DCL MS. B.II.19Augustine, Selected works
Held by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts

Augustine, Selected works, one of the books given to Durham Priory Library by Robert Greystones, monk of Durham.

Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t2mmp48sc81d.html

Physical description of manuscript


Extent: ii+212+i f
Size: 330 mm x 210 mm


Modern pencil foliation of medieval leaves: 2-213.

Secundo folio: nisi oculis mundis

I-XVII12, XVIII8 (= 12 with leaves 9-12 [probably blank] cancelled)

Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords.
Signatures: Leaf numbering in lead (lower margin in the gutter) through the first half of every quire.

37 lines in 2 columns


Written in Textualis libraria, possibly a single hand. Very close in style to DCL MS B.II.20 DCL MS A.I.2 DCL MS B.II.28 and DUL Cosin MS V.i.8.


A decorated or historiated initial, 5 or more lines high, heads each main text (items (a)-(j), (l) and (m)) and Book II of item (a). Three of the initials are historiated. That for item (a), 7 lines high, features a standing figure with cross-nimbed halo who is addressing six or more seated figures (the sermon on the mount). That for item (b), 5 lines high, contains a seated bishop, with an open book, addressing five clerics. That for (g) shows a seated bishop addressing two standing figures (Augustine and Orosius plus another).


Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century)

Manuscript history

Written in Oxford, England, early 14th century (before 1333).


Inscription: Liber sancti Cuthberti de Dunelm’ ex procuracione fratris Roberti de Graystan and list of contents, early 14th century, f.213r (immediately after the end of (m), registering items (a)-(k) and (m) - the same items as in the Cloister catalogue but with variations in the wording. Same format as inscriptions in other Graystones books. Robert Graystones, monk of Durham and author c.1304-1333 x 1334.
Annotated by Thomas Lund, monk of Durham c.1309-1349 x 1350 (e.g. f.42v).
Pressmarks: .H., later 14th century, H, 14th/15th century, f.2r, top left and outer margin. 1a 3i I, 15th century, f.2r, top right.
In Cloister catalogue.

Manuscript contents
(a)     f.2r-38r
Original title: De sermone Domini in monte
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Sermonem quem locutus est dominus
Explicit: si volumus edificari super petram
Rubric: De sermone domini in monte
Language: Latin
(b)     f.38r-52v
Original title: De singularitate clericorum
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: Miseram quidem vobis ante tempus epistolam filii karissimi que omnium morum instituta de lege commendans summatim omnia contineret
Explicit: Hec agite et deus pacis et dilectionis erit vobiscum. Amen
Rubric: Incipit liber aurelii augustini de singularitate clericorum
Language: Latin
(c)     f.52v-91v
Original title: In epistolam Iohannis ad Parthos
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Meminit sanctitas vestra evangelium secundum Iohannem ex ordine lectionum nos solere tractare
Explicit: quam tu credas christo predicanti
Language: Latin
(d)     f.91v-114v
Original title: De quantitate animae
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Quoniam video te habundare otio queso ut mihi respondeas de hiis que me movent
Explicit: non modo tempus propter tuas occupationes, sed etiam meipsum opportuniorem observabo
Rubric: Incipit liber aurelii augustini doctoris de quantitate anime. Interrogationibus a deodati et responsionibus augustini editus
Language: Latin

An earlier copy of the same text in DCL MS B.IV.12 , f.121v-147r, subdivides the text in exactly the same way and has the same initial rubric, though a slightly different concluding rubric.

(e)     f.114v-122v
Original title: De praesentia Dei
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Fateor me frater dilectissime dardane
Explicit: eadem scilicet sinceritatis dilectionis mihi optans medicinam qua concedis et veniam
Rubric: Incipit liber aurelii augustini doctoris de presentia dei. Prefatio
Language: Latin

An earlier copy of the text in DCL MS B.IV.12, f.147-55r has a slightly different initial rubric, an identical concluding rubric, and the main texts shares features.

(f)     f.122v-137v
Original title: De Genesi ad litteram
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Ab exordio scripture sancte que inscribitur genesis donec homo primus dimissus est de paradiso
Explicit: Sed iam universum hoc opus quod duodecim voluminibus continetur isto tandem fine concludimus
Rubric: Incipit questio de paradiso augustini doctoris
Language: Latin

The earlier copy of the same text in DCL MS B.IV.12, f.155r-172v has a different initial rubric, and concluding rubrics that do not appear in the present manuscript (possibly because of a lack of space). However the present MS does include within its text some of the interlinear alternatives found in DCL MS B.IV.12.

(g)     f.138r-148v
Original title: Dialogus quaestionum LXV Orosii percontantis et Augustini respondentis
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: Licet multi et probatissimi viri diverso quidem stilo
Explicit: Sciat se non esse episcopum qui preesse desiderat non prodesse
Rubric: Incipit interrogaciones Orosii et Responsiones Augustini
Language: Latin

An earlier copy of the same text appears in DCL MS B.IV.12

(h)     f.148v-156v
Original title: De cura pro mortuis gerenda
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Diu sanctitati tue episcope venerande pauline rescriptorum debitor fui
Explicit: profecto interrogationi tue mea responsio defuisset
Rubric: Augustinus de cura pro mortuis agenda ad paulinum episcopum
Language: Latin
(i)     f.156v-169r
Original title: De videndo deo
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Memor debita quod ex tua petitione et mea promissione factum est
Explicit: opere alio experiemur quid disputare valeamus et cetera
Rubric: Hic incipit liber de videndo deo
Language: Latin
(j)     f.169r-182v
Original title: De mirabilibus sacrae scripturae
Author: Augustinus Hibernicus
Incipit: Omnium mirabilium velud principale fundamentum deus instituit quando omnes creaturas quas condidit
Explicit: et ceteri huius exemplo castigarentur
Rubric: Augustinus de mirabilibus divine scripture
Language: Latin
(k)     f.182v
Original title: Retractiones
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Liber contra epistola manichei quam vocant fundamenti
Explicit: unum deum verum omnipotentem
Rubric: Sententia ex libro tractationum sancti Augustini
Language: Latin
(l)     f.182v-197v
Original title: Contra epistolam fundamenti Manicheorum
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: Unum verum deum omnipotentem ex quo omnia
Explicit: in ceteris cetera eius deliramenta deo permittente atque adiuvante arguantur
Rubric: Incipit liber contra epistolam manichaei quam vocant fundamenti
Language: Latin
(m)     f.197v-213r
Original title: De moribus ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Incipit: In aliis libris satis opinor egisse nos quemadmodum manicheorum invectionibus
Explicit: vite vestre moresque memorabiles aliquando veniamus
Rubric: Aurelii augustini, yponensis ecclesie epsicopi magni doctoris. Liber primus incipit de moribus ecclesie etc.
Language: Latin

Microfilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.

Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS. B.II.19 - Selected works of St Augustine
Digitised October 2017 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated Project. Pages with marginalia not visible in the image because they are too far into the gutter: Recto: 13r, 16r, 17r, 20r, 22r, 24r – 31r, 33r, 37r – 38r, 53r, 57r, 68r, 67r, 102r, 146r, 151r, 171r, 176r – 179r. Verso: 6v, 7v, 27v, 32v, 35v, 61v, 123v, 150v, 154v, 155v, 167v, 169v. There are two additional images:f.1r and v on light sheet


Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.   OCLC citation, Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).

Index terms