Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Records: Court and miscellaneous books
Contents and arrangement
Related material (internal)
Related material (elsewhere)


Reference code: GB-0033-DHC1
Title: Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Records: Court and miscellaneous books
Dates of creation: predominantly 16th - 20th century, with copies of earlier material
Extent: 39 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: records of the Halmote Court, which administered the copyhold land and the tenants thereof belonging to the Bishopric of Durham, located mainly in Co. Durham but also in Northumberland and Yorkshire between about 1500 and 1952 when the the Court's office was finally closed.
Language: English; Latin.

Further information on the Bishopric Halmote Court and its records is included within the collection level description.
The work of the Halmote Court was mainly in transferring copyhold property from tenant by means of surrender and admittance. These transactions appear in the Halmote Court Books, and the original surrenders and the enrolments in the Court Books form the bulk of the Halmote Court Records. The majority of enquiries are either about copyhold tenements, necessitating the use of the Halmote Court Books (listed here), or about inclosure awards (listed under DHC 6).

Contents and arrangement

The Halmote Court books have been arranged as follows.
DHC 1/I-III: Court books, 1519-1925. 302 vols
From 1519-1720 (DHC 1/I) the court proceedings for most manors were enrolled roughly chronologically as the court went round the estates, in a single court book. From 1720-1925 most proceedings (DHC 1/II) were enrolled topographically under divisions (Auckland, Chester-le-Street, Darlington, Easington, Houghton-le-Spring, Lanchester, Stockton and Wolsingham), each division having a separate court book. Each division encompassed several townships, some a considerable distance from the one after which the division was named. From various dates, however, certain manors had their own individual court books (DHC 1/III) - Bedlington (the only manor north of the Tyne where the bishop held a halmote court) from 1721, Evenwood from 1909, Gateshead from 1703, Middleham from 1909 and Whickham from 1585. The latter series of court books also covers Bishop Wearmouth Rectory from 1579: this had not belonged to the bishop of Durham, but was administered by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners from the Durham office.
DHC 1/IV: Stewards minute books, 1682-1819. 21 vols
These minute books were used at halmote court meetings on circuit (with headings prepared in advance and alterations and additions made on the day), and also later in compiling the formal enrolments of proceedings there in the Halmote Court rolls. They record details of the dates, places and holders of halmote courts, the juries for presentments and actions (usually the same), the names of greeves and collectors, proclamations (calling for heirs to prove their title to holdings, and naming trustees), actions between tenants, and miscellaneous other non-standardised information. They do not, however, contain drafts of surrenders or admissions (except for rare notes). By the period they cover many copyhold land transactions were complicated, and were more conveniently arranged out of court in the office of the steward or his deputy.
DHC 1/V: Call books, mid 17th century - ca. 1891. 131 vols
These provide a key from call numbers (used from around the mid-18th century to identify particular plots of copyhold land) to transactions in the court rolls relating to a particular call or plot. For annotated maps on which call numbers can be located topographically see DHC 11/I and III. The earlier call books, prior to about 1760, generally contain little more than lists of tenants names, with, when a property changed hands, the name of the former tenant crossed out and that of the new tenant substituted; marks in the margins sometimes provide a key (usable with some difficulties) to help locate entries for related transactions in the court books.
DHC 1/VI: Rental registers for the four Co. Durham wards (Chester, Darlington, Easington and Stockton), 1804-1857. 84 vols
These continue the rentals in DHC 4. The series for Easington and Stockton is combined.
DHC 1/VII: Index and alphabet books, 1579-1925. 18 vols
An alphabetical means of reference to the names of people surrendering and being admitted in the court rolls of corresponding date; usable with some difficulties
DHC 1/VIII: Registers of post-1925 transactions (mortgages, conveyances, releases, etc.). 16 vols
DHC 1/M: Miscellaneous books, 16th-20th century. 97 vols
DHC 1/M 1-8a: Registered copies of inclosure awards; (for other inclosure material see DHC 6)
DHC 1/M 9-17: Notitia books of plans and surveys concerning leasehold land; these tie in with Notitia in the Durham Bishopric Estates, Church Commission deposit (CCB)
DHC 1/M 18-28: Copies of tithe awards and apportionments
DHC 1/M 29-37: Halmote Court office ledgers, 1927-1939
DHC 1/M 38-44: Material concerning compensation on enfranchisement (i.e. conversion of plots to freehold), 1929-1937
DHC 1/M 45-50: Rentals for wards 1882, and various rentals 1856-1927
DHC 1/M 51-62: Cash books and account books, 1785-1935
DHC 1/M 63-96: Miscellaneous volumes, including rentals, surveys, inquisitions post mortem, inventories of many sorts, charters, presentments, inclosure awards, letter-books, enfranchisements, plans and valuations etc. (sometimes original, sometimes copies), 16th-20th century

