the Metropolitan Parks Bill. Memoranda on steamship service, immigrants, railways.
27 February 1912, memo to Aust detailing developments in Canada, incuding information on incoming immigrants, with business plan proposed by trans-Atlantic ship-owner, Knapp, on passage pricing.
7 February 1912 Letter Stafford Talbot to Grey concerning his business enterprizes, Grey's hospitality to Baron Pidoll of Austria.
8 December 1911 - 9 February 1912 3 bulletins issued by Lord Strathcona (High Commissioner for Canada) giving details of Canadian economic developments and progress.
Miscellaneous press cuttings, etc., including the following:
January - March 1912 Pages from The Montreal Weekly Witness, Tariffs, proportional representation, labour exclusion, the navy question, the Panama Canal, Canadian immigration.
March 1912 An article on Grey and interview with him in The Millgate Monthly.
February 1909 Article on Madeleine de Verchères in The May Court Magazine.
Proof of article “What shall we do about the Navy” by Stephen Leacock.
Booklet - “A Canadian Tour” reprinted from the Eastern Daily Press (1912).
Booklet - 5000 Facts about Canada (1912).
Press cuttings on India (January 1912).
Reviews of historical works by Sir George Trevelyan.

Paper   81f.
Reference: GRE/B171/3
Dates of creation: 1905-1911
Extent: 74f.Paper

2 copies of a paper on transportation (i.e. transport) in Canada.
Report of the Royal Commission on Transportation (1905).
(14 May 1908) Booklet: Canadian Transportation, a paper delivered before the Political Economy Club of Montreal by G. W. Stephens.
November 1907 “The Farmer, the Manufacturer and the Railroad” by Logan G. McPherson in the North American Review.
(24 February 1908) Cutting from The Toronto World, “Government ownership of Railways and Canada's Railway Problems”.
13 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Mr Oliver, Canadian railway statistics, details of freight and passengers.
Typewritten notes by Grey on railways, waterways and agriculture from speeches (?) and articles by J. J. Hill, Logan McPherson, C. C. James and Dr Saunders.
Pencil notes by Grey on railways, freight shipments, etc.
30 September 1911 Letter G. W. Stephens to D. A. Malcolm, giving statistics showing the increase in business of the Port of Montreal 1904-1910. Enclosure: Pamphlet: A Plea for the Re-adjustment of Marine Insurance Rates on the St Lawrence, by Major G. W. Stephens
(1911). 3 November 1910 Cutting from Toronto Saturday Night: “Canada and the St Lawrence Waterway” by Stephens.
Article from the National Review“Colonial Maritime Defence”, by C. E. Penrose Fitzgerald; and “Greater Britain - Canadian Notes” by E. B. O.
Page from The Labour Gazette, “The Transportation problem”.
Press cutting “Strategical Cables and the Imperial Council”.
December 1910 Page from Bulletin of Agricultural Statistics, on the disposal of the Canadian wheat crop for various years in the period 1880-1910.

GRE/B171/4   1907-1912

Paper   182f.
Reference: GRE/B171/5
Dates of creation: 1911
Extent: 14f.Paper

8 May 1911 Cutting Manitoba Free Press, “Foreign Policy and Imperial Defence”.
Draft copy of proposed speech to Empire Club - Mr Nesbitt - “Advantages of the Empire to Young Canadians”.
Rough notes by Grey.

GRE/B171/6   1911
12 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Mr George, Canadian National Exhibition.
12 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Colonel Hughes, concentration of establishments for the manufacture of small arms into one place in Quebec.
Duplicate copy of above letter.

Paper   6f.
GRE/B171/7   [early 20th century]
Typescript notes headed “Conservation Commission”. Natural resources of Canada.
Typescript copy of an address [by Mr Sifton] to New York business men on the progress, development and present position of Canada.
1 April 1913 Copy of a letter dated in Winnipeg. Naval question, Canadian economic situation, political corruption, etc.

Paper   37f.
GRE/B171/8   1909-1912
French Canadian Imperialism. Mr Frank Richardson of Penticton.
His son's entry into a military college; his enterprize as a new immigrant into Canada.
25 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir Frederick Borden.
18 January 1911 Letter Frank Richardson to Grey.
2 January 1911 Letter Frank Richardson to Grey, with 2 typescript copies.
2 November 1910 Letter Frank Richardson to Grey, with 2 typescript copies.
10 December 1909 2 copies of a letter from ... to Grey, setting forth the writer's political creed and belief in the necessity of independence for Canada.
4 articles in The Canadian Century, “A Quebec View of Canadian Nationalism” by Oliver Asselin.
Duplicates of 2 of the above articles.
“The Upbuilding of Agriculture”, article in The Canadian Century.
The following press cuttings:
27 January 1910 “A bilingual people”, Daily Witness.
27 January 1910 “Cahenslyism”, Montreal Witness.
13 January 1910 Article on Grey and the fleet, Le Devoir.
13 January 1910 Article on Great Britain and defence, Le Soleil.
17 January 1910 “The Disloyal Laurier”, Toronto Globe.
27 April 1909 “The Sham and the Real”, Montreal Daily Witness.
20 May 1909 Copy letter Grey to Mr Monk, German menace to British naval supremacy and the Province of Quebec.
4 June 1909 Letter Th. Chase-Casgrain to Grey, Sir W. Laurier and press attacks as the conservatives, enclosing cutting from L'Action Sociale, 2 June 1909.
8 June 1909 Copy letter Grey to Casgrain, the German threat and criticising Mr Monk.
6 December 1912 Letter Casgrain to Grey, the Conservatives in Canada and the defence of the Empire.
c.5 June 1909 Copy letter Grey to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, same subject (in duplicate).
Article in the National Review“Greater Britain, Canadian Affairs”, by E. B. O.
29 March 1909 Canadian House of Commons Debates, including debate on defence of Canadian Sea Coasts.
5 June 1909 Copy letter Grey to Robert L. Borden, Monk and the defence question (in duplicate).
15 June 1909 Letter Borden to Grey, enclosing memorandum on his discussions with Laurier during the defence debate 29 March 1909; and a memorandum on Fuscus' [Monk (?)] utterances at an interview.
3 November 1909 Letter Borden to Grey [found apart].
27 July 1909 Copy letter Grey to Sir C. Fitzpatrick, the Catholic Church in Canada.
3 May 1909 Letter Sir Charles Fitzpatrick to Grey [found apart], Grey has broadened Canadians' outlook.

Paper   93f.
Father Drummond
Reference: GRE/B171/9
Dates of creation: 1896-1901
Extent: 3f.Paper

7 November 1901 Press cutting, Father Drummond's lecture on “The Reasonableness of Belief” as summarised in The Northern Review.
(1896) Pamphlet: A Catholic Point of View by Lewis Drummond S.J.

George Drummond
Reference: GRE/B171/10
Dates of creation: 1905-1906
Extent: 8f.Paper

30 January 1905, 29 March 1906 2 letters George E. Drummond to Grey, the decline of race discrimination; the lack of opportunity for artists in Canada.
Pamphlet The Movement in Publicity and Reform, an address by Henry Clews (Philadelphia 1906).
April 1906 Reprint from East and West, “From West to East” by F. Blake Crofton.
8 May 1906 Cutting “The Transatlantic Mails”, The Herald (Montreal).
20 March 1905 Cutting “The Irish Awakening” (George E. Drummond on the future of the Emerald Isle), Montreal Daily Witness.

GRE/B171/11   [early 20th century]
Ancient Order of United Workmen of Ontario - typewritten information concerning this fraternal beneficiary society (for the information of Grey).
Paper   6f.
Charles Marcil
Reference: GRE/B171/12
Dates of creation: 1907-1911
Extent: 7f.Paper

Press cutting on Charles Marcil.
21 February 1907 Printed speech of Marcil, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, in response to the toast of "Canada" at the annual banquet of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association in New York.
28 February 1907 Letter Charles Marcil to Grey, concerning his speech on the above occasion.
26 April 1907 Letter Charles Marcil to Grey, thanking him for sending James Lemoine's letter.
5 October 1911 Letter Charles Marcil to Grey.
23 February 1907 Copy of The Fourth Estate, with photograph of Marcil.
22 February 1907 Cutting from The Montreal Daily Star, concerning the Press Dinner in New York and Marcil's speech.

Wayne McVeagh
Reference: GRE/B171/13
Dates of creation: 1906-1908
Extent: 18f.Paper

22 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to MacVeagh, the battle against corruption in USA.
6 May 1908 Letter Wayne MacVeagh to Grey, Morton Frewen's views on currency.
29 October 1907 Letter MacVeagh to Grey, regretting he cannot accept Grey's invitation.
June 1906 2 articles from The North American Review, “An appeal to our millionaires” by X, and “The Graduated Taxation of Incomes and Inheritances” by MacVeagh.

Major André
Reference: GRE/B172/1
Dates of creation: 30 March 1901-17 September 1903
Extent: 33f.Paper

Subjects include: sale of André's journal; offer of printed copy of same; inquiries about publication and serial rights; inquiries about André. There are also some facsimilies of Andrés handwriting and a typewritten extract of his journal.
Messrs Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge to Grey.
Messrs B. F. Stevens and Brown to Grey.
Messrs B. F. Stevens and Brown to B. Gilbertson.
George Pumfrey to Grey.
Curtis Brown to Grey.
T. Sturge (?) Cotterell to Grey.
John Ackerman to Grey.
William W. Ellsworth to Grey.
Grey to Wilfrid André.
Joseph H. Choate to Grey.
Fred W. Vaughan to Grey.
Senator Hoar to Moreton Frewen to Grey.
J. W. Bouton to W. W. Fletcher.
E. Leslie Gilliams to Grey.
Grey's secretary to E.L. Gilliams.
Grey to J. W. Bouton.
J. W. Bouton to Grey.
R. Brimley Johnson to Grey.
G. Leveson Gower to Grey.

Reference: GRE/B172/2
Dates of creation: 1905-1911
Extent: 11f.Paper

Pamphlet: “La Verité sur la Question de la Defense Navale”.
25 August 1909 La Vigie.
Les Ecoles du Nord-Ouest, pamphlet by Henri Bourassa (being a speech delivered on 17 April 1905 at Montreal).
The Reciprocity Agreement and its Consequences as Viewed from the Nationalist standpoint, pamphlet by Henri Bourassa.
31 January 1911 Cutting from The Montreal Daily Star, “French Canada and Reciprocity”.
9 November 1910 Cutting from The Citizen (Ottawa), “Quebec versus Canada”.
Pages from the Canadian Magazine: article on “The Nationalist Movement” by John Boyd.

Reference: GRE/B172/3
Dates of creation: 1908-1909
Extent: 20f.Paper

April 1909 Notes by Grey from an article “Canadian Life and Character” by C. Hopkin in University Magazine.
Notes by Grey from an article “The West”, by W. D. McBride.
November 1908 Notes by Grey from American Political Science Review.
Cuttings from the Times Literary Supplement, The Gazette (Montreal), The Nation, etc.
Notes by Grey and copies of poems.

The Imperial Home Reunion Bureau and Canadian immigration
Reference: GRE/B172/4
Dates of creation: November 1912
Extent: 8f.Paper

November 1912 Letter from Arthur Steel Maitland to Grey.
Cable Wise to Grey.
Cable Bullman to Grey.
Letter Frank Wise to Grey.

Reference: GRE/B172/5
Dates of creation: 1894-1909
Extent: 15f.Paper

Pamphlet: Special Message from the President of the United States transmitting Report of the National Conservation Commission with Accompanying Papers (1909).
Notes by Grey - natural resources etc.of Ontario Peninsula.
18 January 1909 Cutting from The Daily Star, “An object Lesson in Forestry”.
20 April 1908 Page from The Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, “Recreation and Business”.
22 May 1894 Extract from a paper read by Professor John Macoun before the Royal Society of Canada [deforestation in Canada].
Page from a magazine on “The National Conservation Movement”.
Extract from an article on the “Coming Timber Famine” by a merchant, with particulars of afforestation.

GRE/B172/6   1905-1907
Photographs: Frederick Booth Tucker and Emma Moss Booth Tucker.
18 April 1905 Lines “Thank You” by Frederick Booth Tucker.
Press cutting “Tribute to the Departed” - Howe's graceful references to the men who had gone before - the decorum of conduct and amenities of public life.
Map: Intercolonial Railway and Prince Edward Island Railway of Canada, showing existing and proposed Cape Breton Railway.
Plan of the city and harbour of Louisburg, with the French batteries that defended it, and those of the English, showing that part of Garbarus Bay in which they landed and the ground on which they encamped during the seige in 1745. The route of the proposed Cape Breton Railway has been indicated on this plan.
8 October 1905 Letter from D. Mills to Grey, covering the above and concerning the acquisition of the necessary land, and also enclosing a paper with notes of the committees (in various places) of the Society of Colonial Wars.
Report on the Salvation Army Colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England, with scheme of national land settlement, by Commissioner H. Rider Haggard (presented to Parliament June 1905).
The New Settler - A review of Twelve months' immigration work in connection with the Salvation Army (January 1907).
The Salvation Army Emigration Gazette (January 1907).
The Royal Rhodesia Settlement Company: Prospectus (preliminary proof).

Paper; Photographic prints   78f.
Rider Haggard
Reference: GRE/B172/7
Dates of creation: 1902-1905
Extent: 107f.Paper

21 July 1905 A. Mackenzie King to Col. Hanbury Williams, enclosing press cuttings on Rider Haggard's colonisation scheme.
[1905] Frederick Booth Tucker to Grey, concerning colonisation bonds guarantees by the Ontario, British or Canadian Governments.
28 June 1902 Extract from St James Gazette, “Peopling the Colonies”.
The Land and Settlement Association Ltd - Prospectus and estimated accounts.
Notes by Grey.
Press cutting - Haggard's scheme of Canadian settlement.
Report on the Salvation Army Colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England, with scheme of national land settlement, by Commissioner H. Rider Haggard (June 1905) [marked strictly confidential until presented to Parliament and issued - H. Rider Haggard].
Copy “Remarks on the Salvation Army Colony Fort Romie”.
5 April 1905 Copy notes of an interview between Commissioner H. Rider Haggard and various officers of the Salvation Army - Fort Amity Colony.
Press cutting, “Salvation Army Emigration”.
19 April [1905] Morning Post cutting, “There is one aspect of the problem of the unemployed which cannot be fully considered without dismay...”.
Envelope marked “Rider Haggard's Report - Clippings” (contains 3 press cuttings).
28 June 1905 Letter from J. Coley-Bromfield to Grey, claiming prior authorship of the suggestions in Rider Haggard's report.
10 July 1905 Criticism of Haggard's report by A. Wilson Fox (typescript).
MS approval of this criticism.
July 1905 Press cuttings on Haggard's report.

Reference: GRE/B172/8
Dates of creation: 1899-1906
Extent: 59f.Paper

Subjects include: a challenge cup presented by Grey to the Northumberland Artillery; the Imperial Cadet Association; the colonies and imperial defence; the volunteers; Canada and the naval contribution; the British Empire League; seizure of the Canadian ship “Agnes Donahue” by Uruguay; the encouragement of rifle markmanship; military training in schools; the citizen army; Lord Esher on the army.
9 August 1899 Letter H.B. Hans Hamilton to Grey.
Newspaper clipping from The Times, September 1902, regarding the Union Jack.
15 November 1904 and 18 November 1904 2 letters J. Taylor Peddie to Grey.
Typescript circular regarding the Imperial Cadet Force Association and a list of notable people asked to take part in the association.
Newspaper clipping from The Times, 27 December 1904, regarding the colonies and imperial defence.
21 January 1905 Letter John J. Hicks to Grey.
Newspaper cutting from The Advertiser, 31 May 1905, regarding Imperial defence.
4 February 1905 Copy Grey to Col. Hicks.
Newspaper cutting of letter by John S. Ewart to the Citizen, 4 May 1905, "His Excellency and Naval Contribution".
Newpaper cutting from The Montreal Star, 18 May 1905, regarding Canada and imperial defence.
Newspaper cutting from the Ottowa Citizen, 20 May 1905, regarding Canada and the British Navy.
Newspaper cutting from The Outlook, 13 May 1905, regarding imperial defence.
Newspaper cutting from the Toronto Mail and Empire, 22 May 1905, regarding the duty of the Empire League.
Newspaper cutting from the Toronto Maila and Empire, 22 May 1905, regarding the British Navy.
2 June 1905 Copy Grey to Earl of Meath.
Newspaper cutting from the Toronto Sun, 1905, regarding Japan and it's recent conflict with Russia
9 July 1905 Copy Grey to Julius Wernher.
15 August 1905 Copy James L. Hughes to Grey and (copy) memorandum by Hughes for reply to Lord Londonderry's enquiry regarding drill in public schools.
18 July 1905 Copy Robert L. Morant to Grey.
Newspaper cutting from The Times, 24 August 1905, regarding military training in School.
Newspaper cutting from the Ottawa Journal, 16 September 1905, regarding rifle shooting in school.
Newspaper cutting from the Toronto News, 30 September 1905, regarding rifle shooting in school.
Newspaper cutting of pictures of schoolboy cadets from the Free Press News, Winnipeg, 13 October 1905.
Newspaper cutting from the Ottawa Citizen, 2 October 1905, regarding a citizen army.
Newspaper cutting from the Winnipeg Telegram, 13 October 1905, regarding public school cadets
Article by Earl of Dundonald from Fortnightly Review, 1905, regarding a citizen army.
Article from Review of Reviews regarding Lord Ehers views on the army.
13 October 1905 Letter Ralph Carr Ellison to Grey and press article, "The Training of the People", by Carr-Ellison.
6 November 1905, 6 January 1906 2 copy letters Grey to Earl Egerton of Tatton.
6 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Sir Frederick Borden.
29 November 1905, 27 December 1905 2 letters Egerton of Tatton to Grey and cutting of letter to The Times with letter Londonderry to Egerton, 6th January 1906.
16 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Lord Roberts.

GRE/B172/9   1905-1909
7 December 1908 Memorandum of Grey's views on Canada and asiatic immigration.
29 March 1909 Speech of George E. Foster in the Canadian House of Commons on Naval defence.
30 September 1905 Cutting from the Evening Journal (Ottawa), concerning George E. Foster on the subject of "No reciprocity for Canada".
22 May 1909 Copy letter from Clive Phillipps-Wolley to Sir John ..., concerning a meeting in Victoria in connection with the Navy League.
The Navy League - Victoria - Esquimalt Branch - Annual Report , 1909.
29 April 1909 Telegram in connection with the Navy League.
Notes by Grey on Naval Debate.

Paper   18f.
GRE/B172/10   4 February 1909
4 February 1909 Proposal for a Pacific-Asiatic Conference and memorandum in connection with same, by T.R.E. McInnes.
Paper   20f.
Subjects include: Canadian bakeries in Japan, the Russo-Japanese war, Anglo-Japanese alliance, development of the Canadian N.W., Public House Trust, freight charges on wheat and flour in the USA and Canada, flour sales in China, Brazil flour tariff.
21 September 1905 Sydney Fisher to Grey.
10 July 1906 T. Nosse to Grey.
30 October 1907 T. Nosse to Hanbury Williams.
20 September 1905 W.G. Parmelee to Grey's secretary.
6 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mr Muloch.
11 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Nosse.
12 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to W. Mackenzie (Toronto).
13 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
4, 7, 11 January 1907 Letters A.D. Cartwright (secretary Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada) to A.F. Sladen.
26 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Robert Meighen.
20 January 1907 Letter Claude M. Macdonald to Grey.
25 February 1907 Copy letter P.W. Thomson to Grey.
13 March 1907 Letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey.
14 December 1906 Copy extract of letter from Mr Thompson.
22 January 1907 Copy letter Robert Meighen to Grey.
1 January 1906 Translation of a letter from Mr Arichika Ikeda (a resident of Queen Charlotte Island, BC) to Hon. T. Nosse.
Translation of an extract from letter from Mr A. Ikeda.
Memorandum on Kanada-Panya (The Canadian Bakeries).
Paper on Canadian Japanese trade.
Copy memorandum: Trade between Canada and Japan.
Estimated annual cost of Canadian Bakeries.
Plan of making the general demonstration to advertise on the superior quality of the Canadian wheat flour in Japan.
Notes by Grey on Mr Meighen.
Statements of salmon and trout and salt exported from Canada and to Japan and elsewhere, 1902-4.
Statement on Canada-Japan trade since the new treaty was made.
Trade and Commerce, Canada, Weekly Reports 13 August 1906, 25 February 1907, 19 August 1907, 26 August 1907, 4 November 1907, 18 November 1907, 25 November 1907.
Bundle of papers relating to: a possible wheat glut and desirability of stimulating Japanese demand for Canadian wheat.
Extract from report of the Canadian Commission to the 5th National Exhibition of Japan, 1903 - on Canadian hard wheat flour.
Statement on freight rates on flour and grain in Canada and USA.
December 1906 Notes by Grey of a conversation with Mr Thompson of the Ogilvie Flour Mills Company.
14 December 1906 Extract of a letter from Thompson.
22 January 1907 Letter Robert Meighen to Grey, Canada-Japanese trade in flour.
1906 Memorandum by Grey on Canada-Japan trade.
Memorandum concerning S. Tamura and Canada-Japan trade.
Memorandum submitted by Mr Nosse to Grey on Canada-Japan trade.
Note of Grey's fear lest Japan should conquer islands off British Columbia.
1 January 1906 Translation of a letter from Mr Arichika Ikeda to T. Nosse, on Queen Charlotte Island.
Translation of an extract from a letter from Mr Ikeda on his enterprises in Hot Spring Island.
Notes by Grey - Canada Japanese trade potentialities.
Papers on Canada's exports to Japan.

Paper   165f.
GRE/B172/12   1884; 1907-1908
Main subject is a book belonging to Chauveau's father which had been lent to Grey and been mislaid.
19 September 1907, 29 June 1908 2 letters Alexandre Chauveau to Grey.
4 June 1908 Letter McDoughty (Dominion Archivist) to Col. Hanbury Williams.
1 June 1908 Letter Alexandre Chaveau to McDoughty.
29 June 1908 Letter Alexandre Chaveau to Grey.
Académie Royal de Belgique : extrait des Bulletins, 3e série, tome VII, no 3; mars 1884.

Paper   6f.
Indian Immigration
Reference: GRE/B172/13
Dates of creation: 1892; 1909
Extent: 79f.Paper

4 August 1909 Statement concerning Hindus in Canada from the Immigration Branch, Department of the Interior, Canada.
9 October 1909 Letter William C. Hopkinson (of the above dept.) to Grey, with report on the possibility of forming a company or companies of militia from the Hindus in Vancouver.
Paper on Behring Sea Sealing and Canada's claim for pecuniary compensation from USA.
Paper dealing with the following subjects: Pelagic Sealing; Boundary Waters Treaty; Pecuniary Claims Convention; North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration.
May 1892 Article from the North American Review, "Party Government on its Trial" by Goldwin Smith.
15 February 1892 Article from the New York Independent "The London Times on Canadian Elections", by Goldwin Smith.
The following papers are pinned together:
15 July 1909 Copy letter R.W. Coulter (Deputy Postmaster General of Canada) to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on his mission to Australia and New Zealand concerning a proposed steamship service between England, Australia and New Zealand via Canada.
1 February 1909 Copy letter from Coulter to Andrew Fisher (Prime Minister of Australia), concerning the steamship service.
17 February 1909 Copy letter Josiah Thomas (Postmaster General of Australia) to Coulter, on the same subject.
2 April 1909 Copy letter same to same, on the same subject.
14 April 1909 Copy letter Coulter to Thomas, on the same subject.
Address to Grey on opening a bridge in Vancouver.
14 June 1909 Copy letter Richard McBride to Grey, project in connection with land in the Chilcoton Country.
5 August 1909 Letter William C. Hopkinson to Grey, covering the following copies of reports sent to the Department of the Interior in connection with Hindu matters in Canada. The letters mainly concern the activities of Teja Singh among Hindu immigrants:
4 January 1909 Letter Hopkinson to J.B. Harkin.
21 January 1909 J.H. MacGill to W.W. Cory.
18 March 1909 Hopkinson to MacGill.
15 April, 6 May, 18 May 1909 Hopkinson to Cory.
12 August 1909 Letter Hopkinson to Grey, enclosing copy report (same date) by him to Cory concerning a Hindu named G.D. Kumar, with transcript of part of a deposition by Hernan Singh in a case of assault heard at the Victoria, B.C. Police Court, 22 February 1909.
12 August 1909 Further letter Hopkinson to Cory.

GRE/B172/14   [early 20th century]
‘Each Colour to its own Zone’ .
Notes by Grey on serious situation in respect of Japan.
19 January 1909 Cutting from New York Daily Tribune, "Square Deal for Japan - President Roosevelt urges it".
Cutting "Japan and Wheat".
Notes by Grey - Japanese defence budget; US defence budget, etc.

Paper   6f.
Asiatic Immigration
Reference: GRE/B172/15
Dates of creation: 1908
Extent: 5f.Paper

15 August 1908 Cutting from the Statist, "The Colour Prejudice".
18 January 1908 Cutting from the New York Times, "The Negro's Future".
23 January 1908 Pages from The Nation, "Hindus in the Transvaal".

British trade in Canada
Reference: GRE/B172/16
Dates of creation: [1908]
Extent: 1 filePaper

Report upon the Conditions and Prospects of British Trade in Canada, by Richard Grigg (special commissioner of the Advisory Committee to the Board of Trade on Commercial Intelligence). Presented to the (English) Houses of Parliament. Within are two paper cuttings, one from The Times August 15 1911, and the second also from The Times, no date visible. Both cuttings .

M. Henri Bourassa
Reference: GRE/B173/1
Dates of creation: 1908-1911
Extent: 50f.Paper

Subjects include: proportional representation and corruption in public life, Gifford Pinchot, Imperialism, the protection of minorities, independence for Canada, disposal of crown lands, Sir W. Laurier's policy, Bourassa's anti-imperialism, methods of dealing with Bourassa, the threat of German naval supremacy and the establishment of the Canadian Navy League in Quebec, the "ne temere" decree, Archbishop Bruchesi and the Catholics of Quebec and his desire to see the King.
29 December 1908 Letter Henri Bourassa to Grey.
30 December 1908 Copy Grey to Bourassa.
4 January 1909 Letter Elsie Reford to Grey.
3 November 1908, 30 August 1915 2 letters Mrs Elsie Reford to Grey.
7, 10 January 1909, 17 December 1910 Copies Grey to Mrs Reford.
20 May 1909 Copy letter Grey to Mr Monk.
7 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to the Duke of Norfolk.
9 December .... Memorandum by Grey of a conversation with Bourassa.
Press cuttings of reports of speeches by Bourassa, etc.

GRE/B173/2   26 March 1904-17 June 1907
Booth Tucker and Rider Haggard. Subjects: Rider Haggard's report on the establishment of Salvation Army Colonies; the Rhodes Trustees and assistance of Salvation Army colonisation in South Africa; the Danish Government's scheme of peasant proprietorship, and a Norwegian scheme; the Tennyson commission to consider Rider Haggard's report; Australian immigration policy; the natural resources of Ontario; suggested presentation to Dr Mills; Salvation Army scheme of land settlement for England; Salvation Army scheme of land settlement in Rhodesia; proposals and negotiations with respect to the formation of a Salvation Army settlement in New Ontario: the government and financial help for the scheme; Sir W. Van Horne's plan for laying out farms; Migration from eastern to north west Canada; Booth Tucker and India - Salvation Army schemes there; Financial needs of the Salvation Army; the Salvation Army and Prison work etc. in Canada. Contents include:
16 letters from Frederick Booth Tucker to Grey.
9 copies Grey to Booth Tucker.
1 letter E.W. Scripps to Booth Tucker.
Copy Bernard Holland to Booth Tucker.
5 letters H. Rider Haggard to Grey.
2 copies Grey to Rider Haggard.
2 letters and 1 telegram General William Booth to Grey.
1 copy Grey to General Booth.
1 copy General Booth to Winston Churchill.
Telegram Commander Evangeline Booth to Grey.
Copy letter Grey to Evangeline Booth.
Cable Bramwell Booth to Grey.
Copy letter Grey to [John Rudolphus] Booth.
2 letters Commissioner Coombs to Grey.
2 copies Grey to Coombs.
2 letters Coombs to Col. Hanbury Williams.
Copy J.P. Whitney to Coombs.
3 letters W.J. Hanna to Grey.
3 copies Grey to Hanna.
Copy Grey to Mr Ross.
2 copies Grey to W.S. Fielding.
Copy Grey to Bernard Holland.
Letter Clifford Sifton to Grey.
Copy Grey to Clifford Sifton.
2 letters E.C. Whitney to Grey.
Copy Grey to E.C. Whitney.
Also a copy to "Mr Whitney" of 16 December 1906 might refer to J.P. Whitney or to E.C. Whitney.
Copy Grey to Mary Countess of Minto.
Letter F.W. Hodson to Grey.
Copy Grey to Frank Oliver.
Letter J.P. Whitney to Grey.
Copy Grey to R.M. Palmer.
Letter J.S. Willison to Arthur F. Sladen with note from Grey for Rider Haggard on back.
22 April 1904 Extracts from the Danish Law regarding the provision of farm lots for country labourers.
1906 Salvation Army prison figures for Canada.
3 October 1905 Notes of evidence before Lord Tennyson's committee to consider Rider Haggard's proposals for colonisation in Canada and elsewhere.
25 February 1907 Memo by Grey of an interview with Commissioner Coombs and Brigadier Howell of the Salvation Army (an amended copy of which was sent to Lord Elgin, 21 March 1907).
29 April 1907 Memo by Grey of an interview with Coombs.
17 June 1907 Note of Government grants to the Salvation Army.
Press cutting on Salvation Army Colonies.
Press cutting Dr Coard on colonisation of N.W. Canada.

Paper   84 items, 168f.
Japan: Oriental Immigration
Reference: GRE/B173/3
Dates of creation: 1907-1908
Extent: 63 items, 134f.Paper

Subjects include: misconduct of Americans in Japan; flour trade to China; riots and attacks on Japanese property in Vancouver; the Anti-Asiatic League; asiatic immigration; Lemieux's mission to Japan; the Lemieux Act; Grey's scheme for developing sale of Canadian food in Japan; his fears about unoccupied islands off British Columbia; the Natal Act; negotiations between Canada and Japan concerning immigration to Canada. Contents include:
1. Letters:
14 January 1907 Grey to Nosse.
Copy W.T.R. Preston to T. Nosse.
5 July 1907, 17 March 1908, 14 November 1908, 9 July 1908 Copy Claude M. Macdonald to Sir Edward Grey.
19 February 1908, 4 March 1908 Copy Claude M. Macdonald to Count Hayashi.
19 March 1907 Copy Grey to Lord Elgin.
25 February 1908, 12 March 1908, 7 July 1908 Copy Hayashi Tadasu, Count, to Macdonald.
20 February 1907, 17 March 1908, 17 March 1908 (orig); 9 July 1908 Copy Claude M. Macdonald to Grey.
23 October 1907 Copy Grey to Sir Claude Macdonald.
January 1907 Extract of letter from Lord Howick.
25 February 1907 Copy P.W. Thomson to Grey.
31 August 1907 M.S. Nagasaki to Grey.
7 October 1907 Copy T. Nosse to Grey.
2 October 1907 Letter [T.R.E. McInnes?] to Frank Oliver, detailed report on Asiatic immigration into British Columbia, with a memorandum relating to it.
23 October 1907 Copy Grey to Admiral Yagamoto.
23 October 1907 Copy Grey to Mr Lemieux.
23 October 1907 Copy Grey to Mr Pope.
24 October 1907 Copy Grey to Prince Fushimi.
20 November 1907 T.R. McInnes to Grey.
19 ... 1907 Mackenzie King to A.F. Sladen.

2. Other Documents:
16 December 1907 Canadian House of Commons Debates.
Comparative statement of immigrants into Canada from various countries 1904-5, 1905-6.
Analysis of immigration into British Columbia, 1903-4, 1904-5, 1905-6, 1906-7 (in part).
Law for protecting "Imin" 1896.
Press cuttings on Oriental Immigration, riots in British Columbia against Japanese, Anglo Japanese relations.
28 August 1907 Copy circular Elgin to Grey.
23 April 1907 Memorandum on trade between Canada and Japan.
(19 March 1907) Memorandum by Grey of an interview with Mr Nosse - Canada-Japan trade.
Memorandum on the Asiatic Exclusion League.
5 March 1908 Memorandum on passports issued in Japan.
(21 March 1908) Address by W.T.R. Preston (Commissioner of Commerce for Canada) on Japan, our ally in the Far East.
Translation of an article in a Japanese publication on Trans-Pacific freight rates.
Notes by Grey summarising letters etc., on Japanese immigration question with some observations by himself on the matter.
Undated copy pf note from F. Oliver, requesting report 2 Oct 1907 to be treated as absolutely confidential.
10 October 1907, Memorandum regarding the situation in Vancouver following the riots.

GRE/B173/4   1887-1908
Part of a letter from Sydney Fisher.
13 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, with note by Grey that Fisher had requested him not to send it.
1906 Memorandum by Grey on Canadian-Japanese Trade. (Includes some notes by Grey in red ink). Copy paper on Kanada-Panya (The Canadian Bakeries) proposed to be established in Japan.
13 July 1906 Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.
Memorandum on Canadian and American - Japanese trade.
1 January 1906 Translation of letter from Arichika Ikeda to T. Nosse, concerning Queen Charlotte Island.
Translation of an extract of a letter from Ikeda on Hot Spring Island.
Estimate by Nosse of the cost of maintaining at Tokio and Osaka offices for demonstrating the processes of baking and of selling Canadian agricultural products at cost price.
10 January 1907 Extract of letter from Lord Howick to Grey, on Canadian-Japanese trade.
19 March 1907 Paper on Canadian-Japanese trade.
Statement concerning the suitability of Canadian wheat for macaroni and vermicelli which were extensively consumed in Japan.
22 March 1907 Letter Sir Richard John Cartwright to Grey - lack of interest by many Canadian manufacturers in foreign markets.
Paper headed "Figures given by Mr Shinkichi Tamura of Kobe Japan" - mainly concerning flour trade between Canada and Japan.
Press cuttings "Flour for Japan" etc.
14 December 1906 Letter F.?H? Thompson to Grey expressing willingness to contribute under certain conditions to scheme for stimulating a demand for Canadian food products in Japan.
11 December 1906 Memorandum by Grey on a conversation with Thompson concerning flours and milling.
22 January 1907 Letter Robert Meighen to Grey, expressing willingness to contribute to the education of the Japanese in the use of Canadian flour.
16 March 1908 Letter Joseph Pope to Grey, difficulty of competing against American flour in Japan. Menu card "Kon Datte" with statistics of Japanese trade especially with Canada and USA.
1906 Card: Banquet tendered by the Consul General of Japan for Canada in commemoration of the conclusion of the commercial treaty between Japan and Canada (12 July 1906).
Aggregate trade of Canada with Japan 1900-1905 with pages annexed from a sessional paper (1905) on Canadian trade with Japan.
Freight rates on flour and grain - comparative statement for Canada and USA.
20 April 1905 Letter from Mackenzie King to A.F. Sladen concerning the superiority of Manitoba spring wheat over Oregon winter wheat.
Extract from report of the Canadian Commission to the 5th National Exhibition of Japan, 1903, on Canadian hard wheat flour.
Press cutting: economic statistics for Japan and USA.
English House of Commons return of exports of the United Kingdom, Germany and USA to China and South America, 1887-1906.

Paper   26 items, 76f.
British Columbia, India and Zones
Reference: GRE/B173/5
Dates of creation: 1908
Extent: 24f.Paper

Subjects of these letters: asiatic immigration; Teja Singh (an agitator in British Columbia); seditious movements among Indians in B.C.; Mackenzie King's visit to India and China; unsuccessful attempt to persuade some Hindoos in British Columbia to go to Honduras; the Montreal Carnival; Mr Brodeur and his deputy Desbarats in the Marine and Fisheries Department.
5 October 1908 Letter Sir Claude Macdonald to Grey.
7 December 1908, 14 December 1908 2 copy letters Grey to Sir W. Laurier.
7 December 1908 Copy letter J.B. Harkin to W.W. Cory (Deputy Minister of Interior).
5 December and 7 December 1908 Copy telegrams J.B. Harkin to W.W. Cory.
8 December 1908 Copy cable Grey to Lord Crewe.
9 December 1908 Draft letter [Grey's secretary (?)] to Lord Crewe.
9 December 1908 Note (Assistant Director of Intelligence?) to J. Hanbury Williams.
30 November 1908 Copy letter Major Rowland Brittain to the Assistant Director of the Intelligence.
Copy letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Sir John N. Jordan.
10 December 1908 Recommendations of Laurier to the Governor General in Council. Memorandum on Grey's suggestion regarding the necessity of an understanding between the Asiatic and white races on the attitude to be assumed towards migration of their labouring classes and petty traders and the possibility of dividing the world into zones as a means of dealing with the problem.

Sir Charles Fitzpatrick
Reference: GRE/B173/6
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 12f.Paper

Subjects of these letters: the Hague tribunal's award with respect to the Newfoundland fisheries; rivalry of Canada and USA in respect to Newfoundland; obstacles to confederation of Canada and Newfoundland and opportunities of surmounting them; Dr Grenfell's influence; Vivian and the Garden City movement; the danger of Canadian towns becoming slums.
17 September 1910, 22 September 1910 2 letters Sir Charles Fitzpatrick to Grey.
18 and 20 October 1910 2 copy letters Grey to Fitzpatrick.
Press cutting on the decision of the Hague tribunal on the Newfoundland fisheries.

GRE/B173/7   1910
Memorandum of what Robson pointed out (23 December 1908) with regard to Dominion navies.
Paper headed "The Dominion Navy".
August 1910 Admiralty memorandum on status of Dominion ships of war.
30 July 1910 Secret memorandum on the officering of the navies of the Dominions.
Group of papers containing: Address of John A. Lee (Mayor of New Westminster, British Columbia) to Sir W. Laurier and members of the Council on the Fraser River Improvement, incorporating the following letters:
7 December 1910 Copy letter W. McNeill (Assistant General Manager Western Canada Power Co. Ltd.) to John A. Lee (Mayor of New Westminster, B.C.), necessity of improving Fraser river.
26 November 1910 Copy letter the Small & Bucklin Lumber Co. Ltd. (per E.H. Bucklin) to Lee, same subject.
29 November 1910 Copy letter J.R. Duncan (Secretary Vulcan Iron Works Ltd.) to Lee, same subject.
Facts and figures about Royal City (Lumber) Mill.
20 November 1910 Copy letter H.J. Mackin (Sales Manager of Canadian Western Lumber Co. Ltd) [to Lee(?)], same subject.
26 November 1910 Copy letter L.A. Lewis (Brunette Saw Mill Co. Ltd.) to Lee, same subject.
1 December 1910 Copy letter Alex Hilton (Canadian Western Lumber Co. Ltd.) to Mr White (member of delegation to Ministry at Ottawa), same subject.
Private and confidential statement on the financial position of Canada.
Notes on illegal entry of Chinese into British Columbia and opium smuggling.
Notes on trade to the West Indies.

Paper   46f.
GRE/B173/8   1908-1909
British Columbia Fruit; Park Reserve.
2 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell - development of British Columbia fruit lands by British investors and immigrants.
4 January 1908 Letter S.E. Oliver to Grey - a lumber camp in British Columbia in which Grey was concerned and Grey's visit to British Columbia.
6 November 1908 Copy S.E. Oliver to Grey - lands he is purchasing on behalf of Grey.
20 May 1909 Page from The Nation, "Seeing the Pacific Slope".

Paper   11f.
GRE/B173/9   1905-1911
Mr Longley and Joseph Howe. Subjects of these letters: the Dominion Exhibition at Halifax; an edition of Joseph Howe's speeches and public letters; the lease of part of the burial ground at Louisburg to a railway company; a request to A. Carnegie to support the Louisburg battlefields scheme; Grey's visit to Lambton County; Howe's statement about one of his sons and the American Civil War; the improvement of Toronto; the sale of liquor in Cobalt; prohibition; and public house trusts.
13 May 1905, 26 August 1905 Letters J. Longley to Grey.
6 June 1905, 24 August 1905, 12 December 1905, n.d. Copies Grey to Longley.
8 May 1906 Copy Grey to Andrew Carnegie.
14 May 1906 Letter William McDonald to Grey.
15 May 1906 Copy Grey to McDonald.
7 June 1906 Letter D.C. Fraser to Grey.
3 June 1911, 4 June 1906 Copies Grey to W.J. Hanna.
1 and 7 June 1906 Letter W.J. Hanna to Grey.
Note concerning the sale of cannon at Fort Cumberland for scrap iron.
Memorandum by Grey on the desirability of the Ottawa Branch of the Daughters of the Empire initiating a movement for the preservation of the battlefields of Quebec and Louisburg as a national trust.
Undated copy of letter from Grey to N. Layla (?), regarding a new edition of Joseph Howe's works.

Paper   31f.
GRE/B173/10   1907-1910
26 May 1910 Copy Grey to Philippe Hébert, a commission for Hérbert and the Madeleine de Vercheres monument.
30 July 1907 Letter Hérbert to [A.F. Sladen?].
25 July 1907 Copy Sladen to Hérbert, skating and music and drama trophies.
2 sketches of design for a monument.

Paper   7f.
GRE/B173/11   1906-1909
File labelled ‘Military Training in Schools’.
5 May 1909 Press cuttings: "Prizes for essays on school drill", Ottawa Free Press.
2 February 1909 "The National Service League" - letter to The Times from Roberts, Wellington, Meath, Milner, Curgon and Raglan on compulsory military training for home defence.
14 and 15 April 1908 Copy of 2 cables from Lord Selborne to Governor General (National Rifle Association Competition throughout British Empire on Empire Day).
24 March 1908 Printed Dominions circular, confidential, from Elgin concerning the enclosure: Memorandum by the Colonial Defence Committee on restrictions on the use of British ports abroad by foreign ships of war. (Revised edition).
MS account concerning the activities of the Halifax Provisional Battalion in April-July 1885 against rebels among the First Nations peoples in the NW territories.
February 1908 Secret memorandum by the Colonial Defence Committee on War Signal Stations and Port War Signal Stations.
21 November 1907 Letter Lieutenant-General Percy Henry Noel Lake to Hanbury Williams.
22 November 1907 Note J. Hanbury Williams to C.J. [Charles J. Jones, Chief Clerk in Governor General's Secretary's Office].
20 November 1907 Letter Col. Eugène Fiset (deputy minister, Department of Militia and Defence, Canada) to Hanbury Williams endorsing the following document: Physical training and military drill in public schools. (Statement of the arrangement entered into by the Minister of Militia and Defence with the Governor of Nova Scotia for introduction of physical and military training in schools in that province).
16 November 1907 Letter Ernest F. Jarvis to Hanbury Williams promising to send the above document in a few days.
14 November 1907 Copy letter [J. Hanbury Williams] to the Secretary, Militia Council, Department of Militia and Defence.
Note by Hanbury Williams concerning the enclosure described below*.
1 October 1907 Letter Percy H.N. Lake to Hanbury Williams enclosing: *Notes of conference with the Premier of Nova Scotia and the Educational Authorities of the Province on 25 September 1907.
27 September 1907 Cutting from The Toronto Globe, "Training Boy Soldiers - Military Instruction in Schools and Colleges".
13 April 1907 Cutting from The Spectator, on universal military training for English youth.
21 December [1906] Letter C. Frederick Hamilton to Hanbury Williams enclosing a detailed memorandum on military drill in schools, with two maps: Topographic map Ontario - Dunville sheet (Intelligence Branch Department of Militia and Defence 1906). Proof of the Dunville and Grimsby sheets. Schools and circuits of instructors marked on each.

Paper   54f.
GRE/B173/12   1906-1911
File of typescript notes:
‘Canada's Resources and Possibilities’ by J.S. Jeans.
‘The Great Dominion’ by G.R. Parkin.
24 May 1910 Notes from an article in The Times by Willison on Canada and Britain, especially the question of preference and free trade within the Empire.
Printed paper: “No. 1441, Chambre des Députés. Annexe au procès-verbal de la séance du 16 janvier 1908. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Douanes chargée d'examiner le Project de Loi portant approbation de la convention de Commerce entre la France et le Canada, signée à Paris le 19 Septembre 1907”. By Jules Siegfried; with copy of Convention de Commerce entre la France et le Canada. (Paris).
12 January 1910 File of press cuttings and typescript notes - Mr R.L. Borden - Naval Debate.
15 April 1910 File of typescript notes: Mr Fisher's (min. of Agriculture) statement in the House of Commons. Statement of the operations and work of the Agricultural Department since 1896. A lot about experimental farms.
File of typescript notes: Experimental Farms - Veterinary Branch.
File of typescript notes and press cuttings, etc.: House of Commons Debate, 22 April 1909; coal industry in B.C., protection, agriculture. Also contains: 1 May 1909 Copy letter [A.F. Sladen] to J.W. Edwards. 4 May 1909 Letter J.W. Edwards to Sladen. File of typescript notes and cuttings: Hon. Mackenzie King - investigation of Combines Bill. House of Commons, 12 April 1910.
File of typescript notes concerning John R. Booth (1826-1925) who had evidently shown Grey around his pulp and paper mills.
4 July 1908 Notes by Grey of conversations with J.J. Hill (1) on railway financial matters -C.P.R. etc; (2) concerning President Roosevelt "the most monumental hypocrite the world has ever seen".
Memorandum by Grey of visit by Sir William Van Horne to Government-house Ottawa, 6-8 January [1906]. Van Horne gave a detailed account of the financial difficulties that had arisen over the construction of the C.P.R. and how they were overcome; and how Lords Strathcona and Mountstephen later came to the aid of Lord Revelstoke. Also mentions the ruin of Villard on account of the Northern Pacific line in 1883 and gives details of Sir William Van Horne's railway development in Cuba. There are many MS additions to this memorandum (not in Grey's hand) giving detailed accounts of some of the financial transactions concerned.
Another copy of the above without most of the MS notes.
Memorandum by Grey of a hunting trip Ontario in the Kippewa region and concerning his visit to Cobalt.
15 December 1908 Memorandum by Grey of a visit to Sherwin and Williams' Paint and Varnish Factory, Montreal.
Rough MS notes by Grey on the R.C. Church in Canada.
29 July 1909 Confidential memorandum by [Capt. D.O.C. Newton?], concerning a meeting of the R.C. Bishops of Canada and the desirability of getting a resolution adopted by them expressing their appreciation of the freedom the church enjoyed under the British Crown in Canada.
9 December .... Memorandum by Grey of an interview with Mr Bourassa.
16 December 1908 Memorandum by Grey of a conversation with Father Dagnault.
Pamphlet: A Quebec View of Canadian Nationalism. An essay ... on the best means of ensuring the greatness of the Canadian Fatherland, by Oliver Asselin (Montreal, 1909).
Typescript memorandum on the Atlas of Canada which was in preparation.
File of typescript notes on the United Empire Loyalists and their centennial celebration.
12 January 1911 Message of Governor Francis E. McGovern and the Wisconsin Legislature (typescript notes and cuttings).
[20 November 1907] File of typescript notes with MS corrections: Debate (in the Canadian House of Commons) on the Address.

Paper   233f.
GRE/B173/13   1909-1912
Miscellaneous Letters.
11 January 1910 Copy letter Walter Simpson (Ex Royal Artillery who eventually became a successful farmer in Regina Saskatchewan) to Grey - his career in farming.
11 December 1909 Letter Augustus Nauton to Grey.
1 October 1909 Letter C. Rivers Wilson to Grey, attached to above.
31 January, 6 May 1910, 25 July 1911 3 letters Olivier Elzéar Mathieu to Grey.
7 February 1911 Letter Sister Marguerite of the Cross (Superior St Joseph's Orphanage) to Lord and Lady Grey.
8 May 1911 Address to Grey from the Villa Maria Convent.
1 March 1909 Letter Ernest H. Tippett (Pastor Calvary Congregational Church, Montreal) to Grey.
9 October 1910 Letter Norman B. Stewart (of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen) to Grey.
8 July 1910 Letter Lord Islington (Governor, New Zealand) to Grey.
16 February 1912 Letter Sir Charles Fitzpatrick (C.J. Canada) to Grey.
16 February 1912 Letter Sir John Morison Gibson to Grey. [Gibson Lieut.Gen. Ontario 1908-14].
5 November 1909 Letter J. Percy Fitzpatrick to Grey.
10 December 1909 Unsigned letter dated in Montreal, beginning "I wonder if you will be interested enough to read my political creed ... My position seemed so precarious last night that I should like to specify my fundamentals for my own security if for nothing else". Then points out the tendency of Canada to become increasingly independent of Britain and looks forward to complete independence outside the British Empire. 2 copies. [For other copies see 171/8].

Paper   48f.
GRE/B173/14   1906-1910
Portraits for Government House. File concerning Grey's efforts to start a national portrait gallery in Canada.
19 December 1910 Copy Grey to Herbert Praed.
8 December 1910 Letter Herbert Praed to Grey.
27 November 1910 Letter Duke of Richmond and Gordon to Grey.
21 January 1910 Copy Grey to Dalhousie.
5 April 1909 Copy Grey to Viscount Templetown.
26 March 1909 Letter Templetown to Grey.
List of Lieut-Governors of Ontario and Upper Canada.
Pages from a magazine with article on Gen. Isaac Brock's portrait.
Notes by Grey concerning Sir Isaac Brock and pictures of him.
30 June 1908 Letter Lansdowne to Grey.
25 March 1908 Copy Grey to Lansdowne.
5 March [1908] Letter Lansdowne to Grey.
4 July 1907 Letter Mountstephen to Grey. Georgean Bay Canal mentioned.
3 July [1907] Letter Lady H. Dufferin and Ava to Mountstephen.
17 June 1907 Copy Grey to Mountstephen.
22 January 1907 Letter Mountstephen to Grey. Difficulties with early railway project mentioned.
20 December 1906 Copy Grey to Mrs Fitzgibbon.
17 December 1906 Letter M. Agnes Fitzgibbon to Grey.
17 December 1906 Cutting from Toronto News, "The Board of Trade Dinner" (concerning William Mackenzie and D.D. Mann and the Canadian Northern Railway).
10 December 1906 Copy Grey to Mountstephen.
21 November 1906 Letter Mountstephen to Grey.
List of Governors of Canada and others, with note of their achievement in Canadian history.
30 April 1906 Copy Grey to Mountstephen.
6 April 1906 Letter Mountstephen to Grey.
8 January 1906 Notes of a letter Grey to Durham.
11 and 15 December .... 2 letters W. Forsyth Grant to Grey.
Description of Sir Isaac Brock copied by Grant from a book on the War of 1812-14.
Memorandum by Grey concerning portraits and persons who might be included in a "second rank" of notables.
Reproduction "The Humanity of General Amherst".
2 photos of a miniature of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock.
Reproduction of a portrait of 1st Lord Amherst by Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Paper   42f.
GRE/B173/15   1885-1910
10 February 1906 Incomplete letter [Sir George L. Holford] to Lady Grey.
22 December 1889 Note by 4th Earl Grey of what the 3rd Earl Grey said about Pitt and Fox as speakers in the Commons.
28 April .... Letter A. John Smith to Grey.
12 September 1907 Letter Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram, Bishop of London, to Grey.
10 June 1911 Letter J. Bernstorff [German Embassy, Washington DC] to Grey.
11 July 1885 Letter Granville to Freddy
... Note by Tim Healy.
8 April 1910 Letter John Fischer Williams to Grey, enclosing lines he had composed on Canada in September 1908.
[6 February 1901] Letter H. Morrell of Tweedmouth to Grey, with lines "Regina Imperatrix".
7 February 1901 Copy letter Grey to Morrell.
Plain, empty envelope, with 'Gutoscripts for "RM Epan"(?)' written on it, with an address crossed out in the rop right corner.

Paper   13f.
Coronation Celebrations (22 June 1911)
Reference: GRE/B174/1
Dates of creation: April-June 1911
Extent: 42f.Paper

13 June 1911 Hon. Charles Murphy (Secretary of State, Ottawa). Ottawa celebrations.
11 June 1911 Copy Grey to Murphy, asking about Ottawa celebrations and making some suggestions.
1 June 1911 Copy D.M. [D.O. Malcolm] to Charles Hopewell, celebrations in British Columbia (Victoria).
1 June 1911 Copy Grey to Murphy asking how Ottawa will celebrate and celebrations in Victoria.
1 June 1911 Copy Grey to Sir Richard Cartwright enclosing copy of above.
1 June 1911 Copy letter Grey's secretary to the Lieut.-Gov. (Sir Daniel H. McMillan) of Winnipeg, sending copy of the draft Victoria programme.
Copy of the Victoria programme.
20 May 1911 Thomas W. Paterson (Lieut.-Gov. British Columbia) to Grey's secretary concerning coronation celebrations in the Province and in Victoria.
Draft of the Victoria programme.
29 May 1911 Copy D.M. [D.O. Malcolm] to the Lieut.-Gov. of Manitoba, enclosing: summary of coronation celebrations in the Provinces. Duplicate of above summary.
26 May 1911 Lieut.-Col. J.V. Fages to Grey's secretary, enclosing: 24 April 1911 Copy letter Fages to the Commanding Officers of the City Corps, Montreal, concerning a parade for coronation day.
25 May 1911 L.J. Tweedie (Lieut. Gov. of New Brunswick) to D.O. Malcolm - celebrations in his province.
24 May 1911 Copy letter from Malcolm (?) to the Deputy Provincial Secretary Regina Saskatchewan (Edward J. Wright), acknowledging letter concerning coronation celebrations there.
24 May 1911 Copy D.O. Malcolm to J.M. Gibson (Lieut. Gov. of Ontario), acknowledging letter re Ontario celebrations.
Note signed C.J.J. addressed to Malcolm concerning a letter from Lessard that had evidently been lost.
21 April 1911 F.L. Lessard (Dept. of Militia and Defence) to D. Malcolm, militia parades.
Chas. Hopewell (Mayor of Ottawa) to Malcolm, difficulties re Ottawa celebrations.
19 May 1911 Copy Malcolm to L.J. Tweedie (Lieut. Gov. N. Brunswick), acknowledging letter re celebrations there.
20 May 1911 Copy Malcolm to W.P. Genereux (Private Secretary to Lieut. Gov. of Quebec), acknowledging letter re Quebec celebrations.
20 May 1911 Copy Malcolm to G.H.V. Bulyea (Lieut. Gov. Alberta).
20 May 1911 Copy Malcolm to the private secretary to Lieut. Gov. Prince Edward Island.
19 May 1911 Copy L. Harcourt to Grey, present by the King of a portrait of himself and the Queen to Canadian Government.
18 May 1911 W.P. Genereux (Private Secretary to Lieut. Gov. of Quebec) to D. Malcolm - celebrations in Quebec.
18 May 1911 Edward J. Wright (Dept. Provincial Sec., Saskatchewan) to Malcolm, celebrations there.
17 May 1911 Benjamin Rogers (?Lt. Gov. Prince Edward Island) to Grey - celebrations there.
16 May 1911 Sir Daniel H. McMillan (Lieut. Gov. Winnipeg) to Malcolm - consultations re celebrations and requesting ideas from other provinces.
15 May 1911 J.M. Gibson [Lieut. Gov. Ontario] to Malcolm, celebrations in Toronto.
16 May 1911 L.J. Tweedie (Lieut. Gov. N. Brunswick) to Malcolm, celebrations in the province.
15 May 1911 George Bulyea (Lt. Gov. Edmonton) to Malcolm, celebrations in Edmonton.
13 May 1911 James D. McGregor (Lt. Gov. Halifax) to Malcolm, celebrations there.
5 May 1911 Copy Malcolm to John Morrison Gibson (Lt. Gov. Ontario) requesting information re celebrations.

Byron Walker - Roll of Fame, etc.
Reference: GRE/B174/2
Dates of creation: 1906-1908
Extent: 25f.Paper

25 February 1908 B.E. Walker to Grey, concerning compilation of a roll of fame of those who helped to open and civilize N.W. Canada. Enclosure: Notes by Walker on various persons who might be included, and those whose claim does not appear strong, i.e. a criticism of the following paper.
The Roll of Fame for the Canadian North West (preliminary list by E. Thompson Seton).
29 January 1908 B.E. Walker to Grey, the roll of fame; bank reports; Mendelssohn Choir which is to entertain Grey.
26 November 1906 B.E. Walker to Grey, finances of New Ontario, educational policy in the province. Enclosure: Memorandum re Cobalt where silver ore deposits have been discovered. Statement of financial position of the Province of Ontario with observations, especially re educational expenditure.
5 November 1906 B.E. Walker to Grey, labour problems in British Columbia and development of Vancouver Island.
27 October 1906 Copy Grey to Walker, British Columbia's policy towards Chinese, Parkin and presidency of Tranto University; labour problems in British Columbia, development and colonisation of Vancouver Island; a scheme for development and colonisation of Rhodesia.

Reference: GRE/B174/3
Dates of creation: 1910-1911
Extent: 14f.Paper

14-17 February .... Mary Vincent Jones to Grey - giving her impressions and opinion of Newfoundland and the people; also personal matters.
18 January 1911 Dr Wilfred Grenfell to Grey, Confederation of Newfoundland and Canada.
5 January 1911 A. Johnston [of Deputy Minister's office, Department of Marine & Fisheries, Ottawa] to D.O. Malcolm, enclosing the following: 27 December 1910 Memorandum by William Found of the above mentioned department on the advisability of discontinuing fees on fishery licences, Canadian Labrador.

Reference: GRE/B174/4
Dates of creation: 1910-1911
Extent: 28f.Paper

5 April 1911 Copy Grey to Matthew Joseph Butler, requesting economic information to enable a comparison to be made between the situation of persons living in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
Questions to be asked in connection with the above.
24 April [1911] M.J. Butler to Grey, giving facts and figures as requested.
20 May 1911 Copy Grey to Butler, co-partnership in Butler's Company and Grey's views on the subject in general.
Paper with facts and figures in connection with the inquiry mentioned in the first letter.
5 February 1911 Harry J. Crowe to Grey, Commercial Union and Confederation of Canada and Newfoundland.
4 February 1911 Crowe to Grey, advantages of a commercial union of Britain, the colonies and the United States and Confederation of Canada and Newfoundland.
16 January 1911 Copy Grey to Sir Hugh Graham, article by Duke of Connaught on South Africa.
5 January 1910 Copy Grey to Mrs Vincent Jones, giving his opinion on Newfoundland.
24 December 1910 Copy Grey to Sir Hugh Graham, measures needed to stimulate desire for union of Canada and Newfoundland.
31 December 1910 Graham to Grey, emphasising necessity of caution re the above.

Vivian Smith
Reference: GRE/B174/5
Dates of creation: 1910-1911
Extent: 17f.Paper

1 April 1911 Copy Grey to Lord Strathcona, thanking him for pair of Wapiti heads and a beaver skin from the Hudson Bay Co.
11 March 1911 Copy Grey to Vivian Smith, concerning the Wapiti heads which must stay in Government House (instead of Howick).
6 March 1911 Copy Grey to Smith, concerning photograph of the heads.
22 February 1911 Vivian Smith to Grey, concerning the heads and beaver skin.
11 February 1911 Copy Grey to Smith, concerning the heads and beaver skin; the death of George Grey and his influence in South Africa.
23 December 1910 Smith to Grey, concerning Strathcona and the Hudson Bay Co.; the heads.
6 December 1910 Frank Oliver [?Minister of Interior, Canada] to Grey, concerning a suggestion Grey had made re the Hudson Bay Co. and the development of N. Canada.
2 December 1910 Copy Grey to V. Smith, concerning Mr Seton who will place before him proposals on the development of the territories where the Hudson Bay Co. operates, with Grey's comments on these proposals.

Reindeer for Labrador
Reference: GRE/B174/6
Dates of creation: 1907
Extent: 5f.Paper

18 March 1907 Copy Grey to the Hon. Sydney Fisher.
Note of amount of congressional appropriations for introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska from Siberia.
16 September 1910 Copy letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.

[GRE/B174/7 not used]
GRE/B174/8   1907-1909
8 February 1907-20 November 1909 5 letters and 1 telegram Dr Wilfred T. Grenfell to Grey.
3 April 1908 Copy letter Grenfell to the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa.
29 July 1907 Copy of reindeer contract with a Laplander.
30 March 1908 Account of Reindeer Fund.
11 December 1907, 13 May 1908 Copy letters Grey to Grenfell.

Paper   21f.
GRE/B174/9   1908-1909
12 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to Haldane, horse breeding for the British army and military training in Canadian Schools. Enclosure: Copy proposals of Harold Lowther re horse breeding in co-operation with the imperial government.
18 November 1909 Major Charles F. Winter (of Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa) to A.F. Sladen (priv. secretary to Grey), physical training in schools.
10 November 1909 Winter to Col. Sir John Hanbury Williams (Secretary to Grey), physical and military type training in schools of Nova Scotia. Enclosures: 1 March 1909 Extract of letter from A.H. Mackay (Superintendent of Education) to Sir Frederick Borden, on physical training of teachers and students.
17 February 1909 Capt. A.H. Borden to the Officer Commanding Royal Canadian Regiment, same subject.
8 June 1909 Copy letter Lieut. Col. James Humphrey to Secretary Militia Council, Ottawa, inspection by Capt. Borden of classes in P.T. at Guysboro, N.S.
5 April 1909 Circular from A.H. Mackay, Superintendent of Education, Nova Scotia, to all teachers in N.S., on physical education.
1 May 1909 Copy letter from A.H. Mackay to Lt. Col. Humphrey, physical training at St Francis Xavier's College and military drill for students of the Technical College.
18 May 1909 Copy letter Lieut. Col. James Humphrey to the General Officer Commanding Maritime Provinces and the Secretary Militia Council, Ottawa, on P.T. at public schools of Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
10 November 1909 Printed circular letter from A.G. Lewis (Sec. the Exec. Council the Strathcona Trust) to the Premiers of provinces, stating the conditions under which the advantages offered by the Strathcona Trust for the encouragement of P.T. and military drill in public schools can be obtained, and elucidating points that had given rise to misapprehension.

Paper   19f.
Colonel Denison on U.E. Loyalists and Imperial Politics
Reference: GRE/B174/10
Dates of creation: 1905-1909
Extent: 34f.Paper

1 May 1905 Col. George T. Denison to Grey covering the following enclosure: 19 April 1905 Copy of article in the Toronto Globe, concerning Private Charles Napier Evans who was killed in the Boer War.
28 May 1905 Copy Grey to Col. Denison, with a postscript of 2 June, concerning D.'s speeches and inhumanitarian conditions in the gaols.
24 June 1905 Denison to Grey, concerning Jebb's book especially re relations with USA and preferential tariffs; and his own hopes re Canada.
18 January 1906 Copy Grey to Denison, Goldman's The Empire and the Century, and lectures in Ottawa by Dr Leacock on the British Empire.
20 January 1906 Denison to Grey, concerning his new book [Soldiering in Canada] and the defeat of Chamberlain's party.
23 January 1906 Copy Grey to Denison, Chamberlain's success at Birmingham and the opportunities of the Liberals with regard to the Empire.
29 January 1906 Copy Grey to Denison, concerning Denison's speeches and Leacock's lectures.
26 January 1906 Paper "Memo. Colonel Denison", extracts of his speeches and summaries of his ideas re annexation of Canada by America, Goldwin Smith's ideas, and jingoism.
3 July 1884 Copy of "The United Empire Loyalists", a poem by Revd. Le Roy Hooker for the U.E. Loyalists' centennial.
13 February 1906 Denison to Grey, concerning Chamberlain.
25 February 1907 Denison to Grey, comments on speeches made in the Canadian Commons on Imperial partnership; movements for independence of Canada in the 1880's; the U.E. Loyalist centenary volume and celebrations; and use of the title for another purpose.
8 April 1907 Denison to Grey commenting on the Rise and Decline of the Netherlands by Barker and its relevance to English politics; the "Canada First Party".
16 January 1909 Denison to Grey, growth of national and imperialist sentiment in Canada, and the tercentenary celebrations.
22 April 1909 Denison to Grey, the annual meeting of the British Empire League (mainly on the naval question).
28 April 1909 Sir Charles Tupper to Denison, criticising Denison's book The Struggle for Imperial Unity (1909) on several points of historical fact. Sir J. Macdonald's government and the N.W. territories; the Canadian Pacific scandal (1873); the Commercial Union Movement; and the Transvaal War.
6 May 1909 Denison to Grey concerning a meeting at which the naval question had been discussed.

Sir James Whitney
Reference: GRE/B174/11
Dates of creation: April and August 1911
Extent: 2f.Paper

27 April, 28 August 1911 2 letters Sir James P. Whitney to Grey. Canadian-American relations; apologising for inability to attend a dinner at the National Club.

Overseas Club
Reference: GRE/B174/12
Dates of creation: January-July 1911
Extent: 131f.Paper

29 January 1911 Part of a letter from Evelyn Wrench to Grey, concerning the Overseas Club and the good it might do to the Empire.
30 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Capt. Clive Phillipps-Wolley, Grey's views on the club. [At the head of this letter is a list of persons to whom the same letter is to be sent].
25 January 1911 Copy Grey to G.H. Hallam, patriotic associations.
3 February 1911 Copy Grey to W.K. George, Boy Scouts as recruiting agents for Overseas Club.
1 February 1911 Copy Grey to Lloyd Harris, the object of the Overseas Club and recruitment of MPs for it.
2 February 1911 Copy Grey to Edward Kylie, concerning his article, imperialism, the Overseas Club.
7 February 1911 W. Sanford Evans (Mayor of Winnipeg) to Grey, attachment of the Daily Mail to the Overseas Club as an obstacle to its success.
7 February 1911 J.P. Whitney (Prime Minister Ontario) to Grey, Overseas Club, mainly concerning his pessimistic views on the future of Canada which he believes may soon fall away from the British Empire.
8 February 1911 Sir George Garneau (Chairman of the National Battlefields Commission) to Grey, the Overseas Club - doubts about its success and death of George Grey.
9 February 1911 Copy Grey to the Hon. R. MacBride, the Overseas Club.
9 February 1911 Copy Grey to Edward Terry, the Overseas Club.
11 February 1911 Copy Grey to Mr Evans, the Overseas Club.
n.d. Draft cable Grey to Evelyn Wrench (ed. of Overseas Daily Mail), amendment of handbook of Overseas Club.
14 February 1911 Copy Grey to Evelyn Wrench, criticising the handbook.
15 February 1911 Evelyn Wrench to Grey, reporting progress of the Club and concerning its Grand Council.
17 February 1911 Copy Grey to Angus, the Overseas Club as a reply to Americanisation.
18 February 1911 Sir John M. Gibson to Grey, asking whether he is sure the Overseas Club is "all right".
18 February 1911 William Kerr George to Grey, anti-reciprocity campaign, the boy scouts, and the Overseas Club.
18 February 1911 Cable Wrench to Grey, figures of Canadian membership of the Overseas Club.
18 February 1911 Page from The Daily Mail Overseas Edition , with news of the Overseas Club.
18 February 1911 Copy Grey to Sir Edmund [Walker], value of the Overseas Club.
18 February 1911 Sir John Douglas Hazen [Premier New Brunswick] to Grey, joining the Overseas Club.
20 February 1911 Copy Cable(?) Grey to Evelyn Wrench, his hopes for the Overseas Club.
21 February 1911 Letter from Richard MacBride (Prime Minister British Columbia) to Grey, joining the Overseas Club.
22 February 1911 Copy letter from [E. Wrench] to the President of the Board of Trade, Ottawa, asking whether he would form a central committee at Ottawa for enlisting 50,000 members of the Overseas Club in Canada, and concerning the progress of the club.
Cable Wrench to the President of the Board of Trade, Ottawa, making the above request.
22 February 1911 Wrench to Grey, advantages of large Canadian membership, enclosing the above two items.
Paper with list of names [of central committee (?)].
Draft in Grey's hand of cable to Wrench suggesting he cables the President of the Board of Trade re the above committee.
22 February 1911 Walter Scott to Grey, joining the Overseas Club.
23 February 1911 D.H. McMillan to Grey, joining the Overseas Club.
25 February 1911 Copy Grey to Gibson (Lt. Gov. Toronto) answering the apprehensions put forward in Gibson's letter of 18 February re the Overseas Club).
Cornation hymn by C. Phillipps-Wolley - with MS note.
20 February 1911 C. Phillipps-Wolley to Grey, his efforts to organise the Overseas Club; articles he has been asked to write, enclosing coronation hymn.
Page from the Canadian Courier concerning the Canadian League.
27 February 1911 Evelyn Wrench to Grey, importance of forming a Grand Council for Canada for the Overseas Club.
27 February 1911 Wrench to Grey, answering objections of Sandford Evans, Mayor of Winnipeg, to the Overseas Club.
27 February 1911 Copy Grey to Clive Phillipps-Wolley, attempts to increase membership of the Overseas Club.
28 February 1911 Copy Grey to Evelyn Wrench, suggesting that rival patriotic organisations should combine with the Overseas Club.
28 February 1911 Copy Grey to A.J. Dawson (of The Standard of Empire), suggesting that he should drop the patriotic organisation started under the auspices of his paper, in favour of the Overseas Club.
28 February 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, suggesting that the Overseas Club should be dissociated from the Daily Mail Overseas Edition.
2 March 1911 John A. Cooper to Grey, concerning the Canadian League formed by his paper the Canadian Courier.
3 March 1911 Acknowledgement by the organiser of the Overseas Club of £10 from Grey.
1 February 1911 Receipt for the above sum, recieved 1 March 1911.
3 March 1911 Copy Grey to Cooper, approving of the Canadian League and suggesting it should go further, and concerning the Overseas Club.
6 March 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, necessity of Grey's connection with the Overseas Club remaining secret.
7 March 1911 Wrench to Grey, enclosing the following: 7 March 1911 Wrench to the President, Board of Trade Ottawa, concerning application forms for membership of the Overseas Club and badges.
16 March 1911 Wrench to Grey, promising to make no further mention of Grey's name.
17 March 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, disappointment at slowness of recruitment for Overseas Club in Ottawa; the impossibility of his giving it open support; children and the Club.
18 March 1911 Copy Grey to Sir Edmund Walker, necessity of Grey's support for the Overseas Club remaining private; value of the Club.
17 March 1911 Wrench to Grey, disagreeing that the Overseas Club and the Daily Mail Overseas Edition should be dissociated; progress of the Club.
22 March 1911 D.H. McMillan to Grey, returning applications for membership of the Overseas Club from several important persons.
27 March 1911 Copy Grey to A.J. Dawson (of The Standard), co-operation of existing patriotic organisations.
27 March 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, his satisfaction with progress of the Club in Canada and suggestions for increasing membership and offering to find means of paying for membership cards.
5 April 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, difficulties and disappointments in connection with the Overseas Club.
3 April 1911 Copy Wilfrid Campbell to Grey, explaining why he is stopping work as Secretary of the Central Council for Canada of the Overseas Club - strength of anti-imperialist sentiment, etc.
7 April 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, the failure of the Ottawa Board of Trade in respect of the Overseas Club.
8 April 1911 Wrench to Grey, long letter on the Overseas Club, especially its finances.
15 April 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, anti-imperialist senitment as obstacle to the Overseas Club and giving of Ireland the status of a Province in one of the self-governing Dominions, which would settle the Irish problem.
27 April 1911 Wrench to Grey, replying to Grey's letters on the Overseas Club; progress of the Club.
30 May 1911 Wrench to Grey, progress of the Overseas Club.
9 June 1911 Copy Grey to Jose Machado (of American Bank Note Co.), asking what had happened to 4000 membership cards of the Overseas Club.
9 June 1911 Letter to the President, Board of Trade Ottawa, from J.H., for the Secretary of the Overseas Club, requesting payment for badges and certificates.
9 June 1911 Wrench to Grey, payment for the badges.
10 June 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, his withdrawal from active support of the Overseas Club, finances of the movement, objection about its vagueness, his approval of its creed.
20 June 1911 Copy Grey to Wrench, Grey's feeling that he is responsible for a collapse in the movement.
10 June 1911 Copy Grey to Jose Machado, sending extract of one of Wrenche's letters.
30 June 1911 Cable Wrench to Grey, asking whether he should visit Canada and stir up enthusiasm.
2 July 1911 Draft cable Wrench to Grey, replying to the above.
29 June 1911 Copy Grey to Machado, the organised opposition to the Overseas Club and the possibility of still helping to spread the movement.

Clive Phillipps Wolley
Reference: GRE/B174/13
Dates of creation: December 1910-July 1911
Extent: 37f.Paper

14 December 1910 Clive Phillipps Wolley to Grey, concerning a pamphlet on the Canadian Naval question which he had written.
27 December 1910 Copy Grey to Phillipps Wolley, concerning the pamphlet, and the Islanders.
6 January 1911 Clive Phillipps Wolley to Grey, concerning his pamphlet, Laurier's policy, Grey as the rumoured leader of the Navy League, etc.
8 February 1911 E. Crofton to Wolley, concerning the Journal and Wolley's book on the Canadian Naval Question.
9 February 1911 C. Phillipps Wolley to Grey, his pamphlet; the Navy League Journal, etc.
Memorandum by Grey on the Overseas Club.
27 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Phillipps Wolley, recruitment to the Overseas Club, an article that Wolley should write.
14 May 1911 Phillipps Wolley to Grey, covering the following enclosures and concerning his pamphlet: First annual report of the Cowichan Branch of the Navy League (1910). Tenth annual report of the Victoria and Esquimalt Navy League (1911). Extract of letter to Phillipps Wolley, n.d., disasters to the Navy League; indifference of Liberal party in England towards Canada.
5 June 1911 Copy Grey to Mr Coldwell, concerning Phillipps Wolley's coronation hymn.
5 June 1911 Copy telegram Grey to Phillipps Wolley, concerning the coronation hymn.
5 June 1911 Copy Grey to Phillipps Wolley, coronation hymn, and commenting on the enclosures in Wolley's letter of 14 May, especially concerning the British Liberal party and Canada, preference and imperialism, inter-imperial free trade and approximations to it.
14 June 1911 Phillipps Wolley to Grey, covering the enclosures below and concerning the statement by the acting premier of British Columbia (Young) that Grey had approved the navy pamphlet: 9 June 1911 Copy H.E. Young (Minister of Education, British Columbia) to the Minister of Education of the Province of ..., distribution of Capt. Phillipps Wolley's pamphlet in schools. 9 June 1911 Young to Philipps Wolley, concerning the above. 14 June 1911 Copy letter [Young] to the Minister of Education, Alberta, correcting the statement in a former letter that Phillipps Wolley's pamphlet had been endorsed by Grey.
20 June 1911 Copy D.O. Malcolm to Phillipps Wolley, acknowledging the above letter for Grey.
1 July 1911 Copy Grey to Phillipps Wolley, suggesting he provides a monthly journal, expressing imperial sentiments, for school children.

GRE/B174/14   1908-1909
Draft by Grey of memorandum on noteworthy events in Canada - mainly concerning the General Election of 23 October [for Crewe].
File of papers containing the following: Immigration figures 1904-8. Newspaper cutting, "A dying race" - declining population of USA. Part of a draft dispatch by Grey on satisfactory agreements between Canada & USA on various disputed questions, and Canadian trade, and also on Judge Cassels' enquiry into the adminstration of the Marine and Fisheries Department. Notes in red pencil by Grey on the report of the Civil Service Commission and Judge Cassels' report. Page from the Montreal Daily Witness with a financial review.
Printed statistics of Canadian Trade 1904-8.
23 February 1909 F.C. O'Hara to Col. Sir J. Hanbury Williams (Grey's Sec) concerning the above statistics and tariffs.
Notes [by Grey?] on Canada's balance of trade position.
15 February 1909 F.C. O'Hara (Deputy Minister Department of Trade & Commerce, Canada) to Arthur F. Sladen (Grey's private sec.), price movements of various food stuffs in Canada, USA and UK over a period of years.
MS notes on US price movements of grain etc., 1897-1907 [evidently from New York Times, 31 January 1909].
Press cuttings: The [Canadian] trade of 1907-8 (foreign trade). Lord Milner on Canada ( Standard, 14 November 1908). The Canadian Elections : Sir W. Laurier's Triumph (Morning Post, 16 November 1908).
Part of a MS memorandum on Judge Cassels' report and that of the Civil Service Commissioners, and concerning a New Brunswick Royal Commission on misappropriation of public funds.
Memorandum on the Hindoo question in British Columbia - Col. Swayne's visit to Canada and Mackenzie King's visit to India.
19 August 1908 Copy Lord Crewe to Grey, covering extract from a despatch from Sir Edward Grey (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) to Sir C. MacDonald (H.M. Ambassador at Tokio), 29 July 1908, on emigration from Japan to Canada.
20 August 1908 Copy Crewe to Grey covering copies of 2 despatches from Esme Howard (H.M. Chargé d'Affaires at Washington) to Sir E. Grey on the proposed international boundary waters treaty. The despatches are dated 15 July 1908 and 22 July 1908 respectively.
14 August 1908 Copy Crewe to Grey enclosing list of claims against the Government of Canada which the US Government propose to insert in schedule A to the draft convention for the settlement of pecuniary claims between the US and Great Britain.
21 August 1908 Copy Esme Howard (Chargé d'Affaires, Washington) to Grey, enclosing copy of his (Howard's) despatch to Sir E. Grey (same date) on the proposed agreement for regulation of Pelagic Sealing in the Behring Sea.
File of papers concerning the composition of the Canadian House of Commons and Senate and the composition of the Cabinet, 1896-1907.
16 January 1909 George Finlay O'Halloran (Deputy Minister of Agriculture) to Sir John Hanbury Williams (Grey's sec), enclosing: [Statement respecting field crops and on the number of live stock in the Dominion (not present)] and a copy of the Census and Statistics Monthly for December 1908.
Note [by Grey?] on the good effect on the Department of Militia of Gen. Lake's decision to remain in Canada.
Notes on the subjects covered by same of the preceding and following documents.
Press cutting with analysis of election results.
Press cutting with analysis of election results with MS comments and calculations.
5 January 1909 Cutting from the Ottawa Journal, on the municipal elections of Ottawa, with a MS comment.
January 1909 Cutting from the Montreal Witness, "Food for Politicians", analysis of election results showing the discrepancy between total votes for and number of seats gained by the rival parties.
Pages from The Magnet with statistics of American agriculture for 1908.
Canadian General Election results 1908 - the constituency, candidates and number of votes cast are stated.
Another copy with summary for each province.
23 December 1908 Cutting from the Montreal Gazette, "The Popular Vote".
11 November 1908 Page from the Morning Chronicle (Halifax) with article "Disgraceful attempt to revive race and creed cry against Laurier".
7 April 1908 Copy [Canadian] House of Commons Debates (unrevised edition) vol. XLI, no. 78, 4th session, 10th parliament.
Leaflet "The World at the Empire Concert" - list of notables who will attend the Empire Day concert in the Albert Hall, on Saturday 23 May [1908?].
Newspaper cuttings: "The Halifax Platform"; "The Halifax Platform and how it developed - a review of the various plans as they were worked out by Mr Borden during his tour across Canada" (from paper of 25 November 1907); and cutting from The News, same date, on results of demagoguery in USA and the affect on Canada.
Report of G. Bogue Smart (Inspector of British Immigrant Children and Receiving Homes) for the year ended 31 March 1907.
11 August 1908 Cutting from the Montreal Gazette, “The Election Task”.
Canadian House of Commons: debate on the Address 1907 (typescript summary of speeches of Borden, Laurier, etc).
Status of political representation in the Dominian House of Commons when complete returns of the General Election (3 November 1904) were in; and present status (5 December 1907) [shows number of Liberals and Conservatives elected by each province].
6 May 1908 F.C. O'Hara to C.J. Jones (Chief Clerk of General's Office), enclosing: 21 April 1908 Weekly Report on Trade and Commerce of Canada.
The following loose papers are kept together between 2 foolscap sheets marked "Despatch Rough Notes": 12 September 1908 Mackenzie King to A.F. Sladen, covering cutting from the Montreal Gazette, 11 September 1908, "Exclusion of Asiatics" - proceedings at an exclusionist rally at Vancouver. Notes by Grey on trade relations between Canada and Germany and also on physical training and military drill in schools. Other rough notes.
1909 Draft of secret despatch Grey to the Colonial Secretary [Crewe]. Includes: Memorandum respecting the financial position of Canada at the close of the calendar year 1908 by Thomas Cooper Boville (Dep. Min. of Finance) and letter Boville to Sladen, 8 January 1909. Also includes particulars of the gross earnings of the C.P. Railway Co.; the Grand Trunk Railway Co.; the Canadian Northern Railway; and the Intercolonial Railway for each month of the years 1906, 1907 and 1908, and statement showing quantity and value of agricultural products exported from Canada in the years ending 31 December 1907 and 1908. (Several copies of each set of figures).

Paper   192f.
University Extension
Reference: GRE/B174/15
Dates of creation: 1880-1910
Extent: 45f.Paper

The subject of the letters below is mainly University Extension lectures among the Northumberland Miners.
Paper by S. Neil (Secretary Cambridge and Durham University Extension Committee for Mining Centres, Northumberland) showing the need for a system of higher education in the colliery villages of Northumberland, the introduction and success of the university extension scheme, its financial difficulties, and the benefits likely to arise from the adoption by the House of Commons of Grey's proposals.
27 October 1880 Circular letter from W.C. Lake, concerning the university extension scheme in Northumberland and Durham.
2 August 1884, n.d. Letters R.D. Roberts to James Stuart, and one letter, 30 October, to Grey, with a petition for an annual grant by Parliament in aid of university extension teaching.
Two proof copy of the above petition, the second features a list of names of those who put their name to this petition.
18 September 1895 Letter Charles Williams to Grey.
12 July 1909 Letters John Charlton to Grey.
9 July 1909 Circular on university extension lectures (Seaton Delaval) issued by Charlton.
25 April 1910 Copy Grey [to Charlton?].
25 April 1910 Copy Grey to President Falconer.
Notebook containing notes of university extension lectures given on Political Economy by Mr Moorsom.
Press cuttings on the above course, and other university extension lectures.
1 November 1880 Printed letter Thomas Hodgkin to the Dean of Durham, concerning the financial position of the Durham University extension scheme.
Report of the Committee of the Durham University Extension for the session 1879-80.
Handbill - should co-operative societies support the university extension lectures? - by S. Neil (for the use of the delegates to the conference held at North Shields). On the back are notes evidently of speeches by the delegates.
7 October 1880 Report of a meeting in connection with the Durham University extension scheme held at the Literary & Philossophical Society, Newcastle.
1 June 1882 9th annual report on the local lectures of the University of Cambridge.
8 March 1883 Syndicate for conducting the local lectures of the university (Cambridge); report of visits to centres between Easter 1882 and Easter 1883 by R.D. Roberts (Assist. Sec.). See also Grey Pamphlets, No. 1585.
Similar report 1883-4.
11 June 1884 11th annual report. Printed paper of facts and figures in connection with the university extension scheme in England 1882-3.
18 January 1884 Leaflet: letter from S. Neil to Mr Young, and appeal to the Northumberland Miners' Association in connection with the university extension scheme; with the recommendations of the Executive Committee concerning it.
London Society for the Extension of University Teaching: report of the Council for the Session 1894-5.
Press cutting: "University extension - the Northern Association: Address by Earl Grey."
Handbill: "The University Extension Scheme: Northumberland Mining Centres" - issued by S. Neil.
Leaflet: "Proposed North Midland Association for the promotion of University Education for the People ..."
Handbill: "Working Men's Zeal for Knowledge".

Reference: GRE/B174/16
Dates of creation: 1900-1901
Extent: 16f.Paper

30 October 1900 Letter Henry Palin Gurney to Grey, asking whether he would accept a place on the Council of the Durham College of Science if offered.
8 January 1901 Letter M.F. Sadler to Grey, Trade Union subscriptions to the Durham College of Science. File of papers: Sources of Income of German Universities. List of the chief Technical Colleges in Germany. Educational endowments in USA. Memoranda: German Universities and Private Benefactors.
March 1901 Letter J. Philpott (editor of The Northern Teacher) to Grey, requesting interview.
25 March 1901 Copy reply of Grey's secretary to the above.
Paper on endowments of universities in Germany and USA and the desirability of a similar policy being pursued in the North of England, with list of subscriptions to the University of Birmingham 1898-1900, and to the Durham College of Science 1871-1900.
30 September 1901 List of sums promised to the New Building Completion Fund of the Durham College of Science.
Durham College of Science: Principal's Report 1900-1.

GRE/B174/17   January 1909
How to spread the Imperial Ideal; McInnes; Ideal v Americanism.
29 January 1909 T.R.E. McInnes to Grey, methods of promoting imperial feeling in Canada.
12 January 1909 McInnes to Grey, plan for strengthening the imperial cause in Canada in opposition to Americanisation. Large file of notes mostly in Grey's hand evidently from report of proceedings at the Imperial Conference [1909]. Some of these notes were found separate and part of them may relate to things not discussed at the Conference.

Paper   82f.
Professor Robertson and Imperial Education
Reference: GRE/B174/18
Dates of creation: 1905-1907
Extent: 33f.Paper

Proposals in connection with the establishment of "The Governor General's Roll of Honour for Canada" (for boys and girls).
21 February 1905 J.W. Robertson to Grey, lantern slides for visual education, and returning the following document.
Plan for Imperial Education (enclosed in a letter from Jane L. Latham, Secretary of the Education Committee of the Victoria League, to the Joint Secretaries of the Rhodes Trust, 27 November 1902). At the end is copy letter Michael E. Sadler to Mr Boyd, 28 November 1902 - covering the above.
Press cuttings mostly from The Times (1905) on rural education in America, England, etc.
12 August 1905 Copy Grey? to Sir Wilfrid [Laurier], new consolidated schools near Charlottetown.
26 September 1905 Letter from Dr J.W. Robertson to Arthur F. Sladen, covering the following: Copy Robertson to Miss Ella Pease, naming Canadian schools with whose pupils school children in Northumberland might correspond.
22 December 1905 Copy Grey to Robertson, concerning a despatch on his (Grey's) visit to Guelph.
21 December 1906 Copy Grey to Robertson, suggesting Robertson should contribute articles on education to the (London) Standard.
24 August 1907 Copy Grey to Robertson, consolidated schools and English immigrant children and the maritime provinces as suitable for UK immigrants.

GRE/B174/19   1909-1910
Press cuttings.
23 January 1910 New York Times, “Germany expects four trade wars”.
8 October 1909 Winnipeg Telegram, “New Canadianism” - address by M.E. Nichols.
9 October 1909 Winnipeg Telegram, “Sir Charles Tupper traces History of Movement for Preferential Trade”.

Paper   4f.
Canada and West Indies
Reference: GRE/B174/20
Dates of creation: 1905-1909
Extent: 55f.Paper

31 March 1905 W. Grey Wilson to Grey, steam ship service between Canada and Mexico which would touch the Bahamas. Copy of above with part omitted.
11 April 1905 Copy Grey to Wilson - his action in connection with the above.
10 April 1905 Copy Grey to Mr Patterson, preferential advantages enjoyed by Canadian exporters to South Africa.
10 April 1905 F.C. O'Hara (Acting Dep. Minister, Dept. of Trade and Commerce) to Col. J. Hanbury Williams (Grey's Sec.), time of steamship to travel between Halifax and Demerara.
11 April 1905 O'Hara to C.J. Jones (of the Gov. General's Office), W. India steamship service routes.
10 August 1905 W. Grey Wilson to Grey, his policy of preferential tariff rates for Canada.
24 August 1905 Copy Grey to Grey Wilson, the strength of the forces in favour of bringing together Canada and the W. Indies.
22 February 1908 [?1909] Richard Jebb to Sladen, Jamaica and Canadian reciprocity; and a W. India federation. Enclosure: 4 February 1909 Cutting from the Daily Gleaner, on Jamaica and reciprocity.
18 February 1909 Richard Jebb to Sladen, Jamaica and reciprocity.
Preliminary report on the West Indo-Canadian Conference at Barbados in January 1908.
26 May 1908 The West India Committee Circular.
File of press cuttings 1905-9 on Canada and West Indies (trade).

File of letters W.S. Fielding to Grey of following dates:
4 April 1906 Thanking him for letter and enclosures.
16 November 1906 Sending paper on Newfoundland fishery question [absent].
15 December 1906 Tariff programme.
26 December 1906 Requesting interview re Br. shipping commission.
30 April 1907 Land for Grand Trunk Hotel and Station.
4 December 1909 Sending memo [absent] on American and Canadian tariff relations.

Paper   6f.
Admiral Bosanquet
Reference: GRE/B174/22
Dates of creation: October-November 1905
Extent: 3f.Paper

27 October 1905 D.H. Bosanquet to Grey, regretting inability to meet Grey; success of the visit of the Prince Louis' squadron to Canada.
29 November 1905 Copy Grey to Bosanquet, replying to the above.

GRE/B174/23   [1911]
Copy list of honours given since Grey's arrival in Canada [covers period June 1905 - June 1911].
Paper   6f.
GRE/B174/24    16 September 1905
Typescript extract of article in Manitoba Free Press by E.W. Thompson, on the financial terms gained from Ottawa by the Western provinces, the school question there, and the importance of the West's supporting Laurier.
Paper   3f.
GRE/B174/25   29 April 1907
Memorandum by Grey of an interview with Commissioner Coombs of the Salvation Army who reported on wages British Columbia.
Paper   2f.
GRE/B174/26   August-September 1904
6 September 1904 Alfred Lyttelton to Grey, informing him of the King's approval of his appointment as Governor General.
13 August 1904 Lyttelton to Grey, making definite offer of Canada to him.
16 August 1904 Draft Grey to Lyttelton, accepting and expressing wish to be appointed to the Privy Council.
20 August 1904 Lord Minto to Grey, advising him about taking over the Governor Generalship and staff (especially Sladen).
20 August 1904 Sir Montagu Frederick Ommanney (of the Colonial Office) to Grey, concerning necessity of King's approval of his appointment.
21 August 1904 Alfred Lyttelton (of the Colonial Office) to Grey, concerning the King's approval, an interregnum in the Governor Generalship and resignation of Grey's British South Africa Company directorship.
22 August 1904 E. Marsh (of the Colonial Office) to Grey, informing him of a message (quoted) received from Lord Minto by the Colonial Office.
Decypher of cable from Minto to Lyttleton (received 25 August 1904) concerning two soldiers called Lotbinieres, and Sladen's salary.
25 August [1904] H. Bartram Cox to Grey, concerning Sladen.
27 August 1904 Alfred Lyttelton to Grey, his continuance as a Rhodes Trustee.
8 September 1904 Monk Bretton to Grey, Sladen.
29 August 1904 Copy Grey to Edward VII, thanking him for the appointment.
8 September 1904 Copy Grey to Lyttelton, mainly about Sladen also re Hanbury Williams.
8 September 1904 Copy Grey to Monk Bretton, Sladen.
13 September 1904 Copy Grey to Col. Hanbury Williams, offering him post of Military Secretary.

Paper   43f.
GRE/B174/27   October-December 1910
27 October .... Memo of conversation concerning the cod-trap tax in Labrador, between Grey and Dr Hare, a medical missionary on the Canadian Labrador coast.
8 October 1910 Extract from letter W.S. Gosling to F.W. Thompson, navigation of the Hudson Straits.
Memorandum on Grey's proposal about the semi-domestication of caribou in the region west of Hudson Bay, by J.M. Macoun.
20 December 1910 P.T. McGrath to Grey, development of Newfoundland fisheries. Enclosures: Act respecting cold storage passed 22 March 1910, in Newfoundland. Memo of conditions under which an American concern undertook to establish itself in Newfoundland. Newfoundland fish exports for year ending 30 June 1910. Analysis of exports of codfish (dried) from Newfoundland for the year ending 30 June 1910.
Memorandum of conversation between Grey and McGrath on Newfoundland.
Rough memoranda by Grey on various subjects.

Paper   20f.
GRE/B174/28   1907-1910
22 October 1908 Letter J.H. Symon (of Australia) to Grey, difficulty of arousing enthusiasm and manifestations of loyalty to the Mother Country in Australia.
8 January 1910 M.? Pearson to Grey, emigration scheme from Britain to Canada.
16 December 1907 Lord Basil Blackwood to Grey, Canadian representation at a conference of W. India Islands.
31 December 1907 Copy Grey to Blackwood, Canadian - W. Indies trade.
8 February 1908 Blackwood to Grey, Grey's scheme re the Heights of Abraham, Barbados as a winter resort, etc.
21 March 1908 Copy Grey to Blackwood, his travelling plans.

Paper   15f.
GRE/B174/29   31 December 1908
Copy Robert Meighen (President and Managing Director, Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd.) to John Phillips (of Lincoln's Inn Fields), preferential tariff policy; Canadian wheat production.
Paper   4f.
GRE/B174/30   [Early 20th century]
Paper headed "Senator Ross - (Canada)" Chapter XIX. Chapter of a book (?), concerning the Governor General and Canada, with remarks on Grey's Governor Generalship.
Paper   8f.
GRE/B174/31   1907
26 February 1907 D.W. Prowse to Grey, requesting Grey's photograph to illustrate a history of Newfoundland.
2 April 1907 Prowse to Grey, relations with USA.
28 July Prowse to Grey, Grey's speeches, Prowse's stories.
Rough notes by Grey.
Proof pages from the Newfoundland Quarterly with MS heading: “An Old Colonial Judges Stories by D.W. Prowse”.

Paper   20f.
GRE/B174/32   [Early 20th century]
Cuttings from The Philistine on trade relations between Canada and USA. Notes “Tariff” evidently in connection with the above.

Paper   3f.
Middle Class Immigration
Reference: GRE/B175/1
Dates of creation: 1903-1909
Extent: 20f.Paper

Notes by Grey on Lloyd George's merchant shipping bill.
30 August 1906 Letter John Bate to Grey, covering the following enclosures: 29 June 1906 Copy letter of Bate to The Standard on state aided emigration to the colonies, criticising the report of the Tennyson committee which failed to approve Salvation Army methods of colonisation; 10 August 1906 Copy letter H. Rider Haggard to Bate, concerning the rejection by the committee of his (Rider Haggard's) scheme; July 1906 Circular of proposed British Colonisation League (includes a table of British trade returns (1905) with countries which receive the flow of immigrants from the U.K.); Handbill: "Canadian Emigration from Britain" [extract from Daily Star (Montreal) 19 August 1903] on loss of immigrants to Canada to U.S.A.
Cuttings from The Standard of articles by A.J. Dawson on "Middle class emigration".
Page from Canada on Sir James M. Lemoine and his work.
27 March 1909 Letter Ernest Carleton (Secretary the Central Emigration Board) to Grey. Enclosing: Second Annual Report of the Central Emigration Board (1908); 24 March 1909 Agenda of the 2nd A.G.M. of the said Board. Leaflet “The Settlers Information League”; 25 March 1909 Cutting from The Morning Post, on the 2nd A.G.M. of the said board.
16 October 1909 Letter W.R. Trotter to Grey, covering the following: Report on Misrepresentation to Intending Immigrants from the British Isles to Canada (1908), by W.R. Trotter; Second Report on Misrepresentation ... (1909) by Trotter.

Reference: GRE/B175/2
Dates of creation: 1908-1909
Extent: 13f.Paper

19 April 1909 Circular letter from G.E. McCraney, concerning a new edition of The Last West.
6 May [1909?] Letter Bessie Johnston to McCraney, applying for copy of atlas of Canada.
5 May 1909 Letter Chas. H. Thomson to McCraney, applying for copy of atlas.
The following were all issued by the Minister of the Interior Ottawa:
2 copies Atlas of Canada enclosed in one copy is a leaflet "Western Canada - cheap railroad rates for settlers, etc".
British Columbia - Canada's land of Promise on the Pacific.
Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Nova Scotia Canada: The Country and its People and the Opportunity it offers to New People.
Canada West : The Last Best West.
Canada Province of New Brunswick (1908).
Canada : The Thunder Bay District of New Ontario (1908).
Immigration Facts and Figures (covers period 1897-1908 with MS additions to 1909).
1908 43rd Annual Report of Dr Barnardo's Homes (rough and unrevised proof).

Canadian Immigration
Reference: GRE/B175/3
Dates of creation: 1905-1906
Extent: 31f.Paper

21 March 1906 Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey, enclosing the following: 20 March 1906 Letter A. Blue to Fisher, concerning the following: Memorandum re Canadians and descendents of Canadians in the United States; Natives of Canada in the United States in 1901 classed as English and French.
Notes of the nationalities of immigrants into USA.
Article from The Review of Reviews, "The Plum of the British Empire - Canada: The Emigrants' El Dorado of Today".
Article from The Empire Review, “A Canadian's Criticism of the Dominion Immigration Policy” by E.C. Nelson.
17 May 1905 Letter A.B. Warburton to Grey's private secretary, covering the following: Copy letter Warburton to the editor of The Scotsman, 1886 - Prince Edward Island as a field for emigration; 1 February 1886 Copy further letter of Warburton to The Scotsman, on the same subject.

Lord Rothschild's Immigrants and Emigration Returns
Reference: GRE/B175/4
Dates of creation: 1848; 1906-1907
Extent: 10f.Paper

3 January 1907 Letter Thos. Southworth to A.F. Sladen, covering the following: List of Rothschild emigrants located by J.R. Dargavel in Spring 1906 (reports on the situation of the persons concerned).
Copy of Statistical Tables relating to Emigration and Immigration from and into the United Kingdom in the year 1906 and report to the Board of Trade thereon. (Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 4 June 1907).
Pamphlet: Speech of the Rt. Hon. Earl Grey on Emigration to Australia delivered in the House of Lords on Thursday, August 10th, 1848, and reply on the same subject to Lord Monteagle (1848). Part missing.
26 October 1906 Letter Thomas Southworth (Director of Colonisation) to A.F. Sladen, reporting on British immigrants sent out to Ontario through the generosity of Lord Rothschild.
16 November 1906 Letter same to same, concerning the above report.

Overseas Club
Reference: GRE/B175/5
Dates of creation: 1911-1913
Extent: 89f.Paper

The subject of the letters in this file is mainly the organisation of the Overseas Club in Canada and elsewhere; and includes correspondence about a debt due to Grey in connection with some badges of the organisation. The letter from F.B. Jones concerns tariff reform and his hopes of obtaining the position of Emigration Agent; the Club badges are mentioned in this letter.
4 February, 3, 6, 7 July 1911, 16, 20 January 1913 Letters Evelyn Wrench to Grey.
21 March 1911 Letter T.J.A. Mapp to Major C.F. Winter.
22 March 1911 Letter Charles F. Winter to Grey.
7 May 1912 Copy letter F.B. Jones to A.F. Sladen.
13 August 1912 Letter W.B. Bartram to Grey. 12 February 1912 Letter F.B. Jones to Grey.
20 May 1913 Copy letter A.F. S[laden] to A.T. McFarlane.
16 May 1913 Letter A.T. McFarlane to A.F. Sladen.
23 May 1913 Letter S.? Hansard to Grey.
24 May 1913 Letter A.F. Sladen to Grey.
"Overseas Club Empire Day Bonfires 1913".
4 copies of a condensed report from the Lethbridge Herald of the address by C.F.P. Conlybeare at an Overseas Club smoking concert; with some details of the Club in W. Canada.
Paper on the objects of the Overseas Club.
List of names under the heading “The Overseas Club” .
Typescript file: “The Overseas Club Handbook - A Few Thoughts on its Future Development”.
Account to the President of the Board of Trade Ottawa for badges of the Overseas Club, with receipt.
2 blank forms of application for membership of the Overseas Club.
24 September 1910 - 25 February 1911 Pages from The Daily Mail Overseas Edition concerning the Overseas Club.
Another press cutting concerning the club.
Press cutting: “The Daughters of the Empire; their aims and what they are Accomplishing”.
1911 Bundle of press cuttings concerning J.S. Ewart's attacks on Grey's imperialism.

GRE/B175/6   1904-1907
Subjects of letters: Central Bureau of Education for Canada and the Dominion Educational Association; Federal Conference on Education and difficulties attending it.
25 July 1907 Letter James Robertson to Grey.
20 June 1907 Letter W. Peterson to Grey.
6 June 1907 Letter E.B. Sargant to Grey.
24 July 1907 Letter Robert Morant to Grey.
29 May 1907 Sir Rowland Blennerhassett, Bart. to Grey.
1 June 1907 Capt. Percy Creed to Col. Hanbury Williams.
Note on the Means for the Establishment of some Federal Organisation in Education for the British Empire, by E.B. Sargant (Education Adviser to the High Commissioner for South Africa).
5 June 1907 Reprint of article in The Times, “Federal Conference on Education”.
Pamphlet: A Bureau of Education for the British Empire (1907) by M.E. Sadler.
“Inquiry into moral instruction and training in schools”. Report of D.W. Hamilton, Principal Macdonald Consolidated School, Kingston, N.B.
Similar inquiry for Macdonald Consolidated School at Guelph, Ontario, by E.A. Howes.
Numerous press cuttings on the proceedings of the Federal Conference on Education (mainly from The Morning Post 25 May 1907 - 3 June 1907 and The Times 27 May and 1 and 3 June).
Federal Conference on Education: Minutes and Official Précis of Proceedings of the Official Conference ...
15 June 1907 Cutting from The Standard, “Canada and the Educational Conference”.
10-23 April 1907 Education and Empire. Printed circular concerning the inauguration of a public subscription to advance the teaching of Empire subjects in British schools.
2 copies typescript notes on the Empire Education Fund.
Proceedings 5th Convention Dominion Educational Association (at Winnipeg 26-29 July 1904).
17 July 1907 Page from Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer, Toronto, concerning meeting of the Dominion Educational Association.

Paper   58f.
Reference: GRE/B175/7
Dates of creation: 1909-1911
Extent: 70f.Paper

15 February 1911 Letter F.W. Thompson to Arthur F. Sladen, concerning Champ Clark's statement that the USA was preparing to annex Canada and T.'s view that the reciprocity treaty should be withdrawn. Enclosure: 15 February 1911 Report of statements made by F.W. Thompson in an interview in Montreal attacking the proposed reciprocity treaty.
7 May 1910 Letter W.S. Fielding to Grey, US President's delay in tariff negotiations with Canada.
Memorandum by Grey to F.W. Thompson's views on reciprocity between Canada and USA.
29 August 1911 Speech delivered by the Right Hon. Sir Richard Cartwright (Minister of Trade and Commerce) in ... Toronto.
Notes by Grey on what Laurier had told him about the tariff negotiations, and of the policy of the Montreal Witness with regard to reciprocity.
Memo reviewing the history of British colonialism, especially in respect of trade.
MS notes by Grey concerning tariffs, especially in respect of Canada and West Indies.
Rough pencil notes by Grey reviewing Canada & USA trade relations since 1893.
Press cutting “US relations with Canada”.
29 November 1909 Page from [Reports of proceedings of Canadian House of Commons (?)] - Trade between Canada and Germany, etc.
Notes concerning Belgium, Italy and Canada and tariffs.
Notes by Grey on New Zealand and Canadian mutton and tariffs, etc.
Rough pencil notes by Grey on tariffs.
Press cutting: Canada and Germany - the tariff agreement.
Press cuttings on opposition to reciprocity, especially The Standard report (25 May 1910) of J.D. Hazen's speech against it; and The News (Toronto) 17 February 1911 - opposition of the Toronto Board of Trade.
Notes by Grey on tariffs.
Union Calendar No. 418, House of Representatives - Reciprocity with Canada Report from Committee of Ways and Means, 1911.
Notes by Grey on trade and tariffs.
Proof copy of an article by Andrew Macphail on reciprocity.
Statement showing value of principal articles imported into and exported from Vancouver during the past six fiscal years (1905-10) (provided by Dept. of Customs, Ottawa, 16 February 1911).
4 press cuttings on reciprocity, etc.
14 August 1849 Typescript copy of a memorandum by James Wilson, on Canada: Commercial and Agricultural distress - political disaffection and annexation. With marginal notes some initialed “G” - possibly copies of notes by 3rd Earl Grey on the original document.
January 1909 Press cutting - Skit on the tariff ...

GRE/B175/8   1890-1911
11 October 1911 Letter Adam Shortt to D.O. Malcolm, enclosing memorandum by Malcolm and Shortt on improvements required in the Dominion Civil Service.
20 December 1909 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, enclosing printed copy of memorial of the Civil Service Association, 26 June 1907.
March 1911 Pamphlet: Canadian Independence by John S. Ewart. (Duplicate: GreyPam 81).
June 1911 Pamphlet: Imperialism by Ewart. (Duplicate: GreyPam 82).
Notes by Grey on the scandal of prisoners being detained for long periods without trial - the case of John Bushore.
Press cuttings: The New Nation of Canada - Canada and the US by J. Ramsay MacDonald.
Britain's Treatment of Canada's Problems (Toronto Globe, 10 December 1906).
A Commercial Age.
Rough notes by Grey on Sir C. Tupper (?) and railways.
14 December 1909 Press cuttings on Judge Cannon's report on civic administration of Montreal (from the Montreal Star and Montreal Gazette).
10 December 1910 Cutting from The Daily Telegraph (Berlin, Ontario), Mackenzie King on the naval policy of the parties.
9 December 1910 Cutting from The Stratford Beacon, reporting Mackenzie King's speech at the Stratford Board of Trade Dinner on various subjects, including public health measures, labour conciliation, etc.
1910 Pamphlet: Notes on Canada (presented to the members of the 11th international Geological Congress, Stockholm, with the compliments of the Geological Survey of Canada).
Notes by Grey "Pacific Cable".
Pamphlet: Sir John A. Macdonald and the Canadian Flag by J.S. Ewart.
May 1908 Pamphlet: Mr Justice Longley's Address before Canadian Club, New York, with note.
24 April 1908 Page from The Halifax Herald: report of Mr Justice Russell's speech at St George Society Banquet. "No national difficulty be too great for England".
Press cutting, "Milner on Longley".
Board of Trade - Commercial Intelligence Committee: Report upon the Conditions and Prospects of British Trade in Newfoundland by Richard Grigg. Presented to both Houses of Parliament (London 1908).
15 August 1911 Letter D.O. Malcolm to Grey, Newfoundland trade with USA. Enclosures: 14 August 1911 Letter F.C. O'Hara to Malcolm, enclosing: Return of imports into United States from Newfoundland of articles mentioned in Canadian Reciprocity Agreement showing present tariff, proposed tariff, value of imports 1910; duty collected 1910; Similar return in respect of imports into Canada from Newfoundland.
Trade of Canada: statistics 1904-8 (typescript). Tables showing area and yield of the principal field crops in Canada and numbers of live stock 1907-8.
8 January 1908 Letter W.R. Baker to A.F. Sladen, enclosing: return of gross earnings of Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 1906-8.
12 January 1909 Letter D.D. Mann to Sladen, enclosing: Gross traffic returns - Canadian Northern Railway, 1906-8.
14 January 1909 Letter S.L. Shannon to Sladen, enclosing: Account of earnings of Intercolonial Railway 1906-8.
11 January 1909 Letter Charles M. Hays to Sladen, enclosing: Return of monthly traffic earnings of the Grand Trunk Railway system 1906-8. Pamphlet: Grand Trunk Railway System 1896-1907.
Notes by Grey on Grand Trunk Pacific Transcontinental railway.
2 February 1909 Letter G.F. O'Halloran (Deputy Minister Dept. of Agriculture Ottawa) to Col. Sir J. Hanbury Williams, enclosing statement showing quantity and value of certain products expected from Canada 1907 and 1908.
2 copies file: "Canadian Trade and Commerce" - incorporating copies of the above listed documents.
5 January 1909 2 copies memorandum respecting the financial position of Canada at the close of the calendar year 1908, by T.C. Boville of the Dept. of Finance.
29 March 1890 "Imperial Federation" printed report of a speech by Col. Geo. T. Denison at Guelph, Ontario.
13 December 1904 Pages from The Canadian Military Gazette with article by Denison on the United Empire Loyalists.
Cutting from The Toronto World, "Britain's loss of Prestige" - letter dated 17 January 1909 from Denison, reprinted in The Toronto World.
Pamphlet: Canada and her relations to the Empire (1895) by Denison. Cutting, "Unification of the Empire" - speech by Col. Denison urging English government to adopt a mutual trade preference with Canada. Pamphlet: The United Empire Loyalists and their Influence upon the History of this Continent (1904) by Denison [from Trans. of the Royal Soc. of Canada, 2nd series 1904-5].
11 February 1907 "Full Partnership with the Motherland" - speech delivered by Dr T. Chisholm MP for East Huron in the House of Commons.
Pamphlet: Constitution of the Strathcona Trust for the encouragement of physical training and military drill in public schools.
4 December 1909 Cutting, "Objects of Lord Strathcona's fund", The Winnipeg Telegram.
Rough notes by Grey.

Paper   109f.
GRE/B176/1   [early 20th century]
Bundle of Typescript Copies of 26 Letters from Grey to the following persons. Subjects of the letters include: design of trophy for skating, the public house trust system, Canadian-Japanese commerce, a music hall for Toronto, the presidency of Toronto University, Church unity, portraits of Governors General.
13 March 1906 Lord Mountstephen.
16 March 1906 Honourable Monsieur Dandurand.
16 May 1906 Mrs Guest.
17 May 1906 Mr Pope.
18 May 1906 Sir George Drummond (see letter 16 June 1906).
18 May 1906 Mrs Guest.
18 May 1906 Sir William MacDonald.
4 June 1906 Mr Fitzpatrick.
4 June 1906 Mr W.J. Hanna.
6 June 1906 Mr Muloch.
8 June 1906 Mr Cochrane.
16 June 1906 Sir George Drummond (similar letter to that of 18 May 1906, with some additions).
13 July 1906 Mr Frank Oliver.
13 July 1906 Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
27 October 1906 Sir William MacGregor.
27 October 1906 Mr B.E. Walker.
1 November 1906 Mr Willison.
13 November 1906 Mr Monk.
16 November 1906 Professor Cappon.
16 November 1906 Lady Drummond.
22 November 1906 Mr Symonds.
24 November 1906 Monsieur Hébert.
24 November 1906 Monsieur Hébert.
5 December 1906 Mr B.E. Walker.
10 December 1906 Sir William MacGregor.
10 December 1906 Lord Mountstephen.

Paper   72f.
GRE/B176/2   [early 20th century]
Bundle of Typescript Copies [and one original letter from Harry Southam to Grey] of 57 letters from Grey to the following persons. Subjects include: Newfoundland, Rhodes trusteeship, playing fields for Laval University students, site of the proposed Grand Trunk Hotel for Ottawa and the layout of the city, the Quebec battlefields, immigration from England and Japan, the Salvation Army and colonisation, Pelagic sealing, the Japanese mission to Canada, Canadian prison conditions, consolidated schools, a dispute between Canadian steel and coal companies, proportional representation, food trade with Japan, a course of lectures on Canada.
26 January 1907 Sir William MacGregor.
1 February 1907 Sir William MacGregor.
2 March 1907 Monsieur Dandurand.
9 March 1907 Sir Sandford Fleming.
9 March 1907 Monseigneur Mathieu.
10 March 1907 Mr R. MacBride.
18 March 1907 Mr Garneau (Mayor of Quebec).
19 March 1907 Sir Daniel McMillan (Lieut. Governor Manitoba).
22 March 1907 Mr J.P. Whitney.
23 March 1907 Mr Garneau.
25 March 1907 Dr Peterson.
26 March 1907 Mr J.P. Whitney.
8 April 1907 Mr Duncan Cameron Fraser (Lieut. Governor Nova Scotia).
11 April 1907 Mr W.S. Fielding.
11 April 1907 Mr R. Lemieux.
18 April 1907 Dr Leacock.
27 April 1907 Mr James Dunsmuir (Lieut. Governor British Columbia).
29 April 1907 Sir Richard Cartwright.
29 April 1907 Senator Cox.
2 May 1907 Sir Sandford Fleming.
4 May 1907 Mr Sydney Fisher.
8 May 1907 Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
13 June 1907 Sir William MacGregor.
17 June 1907 Lord Mountstephen.
20 June 1907 Mr A.B. Aylesworth.
22 June 1907 Sir Richard Cartwright.
24 August 1907 Dr Robertson.
26 August 1907 Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
9 September 1907 Sir William Van Horne.
19 September 1907 Letter from Mr Harry Southam to Lord Grey.
23 September 1907 Mr Harry Southam.
24 September 1907 Mr Clouston.
24 September 1907 Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
26 September 1907 Sir Richard Cartwright.
26 September 1907 Senator Kirchhoffer.
26 September 1907 Senator Kirchhoffer.
28 September 1907 Mr H.N. Bate.
28 September 1907 Mr Wilfrid Campbell.
26 September 1907 Senator Edwards.
4 October 1907 Mr Charles Hays.
4 October 1907 Sir Charles Rivers Wilson.
8 October 1907 Monseigneur Bégin.
8 October 1907 Monseigneur Bruchesi.
8 October 1907 Monseigneur Mathieu.
23 October 1907 Mr Lemieux.
23 October 1907 Mr Pope.
23 October 1907 Admiral Yagamoto.
24 October 1907 Mr A.B. Aylesworth.
24 October 1907 Mr W.S. Fielding.
2 November 1907 Mr Frank Oliver.
7 November 1907 Mr Garneau.
9 November 1907 Mr Hazel.
9 November 1907 Miss Kearney.
9 November 1907 Mr R. MacBride.
18 November 1907 Dr Robertson.
25 November 1907 Mr Sydney Fisher.
11 December 1907 Lord Strathcona.
20 December 1907 Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
28 December 1907 Sir William Mortimer Clarke (Lieut. Governor Ontario).

Paper   127f.
GRE/B176/3   [early 20th century]
Bundle of Typescript Copies of 47 Letters from Grey to the following persons. Subjects include: the Quebec battlefields and tercentenary celebrations, a national art gallery for Canada, Canadian/South American trade, Canadian militia, published letters of Queen Victoria, retirement of R.W. Scott and Dr Dawson, Canadian/USA relations, the role of The Times in Canadian affairs, forest under crown control, the Anglican bishop of Toronto, Rudford's expedition among the Eskimoes, Col. Denison's book, Canadian contribution to imperial navy, Halifax memorial tower, relations between Quebec and Ontario, the German navy league, deep sea fishing off British Columbia and Sir G. Doughty's proposed company to promote it, Sir W. Macdonald's college, military cadet training in schools, the position of the Ontario government, a Shakespeare Imperial Memorial Theatre, Grey's Hudson Bay trip, the Hague award in favour of Canada, Lord Northcliffe's industrial establishment in Newfoundland, Vivian's garden city movement.
8 January 1908 Mrs Chapin.
8 January 1908 Mr Justice Harlan.
8 January 1908 Mr J. Ross Robertson.
18 January 1908 Mr W. Pugsley.
4 February 1908 Mrs Reford.
15 February 1908 Mr J.S. Willison.
15 February 1908 Sir Hugh Graham, 1st Baron Atholstan.
2 June 1908 Mr [James Jerome] Hill.
11 June 1908 Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
23 June 1908 Sir William MacDonald.
4 November 1908 Major General Lake.
7 November 1908 Sir Hugh Graham.
23 November 1908 Mr H.A. Kennedy.
23 November 1908 Mr R.W. Scott.
29 November 1908 Sir William MacDonald.
7 December 1908 Mr Clifford Sifton.
7 December 1908 Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
26 December 1908 Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
29 December 1908 Mr J.S. Willison.
17 January 1909 Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
18 January 1909 Dr S.E. Dawson.
8 February 1909 Mr MacBride.
10 February 1909 Sir George Drummond.
15 February 1909 Mr A.J. Glazebrook.
15 February 1909 Mr Frank Oliver.
13 April 1909 Colonel Denison.
2 November 1909 Mr R.L. Borden.
26 November 1909 Lord Plunket.
17 December 1909 Sir James Whitney.
21 December 1909 Mrs Fitzgibbon.
23 December 1909 Mr G.H. Cowan.
23 December 1909 Colonel J.S. Hendrie.
31 December 1909 Sir William MacDonald.
15 January 1910 Mrs Kirchhoffer.
22 January 1910 Mr Sydney Fisher.
22 February 1910 Mrs Gooderham.
12 April 1910 Lieut. Governor Gibson.
28 April 1910 Mrs Kirchhoffer.
2 May 1910 Mr Courtney.
16 September 1910 Colonel White.
16 September 1910 Mr L.P. Brodeur.
20 September 1910 Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
27 September 1910 Dr MacNaughton.
27 September 1910 Mr Richard MacBride.
12 October 1910 Mr R.A. Parrock (Principal Bishop's College Lennoxville).
18 October 1910 Mrs Reford.
20 November 1910 Mr Sydney Fisher.

Paper   96f.
Lord Strathcona
Reference: GRE/B176/4
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 31f.Paper

Subjects include: the Governor General's allowance, the placing of Strathcona's house in Montreal at Grey's disposal, postage rates for British magazines and newspapers in Canada which would assist them rather than American publications, Grey's impressions of Western Ontario, contribution by New Zealand children to the Tercentenary fund, proposed statue of Madeline de Vercheres, provision of nurses for the prairie provinces, physical education and military training in schools, the Bruce MacDonald and St Andrew's College, the prosperity of Canada, Sir Wilfrid Laurier's naval policy and the opposition of the R.C. Church to it, the Eucharistic Congress to be held in Montreal.
11 February 1905 - 8 January 1910 5 letters and 1 telegram from Strathcona to Grey.
14 November 1905 - 31 December 1909 7 copy letters Grey to Strathcona.
25 April 1906 1 copy letter Sydney Buxton to Strathcona.

H.A. Gwynne
Reference: GRE/B176/5
Dates of creation: 1906-1909
Extent: 36f.Paper

Subjects include: proposals for encouraging emigration of English boys of middle class families to Canada and training them to be farmers; The Standard's Canadian news service; potentialities of fruit farming in British Columbia.
27 April 1906 Copy extract of letter [Gwynne] to Grey.
7 December 1906, 4 January 1907 2 letters Gwynne to Grey.
21 December 1906, 14 January 1907 2 copy letters Grey to Gwynne.
28 September 1906 Copy letter Gwynne to Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor of the Bank of Montreal.
8 January 1907 1 letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.
3 January 1907 1 letter J.W. Robertson to Grey.
3 May 1909 1 letter W.A.M. Goode to Grey.

J. St Loe Strachey
Reference: GRE/B176/6
Dates of creation: 1904-1909
Extent: 83f.Paper

Subjects include: The Public House Trust; Rhodesia; 2nd Earl Grey and Creevey, the desirability of Grey's writing a biography of 2nd Earl Grey; the authorship of the Durham Report; Mackenzie King and a book he had written; book reviews the Spectator; Grey's visit to Washington; his view of Roosevelt; American politics; Canada and USA and the Atlantic Fisheries; the movement for unity among the Protestant Churches; universal military training; reorganisation of the militia and volunteers in England; Canadian Clubs; the death of Strachey's son; the colonial conference of 1907; Colonial Office reorganisation; essay competition for British subjects on Imperial subjects; the McGill and Toronto University magazine; Laurier's view of British diplomacy as inimical to Canada; Grey and church democratisation in the 1880's; Sir Henry Strachey and the United Empire Loyalists; Thomas Hughes and the Church; the Quebec battlefields Association; Lectures on the spirit and body of Canada; Roosevelt and Robertson's methods of education; the Canadian and colonial supplement to the Standard; American immigration into Canada; co-partnership as an alternative to socialism; criticism of Grey for advocating co-operation; Moneypenny's view of South Africa; the Whig policy regarding the colonies; Macphail's articles in the Spectator on the American woman; the destiny of Canada; the "Surrey Register".
9 January 1904 - 9 August 1909 21 letters J. St Loe Strachey to Grey.
31 May 1917 1 letter J. St Loe Strachey to Grey.
8 February 1906 - 2 June 1908 8 copy letters Grey to Strachey.
30 December 1907 Letter Thomas Hodgins to Strachey.
13 January 1908 Copy letter Strachey to Hodgins.
6 January 1908 Letter A.J. Dawson to Grey.
20 February 1909, 29 March 1909 2 letters Andrew Macphail to Grey.
1908 Pamphlet: The Ethics of Journalism by Strachey (Pan-Anglican papers being problems for consideration at the Pan-Anglican Congress).

L.S. Amery
Reference: GRE/B176/7
Dates of creation: 1907-1910
Extent: 30f.Paper

Subjects include: Federation in South Africa, Milner and a Canadian trip, Asiatic immigration into British Columbia and how to discourage it, suggestion that a naval ship building yard should be set up in Canada, desire in Canada to help England maintain naval supremacy, Australian naval contribution, the English budget, the R.C. Archbishop of Montreal and the naval question, the cadets of St Andrew College, Toronto, proposal of taking British boy scouts to Canada, Amery's impressions of South Africa, federation of the British Isles, Amery's defeat at Wolverhampton, Mackenzie King's speech on his bill to regulate combines, persons whom Grey should meet in Australia and New Zealand, criticisms of the governors and governor-generals, the Ulster problem.
15 July 1907 - 5 January 1914 8 letters Leopold S. Amery to Grey.
13 September 1907 - 21 April 1910 4 copy letters Grey to Amery.

Quebec Tercentary Letters
Reference: GRE/B176/8
Dates of creation: 1908-1910
Extent: 56f.Paper

Subjects include: First Nations reserve in the City of Victoria, the National Battlefield Commission, participation of Ontario in the subscription, Grey's ambitions concerning the battlefields scheme, American subscription to it, children's subscriptions, contributions from the Provinces of Canada, anonymous subscription of 10,000 dollars, presentations to Grey, the gaol and rifle factory on the battlefields, bi-lingual schools, the Conservatoire Lasalle. 32 copy letters from Grey to the following:
14 March 1908 W. Templeman.
16 March 1908 J.P. Whitney.
21 March 1908 R. Rogers.
21 April 1908 Mr Rutherford.
April 1908 Mr Tweedie.
April 1908 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta.
2 May 1908 Mrs Chapin.
7 May 1908 G.R. Coldwell.
7 May 1908 R. MacBride.
7 May 1908 Thomas McQueen.
7 May 1908 Lieutenant Governor Saskatchewan.
12 May 1908 Lord Strathcona.
19 May 1908 Sir George [Garneau].
21 May 1908 Hugh Graham.
6 June 1908 R. MacBride.
6 June 1908 Hugh Graham.
29 June 1908 Walter Scott.
13 July 1908 R.P. Roblin.
14 July 1908 Mrs Chapin.
14 July 1908 Dr Doughty.
9 September 1908 T. Chapais.
24 December 1908 Sir George Garneau.
27 December 1908 Sir George Garneau.
December 1909 Senator David.
30 December 1909 Sir James Whitney.
30 December 1909 Charles Langelier.
30 December 1909 Sir Lomer Gouin.
14 January 1910 Sir James Whitney.
14 January 1910 Sir Lomer Gouin.
15 January 1910 Sir James Whitney.
21 January 1910 François Langelier.
31 March 1910 Sir Lomer Gouin.

GRE/B176/9   1910
Subjects include: machinery for securing international peace, C.J. Rhodes and Anglo-American relations, the Rhodes Trust and university education, Grey's suggestion of American University scholarships for British subjects.
20 March 1910 Letter William O. McDowell to Grey.
26 March 1910 Draft letter Grey to McDowell.
26 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to McDowell.
29 March 1910 Letter McDowell to Grey.
30 March 1910 Letter McDowell to Grey.
2 April 1910 Copy letter Grey to McDowell.
12 April 1910 Copy letter McDowell to Andrew Carnegie.
Joint resolution of Congress of the United States of America to convene a meeting of the legislative bodies of the nations of the world and a meeting of all the judges of the permanent international court at the Hague; remarks on this joint resolution.
14 April 1910 Letter McDowell to Grey [enclosing the two previous documents].
15 April 1910 Copy letter John McCook to Andrew Carnegie.
20 April 1910 Letter Theodore Marbury to Grey.
17 June 1910 Letter D. Weaver(?) [assistant secretary Rhodes Trust] to Miss Gilbertson.
15 April 1910 Letter John McCook to Andrew Carnegie.
5 October 1910, Copy letter John McCook to Grey.

Paper   36f.
Unification of Empire
Reference: GRE/B176/10
Dates of creation: 1896-1911
Extent: 68f.Paper

Contains subsidary file marked "Royal Colonial Institute". Consists of: Notes from a speech (?) by Sir John Cockburn (Royal Colonial Institute) on "Signs of Imperial Solidarity". Deals especially with building of fleets by the Dominions. Notes from a speech (?) by the Hon. John McCall (Agent General for Tasmania) on "Tasmania: its resources and future". Also notes evidently of a discussion that took place on the above two subjects.
October 1907 Notes from an article in the University Magazine by Andrew MacPhail "The Patience of England".
Quotation from W. Allison on the necessity of Australia's being loyal to England.
Paper on the cost of a Standing Army - on the cost of maintaining the British S. Africa police, and now unnecessary it is to expand the force in view of existing alternative means of defence of S. Rhodesia.
2 February 1906 Copy letter M.F. Ommanney to Sec. of the Treasury.
28 February 1906 Copy letter John Bradbury to Bernard Holland.
12 April Letter Bernard Holland to Hanbury Williams.
Proof copy of "Return of the Cost of the Several Colonies, Protectorates, and Dependencies of the British Empire at the Expense of the British Exchequer ... 1853-1930...", with many MS additions or alterations. Enclosed in it are some MS sheets including Colonial contributions to the war and military and naval expenditure in the British Empire 1898-9.
19 July 1911 Cutting from the Tribune, with article by Andrew Macphail on "Imperialism: its problem"; and an article by W.D. McBride on "Canada's West; its progress since Fraser".
11 August 1911 Letter R.M. Coulter (Deputy Postmaster General) Canada to D.O. Malcolm, enclosing: Comparative statement showing number of newspaper sacks received at Canadian Exchange Offices from Great Britain for six months ending 31 May 1910 and 1911.
24 February 1911 Proof of memorandum on the cheapening of cable rates throughout the British Empire.
25 April 1911 Pamphlet: Imperial Telegraphs by Charles Bright.
November 1911 Pamphlet: The Case for Cheaper Empire Cables by Robert Donald.
13 August 1910 Letter Eliot Crawshay-Williams to Grey, concerning a discussion to be held by the 80 Club on Imperial Federation, enclosing: 25 July 1910 Extract from the speech by the Right Hon. A. Birrell on imperial federation.
9 May 1911 Cutting from the Globe, Ambassador Bryce's address on the "Place of Canada in the Empire"; immigration also.
1 July Cutting from The Times, Dominion Day.
22 January 1912 Pages from the Gazette (Montreal), "Canada and England" - a letter from Sir Joseph Pope on the views of the fathers of confederation.
24 November 1908 Cutting from the Montreal Gazette, "Canada's status - a view of the moral obligation to bear natural burdens".
Printed account of speeches by Lord Selborn on the "Destiny of the Empire" and Henry Page Croft on the "Imperial Brotherhood".
2 August 1911 Pages from The Grain Growers' Guide.
February 1910 Copy of The Arbor. Article on Canada's external relations.
Pamphlet: The Monroe Doctrine by Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. (reprinted from The Nineteenth Century) by the Anglo-American League. The pamphlet includes details about the League. Enclosed: 3 June 1898 Menu and programme of the Anglo-American Banquet and a circular letter (January 1907) concerning another banquet in honour of James Bryce on his appointment as ambassador to the United States.
July 1908 Pamphlet: Problems of Today by E. Crawshay-Williams.
Pamphlet: Practical Imperialism by P.A. Vaile.
Pamphlet: Sir Charles Tupper, Bart, and the Unification of the Empire by an Imperial Federationist (1896).

Edmund Garrett
Reference: GRE/B176/11
Dates of creation: 1905-1906
Extent: 31f.Paper

Subjects of correspondence include: Milner's policies in South Africa, Britain and colonial trade, Grey's speech at Toronto on colonies and defence, Garrett's observations on that subject, the bright prospects of Canada, her climate and potentialities, Wilfrid Campbell's poems, military drill in Canadian schools, University Extension letters on the British Empire, British versus American ideals.
2 March 1905, 20 December 1905 2 letters F. Edmund Garrett to Grey; 2 copies of letter of 20 December 1905.
19 November [1904] 1 letter Ellen Garrett to Grey. [The verses that were enclosed (lines in Kruger's death and funeral) are now in box 239, file 4.]
9 May 1905, 22 November 1905, 2 January 1906 3 copy letters Grey to Garrett.
Verses by Garrett.
Cutting of a tribute to Garrett with reproduction of his photograph.

Lord Selborne
Reference: GRE/B176/12
Dates of creation: 1903-1909
Extent: 47f.Paper

Subjects include: Race fusion in South Africa, South African politics and political personalities, Grey's salary as Governor General and that of his military secretary, the appointment of the Governor General's staff, citizen army, physical and military training for youths, the cadet movement, the Praadeberg dinner, the R.C. Church's loyalty to Britain, the interests of the Chartered Co. as detrimental to the development of Rhodesia, the white and black races, the economic situation in S. Africa, South Africa and contribution to Grey's scheme for the Plains of Abraham, representation of the S. African colonies at the battlefields ceremonies in Canada, government experimental farms, the Prince of Wales' visit to Quebec, Sir Henry De Villiers' interests in colonial government, federation or unification in S. Africa and the system of representation, Pope's "confederation documents", the United Empire Loyalists, Dr Leacock as an imperial missionary, Bemuda and West Indies trade with Canada, criticism and praise for President Roosevelt.
2 April [1907?] - 23 September 1908 9 letters Selborne to Grey.
24 March 1903 - 24 February 1909 8 copy letters Grey to Selborne.
11 October 1906 1 letter Selborne to Charlie [5th Earl Grey].
18 October .... 1 letter Maud Selborne to Charles.
4 May 1903 Copy letter Grey to J.S. Sandars.
20 July 1908 Letter Sir Henry de Villiers to Pope.

“Mr Maxse”
Reference: GRE/B177/1
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 42f.Paper

8 December 1905 Grey to Leo Maxse (of the National Review), article re Governor General of Canada; and a course of university extension lectures in Ottawa on the British Empire.
28 December 1905 Maxse to Grey, apology for article; British politics and imperialism.
11 January 1906 Grey to Maxse, Americanisation in Canada, Dr Leacock's lectures on the British Empire, Grey's dissatisfaction with arrangments for the transatlantic service.
21 April 1906 Grey to Maxse, Royal visit to Canada, American politics.
14 February 1907 Grey to Maxse, Educational debate in Canadian House of Commons.
15 February 1907 Grey to Rosebery, debate in Canadian House of Commons on relations between Great and Greater Britain (Imperial Federation).
26 June 1907 Grey to Maxse, article for Review by Mackenzie King concerning act re strikes and lock-outs.
16 January 1907 Grey to Maxse, Dr Herridge and attempted union of Canadian Protestant Churches.
13 October 1907 Grey to Maxse, MacPhail and University of McGill and Toronto magazine; inter-imperial free trade, Asiatic immigration, the Quebec battlefields.
5 November 1907 Press cuttings: "Fabian Ware and Imperial Relations". "Mr Ware in Canada".
6 November 1908 Grey to Milner, concerning Milner's Canadian campaign and enclosing the following: 28 October 1907 Copy Grey to Ware, criticising his idea of Laurier's ideal being one of peaceful separation.
11 March 1910 Grey to Moberly Bell of The Times, concerning Cook's dismissal by The Times. Sir W. Laurier and Imperial Federation.

Colonial Clubs in London
Reference: GRE/B177/2
Dates of creation: May 1909
Extent: 4f.Paper

Subject: drafting of prominent colonial visitors into London Clubs.
6 May 1909 Letter Sir Francis Hopwood [of the Colonial Office] to Grey.
19 May 1909 Copy Grey to Hopwood.

Duke of Connaught
Reference: GRE/B177/3
Dates of creation: 1910-1913
Extent: 121f.Paper

Subjects: the Duke of Connaught's appointment as Governor General; the date of his arrival; his proposed tour of the West and objections to it; his staff; various preparations for him; state coach, horses; the salary of some members of his staff including Sladen; the Toronto Exhibition, a flag for the Canadian navy; Canadian politics; the Taft-Fielding agreement with USA; the Canadian General Election and defeat of the Liberals; the King's satisfaction with Grey's governorship; the opening of the Canadian Parliament and reception held by Connaught; rifle, skating and musical and dramatic trophies; the fishing question between Canada and USA; the Duchess of Connaught's illness; English politics; the Aldwych site.
31 January 1911 - 5 October 1913 12 letters Arthur Duke of Connaught to Grey.
24 June 1910 - 23 September 1911 13 copy letters and 1 extract of letter, from Grey to Connaught.
23 August 1911 Letter Laurier to Grey.
14 January 1910 Letter Arthur Bigge to Grey.
7 January 1910 Letter J. Hanbury Williams to Grey.
14 January 1910 Letter Francis Hopwood to Grey.
21 August 1910, 11 February 1911 2 letters Major Cecil Lowther to Grey.
29 July 1910, 8 April 1911 2 copy letters Grey to Lowther.
28 February 1911 Letter Lowther to D.O. Malcolm.
16 March 1911 Copy letter Malcolm to Lowther.
9 February 1911 Letter Major Malcolm Murray to Grey.
22 February 1911, 15 April 1911 2 copy letters Grey to Murray.
21 July 1911 Letter Capt. Bulkeley to Grey.
22 June 1910, 1, 15 April 1911, 1 July 1911 4 copy letters Grey to Bulkeley.
7 April 1911 1 summary of letter Grey to Bulkeley.
26 July 1911 Copy letter D.O. Malcolm to Bulkeley.
25 March 1911, 29 July 1911 2 copy letters Grey to G.W. Pugsley.
25 March 1911 Letter Capt. R.S. Birdwhistle, secretary of Dominion of Canada Rifle Association, to Grey's secretary. Enclosing suggested rules and regulations for rifle competition "The Duke of Connaught's Empire Match". Press cuttings with reports of speeches in reply to Grey's speech from the throne.

King Edward's Horse
Reference: GRE/B177/4
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 20f.Paper

Subjects: King Edward's Horse Regiment in Canada; question of the King's Colonials and their training with the Canadian militia; amendments to the militia law; colonial visitors and London Clubs.
10 October 1910 Letter Lt. Col. Sir Arthur Bigge to Grey.
Press cutting on King Edward's Horse.
27 October 1910 Copy letter Grey to Gen. Sir Percy Lake.
1 November 1910 Letter Lake to Grey.
11 November 1910 Copy Grey to Sir Frederick Borden.
8 November 1910 Letter D.O. Malcolm to Col. F.L. Lessard, with Lessard's reply underneath.
21 November 1910 Letter F.W. Borden to Grey.
16 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to Bigge.

GRE/B177/5   1911-1914
Subjects: current affairs; the Duke of Connaught's visits to various places especially Winnipeg; Canadian politics; business matters in which Grey was involved; the Overseas Club; co-partnership and the coal strike in England; growth of imperial sentiment in Canada; Canadian naval contribution; Grey and reciprocity; ill-health of the Duchess of Connaught; Grey's possible re-visit to Canada; alterations to Government House Ottawa; Lord Chelmsford's mission to Canada; reaction to the 1914 war in Canada.
2 November 1911 - 22 December 1914 Bundle of 28 letters Arthur F. Sladen to Grey.
11 March 1912 1 letter Sir Henry M. Pellatt to Grey.
12 March 1912 1 letter Sir Henry M. Pellatt to Sladen.

Paper   98f.
“Financial Boycott”
Reference: GRE/B177/6
Dates of creation:
Extent: 8f.Paper

25 October 1909 Incomplete letter Grey to .... on W.T. Stead and proposals for boycott of belligerents who fail to submit their cause first to the Hague Tribunal.
Paper by Grey on Western Canada and the imperial ideal.
21 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Reford criticising a paper she had submitted to him.

Special Letters of Congratulation on Grey's Appointment as Governor General of Canada
Reference: GRE/B177/7
Dates of creation: 1904-1911
Extent: 9f.Paper

4 September 1904 Copy letter Benjamin C. Browne to Grey on his appointment as Governor General.
n.d. Letter Consuelo Duchess of Marlborough to Grey, praising his conversational abilities.
13 December 1910 Letter L. Marion Ames to Grey concerning photographs of Grey and praising his character in office.
2 June 1911 Letter Lord Salisbury to Grey thanking him for hospitality.
6 June 1911, 28 .... 1911 2 letters W.J. Hanna to Grey, concerning fruit and agricultural development, Grey's speeches, and thanking him for hospitality.
21 December 1910 Letter Eileen B. Thompson to Grey, on her literary endeavours.
29 November 1910 Letter Sir Charles Fitzpatrick to Grey congratulating him on his birthday and concerning his Governor Generalship.

Letters of Congratulation on Grey's Appointment as Governor General of Canada
Reference: GRE/B177/8
Dates of creation: 1904
Extent: 297f.Paper

Letters from:
n.d. Lord Aberdeen.
4 October 1904 Thomas Adams, Secretary and Manager of the First Garden City.
7 September 1904 Lawrence William Adamson.
6 September 1904 Charles Robert Adeane.
30 September 1904 Cuthbert Alderson.
1 October 1904 H.W. Walton, Clerk of Alnwick Rural District Council.
28 September 1904 Arthur Oliver Villiers Russell, 2nd Baron Ampthill, Governor General of India (includes remarks on his own position).
26 September 1904 Andrew Peter Andersen, Mayor of Newcastle.
17 September 1904 Douglas H. Cairns.
2 September 1904 Watson Askew Robertson.
August 1904 L.M. Atkinson.
2 September 1904 Sophia, Countess of Albermarle, to Alice Grey.
5 September 1904 C.A.V. Butler (also mentions Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Pease).
19 September 1904 Louisa, Duchess of Buccleuch. Francis Brumell, Town Clerk of Morpeth (also thanking Grey for giving the Council an Address from the people of Morpeth to 2nd Earl Grey on the passing of the Reform Act).
n.d. Alice Brown (a tenant).
1 September 1904 Violet Brocklehurst.
2 September 1904 Douglas Brodie.
31 August 1904 St John Brodrick.
9 September 1904 Henry Broadhurst.
4 September 1904 Francis C. Bridgeman.
17 September 1904 Thomas, Baron Brassey.
4 September 1904 W. Boyd.
8 September 1904 Dorothea Agnes Bowen.
n.d. E.R. Bourke.
13 September 1904 Harry Bourke.
29 September 1904 Booth Tucker (telegram).
10 September 1904 F.D. Blake.
8 September 1904 Margaret Blagharm.
16 September 1904 Basil Blackwood.
2 September 1904 Henry Birchenough (also declining a seat on the board of the Chartered Trust).
3 September 1904 Rose Bingham.
3 September 1904 Paul Bevan.
1 October 1904 Charles Beresford of HMS Caesar (also mentions hospitality received by the ship's crew on Tyneside).
18 August 1904 R.H. Benson to Elsie Grey.
2 September 1904 Hugh Bell.
2 September 1904 Charles William Bell.
2 September 1904 Adeline Marie, dowager Duchess of Bedford.
4 September 1904 Alix Beaucliff.
2 September 1904 "The Old Nanny" (2 Duke Street, Alnwick).
3 September 1904 James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford and Balcarres.
4 September 1904 Thomas H. Bainbridge.
n.d. Miles N. Backhouse.
8 September 1904 P. Cameron (of Toronto) (also much concerning prohibition; notes of reply on back of letter by Grey's secretary).
5 September 1904 Andrew Carnegie.
2 September 1904 A.M. Carpenter.
7 September 1904 Ralph Carr Ellison.
13 September 1904 Richard Carrington.
16 September 1904 Bernard Edward Barnaby (Fitzpatrick) Baron Castletown of Upper Ossory.
12 September 1904 John D. Challoner, Captain of Newcastle upon Tyne Rifle Club.
4 September 1904 Richard Chester-Master (also mentions Rhodesia).
5 September 1904 Chesterfield: Edwyn Francis Stanhope 10th Earl (also disparaging remarks on the government).
8 September 1904 Major-General Sir Herbert Francis Eaton, 3rd Baron Cheylesmore.
2 September 1904 A. Chipman.
9 September 1904 Stanley Christenherson.
7 September 1904 Isabel Clayton.
n.d. Jeanne Clayton.
3 September 1904 Harriet, Viscountess Clifden.
2 September 1904 G.D. Atkinson Clark.
3 September 1904 Ann Sybella Clive (Grey's aunt).
9 September 1904 Edward Clive.
3 September 1904 J.G. Colmer (Secretary Canada Club).
3 September 1904 John Blencow Cookson.
3 September 1904 Joseph Cowen (telegram).
11 September 1904 George Edward Coxon (also mentions his sons in Canada).
3 September 1904 H. Craik (also mentions Rhodesia).
n.d. T.W. Craster.
2 September 1904 Thomas Crawford.
August 1904 1st Baron Crawshaw.
20 August 1904 Catherine Crawshaw.
21 September 1904 Sir Savile Brinton Crossley, 1st Baron Somerleyton (also mentions a man who would like to be Grey's private secretary).
2 September 1904 Stuart C. Cumberland (also mentions a book he is writing on South Africa in which Grey is mentioned).
4 September 1904 Janet Culley recommending A.G.L. Culley for a post under Grey.
n.d. A.F. Dangar (also concerning South Africa and his success at horse breeding in Australia).
2 September 1904 William Heneage Legge, 6th Earl of Dartmouth (also mentioning Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA; and first aiders).
12 September 1904 E.L. Davis (Chief Passenger Agent North Eastern Railway).
2 September 1904 A. Davis (of the African Review).
2 September 1904 George A. Fenwick.
3 September 1904 Evelyn Dawnay
23 August 1904 Guy Dawnay thanking Grey for offering to take him as an aide-de-camp.
13 September 1904 Hugh Dobson (Hon. secretary Imperial South Africa Association).
3 October 1904 Adam Douglas (Clerk and Superintendent Registrar Belford Union) with copy resolution passed by the Guardians of Belford Union.
2 September 1904 C.S. Drummond.
2 September 1904 William Duncan.
20 August 1904 M. Earl. 6 September
1904 Randall Mark Kerr, Viscount Dunluce, 7th Earl of Antrim, nephew to Grey.
11 October 1904 Wilbraham, 1st Earl of Egerton of Tatton, thanking Grey for appointing his son on Grey's staff.
3 September 1904 Elizabeth (cousin).
2 September 1904 Victor Alexander Bruce, 9th Earl of Elgin (cousin).
1 September 1904 E. Erlanger.
4 September 1904 Horace Farquhar.
6 September 1904 Charlotte Farquhar.
7 October 1904 James Ferguson (secretary Northumberland Agricultural Supply Association Ltd) with copy resolution of the Council of the Association.
2 September 1904 Oswald Fletcher.
7 October 1904 G.C. Fletcher (also concerning unemployment).
4 September 1904 Helen Emily Forbes.
30 August 1904 Moreton Frewen.
31 August 1904 Moreton Frewen to Lady Grey (concerning Canada).
3 September 1904 Sir Alfred Downing Fripp.
4 September 1904 Galway.
3 September 1904 A.A. Garstin.
25 September 1904 A. Germershausen.
Thomas George Gibson [card attached to a note "pour féliciter"].
27 September 1904 Robert Middlemas (Clerk of Glendale Union) enclosing copy resolution passed at a meeting of the Guardians of Glendale Union, 22 September 1904, signed G.G. Rea, chairman, and R. Middlemas, clerk.
3 September 1904 C. Sydney Goldmann [telegram].
September 1904 W. Athel M. Goode (of the Associated Press).
2 September 1904 Edward John Gough.
17 September 1904 Graham.
3 September 1904 Capt. Harry Graham.
2 September 1904 W.S. Selbright Green.
6 September 1904 Edward Owen Greening (concerning his relatives in Canada and the One and All Association).
5 September 1904 Joseph Greenwood (mentioning co-operative movement).
9 September 1904 Joseph Greenwood (concerning the co-operative movement and working class policy; enclosing press cuttings from the Hebden Bridge Times, one concerning Grey).
3 September 1904 Henry Knight Gregson, R.N.
4 September 1904 G. Caetani Grenier.
3 September 1904 E.G. [Ethel Anne Priscilla Grenfell, Lady Desborough].
3 September 1904 Willy Grenfell.
n.d. Victoria Grenfell, Sybil and Evelyn Grey, urging Grey to accept the post.
2 September 1904 M.K. Grey.
1 September 1904 Helen Grey (aunt).
11 September 1904 Sybil Grey [not Grey's daughter] recommending a man for a post.
4 September 1904 E. Grey.
2 September 1904 Townshend Griffin.
n.d. Sibell Grosvenor.
9 September 1904 Sir J. de Marie Haggerston, 9th Bart.
2 September 1904 L.K. Haldane (observations on lack of action by the government with respect to Empire).
19 August 1904 2nd Viscount Halifax.
18 October 1904 Richard M. Hall concerning a lecture for the Africa Society.
13 September 1904 N. Handcock (secretary of the Imperial South Africa Association).
4 October 1904 Ralph Harbord.
28 October 1904 George Robert C. Harris.
4 September 1904 William Cecil Harris.
3 September 1904 Charles A. Harrison.
5 September 1904 Frederick Hearn.
3 September 1904 M. Heywood (concerning Grey's Rhodesian activities).
3 September 1904 Revd. James Henderson.
2 September 1904 Daniel Hill (of Broads, Paterson & Co).
4 September 1904 C. Shirreff Hilton.
23 September 1904 Bernard Holland.
2 September 1904 Charles Alexander Douglas, 12th Earl Home.
n.d. Edith Hood (?) to Lady Grey.
4 September 1904 Francis Hopwood.
2 September 1904 Muriel Howard.
4 September 1904 Geoffrey Howard.
George James Howard, 9th Earl of Carlisle (mentions Grey's trustfulness being imposed upon in the House of Lords).
3 September 1904 Washington Hume (New York & Brooklyn Syndicate mentioned).
24 September 1904 George Hunter (chairman of the North of England Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Association), inviting Grey to preside at a banquet. Notes of Grey's reply on f.1v.
8 September 1904 - Hyde soliciting on behalf of Hatch Mansfield & Co. order for wine for Canada.
16 September 1904 Captain Fullarton James (Chief Constable of Northumberland).
6 September 1904 James Joicey.
13 September 1904 George J. Jolliffe (of the Salvation Army) (mentions the position of the Salvation Army in Canada).
n.d. Jaunita [Bulteel?], Rose, Florita [St Aubyn?], Guy [St Aubyn?] and Barbara (telegram).
2 September 1904 Algernon Hawkins Thomand Falconer, 9th Earl of Kintore.
20 September 1904 Revd. E.E.W. Kirkby.
11 September 1904 Francis Knollys (mentions that the King was anxious that Grey should be appointed).
2 September 1904 J.A. Lambert (mentions the Canteen Committee and the army).
n.d. Ralph E. Lambton (mentions presidency of the Northumberland Pole Club).
5 September 1904 Ronald Lane.
4 September 1904 Richard Lawley recommending Capt. Gerald Fitzgerald of the Blues as military secretary.
5 September 1904 Thomas F. Leadbitter.
n.d. Katherine, Duchess of Leeds.
24 August 1904 Clement Lloyd Hill.
10 September 1904 Georgiana Caroline Cavendish, Duchess of Leicester (asking whether Grey could give one of her sons a post on his staff).
10 November 1904 John Lisle.
3 September 1904 George Liversey (co-partnership activities mentioned).
3 September 1904 Lobster (?) (Lady Minto and a railway accident mentioned).
3 September 1904 Lady E. Loch.
23 August 1904 G.W.E. Loder.
5 September 1904 William R. Lord (secretary of the N. of England Steamship Owners' Association).
3 September 1904 Sir Riley Lord.
21 August 1904 Louise, Countess of Antrim.
10 September 1904 H. Luxmoore (recommending W.D. Eggar for post of Principal of the Durham College of Science).
28 September 1904 Lytton (The [Public House] Trust Company mentioned).
19 September 1904 Helen Sandfield MacIntyre (remarks on the situation in Canada; encloses press cuttings concerning the Mintos).
5 September 1904 N.(?) Macglashan.
15 September 1904 Pamela Lytton.
9 September 1904 Montagu Maclean.
31 May 1904 James Rochfort Maguire, assuring Grey that so far as Rhodesia was concerned he need have no scruples about accepting a new post.
20 & 31 August 1904 Julia Maguile (also accepting an invitation to Howick).
2 September 1904 Marlborough.
15 September 1904 C. Marshall Dix (Chairman of Tyneside Physical Culture Society). (Mentions Grey's work for physical culture in the district).
13 June 1904 James Mavor.
n.d. Charles Metcalfe (business concerns and land settlement scheme mentioned).
17 October 1904 T. Menzies.
25 August 1904 Emily Charlotte Meynell Ingram.
5 September 1904 Sir Lewis L. Michell (telegram).
2 September 1904 Milner T. J.
16 September 1904 William Ellis sending congratulations of Morpeth Board of Guardians and Rural District Council. Enclosures: Address of Morpeth R.D.C. Address of Morpeth Union of Guardians.
2 September 1904 James Morrish.
22 September 1904 William Murray [in verse].
4 September 1904 Arthur Thomas Lloyd, Bishop of Newcastle.
3 September 1904 Thomas Wodehouse Legh, 2nd Baron Newton.
20 August 1904 Sir Andrew Noble.
15 October 1904 J.A. Nicholson (Registrar McGill University Montreal). (Informing him that the University would confer on him the degree of Doctor of Laws).
2 September 1904 Robert D. Noble (Grey's temperance work mentioned).
1 September 1904 Henry George Percy, 7th Duke of Northumberland.
2 September 1904 Edith, Duchess of Northumberland.
3 September 1904 Sir Charles Bowyer Adderley, 1st Baron Norton (mentions crisis in colonial relations).
15 September 1904 J.S. O'Halloran (Secretary of the Royal Colonial Institute). (Mentioning the desirability of Lord Minto's addressing the Institute about Canada).
3 September 1904 Minnie Paget.
20 September 1904 Walburga Paget.
4 September 1904 Joseph Pease.
3 September 1904 Lord Percy (Roosevelt's policy mentioned).
4 September 1904 Dr W. Peterson (McGill University).
2 September 1904 H. Plumer (War Office).
n.d. J.R. Plummer (telegram).
3 September 1904 F. Pollock. (Temperance movement mentioned).
3 September 1904 Neville Priestley.
30 September 1904 F.H. Pruen.
4 October 1904 F.H. Pruen (Secretary Durham College of Science) (conveying congratulations of the Council of the College).
9 September 1904 Mary Raglan.
22 September 1904 R.R. Redmayne (Secretary of the North East Reformatory), concerning power of attorney for Grey's signature with respect to the transfer of Trust Securities of the Reformatory.
5 September 1904 J. Ricarde Seaver (the loss to South Africa mentioned).
8 September 1904 Wigham Richardson.
31 August & 11 September 1904 Viscount Ridley (filling the vacant directorship and concerning a farewell dinner).
2 September 1904 Edward Ridley.
3 September 1904 Rosamond Ridley.
3 September 1904 U.A. Riston.
2 September 1904 A. Tower Robertson.
5 September 1904 Lord Rosebery (The Rhodes Trust mentioned).
Lord Rosebery to Lady Grey saying she may organise him a tour protected from the press if she can.
24 October 1904 Walter Runciman.
5 September 1904 Frank S. Russell.
3 September 1904 W.D. Russell.
5 September 1904 Victoria Sackville-West.
2 September 1904 Grace Duchess of St Albans (concerning her Trustees of whom Grey is one).
n.d. Cicely Alice Marchioness of Salisbury.
5 September 1904 Harriet G.M. Sandars.
9 September 1904 Richard Burdon-Sanderson.
4 September 1904 Lord Sandwich asking whether he might spend a night at Howick.
5 September 1904 Alice Sassoon.
4 September 1904 Alared Frederick George Beresford Lumley, 10th Earl of Scarbrough.
3 September 1904 Lucy Cecilia Countess of Scarbrough.
8 September 1904 Arthur Scholefield (mentions loss to shipowners through Grey's appointment, and a meeting of the Tyne Commissioners).
10 September 1904 Henry H. Scott.
17 October 1904 W.H. Scott (Battalion President of Boys' Brigade).
3 September 1904 Charles Scott.
2 September 1904 J. Seear.
7 September 1904 William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of Selborne.
17 October 1904 Charles S. Shortt (Clerk of Castle Ward Union), enclosing copy resolution of the Guardians of the Union, 13 October 1904.
18 September 1904 William Sinclair.
20 September 1904 John R. Slade.
3 September 1904 George Smalley (telegram).
14 September 1904 William Smith.
3 September 1904 T.W. Snagge.
12 September 1904 Virginia Countess Somers.
12 September 1904 Kitty Somerset.
2 September 1904 Arthur Stanley.
2 September 1904 Stella (Kensington Square) telegram.
2 September 1904 Leonard Stocks.
n.d. Lord Strathcona (telegram).
2 September 1904 - Tait to George Grey of Milfield, mainly about South Africa.
4 September 1904 H.J. Tennant.
14 September 1904 Hallam, 2nd Lord Tennyson.
5 September 1904 Owen Thomas (The great loss to Rhodesia emphasised).
1 October 1904 Septimus Scott (Clerk of Tynemouth Union) with resolution of the Board of Guardians of the Union.
3 September 1904 Val & Elizabeth (Telegrams from Killarney).
5 September 1904 H.T. Van Laun.
7 September 1904 Frederick Verney.
3 September 1904 J. Augustus Voelcker.
2 September 1904 C. Watney (Foreign Editor of the Daily Mail).
12 October 1904 H.W. Walton (Clerk of Alnwick Union) conveying congratulations of the Union.
4 September 1904 R. Spence Watson with note signed E.S.W. adding congratulations.
3 September 1904 Julius Weil.
3 September 1904 Beilby, 3rd Baron Wenlock.
4 September 1904 Sir Julius Charles Wernher.
7 September 1904 Sir Algernon West.
2 September 1904 John Wharton.
n.d. Charles White.
14 October 1904 A. Whitehorn (Clerk of Tynemouth R.D. Council) with resolution of the Council congratulating Grey.
5 September 1904 Cecilia Widdrington.
18 October 1904 George Wilkinson (Clerk to Castle Ward R.D. Council) with copy of resolution of the Council congratulating Grey.
8 September 1904 Gilbert Heathcote-Drummond Willoughby, Baron Willoughby de Eresby and 2nd Earl Ancaster.
18 September 1904 Charles Williams (secretary of Northumberland County Education Committee).
11 September 1904 Violet Stewart Williams (gives news of Stewart Williams in Vancouver).
22 September 1904 Isabel Wilson.
1 September 1904 Sir Charles Rivers Wilson concerning the new Canadian Transcontinental Railway.
26 August 1904 F.L. Wood.
23 August 1904 Edward F.L. Wood.
1 September 1904 Francis L. Wood.
Julia Charlotte Shannon.
2 September 1904 Mrs Ridley
2 September 1904 George G. Fenwick
n.d, half of letter from Helen Laudis & Hae Lilque(?)
n.d (says Sunday at top of first sheet), Richard Halliday(?)
2 September (no year) Hueet Williams, Lord Butler for Co. Chester
14 October 1904 F. Bramble, Town Clerk of Morpeth

GRE/B177/9   1908-1910
Letters from Grey to various persons from Canada.
7 December 1908 Copy Grey to Charles Viscount Howick. Advising against contesting Morpeth; his allowance and expenses and public service work.
4 January 1909 Copy Grey to Howick, contesting of Bradford and his policy.
25 October 1909 Copy Grey to Howick, Lloyd George's speech; Bradford.
15 December 1909 2 copies Grey to Howick, Ireland; Canadian preference.
17 December 1909 Copy Grey to Howick, agricultural potentialities of Saskatchewan.
17 December 1909 Copy Grey to Howick, English politics.
24 December 1909 Moreton Frewen and patents of a process for protecting wood against boring insects, etc.
12 January 1910 Copy Grey to Mr Grey, British politics.
2 May 1910 Copy Grey to Howick, Mrs Sanford Evans' visit to England, Grey's projected Hudson Bay trip, Shakespeare Memorial Theatre.
2 June 1910 Copy Grey to Howick, interregnum in Governor-Generalship; the Duke of Connaught's secretary.
22 November 1910 Copy Grey to Howick, wrecking of Federal hopes; Howick's political prospects.
9 March 1911 Copy Grey to Howick, possible publication of his grandmother's letters.
Notes [from letter from Grey to Lady Wantage, 17 December 1909], British politics, Imperial defence.
3 April 1911 Copy Grey to Howick, Howick's public activities; British politics.
6 December 1909 Cutting from The Times, "The Division in the House of Lords".
17 December 1909 Copy letter Grey to Viscount Halifax, British politics and Imperial defence.
20 December 1909 Copy Grey to Lady Sybil Grey, British politics; Imperial defence.
12 May 1910 Copy Grey to "Vic" [Lady Victoria Dawnay], praise of prospects of Canada; memorial service for the King.
28 May 1910 Grey to Lady Victoria Dawnay, Hudson Bay trip; memorial service for the King.
3 June 1910 Copy letter Grey to Arthur [Grenfell], concerning the extension of his term of office as Governor General, his Hudson Bay trip; business matters and the Dollarel monument.

Paper   71f.
GRE/B177/10   1911-1912
9 October 1911 Paper: Quebec Account - receipts and expenditure; assets and liabilities.
14 April 1912 Plymouth to Grey, an action in the House of Lords.
15 February 1912 Lord Islington (Sir John Dickson-Poynder) [Gov. New Zealand 1910-12] to Grey, New Zealand politics; Imperial Federation.

Paper   9f.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Reference: GRE/B178/1
Dates of creation: 1913
Extent: 82f.Paper

Subjects of the letters: Canada's trade agreement with USA; the defeat of reciprocity; Canada and imperial defence - the naval question - Ireland - Home rule - Grey's concept of Empire - Laurier in opposition; labour relations in England; electoral corruption in Canada; Grey's banking concerns; the link between the Canadian and British Conservative parties; payment of "tribute" to England; Grey's letter to The Times about reciprocity.
20 November (?) 1910 - 14 June 1913 7 letters Laurier to Grey (3 of these letters are in triplicate, 1 in duplicate).
4 February 1912 - 14 May 1913 3 copy letters Grey to Laurier (duplicate of one of these letters).
10 February .... Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.
20 October 1913 1 letter Alexander Clement to W.H. Marston (in duplicate).
7 & 11 July 1913 2 letters E.W.M. Grigg to Grey.
Press cutting: "British Visitors to Canada - some words of advice".

Hague Recommendation
Reference: GRE/B178/2
Dates of creation: 31 July-5 August 1911
Extent: 27f.Paper

Subject: The Hague recommendations as regards the [Newfoundland] fisheries and Fitzpatrick's indication that Canada would agree to them whereas he had no authority to do so.
31 July - 1 August 1911 3 copy letters James Bryce to Grey.
2 August 1911 Decipher of a telegram Bryce to Grey.
2 August 1911 Copy letter Grey to Bryce.
3 August 1911 Letter D.O. Malcolm to Grey.
5 August 1911 Copy Grey to Dougie [Malcolm].

Reference: GRE/B178/3
Dates of creation: 9 and 17 August 1911
Extent: 9f.Paper

Subject: the Hague recommendation and Canada and the United States.
9 and 17 August 1911 2 copy letters Grey to Bryce.
Duplicate of part of one of the above letters.
Notes by Grey.

GRE/B178/4   July-September 1911
Subject: Grey's suggestion that Strathcona should bequeath his two houses on Dorchester Street to the Crown to provide a palace for the King when he visits Canada.
14 July, 15 September 1911 2 copy letters Grey to Lord Strathcona.
31 August 1911 1 letter Strathcona to Grey.

Paper   10f.
GRE/B178/5   May 1908
Subject: an anonymous donation of 10,000 dollars [by Graham] to Grey's Canadian battlefields fund.
11 May 1908 Letter Hugh Graham to Grey.
12-22 May 1908 4 anonymous letters [from Graham] to Grey.
20-21 May 1908 2 copy letters Grey to Graham.
19 May 1908 1 copy letter Grey to Sir George Drummond.

Paper   14f.
GRE/B178/6   28 October 1908
Letter W.F. Cockshutt to Grey, concerning his defeat at the polls.

Paper   1f.
Prince Arthur (Clarence House)
Reference: GRE/B178/7
Dates of creation: 9 January 1907
Extent: 1f.Paper

Prince Arthur to Grey, recommending Capt. Holland for the post of Grey's military secretary.

Navy League affairs
Reference: GRE/B178/8
Dates of creation: 6 August 1905
Extent: 3f.Paper

Letter Col. William Wood to Grey, Navy League affairs.

F.W. Borden
Reference: GRE/B178/9
Dates of creation: 20 December 1907-12 March 1908
Extent: 7f.Paper

3 letters Borden to Grey, concerning the guns at Esquimalt; a post for Major Bennett; Princess Christian's letter which is to be communicated to the nurses.

John Buchan
Reference: GRE/B178/10
Dates of creation: 27 August 1908
Extent: 1f.Paper

Letter Buchan to Grey, the success of the Tercentenary week (replying to Grey's letter of thanks of 10 August 1908 - see 210/8).

John Dougall
Reference: GRE/B178/11
Dates of creation:
Extent: 1f.Paper

28 May 1912 Letter J.R. Dougall to Grey, concerning The Witness and W.T. Stead.

Dr Doughty
Reference: GRE/B178/12
Dates of creation: 1908-1912
Extent: 5f.Paper

Subjects: The King's book; his position as Canadian archivist and his needs for new premises; fever in Ottawa; a gift to one of the Canadian museums.
11 July 1908 1 letter to A. Doughty to Sladen.
21 February, 7 August 1912 2 letters Doughty to Grey.
6 July 1912 Copy letter E.M. Mastin to Doughty (?).
Leaflet: The King's Book of Quebec (1911).

Sir G. Drummond
Reference: GRE/B178/13
Dates of creation: 27 July 1908
Extent: 1f.Paper

Letter, Sir George Drummond to Grey, thanking Grey for recommending him for the honour he has received from the King.

M. Griffin
Reference: GRE/B178/14
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 6f.Paper

1 June 1910 Letter Martin J. Griffin to Grey, thanking him for all his kindnesses and enclosing the concluding paragraph of an article he had written on 2nd Earl Grey, Lord Durham and Hobhouse and the Reform Bill.
3 June 1910 Copy Grey to Griffin, mentioning his difficulty in finding a suitable biographer for 2nd Earl Grey.
27 January 1909 Letter Griffin to Grey concerning Lady Stradbroke's volume which ignored the Canadian Parliamentary Library.
22 March 1905 Letter Griffin to Grey concerning a note Grey had written about the writer Kenelm Digby; thanking Grey for his interest in the library at Ottawa.

G.C. Gibbons
Reference: GRE/B178/15
Dates of creation: 1909
Extent: 4f.Paper

22 January & 19 April 1909 2 letters George C. Gibbons to Grey, treaty between Canada and USA.

Harcourt, Salisbury, Chamberlain
Reference: GRE/B178/16
Dates of creation: 1910-1911
Extent: 30f.Paper

13 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to the Duke of Argyll. The Duke of Connaught as Gov. General; confederation of Canada and Newfoundland; closer links of Canada and West Indies.
25 March 1911 Letter J. Chamberlain to Grey, reciprocity; Fielding's policy re USA; the Duke of Connaught.
5 March 1911 Copy Grey to Chamberlain, the Taft-Fielding agreement.
16 February 1911 Copy (extract) letter Grey to Marquis of Salisbury, reciprocity, inter-imperial free trade and the Taft-Fielding agreement.
30 January, 10 November 1911 Copy letters Grey to Bigge, the Parliament Bill; Grey's alarm at the political situation; criticism of Asquith; Grey's federal solution.
26 December 1910 Letter Meath to Grey, requesting he would write a foreword to Essays on Duty and Discipline.
10 February 1911 Letter James Johnston to Grey, sympathy on death of George Grey.
4 January 1911 Extract of letter from R. Insinger to Professor Mavor, criticism of the constitutions of the western states.

W.T. Stead
Reference: GRE/B178/17
Dates of creation: 1878-1909
Extent: 82f.Paper

11 April 1878 - 10 December 1909 33 letters, notes, etc., Stead to Grey.
March 1907 1 letter Stead to the London Correspondent of the New York American.
1889-1909 9 copy letters Grey to Stead (one in shorthand).
1904 Pages from The Review of Reviews: character sketch of Grey by Stead.
January 1908 Reprint from The Review of Reviews, “character sketch my father and my son” by Stead.
n.d. Memorandum of conversations Stead had had with Frank Bartie, Sir Edward Grey and others.
Press Cuttings:
February 1899 The Tsar's rescript (reports Grey's speech at peace meeting in Newcastle).
2 February 1899 Mr Stead as local preacher.
10 May 1907 Stead and Laurier (Montreal Daily Star).
Stead shows himself master of retort ... advocates peace with a sword in each hand.
1909 Letter Stead to The Daily Mail.
1 March 1909 Canada Paardeberg week.
2 Pamphlets by Stead: An Impeachment of the ... House of Lords [for] High Treason ... (9 December 1909); How to Bell the Cat or a Short Way with the Peers (9 December 1909).

GRE/B178/18   1908
12 December 1908 Memorandum of an interview of Admiral Kingsmill with Grey at which Kingsmill criticised the Marine Department.
Part of a letter Grey to Crewe concerning an interview between Sir W. Laurier and Lord Northcliffe - Northcliffe's evident willingness to advertise Canada and Laurier's lawsuit against The Times in connection with a charge of corruption over the Transcontinental Railway.

Paper   4f.
GRE/B178/19   October-November 1907
28 October 1907 Copy letter Grey to Fabian Ware, defending Sir W. Laurier against Ware's charges of desiring to bring about peaceful separation of Canada and the Empire.
1 November 1907 Letter Ware to Grey, declaring he would not speak publicly in a manner of which Grey would disapprove.

Paper   6f.
GRE/B178/20   August-September 1904
25 August 1904 Copy letter Edward VII to Grey, concerning his appointment as Governor General.
13 September 1904 Copy letter Sir W. Laurier to Grey, on his appointment as Governor General.
2 September 1904 Copy letter Prince Arthur to Grey, congratulations on his appointment as Governor General.

Paper   5f.
Mrs Chapin
Reference: GRE/B178/21
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 42f.Paper

Subjects of letters include: Her club for English and French Canadians; a discussion on what is patriotism; the Nelson celebration; the Catholic policy on the bringing up children of mixed marriages as Catholics; Grey's views on that subject; race fusion; the situation in England; remarks on USA and Canada; true aristocracy; the death of Mrs Chapin's brother.
c.1905-1910 13 letters Mrs A Chapin to Grey.
7 copy letters Grey to Mrs Chapin.
Press cuttings etc:
“Ex-minister defines the position of the French Canadian”.
“Canada's attitude towards us”.
10 April 1905 Mail and Empire: “Fusion of races - Utopian dream”.

Mrs Glyn
Reference: GRE/B178/22
Dates of creation: 1901-1907
Extent: 5f.Paper

Subjects of letters: her desire to meet Rhodes and her novels.
19 November 1901 - 15 September 1907 (1 n.d.) 5 letters Mrs Elinor Glyn to Grey.

Miss Frances Balfour
Reference: GRE/B178/23
Dates of creation: 1898-1905
Extent: 12f.Paper

The letters (except the two later ones) concern C.J. Rhodes, Lady Balfour's opinion of him and the rumour (which Grey strongly denied) that he was a drunkard. The other two letters concern Canada, British politics, Dr Norman Macleod and Dr Mitford Mitchell.
4 January, 31 March 1898, 9 March 1900 (incomplete), 12 April 1902, 12 September 1904, 2 June 1905 6 letters Lady Frances Balfour to Grey.
20 March (two copies), 2 April 1898 2 copy letters Grey to Lady Frances Balfour (with draft of letter of 2 April).
8 June 1898 Notes by Grey of a letter from Mrs Maclaren (of Wiston, Biggar N.B.) to Lady Frances Balfour.

[The letters up to and including 1902 were found apart].

GRE/B178/24   October-December 1910
Subjects: the Garden City movement and Canada; Grey's fear of the growth of slums in Canada; town planning.
20 October 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir William Van Horne.
23 November 1910 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey.
23 December 1910 Letter Sir William Van Horne to Grey.

Paper   5f.
GRE/B179/1   20 January 1917
Letter from Edward Grey of Fallodon to 4th Earl Grey, enclosing letter from 4th Earl Grey to Mrs Grey (mother of Edward Grey), 1 November 1885, on speeches made by her son.
20 January 1917

Paper   2f.

GRE/B179/3   1908-1916
24 December 1908 Sir W. Van Horne to Grey.
20 November 1910 Draft Grey to Sir Wilfrid [Laurier].
16 July 1916 Sir Joseph Pope to Grey (bilingual dispute).
3 August 1916 Grey's reply to above.
Rough notes by Grey.
18 June 1914 Edward Grey to Grey (the Canadian Agency).
23 June 1914 Edward Grey to Grey.
5 June 1916 Julia Drummond of Canadian Red Cross Society to Grey. Enclosed: Press cutting “Lady Drummond grateful for contribution to Canadian Relief Fund”.
Memo on recruiting in Quebec [by Capt. Lanctot].
29 March 1916 Letter from Richard McBride(?) of the office of the Agent General for British Columbia to Grey.
21 January 1916 Adams (town planning adviser, Commiss. of Conservation, Ottawa) to Grey.
19 August 1913 W.D. Lighthall to Grey, proportional representation in Canada.
30 June 1916 Charles Magrath of International Joint Commission to Grey - appointment of Governor General of Canada and recruiting.
24 June 1916 Same to same, various matters concerning Canada. Press cutting “Canadian Finance”.
8 March 1916 T. Mortimer Clark to Grey, espionage, recruiting, prohibition in Canada.
Note [by Charles Magrath] attached to a typescript account of a speech he had made on the International Joint Commission and international relations.

Paper   41f.
Mackenzie King
Reference: GRE/B179/4
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 37f.Paper

31 January 1909 and copy, 4 April, 14 December 1910 Mackenzie King to Grey.
22 February 1910 Grey to King.
15 December 1908 Telegram Grey to King.
10 December 1908 Recommendation by Laurier to Governor General concerning authorisation to Mackenzie King in respect of mission to China.
23 November 1908 Abstract of extracts from Vancouver Daily Province.
20 December 1906 Grey to W.T. Stead (bill concerning strikes and lock-outs).
20 December 1906 Grey to Henry Vivian (bill concerning strikes and lock-outs).
20 December 1906 Grey to King (industrial legislation).
13-14 June 1906 4 newspaper cuttings on strikes and their settlement.
11 May 1906 Sir W. Laurier to Grey.
15 March 1906 King to Grey.
2 March 1906 Extract from letter from Miss Markham, King's book on Harper, W. Campbell's poems, the Canadian character.
26 February 1906 J.A. Spender to Grey, King's book and Campbell's poems.
5 February 1906 Grey to King, concerning his book etc.
30 January 1906 King to Grey, sending his book.
1906 Extract from message of President of United States (strikes and lock-outs).
19 December 1905 King to Grey, on Mazzini's life and writings.
3 October 1905 Cutting from the Daily Herald (Nanaimo B.C.), on an address by King on Toynbee's Industrial Revolution.

Sir C. Fitzpatrick
Reference: GRE/B179/5
Dates of creation:
Extent: 3f.Paper

28 December 1911 Letter to Grey, the Ne temere decree, enclosing memo by Fitzpatrick “The Quebec Marriage Laws”.

GRE/B179/6   1908-1909
Letters John Morley, Edward Grey re/and Mackenzie King.
28 December 1908 Extract from letter from Lord Morley to Grey, concerning King (in duplicate).
Extract from letter from Sir Edward Grey - King at Fallodon (in triplicate).
1 January 1909 Letter from King to Grey, reporting on his interviews with Morley, Sir Edward Grey and others and their views on Asiatic emigration.

Paper   6f.
GRE/B179/7   10 April 1908
Letter Josceline Wodehouse to Grey, enclosing memorandum (on development of Bermuda) in the form of a letter from Eyre Hutson (Col. Sec. Fiji) to the Governor of Bermuda.
Another copy of the above memo.

Paper   9f.
GRE/B179/8   May-June 1909
14 June 1909 Note from Lord Esher to Grey, enclosing the following:
3 June 1909 Copy letter Lord Roberts to Esher, Esher's speech on National Defence.
6 June 1909 Copy letter Esher to Roberts, concerning above.
20 May 1909 Paper: Notes on the question of colonial naval contribution, by J.R. Chancellor (Sec. C.D.C.).

Paper   16f.
GRE/B179/9   [1900 x 1917]
Confidential memorandum concerning statements by Roosevelt on a large number of international questions.
Notes by Grey summarising parts of the above.
Memorandum by Grey on asiatic immigration into Canada, etc.
Rough notes by Grey on agricultural work etc.

Paper   15f.
Preference between West Indies and Canada
Reference: GRE/B179/10
Dates of creation: 1909-1909
Extent: 25f.Paper

19 May 1908 F.W. Thompson (Vice President & Managing Director of Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd. Montreal) to Grey - submitting memoranda of West Indian conditions of negotiation.
20 May 1908 Same to same, same subject.
7 November 1909 Cuttings from Montreal Gazette reporting Thompson's talk to the people of Port Arthur and Fort William.
27 January 1908 Copy report by W.G. Parmelee and A.E. Jones, delegates of Canada at a convention to consider closer trade relations between Canada, the British West Indies and British Guiana.

Dr Macphail and Dr MacNaughton
Reference: GRE/B179/11
Dates of creation: 1911-1916
Extent: 78f.Paper

Subjects of MacNaughton's letters include: Grey's Hudson Bay trip; the English miners; co-partnership; McGill University; criticisms of American affluent society and British politicians; the Germans - lessons to be learnt from them; their suitability for colonising South America; the naval question; the war; Frederick Scott Oliver's book; recruitment in Canada; the Scottish character; the English working class; the death of his son in the war. Subjects of Macphail's letters: Canadian politics; the production of a journal for school children; the Canadian Medical Journal; the University Magazine; success of the English Repertory Co. in Montreal.
26 September 1910 - 2 June 1916 8 letters John MacNaughton to Grey.
December 1912 Also pages from the University Magazine of Montreal - “Woman's Influence” - by MacNaughton and reprint from the University Magazine of MacNaughton's article “Past and Present”.
8 January 1911 - 14 February [1912] 5 letters Andrew Macphail to Grey.
17, 20 February 1911 2 letters George N. Morang (President of Morang Educational Company, Toronto) to Macphail.
Proof copy of newspaper article by Macphail “Canada's Loyalty”.
18 February 1911 Cutting of letter from Macphail in The Spectator, “Canada and the United States -the real danger”.
Proof copy of “Confiscatory Legislation” by Macphail.
Proof copy of “The Cleaning of the Slate” by Macphail.
Leaflet advertising the visit of Miss Horniman's Co. from the Gaiety Theatre, Manchester, to Montreal.
Estimates of cost producing a School Journal.

Sir Charles Fitzpatrick
Reference: GRE/B179/12
Dates of creation:
Extent: 6f.Paper

13 March 1907 - 16 August 1908 6 letters Fitzpatrick to Grey, Canada and Newfoundland; the fisheries; celebrations in August 1908 and a book to mark the occasion.

Reference: GRE/B179/13
Dates of creation: 1908
Extent: 25f.Paper

Subjects of the letters: suggestion that Bermuda should be “given” to Canada, the advantages of this; Grey's visit to Bermuda; economic distress through inability of dispose of the onion crop; the transfer of labour to Canada; the Governor's views of the situation of the island - the strength of the attraction towards America.
15 April - 21 December 1908 7 letters Josceline Wodehouse to Grey.
4 July 1908 1 letter H.G. Gollan to Wodehouse.
22 March .... 1 letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
n.d. 1 incomplete letter Grey to Sir William [Van Horne?], concerning Eyre Hutson's memo re Bermuda [179/8].
Notes by Grey of Canada's and USA's & UK trade.
Map showing steamship routes between Canada and British West Indies.
Petition of the Directors of the Bermuda Hotel Co. to the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly.
Envelope with 6 watercolour drawings of Bermuda fish.
Brochure: “Bermuda an ocean paradise”.

GRE/B179/14   1905-1911
25 April 1905 Cutting from Toronto News: “New Governor visits Toronto ... his first speech”.
[1 April 1906] Press cutting: “British and American Relations: Earl Grey entertained in New York”.
31 March 1906 Booklet: Dinner given by the Pilgrims of the United States to ... Earl Grey ... Governor-General of Canada.
12 December 1907 Booklet: Inaugural Address by ... Earl Grey to the Women's Canadian Club of Montreal.
Paper backed book: Addresses to His Excellency Earl Grey ... Governor General of Canada and his Speeches in Reply Having Relation to the Resources and Progress of the Dominion. (Ottawa, 1908).
3 May 1910 2 pages from the printed proceedings of the Canadian House of Commons “Addresses to the Governor General”.
4 May 1910 Addresses presented by the Senate and House of Commons to his Excellency Earl Grey Governor General of Canada on his retirement at Ottawa.
5 May 1910 Press cutting: “Session closed with a Farewell ... Official Farewell to the Governor General. His Excellency's Happy Reply”.
16 October 1911 Cutting from The Scotsman, “The after-glow of the Canadian Election. Lord Grey's Farewell Counsel and Admonition...”.

Paper   10f.
GRE/B180/1   1907-1912
Duplicate Copies of Lord Bryce's Letters 1907-1912 (originals returned at his request 23 November 1917). Subjects include: Canadian-American relations generally and particularly regarding fisheries, boundary waters, pelagic sealing, tariffs, reciprocity, the Hague recommendations and Fitzpatrick's assurances that certain recommendations would be accepted by Canada which he had no authority to give; questions concerning Newfoundland, the pecuniary claims convention - the Gerring case - General Arbitration Treaty - Japanese immigration - the necessity for the establishment of a Canadian Department of External Affairs; the Canadian elections of 1908 and 1911; American warships in the Great Lakes; the German naval threat, Miss Cadenhead's case; negotiations for better trade relations between Canada and Germany, the Hecate Strait, the proposal for a Canadian attaché at the British Embassy in Washington; the proposed appointment of a Canadian trade commissioner at Washington; the Passamaquoddy Bay question; the death of Edward VII; newspaper fabrications concerning tariff negotiations; criticism of The Morning Post; criticism of the US Senate; the US Senate and the Arbitration Treaty; American annexation of Canada; Irish home rule; Regional Government for England; the Duke of Connaught's visit to America, manhood and womanhood suffage. Copies of 241 letters James Bryce to Grey made up as follows:
1907 26 letters;
1908 47 letters;
1909 61 (2 copies of 1 letter) letters;
1910 49 letters;
1911 56 letters;
1912 2 letters.
9 June 1907 Also 1 copy letter E. Marion Bryce to Grey.
29 April 1908 1 copy letter Bryce to Chief Justice [Sir Charles Fitzpatrick].

Paper   475f.
GRE/B180/2   1905-1911
25 February 1908 B.E. Walker to Grey, and part of suggested roll of fame.
2 December 1910 Grey to Vivian.
24 June 1905 George T Denison to Grey.
3 March 1911 Grey to Mr Cooper (2 copies).
n.d. Grey to Laurier.
9 December 1908 Grey to Earl of Crewe.
Memo of Grey's views on asiatic question (2 copies).
1908-1911 Extracts from correspondence between Lord Crewe, Mr Harcourt and Lord Grey.
Another (incomplete) copy of the above.
10 January 1910 Grey to Laurier (incomplete), imperial conference 1911.
25 February 1907 P.W. Thomson to Grey.
21 February 1907 Memo of the Nosse's visit.
January 1907 Extract letter from Lord Howick.
20 February 1907 Claude M. Macdonald to Grey.
5 July 1907 Macdonald to Sir E. Grey, with memo on trade between Canada and Japan.
28 August 1907 Elgin to Grey.
Memo on the Hindus.
31 August 1907 M.S. Nagasaki to Grey (2 copies).
31 August 1911 Strathcona to Grey.
16 December 1910 Grey to Sir A. Bigge.
29 February 1908 Laurier to Grey (5 copies).
21 March 1911 Grey to Connaught.
25 August 1911 Grey to Connaught.
23 September 1911 Grey to Connaught.
5 January 1908 Grey to Bigge (2 copies).
1911 Extracts from correspondence between the Queen, Lord Stamfordham and Grey.
4 November 1910 Grey to King George V.
10 January 1908 Grey to Knollys.
2 March 1909 Grey to Sir E. Grey.
4 October 1907 Grey to Laurier.
March 1909 Crewe to Grey.
23 September 1907 Laurier to Grey.
20 September 1907 Laurier to Grey.
9 September 1907 Grey to Laurier.
8 January 1907 Grey to Laurier.
6 February 1908 Grey to Elgin (2 copies).
3 March .... Grey to Elgin.
1 October 1907 Grey to Elgin.
Memo by Grey of visit to him by Comm. Coombs and Brigadier Howell of the Salvation Army on Monday 25 February [1907].
26 March 1906 Grey - Elgin.
11 February 1905 Grey to Selborne.
5 January 1911 P.C. Knox to James Bryce.
25 October 1909 Grey to Bryce.
5 January 1911 Grey to Bryce.
2 December 1906, 17 January, 18 September 1907 Grey to Elgin.
26 September 1907, 26 December 1908 Grey to Bryce.
15 March 1906 Grey to Buxton.
2 March 1909 Laurier to Grey (4 copies).
26 February 1908 Grey to Laurier (2 copies).
27 December 1907 Grey to Laurier.
20 September 1907 Grey to Laurier.
24 September 1907 Grey to Laurier.
22 August 1905 Grey to Laurier.
7 January 1905 Grey to Laurier.
9 January 1905 Memo by Grey of Laurier's comments on Chamberlain's Limehouse speech, etc.
18 April 1905 Grey to Laurier.
30 June 1908 Bryce to Grey.
7 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.
4 October 1907 Grey to Bryce.
16 December 1906 Grey to Sir Mortimer [Durand] (2 copies).
16 April 1909 Laurier to Grey.
27 February 1910 Laurier to Grey.
17 November 1909 Grey to Laurier.
9 September 1909 Grey to Laurier (2 copies).
5 November 1909 Grey to Laurier.
5 November 1909 Grey to Pope.
8 January 1909 Grey to Laurier.
4 January 1909 Grey to Laurier.
26 May 1908 Laurier to Grey.
31 August 1911 Strathcona to Grey (2 copies).
10 April 1910 Grey to Laurier.
14 July 1911 Grey to Strathcona (2 copies).
27 November 1911 Grey to Fitzpatrick.
8 June 1906 Grey to Strathcona.
18 March 1907 Grey to Sydney Fisher.
31 December 1909 Grey to Strathcona.
File containing the following:
Grey to Laurier: 9 September, 13 September, 17 September, 17 September (2 copies), 20 September (extract), 23 September, 24 September 1907.
Laurier to Grey: 10 September, 16 September, 19 September, 20 September, 23 September, 25 September (x 3) 1907.
Laurier to Sir Claude Macdonald: 20 September, 25 September 1907.
Partial letter, no date, Grey to (?), regarding giving the First Nations peoples the medical treatment they need.

Paper   343f.
GRE/B180/3A   1913
Main subject: disagreement between various shipping companies over west-bound continental steerage rates. Also matters with respect to Russian labourers for Canadian railways.
18 February, 1 March 1913 2 letters George McLaren Brown to Grey.
8 January 1913 Letter George E. Forster to Grey.
20 February 1913 Letter Madson Mygdal to Belfrage Gilbertson (Sec. to Grey).
25 February 1913 Letter George McL Brown to Belfrage Gilbertson.
1 March 1913 Copy letter Brown to Mygdal.
10 January - 6 February 1913 Copies of letters and telegrams “from the Secretary to the Lines” on West-bound continental steerage rates.
3 February 1913 Circular from [Brown] with copy letter Brown to A.A. Booth, 29 January 1913.
3 February 1913 Copy letter A.A. Booth to Brown.

Paper   28f.
GRE/B180/3B   1911-1913
Subjects: Proposed co-operative movement for Canadian farmers, proposed Empire Reform Association to link Canadian and British Liberal parties, the naval question and Canadian politics, protection etc., ocean freight rates for wheat.
22 October 1912, 1 April 1913 2 letters J.A. Stevenson to Grey.
1 April 1913 4 copies of the major part of Stevenson's letter to Grey.
19 February 1913 Copy letter Stevenson to Sir Alexander Lawrence.
23 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Lewis V. Harcourt (Sec. of State for the Colonies), strongly protesting against the knighthood conferred on Max Aitken.

Paper   38f.
South Africa Papers I
Reference: GRE/B181/1
Dates of creation: 1889-1898
Extent: 158f.Paper

Subjects include: The views of Cranston and Abercorn of the obligations of the Charter towards Lawley (Administratorship), Milner and the future constitution of Rhodesia; comments on Rhodes' proposals on administration; an industrial mission which Grey is prepared to help finance; Rhodes' report of an interview with Lord Salisbury concerning Germany and Africa; the annexation of Bechuanaland to the Cape; Jameson's raid; the Matabele war of 1896; administrative matters - Milton and Lawley - the question of Grey's successor; the crossing of Portuguese territory; federation of British possessions in Africa; relations with Chamberlain; business matters in South Africa; the new constitution of the British South Africa Company; Government assistance for a railway in Rhodesia; Grey's refusal to accept a gift of shares from Rhodes; Grey and the proposed Trust Company in Rhodesia; police north of the Zambezi; Rhodes and the worry of the Northern Zambezi grants.
3 August 1889 - October 1898 [several undated] 41 letters, etc. (includes 3 telegrams) Cecil J. Rhodes to Grey.
6 August 1889(?) 1 letter Rhodes to Stier(?).
2 October 1896 1 letter Rhodes to Milton.
22 February 1898 1 letter Rhodes to the Secretary of the British South Africa Company.
13 May 1898 1 letter G.F. Watts to Rhodes.
29 July 1893 - 11 June 1898 (several undated) 28 copy letters etc. Grey to Rhodes.
21 August 1897 Copy cable Grey to the Administrator, Salisbury, with a message for Rhodes.
Minutes of letter Grey to Lord Abercorn 3 May and part of a letter possibly to Abercorn.
17 June 1896 Letter A. Weston Jarvis to Grey, with note by Rhodes endorsed.
19 October 1900 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, with copy of a cable from Rhodes for Grey.
Subsidiary File of papers including:
14 July 1896 Letter W. Napier to the Administrator, Bulawayo, making suggestions about native settlements and stating how the native rebellion should be subdued.
Particulars of police required for various places.
Paper showing the distribution of police.

Joseph Chamberlain
Reference: GRE/B181/2
Dates of creation: 1892-1907
Extent: 142f.Paper

Correspondence 4th Earl Grey and Joseph Chamberlain. Subjects: Grey's decision not to stand at the election of 1892, the war against the Mashonas and the Matabele, Rhodes' policy, relations with the Dutch, hopes of self-government for Rhodesia, objections to Labouchere being a member of a committee that would inquire into the Jameson raid etc., Chamberlain's policy with regard to the Matabele war, measures to be taken after the war, the House of Commons enquiry into the Jameson raid and the administration of the British S.A. Company in Rhodesia, English public opinion and the Jameson raid, criticism of Rhodes, antagonism of colonials to England, the composition of the Select Committee of Enquiry, telegrams relating to the Jameson raid, Grey's criticism of certain officers, the condition of the natives, Rhodes' service in winning their confidence, Grey's plan for peace by making the chiefs salaried officers of the Company, Grey on Rhodes' importance, Grey and the Jameson raid, Grey on Charles James Fox, Chamberlain's view of Fox, Grey's recommendation of Minto as Governor General of Canada, certain territory which Grey believes should go to the British South Africa Company, Birmingham magistrates and public house licences, recruitment of native labour in Rhodesia, Rhodes' will and his scholarships, Chamberlain on Canadian trade policy, British politics 1905-6, Grey on Canadian-USA trade, the naval question in Canada and Grey's intervention in 1913.
7 June 1892 - 27 February 1907 22 letters Chamberlain to Grey.
21 August 1908 1 copy letter Chamberlain to Grey.
26 December 1898, 25, 31 July 1899, 27 April 1902, 3 September 1906 5 letters Mary Chamberlain to Grey.
19 December 1905, 20 August 1906 (extract only) Copy letters Grey to Mrs Chamberlain.
3 July 1896 - 20 January 1913 (3 undated) 20 copy letters Grey to Chamberlain.
21 November 1901 1 letter Monk Bretton to Grey.
26 December 1906 Cutting from the Montreal Star, “Mr Chamberlain addresses hopeful message to the people of Canada”.

GRE/B181/3   6 March 1896
2 letters H.R. Stakesly-Lewis (née Schrenier) to Rhodes, both welcoming his return to South Africa and eulogising him.
Typescript copies of each of above letters.

Paper   20f.
GRE/B181/4   April-June 1896
27 May - 8 June 1896 Copies of 37 telegrams concerning the Commission enquiring into the Jameson raid and the evidence required by it. 19 of the telegrams are from Grey, mainly to Stevens and “Charter” . 1 to Hawksley. 14 of the telegrams are from Stevens to Grey. 3 of the telegrams are from “Charter” to Grey.
22 May 1896 Extract of letter from the Adminstrator, Bulawayo, to the Secretary of the British South Africa Company, London, with duplicate copies of some of the above telegrams attached. [Removal of Cape Town Office to Salisbury].
Translation of cablegram giving the sentences against those concerned in the raid (from Maguire, Harris and Hawksley). Attached: 17 June 1896 Letter from Edward Fairfield to B.F. Hawksley, informing him of Chamberlain's surprise at the contents of certain telegrams that had been submitted to him in connection with the Jameson raid, etc.
Notebook containing copies of telegrams sent and received by Grey in April 1896.

Paper   49f.
GRE/B181/5   June-July 1896
3-30 June 1896 6 coded telegrams; 5 to Rhodes, one “Charter” to Grey.
Decipher of 5 telegrams including 3 of the above: 3, 4, 8, 9 June 1896 Hawksley to Rhodes 1 to Hawksley [from Grey(?)]. These all concern the repercussions of the Jameson raid on the British South Africa Company.
8 July [1896] Copy telegram Hawksley to Rhodes, and of Rhodes to Hawksley.
[21 June 1896] Coded message concerning Rhodes' resignation and his unwillingness to serve under an imperial administration in South Africa.
Coded addition to the above - Rhodes' hopes with regard to the service he can do if he stays and the fatal consequences to Rhodesia if he goes.
Typescript transcript of the first part of the above.
Cable from Grey on undesirability of Rhodes' resignation.
16 June 1896 Coded message for Abercorn.
Message (decoded) to Rhodes on advantage of resignation.
Message (decoded) Maguire to Rhodes on inadvisability of resignation.

Paper   32f.
GRE/B181/6   [Early 20th century]
File of typescript extracts from “Rhodesia” by Weston Jarvis. These are anecdotes concerning Rhodes and at least some of them also appear in Jarvis' Jottings from an Active Life (1928).

Paper   33f.
GRE/B181/7   1901-1912
File concerning C.J. Rhodes and the Rhodes Memorial.
19 June 1901 Typescript extract from speech by Rhodes as reported in the Bulawayo Chronicle on South African federation.
8 May, 5 June 1912 2 letters Mary S. Watts to Grey.
Draft concluding chapter of a biography of Rhodes by Mrs Watts.
Typescript notes and MS additions by Mrs Watts on “Physical Energy”.
Typescript account by Mrs Watts of Rhodes' visits to Limnerlease to be painted by G.F. Watts.
Biographical notes on Rhodes.
Copy paper by Rhodes written in 1875 formulating idea of a secret society to further the expansion of the British Empire.
Another copy [torn] found separately.
3 February 1909 Copy paper by Lord Curzon on the Rhodes memorial at Cape Town.
June 1909 Copy memorandum by Herbert Baker on Curzon's report on the Rhodes memorial.
Copy memorandum by Herbert Baker on “Temple and Statue”.
c.1909 Copy memorandum by Baker on the Groot-Schuur estate.
21 January 1909 Copy memo by Curzon on the graves on the Matopos, with an addition 2 February 1909.
3 July 1909 Copy letter John M. Swan to Hawksley.

Paper   64f.
2nd Duke of Abercorn
Reference: GRE/B182/1
Dates of creation: 1890-1911
Extent: 101f.Paper

Subjects include: The native rebellions, the development of Rhodesia, suggestion that the commercial and administrative sides of the British South Africa Company should be separated, industrial missions in British Central Africa, the question of Grey's successor, the difficulty of making up the accounts for 1896, Grey's proposal that canteens should be established where the Cape Boys could be supplied with liquor, Grey's draft proposals for the administration of native affairs, an arbitration award which gives part of Rhodesia to Portugal.
30 January 1891 - 18 October 1911 9 letters Abercorn to Grey.
25 April 1890 - 5 May 1906 12 copy letters Grey to Abercorn.
20 March 1897 Copy telegram F. Wilson Fox to Stevens - confidential message from Grey for Abercorn.
26 May 1897 Grey's copy letter bears a note to Rhodes' secretary P.J. Jourdan asking him to return the letter when Rhodes had read it.
2 September 1903 Grey's letter includes quotations of a letter from Sir George D.T. Goldie to Grey.

Bechuanaland Protectorate
Reference: GRE/B182/2
Dates of creation: 1897
Extent: 32f.Paper

The below papers mainly concern British South Africa Co. and the title to lands within the protectorate, certain disputed lands, and the position as regards the Trekkers. Also elective representation for the people in Rhodesia in the Government of the Charter, and compensation for the raid, companies north of the Zambezi; the company and the railway strip in Bechuanaland.
c.July - August 1897 Notes [by Rhodes(?)] for Grey. (Duplicated typescript, MS corrections).
Rough notes by Grey.
August 1897 Copy letter from the Secretary [of the British South Africa Company] to the Under Secretary of State Colonial Office.
Notes by Grey.
28 July 1897 Extract of letter from Milner to Chamberlain.
22 December 1897 Confidential minute by J.A. Stevens for Grey, concerning and quoting in full a cable message of 17 December 1897 from Rhodes to Beit for delivery to Grey.
2 copies of memorandum on Bechuanaland Protectorate, duplicated typescript (British South Africa Co.), one with manuscript additions. (n.d. but the MS notes refer to documents of July 1897).
28 October 1897 Copy cablegram sent at the request of Rhodes (duplicate typescript).
2 press cuttings: 1 on equatorial Africa; the other reporting proceedings of the 47th session of the Royal Geographical Society.

Alfred Beit
Reference: GRE/B182/3
Dates of creation: 1896-1907
Extent: 36f.Paper

Subjects include: Grey's request that Beit should dispose of certain shares for him; celebration of Paardeberg day in Canada, Rhodes' ideals, Rhodes scholarships, race fusion in Canada, Canada and USA, Salvation Army colonisation, proposals on arrangements for the reception of prominent colonials in London, South African fruit, progress of the Charter, criticism of government policy in respect of South Africa (1906), Chinese labour question, the death of Beit.
17 March 1906 1 letter Alfred Beit to Grey.
19 September 1896 - 1 March 1906 (most 1905-6) 7 copy letters Grey to Beit.
16 July 1906 1 letter Sir Julius C. Wernher to Grey.
8 September 1906, 28 June 1907 2 letters Otto Beit (brother of Alfred Beit) to Grey.
17 July 1906 Cuttings of The Times report of Beit's death and obituary.

Louis Botha
Reference: GRE/B182/4
Dates of creation: 1913, 1915
Extent: 2f.Paper

Subjects: Thanks for a book, Botha's confidence that his policy will continue to receive support, acknowledging Grey's congratulations on election results.
21 January 1913, 25 November 1915 2 letters Louis Botha (Prime Minister Union of South Africa) to Grey.

GRE/B182/5   1897
Grey and the Board of Directors of the British South Africa Company.
22 February 1897 Copy of despatch from Grey to Herbert Canning (Sec. to British South Africa Co.), giving a detailed account of the campaign against the Mashonas, and concerning various other matters - native land settlement, sales of property belonging to the company; the rise in the value of property, etc.
25 February 1897 Coded telegram to Grey, with decipher; concerning Grey's successor and arrangements to be made before he leaves; also concerning Grey's expenditure.

Paper   35f.
James Bryce
Reference: GRE/B182/6
Dates of creation: 16 October 1895
Extent: 2f.Paper

Letter Bryce to Grey concerning his tour of the territory of the British South Africa Company, and his hopes that discretion would be used with regard to legislation compelling the natives to work.

Grey and Wilson Fox
Reference: GRE/B182/7
Dates of creation: 1897-1906
Extent: 78fPaper

These letters are almost entirely concerned with business matters relating to South Africa, especially mining and a hydro-electric scheme at Victoria Falls. (The Niagra scheme in Canada is also referred to). One letter gives news of various persons and social events in Salisbury (1897) and another concerns land grants in South Africa to the Salvation Army for colonisation. Also the illness and death of Beit.
19 October 1897 1 letter F. Wilson Fox to Grey.
11 October 1898 - 20 July 1906 17 letters H. Wilson Fox to Grey.
11 January 1902 - 4 June 1906 12 copy letters Grey to H. Wilson Fox.
4 March 1905 1 letter A. Millar(?) [Assist. Sec. to the British South Africa Co.] to Grey.
12 January 1906 1 copy letter D. Brodie [Sec. to the British South Africa Co.] to William Booth of the Salvation Army.
Notes (extracted from one of H. Wilson Fox's letters) concerning hydro electric power from Victoria Falls.
18 March 1905 Memo by A. Todd for Mr Osler, MP, giving distances between Victoria Falls, Cape Town, etc.

Philip Lyttelton Gell
Reference: GRE/B182/8
Dates of creation: 1881-1909
Extent: 259f.Paper

Subjects include: church reform, parliamentary reform, the death of Arnold Toynbee, Lord Carlisle's Commission to treat with the Americans in 1778, the Jubilee celebrations, English politics (1909), the expected future greatness of Canada and the decline of England, the defence of England, proportional representation, the co-operative movement, a suggested system whereby honours would be bestowed for public service, Grey's book on "Poor Hervey", F.E. Smith, Grey and the navy question, inter-imperial free trade and imperial preference, Salvation Army colonisation as a possibility in South Africa, tobacco growing in South Africa, difficulties of the Charter in Rhodesia, criticisms of the B.S.A. Co., economic progress of Rhodesia, co-operative farming in Southern Rhodesia, difficulties in respect of the political side of the Charter's work, Gell's opinion that it should withdraw from Southern Rhodesia, difficulties in connection with the construction of a railway in Rhodesia, the retarding effect of the British parliamentary system on the growth of South Africa, Britain and the other powers with respect to South Africa, the Imperial Institute. 1880-1911 86 letters Gell to Grey, some incomplete and undated.
25 January 1881 1 letter Gell to Canon S.A. Barnett.
n.d. 1 copy letter from Gell, F.A. Govett and R. Tildon Smith to Gen. William Booth.
1897-1909 11 copy letters Grey to Gell.
15 May 1901 1 copy letter Grey to ...
22 September 1881 1 letter H.W. Seymour to Gell.
6 December 1903 1 copy letter A.C. Madan to Gell.
Leaflet [by Gell] on Church Boards.
Heads of argument for Church Boards Bill.
Memo on Rhodesian Budget 1899.
22 January 1909 Cutting from Bulawayo Chronicle: Rhodesian mineral output.
c.August 1881 Note by Grey of resolutions to be proposed at Church Congress at Newcastle.
1880-1911, letters Gell to Grey, 92 in total.
March 1775 letter, unknown sender to unknown recipient, regarding 'Burke's words in H of C.'

C. Sydney Goldmann
Reference: GRE/B183/1
Dates of creation: 1904-1906
Extent: 65f.Paper

Main subjects: Good agricultural prospects in Rhodesia, the Matabele war, stocks and shares for Grey to invest in, the breakdown of negotiations for Goldmann's proposed connection with the Chartered Trust, the special Empire number of the Outlook, Grey's part in finding contributors for the Canadian section, the lectures in Canada which were to be based on it, the Canadian school question. 22 September 1894 - 23 March 1905 8 letters Goldmann to Grey.
5 April 1905 - 9 January 1906 6 copy letters Grey to Goldmann.
8 December 1904 - 16 February 1905 3 copy letters Robert H. Benson to Goldmann (2 copies of one letter).
8 December [1904] 1 copy letter E.J. Lake (Sec. of the Charter) to Goldmann.
3 March 1905 1 letter Robert H. Benson to Grey.

3rd Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B183/2
Dates of creation:
Extent: 25f.Paper

Subjects: The 3rd Earl's concern that natives in Africa were being dispossessed of their territories by the Europeans and his suggestion that treaties should be made between the crown and the native chiefs; relations with Portugal as regards Africa especially in respect of Gazaland and suggested agreement which the B.S.A. Company should make with the ruler of that territory; criticism of Lord Salisbury's handling of the situation; the development of Johannesburg, the political situation there, Rhodes' idea of a customs union from the Zambezi to the Cape and a lost opportunity for getting favourable customs terms for British goods.
5 February 1891 - 23 June 1891 4 letters from 3rd Earl Grey to Albert (4th Earl) Grey.
18 May 1894 1 letter from Albert Grey to 3rd Earl Grey.
24 July 1890 1 letter from 3rd Earl Grey to Chamberlain.
10 May 1891 Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey.

Colonel Raleigh Grey
Reference: GRE/B183/3
Dates of creation: 1901-1912
Extent: 130f.Paper

Subjects include: Grey's hopes for Canada, nationalisation of the Plains of Abraham, the loss to Rhodesia in respect of Grey's appointment to Canada, Grey's idea of a Liberal alternative to Chamberlain's policy of preference, Raleigh Grey's army career and grievance over failure to get recognition or promotion for his services, the use of mechanical diggers, railway policy in Rhodesia, the Bulawayo agitation, the native tax ordinance, desirability of increasing native taxation, Chinese labour, co-operative farming, progress of Rhodesia, prospecting there, experimental farms in Canada, hostility to experimental farms by the directors of the Charter, proposals for funding the existing floating debt of S. Rhodesia to the Chartered Co. and using the money to assist in the development of the country, criticism of and reaction to Goldie's proposals, Raleigh Grey's proposals for solving the conflict between the Charter and the people of Rhodesia, crisis in the Chartered Co., Salvation Army colonisation, Grey's ideas about Rhodesia.
24 June 1902 - 20 November 1912 17 letters Raleigh Grey to Grey. There is a typescript copy of the letter of 30 December 1903 as well as the original.
5 September 1903 - 14 March 1908 4 copy letters Grey to Raleigh Grey.
December 1910 1 copy letter Raleigh Grey to Abe Bailey.
28 June 1910 1 copy Abe Bailey to Raleigh Grey.
6 August 1903 1 copy letter Raleigh Grey to the Adjutant General.
30 December 1903 1 copy letter Raleigh Grey to Major-General R.B. Lane (2 copies).
1 copy letter Raleigh Grey to the electors of the Northern Division of Southern Rhodesia.
22 November 1904 1 copy letter Raleigh Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
Memo [by Raleigh Grey] complaining about the reward given for his distinguished service.
6 April 1904 1 letter [Sir] Charles W. Douglas to Raleigh Grey.
6 June 1903 1 letter Major A.M. Dykes to Raleigh Grey.
April 1904 Draft of a letter [from Sir George Goldie] to Raleigh Grey. [The letter which was actually sent was dated 20 April. See Raleigh Grey to 4th Earl Grey, 24 May 1904].
[1902] Memo by Raleigh Grey on the farming industry in Rhodesia.
Another copy in 190/2 has slight verbal differences.
20 October 1901 Copy letter Albert Jenner to 4th Earl Grey.
27 June 1902 Copy letter T. Ommanney to 4th Earl Grey.
31 August Letter Kitchener to 4th Earl Grey.
19 May 1903 Letter Sir Ian Hamilton to Grey.
Memo concerning Raleigh Grey in a letter from Grey to Kitchener.

J. Rutherfoord Harris
Reference: GRE/B183/4
Dates of creation: 1890-1891
Extent: 22f.Paper

Subjects mainly concern relations with the Portugese in territory south of the Zambezi and up the Limpopo, especially the capture of a British ship - the Countess of Carnarvon by the Portuguese and the arrest and robbery of 10 Englishmen; the success of a plan to win the friendship of a native chief whom the Portuguese had tried to win over; Grey's opinion on the outcome of the Portuguese question; his idea of governing through native chiefs; the danger of the rise of a new Transvaal.
20 October 1890 - 16 March 1891 3 letters to Grey.
1 January 1891 1 copy letter Grey to Harris.

Reference: GRE/B183/5
Dates of creation: 1896-1897
Extent: 38f.Paper

Subjects mainly concern the Jameson raid and the Parliamentary enquiry into it; the cables in connection with the raid; Chamberlain's position; Rhodes' position; Grey's administration; the new constitution of the British South Africa Co.; land required for a railway; financial matters, etc.
27 June 1896 - 2 October 1897 7 letters Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey.
12 June [1896], 25 September 1896, 25 November 1896 3 copy letters Grey to Hawksley.
6 June - 20 August 1896 4 copy letters Hawksley to Edward Fairfield.
18 May - 21 August 1896 6 copy letters Fairfield to Hawksley.
30 May 1896 1 copy letter Hawksley to Sir Graham Bower.
26 September 1897 1 letter A. Maguire to Hawksley.

Reference: GRE/B183/6
Dates of creation: 1876-1912
Extent: 111f.Paper

13 February 1895, 23 September 1907 - 8 December 1909 7 letters Sir Walter Francis Hely-Hutchinson to Grey.
October 1894 1 copy Grey to Hutchinson.
19 February 1908 Copy letter John X Merriman to Hutchinson.
12 February 1895 Copy letter Hutchinson to Mr F. Rutherfoord Harris, with copy letters:
24 August 1876 William G. Rollo to A.H. Bisset.
27 January 1884 Cecil B. Phipson to Bisset.
25 July 1883 A.G.R. Borron to Bisset.
1908-9 Press cuttings reporting speeches by Hutchinson (3 pieces).
1907-8 Cuttings from The Cape Times, concerning Mr Schreiner and South African politics (3 pieces).
1898-1912 10 letters Lady May Hely-Hutchinson to Grey.
1908 Address to Teachers' Conference (press cutting).
18 August 1909 Address at annual meeting of the YMCA in Cape Town (typescript 3 copies).
1908-9 Notes and extracts by Grey from her letters.
Short address dated 25 August 1909 regarding situation in Europe and how Britain should react, signed M.H.H.
Undated address (3 pages long) regarding the roles of men and women in society and how they support/influence one another.

Jameson (Sir Leander Starr Bart.)
Reference: GRE/B183/7
Dates of creation: 1893-1907
Extent: 36f.Paper

Subjects include: Native rebellions; Rhodes and Chamberlain and the raid; Rhodes' health; the surfeit of white police; Lawley and Milton; the all British Cable; a memorial to Rhodes; South African fruit and wines; South African politics and economic difficulties; co-operative farming; the Paardeberg dinners in Canada; a lecturer on imperial subjects whom Grey wishes to be sent around Canada and Australia and paid out of the Rhodes Trust funds.
31 December 1893 - 12 December [1907(?)] 11 letters to Grey, several undated.
1893? - 5 March 1907 7 copy letters Grey to Jameson.
12 December 1902 1 cable Grey to Jameson.

Colonel Alexander Weston Jarvis
Reference: GRE/B183/8
Dates of creation: 1896-1911
Extent: 255f.Paper

Subjects include: Discoveries of gold and precious stones in Rhodesia; the native labour question; native taxation; the campaign against the Boers; the "Legion of Frontiersmen"; tobacco as an ideal Rhodesian crop; Rhodesian cigarettes; Paardeburg celebrations in Canada; the need to populate Rhodesia; the unsuitability of the Salvation Army schemes; the suggestion that Jarvis might be appointed Governor in East Africa; Grey's views on religion; the St Michael and St George ceremony in St Paul's 12 June 1906; Chamberlain's illness; English politics; the South Africa Exhibition; the Transvaal elections; Grey on Imperial Federation; the Imperial Conference of 1907; the "1900 Club" dinner; Laurier's position and the French Canadians; postal concession on English newspapers coming into Canada; Jarvis' military activities in England; the Rhodes scholarships; Jameson's baronetcy; the review of judicial sentences by the Governor General in Canada and South Africa; the English constitutional crisis of 1909; German plans to invade England; the Harrow Eton cricket match 1908; the Chinese question in the Transvaal and the liquor bill; the bill for the removal of native settlements; inter-imperial free trade; the fertility of Canada; criticism of English "Liberal Imperialists"; criticism of the High Commissioner in Rhodesia; Roosevelt and the financial crisis; Harrow and Eton contributions to the Canadian "birthday present"; the death of Edward VII; popular resentment against the government whose policies were regarded as having hastened his death; the Toronto Race meeting of 1911; hunting, shooting and fishing in Scotland, Rhodesia, Canada; Botha's explanation of certain episodes in the Boer war.
11 July 1899 - 15 February 1911 65 letters Jarvis to Grey. Also part of a letter from Jarvis to Grey n.d.
1896 - 26 June 1911 23 copy letters Grey to Jarvis.
1908 1 cable Grey to Jarvis.
6 January 1899 1 letter Jarvis to Col. Frank Rhodes.
13 October 1908 1 copy letter from Sir J. Percy Fitzpatrick to Jarvis.
26 June 1908, 13 July 1908 Circulars issued by the South African Option Syndicate Ltd.

Reference: GRE/B183/8A
Dates of creation: 1895-1896
Extent: 174f.Paper

These letters were written mainly while Jarvis was in Rhodesia and involved against the Matabele rebellion.
25 December 1895 - 13 September 1896 Photostat copies of 30 letters Alexander Weston Jarvis to his mother Lady Emma Jarvis.
2 February - 12 July 1896 Photostat copies of 3 letters to his sister Louisa Elizabeth Jarvis.
14 August 1896 Photostat copy of 1 letter from Grey to Lady Jarvis.

Reference: GRE/B183/9
Dates of creation: 29 March 1900
Extent: 1 filePaper

Draft letter Grey to Lansdowne, concerning the treatment of Jones, the Secretary of the British South Africa Company, who had made a favourable arms deal with the Germans.

Reference: GRE/B183/10
Dates of creation: 1897-1898
Extent: 5f.Paper

18 May 1897 1 letter Annie Lawley to Grey.
2 January 1898 1 copy letter Grey to Mrs Lawley.
4 December 1897 1 copy letter Grey to Isaac Shimmin.
27 January 1898 1 letter Isaac Shimmin to Grey.

