1937 Feb 5-Sep; 1938 Aug 2-Dec 7
Diary written in two parts. The first part (5 Feb-Sep 1937) was written during the last two terms of Monteith's third year studying at Oxford before he returned there for a year to study colonial administration after gaining entry into the Sudan
Political Service. It includes commentary on such issues as his university studies, sports, friends, social events, and the Bullingdon Club. It also includes some descriptive commentary on his flying practice with the Oxford University Air Squadron
during term time and later at an OUAS camp at Ford, Arundel (4-17 Jul) – during which Monteith makes very brief mention of his observation of Alan Cobham's “refuelling-in-the-air experiments” (6 Jul). Monteith gives
descriptive commentary on his visits home to Fife between terms and following his final examinations, with details of family, friends, social events and sports. Towards the end of the first part of the diary Monteith records a trip to America with
friends (11 Aug -Sep). He describes the voyage there, and meetings with the ballet dancer and actress, Katharine Sergava, aboard the SS
Aquitania, along with various places visited, mainly around California (San
Francisco, Yosemite, Monterey, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles), but also including: Santa Fe, New Mexico; Denver; Chicago; Atlanta, Georgia; Washington; and New York. Throughout the first part of the diary Monteith occasionally mentions his future
prospects including applications and interviews for the Indian Colonial Service and the Sudan Political Service. For example, he briefly weighs up the benefits of the ICS over the SPS (20 Jul), discusses his viva for entry into the ICS (26 Jul), and
his interview for the SPS and offer of a place (6 Aug).
The second part of the diary (2 Aug-7 Dec 1938) was begun after Monteith's last year of study at Oxford as he first set out for the Sudan. It begins with a retrospective account of his year studying colonial administration (2 Aug) with commentary
on his studies, friends, and social events, along with a brief account of another OUAS camp at Ford, Arundel (2 Aug). He also recounts his return home to Fife, his preparations for leaving and his departure to the Sudan (2 Aug). From then on
Monteith begins his diary again detailing his journey to the Sudan, with a description of the voyage from Liverpool to Port Sudan (2-28 Aug) – which includes comments on life on board, social events, friends and fellow passengers, along with an
account of an eventful stop in Marseilles (21 Aug), and an account of a stop in Port Said with descriptions of the town (25 Aug). Monteith describes his arrival in Port Sudan and journey by train to Khartoum (28-29 Aug) with comments on his
impressions of Port Sudan (28 Aug). He describes his first days in Khartoum (29 Aug-3 Sep) with particular details regarding: his impressions of the city and the Sudan as a whole, sightseeing, meetings with various officials, various formalities to
complete as part of his induction, introductions to his new Sudanese staff, buying new clothes and equipment, and various sporting and social activities. From there on Monteith travelled to Sinkat, Kassala Province, where he was based for almost two
months as Assistant District Commissioner. The diary gives details of life here, as well as Monteith's job as Assistant District Commissioner and the increasing threat of war. Specific details include: his arrival in, and first impressions of,
Sinkat (15 Sep); his new responsibilities and his opinions regarding his new job (15-21 Sep); his impressions of the other officials in Sinkat (15-21 Sep); a meeting with F.S. Lees-Spalding, Chief Accountant, Sudan Railways Department (22 Sep); and
a meeting with a holy man from Eritrea (24 Sep). Monteith then travelled to and stayed in Kassala for about two weeks before moving to Ed Dueim on transfer to the White Nile Province. Monteith describes his journey to Kassala and his time there and
gives his impressions of the town and the various officials (both government and military) he comes into contact with (30 Oct-13 Nov). He then describes his week long journey to Ed Dueim with a two day stop in Khartoum (19 Nov). The remainder of the
diary concerns Monteith's life in White Nile Province, his social life and his responsibilities in connection with his role as Assistant District Commissioner. Details include: his arrival in and first impressions of Ed Dueim (24 Nov); his opinions
on the various other officials in Ed Dueim (24 Nov); celebrations for the
Eid festival (24 Nov); his house (2 Dec); and part of an inspection tour including a trip to El Kawa [to relocate the town away from rising Nile
waters] (2 Dec), a visit to Abdel Magid (5 Dec), a visit to Geteina where Monteith was present at a magisterial enquiry investigating a fight between local Sudanese men (6 Dec), and a visit to Jabal Aulia (7 Dec)
Digitised material for Sudan Archive - Monteith Papers - SAD.D1 - Diary 1937-38