Custodial history

Some numbers (five or six figure, normally in brackets) were given to the documents when registered in the accession registers of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England (now the Church Commission). Where no such numbers appear the documents were never so registered.

Related material (internal)

Mickleton and Spearman MS. 96 Item 2 is a series of alphabetical indexes to the Halmote Court books at different periods. One is temp. Bishop Skirlaw, another Wolsey, but most are Elizabeth I.
The Skirlaw part does not relate to HC Bk. Durh. 3/13 which has contemporary foliation. Most of these indices are to Durham Chancery Rolls in the PRO, where entries are often numbered. The HC indices in M&S 96/2 ff. 30-71v appear to be as PRO index 10151. Most Durham HC Bks have no contemporary pagination and are unindexed pre c.1584.

Related material (elsewhere)

The National Archives (TNA), London Halmote Court Books 1348-1522
Durham holds microfilm copies of these, reference XM/film Palatinate 3, as follows:
Film 1: 1348-1362, 4-17 Pont. Thos. Hatfield, 308ff. (TNA ref: Durh 3/12)
Film 2: 1388-1405 : 1-17 Pont. Walter Skirlawe, 494ff. (TNA ref: Durh 3/13)
Film 3: 1405-1425 : 18 Pont. Skirlawe - 18 Pont. Thos. Langley, 1346 pp. (TNA ref: Durh 3/14)
Film 4:
1438-1454 : 1-17 Pont. Robert Neville, 806pp. (TNA ref: Durh 3/15)
1493-1501 : sede vac. 9 Henry VII - 7 Pont. Richard Fox, 196ff. (TNA ref: Durh 3/19)
Film 5:
1457-1476 : sede vac. 36 Henry VI - 19 Pont. Laurence Booth, 312ff. (TNA ref: Durh 3/16)
Film 6:
1476-1483 : 1-8 Pont. William Dudley, 117ff. (TNA ref: Durh 3/17)
Film 7:
1484-1493sede vac. 1 Richard III - 10 Pont. John Sherwood, 178ff. (TNA ref: Durh 3/18)
Film 8:
1502-1507 : sede vac. 17 Henry VII - sede vac. 22 Henry VII (includes Pont. Will. Senhouse) (TNA ref: Durh 3/20)
1507-1522 : sede vac. 23 Henry VII - 14 Pont. Thos. Ruthall (includes Pont. Chris. Bainbridge) (TNA ref: Durh 3/21)
After 1522 the series at the TNA continues, while those held at Durham begin c.1517. Both series contain gaps.
TNA Index and Alphabet Books 10151 contains:
ff. 41-59: Halmote Court Alphabets 1559-76 and 1577-87 (Durh 3/24)
ff. 59-74: Halmote Court Alphabets 1530-59 (Durh 3/23)
ff. 75-77: Halmote Court Alphabets 1523-9 (Durh 3/22)
It is not clear whether these relate to the TNA or Durham series, or both.
Tyne and Wear Archives MN/GA(2091) Gateshead Manorial Court Book, jurors and presentments, 16 April 1751 - 30 September 1774.