Rochfort Maguire
Reference: GRE/B183/11
Dates of creation: 1897-1906
Extent: 46f.Paper

Subjects include: The granting of the Charter to the B.S.A. Co.; extra police required in South Africa; approaches to the Colonial Office; native force to preserve peace; the Portuguese frontier south of the Zambezi; repercussions of the Jameson raid; Rhodes' resignation; the trial of Jameson; the Inquiry into the raid; financial difficulties of the Company; dissensions on the board of the Co.; native rebellions; railway extension; De Beers, the Charter, and the Railway Trust; criticism of the new draft constitution for the B.S.A. Co.; Grenfell and Rhodesia; the Salvation Army as a medium of colonisation; negotiations with it regarding South Africa; irrigation; the progress of Southern Rhodesia; the unsatisfactory state of the Charter Trust; English politics; the Charter Co. and the agricultural development of Rhodesia; the harnessing of Victoria Falls; Rhodesian tobacco; Canadian experimental farms; Beit's death; gold output in Rhodesia.
13 October 1889 - 9 August 1905; one undated (1906) 15 letters Maguire to Grey.
22 March 1897 - 13 June 1906 8 copy letters Grey to Maguire.
1 memo by Maguire concerning international law and spheres of influence in Africa, etc.

Rhodesian Correspondence 1904-1905
Reference: GRE/B184/1
Dates of creation: 1904-1905
Extent: 99f.Paper

Subjects include: Agricultural potentialities of Rhodesia - tobacco, cotton, ground nuts, etc; co-operative farming; South African politics; the English Liberal party and South Africa; Jameson's influence in ironing out racial difficulties; labour in Rhodesia; the Victoria Falls power scheme; the Delagoa Bay question; South African wines for Canadian consumption; the Paardeburg day dinners; preferential trade between Canada and South Africa; protection of the South African farmer and imperial preference; the colonial products exhibition 1905; the Salvation Army and settlements in Rhodesia; particulars of the career of Capt. Robert Fisher Ashe; the Rhodes memorial at Groot Schuur and the Wilson monument; University extension lectures in Canada on the British Empire; the bright prospects of Canada.
21 January, 3 May 1905 2 letters Seymore Fort to Grey.
1 March, 30 May 1905 2 copy letters Grey to Fort.
29 May - 8 November 1905 5 copy letters Grey to Douglas Brodie.
19 April, 13 December 1905 2 letters Perry Inskipp to Grey.
30 April 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Inskipp.
9 March, 28 July 1905 2 letters Alfred Bromwich to Grey, copies of the following:
19 January 1905 Dorothy Kheen (?) to Bromwich.
n.d. Elsie Comley to Bromwich.
19 January 1905 Alice Shallcross to Bromwich.
17 January 1905 Nelly Cleator to Bromwich.
20 January 1905 W.E. Roberts to Bromwich.
21 January 1905 Helena J. Sampson to Bromwich.
27 January 1905 Copy account of visit to the Colonial Exhibition by Gertrude Bonney.
23 March, 10 July 1905 2 copy letters Grey to Bromwich.
21 July [1904], n.d. [incomplete], 30(?) April 1905 3 letters John Grenfell to Grey.
28 June 1904 1 copy Grey to Grenfell.
30 June 1905 1 letter Sir Charles Metcalfe to Grey.
29 May, 6 June 1905 2 copy letters Grey to Metcalfe.
5 June 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Strathcona.
1 March 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Sir John Willoughby.
6 June 1905 1 copy letter Grey to H. Birchenough.
6 June 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Llewellyn Smith.
6 June 1905 1 copy letter Grey to J.E. Mathieson.
12 June 1905 1 copy letter Grey to E. Mathers.
10 July 1905 1 copy letter Grey to T. Milner.
28 November 1905 1 copy letter Grey to J.G. McDonald.
29 November 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Major Johnson.
20 December 1905 1 copy letter Grey to ... Newton.
8 September 1905 Letter A. Millar to Grey.
1898-1902 Memo of payments made by the British South Africa Company to Capt. and Mrs Ashe.
4 October 1905 Letter A.R. Ross to Grey.
12 November 1905 1 copy letter Grey to A.R. Ross.
26 October 1905 Letter T.W. Smartt to Grey.
21 December 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Smart.
Table showing the results of compression parallel to fiber tests on yew and red cedar wood furnished by the Emporium Lumber Co. of New York City. (The lumber grew in Brit. E. Africa).
Copy of photograph for 'Rhodesia Cotton Syndicate', showing a field of Egyptian Cotton adjoining the Beira Railway.

Rhodesian Correspondence 1906
Reference: GRE/B184/2
Dates of creation: 1903-1906
Extent: 51f.Paper

Subjects include: Officials of the B.S.A. Co. and native languages; the Salvation Army and settlements in Rhodesia; land which Grey wished to acquire; Rhodesian tobacco; the Paardeberg dinner and South African fruit; the Victoria Falls hydro-electric scheme; designs of patriotic banners; attempts to publicise South Africa; Rhodesian farmers; maize culture in Rhodesia; the benefits of experimental farms in Canada; emigration from Rhodesia; the importance of low railway rates for settlers; troubles among the Zulus; the Rhodes scholars' dinner; the lack of a person on the board of the British South Africa Company who would take a personal interest in Rhodesia (since Grey's resignation).
11 January 1906 and n.d. (the latter incomplete) 2 letters Douglas Brodie to Grey.
5 March, 3 December 1906 2 copy letters Grey to Brodie.
14 May 1906 1 copy letter Grey's secretary to Brodie.
23 January 1906, 2 May 1906 2 copy letters Grey to E. Ross Townsend.
7 December 1905 1 copy letter H. Barnes Pope to Grey, with sketch plan.
5 March 1906 1 copy letter Grey to Abe Bailey.
n.d. Copy cable Grey to Selborne.
8 December 1905, 10 March 1906 2 letters W.A. Wills to Grey.
17 March 1906, 21 May 1906 2 copy letters Grey to Wills.
2 March 1906 1 letter Alfred Bromwich to Grey.
13 March 1906 1 copy letter Grey to Bromwich.
17 September 1903, 28 April 1905, 12 May 1906 3 letters J.W. Howard to Grey.
20 August 1903, 29 May 1905, 10 July 1906 3 copy letters Grey to Howard.
3 July 1906 1 copy letter Grey to J.G. McDonald.
30 April 1906 1 letter C. Bukeley Powell to A.F. Sladen.
11 November 1905 Copy circular letter from A.P. Millar (Assist. Sec. B.S.A. Co.), concerning knowledge of native languages by officials.
15 December 1905 Copy of reply to the above from W.S. Taberer (Mashonaland).
15 December 1905 Copy of reply to the above from Herbert J. Taylor (Matabeleland).
21 November 1905 Copy of reply to the above from Robert Codrington (N.E. Rhodesia).
Account of proceedings at Paardeberg Banquet.

South African Letters 1907-1909
Reference: GRE/B184/3
Dates of creation: 1907-1908
Extent: 66f.Paper

Subjects include: The political situation in South Africa with the Boer majority in the Transvaal; agricultural progress in the Inyanga district and education there; Jameson and Botha; the Chinese labour question; the racial question in South Africa; farming affairs in Rhodesia; condemnation of manhood suffrage in the Transvaal; slowness of Charter to act in Rhodesia; the whites and natives in Rhodesia; the need for population there; the Salvation Army and colonisation; the Victoria Falls hydro-electric scheme; railway developments; the need for Civil Service reform; the Rhodes Trust and recruitment of native labour; financial difficulties of the Trust; the favourable prospects of Rhodesia; the benefits derived from Canadian experimental farms; gold mining; Winchester's views on arrangements that should be made against the time when the country would be handed over to responsible government; development of the railway lands in the vicinity of Beira; an enquiry into the affairs of the Charterland Goldfields Co; Leacock and the Rhodes Trust; Parkin's work for the Empire; the possibility of the inclusion of Rhodesia in a United South Africa.
28 March 1907 Letter Lionel Phillips to Grey.
9 May 1907, 28 June 1907, 9 November .... 3 letters J.B. Taylor to Grey.
8 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Taylor.
26 February 1907, 1 June 1907, 30 September 1907 3 letters J.G. McDonald to Grey.
19 April 1907 1 copy letter McDonald to the Secretary of the Rhodes Trust.
21 July .... 1 letter Charles Metcalfe to Grey, with press cutting "Rhodesian Tobacco Achievements".
26 July 1907 1 letter E. Biehler S.J. to Grey.
7 October 1907, 8 November 1907 2 letters Percy Inskipp to Grey.
Press cutting of interview of Sir Percy Fitzpatrick on Rhodesia's bright prospects.
8 October 1907 1 letter Charles W. Boyd (Sec. of the Rhodes Trust) to Grey.
30 January 1908, n.d. (incomplete) 2 letters Lord Winchester to Grey.
11 February 1908 1 copy letter Grey to Winchester.
12 February 1908 1 copy letter Grey to H. Birchenough.
7 November 1908 1 letter Edmund Davis to Grey.
9 October 1908, 13 December 1908 2 letters J.S. Loosley (Sec. Rhodesian Agricultural Union) to Grey, and receipt for £5.
4 December 1907, 16 December 1908 2 letters Sir Robert Thorne Coryndon to Grey.
24 March 1909 1 letter Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey.
10 October 1907 Telegram Hawksley to Grey.

Miscellaneous Rhodesian Correspondence
Reference: GRE/B184/4
Dates of creation: 1890-1906
Extent: 190f.Paper

Subjects include: Difficulties of travelling in Africa and hardships of British troops there; Rhodes' reception at Port Elizabeth; the difficulties of obtaining labour; Rinderpest; Heyman's grievance against Colenbrander and the Charter Co.; a battle against the Portuguese and the death of Victor O'Marie; Bryce on the territories ruled by the Charter Co.; the difficulties of defeating the natives; Rhodes and the ending of native war (1896); Grey's measures concerning food supply; Rhodes and Rhodesia; the danger to British missionaries in the area around Lakes Nyassa and Tanganyika; the need for native labour under British guidance and capital in that part of Africa and the willingness of the B.S.A. Co. to invest there on condition that the British government would object to any extension of German influence west of Lake Nyassa; sickness at Hartley and in Matabeleland; the misconduct of the West Riding Regiment operations against the natives; scheme for managing a hospital in Salisbury; a brick making project; F.J. Clarke and the Demo estate in which Grey had a large share; Grey's financial affairs; farming in Rhodesia; Grey's health; diamond prospects; Marconi messages; Grey's system of departmental responsibility in Rhodesia and its application to the Mines Department; boundary question between Britain and Portugal; irrigation and road construction; the unsatisfactory state of native government in Mashonaland; the tsetse fly; cotton growing in the upper Zambezi valley; Rhodesian mining prospects and the importance of amendment of the Mining Ordnance; missionary progress in Rhodesia; difficulties of missionary work and of the nurses brought in under church auspices; the recruitment of Angonis and Antongas; the Mpesene's business; Milton and his post; the Hubert Hervey Memorial; problems of food supply for the natives after the Matabele war; Grey's wish to keep the British forces as small as possible to avert famine; the raising of a native force and the use of Zulus; the defeat of Mashingombi; a carnival in Salisbury; a military parade there where the VC and DSO were conferred; the recruitment of police for Bulawayo; social life there and at Salisbury; the popularity of Lawley; Colenbrander's financial claim and grievance against the B.S.A. Co.
8 February 1890, 9 March, 8 April 1891 3 letters F.R.T. Gascoigne to Grey.
17 September, 29 December 1896 2 letters Sir Herman Melville Heyman to Grey.
24 August 1891, 10 January, 16 June 1893 3 letters Sir Robert B. Morier to Grey.
16 October 1895 Extract of letter from the Hon. James Bryce [to Grey].
4 October 1896 Copy letter Grey to Sir Graham Bower.
2, 17 February 1898 2 letters Bower to Grey.
28 November 1896, 5 February 1897, n.d., and [1897] incomplete 4 letters E.A.H. Alderson to Grey.
12 April 1897 Copy letter Grey to Col. Alderson.
7 March 1897 Extract of letter from Grey to Townsend.
15 September 1897 Letter Sir Clement Lloyd Hill to Grey, enclosing:
7 July 1897 Letter (Sir) Alfred Sharpe to Hill, with long letter Major P.W. Forbes to Sharpe 16 June 1897 concerning Central African administration.
15 June 1897 Copy of The Central African Planter.
22 October 1897 - 3 September 1904 10 letters Patrick W. Forbes to Grey.
19 February 1897 Copy letter Grey to Forbes.
18 July 1897, 13 December 1898 2 letters Walter Forbes to Grey.
6 December 1898 Letter G.W. Lee to Grey.
6 February 1915 Letter George A. Cooke to Grey.
4 August 1914, 17 May 1915 2 letters F.J. Clarke to Grey.
21 January 1914 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
22 December 1914 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey.
2 March 1916 Letter Sir Hugh Bell to Grey.
13 March 1916 Letter W.M. Aitken to Grey.
13 April 1892 Letter Eric Barrington to Grey.
6 April [1897] Copy letter Grey to Townshend Griffin.
22 April 1898 Letter Townshend Griffin to Grey.
9 April .... Extract of letter from Grey to Capt. Turner (perhaps Hey Scott Turner).
19 February 1897 Copy letter Grey to [Col. Robert] Beal.
24 December 1897, n.d. (incomplete) 2 letters Charles T. Holland to Grey.
19 November 1897 Copy letter Grey to Holland.
1895-1901 8 letters William T. Gaul (Bishop of Mashonaland 1895-1907) to Grey (1 incomplete).
7 August 1898 Copy letter Colin Harding to Grey.
19 December 1897, 10 October 1898, 26 February 1900 3 letters Lt. Col. Hugh Marshall Hole to Grey.
20 August 1897 Letter from Sir Richard Martin to Grey.
n.d., 28 July 1897 2 copies (1 incomplete) Grey to Martin.
29 July 1897 Cutting from The Times, “Sir R. Martin and the Chartered Company”.
20 December 1896, 4 January 1897, 21 September 1897, 13 December 1897 4 letters J.S. Nicholson to Grey.
14 August 1897 Part of a letter ? to Nicholson.
18 September 1897 Letter John Carden to Grey.
5 August 1897 - 27 March 1898 4 letters Harry C. Lister to Grey.
15 January 1898 Notice from S. Walpole of the General Post Office, London, to the Assistant Secretary of the British South Africa Company.
14 January 1898 Letter from Ronald McFarlane to Grey.
4 September 1897 Letter J.W. Colenbrander to Grey.
5 September 1897 Copy letter Grey to Colenbrander.
13 December 1897 Copy letter J.W. Colenbrander to Capt. the Hon. A. Lawley.
24 December [1897] Copy letter [Lawley] to Colenbrander.
Press cutting: Report on the position of the Thames Iron Works.
8 October 1897 Letter from Dorothea A. Bowen to Lady Grey.

Miscellaneous South African Correspondence
Reference: GRE/B184/5
Dates of creation: 1895-1905
Extent: 49f.Paper

Subjects include: Books on India; forestry; advice on methods of advertising Rhodesia in Europe; the Society of Arts; Chamberlain and the Charter Co.; operations against the Arabs on the Tanganyika plateau; the beneficial occupation of lands in Rhodesia; Birdwood's imperial proposal for land occupation there; a letter from Birdwood which had not the support of his Board; Grey's measures to protect Mashona women prisoners; the disarmament of natives; grain supply to Bulawayo; Grey's defence of Beit, Rhodes and other members of the B.S.A. Co.; Gosling's debt to the Co. and the sale of his farm; land settlement; Rhodesian tobacco; mining matters; trouble expected from Sauer in the gold belt; hospital organisation and nursing in South Africa; the Cape Town Mace and the question as to whether it should be presented by the Queen; Grey's scheme for the presentation of maces by the Crown to colonial cities; Sir Graham Bower and the Colonial Office.
28 November 1897 1 letter George Romilly to Grey.
29 November 1895 Copy letter Sir J. Woodhead to Rhodes.
22 January 1896 1 letter Sir John Woodhead to Grey.
15 October, 21 December 1895 2 letters Francis Knollys (later 1st Viscount Knollys) to Grey.
2 December 1895 Copy letter Grey to Joseph Chamberlain.
7 April [1898] - 3 January 1899 4 letters Sydney Holland, 2nd Viscount Knutsford, to Grey.
1, 9 November 1898 2 letters A.V. Gosling to Grey.
24 December 1898, 20 March, 27 September 1899 (copy) 3 letters Henry Partridge to Grey.
20 October 1898 Extract of letter Grey to Partridge.
24 February 1905 1 letter E. Ross Townsend to Grey.
20 December 1897 1 letter Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise to Grey.
28 December 1897 Copy letter Grey to Ruggles-Brise.
26 May 1897 Copy letter Grey to Archibald Little.
12 November [1897?] 1 letter F. De Moleyns to Grey.
31 March 1897 Copy letter Grey to De Moleyns.
MS observations by Grey on disarmament of natives in reply to Sir Richard Martin's complaint that they had not been more thoroughly disarmed.
22 March 1897, 12 April 1899, 11 December 1902 3 letters Henry Melville Taberer to Grey.
21 December 1898 Copy circular Taberer to Native Commissioners - enclosed with above letter 12 April 1899.

Miscellaneous papers on South Africa and Rhodesia
Reference: GRE/B184/6
Dates of creation: 1876-1899
Extent: 100f.Paper

Pamphlet: Austral Africa: extension of British influence in trans-colonial territories. Proceedings at a meeting of the London Chamber of Commerce 14 May 1888 to hear an address from Mr John Mackenzie (London, 1888). [Includes a speech by J. Chamberlain].
Notes by Grey on railway companies.
Rough notes by Grey on evils of liquor traffic in South Africa, and concerning the governing of the natives.
Notes by Grey of the attitude of the Chartered Co. with respect to relations between Britain and Portugal regarding the territories of Gazaland, etc., held by Portugal.
Extract of proposed treaty between Portugal and Germany on Africa.
Notes on negotiations between Britain and Portugal 1887-8 particularly relating to the Act of Berlin and its non-applicability to the interior of Africa.
1886 Extract of agreement between France and Portugal on Africa.
Cutting from The Times on Grey's appointment and task in Rhodesia.
Notes by Grey on Chartered Companies and the debt that Britain owes to Rhodes and the importance of the Charter Company in acquiring African territory.
Memo by Grey on how he prevented a scheme for raising the price of British S.A. Co.'s stock.
3 September 1893 Draft of part of a letter from Grey to Maguire, on government restrictions on the B.S.A. Co. in its military campaign.
5 May 1891 Memo by Grey of a conversation with John Mackenzie - annexation of Bechuanaland, Hut Tax, the Boers.
26 July 1899 Copy memo by S.R. French on the Cape Ocean Mail Service.
Memo on administration of natives in Rhodesia and of conditions on which Fingoes were given a grant of a reserve.
Notes by Grey of part of the constitution of the B.S.A. Co.
Lecture on Central Africa given by Grey in 1876.
1896 Notes on transport facilities, provisions, etc., in Rhodesia.

Sir Lewis Mitchell
Reference: GRE/B184/7
Dates of creation: 1905-1909
Extent: 26f.Paper

Subjects: Project of forming an English company to control the Port of Beira - relations with Portugal; Grey's emphasis on the agricultural rather than the mineral potentialities of Rhodesia; Newfoundland as a danger point in the British Empire; lectures to be given in Newfoundland to show the advantages of incorporation into Canada; Rhodesian railways and Cape railways; South African wines and fruit; Paardeburg day celebrations in Canada; the project for harnessing Victoria Falls; Mitchell's resignation of the Chairmanship of De Beers; criticism of R.F. Farms' methods of packing and marketing their fruit; the economic progress of Rhodesia; the Rhodes Trust; the Charter, and the future of Africa.
9 September 1905 - 21 May 1909 6 letters Mitchell to Grey.
27 August 1905 - 1 March 1906 5 copy letters Grey to Mitchell.
20 January 1906 1 copy letter Mitchell to E.R. Syfret.

Alfred Milner
Reference: GRE/B184/8
Dates of creation: 1897-1909
Extent: 72f.Paper

Subjects include: The difficulties of Milner's task; the natives after their rebellion; the Mashonas; Martin's report; Grey on the qualities required for a magistrate and O.T. Duke as fulfilling them; relations with the Boers and the oppressed minority in the Transvaal; improvement of administration in Rhodesia; ideas on the new government of Rhodesia; recruitment of native labour; administration of the Rhodes Trust; native taxation; Federation of Rhodesia and neighbouring states; Milner's ideas on a constitution for a federated state in Africa; the proposal that the British government should “buy out” the Charter; Goold Adams; railway development; Eassie's veterinary work; Chinese labour; Richard Jebb; the Orange River Colony and the Transvaal constitutions; colonial conferences - the need for organisation to promote imperial unity - Canada and the Empire; the Rhodes Trust and Dr Leacock's lectures in Canada and Australia; Imperial Federation; Milner's visit to Canada; the services of the Chartered Company shareholder to imperial interests; Mrs Reford; the difficulties of the Governor General of Canada; Laurier's doubtful loyalty to the Empire; the poor news service from England to the colonies; dangers to imperial unity; Lord Northcliffe and a cable news service; Canada and USA politically and commercially; Laurier and Northcliffe; the English Licensing Bill; asiatic immigration; proportional representation.
6 June 1897 - 25 February 1909 14 letters Milner to Grey (one incomplete).
22 September 1897 - 4 December 1908 10 copy letters Grey to Milner (2 undated; some incomplete).
4 October 1901 Extract of despatch from Milner to Chamberlain.
25 October 1907 Cutting from The Times, “Lord Milner on tariff reform”.

Sir William H. Milton
Reference: GRE/B184/9
Dates of creation: 1897-1904
Extent: 96f.Paper

Subjects: Mainly proposed new constitution for Rhodesia and administrative affairs. Regulations for the government of the natives, native commissioners, special J.P.s, the hut tax, desirability of undenominational schools in Rhodesia, Griffin as a Commissioner of mines, Milton's work in Mashonaland, the dispute over the Victoria agreement over rights of claimholders and landowners, Grey's views on the draft constitution for Rhodesia, Milton's plan for judicial organization, Wilson Fox, farming, railway work, suggested alterations to Government House, public works expenditure.
23 June 1897 - 21 September 1904 15 letters Sir William Henry Milton to Grey.
n.d. [1897] - 7 June 1906 11 copy letters Grey to Milton. One of these letters (Dec? 1897) is written on the back of B.S.A. Co. circular containing: Letter Herbert Canning to the Sec. Land Chamber of Rhodesia 1 July 1897; part of another letter [from Canning?] concerning Messrs. Partridge and Jarvis and a scheme for amalgamation of concessions north of the Zambezi; part of a letter from Partridge and Jarvis; part of a letter to Alfred Beit, 16 March 1897.
[1897?] Minute by Milton: proposed free grant of stands to Gen. Carrington, Baden Powell and others for services during the rebellion.
24 November 1897 Cipher telegram Milton to Jones of B.S.A. Co., with transcription.
22 August 1898, 30 January 1902 Copy letters Milton to B.S.A. Co.
30 April 1903 Copy letter Milton to H. Wilson Fox.

Dr Weir Mitchell
Reference: GRE/B184/10
Dates of creation: 1905-1913
Extent: 61f.Paper

Subjects include: The portrait of Franklin said to have been taken by André; Goldmann's book, The Hill; old age; the dinner to celebrate the bi-centenary of Franklin's birth; the story of a man who became disabled and found consolation in Hamlet; criticism of Hamlet by Grey's niece; salmon fishing; Queen Victoria's letters; Carnegie; Grey at Laval (various books are mentioned besides those named above).
6 July 1905 - 29 August 1913 30 letters Weir Mitchell to Grey.
Lines by Mitchell: “Friendship”.
24 December 1905 - 19 November 1907 7 copy letters Grey to Weir Mitchell.
n.d. Copy letter from Grey's niece to Grey.
Another copy of the above.

Sir George Robert Parkin
Reference: GRE/B184/11
Dates of creation: 1902-1911
Extent: 174f.Paper

Subjects include: Books on Canadian history; details of prominent persons in the Maritime Provinces of Canada; Canadian-USA relations; Mr Kirkwood (chairman of the committee managing the East end emigration fund); Beit's will; Parkin and a post at Toronto University; Kingsley Fairbridge (a Rhodes scholar) and his scheme for training immigrant children in Rhodesia; the selection of Rhodes scholars; Dr Leacock's lecture tour in Australia; Empire education; the Canadian battlefields and the Quebec tercentenary; Parkin's activities in Canada and USA in connection with the Rhodes Trust; Milner in Canada; Grey on British Columbia; the case of Gustave Lanctôt and a Rhodes scholarship; the navy league
. 10 March 1902 - 24 January 1911 36 letters Parkin to Grey (2 incomplete).
9 June 1905 - 2 June 1909 16 copy letters and 1 copy telegram Grey to Parkin.
21 March 1908 1 copy letter Grey to Professor Wrong.
28 May 1909 1 copy letter Grey to Sir Lomer Gouin.
26 June 1906 1 letter Lady E. Methuen to Grey.
21 July 1907 1 letter Cecil Andrews to Parkin.
18 May 1909 1 letter Gustave Lanctôt to Rodolphe Lemieux, enclosing: Memoir concerning Gustave Lanctôt and the Rhodes Scholarship.
1 June 1909 1 letter W. Peterson to A.F. Sladen.
22 May 1909 1 letter H.B. Verrey? to Sir John H. Williams.

Colonel Frank Rhodes
Reference: GRE/B184/12
Dates of creation:
Extent: 56f.Paper

Subjects include: Cecil Rhodes in battle, his death and funeral; Ronnie Moncreiffe; the flying column and the rebels; Schreiner and Soloman; the Mombasa-Uganda railway; the failure of negotiations with Goldmann on his joining the Charter Board; the Charter board of directors; Arthur Grenfell; the Zambezi gorge; exorbitant charges at Victoria Falls; gold mining etc; the departure of Sir Lewis Mitchell; Rhodesian mines and agriculture.
17 November 1894 - 6 August 1905 24 letters F. Rhodes to Grey. There is an additional typescript copy of one letter.
9 May 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Rhodes.
8 September 1903 1 letter Sidney Redrup to F. Rhodes.

Lord Ripon
Reference: GRE/B184/13
Dates of creation: October 1893
Extent: 9f.Paper

Subject: Relations between the government and the Chartered Company especially with respect to the Matabele.
26, 30 October 1893 2 letters Ripon to Grey.
26 October 1893 1 copy letter Grey to Ripon.
Notes by Grey.

Lord Rosmead
Reference: GRE/B184/14
Dates of creation: 1896-1897
Extent: 3f.Paper

Subjects: Grey's policy in Matabeleland and the grant of town stands in Rhodesia to the imperial officers who helped to quell the rebellion.
8 October 1896, 1 February 1897 2 copy letters Grey to Rosmead.

Lord Salisbury
Reference: GRE/B184/15
Dates of creation: March 1892
Extent: 15f.Paper

Subjects: Proposal to send two gun boats to lakes Tanganika and Nyasa to assist in suppressing the slave trade; Johnston's action in using a trading vessel for the purpose; customs charges on Portuguese goods at Bombay and the retaliatory action this might lead to in India and Africa and suggested solution to the difficulties.
13, 19 March 1892 2 letters Salisbury to Grey.
17 March 1892, n.d. 2 copy letters Grey to Salisbury, with memorandum on Portuguese trade at Bombay. (There are two copies of the undated letter and memorandum).

Lord Selborne
Reference: GRE/B184/16
Dates of creation: 1897
Extent: 6f.Paper

Subjects: Milner's opposition to honours being granted to two Dutchmen; Grey on the Mashonas and their rebellion.
13 December 1897 1 letter Selborne to Grey.
22 February 1897 Extract of letter from Grey to Selborne.

Oliver Williams
Reference: GRE/B184/17
Dates of creation: [Late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Extent: 1f.Paper

n.d. Copy telegram (?) Grey to Williams concerning probable policy of Charter in respect of concessions North of the Zambezi.

George Wyndham
Reference: GRE/B184/18
Dates of creation: 11 September 1896
Extent: 4f.Paper

1 letter Wyndham to Grey, concerning Chamberlain's attitude to the Committee of Enquiry in South Africa; Rhodes and South African politics.

GRE/B185/1   1902-[c. 1904]
n.d. [c.1904] Memorandum by W.T. Stead on the proposed demolition of the cottage in which Rhodes died at Muizenburg.
20 July 1902 South Africa: “A scheme for placing on the soil some practical and well educated farming colonists”".

Paper   10f.
GRE/B185/2   September 1902
These papers all concern C.J. Rhodes' alleged dying wish to leave certain persons a large sum of money.
20 September 1902 Copy letter J.N. [recte T.W.] Smartt to Dr L.S. Jameson.
8 September 1902 Copy letter Elmhirst Rhodes to Smartt.
30 September 1902 Copy statement by Dr L.S. Jameson on receiving the above letter.

Paper   6f.
GRE/B185/3   1902
(c.1902) Printed memorandum Colonial and Indian Students at Oxford.
31 October 1902 Report of Charles W. Boyd (Joint Secretary Rhodes Trust) [addressed to Grey], enclosing: Report dated 26 August 1902 by L.L. Michell on the progress of realisation of estate of the late C.J. Rhodes to 31 July 1902.

Paper   15f.
GRE/B185/4   1902
8 November 1902 Letter Charles W. Boyd (Joint Secretary Rhodes Trust) to Grey, enclosing the following:
[c.4 November 1902] Statement regarding Kirstenbosch and other places granted by the Rt. Hon. C.J. Rhodes to Col. Hill.
17 January 1902 Copy letter T.A. Hill to C.J. Rhodes.
11 September 1902 Copy letter Fred Graham to the Earl of Rosebery (2 copies).
(25 August 1902) Memorandum by H.L.W. Lawson on the emigration of children to South Africa (includes extract of letter from Dr Barnardo).
23 August 1902 Copy letter Thomas J. Barnardo to H.W. Higgins - child emigration to Canada and South Africa.
25 August 1902 Copy letter Thomas J. Barnardo to H.L.W. Lawson, re above.
4 November [1902] Copy letter Oliver Notcutt to C.W. Boyd.
31 October 1902 Copy report of [Charles Boyd] Joint Secretary of Rhodes Trust.

Paper   38f.
GRE/B185/5   November 1902
Memorandum: Land settlement, Orange River Colony.
15 November 1902 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, enclosing: 5 November 1902 Memorandum by Lt. Col. T.A. Hill regarding five men who went to Rhodesia against orders instead of to the Orange River Colony.
27 November 1902 Cutting from Cape Times, “The Rhodes Memorial”.

Paper   18f.
GRE/B185/6   July-December 1902
Report of Dr George R. Parkin on his work in connection with the Rhodes scholarships with an appendix giving the answers of the various Oxford colleges (copy letters to Parkin from Revd. Wm. W. Jackson, Charles Buller Heberden, William Inge, Henry F. Pelham, James F. Bright, Sir John Rhys, George C. Broderick, William Walter Merry, Edward Caird, John R. Magrath, David Binning Monro, St John's College and New College), to enquiries he addressed to them about the reception of Rhodes scholars; also copy of a letter from Professor Barett Wendell to Parkin 11 November 1902.
July-December 1902 Copies of replies by various American States and educational establishments to a communication from the Secretary of State, Washington, concerning the Rhodes Scholarships. (See following).
22 October 1902 John G. Brady (Governor of Alaska) to [John Hay] Sec. of State Washington: Alaska and the Rhodes scholarships.
8 November 1902 Charles W. Dabney (President University of Tennessee) to John Hay on method of organising the Rhodes scholarships.
21 November 1902 Henry B.F. Macfarland (President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Washington) to Hay, enclosing and approving copy letter from A.T. Stuart (Superintendent of Public Schools) to J. Holdsworth Gordon (member of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia and Chairman of that Board's Committee on Normal and High Schools and Scholarships)
12 November 1902, suggesting that an American Commission should be established for the selection of Rhodes scholars.
28 November 1902 James B. Orman (Governor State of Colorado) to John Hay, enclosing executive order of the State of Colorado recommending Willard P. Hatch for a Rhodes scholarship.
13 December 1902 James B. Orman to Hay, enclosing similar order recommending Eugene H. Lehman for a scholarship.
27 December 1902 Heber M. Wells (Governor Utah) to [John Hay], enclosing the following:
25 July 1902 A.C. Nelson (State Superintendent of Public Instruction) to Wells, on the selection of Rhodes scholars.
1 November 1902 W.J. Kerr (President Agricultural College of Utah) to Wells, same subject.
7 August 1902 J.T. Kingsbury (President University of Utah) to Wells, enclosing suggestions about the method of selecting Rhodes scholars.
4 November 1902 Minutes of a meeting of the Rhodes Trustees.

Paper   20f.
GRE/B185/7   1902-1904
Copies of monthly reports on the Rhodes estate submitted to the Rhodes Trust for the following months: September-December 1902; January-November 1903; January-April 1904.
These reports are by Sir Lewis Michell except that for November 1902 which is by Jameson. They contain in most cases an appendix with copies of correspondence and legal documents, etc.
Paper   16f.
GRE/B185/8   [1903]
(January 1903) Printed questionnaire addressed to the governing bodies of the University of Oxford concerning Rhodes scholars nominated by the German Emperor.
Memo on the position of American or colonial students who wish to be candidates for a Rhodes scholarship in order to do post graduate work at Oxford.
Memo on the method of payment of Rhodes scholars at Oxford and the advantages of doing so through the agent of the Rhodes Trust.
List of names [of candidates for Rhodes scholarship(?)] from South Africa.
Regulations submitted by the authorities of the Boys' High School, Stellenbosch, regarding the election of Rhodes scholars.

Paper   13f.
GRE/B185/9   13 January-27 March 1903
14 copy letters George R. Parkin to B.F. Hawksley, concerning his activities in connection with the Rhodes Scholarships in USA and British Columbia. (The racial problem in the southern states of USA and the nomination of 2 Rhodes scholars by the Governor of Colorado which gave rise to the allegations of political motives, are covered in this correspondence).
Paper   60f.
GRE/B185/10   1902-1903
13 January 1903 Copy letter H. Bertram Cox to B.F. Hawksley, covering the following:
Copy despatch from Lieut.-Gen. H. Geary (Gov. of Bermuda) to Joseph Chamberlain, 20 December 1902: attempts to improve educational facilities in Bermuda and the action taken there in connection with the Rhodes scholarships.
23 January 1903 Copy letter J.M. Grant to B.F. Hawksley, covering the following:
28 November 1902 Copy letter E.H. Abell to the Chief Clerk, Agent General's Office, London, concerning the next document.
Copy memorandum by D.H. Dalrymple (Secretary for Public Instruction, Brisbane) on selection of Rhodes scholars in Queensland.
21 February 1903 Copy telegram (?) Hawksley to Veldschoen Cape Town, concerning the Shangani monument and election to Rhodes scholarships.
23 February 1903 Letter Charles Boyd to Grey, concerning the Colonial College, Hollesley Bay, Suffolk.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B185/11   February 1903
The following letters concern proposal that the Rhodes Trustees make a grant to two English colleges in South Africa and give support to the Lady Margaret Hall appeal at Oxford; also the election of Rhodes scholars.
23 February 1903 Extract letter Lewis L. Michell to Hawksley.
26 February 1903 Copy letter Michell to Hawksley.
24 February 1903 Copy letter Milner to Michell.
26 February 1903 Copy letter Michell to Hawksley.

Paper   8f.
GRE/B185/12   1903
23 February 1903 Letter Lewis L. Michell to the Joint Secretaries, the Rhodes Trust, concerning the following document: 30 December 1902/12 February 1903 Copy letter E. Hutchins to Dr Jameson, concerning afforestation of Groote Schuur estate.
List of persons sent to Rhodesia since Christmas 1902.

Paper   19f
GRE/B185/13   1902-1903
26 February 1903 Copy letter C.P. Lucas to B.F. Hawksley.
3 February 1903 Copy letter Augustus W.L. Hemming (Governor of Jamaica) to Joseph Chamberlain - selection of Rhodes scholars.
2 December 1902 Copy letter Thomas Capper (Superintendent Inspector of Schools, Jamaica) to The Colonial Secretary - selection of Rhodes scholars.
26 January 1903 Report of report of a committee set up to consider the method of selection of Rhodes scholars in Jamaica [part missing]. Signed E. Jamaica, Archbishop of W. Indies.
4 May 1903 Copy letter C.P. Lucas to Hawksley.
24 March 1903 Copy letter G. Strickland (Governor Antigua) to Chamberlain - Rhodes scholarship for Leeward Islands; a scholarship to Codrington College, Barbados.
28 February 1903 Copy minute by Revd. S.E. Branch to the Colonial Secretary, re above.

Paper   22f.
GRE/B185/14   February-March 1903
31 March 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, concerning the next two documents.
3 March 1903 Copy letter C.J. Mudie (Senior Inspector of Schools, Natal) to B. Woods (Secretary Rhodes estate, Cape Town).
7 February 1903 Copy report by Mudie on candidates for the first Rhodes scholarship, Natal.
9 February 1903 Copy note by P.A. Barnett (Superintendent of Education) on the awarding of the scholarship for Natal.
10 March 1903 Copy letter H.E.V. Pickstone to the Rhodes Trust, concerning two first cousins of Rhodes who are living in poor circumstances in San Jose.

Paper   13f.
GRE/B185/15    31 March 1903
31 March 1903 Copy letter Sir Lewis Michell to the Joint Secretaries the Rhodes Trust, on various matters in connection with Rhodes estate including the South African scholarships.
Paper   5f.
GRE/B185/16   April-June 1903
File containing the following, all concerning Rhodes scholarships:
7 May 1903 Copy letter H.B. Lefroy (Agent General for W. Australia) to Hawksley.
3 April 1903 Copy letter Cecil Andrews (Inspector General of Schools, W. Australia) to Lefroy.
5 June 1903 Copy letter H. Bertram Cox to Hawksley.
17 April 1903 Copy letter E.B. Sweet Escott (Administrator Seychelles) to the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
17 April 1903 Memo by E.G. Rowden (Headmaster, Victoria School, Seychelles).
13 May 1903 Letter W. Ridegeway, Governor of Ceylon, to Joseph Chamberlain.

Paper   7f.
GRE/B185/17   May-June 1903
20 May 1903 Letter C.W. Boyd to Grey, concerning a farmers' co-operative association which it is proposed to start in Rhodesia with observations on Irish and German ones and also concerning the value of agricultural co-operative banks.
10 May 1903 Letter Evelyn Hopkinson to [Grey], requesting help from Rhodes Trust for Swanley Agricultural College.
23 May 1903 Letter Evelyn Hopkinson to Grey, on settlement of women gardeners in South Africa.
22 May 1903 Minutes of meeting of Rhodes Trustees.
26 May 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, suggesting method of expediting work of the Trustees.
2 June 1903 Letter E. Hutchins to Grey, on proposed railway sleeper plantations.
8 June 1903 Copy letter Bertram Woods, Secretary Rhodes estate, to the Joint Secretaries, on Hutchins' scheme for afforesting "Groot Schmur". Attached: List of shares to be realised in respect of the estate of the late C.J. Rhodes.

Paper   18f.
GRE/B185/18   July-September 1903
Subjects in this file include: Dr Parkin in South Africa; subscriptions granted from the Rhodes estate in South Africa; criticisms by Col. Frank Rhodes - “vulgarisation” of the Matopos and the spoiling of the scenery at Victoria Falls; the resignation of a Rhodes scholarship; the necessity of encouraging education on British lines in Cape Colony; the question of assistance to Mr Stapleton Gotton; the R.B. and B. Syndicate (Colesberg) - its affairs and criticism of the management of its farms.
8 July - 26 August 1903 8 letters Sir Lewis Michell to B.F. Hawksley.
7 August - 25 September 1903 3 letters Bertram Woods to Hawksley.
1 August 1903 1 letter Henry A. Miers to Michell.
15 September 1903 1 letter E.R. Syfret to Michell.

Paper   18f.
GRE/B185/19   July-October 1903
Subjects include: Dr Parkin's reports concerning the Rhodes scholarships in South Africa and New Zealand; D.V. MacGowan's school (St Andrew's College, Grahamstown) and the Rhodes University College scheme; F.J. Wylie on the Rhodes scholars who had arrived at Oxford; request for information as to the intentions of the Trustees with regard to the District of Columbia.
15 July - 9 September 1903 6 letters George R. Parkin to Hawksley.
8, 13 October 1903 2 letters F.J. Wylie to Hawksley.
20 August, 8 October 1903 2 letters Harry B.F. Macfarland (President of Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia) to Hawksley.
26 September 1903 1 letter Hawksley to Macfarland.
24-27 July 1903 1 letter D.V. MacGowan to Hawksley.

Paper   27f.
GRE/B185/20   June-December 1903
Subjects include: reports on the Rhodes scholars at Oxford; question of age limit for the scholars in New Zealand, and Parkin's report from New Zealand.
1 November 1903 Letter F.J. Wylie to Hawksley.
24 September 1903 Letter Robert Stout (Chancellor University of New Zealand) to the Rhodes Trustees.
19 September 1903 Letter G.S. Sale (Chairman of the meeting of the Council and teaching staff of Otago University) to the Rhodes Trustees.
17 September 1903 Memorandum from D. Boyde (Secretary of the Otago Education Board) to the Chancellor of University of New Zealand.
20 September 1903 Letter G.R. Parkin to Hawksley.
22 July 1903 Copy letter J.F. Jones, Joint Manager and Secretary British South Africa Co., to the Joint Secretaries of the Rhodes Trust, concerning pension for J.M. Orpen the retiring Surveyor General of Southern Rhodesia.
10 June 1903 Copy letter Bertram Woods to the Joint Secretaries of the Rhodes Trust, concerning the Rhodes scholar selected at St Andrew's College, Grahamstown, with particulars of examination marks, etc., attached.
12 June 1903 Copy letter, same to same, giving particulars of the scholar selected at the above college.
17 June 1903 Copy letter, same to same, concerning the proposed presentation to the Kimberley Gardens.
7 August 1903 Copy letter George R. Parkin to Sir Lewis Michell, with copy letter Dr Macgowan (Principal of St Andrew's College, Grahamstown), to Parkin, 27 July 1903. Parkin's letter concerns the difficulty of recruiting suitable Rhodes scholars in South Africa, Rhodesia and Natal owing to the lack of suitable schools and the solutions he suggests. MacGowan's letter concerns the financial needs of St Andrew's College, Grahamstown.
12 August 1903 Copy letter H.B. Stanwell (Principal South African College School) to Sir Lewis Michell. Selection of Rhodes scholars.
Copies of the following two letters concerning Parkin's report on educational facilities in South Africa and the Grahamstown University College: 13 August 1903 Sir Lewis Michell to Charles W. Boyd, PS to the above by L.S. Jameson; 7 August 1903 George R. Parkin to Sir Lewis Michell.
August 1903 Copy letter H. Wood and J. Slater to Jameson, on Rhodes University College (at Grahamstown).
13 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to the Revd. D. Carnegie, concerning Carnegie's wish for his son to gain a Rhodes scholarship.
1 September 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, concerning a vacant scholarship and Mrs Fawcett's lectures in South Africa.
19 October 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, enclosing the following: 9 September 1903 Copy letter Joseph R. Orford (Acting Headmaster Collegiate School, Wanganui) to the Rhodes Trustees, complaining of the regulations governing the eligibility of candidates for Rhodes scholarships in New Zealand.
11 September 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, enclosing copy of the essential part of Sir Lewis Michell's letter to Boyd, 13 August 1903, and a copy of a note from Jameson to Boyd [see above].
28 September - 3 October 1903 Copy letter George R. Parkin to Hawksley, reporting on his activities in connection with the Rhodes scholarships in Australia.
13 October 1903 Copy letter George R. Parkin to Hawksley, re the above.
13 October 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, enclosing and concerning the following: 6 October 1903 Copy letter R. Hedger Wallace to C.W. Boyd concerning a “colonial” agricultural college to train men in England in farming methods before they go abroad.
7 October 1903 Copy letter Boyd to R. Hedger Wallace, concerning the above.
10 October 1903 Letter Bertram Woods to Grey, on method of settling farmers on the land adjoining Hull's farm in the Matopo Valley.
10 October 1903 Copy letter Bertram Woods to the Joint Secretaries of the Rhodes Trust, with copy letter J.G. McDonald to the Secretary of the Rhodes Estate, Cape Town, concerning the method of settling farmers in the Matopo Valley.
27 October 1903 Copy letter from the Chairman of the Charter Trust and Agency to the Secretary of the Rhodes Trustees, on a scheme for granting loans to deserving settlers in Rhodesia.
19 October 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, on question of subsidising Home Colonial Schools and Colleges, particularly Hollesley Bay.
17 November 1903 Copy letter F.J. Wylie to Boyd, on exam qualifications of Rhodes scholars for entry of Oxford.
26 November 1903 Copy letter J.G. McDonald to Hawksley, on farming and mining in Rhodesia, with extract of letter Sir Lewis Michell to Hawksley, 6 December 1903.
Copies of the following:
4 December 1903 Sir Lewis Michell to the Joint Secretary, the Rhodes Trust.
30 October 1903 J.G. McDonald to the Secretary of the Rhodes estate.
5 November 1903 Sir John Willoughby to Sir Lewis Michell.
The Matabele Central Estates Co. Ltd.: Situation of Property.
Subjects of the above copies include: Cultivation and settlement in the Matopo Valley; need for a store and hotel at Inyanga; a loan for the Matabele Central Estates Co. and the position of its affairs.

Paper   140f.
GRE/B185/21   October 1903-May 1904
2 October 1903 Copy letter Robert Stout (Chancellor of the University of New Zealand) to the Trustees of the Rhodes Scholarship Fund, with copy letter W.G. Evans (Chairman Professorial Board of Cantebury College) to the Chancellor of the University of New Zealand, 28 September 1903, concerning the age limit for Rhodes scholars.
8 December 1903 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey, concerning Col. Owen Thomas and his report on the agriculture of Rhodesia.
9 December 1903 Copy letter Bertram Woods to the Joint Secretaries, the Rhodes Trust, enclosing copy of regulations with respect to the Rhodes scholarships formed by the Principal of the Diocesan College School, Roudebosch.
2 November 1903 Minutes of a meeting of the Rhodes Trustees.
15 November - 2 December 1903 Copy letter George R. Parkin to Hawksley, continuing his report on his activities in Australia with regard to the Rhodes scholarships.
5, 8, 11 April 1904, 3 May 1904 4 copy letters F.J. Wylie to Hawksley, concerning his marriage, the furnishing of his house, the salaries of dons at Oxford and his suggested salary as agent of the Rhodes Trustees at Oxford; the question of an entertainment allowance.
Another copy of the first three of the above letters.

Paper   40f.
GRE/B185/22   1903-1904
The Rhodes Estate: statements of income and expenses December 1902-3.
Statement of Rhodes' English assets.
Copy report by a committee of the Chartered Co. on Col. Owen Thomas' memorandum on immigration and land settlement in Rhodesia.
Notes concerning an irrigation scheme at Oorlogsport.
(1903) 2 copies Report for the Rhodes Trustees on the Matopo Park and trees suitable for planting there and in Southern Rhodesia. Also a note on Forest Policy in Rhodesia, by D.E. Hutchins (Conservator of Forests, Cape Town).
22 January 1904 Letter Charles W. Boyd to Grey - Lord Lovat's scheme of land settlement.
3 March 1904 Letter Louisa M. Knightley (President South African Colonisation Society) and others to the Rhodes Trustees, concerning the Rhodes Hostel, Mowbray, and the position of their society with regard to it.
16 December 1903 Copy letter J.W. Bairnsfather (Hon. Sec. South African Immigration Association) to the Secretary South African Colonisation Society.
List of cases recently refused admission to the Hostel.
Statement of income and expenditure in respect of the Dalston and Hampstead properties of C.J. Rhodes, deceased, March 1902-3 and 1903-4.

Paper   36f.
GRE/B185/23   March-May 1904
Subjects include: Examination arrangements in respect of the Rhodes Scholarships in USA; problems in Bermuda and Jamaica; the difficulty of choosing between two exceptionally good candidates at McGill University.
31 March - 17 May 1904 8 copy letters George R. Parkin to Hawksley.
21 March 1904 Copy letter Charles W. Eliot (President of Harvard University) to Parkin.
26 March 1904 Copy letter Parkin to Eliot.
26 March 1904 Circular letter Parkin to the chairman of the Committee of Selection of the States of USA.
29 April 1904 Copy letter W. Peterson (Principal of McGill University) to Parkin.
24 May 1904 Copy letter Parkin to Hawksley, concerning the difficulties raised with regard to the Rhodes Scholarships in Newfoundland.

Paper   37f.
GRE/B185/24   April-November 1904
24, 29 April 1904 Copy letters Rosebery to Hawksley, expressing opposition to Boyd's going to South Africa; the cottage where Rhodes died, and the allowance to Wylie the agent at Oxford.
Copies of the following:
17 June 1904 E. Benjamin Andrews (Chancellor University of Nebraska and Chairman of the Rhodes Scholarship Committee for Nebraska) to the Rhodes Trust.
13 June 1904 George Sutherland (President Grand Island College, Nebraska) to the committee on the Rhodes scholarship for Nebraska.
23 May 1904 Fred. G.D. Bedford (Governor W. Australia and Chairman of the Committee of Selection) to the Rhodes Trust.
4 June 1904 Bertram Woods (Sec. Rhodes Estate) to the Joint Secretaries of the Rhodes Trust.
2 June 1904 W. Owen Jenkins (Principal, Diocesan College, Cape of Good Hope) to [the Rhodes Trustees].
Certificate by E.J. Buchanan (Vice Chancellor) and W.T. Thomson (Registrar, University of the Cape of Good Hope) concerning Noel Frank Howe-Browne.
The above documents all concern the Rhodes Scholars selected in the various places.
27 June 1904 Letter Douglas E. Brodie to Grey, covering the following:
13 June 1904 Copy letter Alex. Anderson (Chairman of [Selection] Committee Prince Edward Island) to the Rhodes Trust.
15 June 1904 Copy letter William De W. Hyde (Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine) to the Trustees of the Rhodes Trust
concerning their selection of Rhodes scholars.
23 June 1904 Copy letter John W. Abercrombie (Chairman of Committee of Selection, Alabama) to the Rhodes Scholarship Trust.
28 June 1904 Letter Edith Lyttelton Gell and others of the South African Colonisation Society to the Rhodes Trust, concerning the temporary closing of the Rhodes Hostel at Bulawayo and the use of part of the one at Salisbury as a maternity home.
Copy of the above.
29 June 1904 Copy letter Bertram Woods to Douglas E. Brodie (Joint Sec. the Rhodes Trust), concerning the upkeep of Groote Schuur, Rhodes scholars, etc.
20 June 1904 Copy letter W.H. Hofmeyr to Sir Lewis Michell, reporting result of Rhodes scholarship examination at Stellenbosch Boys' High School.
18 June 1904 Copy certificate of marks gained by candidates in the above election.
2 August 1904 Copy letter Bertram Woods to the Joint Secretaries the Rhodes Trust.
26 July 1904 Copy letter H.B. Stanwell (Principal South African College School) to Woods, with regulations for the Rhodes scholarships at this school.
Copies of the following:
11 July 1904 Letter Harry H. Rawson (Gov. New South Wales) to the Rhodes Trustees, concerning the method pursued in the selection of the Rhodes scholar for that state in 1904.
27 June 1904 Suggestions as to arrangements for awarding the Rhodes scholarships by M.W. MacCallums (Dean of the Faculty of Arts University of Sydney).
18 July 1904 Letter Sir Robert Bond to Grey.
9 July 1904 Cable from the Revd. Canon Pilot (Chairman of the Council of Higher Education in Newfoundland) to Bond.
26 July 1904 Copy letter Grey to Bond, concerning application for one of the forfeited Rhodes scholarships to be applied to Newfoundland.
August 1904 Imperial South African Association: Report by C.W. Boyd on negotiations with the government of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony concerning land settlement.
Copies of the following:
11 October 1904 2 letters Bertram Woods to the Joint Secretaries of the Rhodes Trust: (1) concerns the home for incurables erected on the Groote Schuur Estate, with copy newspaper report of the laying of the foundation stone by Princess Christian of Schleswig - Holstein on 10 October 1904. (2) concerns a debt guaranteed by Rhodes in respect of J.W. Colenbrander.
11 November 1904 Copy letter Grey to Hawksley, opposing suggestion of a grant by the Rhodes Trustees to Oxford University.

Paper   79f.
GRE/B186/1   1897, 1904
Particulars of Grey's account with the Bulawayo and Salisbury branches of the Standard Bank of South Africa, 1896-7.
Accounts of Grey with the British South Africa Company 1894-1904.
Account of Arthur Grenfell with the said company, 1904.

Paper   57f.
Reports and Cuttings: Rhodesia
Reference: GRE/B186/2
Dates of creation: 1905-1906
Extent: 76f.Paper

“The Black Peril in South Africa” article in The Nineteenth Century by Roderick Jones.
Cuttings on “The People's Union in the Transvaal”, “The Economic Situation in the Transvaal”, “Agricultural Machinery in South Africa”, etc.
Amended statement of the approximate amount and value of agricultural products raised by Europeans and natives during the years 1904-6.
Extract of draft Articles of Association of the suggested Royal Rhodesian Settlement Co., concerning dividends and commissions.
Revised prospectus and precis of the Royal Rhodesia Settlement Co. [colonisation under the Salvation Army].
20 March 1905 Copy letter [Grey's secretary (?)] to the Secretary of Rhodesia Railways.
18 April 1905 Letter R.J. Hackshaw (acting Secretary Rhodesia Railways) to Grey, with statement of freight train loads 1903-4. (Sections worked by the Cape Government Railways).
1904 Rhodesia Railways: statement of passenger and goods traffic Vryburg - Bulawayo and Matopo sections.
16 June .... Letter R. Grenfell to Grey, reporting on his impression of Rhodesia and dissatisfaction with financial matters there.
February 1905 Copy report by R.N. Grenfell on the present position of Rhodesia - administratively and economically.
17 October 1905, copy report by J. Arthur Palethorpe of the United Tobacco Companies on tobacco growing in Rhodesia.
[1905] Printed copy of the speech of the President of the British South Africa Co.
Copy of Sir Lewis Michell's speech to the B.S.A. Co. [Railway developments].
Report of the Land Settlement Committee of the B.S.A. Co. on several matters related to land settlement.
Cutting 3 August 1903 The Morning Post, 'South Africa To-day, at the Victoria Falls'.
Cutting 20(?) February 1907 from the Ontario Catholic Record, 'An interesting Jesuit Mission'.
Small journal cutting, no date, on the importance of training and national self-knowledge.
16 September 1905 South Africa Star, 'American view of Industrail South Africa'.
31 October 1904 A.W. Bird to Secretary of The Rhodesia Railway Limited, on coal transport rates.

Rhodesia Railways
Reference: GRE/B186/3
Dates of creation: 1896-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

7 November 1896 Letter J.A. Stevens to the Administrator Bulawayo.
29 September - 5 October 1896 Copy letter C.W. Benson to Grey.
2 copies of the following letters:
31 December 1897 C.W. Benson to Robin [Benson].
18 September 1897 Sir James Sivewright to Benson.
31 December 1897 Benson to Sivewright.
9 November 1897 Vicens Riber to A.E. Johnson.
26 October 1896 Copy letter T.R. Price to C.W. Benson.
14 March 1903 Cuttings from Rhodesia Herald.
Rhodesia Railways: tables showing number of days elapsing from the end of the month for which information is given and the date of the advice giving such information and the date of the cable giving such information. 1894-1902.
23 December 1903 Copy letter Grey to Jones.
31 March 1904 Letter R.J. Hackshaw to Grey, with tables showing comparative costs of British and Rhodesian railway waggons and comparative costs of their carrying capacity.
26 March 1904 Article from The Statist, “British Railways - how traders will save millions”.
16 December 1903 Copy letter J.A. Stevens to Jones.
28 May 1897 Copy of working agreement between the Bechuanaland Railway Co. and the Cape government.
4 November 1903 Letter R.J. Hackshaw to Grey.
14 October 1903 copy letter J.A. Stevens to the Acting Secretary Rhodesian Railways [Hackshaw].
5 September 1903 Copy letter of the Acting Secretary to Stevens.
29 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to H. Powell.
20 January 1903 Copy telegram from the Manager, Beira and Mashonaland Railways, Umtali to Charter. (c.1904).
Brochure: Railways in Rhodesia.
Rhodesia Railways Limited Savings Bank : Rules and Regulations.
Comparative schedule showing the railway rates on machinery, foodstuffs, building material, clothing, etc., from Port Elizabeth to Bulawayo, Gwelo and Salisbury and from Beira to Salisbury, Gwelo and Bulawayo.
Railways - American and Britain - comparative statement of facts and figures.
Copies of the following:
4 July 1903 Letter S.F. Townsend (Agent Rhodesia Railways Ltd) to the Acting Secretary of the same Company in London.
February-May 1903 Table showing tonnage of goods carried under “P” and “M” classification Vryburg and Bulawayo.
15 July 1903 Extract of Cape Town Office [of the above Co.] letter no. 1212.
Table showing the rates charged by the Cape Government Railways to Vryburg in through traffic from the Ports to Rhodesia as compared with the rates charged by them to Norvals Pont in through traffic from the Ports to the Transvaal.
17 June 1903 Copy letter J.A. Stevens to the Acting Secretary Rhodesia Railways (London).
Table showing rates on certain goods from Port Elizabeth to Bulawayo, Johannesburg and Viljoens Drift showing the share accruing to the various governments.
2 June 1904 Copy report by J.R. More (Acting Resident Engineer Cape Government Railways) on Rhodesia Railways Ltd. for the half year 1 November 1903 - 30 April 1904.
Vryburg-Gwelo line: table showing profit and loss on passenger and goods traffic for the quarter ending 31 March 1903.
Rhodesia Railways Ltd: Statement showing the percentage of expenditure to gross earnings and earnings and expenditure per train mile and per open mile for the month of November 1902.
Allocated statement of expenditure and earnings for November 1902 in respect of the above Company.
Comparative statement of receipts per train mile and tonnage 1902, 1903, with details of waggons, carriages and vans.
Northern Eastern Railway: Analysis of receipts and expenses 1902.
15 August 1903 Article from The Statist, “The British Railway Position”.

GRE/B186/4   1889-1904
Papers mainly concerning the African Lakes Company and British South Africa Company and Nyasaland.
Sir Philip Currie.
26 July 1889 Letter Sir Philip W. Currie to Grey.
Printed copy of above letter.
31 July 1889 Copy letter Grey to Currie.
[August 1889] Sketch [by 3rd Earl Grey] of a letter to Currie.
Fair copy of the above letter in 4th Earl Grey's hand.
[16 April 1890] Rough notes by Grey of conversation with Currie.

Alexander Low Bruce: this correspondence mainly concerns the proposed merger of the B.S.A. Co. and the African Lakes Co. For notes of contents of individual letters see end of this section.
1 January 1889-2 March 1892 29 letters Bruce to Grey and 1 telegram Bruce to Grey.
27 December 1889 1 letter Revd. Horace Waller to Bruce.
18, 28 August 1891 2 letters Frederick M. Moir to Bruce.

Sir John Kirk.
January 1890 - 24 January 1904 6 letters to Grey.
20 August 1891 1 copy Grey to Kirk.
24 November 1903 Copy letter Robert Codrington (Administrator N.E. Rhodesia) to B.S.A. Co. on tsetse fly.

Horace Farquhar 1st Earl (1844-1923).
20 September 1893 - 4 September 1904 3 letters to Grey.
February 1892 1 copy Grey to Farquhar.

Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston.
February 1892, April 1892 2 draft letters Grey to Johnston.
17 July 1890 Printed confidential memorandum by Johnston on the administration of British Central Africa by a chartered company (addressed to the directors of the B.S.A. Co.).
1891 Notebook containing summaries by Grey of letters from Johnston and others, including M. Fotheringham, to the B.S.A. Co. etc. Includes summaries of instructions to Johnston, summary of letter Johnston to Abercorn; also draft letter Grey to Abercorn.
Also other notes by Grey concerning central Africa.

Copies of the following letters:
10 October 1893 G.E. Smithson (Secretary of the Geographical Society, Newcastle) to Grey, concerning J.E. Blenkiron.
13 October 1898 James Ernest Blenkiron to Smithson, renewing his application for a post in Central Africa with biographical information.
11 December 1893 Smithson to Grey, concerning a sample mine account that Blenkiron had submitted. [The account not now present].
6 December 1893 Blenkiron to Grey renewing his application for the post.
22 December 1893 Letter Grey to Johnson [H.H. Johnston], concerning Blenkiron, Rhodes' letter to Johnston written under a total misapprehension; the Chartered Co. the only available lever to hoist Africa out of its barbarism, the inability of the government controlled by the House of Commons to do what was required; Rhodes as a statesman and source of funds; Johnston's resignation; the slave war; the need for the Chartered Co. to be a financial success.
Draft agreement between Grey (on behalf of the British South Africa Co., and ... to act for the company north of the Zambesi.
Other letters and papers:
5 January 1892 Letter Frederick M. Moir to Grey.
29 November 1891 Letter Sir Alfred Sharpe to Grey.
25 April 1890 [Photocopy of copy letter Grey to Abercorn. The original letter has been moved from this file to 182/1 and a photocopy made to replace it].
26 April [1890] Letter Alfred Beit to Grey.
7 December 1890 Letter Dr F. Rutherfoord Harris to Grey.
(n.d.) List of shareholders.
5 June 1891 “The end of letter to Rhodes” from Grey.
n.d. Rough notes by Grey: appears to be substance of what took place at an interview he evidently had with the King of the Belgians.
Possible solution to the Sudan problem discussed.
Rough notes by Grey on the slave trade in Central Africa and the effects on the B.S.A. Co. resulting from attempts to stamp it out.
Further notes by Grey on the slave trade in Nyasaland and the impossibility of the B.S.A. Co. bearing the burden of stamping it out.
The following papers were in a large envelope labelled “Early History and Charter”.
24 December 1889 Letter C.H. Weatherley to Grey, concerning De Beers debentures. (The first of the following letters might be the enclosure referred to in the above).
25 November 1889 F. Rutherfoord Harris to C.H. Weatherley, concerning resistance to Portuguese pretensions: the concession from Lobengula to work minerals.
2 December 1889 F. Rutherfoord Harris to C.H. Weatherley, re above.
9 December 1889 F. Rutherfoord Harris to Weatherley re above.
Copy cable from Rhodes, received 23 December 1889, concerning land and its value and suggesting formation of a subsidiary company.
December 1889 Notes by Grey from a report by Rankin on the situation of the Portuguese in Africa particularly with respect to a possible armed conflict with England and suggestions as to measures to counter their influence.
Extract of letter from J.H. Lester. Mainly about shooting in Africa.
30 December 1889 Letter C.H. Weatherley to Grey, concerning steam boats for the Zambesi.
30 December 1889 Copy letter Grey to Weatherley, commenting on the following document.
Mr Crawston's views on the policy of the B.S.A. Co. with respect to Portuguese aggrandizement on the Zambesi.
4 January 1890 Letter C.H. Weatherley to Grey, enclosing the following: 14 November 1889 Copy letter E.A. Maund (representative of the Exploring Co. Ltd) to Lord Gifford. Concerning the establishment of the Portuguese in the territory of the native king (of the Matabele) who will probably have to have British help to expel them.
23 December 1889 Letter C.H. Weatherley to Grey, concerning Rankin and the Scotch Co. and the Zambesi boats.
2 January 1891 Letter Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey.
7 September 1891 Copy letter Grey to Hawksley.
10 October, 2 November, 10 December 1891 Letters Hawksley to Grey.
10 December 1891 enclosing copy letter Hawksley to Alexander Watt (solicitor acting for the African Lakes Co), 4 December 1891.
2 January 1890 Letter William Ewing (Secretary African Lakes Co.) to Grey.
Cutting of letter Ewing to The Times: “Portuguese Claims in Africa”.
4 January 1890 Letter Ewing to Grey. Enclosure: Copy letter Ewing to various newspapers on Portuguese incursions into British territory.
British South Africa Co. paper: copy of board minute no. 633 of 25 February 1891, and of no. 634 of 27 February 1891 concerning negotiations with the African Lakes Co.
6 September 1891 Copy letter Grey to William Ewing. B.S.A. Co. circular memorandum for directors: copy letter Grey to Ewing 27 September 1891 and copy letter Ewing to Grey 29 September 1891.
Excerpts from letters received (by the African Lakes Co.) from its manager in Mandala (L.M. Fotheringham), 11, 13 September 1891; and copy letter H.H. Johnston to Mr Hillier, 3 September 1891.
24, 29 September 1891 Copy letters L. Monteith Fotheringham to the directors of the African Lakes Co.
5 December 1891 Copy letter messrs Fisher, Watt and Hayes to William Ewing, with copy letter B.F. Hawksley to Alexander Watt, 4 December 1891.
1891 Draft circular by order of the directors of the African Lakes Co., with text of sections 7 and 8 of agreement between the B.S.A. Co. and the African Lakes Co. [of 29 April 1890].
20 January 1898 Letter Ewing to Grey, concerning some enclosures not now present.
1 January 1889 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, concerning Livingstone, Stanley, the effect of dynastic considerations on policy in Africa; the Central Lakes Co. etc.
29 December 1889 Letter Bruce to Grey, Portuguese claims; Stanley's letter. Enclosure: 27 December 1889 Letter Revd. Horace Waller to Bruce, rivalry with Portuguese in Central Africa.
30 December 1889 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, various matters relating to Central Africa.
2 January 1890 [misdated 1889] Letter William Ewing (Sec. African Lakes Co.) to Grey, boats for the African Lakes Co.
25 December .... Press cutting of letter from William Ewing to The Times, “Portuguese Claims in Africa”.
4 January 1890 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, relations with Portuguese: threat of war.
4 January 1890 Letter William Ewing to Grey concerning the enclosure, the securing of western Nyassa and subsidising of Kotakota. Enclosure: Copy circular letter from Ewing to the press on the danger of war with the Portuguese in Central Africa and peace with the Arabs.
British South Africa Co.: copy of board minutes 633, 634, 25 and 27 February 1891, concerning Rhodes' negotiations with the directors of the African Lakes Co. concerning the making over of the mineral rights of the said Co. to the Scottish Exploration Co.
4 August 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, 1885 treaties and land question in Nyassaland.
8 August 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, amalgamation of B.S. Africa and Lakes Companies.
13 August 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey (part missing), question of whether to encourage other companies to run steamers on the African rivers and lakes.
15 August 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, concerning Frederick Moir and Waller and their views re Africa.
Telegram Bruce to Grey, business: Moir-Makololo treaties mentioned.
20 August 1891 Copy letter Grey to Sir John [Kirk], asking him to join the B.S.A. Co. board.
21 August 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, concerning the delay in winding up the Scottish Exploration Co. and the amalgamation of the African Lakes & B.S.A. companies. Enclosure: 18 August 1891 Letter Frederick M. Moir to Bruce, the African Lakes Co. and the Moir-Makololo treaties.
24 August 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, concerning certain documents and a meeting Grey is to have with the Lakes Co. directors.
24 August 1891 Letter Sir John Kirk to Grey, declining to join the Board of the B.S.A. Co.
30 August 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, asking him to support Moir's claim and concerning the Moir family. Enclosure: 28 August 1891 Letter Frederick M. Moir to Bruce, his claim to a place on the Northern Committee if not on the B.S.A. Co.'s board.
5 September 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, Dr Rankin's opposition to the treaties of 1885, and concerning land that had been purchased for Bruce in Nyasaland.
6 September 1891 Copy letter Grey to Ewing, putting forward Moir's claim to a place on the Northern Committee.
9 September 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, concerning Frederick Moir and the Northern Committee; John Moir's health; Bruce's land in Nyasaland.
26 September 1891 Letter A.L. Bruce to Grey, estimates for vessels for African rivers.

Paper   222f.
Chartered Co. and Rhodesia
Reference: GRE/B186/5
Dates of creation: 1904-1910
Extent: 24f.Paper

30 June 1910 Annual Report of De Beers.
Copy report by George M. Odlum on the tobacco industry in Rhodesia.
5 May 1906 Letter F.C.T. O'Hara to A.F. Sladen, concerning the above report, and the unlikelihood of Canada's offering a considerable preference on British Colonial tobaccos.
Page from Canadian Life and Resources with article on South Africa.
21 November 1904 - 9 March 1905 Letter Angus R. Adams to Grey, concerning Chinese labour in South Africa and his fear of the advance of the coloured races to the prejudice of the white and the consequences of racial intermarriage.

The Rhodesian Cotton Syndicate Limited: Report and Accounts to 30 June 1905
Reference: GRE/B186/6
Dates of creation: 1904-1905
Extent: 41f.Paper

18 December 1905 Copy memorandum by H. Wilson Fox on the Salvation Army emigration and land settlement scheme in respect of Rhodesia with observations on possible land and railway policies of the Chartered Company.
The Rhodesia Railways Limited: copy speech by Rochfort Maguire for the general meeting (for the year ending 31 October 1904).
The Mashonaland Railway Company Limited: copy speech by Rochfort Maguire at the general meeting (for the year ending 30 September 1904).
3 black and white copy photographs. 1: American Cotton - Bamboo Creek 2: Bamboo Creek - American, 15 weeks after planting 3: Bamboo Creek - Egyptian Afifi - 15 weeks after planting.

GRE/B186/7   1903-1906
Report of Committee under chairmanship of Lord Ridley on North Eastern Railway Expenditure, December 1903 with typescript notes concerning various aspects of railway finance.
26 August 1903 Letter R.H. B[enson] to Grey, concerning an article on the “outrageous rates” on the Beira and Mashonaland railways.
20 August 1903 Page from The Manchester Guardian, with article “The Spoiling of Rhodesia” by Alured Bell.
4 July 1903 Letter V.L. Raven to Mr Fletcher (both of the N.E. Railway) concerning coal wagons; details of other wagons; press cutting of speech by G.S. Gibb (General Manager of the N.E. Railway) on American railway methods.
The Great Northern Railway: Notice concerning the Rosebery medal essay competition on railway subjects for 1903.
Notes by Grey on railways in Rhodesia.
20 November 1903 Letter Philip Burtt (General Traffic Manager N.E. Railway) to Grey, covering the two following statements:
North Eastern Railway: figures showing estimates of locomotive expenses, receipts from coal and coke traffic, rate for conveyance of coke from Durham and Northumberland collieries to the west coast for blast furnaces, rates on coal from Derbyshire collieries to London via the Midland Railway, the maximum powers authorised by Parliament with regard to the shipment and landsale rate of conveyance of coal.
20 November 1903 Estimate of cost, in locomotive expenses, of working a freight train of 100 tons load over 680 miles.
The Rhodesia Railways Limited comparative statement of receipts and expenditure for the two half years ending 30 April and 31 October 1903 (sections worked by the Cape Government Railways).
Information concerning wagons with steel underframes - English and Rhodesian railways.
Schedule showing cost per ton of railway carriage of many types of goods from Port Elizabeth and Beira to Gwelo, with statement showing existing and proposed rates on lines in Rhodesia and Beira.
Another copy of the above with particulars of weights carried February - April 1903 and its classification under the systems of various railway companies.
Page from The Journal of the Mechanical Engineers' Association of the Witwatersrand, “Visit to the Pretoria Railway Workshops”.
N.E. Railway: statement of goods and live stock carried during the six months ending 30 June 1903.
18 September 1903 Estimate of the charge for terminal accommodation and services.
25 June 1903 Cape Government Railways: comparative statement of results of trials of fresh wrought Welsh, South African and other coals in locomotives (2 copies).
1 January 1905 Letter George M. Odlum to ...., expressing his dislike of Kaffirs Consolidated, who are floating a company for the purpose of growing tobacco near Salisbury and who used his name in a prospectus without permission.
3 August 1906 Page from the Rhodesia Herald, with long report of action South v Odlum for slander arising out of the use of Odlum's name in the above mentioned prospectus and Odlum's remarks about the same.
n.d. Letter Odlum to ..., covering a long and detailed treatise on land settlement in Rhodesia.
Copy report by Odlum on Rhodesian Agriculture [duplicate copy in 190/6].
21 December 1904 Copy letter Odlum to the Secretary for Agriculture, concerning agricultural experimental stations and the lack of facilities in the present department in which he works.
19 December 1904 Letter Odlum to Grey, concerning the need for central curing houses before Rhodesian tobacco growing can be developed and the lack of facilities in the existing Agricultural Department.
Copy of the above letter.
24 January 1905 Another copy with letter from Grey to the Secretary B.S.A. Co. concerning it.
28 January 1904 Part of a letter [from George Odlum] to [Grey(?)], concerning Rhodesian tobacco sent to London, and opposition to the Chartered Co. among Rhodesians, and the growth of faith in the future of Rhodesian agriculture.
[A copy of another part of this letter is possibly the extract preserved in 190/6].
4 April 1906 Letter Odlum to Grey.
7 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Odlum.
19 January 1905 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey, enclosing copy of his report to Sir L. Michell and Co.
Trustees on operations carried out on the estates of C.J. Rhodes in Rhodesia during the previous year.
Booklet: Umtali Industrial Mission in Mashonaland ... the suggestion of a ... practical philanthropist realised.
Notes by Grey concerning Townsend re Rhodesian affairs.

Paper   226f.
GRE/B186/8   [Late 19th-early 20th centuries]
22 March .... Letter Colin Harding to Grey, concerning his ill fortune, quarrel with the Charter Co. and need for employment.
Booklet containing printed copies of correspondence, etc., concerning Harding - Papers relative to the Services of Colonel Colin Harding CMG.

Paper   3f.
GRE/B186/9   1891-1905
Copies of the following correspondence concerning the transit rate on parcels in the Bechuanaland Protectorate.
23 September, 14 December 1904 2 letters Sir Somerset French to J.F. Jones (with memorandum).
26 November 1904, 6 January 1905 2 letters Jones to French.
19 October 1904 Grey to Jones.
3 November 1904 “C.H.” to The Times.
7, 14, 25 November 1904 J.F. Jones to The Times.
10, 19 November 1904 Sir Ralph C. Williams (Resident Commissioner Bechuanaland Protectorate) to The Times.
17 November 1904 J.F. Jones to the Under Secretary of State Colonial Office.
21 May 1903 G.H. Eyre (Postmaster General Salisbury) to the Secretary General Post Office, London.
14 December 1904 Sir Lewis Michell to Jones (extract).
5 January 1905 D.E. Brodie (Assistant Secretary B.S.A. Co.) to the Under Secretary of State Colonial Office.
22 December 1904 Raleigh Grey to the Rhodesian Times.
British South Africa Co: Land Settlement Committee's report, part I (2 copies), part II (20 February 1905).
19 January 1905 The British South Africa Land Settlement Co. Ltd. Draft scheme for formation of a company with this name.
(1905) The British South Africa Company: an ordinance to provide for the constitution of Southern Rhodesian Consols and for the raising of money by the issue of a sum of such consols and for the application of the money so raised.
(1905) British South Africa Co. (Proposed) ordinance to provide for the raising of a loan on the security of the revenue of the territory for the purpose of making advances upon security.
2 copies of the following letters:
15 February 1905 H. Cunliffe-Owen (Director United Tobacco Companies Ltd) to H. Wilson Fox, British South Africa Co.
18 February 1905 H. Wilson Fox to H. Cunliffe-Owen.
This correspondence concerns a proposed arrangement whereby the United Tobacco Companies would at the joint cost of the two concerns, send an expert to Rhodesia to report on tobacco growing potentialities there and, if the report should be favourable, the B.S.A. Co. would make certain grants of land to the United Tobacco Companies for tobacco growing.
25-26 May 1894 Letter Oliver Williams to [?Grey], financial matters - mainly shares.
25 May 1894 Letter Marks, Bulteel, Mills & Co. to Grey, concerning shares they have bought and sold for him, with certificates enclosed.
Part of letter from Grey to ..., concerning the conversion of his De Beers shares into Randt Mines.
30 December 1891 Circular memorandum for the Directors, financial position of the British South Africa Co. Enclosures:
29 December 1891 Copy cablegram despatched to Mr C. Rudd on behalf of B.F. Hawksley.
22 December 1891 The British South Africa Co.: estimated financial position, on basis of Cape Office letter of 4 November 1891.
The British South Africa Co.: estimated financial position on basis of Cape Office letter of 9 December 1891.
Extract of a circular concerning Rhodes and the development of the territories north of the Zambesi.
26 May 1894 Customs Wagon Pass in respect of a wagon belonging to Grey from Vryburg to Bulawayo with 88 packages, the contents of which are listed in two attached waybills.
Book containing notes by Grey on various subjects, largely taken from books he had been reading.
Much appears to have been written while he was in Canada but there are some loose notes enclosed relating to natives in Rhodesia.

Paper   131f.
George Grey's Affairs
Reference: GRE/B187/1
Dates of creation: 1912-1917
Extent: 41f.Paper

File Labelled George Grey's Affairs. Mainly concerning Robert Williams' and George Grey's interest in Tanganyika Concessions; also Lady Warwick and copper mines there; Williams' advice to Grey on financial matters immediately before his death.
7 January 1913 (2 copies), 10 May, 20 August 1917. 3 letters Robert Williams to Grey.
20 August 1917 1 letter Robert Williams to Lady Sybil Grey.
3 January 1919 1 letter Robert Williams to 5th Earl Grey.
5 December 1912, 9 January 1913 (2 copies) 2 copy letter 4th Earl Grey to Williams.
3 January 1913 (2 copies) Copy letter Stanley Pott to Williams.
31 December 1912, 29 January, 27 February 1913 3 letters Thomas Leadbitter to Grey.
7 November 1912 Copy Messrs Flux Leadbitter and Neighbour to Charles, 5th Earl Grey.
13 December 1912 Copy letter Grey to Leadbitter.
9 December 1912 Copy letter 5th Earl Grey to Leadbitter.
28 January 1913 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
5 November 1912 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
2 February 1913 Letter Lady Frances Warwick to Grey.
31 January 1913 Copy letter H. Paget Cooke to Lady Warwick.
8 February [1913] Copy letter Grey to Lady Warwick.
Diplomatic and Consular Reports - Congo Report for 1912 on the trade of Katanga. (Presented to both Houses of Parliament July 1913).
27 July 1913 Leadbitter to Grey.
19 December 1912, Charles Grey to Leadbitter.

GRE/B187/2   1892-1907
1892-1907 13 letters Sir George Stegmann Gibb to Grey.
26 December 1905, 4 March 1906 2 copy letters Grey to Gibb.
Letter of 26 December includes a quotation of part of a letter from John Milburn to Grey concerning electrification of railway lines from Ashington, Northumberland.
12 March 1902 1 letter B.S. Guinness to Grey.
30 April 1904 Letter Gibb to The Times, “English and American Railway Rates”.
2 May 1904 Cutting from The Yorkshire Herald, same subject.
N.E. Railway statistics of operation - half year ending 30 June 1904 and 1905. 2 copies.
22 November 1903 Copy letter Grey to J.F. Jones, costs on the Vryburg-Bulawayo line and the Beira route and locomotive expenses on the N.E.R. Rough notes of railway statistics.
Rhodesia Railways: particulars of revenue and expenditure 1902, 1903.
Statistics showing the effect of the trade depression on South African Railways, 1902, 1903.
(1904) Rhodesia Railways Ltd. and others with Messrs Emile Erlanger and Co.: Draft agreement for loan of £170,000 for the purpose of extending the railway north of the Victoria Falls to Kalomo.
European population of Southern Rhodesia: comparison of returns for 1901 and 1904.
11 August 1904 The Mashonaland Railway Co. Ltd.
Chairman's speech at the second ordinary general meeting of the Mashonaland Railway Co. Ltd.
Comparative price of permanent way material as paid by the N.E.R. and by the Rhodesia Railways Ltd, 1899-1902.
22 July 1903 Rhodesia Railways Ltd. Report of the 7th Ordinary General Meeting.
22 August 1895 East and West coast trains to Aberdeen, with details of record speeds for the London-Aberdeen journey.
“Growth of British South Africa” 1884-1904, with diagram showing progress of British and foreign trade with South Africa, and table showing area, population and railways in South Africa.
28 January 1904 Details of time taken by 10 and 20 ton mineral wagons over an average haul of 20 miles.
Rhodesia Railways Ltd: Revenue and Expenditure June 1904.
Table of statistics of freight train earnings and milage in respect of several English lines, 1900-1905.
Canadian Pacific Railway: freight train loads, half year ending December 1903-4.
25 January 1905 Statistics of freight train loads, half years ending December 1903 and 1904, issued from the Traffic Statistics Office, York.
Notes by Grey of the price of rails imported into Canada from England.
4 January 1905 Memorandum by W.R. Baker for Grey concerning a contract for 20 engines built by the American Locomotive Co. for the Canadian Pacific Railway Co.
4 January 1905 Letter George Johnson to C.J. Jones (Chief Clerk Governor General's Office Ottawa), enclosing memorandum for Grey on subsidies, including land grants, given to Canadian Railways to 30 June 1903.
Section relating to railways from the [Canadian] Statistical Year Book [1894].
6 January 1905 Letter D. Pottinger (?) to A.F. Sladen, concerning wire and posts for fencing with tables and diagram enclosed.
7 January 1905 Letter Charles M. Hays, General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway System, to Grey, enclosing press cuttings illustrating the disadvantage of state ownership of railways.
9 July 1904 Cutting from the Manitoba Free Press, “Deficits on the Intercolonial”.
13 February 1904 Cutting from the Wall Street Journal, “Government vs Corporate Railroads” - a comparison between Russian Government and American Railroads.
31 January 1905 Letter R.J. Hackshaw to Grey - maintenance costs on South African railways 1903.
1 February 1905 Cutting from Toronto Globe, “Railways in the North West”.
11 February 1905 Pages from the Railway News, reporting a meeting of shareholders of the N.E. Railway.
Pages from The Railway Magazine, “A tour over the pioneer railway of Canada” (The Grand Trunk Railway).
18 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to W.R. Baker, requesting CPR figures to compare with working costs of Rhodesian railways.
20 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Beit, recommending Baker for employment as manager of Rhodesian Railways.
21 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Beit, further information about Baker.
30 March 1905 Letter W.R. Baker to Grey, giving CPR running and other costs compared with the English N.E.R.
15 May 1905 Cutting from The Times, “The Loading of Railway Goods Traffic”.
22 May 1905 Cutting from The Times, supplement, same subject.
24 May 1905 Cutting from the Toronto Globe, “A Flower Department” (railway station gardens).
21 June 1905 Letter R.J. Hackshaw to Grey, enclosing statistics relating to freight and train loads on the Vryburg-Bulawayo section of Rhodesia Railways for the half years ending December 1903, 1904.
Table of statistics comparing English and American railways.
Cutting from Daily Report (?) “Canada's Capacity, what a bumper harvest will mean to the Dominion and its railways”.
26 September 1905 Letter R.L. Wedgwood (Secretary N.E.R.) to Grey, enclosing copy of Hotel Committee minute giving receipts for the company's various hotels, etc., for 1904.
N.E.R. hotels and refreshment rooms: Net receipts ... 1903.
3 November 1905 Cutting from the Citizen, on politics and the intercolonial railway.
9 October 1905 Copy letter R.F. Dunnell to Grey, concerning Grey's railway passes.
9 January 1906 Letter Dunnell to Grey, re above.
27 February 1906 Copy letter Grey to Dunnell, re above.
5 March 1906 Letter Dunnell to Grey, concerning a draft for Grey's director's fees and his passes.
21 April 1906 Page from the Montreal Standard, “Make Canada Front Door of Continent and thus Block Designs of Mr James J. Hill”.
14 April - 19 May 1906 Cuttings of 6 articles from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, on “Industrial Locations - the advantages offered by Tyneside”.
Rough notes by Grey on railways.
25 August 1906 Pages from The Statist, “British Railways the growth of the Economy”.
28 August 1906 Letter Edmund R. Tucker to Grey, N.E.R. hotel accounts, improvement of the hotel at Newcastle, trouble over the accounts, the opening of the Tyne Bridge.
22 January 1907 Cutting from The Gazette, reporting Chief Commissioner Killam's address to the Canadian Club on the Railway Board.
16 February 1907 Pages from The Statist, “British Railways - results of scientific methods of working”.
15 June 1907 Supplement to The Statist, “American Railroads”.
9 October 1907 Pages from the Syren and Shipping, “The Grand Trunk Railway and its Ports”.
2 November 1907 Cutting from the New York Sun, “The railroads and the people”.
6 December 1907 Letter Sir Thomas Shaughnessy to Grey, the rescue after the wreck of the Mount Temple and Sir Wilfrid Laurier's views against state ownership of railways.
Table of comparative rates charged by US and Canadian railways (1906) and statistics of passengers and tonnage, etc.
Table for freight train results (blank).

Paper   149f.
James J. Hill
Reference: GRE/B187/3
Dates of creation: 1906-1911
Extent: 15f.Paper

Subjects of letters: fishing of Hill's river; reciprocity; currency problems in view of oriental competition.
20 May 1908, 17 January 1910 (copy) 2 letters Hill to Grey.
17 January, 20 May 1911 2 copy letters Grey to Hill.
Press cuttings:
“No Commercial Union - Canada would reject J.J. Hill's recommendation” [of commercial union with USA].
12 November 1906 “Throw down all the tariff bars - J.J. Hill demands reciprocity between Canada and US” (Globe , Toronto).
18 July 1906 “J.J. Hill and Canada - an American View”, (Financier).
29 January 1906 “Mr J.J. Hill favours reciprocity between United States and Canada” (Financial News).
14 January 1907 Booklet: The transportation problem of the United States - letter of Mr James J. Hill to Hon. John A. Johnson, Governor of Minnesota.

GRE/B187/4   1887, 1902-1906
14 December 1887 Suggestions by Howard Hodgkin for affording facilities for the purchase by railway servants of small sums of stock of the company under which they serve. [The company concerned was the N.E.R.].
(1906) Booklet: The British Railway Outlook by W.J. Stevens.
(1904) Report (30 December 1903) on the Organisation and Working of Railways in America by Neville Priestley. Enclosed:
30 August 1903 - 12 April 1904 Notes by Grey on back of a file of correspondence between Col. H.M. Ridley and others over alleged misrepresentations as to employment in South Rhodesia:
30 August 1903, 31 January, 5 February, 12 April 1904 Letters H.M. Ridley to Col. Ridley.
29 September 1903 F.J. Newton to Ridley.
n.d. H.B. Douslin to Newton.
15 April 1904 A.P. Millar to Ridley.
15 February 1904 J.F. Jones to Ridley.
3 September 1903, 2 February 1904 D.E. Brodie to Ridley.
Extract from Southern Rhodesia Information for Intending Settlers.
Correspondence Respecting the Uganda Railway [Presented to both Houses of Parliament, July 1901].
Cape of Good Hope: Report of the General Manager of Railways for the Year 1901 (with appendices). [Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of ... the Governor], Cape Town 1902 (the General Manager was T.R. Price).
c.1902 Typescript memorandum: “American Railways” by Edwin Pratt (many comparisons with UK railways).

Paper   43f.
GRE/B187/5   1898-1903
Rough notes of military and naval expenditure in South Africa 1848-1885.
24 January 1899 Printed circular appealing for contributions to a bazaar in aid of the English Church, Salisbury, Rhodesia.
Printed circular: Bulawayo Syndicate Limited ... what the syndicate has done and is doing.
20 October 1898 Extract of letter from Grey to Henry Partridge - Milton's title to certain land and coal.
File of correspondence concerning George Parbury, lately a member of the M.R.F.: 1 February 1899 Letter Lucy J. Parbury to Grey - includes details of the ancestors of the family.
7 February 1899 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, with note of Grey's reply. Enclosures: Copies of letters from:
23 May 1898 James Robertson.
13 May 1898 Major H. Hopper.
3 November 1898 J.F. Jones to Mrs Lucy Parbury.
6 July 1899 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, concerning Bonner W. Armstrong, a Native Commissioner.
3 June 1899 Extract of letter from Mr Marshall Hole, Bulawayo, re above.
1 October 1898 Letter E.W. Procter to Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., concerning the watch of Maxwell's deceased son, and his gravestone.
9 November 1898 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, concerning the Hon. Mrs Joyce and the Castle and Union shipping lines.
26 September 1898 Letter Berlier Carson (pro Secretary Chamber of Mines, Rhodesia) to Grey, correcting an error in the report of the Joint Committee of the Salisbury Chambers of Mines and Commerce).
Rhodesia Railways Ltd: copy annual report 1903 by J.R. More, acting resident engineer.
Calculations of costs of conveying goods from Beira to Salisbury and from Beira to Gwelo and Salisbury to Gwelo.
Tables showing profit and loss on passenger and goods traffic on the Vryburg-Gwelo line and the Vryburg-Bulawayo line for the quarter ending 31 March 1903.
Notes - Rhodesia Railways - mainly financial matters.
14 September 1903 Copy letter [Grey] to Jones, amalgamation of the various railways into one system from Vryburg to Beira.
Table of rates on certain goods from Port Elizabeth to Bulawayo, Johannesburg to Viljoens Drift, showing the share accruing to the various governments.
Table showing the rates charges by the Cape Government Railways to Vryburg in through traffic from the Ports to Rhodesia as compared with the rates charged by them to Norvals Pont in through traffic from the Ports to the Transvaal.
Particulars of the cost of landing produce at Gwelo and Umtali from America and Cape Colony.

Paper   64f.
GRE/B187/6   September 1903
The correspondence mainly concerns the same subject as the memorandum. Goldie is mentioned in one letter and the desirability of acquiring Barrow as a director for the B.S.A. Co. is referred to in another.
16 September 1903 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey.
20, 24 September 1903 2 copy letters Grey to Jones.
18 September 1903 Letter R. Maguire to Grey.
Memorandum on the results of transferring the through traffic between Vryburg and Bulawayo to the east coast route from Beira.
Notes by Grey.

Paper   23f.
GRE/B187/7   1899-1903
Subjects of the letters: mainly the cost of steel rails and business connected with their purchase; and the financial position of railways in Rhodesia.
7 April 1903 Letter Edmund R. Turton to Grey.
11 April 1903 Joseph Chamberlain to Grey.
9 April 1903 Copy letter J.F. Jones to Messrs Dorman Long & Co.
14 April 1903 Copy letter Jones to Sir F. Montagu Ommanney.
9 April 1903 Copy letter Jones to Sir W. Milton.
3 July 1899 Letter W. Worsdell to Grey.
1 August 1903 Letter Lowthian Bell to Grey.
List of sums of money 1899-1903.
Note of price of rails. c.1903.
Particulars of the price of coal, coke and oil and of steel rails and of railway sleepers etc., and of the durability of the rails (3 pieces).
21 January 1903 Rates of hire for the use of Cape Government and Rhodesia Railways rolling stock.
Statement of N.E.R. locomotive expenses 1898.
Statement of cost of coal and coke (N.E.R.) for half year ending 30 June 1899.
Newspaper cutting: summary results of working year ended 31 March 1902 as compared with 1901.

Paper   21f.
GRE/B187/8   1903-1904
13 February 1904 Pages from The Statist, “The North Eastern Railway - Great Progress in Economy”.
January 1903 N.E.R. Monthly Statistics of Operation.
Copy memorandum and statements in connection with the proposed transfer of the through traffic between Vryburg and Bulawayo to the east coast route from Beira.
Another memorandum on the same subject.
17 September 1903 Copy letter S.F. Townsend to Sir Charles Metcalfe, Bart., with several enclosures, on expenditure on railways in Rhodesia.
22 November 1903 2 copy letters Grey to J.F. Jones, costs on Vryburg-Bulawayo and Beira-Bulawayo lines, with comparison with N.E.R.
30 January 1904 3 copy letters Charles Wibberley to Jones, same subject.
16 December 1903 Copy letter J.A. Stevens (Secretary Rhodesia Railways, Cape Town) to the Acting Secretary [R.J. Hackshaw] London, concerning the increase in expenditure on the Rhodesia railway systems and measures of economy that should be introduced. Several enclosures mainly on same subject.
Rhodesia Railways: Extract from Cape Office letter ... dated 23 December 1903 - Wankie coal - trucks for it.
Rhodesia Railways: Extract from Cape Office letter dated 23 December 1903 - Expenditure per mile of open line - Bulawayo-Gwelo section; memoranda etc., concerning the construction of the M'banji-Wankie line.
16 March 1904 Rhodesia Railways: Extract from Cape Office letter, covering report of J. De Bene, traffic manager, on the Rhodesian system for the year ended 31 December 1903.
Report of a Joint Committee of the Salisbury Chambers of Mines and Commerce appointed to deal with the question of the Beira Railway Rates.

Paper   124f.
GRE/B187/9   1890-1904
Booklet: The Reform Movement in Rhodesia : Facts and Inferences on the Condition of the Territory (Salisbury, Rhodesia, April 1903). Issued by the Rhodesia Railway Reform Committee.
29 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to H. Powell, requesting information on earnings of Cape Government Railway and Rhodesian Railways when compared according to USA practice.
22 September 1903 Letter H. Price Powell (Acting Secretary Rhodesia Railways) to Grey, answering various letters concerning the railways that Grey had sent him.
Vryburg-Bulawayo lines: table of receipts, expenditure and net earnings, January -April 1903.
Bulawayo-Gwelo line: similar table.
Salisbury-Gwelo line: similar table.
Bulawayo-Wankies line: similar table (April 1903 only).
Amalgamated lines (Rhodesian Railways): similar table (January - May 1903).
2 September 1903 Letter H. Price Powell to Grey, enclosing the above returns.
18 June 1903 Legislative Council: Answers to questions asked by Dr Wylie concerning the affairs of the Railway Companies in Rhodesia and neighbouring states.
4, 12, 21 April 1903 3 letters R.H. Benson to Grey - question of making F.W. Barrow a director of Rhodesia Railways.
17 April 1903 1 letter R. Maguire to Benson, re above.
29 September 1896 Letter C.W. Benson to Grey, concerning Sivewright and Price and a proposed bargain in respect of the line from Vryburg to Bulawayo.
14 August - 30 October 1896 6 letters George Pauling to Grey. (5 originals: there are duplicate copies of several of these letters).
8 October 1896 Copy letter Pauling to the Secretary of the B.S.A. Co.
Copy cablegrams:
24 October 1896 Rhodes to Beit (2).
27 October 1896 Beit to Rhodes.
28 October 1896 Pauling to Rhodes.
Main subject of the above correspondence is the financing and cost of construction of a railway from the Portuguese frontier to Salisbury. Also Pauling's interview with Chamberlain in connection with the Jameson raid and Rhodesia. Mining law also mentioned.
23 January 1890 Copy agreement between (1) Her Majesty's High Commissioner for South Africa and Governor of British Bechuanaland (Sir Henry Loch), and (2) Cecil John Rhodes representing the B.S.A. Co. for the construction of a railway from the southern to the northern border of British Bechuanaland.
Report of a Joint Committee of the Salisbury Chambers of Mines and Commerce appointed to deal with the question of the Beira Railway Rates.
August 1892 The Beira Railway Co. Ltd. Prospectus.
Copy memorandum on the results of transferring the inland general goods through traffic at present passing over the Vryburg-Bulawayo section to the Beira route.
27 December 1903 Copy note from Grey to Jones, concerning locomotive costs on the above routes.
Miscellaneous rough notes by Grey on railways both in England and South Africa.
Notes by Grey on telegraphs in Bechuanaland and South Africa.
French and English Railway Speeds - by Philip Burtt (reprint from Transport, 13 October 1899).
2 January 1904 Press cuttings: “Congo Railways”, “Railway Rates in South Africa”.

Paper   85f.
Fischer-Farmers' Cooperative Store
Reference: GRE/B187/10
Dates of creation: 1902-1903
Extent: 190f.Paper

File Marked “Fischer-Farmers' Cooperative Store”.
5 December 1902 Letter E.G. Howman to Grey - wants help to get into Native Department Mashoaland or a farm there.
10 March 1903 Extract of letter E. Ross Townsend [to Grey?], amount to be advanced by Chartered Trust to farmers.
B.S.A. Co. duplicate typescript, copies of the following:
30 March 1903 Note from C. Wibberley.
8 April 1903 Extract from The Cape Times, report of interview with Col. Owen Thomas - his pessimistic views on settlers' prospects in Rhodesia.
25 April 1903 Extract of a letter from George Duthie to Grey [for complete letter see below].
22 June 1903 Typescript copies of two long letters [from Col. Owen Thomas] to Grey on the condition of Rhodesia, particularly from an agricultural point of view.
Copy testimonials to Charles Bullock of Morpeth by:
John Blencowe Cookson (chairman) and Henry Irwin (clerk of the Visiting Committee) Northumberland Co. Pauper Lunatic Asylum. [Extracted from minutes of meeting of the Visiting Committee 20 July 1903].
25 June 1903 T.W. McDowall, M.D. Medical Superintendent.
6 July 1903 James J. Gillespie Jr. B.A. Cantab. & Assoc. of Institute of Chartered Accounts.
5 August 1903 Charles Alderson Clerk to the Justices Morpeth Ward and Bedlingtonshire.
21 July 1903 B.S.A. Co. duplicate typescript copy letter John Appleby to Grey, on farming in Rhodesia. [On back page is a note of the persons to whom a copy of this letter was sent]. The original of this letter is listed below.
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to E.R. Townsend.
14 October 1903 Letter Charles Bullock to Grey. A long letter written from Umtali, largely concerning a semi-co-operative scheme being run by some railwaymen.
23 December 1903 Copy letter Grey to Townsend.
8 April 1903 Another copy of Col. Owen Thomas' interview with the Cape Times (see above).
25 April 1903 Letter George Duthie to Grey.
10 April 1903 Letter R.W. Fischer to Grey.
10 May 1903 Copy Grey to Fischer.
12 May 1903 Copy Grey to Fischer - possibility of starting a co-operative agricultural society in Rhodesia as in Ireland also an agricultural co-operative bank as in Germany.
1 typescript copy of the above letter.
3 B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript copies of the above letter. On p.7 is a list of persons to whom the copy is to be sent.
15 May 1903 Letter Charles Bullock to Grey - his readiness to go to Rhodesia to further Grey's co-op. farming scheme.
5 typescript copies of most of the above letter.
15 May 1903 Letter J.C. Gray (General Sec. The Co-operative Union Ltd, Manchester) to Grey.
19 May 1903 Letter Col. Owen Thomas to Grey.
21 May 1903 Copy letter Grey to Mrs John Hopkinson.
17 June 1903 Incomplete letter to Grey from [H. Marshall-Hole] (Civil Commissioner's Office, Bulawayo).
18 (2), 24 June 1903 3 letters R.W. Fischer to Grey.
30 June 1903 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey.
Copy of Charles Bullock's testimonials as listed above.
11 July 1903 Letter Frederick E. Wienholt to Sir Lewis Michell.
B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript copy of the above letter.
19 July 1903 Letter H. Barnes Pope to Grey.
21 July 1903 MS letter John Appleby to Grey.
28 July 1903 Letter Charles Bullock to Grey.
1 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Sir Lewis Michell.
1 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to J.G. McDonald.
5 August 1903 Letter H.H. Chartres to Grey. Does not accept Grey's offer re farming Grey's land until farming prospects in Rhodesia improve.
Copies of the following letters:
12 May 1903 Grey to R. Fischer.
19 May 1903 Owen Thomas to Grey.
11 July 1903 Frederick E. Wienholt to Sir Lewis Michell.
19 August 1903 Grey's secretary to Wienholt.
19 August 1903 Grey to R. Fischer.
19 August 1903 Grey to Douglas Brodie.
19 August 1903 Grey to Charles Bullock.
19 August 1903 Grey to J.G. McDonald.
16 December 1903 J.G. MacDonald to Grey.
17 December 1903 Charles Bullock to Grey.
Circular issued by Bullock on Farmers' Co-operative Association.

GRE/B187/11   1903-1906
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Ernest Crawley.
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Sir Arthur Lawley.
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to J. Stevens (Chartered Office Cape Town).
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Fischer.
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to J.G. McDonald.
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Charles Bullock.
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to E. Ross Townsend.
12 August 1903 Copy letter of introduction for Charles Bullock addressed to Fischer, J.G. McDonald and Col. Raleigh Grey (all on same sheet).
13 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Charles Bullock.
13 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Governor Francis - introducing Mr Longden who seeks information re tobacco growing and curing.
13 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to the Secretary, Agricultural Department [USA] - asks that the bearer, Mr Longden be given advice how to obtain information re American tobacco growing and curing and corn harvesting.
19 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to H. Wilson Fox.
19 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to J.G. McDonald.
22 August 1903 Copy letter J. Hay Upcher to Grey (2 copies).
25 August 1903 Copy letter (signed) J.G. McDonald to Fischer.
28 August 1903 Copy letter J.G. McDonald to Grey.
August 1903 The Rhodesian Agricultural Journal, ed. by E.R. Sawyer, Vol. 1, No. 1.
15 September 1903 Part of a letter (end missing) from R. Fischer to Grey.
16 September 1903 Extract from a letter from Mr Wibberley to Grey.
3 October 1903 Letter Frederick E. Wienholt to Miss Gilbertson.
4 November 1903 Letter R.W. Fischer to Grey, with list of farming stock and implements (with prices) which would be required by H. Barnes Pope and E.W. Pope to set them up as farmers. Also list of building materials, with prices, for a house and plans of the proposed house.
4 November 1903 Copy of the above letter from Fischer, and lists and plans, with totals.
18 February 1904 Extract of letter from Col. Raleigh Grey, criticising the above estimated prices as much too low.
18 February 1904 Copy letter Bertie Carson to Raleigh Grey concerning the prices estimated in Fischer's document.
16 November 1903 Copy letter J. Meikle to Fischer, owner of a store at Rusapi; suggests that the proposed co-op should buy him out.
5 January 1904 Copy letter Charles Bullock to Fischer, concerning Meikle's store and offer.
B.S.A. Co. duplicate typescript copy of the above two letters (2 copies).
Rhodesian (Pastoral and Agricultural) Lands Ltd, memorandum on the potentialities of the country and prospects of settlers there if they came under the auspices of the company. [A MS note by Grey in the margins [crossed out]. Some of the statements are questioned].
Blue Book: Report of the Committee on the Establishment of Co-operative Credit Societies in India (London, 1903).
26 February 1904 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey.
13 December 1903 Letter Charles Bullock to Grey, reporting on possibility of establishing an Agricultural Co-op Society at Rusapi.
25 February 1904 Letter (unsigned) Charles Bullock to Grey. Same subject with list of amounts each farmer was willing to invest in the scheme.
24 December 1903 Copy letter J. Hay-Upcher to Charles Bullock.
5 January 1904 Copy letter A.R. Jelliman to Bullock.
20 February 1904 Copy letter P. Van Niekerk to Bullock.
11 January 1904 Copy letter MessrsClarke and Clark to Bullock.
7 January 1904 Copy letter W. Temple Nourse (Managing Director Farmers' Co-op Co. Ltd, East London) to Bullock, difficulties of making a co-op enterprise work on a small scale. Advise him to join their Company.
4 February 1904 Copy letter W.T. Nourse to Bullock giving information about the Company and the advantages of membership.
Farmers' Co-operative Co. Ltd. prospectus and application form for shares.
21 July 1904 Copy letter Grey to Sir Walter Hely Hutchinson.
8 October 1904 Copy letter Grey to J.G. McDonald.
5 September 1904 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey.
Press Cuttings:
3 December 1902 Correspondence between R.S. Baden-Powell and John E. Scott, Mayor of Bulawayo, in the Bulawayo Chronicle, “Rhodesia's Sons”.
9 January 1903 “Real Rhodesia, Truth about the Country, in the Grip of the Charter”.
Agricultural experiments: the “Ivel” Agricultural Motor.
28 March 1903 Dr Koch and redwater fever; remarks by Col. Owen Thomas on South Africa and Rhodesia (Bulawayo Chronicle).
18 July 1903 Criticisms of the Chartered Co. Directors, Bulawayo Chronicle (2 pieces).
19 August 1903 The Rhodes Matoppo Farm, Bulawayo Chronicle.
14 November 1904 Letter Charles Bullock to Grey.
6 February 1905 Letter Charles Bullock to Grey.
15 July 1905 Copy letter Grey to Bullock.
23 September 1905 Letter Bullock to Grey.
9 November 1905, 9 July 1906 Copy letters Grey to Bullock.
8 May 1906 Letter R.W. Fischer to Grey.
10 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Fischer.

Paper   104f.
GRE/B187/12   1894-1898
30 December 1898 Letter Sir John Willoughby to Grey. A long letter setting out his grievances against the B.S.A. Co. and relating the services he had done to Rhodesia.
12 December 1894 Copy B.S.A. Co. minute. Thanks to Willoughby.
12 December 1894 Copy letter Herbert Canning to Willoughby, communicating the above.
12 December 1894 Copy letter Herbert Canning to the Officer Commanding the Royal Horse Guards, Windsor.
12 December 1894 Copy B.S. A. Co. minute re Willoughby.
16 February 1894 Extracts from report by Dr L.S. Jameson, B.S.A. Co. Administrator, services and bravery of Willoughby against the enemy.
29 January, 27 February 1895 Copy letters Herbert Canning to the Under Secretary of State Colonial Office.
27 February 1895 Copy letter Herbert Canning to General Sir Redvers Buller (Adj. Gen.).
13 March 1895 B.S.A. Co. minute concerning Willoughby.
14 August 1895 Copy letter Herbert Canning and the Under Secretary of State W.O.
5 December 1898 Copy letter (B.S.A. Co. dupl. typescript) Willoughby to the Secretary B.S.A. Co., the amount due to him from the Chartered Co.

Paper   17f.
GRE/B187/13   1898-1904
19 September 1898 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey. Enclosures:
24 August 1898 Copy letter Rhodes to the Sec. B.S.A. Co.
16 September 1898 Copy cablegram from Cape Town - Bechuanaland Protectorate.
17 September 1898 Copy cablegram from B.S.A. Co. London to Charter Cape Town, replying to above.
16 September 1898 Copy cablegram from B.S.A. Co. London to Charter Cape Town.
16 September 1898 Copy telegram C.J. Rhodes to Bechuanaland Railway Co.
17 September 1898 Copy cablegram Bechuanaland Railway Co. to Charter, Cape Town.
20 September 1898 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey - negotiations with Foreign Office and Colonial Office.
21 September 1898 Copy letter Sir Alfred Sharpe (Commissioner and Consul-General for territories under British influence north of Zambesi) to Jones of the B.S.A. Co., payment for policing of north Rhodesia.
16 September 1903 Cutting from The Cape Times, Dr Jameson and the election; Jameson's speech at Graham's Town.
26 February 1904 Letter Val Gielgud to Grey - advocating use of Chinese labour in South Africa.

Paper   17f.
GRE/B188/1   1893
The British South Africa Company : Directors' Report and Accounts, 31 March 1893
Paper   1 file
GRE/B188/2   1894, 1899
28 April 1899 Declaration by John Campbell Hunter concerning transactions in connection with Bishop Dupont's claim that King Mwamba had left him heir to his country and possessions.
22 June [1899?] Letter Timmie (Marquis of Winchester) to Grey, his work in Rhodesia and political situation; economic prospects of Rhodesia.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Sir Lewis Michell, cattle plague, mealies, pig farming as suitable for Rhodesia.
16 July 1903 Copy letter George R. Parkin to Grey, on visit to Rhodes' tomb.
6 February 1894 Incomplete letter [R. Maguire] to Grey - Grey's trip to South Africa an account of health and the question whether he should take Lady Grey with him to Mashonaland.
6 February 1894 Letter R. Maguire to Mrs Grey, Grey's health and the proposed trip to Mashonaland.
15 February 1894 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, travelling in Mashonaland. Enclosure:? Proposed journey of two ladies via Beira route to Salisbury: information from a gentleman who arrived in London from Salisbury on 20 January 1894 on equipment, route, etc.
9 February 1894 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Lady Grey's trip to Mashonaland.
15 February 1894 Letter A. Tulloch to Oliver Williams, same subject.
Some information as to journey via Beira, Fontes Villa, Chimoya and Umtali to Fort Salisbury, Mashonaland.
9 February 1894 Letter J. Covey Williams to Oliver Williams - cost of an invalid proceeding to Fort Salisbury from London.
24 January 1894 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Rhodesia mining and business matters.
5, 9 February 1894 2 letters Sheffield Neave to Grey, ladies travelling in Mashonaland.
6-20 February 1894 5 letters Alice Blanche Balfour to Alice Grey, concerning her proposed journey with the Greys to Mashonaland.
19, 20 February 1894 2 letters Alice M... [Countess of Morton] to Elsie (Alice) Grey - the Greys proposed journey to Mashonaland.
19 February 1894 1 letter Alice (Countess of Morton) to Grey, re above.

Paper   48f.
GRE/B188/3   1894-1898
1894 Draft prospectus of the South African Fruit Co. Ltd. with MS additions.
Another copy without additions.
1894 Draft prospectus of the South African Development Co. Ltd. with MS additions.
Another copy with pencil alteration. Enclosed:
List of addresses note of names and figures
13 December 1894 Letter Henry Mosenthal to Grey, concerning shares in the proposed S.A. Fruit Co.
Prospectus: The Tropical Trading and Transport Co. Ltd.
13 November 1894 Cuttings from The Cape Times, “The Cape Fruit Industry”.
Prospectus: The South African Produce Co. Ltd. (1894).
Printed copy of correspondence between E.L. Goodsell Company and L.F. Warren July-August 1894. On marketing South African produce in New York (2 copies).
MS note on Warren and another man.
List of prospective shareholders.
Account: R.G. Dunn & Co. to Henry Partridge.
23 May 1894 Letter L.F. Warren to Grey, concerning the floating of the African Fruit Co. and inviting Grey to become a director.
Form of application for shares in the above company.
Copies of the following correspondence concerning the floating of the African Fruit Co.:
24 August 1894 L.F. Warren to Dr F.R. Harris (Sec. B.S.A. Co. Cape Town).
24 August 1894 L.F. Warren to C.J. Rhodes.
17 September 1894 F.R. Harris to L.F. Warren.
19 September 1894 Copy cable ... Sec. [B.S.A. Co.?] to Messrs. Wernher Beit and Co.
Note on banana trade.
List of shareholders.
Copies of letters of reference to L.F. Warren.
27 November 1894 Letter L.F. Warren to Grey, concerning the company he is trying to float of which he wishes Grey to be a director.
6 December 1894 Letter L.F. Warren to Grey, same subject.
9 December 1894 Letter A. Weston Jarvis to Grey, enquiries he has been making about Warren.
[22 November 1894], 10 November 1895, 22 January 1898 3 letters L.F. Warren to Grey, his proposed company, his financial distress. A proposition about Klondike.

Paper   49f.
GRE/B188/4   1900-1904
The Rhodes Estate: Monthly reports by Sir Lewis Michell for October 1903, May-June 1904, July 1904, August-September 1904.
The Rhodes Trust: Secretary's notes on visit to South Africa May-July 1904. [2 copies; one includes an original letter from the Joint Secretary (Charles W. Boyd) to Grey].
Education in the Sudan: consists of the following:
23 January 1904 Copy letter Lord Cromer to the Secretary of the Rhodes Trust.
19 January 1904 Copy letter Reginald Wingate (Gov. Gen. of the Sudan) to Cromer.
19 January 1904 Copy letter James Currie (Principal of the Gordon College and Director of Education in the Sudan) to Wingate.
1900 Copy Education Department Report by Currie.
1903 Copy Education Department Report.
1903 Copy Laboratory Report of Gordon College by Dr Andrew Balfour.
File of papers concerning James Joseph Lawson Sisson, the Rhodes scholar for Natal 1904, and Tom Ballantyne “the first white child born in Matebeland of other than missionary parents”. Contains copies of the following:
9 August 1904 Letter Bertram Woods to the Joint Secretaries of Rhodes Trust.
Statement by J.J.L. Sisson giving details of his career etc.
20 July 1904 Certificate of Frank Williams concerning Sisson.
21 July 1904 Certificate of C.W. Hannah.
3 August 1904 Certificate of F.A. Barnett.
18 July 1904 Letter F.S. Tatham to Barnett.
18 July 1904, reference by H.C. Dobree concerning Sisson.
4 August 1904 R.Debirdt Hovell to Sir L. Michell.
11 July 1904 Letter William Ballantyne to R. De Birdt Hovell.
August 1904 Imperial South African Association: Copy report (by C.W. Boyd) on negotiations with the Government of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony. Land Settlement.
The Selection of Rhodes Scholars by G.R. Parkin (an article intended for The Times).
23 April 1904 Copy letter from Constable & Co. to Charles Boyd concerning the publication of Owen Thomas' work “Agricultural and Pastoral Prospects of South Africa”.
List of Rhodes scholars and the colleges to which they have been or are in the process of being assigned.
(1904) The Rhodes Scholarship Trust: Report to the Trustees on a visit to Canada and the United States (for the First Election of Scholars) and to Bermuda, Jamaica and Newfoundland. By George R. Parkin.
(1903) The Rhodes Scholarship Trust: Report to the Trustees on Tour through Canada and the United States by G.R. Parkin.
The Rhodes Scholarship Trust: Report to the Trustees on Tour through South Africa and Australasia by G.R. Parkin.

Paper   62f.
GRE/B188/5   1877-1898
8 March 1877 Copy letter ... to Gerald Waller, concerning concessions which might be granted by the Sultan of Zanzibar to some British capitalists. Attached: Draft of proposed concessions to be obtained from His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar.
Cutting from The Times: letter from Robert Benson “Railways and Civilisation in Africa”.
17 November 1877 Cutting from The Times, “The Course of the Congo” - Stanley's account of his exploration.
30 July 1898 Rhodesia: Cape of Good Hope Customs and Trade Return ... during the quarter, half year and year ending 30 June 1898 compared with the corresponding periods ending 30 June 1897.
Rough notes by Grey for the Maund lecture on Mashonaland.
13 December 1898 Letter P. Shedden Warden (Hon. Sec. Salisbury Nursing Home, Rhodesia) to Grey, concerning the financial position of the home and appealing for help.
29 November 1893 Letter F. Rutherfoord Harris to Grey. His work for the B.S.A. Co.; the hut tax, Zulu police force, criticism of the attitude of the British press to the Co. and the inevitable result of continued radical attacks against colonialism.
21 December 1897 Letter Patrick W. Forbes to Grey - enquiring as to the possibility of his getting a pension from the B.S.A. Co. His matrimonial intentions.
2 lists of books.
29 October 1889 Copy contract between the Government of Cape Colony and the B.S.A. Co. respecting the construction of the Bechuanaland Railway.
n.d. Rough draft of letter Grey to Lansdowne concerning Jones of the B.S.A. Co. and the German guns deal.
3 February 1885 Copy paper by 3rd Earl Grey on the Bechuanaland Question. Suggests formation of a native police force.
Copy paper [by 3rd Earl Grey?] on the establishment of British protectorates over native tribes in South Africa.
Notes on the slave trade in Africa in the later 19th century : Zanzibar etc.
1877 Map: “Province of Equitorial Nile from map projected by Col. C.G. Gordon”, with notes for a lecture on the exploration of the central African lakes etc.
Notes from Milman's History of the Jews.
Small notebook with notes on history of South Africa up to 1867.
Large notebook containing a few notes about a grant of land to the Bechuanaland Railway Co. and concerning the Beira railway.
Large notebook containing notes by Grey on miscellaneous Rhodesian subjects mainly of an economic nature - mining, railways, etc. Enclosures include:
12 November 1898 Copy letter J.L. Bissett to the Secretary Bechuanaland Railway Co., concerning the Cape Government Railways and the Bechuanaland Co.
29 June 1898 Copy telegram: Acting Adinistrator, Salisbury, to Mr Stevens, concerning chiefs and people, tributary to Lobengula, who had remained loyal during the rebellion.
12 July 1889, 3 September 1891 Letters Revd. John Mackenzie to Grey, expressing hope that he would use his influence to induce the British Government to extend its influence in N. Bechuanaland; Rhodes' position and policy in South Africa.
[?c.March 1889] Part of letter Revd. John Mackenzie [to 3rd Earl Grey], declaring that they should oppose the inclusion of Bechuanaland in Sir Henry Loch's commission.
17 March 1885 Letter Col. William Jesse Coope to 3rd Earl Grey, concerning the raising of native troops for imperial review.

Paper   112f.
GRE/B188/6   1890-1893
Bundle of duplicated typescript documents including:
22 August 1891 Copy letter Rear Admiral H.F. Nicholson to Sir Henry Loch - Pungwe and Buzie (trade) routes to Mashonaland.
4 August 1891 Copy letter Capt. J.P. Pipon to Nicholson, re above.
12 August 1891 Notes of a journey up the Buzie river and thence overland to Massi Kessi by G. Gordon Hake (addressed to Capt. Heany).
Railway Gauge: epitome of report of discussion in Cape Parliament concerning railway gauge (from the Cape Times, 29 July 1891). [Question of the gauge on the Vryburg-Mafeking line].
East coast railway: memo by Mr Cawston of an interview with Mr Van Laun on 4 November 1891.
12 August 1891 List of mining implements which a party entering Mashonaland with a view to prospecting should take with them.
1890-91 Correspondence between F. Rutherfoord Harris (Sec. B.S.A. Co.) and Messrs Graham Vigne and Mallet solicitors for the African Portuguese Syndicate (and others) concerning the arrest by an official of the B.S.A. Co. of two men who were claiming to act in accordance with rights said to be granted by King Umtassa to the Portuguese Syndicate.
Report by F.C. Selous on a journey from Umtali in Manica to Mapanda's on the lower Pungwe by a route passing to the west of Chimoia's, and also upon the return journey by the Portuguese footpath passing through Sarmento and Chimoia's.
27 May 1891 Accounts of “Portuguese Aggressions”.
Copy correspondence as to suspension of mining operations in "Arbitration Zone" pending decision of tribunal of arbitration:
2 October 1891 Sir T.V. Lister (Assist. Under Secretary of State of the Foreign Office) to the Secretary B.S.A. Co.
12 August 1891 Antonio Ennes (Portuguese Royal Commissioner) to Capt. J.P. Pipon R.N. (Consul, Beira).
15 August 1891 Pipon to Ennes.
21 August 1891 Ennes to Pipon.
23 August 1891 Pipon to Ennes.
24 August 1891 Translation of letter from Ennes.
26 August 1891 Pipon to Ennes.
25 August 1891 Pipon to the British Administrator Moshanaland.
26 August 1891 Ennes to Pipon.
8 October 1891 C.H. Weatherley (Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to Sir T.V. Lister.
24 October 1891 Lister to the Sec. B.S.A. Co.
10 November 1891 Sir P.W. Currie to the Sec. B.S.A. Co., with copy despatch from Lord Salisbury to Sir George Petre, 10 November 1891.
8 October 1891 C.H. Weatherley to Lister.
11 October 1891 Extract of Mr Hawksley's letter.
11 June 1891 Copy of article IX of the treaty with Portugal.
29 October 1891 Copy letter from B.F. Hawksley to C.H. Weatherley.
29 October 1891 Copy letter Hawksley to Sir P. Currie.
17 April 1893 Letter W. Leslie Armstrong to the Administrator of Mashonaland - railway to Chimoio.
6 April 1893 Letter F. Machado to the Administrator of Mashonaland.
26 April 1893 Rhodes and the Portuguese claim of the major part of Umtassa's country.
Press cutting on the progress of the Beira railway and the difficulties attending it.
4 April 1893 Letter Charles Metcalfe to F. Rutherfoord Harris.
Memoranda concerning the East coast route.
28 May 1893 Letter Charles Metcalfe to Rutherfoord Harris.

Paper   71f.
GRE/B188/7   1889-1904
MS notes and extracts by 4th Earl Grey from the following letters:
31 August, 9 September 1889 Rhodes to Sir Robert Herbert.
16, 23 September 1889 F. Rutherfoord Harris to Weatherley.
Duplicated typescript paper: copy memorandum by Sir Henry B. Loch on proposed railway to Palapye. Attached:
July 1892 Notes in pencil by Grey endorsed “Rhodes' proposals to Sir H. Loch”.
July 1892 Notes by Grey from letter Rhodes to Abercorn, with note of Abercorn's and Fife's reactions.
25 July 1892 Notes by Grey from letter Loch to Knutsford.
Rhodes' views to Loch and exchanges arising from them.
File of papers on the British South Africa Company and the Barotse concession:
Notes by Grey of events, negotiations and summaries of letters etc., 1889-91 and B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript copies of documents including: 27 October 1890 Letter George William Middleton (an English trader) to the Sec. B.S.A. Co. conveying King Lewanika's protest. (He was paramount chief of the Barotse kingdom). 30 May, 5 June 1891 Letters F. Coillard (French protestant missionary) to Dr Rutherfoord Harris. 19 September 1891 Letter Sir Graham Bower to the Sec. B.S.A. Co. 19 September 1891 Letter Henry B. Loch (Gov. & High Comm.) to Lewanika. 22 September 1891 H. Curry (Acting Sec. B.S.A. Co. Cape Town) to Revd. F. Coillard. n.d. H. Curry to Lewanika replying to his letter of 27 October (written by Middleton).
5, 8 July 1895 Typescript copies of letters C.A.L. Learmouth to [Robert] Williams.
21 July 1895 C. Ernest Bell to Williams.
Printed paper: Rules and Regulations for the circulating Branch of the Queen Victoria Memorial [Library] (Mashonaland).
18 May 1903 Duplicated typescript paper (B.S.A. Co.) memorandum on the administration of the Bechuanaland Protectorate. Includes as an appendix:
29 [28] November 1894 Copy letter C.J. Rhodes to the Marquis of Ripon.
30 November 1894 Ripon to Rhodes.
Statement showing expenditure by the B.S.A. Co. in connection with the Bechuanaland Protectorate.
28 April 1904 Letter W.S. Robson (later Baron Robson) to Grey, labour question in South Africa.
27 April 1904 Copy letter Grey to W.S. Robson, M.P., on Chinese labour in South Africa. [The date of one of the above letters must be wrong as Grey's letter seems to be a reply to Robson's although dated a day earlier!].
28 June 1904 Letter Percy Inskipp to Grey. A long letter on Rhodesia - mainly on prospects for mining and tobacco industries.

Paper   76f.
GRE/B188/8   1898-1904
3 March 1898 Copy memorandum of Mr [H.] Wilson Fox on the policy that should be pursued by the British South Africa Co.
11 September 1903 Letter John E. Scott (of Bulawayo) to Grey, concerning George Farrar's opinion on Rhodesia, the critical situation at Bulawayo, the diminution in business and population and in Scott's own business, his suggested remedies.
21 September 1903 Letter George Farrar to Grey reporting his views on Rhodesia and suggesting alterations in the structure of both civil and commercial administration as a remedy for the dissatisfaction so widely prevalent.
26 October 1903 Copy letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey commenting on letter from George Farrar to Grey of 21 September 1903, and on certain other questions of policy, with copy letter Wilson Fox to E.H. Garthwaite (engineer for B.S.A. Co.) 24 October 1903 (duplicated typescript).
26 October 1903 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey, concerning a scheme to form a company called the Rhodesian Mining Trust.
Another copy of above letter (duplicated typescript).
27 October 1903 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey - further comments on Farrar's letter.
7 November 1903 Letter Henry Scott Holland to Grey, concerning his mission and the Rhodes Trust.
File of duplicated typescript papers on the British South Africa Co. and the Mines and Minerals Ordinance 1903:
16 November 1903 Memorandum by H. Wilson Fox on Sir Lewis Michell's suggested amendments.
28 April 1903 Letter George R. Saunders (hon. secretary the Rhodesian Land and Mine Owners' Assoc.) to the secretary of the B.S.A. Co.
25 May 1903 Letter J.F. Jones to Saunders. Mines and Minerals Ordinance - clause 42 as it now stands - suggested alteration to above clause.
Tables showing effect of suggestions.
8 January 1904 Letter Capt. Maurice Heany to Grey, extension of loan from the Charter Trust.
1903-1904 Proof copy of report by Sir William Milton, Administrator, on Southern Rhodesia.

Paper   109f.
GRE/B188/9   1890-1904
22 July 1890 Copy letter W.Y. Campbell to the Under Secretary of State Foreign Office, concerning Gazaland - Portuguese pretensions there, the history of the country and attitude of the natives.
23 June 1904 Extracts of letter E. Ross Townsend to Grey (for whole letter see 191/3) - Rhodesian agriculture, especially tobacco.
17 April .... Letter Earl of Carlise to Grey concerning the lions designed by J.M Swan for Rhodes Memorial.
11 February 1898 Letter Sir Drummond Dunbar to Grey, thanking Grey for giving him an official position in Rhodesia (in Mines Office).
26 November 1897 Letter Sir R.T. Coryndon to Grey, concerning a sample of coffee from the West Coast of Africa.
20 September 1897 Letter Colin Harding to Grey, relations with the natives; desire for active employment.
29 December 1897 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey, enclosing a draft letter he had written and which he suggested Grey might send to an editor, refuting statements concerning Rhodesia made by Mr Blake in the National Review of August 1897.

Paper   33f.
GRE/B188/10   1895-[?c.1902]
21 April 1895 Letter H. Hervey to Grey.
31 January 1895 Letter Alice Balfour to Grey.
31 January 1895 Letter Alice Balfour to Lady Grey.
26 March 1890 Copy letter Frederick Courtney Selous to Lady Frederick [Cavendish?], concerning Lo Bengula and negotiations with him.
6, 14, 19 September 1889 3 letters Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey, negotiations re Charter for B.S.A. Co.
White Paper: South Africa. Correspondence respecting proposed railway extension in the Bechuanaland Protectorate (presented to both Houses, September 1893). Mainly correspondence between Sir H.B. Loch, the Treasury and the Colonial Office 1891-3. Includes letters Loch to Knutsford; Beit to Loch; correspondence Bower with Beit; Rhodes to Colonial Office; Ripon to Loch.
21 April 1890 Printed memorandum on the British South Africa Co. evidently intended for MPs.
26 April 1895 Letter J. Campbell Hunter to Grey concerning the African Lakes Co. and the character of one of its local managers.
25 April 1895 Letter George Tully to Grey - why his brother and he choose mining rather than work on Grey's farm.
n.d. [c.1902?] Copy letter Grey to Sir L. Michell - “horrid cattle difficulty” in Rhodesia; mealies growing there and possibility of pig farming.
30 April 1898 Page from The African Review, The Native Labour Problem.

Paper   29f.
GRE/B188/11   1889-1899
14 March 1899 Copy letter (Sir) Edward Wingfield (Under Secretary of State Colonial Office) to Grey.
15 March 1899 Copy letter Grey to the Under Secretary of State Colonial Office.
14 March 1899 Copy cablegram Grey to Stevens - message for High Commissioner (Milner).
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Pauling.
The above correspondence concerns the wish of the Savage South Africa Co. to bring 200 kaffirs to England for the Earls Court Exhibition.
17 June .... Press cutting: The East African Question : Anglo-German Agreement.
Cutting from The Pall Mall Gazette, “Home Truths for the German Colonial Department” (review of book by Dr Carl Peters).
23 June 1889 2 letters Frederick John Dealtry Lugard (Baron Lugard) to Col. Sir Charles Bean Euan Smith (Consul-Gen. at Zanzibar), concerning Nyassa annexation.
7 August 1889 1 letter Lugard to Grey.
16 August 1890 Letter Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey, the B.S.A. Co. and the Rhodes-Rudd Concession. Enclosed: Notes by Grey on the position of the company and the concession (2 pieces).
3 February 1895 Letter R.W. Doyne to Grey.
1 April 1898 Letter Julius Weil to Grey.
9 February 1898 Letter Ronald McFarlane to Grey.
8 February 1898 Letter Sir Joseph Vintcent to Grey.
Rough notes by Grey on the B.S.A. Co. and the acquisitions of Rhodesia.

Paper   29f.
GRE/B188/12   1889-1899
Bundle of press cuttings - reviews of Grey's memoir of Hubert Hervey.
Bundle of papers marked “Railway”:
Estimate of probable traffic on railway extension - Kimberley to Mafeking and Vryburg to Mafeking.
Estimate of probable traffic that may be earned on the railway extension from Kimberley to Mafeking.
Estimate of probable traffic that may be earned by railway extension from Vryburg to Mafeking.
Comparison of cost of transport (between various places) - land and sea.
Cost of transport Cape Town to Fort Salisbury (small steamer).
17, 24 September 1890 2 letters Rochford Maguire to Grey.
24-25 September 1890 Copy letter Grey to Maguire (Portugal; railway extension).
“Table of Distances” (South Africa).
Rough notes by Grey on the extension of the Cape Railway.
10 November 1889, 23, 26 August 1890 3 letters R.H. B[enson] to Grey.
24 September 1890 Letter C.H. Weatherley (Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to Grey, with copy cable Grey to Rhodes 22 September 1890 and Rhodes' reply.
30 September 1890 Letter Weatherley to Grey.
Notes by Grey of contents of B.S.A. Co. correspondence concerning the projected Cape Railway extension.
1890 Notes by Grey evidently for a talk on Africa - exploration (especially by Stanley) and the advent of the B.S.A. Co.
Part of a paper headed “Correspondence between the Colonial Office and the South African Chartered Company”. Advocates taking political power from the Chartered Co.
4 July 1899 Press cutting: letter to the Newcastle Daily Journal on the Transvaal crisis. (Refers to a speech by Grey on the subject).
Rough notes by Grey on Mashonaland and the Matabele.
Rough notes by Grey - Fr Biehler's statement concerning the failure of a company of white troops to finish the task they had started.

Paper   84f.
GRE/B188/13   1898-1902
10 June 1898 Letter E. Ross Townsend (Civil Comm. Bulawayo) to Grey. A long reply to complaints by Fr. Daignault concerning a hospital staffed by Dominican nuns; and concerning grants made to religious bodies. Also list of farms in Matabeleland granted to religious bodies and list of stands in Bulawayo granted to religious bodies. Ecclesiastical grants in Bulawayo. Attached:
14 May 1898 Copy letter Grey to Townsend.
23 October 1902 Typescript paper: The Rhodesia Railways Ltd. First Railway Land Grant.
23 October 1902 Typescript paper: The Rhodesia Railways Ltd. Memorandum for Earl Grey, 100 yards railway strip.
28 August 1902 Copy letter J.A. Stevens (Sec. Rhodesia Railways Ltd) to the Under Secretary for Agriculture Cape Town, first railway land grant.
21 October 1902 Copy W. Hammond Tooke (Assist. Sec. for Agriculture, Cape Town) to Stevens, “Farms in 1st Railway Land Grant, Bechuanaland”.
22 October 1902 Typescript paper: 3 blocks of land in the Protectorate handed over by the Imperial Government to the Chartered Co. for development.
B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript: An ordinance to provide for the payment of an annual tax by certain natives who are not in regular and continuous employment for a certain period. (The Natives' Taxation Ordinance 1901).
7 January 1898 B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript: Minutes of meeting of a deputation from the Rhodesian Chamber of Mines and the Rhodesian Landowners' and Farmers' Association with Capt. A. Lawley (Dep. Admin.) and C.J. Rhodes. Concerns the Surveyor General's Department, mining law, river boundaries, railway rates, volunteers' farms, occupation of farms, B.S.A. Co. percentage.
21 March 1902 Copy report on work done and improvements made on the farms in Moore's Concession, Mazoe. By W.J. Atherstone.
29 March 1902 Rhodesia. Complete copy, with supplement: “Three Glimpses of Rhodes” by Alexander Davis.

Paper   41f.
GRE/B188/14   1895-1902
28 February 1901 Printed paper: Report [by R.T. Coryndon] Administrator N.W. Rhodesia on the west boundary of Barotseland. Includes sections on Portuguese influence, importation of arms, and the slave trade.
24 December 1897 Letter Colin Harding to Grey.
10 October 1900 Letter R.T. Coryndon to Grey.
1 September 1899 B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript letter from A. St. H. Gibbons to Sec. B.S.A. Co.
9 April, 24 August 1900, 13 January [1901?] Letters Colin Harding to Grey.
19 December 1900 Copy letter J.F. Jones (Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to the Under Secretary of State Colonial Office. Enclosures:
Schedule A: Slave Trade by Portuguese. Reports by Major Harding extracted from various despatches from him dated 27 March, 4 April, 21 May, 4 July 1900.
Schedule B: Sale of arms and ammunition: extracts from Harding's reports of 27 March, 4 July 1900.
Schedule C: Encroachment upon Lewanika's territory by Portuguese. Extracts from Harding's reports 27 March, 4 July, 5 July 1900.
n.d. [1901?] Copy letter from [Grey?] to [Colonial Sec.?]. Lewanika's mesage to the Queen. Incomplete.
26 November 1899, 7 September 1901. Letters Colin Harding to Grey.
20 December 1900 Copy letter George Grey to Grey (B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript).
23 July 1895 Copy letter F.S. Arnot to Grey.
23 July 1895 Copy letter Arnot to Sir Percy Anderson.
Original of the above letter Arnot to Grey and copy (signed) of letter Arnot to Anderson 23 July 1895.
9 October, 15 October, 4 November 1901 3 copy letters [?George Grey?] to [Robert] Williams.
20 May 1898 B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript paper: The Barotse Country: General Report No. 1 [by R.T. Coryndon]; and No. 2, consisting of letter Coryndon to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, London, 27 December 1897, on position of affairs on the Northern boundary of the Barotse Kingdom; with letter Coryndon to the Commandant of the Portuguese Station, Kakengi's Town, Upper Zambesi, 28 December 1898; and letter Coryndon to the Dep. Admin. Bulawayo, 28 February 1898.
File of B.S.A. Co. duplicated typescript papers:
5 March 1900 Letter Major Colin Harding (Acting British Resident, Barotseland) to the Secretary to the Administrator, Bulawayo - a long and detailed report on his travels, the people, the country, game, minerals, policing, trading of gunpowder, etc.
5 May 1902 Letter R.T. Coryndon (Admin. N.W. Rhodesia) to J.F. Jones (Sec. B.S.A. Co.).
30 November 1901 Letter R.T. Coryndon to [Milner].
9 October 1901 Letter Colin Harding (Acting Administrator) to [Milner].
28 August 1901 Letter F. Coillard to Colin Harding.
17 January 1902 Letter Milner to [Coryndon].
21 February 1902 Letter Coryndon to [Milner].
5 May 1902 Letter Coryndon to [Milner].
16 January 1900 Translation of a message sent on a phonographic cylinder from Lewanika, King of the Bartose nation, Central Africa, to Queen Victoria.

Paper   93f.
GRE/B188/15   1881-1901
File of papers concerning the West of India Portuguese Guaranteed Railway Company in Goa and the Southern Mahratta Railway and the effect that their rivalry might have in Africa - Dela Goa Bay and Beira. Also 3 letters concerning the pier at Dela Goa Bay.
30 November 1897 Memorandum by E.E. Sawyer: “Proposed arrangement”.
23 February 1895 - 7 August 1898 22 letters Ernest Edward Sawyer to Grey, including two press cuttings on the Delago Bay Railway Arbitration. Enclosures (with letter 12 December 1897):
28 January, 25 May 1891 Printed letters from the Sec. of the West of India Protuguese Guaranteed Railway Co. Ltd. to the Marquis of Salisbury.
19 August 1892 Printed letter H. Ringler-Thomson (Sec. of the above Co.) to the Under Secretary to State for India.
21 July 1897 Printed letter Abilio Lobo (ex-officio Director of the above Co.) to the Secretary of the said Co. [with ms marginal note].
23 February 1898 Copy Grey to Sawyer.
19 December 1897 Letter Salisbury to Grey.
21 January 1898 Letter Joseph Chamberlain to Grey.
15 February 1898 Draft letter Grey to Bertie.
Notes by Grey on provisions of Sir R. Morier's treaty with Portugal 30 May 1879.
n.d. Draft letter Grey to Salisbury.
Typescript of the above with additions.
Confidential memorandum by Grey for Salisbury.
16 January 1898 Copy letter Grey to Joseph Chamberlain.
9 January 1898 Memorandum on W. F. India Portuguese Railway by E.E. Sawyer (duplicated typescript).
24 January 1898 Memorandum by Sawyer on the detrimental effect of the actions of the S. Mahratta Railway on the W. of India Portuguese Railway (duplicated typescript).
MS notes by Grey on the question.
White Paper: Copy correspondence concerning a scheme for improving the harbour of Marmagao and for the construction of a railway from that port to the British Frontier (1881).
11 May 1900 Copy letter Grey to Lord Salisbury, advocating an honour for Alderman Stephenson of Newcastle.
28 November 1901 Copy letter Grey to Chamberlain on the recruitment of labour in Rhodesia.
1894-5 8 letters Edward Gould (tobacco planter and journalist at Delagoa Bay) to Grey. Enclosures:
Account by Gould of the looting of his house by natives.
Account by Gould of traffic in girls at Delagoa Bay.
Statistics on tobacco growing with observations by Gould.
Numerous cuttings of press articles by Gould on Delagoa Bay and the Portuguese there.
Copy opinion of Cape Government expert on Gould's tobacco.
Also copy opinion of L. Stein Weis (Rand Tobacco manufacturer).

Paper   140f.
Matabele War
Reference: GRE/B188/16
Dates of creation: 1896-1903
Extent: 62f.Paper

16 October 1897 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey. Attached:
25 July 1897 Copy letter N. Macglashan (Assist. Commissioner of Mines, Dept. of Mines, Salisbury) to Robert Williams.
22 October 1897 Copy letter Robert Williams & Co. to Macglashan.
12 December 1895, 2 May 1896, 13 April 1897 Extract from Zambesia Exploring Co.'s reports.
20 December 1895, 2 May 1896 Extract from Robert Williams' speeches at general meeting of the above Co.
22 May 1896 Extract from Zambesia Rand Investment Co.'s report.
2 June 1896 Extract from Chairman's speech at general meeting of the above Co.
Extract from Robert Williams' speech at same meeting.
5 May 1897 Extract from Zambesia Rand Investment Co.'s report.
17 May 1897 Extract from Chairman's speech at general meeting of the above Co.
22 May 1897 Letter Sir Frederick Carrington to Grey.
28 August 1897 Letter Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey.
8 October 1897 Duplicated typescript copy letter Herbert Canning (Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to the Under Secretary to State Colonial Office, with copy letter addressed by Grey (as administrator of Rhodesia) to the High Commissioner for South Africa 28 July 1897, recommending several persons for honours. 2 copies. Both letters signed by Herbert Canning.
28 October 1897 Letter Herbert Canning to Grey. Enclosure: 28 October 1897 Copy letter Grey to Joseph Chamberlain.
29 October 1897 Letter Joseph Chamberlain to Grey.
3 January 1898 Letter Douglas R. Pelly to Grey.
Typescript copy of above letter.
23 October, 13 November 1902 Letters H. Wilson Fox to Grey, and copy cablegram H. Wilson Fox to Charter, Salisbury, 13 November 1902.
26 March 1903 Letter Fr. Biehler S.J. to Grey.
28 February 1903 Letter Colin Harding to Grey.
28 December 1902 Letter George Duthie (Superintendent Inspector of Schools, Salisbury, Rhodesia) to Grey - “Report on Education and Educational Wants in Southern Rhodesia as in 1902-1903”. Attached: Printed paper: Southern Rhodesia. Report on the Superintending Inspector of Schools for the two years ended 31st March 1902. Presented to the Legislative Council. (Salisbury, 1902).
21 August 1896 MS “Memorandum for H.H. the Adminstrator” by Lieut. Col. Charles H. Bridge, Bulawayo. Food supplies, etc. Part of a draft by Grey justifying his conduct in face of some criticism from the Colonial Office. Attached:
Note by Baden-Powell on the strength of the various posts in Mashonaland.
16 July 1896 Copy telegram from High Commissioner, Cape Town, to Sir F. Carrington at Bulawayo (forwarded for information to Grey).
19 June - 2 July [1896] Extracts from telegrams from Gen. Sir Frederick Carrington to the High Commissioner concerning reinforcements for Mashonaland.
19 June 1896 Memorandum on ammunition in possession of natives by Lawson T.B. Dykes, Inspector Bulawayo Municipal Police.

GRE/B189/1   7 May [1889?], 21 August 1889
2 letters George Grey to Grey.

Paper   4f.
Northumberland Syndicate
Reference: GRE/B189/2
Dates of creation: 1886-1892
Extent: 130f.Paper

Papers concerning the Northumberland Syndicate (for gold prospecting in Mashonaland).
19 March 1891 Copy letter Grey to “Uncle Bob” [Baron Wantage] (some figures in pencil on back of last sheet).
19 April 1891 Letter George Grey (brother of Sir Edward) to Grey.
12 May 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
18 May 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
19 May 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
20 May 1891 Letter Percy B. Broomhall [to F.B. Grey].
22 May 1891 Letter George Grey to Alice Grey.
22 May 1891 Copy letter Grey to Hugh Romilly.
29 May 1891 Copy letter Grey to Hugh Romilly.
30 May 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
1 June 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
5 June 1891 Copy letter Grey to Romilly.
9 June 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
19 June 1891 Copy Grey to Romilly.
27 June 1891 George Grey to Grey.
[10 July 1891] Draft letter Grey to Romilly.
Fair copy of the above letter.
10 July 1891 Copy letter Grey to George Grey.
11 July 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
15 August 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
21 August 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
27 September 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
30 September 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
14 October 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
17 October 1891 Letter Henry Paulet (16th Marquis of Winchester) to Grey.
26 October 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
31 October 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
31 October 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey. 5 October 1891 Cutting from Transvaal Advertiser, (difficulties of De Beers mining trek) [addressed to F.B. Grey].
2 November 1891 Letter F.B. Grey to Grey.
3 November 1891 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
5 November 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
5 November 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
6 November 1891 Letter F.B. Grey to Grey.
10 November 1891 Letter John D. Milburn to Grey.
11 November 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
13 November 1891 Letter Henry Paulet to Grey.
20 November 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
25 November 1891 Letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
27 November 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
Printed circular “strictly private”: The Mashonaland Agency Ltd, letter from Herbert C. Porter, Secretary, 26 November 1891.
19 November 1891 Printed circular “private and confidential”. For the information of shareholders of the Northumberland Mining Syndicate Ltd, from F.B. Grey, secretary.
December 1891 Duplicated typescript page [from a B.S.A. Co. circular] concerning Mashonaland Gold Fields.
The following papers are fastened together:
11 November 1891 Copy letter Hugh Romilly to Grey.
12 November 1891 Copy letter Harold Fletcher to Romilly, reporting fully on the “Dickens reef”.
January 1892 Northumberland Mining Syndicate: draft circular letter, with many MS alterations by Grey.
Another draft circular (also with MS alteration by Grey) concerning the purchase of an option on the Dickens reef and the raising of capital for that purpose.
1892 Draft circular convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Northumberland Syndicate to consider a proposal to raise new capital by issuing 2000 new preference shares (£10 each).
8 December 1891 Letter Dr M. Johnston to Grey.
10 December 1891 Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
11 December 1891 Copy letter George Grey to F.B. Grey.
12 December 1891 & 1 page 14 December 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
23 December 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
26 December 1891 Letter George Grey to Grey.
Press cutting “Mashonaland Gold” [Northumberland Syndicate mentioned].
1 January 1892 Copy letter George Grey to F.B. Grey.
1 January 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
2 January 1892 Letter Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey.
4 January 1892 Letter John D. Milburn to Grey.
6-8 January 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
8 January 1892 Letter Alban T. Arden to Oliver Williams (on the other side is a copy letter to Arden inquiring whether he was interested in a post with the Northumberland Syndicate).
Copy testimonials of Arden from:
27 May 1889 John Millar, Chairman Caledonian Reef G.M. Co. Ltd.
Nuna D. Daves, Managing Director Cerro de Pasa G.M. Co. Ltd.
16 May 1888 Angus G.C. Fletcher, Chairman Consort Reef G.M. Co.
26 July 1886 Charles E. Tod, Managing Director Consort Reef.
31 January 1887 Browning Ede and Wilkinson.
15 February 1887 William H. Alder, Manager Gem. G.M. Co. Ltd.
11 March 1889 William Grant, Sec, Pigg's Peak G.M. Co. Ltd.
24 September 1889 Sidney H. Farrar, Civil & Mech. Engineer Johannesburg.
23 September 1889 Alfred Woodhouse, Johannesburg.
30 July 1889 Robert Bell, General Manager of Pigg's Peak G.M. Co. Ltd.
2 October 1889 Reiss & Goddard Secretaries of the Gordon Estate and G.M. Co.
24 July 1890 Walter Purdey, Manager of the Gipsy Reef G.M. Co.
12 January 1892 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
1891-2 Rough notes by Grey from letters from George Grey, Hugh Romilly, Harold Fletcher and Mr Trevor.

GRE/B189/3   1892-1894
17 January 1892 Letter George Grey to F.B. Grey. Enclosure: List of questions concerning the prospecting work etc., evidently sent by F.B. Grey on 5 December 1891 with George Grey's answers. (Found apart; evidently a copy).
22 January 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
2 February 1892 Duplicated typescript copy letter Robert Williams to Grey concerning the purchase of the Dicken's property at Fort Victoria (2 copies).
2 February 1892 Letter C.H. Weatherley to Grey concerning Robert Williams.
8 February 1892 Letter George Cawston to Grey concerning above.
6 February 1892 Reprint from South Africa“The Real Mashonaland, England's El Dorado: Mr [Robert] Williams interviewed”.
9 February 1892 Copy letter Robert Williams to F.B. Grey.
10, 17 February 1892 Pages from The Cape Argus Weekly Edition (Mashonaland letters).
16 February 1892 Cable (partly in code with decipher inserted) from [George Grey?] to the Northumberland Mining Syndicate.
17 February 1892 Copy letter Grey to George Grey.
18 February 1892 Letter William Milburn & Co. to Oliver Williams.
18-21 February 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
21 February 1892 Copy letter George Grey to F.B. Grey.
24 February 1892 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
26 February 1892 Letter Sir James Kitson, 1st Baron Airedale, to Grey.
28 February 1892 Copy letter George Grey to [F.B. Grey].
28 February 1892 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
c. February 1892 Copy letter Grey [to George Grey?].
28 February 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
29 February 1892 Letter Sir James Kitson, 1st Baron Airedale, to Grey.
5 March 1892 Letter George Grey to Alice Grey.
8 March 1892 Letter F.B. Grey to C.H. Weatherley (Sec. B.S.A. Co.).
11 March 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
12 March 1892 Copy letter George Grey to F.B. Grey.
15 March 1892 Letter Harold Fletcher to Grey.
15 March 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
25 March 1892 Copy letter Dr Rutherfoord Harris to Grey (2 copies).
25 March 1892 Copy letter Grey to George Grey.
28 March 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
7 April 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
8 April 1892 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
9 April 1892 Letter F.B. Grey to the Directors of the Northumberland Mining Syndicate, enclosing copy of a requisition from the men in charge of the Syndicate's machinery in Mashonaland.
14 April 1892 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
15 April 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
25 April 1892 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
Draft circular to the shareholders concerning the formation of a new company to exploit the Dickens reef only.
27 April 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
27 April 1892 Letter Oliver Williams to F.B. Grey.
15 March 1892 Copy letter George Grey to F.B. Grey.
29 January 1892 Copy letter F.B. Grey to George Grey (to which the above letter was an answer).
23 April 1892 Copy letter [Robert Williams] to Thomas Mackenzie of Austral Iron Works Johannesburg.
23 April 1892 Copy instructions to miner engaged by Mr McKenzie for this Syndicate.
Lists of equipment to be supplied to the Syndicate.
27 April 1892 Copy letter S. Sparkes, for Richard Horsbys & Sons, to the Northumberland Syndicate.
8 May 1892 Letter Harold Fletcher to Sir James Kitson, 1st Baron Airedale.
19 May 1892 Letter George Grey to Oliver Williams.
23 June 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
8 July 1892 Letter George Grey [to Oliver Williams].
15 July 1892 Letter Frederick G. Gale to Grey.
27 July 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
18 August 1892 Letter George Grey to Grey.
Notes of a conversation “by wire” between Robert Williams and George Grey concerning the working of the Dickens reef.
14 November 1892 Letter Robert Williams to Grey.
10 December 1892 Letter Robert Williams to Grey.
22 March 1893 Letter Robert Williams to Grey.
23 March 189[3] Copy letter A.J. Macphail (Sec. Zambesia Exploring Co. Ltd) to the Sec. B.S.A. Co. [typescript with MS alterations].
Duplicated typescript copy of the above letter.
24 March 1893 Letter Robert Williams to Oliver Williams. Enclosure: 23 March 1893 Cable to Robert Williams from the manager of the Dickens Reef.
27 March [1893] Letter F.B. Grey to [Oliver] Williams.
24 April 1893 Letter Robert Williams to Grey.
28 June 1893 Letter G.E.T. Smithson (Sec. Tyneside Geographical Soc.) to Grey.
List in Grey's hand of the principal shareholders in the Northumberland Syndicate - members of the expedition and others.
Account of sums sent to Africa in respect of the expedition etc.
Rough estimate of the probable cost of a prospecting party of 10 men starting from Palapye with sufficient provisions etc.for six months.
Memo of advances made by Grey to the Northumberland Mining Syndicate 1891-3.
Loan account per A. Grey.
June 1893 Northumberland Mining Syndicate Ltd. Rough estimate of cash required and assets available.
Statement of properties owned by the Northumberland Mining Syndicate, the Copenhagen Co. and Belle Syndicate, and their relative interests in the same.
Zambesia Exploring Co. Ltd. Amount subscribed per Northumberland Mining Syndicate Ltd.
24 February 1893 The Zambesia Exploring Co. Ltd. statement of mining and other interests in Mashonaland.
1 July 1893 Pages from South Africa. Articles re Belle Syndicate, Mashonaland Agency and Zambesia Co.
July 1893 Northumberland Mining Syndicate Ltd. List of shareholders (addresses stated).
Note by Grey of the holdings of various shareholders in the Syndicate.
28 April 1893 Letter Robert Williams to Grey.
1 May 1893 Beginning of a letter from Robert Williams to the Directors of the Zambesia Exploring Co. Ltd.
[1893?] Part of a letter from George Grey to Grey.
7 June 1894 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
Rough notes by Grey headed “May 4” - evidently from a letter concerning the Northumberland Mining Syndicate.
The Indian and General Mechanical Gold Extracting Co. Ltd.
Descriptive Pamphlet of the Crawford Process. (Lincoln, 1892).
Rough notes (faded) comparing cost and performance of a stamp mill and the Crawford Mill.

Paper   157f.
GRE/B189/4   1894-1910
7 October 1894 Letter George Grey to Grey. Enclosing accounts:
Alec Dennison in account with Albert Grey.
George Grey in account with Albert Grey.
Expenses of Expedition.
Note in Grey's hand: Expenses of Expedition.
19 January 1895 Letter George Grey to Grey. Enclosure: 3 December 1894 Letter Thomas Pretorius to George Grey.
25 April 1895 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
7 April 1895 - 20 December 1900 12 letters George Grey to Grey. The letter of 20 December 1900 is a duplicated typescript copy (in duplicate).
[1903] Extract from a letter from George Grey to Grey, duplicated typescript copy.
14 October 1903 Copy letter George Grey to the District Commissioner Kasempa (duplicated typescript), concerning raiding by slave traders from the Congo.
6 July 1903 - 20 May 1910 15 letters George Grey to Grey.
21 November 1898 - 1 June 1908 11 copy letters Grey to George Grey.
13 July 1909 Cutting from The Times: “The Katanga”.

Paper   123f.
George Grey & Hudson Bay
Reference: GRE/B189/5
Dates of creation: 1911
Extent: 4f.Paper

1 January 1911 and n.d. 2 letters George Grey to Grey.
Criticism of the Hudson Bay Co., his journey with Grey, his plans on his return to Africa.

The Death of George Grey
Reference: GRE/B189/6
Dates of creation: January-June 1911
Extent: 54f.Paper

These letters concern the circumstances under which George Grey was attacked and mauled by a lion and his death. Also expressions of sympathy and respect.
30 January 1911, 6 February 1911 Cuttings from the East Africa Standard, on the mauling of George Grey by a lion and the funeral of George Grey. The account of the attack on Grey has MS corrections.
4? March 1911, 12 May 1911 2 letters Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
14 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
30 January, 4 February 1911 2 copy letters Alfred Pease to Sir Edward Grey.
4 February 1911 Copy letter J.T.C. Johnson to Sir Edward Grey.
4 February 1911 Copy letter A.D. Milne to Sir Edward Grey.
5 February 1911, 22 July 1911 2 letters Howard Pease to Grey and account of the lion hunt, “Riding the Lions”: proof copy of account of the lion hunt and death of George Grey [by Howard Pease].
14 February 1911 Letter Alfred Pease to Grey.
5 February 1911 Copy letter Alfred Pease to Jack ...
6 February 1911 Letter Val Gielgud to Grey.
Copy of the above.
8 February 1911 Letter Hilda Grenfell to Grey.
17 February [1911] Part of a letter from Winchester to Grey.
6-18 February 1911 3 letters John Macnaughton to Grey.
6 February 1911 Letter Reginald W. Brock to Grey.
Copy of the above.
7 February 1911 Copy letter Theodore Roosevelt to Grey.
12 February 1911 Letter Sir Hartmann Just to Grey.
6 March 1911 Letter Helen M. Pease to Grey.
4 April 1911 Letter Robert .. Hovell to Grey.
[?28 February 1911] Page from a letter [from Victoria Dawnay] concerning Macnaughton's appreciation of George Grey.
Page from a letter from Col. A. Weston Jarvis.

The Will of George Grey
Reference: GRE/B189/7
Dates of creation: 1907-1912
Extent: 19f.Paper

All these documents relate to the winding up of the estate of George Grey and his bequest to 4th Earl Grey.
19 May 1911 Letter Messrs E. Flux, Leadbitter, and Neighbour, to Grey.
14 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Flux and Leadbitter.
26 and 29 April 1912 2 letters Thomas F. Leadbitter to Grey.
22 May 1911 Letter A.M. Grenfell to Grey.
14 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell.
14 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
Copy will of George Grey (dated 28 May 1903).
Particulars of the estate of George Grey.
6 February 1907 Extract from agreement between Robert Williams and George Grey.
12 April 1912 Letter E. Flux, Leadbitter and Neighbour to Grey. Enclosures:
Mr George Grey's estate: Cash Account 1911-12.
Mr George Grey's estate: Interest for equality of division.
Mr George Grey's estate: Account of the distribution of the residuary estate.

GRE/B189/8   1896-1898
Miscellaneous Letters and Papers.
27 February 1896 Thomas Hodgkin to Grey, on Grey's appointment to Rhodesia.
26 May 1897 D.M. Macarthur to the Administrator of the British South Africa Company, Bulawayo, concerning a strip of land bordering on the Limpopo ceded by Chief Khama to the Company.
Note concerning the shareholders and capital of the Criterion(?) Company and alternative means of increasing its capital.
16 March 1897 Copy letter Alexander Weston Jarvis to Alfred Beit.
26 July 1897 Copy letter Henry Partridge to B.F. Hawksley.
16 September 1897 Copy letter Tyndale White to Hawksley. The 3 above letters concern amalgamation into one large company of concessions North of the Zambesie.
13 July 1897 Minute by the Acting Resident Magistrate at Bulawayo, on appointment of native commissions as Justices of the Peace.
19 July 1897 Telegram Berry to Grey.
28 July 1897 Telegram Taylor to Grey.
28 July 1897 Copy letter Grey to C.J. Rhodes, concerning Chamberlain, the Ngami Trek, the 6 mile strip, the question of precedence between Grey, Milton, Martin and Lawley.
30 August 1897 Memorandum on the administration of a settled district in Rhodesia by Lieutenant Colonel O.T. Duke, with covering letter to the Secretary of the Government, Salisbury, 31 August.
30 August 1897 Copy letter Lieut.-Col. O.T. Duke to the Secretary of the Government, Salisbury, on mounted police and civil officers.
23, 29 November 1897 2 letters Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey, concerning the new constitution of the British South Africa Co.
6 December 1897 Copy memorandum by H. Wilson Fox, on policy to be followed about mining rights and commonage in Rhodesia and the case of the Electric claimholders.
Rough notes by Grey defending Rhodes and the Chartered Company.
23 December 1897 Letter J.F. Jones (Assist. Secretary B.S.A. Co.) to Grey, enclosing financial statement in respect of the estimated assets and liabilities of the B.S.A. Co. to 31 December 1898. Also with the above:
10 November 1897 Financial statement of the Co.
Account of expenditure for the 4 months ending 31 July 1897.
Rough notes and calculations by Grey.
List of companies in which the B.S.A. Co. has a holding.
23 May 1898 Letter Mother M. Patrick O.S.D. to Grey, thanking him for recommending her for an honour which she had received from the Queen.
Notes by Grey on native labour. 9 February 1898 Page from The Times, “A traveller's notes on American Railways”.

Paper   65f.
GRE/B189/9   1894-1897
8 May 1895 Letter W. Fraser Rae to Grey, access to Sheridan correspondence among the Grey papers.
5 May 1895 Letter Lord Dufferin to Grey, re above.
11, 27 October 1894 2 letters Moreton Frewen to Grey, death of 3rd Earl Grey, promising Grey 1/3 of profits on Codgardie Mill.
June 1895 Part of a copy letter Grey to Robin [Benson], monetary theory and practice.
Copy letter Grey to Arthur [Balfour?], 3rd Earl Grey's plan concerning the Sudan (partly in 3rd Earl Grey's handwriting).
(1897) Handy Notes on South Africa ...

Paper   14f.
GRE/B189/10   September 1896
Bundle containing the following.
12 September 1896 Letter C.W. Benson to the Administrator, Bulawayo [Grey], enclosing:
9 September [1896] Letter C.B. Fitzhenry to Benson.
Scheme for mule transport by stages to Bulawayo from rail head (by Fitzhenry).
19 September 1896 Letter C.W. Benson to Grey, Silvewright and railways.
19 September 1896 Letter A. Weston Jarvis to Grey, Sir G. Bower and the expenses of the war.

Paper   16f.
GRE/B189/11   1894-1896
5 April 1895 Copy letter Grey to C.J. Rhodes.
27 March 1895 Copy letter Sydney Buxton to Grey.
27 April 1895 Copy letter Grey to Rhodes.
4 March 1891 Memorandum of terms for settlement between Britain [and Portugal?] discussed at Board meeting.
11 May 1895 Copy letter Grey to Sir Hercules [Robinson?].
23 June 1895 Copy letter Grey to Rhodes [incomplete].
7 February 1896 Copy letter Grey to Rhodes.
Copy letter Grey [to Rhodes (?)] beginning and end missing.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Rhodes, incomplete.
Account of Messrs Hatchard to Grey for books purchased February 1895. Endorsed “Salisbury Library”.
List of books (with prices) suggested for Umtali Library, Mashonaland.
MS list of books.
5 October 1894 Letter G.H. Wilkinson (Nurseryman and seedsman, Maritzburg) to Grey.
30 March 1895 Letter G.H. Wilkinson to Grey.
30 March 1895 Letter G.H. Wilkinson to Grey.
22 November 1895 Letter G.H. Wilkinson to Grey.
4 November 1895 Circular from Wilkinson announcing his retirement from his present business.
4 November 1895 Proposed prospectus of G.H. Wilkinson & Co. Ltd.
25 March 1896 Account Blandy Brothers & Co. (Madeira) to Grey, in respect of telegrams, etc.
Copies of the telegrams listed in the above account:
Grey to Grey (London)
Grey to Jameson
(2) Grey to Manomotapa.

Paper   33f.
GRE/B189/12   1897-1904
27 October 1897 Letter J.A. Stevens to Grey, enclosing: 20 September 1897 Copy letter D.P. Black to Stevens, with copy official chart (1896) showing the latest supposed points occupied by the Portuguese in Africa.
6 January 1903 Letter Edward H. Miller (Librarian of the Public Library, Bulawayo) to Grey.
5 January 1903 Letter Edward H. Miller (Secretary Rhodesia Museum, Bulawayo) to Grey.
30 January 1903 Copy letter C. Wibberley (Manager of Beira and Mashonaland Railways) to Grey.
27 January 1903 Copy letter A. Soley (Acting Resident Engineer Beira and Mashonaland Railways) to C. Wibberley.
19 August 1903 Copy letter L.S. Jameson to Hawksley.
12 October 1903 Letter Alfred J. Arnold to Grey.
3 August 1903 Original and copy letter Alfred J. Arnold to Grey, concerning take over of Mozambique Co. by the B.S.A. Co.
3 August 1903 1 further letter Arnold to Grey.
8 November 1903 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Bowen.
25 April 1904 Letter F.J. Asbury (Sec. Rhodesia Cold Storage & Trading Co. Ltd) to Grey, enclosing extract of letter from General Managers in Rhodesia, 31 March 1904, on railway rates in Beira; copy letter from same, 1 April 1904; and resolution of a special general meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 29 March 1904; and copy newspaper cutting with notice by the manager of the Salisbury-Gwelo section of the Beira and Mashonaland Railways and Rhodesia Railways, February 1904.
Rough calculation by Grey.
13 April 1904 Letter from Percy H. Horley (Sec. Rhodesia Lands Ltd.) to Grey, covering copies of the following:
21 January, 16 February, 10 March, 27 November 1904 Col. Raleigh Grey (Managing Director in Salisbury, Rhodesia Lands Ltd) to the General Manager Beira and Mashonaland Railways.
29 January 1904 The Manager of the above to Raleigh Grey.
13 April 1904 Percy H. Horley to the Sec. Mashonaland Railway Co.
Copy memorandum on profit and loss of railways from Bulawayo etc., to various places for November ....
Copy statement of receipts and expenditure on the Rhodesia Railways Ltd.
12 February 1904 Letter Rivy Grenfell to Grey.
February 1903 Rhodesia Railways: Additional rolling stock required and estimate of additional rolling stock required.
Rhodesia Railways Ltd: Statistics relating to the working of all classes of traffic for the 6 months ended 30 June 1903.
Rough pencil notes by Grey of statistics in connection with Rhodesia Railways.
9 February 1904 Northern Rhodesia Railways Ltd. Prospectus (4th proof).
Particulars of teak and other engine fuels.
29 January 1904 Copy memorandum (in letter form) by R. Tilden Smith on land settlement in Rhodesia. Addressed to the Directors B.S.A. Co.
Another copy of the above - postscript missing.
3 February 1904 Memorandum for Grey by P.S. Inskipp on potato spirit.
N.E. Railway: Report of the Directors to be submitted at the 100th General meeting to be held on 12 February 1904.
Rough notes of statistics by Grey of population of Newcastle, imports of wheat and flour 1879-1901, etc.
7 June 1902, 9, 16, 17 October 1902 Pages or cuttings from The Bulawayo Chronicle.
25 October 1902, 25 July 1903 Pages from South Africa.

Paper   106f.
GRE/B190/1   1904-1907
2 December 1907 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey, enclosing copies of the following, all by himself:
13 June 1907 Memorandum on constitution of Southern Rhodesia.
14 June 1907 Memorandum on industrial policy - settlement - markets.
23 November 1907 Memorandum on Finance and Policy.
(1907) Letters and memoranda in regard to rates for coal traffic and other Rhodesian Railway problems.
July-October 1907 Diary and papers relating to a visit to South Africa by H. Wilson Fox.
Comparative statement of census returns in respect of Rhodesia 1904, 1907.
Declaration handed to Reuter's agency for publication in Bulawayo by the visiting directors.

Paper   280f.
GRE/B190/2   June-September 1902
Most of these letters concern business matters - flotation of the Jumbo mine etc. - capital which the United Rhodesia Goldfields wishes to raise. Mather's letter of 21 August concerns Gordon College, Khartoum.
21, 26 August [1902?] 2 letters W. Mather to Grey.
18 September 1902 Raleigh Grey to Grey.
Memorandum by Raleigh Grey on the farming industry in Rhodesia.
1 September 1902 Copy of the above with copy covering letter from Raleigh Grey to the Secretary of the B.S.A. Co.
23 June 1902 Copy letter T. Berry to W.H. Milton.
18 June 1902 Copy letter C. Weissenborn to the Administrator of S. Rhodesia.
19 September 1902 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey, enclosing: 12 September 1902 Copy letter Grenfell to “Uncle Robin” [Benson].

Paper   28f.
GRE/B190/3   1895-1898
15 April 1897 Letter Lionel Decle to Grey, on the commission of inquiry into the Jameson raid and the good it has done Rhodes.
22 September 1897 Letter George Tully [to Grey?], concerning the establishment of a brick making business.
5 October 1897 Letter Henry W. Burton to Grey, requesting his patronage for a dramatic club.
29 November 1897 Letter Frank Wilson Fox to Grey, on visit of the High Commissioner to Salisbury.
21 December 1897 Letter Herbert Canning to Grey, concerning his mistake in not thanking Stevens.
1 November 1896 Letter Charles H. Bridge to Grey, on food supplies for Grey.
11 August 1897 Letter same to same, welcoming him home and concerning the rehabilitation of Rhodes.
9 March 1898 Letter same to same, concerning lack of reward for ... Field and Sergeant Donnelly for services in the Chartered Company campaign.
16 October 1895 Extract of letter from James Bryce, comparing the types of settlers in Rhodesia and W. America.

Paper   13f.
GRE/B190/4   1890, August-December 1897
1890 Pages from a periodical, “German aims in East Africa”.
13 August 1897 Letter Mother M. Patrick to Grey, giving account of the wounded in the hospital at Salisbury.
31 December 1897 Part of a letter to Grey (on paper headed “Charterland Goldfields Ltd”).

Paper   4f.
GRE/B190/5   1897
Prospectus of a company formed to conduct public houses on the Gottenburg Plan [in Rhodesia].
26 September 1897 Letter R. Maguire to Grey, on business matters; the position of the Chartered Company with the Colonial and Foreign Offices.
Agenda for a meeting (?) with notes of decisions in some cases.
Rough notes by Grey headed “Blake Aug. 1897” - a pessimistic view of Rhodesia.

Paper   9f.
Farming Prospects in Rhodesia
Reference: GRE/B190/6
Dates of creation: 1903-1904
Extent: 98f.Paper

25 February 1904 Letter Owen Thomas to Grey, opposing scheme for raising cattle in Australia for Rhodesia.
20 January 1904 Letter E. Ross Townsend to Grey.
2 February 1904 Copy letter Grey to Townsend.
September 1904 Pamphlet: Agricultural Depression and its Cure by Charles W. Fielding.
Report on Rhodesian Agriculture by G.M. Odlum [duplicate copy in 186/7].
Farmers' Co-operative Association, copies of the following:
16 December 1903 J.G. McDonald to Grey.
17 December 1903 Charles Bullock to Grey.
Farmers' Co-operative Assoc. - circular by Bullock.
19 January 1904 Another copy of the above with the addition of copy letter Charles W. Boyd and the Secretary B.S.A. Co.
19 May 1903 Copy letter Owen Thomas to Grey.
Rhodesia Lands Ltd: Return showing costs per acre of cultivation of various indigenous crops together with local value of yield, railway and ocean freights. European values, etc.
21 July 1903 Copy letter John Appleby to Grey - farming in Rhodesia.
28 August 1903 Copy letter J.G. McDonald to Grey.
14 April 1904 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey, Rhodesian farming.
Copy of the above letter.
2 September 1903 Copy letter Grey to E. Ross Townsend.
1 May 1904 Copy letter P. Lyttelton Gell to Mr Jones, Col. Owen Thomas and land settlement; the cultivation of aloes.
29 April 1904 Copy letter J.F. Jones to Lyttelton Gell.
9 November 1903 Letter John Appleby to Grey, his son's education; farming in Rhodesia.
28 January 1904 Extract of letter from George M. Odlum to Grey, tobacco industry in Rhodesia.
19 May 1904 Copy letter Grey to J.C. Gray of the Wholesale Co-operative Association, Manchester, Rhodesian tobacco.
14 March 1904 Copy Grey to J.G. McDonald, Rhodesian farming and tobacco.
29 September 1903 Letter J.G. McDonald to the Secretary, the Rhodes Estate, Cape Town, irrigation scheme; land settlement by farmers.
2 February 1904 Copy letter Grey to E. Ross Townsend, land settlement, tobacco, etc.
3 February 1904 Letter William R. Lord (Sec. N. of England Steamship Owners' Assoc.) to Grey, date for annual meeting.

GRE/B190/7   1896-1904
Correspondence with Arthur Lawley [ “Joe Lawley”] later 6th Baron Wenlock on administrative matters in Rhodesia.
1896-1904 50 letters Lawley to Grey.
1897-8 7 copy letters Grey to Lawley.
14 January 1899 1 letter Lawley to H. Wilson Fox.
26 November 1897 1 letter Bobby Ward (on behalf of Lawley) to Grey.

Paper   147f.
GRE/B190/8   1889-1901
11 July 1889 Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey: “Remarks on the proposed grant of a Charter to the amalgamated South Africa Company”.
9 February 1891 Letter 3rd Earl Grey to Grey, relations with the native chiefs in South Africa and with the Portuguese.
4 November 1897 Letter Herbert Canning to Grey, number of murdered, killed, etc., since outbreak of native rebellions.
21 May 1897 Copy letter Grey to Turner, memorial to Hubert Hervey.
5 August 1897 Letter O.T. Duke (resident magistrate, Victoria) to Grey, his work, gaol conditions, etc.
3 October 1896 Letter C.E. Goldstraw to the Secretary of the Administrator Bulawayo, replying to queries mainly of a military nature.
Rough notes by Grey on various matters.
18 November 1897 The African Transcontinental Telegraph Co. Ltd: circular letter Herbert Canning (Sec.) to Grey, concerning payment due from him in respect of shares he holds in the above company.
[Chairman's] speech for annual meeting of [Rhodesia Railway Co. ?] [with MS alterations].
(1897) Booklet: The Valley of the Upper Zambesi - an outline of the work of the Paris Evangelical Mission among the Barotsi.
31 July 1901 The United Rhodesia Gold Fields Ltd: Report of the Directors and Statement of Accounts.
Rough MS notes [concerning the above Co.?].
Notebook containing miscellaneous notes by Grey on South African matters.
14 May 1897 Pages from The Rhodesian Times and Financial News.

Paper   26f.
The Rhodes Memorial
Reference: GRE/B191/1
Dates of creation: April-August 1902
Extent: 246f.Paper

11 August 1902 Letter Evelyn Hopkinson to Grey, Swanley Horticultural College in Kent.
2 copies of the above.
23 June 1902 Account of Brabazon House by Mrs John Hopkinson.
17 June 1902 Introductory remarks at the opening of Brabazon House by Mrs John Hopkinson.
30 July 1902 Letter J. Astley Cooper to Grey, enclosing pamphlet Britannic Scholarships by Professor Hudson Beare.
11 May 1902 Copy letter James R. Thursfield to Grey, Rhodes scholarships.
11 April 1902 Page from The Bulawayo Chronicle, Rhodes' funeral.
Press cutting “Will of Mr Cecil Rhodes”.
8 April [1902] Letter Henry Scott Holland to Grey, on form of funeral service for Rhodes.
9 April 1902 Letter Mary S. Watts to Grey concerning Rhodes and the statue to him.
8 June 1902 Letter Percy William Bunting to Grey, suggesting foundation of a University at Johannesburg.
20 April [1902] Letter E.F. Rhodes to Grey, enclosing: 13 April 1902 Letter from F.D. How to W.P. Taylor, enquiring whether a biographer for Rhodes has been chosen and declaring that he would like to write the “official” life of Rhodes.
5 July 1902 Letter Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey, Parkin's appointment.
2 March 1902 Letter Milner to Grey, Rhodes Trusteeship; Rhodes and Cape politics.
11 August 1902 Letter Bourchier F. Hawksley to Grey, wording of a statement to the press on Rhodes scholarships.
5 April 1902 Copy letter George Birdwood to Grey, the Jameson raid; Rhodes' will.
7 August 1902 Letter S. Goldmann to Grey, Col. Henderson and Kitchener.
Copy of the above.
2 April 1902 Cape Times (weekly edition), with feature on Rhodes.
20 April 1902 Letter H. Cuthbertson to Grey, offering his services to the Rhodes Trustees.
5 May 1902 Letter Alexander Davis to Grey, proposing establishment of a “Cecil Rhodes Society”.
9 May 1902 Letter Sir E.B. Barnard (Chairman of local committee) to Grey, Rhodes memorial.
22 April 1902 Letter H.T. Inman to Grey, soliciting post of secretary to the Rhodes Trustees in connection with the scholarships. Enclosed: List of arrangements that will have to be made in order to organise the Rhodes scholarship scheme.
The Cecil Rhodes Educational Bequest: particulars of the career of the Revd. Ambrose J. Wilson.
Printed copy of the will and codicils of C.J. Rhodes [to 18 January 1902].
Printed copy of the will and codicils of C.J. Rhodes [to 12 March 1902] marked "draft".
5 May 1902 Minutes of meeting of the Rhodes Trustees (nos.1-28).
8 March 1902 Letter C.S. Goldmann to Grey, suggesting foundation of one or two semi military colleges in South Africa as a memorial to Rhodes.
Copy of the above.
16 May 1902 Part of the Times Literary Supplement, “Oxford and the Rhodes Bequest”.
Subsidiary file containing copies of the following letters concerning legal matters in connection with Rhodes' will, the Rhodes scholarships and various proposals to the Trustees:
10 May 1902 B.F. Hawksley to A.G. Syfret.
28 May 1902 A.G. Syfret to Hawksley.
21 June 1902 Hawksley to Syfret.
5 June 1902 W.T. Stead to Hawksley.
16 June 1902 B.F. Hawksley to Joseph H. Choate, US Ambassador.
17 June 1902 B.F. Hawksley to Lord Strathcona.
9 June 1902 Grey to Count Metternich.
17 June 1902 B.F. Hawksley to the Crown Agents for the Colonies.
17 June 1902 B.F. Hawksley to the Agent General for Victoria.
13 May 1902 D.B. Monro (V. Chancellor Oriel College Oxford) to Hawksley.
17 May 1902 Hawksley to Monro.
15 May 1902 F.C. Van Duzer (Hon. Sec. the American Society in London) to the Executors of Rhodes' will.
9 June 1902 John Wrightson to Lord Rosebery.
11 May 1902 James R. Thursfield to Grey.
7 June 1902 George Peel to Grey.
8 June 1902 Percy William Bunting to Grey.
2 June 1902 W.J. Chalmers to Alfred Beit.
30 May 1902 Sir Lewis Michell to Hawksley.
21 April 1902 W.O. Jenkins to Michell.
26 May 1902 C.S. Goldmann to Hawksley.
27 May 1902 P. Lyttelton Gell to Hawksley.
3 May 1902 C.O. Burton to Hawksley.
7 April 1902 Herbert A. Drake to Hawksley.
F.W. Hollis to Stead.
Suggestion of Dr John Haddon for the Executors.
29 May 1902 Minutes of a meeting of the Rhodes Trustees, (nos. 29-40).
7 May 1902 Letter Fred. Dutton to Grey, land settlement in South Africa and the Colonial College at Hollesley Bay. Enclosure: Memorandum by Dutton (Chairman of the Board of Direction of the Colonial College) on land settlement in South Africa.
3 July 1902 Copy letter James Bryce to Hawksley, the Rhodes scholarships appropriated to USA.
18 April 1902 Extract of letter from Mrs Watts. The statue of Energy.
5 April 1902 Extract of letter from Mr G.F. Watts, the statue of Energy; the death of Rhodes.
29 March 1902 Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey, press handling of an interview [with Grey] about Rhodes.
10 April 1902 Order of service held in St Pauls Cathedral in memory of Rhodes.
31 March 1902 Cutting from The Sheffield Daily Telegraph with article on Rhodes.
Subsidiary file containing copies of the following letters:
21 July 1902 Charles W. Eliot to Joseph H. Choate, method of selection of Rhodes scholars from USA.
28 July 1902 Nicholas Murray Butler to Choate, same subject as above.
Subsidiary file containing copies of the following letters:
14 July 1902 Arthur T. Hadley to Choate, same subject as above.
18 July 1902 Cyrus Northrop to Choate, as above.
21 July 1902 James Angell to Choate, as above.
22 July 1902 Charles C. Harrison to Choate, as above.
14 June 1902 Memorial to the Executors of the will of the Rt. Hon. C.J. Rhodes from the senate of Dalhousie College, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Subsidiary file containing copies of the following:
24 July 1902 R.Reade to Goldmann, concerning the Royal Military College, Canada, and the United States Military Academy at West Point.
17 July 1902 Memorandum by Hubert Reade (brother of above) on the inclusion of agriculture as a branch of the curriculum.
12 June 1902 Memorandum on [necessity of] female emigration from the United Kingdom to South Africa.
Page from The Review of Reviews, “Mr Rhodes' will and its genesis”.
4 July 1902 Copy letter Fred. Graham to B.F. Hawksley, Rhodes scholarships.
List of colonial governors (of crown colonies) not present in England.
8 July 1902 Copy letter Hawksley to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, replying to above letter.
11 July 1902 Report of a meeting between two of the Rhodes Trustees and the Vice Chancellor of Oxford and others concerning the scholarships.
3 July 1902 Copy letter James Bryce to Hawksley, Rhodes scholarships; problems of selection of American scholars.
7 July 1902 Minutes of meeting of the Rhodes Trustees (nos. 41-42).
9 June 1902 Copy letter Grey to Count Metternich, the German scholarships.
29 May 1902 Copy letter O. Metternich to Grey, requesting text of Rhodes' will relating to the German scholars.
Copy circular letter to Agent General for ... requesting advice from the appropriate education minister on the selection of Rhodes scholars.
Subsidiary file containing copies of the following letters, concerning various matters submitted to the Rhodes Trustees, mainly in connection with the Rhodes scholarships:
26 May 1902 W.H. Horwood to Lord [Rosebery?].
30 May 1902 R. Swire Thompson (hon. sec. St John's public school council, Bulawayo) to the Executors of C.J. Rhodes.
16 June 1902 O. Human to Dr Jameson.
6 July 1902 P. Lyttelton Gell to Hawksley. 1
1 July 1902 Lord Rosebery to Miss Balfour.
12 July 1902 Alice Balfour to Rosebery.
14 July 1902 Hawksley to D.B. Monro (Vice Chancellor of Oxford).
16 July 1902 EW [sic] Geo. R. Parkin to Hawksley.
17 July 1902 D.B. Monro to [Hawksley?].
18 July 1902 C.S. Goldmann to Hawksley.
19 July 1902 Hawksley to D.B. Monro.
20 July 1902 Godfrey J. King to [Hawksley?].
22 July 1902 D.B. Monro to Hawksley.
7 July 1902 J.S. Winter to Hawksley.
24 July 1902 Minutes of a meeting of the Rhodes Trustees (nos. 43-55).
29 July 1902 Minutes of a meeting of the Rhodes Trustees (nos. 56-65).
7 August 1902 Draft minute of the Trustees - concerning Parkin's appointment.

GRE/B191/2   1898-1899
5 September 1898 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey. The death of Hubert Howard; a board meeting; Britain Germany and the Congo.
5 September 1898 Cutting from The Westminster Gazette, concerning Howard.
6 September 1898 Letter Lord Carlisle to Grey, asking whether Grey will write an account of Howard's relations to Grey in Rhodesia.
22 September 1898 Letter Carlisle to Grey, queries concerning a piece of land in Umtali owned by his son.
29 September [1898] Cutting from The Morning Post, account by a combatant of the battle of Omdurman in the Sudan and death of Howard.
(1899) 3 press cuttings concerning Grey's book Hubert Hervey, Student and Imperialist.

Paper   9f.
GRE/B191/3   1881-1904
12 October 1904 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, expenditure on Rhodesian administration and railways.
23 June 1904 Letter E. Ross Townsend to Grey, Rhodesian pastoral and agricultural potentialities.
White Paper: Copies or extracts of correspondence between the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the President of the Canadian Pacific Railway in regard to state aided emigration to Canada and between the Secretary of State for the Colonies and Mr F. Boyd on the same subject. Ordered to be printed 11 June 1884.
Memorandum of draft proposals for agreement between Rhodesia Cold Storage and Trading Co. Limited and Rhodesia Lands Ltd.
31 August 1903 Copy letter Col. Owen Thomas to Grey, cultivation of South African soil.
28 August 1903 Cutting from Bulawayo Chronicle, “The Rhodes Matoppo Farm”.
Book: Southern Rhodesia: Information for Intending Settlers.
Rhodesian (Pastoral and Agricultural) Lands Ltd:
A. Estimate of increase of stock during 1 to 6 years (2 copies).
B. Estimate showing results of first 6 years' working of West Australian Ranche (3 copies).
C. Cost of first year settlement of 300 families (2 copies).
D. Scheme for provision of working capital and purchase of land (2 copies).
E. Extracts from official reports of Civil Commissioners in the various districts of S. Rhodesia for the year 1902 (on stock and crops) (2 copies).
G. Return showing tonnage of exportable produce produced per annum.
H. Return showing approximate contribution to the revenue by direct taxation of each European in S. Rhodesia based on the estimated receipts for the financial year 1903.
I. Return showing costs per acre of cultivation of various indigenous crops together with local value of yield, railway and ocean freights, European values, etc.
Rhodesian (Pastoral & Agricultural) Lands Ltd. memorandum on the prospects for settlers under the auspices of the company with details about crops, etc.
(Draft) prospectus of above company. 1 copy and part of 1 copy.
1881 Pages from The Nineteenth Century: “The Basutos and the Constitution of the Cape of Good Hope” by H.B.E. Frere.
March 1887 Reprint from The Nineteenth Century: “The Prospect in South Africa” by 3rd Earl Grey.
Petition of the loyal inhabitants of the Transvaal to the British House of Commons requesting abrogation of the peace with the Boers whereby the Transvaal is handed over to the Boers, or substantial guarantees for the protection of British subjects who are compelled to remain there.
The History of English Rule and Policy in South Africa (lecture delivered in Newcastle-upon-Tyne by Robert Spence Watson on 30 May 1879).
10 October 1902 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey.
6 November 1902 Copy letter Townshend Griffin to Wilson Fox.
n.d. Letter J.W. Stanlake to Grey.
n.d. Part of letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey.
20 October 1902 Copy memorandum by H. Wilson Fox on Rhodesia Land Colonisation Co. Ltd. with draft scheme attached.
Ordinance for the organisation and regulation of a police force for S. Rhodesia.
12 August 1899 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey.
Rhodesia Postal Administration: Request for financial assistance by the British South Africa Co. (includes copy letter J. Denison-Pender to Mr French, 16 June 1899).
Printed notices of motion, 17 June 1903; and list of questions to be put to the government, 24 June 1903, several concerning Rhodesia.
Envelope containing duplicated typescript copies of the following:
8 May 1903 H.H. Castens, Chief Sec. B.S.A. Co. Salisbury, to the Joint Manager and Sec. B.S.A. Co.
29 April 1903 Milner to the Resident Commissioner, Salisbury, on native commissioners.
29 April 1903 W.H. Milton to Milner.
1 May 1903 W.H. Milton to Milner, appointment of acting Inspector of native town location.
1 May 1903 W.H. Milton to Milner.
19 May 1903 Cablegram from Milton - the filling of vacancies in the Legislative Council of S. Rhodesia.
23 May 1903 J.F. Jones to the Under Secretary of the State Colonial Office, re above.
28 May 1903 H. Bertram Cox to the Sec. B.S.A. Co., re above.
29 May 1903 Cablegram to Milton, re above.
30 May 1903 Cablegram from Milton, re above.
2 June 1903 A.P. Millar to the Under Secretary of State Colonial Office, re above.
6 May 1903 W.H. Milton to the Secretary B.S.A. Co., horse allowance of Umtali volunteers.
6 May 1903 Milton to the Secretary B.S.A. Co., application of the Umtali Sanitary Board for financial assistance.
15 April 1903 Extracts from Fort Jameson Office Mail Letter - Robert Codrington on Anglo Portuguese boundary, including letter from Codrington to H.M. Acting Commissioner, Zomba, 11 April 1903. Also concerning the publication of a North Eastern Rhodesian Offical Gazette.
15 April 1903 Covering note and copy report to the Civil Commissioner, Fife, on cotton grown in the Senga Country.
2 copies of the following:
1 May 1903 Extracts from Salisbury Office Mail Letter - Exploring Land and Minerals Co. Ltd., land grant - quit rent.
Mining claim transfers from Scottish African Trust to French S. Africa Development Co. Ltd.
23 April 1903 Letter Ernest W.S. Montagu (Secretary for Mines) to the Treasurer, Salisbury.
22 May 1903 Wyndham R. Dunstan to J.F. Jones.
20 May 1903 Report by Dunstan on Rhodesian tobacco samples.
Imperial Institute: List of reports and bulletins relating to tobacco published by the US Department of Agriculture.
Copies of the following letters:
1 May 1903 Andrew B. Rankine to the Joint Manager & Sec. B.S.A. Co.
11 April 1903 Milner to the Resident Commissioner, Salisbury, appointments of J.Ps.
23 April 1903 Milner to the Resident Commissioner, Salisbury, payments due S. Rhodesian government by postal authorities at Lourenco Marques.
14 April 1903 J.C. Baldwin (H.B.M. Acting Consul General) to the Imperial Secretary, Johannesburg, same subject as above.
27 April 1903 W.H. Milton to Milner, appointments of J.Ps.
27 April 1903 W.H. Milton to Milner, re above.
18 May 1903 H.H. Castens (Chief Sec. B.S.A. Co. Salisbury) to the Joint Manager and Sec. London - Yersin's anti-plague serum.
Extract from Salisbury Office mail letter, with copy of minutes of the Executive Council held 6 April 1903.
12 May 1903 A.H. Holland to the Sec. B.S.A. Co.
11 May 1903 W.H. Milton to Milner, reorganisation of B.S.A. Police.
14 May 1903 W.H. Milton to the Joint Manager and Secretary B.S.A. Co.
25 May 1903 Copy cablegram from Cape Town, customs union.
29 April 1903 Covering letter from J.A. Stevens, to customs return (not present).
1 April 1903 Paper by Robert Codrington on le Comité special du Katanga.
1 April 1903 Report, by Codrington of the wreck of the S.S. Cecil Rhodes.
Covering note by Codrington on British Central Africa Protectorate papers (absent).
20-28 May 1903 Copy cablegrams between London and Cape Town - agreement with Central South Africa Railways.
Note of distance between various places in South Africa.
13 May 1903 Lobatsi railway: heads of agreement.
2 June 1903 Copy cablegram Sir Lewis Michell and Dr L.S. Jameson, raising of loan for railway purposes.
4 June 1903 Copy cablegram addressed to Stevenen Cape Town - Milner and [railway] agreement.

Paper   192f.
GRE/B191/4   1898
File marked “for scrap book”.
21 June 1898 Cutting from Daily Telegraph, “St Stephen's Day by Day”.
2 press cuttings on the celebrations to mark the coming of age of Lord Halifax's son.
Letter H.R. Robinson to Grey concerning events at Howick 1839-77.

Paper   5f.
Reference: GRE/B191/5
Dates of creation: 1902
Extent: 6f.Paper

File marked “Education”.
July 1902 Proof copy of circular Technical Education in Northumberland.
Proposals to assist the organisation of instruction in cottage gardening at elementary schools in rural districts, by C. Williams.
The Society of Comparative Legislation. Suggested address to the members of the various colonial governments now in London. Describing the work of the Society.

Corruption in Trade
Reference: GRE/B191/6
Dates of creation: June-July 1902
Extent: 11f.Paper

File marked “Corruption in Trade” .
11 June 1902 Letter Parr Campbell (Capt. late Seaforth Highlanders) to Grey, regimental canteens.
11 June 1902 Letter John Ogilvy to Grey, secret commissions.
4 press cuttings reporting Grey's question in the House of Lords on the subject of corruption in trade.
12 July 1902 Letter Reginald Woodward to B. Gilbertson, secret commissions.
20 June 1902 Letter Harold R. Pink (?) to Col. Barrington Forte, secret commissions.
July 1902 Page from Labour Co-partnership, secret commissions.
17 June 1902 Letter Reginald Woodward to Grey, secret commissions.

Labour Co-Partnership
Reference: GRE/B191/7
Dates of creation: 1899-1902
Extent: 8f.Paper

15 January 1902 Copy of L'Emancipation.
2 November 1899 Letter Alex Hatchard to ..., Duke of Westminster's subscription to the Labour Association.
23 April 1902 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, subscribers for the Labour Association.
Copy of the above letter.
13 June 1902 Letter J.W. Ludlow to Grey, the name of the Labour Association and his concept of its purpose.
13 June 1902 Letter G.J. Holyoake to Grey, a monument Grey has caused to be exhibited at the Royal Academy and the name of the Labour Association.
25 July 1902 Letter Henry C. Devine to Grey, requesting subscription to the Co-operative Banks Association.
1 August 1902 Letter Henry C. Devine to B. Gilbertson, offering to explain to Grey anything in connection with the Co-operative Banks Association.

Colonial College
Reference: GRE/B191/8
Dates of creation: 1901-1902
Extent: 10f.Paper

2 May 1902 Letter Revd. D.J. Thomas (Principal Home & Colonial Training College) to Grey, enclosing an appeal for money for the college.
6 August 1902 Letter Dame Millicent Fawcett to Grey, introducing Mrs John Hopkinson who seeks money [from the Rhodes Trust] for Swanley Horticultural College.
1901 Syllabus of the Swanley College.
6 June 1901 Copy letter E. Sieveking (Hon. Sec. of the College) to The Times.
Results of R. Horticultural Society's examination 1901 showing successes of Swanley students.
December 1901 Report of the Horticultural College, Swanley, Kent.
Plan of the college.

Wilson Fox
Reference: GRE/B191/9
Dates of creation: 1897-1898
Extent: 6f.Paper

10 December 1897, 27 January, 14 April 1898 3 letters H. Wilson Fox to Grey - post of Managing Director which might be offered to Fox in London.

GRE/B191/10   [late 19th century-early 20th century]
Proof copy: Prospectus of the Federal Australian Iron Mining and Steel Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
3 proof copies: Report of Mr John H. Darby on the Blythe River Iron Mines (Tasmania).

Paper   4f.
Sir James Grant
Reference: GRE/B191/11
Dates of creation: 1902-1906
Extent: 1 filePaper

6 April 1902 Letter Sir James A. Grant to Grey, gold claims Klondyke-Dawson City.
10 April 1902 Letter Sir James A. Grant to Grey, re above.
9 April 1902 Telegram Moreton Frewen to Grant.
30 April 1902 Letter Grant to Grey.
10 April 1902 Letter William McKay to Grant.
23 May 1902 Copy letter Grey to Grant.
24 May 1902 Letter John Hays Hammond to Grey.
24 May 1902 Letter John Hays Hammond to Grey.
2 September 1904, 13 April 1906 2 letters Sir James Grant to Grey.

Frewen - Oil
Reference: GRE/B191/12
Dates of creation: February-June 1902
Extent: 31f.Paper

31 May 1902 Copy letter J.H. Welsford to Moreton Frewen, contract of carriage of oil in ships.
31 May 1902 Copy letter J.H. Welsford to Moreton Frewen, as above.
Oil prices and profits.
4 June 1902 Copy letter Grey to Mr Milburn, offering him a share in syndicate to work Grey's option on Texas oil.
Rough calculation concerning oil.
31 May 1902 Letter Frewen to Grey, comparison of oil and coal.
Cutting: “Texas Oil as Fuel”.

Main subject for most of the remaining letters in this file is Frewen's hopes of a fortune from oil, and negotiations concerning it.
29 March 1902 Letter Frewen to Grey.
25 March 1902 Letter Frewen to Grey.
2 April 1902 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey.
Memo: Texas Oil as asphalt.
4 April 1902 Letter Frewen to Grey.
4 April 1902 Letter Frewen to Grey.
29 May 1902 Letter G.W. Loder to Grey, oil fuel for locomotives.
18 March 1902 Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
Cutting: “Fuel Oil a Success”.
12 March 1902 Frewen to Grey.
Memo. Texas oil as asphalt.
Memo. Oils and asphalt.
25 March 1902 Letter Scott Kings to Grey.
6 February 1902 Letter Scott Kings to Grey.
27 March 1902 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, Frewen's financial needs.
31 March 1902 Cablegram Frewen to Grey.

Reference: GRE/B191/13
Dates of creation: 1901-1902
Extent: 11f.Paper

28 December 1901 Copy letter Grey to Robin [R.H. Benson], concerning Westinghouse's invitation to Grey to join the board of his English Company and Grey's ambitions to establish co-partnership in British industry.
10 March 1902 Letter George Westinghouse to Grey.
8 March 1902 Copy letter Grey to Westinghouse, accepting directorship on the understanding that co-partnership principles are to be applied in the concern.
2 other copies of the above letter.
10 April 1902 Letter Westinghouse to Grey, difficulties of co-partnership.

Blythe River Iron
Reference: GRE/B191/14
Dates of creation: 1900-1902
Extent: 6f.Paper

All these letters concern the financing of the proposed company.
20 May 1902 Letter Percy Tarbutt to Grey.
Notes by Grey.
27 May 1902 Letter Edmund Davis to Grey.
21 June 1902 Copy letter Grey to Sir David Dale, Bart.
(c.1900) Report of Mr John H. Darby on the Blythe River Iron Mines Ltd.

GRE/B191/15   1901-1902
26 May 1902 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, [Public House] Trust movement.
3 October 1901 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey, fall in W. African shares.
9 October 1901 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey. Enclosed: 16 July 1901 Cutting from The Financial News, “Gold Coast Agency”.
6 February 1901 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, financial matters.
30 July 1901 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, financial matters.

Paper   8f.
GRE/B191/16   1894-1898
8 January ... Letter J. Oakley Maund? to Grey, concerning possible failure of Chartered Co.
21 May 1894 Letter Charles M. Biggs to Grey, seeking place in Law Department.
23 April 1894 Letter Henry Paulet (16th Marquis of Winchester) to Grey, necessity of the completion of the East Coast Railway.
24 May 1894 Letter J. Sivewright to Grey, Grey's journey in South Africa.
30 May 1894 Cable Charter to Grey, concerning Tully.
Envelope containing 7 cuttings from American papers on death of C.J. Rhodes including a tribute from Grey.
Book containing notes by Grey on miscellaneous Rhodesian subjects, 1896-7. Enclosed is a statement showing the financial position of the Bechuanaland Railway Co. 1897-8.

Paper   14f.
Reference: GRE/B192/1
Dates of creation: 1902-1915
Extent: 14f.Paper

3 March 1902 Letter Capt. J.W. Petavel, R.E., to Grey, enclosing press notices of his pamphlet A Coming Revolution England's Towns and Country of the Future.
22 December 1906 Letter J.W. Petavel to Grey, concerning his book and big schemes of social reform.
1 October 1907 Letter J.W. Petavel to Grey.
Printed notice of press opinions of books by Petavel.
1910 Pages from New York Times Annual Financial Review, “A Co-partnery Experiment with Labor”.
14 September 1907 Pages from The House Property and Land Advertiser, “Our Duty as a Nation of Town Dwellers” by J.W. Petavel.
20 March, 14 August 1907 2 articles by Petavel from the Wednesday Review: “An Appeal to Indians for the Suffering Masses of Europe”; “Re-building of the Towns”.
27 October 1914, 16 September 1915 2 letters Petavel to Grey, scheme to remedy unemployment (cf Pamphlet no. 1872a).

GRE/B192/2   [1899]-1912
31 October 1908 Correspondence bulletin of the International Co-operative Alliance.
5 December 1908 Correspondence bulletin of the International Co-operative Alliance.
Copy letter Henry Vivian to the Newcastle Journal, defending Grey's (and others') ideas of a co-partnership.
1 January 1909 Copy L'Union Coopérative, with article “la Coopération au Canada”.
Duplicated note by C.H. Grinling concerning Comradeship.
31 August 1903 Letter Revd. C.H. Grinling to Grey, concerning Comradeship and efforts to obtain an efficient secretary for the Woolwich Co-operators' Society.
5 September 1903 Copy letter Grey to Grinling concerning Comradeship.
[1899?] Presidential address by Grey to the Labour Association on co-partnership.
Subsidiary file containing:
Co-operative Associations of Workers for Production: table showing the extent to which employees and others shared in the membership, capital and management in 1908-10.
Facts and figures relating to the above associations 1910.
Summary tables: co-operative distribution and production (exclusive of agriculture): profit sharing - general summary United Kingdom 1900-9.
Profit sharing by co-operative societies in 1910.
Profit sharing in 1910 by industrial and agricultural co-operative societies of all classes (2 copies, one with an addition concerning wages).
Notes by Grey on advantage of co-partnership.
12 March 1908 Cutting from The Evening Journal, “The share of the worker”.
25 November 1911 Cutting from The Citizen (Ottawa), “Reorganisation of Government Departments”.
Presidential address by Grey to the Labour Co-partnership Association 1912, with a press cutting with report of his speech.

Paper   43f.
GRE/B192/3   28 November-5 December 1911
Journal by Grey of his activities 28 November - 5 December 1911. Includes accounts of conversations with various high ranking individuals on a variety of subjects including the following:
The N.E. Railwaymen and co-partnership.
Emigration to Canada.
Town planning exhibition at Crystal Palace.
The Colonial Institute (presidency).
Sir Geo Doughty and the British Columbian Deep Sea Fishing Co.
Public House Trust.
Plan for making the Crystal Palace a “mirror of the Empire”.
The Irish problem - Grey and the Federal Solution.
The Canadian national exhibition.
Grey's freedom of the Merchant Taylors' Co.
The Imperial Institute.
Lord Lucas and Agriculture.
The Insurance Bill.
The Overseas Club.
Directorship of the Chartered Co.
Grey's lessons learnt in Canada.
Danger of wide franchise.
The Parliament Bill.

Paper   33f.
GRE/B192/4   [late 19th century-early 20th century]
6 press cuttings on Canadian subjects: Catholic loyalty to British crown; Catholics and the press; the naval policy of the government; the tariff agreement between Canada and USA; Canadian national unity.
Speech by Grey at a University on his scheme for the Plains of Abraham.
Unused speech by Grey on the Quebec tercentenary.

Paper   20f.
GRE/B192/5   1885-1914
(1902) The Co-operators' Year Book. Enclosed: 20 September 1902 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey asking for article on Rhodes for the Co-operators' Year Book 1903.
The following are fastened together:
(1914) Howick Co-operative Society Ltd: Suggestions by members for the Extension of the Society's Usefulness.
Typescript summary of the suggestions by members.
Notes by Grey on Lloyd George and the land system.
27 October 1913 Letter J. Walter Jones to Grey, fur farming and strawberry growing in Canada.
29 December 1913 Letter T.A. Saunders (Acting Sec. the Census Office, London) to Grey, giving information on the number of agricultural labourers in Northumberland according to the 1911 census.
The following are fastened together:
Association Farming - A Paper Read by David Johnson (Manager of the Redbourne Manor Association Farm) at the Congress Held at Derby, Whitsundtide 1884.
18 April 1885 Letter Kintore to Grey, co-operative farming.
4 May 1885 Letter Kintore to Grey, re above.
n.d. Letter Grey to ..., on his co-operative farms and the condition of the agricultural labourer in Northumberland.
15 November 1891 Letter Wantage to Grey, his co-operative farm.
18 May 1885 Printed memorandum by Grey on methods of running Lambourne Farm.
18 July 1892 Letter George Livesey to Grey suggesting that Grey should tender evidence on profit sharing to the Labour Commission.
Address by Mr Albert Grey to the Labourers on East Learmouth Farm, 30 October 1891.
Speech by Grey on co-operation at a Co-operative Exhibition at Keswick.
1 September 1898 Memorandum by Edward Owen Greening on Co-operative Wholesale Societies.
8 November 1913 “Co-Partnership and the Public Good”, address Livesey (?) to the Labour Co-Partnership Association at Leeds.
Galley-proof copy of article “Progress of Profit Sharing and Co-Partnership”.
29 November 1913 Page from The Statist, meetings of public companies - William Cory and Son: Profit sharing scheme.
Typescript paper (with MS additions) attacking the system of co-partnership.
24 April 1885 (?) Report of a speech by 3rd Earl Grey on the application of the principle of industrial partnership to agriculture.
List of persons to whom a copy of an address delivered by Grey at the Crystal Palace on 19 August .... was to be sent.

Paper   94f.
GRE/B192/6   1899-1901
Bundle containing over 30 press cuttings, 18 December 1899 - 21 December 1901, mainly on co-operation - many reports of speeches by Grey. Includes one on church unity, and criticism of his remarks about trade unionism and restriction of output.
16 August .... Proof copy of presidential address by Grey to the Labour Association for promoting co-operative production.
Notes by Grey for speech on capital and labour in industry.
7 December 1901 Typescript report of speech by Grey on “The Crisis in British Industry”.
Part of letter from Sir George Livesey, trade unions and profit sharing.

Paper   41f.
GRE/B192/7   1890
Envelope labelled “profit sharing” containing notes by Grey mainly for speeches he made on co-partnership and church unity.
2 September 1890 Letter James Kitson, 1st Baron Airedale, to Grey, advantages of payment by piece.

Paper   72f.
GRE/B192/8   [late 19th century-early 20th century]
Draft of speeches by Grey on secret commissions and profit sharing as a remedy; and the Labour Association and co-partnership.
Other rough notes by Grey.

Paper   38f.
GRE/B192/9   1880-1885
Book containing notes by Grey on industrial partnership, the Harleston Co-operative farm and various economic matters including Chamberlain on old age pensions.
19 April 1880 Letter Jacob Wilson to Grey, complaining of remarks concerning him made by Grey at Corbridge in a speech about a Royal Commission on Agriculture.
28 February 1885 Letter George B. Hunter to Grey, approving of his supporting Northcote's motion of censure against the government.

Paper   4f.
Speeches and Notes on Co-operation
Reference: GRE/B192/10
Dates of creation: 1880-1906
Extent: 63f.Paper

Exercise book containing miscellaneous notes.
Book labelled “co-operation” with notes from various articles or books on the subject.
Exercise book containing notes mainly on co-operation. Enclosed: 2 November 1898 Letter William Glover to Sir Benjamin C. Browne, enclosing memo, 31 October 1898, concerning trade unions and restriction of output.
October 1899 Letter B. Tetlow to Grey, slides of views of co-operative stores. Attached: Table illustrating 38 years' progress of the Newcastle Co-operative Society.
Draft of Grey's first presidential address to the Labour Association.
Miscellaneous notes on co-partnership.
Notes of the views of Casson on co-partnership, socialism and religion.
Memo by Grey on P.D. Ross and his newspaper which he intends to run on co-partnership basis.
23 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to P.D. Ross, expressing pleasure at Ross' announcement that he is to run his Journal on co-partnership basis.
Notes of speech on education and co-operation.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Co-operative Society Limited, 78th Quarterly Report, for quarter ending 5 October 1880.
Notes by Grey on co-operation and the Newcastle store, quarter ending 5 October 1880.
Note book with rough notes on co-operation.

GRE/B192/11   [late 19th century-early 20th century]
Introduction to the following (talk on co-operation with reference to Ireland):
Account of a co-operative farming scheme established in Co. Clare in Ireland in the 1830's at the instance of John Scott Vandeleur with the aid of Mr Craig. (In Grey's hand; with extracts of printed matter).
Notebook labelled “Productive Co-operation”.
Exercise book with notes from a book on co-operation.
Talks by Grey on co-operation.
Miscellaneous rough notes by Grey on co-operation.
Facts and figures in connection with a company formed to farm land on co-operative principles.
Prospectus of the Land Farming Co. Ltd., 1884, with MS alterations.
Estimate for taking East Learmouth Farm in hand.

Paper   109f.
GRE/B192/12   1896-1898
Letters and papers relating to a controversy sparked off by Grey's statement at the Bradford Church Congress of the financial advantage gained by those who shopped at co-operative stores in Northumberland. William Cussons challenged Grey's assertion.
30 September-7 November 1898 11 letters William Cussons (of William Cussons Limited Importers, Manufacturers and Merchants, Hull, Leeds and Bradford) to Grey.
Pamphlet: Participation in Trade Profits : a system of co-operative trading whereby the interests of Capital, Worker and Consumer are fully and fairly recognised by Cussons & Co. (Hull 1896).
7 October - 14 November 1898 6 letters Grey to Cussons.
13-17 October 1898 2 letters Henry Vivian to Grey.
23 March 1896 Printed letter Vivian to the editor of Co-operative News.
April 1896 Pages from Labour Co-partnership with article “The Labour Association and Distributive Co-operation : Mr Vivian and the United Board”.
May 1896 Pages from Labour Co-partnership with articles on “The Sins of the Labour Association” and “Mr Vivian's Speech at Hull”.
29 October 1898 Letter William Crooks (Blaydon District Industrial and Provident Society) to Grey.
22 September 1898 Letter T. Jones (Hon. Secretary the Northern Council of Grocers' Associations) to Grey.
12 October 1898 Copy Grey to Jones.
31 October 1898 Letter Henry R. Bailey (Co-operative Wholesale Society, Newcastle) to Grey.
31 October 1898 Letter J.C. Gray (General Secretary of the Co-operative Union Limited, Manchester) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
East Learmouth Farm
Reference: GRE/B193/1
Dates of creation: 1890-1891
Extent: 32f.Paper

Table of statistics relating to East Learmouth and other farms.
30 October 1891 Address by Mr Albert Grey to the Labourers on East Learmouth Farm.
Copy letter from Grey to the press answering questions by “Farmer Hodge” about Learmouth Farm.
Various rough notes by Grey mainly concerning his East Learmouth Farm (run on profit sharing basis).
27 August 1890 Letter H.R. Baily (of Newcastle Branch Co-op. Wholesale Soc.) to Grey, profit sharing, etc.
1 September 1890 Letter W. Boyd to Grey, profit sharing and trade unions. Enclosed: 1 September 1890 Cutting from The Marine Engineer, on the employment situation in engineering industry.
28 November 1891 Letter Henry H. Scott to Grey, on Grey's address to the East Learmouth labourers.
4 December 1891 Letter Earl of Spencer to Grey, concerning Spencer's experiment in co-operative farming.
Press cuttings: Mr Cowen on co-operation ...; Co-operative Production and its relation to Labour and Capital.

Lord Ernest Hamilton and Profit Sharing
Reference: GRE/B193/2
Dates of creation: 1903-1907
Extent: 34f.Paper

Rough notes by Grey on B.C. Electric Railway and profit sharing.
23 July 1904 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, house building and the Labour Association.
Proposals for the institution of an employees' pension fund of the B.C. Electric Railway Co. Ltd.
8 June 1905(?) Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, tenants' societies and house building; financial needs of the Labour Co-partnership Association.
September 1906 3 copies letter Grey to Lord Ernest Hamilton, advocating profit sharing in Hamilton's smelting works at Nelson.
7 October [1906] Letter Lord Ernest Hamilton to Grey concerning the smelting works and its financial position.
3 copies of the above letter.
29 October 1906 Copy letter Grey to Hamilton, co-partnership.
5 December 1906 Letter Robert R. Hedley to Grey, co-partnership.
26 January 1907 Letter Robert R. Hedley to Grey, his resignation of management of the smelting works.
Business Card for Alphonse Desjardins.

GRE/B193/3   1903-1908
8 February 1906 Letter Alphonse Desjardins to Col. Hanbury Williams, desirability of legal changes in Canada for the benefit of co-operative societies.
(1908) Septième Rapport General de la Caisse Populaire de Levis.
Page from La Vérité with article “L'Action populaire economique”.
Balance sheet: “La Caisse populaire de Levis: Mouvement General au 15 Juillet 1907”.
8 March, 17 July 1907, 5 February 1912, 7 August 1913 Letters Alphonse Desjardins to Grey.
22 February 1912 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Desjardins.
Press cutting: “Co-operative stores among Atlantic Fishermen”.
10 April 1905 Letter Mackenzie King to A.F. Sladen, expressing thanks for Grey's having shown him Wolff's letter.
8 April 1905 Letter Conrad Reno to Grey, the Massachusetts Industrial Equality Partnership Bill.
22 January 1903 Letter Henry Wolff to Grey.
10 October 1904 Letter Wolff to Grey with note of Grey's reply attached.
10 October .... Part of a letter from Wolff to ..., on co-operative banks [in Canada?].
27 March 1905 Letter Henry W. Wolff to Grey, Mackenzie King's report and a new bill.
23 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to J. [sic. should be W.L.] Mackenzie King, an article on profit sharing in the Quarterly Review.
15 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Henry Wolff, Mackenzie King's article in the Labour Gazette.
11 March 1905 Letter Henry Wolff to Grey, concerning co-operative schemes and Desjardins.
25 February 1905 Copy letter Grey to Wolff, Desjardins and his bank.
4 September 1907 Letter Wolff to Grey.
Statuts de L'Action populaire economique.

Paper   26f.
Model Homes Association
Reference: GRE/B193/4
Dates of creation: March and July 1911
Extent: 21f.Paper

Details of the Model Homes Association (Ottawa) competition for designs of small houses.
24 March 1911 Letter C.P. Meredith to Grey, concerning the above; and asking Grey to be a patron of the Association.
27 March 1911 Copy letter D.O. [Malcolm] to C.P. Meredith, expressing Grey's sentiments on the above.
29 March 1911 Letter C.P. Meredith to D.O. Malcolm, replying to the above.
7 July 1911 Copy letter Grey to Meredith, town planning exhibition (2 copies).
7 July 1911 Letter Grey to Sladen, concerning the above and salmon fishing.
17 July 1911 Letter Colborne P. Meredith to Arthur F. Sladen, acknowledging his letter.
17 July 1911 Letter C.P. Meredith to Grey, town planning exhibition.
21 July 1911 Letter W.H.S. Armstrong (Sec. of the Civic Guild) to C.P. Meredith, city planning exhibition.
22 July 1911 Letter C.P. Meredith to Grey, town planning exhibition.
26 July 1911 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, Grey's disappointment that some of the work he had hoped to see accomplished before leaving Canada had not been completed; the town planning exhibition.
28 July 1911 Letter Clifford Sifton to Grey, forestry; town planning exhibition.

