Hugh of Saint-Cher, Postillae on the Gospels, one of the books given to Durham Priory by Bertram of Middleton before 1266.
Modern foliation 2-184, 184*-291, 293-345
flyleaf, I8, II7 (= 8 lacks leaf 6, after f.14), III-IV8, V-XIX10, XX9 (= 10 lacks leaf 4 after f.185); XXI-XXIII10, XXIV11 (= 12 with leaf 12 [after f.232], blank, cancelled); XXV-XXXV10, 2 endleaves.
2 columns, 64 lines
Written in textualis libraria, possibly by a single hand. (e) written in Anglicanaand (f) in a hybrid cursive.
7-line high initials at head of each section (a)-(d).
13th century marginal commentary added in lead by an annotating hand that also draws little beast-heads and which reappears in DCL MS A.I.13 and DCL MS A.I.16.
Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century)
Written in France, mid 13th century (before 1266).
According to the list of books added to the common library to replace those sent to Oxford (14th century) Postillae hugonis de Vienna super quatuor evangelia ex procuracione Bertrami de Middleton prioris dunelmensis .... Bertram of Middleton, monk of Durham 1210s - May 1266, prior 1244-58, who also gave DCL MSS A.I.12, ?A.I.13, A.I.16 and A.III.21.
Inscription: F Hugo de Vienna cardinalis hostiensis postillator super iiijor Euangelia De communi libraria Monachorum Dunelmie, early 15th century f.2r, top. ‘... Wyllelme Seton ecclesie cathedralis Dunelm'’, mid 15th century, erased inscription f.1v, bottom (William Seton, monk of Durham 1428-1465).
Pressmarks: .F., 14th century; F; 1a Secundi D, 15th century, fol.2r, top right.
Some marginalia copied by the original scribe.
Some marginalia copied by the original scribe
Marginalia by the original scribe
Incomplete, presumably completed on a subsequent page which was removed when (f) was inserted, the present entries being left because they share their leaf with the end of (d).
Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss. , Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).