Halmote Court books (DHC 1/I-III)
All queries about copyhold tenements are best answered from the Halmote Court Books and not from the original surrenders, many of which are either lost or so badly preserved as to be impossible to consult. Up to 1720 the method of enrolling is chronological (DHC 1/I). After 1720 each division has its own series of court books going up to 1925 when copyhold tenure was abolished and the Court began to wind up its business by drawing up compensation agreements turning copyholds into freeholds (DHC 1/II). Each copyhold tenant has what is known as a "call number", usually abbreviated to, for example, "c.94" and on each transfer of property an entry was made in the appropriate Call Book. (Call Books are listed with Miscellaneous Books). Theoretically, the history of a copyhold tenement ought to be traceable back to the 17th century but this would certainly be extremely difficult and time consuming . The expansion of, for example, Sunderland and Stockton in the late 19th and early 20th centuries led to a multiplicity of calls as large tenements were split up.
Tracing entries for particular individuals and families: From 1720 each volume has an index of persons surrendering and persons admitted. For volumes up to 1720 see the index and alphabet books in DHC 1/VII.
Tracing entries for particular townships: From 1522-1720 each volume of the court books has an index of townships. A key to the division under which a township is enrolled from 1720 is appended to the guide “How to trace the history of property once part of the Durham bishopric estates”. A card index, compiled by Dr. Ritchie in the 1960's, is also available, covering certain townships.
Tracing entries for particular holdings: From about the middle of the 18th century the bishop's officials introduced a system of call numbers to identify particular plots of copyhold land; see DHC 1/V (Call books) and DHC 11/I and III (annotated maps: 6" maps have been digitised and are available online). Prior to 1720 see the alphabet books in DHC 1/VII. Where the parties to the first surrender after 1720 can be traced from the later records, it may be possible using the name of the surrenderer to work backwards into the pre-1720 alphabet books. From the mid-19th century maps of individual holdings were also entered in the court books; an interactive map finding aid to such court book entries with their associated maps is also available online
These Court Rolls or Court Books of the Durham Halmote Court fall into three groups of dates, 1519-1720 (DHC 1/I), 1720-1925 (DHC 1/II) and 1579-1925 (DHC 1/III). These groups are the result of a change in administrative procedure in 1720. Before 1720 the Halmote (Manorial) Court proceedings for the most of the Bishop of Durham's manors were contained in one series of Court Books (indexed by place name), arranged chronologically and topographically as the peripatetic court visited the episcopal manors regularly holding a series of head counts dealing with the group of townships within each manor. This became cumbersome and in 1720 the manors were arranged in eight divisions (of one manor or two), each division having its own series of Court Books indexed by tenants' names. However some manors were given their own series of Court Books at dates other than 1720 and those from the third group 1579-1925.
The land transactions were written in latin until 1733 (except in the Commonwealth) but even before then, not all the other business of the courts was recorded in latin. The Durham Halmote Court archive is possibly the largest in England.

DHC 1/I: Halmote Court Books (all divisions)
Dates of creation: 1519-1720 Before 1720 places at which head counts were most usually held were Auckland, Bedlington, Bishop Middleham, Chester-le-Street, Darlington, Easington, Evenwood, Houghton-le-Spring, Lanchester, Stockton and Wolsingham.
Sir Thos. Tempest, patent 3 September 1524. (CCB 205/244306)
Robt. Meynell, patent 12 March 1546/7. (CCB 205/244310)

The books are individually indexed according to place.
An MS. index to this section was created in the 1950's by Dr Ritchie, listing location, date and steward of each court.
For names of persons see the index and alphabet books.
Nos. 26 - 31 have no contemporary or near contemporary foliation.