Reference: GRE/B193/5
Dates of creation: 1905-1911
Extent: 56f.Paper

13 January 1911 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, his defeat at Birkenhead.
10 June 1911 Letter William Maxwell to Grey.
6 June 1911 Letter George W. Perkins to Grey, Maxwell's expenses.
12 June 1911 Letter James Bonar to Grey.
7 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to George Thomson.
1 April 1911 Copy letter Grey's secretary to A.C. Wieland.
1 April 1911 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Dr James Bonar.
29 March 1911 Letter A.C. Wieland to Grey.
27 March 1911 Letter George Thomson to Grey, his Woodhouse Mills and co-partnership.
27 February 1911 Letter George W. Perkins to Grey (part missing).
7 February 1911 Letter George W. Perkins to Grey.
18 May 1905 Copy letter Grey to Henry Vivian.
16 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Henry Vivian, Canada and co-partnership; Vivian's book on Garden suburbs.
16 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Frederick Litchfield, Vivian's book.
26 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Frederick Litchfield, Vivian's book.
31 December 1906 Letter Crossley Greenwood to Grey.
31 December 1906 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, the Garden Suburb Movement Tenants' Societies; Corrupt Commissions Act.
Particulars of the Co-partnership Tenants' Housing Council.
16 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to C.H. Grinling, settlement work in Woolwich.
Settlement Work in Woolwich, November 1906, report by C.H. and Ethel Grinling on their social work in Woolwich.
15 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to W.T. Stead, “Industrial warfare” regulations.
22 January 1907 Letter Frederick Litchfield to Grey, the Ealing Tenants' Association.
October 1906 Ealing Tenants Limited: Prospectus.
21 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir George Livesey.
1 March 1907 Letter P.D. Ross to Grey, life of Hamilton.
4 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to P.D. Ross concerning Vivian.
4 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Vivian, concerning Ross.
6 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Greenwood.
15 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Vivian.
30 April 1906 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, the Ealing Tenants and Garden City Tenants.
15 April 1907 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Willison, Vivian and co-op banking.
17 January 1908 Letter Philip A. Freeman to Grey, co-operation.
22 January 1908 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Freeman.
18 February 1908 Letter Maurice R. Gifford to Grey, the British Columbia Electric Railway Co.'s profit sharing scheme.
11 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Maurice Gifford.
Receipt of International Co-op Alliance to Grey for £5.
17 December 1908 Letter Hans(?) Muller (Secretary of above) to B. Gilbertson, co-operative literature.
20 January 1909 Copy letter Grey to Vivian, “Co-partnership”; Sir Geo. Livesey's death and achievement.
Memorandum [by Grey] on the Levis Bank and the Co-operative Act.

Armament Profit Sharing
Reference: GRE/B193/6
Dates of creation: 1912-1915
Extent: 12f.Paper

6 May 1915 Letter Aneurin Williams to Grey, profit sharing in armament concerns.
Passage from a speech by Kitchener to which Grey is to call attention.
13 May 1915 Cutting from Birmingham Daily Post, “Lord Kitchener and Labour”.
12 May 1915 Copy Parliamentary Debates, (with a reference to profit sharing).
19 May 6 Geo V House of Lords: Bills Appointed and Notices - with notice of Grey's question on Kitchener's speech.
13 May 1915 Letter Aneurin Williams to Grey, armament profit sharing.
27 February 1915 Letter Sir Benjamin C. Browne to Grey, government compulsion of employers.
13 January 1915 Letter Aneurin Williams to Grey, abolition of profit sharing by the Scottish Wholesale.
18 December 1914 Page from The Scottish Co-operator, “Co-operators and bonus”.
Pamphlet: Profit Sharing and Co-Partnership: Inaugural Address of the Newcastle upon Tyne Economic Society Delivered by Earl Grey ... 16 October 1912.

GRE/B193/7   1891, 1908
File Marked “Photostated for Co-operative Union”
30 May 1908 Correspondence bulletin of the International Co-operative Alliance.
October 1891 Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey on co-operation and the labour situation.

Paper   12f.
Transferred to 207/7.

Sir Benjamin Browne
Reference: GRE/B193/9
Dates of creation: 1883-1900
Extent: 7f.Paper

Letters Sir Benjamin Browne [of Hawthorn Leslie & Co] to Grey of the following dates:
21 December 1883 Grey's co-operative movement; Browne's Toryism.
28 December 1883 Shares in Grey's Co-op Assoc.
31 December 1884 Grey's letters and speeches on representation, etc.
15 January 1888 Browne's decision not to stand for Parliament; possible candidates for the Newcastle and Tyneside Divisions.
14 September 1898 Trade Unionists, employers and co-operation.
4 January 1900 Management of Public House Reform Company.

MacKenzie King
Reference: GRE/B193/10
Dates of creation: 1903-1912
Extent: 69f.Paper

Subsidiary file containing:
14 July 1911 Copy letter Grey to Mackenzie King - his disappointment that certain legislation relating to co-operation will not be passed before he leaves Canada; town planning exhibition.
28 October 1911 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey (part missing) - he desire to get back into the House of Commons and possibilities in that respect.
22 November 1911 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey - Mackenzie King and Canadian politics.
15 January 1912 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, Grey's speech at unveiling of Sir George Livesey's monument; Roosevelt, USA, and Japan and Britain; Grey and the celebration of 100 years of peace.
January 1903 Dominion of Canada: The Labour Gazette.
December 1905 Dominion of Canada: The Labour Gazette.
October 1903, April 1904, October 1905 3 cuttings from The Labour Gazette, profit sharing and co-operation in Canada.
(1908) Sessional Paper: Report by W.L. Mackenzie King on mission to England to confer with the British Authorities on the subject of Immigration to Canada from the Orient and Immigration from India in Particular.
14 April 1908 (Canadian) House of Commons Debates XLI (unrevised ed.) (includes debate on immigration).
Report of W.L. Mackenzie King, Commissioner appointed to Enquire into the Methods by which Oriental Labourers have been induced to come to Canada.
25 copies The Combines Investigation Act. Abstract of speech by ... the Minister of Labour in the House of Commons on the Second Reading of the Bill, April 12, 1910.
18 January 1910 4 copies (Canadian) House of Commons Debates (Combines Investigation Act).
House of Commons of Canada: An Act to provide for the investigation of Combines Monopolies, Trusts and Mergers which may enhance prices or restrict competition to the detriment of consumers (9-10 Ed. VII 1909-10).
Memorandum accompanying report of W.L. Mackenzie King on his mission to England ... on the subject of immigration to Canada from the Orient and immigration from India in particular.
Printed proof copy of correspondence etc., relating to Mackenzie King's visit to China, on asiatic immigration into Canada, includes:
17 March, 1 April 1909 J.N. Jordan to Sir Edward Grey.
20, 30 March 1909 Mackenzie King to Liang Tun-Yen.
28 March 1909 Wai Wu Pu to H.M. Minister, Peking.
Typescript of part of the above correspondence.
9-19 March 1909 Reports by Mackenzie King of his interviews with the acting president of Waiwupu in China on the above subject.

Pamphlets : Co-partnership; Garden City
Reference: GRE/B193/11
Dates of creation: 1903-1911
Extent: 84f.Paper

Labour Problems by Sir Benjamin C. Browne (reprinted from The Times Engineering Supplement 12 December 1906).
February 1911 Pages from South Metropolitan Gas Company Co-partnership Journal.
10 July 1908 Notes by Grey from The Cape Times - Sir Percival Laurence on imperial government.
3 October 1908 Notes by Grey from International Co-op. Alliance Bulletin no. 8.
March 1907 Hampstead Tenants Ltd. Prospectus, and programme for ceremonies in connection with the cutting of the first sod, 2 May 1907.
7 October 1908 Industrial Peace and Industrial Efficiency : Proposals submitted by Sir Christopher Furness to a Conference of Trades Union Representatives at West Hartlepool.
1909 South Metropolitan Gas Co. Co-partnership Almanac.
April 1909 Pages from South Metropolitan Gas Company Co-partnership Journal.
(n.d.) Editorial notes from the above.
Howick Co-operative Society Limited. Report and balance sheet for quarter ended 29 February 1908.
Howick Co-operative Society Limited. Report and balance sheet for quarter ended 5 December 1908.
Press cutting: “Canon and Mrs Barnett's Essays”.
The Garden City Association: pamphlet on its aims etc.
Labour Co-partnership Association pamphlet: The Labour Co-partnership Movement in Great Britain by Henry Vivian.
1907 Commonwealth of Massachusetts: An Act to establish a partnership among the Customers, Capitalists and Workers of Certain Public Service Corporations.
28 January 1907 The Tri-Partnership System: comparison of the system proposed in the above bill with the system of the Boston Consolidated Gas Co. and the South Metropolitan Gas Company of London - by Conrad Reno.
10 October 1908 Pages from The Outlook.
1903-5 Cuttings from The Labour Gazette, concerning the profit sharing scheme of the British Columbia Electric Railway Co.
1903-5 Other cuttings from The Labour Gazette on various other co-operative projects in Canada.
16 November 1908 Cuttings from Yorkshire Post“Co-partnership shipyards”.
2 December 1908 Cutting from The Times, “Mr Balfour on Labour Co-partnership”.
20 January 1909 Cutting from The Times, “The Socialist Movement in Great Britain”.
3 October 1907 Cutting from The Times, “Co-partnership housing”.
Press cutting: Henry Vivian on Labour Co-partnership.
December 1907 Board of Trade Labour Gazette, Co-operation in Great Britain 1906.
Pamphlet: Slum Reform and Town Planning - The Garden City Idea Applied to Existing Cities and their Suburbs, by John Nettlefold.
International Co-operative Congress : programme for the 7th congress, 25 September 1907.
6 March 1905 Cutting from The Times“The proposed garden suburb at Hampstead Heath”.
Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society: Balance sheet for half year ended 30 December 1905.
3 October 1908 International Co-operative Alliance: Correspondence bulletin.
2 December 1908 Cutting from The Times, Labour Co-partnerships.
30 December 1908 Cutting from The Liverpool Post, Lever's partnership experiment.
19 January 1909 Cutting from The Times, the socialist movement in Great Britain.
6 February 1909 Cutting from The Times, Labour and arbitration.
April 1909 Cutting from The Agricultural Economist, “Earl Grey on rural education and co-partnership”.
November 1905, February, March, April 1906 Labour Co-partnership.
27 January 1906 The Co-operative News.
13 April 1906 The Municipal Journal.
The Labour Co-partnership Association 20th Report 1904-5.
The Garden City Press Limited: Prospectus.
Cutting from The Times, "Wages of Clerks at Woolwich."

Central Unemployed Body for London
Reference: GRE/B194/1
Dates of creation: 1906-1908
Extent: 11f.Paper

14 March 1908 Pages from The Times with report of proceedings in parliament - Unemployed Workmen Bill.
The Central (Unemployed) Body for London: Draft Report of the Emigration Committee ... 1906-7 (2 copies) one copy with MS additions.
Supplement to Central Body Agenda for 20 December 1907.
22 October 1906 The Central (Unemployed) Body for London, minutes of proceedings in connection with report of Emigration Committee.
Cuttings from The Times, 10 March 1902.
31 December 1902, Report "To the Officers and Employees of the United States Steel Corporation and of its Subsidary Companies", regarding inclusion of employees to become stock holders of the Corporation.
3 September 1898, information for visitors to the Co-operative Gathering at Howick, as guests of Lord and Lady Grey.

Town Planning
Reference: GRE/B194/2
Dates of creation: 1909-1912
Extent: 105fPaper

17 December 1909 Letter William Cameron Edwards? to Grey, concerning the enclosure. Enclosed: Cutting from The Times, “A National Housing and Town Planning Campaign”.
22 May 1910 Letter J. Flavelle to Grey, Vivian and the Hampstead Garden suburb.
27 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Flavelle, Vivian and the Hampstead Garden suburb.
27 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Col. Burland, Vivian and the Hampstead Garden suburb.
20 October 1910 Copy letter Grey to Col. Burland, Vivian's visit to Montreal.
22 October 1910 Letter Jeffrey Burland to Grey, Vivian's visit to Canada: his expenses.
26 October 1910 Copy letter Grey to Henry Vivian, Vivian's visit to Canada.
26 October 1910 Copy letter Grey to Mackenzie King, article by Mr Fremantle on the Town Planning Conference.
9 February 1911 Letter W.D. Lighthall to Grey, Quebec Metropolitan Parks Bill.
11 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to W.D. Lighthall, Quebec Metropolitan Parks Bill.
11 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir Lomer Gouin, Quebec Metropolitan Parks Bill and bill in the Ontario legislature on a similar subject.
14 February 1911 Letter E.R.L. Gould to Grey, formation of large Housing Trust.
14 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir James Whitney, amendment to the Ontario Registry Act.
14 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir William Macdonald, visit of Dr Gould to Canada.
14 February 1911 5 cuttings from the Ottawa Citizen, amendment to the Ontario Registry Act.
15 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to “Mayor” Hopwell, town planning and the above legislation.
15 February 1911 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Town Clerk East Birmingham, town planning.
15 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Dr E.R.L. Gould, Gould's interview with The Citizen.
16 February 1911 Letter E.R.L. Gould to Grey, formation of a Housing Trust.
20 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Senator Edwards, invitation to Mr Maxwell to visit Canada.
28 December 1910 Letter Ebenezer Howard to Grey.
28 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Howard.
1910 First Garden City Limited: Report and balance sheet.
Infant mortality statistics 1909 Letchworth, London, Birmingham, Middlesbrough and Ottawa.
21 February 1911 Letter Ebenezer Howard to Grey. Long account of Letchworth the town started by the Garden City Movement.
8 April 1911 Copy Grey to Howard, declining to preside at the Letchworth Garden City Banquet.
28 February 1911 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, results of his tour of Canada. Enclosed: Copy letter W.D. Lighthall expressing thanks of the Union of Canadian Municipalities for the invitation by the Board of Co. Partnership Tenants Ltd. to visit Co-partnership and housing schemes in England.
March 1911 Cutting from Review of Reviews, “What is needed to improve our towns”.
6 March 1911 Letter E.R.L. Gould to Grey, house for working girls in N. York.
9 March 1911 Copy letter Grey to Gould, house for working girls in N. York.
13 March 1911 Copy letter Grey to Vivian, banquet to celebrate the Letchworth Garden City.
14 March 1911 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, concerning Lord Howick's and Mr Litchfield's joining the Board of the Co-partnership Tenants Movement.
5 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to Vivian, replying to the above.
5 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to Clifford Sifton, Canadian civic administration.
5 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to W.J. Hanna, same subject - especially the Ottawa scandal.
28 March 1911 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, the Letchworth Garden City banquet; the Garden City Co. and the Co-partnership Tenants Movement; the royal visit to Hampstead.
Cutting from The Saturday News (Edmonton), “The Meaning of the City Planning Movement”.
28 February 1911 Co-partnership Tenants Ltd. Prospectus.
17 February 1911 Co-partnership Tenants Ltd: The Chairman's Address at the Fifth Annual Meeting and Views on the Affiliated Estates.
1910 Co-partnership Tenants Ltd: 4th Annual Report.
21 April 1911 Letter Talbot M. Papineau to Grey, requesting letters of introduction to those in charge of Garden City organisations in England.
4 May 1911 Copy letter Grey to Vivian, concerning Papineau.
25 May 1911 Copy letter Grey to Vivian, Canadian visitors to England; Grey wishes them to see the garden suburb.
7 June 1911 Letter Vivian to Grey, replying to the above letters.
10 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to F. Litchfield, need for application of Garden City principles to Montreal.
10 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to F. Litchfield, visit of Mayor of Montreal to the Hampstead Garden suburb.
10 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to “Mayor” Guerin (of Montreal), application of the Hampstead scheme to Montreal.
19 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Vivian, visit of Guerin and Sir Hugh Graham to Hampstead.
19 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to F. Litchfield, visit of Sir H. Graham to Hampstead.
19 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir Hugh Graham, the Hampstead suburb and application of its principles to Montreal.
19 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Col. Gibson, concerning the Hampstead scheme.
21 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to F.W. Thompson, the Hampstead scheme and similar experiments in England and the improvement of Montreal.
26 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to F.W. Thompson, the Hampstead suburb.
23 June 1911 Letter F.W. Thompson to Grey. His willingness to give financial assistance to schemes for improvement of Montreal; praise of Grey's Governor-Generalship.
29 January 1912 Letter Mary B. Ogilvie to Grey with some notes by Grey who wanted her to duplicate Hampstead Garden suburb in Montreal.

Printed Material
Reference: GRE/B194
Dates of creation: 1873-1904
Extent: 84f.Paper

Labour Co-partnership. Bound volume for 1897. Press cutting enclosed: “The Fight for Profits - from the Capitalist's Point of View”. Unbound issues March 1903 and April 1904.
Labour Co-partnership Issues for November 1905, February, March, April 1906.
27 January 1906, 4, 11 June 1887, 14 March 1903 The Co-operative News.
October 1897, January 1898, January 1901, August 1902, January, February 1903, March, April 1904 Comradeship - A Journal of the Royal Arsenal Co-operative Society.
The following Labour Association pamphlets:
Sixty Years of Co-operation by Sybella Gurney.
What Co-operative Production is Doing by Henry Vivian.
Co-operative Workshops in Great Britain 1897 by Thomas Blandford (2 copies -one with MS figures in the margin).
Twelfth Report of the Labour Association 1896-7 (2 copies).
Co-operative Production Viewed in the Light of Some First Principles by R. Halstead.
Associated Shipwrights' Society: Report for July - September 1898.
Associated Shipwrights' Society: 18th Annual Report for the Year Ending 1899.
Kettering Co-operative Builders Ltd. 3rd Annual Report and Balance Sheet for the Year Ending 31 December 1897.
Co-operative Gathering, Howick, 3 September 1898 : Programme. 8 copies. 2 copies of hymns etc., to be sung on the above occasion.
Programme of the Exhibition of Co-operative Manufacturers ... Keswick (22-25 June 1898).
Co-operative Congress Huddersfield : Inaugural Address by Geo. Thomson 3 June 1895.
1893 Blue Book: Education Department : Code of Regulations with Schedules and Appendices by the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council on Education Presented to both Houses of Parliament ...
Blue Book: Reports by Her Majesty's Representatives Abroad on the System of Co-operation in Foreign Countries Presented to both Houses of Parliament ... June 1886.
September 1902, December 1902, January, February March 1903 L'Emancipation .. Organe des Associations ouvrières et du centre régional Cooperatif du midi. Bulletin de la Participation aux Bénéfices Publié par la Société pour L'étude practique de la participation du personnel dans les bénéfices. tome XX 1898 1re livraison; tome XXI 1899 2e livraison; tome XXI 1899 4e livraison; tome XXII 1900 1e livraison.
1898 “Le Travail” Association d'ouvries peintres : Rapport du Conseil d'Administration sur la transformation de la Société.
1897 Compte Rendu des Opérations de la Société pendant L'année.
Un Demi-Siècle d'enseignement moderne : le Collège Chaptal à Paris par Gaston Cadoux.
(1881) Histoire des Équitables Pionniers de Rochdale de George Jacob Holyoake résumé extrait et traduit de l'Anglais par Marie Moret.
Industrial Partnership or Profit Sharing A word to the Employer by Nicholas Paine Gilman (Boston 1890).
The International Co-operative Alliance. The International Congress at Paris and Some of the Lessons to be Learnt from it. Paper by D. McInnes read at Long Eaton Conference 9 January 1897 (condensed).
The Second Great Step of Co-operative Beneficence. (Paper read at the Conference held in Leeds on 13 December 1873) by John Holmes.
24 November 1902 Booklet: A National Federation of Employers' Associations and Trade Unions - The National Industrial Association.
31 December 1902 United States Steel Corporation and subsidiary companies: circular letters from George Perkins (Chairman) to the officers and employees and the stockholders, on profit sharing and co-partnership.
Cuttings from The Times.
"Co-op partnership" newsletters from Leicester, June 1911, March, April, June, August, September 1912, January, October 1913, February 1914, October, November, December 1915, January, February, March, April, June, August, October, November, December 1916, January, March 1917.
The Banker's Magazine June 1909.
Co-operative Socities Report on Industrail and agricultural co-operative Societies in the United Kingdom, with statistical tables.
"Report on the System and working of Co-operative people's banks in Italy", April 1887. Foreign office 1887 miscellaneous series.
Co-partner's Magazines, March 1912.
"Report on National and People's banks in the United States of America, March 1887. Part of the Foreign Office 1887 report series.
The Labour Co-partnership Association, Twentieth Report, 1904-5.
The C.F. & I. (Colorado Fuel & Iron Co.) Industrial Bulletin, 1 September 1916 and 31 October 1916.
House of Commons Debates newsletter, Second Session, Tenth Parliament, Speech of Mr F. D. Monk, M.P., on Industrial and co-operative societies.
Special Committee of the House of Commons, Bill No. 2, an act representing 'Industrial and co-operative Socities', minutes of evidence, No 1 - 6.

Industrial Relations
Reference: GRE/B195/1
Dates of creation: 1913-1916
Extent: 94f.Paper

23 July 1913 Draft letter Grey to Knaresborough, N.E. Railway Co. dividends and profit sharing.
Copy of the above.
11 October 1915 Letter W.L. Mackenzie King to Grey, Rockefeller's Colorado Fuel and Iron Co.
Cutting: “Solving Colorado's Civil War” (Toronto Globe, 13 October 1915).
27 October 1915 2 copies letter Grey to Mackenzie King, Rockefeller's Co.; Grey on the conflict between capital and labour in England.
22 October 1915 Draft letter Grey to Henry Vivian, conflict between capital and labour in England which must be averted for the future.
27 October 1915 Copy letter Grey to Sir Alexander Butterworth, same subject.
1 November 1915 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, co-partnership Tenants' Societies and the effect of the war on the movement.
3 November 1915 Letter Sir Alexander Kaye Butterworth to Grey, industrial relations especially in respect of the N.E.R.
6 November 1915 Cutting from the Spectator.
5 November 1915 Page from Public Opinion.
Addresses by J.D. Rockefeller, Jr., at Joint Meeting of Officers and Representatives of the Employees of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Co., 2 October 1915, and before the Denver Chamber of Commerce, 8 October 1915.
Industrial Representation: Plan and Memorandum of Agreement Respecting Employment and Living and Working Conditions Applicable to the Mining Camps of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Co.
7 November 1915 2 copies Grey to Sir Alexander Butterworth - his condemnation of the existing industrial system; criticising the last N.E.R. dividend; the Rockefeller plan.
13 November 1915 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, the Rockefeller plan and its extension.
1 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mackenzie King, Grey's efforts to mould public opinion on the Rockefeller plan.
1 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Robin[son], editor of The Times - material on the Rockefeller plan, foreign affairs, Canadian wheat yields, British agriculture.
3 December 1915 Letter Sir Charles C.W. Macara to Grey, proposed Central Association of Employers' organisations.
13 December 1915 Letter Geoffrey Robinson to Grey, the Rockefeller plan.
17 December 1915 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, his work in industrial relations, etc.
23 December 1915 Letter B. Seebohm Rowntree to Grey, welfare work in controlled and government factories.
4 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mackenzie King, his health; J.D. Rockefeller jnr. and his schemes for the betterment of humanity; Rhodes' ideals.
14 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mackenzie King, opinions of British experts on the Rockefeller plan; co-partnership.
2 February 1916 Letter A. Shadwell to Grey, gardens for workers in France and America.
14 Februray 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mackenzie King, proportional representation.
17 February 1916 Cutting, from The Times“Taxation of Excess Profits”.
5 February 1916 Cutting, from The Times“The Gas Light and Coke Company”.
12 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to William Thomson [recte George Thomson] , profit sharing in Thomson's firm.
Leaflet: William Thomson and Sons Ltd., Huddersfield, Assurance and Pension Fund.
William Thomson and Sons Ltd., 29th Annual Report and Balance Sheet for Year Ending 31 December 1915.
4 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Salisbury, observations on the co-partnership and its successes.
28 January 1916 Letter Salisbury to Grey, co-partnership as a means of preventing industrial strife which is expected to break out after the war.
Notes from “Towards Industrial Efficiency” by Seebohm Rowntree.
23 February 1916 Letter George Thomson to Grey, the profit sharing scheme of his firm.
6 February 1916 Letter John D. Pringle to Grey, literature he had sent to Grey.
22 February 1916 Letter B. Seebohm Rowntree to Grey, literature on co-operation.
23 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to John D. Pringle, replying to above letter of 6 February.
3 December 1915 Letter John Haworth and D.N. Dunlop to Grey, enclosing and concerning:
Proposed Central Association of Employers' Organisations: Programme for forthcoming meeting.
Proposed Central Association of Employers' Organisations: Report of the Proceedings.
23 June, 10 September 1915 Pages from The Westminster Gazette.
26 June 1915 Pages from The Nation.
26 June 1915 Pages from The Herald.
11 September 1915 Pages from the Daily Chronicle.

GRE/B195/2   1898-1908
December 1908 The Magazine of Commerce (Souvenir Co-partnership edition).
16 May 1898 - 5 October 1899 7 letters Henry Vivian to Grey, the Labour Association.
11, 28 August 1899 2 letters John Whitburn to Grey, Labour Association Conference at Newcastle.
9 January 1899 1 letter Joseph Greenwood to Grey, concerning the Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Co-operative Society Limited.

Paper   15f.
GRE/B195/3    c.1881-1913
File of newspaper cuttings and other printed matter on various aspects of co-operation, and press cuttings concerning land ownership and trade depression, etc., 1885.

Paper   39f.
GRE/B195/4   1910-1912
Envelope containing printed matter, including plans, of Letchworth, the first Garden City 1910-11.
Also pages from the Agricultural Economist and Horticultural Review January-March 1912 with articles on “New Imperialism”.

Paper   12f.
GRE/B195/5   1872-1915
Bundle of pamphlets on Co-operation 1872-1884 (some undated). [The names of the authors of these have been included in the card index].
Decorative Co-operators' Association: Reports and Balance Sheets for the years 1884, 1886 (2 copies) and 1887 (2 copies).
(1897) Labour Co-partnership Vol. 3. June 1911, March, April, June, August, September 1912, February 1914, October, November 1915 Co-partnership. The number for March 1912 has an enclosure from Public Opinion, 8 March 1912 on Grey and co-partnership.
Durham Diocesan Church Conference: Manifesto on Disestablishment - Inaugural Address by the Bishop of Durham (Newcastle, 1885). 6 copies; 2 being of 5th edition - revised and corrected.
The following pamphlets:
The Labour Association 2nd Report 1885-6.
Five Years of Labour Association: Summary of the Results of the Familistère of Guise.
The Alleged Failure of Co-operative Production by E.O. Greening.
(1898) 4 copies Earl Grey on the “Relation of the Church to Co-operation”.
5 November 1885 Election Address: Grey to the Electors of the Tyneside Division.
30 October 1891 Address by Mr Albert Grey to the Labourers on East Learmouth Farm.
Earl Grey and Profit Sharing (reprint from the Batley Reporter, 7 May 1898).
(1898) Earl Grey on the “Relation of the Church to Co-operation”.
The Co-operative Movement by Earl Grey.
28 February 1912 6 copies Peace with Co-partnership: the only way to end the Coal Trade War - interview with Earl Grey - reprint from the Daily Chronicle.
Report to the Board of Trade on Profit Sharing (presented to both Houses of Parliament 1891).
Report on the System and Working of Co-operative People's Banks in Italy (Foreign Office misc. series 1887). Presented to both Houses, April 1887.
Report on National and People's Banks in the United States of America (Foreign Office misc. series 1887). Presented to both Houses, March 1887.
January, February 1912 Garden Cities and Town Planning.
Town Planning by Raymond Unwin (Victoria League Imperial Health Conference).
The Decorative Cooperators' Association Limied Balance Sheet 3 December 1885.

Paper   59f.
GRE/B196/1   1885-1917
21 May 1885 Letter J. Westlake to Grey, the Lambourn Farm scheme.
5 October 1885 Letter Wantage to Grey, account of visit to a co-operative farm.
24 May 1886 Letter Edward Owen Greening to Grey, asking him to address National Congress of Co-op. Societies on co-partnership.
31 May 1886 Letter Edward W. Greening [to Grey], concerning a co-operative workshop (see enclosure). Enclosures: Prospectus of the London Productive Society; Form of application for shares in the above.
Subsidiary file containing:
2 May 1885 Letter A. Edmond to Grey, concerning a co-operative farming scheme Grey submitted to him.
15 May 1885 Letter George J. Walker to A. Edmond, same subject.
18 May 1885 Letter Colonel T. Innes to A. Edmond, same subject.
21 May 1885 Letter A. Edmond to Grey, concerning similar schemes.
22 May 1885 Letter A. Edmond to Grey, concerning an article Grey is to write for the Nineteenth Century.
26 May 1885 Letter James Elvin (?) of Dunstable to Grey, co-op farming.
Association Farming: Paper read by David Johnson at Congress held at Derby, Whitsundtide, 1884 (2 copies).
Five Years of Labour Association: Summary of results of the Familistère of Guise.
8 September 1881 The Association of the Familistère: Lecture by M. Godin.
18 May 1885 Leaflet by Grey, Lambourne Farm.
30 May 1885 Leaflet by Bolton King, Lambourne Farm.
23 August 1899 Extract from Newcastle Chronicle, co-operative movement in Ireland.
28 August 1899 Letter Bishop of Durham to Grey, Labour Association meeting in Newcastle.
24 August 1899 Copy letter Oswald Fletcher (Sec? to Grey) to Mr Graham (Sec. Jarrow Co-op. Soc.), inefficiency of labour employed by co-operative societies.
29 August 1899 Letter W.D. Graham to Fletcher, impracticability of profit sharing in the building trade.
24 August 1899 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, “Co-operators as Builders”.
25 August 1899 Cutting from the Jarrow Guardian, “The working man and his home”, “The Co-operative Society's venture in House Building”.
16 August 1898 Copy letter Grey to Mr Massingham of the Daily Chronicle, concerning the speech he is to make as President of the Co-operative Festival.
5 September 1899 Letter George Livesey to Grey, a paper he will write for the Labour Association meeting in Newcastle.
1 September 1899 Letter Bishop of Durham to Grey, the Newcastle meeting.
September 1899 Letter Bishop of Durham to Grey, co-partnership meeting at Blaydon; Livesey's letter.
2 October 1899 Letter John Whitburn to Grey, the Labour Association meeting in Newcastle.
4 October 1899 Letter A.H.J. Cochrane to Grey, system of employees' deposits at Elswick Works, Newcastle.
26 October 1899 Letter W. Clayton to Grey, profit sharing.
January 1900 Circular letter from Grey as President of the Labour Association, on the aims of the Association.
27 February 1900 Copy letter Grey to Visc. Willoughby, concerning co-operative stores and the one at Howick.
14 February 1900 Letter Willoughby de Eresby to Grey, question about co-operative stores; his views on the army.
11 September 1900 Copy letter Grey to Mr Kenworthy, the reward of capital and labour.
9 January 1900 Letter J. Whitburn to Grey, trade union opposition to the Labour Association in Newcastle; a printing firm that is prepared to introduce co-partnership.
20 January 1900 Copy letter Grey to Whitburn, the printing firm.
20 January 1900 Copy letter Grey to H. Crawford Smith, the printing firm.
20 January 1900 Copy letter Grey to W.A. Watson-Armstrong, asking him to become a Vice President of the North of England Centre of the Labour Association.
20 January 1900 Copy letter Grey to G.B. Hunter, concerning Hunter's profit sharing scheme and savings bank.
6 January 1900 Letter G.B. Hunter to Grey, concerning his proposed profit sharing scheme.
3 January 1900 Draft of profit sharing scheme of C.S. Swan & Hunter Ltd. Conditions upon which C.S. Swan and Hunter will receive deposits from employees.
2 July 1901 Letter George Livesey to Grey, profit sharing, his opposition to the sale of liquor in any shape or form. Enclosure: 30 June 1901 South Metropolitan Gas Co.: Profit Sharers, by George Livesey.
12 September 1911 Typescript memorandum on the problems connected with the relations between employer and employed now under discussion.
4 March 1912 Letter Arthur Macgillicuddy to Grey, asking him to write a book on co-partnership, and concerning the movement he (Macgillicuddy) is sponsoring.
Preliminary Notice: the New Co-operative Labour Movement.
13 March 1912 Letter A.H. MacKmurdo to Grey, enclosing letter from him published in The Westminster Gazette on profit sharing and co-partnership and the differences between them.
16 March 1912 Letter A.H. MacKmurdo to B. Gilbertson, Grey and profit sharing and co-partnership.
22 March 1912 Copy letter Joseph Hale (Managing Director of the Sydney and Crump Meadow Collieries Co. Ltd.) to Lady Paget, co-partnership and the coal industry.
7 May 1912 Letter Sir G.S. Barnes (of the Board of Trade) to Grey, proportion of time to piece workers; mining legislation in France.
21 August 1912 Letter Leonard Stocks to Grey, concerning his son who wants to enter the Rhodesian Civil Service; the state of the Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Co-operative Society.
23 March 1915 Copy letter Grey to Dr Ross, the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust; the Howick Co-operative Society; the possibility of using the carts for distributing books; co-partnership housing movement - the Hampstead Garden Suburb.
27 March 1915 Letter John Ross to Grey, replying to the above.
“The Labour Unrest”, extract from Daily Mail, by Vernon Hartshorn.
Part of a speech (in Canada) by Grey on co-operation.
Notes by Grey on a co-operative banking scheme.
Notes by Grey on co-operative principles applied to the raising of money loans and on results of co-operation in Ireland.
7 November 1913 Paper: “Co-partnership and Industrial Efficiency”.
13 April .... Letter from O'Donnell of O'Donnell to Grey, Jewish influence against co-partnership.
n.d. [1898?] Copy letter Grey to Mr Knight, a meeting of co-operative society committees at Howick (2 copies).
[1917] Message from Grey to Greening on the centenary of the birth of George Jacob Holyoake (3 copies).

Paper   145f.
GRE/B196/2   1899-1903
File of press cuttings on co-operation and co-partnership.

Paper   19f.
GRE/B196/3   1892-1913
File of press cuttings, co-partnership, profit sharing and labour unrest.

Paper   57f.
GRE/B196/4   1895-1913
File of miscellaneous printed matter, co-partnership and profit sharing and industrial unrest.

Paper   30f.
GRE/B196/5    1901-1912
File of miscellaneous printed matter, British and American industry, industrial villages, agricultural labourers' cottages, credit banks.

Paper   6f.
Co-operative Gathering at Howick, 3 September 1898
Reference: GRE/B196/6
Dates of creation: 1898-1917
Extent: 93f.Paper

Letters to Grey, some apologising for absence and giving messages of support:
5 August 1898 R. Knight (Boiler Makers' & Iron Ship Builders' Executive Council).
10 August 1898 Thomas Burt.
10 August 1898 John Whitburn (Northern United Enginemen's Association).
11, 19 August 1898 William Crooks (Co-operative Union, Northern Section). Enclosures: Ticket for the event and circular concerning it.
15 August 1898 Edward Trow (Associated Iron and Steel Workers of Great Britian).
15 August 1898 Alex Wilkie (Associated Shipwrights' Society).
19 August 1898 J. Whitburn (Northern United Enginemen's Association).
30 August 1898 Crawford Smith.
30 August 1898 C. Fenwick MP.
Greening (telegram).
Typescript extracts from 6 of the above letters (in duplicate).
Draft programme.
Copy of a resolution evidently to be proposed at the gathering in support of the Tsar's initiative about reduction of arms.
Draft of vote of thanks to Lord and Lady Grey.
9-27 August 1898 Letters to J.H. Mansfield from or on behalf of those wishing to take part in the quoits and cut flower competitions. 27 pieces.
2 September 1898 1 letter W. Dodson (secretary of Howick Co-operative Soc.) to Mansfield, concerning the gathering.
Pages concerning the quoits and cut flower competitions.
Signatures of those present and names of the societies to which they belonged.

Printed Matter.
Minutes of evidence before a committee of the [Canadian] House of Commons on an Act respecting industrial and co-operative societies:
No. 1. 8 February 1907 (2 copies).
No. 2. 20 February 1907 (2 copies).
No. 3. 22 February 1907 (2 copies).
No. 4. 1 March 1907 (1 copy).
No. 5. 7 March 1907 (1 copy).
No. 6. 12 March 1907 (1 copy).
23 April 1906 Speech of F.D. Monk, MP, on industrial and co-operative societies, [Canadian] House of Commons Debates.
January, October 1913, December 1915, January, February, March, April, June, August, October, November, December (2 copies) 1916, January, March 1917 Co-partnership.
1 September, 31 October 1916 The C.F. & I. Industrial Bulletin (published by the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co.).
Board of Trade Report on Industrial and Agricultural Co-operative Societies in the United Kingdom with Statistical Tables. (Presented to both Houses, 1912).
June 1909 The Bankers' Magazine.
March 1912 Co-Partners' Magazine.

Deputy Lieutenants and JPs appointed by Lord Grey
Reference: GRE/B197/1
Dates of creation: 1898-1904
Extent: 22f.Paper

23 February 1899 Letter Adolphus George Charles Liddell to Grey, fees payable on Grey's appointment as Lord Lieutenant, etc.
21 February 1899 Letter Adolphus George Charles Liddell to Grey, re above.
28 February 1899 Letter Charles D. Forster to Grey, thanking him for appointment as clerk to the Lieutenancy of Northumberland.
3 February 1899 Letter Stephen Sanderson to Grey, congratulating him on his appointment as Lord Lieutenant.
1 February 1899 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, same subject.
1 February 1899 Letter Duke of Northumberland to Grey, same subject.
19 February 1900 Letter Charles D. Forster to Grey, concerning his Lord Lieutenancy.
1 March 1899 Copy letters patent of Queen Victoria appointing Grey Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland and Newcastle.
10 May 1899 Letter Stephen Sanderson to Grey, the position of the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland in the boroughs of Newcastle, Morpeth and Berwick.
Roll of Deputy Lieutenants for Northumberland 1902 with dates of appointment.
Another list in alphabetical order.
Names added to the Commission of the Peace for Northumberland during Grey's Lord Lieutenancy.
July 1904 Names of gentlemen placed on the Commission of the Peace.
October 1904 Names of gentlemen placed on the Commission of the Peace.
1903 Roll of Deputy Lieutenants for Northumberland.
1847-1898 List of Deputy Lieutenants appointed during the Lieutenancies of the late Earl Grey and the late Duke of Northumberland.

GRE/B197/2   March 1915
26 March 1915 7 copies of a letter from Grey designed to recruit members to the Royal Colonial Institute.
Pamphlet: The Royal Colonial Institute and the War - address by Harry E. Brittain.
26 March 1915 Copy letter Grey to Edmund Marice Roche, 4th Baron Fermoy - Red Cross work in the USA and the Royal Colonial Institute.
22 March 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mangin, the YMCA and the troops.
3 March 1915 Letter Grey to Lovat, the Royal Colonial Institute and poor Scottish membership of it.
March 1915 Letter Grey to Harmsworth, the Royal Colonial Institute and its support in various countries; Grey's fund to send a representative to USA.
March 1915 Letter Grey to Sykes, similar to above.
Another copy of the main part of the above two letters.
Rough notes.

Paper   29f.
Transferred to papers relating to Moreton Frewen.

Tanganyika Concessions
Reference: GRE/B197/4
Dates of creation: March-July 1916
Extent: 27f.Paper

15 July 1916 Letter Robert Williams to Grey, concerning the A.G.M. of his concern; taxation; the financial position of Tanganyika Concessions.
17 July 1916 Circular from L. Scotland (Sec. to Tanganyika Concessions Ltd.), concerning postponement of A.G.M.
13 July .... Copy letter Tom Andrews to Williams, concerning his son; with note from Williams to Grey concerning the writer.
8 July 1916 Letter Robert Williams to Grey, the profits of the concern and the question of revealing them.
29 March 1916 Letter Robert Williams to Grey. His financial commitments and the proposal he is making on behalf of the Tanganyika Co. to the Belgian government. (+ 2 typescript copies).
28 March 1916 Letter Robert Williams to Grey, his valuation of his 10% of the Tanganyika Company's profits that George Grey's trustees were interested in (+ 2 typescript copies).

GRE/B197/5   1899-1904
28 September 1901 Letter J.F. Jones to Grey, concerning his memorandum (see below) and the desirability of an honour for Major Turner.
Copy memorandum by Jones concerning his purchase in Germany of 18 batteries of field guns with equipment; with a revised version of one page.
7 August 1902 Pamphlet: Report of Speeches at Dinner to Mr W.H. Milton, Administrator of Southern Rhodesia.
Subsidiary file containing:
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Michell, cattle disease in Rhodesia; Grey's ideas on development of farming there.
25 August 1902 Copy letter Milton to Grey, cattle disease and Orphen.
15 August 1903 Letter Sir George T. Goldie to Grey, question of his joining the Board of the British South Africa Co.
28 August 1903 Letter George T. Goldie to Grey, the directorship of the B.S.A. Co.
29 August 1903 Letter George T. Goldie to Grey, same subject.
2 September 1903 Copy letter Grey to Gifford, question of Goldie's directorship (2 copies).
2 September 1903 Copy letter Grey to Goldie, question of his being a second Vice-President (2 copies).
4 September 1903 Letter Gifford to Grey, on Goldie's position.
8 September 1903 Letter George T. Goldie to Grey, alternative work which he might undertake.
18 October 1903 Letter Goldie to Grey.
2 September 1904 Copy Grey to Goldie.
3 September, 4 October 1904 Letters Goldie to Grey.
5 April 1899 Circular letter [from offices of B.S.A. Co.], appealing for financial help for the Dominican sisters and also the Church of England in Rhodesia.
December 1899-December 1901 Bundle of press cuttings mainly concerning the native labour question in South Africa, with much criticism of Grey's speeches on it. Includes a letter [to Grey] from Wilfrid J. Caley, 29 March 1900.

Paper   72f.
GRE/B197/6   1911
6 February 1911 Memorandum by Grey of an interview with Charles R. Crane - American politics and Lafollette's and Roosevelt's part in them.
Pamphlet: A Brief Statement of Commission Government.
Leaflet: Results in Oregon of Direct Legislation.

Paper   12f.
GRE/B197/7   1909-1910
Press cuttings:
11 October 1909 “The Western Wheat Growers and Imperial Defence”, Star (Montreal).
17 February 1910 “Seven Years' War Ended”, Globe (Toronto).
30 March 1910 “La Loi Sur La Marine” by Henri Bourassa, Le Devoir.
Few notes by Grey on speeches in naval debate.

Paper   5f.
S.P. Cockerell
Reference: GRE/B197/8
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 10f.Paper

Memorandum on investment of British capital in the Dominions, colonies and foreign countries, with particular reference to Canada.
12 November 1910 Cutting from Canadian Mail, “Arthur Grenfell's Return ... London Banker's Impressions of Canada”.

GRE/B197/9   1912-1917
24 August 1916 Cutting from The Times, “Queensland and soldier settlers” with note by Grey, 24 August 1916, stating that a question should be asked in the House of Lords on the terms on which state loans are offered by Queensland to soldier settlers.
31 July 1916 Proof copy: Emigration after the War - Address by Grey at a conference between representatives of the home and dominion parliaments, at the House of Commons. (With many pencil alterations).
2 copies, without alterations.
An address (incomplete) on the problem of imperial land settlement and its consequences in loss of British population to the United States (draft).
Another (and evidently final) version incorporating much of the above with additional observations on emigration.
Another copy of the above with an additional page.
Rough notes by Grey on trade statistics.
Rough notes by Grey on land settlement.
Rough notes by Grey on development of resources of empire.
The Economics of James J. Hill (duplicated typescript; addressed to Moreton Frewen).
Note concerning central office of Imperial Board of Emigration.
“The Call of Canada”, by C.C. James. [On the settlers in Canada in 1816 and settlement of British soldiers there].
Typescript notes:
“The Newcomers - what Canada Offers the Settler”, W.D. Scott.
“Canada's Cornucopia”, James Carruthers.
“The Future of Saskatchewan”, Hon. W.R. Motherwell.
“Canada's Future within the Empire”, Gen. Sir Sam Hughes.
1914 Table of exports of merchandise from the United Kingdom.
Typescript sheets headed “Losing an Empire and Gaining a War”. [Food production in the UK and importation of food from the Empire].
Leaflet: Royal Colonial Institute Empire Land Settlement Committee for Sailors and Soldiers - Need for Imperial Conservation and Development Board.
Rough notes on agricultural potentialities of certain countries.
Printed pages: “Land settlement prospects for ex-service men in our overseas Dominions”. [Report on Sir Rider Haggard's Tour].
12 May 1916 Page from The Land, “After the War - What?” Immigration into Australia.
Copy letter from Leslie Scott to The Times, development of British agriculture.
Copy letter from W.H. Blake on Canada and the immigration that is to be expected after the war.
Rough notes by Grey on the empire and emigration. Part II of the Final Report of the Departmental Committee Appointed by the President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to Consider the Settlement and Employment on the Land in England and Wales of Discharged Sailors and Soldiers. [Presented to both Houses of Parliament, 1916].
Influx of Britishers into Canada after the War, by L. Curtis. Enclosed: Army Regulations India, vol.X paragraph 69 (typescript).
(1916) Booklet: A scheme to promote the transference of women, with a preference for widows and their children, from the British Isles to the King's Dominions overseas by utilising the organisation which the Salvation Army has developed in connection with the Darkest England Scheme in co-operation with the respective governments and authorities at home and abroad by W. Bramwell Booth.
(1916) Press cutting “The Empire and its Defenders”.
16 April 1915 Report of speeches at Lord Grey's dinner at Claridge's Hotel. Problem of land settlement of ex-servicemen when war ended. [The report is by H.F. Wilson and dated 27 April 1915; duplicated typescript].
Royal Colonial Institute: Empire Land Settlement - resolutions adopted at conference between the Empire Land Settlement Committee and several MPs held on 31 May ....
July 1916 Leaflet: An appeal to all Britons Overseas. Issued by the United Workers, London.
Resolution passed at a special meeting of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute on 27 August 1915. National service and imperial defence.
Resolution passed at a special meeting of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute on 30 November 1915. National service and imperial defence.
List of Parliamentary Committee of the Royal Colonial Institute.
List of MPs for the Joint Committee with notes of arrangements etc., being made by Leslie Scott.
Another list of names.
Rough note by Grey.
2 printed papers marked private and confidential:
February 1915 “Our Disabled Sailors and Soldiers” by C.H. Kenderdine.
18 December 1914 B. “Our Disabled Sailors and Soldiers” by Kenderdine. [A note states that “B” should be read as complimentary to “A”].
July 1916 Pages from The Board of Trade Labour Gazette.
Page from Hansard (?), Armament Works (profit sharing).
Press cutting “After the War - the future of world politics, wealth, trade, and labour” - A speech by Col. Sir Mark Sykes MP.
[March 1917] Page from The Commonwealth, “How to increase production”.
Cutting from The Times, “The Trade Union Future”.
19 January 1917 Cutting from The Times, “The Trade Union Outlook”.
11 February 1916 Letter from Commissioner David C. Lamb of the Salvation Army to Grey, enclosing an advance copy of pamphlet A Scheme to provide for the transference of widows, with their families, from the British Isles to the King's Dominions overseas by utilising the organisation which the Salvation Army have developed ...
20 February Letter Lord Howick (5th Earl Grey) to Grey, politics; the Murray-Fenner case.
21 May 1916 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Britain and the war; success of his squadron at a brigade show.
5 February 1914 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, international finance, his own financial affairs and worries, English politics.
4 April 1912 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, criticising the Liberal Chancellor's financial policy.

Paper   132f.
GRE/B197/10   1913-1916
Rough draft (typescript) of prospectus of proposed Australian Settlements Ltd.
Eighth Annual Report of the British Immigration League of Australia, 1913.
9 November 1914 Reasons given by Herbert E. Easton (Hon. Sec. British Immigration League) in support of the establishment of training farms in the U.K. (with MS additions).
Typescript paper on rights and duties of the citizen towards society.
1915 Copy typescript letter (part missing) on settlement of New or Greater Ontario, with extract from annual report 1915 on settlers, colonisation, etc.
June 1916 Printed memorandum on the industrial situation after the war, [issued by the Garton Foundation], with marginal note in pencil.

Paper   18f.
GRE/B197/11   1913-1915
Copy of an address [on imperial land settlement]. This differs in some respects from other documents on the subject previously listed.
10 June 1915 Memorandum by Christopher Turnor on land settlement (for the “After the War Empire Settlement and Rural Employment Committee”). 2 copies.
Paper signed by C. Turnor on the war and the land (duplicated typescript).
1 March 1915 Press cutting from Financier and Bullionist on Commonwealth Economies, etc.
30 September 1913 Reprint from Westminster Gazette, “How a Labour Colony has been made self supporting” by Capt. J.W. Petavel.
Copy resolutions carried at conference 6 January 1915.
Treatment of unemployment resulting from war conditions as an Empire matter.
16 December 1915 Copy letter Hugh R. Denison to the Hon. J.C. Watson, offer concerning training of soldiers returning from service in farming and stock work.
24 November 1915 Copy letter Herbert E. Easton to Mr Turnor, imperial land settlement and defence.

Paper   35f.
GRE/B197/12    1909-1914
13 July 1909 Letter F.S. Oliver to Grey, concerning the enclosed article, English politics, imperial defence, the biography of 2nd Earl Grey. Enclosure: Bound copy of special supplement to The National Review: “From Empire to Union” by F.S. Oliver.
February 1910 Pages from The National Review: “A Project of Empire” by F.S. Oliver.
24 October 1912, 17 April 1914, n.d. Letters Oliver to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B197   1833, 1894-1922
Books, etc.
Notebook containing notes by Grey on Ireland and Irish history up to 1886.
Small book containing:
6 February 1833 A letter to the Working Classes of Aberdeen, by John Davidson.
6 February 1833 A letter to Alexander Bannerman, Esq, MP, by John Davidson.
Considerations on the question of patronage in the Church of Scotland suggested by what took place in the Synod of Aberdeen, 10 April 1833, by A Lay Member of the Church. (Aberdeen 1833).
(1894) Pamphlet: Half-an-Hour's Reflection with the Million on the Classes and Masses Capital and Labour, Demand and Supply by F.T. Haggard.
April 1904 The Fifty-first Annual Report of the Committee of the North Eastern Reformatory School (Newcastle).
Towards Social Democracy? A Study of Social Evolution During the Past Three-Quarters of a Century by Sidney Webb.
[26 October 1916] The Relations of Capital, Labour and the State - Address to Bristol Employers by Dr Cyril Norwood with Some letters bearing thereon by Aldermen Frank Sheppard, and T.B. Johnston and an article by Arthur Kitson. (Bristol).
Industrial Representation Plan and Memorandum of Agreement Respecting Employment and Living and Working Conditions Applicable to the Mining Camps of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company.
[4 August 1922] A Measure Passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to Amend the Law Relating to the Tables of Lessons Contained in the Prayer Book.

Paper   13f.
GRE/B198/1   1898
1898 Speech by Grey on the state of agriculture in England.
Typescript extract [from a book?] on capital and labour, wage rates, factory system etc., laisser-faire.

Paper   13f.
Productive Co-operation; Christal Palace
Reference: GRE/B198/2
Dates of creation: [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Extent: 43f.Paper

Speech on co-operation and the industrial situation in England.
Speech on co-operative production with special reference to Kettering and Leicester experiments.
Speech “Industrial Republics”, Economical Co-operation in England [a long treatise on various aspects of co-operation].
Notes on progress of co-operation.
Notes on development of women's trade unions.

GRE/B198/3   1900
Rules for essay competition on co-operative production, with short list of literature on co-operative production and labour co-partnership.

Paper   2f.
GRE/B198/4   1882, 1883
Return of diseased animals detained at Irish Ports.

Paper   2f.
GRE/B198/5   1894-1898
1894-7 Prices of linseed cake, compound cakes and blood and bone manure.
Rough notes by Grey on seeds and the wheat crop of 1894 etc.
Board of Agriculture Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Regulations 1897.
18 January 1897 [should be 1898] Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey, enclosing the following: 15 January 1898 Letter C.H. Eden to George Grey - extension of Andrew's lease and a trespass of barrier at Broomhill.
19 January 1898 Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey, enclosing cutting from the Newcastle Journal: statistics for Newcastle cattle market 1870-1897 (numbers of animals sold) and prices 1883-1897.
3 September 1897 Cutting from The Berwick Advertiser, “A Year's Corn Trade at Berwick”, with MS additions and a MS comment by George Grey attached.
27 December 1897 Cutting from The Scotsman.

Paper   10f.
Transferred to papers relating to Moreton Frewen, box 201.
Transferred to papers relating to Farm Cottages, box 200.
GRE/B198/8   11 January 1899
Letter R. Fairbairn to Grey, concerning the Co-operative Lighterage Association and requesting Grey's help to expose a conspiracy to break it up.

Paper   2f.
GRE/B198/9   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
MS one act play. Earl of C_ and the pork chop.

Paper   1-4f.
GRE/B198/10   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Mr Mundella's proposals for revision of Education Code, with comments in red ink; and press cutting “Notes in the West”.

Paper   1f.
GRE/B198/11   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
File of notes, including part of a speech by Grey in the House of Commons, on local rates and local government; women's suffrage; part of speech by Grey on introducing bill for local government boundary reorganisation.

Paper   63f.
Transferred to box 200.

GRE/B198/13    February 1900
Copy of orders and arrangements in connection with the equipment of 3 companies of yeomanry in Northumberland and Durham and copy agreement concerning the union of Northumberland and Durham War Funds.

Paper   3f.
GRE/B198/14   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
File of notes from article in the Nineteenth Century and other sources on various aspects of India - and international questions relative to India and Afghanistan, including a paper by Grey on the Afghan war of 1878; many of the notes are from writings of Sir H. Rawlinson.

Paper   60f.
GRE/B198/15   February 1884
Report [Privy Council Office] on an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the Quarantine Station at Portland, Maine, USA.

Paper   1f.
GRE/B198/16   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Names and addresses of over 60 leading miners, mostly in Northumberland.

Paper   2f.
GRE/B198/17   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Paper [Treasury] on revenues that might be assigned to local authorities.
Another paper [with queries] relating to local government finance.

Paper   2f.
GRE/B198/18   1883-1884
15 April 1883 Letter George Culley to Grey, local taxation.
16 April 1883 - 13 April 1884 3 letters George Culley to Grey.
Paper (notes by Grey) endorsed George Culley's statement as to yearly charge to landlord percent on money borrowed from state or public land companies [with reference to cottages].
Paper marked “Fitzmaurice” with observations on local government finance.
9 May 1883 Letter R. Purvis to Grey, giving a reference to an article in the Edinburgh Review on local government and taxation.

Paper   10f.
GRE/B198/19   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Rough notes concerning proposed Northumberland Association for the Promotion of University Education of the People.

Paper   6f.
GRE/B198/20   [c. 1881]
(c.1881) Pamphlet: A Short Statement of the Churches Built and New Parishes Endowed Within the Diocese of London Since the Census of 1861.
MS list of parishes where population increased or diminished between 1861 and 1881 with particulars of the number of churches.

Paper   3f.
GRE/B198/21   [c. 1881]
Grey's suggestion concerning the imposition of a fine on lessors of overcrowded workmen's houses.
Press cutting of report of an inquest on a child killed through defect in slum property; with MS notes evidently of evidence given before a Select Committee on the Artizans' Dwellings Acts of 1875 and 1879 appointed in May 1881.

Paper   3f.
GRE/B198/22   1881
28 March 1881 Extract from Dodson's speech on Harcourt's motion on maintenance of main roads. [Concerns government grants for pay and clothing of borough and county police].
References to Hansard on Harcourt's motion on main roads.

Paper   2f.
GRE/B198/23   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
File of notes for speech on British policy in Egypt.

Paper   56f.
GRE/B198/24   1877-1881
File of printed matter.
Shareholders of Big Horn Cattle Co., with MS additions.
(Proof) Handbill: Society of Arts Domestic Economy Congress in London 1881.
1877 (Proof) Memorandum on a scheme for promoting national cultivation of music (with MS addition).
MS notes concerning particulars in respect of education and finance which might be laid before Parliament.

Paper   4f.
GRE/B198/25   1878
7 May 1878 (?) Letter Grey to Fenwick, Grey and the Eastern Question.
Circular concerning a conference of representatives of Liberal Associations and Clubs in the Northern Counties to be held on 30 April 1878 to express the view that the government should use all conciliatory means of speedily obtaining a peaceful Congress of Great Powers to settle the Eastern Question. 2 other copies.

Paper   5f.
GRE/B198/26   [late 19th century]
Rough notes on Irish Coercion Act.
Notes on Churchill's policy towards Ireland.

Paper   5f.
GRE/B198/27   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Miscellaneous rough notes including particulars of revenue raised by various forms of taxation and an account of the making of silage.

Paper   9f.
GRE/B198/28   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Printed pictures and postcards, etc.

Paper   15f.
GRE/B198/29   30 May 1883
Book containing minutes of meeting of the Decorative Co-operators' Association Limited.

Paper   1f.
GRE/B198/30   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Book containing notes of the opinion of Mr Brunton M.D. on the medical effects of alcohol on humans.

Paper   1f.
GRE/B198/31   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Book containing notes by Grey for speech on co-partnership; at back is programme for a co-operation exhibition; and notes on financial aspect of certain co-operative enterprises.

Paper   1f.
GRE/B198/32   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Book containing notes evidently largely from an official report on licensing, drunkenness, etc.[includes press cuttings].

Paper   8f.
GRE/B198/33   [late 19th-early 20th centuries]
Book containing notes, largely of a moralistic nature, on drink [includes press cuttings].

Paper   7f.
Transferred to box 200.

GRE/B198/35   1898-1899
Book containing notes on co-partnership (some inserted loose) including a paper “Suggestions re possible church help to co-operation”, September 1898, by Edward Owen Greening (addressed to Grey): Also enclosed: 29 September 1899 Letter from B. Tetlow to Grey, concerning sales of co-operative distributive societies and investment by co-operative societies in outside securities.
16 October 1899, cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Co-operative Production and Co-partnership., 2 copies.
Handwritten notes, 'Not Speaker, Preacher, Actor, combination Time & Place a bit trying', two sheets, undated.
Notes on list of speakers for the Industrial Co-partnership Conference, Bolton, 16 December 1899.
Partial MS notes (pages 7 - 10) on laws of isolation and co-partnership(?).
Partial MS notes, unknown subject.

Paper   16f.
GRE/B199/1   1898
File of duplicated typescripts of documents circulated to the Directors of the British South Africa Company concerning various business and administrative matters, with copies of various agendas for meetings.

Paper   181f.
GRE/B199/2   1900
Duplicated typescripts of documents circulated to the Directors of the British South Africa Company, including reports from Major Colin Harding on his journey throughout Northern Rhodesia.

Paper   57f.
GRE/B199/3   1901
Duplicated typescripts of documents circulated to the Directors of the British South Africa Company, including report on rubber industry, and reports on administrative matters.

Paper   15f.
GRE/B199/4   1901
Duplicated typescripts of documents circulated to the Directors of the British South Africa Company, on the ordinance prepared by the Rhodesian Chamber of Mines dealing with question of mining on commonages and adjoining outspans.

Paper   41f.
GRE/B199/5   [1901]
Duplicated typescripts of documents circulated to the Directors of the British South Africa Company, “Extracts from Salisbury Office Mail Letter ... 20 April 1901”, mainly concerning gold and coal grants; labour from Abyssinia.

Paper   68f.
GRE/B199/6   [1901]
Duplicated typescripts “Extracts from Bulawayo Office Mail Letter ... 8 May 1901”, native affairs and native commissioners' reports.

Paper   56f.
GRE/B199/7    [15 May 1901]
Duplicated typescript: Rhodesia Railways Ltd. Report by S.F. Townsend for the year ended 31 October 1900.

Paper   16f.
GRE/B199/8   [1901]
Duplicated typescript “Extracts from Cape Town Office Mail Letter ... 15 May 1901”, Chinese labour.

Paper   5f.
GRE/B199/9   [1901]
Duplicated typescript “Extracts from Salisbury Office Mail Letter ... 18 May 1901”, native commissioners' reports, March 1901.

Paper   29f.
Farm Cottage Questionnaires
Reference: GRE/B200
Dates of creation: 1884
Extent: 1 filePaper

Returns to a questionnaire sent out by Grey in 1884 concerning the state of farm cottages and other dwellings of the working classes in Northumberland. Grey issued this questionnaire in order to gather information for a paper he was to give at the Newcastle Diocesan Conference. The returns have been arranged under the Poor Law Unions in the County. Inside the cover of each file is an alphabetical list of the parishes or places for which there is a return. For list of unions, see below.
200/1 Alnwick Union, cf. 200/14
200/2 Belford Union
200/3 Bellingham Union
200/4 Berwick Union
200/5 Castle Ward Union
200/6 Glendale Union
200/7 Haltwhistle Union
200/8 Hexham Union
200/9 Morpeth Union, cf. 200/14
200/10 Newcastle Union
200/11 Rothbury Union
200/12 Tynemouth Union
200/13 Unidentified returns
200/14 Morpeth estate Howick estate
200/15 Grey's notes based on the above returns.

The following letters are included among the returns (separate from letters written on the back of the forms):

GRE/B200/1    9 October 1884
Middleton H. Dand to Grey. Alnwick (21a).
Paper   65f.
GRE/B200/2    4 October 1884
R. Burdon Sanderson to Grey. Belford (6).
Paper   20f.
GRE/B200/4   September-October 1884
26 September 1884 J. Henderson to Grey. Berwick (1).
29 September [1884] J. Waite to Grey. Berwick (11).
24 September 1884 Hubert E.H. Jerningham to Grey. Berwick (14).
13 October 1884 Evan Rutter to Grey. Berwick (18).
10 October 1884 Thomas Proctor to Grey. Berwick (19).

Paper   38f.
GRE/B200/6   8 October 1884
B.P. Selby to Grey. Glendale (2).
Paper   19f.
GRE/B200/7    28 October 1884
William Hudspith to Grey. Haltwhistle (3).
Paper   12f.
GRE/B200/8   October 1884
8 October 1884 G.W. Richardson to Grey. Hexham (15).
25 October 1884 J.L. Low to Grey. Hexham (19).

Paper   28f.
GRE/B200/9   September-October 1884
13 October 1884 W. Clarkson to Grey. Morpeth (9).
23 October 1884 S.H.P. Whittuck to Grey. Morpeth (10).
13 October 1884 S.F. Widdrington to Grey. Morpeth (11).
16 October 1884 Lewis Proudlock (?) to Grey. Morpeth (14).
30 September 1884 J.P. Mitford to Grey. Morpeth (18).
18 October 1884 John Hutson to Grey. Morpeth (21).
16th Annual Report and Balance Sheet for Northumbria Permanent Benefit Building Society (3).
93rd Quarterly Report and Balance Sheet for the Bedlington Equitable Industrial Co-operative Society (5A)).

Paper   35f.
GRE/B200/10   18 October 1884
Charles John Reed to Grey. Newcastle (2).
Paper   2f.
GRE/B200/12   September-October 1884
9 October 1884 William Lockyer to Grey. Tynemouth (7).
1 October 1884 William A. Potter to Grey. Tynemouth (8).
10 October 1884 James S. Blair to Grey. Tynemouth (14).
11 October 1884 John Kneebone to Grey. Tynemouth (16).
14 October 1884 William Skene to Grey. Tynemouth (20).
24 September 1884 R.F. Wheeler to Grey. Tynemouth (23).

Paper   31f.
GRE/B200/14   October 1884
27 October 1884 Letter G.A. Grey to Grey.
25 October 1884 Letter John Wigham(?) to G.A. Grey.
List of building[s] erected and remodelled on the Morpeth Estate 1857-1884.
October 1884 List of cottages built under G.A. Grey's superintendence in the last 25 years.
25 October 1884 Letter Robert Russell to G.A. Grey, enclosing list of Howick Estate Cottages new and restored since 1845.

Paper   7f.
GRE/B200/15   [c. October 1884]
Notes by Grey based on the returns to the Farm Cottages questionnaires.
Paper   16f.
GRE/B200/16   [1884]
Notebook containing notes from various sources about cottage accommodation.
Paper   1f.
GRE/B200/17   September-October 1884
27 October 1884 Letter Stephen White, with circular letter from Grey on farm cottages.
27 October 1884 Letter Stephen Campbell Crone.
27 September 1884 Letter Duke of Northumberland.
25 September 1884 Letter Andrew J. Blackett Ord.
25 September 1884 Letter H. Taylor.
4 September 1884 Letter William Davison.
2 October 1884 Letter John W. Gibson (Clerk to Newcastle Union).
29 September 1884 Letter Walter Gladstone (Relieving Officer Newcastle Union).
n.d. [1884] Letter C.A. Manby.
6 October 1884 Letter P.H. Phelp.
13 October 1884 Letter S. Neil.
13 October 1884 Letter Charles C. Grainger to Neil.
3 October 1884 Letter Robert Guthrie.
27, 29 September 1884 2 letters R[obert] G[eorge] Bolam.
2 October 1884 Letter Algernon Edward Tollemache, Minister of Etall Church 1882-1902.

Paper   19f.
GRE/B200/18   [c. October 1884]
Notebook containing notes by Grey on some of the returns to his questionnaire and parts of the originals which he cut out and pasted in this book.
Paper   1f.
GRE/B200/19   [c. October 1884]
Another notebook with notes from the returns.
Paper   1f.
GRE/B200/20   [c. October 1884]
Another notebook with notes from the returns and parts of the returns cut out.
Paper   1f.
GRE/B200/21    29 June 1881
County of Northumberland: Basis or standard for the County Rates prepared by the County Rate Basis Committee, and allowed and confirmed by the Justices.
Paper   1f.
Correspondence between Moreton Frewen and Grey and Others
Reference: GRE/B201
Dates of creation:
Extent: 1 filePaper

This correspondence is almost entirely concerned with matters relating to Frewen's speculations, financial difficulties, and lawsuits. There are, however, occasional letters, or parts of letters, dealing with other subjects such as politics, currency questions, and personal matters. A considerable part of the later correspondence relates to certain land at Prince Rupert which Frewen, Grey and others were purchasing.

GRE/B201/1   [1884]-1887
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, cattle disease and ranching in America.
Press cutting, “The Wyoming Cattle Question”, etc.
MS copy of articles in the press on Wyoming cattle and cattle disease.
Circular issued by J.M. Carey (President of the Wyoming Stock Growers' Association) on measures to prevent introduction of Texas fever.
20 December [1884?] Letter Frewen to Grey, politics.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, currency.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, politics (Barrow).
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, politics (Barrow).
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, politics (Barrow).
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, gossip.
15 May 1885 Letter Frewen to Grey, USA cattle trade and the British Contagious Diseases Acts.
16 May 1885 Letter Frewen to Grey, agricultural renaissance.
2 September 1885 Letter Frewen to Grey, politics, etc.(Hexham).
17 October 1885 Letter Frewen to Grey, politics.
n.d. [1886?] Letter Frewen to Grey.
27 July 1886 Letter Frewen to Grey, ranching, railways etc., in America.
23 December 1886 Letter Frewen to Grey, politics.
24 January 1887 Letter Frewen to Grey, finance.
31 March 1887 Letter Frewen to Grey, politics, business.
2 December 1887 Letter Frewen to Grey, situation in India.
Rough notes by Grey - Star Adelaide shares and other financial matters.

Paper   33f.
GRE/B201/2   1892-1897
18 January 1892 Frewen on the Crawford Mill in the United States.
14 February 1892 Extracts from letter from Mr Moreton Frewen, (duplicated typescript) concerning the Crawford Mill.
18 February 1895 - 24 December 1897 38 letters Moreton Frewen to Grey, including 5 undated letters (2 of which are fragments only).
[17 August 1897] Letter written by Frewen for Grey to send as from himself to Maguire.
17 August 1897 Memo by Frewen stating that Grey was proprietor of a quarter of Frewen's share in several groups of mines.
25 September 1897 Draft letter for grey to write to Murray Guthrie.
c. 8 October 1897 Press cutting concerning the Klondyke goldfields.

Paper   80f.
GRE/B201/3   1898-1903
January 1898 4 letters from Moreton Frewen to Grey, two of which are undated (one of these incomplete).
Particulars of copper, silver and gold mining properties in the Adelaide group and of a gold and silver property named Star and Grey Eagle, both in Nevada, West America.
8 May 1898 - 3 November 1898 6 letters from Moreton Frewen to Grey (one incomplete).
6 November 1898 Copy letter Grey to Murray [Guthrie].
6 December 1898 - 26 December 1898 9 letters from Moreton Frewen to Grey, three of which are undated.
The Esteve Steel Co. - typescript and MS particulars of the steel produced by the Esteve Process including some copies of correspondence on the subject.
6, 20, 26 January 1899 Letters from Frewen to Grey.
18 February 1899 Letter B.F. Hawksley to Grey.
[18 February], 5, 25 May, 3 June, 2 July 1899 5 letters Frewen to Grey.
17 June 1899 Letter Otto Stalmann to Frewen.
8 July [1899] Letter Frewen to Grey.
20 July 1899 Letter Whitehead Marshall and Co. to Grey.
6 July 1899 Copy letter Frewen to Whitehead.
n.d., 12 August, 26 August 1899 and press cutting Letters Frewen to Grey.
26 August 1899 Copy letter from Frewen with memo on the Denver Street Railways.
2 September 1899 Letter Frewen to Grey.
Press cuttings on Massachusetts mineral “strike”.
17 August 1899 Letter A.H. Conrad to Frewen.
13, 14, 18, 19, 29 September, 2 November 1899 Letters Frewen to Grey.
2 November 1899 Letter A.W. Marshall to Frewen.
10, 15, 18, 21 November, 7 December 1899 Letters Frewen to Grey.
n.d. Copy cable Clement(?) to Grey.
17 December 1899 - 10 October 1902 10 letters Frewen to Grey, three of which are undated. The letter of 10 October 1902 quotes a letter C.A. Towne to Frewen.
8 December 1902 Copy letter Chas. A. Towne to Frewen.
17 October 1902, 28 November 1902, n.d., n.d., 1 January 1903 Letters Frewen to Grey.
7 January 1903 Letter A. Lawson to Frewen.
22 January, 15 April, 28 May 1903 Letters Frewen to Grey.
12 August 1903 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
19 August 1903 Letter F.J. Doyle to Frewen.
27 December 1903 - 26 August [1904?] 6 letters Frewen to Grey, including undated fragment of a letter from Frewen.

Paper   189f.
GRE/B201/4   1904-1909
7 December 1904 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
9 December 1904 2 letters Frewen to Grey.
n.d. Part of a letter Frewen to Grey.
14 December 1904 Letter Frewen to Grey.
7 December 1904 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Frewen.
Fragment of a letter from 37A Great Cumberland Place.
20 December 1904 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
n.d. Copy extract of letter [from Frewen to Grey(?)].
[13? January 1905] Letter Frewen to Grey.
24 January 1905 Letter Frewen to Grey.
30 April 1905 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
4 May 1905 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
18 May 1905 Copy letter Grey to the Hon. C. Parsons.
6 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
6 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to George Westinghouse.
11 June [1905] Letter Frewen to Grey.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey.
30 September .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
8 October 1905 Letter Frewen to Grey.
4 November .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
9 November .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
17 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
22 November 1905 Letter Frewen to Grey.
November 1905 Incomplete letter Frewen to Grey(?).
27 November 1905 Letter Oliver Williams to Miss B. Gilbertson.
12 January 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
n.d. Extract of letter Frewen to Grey.
11 February 1906 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
19 February [1906?] Letter Frewen to Grey.
22 March .... Letter Frewen to Lady Grey.
31 March [1906] Letter Frewen to Grey.
8 December .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
13 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
10 April 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
26 June .... Part of letter Frewen to Grey.
2 September 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
18 October 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
25 October 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
23 October .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
7 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to A.P. Macquisten.
3 November [1906] Cable Frewen to Grey.
3 December 1906 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey.
15 December 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
19 December 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
20 December 1906 Copy Grey to Frewen.
22 December 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
31 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
31 December 1906 Letter Frewen to Grey.
3 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
7 January .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
8 January .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
February 1907 Letter Frewen [to Grey], [beginning missing].
26 October .... Copy letter A.P. Macquisten to Frewen.
14 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
25 February 1907 Letter Frewen to Grey.
2 March 1907 Letter Frewen to Grey.
8 April 1907 Part of a letter from Frewen to Grey.
24 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
26 June 1907 Letter Frewen to Grey.
1 July .... Letter Frewen to Thomas Burt (MP).
10 July .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
5 September 1907 Letter J.L. Garvin to Frewen.
1839 Lines from “Chaunt of Achilles”.
2 October 1907 Letter Frewen to Grey.
5 May 1899 Reprint from The Financial News, “The Irish Railway Problem” by Frewen.
7 November .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
16 November .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
Notes concerning Denver Trams and other investments.
11 November 1907 Proof copy of letter from Frewen to The Economist, “Mr Goshen's Plan of 1891 and the United States Currency Crisis”.
Cutting of the above letter.
14 December 1907 Letter Frewen to Grey.
23 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
9 January 1908 Letter Frewen to Grey.
9 January 1908 Letter J.L. Garvin to Frewen. Garvin on his newspaper activities.
20 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Alex. Henderson, 1st Baron Faringdon, on Frewen as a journalist; the Quebec battlefields scheme.
26 January 1908 Letter Frewen to Grey.
1 February 1908 Letter Frewen to Grey.
4 February 1908 Letter Sir Alex. Henderson to Grey, Frewen; the Quebec battlefields.
8 February 1908 Letter Frewen to Grey.
12 February 1908 Hearing with reference to Currency Legislation: Statement of the Hon. Moreton Frewen. [Before] Committee on Banking and Currency - House of Representatives (Washington 1908).
5 May 1908 Copy letter John P. Jones to Frewen, “The Crisis in the US and in the Exchanges with Asia”.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey. 6 August .... Letter Frewen to Grey.
10 August 1908 Letter Frewen to Grey.
26 August 1908 Letter Frewen to Grey.
10 August 1908 Copy letter Joseph Chamberlain to Frewen, his health.
20 October 1908 Copy letter H.M. Teller to Frewen. International currency, especially the fall in the value of silver. (Duplicated typescript; 3 copies).
Typescript copy of part of the above letter.
24 December 1908 Memo by Frewen.
5 January 1909 Letter Frewen to Grey.
29 March 1909 Note J. Bonar to Grey, prices and wages in India.

Paper   166f.
GRE/B201/5   1891-1904
30 March 1899 Note Grey to Williams, sending a cheque, and concerning some securities.
13 January(?) 1899 Note Grey to Williams, concerning a payment received and one to be made to Frewen.
29 March 1891 Letter Grey to Willy [Grenfell(?)], concerning a machine for crushing gold bearing ore in which Frewen was a speculator.
Press cutting with article “Farming Prospects for 1889” by Frewen.
8 February 1892 Copy letter A.W. Carscallen to F.R. Lingham, concerning a gold refining process and a gold mine.
1 January 1896 Letter Chalmers Guthrie & Co. to Grey, interest owed by Frewen to Grey.
6 October 1896 Letter Murray Guthrie to Grey, state of account between them.
5 May 1896 Letter Murray Guthrie to Grey, financial and business matters involving Frewen.
Grey and Murray Guthrie in account with Chalmers Guthrie & Co. 1895-6.
Grey in account with Frewen, 1895-6.
Grey and Murray Guthrie in account with Chalmers Guthrie & Co. 1895-6.
Murray Guthrie in account with Grey, 1895-7.
Note by Grey concerning Frewen's account with Christopherson.
Accounts: Frewen in account with Marten & Christopherson, September-November 1899.
Accounts by Marten & Christopherson of shares sold for Frewen, 25-26 October 1899.
6 December 1898 Letter J.C. Williams to Frewen, concerning useless transfers of sulphide shares. Enclosures:
10 December 1895 Deed of sale by Frewen of 500 shares in the Sulphide Corporation.
23 December 1895 Deed of sale by Frewen of 300 shares in the Sulphide Corporation.
5 July 1897 Copy deed of assignment of interest in a contract with the Exploration Company Limited from W. Murray Guthrie to Frewen.
6 December 1898 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey, various financial matters, especially between Frewen and Grey.
16 November 1898 Letter Johnsons & Willcox to Frewen, requesting payment of their account.
21 November 1898 Letter Murray Guthrie to Grey, his plan to save Frewen from bankruptcy.
31 October 1898 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey, concerning a share certificate received from Frewen.
4 May 1898 Part of letter from Adelaide Star Mines Ltd., concerning the mines and mills in Nevada and shares in the company.
23 May 1898 Letter J. Covey Williams to Frewen, concerning transfers of Adelaide Star Mining Co.'s shares from Frewen to Grey.
16 September 1898 Copy letter Otto Stalmann to Frewen, concerning the Star and Grey Eagle mines, Nevada.
The Adelaide Star Mines Ltd. Prospectus and Reports (1897).
Copies of the following:
30 November 1897 Watson, Laidlaw & Co. to Frewen, concerning Crawford's design for motors.
30 November 1897 Memorandum on Crawford's water motor for road vehicles.
n.d. Letter Grey to Maguire, concerning the justice of Frewen's claim against the Exploration Co.
26 January 1899 Letter [Williams' Agency] to Grey, concerning money advanced by Grey to Frewen (part missing).
27 January 1899 Letter [Williams' Agency] to Grey, concerning a loan to Frewen and shares given by Frewen as security (part missing).
16 March 1899 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey, concerning Frewen's shares.
Report of Proceedings at the Ordinary General Meeting of the Adelaide Star Mines Ltd., held within the Merchants' House, Glasgow, 29 December 1898.
19 January 1899 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey, financial matters between Grey and Frewen.
17 January 1899 Extract of letter from Lord Inverclyde to Grey, concerning information from Peter Coats (6 copies).
Copy memorandum addressed to Inverclyde concerning the same (6 copies).
17 January 1899 Copy letter John Dalziel to Lord Inverclyde, concerning information from Coats concerning Adelaide Star Mines shares (6 copies).
The Adelaide Star Mines Ltd. Reports and Statement of Accounts to 31 October 1898.
Moreton Frewen in account with Grey 1897-9.
13 January 1904 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey, concerning the following: Moreton Frewen in account with Grey, 1897-1904.
16 January 1904 Letter Charles H. Merz to Grey, process for making aluminium more cheaply.
30 October 1903 Letter Alfred Emley to Grey, concerning a furnace and the patenting of a gas heater.
27 September 1903 Copy memo by R.N. Grenfell concerning the Mr Towne's information on the Doyle Air Burner.
24 September 1903 Copy memo by R.N. Grenfell, on Mr Towne's information on the Roger's Dynamo, etc.
5 October 1903 Copy letter Alfred Emley to Grey, the Doyle furnace.
23 September 1903 Copy letter Henry S. Downe to Emley, same subject.
6 October 1903 Copy letter Alfred Emley to Grey, same subject.
n.d. Population statistics for various countries (2 copies). [Probably the enclosure referred to below*].
5-6 October 1903 Copy letter F.J. Doyle to Frewen, application of his firm's principle to locomotives; the hot air furnace, the gas stove.
5-6 October 1903 Letter F.J. Doyle to Frewen, original of the letter above.
3 October 1903* Copy letter Selden Fish to Frewen, patents for a gas heater and advancing of money for that purpose.
3 October 1903 Letter Selden Fish to Frewen, original of the letter above.
2 October 1903 Copy letter Charles A. Towne to Frewen, the Doyle invention and unfavourable reports on it. Roger's invention (dynamo).
2 October 1903 Letter Charles A. Towne to Frewen, original of letter above.
13 November 1903 Copy letter [Grey] to Rivy [Grenfell?], Roger's process: patents of it.
14 September 1903 Letter J.B. Carper to Grey, the Doyle system and gold mining.
n.d. Letter Frewen to ..., concerning Sheba mines and lawsuits concerning them.
1 October 1903 Copy letter F. Voeklein (Sec. to A. Beit) to Oliver Williams, concerning a loan to Grey which Grey has used to assist Frewen.
28 September 1903 Copy letter Oliver Williams to Beit, same subject as above.
2 October 1903 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, concerning the above letters.
23 July 1897 Prospectus of the Sulphide Corporation.
Rough memo by Grey concerning shares claimed by Frewen and his dispute with the Exploration Co.
Rough notes headed Electrozone - [shares issued].
4 December 1897 Letter Woolston & Beeton to Grey, transfer of sulphide shares.
23 May 1896 Letter Spencer Whitehead to Grey, concerning the company formed to pursue the Queen Sheba Mine venture and Grey's shares in it.
6 December 1898 Letter Frewen to Messrs. Williams, share transactions between Frewen and Grey.
17 July .... Letter Frewen to J.H. Williams, shares in the Brownhill Prop. Co.
9 March 1898 Letter Frewen to Mr Williams, Financial matters.
11 October 1900 Letter Frewen to Oliver Williams, financial matters.
13 December 1897 Letter Frewen to Messrs. Williams, business.
3 March 1898 Letter Frewen to Mr Williams, shares he is awaiting from USA.
21 July 1898 Letter Frewen to ..., shares from USA.
3 December 1897 Letter Frewen to Mr Williams, concerning a document he has to sign.
13 February 1899 Letter Frewen to Mr Williams, thanking him for sending a cheque for £500 from Grey.
31 August .... Letter Frewen to Mr Williams, finance.
10 April 1900 Copy memo by Frewen of agreement concerning shares (2 copies).
27 May [1898?] Letter Frewen to ..., concerning a “bill” for £750.
10 January 1904 Letter Grey to Mr Williams, inquiring about the state of accounts with Frewen and about the Star shares.
Papers relating to financial transactions involving Frewen 1897-1900. 6 pieces.
9 July 1902 Telegram Sec. Adelaide Star Mines to Williams Agency.
27 November 1900 Letter James Kerr (Sec. of Adelaide Star Mines) to J. Covey Williams, concerning shares under restriction (Adelaide Star deferred shares).
10 July 1902 Letter A.P. Stanley Macquisten to J. Covey Williams, same subject.
1 March 1904 Letter [?same] to Williams' Agency, removal restrictions on shares in the Adelaide Star Mines Co.
11 September 1897 Note from Frewen to Spencer Whitehead, ordering the payment of £500 to Mr Williams.
10 March 1898 Note from Frewen to F.R. Lingham, ordering the payment of £500 to Oliver Williams.
10 March 1898 Cheque Frewen to J.O. Williams for £500.
8 March [1898] Letter Frewen to Mr Williams, concerning the above cheque.
12 May 1898 Promissory note Frewen to Messrs. Williams Agency for £750 and interest.
29 November 1897 Note concerning Sulphide Corporation shares belonging to Grey.
31 July 1900 Letter Frewen to Grey, promising to give him a third of any commission etc., to which he becomes entitled in connection with the Denver City Tramway Co. and half of the shares etc., he receives from H.D. Moffatt etc., in connection with the Denver Water Union Co.
6 August 1900 Cheque Frewen to Grey for £500.
9 August .... Letter Frewen to ..., concerning a cheque.
2 August 1900 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, with note by Grey concerning a cheque from Frewen.
18 August 1900 Promissory note Frewen to Williams' Agency for £250.
7 September 1900 Promissory note Frewen to Williams' Agency for £250.
22 November 1900 Certificate of transfer of 100 Sulphide Corporation shares from Frewen to Grey.
Another unexecuted certificate of transfer of shares from Frewen to Grey.
6 October 1900 Promissory note Frewen to Williams' Agency for £1000.
21 November 1899 Letter Grey to Mr Williams, concerning shares he had bought from Frewen.
Note by Grey concerning a certificate.
21 November 1899 Letter Frewen to Grey, concerning a transaction in shares between them.
25 January 1899 Letter Grey to Williams, his debt on the Duke of St Alban's account and payment for shares received from Frewen.
Note concerning the importance of the following papers.
6 May 1899 Cheque from Frewen to Grey for £500.
n.d. [18 July 1901] Letter Frewen to Mr Williams, concerning the account between Frewen and Grey.
18 July 1901 Copy letter [Williams' Agency] to Grey, same subject.
13 December 1901 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Oliver Williams, interest due on a loan secured by Mrs Frewen's diamonds.
13 February 1902 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Oliver Williams, Mrs Frewen's financial affairs.
14 February 1902 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Oliver Williams, same subject.
15 February 1902 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to J. Covey Williams, same subject.
18 February 1902 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to J. Covey Williams, same subject.
21 August 1902 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to J. Covey Williams, same subject.
7 October 1902 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to J. Covey Williams, same subject.
27 March 1899 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, shares as security for a loan to Frewen.
2 November 1898 Letter Grey to Covey Williams, transaction in shares.
15 March 1899 Copy letter Grey to Mr Williams, certificate for shares to be given to Frewen.
16 March 1899 Receipt of Frewen for certificate for 1000 Adelaide Star Mines shares and transfer thereof.
Memo of undertakings [Frewen will have to make] to raise £1000.
31 July 1900 Copy letter Frewen to Grey, with note by Grey, Denver City Tramway Co. and Water Co. shares.
28 September 1903 Copy letter [Oliver Williams] to Alfred Beit, concerning a loan to Frewen.
1 October 1903 Copy letter F. Voeklein to Oliver Williams, concerning the above.
Frewen in account with Grey 1897-1904.
Frewen in account with Capt. Holford 1900-1904.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Charles ..., financial matters.
Duplicate cheque 12 May 1898 to Frewen for £500.

Paper   203f.
GRE/B201/6   [1902?]
n.d. [1902?] Letter Moreton Frewen to Lady Grey.
n.d. [1902?] Letter Frewen to Lady Grey.

Paper   2f.
GRE/B201/7   March, May 1914
25 March 1914 Letter Bourke Cockran to Frewen, partition of Ireland (incomplete).
19 May 1914 Letter Bourke Cockran to Frewen, partition of Ireland.

Paper   12f.
GRE/B201A/1   1909-1913
10 June 1909 Copy letter Travers Smith, Braithwaite & Co. to W.H. Lynch, Prince Rupert Townsite lots.
4 May 1909 Grand Trunk Pacific Town & Development Co. minutes - negotiations with Frewen for holdings at Prince Rupert.
5 September 1910 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert - disputes over the land.
14-18 September 1911 Copy of papers signed by George Maude, concerning Prince Rupert.
9 June 1911 Letter Frewen to Grey, Kenya and Prince Rupert mentioned; Irish political affairs.
7 March 1912 Copy letter Grey to Mr Nanton, value of Prince Rupert land that Frewen was purchasing.
Query about value of land between Melville and Phillips Creeks (2 pieces).
17 March 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, valuation of Prince Rupert lands.
19 March 1912 Copy letter [Grey] to A.W.M. Marshall, security for debt.
23 March 1912 Copy letter Frewen to Mr Balfour, currency.
19 April 1912 Copy letter Williams' Agency to W.H. Lynch [Prince Rupert property].
20 April 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, concerning various friends.
27 April 1912 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, Frewen's financial difficulties.
28 April 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, his business affairs.
30 April 1912 Memo by Mr Williams, business difficulties with Frewen.
2 May 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters involving Frewen.
14 May 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters involving Frewen.
14 May 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, value of Prince Rupert lands.
18 May 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters.
9 April 1912 Copy letter from the Sec. of the General Reliance Co. to ..., proposals in connection with the possible sale of Prince Rupert lands by the Grand Trunk Pacific Town and Development Co. to the General Reliance Co.
20 May 1912 Copy letter W.H. Lynch to Oliver Williams, Prince Rupert lands.
[8 April 1912?] Letter Frewen to Grey, his disillusionment with his “friends”, and financial affairs.
3 April 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, his decision to have no further dealings with Oliver Williams.
4 April 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Frewen's financial affairs.
Copy cable from Smithers [to Grey].
Prospectus of the Melville Syndicate Ltd. with MS addition.
Another copy of the above prospectus.
11 November .... Letter Frewen to Grey, possibly concerning the above prospectus.
14 June 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, concerning a letter to be written to Sir Edgar Vincent.
14 June 1912 Copy letter Grey to Williams (2 copies). The letter he (Grey) had written to Vincent.
14 June 1912 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edgar Vincent, agreement with Smithers.
Note concerning bonds to be issued by a company.
28 June 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, negotiations about Prince Rupert lands.
3 August 1912 Copy letter ... to Smithers, same subject (2 copies).
4 October 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, same subject; Williams' attitude to Frewen.
3 November 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, difficulties over Prince Rupert lands.
4 November 1912 Draft letter from Mr & Mrs Frewen and Oswald Frewen to Oliver Williams, security for loans.
5 November 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, security for loans.
8 November 1912 Copy letter Grey to Smithers, Frewen's claim to the “outside lands” at Prince Rupert.
8 November [1912] Memorandum by Frewen, his financial relations with Grey.
12 November 1913 Copy letter S.P. Panton to Frewen, slump in USA; auction of sites for cities.
28 November 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, Grey and the Empire.
Memo on Prince Rupert. (Endorsed “Lynch memo on Hays written in 1909”) - summarising negotiations that had taken place 1906-9.
28 November 1912 Copy letter Frewen to the Sec. of the Grand Trunk Railway Co., stating at length the evidence for his claim to the Prince Rupert lands.
Memo by Grey of a conversation he had with Smithers in November 1912 in which compensation for Frewen's friends who had lost money through him in connection with Prince Rupert was discussed.
11 December 1912 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, regretting that he had sent a certain letter without consulting his friends and solicitor.
13 December 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, the Prince Rupert lands case.
16 December 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Frewen's financial affairs and Grey.
17 December 1912 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, as above.
19 December 1912 Letter Frewen to Grey, the Prince Rupert case.
3 January .... Letter Rivy [Grenfell] to Grey, Arthur [Grenfell?]; the Grand Trunk Railway and Canada.
12 January 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, his Prince Rupert affairs.
19 January [1913] Letter Frewen to Grey, same subject.
27 January 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Frewen's financial affairs.
28 January 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, Prince Rupert.
3 February 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Grey, transferring to Grey 25% of his interest in Prince Rupert.
3 February 1913 Copy receipt of Frewen for £500 from Grey.
4 February 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, covering copies of letters signed by Frewen.
9 February 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert affairs and Grenfell.
18 February 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert.
20 February 1913 Memo [by Grey] of conversation with Mr Smithers, Smithers' business difficulties.
20 February 1913 Copy letter Grey to Smithers, contribution to the purchase of the Aldwych site.
21 February 1913 Copy letter Grey to Smithers, Hays' agreement with Frewen.
24 February 1913 Letter A.W. Smithers to Grey, concerning the Frewen case in connection with Prince Rupert.
27 February 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, business [connected with Prince Rupert?].
28 February 1913 Austin J. Wright to Grey, business matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
3 March 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters.
3 March 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters.
4 March 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, on his failure to obtain a loan for Frewen of £500.
6 March 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert business (part missing).
6 March 1913 Copy letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Austin J. Wright (of Williams Agency), Prince Rupert business.
6 March .... Copy letter Frewen to Williams, finance.
6 March 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Williams, finance.
6 March 1913 Copy letter [Williams] to Frewen, finance.
7 March 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, observations on Frewen's business methods.
7 March 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, his opinion of Frewen's chance of establishing his claim to Prince Rupert lands.
17 March 1913 Copy letter Batten Proffitt and Scott to A. & G. Marshall, Frewen and Grand Trunk Pacific.
17 March 1913 Letter [Oliver Williams?] to Miss Gilbertson, [incomplete], financial matters.
28 March 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Schreiber, Prince Rupert land prices
. 28 March 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert.
15 April 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert.
19 April 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, value of the Prince Rupert lands.
28 April 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, loans for Frewen.
2 May 1913 Letter Alfred W. Smithers to Grey, warning him about certain statements made by Frewen.
2 May 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, loan for Frewen.
16 May 1913 Letter Batten Proffitt & Scott to G. &. A. Marshall, making a proposal to settle the dispute with Frewen over the Prince Rupert lands.
Typescript copy of the above.
16 May 1913 Letter Alfred W. Smithers to Grey, concerning the above.
19 May 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, concerning the above compromise.
19 May 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, concerning the compromise.
20 May 1913 Copy letter Grey to Smithers, concerning the compromise.
20 May 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Marshall, concerning the compromise.
23 May 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, concerning a charge by way of collateral security on Frewen's property.
27 May 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, the compromise.
March 1913 Official Price List of the Registered Townsite Port Edward, B.C.
17 June 1913 Copy letter Batten Profitt and Scott to Messrs. G. & A. Marshall, modified compromise about Prince Rupert lands.
6 July 1913 Letter from Frewen, death of a friend [Alfred Lyttelton?].
6 July 1913 Letter from Frewen.
9 July 1913 Letter from Williams to Grey, Prince Rupert business.
22 July 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Marshall, his (money) debts to Grey.
n.d. Copy letter A.W.M. Marshall to Oliver Williams.
22 July 1913 Copy letter [Marshall] to Oliver Williams, Frewen's debts to Grey; the Prince Rupert lands.
23 July 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Frewen's debts to Grey.
6 August 1913 Copy letter from Grey to Sir Edgar Vincent, taxation of the Prince Rupert lands.
n.d. Note Frewen to Grey, finance.
8 August 1913 Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey, the Prince Rupert lands and finance.
21 August 1913 Copy letter [Williams' Agency] to Arthur Grenfell, concerning the next letter.
20 August 1913 Copy letter H. Ashton to Oliver Williams, concerning a company that is to be formed.
11 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, concerning the raising of money.
11 August 1913 Copy letter [Grey] to Williams, raising of money to form a company.
11 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, raising of money.
11 August 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Frewen, concerning the draft agreement relating to the Prince Rupert lands.
11 August .... Letter Frewen to Grey, evidently about Prince Rupert.
28 August 1913 Copy cablegram and decipher from Davis Marshall & Macneill to Gerald and Arthur Marshall, agreement involving Frewen.
13 August 1913 Copy letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Davis Marshall & Macneill, legal business in connection with the Prince Rupert compromise.
1 June 1914 Copy agreement of F.B. Grey to lease to R.W. Rhodes a piece of land in the Township of Carr in the district of Nipissing.
23 May 1913 Copy agreement between Frederick Bryant Grey and Robert James Loughead, for sale of lands in Township of Carr.
8 August 1913 Copy letter George W. Lee to J.L. Englehart, Mr Grey's land in the Township of Carr.
12 August 1913 Copy letter J.L. Englehart to Oliver Williams, Mr Fred Grey and the purchase of land in Canada from Grey.
13 August 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Miss Gilbertson, Frewen's debts to Grey.
14 August 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Frewen's financial affairs and the Prince Rupert lands.
14 August 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Frewen, his account with Grey.
17 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, financial matters including Grey's own relative poverty, and the Prince Rupert business.
14 August 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, raising of money.
16 August 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Mr Marshall, his financial transactions with Grey.
17 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen.
17 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Williams, concerning correspondence with Frewen.
17 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Arthur [Grenfell], financial matters.
18 August 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Miss Gilbertson, Frewen's account with Grey.
18 August .... Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters.
18 August .... Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters.
18 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Williams, the Frewen syndicate.
Part of a copy letter from Grey, the Frewen syndicate(?).
18 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Williams, the account between Frewen and him (Grey).
18 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, same subject.
19 ..... Postscript of letter from Frewen, finance.
August 1913 Account of Frewen to Grey.
19 August 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters between Frewen and Grey.
20 August .... Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters.
20 August 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, raising money to form a company.
21 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Vincent, same subject.
23 August 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, same subject and account between Frewen and Grey.
28 August 1913 Copy letter A.W.M. Marshall to Oliver Williams, Prince Rupert.
28 August 1913 Letter Frewen to Edgar [Vincent?], finance and the Prince Rupert lands.
29 August 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, the account between them and the Prince Rupert business.
29 August 1913 Letter [Williams' Agency] to Grey, covering letter to other documents.
31 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, the account between them and the raising of the Prince Rupert money.
31 August 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters relating to Sir Edgar Vincent.
1 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, money for the Prince Rupert lands.
3 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, raising money for Prince Rupert lands.
3 September 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Prince Rupert business.
3 September 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Grey (see other copy above).
4 September 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, criticising his business methods.
4 September 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Prince Rupert business; the account between Frewen and Grey.
5 September 1913 Copy letter [Williams?] to Arthur Marshall, asking him to peruse a proposed letter from Grey to Frewen and a letter from Frewen.
5 September 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, the dangers of Frewen's impetuosity.
5 September 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, Grey's letter to Frewen; the Prince Rupert business.
6 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, satisfactory developments in the Prince Rupert business.
September 1913 Particulars of property from Stephen's list.
7 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, replying to Grey's criticism of 4 September, particularly concerning Sir Edgar Vincent.
10 September 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, the account between them and concerning Sir Edgar Vincent.
10 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, the account between them.
12 September 1913 Letter S.P. Panton to Frewen, land transactions in British Columbia.
17 September 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, purchase money for Frewen.
17 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, the raising of £9000 purchase money.
18 September 1913 Copy letter Arthur Marshall to Oliver Williams, the Prince Rupert lands and finance.
19 September 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
20 September 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Edgar [Vincent?], Grey's share of the property.
Rough account of acreages belonging to Grey, Vincent and Frewen.
20 April 1913 Cutting from Financial Times of letter from Frewen on the Indian Currency Commission.
20 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, Grey's share of the property.
23 September 1913 Letter Williams' Agency to Grey, acknowledging a cheque.
26 September 1913 Copy letter Grey to Arthur [Grenfell], concerning the money he is to advance in connection with Prince Rupert.
26 September 1913 Copy letter Grey to Mr Wright, same subject.
27 September 1913 Letter Austin J. Wright to Grey, same subject.
28 September 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, proposed arbitration with Vincent over Prince Rupert lands.
29 September 1913 Letter Austin J. Wright to Grey, finance in connection with Prince Rupert.
29 September 1913 Copy letter Austin J. Wright to Arthur Grenfell, negotiations in connection with Prince Rupert.
30 September 1913 Letter A.M. Grenfell to Grey, covering letter to the above.
1 October 1913 Copy letter Grey to Oliver Williams, money he is advancing to Frewen and the syndicate.
2 October 1913 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
2 October 1913 Copy letter Grey to Williams, same subject.
2 October 1913 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, same subject.
7 October 1913 Letter Gerald Marshall to Moreton Frewen, quoting cable concerning survey etc.of Prince Rupert.
8 October 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, proposed quarantine station at Prince Rupert.
8 October 1913 Letter Sir Edgar Vincent to Grey, development of Prince Rupert.
14 October 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, sale of Prince Rupert lands; political and financial matters.
18 October 1913 Memo of estimated value of Melville lands.
7 December 1913 Frewen to Grey, value of Prince Rupert lands.
11 December 1913 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, business - Prince Rupert.
14 December 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert business.
17 December 1913 Letter Frewen to Grey, the Irish Question; Prince Rupert.
Press cutting: “Canadian Halibut at Grimsby”.
3 May 1912 Letter Williams to Grey, Prince Rupert interests of Frewen.

Paper   319f.
GRE/B201A/2   1913-1915
22 January 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey, the Irish question; Prince Rupert; currency.
29 January 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert Company; currency.
4 February 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey, same subjects.
12 February 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey, Grey's Aldwych disappointment; news of self and friends.
25 February 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey (incomplete), Prince Rupert, financial matters, friends.
25 February 1914 Copy letter Frewen to Oliver Williams, financial matters including his debts to Grey.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, the Prince Rupert property.
30 April .... Letter Frewen to Grey, Irish question.
2 May .... Cutting from The Morning Post with letter from Frewen “If we were federate”.
5 May 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey, [also marked Apri], politics.
19 May 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey [incomplete], oil in South California.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, Sir Edgar Vincent and Prince Rupert.
6 June 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey, Asiatic immigration; development of Prince Rupert lands.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters.
18 December .... Letter Frewen to Grey, his financial position with Williams and his debt to Grey.
21 December .... Letter Frewen to Grey, covering letter to an enclosure not now present.
23 December [1914] Letter Frewen to Grey, financial [Prince Rupert business].
24 December [1914] Copy letter Grey to Frewen, financial matters especially Frewen's suit with Williams.
27 December 1914 Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters especially concerning Williams.
31 December [1914?] Letter Frewen to Grey, his financial difficulties; his account with Grey and the Prince Rupert property.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, concerning a dinner with Churchill and Garvin and the conversation there.
n.d. Letter Frewen [to Grey], possible Anglo-American alliance, American politics (beginning missing).
4 January 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, proposals to relieve his financial difficulties.
5 January .... Note Frewen [to Grey?], his suit with Williams.
7 January 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, his financial needs and the suit with Williams.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, his account with Williams and financial position.
10 January 1915 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, the account between them.
10 January 1915 Copy letter Grey to Williams, expressing the hope that they may be able to “save” Frewen.
11 January 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, his financial needs (2 copies, one with a MS addition).
12 January .... Note Frewen to [Grey?], financial matters.
12 January 1915 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, business in connection with the Prince Rupert lands and the account between them.
12 January 1915 MS copy letter Grey to Frewen, re above.
11 January 1915 Letter Gerald C.R. Marshall to Frewen, financial matters.
Rough account of financial matters involving Frewen and Grey.
15 January 1915 Memo by Frewen, dated in pencil - the account between them.
24 January .... Letter Frewen to Grey, financial affairs - Williams' claims - the Cork Free Press and money to assist it.
21 January .... Letter Frewen to Grey, dispute with Williams.
18 January .... Letter Frewen to Grey, Williams' aims.
7 July 1914 Copy letter Oliver Williams to G. & A. Marshall, threatening legal proceedings against Frewen.
1 October 1910 Memo on an extract from letter from Frewen to Williams in which certain financial proposals connected with Prince Rupert were made.
3 February .... Letter Frewen to Grey, the Prince Rupert property.
7 February 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, his decision to go to law with Williams.
5 September 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Williams, his view of the Prince Rupert business and his readiness to go to law with Williams.
12 February 1915 Copy letter Grey to George [Holford], a financial proposition made with a view to helping Frewen.
22 February .... Letter Frewen to Grey, concerning Prince Rupert.
23 February 1915 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, settlement of Prince Rupert lands by English labourers and others.
Account of shares held by Frewen, Grey and others.
23 February .... Letter Frewen to Grey, Frewen's Rupert building proposal.
23 February 1915 Copy letter S.W. Copley to Frewen, the financial potentialities of Prince Rupert.
Cutting of letter from Frewen to the Daily Telegraph on “National Income”.
15 January [1916?] Letter Frewen to Grey, his dispute with Williams.
1 October 1910 Copy memo of agreement by Frewen to pay Oliver Williams £5000 or land to that value.
Pencil note by Frewen - evidently a reflection on his financial difficulties.
Notes concerning Grey and Prince Rupert land. Memo by Gerald Marshall concerning Oswald Frewen's financial position.
16 March 1914 Copy letter from Williams' Agency to Robert Benson, financial transaction in connection with Prince Rupert.
Part of a letter from Oliver Williams to Grey.
6 February 1914 Copy letter from Barclay Bonthrone to Oliver Williams, profit on the Prince Rupert lands.
5 February 1914 Copy letter .... to Frewen, terms of settlement.
8 April 1914 Part of letter [from Oliver Williams] concerning a letter from Frewen, the Prince Rupert lands.
15 January 1914 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, the compromise of Frewen's debts to Grey.
14 May 1914 Copy letter H.O. Crew [of Prince Rupert Agencies Ltd.] to Mr Redmayne, question of sale and development of Prince Rupert property.
Copy calculation of the approximate cost of laying out North Prince Rupert and value of property.
2 June 1914 Copy letter H.O. Crew to Mr Redmayne, same subject.
3 June 1914 Cutting of letter from Frewen to The Morning Post, “Co-operative Credit Banking”.
15 June 1914 Copy letter Laton Frewen to “Uncle M” [Frewen], the Prince Rupert property.
22 June 1914 Copy letter Frewen to Mr Lynch, same subject.
18 June 1914 Copy letter [Grey?] to Sir Edgar Vincent, question of income tax on the Prince Rupert property.
25 June 1914 Cutting from The Westminster Gazette, “The Revenue Bill and National Income” - letter from Frewen.
27 June 1914 Copy letter Barclay Bonthrone to W.H. Lynch, concerning the lay out, development, sale etc., of Prince Rupert property.
1 July 1914 Cutting from The Times, with announcement of Messrs Debenham, Tewson and Chinnocks concerning Prince Rupert, with map.
3 July 1914 Letter from Robert Benson & Co. to Grey, concerning a payment in connection with Prince Rupert.
10 July 1914 Letter from Robert Benson & Co. to Grey, same subject.
31 August 1914 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, registration of documents relating to Prince Rupert.
17 September 1914 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Frewen, documents relating to the proposed company in connection with Prince Rupert.
31 December 1914 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, the suit with Frewen.
31 December 1914 Williams v Frewen, in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Defence.
4 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
5 January 1915 Letter Gerald Marshall to Grey, with copy letters Messrs Ratten Proffitt and Scott to G. & A. Marshall, 1 January 1915, same subject.
5 January 1915 Copy letter Grey to Williams, financial matters involving Frewen Grey and Williams.
6 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
7 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
8 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Grey's account with Frewen and Williams' suit against Frewen.
11 January 1915 Letter Gerald Marshall to Grey, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
12 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, business relating to Frewen.
13 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, his dispute with Frewen.
15 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, with note by Grey, requesting that Grey will not ask him to discuss Frewen's matter with him.
Copy of the above letter (without note).
15 January 1915 Copy letter Grey to Williams, Frewen's willingness to arbitrate.
15 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, his continued unwillingness to discuss the Frewen business with Grey.
15 January 1914 [sic] 1915 Copy letter Grey to Williams, Frewen's willingness to arbitrate.
15 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
7 July 1914 Copy letter Oliver Williams to G. and A. Marshall, his intention of proceeding against Frewen unless he gets adequate security etc.
18 January 1915 Letter Hold Beever and Crowdy to Grey, requesting the payment of certain money he had guaranteed for Frewen.
19 January 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, covering the following document.
Memo showing how interest due on 1 January 1915 in respect of North Rupert and been provided by members of the group.
30 January 1915 Letter Gerald & Arthur Marshall to Grey, acknowledging cheque for £25.
31 January 1915 Memo by Frewen, on the possibilities of a company to promote the building of workmen's houses.
1 February 1915 Letter A.J. Wright to Grey, 2 securities from Frewen to Grey.
3 February 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, certain financial matters connected with Frewen.
6 February 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters in connection with the legal proceedings he is to take against Frewen.
9 February 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, financial matters.
11 February 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, financial matters.
12 February 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
16 February 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, the North Rupert Investment Co.
26 February 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, financial matters involving Grey and Frewen.
1 March 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, same subject.
15 May 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, settlement of Frewen-Williams disputes.
25 August 1915 Letter W.H. Lynch to Grey, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
6 September 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, same subject.
16 September 1915 Letter W.H. Lynch to Grey, same subject.
12 October 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, settlement of the Frewen-Williams dispute.
1 October 1915 Copy letter Henry James to Frewen on the news that Frewen's [son-in-law?] had been killed.
British Bank of Northern Commerce: account with Grey (Prince Rupert account) February 1914 - March 1915 [found apart].

Paper   183f.
GRE/B201A/3   1914-1924
6 January 1914 Copy draft deed between Moreton Frewen and 4th Earl Grey whereby certain lands belonging to Frewen at or near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, are charged with £10,000 and interest due to Grey.
8 August 1914 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, informing him that he is obliged to raise the interest he charges to clients by 1%.
Prince Rupert: Statement of expenses incurred January 1914-15.
30 April 1915 Copy letter Harrison Gamble and Co. (per S. Harrison) to Mr Bonthrone, suggestions as to development work at Prince Rupert.
14 June 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
14 July 1916 Prince Rupert: Summary of position for Earl Grey.
20 July 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, documents concerning Prince Rupert.
21 August 1916 Notes re Prince Rupert.
25 August 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Mr Anderson's offer to arrange for payment of £15000 to Grey to settle all Grey's financial liabilities. Enclosure: Copy telegram Williams to Grey concerning the above proposal.
26 August 1916 Letter Williams to Grey, concerning the above arrangement. Enclosure: 26 August 1916 Copy telegram Williams to Grey, concerning the same.
28 August 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, concerning the above transaction.
29 August 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, concerning the above transaction.
2 September 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, concerning the above transaction.
8 February 1924 Letter E.O. Goss to 5th Earl Grey, legal business in connection with the Prince Rupert lands. Enclosures: Copies of the following letters:
26 January 1924 Lord D'Abernon to Mr Batson.
3 January 1924 E.A. Field (Land Commissioner) to D'Abernon.
Copy map of the Prince Rupert land.

Paper   56f.
GRE/B201A/4   1915-1916
Pamphlet: Prince Rupert British Columbia: Board of Trade Annual Report 1914 - fishing, mining, agriculture, lumber.
9 May 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, the complicated situation he finds himself in with regard to financial transactions between Grey and himself.
15 May 1915 Copy letter Barclay Bonthrone to W.H. Lynch, development and sale of Prince Rupert lands.
30 May 1915 Copy letter Frewen to Mr Copley, value of the Prince Rupert lands.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey [covering the above].
Statements of capital and shares held by Grey and others in an unnamed enterprise [? Prince Rupert].
n.d. Letter Frewen [to Grey?], financial matter.
Cutting of letter from Frewen to The Daily Telegraph,“Position of Consols”.
15 April 1915 Cutting from The Daily Telegraph, “Stock Boom in New York” with MS comment by Frewen.
21 June .... Letter Frewen to Grey, the war; Prince Rupert fishery.
12 June 1915 Copy letter Barclay Bonthrone to Lynch, proposed development of Prince Rupert.
1 July 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Miss Gilbertson, covering the above.
7 July 1915 Copy letter Frewen to the Sec. of State, Colonial Office, requesting a letter of presentation to the Governor of Uganda.
7 July 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, concerning the above application.
21 July 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, long account of financial transactions involving Frewen and Grey since 1894.
26 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, Prince Rupert as a banking security.
29 July 1915 Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters connected with Prince Rupert and the account between Frewen and Grey.
6 August .... Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert transactions.
7 August .... Letter Frewen to Grey, Halibut for sale at Prince Rupert.
16 August 1915 Letter W.H. Lynch to Grey, with draft document containing suggestions about the development and sale of North Rupert.
4 September 1915 Letter S.W. Copley to Frewen, Prince Rupert and his (Copley's) Australian property.
6 September .... Letter Frewen to Grey, his financial difficulties; the help he expects from Milner.
16 September 1915 Copy letter Frewen to Bonar Law, international finance.
Photograph - Prince Rupert 1914.
15 October 1915 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Grey, financial matter.
26 February 1915 Letter Grey to Miss Louisa Cook, guaranteeing the repayment of a loan she has made to Frewen, with 6% interest.
21 October 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, financial matters.
30 October 1895, 6 July 1896 Copy extracts of letters from F.A. Keating and M. Guthrie, financial matters.
16 November .... Letter Frewen to Grey, the war; business matters.
24 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert; Grey's scheme to help Frewen.
3 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Willie Grenfell, financial matters - Grey's scheme to help Frewen.
3 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, concerning the above, and the heroic conduct of Australians.
13 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mr Marshall, (evidently not sent) - Frewen's financial affairs and the Prince Rupert property.
13 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mr Marshall (amended letter) same subject.
13 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mr Marshall, see above.
15 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, Prince Rupert business; the power of the Trade Unionist vote in constituencies.
18 December 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, insurance; Frewen's financial affairs and Prince Rupert.
20 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Williams, Frewen's financial affairs - his dispute with Williams.
17 December 1915 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, Prince Rupert and Frewen's financial affairs.
21 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mr Marshall, Frewen's debt to Williams.
28 December 1915 Letter Alfred W. Smithers to Grey - Canadian wheat and fishing industry.
4 January 1916(?) Letter S.W. Copley to Grey, Frewen's financial affairs; Australian fruit farming; taxation and politics.
6 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mr Marshall, his holding in the Prince Rupert Co. and his unwillingness to finance Frewen.
6 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to D'Abernon, his unwillingness to finance Frewen in respect of the Prince Rupert Co.
7 January 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, a possible solution of his (Williams?) dispute with Frewen.
11 January 1916 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
14 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to D'Abernon, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
20 January .... Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert, etc.
21 January 1916 Letter D'Abernon to Grey, difficulties in the way of a sale of Prince Rupert land.
n.d. Note from Frewen, the war.
24 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, the difficulty of land sales; the possible settlement of the dispute between Williams and Frewen.
4 January 1916 Copy letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, interest due in connection with Prince Rupert.
21 December 1915 Copy letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, Frewen's debts to Williams.
24 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Oliver Williams, the dispute between Frewen and Williams; the payment of Frewen's part of the Prince Rupert interest.
24 January 1916 Part of letter Williams to Grey, question of additional security from Frewen.
25 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Williams, proposals concerning the financing of Frewen.
25 January 1916 Copy letter [Oliver Williams] to Arthur Marshall, payment of interest in respect of Prince Rupert.
25 January 1916 Copy letter [Oliver Williams] to Arthur Marshall, Frewen's financial affairs.
25 January 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, covering the above two letters.
25 January 1916 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, Prince Rupert payments.
26 January .... Note Frewen [to Grey?], D'Abernon and the Prince Rupert lands.
27 January 1916 Copy letter Frewen to Grey, his dispute with Williams.
28 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Marshall, Frewen's dispute with Williams.
28 January 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Frewen's financial affairs.
29 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Williams, the dispute between Williams and Frewen.
29 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mr Lynch, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
30(?) January [or 23 January] .... Letter Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert; Rider Haggard and soldier settlements; politics, etc.
1 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, Rider Haggard's mission to the Dominions.
1 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mr Watson, Pacific salmon preserved in cold storage in London.
3 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to D'Abernon, Prince Rupert.
31 January 1916 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, settlement of part of the dispute between Williams and Frewen.
7 February 1916 Letter D'Abernon to Grey, Prince Rupert and Frewen.
14 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to D'Abernon, question of the sale of part of the Prince Rupert lands.
21 February 1916 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, long account of transactions resulting in the acquisition of the Prince Rupert property by Frewen.
21 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Williams, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Williams, Lord D'Abernon and Prince Rupert and the safeguarding of Grey's interests.
22 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, same subject.
22 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Prince Rupert business.
23 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
23 February 1916 Letter Frewen to Grey, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
23 February 1916 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, business about Prince Rupert.
24 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, recommending a stableman for Grey.
25 February .... Copy telegram from Grey [to Marshall?], about a document he will sign if certain clauses are deleted.
31 January 1916 Copy letter [Oliver Williams?] to A.W.M. Marshall, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
24 February 1916 Copy letter Williams' Agency to A.W. Marshall, same subject.
24 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, same subject.
28 February 1916 Copy letter [Oliver Williams?] to W.H. Lynch, same subject.
25 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, business relating to Prince Rupert.
25 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, same subject.
18 February 1916 Letter Angus Watson to Grey, his intended visit to Prince Rupert etc.
25 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mr Marshall, the conditions under which he will sign a document relating to Prince Rupert and financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
25 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, same subjects.
25 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Williams, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
25 February 1916 Letter W.H. Lynch to Grey, the wording of the document relating to Prince Rupert that Grey is hesitating to sign.
28 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
28 February 1916 Letter Frewen to Grey, attacking Williams in respect of Prince Rupert business.
28 February 1916 North Rupert - copy financial statement.
29 February 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, covering the above.
27 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Oliver Williams, the Prince Rupert document and finance.
1 March 1916 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, the Prince Rupert document; Williams.
3 March 1916 Copy letter Grey to Williams, the question of his signing a document relating to Prince Rupert.
Printed agreement concerning lands at Prince Rupert [unexecuted].
4 March 1916 Letter W.H. Lynch to Grey, the question of his signing a document relating to Prince Rupert.
20 March 1916 Memo concerning Prince Rupert (financial).
5 March 1916 Copy letter [Grey?] to Williams, Prince Rupert business.
5 March 1916 Copy letter [Grey?] to Mr Marshall, Prince Rupert business.
14 March 1916 Memo concerning Prince Rupert (financial).
1 April 1916 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Prince Rupert business.
15 April 1916 Copy letter Grey to Frewen (part missing), Frewen's health; financial matters.
20 April 1916 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, concerning a loan to Frewen that Grey had guaranteed.
9 May 1916 Letter Frewen to Grey, his great financial need; the return of Grey's successors at Ottawa.
9 May 1916 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Grey, financial matter.
11 May 1916 Copy letter Grey to Frewen, his inability to help Frewen.
19 January 1916 Letter Angus Watson to Grey, Prince Rupert project (mentioned).
8 October 1915 Cancelled promissory note Frewen and Grey to John Elger for £200 and interest.
13 May 1916 Letter Gerald and Arthur Marshall to Grey, concerning the above.

Paper   200f.
GRE/B201A/5   1914-1917
29 November .... Letter Frewen to Grey, the war and the Australians; writings on finance.
9 June 1917 Copy letter [Grey] to Mr Williams, certificates he desires for shares.
5 June 1917 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, Prince Rupert shares.
23 May 1917 Copy letter [Grey] to Mr Williams, protection of his Prince Rupert interest.
23 May 1917 Copy letter [Grey] to Mr Marshall, financial matters relating to Prince Rupert.
23 May 1917 Copy letter [Grey] to Frewen, Prince Rupert business.
22 May 1917 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Miss Gilbertson, business matters.
9 May 1917 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, business matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
Unexecuted printed agreement concerning lands at Prince Rupert.
2 May 1917 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Grey, business matters connected with Prince Rupert.
18 April 1917 Letter Oliver Williams to Miss Gilbertson, covering the following: 18 April 1917 Copy letter Oliver Williams to Messrs G. & A. Marshall, concerning a cheque for £3000 from Grey.
19 April 1917 Copy letter Grey to Mr Williams, business relating to the above.
13 April 1917 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, Prince Rupert business.
6 April 1917 Copy letter Lord Howick [5th Earl Grey] to Mr Williams, same subject.
30 March 1917 Letter Oliver Williams to Howick, Prince Rupert business [pencil notes endorsed of Howick's reply].
21 March 1917 Letter A.W.M. Marshall to Frewen, Prince Rupert business.
7 March 1917 Letter Oliver Williams to Miss Gilbertson, Prince Rupert business and Grey's serious illness.
11 February 1917 Letter Oswald Frewen to Grey, Prince Rupert; his naval duties; Grey's health.
30 January 1917 Letter A. Wright to Grey, financial matters in connection with Prince Rupert.
26 January 1917 Letter Williams' Agency to Grey, same subject.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey, politics, USA and the war.
10 August 1916 Copy letter George E. Foster to Frewen, empire farm project.
4 May 1916 Letter [Angus Watson] to Grey, Prince Rupert.
14 May 1914 Copy letter Prince Rupert Agencies Ltd. (per H.O. Crew) to J.S. Redmayne, concerning the development and sale of Prince Rupert land.
Approximate cost of laying out North Prince Rupert and value of property.
2 June 1914 Copy letter Prince Rupert Agencies Ltd. (per H.O. Crew) to J.S. Redmayne, valuation of Prince Rupert.
26 June 1915 Copy of a letter [Frewen] to Mr C[rew(?)] on the probable values in Prince Rupert.
View of North Rupert (in colour).
8 January 1916 Report on the economic situation of Canada (released through the High Commissioner in London).
19 March 1917 Letter Batten Proffilt & Scott to Frewen, re. Prince Rupert business.

Paper   1 file
Arthur Grenfell 1900-1904
Reference: GRE/B202/1
Dates of creation: 1900-1905
Extent: 88f.Paper

22 January 1900 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, politics - electioneering.
18 August 1902 Letter R.H.B. [Benson?] to Grey, insurance, stocks, Arthur Grenfell's career.
18 August 1902 Letter Vera Grenfell to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's trip to South Africa and financial matters.
n.d. Letter G.L. Holford to Grey, business matter.
18 August 1902 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his financial embarrassment.
18 August 1902 Letter Maurice Turner to Grey, financial matter.
18 August 1902 Letter R.H.B. [Benson] to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's debts.
18 August 1902 Letter Cecil Grenfell to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's debts.
n.d. Letter Cecil Grenfell to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's financial position.
21 August 1902 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, business ideas with respect to Rhodesia.
21 August 1902 Copy letter Robert Benson to Revelstoke, legal and financial matters in connection with Arthur Grenfell's debts.
21 August 1902 Copy letter Robert Benson to Chaplin, business matters in connection with Arthur Grenfell - his prospects in South Africa.
21 August 1902 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Geneva Trams board; financial position as regards Revelstoke.
26 August 1902 Letter R.H.B. [Benson] to Grey, his advice to Arthur Grenfell.
28 August .... Copies of telegrams R.H.B. to Dawes and to Cecil Grenfell, indemnification of Hugo Baring.
(?) Copy telegram Grey to ...., evidently concerning an indemnification.
27 August 1902 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his financial affairs and the risk that Hugo Baring runs in helping him.
28 August 1902 Letter R.B. [Benson] to Grey, Hugo Baring and the crisis in Arthur Grenfell's affairs.
30 August 1902 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, same subject.
30 August .... Letter R.H.B. [Benson] to Grey, financial matters; Raleigh Grey's pioneer company.
n.d. Telegram Benson to Grey, deadlock in negotiations involving the trustees of Arthur Grenfell's affairs.
29 [August 1902?] Letter R.H.B. [Benson] to Grey, Grenfell's affairs and other financial matters.
1 September 1902 Letter Frank Dawes to R. Benson, Arthur Grenfell's affairs.
3 September 1902 Letter Cecil A. Grenfell to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's affairs.
5 November 1903(?) Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, financing the B.S.A. Co. and Rhodes Trustees.
4 December 1903 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his resignation from the Board of the Rhodesian Land Co. and other business matters.
9 December 1903 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, business matters especially Rhodesian investments.
13 December 1903 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, long letter on investments in Rhodesian securities and the dangers involved.
31 October 1903 Letter Bompas, Bischoff [&] Co. to Grey, financial matters.
24 October 1903 Letter Bompas, Bischoff [&] Co. to Grey, financial matters.
3 February 1904 Letter Arthur Grenfell to [Grey?], inviting investment in a gold mining company.
(1904) Proof copy Report on the Espejeras Mine.
Rough note of shares held.
11 December 1905 List of shares held by Mr Grenfell.
Notes concerning transactions in shares and other financial matters involving Grey, 1895-1904.
12 April 1904 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, financial matters (Charter Trust shares).
13 April 1904 Note of shares sold for A.M. Grenfell.
12 April 1904 Note of shares sold for A.M. Grenfell.
14 April 1904 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, transactions in Charter Trust shares.
3 May 1904 Copy particulars of shares sold.
3 May 1904 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, transactions in shares.
n.d. Letter Cecil Grenfell to Grey, stocks purchased for Grey.
17 June 1904 List of stocks bought for Grey.
13 December 1904 Copy letter Marten Christopherson to Arthur Grenfell, Capt. Holford's securities.
5 December 1904 List of shares sold for Capt. G. Holford.
16 December 1904 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey, Goldmann's joining the Board of the B.S.A. Co.; transaction in shares.
27 December 1904 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey, negotiations with Goldmann; politics especially with respect to the Transvaal.
23 August 1902 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey.

Arthur Grenfell 1905-1906
Reference: GRE/B202/2
Dates of creation: 1905-1906
Extent: 165f.Paper

12 January 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, negotiations with Goldmann, business matters, his own financial affairs.
21 January 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, business connected with the B.S.A. Co.'s Rhodesian investments.
6 February 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, shares he has sold for Grey.
16 February 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, death of Jones.
Notes concerning Grenfell syndicate, etc.
25 February 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Goldmann; the Chartered Trust.
25 February 1905 Copy letter Arthur Grenfell to R. Maguire, failure of negotiations with Goldmann; suggested partnership between the Charter Trust and Consolidated Goldfields in Rhodesia.
1 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Goldmann.
3 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Jones' death and funeral.
11 March 1905 Letter G. Grey [Tanganyika Concessions Ltd] to Arthur Grenfell, news from Bulawayo - mining.
16 March 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, acquisition of shares in the Messina (Transvaal) Development Co.
16 March 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, proposed arrangement between the Chartered Trust and Consolidated Goldfields.
5 April 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, arrangement with the Goldfields; speculation made on behalf of Grey.
20 April 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, concerning power of attorney for transference of stock.
5 May 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his activities and ideas on the Quebec Tercentenary celebrations; English politics.
7 May 1905(?) Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Rhodesian tobacco; investments (mainly Rhodesian); English politics; imperial defence.
8 June 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Messina development syndicate shares.
9 June 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, profits on the above shares for Grey.
9 June 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, same subject.
30 June 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the De Forest Wireless Telegraph Co. and the Cape to Cairo telegraph.
9 July 1905 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, custody of Grey's securities.
16 July 1905 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, the De Forest Wireless system and Canada.
30 September 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, business.
4 October 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Messina syndicate profit.
3 October 1905 E. Chaplin (Director of Messrs Chaplin, Milne, Grenfell & Co) to Grey, Grey's profit on the above investment.
22 October 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his (Grenfell's) business dealings; the Charter Trust Board.
2 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, attempt of the Ontario government to secure loan for railway development.
3 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, advising him to form a connection with William McKenzie of the Canadian Northern Railway.
14 November 1905 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, McKenzie; scarcity of money and sluggishness of business - loss of confidence in the “Rand Lords”.
7 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mr Sifton, timber industry in B.C. and Minnesota.
22 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, introducing Henry Connup.
11 February 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, 5th Earl Grey's marriage settlement; stocks and shares; Grenfell's Canadian business project; strained France-German relations.
15 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Grenfell's Canadian land investment.
31 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Grey's financial affairs; Grenfell and Pellatt's Electrical Development.
30 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, information about Edmonton district; a boy who had taken Grey's “fancy”, the US Steel Trust and the Charter Trust Board.
12 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Pellatt's Charter; Canada and British financiers.
13 May 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, securing directorships for 5th Earl Grey, politics and finance, Grenfell's speculations.
[8 June 1906] Part of letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Mr Beck's Niagra power scheme.
8 June 1906 Typescript copy of part of the above headed “Extract from a private letter to Lord Grey from a business man in London” [contains slight variants from the original].
9 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the problem of getting directorships for 5th Earl Grey; Grenfell's speculations.
15 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, securities held by Gore.
28 June 1906 Copy letter [Arthur Grenfell] to Messrs Gore and Co., transactions in shares.
28 June 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, covering the above.
12 July 1906 Letter Gore and Co. to Grey, shares delivered to Grenfell.
26 August 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, business matters especially his scheme for forming a company called the Canadian Agency.
4 September 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, mistakes in British policy in South Africa.
21 September 1906 Letter Vera Grenfell to Grey, death of Mr Philipson, possible successors to the Hanburys.
26 October 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the Alberta Company's success; Grey on British Columbia.
3 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the situation in British Columbia and the prospects for fruit farmers; land there which Grey wishes to purchase.
5 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, concerning shares that had been sold for Grey.
6 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, fruit farming potentialities of British Columbia and Grey's intention of purchasing a farm there.
2 November 1906 Copy letter ... to Mr Grenfell, concerning maps of Canada which he is sending.
21 November 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his vision of Grey as a great imperial leader.
29 November 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his Canadian Agency; other speculations in Canada and Mexico and Rhodesia.
[3 December 1906] Part of letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, transaction involving the C.P. Railway.
29 October, 5, 10, 16, 26 November, 1906 The Canadian Agency Ltd. Weekly Market Reports.
12 December 1906 Letter Guy S. St. Aubyn to Charles, 5th Earl Grey, land investment in British Columbia; the above reports.
15 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Canada-Mexico trade.
20 December 1906 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, same subject.
21 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Mr Sifton's scheme for forming company to acquire rights over timber and coal in British Columbia.
26 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Clifford Sifton, increasing value of timber.
31 December 1906 Cable Grenfell to Grey, meeting with Sifton.
31 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Sifton and the timber project.

Arthur Grenfell 1907
Reference: GRE/B202/3
Dates of creation: 1907
Extent: 162f.Paper

3 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Canada and Mexico; the Canadian Agency.
17 January 1907 Copy letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Canada and Mexico; potentialities of Mexico.
n.d. Letter Sir William Mulock (?) to Grey, Canada-Mexico trade; Canadian public opinion and militarism.
1 February 1907 Copy letter Grenfell(?) to Guy [St Aubyn?], Sifton and Col. Davidson and British Columbia lumber. Potentialities of Canada for investment.
8 February 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the shipping of his wife's body.
23 February 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, tributes to his late wife.
24 February 1907 Letter Rivy Grenfell to Grey, mainly concerning Arthur Grenfell after his wife's death.
4 March 1907 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey, his love for his wife.
12 March 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Sifton's business and the slump in the city; his health.
29 March Typescript extract of Arthur Grenfell's letter, crisis in the city and Canadian investment.
29 March 1907 Part of letter [Arthur Grenfell] to Grey, saying how much he misses his wife.
3 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Rawlinson, the Sifton business.
11 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, concerning a man whom Grey thought might be of use to Grenfell's West Canadian Lands.
12 April 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his children; his business affairs.
21 April 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, possibility of endowing a Canadian hospital cot in memory of his wife.
Map of lands owned by the Western Canada Land Co. in Northern Alberta.
Brochure on Vermilion Valley, North Alberta, Canada - land for sale there offered by the West Canada Land Co.
31 May 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his appreciation of Grey's visit and his hopes for Grey's political greatness.
20 June 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Howick drains; financial difficulties in the city; a government loan.
3 July 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Beck, Pallatt and Nicholls and an Electrical Co. in Canada.
5 July 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, possible negotiations with respect to the above Canadian electrical development co.; a Canadian Corporation Finance Co.
23 July 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Electrical Project and a Trust Co. in Canada.
25 July 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Trust Co.; the “All Red Route”.
27 July 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, impracticability of Beck's scheme and Grenfell's own scheme with regard to the Electric Development Co.
2 August 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Trust Co., and the infusion of British capital into Canada; Beck's mistakes.
2 August 1907 Cable Grenfell to Grey, on his business activities in Canada.
2 August 1907 Cable Grenfell to Grey, state of his Canadian business.
7 August 1907 Letter Grenfell to Grey, his proposed Mount Royal Investment Co. and Lord Milner as its Chairman.
7 August 1907 Letter E.S. Clouston to Grenfell, business offer from the Bank of Montreal in connection with Grenfell's proposed Finance Co. Draft prospectus of Grenfell's proposed Finance Co.
Another and different version of the above.
4 August 1907 Copy letter [Grenfell] to Grey, Beck's mistake and Grenfell's scheme for the amalgamation of the Toronto Electric Light Co. and the Electric Development Co.
Original of the above with certain additions.
16 August 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his success in Canada (business) and his distress over the loss of his wife.
24 August 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Milner and the chairmanship of the new Investment Co.
5 September 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Milner's refusal of the above and the possibility of getting Lord Balfour instead.
24 September 1907 The same subjects; advice about 5th Earl Grey's career; Dorothy Grey.
24 August 1907 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the Maritime Provinces and English emigration; children's “farms” and English poor-law children.
9 September 1907 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the question of Milner's chairmanship; rifle shooting competition and the training of Canadian school boys to shoot.
26 September 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Evy, concerning Father Waggett.
30 September 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the quarry near Howick.
3 October 1907 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, concerning South Africa (political and economic), the asiatic immigration problem in Canada, the Newfoundland fishery question.
12 October 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, crisis in the city; Edward Grey and George Grey.
28 October 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the crisis in the city; the Georgian Bay Canal.
23 August 1907 Cutting from Quebec Daily Telegraph, “Earl Grey's Good Work”. Grey's criticism of the British government in subsidising the New York mail route and neglecting Canada.
20 October 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, George Grey and Swaziland, the crisis in the city.
Rough notes by Grey on the amalgamation of the Toronto Electric Light and the Electric Development Companies.
7 November 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, financial crisis in the city.
14 November 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, “All Red” shipping route.
18 November 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the financial crisis in London; Roosevelt and the crisis; the “All Red” route and negotiations relating to it.
25 November 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his losses in the financial crisis and the “All Red” route.
29 November 1907 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Wilson of Ottawa and his self acting buoy.
27 November 1907 Copy letter Lord Brassey to Lord Strathcona [forwarded by Grenfell to Grey], his views on a high-speed Atlantic service to a Canadian port.
12 December 1907 Letter H. Rawlinson to Grey, the Irish demonstration concerning the Black and Bay scheme and the delay it will cause to the “All Red” enterprise.
15 December 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Canadian financiers; Sifton's business conduct; the “All Red” route; Edward Grey.
15 December 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, subscriptions for Grey's [Canadian] scheme.
23 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the “All Red” route; the “Black Sod” route.
30 December 1907 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Grey's battlefields scheme; the heroes of the Indian mutiny; criticisms of the Benson household.
31 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, the battlefields scheme and the raising of money for it.

Arthur Grenfell 1908
Reference: GRE/B202/4
Dates of creation: 1908
Extent: 113f.Paper

2 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, British Columbian fruit lands for British investors; the British Columbian fruit industry.
4 January 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the “All Red” route.
8 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, British school subscriptions to the battlefields scheme and Grey's appeal to all the self-governing Dominions.
13 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Parkin as a suitable man to address the schools, also about the battlefields.
21 January 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his continued grief for the loss of his wife.
25 January 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Patent Act.
30 January 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Patent Act. Enclosure: 25 January [1908] Cutting from The Times of letter from Grenfell on the new patent law.
18 February 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, suggestions for organising a subscription for the battlefields scheme in England.
26 February 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, organising the appeal in England.
29 February 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, same subject. Enclosure: “Quebec Battlefields Proposed Steps for Organisation”.
2 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, school subscriptions to the Quebec battlefields.
6 March 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Quebec battlefields appeal in England.
5 March 1908 Copy letter Argyll to [Grenfell], the reason why he is not subscribing to the Quebec battlefields fund.
5 March 1908 Copy letter [Grenfell] to Duke of Argyle, requesting him to join with other ex Governor Generals of Canada in an appeal for the Wolfe-Mountcalm memorial.
27 February 1908 Copy letter Argyle to Grenfell, his inability to subscribe to Canadian projects.
Copy (draft) letter from 4 ex Governors General of Canada to Lord ..., explaining the Canadian battlefield scheme and requesting support by joining a committee to promote an appeal.
9 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, concerning the battlefields scheme.
11 March 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, question of a mortgage and sinking fund and the Nat. Provident Co.
11 March 1908 Copy letter L.F. Hovil to Arthur Grenfell, same subject.
13 March 1908 Copy letter Grenfell to Hovil, same subject.
13 March 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Lord Aberdeen and Lord Balfour of Burleigh and the battlefields scheme.
10 March 1908 Copy letter Aberdeen to Grenfell, his reservations about sponsoring the battlefields scheme.
16 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, the object of the London contributions.
17 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, same subject.
19 March 1908 Cable Grenfell to Grey, asking whether he approves of the scheme as expressed in the draft letter to be signed by the ex Governors General of Canada.
19 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, the lines on which he thinks the imperial subscription should be raised.
30 April 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Lord Blyth and his subscription.
30 April 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, the potentialities of Bermuda; the American presidency; the report of the Canadian Civil Service Commission.
30 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, speeches by Lords Roberts and Crewe; his son Charles and an opportunity in shipping; Canadian harvest prospects.
2 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, his need for an A.D.C.; his voyage to Port Arthur.
6 June [mailed 15 June] 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, his A.D.C., the battlefields scheme and its progress.
13 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, subscriptions from the Bank of Montreal and the C.P.R., etc.
15 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Mr Wade and the honouring of Wolfe's memory in England.
14 June 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his efforts to raise money and enthusiasm in England for the battlefields scheme; arrangements about living at Howick.
2 May 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to his mother, mainly concerning the battlefields scheme.
4 July 1908 List of letters sent by Grey.
30 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, distribution of addresses presented to Grey and his replies.
18 July 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the response in England to the battlefields appeal.
24 July 1908 Printed order of service for the Wolfe Memorial Service at the Parish Church of S. Alfege, Greenwich.
25 July 1908 Letter George S. White to Arthur Grenfell, thanking him for his kindness and concerning the service.
28 July 19[08] Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, concerning the service in memory of Wolfe at St Alfege's and the success of the Canadian celebrations.
28 August 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, mainly business matters.
15 September 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, business matters.
14 September 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, business matters.
2 October 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Canadian Agency; his success in defeating German competition in respect of an electrical contract in the Transvaal.
2 October 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to his mother, the electric contract.
30 October 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Mr McNeil of Vancouver and a water power scheme.
4 November 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Milner and South Africa; Canadian politics.
6 November 1908 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Transvaal power scheme; Messina copper; Canadian business.
n.d. [c.19 March 1908?] Copy cable from Grey to Grenfell, the form of the battlefields appeal in England.
4 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, the great success of the Canadian Tercentenary celebrations.

Arthur Grenfell 1909-1910
Reference: GRE/B202/5
Dates of creation: 1908-1911
Extent: 106f.Paper

21 March 1909 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, his busy life, second marriage, the Canadian agency, his hopes for Grey's future in politics, or as Governor General of a United South Africa.
30 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, concerning the Learmouth Fruit Co.
[12 April 1909?] Part of letter Grenfell to [Grey?], the Lake Superior Corporation, the Montreal dock scheme, his scheme with regard to the Canadian textile industry.
17 April 1909 Page from The Statist.
24 April 1909 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, observations on Grenfell's big business, the Montreal docks, the possibility of establishing a branch of Vickers' ordnance factory in Canada, American immigration to Canada.
5 May 1909 Letter Grenfell to Grey, the Lake Superior Corporation, the Vickers scheme, shipbuilding in Canada, the extra stamp duty on colonial bonds, the budget. Part of letter Grenfell to Grey, French financiers and Canada; the Quebec loan.
14 May 1909 Letter Grenfell to Grey, concerning the following letter. Enclosure: 14 May 1909 Copy letter Grenfell to F.C. Wade, memorial to Wolfe.
28 February 1909 Letter F.C. Wade to Grey, same subject.
10 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to Wade, same subject, facts about the services of the Wolfe family to their country.
6 August 1909 Letter Grenfell to Grey, concerning Newton and his career.
25 August 1909 Incomplete letter Grenfell to Grey, Quebec docks; an interview with Smutts and Hull concerning the Messina railway.
21 December 1909 Letter Grenfell to Grey, English politics.
3 January 1910 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, potentialities of Ottawa for development and investment; Canadian politics; deep sea fishing off British Columbia and its imperial importance; the settlement of English poor-law children in Canada.
10 February 1910 Letter Grenfell to Grey, concerning shares that belonged to Lord Halifax and which had been sold, by mistake, at a loss.
11 February 1910 Copy letter Grenfell to Viscount Halifax, concerning his shares.
11 February 1910 Letter Grenfell to Grey, enclosing the above; scheme to promote co-operation as an alternative to socialism.
15 February 1910 Letter ... to Grey, enclosing the following letters. Enclosures:
25 July Copy letter Grey to C. [Lord Halifax], concerning Surprise shares he has purchased.
11 July 1900 Copy letter Grey to Agnes, concerning the above shares purchased [for Halifax].
22 December 1900 Copy letter Grey to C., inadvisability of selling the Surprise shares.
19 February 1910 Letter Grenfell to Grey, the policy that the Conservatives must adopt; the Liberals' weakness; regional government in England; the Boy Scout movement; his international financial scheme.
23 February 1910 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, concerning Lord Halifax's Surprise shares.
26 February 1910 Letter W.O. Woodhead to Grey, forwarding the following letter. Enclosure: 26 February 1910 Copy letter from Grenfell to Lord Halifax, explaining that Grey had, by mistake, sold the Surprise shares and the loss that this involves.
28 February [1910] Cable Grenfell to Grey, settlement of Surprise matter with Halifax.
28 February 1910 Letter Grenfell to Grey, alternative plan of settlement with Halifax. Enclosure: 27 February 1910 Copy letter from Halifax to Grenfell, his wish to forget the whole matter and not cause loss to Grey.
12 March .... Cable Grenfell to Grey, his intention to sell Grey's Rhodesian stocks.
15 March .... Copy cable Grey to Grenfell, agreeing to the above sale.
26 September Letter Grenfell to Grey, Sir Charles Fitzpatrick and the question of the annexation of Newfoundland by Canada; Grey's position in the matter; the Quebec docks and other Canadian investments.
10 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, importance of acquiring the Reid interest in the Newfoundland railway; Yukan gold.
16 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Reid as the Rhodes of Newfoundland; the Canada-USA tariff negotiations; the value of Reid's Newfoundland interests.
17 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to G. Graham, concerning tenders for the construction of the Quebec bridge.
25 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Canada, Newfoundland, and USA; English politics.
2 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, Grenfell's Johannesburg scheme; the Messina line; Lord Northcliffe and Canada; Canada and USA, need for British capital in Canadian industries.
4 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, asking for statistics to show the advantages Canada enjoys from British investors who prefer to invest there rather than in foreign investments.
26 December 1910 Letter A. Grenfell to his mother, English politics; his children.
27 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to Grenfell, shares, Grenfell's electioneering speeches, the Islander.
September 1911 Letter Grenfell to Grey, his idea of the creation of a Governor of B.S.A. Co. territories for Rhodesia.
13 December 1905 Circular letter E. Kessell (Sec. Daily Express) to ... [debenture holders], application of funds derived from the sale of the North Mail Ltd.
10 October 1911 Letter ... to Grey, giving statement of his financial affairs.
[26 April 1911] Part of letter Grenfell to Grey, investment in Canadian land, the Messina mine.
5 September 1911 Letter Grenfell to Grey, a family bereavement, his belief that war is inevitable, his idea of a “Muro doctrine” for Africa, need for labour in Africa, the Messina mine.
1 August 1911 Letter Grenfell to Grey, his home, Roehampton; his scheme to bring Canadian boy scouts to England and English scouts to Canada; the Messina mines; English politics; the international situation.

Arthur Grenfell 1911-1912; 1914
Reference: GRE/B202/6
Dates of creation: 1909-1914
Extent: 68f.Paper

7 January 1909 Letter James Capel to Grey, concerning securities registered in Grey's name which have been handed to Grenfell.
27 July 1910 Copy letter ... to the Canadian Agency Ltd, a detailed report on the Lake Superior Corporation's many undertakings.
13 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, concerning an investment Grenfell has made for him in the Lake Superior Paper Co. and other business matters.
6 March 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, reaction to the Taft-Fielding Agreement and the great political issue raised in Canada.
8 March 1911 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, suggesting that he should return to the B.S.A. Co., and keep out of politics.
19 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to Capt. Bulkeley, introducing Mrs Fitzgibbon of Vancouver who wants a seat in the Abbey for the coronation.
19 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to Hilda Grenfell, same subject.
19 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, Ellis Barker and the book he proposes to write.
10 May 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the question of the North West Mounted Police taking their own horses for the coronation procession; Canadian politics and the reciprocity treaty.
18 May 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the mounted police in Canada and the contingent for the coronation.
27 May 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, the decision that Roehampton cannot be used for the encampment of the mounted police; Canadian scouts.
2 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, an offer of an interest in the Vera Cruz Syndicate.
14 June 1911 Copy letter Grey (?) to the Canadian Agency Ltd., accepting an interest in the Alberta Land Syndicate.
15 December 1911 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, proposal to form a British Bank of Northern Commerce with Grey as chairman; its international political implications.
1 January 1912 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, the Bank of Northern Commerce. Rough calculation by Grey concerning various shares.
26 April 1912 Account: Grey in account with the Canadian Agency Limited.
26 January 1912 Letter Grenfell to Grey, proposed Canadian Trust Co. with Grey as Chairman. Enclosures:
24 January 1912 Letter Ben. H. Morgan to Grenfell, proposed Canadian Chamber of Commerce in London.
22 January 1912 Resolution of a meeting at the Royal Colonial Institute, names of the first members of council of the above Chamber of Commerce.
1912 Draft Prospectus: Canada Trust Ltd.
22 January 1912 Resolutions at a meeting at the Royal Colonial Institute, concerning the formation and constitution of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
5 November 1914 Copy letter Grey to A.F. Sladen, bankruptcy of Grenfell's Canadian Agency; the war and Churchill's part in it.

GRE/B202/7   1883; 1885; 1905-1909
Miscellaneous Letters, 1883-1909.
1 July 1908 Letter Guy St. Aubyn to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's financial position and business methods.
6 August 1908 Letter Guy St Aubyn to Grey, same subject, especially in respect of Grenfell's proposed visit to Canada.
30 December 1908 Letter Katharine Lyttelton to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's engagement to her daughter Hilda.
30 January 1909 Letter Guy St Aubyn to Grey, Arthur Grenfell's financial position and the effect of his marriage settlement on it.
6 January 1905 Letter John L. Cadwalader to Grey, concerning visiting Ottawa.
16 April 1907 Letter J.L. Cadwalader to Grey, saying he might miss seeing Grey because he has to go to Philadelphia.
5 May [1907] Letter Cadwalader to Grey, fishing.
18 March [1906?] Letter Cadwalader to Grey, Canada and USA.
3 August [1905] Letter Cadwalader to Grey, salmon fishing.
Letter Cadwalader to Grey, salmon fishing.
10 September 1905 Letter Cadwalader to Grey, salmon fishing; grouse shooting in Scotland; Lord Minto's appointment.
25 December Letter Cadwalader to Grey, Weir Mitchell; expressing the wish that Grey or someone like him could be Ambassador to USA.
7 January Letter Cadwalader to Grey, the negro question in the southern states and the question of a judge of music for a competition Grey is organising.
6 October [1906] Letter Cadwalader to Grey, a book on salmon fishing; grouse shooting in Scotland; business involving Sir Rivers Wilson.
5 May 1906 Letter Cadwalader to Grey, inviting him to fish in his salmon river.
8 April 1909 Letter Cadwalader to Grey, a degree conferring ceremony at Princeton University.
2 June 1883 Letter Lord Carnarvon to Grey, enquiring about Mr Creighton of Embleton as a possible private tutor for his son.
18 May 1885 Letter Carnarvon to Grey, Grey's accident and his own ill-health.
1 March 1906 Letter Winston Churchill to Grey, concerning his book [on Lord Randolph Churchill]; South Africa and the postal question.
20 November 1905 Letter W.T. Herridge to Grey, religious services etc.for young men.
13 November 1906 Letter Herridge to Grey, concerning the Message and The Orbit of Life.
17 December 1906 Letter Herridge to Grey, church unity.
2 January 1906 Letter Herridge to Grey, his (Herridge's) attitude to his work.
30 July 1908 Letter Herridge to Grey, congratulating him on a new honour and on the success of the Quebec centenary.
20 October 1908 Letter Herridge to Grey, concerning his book of essays The Coign of Vantage.
5 June 1908 Letter James J. Hill to Grey, inviting him to fish in his river.
1 May 1909 Letter Hill to Grey, inviting him to fish; Hill's tariff negotiations in Washington.
27 May 1909 Letter Hill to Grey, fishing invitation.
5 April 1907 Letter Bernard Holland to Grey, imperial federation; the Colonial Conference; attack on Alfred Lyttelton's policy by the Colonial Office staff; the deputy mastership of the Ottawa mint; South Africa.
10 January 1907 Letter Francis Hopwood to Grey, his (Hopwood's) new appointment at the Colonial Office.
2 July 1908 Letter Hopwood to Grey, their respective difficulties; H.R.H.'s visit to Canada; the storm over Grey's recommendations for honours; various colonial matters.
3 August 1908 Letter Hopwood to Grey, the “record passage” of the Indomitable from Canada to England; the success of the Tercentenary celebrations.
Minutes of letter from Grey to Lady Ingestre, concerning a document he has entrusted to her; a scheme to benefit the Empire in which her brother is to be involved.
4 April [1906?] Letter Winifred Ingestre to Grey, concerning a confidential document Grey had sent her; her brother; her holiday in France.
12 September Letter W. Ingestre to Grey, concerning Grey's “scheme” and banners.
9 January 1909 Letter Gifford Pinchot to Grey, names of American delegates at international conference; the President's appreciation of Grey's attitude to USA.
29 January 1908 Letter Joseph Pope to Grey, thanking him for present of Queen Victoria's Letters.
15 February 1908 Letter Pope to Grey, thanking him for introduction to Sir Claude MacDonald.

Paper   57f.
GRE/B202/8   [1901]-1913
Miscellaneous Letters.
27 March 1906 Letter Charles Tupper to Grey, English politics.
5 July 1906 Letter Charles Tupper to Grey, his conversation with Lord Elgin.
18 January 1906 Letter Goldwin Smith to Grey, statements of a forestry expert about possibilities in Canada.
20 April 1906 Letter C.H. Seymour to Grey, the naval question in Canada.
22 April 1906 Letter Redesdale to Grey, thanking him for hospitality; his impressions of Ottawa and Quebec.
22 April 1906 Letter T. Kelly-Kenny to Grey, thanking Grey for hospitality; Kenny's speech to Canadian soldiers.
7 August 1906 Letter James J. Hill to Grey, salmon fishing at St John.
25 November 1906 Letter Dorothy Howard to Grey, thanking him for his kindness to her and others at Ottawa.
[c.January 1901] Letter Ralph E. Lambton to Grey, cigars.
14 October 1904 Letter E. Kinnaine to Grey, congratulating him on appointment as Governor General and requesting a reference.
28 November 1904 Letter Knutsford to Grey, congratulating him on appointment as Governor General.
10 January 1909 Letter James Robertson to Grey, concerning books; a speech he (Robertson) had made on the Empire, etc.
31 March 1910 Letter L.O. David to Grey, concerning a play he had written and declining an offer Grey had made to him.
4 March 1905 Letter G.H. Murray to Grey, concerning a return Grey requires from British government sources; English politics.
6 March 1905 Letter Charles Harris to Sladen, concerning the musician Hans Dressel.
27 November 1904 Letter Alex(?) Nichaelis to Birt(?), Hans Dressel and his father.
3 March 1905 Letter George A. Drummond to Grey, carriage cost of magazines.
3 February 1907 Letter S.S.B. Labergne(?) to Grey, the recovery of his daughter; the loss of her own daughter.
18 December 1908 Letter Jane Fayrer Taylor to Grey, hoping he will continue his great work for Canada. Enclosures:
6 April 1908 Legends and Folk Songs of French Canada - Address by Mrs Frederick Taylor, Sesame Club.
Canada Club Dinner [5 February 1908]: Speech by the Chairman, F.W. Taylor...
24 February 1909 Letter Edward Wood to Grey, English politics, especially the contest at Bradford where Charles [5th Earl Grey] is standing a candidate.
6 February 1908 Letter Edward Wood to Grey, a banner; subscription for the Quebec scheme; English politics; Charles Grey.
13 February 1906 Letter Edward Wood to Grey, Charles Grey's engagement; English politics; various personalities.
11 February 1906 Letter Francis Meynell to Grey, declining invitation to go to see Grey open Parliament; English politics.
11 February 1906 Letter Moyra Cavendish to Grey, politics, especially her husband's defeat in the election; Charles Grey's engagement.
9 February Letter Kitty Somerset to Grey, election reflections; Charles Grey's engagement.
11 February 1906 Letter 7th Earl of Kerry, 6th Marquess of Lansdowne, to Grey, the N. Westmorland election.
12 February 1906 Letter Tweedmouth to Grey, an empire co-operative society; colonial subsidies to the British navy; the presentation of plate to the ship Dominion; mail services to Canada; personal matters, etc.
4 February 1913 Letter J.L. Garvin to Grey, his article on Grey; his contempt of both political parties.
11 February 1913 Letter A.J. Balfour to Grey, his disagreement with Grey as to his responsibilities with regard to public opinion.

Paper   38f.
Correspondence between 4th Earl Grey and Lord Howick, subsequently (1917) 5th Earl Grey, 1894-1907
Reference: GRE/B202/9
Dates of creation: 1894; [1899]; 1903-1907
Extent: 231f.Paper

Mainly on South African and Canadian affairs and personal matters. Also includes some letters 5th Earl Grey to his mother, Alice Grey.
5 April 1894 5th Earl Grey to Alice Grey.
28 December [1899?] Edith Jennings to Grey.
16 March 1903 5th Earl to Lady Grey.
13, 21 April 1903 5th Earl to 4th Earl.
[c.May 1903] Draft 4th Earl Grey to the King, concerning Lord Howick's resignation of commission in the Life Guards.
13 May 1903 Francis Knollys to Grey, replying to above.
13 June 1904 5th Earl to 4th Earl.
4 July 1904 5th Earl to Lady Grey.
4 July [1904] 5th Earl to 4th Earl.
22 July 1904 Copy Grey to 5th Earl.
25 July 1904 5th Earl to 4th Earl.
1 August 1904 5th Earl to 4th Earl.
n.d. [incomplete] 5th Earl to 4th Earl.
11 August 1904 Copy Grey to 5th Earl.
November, 5, 12, 19 December 1904, 7, 9 January 1905 6 letters 5th Earl to 4th Earl (letter of November 1904 incomplete).
20 January 1905 Copy Grey to 5th Earl.
23, 30 January 1905 5th Earl to Grey.
20 March 1905 5th Earl to Lady Grey.
14 April 1905 Copy Grey to 5th Earl.
24 April 1905 - 19 November 1905 10 letters 5th Earl to Grey (one incomplete).
21 November, 4, 18 December 1905 Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl.
18 December 1905 5th Earl Grey to Grey.
21 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to 5th Earl.
15, 28 January, 4 February 1906 5th Earl to Grey.
9, 11 February, 30 April, 1, 4, 21 May, 12 June 1906 Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl.
[1906] 5th Earl Grey to 4th Earl.
14 January 1907 Copy Grey to 5th Earl.
14 January 1907 Copy letter (?) to (?), re. "Eighty Club"
25 January 1907 5th Earl to Grey.
28 January 1907 Copy Grey to 5th Earl.
21 February 1907 Letter 5th Earl Grey to George Grey of Milfield.
26 February 1907 5th Earl Grey to Grey.
8 March, 6 April 1907 Copy Grey to 5th Earl.
9 April 1907 5th Earl to Grey.
23 April 1907 Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl.
24 April 1907 5th Earl to Grey.
7 May 1907 Copy letter Grey to 5th Earl.
17, 19, 30 July 1907, n.d. 5th Earl to Grey.
8, 10, 20 June 1907 Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl.
25 June, 23 August 1907 5th Earl to Grey.
24 August 1907 (2 letters) Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl.
6 September 1907 5th Earl to Grey.
17 September 1907 Copy letter Grey to 5th Earl.
27 September 1907 5th Earl to Grey.
13, 21 October 1907 Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl.
7 November 1907 5th Earl Grey to Grey.

Letters from 4th Earl Grey to 5th Earl Grey, 1904 (when he was in South Africa)
Reference: GRE/B202/10
Dates of creation: April-December 1904
Extent: 94f.Paper

Miscellaneous subjects including South Africa, licensing and bill and public house trusts, Grey and the Governor Generalship of Canada, emigration.
15 April 1904 - 2 December 1904 23 letters Grey to 5th Earl.
11 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Sir Colin Scott Moncrieff.
20, 26 August, 2, 16 September 1904 Letters Grey to 5th Earl.
[1904] Extract of letter Lord Minto to Grey.
13 September 1904 Copy Grey to Hanbury Williams.

Letters from 4th Earl Grey mainly to 5th Earl Grey, 1905
Reference: GRE/B202/11
Dates of creation: 1905
Extent: 167f.Paper

1, 9, 20 January, 2, 6, 20 February 1905 Grey to 5th Earl.
Account of Paardeburg dinner.
20 February 1905 Grey to Vera Grenfell.
6 March 1905 Grey to 5th Earl.
6 March 1905 Grey to Mary Minto.
12 March 1905 Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
Copy of part of the above letter to Mary Minto (with some alterations).
Proposals concerning the institution of a Roll of Honour for boys and girls.
14 April 1905 Grey to 5th Earl.
1 April 1905 Copy Sir Edward Grey to 4th Earl Grey.
Suggested qualifications for Roll of Honour.
8 April 1905 Extract of letter Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
19 May 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.
19 May 1905 Copy Grey to Sybil Grey.
29 May 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.
28 May 1905 Copy Grey to Sybil Grey.
6 June 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.
5 June 1905 Copy Grey to Ella Pease.
5 June 1905 Copy incomplete letter Grey to Mrs Watts [not sent].
12 June 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.
3 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to Jack Sandars.
19 June 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl, and press cutting.
17 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to Vera Grenfell.
21 July 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.
28 July 1905 Letter Grey to Sybil Grey.
7 August 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl, and 2 photos from a magazine.
Press cutting “To the Head Master” with MS alterations and comments.
12 August 1905 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.
7 August 1905 Copy Grey to Aunt Harriet [Lady Wantage].
22 September, 22 October, 2, 13 November 1905 Letters Grey to 5th Earl.
7 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Mr Hatton (Armstrong College).
8 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Dr Jameson.
21 November, 4, 18, 21 December 1905 Letters Grey to 5th Earl.

Letters, mainly 4th Earl Grey to 5th Earl Grey, 1906
Reference: GRE/B202/12
Dates of creation: January-February 1906
Extent: 30f.Paper

Concern 5th Earl's engagement to Mabel, daughter of the Earl of Selborne; return of the Franklin portrait; Moreton Frewen's East African timber concern.
1 January 1906 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.
[1 January 1906] Copy letter Grey to Lady Wantage.
2, 31 January, 9 February 1906 Letters Grey to 5th Earl.
7 February 1906 Copy Grey to President Roosevelt.
8, 11 (x 2) February 1906 Letters Grey to 5th Earl.
1 January [1906] Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
12 February 1906 Letter Grey to 5th Earl.

Letters from 4th Earl Grey to 5th Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B203/1
Dates of creation:
Extent: 161f.Paper

2 January 1906 The “all red cable”; Sir Sandford Fleming and the Unionist Party.
14 January 1907 The Learmouth Fruit Co.; the “all red cable” . Enclosures:
7 January 1907 Copy letter on behalf of 4th Earl Grey to F. Billings, asking him to be a director of the Learmouth Fruit Co.
7 January 1907 Copy letter on behalf of 4th Earl Grey to Billings, concerning the above Company.
Particulars of provisional agreement arrived at between Coldstream Estate Co. and Grey subject to approval of the Learmouth Fruit Co. and provisional agreement between Grey and Mr Ricardo subject to the approval of the board of the above Company.
28 January 1907 His daughter's illness; Root's visit and the fishery question between Canada and USA; business matters.
3 February 1907 The Sifton business; his daughter's illness; Arthur Grenfell's Canadian company.
4 February 1907 The death of his daughter Vera.
4 February 1907 2 copies letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey, expressing sympathy.
18 February 1907 Arrangements for the funeral, etc.
8 March 1907 Britons and Boers in South Africa.
15 March 1907 Loan from Lady Wantage for purchase of ranches for fruit farming [with cutting from The Colonist, 15 February 1907, on the subject]; the Hexham division election; his battlefields scheme.
20(?) March 1907 Covering the following: Enclosures:
21 February 1907 Memo of an interview between Grey and Mr Nosse, Canada-Japan trade.
20 February 1907 Copy letter Claude MacDonald to Grey, the Canadian Commercial Attaché at Tokyo.
January 1907 Extract of letter from Lord Howick, same subject.
25 February 1907 Copy letter P.W. Thomson to Grey, sale of Canadian flour to China.
6 April 1907 About Lord Howick's career.
6 April 1907 The Learmouth shooting; Laurier's preference policy; imperial federation.
23 April 1907 Decoration for the pioneers of 1890 in Rhodesia. Enclosure: 13 April 1907 Letter Percy Inskipp to 4th Earl Grey, the economic advance of Rhodesia.
Newspaper cutting with report of Grey's speech to the first convention of the National Arbitration and Peace Congress in New York.
26 April 1907 Boers and Britons in South Africa - the Unionist Party's policy; Dr Leacock as Rhodes lecturer.
6 May 1907 On the birth of Lord Howick's first child.
7 May 1907 Letter from Blanche E.C. Dugdale ( “Baffy”) to Mabel Grey, congratulating her on the birth of her daughter. 7 May 1907 Arrangements for visiting a garden city. 7 May 1907 Concerning George Grey. 8 June 1907 Concerning notes on the advantages of the Tyne as a naval base.
10 June 1907 Sir Benjamin Browne who could help 5th Earl Grey to get a directorship. Enclosures:
27 May 1907 Letter Sir Benjamin C. Browne to Grey, suggesting that Charles Grey might contest Jarrow as a Unionist candidate.
10 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Browne, concerning the above suggestion and his son's career.
11 June 1907 Letter Evy Grey to 5th Earl Grey, mainly about their stay with Mr Hill and fishing in the St John's river.
13 July 1907 Letter Lady Grey to Mabel Grey, same subject with table showing the numbers of fish caught.
14 July 1907 Letter 4th Earl Grey to 5th Earl, his view of Sir Edward Grey as future leader of the Liberal party; fishing; Charles (5th Earl) Grey and politics.
Evy's birthday letter to her sister Sybil. Satirical.
n.d. [1907] Part of letter from Grey [to 5th Earl Grey?], political situation in Newfoundland.
17 June 1907 Denying that he favours the establishment of a new council outside the Colonial Office.
20 June 1907 Concerning books; advising him on how to go about winning political support in the S. division of Northumberland.
10 August 1907 Concerning directorships, incomplete.
24 August 1907 Sir Edward Grey and politics.
16 September 1907 Books.
17 September 1907 Question of payment by Arthur Grenfell for the occupation of Howick.
4 October 1907 The shooting on his estate.
7 October 1907 The organ for Howick church and the salary of the local schoolmaster.
7 October 1907 Death of Crawford Smith.
12 October 1907 A letter about Kootenay Fruit Ranch.
13-14 October 1907 Mainly about Lord Howick's career - encouraging him to take up the cause of proportional representation; Public House Trust in Northumberland; placing of British officials displaced in South Africa in posts in Canada. Also concerning Arthur Grenfell and Howick; shooting [this might be a fragment of another letter].
23 October 1907 Concerning the enclosure and the competition it refers to; Palmer and an exhibition of British Columbian fruit. Enclosure: Press cutting on Limerick competition.
25 October 1907 Urging him to “push” the plan of making Jarrow Slake into a harbour for war ships.
8 November 1907 Financial difficulties relating to Pellatt's Co.; mortgage difficulties.
22 November 1907 Bamburgh church bells.
28 November 1907 Letter Arthur F. Sladen to 5th Earl Grey, Pellatt Electric Light Co. and a rival concern that may be established.
28 November 1907 The Electric Light Co.; opening of the Canadian Parliament.
5 December 1907 Mainly concerning his (4th Earl's) financial worries.
11 December 1907 Diversion of a stream at Howick onto a farm belonging to the Admiralty; financial matters relating to Pellatt.
15 December 1907 His idea of claiming money due to Wolfe's heirs from the Treasury for the battlefields scheme. Inaugural Addresss by ... Earl Grey ... to the Women's Canadian Club of Montreal December 12th, 1907, with cutting from the Citizen, Ottawa, 16 January 1908, on Grey's battlefields scheme.
c. 1907 Fragments of letters from Grey [to 5th Earl Grey?]
3ff. Canada-USA dispute over Newfoundland fisheries.
4ff. Function in aid of Tuberculosis Hospital.
2ff. The school room for 5th Earl Grey's children.
2ff. Death of pups.

Letters 4th Earl Grey to 5th Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B203/2
Dates of creation: 1908
Extent: 112f.Paper

1 January 1908 The Jarrow Slake proposal.
4 January 1908 Concerning his (5th Earl's) arrangements to contest Bradford and urging him to take up the cause of proportional representation.
10 February 1908 Evidently referring to lectures which one of his daughters had organised.
15 February 1908 Concerning the enclosure; contribution of Harrow to the Battlefields scheme. Enclosure: 15 February 1908 Cutting from the Daily Citizen, “Liberty Plus”, 3 copies.
19 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Selborne, concerning the Battlefields scheme and the possibility of South Africa participating in it; Botha's refusal to be a Vice-Patron of the scheme.
25 March - 6 April 1908 Mortgage on Howick; Grey's financial difficulties which may force him to extend the term of his Governor-Generalship; the question of 5th Earl Grey's career.
12 May 1908 Inviting him to Quebec for the Tercentenary celebrations.
23 May 1908 Northumberland Public House Trust Co.; Empire Day celebrations in Canada.
30 May 1908 Speeches by Lords Roberts and Crewe; shipping lines with which 5th Earl Grey may become connected.
6 June 1908 Social activities at Howick; the Quebec Tercentenary and national sentiment in Canada.
17 June 1908 The necessity of his refusing a directorship of the Cairns Shipping Line.
18 October 1908 On the birth of Lord Howick's second daughter. Enclosure: 18 October 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Richard McBride, a long account of his holiday in British Columbia with suggestions as to the creation of a national park and forest conservation.
5 November 1908 Alterations to “the Grange”; his career; the Learmouth Fruit Co. shares.
23 November 1908 Copy letter Richard McBride to Grey, replying to Grey's letter of 18 October 1908.
4 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, the anti-tuberculosis exhibition at Montreal and the opportunity of arranging for a Personal Service League to work from the Tuberculosis Dispensary.
10 December 1908 Warning him not to contest Morpeth against Burt; his financial difficulties.
15 December 1908 Books; Arthur Grenfell's second marriage; the rejection of the Licensing Bill.
10 May 1908 5th Earl to Grey. Problems of the Northumberland Public House Trust Company.
23 May 1908 Copy Grey to 5th Earl. Replying to the above and concerning rifle shooting by public school cadets.
27 May 1908 5th Earl to Grey. Problems of domestic arrangements if he goes to Canada in July.
30 May 1908 Copy Grey to 5th Earl. Quebec Tercentenary: the question of a directorship of the Cairns Shipping Line of Newcastle.
5 June 1908 5th Earl to Grey. The will and effects of Mary Grey of Houghton-le-Spring.
6, 14 June 1908 Copies Grey to 5th Earl. Quebec Tercentenary; Mary Grey's estate.
29 July [1908], 22 November 1908, 28 November 1907 5th Earl to Grey. Questions about South African Federation; constituencies that Lord Howick might contest; a syndicate to purchase land in the Transvaal; probate of Mary Grey's will; the situation in Germany - Haldane's private opinion; Sir Edward Grey's behaviour in cabinet; Howick estate rents.
13 December [1907] Mabel Grey to 4th Earl. Concerning a Christmas card and autograph book.
17 January 1908 5th Earl to Grey. Fund raising in England for the Quebec Tercentenary ; the possible dredging of Jarrow Slake on the Tyne; protection and free trade.
n.d. Mabel Grey to Alice Grey. Social events.
25 February 1908 5th Earl to Grey. The National Provident mortgage on the estate.
14 March 1908 Copy Grey to 5th Earl. Petroleum proposition in New Brunswick.
6 March 1908 5th Earl to Grey. Insurance matters and the National Provident mortgage.
5 March 1908 J.H. Mansfield to 5th Earl, list of Howick insurances.
17 March, 8 May 1908 5th Earl to Grey. The National Provident mortgage; oil venture in New Brunswick; his parliamentary ambition; Sir Andrew Noble as a possible tenant for Howick; the question of a directorship in the Cairns & Thompson shipping lines.
7 December 1908 [Substance of a letter] Grey to 5th Earl. His strong opposition to an attempt against Burt at Morpeth; the Personal Service League; inability to add to Lord Howick's liberal allowance.

Letters 4th Earl Grey to 5th Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B203/3
Dates of creation: 1909
Extent: 85f.Paper

11 January 1909 Miss Markham and the Personal Service League. Enclosure: Extract of letter from Miss Markham to Grey, the work of the Personal Service League and 5th Earl Grey's part in it.
12 January 1909 Imperial preference.
31 January 1909 - 12 February 1909 Bradford election campaign; Sybil Grey's possible engagement; the possibility of his Governor Generalship being extended; his willingness to succeed Selborne in South Africa.
10 February 1909 Concerning the enclosures. Enclosures:
25 January 1909 Letter J. Greenwood to Grey, co-partnership and his Works; 5th Earl Grey's candidature.
10 February 1909 Copy letter Grey to Greenwood, co-partnership.
7 February 1909 Copy letter Grey to Greening, education in Canada; co-partnership.
21 March 1909 Holiday plans for British Columbia; his view of party politics and individualism.
13 April 1909 Col. Denison's book The Struggle for Imperial Unity; imperial preference and USA.
24 May 1909 His plans when visiting England.
7 June 1909 Cutting from La Presse, “Protection et Libre-echange en Angleterre”.
4-6 September 1909 Account of proceedings at a meeting at Plas Newydd, imperial federation.
19 October 1909 His “adventure” in British Columbia; centrifugal tendencies there; his speeches and misreports of them; the German menace; English politics.
25 October 1909 Lloyd George and his budget; the Bradford election campaign.
26 October 1909 Covering the enclosure. Enclosure: 23 October 1909 Cutting from the Toronto News, “An Outworn Theory”, attacking free trade.
4 November 1909 Sir W. Laurier and Lloyd George's policy.
19 November 1909 The possible sale of Little Mill Farm at Howick for the purpose of establishing small freeholds.
19 November 1909 Copy letter Grey to George Grey, concerning the above proposal.
29 November 1909 Copy letter [George Grey] to 4th Earl Grey, pointing out the difficulties involved in Grey's idea of selling Little Mill Farm to smallholders.
8 December 1909 His contribution towards 5th Earl Grey's Bradford election expenses; his observations on the contest.
15 December 1909 Bradford election; Grey's solution for Ireland; imperial preference.
16 December 1909 Cutting from The Citizen, “Budget Killing Seen as Blunder”.
15 December 1909 Cutting from the Star, “Mr O'Connor met Speaker Cannon”.
15 December 1909 Cutting from the Star, “Irish Split Over Stand of Redmond”.
17 December 1909 The House of Lords and the budget.
24 December 1909 Moreton Frewen's idea of handing over to 5th Earl Grey patents of a process for preserving wood against white ants etc. Enclosure: 14 December 1909 Cutting from The News, “Grain Routes” [for Canada].
28 December 1909 English politics; the Bradford election.
n.d. Observations by 4th Earl Grey on election address of 5th Earl Grey.

Letters 4th Earl Grey to 5th Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B203/4
Dates of creation:
Extent: 161f.Paper

n.d. Letter Mabel Grey to 5th Earl Grey, invitations.
n.d. Letter Mabel Grey to 5th Earl Grey, arrangements for friends to stay at Howick.

4 January 1910 Politics.
18 January 1910 Defeat at Bradford; the lost opportunity of the House of Lords.
31 January 1910 The defeat at Bradford; S. Northumberland as a constituency to contest; federation of the British Isles.
7 February 1910 English politics.
18 February 1910 Germany's tariff surrender to Canada; Col. Burland.
20 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to J.L. Garvin, House of Lords reform; the Lords and the Budget; federation of the British Isles; the navy question in Canada.
21 February 1910 Covering the enclosure: Enclosure: 19 February 1910 Cutting from The Montreal Star, “Modern Imperialism”.
1 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Milner, federation of the British Isles as solution of the Irish problem; his vision of a federalist party; and the naval question in Canada.
5 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Brassey, federation of the British Isles.
2 May 1910 Introducing Mrs Sandford Evans; his idea of a Hudson Bay trip; his appeal in Canada for subscribers to the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre.
5 May 1910 Press cutting, “Session Closed with a Farewell”. [Official farewell to the Governor General and his reply].
3 May 1910 Pages from Canadian Hansard - Address to the Governor General: [Speeches by Laurier and Borden].
5 May 1910 Federation of the British Isles: the cutting off of Redmond's supplies.
10 May 1910 His daughter Evy; 5th Earl Grey's election expenses and the possibility of his contesting Newcastle; federation of the British Isles.
10 May 1910 Enclosing 2 typed copies of the part of the above letter relating to federation.
12 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Victoria [Dawnay] [copy sent to 5th Earl Grey], his view of the destiny of Canada; memorial service for the king.
21 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir Frederick Borden, concerning the Challenge Trophy for the city having the largest proportion of qualified cadets.
21 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to ..., marks of respect to the late King in Canada.
22 May 1910 Effect of King's death on English politics; federation and Ireland.
Typescript copy of part of the above letter.
23 May 1910 Expressing dismay at the prospect of his term in Canada being extended. Enclosure: 22 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Crewe, same subject.
31 May 1910 2 copies letter 5th Earl Grey to Crewe, urging that Grey's term of office should not be extended. [A page is missing from one of these copies].
1 June 1910 Letter Crewe to 5th Earl Grey, the question of extension of Grey's Governor-Generalship.
24 May 1910 Proportional representation.
2 June 1910 His willingness to remain in office; the question of staff; the Duke of Connaught's secretary.
14 July 1910 Letter Sir George Doughty to Grey, the speaking tour he has undertaken; federation and the Irish question.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Doughty, approving of his federalist principles.
15 July 1910 Enclosing the above two letters.
15 July 1910 Federation and help for Moreton Frewen in that work.
20 July 1910 F.H. O'Donnell's book supporting Federal Home Rule and Proportional Representation.
..... 1910 Concerning his shares in the Learmouth Fruit Co.
11 September 1910 Letter Grey to Aunt Harriet (Lady Wantage), success of his Hudson Bay Trip.
3 October 1910 Trade unions in England; 5th Earl Grey and the adoption of Garden City principles on Tyneside; the possibilities of S. Manchester as a constituency for him to contest.
12 October 1910 Copy letter Grey to Prothero, federation of the UK as solution of the Irish question; imperial federation.
15 November 1910 Rise in agricultural prices and values.
23 November 1910 English politics, especially the wrecking of “our federal hopes”.
25 November 1910 English politics - the new election.
26 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to F.S. Oliver, the Irish and federalism; the House of Lords and the General Election.
5 December 1910 5th Earl Grey's disappointment at not being able to contest the election; the election results; Asquith and Federal Home Rule.
6 December 1910 Grey on the “wickedness” of the present ministry.
7 December 1910 Books (political).
15 December 1910 The General Election; the federal solution and A.J. Balfour.
Rough notes on Vivian and Canada.
[1910?] Fragment of letter from Grey. 2ff.

Letters Grey to 5th Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B203/5
Dates of creation: 1911-1917
Extent: 132f.Paper

n.d. Letter Mabel Grey to 5th Earl Grey, forwarding correspondence.
n.d. Postscript to a letter from 4th Earl Grey - Asiatic immigration.
12 January 1911 The constitutional crisis in England; Grey's idea of a league of federals to support O'Brien against Redmond.
17 January 1911(?) Proportional representation; social function.
17 January 1911 His hope of getting to the West Indies.
17 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Northcliffe, the constitutional crisis; a league of federals.
7 February 1911 Copy letter Theodore Roosevelt to Grey, on the death of George Grey and Mrs Pease; his pleasure in a quiet life.
6 February 1911 Copy letter John Macnaughton to Grey, on the death of George Grey.
26 January 1911 The Duke of Connaught as his successor as Governor General.
4 March 1911 The effect of George Grey's death on Edward Grey.
3 April 1911 5th Earl Grey and the Garden City movement and also “church politics” and fund raising; the constitutional crisis; Lloyd George.
5 April 1911 Concerning old letters he had found.
12 September 1861 Copy letter Barbara Loban to 4th Earl Grey, advice on his going to school.
15 April 1911 Rhodesia; George Grey's bequest to him.
18 April 1911 A slogan on England and the Empire.
27 May 1911 Concerning the possible sale of the Chevington estate.
27 May 1911 Copy letter [on behalf of Grey] to Messrs Mabbett & Edge, same subject.
2 July 1911 Letter 4th Earl Grey to Mabel Grey, concerning [a slogan?] to be fixed on the wall of Howick school.
25 July 1911 5th Earl Grey's candidature for Southampton; 4th Earl Grey's financial difficulties; his view of the constitutional crisis; a comparison with the 1832 crisis.
[26 July 1911 Typescript copy of part of the above letter].
8 August 1911 Politics, Chamberlain's book, etc.
21 August 1911 The Canadian political situation; his intention of going to Howick.
14 September 1911 His disappointment that the Unionists did not resist more strenuously the Parliament Bill; his belief in federation of the British Isles.
15 September 1911 Canadian elections; federation of the British Isles, invitations he has accepted against his return to England, his plans.
5 October 1911 Farewell ceremonies and presentations especially to Lady Grey.
24 January 1912 Pamphlet: The Future of Canada: Lord Grey and the City of London: Presentation of Freedom [reprint from The Times].
31 January 1912 The Newcastle Exhibition; Ulster's opposition to Home Rule; the Southampton electors; Grey's engagements. Enclosure: 31 January 1912 Copy letter Miss Gilbertson to James Gillespie, the terms on which Grey would accept the Presidency of the proposed Newcastle Exhibition.
30 May 1912 His permission to the Radical and Liberal Association to come to Howick; his plans for a trip to Rhodesia.
10 July 1912 Shooting in South Africa; Grey's speech; Grey and fruit farming in South Africa.
4 September 1912 Co-operative rally; South African politics; his conversation with Botha.
16 October 1914 Letter Grey to General ..., railways and “hard cases”.
16 January 1915 His visit to the Canadian troops at Devizes; his conversation with K[itchener?] on the war; America and the war.
8 February 1915 Grey and a meeting on the enforcement of international law; Howick hospital; the safety of the Tiger.
20 February 1915 The N.E. Battalion; German views of the war.
23 March 1915 The war; criticism of government policy.
n.d. [incomplete] Concerning W. Percy Thomson who wants to help in 5th Earl Grey's battalion.
8 July 1915 On his son's going on active service.
23 September .... [incomplete] The Prussians as opposed to the Germans and their culture.
15 April 1916 Copy letter from Grey to Dr Macphail, news of his family; the war; criticism of the American position.
19 April 1916 Meeting of the Northumberland Agricultural Supply Association; Milner's resolution in the Lords.
20 June 1917 Letter Grey to Salisbury, concerning a meeting to be held on the subject of the grant of honours by the crown, with special reference to his experience as Governor General of Canada and an honour that had been conferred without his being consulted.
24 June 1917 Letter Salisbury to Grey, concerning the above meeting and a consultation with the Prime Minister on the subject.

GRE/B203/6   10 October 1903; 28 July-2 August [1912]
10 October 1903 Letter Sybil Grey to 5th Earl Grey, the floods at Howick; shooting competition.
28 July - 2 August 1912? Letter Sybil Grey to 5th Earl Grey, hunting in Africa.

Paper   10f.
4th Earl Minto (Lord Melgund)
Reference: GRE/B204/1
Dates of creation: 1883-1908
Extent: 93f.Paper

19 letters Minto to Grey. Subjects include: reasons against recruiting in Canada; Laurier's difficult game; his departure from Canada and Grey's taking over his work; his distrust of American diplomacy; inflammable condition of India; immigration of Indians into British Columbia; the burden of work for the Governor-General of Canada; criticism of Laurier.
1903-1908 7 copy letters Grey to Minto. Subjects include: cabinet crisis in Canada over separate schools; Hindu immigration into British Columbia and the anti-Hindu movement there; attempt to restrict Japanese immigration into Canada; appreciation of Minto's work in India; Grey's aims in Canada.
1 June 1883 1 letter 3rd Earl Minto to 4th Earl Minto (Lord Melgund). Matters to be decided preparatory to drawing up a marriage settlement.
23 March 1908 Reminiscences by Minto of his horse racing days. [This may have been a letter to M. Frewen. The copy we have is typed on a machine very like, if not the same, as that used by Frewen].
22-23 August 1903 Cuttings from The Times: Montreal Congress speeches by Minto, Laurier and Brassey; the Ottawa Conference.

GRE/B204/2   1883-1905
23 November 1904 Letter Minto to Grey, enclosing:
Memorandum on imperial defence.
Memorandum on the Governor General's Office.
Memorandum on the Governor General's Private Secretary.
Typescript copies of letters from Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lorne and later 9th Duke of Argyll 1845-1914, to Lord Lansdowne, with marginal notes by Lansdowne in 1888; also some pencil observations by J. Hanbury Williams. The letters from Lorne indicate the state of things in Canada and his view of them at the end of his term of office as Governor General. The marginal comments by Lansdowne set forth his opinions at the end of his own term of office in 1888.
5 June 1883 Governor General's staff; residences.
7 June 1883 Carriages, dress, pay, entertainments, doctors.
8 June 1883 Governor General & Cabinets; details of leading political figures.
16 June 1883 Receptions; honours.
17 June 1883 Royal Canadian Academy of Art; the Royal Society of Canada; the army.
5 August 1883 More notes on persons and personalities.
15 February 1888 Typescript memo by Lansdowne on the Governor General's Secretary's Office, public expenditure on Government House; gardens; cottage; the citadel; Quebec; salmon river.
2, 4 August, 6 September 1883 Copy letters Arthur Collins to Lansdowne, Governor General's household establishment; uniforms.
Typescript memorandum by Lord Derby (Frederick Arthur Stanley 16th Earl Derby 1841-1908), Governor General 1888-1893 for his successor Lord Aberdeen (John Campbell Gordon, 7th Earl & 1st Marquis of Aberdeen & Temair 1847-1934) Governor General 1893-1898: aides de camp; Governor General's car; Governor General's Secretary's office.
13 May 1893 Copy letter Derby to Aberdeen.
File of typescript letters:
13 November 1898 Aberdeen to Minto, notes on principal Canadian politicians and others.
31 January 1905 Minto to Grey, Halifax and imperial defence; Lake's position.
2 March 1905 Minto to Grey, Lake.
20 March 1905 Minto to Grey, post office question; cabinet crisis in Canada; schools question.
Copy memo by Brig.-Gen. Lake (Chief of General Staff) on the future maintenance of Halifax as an imperial fortress and of Esquimalt as a defended coaling station.

Paper   65f.
Mary Caroline Minto - Wife of 4th Earl & Sister of 4th Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B204/3
Dates of creation: 1870-1915
Extent: 167f.Paper

47 letters to Grey. Mainly on personal and social matters.
1871-1906 11 copy letters Grey to Lady Minto. Subjects include incorporation of Newfoundland into Canada, Canadian politics and personalities; trade unions in British Columbia; fruit farming there.
1884-1907 8 letters Mary Minto to Alice Grey (Elsie).
1 April [1905] 1 letter Mary Minto to Lady Wantage.
14 October 1904 Cuttings from The Montreal Daily Star, concerning the Mintos.

GRE/B204/4   [late 19th-early 20th century]
Lines by Dak on Lord Minto's departure - from a Calcutta newspaper, 3 printed copies, 5 typescript copies.
Extract of letter from Lady Antrim on assassination attempt on the Mintos.

Paper   10f.
GRE/B204/5   1910
Press Cuttings.
1 May 1910 Page from Chicago Sunday Tribune, with article on the Viceroy of India and interview with Minto.
26 January [1910] Cutting from The Statesman, report of Minto's speech to Imperial Legislative Council.
Press cutting - another report of the above speech.

Paper   4f.
GRE/B204/6   1909-1910
Printed journal of Lady Minto while in India covering the period 15 December 1909-3 September 1910. Several parts missing. The following indicates the periods covered:
15 December-22 December 1909 pp. 366-371.
23 January-10 February 1910 pp. 19-59.
1 March-23 May 1910 pp. 67-155.
2 June-22 June 1910 pp. 162-182.
28 August-3 September 1910 pp. 271-284.
25 January-18 March 1910 3 typescript copies of a summary [?by Grey] of Lady Minto's journal. The copies differ from each other in respect of certain slight MS alterations etc.
Rough notes by Grey evidently from Lady Minto's journal.
Typescript notes from Lady Antrim's diary.

Paper   91f.
Charles Crane and Richard W. Gilder
Reference: GRE/B204/7
Dates of creation: 1905-1909
Extent: 25f.Paper

25 February 1905 Letter Charles R. Crane to Grey, the date when he and others could come to Canada.
10 March 1905 Copy telegram Grey to Crane, regretting he and Lady Grey cannot attend installation ceremony of President of Virginia University; inviting Crane to stay at Government House.
12 March 1905 Letter Crane to Grey, concerning his visit to Canada and the men who will accompany him.
n.d. Letter Crane to Grey, same subject.
22 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Crane, his anxiety to avoid the impression that he is bringing distinguished Americans to Canada to educate the Canadians.
18 January 1906 Letter Crane to Grey, the hope of Grey's visiting Chicago; the American municipal revolution.
22 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Crane, replying to the above.
26 May 1906 Letter Crane to Grey, concerning his visit to Ottawa.
1 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Crane, inviting him and friend to Government House.
30 October 1906 Letter Crane to Grey, asking him to persuade Sir W. Laurier to visit Chicago.
8 May 1907 Letter Crane to Grey, asking whether he could accept invitation from the Commercial Club and Chicago University.
n.d. Letter Crane to Grey, concerning his rest cure and visit of himself and others to Canada; the question of common citizenship.
16 May 1906 Letter R.W. Gilder to Grey, photographs of banners.
6 October 1906 Letter Gilder to Grey, Grey's Pilgrim speech; Grey as possible Ambassador at Washington.
6 July 1906 Letter Gilder to Grey, Grey's holiday and progress with his “patriotic plans”.
6 April 1909 Letter Gilder to Grey, suggesting Grey should write an article on co-partnership for The Century Magazine.
18 April 1906 Copy letter Andrew D. White to R.W. Gilder, Russian revolutionaries; Gorky and De Witte.
Note by Gilder on Andrew D. White.

Sir David Gill
Reference: GRE/B204/8
Dates of creation: 1895-1915
Extent: 36f.Paper

11 June 1895 Letter Gill to Grey, Geodetic survey of South Africa.
3 September 1904 Letter Gill to Grey and telegram 3 September 1904, congratulations on Governor Generalship.
15 September 1904 The strenuous life; wife's illness.
14 February 1905 Copy letter Grey to Gill, thanking him for news of his son.
21 February 1905 Copy letter Grey to Gill, Wise and British emigration to Australia.
14 March 1905 Letter Gill to Grey, concerning the Hanburys; his wife's illness; speculation about Selborne's appointment to South Africa; his work on organising preparations for British Association meeting in South Africa.
22 March 1905 Letter Gill to Grey, 5th Earl Grey's matrimonial intentions; Wise's anticipated Australian appointment.
29 August 1906 Letter Gill to Grey, his forthcoming retirement and new work
. 6 November 1906 Letter Gill to Grey, mainly humorous stories.
23 January 1907 Letter Gill to Grey, concerning Frank Pickering.
23 September 1907 Copy letter Grey to Gill, Miss Markham; a story.
28 September 1906 Reprint from Cape Times, Farewell Banquet on Gill's retirement as Astronomer Royal.
26 November [1906] Part of letter from [Mrs Pickering] to Gill, concerning her son Frank whom she would like to be A.D.C. to Grey.
14 December 1907 Letter Gill to Grey, concerning his holiday and other activities; with a number of humorous stories.
18-30 September 1908 Letter Gill to Grey, his holiday; Frank Pickering.
22 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Gill, the battlefields scheme and his Angel of Peace.
11 January 1915 1 letter Isobel S. Gill to Grey, asking for loan of her late husband's letters.

GRE/B204/9   September-October 1912
20 September 1912 Copy letter Grey to King George V, reporting on the political and economic situation of South Africa and especially on conversations he had had with Botha.
8 October 1912 Letter Stamfordham to Grey, concerning the above letter.

Paper   7f.
GRE/B204/10   1835-1840
Typescript copies of 14 letters from Sir T. Dick Lauder to Lady Dick Lauder, viz:
22 December 1835 Visit to Howick and hospitality there.
22-23 December 1835 Further details of his visit - shooting etc.
24 December 1835 Postal arrangements at Howick.
24 December 1835 Sight seeing in the neighbourhood of Howick.
25 December 1835 Postal arrangements - Howick to Edinburgh.
25 December 1835 Further details of his visit.
27 December 1835 Further details of his visit.
28 December 1835 Further details of his visit.
17 November 1837 Visit to Howick; shooting.
20 November 1837 Further details of his visit.
20 November 1837 Further details of his visit.
21 March 1894 Note from Lady Georgiana Grey to Viscount Halifax commenting on an incident mentioned in the above letter.
7 March 1840 Visit to Howick.
8 March 1840 Visit to Howick.
10 March 1840 Visit to Howick.

Paper   37f.
GRE/B204/11   1869
Typescript copies of letters from 3rd Earl Grey to Messrs Youl, Jewell and Blaine about New Zealand.
8 December 1869 His general view of colonial policy of England and adherence to the view that the disintegration of the British Empire would be a calamity both to England, the colonies and the world.
December 1869 Reviewing the principal events in the history of New Zealand since British settlements formed there and criticising constitutional arrangements for the colony.
December 1869 His conclusions from the facts stated in the above letters about New Zealand - constitutional amendments required.
Carbon copies of each of the above letters.

Paper   136f.
GRE/B205/1   1905-1907
26 June 1907 Letter Lord Anglesey to Grey, explaining why he could not accept Grey's invitation to Ottawa.
13 September 1906 Letter Henry Birchenough to Grey, mainly about the Charter Company and Rhodesia; Milner and South Africa; appreciation of Grey by Canadians.
20 September 1905 Letter St John Brodrick to Grey, his difficulties with the late Viceroy of India; Selborne's task in South Africa; the impending defeat of the Government.
n.d. Letter [Butler Duncan?] to Mr Root, thanking him on behalf of the pilgrims for attending the Grey dinner.

Paper   2F.
GRE/B205/2   1904-1913
1 April 1904 Letter Mrs J. McCallum to Alice Grey, describing their new home in Canada.
12 June 1904 Letter Malcolm McCallum to Grey, farming in Canada; Capt. Andrew Hamilton a temperance reformer; the evil of gambling on ships crossing from England to Canada.
17 May 1905 Letter John G. Butterfield to Grey, requesting a testimonial and asking advice on the question of his emigrating to Canada.
6 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to Senator ..., concerning his bailiff [Butterfield] whom he wishes to establish as a farmer in Canada.
6 June 1905 Letter Butterfield to Grey, his decision to come to Canada.
24 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to Professor Robertson, introducing Butterfield and requesting Robertson to advise him.
8 July 1905 Copy letter Miss Gilbertson to Butterfield, expressing Grey's hopes that he will find suitable employment and offer of assistance.
23 July 1905 Letter Butterfield to Miss Gilbertson, concerning the work he has found.
13 August 1905 Letter Butterfield to Miss Gilbertson, concerning Grey's kindness to him and offer of employment from Prof. Robertson.
20 August 1905 Copy letter Grey to Prof. Robertson, Butterfield's acceptance of the job; the roll of honour.
14 October 1905 Letter Butterfield to Grey, concerning a ranch for sale.
27 November 1905 Letter Butterfield to Grey, concerning his job with Robertson.
23 February 1906 Letter Butterfield to Grey, his desire to purchase or rent a farm in the N.W.
10 March 1906 Letter Butterfield to Grey, his desire to purchase a farm; his need to find security for a loan.
11 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to Robertson, his willingness to act as Butterfield's security for a loan.
11 March 1906 Copy letter Mrs Gilbertson to Butterfield, Grey's willingness to act as his security.
16 March 1906 Letter Butterfield to Miss Gilbertson, possibility of his getting some land.
21 March 1906 Letter Butterfield to Miss Gilbertson, possibility of his getting some land.
22 April 1906 Letter Butterfield to Grey, his farm and a Salvation Army settlement (Saskatchewan).
Typescript copy of the above letter.
5 June 1906 Letter Malcolm McCallum to Grey, his farm in British Columbia.
9 July 1906 Letter Butterfield to Grey, cultivation of his farm.
1 October 1906 Letter Capt. Andrew Hamilton to Grey, concerning the McCallums.
1 November 1906 Copy letter Miss Gilbertson to Mr McCallum, fruit farming in British Columbia.
14 November 1906 Letter Malcolm McCallum to Miss Gilbertson, his unwillingness to sell his farm to buy a fruit farm elsewhere in British Columbia.
4 April 1907 Copy letter Miss Gilbertson to Mrs Butterfield [part missing], suggesting a possible partnership arrangement between Butterfield and a son of Sir William Moss.
30 January 1907 Letter L. Butterfield to Miss Gilbertson, describing life on their farm.
8 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sydney Fisher, concerning the Butterfields and a suggestion Butterfield had made.
9 April 1907 Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey, site of experimental farm in N. Saskatchewan.
25 March 1907 Letter Butterfield to Grey, same subject.
22 April 1907 Letter L. Butterfield to Miss Gilbertson, same subject; conditions on their farm.
16 June 1907 Letter Malcolm McCallum to Miss Gilbertson, Public House Trust papers; his ducks and poulty; fruit.
14 July 1907 Letter Malcolm McCallum to Miss Gilbertson, haymaking.
9 July 1907 Letter Andrew Hamilton to McCallum, Grey's pamphlet and teetotalism.
25 November 1907 Letter Butterfield to Grey, his disappointing wheat crop and future prospects.
30 November 1907 Copy letter Miss Gilbertson to Butterfield, concerning the effect of frost on his crops.
6 December 1907 Letter Malcolm McCallum to Miss Gilbertson, his farming activities.
19 February 1908 Letter Butterfield to Grey, death of Lady Morley, illness among the Butterfields, the sale of their grain crop.
26 August 1908 Letter Butterfield to Miss Gilbertson, farming activities and difficulties; the building of a church.
3 February 1909 Copy letter Butterfield to F.W. Hodson, his wife's illness and his financial difficulties.
11 February 1909 Letter F.W. Hodson to Grey, concerning Butterfield's financial difficulties.
16 February 1909 Letter Hodson to Grey, acknowledging his telegram.
22 February 1909 Letter Hodson to Grey, concerning Butterfield's farm and his financial position if he sells it; and concerning Thomas Sanderson.
2 February 1909 Copy letter Thomas Sanderson to Hodson, grain growing in British Columbia.
5 March 1909 Letter W.C. Ricardo to Grey, a situation for Butterfield.
15 March 1909 Copy telegram A.F. Sladen to Ricardo, stating that Grey had made other arrangements for Butterfield.
27 March 1909 Letter F.W. Hodson to Grey, an opportunity for Butterfield in Ontario and concerning his farm.
16 April 1909 Letter John J.G Butterfield to Grey, asking Grey to use his influence with the Union Trust Co. to help him over temporary financial difficulties [with minutes of A.F. Sladen's reply, 24 April 1909].
22 April 1909 Letter F.W. Hodson to Grey, arrangements to pay Butterfield's debts.
26 April 1909 Letter F.W. Hodson to Grey, the Union Trust Co. and Butterfield.
30 May 1909 Copy letter Butterfield to the Manager of the Union Trust Co., his financial difficulties.
30 May 1909 Letter Butterfield to Grey, accident to his daughter's eye; asking Grey's help with respect to the Union Trust Co.
29 April 1910 Letter A. Parker to A.F. Sladen, enquiring about Butterfield, with note of Sladen's reply and of his note to Butterfield.
11 May 1910 Letter Butterfield to Sladen, concerning his set-backs and future prospects.
19 May 1910 Letter A. Parker to Sladen, concerning Butterfield's debt and Grey's guarantee.
18 April 1913 Letter A. Parker to Sladen, concerning Butterfield's debt to the Bank of Montreal and his employment by a colonisation company.
14 April 1913 Copy letter F. Shannon to the Manager of the Bank of Montreal, arrangement about Butterfield's debt.
22 March 1913 Copy letter W.W. Evans to F.S. Shannon, same subject.

Paper   92f.
GRE/B205/3   1906-1912
n.d. Letter Mrs Patrick Campbell to Grey, regretting she cannot lunch with him.
17 September 1906 Letter Archbishop of Canterbury [Randall Thomas Davidson] to Grey, Grey's roll of honour scheme; the education question in Canada and England; the question of the Coronation oath and the effect of the recent “Spanish marriage” on it.
13 November 1911 Letter C.W. Casson to Grey, possibility of his leaving the church for journalism; co-partnership; appreciation of Grey's Governor Generalship.
22 October 1912 Letter Moira(?) Cavendish to Grey, appreciation of Grey in Canada; holiday in Canada.
16 November 1906 Letter Lewis Chanler to Grey, Hearst and politics in New York State.
8 February 1905 Letter Edward Clifford to Grey, thanking him for invitation to Canada; Stead's book on the Welsh revival.
18 November 1911 Letter Nap. A. Corneau to Grey, thanking him for books and “souvenirs”; fishing on the St John etc; Grey's popularity in Canada.
21 April 1907 Letter May Harvey Drummond to Grey, on the death of her husband.
26 June 1907 Letter Lord Anglesey to Grey.
13 September 1906 Letter Henry Burchimp(?) to Grey.

Paper   20f.
GRE/B205/4   1884-1906
10 August 1884 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, suggesting that Grey should accompany him on a cruise to the Ionian Isles.
21 September 1884 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, his contribution to lectures on political economy for miners; Mrs Milner's suicide.
6 December 1885 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, Grey's election success [incomplete].
11 August 1889 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, concerning a picture (Callcott) in which he is interested and which he would like to purchase from 3rd Earl Grey.
28 October 1894 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, concerning his wife.
5 November 1900 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, books from Stead.
13 May 1905 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, his illness, his relative John.
31 May 1905 Copy letter Grey to Durham, suggestions for Durham's possible visit to Canada; arrangements at Toronto races; a “Durham Challenge Cup”.
24 June 1905 Copy letter W.P. Fraser to Col. Hanbury Williams, suggesting that the President of the Ontario Jockey Club should be enrolled as an honourable member of the Jockey Club (London).
17 July 1905 Letter B. Gilbertson to Hanbury Williams, concerning the above.
11 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Durham, concerning Durham's help to J.H. Watson in work of looking after the waifs and strays of North of England.
19 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Durham, question of ex officio membership of the Jockey Club for the president of the Ontario Jockey Club.
17 January 1906 Letter J. Hanbury Williams to Grey, same subject.
Typescript copy of the above letter.
19 January 1906 Corrected copy letter Grey to Durham, same subject as above (with some corrections).
22 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Durham, same subject and reforms that the Liberal party in England might make particularly with respect to the postal service to Canada.
15 November 1906 Letter Durham to Grey, concerning a cup and a picture; Reid's book; Durham's objection to the government's attitude to British settlers in South Africa.

Paper   28f.
GRE/B205/5   1904-1911
31 March 1909 Letter Col. George Denison to Grey, concerning his book on imperial unity.
14 April 1909 Letter Col. George Denison to Grey, concerning his book and the publication of the Mercier letter - on intrigues between New York and Canada.
8 May 1909 Letter Col. George Denison to Grey, Canadian naval question.
3 May 1909 Letter John V. Ellis to Grey, expressing satisfaction at the extension of Grey's term of office.
28 February 1907 Letter Charles W. Eliot to Grey, concerning Unitarian tracts and tenets.
27 January 1909 Letter Rbt. A. Falconer to Grey, explaining why he was unable to call on Grey at Ottawa; a book for the Princess of Wales; a banner; the approaching end of Grey's term of office.
17 December 1907 Letter Sir Joseph Wesley Flavell to Grey, the licensing question in Toronto and opposition to political “tricks and expedients” in Canada.
26 December 1911 Letter Sir Sandford Fleming to Grey, the importance of Grey's last words in Canada; a pamphlet Fleming had written and correspondence about it.
17 August 1908 Letter Capt. Gibson to Grey, concerning his appointment to Lieutenant Governorship [of Toronto] and the care that will be taken to cause no inconvenience to Sir Mortimer and Lady Clark.
2 February 1909 Letter A.J. Glazebrook to Grey, Milner and colonial preference; Canadian public opinion on political questions.
22 February 1909 Letter A.J. Glazebrook to Grey, election of Canon Sweeny as Bishop; opposition to method of bible teaching at Toronto University; cabling news from London to the colonies; Canadian history books for schools.
23 March 1909 Letter A.J. Glazebrook to Grey, steps to prepare a Canadian history.
17 November 1904 Letter Lady Cynthia Graham to Grey, on Grey's going to Canada.
21 February 1908 Letter Sidney Greville to Grey, portrait of the Queen for the Canadian archives.
29 May 1907 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey, the happy prospect before Grey in Canada; Grey as a symbol of imperial unity.
22 October 1908 Letter Seth Low to Grey, inviting him to annual dinner of the National Civic Federation, New York.
20 November 1908 Letter Seth Low to Grey, repeating invitation and giving detail of other guests etc.
24 November 1908 Copy letter Grey to Seth Low, regretting that he could not accept the invitation.
30 July 1908 Letter Sir George Ross to Grey, the service Grey had done Canada by his conciliation and the Quebec Tercentenary celebrations.
30(?) October 1910(?) Letter Sir George Ross to Grey, congratulating him on the services he had rendered to Canada by his western tour and speeches.
4 January 1909 Letter William Howard Taft to Grey, thanking him for New Year's greetings.
12 August 1905 Letter Joseph Israel Tarte to Grey, concerning Trafalgar celebrations as reported in La Patrie.
[11 August 1905] Cutting from La Patrie, concerning Trafalgar celebrations.
25(?) February 1907 Letter Tarte to Grey, thanking him for copy of Milner's speeches.
27 December 1907 Letter Emma Tarte to Grey, thanking him for sympathy on death of her husband.
7 May 1909 Letter Lord Tullibardine to Grey, asking whether he might call on Grey.
18 December 1905 Letter Adélard Turgeon to Grey, expressing loyalty and support for the British Empire.
27 July 1904 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, thanking Grey for letter of sympathy on death of his wife.
8 January 1906 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, his new work at the Admiralty; Canadian naval matters; his son Dudley in South Africa; strained relations with Germany.
22 February 1907 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, death of Grey's daughter; the colonies and the British navy.
5 March 1907 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, Mr Sifton and the supply of Nickel; the results of the L.C.C. elections; criticism of the Admiralty.
28 May 1907 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, opposing Grey's suggestion that a cruiser should be sent from China to take Prince Fushimi back to Yokohama from Vancouver.
30 May 1907 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, acceding to Grey's request with regard to the above matter.
30 May 1907 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, concerning the cruiser for Prince Fushimi.
28 March 1908 Letter Lord Tweedmouth to Grey, cost of the Prince of Wales' visit to Canada so far as the Admiralty is concerned; the death of his mother; the handing over of Halifax and Esquimalt to the Canadian government.
2 September 1904 Letter Major Robert White to Grey.
5 November 1905 Letter Major Robert White to Grey, Canada as a source of wheat supply for Britain; his efforts to stimulate investment in Canada; Grey and the purchase of a farm in Canada; funeral of Frank [Rhodes(?)].
Part of letter Robert White to Lady Grey, news of illness among the Lawley family, etc.
8 November [1907] Letter Col. Wilson to Grey, thanking Grey for a letter sympathising on his being obliged to resign the command of his regiment on account of ill health.
8 November 1907 Letter Florence Wilson to Grey, same subject.
4 November .... Letter Edward Wood to Grey, concerning Feiling, a history lecturer at Toronto University; the threatened railway strike.

Paper   56f.
GRE/B205/6   1904-1911
31 August 1910 Copy “Marconigram” Grey to Laurier, concerning his Hudson Bay trip.
4 November 1909 Letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey, concerning Winston Churchill; the request of the YMCA for a portrait of Grey.
25 January 1909 Copy letter Laurier to Lord Crewe, declaring that the extension of Grey's appointment in Canada to 6 years would be gratifying to the Canadian people.
2 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell, urging investment of British capital in the British Columbia fruit industry.
21 January 1911 Cutting from the Sheffield Daily Telegraph, “Fruit Farming in British Columbia”.
13 October 1907 Copy letter Grey to Maxse, concerning Macphail and the University Magazine and its policy in Canada; Asiatic immigration into British Columbia; the battlefields scheme.
30 November 1904 Letter H. Wantage to Grey, best wishes on his going to Canada.
14 December 1909 Copy letter Grey to [Lionel(?)] Curtis, imperial federation, preceded by federation of the British Isles, inter-imperial free trade; Laurier and the navy question - the reason why Garvin should support Laurier in the press.
21 June 1904 Letter Lady H. Wantage to Grey [part missing], offering him £2000 during the term of his Governor Generalship of Canada if financial difficulties stood in the way of his accepting the post.

Paper   26f.
GRE/B205/7   1904; 1911
15 July 1904 Letter B. Seebohm Rowntree to Grey, his wish to get birth data from the Registrar General; an example of effective settlement of landless families in Worcestershire.
28 November 1911 Letter C.C. James (Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ontario) to Grey, the Kent Land Co. for land settlement; the needs of Ontario with regard to agriculture and settlement.
13 November 1911 Copy letter [Grey's secretary] to W.W. Barrett, “Ready Made Farms” in Ontario - his folder concerning them.
9 November 1911 Letter W.W. Barrett to Grey, concerning the land settlement scheme in Canada which his company runs - the “Jeannette Ready Made Farms”.
13 November 1911 Copy letter Grey to C.C. James, asking his opinion on Barrett and his scheme.
13 November 1911 Copy letter [Grey's secretary] to W.W. Barrett, “Ready Made Farms” in Ontario and his folder concerning them.
3 September 1911 Letter James Robertson to Grey, Turnor's book Land Problems and National Welfare; Turnor's school gardens in Lincoln; importance of good teachers in Canada.
15 September 1911 Copy letter Grey to Robertson, his inability to lead a movement for rural reform; his plans when he returns to England; his fear of single chamber rule; Turnor's book.
26 November 1911 Letter T.C. Horsfall to Grey, Dr Robertson and education; backwardness of agricultural methods in Cheshire; housing inspection in Germany.
2 copies of the above letter.

Paper   29f.
GRE/B205/8   1906-1911
8 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Sydney Fisher, the “One & All” Agricultural and Horticultural Society - seeds for Canada.
26 November 1909 Notes concerning co-partnership bill presented to Chamber of Deputies in France by Monsieur Tournade.
24 June 1911 Letter C.C. Ballantyne to Grey, concerning his company and its shares.
26 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Ballantyne, concerning shares in Ballantyne's Company.
9 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to George W. Perkins, co-partnership; offering to sell him his bronze group which conveys the co-partnership message to the present century.
Notes concerning the Farmers' Co-operative Company - an offshoot of the Grain Growers' Association.
Last page of a copy letter from Grey to W.S. Fielding, Canadian-American trade and preference for Canada in the British market.

Paper   12f.
GRE/B205/9   1911-1912
2 January 1911 Letter A.B. Aylesworth to Grey, thanking him for the loan of General Charles Grey's letters 1838-1839.
30 April .... Letter A(?). Corbin to Grey, thanking him for hospitality and photograph; Grey's understanding of Americans.
13 September 1911 Letter Sir George Ross to Grey, asking for his opinion on the draft of a chapter of a book he is writing in which he deals with Grey's relations with Canada.
21 September 1911 Letter Herbert Symonds to Grey, resolution on church unity; expressing appreciation of his Governor Generalship.
1 October 1911 Letter Emily Anderson Fowler to Grey, thanking him for his kindness and saying goodbye.
5 October 1911 Letter James A. Elliott to Grey, expressing appreciation of his Governor-Generalship; Grey and the navy question.
10 October 1911 Letter William Wood to Grey, thanking him for copy of the King's Book of Quebec and concerning inscriptions on the Wolfe-Montcalm memorial.
11 October 1911 Letter Lomer Gouin to Grey, thanking him for pictures etc., expressing appreciation of his Governor Generalship and saying goodbye.
12 February 1912 Letter Alfred Seaby to Grey, thanking Grey for his reference etc.and expressing the hope that if Grey should require anyone for a post that he could fill he would be given first chance.

Paper   11f.
GRE/B205/10   1908-1910
24 May 1909 Letter James L. Hughes to Grey, concerning Grey's speech which he (Hughes) would like circulated to schools in Ontario; and his cadet force.
7 November 1909 Letter Ethel C. Nanton to Grey, concerning her disappointment at not meeting Grey and her stay at the sanitarium and treatment there.
4 June (?) 1910 Letter Adelaide Fisk to Grey, thanking him for photograph; her interest in Grey's work.
21 March 1910 Letter Dr James Barclay to Grey, congratulating him on his speech at Albany.
21 July 1910 Letter Sir George Ross to Grey, thanking Grey in connection with his knighthood and concerning Grey's Hudson Bay journey.
25 December 1909 Letter S.E. Dawson to Grey, thanking him for pheasants.
4 June 1910 Letter S.E. Dawson to Grey, thanking him for his kindness during his administration.
n.d. [ca. 25 December 1909] Letter Sir Lyman Melvin Jones to Grey, thanking him for the gift he has sent them as a memento of his stay with Jones.
27 December 1909 Letter J. St. Brierley to Grey, the task facing Canadian imperialists.
31 December 1909 Letter J.F. White to Grey, concerning the Canadian Calendar “Canadian Calendar” designed by pupils of the Winnipeg Model School.
23 December 1908 Letter W.P. Fraser to Grey, presentation by Ontario Jockey Club of miniature of the Durham Cup.
13 May 1909 Letter W.J. Hanna to Grey, Grey's letter to McBride concerning British Columbia.
30 April 1909 Letter George E.? Foster to Grey, organisation to stir up sentiment for Canadian participation in naval defence.
28 October 1908 Letter J.G.H. Bergeron to Grey, thanking Grey for sympathy on his defeat in the elections; and the possibility of his being offered the County of Carleton.

Paper   16f.
Anglo-Saxon Consolidation
Reference: GRE/B205/11
Dates of creation: 1887-1909
Extent: 47f.Paper

The following pamphlets:
(1887) Goldwin Smith: The Schism in the Anglo-Saxon Race.
(1907) William M. Coleman: Federation of the English Speaking Nations.
(1907) J.S. Willison: Anglo-Saxon Amity (2 copies).
(c.1896) W. Peterson: The Relations of the English Speaking Peoples.
(1905) Moreton Frewen: About “Thinking Imperially”; X, San Francisco A Criticism on "“Thinking Federally”.
Rough MS notes by Grey, partly on or from some of the above pamphlets.
Speech by Grey delivered to members of an American University concerning the close ties between the British and Americans and concerning the Rhodes scholarships.
12 April 1778 Copy of draft orders and instructions of George III to Frederick 5th Earl of Carlisle and others, Commissioners appointed to treat with the American Colonists.
Press cutting, “No possible union with Great Britain”.
9 January 1909 Page from Toronto Saturday Night. A remarkable American “Patriotic Prayer”.
22 May 1909 Cutting from The Standard, “The Peace of 100 years between Great Britain and the United States”.
Printed particulars of the Peace Society of the City of New York, with subscription form.
Notes by Grey - brotherhood between British and American peoples.

GRE/B205/12   1908
Speech by Grey on Professor Robertson and Macdonald College and the training of farmers.
20 October 1908 Copy letter Henry Moore Teller, U.S. Senator to [M. Frewen], fall in the gold price of silver; the Goschen plan; the need for information as to the intentions of the Indian government. (2 complete copies and one incomplete copy).