DHC1/I/1   6 October 1519 - 4 May 1521
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   45ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 6 October 1519 - 4 May 1521 - DHC1/I/1
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/1a   April 1517
Fragment from court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book fragment, 1517 - DHC1/I/1a
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/2   11 March 1522 - 10 July 1522
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   25ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book, 11 March 1522 - 10 July 1522 - DHC1/I/2
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/3   17 October 1524 - 29 October 1524
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   29ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book, 17 October 1524 - 29 October 1524 - DHC1/I/3
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/4   23 April 1526 - 27 October 1528
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   69ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book, 23 April 1526 - 27 October 1528 - DHC1/I/4
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/5   3 May 1530 - 12 May 1530
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   21ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book, 3 May 1530 - 12 May 1530 - DHC1/I/5
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/6   31 May 1531 - 19 October 1532
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Where they survive, indexes are provided within the volume by place. Endorsed "Curia Halmot Domini Cuthberti Episcopi Dunelmensis de Anno Primo, Secundo, Tertio etc." in a contemporary hand.
Paper   98ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book, 31 May 1531 - 19 October 1532 - DHC1/I/6
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/7   19 May 1533 - 9 October 1534
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   91ff.
Binding: front cover is formed of a folio of a medieval manuscript (probably fourteenth century) with an ecclesiastical court form included as part of the binding
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 19 May 1533 - 9 October 1534 - DHC1/I/7
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/8   19 April 1535 - 27 May 1535
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   23ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 19 April 1535 - 27 May 1535 - DHC1/I/8
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/9   10 October 1536 - 2 May 1538
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Where they survive, indexes are provided within the volume by place. Additional section, 5 May 1544 - 16 May 1544 (f.62-85) - this last quire may have become attached to the wrong book.
Paper   85ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 10 October 1536 - 2 May 1538; 5 May 1544 - 16 May 1544 - DHC1/I/9
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/10   13 March 1537 - 22 March 1537
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    25ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 13 March 1537 - 22 March 1537 - DHC1/I/10
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/11   26 April 1540 - 14 May 1540
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    45ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 26 April 1540 - 14 May 1540 - DHC1/I/11
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/12   10 June 1541 - 26 November 1541
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
50 ff. (contemporary foliation from 88 - 138) 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 10 June 1541 - 26 November 1541 - DHC1/I/12
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/13   22 May 1542 - 10 June 1542
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
30 ff. (contemporary foliation from 139 - 169) 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 22 May 1542 - 10 June 1542 - DHC1/I/13
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/14   12 December 1542 - 30 January 1543
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    22ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 12 December 1542 - 30 January 1543 - DHC1/I/14
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/15   9 April 1543 - 7 July 1543
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    25ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 9 April 1543 - 7 July 1543 - DHC1/I/15
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/16   16 October 1543 - 27 October 1543
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    26ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 16 October 1543 - 27 October 1543 - DHC1/I/16
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/17   21 April 1545 - 30 November 1545
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    46ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 21 April 1545 - 30 November 1545 - DHC1/I/17
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/18   12 July 1547 - 4? December 1547
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    22ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 12 July 1547 - 4? December 1547 - DHC1/I/18
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/19   1 May 1548 - 16 June 1553
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    200ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 1 May 1548 - 16 June 1553 - DHC1/I/19
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/19a   26 September 1549
Fragment from Durham Bishopric Halmote Court, covering Cassop and Easington. The month of the year is doubtful. The letters "bris" are illegible with what could be a minim preceding them. Halmote Court Book 20 begins in May 1549 and ends in July 1549. There are entries for Cassop and Easington in the July courts, but there was only one admission, at Easington. Halmote Court Book 19, several booklets bound together, runs from May 1548 - June 1553 and folios 52 - 75 covers 9 October 1549 - 4 February 1550. (The previous booklet deals with the previous year of Tunstall's pontificate.) This October - February booklet appears to be complete, the binding is firm, no folios appear to be missing, the probably contemporary folio numbers are a complete series and entries for Cassop and Easington are not missing. This folio must therefore belong to the month of September. The length of the word fits the space also. The line of the margin where the word must begin must be well to the left, as the word below it, before "Epi" is bound to be "Dunelm". The places mentioned are Easington and Cassop - the heading only partly legible, but the village of Easington is mentioned in the entries. The jurors of the other places match these for Cassop in July and November 1549.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book fragment, 26 September 1549 - DHC1/I/19a
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/20   7 May 1549 - 11 July 1549
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    21ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 7 May 1549 - 11 July 1549 - DHC1/I/20
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/20a   Summer 1551
Fragment, found in Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book 18 and appears, from the discolouration, to be part of the front page of the Halmote Court book. The first entry mentions the date, the [Inven]tion of the Holy Cross next following. The second entry mentions a tenure from the Invention of the Holy Cross --1551, (August 5th). The date of this session of the Halmote Court is therefore very probably the summer of 1551. The place cannot be identified from the names of the jury, as only part of the name appears on this fragment "-icson". There are mentions of two legible holdings - one each in the first and last entries. The first is "-oupburn" or -hopeburn. The halmote court area richest in names with this ending is the Wolsingham-Stanhope area. The name of Emerson, mentioned in this entry, is also very common in this area. The other identifiable tenement is "Wysell" in the last entry, mentioned as once belonging to Christopher Merley. The only similar name in this area (according to Mawer) is Wiserley near Wolsingham, mentioned as "Wyshill" in Hatfield's survey. One Christopher Merley certainly had copyhold interests in Wolsingham at this time as appears in Halmote Court Books 17 and 19, ff. 39 and 47v. Respectively. (Merley had interests also in Bishop Auckland and Evenwood.) The second entry mentions Gabriel and Agnes Anderson as belonging to Berwick. The Bishop had no copyhold land in that area and as the Andersons had interests also in Bondgate in Auckland, (Halmote Court Book 18, f22v. 1547) the mention of Berwick is misleading. The third entry ends with the phrase "per plegium Alexandri Dicson et Christophori Blirt[horne]." In all the cases checked the men who give pledge, in this context, as to what are the services attached to a tenure, they are members of the jury for that session of the court. These two appear in Wolsingham jury solidly in every halmote court session in the court books in this department from May 1544 to November 1551 and one or other of them in many sessions before and after. It is probably part of Dicsons name which is the first word on this fragment. The Halmote Courts held in April and May 1551 did not visit the Weardale area (Halmote Court Book 19, f.100-121). The next court held in the Wolsingham area was in November too late for the dates mentioned in this fragment. It is virtually certain, therefore, that this entry refers to Wolsingham in summer of 1551.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book fragment, Summer 1551 - DHC1/I/20a
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/21   16 January 1553 - 10 October 1554
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    88ff.
Binding: bound in two folios of a medieval manscript (15th century), an index or digest on ecclesiastical law and procedure.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 16 January 1553 - 10 October 1554 - DHC1/I/21
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/22   15 May 1555 - 26 June 1555
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    28ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 15 May 1555 - 26 June 1555 - DHC1/I/22
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/23   23 September 1555 - 13 November 1555
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    33ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 23 September 1555 - 13 November 1555 - DHC1/I/23
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/24   15 September 1556 - 14 October 1556
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    27ff.
Binding: bound in two folios of a 15th century medieval manuscript, mainly dealing with sin.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 15 September 1556 - 14 October 1556 - DHC1/I/24
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/25   5 May 1557 - 17 June 1558
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    120ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 5 May 1557 - 17 June 1558 - DHC1/I/25
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/26   27 September 1558 - 17 October 1558
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    40ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 27 September 1558 - 17 October 1558 - DHC1/I/26
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/27   17 April 1559 - 10 May 1559
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    50ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 17 April 1559 - 10 May 1559 - DHC1/I/27
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/28   27 September 1559 - 3 November 1559
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    48ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 27 September 1559 - 3 November 1559 - DHC1/I/28
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/29   30 April 1560 - 28 October 1560
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    93ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 30 April 1560 - 28 October 1560 - DHC1/I/29
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/30   September 1561 - 13 May 1565
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    318ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book, September 1561 - 13 May 1565 - DHC1/I/30
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/31   23 October 1565 - 15 October 1568
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    270ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 23 October 1565 - 15 October 1568 - DHC1/I/31
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/32   22 April 1569 - 22 October 1571
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    185ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 22 April 1569 - 22 October 1571 - DHC1/I/32
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/33   27 April 1572 - 29 September 1574
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    162ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/34   7 April 1575 - 17 October 1578
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    279ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/34a   Summer/Autumn 1579
Fragment from a court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. There are two dates mentioned in the fragment. The most obvious is that of the audit of 26 November 1579. The other appears under the presentments for Bondgate in Auckland, mentioning the illegal demise of land by Richard Archerawe from Michaelmas II Elizabeth, 1569. The book must therefore have been compiled between about Michaelmas 1569 at the earliest and November 1579 at the latest. The auditor's date is a useful one. In Halmote Court Book 35 transactions in October and November 1580 were audited in November 1580. In Halmote Court Book 34 transactions in April, May and October 1578 were audited in November 1578. This suggests that transactions audited 1579 took place in 1579, but auditors dates of 1582 and 1583 in Book 35 show that auditing was not necessarily done promptly. There is another piece of evidence to suggest 1579. In Book 34 f.251v., October 1578, there appears in the list of those taking the oath of loyalty, in Bondgate Darlington, to the new Bishop Barnes, the name of Laurence Lockwood. In this fragment appears the first proclamation that his heirs should claim their inheritance. In Book 35 f.12v. Isabella, his widow was admitted on 25 October 2 Elizabeth, 1580. Lockwood's will (Register V f.94v.) was made on 9 July 1579 and proved on 23 December 1579. The sessions of the Halmote Court recorded on this sheet must therefore belong to the period between 9 Julv 1579 when Lockwood was "sicke of bodye" and 26 November 1579 when it was audited. The places mentioned: Coatham Mundeville, Brafferton, Bondgate in Darlington, and Blackwell.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/35   14 October 1580 - 9 November 1580