Paper   14f.
Royal Colonial Institute
Reference: GRE/B206/1
Dates of creation: 1915-1916
Extent: 165f.Paper

6 March 1915 Letter Lord Derby to Grey, declining to subscribe to a fund for the purpose of recruiting men in America.
16 March 1915 Letter Eric Drummond to Grey, Sir Edward Grey's objections to Grey's proposals on recruitment in USA.
17 March 1915 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey, replying to Sir E. Grey's objections; the seeking of members of the Royal Colonial Institute in USA.
6 June [1915] Letter Harry Brittain to Grey, his stay in California; recruiting among Englishmen in America.
9 June 1915 Letter Harry Brittain to Grey, same subjects.
4 May 1915 Report of the Committee appointed by the President of the Local Government Board upon the Provision of Employment for Sailors and Soldiers disabled in the War [presented to both Houses of Parliament].
22 June 1915 Letter Lord Sydenham to Grey, difficulties in Australia about immigration; the Scummel Committee's report on the question of ex-servicemen.
24 June 1915 Letter James R. Boosé to Grey, his work on behalf of the Royal Colonial Institute in Liverpool.
24 June 1915 Copy letter Grey to Sir Harry Wilson, Grey's probable resignation of the chairmanship of the After the War Committee; the Royal Colonial Institute and the British Empire League.
25 June 1915 Copy letter Grey to Asquith, explaining the function of the Royal Colonial Institute and asking him to become a member.
25 June 1915 Copy letter Grey to Asquith, concerning a request for an interview on behalf of the “After the War” committee of the Royal Colonial Institute; the offer of land in Australia for settlement by ex-servicemen.
April 1915 Press cuttings (Sydney), “China's empty north and Australia”; “Settle the Land”.
12 July 1915 Cable Easton to Grey, informing him that the Queensland government favour Grey's proposals; Easton's arrangements, to meet other governments.
n.d. Copy cable Grey to General Botha, conveying congratulations of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute on the successes achieved by him and his troops.
15 July 1915 Copy letter Selborne to Sir Charles Lucas, concerning the committee he is appointing to consider the employment of ex-servicemen.
16 July 1915 Letter H.F. Wilson to Grey, enclosing the above two documents.
16 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bonar Law, Easton's mission in Australia; the question of settlement of ex-servicemen; the desirability of government approval of the efforts and offers that are being made.
24 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to H.E. Easton, informing him that Bonar Law had received a deputation from the Royal Colonial Institute.
23 July 1915 Letter W.H. Hadow to Grey, asking him to launch a Victoria League scheme of lectures on different parts of the Empire.
24 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Hadow, declining the above invitation and concerning the work of the Royal Colonial Institute and his Dominion House project.
“After the War Empire Settlement and Rural Employment Committee”: Agenda, 22 July 1915; also list of members [of deputation to the Colonial Office] and subjects on which they would speak.
22 July 1915 Letter Sir H.F. Wilson to Grey, concerning the deputation of the above body to the Colonial Office.
4 August 1915 Copy letter Grey to Easton, recognition for Mr and Mrs Dixson of Sydney for services to imperial cause; overseas Dominion House project; the Aldwych site proposal; the Pan American Union; neglect by government of interests of the Empire.
5 August 1915 Copy letter Grey to Brittain, the Pan American Union; and the organisation he hopes to found on the Aldwych site.
September 1915 Proof copy of paper on Imperial Studies [movement] by C.P. Lucas in United Empire.
7 August 1915 Letter C.P. Lucas to Grey, relations between the Royal Colonial Institute and the Victoria League.
9 August 1915 Letter W.H. Hadow to Grey, concerning the above, and lectures to be held in Newcastle.
17 July 1914 Copy letter Grey to [J.R.] Boosé, the importance of recruiting members to the Royal Colonial Institute or similar bodies.
Royal Colonial Institute: Agenda for meeting on 26 October 1915 [election of fellows].
16 November 1915 Circular letter J. Bevan Edwards [Chairman of Committee Royal Colonial Institute] for use of the Organisation Committee, suggesting amalgamation of the Royal Colonial Institute and the National Service League, and concerning the latter body.
27 October 1915 Circular letter from Sir Harry F. Wilson [Sec. Royal Colonial Institute], reporting on the work of the Royal Colonial Institute during the last quarter.
Circular from C. Turnor & J. Tavernor [of the Royal Colonial Institute] on land settlement within the Empire. Royal Colonial Institute: Empire Land Settlement Committee (for soldiers and sailors) - list of members (2 copies).
12 October 1915 Letter S.W. Copley to Grey, quoting extract of letter from a West Australian (Sidney Simpson) to Copley concerning the suitability of the country around Perth for vine culture.
2 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Wilson, his inability to attend Newcastle meeting; publicising the work of the Royal Colonial Institute.
10 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to W.A. Bulkeley-Evans, concerning the Royal Colonial Institute and the proposed mission of Sir Rider Haggard to the Dominions about settlement of ex-servicemen.
10 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Sir Harry Wilson, concerning Rider Haggard's proposed mission; the provision of land in Australia for ex-servicemen.
10 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Herbert Easton, his illness; the seeking of an honour for Mr Dixon; the fund for purchase of the Aldwych site; J.C. Watson as commissioner for land settlement.
12 November 1915 Copy cable Grey to Wilson, concerning satisfaction in Australia on appointment of the Bonar Law Commission to investigate land settlement.
12 November 1915 Copy telegram Grey to the Prime Minister, concerning an honour for Lennard on account of imperial services.
22 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Col. James Burns, concerning the sending of Sir Rider Haggard as special commissioner of the Royal Colonial Institute to Australia to facilitate settlement of ex-servicemen and the raising of money for his expenses.
22 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Wilson, concerning his discussion with Col. Burns on land settlement of ex-servicemen in Australia.
22 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Col. Burns (see above).
27 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Boosé, the Royal Colonial Institute and the West Indies. [This letter is disjointed and appears to be a combination of two different versions].
30 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Dixson, thanking her for £200 towards Dominion House scheme; British mismanagement in the Pacific.
30 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Easton, Mrs Dixson's contribution; his illness; Col. Burns and financial assistance to Rider Haggard.
4 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Milner, question of obtaining financial support for the Rider Haggard mission from the Rhodes Trust.
4 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bulkeley Evans, same subject.
6 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Col. Burns, Rider Haggard's expenses; the question of the place of discharge of soldiers.
6 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Wilson, Rider Haggard's mission; the report of the 1905 committee on Haggard's proposals for agricultural settlements in Canada.
8 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Milner, Rhodes Trust help for Haggard; Japanese attempts to dominate the Pacific; the Australian government's protest to Berlin about the Marshal Islands; false declarations of German shipping going through the Suez Canal.
9 December 1915 Letter Col. James Burns to Grey, the government's inability to take up the scheme of transplanting ex-servicemen to Australia.
10 December 1915 Letter Col. James Burns to Grey, the Dominion House scheme; the raising of money for the Rider Haggard mission.
10 December 1915 Circular from H.F. Wilson and W.H. Bulkeley-Evans [of the Royal Colonial Institute], explaining and requesting financial help for the Rider Haggard mission.
13 December 1915 Letter H.F. Wilson to Grey, raising of money for the Haggard mission; the value of Rhodes Trust support.
14 December 1915 Proposals and suggested scheme for the consideration of R.C.I. Empire Land Settlement Committee, by E. Scammell.
10 December 1915 Letter Milner to Grey, financial help for the Haggard mission from the Rhodes Trust; Milner's pressure of work; his willingness to meet Col. Burns if possible.
16 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Wilson, Rider Haggard's visit to Australia - its advantages and dangers.
28 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bonar Law, J.C. Watson and land settlement of ex-servicemen in Australia.
19 November 1915 Copy letter J.C. Watson to [Grey], same subject.
28 December 1915 Letter Arthur Steel Maitland to Grey, suggesting that Rider Haggard is not suitable for the mission to Australia.
29 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Bulkeley Evans, provision of farms for settlement in New South Wales.
31 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Bulkeley Evans, Copley's land settlement scheme.
1 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Milner, the Royal Colonial Institute; arrangements for Rider Haggard's mission; contribution towards it from the Rhodes Trust.
29 November 1915 Copy resolution passed at Council meeting of the Women's Liberal League of New South Wales, land settlement of ex-servicemen.
29 November 1915 Letter Laura Bagne(?) Luffman to Grey, land settlement in Australia and opposition to it.
11 February 1916 Cutting from The Times, “Soldier Settlers” - Views on the proposed scheme - question of ownership.
Memo concerning Eumaralla Estate in the municipality of Gulgong, which could be used as a training centre for ex-servicemen in farming etc., with a proposal as to the terms on which it might be acquired by the Federal Government [of Australia] for that purpose.
(?) February 1916 Part of a letter [from Milner(?) to Grey], the failure of negotiations for amalgamation of the Royal Colonial Institute and the National Service League.
November 1915 Pages from The Nineteenth Century: “Land Settlement of Ex-Servicemen” by Charles Bathurst. “Government Measures on War Distress” by Herbert Samuel.
15 February 1916 Letter J.L. Englehart to Grey, development of N. Ontario; lands available for ex-servicemen; Canada's war effort.
Copy Army Regulations India, Vol. X, par. 69, concerning discharge of British soldiers who complete their term of service in India. Letter W.H. Swain (for the Military Sec. India Office) to Grey, covering the above.
Press cutting: “National Kitchener Memorial - Help for Disabled Officers and Men”.
4 March 1916 Cutting from The Times, “Settlement in Canada”.
19 July 1916 Letter Geo. Howard Ferguson to Grey, provisions of the land settlement laws in N. Ontario and the preparations being made to cope with ex-servicemen in this respect.
7 August 1916 Copy letter Grey's secretary to the above, acknowledging it on behalf of Grey.
4 August 1916 Letter Commissioner David C. Lamb of the Salvation Army, to Grey, asking Grey's help in an application to Ottawa for financial aid to the Widows' Emigration Fund; business connected with a house in Grosvenor Square.
4 August 1916 Reprint from The Times, “The Wealth of the Sea” [letter from Thomas Farrow], suggesting a voluntary organisation for catching fish to supply hospitals especially those containing wounded servicemen.
29 June 1916 Reprint from The Times, “The Wealth of the Sea” [letter from Thomas Farrow], suggesting a voluntary organisation for catching fish to supply hospitals especially those containing wounded servicemen.
26 August 1916 Letter Thomas Farrow to Grey, asking Grey to become Vice-President of an association formed for the above purpose.
13 November 1916 Letter A. Bonar Law to Grey, stating that he is in communication with the Dominions on the subject of land settlement for ex-servicemen.
Found apart: 29 May 1916 Letter Sir Harry Wilson to Grey, enclosing:
29 May 1916 Circular from W.A. Bulkeley-Evans (Hon. Secretary Empire Land Settlement Committee of Royal Colonial Institute).
Empire Land Settlement: Agenda for Conference on 31 May 1916.

Petrograd - Stockholm : Ocean Ferry
Reference: GRE/B206/2
Dates of creation: April-July 1916
Extent: 41f.Paper

20 June 1916 Letter [unsigned but probably G.L. d'Abo of the British Bank of Northern Commerce] to Grey, Mr Grove and his Anglo-Russian trade bureau; a sum of money being raised for the government.
5/18 April 1916 Letter C.F. Just to Grey, reporting on financial matters from Petrograd and concerning the war.
16 June 1916 Letter K.A. Knudsen to Grey, concerning transactions of the Alliance Trading Co. and its amalgamation with the Russian Trading Co.
6 May 1916 Copy letter Grey to Harry Cust, strengthening the “entente cordiale” between Britain and Sweden.
6 April 1916 Copy letter A. Welin to Fred Bagge, concerning the proposed Anglo-Swedish Guild.
25 April 1916 Copy letter A. Welin to Henry Cust, proposed train ferry service between Sweden and England. Letter Harry Cust to Grey [part missing], means to improve Anglo-Swedish relations.
8/21 June 1916 Letter C.F. Just to Grey, the Gerhard and Hey matter and promotion of Anglo-Russian trade.
24 June 1916 Letter Harry Cust to Grey, saying he is worried about the Swedish matter and would like to discuss it with Grey.
26 June 1916 Copy letter [Knudsen] to Mr Ryan, points of difficulty in Anglo-Norwegian relations.
27 June 1916 Letter K.A. Knudsen to Grey, his work to help Anglo-Norwegian relations.
27 June 1916 Copy letter Grey to Cust, the proposal to establish a ferry service between Petrograd, Stockholm and England.
28 June 1916 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey, concerning the proposed ferry service.
29 June 1916 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey, the British government and the proposed ferry service.
Notes by Grey concerning the proposed ferry service [written on back of printed sheet headed “The Rhodes' Scholarships at Oxford”].
30 June 1916 Letter C.F. Just to Grey, concerning Mr Boris Brandhendler, the Petrograd Representative of the London Chamber of Commerce, whose assistance he strongly recommends as worth obtaining.
10 July 1916 Letter A. Law to Grey, expressing Sir Edward Grey's view on Grey's proposal that H.M. Government's satisfaction should be made known to the Swedish government in connection with a vote of money for the enquiry into the proposed ferry service.
12 July 1916 Letter H. Bendixon to Grey, concerning the time and place for a meeting of himself and another with Grey to discuss British co-operation [in the ferry scheme].

Copley Scheme
Reference: GRE/B206/3
Dates of creation: 1914-1915
Extent: 158f.Paper

23 February 1915 Reprint from Daily Telegraph, “Our disabled soldiers and sailors: Proposed Fishing Colony”, by Moreton Frewen (3 copies).
19 August 1914 Cutting from The Morning Post, “Practical schemes for the relief of distress” (letter to editor from Herbert E. Easton).
21 December 1914 Circular, “Memorandum by Mr Arthur A. Pearson for submission to the members of the standing emigration committee of the Royal Colonial Institute”, reporting on interviews with various persons and officials on the emigration of discharged servicemen to the Dominions.
6 November 1914 Copy letter Grey to Sir Godfrey [Lagden], suggesting that the Colonial Institute should approach the Colonial Secretary with the view to initiating a joint scheme between the British and Dominion governments for the settlement of ex-servicemen on Dominion lands.
7 November 1914 Copy letter Grey to Col. Lambe, concerning Mr Copley and his offer of land in W. Australia for settlement by ex-servicemen.
18 December 1914 Printed circular: “War - A National Memorial 1914”. Signed C.H. Kenderdine, suggesting that cottages should be built for war disabled as a national memorial.
10 December 1914 Copy letter from “a well-known resident of Bristol” [H. Reginald Wansbrough] to the Hon. Secretary of the British Immigration League [Herbert E. Easton], on the future outlook for Australia. The necessity of encouraging emigration from England to Australia to prevent occupation of Australian lands by people from over populated countries such as Japan.
18 December 1914 Copy letter Rowland Hunt to Easton, why those interested financially in Australasia should support the British Immigration League.
Copy of Mr Easton's communication re emigration. Reasons for the establishment of training farms in the United Kingdom.
10 December 1914 Memorandum, “After the War - Proposals for Employment”, concerning emigration of discharged servicemen and settlement of some from the Dominions in England.
10 December 1914 Memorandum, “Suggested letter for Herbert Easton”, on what he should do when in Australia about land settlement.
26 November 1914 Cutting from The Standard, “When the War is Over”.
11 December 1914 Cutting from the Morning Post, “India and the Dominions” - letter to the editor from Richard Jebb.
27 November 1914 Copy letter Grey to Easton, reporting his conversation with Commissioner Lamb of the Salvation Army on land settlement of ex-servicemen in the Dominions.
28 November 1914 Letter Easton to Grey, his mission to Australia; good effect on recruitment that proposed Dominion land settlement schemes would have; difficulty over the Salvation Army and Australia; Copley's offer.
28 November 1914 Letter D.C. Lamb to Grey, concerning the good effect on recruiting that Grey's land settlement scheme might have.
3 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to Islington, Copley's offer; the Dominion Governments and land settlement of ex-servicemen; Grey's idea of a bureau in London for the purpose; opposition to a Salvation Army scheme in Canada.
24 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to General Finn, concerning the settlement of ex-servicemen in Australia and the application of the Eliza Hall Fund to that purpose.
3 printed copies of the letter from “a well known resident of Bristol” as listed above.
2 printed copies of the memorandum “After the War” as listed above.
19 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to Kitchener, Copley's offer to sell land in W. Australia on favourable terms for settlement of ex-servicemen.
Another copy of the above letter.
22 December 1914 Letter Wilson Carhill to Grey, supporting the idea of arranging for the emigration of ex-servicemen to the Dominions.
22 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to Easton, concerning his idea of establishing a Dominion House in London.
24 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to the Governor General of Australia, covering a copy of his letter to Kitchener and introducing Mr Easton.
24 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to Fisher, concerning the settlement of ex-servicemen in the Dominions; news from Berlin of German view of the war; Fisher's speech on the war; the sense of imperial unity produced by the war.
23 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to Islington, S.W. Copley's offer of land for settlement of ex-servicemen in Australia; suggesting the establishment of experimental farms on which disabled soldiers etc.could be trained. The problem of financing the emigration; Mr Easton's mission.
30 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to Islington, further details of Copley's offer.
10 January 1915 Copy letter Grey to Kitchener, concerning Copley and his offer of land on favourable terms for settlement of ex-servicemen in Australia.
Memo of Easton's address and memo concerning copy of Copley's offer.
9 January 1915 Letter Mary Adelaide Broadhurst to Grey, concerning the conference convened by the National Political League.
11 January 1915 Copy resolution carried at the second conference of the National Political League, concerning the danger of the standard of living in the Dominions being lowered unless emigrants to them were trained so that they could take up the work at current pay rates.
Copy of another resolution carried at the same, disapproving of proposal to send out war orphaned children to Australia.
Copy of another resolution carried at the same, calling on Mr Easton to place the outlook of the women workers of the United Kingdom before the Australian people.
14 January 1915 Letter Mary A. Broadhurst to Grey, pointing out the conditions under which any scheme for the development of land industries in England or the Dominions would have the support of the National Political League.
13 February 1915 Letter S.W. Copley to Grey, promising to fi-nd land and fruit trees for immigrants to Australia.
29 December 1914 Copy letter J. Hawker to Copley, concerning “Woodsome Estate” and its potentialities.
29 December 1914 Copy letter J. Hawker to Copley, concerning the “Berry Brow Estate” and its potentialities.
6 February 1915 Letter S.W. Copley to Grey, covering the reports of Hawker and Despeissis.
2 January 1915 Copy letter A. Dispeissis to Copley, concerning “Berry Brow Estate” (40-50 miles East of Perth), its condition and method of settlement.
1 January 1915 Copy letter A. Despeissis to Copley, concerning the “Woodsome Estate” (19 miles from Perth), its condition and potentialities.
10 March 1918 Cable Easton to Leo Vergall, declaring that public endorsement of the land settlement scheme by the King or Kitchener “would clinch movement” in Australia.
Duplicate of the above cable.
9 March 1915 Cutting from The Daily Chronicle, “When new army is disbanded - Earl Grey on end of war problem”.
25 February 1915 Cutting from Daily Mail, “17,000,000 acres of waste land - what we could do with it” by Professor James Long.
9 March 1915 Cutting from Chronicle, “When new army is disbanded - Earl Grey on end of war problem”.
15 March 1915 Cutting from The Times, “On the land - old problems and new ways - the war and after” by Sir H. Rider Haggard.
19 March 1915 Cutting from The Evening Standard, “After the War - Earl Grey's Views”.
Another copy of the above.
24 March 1915 Cutting from The Evening Standard, “After the War ... An Empire Task” [view of Thomas Mackenzie High Commissioner for New Zealand].
23 March 1915 Cutting from The Evening Standard, “After the War ... Sir G. Perley's Views”.
5 April 1915 Cutting from The Evening Standard, “After the War ... Summary of Views”.
n.d. Copy letter A. Watson to Sidney Simpson, grape growing in W. Australia (3 copies).
16 February 1915 Copy letter James B. Bryce to Sidney Simpson, declaring that a small orchard in W. Australia would be an ideal home for any ex-serviceman (3 copies).
19 February 1915 Copy letter Sidney Simpson to S.W. Copley, concerning Mr Bryce and expressing support for land settlement scheme (3 copies).
19 March 1915 Letter Sir Gerald G. Strickland to Grey, explaining why at present he could not give active support to Grey's land settlement scheme in Australia.
Memorandum by James Kidd for His Excellency the Governor-General [of Australia] on land settlement in Australia of ex-servicemen, pointing out the difficulties involved.
6 April 1915 Letter Sir R.M. Ferguson to Grey, concerning land settlement in Australia; price fixing by government of N.S. Wales; Queensland as a place for settlement.
10 April Cable Easton to Grey, requesting him to secure endorsement by the King, Kitchener or Prime Minister of scheme for acquiring land in Australia for settlement of ex-servicemen.
Copy of the above cable.
11 May 1915 Copy letter J.C. Watson to Grey, promising to assist in the scheme for land settlement of ex-servicemen in Australia.
30 April 1915 Letter Sir H. Rider Haggard to Grey, suggesting that he sees the Prime Minister and others privately.
4 May 1915 Letter H.H. Asquith to Grey, promising to give Grey and his friends an appointment to discuss an important matter.
22 May 1915 Copy letter Grey to Easton, impossibility of the King or Kitchener publicly endorsing a proposal relating to [land settlement] in Australia (2 copies).
26 May 1915 Copy letter Grey to Easton, reiterating the above; and concerning Mr Watson.
Preliminary Notice: The Disabled Soldiers' & Sailors' Training Society.
18 September 1915 Letter J.G. Corfield to Grey, concerning the above organisation.
14 September 1915 Letter A. Bonar Law to Grey, declining to appoint Rider Haggard as Special Commissioner to examine the possibilities of land settlement for ex-servicemen in the Dominions.
Copy of the above letter.
30 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Copley, asking him for assistance to save Moreton Frewen from ruin in respect of Prince Rupert; land settlement in Australia for ex-servicemen.
29 March 1916 Letter S.W. Copley to Grey, the need to keep London as the centre of international finance, commerce, insurance, etc; his business aims with regard to insurance.

Hans Niels Andersen, special emissary of Danish King and government 1914-1918
Reference: GRE/B206/4
Dates of creation: 1914-1916
Extent: 45f.Paper

9 July [1915] Notes on interview with German Chancellor (Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg) and concerning German naval policy.
Notes by Grey of contents of letter from Andersen, 2 October 1914.
Observations on the war situation especially in Germany; attitude of powers to Denmark.
24 September 1914 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey, approving of an arrangement.
Notes by Grey of contents of letters from Andersen, 15 March 1915. This is a fairly detailed account of conversations Andersen had had with Ballin in Germany, Willenberg in Stockholm, Sir Geo. Buckanan in Petrograd and the Russian Tsar, concerning war and peace.
Notes by Grey of contents of letters from Andersen 7-8 May with account of conversation he had in Berlin with regard to peace and observations on the endurance power of the belligerents.
28 August 1914 Letter H.N. Andersen to Grey, the difficult position of Denmark as between England and Germany.
3 September 1914 Copy letter Grey to Andersen, Sir Edward Grey's observations on the above letter; Grey's observations on the war.
6 November 1914 Copy letter Grey to Andersen, success of Andersen's mission to England; Grey's action with regard to Andersen's letter protesting against British submarines in Danish waters.
Notes on position of Denmark as between England and Germany, enthusiasm for the war in Germany; prices of food in Germany; statistics of workers in Germany. (Possibly from a letter from Andersen which Grey handed to Sir Edward Grey in December 1914 - see copy Grey to Anderson 19 December 1914).
9 December Copy telegram Andersen to Grey, concerning the British demand for restriction of Danish trade with Germany.
9 December 1914 Copy letter Grey to Andersen, proposition about shares in an oil company of which Grey wishes to secure control for the benefit of England.
10 December 1914 Letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey, concerning a letter which he is forwarding from Andersen, with Sir Edward Grey's reply.
19 December Copy letter Grey to Andersen, concerning a proclamation which the British Government might issue to prevent Denmark being used as a storehouse for goods for Germany.
19 December 1914 Draft(?) letter Grey to Andersen, Sir Edward Grey's action on receiving Andersen's letters; the Kaiser and the war; bombardment by German ships of British towns.
24 December 1914 Cable Andersen to Grey, Christmas and New Year's greetings.
31 December 1914 Notes by Grey [on letter from Andersen?], discontent in Denmark at British policy regarding trade with Germany; conversations with the Kaiser about peace.
16 January 1915 Copy letter Grey to Andersen, informing him that he has passed his letters to Sir Edward Grey; the latters' view that the Kaiser might attempt peace negotiations with the belligerents separately.
21 May 1915 Copy letter Grey to Andersen, Sir Edward Grey's eye trouble; the removal of Churchill from the Admiralty; German atrocities, etc.
29 June 1916 Letter Henrick Grevenkop-Castanskiold (Danish minister in London) to Grey, concerning Andersen's wish that reports which might suggest he was acting as a peace negotiator between England and Germany should be denied.
2 July 1916 Letter G. R[obinson] to Grey, promising that no currency would be given to the false reports referred to in the above letter by The Times.

GRE/B206/5   1906-1916
13 September 1911 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, the Charter Co. and Rhodesia.
2 February 1914 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, financial matters possibly in connection with Arthur Grenfell.
11 February 1914 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, financial matters.
12 November 1914 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, a conversation between Grey and a German on Anglo-German relations.
25 November 1915 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, financial matters.
18(?) December 1915 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, movements of relatives serving in the army; business matters.
6 February(?) 1916 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, imperialism and philanthropy; German investments; the Charter Trust.
3 April 1916 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, shares of Grey's ranch and a financial matter.
6 April 1916 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, financial matters involving Benson's aunt and Moreton Frewen.
Rough notes by Grey.
19 August 1909 Letter Charles Boyd to Grey, concerning his change of employment and the report he is to make on the B.S.A. Co. in Rhodesia.
22 April 1913 Letter Paul Cambon to Grey, thanking Grey for his care for the survivors of a wrecked French trawler and for arranging to have the dead buried at Howick.
13 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to Carrington (Carrington was later created Marquess of Lincolnshire), agricultural instruction - the need for new ideas in England.
23 March 1906 Letter C. Carrington to Grey, comments on Grey's account of the Guelph agricultural show; debate in the Commons concerning Milner.
30 April 1906 Letter Carrington to Grey, Grey's despatch on agricultural education in Canada.

5 December 1908 Memo, by W.W. Cory (Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa) concerning the difficulty that had arisen over the proposed transfer of Hindoos from Vancouver to British Honduras.
6 November 1908 Copy letter J.B. Harkin to W.W. Cory, concerning the visit of Hindoo delegates to British Honduras and the conditions of employment for Hindoos there.
British Honduras: An ordinance to facilitate the engagement of certain East Indian labourers [ “the Labour (East Indian) Ordinance 1908”].
16 October 1908 Copy letter J.B. Harkin to W.W. Cory, concerning the appointment of a delegation of Hindoos and Sikhs to visit British Honduras to investigate the possibilities for their countrymen there.
29 July 1908 Copy letter J.B. Harkin to W.D. Scott (Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa). The serious nature of the Hindoo question in British Columbia and the possibility of settling them in the West Indies or elsewhere.

Paper   43f.
GRE/B206/6   1884-1914
16 January (?) .... Letter Aimée Dawson to Grey, concerning a union jack for school children and promising to work a banner; her wish to make people love the country.
26 June 1907 Letter Lady Alice Dundas to Grey, concerning her daughter who has bought an island off British Columbia and also become engaged; Grey's popularity as Governor General.
9 January 1902(?) Letter Durham to Grey, promising that none of the letters written by 1st Earl of Durham and now in Grey's possession would be made use of or published without Grey's consent.
16 November Letter Lady E. Ebury to Grey, concerning ignorance among politicians of Canada and offering hospitality to any of Grey's friends who are going to attend a conference.
n.d. Letter Lady E. Ebury to Grey, mainly concerning her family; English politics.
22 January 1907 Letter Lord Elgin to Grey, death of “Aunt Alice”.
30 December 1907 Letter Elgin to Grey, Grey's kindness to Elgin's son in Canada; the question of his son's free travel; an artist to copy a picture of Elgin's father's portrait; the Quebec battlefields.
20 February 1908 Letter Elgin to Grey, thanking him for kindness to his son and companion in Canada.
[1886 or 1887] Copy letter Grey to Alexander Craig Sellar, Grey's view of the Irish Question and his opinion of what the policy of the Unionist party should be.
5 May 1904 Letter Count A. Eulenburg to Grey, informing him that he has submitted to the German Emperor the 3rd annual report of the Central Public House Trust Association and the Emperor's sentiments thereon.
[14 May 1904] Copy of part of a letter Grey to Eulenburg.
17 May 1904 Letter Eulenburg to Grey on the confidential nature of his previous letter.
2 January 1884 Letter Mrs Anne Evans to Grey.
18? January 1914 Letter Mrs A.M. Evans to Grey, asking after his health, etc.
22 June 1914 Letter same to Grey, her travels; Grey's activities; the time she spent with Grey's mother.
18 March 1904 Letter Eleanor Fenwick to Grey, asking advice about agricultural colleges to which she might send her son.
24 March 1904 Letter same to Grey, concerning her son and his fortune.
26 March 1904 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Fenwick, same subjects.
28 March 1904 Copy letter Owen Thomas to Mr Boyd, the course he is adopting to qualify one of his sons for “certain success” as a farmer in Rhodesia.
3 April [1904] Letter Eleanor Fenwick to Grey, her decision to send her son to Wye Agricultural College in Kent.
11 March 1905 Letter Admiral J.A. Fisher to Grey, thanking him for [a book(?)].

Paper   33f.
GRE/B206/7   1885-1917
Pages from The Windsor Magazine: “An Artist in Metals: Mr Alexander Fisher and his Work” by Esther Wood.
9 January 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, completion of “The Glorification of Christ”.
3 April 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, acknowledging cheque for £60.
23 July 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning his model for the group for the International Labour Federation.
30 July 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning the above group.
2 August 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning the above group and co-operation.
11 August 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, thanking him for cheque for £300 on account of the “Co-operative message” group.
10 October 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, thanks for another cheque.
11 December 1900 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, reporting progress in the above work.
5 February 1901 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning his work on the above group.
16 October 1901 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, same subject.
26 December 1901 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, same subject.
31 January 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, estimates for signs for houses.
6 February 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, his concept of the artist's task and his part in it.
10 March 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning “The Message”; the sign; promising to read Mazzini.
n.d. Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning a design which Grey evidently did not like.
18 April 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning the question of reproducing a bronze; the casting of Mr Watts' equestrian statue; Mazzini.
Estimate for casting G.F. Watts' equestrian statue.
30 April 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning Mr Watts' praise of his work and advice.
25 April 1912 Copy letter G.F. Watts to Fisher, praising his work in the Academy.
n.d. Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning a silver bowl that he would make and suggesting the erection of an allegorical figure or group at Oxford to Cecil Rhodes.
5 May 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning “The Message” and photographs of it.
16 May 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, his estimate for casting the “Bulawayo Lion” and suggestion for obtaining the bronze from old guns for it.
26 May 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning his relief at the Academy.
2 June 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning the sale of the above work.
30 May 1902 Copy letter Herbert A. Day to Fisher, concerning his bronze which he would like to have purchased.
14 June 1902 Letter J.F. Jones to [Miss] B. Gilbertson, covering the following: 13 June 1902 Copy letter Grey to Edward H. Miller [Hon. Sec. Rhodes Memorial Fund, Bulawayo], concerning the unsuitability of a design for a monument to the men who fell in the Matabele rebellion and a new design which he is asking another sculptor [Fisher] to submit.
(1902) Draft agreement [of Fisher] with respect to the tablet “Drink not the third glass” - concerning its reproduction and the profits of photographs etc.- a portion of which is to be delivered to the Central Public House Trust Association.
6 July 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, praise and criticism of “The Message”.
1 August 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning the tablet “Drink not the third glass”.
2 August 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning a description and price list for reproductions of his work “The Message”.
Draft description and price list for the above.
Printed version of part of the above description (2 copies).
4 June 1902 Copy letter J. Covey Williams to Fisher, informing him that the copyright authorities refuse to register the bronze representing “Union of Capital and Labour”.
1902 Photograph of the relief “A Message to the New Century” and press cutting and description.
20 August 1902 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, concerning the photographing of his bronze.
18 March 1903 Letter Alexander Fisher to Grey, his financial needs and requesting payment of his account.
Account of Fisher to Grey, December 1900 - March 1903.
27 March 1903 Letter Fisher to Grey, concerning a statuette.
n.d. [1904] Letter Fisher to Grey, his wish that he could be commissioned to execute the statue of St George; the lack of good sculpture in England; Grey's appointment to Canada.
23 September 1904 Letter Fisher to Grey, asking what he should do with the bronze “Message to the New Century”.
31 December 1913 Letter Fisher to Grey. Praise for Grey's work, his own views of society, his work on “The Sower”.
6 September 1916 Letter Fisher to Grey. His lack of work; Grey's illness; the “Message of the New Century”.
25 October 1916 Letter Fisher to Grey, concerning the transfer of his son from the army to munition work.
8 July 1917 Letter Fisher to Grey. Grey's illness, praise of his character; a German air raid.
2 July 1885 Letter H.O. Arnold Forster to Grey, concerning Grey's Newcastle speech; offering assistance [in election].
16 November 1904 Letter Col. R. Gibbons to Grey, possibility of his (Gibbons) being offered a protectorate and requesting Grey's recommendation.
25 May 1912 Letter Sir John Gibson to Grey, complaining about the distribution of coronation medals in which his wife and Sir Henry Pellatt had been left out.
3 October 1910 Letter 1st Viscount Gladstone to Grey, problems in South Africa.
10 July 1912 Letter 1st Viscount Gladstone to Grey, question of language in Southern Rhodesia; relations between the union of South Africa and Rhodesia.
16 July 1912 Letter same to same, concerning his absence from the Rhodes memorial ceremony.
16 July 1899 Letter Donna Marie Graziolla (?) to Grey, thanking him for a book and concerning a printing works in Rome.
22 September 1905 Letter Donna Marie Graziolla (?) to Grey, thanking him for sympathy on death of her son.
16 August 1906 Letter same to Grey, Italian politics; her and her family's activities.
7 May 1901 Letter same to Grey, thanking him for a picture and concerning her family.
19 July (?) 1902 Letter same to Grey, concerning her family.
20 January 1901 Letter Madeline Syndham to Grey, concerning a friend who is in financial difficulties.
8 August 1902 Letter Madeline Syndham to Grey, concerning the statue of Rhodes by Watts and other matters relating to art.
Printed notice concerning the Sutton Courteney Game Farm.

Paper   86f.
GRE/B206/8   1881-1915
21 August 1908 Letter H.C. Gollan to Grey, acknowledging Grey's help in furthering his interests at Colonial Office; the Quebec Tercentenary celebrations.
21 December 1902 Letter Lord Graham to Grey, his efforts to gain a seat in the Cape assembly.
6 January 1903 Letter Graham to Grey, his unwillingness to take up a scheme Grey had proposed [concerning the Transvaal]; his decision to take up the organisation of the Naval Volunteer Reserve.
26 February 1907 Letter Giovannella Caetain Grenier to Grey, sympathy on death of his daughter.
20 August 1881 Letter Charles Grey to Grey, his debts.
5 September 1881 Letter Charles Grey to Grey, a loan; his work on F.O. and India Office Blue Books.
1 December [1883] Letter Charles Grey to Grey, concerning his attempts to trace a quotation in a government report for Grey and the effect of missionary work on primitive peoples.
9 April 1886 Copy letter Charles Grey to Lord Northbrook, on his dismissal from the receivership of Greenwich Hospital Northern Estates.
12 April 1886 Letter F. Dawson to Grey, covering the above letter.
12 December 1915 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey, diplomats' wives as a source of trouble; the efficiency of Buchanan.
7 January 1882 Letter Sir George Grey to Grey, scheme for parliamentary reform.
7 January 1913 Letter George Grey [of Milfield] to Grey, jumping places in fences for hunting purposes.
29 December Letter George Grey to Grey, same subject.
n.d. Letter Lady Sibell Grosvenor to Grey, thanking him for birthday greetings; her activites.
n.d. Letter Lady Sibell Grosvenor to Grey, hoping he will be happy in America.
n.d. Letter Lady Sibell Grosvenor to Grey, thanking him for present of a pen.
16 March 1905 Letter Lady Sibell Grosvenor to Grey, family matters.
May 1907 Letter Lady Sibell Grosvenor to Grey, an ancient blessing for his journey.
18 December 1913 Letter Lady Sibell Grosvenor to Grey, thanking him for sympathy.
26 February 1900 Letter Charles, 2nd Viscount Halifax to Grey, concerning a critique of A. Benson's life; the letters of 1st Viscount Halifax; Rosebery's speech and the federation of the Empire.
5 (?) February 1907 Letter Charles, 2nd Viscount Halifax to Grey, sympathy on death of Grey's daughter.
29 June Letter 5th Earl Grey to Field(?), concerning a sale; gratuity to servants; work on a path.
4 December 1913 Letter Tho. F. Leadbitter to Grey, announcing his retirement as solicitor.
9 November 1910 Letter Lambert Middleton to Grey, Grey's financial affairs.
27 November 1910 Letter Lambert Middleton to Grey, same subject; British politics.
27 November 1910 Letter Lambert Middleton to Grey, Grey's financial affairs. Attached:
15 November 1910 Letter F.A. Beane (Manager Lloyds Bank, Collingwood Street, Newcastle) to Lambert Middleton, Grey's financial affairs.
18 November 1910 Letter F.A. Beane to Middleton, same subject.
22 July 1916 Letter B.S. Rowntree to Grey, wages and dividends.
9 November 1916 Letter B.S. Rowntree to Grey, asking him to write article on humane treatment of workers. Enclosure: Notes of address by Rowntree given at Leeds on “The Human Element in Factories”.
[29 November 1915] Letter “A.E.” [George Russell of the Irish Homestead], The Ebrill process of purifying creamery washings.
Typescript copy of the above letter.
n.d. Letter same to Grey, the coming peace and the co-operative ideal; its importance for Ireland; his book.
n.d. Letter same to Grey, his anger at a book written about him; his conscience; co-operation in Ireland.
n.d. Letter same to Grey, concerning various publications; his invitation to lecture in the USA on agriculture; Irish pacts and artists as business men.
5 typescript copies of part of the above letter.
5 May 1916 Letter same to Grey, his efforts to carry on although the publishing house has been gutted.
n.d. Letter same to Grey, the Home Rule Bill.
n.d. Letter same to Grey, sending him a picture for a village hall; strikes in Dublin; co-operation there.
n.d. Letter same to Grey, his effort to form a co-operative society of builders in Dublin.
29 October 1915 Letter R. Skipwith (Ass. Manager Lloyds Bank, St James's Street, London) to Grey, certificate for Learmouth Fruit Co. shares.
22 February 1913 Copy letter George Grey [of Milfield] to J.B. Simpson, requesting a reference for his son who is applying for the post of check viewer to Lord Grey at Broomhill colliery.
22 February 1913 Copy letter George Grey to J.M. Clark, same subject.
26 February 1913 Letter J.M. Clark to George Grey, declaring the suitability of Grey's son for the post.
27 February 1913 Letter John Bell Simpson to George Grey, declaring the suitability of Grey's son for the above post.
10 June 1910 Letter A.F. Sladen to Grey, concerning the failure of Bagnell the Ottawa broker who had some of Grey's money etc., with cutting from The Citizen“Toronto Lighting”.
30 June 1910 Letter Arthur F. Sladen to Grey, his action to prevent further loss on another investment.
24 March 1912 Letter Sun Yat Sen to Grey, concerning his resignation and plans to devote himself to social reform and development in China.
5 May 1902 Extract of letter from Covey Williams to Grey, concerning liquidation of the D.C. Syndicate.
30 January 1906 Cutting from The Times, “Lord Roberts on Imperial Defence”.
14 October Cutting from Sydney Morning Herald, “Public Extravagance”.
18 March 1911 Cutting from The Times, “Sir Edward Grey's Speech” (on the American situation) - letter from “An American Exile”.

Paper   100f.
GRE/B207/1   1900-1911
20 July 1911 Letter William Molson Macpherson to A.F. Sladen, Grey's trophy to encourage rifle shooting among cadets of Quebec schools.
14 July 1911 Copy letter Sladen to Macpherson, concerning the Grey shield for rifle shooting.
2 July 1911 Copy letter Sladen to John H. Mansfield, painting on wall of Howick schoolhouse; challenge shield from handicraft guild.
Copy inscription for Grey challenge shield for rifle shooting.
Draft of the above.
9 June 1911 Letter William Malson Macpherson to D.O. Malcolm, rifle shooting by cadets in Quebec schools.
2 July 1911 Copy letter Grey to Mabel (wife of 5th Earl Grey), an imperial slogan for the school wall at Howick; holiday plans and his lack of ambition to participate in home politics on his return.
26 August 1908 Letter B.D. Gibson to Grey, result of snapshooting competition for Grey's challenge shield for the Northumberland Rifle Association.
21 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to J.D. Challoner, the value of miniature rifle shooting.
19 September 1906 Cutting from Newcastle Daily Chronicle, on miniature rifle shooting.
26 November 1900 Letter John D. Challoner to Grey, result of rifle competition for Grey's shield; value of miniature rifle shooting, with particulars of the results in the above competition.
3 October 1906 Letter John D. Challoner to Grey, details of competition in which Newcastle Rifle Club won Grey's shield and the value of miniature rifle shooting.
12 November 1906 Newcastle Rifle Club: Notice of the Annual Meeting, with annual report and balance sheet.
21 October 1905 The Nelson Centenary: appeal by the British and Foreign Sailors' Society for the Centenary Memorial Fund. Details of the Victory Medal and brooch; and of shields be presented to schools which collect certain sums for the memorial fund.
6 October 1905 Letter James L. Hughes to Grey, concerning a competition for a shield.
12 September 1905 Letter E. Davies of the Handicrafts Co. Newcastle to Grey, concerning the challenge shield he has ordered.
10 August 1905 Letter J. Edward Hodgkin to Grey, concerning designs for the shield. Enclosures:
2 designs submitted by the Newcastle Handicrafts Co. for Challenge Shield for Toronto Cadets.
9 August 1905 Letter E. Davies of the Handicrafts Co. Newcastle to J.E. Hodgkin, concerning the above designs and estimates.
21 August 1905 Copy letter Grey to J. Edward Hodgkin, ordering one of the above designs with modifications.
16 July 1905 Copy letter Grey to Hodgkin, his requirements for a shield to be presented to the best company of rifle shots of the Toronto cadets.
Rough sketch of shield.

Paper   30f.
GRE/B207/2   1908-1909
24 February 1908 Circular letter from Grey, on the nationalisation of the Plains of Abraham and the Tercentenary celebrations (3 copies).
30 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur [Grenfell?], distribution of volume of addresses presented to Grey and Grey's speeches and replies.
17 February 1908 Copy letter [marked “unsent”] Grey to “Quebec”, financial aspect of the Tercentenary celebrations.
31 December 1909 Draft letter Grey to Sir William Macdonald, praising his and Dr Robertson's work - the Agricultural College.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Fielding, concerning Fielding's speech on the empire; a pamphlet by 3rd Earl Grey on Canadian-American trade.
8 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mr Whitney, thanking him for help and financial support over the Quebec Tercentenary.

Paper   24f.
GRE/B207/3   1875-c.1916
1875-c.1916 28 letters Sir George C.M. Birdwood to Grey (all except the last being 1875-1904). Includes typescript copy of part of letter Birdwood to Grey of 5 April 1902, the original of which is preserved in vol. E.10. (Another typescript copy of the greater part of this letter is in 191/1).
1 December 1911 Proof pages from Journal of Royal Society of Arts, with review by Birdwood of a book Farm Weeds in Canada; with MS notes by Grey. Most of the letters concern colonial matters and domestic social problems. See following sheets for notes on contents of some of the letters.
29 October 1875 Letter Sir George Birdwood to Grey, concerning the changing of the name of the island that Stanley had discovered and intended to name in honour of Sir Bartle Frere; the scandal that might be caused by the presence of undesirable persons in India; the temptations offered by the English press to British officers in India to betray secret information.
[1875] Part of letter Birdwood to Grey, Birdwood's fear lest he should be passed over when certain Indian appointments are made; Col. Henry Yale's appointment to the Council of India.
5 November 1875 Letter Birdwood to Grey, concerning the Prince of Wales' tour of India; Forbes Watson and a proposed Indian Institute and a rival scheme; academic honours that he may receive.
12 November 1875 Letter Birdwood to Grey, the Prince of Wales' tour of India.
19 November 1875 Letter Birdwood to Grey, the harm that might be done by certain newspaper reports of the Prince of Wales' Indian tour and the action that Birdwood took in the matter.
26 November 1875 Letter Birdwood to Grey, concerning the acquisition by England of Suez Canal shares; his views on the Eastern Question which had got into the press; with cuttings from Hour, 6 November 1875, “The Suez Canal” and The World, 24 November 1875, “The Partition of Turkey”.
3 December 1875 Letter Birdwood to Grey, the part of F. Greenwood - editor of the Pall Mall Gazette in the purchase of the Suez Canal shares; Birdwood's views on the Eastern Question.
29 May 1880 Letter Birdwood to Grey, concerning Sir Bartle Frere on whose behalf he wishes Grey to use his influence with the government.
13 September 1881 Letter Birdwood to Grey, thanking him for congratulations on the honour he has received and his disapproval of the extension of the franchise; comments on the situation as regards Egypt.
11 July 1885 Letter Birdwood to Grey, concerning a central registry (see next letter).
11 July 1885 Letter Birdwood to Grey, concerning private action to supplement the Criminal Law Amendment Act - namely by organising a central registry to assist women to find suitable employment and help them in other ways and assist the fallen (in London).
8 August 1885 Letter Birdwood to Grey, expressing strong criticism of General Booth; Birdwood's idea of what is wanted to help women seeking employment.
5 April 1902 Letter Birdwood to Grey, Rhodes' will; the truth about the Jameson raid.
1 October 1904 Letter Birdwood to Grey, effect of climate on peoples; suggestions for Grey's conduct in Canada.

Paper   74f.
GRE/B207/4   1904-1912
23 August 1906 Letter Winston S. Churchill to Grey, concerning Elliot Crawshay, his private secretary, to whom he wishes Grey to talk about postage rates.
11 May 1906 Letter Nicholas Murray Butler to Grey, thanking him for hospitality at Government House.
30 April 1906 Letter Lansdowne to Grey, concerning Grey's speech at the Pilgrims' Dinner; English politics.
9 December 1904 Letter Sir Arthur Bigge to Grey, concerning a K.C.M.G. for Edgar Speyer who has found the money for the Pacific Grand Trunk Railway.
20 December 1911 Letter Sir Joseph Pope to Grey, concerning the transfer of his office; the change of government in Canada and imperialism; the new Governor General; appreciation of Grey; English politics and his conversion to the Federal solution.
8 May 1906 Letter Arthur [son of the Duke of Connaught] to Grey, concerning his visit to Canada.
25 May 1906 Letter Arthur, Duke of Connaught, to Grey, concerning his son's visit to Canada.
17 March 1916 Letter Arthur, Duke of Connaught to Grey, reluctance of French Canadians to enlist; the bi-lingual question; Americans and the war.
27 February 1912 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, sending enclosures he had omitted from a previous letter. Enclosures:
Press cutting: “Mackenzie King may try to enter by South Essex”.
Press cutting: “Do nothing policy severely scored: Hon. W.L.M. King says Cabinet destroys confidence”.
Another cutting about alleged racial appeal by King.
5 March 1912 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, question of Grey's accepting the Hon. presidency of Desjardins' Society; the possibility of his getting back into the Canadian Parliament; his view on the English industrial situation.
Part of a letter from Mackenzie King to Grey, Grey's speech at Colonial Institute; the danger of connection between Canadian and British political parties.
2 October 1911 Cutting from Telegraph (St. John N.B.), “The coming fight and the issue” [the financial effects of British connection with Canada].
7 November 1911 Pamphlet: Liberal Party Platform: address to the electors of Ontario issued by N.W. Rowell, leader of the Liberal Party in the Province.
Press cutting: “Social Life of People Question of the Hour ...” - Mackenzie King on social problems.
Press cutting: “The Ne Temere Decree”.
26 February 1912 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, Grey's receiving the freedom of London; King and naval defence; Canadian politics; his own election prospects; his sensitiveness.
25 September-23 October 1913 Letter Mackenzie King to Grey, his inability to agree with Grey about the [federation?] of the Empire; the navy question in Canadian politics.
30 July 1906 Letter 3rd Earl of Durham to Grey, various minor matters.
24 June 1905 Letter T. Nosse to Grey, the British Columbia anti-Japanese legislation which the Central Canadian Government disallowed.
7 February 1906 Letter Sir Henry Gustave Joly de Lotbinière to Grey, concerning the Cowichan First Nations people and British Columbian forests.

Paper   38f.
GRE/B207/5   1886-1904
Lines concerning Andrew Carnegie, Edward VII and the Kaiser (2 copies).
5 August 1898 Letter Hugh E. Egerton to Grey, suggesting that Grey should write the biography of 3rd Earl Grey and offering to help him.
12 July 1904 Letter Ralph Carr Ellison to Grey, the Salvation Army; miniature rifle clubs and the Public House Trust.
24 January 1886 Copy letter Grey to Lord Hartington, legislative union with Ireland.
1 March 1886 Letter Hartington to Grey. 17 June 1886 Letter Hartington to Grey, concerning James Laing.
11 June 1886 Letter W.G. Armstrong to Hartington, concerning an invitation for him to accept nomination for Newcastle.
12 January 1887 Letter Hartington to Grey. 10 January 1902 Letter Devonshire to Grey.
24 June 1903 Letter Devonshire to Grey.
28 June 1899 Letter Sir D. Probyn to Grey, sending a catalogue which the Prince of Wales had prepared of the Indian arms etc., which were given to him on his tour of India. [The catalogue is not present].
Notes by 4th Earl Grey on Lord John Russell's letters to 3rd Earl Grey in 1847.

Paper   18f.
GRE/B207/6   1905-1910
28 May 1906, 26 November 1910 2 letters John Bigelow to Grey.
11 June 1906, 4 December 1910 2 copy letters Grey to Bigelow.
Note Grey to Miss Gilbertson.
13 August 1908 Copy letter Bigelow to Lionel Guest.
23 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Arthur Bigge.
Copy international ode “Our Fathers Land” by O.W. Holmes.
31 July [1908] Letter Lionel Guest to Grey, congratulating him on the success of the Quebec tercentenary.
n.d. Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, thanking him for a book and concerning a fire at her house.
n.d. Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, various minor matters.
February [1909?] Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, her wish to establish an institution to help women avoid vice; Constance Richardson (a dancer) and various other persons and scraps of news.
[9 March 1909?] Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, Constance Richardson.
8 November [1908?] Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, her dogs, her book and reconciliation with Mrs Reford.
24 December Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, music, musicians and sculptors.
31 December Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Lady Grey, concerning a present - a miniature of her husband; a party she is preparing; and her book, her daughter Lucy.
7 August Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, asking him to present prizes to her “English Class”; its value in promoting racial concord.
12 January Letter Mrs Flora Guest to Grey, various minor matters.
23 February [1906] Letter Flora Guest to Grey, lack of hospitality to Canadians who come to London; their presentation to the King; other details of their visit to London.
13 December [1905] Letter Flora Guest to Grey, her desire to help the French and English in Canada to mix more; her lack of conviction that she is a British subject.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Grey, her “French garden party” and other social events.
25 May 1906 Letter Alice Keppel (Grey's cousin) to Grey, advising him to dissuade the Guests from attempting to get into the Turf or any other club.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning a sculpture of him that Hébert would execute for 500 dollars.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Lady Grey, thanking her for hospitality.
n.d. Letter Lucie Dodge (daughter of Flora Guest), concerning a tie she has made for him.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning two young Canadian musicians and their teacher; her efforts to promote music in Canada.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Grey, music and musicians.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning a house she is thinking of buying; her daugther and husband.
n.d. [17 June (?) 1906] Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning a function she had organised; her son's progress at school.
June [1906] Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning what he had asked Alice Keppel [about the Turf Club]; her garden party and family.
20 March 1906 Letter C.R. Hosmer to Grey, concerning his conversation with the King on Grey's work in Canada.
16 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Guest, Lady Drummond; Hébert's statue; arrangements for garden parties.
18 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Guest, Mrs Paget's injury; Hébert's “Rêve de Fumeur”; her garden party.
7 December [1905] Letter Flora Guest to Grey.
16 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Flora Guest, mainly a chatty letter; her “fusion campaign” mentioned; Ontario College and women's institute at Guelph.
4 January 1906 Copy letter [John Bigelow] to Flora Guest (his daughter), mainly trivialities; English politics.
2 January 1906 Copy letter Whitelaw Reid to John Bigelow, his sense of duty as American Ambassador; Goldwin Smith.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning an invitation to her husband; his work for Canada.
n.d. Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning a misunderstanding about an invitation.
Notes by Grey on a misunderstanding with the Guests.
n.d. Letter from Flora Guest to Grey, expressing disappointment that her husband had not received an invitation to any function in Quebec to meet H.R.H.
7 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Guest, concerning the misunderstanding that had arisen over invitation to the Tercentenary celebrations.
n.d. [August 1908] Letter Flora Guest to Grey, reconciliation; her anxiety to protect her husband.
21 May [1908] Letter Flora Guest to Grey, the battlefields scheme.
15 August 1910 Letter Flora Guest to Grey, concerning her efforts to get a title for Mr Hosmer; her high opinion of Grey.
26 August [1910] Letter Flora Guest to Grey, her husband's nomination for the Turf Club.
Also rough notes by Grey.

Paper   88f.
Mary Harvey Hart, Hon. Secretary the Decorative Co-operators' Association; interested in religious movements and co-partnership
Reference: GRE/B207/7
Dates of creation: 1884-1911
Extent: 176f.Paper

1884-1911 68 letters Miss Mary Harvey Hart to Grey (2 incomplete).
Lines by Miss Hart concerning women and proportional representation (evidently a reply to Sir Wilfrid Lawson).
1905-1907 14 copy letters Grey to Miss Hart, part of a letter Grey to Miss Hart c.January 1887.
29 June [1907?] 1 letter Miss Hart to Lady Grey.
6 January (2 copies), 11 January 1887 2 letters Miss Hart to Henry G. Liley.
8 January 1887 Copy letter Liley to Miss Hart.
7 January 1887 1 letter Liley to Grey.
11 January 1887 1 letter W. Shaen to Miss Hart.
n.d. [1888?] 1 letter Hodgson Pratt to Miss Hart.
20 March [1907?] 1 letter Revd. Bradley Hurt Alford to Miss Hart.
11 July 1907 1 letter Revd. William Alfred Edwards (Rector Llangan from 1899) to Miss Hart.
10 April 1884, 12 January, 18 December 1887 3 letters A. Cameron Corbett to Grey. (Miss Hart's letter to Grey of 15 December 1887 is also addressed to Corbett).
20 May 1905 1 letter Anne Mercier to Grey, enclosing Guide to the Organisation of the Mothers' Union.

Violet Rosa Markham (1873-1959), social reformer
Reference: GRE/B207/8
Dates of creation: 1905-1914
Extent: 181f.Paper

12 December 1905 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her meeting with Dr Jameson; English politics; her task as itinerant lecturer.
17 January 1906 Letter same to Grey, concerning the election results - the effect of misrepresentation on Chinese Labour - South African situation, her high opinion of Evelyn Grey.
2 March 1906 Letter same to Grey, Mackenzie King's book on Harper; her fear that lack of discipline arising from the necessity to struggle with difficulties will have an adverse effect in the new countries; English politicians and South Africa.
11 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, the question of discipline; his view of the South African situation.
Cutting from The Outlook, Review by Violet R. Markham of The Secret of Heroism by Mackenzie King and Collected Poems by Wilfred Campbell.
3 April 1906 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, British politicians and South Africa; her attempt to organise a pressure group within the Liberal party; the mistake of having Chamberlain as president at the Milner Banquet; Grey's speech at New York; religious education in England.
12 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, thanking her for the article she had published in The Outlook on the two Canadian idealists.
23 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, her review of Mackenzie King's book; his view of the South African situation; his dislike of dogmatic sectarianism; his American speech.
21 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, pointing out that his previous letter contained loose and ill considered expressions of opinion.
Printed circular on the Liberal Colonial Club. Pages from The Nineteenth Century“Lord Durham and Colonial Self-Government” by Violet R. Markham.
12 July 1906 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, concerning the Liberal Colonial Club; the battlefields scheme.
20 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, his visit to Newfoundland; the Liberal Colonial Club; Quebec and Louisburg.
2 November 1906 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, Mackenzie King and the Colonial Office; English politics; Lord Milner's gloomy political outlook; the suffragettes.
17 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, the serious neglect of Canadians who come to London by the Colonial Office; English politicians; Milner; importance of fruit growing in British Columbia; books of which he wishes her to promote the sale.
6 December 1906 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, the disrespect shown to Colonial visitors in London; possible Protestant Church unity in Canada; the collapse of The Outlook under Goldmann's and Garvin's management.
14 December 1906 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her opinion of Lord Durham as a politician; the Liberal Colonial Club.
7 January 1907 Letter Lord Durham to Grey, his dislike of speech making and politics; the Liberal Colonial Club.
7 March 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, sympathy on death of his daughter; the County Council elections; her opposition to women's suffrage; the situation in South Africa; the Liberal Colonial Club; Lord Durham.
15 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, concerning Dr Leacock; Stead; desire of young Canadians to enjoy the responsibilities as well as the privileges of Empire; imperial preference and free trade.
31 May 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her sense of loss on his return to Canada; her sympathy in his loss.
22 May 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, concerning Lord Durham's abilities and political inactivity; her disappointment with the government.
19 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, Mrs Ord Marshall and her educational conference; a book Economics for Irishmen.
15 July 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her forthcoming visit to Canada; the Chinese question in South Africa; her opinion of Lloyd George, Canon Henson and Evie Grey.
24 July 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, the “All Red Route”; Lord Durham and the Colonial Club [end missing].
26 September 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, thanking him for hospitality and encouragement; urging him to return to England for a short period; her interview with Laurier and other politicians; the dangerous situation in the west; his daughters Evie and Sybil.
n.d. Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, concerning some proofs; Grey's efforts for Canada.
5 October 1907 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, his battlefields scheme; criticism of the Bishop of London who has preached sectarianism in Canada.
10 October 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her mother's ill health; her journey home from Canada.
17 October 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her corrections to the proofs of his speeches and comments on them; religious matters.
4 November 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her mother's illness; her mother's and brother's work on a model village; the Cammell Laird scandal.
13 December 1907 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, Mr Sifton's scheme; her mother's illness and its effect on her work; criticism of Mr Ewart.
8 January 1908 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, comments on Canadian women.
21 January 1908 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her book The Factory and Shop Acts of the British Dominions; her mother.
15 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, concerning a newspaper article “Liberty Plus”; the imperial advantages of the battlefields scheme.
28 February 1908 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, death of Lady Morley; her mother's illness; the Victoria League and battlefields scheme; English politics.
13 March 1908 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, the battlefields scheme; his daughters Sybil and Evie.
21 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, enthusiasm for the battlefields scheme.
30 April 1908 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her intention to abandon all to nurse her mother; her willingness to help Mackenzie King financially; the financial position of the Cavendish family.
30 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, the publication of his speeches; his advice to her on her situation; his own similar experience when he gave up the House of Commons for the sake of his uncle; the promise of success of the Tercentenary celebrations.
29 July 1908 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, success of the Tercentenary celebrations; the problems that her mother's illness has raised and other personal matters.
9 August 1908 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, his book of speeches; her model village.
23 January 1909 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, the Personal Service Movement; Lord Howick; her mother's illness; her financial help for Mackenzie King; Evy Grey.
20 February 1909 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, the Personal Service Movement and requesting that Grey would accept the presidency of it.
18 May 1909 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, concerning his visit to England; her heavy trial.
1 September 1909 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, concerning his reported perilous adventure.
1 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, federation of the UK as a solution to the Irish problem.
29 March 1910 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, political matters - her views on second chamber; Grey's idea of federation of the British Isles; Home Rule.
15 April 1910 Copy letter Grey to Miss Markham, federation of the UK; Mackenzie King and legislation to regulate combines.
19 May 1910 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, the King's death and politics; her fear that the Duke of Connaught will not be a suitable Governor General; her opposition to tariff reform; Evy Grey's career.
1 June 1910 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, her inability to accept his invitation to Canada; Evy Grey's career; the King's funeral etc.
11 June 1910 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, inviting him to lunch; federation.
2 November 1911 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, concerning Mackenzie King; her disapproval of his writing Laurier's biography. Enclosure: 10 October 1911 Cutting from The Globe, “Liberalism has yet work to do - Mackenzie King discusses recent election”.
4 February 1912 Letter Violet R. Markham to Grey, concerning a conference of imperialists and social reformers; Evy Grey.
7 February 1912 Letter Violet Markham to Grey, concerning his letter about Mazzini; her attitude to women's suffrage; Evy Grey as a student.
21 February 1912 Letter Violet Markham to Grey, her opinion of Henry Vivian.
24 January 1914 Letter Violet Markham to Grey, concerning Grey's voyage to Australia in search of health and her own travels; Ireland, and South Africa.
11 June 1914 Letter Violet Markham to Grey, sympathy on his difficulties (bankruptcy of Arthur Grenfell).

General Charles Grey to his son 4th Earl Grey
Reference: GRE/B208/1
Dates of creation: 1860-1870
Extent: 44 Letters101f.Paper

6 October 1860 Visit to Gotha.
6 May 1862 Exhorting him to work hard at school. Salmon fishing at Balmoral.
30 December 1862 Hopes he will work hard to improve his French during the holidays.
14 July 1863
26 August 1863
12 May 1864 On smoking.
5 July 1864 Good reports of him from school.
22 July 1864 Proposed visit to Harrow, etc.
n.d. On his going to Harrow.
17 September 1864 Advice on how to be happy at school.
15 November 1864 Progress at school; shooting.
28 November 1864 On his birthday.
21 February 1865 Sports, neglect of lessons, “rioting”.
1 May 1865 Exhorting him to work well and behave well at school.
n.d. On resisting temptation.
29 September 1865 Advice in view of Albert's saying that he hates his form and his master.
23 October 1865 The date he can get his exeat; complaining that he does not write frequently.
n.d. When he should begin his holidays.
21 (?) January 1866 Requesting news of how he is placed at Harrow.
24 April 1866 Albert's attaining the 5th form; Grey's cruise on the Alberta.
27 May 1866 At Cliveden.
2 June 1866 At Cliveden. Thinks there will be war on the continent.
27 June 1866 The political crisis prevents his getting to Harrow to see Albert.
21 July 1866 Controversy over the Harrow-Eton cricket match. Has written to Dr Butler at the command of the Queen to ask for an extra week's holiday for Albert.
17 September 1866 Fatherly advice and affection.
12, 26 October, 11 November 1866, n.d.
5 February 1867 Progress at Harrow; a royal occasion spoilt by weather.
13 February 1867 His position in class.
24 March 1867 Looking forward to holidays.
8 May 1867 On hearing he has a pistol.
12 May 1867 Concerning the pistol; progress at school.
22 May 1867 Cricket; Sybil's marriage.
30 May 1867 Fishing in Scotland; Albert's progress at school.
28 June 1867 The Eton v Winchester cricket match; on his being easily led and neglecting his studies.
5 July 1867 Necessity of self discipline; postponement of review.
23 September 1867 His determination regarding his studies; shooting and fishing.
12 October 1867 Concerning Balmoral.
16 October 1867 His progress at school; precautions against an alleged Fenian plot against the Queen.
28 November 1867 On his birthday; his position in class.
30 January 1868 His failure to get his remove at school; illness of Prince Leopold.
12 February 1868 Progress at school; garden improvements at Windsor.
12 March 1868 Concerning a sacred ceremony and Albert's attitude towards it.
4 May 1868 His remove; drawing and maths.
20 May 1868 Fishing at Balmoral.
27 May 1868 On his accident with a canoe.
11 June 1868 Albert's games at school; fishing at Balmoral.
14 July 1868 Sport.
17 July 1868 Proposal for holiday in Scotland.
27 July 1868 Ammunition for Scottish holiday.
11 September 1868 Return to Harrow after holiday; his own reluctance to leave Sweden; fishing.
27 September 1868 His determination to work hard at school; fishing and shooting.
4 October 1868 His joining a debating society; concerning trial by jury.
11 October 1868 On the game laws.
25 October 1868 Debating Society; fishing.
27 November 1868 Courage to say “no”.
8 December 1868 Concerning C. Grey's activities.
31 January 1869 Financial matters; question of whether he should have his own allowance.
11 February 1869 Financial arrangements.
17 February 1869 His allowance.
25 February 1869 His school report; allowance.
1 March 1869 Tailors bills.
15 April 1869 His master's comments about him.
18 May 1869 Progress at school; his health.
25 May 1869 Report from school; fishing.
15 September 1869 Concerning their holiday.
13 October 1869 Schoolwork; fishing.
23 October 1869 The Philathletic subscription; Lord Derby's death.
27 November 1869 On his birthday; a day with the King of the Belgians.
11 December 1869 A disappointing result at school.
24 January 1870 Wishing him success with Cambridge exam.
4 March 1870 Disappointment that he is not joining the family party.
3 fragments of letters from Gen. Charles Grey to 4th Earl (?)
n.d. Draft letter Gen. Charles Grey to a newspaper concerning the advowson of Redbourne.

Letters of Vera (Victoria) Grey (later Grenfell)
Reference: GRE/B208/2
Dates of creation: 1899-1900
Extent: 96f.Paper

All these letters were written during her stay at Government House, Ottawa as guest of Lord and Lady Minto (her uncle and aunt) and concern the sports, entertainments and other activities in which she engaged while there. There are some comments on the war in South Africa.
26 November 1899 Vera Grey to her mother.
28-30 November 1899 Vera Grey to her mother, with press cutting “Ottawa's Vanity Fair”.
3 December 1899 Vera Grey to sister Sybil.
7 December 1899 Vera Grey to her mother.
December 1899 Vera Grey to her brother Charles (5th Earl Grey).
11 December 1899 Vera Grey to her mother.
13 December 1899 Vera Grey to her father.
13 December 1899 Vera Grey to her mother.
13 December 1899 Vera Grey to her sister Evy.
13 December 1899 Vera Grey to her brother Charles.
14 December 1899 Vera Grey to her sister Sybil.
18 December 1899 Vera Grey to her mother.
19 December 1899 Vera Grey to her mother.
28 December 1899 Vera Grey to her mother.
1 January 1900 Vera Grey to her sister Evy.
8 January 1900 Vera Grey to her mother (incomplete).
10 January 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
15 January 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
18 January 1900 Vera Grey to Sybil.
19 January 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
21 January 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
25 January 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
29 January 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
1 February 1900 Vera Grey to her sister Sybil. Part of this letter concerns the crisis caused by Minto's and Gen. Hutton's stand against corruption in the militia department.
5 February 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
8 February 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
15 February 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
19 February 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
21 February 1900 Vera Grey to her mother.
25 February 1900 Vera Grey to her brother Charles.
Theatre Royale Programme 1900, 'The Princess and The Pauper'

Letters, Charles George Barrington (1827-1911), private secretary to Palmerston and Russell 1856-1866, to Grey
Reference: GRE/B208/3
Dates of creation: 1894-1907
Extent: 47f.Paper

n.d. Horses, game at Howick, politics.
26 January 1894 Horses; Algie West and his journeys to Biarritz.
30 January 1894 Horses; politics.
4 February 1894 Sport; approaching difficulties for the government.
17 December 1894 Criticism of Giffen the economist; the agricultural depression; advising Grey about residence at Howick; politics.
4 January 1895 Adverse comments on the working classes.
26 June 1895 Mainly politics especially the cordite supply question.
15 July 1895 Regulation of river fishing [part missing].
16 July 1895 Same subject.
4 February 1898 Expressing doubts as to the value of colonies, with some examples of his experience when in government employment.
30 October 1898 The Fashoda affair - comments on French and English diplomacy.
14 December 1898 Edward Grey's career prospects; Bismark; Harcourt's resignation - his character and policy; politics generally.
4 January 1899 Harcourt's resignation.
5 February 1899 Edward Grey and politics.
25 February 1899 3rd Earl Grey's refusal to join the cabinet in 1845 if Palmerston went to the Foreign Office; the Crimean War; Edward Grey's difference with the Liberals.
28 February 1899 3rd Earl Grey's attitude in 1845; his memoirs.
10 March 1899 Question of publication of 3rd Earl Grey's memoirs; the colonies and free trade.
11 March 1899 Danger of offending the families of Halifax and Sir Geo. Grey by publication of 3rd Earl Grey's memoirs. The lack of support for 3rd Earl Grey from Halifax and Sir Geo. Grey.
7 July 1899 The situation in South Africa.
5 November 1899 Question of how to treat the Boers after the war.
6 January 1901 Difficulties in the way of Grey's public house project, especially in London; the war in South Africa.
7 May 1901 The coal tax.
11 May 1901 Concerning his last letter.
12 May 1907 Concerning the death of Vera Grenfell; the colonial conference; Barrington's discontent with the government.
n.d. Concerning his book on fishing.

GRE/B208/4   1889-1903
6 February 1889 Letter John Burns to Grey, concerning the life of his father George Burns which is being written and the honour which he would like his father to receive.
25 February 1889 Letter John Burns to Grey, concerning arrangements he has made for the Greys and Miss Balfour to be taken to New York by Cunard ships.
6 May 1889 Copy letter Grey to Sir Henry [Ponsonby], a detailed account of George Burns' career with particulars of his family with a view to securing an honour for him.
14 May 1889 Letter John Burns to Grey, further moves to obtain the honour.
24 May 1889 Letter John Burns to Grey, thanking him for his successful efforts with regard to the honour.
26 May 1889 Letter John Burns to Grey, his father's appreciation of the honour.
20 February 1894 Letter John Burns to Grey, concerning a meeting with Grey's aunt (Lady Grey) and concerning a joke in which he was involved at Sir Fred. Grey's house.
19 February 1901 Copy letter Cecil Baring to John [Baring], 2nd Baron Revelstoke, desirability of coinage reform - adoption of the decimal system and also in weights and measures - particularly on account of the advantages it would bring to English-USA trade.
8 March 1901 Copy letter Revelstoke to Baring, same subject.
25 April 1902 Letter Cecil Baring to Grey, concerning the above and the Morgan shipping scheme, with press cutting, 25 April, concerning a hearing on the metric system before a committee in Washington on Coinage Weights and Measures.
10-11 March 1902 2 cuttings from the New York Times, on the metric system.
Pamphlet: Extracts from the evidence given by Lord Kelvin before the Committee on Coinage, Weights and Measures of the House of Representatives of the United States on the subject of the Metric System of Weights and Measures, Thursday, April 24, 1902.
May 1903 Pamphlet: Reasons why the metric weights and measures should be made compulsory throughout the British Empire. (Issued by the Decimal Association).
28 October 1903 Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the Decimal Association. 23 January 1904 The Decimal Association, circular appealing for funds to support bill for compulsory adoption of decimal weights and measures throughout the UK.

Paper   28f.
GRE/B208/5   1870-1912
9 November 1904 Letter F.B. Grey to Grey, complaining of ill treatment by Grey and appealing to him to find him some work for him.
13 November 1904 Letter M[ary] Grey (wife of F.B. Grey) to Grey, congratulating him on Governor Generalship; financial matters.
9 August 1906 Letter M.E. Grey (cousin to Grey) to Grey, fears about Archie.
14 May 1908 Letter F.B. Grey to Grey, concerning his attempts to make a living and his request that Grey will advise him about possibilities in British Columbia, with copy testimonial from his last employers.
26 January 1906 Letter M.E. Grey to Grey, concerning Archie and his marriage.
20 December 1907 Letter Mary Katherine Grey to Grey, bad weather; pheasants from Howick; a fishing book for Sybil.
3 January 1908 Letter Mary K. Grey to Grey, account of the people she had recently met.
23 August 1907 Letter Helen Grey to Grey, on his Halifax speech; and Atholl Daberley of Plawsworth who is determind to go to Canada.
n.d. Letter Mary S. Watts to Grey, Rhodes portrait; Grey's idea about a statue of energy.
11 January 1899 Letter Mary S. Watts to Grey, concerning the possibility of starting a co-operative store in her village; her husband's artistic work (statue of Tennyson).
19 October 1908 Letter Mary S. Watts to Grey, concerning the village called Foyers near Loch Ness - Grey's influence on its development.
7 January 1910 Letter Mary S. Watts to Grey, thanking him for book of Canadian verse; her visit to Italy.
3 September 1912 Letter Philippe Hébert to Grey, has been commissioned to execute monument to Edward VII at Montreal. Thanks Grey for influence in his favour. Letter Philippe Hébert to Grey, has sent statuette of Madeleine de Verchères to Howick.
c.1884-1908 8 letters Lady Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby to Grey.
5 January 1907 1 copy letter Grey to Lady Ponsonby.
1870-1884 5 letters and 1 telegram Major-General Sir Henry Ponsonby to Grey.
[1884] 1 copy letter Grey to Ponsonby.
1896 Circular concerning a memorial to Ponsonby.

Paper   48f.
GRE/B208/6   1874-[1911]
1880-1907 8 letters Thomas Burt to Grey.
c.1911 Circular from the Parliamentary Borough of Morpeth Liberal Council.
1874-1910 10 letters Dr Henry Montagu Butler to Grey.
Harrow Mission Building Fund second list of subscriptions and donations.
Extract from Dean Stanley's sermon on the uses of conflict preached in the Cathedral, Quebec, 20 October 1878. (Copied by Butler and sent to Grey, 30 July 1908).
17 September 1888 Letter Louisa Duchess of Buccleuch to Grey, concerning his remembrance of her son and his help to him when dying.
24 September 1888 Letter same to Grey, concerning his letter about her late son's death.
20 September 1891 Letter same to Grey, concerning the death of her son and the arrangements the Greys had made for the corpse.
17 September 1905 Letter same to Grey, concerning the Greys' kindness to her on the death of her son in 1886; Sybil Grey's visit to Langholm.
27 January 1897 Letter John Bulteel to Grey, concerning his and Grey's family and friends.
9 October ?1911 Letter Mrs Bulteel to Grey, concerning a letter from Admiral Windham; her visit to Spain, etc.
24 February 1907 Letter John Brocklehurst to Grey, concerning withdrawal of the name of George Farrar from candidates standing for election to Brooks Club.
14 October 1887 Letter John Graham Brooks to Grey, his academic activities at Harvard; with list of books on economics etc., for working men.
21 August 1887 (?) Letter John Graham Brooks to Miss Hart, the death of his son; his studies and plans.

Paper   38f.
GRE/B208/7   1900-1909
10 May 1900 Letter Arthur James Balfour to Grey, replying to Miss Hart's denunciation of the proposed National Physical Laboratory in Richmond Old Deer Park.
26 March 1903 Letter Balfour to Grey, saying that a deputation to encourage him to pass the Chancellor's bill was unnecessary.
In envelope marked “Alice Balfour” - notes concerning cheques.
29 April [1908?] Letter E. (?) Dora Battiscombe to Grey, concerning her work on miniatures and thanking him for his help and encouragement.
15 May 1901 Letter E. (?) Dora Battiscombe to Grey, concerning her voyage to Australia.
2 February 1908 Letter Adeline Marie, Duchess of Bedford, to Grey, a personal friendly letter; her contribution to the Tercentenary fund.
17 August 1908 Letter Sir J. Hanbury Williams to Grey, mentioning many persons who had helped to make the Tercentenary celebrations a success.
8 December .... Letter Annie Hanbury Williams to Grey, her delight at his letter and a copy of the letter he had sent to Lord Crewe.
7 December 1909 Letter Sir J. Hanbury Williams to Grey, concerning the new military secretary; various persons he has met.
17 August 1906 Letter Sir Hugh Bell to Grey, mainly concerning the affairs of the N.E. Railway [unsigned].
5 March 1908 Letter [Charles Frederick] Moberly Bell (of The Times) to Grey, concerning difficulties which he hopes will soon be resolved.
19 April 1908 Letter R.H. Benson to Grey, concerning visit to Italy.
24 December 1902 Letter Alfred Bertrand (Cavalry Capt. Swiss Federal Army) to Grey, concerning the work of Mr Coillard the missionary in the Upper Zambesi area and sending a book he (Bertrand) had written on the Kingdom of Barotsiland.
11 September 1908 Letter Arthur Bigge to Grey, the Prince of Wales' delight with certain autograph documents; his hope that the Prince will not visit USA.
3 June 1909 Letter Booth Tucker to Grey, concerning Salvation Army work in India and praising the government policy in dealing with the recent unrest there.

Paper   31f.
GRE/B208/8   March-December 1911
24 October 1911 Letter Roberts to Grey, expressing disappointment that Grey had not received a Garter instead of the honour he had received (G.C.B.).
27 July 1911 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey, concerning a present he is giving the Greys on their return.
1 November 1911 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey, concerning the present (electric light in Howick).
20 October 1911 Letter Charles Tupper to Grey, regretting that he was unable to be present at the Royal Colonial Institute's dinner to Grey.
25 October 1911 Letter Sir Frederick Milner to Grey, on Grey's work in Canada.
28 October 1911 Letter Rudyard Kipling to Grey, congratulations on his return and hoping he will help England to recover her soul.
26 October 1911 Letter Mary S. Watts to Grey, her gladness at his return to England.
26 October 1911 Letter Viscount Milner to Grey, congratulating him on speech at Royal Colonial Institute.
30 October 1911 Letter J.L. Garvin to Grey, thanking him for copy of the “King's Book” and concerning his speech.
6 November 1911 Letter J.L. Garvin to Grey, Garvin's talk to the Universal Social Reform Committee of MPs; Grey's power of sympathetic appeal to the minds of the people.
24 October 1911 Letter Lady Wantage to Grey, congratulations on his G.C.B.
29 October 1911 Letter Lady Wantage to Grey, praise of his work in Canada; his speech at the Colonial Institute dinner.
20 October 1911 Letter 2nd Viscount Halifax to Grey, welcoming his return.
23 October 1911 Letter Elizabeth Spence Watson to Grey, welcoming his return.
2 October 1911 Letter A.M. Carpenter to Grey, welcoming his return and regretting her and her husband's coming departure from England.
23 March, 16 October [1911] 2 letters from Ida [Baker-Cresswell] to Grey, concerning George Grey; welcoming his return.
3 November 1911 Letter 9th Earl of Elgin to Grey, welcoming him home; the Canadian elections; the publication of 8th Earl of Elgin's letters and 3rd Earl Grey's letters.
11 December 1911 Letter Arthur James Balfour to Grey, accepting invitation to become a Vice-President of the Empire Parliamentary Association.
Fragment of a letter addressed from Newton Hall Felton, Northumberland.

Paper   23f.
GRE/B208/9   1886-1917
26 December 1910 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey, politics in England and the part Grey might take; financial matters.
13 May 1913 Letter F. Booth Tucker to Grey, concerning Sir John Hewett who wants to enter Parliament as a Unionist and who would be a good spokesman on Indian affairs.
10 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Robin [Benson ?] ..., his future when he returns to England; lack of sympathy with both political parties; his desires as regards Rhodesia.
23 July 1907 Letter R.H. Benson to Grey, a deed for an aunt's gift which can be drawn in such a way as to avoid successive death duties.
5 November 1908 Letter R.H. Benson to Grey, concerning [his son] Rex.
18 April 1916 Letter A.F. Sladen to Grey, the bi-lingual question and difficulty of recruiting in Quebec Province.
14 July 1917 Letter A.F. Sladen to Grey, concerning the granting of honours in Canada; Canadian politics.
3 February 1886 Letter 5th Earl Grey to 4th Earl Grey, a magic lantern show.
4 March 1887 Letter 5th Earl Grey to 4th Earl Grey, account of family activities at and near Howick.
24-25 May 1887 Letter 5th Earl Grey to 4th Earl Grey, his geography lessons; sight-seeing.
5 June 1887 Letter 5th Earl Grey to 4th Earl Grey, activities in London.
24 May 1887 Letter Vera Grey (Grenfell) to Grey, activities in London.
6 June 1887 Letter Vera Grey to Grey, concert at Albert Hall and other activities.
11 August 1904 Letter Evelyn Grey to Grey, Grey's speech in the Lords.
17 May 1887 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl, his journey to New York; Katty Morley's illness [part missing].
24 May 1887 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl, family news and activities; a forthcoming wedding.
25 May 1887 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl, family news.
30 May 1887 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl, the family at Westonbirt.
8 June 1887 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl, his illness; Evy's marriage and the Jubilee celebrations; family news - Vera's birthday ....?
9 June 1887 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl Grey, family news etc.
6 August 1890 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl Grey, personal and family matters.
2 July 1892 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl Grey, the elections and Ireland; her stay at a watering place [part missing].
18 November 1893 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl Grey, account of a severe gale and her walk with the children in it.
20 November 1893 Letter Elsie Grey to 4th Earl Grey, the Chartered Co.; a walk with the children to the sea.
18 November 1893 Letter John H. Mansfield to Grey, reporting on farm work at Howick and on the damage done by the gale.
9 June 1917 Part of a letter from Elsie Grey to Grey, on their 40th wedding anniversary.
1903 Letter Evelyn Grey to Grey, concerning a fancy dress dinner; a performance of Tannhauser.

Paper   58f.
GRE/B208/10   1880-1916
10 November 1881 Letter J. Wright (Sec. Elswick Amateur Bicycle Club) to Grey, informing him of his election as president of the Club and of the members' wish that he should preside at a dinner.
28 July 1881 H. Clements (Sec. Alnwick Cricket Club) to Grey, concerning proposed relaying of the club ground.
11 August 1881 Henry Fawcett to Grey, concerning petition for improvement of postal services at Cramlington, Seaton Delaval, etc.
30 January 1880 Robert Whitfield to Grey, thanking him for subscription towards prizes for essay competition and concerning the awards for the essays on “bad trade”.
9 February 1880 Robert Whitfield (Hon. Secretary Northern Union of Mechanics' Institutions) to Grey, information concerning the prize winners in the above competition.
9 July 1881 W.H. Knowles (Hon. Secretary Gateshead Mutual Improvement Society) to Grey, concerning assistance he had promised to the society's proposed exhibition and bazaar.
[31 March] 1902 Copy letter Grey to Charles, 2nd Viscount Halifax, his admiration for Rhodes; Roosevelt as one similar to Rhodes; his outing in Northumberland.
23 March 1916 Letter 2nd Viscount Halifax to Grey, evidently concerning the above letter.
22 October 1895 Letter Frank Lyon (Francis Bowes-Lyon) to Grey, disappointment that Grey is unable to come to visit him, with cartoons on what he imagines will take place between the Chartered Co. and the African natives.
26 January 1898 Letter Walkworth (later Earl Percy) to Grey, Eastern question.
25 December Letter Sybil Grey to Grey, her father's intentions regarding finance; Mr Aymar Lawless who requires employment.
16 November 1897 Copy letter Alfred Grey to ..., financial prospects of his daughter Sybil at his death.
25 June 1904 Letter Frederick Booth Tucker to Grey, accepting invitation to breakfast.
14 July 1904 Letter Frederick Booth Tucker to Grey, colonisation of Rhodesia and necessity of consulting the general on it.
25 July 1904 Letter Frederick Booth Tucker to Grey, Salvation Army literature on colonisation.
18 July 1904 Letter Edward Clifford to Grey, concerning a South Africa meeting.
September 1881 (?) Letter Henry Grey to Grey, an old merchant seaman giving particulars of his career and asking Grey to support his application for aid from Trinity House.
23 August 1881 Letter Canon H.B. Tristram to Grey, William Johnson and his prize essay on medical missions.
27 August 1881 Letter H.B. Tristram to Grey, William Johnson and his brother.
10 May 1884 Letter Thomas Davison jnr. (Sec. Hexham Franchise Assoc.) to Grey, informing him of a resolution of the above association approving of the Reform Bill and condemning Grey's proposed amendment to it.
21 June 1884 Letter F.P. Labillière to Grey, proposed conference of public men of different political parties favourable to permanent unity of England and the colonies.
10 November 1883 Letter Kenneth MacKenzie to Grey, concerning Grey's return from the USA; and a locket which he had left and which had been forwarded to England.
25 August 1884 Copy letter Charles Tupper to C.L. Peel, refusal of Canadian government to allow export of cattle from the USA through Canada.
August? 1884 Part of a letter from Sir Charles Lennox Peel to Grey, referring to the above question.
11 February 1894 Letter William Grundy to Grey, concerning sweeping of the chimneys at Howick and the Grange stable drainage.
5 December 1891 Copy memorandum by David Clement Scott on the ill treatment of natives in British Central Africa, particularly with regard to land ownership and taxation and proposed solutions of the problems. (Marked strictly private and exclusively for Grey's perusal - this note is initialled A.L.B., [Bruce?]).
2 March 1913 Letter Valgielgud to Grey, his reminiscences of Geo. Grey.
17 June 1914 Letter Durham to Grey, advising him not to give Arthur Grenfell money.

Paper   46f.
GRE/B208/11   1879-1917
6 December 1892 Letter E. Flux to Grey, concerning a proposed mortgage of Ancroft to Sir Edward Grey.
8 December 1892 Telegram Flux to Grey, concerning the same.
21 May 1894, 24 June 1897, 26 July 1900 3 letters James Fox to Grey, concerning basic slag sown on grass at Ancroft; his wife's health; George Hannah's wife who wishes to retain a post of gate-keeper in the employment of N.E.R.; East Leamouth farm.
26 July 1900 Letter Charles Williams to Grey, statistics relating to the experiments in the production of mutton at Cockle Park Farm. Enclosure: Booklet: Experiments in Progress at the County Demonstration Farm, Cockle Park, near Morpeth : Season 1900.
23 July 1914 Letter E.C. Whitney to Grey, financial matters; his brother's majority in the Ontario elections.
19 April 1917 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, concerning his family; Alfred Lyttelton's life; reminiscing about Grey and the decision he had to make whether to accept the Governor Generalship of Canada and his loyalty to the B.S.A. Co. which might have led him to refuse it.
23 January .... Copy letter Robert Dollar to ... [Moreton Frewen?], trade with China.
Extract of Robert Dollar's diary: an address to the Hankow Chamber of Commerce on the mineral wealth and industrial potentialities of China.
3 February 1884 Letter Duke of Northumberland to Grey, subscription to University Extension scheme.
1879-1892 5 letters Lord Armstrong of Cragside to Grey, some concerning University Extension.
27 August 1917 Copy letter 5th Earl Grey to Lord Stamfordham, asking him to inform the King of his father's death and sending a message which his father dictated to him for the King.

Paper   24f.
GRE/B208/12   1870-1916
16 January 1912 Letter Henry Cavendish to Grey, sending some letters (found among Alice Morton's things) which appeared to be the property of 3rd Earl Grey.
16 August 1908 Letter R.H. Benson to Grey, his work in Canada; the failure of the subscription for Watts' portrait of Tennyson; the Chicago G.W. Railway; the Charter Co.'s affairs; the Beira Railway; “Uncle Bob's” financial affairs; Roosevelt and his policy; Benson's son Rex. Enclosure: 28 July 1908 Copy letter E. Impey of Eton to Benson, his opinion of Benson's son Rex.
30 March 1916 Letter Lady Wantage to Grey, her wish to relieve Grey of anxiety connected with his British Columbian fruit farm.
6 April 1916 Letter Lady Wantage to Grey, concerning the relief of his anxiety.
20 August 1908 Letter Evelyn Benson to Grey, her son Rex's trip to Canada to stay with Grey.
18 September 1870 Letter Albert (4th Earl Grey) to his mother, his activities at Balmoral; the Franco-Prussian war.
1 January 1888 Letter Albert Grey to his mother, his father's letters to Lady Shannon.
12 October 1885 Letter Georgiana Grey to Grey, concerning some plate; any legacy she might leave him.
21 October 1911 Letter Lambert Middleton to Grey, concerning financial matters. Notes by Middleton on the Wood-Grey Trust.
17 November .... Letter Ann Sybella Clive to Grey, concerning Joseph Arch, Lady Warwick, Grey's book on Hervey, family news.
n.d. Letter Idonea [Baker Creswell] (a nurse at King's College Hospital) to Grey, the pleasure his letter gave her; her work as a nurse.
28 July 1905 Letter Lady Windsor [Plymouth] to Grey, her travels abroad, a banner, books.
15 February 1906 Letter same to Grey, her proposed journey to Italy and other minor matters.
[c.1890] Copy letter Mary Colman (née Ellice) to Revd. Francis Grey, concerning Princess Lieven and her letters.
20 March 1890 Copy letter Mary Colman to Revd. Francis Grey, further information concerning Princess Lieven.
Copy resolutions passed at public meetings in about 40 cities [of USA] in April and May 1904 in support of bill to create the colonisation bureau and provide for advances to actual settlers on the public domain.
12 April 1904 Copy letter Frederick Booth Tucker to H.C. Hansbrough (Chairman, Committee of Public Lands, US Senate), concerning the above bill.
24 February .... Letter Sarah Spencer to Mrs Vest, expurgating certain parts of Macbeth.
10 March 1904 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to J. Cox, asking him to give Count Gelasio Coetani every opportunity of seeing Camp Bird Mine.

Paper   41f.
GRE/B209/1   1870-1914
4 April 1870 Letter Lady Charlotte Grey to Grey, on his father's death.
11 February 1903, 15 January, 28 September 1904 3 letters Mabell, 8th Countess Airlie (née Lady Mabell Frances Elizabeth Gore) to Grey.
1881-1883 5 letters Adeline Marie Tavistock (later 10th Duchess of Bedford) to Grey.
29 September 1889, 6 October 1891 2 letters H.J. Tennant to Grey.
n.d.-1914 7 letters Emma Alice Margaret “Margot” Asquith to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter same to Alice Grey.
1889 1 letter “Margot” to Waldorf Astor. Photo signed “Margot”.
27 October 1903, 24 April 1910 2 letters Dr Joseph Wood (headmaster of Harrow) to Grey.
(undated) 3 letters Mrs Frances P. Dallas-Yorke to Grey.
1 April .... 1 letter Mrs Frances P. Dallas-Yorke to Alice Grey.

Paper   35f.
GRE/B209/2   1870-1910
1884-1908 11 letters Robert Spence Watson to Grey.
1888-1910 5 letters Elizabeth Spence Watson to Grey (the letter of 1910 contains a note by Robert Spence Watson to Grey).
16 November [1888] 1 letter Bertha Spence Watson to Grey.
1891-1892 2 letters 3rd Baron Wenlock (Beilby Lawley) to Grey.
8 December 1891 1 letter Lady Constance Wenlock to Grey.
15 September 1907 1 letter Aaron Watson to Grey.
15 November 1905, 19-23 January 1909, 18 April 1916 3 letters Madeline Wyndham to Grey.
1886-1904 5 letters Arnold White to Grey.
5 May 1902 1 letter Raymond Harvey de Montmorency, 3rd Visc. Frankfort de Montmorency, to Grey.
1870-1886 9 letters Dean Frederick William Farrar to Grey.
8 August 1885 1 letter 3rd Visc. Halifax to Grey.
1 November .... 1 letter Lady Mary Wood to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter Mary Wood to Elsie Grey.

Paper   54f.
GRE/B209/3   March-April 1914
12, 31 March 1914 2 letters Laurence Evelyn Jones to Grey.
13 March - 4 April 1914 3 letters Evelyn Jones to her mother Alice Grey.
30 [January?] - 5 April 1914 6 letters Evelyn Jones to her father 4th Earl Grey.
28 March .... Cutting from The Times of letter from Laurence E. Jones on Cabinet Responsibility.

Paper   55f.
GRE/B209/4   1870-1914
31 March 1914 1 letter Mary T. Parker to her Aunt Alice Grey.
21 April 1914 1 letter Susannah West Holford to her sister-in-law, Alice Grey.
28 February 1914 1 letter Hilda Grenfell to Grey.
28-30 September [1870] 1 letter G. Harry Trench to Grey.
12 October 188-, 13, 24 September 1885 3 letters Sir George Otto Trevelyan (2nd Bart.) to Grey.
14 September 1885 1 copy Grey to Trevelyan.
n.d. 3 letters Lady Katherine Carmarthen (née Lady Katherine Frances Lambton), 10th Duchess of Leeds to Grey.
n.d. 6 letters Lady Catherine Crawshaw (wife of 1st Baron Crawshaw) to Grey, all undated.
1880-1906 3 letters George James Howard, 9th Earl of Carlisle to Grey.
29 November 1907 1 letter Lady Bentrice Constance Chesham to Grey.

Paper   29f.
GRE/B209/5   1880-1884; 1904-1915
13 June 1880-21 November 1882 (2 undated) 22 letters Arnold Toynbee to Grey & press cutting of one of them published in the Newcastle Daily Chronicle. Typescript copies (in duplicate) of most of the above letters except those of 13 June 1880, 1 September 1880, 19 April 1881, 10 May 1881, 9 December 1881.
1881-1884 4 letters Mrs C.M. Toynbee to Grey.
10 April 1909 1 letter Gertrude Toynbee to Grey, enclosing pamphlet: Joseph Toynbee FRS Aural Surgeon (London).
18 October 1907 1 letter Mrs Emily Wilberforce to Grey.
n.d. - 25 February 1911 4 letters Mrs Cecilia Widdrington to Grey.
1909-1915 & photos (1911, 1915) 13 letters Clara Kirchhoffer to Grey.
17 December 1912 1 letter Senator J.N. Kirchhoffer to Grey.
27 December [1909] 1 letter Mrs Victoria Wemyss to Grey.
2 December 1909 1 copy letter Grey to Mrs Otway Wemyss, [she was daughter of Sir Robert Morier].
24 March 1904-5 2 letters Grace, Countess of Wemyss to Grey.
28 December 1908 1 letter Mrs Ethel Vanderbilt to Grey. Enclosure: 5 April 1908 1 letter “Texas Bates McKee” to Grey.
27 January 1 letter Miss E. Willmott to Grey.

Paper   156f.
GRE/B209/6   1864-1899
1864-1870 5 letters Theresa Grey (later Duchessd'Otrante) to Caroline Grey (2 are also addressed to Gen. Charles Grey).
15 April 1870 1 letter (part missing) [Caroline Grey?] to Theresa.
1870-1899 11 letters Theresa Grey ( “Tizzy”, Aunt of 4th Earl Grey) to 4th Earl Grey (part of one letter missing).
[16 April 1870?] 1 letter Sybella Clive to [Caroline Grey?].

Paper   24f.
GRE/B209/7   1890-1914
5, 12 March 1914, 18 March .... 3 letters Moreton Frewen to Grey.
Cuttings of 3 letters from Frewen to The Morning Post.
20 April 1914 1 letter Vera [Grenfell junior?] to her grandmother [?Alice Grey].
24 December 1892 1 letter Revd. John Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
30 August, 1 December 1897 2 letters H.F. Long to Grey.
20 September 1897 1 letter Alex Hindmarsh to Grey.
17 September 1897 1 letter William Addison (Minister of Warenford Church) and others to Grey.
4 September 1897 1 letter C.W. Benson to Grey.
1 October 1897 1 letter Charles Taberer to Grey.
10 October 1892 1 letter William Arthur Jones (of the Aborigines Protection Society) to Grey. Enclosing:
(1890) White paper: Africa No. 6. Correspondence respecting the Anglo-German Agreement relative to Africa and Heligoland (July 1890).
(1892) MS extract from The Statesman's Year Book concerning the partition of Africa.
7 April 1913 1 letter George Morriss (Sec. Nat. Co-op. Festival Soc.) to Grey.
4 November 1908 1 letter W. Peterson (of McGill Univ.) to Grey.
13 December 1898 1 letter Dr R. Frank Rand to Grey.
25 May 1904 1 draft letter Grey to A. [Alfred Lyttleton?], concerning G.B. [Sir Graham Bower]. Largely concerns Jameson Raid.
1912 Easter card addressed to Grey.
28 March 1912 1 letter Mrs Mary L. Campbell to Grey.
4 March 1912 1 letter Helen Gordon Clark to Grey.
12 March 1912 1 letter Sir William Mortimer Clark to Grey.

Paper   41F.
GRE/B209/8   1883-1911
1 letter Dun Waters to [Lady Grey?].
[c. 1904-1911] 9 letters Dun Waters to Grey. All undated but mainly 1904-1911.
1 incomplete letter Dun Waters to Grey.
23 April 1 letter “Rajah” to Jim.
1883-1908 12 letters Louisa (Countess of Antrim) to Grey.
Also 3 fragments of letters from the above, one dated 20 March 1911.
24 September 1908 1 letter Louisa Antrim to Alice Grey.

Paper   48f.
GRE/B210/1   1903-1910
23 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Lady Drummond.
24 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Sir Daniel McMillan.
Copy letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey (beginning missing).
23 December 1908, 1 March, 15 April 1910 3 copy letters Grey to Milner.
27 October 1903 Copy letter Grey to the Hon. Matthew White Ridley.
14 December 1909 Copy letter Grey to Curtis.
17 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir William Mulock.
28 January, 10 February 1910 2 copy letters Grey to Sir John Hanbury Williams.
3 February 1910 1 copy letter Grey to Earl of Ribblesdale.
10 February 1910 1 copy letter Grey to Earl of Lansdowne.
20 February 1910 1 copy letter Grey to Garvin.
28 February 1910 1 copy letter Grey to Weston [Jarvis].
2 May 1910 1 copy letter Grey to Sir James Whitney (of Ontario).
15 August 1906 Observations by Grey on Boers and the British in South Africa.

Paper   63f.
GRE/B210/2   1905-1907
28 January 1905, 13 March 1906 Copy letters Grey to Lord Mount Stephen.
3 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to Sandars.
10 July 1905 Copy letter Grey to Ian Malcolm.
13 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to H.E. Luxmoore.
8 May 1906, 14 February 1907 Copy letters Grey to Lord Northcote.
12 May 1906, 14 February 1907 Copy letters Grey to Earl Carrington.
12 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Lord Wemyss.
12 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Henry Montagu Butler, Master of Trinity College.
12 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Lansdowne.
9 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Henry Chaplin.
9 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to L.V. Harcourt ( “Lulu”).
11 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Noble.
9 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Major the Hon. R. White ( “Bobby”).
8 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Edward Grenfell.
14 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Francis Buxton.
19 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Kitty Drummond.
23 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Wrench.
16 December 1905, 1 November 1906 Copy letters Grey to Lady Sarah Wilson.
29 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Bryce.
5 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Mary [Countess of Minto?].
8 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to [James Benjamin] Taylor.
16 January, 14 February 1907 Copy letters Grey to M.W. Viscount Ridley.
16 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to George.
14 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir Howard Vincent.
14 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to [C.] Moberly Bell.
14 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir George Farrar.
8 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to General Brocklehurst.
8 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Marquis of Graham.
2 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir Frederick Milner.

Paper   87f.
GRE/B210/3   December 1904-1906
23 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to ...
10 March, 8 May 1906 Copy letters Grey to Andrew Carnegie.
19 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Alfred Lyttelton.
16 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Evy [?Grey].
18 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Winston Churchill.
18 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Vanderbilt.
19 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Paget.
20 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mary, Countess of Minto.
21 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to L.J. Maxse.
30 April, 12 May 1906 Copy letters Grey to Earl Carrington.
1 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Boyd Carpenter.
5 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Duke of Abercorn (copy of letter filed under Abercorn).
11 April 1906 Copy letter Grey to Vivian.
12 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Lansdowne.
12 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Henry Montagu Butler, Master of Trinity.
12 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Wemyss.
19 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Paget.
5 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Lady Aberdeen.
11 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to John Bigelow.
13 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to Countess of Minto.
15 June 1906 Copy letter Grey to ?Charles 5th Earl Grey.
3 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Victoria (Vera) Grenfell.
9 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Earl of Elgin.
9 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to L.V. Harcourt ( “Lulu”).
9 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
9 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Major the Hon. R. White ( “Bobby”).
16 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Sir Dighton Probyn.
17 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Violet R. Markham.
19 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Countess of Minto.
24 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Earl of Minto ( “Rolly”).
14 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to St Loe Strachey.
19 December 1906 Copy letter to Gwynne.
21 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Gwynne.
29 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Milner.

Paper   152f.
GRE/B210/4   1907
12, 24 January 1907 Copy letters Grey to Esme [Howard].
14 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Miles Backhouse.
15 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Close.
16 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Leo Maxse.
16 January, 14 February 1907 Copy letters Grey to Viscount M.W. Ridley.
24 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lord Elgin.
28 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lord Halifax ( “Charlie”).
28 January, 8 March, 26 April 1907 Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
31 January, 4, 8, 12, 16 March, 23 April, 9 September, 14 October, 26 December 1907 Copy letters Grey to James Bryce.
14 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Joseph Chamberlain.
14 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Leo Maxse.
14 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir Howard Vincent.
15 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Garvin.
16 February, 6, 13 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Viscount Milner.
21 February 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
25 February, 9 April, 25 November 1907 Copy letters Grey to [Sydney Charles] Earl Buxton.
25 February, 28 March, 9 April, 9 September, 14 November 1907 Copy letters Grey to Elgin.
3 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
5 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir L.S. Jameson.
8 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to General Brocklehurst.
16 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Andrew Carnegie.
20 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Mr Booth.
21 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Bernard Holland.
22 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to C.W. Boyd.
22 March, 9 April 1907 Copy letters Grey to Bourchier Hawksley.
22 March 1907 Copy letter Grey to Rosebery.
2 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir Frederick Milner, duplicate of letter in 210/2.
2 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to W.T. Stead.
3, 13, 29 April 1907 Copy letters Grey to J.S. Amery.
3 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lady Helen Munro Ferguson.
4 April, 28 December 1907 Copy letters Grey to Lady Northcote.
8 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Col. Raleigh Grey.
9 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Dr George Parkin.
13 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Winston Churchill.
13 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to R. Kipling.
12 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lord Northcote.
15 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lady Jane Lindsay ( “Jennie”).
15 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to "Aunt Harriet", Lady Wantage.
15 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Watts.
15 April, 19 June 1907 Copy letters Grey to Violet R. Markham.
22 April 1907 Account by Grey of visit to America.
28 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Muriel Wilson.
2 May 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lionel Phillips.
7 May 1907 Copy letter Grey to Countess of Aberdeen.
9 May 1907 Copy letter Grey to Selborne.
8 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to St Loe Strachey.
12 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir Josiah Symon.
19 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Anglesey.
24 August 1907 Copy letter Grey to Capt. Gerald Trotter.
24 August 1907 Copy letter Grey to Col. Weston Jarvis.
16 September 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lord Chancellor Loreburn.
23 September 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir David Gill.
23 September 1907 Copy letter Grey to Col. Sir Claude Macdonald.
25 November 1907 Copy letter Grey to Senator Edwards.
26, 31 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lord Basil Blackwood.
28 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lady Plunket.
31 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to [Capt.] Francis [Grenfell].
31 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Marquis of Lansdowne.
31 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Marquis of Zetland.

Paper   265f.
GRE/B210/5   1909-1910
16 January 1909 Copy letter Grey to Capt. Francis Grenfell.
16 January 1909, 30 September 1910 Copy letters Grey to Moreton Frewen.
18 January 1909 Copy letter Grey to Harewood.
19 January 1909 Copy letter Grey to Father Biehler.
22 January, 13 December 1909 Copy letters Grey to J.L. Garvin.
22 January, 17 February 1909 Copy letters Grey to St Loe Strachey.
19 February 1909 Copy letter Grey to Sir Francis Hopwood.
4 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to Major General Sir Harry Rawlinson.
4 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to Duke of Westminster.
8 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to Haldane.
9 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to P. Lyttleton Gell.
12 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to Dun (Waters).
6 April 1909 Copy letter Grey to Bourchier Hawksley.
19 May 1909 Copy letter Grey to Mr Brittain.
29 July 1909 Copy letter Grey to Duke of Norfolk.
27 October 1909 Copy letter Grey to Walter [Long].
22 November 1909 Copy letter Grey to Lord Ribblesdale.
29 December 1909, 5 November 1910 Copy letters Grey to Lord Durham ( “Jack”).
29 December 1909 Copy letter Grey to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
7 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to Richard Grigg.
17 September 1910 Copy letter Grey to ...?
20 September 1910 Copy letter Grey to John Sargent.
22 September 1910 Copy letter Grey to Miss Talbot.
30 September 1910 Copy letter Grey to Arthur M. Grenfell.
30 September 1910 Copy letter Grey to Countess of Dartrey.
3 October 1910 Copy letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
5 November 1920 Copy letter to 'My dear' (?)
5 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Defoe.
5 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Winthrop Ames.
9 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Clement Leveson Gower.
9 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to [John Hays] Hammond.
25 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir Joseph Lawrence.
29 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Earl of Lanesborough.
14 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to Lord Strathcona.
19 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to Dr George Parkin.
25 August 1909 Extract of letter from M.H.H. [Lady Hely-Hutchinson?] to Grey.
January 1909 Note by Sir J. Hanbury Williams on A.D.Cs.

Paper   103f.
GRE/B210/6   1909-1910
25 October 1909 Copy letter Grey to James Bryce.
10 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell.
10 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
10 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to Lansdowne.
14 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to Francis Lord Knollys.
14 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to The King.
20 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to J.L. Garvin.
4 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to Andrew Carnegie, “Brave Copartner”.
23 February 1910 Copy letter Grey to Arthur J. Balfour.
1 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Milner. 3 copies, memo beginning “The following points would appear to favour Canada taking the initiative in a proposal to discuss at the next Imperial Conference a suggestion to institute a financial boycott of any power which might rush into war without first having submitted the cause of dispute to the Hague Tribunal”.
5 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Lionel Curtis.
5 March 1910 3 copies letter Grey to T.A. Brassey.
10 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Crewe.
10 March, 3, 12, 26 November 1910 Copy letters Grey to F.S. Oliver.
13 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Maxse.
14 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Rosebery.
15 March, 14 June 1910 Copy letters Grey to Viscount St John Midleton.
18 March 1910 Extract, Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
28 March, 21 April, 2 December 1910 Copy letters Grey to T.A. Brassey.
[30 March 1910 Copy letter T.M. Healy to Grey?].
30 March 1910 Copy letter Grey to Alfred [Lyttelton].
6 April 1910 Copy letter Grey to Richard Jebb.
6 April 1910 Copy letter Grey to Col. J.W. Woods.
7 April, 1, 3, 21, 22, 26, 29 November 1910 Copy letters Grey to Moreton Frewen.
8 April 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
27 April 1910 Copy letter Grey to Maurice Low.
5, 22 May 1910 Copy letters Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
9 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Glazebrook.
22 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Dunraven.
12 October, 25 November 1910 Copy letters Grey to G. Prothero (2 copies).
5 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir Percy Fitzpatrick.
5 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to J.S. Willison.
21 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Mr Blackstock.
22 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Wallace Nesbitt.
26 November, 2 December 1910 Copy letters Grey to W. Bourke Cochran.
3 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy.
22 February 1910 Newspaper Clipping regarding address by W. O'Brien, plus handwritten MS notes on article/address.
22 May 1910 Copy letter to Lord Howietz.
Undated Copy letter to R. Charles(?), regarding political theatre in 1910.

Paper   183f.
GRE/B210/7   1902-1910
1, 7 April 1902 Extracts of letters from President Roosevelt.
12 February 1906 Copy letter Theodore Roosevelt to Grey.
20 October, 10 December 1905, 11 February, 10 March 1906, 24 March 1909 Copy letters Grey to Andrew Carnegie.
6 November, 16 December 1905 Copy letters Grey to Lady Londonderry.
11 December 1905, 1 October 1907, 23 March 1908 Copy letters Grey to Morley.
28 December 1905, 16 November 1907 Copy letters Grey to Edward, Lord Tweedmouth.
]11 January, 7 February, 15 March 1906, 13 January 1909, 12 December 1910 Copy letters Grey to President Roosevelt.
14 January 1906 Copy letter Grey to Lady Lugard (Flora Shaw).
11 February 1906 Copy letter Grey to Harcourt ( “Loulou” ).
20 March, 9 July 1906, 3 March 1907, 23 May 1908 Copy letters Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
20 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Lyttleton.
15 February, 22 March 1907 Copy letters Grey to Rosebery.
26 September 1910 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Leo.
4 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to John Bigelow.
8 December 1910 Copy letter Grey to W.L. Mackenzie King.

Paper   78f.
GRE/B210/8   1908
14 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to George, Earl of Carlisle.
14 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Alexander Fisher.
14 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Viscount Midleton.
14 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Andrew Noble.
18 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Countess of Antrim.
20 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to [Sir Alexander] Henderson.
21 January, 20 June 1908 Copy letters Grey to Lord Lovat.
27 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Marquis of Lansdowne.
10 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Viscount Esher.
10 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to J. Henniker Heaton.
22 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Claude MacDonald.
10 February, 18 March, 11 June, 20 July 1908 Copy letters Grey to Selborne.
10 February, 26 March 1908 Copy letters Grey to Lord Plunket.
10 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to John Morley.
11 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Marquis of Winchester “Timmie”.
12 February, 21 March 1908 Copy letters Grey to James Bryce.
12 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to H. Birchenough.
15 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Reford.
15 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
15 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Violet H. Markham.
17 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to “Quebec”, perhaps Andrew Carnegie?
17 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Hon. Edward Wood.
20 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Master of Elibank.
2 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Earl of Minto, “Rolly”.
3 March, 15 December 1908 Copy letters Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
3 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to David Lloyd George.
3, 25 March 1908 Copy letters Grey to Elgin.
9 March, 17 July 1908 Copy letters Grey to Dr George Parkin.
14 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to W.T. Stead.
14 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to Col. Raleigh Grey.
18 March, 13 August 1908 Copy letters Grey to Sir Josiah Symon.
20 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to [Fred.] Verney.
21 March, 17 December 1908 Copy letters Grey to George Grey (brother of Sir Edward Grey).
27 April 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lionel Guest.
30 April 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lord Blyth.
30 April 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur [Grenfell?].
5 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Fitzpatrick.
7 May, 17 August, 8 December 1908 Copy letters Grey to Crewe.
11 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Vanderbilt.
16 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Moreton Frewen.
18 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Duke of Norfolk.
18 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lord Saltoun.
18 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Reginald Talbot.
18 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to The Howick School Children.
19 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lord Northcote.
21 May 1908 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Deakin.
20 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Francis Hopwood.
20 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to St Loe Strachey.
26 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to General Wodehouse.
29 June, 14 August, 3 September 1908 Copy letters Grey to Sir Francis Hopwood.
30 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Alexander Fisher.
30 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Vanderbilt.
17 July 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lady Roberts.
8 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir David Gill.
5 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Arthur Bigge.
10 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lord Desborough ( “Willie”).
10 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to John Buchan.
11 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Rudyard Kipling.
14 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Asquith.
14 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Dr Spence Watson.
14 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Pease.
17 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Harry Lawson.
17 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Esme Howard.
17 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Col. Mills.
17 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lady Mary Meynell “Amy”.
20 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Col. Josceline Bagot.
21 October 1908 Copy letter Grey to Earl Dalhousie.
26 October 1908 Copy letter Grey to Cecil [Ashley].
8 November 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mr Hogben.
9 November 1908 Copy letter Grey to Crawshay Williams.
10 November 1908 Copy letter Grey to George Grey (of Milfield).
16 November, 7 December 1908 Copy letters Grey to Lord Northcliffe.
22 November 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lord Dudley (Governor General, Australia).
23 November 1908 Copy letter Grey to Capt. Buxton.
25 November, 4 December 1908 Copy letters Grey to Andrew Carnegie.
1 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to Earl of Durham ( “Jacko” ).
4, 17 December 1908 Copy letters Grey to Viscount Milner.
14 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to John, Lord Revelstoke.
15 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to W.L. Mackenzie King.
16 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Watts.
22 December 1908 Copy letter Grey to Sir Horace Plunkett.
Copy letter Grey to Lord Frederick Hamilton (1st page missing).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B210/9   June-November 1871
17 October 1871 1 letter Mary Gladstone to Grey.
18 September [1871?] 1 letter Harriet de Gallatin to Grey.
11 September 1871 1 letter J.F. Gallatin to Grey.
September [1871] 1 letter Maria, Countess Grey, to Grey.
September [1871] 1 letter H. Grey to Grey.
September [1871] 1 letter Edward C. Grey to Grey.
[1871] - 25 October 1874 5 letters J.B. Roche (3rd Baron Fermoy) to Grey.
8 October 1871 1 letter Francis R. Grey to Grey.
25 October 1871 1 letter R. Duckworth to Grey.
24 October 1871, n.d. 2 letters Ann Sybella Clive to Grey.
n.d. 2 letters Maria, Countess Grey (Aunt to 4th Earl Grey) to Grey.
30 October, 5, 9 November 1871 3 letters Duke of St Albans to Grey.
7 July, 9, 19 September 1871 3 letters Theresa Grey ( “Tizzy”) to Grey.
22 June, 3 July, 20 October 1871, n.d. 4 letters Theresa Grey to Mrs Caroline Grey.
11 September 1871 1 letter Henry Cole to Mrs Caroline Grey.
24 June .... Part of letter Mary F. Biddulph? to Mrs Grey.
8 November 1871 1 letter J.M. Ogle to Mrs Grey.
1 October 1871 1 letter [Mary elizabeth] Ponsonby to Mrs Grey.

Paper   1 file
Edward VII
Reference: GRE/B210/10
Dates of creation: December 1875; 1890-1909
Extent: 1 filePaper

1890-1908 4 original letters Edward VII to Grey.
1905-1909 4 copy letters Grey to Edward VII.
December 1875 Cuttings from Indian newspapers on the Prince of Wales' visit to India.
Loyal address of inhabitants of the city and presidency of Madras and three other printed papers relating to the Invitation Committee and arrangements made for the visit.
Cuttings concerning divisions in the House of Commons on the question of payment of the expenses consequent on the Prince's visit to India; also on Dilke's motion for a more complete representation of the people.

Number not used.

GRE/B210/12   1871
1871 10 letters from Caroline Eliza Grey (mother of 4th Earl Grey) to Grey, dating uncertain.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B210/13   9 July 1880; October 1894; October 1904
11 October 1904 1 letter Northbrook to Grey.
8 October 1894 - 25 October 1894 4 letters Revd. John Grey to Grey.
4 October 1894 Record of conversation of 3rd Earl Grey and the Revd. John Grey. Typescript, 2 copies.
13 October 1894 1 letter General Sir (Henry) Lynedoch Gardiner to Queen Victoria.
22 October 1894 1 letter Elizabeth Spence Watson to Grey.
9 July 1880, 20 October 1894 2 letters Annie Wemyss (formerly Elcho) to Grey.
12 October 1894 1 letter 2nd Viscount Halifax to Grey.
7 October 1894 1 letter Vera Grenfell to Grey.
8-22 October 1894 3 letters Alice Morton to Grey.
22 October 1894 1 letter Sir John Burns, 1st Baron Inverclyde to Grey.
25 October 1894 1 letter Lady Louise Loder to Grey.
10 October 1894 1 letter Goldwin Smith to Grey.
27 October 1894 1 letter Stephen Sanderson (Clerk of the Peace, Northumberland) to Grey, enclosing resolution passed at the Quarter Sessions, 17 October 1894, on death of 3rd Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B211/1   1898-1912
16 February 1898 - 14 January 1912 10 letters from George Nathaniel Curzon (1st Marquis) to Grey.
26 April 1909 1 copy Grey to Curzon.

Paper   1 file
Sir Charles Lindley Wood, 2nd Viscount Halifax, 1839-1934
Reference: GRE/B211/2
Dates of creation: 1885-1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

Subjects of this correspondence include the Princess Lieven letters, the 5th Earl Grey's wedding, South Africa, English politics, illness and death of 1st Viscount Halifax.
27 July 1885 - 26 April 1910 21 letters Halifax to Grey.
9 May 1905 - 28 January 1907 10 copy letters Grey to Halifax.
Suggested heads of a bill to amend the 1902 Education Act.
Draft bill: An Act to make further provision with respect to elementary education in England and Wales.
15 June 1907 1 letter Sir Henry Bellingham to Halifax.
18 July 1908 1 letter Edward Wood (3rd Earl Halifax) to Grey.

George Joachim Goschen (1831-1907), 1st Viscount
Reference: GRE/B211/3
Dates of creation: [late 19th to early 20 centuries]
Extent: 1 filePaper

31 letters from Goschen to Grey, all undated.
1 letter Maude Goschen to Grey.
1 letter Lucy Goschen to Grey.

Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Viscount Northcliffe, 1865-1922
Reference: GRE/B211/4
Dates of creation: 1908-1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

All these documents concern Canada, especially the press and Canada.
26 November 1908 - 17 November 1910 7 letters Northcliffe to Grey.
7 December 1908 - [c.17 September 1910] 7 copy letters Grey to Northcliffe.
n.d. [c.January 1909] Extract of letter from Grey to Lady Northcliffe.
22 January 1909 Copy letter Grey to Milner.
22 January 1909 Copy letter Grey to Garvin.
14 January 1909 Extract from The Victoria Daily Colonist, “Imperial Oracles”.

Sir Edward Grey, 3rd Baronet and Viscount Grey of Fallodon (1862-1933)
Reference: GRE/B211/5
Dates of creation: 1885-1912
Extent: 1 filePaper

Subjects: mainly Canada and the USA. The asiatic problem; imperial federation; Lord Ripon and South African customs scheme; death of George Grey.
27 June 1885 - 11 April 1912 24 letters Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
8 May 1894 - 15 April 1911 10 copy letters Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
16 May [1885] 1 letter G.A. Grey of Milfield to 3rd Earl Grey.
4 March 1908 1 letter A.J. Dawson to Grey.
21 May 1908 Cutting from The Times, “Sir E. Grey and the Empire”.
Press cutting “The Quebec Tercentenary”.

Sir Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax (1800-1885)
Reference: GRE/B211/6
Dates of creation: 1874-1885
Extent: 1 filePaper

22 January 1874 - 27 May 1885 48 letters Halifax to Grey. Politics (including 3rd Earl Grey and the Northumberland election 1879).
22 January 1874, [1 April 1880], 22 October [1882] 3 letters Mary Halifax to Grey.

Albert Grey, 4th Earl
Reference: GRE/B211/7
Dates of creation: 18-24 November 1871
Extent: 1 filePaper

18-24 November 1871 4 letters to his mother Caroline Grey, concerning his debts at Cambridge and the question of his going abroad.

GRE/B211/8   5-6 June 1893
5-6 June 1893 2 letters from Alice Morton to Grey, mainly concerning “Uncle Henry”, i.e. 3rd Earl Grey and Buckle, editor of The Times.

Paper   1 file
Cecil J. Rhodes
Reference: GRE/B211/9
Dates of creation: 19 September 1877; 19 August 1891; 25 August 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

Subjects: Problem of getting food to Mashonaland; Rhodes's imperial ideas; purposes to which his money could be applied.
19 August 1891 Copy letter Rhodes to W.T. Stead.
19 September 1877 Copy will of Rhodes.
25 August 1901 Copy letter Rhodes to Grey.

GRE/B211/10   1885-1886
27 March 1885 1 letter W. Mackinnon to Grey, concerning the Egyptian consolidated debt.
n.d. [1886] Letter Jonathan Hogg to Grey.
19 January 1886 Letter Jonathan Hogg to Grey, quoting extract of letter J. Power (of Power & Son, Distillers, Dublin) to Hogg [January 1886].

Paper   1 file
Harvie Farquhar
Reference: GRE/B211/11
Dates of creation: November 1871
Extent: 1 filePaper

Subject: Albert Grey's debts at Cambridge.
November 1871 - February 1872 4 letters to his sister Caroline Eliza Grey, mother of 4th Earl Grey.
ca. 21 November 1871 1 copy letter to Grey.
1 letter Grey to Harvie Farquhar.

Grey family: Sybil, Evelyn, Vera Grenfell, daughters; Alice Grey, wife; Albert Grey, 4th Earl
Reference: GRE/B211/12
Dates of creation: June-July 1897
Extent: 1 filePaper

19 June, 2 July 1897 2 letters Sybil Grey to Grey.
18 June 1897 1 letter Evelyn Grey to Grey.
2 July 1897 1 letter Vera Grenfell to Grey.
16, 30 June 1897 2 letters Alice Grey to her husband Albert Grey, 4th Earl.
n.d. Letter Albert Grey, 4th Earl to ...

GRE/B212/1   1884-1900
4 September 1900 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey, enclosing 2 printed papers: “Justice for British and Irish Farmers”; “The Agricultural and Industrial Society Limited” (prospectus).
12 April .... Letter Maud Lansdowne to Grey.
14 April 1900 Copy Grey to Marchioness of Lansdowne.
14 March 1900 Letter John Whitburn to Grey.
9 January 1900 Extract of letter C.J. Rhodes to Grey.
28 March 1900 1 letter Charles Cowell (Sec. Northumberland Hussars) to Grey.
14 January 1884 1 letter B.C. Browne to Grey.
2 May 1900 1 letter Alice Balfour to Grey. Enclosure: 30 April [1900] Letter William Scott to Miss Balfour.
10, 23 April 1900 2 letters Miss Mary Upcher (Sec. Mashonaland Mission Assoc.) to Grey.
1 copy letter Grey to Miss Upcher, enclosing rules of Bulawayo Public Library.
16 March 1900 1 letter William Collins to Grey.
17 March 1900 1 letter William Maxwell to Grey. Enclosing: Report of proceedings at the A.G.M. of J. & P. Coats Ltd.
8 April 1900 1 letter M. Grey (wife of Fred. Grey) to Grey.
2, 12 April 1884 2 letters M.K. Grey to Grey. Enclosure: 2 April 1884 Extract from the New Code 1883-4 on payment of grants to schools.
26 March 1900 1 letter Henry Palin Gurney to Grey.
14 September 1899 1 letter Aug. E. Burdon to 5th Earl Grey, with hotel bill enclosed.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/2   1884-1914
5 April, 1, 3 May 1900 3 letters Charles W. Dilke to Grey. Enclosure: 17 April 1900 Cutting from Daily News: report on annual conference of National Union of Teachers.
9 April - 22 May 1900 4 letters John Pedder (of the Home Office) to Grey. (The letter of 9 April 1900 bears an additional note by C.W. Dilke).
23 February, 19 March 1914 2 letters Lord Richard Nevill ( “Plantagenet”) to Grey & letter T.(?) Short to Nevill, 27 February 1914.
7 March 1914 1 letter Sir Walter Balfour Barttelot.
16 May 1912, 23 February 1915, 30 May 1914, 24 January 1916 (copy) 4 letters R.M. Ferguson to Grey.
11 July 1884 1 letter Bessie Wells to Grey.
19 March 1900 1 letter A. Griffinhoofe Jones to Grey, enclosing printed paper on the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society.
19 March 1900 1 letter G.B. Hunter to Grey.
9 March 1885 1 letter Edward Atkinson to Grey. Long letter on minority representation, the American constitution, etc.
22, 25 May 1899 2 letters M. Abesgus to Grey.
22 June 1881 Circular letter George Pooley to Grey, concerning shares in National Liberal Land Co.
26 April 1884 1 letter Lydia E. Becker to Grey.
11 May 1900 Copy letter Grey to Salisbury, advocating that Ald. Stephenson of Newcastle be included in next honours list.
4 April 1899 Copy letter E.T. Foster to Sir Edward Grey, allegations against B.S.A. Co.
22 May 1884 1 letter Fred. Stanley to Grey.
26 June 1884 1 letter Will. B. Cockran to Grey.
22 January [1884] 2 letters Sir M.W. Ridley to Grey. Enclosure: 25 January 1884 Circular letter from John Robinson, jnr., concerning the case Todd v Robinson.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/3   1883-1900
10 February 1884, 9 January 1900 2 letters Milner to Grey.
22 January 1884 1 letter William Walsham Bedford (Bishop Suffragan for East London) to Grey.
24-29 January 1884, 6 April 1884 6 letters Elsie (wife of 4th Earl Grey) to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter William Barber to Grey.
7 April 1900 1 letter Noel Villiers to Grey.
25 September 1884 1 letter J.R. Carr-Ellison to Grey.
24 July 1884 1 letter John Park (Clerk to the Commissioners of Warkworth Harbour) to Grey.
10, 25 May 1883 2 letters James Clayfield Ireland to Grey.
n.d. Letter Maria Randolph to Grey.
28 February 1884 Letter E. Ponsonby (8th Earl of Bessborough) to Grey.
21 December 1883, 19 April 1884, 5 November 1886 & circular & questionnaire 3 letters Albert Pell ( “the elder Albert”) to Grey. The circular requests information for an article to appear in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, on “The making of the Land” and questionnaire on the subject.
2 April 1884 Letter Thomas Gibson (Sec. Newcastle Incorporated Law Soc.) to Grey.
5 May 1884 Letter George V. Sims to Grey, enclosing preliminary circular on proposed Montana Land and Cattle Co. USA.
28 August 1884 Letter J.G. Dodson (1st Baron Monk-Bretton) to Grey.
28 January 1884 H.R. Droop to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/4   1883-1904
18 April 1884 1 letter Edward Sisterson to Grey.
n.d. Circular letter John G. Scott, Secretary Northumberland & Durham Public Parks Bowling Green Association.
10 March 1884 Letter William Digby to Grey.
13 February 1884 Letter James Heatley to Grey.
8 February 1884 Letter J. Dand to Grey.
9 March [1884 (?)] 1 letter G.A. Grey of Milfield to Grey.
1884 Oswin Bell and Sadler Challoner of the North of England Artillery Volunteer Association, with extracts from Newcastle Daily Journal and Newcastle Chronicle, both 18 February 1884.
3 May 1884 Letter Christopher Sykes to Grey.
23 June 1884 Letter Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle to Grey.
5 June 1884 1 letter Robert Spence Watson (1837-1911) to Grey.
19 May .... 1 letter R.H. Collins to Grey.
22 June 1884 1 letter Wemyss to Grey.
26, 29 April 1884 2 letters Shaw Lefevre to Grey.
n.d. 1 copy letter Grey to Lefevre.
28 March .... 1 letter J. Bryce to Grey.
1883-1904 8 letters Ernest Roland Wilberforce, Bishop of Newcastle, to Grey. Also circular re Newcastle branch of the NSPCC (also signed by J. Morley).
1889 Proof copy of press report of speech by Grey at meeting to consider a report on the first 5 years' working of the Bishop of Newcastle's fund.
July 1884 1 letter Charles L. Wood, 2nd Viscount Halifax, to Grey.
16 April, 12 May 1883 2 letters Thomas P. Dods to Grey.
22 February 1884, 13 November 1896, 8 August 1898 Letters 3rd Earl of Morley to Grey.
Letter of 8 August 1898 enclosing dividend warrant from the Chili Telephone Co.
4 August 1896 Letter H.E. Luxmoore to Morley, concerning Lord Howick - 5th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/5   1884
1884 3 Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway timetables.
12 September 1884 Letter Milner to Grey.
20 August 1884 Letter C.L. Crisp to Grey.
[1884] Letter M. Frewen to Yorkshire Post.
Letter M. Frewen to Pall Mall Gazette, “Wyoming her Cattle and her Critics”.
Parts of article, by Frewen on Wyoming cattle.
Rough notes by Grey on beef production in British agriculture.
20 June - 28 August [1884], n.d. 9 letters Moreton Frewen to Grey.
9 August 1884 Telegram Thomas Sturgis to Frewen.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/6   February-May 1900
23 February - 18 May 1900 (some n.d.) 8 letters Moreton Frewen to Grey.
Memo of agreement between Frewen and Rivers Wilson.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/7   1894-1899
[1898] Letter W.C. Tyrie (builder) to Mr Smith.
1 November 1898 Memo on increased cost of work in the building trade, with wage and price statistics 1881 and 1898.
27 October 1898 Circular J. Alfred S. Hassal (Sec. National Association of Master Builders of Great Britain), on limitation of apprentices.
31 October 1898 Statistics of labour wages per hour in building trades 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1898.
29 October 1898 Letter G.J. Earle to Grey.
29 October 1898 Letter William Bell to Grey.
31 October 1898 Letter William Bell to Grey, enclosing copy letter Paul Rhodes to William Bell, 29 October [1898].
Copy of the above letter and enclosure.
31 October 1898 Further letter William Bell to Grey with copy letter Paul Rhodes to Bell, 31 October 1898, and particulars of cost of labour in brickwork 1878, 1888 and 1898 supplied by John Koswick & Sons of York, 31 October 1898.
Another copy of the above letter and enclosures.
Notes by Grey of statement by Sir R. Farrant, Managing Director of the Artizans Dwelling Co., on labour costs.
1894 Notes by Grey on proportions of piece and time work payments.
31 October 1898 Letter Arthur Wilson Fox to Grey. Enclosing: Notes by Mr Fountain on the cost of laying a rod of brickwork of stockbricks 1868-1898.
31 October 1898 Letter D.F. Schloss to Grey.
Pamphlet: Cases of Tyrannical Practices etc., Imposed Upon Members by the Operatives' Societies, [by Yorkshire Federation of Building Trade Employers]. (Leeds, c.1899).
1899 Press cuttings on Co-partnership.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/8   1883-1884
n.d. [1883] Letter C.L.W. [Charles L. Wood], 2nd Viscount Halifax to Grey. Enclosing: 2 copies The National Society's Memorial to the Prime Minister with reference to the condition of hardship under which church schools are at present carried on 14 May 1883.
7 February 1884 Printed paper on the Cottage Homes Company Limited.
24 February 1884 Printed report on 100 acres of freehold building land at Clapton ... by Mark H. Judge, with sketch plan of area and plans of houses.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/9   February-April 1900
March 1900 Draft letter Grey to R. Davies.
20 March 1900 Copy letter Grey to Henry Vivian.
16 February 1900 Copy letter Grey to H.D. Lloyd.
6 April 1900 Copy letter Grey to H.W. Just.
2 May 1900 Draft letter Grey to H.S. Southon.
Easter 1900 1 letter Henry Wright to Lady Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B212/10   1891-1903
Letters and papers concerning legal and financial matters handled by Messrs E. Flux and Leadbitter 1891-1903.
13 November 1891 Letter E. Flux to Grey.
30 July, 15 August, 25, 27 September 1894 Letters E. Flux to 3rd Earl Grey.
31 July, 1 August 1894 Letters George Grey of Milfield to 3rd Earl Grey.
Release (unexecuted) 3rd Earl Grey to Albert Grey (supplemental to deed dated 19 October 1885). This was enclosed in George Grey's letter of 31 July.
The above letters and papers concern attempts to avoid death duties on the 3rd Earl's property.
3 August 1897 Transcript of proceedings in the Court of Appeal in the suit Sydney Harbour Collieries Company Ltd. v Earl Grey. Printed papers: Attorney-General v Earl Grey (High Court of Justice, Q.B. division): Answer of the defendant, filed 26 March 1896 and answer of defendant to amended information and interrogatory to amended information, filed 24 February 1897. These printed papers concern the claim of the Inland Revenue for death duties on the estates of 3rd Earl Grey.
11 October 1898 Copy letter Grey to Messrs Flux & Leadbitter.
10 October 1898, 7 February 1899, 28 February, 3, 4 July 1900, 10 September 1901 (3 letters), 8 April, 16 May, 4, 30 July 1902, 2 October, 16 July 1903 Letters Messrs. Flux & Leadbitter to Grey.
Affidavit for repayment of succession duty by the Inland Revenue in respect of an annuity to the Revd. John Grey. [Not signed].
14 July 1903 Letter Messrs. Flux & Leadbitter to Grey, enclosing their account 1899-1903.
28 July 1903 Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey, enclosing apportionment of the above account indicating amounts payable by Grey and by the estate.
October 1903 Account of Messrs A.J. Forrest & H.S. Phillips to Messrs Flux & Leadbitter in respect of a mortgage of Fleehope & Southern Knowe, with receipt.
22 October 1903 Letter Thomas Leadbitter to Grey, enclosing and commenting on form of mortgage to the Metropolitan Bank Ltd.
Some pencil markings but otherwise blank.
6, 9, 18 July 1901 Letters Messrs Flux Leadbitter & Neighbour to Grey, concerning the marriage settlement of Lady Victoria Grey.
Draft proposals for settlement on the marriage of Lady Victoria Grey and Arthur Morton Grenfell with alterations and queries by Grenfell's solicitors.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B213/1   14 May 1881
J.P. Norris to Grey.

Paper   1 letter
GRE/B213/2   1893-1906
1893-1900 13 letters 5th Earl Grey to 4th Earl.
1893-1906 7 letters 5th Earl Grey to Alice Grey (his mother).
7 April [1900?] 1 letter 5th Earl Grey to Vera [Grenfell].
16 July 1900 1 letter 5th Earl Grey to Sybil [Middleton].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B213/3   1892-1901
26 November 1892 - 30 July 1897 36 letters Sybil Grey (later Middleton) to 4th Earl Grey.
16 July 1892 - 27 July [1900], & n.d. 15 letters Sybil Grey to Alice Grey.
12 April 1901 Part of letter from Sybil Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B213/4   1892-1909
26 November 1892 - 10 June 1909 13 letters Evelyn Alice Grey (later Jones) to 4th Earl Grey.
30 October 1899, 3 April 1901, n.d. 3 letters Evelyn Grey to Alice Grey.
2 March 1898 1 letter Evelyn Grey to her sister [Sybil?].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B213/5   1886-1906
9 October 1886 - 30 June 1906 18 letters Vera Grey [Grenfell] to 4th Earl Grey.
24 September 1889 - 6 April 1906 10 letters Vera Grey [Grenfell] to Alice Grey.
19 April 1891 1 letter Vera Grey [Grenfell] to 5th Earl Grey.
1 fragment of letter from Vera Grenfell.
1892-1906 17 letters Vera Grenfell to her sister Evelyn Grey [Jones].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B213/6   1884-1912
30 July 1897 1 letter J. Covey Williams to Grey.
12 July 1897 1 letter C.F. Grey to Grey.
25 June 1897 1 letter J. Colany to Grey.
21 June 1897 1 letter Lord Walkworth (later Percy) to Grey.
14 January 1912 1 letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Lady Grey.
17 January .... 1 letter Elizabeth M. Gibson to Lady Grey.
22 September 1911 1 letter Mrs Catherine Ross Pringle to Lady Grey.
22 March 1884 1 letter Evelyn Holford (sister in law of 4th Earl Grey) to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter Harriet Grey to Grey.
3 July 1889 1 letter 3rd Earl Grey to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter Mrs Caroline Eliza Grey (mother of 4th Earl) to Grey.
22 December 1886 1 letter B. Mackenzie to Grey.
16 January 1912 1 letter W. Mulock to Lady Grey.
10 February .... 1 copy letter George Howard to Mat. [? Matthew White Ridley (?)].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B213/7   1896-1900; 1962
3 January 1896 1 letter from Grey to his wife, Alice Grey concerning the Jameson raid, with typescript transcript and explanatory letter written by the 5th Earl in 1962.
29 June 1900 - 29 July 1900 18 letters Grey to Alice Grey his wife.

Paper   1 file
“Private Family Letters”
Reference: GRE/B213/8
Dates of creation: 1806; 1855-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

22 January 1900 Letter Alice Morton to Grey.
12 September 1861 Letter Barbara Loban (nurse to Grey's mother) to Grey, advice on his going to school.
Typescript copy of the above.
2 typescript copies of the following:
Note concerning letters of 1835 evidently belonging to Grey's maternal grandmother:
August 1835 Copy letter Walter K. Hamilton to Gladstone.
27 August 1835 Copy letter Sybella M. Farquhar to Gladstone (end only).
n.d. Copy letter Sybella M. Farquhar to Gladstone.
1836 Extract of a letter from 2nd Countess Grey describing her daughter-in-law, Caroline Grey.
19 September 1904 Copy letter Ann Sybella Clive to Victoria [Dawnay].
[January 1887?] Letter Caroline Eliza Grey to Grey. Enclosing:
6 October 1855 Part of a letter from Gen. Charles Grey to Caroline Grey.
c.1869 Part of another letter same to same, concerning the profit he expected from his book.
1801-1806 Note by 2nd Countess Grey concerning her movements.
20 March 1870 Letter 3rd Earl Grey to Gen. Charles Grey, concerning estates he had sold and prices received. His financial situation.

GRE/B214   1877-1910
1877-1910 287 letters Alice (4th Countess Grey) to Grey (some undated).
April 1896 Includes copy of Mr Luxmoore's report on 5th Earl Grey.
Lent 1896 2 printed papers showing Eton class placings.
12 July 1886 1 letter Alice Grey to Molly.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/1   1891-1915
7 December 1911, 14 April 1912 2 letters H.H. Asquith to Grey.
4 October 1915 1 letter Elisabeth Gemmell (Managing Director of the Decorative Needlework Society) to Grey.
23 May [1907?] 1 letter Consuelo, 9th Duchess of Marlborough, to Grey.
n.d., 28 December 1891, 22 April 1899 3 letters Hon. Emily Charlotte Meynell Ingram to Grey.
14 December ...., 23 January .... 2 letters Lady Mary Meynell to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/2   1880-1911
8 July 1880 - 6 March 1911, & n.d. 14 letters Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, 6th Earl of Kerry, to Grey.
29 January 1906 1 copy letter Grey to Lansdowne.
6 December 1885, 14 June 1887 2 letters Emily Jane Mercer Lansdowne (wife of 4th Marquis) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/3   1881-1911
1881-1911 29 letters Alfred Lyttelton to Grey, many undated.
1903-1905 6 copy letters Grey to Lyttelton.
27 February 1905, 17 February 1909 2 letters Edith Sophy (2nd wife of Alfred Lyttelton) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/4   1904-1917
13 September 1904 - 30 January 1917 13 letters Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey.
September 1904 1 copy letter Grey to Laurier.
Rough notes by Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/5   1876-1908
9 November 1907, 2 February 1908 2 letters Robert Threshie Reid, Earl Loreburn (1846-1923, Lord Chancellor 1905-1912) to Grey.
29 September 1907 1 copy letter Grey to Loreburn.
1 September 1906 1 letter J. Ramsay MacDonald to Grey.
20 January 1905 (?) 1 letter Ian Malcolm to Grey.
9 May 1891 - 22 September 1915 5 letters Henry George, 7th Duke of Northumberland, to Grey.
June 1906 Circular letter from Duke of Northumberland concerning the Northumberland County History.
30 January 1876, rest n.d. 6 letters Robert O'Hara to Grey, and verses by O'Hara.
18 October 1885 1 letter Fanny (?) O'Hara to Mrs Grey.
12 January 1904 1 letter Col. R. Manders to Grey.
22, 29 September 1904 2 letters George William Erskine Russell (1853-1919) to Grey.
1 January 1885 (?), 16 June 1902 2 letters Lord Salisbury to Grey.
n.d. [1902] 1 copy letter Grey to Salisbury.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/6   1811-1912
1885-1912 19 letters Lord Rosebery to Grey.
2 July 1902 1 copy letter Grey to Rosebery.
3 July 1902 1 letter J. Astley Cooper to Rosebery.
15 January 1811 1 anonymous letter "A. Broker" to Lord Grenville.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/7   1870-1911
16 March 1908 1 letter Selborne to Grey.
11 July ...., 9 November 2 letters Josephine Elizabeth Butler to Grey.
8, 18 November 1880 2 letters James Stuart to Grey.
4 November 1905, 1 December 1906, 31 October 1911 3 letters Strathcona to Grey.
1 January 1884 1 letter Samuel Smith to Grey.
29 December 1880, 15 January 1885 2 letters Shaftesbury to Grey.
July-August 1885 3 letters John Poyntz 5th Earl Spencer to Grey.
3 August 1885 1 copy letter Grey to Spencer.
1870-1872, n.d. 6 letters William Amelius Aubrey de Vere, 10th Duke of St Albans to Grey.
23 October 1871 1 letter Sir Charles T. Newton to Mrs Clive.
27 September ...., 1 October .... 2 letters Alfred Paget to Grey (one a copy).
21 February (?) 1907, 19 November 1911 2 letters Capt. Sir Andrew Noble (1st Bart.) to Grey.
1907-1908 5 letters Ernest Thompson Seton to Grey.
23 December 1911 1 letter Sir Ralph Champneys Williams to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/8   1884-1908
21 March 1908 - 15 July 1909 5 letters Mary A. Ward (Mrs Humphrey Ward) to Grey.
n.d. 1 copy letter (incomplete) Grey to Mrs Ward.
2 June 1908 1 letter Frederick Coate Wade to Mrs Ward.
29 May 1908 1 letter Henrietta M.L. Arnold to Grey.
1881-1908 8 letters John Viscount Morley of Blackburn to Grey.
21 July 1884 1 copy Grey to Morley. Press cutting: House of Lords and the Franchise Bill.
9 November 1899 Copy letter Milner to His Honour Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, Lourenco Marques [used as wrapper].
1898, 1908, n.d. 4 letters Alice (wife of 4 Marquis of Salisbury) to Grey. Enclosures: Circular on the National Poultry Organisation Society. Circular letter on the National Poultry Organisation Society from Alice Cranborne and Edward Brown.
4 January 1898, 2 September [1904] 2 letters Lady Flora Louise Lugard (Flora Shaw), wife of 1st Baron Lugard, to Grey.
17 August [1904?] Fragment of another letter pinned to the above.
30 August 1904 1 copy letter Grey to Lady Lugard. 1915 3 letters Arthur F. Sladen to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B215/9   1904-1912
1904-1909 9 letters Andrew Carnegie to Grey.
1908-1909 3 copy letters Grey to Carnegie.
1907-1910 7 letters William St John Brodrick, 1st Earl Midleton, to Grey.
18 June 1908 1 copy letter Grey to Midleton.
19 May 1908 1 copy letter Midleton to Crewe, concerning Hanbury Williams.
7 February 1911 1 copy letter Theodore Roosevelt to Grey.
1 December 1904 1 letter Madeline Adeane to Grey.
9 September 1912, n.d. 2 letters Baron Camille Buffin to Grey.
Note concerning the above Baron Buffin.
30 November 1911 1 letter Stamfordham to Grey.
Fragment of letter from Stamfordham.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/1   1877-1901
19 August 1897 1 letter David Inglis to Grey.
20 June ...., 22 June .... 2 letters Princess Louise Lorne, Duchess of Argyll.
9 August 1884, 27 February 1896 2 letters Lorne (later D. of Argyll) to Grey.
24 November 1890 1 letter Edward Charles Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke to Grey.
23 March 1899 1 letter John Baring, 2nd Baron Revelstoke to Grey.
14 September [1881] 1 letter Duke of Fife to Grey.
1 September 1899 1 letter Thomas Lister, 4th Baron Ribblesdale to Grey.
6 August 1901 1 letter Foss B. Westcott (later Bishop of Chhota Nagpur) to Grey.
26 March 1885 1 letter Frank Holl to Grey.
n.d., 29 October 1899 2 letters Duke of Westminster to Grey.
28 April 1886 1 letter Derby to Grey.
19 March 1877, 22 February 1879 2 letters Shaftesbury to Grey.
18 March 1885 1 letter Henry M. Stanley to Grey.
19 September .... 1 letter A.P. Stanley to Grey.
13 January 1886 1 letter Archbishop Henry Cardinal Manning to Grey. Enclosed: Printed paper with many names of those who believed that the good sense and sound feeling of the nation was averse to any alteration in law or usage tending to dispense with the recognition by Parliament of the Supreme Authority of God.
2 April 1881, 15 September 1884 2 letters Joseph Barber Lightfoot, Bishop of Durham, to Grey.
8 May 1899 2 letters Charles Percy to Grey (both letters same date).
15 November 1901 1 letter Francis Knollys to Grey.
24 January 1899 1 letter Salisbury to Grey.
28 August 1899, 17 September 1904 2 letters Sir Michael E. Sadler to Grey.
Typescript extract from Thomas Moore's The Works of Lord Byron V, 75.
6 October 1897, 19 August 1898 2 letters Henry Higgs to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/2   1907-1909
1907-1909 16 letters Hilda Lyttelton [later Grenfell] to Grey.
1 January 1909 1 letter Hilda Lyttelton to Lady Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/3   1905-1910
1905-1910 7 letters Sybil Grey [later Middleton] to Grey. One of these letters is a typescript copy (in duplicate).
1 fragment of a letter from Sybil Grey.
3 July .... 1 letter Sybil Grey to Alice Grey, her mother.
21 October 1909 1 letter 5th Earl Grey to Sybil Grey.
23 January 1909 1 letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey.
Copy of lines by Edwin Markham "Lincoln, the Man of the People".
Notes by Grey concerning spirit and truth.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/4   1803; 1884-1910
1 April 1896 1 letter Hon. Henry Frederic White to Grey.
3 December 1897 1 letter Edgar Jacob, Bishop of Newcastle, to Grey.
5 July 1895 1 letter R. Jameson to Grey.
25 June 1895 1 letter Daniel Horsley to R. Jameson.
20 November 1895 1 letter John George Hicks to Grey.
18 June 1897 1 letter R.H. Benson to Grey.
4 June 1897 1 letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
29 September 1 letter Liley Frere to Grey.
25, 30 September 1897 2 letters Anthony Marshall to Grey.
29 September 1897 1 copy letter Grey to Marshall.
9 April 1900 1 copy letter Grey to Arthur Balfour.
22 September [1895] 1 letter T. Woodman to Grey.
17 August 1895 1 letter William Woodman to Grey.
21 August 1884, n.d. 2 letters George L. Holford to Grey.
18 September .... 1 letter Arthur Pakenham to Grey.
9 December 1885 1 letter A. Milner to Grey.
4 May 1907, 17 October [1910], 27 March 1911 3 letters Miss B. Gilbertson to Mr Mansfield.
3 October 1910 1 letter Doris Gunnell to Grey.
2 September 1902 1 letter Joseph H. Choate to Grey.
7 July 1803 Certificate relating to land tax on Sir Henry Grey's property in the parish of Carham, Northumberland.
12 July 1886 1 letter George Stephenson to Grey.
19 January 1907 1 letter Hester Alington to Grey, death of Kathleen Mary Lyttelton, daughter of George Clive of Perrystone.
1 August 1897 1 letter H.E. Luxmore to Lady Grey, enclosing 4 papers relating to 5th Earl Grey's progress at Eton - reports, class placings, etc.
29 August [1897?] 1 letter B.R. Garlick to Grey.
21 September 1897 1 letter Walter Richard Plummer to Grey.
23 September 1896 1 letter J. Arthur Forbes to Grey.
15 June 1896 1 letter J.B. Lubbock to Grey.
9 March .... 1 letter Rt. Revd. Arthur Thomas Lloyd, Bishop of Thetford, to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/5   1875-1907
2 June, 22 September 1897, n.d. 3 letters George Grey of Milfield to Grey (part of one letter missing).
30 September 1886, 20 September 1897 2 letters Louisa, Duchess of Buccleugh to Grey.
23 December 1897 1 copy letter Grey to George ...
15 February 1907 1 letter Margaret Lyttelton to Grey.
23 February 1907 1 letter Augusta Gieseler to Grey.
6 March 1907 1 letter Augusta Gieseler to Lady Antrim.
1883-1906 13 letters Sybella Clive to Grey.
5 February 1901 1 copy letter Edward Lyttelton to Sybil Cust.
1 fragment of a letter addressed from Perrystone Court, Herefordshire.
1875-1906 12 letters Lady Edith Ashley to Grey.
[1906] Extract of letter from Frances Gresley to Margaret Levett.
14 March 1887 1 letter Colin Campbell to Grey.
18 December ...., 9 February 1899 2 letters Kathleen Lyttelton to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/6   1872-1912
1872-1912 68 letters Cecil Ashley to Grey.
12 February 1876 1 letter Ashley to Mrs Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/7   1875-1876
n.d. 12 letters Caroline Eliza Grey to Grey.
October-December 1875 13 letters etc., Grey to his mother. 2 are copies, the rest originals.
1875 3 letters Lady Catherine Frere to Caroline Eliza Grey.
30 October 1875 Part of a letter from Lady Frere [to Lady Grey?].
31 October 1875 Copy letter Grey to Lady Frere.
1875-1876 3 letters Sir Henry Bartle Edward Frere (1st Bart.) to Mrs Grey.
31 December 1875 Copy of part of letter from Sir Bartle Frere to Lady Frere.
23 November 1875 1 letter Professor Mowla Bux to Frere.
4 December [1875] 1 letter Georgina Frere to Lady Grey.
6 December 1875 1 letter Georgina Frere to Mrs Grey.
8 January 1876 1 letter Maria Countess Grey to Mrs Grey.
Extracts of letters received from India including letters from Dr Fayrer, Francis Knollys and Grey to [his sister] Mary [Minto].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B216/8   1895-1909
17 June 1895 - 6 May 1909 6 letters Lewis Payne Dawnay to Grey.
Part of an address book.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/1   1898-1914
16 November 1913 Letter Fred. A. Baillairgé to Grey, with 2 postcard pictures of the statue of Madeleine de Verchères.
15 November 1911 Letter A. Kaye Butterworth (Gen. Manager N.E.R.) to Grey.
16 September 1910 Resumé of profit sharing scheme in operation on the Paris and Orleans railway 1844-1882.
10 October 1912 Copy letter Grey to J.H. Merivale.
12 October 1912 Letter John H. Merivale to Grey.
4 September 1914 Letter Francis A. Grey to Grey.
10 January 1912 Letter Charlotte Knollys to Grey.
13 October 1912 Letter Sir Benjamin Chapman Browne to Grey.
4 January 1898 Letter Grey to Lady Betty Balfour, with copy of a passbook of one of the members of Howick Co-operative Society.
24 August 1900, 15 July, 5 August 1904, 2 June 1906, 23 November 1911, 13 December 1912 Letters Philip Burtt (Traffic Manager, N.E.R.) to Grey. Letter of 13 December 1912 with press cutting concerning conference on agricultural organisation, at a luncheon with Lord Shaftesbury arranged by the N.E. branch of the Agricultural Organisation Society. Memo on landing facilities at Durban (with letter of 5 August 1904); the letter of 23 November 1911 concerns profit sharing with a memo, 19 September 1911, "Reflections on the strike".
22 July 1904 1 copy letter Grey to Burtt.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/2   9 September 1917
9 September 1917 Letter Evelyn Spence Weiss to 5th Earl Grey, sending 10 letters from 4th Earl Grey to her father Robert Spence Watson, 1878-1906, and two letters Grey to Mrs Spence Watson, 1885, 1894.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/3   1878-1884
c.21 April 1880 Letter Robert Spence Watson to Grey [written on back of a circular letter from Spence Watson 21 April 1880 concerning a meeting of prominent Liberals, evidently to discuss the provision of a Liberal evening paper]. Enclosure: 1880 South Northumberland Election: list of subscribers to support the Liberals.
Rough note of the voting in the election.
Comparative statement of election expenses 1878 and 1880.
16 January 1881 Letter Robert Spence Watson to Grey.
5 September 1879 Letter Robert Spence Watson to Sir Arthur E. Middleton, Bart., MP (President of the South Northumberland Liberal Association).
21 February 1883 Copy letter Grey to R.S. Watson.
16 September 1879 Letter Grey to Earl of Durham.
14 October 1879 Letter John Noble to Grey.
7 September 1879 Letter Sir Arthur E. Middleton to Grey.
31 October 1879 Copy letter Grey to W.B. Beaumont, with draft of Grey's answer to the Committee of the South Northumberland Liberal Association.
3 November 1879, 14, 26 April 1880 3 letters W.B. Beaumont to Grey.
19 June 1880 Letter Robert Spence Watson to Grey.
Pamphlet (private): Suggestions as to the mode of proceeding in the General Election. Printed for the information of the Liberal Committees. By Robert Spence Watson (Newcastle, March 1880). 2 copies.
6 September, 19 October 1879 2 letters John William Pease to Grey.
19 October 1879 1 letter Thomas Gow to Grey.
28 October 1879 1 letter Robert Stainthorpe to Grey.
27 October .... 1 letter L. Litchfield & Son to Grey.
17 July 1883 1 copy letter Grey to [the Secretary of the North Shields Shipowners' Society].
12 March 1884, 5 December 1885 2 letters David Dale to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/4   1879-1886; 1913
1882-1883 8 letters John Brown to Grey.
1883-1886 17 letters William Robb to Grey.
1883-1886 8 letters John William Pease to Grey.
1883, 1885 2 letters W.B. Beaumont to Grey.
[1885] 1 copy letter Grey to Beaumont.
1882-1883 4 letters Thomas Gow to Grey.
1879-1886 6 letters Dr Thomas Hodgkin to Grey.
4 February 1886 Cutting from Newcastle Daily Chronicle, "Dr Hodgkin and the Caucus" - concerning Grey and home rule.
10 March 1913 1 letter Lucy Anna Hodgkin to Grey, enclosing poem by Thomas Hodgkin: Emori nolo: mortuum me esse nihil aestimo.
[1882 incomplete], 9 January 1884, 1 June 1901 3 letters Howard Hodgkin to Grey.
9 January 1884 1 letter Francis William Buxton to Grey.
11 January 1884 1 letter Ralph Carr Ellison to Grey.
12 January 1884 1 letter G.H.H. Oliphant-Ferguson to Grey.
9 January 1884 1 letter William Tattersall to Grey.
23 January 1884 1 letter Nigel Kingscote to Grey.
[27 January 1884] 1 letter Barbarina Charlotte Grey to Grey.
7 January 1884 1 letter Mervyn Lanark Hawkes to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/5   1880-1886
1 December 1883, 22 February, 3 April 1884, 18 March, 7 November 1885 5 letters William T. Martin, Secretary Newcastle Liberal Club, to Grey.
7 July 1883 1 letter Thomas P. Dods to Grey.
28 October 1883 1 letter Arthur D. Elliot to Mrs Alice Grey.
n.d., n.d., 1883?, November 1883, November 1885, 22 December 1885, 11 February 1906 7 letters Arthur D. Elliot to Grey.
13 November 1883 1 copy letter Grey to Arthur D. Elliot.
9 July 1883 1 letter James Laing to Grey.
30 April 1880, 9 February 1883, 14 March, 9 June 1885, 15, 28 January 1901, February 1901 7 letters John Foster Spence to Grey.
18 January,4, 28 February 1901 3 copy letters Grey to Spence.
30 January, 14 February 1882 2 letters George A. Grey of Milfield to Grey.
4 March 1884 1 letter Sir B.C. Browne to Grey.
3 April 1884, 24 December 1885, 7 January 1886 3 letters F.J. Radford (solicitor) to Grey.
24 April 1884 1 letter Joseph Spence to Grey.
29 June 1884 1 letter Stafford to Grey.
28 July, 13 October, 18 December 1884 3 letters C.P. Scott to Grey, all concerning proportional representation.
15, 21 October 1884, 7 December 1885 3 letters Revd. P. Rogers to Grey.
11 April 1885 1 letter George B. Hunter to Grey.
22 June 1885 1 letter Samuel Thompson to Grey.
29 June 1885, 3 February 1887, 18 October 1895, 2 September 1904 4 letters Thomas Richardson to Grey.
29 June 1885 1 letter E. Spence Watson to Grey.
30 June 1885 1 letter W.S. Robson to Grey.
14 July 1885 1 letter W.D. Smith to Grey.
7 August 1885 1 letter Thomas Smith to Grey.
6 December 1885 1 letter John Havelock to Grey.
15 December 1885 1 letter Thomas Crawford (President of Walker Liberal Association), Hugh Frazer Hurst (Vice-President) and George Pickering (Secretary) to Grey.
21 December 1885 1 letter Thomas Adamson to Grey.
31 December 1885 1 letter Sydney Buxton to Grey.
n.d. [c.1884] 2 letters Edward Sullivan to Grey.
13, 27 March 1884, 11 April 1886 3 letters E.J.C. Morton to Grey.
12 July 1886 1 letter A. Eden to Grey.
16 July 1886 1 letter R.R. Dees to Grey.
14 July 1886 1 letter Alexander Mackenzie to Grey.
15 July [1886] 1 letter Maria Halliday to Grey.
13 July 1886, n.d. 2 letters Monteagle to Grey.
c.22 April 1884 1 letter Andrew Nicholson (Miners' Sec. Scotland Gate, Choppington) to Grey.
3 January 1888 1 letter John W. Robson to Grey.
16 July 1886 1 letter Dr Hugh Frazer Hurst to Grey. Enclosing: 13 July 1886 Letter Revd. Samuel Atkinson to [Robert] Gibson.
1880-1885 13 letters Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan 1st Bart. to Grey.
25 July 1882 1 copy Grey to Trevelyan.
[c.June 1886] 1 note (unsigned) from Lady Eleonora Ann Trevelyan.
Report of the South Northumberland Liberal Association for the year ending 31 December 1884. (Hexham, 1885).
26 April 1886, n.d. [April 1886] 2 letters Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
7 June 1886 Press cutting Newcastle Daily ..., "Tyneside Division Meeting of the Liberal Association. Albert Grey unanimously rejected".
3 July 1886 Letter T.M. Arrowsmith ("English Tynesider & Lover of Fair Play") to Grey.
3 July 1886 Letter Robert Foreman to Grey.
6 July 1886 Letter Jesse Collings to Grey.
8 July 1886 Letter H.O. Arnold-Forster to Grey and press cutting with letter Arnold-Forster to the electors of Darlington, 4 July '86.
8 July 1886 Letter Thomas Henderson to Addison Potter.
8 July 1886 Pages from The Newcastle Daily Leader.
9 July 1886 Letter Thomas Burt to Grey [concerning John Pringle and the Employers' Liability Act].
10 July 1886 Pages from The Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Burt's charges against Grey re John Pringle and opposition to the Employers' Liability Amendment Bill.
10 July 1886 Reprint from the Newcastle Chronicle, "Working Men ... Justice to Mr Albert Grey". Concerns Grey's alleged employment of Pringle re above Act. (19 copies).
14 August 1886 Letter F.W. Lambton to Grey.
1886 County of Northumberland Tyneside Division: Return of Grey's election expenses 1886. [The election was on 10 July].
Rough note by Grey of sums of money in connection with the election and note of the voting figures at Hexham in 1885.
13 September 1886 Letter George Pickering to Grey.

Additional Letters and Papers Concerning the 1886 Election for the Tyneside Division of Northumberland [Found amongst papers deposited in 1994].
1 July 1886 George R. Hedley to Grey, expressing approval and support for Grey, attacking his opponent, Beaumont, and offering to supply copies of a satirical poem which might assist Grey.
10 July 1886 Nicholas M. Hutchinson to Grey, describing himself as an "ordinary working man" and wishing Grey success. Also refers to the unfair treatment Grey had received.
15 July 1886 George Rowell to Grey, thanking him for £250 to meet election expenses and giving list of "Walbottle friends". List of some election helpers [part missing].
15 July 1886 Thomas Gibson to G. Rowell, sending account [not present] for 30,000 copies of Bright's speech.
20 July 1886 John William Robson (agent) to Mrs Grey, expressing thanks for Grey's gift, his assistance to Grey in previous elections and the shock of Grey's defeat which could have been avoided.
6 August 1886 George Rowell to Grey, concerning election accounts.
11 August 1886 Rowell to Grey, concerning election expenses.
16 August 1886 J.H. Reah to Grey, concerning Grey's defeat and hoping for more fair play and success in the future.
16 August 1886 William Thomas Clarkson to Grey, offering future help and commenting on the tactics of Beaumont's party in the election.
17 August 1886 Thomas P. Dods to Grey, concerning Liberal-Unionist politics, his hope for the emergence of a moderate party, the difficulty of shaking off old associations, the alleged danger of Chamberlain's plans for local government.
17 August 1886 Letter G.A. Havelock to Grey, concerning Grey's defeat and future of the Newcastle Unionists.
19 August 1886 J.G. Henderson to Grey, concerning Grey's defeat, his admiration for Grey and opposition to Home Rule.
Number of voters on the register in each of 11 polling districts of the Tyneside Division and the number actually polled in the 1885 election.
Lists of names and addresses evidently of election workers.
Lists of some Liberals and Conservatives.
List of names, addresses and politics of some persons in the North Shields district.
List of Albert Grey's Walker Committee. "List of Committee". List of 2 Liberals and 4 Conservatives with note that "several other Conservatives have indirectly assisted". List of conveyances - Long Benton.
List of 8 supporters of Grey and 8 of Beaumont.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/6   January-May 1894
25 May 1894 1 letter R.H. Benson to Grey.
25 May 1894 1 letter John H. Mansfield to Grey.
12 January 1894 1 letter D. Dixon Brown to Grey.
5 April .... 1 letter St Albans to Grey.
n.d. 1 copy letter Grey to St Albans.
14 January 1894 1 letter Theresa [Grey] to Victoria.
List of letters received May 1894 with particulars of what was done with them.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/7   1878-1880
23 February 1880 Printed letter Wentworth B. Beaumont to Edward Mather, "The Representation of South Northumberland", with MS letter Beaumont to Grey, 26 February 1880.
26 February 1880 Copy letter Grey to Beaumont.
12 March 1880 Letter Beaumont to Grey.
14 March 1880 Letter Beaumont to Marjoribanks.
5 June 1878 Letter Henry Milvain to Robert Spence Watson.
10 April 1880 Sir George Grey (Bart) to Grey.
12 April 1880 Letter Northbrook to Grey.
14 April 1880 Letter Clifton to Grey.
12 April 1880 Letter Basil Hammond to Grey.
n.d. Letter F.L. Wood, 3rd Viscount Halifax, to Grey.
n.d. 2 letters Lady Georgina Grey to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/8   1883-1901
26, 31 December 1883, 9, 16 January, 27 October 1884, 24 January 1885 6 letters John C. Dundas to Grey.
20 December 1883 Letter Ephraim W. Gurney to Grey. Enclosure: 16 December 1883 Letter W.R. Ward to Gurney.
20 February 1884 Letter W.R. Ware to Grey.
22 May 1884 Letter signed "32" to Grey.
21 August Letter F. Seebohm to Grey.
11 October 1900, 7 October 1901 2 letters Henry Palin Gurney to Grey.
2 June 1888 Letter William Lyall to Grey.
23 March 1888 Letter Revd. G.F. Browne (Sec. Camb. Univ. Local Examinations and Lectures) to Grey.
11 April 1887 Letter Stephen C. Walley to Grey.
17 October 1884, 5 October, 24 December 1885, 31 August 1886 4 letters William Wight to Grey.
24 August 1886 Summary of [William] Wight's election expenses, Wansbeck Division.
22 December 1885 1 letter R. Wight to Grey.
n.d. [1884?] 1 letter Admiral the Hon. George Grey to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter H. [?Henry] Chaplin to Grey.
May 1884 1 letter R. Rutherford to Grey, with press cutting of resolution carried at a public meeting protesting at Grey's amendment to the 1884 Reform Bill.
21 April 1884 1 letter Albert V. Pope to Grey.
1 January 1884 1 letter Ebrington to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/9   1882-1890
1882-1890 36 letters S. Neil to Grey, also some fragments of letters from Neil.
18 January 1884 1 printed circular letter from Neil to the Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B217/10   1880-1915
1880-1915 58 letters John D. Pringle to Grey.
1882-1915 3 copies (2 incomplete) Grey to Pringle.
1881 Cuttings of 6 articles by Pringle in the Newcastle Weekly Chronicle concerning emigration to the USA and conditions there. Pringle was a Northumbrian miner deeply involved in University Extension and Trade Union movements. He emigrated to America and after considerable struggles and hardships made a successful career in journalism there. He returned to England for a short time in 1882-3 to assist the Church Reform Union. He also opposed the Employers' Liability Amendment Act at the instance of the Liberty and Property Defence League. 4th Earl Grey encouraged, inspired, and, in various ways, assisted him.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/1   1883-1885
19 April 1884 Letter William Mason, Secretary Northumberland Co. Franchise Assoc. to Grey, conveying the protest of the Assoc. against his amendment to the Franchise Bill.
28 April 1884 Proof copy of printed letter Grey to the Sec. of the Northumberland County Franchise Assoc, in reply to the resolution condemning his amendment on the Franchise Bill [2 MS alterations]. 3 copies.
17 December 1884 Letter W. Fawcus to Grey.
30 April 1884 Letter J. Smith and R. Burnet to Grey.
[1884] Copy letter Grey to the Sec. of the Hexham Franchise Assoc.
16 March 1882 Copy letter Thomas P. Dods to Grey.
19 February .... Letter Silias H.G. Noble to Grey.
30 January 1884 Letter W.G. Armstrong of Cragside to Grey.
17 December .... Letter St Albans to Grey.
1 February 1885 Letter Fred W. Dendy to Grey.
9 May 1881 Letter William Guise Tucker RN to Grey.
13 February 1885 Letter S.F. Widdrington to Grey.
20 January 1885 Letter Ernest A. Parkyn to Grey.
6 January 1885 Letter Sir Edward Walter Hamilton to Grey.
25 December 1884 Letter Francis C. Bridgeman to Grey.
16 December 1884 Letter Robert B. Hayward to Grey.
2 December 1884 Letter George Howell to Grey.
23 October 1885 Letter A.H. Baynes to Grey.
n.d. Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
28 December 1883 Letter Rowland Ponsonby Blennerhassett to Grey.
[December (?) 1883] Copy letter (incomplete) Grey to Blennerhassett.
5 May [1884] 1 letter Sir Rowland Blennerhassett, Bart. to Grey.
5 May 1884, n.d. 2 letters Mrs Margaret Wright to Grey.
7 May 1884 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Wright.
23 February 1885 Letter R. Roberts to Grey.
Memorial of the Liberal Association for the County of Cardigan to W.E. Gladstone ... complaining of the limited representation of the County accorded by the "Seats Bill" ... [some MS alterations].
14 June 1883 Letter Simeon Stetson to Thomas Hare.
12 December 1884 Letter William Crawford to Grey.
16 January 1885, n.d. 2 letters Frederick William Lambton to Grey.
30 December 1884 Letter Stafford H. Northcote to Grey.
15 February 1885 Letter Hugh Andrews to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/2   1895-1903
1895-1903 19 letters Vera [Grenfell] to Grey.
29 July 1899 1 copy Grey to Vera [Grenfell].
1902-1903 ... 16 letters Vera Grenfell to Alice Grey.
2 letters Vera Grenfell to Evelyn [Grey] ...

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/3   1894-1903
1897-1903 3 letters from Sybil Grey [Middleton] to Grey.
1894-1903 11 letters Sybil Grey [Middleton] to Alice Grey.
1902 1 letter Sybil Grey [Middleton] to Evelyn. 1 fragment.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/4   1891-1903
1891-1903 12 letters Alice Grey to Grey.
2 January 1903 1 letter Alice Grey to Arthur Grenfell.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/5   1894; 1902
10 [August], 17 August 1894, 4 December 1902 3 letters Charles, 5th Earl Grey, to 4th Earl Grey.
20 July 1894 1 letter 5th Earl Grey to Alice Grey.
1 fragment.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/6   June-October 1896
17 June 1896 Letter Mary Anne Holford to Grey.
n.d. Letter Evelyn Benson (wife of R.H. Benson and sister of Alice Grey) to Alice Grey.
1 July 1896 Letter George L. Holford to Mary Anne Holford (his mother).
8 October 1896 Letter 4th Earl Grey to Mrs Holford.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/7   1896-1903
1896-1903 33 letters from Evelyn Grey [Jones] to Grey.
1896-1903 15 letters from Evelyn Grey to Alice Grey.
1 fragment.

Paper   1 file
All transferred to 217/9.

GRE/B218/9   1878-1885
1884-1885 7 letters Sir John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury, to Grey, mainly on proportional representation.
1882 2 letters E. Vansittart Neal to Grey.
1884-1885 4 letters Leonard Henry Courtney to Grey.
1884 3 letters Robert Spence Watson to Grey.
c.1884 Draft petition (in Grey's hand) for the electors of Northumberland to Parliament.
1878 3 letters Revd. William Champion Streatfeild to Grey.
1885 5 letters S.H. Butcher to Grey.
10 February 1885 1 letter James Patten to Butcher.
1885 1 letter and 1 note Elijah Copland to Grey.
9 February 1885 1 letter W.E. Snell to Copland.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/10   January-June 1901
15 January 1901 Copy letter Grey to Lady Warwick.
23 January, 28 February, 14, 26 March, 20 April, 2, 24 May 1901 Copy letters Grey to Henry Vivian.
20 April 1901 Copy letter Grey to [H.] W. Wolff.
20 April 1901 Copy letter Grey to Miss M. Thomas.
20 April 1901 Copy letter Grey to J.F. Jones.
15, 18 May 1901 Copy letters Grey to W.T. Stead.
18 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Wickham Steed.
24 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Laurence Cowen.
25 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Mr Ensor.
15 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Arnold Frank Hill[s].
15 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to George Livesey.
20, 23 June 1901 Copy letters Grey to T.A. Brassey.
18 April 1901 Copy letter Grey to Signor Luzzatti.
20, 24 June 1901 Copy letters Grey to Sir William Stephenson.
23 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to G. Mathieson.
23 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Cochrane.
25 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Sydney Holland (2nd Viscount Knutsford).

This file also contains the following original letters to Grey:
21 June 1901 Henry Vivian to Grey.
8 March 1901 Circular letter from Henry Vivian.
18 March 1901 Joseph Greenwood to Grey.
12 April, 7 May 1901 Wickham Steed to Grey.
13 May, 14 June 1901 W.T. Stead to Grey.
18 June 1901 H.P. Hussey to Grey.
21 June 1901 G. Mathieson (Director of Clarke, Nickolls & Coombs Ltd) to Grey.
22 June 1901 Sir W.H. Stephenson (Managing Director The Throckley Coal Co. Ltd.) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B218/11   [late 19th-early 20th century]
File of notes by Grey from various sources on proportional representation and also on parliamentary reform.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/1   1900-1913
14 November 1911 Typescript copy of letter to the Newcastle Daily Journal, from "A Landlord" on Earl Grey and slum dwellings.
1 February 1900 Copy letter Charles Murphy to H.N. Bate (Chairman of the Ottawa Improvement Commission).
30 June 1911 Letter Frederick Litchfield to Grey.
8 July 1911 Letter Colborne P. Meredith (Architect, Ottawa) to Grey. Enclosing: 5 June 1911 Copy letter P. Geddes to W.S.B. Armstrong. 7 July 1911 Copy letter W.S.B. Armstrong to Meredith.
16 July 1913 Letter Douglas Hope Johnston to Grey. Enclosing: 5 February 1913 Letter Sir Frederick Young to Grey, introducing Johnston. Leaflet on the Australasian Pioneers' Club Collection of Pioneer Portraits.
12 March 1910 Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey. Enclosing: 9 March 1910 Letter T.K. Doherty to Fisher. 8 March 1910 Memo. by Doherty (Canadian Correspondent Internat. Agric. Institute) on co-operation among the farmers of Saskatchewan. Enclosures:
The Grain Growers' Assoc. of Saskatchewan - What is its Work?
Constitution and By Laws of the above - adopted 18 February 1909.
The National Council of Agriculture: Articles [typescript].
Recent developments in the Elevator Question.
Annual Report of Grain Growers' Grain Co. Ltd. Winnipeg, for year ending 30 June 1909.
3 September 1909 Manitoba Grain Growers' Assoc. letter from the Secretary to all members.
Legislative Assemby of Saskatchewan: (1) An Act respecting the manufacture of butter and cheese (1906 chapter 39); (2) An act to amend C.65 of the consolidated ordinances of the N.W. territories 1898 intituled "The Dairyman's Ordinance" (1906 chapter 49) (2 copies).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/2   1880-1913
13 November 1911 Copy letter Talbot M. Papineau to Henry Vivian.
13 November 1911 Letter Edward Allan to Grey.
3 July 1910 Letter W.M. Childs to Grey.
11 March 1913 Letter J.E. Drummond to Grey.
27 April 1912 Letter T.C. Horsfall to Grey.
25 November .... Letter Henry Bentinck to Grey - enclosing pamphlet Rural Co-Partnership in Housing by [Samuel Bostock?].
8 November 1895, 8 August 1900, 13 December 1911 3 letters W.L. Charleton to Grey.
15 March 1910 Printed letter Horace Plunkett to Charleton.
18 November 1911 Letter D.J. Corrigall to Grey.
25 November .... Letter Sybella Branford (née Gurney) to Grey.
28 November 1911 Letter Frederick Litchfeild to Grey. Enclosed: 2 prospectuses of Rural Co-Partnership Housing Association.
9 November 1911 Letter R.L. Reiss to Lord Henry [Bentinck].
1880-19?? 6 letters Canon W. Moore Ede to Grey, with note A.J. Atkinson to Ede, 13 December 1880 and J. Lea to Ede 1900.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/3   January 1900
6 February 1900 Letter John A. Woods to Grey.
31 January 1900 Letter R.S. Donkin to Grey.
31 January 1900 Letter Dees & Thompson to Grey.
30 January 1900 Letter Henry N. Middleton to Grey.
30 January 1900 Letter J.M. Bruce to Grey.
30 January 1900 Letter Frank B. Atkinson to Grey
30 January 1900 Letter James E. Woods to Grey.
30 January 1900 Letter J.C. Fife Cookson to Grey.
30 January 1900 Letter G.B. Forster to Grey.
30 January 1900 Letter H.F. Straker to Grey.
18 January 1900 Letter Mark Fenwick to Grey.
12 January 1900 Letter J.B. Clayton to Grey.
9 January 1900 Telegram Charles E. Straker to Grey.
8 January 1900 Letter Sir Gainsford Bruce to Grey.
8 January 1900 Letter Thomas W. Benson to Grey.
7 January 1900 Letter Thomas Spencer to Grey.
7 January 1900 Letter W.Hargrave Pawson to Grey.
6 January 1900 Letter Charles L. Bell to Grey.
6 January 1900 Letter Revd. Matt. Culley to Grey.
6 January 1900 Letter C. Henderson to Grey.
6 January 1900 Letter Guy W. Edwards to Grey.
6 January 1900 Letter Robert Deuchar to Grey.
6 January 1900 Letter G.B. Hunter to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter T.E. Forster to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter G.P. Hughes to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter William Cochrane to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter R. Clayton to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Robert Donkin to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Barras R. Reed to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Edward J. Collingwood to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Arthur B. Collingwood to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Edward Sisterson to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Edward W. Blackett to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter F. Straker to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Col. Anthony Marshall to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter F.W. Lambton to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter J. Gibson Youll(?) to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Richard F. Matthews to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Thomas George Gibson to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter W. Crossman to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter H.R. Tully to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter John C. Straker to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Alfred H. Straker to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter T.M. Allison to Grey.
5 January 1900 Telegram Lord Armstrong to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Stanley Mitcalfe to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter Benjamin C. Browne to Grey.
5 January 1900 Letter C. Stephenson to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter Norman C. Cookson to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter W.J. Sanderson to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter Dora Cruddas to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter James Hall to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter W.J. Benson to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter Jos. H. Straker to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter Walter Scott to Grey.
3 January 1900 Letter G.?J. Leyland to Grey.
3 January 1900 Letter Northumberland to Grey.
3 January 1900 Letter William Milburn to Grey.
3 January 1900 Letter William H. Stephenson to Grey.
Analysis of the above letters.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/4   December 1899-January 1900
Draft memo by Grey on Scott of Hipsburn's offer concerning Northumberland yeomanry.
11 January 1900 Letter Sir Hugh Bell to Grey.
11 January 1900 Letter Richard F. Matthews to Grey.
11 January 1900 Letter Charles B.P. Bosanquet to Grey.
2, 11 January 1900 2 letters Septimus G. Ward to Grey.
9 January 1900 Letter Sir (Isaac) Lowthian Bell to Grey.
6 January 1900 Letter Miss Elizabeth Dawson-Lambton to Grey.
6 January 1900 Copy letter Grey to Mr Riley Lord.
3 January 1900 Copy letter Riley Lord (Mayor of Newcastle) to Grey.
5 January 1900 letter George Pattinson (pp Lambton & Co) to Grey.
4 January 1900 Letter Gore & Co to Grey.
2 January 1900 Letter E. Dent to Grey.
2 January 1900 Letter R. Clayton (of Barclay & Co.) to Grey.
2 January 1900 Letter George Grey Butler to Grey.
2 January 1900 Letter R. Redpath to Grey.
1 January 1900 Letter Ralph Spencer to Grey.
1 January 1900 Letter Beachcroft Thompson & Co. to Grey.
30 December 1899 Letter W.H. Knowles to Grey.
30 December 1899 Letter Abel Chapman to Grey.
30 December 1899 Letter Edward Eccles to Grey.
30 December 1899 Letter Lawrence William Adamson to Grey.
30 December 1899 Letter A.H. Leather Culley to Grey.
19, 30 December 1899 2 letters Thomas Tayler to Grey.
30 December 1899 Letter Ralph Lambton to Grey.
29 December 1899 Letter Robert Coltman Clepham to Grey.
29 December 1899 Letter T.M. Allison to Grey.
28 December 1899 Letter T.R. Dodd to Grey.
27 December 1899 Letter J.B. Clayton to Grey.
25 December 1899 Letter Thomas Spencer to Grey.
27 December 1899 Letter Thomas W. Benson to Grey.
26 December 1899 Letter Col. Fife Cookson to Grey.
26 December 1899 Letter Frank B. Atkinson to Grey.
25 December 1899 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
22, 25 December 1899 2 letters Arthur R. Collingwood to Grey.
n.d. Letter Henry Nicholas Middleton to Grey.
25 December 1899 Letter Lowthian Bell to Grey.
n.d. Letter Henry H. Scott to Grey.
24 December 1899 Letter F.W. Lambton to Grey and promissory note for £50.
n.d. Letter A.H. Browne to Grey.
23 December 1899 Letter John Liddell to Grey.
23 December 1899 Letter Alec Leith to Grey.
20, 21, 23 December .... 3 letters Thomas George Gibson to Grey.
23 December Letter Revd. Matthew Culley to Grey.
23 December Letter R. Clayton to Grey.
23 December 1899 Letter Major John Coppin Straker to Grey.
23 December 1899 Letter Sir William Crossman to Grey.
22 December 1899 Letter Norman C. Cookson to Grey.
22 December 1899 Letter Benjamin C. Browne to Grey.
22 December 1899 Letter James E. Woods to Grey.
21 December 1899 Letter James Joicey to Grey.
21 December 1899 Letter John D. Milburn to Grey.
21 December 1899 Letter M. Ridley to Grey.
21 December 1899 Letter Edward J. Collingwood to Grey.
21 December 1899 Letter George Pringle Hughes to Grey.
21, 29 December 1899 2 letters J. Stanley Mitcalfe to Grey.
20 December 1899 Letter R.S. Donkin to Grey.
20 December 1899 Letter William Haswell Stephenson to Grey.
20 December 1899 Letter Edward Joicey to Grey.
20 December 1899 Letter Henry H. Scott to Grey.
20, 22 December 1899 2 letters C. Henderson to Grey.
20 December 1899 Letter Northumberland to Grey.
20 December 1899 Copy letter Grey to Charles Perkins.
19 December 1899 Letter Charles Perkins to Grey.
20 December 1899 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Clayton.
19 December 1899 Letter Isabel Clayton to Grey.
19 December 1899 Letter from T.H. Bainbridge to Grey.

Telegrams from the following:
23 December 1899 G.B. Hunter; 22 December Norman C. Cookson; Edward Newton; Alfred H. Straker; Frederic Straker; Lord Durham; James Hall; Joicey; Alec Leith; Joseph Cowen jnr.; Stanley Mitcalfe; Cruddas; Edward Joicey; Bainbridge (Espley); C.W. Mitchell; Beaumont; Hunter (Wallsend); Portland; John Straker; Ralph Lambton; Alec Browne; Northumberland; Milburn; Mather(?); Bainbridge; Hunter; Taylor (Chipchase); Mrs Clayton; Askew Robertson; Cruddas; Noble; Scott; Matthews; Leyland; Stephenson; Donkin; Armstrong.
19 December 1899 Copy telegram from Grey to various persons.
A.J. Balfour
19 December 1899 Lansdowne to Grey.
19 December 1899 Copy telegram Grey to Lord Lansdowne.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/5   1899-1901
22 December 1899, n.d. 2 letters W. Hargrave Pawson to Grey.
n.d. Letter J.J. Pawson to Grey.
20 December 1899 Copy letter Grey to George ...
20 December 1899 Copy letter Grey to William Pawson.
3 January 1900 Letter Riley Lord (Mayor of Newcastle) to Grey.
6 January 1900 Copy letter Grey to Riley Lord.
20 January 1900 Letter H.O. Bell & Co. to Grey.
23 January 1900 William Edmund Franklyn (Assist. Mil. Sec. HQ of Army) to Grey.
27 January 1900 Telegram Georgiana Curzon to Grey.
28 January Letter Georgiana Curzon to Grey.
15, 29 January, 7, 18 March 1901 4 letters Henry H. Scott to Grey.
17 January, 4 February, 9, 14, 25 March, 6 May 1901 6 copy letters Grey to Scott.
21 January 1901 James J. Gillespie jnr. (Sec. the Volunteer Reception Fund) to Grey.
10 May 1901 Circular letter from Gillespie.
22 January 1901 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Gillespie.
26 January 1901 Cutting from The Newcastle Chronicle of correspondence between Grey and John Beattie (Mayor of Newcastle).
5 May 1901 1 letter Col. C.S. Gordon to Grey.
21 March, 2, 15 May 1901 3 copy letters Grey to Col. Gordon.
6 May 1901 2 copy letters Grey to Robin Grey.
18 May, 11 June 1901 2 copy letters Grey to Col. John Cookson.
26 May 1901 Letter Col. J.B. Cookson to Grey.
12 June 1901 Letter Stephen Sanderson (Clerk of the Peace for Northumberland) to Grey.
23 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Stretty.
12 June 1901 Letter Lt. Col. Fred. C. Meyrick to Grey's secretary, enclosing casualty lists 14th Squadron 5th Regt. Imp. Yeomanry, 15th Squadron 5th Regt. Imp. Yeomanry, in the Boer campaign 1900-1901.
Note of the amount of the Imperial Yeomanry Fund and of the Northumberland Hussars & Durham Co. Contingent of Imperial Yeomanry.
10 February 1900 Letter Charles Cowell (Charterd Accountant, Sec. Northumb. Hussars and Durham County Contingent of the Imperial Yeomanry Northumberland Fund) to Grey, acknowledging a subscription of £1000.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/6   1899-1901
26 December 1899 Copy letter Grey to Lansdowne.
26 December 1899 Letter P. Watts to Grey.
27 December 1899 3 telegrams Lansdown to Grey.
2 January 1900 Copy telegram from P. Watts of Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., to Grey with confirmation of same by Watts.
30 December 1899 Copy letter P. Watts (Officer Commanding 1st Northumberland Vol. Artillery) to the Officer Commanding Mil. & Vol. Artillery (N.E.D.) (2 copies), with material of battery for active service; material for ammunition column; detail of horses; detail of officers, N.C.O.'s and men.
2 January 1900 Letter P. Watts to Grey.
3 January 1900 Telegram Watts to Grey.
3 January 1900 Letter Col. A.A. Garstin (commanding 68th regimental district) to Grey. MS version of material of battery for active service and of the other associated papers listed above (under 30 December 1899).
2 January 1900 Letter P. Watts to Grey.
3 January 1900 Letter P. Watts to Grey.
4 January 1900 Copy telegram Watts to Grey and confirmation of same.
5 January 1900 Letter Watts to Grey. Enclosing: 4 January 1900 Copy letter Watts to Officer Commanding Militia and Vol. Artillery, Scarborough, with revised lists.
6 January 1900 Copy telegram [?O.C. Com. M. & Vol. Artillery N.E.D.] to Watts.
6 January 1900 Copy letter Watts to Officer Commanding M. & Vol. Artillery N.E.D. Duplicated typescript sheet: "Proposed battery of Artillery from the County of Northumberland".
6 January 1900 Letter P. Watts to Grey.
8 January 1900 Copy telegram Grey to Watts, with confirmation by Watts.
8 January 1900 Letter ... to the Chartered Co.
8 January 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
9 January 1900 Telegram Riley Lord to Grey.
9 January 1900 Telegram Fletcher to Grey.
9 January 1900 Copy letter Watts to the Newcastle Daily Chronicle.
9 January 1900 Copy letter Watts to the Chartered Company.
9 January 1900 Copy letter Watts to the Officer Commanding Militia and Volunteer Artillery Scarborough.
9 January 1900 Copy telegram Watts to Grey, with confirmation by Watts and Grey to Watts.
9 January 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
10 January 1900 Telegram Watts to Grey.
10 January 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
10 January 1900 Copy telegram Watts to Grey, with confirmation and Watts to the Officer Commanding Troops, Newcastle, 10 January 1900.
10 January 1900 Copy telegram Watts to Grey.
13 January 1900 Copy note Col. A.A. Garstin to [Watts].
15 January 1900 Copy note Watts to [Garstin].
12 January 1900 Order signed N.J. Cheyne.
11 January 1900 Copy letter Col. A.A. Garstin to the Chief Staff Officer, N.E. District.
11 January 1900 Letter Sir Frank Thomas Marzials to Grey.
11 January 1900 Copy telegram Grey to Watts, with confirmation by Watts.
12 January 1900 Telegram Watts to Grey.
n.d. Copy telegram Brackenbury to Grey.
13 January 1900 Telegram Watts to Grey.
13 January 1900 Telegram Watts to Grey.
13 January 1900 Copy telegram Watts to Grey, with confirmation.
13 January 1900 Copy telegrams between Watts and Grey with confirmation.
13 January 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
15 January 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
15 January 1900 Letter Sir Frank T. Merzials to Grey.
15 January 1900 Letter Gen. Sir Henry Brackenbury (Dir. Gen. of ordnance at HQ 1899-1904) to Grey.
17 January 1900 Letter P. Watts to Grey.
17 January 1900 Copy letter Watts to Officer Commanding Mil. & Vol. Art. N.E.D. Scarborough.
18 January 1900 2 telegrams Watts to Grey.
18 January 1900 Letter Col. A.A. Garstin to Grey.
2 February 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
5, 6 February 1900 2 copy letters Watts to the Officer Commanding Militia & Volunteer Art. N.E.D.
Copy list of men whose attestation papers had been returned by Col. Garstin.
6, 12 February, 20, 25, 31 March 1900 5 letters Watts to Grey.
Elswick Battery: suggested transport.
Suggested establishment for a battery of special Elswick Guns.
Additional material for battery to bring it into active service.
Additional material for ammunition column.
Horses with harness for battery and column.
Kits for men of battery and column.
Allowances for men.
3 April 1900 Letter Sir Frank T. Marzials to Grey.
5 April 1900 Letter P. Watts to Grey.
7 April 1900 Copy letter Grey to Under Secretary of State, War Office.
7 April 1900 Copy letter Grey to Mr Stevens.
Copy notice issued by Watts concerning pay of 1st Northumberland Volunteer Artillery Battery for South Africa.
15 May 1900 Copy letter Watts to Utrick A. Ritson.
15 May 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
5 December 1900 Letter Watts to Grey.
Note of Government allowance for Elswick battery.
8 July 1901 Letter Watts to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/7   1899-1903
Roll of Honour, South Africa, 1900. Northumberland Hussars and Durham County Contingent of the Imperial Yeomanry.
Northumberland and Durham Imperial Yeomanry (S.A.) Equipment Fund. Report to the subscribers and abstract of receipts and expenditure December 1899 - April 1903 (2 copies).
Press cuttings relating to the Northumberland and Durham Imperial Volunteer Yeomanry, etc.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/8   1879-1895
[1880] Printed circular letter Thomas Dunn, General Secretary Cleveland Miners' Association to his fellow workmen.
28 April 1880 Letter Thomas Dunn to Grey.
Copy of the above letter.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Dunn, replying to the above.
5, 6 May 1880 Letters Dunn to Grey.
22 May 1880 Copy letter Dunn to [W.M. Moorsom].
n.d. Copy letter Dunn to [W.M. Moorsom].
6 September 1880 Copy letter Dunn to Mooorsom.
2 January 1882 Letter Dunn to Moorsom.
Printed letter of application by W.M. Moorsom for the chair of Political Economy at Edinburgh with testimonials.
1880?-1895 6 letters Professor W.M. Moorsom to Grey.
25 May 1882 1 letter J.D. Pringle to Moorsom.
All the above are on the University Extension Scheme.
2 June .... Letter E.E. Bowen to Grey.
27 February 1879 Letter Robert Spence Watson to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B219/9   1879-1912
Press cuttings, mainly on University Extension.
11 May 1880 1 copy printed letter John Pringle to Grey.
Pamphlet: University of Glasgow - General Council: Report by the Committee of the General Council of the University of Glasgow to be submitted ... on ... 28 April 1880 with Appendix.
Notes by Grey concerning the Northumberland University Extension Association.
Speech on English Secondary Education.
Rough drafts by Grey of speech on University Extension in Northumberland and Durham (2 pieces).
1879-1882 Table of information concerning University Extension Courses in the North East.
11 December 1911 Memorandum of formation, aims and current work of the Rural Co-partnership Housing Association for interview with Lords Grey & Lytton, by E. Betham, sec.
23 May 1910 Account of the 35th annual parade of the school cadets of Toronto.
Pamphlet: London Society for the Extension of University Teaching. Report of the Council (London, 1880).
24 October 1912 Cutting from Glasgow Herald, "Earl Grey in Glasgow - Electoral Reform. Proportional Representation".

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/1   [1884]
n.d. [c.1884] Election address by Grey.
Notes by Grey on constitutional history, parliamentary procedure. 2 pieces.
Draft speech and notes by Grey on disestablishment.
Notes by Grey from 3rd Earl Grey's essay on Parliamentary Government.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/2   1899-1902
14 May 1899 Letter Grey to Alice Grey.
15 November 1902 Letter R.H. Benson to Alice Grey.
6 November 1902 Letter Lockett Agnew to Alice Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/3   1886-1906
30 July Letter Lady Mabel Howard to Grey, concerning books she had written.
8 June Letter R. O'Hara to Grey.
23 January Letter Mabel Howick (5th Countess Grey) to Grey.
29 December 1906 Letter Mary Hunter to Grey.
22 December 1887, n.d. 2 letters Stalbridge to Grey.
23 March 1886 Letter Hallam Tennyson to Grey.
10 May Letter Edith Castlereagh to Grey.
5 March Letter Edith Castlereagh to Grey.
10 November Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
2 December Letter Londonderry to Grey.
31 March 1904 Copy Grey to Alice Grey.
9 March 1901 Letter Evelyn Grey to Victoria [Grenfell].
9 April 1902 Letter Evelyn Grey to Grey.
2 July 1890 Letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/4   1903-1913
26 June 1905 Sir Julius Charles Wernher (1st Bart.) to Grey.
3 March 1906 Henry Chaplin to Grey.
2 January, 2 March 1903 2 letters Lady Windsor to Grey.
18 June 1913 Letter Ottelie Avery to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/5   January-February 1874
6 February 1874 Letter Albert Gallatin to Grey.
31 January 1874 Letter Jean Jacques Renbell to Grey.
27 January 1874 Letter W.M. Compton to Grey.
25 January 1874 Letter Neilson Winthrop to Grey.
25 January 1874 Letter Grace St Albans to Grey.
25 January 1874 Letter Duke of St Albans to Grey.
23 January 1874 Letter Lord Dunglass to Grey.
23 January 1874 Letter Miss Mary Gladstone to Grey.
23 January 1874 Letter Emily C. Meynell Ingram to Grey.
22 January 1874 Letter H.G. Grey to Grey.
Letter Blanche Farquhar to Grey.
Letter Edmund Gurney to Grey.
22 January 1874 Letter C.G.O. Bridgeman to Grey.
20 January 1874 Letter B.E. Hammond to Grey.
Letter A.C. Thompson to Grey.
21 January Letter A.T. Myers to Grey.
27 January 1874 Copy of Cambridge University Reporter, with Law and History Tripos list.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/6   1901-1902
1901 Newspaper cuttings concerning the Queen Victoria Memorial Fund in Northumberland.
18 August 1901 Queen Victoria Memorial: Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland's Fund: printed subscription list. 11 copies.
8 March, 6 May 1901 Letters Ald. Sir Frank Green, 1st bart., Lord Mayor of London 1900-1901, to Grey.
12 March, 3 May 1901 Copy letters Grey to Green.
Letter of 3 May circular letter from Grey to various officials Northumberland.
11 March, 6, 11 May 1901 with copy 3 June 1901 Charles D. Forster to Grey.
9 March, 2, 4, 6, 7, 13 May, 4, 25 June 1901 Copies Grey to Forster.
3 May 1901 Copy Grey to Sir Benjamin Browne.
List of persons to whom a similar letter to the above was sent.
4, 8 May 1901 Copy Grey to George Grey of Milfield, also to A. Cresswell.
4, 8 May 1901 Copies Grey to E.J. Wheler.
4 May 1901 Draft Grey to Ernest Villiers.
4 May 1901 Copy Grey to Alec Browne of Ballaly Whittingham.
4 May 1901 Copy Grey to Sir George Trevelyan Bart.
5 May 1901 Letter Benjamin C. Browne to Grey.
6 May 1901 Letter George Grey to Grey.
5 May 1901 Letter Frank Lyon to Grey.
5 May 1901 Letter A.F. Cresswell to Grey.
4 May 1901 Letter Sir G.O. Trevelyan to Grey.
6 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Mayor of Tynemouth.
6 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Mayor of Berwick.
6 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Mayor of Morpeth.
6 May 1901 Letter William H. Stephenson to Grey.
7, 8, 15 May, 25 June, 18 July, 20 August 1901 Copies Grey to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
2 June, 19, 22 August 1901, 18 March 1902 Letters George Dixon Atkinson Clark to Grey and receipt for £25.
7 May, 7 June 1901 George S. Gibb to Grey.
7 May 1901 Noel Villiers to Grey, also 3 typescript copies of this letter.
Copy ciruclar letter signed by Noel Villiers (3 copies).
8 May 1901 Letter H. Andrews (High Sheriff of Northumberland) to Grey.
10 May 1901 Copy Grey to Andrews.
9 May 1901 Letter William Lyall Holland to Grey.
14 May 1901 Copy Grey to Holland.
12 May 1901 Letter G.D. Atkinson Clark to Mr Fletcher
. 13 May 1901 Letter John O. Scott to Grey.
13 May 1901 Letter Messrs Robert Stephenson & Co. to Grey.
14 May 1901 Copy Grey's secretary to Robert Stephenson & Co.
13, 20 May 1901 Letters Henry Middleton to Grey.
14 May 1901 Copy Grey to Middleton.
14 May 1901 Letter R. Hudson (Sec. for C.S. Swan & Hunter) to Grey.
15 May 1901 Letter W.S. Daglish (Clerk Willington Quay U.D.C.) to Grey.
15 May 1901 Letter John R. Turner (Clerk Pegswood Parish Council) to Grey.
17 May 1901 Letter J. Walker (of R. Stephenson & Co.) to Grey.
17 May 1901 Letters Messrs Dinning and Cooke to Grey.
18 May 1901 Copy Grey's secretary to Dinning & Cooke.
20 May 1901 Letter Charles D. Forster to M.M. Fletcher (Grey's Sec?).
23 May 1901 Letter G.F. Steven (Mayor of Berwick) to Grey.
28 May 1901 Letter Robert Foreman of Elswick Works to Grey.
3 June 1901 Letter Charles D. Forster (Clerk to the Lieutenancy) to Foreman(?).
23 June 1901 Letter A. Cresswell to Grey.
24 June 1901 Letter G.D. Atkinson Clark to [Grey's sec?].
26 June 1901 Copy Grey to local newspaper.
10 May, 26 June [c.1 August], 7 September 1901 Copies Grey's sec. to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
28 June 1901 Letter Atkinson Clark to Mr Fletcher.
10 July 1901 Note by M.M. Fletcher of cheque sent to Atkinson Clark.
12, 20 July, 14, 19, 22, 27 August, 9 September, 23 December 1901, 14 January, 4 April 1902 Letters Atkinson Clark to Fletcher.
16 July 1901 Letter Noel Villiers to Grey. n.d. Letter Cecilia Widdrington to Grey.
18 July 1901 Copy Grey to Villiers.
1 August 1901 Copy Grey's sec. to Revd. H.A. Bettison.
29 August 1901 Copy Grey to the Lord Mayor of London.
Receipt Frank Green (Lord Mayor) for £400 from County of Northumberland.
21 September 1901 William H. Stephenson to Grey.
19 January 1901 [sic] 1902?, 6 May 1902 (copy) Letter M.M. Fletcher to Atkinson Clark.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/7   April-June 1901
20 May 1901 Printed circular letter Duke of Norfolk (Mayor) to the Citizens of Westminster, on the Queen Victoria National Memorial.
7 June 1901 Printed circular letter Heneage Legge (Chairman of the Committee, Conduit and Grosvenor wards, City of Westminster) to the citizens of Westminster in the said wards.
n.d. Circular letter Grey to various employers on the Queen Victoria Memorial (unsigned). 8 typescript copies.
29 April 1901 Printed circular letter from Grey, concerning the Queen Victoria Memorial.
Printed copies of subscription list (unused).
c.1901 List of colliery proprietors in the County of Northumberland: with postal address.
List of employers to whom similar letters as sent to Mr Milburn should be written.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/8   1872-1902
n.d., c.1874-1902 11 letters Mark Francis Napier to Grey.
21 December ...., n.d. 2 letters Rev. William Champion Streatfeild to Grey.
Fragment on Coleridge as a religious philosopher.
27 November 1874 Letter May Gladstone to Grey.
2, 9 November 1874 2 letters A.C. Meysey Thompson to Grey.
25 June .... Letter May Dunglass (cousin to Grey; see Home), to Grey.
9 April 1873 Letter Edward Coe to Grey.
17 June ...., n.d. 2 letters H. [Farquhar] to Grey.
10 January 1875 Copy letter Grey to Grosvenor (part missing).
[12 January 1875] Letter Grosvenor to Grey.
21 February 1875 Letter A. Spencer (Guilsborough Hall Northants) to Grey.
10 March 1874 Letter R. O'Hara (of the Irish Office) to the Duke [of St Albans(?)].
3 November 1874, 3 September .... 2 letters R. O'Hara to Grey.
3 November 1874 Letter James Leslie Newbigin (chemist) to Alice Grey.
n.d. 3 letters Maria, Countess Grey to Grey.
2 August 1873 Copy letter Grey to Timmy.
n.d. Letter James F. Gallatin to Grey.
3 November 1873 Letter Richard Claverhouse Jebb (tutor Trinity College Cantab., later regius Prof. Greek & Law), to Grey.
4 February 1873 Letter St Albans to Grey.
29 January 1873 Letter Basil E. Hammond to Grey.
30 May 1875 Letter Baroness Alda de Livernière to Grey.
20 February 1872, 6 June 1875 2 letters Theresa Grey to Grey.
[1872] 1 copy letter Grey to his aunt Theresa (Tizzy).
8 October 1873 Copy letter Smith & Elder to the Executors of the late General Charles Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B220/9   1905-1915
1905-1915 c.50 letters Lady Julia Drummond to Grey.
October 1915 Draft circular letters from Sergeant Major W. Adams and from Canadian Red Cross Society. (Includes some fragments of letters).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/1   1874-1914
5 July 1910 Letter from Ishbel Aberdeen to Grey.
30 May 1878 Letter from Mrs Abbot to Grey.
13 December 1910 Letter from Frank D. Adams to Grey, with copy of part of an article by Israel N. Mella in Among the Deep See Fishers on cost of transporting reindeer from Norway to Newfoundland.
[1878] Letter from Christina Allan to Grey.
Letter J. Allen (of the office of the Minister of Defence, Wellington, New Zealand) to Grey, forwarding a copy of Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton's report on the defence forces of New Zealand 1914.
7 April 1904 Letter from Aretus Akers-Douglas to Grey.
8 April 1904 Copy letter Grey to Akers Douglas.
13 December 1875, 13 January 1876 2 letters H. Andrews to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
26 December 1874, 1, 9 January, 23 April 1875 4 letters Margaret Armstrong to Grey.
28 January, 8 February, 14, 21 April 1876 4 letters W.G. Armstrong to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
31 December 1906, 29 June, 31 December 1907 3 letters A. Phalp (for Sec. Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co.) to Grey.
4 August 1908 Letter Sir Andrew Noble to Grey. 28 July, 3 August 1908 Copy telegrams between Sir Andrew Noble (Bart) and Grey.
31 December 1909 (2), 30 June 1910 (2) 4 letters J.M. Jewitt (for Sec. Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd.) to Grey.
13 April 1908 Letter F.S. Arnot to Grey, enclosing pamphlet: “Pen and Picture Account of a Visit to Central Africa, November 1906 - January 1908”, by F.S. Arnot.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/2   1814; 1875-1904
30 October 1902 1 letter Walter L[ewis] Bagot to Grey, land settlement scheme in Transvaal and O.R.C.
26 July 1902 Letter Alice Balfour to Grey.
22 April 1900 Copy letter [Alice Balfour(?)] to Grey.
2 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to A.J. Balfour.
4 October 1898 Letter Revd. W. Faulkner Bailey to Grey.
6 November 1875, 7 November 1876 2 letters A.J. Baker Cresswell to Revd. Streatfeild.
9 December 1876 Letter Thomas F. Baty to Grey.
1814 Extracts of letters to Lord Bathurst, including one from Ferdinand Symthe Stuart.
Part of letter evidently from Paul Bean.
31 July 1876? Note Lady Margaret Beaumont to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
1901; 1909 6 letters Effie E. Bell to Grey.
1901 2 copy letters Grey to Miss Bell.
17 October 1898 Letter E.F.T. Bennett to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/3   1874-1915
7, 15 October 1909 2 letters A.L. Berdoe (Gen. Manager White Pass & Yukon Route) to Lord Lascelles (A.D.C. to Grey). Enclosing in letter of 15 October 1909: 11 October 1909 Letter B.A. Henrikson to Berdoe.
27 November 1913 Letter John Radolphus Booth of Ottawa to Grey.
27 November 1913 Letter C. Jackson Booth to Grey.
14 July 1910 Letter William Bolton to Grey.
28 December 1874 Letter R.H.M. Bosanquet to Grey.
18 October 1898 Letter William Bonsfield to Grey.
3 September 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bonar Law.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/4   1884-1910
[1896/7] 1 letter C.M. Benson to Grey, beginning missing.
1884-1903 14 letters R.H. Benson to Grey.
2 September 1884 1 letter G.L. Holford to Grey.
31 December 1910 1 letter R. Benson & Co. to Grey.
31 December 1910 1 letter J.M. Jewitt (for Sec. Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/5   1906-1908
19 August 1908 Copy letter J. Mansfield to Robert Benson & Co.
22 February 1907, 18 August 1908 Letters Benson & Co. to Mansfield.
21 February 1907 Copy W. Philipson (surveyor in charge Inland Revenue) to Benson & Co.
22 February 1907 Copy Benson & Co. to surveyor of taxes, Alnwick.
10 December 1906, 19 February 1907 Letters Benson & Co. to Mansfield.
6, 17 December 1906, 21 February 1907 Copy letter Manfield to Benson & Co.
15 January, 1, 14 February 1907 Copy letters W. Philipson to Benson & Co.
16, 19 February 1907 Letters Benson & Co. to Philipson.
18 February 1907 Letter Philipson to Benson & Co.
5, 8 December 1906, 11, 14 January 1907 Benson & Co. to Mansfield.
12 January 1907 Letter Philipson to Benson & Co.
9, 11, 14 January 1907 Letters Benson & Co. to Philipson.
8, 10, 12 January 1907 Letters Philipson to Benson & Co.
8 December 1906 Letter Benson & Co. to Thomas Hogg (surveyor of taxes, Newcastle).
12 September, 10 October 1906 Letters Mansfield to Grey.
5 November 1906 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
23 October 1908, 23 May, 1 June 1915 Letters R.H. Benson to Grey.

Paper   1 file
R.H. Benson & Co.
Reference: GRE/B221/6
Dates of creation:
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of letters and papers R.H. Benson & Co. to Grey 1899-1904, includes:
4 September 1902, 13 December 1903, 5 April 1904 3 letters R.H. Benson to Grey.
23 September 1903 R.C. Bolton of Rhodesia Railway Ltd. to Grey.
5 September 1902 Agreement by Grey of terms on which Lady Wantage will lend him £7,500.
17 September 1902 Another copy of the above.

R.H. Benson & Co.
Reference: GRE/B221/7
Dates of creation: 1912; 1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

1912, 1914 Business letters Benson & Co. to Grey.