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    24ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/36   26 May 1581 - 6 June 1581
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    29ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/37   18? April 1582 - 5 May 1582
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   34ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/38   8 October 1583 - 19 October 1583
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    30ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/39   16 September 1584 - 17 October 1587
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
242 ff. (contemporary foliation from 5 - 246) 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/39a   c. 1590
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
2ff. (contemporary foliation 447 and 472). 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/40   6 June 1595 - 17 October 1595
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
90 ff. (contemporary foliation from 793 - 883) 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/41   12 May 1596 - 25 May 1596
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
57 ff. (contemporary foliation 107 - 163) 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/42   12 October 1596 - 29 October 1596
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
54 ff. (contemporary foliation 164 - 215) 
Proceedings at Wolsingham Halmote Court, 29 October 1596, are listed in DCD/S/LP34/20 as 29 October 1196. Comparison with this volume, f.209, shows this should be 1596. The extract lists actions between tenants not enrolled here.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/43   1 April 1597 - 23 April 1597
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
69 ff. (contemporary foliation 216 - 284) 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/44   14 November 1597 - 29 November 1597
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
45 ff. (contemporary foliation 285 - 330) 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/45   24 May 1598 - 3 June 1598
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
69 ff. (contemporary foliation from 331 - 401) 
The last folio was found among the mixed loose folia in No. 98. It is headed Bondgate in Auckland and poses the question of whether a copyholder's widow, Elizabeth W.[sic.] loses her widow right to her husband's land [Anth. W.] by failing to come into court at the third proclamation although her son Ch. [sic.] had claimed in his own right. The case is not dated or the surname given. Among the Church Commission miscellanea in Box 218 - no.220474 there is a note of this same case. The paper is endorsed "The estate of the Wrens Copihold at B.Awkland. 8 March 1600".
In the series of Halmote Court Books there are court books, nos. 50 and 51, for October 1600 and for April - May 1601. There can have been no halmote courts held in the interim as the proclamations to heirs follow consecutively, e.g. in Book 50, f.1, Newtoncap, appears the first call to the heirs of Janet Tailboies and in Book 51, f.3 the second call to the same heirs appears. The entry for Bondgate in Auckland is not missing from the April - May court book so this folio therefore cannot be a page missing off the front of book 51 and referring to any earlier days on which the session might have begun the previous month March 1600/1. Nor do the water stains on the paper match. The date is therefore perhaps that on which the case was considered, a date one would expect to be reasonably soon after the widow's failure to claim. Looking back through the court books to No. 43, for April 1597, f.30(245), the relevant entry appears. The entry states that on the this call to the heirs of Anthony Wren, Charles Wren came and claimed his inheritance, but the widow, Elizabeth, did not come to claim her right according to the custom of the court.
The folio, if it belongs to a court book at all, must belong to one of nos. 44-50 inclusive. The folio is dirty on one side, showing it as the outside of a booklet. The lack of proper headings shows it is a back page not a front one and the blankness of the clean and inner sheet shows this entry as not an integral part of the Bondgate entry but an additional memorandum later in the book. It remains therefore to find the book between 44-50 where the back page is missing and the water stains match those on this sheet. This is therefore the final folio of book 45 and from the words scored out it appears also to be the draft of the note of the case from the Church Commission Miscellanea.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/46   12 October 1598 - 27 October 1598
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index on f. 59.
59 ff. (contemporary foliation from 401 - 456) 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/47   24 April 1599 - 26 June 1599
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f. 53.
53 ff. (contemporary foliation from 457 - 507) 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court book, 24 April 1599 - 26 June 1599 - DHC1/I/47
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/48   9 October 1599 - 25 October 1599
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f. 57.
57 ff. (contemporary foliation from 508 - 561) 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court book, 9 October 1599 - 25 October 1599 - DHC1/I/48
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/49   11 April 1600 - 20 April 1600
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    40ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/50   13 October 1600 - 27 October 1600
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f. 54.
Paper    54ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/51   27 April 1601 - 8 May 1601
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   42ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/52   13 October 1601 - 24 October 1601
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index on f. 48.
Paper    48ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/53   27 April 1602 - 11 May 1602
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/54   11 October 1602 - 4 ( sic ) (24) October 1602
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Endorsed "Secunda Curia Halmot". Index f. 51.
Paper   53ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/55   10 May 1603 - 27 May 1603
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    40ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/56   23 October 1603 - 9 November 1603
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.57.
Paper    57ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 23 October 1603 - 9 November 1603 - DHC1/I/56
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/57   4 April 1604 - 24 April 1604
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    38ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 4 April 1604 - 24 April 1604 - DHC1/I/57
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/58   9 October 1604 - 23 October 1604
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.45