Bundle of business papers 1898-1914, including:
23 May 1898, 30 March 1899 Letters from Oliver Williams and Benson & Co.
28 March 1899 Letter from J.F. Jones, Yeoman (Ship & Steamship Broker, W. Hartlepool).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/9   1896-1910
Also filed with this correspondence, a number of letters from R. Benson & Co. to Grey on business and financial matters, 1904-1915.
3 October 1904 Coutts & Co. to Grey.
Typescript copies of the following:
16 October 1896 R.H. Benson to Charles F. Adams.
14 September 1896 Charles F. Adams to Benson.
10 September 1896 Charles F. Adams to Carl Schurz.
2 June 1896 Robert Benson to [Adams], with the following tables:
Average price per bushel realised fro different kinds of grain received as rent from farms in Iowa for the 12 years 1884-1895.
Tables showing the number of acres in crop; the gross rental; the expenses; and the net rental in each year 1884-1895.
Land sales in Iowa.
Average paid for wheat by City Mill Co. Sioux City, Iowa, for the years and months January 1871-August 1894.
Prices of corn and oats paid each month 1874-1894 (compiled by Davis & Co.).
7 June 1905 Letter R.H. Benson to Grey.
20 June 1905 Copy letter Grey to Benson.
9 July 1905, 21 March, 12 May, 10 December 1906 Copy letters Grey to Benson.
17 January 1907 Letter R.H. Benson to Grey.
2 April 1907 (+ 1 copy) Letter R.H. Benson to Grey.
27 April 1907 Copy Grey to Benson.
30 May 1907 Letter Lady Wantage to Benson.
30 May 1907 Letter Benson to Grey.
19 August 1907 Letter Benson to Grey.
27 December 1907 Copy Grey to Benson.
20 August 1908 Copy Grey to Benson.
5 September 1908 Copy Grey to Benson.
23 September 1908 Letter Benson to Grey.
20 October 1908 Copy Grey to Benson.
10 November [1908] Copy telegram Grey to Frank Dawes.
4 November 1908 Copy Grey to Benson.
10 November 1908 Copy Grey to Frank Dawes.
18 December 1908 Letter Benson to Grey.
Memo by Grey concerning Lady Wantage's loan.
16 December 1909 Letter Benson to Grey.
27 February 1906 Booklet: The Merchants Trust Ltd. Proceedings at the 17th Ordinary General Meeting of the Co.
31 May 1910 Annual Reprot of Chicago Transfer & Clearing Co.
Booklet: Clearing-Argo Industrial District: Chicago Transfer & Clearing Co. Chicago.
13 July 1909 Letter Frank Dawes to ... Wright, enclosing draft deed.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/10   1875-1911
5 December 1900 1 letter John Burns (Labour MP Battersea from 1892) to Grey.
n.d., 1875 2 letters Dixon Brown to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
8 November, 18 November 1875 2 letters Ralph Brown to Streatfeild.
n.d. 1 letter A.H. Browne to Streatfeild.
27 April .... 1 letter Emily M.F. Brown to Streatfeild.
2, 4, 19 December 1900 3 letters Venerable William Conybeare Bruce (Archdeacon of Monmouth) to Grey.
26 August 1911 Copy letter James, Viscount Bryce to Grey.
Account (narrative) of the trip of H.E. Earl Grey from Winnipeg to Hudson Bay and Straits by R.W. Brock. 2 copies, 1 with MS alterations.
3 December 1886, 29 September 1911 2 letters Louisa Buccleuch to Grey.
18 November 1875 Letter Aug. E. Burdon to [Streatfeild?].
26, 28 November .... [1900?] 2 letters Edward North Buxton to Grey.
15 January 1821 Extract of letter from Lord Byron (from Thomas Moore's Works of Byron).
28 November 1900 Letter W.M. Archibald to Grey. Enclosure: Prospectus Brechin Bolag Limited.
30 April 1881 Letter Henry Brand to Grey.
The following letters found enclosed in book containing notes etc., on proportional representation and registration of electors, etc.
14 January 1883 Letter Henry Brand to Grey. Enclosures: press cuttings: Letter Brand to The Times on the county franchise. Editorial on same.
24 January 1883 Copy letter Grey to Brand.
6 February 1883 Letter R. Stainthorpe to Grey, concerning the number of electors in Newcastle, Tynemouth and Morpeth.
Notes by Grey (enclosed in the above) concerning the registration of electors and anomolies that could occur.
February 1884 White Paper: “Return showing, with respect to each Parliamentary Constituency in the UK, the total number of electors on the Register now in force”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B221/11   March-July 1905
19 March [1905?] Lady Jane Lindsay to Grey.
9, 12, 15 March 3 letters Margaret Benson to Lady Jane Lindsay.
Copy of the above letter of 15 March.
1 April 1905 Copy letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
17 April 1905 Copy letter Grey to [“a friend in England” ].
4 July 1905 Letter James W. Robertson to Grey. 2 copies. Enclosing: Outline scheme for Canadian “Roll of Honour”.
Roll of honour claim forms.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B222/1   1875-1917
10 November 1913 Letter Wilfrid Campbell to Grey.
30 August 1917 Letter Wilfrid Campbell to 5th Earl Grey, enclosing press cutting concerning 4th Earl Grey.
4 December 1899 Letter Kate (Catherine) Courtney to Grey.
12 September 1905 Letter Joseph W. Carr to Grey.
27 November 1875 Letter Ralph Carr Ellison [to Streatfeild?].
30 November 1875 Letter C.H. Cadogan to Streatfeild.
Copy birth certificate Annie Cameron (b.1861), copied 20 November 1875.
Copy medical certificate Annie Cameron.
Copy testimonial Annie Cameron.
22 January 1876 Postcard A. Cameron to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
25 November 1912 Letter Randall Thomas Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury to Grey.
Leaflet: An appeal on behalf of Christian Unity.
4 September 1903 Copy letter Grey to Archie Campbell (Native Commissioner, Insiza, Rhodesia).
9 May 1904 Copy Grey to Andrew Carnegie.
26 June 1913 Letter Lord Channing of Wellingborough (Francis Allston Channing) to Grey.
9 August 1913 Copy Grey to Channing.
28 September 1898 Editor of the Daily Chronicle to Grey.
11 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Major General Lord Cheylesmore.
28 November 1900 Letter Francis John Jayne, Bishop of Chester, to Grey. Enclosing: 27 November 1900 Letter Revd. W. Conybeare Bruce to Bishop of Chester.
30 November 1900 Further letter Veneral W.C. Bruce to Bishop of Chester.
26 November, 2, 18 December 1900 Letters Bishop of Chester to Grey.
17 December 1900 Letter J.B. Atkins of the Guardian to Bishop of Chester.
c.1916 New Year greetings card from Joseph H. Choate & Mrs Choate.
26 September 1905 Letter Sybella Clive to Grey.
15 December 1875 Letter Thomas Clutterbuck to Streatfeild.
15 February 1912 Letter Harriet Cooper to Grey.
1878-1898 13 letters Joseph Cowen to Grey.
18 November 1875 Letter John Cookson to Grey.
22 December 1885 Letter Frederic C. Coley to Grey.
13 February, 12 March 1901 2 copy letters J.G. Colclough (Sec. Brit. Chamber of Commerce, Paris) to W.H. Cooke (Sec. of the Chamber of Shipping, London).
19, 26 December 1900, 1 January 1901 3 letters Charles George Lyttelton, 8th Viscount Cobham to Grey.
8, 11 June 1915 2 letters S.W. Copley to Grey.
26 April .... Letter V. Cory to Grey.
31 October 1887 Letter Alex Conacher to Grey. Attached: 31 December 1886 The Kiosk and Coffee Stall Co. Ltd. 7th Annual Report and Balance Sheet.
27 December 1901 Letter W.S. Cunningham (Sec. Surrey Public House Trust Co. Ltd.) to Grey.
1900-1904 8 letters Lieutenant Colonel H.J. Crawford to Grey.
1903-1904 5 copy letters Grey to Crawford, one of 25 May 1904 with copy letters Thomas P. Whittaker to Grey 22 May 1904, and copy Grey to Whittaker 25 May 1904.
n.d. Extract of letter Mr Wonter to Crawford.
25, 29 September 1875 2 letters Alan S. Cole to Grey.
16 October, 11, 12 November 1875 3 letters Cole to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
8 December 1875 1 letter John Richardson (Registrar National Tr. Sch. for Music) to Streatfeild.
Minutes relating to musical scholarships to be established in North of England.
Printed matter relating to the Nat. Tr. Sch. for Music, South Kensington.
12 December 1902 2 copies telegram (deciphered), from the Civil Commissioner Bulawayo to Charter Cape Town; one copy signed - H. Chataway (for Civil Commissioner).
Abbreviated version of the above (without ciphered part).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B222/2   1875-1913
15 January-12 June 1876 6 letters Charles d'Albert to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
17 April 1903 Copy Grey to Mr Dent.
17 April 1903 Copy further letter Grey to Dent.
22 January 1876 Letter Mary Dodd to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
30 November 1875 Letter Mary Dodd to Streatfeild, enclosing copy birth certificate.
30 November 1875 Certificate Revd. Charles Skemp (Baptist Minister).
29 November 1875 Certificate Dr William A. l'Anson.
30 November 1875 Certificate Mr John Purvis.
2 May 1884 Letter Justino J. de Arechago to Senor Don A. Cromwell White.
15 September 1895 Copy letter Grey to Mr Dodd.
8 January 1886, 23, 30 August 1895 3 letters Michael Dodd to Grey.
September 1895 Prospectus: The Tyneside African Co. Ltd.
1912-1913 4 letters Julia Drummond to Grey.
1901-1902 3 letters G.E. Dudley [Georgina Elizabeth] to Grey.
24 December 1874 Letter Charles Baring, Bishop of Durham, to Grey.
19 December 1898 Letter R.B. Duncan (Sec. N.E. Sanitary Inspection Assoc.) to Grey.
17 October 1898 Letter O.T. Duke to Grey.
11 December 1902 Telegram P.W.D. to Grey.
1895 5 letters A.H.F. Duncan to Grey, includes account: Grey in account with the B.S.A. Co., Salisbury, 1895.
14 December .... 1 letter de Vesci to Grey.
6 October 1913 Letter Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
31 March 1913 Letter J. Campbell to John H. Mansfield.
31 March 1913 Letter John H. Mansfield to Miss B. Gilbertson.
3 April 1913 Letter J. Campbell (Sec. B. Columbian Fisheries) to Miss Gilbertson.
31 March 1913 Telegram "Fishfos", London to Mansfield.
29 March 1913 Copy letter Mansfield to Campbell.
25 March 1913 Letter Campbell to Miss Gilbertson.
Cutting on B.C. Fisheries.
27 September 1910, 7 June 1911 Copies Grey to MacBride.
1 December (x 2), 30 December 1911, 8, 12 January 1912 5 letters George Doughty to Grey.
16 January 1912 Sir R.L. Borden to Grey.
1 January 1912 Copy Grey to Borden.
22, 31 December 1911 2 letters R.[B. Brett] to Grey.
28 December 1911 Letter A.M. Grenfell to Grey.
6 December 1911 Letter Sir Richard McBride to Grey.
8 November 1913 Reprint from the Financial News: British Columbia Fisheries Position Explained - Consultative Committee Appointed.
Abstract of lecture to be given at the Imperial Institute on 15 May 1912 by Capt. Edward Nash: “The Fisheries of the Pacific Coast with references to Imperial Naval Policy”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B222/3   1915-1916
1915-1916 21 letters (one a copy) and 3 telegrams, Herbert E. Easton to Grey, and 2 memoranda for Grey.
1915, 1916 2 copy letters Grey to Easton.
1916 Copy letter Easton to Sir Harry Wilson.
13 April 1915 Copy letter Easton to J.C. Watson.
28 October 1915 Copy letter Easton to Evelyn Wrench.
21 July, 2 November 1915 Copy letters Easton to Lord Northcliffe.
14 September 1915 Copy letter Northcliffe to Easton.
19 March 1916 Colonel Joseph Birkenshaw of the Salvation Army to Easton.
21 April 1915 Copy letter Arthur W. Jose to [Grey].
6 March 1915 Memo re immigration and the land.
20 April 1915 Memo re schemes of land settlement.
1 February 1916 Minutes of 10th annual meeting of the British Immigration League held in Sydney.
1916 10th Annual Report of British Immigration League of Australia. (c.1915)
Pamphlet: Did You Know? (2 copies)
Various press cuttings mainly on land settlement by soldiers after the 1914 war.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B222/4   1875-1904
20 July 1904 H. Elton (of the Calico Printers' Assoc. Ltd.) to Grey. Enclosing: 7 October, 12 November 1903 Copy letters from Calico Printers' Assoc. Ltd. to Sir Alfred Bateman; 11 November 1903 Copy letter Bateman to the Calico Printers' Assoc. Ltd.
2 September, 8 December 1884, 11 February 1885 3 letters [1 incomplete] J. Parker Smith to Grey.
11 October 1884 Letter and copy Howard W. Elphinstone to [J. Parker] Smith.
14, 16 January 1884 2 letters from J.E. of Glasgow to Grey on proportional representation.
n.d. Letter T. Rees Evans [to Streatfeild?].
n.d. Draft letter ... to the Colonial Office.
21 May 1903 Copy letter G.H. Eyre (Postmaster General, Salisbury) to the Secretary G.P.O. London.
27 July, 27 November 1875, 27, 29 January 1876 4 letters Louisa Clare East [to W.C. Streatfeild?].
13 May [1876] 1 letter Eliza A. East to Streatfeild.
30 November 1875 1 letter Rowland East (Vicar St Andrews, Newcastle) to Streatfeild.
15 July 1879 1 letter George Elliot to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B222/5   1871-1908
1871-1908 36 letters Reginald Baliol Brett, 2nd Viscount Esher to Grey.
1 copy letter Grey to Brett, incomplete.
1 pamphlet: “The Unreadiness of England: letters of Reginald B. Brett reprinted from The Times”. (London, 1891).
January 1884 Part of a letter Lord Hartington to Brett, is quoted in Brett's letter to Grey of 31 January 1884. (Grey and the reform bill).

Paper   1 file
Reginald B. Brett Trust
Reference: GRE/B222/6
Dates of creation: 1897-1899
Extent: 1 filePaper

25 January 1897 Letter Messrs Few & Co. solicitors to Grey, concerning Brett's proposal that the trustees of his settlement should purchase the leasehold interest in the house called Orchardlea at Wingfield. Enclosed: 7 January 1897 Report and valuation of the said property by Messrs Lofts & Warner, Surveyors & Valuer, London, with plan.
23 December 1898 Letter Few & Co. to Grey, enclosing copy of a notification of a charge executed by Brett on his interest in funds settled by an indenture of 23 September 1879 (of which Grey is a trustee).
28 January 1899 Letter Few & Co. to Grey, enclosing notice of a further charge created by Brett on his interest under the above settlement.

GRE/B223/1   1913-1920
3 copies of the following correspondence:
Part of a letter from Moreton Frewen.
26 March 1913 Copy letter C. Brymeed Schreiber to Frewen.
16 December 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Grey.
2 June 1914 Copy H.O. Crew (of Prince Rupert Agencies) to J.S. Redmayne.
30 July 1917 Copy E.C. Grenfeld to Frewen.
15 August 1920 Copy Harbour Master of Port of Prince Rupert to C.C. Ballantyne (Minister of Marine and Fisheries).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/2   1920-1922
16 July 1922 Letter D'Abernon to 5th Earl Grey.

Earl Grey deceased - Prince Rupert: copy correspondence:
19 October 1920 J.D. Batson (Sec. New Eastern Investment Co. Ltd.) to Messrs Waghorn Swynn & Co. Ltd.
3 December 1920 J.R. Waghorn (Managing Director Waghorn Gwynne & Co.) to the Sec. New Eastern Investment Co.
11 November 1920 M.M. Stephens to Waghorn Gwynn & Co.
30 November 1920 G.R. Naden (Deputy Minister of Lands, Victoria, B.C.) to G.R. Waghorn.
29 November 1920 Lee de Gex (Manager Canadian Bank of Commerce) to Waghorn Gwynn & Co.
24 November 1920 J.R. Waghorn to Manager, Bank of Commerce.
4 November 1920 Davis & Co. (Davis Marshall, Macneill & Hugh) to Waghorn Gwynn & Co.
10 December 1920 J.R. Waghorn to Sec. New Eastern Investment Co.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/3   1872-1913
Notes by [M. Frewen] onthe Gothenberg Public House System.
Printed account of the Rev. Mr Owen's visit to Zululand in ... 1837 as related by R.B. Hulley.
n.d. Draft letter Grey to [W.E.] Forster.
10 June 1885? 1 letter W.E. Forster to Grey.
30 November 1875 Certificate of William Reed (Organist of Holy Trinity Church, North Shields), concerning Alfred Fawcus.
29 November 1875 Certificate of W. ? as to the good health of Alfred Fawcus.
Copy birth certificate of Alfred Fawcus.
30 November 1875 Certificate James Shotton concerning Alfred Fawcus.
29 November 1875 Certificate T.B. Nichols (Headmaster of St Oswald's College, Cullercoats) concerning Alfred Fawcus.
1875-1876 4 letters Henry William Fawcus (shipowner) to Streatfeild, one enclosing all the above documents.
1876 1 letter Henry William Fawcus to Grey.
22 January 1876 Postcard Alfred Fawcus to Streatfeild.
9 May 1876 Letter P. Le Neve Foster (Sec. Soc. for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce) to Streatfeild.
28 July 1875 Letter Richard Firth to Grey.
22 January 1872 Letter R.W. Forster [to Grey].
27 November 1875 Letter R.W. Forster [to Streatfeild?].
n.d. Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.
14 September [1913] Letter Frewen to Grey. Enclosing: 13 September 1913 Copy letter Frewen to Carson.
3 January 1913 Letter John Morton Fremantle to Grey, mainly on Nigeria.
18 May 1887 Letter Francis William Fox to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/4   1904-1912, (mainly 1907-1912).
File of business letters and papers, mainly concerning Grey's financial affairs handled by the Canadian Agency. It includes various lists of securities belonging to Grey. Also included are a few papers relating to the estate of the late M.K. Grey, 1912. Also in this bundle:
Letters from Arthur Grenfell to Grey.
Copy letters Grey to Grenfell.
Financial papers relating to transactions handled by Williams Agency (including an incomplete letter from [Oliver?] Williams).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/5   1876-1899
9 March 1876 Letter Grey to 3rd Earl Grey. Enclosing: Rough paper on Egyptian affairs largely based on conversations Grey had had with Nubar Pasha (1825-1899); Another more complete version of the above paper; Account by Grey concerning slavery in Egypt and his own attempt to purchase a slave in Cairo.
Supplement au Journal des Débats du ... 16 Avril 1899, “Institut de France, Académie des Sciences Morals et Politiques, Séance publique du samedi 15 Avril 1899”: appreciation of W.E. Gladstone (1809-1899) by [Luigi] Luzzatti (1841-1927).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/6   1885-1887; 1906
15 June 1906 Letter Madame J. George Garneau to Grey, with photo of her family.
30 December 1885 Letter William Garnett to Grey, a long letter on education in Newcastle.
16 December 1886 1 letter George Robson to Grey.
14 May, 16 June 1886 2 letters R. Wright (Master at Board Schools, Dudley Col. NC).
3 March 1886 Leaflet concerning Technical College for Newcastle by V.H. Rutherford (Registrar).
28 March 1887 Letter George Grahame and Adam Douglas (Hon. Secs. Alnwick Free Library Scheme) to Grey.
24 May 1886 Letter John Donnegan to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/7   1875-1916
c.1894 Envelope containing bundle of press cuttings on Delagoa Bay. Some of these cuttings have MS comments written on them by E.G. [Edward Gould?].
Sheet of MS notes by Grey headed "Portugal's grievance".
21 June 1904 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
3 October 1898 Letter Miss L. Guinness to Grey.
25 February 1895 Letter A. Dennison to Grey.
24 September 1902 Letter Edith Lyttelton Gell to Grey.
28 February 1901 Circular letter C.P. Grylls (Sec. Merchantile Marine Service Association) to Grey.
19 March 1877 Letter A. Galbraith to Revd. R. Gould.
17, 22 March 1877 2 letters Revd. Richard Augustus Gould to Streatfeild, enclosing the above letter.
20 December 1916 Incomplete letter from [C.E. Gauvin?] (of the Nat. Battlefields Commission, Canada) to Grey.
5 October 1894 Letter Alice M[orton] to Alice Grey.
20 April 1915 Copy letter Daniel Grove to J.A. Turner (of Agency General for British Columbia), with MS addition.
10 August .... Letter Sybil Grey [Middleton] to Grey.
30 July 1911 Letter Sybil Grey [Middleton] to Grey. Enclosing: 18 July 1911 Letter Louisa Antrim to Sybil.
31 July 1911 Letter Robert H. Patchin to Grey.
25 February 1904, n.d. 2 letters Evelyn Grey [Jones] to Grey.
28 February, 6 March 1904 2 letters (one incomplete) Evelyn to Alice Grey.
19 December 1886 Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey.
28 January .... Letter Elizabeth J. Grey to Grey.
24 September 1886 Letter Victoria [Vera Grenfell] Grey to Alice Grey.
7 June 1889 Letter Vera [Grenfell] to Maria, Countess Grey.
19 June 1875 Letter Lambton & Co. to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/8   1875-1919
24 April 1919 Letter Halifax to 5th Earl Grey.
3 July 1915 Copy statement by W.A. Holman, Premier of New South Wales, as published in the press.
List of some in England able to render practical assistance over the proposed land settlements.
9, 16, 29 December 1900, 4 September 1904 4 letters A. Holland-Hibbert, 3rd Viscount Knutsford, to Grey.
12 December [1900] Letter Harold Hodge, editor The Saturday Review to Grey.
21 June 1904 Copy letter Grey to W. Cecil Harris.
27 March 1880 Letter James Handyside to Grey.
5 December 1876 Letter Thomas William Hay to Grey.
11 December 1876 Certificate of A. Galbraith (headmaster, New Hartley School) concerning William Holmes.
November 1875 4 letters Miss Louisa F. Hewison to Streatfeild.
Photograph of G.J. Holyoake.
Title page of Travels in Search of a Settler's Guide-Book of America and Canada by Holyoake (London 1884) inscribed, "To Earl Grey who has done so much for the elevation of industry from G.J. Holyoake".
July 1900 Note evidently enclosed in a book presented to Grey.
5 October 1892, 21 August 1898, 12 August 1900, 2 January 1901, 26 August 1902 Letters Holyoake to Grey.
27 January 1906 Printed address at the funeral of Holyoake by Edward Owen Greening.
17, 20 August 1904, 14 October 1912 3 letters G.B. Hunter to Grey.
10 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Hunter.
15 July 1904 Copy letter William Hunt & Sons to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies.
13 July 1904 Copy letter William Hunt & Sons to the Earl of Portsmouth.
15 July 1904 Letter William Heaton (Director of Hunt & Sons) to Grey, enclosing the above 2 documents.
22 July 1904 Letter E.B. Harker (Sec. George Gale & Sons) to Grey. Enclosures: Copy notice: The Union Castle Mail Steamship Co. - South African Royal Mail Service giving freight rates on goods from English and American ports; 13 July 1904 Copy letter from a director of Arthur & Co. (Export) Ltd. to ale & Sons.
30 April 1875 Richard Hodgson-Huntley to Grey.
30 May 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mr William Morris Hughes.
14 April, 22 June 1914 2 letters from Sir John Michael Higgins to Grey, with page from The Argus, 20 June 1914.
31 January 1913 Letter Dunglass (Earl of Home) to Grey.
2 April 1902 Letter Sybil Hilliard to Grey.
n.d. Letter Phyllis Hamilton to "Serpent".
1885-1888 c.15 letters William Henry Hurlbert to Grey.
1 March 1886 Cutting from New York Herald, “Ireland's Case Stated”.
1, 3 August 1883 2 letters Samuel Warley to Grey.
28 November 1885 1 letter Arthur Arnold to Grey.
13 March 1901 Letter Walter J. Howell (Marine Sec. to the Board of Trade) to Grey, with extracts from Bullen's books, “The Men of the Merchant Service” and “The Log a .. sea whip”.
10 May 1909 Letter Florence Countess of Harewood to Grey.
16 May 1909 Letter Lady Beatrix Herbert to Grey.
29 April 1900 Letter H.B. Hans Hamilton to Grey, returning press cuttings on the War Office and the volunteers; and the Volunteer Artillery.
29 June, 12 July 1911 2 letters from the Bank of Montreal to A.F. Sladen.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B223/9   1900-1910
18 October 1910 Letter Joseph C. Hartzell (Bishop for Africa in the Methodist Episcopal Church) to Grey, enclosing photographs.
27 April 1900 Copy letter Grey to Bishop Hartzell.
19 March 1909 Letter Hartzell to Grey.
24 August 1907 Letter Hartzell to Grey. Enclosing: Copy of Official Record East Central Africa Mission Conference (1907) and photographs of the Umtali Mission, etc.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B224/1   1919-1922
2 February 1921 Letter Gerald & Arthur Marshall to 5th Earl Grey.
11 November .... Letter Frewen to 5th Earl Grey.
1921 7 copies preface of book by Frewen The Structure of Empire Finance (one copy “3rd revise” has many alterations and insertions).
2 copies article by Frewen in Nineteenth Century, “The Structure of Empire Finance”.
24 October, 1 November, 4 November, 12 November, 13 January, 28 January 6 letters Frewen to 5th Earl Grey.
3 November 1920 Bulletin issued by High Commissioner for Canada.
27 January 1921 2 copies reprint from Daily Telegraph of article by Frewen: “America's Finances”.
2 copies newspaper article by Frewen “Trade Depression - Exchange Crisis with the Orient - Influence of Cheap Silver”.
[1919?] 5 letters Frewen to 5th Earl Grey.
12 September 1919 1 copy letter 5th Earl Grey to Frewen.
1 copy letter Frewen to “a friend”.
13 December, 23 January [1921] Letters Frewen to 5th Earl Grey. Enclosing: 14 January 1921 Copy letter William Long to Frewen; 19 January 1921 Copy letter Milner to Frewen.
5 May 1922 Letter E.O. Goss to 5th Earl Grey.
9 April 1922 Copy letter D'Abernon to E.A. Field (Land Commissioner, Canadian National Railways).
15 February 1922 Copy letter E.A. Field to D'Abernon.
10 March 1922 Copy letter Alfred Bigland to W.H. Lynch.
12 March 1922 Copy letter W.H. Lynch to Frewen.
13 March 1922 Letter J.D. Batson to 5th Earl Grey.
15 February 1922 Copy letter E.A. Field to D'Abernon.
5 May 1922 Letter E.O. Goss to 5th Earl Grey. March 1922 Copy letter D'Abernon to E.A. Field.
29 March 1922 Letter J.E.F. [of Helbert, Wagg & Co.] to 5th Earl Grey.
Draft letter from the above to E.A. Field.
7 January 1922 Copy letter from Ernest Salaman & Co. (the solicitors acting for Queen Charlotte Islands Natural Resources), to Gerald & Arthur Marshall.
10 February 1922 Copy letter Salaman & Co. to Marshall[s].
17 January 1922 Letter E.O. Goss to 5th Earl Grey, enclosing the above two letters.
July 1922 Telegram Mackenzie King to 5th Earl Grey.
26 November .... Letter (signature illegible) to 5th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
Robert Hedley
Reference: GRE/B224/2
Dates of creation: 1910-1911
Extent: 1 filePaper

28 October 1910 Hedley to Sladen.
2 November 1910 Copy telegram Grey to William McNeil.
2 November 1910 Telegram McNeil to Grey.
3 November 1910 Copy telegram Sladen to Hedley.
6 November 1910 Telegram Hedley to Sladen.
7 November 1910 Copy telegram Grey to McNeil.
8 November 1910 Note by J.M. Freemantle of contents of letter to Hedley.
9 November 1910 Telegram McNeil to Grey.
11 November 1910 Copy telegram Freemantle to Hedley.
10 November 1910 Letter Hedley to Sladen.
11, 17 November 1910, 17 February 1911 Copy telegrams Freemantle to Hedley.
12, 16 November, 19, 20, 25 December 1910, 10, 30 January, 2, 11 February, 1 May 1911 Letters Hedley to Freemantle.
18 November 1910 Copy telegram Freemantle to the General Manager to William McNeil.
27 December 1910 Letter Hedley to Hugh Dalton.
21 January 1911 Copy letter Freemantle to Hedley.
n.d. Letter Kate Hedley to Freemantle.

GRE/B224/3   1904-1909
15 September 1909 J. Hanbury Williams to Grey.
17, 18 September 1909 Copy W. Gwatkin to Hanbury Williams.
17 September 1909 Copy report by Capt. Bruce Hay on Indians (Sikhs etc) in West Canada.
15 September 1909 Copy letter W. Gwatkin to Hanbury Williams.
9 November 1908 Letter F. Carter-Cotton to Grey.
16 November 1907 Letter Charles Tupper to Grey.
24 November 1907 Letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey.
Plans of village with surrounding farms.
2 September 1904, 22 August 1908 2 letters Duke of Connaught to Grey.
28 December 1909 Copy Grey to Mr Knowles.
31 July 1908 1 letter George Prince of Wales to Grey.
13 August 1908 1 letter Princess Victoria Mary to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B224/4   1903-1904
9 January 1904 Charles H. Merz to Grey.
7 January 1904 Rivy Grenfell to Grey. Paper “If it were True” on the electrification of railways with comparison with steam traction (including statistics).
3 December 1903 Paper “The Railroad of the Future” by Augustine W. Wright (Consulting Engineer of New York City).
Copy of the following:
27 September 1903 Extract of letter from R.N. Grenfell, (Doyle Air Burner).
24 September 1903 Extract of letter from R.N. Grenfell, (Rogers Dynamo).
24, 27 September 1903 Original of the above letters.
5 October 1903 Copy letter Alfred Emley to Grey.
23 September 1903 Copy letter Henry S. Downe (of the American Radiator Co.) to Alfred Emley (Doyle Air Burner).
6 October 1903 Copy Alfred Emley to Grey.
n.d. Moreton Frewen to Grey. n.d. Moreton Frewen to Grey.
13 September 1903 Copy letter Joseph B. Carper to Frewen (2 copies).
n.d. Moreton Frewen to Grey.
n.d. Moreton Frewen to Grey.
Pamphlet: The Doyle Air Burner.
5 October 1903 Copy F.J. Doyle to Frewen.
3 October 1903 Copy Selden Fish to Frewen.
2 October 1903 Copy Charles A. Towne to Frewen.
5, 6 October 1903 Letters Alfred Emley to Grey.
23 September 1903 Copy letter Henry S. Downe to Emley.
13 October 1903 Copy letter Grey to Emley.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B224/5   June-August 1903
8 August 1903 Letter George Livesey to Grey. Enclosure: 1 July 1902 Printed report of Robert W. Hunt & Co. of tests conducted on the Thruimph Steel Furnace No. 323 and Doyle Hot Air Furnace No. C.
Typescript copy of the above letter.
21 July 1903 Indenture, whereby Grey is given the option of purchase of 25,000 shares in the Doyle Air Burner Co. Signed F.J. Doyle. Rough statistics (financial) evidently relating to the Doyle Air Burner.
19, 27 August [1903], n.d. 3 letters M. Frewen to Grey.
28 August 1903 Copy letter Charles A. Towne to Frewen.
1 August 1903 4 copies letter Professor W. Cawthorne Unwin to Oliver Williams, reporting on the Doyle Air Burner.
29 June 1903 Copy letter Charles A. Towne to Frewen.
n.d. Fragment of letter from Oliver Williams.
n.d. (9 June) Letter Frewen to Grey.
n.d. Letter Frewen to Grey.
9 July 1903 Copy letter Grey to Hugh Bell. Rough notes and figures evidently in connection with the financial aspect of the Doyle Burner.
30 July 1903 Unsigned memo of agreement J.B. Carpa on the one part and M. Frewen and Grey on the other, concerning the share of Carper in the flotation of the Doyle patents in Britain.
30 May 1903 Letter J.B. Carper (mechanical engineer) to Charles A. Towne reporting on the Doyle Air Burner. (4 signed copies; 15 unsigned copies).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B224/6   1875-1876; 1895; 1915
21 April 1915 Letter Arthur W. Jose to Grey, enclosing copies of parts of two letters he had written to The Times: “Immigration and the Land” [6 March 1915]; and “Schemes of Land Settlement”, 20 April 1915.
2 copies of the above letter and extracts, one of the extracts being shortened.
19 June 1895 Copy letter Jameson and Co. to J. Covey Williams. Enclosing: 13 June 1895 Copy account of goods bought by W. Watson from Jameson & Co.
15 February 1916 Part of a letter from ... to C.C. James, Agricultural Commissioner (Toronto).
5 November 1875 Letter Frank Beauchamp Johnson to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
1 February 1876 Mrs E.M. Judkins to Streatfeild.
n.d. Edith C. Jennings to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B224/7   1888; 1904-1913
15 July 1904 F. Kaye (of F. Kaye & Co. Ship and Insurance Brokers) to Grey.
18 July 1904 Sir James Knott to Grey.
List of freight rates of shipping companies.
24 April 1904 2 copy letters (one incomplete, both same date) Grey to Sir Francis Knollys (one for submission to the King).
30 April 1904 1 letter Knollys to Grey.
20 October .... Sir James Kitson (1st Baron Airedale 1907) to Grey. Enclosing: 19 October 1901 Letter from George Cockburn (Chairman of Leeds School Board) to Kitson.
3 January 1913 St King (of War Office) to Grey, enclosing territorial force statistics.
17 May 1909 Mackenzie King to Lady Grey.
n.d. Part of a letter from Clara Kirchhaffer to Grey.
7 April, 5 May 1888 2 letters L. Martial Klein to Grey.
8, 20 May 1912 2 letters Bank of Montreal to Grey.
2 November 1912 Memo from the above bank concerning shares.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B224/8   1875-1913
Booklet: A Primer of the Peace Movement by Lucia Ames Mead (American Peace Society, Boston, 1905).
1907 Copy of The Review of Reviews.
Leaflet: “The Approaching National Peace and Arbitration Congress” (New York 14-17 April 1907), by Hamilton Holt.
4 April 1907 Telegram Laurier to Grey.
Press cuttings:
“International Peace: A surprise speech by Earl Grey: Remarkable Document by Mr Cecil Rhodes”.
14 March 1907 “Canada's Opportunity”, Ottawa Free Press.
22 April 1907 “Earl Grey's Suggestion”, Toronto Globe.
21 September 1911 Copy Grey to Harold Lowther.
1910-1911 8 letters Clement Leveson Gower to Grey (mostly 1911).
16 January, 11 March 1911 2 copies Grey to Leveson Gower, part of one missing.
12 April 1911 1 letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
1910-1911 4 certificates of Fielding Son & Macleod of shares sold for Grey.
1910-1911 Account Fielding, Son & Macleod with Grey.
22 May 1913 Letter Thomas F. Leadbitter to Grey.
Particulars of the Burton Mortgage (signed by George Grey of Milfield).
27 June 1913 Copy letter Grey to T.F. Neighbour.
12 June 1908 Letter J.J. Longstaff to ...
13 June 1908 Copy letter ... to Longstaff.
30 December 1900 T.H. Laidlaw to Grey.
18 August 1904 Copy Grey to Earl of Lytton.
22 January 1901 - 15 April 1903 11 letters William R. Lord (Sec. North of England Steamship Owners Assoc.) to Grey.
1 March 1904 Letter William R. Lord (Sec. North of England Steamship Owners' Assoc.) to Grey. Enclosing: Table showing alteration of tonnage of British vessels transferred to foreign flags, 1 January 1902 - 30 June 1903.
24 January, 2, 16 May 1901 Copies Grey to Lord.
23 May 1901 Letter John d. Milburne to Grey.
13 June 1901 Copy Grey to John Dent (Chairman North of England Steamship Owners' Association).
13 June 1901 Copy Grey's secretary to Edward W. Matthews.
26 November 1875 Letter J. Towleston Leather to Streatfeild.
27 November 1875 Thomas Lloyd (National Schoolmaster of Brinkburn, Morpeth) to Streatfeild.
22 April 1888 David Lindsay to Grey.
n.d. Emily Jane Mercer Lansdowne to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B225/1   1882-1900
22 September 1884 - 3 April 1900 8 letters Robert Loyd-Lindsay, 1st Baron Wantage, to Grey.
15 June 1901 Cutting from Daylight, "The First Model Public House Run by a Peer".
18 August 1882 1 letter Wantage to Alice Grey.
16 September 1885 - 27 May 1901 10 letters Grey to Robert James Loyd-Lindsay, 1st Baron Wantage.
7 June 1898 1 letter Henry Vivian to Wantage.
7 May 1898 Labour Association Leaflet: Earl Grey and Profit Sharing (interview reprinted from the "Batley Reporter").

Paper   1 file
GRE/B225/2   1901-1915
1901-1909 35 letters Lady Wantage to Grey.
1904-1908 3 letters Lady Wantage to Alice Grey.
13 May 1906 1 letter Lady Wantage to 5th Earl Grey.
1905-1907 8 copy letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
1905-1907 6 letters Lady Jane Lindsay to Grey.
February 1905 1 letter Lady Jane Lindsay to her aunt.
15 April 1907 1 copy letter Grey to Lady Jane Lindsay.
27 February .... 1 letter Lady Mary Meynell to Grey.
29 December 1905 1 copy letter Grey to Lady Mary Meynell (Amy).
9 November 1907 Cutting from the Reading Mercury.
1909-1915 17 letters Lady Wantage to Grey.
24 November .... [?1910] 1 letter Mary Meynell to Grey.
6 May 1913 1 letter Jane Lindsay to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B225/3   1902-1905
"Easter Tuesday" [1902?] - 28? August 1902 4 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
31 December 1903 1 letter Grey to Lady Wantage.
27 December 1903 Extract of a letter from Canada.
22 March 1902 Cutting from the Daily Mail, "The National Physique: The causes which tend to its deterioration", by Grey.
21 June 1904 - 30 November 1904 5 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
13 February 1905 - 9 December 1905 6 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
1 fragment of letter.
11 February 1905 Copy Grey to Selborne.
6 March 1905 Copy Grey to Mary, Countess of Minto.
9 March 1905 Copy Grey to Mrs Watts [with note Grey to Lady Wantage written at the top].
24 October 1905 Letter George R. Parkin to Grey.
25 January [1905?] Cutting from The Sentinel Review.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B225/4   1906
1 January 1906 - 19 December 1906 13 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
7 February 1906 Copy Grey to Theodore Roosevelt.
12 February 1906 Copy Roosevelt to Grey.
n.d. Extract of letter from Grey to Mrs Paget.
4 February 1906 Copy letter Talbot Papineau to Mr Fleet.
18 July 1906 Copy letter Grey to Chamberlain.
15 August 1906 Copy of part of letter from Grey to ... on South Africa.
13 December 1906 1 letter Alice Grey to Lady Wantage.
16 January 1906 1 letter Vera Grenfell to Lady Wantage.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B226/1   1907-1908
2 January 1907 - 1 December 1907 5 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
20 November 1907 Copy letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey.
Paper headed "fruit farming scheme in the Okanagan Valley, B.C.".
4 February 1907 Page from Canadian Hansard: House of Commons Debates.
26 January 1907 - 23 December 1907 3 letters Alice Grey to Lady Wantage.
7 February 1907 1 letter 5th Earl Grey to Lady Wantage.
Note of letters removed to London for typing.
20 June 1908 - 12 December 1908 4 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
4 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell.
1 August 1908 Copy letter Grey to Chamberlain.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B226/2   1909
12 January 1909 - 17 December 1909 13 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
22 January 1909 Copy letter Wilfrid Campbell to Grey.
22 January 1909 Copy letter Grey to ...
5 January 1909 Extract of letter to Byron Walker concerning Mrs Margaret A. Brown.
9 January 1909 2 copies of letter from Margaret A. Brown to Grey.
25 January 1909 Copy letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Lord Crewe.
12 April 1909 Copy letter Grey to Crewe.
29 September 1909 Page from the Daily News (Nelson B.C.) with account of Grey's visit there.
30 November 1909 Copy despatch Grey to Crewe (in duplicate).
16 July 1909 Telegram Alice Grey to Grey.
18 May 1909 1 letter Alice Grey to Lady Wantage.
14 December 1909 Copy letter Grey to Curtis.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B226/3   January- October 1910
12 October 1910 Copy Grey to Prothero.
10 February 1910 Copy Grey to Lansdowne.
10 February 1910 Copy Grey to Balfour?
5 March 1910 Copy Grey to T.A. Brassey.
1 March 1910 Copy Grey to Milner.
21 May 1910 Copy Grey to Sir Frederick Borden.
21 May 1910 Copy Grey to Queen Alexandra.
31 January 1910 - 6 December 1910 16 letters Grey to Lady Wantage (Aunt Harriet). Enclosures:
n.d. Copy Grey to Northcliffe. Press cuttings.
3 May 1910 Pages from Canadian Hansard.
22 April 1910 Sydney Fisher to Grey.
9 February 1910 Agnes Deans Cameron to Grey.
Article by A.D. Cameron "The Map that is half Unrolled", from Westward Ho!
Leaflet advertising talks and a book by Agnes D. Cameron on Canada.
14 February, 21 August 1910 2 letters Evelyn Grey [Jones] to Lady Wantage.
11, 29 August 1910 2 letters Alice Grey to Lady Wantage.
Leaflet on Floris perfumes and toilet soaps.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B226/4   1911
16 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Curtis.
17 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Northcliffe.
10 November 1911 Copy letter Grey to Bigge.
17 January 1911 - 27 December 1911 10 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
10 June 1911 1 letter Grey to Robin [Benson?].
3 July 1911 1 letter Lady Wantage to Robin.
1 November 1911 Copy letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey.
n.d. Copy letter George P. Graham to Grey.
n.d. Extract of letter from Mackenzie King.
12 December 1911 Copy letter Grey to the Earl of Balcarres [Crawford].
6 November 1911 Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B226/5   1910-1912
23 February 1912 - 31 December 1912 10 Letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
27 March 1912 Proof copy of speech by Grey in the House of Lords, on the miners' strike.
24 January 1910 Cutting from Cambridge Daily News, with report concerning a lecutre by Miss Agnes Deans Cameron on Canada.
23 February 1912 Copy letter Grey to George Grey of Milfield.
1 April 1912 Copy letter Grey to Knollys.
7 July, 17 August 1912, n.d. 3 letters Sybil Grey (Middleton) to Lady Wantage.
15 June ...., 26 July 1912 2 letters Evelyn Grey (Jones) to Lady Wantage.
15 June 1912 - 23 August 1912 5 letters Alice Grey to Lady Wantage.
Press cutting concerning the presentation of the freedom of the city of London to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B226/6   1913
n.d. Memo by Grey on a talk he had had with some of the Ulster leaders regarding the Home Rule question.
31 January 1913 - 26 December 1913 15 letters Grey to Lady Wantage. [2 copies of letters of 10 & 15 October 1913]. Enclosures:
15 April 1913 Copy letter R.A. Anderson to Grey.
15 April 1913 Copy telegram Plunkett to Grey.
Proof copy of speech by Grey in the House of Lords, 13 February 1913 on the Welsh Church.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B226/7   1914-1917; [19]62
30 July 1914 Fragments of letters by Grey on the worsening international situation and the position of England.
21 August, 3 October 1914 2 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
19 September 1914 Copy letter Dr A.A. Martin to Grey.
16 June 1915 - 22 July 1915 3 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
10 August 1915 Press cutting of letter from Grey, "The People and the War", Grey on the national register.
27 January 1916 - 7 September 1916 7 letters Grey to Lady Wantage.
21 January 1916 Extract of letter from L.E. Jones to Evy [Jones].
23 January 1916 Copy letter Arthur Grenfell [to Grey].
Extract of letter from an officer who was wounded at Cape Helles and was writing from Egypt, 2-9 January 1916.
25 October 1917 Letter R.H. Benson to Lady Wantage.
"Memorabilia" by Benson on the personality of 4th Earl Grey, written for Harold Begbie.
2 August [19]62 Note concerning papers removed from Howick to be typed.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/1   1877-1880
11 March 1880 Copy letter Grey to W.B. Beaumont.
12 March 1880 Copy letter W.B. Beaumont to Grey.
31 March 1880, 4 May 1886 2 letters Alice Morton to Grey.
20 September 1883 1 letter Evelyn Holford to Grey.
19 March 1877 1 letter Frederick William Grey to Grey.
19 March [1877] 1 letter Sybella Clive to Grey.
30 March 1880 1 letter 3rd Earl Grey to Grey.
1 April 1880 1 letter Revd. John Grey to Grey.
1 April 1880 1 letter R. O'Hara to Grey.
1 April [1880] 1 letter Duke of St Albans to Grey.
[1880] 1 letter A. Cheysey Thompson to Grey.
11 April 1880 1 letter T.W. Snagge to Grey.
2 April [1880] 1 letter Henry Cavendish Grey to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/2   1904-1915
27 January 1911 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
5 September, 10 October 1904 2 letters Crewe to Grey, one as chairman of the State Childrens Association. Emigration of poor law children to Canada mentioned.
5 June 1915 Letter Crewe to Grey.
Drafts of Grey's reply to the above letter.
18 January 1915 Letter 2nd Viscount Halifax to Grey.
9 February 1915 Letter Percy Corder to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/3   1905-1906
27 January 1905 - 6 December 1906 4 letters Victoria (Vera) Grenfell to Grey.
6 May 1905 - 3 July 1906 6 copy letters Grey to Vera Grenfell.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/4   1907-[?1917]
1907-[1917?] 10 letters Sybil Graham (née Brodrick) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
Louisa Antrim
Reference: GRE/B227/5
Dates of creation: 1871-1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

1871-1914 54 letters Louisa Jane, Countess of Antrim (wife of 6th Earl and sister of 4th Earl Grey) to Grey.
1881-1908 8 copy letters Grey to Louisa Antrim.
24 September 1908 1 letter Lady Antrim to Alice Grey.
3 September 1904 1 letter Hariot Dufferin & Ava to Lady Antrim. There is a note by Victoria Dawnay on one of Lady Antrim's letters dated 24 December 1871.

Victoria Dawnay (sister of 4th Earl Grey)
Reference: GRE/B227/6
Dates of creation: 1870-1917
Extent: 1 filePaper

1870-1917 94 letters Victoria [Dawnay] to 4th Earl Grey. (Part of one letter, 3 September 1871, was written by Louisa Antrim).
c.23 November 1871 1 letter Victoria Dawnay to the Duke of St Albans.
1 letter in verse to a cousin Kathleen.
21 August [1905?] 1 note to J.H. Mansfield.
3 November 1907 1 letter Alan Dawnay to Victoria Dawnay (his mother).
13 December 1907 1 letter Alan Dawnay to Grey.
26 February 1888 - n.d. 4 letters Victoria Dawnay to Alice Grey.

GRE/B227/7   1905-1910
18 May [1905] - 30 April [1910?] 9 letters Mrs Minnie Paget to Grey.
1 Christmas card from Minnie Paget to Grey.
2 June 1905 - 19 May 1906 6 copy letters Grey to Mrs Paget.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/8   1871-1886
23 July 1886 1 letter Alice Grey to 4th Earl Grey.
1 December 1871, 11 July 1872 2 letters Harvie Farquhar to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/9   1870-1879
1870-1872 2 letters Theresa [D'Otrante] to 4th Earl Grey.
9 April 1879 Cutting from Morning Post, with poem ‘The Rescued Flag’, by Emmeline R. Canning.
Copy of song ‘The Fine Old English Gentleman’ by Mr Davenport Bromley. [Attack on John Bright].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/10   1839; 1870-1872
1872, n.d. 3 letters Sybella Clive to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter [Sybella Clive?] to ...
3 June 1839 1 letter Col. Clive to Ann Sybella Clive.
1870 Painting of landscape [at Perrystone, Ross] by Charles Clive.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/11   August-October 1883
Papers concerning Grey's trip to the USA in 1883 (invited to the opening of the Northern Pacific Railway).
Rough notes mainly on the history of Canada and America with some about the journey and climate.
3 September 1883 The Pioneer Press Extra (concerns the development of St Paul (Minn.), with map of the Eastern territories of the Northern Pacific Railroad.
Invitation card from the N.P.R. Co. to the opening of its main line from Lake Superior to Portland, Oregon, and Puget Sound (Henry Villard, President).
Voucher dated 27 August 1883 from the N.P.R. Co. for Grey to present at a hotel in Chicago.
Map of the N.P.R.
18 August 1883 List of saloon passengers R.M.S. “Gallia”, Liverpool to New York.
31 October 1883 List of saloon passengers per R.M.S. “Servia”, New York to Liverpool.
Booklet: Northern Pacific R.R. Opening Excursion Manual.
3 September 1883 Menu: Collation tendered Henry Villard Esq and invited guests by the City of Miineapolis, on opening of the N.P.R.
Rough notes, very brief, by Grey on some of the places and things he saw on his journey (2 files).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/12   1823; 1875-1883; 1937
7 October 1883 Copy of part of a letter from 4th Earl Grey to Evy Holfard.
19 April 1878 Copy J. Pease to 4th Earl Grey.
14 April 1875 Letter 4th Earl Grey to 3rd Earl.
19 April 1878 Copy letter William Woodman to 4th Earl Grey.
1 April 1878 1 letter Revd. Francis R. Grey to Maria, 3rd Countess Grey.
9 April 1878 1 letter Revd. Francis R. Grey to Harry Cavendish Grey.
10 April 1878 1 letter Revd. Francis R. Grey to ? (maybe to Caroline Grey).
1 April 1878 1 letter Revd. Brereton Edward Dwarris to Revd. Francis R. Grey.
26 March 1878 1 letter 4th Earl Grey to Caroline Grey.
9 April 1878 1 letter George Culley to Sir George [Grey].
2 April 1878 1 letter Albert Grey to Caroline Grey?
12 April 1878 Copy of part of letter from Albert Grey to 3rd Earl Grey.
12 April 1878 Copy of part of letter from Albert Grey to ?
2 German postage stamps.
1937 Leaflet: Daily Notes: Socialist Policy Examined. Issued by Con. & Un. Central Office.
19 February 1823 Extract Lady Doug. Smith to Lady Grey [in 3rd Earl's hand].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/13   [1875 x 1917]
n.d. 9 letters Caroline Grey to 4th Earl Grey.
n.d. 1 letter Caroline Grey to Alice Grey.
Page of a letter from Mary Minto to [?Caroline Grey] concerning an extract which Mrs Evans wished to be sent to 4th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/14   1871-1872
21 June [1871] 1 letter Edward Askew Sothern (1826-1881) to Duke of St Albans.
6 April 1872 1 letter Sir Charles Murray to Grey.
1 February 1872 1 letter 4th Earl Grey to his uncle Harvie Farquhar.
31 July 1871 1 letter A. Hirschgartner to ?
18 March 1872 Letter G.V. Wellesley, Dean of Windsor to Mrs Grey?

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/15   1877-1894
20 August - 3 October 1883 4 letters Alice Grey to 4th Earl Grey.
23 September 1877 1 letter Alice Grey to her mother.
1 April 1880, 16 February 1890 2 letters 3rd Earl Grey to Alice Grey.
27 October 1879 1 letter 3rd Earl Grey to Mrs Holford.
12 October 1894 1 letter Vera Grenfell to her aunt Minnie.
15 September 1883 Copy letter Aunt Minnie [Lady Crawford] to Maysie.
n.d. 2 letters (Aunt) Barbarina Charolotte Grey to Alice Grey.
9, 29 June 1887 2 letters Grey to Vera [Grenfell].
28 January 1887 1 letter Alice Grey to Vera [Grenfell].
28 May 1894 1 letter Grey to Sybil [Middleton] (incomplete).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/16   1879-1904
8 November 1879 - 31 July 1904 c.41 letters 4th Earl Grey to Alice Grey, his wife (some incomplete).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B227/17   1870-1916
c.1870 9 letters from Sybil Duchess of St Albans to Grey.
n.d. 1 letter Sybella Clive to Grey.
9 April 1899 1 letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey.
17 July 1916 1 letter Sir Alfred Scott-Gatty to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/1   1875-1914
6-28 April 1914 Passenger list of R.M.S. “Niagara” sailing from Sydney to Vancouver.
9 picture postcards of New Zealand (addressed to the Duke of St Albans).
12 December 1913, 30 December 1914 2 letters Chick Mazzuchi to Grey and photographs.
9 July .... 1 letter Gwen Hendessy to Miss Silverton.
Lines from Romanut of the Rose.
19 February 1914 Letter E. Morris Miller to Grey.
4 March 1913 Letter Susan L. Mitchell to Grey.
February, 7 May 1888 2 letters Sinclair McKay to Grey.
11 September 1904 Letter Evelyn Macleay to Grey.
11 February 1910 Letter George Montagu to Grey.
12 February 1910 Letter Alberta Montagu to Grey.
9 November 1875 1 letter Arthur Edward Monck (resumed the name Middleton 1876: Sir Arthur Edward Middleton, 7th bart), to W.C. Streatfeild.
9 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Sherwell.
12 December 1913 Letter from Sir Vincent Meredith, bart, president of the Bank of Montreal, to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/2   1876-1910
May-November 1910 3 letters John Macnaughton to Grey.
3 November 1910 1 copy Grey to Macnaughton.
1 October [1910] 1 letter John McCrae to Grey.
27 November 1910 Letter Lambert Middleton to Grey.
23 November 1910 Copy letter Williams Agency to Middleton.
18 November 1910 Letter R. Skipwith (Asst. Manager Lloyds Bank, St James Street, London) to Middleton.
5 August 1910 Letter Grey to Middleton (his Comptroller).
11 August 1910 Copy Middleton to Mr Ricardo.
7 August 1910 Letter Grey to Ricardo.
7 July 1910 Letter John H. Mansfield to Grey.
14 February 1899 Letter John D. Milburn to Grey.
21 February 1899 Copy letter Grey to Milburn.
15 April 1903 Letter John D. Milburn to Grey, enclosing paper “Particulars of some of the Docks and Harbours of England” (Height of tides).
10 February 1904 Letter Milburn to Grey.
7 May 1903 Letter J. Macdonald to Grey.
22 July 1903 Sir Charles McLaren to Grey.
11 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Sir Colin Scott Moncrieff (draft and fair copy).
6 January 1902 Letter W.J. Durice Mulford (Secretary of the Childhood Soc.) to Grey.
19 December 1902 Letter J.G. McDonald to Grey. Enclosing: 18 December 1902 Copy letter McDonald to the Sec. Agricultural Department Bulawayo.
26 February 1901 Letter G.E. Macarthy to Grey.
18 February 1901 Letter Stanley Mitcalfe to Grey.
26 March 1901 Copy Grey to Mitcalfe.
3 January 1877 Note of candidates at music examination held by Dr Monk.
26 January 1876 Report of Dr Edwin George Monk on candidates in music exam.
12, 19 January 1876 2 letters Dr Edwin George Monk to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
28 January, 20 March 1876 2 letters D. Macleod to [Streatfeild].
22 January 1876 Letter Helen Macleod to Streatfeild.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/3   1915-1916
October 1915 - May 1916 c.28 typescript copy letters from Sybil Middleton, daughter of 4th Earl Grey, to her father and mother from Petrograd. Some are evidently of parts of letters only. There is more than one copy of some of the letters.
6/19 December 1915 1 original letter Sybil [Middleton] to Grey.
3 December 1916 Copy telegram ?Sybil [Middleton] to Oliver Williams.
2 December 1915 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, with copy telegram Sybil to Williams, 30 November 1915.
30 December 1915 Letter Evelyn Benson to Alice Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/4   1910
4 February 1910 Address of the Justices of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec to Grey (typescript).
Cutting from The Citizen, Ottawa, concerning Grey's battlefields scheme and concerning the statue on the heights of Quebec.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/5   1875-1912
2 July 1906, 18 April 1907 2 letters B. Noble (Manager of the N.E. Banking Co.) to Grey.
January 1908 1 circular from Noble to Grey.
20 October 1906, 24 May 1907 2 letters Brodrick Dale (Assist. Manager of the above Co.) to Grey.
13 January 1902 Letter Robert D. Noble to Grey, enclosing printed paper giving the report of the Temperance Committee to the Diocese of Haron June 1898; and a suggestion by R.D. Noble of Petrolia, Ontario, to the government of Ontario on regulation of the sale of intoxicants. Also reprints of newspaper comments on Noble's scheme of liquor trade reform.
Extracts of the Liquor License Act passed by the Ontario Legislative Assembly in 1887.
3, 8 February 1902 2 other letters Robert D. Noble to Grey.
18 March .... Letter Margery D. Noble to Grey.
n.d. Letter Sir Andrew Noble to Grey.
4 November 1875 Note from Miss Nichol to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
11 August 1912 Letter Marg. Ethel Noble to Grey.
12 September 1886 Letter Justice Ernest A. Northcote of Jamaica to Grey.
Papers relating to the Northumberland Musical Scholarship:
Rules (2 copies).
Appeal for subscriptions, list of subscribers (3 copies).
MS lists of subscribers (2 pieces).
26 November 1875 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Journal, concerning the scheme.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/6   1875-1917
14 October 1909 Lord Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland, to Grey.
10 September 1884 Copy Grey to Mr Peel [? Arthur Wellesley Peel, Speaker of the House of Commons].
25 April [1900] Henry Algernon George, Earl Percy, to Grey.
Papers concerning the debt of John G. Butterfield (guaranteed by Grey).
27 February, 17 April 1915 A.E. Parker (Manager Bank of Montreal) to Grey.
1911-1915 Pass Book - Grey in account with Bank of Montreal (Ottawa branch).
1908-1915 John G. Butterfield in account with Bank of Montreal (Ottawa branch).
1912-1913 Grey in account with Bank of Montreal (Ottawa branch).
22 June 1915 W. Kerr (Assist. Manager of the London branch of the above bank) to Grey's secretary.
24 June 1915 Copy Miss B. Gilbertson to Kerr.
6 July 1915 R. Davis of Bank of Montreal (Ottawa) to Miss B. Gilbertson (wrongly addressed to B. Gilbertson Esq).
25 July 1904 Newton 6th Earl of Portsmouth to Grey.
8 August 1917 Hilda M.T. Pinkney (branch Sec. Victoria League, Newcastle) to the sec. of Countess Grey.
1 August 1917 Copy letter Miss Pinkney to Countess Grey.
1916 An appeal on behalf of our wounded: Victoria League War Hospital Supply Depot. Victoria League War Hospital Supply Depot: 1st Annual Report.
5 September 1894 - 3 September 1895 4 letters Thomas F.B. Pretorius to Grey.
28 February 1895, 12 April 1895 Copies Grey to Pretorius. Second letter includes notes of letters Grey to Tully and Duncan.
13 December 1900 J.B. Paton to Grey.
24 December 1901 Copy Grey to George Charles Herbert 4th Earl of Powis.
23 July 1904 Arthur F. Pease to Grey. Durham and West Yorkshire Public House Trust Co. Ltd. Report of the Directors and Statement of Accounts to 31 May 1904.
26 July, 10 August 1904 Copies Grey to Pease.
10 October 1898 E.J.W. Powell to Grey.
15 December 1901 Grey to the Adjutant, the Rifle Volunteers, Leicester.
31 December 1901 G. Palmer (Capt. & Adjutant 1st Volunteer Leicestershire Regt.) to Grey - written on back of Grey's letter.
29 November 1875 Miss Sophia Mary Parker to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild. Enclosing:
References from Henry Blair and Richard Reay.
Copy birth certificate.
Certificate of good health signed W.M. Renton, M.D.
n.d. Note Miss Parker to Streatfeild.
[1876] 2 letters Sophia Parker to Grey.
4, 26 November 1875 Letters Isabella Potts to W.C. Streatfeild.
22 January .... Note Isabella Potts to W.C. Streatfeild. Enclosing:
References from Gilbert Robertson of Percy Street Academy, Newcastle and Richard Leitch, Presbyterian minister.
Certificate of good health signed Luke Armstrong M.D.
Copy birth certificate.
n.d. [c.1875?], 11 July 1879 2 letters Henry George Percy, 7th Duke of Northumberland to Grey.
30 November 1875 Mrs A.E. Pickering to Streatfeild.
22 November 1875 John William Pease to Streatfeild.

Paper   1 file
William Hillier Onslow, Under Secretary of State for the Colonies 1900-1903
Reference: GRE/B228/7
Dates of creation: February-March 1903
Extent: 1 filePaper

February-March 1903 5 letters 4th Earl of Onslow to Grey.
26 February, 9 March 1903 2 copy letters Grey to Onslow.
n.d. 1 letter Dorothy Onslow to Grey.

GRE/B228/8   1915-1917
30 January 1915 Gifford Pinchot to Grey, enclosing typescript copy of “interview” given by Grey concerning the USA and the war.
5 June 1916 John S. Hodgson to Grey.
1916 Press cuttings, etc., mainly on America and the war.
21 May 1915 Copy Grey to Robin [Benson].
12 February, 28 April 1915 John D. Pringle to Grey.
23 February 1915 Copy Grey to Pringle.
13 May 1915 George R. Parkin to Grey.
13 May 1915 Copy letter J. Ellis Barker [formerly Eltzbacher] to Earl of Rosebery (mentions articles in Nineteenth Century 1915).
30 November 1914 Copy letter from the organising secretary of the Canadian Peace Assoc. (2 copies).
30 November (2 copies), 3 December 1914 (2 copies) Copies from John H. Stevens of the American Peace Centenary Committee.
8 November 1915 Letter Oscar S. Straus to Grey.
24 January 1916 Copy Grey to Straus.
24 January 1916 Copy Grey to Joseph Choate.
25 January 1916 Copy Grey to Mr Howland.
11 February 1916 Letter Oscar S. Straus to Grey.
22 February 1917 Copy Grey to Mr Marshall.
17 February 1917 Letter Edward Marshall to Grey.
Typescript copy of the above letter.
24 February 1916 Copy Grey to Straus.
22 February 1916 Letter Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham to Grey.
29 February 1916 Pamphlet: Address of Oscar S. Straus former Ambassador to Turkey at the National Security League Mass Meeting [New York].
15 March 1916 Letter Oscar S. Straus to Grey.
26 June, 10 July 1916 Letters Joseph H. Choate to Grey.
[c.5 April 1917] Copy “deferred cables” Grey to Joseph Choate.
10 April 1917 Letter Theodore Roosevelt to Grey.
25 April 1917 Copy Grey to Roosevelt.
7 April 1917 Letter Joseph H. Choate to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/9   1883-1914
11 July 1914 Margaret Piper to Grey with photograph of Sydney Harbour.
n.d. Minnie Paget to Grey, written on the back of copy of Elihu Root's Opening Address to the Republican Convention, 15 February 1916.
12 August 1914 Ambrose Pratt to Grey.
25 May 1888 Thory G. Gardiner to Grey.
29 November 1905, 15 October 1906 2 letters Thomas Charles Patteson to Grey.
7 November 1906 Copy Grey to Patteson.
15 July 1903, 6 September 1904, 11 January 1906 3 letters Bishop Henry Potter to Grey.
c.15 June 1883, n.d. 2 letters Lord Pembroke to Grey.
n.d. Sir [Horatio] Gilbert Parker (1862-1932) to Grey.
26 November [1886] Mary Potter of Herton Hall, Newcastle, to Grey.
2 December 1905 M. Parker [Montagu B. Parker, later 5th Earl Morley], to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/10   1887-1916
6 January 1906 Letter Mrs Louise Creighton to Grey with wrapper with rough notes by Grey in which Sir E. Clouston, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Sir E. Morris and Newfoundland are mentioned.
17 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Creighton.
Notes by Grey from Mrs Creighton's Memoir of Dorothy Grey.
1887-1903 4 letters Howard Pease to Grey.
n.d. 2 letters Marna Pease to Grey.
1905-1908 2 letters John Wililam Beaumont (“Montie”) Pease [1st Baron Wardington] to Grey.
1905-1916 12 letters Ella Pease [Sarah Helen Pease] to Grey.
[1906]-1907 2 copy letters Grey to Ella Pease.
10 March 1913 1 letter Helen M. Pease to Grey.
1890-1916 4 letters Sir Alfred Edward Pease (2nd Bart.) to Grey and photo of window he had designed for Guisborough Parish Church.
November 1911 Cutting from Guisborough Parish Magazine, with note by Pease concerning the window.
Anonymous letter to Lord and Lady Grey dated Alnwick 1899 criticising treatment of workmen at Howick.
6 October 1910, 29 February .... 2 letters Lady Valpurga Paget to Grey. Enclosed in the latter is a “petition” suggesting how a “dignified and respected monarchy” might be secured.
11 December 1909 Henrietta Pope to Grey.
n.d., 6 September 1907, 27 June [1911] 3 letters Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland, to Grey.
Press opinions on the singing of Miss Annie Penman and Miss Penman Cameron (her daughter).
23 December 1913 Alick Part to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B228/11   1915-1916
13 February 1916 Letter Alfred Bourget to Grey. Enclosures:
18 December 1915 Cutting from the Evening Province and Standard, “Patriotism of the File Hills Colony. Demonstration by Indians in Honour of Mr and Mrs Graham's Silver Wedding”.
Copy 2 letters received by W.M. Graham from a First Nationer soldier Pte. Nokusis).
26 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Sir Alexander Butterworth.
27 January 1916 Letter Vernon A. Malcolmson (acting sec. the Fisheries Organisation Soc.) to Miss Gilbertson.
6 January 1916 Letter H. Mortimer-Lamb (sec. the Canadian Mining Institute) to Grey.
14 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Robinson (gives some information about Mme Mazzuchi).
1 February 1916 Letter Kate F. Robertson to Grey.
9 February 1916 Reprint from The Times: announcement by Isidore Henry Hirschler (1st Mayor of Bulawayo) that he had assumed the name of Henry Herbert.
20 October 1915 Copy letter Lord Sudeley to the Sec. of the Carnegie UK Trustees.
17 November 1915 Copy Randall archbishop of Canterbury to Sudeley.
13 November 1915 Copy Sydenham to Sudeley.
9 November 1915 Copy James W. Lowther to Sudeley.
11 November 1915 Copy Horace Plunkett to Sudeley.
9 November 1915 Copy Miss E.S. Haldane to Sudeley.
6 November 1915 Copy Viscount Haldane to Sudeley.
25 October 1915 Copy C. Hercules Read to Sudeley.
24 November 1915 Copy W.S. McCormick (of Board of Education Whitehall) to Sudeley & ms addition.
List of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust.
15 February .... Copy notes (from a letter?) from A. Holland Hibbert (instances of mismanagement and extravagance in the war effort).
Printed circular from Margaret Hobhouse to Grey & ms addition. Enclosures:
Memorial on National Economy addressed to Asquith.
List of those who have already signed the above.
18 January 1916 Letter R.E. Readon (President and Managing Director of the Target Practice Rod Co. Ltd.) to Grey. A long letter concerning his invention of a target practice rod and his efforts to get it accepted by the War Office.
16 February 1916 Letter Sir William Alexander Baillie-Hamilton (Blue Rod - order of St Michael & St George) to Grey.
n.d. Cable Borden to Grey.
10 February 1916 Letter Alex H. Singleton (Sec. the Beit Railway Trust) to Grey.
[c.February 1916] Letter John B. Askew to Grey.
12 February 1916 Letter J. Cleghorn to Grey, concerning John Askew.
30 November 1915 Letter Sudeley to Grey (enclosing the papers listed above concerning guide lectures to museums).
11 February 1916 Letter Estelle W. Stead to Grey.
9 February 1916 Sir Francis Younghusband (Fight for Right Movement) to Grey.
7 December 1913 Xerox copy of letter Younghusband to Grey.
9 February Copy letter Grey to the [Italian] Ambassador (concerns Mme Mazzuchi).
8 February 1916 Letter John Campbell (Treasurer Newcastle Battalion Boys' Brigade) to Grey.
5 February 1916 Copy letter Grey to John Campbell.
27 January 1916 Letter R. McKenna (Chancellor of Exchequer) to Grey.
28 January 1916 Copy Grey to McKenna.
21 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to [H.J. Tennant MP], concerning the case of the Bell family and their plumbing business - the necessity of offering the discharge from the army of one of two brothers to carry on the business at Coldstream.
18 January 1916 Letter J. Cleghorn to Grey.
29 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to the Hon. J.C. Watson (of Sydney), land settlement of ex-servicemen mentioned.
27 January 1916 Alex H. Singleton to Grey.
The Beit Railway Trust: Secretary's Report for 1915 (MS).
24 November 1915 Letter Sir George R. Parkin to Grey.
8 January 1916 Pages from Canada (includes a message to Canada from Grey).
22 January 1916 Letter Lord Montagu of Beaulieu to Grey.
2 January 1916 Letter W. Gardner Sinclair (Managing Director Dobson Molle & Co. printers for advertisers) to Grey.
20 January 1916 Letter Alex Singleton to Grey.
18 January 1916 Letter H.J. Creedy (War Office) to Grey.
10 January 1916 Copy letter Stamfordham to Grey.
6 January 1916 Copy letter Grey [to Stamfordham] (some details of J.C. Watson; land settlement of ex-servicemen).
13 January 1916 Alex H. Singleton to Grey.
17 January 1916 Copy [Miss Gilbertson] to W.H. Davis, Bank of Montreal, Ottawa.
17 January 1916 Copy Grey to Dr Doughty.
13 January 1916 Copy Grey to Mr Gough.
n.d. [c.1 January 1916] Letter L. Graham H. Horton-Smith to Grey.
2 January 1916 Letter James Seeth to Grey.
21 December 1915 Letter Frank Wise to Grey.
6 January 1916 Copy Grey to Wise, settlement of ex-servicemen - encouragement of emigration to Canada.
6 January 1916 Copy Grey to Jerome G. Greene (Sec. Rockefeller Foundation NY).
Press cutting concerning a submarine detector.
27, 29 December 1915 2 letters T.S. Laidler to Grey, concerning conditions in a munitions factory at Lemington point, Newcastle.
18 January 1916 Letter Col. Sir (Albert) George Hadcock (Director Armstrong Whitworth, Vickers-Armstrong etc., Ordnance Dept. Elswick Works) to Grey, concerning Laidler's allegations.
25 January 1916 Letter T.S. Laidler to Grey, concerning changes made at the factory as the result of his letter and his new job.
25 November 1915 Letter Lionel Phillips to Grey.
17 December 1915 Letter Trevor Patrick Breffney Ternan to Grey.
20 December 1915 Letter Sir Edward Whipple Bancroft Morrison to Grey. Enclosure: “A War Medley” by Morrison.
7 December 1915 2 letters Sadie M. Stull to Grey.
November, 18 December 1915 List of Parliamentary Debates etc., sent to Armstrong College.
19 November 1915 Letter Evans Lewin (Librarian Royal Col. Institute) to Miss Gilbertson.
26 October 1915 Letter W.H. Hadow to Grey.
13 December 1915 Letter Trevor Ternan to Grey.
13 December 1915 Letter Brig. Gen. E.W.B. Morrison to Grey.
9 November 1915 R.T. Harding (of the firm Harding & Owlus, Barristers Solicitors, Stratford, Ontario) to Grey, re trying to organise a base hospital with Canadian surgeons for Russia.
9 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Harding.
6 December 1915 Letter Lieut. Col. Dr John McCrae to Grey.
6 December 1915 James W. Barret to Grey.
1 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Novar, includes comments on Kitchener and politicians of the day.
3 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bonar Law, recommending Gen. Godley as colonial governor.
1 November 1915 Letter Otrante to Grey, criticisms of the Swedish Red Cross refuted.
n.d. Letter Cecil Ashley to Grey, Grey's illness.
15 November 1915 Copy letter Grey to Colonel Wood, the French Canadians and the R.C. Church in Canada (2 copies).
23 November 1915 Letter Eric Drummond to Grey.
26 October 1915 Part of a letter Grey to Plumer, a war story from Weston Jarvis quoted.
8, 11, 23 November, 17 December 1915 Letters Alex H. Singleton to Grey.
The Fisheries Organisation Soc. Ltd: Share certificate 6 October 1915 issued to Grey.
17 October 1915 Letter L. Graham H. Horton-Smith to Grey.
17 October 1915 Letter T.S. Laidler to Grey, work in a munitions factory.
n.d. Letter John B. Dodge to Grey, the American point of view and the war.
27 October 1915 Letter Lt. Cl. C.W. Peck to Grey, praising British and Canadian troops.
Part of a letter to Grey from A.E. Banton, Officer in France during 1st World War.
29 October 1915 Letter John Stead to Grey, his mother's decision to try to sell the Review of Reviews.
22 October [1915] Copy letter Alex. W. Munro (Board of Agriculture & Fisheries) to Grey, acknowledging the following letter.
21 October 1915 Copy letter Grey to Selborne, concerning Ivar Grey, son of George Grey of Milfield, who seeks position of Inspector under the Board of Agriculture re Lands Improvement Acts.
21 October 1915 Copy letter Grey to the Editor, Newcastle Daily Journal, Salvation Army chaplains for troops at the front and refusal of W.O. to allow them to be sent.
24 September 1915 Letter Eric J. Grey of Milfield to Grey, Ivar Grey's application to the Board of Agriculture. Note by Grey on the back.
17 September 1915 Letter Evans Lewin (Librarian R. Col. Institute) to Grey, blue books that Grey is offering to their library.
Note by Grey of Blue Books.
23 August 1915 Letter H. Jones (of H. Jones & Co. Gen. Merchants, Hobart) to Grey, concerning F.B. Grey.

Paper   1 file
Williams' Agency
Reference: GRE/B229/1
Dates of creation: 1895-1912
Extent: 1 filePaper

Letters from Williams' Agency to Grey:
1896-1905 45 letters Oliver Williams to Grey.
1896-1905 123 letters J. Covey Williams to Grey.
1 December 1902 1 letter Oliver Williams to Alice Grey. For enclosures, etc., see below.
18 June 1912 1 letter (incomplete) Oliver Williams to Grey.
The above correspondence mainly concerns stocks and shares but there are a few letters concerning the Public House Trust scheme.
Enclosures and Other Papers Filed with this Correspondence:
13 June 1895 Memorandum for Lord Grey.
26 March 1896 Williams to Earl of Morley.
25 March 1896 Copy Wernor Beit & Co. to O. Williams.
9 November 1896 Williams' Agency to Alfred Beit.
4 August 1898 George W. Thomson (Chief Manager African Banking Corporation) to Grey.
22 April 1899 Copy O. Williams to Thomas Marney (the Manager General Builders Ltd, Notting Hill).
26 April 1899 Copy J.C. Williams to Marney.
1 November 1899 Report of a meeting of the directors and shareholders of the Sydney Harbour Scheme.
9 January 1900 H.W.C. Deviner (Sec. Charterland Goldfields Ltd) to J.C. Williams.
13 February 1900 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey.
1 March 1900 List of securities belonging to Grey in Williams' Agency safe.
17 May 1901 Copy Grey to Oliver Williams.
17 May 1901 Letter Pears Ellis & Co. to Williams.
4 July 1901 J. Slater Lewis (Sec. Steam Power Syndicate Ltd.) to Grey.
15 July 1901 List of securities held for account of 4th Earl Grey.
October 1901 Copy letter Grey to the Manager Metropolitan Bank of England and Wales, Gracechurch Street.
28 April 1902 John H. Mansfield to Grey.
19 April 1902 Copy letter J.C. Williams to Grey.
20 April 1902 Copy letter George Grey to Williams.
19 April 1902 Copy letter J.C. Williams to J.H. Mansfield.
20 April 1902 Copy letter John H. Mansfield to Williams.
Statement of [Grey's] Charter Trust & Agency Shares with Williams Agency May-June 1902.
28 May 1902 Statement of account between the Howick Co-op Soc. and Lord Grey.
List of persons to whom copies of The Strenuous Life had been sent.
14 June 1902 Memo. of 500 International Power Co. shares bought in New York.
18 June, 14 August 1902, 22 September 1903 W. Wright (for Williams Agency) to Grey.
28 November 1902 Copy letter Arthur W. Samuel (K.C. of Dublin) to O. Williams.
9 October 1902 Copy letter Oliver Williams to Messrs Govett Sons & Co.
15 December 1902 Circular letter H.T. Adams, Sec. W.A. Syndicate Limited.
27 May 1902 Copy letter Miss M.E. Grey to O. Williams.
1903 Account of Messrs Curtis & Henson (Auctioneers and Land Agents) to Grey in respect of 22 South Street, London.
Copy of the following correspondence between Williams' Agency and the Adelaide Star Mines Ltd:
27 November 1900 James Kerr (Sec.) to J.C. Williams.
10 July 1902 A.P. Stanley Macquiston to J.C. Williams.
1 March 1904 Secretaries of the Glasgow & Western Exploration Co. to Williams' Agency.
26 April 1904 Copy letter Grey to Oliver Williams.
5 July 1904 Letter E.J. Paine (Sec. & Manager Hatch, Mansfield & Co. Ltd.) to Williams' Agency and account of what is due from Grey.
29 July 1904 The Middlesex Public House Trust Co. Ltd. Report and Balance sheet.

GRE/B229/2   July 1914
1 July - 22 July 1914 6 letters Oliver Williams to Countess Grey.
21 July 1914 Copy letter W. Carrington-Smith to Messrs Williams.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B229/3   1910-1915
1910-1915 File of accounts between Grey and Williams' Agency, including undated list of securities.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B229/4   1904-1906
File of correspondence concerning a dispute with the Inland Revenue over Wankie Coal Co. Shares held by Grey.
26 September, 2, 25 October 1906 Copy letters J.H. Mansfield to Oliver Williams.
27 September, 1 October 1906 Letter Oliver Williams to Mansfield.
26 October 1905 Letter J. Covey Williams to Mansfield.
28 October 1905 Letter Thomas Hogg (surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick) to Mansfield.
1, 7 November 1905, 4 September, 15, 21 November 1906 Letters A.M. Grenfell to Mansfield.
1, 4 October, 21 November 1906 Copy letters Mansfield to Grenfell.
4 November 1905, 20 April, 30 August, 25 September 1906 Letters Thomas Hogg to Mansfield.
21 April, 31 August 1906 Copy letters Mansfield to Grenfell.
31 August, 12 September 1906 Copy letters Mansfield to Hogg.
10 September 1906 Letter from ... of Inland Revenue Alnwick to Mansfield.
11 February 1904 Copy letter J.F. Jones (Joint Manager & Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to A.B. Shaw of the Inland Revenue (London).
29 September 1906 Copy letter A.T. Millar (Assist. Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to Oliver Williams. 5 October 1906 Letter Millar to Mansfield.
4 October 1906 Copy letter Mansfield to A.T. Millar.
3 October 1906 Letter J. Baker of Williams' Agency to Mansfield.
16, 24 November 1906 Copy letters Mansfield to H. Wilson Fox.
26 November 1906 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Mansfield.
19 November 1906 Copy letter R. Benson & Co. to A.M. Grenfell.
4 December 1906 Letter Guy S. St. Aubyn (of A.M. Grenfell, Chaplin ... & Co.) to Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B230/1   1833; 1885-1915
List of persons (with addresses) to whom a copy of "A Student in Arms" and addresses by members of Fight for Right movement should be sent.
24 November, 3 December 1914 List of persons to whom same was sent by Grey from Howick.
W.E.R. statistics 1897, 1898 (rough figures by Grey).
24 March 1915 Letter Sir Frederick Edward Grey Ponsonby (Keeper of the Privy Purse) to Grey.
22 February 1915 Letter J. Whiteford to Miss Gilbertson.
19 February 1915 Letter Joseph Rogerson Scott (of Harden, Longbenton) to Grey.
16 February 1885 Letter Chris G.B. Corbett to Grey.
22 April 1898 Letter William Roberts to Countess Grey, enclosing notes from George Romney's diary on sittings for Grey portraits and payments for same.
14 March 1894 Letter J. Livesey to Sir James [Sivewright].
5 August 1915 Letter R. Sabin (of the firm Frank T. Sabin Ltd.) to Grey.
5 October 1911 2 letters John Ross Robertson to Grey.
Reproductions of portraits of 1st and 2nd Earls Grey, Gen. Charles Grey and 4th Earl Grey sent by Robertson.
Picture of Howick Hall 1833.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B230/2   1896-1916
n.d. Letter 1st Duke of Westminster to Grey.
The following papers were found in an envelope marked Sydney Harbour (concerning a lawsuit over shares in which Grey was involved):
9 May 1896 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
20 May 1897 E.H. Flux to Grey, with copy of his letter to Grey of 14 May 1897.
7 January 1898 Oliver Williams to Grey 8 December 1897, with note by Grey.
2 June 1899 Oliver Williams to Grey. Enclosing: 27 May 1898 Copy letter Lowless & Co. to Williams; 1895-1898 Account of payments to Ashurst & Co.
6 December Letter Willie [William George Spencer Scott Maclean Compton, Earl Compton and later 5th Marquess of Northampton] to Grey, concerning a proposal relating to collection of information on distress.
5 July 1906 Letter Henry White (American diplomat) to Grey.
13 September 1905 Letter Revd. Basil Guy Way to Grey.
29 January, 10 August 1913 2 letters Frederick Stringer Wrench to Grey.
17 September 1913 1 letter Robert Watchorn to Grey.
1911-1913 9 letters Lady H. Wantage to Grey.
4 September 1913 Copy letter Horace Plunkett to Grey (enclosed in one of the above letters).
23 March 1916 Letter J. Hanbury Williams to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B230/3   1898-1915
1900-1915 69 letters Mary S. Watts (Donna) to Grey and 2 telegrams. Enclosures, etc.:
22 January 1904 Letter Sir Edward Poynter to Mary S. Watts.
5 March 1904 Letter Sir Edward Poynter to George Frederic Watts.
30 March 1904 Letter 14th Lord Windsor (later Earl of Plymouth) to Grey.
12 March 1909 Letter M.S. Watts to Lady Antrim.
5, 22 February 1913 2 letters Louisa, Lady Antrim to Grey.
2 January 1913 Letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey.
n.d. Part of a letter from Grey to Mrs Watts.
Note from Hilda [Grenfell] to Grey [concerning Mrs Watts' letters to Grey].
7, 11 July 1903 2 copy letters George T.H. Northcroft to Mrs Watts.
10 June 1898 Note [by Sybil Grey] concerning a visit by her father and her to the Watts for breakfast and G.F. Watts' conversation on this occasion [with ms alterations by 4th Earl Grey].
31 August 1900 - 9 February 1910 4 letters from Lilian Mackintosh [later Chapman] to Grey and note with a “motto” enclosed.
17 June 1906 1 letter Michael Chapman to Grey.
15 December 1899 - 12 July 1903 6 letters George Frederick Watts to Grey.
Typescript copy of all of the above letters.
Another typescript copy of the letters dated 15 December 1899, 27 February 1900, 7 November 1900.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B230/3A   1900-1906
1900-1906 Typescript copies of all Mary Watts' letters to Grey in 230/3 except 11 March, 15 May 1900, Thursday [1902?] and “Feb. 6” [1906].
10, 25 February 1903, n.d., 9 July 1903 Typescript extracts of letters Mary Watts to Grey.
2 July 1903 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Watts.
31 March 1905 Extract of letter from Mrs Watts.
4 March 1905 - 21 December 1908 10 copy letters Grey to Mrs Watts.
“The Spirit of the Flowers”.
“Interpretation of the Design on the Banner Presented by Her Majesty” .
15 March 1902 Reprint from Country Life, “Mrs George Frederick Watts' Village Industry”.

Paper   1 file
Reference: GRE/B230/4
Dates of creation: 1909-1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

13 July 1910 Carrington & Co.: Account for cups and inkstands. Attached: July 1910 List of cups etc.bought in London.
6 August 1910 Letter Williams' Agency to Lamber Middleton. Enclosure: 15 July 1910 Copy list of brooches etc., (with prices) purchased for Countess Grey of W. Phillips Antique Jeweller, Oxford Street.
12 November 1910 List of items missing from the above list.
List of goods ordered from David Anderson & Co., Stockholm.
15 May 1909 Account of the said firm to Countess Grey.

PR in America
Reference: GRE/B230/5
Dates of creation: September-November 1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

9 September 1915 Letter Clinton Rogers Woodruff (Sec. Nat. Municipal League) to Grey. Enclosing: Draft scheme for the election of councilmen [for a model city charter] by William Dudley Foulke [President of the Nat. Munic. League].
4 September 1915 Cuttings from Ottawa Citizen, “Proportional Voting System Approved by Labour Council”.
October 1915 Booklet: Proportional Representation Review.
8 November 1915 Cutting from Cleveland Plain Dealer.
2 November 1915 Pamphlet: The Ashtabula Plan of Municipal Government. The text of naval features of the Charter and an account of the first election. Published by the Ashtabula Chamber of Commerce, Ohio.

GRE/B230/6   1894-1914
29 July 1909 Letter Sir Thomas Herbert Warren to Grey.
17 December 1914 Letter A. Horsburgh (retired Indian Chaplain) to Grey, enclosing press cutting on German survey of the British Empire.
n.d. Letter B.F. Hawk[sley] to Grey.
28 June 1913 Letter Very Revd. Lionel (George Bridges Justice) Ford (Headmaster Harrow 1910-1925) to Grey.
11 July .... Letter H. Farquhar (Carlogie Aberdeenshire) to Grey.
29 March .... Letter A.C. [a farmer] to Grey - [on church reform].
March 1894 Copy letter Grey to Mr Bushell?, industrial relations conference.
12 March 1914 Letter Percival R. Waddy to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B230/7   1910-1911
28 September, 30 December 1910, 4 January 1911 3 letters Evelyn Wrench to Grey.
12 November, 5 December 1910, 17 January 1911 3 copy letters Grey to Wrench.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B230/8   1875-1904
7 March 1904 Letter Ridley Warham to Grey, enclosing statistics of coal and coke exports etc.from the UK and from Germany 1900-1904.
Statement showing William and Thomas Watson's indebtedness to Grey April-August 1895.
Statement of cost of goods, freight, etc.
6 September 1895 Copy letter W. Watson to J. Covey Williams, with list of expenses incurred in Rhodesia, etc.
20 June 1895 - 15 November 1895 5 letters William Watson to Grey.
13 October 1895 1 letter William Watson to George Grey.
6 May 1903 Letter Samuel Woods to Grey.
22, 31 May 1904 2 letters Thomas P. Whittaker to Grey.
7 September 1881 Letter E. Spence Watson to Grey.
16, 19 November 1875 2 letters Revd. William Mark Wray to Streatfeild.
26 January .... Letter Louisa Marchioness of Waterford (w. of 3rd Marquess) to Grey.
10 November .... Letter Louisa Marchioness of Waterford to Streatfeild.
29 November .... Letter Shallcross Fitzherbert Widdrington to Streatfeild.
2 December .... Letter Wantage to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B230/9   1914-1917
15 November 1916 Letter Andrew Weir to Grey. Enclosing: 31 October 1916 Copy letter James T. Curry to Weir.
30 December 1916 Letter Andrew Weir to Grey.
25 December 1916 Letter Andrew Weir to Grey.
19 December 1916 Letter Andrew Weir to Grey, enclosing minutes of meeting of British Union Oil Co. and of the Alliance Debenture Corporation Limited. Both held 12 December 1916.
22 January 1917 Letter Andrew Weir to Grey.
1 March 1917 Letter Andrew Weir to Grey. Enclosing:
1 March 1917 Brit. Union Oil Co. Ltd. - Agenda for Board Meeting.
28 February 1917 Financial statement in respect of the above co.
1 March 1917 Draft minutes of directors meeting.
1 March 1917 Alliance Debenture Corp. Agenda for board meeting.
28 February 1917 Financial statement.
1 March 1917 Draft minutes of directors' meeting.
5 January 1917 Union Oil Co. of California Annual Report.
2 March 1917 Letter from F.J. Asbury (Sec. Brit. Union Oil Co. Ltd.) to Grey, with copy cablegram from Lewis Hamilton.
Brit. Union Oil Co. Ltd - Notice of extra ordinary general meeting to be held on 27 April 1917 with resolutions then to be proposed.
27 April 1917 Notice of a general meeting of preference shareholders in the above co.
1 May 1917 Copy letter John McPeak (Sec. Union Oil Co. of California) to F.J. Asbury (Sec. Brit. Union Oil Co.).
28 September 1914 Copy letter Grey to Jonah [Laurence Evelyn Jones].
10 October 1917 Letter Arthur Grenfell to 5th Earl Grey.
26 September 1917 Letter Lyman Stewart (Chairman Union Oil Co. of California) to Andrew Weir.
22 October 1917 Letter Andrew Weir to 5th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
File of Papers Labelled “Tyne Docks”
Reference: GRE/B231/1
Dates of creation: 1904-1909
Extent: 1 filePaper

2, 21 June 1909 2 letters Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
21 June 1909 Letter Capt. Sir Andrew Noble, Bart., to Grey.
21 June 1909 Letter James Walker to Grey.
20 May 1909 Typescript copy of speech by Sir Benjamin Browne as one of a deputation to the 1st Lord of the Admiralty on the value of the Tyne as a repair base for the fleet in the North Sea.
Papers referring to a proposal to deepen the mouth of the Tyne and construct a basin at Jarrow Slake. (With note from Mr Fulford stating that they had served the desired purpose 22 May 1909).
22 August 1907 Copy letter J. Mitchell Moncrieff to Arthur Scholefield. Enclosed:
Deck plans of warships drawn to scale.
2 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Selborne.
14 August 1904 Copy letter Selborne to Grey.
18 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Selborne.
Typescript notes on the East Coast Defence.
12 November 1904 Copy letter Grey to J. Maxse (of the National Review).
Notes on the east coast ports, especially with reference to defence and suitability for battleships and with special emphasis on the Tyne.
15 July 1904 Copy memorial of the Tyne Improvement Commissioners.
21 May 1909 Pages from the Morning Post, with account of visit of a deputation from Tyneside concerning naval works on the east coast.
21 May 1909 Pages from the Standard, with similar account.
21 May 1909 Pages from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle with similar accounts.
28 March 1904 Copy letter Grey to Sir William Stephenson (Chairman Tyne Commission).
Notes on the east coast defence.
Notes on the east coast ports. On back of last sheet is a note by Grey concerning a meeting he had had with several other persons at which it was agreed to draw up a letter to be sent to the Prime Minister and Chairman of the committee of National Defence.
Duplicate of the above letter to Stephenson and notes on the east coast ports.
16 May 1904 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Cochrane.
2 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to Selborne.
14 August 1904 Letter Selborne to Grey (original).
29 November 1904 Letter Bernard Majendie to Grey.
12 November 1904 Copy letter Grey to T. Gibson.
22 February 1905 Letter Hon. Charles Algernon Parsons to Grey.
11 December 1905 Copy Grey to Arthur Scholefield.
1 January 1906 Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
19 January 1906 Copy Grey to Scholefield.
1 July 1906 Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
19 July 1906 Copy Grey to Scholefield.
27 May 1907 Letter Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
29 May 1907 Letter Arthur Bigge to Grey.
21 July 1907 Letter Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
26 August 1907 Letter Scholefield to Grey.
25 October 1907 Copy letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey.

GRE/B231/2   1875-1907
Copy birth certificate of Annie Lowes Sutherland, b. 26 June 1855 at Newcastle.
12 December 1876 Letter John Dix to the Nat. Training School for Music.
11 December 1876 Letter John Hodgson (of Hodgson Bros & Hodgson Chemical Manure Manufacturers etc) to the Nat. Training School for Music.
11 December 1876 Certificate of J.H. Rutherford as to the good health of Annie Lowes Sutherland.
Note stating that Annie Lowes Sutherland begs to offer herself a candidate for the Northumberland music scholarship.
13 July 1875 Letter Revd. W.C. Streatfeild to Grey.
10 November 1875 Letter George Southern to Streatfeild.
November 1875 Letter Syddel Sawyer to Streatfeild.
29 May 1883 Letter Alexander Sinclair to Grey. Enclosing: 1st Quarterly Report and Balance Sheet of the Students' Association [of Backworth] for the Quarter ending 17 April 1883; 2nd Annual Report ... Backworth Students Association for the year ending 29 January 1885.
Papers relating to Grey's scheme to send deputies from the working men of Northumberland and Durham to Belfast to see the extent of opposition to Home Rule and to encourage this opposition.
7 March 1893 Circular letter from Grey explaining the scheme. 2 copies one addressed to Lord Londenderry with ms note by Grey.
April 1893 Circular letter from Hugh Crawford Smith, concerning the scheme and giving list of subscriptions already promised. Also note by Grey of increased subscriptions.
19, 22 June 1893 2 letters Godrey Smith (Superintendent N.E.R. Newcastle) to Grey, re accounts due to the N.E.R. in respect of the above deputations.
30 May 1893 Letter Godfrey Smith to H. Crawford Smith, same subject as above.
June 1893 Printed circular from H. Crawford Smith, concerning the working men's deputations to Belfast and appealing for funds, with list of subscriptions already promised [with ms additions].
List of persons to whom letters and addressed envelopes were sent.
Another list of names with some addresses added by Grey.
8 March 1893 Another list dated Newcastle. List of “men who have not subscribed”.
List of persons to whom a pamphlet was sent.
Pamphlet: The Home Ruin Bill - The Working Men's Deputation from England to Belfast (reprinted from the Belfast News-Letter, March and April 1893).
6 June 1893 Cutting from Newcastle Daily Leader: Letter from John Manning of Gateshead "A Tripper's Experience in Ireland".
Bank Book: Belfast Deputation and Ulster Defence Fund - account at Messrs Hodgkin, Barnett, Pease, Spence & Co., April-October 1893.
6 March - 6 June 1893 9 letters H. Crawford Smith to Grey, mainly concerning the sending of Gladstonian supporters to Belfast to see for themselves the opposition to Home Rule there. Enclosed: 6 March 1893 Agenda for Liberal Unionist meeting to be held on 11 March; Resolutions to be proposed at the above meeting against Home Rule.
Letters to Grey concerning the working men's deputations to Belfast 1893.
Letters from:
8 March Arnold White. 8 March Thomas Taylor (Chipchase Castle).
8 March A.E. Bainbridge (19 Eslington Terrace, Jesmond).
8 March Alderman John Lucas (Hexham).
8 March W.H. Forster (Thornington, Cornhill-on-Tweed) [2 letters].
8 March William Harding (Durham & N. Riding Liberal Unionist Association).
8 March N.G. Clayton (Chesters, Humshaugh, Northumberland).
8 March J. Stobart (Biddick Hall, Fencehouses).
8 March Sir William Crossman (Cheswick House, Beal, Northumberland).
8 March Thomas Richardson (7 Windsor Terrace, Newcastle).
9 March G.D. Atkinson Clark (Belford Hall).
9 March Watson Askew-Robertson (Lady Kirk, Berwickshire).
9 March A. Browne (Doxford Hall, Chathill).
9 March Duke of Portland (Welbeck Abbey).
9 March William Stobart (Pepper Arden, Northallerton).
9 March William Grey (William Grey & Co. Ship Builders, West Hartlepool).
9 March W.A. Watson-Armstrong (Cragside).
10 March Robert Crossman [son of Sir William Crossman] (How Caple Grange, Ross).
10 March W. Boyd (North House, Longbenton).
10 March Telegram Isaac Baty (Queen's Head Hotel, Rothbury).
10 March J. Craster (Craster Tower).
10 March Francis A.F. Samuelson (Sockburn Hall, Darlington).
10 March John W.B. Riddell (46 Beaufort Gardens, S.W.).
10 March George Grey (Milfield).
10 March Earl of Tankerville.
10 March J.P.O. Mitford (Mitford, Morpeth).
11 March C.M.H. Huntley (Carham Hall, Coldstream).
11 March George B. Hunter (Swan & Hunter, Shipbuilders, Wallsend).
11 March Mark Fenwick (Bank, Newcastle).
11 March James Wood (Liyesforth House?, Newcastle).
11 March John C. Straker (The Leazes, Hexham).
12 March Charles E. Hunter (Selaby, Gainford, Darlington).
12 March C.N.C. Henderson (The Riding, Hexham).
12 March Arthur Fenwick (Brinkburn Priory).
12 March Charles Percy (Clifton House, Alnwick).
13 March William Eden (Windlestone).
13 March Owen C. Wallis (Boodle's St James' Street, S.W.).
13 March T. Richardson (Hartlepool).
14 March Thomas Hodgkin (Falmouth).
14 March F.J. Snowball (Seaton Burn House, Dudley, Northumberland).
14 March W.H. Forster (Thornington).
17 March John R. Carr-Ellison (Hedgelay, Alnwick).
19 March J. Craster (Craster).
20 March W.H. Forster (Thornington).
22 March Hannah Donkin (Hotel d'Angleterre, Bearrity).
22 March Arthur Pease (Cliff House, Marske-by-the-Sea).
29 March Charles Grey (Alnwick), enclosing copy letter Percy to Crawford Smith, 29 March.
[2 April] N.G. Clayton.
3 April W.D. Russell (E. Learmouth).
3 April Howard Morley (47 Grosvenor Street, W.).
4 April Thomas Taylor (Chipchase).
8 April W.A. Watson-Armstrong.
13 April John Lucas (6 Carlton Terrace, Low Fell).
30 April, 9 May 2 letters Mary Hunter (75 Portland Place, W.).
8 May A.H. Browne (Callaly Castle).
17 May T. Taylor (Chipchase).
23 May N.E. Lawson (Hazon, Acklington).
23 May William Stobart (Pepper Arden, Northallerton).
25 May Ed. Clive (Government House, Camberley).
25 May George D. Atkinson Clark (Belford).
25 May John R.? Carr Ellison (Hedgeley, Alnwick).
26 May Howard Morley.
30 May George B. Hunter to J.A. Mansfield.
6 July J.P.O. Mitford (Mitford).
12 September Messrs Hodgkin, Barnett & Co., Bankers, Newcastle, to John Mansfield.
24 September, 19, 23 October 1893 Letters Thomas Henry Ellis of N.E.R., Newcastle, to J.H. Mansfield, concerning payment for transport of the deputies to Belfast, with receipts for £320 and £23-14s.
25? November 1904, 12 February 1905 2 letters Stephen Sanderson (Clerk of the Peace, Northumberland) to Grey.
1 February 1905, 27 January 1906, 17 April 1907. Copy letters Grey to Sanderson.
5 April 1907 Letter Charles Matthew Forster to Grey, enclosing Soldiers' Home, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Annual Report 1906.
10 November 1891 Letter Hugh Bell to Grey, enclosing “budget” of a man, wife and 3 children on 19/- per week.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/3   May-June 1891
30 May 1891 Copy letter Grey to Lord Salisbury, Portuguese territory in Africa.
3 June 1891 Copy Salisbury to Grey.
Draft letter Grey to Salisbury replying to the above.
[?1891] Copy letter Grey to Maguire [intended also for Rhodes], incomplete.
Notes by Grey on the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty, including suggested changes or additional provisions.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/4   1902-1915
9 October 1911 Letter A.E. Parker (Manager, Bank of Montreal) to Grey, enclosing account.
10 October 1911 Note by A.F. Sladen, concerning financial transactions.
5 November 1909 Letter A.W. Appleton (former Manager, Bank of Montreal) to C.E. Leveson-Gower (Comptroller).
9 September 1911 Letter 5th Earl Grey to Sladen.
23 April 1907 Letter A. ... (Manager, Bank of Montreal, Ottawa) to Sladen.
Account by Sladen concerning shares.
23 October 1906 Certificate by Sladen, concerning shares owned by Grey.
6 July 1915 Letter Winfield B. Sifton to Grey, enclosing typescript paper: Some notes of thoughts on Imperial Federation arising principally out of the speech delivered to the Canadian Club, Montreal, by Sir Clifford Sifton, 25 January 1915 [by Winfield B. Sifton and addressed to Lionel Curtis].
13 July 1915 Letter Winfield B. Sifton to Grey.
6 August 1914 Letter A.F. Sladen to Grey. Enclosure: 3 August 1914 Letter A.E. Parker to Sladen (concerning J.G. Butterfield).
20 August 1914 Copy letter Grey to A.E. Parker.
18 July 1916 Letter Salisbury to Grey.
31 May 1902 Letter from Rt. Revd. Norman Dumenil John Straton, Bishop of Sodor and Man to Grey.
8 March 1902 Letter H.M. Smith (Acting Commissioner U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries) to Grey.
20 March 1903 Arthur Sherwell to Grey.
10 November 1898 Letter W.H. Shields (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Diocesan Committee of the Clergy Pensions Insitution) to Grey.
14 June 1911 Memo by Grey of conversation with Canon Symonds.
11 June 1912 - 21 November 1913 5 letters Revd. Herbert Symonds to Grey enclosing (in letter of 30 April) printed leaflet: To the Laity of the Church of England in Canada; an Appeal on behalf of Christian Unity.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/5   1884-1911
16 June 1884 Letter T.K. Sturgis to Grey.
[20 March 1906] Letter Raoul Dandurand (Speaker of the Canadian Senate 1905-1909) to Grey.
16 March 1906 Copy letter Grey to Dandurand.
30 July 1887 Letter Vincent Shotton to Grey, enclosing his proposals made to the Park Band Society.
1893 Accounts of the [Hyde] Park Band Society.
5 April 1911 Copy letter A.F. Sladen to B.A. Henrikson.
Photograph [? sent by Henrikson?].
Typescript extracts from Bullen's Men of the Merchant Service.
Return showing number and percentage of foreigners who passed for certificates of competency in 1900 (in the merchant service).
23 September 1898 Typescript extract of letter from Consul General Sir B. Cusack Smith to the Board of Trade.
24 June 1898 Typescript extract of letter from Acting Consul-General Moore, San Francisco, to the Marquis of Salisbury.
Typescript extract of memorandum by J.H. Longford, H.M. Consul at Nagasaki, on the desertion of British seamen from British ships.
Typescript table showing number of candidates, including foreigners who passed for certificates of competency as ships masters and mates, 1886-1900.
17 October 1904, 5 April 1910, 7 March, 22 November 1916, 17 July 1917 Letters Sadie M. Stull to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/6   1875-1904
21 December .... Letter Donald James Mackay, 11th baron Reay to Grey.
23 February 1904 Letter Walter Runcimen to Grey.
13 September, 12 December 1900 Letter Joseph Rowntree to Grey, Public House Trusts.
11 October 1898 Letter Walter Rae (Sec. of the Educational Committee, Selkirk Co-op. Soc.).
7 January - 26 July 1876 14 letters John Richardson (Registrar Nat. Training School for Music) to Revd. W.C. Streatfeild.
4 December 1875 Letter G.W. Rendel to Streatfeild.
8 June 1883 Letter Geo. Robson to Grey. Enclosure: 6 June 1883 Letter Thomas Sampy to Robson.
7, 11 July .... Letters Sir M.W. Ridley to Grey.
List of persons who offered or refused to assist the university extension scheme.
25 June .... Letter Edward Ridley to Grey.
12 August .... Letter M. Redhead (junior) to Grey.
10, 30 April 1902 2 letters Lord Roberts to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/7   1916-1917
List of securities deposited at Lloyds Bank 25 July 1913, with note by J.H. Rascoe 19 January 1917. Values on 17 January 1917 given.
List of securities at the British Bank of Northern Commerce. Values on 17 January 1917 given.
April 1916 - June 1917 Bank book: Grey's account with the British Bank of Northern Commerce.
14 February, 12 April 1917 Letters G.D. d'Abo of Brit. Bank of Northern Commerce to Grey.
23 February 1917 Copy notes by J.H. Roscoe on Grey's position with the Canadian Agency liquidation.
24 March 1917 Information on stocks issued by Messrs Brumbar and See (war loan, etc).
26 March 1917 Press cutting, first dealings in the new war loan ...
18 January 1917 Receipt for sealed packet deposited by Grey at the British Bank of Northern Commerce.
15 May 1917 Letter L. Stride (Acting Sec. the Industrial and General Trust Ltd.) to Grey, concerning shares in the Canada Land Corporation.
23 May 1917 Unsigned letter from the same Co. to Grey, concerning the Alberta Land Co.
18 January - 26 May 1917 5 letters J.H. Roscoe (of the British Bank of Northern Commerce) to Grey.
13 February 1917 - ? 8 letters J.H. Roscoe to Miss B. Gilbertson.
14 February 1917 1 letter R. Skipwith (Asst. Manager Lloyds Bank, St James' Street) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/8   1909-1912
9 October 1911 - 20 January 1913 9 letters J.A. Ritchie (Crown Attorney for Carleton and partner in the firm of Belcourt and Ritchie, barristers and solicitors of Ontario and Quebec) to Grey.
29 December 1911 - 31 December 1912 4 copies Grey to Ritchie.
17 February 1912 Cutting from The Times: Letter from T.R. Black on fruit farming in Canada.
1912 Account of Belcourt and Ritchie to Grey (receipted).
6 November 1909 Copy telegram A.F. Sladen to S.E. Oliver.
1 November 1909 S.E. Oliver to Grey.
21 December 1909 Ritchie to Sladen.
23 August 1919 Receipt David H. Hays for 1234 dollars from Grey.
18, 25 January 1910 Ritchie to Sladen.
3 January 1910 Copy Daniel H. Hays to J.A. Ritchie.
3, 6 June 1910 John Almon Ritchie to Arthur Guise (Comptroller).
28 May 1910 Declaration of Trusts by Ritchie in respect of land and premises in the district of Kootenay (British Columbia) purchased for Grey.
28 May 1910 Deposition of Albert Schryburt, clerk, concerning the said declaration of trusts.
4 January, 4 March, 31 May, 6 December 1910 4 letters Ritchie to Sladen.
3 November 1909, 15 July .... Harold Lowther to Grey.
17, 21 June 1910 Ritchie to Arthur Guise.
21 July 1910 Ritchie to Sladen.
20 July 1910 Declaration of Trusts by Ritchie in respect of lands in East Kootenay, etc., British Columbia.
20 July 1910 Deposition by Albert Schryburt in respect of the above.
1 November 1910 Ritchie to Sladen.
22 May 1911 Ritchie to J.M. Fremantle.
2 June, 18, 24 August 1911 Ritchie to Freemantle.
18 August 1911 Copy O'Shea and Farris (Barristers of Nelson British Columbia) to Ritchie.
30 September 1911 Ritchie to Fremantle.
25 September 1911 Copy J.L. McKay to Ritchie.
22 August 1911 Fremantle to Ritchie.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/9   1879, 1899-1914
9 August 1912 Letter Sir Frederick William Smith (Mayor of Cape Town 1908-1912), to Grey.
15 August 1879 Letter James Stuart to Grey.
18 May 1900 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey.
22 March 1914 Letter Walter Scott to Grey.
21 April 1914 Letter Miss Cissie Sinclair to Grey.
13 October 1910 Letter Henry Smith to Grey.
23 October [c.1914?] Letter H. Streatfeild to Grey.
24 November 1904 Letter Lady Henry Somerset (Isabel Caroline) to Grey.
14 August 1905 Letter Henry Sawerthal to Grey, and photograph.
25 March 1899 Letter Hugh Crawford Smith to Grey (his disinclination to get involved in politics).
9 March ...., 16 March ...., 10 April 1902 Letters Rosamond Hill Smith to Grey.
16 December [1902?] Letter M.F. Watts to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/10   1 September 1901
1 September 1901 Letter G. Stalmann (clergyman) to Grey (in German); with English translation. (Description of the schemes at Ilseder iron works for workmen's housing and welfare).
Printed literature relating to the above, including plans of workmen's houses.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/11   1874-1904
5 January .... Reginald Bosworth Smith (The Knoll, Harrow-on-the-Hill) to Grey.
n.d. 2 notes Adeline Marie Tavistock to Grey.
10 March 1902 Letter H.C. Tener to Grey. Enclosing: 6 March 1902 Copy letter Grey to Elgin, on salmon hatchery in USA.
9? April 1902 Letter Elgin to Grey, replying to the above.
20 December [1900] Letter Marie Mona Taylor to Grey.
24 December 1900 Letter Thomas Taylor to Grey.
22 November 1900 Letter Edward P. Tennant to Grey.
30 June, 4 July 1904 2 letters Edward Thomas (solicitor of Bristol) to Grey. Enclosing: 29 June 1904 Cutting of letter Edward Thomas to the local newspaper.
2, 5 July 1904 2 copy letters Grey to Edward Thomas.
14 June 1897 Copy letter Hey Scott Turner (Resident Magistrate & Civil Commissioner Umtali) to the Administrator, Salisbury [Grey]. A long letter on the problems of dealing with natives in Rhodesia.
17 October 1898 Letter Arthur Suter to Grey.
n.d. Letter A.C. Meysey Thompson to Grey.
6 November [1875?] Letter Hugh Taylor to [Revd. W.C. Streatfeild].
30 July 1879 Letter Hugh Taylor to Grey.
12 November 1875 Letter Margaret Thornton [to Streatfeild].
24 December 1874 Letter Charles Bennet, 6th Earl Tankerville to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/12   [c. 1882]-1903
[c.1882-1884] Copy letter Edward Goldschmid (Mayor of Nottingham), John Percival (President Trinity College, Oxford), R. Russell (Mayor of Derby), John Bailey, J.P., Leonard Lindley (Chairman University College Nottingham), H. Arnold Bemrose (Hon. Sec. Univ. Ext. Comm. Derby), Thomas George, John Brown Paton, John Renale, James Stuart, Richard Enfield, to [Michael Thomas Bass].
Rough notes by Grey concerning university extension.
9 March 1903 Letter John H. Watson (Hon. Gen. Sec. Newcastle and Gateshead Poor Children's Holiday Association and Rescue Agency) to Grey, thanking him for his splendid support for their cause, concerning the inauguration of their summer (holiday) work at Shotley Bridge and also concerning vocation schools.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B231/13   1883, 1895-1898
12 March 1883 Letter T. Bowater Vernon (Sec. Incorporated Free & Open Church Assoc.) to Grey.
10 October 1898 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey.
22 [December] and 29-31 December 1895 2 letters Sir Joseph Vintcent to Jameson.
Typescript copies of the following 4 letters:
17 January 1896 Letter Vintcent to Stevens.
28 December 1895 Letter Frank Mack (President Chamber of Mines) and H.J. Deary (Chairman Chamber of Commerce), to the Acting Administrator at Salisbury [Vintcent].
31 December 1895 Letter W.M. Longden (Magistrate, Melsetter) to the Sec. to the Administrator Salisbury.
30 December 1895 Letter Joseph M. Orpen to Longden.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B232/1   1915-1916
6 September 1916 Letter J. McDonald Mowat to Grey.
9 June 1916 Extra of a letter dated Alexandria, concerning a memorial service for Kitchener.
n.d. Note from W. Hughes to Grey.
December 1915 Notes on the War No. 16 (Harrow War Help Movement).
May 1915 "The Grand Duke's Policy" by Theodore Samarin, Moscow (concerns Russia and Poland).
4 February 1916 Extract of letter from Sidney Simpson (2 copies).
20 May 1916 Letter G.W.R. Jenkins to Grey.
Cutting from the Westminster Gazette with letter from Moreton Frewen on "The Question of Exchange".
2 copies of a poem by Harold Wakeford "Mudros 1915".
19 December 1915 Account of the evacuation of Sulva Bay, by 2nd Lieut. Harold Wakeford.
1913 Poem by Harold Wakeford.
Copy of "Mudros 1915".
These following letters concern the death of Harold Wakeford who was killed in action:
6 April 1916 Copy letter Lieut.-Col. F.H. Charlton to Mrs Wakeford.
7 April 1916 Copy letter George H. Reynolds to Mr Wakeford and of note by A.J. Wakeford.
14 April 1916 Copy letter Major-Gen. F.S. Maude to [Mr Wakeford]

Paper   1 file
GRE/B232/2   3 October-11 December 1914
3 October 1914 Copy Grey to Stamfordham. Enclosing: 19 September 1914 Copy Dr A.A. Martin (Civil Surgeon temporarily attached R.A.M.C. No. 15 Field Ambulance, 5th Division, 2nd Army, France), to Grey; 2 other copies of the above letter from Martin.
7 October 1914 Letter Stamfordham to Grey.
2 November 1914 2 letters Martin to Grey. Typescript copy of each.
26 November 1914 Telegram Queen Alexandra to Grey.
11 December 1914 Copy Martin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B232/3   1892-1916
1892-1915 4 letters E. Edwards to Grey (including two copies of part of a letter from Edwards (Caretaker of Mechanics' Institute at Backworth) to Grey, 12 September 1914).
8 September 1914 Letter Eva Strauss to Grey, and typescript copy.
1 February 1915 Letter J. Ellis Barker to Grey.
20 February 1915 Letter Mrs A.W. Claremont to Grey.
19 February 1915 Letter Vincent L. Raven (Chief Mech. Engineer N.E.R.) to Grey, enclosing five photographs of vehicles which the N.E.R. Co. had built for the Government.
16 August .... (after 1914) Letter Sir [Michael] Hugh Shaw-Stewart to Grey.
18 January 1916 Letter William Hendrie to Grey.
5 April 1916 Letter Gen. Sir Alex J. Godley to Grey, enclosing extract letter G.F. Pearce (Defence Minister of Australia) to Godley, 15 January 1916.
4 February 1916 Extracts of letter from Sidney Simpson.
Extracts from Sidelights from the Peninsula by Godfrey Dean.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B232/4   [1914 x 1917]
File of notes by 4th Earl Grey, extracts from books, etc., concerning the 1914-1918 war.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B232/5   1914-1916
File of newspaper cuttings, etc., 1914-1916.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B232/6   1881-1927
22 November 1881 - 4 September 1904 (mainly 1881-1891) 18 letters Sir James Richard Thursfield to Grey.
21 November 1881 - 18 April 1896 22 letters 4th Earl Grey to Thursfield (these appear to be originals).
Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey for Thursfield concerning proceedings in Parliament in 1835. (Enclosed in letter 4th Earl Grey to Thursfield, 3 February 1889).
18 November 1885 Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey for Thursfield concerning Lord John Russell and the corn laws, taken from what Grey had recorded at that time. (Enclosed in letter 4th Earl Grey to Thursfield, 19 November 1885).
26 December 1885, 8 April 1891 2 letters 3rd Earl Grey to Thursfield. Letter 8 April, being a long criticism of Sir Robert Peel. [See also papers of 3rd Earl Grey sub. Thursfield].
16 July 1927 Letter Constance Herbert (sister-in-law to Thursfield) to 5th Earl Grey, enclosing some of the above correspondence.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B233   1904-1913
Files of press cuttings, mainly on Canada.

Paper   1 box
Church Union in Canada
Reference: GRE/B233/1
Dates of creation: 1911-1912
Extent: 1 filePaper

Reports of sermon by Revd. Dr Battershall and of address by Samuel Groves.

Canada and West Indies
Reference: GRE/B233/2
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

Includes text of despatch from the Governor of Jamaica, Sydney Olivier, to Earl Crewe, Sec. of State for the Colonies, 5 November 1910.

North American Indian Affairs
Reference: GRE/B233/3
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

Mainly a series of letters to the Evening Journal from R.V. Sinclair.

GRE/B233/4   1908
Liberalism and social reform.

Paper   1 file
Imperial organisation and defence
Reference: GRE/B233/5
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

Includes report of speech by Sir Andrew Noble on armaments, including account of the history of Elswick Works. Also includes letter from Gen. Sir Henry Brackenbury to The Times.

GRE/B233/6   1910
Sir James Whitney on Empire and reports of speech by A.B. Aylesworth.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B233/7   1905-1910, 1913
1905-1910, 1913 Articles from The Times. Subjects include Canada, especially the “new” N.W. provinces; the new Chinese Army; the breaking of the concordat in France, and underfed school children, Hong-Kong University. Includes report of speech by Grey on Canada and the Empire 1905, and report of lecture by Lord Curzon, 1913.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B233/8   1905-1908
Articles from the Standard. Articles by H. Wates; George E. Foster; A.J. Dawson (1907).

Paper   1 file
Reference: GRE/B233/9
Dates of creation: 1911
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of press cuttings on reciprocity.

GRE/B233/10   1905, 1908
File of cuttings from the Morning Post, mainly on Canada. Includes series of articles by Richard Jebb and two by E.B. Osborn.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B233/11   1908-1913
File of miscellaneous press cuttings. Includes reports of speeches or articles by A.J. Dawson, Sir B. Edmund Walker, Sam Hughes, Elihu Root, Felix Cassel (on rushed law), W.A. Watt (Premier of Victoria).

Paper   1 file
Reference: GRE/B233/12
Dates of creation: 1904-1913 (mainly 1910)
Extent: 1 filePaper

Fiscal [including reciprocity]: includes articles or reports of speeches by M. Frewen, R. Lemieux, Sir G.W. Ross, Samuel Storey.

Henri Bourassa
Reference: GRE/B233/13
Dates of creation: 1906-1911
Extent: 1 filePaper

Mainly articles or reports of speeches by Henri Bourassa but includes items by F.D. Monk, Baptiste La Fleche, John S. Ewart, L. Hector Filiatrault.

GRE/B233/14   1910
File of Toronto News articles on tariff, Bourassa, etc.

Paper   1 file
E.W. Thomson
Reference: GRE/B233/15
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of articles by E.W. Thomson.

Hudson's Bay
Reference: GRE/B233/16
Dates of creation:
Extent: 1 filePaper

1 cutting on Hudson's Bay Railway.

GRE/B233/17   1908-1912
File of “various newspaper extracts”. Includes articles Capt. J.C. Jesser Coope (manager of the Brit. S.A. Co.'s estates in Matabeleland), Sir Arthur Lawley, Duke of Westminster, Sir Edmund Walker, W.T. White, Lord Islington (Gov. of New Zealand), E. Wrench, G.E. Foster, Mackenzie King, Goldwin Smith, Dr J.W. Robertson, Milner, A. Lyttelton, H.J. Mackinder, Arnold White, Gen. Botha, Prof. H.T.F. Duckworth, Lieut.-Col. R.H. Carr Ellison, Bishop Fallon, Prof. F.H. Sexton, J. Ramsay Macdonald, E. Root, Dr Nicholas Murray Butler, J. Bryse, W. Wilfred Campbell (signed poem).

Paper   1 file
Reference: GRE/B233/18
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

Report of statement by H.J. Crowe (lumber merchant, NF) re reciprocity; interview S.T. Wood (staff corresp. of the Globe) with Premier Sir Edward P. Morris; article by Wood on Newfoundland Railways.

Reference: GRE/B233/19
Dates of creation: 1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

Includes letters to the Times Ed. Supp. 4 November 1913 from George L. Fox; and S. Rivers-Smith (of the Dept. of Education, Zanzibar).

GRE/B234/1   1903
Book containing MS notes, partly by 4th Earl Grey, from evidence given before a [Royal Commission(?)] on the national physique.
12 October 1903 Letter George Code (Hon. Sec. Dr Barnardo's Homes) to Grey. Enclosing: The Nation's Waif Children: 37th Annual Report of the National Incorporated Waifs' Association (Dr Barnardo's Homes) (for 1902). Illustrated ed.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B234/2   1902-1903
27 April 1903 Letter C. Marshall Dix (Chairman Tyneside Physical Culture Society) to Grey.
1903 Printed handbill: Tyneside Physical Culture Society: Special Notices.
12 July 1902 Letter George H. Duckworth to Grey.
15 February 1903 Letter John R. Carr Ellison to Grey. Enclosing: 13 February 1903 Letter Charles B.P. Bosanquet to John Carr Ellison, and 10 January 1903 Cutting from the Alnwick Guardian.
24 September 1902 Copy letter R.B. Pearson (Sec. Royal Comm. on Physical Training, Scotland) to Basil Holmes.
14 February [1903] Letter R.L. Morant to Grey.
16 February 1903 Copy letter Grey to Morant.
Typescript paper: "The Twentieth Century League".
Typescript paper: extracts from Thomas Holmes' book Pictures and Problems from London Police Courts.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B234/3   1902-1903
File of press cuttings: Royal Commission on Physical Training in Scotland.
1902-1903 Physical culture, national physique, army recruiting and physical deterioration.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B234/4    1901-1903
File of printed matter on the Garden City Association and related projects including prospectuses, circulars, etc., and press cuttings on Garden Cities. Includes items by Thomas Adams, Ebenezer Howard, Henrietta Barnett, Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B234/5   1901-1904; 1913
27 July 1903 Circular letter from Ebenezer Howard on the Garden City Pioneer Co. Ltd.
Leaflet: “The Garden City Association: Outline of the Garden City Project” by Ebenezer Howard.
First Garden City Ltd., subscription form.
23 July 1904 Letter Thomas Adams (Sec. and Manager 1st Garden City Ltd.) to Grey.
25 July 1904 Copy letter Grey to Adams.
19, 31 October 1903 Letters Ebenezer Howard to Grey.
7 January 1904 Letter W. Burdett-Coutts to Grey.
13 October 1903 Letter Thomas Adams to Grey.
21 September 1903 Letter John Ross to Grey. Enclosing: Pamphlet: Presidential Address [to the U.S. Steel Corporation] by Andrew Carnegie.
2 November 1901 Letter T.C. Horsfall to Grey. Enclosing: Booklet: The Manchester Art Museum, Annual Report 1900-1901.
16 July 1913 Letter Horsfall to Grey, enclosing pamphlets now filed with the other pamphlets in the Grey Pamphlets collection (GreyPam) nos. 690, 691, 692, 697.
4, 19 September 1903 Letters Thomas Adams to Grey.
Note by Grey of subscriptions to the Garden City Co.
7 September 1903 Copy letter Thomas Adams to the Directors of the British Aluminium Co., with appendices concerning proposed model industrial village at Foyers, Loch Ness.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B234/6   1900-1902
9 January 1902 Letter E. White Wallis (Sec. Brit. Assoc. Committee) to Grey.
11 January 1902 Copy letter Grey to E. White Wallis.
3 January 1902 Copy letter Grey to Dr Oliver (of Newcastle).
1900-1901 4 letters Dr Thomas Oliver to Grey.
29 October 1901 Letter Canon W. Moore Ede to Grey.
17 December 1901 1 letter Professor Karl Pearson to Grey.
13 November, 15 December 1901 2 copy letters Grey to Professor Karl Pearson.
15 December 1901 Copy letter Grey to The Adjutant, The Rifle Volunteers, Leciester.
15 December 1901 Copy letter Grey to K. Stewart.
28 November 1901 Letter Kenneth Stewart to Grey.
30 November 1901 Note Revd. W. Chantler Whitehead to Grey, enclosing a printed form: Family and Personal and Physical Register which had been used in his school.
27 November 1901 Letter T[homas] W[illiam] Nunn [Surgeon] to Grey.
25 November 1901 Letter Revd. Ambrose J. Wilson (Headmaster Lancing College, Shoreham) to Grey, enclosing particulars of the weights and measurements of 2 boys over a period of 4 years.
29 November 1901 Letter Revd. Robert William Radclyffe Dolling to Grey.
20 November 1901 Copy letter Grey to the Duke of Devonshire.
1901 File of press cuttings on Grey's proposal that there should be a systematic weighing and measuring of school children (including Grey's letter to The Times, 19 November 1901 on the subject). Also includes manuscript notes by Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B234/7   1897-1904
29 May 1900 Letter Edward John Bell to Grey's secretary.
22 August 1900 Letter Edward J. Bell to Grey, with note by Grey of reply.
21 June Letter Ella Pease to Grey.
State Children's Association: Statement of Aims (printed paper). [Grey was Chairman of this Association].
2 July [1900] Letter Ella Pease to Grey.
7 July 1900 2 letters H.O. Barnett to Grey.
13 February 1904 Letter Arthur H. Rideal M.D. to Grey. Enclosing: his pamphlet: “National Physique and an Ideal Army”, reprint from the Army and Navy Gazette, 13 February 1904.
21 June 1902 Letter F.E.M. Beardsall (Hon. Sec. Manchester Statistical Society) to Grey. Enclosure: 19 June 1902 Copy letter C.H. Wyatt (Clerk of Manchester School Board) to Sir W.H. Houldsworth (President of Manchester Statistical Society).
30 May, 25 June 1902 Letters Henry P. Gurney (Principal of the College of Science, Newcastle) to Grey.
25 August 1902 Copy letter Grey to Gurney.
List of persons to whom Grey wishes his article on the National Physique to be sent.
26 June 1902 Letter Canon W. Moore Ede to Grey.
26 June 1902 Letter B. Seebohm Rowntree to Grey.
25 June 1902 Letter J.S. Haldane to Grey.
17 April 1902 Letter Revd. Ambrose J. Wilson to Grey.
5 April 1902 Letter Hugh A. Paget to Grey.
1897 Typescript paper: Extract from address delivered before the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario.
24 March 1902 Letter Charles A. Cookson to Grey. Enclosure: Pamphlet: “A Smokeless London”, a paper read at the Eastbourne Congress of the Royal Institute of Public Health by Sir C.A. Cookson.
23 April [1901?] Letter Susan Hopwood to Grey. Printed Papers: “Smoke Abatement League, Middleton Branch. Mrs Hopwood's Ninth Annual Report”, with list of prosecutions instituted by Mrs Hopwood during the year 1900.
14 May 1902 Letter Samuel Vaile to Grey. Enclosures:
Presentation to Mr Samuel Vaile (extract reprinted from the New Zealand Herald, 17 March 1893).
S. Vaile's Railway System. A few opinions of the press.
Printed Papers: Circular letter from the Duke of Wellington, concerning the National Service League.
Constitution of the National Service League.
22 March 1902 Pages from the Daily Mail, with article by Grey on the National Physique.
Numerous press cuttings on the National Physique and associated topics arising out of Grey's article. Includes items by T.C. Horsfall and the Earl of Meath.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B234/8   1896-1903
21 May 1900 Letter Miss H. Jane Harding (Sulgrave Vicarage, Banbury) to Grey.
17 May 1900 Cutting from the Manchester Guardian: letter from George Rooke, Chairman of Manchester Board of Guardians: "The Children of the State". Attached: MS note concerning the above.
30 May 1900 Cutting from the Daily Express on treatment of work house children in Cardiff. (An enlightened scheme).
“State Children's Aid Association : 1st Annual Report 1897” (London). Inscribed: "with compts. E.O. Greening".
8 April 1900 Cutting from the Sunday Times, "State Children and their Treatment".
Rough draft by Grey of part of his speech at the annual meeting of the State Children's Association. Typescript with MS corrections. Attached: 18 May 1900 Cutting from The Times, reporting the above meeting with detailed report of Grey's speech.
March 1900 The State Children's Association. Circular from Grey, Henry H. Bemrose and Hugh E. Hoare to Chairmen of Boards of Guardians on child emigration to Canada (Ontario). 4 copies.
Leaflet: “State Children's Aid Association: The Proposed Sick Children's Asylum Board for London.”
Printed sheet: State Children's Aid Association. Copy of a letter published in The Times, 12 February 1897 (slightly amended) from Henrietta O. Barnett on "Children under the Poor Law".
The State Children's Aid Association: “Table Showing the Confusion of the Departments and Administrative Bodies Concerned in the Care of the London State Supported Children.”
17 November 1898 Reprint of an article in “London: Bath Scattered Homes” - “Another Object Lesson for London Guardians”.
11 November 1896 State Children's Association, leaflet: “Some Reasons for Altering our Present System of Dealing with Pauper Children”, by Florence Davenport Hill.
State Children's Aid Association, “Some Needs of Poor Law Children”, paper no. 12.
21 March 1898 Reprint of letter Lord Herschell to The Times: "The State Children's Association".
1899 Printed circular letter: Hugh E. Hoare on emigration of poor law children and also on the scattered house system.
29 June 1898 State Children's Association: Printed letter Herschell to Henry Chaplin (President Local Government Board) on provision for the children displaced by the dissolution of the S. Metropolitan District and the abandonment of the Sutton Schools.
Copy of the Poor Law Act 1899 (62 & 63 Vict. Ch. 37).
Pamphlet: “Laws of Ontario Dealing with Neglected and Dependent Children Revised and Consolidated 1897 ”(Toronto 1898).
“Newcastle and Gateshead Poor Children's Holiday Association and Rescue Agency”. Illustrated narrative of work for year ending 31 October 1903. 2 copies.
“Newcastle and Gateshead Poor Children's Holiday Association and Rescue Agency Annual Report for year ending 31 October 1901.”
May 1902 Cutting from Our Log Book: address by Revd. Canon Fleming.

Paper   1 file
Colonel Duke Lads' Drill
Reference: GRE/B234/9
Dates of creation: 1902-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

12 July 1904 Cutting of letter from "Another Major of Volunteers" to the Yorkshire Post on the volunteers and conscription, attached to a paper stating "with Major Crosby's Compliments".
Pamphlet: “A Strong Army in a Free State. A Study of the Old English and Modern Swiss Militias.” By G.G. Coulton. (London, c.1901). Inscribed: From Ralph Carr Ellison.
Press cutting on proposed rifle range on Newcastle Town Moor.
City & County of Newcastle upon Tyne: Report of the Special Committee as to Volunteer efficiency relative to the provision of Rifle Ranges on the Town Moor (to be presented at the council meeting on 1 August 1900).
Press cutting: "Cadet Training".
October 1903 The Brigade.
Supplement to The Brigade. “Church Lads Brigade: Extracts from speeches made at the Festival Dinner held at the Hotel Cecil on 23 June 1903.” Published October 1903.
5 April 1902 Letter Meath to Grey.
12 May 1903 Corrected proof of a circular letter from Meath on physical training in schools.
MS note: Points for Lord Hardwicke's consideration.
MS note: Memoranda for Lord Grey.
Printed extracts from the Day School Code, Section III, physical training, with MS alterations and additions.
31 January 1903 Copy letter Benjamin South to A.J. Balfour, and extract from the letter of a village schoolmistress on the hardships involved when village teachers had to attend drill classes.
6 February 1903 Copy note W.M. Short to Mr Morant, with copy letter W. Loring to Morant, 6 February 1903.
8 February 1903 Copy letter H.W. Hoare to Morant.
4 February 1903 (Copy) letter O.T. Duke to Officers Commanding Cadet Battalions and MS copy by Duke of a note from Capt. J.C. Underwood received by Duke, 18 February 1903.
Copy letters to Duke from:
6 February 1903 Col. R. Holden.
7 February 1903 Major Charles Leslie.
7 February 1903 Frank Sheffield.
c.7 February 1903 Lieut.-Col. Freeman Willis.
8 February 1903 Col. A.J. Ledward.
16 February 1903 A.H. Scott-White.
16 February 1903 Lieut. Col. Cyril D. Bennett.
17 February 1903 R. Russell.
13 February 1903 Lt. Col. George E. Swift.
13 March 1903 Copy letter Grey to Hardwicke.
19 March 1903 Letter O.T. Duke to Grey, and printed regulations for cadet corps and companies and cadet battalions. [Marked in MS "Provisional Volunteer Regulations for 1901"].
Circular letter from acting chairman of the Lads' Drill Association [Grey?] on physical training in elementary schools.
The League of the Empire in alliance with the Victoria League and with the Daughters of the Empire: objects, methods, constitution, list of council members, etc.
Particulars of the correspondence branch of the above body.
Application form for a "correspondence comrade".
Suggested social schemes for schools.
Typescript paper: Cadet Troop, Southern Rhodesia Volunteers.
30 March 1903 Cutting from The Times, "Natal and Compulsory Military Service".
Printed paper: Military Instruction (Schools and Cadets) Bill 1901. Notes on different clauses.
Military Instruction (Schools and Cadets) Bill [1901] with memorandum of objects of the bill & MS note.
Printed paper: “Physical Training in Elementary Schools.”
Correspondence between the Earl of Meath and the Marquess of Londonderry 1902-1903 with MS note.
24 February 1903 Letter Meath to Grey.
Printed paper: “Correspondence between the Earl of Meath and the Secretary of State for War [Brodrick]”: Meath to Brodrick, 2 August; Brodrick to Meath 12 August.
18 February 1903 Copy letter Meath to A.J. Balfour.

Morris Tubes, Rifle Clubs, etc.
Reference: GRE/B234/10
Dates of creation: March-September 1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

20 September 1904 Letter John D. Challoner to Grey.
7 August 1904 Letter John H. Mansfield to Grey, with conditions for the Northumberland Rifle Clubs Challenge Cup offered by Grey, and score sheets of the competitors in the competition, 6 August 1904. Also scores of competitors in the Howick Rifle Club Cup competition held on the same date.
July 1904 Article: "The Knell of Conscription" by Major-Gen. Alfred Turner in The Empire Review.
26 May 1904 Cutting from The Times: Letter from Lieut.-Col. R.H. Carr Ellison, "Miniature Rifle Ranges".
(1904) Pamphlet: “Scheme for National Defence” by "A Volunteer Officer". Sent with Mr Edgar A. Innes' compliments.
3 press cuttings: Letter Grey to the Morning Advertiser, "Miniature Rifle Clubs"; Letter Major-General C.E. Luard to The Times, "Miniature Rifle Shooting"; Editorial on Miniature Rifle Clubs.
19 May 1904 Letter John D. Challoner to Grey. Enclosing: 9 May [1904] Press cutting with letter from John H. Mansfield on the Morris Tube Shield (Grey's competition).
27 April 1904 Letter from Fleetwood H. Williams (Gen. Sec. Social Institutes' Union).
2 June 1904 Cutting of letter Meath to The Times, on the "Empire Day" movement.
20 April 1904 Circular letter from Col. William Elliot (Hon. Sec. Lads' Drill Association) and printed paper “Miniature Rifle Ranges in Schools” (also by Elliot).
March 1904 Printed circular letter from Roger S. Peacock (London Sec. Boys' Brigade).
4 June 1904 Pages from The Spectator, with an article on "The Conscription Proposals".

Working Men's Rifle Clubs
Reference: GRE/B234/11
Dates of creation: April, September 1903
Extent: 1 filePaper

29 September 1903 Letter Major General C.E. Luard to Grey. Enclosure: Proof copy (with MS alterations) of a paper by Luard on rifle shooting as a winter evening pursuit.
23 April 1903 Circular letter from the Dukes of Norfolk and Westminster, requesting subscriptions for the Society of Working Men's Rifle Clubs.
20, 25 April 1903 Letters H. Marks (Secretary Society of Working Men's Rifle Clubs) to Grey.

GRE/B235/1   [c.1894]-1904
14 April 1902 Copy letter Grey to a ?newspaper.
15 August 1904 Copy letter Grey to the Secretary Scottish Chamber of Industries.
11 August 1904 Draft letter to the above.
n.d. [c.1894] Draft letter Grey to .... Pretorius.
28 March 1916 Copy of part of a letter Grey to Lady Wantage.
14 September 1899 Letter W. Carter & Co. to 5th Earl Grey.
Account of payments due from 5th Earl Grey and Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B235/2   1880-1917
9 December 1900 Copy letter Grey [to the Clerk of the London Borough Council?].
21 January 1900 Letter Lt.-Col. George Tindall Plunkett (Director of Dublin Institutions of Science and Art) to Grey. Enclosing: 29 November, 14 December 1899 Extracts of 2 letters from his son Brig.-Gen. Edward Abadie Plunkett.
25 October .... Letter L. Litchfield & Son [to Grey?].
n.d. Copy letter Grey to the Chairman of the Committee appointed by the South Northumberland Liberal Association.
10 June 1917 Letter Field Marshal Herbert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount Plumer, to Grey.
n.d. 3 letters from Nancy Astor to Grey.
List of MPs (in envelope marked “Speaker's Portrait” ).
n.d. Invitation from the Lord Mayor of London to Grey to meet Sir Arthur Otway.
23 April 1880 Extract from a Candian Gazette containing regulations concerning the transit in bond of American cattle through Canada.
July 1881 (?) Circular Thomas Bell (Sec. & Treas. Newcastle Farmers' Club) [to Grey].
15 July 1881 Circular Robert Donkin (Sec. Coquetdale Agricultural Soc.) to Grey.
July 1881 Note of subscription due from Grey to Newcastle Junior Liberal Club.
n.d. Note of those who subscribed £10 each to O'Hara's fee.
Amble Junior Liberal Club: Report and balance sheet 1880-1881 (torn).
List of engagements.
Note of a question to be put to the Sec. of the Treasury concerning repairs needed in S. Kensington Museum.
n.d. Note of a motion to be made by Grey calling for a return of the amounts paid annually for singing in elementary schools 1872-1877.
n.d. Copy letter Alice Grey to Lady Henry Somerset.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B235/3   March 1914-August 1915
n.d. Copy of a long letter from Grey [to a Canadian Magazine?] concerning his Dominion House scheme.
Typescript paper “Advantages of the Dominion House Scheme (Aldwych Site)”.
17 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to R.S. Bond.
23 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to The Times.
1 April 1914 Letter Jack Myers [of the Sydney Morning Herald] to Grey.
30 April 1914 Letter Louis Botha to Grey.
Paragraph which Ellis Barker suggested should be added to a letter to The Times concerning the Aldwych Site.
4 May 1914 Letter Sir Thomas White to Grey.
4 May 1914 Cablegram Harcourt to Grey.
5 May 1914 Cablegram Bond to Grey.
5 May 1914 Letter Lionel James Bridge [Chairman of Directors John Bridge & Co. Ltd.] to Grey.
Press cutting: resolution of Hobart Chamber of Commerce on Dominion House idea.
8 May 1914 Typescript copy of above, enclosed with letter A. Ashbolt to Grey.
13 May 1914 Letter Harold Beauchamp (Chairman of the Bank of New Zealand) to Grey.
18 May 1914 Letter Sir William Ellison Macartney (Governor of Tasmania) to Grey.
6 June 1914 Cutting from the [Wellington] Evening Post: “The Aldwych Scheme”".
20 June 1914 Letter Harold Beauchamp to Ralph Bond. Enclosure: 18 June 1914 Cutting from the [Wellington] Evening Post.
18 July 1914 Cutting from the Sydney Morning Herald.
20 July 1914 Letter James W. Barrett to Grey and cutting from Age, 18 July 1914.
27 July 1914 Letter James Samuel Brierley [Canadian journalist and author] to Grey.
28 July 1914 Letter Sir Arthur Philip Du Cros (Bart.) to Grey.
25 July 1914 Letter Lt. Col. Sir Edward William Macleay Grigg to Grey.
1 August 1914 Copy letter Grey to Grigg (2 copies).
30 July 1914 Letter Frederick Burton Robins [86 Glen Road, Toronto] to Grey.
Part of a duplicate typescript circular to British manufacturers concerning the Dominion House Scheme and problems to be faced by industry after the war.
3 August 1914 Letter Walter Scott (Prime Minister of Saskatchewan) to Grey.
12 August 1914 Cablegram from Massey (Prime Minister New Zealand) to Grey (in duplicate).
20 July 1914 Press cutting (sent by Harold Beauchamp) “Dominions House Australia and Earl Grey's Scheme”.
11 September 1914 Letter from Sir Richard McBride (Prime Minister British Columbia) to Grey.
2 October 1914 Letter from H. Morgan Veitch to Grey.
3 October 1914 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
3 October 1914 Copy letter Grey to Mr Braddon.
23 October 1914 Letter B. Kent (?) (President Auckland Chamber of Commerce) to Grey. Enclosure: 16 April 1914 Copy letter from [B. Kent?] to Dr Barrett of Melbourne.
18 November 1914 Printed circular letter from Edward J. Poynter, Plymouth, and Robert A. Smith of the Further Strand Improvement Committee to Grey.
24 March 1915 Copy letter from [Sec.?] of Brit. Dominions Exhibition Limited, to the Chairman, Improvements Committee L.C.C.
5 May 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
12 May 1915 Letter James Bird (Clerk of L.C.C.) to Grey.
26 May 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mr Ross.
10 June [1915] Letter V.A. Malcolmson to Grey.
11 June 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
16 June 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
16 June 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
16, 17 June 1915 Letters J. Taylor Peddie to Grey.
18 June 1915 Letter Grey to Bond.
19, 21 June 1915 Letters Bond to Grey.
21 June 1915 Copy Grey to Bond.
22 June 1915 Draft Grey to Bond.
23 June 1915 Copy letter Grey to Edwin Tate.
23 June 1915 Copy letter Grey to J.W. MacDonald.
23 June 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
23 June 1915 Letter Bond to Grey.
24, 25 June 1915 Copy Grey to Bond.
28 June 1915 Copy Grey to H.J. Peddie.
Circular from H.J. Peddie on the Pan Britannic Union.
3 June 1915 Letter H.J. Peddie to Grey, enclosing the above.
June 1915 Circular letter from Henry James Peddie on the Pan Britannic Union.
2 July [1915] Letter Bond to Grey.
3 July 1915 Letter Sir Thomas Vansittart Bowater to Grey.
4 July 1915 Copy Grey to Bond.
5 July 1915 Letter G.B. Hunter to Grey.
5 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Northcliffe.
6 July 1915 Letter Viscount Rothermere to Grey.
6 July 1915 Letter 11th Baron Kinnaird [4 Pall Mall East] to Grey.
7 July 1915 Letter Sir William Mather to Grey.
7, 8 July 1915 Letters Clara G. Milburn to Grey.
7 July 1915 Letter Hon. Charles A. Parsons to Grey.
8 July 1915 Telegram [Peddie] to Grey.
9 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
9 July 1915 Letter Frank Kirk to Grey.
9 July 1915 Letter Bond to Grey.
10 July 1915 Letter Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
10 July 1915 Letter Harry James Peddie to Grey.
10 July 1915 Telegram Peddie to Grey.
11 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Mr MacDonald.
11 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
10 July 1915 Letter J. Taylor Peddie to Grey.
11 July 1915 Letter Sir (Michael) Hugh Shaw-Stewart, 8th Bart. to Grey.
13 July 1915 Letter Ellesmere to Grey.
13 July 1915 Letter Ralph Bond to Grey. Enclosed: 13 July 1915 Copy letter Sir John W. Taverner to R. Bond.
13 July 1915 Letter Duke of Northumberland to Grey.
13, 15 July 1915 Copy letters Grey to R. Bond.
12 July 1915 Copy letter Bond to J. Taylor Peddie.
15 July 1915 Letter Harry James Peddie to Miss B. Gilbertson.
15 July 1915 Letter R. Bond to Grey.
15 July 1915 Letter Sir Otto (John) Beit, 1st Bart. to Grey.
16 July 1915 Copy letter Edward Tanner (solicitor L.C.C.) to Messrs Rutter Veitch and Bond.
16 July 1915 Copy letter Ralph S. Bond to Mr Peddie.
17 July 1915 Copy letter J. Taylor Peddie to Bond.
17 July 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey, enclosing the above letters.
18 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
19 July 1915 Copy letter J. Taylor Peddie to Bond.
19 July 1915 Letter Bond to Grey, enclosing the above.
20 July 1915 Letter Sir Herbert Bartlett to Grey.
3 July 1915 MS paper by Harry J. Peddie with pencil alterations by Grey: Grounds on which to found an application for the consideration by the next Imperial Conference of the proposal to build an overseas Dominion House ...
20 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to H.J. Peddie.
21 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
21 July 1915 Letter Sir W.H. Stephenson to Grey.
21 July 1915 Letter George Beetham.
21 June 1915 Letter Angus Watson to Grey.
22 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
23 July 1915 Letter Joseph Hood (solicitor of British American Tobacco Co. Ltd.) to Grey.
22 July 1915 Letter Sir Ernest Frederick Schiff, 1 Carlos Place to Grey.
24 July 1915 Letter Albert Spicer to Grey.
26 July 1915 Letter Sir Charles A. Parsons to Grey.
26 July 1915 Letter Geoffrey Robinson of The Times to Grey.
28 July [1915] Letter E.R. Peacock to Grey.
18 July 1915 Letter J.N.W. Noble [Elswick Works, Newcastle] to Grey.
27 July 1915 Letter Vernon Watney to Grey.
29 July 1915 Letter Cromer to Grey.
Printed paper: Copies of letters to Grey from the Prime Minister of New Zealand, W.F. Massey, 9 March 1914; and from the president of the Inter-State Conference, Australia, W.H. Tate, 1 April 1914.
28 July 1915 Copy letter from Grey to be circulated to his friends appealing for funds for the Dominion House project.
Typescript paper: Grounds on which to found an application for the consideration by the next Imperial Conference of the proposal to build an overseas Dominion House on ... the Aldwych site.
21 July 1915 Copy letter Grey to The Times [corrected version; MS alterations].
1913-1914 Royal Scottish Geographical Society Prospectus and Programme.
British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.: Report and Balance Sheet 1914-1915.
22 July 1915 Letter Harry James Peddie to Grey.
28 July 1915 Copy Grey to Peddie.
26 July 1915 Letter Peddie to Grey.
26 July 1915 Draft letter Grey to Mr Bennett.
30 July 1915 Letter Harry James Peddie to Grey.
4 August 1915 Letter Joseph Hood (solicitor to Brit. American Tobacco Co. Ltd.) to Grey.
4 August 1915 Letter Horace Plunkett to Grey.
4 August 1915 Letter Sir George McLaren Brown to Grey (European General Manager of C.P.R.).
4 August 1915 Letter 1st Viscount Cowdray (Sir Weetman Dickinson Pearson) to Grey.
5 August 1915 Letter Almeric Hugh Paget to Grey.
5 August 1915 Letter Somerset to Grey.
5 May 1915 Printed paper: National Trade Committee: London Fair of British Industries. Enclosed: MS notes by Grey on settlement of ex-servicemen in the Dominions.
Printed leaflet: The New Zealand Club: List of Guests.
12 August [1915] Letter Mary Hunter to Grey.
*16 August 1915 Letter Ralph Anstruther to Shaw Stewart.
*20 August 1915 Letter Revd. William Forbes to Col. Shearer.
*20 August 1915 Letter Col. Andre? R. Shearer to Col. Sir Hugh Shaw Stewart, Bart.
16 July 1915 Letter Thomas M. Allison (M.D., Surgeon) to Grey.
19 July 1915 Letter Rosebery to Grey.
20 July 1915 Letter James Dunn? to Grey.
6 August 1915 Letter Arthur Lee to Grey.
12 August 1915 Letter Duke of Sutherland to Grey.
21 August 1915 Letter Hugh Shaw Stewart to Grey, enclosing the letters above marked *.
31 August 1915 (2 letters) Letters Harry James Peddie to Grey.
31 August 1915 Letter Frederick Burton Robins to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B235/4   1898-1912
24 February 1909 Letter Joseph Greenwood to Grey.
9 February .... Letter R. Clayton (of Wylam Hall) to Grey.
9 August 1902 Letter M.M. Fletcher to Grey.
13 May 1912 Letter Herbert Symonds (Vicar Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal) to Grey.
Typescript extract of part of the above letter.
22 November 1898 Letter G.H. Bridges of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York to Grey, enclosing two illustrations of the terms of policies offered to Grey.
2 application forms for policy from the above society, one partly completed by Grey.
29 December 1898 Letter G.H. Bridges to Grey.
28 November, 29 December 1898 Letters D.C. Haldeman (General Manager of the above Co.) to Grey.
Typescript paper: comparisons between the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York and the Guardian Fire and Life Office on a life policy for £10,000 payable at death after 20 premiums.
26 November 1898 Letter J.F. Jones (of Brit. S.A. Co.) to Grey, enclosing the above and leaflet The Retrogression of the "Mutual" of New York by B. Israel.
29 November 1898 Letter H. (?) Saunders (Res. Sec. Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Soc.) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B236/1   1882-1917
28 May .... Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey. Enclosing: 1914 Printed report of the Convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland on Local Self-Government for Scotland. (Approved 7 April 1914).
20 September .... Part of a letter [from Frewen] to Grey.
Notes by Grey from a work on politics (strongly attacking the "caucus").
The Election of an Irish House of Commons and Senate. Containing an Electoral Map and Schedule of Constituencies. (Dublin). Enclosed:
Typescript note: The Prime Minister's reply to Mr Newman's question (4 November 1912) on effect of block vote in Australian Senate.
Printed handbill illustrating the consequences of an amendment to clause 9 of the Government of Ireland Bill - Irish House of Commons.
22 March 1882 Part of a page from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle with paragraphs on Grey and franchise reform.
31 January 1884 MS paper: Remarks by Grey at a private meeting of some of his constituents at Newcastle, concerning his attitude to the Parliamentary Reform Question.
Rough notes by Grey from a book on the English Constitution.
Part of a letter from Grey to ... setting out his idea of “electoral rights for service rendered”.
21 January 1917 Copy letter E.W.B. Morrison to Grey.
26 January 1917 Extract of a letter from a soldier in France.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B236/2   1911-1916
3 June 1916 Letter Ronald Hooper (Sec. of the P.R. Soc. of Canada) to Grey.
Duplicate typescript papers: Memorandum on Tasmania and the problem of party government with a small majority [after 1913].
Extract from evidence given before parliamentary Select Committee of Tasmania, June 1915.
6 July 1916 Letter John H. Humphreys to Grey.
[Draft] report of the Proportional Representation Society for the year 1915-1916 (duplicated typescript).
The Proportional Representation Society Report of the year 1915-1916 (printed).
13 June 1916 Printed paper: Memorandum on a redistribution of seats and equitable representation by Grey and other members of the Proportional Representation Society.
November 1916 Leaflet: Proportional Representation, The Single Transferable Vote. An Illustrative Election. [PR leaflet no. 8].
Draft resolution [? to be put to the Electoral Reform Conference?].
Typescript with MS alterations by Grey.
18 October 1916 Letter Dr Ethel Williams (Chairman) and Miss E.F. Conway (Hon. Sec. of the Newcastle on Tyne Society for Women's Suffrage) to Grey.
17 May 1916 Letter John H. Humphreys to Grey.
17 July 1916 Draft letter Grey [to Humphreys?] apologising for absence from the annual meeting of the PR Society. (2 copies).
17 April 1916 Letter Clinton Rogers Woodruff (Sec. Nat. Municipal League) to Grey. Enclosing: Pamphlet: A Model City Charter and Municipal Home Rule as Prepared by the Committee on Municipal Program of the National Municipal League (final ed. 15 March 1916; Philadelphia).
June 1909 Part of a letter J.H. Humphreys to Grey enclosing extracts from evidence given by J.W. Gulland MP, before the Royal Commission on electoral systems.
4 June 1916 Letter F.F. Roget to Grey.
Pamphlet by Prof. F.F. Roget: Le Trust D'Importation de 1915 (Genève, 1916).
Press cutting: “Constitution of the Legislative Council - Draft of Resolutions [for Rhodesia]”, after 1898.
December 1911 Typescript paper: “Memorandum prepared by the Attorney General upon Representation in the Legislative Council and Redistribution of Seats” [Rhodesia].
4 November 1911 Cutting from The Commentator with letter from H.C. Daniel.
December 1916 Circular from J.H. Humphreys (Sec. PR Soc.), reporting on work of the society since the report of July 1916.
28 June 1912 Letter J.H. Humphreys to Grey.
November 1911 Printed circular letter from the Proportional Representation Society, “Proportional Representation. An Appeal to those who believe in it”.
4 January [1912] Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.
19 January 1912 Copy Grey to Fisher.
29 January 1912 Copy letter J.H. Humphreys to Fisher.
n.d. Sheffield election statistics showing how the candidates were returned by a minority of the electors.
16 December 1911, 18 January 1912 Letters J.H. Humphreys to Grey.
Typescript paper: “Memorandum re scheme of redistribution”.
16 January 1912 Letter J.H. Humphreys to Grey.
Duplicated typescript paper: “Proportional Representation Bill”. [Sets out form of a bill to introduce P.R.]. Marked in MS “Confidential, not for publication in the press” .
March 1912 Duplicated typescript paper: “Redistribution for England and Wales”.
9 April 1912 Copy of the Montreal Weekly Witness.
Rough notes by Grey. 2 pieces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B236/3   1909-[1917]
Typescript memorandum on franchise reform [mentions "the conference" - ? that of 1917 on electoral reform]. By J.H. Humphreys?
Typescript paper on the same subject: anomalies of the present system, results of proportional systems, Canadian elections (1908-1911), German General Elections 1912, the second ballot, the alternative vote.
Typescript extracts of speeches Asquith on representation 1906-1916. Also quotations from Balfour, G.H. Roberts and Philip Snowden 1912.
Printed Papers: Electoral Reform Commission: Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform ... 1st April 1909 [and] 6 April 1909.
Also: Memorandum on Proposed Scheme for Proportional Representation by Lord Eversley.
22 February 1911 Copy letter Grey to Lansdowne.
21 March 1911 Copy letter Grey to Salisbury.
Draft speech by Grey concerning his amendment to the Franchise Bill.

Paper   1 file
Proportional Representation 1905-1910
Reference: GRE/B236/4
Dates of creation: 1905-1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

August 1905 Pages from Revue Canadienne: "Réformes Electorales - Le Scrutin de Liste Proportionnel", by Jean-Baptiste Archambault.
7 September 1905 Cutting from The Times, "Redistribution and the Problems of Representation".
23 December 1909 Cutting from Ottawa Free Press, "Proportional Representation".
3 November 1906 Printed circular issued by the Proportional Representation Society.
1906 Ballot paper for the Proportional Representation Election.
18 January 1907 Letter John H. Humphreys to Grey.
11 January 1908 Page from the Spectator.
1908 Cutting: "Breaking the Solid South" by Walter H. Page.
28 November 1908 Cutting from The Times, Proportional Representation.
19 July .... Letter J.H. Humphreys to Grey.
23 July 1909 Letter P. McL. Forin to Grey.
24 July 1909 Copy letter A.F. Salden to Forin.
31 July 1909 Cutting from Ottawa Free Press, "Congressmen are made Cowards".
28 October 1909 Page from the Johannesburg Star, "The Municipal Elections", and cuttings of 29, 30 October 1909.
1 November 1909 Cutting from the Transvaal Leader.
29 October 1909 Cutting from Rand Daily Mail.
24 November 1909 Copy letter A.F. Sladen to Thomas Coté.
20 August, 9 December 1909 Letters Thomas Coté (Managing Editor of La Presse, 1904-1909) to Sladen.
17 December 1909 Letter John H. Humphreys to A.F. Sladen, enclosing list of pamphlets published by the Proportional Representation Society.
22 December 1909 Letter Frederick Walker Baldwin to Grey.
31 December 1909 Letter J.H. Humphreys to Grey.
Typescript copy of the above letter.
6 February 1910 Letter F.W. Baldwin to Grey.
23 May 1910 Copy letter Grey to Courtney.
Draft of the above letter. List of countries in which proportional representation has been adopted or is in operation.
Rough notes by Grey concerning the election of President Lincoln.

GRE/B236/5   1884-1916
Typescript notes: Democracy and Empire by A.E. Duchesne.
MS notes on electoral methods in various countries, especially Belgium.
29 August 1916 Circular letter John H. Humphreys (Sec. Proportional Representation Society) to the editor [of various newspapers], on the Conference on Electoral Reform. Duplicate typescript.
13 October 1916 Copy letter Grey to Bryce.
11 October 1916 Copy extract of letter Bryce to Grey.
Typescript notes from book The Disadvantages of Majority Representation.
Typescript note: Disraeli on the House of Lords 1836.
6 leaflets issued by the Order of the Red Rose advocating that everyone should invest their money in the War Loan and then destroy the bond to eliminate the interest (2 in duplicate).
2 September 1916 Copy letter Moreton Frewen to Colonel Grant Morden.
30 September 1916 Part of a letter from Moreton Frewen to Grey.
8 May 1910 Letter Henry Schofield to Grey. Press cutting: “Representative Government”.
13 April 1911 Press cutting from The Times: Sir Edward Grey on the House of Commons and Foreign Policy.
5 August 1911 Page from Saturday Night, with article “The Peril to Democracy”, by Dr Andrew Macphail.
5 December 1884 Letter Admiral Frederick Augustus Maxse to Grey.
10 November 1911 Printed circular letter Clive Morrison Bell to members of the House of Lords, enclosing printed chart House of Commons to Scale or Parliamentary Return No. 69 Made Easy.
22 November 1913 Copy letter [? from the Sec. of the Proportional Representation Society] to Monsieur Paul Pictet (deputy to the ‘Grand Conseil’ Geneva).
Leaflets: Comité Republicain de la R.P. Le System du Nombre Unique. La Réforme Électorale Exposé d'un system transactionnel pour l'utilisation des restes. (Paris 1912).
MS papers (not by Grey) “Reform of the representation of the People” and “Notes on the Draft scheme of proportional representation” [after 1880].
Duplicated typescript paper: Memorandum prepared by the Proportional Representation Society of Ireland to indicate the effect of the Proportional system of election in an Irish Parliament and reasons for its adoption by H.M. Government. [Marked in MS “submitted to the Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell MP, March 26, 1912” ].
Press cutting: “Electoral reform move will be inaugurated: Canadian Institute has decided to act on suggestion made by Sir Sandford Fleming”.
Typescript paper: “Proportional Representation: The Filling of Casual Vacancies in the House of Commons”.
c.1916 Typescript paper: “A Memorandum on Redistribution”.
Press cutting: “Proportional Representation: its breakdown in Tasmania”.
21 March 1914 Cutting from the Sydney Morning Herald, “Voting Systems - Evidence by the Tasmanian Premier. Proportional Representation”.
Part of a report [of the Proportional Representation Society?] showing the sums promised or subscribed 1912-1914.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B236/6   1884; 1911; 1916
Notes by Grey on a work by Charles Clark M.D. The ‘Machine’ Abolished and the People Restored to Power.
11 June 1911 Letter Zebulon Aiton Lash to Grey.
19 April, 26 June 1911 Copy letters Grey to Lash.
14 March 1911 Copy resolution adopted by the Canadian Institute, concerning the “rectification of Parliament”.
4 typescript copies of above (one with note by Grey to Sir Sandford [Fleming] at top).
9, 30 January, 2 February, 14 March 1911 Letters Revd. Charles W. Casson to Grey. Also typescript copies of the letters of 30 January and 21 February.
13, 28 January, 8, 12 February 1911 Copy letters Grey to Casson.
8 February 1911 Copy letters Grey to Mrs Reford.
30 January 1911 Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.
28 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sir Sandford Fleming.
28 January 1911 Note by Grey concerning an appeal to the Canadian Institute by Sir Sandford Fleming in favour of Proportional Representation.
23 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Sydney Fisher.
1884 Pages from The Nineteenth Century, with article by Grey “Proportional versus Majority Representation”, with some MS alterations.
22 August 1916 Pages from Hansard reporting proceedings in the Lords on the local elections bill; includes question by Grey on proportional representation.
Cutting from the Daily Mail with article by Grey inviting readers' participation in a trial election under proportional representation.

Paper   1 file
The Speaker's Conference and New Reform Bill 1916-1917
Reference: GRE/B236/7
Dates of creation: January-June 1917
Extent: 1 filePaper

12 April 1917 2 typescript copies of letter by 4th Earl Grey on proportional representation.
12 April 1917 Copy letter Grey to Viscount Chaplin.
n.d. Letter John H. Humphreys, Secretary of the Proportional Representation Society, to 5th Earl Grey.
5 April 1917 Letter Sir Henry Kimber (1st Bart.) to John H. Humphrey.
10 April 1917 Letter Henry, 1st Viscount, Chaplin to 5th Earl Grey.
Another typescript copy of Grey's letter of 12 April 1917 (see above).
2 April 1917 2 cuttings of letter from Grey to The Times on proportional representation.
31 May 1917 Letter John Stanley Appleby to Grey.
7 June 1917 Cutting from The Times: Letter from Parmoor on electoral reform.
2 June 1917 Copy letter Grey to Claud.
n.d. 2 copies of letter Grey to Wilson Fox.
30 May 1917 Letter H. Wilson Fox to Grey.
26 May 1917 Copy letter Grey to Wilson Fox (2 copies).
21 May 1917 Letter John Stanley Appleby to Grey.
4 May 1917 Letter John H. Humphreys to Miss Gilbertson.
April 1917 PR Pamphlet no. 32: Three Reasons for Proportional Representation by Major J.R.P. Newman MP. 2 copies.
1 May 1917 Circular letter from J.H. Humphreys, accompanying the above pamphlet.
12 April 1917 Copy letter Grey to Chaplin.
17 May 1917 Letter J.H. Humphreys to Grey.
11 May (?) 1917 Cutting from Newcastle Journal, “Durham County Unionists. Redistribution and other Questions”.
14 April 1917 Letter Viscount Bryce to Grey.
6 April 1917 Letter Joseph Lawrence to Miss Gilbertson.
2 April 1917 Letter Joseph Lawrence to Grey (very long letter).
12 April 1917 Letter J.H. Humphreys to Grey.
6 April 1917 Letter Chaplin to Grey.
5 April 1917 Letter J.H. Humphreys to Miss Gilbertson.
5 April 1917 Copy letter Humphreys to Lord Courtney, enclosed in the above.
26 March 1917 Pamphlet: Three Reasons why Unionists Should Support Proportional Representation by J.R.P. Newman.
4 April 1917 Telegram Humphreys to Miss Gilbertson.
2 April 1917 Letter Aneurin Williams to Grey.
29 March 1917 Cutting from The Times. Lloyd George on P.R.
23, 29 March 1917 Letters J.H. Humphreys to Miss Gilbertson.
26 January 1917 Letter Sir James Percy Fitzpatrick to Grey.
16 February 1917 Letter Dr James W. Robertson [President Proportional Representation Society of Canada] to Grey.
17 February 1917 Letter Ronald Hooper [Secretary of above society] to Grey.
9 February 1917 Copy letter W.D. Spence [President Calgary Branch P.R. Soc. of Canada] to Hooper.
19 February 1917 Letter Hooper to Grey enclosing the above.
30 March 1917 Typescript copy of letter Grey to The Times.
21 March 1917 Acknowledgement of William K. Dickson (Keeper of Advocates' Library, Edinburgh) of receipt of reprint of articles by Grey on electoral reform.
21 March 1917 Similar acknowledgement from F. Madan of Bodleian Library.
21 March 1917 Similar acknowledgement from G. Barwick of the British Museum.
17 March 1917 Letter J.H. Humphreys to Miss Gilbertson.
14 February 1917 Cutting from the Citizen (Ottawa), reporting Dr J.W. Robertson's presidential address to the Proportional Representation Society of Canada.
27 February 1917 Letter Humphreys to Grey.
22 February 1917 2 copies printed circular letter from Grey and Aneurin Williams.
February 1917 Pamphlet: The Speaker's Conference on Electoral Reform: Reprint of a Memorandum on Redistribution Presented to Members of the Conference by Earl Grey and Mr Aneurin Williams.
16 February 1917 Letter Humphreys to Grey.
n.d. Resolution of the Parliamentary Committee for Proportional Representation.
2 February 1917 Letter Ellis Thomas Powell to Grey.
2 February 1917 Letter C.P. Scott to Grey.
3 February 1917 Letter John St Loe Strachey to Grey.
6 February [1917] Letter Maud L. Cochrane (Sec. to the editor of the Daily Mail) to Grey.
6 February 1917 Letter (George) Geoffrey Robinson [later Dawson] editor of The Times to Grey.
7 February 1917 F.E. Binns (editor Yorkshire Observer) to Grey.
7 February 1917 Sir Robert Donald (editor of the Daily Chronicle) to Grey.
10 February 1917 Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian, to Grey.
14 February 1917 Letter James Sykes (editor in charge of Yorkshire Post) to Grey.
14, 16 February 1917 Letter J.S.R. Phillips (editor of Yorkshire Post) to Grey.
17 February 1917 Cutting from Yorkshire Post.
10 February 1917 Letter John H. Humphreys to Grey. Enclosed:
8 February 1917 List of persons to whom copies of Grey's pamphlet had been sent.
Cutting from Westminster Gazette: Letter John H. Humphreys on proportional representation.
6 February 1917 Another cutting from Westminster Gazette, on The Franchise.
30 January, 2 February 1917 Letters William Philip Schreiner (Prime Minister Cape Colony 1898-1900; High Commissioner Union of South Africa in London 1914-1919) to Grey.
1 February 1917 Letter Sir Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson 2nd baron and 1st Viscount Burnham (managing proprietor Daily Telegraph 1903-1928), to Grey.
27 January 1917 White Paper: Conference on Electoral Reform. Letter from Mr Speaker to the Prime Minister.
28 January 1917 Letter James W. Lowther to Grey.
Draft paper by Grey on proportional representation.

GRE/B236/8   1 February 1917
1 February 1917 16 typescript copies of letter from Grey to accompany reprint of article on proportional representation.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B237/1   1888-1889
30 June 1888 Pamphlet: Reprint of despatch from Sir R. Morier to the Marquis of Salisbury, respecting the establishment of commercial relations with Siberia through the Kara Sea.
22 December 1889 - n.d. [1892] 80 letters Sir Robert Morier to Grey, and four telegrams.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B237/2   January-March 1891
Draft letter by Morier to Grey to write to His Excellency Privy Councillor Timisiaseff of the Russian Ministry of Finance.
11 January 1891 Telegram Bruce [?Morier] to Grey.
Notes on the present position of the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited.
Counter notes [by Morier] on the present position of the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited.
11/23 February 1891 Letter Morier to Baron Gunsburg.
14/25 February 1891 Draft Morier to Lord Hartington.
9 March 1891 Copy telegram Anderson to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B237/3   1891
List of points Morier wished to be discussed at a meeting between Grey and Krasnoselski.
1891 Draft telegram ... to [Morier?].
25 May 1891 Letter Sir Albert Hastings Markham to Grey.
July 1891 Pamphlet: The Ocean Route to Siberia. Private & confidential; inscribed to Grey "quorum pars magna fuisti". Signed Morier. Illustrated.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B237/4   1890-1891
29 April 1890 Letter H.N. Sulivan to Grey.
30 June 1890 Copy letter Grey to J.B. [Sir John Burns, 1st Baron Inverclyde?].
2 December 1890 Copy letter Grey to Smithson (Sec. Tyneside Geographical Society).
[after 2 December 1890] Copy letter Grey to Sir R. Morier.
14 December 1890 Copy letter Grey to Sir R. Morier.
[December 1890] Copy letter Grey to Sir R. Morier.
[1891] Copy telegram Grey to Morier.
6, 7 January 1891 Copy letters Grey to Morier.
20 January 1891 Letter J.D. Patullo [Sec. Siberian Mining Association] to the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate.
[? January 1891] Copy letter Grey to Morier.
4 February 1891 Copy letter Grey to Morier.
[1891?] Copy letter [incomplete] Grey to Rothschild.
4 February 1891 Copy letter Grey to Morier.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Medhurst.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Oliver Williams.
n.d. [1891] Copy letter Grey to Morier.
[February (?) 1891] Copy letter Grey to Morier.
1 March 1891 Copy letter Grey to Morier and notes for letter to Morier.
14 March 1891 Copy letter Grey to Morier and notes summarising letter.
[April 1891] Copy letter Grey to Morier and draft.
[April 1891] Copy letter Grey to Morier.
c. May 1891 Rough notes for a lecture by Grey to the Tyneside Geographical Society.
Draft letter Grey to Morier [appears to have been written by Oliver Williams] in reply to Morier's letter of 28 April 1891.
20 June 1891 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
22 June 1891 Copy letter Grey to Morier.
23 June 1891 Letter Joseph Wiggins to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B238/1   1890-1891
4 August 1890, 30 January, 27 February 1891 Letters Oliver Williams to Grey.
9, 12, 18, 21 August, 5 December 1890 Letters A.H. Beavan (Secretary Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate) to Grey.
27 July, 13 September 1890 Copy letters Oliver Williams to Beavan.
List of subscribers to the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate.
28 August 1890 Letter Wincott Cooper & Co. to Grey.
Instructions to A.F.H. Medhurst Esq. on proceeding to Siberia on behalf of the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate.
26 January, 2, 5, 17 February 1891, n.d. fragment Letters A.F.H. Medhurst to Grey.
6 February 1890 [1891?], 9, 12 February, 10 March 1891 Letters Joseph Samuel to Grey.
[6 February 1891] Copy letter Grey to Samuel.
1 January 1890 [1891?], 24, 30 December 1890, 5, 11, 14 January, 1 February, 16 April 1891 Letters Captain Francis P. Fletcher-Vane to Grey.
January 1891 Certificate of transfer of one £1 share in the Siberian Mining Association Limited from Grey to Francis P. Fletcher-Vane.
16 April 1891 Letter Sheffield Neave to Grey.
22 March 1891 Letter Louis Beaumont to Grey.
17 April 1891 Letter W.H. Tagart to Grey.
9 January 1891 Letter William B. Cockran to Grey.
15 April 1891 Letter J. Goldsmith Procter to Grey.
n.d. Copy telegram Bruce to Grey.
Copy telegram from O. Williams to the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate, with answer February 1891.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B238/2   1890-1891
January 1891 Letter [beginning and end missing] from J.D. Milburn to Grey, suggesting that the Russians should handle the Siberian side of the trade.
28 November 1890 - 16 April 1891 9 letters William Milburn jnr. to Grey.
25 November 1890, 1, 5 January 1891 Letters John D. Milburn to Grey.
October-November 1890 Copy telegrams from St Petersburg from Anderson and from Oliver Williams.
20 January 1891 Letter T.D. (?) Krasnoselski to Claude Vautin.
4 January 1891 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
23 January 1891 Letter C.N.E. Eliot to Grey.
14/26, 18/30 January, 10/22 February, 26 April, 8 May 1891 Letters from Baron Gunzburg. These are not to Grey; one may be to Morier the rest to Lord ...

Paper   1 file
GRE/B238/3   1890-1891
3/15 December 1890 Copy letters from Oliver Williams from Siberia to the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate (2 letters), with letter Williams to the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Lambeth, 3/15 December 1890.
6/18 December 1890, 24 December 1890/6 January 1891, 23 December 1890/4 January 1891 [part missing] Letters from Oliver Williams.
30 December 1890 Copy telegram from Anderson (in Siberia).
31 December 1890/12 January 1891, 2/14, 7/19, 9/21 January 1891 Letters from Oliver Williams.
Memorandum of cost and sale prices of Siberian produce 1890.
17 January 1891 Copy letter Wincott Cooper & Co. to Oliver Williams.
28 January - 9 February, 30 January - 11 February, 31 January - 12 February, 2-14 February, 18[February]/1 March 1891 Copy letters from Williams, last enclosing translation of letter from Mrs M. Lee to Williams 17 February 1891.
10 February 1891 Copy letter Oswald Cattley to the A.S. Trading Syndicate.
15/27 February 1891 Letter from Williams.
26 February 1891 Letter from Williams with translation of a claim by Mr Hillkoff against the A.S. Trading Syndicate.
4/16 March 1891 Letter from Williams with copy telegram from Medhurst 4 April 1891.
6/18, 10/22 March 1891 Letters from Williams.
14 April 1891 Copy letter W.G.? Wincott to Williams. [A long and important letter on the liabilities and future of the A.S. Trading Syndicate].
Copy circular letter Oswald J. Cattley (for A.S.T.S.) [evidently to Russian businessmen].
Copy letter to Cattley to be signed and completed by intending Russian subscribers.
25 March 1891 Sheffield [Henry Morier] Neave to his uncle, Sir Robert Morier.
Proposed amalgamation scheme of trading and mining companies of Siberia.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B238/4   1889-1891
Pamphlet: The Statutory General Meeting of the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Ltd. [held 5 December 1889], 2 copies.
Pamphlet: Extraordinary General Meeting of the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited [held 9 June 1890], 2 copies.
March 1891 MS draft circular letter from the Directors of the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate beginning "Gentlemen, The Directors of this company feel it their duty to put before you the position in which the company is placed by the sad death of Mr George Lee".
Report for presentation to the shareholders of the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited at the second A.G.M. to be held on 2 December 1890, by Wenlock (Chairman).
Balance sheet of the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited at 31 October 1890.
MS paper: [Proceedings at] the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited second A.G.M. ... 2 December 1890, Lord Wenlock in the chair. [Gives Chairman's address in full].
9 August 1889 MS paper: The Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate: Alphabetical and complete list of shareholders from registration of syndicate. [Gives numbers of shares held by each].
1891 William Milburn & Co. London: Charter party in respect of transporting of about 300 tons of machinery to the Yeneiseisk (Siberia), 3 copies.
[April 1891] MS paper setting forth the necessity of Siberians and Russians forming a company to handle the Siberian part of the work then being handled by the Anglo Siberian Trading Co.
13-14 August 1890 Copy letter W.H. Tagart to Messrs Wincott Cooper & Co. and the Chairman and Directors of the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate.
c.1890 MS paper: Proposed scheme [for Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate] - financial and shipping proposals.
1891 The Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited: Approximate Statement of Affairs at date.
Schedule of debtors and creditors at 20 February 1891.
Expenditure account as at 20 February 1891 (2 copies; one with pencil additions).
Balance sheet of Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate at 20 February 1891 (2 copies one with pencil additions).
31 October 1890 Private copy: Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited: Expenditure Account 2nd expedition.
Private copy: Balance sheet at 31 October 1890.
1890 Memorandum of cost and sale prices of Siberian produce.
20 March 1890 Extract of letter from Baron Nordenskjöld to Mr Gosling.
1890 Translation of article in the Sibirski Westnik no. 147. The Siberian point of view on the enterprise of the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate.
18/30 November 1890 Translation of leading article in the Moscow Gazette.
MS paper, “Reasons why last year's expenses were so heavy”.
MS paper, “Advantages for future work”.
Note concerning George Lee's bad management of the concern.
Note by Grey of Milburn's estimate of rail freight London to Karaoul and note concerning extension of period of concessions to the A.S.T. Syndicate.
8 August 1889 Memorandum of Association of Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate Limited.
July 1890 Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Siberian Mining Association Limited.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B238/5   1889-1890
File of press cuttings (1890) and other printed matter on the sea route to Siberia. Includes:
16 September 1889 “The Resources of Siberia and the Practicability of the Sea Route”, a paper by H.N. Sulivan read before the British Association (Geography Section).
25 November 1890 The Sea Route to Siberia: reprints of leading article from The Times, with letters from “One who knows all about it” [Sir Robert Morier] to The Times 15 October 1889 and 25 November 1890.
[1890] The Sea Route to Siberia Followed by A Brief Account of the Natural Resources of the Country by George Grey Butler and Francis P. Fletcher-Vane. Published by the Anglo-Siberian Trading Syndicate (London). 2 copies, one with MS notes, etc.(a map is missing from one copy).
Russian map of Siberia (coloured).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B238/6   1890-1891
December 1890 Typescript copy of correspondence in the press concerning the sea route to Siberia, including letter from Grey to G.E.T. Smithson.
2-19 August 1890 Details of voyage of the “Phoenix” from Yenisiesk downards.
14 September - 25 October [1890] Details of voyage of the “Phoenix” and “Bard” from Lakovaprotoka.
19 July - 15 September .... Details of outward voyage “Biscaya” and “Thule” with “Bard”; with dates of the homeward voyage of “Biscaya” and “Thule”.
Cutting of article by F. Dillon Woon on “The Kara Sea route and the development of Siberia”.
1891 Copy Charter Party Agreement concerning the “Thule” owned by the Anglo Siberian Trading Syndicate.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B239/1   1873-1916
24 August - 9 September 1912 Typescript report: Imperial Cadet Competitions and Camp: Canadian National Exhibition, with press cutting.
Memorandum on drill instruction in schools in Ontario, with appendix with schedule of schools to be visited by a drill instructor, 2 copies. Typescript with MS additions and alterations. [According to a note on the wrapper these were from C. Frederick Hamilton].
Extract of a letter from Grey to ? setting forth his Erastian principles.
30 July 1898 Cutting of a letter to the Spectator, from Grey on the Benefices Bill.
15 July 1898 Page from the Lord's Journals?, division on Benefices Bill.
1 December 1885 Press cutting of Grey's address to the electors of Tyneside Division from Pall Mall Gazette.
5 April 1911 Letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey, enclosing photos of 2 wapiti elk heads presented to him by the Hudson Bay Co.
n.d. [after 1902] Address to Grey from the masters and boys of St George's Boys' School, Bulawayo.
31 July 1913 Letter William C. Gray to Grey.
1 August 1913 Pages from the Fortnightly Review with article by Grey “A Great Imperial Opportunity” [Dominion House].
28 March 1916 Warrant for the appointment of 4th Earl Grey as Chancellor of the order of St Michael and St George. Signed George V and Bonar Law.
12 September 1912 Cutting from a press article by Lady Sybil Smith: “Liberty to Serve” [women's suffrage].
Contio apud scholae Harroviensis Gubernatores habita prid. nonas jun. MCMVIII. Oratore Philippo Stanhope Williams. Inscribed: “... with G.H. Hallam's compts”.
23 April 1910 Letter Mrs Jas. Watt to A.F. Sladen.
4 May 1910 Lines by William Murray ( “bard of the St Andrew's Society of Hamilton”) on Grey's governor generalship.
12 June 1899 Agreement between Grey and Miss Mary F.S. Hervey of the one part and the firm of Edward Arnold, publisher, of the other, concerning the publication of A Memoir of Hubert Hervey.
25 July 1908 Telegram Edward VII to Grey, conferring on him the G.C.V.O.
31 August 1908 Letter General Sir Dighton Macnaghten Probyn to Grey. Enclosing:
Grant of the dignity of a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order to Grey, signed Edward VII and Althorp.
Statutes of the Royal Victorian Order.
23 October 1911 Warrant granting the dignity of a Knight Grand Cross (Civil Division) of the Order of the Bath to Grey. Signed George V and Reginald McKenna.
8 December 1911 Letter Col. Douglas Dawson to Grey, concerning the above.
26 September 1904 Commission appointing Grey Governor General of Canada: signed Edward VII and Alfred Lyttelton.
1 August 1908 Certificate of appointment of Grey to the Privy Council.
23 June 1909 Encaenia recording the conferment of the honorary degree of D.C.L. on Grey.
14 September 1903 Cutting from the Daily Chronicle, concerning Sarawak.
Letter Princess Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary to Grey enclosing print of the memorial window to Edward VII in Sandringham Church.
1910 Print of photograph of George V, Queen Mary and daughter signed by the King and Queen.
19 November 1912 Account of game killed in Windsor Great Park.
1873 Cricket scores [by 4th Earl Grey?].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B239/3   1883-1915
Queen Alexandra's message to the British people: in memoriam King Edward VII.
2 June 1910 Telegram Queen Alexandra to Grey, thanking him for letter of sympathy on death of Edward VII.
8 May [1899?] Letter Duke of Connaught to Grey.
1915 Christmas card: Duke of Connaught to Grey (with photo of Connaught).
11 January 1900 Telegram Albert Edward [VII] to Grey.
2 January 1910 Telegram Edward VII to Grey.
3 April Telegram Edward VII to Grey.
29 March 1906 Letter Queen Alexandra to Grey.
15 November 1905 Letter Rear Admiral Prince Louis of Battenberg to Grey.
12 September 1905 Letter Battenberg [to Grey's sec(?)].
February 1901 Note to Grey from Princesses Helena, Louise and Beatrice accompanying a souvenir of Queen Victoria.
31 January 1901 Instructions issued by George S. Gibb, General Manager, N.E.R., on arrangements to be observed in connection with the day of mourning and funeral of Queen Victoria.
1 June 1883 Letter Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, Earl of Clarence and Baron Arklow, to Grey.
11 October 1913 Letter Prince (Frederick) Christian (Charles Augustus) of Schleswig-Holstein (d.1917) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B239/4   1876-1913
4 July 1898 John Hay (American Ambassador) to Grey.
25 July 1907 William Howard Taft to Grey.
n.d. Arthur James Balfour to Grey.
12 December 1906, 5 May 1909, 16 May 1912 3 letters William Booth to Grey.
14 December 1901, 27 February 1909, 28 December 1911 3 letters Viscount Roberts to Grey.
14 July 1910 Letter Viscount Roberts to Lady Grey.
4 September, 23 December 1910, 17 October 1912 3 letters Marie Hall to Grey.
n.d. 2 letters Anna Pavlova to Grey.
12 January 1910 Letter Arthur Conan Doyle to Grey.
3/16 July 1900 Autograph (only) of Leo Tolstoy.
1902 Note from Moreton Frewen enclosing list of autographs of US senators invited to meet Grey at Washington.
5 March 1902 Letter from Senator George Frisbie Hoar to Moreton Frewen, enclosing the above list of autographs.
1903-1908 7 letters Rudyard Kipling to Grey.
9 December 1914 Letter Kitchener to Grey, enclosing copy of interim report of the Rotherham Committee on Garrison and Regimental Institutes (army canteens).
29 January 1907 Letter Elihu Root to Grey.
4 January 1908 Telegram Elihu Root to Grey.
28 January 1911 Letter James J. Hill to Grey (& typescript copy).
30 October 1903, 27 September 1912 2 letters Andrew Carnegie to Grey.
22 September 1913 1 copy Grey to Carnegie.
1910 International Hymn by George Huntington sent by Carnegie to Grey with a MS note.
n.d. Christmas greetings from Carnegie.
7 March 1900, 4 September 1904 2 letters Sir Benjamin C. Browne to Grey.
3 March 1912 Sir George O. Trevelyan to Grey.
1902-1911 22 letters Theodore Roosevelt to Grey.
18, 28 October 1890 2 letters Sir Henry James to Grey.
1897-1898 2 letters George Wyndham to Grey (one concerning the enquiry into the Jameson Raid).
23 July 1901 (?) Francis Knollys to Grey.
23 February 1908 Mrs Kate Douglas Riggs to Grey.
4 October 1906 - 31 December 1910 5 letters Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson to Grey.
21 December 1889 Viscount Wolseley (Garnet Joseph Wolseley) to Grey.
12 March .... - 4 August [1886] 4 letters Auberon Edward Herbert to Grey.
1887 2 letters Goldwin Smith to Grey.
23 December 1884 Gladstone to Grey.
29 December [1884] Salisbury to Grey.
21 March - 27 April 1886 4 letters T.H. Huxley to Grey.
24 November 1904 Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Earl of Cranbrook to Grey.
24 April 1907 Lewis Harcourt to Grey.
19 July 1909 Winston S. Churchill to Grey.
27 September 1903 Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
21 March, 27 April 1886 2 letters George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll, to Grey.
4 June 1881 Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, to Grey.
11 October 1884 Sir John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury, to Grey, on proportional representation and redistribution.
28 March 1884, 28 November 1885 (?) 2 letters Hugh Culling Eardley Childers to Grey.
3 June 1910 Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton to Grey.
n.d. Jameson to Grey.
Card with drawing by Baden-Powell.
15 August, 4 September 1876 2 letters Professor John Stuart Blackie to Grey.
13 February [1885?], 19 May 1885 2 letters Benjamin Jowett (master of Balliol) to Grey.
Lines by F. Edmund Garrett on Kruger's death.
14 July .... Letter Edmund Gurney to Grey.
31 July 1904 Letter Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree to Grey.
24 June 1901 Letter Louisa Duchess Dowager of Abercorn to Grey.
12 March 1907 Letter W.S. Shallenburger to Grey.
20 August .... 1 letter 1st Duke of Westminster to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B240/1   1899-1903
28 March 1903 Copy of The Spectator, with article on County Guides.
Duplicated typescript paper: ‘How to avoid conscription’.
8 December 1899 Reprint of letter from John George Hicks (Col. 2nd Northumberland V.A.) to the Volunteer Service Gazette: “A Volunteer Reserve”. Inscribed “with the author's ... compliments”.
20 April, 17 December 1901, 27 January 1902 3 letters Col. John Blencowe Cookson to Grey.
28 April 1902 Letter Lieut.-Col. Charles Gilbert Colvin Money (Officer Commanding 1st Battalion 5th Northumberland Fusiliers) to Alice, Countess Grey.
6 March 1903 Letter Charles D. Forster (Clerk to the Lieutenancy of Northumberland) to Grey. Enclosure: 13 October 1902 Copy letter Bertrand D. Gibson (Sec. & Treasurer Northumberland Rifle Association) to C.D. Forster.
27 May 1903 Letter Charles Cowell (Lieut. & Qrm Northumberland Hussars Imperial Yeomanry) to Grey. Enclosing: 1903 Extracts from Imperial Yeomanry Regulations.
24 March 1902 Letter Charles D. Forster to Grey. Enclosures:
19 March 1902 Copy letter W.A. Watson Armstrong to Forster.
24 March 1902 Copy letter J.B. Anderson to Forster.
List of Chief Guides for Northumberland.
Note from ... to Grey enclosing the above.
26 October 1900 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, “A Million Volunteer Scheme”.
17 January 1900 Letter H.B. Hans Hamilton to Grey, setting forth scheme for an association to assist in maintaining the establishment of H.M. Forces and to secure technical education, employment and assistance to men who are serving or have served in the Navy, Army and Reserve Forces. Enclosed: 21 December 1899 Printed resolutions of the County Council of Middlesex.
Typescript papers: suggestions for the consideration of the War Office - questions to be asked at next census; and horse breeding for army purposes.
[File of letters on proposed formation of a County Society to increase number of rifle marksmen and strengthen the volunteer regiments throughout Northumberland].
24 March 1901 Circular letter from Grey.
26 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to C.D. Forster.
26 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to St John Brodrick (Sec. of State for War).
8 April 1901 Letter St John Brodrick to Grey.
29 March 1901 Letter William M. Angus to Grey.
29 March 1901 Col. E. Downing to Grey.
1 April 1901 Letter P.(?) Watts to Grey.
3 April 1901 Letter Col. Henry F. Swan (O.C. 2nd V.B. Northumberland Fusiliers).
12 April 1901 Letter Wilfred Gibson (Lt. Col. Commanding 1st V.B. Northumberland Fusiliers).
13 April 1901 Letter Alfred Emley (Lt. Col. & Hon. Col. 1st Newcastle Royal Engineers (Volunteers).
18 April 1901 Col. C.S. Gordon to Grey.
Summary of comments on Grey's scheme.
27 September 1901 Letter John D. Challoner Captain of the City of Newcastle Rifle Club to Grey. Enclosures: 3 September 1901 Circular from Challoner to club members.
Ticket for signature of club members willing to join the proposed Rifle Club Reserve.
30 October 1901 Copy letter Grey to Challoner.
14 November 1901 Letter Challoner to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B240/2   1905-1911
6 March 1905 Extract of letter Grey [to Mary Countess of Minto].
6 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Professor Robertson.
9 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Mary S. Watts.
9 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Mary Countess of Minto.
13 March 1905 Copy letter Grey to Louisa Countess of Antrim.
1 April 1905 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
29 April Letter Margaret Benson to Jeanie [Lindsay?].
6 May 1905 Copy letter Maude Graham to Grey.
6 June 1905 Letter Joseph Wood (headmaster Harrow) to Miss Hart.
23 June [1905] Letter Mary H. Hart to Grey.
20 March 1905 Printed letter from Grey to Miss Hart, with printed copy of extract of his letter to the Countess of Minto, 6 March 1905 [one part crossed out].
28 June [1905] Letter Ella Pease to Grey.
16 June 1905 Letter Alfred Bromwich to Grey.
17 June, 22 June [1905] 2 letters Ella Pease to Grey.
19 September 1905 Letter Miss Mabel Clint (Sec. the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, etc) to A.F. Sladen.
30 September 1905 Note to Grey from A.F. Sladen.
10 October 1905 Letter Mabel Clint to Sladen.
14 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Miss Ella Pease.
19 October 1905 Letter R.G. Hatton of Armstrong College in the University of Durham to Grey.
7, 22 November 1905 Copy letters Grey to R.G. Hatton.
Extract of letter from Grey to ...? concerning Mrs Watts' banner.
22 November 1905 Note by Grey, criticising a design for a banner that had been submitted to him.
24 November 1905 Letter Howard Ruff (Hon. Sec. Royal Soc. of St George) to Grey.
30 November 1905 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Wyndham.
6 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Lady Mary Meynell.
6 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to R.G. Hatton.
6 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Miss Hart.
20 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to R.G. Hatton.
25 January 1906 Letter R.G. Halton to Grey.
13 February 1906 Copy letter Grey to Lady Mary Meynell.
30 March [1906] Letter Mary H. Hart to Grey.
28 May 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Creak [headmistress of King Edward's High School, Birmingham].
5 June 1906 Letter Louisa countess of Antrim to Grey.
4 December Letter Lady Mary Meynell to Grey.
Description of Chinese Kadimono by Katherina A. Carl. Typescript, 3 copies, 1 MS copy.
8 November 1906 Letter Katherina A. Carl to Grey.
15 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Carl.
4 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Queen Alexandra.
5 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Dr Peterson.
14 January 1907 Copy letter Grey to Princess of Wales.
27 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Sir William MacDonald.
21 June 1907 Copy letter Grey to Mr Smith of the British Museum.
24 July 1907 Letter Hon. Alexander Nelson Hood (private secretary to the Princess of Wales) to Grey.
24 August 1907 Copy Grey to Hood.
26 August 1907 Copy Grey to the Princess of Wales.
29 August 1907, n.d. 2 letters Mary S. Watts to Miss M. Hart.
17 May 1906 Letter E. Creak (headmistress King Edward's High School for Girls, Birmingham) to Grey.
2 typescript copies of the above letter.
List of banners to be received in Canada through Miss Hart.
Another list showing also schools to which banners are to be sent.
4 July 1906 Letter Anne Mercier (Mrs Jerome Mercier) to Lady Grey.
14 November [1906] Letter M.S. Benton (headmistress of S. Hampstead High School) to Grey, and card July 1906.
28 November 1906 Copy letter Grey to Miss Benton (2 copies).
3 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Mercier (2 copies).
Card evidently sent to Grey with one of the banners.
15 March Letter Mary H. Hart to Grey.
13 April 1907 Letter Grey's secretary [Sladen?] to the Sister Superior, Colonial and Indian School, Yale, British Columbia.
25 April 1907 Letter from Amy, Sister Superior, to [Sladen?].
14 April 1907 Letter from Dora Herbert to Grey.
29 April 1907 Copy letter Grey to Miss Herbert.
4 May 1907 Letter H.C. Lisle (solicitor) to Sladen, with note of Sladen's reply 13 May 1907.
13 May 1907 Letter Arthur F. Sladen to the headmaster Kew School.
Typescript copy of the above.
28 May 1907 Letter Dora Herbert to Grey.
31 May Part of a letter from M.H. Hart to Grey.
11 October 1907 Letter Cecil Smith [Dept. of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum] to Grey.
25 November 1907 Copy letter Grey to the Princess of Wales.
25 November 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lady Airlie.
5 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Anglesey.
11 December 1907 Letter Cecil Smith to Grey.
18 December 1907 Letter Mabell, Countess of Airlie, to Grey.
26 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Cecil Smith.
3 January 1908 Letter Dora Herbert to Grey.
22 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lady Mary Meynell.
27 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Dora Herbert.
6 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to the Hon. R.F. Sutherland.
10 February 1908 Letter Robert Franklin Sutherland to Grey.
11 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Herbert.
29 September 1908 Letter Jeanie Lindsay to Grey.
20 October 1908 Copy letter Grey to the Lieut. Governor of Ontario, Sir W. Mortimer Clark.
24 October 1908 Letter Sir William Mortimer Clark to Grey.
Address to Grey from the Villa Maria Convent School, Montreal.
24 December 1908 Letter Sister (St M. Caroline, Superior of Villa Maria) to Grey.
29 December 1908 Letter Lady Mary Northcliffe to Grey.
December 1908 Address from McGill University thanking the Queen for banner.
January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Miss Warrander.
4 February 1909 Letter Ethel Hurlbatt to Sladen.
1 February 1909 Copy letter Grey to Lady Antrim.
22 October 1908 Copy address of the University of Toronto to the Princess of Wales thanking her for gift of banner.
2 February 1909 Copy address of the Mother Superior and teachers of the Villa Maria Convent, Montreal.
February 1909 Cuttings from Canadian Life and Resources on banners.
[1909] Copy telegrams from Grey to the Princess of Wales, Lady Mary Meynell.
[March 1909] Copy telegram from Grey to ?E. Wood.
17 February 1909 Note from the Mother Superior and sisters of the Villa Maria Convent to Grey.
29 March 1909 Letter Sister St Mary Caroline to A.F. Sladen.
12 March 1909 Copy letter Grey to Bigge.
13 June 1909 Letter Dora Herbert to Grey.
29 July 1909 Copy letter Grey to Mr Nosse.
25 December 1909 Letter Miss Hughes Thomas to Grey and Lady Grey.
8 January 1910 Copy letter Grey's Secretary [Sladen] to Miss Hughes Thomas.
30 December 1909 Gwendolen Guinness to Grey.
12 February 1910 Note from [Alberta Montagu] concerning a banner [address: Ridgely Manor].
20 April 1910 Copy Grey's sec. to C.C. Arthur (of Cobourg Collegiate Institute).
2 May 1910 Copy Grey to Miss Dora Herbert.
2 June 1910 Letter Dora Herbert to Grey. Enclosing: June 1910 Press cuttings concerning the Tynemouth banner. 2 pieces.
7 June 1910 Letter T. Nosse to Sladen. Enclosing: 19 May 1910 Note from Holme Ringer & Co. to Nosse.
20 June 1910 Copy letter Grey to Lady Carew.
23 June 1910 Letter Julia Carew to Grey.
12 July 1910 Letter Kate M.B. Stephenson to Grey.
22 December 1910 Note from Miss Moberly (headmistress of Girls' High School, Newcastle).
19 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Miss Moberly.
19 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Lieut. Governor of New Brunswick.
22 December 1910 Letter Miss Moberly to Grey.
23 January 1911 Letter Lemuel John Tweedie (Lieut. Gov. N.B.) to Grey.
21 January 1911 Letter Allan A. Davidson to Tweedie.
25 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Miss Moberly.
25 January 1911 Copy letter [Sladen] to Robert Nicholson.
25 January 1911 Copy letter Grey to Lady Carew.
List of banners for which schools had not yet been selected.
4 July 1906 Letter Ishbel Maria, Countess of Aberdeen, to Grey.
1907-1911 List of banners presented to schools, etc.
6 February 1911 Letter Miss M. Moberly to Grey.
20 March 1911 Copy letter Grey to Mr Pugsley.
27 March 1911 Letter William Pugsley (Minister Public Works) to Grey.
5 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to L.J. Tweedie.
Extract from address to the Lieut. Gov. of N. Brunswick from the High School of Newcastle, N.B., on the presentation by him of a banner.
5 June 1911 Copy letter Grey to Miss Moberly.
5 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Dr Creelman of Guelph College.
5 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Dr Harrison.
6 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Principal Gordon, Queens University Kingston.
9 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Dr Tory, University of Alberta.
9 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Dr Peterson.
9 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Dr Falconer.
9 October 1911 Copy letter Grey to Dr Murray.
9 December 1910 Girls' High School, Newcastle: Prize day: programme and lists of awards.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B240/3   1905-1915
MS notes by Mary S. Watts interpreting designs of banners.
Typescript of part of the above.
Typescript ‘Mrs Watts' description of the banner’ and 5 printed versions of it (one marked “proof”).
Pages from Canadian Life and Resources with article on banners presented through Grey to Canada. 23 copies.
1905 Girls' Public Day School Co. Ltd. Report of council and notice of extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.
Press cutting: “The Patron Saint of England”.
June 1908 Cutting from the Art Journal, with photograph of banner designed by Louis Davis and worked by his wife.
Photograph of a banner.
Photograph of 2 carriages and horses.
1907 The Royal Society of St George: Festival Dinner.
1907 The Royal Society of St George: Aims and Objectives.
Booklet: The Royal Society of St George.
13 March 1915 Extract of letter [from Sybil Grey?].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/1   1905-1908
18 August 1905 Letter George W. Ross to Grey and typescript copy of same.
16 August 1905 Letter L.O. David to Grey and typescript copy of same.
13 December 1907 Letter Sir Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson, 2nd Baron and Viscount Burnham (managing proprietor Daily Telegraph 1903-1928) to Grey.
24 February 1908 Letter Sir John Henniker Heaton, 1st baronet, to Grey.
15 August 1908 Copy letter Edward VII to Grey.
21 August 1908 Letter Joseph Chamberlain to Grey.
31 July 1908 Letter Sir Charles Fitzpatrick to Grey.
31 July [1908] Letter Sydney Fisher to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/2   1898, 1912
7, 11 October 1898 Letters Sir Ebenezer Howard to Grey.
16 October 1898 Copy letter Grey to Howard.
23, 29 October 1898 Letters Howard to Grey.
9 February 1912 Leaflet: Grey on co-partnership in housing; with extract from address of the chairman (Henry Vivian) at 6th ordinary general meeting of Co-Partnership Tenants Ltd.
Brochure: Distinctive Features of Co-partnership Estates.
1912 Prospectus: Co-partnership Tenants Ltd.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/3   1892-1898
22 October, 22 November 1898 2 letters Henry D. Lloyd to Grey, with page from the Nation, 13 October 1898, enclosed.
January 1888 Printed verses by M.E.B. “Onward” written for the Decorative Co-operators' Association.
Press cuttings reporting speeches by Grey on co-operation:
13 August 1892 At Tynemouth.
20 August 1892 At Crystal Palace.
January 1893 Printed questionnaire by Grey on co-operative farming with special reference to Learmouth.
Press cuttings:
22 January 1894 Great Conference on Conciliation - representative meeting at Durham. Newcastle Daily Leader.
23 January 1894 The Pitman and His position ... the struggle for the profits. Newcastle Daily Chronicle.
18 July 1893 The 8 hours bill and the coal trade - an interview with Sir Joseph Pease, MP. Newcastle Daily Chronicle.
23 October 1893 The Free Labour Movement, The Times.
5 June 1895 Pages from the Co-operative News, with report on D'M'Innes' paper on co-operation as applied to the agricultural population and to agriculture.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/4   [late 19th-early 20th century]
2 pamphlets by Charles W. Eliot, President Harvard University, published by the American Unitarian Association:
The Education of our Boys and Girls.
What Unitarian Parents Can Teach their Children.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/5   1899-1916
6 November 1909 Letter Charles Murphy to Grey, enclosing cutting from magazine of verses: “Twentieth Century Land” by William J. Shanks.
MS verses to Lady Grey.
29 March 1899 Letter Fred. J. Kitt to Grey, concerning pitmen poets.
Cuttings from the Northern Weekly Gazette with articles on pitmen poets and examples of their work.
Lines by DAK reprinted from a Calcutta newspaper, “To His Excellency” [Minto].
1899 Lines: “Aspiration” by V.P.J. [1910]
Poem: “The People (A Prophecy)”.
13 January 1916 Letter Pamela Hinkson to Grey, enclosing her poem “Training” (Royal Irish, Dublin, April 1915).
15 February 1916 Letter Pamela Hinkson to Grey, enclosing her poem “To Them” (found apart).
1 January, 16 February 1916 2 letters from Katherine Tynan Hinkson (mother of the above) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/6   1804-1822, 1894-1911
18 March 1911 Press cutting: Colonial Troops Entertainment Committee.
1900? Press cutting: The Kaiser's Sermon: appeal to patriotism and faith.
Pamphlet: Alderman E.D. Walker: Railway Enterprise: instructive facts and figures, verbatim report. (Darlington, 1894).
Pages from Period with article on 1st Earl Grey.
1819 Page from Bell's Weekly Messenger: Politics of Europe: Earl Grey's speech at the Fox Dinner.
3 engravings of 2nd Earl Grey.
1 engraving of Earl de Grey.
1822 Press cutting: will of the late Countess Dowager Grey.
24 April 1814 Letter General Sir Henry George Grey to General Gordon.
Engraving Countess de Grey.
1809 Drawing of 2nd Earl Grey.
1804-5 Pages from a magazine with article on the Grey family.
Photograph of 4th Earl Grey.
The arms of Campbell Marchioness Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/7   1878-1898
27 March 1878 Printed address Grey to the electors of the S. Division of Northumberland with covering printed letter.
13 April 1878 Letter George Hedley to Grey.
19 February 1878 Letter from J. Cameron Swan, J.H. Rutherford and Edmund Proctor of the Liberal Association to Grey, requesting him to stand as a Liberal candidate; with note of Grey's reply, 24 February 1878.
14, 15 February 1878 Letters John W. Pease to Grey.
15 February 1878 Letter Addison Potter to Grey.
16 February 1878 Letter J. Cameron Swan to Grey.
17 February 1878 Letter John W. Pease to Grey.
18 February 1878 Letter William Woodman to Grey.
18 February 1878 Letter Ralph Park Philipson to Grey.
18 February 1878 Letter Edmund Proctor to Grey. Enclosed: Press cutting concerning Newcastle Guardians and the Permissive Prohibitory Liquors Bill and another on the progress of prohibition in Ontario.
19 February 1878 Letter John W. Pease to Grey.
21 February 1878 Letter J. Cameron Swan to Grey.
22 February 1878 Letter John W. Pease to Grey.
23 February 1878 2 letters William Woodman to Grey.
16, 24, 27 February 1878 Letters John W. Pease to Grey.
27 February 1878 Letter William Woodman to Grey.
28 February 1878 Letter J. Cameron Swan to Grey. Enclosing: Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Liberal Association of Newcastle, recommending Grey as a candidate.
2 March 1878 Letter William Woodman to Grey.
2 March 1878 Letter J. Cameron Swan to Grey.
5 March 1878 Letter Edmund Proctor to Grey.
9 March 1878 Letter Robert Spence Watson to Grey.
2 election songs and cartoon: “Great Cock Fight for £12,000 a Side and The South Northumberland Stakes”.
11 March 1878 Letter J. Cameron Swan to Grey.
13 March 1878 Letter J. Cameron Swan to Grey.
13 March 1878 Letter John W. Pease to Grey.
17 March 1878 Letter Edmund Proctor to Grey. [For letter J.W. Pease to Grey 19 April 1878, see Vol. E.II; and copy of this letter 227/12].
12, 18 June, 7, 15, 19 July 1878, 23 February 1879 Letters John W. Pease to Grey.
13 February 1878 Exercise book containing notes by Grey of interview with deputation of Newcastle Liberal Association. Also contains:
15 February 1878 Copy letters Grey to Mr [J.C.] Swan.
14 February 1878 Copy letter [J.C.?] Swan to ...
24 February 1878 Copy letter Grey to [Edmund Proctor].
4 March 1878 Copy letter Grey to Mr Swan.
5 March 1878 Copy letter Grey to Mr [J.C.] Swan.
10 March 1878 Copy letter Grey to Mr Clark.
12 May 1878 Letter William Woodman to Grey.
12 May 1878 G.A. Grey of Milfield to Grey.
29 May 1878 Letter William Woodman to Grey.
31 December 1878 Letter Wentworth Blackett Beaumont to Grey.
1, 4 January 1879 Letters Sir George Grey, 2nd Bart. of Fallodon to Grey.
9 January 1879 Letter Robert Spence Watson to Grey.
22 January 1879 Letter G.A. Grey to Grey.
9 June 1879 Letter Henry Thomas Morton to Grey.
19 April 1878 Letter Alice Grey to her mother Mrs Holford.
c.18 April 1878 Copy telegram from Grey.
14 April 1878 Note by Grey on the progress of his campaign.
Copy telegrams from Grey on state of the poll.
18 April 1878 Telegram 4th Earl Grey to 3rd Earl.
19 July, 10 October 1878 Letters Arthur E. Middleton to Grey, enclosing S. Northumberland election subscription list.
Paper [by R.S. Watson(?)], “Report of result of investigations into doubtful votes and recount”.
The Fifth Annual Report of the Liberal Association Newcastle upon Tyne for the Year Ending 31 December 1878. (Newcastle, 1879).
Report of the South Northumberland Liberal Association from its Extension to the Whole Division on the 25th January 1879 to 30 June 1880, the Financial Statement being for the Year Ending 31 December 1879. (Newcastle, 1880).
Many press cuttings (mounted) mainly on the S. Northumberland election of 1878.
27 February [1880?] Letter Clifton [Lord Darnley] to Grey.
5 March 1880 Letter John William Pease to Grey.
13 April 1880 Letter Thomas Crawford (Chairman) and James Cole and John William Robson (secretaries) of Walker Liberal Association, to Grey.
7 April 1880 Copy letter Grey to A South Northumberland Elector.
Press cuttings (mounted) of speeches by Grey: Tyneside division 1885.
[1886?] Letter M. Ridley of Blagdon to Grey.
11 July 1886 Letter Sir Edward Grey to Grey.
November 1888 Requisition by the electors of the Embleton district, Northumberland, to Grey requesting him to agree to nomination for the county council for that district. 9 sheets.
December 1888 Printed address: Grey to the electors of Embleton District.
18 January 1889 Notification to Grey that he has been elected a County Councillor for Embleton: signed John Ralph Carr-Ellison, sheriff and Returning Officer.
Press cuttings concerning the Northumberland County Council and election to it.
9 December 1892 Draft letter Grey to the Newcastle Chronicle defending at great length the character of Arnold White.
16 May 1898 Copy letter Grey to L. Morley Crossman.
1893-1894 File of press cuttings on various subjects, including political ones.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B241/8   1893-1905
Book containing:
29 September .... [1897] Letter Lady Hill to Grey.
7 October 1897 Letter Victor A. Hearn to Grey.
7 February 1899 Letter 7th Duke of Northumberland to Grey.
7 February 1899 Letter George Craik (Veterinary Surgeon) to J.H. Mansfield.
Press cutting: verses by Matthew Gotterson ‘At Spittal, Northumberland’.
8 February 1899 Letter Miss Fortescue (of Dropmore) to Grey.
25 November 1893 Scale of payment of Mr Archbald for letting Howick grass parks.
25 November 1893 Memo. of 4th Earl Grey's instructions to Mansfield concerning an annuity to be paid to Mrs Winter who had been housekeeper at Howick.
25 November 1893 Memo. on the interest on the Learmouth mortgage.
1 November 1905 Letter Alice Grey to Mansfield.
27 November 1893 Letter Flux Leadbitter and Paterson to Grey.
Form of receipt for money paid by 4th Earl Grey under his marriage settlement.
n.d. Letter D.L. to Grey.
Note concerning Arthur Johnson.
14 March 1894, 29 December 1895, 19 February 1901 Notes Grey to Mansfield.
March 1896 Note from Grey to heads of departments at Howick concerning requisition forms.
28 October 1903 Copy letter Flux, Leadbitter and Neighbour to George Grey (of Milfield).
31 October 1903 Authorisation by Lord Arthur Hill and Major Anderton to pay interest on mortgage of the Burdon estate to Messrs Cox & Co.
14 November 1901 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
4 April 1899 Memo. concerning 4th Earl Grey's Life Insurance Policy with copy letter Grey to Messrs Hodgkin, Barnett, Pease & Co.
11 November 1896 Note by George Grey of Milfield, concerning Mr Graham and carting at Howick.
6 May 1895 Letter William Shanks to Grey, requesting that he write to the judge who is to try him for bigamy advocating leniency.
Greetings from “Licencing Christmas Committee”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B242/1   1898-1912
23 July 1904 C.J. Rhodes deceased: statement of liabilities and assets at the 26 March 1902, so far as can be ascertained.
4 July 1899 Cutting from Newcastle Chronicle, Newcastle Leader and St James's Gazette, reporting or commenting on meeting at Newcastle at which Grey made the principal speech on the situation in South Africa.
26 January 1898 Northern Conservative Club, Newcastle: complimentary dinner to Earl Grey: a home rule reminiscence; position in Rhodesia; the administration of the Chartered Co.; a tribute to Cecil Rhodes.
Cartoon: “Mr Punch's ‘Animal Land’”.
3 March 1898 Cuttings from The Times and Glasgow General Times, concerning the Duke of Fife's and Grey's conflicting ideas on the Charter Co. Also from: 1 April 1898 the Newcastle Leader, Times of Africa; 2 April 1898 African Review; 2 April 1898 South Africa; 7 May 1898 Sydney Herald.
5 December 1893 Cuttings from Financial News: amalgamation proposals - Exploring Co.; United Concessions Co.; British South Africa Co.
10 April 1902 Cutting from St James's Gazette: “Mr Rhodes's Patent”.
25 February 1896 Cutting from Newcastle Chronicle: “Earl Grey's Appointment”.
29 November 1906 Cutting from Morning Post: “Successor to Sir Mortimer Durand”. (Letter from Richard Jebb of Ellesmere).
Calendar 1912: “A reminiscence of our English and Ottawa homes ... from Lord and Lady Grey”.
11 January 1910 Letter Mary M. Vaux to Grey.
Design of flag (maple leaf in centre of union jack).
Pamphlet: Memories of Hallowe'en: a response by J.A. MacDonald; with MS notes by Grey inside. (Response to toast at annual banquet of the Caledonian Society of Toronto, Hallowe'en 1906).
28 May 1910 Page from the “Canada Gazette”.
7 January 1910 Letter Rodolphe Lemieux (Postmaster General of Canada) to Grey. Enclosing: Printed copy of his speeches at the Champlain Tercentenary 1909.
17 February 1905 Letter Sir Joseph Pope to Grey. Enclosing: 21 November 1893 Copy of an account of the erection of the monument to Nelson in Montreal with list of subscribers from La Patrie.
Reuter's message to The Times on the Greys' visit to Montreal.
Address to Lady Grey at Montreal.
14 October 1910 Cuttings from Ottawa Journal, “Award Committee report on Lady Grey Competition”.
November 1908 Remarks by Grey at Canadian Club Luncheon on tuberculosis.
1911 2 one Canadian dollar notes.
5 June 1909 Telegram F.W. Thompson to Grey.
11 February 1907 Speech by Dr T. Chisholm MP for East Huron in the Canadian House of Commons, “Full Partnership with the Motherland”.
8 June - 20 July 1907 9 cuttings of articles from the Citizen.
9 September 1911 Cutting of article from the Citizen, “Earl Grey, Good Citizen”.
August 1907 Cuttings from Nottingham Guardian, Newcastle Chronicle and Sunderland Echo, concerning speeches by Grey.
16 August 1909 Cutting from the Times, “Lord Grey in the Yukon”.
29 March 1909 [Canadian] House of Commons Debates: Speech of Hon. George E. Foster on naval defence.
Pages from the Methodist Magazine and Review, “Earl Grey, The New Governor General” by W.T. Stead, abridged from the Review of Reviews.
Cutting of magazine article: “Lord Grey in Canada” by Dr Andrew MacPhail. 5 copies.
Cutting of another article by MacPhail, “The Going of the Greys”.
30 April 1907 Cutting from Tribune, “Lord Grey's Work”.
May 1911 Pages from American Suburbs: “Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, Canada” (many photographs). 11 copies, 1 incomplete.
Account of the laying of the foundation stone of the library and museum of the Canadian Military Institute; with photograph of the ceremonial trowel used by Grey.
Pamphlet: Canada's Place in the War and Afterwards by Sir Clifford Sifton.
January 1900 Pamphlet: England and the Transvaal by Grey, reprinted from the North American Review.

Paper   1 file
Canadian Functions
Reference: GRE/B242/2
Dates of creation: 1904-1912
Extent: 1 filePaper

Press cuttings of speeches by Grey:
29 September 1909 Canadian Club Luncheon - proportional representation.
5 October 1909 Fighting Speech - duty of Canada to provide naval defence.
13 October 1909 Canadian Club Winnipeg: Progress of Canada.
21 October 1905 Pamphlet: Trafalgar Day at Ottawa. 2 copies.
1905 Pamphlet: The May Court Club Lectures: Programme.
1907 Pamphlet: The May Court Club Lectures: Programme.
26 February 1909 Telegram Lord Roberts to Grey.
27 February 1909 Menu Paardeberg Day.
9 February 1909 Pamphlet: Mount Royal Club Montreal: Address to Grey and his reply.
28 August 1911 Menu: Dinner to Grey by the National Club, Toronto.
29 November 1906 Menu: Banquet to Grey by the Canadian Club, Toronto.
“Private Theatricals Rideau Hall Xmas 1906.”
17 January 1908 Leaflet: The National Trades and Labour Council approve the proposal to celebrate the 300th birthday of Canada by the consecration of the famous battlefields of Quebec.
24 October 1911 Menu: Royal Colonial Institute Dinner in honour of Grey.
Pamphlet: Earl Grey on Canada (speech on above occasion).
Alphabetical list of guests and plan of tables at the above function.
22 November 1911 Rhodes Scholarship Trust: plan of tables? at function for Rhodes scholars.
2 November 1911 Menu: Banquet to Grey on occasion of his return to England, the Duke of Northumberland in the chair.
Alphabetical list of guests and plan of tables at the above banquet at Tilley's Rooms, Newcastle.
7 November 1904 Banquet to Grey on the occasion of his appointment as Governor General at Old Assembly Rooms, Newcastle (no menu).
Press cuttings containing reports of the above occasion.
1 July 1909 Imperial International Exhibition: dinner to celebrate Dominion Day: menu; table plan and alphabetical guest list.
Press cuttings concerning the above function, including illustrations.
19 February 1906 Programme: State Concert in honour of Grey at Montreal.
Programme: Visit to Quebec of Prince of Wales (Champlain Tercentenary 22-29 July 1908).
Draft programme.
Visit of the Prince of Wales to Quebec: review, salutes, guards of honour, escorts, lining streets (corrected in typescript).
Routes to be followed on the Prince of Wales' visit to Quebec.
10 September 1907 Quebec Central Railway: special time table for train taking Grey from Quebec to Sherbrooke.
2 February 1907, 19-24 April 1909, 24-29 April 1911 Grey's Musical & Theatrical Competition Programmes.
Typescript reports of judges of the 1912 competition.

GRE/B242/3   1909-1910
Music: “The Maple Leaf for Ever” and “O Canada”. 2 copies.
4 February 1910 Will of 4th Earl Grey in sealed package, and note by T.F. Leadbitter.
1 photograph.
12 August 1909 “Resolution” to grant a holiday to all Y.G. Co. employees in view of the arrival of Grey at Dawson, Y.T.
January [1909] Press cutting of address by Dr Falconer to a Canadian audience.
Part of an address by Grey to Canadian farmers.
Miscellaneous rough notes by Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B243/1   1899-1906
19 March 1906 Copy Act to create a juvenile court in and for the district of Columbia passed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the USA in Congress.
23 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Judge Ben Lindsey.
19 October 1907 Letter (Anthony) Evelyn Ashley to Grey.
2, 24 January 1908 Letters Ben B. Lindsey to Grey.
n.d. Copy extract of letter from Lindsey.
24 May, 5, 19 July 1899 Letters Thomas J. Barnardo (founder and director of Dr Barnardo's Homes) to Grey (the letter of 5 July 1899 is incomplete).
19 July 1899 Receipt for a donation of £25 from Grey to Dr Barnardo's Homes.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B243/2   1910-1911
Reprint from Maclean's Magazine: “David Thompson Explorer” by J.B. Tyrrell (inscribed by Tyrrell to Grey).
Photographs of Grey's Hudson Bay trip.
November 1910 Pages from the Nineteenth Century: “Imperialising Hudson Bay” by Arthur Hawkes.
9 September 1911 Page from Canada, “The Hudson Bay Route” by L.S. Amery.
1 October 1910 Cuttings from Toronto Saturday Night: “Hudson Bay: its conditions and problems”.
Address by L.S. Amery before the Empire Club of Canada, Toronto, 22 September 1910.
24 September 1910 Cuttings from Montreal Witness: “Hudson's Bay” by John MacNaughton.
Envelope containing press cuttings relating to Grey's Hudson Bay trip.
17 September 1910 Map of the Hudson Bay route explored by Grey from the Graphic.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B243/3   1853, 1886-1912
16 November 1911 Resolution of the Merchant Taylors' Co., granting Grey the honorary freedom of the company.
2 photographs of 4th Earl Grey.
Envelope containing photographs of Rideau Hall and of a bob sleigh team.
10 March 1853 Illuminated address: the building committee of the infirmary for the sick and lame poor of Newcastle, Durham and Northumberland to (1) 3rd Earl Grey; (2) Countess Grey, signed Charles John Gibb, secretary.
Cutting from magazine: photo of address and ink stand presented to Grey by the curlers of the Canadian branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club on his departure from Canada.
Address presented to Lord and Lady Grey by Oscar and Louis Philippe Bastien of the tribe of Hurons of Jenne-Sorette, Canada.
20 September 1886 Cutting from Glasgow Herald, death of Lord Dalkeith.
1 photograph and 2 pencil sketches.
Proceedings of conference relating to trade relations between the West Indies and the Dominion of Canada. (Barbados, 1908).
Press cutting: funeral of [3rd] Earl Grey.
MS. note of wreaths, crosses, etc.
3 October 1894 Passenger list R.M.S. “Norham Castle” sailing from Cape Town to London.
24 March 1890 Cuttings from Newcastle Journal: death of the Rector of Morpeth - biographical sketch of Hon. & Revd. Francis Richard Grey.
17 November 1895 Pamphlet: In memorian John Grey Rector of Houghton-le-Spring. A sermon preached in Newbottle Church.
Engraving of Howick Hall by William Le Petit.
Report on [Howick] school for the years ending 1874, 1875, 1876; mainly by Miss Helen Watt.
March 1895 List of atlases etc., sent from Howick House library to Dorchester House, London.
Papers relating to the conferring of the freedom of the City of London on 4th Earl Grey:
“Presentation to the Right Hon. the Earl Grey ... by the Corporation of the City of London” - photo of Grey and coloured illustration of the golden casket with explanation.
3 November 1911 Letter Sir Joseph C. Dimsdale Bt. Chamberlain to Grey. Enclosing: 2 November 1911 Resolution of the Common Council.
23 January 1912 Printed paper: arrangements for the ceremony.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B243/4   1873, 1899-1915
Offprint of article in the Gentleman's Magazine: “The Afghanistan Imbroglio” by Malcolm Maccoll; inscribed “with the writer's respectful compliments”.
13 May 1873 Notes by 3rd Earl Grey from Hansard on endowed R.C. colleges.
Notes by 3rd Earl Grey from Hooker on a politic use of religion.
11 February 1914 Address of the Northumberland and Durham Association (of Melbourne) to Grey on the occasion of his visit to Victoria, Australia.
2 November 1915 Press cutting, North Mail: “Duty and Honours of the North ... Earl Grey's Call to the County”.
10 August 1915 Press cutting of letter from Grey “The People and the War: Earl Grey and the National Register”.
18 September 1915 Cutting from Newcastle Chronicle, commenting on Grey's schemes.
1905, 1911-1912 Christmas cards from Sir William and the Misses Stephenson.
Plan of Broomhill showing route taken by Zeppelin on night of 2 April 1916 with indication of points where bombs were dropped.
27 January 1908 Letter T.W. Craster to Grey, with rough plan of harbour at Craster.
6 September 1906 Letter T.W. Craster to Grey.
Poem: ‘A voice in the wilderness crying “Prepare”’. Dedicated to Lord Roberts.
July 1899 Pages from the American Kitchen Magazine, “Sea Cookery”.
Diagram of the dining room of the Hotel Lafayette 3 September 1883 ... banquet to Henry Villard in honour of the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad.
Part of letter from Sir George Garneau (end only).
Rough notes by Grey evidently for a speech on minority representation of electors.
Pages of music: “The Maple Leaf”; and “O Canada”.
3 prints of photographs.

Paper   1 file
Hampstead Heath, etc.
Reference: GRE/B244/1
Dates of creation: 1866; 1897-1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

n.d. [c.14 May 1904] Copy letter Grey, Mrs Barnett, Crewe and others to the Eton College Trustees, marked “please return to Mrs Barnett”.
13 May 1904 Copy letter Grey to Messrs Rawlence and Squarey (15 St George Street, Westminster).
14 May 1904 Copy letter Grey to Cobham.
15 March 1904 Printed memorial of the Hampstead Heath Extension Council to the L.C.C.
Printed Paper: The Proposed Garden Suburb at Hampstead Heath (letters from Henrietta O. Barnett, 26 November 1903 and 18 December 1903, reprinted from the Hampstead and Highgate Express and Hampstead Record). 3 copies.
14 July 1904 Letter Henrietta O. Barnett to Grey.
18 July 1904 Copy letter Grey on behalf of the Garden Suburb Trust to the Chairman of the Housing Committee of the L.C.C.
23 July 1904 Letter W. Wallace Bruce (Chairman of the Housing of the Working Classes Committee of the L.C.C.) to Grey.
25 July 1904 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Barnett, and copy of the above letter from Bruce.
Messrs Perkins and Weston to Grey.
31 January 1908 Notice of appointment by the Earl of Antrim of a moiety of £15000 secured for portions for his younger children in favour of the Hon. Angus McDonnell and of a mortgage by him to Lloyds Bank.
13 November 1911 Letter Grey to Mr Butterworth.
15 November 1911 Copy letter Butterworth to Grey.
13 March 1900 Press cuttings: Grey on shipping - address as President of North of England Steamship Owners' Association.
9 March 1900 Copy of Lord Grey's questions on crew space and the transmission of seamen's wages (with answers).
31 March 1900 Copy letter Susan Pring to Grey.
1899 Printed circular letter from Victoria Grey on behalf of Railway Banks Floral Association.
15 April 1866 Hymn: Victoria Grey.
Hampstead Tenants Ltd. 8th annual report and balance sheet, 1914.
26 October 1915 2 letters Henry Vivian to Grey.
Second Hampstead Tenants Ltd. 6th annual report and balance sheet, 1914.
10 March 1898 Letter R.L. Wedgwood (of N.E.R.) to Grey. Enclosing:
Statistics of: A. Return on capital invested in principal British railways for the year 1897 (including interest, preference and ordinary dividends).
B. Wages expenditure on the principal British railways for 1897.
C. Comparison of wages expenditure with return on capital expenditure 1897 on the principal British railways.
13 March 1898 Copy letter Grey to Wedgwood. Rough notes by Grey also enclosed partly written on back of agenda for board meeting at Newcastle, 27 January 1899.

GRE/B244/2   March-October 1915
August 1915 Press cuttings mainly concerning Grey and the National Register.
28 September 1915 Cutting from Westminster Gazette, “War Chaplains”.
28 September 1915 Copy letter David C. Lamb (of Foreign Office, International Head Quarters, Salvation Army) to Lieut. Col. Streacy (Director Canadian Chaplain Service).
Note by Grey concerning chaplains for Jewish soldiers (written on back of printed rules for sowing and planting on railway banks).
28 September 1915 Part of a letter from Salvation Army Foreign Office to Grey.
9 June 1915 Cutting from the Sun“Organising a Nation”.
1 June 1915 Cutting from the Sun“Conscription in England”.
19 March 1915 Cutting from the State Journal“How a Great Army is Mustered”.
31 July 1915 Letter R.W. Brock to Grey.
[30 September 1915] Extract of letter E. Edwards to Grey.
Typescript notes [?for a speech by Grey?] on rights and duties in the state. Also MS notes by Grey.
16 September 1915 War Office circular letter on recruitment of munitions workers from the army.
Draft of a long letter from Grey to the press calling for conscription.
6 October 1915 House of Lords: Notices and Orders of the Day, including 2 questions tabled by Grey on Salvation Army Chaplains and munitions workers drawn from the Reserve Regiments. Also typescript copy.
9 March 1915 Copy of question and answer in the House of Commons, on Salvation Army chaplains.
10 August 1915 Reprint of letter, Esher to the Glasgow Herald.
Printed form of requisition for circulation in Canada advocating the establishment of an international body to prevent war, with MS comment.
1915 Press cuttings mainly on conscription and other war topics.
MS note about conscription of married men.
Copy of letter Grey to ?... concerning conscription [unsent].
Royal Colonial Institute Christmas card with MS note.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B244/3   1873-1879
23 May 1875 Letter Henry Cole to Grey.
1876 Pamphlet: On the Origin and Purpose of the Royal Albert Hall ... by Henry Cole; printed for private circulation.
Royal Albert Hall: Report and Balance Sheet for the Half Year Ending 31 December 1877 and Estimates for 1878.
Accounts of sums realised by the letting of Grey's box at the Albert Hall 1871-1879. 9 pieces.
8 July 1873 Note from Mr Mitchell to Grey, concerning same.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B244/4   1888; 1915-1916
Typescript notes on History of the Irish Parliamentary Party by F.H. O'Donnell Vol. I.
The Empire and the War: Imperial Problems, includes article by Grey on emigration after the war. (Opening addresses at conferences between representatives of the home and dominion parliaments 1916).
Typescript paper on national war memorials in London.
Typescript of article by Grey, “The Future Organisation of Empire”, 2 copies and draft.
“Prevention better than cure” - scout training as a remedy for “national inefficiencies”. (The advantages of the scout movement tabulated).
Notes by Grey evidently for a speech while in Canada.
Press cutting, “Earl Grey on the War” - duty of Neutral Powers.
29 October 1915 Press cutting, “Germany is beaten”.
Typescript hymn, ‘The World's Chorus’.
13 October 1915 Typescript notes from the American Outlook, on Russia and on China.
[Ireland] Special Commission Act 1888: Copy summons to Grey to be a witness before the Commission on 22 October 1888.
MS note on back of this by Grey concerning forged letters offered to The Times.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B244/5   1879, 1905
Notes by Grey from a biography of Sir James Outram.
26 June 1879 Northumberland Musical Scholarships: Reprint of article in the Newcastle Chronicle on “National Training School for Music”. 2 copies.
Midsummer 1879 National Training School for Music: copy reports on Lousa C. East, Dora H. Emerson, Isabella Hall, Helen Macleod.
[1905] “Visit to Denmark - Report by C.D. Wise”, typescript fragments.
Verses: ‘Aspiration’ by Vere Pryce-Jones (2 copies).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B244/6   1884-1885
Cartoon: “The Great Political See-Saw, as worked by Majority Representation”. 3 copies.
3 March 1885 Cutting from The Times, Redistribution Bill.
Press cutting on defeat of proportionalism.
Reprint of letter: George Augustus Haig to the Hereford Times on reform and redistribution.
Notes by Grey “Gerymandering”.
Notes by Grey, proportional representation would give true representation.
Notes by Grey, application of proportional representation.
26 January 1885 Leaflet (reprint from The Times), “Northumberland Test Election, An Illustration of Proportional Representation”.
Limerick Corporation: petition against proposal to deprive Limerick of one of its members under the Redistribution Bill.
Redistribution Bill 1884: White Paper - Statement showing the population according to the census of each of the several Boroughs and proposed Boroughs referred to in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th schedules to the Parliamentary Franchise, Redistribution Bill 1884.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B244/7   1821, 1898-1912
Photograph (unidentified).
5 press cuttings on death of General Charles Grey and on the office of private secretary to the Queen.
15 January 1821 Typescript extract from Byron's letters Vol. V, p.75, in which he refers to Lady Georgiana Grey.
16 December 1907 Pamphlets by George W. Perkins: Profit sharing plan of the United States Steel Corporation; paper read by Perkins at the 8th annual dinner of the Nat. Civic Federation.
7 February 1908 The Modern Corporation: address by Perkins, Columbia University.
23 November 1909 The underlying principle of the profit sharing, benefit and pension plans of the International Harvester Company. [Read] before the Nat. Civic Federation.
[February 1911] Business Problems of the Day [Editorial Review].
4 February 1911 Typescript paper by Perkins on co-partnership with pencil note by him stating that it was his “remarks” at Ottawa.
[c.12 March 1908?] Letter Philip Dansken Ross to Grey.
13 March 1908 Article [by Ross?] on “The Share of the Worker”, in the Ottawa Journal.
3 July 1915 Cuttings of letter Grey to The Times, “A Village and the War Loan, the Moral of Co-operation”, 5 copies.
2 July 1898 Cutting from Co-operative News, “Co-operation in the North, Demonstration at Keswick: address by Earl Grey”.
Cutting from the Yorkshire Post: “Industrial Peace Conciliation and Co-partnership Conference in Leeds”.
1899 Press cuttings reporting meetings in connection with co-partnership addressed by Grey and others.
[1912] Pages from the Contemporary Review Vol. CI with article by Theordore Cooke Taylor, “Profit Sharing and Labour Co-Partnership”.
16 July 1904 Letter Sir George Thomas Livesey to Grey.
n.d., 18 December 1908 2 letters from Harriet Livesey to Grey.
Minutes of Evidence before the Special Committee of the [Canadian] House of Commons on Bill No. 2, an act respecting Industrial and Co-operative Societies: No. 1 - 8 February 1907; No. 2 - 20 February 1907; No. 3 - 22 February 1907; No. 4 - 1 March 1907; No. 7 - 26 March 1907.
(1909) Pamphlet: A Brief Sketch of the "Maison Leclaire" and its Founder by Mary H. Hart with an introduction by Sir Arthur Clay, Bt.
Pamphlet: Notice sur la Maison Leclaire ... et sur la Société de Prévoyance et de Secuors Mutuels des Ouvriers et Employés de la Maison Leclaire.
16 April 1909 Letter Mary H. Hart to Grey.
15 April 1909 Constitution Papers.
n.d. Letter Dr James B. Watson (founder and president the Social Welfare Fellowship of the United States and Canada) to Grey, concerning his projected organisation.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B244/8   1895-1911
8 December 1911 Photograph of statue of Sir George Livesey unveiled by Grey.
26 July 1895, 22, 31 August, 4 October 1899 4 letters Sir George Livesey to Grey.
Printed Paper: South Metropolitan Gas Co. Profit Sharing and Savings Bank Accounts 1889-1891 with MS additions [by Livesey] for 1892.
Pamphlet: The failure of the Wages System of Payment and as a remedy - Profit Sharing. By George Livesey. Paper read 11 May 1892. Reprint from Journal of Gas Lighting etc.
1913 Part of the South Metropolitan Gas Co.'s Almanack.
11 May 1898 Letter Leonard Stocks (Sec. Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Co-operative Society Ltd.) to Grey.
Labour Association Leaflet: Earl Grey and Profit Sharing (reprinted from the Batley Reporter of 7 May 1898).
May 1898 Press Cutting: West Yorkshire Co-operative Lecture Scheme: Conference at Hebden Bridge. Luncheon to Earl Grey.
29 August 1898 Letter H.E. Luxmoore to Grey.
1898 2 copies circular letter concerning the Labour Association.
10 March 1899 Cutting from the Bradford Observer, on conciliation boards and co-partnership.
25 March 1899 Cutting from the Nottingham Guardian, “Earl Grey at Leicester Labour Co-Partnership”.
Illustration of the National Co-operative Challenge Shield presented by Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B245/1   1875-1908
1882-1886 3 letters Revd. Moritz Kaufmann to Grey.
27 March 1876 1 letter Revd. H. Thompson to Kaufmann.
(1881) Sermon: “Who is This?”.
October 1895 Pamphlet: The Attitude of the Church Towards Social Democracy, a paper read at the Church Congress, Norwich.
1880-1887 9 letters Revd. the Hon. William Henry Fremantle to Grey.
11 June 1880, 30 September 1881, 31 January 1899 & printed letter 31 January 1899 4 letters Malcolm Quin to Grey.
25 September [1881], 29 April [1886] 2 letters Prof. Sir John Robert Seeley to Grey.
9 April 1885 Printed circular Fremantle to Brooke Lambert.
6 May 1885 Circular from B. Lambert concerning the above circular.
4, 11, 14 November 1881 3 letters Revd. R.H. Hadden to Grey, with press cuttings, concerning the Curates' Alliance.
5 August 1879, 11 April 1881 2 letters Revd. Francis R. Grey to Grey.
22 April 1881 1 letter Edward Herford (Chairman of National Committee for Abolishing Purchase in the Church) to Grey.
1880-1885 9 letters Mandell Creighton, rector of Embleton and later Bishop of London, to Grey.
c.October 1880 1 copy Grey to Creighton.
18 October 1904, 7 May 1913, 22 July 1913 3 letters Henrietta O. Barnett to Grey.
1881-1908 9 letters Canon Samuel Augustus Barnett to Grey.
1908 Circular on the Workers' Educational Association.
2 April 1875, 25 April 1881, 21 July 1885 3 letters Revd. Arthur Temple Lyttelton to Grey.
31 March, 27 April [1881] 2 letters Revd. John Llewelyn Davies to Grey.
30 March - 8 December 1881, 19 June 1884 6 letters Revd. Brooke Lambert to Grey.
1881-1904 5 letters Sir Edward Stafford Howard to Grey.
24 August 1881 1 letter J.A. Godley to Howard.
29 November 1880 1 letter John Hyslop Bell to Grey.
25 October 1881 1 letter Frances Balfour to Grey.
1882-1904 11 letters George Harwood to Grey.
1879-1895 14 letters Thomas Hughes to Grey, largely concerning co-operation.
6 December 1884 Printed address by Hughes on the occasion of a presentation to him for his services to co-operation (Manchester, 1885).
1884-1894 6 letters Revd. Randolph Eddowes Healey to Grey.

Paper   1 file
18 November 1881, n.d. [1881] 2 letters Sidney Ball to Grey.
15 January 1880 1 letter Lionel [Ashley] to Grey.
28 August 1885 1 letter Revd. Charles J. Robinson (Rector of West Hackney) to Grey. Enclosing: July 1885 Paper, “The Clergy Pensions Institution”.
28 August 1885 1 letter W.J. Jobson. 14 December 1880, 13 January, 5 September 1881 3 letters Revd. Marsden Gibson (Master St Mary Magdalene Hospital Newcastle) to Grey.
12, 20 March 1881 2 letters T.C. Horsfall to Grey.
27 April 1881 1 letter J. Shuttledie to Grey.
Rough draft of speech by Grey to a body of dissenters on Church Reform [1st sheet missing].
Press cutting: Speech of Sir M.W. Ridley on church missionary work.

Paper   1 file
Moved to Gell file, see GRE/B182/8.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B245/4   1867-1878
Draft paper by Grey on Church Boards as a means of promoting philanthropic action through the Church of England.
Rough draft of speech by Grey on the established church and endowed territorial work as opposed to voluntaryism.
Papers and press cuttings etc.on various aspects of church reform, includes:
Notes by Grey and statistics on incomes of clergy.
Notes from debates.
Cuttings on the Church Defence Society, the Church Boards Bill and the Church Reform Union.
Criticisms of the establishment church by the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control - including 2 leaflets issued by them: Disestablishment and Country Parishes; A few Words about Church Defence.
Church Reform Union: Appendix to 2nd Report - Donors, Subscribers and Balance Sheet for 1871-1872.
Leaflet: Church of England Laymen's Defence Association. Speech of the Secretary at the Church Congress, Sheffield, 1878, reprinted from the "Sheffield Telegraph".
Lay Organisation: A paper read at the Church Congress, Southampton, 1870, by Sir Antonio Brady, and reprinted ... for the Church of England Laymen's Defence Association.
Church of England Laymen's Defence Association. Speech of Viscount Sadon at the Church Congress, Wolverhampton, 1867. Reprinted from The Times.
Leaflet: Association for Promoting the Reform of Convocation: Memorial agreed upon at the Council Meeting on 5 July 1877 for signature by Members, and sent to the Archbishops on 6 October ... To the ... Lord Archbishop of Canterbury (or of York).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B245/5   1870-1881
Notes by 4th Earl Grey from books on churchwardens.
Pamphlet: Lay Power in Parishes the Most Needed Church Reform, by Revd. W.H. Fremantle (London, 1870).
A Bill to provide for the establishment of Parochial Councils in parishes in England and Wales (prepared and brought in by Viscount Sandon and Mr Cowper-Temple). Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 10 February 1871. [With many MS alterations by 4th Earl Grey who was evidently going to use it as a basis for a Church Boards Bill].
Pamphlet: Speech of A.J.B. Beresford Hope, Esq., MP, on the second reading of the Parochial Councils Bill. In the House of Commons ... 29 March 1871. Extracted from Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, vol. CCV. (London, 1871).
Pamphlets: St Mary's Bryanston Square: Report of the Church Council for the year: 1870-71; 1871-72; 1872-73; 1875-76; 1876-77; 1878, all by W.H. Fremantle and F.S. Foot jnr.
Memorandum on the Church Boards Bill [by W.H. Fremantle].
1 March 1881 Letter Revd. Sherrard Beaumont Burnaby to Grey.
Extracts by Grey from the debate on Sandon's Bill for the establishment of parochial councils 1870-1871.
Exercise book containing rough notes by Grey for speeches on: 1. University extension; 2. Making the Church of England more attractive to the masses.
n.d. Printed Paper: Church Boards in Parishes: A Letter from Parochial Clergy in the Church of England to Albert Grey Esq., MP. [Thanking him for introducing of the Church Boards Bill in Parliament]. 5 copies. Signed (among others) by: W.H. Fremantle, J. Llewelyn Davies, Brooke Lambert, Samuel Barnett, Charles W. Stubbs, Sherrard B. Burnaby, Marsden Gibson, William Nassau Molesworth.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B245/6   1879-1885
1879-1882 File of press cuttings on Church Reform, disestablishment, etc. [Includes reports of speeches by 4th Earl Grey].
6 February 1885 Also copy of Church Bells: A Weekly Paper for Church Folk.

Paper   1 file
Church Reform
Reference: GRE/B245/7
Dates of creation: 1818, 1860, 1881-1886
Extent: 1 filePaper; bundle

Pamphlet: The Church and Democracy. A paper read at the meeting of the Church Congress at Derby, 4 October 1882 by Henry William Watkins D.D., Archdeacon of Auckland and Canon of Durham ... Prof. of Hebrew in the University of Durham. (London).
MS Paper: Disestablishment and the Rights of the People, by J.P. [John Pringle].
February 1886 Printed Circular: Manifesto of the National Church Reform Union on Local Church Government. By R.E. Healey and Richard Newton, Hon. Secs. 49 copies.
1886 The Church Boards Bill and explanatory memorandum. 12 copies.
(1818) Copy of S.75 of 58 Geo.III c.45 on provision of free pews in churches for the minister, his family and servants and the poor.
22 August 1881 Paper headed: “re Parliamentary Return under Church Building and New Parishes Acts”, Sir John Mowbray. Attached: Another copy of S.75 of 58 Geo.III c.45; also of S.30 of 59 Geo.III c.134.
Rough notes by Grey for speech on bill to regulate the appropriation of seats in churches; and further rough notes by him on the same subject.
Printed account of proceedings in the House of Commons on 8 March 1883 between Grey and Sir John Mowbray, Bart., concerning a Parliamentary Return on church pews and “free or appropriated seats”, with letters:
20 March 1883 Grey to Mowbray.
29 March 1883 Mowbray to Grey.
5 April 1883 [incomplete] Grey to Mowbray.
Printed Paper: Reasons for supporting ... a Bill to declare and enact the law as to the rights of parishioners in respect of their parish churches and for other purposes relating thereto. [A Free and Open Church Association publication].
1882 A Bill to declare and enact the law as to the rights of parishioners in respect of their parish churches ... [45 Vict.].
9 May 1882 Printed circular letter: from Grey, R.T. Reid, Brooke Lambert, Samuel A. Barnett, P. Lyttelton Gell on the Bill to amend the Public Worship Regulation Act 1874.
6 April 1883 MS letter from Sir John R. Mowbray to Grey.
The Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the National Thank-Offering (reprinted from the Church Quarterly Review, April 1879). (Supplement to the Free and Open Church Advocate, 1 May 1879).
Leaflet: Parishioners' Rights and Church wardens' duties. (A Free and Open Church Association publication).
3 July 1860 An Act to abolish the jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Courts in Ireland in cases of defamation and in England and Ireland in certain cases of brawling. 22 & 24 Vict. cap.xxxii.
MS paper concerning the use of the words “free or appropriated seats” in a parliamentary return.
April 1881 Notes by Grey from an article in the Quarterly Review on endowments of the Church of England 1830-1880.
27 January 1882 Cutting from the Morning Post, Criticism of Grey's Church Boards Bill.
Cutting from The Times, letter from Grey dated 29 April on the Church Boards Bill.
April 1881 Cuttings: Reports in The Times and Morning Post of Grey's speech on moving the 2nd reading of the Church Boards Bill.

GRE/B245/8   1882-[1901]
Letters to Grey from:
5 March 1882 M.W. Moggridge.
17 April 1883 Revd. John J. Day.
16 June 1884 G. Bunsen.
19 September 1885 Richard Newton (Sec. Manchester Branch of Nat. Church Reform Union).
27 December 1885 Viscount Henry Stanton.
8 March 1886 Mansel Gwynne-Griffith, on Welsh church.
20, 25 March 1886 Revd. Edwin Abbott Abbott.
n.d. Unsigned letter to Grey.
14 March 1886 Letter from Dr Frederic Bromley (Well Home Presteign, Radnorshire).
4 July [1901?] Jessie Robertson (Sec. Oxford Branch of the Jamaica Church Association).
1 July [1901?], n.d. The Hon. & Revd. William Edward Bowen.
3 May 1899 Copy letter Grey to W.T. Stead.
31 May [not sent], 14 June 1899 Copy letter Grey to Dean of Ripon (Hon. & Revd. W.H. Fremantle).
Press cuttings: 29 September 1900 United Christian Conference ... speeches by Earl Grey and the Dean of Ripon (Newcastle Chronicle).
28 September 1900 “Conformists and Nonconformists” (Newcastle Leader).
5 September [1900] “The Church Crisis: Parochial Church Councils”, letter from E. Judson Page to The Times.

Paper   1 file
Declaration against transubstantiation etc.
Reference: GRE/B245/9
Dates of creation: 1901-1903
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of papers on the declaration against transubstantiation and other Catholic doctrines made by the King on his accession in 1901.
5 July 1901 Letter Charles J. Wiseman to Grey.
9 July 1901 Letter J.L. O'Reilly to Grey.
20 July 1901 Letter Herries to Grey. Enclosed: Typewritten form of declaration to be made by the sovereign.
27 July 1901 Letter Bristol to Grey. Enclosed: Suggested amendments to Royal Declaration Bill.
30 July 1901 Copy letter Grey to Bristol.
20 July 1901 Copy letter Grey to Viscount Halifax.
8, 11 July 1901, n.d. Letters Halifax to Grey.
n.d. Copy letter Llandaff to Halifax.
9 July 1901 Copy letter Stanmore to Halifax.
June 1901 Memorandum from the Cardinal Archbishop [Herbert Cardinal Vaughan] and Bishops of the Catholic Church in England on the Royal Declaration.
Typescript extracts from the Bill of Rights.
Suggested modified forms of declaration. 2 pieces, one in Grey's hand.
Rough notes by Grey on speeches of Lords Salisbury and Kinnaird on the subject. 2 pieces.
Press cuttings on the Declaration and its alteration. Mainly July 1901. 24 pieces (most mounted on foolscap).
Pamphlet: The Royal Declaration Against Transubstantiation by W. Guy Johnson. Published by the Nat. Protestant Church Union.
Duplicated typescript circular letter intended to be sent to newspaper editors on the King's accession declaration.
Pamphlet: The Coronation Service According to the Use of the Church of England. Edited by John Fuller Russell. (London, 1875).
Booklet: Statement Presented to the Select Committee [House of Lords] on the King's Declaration Against Transubstantiation by the Imperial Protestant Federation. 2 copies (one a proof?). Signed on behalf of the Federation by Col. T. Myles Sandys, MP (Chairman).
White Paper: Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Declaration against Transubstantiation; with the proceedings of the Committee. Ordered to be printed 25 June 1901. 2 copies, both annotated.
19 March 1903 Letter Edward Horseman Coles (barrister) to Grey. Enclosures: (returned to Grey) 14 February 1903 Letter Llandaff to Grey and 2 proposed draft bills: 1. A Bill intituled an Act to modify the Declaration required to be made by the Sovereign under the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement; 2. A Bill intituled An Act to abolish the Declaration ...
30 May 1903 Letter Duke of Norfolk to Grey.
2 June 1903 Letter Duke of Northumberland to Grey.
15 June 1903 Letter Edward H. Coles to Grey.
15 June 1903 Letter Duke of Norfolk to Grey.
16 June 1903 Letter Stanmore to Viscount Halifax.
17 June 1903 Letter 1st Marquis of Linlithgow (John Adrian Louis Hope) to Grey.
17 June 1903 Letter Jersey to Grey. “A Bill intituled An Act to Abolish the Declaration required to be made by the Sovereign on his Accession”. The Earl Grey. Ordered to be printed 18 June 1903. [H.L.]. MS insertion in Grey's hand on p.2.
Typescript note from Lawrence requesting members of the House of Lords to attend on 25 June 1903 to oppose the 2nd reading of the Royal Declaration Bill.
19 June 1903 Letter Earl of Halsbury (Lord Chancellor) to Grey.
19 June 1903 Letter Llandaff to Grey.
19 June 1903 Letter Argyle to Grey.
19 June 1903 Letter Brassey to Grey.
19 June 1903 Letter Norfolk to Grey.
19 June 1903 Letter Knollys to Grey.
18 June 1903 Letter Hampden to Grey, and MS note by Grey.
19 June 1903 Letter Halifax to Grey, commenting on the above letter.
20 June 1903 Letter Linlithgow to Grey.
20 June 1903 Letter Glasgow to Grey.
Notes [by Clifford] on proceedings in the Lords on the Royal Declaration in 1901.
20 June 1903 Letter Clifford to Grey, supplementing the above.
21 June 1903 Letter Northbrook to Grey.
24 June 1903 Letter Wenlock to Grey.
24 June 1903 Letter Edward H. Coles to Grey, enclosing notes on the Acts relating to the taking of the Declaration ... by holders of civil and military offices; and extract from the Coronation oath.
25 June 1903 Letter Edward H. Coles to Grey. Enclosing:
A copy of Hansard for 8 July 1901 with report of the debate in the Lords on the King's declaration against Transubstantiation. (Some passages marked by Grey).
22 July 1901 Cutting from The Times: “The Coronation Oath” by Dr Joseph Parker.
25 June 1903 Royal Declaration Bill [H.L.]: Division list on Grey's motion for 2nd reading.
[?25 June 1903] Copy letter Grey to the Duke [of Devonshire].
29 June 1903 Copy letter Grey to the Duke [of Devonshire].
25 June 1903 Letter Norfolk to Grey.
10 July 1903 Letter (unsigned) from the Liverpool Branch of the Catholic Democratic League to Grey.
12 July 1903 Letter F.M. Marsden (Sec. Tonbridge Branch of the Catholic Democratic League) to Grey.
12 July 1903 Letter Norfolk to Grey.
Typescript draft speech by Grey introducing his Royal Declaration Bill [many MS alterations; incomplete].
Typescript notes of R.C. protests from Canada and Australia against the Royal Declaration.
[c.1901] Pamphlet: Some Public Protests Against the Royal Declaration from Distant Parts of the Empire.
Pamphlet: The Accession Oath Amended being that part of the Coronation Oath commonly called the Royal Declaration. By Edwin de Lisle (Loughborough, 1903).
Pamphlet: A Defence of the King's Protestant Declaration by Walter Walsh (London). Circulated by the Imperial Protestant Federation. (2 copies).

GRE/B246/1    1907-1917
c.1914 Typescript paper on proportional representation: probably a speech to be delivered by Grey.
1912 Rough pencil notes by Grey of a parliamentary debate - concerning amendment on the address in favour of a minimum wage and nationalisation of railways etc. Partly about co-partnership.
31 March 1916 Letter Sir George Vandeleur Fiddes (perm. Under Secretary and Secretary of Order of St Michael and St George 1916-1921 etc) to Grey.
10 April 1908 Letter Augustus Frederick Montagu Spalding to Grey.
26 November 1916 Letter Blanche Merivale to Grey.
24 November 1916 Letter Charles George Rayne to Grey.
16 August 1916 Letter Charles Williams to Grey.
3 January 1913 Account: Durrant's press cuttings to Grey with receipt.
2 January 1917 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey. Enclosed: Statement of Accounts:
1. Grey's private account.
2. Revd. Charles Grey Trust account.
3. Howick Co-operative Society.
4. Summary of accounts.
Similar accounts for quarter ending 30 June 1916 (3 sheets).
6 May 1907 Letter Bank of Montreal (Ottawa) to A.F. Sladen.
Note by Sladen concerning shares held by Lord Howick.
Accounts Pellatt & Pellatt to Howick, 31 December 1908, 31 December 1909, 15 June 1910.
1906-1909 Rough pencil note of dates and figures (evidently financial matters concerning Grey, Howick and Sladen).
13 June 1910 Letter Sir Henry Mill Pellatt to A.F. Sladen.
18 October 1911 Letter Pellatt to Lord Howick.
8 December 1911 Cable Pellatt to Grey, congratulating him on Canadian Club speech.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B246/2   1908-1910
31 October 1908 - 5 April 1911 13 letters 5th Earl Grey to 4th Earl Grey. Enclosures:
[c.1 March 1909] Copy letter George Grey (brother of Sir Edward Grey) to 5th Earl Grey.
3 March 1909 Letter R.H. Benson to 5th Earl Grey.
c.10 November 1910 Plan of Howick Red Stead Farm.
19 November 1909 - 25 January 1911 6 copy letters Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
December 1908 - 29 November 1909 Letters George Grey of Milfield to Grey.
26 January 1910 Memorandum by George Grey on the budget of 1909 and its probable effect on the Howick estate.
22 November 1910 Telegram George Grey to Grey.
15 May 1909 - 17 December 1909 Copy letters Grey to George Grey of Milfield.
12 November 1909, 21, 22 November 1910 3 copy telegrams Grey to George Grey.

Paper   1 file
Addis & Blair
Reference: GRE/B246/3
Dates of creation: November-December 1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

Correspondence concerning the case of Addis & Blair who were fined for assisting Britons to go from California to fight in France. Grey expresses himself strongly about American neutrality in the war.
29, 30 November, 7 December 1915 Letters Eric Drummond of the Foreign Office to Grey.
9 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Drummond.

The Madagascar Forests Co. Ltd.
Reference: GRE/B246/4
Dates of creation: 1889-1892
Extent: 1 filePaper

Prospectus; reports and reviews; speech of H.M. Bompas Q.C., Chairman, at the General Meeting, 29 April 1889.
16 May 1889 Notice that 50 shares have been allotted to Grey.
1889-1892 6 receipts from the Co. to Grey - instalments due for shares.

GRE/B246/5   1914-1918
Alliance Debenture Corp. Ltd. agenda: board meeting 4 January 1918 and financial statement 4 January 1918.
British Union Oil Co.: agenda board meeting 4 January 1918 and financial statement 4 January 1918.
6 October 1917 Union Oil Co. of California: Report to Stockholders.
1 October 1917 Union Oil Co. of California: Postcard concerning dividend and transfer of stock.
7 December 1917 Extract of letter W.L. Stewart to James T. Currie.
15 May, 22 November 1917 Copy letters Lewis B.S. Hamilton to Sec. British Union Oil Co. [Asbury]. [Concerns undertakings of the Co. in Russia].
1 May 1917 Ministry for Trade and Industry (Mining Department) to the Chief of the Civil and Administration Department of the Governorship General of Bukovina and Galicia and to British subject, mining engineer Perkins.
17 October 1917 L.B.S. Hamilton to George E. Perkins.
17 October 1917 Cancellation of agreement.
29 October 1917 Letter Hamilton to Farran Leech.
28 December 1917 Chaterland and General Exploration and Finance Co.: Report of directors and accounts to be submitted.

Papers mostly concerning the estate and investments of 4th Earl Grey:
30 November 1917 Letter J. Asbury (Sec. British Union Oil Co.) to 5th Earl Grey.
12 September 1918 Letter E. Ross Townsend (for Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to 5th Earl Grey.
3 May 1918 Copy letter John McPeak (Sec. Union Oil Co. of California) to Andrew Weir.
22 January 1918 Copy letter A. Weir & Co. to Messrs Herbert Smith Goss King and Gregory.
22 January 1918 Letter N. Herbert Smith to 5th Earl Grey, enclosing the above letter.
22 August 1914 British Union Oil Co.: Application form for 1000 preference shares.
22 August 1914 British Union Oil Co.: Receipt for £500 of shares from Grey.
19 December 1917 Union Oil Co. of California: Circular from John McPeak (Sec.) concerning a forthcoming dividend.
31 December 1917 East African Lands and Development Co. Report of proceedings at ordinary general meeting.
4 January 1918 Letter James Cleghorn to 5th Earl Grey. Enclosing: Summary valuation of Howick estate (for estate duty purposes).
c.1917 British Union Oil Co.: Statement of capital and interests.
Similar statement Alliance Debenture Corporation.
Note stating qualification for directorship of the above Co. and Alliance Debenture Corp. and statement that 5th Earl Grey was elected a director on 9 October 1917.
26 November 1917 Letter J. Asbury (Sec. British Union Oil Co.) to 5th Earl Grey. Enclosing: 30 January 1915 Copy letter Lyman Stewart (and others) to Andrew Weir and R. Tilden Smith.

Paper   1 file
Arthur Grenfell
Reference: GRE/B246/6
Dates of creation: August 1902-January 1903
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of letters concerning the financial difficulties of Arthur Grenfell and efforts to rescue him from bankruptcy.
20 August, 3 September 1902 Copy letters Robert Benson to Hugo Baring.
4 September 1902 Copy letter Grey to John, 2nd Lord Revelstoke.
26 September 1902 Copy letter Frank Dawes (of Bircham & Co.) to Benson.
26 September 1902 Copy telegram Dawes to Benson.
17 September 1902 Copy letter Hugo Baring to Robert Benson.
20 November 1902 Copy letter Frank Dawes to Benson.
19 November 1902 Copy letter Cecil A. Grenfell to Hugo Baring.
1 January 1903 Copy letter Hugo Baring to Cecil Grenfell.

GRE/B246/7   1895-1911
File of miscellaneous financial papers.
Note concerning Adelaide Star Mine shares.
1901 B.S.A. Co. receipts for rent of farms. 4 pieces.
1903-1904 Account Benson & Co. with Grey.
14 October 1910 Copy letter R. Benson & Co. to Grey.
4 April 1911 Letter R. Benson & Co. to Grey.
Dividend warrant counterfoils. 2 pieces.
27 January 1902 Letter Hodgkin Barnett & Co. to Grey. Enclosing: Receipts of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York for premium on a life policy due January 1901.
Examples of results of 3 different options offered by the above company (torn up).
21 February 1895 Broker's certificate in respect of the purchase of 4 B.S.A. Co. shares.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B246/8   1885-1916
Typescript paper, “Commercial Federation of the Empire. An Imperial Customs Union”. [Evidently written for a competition; not by Grey].
4 December 1916 Duplicated typescript papers: Speaker's Conference [Electoral Reform]. Suggestions on behalf of Unionist Members.
4 December 1916 Special Conference on Franchise, Electoral Reform, etc. - Items that Unionist Members of the Speaker's Conference would be prepared to support.
1885-1910 Political record of two-member constituencies: candidates' expenses; candidates' deposit; returning officer's charges. Rough typescript paper (part missing) by Grey on co-partnership.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B246/9   1906-1913
1906-1910 Learmouth Ranch: Summary by L.W. Middleton (with occasional comments) of letters and reports concerning Grey's investment in fruit farming in British Columbia.
13 March 1913 Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey.
14 March 1913 Letter H.F. Brand to Grey.
Memorandum regarding Whinstone quarries at Budle, Bamburgh, Northumberland, belonging to Messrs Charles Brand & Son, contractors, Glasgow.
14 February 1913 Letter H.A. Watson (Gen. Superintendent N.E.R.) to Grey.
3 February 1913 Letter John H. Mansfield to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B246/10   1898-1904
1898-1904 17 letters from John H. Ponsonby (Manager), R. Skipwith (Assist. Manager), Lloyds Bank (St James's Street Branch), to Grey.
27 January 1904 1 letter Marks, Bulteel, Mills & Co. to 5th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
8 boxes containing photostat copies of documents removed from the papers of 4th Earl Grey by the Archivist of the Dominion of Canada in 1955. A list, giving a brief indication of the subjects of each item, was subsequently published by the Canadian Public Archives, a copy of which is kept in the Search Room.
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Reference: GRE/B247/1
Dates of creation: 1904-1905
Extent: 1 filePaper

19 December 1904 Notes of interview between Grey and Monseigneur the most Revd. Donatus Sbarretti the Apostolic Delegate.
Memo by Grey on visit to a farm belonging to P. Clarke near Ottawa - hygeanic milk production.
28 December 1904 Copy Grey to Sir Mortimer Durand, international waterways, Rainy Lake.
31 December 1904 Copy Grey to Mr Rowntree, Clark's farm; requesting statement on Rowntree's work on milk at York.
Extract on Canada and annexation, etc; race fusion.
Extract of letter from Grey to ... on establishing a Commission to record acts of heroism etc., in “The Governor General's Book”.
5 January 1905 Copy Grey to Alfred Beit, Bishop Hartzell's American mission in Rhodesia - the work of civilising the Kaffa.
12 January 1905 Letter Sir M. Ommanney to Grey, question of artillery swords for cavalry; the Halifax and Esquimalt swords.
15 January 1905 Copy Grey to Strathcona, his reception; levy on opening of parliament; his fear of the expense of the post.
23 January 1905 Copy Grey to Ommanney, Halifax and Esquimalt.
20 February 1905 Copy Grey to Sir Edward Poynter, portraits of Lord and Lady Minto by Harris.

GRE/B247/2   March-May 1905
20 March 1905 Copy Grey to Chamberlain.
16 March 1905 Letter Sir Arthur Bigge to Grey.
4 April 1905 Copy J. Hanbury Williams to Sir Fred. Borden.
12 April 1905 Letter J. Chamberlain to Grey.
15 April 1905 Letter Sir F.W. Borden to Hanbury Williams.
15 April 1905 Letter Borden to Hanbury Williams.
18 April 1905 Letter Sir M. Durand to Grey.
18 April 1905 Copy J. Hanbury Williams to Sir F. Borden.
20 April 1905 Copy Grey to Sir A. Bigge.
24 April 1905 Copy Grey to Sir Mortimer Durand.
5 May 1905 Copy Grey to J. Chamberlain.
19 May 1905 Letter J.S. Sandars to Grey.
19 May 1905 Letter J.S. Sandars to Grey.
20 May 1905 Letter J. Chamberlain to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/3   May 1905-February 1906
23 May 1905 Lord Lansdowne to Grey.
27 August 1905 Copy Grey to St John [Brodrick].
27 November 1905 Copy Grey to J. Chamberlain.
4 December 1905 Copy Grey to Chamberlain.
8 January 1906 Copy Grey to Sir Ed. Grey.
18 January 1906 Copy Grey to Chamberlain.
21-23 January 1906 Copy Grey to Lord Tweedmouth.
16 December 1905 Copy Grey to Lord Roberts.
20 January 1906 Copy Grey to Lord Selbourne.
7 February 1906 Letter H.M. Durand to Grey.
1 February 1906 Copy letter Robert Bacon to Durand.
29 January 1906 Copy telegram E.H. Wells to President Roosevelt.
8 February 1906 Copy letter Grey to the Earl of Carrington.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/4   February-March 1906
19 February 1906 Copy Grey to Sir Mortimer Durand.
23 February 1906 Durand to Grey.
28 February 1906 Durand to Grey.
27 February 1906 Lord Carrington to Grey.
23, 26 February 1906 Minutes by Dr W. Somerville and A.E. Brooke-Hunt.
16 January 1906 Copy Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
1 March 1906 Extract Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
4 March 1906 Copy Grey to Lord Strathcona.
9 March 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
10 March 1906 Copy Grey to President Roosevelt.
10 March 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
15 March 1906 Copy Grey to .. Buxton.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/5   March-May 1906
12 March 1906 Durand to Grey.
20 March 1905 [sic] Durand to Grey.
25 March 1906 Memo on pelagic sealing and N.A. fisheries.
10 April 1906 Copy Grey to Root.
10 April 1906 Copy Grey to Roosevelt.
26 April 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
29 April 1906 Root to Grey.
Note of persons to whom copies were sent.
2 May 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
2 May 1906 Durand to Grey.
3 May 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.

Paper   1 file
Canada and the USA
Reference: GRE/B247/6
Dates of creation: May-June 1906
Extent: 1 filePaper

4 May 1906 Durand to Grey.
9 May 1906 Copy Grey to Walter Townley.
11 May 1906 Copy Grey to Walter Townley.
11 May 1906 Townley to Grey.
15 May 1906 Townley to Grey.
17 May 1906 Copy Grey to Townley.
17 May 1906 Townley to Grey.
22 May 1906 Townley to Grey.
2 June 1906 Root to Grey.
5 June 1906 Copy Grey to Root.
18 June 1906 Durand to Grey.
25 June 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.

GRE/B247/7   September-November 1906
29 September 1906 Copy Laurier to Grey.
19 October 1906 Laurier to Hanbury Williams(?).
20 October 1906 Copy telegram from Hanbury Williams to B. Holland.
The above deciphered.
9 October 1906 Copy Grey to Lord Elgin.
25 October 1906 Copy Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
24/5 October 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.
26 October 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.
26 October 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
1 November 1906 Letter W. MacVeagh to Grey.
6 November 1906 Copy Grey to Root.
12 November 1906 Letter Durand to Grey.
13 November 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
10 November 1906 Copy Laurier to Grey.
Copy memorandum by Minister of Justice, A.B. Aylesworth, on transmission of electric power generated on the Canadian side of the Niagra to USA.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/8   November 1906-January 1907
23 November 1906 Message Grey to Elgin sent in cipher.
2 December 1906 Letter Root to Grey.
7 December 1906 Copy Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
7 December 1906 Copy Grey to Root.
16 December 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
21 December 1906 Letter Durand to Grey.
27 December 1906 Copy Grey to Durand.
29 December 1906 Letter Durand to Grey.
8 January 1907 Letter Root to Grey.
9 January 1907 Letter E. Howard to Grey.
12 January 1907 Note by Sladen of documents sent to Laurier.
5 January 1907 Unofficial Aide-Mémoire, on limitation of exportation of electrical energy from Canada to USA.
12 January 1907 Copy Grey to Root.
12 January 1907 Copy Grey to Esme Howard.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/9   December 1906-January 1907
11 January 1907 Bryce to Grey.
29 December 1906 Copy letter Grey to Bryce, which was not sent.
12 January 1907 Edward Grey to Grey.
18 January 1907 Bryce to Grey.
23 January 1907 Copy Grey to Root.
24 January 1907 Copy Grey to Esme Howard.
24 January 1907 Cable Elihu Root to Grey.
28 January 1907 Copy Grey to Sir Edward Grey.
28 January 1907 Letter Joseph H. Choate to Grey.
31 January 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
31 January 1907 Copy Grey to Choate.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/10   February-March 1907
2 February 1907 Esme Howard to Grey.
15 February 1907 Howard to Grey.
4 February 1907 Copy Howard to Sir E. Grey.
14 February 1907 Bryce to Grey.
February 1917 sic [1907] Bryce to Grey.
22 February 1907 Bryce to Grey.
25 February 1907 Extract Grey to Bryce.
26 February 1907 Bryce to Grey.
4 March 1907 Bryce to Grey.
7 March 1907 Bryce to Grey.
4 March 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
8 March 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/11   1906-1907
29 September 1906 Extract letter Laurier to Grey (sent to Bryce 14 March 1907).
12 March 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
13 March 1907 Letter Bryce to Grey.
15 March 1907 Bryce to Grey.
22 March 1907 Bryce to Grey.
16 March 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
8 April 1907 Notes of letter to Bryce.
11 April 1907 Copy Grey to Sir Richard Cartwright.
2 April 1907 Bryce to Grey.
22 April 1907 Copy Grey to Winston Churchill.
23 April 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
11 June 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
9 June 1907 E. Marion Bryce to Grey.
10 June 1907 Copy Grey to Sir E. Grey.
20 June 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/12   July-October 1907
8 July 1907 Bryce to Grey.
9 September 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
21 September 1907 Extract Grey to Bryce.
26 September 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
29 July 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
7 September 1907 Bryce to Grey.
12 September 1907 Bryce to Grey.
21 September 1907 Copy Bryce to Grey.
27 September 1907 Bryce to Grey.
4 October 1907 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/13   October-November 1907
5 October 1907 Copy Grey to Esme Howard.
7 October 1907 Bryce to Grey.
14 October 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
25 October 1907 Bryce to Grey.
28 October 1907 Esme Howard to Grey.
5 November 1907 Bryce to Grey.
8 November 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
21 November 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/14   November-December 1907
21 November 1907 Bryce to Grey.
22 November 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
25 November 1907 Bryce to Grey.
27 November 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
27 November 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
28 November 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
29 ... 1907 Laurier to Grey.
4 December 1907 Bryce to Grey.
6 December 1907 Bryce to Grey.
6 December 1907 Copy Sir Richard Cartwright to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/15   7-28 December 1907
7 December 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
14 December 1907 Bryce to Grey.
18 December 1907 Bryce to Grey.
26 December 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
28 December 1907 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/16   4-20 January 1908
4 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.
5 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.
8 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
11 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.
18 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.
20 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.
20 January 1908 Esme Howard to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/17   20-28 January 1908
20 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22 January 1908 Copy Grey to Esme Howard.
22 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.
28 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
28 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
28 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/18   January-February 1908
28 January 1908 Esme Howard to Grey.
29 January 1908 Bryce to Grey.
30 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
31 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
1 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
1 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/19   4-9 February 1908
4 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.
6 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
7 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.
8 February 1908 Copy Bryce to Grey.
9 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/20   10-14 February 1908
10 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
12 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
12 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
12 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.
14 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/21   24-29 February 1908
24 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.
25 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.
25 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
28 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
29 February 1908 Bryce to Grey.
Addition concerning Grey's battlefields scheme.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/22   2-12 March 1908
2 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
6-7 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
7 March 1908 Memorandum on documents urgently required in Washington.
7 March 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
10 March 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
11 March 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
12 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/23   16-21 March 1908
16 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
16 March 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
17 March 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
17 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
18 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
17 March 1908 Copy T.E. Burton to Bryce.
18 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
21 March 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/24   23 March-4 May 1908
23 March 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
23 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
28 March 1908 Bryce to Grey.
29 April 1908 Bryce to Sir Charles Fitzpatrick.
2 May 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
2 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
4 May 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
4 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/25   4-16 May 1908
4 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
8 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
8 May 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
11 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
15 May 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
16 May 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/26   May-June 1908
16 May 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
17 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
18 May 1908 Bryce to Grey (extract).
19 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
Cutting from New York Herald on postponement of visit of US Pacific fleet to Victoria, B.C.
24 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
26 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
28 May 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
1 June 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
27 May 1908 Letter L. Brodeur to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/27   June 1908
1 June 1908 Bryce to Grey.
4 June 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
2 June 1908 Letter L.P. Brodeur to Grey.
5 June 1908 Bryce to Grey.
16 June 1908 Bryce to Grey.
26 June 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
30 June 1908 Bryce to Grey.
30 June 1908 Copy Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/28   July-September 1908
6 July 1908 Esme Howard to Grey.
29 July 1908 Copy Howard to Grey.
10 August 1908 Bryce to Grey.
13 August 1908 Howard to Grey.
22 August 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
26 August 1908 Howard to Grey.
10 September 1908 Howard to Grey.
15 September 1908 Copy Grey to Esme Howard.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/29   September-November 1908
21 September 1908 Bryce to Grey.
29 October 1908 Bryce to Grey.
2 November 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
21 November 1908 Bryce to Grey.
10 December 1908 Bryce to Grey.
14 December 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
15 September 1908 Memo respecting the case of Miss Elizabeth Cadenhead by R.W. Scott, Secretary of State, Ottawa.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B247/30   14-30 December 1908
14 December 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
17 December 1908 Bryce to Grey.
19 December 1908 Bryce to Grey.
26 December 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
28 December 1908 Copy Grey to Bryce.
Draft minute for submission to the Privy Council, Canada, on pelagic sealing.
30 December 1908 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/1   December 1908-January 1909
31 December 1908 Bryce to Grey.
2 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
3 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
5 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
6 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/2   7-12 January 1909
7 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
7 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
7 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
8 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
12 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/3   13-18 January 1909
13 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
14 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
16 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
18 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/4   19-29 January 1909
19 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
26 January 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
27 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.
29 January 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/5   1-5 February 1909
1 February 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
2 February 1909 Bryce to Grey.
3 February 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
4 February 1909 Bryce to Grey.
4 February 1909 Telegram Grey to Bryce.
5 February 1909 Letter George Young to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/6   6-11 February 1909
6 February 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
8 February 1909 Bryce to Grey.
11 February 1909 George Young to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/7   20-27 February 1909
20 February 1909 Copy Bryce to Grey.
20 February 1909 Paraphrase of cypher - Bryce to Grey.
24 February 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
24 February 1909 Bryce to Grey.
24 February 1909 Bryce to Grey.
27 February 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
1 March 1909 Memo by Grey of consultation with Laurier, Aylesworth and Gibbons on boundary waters. 2 March 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce. 4 March 1909 Bryce to Grey. 4 March 1909 Copy Bryce to Grey. 3 March 1909 Resolution of senate of USA on boundary waters. 6 March 1909 Bryce to Grey. 8 March 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/9   8-11 March 1909
8 March 1909 Bryce to Grey.
Bryce to Grey.
Press cutting “Canadian Opinion and the Washington negotiations”.
10 March 1909 Bryce to Grey.
10 March 1909 Bryce to Grey.
10 March 1909 Bryce to Grey.
11 March 1909 Mitchell Innes to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/10   12-22 March 1909
12 March 1909 Mitchell Innes to Grey.
15 March 1909 Copy Grey to Mitchell Innes.
15 March 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22 March 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/11   22-25 March 1909
22 March 1909 Bryce to Grey.
22 March 1909 Gibbons to Mitchell Innes.
23 March 1909 Copy Grey to Mitchell Innes.
23 March 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
25 March [1909] Mitchell Innes to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/12   March-April 1909
28 March [1909] Mitchell Innes to Grey.
29 March 1909 Bryce to Grey.
2 April 1909 Bryce to Grey.
2 April 1909 Extract letter Bryce to Grey.
7 April [1909] Mitchell Innes to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/13   10-17 April 1909
10 April 1909 Bryce to Grey.
13 April 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
15 April 1909 Bryce to Grey.
16 April 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
14 April 1909 George C. Gibbons to Grey.
17 April 1909 Copy Grey to Gibbons.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/14   17-27 April 1909
17 April 1909 Bryce to Grey.
17 April 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22 April 1909 Bryce to Grey.
22 April 1909 Bryce to Grey.
27 April 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/15   April-May 1909
30 April 1909 Bryce to Grey.
1 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.
3 May 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
5 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.
26 April 1909 Copy Bryce to Laurier.
29 April 1909 Copy Laurier to Bryce.
1 May [1909] Copy Bryce to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/16   7-18 May 1909
7 May 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
8 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.
15 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.
List of despatches and letters on the Smith Resolution.
Memorandum by Bryce on the water question of the Sault St Marie.
17 May 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
18 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/17   18-24 May 1909
18 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.
18 May 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22 May 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
24 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/18   May-June 1909
31 May 1909 Bryce to Grey.
2 June 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
10 June 1909 Bryce to Grey.
28 June 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/19   July-October 1909
24 July 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
25 July 1909 Bryce to Grey.
28 July 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
4 September 1909 Bryce to Grey.
1 September 1909 Alvey Adee to Bryce.
13 September 1909 Copy Bryce to the Deputy Governor General.
25 October 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/20   October-November 1909
30 October 1909 Bryce to Grey.
8 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.
12 November 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
15 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/21   17-22 November 1909
17 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.
17 November 1909 Memo. Bryce to Laurier.
18 November 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
20 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.
20 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.
22 November 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/22   24-29 November 1909
24 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.
24 November 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
24 November 1909 Copy Bryce to Grey.
27 November 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
29 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/23   November-December 1909
29 November 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
29 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.
30 November 1909 Bryce to Grey.
2 December 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/24   3-17 December 1909
3 December 1909 Bryce to Grey.
3 December 1909 Joseph Pope to Grey.
7 December 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
Extract of letter from Bryce given to Laurier.
13 December 1909 Bryce to Grey.
15 December 1909 Bryce to Grey.
16 December 1909 Copy Grey to Bryce.
17 December 1909 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/25   December 1909-January 1910
17, 18, 25 December 1909 Bryce to Grey.
1-2, 4 January 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/26   January-February 1910
13 January 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
15 January 1910 Bryce to Grey.
17 January 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22, 25 January 1910 Bryce to Grey.
25 January 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
3 February 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B248/27   6-18 February 1910
6, 10 February 1910 Bryce to Grey.
12 February 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
18 February 1910 George Young to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/1   18-22 February 1910
18, 19 February 1910 Mitchell Innes to Grey.
19 February 1910 George Young to Grey.
22 February 1910 Copy Grey to Mitchell Innes.
22 February 1910 Copy Grey to George Young.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/2   23 and 25 February 1910
23 February 1910 Copy Grey to Mitchell Innes.
25 February 1910 2 letters Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/3   26 and 28 February 1910
26 February 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
28 February 1910 2 letters Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/4   1-6 March 1910
1 March 1910 Bryce to Grey.
4 March 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
5, 6 March 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/5   8 March 1910
8 March 1910 2 copies Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/6   10-14 March 1910
10 March 1910 Bryce to Grey.
11, 12 March 1910 Copies Grey to Bryce.
14 March 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/7   15-18 March 1910
15 March 1910 2 copies Bryce to Grey.
16 March 1910 Bryce to Grey.
17, 18 March 1910 Copies Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/8   17-31 March 1910
17, 21, 23, 25, 31 March 1910 Bryce to Grey.
29 March 1910 Copy F.L. de la Barra to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/9   March-April 1910
31 March 1910 Bryce to Grey.
7 April 1910 Copy Bryce to Grey.
9 April 1910 Bryce to Grey.
14 April 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
15, 19 April 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/10   April-May 1910
20 April 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
2, 3, 7, 10 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/11   13-16 May 1910
13 May 1910 2 copy letters Grey to Bryce.
14 (x 2), 16 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/12   16-17 May 1910
16 May 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
17 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.
17 May 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/13   18-26 May 1910
18 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.
18 May 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
22 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.
25 May 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
25 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.
26 May 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
26 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/14   May-June 1910
27, 28 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.
28 May 1910 Copy Bryce to Laurier.
30, 31 May 1910 Bryce to Grey.
1, 2 June 1910 Copies Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/15   June-July 1910
4 June 1910 Bryce to Grey.
8 June 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
4 July 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/16   22-27 July 1910
22, 23 July 1910 Bryce to Grey.
25 July 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
27 July 1910 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/17   July-November 1910
27 July (x 2), 27 October 1910 Copies Grey to Bryce.
29 October 1910 Bryce to Grey.
1, 2 November 1910 Mitchell Innes to Grey.
3 November 1910 Copy Grey to Mitchell Innes.
19 November [1910] Mitchell Innes to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/18   November 1910-January 1911
25 November [1910] Mitchell Innes to Grey.
14 December 1910 Copy Grey to Bryce.
27 December [1910] Mitchell Innes to Grey.
3 January 1911 Note of contents of a letter from Grey to Bryce.
5 January 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
5, 12 January 1911 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/19   16-30 January 1911
16, 18 January 1911 Bryce to Grey.
5 January 1911 Copy P.C. Knox to Bryce.
20 January 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
25, 26, 28 January 1911 Bryce to Grey.
28 January 1911 Bryce to W.S. Fielding.
28 January 1911 Bryce to Laurier.
30 January 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/20   4-20 February 1911
4, 6 February 1911 Copies Grey to Bryce.
7, 8, 12, 18 February 1911 Bryce to Grey.
20 February 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/21   February-March 1911
23, 25 February 1911 (x 2) Bryce to Grey.
1 March 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
2 March 1911 Bryce to Grey.
3 March 1911 Note of contents of letter Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/22   4-18 March 1911
4 March 1911 (x 2) Bryce to Grey.
Specifications of the ships Nashville and Dubuque.
1 March 1911 P.C. Knox to Bryce.
6 March 1911 (x 2) Bryce to Grey.
9 March 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
10, 16, 18 March 1911 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/23   March-April 1911
21 March 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
27 March 1911 (x 3) Bryce to Grey.
31 March 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
2, 8, 15 April 1911 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/24   April-June 1911
27-28, 25 April, 1, 9, 16 May 1911 Bryce to Grey.
18 May 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
Memorandum on Hague recommendations concerning the fishery question between Canada and USA.
1 June 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/25   5-28 June 1911
5, 8, 12 June 1911 Bryce to Grey.
28 June 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/26   June-July 1911
29 June, 1, 13, 20 July 1911 Bryce to Grey.
21, 27 July 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
29 July 1911 Bryce to Grey.
29 July 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
31 July 1911 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/27   1-9 August 1911
1 August 1911 (x 2) Bryce to Grey.
2 August 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
4, 8 August 1911 Bryce to Grey.
9 August 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/28   10-27 August 1911
10 August 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
14 August 1911 Bryce to Grey.
16 August 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
17 August 1911 Bryce to Grey.
19 August 1911 Sir C. Fitzpatrick to Grey.
20 August 1911 Bryce to Grey.
22 August 1911 Sir C. Fitzpatrick to Grey.
26, 27 August 1911 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/29   August-September 1911
28 August 1911 Bryce to Grey.
28 August 1911 Grey to Bryce.
8, 21, 23 September 1911 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/30   September-November 1911
26 September 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
4 October 1911 Bryce to Grey.
6 October 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
Note concerning the 3 following papers.
6 October 1911 Paraphrase of telegram Grey to the Governor of Newfoundland, Sir Ralph Champneys Williams.
6 October Paraphrase of cable Grey to Mr Harcourt.
24 September 1911 Memorandum on objection to Hague recommendations on fisheries.
12 October 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce (2 copies, 1 photostat, 1 typescript).
24 October 1911 Copy Grey to A.F. Sladen.
21 October 1911 Copy Grey to Bryce.
27 October 1911 Copy Grey to D.O. Malcolm.
6 November 1911, 31 January, 6 February 1912 Bryce to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/31   1907-1913
12 December 1907 Copy Bryce to Grey, with list of claims of British subjects against the US government.
13 December 1907 Copy Bryce to Grey, with copy despatch Bryce to Sir E. Grey, 13 December 1907, and copy of a “promemoria” given by Bryce to Root concerning international waterways.
11 December 1911, 19 March 1913 Bryce to Grey.
1 April 1913 Copy Grey to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/32   December 1910-January 1911
14 December 1910 Copy Grey to Lord Robson.
10 January 1911 Robson to Grey.
30 January 1911 Copy A.B. Aylesworth to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B249/33   5 and 18 November 1907
5 November 1907 Copy Bryce to Laurier.
18 November 1907 Copy Laurier to Bryce.

Paper   1 file
“Alert” Case
Reference: GRE/B249/34
Dates of creation: May-July 1907
Extent: 1 filePaper

26 June 1907 R.W. Venning to A.F. Sladen.
19 June 1907 Copy W. Wakeham to the Deputy Minister Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa.
n.d. [1907] Sir C. Fitzpatrick to Grey.
25 May 1907 Bryce to Fitzpatrick.
15 June 1907 R.J. Cartwright to Grey.
Cover labelled “North Atlantic Fisheries Question. Case of the ‘Alert’”.
21 June 1907 Copy Grey to Lord Elgin.
21 June 1907 Copy Grey to Bryce.
15 June 1907 Copy R.N. Venning to Commander Wakeham.
19 June 1907 Copy Grey to Lord Elgin.
13 June 1907 Copy Sir R.J. Cartwright to Bryce.
Memorandum concerning the “Alert” and trap net fishing [enclosed in despatch from Grey of 19 June 1907].
11 June 1907 Memorandum by R.N. Venning on purse seines in the Gulf of St Lawrence and at the Magdalen Islands.
29 May 1907 Copy paraphrase of cable from the Administrator to Lord Elgin.
29 May 1907 Copy paraphrase telegram Fitzpatrick (Administrator) to [Bryce].
28 May 1907 Memorandum by A.B. Aylesworth to the Administrator.
28 May 1907 Memorandum by R.N. Venning for the Hon. W. Templeman, Acting Minister of Marine and Fisheries.
28 May 1907 Copy cable Elgin to Administrator.
25 May 1907 Copy letter Bryce to the Administrator.
25 May 1907 Copy paraphrase of cypher telegram Bryce to Fitzpatrick.
1 June 1907 Bryce to Fitzpatrick.
23 July 1907 Copy Elgin to Grey.
8 July 1907 Copy H. Bertram Cox to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office.
18 July 1907 Copy Louis Mallet to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office.
3 July 1907 Copy Bryce to Sir E. Grey.
3 July 1907 Copy Bryce to Alvey A. Adee.
22 July 1907 Copy H. Bertram Cox to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office.

GRE/B250/1   November 1904-February 1905
1 January 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
22 November(?) 1904, 2 January 1905 Laurier to Grey.
Memorandum drawn up and read by Sir John Colomb on behalf of the Imperial Federation Defence Committee - Imperial navy.
30 December 1904, 7 January 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
9 January 1905 Memo by Grey of an interview with Laurier.
10 January 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
11 January 1905 Laurier to Grey.
13 January 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20 January 1905 Laurier to Grey.
20 January 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20 January, 9 February 1905 Laurier to Grey.
13 February 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
13 February 1905 Laurier to Grey.
14 February 1905 Memo by Grey of an interview with Laurier.
20, 22 February 1905 Laurier to Grey.
27 February 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
23 February 1905 Sir H.M. Durand to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/2   March-June 1905
1, 18 March 1905 Laurier to Grey.
22 March 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
23 March 1905 Laurier to Grey.
28 March 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
7 April 1905 Laurier to Grey.
18 April 1905 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
19, 22 April 1905 Laurier to Grey.
21 April 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
18 April 1905 H.M. Durand to Grey.
8, 27 May 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
29 May 1905 Laurier to Grey.
29 May 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
5 June 1905 Laurier to Grey.
11 June 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
12 June 1905 Laurier to Grey.
13 June 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
15 June 1905 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/3   June-October 1905
20, 23 June, 1 July 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
3, 7 July 1905 Laurier to Grey.
11, 21 July 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
14 July 1905 Laurier to Grey.
15, 28 July 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
31 July 1905 Laurier to Grey.
5 August 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
19 August 1905 Laurier to Grey.
22 August, 7 October 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/4   October-November 1905
16 October 1905 Laurier to Grey.
25 October 1905 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
28 October 1905 Laurier to Grey.
2 November 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
3 November 1905 Laurier to Grey.
3, 9, 13 November 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
13 November 1905 Laurier to Grey.
Copy of the above.
16 November 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
17 November 1905 Laurier to Grey.
17 November 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20 November 1905 Laurier to Grey.
22, 23 November 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
23 November 1905 Laurier to Grey.
29 November 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/5   November-December 1905
5, 26 November 1905 Laurier to Grey.
6, 9 (x 2) December 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
10 December 1905 Laurier to Grey.
11 December 1905 (x 3) Copies Grey to Laurier.
11 December 1905 Laurier to Grey.
23 December 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
24 December 1905 Laurier to Grey.
26 December 1905 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/6   January-March 1906
5, 23 January 1906 Laurier to Grey.
3, 7 February 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.
5, 12 February 1906 Laurier to Grey.
19 February 1906 Copy cable Grey to Laurier.
15, 19 March 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.
20 March 1906 Laurier to Grey.
27 March, 3, 4, 14, April 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/7   April-June 1906
28 April, 3 May 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.
4 May 1906 Laurier to Grey.
4 (x 2), 7 May 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.
7 May 1906 Laurier to Grey.
11, 14 May, 5, 15 June 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/8   July-September 1906
13 July 1906 Copy Grey to Laurier.
13 July 1906 Laurier to Grey.
15, 17 July 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.
26 July 1906 Laurier to Grey.
?(1) August 1906 Copy Grey to Laurier.
10 August 1906 Laurier to Grey.
14, 18, 19 August, 7 September 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/9   September-December 1906
29 September 1906 Laurier to Grey.
4, 9 October 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.
28 October, 7, 10 November 1906 Laurier to Grey.
Memo by the Minister of Justice on the USA's Act for regulation of the waters of Niagra.
14 November (extract), 7 December 1906 Copies Grey to Laurier.
9 December 1906 Laurier to Grey.
19 December 1906 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/10   December 1906-January 1907
22 December 1906 Laurier to Grey.
3, 7, 8 January 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
8 January 1907 (x 2) Laurier to Grey.
11 January 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
12, 14 January 1907 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/11   January-March 1907
12 January 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
21 January 1907 Laurier to Grey.
22, 28 January 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
29 January 1907 Laurier to Grey.
17 January .... Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey.
10, 12 February 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
13, 26 February 1907 Laurier to Grey.
2, 11 March 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
27 March 1907 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/12   April-August 1907
1 April 1907 Laurier to Grey.
1 April 1907 Copy H.R. Emmerson to Laurier.
1 April 1907 Copy Laurier to Emmerson.
7 April 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
13, 18 June 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
26 June, 2 July 1907 Laurier to Grey.
Note of contents of various letters.
1, 2 August 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/13   August-September 1907
6 August 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
10 August 1907 Laurier to Grey.
25 August 1907 Memo by Grey of conversation with Laurier.
9 September 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
10 September 1907 Laurier to Grey.
10 September 1907 (x 2) Copies Laurier to Grey.
Same letter as above.
17 September 1907 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/14   16-24 September 1907
16 September 1907 Laurier to Greyl; with copy.
9 September 1907 Copy telegram Laurier to Mayor of Vancouver.
11 September 1907 Copy telegram Alexander Bethune, Mayor of Vancouver, to Laurier.
11-12 September 1907 Copy telegram Alexander Bethune, Mayor of Vancouver, to Laurier.
13 September 1907 Copy telegram Laurier to Bethune.
13 September 1907 Copy telegram Bethune to Laurier.
15 September 1907 Copy telegram Laurier to Bethune.
13 September 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
19 September 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
20 September 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20 September 1907 Copy draft Grey to Sir Claude Macdonald.
20 September 1907 Laurier to Grey.
23 September 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
23 September 1907 Laurier to Grey.
23, 24 September 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/15   July-October 1907
25 September 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
25 September 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
25 September 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
25 September 1907 Copy Laurier to Sir Claude Macdonald.
26 September, 1 October 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
26 September 1907 (x 2) Copies R. Bond to Laurier.
1 October 1907 Laurier to Grey.
4 October 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
17 July 1907 Copy Lord Selborne to Grey.
22 October 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
8 October 1907 J. Pope to Grey.
23 October 1907 (x 2) Laurier to Grey.
24 October 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/16   October-November 1907
25, 30 October 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
8 November 1907 Laurier to Grey.
11 November 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
11 November 1907 Laurier to Grey.
12 November 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
12 November 1907 Laurier to Grey.
12, 14, 16 November 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/17   October-December 1907
18 November 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
18 November 1907 Laurier to Grey.
20 November 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20 November 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
22 November 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
22 November 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
22 November 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
Draft cable Grey to Lord Elgin.
23 November 1907 Laurier to Grey.
26 November 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
3 December 1907 Laurier to Grey.
30 November 1907 Copy Laurier to Sir Robert Bond.
15 November 1907 Copy Bond to Laurier.
13 October 1907 Copy J.M. Kent (Acting Attorney General, Newfoundland) to Bond.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/18   5-23 December 1907
5 December 1907 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
5 December 1907 Laurier to Grey.
5, 9 December 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.
10 December 1907 Laurier to Grey.
10 December 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
12 December 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
20 December 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20 December 1907 Laurier to Grey.
21, 23 December 1907 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/19   December 1907-January 1908
24 (x 2), 26 December 1907 Laurier to Grey.
27 December 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
27 December 1907 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
2 January 1908 Laurier to Grey.
8 January 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
13 December 1907 Summary of telegram from Sir E. Grey.
13 January 1908 Laurier to Grey.
13 January 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
14 January 1908 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/20   January-February 1908
15, 16 January 1908 Laurier to Grey.
20 January 1908 Copy Laurier to Grey.
25 January 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
30 January 1908 Laurier to Grey.
30 January 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
1 February 1908 Laurier to Grey.
1 February 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
2 February 1907 [sic] Laurier to Grey.
5 February 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
6 February 1908 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/21   8-16 February 1908
8 February 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
8 February 1908 (x 2) Laurier to Grey.
10, 11 February 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
11 February 1908 Laurier to Grey.
11 February 1908 Copy George C. Gibbons to Laurier.
12 February 1908 Laurier to Grey.
15 February 1908 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
16 February 1908 Laurier to Grey.
16 February 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/22   February-March 1908
17, 22 February 1908 Laurier to Grey.
23 February 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
23 February 1908 E.J. Lemaire to A.F. Sladen.
Draft memorandum by Bryce on various questions with modifications by Laurier.
26 February 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
26 February 1908 Laurier to Grey.
26, 29 February 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
29 February 1908 Copy Laurier to Grey.
29 February 1908 (x 2) Laurier to Grey.
2 March 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/23   2-4 March 1908
2 March 1908 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
2 (x 2), 3 (x 2) March 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
3 March 1908 (x 3) Laurier to Grey.
3 March 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
4 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/24   7-19 March 1908
7 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.
9 March 1908 Paraphrase of cypher cable Elgin to Grey.
10 March 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
10 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.
10 March 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
11 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.
13, 14, 15 March 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
17, 19 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.
19 March 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B250/25   19-28 March 1908
19 March 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20, 21 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.
21 March 1908 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
23 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.
23 (x 2), 25 (x 2) March 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
26 March 1908 Laurier to Grey.
26 March 1908 Copy Grey to Sir Louis Jetté.
28 March 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/1   April-May 1908
4 April 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
7 April 1908 Laurier to Lord Crewe.
16 April 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
30 April 1908 Laurier to Grey.
1 May 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
1 May 1908 Laurier to Grey.
6, 7, 10, 12 (x 2) May 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/2   May-June 1908
13 May 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
11 May 1908 Bryce to Grey.
Memo on the Frederick Gerring case (enclosure in the above).
15 May 1908 (x 3) Copies Grey to Laurier.
15 May 1908 Laurier to Grey.
17, 18 May 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
26 May 1908 Laurier to Grey; with copy extract.
Copy extract of a bill to amend the Customs Act.
4 June 1908 Laurier to Grey.
6 June 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
9 June 1908 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/3   June-July 1908
16 June 1908 Laurier to Grey.
18 June 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
19 June 1907 [sic] Laurier to Grey.
19, 23 June 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
24 June 1908 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
27 June 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
29 June 1908 Laurier to Grey.
30 June (x 2), 15 July 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/4   July-September 1908
15 July 1906 [sic] Laurier to Grey.
16, 19, 23 July 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
13 August 1908 Laurier to Grey.
15 August 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
16 August, 8 September 1908 Laurier to Grey.
9 September 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
Extract of letter Grey to Lord Crewe.
9 September 1908 Laurier to Grey.
9 September 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/5   September-November 1908
10, 13, 14 September 1908 Laurier to Grey.
16 September 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
20, 30 October 1908 Laurier to Grey.
2 November 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
6 November 1908 Laurier to Grey.
9, 11, 13, 16 November 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/6   November-December 1908
17 November 1908 Laurier to Grey.
20 November 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
3 December 1908 Laurier to Grey.
3 December 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
23 November 1908 Abstract of extracts from Vancouver Daily Province.
8 December 1908 Laurier to Grey; with copy of part.
14, 16 December 1908 Copies Grey to Laurier.
18 December 1908 Laurier to Grey.
21 December 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
16 December 1908 Copy Bryce to Grey.
24, 29 December 1908 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/7   December 1908-January 1909
31 December 1908 Copy Grey to Laurier.
31 December 1908 (x 3) Laurier to Grey.
4, 8 January 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
9, 11, 13 January 1909 Laurier to Grey.
15 January 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
Copy draft of suggested reference in the speech from the throne to the Champlain and Quebec Tercentenary celebrations.
16 January 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/8   January-February 1909
17, 18 January 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
18 January 1909 Laurier to Grey.
19 January 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
19 January 1909 Laurier to Grey.
20 January 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
21 January 1909 Laurier to Grey.
3 February 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
3 February 1909 Laurier to Grey.
3, 4 February 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/9   February-March 1909
22, 24 February 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
24 February 1909 (x 2) Laurier to Grey.
26 February 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
26 February 1909 Laurier to Grey.
1 March 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
2 March 1909 Laurier to Grey; with copy.
4 March 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/10   7-15 March 1909
7 March 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
8, 9, 15 March 1909 Laurier to Grey.
15 March 1909 (x 3) Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/11   19-29 March 1909
19, 23 March 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
24 March 1909 Laurier to Grey.
24 March 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
27 March 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
27 March 1909 (x 2) Laurier to Grey.
27, 28 March 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
29 March 1909 Laurier to Grey; with copy.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/12   March-April 1909
30 March 1909 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
6 April 1909 Laurier to Grey.
6 April 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
8 April 1909 Laurier to Grey.
12, 14, 16 (x 2) April 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/13   April-May 1909
16 April 1909 Laurier to Grey.
17 (x 2), 18, 30 April, 1, 3 May 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
Press cutting: “The Colonies and the Navy”.
6 May 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/14   6-18 May 1909
6, 7 May 1909 Laurier to Grey.
7, 8 May 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
12 May 1909 Laurier to Grey.
12 May 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
15 May 1909 Laurier to Grey.
18 May 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/15   May, July 1909
18 May 1909 Laurier to Grey.
May 1909 Copy Bryce to Grey.
20, 24 May, 26, 27 July 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
28 July 1909 Laurier to Grey.
29 July 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/16   August-November 1909
10 August, 9 September, 5, 17, 25 October, 3 November 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
3 November 1909 Laurier to Grey.
3, 5 November 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
5 November 1909 Copy Grey to Joseph Pope.
5 November 1909 Copy Grey to Charles Murphy, Secretary of State.
6 November 1909 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/17   6-29 November 1909
6 November 1909 Laurier to Grey.
8 November 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
8 November 1909 Copy Grey to Joseph Pope.
11 November 1909 Laurier to Grey.
13 November 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
15 November 1909 W.S. Fielding to Grey; with related note.
17 November 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.
“Proceedings of the Imperial Conference on Naval and Military Defence, July 1909”.
29 November 1909 Copy Grey to Fielding.
29 November 1909 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/18   December 1909-January 1910
22, 23 (x 2) December 1909 Copies Grey to Laurier.
24 December 1909 Laurier to Grey.
8, 10 January 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/19   January-February 1910
17, 21 (x 2) January 1910 Laurier to Grey.
31 January 1910 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
31 January 1910 Laurier to Grey.
3 February 1910 Copy (extract) Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/20   7-22 February 1910
7 (x 2), 12, 20 February 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.
22 February 1910 (x 2) Letters W.S. Fielding to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/21   February-March 1910
26 February 1910 Copy (extract) Grey to Laurier.
27 February 1910 Copy Laurier to Grey.
4, 5, 9, 15, 18 March 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/22   March-April 1910
15, 20 March 1910 Laurier to Grey.
28 March 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.
29 March 1910 Laurier to Grey.
6 April 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.
7 April 1910 Laurier to Grey.
10 (x 2), 13 April 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/23   16-28 April 1910
16 April 1910 W.H. Walker to Grey.
18, 19 (x 2) April 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.
19 April 1910 Copy Grey to Fielding.
28 April 1910 Laurier to Grey.
28 April 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/24   April-May 1910
29 April 1909 [sic], 29 April, 12 May 1910 Laurier to Grey.
14 (x 2), 16 May 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.
Sunday 1 May [1910] Notes made at dictation of Sir W. Laurier.
16 May 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/25   16-30 May 1910
16 May 1910 Copy Grey to R. Lemieux.
20 May 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.
24 May 1910 Laurier to Grey.
25 May 1910 W.S. Fielding to Grey.
27, 28 May 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.
28 May 1910 A.B. Aylesworth to Grey.
30 May 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/26   1-4 June 1910
1 June 1910 Copy summary letter Grey to Laurier.
1 June 1910 (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
1 June 1910 Laurier to Grey.
2 June 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.
4 June 1910 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/27   5-30 June 1910
5, 7, 9 June 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.
12 June 1910 Laurier to Grey.
22 June - 27 June 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.
30 June Sydney Fisher to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/28   July-October 1910
16 July 1910 Laurier to Grey.
23 July 1910 (x 2) Copies Grey to Sir Richard Cartwright.
23 July 1910 Copy Grey to Mr Murphy.
5 September 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.
9 October 1910 Laurier to Grey.
11 October 1910 Copy Grey to A.B. Aylesworth (Minister of Justice).
23 October 1910 Laurier to Grey.
27 October 1910 Copy Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/29   October-November 1910
29 October 1910 Laurier to Grey.
29 October 1910 Joseph Pope to Laurier.
30 October, 4, 11, 15 (x 2), 17 November 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.
17 November 1910 George Young to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/30   November-December 1910
16 November 1910 Laurier to Grey.
21 November, 9, 13 (x 2), 19, 28 December 1910 Copies Grey to Laurier.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/31   January-March 1911
4 January 1911 Extract of letter from Grey to Brodeur.
24 January, 3 February 1911, n.d. Copies Grey to Laurier.
27 February 1911 Copy Grey to Fielding.
1, 27 (x 2) March 1911 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/32   April-June 1911
5 April 1911 Copy Grey to Laurier.
14 April 1911 Laurier to Grey, with notes of reply.
18 May 1911 Substance of letter Grey to Laurier.
Memo on the Hague recommendations.
29 May 1911 (x 2) Laurier to Grey.
6 June 1911 Copy Grey to Sir Alan Aylesworth.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/33   June-July 1911
9 June 1911 Copy Grey to Aylesworth.
10 June 1911 Aylesworth to Grey.
14 June, 8 July 1911 Copies Grey to Laurier.
9 July 1911 Joseph Pope to Grey; with copy.
25 July 1911 Memo of conversation Grey had with Laurier.
26 July 1911 Laurier to Grey.
27 July 1911 Copy Grey to Laurier.
28 July 1911 Laurier to Grey.
27 June 1911 Copy Sir Edward Grey to Bryce.
28 July 1911 Laurier to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/34   July-October 1911
29 July 1911 Copy Grey to Laurier.
1, 8, 10 August 1911 Laurier to Grey.
10, 21 August 1911 Copies Grey to Laurier.
23 August 1911 Copy Laurier to Grey.
6 October 1911 (x 3) Laurier to Grey.
List of Members of the House of Commons, Second Session, Eleventh Parliament 1909-10 (MS alterations).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/35   September-October 1907
9 September 1907 Copy (extract) Grey to Laurier.
10 September 1907 Copy (extract) Laurier to Grey.
13 September 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
16 September 1907 Copy Laurier to Grey.
17 September (x 2) Copies Grey to Laurier.
19 September 1907 Copy Laurier to Grey.
20 September 1907 Extract from letter Grey to Laurier.
20 September 1907 Copy Laurier to Grey.
20 September 1907 Copy draft Laurier to Sir Claude Macdonald.
23 September 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
23 September 1907 Copy Laurier to Grey.
24 September 1907 Copy Grey to Laurier.
25 September 1907 (x 3) Copies Laurier to Grey.
11 October 1907 Copy Laurier to Sir Claude Macdonald.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/36   8 December 1908
Copy letter Laurier to Grey, and a note by Grey concerning it.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B251/37   September-October 1911
Draft cable Grey to Harcourt (sent 25 September 1911).
25 September 1911 R.L. Borden to Grey.
26 September 1911 Copy Grey to Borden.
26 September 1911 Borden to Grey.
29 September, 2, 7 October 1911 Copies Grey to Borden.

Paper   1 file
Correspondence with Alfred Lyttelton
Reference: GRE/B252/1
Dates of creation: December 1904-February 1905
Extent: 1 filePaper

22 December 1904 - 6 February 1905 9 copy letters Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
23 January 1905 Copy Grey to Arthur Balfour.
6 February 1905 Copy F.W. Borden to Grey.
16 January 1905 Address in answer to Grey's speech from the throne: extracts from House of Commons debates; speeches of E.M. MacDonald and G.E. Foster.
January 1905 Extract from Britannia, on the forts at Esquimalt and Halifax by John A. Ewan.
9 February 1905 Copy cable Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
26 January 1905 Alfred Lyttelton to Grey.
13 February 1905 Copy Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
13 February 1905 Alfred Lyttelton to Grey.
11 February 1905 Copy Grey to Selborne.
16 February 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.
16 February 1905 Copy Grey to Sir John Colomb.
20 February 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.
20 February 1905 Copy Laurier to Grey.
15 February 1905 Copy Grey to Sir Mortimer Durand.
Note of Laurier's position in trade negotiations with USA.
Draft of proposed despatch to Colonial Office.
8 February 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
7 February Memo by Lyttelton on garrisons of Halifax and Esquimalt.

GRE/B252/2   February-March 1905
23, 28 February 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
15 February 1905 Copy Council minute on defence of naval stations of Halifax and Esquimalt.
1 March 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.
1 March 1905 Copy Grey to Lord Stanley.
3 March 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.
February 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
6 (x 2), 9, 10, 16 (x 2), 20, 22, 28, 30 March 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/3   March-May 1905
16 March 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
6, 8, 10 April 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
March 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
1 May 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.
29 April Walter Barwick to Grey.
29 April 1905 Copy cable Walter Barwick to The Times.
5 May 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
5 (x 2), 8 May 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
6 May 1905 Copy Grey to L. Maxse.
8 May 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.
8 May 1905 Copy Grey to J.S. Sandars.
8 May 1905 Copy Grey to Lansdowne.
9 May 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/4   April-July 1905
15 May 1905 (x 2) Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
25 April 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
18 May, 2, 7, 9 June 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
1 June 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
12, 15, 17 June, 2 July 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
3 July 1905 Copy extract Laurier to Grey.
10 July 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/5   July-October 1905
21 July Bernard Holland to Grey.
July 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
20 (x 2), 21 (x 2), 15 July, 6 August 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
(6 August 1905) Extract of the above.
26 August, 17 September, 5, 18 October 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
Observations on Chapter III of Richard Jebb's Colonial Nationalism [the Alaska Boundary].
23 October 1905 Copy Grey to Lyttelton.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/6   October-December 1905
23 October 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
2, 6 November 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
Imperial Intelligence Department. A Free Press Cable Service around the World; Letters to the Canadian Club on the Addresses of Sir Frederick Pollock and Mr Geoffrey Drage by Sir Sandford Fleming, October 1905.
16, 17, 18, 20 November, 5 December 1905 Copies Grey to Lyttelton.
11 December .... Copy Grey to Lord Elgin.
20 December 1905 Lyttelton to Grey.
22 December 1905 Elgin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/7   December 1905-March 1906
28 December 1905 Copy Grey to Elgin.
12 January 1906 Elgin to Grey.
25 January 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.
6 January 1906 Copy memo for the Prime Minister, by Sir Charles Fitzpatrick. [The date at the end is 4 January 1906].
Copy memo on constitution of Judicial Committee of the Privy Council with reference to the question of the power to add members.
29 January 1906 Copy Grey to Winston Churchill.
8, 12, 19 February, 1 March 1906 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/8   March-April 1906
1, 8 March 1906 Copies Grey to Elgin.
6 March 1906 Robert C. Ogden to Grey.
9 March 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.
22 March 1906 Elgin to Grey.
23, 26 March, 3 April 1906 Copies Grey to Elgin.
4 April 1906 Elgin to Grey.
22 March 1906 Memo by the Lord Chancellor, concerning Mr Blake and Sir Henry Taschereau and the Judicial Committee.
18 April 1906 Elgin to Grey.
18 April 1906 Copy Grey to Winston Churchill.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/9   May-July 1906
3, 25 May, 5 June 1906 Copies Grey to Elgin.
7 June 1906 Elgin to Grey.
9 July 1906 Grey to Elgin.
16 July 1906 Elgin to Grey.
18 July 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/10   July-August 1906
20 July 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.
7 August 1906 Elgin to Grey.
8 August 1906 Copy Grey to Laurier.
... August 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.
16 August 1906 (x 2) Copies Grey to Elgin.
19 August 1906 Elgin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/11   July-October 1906
25 August 1906 Copy Grey to Elgin.
Precis of draft dated 24 July 1906 prepared by Mr Aylesworth and forwarded by Grey to Laurier, on Labrador as part of Canada.
Copy extract of letter to Laurier, on Labrador boundary.
10 August Copy extract of letter from Laurier, on Newfoundland and Labrador boundary.
25 August 1906 Copy extract of letter Grey to ..., Labrador boundary.
8 September, 8 October (x 2) 1906 Copies Grey to Elgin.
28 October 1906 Elgin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/12   December 1906-January 1907
2, 7, 25 December 1906, 7, 10 January 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/13   7-22 January 1907
7 January 1907 Elgin to Grey.
14, 17, 21 January 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.
22 January 1907 Elgin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/14   January-February 1907
24, 31 January, 14, 25 February 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/15   February-June 1907
4 March 1907 Copy Grey to Elgin.
25 February Memo by Grey of interview with Commissioner Coombs and Brig. Howell of the Salvation Army.
5, 14, 18, 20, 21 March, 9 April 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.
18 June 1907 Elgin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/16   June, September 1907
18, 19 June, 9, 18, 23 September 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/17   September-October 1907
23 September 1907 Copy Grey to Elgin.
23 September 1907 Copy of above.
20 September 1907 Extract of letter Grey to Laurier.
22 September, 1 October 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.
2 October 1907 Elgin to Grey.
4 October 1907 Copy Grey to Elgin.
5 October 1907 Copy Elgin to Grey.
3 September 1907 Memo by W.S. Fielding on proposed convention respecting commercial relations between France and Canada.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/18   October-November 1907
14, 29 October, 4 November 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.
7 November 1907 Elgin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/19   8-14 November 1907
8, 11 November 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.
14 November 1907 Elgin to Grey.
14 November 1907 Copy Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/20   14, 22 November 1907
14, 22 (x 2) November 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B252/21   November-December 1907
25 November 1907 Precis Grey to Elgin.
27, 28 November, 9 December (x 2) 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/1   December 1907-January 1908
26, 27 December 1907 Copies Grey to Elgin.
30 December 1907 Elgin to Grey.
18, 20 January 1908 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/2   January-February 1908
30 January, 1, 6 (x 2), 17 (x 2) February 1908 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/3   February-March 1908
19 February 1908 Elgin to Grey.
20, 27 February, 3 March 1908 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/4   3-14 March 1908
3 March 1908 Copy Grey to Elgin.
5, 14 March 1908 Elgin to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/5   16-24 March 1908
16 March 1908 Copy Grey to Elgin.
19 March 1908 Elgin to Grey.
23, 24 March 1908 Copies Grey to Elgin.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/6   March-April 1908
25 March, 17 April 1908 Copies Grey to Elgin.
17 April 1908 Copy Grey to Lord Crewe.
18 April 1908 Sir Francis Hopwood to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/7   4-21 May 1908
4, 7, 8 May 1908 Copies Grey to Lord Crewe.
14 May 1908 Crewe to Grey.
18, 21 May 1908 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/8   May-June 1908
24 May 1908 Elgin to Grey.
3, 9 (x 3) June 1908 Copies Grey to Crewe.
11 June 1908 Crewe to Grey.
16 June 1908 Copy Grey to Crewe.
19 June 1908 Crewe to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/9   June-July 1908
24, 26, 29, 30 June, c.2 July 1908 Copies Grey to Crewe.
4 July 1908 Crewe to Grey.
10 July 1908 Sir Francis Hopwood to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/10   July-September 1908
14 July 1908 Copy Grey to Crewe.
24 July 1908 Crewe to Grey.
31 July, 17 August, 11 September 1908 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/11   September-December 1908
23 September 1908 Crewe to Grey.
22 October, 17, 24 November 1908 Copies Grey to Crewe.
4 December 1908 Crewe to Grey.
8 December 1908 Copy Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/12   December 1908-January 1909
15 December 1908, 7, 11 January 1909 Copies Grey to Crewe.
21 January 1909 Copy Grey to Mr Gibbons.
28 January 1909 Crewe to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/13   February-March 1909
18 February, 2, 11 March 1909 Copies Grey to Crewe.
11 March 1909 Cable Crewe to Grey.
16, 22 March 1909 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/14   March 1909
25 March 1909 Crewe to Grey.
25 March 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
March 1909 Crewe to Grey.
2 March 1909 Copy [Bryce] to Sir Edward Grey.
30 March 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/15   8, 12 April 1909
8 (x 3), 12 April 1909 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/16   April-May 1909
14 April 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
15 April 1909 Crewe to Grey.
19 April 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
22 April 1909 Crewe to Grey.
3 May 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
5 May 1909 Crewe to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/17   May-October 1909
6 May 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
12 May 1909 Crewe to Grey.
12, 19 May 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
22 May 1909 Crewe to Grey.
22 May 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
20 July 1909 Crewe to Grey.
26 July 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.
10 August 1909 Crewe to Grey.
22 October 1909 Copy Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/18   October-November 1909
23 October, 11, 18 November 1909 Copies Grey to Crewe.
20 November 1909 Crewe to Grey.
22, 23 November 1909 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/19   December 1909-February 1910
1 December 1909 Cable Crewe to Grey.
2, 16 December 1909 Copies Grey to Crewe.
14 January 1910 Crewe to Grey.
20 January 1910 Sir C.P. Lucas to Grey.
27 January, 7, 14 February 1910 Copies Grey to Crewe.
Memo: trade relations between Canada and Germany.
12 February 1910 Crewe to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/20   February-March 1910
17 (x 2), 24 February, 3 March 1910 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/21   March-April 1910
4, 12, 18, 22 March 1910 Copies Grey to Crewe.
30 March 1910 Crewe to Grey.
31 March 1910 Copy Grey to Crewe.
16 April 1910 Crewe to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/22   April-May 1910
21 April 1910 Copy Grey to Sir Charles Lucas.
28 April 1910 (x 2) Copies Grey to Crewe.
22, 25 April 1910 W.S. Fielding to Grey.
30 April 1910 Crewe to Grey.
5, 16, 22, 25 May 1910 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/23   May-June 1910
26 (x 2), 30, 31 May, 2 June 1910 Copies Grey to Crewe.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/24   June-October 1910
3 June 1910 Copy Grey to Crewe.
29 June 1910 Crewe to Grey.
26, 29 (x 2) July 1910 Copies Grey to Crewe.
12 August 1910 Crewe to Grey.
17 September, 11 October 1910 Copies Grey to Crewe.
12 October 1910 Crewe to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/25   October-November 1910
14 October 1910 Crewe to Grey.
14 October 1910 Copy Grey to Crewe.
29 October 1910 Crewe to Grey.
30 September 1910 Copy W.S. Fielding to P.C. Knox (Sec. of State, Washington).
10 October 1910 Copy P.C. Knox to W.S. Fielding.
12 October 1910 Copy W.S. Fielding to Knox.
11 November 1910 Copy Grey to the Sec. of State for the Colonies [Harcourt].
16 November 1910 Copy Grey to Crewe.
16 November 1910 Copy Grey to Lulu [Harcourt].
21 November 1910 L. Harcourt to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/26   November-December 1910
21 November 1910 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
8 December 1910 Harcourt to Grey.
19, 29 December 1910 Copies Grey to Harcourt.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/27   January 1911
1 January 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
1 January 1911 Copy Grey to Crewe.
6 January 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
13 January 1911 Crewe to Grey.
24 January 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
26 January 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
27 January 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/28   January-February 1911
28 January 1911 Lionel Earle to Grey.
30 January 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
13 February 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
14 February 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
15 February 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
3 February 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt (sent 16 February).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/29   February-March 1911
18 February 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
2 March 1911 Copy cable Grey to Harcourt.
3, 6, 13 March 1911 Copies Grey to Harcourt.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/30   1-15 April 1911
1 April 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
8, 15 April 1911 Copies Grey to Harcourt.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/31   April-June 1911
20 April, 2, 18 (x 2) May 1911 Copies Grey to Harcourt.
29 May 1911 Harcourt to Grey, with notes made by Grey in 1887 and observations on the Taft Fielding agreement [not photostatted].
8 June 1911 Note to Harcourt.
7 June 1911 Copy Grey to Sir Arthur Bigge.
14 June 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/32   May-September 1911
15 June 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
29 May 1911 Copy Laurier to Grey.
29 May 1911 Copy Laurier to Grey.
25 July 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
26 July 1911 Cable Grey to Harcourt.
28 July 1911 Copy [Grey to Harcourt].
28 July, 28 August 1911 Copies Grey to Harcourt.
18 August 1911 Memo on American objections to Newfoundland fishing regulations by D.O. [Malcolm].
May 1911 Memo on the Hague recommendation to which Canada objected.
14 September 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
17 September 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
19 September 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B253/33   September-November 1911
29 September, 6 October 1911 Copies Grey to Harcourt.
18 October 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
27 October 1911 Grey to Harcourt.
27 October 1911 Harcourt to Grey.
28 October 1911 Copy Grey to Harcourt.
30 October 1911 Henry Lambert to Grey.
1 November 1911 Lionel Earle to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/1   January-September 1905
12 January, 5 February 1905, n.d. [9 March 1905?] Copies Grey to Edward VII.
13, 20 March 1905 Copies Grey to Lord Knollys.
3 May, 24 July, 25 August, 1 September 1905 (cable) Copies Grey to Edward VII.
2 September 1905 Copy cable Edward VII to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/2   September 1905-March 1906
10 September 1905 Sir D.M. Probyn to Grey.
10 November 1905 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
28 November 1905 Arthur Davidson to Grey.
1 January, 3 February 1906 Copies Grey to Edward VII.
21 February 1906 Copy Grey to the Queen.
4, 5, 22 March 1906 Copies Grey to Lord Knollys.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/3   April-August 1906
4 April 1906 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
11 April 1906 Copy Grey to the Queen.
20 April 1906 Copy Grey to Knollys.
20 April 1906 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
23 April 1906 Arthur Davidson to Grey.
3 May 1906 Copy Grey to Knollys.
11 April 1906 Sir Fritz Ponsonby to Grey.
7 May 1906 Copy Grey to Knollys.
13 July 1906 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
15 July 1906 Copy Grey to Knollys.
5 August 1906 Arthur Davidson to Grey.
14 August 1906 Copy Grey to Edward VII.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/4   August 1906-September 1907
Copy telegram Grey to Knollys.
20 August 1906 Copy Grey to Knollys.
27 August 1906 Knollys to Grey.
31 December 1906, 21, 24 January 1907 Copies Grey to Edward VII.
14 February 1907 Copy Grey to Knollys.
2 May 1907 Copy Grey to the Queen.
2 May 1907 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
11 June 1907 Copy cable Grey to Edward VII.
11, 14 June, 1 September 1907 Copies Grey to Edward VII.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/5   September-December 1907
9 (x 2), 23 September 1907 Copies Grey to Edward VII.
14 October 1907 Copy Grey to Knollys.
21 October, 9 November 1907 Copies Grey to Edward VII.
14 November 1907 Copy Grey to Knollys.
Press cutting on observation of the King's birthday by the Ben Greet players.
22 November 1907 Copy Grey to the Queen.
22 November 1907 Copy Grey to Knollys.
12 December 1907 Telegram Dighton Probyn to Grey.
16 December 1907 Copy Grey to Knollys.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/6   January-March 1908
1 January 1908 Telegram Edward VII to Grey.
10 January 1908 Copy Grey to Knollys.
3 February 1908 Copy Grey to Sir A. Bigge.
26 March 1908 (x 2) Copies Grey to Edward VII.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/7   June-August 1908
18, 20, 24, 30 June 1908, n.d. [July] Copies Grey to Bigge.
14 July 1908 Copy Crewe to Grey.
30 July 1908 Copy Grey to Princess of Wales.
31 July 1908 Copy Grey to Prince of Wales.
30 July 1908 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
6 August 1908 Copy Grey to Prince of Wales.
14 August 1908 Copy Grey to Princess Louise.
14 August 1908 Copy Grey to Duke of Connaught.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/8   August 1908-May 1909
14 August 1908 Copy Grey to the Prince of Wales.
16 September 1908 (x 2) Copies Grey to Edward VII.
24 November 1908 Copy Grey to the Prince of Wales.
28 December 1908 Copy Grey to the Princess of Wales.
21 January 1909 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
7 April 1909 Copy Grey to Knollys.
7 April 1909 Copy Grey to Bigge.
5 May 1909 Copy Grey to Edward VII.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/9   May 1909-May 1910
May, 28 October 1909 Copies Grey to Edward VII.
23 December 1909 Copy Grey to Prince of Wales.
21 April 1910 Copy Grey to Knollys.
5 May 1910 Copy Grey to Edward VII.
13 May 1910 Copy Grey to George V.
21 May 1910 Copy Grey to Queen Alexandra.
22 May 1910 Telegram Alexandra to Grey.
27 May 1910 Letter George V to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/10   May-December 1910
27 May, 4 June 1910 Copies Grey to George V.
4 June 1910 Copy Grey to the Duke of Connaught.
29 July 1910 Copy Grey to Carrington.
6 September, 4 November 1910 Copies Grey to George V.
29 November 1910 Sir A. Bigge to Grey.
23 December 1910 Copy Grey to Bigge.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/11   December 1910-May 1911
24 December 1910 Copy Grey to George V.
29 December 1910 Copy Grey to Bigge.
1 January 1911 Copy Grey to the Queen.
19 January 1911 Bigge to Grey.
29 January 1911 Copy Grey to George V.
30 January 1911 Copy Grey to Bigge.
21 March 1911 Bigge to Grey.
3 May 1911 Copy Grey to Bigge.
31 May 1911 Copy Grey to George V.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/12   June-October 1911
7 June 1911 Copy Grey to Bigge.
4 July 1911 Bigge to Grey.
29 July 1911 Copy Grey to George V.
28 August 1911 Stamfordham to Grey.
14 September 1911 Copy Grey to Stamfordham.
22 September 1911 Copy Grey to George V.
9 October 1911 Copy Grey to George V.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/13   3-6 March 1905
Copies of letters for the King re separate schools.
3 March 1905 Copy Grey to Alfred Lyttelton.
4 March 1905 Copy Laurier to Grey.
5 March 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
5 March 1905 Copy Grey to Clifford Sifton.
6 March 1905 Copy Laurier to Grey.
6 March 1905 Extract from the Toronto Globe, Laurier's policy concerning education.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/14   January-September 1911
Extracts of correspondence between the Queen, Lord Stamfordham and Lord Grey, 1911.
1 January 1911 Grey to the Queen.
19 January 1911 Stamfordham to Grey.
30 January 1911 Grey to Stamfordham.
21 March, 28 August 1911 Stamfordham to Grey.
14 September 1911 Grey to Stamfordham.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/15   December 1907-March 1908
27 December 1907 Bigge to Grey.
5 January 1908 Copy Grey to Bigge.
23 January 1908 Cable Bigge to Grey.
23 January 1908 Bigge to Grey.
3 February 1908 Copy Grey to Bigge.
3 March 1908 Copy Grey to the Prince of Wales.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B254/16   February-March 1905
27 February, 1 March 1905 Laurier to Grey.
27 February 1905 Copy Clifford Sifton to Laurier.
[28 February 1905] Copy Laurier to Sifton.
Press cutting of the above 2 letters.
1 March 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
2, 4 March 1905 Copies Grey to Laurier.
4 March 1905 Laurier to Grey.
Copy of Sifton's draft amendment concerning the provincial legislatures and education.
5 March 1905 Copy Grey to Clifford Sifton.
5 March 1905 Copy Grey to Laurier.
6 March 1905 Laurier to Grey.
9 March 1905 Clifford Sifton to Grey

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/1   1912
Earl Grey's Estate: N[ational] P[rovincial] Mortgage: Statement of income and outgoings 1912. [This may have been an enclosure in Flux Leadbitter & Co.'s letter of 12 April 1912, see 189/7].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/2   May-August 1914
Letters concerning the failure of the Canadian Agency.
30 May 1914 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey.
4 typescript copies of most of the above letter.
Memo [in Arthur Grenfell's hand] concerning financial matters connected with the Canadian Agency.
Note of securities held by "the Bank".
Request by Robert Benson and Arthur Grenfell that interest and dividends due to them from the Investment Trust Corporation should be transferred to ... [incomplete].
Similar paper, also incomplete, in respect of the Hull and Barnsley Railway Co.
Typescript paper on the Canadian Agency. 2 copies.
Copy circular to the creditors of the Canadian Agency setting out a proposed scheme to meet their claims. 2 copies (one marked in pencil: "For British Bank of N.C. Canadian Agency loan"). [This differs from another scheme dated 12 June 1914 - see below].
Confidential printed circular setting forth a modified scheme for dealing with the assets of the Canadian Agency.
2 June 1914 List of assets in Arthur and Lady Victoria Grenfell's marriage settlement trust funds.
2 June 1914 Typescript paper: “Interview with Mr Smith, Dorchester House”.
4 June 1914 Copy letter N. Herbert Smith to Lady Wantage.
5 June 1914 Letter Lady Wantage to Grey; with typescript copy of part.
5 June 1914 Letter N. Herbert Smith to Grey.
7 June 1914 Letter Charles Allsopp, 3rd Baron Hindlip, to Grey. Enclosure: May 1914 Copy letter Hindlip to Rivy N. Grenfell.
n.d. [June 1914] Letter Lady Julia Drummond to Grey.
8 June 1914 Letter Edward Grenfell to Grey.
[9? June 1914] Letter Hindlip to Grey; typescript paper by Hindlip; rough notes by Hindlip.
10 June 1914 Letter N. Herbert Smith to Grey (concerning Hindlip's letter of 7 June).
11 June 1914 Letter Hindlip to Grey.
12 June 1914 Copy circular to the creditors of the Canadian Agency containing a proposal for adjusting its affairs. 4 copies.
Copy cable Grey to Charles Hosmer of Montreal.
16 June 1914 Cablegram Hosmer to Grey.
17 June 1914 Letter N. Herbert Smith to 5th Earl Grey.
17 June 1914 Printed circular from C.L. Johnson, Sec. Messina (Transvaal) Development Co. Ltd. 2 copies.
16 June 1914 Statement of liabilities of the above Co., enclosed with above. 2 copies.
18 June 1914 Copy letter Grey to Jack, 3rd Earl of Durham [a cousin].
18 June 1914 Copy letter Grey to 2nd Viscount Ridley.
17 June 1914 Report on the state of a bank's financial position. [6 signatures, most illegible. H. Bendixon is one; another may be Knudsen. The Bank is not named but is the British Bank of Northern Commerce].
20 June 1914 Letter Waldorf Astor to Grey.
21 June 1914 Copy letter Grey to Thomas Evelyn Scott Ellis, 8th Baron Howard de Walden.
23 June 1914 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey.
25 June 1914 Letter Hilda Grenfell to Grey.
25 June 1914 Letter N. Herbert Smith to 5th Earl Grey.
30 June 1914 Letter Frederick H.E. Branson to Grey. Enclosure: Draft letter for Grey to write to the Natomas Syndicate Ltd.
8 July 1914 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey.
11 July 1914 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
11 July 1914 Letter J. Jeffreys (Sec. of the Natomas Syndicate) to Grey, with note of Grey's reply endorsed.
15 July 1914 Letter D.C. Newton of Montreal to Grey.
15, 16 July 1914 Letters Frederick H.E. Branson to Grey.
16 July 1914 Letter N. Herbert Smith to Grey.
17 July 1914 Copy letter Grey to Buchan, with note by Grey of reply and of the action he will take in consequence.
25 July 1914 Copy letter Grey to Lady Wantage.
26 July 1914 Letter Lady Wantage to Grey.
30 July 1914 Letter Lady Wantage to Grey.
1 August 1914 Copy letter Grey to Lady Wantage.
21 August 1914 Copy letter Grey to Robin Benson.
n.d. Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey. Rough notes by Grey. 3 pieces.
Typescript paper concerning investment by shareholders in the Ocean Syndicate in the British Union Oil Co. [4 copies all torn up].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/3   1904-1908
2 November 1905 Letter James Capel & Co. to Grey.
1904-1908 Accounts of Grey with Capel & Co. 10 pieces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/4   1893-1913
File containing many lists of securities belonging to Grey held by various banks and agencies. In some cases the values at the time are stated. 1903-1913, except 1 document 1893. Includes account of Grey with Williams Agency May-June 1912.
1893 Account D'Oyly & Co. to Williams Agency.
19 January 1909, 11 March, 29 April 1910 Letters Clement Leveson Gower to Grey.
14 May 1910 2 printed circulars concerning the liquidation of Clark's Consolidated Ltd.
12 July 1910 Letter A. Weston Jarvis to Grey.
15 September 1910 Charterland and General Exploration and Finance Co. Ltd. Quarterly report to shareholders.
Rough notes by Grey concerning his investments.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/5   1912-1914
18 November 1913 Page from the Financial News, with account of 12th ordinary general meeting of the Camp Bird Co. - review of its position and prospects. Arthur Grenfell was chairman.
25 November 1914 Lake Superior Paper Co. Ltd. notice of meeting.
Regulations by the Lake Superior Co.
Receipt and proxy forms.
The Spanish River Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd. Annual Report for year ended 30 June 1914.
25 November 1914 Printed circular from W.E. Stavert, president of the above Co. to bondholders etc.
7 June 1912 Copy letter Williams Agency to the Manager, Lloyds Bank, St James's Street, S.W.
In the High Court of Justice: In the matter of the Companies (consolidation) Act 1908 and in the matter of the Daily Express Ltd. Summary of the statement of affairs as at the date of the winding up order. Submitted by Edward Henderson Johnstone on 28 March 1913, with observations by W.J. Warley, Senior Assistant Official Receiver, 19 May 1913.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/6   1902-1911
File containing rough notes by Grey of his investments. Also:
18 March 1911 Letter Benson & Co. to Grey.
5 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to Robert Benson & Co. (2 copies).
5 April 1911 Copy letter Grey to Clement Leveson Gower (2 copies, one with MS additions).
29 August 1902 Letter E.C. Clegg (Secretary, the Charter Trust & Agency) to Grey.
1902-1911 Notices issued by the Charter Trust & Agency Ltd. and the Trust & Agency Assets Ltd. - calls for payments of instalments due on shares; notices of dividends, dividend warrants, etc.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/7   [early 20th century]
File of MS notes, mainly by Grey, on proportional representation, including a paper by him on the subject.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B255/8   [1885 x 1917]
File of printed matter on proportional representation, much of it in French. Includes galley proofs of article by Grey on proportional representation.
Also includes a printed paper Parliamentary Misrepresentation as shown by the three last General Elections 1885 - giving tables of the electors voting and results of these elections.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B256/1   1878-1904
Pamphlet: Speech delivered by Mr Jos. Cowen, MP, in the Circus, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on Saturday 14 February 1885. [Reprint from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 16 February 1885]. (Newcastle, 1885).
July 1904 The Joseph Cowen Memorial Fund: appeal to the workmen of Tyneside by Grey (President) and others, with a reproduction of a signed photograph of Cowen (2 copies).
2 February 1880 Pages from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle with report of speech by Joseph Cowen on foreign policy.
1 August 1878 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle: Cowen on the Bishoprics Bill.
9 May 1878 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle: Cowen on the County Courts Jurisdiction Bill.
n.d. Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle: Cowen (and other MPs) on Local Government Qualifications.
27 March 1879 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle: Cowen (and others) on the Irish Convention Act.
1878-1879 4 other press cuttings on politics.
Press cutting: “Joseph Cowen Personal Recollections by One Who Knew Him”.
19 February 1900 Supplement to the Newcastle Daily Chronicle: Death of Joseph Cowen.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B256/2   1904
Typescript notes by Grey on:
Life of Froude by Herbert Paul.
Pitt the Younger by H. Montagu Butler.
Burke by H. Montagu Butler.
George Peabody.
George Washington by Owen Wisler. A.T. Stewart.
27 June 1904 Cuttings from The Times (mounted and bound) “Count Tolstoy on the War”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B256/3   September 1907-January 1909
File of papers concerning the “consecration” of the Canadian battlefields.
26 September 1907 Extract of letter from Monsieur Desjardins to Grey.
Typescript paper: The 78th Regiment of Highlanders in Canada. (Delivered at the Caledonian Society, 1 November 1907).
25 November 1907 Copy letter Grey to Edward VII (3 copies).
25 November 1907 Copy letter Grey to Knollys (2 copies).
26 November 1907 Copy letter Alfred Deakin, Prime Minister, Australia, to Sir Robert Bond (Premier of Newfoundland).
18 December 1907 Copy cablegram from Premier of Cape Colony to the Prime Minister of Australia.
21 December 1907 Copy cablegram P.M. Australia to P.M. Cape Colony.
10 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to the Lieut. Governor Edmonton [Alberta], George Hedley Vicars Bulyea.
19 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to all Lieut. Governors and Prime Ministers of Provinces.
27 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lord Northcote. [The same letter was to be sent to Selborne and Sir W. Hely Hutchinson].
28 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lady Plunket.
28 December 1907 Copy letter Grey to Lord Plunket.
December 1907 Cutting from the Montreal Star.
Memorandum explaining the proposed battlefields scheme [by Grey?].
Note concerning Wolfe: money owed to his father and Wolfe's lack of money to pay the troops.
3 January 1908 Letter J.G.H. Bergeron to Grey. Enclosing: October 1884 Peroration of a discourse by Judge Jean Jacques Thomas Foranger at Windsor, Ontario.
25 January 1908 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Deakin.
30 January 1908 Letter Rodolphe Lemieux to Grey.
30 January 1908 Letter Northcote to Grey.
1 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Northcote.
3 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Bigge.
4 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Reford [incomplete].
n.d. Letter Grey to Edward VII, part crossed out.
7 February 1908 Copy Grey to a newspaper.
8 February 1908 Copy Grey to Col. Wood.
10 February 1908 Copy Grey to Viscount Esher.
10 February 1908 Copy Grey to Lord Selborne.
10 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Lord Plunket.
10 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to J. Henniker Heaton.
10 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to John Morley.
12 February 1908 Letter Lieut. Col. William Charles Henry Wood to Grey.
27 February 1908 Letter T.G. Shaughnessy to Grey.
27 February 1908 Draft letter by Grey concerning the battlefields scheme, etc.
5 March 1908 Letter Lt. Col. William Wood to Grey.
16 March 1908 Copy letter Grey to G.H. Murray. [Note stating that the same letter was to be sent to Hazen; Roblin; MacBride; Scott; Rutherford; Whitney; Lt. Gov. Prince Edward Is.].
16 March 1908 Copy Grey to Northcote.
18 March 1908 Copy Grey to Lord Plunket.
18, 19 March 1908 Copies Grey to Lord Selborne.
25 March 1908 Letter Northcote to Grey.
4 April 1908 Letter Plunket to Grey (replying to Grey's letter of 10 February).
6 April 1908 Copy cable Grey to Plunket.
4 April 1908 Copy (decoded) cable Plunket to Grey (2 copies).
17 March 1908 Copy cable Grey to Plunket.
10 February 1908 Copy letter Grey to Plunket.
1 March 1909 Copy Grey to Mrs Cowles.
11 March 1908 Copy Grey to Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt.
16 March [1908] Cutting from The Times with letter from Lt. Col. William Wood.
21, 28 March, 7 April 1908 Letters Arthur Grenfell to Grey.
27, 28 March 1908 2 copy telegrams from Grey received by the Canadian Agency, one to Arthur Grenfell [?] and one to Sybil Grey [?].
3 April 1908 Letter Florita St Aubyn to Grey.
Printed circular: Wolfe and Montcalm Memorial issued under the names of Argyll, Lansdowne, Derby, Aberdeen, and Minto.
8 April 1908 Letter Alice S. Northcote to Grey.
13 April 1908 Letter Alfred Deakin to Grey.
16 April 1908 Letter Sir Robert Alexander Falconer to Grey.
26 April 1909 Letter Mrs Anna Roosevelt Cowles to Grey.
28 April 1908 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Grenfell.
29 April 1908 Letter Plunket to Grey.
12 May 1908 Copy letter from “A Believer in Canada's Destiny” to Grey (2 copies).
18 May 1908 Copy Grey to Plunket.
19, 20 May 1908 Copies Grey to Northcote, 2 copies same letter.
1 June 1908 Copy telegram Grey to [Hugh] Graham of Montreal.
1 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to the Hon. R. Dandurand and the Hon. R. Sutherland (Chairman Domin. Central Committee of the Quebec Battlefields Association).
13 June 1908 Copy letter Grey to Plunket.
16 June 1908 Copy telegram Grey to Edward Wood.
13 July 1908 Letter Hugh Joseph Chisholm to Grey.
13 July 1908 Copy telegram Grey to Midleton.
13 July 1908 Copy telegram Grey to Northampton.
13 July 1908 Copy telegram Grey to Arthur Grenfell.
Address on the unvealing of a statue to Laval (French).
Address to Grey on the same occasion (French).
30 July 1908 Letter Anna Roosevelt Cowles to Grey.
2 August 1908 Letter Henry Marc Ami to Lady Grey.
12 August 1908 Letter John Wycliffe Lowes Forster to Sir John Hanbury Williams.
15 August 1908 Copy letter Edward VII to Grey.
29 December 1908 Copy Grey to Mr [B.E.] Walker.
January 1909 Copy Grey to Mr Fairbanks.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B256/4   1907-1909
30 January 1908 Letter George James Howard, 9th Earl of Carlisle, to Grey.
30 December [1907] Letter Lady Jane Lindsay to Grey.
16 December 1907 Letter Charles Haddock to Grey.
Picture postcard: view of Quebec. 11 cards, all the same.
8 January 1909 Letter Moreton Frewen to Lord Morley.
1 October 1908 Press cutting of letter from Moreton Frewen, “The Problem of Silver and the Exchange”.
4 June 1908 National Battlefields Commission, Ottawa. Receipts for subscription from Howick School.
2 June 1908 National Battlefields Commission, Ottawa. Receipts for subscription from George Grey (Swaziland).
29 July 1908 Note (evidently accompanying a photograph not now present) concerning the unveiling of a mural tablet to Wolfe at Bath.
Typescript list of English subscriptions to the battlefields received as promised.
List of House of Commons subscriptions.
Newcastle subscriptions to Quebec tercentenary.
March 1908 Pages and cuttings from Canadian newspapers with lists of subscribers and other matter concerning the battlefields scheme. 6 pieces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B256/5   1907-1908
Printed Matter.
12 December 1907 The Governor General's appeal through the Women's Canadian Club of Montreal to the women of Canada to celebrate the 300th birthday of Canada by the nationalisation of the battlefields of Quebec.
15 January 1908 Quebec battlefields: Earl Grey's appeal ...
Sir Wilfrid Laurier endorses the Governor General's proposal.
The National Trades and Labour Council approve the proposal.
Bill: An Act respecting the Canadian Battlefields at Quebec. 1st reading 27 February 1908.
1908 The Bill as passed by the House of Commons.
Quebec Battlefields Association: Collector's book.
Quebec Battlefields Association, card to be signed by subscribers.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B256/6   July 1908
25 July 1908 the Standard, Tercentenary Souvenir No. Profusely illustrated.
22, 23, 24, 25, 27 July 1908 Pages from the Montreal Daily Star, concerning the celebrations.
27 July 1908 Pages from Le Soliel.
27 July 1908 Pages from Quebec Daily Telegraph.
22 July 1908 Pages from Montreal Herald.
1 July 1908 Pages from La Vigie.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B256/7   December 1911
Press cutting, “Canada and Naval Policy”.
12 December 1911 Pages from the Montreal Weekly Witness.

Paper   1 file
B257-258 Public House Trusts: Northampton
Reference: GRE/B257/1
Dates of creation: 22-31 January 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

22 January 1901 Copy letter Grey to Oliver Williams.
22, 28, 30 January 1901 Letters James Jackson (of the firm Hensman Jackson & Chamberlain, solicitors) to Grey.
28, 28 (telegram), 29, 31, 31 (telegram) January 1901 Copy letters Grey to James Jackson.
2 press cuttings on Grey's public house scheme.

Public House Trusts: Northampton
Reference: GRE/B257/2
Dates of creation: 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

22 July 1901 2 letters Oswin Bell to Grey.
17 July 1901 Letter James H. Bruman to Grey.
15 July 1901 Letter Alfred Cochrane to Grey.
12 July 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
11 July 1901 Letter Robert Robinson to Grey.
22 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Alfred Cochrane.
17 June 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
15 June 1901 Copy Grey to Bell.
13 June 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
4 June 1901 Copy (incomplete) Grey to Oliver Williams.
7 June 1901 Copy Grey to Oswin Bell.
4 June 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
31 May 1901 Letter Alfred Cochrane to Grey.
21 May 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
13 May 1901 Letter Waterlow & Sons Ltd to Grey.
11 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Percy Corder.
10 May 1901 Letter Percy Corder to Grey.
11 May 1901 Copy Grey to Bell.
27 August 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
21 August 1901 Copy Grey to Cochrane.
15 August 1901 Letter Oliver Williams to M.M. Fletcher.
29 March 1901 Copy Grey to Cochrane.
26 March 1901 Letter Alfred Cochrane to Grey.
27 March 1901 Copy Grey to R. Knight.
25 March 1901 Letter R. Knight to Grey.
21 March 1901 Copy Grey to R. Knight.
12 March 1901 Letter Sydney Webb to Grey.
1 March 1901 Letter Montie Pease to Grey.
23 February 1901 Letter W.H. Stephenson to Grey.
20 February 1901 Letter Henry Palin Gurney to Grey.
17 February 1901 Letter Charles William Chipchase Henderson to Grey.
15 February 1901 Letter William Hudspith to Grey.
5 February 1901 Letter Sir George Hare Philipson to Grey.
11 February 1901 Letter J.W. Pease to Grey.
4 February 1901 Copy Grey to T. Tweddell.
30 January 1901 Letter T. Tweddell to Grey.
30 January 1901 Letter J.B. Pease to Grey.
30 January 1901 Letter Mayor of Newcastle to Grey.
29 January 1901 Letter Alfred Cochrane to Grey.
26 January 1901 Letter Capt. Fullarton James (Chief Constable, Northumberland) to Grey.
26 January 1901 Copy Grey to Hugh Boyle (President, Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association).
24 January 1901 Letter Hugh Boyle to Grey.
26 January 1901 Copy Grey to Revd. Dr H.P. Gurney.
24 January 1901 Letter Gurney to Grey.
20 January 1901 Copy Grey to W. Hudspith.
17 January 1901 Copy Grey to C.W. Mitchell.
15 January 1901 Letter C.W. Mitchell to Grey.
20 January 1901 Letter Sir B.C. Browne to Grey.
17 January 1901 Copy letter Grey to Sir B.C. Browne.
22 January 1901 Letter Alfred Cochrane to Grey.
22 January 1901 Letter Duke of Northumberland to Grey.
17 January 1901 Letter W.J. Sanderson to Grey.
14 January 1901 Letter Hugh Crawford Smith to Grey.
14 January 1901 Letter J.W. Sanderson to Grey.
8 January 1901 Letter Thomas Taylor of Chipchase to Grey.
4 January [1901?] Letter W.A. Watson Armstrong to Grey.
4 January 1901 Letter Montie Pease to Grey.
3 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Oswin Bell.
2 May 1901 Letter Bell to Grey.
18 April 1901 Copy Grey to Cochrane.
16 April 1901 Letter Alfred Cochrane to Grey.
25 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Oswin Bell.
25 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Charles W. Bell.
12 March 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
27 February 1901 Copy Grey to Oswin Bell.
28 February 1901 Copy letter Grey's sec. to Bell.
22 February 1901 Copy letter Grey's sec. to William H. Wood.
19 February 1901 Letter William H. Wood to Grey.
19 February 1901 Copy Grey to Cochrane.
14 February 1901 Copy letter Grey to O. Bell.
13 February 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
13 February 1901 Copy Grey to Oswin Bell.
13 February 1901 Copy Grey to Oswin Bell.
12 February 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
13 February 1901 Copy Grey to Cochrane.
4 February 1901 Copy Grey to Oswin Bell.
27 January 1901 Copy Grey's sec. to O. Bell.
27 January 1901 Copy Grey to Montagu Maclean.
25 January 1901 Copy letter Montagu Maclean to Grey.
23 January 1901 Copy Grey to O. Bell.
30 December 1901 Letter Alfred Cochrane to Grey.
28 December 1901 Copy Grey to O. Bell.
13 December 1901 Letter Thomas Gee (manager, Broomhill Co-op Soc.) to Grey.
n.d. Copy Grey to George Grey of Milfield.
23 June 1901 Copy Grey to O. Bell.
14 June 1901 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
12 June 1901 Letter Thomas Leadbitter to Grey.
13 June 1901 Copy Grey to O. Bell.
24 May 1901 Copy Grey to George Reavell (Architect Alnwick).
16 May 1901 Copy Grey to O. Bell.
16 May 1901 Copy Grey to George Grey.
2, 13 May 1901 Copies Grey to O. Bell.
2 May 1901 Copy Grey to Montagu Maclean.
20 April 1901 Copy Grey to George Grey.
29 March 1901 Copy Grey to George Reavell.
18 March 1901 Letter George Reavell jnr. to Grey.
26 March 1901 Letter Thomas F. Leadbitter to Grey.
22 March 1901 Copy Grey to Hugh Crawford Smith.
9, 13, 14 February 1901 Copies Grey to George Grey.
23, 29 January 1901 Copies Grey to Oswin Bell.
18 January 1901 Copy Grey to Thornton Trevelyan.

Public House Trusts: Nottingham
Reference: GRE/B257/3
Dates of creation: 7 February 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

Letter J.B. Paton to Grey.

Public House Trusts: Oxfordshire
Reference: GRE/B257/4
Dates of creation: 9 March 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

Letter Victor Albert George Child Villiers, 7th Earl of Jersey to Grey. [End missing].

Public House Trusts: Somerset
Reference: GRE/B257/5
Dates of creation: March-August 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

19 August 1901 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
18 August Copy letter H. Nowell Harvey to Oliver Williams.
23 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Canon Quirk.
20 June 1901 Letter Rt. Revd. John Nathaniel Quirk (Rector of Bath 1895-1901 and Bishop suffragan of Sheffield 1901-) to Grey.
22 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Quirk.
15 June 1901 Letter Rt. Revd. George Wyndham Kennion, Bishop of Bath & Wells, to Grey [end missing].
23 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to the Bishop of Bath & Wells.

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B257/6
Dates of creation: February-March 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

25 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Revd. C. Dunkley (Vicar of St Mary's Wolverhampton).
n.d. Letter Revd. C. Dunkley to Grey.
27 February 1901 Press cutting: Wolverhampton Ruridecanal Conference.

Public House Trusts: Surrey
Reference: GRE/B257/7
Dates of creation: February-March, September 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

23 March 1901 Letter Lewin Hill to Grey.
25 March 1901 Copy Grey to Hill.
17, 19 February 1901 Letters Lady Louisa Egerton to Grey.
23 February 1901 Copy Grey to Lady Louisa Egerton.
25 February 1901 Letter Hon. Blanche H. Egerton to Grey.
28 February 1901 Copy Grey to the Hon. Blanche Egerton.
6 March 1901 Letter J.W. Bashford to Lady Louisa Egerton.
Typescript paper (intended for the press) on the meeting at Lady Egerton's to form a Public House Trust Co. for Surrey on 13 March 1901.
14 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Miss Blanche Egerton.
16 March 1901 Cutting from the Surrey Cornet, “A 'Public Houses Trust Company' for Surrey”.
21 March 1901 Letter from suffragan bishop of Southampton (Arthur Temple Lyttelton 1852-1903) to Grey.
25 March 1901 Copy Grey to Bishop of Southampton .
11 September 1901 Letter Sir John Jackson to Grey.
18 September 1901 Copy Grey to Jackson.

Public House Trusts: Sussex
Reference: GRE/B257/8
Dates of creation: May-June, November 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

21 May 1901 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
24 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Oliver Williams.
24 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Sir Henry Cunningham.
30 May 1901 Letter Sir Henry Cunningham to Grey.
28 May, 12 June 1901 Letters R. Ball Dodson to Sir Henry Cunningham.
15 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Lord Leconfield.
18 November 1901 Letter F. Frewen Thomas to Grey.

Public House Trusts: Birmingham and Warwickshire
Reference: GRE/B257/9
Dates of creation: March-December 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

21 March 1901 Letter John Glaisyer (solicitor, Birmingham) to Grey.
22 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Glaisyer.
22 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Mr Cadbury.

18 July 1901 Telegram Lady Warwick to Lady Grey.
18 July 1901 Telegram Lady Grey to Lady Warwick.
13 December 1901 Letter Earl of Warwick to Grey.

Public House Trusts: Wiltshire
Reference: GRE/B257/10
Dates of creation: 6, 8 March 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

8 March 1901 Letter Thomas Henry Thynne, 5th Marquis of Bath, to Grey.
6 March 1901 Letter Sidney Herbert, 14th Earl of Pembroke, to Grey.

Public House Trusts: Yorkshire, Sheffield, Bradford, Hull, Leeds
Reference: GRE/B257/11
Dates of creation: February-October 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

28 October 1901 Letter Francis Galton to Grey.
28 October 1901 Letter Revd. Arthur Galton (Chaplain to the Bishop of Ripon) to Grey.
26 September 1901 Copy letter Grey to Mrs Carpenter.

Sheffield 13 July 1901 Letter John Eaton (Lord Mayor of Sheffield) to Grey.
11 July 1901 Letter William Edwin Clegg (of the firm Clegg & Sons, solicitors) to Grey.
24 June 1901 Letter T.C. Lassam (Manager Royal Victoria Station Hotel, Sheffield) to M. Fletcher.
23 June 1901 Letter from Grey's sec. to the Town Clerk of Sheffield (Henry Sayer).
22 June 1901 Letter Henry Sayer (Town Clerk, Sheffield) to Grey.
11 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to Miss Beckett Denison (of Doncaster).
15 June 1901 Letter Miss Beckett Denison to Grey.
27 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to his aunt the Hon. Lady B.C. Grey (Cobham, Surrey).
25 March 1901 Letter Lady B.C. Grey to Grey.

Bradford 23 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to William Beanland (of the firm Gardner & Beanland Accountants).
20 June 1901 Letter Beanland to Grey.
17 June 1901 Circular letter from Beanland & W. Durrance on Public House Reform meeting in the Town Hall, Bradford. Printed paper on Public House Reform.

Hull 25 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Arthur Wilson.

Leeds 11, 26 March 1901 Copy letters Grey to the Hon. F.L. Wood (3rd Viscount and 1st Earl of Halifax).
25 March 1901 Letter F.L. Wood to Grey.
8 March 1901 Cutting from the Yorkshire Post: “Public House Licensing; Earl Grey's Scheme and the Leeds District”.
15, 28 February 1901 Copy letters Grey to Revd. Charles Edgar Gibson (the Vicarage, Leeds).
14, 17, 26 February 1901 3 letters Gibson to Grey.
11, 15 February 1901 Letters Alfred Goodere (editor and manager of the Reporter, Dewsbury) to Grey. Enclosed: (in letter 11 Feb.) [Sunday 3 February 1901] Printed paper: “Church and Public House Census” (for Dewsbury).

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B257/12
Dates of creation: September 1900-September 1901, March 1902
Extent: 1 filePaper

5 March 1902 Letter William Dickson to M. Fletcher.
10 September 1901 Copy Grey to [John Joyce].
5 August 1901 Copy John Joyce to Grey.
28 August 1901 Copy Grey to R.W. Perks (MP).
27 July 1901 2 letters William H. Stephenson to Grey.
27 July [1901] Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
25 July 1901 Letter Percy William Bunting to Grey.
20 July 1901 Copy Grey to Bunting.
20 April 1901 Copy letter Grey to the editor of the Westminster Gazette.
17 May 1901 Letter John Alfred Spender, editor Westminster Gazette, to Cumming.
3, 20 May, n.d., 20 September, n.d., 14 October 1901 Letters A.N. Cumming (former editor of the Manchester Courier) to Grey.
10 (x 2) May, 25 September, 6 October 1901 Copy letters Grey to Cumming.
11 May 1901 Copy Grey's sec. to Cumming.
11 May 1901 Copy letter Grey to Saunders.
29 May 1901 Letter Major H. Crauford to the Bishop of Chester (with note by Bishop of Chester to Grey).
30 May, 30 June 1901 Letters Bishop of Chester to Grey.
30 March 1901 Letter Sir Horatio Lloyd to Grey.
25 May 1901 Copy Grey to Major H. Crauford.
24 May, 4 June 1901 Copies Grey to the Bishop of Chester.
3 June 1901 Letter Bishop of Chester to Grey.
4 June 1901 Copy Grey to the Earl of Stanhope.
4 June 1907 Copy Grey to the Earl of Spencer.
4 June 1901 Copy Grey to Lord Avebury.
4 June 1901 Copy Grey to Bishop of Winchester.
4 June 1901 Copy Grey to Canon Barnett.
4 June 1901 Copy Grey to Charles Booth.
4 June 1901 Copy Grey to Alfred Cochrane.
5 June 1901 Copy Grey to Earl Roberts.
4 June 1901 Copy Grey to Viscount Wolseley.
6 June 1901 Note of “acceptances”.
6 June 1901 Letter Stamford to Grey.
7 June 1901 Letter Prof. Alfred Marshall to Grey.
7 June 1901 Letter Lord Avebury to Grey.
7 June 1901 Letter Samuel A. Barnett to Grey.
7 June 1901 Letter Willoughby de Eresby to Grey.
9 June [1901] Letter Revd. Osbert Mordaunt to Grey.
10 June 1901 Letter W.F.D. Smith, 2nd Viscount Hambleden to Grey.
10, 16 June 1901, 23 July [1901] Letters Major H. Crauford to Grey.
11 June 1901 Copy Grey to Crauford.
14 June 1901 Letter Charles Booth to Grey.
15 June 1901 Copy Grey to Booth.
11 June 1901 Letter Bishop of Carlisle to Grey [signature missing]. Enclosure: Printed list of subjects proposed for discussion at the Ruridecanal Meetings [in the diocese of Carlisle] 1901, with MS note by the Bishop.
29 June, 1 July 1901 Copies Grey to Sir Samuel Montagu.
29 June 1901 Copy Grey to George Livesey.
29 June, 9 July 1901 Copies Grey to Hon. J.B. Lubbock.
29 June 1901 Copy Grey to Hon. J.W. Fortescue.
29 June 1901 Letter Sir Samuel Montagu to Grey [signature missing].
7 July 1901 Letter Northbrook to Grey.
4 July 1901 Letter Hon. J.B. Lubbock to Grey.
Draft list of the presidents and council of the Public House Trust Association.
18, 23 July 1901 Letters W. Cecil Harris to Grey.
19, 24 July 1901 Copies Grey to Harris.
24 July 1901 Copy Grey to Oliver Williams.
n.d. [July 1901?] Letter John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, 1st Lord Islington, to Grey.
17 August 1901 Copy letter Grey to Edward Thomas (solicitor, Bristol).
14 March 1901 Letter Edward Thomas to Grey.
Copy letter Grey to the Commonwealth replying at length to criticisms by Thomas of the Public House Trust scheme.
11 July 1901 Copy Grey to Oliver Williams.
10 July 1901 Copy R. Cripps (Assist. Sec. the People's Refreshment House Association) to Oliver Williams.
11 July 1901 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey, enclosing the above letter and a receipt for £39-10-0 (part of Grey's subscription to the Public House Trust).
23 January 1901 Copy Grey to the Bishop [of Chester?] (4 copies).
23 January 1901 Copy Grey to Mr Roxburgh.
24 January 1901 Letter James F. Roxburgh [solicitor] to Grey.
[30 January 1901] Telegram Roxburgh to Grey.
27 January 1901 Copy Grey to Roxburgh.
31 January, 4, 15, February, 16, 24 May, 8 June, 12 July 1901 Copies Grey to John Ross.
2 February, 7 June, 20 July 1901 Letters John Ross to Grey.
23 June 1901 Letter Colonel G. Herbert Bolland to Grey. Enclosure: Cuttings from the Alliance News on the Gothenburg system in Norway (to show is ineffectualness). Includes table of statistics showing sales of spirits in Norway 1876-1892 and consumption per head, etc.
9, 17 July 1901 Letters Sir M.W. Ridley, 5th Bart and 1st Viscount, to Grey. Letter of 9 July enclosing statistics of licensed houses and drunkenness in England and Wales, 1879-1899.
4 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to The Times (in duplicate).
4 June 1901 Copy letter Grey to the Christian World.
3 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Lord Ilchester [and most of the Lord Lieutenants].
3 March 1901 Copy letter Grey to Mr Morrison.
14 June 1901 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey. Enclosing: 10 June 1901 Copy of Counsel's opinion (Henry Tindal Methold) on the London Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Public House Trust Co. and the ones for the Northumberland company.
10, 13 September 1900 Letters H. Crauford to Grey.
13 September 1900 Copy H. Crauford to Oliver Williams.
n.d. Copy letter J.R. Dickman to Grey.
11 September 1900 Copy letter George J. May to Grey.
12 September 1900 Letter Bishop of Chester to Grey.
12 September 1900 Letter J.W. Pease to Grey.
12 September 1900 Letter Aaron Watson to Grey.
12, 15 September 1900 Letters Benjamin C. Browne to Grey.
14 September 1900 Letter Lascelles Carr to Grey.
14 September 1900 Letter H. Crawford Smith to Grey.
14 September 1900 Letter G.J. May to Grey.
15 September 1900 Letter Charles Fairfield to Grey.
16 September 1900 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
17 September 1900 Letter Illius Augustus Timmis to Grey.
18 September 1900 Fragment of letter [H. Crawford Smith] to Grey.
Corrected proof copy of article “Commercial Conversations - with Earl Grey” by Hermes.
23 May 1901 Copy letter (unfinished) Grey to W.T. Stead. Galley proofs of pamphlet, Public House Reform, mainly on the People's Refreshment Houses Association with introduction by F. Eardley-Wilmot.
Booklet: Public House Experiments in Scotland: Public House Trusts and the Gothenburg System examined. By a Special Commissioner. (Reprint from the Alliance News, 6, 13, 20 June 1901).
Duplicate typescript paper: The Hampshire Public House Trust Co. - copy of Counsel's opinion (Arthur E. Gill) obtained by Messrs. Wontner and Sons.
Typescript paper, “Scott's process for cleaning new spirits from an excess of higher alcohols”.
Typescript paper on the Public House Trust system.
Draft Bill to provide for the more effectual registration of clubs.
17 January 1901 Letter Ernest Bickerstaffe to Grey; with 4 typescript copies.
26 January 1901 Copy letter Grey's secretary to Bickerstaffe.
9 December 1900 Copy letter Grey to the Clerk of London County Council.
11 December 1900 Letter G. Lawrence Gomme (Clerk of the Council) to Grey.
8 June 1901 Letter Alfred Stair (Accountant General Inland Revenue) to A.N. Cumming.
6 June 1901 Copy Cumming to Stair.
1 June 1901 Letter Alfred J. Wood (Principal, Statistical Office, H.M. Customs) to A.N. Cumming.
31 May 1901 Copy letter Cumming to Wood.
Reprints from Liverpool Courier 10 April 1901, and Liverpool Daily Post 6 April 1901, on experiments in Scotland with the Gothenburg system.
1900 Press cuttings, etc., on traffic in public house licences.
Rough notes by Grey.
30 March 1901 Circular letter Burnley and District Licensed Victuallers and Beer and Wine Trade Associations, enclosing copies of balance sheets of 5 clubs in Burnley and District in which drink is sold, with summary showing number of members, visitors, bar receipts, average weekly takings, rent, rates and expenditure on music. Also list of clubs in Nelson.
Rough notes by Grey on the Public House Trust.
Pamphlet: Two papers read at clerical meetings by Revd. H. Brandreth: (1) The Mind of Scripture on Temperance. (2) Wages and Drink.
1901 Leaflet from the Guild of St Matthew: The London County Council Election.
Printed paper: Letter R.E. Macnaghten to the Borough Magistrates for the City of Gloucester. [Marked in MS "private and confidential"].
Printed paper: The “Pure” Beer Movement.
1900-1901 Printed paper: [London County Council] Report of the Improvements Committee. (Proof copy).

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B257/13
Dates of creation:
Extent: 1 filePaper

Press cuttings, typescript and MS verses (some by Sir Wilfrid Lawson) on Grey's Public House Trust Scheme (ridiculing it).

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B257/14
Dates of creation: 1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

1901 Large bundle of press cuttings (mounted on foolscap) concerning the public house trust scheme and temperance in general.

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B257 (at bottom of box)
Dates of creation: 1898-1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

1901 Blue Book: First report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into arsenical poisoning from the consumption of beer and other articles of food or drink.
Pamphlet: Proposed legislation as to "“Child Messengers” by Archibald F. Smith (London, 1900).
Pamphlet: Compensation: a contribution to the licensing question by Charles Cagney, barrister at law, 2nd edition (London, 1898).
Pamphlet: The Gothenburg System (Göteborg 1900).

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B258/1
Dates of creation: 1900-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

January 1901 Duplicated typescript draft letter Grey to The Times, concerning the public house trust scheme. 2 copies, one marked by Grey in MS “private and confidential”.
6 September 1900 Duplicated typescript letter Grey [to the Clerk of the Licensing Magistrates].
2 May [1904] Typescript paper: transcript of shorthand notes of a conference of representatives of the Central Public House Trust Association, Earl Grey presiding.
Typescript paper: Public House Trust Companies. (Paper read before the Rochester Diocesan Conference by Mr Everard Hesketh 7 November 1901).
Duplicated typescript paper: Objections [with answers] to the Public House Trust Movement (with additional notes by Mr Sherwell); with copy without Sherwell's notes (last page missing).
24 October .... Duplicated typescript copy letter from Revd. Osbert Mordaunt to Arthur Sherwell.
Typescript paper giving particulars of applications for licences by Public House Trust companies in various parts of the country.
21 July 1903 Copy letter Chairman of the Middlesex Public House Trust Co. to the Clerk of London County Council.
MS paper: Sheffield and District Public House Trust Co. Ltd. Takings of the George IV, 1-17 July 1904. [Gives figures for intoxicants, non-intoxicants and food, and billiards].
26 August 1903 Typescript paper: Surrey Public House Trust Col. Crauford's notes on visit to the Hut Hotel, Wisley.
Typescript papers: The Central Public House Trust Association. List of members of council, trustees and directors of the various companies who are in the House of Lords. Also members of the House of Lords who are subscribers to the Associaiton not mentioned in the above list.
Typescript paper: Central Public House Trust Association. List of subscribers who are members of the House of Commons.
Typescript paper. Extract from expert's report to a Trust Company as to the advisability of their purchasing a particular house.

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B258/2
Dates of creation: [1901]-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

[1901?] Printed paper: Notes on canteen and recreation room establishments.
Printed memorandum setting out a proposed scheme for establishing a central organisation on a co-operative basis for supplying regimental institutes.
22 April 1902 Typescript paper: Extracts from army canteen committee's evidence: Col. Llewellyn Wavell, concerning the Aldershot and Pirbright Institutes.
MS notes by Grey concerning army canteens in USA.
Printed paper: Johannesburg Parliamentary Debating Society. Motion by the Postmaster General for leave to introduce a Bill for the state control of the liquor traffic.
Duplicated typescript papers: Johannesburg Parliamentary Debating Society: Agenda 2 May 1904. Precis of speech delivered by the Revd. J.C. Harris (member for Greylingstod) in introducing his motion on 25 April 1904 re the liquor traffic.
White Paper: Transvaal. The Liquor Licensing Ordinance 1902. (Presented to both Houses, December 1902). London 1902.

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B258/3
Dates of creation: April 1903-June 1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

24 April 1903 Typescript note by F.F. Liddell on a draft bill he had drawn up to prohibit the grant in certain areas of new licences to persons other than Trust companies.
24 April 1903 Draft of the above mentioned Bill.
31 May 1904 Letter George W. Barrows to Grey.
22 June 1904 Copy letter from George W. Barrows of Nottingham to [The Times?], on the Licensing Bill.
Typescript paper: amendments to the Licensing Bill. [The substance of this was printed as a circular to MPs requesting their support - see previous folder].
Typescript notes of part of the debate on the 2nd reading of the Licensing Bill. 2 copies.

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B258/4
Dates of creation: 1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of printed papers.
How to Control the Drink Traffic, by J.B. Paton. 2 copies.
The Licensing Bill. [Amendments proposed in the interest of the Public House Trust]. 6 copies, one mutilated, some with MS additions.
Licensing (Scotland) Acts Amendment Bill 1903.
10 June 1904 Licensing Bill. General note on assessment of compensation. [Marked by Grey in red pencil "Confidential"].
Licensing under the closure. A Bill [as amended in committee and on report] to amend the Licensing Acts 1828 to 1902 in respect to the extinction of licences and the grant of new licences. [Indicates amendments that were passed without discussion]. Published by the Central Temperance Legislation Board, 1 August 1904. (Some rough notes by Grey on the back).

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B258/5
Dates of creation: 1901-1903
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of printed papers.
Mr Douglas MP and Public House Trusts (letter to a constituent).
Printed paper: Public House Reform (concerning the Trust system and incorporating the above letter).
Printed paper: The Scottish Public House Trust Association (aims and objectives).
Public House Trusts Annual Conference (28 April 1903). (Speeches of Grey and Lieut. Col. Crauford).
Grayshott and District Refreshment Association Limited. Report with accounts to 30 September 1900. MS note by Mrs Charlotte Lyndon (secretary) enclosed.
The People's Refreshment House Association Limited. 6th Annual Report and balance sheet for 1902.
n.d. Printed circular letter from Oliver Williams, Sec. and Treasurer, Public House Trust Association. (Gives the council and directors of the Northern Public House Trust Association).
30 March 1901 Printed circular letter from Grey.
12 December 1900, 16, 17 January 1901 Reprint of letters Grey to The Times and to Dr Longstaff (Chairman of the Improvements Committee of London County Council).
Objects and methods of the Public House Trust Movement.
The Public House Trust (statement by the committee for the formation of the Nottingham and Notts. Co. of the necessity for objects, methods and financial security of the movement); with another version of the same leaflet. (2 copies).
Public House Reform (concerns meeting to be held to form a Trust Co. for Northamptonshire and some details of the Public House Trust scheme).
Public House Trusts. (Report of preliminary meeting at Lincoln and history of the movement).
Memorandum as to the objects and methods of the Public House Trust (Nottingham and Notts) Ltd. With an illustration and statement of advantages. 2 copies.
April 1903 Central Public House Trust Association. The Public House Trust Movement: Aims, methods and some results. [7 other copies, February 1903 - these differ slightly from each other].

Public House Trusts
Reference: GRE/B258/6
Dates of creation: 1900-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

Large file of press cuttings on the Public House Trust and temperance movements.

B259-262 Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B259/1
Dates of creation: April 1913-January 1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

30 April 1913 Copy letter Grey to Sir R.L. Borden (2 copies).
Statement of areas of various cathedrals in England and Europe, and further details of the dimensions of St Paul's.
27 May 1913 Cablegram (from Quebec) E.R. to Grey.
1 June 1913 Letter Sydenham to Grey.
8 June 1913 Letter George K. Morice (Master of the London Grocers' Co.) to Grey.
12 June 1913 Letter Alice S. Wernher to Grey.
18 June 1913 Copy letter Edward Tanner (solicitor L.C.C.) to Messrs Rutter Veitch and Bond.
25 June 1913 Copy letter Grey to Sir Edmund [Walker].
12 July 1913 Copy letter Grey to Lord Strathcona.
12, 16 July 1913 Copy letters Grey to Borden.
n.d. [July 1913] Letter Margery Ethel Noble to Grey.
Luncheon List 21 July 1913 - newspaper men evidently invited to hear about the Aldwych site.
21 July 1913 Letter Sir B.E. Walker to Grey.
4 August 1913 Letter A. Randall Wells to Grey.
[c.August 1913] Letter Catherine Crawshaw to Grey.
8 August 1913 Letter Viscount Gladstone to Grey.
8 August 1913 Copy Grey to Borden.
17 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to [Brownrigg Fyers].
18 September 1913 Telegram Central News to Grey.
18 September 1913 Copy telegram Grey to Central News.
20 August 1913 Copy letter Grey to Borden.
Copy speech of Mr Haslam of Regina, Sask.
18 August 1913 Letter Lewis Rose Macleod (editor Sunday Post, Johannesburg) to Grey.
25 August 1913 Letter Sir William Mulock to Grey.
26 August 1913 Letter L.G. Power to Grey.
1 September 1913 Letter August Bartola (Asst. Editor Daily Malta Chronicle) to Grey.
3 September 1913 Letter Bessborough to Grey.
15 September 1913 Copy Grey to Borden.
17-19 September 1913 6 press cuttings on the Aldwych site.
19 September 1913 Letter Joseph Pope to Grey.
20 September 1913 Copy Grey to Mr Forster.
25 September 1913 Letter G.R. Geary (Counsel to Toronto Corporation) to Grey.
1 October 1913 Letter Louis Botha to Grey.
3 October 1913 Copy Grey to Sydney Fisher.
5 October 1913 Copy Grey to Gladstone.
Sketch of proposed Dominion House.
5, 12 October 1913 Copies Grey to Borden.
10 October 1913 Copy Grey to Mr Pickstone.
13 October 1913 Letter A.F. Sladen to Grey.
14 October 1913 Copy observation by Sir Charles Tupper on the Dominion House scheme.
17 October 1913 Letter C.F. Pretty (President Pretty's Timber Exchange, Vancouver) to Grey.
20 October 1913 Letter Sir William Whyte to Grey.
22 October 1913 Letter F.B. Robins (of Robins (England) Ltd) to Grey.
23 October 1913 Letter W.J. Hanna to Grey.
23 October 1913 Letter Charles F. Roland (Commissioner the Winnipeg Industrial Bureau) to Grey, with printed information sheet on the Bureau and affiliated organisations.
24 October 1913 Letter James Bonar (of Royal Mint, Ottawa) to Grey.
25 October 1913 Letter William Hendrie to Grey.
27 October 1913 Letter C.B. Gordon (Dominion Textile Co. Ltd., Montreal) to Grey, with notes by Grey re reply.
[10 November 1913] Copy cable Grey to C.B. Gordon.
27 October 1913 Copy of the above letter Gordon to Grey.
31 October 1913 Letter Sir R.L. Borden to Grey.
3 November 1913 Letter of V. Morton (Special Commissioner of the London Budget) to Grey.
3 November 1913 Letter W.H.P. Jarvis to Grey, enclosing cutting of letter Jarvis to the Globe.
4 November 1913 Letter Charles Bright (Consulting Electrical Engineer to Commonwealth of Australia) to Grey.
4 November 1913 Copy letter T.B. Macaulay to Grey.
5 November 1913 Copy T.B. Macaulay to R.L. Borden.
5 November 1913 Copy letter F.B. Vrooman to Grey.
6 November 1913 Letter Sir Sandford Fleming to Grey.
6 November 1913 Cablegram: Cummings (City ed. Daily News Advertiser Vancouver) to South American Press Ltd, with note concerning A.E. Ruttle (Manager of S.A. Press) and this cable.
6 November 1913 Letter A.E. Ruttle to Miss Gilbertson (note by Grey on back).
12 November 1913 Telegram Ruttle to Grey.
14 November 1913 Letter W. Lefroy (of Canada) to Grey, with note by Grey re reply. Enclosure: 8 November 1913 Copy letter to W. Lefroy [possibly from William L. Griffith, Perm. Sec. Dept. of the High Commissioner, Canada, 1903-1922].
12 November 1913 Copy cable Grey to R.S. Bond.
15 November 1913 Letter Alfred E. Ruttle to Miss Gilbertson.
19 November 1912 Letter Sir Bartle Frere to Grey.
29 November 1913 Letter O'Donnell of O'Donnel to Grey.
2 December 1913 Copy Grey to Sir Edmund [Walker].
2 December 1913 Copy letter Grey to Mr Somers.
2 December 1913 Copy Grey to Andrew MacPhail.
2 December 1913 Copy Grey to T.B. Macaulay.
2 December 1913 Copy Grey to Mr Lighthall.
2 December 1913 Copy Grey to Sir C.B. Gordon.
8 December 1913 Copy Grey to R.L. Borden.
9 December 1913 Copy Grey to Strathcona.
9 December 1913 Letter Strathcona to Grey.
10 December 1913 Copy Grey to Strathcona.
10, 23 December 1913 Copy Grey to Borden.
23 December 1913 Copy Grey to [Robert?] Rogers.
December 1913 Copy Grey to [Duke of Connaught?].
22 December 1913 Letter R.S. Bond to Grey.
25 December 1913 Copy Grey to Prince Alexander of Teck.
25 December 1913 Copy Grey to [Connaught].
8 January [1914] Copy Grey to King George V.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B259/2
Dates of creation: April-May 1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

Dominion House: Statement of floor areas and calculation of the sums for which the various floors could be let.
Estimate of the cost of the building.
Note by Grey of rent due to the L.C.C. with other figures relating to the site.
19 May 1913 Letter E.W. Chalmers Kearney to Grey.
19 May 1913 Letter Sir R.W. Perks to Grey.
8 April 1913 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
22 April 1913 Part of a letter Northcliffe to Grey.
Note by Grey of the situation of the London offices of the Australian States.
List of names of prominent persons and corporate bodies.
16 April 1913 Cutting from the Aberdeen Journal, on Dominion House.
21 April 1913 Cutting from Newcastle Daily Journal, Grey and Newcastle scheme for Y.W.C.A.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B259/3
Dates of creation: July-October 1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

10 August 1913 Letter T.R. Clougher to Grey.
31 July 1913 Letter Francis Cochrane (Minister of Railways and Canals, Canada) to Grey.
30 July 1913 Letter William J. Roche (Minister of Interior) to Grey.
30 July 1913 Letter Sir James P. Whitney to Grey.
31 July 1913 Letter Louis P. Pelletier (Postmaster General, Canada, 1911-1914) to Grey.
31 July 1913 Letter Rodolphe Lemieux to Grey.
3 August 1913 Letter Andrew Macphail to Grey.
1 August 1913 Letter Assist. Priv. Sec. Min. of Marine & Fisheries Canada to Grey.
30 July 1913 Letter Sir John Stephen Willison to Grey.
31 July 1913 Letter F.C. Annesley to Grey.
29 July 1913 Letter E. Norman Smith (President & Editor of the Ottawa Free Press) to Grey.
9 August 1913 Cutting from Canada.
7 August 1913 Letter Sir Robert Laird Borden to Grey.
31 July 1913 Letter Sir Sam Hughes (Canadian Minister of Militia & Defence) to Grey.
7 August 1913 Letter Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Grey.
7 August 1913 Letter George P. Graham (President The Travellers' Life Assurance Co. of Canada) to Grey.
4 August 1913 Letter Richard H. McDonald (editor Moose Jaw Evening Times) to Grey.
6 August 1913 Letter John W. Dafoe (editor Manitoba Free Press) to Grey, enclosing 2 cuttings from the said paper on Dominion House scheme.
6 August 1913 Letter Richard McBride to Grey.
12 August 1913 Letter William Pugsley to Grey.
28 July 1913 Letter Hugh Graham (of the Montreal Star) to Grey.
29 July 1913 Letter Sir John Morison Gibson to Grey.
7 August 1913 Letter [M[artin] Burrell(?)] to Grey.
n.d. [1913] Part of letter (beginning missing) Jacob Lewis Englehart to Grey.
2 October 1913 Letter Sir R.L. Borden to Grey.
4 October 1913 Letter Sir George E. Foster to Grey.
6 October 1913 Letter Benjamin Rogers to Grey.
15 October 1913 Letter C.H. Powell (of Jordan Gaskell Ltd) to Grey's secretary.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B259/4
Dates of creation: February-November 1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

13 March, 19 August, 9, 27 October, 4, 8 10, 12, 21 November 1913 Letters Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
17 August 1913 Copy Grey to Bond.
27 February 1913 Copy Grey to Whitaker Thompson.
August 1913 Copy Grey to [Brownrigg Fyers].
4, 7, 28 November 1913 Copy letters Rutter Veitch and Bond to Edward Tanner (solicitor L.C.C.).
16 October, 1, 5, 10 November 1913 Copy letters Edward Tanner to Rutter Veitch and Bond.
6, 7, 11 November 1913 Copy letters Sir George Taubman Goldie, Bart. to Bond.
6, 7, 10, 12 November 1913 Copy letters Bond to Goldie.
23 October 1913 Letter Vicomte de Barbe to Grey.
Copy of new clause 16b of the agreement between Grey and the L.C.C.
31 October 1913 Copy petition of business men in London interested in Canadian affairs in favour of the Aldwych site for the Dominion Government offices to R.L. Borden, Prime Minister of Canada. 1 typescript and 3 printed copies.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B259/5
Dates of creation: October-December 1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

23 October 1913 Letter G.T. Somers (Toronto) to Grey.
25 October 1913 Letter W.D. Lighthall (K.C.) to Grey.
20 October 1913 Letter Andrew Macphail to Grey.
5 November 1913 Letter Robert Campbell (Moderator Gen. Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada) to Grey.
12 November 1913 Letter Sir Byron Edmund Walker to Grey.
4 November 1913 Copy cable Thomas Bassett Macaulay (Managing Director and later President Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada) to J.F. Junkin (Manager for the U.K. of above Co.).
4 November 1913 Letter Macaulay to Grey.
5 November 1913 Copy letter Macaulay to R.L. Borden.
5 November 1913 Letter Dr Frank Buffington Vrooman to Grey. Enclosing: 5 November 1913 Typescript copy of an address he had given before the Progress Club, Vancouver, on the Dominion House scheme: “An Emblem of the Empire”; with copy of the resolution passed by the club afterwards.
Printed paper: A Monument of Imperial Unity [substance of the above] (5 copies).
12 November 1913 Letter Sir Charles Blair Gordon (President Dominion Textile Co.; director and later president Bank of Montreal) to Grey.
19 November 1913 Letter J.F. Junkin (Manager for U.K. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada) to Grey.
10 November 1913 Letter Clifford Sifton to Grey.
4 November 1913 Letter Thomas Mackenzie, High Commissioner for New Zealand, to Grey.
3 November 1913 Letter A.E. Blount to Grey.
1 November 1913 Letter Sir J.M. Gibson to Grey.
2 December 1913 Letter Sir Frederick Williams Taylor to Grey.
29 October 1913 Letter Margaret A. Brown to Grey.
8 November 1913 Typescript copy letter ... [possibly from W.L. Griffith, the permanent Sec. Department of the High Commissioner, Canada] to W. Lefroy [concerning Lord Strathcona's opposition to Dominion House].
Typescript copy of part of a letter to Grey [from W. Lefroy].

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B259/6
Dates of creation: December 1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of printed matter on British Dominions Exhibition.
18 December 1913 Meeting at the Mansion House: address by the president [Lord Strathcona], 2 copies.
18 December 1913 Meeting at the Mansion House: List of those present, 2 copies.
18 December 1913 Meeting at the Mansion House: Letters expressing inability to attend, 2 copies.
Grand Council for British Dominions Exhibition Limited, 2 copies.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B259/7
Dates of creation: 1913-1916
Extent: 1 filePaper

n.d. Letter A. Randall Wells to Grey, enclosing photographs and suggested plans for Dominion House.
11 April 1913 Typescript paper: Notes on Dominion House by A. Randall Wells and MS additions by Wells.
22, 23 December 1913, 4 January 1914 3 letters Capt. Sir Pieter C. Van B. Stewart-Bam (Chairman Administrative Committee British Dominions Exhibitions Ltd.) to Grey.
28 December 1913 Copy letter Grey to Stewart-Bam.
28 December 1913 Copy letter Grey to Col. Wood.
3 January 1914 Copy letter Grey to Sir William [Mulock].
3 January [1914] Letter J.H. Roscoe to Grey, contains biographical information about Roscoe.
3 January 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
5 January 1914 Copy Grey to Mr Nanton.
5 January 1914 Copy Grey to Strathcona.
5 January 1914 Copy Strathcona to Grey.
6 January 1914 Copy Grey to Harcourt (Loulou).
6 January 1914 Copy Grey to Sladen.
6 January 1914 Copy Grey to Sir Ernest [Schiff].
31 July 1915 Copy circular letter [unsent] Grey appealing for funds for Aldwych site.
5 August 1915 Letter C. Hamilton-Wickes to Grey.
9 February 1916 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
Lists: signatures to petition to date (Canada).
Note by Grey on the proposed Dominion House.
Duplicated typescript paper: The Aldwych site. Key plan.
3, 11 April 1914 Pamphlet: The Dominion House: Some recent expressions of approval from New Zealand on Earl Grey's scheme - extracts from The New Zealand Herald. 2 copies.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/1
Dates of creation: January 1914-March 1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

11 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Dr Barrett.
Dominions Royal Commission, Imperial Development Board, Mr H. Beauchamp's Evidence.
1914 Press cuttings including some on Dominion House.
9 March 1914 Letter (unsigned) W.F. Massey, Prime Minister New Zealand, to Grey.
Memo concerning the space New Zealand might require for offices, etc., and financial side of the matter.
5 January 1914 Copy letter Weatherall & Green to Rutter Veitch & Bond. (2 copies).
2 January 1914 Copy letter Arding Bond & Buzzard to Rutter Veitch & Bond. (2 copies).
23 January 1914 Letter J.H. Roscoe to Grey, enclosing a note of signatories for a petition re Dominion House to Mr W.F. Massey.
13 March 1914 Letter Harold Beauchamp to the New Zealand Herald [many MS alterations by Grey].
19 January 1914 Copy circular letter from J.H. Roscoe to Clubs in Canada.
3 March 1915 Copy letter Grey to Sir John [Taverner?].

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/2
Dates of creation: February 1913-April 1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

27 February 1913 Copy Grey to Whittaker Thompson of the L.C.C.
7 January 1914 Letter J. Henniker Heaton to Grey.
7 January 1914 Letter W.J. Roche to Grey.
8 January 1914 Copy Grey to King George V.
11 January 1914 Copy Grey to Harcourt (Loulou) (2 copies).
12 January 1914 Letter G.T. Somers to Grey.
13 January 1914 Letter Sir B.E. Walker to Grey.
16 January 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
16 January 1914 Letter T.B. Macaulay to Grey.
19 January 1914 Letter W.D. Lighthall to Grey.
19 January 1914 Letter Weatherall & Green (Surveyors and Auctioneers) to R.S. Bond.
20 January 1914 Copy letter Charles F. Roland (Commissioner Winnipeg Industrial Bureau) to R.L. Borden.
20 January 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
29 January 1914 Letter William Hendrie to Grey's secretary.
31 January 1914 Copy letter William Hendrie to R.L. Borden and copy petition from citizens of Hamilton to Borden in favour of the Aldwych site.
5 February 1914 Letter William Hendrie to Grey.
n.d. Copy cable to R.S. Bond.
7-16 February 1914 Letter R.S. Bond to Grey [a long and detailed report on the efforts Lord Chelmsford and he made to gain support for Dominion House in Canada].
[14 February 1914] Copy cable R.S. Bond to Grey.
14 February 1914 Letter Bond to Grey.
14 February 1914 Cablegram Roscoe to Grey.
16 February 1914 Copy letter Grey to Bond.
17 February 1914 Letter William Kirkpatrick McNaught to Grey.
23 February 1914 Copy letter T.B. Macaulay to George E. Foster.
27 February 1914 Copy Foster to Macaulay.
24 February 1914 Copy A.H. Peake (premier S. Australia) to Grey.
27 February 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
28 February 1914 Letter Sir R.L. Borden to Grey.
1 March 1914 Letter Chelmsford to Grey [another copy elsewhere in this file].
2 March 1914 Letter Richard Bedford Bennett to Grey.
3 March 1914 Copy letter Sir R.L. Borden to Chelmsford (2 copies).
3 March 1914 Cablegram Bond to Grey.
11, 17 March 1914 Copy letters Sir R.L. Borden to Bond.
18 March 1914 Copy letter Bond to Borden.
17 March 1914 Copy cable Bond to Borden.
6 March 1914 Copy letter Bond to Borden.
5 March 1914 Copy cable Bond to Borden.
4 March 1914 Copy letter Bond to Borden [another copy of this and the following document elsewhere in this file].
4 March 1914 Copy letter Laurence Gomme to Chelmsford, with note of decision of the Improvements and Finance Committee of L.C.C. re terms of sale of Aldwych site to Canada.
10 March 1914 Copy letter Lady Julia Drummond to T.B. Macaulay.
16, 18 March 1914 Copy letters Macaulay to E.R. Wood.
14 March 1914 Copy letter Wood to Macaulay.
17 March 1914 Copy letter Macaulay to Lady Drummond.
17 March 1914 Copy letter Macaulay to Sir R.L. Borden.
16 March 1914 Copy letter Borden to Macaulay.
11 March 1914 Copy letter Macaulay to Borden.
9 March 1914 Copy letter Borden to Macaulay.
5 March 1914 Copy letter Macaulay to Borden.
6 March 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey. [Another copy of this letter elsewhere in this file].
28 February 1914 Cutting from The Times.
18 February 1914 Copy writ: Dennis Spurling, Roland Hastings and the Exchange of International and Colonial Commerce Limited v Grey, for breach of contract.
21 February 1914 Copy letter Sir Edmund Walker to Bond.
6 March 1914 Cable Bond to Grey.
7 March 1914 Letter L.T. McDonald (Commissioner etc., Board of Trade City of Regina) to Grey. Enclosing: Copy report of committee appointed to deal with the matter of the proposed Dominion House.
17 November 1913 Copy letter F.G. Morley to McDonald.
26 August 1913 Copy letter Charles H. Stewart-Wade to McDonald.
22 July 1913 Copy letter R.B. Burdett to McDonald.
9 July 1913 Copy letter F. Mackure Sclanders to McDonald.
10 July 1913 Copy letter William H. Willson to McDonald.
27 June 1913 Copy letter D.J. Hay to McDonald.
2 August 1913 Copy letter R. Ell... (Sec. Treas. Brandon, Man.) to McDonald.
n.d. Copy letter Theo. L. Brown to McDonald.
7 March 1914 Letter James G. Wilson (New Zealand) to Grey.
9, 11 March 1914 Copy letters Grey to Bond.
11 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Liverpool.
11 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Miss Gilbertson.
11 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Mr Watt.
11 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Denman.
11 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Sir Gerald [Strickland].
12 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Denman.
12 March 1914 Printed report to the directors of the Dominion Site Limited, by Ralph S. Bond on the mission of Lord Chelmsford and himself to Canada, with printed copies of the 2 following letters.
17 March 1914 Letter Grey to R.S. Bond.
30 April 1914 R.S. Bond to J.H. Roscoe.
17 March 1914 2 typescript copies of Grey's letter to Bond. [The printed copy has an additional introductory sentence].
Typescript extract of letter W. Scott (Premier of Saskatchewan) to Grey.
17 March 1914 Cable Bond to Grey.
18 March 1914 Cutting from the Montreal Herald.
19 March 1914 Letter J. Ball (editor Wangani Chronicle, New Zealand) to Grey, and memo, with note of Grey's reply.
21 March 1914 Copy Lady Julia Drummond to Borden.
18 February 1914 Copy writ Spurling and others v Grey. List of the contents of this file.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/3
Dates of creation: October 1913-June 1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

26 March - 3 June 1914 (one in duplicate) 6 letters Dr James W. Barrett to Grey.
5 October 1914 1 copy letter Grey to Barrett.
15 June 1915 1 letter Barrett to Ralph S. Bond.
25 May 1914 Printed circular by Barrett on Dominion House scheme (5 copies).
30 March 1914 Letter Harold Beauchamp (Chairman of Bank of New Zealand) to Grey.
23 March 1914 Press cuttings (New Zealand papers) including letter Beauchamp to the New Zealand Herald, on Dominion House. Also gives Grey's impressions of New Zealand. [Sent with Beauchamp's compliments].
20 May 1914 Letter W.A. Watt (Premier Victoria) to Grey.
6 July 1914 Letter J. Nugent Harris (Gen. Sec. the Agricultural Organisation Soc.) to Grey.
21 October 1913 Notes by J.N. Harris of interview with Sir John McCall (Agent General for the Tasmanian Government).
1 July 1914 Notes of interview by W.H. Press (of the Agricultural Org. Soc.) with F.L. McDougall, and note by Harris, 4 July 1914.
Typescript paper: Present state of organisation of the Australian Dried Fruit Industry. [This paper was produced by McDougall at the above-mentioned interview].
Copy replies from the Dominions, etc., on date of British Empire Exhibition, including reply from Sir R.L. Borden. 20 July 1914 Letter R.S. Bond to Grey.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/4
Dates of creation: December 1913-May 1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

Typescript and MS lists of names and addresses.
1 April 1914 Copy Grey's secretary to Ralph S. Bond.
2 April 1914 Letter J. Allen (Minister of Finance, New Zealand) to Grey.
8 April 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey. Enclosing:
1 April 1914 Copy Bond to Sir Edward Ward.
2 April 1914 Bond to Robert Rogers.
9 April 1914 Resolution of the Northern Club, Auckland, New Zealand.
Resolution of the Council of the Board of Trade of the City of Toronto. Adopted 9 April 1914. Signed F.G. Morley, secretary.
9 April 1914 Letter F.G. Morley to Grey.
15 May 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey. Enclosing: 29 April 1914 Printed paper: Spurling, Hastings and the Exchange of International and Colonial Commerce Ltd. v Earl Grey: Statement of claim (in the High Court of Justice, King's Bench Division).
10 April 1914 Copy cable Grey to Harcourt, and note by Grey.
10 April 1914 Letter Alfred Bourget to Grey.
11 April 1914 Copy Grey to Mr Lukin of New Zealand.
14 April 1914 Letter Harold Beauchamp to Grey and press cutting on New Zealand and Dominion House (Evening Post, 20 April 1914).
17 April 1914 Letter H.Y. Braddon (President Sydney Chamber of Commerce) to Grey.
17 April 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey. Enclosures:
6 April 1914 Copy letter T.B. Macaulay to Ralph S. Bond.
1 April 1914 Copy letter E.R. Wood to T.B. Macaulay.
6 April 1914 Copy letter T.B. Macaulay to E.R. Wood.
List of signatures to Toronto petition.
April 1914 Telegram Myers (Sydney Morning Herald) to Grey.
23 April 1914 Letter W.H. Triggs (of the Press, New Zealand) to Grey.
25 April 1914 Letter Sir R.L. Borden to Grey.
5 May 1914 Letter J.S. Willison (editor in chief of the News, Toronto) to Grey.
8 May 1914 Copy resolution by Scone Chamber of Commerce, New South Wales. Signed R. Lockheads (Hon. Sec.).
9 May 1914 Letter Harry J. Crowe to Grey.
11 May 1914 Letter President Newcastle NSW Chamber of Commerce to Grey.
14 May 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey. Enclosures:
17 March 1914 Typed copy of letter Grey to Stamfordham.
18 April 1914 Copy letter Rodolph Lemieux to Ralph S. Bond.
30 April 1914 Copy letter Edward Tanner (solicitor L.C.C.) to Rutter Veitch & Bond.
5 May 1914 Rutter Veitch & Bond to Tanner.
7 May 1914 Tanner to Rutter Veitch and Bond.
11 May 1914 Rutter Veitch and Bond to Tanner.
13 May 1914 Letter Weatherall & Green to Rutter Veitch & Bond.
9 April 1914 Copy resolution of the Counsel of the Board of Trade, Toronto.
16 May 1914 Letter B. Rosenstamm (President Perth Chamber of Commerce) to Grey.
29 May 1914 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
December 1913 Copy petition to the Prime Minister of New Zealand in favour of Dominion House.
4 July 1914 Circular letter from Malcolm Ross (New Zealand correspondent of The Times) on Dominion House.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/5
Dates of creation: April-July 1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

30 April 1914 Copy letter H.Y. Braddon (President Sydney Chamber of Commerce) to the presidents of various chambers of commerce in N.S. Wales, with MS additions by Braddon.
1 May 1914 Letter Braddon to Grey.
6 May 1914 Letter F.H. Richardson (Hon. Sec. Byron Bay Chamber of Commerce) to Grey.
12 May 1914 Copy letter E.P. Simpson (Chairman of the Sydney Wool Selling Brokers' Assoc.) to Joseph Cook (Prime Minister, Melbourne).
15 May 1914 Letter S. Clark (Hon. Sec. Lismore (N.S.W.) Chamber of Commerce) to Grey.
18 May 1914 Letter H.M. Henderson (Hon. Sec. Maclean (N.S.W.) Chamber of Commerce) to Grey.
19 May 1914 Letter John Leach (Sec. Sydney Wool Selling Brokers' Assoc.) to Grey.
May 1914 Letter H.J. Halt? to Grey.
19 May 1914 Letter Sec. Bellinger River Chamber of Commerce to Grey.
25 May 1914 Letter [John Kidd], Sec. Armidale Chamber of Commerce to Grey.
4 June 1914 Letter Fred. Parbery (Hon. Sec. Bega District Chamber of Commerce, New South Wales) to Grey.
4 June 1914 Letter J.C. Truss, (?) Sec. Albury Chamber of Commerce, New South Wales to Grey.
5 June 1914 Letter F.A. Watt (Town Clerk, Sydney) to Grey.
6 July 1914 Letter B. Rosenstamm (President Perth Chamber of Commerce) to Grey.
16 July 1914 Copy Grey's Sec. to the Town Clerk, Sydney.
16 July 1914 Copy Grey's Sec. to F. Parbery.
16 July 1914 Copy Grey's Sec. to Sec. Bellinger Chamber of Commerce.
Copy resolution passed by the Sydney Chamber of Commerce.
Copy resolution passed by the Auckland Chamber of Commerce.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/6
Dates of creation: 1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

24 September 1915 Letter Joseph Hood (Solicitor Brit. American Tobacco Co.) to Grey.
L.C.C. Holborn to Strand Improvement: Plan showing sites to let by private treaty.
25 January 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey. Enclosing: 22 January 1915 Copy of the British Architect, containing an article on Dominion House and illustration of the design of the proposed building.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/7
Dates of creation: 1914-1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

6 January 1914 Printed copy letter Grey to Louis Botha.
Printed minutes of evidence given by Grey and others before the Dominions Royal Commission with many MS corrections by Grey.
Typescript paper: A scheme of Imperial Federation [not by Grey].
Typescript paper: Canadian Pacific Coast Defence and Naval Policy by R.E. Gosnell (Victoria, B.C.). [A “hypothetical speech”].
5 September 1915 Letter W.J. Sanderson, junior, to Grey. Enclosure: 19 August 1915 Duplicated typescript paper on government of India, by W.J. Sanderson.
11 August 1915 Letter W.A. Bayst to Grey. 16 July 1915 Letter Bayst to Grey, enclosing photo of a picture “Faith and Freedom of Empire”.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/8
Dates of creation: March 1915-September 1916
Extent: 1 filePaper

Dominion House, 1915-1916.
17 March 1915 Copy Grey to Lady Wantage.
22 May 1915 Letter (Sir) Andrew Thomas Taylor to Grey.
25 May 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
25 May 1915 Letter J. Taylor Peddie (of Institute of Industry & Science of G.B. & Ireland) to Grey.
26 May 1915 Letter Bond to Grey.
17 July 1915 Letter Milner to Grey.
20 July 1915 Letter S.W. Copley to Grey.
21 August 1915 Letter Dr Thomas M. Allison to Grey.
2 September 1915 Account Rutter Veitch & Bond to Grey (in connection with the Spurling suit).
2 September 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey with note of Grey's reply.
10 November 1915 Extract of letter from Walter Scott. 2 copies in the file.
8, 13 November 1915 Letters Harry James Peddie to Grey.
9 November 1915 Copy Grey to Peddie.
14 July 1915 Copy Grey to Brassey with note by Brassey.
17 November 1915 Letter Brassey to Grey.
1 December 1915 Copy letter Grey to Walter Scott.
16 October 1915 Letter Emma E. Dixson to Grey.
30 November 1915 Copy Grey to Mrs Dixson.
10 November 1915 Letter Walter Scott (Premier Saskatchewan) to Grey.
8 December 1915 Letter William John Sanderson to Grey.
16 December 1915 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
21 December 1915, 7 January 1916 Letters Walter Morrison to Grey.
Dominion Site Limited. Contributions received July-December 1915. Amounts promised. Signed J.H. Roscoe, Treasurer.
29 December 1915 Note [?Roscoe, 41 Bishopsgate, London] to Miss Gilbertson.
17 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mr Easton.
17 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Mr Smetham Lee.
17 January 1916 Copy letter Grey to Ralph S. Bond.
19 January 1916 Letter Bond to Grey.
22 January 1916 Copy Grey to Bond.
1 February 1916 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
2 February 1916 Copy Grey to Mr Magrath.
3 February 1916 Copy Grey to Ralph S. Bond.
7 February 1916 Copy Grey to Philip H. Morton.
10 February 1916 Copy Grey to Sir Clifford Sifton.
28 December 1915 Letter Lionel Phillips to Grey.
15 February 1916 Copy Grey to Phillips.
15 February 1916 Copy Grey to Sir George E. Foster.
22 December 1915 Letter Herbert E. Easton to Grey.
21, 26 February 1916 Letters Hugh R. Denison to Grey.
23 February 1916 Copy Grey to Denison.
24 February, 15, 22 March, 24 April, 20 May, 6 June, 15 July 1916 Letters Lionel Graham Horton Horton-Smith to Grey. Enclosure: (with letter of 15 March) 3 March 1916 Paper by Horton Smith, suggesting union of the Dominion House and Empire War Memorial schemes.
11 May (2 copies), 3 June, 13 July 1916 Copies Grey to Horton Smith.
July 1915 - March 1916 Dominion Site Limited. Amounts received.
2 March 1916 Letter G.H. Murray (Prime Minister, Nova Scotia) to Grey.
13 March 1916 Letter Sir George E. Foster to Grey.
20 March 1916 Letter Duke of Bedford to Grey.
30 March 1916 Letter Evelyn Wrench to Grey.
7 April 1916 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
11 April 1916 Letter L. Bagne Luffman (of Women's Liberal League, N.S.W.) to Grey.
18 April 1916 Letter Lionel Phillips to Grey.
11 May 1916 Copy Grey to Ralph S. Bond.
7 July 1916 Copy Grey to Sir Robert Borden.
Typescript paper headed “Claridge's Dinner: August 1st 1916” - showing those who accepted and those who declined. (Addresses given).
26 September 1916 Letter A.M. Richards (Sec. Brit. American Tobacco Co.) to Grey.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/9
Dates of creation: April 1913-February 1917
Extent: 1 filePaper

18 April 1913 Cutting from Daily Mail, “Stopwatch Luncheon”.
n.d. Letter Harriet Lindsey to Grey.
27 October 1913 Cutting Financial News. Aldwych Site - letter from H.E. Morgan.
29 October 1913 Letter H.E. Morgan to Grey, enclosing the above.
22 November 1913 Letter Sir George Halsey Perley to Grey.
8 December 1913, 7 July 1916 Copies Grey to Sir R. Borden.
26 December 1916, 11, 24 January, 4 May 1917 Letters Harry James Peddie to Grey.
6, 21 26 February 1917 Letters Humphreys Limited to Miss Gilbertson (written by M.N. Jacks, a director).
14 February 1917 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Miss Gilbertson.
28 December 1916 Letter Humphreys Limited to Grey.
20 December 1916 Copy Humphreys Limited to C.J. Stewart. List of names “for new letter”.
18 October 1915 Letter F.B. Robins (of Toronto) to Grey.
10 November 1913 Part of a letter (end missing) [from Harry E. Brittain] to Grey.
12 January 1914 Letter H.E. Young (Minister of Education, British Columbia) to Grey.
9 October 1914 Letter J. Nugent Harris (Gen. Sec. the Agricultural Organisation Soc.) to Grey, enclosing cuttings from Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Trades' Journal, 26 September 1914, on report of Royal Commission on fruit industry in Australia.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/10
Dates of creation: November 1915-May 1917
Extent: 1 filePaper

26 November 1915 Copy circular from Grey appealing for funds to meet expenses incurred on account of the Aldwych site.
8 May 1917 Copy Grey to W.F. Massey.
7 May 1917 Draft Grey to Sir Robert Borden, with MS alterations evidently for the letter to be written to Mr Massey.
29, 31 March, 2, 5, 9, 17, 18, 19, 21 April 1917 Letters Ralph S. Bond to Miss Gilbertson.
31 May 1917 Copy Miss Gilbertson to Bond.
19 April 1917 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
[19 April 1917] Telegram Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
[29 March 1917] Copy telegram Ralph S. Bond to Grey.
19 April 1917 Copy Grey to Bond.
List of members of the Imperial Conference.
Dominion Site Limited. Printed list of subscribers (3 copies).
14 March 1917 Copy 5th Earl Grey to Bond.
Proposals for an Imperial Trade Centre upon the Aldwych Site.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B260/11
Dates of creation: September 1917
Extent: 1 filePaper

11 September 1917 Letter Ralph S. Bond to 5th Earl Grey.
18 September 1917 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Miss B. Gilbertson. Enclosure: Note: Howard Gray to the Executors of 4th Earl Grey with an account.
18 September 1917 Letter Ralph S. Bond to Miss Gilbertson.
List of names and addresses of prominent persons [to whom an appeal for £250 could be sent(?)].

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B261/1
Dates of creation: 1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

Printed circular letter from Grey - appealing for funds, including an appendix with letters from W.F. Massey and W.H. Watt and resolution of the inter-state conference, Australia, 1 April 1914. 65 copies.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B261/2
Dates of creation: 1913-1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

The Dominion House Approximate General Financial Statement - submitted to the Canadian Government. 12 copies. One copy has MS notes and figures on back.
26 July 1913 The Great World - design for a building in the form of a globe, by F.A. Pridmore.
Printed page with MS corrections: grounds on which to found an application for the consideration by the next imperial conference of the proposal to build an Overseas Dominion House ...
1914 Cuttings from Canadian papers concerning Dominion House - Chelmsford's visit to Canada to promote the scheme.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B261/3
Dates of creation: 1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

Envelope containing cuttings from the New Zealand Herald on Dominion House and Grey's visit to New Zealand.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B261/4
Dates of creation: October-December 1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of cuttings from the New Zealand Herald on Labour troubles in New Zealand.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B261/5
Dates of creation: 1913-1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

Large bundle of press cuttings, etc., mostly on Dominion House.

Dominion House scheme
Reference: GRE/B262
Dates of creation: 1913-1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

Books and printed matter concerning Dominion House.
Bound Volume:
I. The Dominion House. Some opinions from the press of the United Kingdom on Lord Grey's scheme for the concentration of the Dominion Governments' Offices under one roof in the centre of London; and for the promotion of inter-imperial trade.
II. Some opinions from the press of Canada, South Africa and India ...
The above bound together.
Bound volume of plans and photographs.
The Dominion Site Limited: Correspondence relating to scheme for concentrating on the Aldwych site, as opportunity permits, the London offices of the Overseas Self-Governing Dominions. 4 copies.
The Dominion House No. II. 3 copies (one with press cuttings enclosed).
The Dominion House No. IV.
October-November 1913 The Dominion House: Correspondence which recently appeared in the Westminster Gazette.
30 September 1914.
The Dominion Site Limited: Directors' Report and Statement of Accounts. 4 copies.
The Dominion House: Some recent expressions of approval from New Zealand ... 10 copies.
Reproductions of 2 views of proposed Dominion House: A. Randall Wells, Architect.

GRE/B263/1   1888-1903
Rough draft of address by Grey [to the North of England Steamship Owners' Association], resigning the presidency.
11 March 1903 Copy letter Conference [Steamship] Lines to the British South Africa Co. (duplicate typescript, 3 copies).
Rough notes by Grey mainly on freights.
Pamphlet: North of England Steamship Owners' Association. 32nd Annual Report for 1902.
Leaflet: Report of Sub-Committee (appointed by the above Association) on freights and the coal tax (2 copies).
March 1903 Press cuttings on the question raised by Grey in the Lords of South African freights.
Statistics of “Imports less re-exports and British and Irish Exports” 1888-1902.
1899-1901 Press cuttings mainly of transactions at the North of England Steamship Owners' Association, including reports of speeches by Grey as president (especially on decline in merchantile marine) and other cuttings on shipping topics.
3, 4 April 1903 Pages from The Times, with reports of parliamentary debates on the Lighthouses Bill.

Paper   1 file
Transferred to 234/6.
GRE/B263/3   1894-1903
Duplicated typescript paper: “The Negro in Africa and America”.
7 September 1894 Extract of a letter in 4th Earl Grey's hand, concerning the situation in the Transvaal and the desirability of a coup to overthrow the regime. There is no indication of who the letter was to or from, except that it was to someone then at Capetown.
Rough notes by Grey on some incidents in the Mashona war and disputes over a reef - evidently from statements by Roach, 20 May 1897.
Notes by Grey of a competition for steam ploughs at Salisbury, Rhodesia, July 1903.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B263/4   1880-1883
1880-1883 7 letters Sir Bartle Frere to Grey.
[1880] Rough draft of a speech by Grey to defend Sir Bartle Frere in the House of Commons.
Notes and extracts from various sources on the Zulu question and Frere's action.
[8 July 1880] Abstract of memo by Frere on events in South Africa. (See papers of 3rd Earl Grey 161/1 for copy of the full memo).
Note by Grey that no honour had been conferred on Frere.
8 June 1880, 7 August 1883 2 letters Lady Catherine Frere to Grey.
22 June 1880 1 letter Miss Eliza Frederica Jane Frere to Grey.

Paper   1 file
Native Administration
Reference: GRE/B263/5
Dates of creation: 1891, October 1896-May 1897
Extent: 1 filePaper

28 November 1896 Cutting from The Times: despatch from Grey to the B.S.A. Co., 16 October 1896, reporting on the situation in Matabeleland.
4 October 1896 Part of a copy letter Grey to Rhodes.
26 May 1897 Copy letter [Milton?] to the High Commissioner [Milner], Cape Town.
1891 Typescript summary (with a few introductory remarks) of the code of native law for Natal.
Notes by Grey “Custom in Natal”.
MS paper [not by Grey], “Summary of Proclamation” [offering peace to the Mashonas] and observations on the treatment of the natives after peace is restored.
26 May 1897 Memorandum [by Grey] on means of meeting the labour difficulty and the question of native reserves. Typescript, 3 copies, one with some important MS additions by Grey.
10 April 1897 Cutting from the Spectator, “Mr Morley on British Africa”.
8 April 1897 Page from the Times, with article on Morley's address at the Aborigines Protection Soc.

GRE/B263/6   1870-1882
Extracts of Parliamentary debates on the Irish Land Act 1870. 4 pieces.
Part of a draft speech by Grey suggesting that the surplus revenues of the Irish Church should be applied to help tenants pay their rents.
Miscellaneous rough notes by Grey on the above bill.
1882 Press cuttings on Irish legislation, land question, etc. 5 pieces.
Cutting of speech by Grey on the Eastern Question and Ireland.
MS notes by Grey on the Eastern Question. 2 pieces.
Part of a draft speech by Grey to be delivered in the House of Commons on coercion in Ireland.
Notes of the main points in a letter 3rd Earl Grey to Lord Halifax on land tenancy agreements.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B263/7   [1912]
File of rough notes by Grey from various sources on the established church and the question of disestablishment, including draft speech by Grey in favour of an established church, and press cuttings.
c.1912 Speech by Grey at Newcastle Diocesan Conference on the church and the housing question [typescript and MS alterations].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B263/8   1903-1913
File of press cuttings 1903-1913 on various church matters. Includes:
12 March 1903 Long report in The Times of the speech of the Archbishop of Canterbury to a deputation on clergy discipline.
1912-1913 Cuttings from Canadian papers on church union.
July 1912 Cuttings from the Cape Times: “Missionaries in Conference - an appeal for unity”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B264/1   1880-1881, January-October 1891
[c.13 November (?) 1891] Press cutting: Co-operative ideals; interesting address by the Bishop of Durham.
May 1891 Pamphlet: Productive Co-operation as applied to local industries (Tyne, Wear & Tees), by Sir Benjamin C. Browne (for private circulation only). 2 copies, one marked in MS “for discussion on May 27-8”.
MS notes by Grey on Browne's proposals.
List of questions by Grey on co-operative production.
June 1891 Printed paper marked “private & confidential” - resolutions of a conference held at Auckland on 27 & 28 May 1891 when the above pamphlet was circulated and discussed.
Similar printed paper to the above (but not marked private) and dated July 1891.
Printed paper issued by Brook Foss Wescott, Bishop of Durham, concerning a conference held at Auckland Castle on 6-7 January 1891 at which certain resolutions concerning provision for the aged were passed which were later revised in June 1891. [Endorsed by Grey “Episcopal Social Conference at B. Auckland May 27/91”].
21 October 1891 MS notes by Grey evidently of a further conference at Auckland.
Printed paper (private and confidential): Report of resolutions drawn up at the Bishop Auckland conference 27-28 May 1891 and of further resolutions suggested 21 October.
16 November 1881 Page from The Times, “The British Land Question” - address of James Caird (Presid.) before the Statistical Society, 15 November 1881.
23 November 1881 Cuttings from The Times with correspondence concerning Caird and the land question.
MS speech by Grey on church reform as an alternative to disestablishment.
2 pamphlets by Evan Rowland Jones, US Consul, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; both inscribed by Jones with compliments to Grey:
1. Is the Duty upon English Coal a Bounty upon European Produce? A Letter to W.D. Hoard, Esq., president of the north western Dairymen's Assoc. 16 July 1879 (Newcastle). Enclosed: Printed paper: Major Jones, US Consul, on the influence of direct commerical intercourse upon the producers' profits, and the cost of living - extracts from a letter addressed to Joseph Cowen, Esq., MP, 13 January 1880.
2. Is the Duty upon Coal an Embargo upon Corn? A letter to Hon. Matt. H. Carpenter, US Senator, 9 May 1879. (Newcastle).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B264/2   [1898]-1903, 1911
3, 7, 30 November 1900, 26, 29 December 1901, 7 January 1902 Letters Henry George, 7th Duke of Northumberland, to Grey, and memo, n.d. [c. November 1898], replying to Grey's answer to letter of 8 November 1898 concerning the NER.
23 September 1900, n.d., 27 December 1901 Copy Grey to Northumberland.
11 November 1900 Copy letter Lord Algernon Percy to Northumberland.
3 January 1902 Letter John D. Milburn to Grey.
Suggested scheme [by Duke of Northumberland] for hunting the Percy country.
31 October 1903 Letter William E. Kinnaird to Grey.
31 October 1903, 22 February 1904 Letters E. Kinnaird (schoolmaster, Howick) to Grey.
Notes by E. Kinnaird on the geology of the coast from Howick to Cullernose Point.
19 October 1900 Letter William Wallace to Grey.
21 November 1911 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Journal, of letter from T.M. Allison on slum dwellings.

Paper   1 file
Recruiting in Ireland
Reference: GRE/B264/3
Dates of creation: February-March 1915
Extent: 1 filePaper

20 March 1915 Cutting from the New Statesman, “Ireland and the Nationalist Party”.
17 March 1915 Cutting from the Chronicle, “The Irish and the War”, by T.P. O'Connor, MP.
18 February 1915 Typescript extract of letter from ?T.M. Healy? [a relative of T.D. Sullivan].
9, 15 (2), 24 February, 15 March 1915 Letters Alec Wilson of Belvoir Park, Newtownbreda, Co Down, to Grey.
12, 16, 23 February 1915 Copies Grey to Wilson.
Press cuttings:
8 March 1915 “Irish Volunteers and the War”, Mr Dillon's Outlook. (Morning Post).
5 March 1915 “Recruiting in Ireland”. (Irish Times).
25 February 1915 “Irish Enlistments”. (Irish News).
25 February 1915 “Ireland's Soldiers”. (Irish News).

Home Rule Bill
Reference: GRE/B264/4
Dates of creation: April-July 1914
Extent: 1 filePaper

30 June 1914 Letter Arthur Ponsonby to Grey.
10 July 1914 Letter Bryce to Grey.
25 June 1914 Letter Roberts to Grey.
25 June [1914] Letter Dunraven to Grey.
24 June 1914 Letter James Gibson (Draper of Newton St Boswells) to Grey [violently attacking Grey and the Peers].
8 July 1914 Printed circular letter J.R.P. Newman (MP).
Press cuttings, including:
Letter, Moreton Frewen to the Morning Post, “If we were Federate”.
27 April 1914 Page from The Times on the alleged government plot to coerce Ulster.
12 May 1914 “Earl Grey and Ulster”, Irish Times. (12 pieces).
Other press cuttings, including:
Letter, Frewen to the Westminster Gazette, “A Precedent for Settlement by Consent”.
9 May 1914 “Earl Grey and Ulster” (as above) and cutting from the Cork Constitution (same subject). (5 pieces).

GRE/B264/5   1912-1917
11 August 1913 Letter W.? O'Connor (?) (Major, retired, of Illane Roe, Rochestown, Co. Cork) to Grey, enclosing typescript paper “Irish Administration, Some Deductions and Suggestions”.
12 August 1913, 31 October, 5, 13, 20 November 1914 Letters Horace Plunkett to Grey, and two typescript copies of this correspondence.
3, 16 November 1914 Copies Grey to Plunkett.
11 July 1913 Letter R.A. Anderson to Grey. Enclosure: 10 July 1913 Copy letter from Charles F.G. Masterman.
1 June 1916 Letter R.A. Anderson to Grey. Enclosures:
1 June 1916 Copy letter R.A. Anderson to Plunkett.
1 June 1916 Signed copy letter George Russell (A.E.) to A.J. Balfour.
17 July 1916 Copy letter Grey to Peel (with note by Grey that a copy should be sent to Sir Starr Jameson, F. Oliver, Mayor A. Grenfell, and L. Jones). 7 other copies and 11 shorter versions of the same letter, some with MS alterations.
Headings of a settlement as to the Government of Ireland, presented to both Houses (London, 1916).
8 August 1916 Letter John H. Humphreys to Grey. Enclosed:
8 August 1916 Cutting from Morning Post of letter from Selborne on Ireland.
Also agenda for meeting of Executive Committee of the Proportional Representation Society, 10 August 1916.
Press Cuttings on Ireland:
7 August [1916] Selborne to the Morning Post.
3 July 1916 Horace Plunkett to The Times.
21 June 1916 Dunraven to the Morning Post.
22 June 1916 Thomas Case to The Times.
26 May, 28 June 1916 Cuttings of 2 letters to The Times from H. Wilson Fox on “Imperial Finance”, and “The New Protection”.
White Paper: Royal Commission on the rebellion in Ireland: Report of Commission. Presented to both Houses of Parliament ... 1916.
27 July 1914 Press cutting (torn) from Staffordshire Sentinal.
n.d. Typescript note from Moreton Frewen.
1 July 1916 Copy letter William O'Brien to Frewen.
31 May 1916 Typescript paper: “A memorandum prepared by William O'Brien at the request of Mr Lloyd George May 31, but which presumably was disapproved by Mr Devlin and was therefore suppressed by Mr George”. [The typescript is Frewen's].
Pamphlet: The Home Rule Bill and Irish Customs by Moreton Frewen. (Reprint from Financial Review of Reviews, June 1912).
Pamphlet: Ireland and the Imperial Conference. Is there a Way to a Settlement? by F.S. Oliver. (London, 1917).
Pamphlet: Proposed Home Rule Settlement: Irish Public Opinion, No. 4.
1882 Proof copy (with corrections in MS) of article by 3rd Earl Grey for the Nineteenth Century on Ireland.
27 August 1914 Letter Courtney to Grey, returning duplicate typescript letter Horace Plunkett to Redmond, 12 August 1914.
4 September 1914 Printed paper (circular letter from Hutcheson Poe): Mr Redmond's Position with regard to the Ulster Council. A plea for temperate judgement.
13 August 1914 Duplicate typescript circular letter from William O'Brien to all members of Parliament.
25 June [1914] Duplicate typescript copy letter O'Brien to the Morning Post.
22 January 1914 Duplicate typescript paper by O'Brien, setting forth the terms of a settlement by consent of the Irish Question which he proposes to urge on the Government.

Paper   1 file
School Management
Reference: GRE/B264/6
Dates of creation: February, September 1903
Extent: 1 filePaper

16 September 1903 Letter Revd. T.P. Williams, vicar of Tyne Dock, to Grey. Enclosing: Printed Board of Education paper as “a copy of the final order for the management of St Mary's Church Schools, Tyne Dock, of which your Lordship [Grey] is a trustee”.
27 February 1903 Letter Charles Williams (Sec. Northumberland C.C. Committee for Technical Education) to Grey, enclosing printed summary of the provisions of the Education Act 1902.
28 February 1903 Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey. Enclosing: Blank form of school agreement with the Diocesan Society. A pencil note states that this was a copy of the Duke [of Northumberland's] proposed agreement with the Society.
28 February 1903 Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey. Enclosing: 26 February 1903 Copy letter J.H. Mansfield to George Grey.

GRE/B265/1   1896-1901
1901 Proof copy: Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Pioneer Power Company of London Limited.
8 February 1901 Telegram C.S. Drummond to Grey.
12 March 1901 Copy Grey's secretary to A.H. Parnall.
2 April 1903 Letter Scott Lings & Co. to Grey.
26 February, 11 March 1901 Letters A.H. Parnall to Grey. (2 letters of 26 February, one a formal acceptance of Grey's offer to purchase $200,000 bonds of the New York & Brooklyn Syndicate).
26 February 1901 Letter Gerald V. Williams to Grey.
25 February 1901 Letter Harold T. Mostyn to Grey.
21 February 1901 Letter Harold T. Mostyn to Frewen.

Typescript file containing:
Particulars of the New York & Brooklyn Railroad.
New York & Brooklyn Syndicate.
Copy agreement between underwriters and the Columbian Co.
25 November 1900 List of queries in a letter from C.S. Drummond to F.B. Esler.
7 December 1900 Copy 2 letters Esler to Drummond.
Copy memo by Drummond for Mr Garcke concerning New York & Brooklyn tube.
“Schedule A”.
23 January 1901 Copy J.R. Pakeman to Drummond.
29 January 1901 Copy Esler to Drummond.
c.29 May 1896 Copy articles of association of the New York and Brooklyn Railroad Co.
23 December 1896 Order of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of New York concerning the New York & Brooklyn Railroad Co.
4 August 1896 Extract from approved proceedings of the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York.
c.11 May 1896 Certificate of the organisation of the Columbian Co.
Several other copy documents relating to the Columbian Co.
5 June 1896 Agreement between the Columbian Co. and the New York and Brooklyn Railroad Co.
13 September 1900 Copy letter W.C. Van Horne to W.C. Clark.
6 December 1900 Agreement between Andrew Onderdonk and the Columbian Co.
30 November 1900 Agreement between the Columbian Co. and the St Louis Car Co.
28, 13 September 1900 Letters F.B. Esler to C.S. Drummond.

Paper   1 file
New York and Brooklyn Syndicate
Reference: GRE/B265/2
Dates of creation: 31 May 1901, January-September 1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

31 May 1901 Letter A.H. Parnall (Sec.) to Grey.
26 January, 3 February 1904 Letters Lacey Downes to Grey. Enclosures:
(with letter 3 February) 28 January 1904 Copy Sir C. Rivers Wilson to Downes.
13 January 1904 Copy Frederic B. Esler to Rivers Wilson.
18, 26 April 1904 Copy letters Daniel Nason to Pakeman and Read.
26 April 1904 Copy C.S. Drummond to the Earl of Kintore.
6 May 1904 Copy letter C. Rivers Wilson to ...
12 May 1904 New York & Brooklyn Syndicate Limited: Receipt for £32.10 from Grey for money for shares.
6 June 1904 Letter John Robert Pakeman to Grey.
6 July 1904 Letter Lacey Downes to Grey. Enclosing: 5 July 1904 Circular letter Downes to the directors of the New York and Brooklyn Syndicate.
Memo as to proposed appropriation of capital stock and 5% bonds.
5 July 1904 Copy minutes of Board of Directors.
6 July 1904 Copy letter [Downes?] to Pakeman and Read.
6 July 1904 Letter J.R. Pakeman to Grey.
18 July 1904 Letter Lacey Downes to Grey. Enclosing: Copy resolution of the New York and Brooklyn Syndicate that notice should be served on Scott Lings & Co. and others for payment of calls on shares.
2 September 1904 Letter Washington Hume to Grey. Enclosing: 2 September 1904 Part of a copy letter Washington Hume to Lord Kintore.

GRE/B265/3   7 June 1901, 1903-1904
7 June 1901 Letter C. Johnson (Sec. the Automobile Club) to Grey.
19 March 1903 Letter R.R. Meldrum to Grey.
16, 20 April 1903 Letters C.S. Drummond to Grey.
19 April 1903 Letter Scott Lings to Grey.
17 April 1903 Copy letter R. Roy Meldrum to C.V. Underhill Jay.
18 April 1903 Copy letter F.W. Pixley to Jay.
6 February 1903 Pioneer Power Co. of London Limited: Copy of rough statement of proceedings at final meeting.
27 April 1903 Letter Meldrum to Grey. Enclosing: 23 January 1903 2 copy letters H.A. Sims to the Pioneer Power Co. Ltd.
30 April 1903 Letter Meldrum to Grey.
Particulars of proposed syndicate to be formed following the liquidation of the Pioneer Power Co.
1 May 1903 Copy letter Grey to Meldrum.
2, 5 May 1903 Letters Meldrum to Grey.
5 May 1903 Letter E.M.L. Fagge to Grey.
12 September 1902 Copy letter Leonard K. Clark to J.H. Hoadley.
7, 11 (2) May 1903 Letters Meldrum to Grey.
8 May 1903 Copy letter F.W. Pixley to Meldrum.
12 May 1903 Copy Grey to Meldrum.
12 May 1903 Letter Meldrum to Grey.
4 July 1903 Provincial Carriers Limited: Report of Meldrum and Leonard K. Clark on this company, and summary showing working results for the month ending 30 June 1903.
25 August 1903 Letter George H. White to Grey. Enclosing:
Provincial Carriers Limited Report for month ending 31 July 1903.
Summary showing results of working for June and July 1903.
9 September, 29 December 1903, 11, 20 January, 9, 19 February, 28 July 1904 Letters Meldrum to Grey.
28 December 1903 Copy Grey to Adeane.
6, 19 January, 5 February, 19 August 1904 Letters Charles Robert Whorwood Adeane to Grey.
[July? 1904] Provincial Carriers Limited: Statement showing proposed scheme for enlargement of operations and the results that may be expected therefrom, based on last twelve months' figures.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B265/4   1898
31 December 1901 Sydney Harbour Collieries Limited. Notice of ordinary general meeting, with directors' report and balance sheet.
12 November 1901 Report J.L.C. Rae (Manager at Sydney) to the chairman and directors.
Notice of extraordinary general meeting to be held on 17 April 1903, with reorganisation scheme.
Notice of extraordinary general meeting of preference shareholders on 17 April 1903.
9 April 1903 Circular covering the above notices.
Report of extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on 4 May 1903.
4 May 1903 Letter J.J. Cooper, Liquidator of the above Co., to Grey.
Broomhill Collieries Limited. Report of directors and auditors and balance sheet, 30 June 1903.
8 November 1898 Sydney Harbour Collieries Limited. Extracts from manager's progress report.
27 August 1898 Pages from the Town and Country Journal, with article on and illustrations of Sydney Harbour Colliery.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B265/5   1903
February 1903 Rapid Transit Co. Draft circular concerning the proposed new company. MS alterations by Grey.
Draft form of application for shares (to Meldrum and Clark).
Paper on distribution of profits (including a profit sharing scheme).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B265/6   1901-1904
2 September 1903 Copy letter Pakeman and Read to the Secretary, New York and Brooklyn Syndicate.
18 August 1903 Copy letter Simpson Thacher, Barnum and Bartlett to Pakeman and Read.
25 July 1903 Copy letter C.V.U. Jay to the Earl of Kintore.
12 November 1902 Letter Charles Sinclair Drummond to Grey.
28 April 1903 Part of a letter [Drummond?] to Grey.
24 April 1903 Letter R.R. Meldrum to Grey. Enclosing: 23 April 1903 Copy letter Anthony G. New (engineer) to Meldrum, reporting on the Straker Steam Wagon.
18 April 1903 Letter C.V. Underhill Jay (Sec. the New York and Brooklyn Syndicate) to Grey. Enclosing: 15 April 1903 Draft minutes of a meeting of the directors of the said syndicate.
15 April 1903 Letter Meldrum to Grey, enclosing draft circular concerning a proposed new traction company.
24 April 1903 Letter Scott Lings to Grey.
17 April 1903 Letter R. Roy Meldrum to Grey. Enclosure: 15 April 1903 Copy letter F.W. Pixley (Liquidator) to Meldrum.
13 March 1903 Letter Jos. H. Hoadley (of International Power Co. New York) to Grey.
December 1902 Letter Fred. B. Esler and H.V. Holden to Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, Grey, George B.M. Cornwallis West, Moreton Frewen and C. Sheriff Hilton.
11 May 1901 Note for Grey (from his secretary?).
Typescript paper on comparative costs of horse and motor buses.
19 July 1901 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey.
Typescript papers fastened together concerning an agreement between the International Power Co. of New Jersey USA and the International Power Co. of Great Britain, J.H. Hoadley, J. Leiter and C.S. Drummond.
1 June 1901 Exhibit A. Copy of the above agreement. Exhibit B. Memo concerning the formation of the Pioneer Power Co. Exhibit C. List of people who should be admitted to the Pioneer Co.
30 July 1901 Exhibit D. Report of solicitors Hays Schmettan and Dunn on the agreement in a letter to C.S. Drummond. Exhibit E. Figures showing the relative costs of horse and motor traction.
13 December 1902 Letter Harold P. Mostyne to V.G. Levett.
16 December 1902 Letter V.G. Levett to Grey, enclosing the above letter.
2 September 1901 Certificate of posting of a registered packet (addressed to A.H. Parnall).
30 August 1901 Letter A.H. Parnall (Sec. New York & Brooklyn Syndicate Ltd) to Grey.
12 August 1901 Letter Parnall to Grey (2 letters).
21 June 1901 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey.
11 June 1901 Copy Grey to M. Frewen.
31 May 1901 Letter Sir Douglas Fox to Grey.
10 June 1901 Letter J. Covey Williams to M.M. Fletcher.
8 June 1901 Copy Fletcher to Williams' Agency.
8 June 1901 Copy Fletcher to A.H. Parnall.
28 March, 4 June 1901 Copies Fletcher to A.H. Parnall.
27 March (2), 3 June 1901 Notes Parnall to Grey.
22 February 1901 Copy Grey to Frewen.
22 February 1901 Copy Grey to H.P. Mostyne.
8 February 1901 Letter Newton C. Ogle to Grey.
1901 The New York and Brooklyn Syndicate Limited. Notice of 1st general meeting and report of directors.
Copies of the following:
5 June 1901 W.Bourke Cockran to C.S. Drummond, giving opinion on the right of the New York and Brooklyn Railway Co. to construct a tunnel railway connecting the Borough of Brooklyn with Manhattan.
11 June 1901 Edward Lauterbach to Sir C. Rivers, on legal status of proposed tunnel.
11 June 1901 Extract of letter L.D. Ross to C.S. Drummond.
3 June 1901 Copy cable Judge H.G. Bond to L.D. Ross.
3 June 1901 Copy certificate of William Dennon contractor carrying out the work on the above railway.
25 June 1901 Copy letter ... to C.S. Drummond.
1 June 1901 Copy agreement between (1) the International Power Co. of New Jersey; (2) International Power Co. of G.B.; (3) Joseph H. Hoadley and Joseph Leiter; (4) C.S. Drummond.
5 January 1904 Letter Lacey Downes (Chartered Secretary, London) to Grey. Enclosing:
30 December 1903 The New York and Brooklyn Syndicate Limited: minutes of 3rd ordinary general meeting of shareholders.
18 December 1903 Minutes of meeting of the board of directors.
29 December 1903 Letter J.R. Pakeman (solicitor) to Grey.
18 December 1903 The New York and Brooklyn Syndicate report of directors (printed copy), with balance sheet, 30 November 1903.
6 May 1903 Letter C.V. Underhill Jay to Grey, returning as useless an underwriting agreement in respect of the New York and Brooklyn Syndicate for $25,000 signed by Grey, 13 March 1901.
New York and Brooklyn Syndicate: Balance sheet 1901-3.
31 March 1904 Letter Lacey Downes to Grey.

Paper   1 file
Canadian Ore Concentration Limited
Reference: GRE/B265/7
Dates of creation: 1902-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

26 May 1902 Private proof copy: Prospectus Canadian Ore Concentration Limited.
25 August 1902 Copy letter A. Stanley Elemore to Hennen Jennings.
6 February 1903 Letter M.T. Wigham (Sec. Canadian Ore Concentration Ltd) to Oliver Williams.
28 May 1902, 7 April, 7, 15, 18 May, 30 July, 4 November 1903 Letters Ernest E. Sawyer to Grey. Enclosures:
(with letter of 28 May 1902) Underwriting Agreement form. (with letter of 7 April) 14, 21 February 1903 “The Concentration of Ores by Oil” by Walter McDermott. Reprint from Engineering and Mining Journal of New York.
4 April 1903 Press cutting from a Canadian paper on the New Concentrating Plant.
22 February 1904 Canadian Ore Concentration Limited. Report of proceedings of 2nd ordinary general meeting of shareholders.
9 May 1903 Copy letter Grey to Eckstein.
12 May 1903 Letter Lionel Phillips to Grey.

GRE/B265/8   1901-1903
21 February, 18 March 1901 Letters Gerald Williams to Grey. Letter of 18 March enclosing share transfer agreement.
Rough note by Grey, evidently concerning share holdings.
29 March 1901 Letter A.H. Parnall to Grey.
11 October 1901 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey.
Rough note by Grey of shareholders in a concern.
2 November .... Letter Sir James Kitson (1st Baron Airedale 1907) to Grey.
27 August 1901 Copy George Swinten to Drummond.
27 August 1901 Excerpt from letter Esler to C.S. Drummond.
29 August 1901 Letter A.H. Parnall to Grey.
29, 31 August 1901 Letters Drummond to Grey. Enclosure: (with letter 31 August) 22 August 1901 Copy letter Joseph Leiter to Drummond.
4 September 1901 Letter Drummond to Grey.
7 September 1901 Drummond to Grey.
11 September 1901 Extract from letter Esler to Drummond.
23, 25 September 1901 Copies Theodore Starrett to Esler.
25 September 1901 Letter A.H. Parnall to Grey. Enclosing: Statement showing Grey's position as to the amount he underwrote and the number of shares allotted to him in the New York and Brooklyn Syndicate.
27 September 1901 Copy Esler to Drummond.
5 October 1901 Copy cable Esler to Drummond.
30 September 1901 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey, and particulars of comparative costs of motor and horse buses and vans.
3 other copies and part of one copy of the above.
2 other copies dated 4 October 1901.
4 October 1901 Copy agreement between Francis Edward Baron and the Motor Haulage Co. Ltd.
12 August 1901 Copy agreement between Baron and the Brit. Electric Traction Co. Ltd.
17 October 1901 Letter A.H. Parnall to Grey. Enclosing: 8 October 1901 Copy letter Esler to Drummond and cable, 16 October 1901.
18 October 1901 Letter Drummond to Grey.
30 September 1901 Copy Drummond to Grey.
Paper on costs of motor and horse buses and vans (see above), with MS alterations and notes.
22 October 1901 Letter Henry A. Watson to Grey.
23 October 1901 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey, with note added as a PS by A.H. Parnall.
29 October 1901 Letter Drummond to Grey; with copy. Enclosure: List of suggested shareholders.
12, 14 November 1901 Letters C.S. Drummond to Grey.
17 December 1901 Extract of letter F.E. Esler to C.S. Hilton.
Duplicate typescript copies of the following letters:
21 December 1901 Grey to J.F. Jones, covering copy letter.
Sir A.M. Rendel to George S. Gibb with analysis of traffic on East India Railway for the first halves of the years 1871 and 1901.
31 December 1901 Letter E.M.L. Fagge (Sec. pro. tem. Pioneer Power Co. London) to Grey. Enclosing:
28 December 1901 Copy letter Fagge to Messrs Hoadley and Leitier and the International Power Co., New York.
28 December 1901 Copy letter A.H. Parnall to J.H. Hoadley.
6 June 1902 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey.
11 June 1902 Letter J. Covey Williams to Grey.
6 October 1902 Letter Hoadley to Grey.
Press cutting: “Power Statement is Unfavourable”.
1902 Copy agreement between the New York and Brooklyn Syndicate and C.S. Drummond.
23 December 1901 Letters C. Shirreff Hilton to Grey (2 letters).
12 December 1901 Draft letter the Pioneer Power Co. to the Secretary G.P.O., tender for carriage of mail between London-Redhill, London-Epping, London-Guildford by motor vans.
17 December 1901 Fair copy of above letter and tender.
30 September 1901 Copy letter C.S. Drummond to Grey and memo on relative costs of motor and horse vans and buses etc.
9 December 1901 Copy letter J.S. Critchley to the directors of the Pioneer Power Co., and tables of estimated costs of running a mail contract with the G.P.O.
Rough notes by Grey: questions for the G.P.O.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Sir George Murray of the G.P.O.
3, 16 January 1902 Letters Sir George Murray to Grey.
18 January 1901 [1902?] Letter Fagge to Grey. Enclosing:
18 January 1901 [1902?] Copy letter Fagge to W. Roche (Assist. Sec. G.P.O.).
13 January 1902 Copy resolution of the directors of the Pioneer Power Co.
21 January 1902 Memorandum for Grey (2 copies).
18 January 1902 Copy letter [Fagge?] to Sir G.S. Gibb.
12 March 1902 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey, and an account.
30 June 1902 Copy letter F.B. Esler to the New York and Brooklyn Syndicate.
1 July 1902 Copy letter F.B. Esler to C.S. Drummond.
1 July 1902 Copy letter Drummond to Esler.
26 July [1902] Copy letter Grey to Drummond.
August 1902 Copy agreement: The Contact Co. New York and C.S. Drummond.
August 1902 Copy agreement: (1) The Manhattan Transit Co. and (2) the American Machine and Ordnance Co. and (3) the Contract Co.
August 1902 Copy agreement between (1) and (2) parties of the above.
August 1902 Copy agreement between (1) and (3) parties of the above [with MS notes].
1 August 1902 Copy agreement between: (1) The International Power Co. Ltd. (London). (2) The International Power Co. Ltd. (New Jersey). (3) Joseph Hinson Hoadley of New York, manufacturer. (4) Joseph Leiter of Chicago, merchant. (5) C.S. Drummond. (6) Pionner Power Co. (London).
1902 Copy agreement between (1) the International Power Co. and (2) The Pioneer Power Co.
Copy memorandum on the capital and costs of working motor traction as compared with horse traction, with statistics. Addressed to the directors of the English Power Co.
1902 Proof copy: The English Power Co. Ltd. Prospectus.
22 August 1902 Copy letter C.S. Drummond to the Earl of Kintore.
19 August 1902 Letter Scott Lings to Grey. Enclosing: 19 August 1902 Copy letter Scott Lings to Meldrum.
19 August 1902 Letter R.R. Meldrum to Grey. Enclosing: Copy telegram Scott Lings to Meldrum.
18 August 1902 Copy letter E. Garcke (Managing Director B.E.T.) to Meldrum.
18 August 1902 Letter Fagge to Grey.
26 August 1902 Letter Frederick B. Esler to Frewen.
30 August 1902 Letter Scott Lings to Grey.
30 August 1902 Copy Grey to Drummond.
11 September 1902 Letter R.R. Meldrum to Grey. Enclosing: Draft of proposed letter from the Pioneer Power Co. of London to the International Power Co., New York.
11 September 1902 Letter Meldrum to Grey. Enclosing: 10 September 1902 Draft minutes of meeting of directors of the Pioneer Power Co.
25 April 1902 Copy letter Charles H. Dade (Sec. B. Electric Traction Co. Ltd.) to the Sec. The Pioneer Power Co. of London Ltd.
18 July 1902 Copy terms made with Mr F.E. Baron.
29 July [1902] The Pioneer Power Co.: Minutes of meeting.
30 July [1902] The Pioneer Power Co.: Minutes of adjourned meeting of directors.
10 August 1902 Letter C. Shirreff Hilton to Grey.
[c.13 May 1902] Copy telegram Scott Lings to Grey.
13 August 1902 Letter Scott Lings to Grey.
14 August 1902 Copy Sydney Morse to R.R. Meldrum (2 letters).
Draft of proposed letter from the Pioneer Power Co. to the British Electric Traction Co. Ltd.
Copy letter B.E.T. Co. to Meldrum.
30 July [1902] Copy of the draft proposed arrangement ... approved by Mr Garcke.
Copy telegram Grey to Scott Lings.
Telegram Scott Lings to Grey.
18 August 1902 Copy E. Garcke to Meldrum.
n.d. Copy Sydney Morse to [Meldrum].
18 [July] 1902 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey.
19 August 1902 Copy letter Scott Lings to R.R. Meldrum.
18 July 1902 Copy terms arranged with Mr Baron.
20, 21 August 1902 Letters Meldrum to Grey. Letter of 21 August enclosing copy letter Sydney Morse to Meldrum, n.d.
21 August 1902 Letter Meldrum to Grey.
25 August 1902 Copy Grey to Sir Charles Rivers Wilson.
25 August 1902 Letter Scott Lings to Grey.
26 August 1902 Copy letter [Meldrum] to Emile Garcke.
28 August 1902 Copy letter Garcke to Meldrum.
28, 29 August 1902 Letters Sir C. Rivers Wilson to Grey.
29 August 1902 Letter R.R. Meldrum to Grey.
n.d. Telegram Scott Lings to Grey.
30 August Telegram Meldrum to Grey.
30 August 1902 Copy telegram Grey to Meldrum.
30 August 1902 Copy letter Grey to C. Shirreff Hilton.
Pages from the Automotor Journal with particulars of a steam lorry.
19 September 1902 Copy Grey to C.S. Drummond.
Particulars of transactions involving the Pioneer Power Co., and British Power Co., and the International Power Co.
Typescript paper endorsed “Memo for Lord Grey - Tubes” (concerns the Brooklyn Railroad Co. and shares).
7 February 1903 Letter C. Rivers Wilson to Grey.
9, 10 February 1903 Letters Joseph Hoadley to Grey.
4 March 1903 Copy Grey to Meldrum.
18 March 1903 Copy Grey to H. Phillips.
Cutting from a newspaper: Electric Traction on Railways.
Postscript of a letter from Sir Charles Rivers Wilson.
24 April 1903 Letter C.S. Drummond to Grey, enclosing certificate for 5 shares in the Manhattan Transit Co.
Notes and calculations by Grey concerning the New York and Brooklyn Railway Syndicate.

Paper   1 file
Reference: GRE/B266/1
Dates of creation: 1903-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

16 July 1904 Copy of The American Syren and Shipping with [marked] article on the opportunities of trade between America and South Africa in consequence of advantageous freight rates from New York.
6 August 1904 Cutting of letter Grey to The Times quoting extracts from the above article.
8 August 1904 Cutting of article in the Yorkshire Daily Post, commenting on Grey's letter and the situation he complained of.
8 August 1904 MS paper: “Rates of Freight paid by the British South Africa Company and their Railways Prior and Subsequent to Competition”.
Cuttings from the British and South African Export Gazette, one with criticism of Grey's statements in the House of Lords about shipping freights.
Typescript paper: “Extract from Mr Cotsworth's memorandum” - statistics of imports by South Africa from various countries 1894, 1903; South African rail freight rates and “all round or through rates” from Liverpool.
20, 25 July 1904 2 letters N.? Corder to Grey. Enclosure: (in letter of 20 July) Copy of part of the following item: 27 June 1904 Copy letter W.J. Corder to Messrs George Gale & Sons, Birmingham.
[20 July 1904] Copy cable W.J. Corder and others to Grey.
Typescript note concerning the Prince Line and the Conference Line; and the cargo of the “Aros Castle” indicating the proportion of American goods finding a place in the South African market.
[Part of a speech] concerning freight rates from England to South Africa.
Typescript table: Comparison of prices paid for rails by Pauling & Co., Rhodesia Railways, and Crown Agents, 1895-1903.
22 June 1903 “Memorandum for Lord Grey”, evidently from Pauling & Co. Ltd. concerning prices paid for railway materials for the Uganda Railway.
White Paper: Return giving dates of purchase and prices paid for rails, sleepers, girders, locomotives, carriages and bridge work obtained for the construction and working of the Uganda Railway. Presented to the House of Lords, June 1903.
23 July 1904 Cutting from the Economist. Grey and freight rates to South Africa.
Typescript sheet: Statistics of American trade with British South Africa, with comments. 1901-3.
Pamphlet: Diplomatic and Consular Reports - Portugal. Trade of Chinde for the year 1903 (F.O. July 1904).
June 1904 The Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Journal. [Parts of an item on shipping freights to South Africa cut out].
Typescript papers: New York - Trade with British South Africa: total value of exports from New York 1901, 1902, 1903; total tonnage of all vessels cleared from New York to British South Africa (same years); total value of all exports from the USA to British Africa 1902-3, 1903-4.
Similar paper but with total of American trade with British South Africa added 1901-1903.
Parliamentary Debates: Proofs for correction - House of Lords, 12 July 1904 - South African freight question (question and speech by Grey). 2 copies.
Typescript memorandum on the Crown Agents and freight contracts for South Africa.
Press cuttings:
3 June 1904 The Yorkshire Post, the Colonial Office and South African shipping ring.
31 May 1904 The Daily News, as above.
Proof of paper to be read before the Colonial Section of the Society of Arts, 12 April 1904: “The Regeneration of South Africa”, by Ben. H. Morgan.

GRE/B266/2   1902-1904
Blue Book: Report from the Select Committee on Steamship Subsidies together with the proceedings of the Committee Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. Ordered to be printed 28 July 1902. [Parts cut out].
Typescript summary of parts of the above minutes of evidence to which the pieces cut out from the above book are attached.
15 July 1903 Printed paper: Shipping and our fiscal policy (letter from George Renwick MP to Mr Welford, Chairman of the North of England Steam Shipowners' Association).
White Paper: Suez Canal. Returns of shipping and tonnage: 1901, 1902 & 1903, presented to both Houses ... May 1904.
9 May 1904 Merchant Shipping Bill [H.L.]. Amendments to be moved in Committee by Lord Ellenborough and Lord Muskerry.
9 May 1904 Street Betting Bill [H.L.]. Amendments to be moved in Committee by Lord Belper.
1903 Press cuttings: North of England Steamship Owners' Association Dinner, Coastal Lighting and Light dues.
1904 Tonnage remeasurement of foreign ships in British ports.
Typescript notes on the difficulties of British shipping and the advantages gained by foreign shipping as expressed by Sir Robert Giffin, Leyland, Renwick MP, Pirrie and Messrs Adams.
MS notes by Grey (from a book?) on the importance of developing the mineral resources of the Empire. [The cover of these notes is a page from Agenda for a meeting of the British South Africa Co. to be held on 25 November 1903. On it are some rough notes by Grey re shipping].
Rough notes by Grey of remarks by various shipowners (and one MP) on their grievances and the danger that faced British shipping. [These notes are written on the back of duplicated typescript British South Africa Co. document including]:
12 January 1904 End of a report by H. Marshall Hole on Barotse native police.
12 January 1904 Part of a report by Major C.L.D. Monro, acting commander of the Barotse native police, on the said force.
6 November 1903 Part of a report by H.T. Harrington (Civil & Native Commissioner Luapula District N.E. Rhodesia) on the Belgian officials in East Congo.
30 October 1903 Letter Sir Eric Barrington of the F.O. to J.F. Jones, requesting information on the state of affairs in the Congo.
23 October 1903 Letter H.H. Castens (Chief Sec. Salisbury) to the Joint Manager & Sec. B.S.A. Co. London [J.F. Jones], giving list of despatches to the High Commissioner with note of contents.
12 October 1903 Letter Arthur Lawley (High Commissioner) to the Resident Commissioner, Salisbury. Epitome of Cattle Inspectors' returns for September 1903 (dated Salisbury 23 October 1903).
11 May 1903 Copy cablegram B.S.A. Co. to R.T. Coryndon, housing of officials.
6 March 1903 Letter Coryndon to Secretary B.S.A. Co. (London), housing of officials.

Paper   1 file
Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland's relief fund (Boer War military families)
Reference: GRE/B267/1
Dates of creation: 1899-1901
Extent: 1 filePaper

Letters concerning the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland's fund for the relief of families of men serving in the Boer War.
11 November 1899 Letter George D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
13 November 1899 Revd. Frank Long (Lucker Vicarage, Belford) to Grey.
14 November 1899 George Lunn & R.M. Sutton (Joint Hon. Secs. Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists' Fund) to Grey.
14 November 1899 Revd. William Alan Rutherford (Vicar of Alston) to Grey.
14 November 1899 H.B. Hans Hamilton to Grey.
14 November 1899 G.S. Smart (Brewers, Alnwick) to Grey.
14 November 1899 William Hodgson (Chairman Rochester Parish Council) to Grey.
14 November 1899 Copy letter Grey to Mr Watson Askew.
14 November 1899 Receipt G.D. Atkinson Clark for £105 from Grey.
14 November 1899 William Hornsby (Clerk of Hartley Parish Council) to Grey.
14 November 1899 Arthur Wood to Grey.
14 November 1899 J.? Ritson to Grey.
15 November 1899 Henry Ayling to Grey.
15 November 1899 A.J. Knapton to Grey.
15 November 1899 W.? Walton to Grey.
15 November 1899 John A. Anderson (Brewers, Morpeth) to Grey.
15 November 1899 Letter A.E. McVay or McNay to Grey.
15 November 1899 Revd. Osmund Stock (St Mary's Vicarage, Blyth) to Grey.
n.d. Laura Riddell to Grey.
15 November 1899 G.E. Middleton (Sec. Mickley Association Football Club) to Grey.
15 November 1899 Mackay & Bell (Wine & Spirit Merchants, Newcastle) to Grey.
16 November 1899 (Rev.) Charles Gandy (Minister of Catholic Apostolic Church, Gloucester Street, Newcastle) to Grey.
16 November 1899 R.R. Hedley to Grey.
16 November 1899 Revd. R.J. Pearce (Vicar, Bedlington) to Grey.
16 November 1899 James B. Wright (Chief Constable, Newcastle) to Grey.
16 November 1899 John Andrew Ridley (Station Master, Angerton) to Grey.
16 November 1899 Robert E. Balmbra (Station Master, Mindrum, Northumberland) to Grey.
16 November 1899 B.P. Selby to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
16 November 1899 Lilias Hilda Geils Noble to Grey.
16 November 1899 Alfred E. Carr (Sec. Union Club, Newcastle) to Grey.
16 November 1899 Jo. Archer (of Alnwick) to Grey.
16 November 1899 James Treble to Grey.
16 November 1899 G. Hindle to Grey.
17 November 1899 Revd. Dixon Brown to Grey.
17 November 1899 John Wolfe (Master at Thornton School, Berwick) to Grey.
17 November 1899 Henry P. Irving (Schoolmaster, Horsley, Wylam) to Grey.
17 November 1899 Revd. Joseph Albert Whitelock (Rector of Meldon, Northumberland) to Grey.
17 November 1899 Henry Holmes to Grey.
17 November 1899 W.A. Watson Armstrong to Grey.
17 November 1899 Arthur Borrell (Master, South Charlton School) to Grey.
17 November 1899 Alexander Hume Les[s]lie (Station Master, Bellingham) to Grey.
17 November 1899 Revd. William Lyall Holland (Vicar of Cornhill, Northumberland) to Grey.
17 November 1899 Ridley Nevin (Chairman of Allendale? Parish Council) to Grey.
18 November 1899 George Simpson (Morpeth Station) to Grey.
18 November 1899 Revd. William Nall (Vicar of Alnham, Northumberland) to Grey.
18 November 1899 William Johnson (Lt. Col. o/c Tyne Div. Sus. M? R.E.C.) to Grey.
18 November 1899 William Chater (Sec. North Shields Industrial Soc.) to Grey.
18 November 1899 James Weatherby (?) (Sec. Mickley Lodge, Northumberland Miners' Assoc.) to Grey.
18 November 1899 James Aitchison (Station Masters, Fourstones, Northumberland) to Grey.
18 November 1899 J.H. Gilbertson (Chairman, Newcastle upon Tyne Co-op. Soc., Newgate Street) to Grey.
18 November 1899 Lady Anne Jerningham. 18 November 1899 John de Camborne Paynter to Grey.
18 November 1899 Father George Edward Howe (R.C. priest Tynemouth) to Grey.
18 November 1899 Adam Douglas (Superintendent Registrar, Belford Union) to Grey.
18 November 1899 W.T. Thorp to Grey.
18 November 1899 Revd. James Westwater (Presbyterian Min. Blyth) to Grey.
18 November 1899 Elizabeth & Sarah Morpeth (Ld Crewe Arms Hotel, Bamburgh) to Grey.
18 November 1899 Joseph Singleton to Grey.
19 November 1899 H.B. Hans Hamilton to Grey.
20 November 1899 Revd. Henry Barnett Harper (Rector of Falstone, Northumberland) to G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
20 November 1899 John Batey (Sec. Northumberland Colliery Mechanics' Mutual Protection Assoc.) to Grey.
20 November 1899 John J.K. Suddes (Clerk, Wooler Parish Council) to Grey.
20 November 1899 E. Stanley Lee (Montagu Colliery, Scotswood) to Grey.
20 November 1899 S. Morton (Sec. Workmen of E. Holywell Colliery) to Grey.
20 November 1899 William Lathy (?) (Grocer, Bedlington) to Grey.
20 November 1899 John Armstrong (Station Master, Hepscott) to Grey.
20 November 1899 E.F. Reed (Shiremoor) to Grey.
20 November 1899 Sec. Shotley Bridge Co-op. Soc. (postcard) to Grey.
21 November 1899 William J. Skipsey (Headmaster, Plessy Road Board School, Blyth) to Grey.
21 November 1899 John Hall (Christon Bank Station) to Grey.
21 November 1899 W.J. Forster (Widdrington Colliery School) to Grey.
22 November 1899 J.H. Thompson (Bardon Mill Station) to Grey.
22 November 1899 J.J. Nicholson (Ashington Branch, Northumberland Miners' Assoc.) to Grey.
22 November 1899 Miss Jane Dinning (Schoolmistress, Simonburn) to Grey.
22 November 1899 Charles Smith (Walker Co-op. Soc.) to Grey.
22 November 1899 Alexander Fleming (Master, Murton Board School) to Grey.
22 November 1899 J. Guthrie, Smeafield to Grey.
22 November 1899 Robert Parnaby (Master Ordley School, Hexham) to Grey.
22 November 1899 T. Forrest (of Cowpen Colliery) to Grey.
22 November 1899 S. Phipps (Waverley Temp. Hotel, Bellingham) to Grey.
22 November 1899 John Peacock (Master, Nat. School Tweedmouth) to G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
22 November 1899 T. Taylor (Sec. Seaton Burn Branch of Northumberland Colliery Mechanics' Mutual Protection Assoc.) to Grey.
23 November 1899 Robert Wardle (Sec. Conservative Club, Prudhoe) to Grey.
23 November 1899 J. Bramley (Chairman Parish Council, Holy Island) to Grey.
23 November 1899 Revd. John Miller (Manse, Belford) to Grey.
23 November 1899 H.R. Turner (Low Walker Branch Nat. Amalgamated Union of Labour) to Grey.
24 November 1899 T.G. Hogg (Manager Radcliffe Co-op Soc.) to Grey.
24 November 1899 Revd. Francis Henry Waller (Curate in Charge Humshaugh) to Grey.
24 November 1899 F. Haynes (Master Holy Trinity Nat. School, North Shields) to Grey.
24 November 1899 R.D. Swann (Master Scotswood Road Board School) to Grey.
24 November 1899 Amy Louisa Blackett-Ord to Grey.
n.d. J.R. Harrison (School House, Ingoe, Matfen) to Grey.
24 November 1899 John W.W. Pearson (Master, Ancroft School) to Grey.
n.d. Alex Davidson (Chairman Ord Parish Council) to Grey.
25 November 1899 Revd. John Lightfoot (Vicar Scremerston, Berwick) to Grey.
25 November 1899 John E. Doubleday (Wesleyan Minister) to Grey.
27 November 1899 William Fairclough (Sec. Northumberland Miners' Association, Walker Colliery Branch) to Grey.
27 November 1899 Thomas Arnott (Northumberland Colliery Enginemen & Firemen's Mutual Protection Assoc. & Friendly Soc.) to Grey.
27 November 1899 L. Scott (Mindrum School) to Grey.
27 November 1899 R.C. Hall (Hexham) to Grey.
27 November 1899 M. Pickering (Minister in Charge, Bedlington Prim. Methodist Church) to Grey.
27 November 1899 M. Dinsdale (?) (Amalg. Soc. Railway Servants, Alnwick Branch) to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
28 November 1899 R. Hall (Cornhill School House) to Grey.
28 November 1899 George Stewart (Berwick) to Grey.
28 November 1899 John Riddell (Branch Sec. (Tynemouth) Amalg. Soc. Railway Servants) to Grey.
29 November 1899 S. Holliday (Station Master, Central Station, Newcastle) to Grey.
29 November 1899 J.R. Coulson (Sec. Backworth Co-op. Soc.) to Grey.
29 November 1899 Charles Richardson (Boiler Makers & Iron & Steel Ship Builders) to Grey.
30 November 1899 J. Butterworth (Gen. Sec. Nat. Soc. of Drillers & Hole Cutters) to Grey.
28 December 1899 Thomas Embleton (Chairman Horncliffe Parish Council) to Grey.
5 January 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to J. Mansfield.
6 January 1900 Letter Maud Terry to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
7 January 1900 Copy letter Atkinson Clark to Mrs Terry.
13 January 1900 Revd. William Williams (Vicar St Peter, Allendale) to Grey.
15 January 1900 John Allan (Chairman Norham Parish Council) to Grey.
16 January 1900 J. Hills (Clerk to Ford Parish Council) to Grey.
21 January 1900 A.J. Browne (Sec. Nat. Union Shop Assistants, Warehousemen & Clerks, Newcastle Branch) to Grey.
28 January 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Mr Fletcher to Grey.
3 February 1900 William Bewick, JP to Grey.
6 February 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Mr Fletcher.
15 February 1900 George Lunn & R.M. Sutton (Hon. Joint Secretaries Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists' Fund) to R. Fletcher [should be M.M. Fletcher].
14 February 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Mr Fletcher.
Blank forms: Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists' Fund: Visitor's Report.
Blank forms: Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists' Fund: Visitor's Report (Militia Section).
1 March 1900 R.M. Sutton (Joint Hon. Sec. Northumberland and Tyneside Reservists' Fund) to Grey.
13 April 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
14, 27 April, 8 May 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark. (Not to Grey).
29 June 1900 - 4 August 1900 4 letters G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
8 August 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark. (Not to Grey).
29 September 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
7 November 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark. (Not to Grey).
9 November 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Mansfield.
13 December 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
17 December 1900 Charles Mat. Forster (of the Newcastle Steamship Co. Ltd.) to Atkinson Clark.
25 December 1900 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
1 December 1899 W.P. Armstrong (Northern United Enginemen's Assoc.) to Grey.
5 December 1899 T.M. Sturges (Clerk Longbenton U.D. School Board) to Grey.
7 December 1899 J.C. Wallace (Nat. Amalg. Union of Labour) to Grey.
9 December 1899 Fred. William Langton (Vicar, Ponteland) to Grey.
12 December 1899 Edward Davidson to Grey.
15 December 1899 Aaron Watson (Newcastle Daily Leader & Northern Weekly Leader) to Atkinson Clark.
18 December 1899 George Robertson (Embleton South Farm) to Grey.
19 December 1899 Robert Heir (Station Master, Scremerston) to Grey.
19 December 1899 Editor Newcastle Daily Chronicle to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
23 December 1899 G.D. Atkinson Clark to ...
27 December 1899 G.D. Atkinson Clark to 5th Earl Grey (Lord Howick).
2 May 1900 Copy returns from the War Office:
Return showing number of volunteers serving on 1 November 1899 in Northumberland.
Return showing number of volunteers serving on 1 November 1899 in Berwick-on-Tweed.
Return showing number of volunteers serving on 1 November 1899 in Newcastle.
22 June 1900 Letter William M. Agnus (O/C 1st Newcastle-on-Tyne Artillery Volunteers) to Grey.
13 September 1900 Letter Charles Matt. Forster to Grey.
Tyneside Reservists Fund: Subscriptions etc.received 16 October 1899 - 27 August 1900.
4 January 1900 Letter G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
5 January 1901 Letter Charles Matt. Forster to Grey.
7 January 1901 Letter Charles Matt. Forster to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
8 January 1901 Letter G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
Account of amounts received from various sources up to 5 January 1901.
Account of amounts contributed by Collieries, etc., to Grey's Fund.
10 January 1901 Letter Atkinson Clark to Grey.
15 January 1901 Copy letter M.M. Fletcher (for Grey) to Col. John Cookson.
15 January 1901 Anthony Marshall to Grey.
17 January 1901 Copy Grey to Atkinson Clark.
16 January 1901 John Henry Burn (of Beaconsfield, Cullercoats) to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
23 January 1901 Copy Grey to John Henry Burn.
23 January 1901 Copy [Fletcher?] to James G. Macaskie.
23 January 1901 Copy Fletcher to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
24 January 1901 Postcard G.D. Atkinson Clark to M.M. Fletcher.
28 January 1901 Copy Grey to George Richardson [Neptune Works, Newcastle].
27 January 1901 Copy Grey to C.D. Forster.
c.28 January 1901 Note initialled G.D.A.C. [Atkinson Clark] concerning a subscriber to Grey's fund.
22 January 1901 Letter W.T. Thorp to Atkinson Clark.
31 January 1901 Letter Atkinson Clark to Grey.
22 March 1901 Copy [Fletcher?] to R. Smith (Co-op. Cabinet Makers Ltd.).
22 March 1901 Copy [Fletcher] to Atkinson Clark.
24 March 1901 Letter Atkinson Clark [to Fletcher].
18 April 1901 Copy [Fletcher] to H. Dunn (Low Lights Tavern, North Shields).
18 April 1901 Copy [Fletcher] to Atkinson Clark.
20, 24 April 1901 Letters Atkinson Clark to Fletcher.
15, 26 August 1901 Letters Charles Matt. Forster to Grey.
28 August 1901 Copy Grey to C.M. Forster.
14 October 1901 Rough state of the Lord Lieutenant's Relief Fund.
14 October 1901 Note of the sum standing to the credit of the above fund at the Belford Branch of the N.E. Banking Co. Signed J. Brand, Manager.
15 October 1901 Letter Atkinson Clark to Fletcher.
Another state of the Lord Lieutenant's Relief Fund.
9, 13, 17 October 1901 Letters Atkinson Clark to Fletcher.
15 October 1901 Printed statement: Lord Lieutenant's Relief Fund: 8th list.
30 October 1901 Copy Grey to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
31 October 1901 Atkinson Clark to Grey.

GRE/B267/2   1899-1901
30 April 1901 Circular: Central Council for Organisation of War Relief Funds.
2 April 1901 Report and recommendations adopted at a meeting of the [above] Council.
1 January 1901 Circular George [later Prince of Wales] (President Royal Commission of the Patriotic Fund) to Grey.
Northumberland Branch of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association: Resolutions and Minutes of meeting held 13 November 1899.
Notes of classes of persons to be applied to for contribution [written on a piece of C.D. Forster's notepaper].
List of persons who had joined [Grey's?] committee.
Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists' Fund: Blank weekly payment card.
Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists' Fund: Blank weekly payment card (Militia Section).
Printed paper: The Soldiers' & Sailors' Families Assoc.
Printed paper: War in the Transvaal: The Northumberland Artillery (W.D.R.A.) Fund for the Wives and Families of the Northumberland Reservists and Militia.
November 1899 5 copies printed circular letter from Grey as Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland, concerning the collection of funds on behalf of the wives and families of the Northumberland Fusiliers sent to South Africa and of the reservists and militia who had been called up.
County of Northumberland, the Lord Lieutenant's Relief Fund: Printed subscription lists:
1st list (press cuttings) to 11 December 1899, 3 copies.
2nd list (printed) to 31 January 1900, 6 copies.
3rd list (printed) to 14 March 1900, 6 copies.
4th list (printed) to 28 May 1900, 1 copy.
6th list (printed) to 31 December 1900, 5 copies.
7th list (printed) to 30 March 1901, 6 copies.
8th list (printed) to 15 October 1901, 4 copies.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B267/3   October-December 1899
Letters to Grey from the following:
16 October 1899 Edward Joicey.
3 November 1899 Ralph Renwick.
10 November 1899 James E. Woods (Director of Barclays & Co. Bank).
11 November 1899 Sir Edward Grey.
11 November 1899 Lord Algernon Malcolm Arthur Percy (2nd s. of, 6 Duke of Northumberland) [with note by Grey on back].
12 November 1899 Oswin Bell.
12 November 1899 Charles L. Bell.
12 November 1899 William Lisle B. Coulson.
12 November 1899 John Liddell.
12 November 1899 T. Tate.
12 November 1899 J.H. Nicholson.
12 November 1899 W. Boyd (North House, Longbenton).
12 November 1899 John W.B. Riddell.
13 November 1899 Revd. D. Dixon Brown.
13 November 1899 Watson Askew-Robertson (Chairman Northumberland Q.S., Deputy Lieutenant).
13 November 1899 James Earnshaw (Amble, JP).
13 November 1899 George Grey Butler.
13 November 1899 James Laing.
14 November 1899 Revd. Morris Piddocke (Vicar Kirknewton).
14 November 1899 George Anderson (Little Harle Tower).
14 November 1899 C.E. Harris (Senior Curate Christ Church North Shields).
14 November 1899 Henry Palin Gurney.
14 November 1899 [Note to G.D. Atkinson Clark on behalf of Robert Newton (Brewer) Newcastle].
14 November 1899 Revd. W.M. O'Brady-Jones (Vicar, St Luke's, Wallsend).
14 November 1899 Revd. Herbert Bott (St Andrew's Vicarage, Newcastle).
14 November 1899 Revd. James Henderson (The Rectory, Wallsend).
14 November 1899 Revd. D. Ewart Johnstone (St George's Vicarage, Cullercoats).
14 November 1899 Revd. W.T. Thorp (Charlton Hall, Chathill).
14 November 1899 Revd. E. Williams (Rennington Vicarage, Alnwick).
14 November 1899 G.G. Rea (Middleton, Wooler).
14 November 1899 Revd. A.A. Edmundson (Lesbury Vicarage).
14 November 1899 Revd. Abraham Gooderham (Vicar, Chillingham).
14 November 1899 Sir George Hare Philosopher M.D.
14 November 1899 George Hope Waddilove.
14 November 1899 Henry H. Scott (Hipsburn, Lesbury).
14 November 1899 J. Cromie (Blyth).
14 November 1899 John M. Winter (Chartered Accountant, Newcastle).
14 November 1899 Canon William Robert Finch (Vicar of Chatton).
14 November 1899 Fr. Edward J. Roberts (St Mary's Alnwick).
14 November 1899 Thomas Ord (Thropton).
14 November 1899 John Tate (Alnwick).
14 November 1899 W.B. Wilkinson.
14 November 1899 Ven. George Hans Hamilton (Archdeacon, Northumberland).
14 November 1899 R.F. Matthews (Harehope Hall, Alnwick).
14 November 1899 William Hindmarsh.
14 November 1899 Revd. J.H. Mandell (Haydon Bridge Vicarage).
14 November 1899 Thomas G. Reed (Pastor, Sailors' Bethel, Newcastle).
14 November 1899 H.O. Annett (Auctioneer & Valuer).
15 November 1899 F. Harley-Williams (Vicar, Lowick).
15 November 1899 Henry P.S. Orde (Shorestone Hall, Chathill) to Atkinson Clark.
15 November 1899 John Snowball (Chairman Chevington West Parish Council).
15 November 1899 Revd. W.A. M'Gonigle (Ellingham Vicarage).
15 November 1899 Postcard: R. Gwynfun Hughes (St Paul's Congreg. Church, Newcastle).
15 November 1899 R. Irvin.
15 November 1899 Revd. Thomas Horsfall (Vicar, Cresswell).
15 November 1899 J. Baxter Ellis (of John Hindhaugh & Co.).
15 November 1899 Revd. Thomas Stenhouse (Curate in Charge of Bywell St Peter).
15 November 1899 Rob. Waddell (Col. Comdg. 1st Vol. Bat. Northumb. Fusiliers).
15 November 1899 Revd. Jervon James Muschamp Perry (Vicar St Paul's Alnwick).
15 November 1899 Revd. Wilfrid B. Hornby (Chollerton Vicarage).
15 November 1899 Thomas William Wilkinson R.C. Bishop of Hexham & Newcastle.
15 November 1899 Revd. J.C. Dunn (Blanchland Village).
15 November 1899 Revd. J.H. Usher (Cambois Vicarage).
15 November 1899 Revd. William George Pringle (Curate Warkworth Parish).
15 November 1899 Watson Askew-Robertson to Grey.
15 November 1899 Rt. Rev. Edgar Jacob Bishop of Newcastle.
15 November 1899 William Bramble to G.D. Atkinson Clark.
15 November 1899 Revd. W.H. Connor (Vicarage, Alnwick).
15 November 1899 J.W. Fall. n.d. William Spicer (Chairman of Whitley & Monkseaton U.D.C.).
15 November 1899 Postcard [no signature, from Wallsend U.M.F.C. Schools].
15 November 1899 Revd. D. Bryson (Vicar Holy Island).
15 November 1899 James Bramley (Chairman Parish Council, Holy Island).
15 November 1899 Henry L. Pettigrew (Proprietor, The Hotel, Broomhill).
15 November 1899 Thomas Dodds (schoolmaster, Longhoughton) to J.H. Mansfield.
15 November 1899 John Daglish.
16 November 1899 R.B. Nightingale (Wes. Methodist Min. Haltwhistle).
16 November 1899 J.R. Carr Ellison to Atkinson Clark.
16 November 1899 W.J. Morrison (Shaftoe Schools, Haydon Bridge).
16 November 1899 Fr. Edmund Buckler (St Dominic's, Newcastle) to Atkinson Clark.
16 November 1899 W.E. Flint (Master at Lilburn Tower School, Alnwick) to Grey.
16 November 1899 Revd. James Fairbrother (Amble Vicarage).
16 November 1899 W. Bird (Station master, Ilderton).
16 November 1899 Matthew Johnson (Prim. Methodist Min. Blyth).
16 November 1899 Revd. Edward Arkless (Vicar, Eardson).
16 November 1899 John S. Thompson [N.E. Banking Co. Newcastle].
16 November 1899 John James Forster (Sheriff, Newcastle) to Grey.
16 November 1899 Revd. J. Toyn (Prim. Methodist Min. Amble).
16 November 1899 Thomas Robson (Chairman Birtley (Northumb.) Parish Council).
16 November 1899 M. Campbell (Presbyterian Min. Falstone).
16 November 1899 J. Walton (Riding House, Allendale).
16 November 1899 Revd. Ernest Richard Dawe (Vicar, Whorlton, Newburn on Tyne).
n.d. Thomas Hutchinson (Chairman Bamburgh Parish Council).
16 November 1899 Henry Lamb (Warkworth).
16 November 1899 Revd. J.C. Kershaw (Hartburn Vicarage).
16 November 1899 Part of a letter from St George's Vicarage, Newcastle.
16 November 1899 J. Brand [Bank, Belford].
16 November 1899 Revd. G.W. Jackson (Delaval Vicarage).
17 November 1899 Revd. J.F. Long [The Glebe, Bamburgh].
17 November 1899 Henry T. Stacey (Cheswick School, Beal).
Revd. J.B. Thorburn [The Manse, Widdrington].
17 November 1899 Revd. John Cochrane (Presbyterian Min. Whitley Bay).
Revd. Percy Lee (Birtley Vicarage, Wark).
17 November 1899 W.T. Cronan (Alnwick).
17 November 1899 W.H. Chesson (Alnwick).
17 November 1899 Revd. Richard Everand Thomas (Vicar Bolam).
17 November 1899 John Kennedy (Longhirst School).
17 November 1899 Revd. David Young (Min. of the Congreg. Church Morpeth).
17 November 1899 S. Turner (schoolhouse, Acklington).
17 November 1899 A. Field.
18 November 1899 Francis Bowes-Lyon [to Atkinson Clark].
18 November 1899 Revd. Robert O'Donelan Ross-Lewin (Rector of Wark).
18 November 1899 Revd. Charles B. Carr (Vicar of Long Framlington).
18 November 1899 William Laughton Leach (Headmaster C. of E. School, Wooler).
18 November 1899 David Young (schoolmaster Matfen).
20 November 1899 R. Hetherington (Miners' Sec. Broomhill Colliery).
20 November 1899 J. Nixon (Blyth).
20 November 1899 Thornton N. Trevelyan (Netherwitton).
20 November 1899 M. Pickering (Prim. Method. Min. Blyth).
20 November 1899 W. Gowthorpe (School-house, Long Horsley).
20 November 1899 J.C.J. Fenwick (Embleton Hall).
20 November 1899 Revd. P. Alison (The Manse, Great Bavington).
20 November 1899 J. Adamson (Nat. Amalg. Union of Labour, Gateshead).
19 November 1899 David Robertson to G.D. Atkinson Clark, with note by Atkinson Clark of reply.
20 November 1899 Revd. John Hughes (vicarage Howden Panns).
20 November 1899 Alex Bolton (Burradon Colliery).
20 November 1899 Henry F. Swan (of Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.).
20 November 1899 R. Nicholson (Solicitor, Morpeth).
21 November 1899 Revd. James M. Russell (Vicar Edlingham, Northumb.).
21 November 1899 Revd. Jesse Hickling Ison (Cur. Christ Church, Shieldfield, Newcastle).
21 November 1899 Revd. J. Crawford (The Manse, Bedlington).
21 November 1899 Charles G. Baldwin (The Clergy House, Alnwick).
21 November 1899 John Buckley (Plumber & lead burner, Elswick Gas Works).
21 November 1899 Revd. Thomas Stephens (Horsley vicarage).
21 November 1899 Bernard F.G. Mulcaster (Benwell Park).
22 November 1899 William George Pringle (Percy House, Warkworth).
22 November 1899 John Charlton (Choppington National School).
22 November 1899 Revd. T.P. Allan (Newcastle).
22 November 1899 Revd. Alexander M. MacPhee (The Vicarage, North Sunderland, Chathill).
23 November 1899 John Hills (S. Elswick Colliery).
23 November 1899 P. Peace (Blyth).
23 November 1899 Revd. William Rogerson (The Manse, Warkworth).
23 November 1899 John O'Hanlon (Driller, Wallsend).
24 November 1899 George E. Smith (Bigges Main National School, Wallsend).
24 November 1899 Revd. W.S. Herbert Wylie (Min. Presbyterian Church of England, Westmorland Road, Newcastle).
28 November 1899 J.W. Walton-Wilson (Shotley Hall).
24 November 1899 Charles Richardson (plater, Wallsend).
24 November 1899 Rev. J. Wilsden (Vicarage Wooler).
24 November 1899 Revd. Peter McVittie (Vicar Percy Main).
26 November 1899 William Ellis (Bothalhaugh, Morpeth).
26 November 1899 J.H. Ridley (Wellburn, Ovingham) to the Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant's Fund.
27 November 1899 J. Johnson (Sec. North Seaton Colliery).
27 November 1899 Revd. Joseph Golightly (Vicar Shilbottle).
27 November 1899 W.R. Henderson (W. Holywell, Backworth, Northumberland Colliery Enginemen's and Firemen's Mutual Protection Assoc.).
27 November 1899 Revd. G.R. Taylor (Vicar of Byker).
28 November 1899 Revd. John Oman (Alnwick).
29 November 1899 George Baird (Black Bull Inn Belford).
29 November 1899 Postcard Alfred J. Naylor (Pastor Congreg. Church Hexham).
1 December 1899 Roland Philipson (Tynemouth).
List of names and addresses of those who agreed to serve on the Lord Lieutenant's committee.

Paper   1 file
Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland's relief fund (Boer War military families)
Reference: GRE/B268
Dates of creation: 1899-1901
Extent: 1 boxPaper

9 November 1899 Note initialled by G.D. Atkinson Clark.
Letters to Atkinson Clark as Treasurer of the Lord Lieutenant's Fund.
13 November 1899 William L.B. Coulson.
13 November 1899 J.H. Nicholson (Cowpen Colliery Office).
n.d. Henry Liddell-Grainger (Ayton Castle).
13 November 1899 Thomas Hodgson Archer-Hind.
14 November 1899 Father Edward Walsh (St Columba's Wallsend).
14 November 1899 Hugh C. Armstrong (Tynemouth).
14 November 1899 Lawrence Morley Crossman.
14 November 1899 Thomas Gow.
15 November 1899 John Daglish.
15 November 1899 Revd. George Dover.
16 November 1899 Edward Joicey.
17 November 1899 Capt. J.J. Gillespie (1st Vol. Bat. Northum. Fusiliers).
17 November 1899 John Bolam?
17 November 1899 Edward J. Collinwood.
19 November 1899 Thomas H. Brown (School House, Norham).
R. Parnaby (Headmaster, Ordley School, Hexham).
Subscription list, Parish of Kirkharle.
20 November 1899 R.H. Winstanley (Sec. Wigham Richardson & Co., Neptune Works, Nr Newcastle) to Grey.
n.d. Mrs H. McKugie?
21 November 1899 W. Arthur (Haltwhistle Station).
21 November 1899 Note of amount of Bamburgh offertory.
21 November 1899 W.S. Craster.
22 November 1899 George Robertson (Embleton S. Farm).
22 November 1899 Revd. James Fairbrother (Amble Vicarage).
22 November 1899 Henry Richardson (Backworth).
22 November 1899 George Robertson (Embleton S. Farm) to Grey.
22 November 1899 Revd. William Keir (The Manse, Bellingham) to Grey.
22 November 1899 Revd. John Oman to Grey.
22 November 1899 Revd. J. Wagstaff (Whittonstall Rectory).
23 November 1899 W. Smiles (Mickley Colliery).
23 November 1899 George H. Waddilove.
24 November 1899 G. Anderson (Little Harle Tower).
24 November 1899 John Thompson (Manager Quayside Branch, N.E. Banking Co., Newcastle).
25 November 1899 William Graham (Headmaster Haltwhistle Board School).
25 November 1899 John Caisley.
25 November 1899 Revd. John Walton (Whalton Rectory).
27 November 1899 J.R. Chapman.
27 November 1899 F. Leak (Beadnall School House).
n.d. Mrs S. Ely (Queen's Head Hotel, Cullercoats).
27 November 1899 J.H. Nicholson.
27 November 1899 John B. McKenzie (Headmaster Elswick Road Board School).
27 November 1899 John Wolfe (Thornton School, Berwick).
27 November 1899 John H. Mansfield.
27 November 1899 Capt. James J. Gillespie (C. Co. 1st V. B.N.F.).
27 November 1899 John Thompson (N.E. Banking Co., Newcastle).
27 November 1899 John Hope Wallace.
27 November 1899 William D. Forster-Coull.
27 November 1899 Francis John Snowball (Seaton Burn House).
28 November 1899 Louis Ames.
28 November 1899 Luke Flint (School House, Eglingham).
Note concerning a donation from E. Co. 1st V. B.N.F.
28 [November?] 1899 John Charlton (Headmaster Nat. School, Choppington).
28 November 1899 George Reavell (D. Co. 1st V. B.N.F.).
29 November 1899 Revd. G.W. Jackson (Delaval Vicarage).
29 November 1899 John G. Hicks (Manager Barclays Bank, Alnwick).
29 November 1899 E. Dixon? (Capt. Com. E. Co. 1st. Vol. Bat. Northumb. Fus.).
29 November 1899 Joseph Elliott (Hon. Treasurer W. Sleekburn & Distr. Reservists' Fund).
30 November 1899 Garvin Dawson Lee (Cambois Co-op. Soc.).
30 November 1899 H. Holmes (Sec. Choppington Colliery) to Grey.
30 November 1899 Revd. Ambrose Jones (Stannington Vicarage).
30 November 1899 Maude Carr Ellison.
30 November 1899 Revd. Richard Procter (Longhirst Vicarage).
3 subscription lists: Parish of Eglingham.
Note concerning Rock township and the Lord Lieutenant's Fund.
1 December 1899 W.T. Thorp to Clark.
List of subscriptions collected by the Revd. R.W. Wilson, Shotley, and school children.
Subscription list [place unnamed but from Woolsington] on back of printed circular appeal for the Northumberland and Tyneside Reservists by the Mayor of Newcastle etc. Part of this subscription was paid to that fund before Grey's circular was received.
2 December 1899 Henry Nichols (Seghill Colliery).
4 December 1899 Revd. Robert Bee (Curate of Horton) to Grey.
4 December 1899 Revd. W. Nall (Alnham Vic.) to Clark.
4 December 1899 Revd. T.E. Crawhall (Newton Hall Rectory, Stocksfield) to Grey.
Note of some subscriptions received including ones from Radcliffe Colliery and Amble Parish.
Note concerning an anonymous donation of 1/-.
5 December 1899 George Rawling (Sec. to Felton Reservists' Fund Committee) to Clark.
5 December 1899 Revd. C.E. Osborne (Seghill Vicarage) to Grey.
5 December 1899 Note of subscription from St Stephen's Parochial School (through N.E. Bank, Elwick Branch).
5 December 1899 Capt. J.J. Gillespie to Clark.
5 December 1899 James Ewing (Sea Houses) to Clark.
5 December 1899 Edward F. Clark (Ovingham) to Atkinson Clark.
6 December 1899 W. Teasdale (Schoolhouse, Greenhead, Carlisle).
6 December 1899 Revd. J. Whitelock (Meldon Rectory) to Clark.
6 December [1899] Revd. H.B. Harper (Falstone Rectory) to Clark.
6 December 1899 John Crawford (Kielder Station) to Clark.
6 December 1899 W. Pratt (Schoolhouse, Seaton Sluice) to Clark.
7 December 1899 Note of subscriptions from Choppington and Bebside collieries.
8 December 1899 R.J. Carr (Free School, Morpeth) to Grey.
8 December 1899 Bernard Mulcaster to Clark.
8 December 1899 Capt. George Reavell to Clark.
8 December 1899 J. Bramley (Holy Island) to Clark.
9 December 1899 James Earnshaw (Hon. Secretary, Amble Division Reservists' Fund) to Grey.
9 December 1899 Thomas Taylor (Schoolhouse, Bebside) to Clark.
9 December 1899 Revd. Fred. William Langton (Vicar, Ponteland) to Clark.
10 December 1899 W[alter] J. Benson (Allerwash, Fairstones) to Clark.
10 December 1899 A.J. Browne (Sec. Newcastle Branch Nat. Union of Shop Assistants, etc) to Grey.
11 December 1899 Capt. J.J. Gillespie to Clark.
11 December 1899 C.H. Sample (Matfen) to Clark.
11 December 1899 J. Elliott (Hon. Treasurer, Sleekburn & District Reservists' Fund) to Clark.
11 December 1899 Mary D. Cooper (Mistress, Girls' School, Morpeth).
11 December 1899 Capt. J. Walton (F. Co. 1st V. B.N.F.).
11 December 1899 Notes of subscriptions received from Radcliffe Colliery, Amble Parish, etc.
11 December 1899 J.H. Nicholson (Blyth).
12 December 1899 John Sword? (Station Master, Hexham).
13 November 1899 Copy of Grey's circular addressed to Revd. C.J. Waters (N. Gosforth Vicarage), with note concerning offertories sent from the said parish).
12 December 1899 Capt. E. Dixon, E. Co. 1st Vol. Bat. N.F.
12 December 1899 James Ewing (Seahouses).
12 December 1899 Note of subscriptions received from Glanton, Ellingham and Lesbury.
12 December 1899 Edward George Price (Sugley Schools, Lemington).
12 December 1899 R.J. Carr (Free School, Morpeth) to Grey.
13 December 1899 William Kerr Jnr. (Manager Brigham & Co., Iron & Brass Founders, Willington Quay).
13 December 1899 Capt. J.J. Gillespie.
13 December 1899 Revd. J.C. Kershaw, Hartburn Vicarage.
13 December 1899 Capt. Alexander Steven (1st Vol. Bat. N.F. Berwick).
14 December 1899 William Sidney Prudhoe (Schoolmaster, Ovington).
14 December 1899 W.E. Flint (Lilburn Tower School, Alnwick).
14 December 1899 Letter Flint to Grey.
14 December 1899 John Kennedy (Longhirst School).
14 December 1899 B.J. Howey (Chollerton Parish Council).
14 December 1899 Charles L. Bell to Clark.
14 December 1899 J.C. McNeil (for G. Lunn & R.M. Sutton Joint Hon. Secs. Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists' Fund).
15 December 1899 William L.B. Coulson.
15 December 1899 Note of a subscription of 3/- from Mrs Ayre, Scotswood Road, Newcastle.
15 December 1899 Matthew Forster (Local Sec. Broomhill Colliery Mechanics' Association) to Grey.
15 December 1899 Capt. George Reavell.
16 December 1899 John Kennedy (Longhirst School).
16 December 1899 S. Thornton (Scotswood Road Board School).
12 December 1899 Charles B.P. Bosanquet.
18 December 1899 R.J. Aynsley (Estates Office, Gosforth).
18 December 1899 Father R. Collins (St Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle).
18 December 1899 R. Redpath (Newcastle Journal & Courant Offices).
18 December 1899 Robert Patteson (Earsdon Branch Northumberland Colliery Eng. & Firemen's Mutual Protection Association and Fr. Soc.).
18 December 1899 Henry Nichols (Seghill Colliery).
18 December 1899 M. Morgan (Seghill Colliery Mechanics).
n.d. Maude Carr Ellison.
18 December Bernard Mulcaster and subscription list for parish of Thorneyburn.
19 December 1899 Blanche E. Wilkinson (The Diamond, Ponteland).
19 December 1899 Elizabeth Davidson (Headmistress, Board School Spital Tongues, Newcastle).
19 December 1899 Edward J. Carroll (Henshaw School, Bardon Mill).
20 December 1899 R. Burrell (Church Schools, Haltwhistle).
20 December 1899 J. Craig (Allenheads School).
20 December 1899 Thomas Hedley (Headmaster, Colliery School, W. Framlington) to Grey.
20 December 1899 Revd. Robert Bee (Curate of Horton) to Grey.
20 December 1899 C.M. Forster.
21 December 1899 Note of subscription from Blyth Station.
J. Whitburn (Sec. Northern United Enginemen's Assoc.).
22 December 1899 James Walton (Sec. Bebside Coal Co. Newcastle).
23 December 1899 James Earnshaw to Grey.
23 December 1899 Henry Clarkson (Bebside Colliery Mechanics).
25 December 1899 Revd. H.B. Harper (Falstone Rectory).
n.d. James Wood (Schoolhouse, Holystone).
n.d. Jane Dinning (Mistress at Simonburn Nat. School).
26 December 1899 James Elliott (Yetlington).
26 December 1899 J.H. Nicholson (Cowpen Colliery).
27 December T.E. Jobling [per pro. J.M.] Bebside Coll.
27 December 1899 Joseph Elliott (W. Sleekburn).
27 December 1899 John Bell (Lilswood School, Hexhamshire).
27 December 1899 Joseph Harris (Schoolmaster, Prudhoe).
27 December 1899 E.W. Aungiers (Kenton).
28 December 1899 J. Eamens (Sec. Newcastle Branch Amalg. Slaters & Tilers of England and Ireland).
28 December 1899 Thomas Embleton (Chairman Horncliffe Parish Council), with note on back by Atkinson Clark of reply.
28 December 1899 J. Walton (F. Co. 1st. V. B. Northumb. Fus.).
28 December 1899 J.T. Thompson.
28 December 1899 John Blythe (Schoolmaster Roddam).
29 December 1899 W. Kirby (Railway Station, Wallsend).
29 December 1899 George Butler.
29 December 1899 Thomas Taylor (Boys' School, Bebside).
29 December 1899 Capt. George Reavell.
30 December 1899 William Stokoe (Mason Board School, Dinnington Coll.).
30 December 1899 John Kinnis.
30 December 1899 John B. Lowes [K. Co. 1st Vol. Bat. N.F., Haltwhistle].
1 January 1900 Revd. Thomas Stephens (Horsley Vicarage).
Copy of Grey's circular letter 14 November to S. Urwin with note by Smith Urwin at the bottom.
n.d. John Thomas Brown (Sec. Bedlington Colliery Mechanics).
Note of a sum transmitted by Revd. W. Pringle (Warkwall).
Note of a sum transmitted by Capt. J. Walton from C. Co. 1st V.B.N.F.
Capt. Alex Steven/G. Co.
n.d. Capt. George Reavell.
Note from Capt. Com. E. Co. 1st Vol. Bat. N.F.
Note from Capt. J. Walton.
1 January 1900 W. Boyd.
W. Smiles (Stocksfield).
n.d. J.R. Thompson (Newbiggin by the Sea).
2 January 1900 R.B. Reed (Manager Chronicle Office, Newcastle) with list of subscriptions received at that office.
2 January 1900 Revd. Thomas G. Reed (Pastor Sailors' Bethel Newcastle).
2 January 1900 Revd. J. Kershaw.
2 January 1900 Henry Nichols (Seghill).
2 January 1900 James Ewing.
3 January 1900 Robert Patteson (Backworth).
3 January 1900 Robert Sherring (Master Mitford School).
4 January 1900 Charles E. Harper (School House, Westmoor, Newcastle).
4 January 1900 M. Morgan, Seghill.
5 January 1900 Revd. W. Sisson (Slaley).
5 January 1900 T.F. Herdman.
5 January 1900 J.S. Clark.
5 January 1900 Note of subscriptions received from Belford and district, etc.
5 January 1900 Note from Capt. Steven.
6 January 1900 T.E. Jobling [per pro. J.M.].
6 January 1900 William H. Holmes (Accountant's Department, Moothall, Newcastle).
7 January 1900 Thomas Jeffrey (Joiner, New York).
8 January 1900 T. Kirkup (Chairman Parish Council, Scremerston).
8 January 1900 W. Smiles.
8 January 1900 Capt. J. Walton.
8 January 1900 Note of subscriptions from Radcliffe Colliery workmen.
9 January 1900 John Sword.
9 January 1900 R.B. Reed (Newcastle Chronicle Office) with list of subscriptions received.
9 January 1900 Edward Thompson (Lambton & Co's Bank Hexham).
9 January 1900 C.E. Osborne (Vicar Seghill).
9 January 1900 Revd. Thomas Mitchell (Newbrough).
9 January 1900 Edward Errington (School House, Stocksfield).
10 January 1900 Miss Young (Beltingham Nat. School).
11 January 1900 J.H. Nicholson (Cowpen Coll.).
11 January 1900 G.C. Heslop (Sec. E. Holywell Coal Co. Ltd.).
11 January 1900 John Hebun (?) (Kenton Band of Hope).
13 January 1900 Henry Nichols (Seghill).
13 January 1900 Luke Foster.
15 January 1900 William Kerr Jnr. (Per Pro. R.F. Brigham & Co.).
15 January 1900 J.M. Clark (land agent and surveyor, Haltwhistle).
15 January 1900 Revd. W.A. McGonigle (Ellingham Vicarage).
15 January 1900 Capt. George Reavell.
15 January 1900 James Earnshaw to Grey.
14 January 1900 Bernard Mulcaster.
16 January 1900 M. Morgan (Seghill).
16 January 1900 William Chicken (Backworth).
16 January 1900 Revd. J.C. Dunn (Blanchland Vicarage).
17 January 1900 John B. Lowes (K Co. 1st V.B.N.F.).
18 January 1900 Robert Patterson (Earsdon branch Northumberland Collieries Enginemens' & Firemens' Mutual Protection Assoc.).
18 January 1900 Thomas B. Wright (Wylam Station).
19 January 1900 W. Smiles.
19 January 1900 Edgar, Bishop of Newcastle.
22 January 1900 J. Walton (Riding House, Allendale).
22 January 1900 J.M. for T.E. Jobling.
22 January 1900 J Eamens.
22 January 1900 Thomas Jackson (Mechanics' Union, Widdrington Coll.).
23 January 1900 Note of sum received from Radcliffe Colliery.
23 January 1900 R.B. Reed.
23 January 1900 Revd. Fred. William Langton.
24 January 1900 Revd. & Hon. William Charles Ellis (Bothalhaugh, Morpeth).
25 January 1900 Fr. Sebastian Gates.
25 January 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
24 January 1900 H.O. Annett (auctioneer & valuer).
25 January 1900 J. Elliott (W. Sleekburn Coll.).
25 January 1900 J.W. Walton Wilson and list of subscriptions he had collected.
27 January 1900 Note of a subscription received.
27 January 1900 Revd. P. Alison (The Manse, Great Bavington).
27 January 1900 Revd. William Sheild (Whittingham Vicarage).
27 January 1900 Notes of subscriptions received.
28 January 1900 Revd. & Hon. William Charles Ellis (Rect. of Bothal with Sheepwoods) and note by Atkinson Clark.
29 January 1900 C.H. Brockbanks (Shieldfield School, Newcastle).
29 January 1900 William J. Watt (Station Master, Prudhoe) to Grey.
29 January 1900 John Allan (Newburn, Norham) to Clark.
n.d. M. Morgan (pro. Mechanics, Seghill).
30 January 1900 Note addressed to Col. Coulson from Butt Bank School, Newbrough, Fourstones [incomplete].
30 January 1900 Henry Nichols.
30 January 1900 R.B. Reed.
30 January 1900 Robert Patterson (Backworth).
30 January 1900 Janet Young (Blue Bell Inn, Pallinsburn).
30 January 1900 Charles D. Forster, and note by Atkinson Clark.
31 January 1900 William Chicken.
n.d. Note from Capt. Steven. M. Morgan.
n.d. Johnson Burn.
2 February 1900 John Wolfe (Thornton School, Berwick).
2 February 1900 Lady Anne Bowes Lyon.
2 February 1900 Revd. William C. Ellis and subscription list for Bothal.
2 February 1900 Revd. J.C. Kershaw.
2 February 1900 R.G. Mortimer.
2 February 1900 W. Smiles.
5 February 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
5 February 1900 John E. Pestle (?) (Heddon, Wylam).
5 February 1900 Edith Laidler (Whitley Chapel School).
6 February 1900 R.B. Reed.
6 February 1900 Note of subscriptions from Radcliffe Colliery.
7 February 1900 John Sword.
7 February 1900 H.O. Annett.
7 February 1900 Note of subscriptions received.
9 February 1900 Charles D. Forster (Deputy Clerk, Northumberland Co. Council).
10 February 1900 Luke Foster (Shiremoor).
10 February 1900 Henry Nichols (Seghill).
12 February 1900 Note of subscription from Broomhill Colliery.
12 February 1900 Revd. G.W. Jackson (Delaval Vic.).
12 February 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
12 February 1900 William H. Holmes.
6 February 1900 William Chicken.
6 February 1900 Note of subscription of Broomhill Colliery Workmen.
17 February 1900 C.H. Sample.
18 February 1900 A.J. Browne.
19 February 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
19 February 1900 Note of subscription from Newcastle Lodge Plumbers' Soc.
20 February 1900 John B. Lowes.
20 February 1900 A. Galbraith (New Hartley School). (Note by J.H. Mansfield on back).
20 February 1900 L. Pyle (Blagdon Hotel, Cramlington) to Grey.
21 February 1900 Thomas Taylor.
21 February 1900 Note of subscription from Radcliffe Colliery, etc.
23 February 1900 Joseph Elliott.
23 February Thomas W. Gibson to Grey (Co-op Stores, Seaton Delaval).
19 February 1900 W. Dunn (Sec. Guidepost Co-op. Soc. Ltd.) to Grey.
24 February 1900 Copy Grey to W. Dunn.
24 February 1900 Revd. R.W. Wilson (Shotley).
24 February 1900 Robert Patterson.
25 February 1900 Thomas McCabe (Treasurer Priestman Institute) to Grey.
26 February 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
26 February 1900 W. Smiles.
27 February 1900 Capt. Alexander Steven.
27 February 1900 Henry Nichols.
27 February 1900 G. Pace.
28 February 1900 William Chicken.
2 March 1900 Maude Carr Ellison.
n.d. M. Morgan.
3 March 1900 W.E. Flint (Lilburn Tower School).
3 March 1900 William H. Holmes.
5 March 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
5 March 1900 Henry O. Helliwell (Headmaster Shankhouse British School).
5 March 1900 W. Sheild.
6 March 1900 John Sword.
7 March 1900 Charles E. Moore (Manager the Alnwick Gazette Steam Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd.) to Grey.
7 March 1900 Note of donation from proceeds of a concert by Dudley Silver Nodel Band.
8 March 1900 Revd. J.C. Kershaw.
8 March 1900 Alex. Thompson (Sec. Hirst Co-op. Soc.) to Grey.
9 March 1900 Revd. J.H. Mandell (Vic. Haydon Bridge) to Grey.
3 March 1900 Note of contributions from Cramlington, Broomhill, etc.
Note of contributions from Shankhouse British School.
9 March 1900 R.B. Reed.
9 March 1900 John W. Clavering (Willington Quay).
10 March 1900 W. Wilson (Bothal N. School).
10 March 1900 Letter (unsigned but from Luke Forster Shiremoor).
10 March 1900 Henry Nichols.
12 March 1900 T. Snaith (Otterburn).
12 March 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
13 March 1900 William Chicken.
13 March 1900 Revd. G.W. Jackson (Delaval).
13 March 1900 R. Young (Newham School, Chathill).
13 March 1900 Note of subscriptions from Amble & Broomhill Co-op. Employees' Union.
14 March 1900 William Hudspith (Greencroft, Haltwhistle).
14 March 1900 Martin Morgan (Seghill).
14 March 1900 Annie L. Hudspith.
17 March 1900 W.E. Flint.
19 March 1900 Note of subscriptions from Glanton township, Broomhill Colliery.
20 March 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
22 March 1900 W. Surtees (Glanton Station).
23 March 1900 Joseph Elliott.
26 March 1900 Mary Jane Shield (Hare & Hounds, Allendale).
26 March 1900 Robert Patterson (Backworth).
27 March 1900 H.B. Hans Hamilton.
27 March 1900 Note of subscriptions received.
27 March 1900 Henry Nichols.
27 March 1900 William Chicken.
27 March 1900 M. Morgan.
27 March 1900 Revd. W. Sheild.
28 March 1900 J.W. Bell (Walker Gate Station).
29 March 1900 John B. Lowes.
31 March 1900 John Sword.
Subscription list with note by C.B.P. Bosanquet.
n.d. M. Morgan.
3 notes of various subscriptions received including sums from Amble and from Broomhill and Radcliffe collieries.
3 April 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
3 April 1900 W. Smiles.
3 April 1900 Revd. J.C. Kershaw.
7 April 1900 Howard Pease.
7 April 1900 Thomas Furness.
7 April 1900 Capt. Alex. Steven.
9 April 1900 William Chicken.
9 April 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
9 April 1900 Henry Nichols.
12 April 1900 James Moralee (Station Master, Backworth).
12 April 1900 James Elliott (Yetlington, Whittingham).
17 April 1900 Thomas Taylor.
18 April 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
18 April 1900 Joseph Elliott.
18 April 1900 John Charlton (Headmaster, Nat. School, Choppington).
18 April [1900] Note of contribution from Radcliffe [Colliery].
19 April 1900 H.O. Annett.
20 April 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
20 April 1900 Robert Patterson.
23 April 1900 Henry Nichols.
24 April 1900 M. Morgan.
26 April 1900 G. Hunter (Sec. Cramlington Distr. Co-op. Soc.).
26 April 1900 W. Smiles.
26 April 1900 William Chicken.
27 April 1900 Charles B.P. Bosanquet.
21 April 1900 James Earnshaw to Grey.
27 April 1900 R.M. Sutton to Grey.
20 April 1900 Note of a sum collected by Andrew Pringle of Ancroft.
30 April 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
30 April 1900 Alice Beaumont to Grey (3 Hamilton Place, Park Lane).
30 April 1900 Charles Harper.
1 May 1900 James Eamens.
1 May 1900 J. Alderson (Chevington North School, Acklington).
1 May 1900 Capt. J.J. Gillespie.
1 May 1900 Miss L.M.G. Noble to Grey.
n.d. Capt. George Reavell.
n.d. Martin Morgan.
n.d. John Martin.
2 May 1900 John Sword.
4 May 1900 Mary Newbegin (Golden Tiger Hotel, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle).
4 May 1900 Archibald Jackson (Doddington School, Wooler).
4 May 1900 George Ridley ([Fallowfield] Mines Office, Acomb) to Grey.
4 May 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
5 May 1900 Thomas Furness.
7 May 1900 Henry Nichols.
7 May 1900 H.O. Annett.
8 May 1900 Revd. W. Sheild.
9 May 1900 William Chicken.
10 May 1900 Committee of Backworth Village Assembly.
11 May 1900 T. Forster Herdman (Hon. Sec. Humshaugh Angling Club).
11 May 1900 Revd. J.C. Kershaw.
12 May 1900 Note of contribution of Broomhill Colliery.
14 May 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J. Monter).
16 May 1900 Note of contribution from Radcliffe Colliery.
17 May 1900 Joseph Elliott.
17 May 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
19 May 1900 Robert Patterson.
21 May 1900 Henry Nichols.
22 May 1900 R.B. Reed (Manager, Newcastle Chronicle).
22 May 1900 William Chicken.
23 May 1900 W. Smiles.
23 May 1900 A. Fisher (Infant School, Bedlington).
n.d. Note of a collection made at Wheat Sheaf Inn, Callerton Lane End.
24 May 1900 R. Redpath (Newcastle Daily Journal).
26 May 1900 M. Morgan.
28 May 1900 James Eamens.
28 May 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J. Monter).
28 May 1900 John Sword.
30 May 1900 J. Brand.
1 June 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
1 June 1900 Thomas Furness.
7 June 1900 William Chicken.
8 June 1900 Revd. W. Sheild.
8 June 1900 Martin Morgan.
9 June 1900 Henry Nichols.
11 June 1900 Jane Dinning.
12 June 1900 Note of contribution of Newbrough Colliery workmen.
13 June 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
14 June 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J. Monter).
14 June 1900 Joseph Elliott.
16 June 1900 H.O. Annett.
18 June 1900 George Rawling.
18 June 1900 Henry Nichols.
19 June 1900 William Chicken.
20 June 1900 R. Patterson.
22 June 1900 M. Morgan.
22 June 1900 John B. Lowes.
25 June 1900 John Sword.
25 June 1900 W. Smiles.
25 June 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J. Monter).
26 June 1900 J. Brand.
26 June 1900 J.W. Mood? (Clerk, North Seaton).
30 June 1900 Thomas Furness.
n.d. M. Morgan (3 letters).
n.d. Thomas Taylor.
2 July 1900 Henry Nichols.
3 July 1900 Note of contribution from Radcliffe Colliery.
5 July 1900 William Chicken.
6 July 1900 R. Redpath.
7 July 1900 John W. Clavering.
9 July 1900 William Golding (Blyth).
9 July 1900 Charles W. Bell (Sec. Newcastle Branch Amalg. Slaters & Tilers of England & Ireland).
10 July 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
10 July 1900 H.O. Annett.
10 July 1900 J. Brand.
14 July 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
14 July 1900 Henry Nichols.
16 July 1900 William Chicken.
16 July 1900 Robert Patterson.
17 July 1900 J. Brand.
20 July 1900 W. Smiles.
23 July 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
23 July 1900 Charles E. Moore (Manager Alnwick & County Gazette).
24 July 1900 J. Brand.
27 July 1900 T.B. Hindmarch.
28 July 1900 Thomas Furness.
28 July 1900 Thomas Jackson (Widdrington Colliery).
28 July 1900 Capt. Alex. Steven.
30 July 1900 Henry Nichols.
August 1900 Note of Broomhill Colliery's contribution.
August 1900 Note of Belford & District's contribution.
1 August 1900 William Chicken.
1 August 1900 H.O. Annett.
1 August 1900 Joseph Elliott.
n.d. M. Morgan.
9 August 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
10 August 1900 Joseph Reed.
11 August 1900 Howard Pease.
13 August 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
13 August 1900 Robert Patterson.
13 August 1900 F. Kirtley (Crown & Anchor Hotel, Low Walker)
. 14 August 1900 J. Brand.
14 August 1900 W.T. Martin (Manager, Newcastle Daily Leader etc).
15 August 1900 M. Morgan.
15 August 1900 William Chicken.
16 August 1900 W. Smiles.
18 August 1900 Charles W. Bell (Newcastle Branch Amalg. Slaters & Tilers ...).
17 August 1900 Henry Nichols.
c.18 August 1900 Note of subscriptions received.
21 August 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J. Monter).
24 August 1900 James Earnshaw.
25 August 1900 Thomas Furness.
28 August 1900 J. Brand.
28 August 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
28 August 1900 Henry Nichols.
31 August 1900 William Chicken.
1 September 1900 C.H. Sample.
n.d. M. Morgan.
4 September 1900 J. Cairns (North Shields).
4 September 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
8 September 1900 Thomas Furness (Sec. Backworth Blue Bell Colliery).
10 September 1900 H.O. Annett.
10 September 1900 Robert Patterson.
11 September 1900 Joseph Elliott.
11 September 1900 R.W. Sanderson (for Manager N.E. Banking Co., Belford).
11 September 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
11 September 1900 Henry Nichols.
12 September 1900 William Chicken.
13 September 1900 M. Morgan.
14 September 1900 R.M. Sutton to J.H. Mansfield.
14 September 1900 W. Smiles.
18 September 1900 J. Brand.
19 September 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J. Monter).
19 September 1900 Note concerning the contribution of Radcliffe Colliery.
n.d. M. Morgan.
4 October 1900 J. Snaith.
4 October 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
8 October 1900 Robert Patterson.
8 October 1900 Note of contribution of Radcliffe Colliery.
9 October 1900 Henry Nichols.
11 October 1900 M. Morgan.
11 October 1900 William Chicken.
13 October 1900 Note from Barclay & Co, the Bank, Alnwick, to Atkinson Clark.
13 October 1900 Note of contribution of Broomhill Colliery.
15 October 1900 W. Smiles.
17 October 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J. Monter).
17 October 1900 Charles E. Harper (School House, Westmoor, Newcastle).
22 October 1900 R. Marshall (Sec. Newcastle Branch Amalg. Slaters & Tilers).
22 October 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
23 October 1900 Henry Nichols.
24 October 1900 F.Y. Watson (Chevington Station).
25 October 1900 William Chicken.
25 October 1900 H.O. Annett.
25 October 1900 M. Morgan.
26 October 1900 Note of contribution of Radcliffe & Broomhill Collieries.
29 October 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
30 October 1900 Thomas Taylor.
2 November 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
4 November 1900 Joseph Elliott.
6 November 1900 Henry Nichols.
6 November 1900 R. Patterson.
8 November 1900 William Chicken.
9 November 1900 W. Smiles.
10 November 1900 Note of contribution from Broomhill Colliery.
12 November 1900 Note of contribution from Wooler Station.
12 November 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
13 November 1900 C.H. Sample.
14 November 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
14 November 1900 Note of contribution of Radcliffe Colliery.
26 November 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
26 November 1900 M. Morgan.
20 November 1900 Henry Nichols.
22 November 1900 William Chicken.
28 November 1900 Thomas Jackson (Widdrington Colliery).
29 November 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
30 November 1900 Note of contribution from Broomhill Colliery.
n.d. M. Morgan. Note of contribution from Jos. Hutchinson.
3 December 1900 Henry Nichols and note by Atkinson Clark.
3 December 1899 [1900?] L.W. Adamson.
4 December 1900 R. Patterson.
4 December 1899 Revd. J.H. Pitman (Humshaugh).
7 December 1900 William Chicken.
8 December 1900 W. Smiles.
8 December 1900 Note of contribution of Broomhill Colliery.
11 December 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
11 December 1900 H.O. Annett.
12 December 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
15 December 1900 R. Marshall.
16 December 1900 Luke Foster.
18 December 1900 Henry Nichols.
22 December 1900 Thomas Taylor.
22 December 1900 M. Morgan.
24 December 1900 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
24 December 1900 J.H. Nicholson.
24 December 1900 Mrs M. Wilson (Grainger Hotel, Newcastle) to Mr McDonald (newspaper owner?).
28 December 1899(?) John Dixon (Station Master, Choppington).
29 December 1900 Joseph Reed (Manager Newcastle Chronicle).
31 December 1900 D.D. (for proprietors Newcastle Chronicle).
31 December 1900 J. Brand.
31 December 1900 Henry Nichols.
3 January 1901 R. Redpath (Newcastle Daily Journal, etc).
5 January 1901 W. Smiles.
7 January 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
8 January 1901 M. Morgan.
11 January 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
15 January 1901 Joseph Elliott.
15 January 1901 Henry Nichols.
31 January 1901 W. Smiles.
n.d. M. Morgan.
1 February 1901 T.E. Jobling.
2 February 1901 L.W. Adamson (Eslington Lodge, Newcastle).
4 February 1901 John Tate.
Notes of contributions from Broomhill colliery etc.(4 February 1901) and Amble Wesleyan Church (5 February 1901).
5 February 1901 H.O. Annett.
6 February 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
6 February 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
10 February 1901 T. Tate.
14 February 1901 John W. Clavering.
19 February 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.W.A.).
22 February 1901 Maude Carr-Ellison and subscription list.
25 February 1901 Maude Carr-Ellison.
24 February 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
15 February, 4 March 1901 Notes of contributions from Broomhill Colliery.
n.d. M. Morgan.
March 1901 James Eamens.
2 March 1901 Henry Nichols.
4 March 1901 W. Smiles.
5 March 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
7 March 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
7 March 1901 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.
11 March 1901 Joseph Elliott.
13 March 1901 M. Morgan.
15 March 1901 Thomas Taylor.
20 March 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
20 March 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
20, 25 March 1901 Henry Nichols.
29 March 1901 Walter Smiles.
29 March 1901 M. Morgan.
n.d. Note of contribution from Broomhill Colliery.
30 March 1901 J. Brand.
30 March 1901 Joseph Reed (Manager Newcastle Chronicle).
1 April 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
4 April 1901 Charles B.P. Bosanquet and note by Atkinson Clark.
6 April 1901 Henry Nichols.
8 April 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
9 April 1901 John Symm.
12 April 1901 M. Morgan.
13 April 1901 Note of Broomhill Colliery contribution.
15 April 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
18 April 1901 H.O. Annett.
22 April 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
24 April 1901 Henry Nichols.
25 April 1901 Revd. W. Nall.
26 April 1901 M. Morgan.
27 April 1901 Note of contribution from Broomhill Colliery and from Mr and Mrs Bosanquet.
29 April 1901 J. Sutton.
30 April 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
30 April 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
4 May 1901 Henry Nichols.
4 May 1901 Thomas Jackson.
9 May 1901 M. Morgan.
11 May 1901 Note of contribution of Broomhill Colliery.
13 May 1901 Joseph Elliott.
13 May 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
13 May 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
22 May 1901 Henry Nichols.
24 May 1901 Note of Broomhill Colliery contribution.
30 May 1901 M. Morgan.
31 May 1901 T.E. Jobling.
31 May 1901 Note of contribution of Broomhill Colliery.
5 June 1901 Henry Nichols.
7 June 1901 Revd. W. Shield.
10 June 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
10 June 1901 Thomas Taylor.
12 June 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
12 June 1901 M. Morgan.
13 June 1901 H.O. Annett.
18? June 1901 Henry Nichols.
28 June 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
1 July 1901 M. Morgan.
2 July 1901 Henry Nichols.
8 July 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
15 July 1901 T.R. Chapman.
16 July 1901 Henry Nichols.
19 July 1901 Thomas Taylor (Bebside Boys' School).
20 July 1901 M. Morgan.
22 July 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
23 July 1901 Robert Wilson.
23 July 1901 John H. Merivale (Togston Hall).
26 July 1901 William Kerr (per pro. R.F. Brigham & Co).
7 August 1901 M. Morgan.
7 August 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
8 August 1901 J. Brand (N.E. Banking Co. Belford).
9 August 1901 J.H. Nicholson.
13 August 1901 Henry Nichols.
19 August 1901 T.E. Jobling.
21 August 1901 J. Brand.
22 August 1901 J. Brand.
27 August 1901 T.R. Chapman.
27 August 1901 Henry Nichols.
28 August 1901 M. Morgan.
30 August 1901 John W. Clavering.
31 August 1901 William Kerr Jnr.
2 October 1901 J. Brand.
4 September 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
10 September 1901 Henry Nichols.
16 September 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
18 September 1901 T.R. Chapman.
18 September 1901 J. Brand.
22 September 1901 M. Morgan.
24 September 1901 Henry Nichols.
30 September 1901 Thomas Taylor.
30 September 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
n.d. M. Morgan.
11 October 1901 J.B.B. for Manager Newcastle Chronicle Office.
14 October 1901 John W. Clavering.
14 October 1901 T.E. Jobling.
21 October 1901 J.H. Nicholson, and note by Atkinson Clark.
26 October 1901 William Spicer (Whitley Bay; JP).
28 October 1901 T.E. Jobling (per J.M.).
9 June 1902 George Lunn to Grey, concerning winding up of the reservists' collections and disposal of the funds.
26 January 1901 Cutting from Newcastle Chronicle, “Tyneside Reservists' Fund. A Year's Work. Appeal for Further Support”.
15 January 1901 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Leader. Letter from Grey appealing for help for the families of men called to arms.
15 January 1901 Cutting from the Newcastle Journal. Same letter.
[January 1901] Cutting from the Evening Chronicle. Letter Henry N. Middleton (Hon. Treasurer Northumberland Division Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association).
c.9 January 1901 Press cutting of letter from John Beattie (Mayor of Newcastle) to Col. James Gildea (Treasurer Soldiers' & Sailors' Families Assoc., Westminster).
4 January 1901 Press cutting of letter from Lord Roberts. “A message of thanks and an appeal”

GRE/B269/1   1886-1910
20 February 1913 Letter (Theodore) Arnold Haultain to Grey, returning letters from Goldwin Smith to Grey which Grey had lent to him and indicating those he had and had not selected for publication:
Selected: Goldwin Smith to Grey, 18 April 1889, 16 November 1894, 2 March 1904, 20 April 1904, 21 December 1905, 4 March [1908?].
Unselected: Goldwin Smith to Grey, 14, 19 June 1887, 31 July 1889, 2 July 1903, 7 October 1903, 19 June 1904, 16 February 1905, 30 May 1905, 15 June 1905, 18 September 1909.
n.d. 1 copy letter Grey to Goldwin Smith.
2 notes by Grey concerning Goldwin Smith's letters.
Notes by Grey of Goldwin Smith's views on the House of Commons in 1858 and 1894.
Press cutting on the Canadan Club's first year.
14 November 1904 Cutting from the Globe, reporting speeches of Goldwin Smith and Sir Wilfred Laurier at the Canadian Club (on America).
12 November 1904 Typescript copy of Goldwin Smith's speech to the Canadian Club.
10 May 1886 Cutting from Daily Telegraph: Letter from Goldwin Smith, “The Prime Minister's Manifesto”.
n.d. Cutting from St James's Gazette, letter from Goldwin Smith on the Act of Union with Ireland.
7 June 1910 Page from the Toronto News, on the death of Goldwin Smith.

Paper   1 file
Transferred to 204/2.

GRE/B269/3   1871-1885
5 February 1882 Letter Ralph Carr Ellison to Grey.
15 November 1884 Letter Robert Scott Moffat to Grey. Enclosing: 13 November 1884 Cutting of his letter to the Globe on redistribution.
20 October, 11 December 1884 2 letters John Black to Grey.
10 December 1884 Letter Charles Osbourn to Grey.
20 December 1884 Letter “A University Extension Scheme Student” to Grey.
16 March 1882 Letter Thomas P. Dods to Grey.
24 May 1871 Printed paper: “Memorandum on the History, Working, and Results of Cumulative Voting”, by Thomas Hare.
February 1872 Printed paper: The Representative Reform Association of London to the Personal Representation Society, New York.
Printed paper: The Representative Reform Association. Report and Balance Sheet July 1868 - July 1870.
9 February 1885 Mr Bompas's rules for Returning Officers, with comments by Mr Parker Smith, 12 February 1885 (duplicated MS).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B269/4   May-June 1875
4 June 1875 Letter Walters, Young & Co. to Grey. Enclosing:
31 May 1875 Epitome of the settlement made on the marriage of the R. Hon. William Randal Earl of Antrim and Miss Louisa Jane Grey on the part of Miss Grey.
31 May 1875 Epitome of settlement of the Glenarm estate in the Co. of Antrim upon the marriage of the Earl of Antrim with Miss Louisa Jane Grey.
Also in this file, rough calculations showing income and expenditure in respect of the Antrim estates.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B269/5   February-March 1887
16, 25, 26 February, 1 March 1887 4 letters F.W. Fisher (Solicitor of Doncaster) to Grey.
The following papers relating to the affairs of Elizabeth Mary Copley, deceased:
Apportionment of rents and realty and personalty.
List of debts owing by the estate.
Schedule of debts due to the estate.
Estimate of assets and liabilities for proving the will.
List of pecuniary legacies.
List of effects (1) sent to Howick (2) sold to Sir Charles Watson (3) to be sold by auction.
NB: Other papers relating to Miss Copley's estate are preserved among the papers of 3rd Earl Grey - see under Copley Elizabeth Mary and Fisher F.W.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B269/6   1883-1885
1884 White Paper: Revenue, Taxation and Population - return to order of the Commons of 7 June 1883.
1884 White Paper: Population and Representation - return to address of the Commons of 11 November 1884.
1883 White Paper: Parliamentary Constituencies (Illiterate Voters), return to address of the Commons of 3 August 1883.
c.1884 Paper issued by the Proportional Representation Society setting forth its aims and listing MPs who had joined.
Printed paper: “Mr Seebohm's Scheme expressed in the form of Rules by J. Parker Smith”.
Parliamentary Elections (Redistribution) Bill 1885: The Case of Cardiff. Claim for a second member.
Memorandum prepared by a committee sitting at the Town Hall, Chester, on clause 25 of “The Parliamentary Elections (Redistribution) Bill” as it regards the City of Chester, with printed covering letter addressed to Grey, 12 February 1885.
The Basis of Redistribution. A table printed, with additions, from the Daily News of 24 February 1883. Revised to 17 November 1884.
19 February 1885 Parliamentary Elections (Redistribution) Bill. Statement by the Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow to the Members of Parliament for Scotland.
The Roll of the House of Lords 1830 and 1884; Peerages, steps in the Peerage, and Baronetcies conferred by the several governments 1830-1884; titles created by Liberal & Conservative governments 1830-1884.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B269/7   [1880s]
File of rough notes by Grey on proportional representation. Also proposed rules of the Northumberland County Franchise Association. Issued by W. Wight, S. Neil and W. Mason on behalf of the committee. At the top is written in pencil “Robert White - Killingworth” and some passages are also underlined or otherwise marked in pencil by Grey.
File of rough notes by Grey from various sources on proportional representation and parliamentary reform. Includes list of MPs who voted for a select committee to inquire into the system of election best calculated to secure the just and complete representation of the whole electoral body, 27 May 1881.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/1   1875-1883
Household Furnishing Co. Ltd. (Newcastle):
1 February 1875 Report of directors to 1st annual meeting of shareholders.
26 February 1876 Report of directors to 2nd annual meeting of shareholders.
10 February 1877 Report of directors to 3rd annual meeting of shareholders.
1 March 1878 Report of directors to 4th annual meeting of shareholders.
1881-1883 5 letters Revd. Charles W. Stubbs (Bishop of Truro) to Grey.
27 March 1882 Pages from the Northampton Daily Chronicle, with report of address by Stubbs on the difficulties of belief (addressed by Stubbs to Grey).
Circular letter from Stubbs on Granborough Co-operative Association.
14 October 1882 Reprint letter Stubbs to the Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, on co-operation for Bucks Labourers. (2 copies).
12 December 1882 Cutting of a further letter from Stubbs to the press on the same subject.
[1883] Press cutting: report of lecture by Miss M.H. Hart on Co-operative Agriculture in Ireland (under the auspices of Newcastle Liberal Association) with introductory remarks by Grey as chairman.
Notebook containing MS draft of Grey's remarks on the above occasion.
9 February 1883 Copy (incomplete) letter Grey to Mr [William] Robb concerning the following article in the Hexham Courant.
[3] February 1883 Cutting from the Hexham Courant with article on the above lecture by Miss Hart and on Grey's remarks (2 copies).
26 January 1883 Press cutting: article on “Swiss Peasants and Small Industries”.
Rough notes by Grey on the application of profit sharing to agriculture and industry.
31 January 1883 Letter John H. Bell to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/2   1894-1914
n.d. Part of a letter from B.F. Hawksley.
4 March 1913 Letter Sir Byron E. Walker to Grey. Enclosure: Copy Minority Report of members of the US Committee on Foreign Relations opposing a proposal to appropriate $100,000 for the expenses of a commission in connection with the celebration of 100 years of peace among English speaking peoples.
22 August, 20 September [1898] 2 letters Ethel Anne Prescilla Grenfell, wife of 1st Baron Desborough, to Grey.
3 March 1894 Letter Anne Sybella Clive to Grey.
27 December 1895 Letter Very Revd. George William Kitchin (dean of Durham) to Grey.
10 December 1896 Letter Lord Algernon Malcolm Arthur Percy, 2nd son of the 6th Duke of Northumberland, to Grey.
25 September Letter Sir William H. Walrond [Bart., MP; Joint Sec. (Patronage) to the Treasury] to Grey.
1 March 1914 Copy letter Grey to Harcourt (“Loulou”).
25 October 1908 Letter Col. Sir E.W.D. Ward (Sec. War Office) to Grey.
Paper in R.H. Benson's hand on the British financial situation following the [Boer] war. [Watermark 1902].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/3   October-November 1914
Cuttings from the Daily Chronicle of 10 articles by Harold Begbie on America and the War. (2 copies of the 1st article).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/4   1909-1911
1909-1910 File of cuttings from Canadian newspapers etc., mainly on Grey's statement that children in Ontario lacked good manners.
Also the following original letters:
23 December 1910 James Mills to Grey.
31 December 1910 W.W. Columbia to Grey.
23 December 1910 Sir J.S. Willison to Grey.
Typescript notes by Grey on the manners of Canadian children.
16 February 1911 Also cutting of an article from the Presbyterian, “The Future of Canada - Its Greatest Need”, signed in MS by the author Agnes Maule Machar (1837-1927), the Canadian poet and novelist who wrote under the pen name “Fidelis”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/5   1885, 1907, 1916
22 June 1885 Pages from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle.
4 February 1907 Page from Canadian House of Commons Debates, vol XL no. 38 (unrevised ed.). Adjournment of the House in consequence of the death of Lady Victoria Grenfell. 3 copies. (Speeches of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir R.L. Borden).
18 November 1916 Pages from the British Citizen and Empire Worker with article on “Empire and Democracy”, by J. Saxon Mills.
6 October 1916 Page from Public Opinion.
Cutting from The Times, “Increase of Price”.
1916 Cutting from the Morning Post, letter from W.G. Watson (Chairman of the Maypole Diary Co.) on disposal of enemy property in Nigeria.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/6   1887-1916
n.d. [before 1894] Copy Grey to the Secretary, Local Taxation Committee, London.
5 October 1899 Letter Alice Balfour to Grey, enclosing particulars of the new lime tree avenue at Whittingham.
19 January 1887 Letter David Carr to Grey, concerning supposed ancient coal and iron works at Ancroft, with sketch plan.
MS paper [? by J.H. Mansfield] on profit sharing.
14 October 1912 Letter David T. Hobkirk JP [of William Milburn & Co., Newcastle] to Grey.
16 October 1916 Letter Bryce to Grey. 21 March 1886 Letter Edward Heneage to Grey (part missing).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/7   1911, 1914
8 October 1914 Letter J. Nugent Harris [Gen. Sec. the Agricultural Organisation Soc.] to Miss Gilbertson. Enclosures: 1911, 1914 2 leaflets on co-operation in the pig industry, one (1911) being a reprint of a lecture by W. Wilson, jnr., chairman of the Live Stock Committee of the Eastern Counties Farmers' Co-operative Association Limited.
3 October 1914 Cutting from the Irish Homestead, “Agricultural Co-operation in England”.
5 September, 10 October 1914 the Irish Homestead, complete copies. [c.1914]
Leaflet: Home Food Culture (Cumberland and Westmorland). A scheme to help out the supply of food during and after the war.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/8   1899, 1914-1917
29 November 1899 Letter E. Flux and Leadbitter to Grey. Enclosing: Printed book: In the House of Lords an appeal from H.M. Court of Appeal (England) between the Right Hon. Albert ... Earl Grey Appellant and H.M. Attorney General (on behalf of Her Majesty) Respondent. Petition on appeal; Case of the Appellant; Case of the Respondent; Appendix. [The suit arose over the Inland Revenue's claim for estate duty on property which 3rd Earl Grey had conveyed to 4th Earl Grey in 1885 but retained a life interest in it and power of revocation].
16 May 1916 Typescript paper by Robert Benson on British war finance.
16 May 1916 Printed paper by Benson, Resumé of War Finance.
1 September 1916 Printed paper by Benson Memo on War Finance.
5 January 1917 Letter E. Pollet, consul general for Belgium in London, to Grey. Enclosing: Leaflet: Belgium Orphan Fund and subscription form. 2 copies.
c.1914 Booklet: The British Italian League (Economic Branch). [Grey was vice president].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B270/9   1917-1919
27 August 1919 Letter Thomas Gibson [Canadian surgeon] to Countess dowager Grey.
12 October 1917 H.N. Andersen [of Copenhagen] to 5th Earl Grey.
6 September 1918? Charles Haddock to 5th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/1   1881, 1894-1916
14 April 1881 MS hunting song on notepaper headed Membland, Ivy Bridge, Devon.
n.d. [?1914] Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, Sybil going to Russia.
8 November 1915 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, from France.
23 January 1916 Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey, writing from France. The injury he received; incidents in the trenches.
[1916] Part of a letter from Arthur Grenfell, written from the Royal Hospital, Chelsea.
n.d. [?1916] Letter Arthur Grenfell to Grey.
27 July 1914 Letter J. Bannell (of Ottawa) to Grey.
20 December 1905 Poem by Amanda G. Burris ‘A Plea for Niagara’, addressed to Grey.
1894 Photo of a cartoon “Lineal descent of the Crown” (on the 1st Reform Bill) sent to 3rd Earl Grey by Lord Denman.
Poem, ‘Venus and Adonis’.
14 January 1911 Letter Emily Ferguson Murphy [Mrs Emily Rowan, née Ferguson, 1868-1933, Canadian philanthropist and author under the name of “Janey Canuck”] to Grey. Attached: Notes in Grey's hand from Johnny [sic] Canuk in the West.
n.d. Pamphlet: the Philistine vol. 37, no. 6, and pages from another copy.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/2   [1875]-1917
Proofs from The Peerage and Baronetage of pedigree of Grey family.
Proofs from Debrett of pedigree of Grey family.
Cuttings from the Montreal Herald, “A monument to Dollard”; “Let Dollard's Name be Duly Honored”.
8 December 1913 Cutting from the Westminster Gazette with letters from Moreton Frewen on “Federal Home Rule”, Lowther Bridgers on same subject.
June 1914 Cutting with poem by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ‘The Athabasca Trail’.
26 December 1906? Cutting North Mail, “Earl Grey as Governor General of Canada”. An appreciation.
17 December 1908 Cutting Newcastle Journal, “Earl Grey inherits £14,000” [from Mary Katharine Grey].
30 January 1908 Page from the Nation, “Canadian Literature in 1907”.
24 September 1907 Page from the Halifax Morning Chronicle, “Howe's tribute to Lords Palmerston and Russell”.
13 December 1913 Cutting from the Outlook, letter from Major General T. Bland Strange, “Lord Grey's anti-nationalism”.
7 December 1912 Pages from the Outlook, “The Problem of National Health” by Earl Mayo.
4 December 1913, n.d. Letters Moreton Frewen to Grey.
Cutting from The Times, “The singing of Birds”.
Verses in Grey's hand - on back of a menu - “with fond regret I oft remember the merry days of youthful joy”.
21 May 1908 Note concerning procedure for the removal of a judge in the provinces of Canada.
Pages from an American magazine the FQA.
Notes by 4th Earl Grey of the contents of some letters of Admiral George Grey 1835-1844.
24 June 1917 “Oath” by 5th Earl Grey and Mabel Grey concerning their daughter Mary Cecil Grey.
Rough notes for speech by Grey: Service as a remedy for England's ills.
Rough notes by Grey concerning fruit farming in British Columbia. Mr Ricardo and the Coldstream estate mentioned.
Note on the breakdown of Grey's Okanagan hopes.
September 1912 Notes by Grey from article in Atlantic Monthly on William Jennings Bryan.
Notes by Grey from Boston News Bureau, article by C.W. Barron on the Kaiser and the war.
6 March 1915 Notes by Grey on Irish Homestead.
Notes by Grey on peasant industries in Russia.
c.1875 Press cutting: Sir Stafford Northcote and the National Debt.
1876 Notes by Grey on “London Alms and London Pauperism”, October Quarterly.
1898 Note by Grey on trades disputes from article in Edinburgh Review.
Miscellaneous rough notes by Grey mainly relating to his visit to India 1875-1876.
Notes by Grey: The Church of England: arguments of Mill for disestablishment and Gladstone against. Grey's view.
Notes by Grey from Mill's Representative Government.
Note on the architecture of Westonbirt.
Note on Home Rule.
Notes on the cattle plague, crown lands, and various other jottings by Grey.
Rough note of number of cows 1887-1889 and of milk yield 1885-1889.
Rough note of areas, rents, duration of leases of Grey properties, later 19th century.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/3   1863-[1917]
File of notes by Grey from books, etc.
Chips on oriental religions.
Fronde, The English in Ireland.
Alexander Hamilton's writings [or may be from a book on Hamilton].
Henry Ward Beecher [address to him at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, 9 October 1863, and his reply].
Joseph Cowen: England and freedom; party unity when national interests at stake.
Other very rough notes - American war of independence; US constitution; Ireland; House of Lords; the helplessness of the majority of citizens.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/4   1888-[1917]
Typescript notes for a speech on Home Rule Bill and the exclusion of Ulster. Includes notes from writings of Alexander Hamilton and notes of remarks by Chatham.
1888-1889 MS notes on the International Company of Mexico.
French poems, ‘L'Echo’ by Theodore Botrel; ‘Apres la bataille’ by Victor Hugo; ‘Le Drapeau’; another beginning “Il a cruellement souffert de corps et d'âme”.
Rough notes by Grey for a speech - what makes a great nation?
Rough notes by Grey for a speech on Britain and the 1st world war and the question of American participation.
Poem in Grey's hand about 2 butterflies.
Rough jottings by Grey, 2 pieces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/5   1876
Notes by Grey on events leading to the American War of Independence and for part of a talk he was preparing on the subject.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/6   [1900-1917]
Rough notes by Grey for a speech on the Boy Scout Movement.
Press cutting: part of a speech by Sir Edward Tennant.
“Fiscal Notes” - South Africa's trade with Britain, 1893-1908.
Notes by Grey: “The Turkish Empire”.
Notes by Grey: English politics from 1749 to the end of the 7 Years' War.
26 April 1909 Reprint from the World, Toronto, report of Bishop Sweeney's sermon to St George's Society.
[c.1900?] Notes by Grey evidently of what a fortune teller had said to him.
Rough notes by Grey for address to a Canadian Club: Imperial Federation.
Poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Rough notes by Grey on the characteristics of Americans and Englishmen.
Miscellaneous rough notes by Grey for speeches in Canada.
Printed page with tributes to Sir John Thompson (one by G.E. Foster).
Rough notes by Grey, 2 pieces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/7   1899, 1909-1913
22 September 1913 Press cutting, “Statue of Madeleine de Vercheres presented by Government to the Nation Yesterday”.
9 June 1913 Printed paper: “United Empire Liberals, A Statement” by “A Committee of Liberals”, Montreal. Protesting against rejection of the naval aid bill. 2 copies, one with MS note by W.D.L. [Lighthall]. Attached: Envelope addressed to Grey with Lighthall's name on back.
7 October 1911 Cutting from the Citizen, “The Center of Gravity”; “The Dynamics of Progress”.
3 September 1913 Cutting from the Globe, “Co-operation”.
12 August 1911 Cutting from the Citizen, “The Conservative Convention”; “Radicalism Rampant”; “Bigger than Big Business”.
8 September 1913 Cutting from the Evening Citizen, “Commission Government”, etc.
11 October 1911 Note to Grey from Sister Mary of the Rosary, enclosing a medal.
Notes by Grey concerning various books such as I will Maintain by Madeleine Bowen; On the Other Side by Vachell; Jane Eyre; The Beast by Judge Lindsay.
November 1909 Notes by Grey from an article in the Economist on British Columbia and Provincial Indebtedness.
Rough notes by Grey - Imperial Federation; Canada & America (against annexation).
1899 Typescript notes: Charles Waldstein The Expansion of Western Ideals and the World's Peace.
Copies by Grey of verses by [Charles?] Whibley, criticising American life and cities.
Copies by Grey of verses.
Notes by Grey from a work concerning Christianity and Judaism.
1911 Rough observations by Grey on the political situation in England.
Miscellaneous rough notes by Grey, 4 pieces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/8   July 1885
Handbill: Imperial Federation League (Liverpool Branch). Public Meeting ... 15 July [1885] Agenda. (Printed with MS additions). [Grey was to move a resolution that “An association be now formed to be called the Liverpool Branch of the Imperial Federation League”].
MS notes for Grey's speech on the above occasion.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B271/9   [1870s]
n.d. [187?] Lecture by Grey evidently to Newcastle Junior Liberal Club on state interference and individual liberty. Attached: Press cutting on anti-semitism in Germany.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B272/1   [1880-1888]
n.d. [after 1880] Notes of address by Grey to a group of temperance reformers [in Newcastle], giving his views on temperance question and advocating “local option”.
Printed paper: Prospectus of a company formed [in Nottingham] to conduct Public Houses on the Gothenburg Plan.
Rough notes by Grey on profit sharing for agricultural labourers and the suppression of causes leading to drink.
24 November 1888? Unsent letter Grey to ...?, on profit sharing in agriculture.
c.1880 Notes of address by Grey to Northumberland Farmers' Club, including toasts to the Queen, Colonies & Empire, and remarks on profit sharing, the agricultural depression, scientific methods, selling cattle by weight, import restrictions on diseased cattle, etc.
n.d. [1880-1886] Draft speech by Grey on local government reform and its implications for Ireland: the question of national councils for Ireland, Wales, Scotland.
Rough notes by Grey: on homes for destitute children [in Northumberland]; Irish land question: Grey's views; peasant proprietorship; House of Lords.
[November 1885?] Draft speech by Grey introducing George O. Trevelyan.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B272/2   [1875 x 1917]
Rough notes by Grey for speeches etc. Imperial Federation (Queen Victoria, Colonies Toast).
Toast to the Clergy.
Freedom as a Tory Watchword; duty as a Liberal one. (Toast to the Liberal Club).
The church and duty.
Speech in the Commons, strongly urging that Bradlaugh should not be made a martyr.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B272/3   [1880s-1900s]
20 June 1899 Letter George D. Dakyns (Headmaster of Morpeth Grammar School) to Grey.
Notes by Grey for address at Morpeth Grammar School speech day.
31 July 1899 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, reporting the speech.
c.1886 Notes for article by Grey on the London housing question - Lord Compton's proposals and socialism.
c.1894 Notes by Grey for address on the Mashonaland Mission.
Notes by Grey on taxation. Notes by Grey from Stanley's Jewish Church - notes on Egypt and the Old Testament.
[n.d. but after 1884] Notes by Grey for an article on co-partnership applied to agriculture (as against peasant proprietorship).
5 December 1893 Letter Arthur Scholefield to Grey.
Grey's notes for speech against Home Rule.
Notes for a speech by Grey on profit sharing as a means of securing an increase in the number of those “interested in the soil”. [May be notes of a discussion of this subject].
Notes by Grey on the objects of Liberalism.
Note by Grey on Labour Banks.
Note by Grey on “Private Bill Legislation”.
Note by Grey on independence [of an MP].
10 December 1902 [could be 1882] Unsent letter Grey to ... on Sunday opening.
December 1888 Northumberland County Council Election: Printed letter Grey to the electors of Embleton District.
Printed poem: ‘The Church walking with the World’ by Matilda C. Edwards.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B272/4   [1870s-1880s]
1885 Draft election speech by Grey at North Shields, concerning the stand he had taken on the franchise bill; the difference between Liberal and Conservative; Grey's aims: “voluntary socialism”; higher education, etc.
Part of a speech by Grey on land law reform.
Part of a speech by Grey on Ireland (land question).
c.1885 Part of a speech by Grey on true Liberal and a Whig. [This may have been the draft by Grey of a press “hand out” since it is written in the 3rd person].
Notes for an address by Grey, [evidently at Bath Lane Schools, Newcastle], on the importance of education, especially of technical education.
c.1883 Part of a draft speech by Grey to be delivered in the House of Commons strongly upholding the principle of freedom of contract between landlord and tenant.
Draft speech by Grey in support of Labouchere's resolution against the House of Lords.

Fragments of Notes by Grey for Speeches:
Freedom of the individual dependent upon his occupation, education and mobility. [On the back of one sheet of these notes are other notes for an election speech by Grey explaning his opposition to Irish land legislation, the franchise bill, and to the policy of “wanton bloodshed”].
Rough notes probably for an address at a school speech day: his advice.
Speech opposing Irish Land Bill.
Page of notes for speech on the growth of co-operative stores (2 pieces).
Textile industries: statistics 1856, 1862, 1885 (2 pieces).
(1879) Iron smelting: reduction in the quantity of coal required.
Rough notes: changing concepts of duty; marriages determined by the price of bread; freemen more inventive than slaves; need for a new kind of wealth; the happiness of men.
Note by Grey on criticism of his love for liberty and love of his country.

Paper   1 file
Speech notes (Canada)
Reference: GRE/B272/5
Dates of creation: [1904-1911]
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of rough notes by Grey for speeches in Canada. Includes notes from books. Subjects include: the question of contribution by Canada to imperial defence; Grey's reply to criticism of his speeches; part of a letter (?) from Grey against the Americanisation of Canada. Also two unused speeches:
(1) Intended for a Canadian Club at which Mr Choate was to be present.
(2) Intended for the Canadian Club, Toronto, on real prosperity of a country; Joseph Howe's speeches; electoral purity.

Fiscal policy
Reference: GRE/B272/6
Dates of creation: 1902-1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

Large Envelope marked “Fiscal”.
18 April 1902 Letter E.B. Tredwen (of Gilbert J. McCaul & Co., Australian Merchants) to Grey. Enclosing:
17 April 1902 Pages from The British Australasian with letter from E.B. Tredwen on Inter-Imperial Trade; and editorial on same.
6 April 1902 Letter E.B. Edwards (of Peterborough, Ontario) to Tredwen.
29 June 1903 Printed letter Walter Runciman, jnr. to Richard Welford (Chairman North of England Steam Shipowners' Assoc.) on “Tramp shipping and our fiscal policy”.
n.d. Copy letter [or unsent letter] Grey to Runciman.
6 August 1903 Copy letter Charles F[rancis] Adams to Robert Benson, 2 copies; and with extract.
Copy Grey to R.H. Benson concerning the above letter and concerning trade policy in Rhodesia. 3 copies.
27 August 1903 Extract of letter from America to Robert Benson, dated St Paul, Minn.
12 September 1903 Letter Sir Jonathan E. Backhouse to Grey.
14 September 1903 Copy Grey to Backhouse.
19 September 1903 Letter Backhouse to Grey.
21 September 1903 Copy Grey to Backhouse.
17 September 1903 Telegram Backhouse to Grey.
25 September 1903 Extract of private letter to Mr Frewen from H.S. Foxwell, with note of what Blaine had said to Frewen in 1883 about British emigration policy.
Note of Milner's view of an imperial customs union in 1890.
13 October 1903 Letter Joseph Chamberlain to Grey.
20 October 1903 Durham County and North Riding Liberal Unionist Association: programme for annual meeting at Newcastle.
Resolution moved at the Liberal Unionist Conference at Newcastle 20 October, that the fiscal policy of the country should be reconsidered; with note of those who withdrew from the Executive Council.
21 October 1903 Cutting from the Daily Telegraph, “Mr Chamberlain at Newcastle. Another great speech”.
21 October 1903 Cutting from Newcastle Chronicle, Mr Chamberlain.
21 October 1903 Cutting from Irish Times, comments on Chamberlain's speech.
[21 October 1903?] Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey.
25 October 1903 Copy Grey to Chamberlain.
26 October 1903 Copy Grey to Lord Percy.
1 January 1903 [sic] 1904? Copy Grey to Charles Booth.
10 January 1904 Letter Charles Booth to Grey.
16 January [1904] Cutting of letter Grey to The Times, “Liberal Unionists and Tariff Reform”.
c.23 June 1904 The Hon. Matthew Ridley to Grey, criticising Wilson's lecture. [A note on the letter states that Grey refused to take the chair at this lecture when he read the syllabus].
Syllabus of lecture on National Defence and Tariff Reform.
24 June 1904 Copy Grey to Matthew Ridley.
5 August 1904 Cutting from The Times, “Mr Chamberlain at Welbeck Agriculture and Fiscal Policy”.
Pamphlet: The Great Conference of the Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, 1903 by the Marquis of Graham [6th Duke of Montrose]. Reprinted from Stirling Journal and Advertiser, 16 October 1903 (Stirling). Enclosed:
Rough notes by Grey.
Typescript notes of conference between Sec. of State for Colonies and Prime Ministers of Self Governing Colonies June-August 1902, on imperial preference.
Typescript notes by Grey - Expenditure naval and military - question of contribution by member states of the empire to imperial defence.
Typescript notes by Grey concerning the question of imperial preferences as discussed at the conference between the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the Prime Ministers of the Self Governing Colonies in 1902.
Typescript notes by Grey, “Fiscal Tariff”. British policy towards the colonies before 1846.
Typescript notes by Grey. The component parts of price.
MS notes by Grey on protection and free trade.
Typescript notes evidently from articles, speeches etc:
The fiscal policy of the Empire by an economist. Chamberlain, Birmingham, 16 May.
Mr Balfour and Mr Chamberlain. House of Commons 29 May.
Lord Rosebery, Liberal League Dinner, 13 June.
Goschen, House of Lords, 16 June.
Lansdowne, House of Lords, 16 June.
Devonshire, House of Lords, 16 June.
T.A. Brassey, correspondence, 12 June.
Typescript: why is it economically necessary to charge the source of our main supply of food, by The Times economist. With press cuttings of statistics of:
Grain, flour and meal imported and exported by Germany 1880-1900.
Price of a 4lb loaf in England and Wales, in Scotland and in Great Britain as a whole 1902-3.
Price of bread 1893-98.
Grain imports showing countries from which these were made 1872-1901.
Pamphlet: The Fiscal Question and the Shipping Interest (London, 1904). [Some MS comments in margins].

Fiscal policy
Reference: GRE/B272/7
Dates of creation: April 1897, August-December 1903, August 1904
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of press cuttings on fiscal policy, mainly 1903. Includes:
24 December 1903 Letter R.W. Leyland (Chairman Special Committee of Liverpool Shipowners' Association), The Times.
24 December 1903 Letter Henry S. Furniss, The Times.
1 September 1903 L.S. Jameson, “Mr Cecil Rhodes and Fiscal Policy”. [Includes copy letters C.J. Rhodes to Sir John Macdonald, Prime Minister, Canada, 8 May 1891 and Rhodes to Sir Harry Parkes, May 1891], The Times.
Article, “Imperial Reciprocity. Cecil Rhodes' View” ('Ivanhoe'), to the Daily Telegraph.
21 December 1903 “Preferential Trade within the Empire”, R.L. Nash to The Times.
September - “The Liberal Party and Preferentials”, Moreton Frewen to the Westminster Gazette.
18 August 1903 Vincent Caillard to The Times.
3, 5 August 1904 “Mr Chamberlain's Proposed Colonial Conference” - Rosebery to The Times.
29 August 1903 Marcus R.P. Dorman to The Times.
1 September 1903 E. Lyulph Stanley to The Times.
22 August 1903 Roger Lethbridge to The Times.
15 August 1903 Joseph Lawrence to The Times.
15 August 1903 L.L. Price to The Times.
21 August 1903 William Graham; Hugh Roger to The Times.
21 August 1903 John Williamson ex president of the Chamber of Shipping of UK, The Times.
15 August 1903 Article, “Fiscal Policy of the Empire” by an economist, The Times.
24 April 1897 Article, “The Canadian Tariff”, The Times.
December 1903 Article “Changes in the cost of food in the USA 1890-1902”, Labour Gazette.
26 December 1903 Article, “The Commercial Development of the Crown Colonies”, The Times.
25 December 1903 Article, “Railway Rates and Fiscal Policy”, The Times.

Proportional Representation
Reference: GRE/B273/1
Dates of creation: 1868-1916
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of Printed Matter on Proportional Representation.
17 December 1884 Verses: Sir Wilfrid Lawson on Proportional Representation [addressed to Grey], from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 12 copies.
1885 Proportional Representation Society: Instructions for a petition to the House of Commons.
Extract from Representative Reform Report of the Committee appointed by the Conference of members of the Reform League, and others, on Mr Hare's scheme of representation held 28 February, 7 and 21 March 1868.
n.d. [but 1910 or later] Leaflet: Proportional Representation. 4 copies.
Leaflets issued by the American Proportional Representation League:
March 1916 The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating.
April 1916 Hare System of Proportional Representation - an Illustrative Election.
[1885] Leaflet: The Northumberland Test Election by A Northumberland Miner [reprinted from the Manchester Guardian].
30 January 1885 Proportional Representation: Report of the Committee appointed to examine Mr Gladstone's “Constituency” votes in connection with the Test Election, held under the management of the North of England Proportional Representation League at Seghill, Northumberland, January 24th, 1885, Newcastle Liberal Club. 5 copies. One with MS notes by Grey and one with the following enclosures: Enclosures:
MS notes by Grey on what the election proved.
Printed extract from Representative Reform Report of the Committee appointed by the Conference of Members of the Reform League, and others, on Mr Hare's scheme of representation held 28 February, 7 and 21 March 1868.
[c.1884] Ulster Parliamentary Committee: Memorandum upon the redistribution of seats in Ireland [with MS alterations].
Proportional and Majority Representation. Reprint of letter dated 7 October 1884 from Grey to the Newcastle Chronicle. 4 copies.
March 1911 Pages from the National Review: part of an article by “Asiaticus” on Greater Britain and India [parts underlined in red pencil by Grey and marked for P[roportional] R[representation] file].

GRE/B273/2   1894
Mr Chamberlain's reply to Lord Rosebery: The False Quotations (Extract from Mr Chamberlain's speech at Bradford, 2 June 1894).
How Home Rule is to be Smuggled in. The False Issue. (Further extract from the above speech by Chamberlain).
Mr Gladstone's Test of Inconsistency. (Further extract from the above speech).
7 June 1894 The Rev. Hugh Price Hughes and Lord Rosebery (letter reprinted from the Daily Chronicle; and "Lord Rosebery and the Turf. The Voice of Scotland". [Extract from the Edinburgh Evening News, 6 June 1894].

Paper   1 file
Liberal Unionist Leaflets
Reference: GRE/B273/3
Dates of creation: 1880s
Extent: 1 filePaper

An Appeal to English Nonconformists (reprint of letter from William Arthur ex-president Wesleyan Conference to the Daily Telegraph, 25 April 1886).
1886 Eminent Nonconformists on Home Rule.
An Appeal to Moderate Gladstonians (from speech by Chamberlain at Huddersfield, 17 September 1889).
What the Unionist Government has done for the Irish Tenant.
Temperance at Bye-Elections, by Isabella M.S. Tod. 2 copies.
Plain Facts for the Agricultural Labourers about their Self-Styled “Friends”, by A Countryman.
The Late Mr Spurgeon on Home Rule.
The Screw of Modern Ideas. How the Home Rulers want to treat the Agricultural Labourer. 2 copies.
An Appeal from Irish to English Nonconformists. 2 copies.
1887 The Irish Protestants and Home Rule.
Why Should the Irish Sit in Two Parliaments?; Mr John Bright on the Unionist Cause, both by John Bright, MP.
Where we Should Have Been by J. Chamberlain (speech 5 August 1887).
A Parliament in Dublin by John Bright. Force is No Remedy by John Bright.
The Claims of Ulster by J. Chamberlain.
The Real Meaning of “Home Rule” and of “Coercion”.
Irish Nonconformists and Home Rule.
A Few Reasons why Liberal Unionists Should Organise.
The Opinion of Irish Protestants on Home Rule.
The Impossibility of Home Rule by the Earl of Derby.
British Industries and the Home Rule Agitation by the Marquis of Hartington.
(1889) Dr Tanner's Two Voices.
(1886-1888) John Bright the Friend of Ireland, on the Irish Question.

Cobden Club Leaflets
Reference: GRE/B273/4
Dates of creation: 1865-1884
Extent: 1 filePaper

17 November 1884 The Rt. Hon. John Bright MP, on “Fair Trade”.
A letter to the electors of Hackney addressed to Mr Adam Wilde of Hackney Liberal Association.
Bread Tax Once More (from Punch).
A Catechism for “Fair Traders”, by W.E. Baxter.
Free Trade and the Working Men, by W.E. Baxter.
Fair Trade and Free Trade. A dialogue between a young farmer and his shepherd, by B. Samuelson.
November 1884 Free Trade. What it does for England and how it does it, by George W. Medley.
November 1884 Facts for Artisans. The Taxation of Foreign Imports, by G.W. Medley.
Mr Cobden on Redistribution of Seats [letter from Cobden to Thomas Bayley Potter 22 March 1865; and extract from a speech by Cobden, 18 August 1859].
24 November 1884 Protection in France, from the Standard.
December 1884 Facts for Labourers. Taxing Foreign Wheat, by G.W. Medley.
December 1884 The Farmers and Protection, by Charles Whitehead, from the Liberal.
December 1884 Facts for Farmers. Depression in Agriculture, by G.W. Medley.
The Effects of Protection in America.
Would Protection Remove the Present Distress and Benefit the Working Man? by Joseph Arch.
The Newcastle Weekly Chronicle on the Cobden Club Leaflets.
1865 Richard Cobden.
Robbing a Thousand Peters to Pay One Paul.
Less Free Trade, or More, which shall it be? by J. Hampden Jackson.

See GRE 286/5.

GRE/B273/6   1875-1912
Page from Co-Partnership: Co-partnership Statistics; relating to Workmen's co-parternship productive societies for 1911. [Covers the period 1816-1911].
31 May 1883 Printed sheet: “Lord Carnarvon on Co-operation” (vide The Times). [Also gives reports of speeches by Arthur Balfour, Sir Thomas Brassey, Henry Fowler, the Earl of Morley and Grey]. Partly concerns the Decorative Co-operators' Association. 8 copies.
Labour Association Pamphlet: The Store, the Workshop, and the Trade Union, by F. Maddison, MP.
Co-partnership Tenants' Housing Council leaflets: Order v Chaos; Why Co-partnership Tenant Societies are Necessary.
Central Co-operative Board United Board Third Meeting - Congress Year 1881-2. [Gives subscription list and accounts and reports of speeches].
Newcastle upon Tyne Improved Industrial Dwellings Co. Ltd.: Report and Balance Sheet for the year ending 30 June 1879. Enclosed: Press cutting on the Artisans' Dwellings Act of 1875 and the problems it had created in London.
c.1882 Printed circular letter from Thomas Hughes, Hodgson Pratt, Henry J. Vansittart Neale and Robert Taylor on Assington (Suffolk) Agricultural Association and the re-establishment of a co-operative farm. Enclosed: List of shares allotted and form of application for shares.
22 November 1884 Pamphlet: Newcastle Farmers' Club. The Agricultural Experiments at Rothamsted. A Paper Read by J. Knox Lyal of Peepy.
5 May 1885 Proceedings of the Central Chamber of Agriculture.
19 January 1912 White Paper: Memorandum of Revised Arrangements between the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Board of Education in regard to Agricultural Education in England and Wales (by Walter Runciman, President Board of Agriculture & Fisheries, and Joseph A. Pease, President Board of Education).
[c.1900] Agricultural Education Committee: List of Publications.
Agricultural Education Committee: Resolutions at meetings on 30 November and 6 December 1899.
August 1891 East Lothian Agriculture Twenty Years Ago. (Extracts from article in Macmillan's Magazine, by A.G. Bradley).
7 August 1884 Territory of Wyoming Executive Department: Proclamation by William Hale, Governor, establishing quarantine against texas fever.

Irish Agricultural Organisation Society leaflets:
Co-operative Agricultural Societies.
March 1906 Co-operative Poultry Societies.
January 1903 Co-operative Dairying.
22 April 1901 Auxiliary Creameries.
Home Rule in the Dairies.
Mutual Live Stock Insurance.
Agricultural Societies Finance.
February 1903 Trade Federation: The Irish Agricultural Wholesale Society.
February 1903 Trade Federation. The Irish Co-operative Agency Society.
Co-operation. To all Agricultural Labourers.
Page of a further leaflet on Agricultural Banks.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B273/7   1866-1915
24 October 1911 Royal Colonial Institute Dinner in Honour of Grey. Menu, list of guests and plan of tables on the above occasion.
(Dated 4 January 1901) Proof copy, suggestions in which British shipowners, British shipmasters and others are interested. "Lest we forget" why Britannia Rules the Waves and how her ruling is threatened.
Speech by Sir Benjamin C. Browne, chairman of R. & W. Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. Ltd. to the shareholders at the annual meeting, 16 September 1915.
University Extension Affiliation Scheme for Newcastle upon Tyne, with programmes for the session 1887-8.
Northumberland Miners' Annual Demonstration: Mr Bryson (President) on the Employers' Liability Bill (extracted from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 19 July 1880).
10 September 1866 Memorial of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce to Benjamin Disraeli, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Enclosed: September 1866 Printed paper: “Demonstration of physical force in favour of reform”, addressed to H.M. present and late ministers with Mr Blyth's compliments. London.
n.d. Distribution Reform the Remedy for Industrial Depression. [Concerns textile industries in particular, and advocates the application of joint stock enterprise to distribution].
October 1885 National Medical Association for the Repeal of the C.D. Acts: Introductory letter to all candidates for the House of Commons. With papers:
(A) on the alleged influence of the suspension of compulsory examinations of women as producing increase of disease.
Paper (B) Examination of Mr Bulwer's Return 22 May 1885 (Parlt. Paper 210) relating to the amount of V.D. in the army and navy since the suspension of the compulsory examination of the women in May 1883; of the army report for 1883; and of Mr Stansfeld's Return (Parlt. Paper 825), 6 August 1885.
6 June 1885 Paper by Robert Todd, suggesting compulsory government scheme to provide an Accident Relief Fund for workmen. n.d. MS statistics of paupers in the workhouses within Alnwick Union.
18 February 1880 Royal Albert Hall: Report of the Council for year ending 31 December 1879.
26 February 1906 Annual Report and Balance Sheet for the year 1905 with estimates for 1906.
White Paper: Glencolumbkille Parish, County Donegal (Ireland). Copy of a Report from Dr Stewart Woodhouse, Local Government Board Inspector, 14 March 1885, re the said parish. [Ordered to be printed 19 March 1883].
White Paper: Smoke Nuisance Acts. Copy of correspondence between the Duke of Westminster and the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the defective administration of the Smoke Nuisance Act in the Metropolis together with the analysis prepared by the Smoke Abatement Institute of the fines imposed in the Metropolitan Police Courts. Ordered to be printed 28 February 1884.
White Paper: Suez Canal (Trade from the East). Return showing what proportion of the trade of the UK with the East goes through the Suez Canal and what proportion round the Cape; the proportion of such trade through the Canal to the whole foreign trade of the UK, etc. [Ordered to be printed, 27 February 1883].
12 January 1869 The Northumberland Central Railway Co. and their sureties to Ralph Brown, Esq. and others, trustees for Messrs Lambton & Co., bankers. Draft indenture.
March 1885 Printed letter from J. Buckingham Pope, on railway rates and charges.
1 Cent Per Mile. Light and Heavy Charges Contrasted. Figures that do not lie. Proof that railroad charges are 3 to 20 times the cost of service, by Alfred Cridge.
Leaflet: Bed-Rock Facts. No. 1 & No. 2, by Lizzie Denton Seybold, with note by Alfred Cridge. [Advocating reform of representative system in the USA and economic reform].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B273/8   1891-1892
7 December 1892 The African Transcontinental Telegraph Co. Ltd. Prospectus, with map and forms of application for shares. [Grey was a director; the prospectus is marked “Confidential” ]. Enclosed: 29 November 1892 Speech of C.J. Rhodes at the 2nd annual meeting of the British South Africa Co.
1891 In the High Court of Justice Q.B. division. The Companhia de Mocambique and others v the British South Africa Co. Statement of Claim.
May 1891 East African Scottish Mission: Instructions to the Mission Party proceeding on this mission to the territories of the Imperial and British East Africa Co. William Mackinnon, Chairman, A.L. Bruce, Hon. Sec., Treasurer, T. Fowell Buxton (& 4 others).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B273/9   1870-[1917]
A Bill to provide for the establishment of Church Boards in Parishes in England and Wales. Prepared and brought in by Mr Albert Grey, E. Stafford Howard, Stuart-Wortley, Mr Marriott and Mr Pulley. [Ordered to be printed 7 January 1881]. 5 copies.
Further copy of the above bill attached to the following pamphlets:
Church Boards in Parishes. A Speech Delivered in the House of Commons by Albert Grey, Esq, MP, upon the order for the Second Reading of the Church Boards Bill, April 27th 1881.
The Advantages of an Established Church. A Paper Read before the Church Congress, Carlisle, October 3, 1884 by Mr Albert Grey, MP.
National Church Reform (with appendix printing the Church Boards Bill and selections from public criticisms of the Bill, Manchester 1884).
c.1881 Leaflets on the National Church Reform Union.
Burial in churchyards [H.L.]. A Bill intituled. An Act for the better regulation of burials in churchyards. Presented by [3rd] Earl Grey. Ordered to be printed 9 May 1876.
[n.d. post 1911] Leaflet: An Appeal on behalf of Christian Unity. 4 copies.
c.1881 Leaflets on the Nat. Church Reform Union. 6 sets and one incomplete set.
March 1912 Leaflet: Disestablishment of the Church in Wales, by the Revd. S.E. Dymott.
c.1913 Leaflet: Archbishops' Committee on Church & State. Summary of Proposals of the Report.
Leaflet: Do the Creeds Express the Thought of the Day? [Added in MS “By a Member of the Churchmen's Union” ].
Leaflet: Proposed letter to the Archbishops, with note by P.L. G[ell] [on church reform].
Church Reform Union: enrolment form. 2 copies.
1 December 1870 Pamphlet: The Church Reform Union.
Leaflet issued by the Nat. Church Reform Union: Church Appointments. Who is to Blame for Their Abuse?. 2 copies.
Church Reform Union: Objects and Report for 1880.
27 August 1885 Leaflet: Mr Albert Grey, MP, on Church Reform, Killingworth [MS alterations].
January 1912 Leaflet: Student Christian Movement of Great Britain and Ireland. The Contribution of the Student Christian Movement to Christian Work at Home and Abroad.
[National] Church Reform Union: A National Church the Safeguard of Society.
Leaflet: The Creed of Christ; The Creed of Buddha - some press opinions.
Church Reform Union: Objects and Report for 1880; with another copy in a postage wrapper.
April 1885 Leaflet: The Coming General Election. Hints to Electors in Regard to Ecclesiastical Questions. Issued by the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control. [Advocates disestablishment].
The Toryism of the Established Church. Issued by the above society.
(1885) The Established Church and Popular Progress. Issued by the above society.
Printed paper: The Church Reform Union [reprinted from the Church Reformer]. Substance of a speech by the Revd. Brooke Lambert.
December 1884 Church of England Purity Society, Leaflet No. 1. The Question of Social Purity. Address at the Diocesan Conference by the Bishop of Peterborough.
Manual of the Church of England Purity Society. Part V Rules of Life.
January 1885 The Vanguard. The Monthly Paper of the Church of England Purity Society.
n.d. Pamphlet: Personal Purity, Home Life and National Greatness. An address by the Bishop of Melbourne (London).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B273/10   1878-[1915]
Printed paper, with diagrams issued by the York Health and Housing Reform Association: “How to spend a shilling on food to the best advantage” [possible dates 1886, 1892, 1897, 1904, 1909, 1915].
Church Congress, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1881, table of meetings (1st list of acceptances).
White Paper: Queen Anne's Bounty. Annual Report and Accounts of the Governors for the year ending 31 December 1880. (Ordered to be printed 3 June 1881).
White Paper: Queen Anne's Bounty. Annual Report and Accounts of the Governors for the year ending 31 December 1881. (Ordered to be printed 16 June 1882).
1882 First Report of H.M. Commissioners for Inquiring into the Condition of Cathedral Churches in England and Wales. Presented to both Houses of Parliament.
March 1883 The Free Church of Scotland: Statement prepared for information of Members of Parliament.
May 1878 Protest of the Association of English Episcopalians in Scotland against the assumption of territorial titles and diocesan jurisdiction by Bishops of the Scotch Episcopal Church, and the introduction of a papal hierarchy, with territorial titles, into Scotland.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B274/1   1886, 1907
Miscellaneous press cuttings, including:
January 1886 Report of speech by Grey on education.
February 1886 Letter to The Times concerning Grey and the Irish question.
May 1907 Letter from Moreton Frewen to an Irish newspaper on “The Home Rule” of the Federal System.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B274/2   1884
Envelope containing a large number of press cuttings on 4th Earl Grey's amendment to the Franchise Bill 1884 and other items on the Bill.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B274/3   1878-1881
Envelope containing a large number of press cuttings, mainly from The Times, on Afghanistan and the war there, 1878-1881.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B274/4   [1912]-1915
21 April 1915 Pages from the Daily Telegraph, with report of speech by Grey on the war (at the Royal Colonial Institute).
13 May 1915 Cutting from the Pall Mall Gazette on German atrocities.
n.d. [1912-1915] Duplicated typescript letter from ... [Sec. to the Imperial Studies Standing Committee of the University of London] to Sir Charles Lucas, on imperial education.
24 February 1915 Pamphlet: The Royal Colonial Institute and the War: Address by Harry E. Brittain at combined meeting of the R.C.I. and the Victoria League.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B274/5    [c.1880]-1900
Envelope containing miscellaneous press cuttings including reports of speeches by Grey on various occasions.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B274/6   12 July 1886
12 July 1886 2 copies the Newcastle Daily Journal, election news.
12 July 1886 2 copies the Newcastle Daily Journal, election news.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B274/7   1881-1886
1 April, 3, 10, 17, 24 June, 8, 15, 22, 29 July, 5 August 1882 the Co-operative News.
File of pages from various editions of the Economist 1885-6 and the Spectator 1885.
1 September 1883 Pages from the Battleaxe or Gazette of the Church Army.
6 October 1881 the Northern Echo, with articles on Middlesbrough - its rise and progress etc.
5 December 1885 the Spectator.
5 December 1885 the Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art [many pages uncut].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/1   25 May 1907
Page from the Montreal Daily Herald with account of ceremony of unveiling the statue to commemorate Lord Strathcona and the Canadians who fell in the Boer War. Speech by Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick. Also cutting from the same paper with article, “The significance of the monument”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/2   1908-1910
Envelope of Press Cuttings.
15 February 1908 Citizen, “Liberty Plus”, on Grey's idea that a statue of an angel of welcome and peace be erected on the heights overlooking the St Lawrence. 5 copies.
13 February 1908 Toronto News, “As When a Giant Falls”, on the purchase of The Times by Lord Northcliffe. 5 copies.
2 February 1910 Page from The News, with article by J.S. Willison: “An Answer to Critics” - defending Northcliffe against attacks in the Canadian press. Also obituary of Sir George Drummond.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/3   1907
February 1907 Envelope containing many press cuttings on the illness, death and funeral of Lady Victoria Grenfell and also on a memorial service for her.
Cutting concerning the Federal Conference on Education 1907.
Provisional Program of the National Arbitration and Peace Congress to be held in New York, April 1907.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/4   1892-[1915]
29 October 1914 Page from the Sun, with letter from Moreton Frewen on the morals and economics of the war.
8 April 1904 Cutting from The Times, “Canada and the Commercial Defence of the Empire”.
Cuttings from The Times:
Studies of administration in the tropics - the Federated Malay States by Alleyne Ireland.
5 April 1904 Pan-Germanism and the Germans of the United States.
5 April 1904 The Railways and the Farmers. Representation of the People in Parliament (letter from Henry Kimber, MP).
18 October [1915] Cutting from the Westminster Gazette, with letter from M. Frewen, "The National Value of the Ocean Fisheries".
7 November 1914 Cutting from the Spectator, with extracts of letter from Charles Francis Adams to Lord Newton.
Page from the Spectator (supplement to issue of 7 November 1914), “An Agricultural Faggot”. Reviews of various books on agriculture and the land etc.
Pages from the American Review of Reviews with article on Dr Robertson's work for the training of Canadian Farmers; and the milk supply as a national problem.
Page from the Outlook with article by Theodore Roosevelt, “The Constructive Quarterly”.
Group of “notes and extracts and odds and ends” - notes by Grey on books and articles he had read. Includes a note of what he had read and made notes on from day to day over a period of about 3 weeks. Also includes full notes on an article by Sydney Webb in the Contemporary August 1892 - Liberals and socialism.
n.d. Also 3 copies of Anti-Force Leaflet: The Party of Individual Liberty, “What we Want” (Manchester).
1910 Rough notes: John Redmond by Redmond Howard.
Rough notes on Tasmania.
Rough notes - politics in Australia and New Zealand.
Summaries of letters [from 2nd Earl Grey to 3rd Earl 1821-22].
Typescript note concerning a jewel owned by Miss MacLeod which served as a pattern for a banner.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/5   1904-1917
Cuttings from English and Canadian newspapers, etc.
1 December 1904 Lord Minto's governor generalship, Morning Post.
16 July 1907 The land of the Future ... Newfoundland, by H. Hamilton Fyfe, Daily Mail.
16 November 1907 The curse of negation, Ottawa Citizen.
29 August 1907 Fighting the White Plague, Earl Grey's Strong Appeal at Opening King Edward Sanitorium, Toronto News.
15 February 1908 Liberty plus, Daily Citizen (8 copies).
23 December 1910 The Agricultural Department, Montreal Gazette.
4 November 1913 British Farming: Impressions of American Investigators, The Times.
13 December 1913 The Crisis in Bacon, Newcastle ...
2 April 1910 What so Called Canadian Independence would really mean, by J. Castell Hopkins, Montreal Standard.
30 April 1910 Canadians of Today and Tomorrow, John C. Eaton: a business dynamo, The Globe.
16 December 1911 Canadian Citizenship, the News.
19 December 1911 Policy for Canada, the News.
31 August 1912 Pages from the Ottawa Evening Journal, contains article on the rift between Gen. Booth and his son Ballington, with letters written by them.
9 December .... Borden is frank with Canadians at New York ... on questions of national import, Evening Journal.
“Railway Presidents are indicted by Grand Jury. E.J. Chamberlin, President of the G.T.R. was charge[d] breach of anti-trust Law”, Ottawa Journal.
18 August 1917 Pages from Canada.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/6   1898-1909
Envelope containing the following printed matter, etc.
16 January 1905 Cuttings from Canadian newspapers concerning the “Drawing Room” function held by Grey on 14 January 1905.
Cuttings concerning the engagement of Lord Howick and Lady Mabel Palmer, 1906, with one account of the wedding. Also an account of an escape by Lord Howick when his horse bolted, 1898.
Draft programme of the visit to Quebec of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 22-29 July 1908.
Typescript paper: official guests (with MS additions).
1908 Typescript paper: The Prince of Wales' entourage.
1909 Cuttings from English and Canadian newspapers on Grey's decision to remain as Governor General in Canada for the full term of 6 years.
Miscellaneous cuttings mainly concerning Grey in Canada and also a cutting from the Winnipeg Telegram, 27 July 1907 concerning “Tisdale Pioneers” including J.G. Butterfield (a former steward of Grey).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/7   23 January 1912
Envelope containing:
12 sourvenir brochures on the presentation by the Corporation of the City of London of the freedom of the city to Grey, 23 January 1912, including photo of Grey and coloured photo of the gold casket, and description thereof.
Menu, plan of tables and programme of music for the luncheon at the Mansion House on the above occasion, with a note on the Mansion House.
Arrangements for the ceremony on the above occasion. 3 copies (printed).
2 tickets for admission to the ceremony, one for J.H. Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/8   1900-1906
Press cuttings concerning the coming of age, engagement and wedding of Lord Howick (5th Earl Grey).
Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/9   1908-1912
Envelope containing cuttings from English and Canadian newspapers, mainly concerning Grey and Canada and particularly his speech when the Freedom of the City of London was presented to him in January 1912. Also includes pieces on Canadian politics, one cutting concerning the British Bank of Northern Commerce; some concerning porportional representation and temperance.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/10   1909
12 February 1909 Envelope containing complete copy of the Ottawa Evening Journal, and pages and cuttings from other Canadian and English newspapers, 1909.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B275/11   1908-1912
Large envelope containing cuttings from English and Canadian papers on Grey and Canada, especially the extension of his Governor-Generalship and his speech when the freedom of the City of London was conferred on him in 1912. Also contains cuttings from the Bulawayo Chronicle with account of Grey's speech on laying the foundation stone of a new nurses' home at Memorial Hospital, and a banquet given in his honour, August 1912.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/1   January 1901, 23 March 1910
23 January 1901 Page from the Syren and Shipping, “A German Training Ship”. Attached to: 19 January 1901 Pages from Free Labour Press, containing articles on George Alexander Laws, General Manager of the Shipping Federation.
23 March 1910 Page from The Times, “Sir Edward Grey on Free Trade”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/2   1911-1913
File of newspaper extracts concerning copper and a report of the 5th general meeting of the shareholders of the Santa Gertrudis Co. [Arthur Grenfell was chairman]:
7 November 1911 Pages from The Times, “The Development of Central Africa. A Tour to the Great Copper Belt of Katangn, the mines, railways and work of the Tanganyika Concessions Ltd - Trekking through the Copper Country”.
9, 14, 21, 23, 28 November, 1, 13 December 1911 Pages from The Times.
13 September, 25 October, 8 November 1913 Pages from the Statist.
20 November 1913 the Financial News [on the Santa Gertrudis Co.].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/3   1877-1878
File of press cuttings on troubles in the Northumberland Coal Industry 1877-1878, including:
“The Pits and Miners of Northumberland” [statistics and average wages of various classes of workmen].
22, 25 December 1877, 1 January 1878 Letters From Mr Burt, MP.
Letter from Theo. Wood Bunning (Sec. to the Northumberland Steam Collieries Defence Association) to the Daily Chronicle.
Restrictive Combinations in the Northern Coal Trade.
19 December 1877 Coal Crisis in Northumberland - Stoppage of Work, Reports from the County.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/4   1879-[1902]
August 1893 Pages from the South African Catholic Magazine, with article on the Mashonas by A.M. Hartmann S.J.
n.d. [late 1902] Part of a newspaper report of a speech by Grey introducing Arnold White.
20 June 1881 Cutting from the Daily Chronicle: Letter from 4th Earl Grey, “Mr Albert Grey and the Land Bill” (2 copies).
29 November 1879 Press cuttings with MS additions and comments by Grey on national financial matters, especially Gladstone's speech at Edinburgh.
29 March 1899 Cutting from the Darlington Star, “Co-operative production” [concerns Grey and the movement].

Paper   1 file
Miscellaneous Press Cuttings
Reference: GRE/B276/5
Dates of creation: 23 February 1846; 23 April 1860; 6 July 1889
Extent: 1 filePaper

25 February 1846 Letter from Lord Macauley to P. Anderson of Edinburgh on universal suffrage.
“The Ballast-Heavers of London and the late Prince Consort”.
23 April 1860 Cutting from the Daily Courant, on working men's wages and the franchise.
6 July 1889 Cutting from the Alnwick & County Gazette: Letter from H.W. Fawcus on “Farming in Northumberland”.

GRE/B276/6   1881-1882
File of notes, press cuttings and memoranda by Grey on the Irish land question, includes:
Rough draft of speech for the House of Commons.
Draft letters to the press (one unsent).
20 June 1881 Cutting of letter Grey to the Daily Chronicle, Heneage's amendment to the Land Bill.
Cutting of letter H.O. Arnold Forster to The Times, “Evictions and Crime”.
Cutting of letter M.E. Hicks-Beach, 1st Earl St Aldwyn, to The Times, “The Irish Land Act”.
Cutting of letter 3rd Earl Grey to The Times, “The Lords' Committee on the Land Act”.
Cutting of letter Goldwin Smith to The Times, “Parliament and Ireland”.
White Paper: Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Bill: Copy of Treasury Minute dated 16 June 1882 stating the method in which it is proposed to provide money for the purposes of the said bill. [Ordered to be printed 16 June 1882].
Part of a long draft letter or paper by 3rd Earl Grey criticising the provisions of the Coercion Act [pp.22-35 only].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/7   [1882]
Notes by 4th Earl Grey for a speech in the Commons on the Arrears Bill [incomplete]. [Arrears of Rent Act, Ireland, May 1882].
Further notes by Grey of arguments against the above measure, some evidently not made use of in the speech he intended to make.

Paper   1 file
Press Cuttings, etc., on Ireland
Reference: GRE/B276/8
Dates of creation: 1879-1882
Extent: 1 filePaper

14 November 1879 Letters Lifford and George Bowyer (MP Wexford) to The Times.
Letter Mitchell Henry to The Times“Ireland and the House of Commons”.
11 November 1879 Cutting, “Home Rule Demonstration at Manchester”.
n.d. Cutting, speech by Parnell.
c.16 December 1879 Cutting, “The State of Ireland”.
c.18 December Cutting from The Times, letter from Francis Comyn, “Law and Land in Ireland”.
6 January 1880 Cutting from The Times.
Cutting, “The Archbishop of Dublin on Irish Agitation”.
1 December 1879 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, “The land agitation in Ireland, speech by Mr Davitt at Gateshead”.
5 July [1881?] Cutting: Letter Thomas Baldwin to The Times, “The Duke of Argyll and the Irish Land Question”.
6 May 1881 Cutting: Letter W.H. Gregory to The Times, “The Irish Land Bill”.
16 January 1880 Cutting from The Times, “Irish Farms and Farming”.
c.17 June [1882] Cutting from [The Times?], “Ireland”.
16 June 1882 Cutting from The Times, “Evictions in Ireland”.
5 July 1882 Cutting from The Times, “Dynamite Operations in the United States”.
24 June 1882 Cutting, letter Arthur Kavanagh to The Times, “The Irish Land Corporation”.
Cutting, “Irish Evictions”.
30 May 1882 Cutting, letter Auberon Herbert to The Times, “Mr Gladstone's Irish Legislation”.
Cutting, letter W. Rowan to The Times, “Land League Tactics”.
Cutting from The Times, letter from Lansdowne on “The Bessborough Commission”.
21 June 1882 Cutting from The Times, “The American Irish Press”.
3 April 1882 Page from the Pall Mall Gazette, “New Policy for Ireland”.
1 June 1882 Cutting from the Standard: letter from James H. Tuke on Irish immigration.
1 June 1882 Cutting [also from the Standard], concerning the Prevention of Crime Bill.
15 April .... Printed paper: Resolutions of a meeting [of landlords] at Ardfert Abbey, Co. Kerry, concerning the Land Bill.

Also in this File: Press cutting on the decline of peasant proprietors in Cumberland and Westmorland.

GRE/B276/9   1881
Notes by Grey from report of Select Committee on Irish Laws.
Notes by Grey from J.S. Mill on government.
Rough notes by Grey evidently for part of a speech on Ireland - land situation - criticism of Irish Land Act of 1881.
Rough notes by Grey headed “Peasant Proprietorship”.
Rough notes by Grey headed “Peace Preservation Act 1870” - note of contents of several clauses.
Rough notes by Grey, parts of 2 speeches on Ireland 1881(?).
Notes of remarks by Gladstone and Hartington on Ireland.
Notes by Grey on Ireland: statistics of education 1841-1871; coal and iron ore production; other ores and minerals; statistics of live stock 1880 with comparisons for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871; population statistics 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1875-1879; emigration 1851-1861, 1861-1871, 1873, 1879.
31 May 1881, 2 April 1882 2 letters W.? Paul (Stipendiary Magistrate, Galway) to Grey, on Ireland.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/10   1880-1882
12 May 1881 Printed paper: “Rough Draft [Confidential]”Means of Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes in Ireland by Edwin Chadwick [with MS alterations]. Advocating scheme of land drainage in Ireland.
12 January 1881 Printed paper by Alex. H. Gordon MP, quoting statistics to show that farming in Ireland was not as improfitable as the Irish Land League claimed. [Addressed to Grey].
January 1881 Printed circular letter from Vere Foster “to members of H.M.'s Government and to members of both Houses of Parliament” on distress on the W. of Ireland and popular desire for assisted emigration.
Printed paper: “The London Companies' Estates in Co. Derry. Short Statement of their History and Management”.
Printed paper: “Land Law (Ireland) Bill. Particulars regarding the purchase by the landlord of the tenant right or other interest of the tenant, where the holding has been re-let without purchase, fine or premium, and free from any claim for tenant right”. [Gives the name of the landlord, the county, acreage purchased, observations].
April 1881 Printed paper [circulated to each MP]: The Coming Land Bill. Status or Contract, by Robert McDonnell, with reprints from The Times and various Irish newspapers of comments on “Parliamentary Tenant Right”, in 1870.
White Paper: Returns relating to Landlord and Tenant (Ireland), ordered to be printed 15 March 1880.
White Paper: Return of the total Number of Ejectments ... in Ireland for non-payment of rent 1878-9. Ordered to be printed 28 June 1880.
White Paper: Irish Church Act, etc.(Purchases). Return of the total amount payable during the year 1879, of instalments and of interest of money due in respect of purchases of land under the Irish Church Act, 1869, and the Land Acts of 1870 and 1872 ... [and also of arrears]. Ordered to be printed 29 June 1880. [MS additions].
White Paper: Evictions (Ireland). Copy return prepared from reports to the Inspector General of the Royal Irish Constabulary of cases of eviction which have come under the knowledge of the constabulary showing the number of families evicted in each county in Ireland 1877-80. Ordered to be printed 1 July 1880. [MS notes and calculations by Grey on back].
White Paper: Arrears of Rent, Ireland. Copy of Treasury minute on arrears of rent in Ireland, dated 26 June 1882. Ordered to be printed 1 July 1882. [With MS notes by Grey].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/11   1881-1882
Cutting from The Times: letter from H. Villiers Stuart on the Arrears Bill.
[May 1882] Press cutting: “Mr Davitt and Ireland”.
Notes by Grey on debates in the House of Commons on the Irish Land Bill 1881, especially relating to the question of arrears.
Further notes on the same subject from various sources.
2 sets of notes by Grey for speeches on the arrears bill of 1882.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B276/12   1880s
Book containing notes by Grey on the agrarian question in Ireland; notes on reports e.g. the Bessborough Report; notes on the economic state of Ireland to show that there had been no very “arrested progress” in the period c.1840-c.1880. Press cutting enclosed on “The Long Sitting of the Commons”.
1880's Book containing notes by Grey from articles in The Scotsman on the situation in Ireland. Enclosed: Press cutting of part of a speech by Parnell.
c.1880 Book containing a few notes by Grey on Ireland and part of a speech on the Eastern Question.

Paper   1 file
Notes by 4th Earl Grey on Books, etc.
Reference: GRE/B277/1
Dates of creation: [1910s]
Extent: 1 filePaper

Aristocracy: the rights and duties of citizens; radicalism and trade unionism.
Extracts from Queen Victoria's letters: Sir Robert Peel and America.
The English in Ireland.
Typescript paper: “A Tale of Two Interpretations, being the time and inward account of the stupendous events which occurred in the week ending Saturday, 6 November 1915”. Marked by Grey in pencil “Confidential. Please Return to Lord Grey”. [Satirical account of the Prime Minister, Kitchener, Lloyd George, the suppression of the Globe, etc.].

GRE/B277/2   1870-1915
Typescript speech: 4th Earl Grey to the Royal Colonial Institute 1915. [MS corrections]. On the war and the Royal Colonial Institute and the Empire.
December 1883 MS speech by Grey on Foreign Missions. Evidently given at Newcastle before the Bishop. Endorsed “unreported”.
1915 Rough draft of a letter Grey to the press? on Germany and the war and on the low opinion that Germans had of the British way of life. Attached: French translation of a letter found on a dead German officer (written from Berlin, 8 May 1915). Also extract from the said letter.
Note on how the Kaiser had reversed Bismark's policies: Germany's war policy.
Summary of 4th Earl Grey's diaries 1870-1878.
Notes by 4th Earl Grey of reminiscences by 3rd Earl Grey:
The cipher used by 3rd Earl in his letters to his wife concerning the break up of the 2nd Earl Grey's administration in 1834.
1st Earl Durham's character and the circumstances of his resignation (2 pieces are not in 4th Earl Grey's hand).
The Northumberland election of 1807; the Whig party and the Liverpool Government; 2nd Earl Grey and the Duke of Wellington, and Canning.
Lord Duncannon as Commissioner of Woods and Forests; Peel and Catholic Emancipation; O'Connell and Duncannon.
2nd Earl v 3rd Earl Grey on Ireland; 2nd Earl's refusal to create peers in 1832; 3rd Earl Grey and the independence of the clergy.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B277/3   1881-1882
9 May 1882 Printed circular from Grey, R.T. Reid (Earl Loreburn), Brooke Lambert, Samuel A. Barnett, P. Lyttelton Gell, on Bill to amend the Public Worship Regulation Act 1874. 2 copies.
A Bill to provide for the establishment of Church Boards in parishes in England and Wales. (Prepared and brought in by Grey, E. Stafford Howard, Mr Stuart-Wortley, Mr Marriott and Mr Pulley). Ordered to be printed 7 January 1881. 2 copies.
Pages from a magazine, “A Parochial or Congregational Church Council” - Paper read at a church meeting by W. Allen Whitworth, M.A., Fellow of St John's, Cambridge, and Vicar of St John's, Hammersmith.
Pamphlet: Church Boards, who are to elect them? A paper read before the Church Congress, Derby, October 15, 1882, by Mr Albert Grey MP.
Pamphlet: Church Boards in Parishes. A speech delivered in the House of Commons by Albert Grey, Esq, MP, upon the order for the second reading of the Church Boards Bill, April 27th, 1881, with an introduction by Philip Lyttelton Gell and a selection from public criticisms upon the Bill.
Leaflet: The National Church Reform Union. 2 copies.

Press Cuttings:
“Patronage in the Church”, by Thomas Hancock.
“Church Boards Bill” - letter from C.M. Preston.
Article in the Manchester Examiner on the Church Boards Bill.
“The Church Boards Bill”, the Guardian, 13 April 1881, letters from Revd. J. Alder Wilson (Crathorne Rectory, Yarm) 8 April 1881, and Joseph R. Diggle.
12 April 1881 Newcastle Daily Chronicle, “Mr Albert Grey MP and the Church Boards Bill”.
16 April 1881 “Church Boards” [Guardian]. Letters from Revd. Charles Baker and Revd. A.R. Bingham Wright.
16 April 1881 Hexham Courant, “Mr Albert Grey and the Church”.
Press cutting: “The Church Boards Bill”.
25 April 1881 Letter Revd. W.H. Fremantle to The Times, “Mr Albert Grey's Church Boards Bill”. (2 copies).
29 April 1881 Editorial in The Times, on the Church Boards Bill.
27 April 1881 Press report of proceedings at the Convocation at York, concerning Grey's bill.
Cutting from the Northern Echo on the “talking out” of the Bill.
28 April 1881 Cutting from the Echo.
30 April 1881 Cuttings concerning the Bill from the Spectator.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B277/4   1900-1902
7 November 1900 Letter Francis John Douglas to Grey, asking him to act on the committee of the Tweed and Teviot Private Hatchery and concerning the deed for a salmon trap. [Found apart].
30 May 1902 Copy letter Grey to Francis John Douglas (with MS alterations), regretting failure of the Tweed Commissioners to extend salmon hatchery at Learmouth. Press cuttings attached:
Letter Grey to The Times on artificial fish culture with letter H.M. Smith of U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries to Grey, 8 March 1902. (2 copies).
28 May 1902 Cutting from the Aberdeen Journal, reporting Grey's letter and printing Smith's in full.
8 May 1902 Cutting from Newcastle Journal: Earl Grey on Fish Culture, Earl Grey and Allice Shad, Salmon destroyers on the Tyne.
8 May 1902 Cutting from Newcastle Chronicle on Grey and salmon culture.
4 June 1902 Letter William Young (St Leonard's, Berwick on Tweed) to Douglas, concerning persons and bodies who should support proposals about the hatchery.
13 June 1902 Letter F.J. Douglas to Grey, concerning Tweed Commissioners in favour of the hatchery with criticism of the views of Walter Archer.
23 June 1902 Letter F.J. Douglas to Grey, criticising the views of Waldie Griffith and enclosing the following:
21 June 1902 Letter R. Waldie-Griffith (16 Curzon Street, London) to Douglas, concerning business to be transacted with regard to the hatchery.
Draft letter Douglas to the subscribers to the hatchery requesting annual subscription and additional help to clear off a debt.
7 May 1902 Reprint of letter Grey to The Times, and letter of H.M. Smith (Acting Commissioner, U.S. Commission of Fish & Fisheries) to Grey, 8 March 1902, on “artificial fish culture”. 7 copies.
June 1902 Printed circular letter from F.J. Douglas (of Catherington, Horndean, Hants), and printed copy letter Grey to F.J. Douglas, 30 May 1902, and reprints of the above letters to The Times.
March 1901 “Wanted - A Department of Fisheries” by Moreton Frewen - reprint from the Anglo-Saxon Review. Enclosure: Press cutting: “An Attack on Fishery Boards”.
Booklet: Northumberland Sea Fisheries Committee Report on the Scientific Investigations for the Year 1901, edited by Alexander Meek MSc.F.Z.S. (The Marine Laboratory Cullercoats and the Durham College of Science, Newcastle). Printed by order of the Committee 17 October 1901.
Booklet: Report of a visit of the Northumberland Sea Fisheries Committee to the Marine Hatchery at Dunbar, 23 May 1895. [By C. Williams].
Leaflet: The Improvement of the North Sea Fisheries. Artificial Fertilisation of Fish Ova by Alexander Meek. [Technical Education in Northumberland, circular No. 15, March 1901].
1902 4 cuttings from The Times on British fisheries and scientific fishery investigation.
2 press cuttings on artificial fish culture and one on the decline in salmon fishing.
24 May 1902 Cutting from Country Life, “Salmon Growth at Sea”.
Press cutting on Oyster Culture [found separately].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B277/5   [1870s x 1917]
1820-1830 Notebook containing short notes by 4th Earl Grey of the contents of letters from 2nd Earl Grey to General Charles Grey.
Notes by 4th Earl Grey concerning parliamentary reform with account of the struggle in 1831-1832.
Notes by Grey on roads and roadmaking.
Note of a disastrous flood of the Ganges, 1876.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B277/6   1909-1910, 1916
Press Cuttings:
1 January 1909 Letter M. Frewen to the Observer, “The Crisis in Eastern Exchange”.
5 January 1909 Letter Frewen to the New York Sun, “The Future of Silver, Mr Moreton Frewen explains Senator Teller's Letter” [see GRE/205/12].
January 1910 Cuttings of articles by Frewen in the Financial News, “U.S. Annual Income will Equal our Entire Assets. That is the state of things which ‘free’ trade will create in another 25 years”.
10 January 1910 “The market is illimitable but rigidly protected”.
24 July 1916 Cuttings from The Times: “Irish “Settlement”, Sir H. Plunkett's warning” (letter Plunkett to The Times); “The Elements of Reconstruction - the Long View and Labour” (3rd of a series of letters from D.P.).
[?August 1916] Cutting from The Times, “The Elements of Reconstruction - An Imperial Constitution”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B277/7   1909-1911
Issue of 11 Newfoundland postage stamps to commemorate the coronation of George V and Queen Mary, 22 June 1911. Mounted on card, signed by E. Morris the Prime Minister.
19 March 1909 2 plans of single storey cottages by W. Marshall, Architect.
One further design.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/1   1910-1911
File of bills to be paid on behalf of Grey by Williams Agency and vouchers for wine purchased 1904-1905.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/2   1904
File of papers concerning servants for Grey's establishment. Wages stated.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/3   1904-[1911]
File of papers of the Comptroller of Grey's household in Canada, including details of expenditure 1904-1909, statistics of prices and consumption, lists of tradesmen, etc.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/4   1904, 1911
File containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey's goods and furniture shipped to Canada in 1904 and re-shipped to England in 1911. Includes insurance certificates. Details of pictures given. Includes: 5 October 1911 Letter J.W. Mills & Son to J.N. Freemantle.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/5   1886-1900
1899 Press cuttings concerning demonstration in Newcastle in connection with the Peace Movement. Reports of speeches by Grey and W.T. Stead.
January 1900 Pages from the North American Review, with article by Grey on England and the Transvaal.
11 January 1886 Cutting from the Newcastle Chronicle, reporting Newcastle Farmers' Club annual meeting and dinner; report of speech by Grey.
6 February 1889 Cutting from the Newcastle Daily Leader, reporting proceedings at the annual meeting in connection with the Bishop of Newcastle's Fund, including report of speech by Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/6   1893-1894, 1899
2 July .... Cutting of letter 3rd Earl Grey to The Times, “On Mr Gladstone's Conduct”.
6, 9 August 1894 Cuttings of letters 3rd Earl Grey to The Times, “The Evicted Tenants Bill”.
4 August 1894 Cutting from The Times of letter from Edward Carson, on the above mentioned Bill. Ticket for a Unionist Demonstration to be held on 29 November 1887 in Dublin at which the Marquess of Hartington and G.J. Goschen were to speak.
10 April 1893 Cutting of letter, 4th Earl Grey to the press, “Mr Albert Grey and Dr Spence Watson”.
13 April 1893 Cutting of letter, 4th Earl Grey to the press, “Mr Albert Grey and Home Rule”.
June 1893 Circular H. Crawford Smith, on Working Men's Deputations to Belfast, with list of subscriptions already promised.
5 June 1899 Cutting from the Newcastle Leader, “The National Memorial to Mr Gladstone, Meeting in Newcastle, Address by Earl Grey”.
24 April 1899 Also cutting from the same newspaper, speech by Grey at Seaton Burn Mechanics' Institute.

Paper   1 file
American Functions
Reference: GRE/B278/7
Dates of creation: 1905-1907
Extent: 1 filePaper

31 March 1906 Pilgrims' Dinner in honour of Grey as Governor General of Canada: list of guests and table arrangement.
7 February 1906 Copy letter Grey to President Roosevelt.
12 February 1906 Copy letter Roosevelt to Grey.
January 1897 Pages from McClure's Magazine - article on portraits of great Americans by Charles Henry Hart; and on Benjamin Franklin by W.P. Trent.
1 September 1906 Pages from the Review of Reviews, with speech by Grey on Anglo-American friendship.
Press cuttings on the return by Grey to the U.S.A. of the Franklin portrait.
16 July 1906 Cutting from the Daily Express, concerning the Franklin portrait.
1 April 1906 Cutting from the Press, re the above.
Note concerning the portrait.
14 December 1905 Letter Francis Rawle of Philadelphia to Grey.
20 December 1905 Copy letter Grey to Rawle.
Reproduction of the Franklin portrait (9 copies).
1906 Booklet: The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia: Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. Includes colour reproduction of portrait of Franklin after the miniature by J.S. Duplessis, and menu and toasts at the dinner. Interleaved:
“The Memory of Franklin” - a poem by S. Weir Mitchell.
5 April 1906 Letter Weir Mitchell to Grey and notes which Weir Mitchell used in proposing toasts at the above dinner.
21 April 1906 Letter Joseph H. Choate to Grey.
Reproduction of the protrait of Franklin by Benjamin Wilson 1759, the original of which was taken to England by General Sir Charles Grey during the American War of Independence and was restored to the U.S.A. by 4th Earl Grey in 1906.
31 March 1906 Menu for the Pilgrims' Dinner in honour of Grey.
Press cuttings concerning the dinner (including some from the Gaelic American, strongly criticising the proceedings).
Photo of Frank Woodbridge Cheney with notes.
19 April 1907 Cutting from the Standard, with report of interview given to that paper by Grey on means of preserving world peace.
Press cuttings concerning a dinner at Albany, New York, by the University Club at which Grey was present (includes photograph). Report of Grey's speech.

GRE/B278/8   [1896 x 1898]
Part I: File of photographs etc., mainly of Rhodesian pioneering scenes. Includes photo of memorial stone to George Grey.
Part II: Photograph album of Rhodesian scenes. Includes photographs of many members of Major Allan Wilson's ill-fated party.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/9   [1904 x 1911]
Photographs and printed matter concerning banners presented through Grey to Canadian Colleges.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/10   1873-1911
Notes by Grey concerning the National Training School of Music and the Northumberland music scholarships.
Rough notes of subscriptions received and payments made from the Northumberland scholarship fund.
Reprint of an article by Grey on beautifying railway embankments.
Pamphlet: Address delivered by the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland ... Earl Grey DCL on the occasion of the opening of the session at the Durham College of Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1 October 1900.
11 May 1892 Cuttings from the Newcastle Chronicle on celebrations at Alnwick on the coming of age of Lord Warkworth.
Booklet: Coming of Age of Viscount Howick. Festivities at Howick Hall. Presentaitons to His Lordship. Reprinted from the Alnwick Guardian, 22 December 1900. Enclosed: 5 January 1899 Press cutting concerning the bolting of a horse Howick was riding.
List of passengers: R.M.S. “Etruria” , Liverpool to New York, 14 May 1887.
List of passengers: R.M.S. “Bothnia” , Boston to Liverpool, 7 July 1887. Grey was a passenger.
December 1873 Cambridge Law and History Tripos results (Grey headed the list of firsts).
23 June 1909 Encaenia at which the degree of DCL honoris causa was conferred on Grey - order of proceedings (2 copies) and speeches (4 copies).
7 December 1911 Speeches of the public orator in presenting for the degree of Doctor in Law honoris causa. Grey and Baron Rothschild, Cambridge. 6 copies.
26 September 1902 Passenger list of the S.S. “Braemar Castle”, London to Cape Town, etc. Grey was a passenger.
Photos, school gardens at Dunston.
2 photos of 4th Earl Grey.
Photo of fishing party with record of fish caught on the Cascopedia.
2 other photos of a river.
Photo of school cricket eleven and of school group. Evidently 5th Earl Grey is among these.
Photo of ?3rd Countess Grey?

Paper   1 file
GRE/B278/11   [1910s]
List of contents of various files.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B279/1   [1910s]
1916 11 photographs of the National Battlefields Park, Quebec.
Photographs of the slogan displayed in a classroom [at Howick?]: “What is my Country? The Empire is my Country. England is my Home”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B279/2   [1904 x 1911]
Large folder of photographs of Canadian scenes and people.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B279/3   [1860 x 1917]
Folder of photographs, mainly of Howick and of some members of the Grey family.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B279/4   1914
File of press cuttings - mainly reports of Grey's speeches to encourage recruitment.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B279/5   March-April 1914
Press cuttings, mounted in a paper book, mainly of speeches and interviews given by Grey in New Zealand, chiefly on Dominion House.
Paper   1 file
Penny Postage
Reference: GRE/B279/6
Dates of creation: 1890, 1905, 1907
Extent: 1 filePaper

February 1907 Cutting from Canadian Courier: “Obstinacy of British Postmasters General” by John A. Cooper.
10 October 1905 Cutting from The Times: Letter from J. Henniker Heaton on universal penny postage, with copies of numerous letters to him from prominent persons on the subject.
Pamphlet by W.T. Stead: A Penny Post for the English-Speaking World, with copy letter J. Henniker Heaton to W.T. Stead, 29 April 1890.
Envelope with cartoons drawn by Harry Furness, “Post Office Jumble of Uniform Penny Postage at the General Post Office, London, July 1890”.

GRE/B279/7   [?1916]
3 paper covered books, each containing 12 reproductions of drawings by Louis Raemaekers on the 1914 war; cover pictures also by Raemaekers.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B280/1   1908
Photographs by H.O. Dodge of Sydney, N.S. of the Quebec Tercentenary Celebrations:
“The Tented City”.
“Seventh Pageant”.
“The Fleet at Quebec's Tercentenary Celebration”.
“Grand Naval and Military Review before H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 24 July 1908”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B280/2   1837-1904
[c.1884?] Poster issued by the North of England Proportional Representation League “Division into Single Districts Destroys Representation”. 9 copies.
Eleven illustrations of Thomson's Castle of Indolence by William Rimer. (Art Union of London, 1845).
4 photographs of 4th Earl Grey taken at various times, including a large one taken in 1904.
Photograph of Chick Mazzuchi.
Lithograph, “Howick Rocks” by M. Grey. 16 copies.
Lithograph, “In the Long Walk, Howick” by M. Grey. 12 copies.
Miscellaneous sketches. 3 pieces.
Photograph of the relief by A. Fisher 1902 “Drink not the third glass”.
Reproductions of various portraits and one bust of 2nd Earl Grey, including one by Sir Thomas Lawrence.
1 reproduction of a portrait of General Charles Grey.
Newspaper and magazine cuttings with pictures of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Earls Grey and some printed matter.
Ticket to admit 3rd Earl Grey (Viscount Howick) to the Guildhall London on Lord Mayor's Day, 9 November 1837, when the Queen was to have dinner with the Corporation.
1845 Reproduction of sketch of Lady Georgiana Grey in fancy dress by D. Macdonald.
1845 Reproduction of sketch of Lady Mary Wood (Viscountess Halifax) in fancy dress, by D. Macdonald.
Reproduction of portrait of a lady (unidentified).
Photo of a building.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B280/3   1 January 1895; 31 July 1897
1 January 1895 County of Northumberland: Registers of County electors for the Embleton No. 2 electoral division.
Longhoughton polling district (incomplete)
Eglingham polling district
Embleton polling district
Glanton polling district
31 July 1897 List of persons entitled to be registered as parliamentary electors for the Berwick upon Tweed division in the County of Northumberland in respect of property situate wholly or partly within this township.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B280/4   1911
1911 Illuminated address to Grey from the Ontario Curling Association.
June 1911 Address to Grey from the Guelph Fat Stock Club.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B280/5   1904-1911
Scrolls recording Honorary degrees conferred on Grey:
1905 McGill University - Doctor in Laws.
1905 Regina University - Doctor of Theology.
1910 Lennoxville University - Doctor of Civil Law.
1904 Commemorative Diploma: USA Universal Exposition St Louis. Conferred on Grey for successful promotion of temperance reform.
19 April 1911 Letter Miss B. Gilbertson to J.H. Mansfield, enclosing all the above scrolls.
3 October 1911 Illuminated address to Grey from the Mount Royal Club, Montreal.

Paper   1 file
Grillion's Club
Reference: GRE/B281
Dates of creation: 1910
Extent: 1 filePaper

Printed list of members since its foundation 1812 to 1911.
Reproductions of portraits of the following members, each bearing the person's signature:
1910 4th Earl Grey (from the drawing by John S. Sargent).
Guthorne Hardy. Sir Gathorne Guthorne-Hardy, 1st Earl of Cranbrook.
C.B. Adderley. Charles Bowyer Adderley, 1st Baron Norton.
W.E. Gladstone.
Ebrington (3rd Earl of Fortescue).
Charles Shaw Lefevre, Viscount Eversley.
Stafford H. Northcote, Earl Iddesleigh.
John James Robert Manners, 7th Duke of Rutland.
Thomas Francis Fremantle, 1st Baron Cottesloe.
George Granville, 2nd Earl, d.1891.
Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 11th Bart.
Leonard Henry Courtenay, 1st Baron.
John Wilson-Patten, Lord Winmarleigh, 1st and only Baron, extinct 1892.
[Lord Ebury], unsigned.
Robert Grosvenor, 1st Baron, d.1893.
Sir Richard Everard Webster, Viscount Alverstone.
J.W. Childers, d.1886.
Sydney, 1st Earl.
Charles Wood, Viscount Halifax.
Spencer Horatio Walpole (1809-1898).
Edward Cardwell.
R.B. Haldane.
J. Moncreiffe.
Sir Roundell Palmer, 1st Earl Selborne, Lord Chancellor.
Hasting Russell (9th Duke of Bedford).
Sir James Paget, 1st Baronet, surgeon.
Robert Bannatyne Finlay, 1st Viscount.
William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon.
Randall Thomas Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Harris, 1898.
William Court Gully, 1st Viscount Selby.
M. Creighton, Bishop of London.
Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Loch.
2nd Earl Selborne, 1901.
Lovaine (6th Duke of Northumberland).
M.E. Hicks-Beach, Viscount St Aldwyn 1896.
William Henry Smith.
Fred Leighton, Baron Leighton of Stretton.
Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster.
Viscount Sandon, 3rd Earl of Harrowby.
Arthur D. Elliot.
William Hillier Onslow, 4th Earl.
Edward Stuart Talbot, Bishop of Southwark and Winchester.
Robert Lowe, 1st Viscount Sherbrook.
Arthur Mills (see Kelly's Handbook 1895 & Boase supp.), barrister; MP.
Carlisle d.1911.
Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, Lord Chancellor.
Robert G. Cecil, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury.
Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley.
George Richmond, portrait painter.
Lord George Hamilton.
Edward Stanhope.
Sir Redvers Buller.
W.E.H. Lecky.
Lord Arthur Russell.
Earl Northbrook, d.1904.
F. Leveson Gower.
W.E. Forster.
Samuel Whitbread.
Ashbourne, 1st Baron.
Dufferin & Ava.
J.D. Coleridge.
Sir Bartle Frere.
Sir Henry Wentworth Acland, physician.
Sir John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury.
Mount Edgcumbe, 1896.
Charles W. Dilke, 1908.
Arthur James Balfour, 1889.
Robert G.W. Herbert, 1897.
M.E. Grant Duff.
Jersey, 1903.
Joseph W. Chitty.
Sir A.C. Lyall.
H.T. Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford.
D. Plunket (David Robert Plunket, 1st Baron Rathmore).
M.W. Ridley, d.1904.
C. Thomas D. Ackland, 1900.
Edward J. Paynter, 1904.
E.W. Hamilton, 1903.
Augustine Birrell, 1904.
Sir William R. Anson, 1907.
Stanley, 1906.
Herbert Maxwell, 1903.
Sir S. Walpole.
James W. Lowther.
Sir Frank C. Lascelles.
W.H. Gregory.
Sir Francis Henry Jeune (Baron St Helier).
T.H. Sanderson, 1st Baron.
A.H. Hoskins.
Balfour of Burleigh.
Henry Tenworth Wells, portrait painter.
Sir Edward Ridley Colborne Bradford, 1st Bart., Commissioner of Metropolitan Police.
Evelyn Ashley.
R.H. Meade.
F.M. Roberts.
Sir John William Fortescue, military historian.
Sir Edmund Gosse.
Sir Francis Hopwood.
Sir George Herbert Murray.
Edward White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Walter H. Long.
Sir J. Edgar Boehm Bart.
Lord Houghton, d.1885.
Donoughmore, 6th Earl (2 portraits, one by Lady Norah Brassey, his sister).

GRE/B282/1   1888-1915
24 February 1888 Letter Revd. Albert P. Lawrence (Chevington Rectory) to Grey, appealing for financial help for the church.
26 November 1888 F.W. Lambton to Grey, concerning a horse Grey has bought from him.
13 November 1889 James Allan to Edward Jas. Macdonald (Grey's agent), concerning his sect known as “Church of Christ” and its existence in Broomhill.
Notes by Grey of a reply for Macdonald to write - Grey's views on the subject.
25 January 1915 Oliver Williams to Lady Grey, concerning a chauffeur.
Lord Lieutenant's Fund in aid of the Mayor of Newcastle's Relief Committee for the Reservists and Militia: Special appeal on behalf of their wives and families.
List of contributions collected by George H. Ackroyd.
List of contributions collected by J.H. Mansfield (Howick).
School children's subscriptions to the Fund.
Howick Village subscriptions.
3 other lists of contributions.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B282/2   May 1891-December 1892
30 May 1891 Revd. Edward Thornton (Vicar of Ancroft) to [Grey?], concerning a field and a school.
8 September 1891 Capt. W.H. O'Shea to Grey, Milford Haven Docks.
9 September 1891 S. Purdie (Hon. Sec. St James's Association, Alnwick) to Grey, asking to see Howick grounds. Note of Grey's reply on back.
18 September 1891 Herbert Corder (Hon. Sec. Sunderland Students' Association) to Grey, asking whether he can attend meeting on extension. Enclosed: 28 September 1891 Printed Notice: Northern Association for the Extension of University Teaching Conversazione.
5 October 1891 J.W. Holmes (Hon. Treas. Alnwick Harriers & Gymnasium) to Grey, concerning their progress and asking for subscription.
14 November 1891 Lindon Travers (Bass Vocalist & Lecturer) to Grey, date for performance.
18 November 1891 Messrs Hanbury, Hutton & Whitting to Grey, deeds, etc., re Col. L.P. Dawnay's settlement trust.
20 November 1891 John F. Bowstead (Hon. Sec. Berwick Poultry, Pigeon & Cage Bird Assoc.) to Grey, formation of a new Ornithological Society.
24, 26 December 1891 Letters Lindon Travers to E.J. Macdonald, arrangements for his performance.
11 January 1892 Lindon Travers to Grey, postponement of lecture.
18 February 1892 Grey to E.J. Macdonald, concerning his nomination papers for the County Council Election.
23, 24 February [1892] J. Craster to Macdonald, nomination papers for County Council Election.
Seaton Delaval District Industrial and Provident Society Limited. 111th Quarterly Report and Balance Sheet for Quarter Ending 31 May 1892. [Gives statistics of the progress of the Society 1864-1891].
10 June 1892 Charles Percy to Grey, asking permission for the members of Alnwick Mechanics' Institute to see through Howick Hall and grounds.
21 June 1892 Telegram Grey to Mansfield, concerning the above.
6 July 1892 Thomas Baxter (Sec. Seaton Delaval District Industr. & Prov. Soc.) to Grey, asking him to speak at opening of new branch store at Seaton Sluice.
6 July 1892 Thomas Hunter (Postmaster, Newcastle) to Grey, telegraph service.
9 July 1892 H. Walton (for Postmaster, Newcastle) to Grey, telegraph service.
7 July 1892 T.R. per pro. Alfred Victor Fordyce (election agent for Mr M'Calmont Hill) to Grey, Grey's support for Hill.
12 July 1892 James M. Lathaen to Grey, advocating revival of proportional representation movement and asking for employment.
28 July 1892 George Metcalfe (Director Newspaper Extract Agency) to Grey, renewal of subscription.
18 August 1892 George Metcalfe to Mansfield, the nature of Grey's order; his complaints and renewal of subscription.
3 August [1892] Thomas Dodds to Grey, asking him to present first aid certificates, etc.
16 August 1892 Edward Bateson (Editorial Sec. Northumberland County History) to Grey, asking to see certain historical documents.
25 August 1892 Edward Bateson to Mansfield (same subject).
16 August [1892] Margaret Osborn to Grey, picnic for Embleton Band of Hope at Howick.
22 August 1892 T. Waddington (Accountant N.E.R.) to Grey concerning signing of a cheque.
5 September 1892 James Walker (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Association Football Club) to Grey, asking him to become a patron.
7 September 1892 J. Flint (pro. Editor of University Extension Journal) to Grey, concerning his subscription.
10 September 1892 Edward Coxon to Grey, employed by N.E.R., wants increased salary.
10 September 1892 Arthur Wilson Fox to Grey, wants to see Grey's farm and men at Cornhill in connection with Royal Commission on labour.
22 September 1892 R.A. Holt to Grey, requests permission for a geological excursion party to pass through Howick grounds.
24 September 1892 Charles D. Forster to Grey, legal advice concerning registration of a society [?his co-operative farm?].
26 September 1892 Charles Percy to Grey, concerning continuation of their political discussions.
20 October 1892 Grey to Mansfield, W. Askew Robertson's banquet (for loyal Unionists).
22 October 1892 Charles G. Binks (Managing Sec. Newcastle Liberal Club) to Grey. Grey's subscription in arrears [with note by Grey ordering the arrears to be paid and his name taken off the club's list of members].
22 October 1892 John Yeaman to Grey, farmer - wants to emigrate to Africa. Asks Grey for employment. [Note of Grey's reply on back].
26 October 1892 Joseph Mansfield to Grey, suggestions whereby local postal service could be improved.
23 November 1892 Godfrey Smith (superintendent Passenger Dept. N.E.R.) to Grey, station garden prizes.
Comments by Grey on advantage of ascertaining the live weight of cattle.
7 October 1892 Lindon Travers to Grey, concerning a performance to be given at Howick.
14, 18 October, 9 December 1892 Lindon Travers to J.H. Mansfield, re the above.
Printed Handbill, press opinions and testimonial enclosed.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B282/3   1893
12 January 1893 Lindon Travers to Grey, requesting recommendation.
28 January 1893 William Hindmarsh to Grey, address to the P.L. Habitation.
11 February 1893 J. Caiss (Bullock's Hall, Acklington) to Grey, subscription for Widdrington Church organ.
11 February 1893 John R. Scott (Belford Station) to Grey, thanks for shrubs and concerning mallow seeds. Note of Grey's reply on back.
26 February 1893 John Pease to Grey, thanks for 1877 report on Intemperance.
1 March 1893 James Stevenson jnr. (Hon. Sec. Berwick & Border Kennell Club) to Grey, asking him to be Vice-President again and concerning the show.
11 March 1893 Alfred Appleby (Sec. Newcastle Conserv. Assoc.) to Grey. The association agree to accept help from Liberal Unionists; asks Grey to speak at ward meetings.
22 March 1893 Sir William T. Scarth to Grey, Lord Barnard's subscription to the funds to send Northumberland and Durham Unionists to Belfast.
April 1893 Printed circular, Earl Percy and J.B. Lazenby (Parlt. Committee of the Diocesan Conference), appealing for funds to combat the Welsh Suspensory Bill.
5 April 1893 Sir Edward Grey to [Mansfield?], concerning opportunities to see around the House of Commons.
8 May 1893 Printed circular, concerning the Revd. William Law Memorial Fund; with MS note George Macan to Grey, 15 June 1893.
15 May 1893 Robert Scott Purves to Grey, cricketer - wants work and chance to play.
13 June 1893 Bartholomew Stephenson Jr. to Grey, subscription to local boat racing and sports.
20 June 1893 Mawson Swan & Morgan to Grey, portraits of Grey and Sir M. Ridley.
26 June 1893 George Neasham to Grey concerning his book North Country Sketches.
27 June 1893 Ernest H. Maude (Sec. Northumberland & Northern Counties Club) to Grey, amount due for dinners; his speech at a dinner.
12 July 1893 [H.]B. Robinson to Grey concerning a proposed visit to Howick.
24 July 1893 Copy letter Grey to Shaw Lefevre, additional lighting in Hyde Park and other works in connection with Park Band Performances.
11 August 1893 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey, shooting grouse.
12 August 1893 G.M. Smith (Sec. Building Committee Amble Congregationlists) to Grey, asking him to lay a memorial stone.
12 August 1893 Ernest R. Harby (Assist. Sec. Matabeland & Mashonaland Syndicate Ltd.) to Grey, concerning receipt for £50 deposit.
12 August 1893 Charles Williams to Mansfield, acknowledging a letter, etc.
14 August 1893 Henry Vivian to Grey, gives agenda of annual meeting of Labour Association.
6 September 1893 Spencer Whitehead (per A.C.S.) to Grey, concerning a letter from M. Frewen to Whitehead.
16 September [1893] T.R. Dodds (of Longhoughton) to C. Williams, concerning a microscope presented to Ed. Proctor.
18 September 1893 Revd. M. Osborne to C. Williams, concerning a microscope presented to June Ann McLaren of Embleton night classes.
20 September 1893 Arthur Wilson Fox to Grey, concerning his appointment and the enquiries he is going to make into agriculture.
5 October 1893 Jesse Collings (President of Rural Labourers' League) and J.L. Green to Grey, asking him to subscribe to the Rural World.
9 October 1893 James Hoggarth to Grey, a working man turned poet. Offers copy of a book of poems.
10 October 1893 Revd. Albert P. Lawrence (Chevington Rectory) to Grey, harvest thanksgiving; his son's musical successes; cracks in the church building through colliery workings.
17 October 1893 George E. Stevenson to Grey, wants Grey's help to get position of Sec. to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Enclosing:
16 October 1893 Copy letter Arthur Lawley to Stevenson, Duke of Westminster cannot recommend someone he does not know.
16 October 1893 Copy letter George Barham (Director Dairy Supply Co. Ltd., London) to Stevenson, testimonial.
17 October 1893 Revd. Robert H. Davidson (Presbyterian Minister, Glanton) to Grey, asking him to give lecture on County Council work, especially re technical education.
23 October 1893 Charles Williams to Grey, prizes of microscopes [for evening classes].
November 1893 Copy letter George Grey of Milfield to Arthur Wilson Fox, important observations on agricultural depression.
4 November 1893 Luke Hall to Grey, subscription for Eglingham cricket ground.
10 November 1893 Leopold Katscher to Grey, extensive writer on profit sharing. Wants Grey's pamphlet on agricultural profit sharing.
22 November 1893 J.C. Barnard (English County Colonisation Assoc.) to Grey, concerning reports on the Tennyson settlement.
25 November 1893 C. Clark Burman to Grey, disinfection of a house.
27 November 1893 John A. Scott to Grey, concerning a recreation grounds scheme for Broomhill Colliery, with note of Grey's reply.
27 November 1893 John McIntyre (Chairman of Committee, Hospital for Sick Children, Newcastle), W.G. Black (Senior Surgeon at above) to Grey, patronage for a ball.
29 November 1893 Walter Tate to Grey, proposed concert at Howick.
[November 1893] R. Ball to Grey, wants to join Cape Mounted Police.
19 December 1893 James Hume jnr. (Alnwick Temperance Soc.) to Grey, asking Grey to be chairman at a “local veto” demonstration.
30 December 1893 A.R. Colquhoun to Grey concerning lectures he hopes to give in Newcastle.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B282/4   1894
20 February 1894 John M. Winter to Grey, wants to take up stock farming in Mashonaland.
18 March 1894 John M. Winter to Mansfield.
20 March 1894 Charles J. Thynne (bookbinder, London) to Grey, 3rd Earl Grey's vols of Parliamentary Debates.
14 June 1894 Alfred Howson to Grey, asking him to preside at 8th annual meeting of Northern Association for Extension of University Teaching) at Blyth.
20 June, 20 October 1894 R.A.H. Bickford-Smith (Lib. Unionist agent Northumberland & Durham) to Mansfield, wants to know when Grey will "land".
30 June 1894 Northumberland Rifle Association. Balance sheet 1893 and circular from Lewis C. Lockhart (Sec. & Tres.).
25 August 1894 Canon Lloyd Testimonial: circular letter from A.J. Robinson & R.W. Sisson, with list of subscriptions already received.
6 September [1894] B.R. Garlick to Grey, concerning books borrowed from Kimberley Library.
15 October 1894 A.S. Scott-Gatty (College of Arms) to Grey, asking him to let him (Gatty) act as his agent in case his sisters want to have a warrant of precedence.
23 October 1894 Revd. F. Lawrence (Hon. Sec. Church Burial, Funeral & Mourning Reform Assoc.) to Grey, asking him to become a subscriber to the Association.
24 October 1894 Walton & Co. to Grey, asking for a photo and autograph of 3rd Earl Grey (for reproduction).
24 October 1894 Eugene Vincent Sullivan to Grey, seeks position as Drill Master to Newcastle Board Schools. Wants testimonial.
24 October 1894 W.T. Hindmarsh (Solicitor; Hon. Sec. Governors of Alnwick Infirmary) to Grey, informing him that he had been elected a president.
24 October 1894 W.W. White (Goods Clerk, N.E.R.) to Grey, asks for news of George Tully who has emigrated to Mashonaland. His views on Britain in Africa.
25 October 1894 John William Greening to Grey, wants employment as Clerk. (Grey had procured him a place with the Liberial Unionist Assoc.).
25 October 1894 M. Bordler (?) to [Mansfield?], concerning deceased son's property, evidently in Rhodesia.
30 October 1894 Frederick Gibson to Grey, a journalist who has done some work for a Frenchman (supposed to be a friend of Grey) and now wants his money.
30 October, 8 November 1894 Mrs M.? Simpson to Grey, her father's (N. Senior) correspondence with 3rd Earl Grey; and some papers held by Walter Senior.
November 1894 Circular concerning appeal for William Holden, tennis professional, Queen's Club.
November 1894 Mrs H.M. Young to Grey, concerning prizes for the Cookery Department of Sunderland Exhibition.
1 November 1894 Messrs Osborn & Mercer (F.L.M.) to the Executors of 3rd Earl Grey, if Howick Hall is to be sold they have a possible purchaser in view.
2 November 1894 E.J. Athawes to Grey concerning the affairs of Miss Adams.
2 November 1894 E.C.W. Hannan to Grey, concerning an article in South Africa which Hannan had written after a conversation with Grey, which Grey now disclaims.
2 November [1894] Frederick Millar (Editor and Proprietor of the Liberty Review) to Grey, subscription to the Review.
5 November 1894 J.P. Fitzgerald to Grey, Colonial Surgeon in New Zealand and South Africa. Reminiscences of 3rd Earl Grey. Hospital in New Zealand.
5 November 1894 A.G. Charleton (Mining Engineer) to Grey, concerning his paper on processes of ore treatment and requesting an interview.
7 November 1894 George Brown to Grey, wants to be secretary of a public company.
7 November 1894 C.A.M. Press (author) to Grey, concerning his work “Northumberland Lives: Social & Political”. Note of Grey's reply.
7 November 1894 H.B. Robinson to Grey, concerning death of 3rd Earl Grey and funeral.
7 November 1894 Edward P. Mathers (Editor, etc., of South Africa) to Grey, proofs of interview.
8 November 1894 Walter Nassau Senior to Grey, letters from 3rd Earl Grey to Nassau W. Senior.
8 November 1894 A.G. Charleton (mining engineer) to Grey, wants to form small syndicate dealing with gold mining properties and wants Grey to be chairman.
10 November 1894 Atkinson & Philipson (Northumberland Carriage and Harness Manufactury) to Grey, asking whether he wants new carriage or advice about old one.
10 November 1894 Godfrey Smith (Superintendent N.E.R., Newcastle) to Grey, prize money for station gardens.
10 November 1894 Mawson Swan & Morgan to Grey, if memoir of 3rd Earl Grey is to be issued in book form they would like the work.
12 November 1894 J.D.P. Walford-Gosnall to Grey, requesting subscription to his home and refuge for horses from the London stores.
12 November 1894 John G. Cranston to Grey, concerning his patent rock drills. Note of Grey's reply.
12 November 1894 J.L. Green (Sec. Rural Labourers' League) to Grey, requesting subscription.
12 November 1894 Andrew McHugh (Sec. Choppington Distr. Liberal Club) to Grey, requesting subscription for Club building which working men will use for educational purpose. Note of Grey's reply on back refusing to support the “so called Liberal Party”.
13 November 1894 Lionel Holland to Grey, concerning possible memoir of 3rd Earl Grey. (Note of Grey's reply).
14 November 1894 Reginald A.H. Butchur to Grey, requesting help to go to Kimberly Diamond Mines. Note of Grey's reply.
19 November 1894 Engineering and General Trades Exhibition, Sunderland. Invitation to opening ceremony.
15 November 1894 Note from H. Engel, Secretary of the above, covering the invitation.
16 November 1894 Telegram Mansfield to Grey, Canon Long's offer of money for Belfast expedition.
17 November 1894 Capt. F. Norman (Diocesan Inspection Fund) to Grey, requesting subscription.
18, 22 November 1894 Charles Palmer (Shipbuilding Co.) to Grey, concerning a property with mineral deposits in which he is interested in South Africa. Requests interview. Note of Grey's reply.
21 November Minnie (?) Coope to Grey, her son's health; thanks for Grey's help.
22 November 1894 E.T. Gilhespy (Co-op Stores, Cramlington) to Grey, requesting a copy of article on co-operative farming. Note of Grey's reply.
22 November 1894 Edward Brown to Grey, fattening of poultry.
23 November 1894 Charles B.P. Bosanquet to Grey, mainly concerning the son of his second cousin who is going to settle near Bulawayo.
27 November 1894 Harry B. Turnbull to Grey, wants job on Grey's estates in South Africa.
27 November 1894 Alfred Humphreys (Sec. Soc. for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes) to Grey, asking him to become a subscriber.
28 November 1894 Vincent Charles Stuart Wortley Corbett (of Chilton Moor) to Grey, grouse shooting.
28 November 1894 Campbell Watt to Grey, wants situation in South Africa.
28 November 1894 Adam Robertson (Hon. Sec. Alnwick & District Assoc. in London) to Grey, asking him to preside at annual dinner.
29 November 1894 Aneurin Williams to Grey, increasing work of the Labour Association and its need for funds.
5 December 1894 F.(?)E. Cornwall (Manager Railway Press and Railway Herald) to Grey, concerning a change in Railway Press system of insurance for railwaymen killed or injured on duty.
8 December 1894 John Clegg (Sec. Railway Guards' Universal Friendly Soc.) to Grey, invitation to dinner; state of funds.
9 December 1894 James Ainslie to Grey, wants help in getting job at Armstrong's Elswick Works.
11 December 1894 Charles Maddock (2nd cousin of 3rd Earl Grey) to Grey, asks for letter of introduction to Rhodes or Wrey for his stepson, a civil engineer who wants employment on African works. Maddock's own interest in Tasmania and N.S.W. but these are depressed and no new works are being undertaken. [Note of Grey's reply at head of letter].
11 December 1894 G. Cumber (Master Alnwick Union Workhouse) to Mansfield, concerning an inmate moved to the Asylum and subscription for New Year's Day treat.
11 December 1894 E. Banm Broomhall to Grey, his proposed telegraphic code for general mercantile use. Enclosed: 7 December 1894 Circular letter.
11 December 1894 Martin Bainbridge (Ashington) to Grey, 4 steady young men want to go to South Africa.
14 December [1894] E.M. Buchanan-Boyd to Grey, wants transfer from Gold Coast to South Africa. [Note of Grey's reply].
19 December 1894 John C. Marsh to Grey, manager of a firm of decorators (formerly associated with the Decorative Co-operators' Assoc.) solicits work.
19 December 1894 R.R. Redmayne (Sec. Royal Infirmary, Newcastle) to Grey, subscription to the infirmary and chaplaincy fund.
21 December 1894 William Holder to Grey concerning a picture.
22 December 1894 Ernest Foster (Sec. Jarrow and South Shields Branch, Junior Clergy Missionary Association) to Grey, asking him to give talk on the Mashonaland mission.
24 December 1894 C. Ernest Bell (nephew of Sir Lowthian Bell) to Grey, mining engineer, wants to go to South Africa. Asks for letters of introduction and interview.
24 December 1894 Humphry Willyams to Grey, no vacancies in the Duke's school.
25 December 1894 Robert Amos to Grey, recommending his old partner for a vacancy in the N.E.R. Audit Department.
n.d. Joseph Simpson to Grey, wants to go to South Africa. [Note of Grey's reply].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B282/5   January-July 1895
1 January 1895 George A. Berkeley (Chairman Board of Management St John's Hospital, London) to Grey, asking him to become a Vice-President. [Note of Grey's reply].
1 January 1895 Charles J. Thynne to Grey concerning Parliamentary Debates.
9 January 1895 Prof. J. Herman Merivale (Sec. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Newcastle) to Grey, asking him to become member. Enclosed: July 1894 Prospectus of the Literary and Philosophical Society.
12 January 1895 G.J. Symons (Director British Rainfall) to J.H. Mansfield, concerning Howick rainfall returns and subscription to the organisation.
December 1894 Circular from Symons with order form for publications.
12 January 1895 W. Carlile (Hon. Chief Sec. Church Army) to Grey, requesting subscription.
15 January 1895 J. Lloyd to Grey asking him to be referee.
n.d. J.W. Dick to Grey, insurance agent with Scottish Widows Fund; seeking business.
16 January 1895 Edwin Thomas (Travelling Sec. Central Assoc. for Stopping the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sundays) to Grey, requesting subscription.
21 January 1895 F.J. Matthews (Hon. assist. Sec. Durham County L.U. Assoc.) to Grey. Reports of conference at Durham.
23 January 1895 Douglas Aitchison (Railway Guard) to Grey, wants to get post of Passenger Inspector - asks Grey's help.
23 January 1895 George Brown to Grey, requesting interview.
23 January 1895 Ernest James to Grey, asking whether he needs a private secretary
. 25 January 1895 William John Grey (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Rifle Assoc.) to Grey, requesting subscription.
7 February 1895 William John Grey (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Rifle Assoc.) to Mansfield. Enclosing: Annual Report of Newcastle Rifle Assoc. 1893.
1 February 1895 Elliott & Fry to Grey, want his portrait for their House of Lords series. Request a sitting.
2 February 1895 J.D. Henderson (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Amateur Dramatic Soc.) to Grey, requesting him and Lady Grey to be patrons to a second performance of “Our Boys” - proceeds to the Nurses' Fund.
8 February 1895 J. Graham to Grey, his scheme of large scale government aided emigration to South Africa.
9 February 1895 Shallett J. Crawford (Hon. Sec. Northumberland County Cricket Club) to Grey. Club in a bad way and will have to be wound up unless Grey (as President) can suggest an alternative.
12 February 1895 L. Leslie Cox to Grey, a client of his wishes to register a trade mark for tea called “The Earl Grey Mixture”. Asks Grey's consent.
12 February 1895 M. Stephenson to Grey. A seaman of Craster who is losing his sight. Asks Grey to appeal to some of our “Unionist Noblemen” to help him.
13 February 1895 J.S. O'Halloran (Sec. Royal Colonial Institute) to Grey, concerning annual banquet and possibility of Grey's reading a paper to the Institute.
13 February 1895 George B. Hunter to Grey, wants interview concerning a matter of great colonial and Tyneside importance.
13 February 1895 Anthony Marshall to Grey, concerning a lad called Normand for whom Grey procured a “nomination” from Dr Jamieson but who has heard nothing further.
18 February 1895 Note from the manager of the Senate to J.H. Mansfield, discontinuance of subscription.
23 February 1895 F.G. Phelby to Grey, asking him to become a patron of N.E.R. Clerks' Cricket Club.
23 February 1895 Francis Redfern (solicitor) to Grey, concerning the good character of S.A. Lansley for whom Grey is obtaining an appointment.
15 March 1895 Joseph French (Secretary Northumberland and Durham Brewers' Association) to Grey, requesting his support for the Licensing Act Amendment Bill.
16 March 1895 Robert Weddell (Hon. Sec. Berwick Dispensary & Infirmary), asking him to become a patron.
16 March 1895 W. Grey-Wilson to Grey, wants C.O. to move him from St Helena. Wants Governorship of Newfoundland. Asks Grey to remind them of his existence.
19 March 1895 W.M. Inglis to Grey, concerning a presentation to be made to Mr Bush Sec. of the Tyneside Unionist Assoc.
23 March 1895 Note from the Sheriff, G.F. Steven, of Berwick to Grey, enclosing a circular concerning Greens Haven Breakwater, Berwick, with particulars of amounts promised.
26 March 1895 M. Wilson Lambert (Secretary Unsinkable Coble Fund) to Grey, concerning requirements of the Chathill Fishermen's boats.
26 March 1895 Percy F. Ward (local Sec. Newcastle Lifeboat Saturday Movement) to Grey, informing Grey that he has been elected a Vice-President of the Movement.
27 March 1895 John Mygind (Chairman Church of the Danish Sailors' Mission at Newcastle Committee) to Grey, need for money.
February 1895 Circular: The Church of the Danish Sailors' Mission at Newcastle-upon Tyne.
28 March 1895 Robert Nixon, a farmer at Annitsford, to Grey. Wants appointment as Collector of Taxes in parishes of Long Benton and Cramlington. Asks Grey's aid.
28 March 1895 William Charles Cluff (Sec. Committee of the Clergy Orphan Corporation) to Grey, asking him to be a Governor.
28 March, 3 April 1895 Harry Froggatt (organising secretary & registration agent Hexham Division Unionist Assoc.) to Grey, asking him to take chair at large Unionist meeting to be addressed by Lord Ashbourne. Mentions that in Hexham division the Liberal Unionists and the Conservatives now form one Unionist Association and work well together.
30 March 1895 E. Gerrard to Grey, Lion's skull and leopard skins now ready.
1 April 1895 J.W. Chambers to Grey, is seeking new job. Asks Grey to be referee and hints that Grey might use influence on his behalf.
8, 15, 29 April 1895 Margaret Lysaght to Grey, formerly cook to his mother. Now in workhouse. Asks help.
15 April 1895 Nevil M. Simmonds (Master St Marylebone Work House) to Mansfield, concerning the above case. With note on back by Grey.
17 April 1895 Emily Adams to Grey, appealing for further aid to pay off debts.
18 April 1895 Charles J. Thynne to Grey, question of discount on Parliamentary Debates.
26 November 1884 C.E.D. Black to Grey, concerning Mr Prest and an inspectorship of mines.
18 April [1895] Charles E.D. Black to Grey, wants to borrow money for a scheme which he hopes to turn eventually into a company.
22 April 1895 William Ternent to Grey, draper seeking employment.
22 April 1895 Circular: Metropolitan Liberal Unionist Federation; Arrangements Committee. Concerning tickets for a public meeting.
23 April 1895 Circular: Edison & Swan United Electric Light Co. Ltd. Concerning endorsement of certificate of Debenture Stock.
24 April 1895 J.R.S. Gaskell to Grey, offering to trace his pedigree, showing royal descents.
24 April 1895 Harold Boulton & Ernest Flower (Hon. Secs. East London Trades, Industries & Arts Exhibition) to Grey, asking him to join committee and give donation; and thanking him for doing so. Also concerning exhibition schedule. Enclosed:
7 May 1895 Receipt for £5.
29 May 1895 Draft prospectus.
27 April 1895 Jane Wilkinson to Grey, asking for financial help.
27 April 1895 A.G. Charleton (mining engineer) to Grey, concerning his scheme - offering Grey shares in it.
27 April 1895 Joseph Napauer (?) to Grey, choice wine he has for sale.
30 April 1895 Circular J.W. Dyson (Hon. Sec. Bewick Club) concerning an entertainment to be given by the Garrick Club to help the Bewick Club recoup its losses on a recent exhibition.
4 May 1895 Edwin S. Macbay to Grey, wants to get his daughter in the Royal Asylum of St Anne, Redhill.
Postcard from Review of Reviews to Mansfield concerning a box of books from their circulating library.
6 May 1895 Gardner Williams (Manager De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd) to Grey, agreeing to pay S.A. Lansley's fare from London. News of Pringle and Dick Marshall.
Note by Grey concerning the above.
7 May 1895 Ella Dixon to Grey, concerning her son Wastel Dixon. He wants to be a native commissioner in Rhodesia. She asks Grey's help to secure this for him. Note of Grey's reply.
14 May 1895 Circular from James Miller, Newcastle: A Day's Holiday in the Country for Poor People.
16 May 1895 Geoffrey Wilson (Town Surveyor & Supt. of Fire Brigade, Alnwick UDC) to Grey, concerning the equipment of the fire brigade.
18, 24 May 1895 W. Stead jnr. [to Mansfield], payment of carriage on the box [of books] sent (from the circulating library).
18 May, 2 July 1895 Charles V. Goddard to Lady Grey, a cripple who has a tea business. Requesting an order.
7 July 1895 Note Alice Grey to Mansfield, concerning a photo Goddard had enclosed and which he wanted back.
31 May 1895 George Esdaile to Grey, wants to sell collection of relics of Robert Burns. With printed extracts concerning the items in the collection.
7 June 1895 Revd. Thomas Stenhouse (local sec. N.S.P.C.C., Newcastle & District Branch) to J.H. Mansfield, concerning Grey's annual subscription of £1.
10 June 1895 J.R. Hogg (leather merchant, North Shields) to Grey, concerning “penny poets” produced by W.T. Stead; and Grey's plan to bring them to the notice of elementary school children in Northumberland.
13 June 1895 James Miller [to Mansfield], receipt for [Grey's] cheque.
20 June 1895 Lewis C. Lockhart (Northumberland Rifle Assoc.) to Grey, asks continuance of 3rd Earl Grey's support.
1 July 1895 Lewis C. Lockhart (Northumberland Rifle Assoc.) to Mansfield, thanks for Grey's subscription.
30 June 1895 Sir Edward Grey to Grey, asking him to help the Fallodon schoolmaster's son to get a N.E.R. post. The forthcoming election.
23 July 1895 Adam W. Tait to Grey, works for George Grey of Milfield. Wants South African post.
25 July 1895 Spencer Brydges Todd (Sec. to Agent Gen. for Cape Colony in London) to Grey, concerning maces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B282/6   August-December 1895
29 July 1895 James D. Tennant to Grey, concerning a letter which Rhodes asked him to deliver to Grey.
1 August 1895 Aubrey Coventry to Grey, asking him to be chairman of a company.
6 August 1895 Adela Clarke (wife of Major General Willoughby Stanley Clarke) to Grey, concerning their son who wants to farm in South Africa.
6 August 1895 Thomas Forster to Grey, intends to emigrate to Rhodesia. Thanks Grey.
6 August 1895 Edward Meredith Jones to Grey, concerning publication of some correspondence in 1887-8 between 3rd Earl Grey and some Wrexham tradesmen (evidently concerning Company Acts).
7 August 1895 W.T. Stead to J.H. Mansfield, books to be sent to Little Mill Station.
8 August 1895 Edward A. Weightman to Grey, question of stopping a train of Little Mill Station.
9 August 1895 R. Redpath (Manager Newcastle Daily Journal and Newcastle Weekly Courant) to Grey, concerning his presidential address to the International Co-operative Congress.
12 August 1895 John G. Howey (Hon. Sec. Alnwick St Andrew's Rangers' Football Club) to Grey, asking him to become a patron.
13 August 1895 J.A. Stephenson to Lady Grey, concerning two possible dairymaids for her.
13 August 1895 Herbert Canning (Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to Grey, transfer of Company's banking account.
14 August 1895 William Smith to Grey, farm manager, wants post as land agent. Asks Grey's help.
14 August 1895 F.W. Hurlston to Grey, an ironmonger who is going to South Africa. Wants appointment.
20 August 1895 William Barrington d'Almeida to Grey, asks to see Grey's pictures and grounds.
25 August 1895 Osborne Blythe jnr. Of Alnmouth, to Grey, builder who is emigrating to South Africa. Wants introductions from Grey.
27 August 1895 Godfrey Smith (Superintendent N.E.R.) to Grey, concerning the stopping of 3 trains at Grey's request at Little Mill.
29 August 1895 John H. Watson (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Poor Children's Holidays Assoc.) to Grey, concerning a cricket match in aid of the funds of the association.
4 September 1895 William B. Coulson (Hon. Sec. Northumberland Assoc. for the Protection of Women & Children) to Grey, subscription due. [Inside is a circular appealing for funds].
5 September 1895 W.A. Temperley jnr. (Sec. Newcastle Farmers' Club) to Grey, suggesting that he gives a lecture on the B.S.A. Co.'s territories from agricultural point of view (to attract farmers there and relieve the situation in England of more farmers than farms).
7 September 1895 C.L. Vasey & Co. (Ship & Insurance Brokers, London) to Grey, steam yacht for sale.
25 September 1895 W. Stead jnr. to Mansfield, lending library matters.
25 September, 31 October 1895 Adam Robertson (Hon. Sec. Alnwick & District Assoc. in London) to Grey, songs for a concert for Alnwick and District Association in London; and concerning the entertainment.
26 September 1895 A.G. Charleton to Grey, offering shares in his association. [Note of Grey's reply on back].
October 1895 John Brooks & Alfred Allen (of the Locomotive Steam Enginemen & Firemen's Friendly Soc.) to Grey, concerning a banquet to be held under the presidency of the US Ambassador.
3 October 1895 Thomas Hattle (Telegram Department, N. Brit. Railway Co. Berwick) to Grey, concerning an error in change given to Grey.
8 October 1895 J. Rowland Edwards (Sec. the Reedham Orphanage, Purley, Surrey) to Grey, concerning his promised donation.
10 October 1895 Revd. Thomas Brutton (Vicar & R. Dean of Tynemouth & Hon. Canon of Newcastle) to Grey, employment for one of his 7 sons in South Africa.
14 October 1895 United Kingdom Commercial Travellers' Association: Jubilee of the Commercial Travellers' Schools. Circular from John W. Lowe to Grey.
14 October 1895 Edward Owen Greening to Grey, thanking him for services at the recent International Co-operative Alliance Congress.
14 October 1895 Sir F.A. Abel (Sec. & Director Imperial Institute) to Grey, asking him to preside at meeting when R.H. Rew is to read a paper on Co-operation applied to agriculture.
19 October 1895 L. Winstone to Grey, arrangements for a concert at Howick.
19 October 1895 James Hawker & Co (Wine Merchants, Plymouth) to Grey, concerning their Sloe Gin.
19 October 1895 Dr C. Clark Burman to Grey, concerning the early typography of Alnwick.
24 October 1895 E.A. Hodgson of Belfast to Grey, apprentice in linen trade. Wants to emigrate to South Africa. Requests information.
22 October 1895 General Sir W.H. Mackinnon to Grey, disposal of money from bands in parks.
23 October 1895 Revd. James Fairbrother (Amble) to Grey, asking him to open annual sale of work.
23 October 1895 Charles Williams to Grey, accounts re “Penny Poets” scheme.
26 October 1895 G.E.T. Smithson to Grey, introducing R.M. Moir whose firm are concerned in Anglo Siberian trade.
26 October 1895 George A. Allan (Hon. Sec. North of England Commercial Travellers' Assoc.) to Grey, concerning the annual dinner at which Grey had agreed to preside.
28 October 1895 William Besford (Sec. Broomhill Colliery Brass Band) to Grey. Have run into debt by replacing their instruments. Asks Grey for interview.
30 October 1895 William J.F. Martin to Grey, proposed testimonial to Thomas Atkinson, Founder and Vice-President of the Garrick Club, Newcastle.
1 November 1895 Robert M. Moir to Grey, why he wants to meet Grey. The Siberian business mentioned.
5 November 1895 British South Africa Co. memorandum to J.H. Mansfield, concerning picture of Kimberley shoot.
4 November 1895 R.J. Leeson to Grey, Newcastle co-operators' feelings slighted by the late government that none of their representative men had been placed on the bench. Advocates appointment of Mr Bailey which would benefit Unionist Party.
5 November 1895 Robert Brown to Grey. Asking him to subscribe to Berwick Conservative Registration Fund.
7 November 1895 Charles W. Hutton to Grey, asking whether Luke Francis Warren has repaid Grey £500.
8 November 1895 W. Percy (Draper of Alnwick) to Grey, has heard Grey intends to give a ball and if so Percy intends to put on an outstanding exhibition of ball gowns etc.
8 November 1895 J. Radford (Assist. Sec. Battersea & Wandsworth Co-operative Soc. Educational Dept. Ltd.) to Grey, asking him to address a meeting on co-operation.
9 November 1895 R. Gaskell (Hon. Treasurer People's Concert Soc. London) to Grey, concerning the activities of the society and requesting Grey's subscription.
9 November 1895 E. Ernest Palmer (for International Co-operative Alliance) to Grey, time of executive committee meeting.
10 November 1895 Henry Forster Donaldson-Selby to Grey, Oxford history graduate. Wants to go to South Africa. Requests Grey's help.
11 November 1895 J. Sanderson and R. Carr to Grey, want to go to Africa. Request interview.
11 November 1895 Sir A. Noble (Elswick Works, Newcastle) to Grey, concerning apprenticeships at the works; recommending an electrical engineer re Howick burn.
11 November 1895 Crichton Brothers (Silversmiths & Jewellers, London) to Grey, concerning a Charles II silver tankard.
11 November 1895 Charles Frederick Hamond to Grey, concerning Adolph C.C. Young for whom he seeks appointment in Rhodesia, etc.
27 November 1895 Frederick A. Eaton (Sec. Royal Academy of Arts) to Grey. Thanks for lending pictures for exhibition. Question of amount of insurance on them to cover their return.
2 December 1895 Eaton to Grey concerning insurance of the pictures.
6 December 1895 Receipt for the pictures “Rotterdam” by Callcott and “The Library at Holland House” by C.R. Leslie.
27 November 1895 R. Ayton to Grey, is applying for post of goods porter at Newcastle. Requests Grey's influence in his favour.
29 November 1895 Note Grey to Mansfield concerning reply to the above.
29 November 1895 G.H. Wilkinson to Grey, replacement of some plants delivered to the Natal Government Railways and evidently destroyed or lost.
29 November 1895 R.W. Wamsley (Hon. Sec. Art Gallery Amateur Dramatic Soc., Newcastle) to Grey, patronage for entertainment in aid of Fleming Memorial Hospital for sick children, Newcastle.
n.d. [1895] Hubert Howard to Grey, has just returned from assisting Cuban rebels; asks advice whether to emigrate as a trooper to South Africa or get called to the bar in England.
26 November 1895 Robert Hogg to Grey, loco engine driver with Broomhill Coal Co., wants to emigrate to South Africa with a companion. Requests information etc. Note of Grey's reply on back.
3 December 1895 Robert Hogg to J.H. Mansfield, thanks for reply to above and for opportunity of meeting Grey.
December 1895 Circular Percy F. Ward (Newcastle Lifeboat Saturday Movement) to Grey, proposed supplement for Lifeboat Saturday Illustrated. Wants to publish Grey's photo in it.
7 December 1895 James B. Barnes to Grey, wants interview re Africa.
9 December 1895 Charles G. Dunn (of the Globe Shipping Co., Liverpool) to Grey, wants to name a steamer “Howick Hall”.
9 December 1895 W.A. Temperley jnr. (Sec. Newcastle Farmers' Club) to Grey, invitation to annual dinner.
10 December 1895 T.H. Brigg (engineer and inventor) to Grey, concerning a lecture he is to give and asking Grey to be a patron.
11 December 1895 R.S. Reed to Grey, fireman on N.E.R. Asks re prospects on railways in South Africa.
11 December 1895 H.O. Annett to Grey, recommending a young man to Grey to manage co-operative store.
13 December 1895 Thomas Ferguson to Grey, has had experience in the Transvaal goldfields. Wants to go to Mashonaland under Grey's auspices.
14 December 1895 Circular Thomas Blandford to Grey, binding of issues of Labour Co-partnership.
16 December 1895 W.R. Lee to Grey, asks when he is going to be paid for the funeral of the Revd. & Hon. John Grey.
17 December 1895 R.R. Redmayne to Grey, subscription to chaplain's fund at N.E. Reformatory.
18 December 1895 Adam W. Tait to Grey, letters of introduction to gentlemen at Bulawayo that Grey has promised him.
19 December 1895 G. Stewart to Lady Grey, concerning a girl's wages; thanks Greys for offering to have her back but is getting used to Minto now.
26 December 1895 A. Shiel (Sec. Coldstream ... Curling Club) to Grey, Grey's nomination as member of the club has been confirmed.
29 December [1895] Alice Birch to Grey, thanks for chance of interview.
30 December 1895 Andrew Smith (Sec. & Treas. Coldstream Rifle Volunteers) to Grey, requesting the subscription he had promised.
30 December [1895?] Revd. John Farnworth Anderson (Vicar of Carham, Northumberland) to Grey, asking Grey to lead subscription list for the church building fund.
n.d. M. Salmon to Grey, asking him to get her husband a railway job.
Pencil notes [on paper headed "Chirton Cottage, N. Shields] concerning the 1st lifeboat.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B282/7   1896
1 January 1896 W.N. Senior to Grey, asking him to return 4 letters from 3rd Earl Grey to N.W. Senior.
1 January 1896 Mark Morrell to Grey, requests interview concerning grant of land in Barontseland.
10 January 1896 Circular letter C. & A. Giuliano to Grey, bequests of the late Carlo Giuliano (art jeweller) to his customers and to the nation. His aims and work.
16 January 1896 Edward Owen Greening to Grey, arranging interview.
16 January 1896 Edwin Davidson to Grey, two possible tenants for 22 South Street, London.
20 January 1896 Lofts & Warner to Grey, fine mansion for sale.
22 January 1896 William Watson (Vice-Chairman London United Workmen's Committee) to Grey, requesting interview with Grey for the Chairman of the Committee and another member on an important trade question.
24 January 1896 Thomas Stokoe (Hon. Sec. Tweedside United Football Club) to Grey, requesting contribution to club funds.
25 January 1896 R.H. Rew (Sec. Central Chamber of Agriculture) to Grey, concerning the appointment of a vice-chairman and Grey's suggestion of Mr Wharton for that post.
30 January 1896 Charles Alderson (Hon. Treasurer Northern Union of Mechanics' Institutions) to Grey, requesting annual subscription.
30 January 1896 Herbert Birkett to Grey, requesting appointment.
31 January 1896 Mrs E. Alice Rutherford to Grey, requesting game, poultry, eggs, etc., for bazaar in aid of Dr Barnardo's work. Enclosure: “Kallinda” [Printed paper concerning a “kallinda” bazaar and report on the work of the Newcastle Branch of Dr Barnardo's homes for 1895].
6 February 1896 George L.O. Davidson to Grey, requests interview concerning establishment of a transfer clearing office for the British and Transvaal Financial Company in London. Had approached the Stock Exchange Committee but they had declined to establish such an institution under control of Stock Exchange.
15 February 1896 Revd. George L. King to Grey, South Shields School Board had taken over 10 schools in 1877 on 14 year lease now expired. King wants to reform School Management Committee and take back the schools. Asks Grey's consent as a trustee.
22 February 1896 Charles W. Smith to Grey, concerning agricultural depression caused through international gambling on “fictitious” wheat, etc.
24 February 1896 Elliott & Fry to Grey, want to include his portrait in their series of celebrities.
24 February 1896 R.H. Cohn to Grey, asking whether there is any prospect of Grey's being able to further his plans re emigrating to South Africa.
24 February 1896 Ada M. Sowerby to Grey, concerning the copying work she has done for Grey. Wants to use his name as an advertisement.
24 February 1896 R.H.G. Burchatt (Manager London Stereoscopic Co.) to Grey, requests sitting for portraits; views of Dorchester House.
24 February 1896 Lindon Travers to Grey, asking him for a note approving of his lecture on Mashonaland at Alnwick. [Written on back of printed paper advertising an entertainment lecture by Travers “Transvaal Pictures ... song, scene and story”, with picture of Travers].
25 February 1896 John Lucas to Grey, congratulating him on his appointment as Administrator of Rhodesia. An article on Grey in the Newcastle Chronicle.
25 February 1896 Charles Williams to Grey, mainly about books to be given as prizes.
26 February 1896 Ernest H. Maude (Sec. Northumberland & N. Counties Club) to Grey, proposed farewell dinner to Grey.
26 February 1896 Sir F.E. Astley-Corbett to Grey, requesting interview concerning fire insurance.
26 February 1896 F. Burn (?) to Grey, “Workmen's Sociables”.
26 February 1896 G. Macpherson Grant to Grey, illness of father has delayed departure for South Africa.
27 February 1896 W.A. Temperley jnr. to Grey, congratulating Grey on his appointment to Rhodesia.
27 February 1896 Montague Maclean to Grey, Broomhill Recreation Club sports facilities - can money which Grey has donated be applied to a different use?
27 February 1896 W.S. Woodhead to Grey, Cape Town Mace.
28 February 1896 Thomas Forster to Grey, congratulations on administratorship of Rhodesia.
28 February 1896 Edward Owen Greening to Grey, congratulations on administratorship; possibility of farewell dinner.
28 February 1896 Sir Riley Lord (Mayor of Newcastle) to Grey, performance of “Cinderella” at Theatre Royal in aid of local charities.
1 March 1896 Alice S. Pelly to Grey, meeting at the Mansion House that her husband has arranged.
2 March 1896 Ernest Salaman Fort & Co. to Grey, Grey Trust business.
5 March 1896 M. Grey to Grey, shares [Grey Trust?] and best wishes for his Rhodesian work.
9 March 1896 William Maxwell to Grey, Howick Co-op store; best wishes for Rhodesian appointment.
9 March 1896 Aneurin Williams to Grey, Mr Hardern's election to committee of the International Co-op Alliance; Mr Wolff content now.
10 March 1896 Revd. R. Long, Bishopwearmouth Rectory, to Grey, asking him to help inaugurate a fund for restoration of St John's Church, Sunderland.
11 March 1896 Barnes, Chaplin & Co. (Contractors, Cardiff) to Grey, drawing his attention to the type of work they have done with a view to gaining a Rhodesian contract for railways, etc.
11 March 1896 W.A. Temperley jnr. (Sec. Newcastle Farmers' Club) to Grey. Enclosure: 28 February 1896 Resolution passed by the Committee of Newcastle Farmers' Club, congratulating Grey on his appointment to Rhodesia and wishing him success.
12 March [1896] G. Macpherson Grant to Grey, father's illness delays departure for South Africa. Asks Grey's help to obtain work when he does get there.
12 March 1896 W.Y. Campbell to Grey, has just returned from investigation of Rhodesia. Invites Grey to have a “private chat”.
12 March 1896 John A. Barham (Managing Director Brit. Electrozone Corp. Ltd.) to Grey. Enclosure: 8 March 1896 Copy letter Donald T. Hoskyn (Staff Surgeon, R.N.) to M. Frewen, concerning navy's need for a new disinfectant and possibility that electrozone might meet the need.
13 March 1896 H.B. Robinson to Grey, congratulating him on appointment to Rhodesia.
13 March 1896 Fairburn & Co. (art publishers, engineers and printers) to Grey, requesting permission to reproduce picture of “The Library at Holland House” by C.R. Leslie.
13 March 1896 Frederick Archibald Vaughan, Lord Emlyn (later 3rd Earl Cawdor) to Grey, congratulations on Rhodesian appointment and concerning a member of his militia who wants to serve in the Chartered Co.'s forces.
13 March 1896 William Wadham to Grey, concerning a friend who wants introduction to Grey.
13 March 1896 Telegram Wyndham to Grey, Mr Bailey strongly advises Grey to see him.
14 March 1896 Revd. Charles F. Thorp to Grey, concerning a lad who wants N.E.R. job.
14, 21 March 1896 George C.T. Bartley (per T.B.) to Grey, concerning Sybil Grey's passbook and interest on money deposited there with the National Penny Bank.
16 March 1896 George C.T. Bartley to Grey, concerning a joint account between Grey and his daughter Sybil.
17 March 1896 George Gibbs (Gunmaker, Bristol) to Grey, concerning his order for cartridges.
19 March 1896 John H. Mansfield to Grey, Review of Reviews Library scheme, and lack of funds to carry it on in the locality. Note by Mansfield of Grey's wishes on the subject.
24 March 1896 Lewis Proudlock to Grey, concerning his book Borderland Muse which, after long delay, is now ready.
24 March 1896 J.E. Bignall (Sec. Civil Service Supply Assoc. Ltd.) to Lady Grey, Grey's account and membership card.
25 March 1896 W.R. Waldron to Grey, an old actor who through illness has fallen on hard times. Requests help.
27 March 1896 Thomas Hayes (Sec. E. London Hospital for Children) to Grey, invitation to festival dinner.
9 April 1896 Revd. T.C. Mulholland to Grey, concerning an appeal on behalf of his parishioners, many employed by the N.E.R.
14 April 1896 Harold Boulton & Ernest Flower (Hon. Secs. E. London Trades, Industries & Arts Exhibition) [to Grey], concerning a meeting to advertise the project and put it on a sound financial basis.
16 April 1896 Charles J. Thynne to Grey, concerning vols of Parliamentary Debates.
28 April 1896 Charles J. Thynne to Mansfield, re the above.
20 April 1896 J. Salmon (Sec. UK Railway Officers' & Servants' Assoc.) to Grey.
27 April 1896 Circular Capt. H. Bland to Mansfield, concerning the survey which is being made in the locality.
May 1896 John Thomas Swales to Mansfield, a miner who has heard that Grey is advertising for miners to go to South Africa. He and a companion wish to know particulars, etc.
14 May 1896 John Sutherland to Mansfield, is emigrating to South Africa. Wants information about mounted police.
14 May 1896 W. Stead jnr. to Mansfield, concerning Review of Reviews circulating library.
19 June, 26 July 1896 Notes from 5th Earl Grey to Mansfield, payment of his racket expenses at Eton; his bicycle and guns for holidays.
11 July, 19 September 1896 Letters Alice Grey to Mansfield, the journeys they are going to make in South Africa; financial matters.
30 August 1896 J.H. Blenkinsop (Farrier, Alnwick) to Mansfield, inquiring about Grey's scheme to promote emigration of miners and mechanics to South Africa.
4 September 1896 Victoria Grey to Mansfield, Grey wants the Alnwick Guardian sent to him in Bulawayo. The continuing surrender of the rebels.
29 September 1896 John Hope to Mansfield, two friends of his want information about mining work in South Africa.
10 November 1896 Walter R. Burghall to Grey, asking whether he has any vacancy in estate office for him.
n.d. A. Garrard (Matron Beira Railway Hospital) to Grey, has just returned from East Africa. Wants to see Grey before he goes to Rhodesia.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B283/1   1 May 1896; January, July-September 1897
n.d. Letter F. Pringle to Grey, wants interview.
Advertisement for Old Harrow Days by J.G. Cotton Minchin (London 1897).
Printed circular from G.J. Symons. Has not received payment for British Rainfall and Meteorological Magazine.
2 circulars concerning vol III of Labour Co-partnership.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Mr Archbold, concerning a complaint against the N.E.R.
5 January 1897 F.L. Wood to Grey concerning account. Northumberland Rifle Association Balance Sheet for 1896.
12 July 1897 Sydney S. Titterton to Grey, offering to organise native labour supply for Bulawayo. [Note of Grey's reply on back].
23 July 1897 Revd. Richard Fraser-Frizell, concerning his nephew who sails for Rhodesia.
24 July 1897 Robert Hall, subscription for William Deans, Station Master, Coldstream.
7 August 1897 Godfrey Smith (Superintendent N.E.R., Newcastle) to Lady Grey, concerning trains to be stopped at Little Mill.
7 August 1897 Godfrey Smith (Superintendent N.E.R., Newcastle) to Mansfield, same subject as above.
10 August 1897 Thomas Boutland (Conductor Ashington Amateur Orchestral Soc.) to [Mansfield], offering services of band.
12 August 1897 James Robson to Grey, concerning his book Border Battles and Battlefields.
Advertisement for the above book.
17 August 1897 Gaston Reischach, wants place in South Africa.
17 August 1897 Andrew Smith (Q.M. Sergt.), subscription for shooting competition.
7 September 1897 Godfrey Smith to Mansfield, concerning railway arrangements for excursion of university extension members to Howick.
24 August 1897 W.C. Patrickson (Hon. Sec. St Andrew's Rangers Football Club), subscription.
Notification from the Clarendon Press that copies of a book on historical geography had been sent to the public libraries of Bulawayo and Salisbury.
25 August Mrs A. Farish [Farisle] to Grey, requesting interview re her son who wants to go to South Africa.
n.d. George Grey of Milfield to Grey concerning the above.
25 August 1897 Jane Kellaway to Grey requesting advice about shares in South African companies. [Note of Grey's reply on back].
26 August 1897 W.W. Wilson (Sec. Elswick Cycles Co.) to Grey, bicycles for Rhodesia.
27 August 1897 Klene & Co. (Biographical & General Publishers) to Grey, requesting interview for representative so that entry re Grey on proposed biography volume may be accurate. Enclosed: Advert from Men of Merit and Women of Worth.
28 August 1897 Albert Edward Keyho? to Grey, subscription for poem he intends to publish.
29 August 1897 Joseph C. Horn to Grey, inviting him to distribute technical education prizes at Ashington.
29 August [1897] The Hon. Walter Barrington, 9th Viscount, to Grey, post of magistrate in South Africa for his eldest son.
30 August 1897 James Hawkins to Grey, requesting interview re Zambesi Industrial mission.
30 August, 1 September 1897 G.E.T. Smithson (Sec. Local Centre of the Imperial Institute, Newcastle) to Grey, asking him to take chair at a lecture.
30 August 1897 Isaac Mather (Clerk W. Chevington Parish Council) to Grey, asking him to meet a deputation from the Parish Council.
31 August 1897 George Howell Fund: Appeal and subscription list, with note [from R. Applegarth].
31 August 1897 J.F. Jones to Grey concerning John Routledge deceased.
31 August 1897 D. Aitken to Grey asking him to be chairman at concert.
31 August 1897 Major Henry Wright, concerning his autograph collection and requesting Grey's.
1 September 1897 George Skelly (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Scientific & Mechanical Institution) to Grey, asking him to give lecture on South Africa.
1 September 1897 George J. Ingram (Sec. Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Institution) to Grey, requesting subscription. Enclosures:
1897 [Circular] letter Baron Alfred de Rothschild to Grey, concerning the above fund.
Printed particulars of the institution and the special Victorian Era Fund.
1 September 1897 Edith Annett to Grey, 2 horses she is selling.
2 September 1897 Isaac Lyons (Hon. Sec. Northern Union of Conservative Assocs.) to Grey, asking him to speak on South Africa at annual conference.
3 September 1897 John Trueman to Grey, requesting reference.
3 September 1897 Lewis Atkinson (Curator for Rhodesia, Cape Colony etc., Imperial Institute) to Grey, asking him to read paper on Rhodesia.
4 September 1897 W.B. Anderson to Grey, Border Shepherds' Show.
Alwinton Border Shepherds Show: Abstract of accounts for 1896.
5 September 1897 Ralph Carr Ellison to Grey concerning “Barry”.
1 May 1896 Revd. E.E.W. Kirkby to Grey concerning Frank E. Ward, who is emigrating to South Africa.
n.d. Copy letter Grey to Kirkby.
Notes by Grey for his secretary to reply to a letter from F.E. Ward.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B283/2   September-December 1897
9 September 1897 Maggie Fryer to Grey, applying for post of headmistress - wants recommendation.
9 September 1897 William Whittle (Sec. Broomhill Horticultural Soc.) to Grey, requesting subscription.
13 September 1897 A. Vysard to Grey, professorship of German at University College, London.
13 September 1897 Robert Hall to Grey, “Deans Testimonial Fund”.
17 September 1897 Herbert Canning (Sec. B.S.A. Co.) to Grey, Mr Carden's salary.
27 September 1897 Margaret Lysaght to Grey, begging letter.
27 September 1897 Mark Truman to Grey, subscription for Shilbottle Carbine Club.
28 September 1897 J. Robinson to Grey, wants interview. Intends to emigrate to Matebeleland.
Invitation to Grey from Earl Percy (President for the Year of the Northern Union of Mechanics' Institutions) to dinner on 30 September 1897 with note on back of Grey's reply.
1 October 1897 M. Eisenhardt & Co. (Champagne shippers) to Grey, asking what he thought of sample bottles of champagne.
5 October 1897 [T. Walton] Secretary Poultry & Pigeon Show, Broomhill, to Grey, requesting subscription.
n.d. Circular letter from Henry Vivian, concerning engraving of portrait of G.J. Holyoake.
7 October 1897 William Digby (Vice-Chairman Brit. Electrozone Corp.) to Grey, reconstruction of the corporation.
n.d. Bartholomew Scott to Grey, wants to emigrate to South Africa as engineer; with note of Grey's reply.
8 October 1897 Circular letter from F. Moir Bussy, has secured contract for reporting parliamentary debates. His proposed policy.
11 October 1897 Adam Robertson to Grey, thanks for promise of help.
11 October 1897 G. & W. Wilson (wine and spirit merchants) to Grey. Stock of orange brandy.
12 October 1897 William Snugges (Chief Officer Coast Guard Station, Newton by the Sea, Chathill) to Grey, requesting recommendation. Note of Grey's reply on back.
12 October 1897 J.F. Jones to Grey, Wilson Fox's salary.
13 October 1897 Revd. Thomas Stenhouse (local Hon. Sec. NSPCC) to Grey, meeting to consider Ld. Herschell's report.
14 October 1897 Maull & Fox (Artists & Photographers) to Grey, requesting a “sitting”.
15, 25 October 1897 John Potts to Grey, Potts' benefit concert in Alnwick.
25 October 1897 Henry Vivian to Grey, asking him to speak at Labour Association meeting.
26 October 1897 A. Attlee (Sec. Review of Reviews Circulating Library) to Miss Tully, administration of the library at Low Stead.
27 October 1897 Manor of the Castle of Bamburgh: Summons to Grey to attend court leet and view of frankpledge.
28 October 1897 James Gibson (Goods Guard, Newcastle) to Grey, wants railway appointment in South Africa.
30 October 1897 M. Wilson Lambert (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Amateur Dramatic Soc.) to Grey and also to Lady Grey, patronage for a performance in aid of the Society.
1 November 1897 Henry S. Wright to Grey, wants Chartered Co. to pay his fare to Rhodesia (where he wants to join the B.S.A. Company's Police). Note of Grey's reply on back.
1 November 1897 Revd. Thomas Stenhouse to Lady Grey, tickets for an entertainment.
4 November 1897 J.W.A. Eskdale (Bandmaster, North Shields) to Grey, wants appointment as bandmaster in South Africa.
3 November 1897 Revd. A. Marwood Wilcox (vicar of Spelsbury, Oxon) to Grey, offering to compile a Royal Descent pedigree for him.
Leaflet concerning Wilcox's R.D. pedigrees.
4 November 1897 Benjamin Wilson to Grey, wants interview re South Africa.
North of England Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Association. Invitation to Banquet on 23 December 1897.
12 November 1897 William Bush, Secretary Tyneside Unionist Association to Grey, concerning registration of voters and asking for subscription. Enclosure: Tyneside Unionist Association Balance Sheet 30 September 1895 - 30 September 1896 and statistics of claims made and sustained at the Registration Courts.
19 November 1897 Donald Sween Mackay (solicitor, York) to Grey, deeds for execution in connection with Beningbrough estates.
2 November 1897 J. Walker (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Harriers) to Grey, will he be a patron?
26 November 1897 William John Short (of Glanton) to Grey, asking for donation towards the building of a hall and reading room at Glanton and note of Grey's reply.
30 November 1897 Algernon Noble to Grey, mining engineer; wants mining work in South Africa.
3 December 1897 Revd. J.T. Hibbert-Smith to Grey, subscription to Home Mission Fund.
Alnwick Choral Union: printed note re subscriptions.
15 December 1897 Beddome & Baker (Importers of Havana Cigars) to Grey, concerning a parcel of cigars.
15 December 1897 Revd. Oliver Churchyard to Grey, invitation to a conversazione - Newcastle Church Institute.
25 December 1897 Henry H. Avery to Grey, wants to emigrate to Rhodesia. Note by Grey to George Grey of Milfield on back.
16 December 1897 C.F. Cartwright [of the General Post Office London] to Grey, concerning a mistake in a telegram. Enclosure: Copy telegram Grey to [Leo] Maxse of National Review concerning article by Marshall-Hole on Rhodesia.
31 December 1897 Letter John Weakner (Master Alnwick Union Workhouse) to Grey, requesting subscription to New Year's dinner and tea.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B283/3   December 1897-March 1898
3 January 1898 Part of copy letter Grey to Tate concerning hunt meeting at Alnwick and certain recommendations that were to be discussed. 2 copies.
c.21 December 1897 Cutting of letter E. Flux & Leadbitter to the Northampton Mercury concerning the death duties on 3rd Earl Grey's estate.
1 January 1898 R. Donkin jnr. (Sec. Northumberland Agricultural Society) to Grey, place and time of meeting.
(1898) Advertisement for the Webbs' Industrial Democracy.
5 January W.H. Forster to Grey, hunt meeting.
6 January 1898 Mansfield to Grey, case of George Stephenson of Boulmer and his appeal for help to purchase a pony to be used for delivering letters.
5 January 1898 Thomas Dodds (schoolmaster, Longhoughton) to Mansfield, re above case.
12 January 1898 Mansfield to Dodds.
n.d. Dodds to Mansfield replying to above.
20 January 1898 Mansfield to Grey.
6, 12 January 1898 Revd. R. Appleton (Vicar & Warden Trinity College, Camberwell) to Grey, concerning a matinee at the Haymarket Theatre.
6 January 1898 John J. Dand to Grey, seeks employment for his son.
6 January 1898 Thomas Robson to Grey, asking him to preside at a lecture by Dr Dallinger.
7 January 1898 Circular Lombardi & Co (Photographers) to Grey, requesting a “sitting”.
7 January 1898 J. Broadway (of NE Banking Co.) to Grey, bank charges.
8 January 1898 Copy Grey to Broadway, complaining at high interest charges.
12 January 1898 Letter B. Noble (Gen. Manager of above bank) to Grey, reducing interest charges.
11 January 1898 Sir F.A. Abel (Imperial Institute) to Grey, proposed colonial exhibition.
19 January 1898 J.W. Holmes (Hon. Sec. the Alnwick & District Assoc. in London) to Grey, inviting him to annual banquet.
Printed notice concerning the above dinner.
25 January 1898 Emma J. Telford to Grey, school teacher who wants appointment as sub-inspectress under Education Department. Asks Grey's help.
27 January 1898 Revd. Ralph Nicholson to Grey, requesting patronage for missionary exhibition to commemorate the centenary of the CMS.
31 January 1898 Charles D. Forster to Grey, affairs of C.F. Grey.
31 January 1898 Robert J. Beddoe to Grey, Charter Co. shares.
8 February 1898 Note Grey to Mansfield, concerning copies of the Newcastle Chronicle he requires.
City of London General Pension Society: Invitation to dinner on 3 March 1898.
Copy letter from Grey refusing the above.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B283/4   February-September 1898
4 February 1898 Letter from members of Howick Co-op Store living at Craster to Grey, thanking him for establishing the store.
9 February 1898 Copy reply from Grey.
8 February 1898 H.J. Gilbert (M.D. of Gateshead) to Grey, complaining of the unjust dismissal of Dr Blacklock by the N.E.R.
15 February 1898 George Ross (Hon. Joint Sec. Hexham Local Unionist Assoc.) to Grey, concerning a bazaar to raise funds.
17 February [1898] John Richardson (Sec. Broomhill Institute), wants interview concerning land to build a new institute.
17 February 1898 M.D. Forster (Assist. Sec. Newcastle Diocesan Soc.) to Grey, concerning telegram that had not been delivered.
19 February 1898 Robert Donkin jnr. (Sec. Northumb. Agricult. Soc.) to Grey, prizes for show in Newcastle.
19 February 1898 H. Crawford Smith to Grey, co-partnership in his own company; a working men's club scheme; politics.
Typescript copy of part of the above letter.
19 February 1898 T. William Sharp (Hon Treas. Church Missionary Exhib.) to Grey, financial guarantee for exhibition.
21 February 1898 Joseph Greenwood to Grey, reception for Grey at Hebden Bridge Works.
22 February 1898 Circular H. Oakley (Chairman) and Alfred E. Mills (Sec. Railway Benevolent Instit.) to Grey, asking him to be a steward.
22 February 1898 Revd. Osmund Stock (Vicar St Mary's, Blyth) to Grey, needs to extend church and wants money.
22 February 1898 Copy Grey to Wilson Fox, Robert Williams and an application re George Grey; the position of Judge Vintcent on the Legislative Council; criticism of the B.S.A. Co.'s Directors' Report, especially re the war.
23 February 1898 J. Covey Williams to Grey, Grey's address in Court Guides.
24 February 1898 John Richardson (Sec. Broomhill Mechanics' Institute) to Grey, deputation to call on him re plot of land for Institute.
24 February 1898 Montague Maclean (of Broomhill Coal Co.) to Grey, concerning need for new building at Broomhill for Institute.
25 February 1898 J. Covey Williams to Mansfield, Grey's address in the Court Guides.
25 February 1898 R. Donkin (Sec. Northumb. Agric. Soc.) to Grey, draft prize list for Newcastle show.
26 February 1898 Cutting from Leeds Mercury, reviewing The Story of Canada by H.A. Kennedy.
28 February 1898 J. Covey Williams to Mansfield, business matters.
28 February 1898 James Weatherston to Grey, is going to W. Africa, asking advice.
1 March 1898 E. Wheler (Alnwick Castle Estate Office) to Grey, concerning the enclosure. Enclosure: 28 February 1898 George F. Edwards to Wheler, steam fishing shipbuilder, wants to get letter of introduction [from Grey] to Rhodes.
26 February 1898 C.D. Forster & Co. to Mansfield, R.W. Grey of Backworth and his share in the Theatre Royal.
List of Proprietors of the Theatre Royal, Newcastle, 2 March 1898 and balance sheet, re above.
23 March 1898 Revd. Edward Arklees (Vicar Earsdon) to ..., same subject.
19 April 1898 E.J. Wheler to Mansfield, same subject.
1 March 1898 Alice Balfour to Grey. Enclosing: 27 February 1898 Part of a letter from [Frederick Wrench] to Miss Balfour concerning his son who is going to South Africa. Wants to know whether Grey can help him re employment.
8 March 1898 Thomas Atkinson to Grey, sending on behalf of the Garrick Club tickets for a performance in aid of the sufferers from the Walker Gate disaster.
16 March 1898 John Hawdon (Sec. N.E.R. Provident Soc. Gateshead) to Grey.
31 March 1898 George Middlemiss to Grey, asking for further financial help for Glanton Brass Band - with note of Grey's reply endorsed.
1 April 1898 London Secretary Rand Mines Ltd to Grey, question re his address.
4 April 1898 George Ross (Hon. Sec. Hexham Local Unionist Assoc.) to Grey, need for funds - details of expenses given.
Corporation of Mercers: Invitation to Grey to dinner, with covering letter from the clerk of the company to Grey, 4 April 1898.
6 April 1898 R. Hogg Shaw to Grey, bazaar to raise funds.
6 April 1898 R. Hogg Shaw to Lady Grey, same subject as above.
8 April 1898 Miss Procter (Treas. Newcastle Invalid Loan Soc.) to Grey, subscription due.
10 April 1898 Charles F. Lindsell to Grey, had been involved in the Jameson Raid. Now wants employment in South Africa etc., either under Chartered Co. or Colonial Office.
14 April 1898 Florence Neil (St Matthias Vicarage, Poplar) to Grey, asking him to open garden festival.
14 April 1898 Note Ralph Willoughby (Ragged & Industrial Schools, Newcastle) to Mansfield asking for Grey's subscription.
21 April 1898 Edward Owen Greening to Grey, concerning One and All Gardening.
2 May 1898 Letter William Lisle B. Coulson (President Shelter for Lost & Neglected Dogs and Cats) to Grey, concerning their work and asking him to open new premises.
3 May [1898] Letter Ernest Brockman to Grey, concerning his being mauled by a lion when engaged in the erection of the Trans Continental telegraph west of Lake Nyassa.
6 May 1898 Circular Henry Vivian to Grey, address on co-operative dairying etc., in New Zealand.
6 May 1898 A. Sisson Gandy to Mansfield, dividend on Bechuanaland debentures.
7 May 1898 Mansfield to Grey, same subject.
6 May 1898 William Crooks (Sec. Northern Section Co-operative Union) to Grey, opening of exhibition.
6 May 1898 W. Chisam (schoolmaster N. Sunderland and Sec. of the George Norris Fund) to Grey, appealing for help for Norris a disabled fisherman.
7 May 1898 Note from Sec. of Royal Colonial Institute to Grey, concerning a discussion.
14 May 1898 Circular Herbert Canning (Sec. Bechuanaland Railway Co.) concerning debentures.
June 1898 Alexander Hill (Vice-Chancellor Cambridge University) to Grey, concerning Cambridge University Association.
4 July 1898 Editor Berwickshire News to Grey, concerning a charitable club.
6 July, 9 September 1898 2 letters William Maxwell to Grey, concerning his portrait.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B283/5   July-October 1898
19 July 1898 Revd. Richard Procter to Grey, seeking permission for Longhirst Church Choir to visit Howick gardens.
25 July 1898 H. Rasmussen to Grey, concerning a farm colony at Forest Hall, Northumberland, formerly conducted on communistic lines and now to be converted into a productive co-op. soc.
Chili Telephone Co. Ltd. Report of the Directors and Statement of Accounts to 31 March 1898 (London, 1898).
Chili Telephone Co. Ltd. Report of Proceedings at 9th Ordinary General Meeting ... 5 August 1898.
Chili Telephone Co. Ltd. Counterfoil of dividend warrant - now filed 212/4.
7 August 1898 Mary Browne to Grey, thanks for daughters' wedding presents.
10 August 1898 Telegram Robin Grey to Grey, wants to get into Northumberland Yeomanry before going to China.
11 August 1898 A. Arkell Hardwick to Grey, is in Natal Mounted Police and wants to return home. Needs a job and discharge arranged.
11 August 1898 Ernest Salaman (solicitor and patent agent) to Grey, concerning a new syndicate to be formed.
15 August 1898 Edward A. Weightman to Grey, concerning his application for clerkship in the High Court of Justice.
21 August 1898 J.S.R. Phillips (editor in charge Yorkshire Post) to Grey, concerning the way in which he has dealt with Grey's speech; previous recollections of Grey; remedy for the industrial evils.
23 August 1898 Arthur Chambers to Grey, asking for letter of introduction to Rhodes for his son, a mining engineer in Rhodesia.
23 August 1898 Edward Owen Greening to Grey, concerning his “odes”; a co-operative demonstration and sports day at which Lady Grey had been present. A vote of thanks to which Grey objected.
23 August 1898 J. Covey Williams to Grey, various business matters.
23 August 1898 J.A. Moran (of the Land Magazine) to Grey, asking for article on agriculture co-operation. [Note of Grey's reply on back].
24 August 1898 James E. Carver (of the Cyclists' Co-operation] to Grey, concerning the Cyclists Co-op. and his ideas on co-operation generally.
25 August [1898] T.A. Brassey to Grey, co-op. principles gaining ground; suggests propaganda campaign for promoting agricultural co-op. in England.
26 August 1898 William Alder (Treasurer Berwick Dispensary & Infirmary) to Grey, donation to funds; presidency, with copy Grey to Alder on back. Enclosure: Report and State of the Berwick Dispensary and Infirmary with abstract of accounts 1897-1898.
27 August 1898 Henry Wright to Grey, concerning his autograph book which he wishes Grey to sign.
12 January, 27 August, 17 December 1898 3 letters Robert J. Gibson (Sec. Hospital for Sick Children, Newcastle) to Grey, asking for contribution towards new building. [Note of Grey's reply on back]. Enclosure: List of donations and appeal.
27 August 1898 Circular W. Carlile (Hon. Chief Sec. Church Army) to Grey, asking Grey to give a few words at Church Congress.
30 August 1898 H. Stapleton (Hon. Clerical Sec. Church Congress, Bradford) to Grey, concerning the programme and Grey's talk.
31 August 1898 Rev. F.C. Kilner (Archdeacon of Craven and Hon. Sec. Subjects Committee of Church Congress) to Grey, Grey's talk on co-operation.
September 1898 Circular B.N. Langdon-Davies (President University Union Soc. Cambridge), appeal for Union Society Debating Hall Fund, with list of subscriptions.
2, 23 September 1898 2 letters James T. Armstrong (Managing Director Dr Carl Peters' Estates & Exploration Co.) to Grey, concerning newspaper articles on Dr Peters.
3 September 1898 C.N. Wilkinson (Sec. N.E.R. York) to Grey, concerning proposed visit of directors to Newcastle, etc.
7 September 1898 Revd. W. Peter Mayor (of St Cuthbert's, Monkwearmouth) to Grey, appealing for help for church funds.
11 October 1898 J.A. Moran (of the Land Magazine) to Grey, again requesting an article on agricultural co-operation.
13, 18 October 1898 Bechuanaland Railway Co. to Mansfield, concerning application for debenture stock.
Bechuanaland Railway Co. Counterfoil No. 588.
5 September 1898 Bechuanaland Railway Co. Announcement re Debentures.
27 October 1898 A. Sisson Gandy to Mansfield, concerning lecture by Lord Warkworth. Enclosure: Notice concerning lecture by Warkworth on his eastern travels on 7 November 1898 at Alnwick.
28 October 1898 E.G. Jenkinson to Grey, wants his son, a surveyor and land agent, to be appointed land agent to Capt. Holford.
28 October 1898 The Chief Reporter Newcastle Daily Journal to Grey, asking for a sight (or copy) of his address to be given to the Economic Society.
30 October 1898 Joseph Robert Carter (South Place Ethical Soc. London) to Grey, asking him to give lecture on Newcastle.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B283/6   October-December 1898
30 October 1898 George Stevenson to Grey, wants to go to South Africa, asks for information.
31 October 1898 R. John Parry (Trinity College Cambridge) to Grey, evidently concerning Lord Howick and 2 others about to go up to Cambridge.
3 November 1898 Jonathan Backhouse to Grey, advocating Crawfurd Smith as Liberal Unionist candidate for Tyneside Division.
9 November 1898 A. Arkell Hardwick to Grey, is going to Egypt. Asks for letters of introduction. Enclosure: 3 November 1898 Letter J. Covey Williams to Arkle Harkwick, Oliver Williams has nothing to offer in the way of employment in Egypt and has heard of nothing else.
10 November 1898 Robert Taylor to Grey, railway porter and signalman - has applied to be station master and asks support.
7 November 1898 George Malcolm (Estates Office Invergarry) to Mansfield. Enclosing:
n.d. Copy telegram Grey to Col. Rhodes (in Egypt).
10 November 1898 S. Walpole (Sec. GPO) to Mansfield, acknowledging receipt of a letter.
22 November 1898 C.F. Cartwright (of the GPO) to Grey, concerning the telegram.
24 November 1898 R.W. Cooper (solicitor, Newcastle) to Grey, concerning Alex Hornsby who wants to get job as N.E.R. signalman.
[Notes by Grey concerning an opportunity for Hornsby].
24 November 1898 Sir William Bousfield to Grey, concerning stone laying ceremony at a Girls' School in Newcastle.
25 November 1898 Percy Rivett Carnac to Grey.
27 September [1898] Copy telegram Sir William Milton to Rivett Carnac, his military career has been affected by service in Rhodesia. Wants Grey to get him command of a regiment.
25 November 1898 V.W. Corbett (Chilton Moor) to Grey, shooting at Heathpool.
25 November 1898 W. Archbold & Son (fish curers) to Grey concerning his fish trade.
Note from Grey to Mansfield concerning Archbold's complaint about rail delays.
26 November 1898 William Lipscomb to Grey, asking whether he would be chairman of the Co-operation Section of the Central Chamber.
Printed notice concerning the Christian Conference to be held in London on 30 November 1898.
6 December 1898 Dora T. Turnbull of Alnwick to Grey, financial help for old age pension scheme.
13 December 1898 Postcard from above to Grey, same subject.
Invitation: Martin J. Sutton (Chairman Annual Dinner of the Farmers' Club and Central & Assoc. Chambers of Agriculture) to Grey to dinner on 6 December [1898].
Invitation to Grey from the President & Council of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Dinner on 7 December. Note of Grey's reply.
10 December 1898 Samuel Murray Hussey to Grey, decision of House of Lords re succession duty.
14 December 1898 J. Covey Williams to Grey, business matters.
14 December 1898 Revd. Ralph Nicholson (Gen. Clerical Sec. Newcastle & Durham CMS Centenary Missionary Exhibition), asking him to preside at opening ceremony.
14 December 1898 H. Cooke (Hon. Sec. Queen Victoria Clergy Fund, Newcastle Diocesan Branch) [to Grey] concerning the fund. Enclosing the following printed papers:
9 December 1898 Copy letter Edgar, Bishop of Newcastle, to H. Cooke, concerning the fund.
Queen Victoria Clergy Sustentation Fund, Newcastle Diocesan Branch: report of committee.
Queen Victoria Clergy Fund, Newcastle Diocesan Branch: Summary of receipts and expenditure down to the date of voting the 1898 grants.
Queen Victoria Clergy Sustentation Fund, Newcastle Diocesan Branch: prospectus and subscription form.
14 December 1898 Printed appeal: Jubilee of John Fenwick Brewis as organist and musician in Morpeth.
16 December 1898 Letter J. Garthwaite to Grey, setting forth his claim against the N.E.R. for supplanting him in his sack hire business. Enclosure: Copies of correspondence between Garthwaite and various N.E.R. officials including:
17, 18 February 1888 Henry Tennant (General Manager, York).
16, 21 March 1894 C. Jesper (General Goods Manager, York).
12, 20 September 1894, 16, 21 September, 7, 20, 30 November, 15, 16 December 1896, 6, 9 January 1897 George S. Gibb (General Manager).
24, 27 November, 17 December 1896 T.A. Wilson (Distr. Goods Manager, Newcastle).
Garthwaite & Co.: Printed paper showing: (1) extent of sack hire business 1875-1885; (2) financial particulars of sack hire business 1875-1885.
19 December 1898 Messrs Mawson Swan & Morgan to Grey, concerning a copy of Lord Lilfords' Birds.
22 December 1898 Henry Wright to Grey, concerning his autograph collection.
19, 23 December 1898 Miss H. Dora T. Turnbull to Grey, contribution to pension fund.
19 December [1898] Isabella L. Piddocke to Grey, requesting donation towards Sunday School Trust.
24 December 1898 John Weakner (Master Alnwick Union Workhouse) to Grey, subscription for dinner and tea on New Year's Day. Inside this letter are names and addresses of persons to whom pheasants are to be sent.
28 December 1898 Printed subscription list: Capt. Nicholls' (Chief Constable, Newcastle) Testimonial Fund.
29 December 1898 Printed note on testimonial to Capt. Nicholls with letter from Henry Fawcus to Grey.
30 December 1898 S. Hyman to Grey, asking for letter of introduction to Lord Rothschild. Wants to form Rhodesian Trading Co.
n.d. J.D. Leather Culley to Grey, James Scott who wants to go to Bulawayo. Culley's son.
Clergy Pensions Institution: Subscription list (facsimiles of signatures of subscribers).
N.E. Sanitary Inspection Association. Card containing information about the Association.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/1   [1899]
[?3 July 1899] Speech by Grey at meeting in Newcastle held to support the Government in the crisis in the Transvaal on the question of Milner's demands to Kruger. 1 page missing. There are also several duplicates of some of the other pages.
Account, by Grey, of how Henry Scott of Hipsburn had approached him on 19 December 1899 and offered to subscribe £1000 towards the raising and equipping of a force of mounted volunteers from Northumberland for service in South Africa; and Grey's action in the matter. 1 draft; 1 fair copy [the draft indicates one further alteration]; 2 additional copies of 1st page.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/2   January-August 1899
n.d. [1899?] R.W. Pincott to Grey, re E. Griqualand.
n.d. [1899?] Henry Wright to Grey, autograph collector.
n.d. [1899?] Hugh Brooking to Grey, wants to work in Africa.
5 January 1898 [sic] 1899? H. Cooke (Hon Sec. Queen Victoria Clergy Fund, Newcastle) to Grey.
7 January 1899 Alfred Bowley to Grey, begging letter.
17 January 1899 George Tomlinson (Secretary of Newcastle United Temperance Mission) to Grey, asking him to preside over a meeting.
18 January 1899 J.G. Macpherson to Grey, North of England Commercial Travellers' Ball.
23 January 1899 H.S. Van Laun to Grey, wants interview with Duke of Abercorn.
27 January 1899 Helen Grey to Grey.
29 January 1899 Arthur Chambers to Grey, his sons and Rhodesia; the results of assaying a sample of rock from Gwelo which his son had sent home. Says he was an old friend of Rhodes.
1 February 1899 John P. Colquhoun to Grey, sending sample of coffee; an article on British Central Africa.
5 February 1899 Copy Grey to Mr [Stephen?] Sanderson, conduct of judicial business in Northumberland.
2 February 1899 Frederick G. Toller (Financial Sec. Zambesi Industrial Mission) to Grey, requesting donation for the work of the Mission.
2 February 1898 [sic] 1899? Thomas Paxton to Grey, international peace crusade. Enclosing: Verses: “International Peace Crusade” by Edith Grieves (Paxton's assumed name).
13 February 1899 J. Noble (of Elswick Works, Newcastle) to Grey, Mr Vere's son who wants a commission for his son in the Rhodesian Horse or mounted police.
16 February 1899 William Bush (Sec. Tyneside Unionist Assoc.) to Grey, requesting interview.
18 February 1899 W. McChlery (Civil Engineer, Newcastle) to Grey, offering services for Howick drains.
13 March 1899 William D. Stephens to Grey, informing Grey that he has been elected President of the North of England Steamship Owners' Association.
22 March [1899?] R. Clayton to Grey, enclosing printed list of members of Northumberland County Cricket Club 1898.
25 March 1899 John Phillips (Hon. Sec. Howick Horticultural and Industrial Soc.) to Grey, date of their exhibition.
27 March 1899 William Dodson to Grey, concerning a clock Grey had presented to them.
29 March 1899 Revd. Francis H. Hodgson to Grey, asking whether Longhoughton Vicarage would be suitable for a holiday.
29 March 1899 Ernest H. Maude (Sec. Northumberland & Northern Counties Club, London) to Grey, will he preside at annual dinner?
30 March 1899 D.C. Haldeman (General Manager Mutual Life Insurance Co. New York) to Grey, covering letter to life insurance policy.
29 March 1899 Col. A.A. Garstin (Commanding 5th Regimental District) to Grey, a military service in St Nicholas' Cathedral, Newcastle.
30 March 1899 G.T. Plunkett to Grey, financing expedition to examine the fauna of the Central African Lakes.
31 March 1899 J.B. Paton to Grey, training colonies for unemployed; evening classes and Robson's Bill; English Land Colonisation Society; National Home Reading Union.
4 April 1899 David F. Schloss (Labour Department, Board of Trade) to Grey, inquiring about Learmouth Farm - annual statistics for profit sharing.
20 April 1899 William Macdonald (W. Indian Co-operative Union) to Grey, press attack on the West Indian Co-op. Union.
21 April 1899 A.H.J. Cochrane to Grey, cricket fixtures.
24 June 1899 Peter Richardson to Grey, subscription Tweedmouth Regatta, etc.
7 June 1899 Letter signed by 12 N.E. Railway platelayers to Grey, thanks for seeds to sow on railway embankments.
30 June 1899 J. Ernest Blenkiron to Grey, requesting interview. Wants Grey to use influence to secure a post in one of the Protectorates for his brother.
8 July 1899 Lewis C. Lockhart to Grey, Lord Lieutenant's prize for Northumberland Rifle Association. Enclosure: Northumberland Rifle Association: Report and Balance Sheet 1898.
19 July 1899, n.d. T.D. Williams to Grey, Anglo-American co-operation and requesting Grey's photo.
29 July 1899 H. Crawfurd Smith to Grey, presentation of prizes at Rutherford College.
4 August 1899 Robert Brown (Sec. Independent Order of Odd Fellows) to Grey, thanking him for becoming hon. member.
15 August 1899 Robert Brown (Sec. Independent Order of Odd Fellows) to Grey, thanks for contribution of £1.
9 August 1899 Edward Owen Greening (Managing Director Agricultural and Horticultural Assoc. Ltd.) to Grey, asking whether he would attend festival and move resolution in favour of labour co-partnership.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/3   2 February 1897, August-December 1899
9 August 1899 Henry Richard Fox Bourne to Grey, would like to write a study of the work of 3rd Earl Grey in mid 19th century.
9 August 1899 Vincent Charles Stuart Wortley Corbett (Chief agent to Lord Londonderry's estates) to Grey, offering hospitality when Grey goes shooting at Fleehope.
30 September 1899 Charles E. Moore (Manager, Alnwick & County Gazette) to J.H. Mansfield, asking (as a Director of the Alnwick Brewery Co.) about Grey's hotel at Broomhill.
18 October 1899 Charles J. Thynne (artistic bookbinder, London) to Grey, account for Parliamentary Debates.
Printed paper: Central British Red Cross Committee: Appeal for funds by Lord Wantage.
24 October 1899 Herbert P. Carter to Grey, requesting appointment - St David's scheme.
26 October 1899 Edwin G. Chatt (Sec. Canon Moore Ede Scholarship Fund) to Grey.Printed circular concerning proposed presentation to Canon W. Moore Ede.
26 October 1899 William Alder & Son (Wine Merchants, Berwick) to Grey, offering to supply Grey's licensed premises in the Chevington district.
8 November 1899 A. Garrard to Grey, pyjamas etc., for wounded soldiers in South Africa.
7 November 1899 F.P. Philp (Sec. State Children's Association) to Grey, asking him to take chair at a conference.
8 November 1899 Sir Wyndham Rowland Dunstan (Director Imperial Institute) to Grey. Enclosure: Synopsis of 6 public lectures on England in South Africa to be given by Basil Worsfold at the Imperial Institute.
8 November 1899 William Grant (Master at Board School, Old Walsinghan, Norfolk) to Grey, wants to give lantern lectures supporting the Goverment's South Africa policy, needs money for lantern.
9 November 1899 T.W. Bryers (Clerk to School Board of the District of Sunderland) to Grey, asking him to give prizes to scholars of Bede Higher Grade School.
9 November 1899 Robert Williams (of Tanganyika Concessions) to Grey, invitation to launch of the S.S. “Cecil Rhodes”. Enclosure: Invitation cards: Chairman and Directors of Tanganyika Concessions to Earl and Lady Grey and to Victoria Grey for above launch.
3 November 1899 John Blenkinsop to Grey, requesting donation for 74 Battery Supper Fund.
11 November 1899 Dr William Henry Spurgin to Grey, asks Grey to recommend him to Postmaster General for post of medical officer to Newcastle Post Office. North of England Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Association: Invitation to annual dinner on 15 December 1899.
21 October 1899 E.J.W. Powell (Hon. Sec. James Robson Fund) to Grey, concerning the fund for James Robson an old pilot and life-boatman.
14 November 1899 E.J.W. Powell to Mansfield, enclosing subscription list for the above fund.
17 November 1899 C. Robinson (bookseller, Newcastle) to Grey, concerning 3 volumes of the National Gallery Catalogue.
19 November 1899 J.S.R. Murray (Hon. Sec. & Treasurer, Newcastle Harriers) to Grey, requesting him to be a patron.
20 November 1899 John Whitburn (Sec. North of England Centre Labour Association) to Mansfield, concerning appeal for Reservists' Fund. Enclosures:
17 November 1899 Charles Churchfield (Gen. Sec. Postmen's Federation) [to Mansfield].
Balance Sheet of the Postmen's Federation, 1 August 1898 - 31 March 1899.
Federation Year 1898-1899, Membership Statistics (UK).
4th Annual Report for Year Ending 31 March 1899.
20 November 1899 John Richardson (Sec. N. Broomhill Institute) to Grey, concerning a miners' club they are proposing to build. Note of reply Grey wishes to be sent, advising them to take no action until they have discussed the matter with him.
Kings College London: Special Festival Dinner 28 November 1899 - Invitation to Grey.
4 December 1899 H. Cooke (Queen Victoria Clergy Fund Newcastle Diocesan Branch) to Grey, requesting subscription.
26 December 1899 Noel Villiers to Grey, stopping of express train for Lady Tankerville.
28 December 1899 Telegram H.A. Watson (Distr. Superintendent, N.E.R.) to Mansfield.
28 December 1899 Letter H.A. Watson to Mansfield.
2 February 1897 Printed paper: Reminiscences of the Forfarshire: The Story of a North Sunderland Pilot (James Robson). Extracted from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle. [This gives account of Robson's experiences and includes his part in the Grace Darling rescue. Also gives details of the declining fishing industry of the area].
Printed paper: “Proposed testimonial to Mr H. Cuthbertson fellow of the Institute of Journalists”.
Typescript report on the activities of [Newcastle] Diocesan Sick Fund in 1899.
n.d. Robert Scott Purves to Grey, a cricket professional and groundsman wanting employment.
List of names and addresses of persons to whom Grey evidently wanted an article to be sent.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/4   February-April 1900
n.d. Letter H.C. Long to Grey.
2 February 1900 Letter P.G. Linklater (of the firm Walter Scott Contractor & Builder, Newcastle) to Grey.
8 February 1900 Letter F.G. Skelly (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Cricket Club) to Grey.
17 February 1900 Letter J.S.R. Murray (Hon Sec. etc., Newcastle Harriers) to Grey.
19 February 1900 Letter George Skelly [Hon. Sec. Alnwick Scientific & Mechanical Institute] to Grey, libraries in Northumberland.
20 February 1900 Letter John D. Milburn (per a sec.) to Grey, North of England steamship Owners' Assoc. luncheon.
23 February 1900 Letter M. Wilson Lambert (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Dramatic Soc.) to Grey.
27 February 1900 Letter R. Urwin (Sec. Tyne Improvement Commission) to Grey.
8 March 1900 Letter J. Forster and Charles Turnbull to Grey, scheme for sending tobacco to the relieved garrison at Ladysmith.
March 1900 William T. Oliver (Sec. Royal Infirmary, Newcastle) to Grey, Grey's subscription (£10-10s).
12 March 1900 Letter Carnegie & Co. (of Newcastle) to Grey.
30 March 1900 Copy letter Grey to George Grey of Milfield, concerning George Grey's paper on the Agricultural Holdings Bill.
2 April 1900 Copy letter Thomas Gow to George Grey of Milfield, concerning George Grey's paper on the Agricultural Holdings Bill.
10 April 1900 Cutting from The Times with letter from George Grey on the Agricultural Holdings Bill.
[April 1900] Letter William Hurford (Chairman) & J.J. Harris (Sec.) National Constitutional Workmen's League to Grey. Lectures by Unionist Working Men.
Photo of van used by the above League.
9 April 1900 Letter J.J. Harris to Mansfield.
11 April 1900 Letter John A. Scott (of Broomhill Coal Co.) to Grey.
12 April 1900 Letter Charles D. Forster to Grey, nominations for vacancies in the 2nd V.B. Northumberland Fusiliers.
13 April 1900 Letter Joseph Johnson (Miners' Sec. N. Seaton Colliery) to Grey, concerning the Lord Lieutenant's Fund.
15 April 1900 Letter Oswald Fletcher to Grey.
16 April 1900 Letter G.W. Prothero (Editor, Quarterly Review) to Grey, interview re South Africa.
17 April 1900 Letter Noel Villiers to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/5   April-August 1900
18 April 1900 Letter J.B. Paton (Sec. English Land Colonisation Society) to Grey. Enclosure: Printed paper concerning a conference to be held at Leeds to consider methods of forming co-operative colonies of small-holders, proposed by the above society.
19 April 1900 Letter Arthur M. Oliver (Battalion Sec. Boys' Brigade, Newcastle) to Grey.
21 April 1900 Letter Oswald Fletcher to Grey.
21 April 1900 Letter J. Blain Scott (of Benjamin Scott & Son, photographers, Carlisle) to Grey.
22 April 1900 Letter C.W. Mitchell (of Jesmond Towers, Newcastle) to Grey, question of trying to interest country people in arts and crafts; Indian Famine Fund.
23 April 1900 Thomas Short to Grey. 23 April 1900 Thomas Lawson (Sec. to Mayor of Newcastle) to Grey.
30 April 1900 Henry Richardson (Librarian Lit. & Phil., Newcastle) to Grey.
8 May 1900 Letter Messrs T. & A. Constable to Bickers & Son.
May 1900 Mr Avery of Bickers & Son, booksellers and publishers, to Grey.
4 May 1900 R. Appleton (Vicar and Warden, St George's Camberwell) to Grey.
7 May 1900 Hill Motum (Town Clerk, Newcastle) to Grey.
15 May 1900 G. Reavell of Alnwick and District Camera Club to Grey.
14 May 1900 Letter Grey to Mansfield, Rifle Club for Howick.
Note by Grey.
12 June 1900 Copy letter Grey to Kenneth M.R. Davis, use of the War Fund.
16 June 1900 Letter Johnston Wilson to Grey.
22 June 1900 Letter Peter Richardson (Hon. Sec. Tweedmouth Feast Regatta & Sports) to Grey, requesting subscription.
27 June 1900 Letter T.W. Craster to Grey, agricultural banks, etc.
10 July 1900 Letter James Casey to Grey, requesting help to get a place.
12 July 1900 Letter Very Revd. Arthur Percival Purey-Caut, Dean of York, to Grey, recommending F. Pallister for employment in B.S.A. Co.
8 May 1900 Letter Capt. Francis Martin Norman RN to Grey, Society for Propogation of the Gospel Bi-Centenary.
13 July 1900 Letter H. Carrick Watson to Grey, recommending a Mrs McDermot to Grey for holiday in a cottage he allows persons in reduced circumstances to have.
15 July 1900 David Lindsay to Grey, insurance of employees.
17 July 1900 Revd. J.T. Hibbert Smith to Grey, subscription for Sunday School treat.
27 July 1900 R. Harvey-Rae & Co. (Shipping & Commission Merchants) to Grey, offering various shares for sale.
31 July 1900 J. Wilson (Sec. Northumberland Aged Miners' Homes) to Grey, thanking him for help and arranging interview.
n.d. Copy postscript of letter from Grey to ..., concerning openings for mining engineers in [South Africa?].
2 August 1900 Letter David Lindsay to Grey, insurance of workers.
6 August 1900 Note George Jacob Holyoake to Grey.
7 August 1900 Letter George W. Patterson to Grey, concerning his brother T. Patterson director of telegraphs, Pretoria.
8 August 1900 Letter John H. Watson (Gen. Sec. Newcastle & Gateshead Poor Children's Holiday Assoc. & Rescue Agency) to Grey, requesting him to preside at annual meeting.
8 August 1900 Letter J. Lea (sub-agent Bank of England) to Canon Ede, asking him to urge Grey to chair a meeting.
8 August 1900 Letter Francis C. Bridgeman to Grey, Mr Drummond and an electrical scheme.
18 August 1900 Letter Francis C. Bridgeman to Grey, trying to persuade Grey to become Chairman of a new syndicate.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/6   August-September 1900
10 August 1900 Francis W. Grey (cousin to Grey) to Grey, requesting him to use influence to obtain him an official place in Natal.
10 August 1900 Henry Vivian to Grey, requesting notes (for press) of his proposed speech at annual meeting of Labour Association.
15 August 1900 Henry Smith to Grey, dogs.
16 July 1900 George Tunnah to Grey, requesting permission to retain a cottage on Grey's estate when he resigns his N.E.R. appointment.
4 August 1900 Charles A. Harrison (of N.E.R.) to Grey, concerning the above.
9 August 1900 J. Cleghorn to Mansfield, concerning the above.
21 August 1900 Charles A. Harrison to Mansfield, concerning the above.
16 August 1900 W. Athel M. Goode (Assoc. Press) to Grey.
20 August 1900 Nettie Lloyd to Grey.
23 August 1900 James Wallace (of T.F. Wallace & Co.) to Grey, concerning wine for sale.
25 August 1900 James Yeaman to Grey, asking help to get post on a farm in South Africa.
26 August 1900 V.M. Clement to Grey, outlining scheme for providing skilled examination of mining properties offered for sale.
27 August 1900 Oswald Fletcher to Grey, concerning his brother appointed to the offices of the Mashonaland Agency in Rhodesia.
28 August 1900 Arthur G. Watson to Grey, Labour Association publications; the evils of strikes.
30 August 1900 Robert Paterson (Managing Director Patent Paraffin & Gas Lighting Co.) to Grey, concerning system of lighting etc., by gas made from oil.
23 April, 9 August, 3 September 1900 J. Graham Duff (Sec. to committee re Proposed Scottish Volunteer Corps.) to Grey.
7 September 1900 Letter Grey to Mansfield, public house business.
16 August, 7 September 1900 Letters John C. Kenworthy to Grey, author of Anatomy of Misery; economic ideas and ideals.
7 September 1900 Henry Armstrong (Sec. YMCA, Newcastle) to Grey, requesting talk on co-operation etc.
10 September 1900 Circular Earl of Rosslyn to Grey, magazine called the Gram.
15 September 1900 James Laing to Grey, requesting him to get his son into N.E.R. drawing office.
13 September 1900 J. Hedley to Grey, prize for shooting competition.
13 September 1900 Alfred Appleby (solicitor, Newcastle) to Grey, South African Local Association.
13 September 1900 Bickers & Son (booksellers, London) to Grey, Monthly Review.
14 September 1900 Edward Wilson to Grey, requesting a testimonial.
14 September 1900 John W. Hetherington to Grey, subscription to a fund to help widow and children of victim of a fatal railway accident.
15 September 1900 Henry Vivian to Grey, public house question.
15 September 1900 R.R. Redmayne to Grey, invitation to reformatory boys to Howick.
16 September 1900 E. Stace Edwards (Newcastle Daily Leader) to Grey, requesting information re Grey's Broomhill Public House Scheme.
16 September 1900 Adrian Hofmeyr to Grey, biographical details; work for the [unionist?] party; need for money.
17 September 1900 Sir Lewis L. Michell to Grey, financial and economic questions after the war.
17 September 1900 Corpl. R. McLaren (Sec. & Tres. Embleton Volunteers) to Grey, subscription.
17 September 1900 Henry Palin Gurney to Grey, arrangements for his visit to Durham College of Science.
18 September 1900 Daniel Hill (of Broads, Paterson & Co.) to Grey, meetings of Church Congress, etc.
19 September 1900 C. Dilley (Capt. Salvation Army, Alnwick) to Grey, Harvest Festival appeal.
20 September 1900 J. Wilson (of Northumberland Aged Miners' Homes Committee) to Grey, land at Broomhill Grey is giving them.
26 September 1900 John Potts to Grey, 2 concerts by band of the Coldstream Guards.
22 September 1900 Thomas Oliver to Grey, a proposed meeting in Newcastle to be addressed by Hofmeyr.
30 September 1900 Thomas Oliver to Grey, letters re proposed Tyneside Scottish Volunteer Batallion.
22 September 1900 Editor Illustrated Press Service to Grey, requesting photograph of Grey.
28 September, 2 October 1900 W.D. Cruddas to Grey, observations on the drink question. Agreeing to buy shares in PH Trust scheme.
30 September 1900 L. Morley Crossman to Grey, requesting help for his cousin, a lawyer.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/7   September-December 1900
29 September 1900 Albert W. White to Grey, Grey's desire for information about White.
n.d. [1900] Henrietta Paynter to Grey, requesting donation to Cornish Fishermen's sports.
1 October 1900 Gwen Macdonald to Grey, wants him to recommend her for post of custodian of the specimens from South Africa at the Imperial Institute.
1 October 1900 J.S.R. Murray (Sec. & Tres. Newcastle Harriers) to Grey, requesting donation; mentions members who had fought in South Africa.
n.d. Denys Selby-Bigge to Grey, inquiring about Howick Grange.
1 October 1900 S. Cook to Grey, poultry.
1 October 1900 Charles Mat. Forster to Grey, case of Mrs Ballantyne.
1 October 1900 John D. Challoner to Grey, thanks for donation to St George's Rifle Club - the use to which the money might be put.
2 October 1900 John Wrigglesworth to Grey, patronage for his book Idylls of Yorkshire.
2 October 1900 Thomas Brown to Grey, wishes to emigrate to South Africa.
4 October 1900 J.B.C. [John Blencowe Cookson] to Grey, a small sum due to [a soldier?].
20 October 1900 John H. Watson (Sec. Newcastle & Gateshead Poor Children's Holiday Association and Rescue Agency) to Grey, the work of the Association.
21 October 1900 William M. Angus to Grey, proposed Scottish Corps.
27 October 1900 W. Bernard East (Hon. Sec. Newcastle branch of the Home Missions of the Church of England - Additional Curates Society) to Grey, asking Grey to address a meeting.
27 October 1900 Revd. H.G. Dickinson (Longhoughton Vicarage) to Grey, 7.40am Berwick-Newcastle train which Dickinson wishes to have stopped to pick up Longhoughton people.
29 October 1900 John J. Gay (of Windy Nook [Co-op] Soc., Gateshead) to Grey, financial state of the society.
31 October 1900 F.G.H. Clayton (of Wylam Hall) to Grey, Northumberland County Cricket Club.
6 November 1900 Cecily Debenham (Hon. Sec. Colonial Nursing Assoc.) to Grey, asking him to accept presidency of the Association.
8 November 1900 J. Brown to Grey, asking whether he is a trustee of the will of Henry Utrick Reay of Killingworth House.
9 November 1900 Matthew Dodd (Clerk of Works for Messr Oliver Leeson & Wood, Architects) to Grey, son's career interrupted by the war.
13 November 1900 T. Graham (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Choral Union) to Grey, requesting subscription.
20 November 1900 John H. Mansfield to Grey, Kinnaird's son's scholarship at the Duke's school Alnwick, for which Grey is paying.
23 November 1900 Oswald Fletcher to Grey. Enclosing: Cutting from the Yorkshire Post of lines by Sir Wilfrid Lawson satirising Grey's Broomhill Public House scheme.
26 November 1900 E.M. Clark to Grey, asking whether he has a house to let.
1 December 1900 Oswin Bell to Grey, concerning a circular letter Williams & Bell are to issue.
1 December 1900 F. Medley-Gold to Grey, New Zealander appealing for financial help.
11 December 1900 W.P. Brown to Grey, Morpeth bells to be rung to celebrate 21st birthday of Viscount Howick?
16 December [1900?] Canon Charles Gore, later Bishop of Worcester, Birmingham & Oxford, to Grey, asking him to talk to the Christian Social Union on the Temperance Question.
31 December 1900 Revd. F.P. Downman (organising Sec. C. of E. Temperance Society, Southwell Diocesan Branch) to Grey, asking him to address meeting on Public House Reform.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/8   1901
20 December 1900 G.W. Balfour to Grey.
9 January 1901 George Craven (Hon. Sec. Pleasant Sunday Affiliation) to Grey.
31 May 1901 Oswin Bell to Grey.
8 January 1901 H.H. Scott (of Hipsburn) to Grey [incomplete].
4 March 1901 A.S. Newington [to J.H. Mansfield?].
28 May 1901 Victor Seymour to Grey.
19, 26 April 1901 J. Bernard Lamb (Sec. Royal Medical Benevolent College) to Grey. Enclosure: 25 May 1900 Royal Medical Benevolent College: Prospectus.
16 March 1901 Henry Vivian to Grey.
17 March 1901 David Lindsey to J.H. Mansfield.
1 March 1901 David Lindsay to Grey.
20 February 1901 John Locke (of Nat. Fed. Employers' Assocs & Trade Unions) to Grey.
27 February 1901 Thomas Harding to Grey.
n.d. George Hans Hamilton to Grey.
4 January 1901 Arthur W. Hutton to Grey.
Circular George Gill (Hon. Sec. Canon Moore Ede Testimonial Fund).
24 August, 13 September, 25 October, 5, 19 November, 9, 23 December 1901 Letters Revd. C.E. Green to J.H. Mansfield, mainly concerning the accounts of Howick School.
6 September 1904, 20 February 1907 2 letters Green to Grey.
1 March 1901 Albert Edward Crawford to Grey.
28 March 1901 George Norman-Crosse to Grey.
31 May 1901 E.C. Clegg to Grey (shares).
16 March 1901 Edwin Sharpe Grew (of the Daily Graphic) to Grey.
May 1901 E.W. Diver MD (Belle Vue Sanatorium, Shotley Bridge, Co Durham) to [J.H. Mansfield].
11 June 1901 Telegram Grey to Mansfield.
29 April 1901 Copy letter Grey to Crawfurd Smith, proposed tax on exported coal.
13 April 1901 W. Athel M. Goode (Associated Press) to Grey, André diaries.
11 February 1901 Copy Grey to Oswin Bell, Durham College of Science.
7 January 1901 William Grey to Grey.
4 March 1901 F. Freeman-Thomas to Grey.
27 February 1901 Marmaduke M. Fletcher to J.H. Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/9   March 1901, 1902
20 March 1901 Letter James Wallace to Grey.
26 March 1901 James Laing to George Grey of Milfield, concerning Wallace.
28 March 1901 George Grey to Grey.
20 November 1902 David Wood to Grey.
9 October 1902 Walton & Co. of London to Grey, portrait of Rhodes.
15 November 1902 A.O. Terry (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Shakespeare, Lit. & Dramatic Soc.) to Grey.
31 October 1902 Revd. D.J. Thomas (Principal Home & Colonial Training College) to Grey.
Printed appeal for funds for the above college (a Church of England Teacher Training establishment).
15 May 1902 Frank Thompson (member of the Cape Parliament and JP for the colony) to Grey, wants to be presented at Court.
9, 18, 19, 22 September 1902 4 letters R.R. Redmayne (Sec. NE Reformatory) to J.H. Mansfield.
24 November 1902 Miss Eliza Pickard [to Grey], appeal for J.C. Kenworthy.
21 March 1902 Letter “Prevention is better than cure” to Grey. Long letter deploring declining birth rate, birth control and physical and moral degeneracy of the nation and calling for import duty on corn to promote agriculture and rural population.
2 January 1902 Edmund George Price (Hon. Sec. of a committee of Tyneside Unionist Assoc.) to Grey. Testimonial to W. Bush election agent for Crawfurd Smith.
31 October 1902 Circular G. Lunn & R.M. Sutton, Secs. Northumberland & Tyneside Reservists Fund.
23 October 1902 Letter R. Meldrum (Sec. New York & Brooklyn Syndicate) to Grey.
Northumberland Agricultural Supply Association Ltd: Report of Council to Shareholders Meeting to be held on 11 August 1902 and balance sheet.
Printed advertisement for book: With the Northumberland Volunteers in South Africa, 1900 & 1901.
Newcastle Diocesan Society Education Committee: Report and Balance Sheet, 31 January 1902.
21 October 1902 Letter (unsigned) Kintore (Chairman New York and Brooklyn Syndicate) to Grey.
5 December 1902 Sydney W. Flamank (Sec. The Corporation of the Church House) to Grey.
21 May 1902 Bessie Furze (ARCM) to Lady Grey, enclosing brochure concerning her work as a music teacher, etc.
2, 4 April, 6 May 1902 M.M. Fletcher to J.H. Mansfield, typescript copy of Grey papers.
5 December 1902 Circular Percy Corder to Grey, Northumberland Public House Trust Co.
24 March 1902 Laurence Cowen (Hon. Sec. Article Club) to Grey.
7 November 1902 John R. Colston to Grey, suggesting that the election expenses of Mr Alder an unsuccessful liberal unionist for Newcastle City Council should be paid.
24 May 1902 A.G. Charleton to Grey.
28 May 1902 G.D. Atkinson Clark to J.H. Mansfield.
23 May 1902 G.D. Atkinson Clark to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B284/10   1903-January 1904
5 May 1903 Oswin Bell to Grey. 23 April 1903 Sir Joscelin Bagot (1st Bart d.1913) to Grey.
British South Africa Co. Printed notice of change of address.
4 September 1903 W. Archbold to Grey, seeking royal appointment for his kippers.
11 January 1904 Postcard to Mansfield.
7 September 1903 W. Archbold to Mansfield.
18 March 1903 Arthur C. Anderson to Grey, seeking employment, biographical details.
5 September 1903 Copy Grey to Cochrane, Public House Trusts.
18 April 1903 Arthur E. Wray (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Harriers) to Grey.
4 May 1903 Arthur E. Wray (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Harriers) to J.H. Mansfield.
14 April 1903 Joseph Wilson to Grey.
27 April 1903 Joseph Wilson to Mansfield.
8 April 1903 Oliver Williams to Grey, Public House Trusts.
7 April 1903 Part of letter Williams to Grey, Public House Trusts.
4 April 1903 John H. Watson (Hon. Sec. Newcastle and Gateshead Poor Children's Holiday Assoc. and Rescue Agency) to Grey.
3, 8 December 1903 2 letters Fred A. Eaton (Sec. Royal Academy of Arts) to Grey.
8 December 1903 1 letter Fred A. Eaton (Sec. Royal Academy of Arts) to Mansfield.
6 December 1903 Copy Grey to Eaton, loan of picture by Lawrence to Royal Academy.
10 December 1903 Receipt for above picture.
21 November 1903 I. Quin (late Royal Artillery) to Grey, requesting employment.
9 April 1903 George Pauling to Grey (letter of introduction for Fr. Goetz S.J. who was going to establish an observatory at Bulawayo).
9 April 1903 Ed. Goetz S.J. to Grey. 17 April 1903 William R. Lord (Sec. North of England Steamship Owners' Assoc.) to Grey.
5 January 1903 N.H. Martin (Hon. Sec. National Hist. Soc. of Northumberland & Durham) to Grey, with printed invitation to him to become a member.
4 March 1903 Note Miss B. Gilbertson to Mansfield concerning subscription to the above.
27 April 1903 Mary K. Grey to Grey.
26 February 1903 Letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey, question of Howick School and the new Education Act.
18 April 1903 Copy letter Grey to J.F. Jones, railway construction in Rhodesia.
15, 17 April 1903 Copy telegrams Grey to Jones, same subject.
15 April 1903 Copy suggested cable B.S. Africa Co. to Jameson.
16 (2), 18 April 1903 Copy telegrams Grey to Jones.
[c.16 April 1903] Copy telegran Grey to Carl Meyer.
c.15 April 1903 Copy telegram Grey to Sec. North of England Steamship Owners' Assoc.
c.15 April 1903 Copy telegram Grey to Col. Cookson.
16 April 1903 Copy telegram Grey to “Nemisis” [Lord].
Copy telegram from Grey to Russell of Morpeth.
[16 April 1903] Copy telegram Grey to Col. Cookson.
11 April 1903 Copy Grey to Major Everett, Public House Trust in Rhodesia and rifle shooting competition there.
20 August 1903 Copy Grey to Emley, patent rights of a stove.
4 October 1903 Letter Watson Askew-Robertson to Grey. Enclosing: 2 October 1903 Letter from Leonard Shafto Horace Charles Orde to Askew-Robertson, asking him to submit his name to Grey with a view to his being appointed JP for Northumberland.
9 November 1903 Letter Sergt. C. Hobden, 2nd Bat. Royal Sussex Regt., to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/1   1904
25 May 1904 Thomas Challoner (The Abbey Improved Chilled Shot Co. Ltd., Newcastle) to Grey.
26 May 1904 George Cawston to Grey, concerning a new brick.
1 November 1904 George J. Collis to J.H. Mansfield, concerning society of the Sons of the Clergy.
14 March 1904 Robert Irwin Dees to Grey.
1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 30 December Anthony de Brie to Mansfield.
22 July 1904 M. Temple Wilson (Hon. Sec. Alnwick Scientific & Mechanical Institution) to Grey.
23 July 1904 M. Temple Wilson to J.H. Mansfield.
26 May, 26 October 1904 2 letters John H. Watson (Hon. Gen. Sec. Newcastle & Gateshead Poor Children's Holiday Assoc. & Rescue Agency) to Grey.
15 September 1904 Oliver Williams to Mansfield, Archbold's fish for Public House Trusts.
15 January 1904 Edward H.B. Short (Evangelist S. Silas Church Army, Byker) to Grey.
20 January 1904 Rhodesia Railways Ltd (formerly the Bechuanaland Railway Co. Ltd.): Circular from R.J. Hackshaw (acting Sec), with notice of meeting of debenture holders. 2 copies, one addressed to J.H. Mansfield a/c Trustees Howick Estates Savings Bank.
1 March 1904 Letter R.C. Bolton (Acting Registrar Rhodesia Railways Trust) to Grey.
3 March 1904 Letter R.C. Bolton (Acting Registrar Rhodesia Railways Trust) to Mansfield.
February 1904 Circular concerning a subscription to be raised in recognition of the work of Mr Askew-Robertson.
25 May 1904 A.P. Millar to Grey.
11 May 1904 Alfred Mosely to Grey, his possible candidature for Tyneside Division of Newcastle.
27 May 1904 Copy Grey to Sec. Mashonaland & Beira Railway Co., concerning James Dixon's idea of savings that could be made in the Loco Department.
27 May 1904 Copy Grey to James Dixon (Loco driver on the above railway).
2 September 1904 Thomas Forster (of Foster, Sons & Co. Ltd., Slaters, Plasterers, Decorators, etc.-a co-partnership firm) to Grey.
10 September 1904 Thomas Forster (of Foster, Sons & Co. Ltd., Slaters, Plasterers, Decorators, etc.-a co-partnership firm) to Mansfield.
27 January 1904 Robert Elder (Sec. Comm. of Workmen, Broomhill Colliery) to Grey.
4 February 1904 Montague Maclean (of Broomhill Colliery) to Grey (enclosing the above).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/2   January-October 1905
5, 16 July, 6 August 1905 Anthony de Brie to Mansfield.
14 March 1905 Dr J.R. Wylie (House Physician to Sunderland Infirmary) to Mansfield, thanking him for piloting a proposal re nurses through the council.
26 August 1905 E. Arthur Mallett (Sec. & Agent Berwick Unionist Assoc.) to Mansfield, re political meeting to be held in Howick.
28 August 1905 E. Arthur Mallett (Sec. & Agent Berwick Unionist Assoc.) to Mansfield.
23 July [1905] Constance C. Marston to Mansfield.
31 January 1905 C. Franklin Murphy (Civil & Sanitary Engineer, Morpeth) to Mansfield.
10 January 1905 Copy Mansfield to the Marquess of Londonderry, civilian rifle clubs.
2 January 1905 5th Earl Grey to Mansfield.
6 October 1905 Miss B. Gilbertson to Mansfield.
Cable, Grey to Mansfield, asking time of Butterfield's arrival in Quebec.
30 April 1905 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
6 May 1905 Letter Grey to Mansfield, concerning Butterfield - prospects if he emigrates to Canada.
30 March 1905 Letter Fleetwood Williams to Miss Gilbertson.
13 April 1905 Letter Miss B. Gilbertson to Mansfield, and copy letter Miss Gilbertson to Fleetwood Williams, 13 April 1905.
4 May 1905 Letter Fleetwood Williams (Gen. Sec. Social Institutes' Union) to Mansfield, with copy letter Miss Gilbertson to Williams,
13 April 1905, concerning rifle competitions.
“Conditions upon which Lord Grey offers a challenge shield to be competed for at Morpeth on ... 2nd Sept. 1905”.
1 February 1905 Miss Gilbertson to Mansfield.
6 January 1905 Mrs Helen H. Gilberston to Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/3   1906
19 October 1906 Arthur F. Sladen to Mansfield. Enclosing: Printed notice concerning the G.H. Hallam testimonial fund. (Hallam was a tutor and House Master at Harrow).
13 December 1906 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
13 December 1906 Alice Grey to Mansfield.
Notice about Memorials of Brooks's.
Letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey with note by 5th Earl Grey to Mansfield, concerning subscription to British Institute of Social Service.
8 May 1906 Letter Fred Matheson (of the British Institute of Social Service) to Grey.
British Institute of Social Service: Prospectus.
7 May 1906 Note Miss Gilbertson to Mansfield, concerning the following item.
The George Howell Library Fund - Appeal.
27 April 1906 Letter R. Applegarth (Hon. Sec. of the above Library Fund) to Grey.
6 April 1906 Miss Gilbertson to Mansfield concerning Grey's speech at the Pilgrims' Banquet.
Letters etc., concerning the Franklin portrait:
8 February 1906 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
26 February 1906 Letter Anthony de Brie to Mansfield.
5 March 1906 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
13 March 1906 Cable Grey to Mansfield.
14 March 1906 Copy Mansfield to Oliver Williams.
14 March 1906 Copy Mansfield to Anthony de Brie.
15 March 1906 Letter Williams to Mansfield.
15 March 1906 Letter Anthony de Brie to Mansfield.
16 March 1906 Copy Mansfield to de Brie.
26 March 1906 Copy Mansfield to de Brie.
25 March 1906 Postcard de Brie to Mansfield.
4, 19, 26 April 1906 Letters de Brie to Mansfield.
9 January 1906 Letter J. Matthias Field to Grey.
26 September 1906 Letter H.R. Darlington to Grey, dinner to G.H. Hallam of Harrow.
28 September 1906 Letter H.R. Darlington to Mansfield.
5, 8 June 1906 Letters Anthony de Brie to Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/4   January-October 1907
19 October 1907 Ernest B. Pope to Grey.
7 September 1907 Charles Eyre Pascoe to J.H. Mansfield.
Copy extract of letter from P. Duncan (former chairman Railway Committee of Inter Colonial Council of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony) concerning Mr Brand who was secretary to the above.
11 February 1907 Letter 5th Earl Grey to Mansfield.
23 August 1907 Copy Mansfield to Grey.
8 May 1907 Copy Mansfield to Miss Gilbertson, some remarks on Grey's ideas of church unity.
20 February 1907 Arthur Grenfell to Mansfield.
15 February 1907 George Grey of Milfield to Mansfield.
2, 8 February 1907 M. Stevenson to Mansfield.
Note by 5th Earl Grey concerning funeral arrangements for Victoria Grenfell on 19 February 1907.
14 February 1907 Telegram Arthur Grenfell to 5th Earl Grey.
February 1907 3 cables Grey to Mansfield, on illness and death of Vera Grenfell.
20 January 1907 Letter Alice Grey to Mansfield, illness of Vera Grenfell.
4 January 1907 Copy Mansfield to Alice Grey.
5 January 1907, n.d. 2 copy letters Mansfield to the Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, Newcastle, (re W.A. Archbold).
26 September 1907 Henry Frowde (O.U. Press) to Grey, copyright of late Revd. F.R. Grey's tune “St Aidan”.
16 October 1907 P.C. from Delittle, Fenwick & Co. (Art Printers) to Mansfield.
Title page, preface and table of contents of Scalacronica by Sir Thomas Gray, translated by Sir Herbert Maxwell (Glasgow 1907).
26 October 1907 J. Maclehose & Sons to Mansfield, concerning order for copy of Scalacronica.
6 March 1907 Letter Percy Corder to Grey, concerning Burt portrait fund.
22 May 1907 T.H. Bainbridge to Grey, Tyne v Clyde shipbuilding interests.
2 September 1907 Charles Eyre Pascoe to Grey, portrait of 2nd Earl Grey for history of 10 Downing Street.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/5   1904, 1908
Corporation of the Hall of Arts & Sciences (Royal Albert Hall): Application for seat rate for 1908. (Circular from Hilton Carter, Manager & Secretary of the above corporation, to 5th Earl Grey, 15 June 1908).
11 December 1908 Cutting from Daily Telegraph: “Queen Alexandra's Christmas Gift Book, Photographs from my Camera”.
17 December 1908 Letter G. Ralph Hall Caine to Grey, concerning the Queen's gift book scheme.
Leaflets published by the Parents' League [to secure religious teaching in schools according to the parents' beliefs]: 12 December 1907 “Why Should I join “The Parents' League””; “The Parents' League”.
18 September 1908 North British Railway Co. circular from Dalkeith (the Chairman), concerning disputes within the company and its financial position; with company proxy form.
May 1908 Territorial Force Association for Northumberland: circular from Capt. A.L. Napier (Sec.) concerning a census of horses in the county.
12, 17 January, 19 August, 4 September 1904 Letters Anthony de Brie to Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/6   5 December 1908, 1909
2, 3 February 1909 Revd. Percy T. Lee (Vicar Shilbottle) to Mansfield.
19 April 1909 Copy letter Mansfield to Howick Co-op Soc. on the proposal to add a butchery department to the Howick society.
5 December 1908 Circular: Proposed presentation to Robert Donkin esq, J.P. Rothbury, of his portrait in oils.
25 May 1909 Letter J.P. Ridley to Mansfield.
28 May 1909 Copy Mansfield to Ridley.
15 June 1909 Letter E. Horrocks to Mansfield.
27 December 1909 Letter W. Glassby to Grey, offering for sale 2 early 19th century pamphlets concerning 2nd Earl Grey.
30 November 1909 Letter J.A. Robson (employee of N.E. Banking Co.) to J.H. Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/7   1910
28 October 1910 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
9 November 1910 Copy Mansfield to Grey.
4 July 1910 Letter C. Brittain (photographer) to Grey.
5 July 1910 A. Kenyon Maynard (Hon. Sec. Brit. Institute of Social Service) to Mansfield.
2 February 1910 Note from A.D. Maguinness (solicitor, Bradford) asking for Lord Howick's address.
3 February 1910 On the back of the above is a copy letter J.H. Mansfield to Maguinness, concerning the Bradford election, etc.
23 January 1910 Letter Edward Kinnaid to Mansfield.
30 June, 11 July 1910 Letters C.W. Wadge (Sec. International Co-op Alliance) to Mansfield.
12 April 1910 Letter Grey [to Mansfield]. Completed by Alice Grey. Concerns Phillips an intending emigrant to Canada.
13 April 1910 Letter John Phillips to Mansfield.
Envelope with some biographical notes re Phillips.
16, 17 April 1910 2 cables Grey to Mansfield, concerning a farm in Canada for Phillips.
18 April 1910 2 letters John Phillips to Mansfield.
21 April 1910 Copy letter Mansfield to Grey.
27 [April] 1910 Letter Phillips to Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/8   7 July 1910, 1911
13 December 1911 Letter W. Cornforth (Station Master, Ryton) to Mansfield, concerning his son employed on East Bengal railways. On back of last sheet is copy of Mansfield's reply, 2 January 1911 [sic] 1912.
31 December 1911 Letter Minto to Grey, concerning Cornforth's application.
25 March 1911 Letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
7 July 1910 Letter John C. Graham Jnr. (Battalion Sec. Boys' Brigade, Newcastle) to Grey.
15 August 1911 Letter Grey to 5th Earl Grey.
28 June 1911 Letter Grey to Mansfield.
2 July 1911 Letter Miss B. Gilbertson to Mansfield.
25 November 1911 Letter Miss Gilbertson to Mansfield [incomplete].
27 November 1911 Copy Mansfield to Miss Gilbertson.
9 December 1911 Letter W.(?) Halliday to Grey.
15 June 1911 Letter C.W. Wadge (Sec. International Co-op Alliance) to Mansfield.
18 January, 28 February 1911 Copies [Mansfield] to Grey.
4 February 1911 Letter A.F. Sladen to Mansfield.
6 March 1911 Copy Mansfield to Alfred Watson. On the other side are copy letters A.F. Sladen to Mansfield 21 February 1911 concerning Watson and W.R. Baker (CPR Co.) to Sladen, 20 February 1911.
6 March 1911 Letter Alfred Watson to Mansfield.
10, 14 February 1911 Letters C.E. Wilkinson to Mansfield, intending emigrant to Canada.
13 February 1911 Copy Mansfield to Wilkinson.
13 March 1911 Letter A.F. Sladen to Mansfield.
18, 22 November 1911 2 letters William Isaac Newton to Mansfield.
22 November 1911 Letter Alderman H.(?) Heath to Newton.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/9   1906-1912
1 July 1912 Letter Edgar H. Johnson (North of England District Organising Sec. Royal National Lifeboat Instit.) to Mansfield.
5 July 1912 Duplicated circular from Alice Grey (President of the Ladies' Auxilliary of the above) appealing for funds.
11 June 1911 Letter Edward Kinnaird to Grey.
29 May 1912 Letter A.J. Harris (Gen. Sec. Newcastle Liberal & Radical Assoc.) to Mansfield (with copy of Mansfield's reply on back).
31 May, 3 June 1912 Letters Harris to Mansfield.
30 May 1912 Letter Grey to Mansfield. Enclosing: 29 May 1912 Letter Harris to Grey.
31 October, 26 November 1912 2 letters Evelyn Jones to Mansfield, thanking him and all the Howick parishioners and employees for their wedding present.
15 November 1912 Letter Mansfield to Lady Grey.
17 November 1912 Letter Alice Grey to Mansfield.
20 February 1912 Revd. Mark Fletcher (Vicar N. Sunderland) to Grey.
November 1911 Printed circular: Memorial to the late John Blencowe Cookson, CB. [Mentions his part re Northumberland & Durham Imperial Yeomanry].
15 January 1912 Letter Basil E. Richardson to Grey.
15 February 1912 Letter B.R. Garlick to Grey.
20 May 1912 Copy letter Grey to Morton [Moreton Frewen].
20 May 1912 Copy letter Grey to the Lord Mayor of Newcastle.
20 May 1912 Copy letter Grey to Dr Sir William Henry Hadow (Principal Armstrong College Newcastle).
31 May 1912 Letter Miss Gilbertson to Mansfield concerning A.H. Scott.
28 May 1912 Letter Archibald H. Scott to Grey.
Copy testimonials re Scott from:
24 May 1912 T.W. Kitchin (Henry Leetham & Sons Ltd).
24 November 1908 George Meredith (1st Engineer S.S. “Oakby” ).
27 November 1908 C.J. Payne (Master S.S. “Oakby”).
14 April 1909 G. Campbell (Wallsend Shipway & Engineering Co.).
11 October 1906 J.F. McIntosh (Caledonian Railway Co.).
1 June 1912 Copy letter J.H. Mansfield to Archibald H. Scott.
n.d. Letter Mary Ann Wallater to Grey, with note from Miss Gilbertson to Mansfield.
4 June 1912 Edgar J. Coward (Territorial Sec. NE Distr. YMCA) to Grey.
Leaflet: The YMCA in Camp.
Note from Miss Gilbertson to Mansfield.
4 July 1912 Letter G. Joyce Brown (Assist. Sec. Brit. Institute of Social Service) to Grey.
18 May 1912 Basil Anderton (Newcastle Public Librarian) to Grey.
23 January 1912 Richard Ainslie to Grey (with copy letter Mansfield to Ainslie 31 January 1912 on back).
30 November 1912 Copy letter Grey to Haldane, concerning Royal Colonial Institute.
(c.1912) Booklet: Scottish National Council of YMCAs: Proposed Naval Institute at Rosyth. Enclosed: 29 November 1912 Reprint from the Glasgow Herald, “Naval Institute for Rosyth - Mr Churchill's Support”.
8 April 1912 Copy Grey to Charles Williams, rural education.
17 January 1912 Letter Sampson Waters to Grey, concerning his books Caradoc and Knaresborough Castle. Enclosed:
Printed paper: Some press criticisms of Caradoc.
Order form for Knaresborough Castle.
14 December 1912 Letter C. Harrison Stanton to Grey, a lawyer who intends emigrating to South Africa.
13 May 1912 Letter A.H. Scott to Grey, an engineer wishing to emigrate to Africa or Australia.
31 July 1912 Letter C.S. Norris (Secretary Sunderland Guild of Help) to Grey.
11 December 1912 Letter R. Cecil Hedley (Sec. Newcastle Farmers' Club) to Grey.
14 December 1912 Copy Mansfield to Hedley.
18 October 1912 Copy Grey to Halliday, his co-partnership speech to the Economic Society.
12, 15 June, 10, 15 July 1912 Letters A.J. Harris (Secretary Newcastle Liberal and Radical Association) to Mansfield.
18 June 1912 Copy Mansfield to Harris.
28 August 1912 Letter Henry Richardson (Librarian Lit. & Phil. Soc. Newcastle) to Grey, proposed memorial to Dr Robert Spence Watson. Enclosure: Printed paper concerning proposed memorial to Robert Spence Watson with preliminary subscription list.
(1913) 120th year's report of the Lit. & Phil. with statement of accounts.
23 December 1912 Letter J.H. Turner (Agent General for British Columbia) to Grey, assisted emigration to British Columbia.
21 December 1912 Letter H.S. Perris (Sec. Brit. Committee for celebration of 100th anniversary of peace among English speaking peoples) to Grey, Mansion House, meeting and messages received, etc.
23 December 1912 Copy Grey to Perris.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/10   1913
5 April 1913 Letter Claude B. Palmer (Deputy Commissioner St John Ambulance Brigade) to Grey.
21 April 1913 Letter J.T. Hibbert Smith (of Chevington Vicarage) to Grey.
16 May 1913 Copy Mansfield to Hibbert Smith.
4 February 1913 Letter W. Thomson to Grey, New Brunswick Government offer to place English farmers on ready made farms in the Province on favourable terms.
8 October 1913 Letter Alfred Corner (of the Wholesale Produce Merchants' Assoc.) to Grey, impending crisis in meat supply.
31 March 1913 Letter Philip Burtt (Passenger Manager N.E.R.) to Grey, York City Rowing Club.
26 March 1913 Letter T.E. Batty (Joint Hon. Sec. York City Rowing Club) to Grey, asking Grey to be a Vice-President.
15 May 1913 Letter Batty to Mansfield
. 1 September 1913 Letter Henry Vivian to Grey, Howick Co-op Soc. investments.
27 March 1913 Letter G.W. Derrick to Grey, old paper for sale.
14 January 1913 Letter Miss Mary J. Ellwood to Countess Grey, begging letter.
17 September 1913 Letter Flux, Leadbitter and Neighbour to Grey, Burton Mortgage.
n.d. Copy telegram Grey to [Sir Herbert Maxwell] of Monreith (Port William).
5 February 1913 Letter Arthur J. Hargrave (Sec. Newcastle Farmers' Club) to Grey, loss on annual dinner.
n.d. Telegram Humphreys of Proportional Representation Society to Grey.
4 April 1913 Letter G.B. Hunter of Wallsend Shipyard to Grey, drink question - prohibition.
7 April 1913 Letter Walter T. Dunn (Hon. Secretary National Gas Exhibition) to Grey, thanking Grey for becoming a patron of the Exhibition.
26 April 1913 Letter I.T. Chapman (Hon. Sec. Newcastle Working Men's Conservative & Unionist Assoc.) to Grey, concerning revival of this association. Enclosed: Press cutting: Newcastle Unionists. How the Working Men are being Organised.
21 April 1913 Letter Gordon Purves (Hon. Sec. Cornhill Reading Room) to Grey.
6 May 1913 Letter Oswin Bell to Grey.
7 February 1913 Letter R. Redhead to Mansfield, an intending emigrant to Canada.
6 January 1913 Copy letter Mansfield to Redhead.
27 March 1913 Letter George Robinson (China & Glass Merchant, Alnwick) to Grey, an intending emigrant to Australia. Reminiscences of Grey at Howick.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/11   March 1914-January 1915
17 November 1914 Letter A.J. Dawson (Sec. the Central Committee for National Patriotic Organisations) to Grey.
12 March 1914 Letter Douglas A. Gilchrist (of Armstrong College Newcastle) to Mansfield.
27 December 1914 [sic] 1913? Copy letter Gilchrist to Grey, agricultural population of Northumberland.
28 April 1914 Letter B. Gilbertson to Mansfield. Enclosing:
24 April 1914 Letter C.R. Chisman & F.A. Kincaid Fergusson (Joint Secs. Bristol International Exhibition 1914, Naval & Military Loan Section) to Grey.
Leaflet on the above exhibition.
Form to be completed by persons lending exhibits to the above.
26 August 1915 Letter 5th Earl Grey to the Editors of 6 local newspapers, on poor response to recruiting in Northumberland and the issues of the war.
4, 9 July 1914 2 letters Marie C. Stopes to Mansfield.
1, 12 October 1914 2 letters W. Tyler (quarry master) to Grey, requesting permission to work on quarry on Grey's land and outlining a profit sharing scheme.
2 January 1915 Copy letter Mansfield to Tyler.
13 August 1914 Letter Samuel Willie (Managing Director of Direct Coals Ltd) to the Sec. Board of Agriculture, meat supply to the armed forces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/12   1914-1915
18 January 1915 Letter Alfred Branford (Principal, Newcastle School of Elocution) to Grey. 11 February 1915 Printed paper advertising the 8th complimentary benefit to Branford. 16 October 1915 T. Paterson (Hon. Sec. & Treas. Cornhill & Carham District Nursing Assoc.) to Grey, requesting subscription.
Report of the above Association for year ending May 1913.
25 October 1915 Letter J. Cleghorn to Grey, concerning the above.
26 October 1915 Copy Grey to Paterson concerning the above.
9 (2), 30 November 1914 Circulars P. Mitchell of the Moothall, Newcastle, employment of Belgium refugees and provision of medical attention for them.
5 November 1914 Duplicated typescript copy letter Dr James Don (of the North of England Branch of the BMA) to Mitchell.
26 November 1914 Duplicated typescript copy letter Bernard Mallet (Registrar General) to the Secretary Belgium Refugee Committee.
26 October 1915 Letter Hermann Voss (Managing Director Pacific Phosphate Co.) to Grey, provision of a mobile surgical installation for the Dardamelles.
1 November 1915 Copy Mansfield to Voss.
Note by William J. Sleith concerning his hope that Grey would write a letter of introduction for him to use in Canada, with copy of letter such as he required.
Note of the date he is due to sail for Canada.
15 April 1915 Copy Mansfield to Grey.
15 April 1915 Copy letter Grey to W.D. Robb (Superintendent of Motive Power GT Railway).
17 April 1915 Copy Mansfield to Sleith. Page of typescript remarks on the Kaiser on his 56th birthday.
16 September 1915 Letter Anne Scholefield to Mansfield, vegetables for the fleet.
15 October 1915 Letter Anne S.A. Tate to Lady Grey.
21 October 1915 Postcard Mrs T. Tate (Sarah Elizabeth Tate) to Mansfield.
2 November 1916 [recte 1915] Letter S.E. Tate to Mansfield.
14 October 1915 Letter Sir Harry Wilson of the Royal Colonial Institute to Mansfield.
12, 16 November 1915 2 letters Mrs Margaret Godman Watson (of Adderstone Hall) to Mansfield, vegetables for the fleet.
22 April 1914 Letter Revd. G. Bray (of Lesbury Vicarage) to 5th Earl Grey, testimonial for retiring postmistress.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/13   July-December 1916
6 December 1916 Letter W.T. Coulton (of the Times of India) to Mansfield, asking him to thank Grey for his valuable paper which would be published.
4 September 1916 Oliver Williams to Grey.
9 July 1916 Alice Grey to Mansfield, Sybil's accident, etc.
Copy cable Lady Muriel Paget to Lady Grey concerning the accident (received 8 July 1916).
15 September 1916 Letter from The Rhodes Trust to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/14   March, July-August 1917
5 March 1917 Circular D. Lloyd George to farmers, urging utmost food production.
5 March 1917 Letter J. Cleghorn to Mansfield, Grey's health and concerning Mrs Josephine Butler.
March 1917 Letter Lionel Smith Gordon (Librarian of the Co-operative Reference Library, Dublin) to Grey, mentioning articles in which Grey might be interested.
MS note by Grey.
20 July 1917 Copy letter Mansfield to Col. Bell (New Zealand).
20 July 1917 Copy letter Mansfield to the Sec. Empire Land Settlement Committee, Royal Colonial Institute.
23 July 1917 Letter A.R. Wedale Corbett (Sec. Empire Land Settlement Committee) to Mansfield.
15, 19 July 1917 Letters Alice Grey to Mansfield.
22 July 1917 Letter 5th Earl Grey to Mansfield.
n.d., July 1917 Letter Sybil Grey to Mansfield.
24, 25 July 1917, n.d., n.d. Telegrams Sybil Grey to Mansfield.
2 August 1917 Letter Alice Grey to Mansfield.
3 August 1917 Copy Mansfield to Lady Grey.
4 August 1917 Letter Alice Grey to Mansfield.
6 August 1917 Telegram Sybil Grey to Mansfield.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B285/15   1905-1911
25 April 1905, 22 January 1908, 11 February 1909, 23 January 1911 British Linen Co. Bank Coldstream: Statements of Grey's accounts and covering letters.
Also forms of receipt and approval of the said accounts (unsigned).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B286/1   1838, 1881, 1901, 1915
September 1881 Printed circular letter from James Monro (Sec. Howdon Independent Church).
1838 Order of Morning Prayer for each day in the week at the Chapel, Auckland Castle.
20 April, 21, 23, 25, 27 July 1915 Pages from Prince Rupert Journal.
26 June 1901 Pages from Commerce with account of proceedings of the Article Club at which Grey presided and spoke on Profit Sharing in Industry.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B286/2   February-April 1903
Printed paper: The South African Shipping Question: letter from J.F. Jones of the B.S. Africa Co., 25 February 1903, replying to a circular issued by the S. Africa Shipping Conference concerning shipping freights; with another earlier version of the above, which differs from it at various points.
Printed paper: Overseas Freights.
16 February 1903 Cutting from the Daily Telegraph, “Overseas Freights - Reply to the Chartered Company” [by the shipping lines].
16 February 1903 Cutting from the Birmingham Post: “Trade with South Africa - Action with the Steampship Lines”.
4 March 1903 The Editor's South African Note Book, being notes on South African politics for use of Editors.
8 April 1903 North of England Steamship Owners' Association. Circular from William R. Lord, Secretary, concerning the approaching annual meeting, with list of members, 1902.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B286/3   1880-1883
Agricultural Holdings Notices of Removal (Scotland). A Bill to extend the time for notice of removal from agricultural holdings in Scotland. [Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 9 February 1882].
MS notes by 3rd Earl Grey: Amendments to the Agricultural Holdings Bill.
28 May 1883 Cutting from The Times. Letter from Auberon Herbert: “Some more political generosity”.
21 February 1881 Printed paper: The Result of an Experiment with Fixity of Tenure in Ireland. By Edward M. Richards. [Addressed to Albert Grey].
Irish Land Act, 1870, Notices to Quit. Return of the number of notices to quit served in the respective years from 1870 to 1880 ... [Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 3 February 1881].
Press cuttings concerning Albert Grey's notice to the House of Commons that he would oppose the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Amendment Bill. (Mainly) 8 June 1880.
Proof copy of speech by 3rd Earl Grey in the House of Lords, opposing the second reading of bill to prevent eviction for non payment of rent in the west of Ireland.
[1880] [Draft] Compensation for Disturbance (Ireland). A Bill to make temporary provision with respect to compensation for disturbance in certain cases of ejectment for non payment of rent in parts of Ireland. Some MS underlinings and list of MPs on back.
5 July 1880 (on 2nd reading), 8 July 1880, 14 July 1880 (on an amendment in committe) Printed division lists on the above Bill; also part of a division list on 31 May 1881. All these lists have MS markings against some names and in some cases MS lists of MPs have been compiled.
Agricultural Tenants' Compensation: A Bill to amend the Agricultural Holdings (England) Act 1875, and to secure to Tenants Compensation for their Improvements in all cases. [Ordered to be printed 10 February 1882].
Agricultural Tenants (Compensation) (No. 2). A Bill to secure compensation to agricultural tenants in England. [Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 21 February 1882].
Land Tenure. A Bill to amend the law relating to the tenure of land by the cultivators thereof. [Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 February 1882].
Agricultural Holdings (Law of Distress). A Bill to abolish the law of distress for the rent of agricultural holdings. [Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 9 February 1882].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B286/4   1885-1886
Pamphlet: Disestablishment in Wales. A remonstrance addressed to the Right Rev. the Bishop of St Asaph, on his address at Welshpool, by Stuart Rendel, MP, and the correspondence which followed. [Reprinted from the Oswestry Advertizer and Montgomeryshire Mercury (Oswestry and Wrexham, 1885)]. Enclosures:
2 rough drafts by 4th Earl Grey of a speech [for the House of Commons] opposing Welsh disestablishment.
Parliamentary paper: Notices of questions and motions 9 March 1886. Includes notice of a motion by Mr Dillwyn calling for disestablishment of the Church of England in Wales and an amendent proposed by Grey, opposing disestablishment and calling for reform of the existing church.
Press cutting: “The Church in Wales” [refers to Dillwyn's motion].
Llanpumsaint Parish Church, Carmarthenshire. Restoration fund account with list of subscriptions. [Some MS additions].
31 March 1885 Letter signed by 14 Liberals of Newcastle and District, requesting Grey not to support Dillwyn's motion.

Paper   1 file
The Decorative Co-operators' Association Limited
Reference: GRE/B286/5
Dates of creation: 1883-1887
Extent: 1 filePaper

File of papers concerning this venture in co-operative production; see also M.H. Hart; A. Cameron Corbett.
February 1883 (2 copies), n.d. (1 copy), n.d. (63 copies) Leaflets advertising the work undertaken.
Prospectuses, 3 copies of 1 version. 1 copy of another version.
1883 Printed paper: “Lord Carnavon on Co-operation”.
2nd Annual Report and Balance Sheet to be presented to the shareholders at the A.G.M. on 15 April 1885 : M.H. Hart, Hon. Sec. (2 copies).
Testimonials: rough proof with MS copy by Grey of part of a letter from Lord Egerton of Tatton, 1 August 1885, which Grey wished to be inserted.
Final version: testimonials of various persons as to the satisfactory work done for them by the Association 1883-1885.
Note in Miss Hart's handwriting concerning an inquiry ordered by the directors into the limited amount of business brought to the Association through Radnor House.
9 February 1887 Copy report by Prideau, Booker & Co., Auditors, to the Chairman Decorative Co-operators' Association (concerns Mr Liley).
The Decorative Co-operators' Association Limited Balance Sheet, 31 December 1886 (printed).
MS copy of the above with comparative figures for previous years.
MS paper showing increases in income and expenditure in 1885.
Radnor House: profit and loss account for 6 months ended 31 December 1886.
Rough notes by Grey.

Miscellaneous Printed Matter
Reference: GRE/B286/6
Dates of creation: 1868-1916
Extent: 1 filePaper

Printed draft report of a committee on the Land Tenure (Ireland) Bill 1868. [2 MS alterations. This document was drawn up by 3rd Earl Grey]. Endorsed by 3rd Earl Grey “Draft report for Ld Clanricarde's Committee 1868”. See 3rd Earl Grey's Journal 1868.
Cutting from The Times: letter from “Senex”: “The Late Earl of Clarendon on Ireland”.
13 April 1900 Printed letter T. Tate (former secretary of the Percy Hunt) to Mr Cresswell.
Printed questionnaire concerning the six self governing states of the British Empire and defence.
Pages from reports of proceedings in the Canadian House of Commons, 20 April 1911 - Imperial Conference.
1913-1916 Pages from the Outlook including several articles (some autobiographical) by Theodore Roosevelt.
19 February 1910 Pages from a magazine with article by Col. Richard Gädke on “Peace and Disarmament”.
Pages from a magazine: “The Chesterfield Letters of 1873”.
25 October 1895 Earl Grey's Concert, song sheet. 11 copies.
Printed paper: Hampden House Residential Club: arrangements for the opening 17 July 1884 (portraits of John Hampden and Viscount Hampden; map showing location of the club).

GRE/B286/7   1818-1912
File of miscellaneous printed matter including:
c.1835 Key to the political sketches of H.B. (1st page only, nos 201-213).
Engravings for various issues of La Belle Assemblée 1818-1819.
7 May 1872 Page from The Key with plan of the Royal Horticultural Gardens & Royal Albert Hall, with MS annotations.
c.1907 Page from South Metropolitan Gas Co. Co-partnership Journal.
Chart (coloured) showing national expenditure 1853-1885 and headed “Great Reform now Wanted! Arbitration instead of war ...”
Rules of the game of Boston.
Canadian 1 dollar bill with portraits of 4th Earl and Countess Grey.
Library of Congress warning notice against misuse of documents etc. (from supplement to Revised Statutes 1891).
School songs, etc.
1880-1881 Royal Historical Society, advertisement for 30 lectures on the science of general history by Dr G.G. Zerffi.
Calendar for 1912 with reproduction of a family portrait. “A reminiscence of our English and Ottawa Homes with best wishes for the New Year from Lord and Lady Grey”.
Information for petitioners against Railway Passenger Duty.
Eton College “Trials” 1893 and placings 1893. (5 pieces).
Royal Society of St George: Festival Dinner 1910.
Menu, toasts, etc; objects of the Society.
19 March 1910 Songs, University Dinner, with MS notes by Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B286/8   1885, 1910-1917
Miscellaneous press cuttings and printed matter, including:
Durham University extension: results of examination on “the Puritan Revolution” and report of a meeting to inaugurate a students' association in connection with the extension scheme. 2 copies, one with MS additions.
11 February 1914 Charter Trust and Agency Ltd. Report of 6th ordinary general meeting. 1 MS addition. (The Times).
2 February 1914 Rand Results in 1913 (the Financial News).
January 1912? Moreton Frewen to the Morning Post, The United States Banking and Currency Bill.
19 February 1916 Moreton Frewen to the Daily Chronicle, the Monroe Doctrine.
n.d. [January 1915] Ulster through Italian eyes. The Need for Compromise by Signor Luzzatti; Sir C. Hobhouse's Career. Morning Post.
A Paralysed Australia - Coalminers on strike.
2 January 1917 The Troubles of Australia. (The Times).
The National Tribute to Lord Roberts (workshops for disabled soldiers).
3 January 1917 Soldier Settlers. Successful Scheme in New Zealand. (The Times).
Press cuttings concerning Grey's visit to Australia in 1914. (6 pieces).
6 May 1885 Printed circular, concerning a proposed monthly magazine the Toynbee Journal and Students' Union Chronicle in connection with University Extension work at Toynbee Hall.
c.1910 Proof copy of an article on Imperial Union. 1st page missing.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B286/9   1893, 23 October 1899
Cuttings, in a book evidently once containing material on the Grey Trust Limited, but the pages have been torn out.
1893 Cuttings from the Railway Press.
23 October 1899 Cutting from the Daily Telegraph of article by Lionel Decle “The Daily Telegraph Expedition from the Cape to Cairo. Development of Rhodesia. Settlers and Natives”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B287/1   1900-[1917]
Fragments of duplicated typescript material [used as wrappers for other documents by the Greys]:
1900-1904 British South Africa Co. agendas. 4 pieces. Includes part of a report from Melsetter, 31 July 1900, by the native commissioner and letter from the Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa Ltd. to the Sec. B.S.A. Co., 29 July 1900.
Parts of a circular issued by the Empire Land Settlement Committee, concerning settlement of ex-servicemen when the [1914-1918] war ended.
13 February 1914 Part of a news sheet issued from the office of the Canadian High Commissioner in London.
23-24 July 1913 Part of a circular on proposed Pan Britannic Union.
Printed paper: The School Nature Study Union - aims and objects with list of leaflets reprinted from School Nature Study.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B287/2   [1900-1917]
Rough notes by Grey evidently of a parliamentary debate on representation in Ireland.
11 June 1906 Notes by Grey from the Daily Chronicle on Garden City Movement.
Notes by Grey on Herbert Spencer's Political Institution, Strauss' Old and New Faith, Scott's Fortunes of Nigel.
Miscellaneous rough jottings by Grey.

Paper   1 file
Pamphlet: On Increasing the Facilities for the Education of Farmers' Sons. A paper read by the Rev. B.E. Dwarris, M.A., vicar of Bywell St. Peter's, Northumberland, and Hon. Canon of Durham, at the monthly meeting of the Hexham Farmers' Club on April 11, 1871, with the discussion which ensued. (Newcastle, 1871).
Rough notes by Grey for a speech supporting the establishment of a second grade school for the counties of Northumberland, Durham and the North Riding of Yorkshire to be endowed chiefly by the trustees of the late Benjamin Flounders which would provide more advanced education, especially for the sons of the middle class.
19 September 1879 Copy of the Berwick Advertiser, with report of meeting at Berwick on the above matter, with full report of Grey's speech.
Rough notes by Grey on University Extension, especially the part that Durham University was beginning to take, and on the importance of political economy which was evidently one of the courses that Durham was sponsoring (and which Grey was introducing).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B287/4   [1902]-1913
27 November 1907 Letter J.R. Anderson (Deputy Minister of Agriculture, British Columbia) to Alice Grey. Enclosing: “Partial check list of the Flora of British Columbia” made up from his own collection.
13 August 1913 Letter Herbert Maxwell to Alice Grey, concerning “baby giant lilies” and how to grow them.
23 August .... (1902/1913?) Denys Selby Bigge to Grey, mentions letters between Lord Grey and C.W. Bigge.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B287/5   1834-1916
1 March 1915 The First Eastern General Hospital Cambridge: statistics of patients admitted, deaths and causes of death.
Lists of letters and papers belonging to General Charles Grey.
Koustari Russes: list of toys supplied to Grey at Government House Ottawa with certificate re export of the goods from Paris, signed by Alexandre Khodjayan, Manager, 14 May 1907.
Note of cost of producing “Hudson Bay Book”.
Printed paper: The Penny Poets: Earl Grey's Prize Essay Competitions.
Menu: Dinner tendered to Grey by the National Club. Toronto, 28 August 1911. Enclosed: Song sheet.
Royal Colonial Institute: Notice of Annual Meeting 31 March 1915. (Circular letter H.F. Wilson from Hon. Sec.).
5 July 1916 Duplicated typescript paper: opinion of Bryan Farrar of Lincoln's Inn on proposed amalgamation of the Royal Colonial Institute and National Service League.
21 December 1899 Northumberland Hussars: printed letter Charles Cowell (Regtl. Clerk) to 5th Earl Grey, with statement of account.
15 September 1899 Northumberland Hussars: Circular setting out programme of winter instruction.
Northumberland Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry: application and attestation forms. 4 copies.
22 January 1885 Letter A. Randle (Hon. Sec. the Framemakers', Gilders' & Decorators' Assoc. Ltd.) to Grey. Enclosing: A note on the Association by Lloyd Jones (President) and A. Randle, with list of societies and persons who had applied for shares.
27 May 1850 Printed copy letter Albert Prince Consort to the Vice Chancellor of University of Cambridge.
July 1834 Printed verses on 2nd Earl Grey. Christmas card from Bishop (of Ripon) and Mrs Boyd Carpenter.
1916? Postcard: Harry Brittain to Grey (from France).
Booklet: A proposal for an Imperial Memorial to the Heroes of the Great War that will be of practical value to all who survive and an appeal from the Duke of Bedford and the Lord Mayor of London, Hon. Treasurers of the Veterans' Association.
9 April [1915] Booklet: How to Market British Goods Abroad: Great meeting of the Sales Managers' Association ... - includes address by C. Hamilton Wickes (H.M. Trade Commissioner).
The British Empire Producers' Organisation: Outline of Objects and Constitution.
7 January 1916 Letter Henry O. Read, Sec. the British Patriotic Productions Co. to Grey.
January 1908 Map of Rhodesia under the administration of the British South Africa Co., with MS note by A.B., stating that he had edited it and brought it out. Scale: 60 miles to 1 inch.
24 March 1909 Canadian House of Commons Debates (includes discussion on cost of alterations to Quebec Citadel for the Prince of Wales' visit in 1908).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B287/6   1884-1914
21 November 1901 Letter W. Holder (picture restorer) to Lady Grey.
20 January 1912 Telegram Rivy Grenfell to Grey.
23 January 1912 Invitation card: Corporation of London to Lady Grey to the presentation of the Freedom of the City to Grey.
5 May 1909 Letter Sir Byron Edmund Walker to Grey.
13 August 1912 Letter Sir Philip Bourchier Sherard Wrey (Rhodesian Pioneer and Mining Authority) to Grey.
29 June 1914 Copy letter Grey to Sir Reginald Earle Welby.
16 May 1914 Press cutting: Otago Daily Times: letter J. MacGregor to Mr Massey 11 May 1914. Marked in MS “with the writers compts”.
Typescript paper: “The Mining Man and the Scientist in Politics” evidently an address by an American businessman.
30 January [1912] Letter Sybil Middleton to Lady Grey.
3 October 1884 Pamphlet: The Advantages of an Established Church - Paper read before the Church Congress, Carlisle, by Albert Grey.
16 December 1908 Letter Frank W. Morse (Vice-President & General Manager Grand Trunk Pacific Railway) to A.F. Sladen. Enclosure: Map of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and Branches. Also showing lines of the Grand Trunk Railway system.
21 March 1914 World Conference on Faith and Order: Circular letter from Robert H. Gardiner and William T. Manning.

Paper   1 file
Typescript summaries by Grey of articles by Ellis Barker on Germany and the threat she constitutes to England. Articles of December 1908, September 1909.
Other notes by Grey on Germany.
27 July 1909 Letter Hugh Graham to Grey, German influence in Canada and the decline of British influence. Enclosing: Press cutting “Germans in Canada. Attitude towards British Navy”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B287/8   [1900-1914]
Typescript extracts by Grey of the following:
January 1904 “Canada and the Empire” by George Peel, Independent Review.
“Britain at Bay” by Spenser Wilkinson. [Chiefly re threat from Germany].
Speeches by Sir John Cockburn, John McCall and R. Kyffin Thomas at the Royal Colonial Institute. [On the creation of local fleets by the Dominions].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B287/9   1914-1916
1914-1916 File of articles extracted from the Outlook and the Week; MS notes by Grey re Germany evidently from a book by Von Schierbrand.
1916 Press cuttings.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/1   1894-1912
28 July, 17 October 1911 Letters Capt. D.O.C. Newton (formerly A.D.C. to Grey) to Lady Grey.
31 December 1911 Letter Evelyn Benson to Lady Grey.
9 January 1912 Letter Grey to Lady Grey, YMCA appeal; chairmanship of British Bank of Northern Commerce, etc.
4 November 1894 Letter Grey to his aunt the Hon. Lady Barbarina Charlotte Grey of Cobham, plans for economies at Howick.
26 May 1900 Letter Noel Villiers (estate office Chillingham, Belford) to Grey, and part of an OS plan showing part of the Dunstanburgh estate Grey wishes to acquire to erect a permanent holiday camp for Tyneside children.
31 May 1900 Letter Sybil Eyres to Grey, same subject.
Note Grey to Mansfield - the above to be filed for reference.
Rough MS notes by Grey found enclosed in pamphlet no. 1871 to which, however, they do not obviously relate.
6 June 1910 Letter Edward J. Duveen to Grey, covering a copy of a pamphlet (no. 1871) on the best solution to imperial difficulties. Also enclosed: 27 May 1910 Copy report from The Standard of the Empire, on Duveen's address on an Empire Parliament.
23 March .... Letter Moreton Frewen to Grey, on prices in India. Enclosed:
(1908) Pamphlet: The Problem of the Unemployed and the Crisis in Eastern Exchange. By M. Frewen.
Statement showing the difference in rates of foodstuffs, fuel, etc., between the year 1885 and 1905 in India. [Evidently compiled from figures supplied by Mary Minto, Grey's sister].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/2   [1880s]
Rough notes by Grey headed “Church Reform”. Evidently notes of a discussion involving P.L. Gell and several others.
Further rough notes by Grey on same subject.
17 August 1883 Long letter (marked unsent) from Grey, on possible furtherance of the principles of the Church Reform Union in Newcastle.
Notes by Grey on the Church and Church Reform, including: Lord Grey on Church Reform (i.e. 3rd Earl Grey's views); Bishop of St Asaph's views.
Copy letter Grey to Falle(?) concerning the possibility of non parishioners being elected to serve on Church Boards.
This bundle is wrapped in a page of a B.S.A. Co. circular headed “Colenbranders Matabeleland Development Company Ltd, Hyde Park Farm”.
1880 Letter Augustus Henry Vernon, 6th Baron Vernon, to Grey, congratulating him on his maiden speech.
July 1880 Pamphlet: Proof copy of 2nd ed. of The Burials Bill and the Claims of Convocation ... by Gilbert Elliot, Dean of Bristol. Some MS corrections. Enclosures:
n.d. Resolutions passed at a meeting of the Council of the Church Reform Union. Concerns the Burials Bill.
Draft of the above with an additional point.
Further draft including part of (a), part of (b) and some additional matter.
Resolution proposed by Mr Fremantle concerning burial services.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/3   1902-1902, 1936
1 November 1936 Letter John Stead to 5th Earl Grey.
24 June 1901 Letter Misses E.B. & T. Farran (of the firm the Misses Farran, Shorthand & Typewriting) to Messrs Williams, typing of some Grey papers.
13 January 1902 J. Covey Williams to Grey, cost of typing Lambton-Grey correspondence.
21 June 1902 Letter Stuart Reid to the Duchess of Leeds, concerning Lord Durham and asking her to appeal to Lady Ponsonby for information about 1st Lord Durham.
9 July 1902 Mary E. Ponsonby to Grey, possible assistance for Stuart Reid.
Rough notes by 4th Earl Grey concerning the Lambton letters.
10 August 1902 Copy letter Grey to Lord Durham. Typed correspondence of Lambton to 2nd Earl Grey and requesting copies of Grey to Lambton.
14 August 1902 Letter Durham to Grey, replying to the above.
Notes concerning the Lambton-Grey correspondence.
Photograph of 5th Earl and Countess Grey on their wedding.
22 May, 4 August 1902 Letters Admiral Sir Francis William Sullivan, 6th Bart., to Grey, distribution of items of his sister's estate to various members of the Grey family.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/4   [1880s-1917]
Miscellaneous rough notes by 4th Earl Grey:
Notes concerning Henry Morton, Manager of the Lambton estates.
Notes dated February 1894 concerning 3rd Earl Grey in 1852: the reason why he was not invited to take office again. Remarks on the Prince Consort.
Rough jottings including some on Disraeli and also Labouchere. 4 pieces.
Typescript biographical notes on Henry Dennis Readett-Bayley.
Notes of a sermon by White given in the Chapel Royal.
Notes on Canada, the USA and the fisheries question.
Notes evidently made by Grey in the USA. Corruption in politics; the Young Turks, etc.
Part of a typescript paper on the regeneration of South Africa [page 1 missing]. Freight charges mentioned.
n.d. Table of Grey's activities for about a fortnight showing the books he read and the time spent reading, etc. [Watermark 1874].
Draft of request for a return of all licensed premises on property under the management of the Commissioners of Woods and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. [Not in Grey's hand].
Notes of resolutions at the Berlin conference on the improvement of working conditions - 1890 and notes concerning British laws relating to the employment of child labour.
Page of a speech or article by Grey on the Afghan question.
Rough notes by Grey: “Gleamings from a Converation with Lord Shaftesbury Sunday July 22d/83. -Housing, philanthropy, role of the Church, etc”.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/5   [1880s-1917]
Rough notes by 4th Earl Grey of reminiscences by 3rd Earl Grey February 1893, February 1894 - 2nd Earl Grey, Lord Durham and Louisa, Pitt & Fox, Queens Charlotte and Adelaide; 2nd Earl Grey and the creation of peers in 1832, distrust of Canning; Brougham and Grey; other stories about Brougham.
Typescript of the above.
January 1845 Extracts of letters from General Charles Grey to his wife.
Extracts and summaries by 4th Earl Grey from correspondence of 2nd and 3rd Earls Grey with each other.
22 August 1891 Notebook with notes by 4th Earl Grey of what Admiral Grey had told him, about Lord Durham, 3rd Earl and the influence of Maria over him, and items about other members of the family.
Other notes by 4th Earl Grey of reminiscences by 3rd Earl, including some on Brougham at the time of the Reform Bill.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/6   [1880s-1917]
Part of a letter from Grey, evidently to a newspaper editor or proprietor, on the Sunday opening of museums, etc.
Rough notes by Grey on supposed Russian threat to India, with observations on the shifting politics of the East.
Notes by Grey - evidently rough minutes of a meeting of the directors of the N.E.R., 18 September 1885.
c.1915? Typescript page “Lincoln and the Finance of the Civil War”. Seems to be part of a passage from an American writer quoted by M. Frewen.
Typescript page on nationality and humanity.
Page of a letter [from Alice Grey?] concerning a member of the family 4th Earl [Grey?] who had been injured in an accident.
Rough notes by Grey for a speech in Canada possibly about his battlefields scheme.
Miscellaneous scraps. 8 pieces.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/7   [1853], 1872-1916
c.1896 Part of a letter Grey to [?Sec. B.S. Africa Co.?], suggesting that a parliamentary commission of inquiry should be appointed to investigate the Company's administration of Rhodesia on the spot.
Table showing principal officers of state in the ministries 1760-1833. [Watermark 1853].
Two typescript pages [with MS corrections] of a speech by Grey evidently on co-partnership in industry.
Unfinished fragment of a letter evidently written by 4th Earl Grey shortly after the death of his daughter Vera in 1907.
Very rough notes by 4th Earl Grey on capital and labour.
24 August 1916 Last page of a paper by J. Cleghorn on capital and labour.
20, 24 December 1872 2 letters J.E. Bachen (?) [artist] to Grey.
n.d. Letter from Caroline Amelia Leigh (wife of 2nd Baron) to Grey, concerning article on portraits found in Egyptian mummy cases.
15 November 1913 Letter Lord William Percy, to Grey, his travels in Labrador.
Fragment of a typescript letter [from Grey] supporting the view that the greater the prosperity of Canada, the greater her loyalty.
n.d. Letter Alice Grenfell [?daughter of Charles Seymour Grenfell of Elibank, Taplow, Bucks) to “A.D.”, evidently Grey.
17 November 1915 Part of a letter from Stamfordham to Grey.
23 January 1912 Menu, plan of tables, programme of music for luncheon at the Mansion House on the admission of Grey to the freedom of the city. Includes note on the Mansion House.
Pages from a periodical: article by H. Hesketh-Prichard, “The Grey Seals of Haskeir”.
Note on an envelope in the handwriting of Mrs Grey (Grey's mother) concerning Gladstone and Beaumont - Gladstone's hope that Beaumont would “turn out” Albert Grey. Also some verses possibly on Gladstone.
9 December 1913 Cutting from Illustrated Chronicle, “Earl Grey's Statue of Madeleine de Vercheres”. Quotes letter from Marie Madeleine de Vercheres to the Countess de Maurepas.
Card with verses “Motto for 1911” from the Palace, Ripon.
14 September 1881 Part of a letter to Grey from ... [nephew of Lady Wenlock].
Typescript note concerning a “wonderful book”.
Miscellaneous jottings by Grey (6 pieces).
2 cuttings from Canadian newspapers on prison reform 1913; and on the teaching of false history in Canada.
Booklet: First Public Dinner of the Agenda Club February 12 1912 (London).
Handpainted Christmas card by TO (?). 1886.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B288/8   August-December 1880
24 December 1880 Letter William Woodman to 4th Earl Grey, concerning his executorship of H.C. Grey's will.
Copy of the will of Harry Cavendish Grey. The will is dated 13 August 1880.
13 November 1880 Probate of the above will.
Accounts owing at death of the said H.C. Grey.
Funeral expenses account.
Costs of probate.
29 December 1880 Receipt of Admiral George Grey for £68-13-3 from Albert Grey.
Schedule of debts on simple contracts due at the death of the deceased.
Residuary Account - Inland Revenue.

Paper   1 file
Canadian Investment Accounts & Others
Reference: GRE/B289/1
Dates of creation: 1904-1913
Extent: 1 filePaper

April 1908-1909 Rough list of Grey's accounts with various banks, etc.
11 January 1912 Letter Frederick Litchfield (of Co-Partnership Tenants Ltd) to Grey.
14 January 1912 Copy Grey to Litchfield.
24 March 1911 Memo of securities deposited by Grey at Lloyds Bank.
15 November 1904 Letter F.A. Beane (Manager for Lloyds Bank, Newcastle) to Grey.
15 November 1904 Receipt of the above bank for a large white sealed envelope with instructions.
12 March 1913 2 letters British Bank of Northern Commerce to Grey.
20 June 1911 Copy A.F. Sladen to John G. Butterfield.
29 June 1911 Letter John G. Butterfield to Sladen.
28 November, 26 December 1911 Letters A.E. Parker (of Bank of Montreal) to Grey.
23 January 1912 Letter Wernher Beit & Co. to Grey and statement.
1911 Syndicat Du Yunnan: Report of directors and balance sheet; with proxy form.
21 December 1911 Letter C. Ponsonby (Director Canadian Agency) to Grey.
16 December 1911 Circular: W.P. Francis & Co. to Grey, concerning the Syndicat du Yunnan letter.
20 November 1911 Letter Agent British Linen Bank, Coldstream, to Grey.
Receipt of the above establishment for £1622.
Part of a letter from Moreton Frewen [marked by Grey “about June /99”].
2 January 1912 Copy Grey to A.E. Parker, Bank of Montreal.
20, 23 August 1909 United Rhodesia Goldfields Ltd. Notifications of transfers of shares.
19 December 1911 List of securities held by Lloyds Bank, 16 St James's Street S.W., on account of Earl Grey.
1911 Vouchers relating to transactions with Lloyds Bank and the N.E. Banking Co. (2 pieces).
1910-1911 Vouchers for charges etc., made by Lloyds Bank. (3 pieces).
Notes headed “Rhodes Trust: Minute 1078”.
1 April 1912 Robert Benson & Co. to Grey, and statement.
1907-1908 Statement of account: Grey with the Bank of Montreal, Ottawa.
Note by Grey concerning shares allotted to Lord Howick.

GRE/B289/2   1895-1923
19 July 1905 List of securities sent to Arthur Grenfell.
List of certain stocks and shares held by Grey.
5 September 1905 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
20 March 1913 Letter Arthur M. Grenfell to Grey.
Notes on the form of keeping Howick accounts (chief estate accounts).
26 August 1904 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
1901 Newcastle upon Tyne Co-operative Cabinet Makers Ltd. 9th annual report.
1910-1913 Papers relating to transactions between Grey and the Canadian Agency, including letters: 26 March, 5 May 1913 R.N. Grenfell (Director) to Grey; and notes by Grey. 8 pieces.
State of Accounts of Grey with Williams Agency (including trust accounts) 21 November 1904, and list of shares held by Williams Agency for safe custody 19 November 1904.
1904-1905 Loose pages: “Duplicate of Lord Grey's Private Ledger”.
1905-1909 Statement of account: Lloyds Bank, St James's Street, S.W., with Grey.
1914 Charter Trust & Agency Ltd. Counterfoil of dividend warrant.
1913 Pacific Phosphate Co. Ltd. Counterfoil of interim dividend warrant.
12 March 1912 Cheque to Grey for 50 dollars, signed by A.F. Sladen.
11 March 1912 Copy letter Sladen to F.B. Jones (Hon. Sec. Ottawa Branch of Overseas Club).
7 March 1912 Copy letter F.B. Jones to Sladen.
28 February 1912 Letter Frank B. Jones to Sladen.
Rough notes evidently of a parliamentary question to be asked by Grey on cattle disease and import of cattle into Ireland.
4 January 1912 Letter Lloyds Bank (St James's Street, S.W.) to Grey, attached is the last page (p.11) of a copy letter from Robert Benson.
8 October 1900 Letter London & Westminster Bank (St James's Square, S.W.) to Oliver Williams.
c.1895 Pages from a notebook with notes by Grey on various matters, mainly financial. Also concerning a proposed alteration in times of trains in Scotland.
30 January 1920 Letter Robert Benson & Co. to John H. Mansfield. Enclosing:
Account of interest due on a loan of £9000 and Statement of Account of the Executors of 4th Earl Grey with Benson & Co. July-December 1919.
Also calculation of interest on £9000, etc.
17 March, 28 May 1920 Letters Robert Benson & Co. to 5th Earl Grey.
1923 2 typescript papers marked private & confidential relating to reorganisation of Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson.
Rough notes: investments [by 5th Earl Grey?]. 2 pieces.
Receipt Messrs Tattersall for £99-15 from Grey for a Bay Colt (torn).

Paper   1 file
GRE/B289/3   October 1910-1911
26 October, 3 November 1910 Copy letters Grey to Lloyds Bank (St James's Street).
31 December 1910 Copy Grey to Oliver Williams.
5 January 1911 Copy Grey to Lambert Middleton.
5 January 1911 Copy Grey to Oliver Williams.
5 January 1911 Copy Grey to Arthur Grenfell.
27 May 1911 Copy Grey to Middleton.
2 June 1911 Copy Grey to Oliver Williams.
26 June 1911 Note by Grey of contents of a letter to Lloyds Bank, St James's Street.
7 July 1911 Letter W.J. Challis, Sec. of the Western Canada Land Co. Ltd. to Grey.
28 July 1911 Letter Oliver Williams to Grey.
13 December 1911 Copy letter Oliver Williams to F.B. Grey.
December 1911 Copy letter Revd. P. Blakeway to F.B. Grey.
12 December 1911 Copy letter F.B. Grey to Oliver Williams.
11 December 1911 Copy letter Oliver Williams to F.B. Grey.
16 December 1911 Copy letter Oliver Williams to Eardley, Holt, Lightly & Co.
16 December 1911 Copy letter Oliver Williams to F.B. Grey.
16 December 1911 Letter Oliver Williams to Lord Grey.
15 May 1911 Letter Eardley Holt Lightly & Co. to Grey.
20 October 1911 Letter Eardley Holt Lightly & Co. to L.W. Middleton.
27 November 1910 Letter Lambert Middleton to Grey. Enclosing:
15 November 1910 List of Grey's securities deposited with the N.E. Banking Co. Ltd.
25 November 1910 Letter Fielding Son & Macleod to Lambert Middleton.
15 November 1910 Brodrick Dale (Manager of N.E. Banking Co.) to Middleton.
1910 N.E. Banking Co. - Account with Grey.
23 October 1911 Letter Brodrick Dale to Middleton.
20 October 1911 Letter C.W. Mitcalf Dale (Sec. N.E. Banking Co.) to Middleton.
17 October 1911 Letter Ellis & Co. (Stockbrokers, Cornhill) to Middleton and note by Middleton.
6, 17 October 1911 Letters Brodrick Dale to Middleton.
1911 Account: N.E. Banking Co. with Grey.
Notes by Middleton concerning Grey's account with the N.E. Banking Co.
6, 17 October 1911 Letters F.A. Beane (Manager, Lloyds Bank, Collingwood Street, Newcastle) to Middleton.
Notes by Middleton concerning this account.

Paper   1 file
Papers on The Wood-Grey Trust
Reference: GRE/B289/4
Dates of creation: 1898-1912, chiefly November 1910-November 1911
Extent: 1 filePaper

Most of the letters in this file to Middleton bear notes by him of his replies.
3 November 1910 Copy letter Grey to Messrs Lloyds.
23, 30 November 1910 Letters Oliver Williams to Lambert Middleton.
1 December 1910 Letter Lloyds Bank (St James's Street) to Lambert Middleton.
5 December 1910 Letter Glyn Mills Currie & Co. to L. Middleton.
5 January 1911 Letter Grey to Middleton, with note by Middleton.
5 January 1911 Copy Grey to Arthur Grenfell.
20 January 1911 Letter R.N. Grenfell to Middleton.
24 January 1911 Letter Oliver Williams to Middleton, with note of Middleton's reply.
24, 26 January 1911 Letters C.A.M. Lightly to Middleton.
26 January, 3, 7, 11, 13 February 1911 Letters Oliver Williams to Middleton, and notes by Middleton.
13 February 1911 Copy Oliver Williams to Mr White (The Orphanage, Aberlour, Strathspey).
23 February 1911 Letter O. Williams to Middleton and notes by Middleton.
17 February 1911 Copy O. Williams to Eardley, Holt, Lightly & Co.
13 March 1911 Letter Oliver Williams to L. Middleton.
14 February 1911 Letter Charles Alfred Morton Lightly to Middleton, and notes by Middleton.
10 March 1911 Copy Revd. Walter Jenks to O. Williams.
13 March 1911 Copy Williams to Revd. Walter Jenks.
14 March 1911 Letter Eardley Holt Lightly & Co. to Middleton.
16, 17 March 1911 Letters O. Williams to Middleton and notes.
16 March 1911 Copy Revd. W. Jenks to Williams.
17 March 1911 Copy Williams to Jenks.
17, 20 March 1911 Lightly & Co. to Middleton and notes of Middleton's replies.
21 March 1911 Oliver Williams to Middleton and notes of Middleton's reply.
21 March 1911 Copy O. Williams to Eardley Holt Lightly & Co.
25 March 1911 Letter O. Williams to Middleton.
25 March 1911 Copy O. Williams to Eardley Holt Lightly & Co.
3, 5, 8 May 1911 Letters C.A.M. Lightly to Middleton and notes.
9 May 1911 Letter Oliver Williams to Middleton and notes.
8 May 1911 Copy Eardley Holt Lightly & Co. to Oliver Williams.
9 May 1911 Copy Williams to Eardley Holt Lightly & Co.
10 May 1911 Letter C.A.M. Lightly to Middleton and notes.
10 May 1911 Copy Eardley Holt Lightly & Co. to O. Williams.
12 May 1911 Letter Oliver Williams to Middleton.
15 May 1911 Letter Lightly to Middleton and notes.
17 May 1911 Letter C. Ponsonby (Director Canadian Agency) to Middleton and notes.
20 May 1911 Copy Middleton to Canadian Agency.
20 May 1911 Copy Middleton to Lloyds Bank, St James's Street.
22 May 1911 Letter Oliver Williams to Middleton.
23 May 1911 Letter R. Skipwith (Manager, Lloyds Bank, S.W.) to Middleton and notes.
23 May 1911 Letter C. Ponsonby to Middleton.
23, 25 May 1911 Letters Oliver Williams to Middleton and notes.
17 May 1911 Copy letters Charles F. Grey to 2nd Viscount Halifax.
26 May 1911 Letter O. Williams to Middleton.
27 May 1911 Letter Grey to Middleton.
7 June 1911 Letter O. Williams to Middleton.
8 June 1911 Letter O. Williams to Middleton.
7 June 1911 Copy letter Glyn, Mills Currie & Co. to Oliver Williams.
9 June 1911 Letter O. Williams to L. Middleton.
8 June 1911 Copy Revd. Walter Jenks to O. Williams.
15, 29 June 1911 Letter O. Williams to Middleton.
29 June 1911 Copy O. Williams to Eardley Holt & Lightly.
19 July 1911 Letter R. Skipwith to Middleton. Enclosures:
19 July 1911 List of securities held by Lloyds Bank on account of the Wood-Grey Trust.
17 May 1911 5 lists of securities sold by the Canadian Agency for the Trustees of the Wood-Grey Trust.
22 November 1910 Note of securities sold by Steer, Lawford & Co.
25 November 1910 Letter Lloyds Bank to Middleton.
6, 8 July 1911 Letters Oliver Williams to Middleton.
19 July 1911 Letter Williams Agency to Middleton.
25 July 1911 Copy Eardley Holt Lightly & Slater to Oliver Williams.
26 July 1911 Copy Williams Agency to Eardley Holt & Lightly.
28 July 1911 Letter O. Williams to Middleton.
15, 19 August 1911 Letters O. Williams to Middleton.
6 October 1911 Letter Eardley Holt Lightly & Slater to Middleton.
20 October 1911 Copy letter Eardley Holt Lightly & Slater to Oliver Williams.
20 October 1911 Copy letter Oliver Williams to Eardley Holt Lightly & Slater.
7 November 1911 Letter Eardley Holt Lightly & Slater to L.W. Middleton.
December 1898 - December 1912 Bank book: Lloyds, St James's Street, London. Account with Grey and the Hon. F.L. Wood (Wood-Grey Trust Account) [found apart].

GRE/B289/5   1905-1910
Letters to Grey from the following:
14 February 1905 J. Covey Williams.
5 December 1905 Gore & Co.
16 December 1905 [Oliver Williams?].
5, 19 January 1906 Oliver Williams.
8 January 1906 Oliver Williams to Miss Gilbertson.
20, 22 (2), 27 January 1906 Copy letters Miss Gilbertson to O. Williams.
23 April 1906 Copy Grey to O. Williams.
15 May 1906 [Oliver Williams] to Grey (end missing).
16 May 1906 Sir Charles Rivers Wilson to Grey.
23 May 1906 Copy O. Williams to Commercial Bank of Scotland.
23 May 1906 Oliver Williams to Grey.
24 May 1906 Circular J.J. Cooper (London Sec. Sydney Harbour Collieries Ltd.).
4 June 1906 Copy Grey to Rivers Wilson.
4 June 1906 Copy Grey to O. Williams.
14 June 1906 Letter J.J. Cooper (Sydney Harbour Collieries) to O. Williams.
3 July 1906 Copy Grey to Rivers Wilson.
3, 16 July 1906 Copy letters Grey to O. Williams.
13 July 1906 Oliver Williams to Grey.
22 August 1906 Copy estimate of Chevalier & Co. for redecorating 22 South Street (addressed to J. Covey Williams).
29 September 1906 Oliver Williams to Grey.
29 September 1906 Copy O. Williams to Viscount Dunluce.
28 September 1906 Copy Dunluce to O. Williams.
2 October 1906 Copy Williams to Dunluce.
29 October 1906 Copy Grey to O. Williams.
1 November 1906 [Oliver Williams] to Grey (end missing).
20 October 1906 Letter J. Wilson Moore to Lady Victoria Grenfell.
12 November 1906 Copy Alice Grey to O. Williams.
14 November, 11 December 1906 Copy letters Grey to O. Williams.
n.d. Oliver Williams to Grey (beginning missing).
14 January 1907 Copy Grey to O. Williams.
18 January 1907 Oliver Williams to Grey.
29 January 1907 Oliver Williams to Grey (long letter on Public House Trusts).
Part of a letter from ... on the Central Public House Trust Association.
24, 25 September 1907 Copy telegrams Grey to Frewen.
n.d. Grey to O. Williams.
27 September 1907 Letter O. Williams to Miss Gilbertson.
26 September 1907 Copy O. Williams to Sir C. Rivers Wilson.
27 September 1907, 14 March 1908 J. Covey Williams to Grey.
26 May 1908 Cable [J. Covey?] Williams to Grey.
Copy cable Grey to Williams' Agency.
13 May, 16 June 1908 Oliver Williams to Grey.
12 June 1908 Copy letter S. Le Mesurier to Mr Grenfell.
11 July 1908 J. Covey Williams to Grey.
4 August 1908 Copy Grey to J. Covey Williams.
1 February 1909 J. Covey Williams to Grey.
27 July 1909 Oliver Williams to Grey.
n.d. Copy Grey to O. Williams.
21 June 1909 Copy letter Henry Vivian to Grey.
26 July 1909 Copy Henry Vivian to Mr Litchfield.
[26 July 1909] Copy F. Litchfield to O. Williams.
28 October 1909 [Oliver Williams?] to Grey.
Copy: The Colonial Troops Entertainment Committee: Statement of Receipts and Expenditure 14 May 1903 - 21 September 1909.
6, 12 November 1909 Copy letters Grey to O. Williams.
15 December 1909 Oliver Williams to Grey.
28 December 1909 Williams' Agency to A.F. Sladen.
29 December 1909 Counterfoil of dividend warrant - Sulphide Corp. Ltd.
4 March 1910 Oliver Williams to Grey.
8 March 1910 Clement Leveson Gower to Grey.
5 April 1910 Carrington & Co. to O. Williams.
6 April 1910 [Oliver Williams] to Grey (end missing).
12 April 1910 Clement Leveson Gower to Grey.
21 April 1910 Copy Grey to O. Williams.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B289/6   1907-1908
Vouchers for disbursements by Miss M.K. Grey of Houghton-le-Spring.
Paper   1 large bundle
GRE/B289/7   1906-1908
Book containing particulars of investments [of Miss M.K. Grey].
Paper   1 file
GRE/B290/1   1881-1917
Leaflet: Aim and Object of the European Unity League.
Typescript list of some members of the Advisory Council [of the above League].
Typescript paper: “The Mastery of the Pacific Question”. [Issued by the League].
7 March 1895 MS catalogue of books dispatched to Dorchester House, Park Lane, London, from Howick House Library.
27 December 1901 Millicent Fanny Sutherland (wife of 4th Duke) to Grey.
c.1 January 1916 Note from Viscount Halifax.
27 November 1883 John Smart (emigrant to Queensland) to Grey.
31 January 1906 H. Crawford Smith to Grey.
6 June .... J.W. Fortescue to Grey. Part of an address by Grey on Imperial Federation [(?) to the Royal Colonial Institute].
20 October 1884 James Annand (of the Shields Daily Gazette and the Northern Leader) to Grey.
20 December [1881] Ashton W. Dilke to Grey.
26 September 1882 Letter Lucy Caroline Frederick Cavendish to Alfred Lyttleton (her brother).
Howick Co-operative Society Ltd. Report and Balance Sheet for the quarter ending 1 September 1906.
n.d. Note by Grey concerning someone's sister who had evidently died.
March-April 1912 Contract note and receipted account Govett Sons & Co. to 4th Earl Grey for the purchase of 500 Messina Development shares.
25 June 1896 The Trust and Mortgage Company of Iowa Ltd. Dividend warrant.
18 April 1895 Letter Robert H. Benson to Grey, concerning the Trust & Mortgage Co. Enclosure: Printed paper: Summary of the Business of the Trust and Mortgage Company of Iowa Ltd from 1 March 1884 [to 28 February 1894].
16 May 1895 Letter Robert Benson & Co. to Grey, concerning shares purchased on his behalf in the Trust & Mortgate Co. Enclosure: 16 May 1895 Contract note.
22 May 1895 Letter Robert Benson & Co. to Grey, concerning same transaction.
25 January 1889 Letter Robert Benson & Co. to Grey, concerning Stickney Warehouse Co. shares.
Printed paper: The Stickney Warehouse Co. Ltd. Report to be submitted to the stockholders at the annual meeting held in St Paul, 5 June 1889 (with balance sheet).
Printed paper: The Stickney Warehouse Co. Ltd. Report to be submitted to the Stockholders at the Annual Meeting to be held in St Paul Minn. 4 June 1890 by C.W. Benson, president (with balance sheet).
31 December 1888 Account Robert Benson & Co. with Grey in respect of Stickney Warehouse Co. Shares.
1 November 1889 Account Benson & Co. with Grey concerning Stockyards Building Co. shares.
23 May 1893 Letter Robert Benson and Co. to Grey.
11 January .... [after 1914] Memorandum by Moreton Frewen, concerning Prince Rupert lands.
17 July 1917 Copy letter Grey to H.E.R. Hunter, concerning Prince Rupert lands.
20 March 1890 Circular letter from the Marquis of Tweeddale (Chairman of the N. British Railway Co.), concerning the Railway Benevolent Institution. Enclosure: Printed leaflet on the Railway Benevolent Institution including particulars of income and relief given and address of the Prince of Wales at the 15th annual dinner of the Institution on 27 March 1873.
31 August 1898 Letter Joseph Warwick to Grey.
16 May 1898 Letter J. Charlton & Son (Alnwick) to Grey.
20 February .... Evan Henry Llewellyn to Grey.
6 August .... Alexander Henry Browne to Lady Grey.
28 November 1899 G.D. Atkinson Clark to J.H. Mansfield and receipt for contribution to the Lord Lieutenant's Relief Fund from Howick Parish.
The Central Landowners' Association. Fourteenth Annual Report, 22 June 1921.
The Central Landowners' Association. Fourteenth Annual Statement of Accounts for Year Ended 31 December 1920.
[1917] Draft circular letter 5th Earl Grey to his tenants, concerning 4th Earl Grey's aims, especially in the agricultural sphere.
Printed leaflet on the Clergy Orphan Corporation with list of special contributions towards the deficit of £5,000.
(1917) Book: Corn Production Act, 1917, with Explanatory Memorandum by C. Crofton Black of the Middle Temple ... Assistant and Legal Secretary to the Land Union.
Part of a letter from T.T. Sanderson complaining of trespass by the Percy Hunt on his farm.
Note from Charles Alderson (Hon. Treas. Northern Union of Mechanics' Institutions) to Grey. cf. Pamphlet No. 1781.
Part of a copy telegram from Grey complaining at some proposed decision concerning the Northumberland Volunteer Artillery.
n.d. Part of a letter from J. Covey Williams.
16 September 1900 Letter James Leslie Wanklyn (MP) to Grey.
8 December 1897 Circular R.B. Birnbanm (?) of the West End Review. [Sent to Grey instead of Earl de Grey].
7 November 1893 Letter David T. Caffan (?) to Grey. Wants situation in Mashonaland.
4 September 1900 Letter Edward J. Lough (?) (of Church Congress, Newcastle) to Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B290/2   1901-1904
British South Africa Company:
Fragments of Agendas (commercial & administrative).
1903-1904 Fragments of duplicated typescript papers, including some Police General Orders 1903. Also includes statement of goods imported into Rhodesia through Beira 1899-1903.
19 June 1901 Report of P.A. Stuart, Assistant Native Commissioner, Gwelo.
10 August 1904 Carbon copy of part of the B.S.A. Company's administrative minutes.
Fragment concerning negotiations re Ocean Island.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B290/3   June 1910
Set of 11 Newfoundland stamps issued in 1910 to mark the 300th anniversary of the first settlement in the British Empire in Conception Bay. Signed by Sir Edward Morris, Prime Minister.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B290/4   1879-1907
Press cuttings: reports of speeches by Grey on various topics including:
1890 Africa.
1907 National Park scheme at Quebec.
YMCA fund raising campaign.
1886 Technical education.
1884? University constituencies.
1879 Flounders Trust scheme for a middle class school in the N.E.
Coffee Public Houses.
The Franchise Bill.
Letter Grey to The Times, on the Franchise Bill.
20 June 1881 Letter Grey to the Daily Chronicle on the Irish Land Bill.
Also, some reminiscences of the early career of 4th Earl Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B290/5   1904, 1911
1911 Press cuttings from Canadian and N. Irish papers on Town Planning.
1911 Cuttings from Canadian Papers on Grey's governor-generalship on the eve of his departure.
1911 2 cuttings on Grey's return to England.
1904 1 cutting on banquet to Grey at Newcastle.
1911 2 sets of cuttings of letters to the press arising out of a speech by Grey in which he declared his aim of fighting against slums.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B290/6    late 19th, early 20th centuries
Miscellaneous press cuttings.
Paper   1 file
Addresses Presented to 4th Earl Grey, etc.
Reference: GRE/B291
Dates of creation: 1905-1911
Extent: 1 filePaper

Some addresses give particulars of the places or societies concerned.
26 April 1905 United Empire Loyalists' Association of Ontario.
14 December 1905 Mayor, City Clerk & Citizens of Guelph, Ontario.
Album of scenes of Guelph.
6 April 1905 Kingston, Canada.
31 December 1905 St Andrew's Society, Ottawa.
7 October 1907 Club d'Equitation et de Chasse à Courre de Quebec.
28 September 1907 Ursuline Nuns of Roberval.
14 March 1905 Société St Jean Baptiste d' Ottawa.
14 March 1905 Council of the Literary and Scientific Society of Ottawa.
10 September 1907 Citizens of Sherbrooke.
24 January 1905 Hospital of Notre Dame, Montreal.
3 January 1905 St George's Society of Ottawa.
9 January 1907 Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association.
25 January 1905 Orphans at the Sisters of Charity, Montreal.
n.d. Caledonian Club, Prince Edward Island.
16 January 1905 Canadian House of Commons: Thanks for speech to both Houses. Signed by the speaker, Robert Franklin Sutherland. 2 copies, one in French the other in English.
n.d. Children of Indian School, File Hills.
13 August 1907 Mayor, Town Council on behalf of selves and citizens of Digby.
n.d. Citizens of Georgetown.
7 August 1906 Citizens of Sept Isles.
11 October 1906 Indian Head.
June 1905 Notre Dame de Bellevue, Quebec. 2 copies, one French, the other English.
n.d. Citizens of Magrath.
12 September 1905 Citizens of Lethbridge.
n.d. Macleod Public School, Alberta.
People of Macleod and District.
12 September 1905 Citizens of Frank and the Crow's Nest Pass, Alberta.
n.d. People of Raymond (Mormons).
n.d. Citizens of White Horse, Yukon.
n.d. Citizens of Dauphin.
9 December 1909 Public school & citizens of Buddeck.
13 June 1905 Sillery Convent.
10 September 1907 Eastern Townships Agricultural Association, Sherbrooke.
1908? Society Saint Jean-Baptiste de Quebec.
15 October 1907 People of Port Hope.
31 August 1905 Corporation & citizens of Red Deer, Central Alberta.
n.d. Citizens of Armstrong and the Municipality of Spallumcheen.
15 August 1907 Citizens of Fredericton.
n.d. Dawson Elective Council, Yukon.
Photo of members of the Hamilton Swimming Club - the first class to pass the exams of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Life Saving Society. Presented by Hamilton Centre, 22 May 1909.
16 May 1905? Ottawa Ladies' College [to Lady Grey].
13 June 1905 Sillery Convent School.
4 October 1906 Children of Vernon High & Public Schools, British Columbia.
12 September 1906 Municipality of Kent, British Columbia.
5 September 1906 City of Nelson, British Columbia.
8 September 1909 New Westminster, British Columbia.
n.d. Dalhousie, N.B.
15 October 1907 Board of Trade, Port Hope.
n.d. Penticton, British Columbia.
5 October 1906 Summerland, British Columbia.
September 1906 Lady Smith.
15 September 1905 Qu'Appelle N.W.T.
16 May 1906 Creamery Company of Renfrew.
n.d. Sault Ste Marie.
n.d. St Boniface College.
12 September 1905 Board of Trade, Coleman, Alberta.
August 1910 Grand Rapids, Saskatchewan.
3 October 1910 High School of Quebec.
29 August 1906 Warman.
12 September 1905 Citizens of Frank & Crow's Nest Pass.
n.d. College of St Boniface.
14 December 1905 Board of Management of the Ontario Winter Fair.
15 November 1909 Address of Canadian House of Commons to Grey, thanking him for his speech. Signed by the Speaker. 2 copies, one French and one English.
5 August 1905 Picton, N.S.
4 October 1906 Kamloops, British Columbia.
21 August 1909 Metlakatla.
17 May 1909 Almonte.
11 October 1906 Teachers of Central Saskatchewan.
25 April 1905 Woman's Art Association of Canada (Toronto).
n.d. Orphans of the Hospice of the Sisters of Charity, Quebec.
14 June 1905 Ministers and Ruling Elders of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
n.d. Mayor & Council of Charlottetown, P.E.I.
3 August 1905 Executive Council of Prince Edward Island.
October 1909 Fort William.
27 September 1906 Nanaimo, British Columbia.
October 1909 Orphans of St Joseph's Home.
November 1907 Children of St Patrick's Orphanage, Ottawa.
1 September 1905 Edmonton.
1 October 1909 Edmonton.
31 August 1906 Lloydminster.
4 September 1905 Regina.
14 June 1906, 8 June 1910 Presbyterian Church in Canada.
28 February 1905 Institut Canadian Français d'Ottawa.
29 February 1906 Les élèves du Pensionnat du Saint Nom de Marie, Outremont.
27 September 1906 Ladysmith.
10 May 1905 Chairman, committee, etc., of Montreal Horse Show.
“Halloween 1907” Caledonian Society of Montreal.
27 April 1905 H.M. Army and Navy Veteran Association of Toronto.
1 September 1906 Town of Fort Saskatchewan.
30 August 1906 City of Prince Albert Saskatchewan.
24 August 1906 Port Arthur.
6 April 1908 Hamilton (Bermuda).
15 June 1905 Synod of the Diocese of Quebec.
2 October 1906 Royal Agricultural and Industrial Society of British Columbia.
11 March 1908 L'Institut Canadien Français d'Ottawa.
2 December 1908 Pupils of the Convent of the Holy Names, Hochelaga, Quebec.
2 December 1908 Les élèves du Pensionnnat du Saint Nom de Marie.
13 June 1907 Presbyterian Church in Canada.
2 October 1906 New Westminster.
Chinese citizens of Vancouver (Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association).
Villa Maria, Montreal: Programmes for the Greys' visit. 3 copies. Maple leaf design.
Verses welcoming Lady Grey and song.
26 January 1905 2 copies of another programme for a visit by the Greys.
11 May 1905 Société de Numismatique et d'Archéologie de Montreal.
10 June 1908, 10 June 1909 Presbyterian Church in Canada.
26 April 1905 Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire.
7 October 1910 Bishop's College School, Lennoxville, Quebec.
3 September 1906 Citizens of Calgary, Alberta.
24 January 1905 Montreal Board of Trade.
14 September 1906 Citizens of Victoria, British Columbia.
14 September 1906 Chinese Native Sons & Daughters of Victoria, in Chinese and English.
7 October 1910 University of Bishop's College, Lennoxville.
4 October 1909 Regina.
n.d. Natural History Society of Montreal.
Report of the Committee for 1904 of the St George's Society of Toronto, instituted for the relief of destitute Englishmen and their descendents. (Toronto, 1905).
29 March 1911 Typescript “List of addresses sent to the archives for record and keeping”.
Invitation to Grey from St George's Society, St Andrew's Society, St David's Society, Canadian Society and British Schools and Universities Club to meet Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour and Rear Admiral Frederick Tower Hamilton and the officers of H.M. Ship Squadron on 5 October 1909.
Invitation to the Greys to be present at and patrons of a soirée in aid of the restoration of the church of St Pétronille (Is. d'Orléans) on 15 April ... in Quebec.

GRE/B292-B293   1845-1917
Additional Papers.
GRE/B292/1   1855-1893
Press cuttings on various topics including:
n.d. Probate and Divorce Division - White v. White and Moyce: petition due to wife's adultery (marriage took place 16 September 1885).
20 August 1855 “Health of the army before Sebastopol”, being a letter to the editor of The Times from Lord Shaftesbury citing a letter from Dr J. Sutherland, Chief Sanitary Commissioner to the Crimea.
May 1893 Deputation of working men from N.E. England to Belfast to see for themselves reaction to the Home Rule Bill. Also programme for the visit and account of A.J. Balfour's reception there.
27 September 1886 Cuttings from the Scottish News and an unnamed newspaper reporting the funeral of the Earl of Dalkeith.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/2   [1852]-1917
[c. 1852] Chart showing figures for “Emigration from England, Scotland and Ireland to all parts of the world”, 1 January 1847 - 30 June 1852.
[n.d.] List of 4th Earl Grey's securities once contained in a now empty envelope.
29 May 1917 List of some of 4th Earl Grey's securities showing their purchase price and value.
27 April 1873 Notes by Grey of a sermon by F.W. Farrar attacking atheism.
26 September 1882 Heads of agreement between the Royal Colonial Institute and the National Service League.
[n.d.] Part of a typescript paper (first two pages missing) on settlement of soldiers in Canada after the 1914-18 war. Includes report of the British Columbia Commission and proposal of Lord Shaughnessy, President of the C.P.R.
[n.d.] 2 February Commentaries on books read?
[n.d.] 9 August Cast list for 'Merchant of Venice' at Mr Hammond's rooms.
[n.d.] Handwritten [script?] notes.
[n.d.] Notes written on empty envelope - “Present Government choose judges per stripes, not per capita ...”.
[n.d.] 8 sheets handwritten notes.
14 September 1901 Account for cigars purchased from the Army and Navy Co-operative Society, Victoria Street, London, by 4th Earl Grey.
1880 Front cover of pamphlet: Voting not Representation: A demand for definite democracy and political evolution, by Alfred Cridge.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/3   1880-1903
30 October 1903 R. Fitzstubbs to Grey, requesting letter of introduction to Lord Milner with view to securing an appointment under the government of S. Africa.
[n.d.] Charles [Farquhar] to Grey, congratulating him on good news.
21 January 1895 Frederick Burn of the Alnwick Guardian and County Advertiser to J. H. Mansfield asking for memo of Grey's speech to the Howick employees on profit sharing, and concerning the paper's advertising service.
1875 Copies of telegrams from the Prince of Wales to the Khedive of Egypt, the Queen, Princess of Wales and King of Portugal.
21 Aug. 1898 Male Nurses' (Abstainers) Co-operative Association to Grey requesting recommendation.
3 February 1886 Denis Sonders to Grey praising his loyalty to country above party.
20 August 1900 G.H. Eyre, Postmaster General, to Superintendent Eastern Cable Co., Lorenco Marques on sums due by postal authorities at Lorenco Marques.
3 March 1901 Birthday telegram to Mr Mansfield.
24 May 1899 Giacomo Boni?, Rome, greetings to Grey.
17 December 1894 Incomplete letter informing Grey of the employment of Isaac Tully, Routledge, Pringle and Claxton.
[n.d.] 1 February Geoffrey Geyer to Grey asking for an appointment.
26 December 1883 Offices of the Newcastle Daily Journal informing him that a picture, his contribution to St Matthews Church Bazaar, sold for £5.
[n.d.] Invitation for Grey to a meeting at the Leadenhall Buildings, London - with postscript saying “with regret cannot accept”.
18 January 1895 Vine to Grey informing him he is to be seated at the Prince of Wales' table at the Imperial Institute Dinner on 28th.
1 September 1893 Liberal Unionist Association thanking Grey for list of subscribers to Belfast Excursion Fund and enclosing cheque for £300.
3 June 1880 Letter of congratulations to Grey from Surbiton [incomplete].

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/4   March-June 1877
Marriage of the 4th Earl Grey:
March-April 1877 13 letters and 1 telegram Grey to Alice Holford before they were married.
18 March 1877 Letter from Grey to George Holford, his future brother-in-law.
11 June 1877 Press cutting from the Morning Post, with account of the wedding of Grey and Alice Holford.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/5   1892-1916
31 December 1894 Col. Alfred Grey to Grey returning a letter and enclosures from Miss M. Jones and concerning her father: 19 December 1894 Letter Miss M. Jones to Grey concerning her financial difficulties and requesting assistance, enclosing copy letter from the late commander of the 33rd Regiment, 9 November 1854, concerning her father, Quarter Master in that regiment, and copy letter from Canon Addison, 5 May 1880, concerning herself.
21-22 November 1894 2 letters Albert W. Wood (College of Arms) to Grey requesting the return of the insignia and riband of the Order of the Garter worn by the late Earl Grey.
January 1895 Draft by Grey of letter to the electors of Embleton Division of Northumberland announcing that he would not stand for re-election to the County Council and strongly supporting the candidature of Mr Carr Ellison.
27 June 1895 2 letters from Thomas Forster (Tailoring Dept., Broomhill Co-operative Society) to Grey concerning his wish to go to Mashonaland and work in gold mines there and requesting a letter of introduction for himself and a friend (Mr Shell, Chairman of Togston Parish Council).
3 November 1892 C.G. Banks (Secretary of Newcastle upon Tyne Liberal Club) enclosing receipt for Grey's subscription for the year ending 28 February 1893 and noting Grey's wish to resign his membership.
5 March 1898 William H. Stonebridge (Chief Clerk, Trinity College, Cambridge) to J. H. Mansfield concerning payment of Lord Grey's re-admission fee and back dues, with receipt for £16-19-9.
1892 Copy telegrams, mostly sent by Grey, concerning social engagements and travel arrangements.
17 November 1894 John William Greening to [Edward J. Macdonald] stating why he left the Central Liberal Unionist Association.
16 June 1906 Joseph H. Choate to Grey concerning a copy of the portrait of Franklin that Grey had presented to the American nation and Choate's health (copy).
13 January 1916 Oliver Williams to Grey concerning state of his account and requesting part payment.
11 October 1900 Thomas Hancock (late of Alnwick) to Grey thanking him for assistance in obtaining employment as a clerk in the Imperial Military Railways at Johannesburg.
31 December 1897 Copy cable Grey to “Monomotapa”, London, concerning order placed with Pauling for supply and delivery of Beira railway materials.
23 June 1914 Miss B. Gilbertson to J. H. Mansfield enclosing letter Mary F. Sandars to Grey, 20 June 1914 concerning material for biography of Queen Adelaide.
21 December 1894 Thomas Atkinson (of Atkinson Brothers, Artists in Stained Glass, Newcastle) to Grey requesting his patronage for anamateur dramatic performance by the Garrick Club in aid of the Royal Infirmary and Little Sisters of the Poor.
21 March 1894 Canon William Moore Ede to Grey thanking him for African coffee and concerning progress of civilisation in Africa.
8 March 1894 C. Percy to Grey concerning the African coffee he had sent.
27 February 1894 E. Spence Watson to Grey thanking him for African coffee; comments on wrong methods of civilising the natives; personal friendship despite political disagreements.
8 March 1894 William George, Baron Armstrong of Cragside, concerning sample of African coffee; Grey's forthcoming visit to Rhodesia.
5 March 1894 Joseph Cowen to Grey concerning the African coffee Grey had sent; his view of the Roseberry government.
28 September 1892 - J. Harper to Grey concerning port wine that has a therapeutic effect.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/6   16 July 1890, January and July 1895
July 1895 Pedigree certificates of mares bought for De Beers Company.
Extract from letter of Grey to Gardner Williams of Kimberly, January 1895.
16 July 1890 Liberty and Property Defence League leaflet: American view of property and contract (Liberty Leaf No 29)

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/7   1903-1904
Letters and papers concerning the estate of David Allan who was drowned on a fishing trip off Nova Scotia; his sister, Mrs. Bell of Howick, asked Grey to take up the case.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/8   1914
42 BW photographs of a visit to Australia, New Zealand, etc.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/9   1866-1869
16 letters from C.F. Williams to Grey (?) advising him on his drawing skills.
Paper   1 file
n.d. ‘Texts thought of for Maria’s monument, those selected marked’ 15 Feb 1873 Note Gaffin & Co. to Countess Grey, concerning the erection of a marble memorial cross 10 Dec 1879 Estimate, Gaffin & Co. to Albert Grey, for the erection of a marble memorial cross n.d. Biographies of Lieutenant General Henry George Grey and Charles, 1st and 2nd Earls Grey, compiled by G. Sully 25 Sep 1886 ‘The Order for The Burial of the Dead’ to be used at the funeral of Walter Henry, Earl of Dalkeith n.d. Inscription on a monument

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/11   1874-1901
1884-85 Post card to Mr Edwd. Jas Macdonald - Alnwick Highway Board – Days of Ordinary Meetings, 1885-85 – to be held in the Justice Room, Alnwick.
16 June 1874 Edward Watson to E. J. Macdonald, advising him to attend a meeting of the Alnwick Union, and envelope.
11 Aug 1877 Printed letter, Jo. Archer, Clerk to the Justices to the Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Howick, advising of a meeting of the Petty Sessions.
[4 Mar 1885?] Card & envelope, Countess of Dunraven to Earl Grey, acknowledging cancellation of dinner.
4 Mar Herschell to West, pleasure at yesterday’s result but sorry West was not amongst the “successful ones”.
4 July 1898 Note from 57 Elm Gardens, South Kensington, with apologies.
3 Feb 1901 Mary Augusta Ward [novelist and social worker, 1851-1920] to Sir Algernon West, invitation to dinner.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B292/12   1845-1906
Undated Part of a note - “when the stormy weather caused several absentees, so much so that the return would not conveniently contain their names”, signed “J. R.” – also includes some accounts.
1 Feb 1845 Receipt for settlement of Maria Grey’s account with [?] Drummond.
25 June-24 Aug 1895 Quotations for pipes from Thompson and Wright.
1897-1906 Bundle of “Lord Howick’s Vouchers”
Undated Torn letter, J. Cleghorn to Mr Macdonald, requesting receipt.
6 Sept 1893 Torn receipt – payment from John Young.
1 Jan 1896 Account for Gardeners Chronicle, 1894-95.
Jan-June 1896 Account for Gardeners Chronicle.
1899 Two receipts.
[1870] Accounts.
7 Sep 1867 License to kill game for Harry Cavendish Grey.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B293: 4th Earl Grey as Trustee to 10th and 11th Dukes St Albans and F. B. Grey
Reference: GRE/B293/1
Dates of creation: 1889-1898
Extent: 1 filePaper

List of correspondence compiled by A. M. Sowerby.
25 Feb 1889 F. W. Burton [late director of the National Gallery] to 10th Duke of St Albans, concerning the subject of a painting.
18 Dec 1896 Copy will of William Amelius Aubrey de Vere, 10th Duke of St Albans.
19 Nov 1898 Statement of income and annual payments for the 10th Duke of St Albans.

GRE/B293/2   August-November 1898
5 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. Solicitors to Grey, legal matters.
12 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, concerning the Duke of St Albans’ illness, enclosing a copy of Dr Earls’ account.
13 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, concerning payment of nursing home fees for the Duke of St Albans, enclosing copy letter, dated 10 Aug 1898, Freshfields & Williams to Charles Russell, concerning the purchase of two farms.
15 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, concerning notice served on servants to the Duke of St Albans.
22 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, concerning debts of the Duke of St Albans.
24 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, concerning payment of expenses – annotations by Grey.
27 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, concerning payment of accounts.
29 Aug 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, enclosing copy letter dated 27 Aug 1898, Gustavus Thompson & Son to Messrs. Day, Russell & Co., pressing for bankruptcy proceedings.
1 Sep 1898 Grey to Day, Russell & Co., concerning payment of accounts and questioning Dr Ling’s and Dr Savage’s fees.
2 Sep 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, in answer to above.
2 Sep 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, enclosing copy letter, dated 1 Sep 1898, Coutts & Co. to Day, Russell & Co., concerning Earl Grey’s appointment as interim Receiver of the Duke of St Albans’ Bestwood and Redbourne estates.
2 Sep 1898 Coutts & Co. to Grey, advising him of an overdraft on the Duke of St Albans’ account.
3 Sep 1898 Coutts & Co. to Grey, advising him of payment made to Messrs. Day, Russell & Co. on his behalf.
6 Sep 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, receipt for settlement of account.
19 Sep 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to J. C. Williams, concerning Earl Grey’s application for authority to pay fees and accounts without order from the court.
26 Sep 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to J. C. Williams, advising him that the Master for Lunacy declined permission to pay any debts without application to the court.
27 Oct 1898 W. D. Freshfield to Grey, offering his services in sorting out bills.
29 Oct 1898 Copy letter Grey to Charles Russell of Day, Russell & Co., advising him that care of the Duke of Albans’ affairs is to be transferred back to the family solicitors, Messrs. Freshfield and thanking him for his services.
29 Oct 1898 Copy letter Grey to Mr Freshfield, restoring care of the Duke of St Albans’ affairs to that firm, whilst retaining powers of administration.
29 Oct 1898 Day, Russell & Co. to Grey, advising him of the wisdom of his decision.
31 Oct 1898 W. D. Freshfield to Grey, asking for further bills and accounts to be forwarded as soon as possible.
4 Nov 1898 W. D. Freshfield to Grey, concerning the handover of the Duke of St Albans’ papers by Day, Russell & Co. to Freshfield.
9 Nov 1898 W. D. Freshfield to Grey, concerning payment of outstanding accounts.
13 Nov 1898 Grey to Freshfield, requesting a statement of the Duke of St Albans’ present and future financial position.
14 Nov 1898 W. D. Freshfield to Grey, in answer to above.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B293/3   August-October 1898
31 Aug 1898 John A. Trumper to Grey, concerning payment of wages to Bestwood staff, enclosing receipt for payment of £87-11-0.
2 Sep 1898 Copy letter Grey to Trumper, concerning wages for Bestwood staff and instructions for the dismissal of most of them.
5 Sep 1898 Richard Trumper to Grey, asking him to retain a housekeeper or housemaid and requesting a pension for Mrs. Sutherland.
1 Oct 1898 Richard Trumper to Grey, advising him that Mr Birkin has executed the agreement.
26 Oct 1898 Rough notes and calculations by Grey about Bestwood estate

Paper   1 file
GRE/B293/4   September-November 1898
2 Sep 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, assuring him of his continued personal service in the Duke of St Albans’ affairs.
3 Sep 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, informing him that he is dealing with the Duke of St Albans’ affairs.
6 Sep 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, advising him of recent transactions and arrangements.
12 Sep 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, advising him of recent transactions and asking him how to proceed with Mr Herbert.
20 Sep 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, asking how to proceed with regard to Mr W. H. Herbert.
21 Sep 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, concerning the settlement of accounts where creditors threaten legal proceedings.
7 Oct 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, request for payment of outstanding accounts, enclosing a statement of the Duke of St Albans’ account with Williams’ Agency for period 5 Aug to 7 Oct 1898.
1 Nov 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, describing the “Ridgeway”, property in Wadhurst, East Sussex, with a view to renting it from Dr Newington.
7 Nov 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, concerning the terms for renting “Ridgeway”, enclosing letter dated 5 Nov 1898, Dr Newington to J. C. Williams, anticipating that he would not be able to meet such terms.
10 Nov 1898 J. C. Williams to Grey, concerning acquiring staff for the “Ridgeway” property.
n.d. Fragment of a letter J. C. Williams to Grey, listing costs

Paper   1 file
GRE/B293/5   July-November 1898
31 July 1898 Gerald W. Erskine [1st Baron Wakehurst & son-in-law to 10th Duke of St Albans] to Grey, describing Burford’s mental breakdown and expressing concern at his state of mind.
22 Aug 1898 Dr J. H. Earls to Lord Osborne [Beauclerk], arranging a visit.
23 Aug 1898 J. H. Earls to Grey, advising him of the Duke of St Albans’ condition.
26 Aug 1898 Dr H. Maudsley to Grey, advising him how the care of the Duke of St Albans’ may proceed.
3 Sep 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising him of the Duke’s condition.
9 Sep 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising him of the Duke’s refusal to eat.
12 Sep 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, concerning the Duke’s condition, which appears to have stabilised.
18 Sep 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, concerning the Duke’s health, eating and sleeping habits.
23 Sep 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising him not to visit the Duke as he has had a relapse.
25 Sep 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, the Duke has stabilised again.
2 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, the Duke has been more cheerful but may be heading for another relapse.
9 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, giving an account of the Duke’s eating habits during the previous week.
12 Oct 1898 Grey to Dr Earls, asking him to meet with Dr Savage and give his opinion as to the Duke’s condition and ask for a prognosis.
15 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, concerning arrangements for the Duke’s care.
16 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising that Dr Savage will be visiting the Duke.
19 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising him about Dr Savage’s diagnosis.
19 Oct 1898 Dr George Savage to Grey, giving his opinion as to the Duke’s condition and arrangements for his care.
14 Oct 1898 Harry Nevill to Lady Va[ne?], suggesting a suitable residential home for the Duke.
18 Oct 1898 ?? Loder to Grey, about finding suitable housing for the Duke.
22 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising him that the Duke has suffered a relapse.
25 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, telling him that the Duke had to be fed by “artificial means” .
26 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, telling him of some slight improvement in the Duke’s condition.
30 Oct 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising him of the continued improvement in the Duke’s condition and asking his permission to replace one or both of the attendants if the need arises.
6 Nov 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, telling him of further improvement but anxiety that he may relapse soon.
11 Nov 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, about a relapse in the Duke’s condition.
13 Nov 1898 Dr Earls to Grey, advising of the Duke’s deterioration and delusions.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B293/6   October 1898-January 1904
2 Oct 1898 Sydney H. Hamlin to St Albans, renewing his acquaintance from New Zealand.
28 Dec 1898 Freshfield & Williams to Grey, concerning the terms of the late Duke of St Albans’ will and how the estate is to be managed – included is a note of Grey’s reply.
2 Jan 1899 Dr W. Douglas to Grey, concerning the Duke’s condition, both mentally and physically.
[c. 22 Jan 1899] 11th Duke of St Albans to Grey, asking for his help in applying to be put into an institution in the north.
3 Jan 1899 Dr Douglas to Grey, answering Grey’s concerns about treatment of the Duke.
4 Jul 1899 Sec. H. M. Office of Works to the Grand Falconer of England [St Albans], advising him of the delivery of two buck when payment is received.
29 Jul 1899 William Freshfield to Grey, concerning the accounts for the Duke of St Albans’ estate.
1 Aug 1899 Copy letter Grey to W. Freshfield, in answer to above.
3 Aug 1899 William Freshfield to Grey, declining an invitation to stay at Howick and advising him of financial matters.
9 Aug 1899 William Freshfield to Grey, concerning Grey’s maintenance of the Duke’s affairs.
15 Aug 1899 Freshfields & Williams to Grey, concerning the maintenance of the Duke.
17 Aug 1899 Copy letter Dr H. Hayes Newington to Mr J. Covey Williams, giving details of the charges for looking after the Duke.
14 Sep 1899 H. D. Chilton to Grey, describing a visit he had made to the Duke which hadn’t helped matters.
9 Dec 1899 M. W. Ridley (Home Secretary) to 11th Duke of St Albans, letter explaining the abuse of privileges and enclosing ivory ticket of admission for a coach through the gate at the Horse Guards into St James’ Park and out of the park.
16 Dec 1899 Freshfields and Williams to Grey, concerning the management of the Duke of St Albans’ affairs.
12 Sep 1900 Freshfields to Grey, concerning succession duties.
19 Dec 1900 William Freshfield to Grey, advising that Lady Sybil would benefit from some financial support.
7 Feb 1901 O. G. Dickinson (Secretary, Lord Chancellor’s Visitors’ Office) to Grey, concerning the Duke’s recent “nocturnal escapade” to Hailsham.
6 Jun 1901 Oswald G. Dickinson to Grey, advising that the Duke wishes to have a holiday.
9 Jun 1901 Dr H. Hayes Newington to J. Covey Williams, concerning the Duke’s wish to help his coachman’s consumptive daughter and his wish to play cricket at Ticehurst.
10 Jun 1901 J. Covey Williams to Grey, detailing the Duke’s demands for tents, hammocks and foils – enclosing the account for Williams’ Agency up to 9 June 1901.
18 Nov 1901 Dr H. Hayes Newington to J. Covey Williams, concerning arrangements for the Duke’s comfort and pleasure.
18 Oct 1901 William Freshfield to Grey, in connection with a petition about the Grand Falconry.
6 Jan 1904 J. Covey Williams to Grey, concerning accounts and charges – enclosing a copy of a financial statement sent to the Lord Chancellor’s Visitors in respect of the Duke of St Albans.

Paper   1 file
GRE/B293/7   1898-1904
Accounts: Duke of St Albans in account with Williams Agency, dates: 2 Nov 1898; 5 Jan 1899; 13 Apr 1899; 15 June 1899; 11 Aug 1899; 19 Sep 1899; 21 Nov 1899; 4 Jan 1900; 21 Feb 1900; 4 Apr 1900; 30 Nov 1900; 15 Jan 1901; 13 Aug 1901; 17 Sep 1901; 17 Oct 1901; 12 Dec 1901; 21 Apr 1904; 26 Oct 1904.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B293/8   [late 19th century x early 20th century]
n.d. Five notes and one envelope (empty) – notes from the Duke of St Albans, describing his fears for his life, to: Mr John Robinson; Mr Berlieu; Mr Edmunds; Lord Chancellor; Mr Hawthorne.
Paper   1 file
GRE/B293/9   31 May 1917
Copy letter to [?Col. J. S.] Hendrie: Hendrie's alarmed reaction to The Passing of a Great Race [by Madison Grant]; British parliamentary reform, and fears of consequences of poor governance on the new democracies of the empire; horse racing and family news.
Paper   2f
Donated by Mrs Sandy Willmore, 20 May 2015. Misc.2014/15:83.
GRE/V   1870-1917
GRE/V/EA   1870-1917
Diaries and journals of 4th Earl Grey (together with one diary kept by his wife, and one kept by his daughter Sybil, while travelling with him).
39 volumes 
GRE/V/EA1   1870
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. No entries 1st – 12th January. Leaves torn out: Thursday, 12th January – Wednesday, 2nd February. 1st written entries: Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March, on reaction to father’s serious illness. Intermittent entries Monday 25th July – Monday 22nd August; more regular from 22nd August – end. Also contains expenses and two newspaper cuttings about cricket matches.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA2   1871
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Intermittent record of daily events and social life. No entries Sunday 18th June – Monday 20th November and Monday 27th November – end. Also contains expenses.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA3   1871-1872
Journal of 4th Earl Grey when on a tour of Greece, Turkey, Crete, Rhodes, etc. Despite his note in the front of the book that its contents are meant for his eyes alone, it contains nothing strictly private. Also enclosed, copy letter: Cyril Graham to [Duke of St Alban’s (?)], 29th Sept. 1871; loose diary entries; letter from Eparch of Amarion dated March 1872, written in “formal literary greek”, with explanatory note attached; hand-written tract entitled “An Archbishop a Scapegoat”; 4th Earl’s notes on government of Crete (?); short itinerary.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA4   1872
Notebook containing observations by 4th Earl Grey on himself and friends at Cambridge.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA5   1873-1874
Part of a journal by 4th Earl Grey. Many pages torn out.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA6   1874
Pocket diary of 4th Earl Grey. Very few entries and these only engagements, etc.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA7   January-October 1875
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Quite full entries on social life, engagements, etc. Also contains expenses.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA8   1875
Part of journal by 4th Earl Grey, whilst in India. Starts July 1875. Also enclosed, newspaper cutting: memorial to the late Thomas Clarkson. Entries also made in pencil [upside down] in back of journal.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA9   October 1875-January 1876
Diary of 4th Earl Grey, while in India. Entries include daily events, engagements, etc. Not complete. Miscellaneous notes inside: “Boot Box”; “Bag”; accounts record; 2 envelopes (empty).
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA10   1876
Journal of 4th Earl Grey while in India with Prince of Wales. [Starts 2 Jan 1876]. Also enclosed, newspaper cutting: “The Duke of Edinburgh in Australia”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA11   1876
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries mainly social and business engagements. Includes loose notes for 29th July and 10th, 17th and 18th October. Also includes accounts, expenses, etc. Loose leaves inserted inside back cover: “Ordinary Rule of Life” (two sheets); gambling (?) record, i.e. “won”, “lost” (1 sheet); account (1 sheet).
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA12   1877
Desk diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries mainly engagements, social life, not complete. Also includes accounts. Loose papers include: Invoice from The Venice & Murano Glass & Mosaic Company, Limited (no. 405); Invoice from The Venice & Murano Glass & Mosaic Company, Limited (dated June 20th 1878); miscellaneous accounts (3 sheets); notes on Parliamentary debate (?).
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA13   1878
Diary of 4th Earl Grey, pages 17-54 and 103-120 removed. Entries include engagements, dietary notes, accounts, etc., not complete. Several loose leaves: miscellaneous accounts.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA14   1879
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Kept fairly regularly. Entries include engagements, accounts, etc. Also enclosed: list of JPs for Northumberland 1880; miscellaneous accounts (3 sheets).
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA15   1880
Desk diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries include engagements, accounts and jottings. Also enclosed: letter from Victoria [Earl’s sister], dated Xmas Eve; accounts; shooting records for Langleydale, North Wood, Banks, Bath & Ladywood; subscription for Alnwick Scientific and Mechanical Institution, 1879; subscriptions for Alnmouth Golf Club, Alnwick Scientific and Mechanical Institution and Northumberland Agricultural Society, 1880; License to Kill Game, 1880; luggage receipt, Little Mill Station; newspaper cutting entitled “Mr Arthur Elliot, M.P., and the Hares and Rabbits Bill”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA16   1882
Desk diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries include engagements and accounts. Also enclosed, 2 loose papers: miscellaneous expenses.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA17   1883
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Not kept consistently but some fairly long entries. Also enclosed, many loose papers: newspaper cuttings on parliamentary matters; miscellaneous accounts; 2 letters; hotel bill; notes on “How to correct”; blotting sheet.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA18   1884
Desk diary of 4th Earl Grey, not consistently kept. Also enclosed: leaflet on married women and the municipal franchise by “A Municipal Elector”; notes on “taxation should be voluntary”; miscellaneous accounts.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA19   1885
Desk diary of 4th Earl Grey. Few entries. Also enclosed: poem entitled “God’s Seed” by Austin Clarke; miscellaneous observations of 4th Earl Grey; catalogue of Ellis & White’s Publications.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA20   1887
Notebook containing list by 4th Earl Grey of the main events on a tour of Canada and United States of America in 1887 and also a note of his daily reading. 2 loose leaves.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA21   [1888]
Memoranda book of 4th Earl Grey (before 1889).
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA22   1889
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Not very many entries and these largely about fox hunting. Also enclosed, newspaper cutting: letter to the editor of the Glasgow Herald from John Burns, commenting on the seamen’s’ strike.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA23   1890
Pocket diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries mainly engagements.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA24   1891
Pocket diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries mainly engagements.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA25   January-February 1894
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Not many entries and pages torn out. Entries also include miscellaneous accounts.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA26   1895
Pocket diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries mainly engagements.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA27   1897
Pocket diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries mainly engagements.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA28   1899
Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Very few entries, chiefly appointments, engagements and miscellaneous accounts.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA29   1 January-15 February 1905
Diary of Countess Grey whilst in Canada. Entries include engagements, miscellaneous accounts, list of Quebec tradespeople. Also included: timetables for Montreal presentation and social events, 24th and 25th January; tradesman’s postcard; envelope addressed to Countess Grey at Ottawa [covered in pencilled notes]; blotting sheet.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA30   1909
Pocket diary of 4th Earl Grey. Few entries, mainly engagements.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA31   1909
Transcript by Simon Boyd of the diary kept by his grandmother, Lady Sybil Grey, of her visit to the Yukon in 1909, accompanying her father, Albert, 4th Earl Grey, Governor-General of Canada. 1 vol. ([iv], 51 pp.). Presented by Simon Boyd on behalf of his mother, Mrs. Mary Sybil Boyd, the copyright owner and owner of the original diary, for addition to the Earl Grey Papers, February 1999 (accession Misc. 1998/99:12). Access conditions: Not to be photocopied without permission from the copyright owner
1 volume 
Former reference: GRE/V/E13.
GRE/V/EA32   1910
Engagement book of 4th Earl Grey. Very few entries, mainly engagements. Also enclosed, brief note to Lord Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA33   1911
The Canadian Scribbling Diary, 1911. Contains rough notes by 4th Earl Grey. Also enclosed: cutting taken from Ottawa Journal, 30th September 1911, poem by Wilfred Campbell on Grey’s Hudson Bay Journey, 1910.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA34   1912
Lett’s Rough Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries include engagements and jottings. Also enclosed: sheet of Hotel Belgrave, Kimberley, letter paper, blank; list of names; letter from Edward Wapen to 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA35   1913
Lett’s Rough Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries include engagements and jottings. Also enclosed: loose list of names.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA36   1914
Lett’s Rough Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries include engagements and jottings. Also enclosed: Certificate of Candidate for Election [blank].
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA37   1915
Lett’s Rough Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Entries include engagements and jottings. Also enclosed: press cutting dated 26 February, 1915 entitled “Sir George Reid’s Birthday”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA38   1916
Lett’s Rough Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Few entries, engagements only.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EA39   1917
Lett’s Rough Diary of 4th Earl Grey. Scarcely any entries. Also enclosed: press cutting entitled “The Lesson Taught by Canada: What Mr Roosevelt Thinks”; Grillion’s Club membership list; The Club membership list, 1917, and meeting dates.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB   c. 1885-1915
Financial (investment and bank account records).
16 volumes 
GRE/V/EB1   c. 1885-1893
Investment Register giving particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s speculations.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB2   c. 1893-1896
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s investments in stocks and shares.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB3   1894
Notebook containing particulars of shares sold by 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB4   1902-1903
Notebook containing statement of earnings of the British South Africa Co., 1902, and of various sections of Rhodesia Railways Ltd.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB5    1913-1915
Writing pad containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s receipts from investments and his outlay.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB6    1885-1889
Cash book of 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB7   1893
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s accounts with several banking companies.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB8    1895-1898
Cash book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s accounts with several banking companies.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB9   1894-1896
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s account with Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB10   1890-1895
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s account with Messrs. Herries, Farquhar & Co.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB11   1887-1894
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s account with Messrs. Hodgkin Burnett, Pease Spence & Co. of Newcastle.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB12   1896-1903
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s account with Lloyd’s Bank.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB13   1891-1894
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s account with the Metropolitan & Birmingham Bank Ltd.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB14    1896-1898
Book containing particulars of 4th Earl Grey’s account with the Metropolitan Bank.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB15   [c. 1894]
Ledger of petty cash disbursements by 4th Earl Grey. Not dated but before 1894.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EB16   1898
Two loose leaves of accounts.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC   1866-1894; late 19th-early 20th century
Estate and game books.
9 volumes 
GRE/V/EC1    1866-1871
Game book – record of game killed in various places, including Howick.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC2    1873-1878
Book belonging to 4th Earl Grey, containing accounts for Howick Farm; game keeper’s account; also notes of the terms of various farm leases.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC3   c. 1873-1878
Notebook containing rental of estates held by the Greys (acreages stated); Form of lease between Earl Grey and his tenants; accounts of receipts 1874-78; accounts of payments 1874-78; jottings of housekeeping expenses, etc., 1873-78; game keeper’s accounts 1873-77; table showing profit and loss on fattening of cattle with full particulars 1876-77; notes on agriculture and economics.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC4    1876-1878
Pocket game book, various places.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC5    c. 1877
Pocket game book, various places.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC6   c. 1886-1891
Notebook containing lists of agricultural labourers and their rates of pay. Also notes on collieries leased by the Greys, c.1886. In back pocket of this volume: plan of Chevington Moor estate and particulars of profit and loss on it, 1888-91.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC7   [1865-1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on estate matters and on persons wishing for employment. Also enclosed: loose page in Latin, entitled “Carolus Jacobus Fox”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC8   [1865-1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly on horses and cattle, with some press cuttings.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EC9   [1865-1917]
Notebook containing names of garden flowers.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED   1860s-1917
142 volumes 
Notebooks: Architecture - Dorchester House, London
Reference: GRE/V/ED1
Dates of creation: [1865-1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook of observations about Dorchester House by 4th Earl Grey.

Notebooks: Church affairs and religion
Reference: GRE/V/ED2
Dates of creation: [1865-1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on various aspects of the Church and the possibility of disestablishment.

GRE/V/ED3   [1865-1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Church reform, disestablishment, the burials bill, etc. Also enclosed: press cuttings; fragment of a letter from George Harwood.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED4   [1865-1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the Church of England and non-conformists. Taken from various sources, especially from Dean Stanley. Also enclosed: a Church Reform Union meeting resolution prepared by Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED5   [1865-1917]
Book containing draft of 4th Earl Grey’s speech on introducing his Church Boards Bill (and notes for the said speech). Also enclosed: MS speech by Grey on Church Boards [at a Church Reform Union Meeting (?)]; notes on the organisation of Marylebone churches.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED6   [1865-1917]
Notebook containing a few notes by 4th Earl Grey on the Vatican and Ireland.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED7   [1865-1917]
Notebook with notes by 4th Earl Grey on religious matters and on Gibbon’s Decline and Fall.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED8   c. 1877
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on a wide variety of religious sects and topics.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED9   1881
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the Christian Church, especially Dr Arnold’s Fragment. Also enclosed: press cuttings, including letter from Grey to The Times, 29th April, 1881, on the Church Boards Bill; and a leaflet on the National Church Reform Union.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED10   1880s
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from books and lectures on the Church and Church Reform. Also enclosed, cuttings of 3 letters: T.C. Horsfall to the Manchester Guardian, 1881, on the Church Reform Union; and Ritualists and Low Churchmen; also, part of a letter from Grey on the Clergy and the Church.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED11   1899
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from an article in the 19th Century, September 1899, by Dr Perceval (Presbyter of the Diocese of Pennsylvania) on decline in religious belief.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Colonial affairs - Africa
Reference: GRE/V/ED12
Dates of creation: [1865-1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing rough notes by 4th Earl Grey on African slave trade.

GRE/V/ED13   [1865-1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from reports by Coryndon, Gielgud and Harding – Western boundary of Barotseland, etc. Also includes notes (at back) evidently from report on army canteens.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED14   [1865-1917]
Book containing views of 4th Earl Grey on British policy towards South Africa.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED15   1879
Book of press cuttings on the Zulu war of 1879, with some MS notes by 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED16   1878
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey of opinions in 1878 on the feasibility, or otherwise, of a transcontinental telegraph through central Africa. Also contains various miscellaneous notes.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED17   1889-1897
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Rhodesia, especially the Mashona rebellion.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED18    c.1890s-1900s
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the history of Cape Colony. Also enclosed: pages from diary of 4th Earl Grey, 1898; notes on Ireland; 1 page from a 1900 diary; many loose miscellaneous leaves.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED19    1891-1894
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Rhodesia and other parts of Africa, especially Portuguese territory, 1891-94, and lands north of the Zambesi. Includes summaries of letters, discussions, etc.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED20    1901-1902
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly on various aspects of Rhodesia, including notes from reports of Native Commissioners 1901-2 and particulars of railway developments.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Colonial affairs - Australia
Reference: GRE/V/ED21
Dates of creation: [1865-1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Book containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey on Australia and New Zealand.

GRE/V/ED22   1871-1875
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Australia (historical, political and economic). Also notes on colonies in general. Enclosed: notes on 3rd Earl Grey’s Colonial Policy; press entry – Colonial Statistics; Australian Colonies: Statistical Return showing the relative positions and aggregate importance of the Australian Colonies, at the close of the year 1875’, with additions and crossings out in manuscript.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Colonial affairs – Canada
Reference: GRE/V/ED23
Dates of creation: [1865-1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Canadian history.

GRE/V/ED24   1887
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly from Canadian newspapers of 1887, on: Commercial Union, Maritime Provinces; Pacific Route; Representation. Also included, notes from the press on Lord Landsdowne as an Irish landlord.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Economic, agricultural and social policy
Reference: GRE/V/ED25
Dates of creation: [1865-1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey and press cuttings on the law relating to land.

GRE/V/ED26   [1865-1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey [for a speech?] on free trade in land; also notes on the Agricultural Holdings Act.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED27   [1865-1917]
Notebook containing detailed notes by 4th Earl Grey on various aspects of British agriculture, with many statistics (partly from a book). At the back are notes of George Annett Grey’s views on some aspects of tenancy and farming and his report on the Grey tenants at the time of the rent day, May 1879. Also contains some press cuttings.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED28   [1865-1917]
Book containing a few notes by 4th Earl Grey on agricultural depression. Also enclosed: notes criticising the Ecclesiastical Commissioners’ administration of their estates; notes on other agricultural matters.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED29   [1865-1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey for an address attacking Sir Edward Sullivan’s views on protection, etc. Many enclosures, including a first draft of Grey’s address; press cuttings and notes relevant to it; draft of an unsent letter to Sullivan and notes; other notes, especially from an article or speech by G. Harwood on the land question.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED30   [1865-1917]
Notebook containing rough notes by 4th Earl Grey on co-operation.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED31   [1865-1917]
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly on railway freight rates.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED32   [1865-1917]
Volume containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from speeches and/or articles by James A. Beck, C. A. Magrath and Sir George Foster. Also notes on rural credits. At back (in different hand) copies of some poems.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED33   [1870s]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, evidently from a report on the state of British agriculture.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED34   1870s
Book containing notes from books on crime, drunkenness and pauperism.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED35   [1870s]
Notebook containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey, especially on debates on bills to regulate sale of intoxicating liquor, 1876, and on Northumberland farm cottages in the mid-19th century.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED36   c. 1879
c.1879 Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey and press cuttings on agriculture, land and land-law.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED37   1879
Exercise book containing press cuttings and notes by 4th Earl Grey on labour conditions and relations, including the Durham miners’ strike of 1879.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED38    1887-1888
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on paupers and poor relief, 1887-88. Also enclosed: cutting from The Times, 26th December, 1888, on the “legal poor of London”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED39   c. 1885
Small notebook with miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly from an [article?] by Arnold White, on finding work for the unemployed (1885). Also enclosed: many loose newspaper cuttings on various subjects.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED40   1894
Notebook containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey of a financial nature and also long notes on fin de siecle, a strong criticism of the evils and fashions of the period.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED41   1913-1916
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on political and economic topics, mainly farming, between 1913-16 (chiefly no later).
1 volume 
Notebooks: Foreign Affairs
Reference: GRE/V/ED42
Dates of creation: [1865-1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing miscellaneous rough notes by 4th Earl Grey (some on the Eastern Question).

GRE/V/ED43   [1865-1917]
Book containing very rough pencil notes by 4th Earl Grey on Asiatic emigration. Also includes 2 various rough notes for speeches.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED44   1870s
1870's Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the Eastern Question.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED45   1874
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly from newspapers, on France and Germany, 1874. Also enclosed: notes by Grey [for speech?] on problems of charitable relief for the poor.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED46   1877
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the Russo-Turkish war of 1877, and other notes on Russia.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED47   1879
Exercise book containing press cuttings on Greece (political situation).
1 volume 
Notebooks: Ireland
Reference: GRE/V/ED48
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Ireland, especially 2nd Earl Grey’s reasons for opposing the Act of Union, 3rd Earl Grey’s views* and his own opposition to Home Rule. *Enclosed is a typescript copy of this part of the book.

GRE/V/ED49   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing rough notes by 4th Earl Grey on Ireland.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED50   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey of J. E. Cairnes’ views of the land question, especially in Ireland. At the back of the book are notes by Grey criticizing Chamberlain’s plan of electoral reform.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED51   1874
Exercise book containing rough notes by 4th Earl Grey concerning Bull’s motion on Ireland, 30th June 1874.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Politics
Reference: GRE/V/ED52
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the 1st Reform Bill, including quotations from 2nd Earl Grey’s correspondence with the King. At back: quotations from 2nd Earl Grey on the Canning ministry of 1827.

GRE/V/ED53   [1875 x 1917]
Small notebook with a few notes by 4th Earl Grey on politics in the first half of the 19th century.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED54   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on a wide variety of subjects, mainly trivial, but including accounts, probably from reminiscences of 3rd Earl Grey of politics in the period 1829-48, especially the Reform Bill.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED55   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on chaos in local government.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED56   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the American Constitution, House of Lords, Democracy, etc.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED57   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing rough notes by 4th Earl Grey on American politics and farming.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED58   1875
Notebook by 4th Earl Grey containing notes from leading articles in The Times and elsewhere on political and social matters, with some press cuttings.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED59   c. 1879-1880
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on politics, c.1879-80, with press cuttings and ‘illustrations of present conditions from old writings, etc., etc.’.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED60   1880s
Book of notes, press cuttings, etc., on political, economic and social matters.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED61   1880s
Notebook containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey and press cuttings, mainly on politics, 1888-89. Also accounts for work on Howick Estate, 1886-86.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED62   c. 1890
Book with notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly on political subjects. Also enclosed, some loose notes.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED63    [1900 -1917]
Notebook with miscellaneous rough notes by 4th Earl Grey on various political, social and economic matters. Also contains copies of poems, many in French.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Politics - Elections
Reference: GRE/V/ED64
Dates of creation: c. 1880
Extent: 1 volume
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey for speeches in the South Northumberland election campaign of 1880. Among papers enclosed in this book is a rough table showing the number of contested elections in county constituencies, 1832-1874.

Notebooks: Politics – Electoral reform and proportional representation
Reference: GRE/V/ED65
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Book containing manuscript notes by 4th Earl Grey on redistribution.

GRE/V/ED66   [1875 x 1917]
Small book with notes by 4th Earl Grey on his amendment to the Franchise Bill, and on the virtues of proportional representation, as against minority representation.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED67   [1875 x 1917]
Small book with rough notes by 4th Earl Grey on representation and the constitution, partly from books he had read.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED68   [1875 x 1917]
Small book with notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly on the Franchise Question.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED69   c. 1883
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly on proportional representation. Some other notes on various subjects and press cuttings.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED70   c. 1884
Notebook containing press cuttings and some notes by 4th Earl Grey on the redistribution question (1884) and proportional representation.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Social life
Reference: GRE/V/ED71
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook of 4th Earl Grey containing jokes, puzzles, games, anecdotes, etc. Also contains notes on loose leaves.

GRE/V/ED72   [1880s]
Notebook of 4th Earl Grey, mainly containing stories and gossip about society personages. Also notes about Broomhill Colliery and the militia.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading
Reference: GRE/V/ED73
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Collection of transcripts of, quotations from and notes on various authors’ writings. Contains: Father and Son: A Study of Two Temperaments; Life of Lord Granville by Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice; Canon Ainger; The Soul of a People; De Profundis by Oscar Wilde; Francis Thompson; Imperial Outposts by Colonel A. M. Murray; Life of Nelson by Captain Mahan; James Robertson (2 copies); George MacDonald by W. Garrett Horder; Letters of Queen Victoria, vols. I and II; ‘One ??’ by F. Hack (?).

GRE/V/ED74   [1875 x 1917]
MS book containing: “Du Stile” and “Tableau des revolutions de l’Europe” covering the period 406-1642.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED75   1879
Catalogue of books with note by 4th Earl Grey of volumes lent to the Junior Liberal Club, 15th October 1879.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - behaviour
Reference: GRE/V/ED76
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing a collection of “rules for conduct and behaviour” taken from books 4th Earl Grey had read.

Notebooks: Study and reading - biography
Reference: GRE/V/ED77
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Book labelled “EXTRACTS”, containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, largely from biographical works.

Notebooks: Study and reading - church, religion, ethics
Reference: GRE/V/ED78
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Volume containing a harmony of the opening chapters of the Gospels (Greek text).

GRE/V/ED79   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from Butler’s Analogy; Southeby’s Wesley; and Cobbett’s Legacy to Parsons.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED80   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from Mazzini’s On the Duties of Man. Also notes from a sermon by Jonathan Swift, 1724 on “Doing Good”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED81   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the history of Convocation from a work by Thirlwall. Also enclosed: 2 pages from the Pall Mall Gazette, 14th December 1885; loose note.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED82   c. 1877-1879
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on books, mainly religious, he had read.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED83   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Lecky’s History of Morals.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - classics
Reference: GRE/V/ED84
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from Lewis Sergeant’s work on Greece.

GRE/V/ED85   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes made by 4th Earl Grey on Roman history.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED86   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from Plutarch’s Lives.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED87   1869-1870
Notebook containing Latin and Greek exercises.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED88   1877
1877 Notebook with notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly on men such as Alexander the Great, Pericles, Julius Caesar, etc. Also enclosed, newspaper cutting.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - history
Reference: GRE/V/ED89
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from books he had read – mainly historical. At the back are some notes on the Yukon – stories of crime, hardship, etc., with some songs.

GRE/V/ED90   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on 19th century American history.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED91   [1875 x 1917]
File of notes by 4th Earl Grey entitled “European History”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED92   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook of 4th Earl Grey containing notes on English constitutional history.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED93   c. 1879
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from historical writings of Cobden. Also enclosed: newspaper cutting taken from The Times, dated 18th October 1879, on the benefits or otherwise of free trade.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED94   [1875 x 1917]
Notes from Freeman’s Norman Conquest.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED95   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing translation of part of Menzel’s History of Germany.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED96   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on the history of India, 1661-1861.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED97   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on miscellaneous reading (mainly historical and biographical).
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED97A   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing notes from various French and English works of an historical nature, e.g. Guigot, de Tocqueville, Clarendon.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - Ireland
Reference: GRE/V/ED98
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from a book by Dicey on Home Rule.

Notebooks: Study and reading - language
Reference: GRE/V/ED99
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook entitled “Etymology” containing a few notes on the derivation of words.

GRE/V/ED100   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on political economy and also on lectures by Max Muller on the Science of Language.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - law
Reference: GRE/V/ED101
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notes of 4th Earl Grey while at Cambridge, containing text and translation of part of Mackelday’s Systema Juris.

GRE/V/ED102   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook of 4th Earl Grey containing notes from cases.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED103   1873
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on [John] Austin’s lectures on jurisprudence.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - literature
Reference: GRE/V/ED104
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey summarising The Faerie Queene.

GRE/V/ED105   [1875 x 1917]
Book with notes by 4th Earl Grey on Irish poetry and poets.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED106   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing pencil notes and poems in French.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED107   [1875 x 1917]
Notes from Life of Voltaire by S. G. Tallentyre.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED108   [1875 x 1917]
Writing pad containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from various literary works.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED109   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey on literature he had read.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - painting
Reference: GRE/V/ED110
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from a book on Modern Painters. Also enclosed: four locks of hair.

Notebooks: Study and reading - politics
Reference: GRE/V/ED111
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly from his reading on political and historical subjects.

GRE/V/ED112   [1875 x 1917]
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on J. S. Mill’s Political Economy.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED113   [1875 x 1917]
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from writings of J. S. Mill – on the limits of laissez-faire and on the functions of Government.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED114   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey from books, e.g. Froude, Buckle, Mill and also various other notes.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED115   [1875 x 1917]
File of notes by 4th Earl Grey from books, etc. he had read, including works by Mazzini, Oscar Strauss ( The American Spirit), Usher (Pan Americanism), The Red Rose Pamphlets, etc.
1 volume 
Notebooks: Study and reading - science
Reference: GRE/V/ED116
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook of 4th Earl Grey containing notes on elementary chemistry and physics.

Notebooks: Study and reading - sociology
Reference: GRE/V/ED117
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on Herbert Spencer’s Study of Sociology (1873).

Notebooks: Study and reading - misc.
Reference: GRE/V/ED118
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Notebook containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey on a wide variety of subjects, mainly from his reading. Also enclosed: letter about insurance; newspaper cutting from Pall Mall [Gazette ?], 16th April 1888, entitled “The “Independent in Politics””; small newspaper cutting of quotation from sermon of Rev. Dr Talmage.

GRE/V/ED119   [1875 x 1917]
Book of “Miscellaneous Quotations”, presumably taken from books 4th Earl Grey had read.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED120   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey, presumably from books he had read.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED121   [1875 x 1917]
Writing pad containing notes presumably taken from books 4th Earl Grey had read.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED122   1869
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on various topics from books. Dated inside front cover 1869.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED123   1880s
Notebook with jottings by 4th Earl Grey from books he had read, e.g. Froude’s Oceana (1886).
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED123A   [1875 x 1917]
Book of highly miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey while in Canada, mainly from what he had read (many articles from the Outlook are summarised – wide variety of subjects).
1 volume 
Notebooks: Sketches
Reference: GRE/V/ED124
Dates of creation: 1867-1872
Extent: 1 volume
Book of landscape sketches, some dated, some captioned. Some jottings.

Notebooks: Misc.
Reference: GRE/V/ED125
Dates of creation: [1875 x 1917]
Extent: 1 volume
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on various subjects, including Government of London, women’s suffrage, legal position of married women, the railway and the State, poor relief, etc.

GRE/V/ED126   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing miscellaneous jottings by 4th Earl Grey. Includes comments on 3rd Earl Grey’s draft report to the Select Committee on the Land Tenure Bill.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED127   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook of miscellaneous jottings by 4th Earl Grey. Also includes a few notes by him whilst on a tour of Northwest Canada.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED128   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing miscellaneous jottings by 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED129   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing miscellaneous rough jottings by 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED130   [1875 x 1917]
Notebook containing miscellaneous jottings by 4th Earl Grey, possibly notes for speeches, etc.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED131   [1875 x 1917]
Notes of 4th Earl Grey, “Odds & Ends”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED132   1870s
Book containing notes and memoranda by 4th Earl Grey on miscellaneous subjects, mainly current affairs.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED133   [1870s]
Book containing miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey, probably 1870s.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED134   1877
Notebook containing jottings by 4th Earl Grey on a wide variety of subjects.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED135   c. 1878
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey from books, etc., he had read. Includes notes of a report by the Bishop of Durham on the diocese, 1878; brief reminiscences evidently obtained from 3rd Earl Grey of politics in his earlier days.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED136   1885
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey on a wide variety of subjects. Also enclosed: numerous press cuttings, indexed at the front.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED137   c. 1888
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey, largely from Robertson’s sermons and other books, but including a note of a conversation with 3rd Earl Grey, 23rd April 1888, in which the latter told him of Disraeli’s attempt to induce him to join the 2nd Reform Bill. Also mentions the offer of the Vice-royalty of India to 3rd Earl Grey, in 1847.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED138   c. 1889-1894
Book containing highly miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey. Also enclosed: Extract from the Daily Journal of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Monday, December 22nd, 1890, on finance and trade of 1890.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED139   [before 1894]
Book of miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey, mainly during a visit to the USA.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED140   c. 1895-1899
Book containing highly miscellaneous notes by 4th Earl Grey, including some on his investments and on Rhodesia.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED141   1898
Notebook with account by 4th Earl Grey of conversation with Maddison and H. Vivian, 15th January, 1898. Also enclosed: “Presidential Address” by Sir Benjamin C. Browne, at the Newcastle Economic Society, 6th October, 1897, on the Engineering Dispute; cutting from the Observer, 13th February, 1898, with speech by John Morley on University settlements.
1 volume 
GRE/V/ED142   1911
Small book containing miscellaneous rough notes by 4th Earl Grey, including some on methods of dealing with juvenile offenders in the U.S.A. .
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE   1841-1917
Cuttings and Scrapbooks.
39 volumes 
GRE/V/EE1     [mainly 1880s]
Book containing press cuttings (inserted loose) on 4th Earl Grey and the Church – church reform, Church Boards, the Welsh Disestablishment question, etc. There are also some cuttings on Ritualism in the Church.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE2 (former number GRE/V/E3)     1880-1882
Scrapbook, mainly of newspaper cuttings concerning 4th Earl Grey’s Church Boards Bill, and also disestablishment and church patronage. Includes several pamphlets by Grey and notes by 3rd Earl Grey on a paper concerning Church Boards, 30 September, 1882. Includes some original letters to Grey from P. L. Gell, G. H. H. Oliphant Fergusson (?), A. D. Pringle and the Revd. S. F. Hiron.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE3 (former number GRE/V/E7)     1894-1895
Scrapbook of press cuttings on the death and career of 3rd Earl Grey. Inserted loose are a few cuttings on miscellaneous subjects, including reports of statements by the 4th Earl Grey on South Africa, 1894.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE4 (former number GRE/V/E10)     1900-1904
Scrapbook of highly miscellaneous subjects, including South Africa. Includes a number of original documents.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE5 (former number GRE/V/E11)    1904-1905
Scrapbook of original documents relating to Canada.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE6    1906
Volume of press cuttings from Canadian newspapers, concerning 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE7    1907-1911
Volume of press cuttings from Canadian newspapers of articles by the Revd. C. W. Casson.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE8 (former number GRE/V/E12)    1911-1917
Scrapbook of press cuttings etc. of miscellaneous subjects, including Canada. A letter from George Birdwood, 12 March 1913, is enclosed.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE9    1879
Book of cuttings from the Anglo-American Gazette, April 1879-September 1879, on economic matters.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE10    October 1879-January 1880
Book of cuttings from the Anglo-American Gazette on economic matters. Also includes MS notes by 4th Earl Grey from the Princeton Review, September 1879; a few other press cuttings inserted loose at back of book; other MS notes headed “Major Jones”.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE11 (former number GRE/V/E6)    1891-1892
Scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, on profit sharing in agriculture and profit sharing generally. Inserted loose at the back are a few original letters on the subject and also some miscellaneous press cuttings.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE12 (former number GRE/V/E8)    1898-1899
Scrapbook, mainly of newspaper cuttings on Co-operation. Includes a few original letters. There are some cuttings on other subjects, particularly education in the Northeast.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE13    [1865-1917]
Notebook containing press cuttings, mainly on the Congress of Berlin and the Eastern Question.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE14    1877-1878
Press cuttings and manuscript notes by 4th Earl Grey on the Eastern Question.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE15    1878-1879
Book containing press cuttings on Russia, mainly revolutionary movements and government repression.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE16 (former number GRE/V/E9)    c. 1841-1904 (predominantly 1881-1904)
Scrapbook of newspaper cuttings and many original documents concerning the Howick estate and local matters and events. Includes an election address by Lord Howick of 1841.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE17    c. 1893
Notebook containing press cuttings on Ireland – Home Rule Bill, etc. Also copy of pamphlet Letters …. To the Newcastle Press by members of the Gladstonian Deputation which visited Belfast and others (1893). Circular letter from 4th Earl Grey, on proposal to send 1,000 unionists from Northumberland and Durham to Belfast, 7th March, 1893. Also 2 original letters, one from Goschen to Grey, 8th April, 1893.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE18    [1865-1917]
Book containing press cuttings and notes by 4th Earl Grey. Mainly political.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE19    1845
Book of press cuttings on the death of 2nd Earl Grey. Includes long accounts of his career.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE20    1884
Scrap book of press cuttings on Franchise Bill, proportional representation, university extension. Includes an appraisal of 4th Earl Grey’s political career up to 1884.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE21 (former number GRE/V/E2)    1878-1879
Scrapbook, mainly of newspaper cuttings on the South Northumberland election, 1878, and local politics, 1879. Includes some original letters and other election material. Also pages from the Primitive Methodist, 20 February, 1879.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE22    1880
Volume of press cuttings, mainly concerning the 1880 election for South Northumberland, in which Albert Grey was a candidate. Also contains cuttings on debates in Parliament, etc.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE23 (former number GRE/V/E4)    1880-1882
Scrapbook, mainly of newspaper cuttings on the South Northumberland election, 1880, but also on other subjects up to 1882. Includes a number of original documents on the South Northumberland election of 1880 and on Grey’s maiden speech and other speeches. Among other original letters are one from Gladstone, two from George Birdwood, one from 3rd Earl Grey, and one from the Bishop of Durham.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE24 (former number GRE/V/E5)    1880-1886
Scrapbook, mainly of newspaper cuttings concerning the North and South Northumberland elections 1880, and local politics up to 1886; also Ireland; Gordon and the Sudan; women’s’ suffrage; proportional representation. Includes a few original documents, mostly correspondence between Grey and Beaumont, 1880. Inserted loose is a file of cuttings, mainly reviews of Grey’s memoir on Hubert Hervey, 1899, and reports of Grey’s speeches on South Africa.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE25    1884-1885
Scrap book of press cuttings on redistribution and proportional representation.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE26    1884-1885
Scrap book of press cuttings on proportional representation especially 4th Earl Grey’s campaign in the north of England in favour of proportional representation.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE27    1885
Scrap book of press cuttings on proportional representation and redistribution including the Northumberland test election.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE28 (former number GRE/V/E1)    1875-1877
Volume of newspaper cuttings on miscellaneous subjects, mainly 1875-7, with index.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE29    1878
Book of press cuttings on various subjects, also some notes by 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE30    1878-1879
Exercise book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey and many press cuttings on various subjects. Mainly 1878-79.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE31    1878-1879
Book of cartoons taken from Punch.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE32    1879
Book of press cuttings, mainly 1879.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE33    1883-1884
Scrapbook of miscellaneous press cuttings.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE34    c. 1887
Volume of press cuttings on the Jubilee celebrations of 1887 and cuttings from a facsimile edition of The Times, 29th June 1838, recording Queen Victoria’s coronation.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE35    1889-1901
Scrap book containing newspaper cuttings, photographs, memorabilia, memorial notices and sketches.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE36    1884; 1892
Miscellaneous press cuttings, some on the weighing of cattle, 1892, others on redistribution, 1884. Some calculations by 4th Earl Grey.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE37    c. 1897
Volume of press cuttings – nearly all cartoons by Sir Francis Carruthers Gould, mainly on the Committee of Inquiry into the Jameson Raid but including the Education Bill, 1897, Irish and international affairs.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE38    1898-c. 1904
Scrap book containing press cuttings, memorial notices, satires, sketches, miscellaneous notes, greetings cards, letters, accounts, photographs, coronation verse for Edward VII, family tree, magazine articles and sermons.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EE39    1902
Volume of press cuttings on the coronation of Edward VII.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EF   1901-1910; [1865-1917]
Letter registers and address books.
3 volumes 
GRE/V/EF1    January- March 1901
“Outward Letter Reference Book”, kept by 4th Earl Grey’s secretary, January-March, 1901.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EF2    April 1907-May 1910
Register of outgoing letters kept by 4th Earl Grey’s secretary.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EF3    [1865-1917]
Address book [4th Earl Grey’s].
1 volume 
GRE/V/EH   [1865-1917]
Transcripts and summaries of material from the Earl Grey Papers.
2 volumes 
GRE/V/EH1    [1865-1917]
Notes by 4th Earl Grey on some of 1st Earl Grey’s papers, especially those relating to the West Indian expedition of 1794.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EH2    [1865-1917]
Summaries/extracts by 4th Earl Grey of letters from various members of the family, c. 1839-1862.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EI   1902-1911
Lists of the Earl Grey Papers.
2 volumes 
GRE/V/EI1    1902
Book containing list of papers of 2nd Earl Grey and particulars of typescript copies of Earl Grey papers, compiled in 1902.
1 volume 
GRE/V/EI2    1911
Book containing list of the Earl Grey Papers.
1 volume