Paper    45ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 9 October 1604 - 23 October 1604 - DHC1/I/58
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/59   12 April 1605 - 26 April 1605
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    41ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 12 April 1605 - 26 April 1605 - DHC1/I/59
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/60   11 October 1605 - 23 October 1605
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. Earlier transactions are also recorded in this list. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.
Paper    31ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 11 October 1605 - 23 October 1605 - DHC1/I/60
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/61   2 May 1606 - 16 May 1606
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    45ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 2 May 1606 - 16 May 1606 - DHC1/I/61
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/62   October 1606 - 25 October 1609
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Indices on ff. 48, 106, 159, 214, 262, 318 and 372.
Paper    372ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/63   5 June 1610 - 11 December 1610
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.59 and 361B.
Paper    59ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/64   10 April 1611 - 1 October 1611
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.49.
Paper    119ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/65   11 May 1612 - 23 October 1612
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.72 and 138.
Paper    138ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/66   27 April 1613 - 5 November 1613
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.77 and 146.
Paper    146ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/67   7 May 1614 - 4 November 1614
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.95 and 161.
Paper    161ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/68   3 May 1615 - 17 May 1615
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    64ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/69   18 October 1615 - 31 October 1615
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper    61ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/70   19 April 1616 - 10 May 1616
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/71   7 October 1616 - 30 October 1616
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.70.
Paper    70ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/72  (279581)   4 May 1617 - 3 November 1619
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   405ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 4 May 1617 - 3 November 1619 - DHC1/I/72
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/73  (279581/1)   May 1620 - 31 October 1622
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. Index f.306 and 216v.
Paper   457ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/74  (279582)   11 June 1623 - 17 May 1625
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   426ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/75  (279582/1)   10 October 1625 - 15 May 1628
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   524ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/76  (279583)   20 May 1629 - 19 April 1632
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   653ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 20 May 1629 - 19 April 1632 - DHC1/I/76
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/77  (279583/1)   1 October 1632 - 21 October 1635
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   662ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/78  (279584/1)   3 May 1636 - 16 October 1638
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   614ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/79  (279584)   18 October 1638 - 27 October 1642
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   448ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/80  (279585)   28 April 1642 - 26 October 1649
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   650ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Court book 28 April 1642 - 26 October 1649 - DHC/1/80
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/81  (279586)   15 April 1650 - 6 November 1655
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   588ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/82  (279587)   22 October 1655 - May 1660
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   514ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/83  (279588)   11 October 1660 - 27 October 1665
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   871ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 11 October 1660 - 27 October 1665 - DHC1/I/83
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/84  (279589)   18 April 1666 - 5 October 1669
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   634ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 18 April 1666 - 5 October 1669 - DHC1/I/84
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/85  (279590)   18 April 1670 - 20 May 1674
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   521ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 18 April 1670 - 20 May 1674 - DHC1/I/85
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/86  (279591)   21 September 1674 - 24 October 1676
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   284ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 21 September 1674 - 24 October 1676 - DHC1/I/86
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/87  (279592)   8 May 1677 - 27 October 1679
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   235ff.
A West Auckland admittance of 16 October 1679 is at the back of DHC1/IV/3.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 8 May 1677 - 27 October 1679 - DHC1/I/87
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/88  (279593)   26 April 1680 - 12 October 1682
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   261ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 26 April 1680 - 12 October 1682 - DHC1/I/88
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/89  (279594)   2 April 1683 - 22 September 1687
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book. This also includes some pre-1683 entries, eg Wearmouth 1682. Where they survive, indexes are provided within the volume by place.
Paper   337ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: court book, 2 April 1683 - 22 September 1687 - DHC1/I/89
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/90  (279595)   9 April 1688 - 20 October 1693
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   352ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/91  (279596)   30 April 1694 - 3 November 1701
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   377ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/92  (279597)   4 May 1702 - 23 October 1705
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   290ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/93  (279598)   15 April 1706 - 21 May 1708
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   230ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 15 April 1706 - 21 May 1708 - DHC1/I/93
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/94  (279599)   13 September 1708 - 30 October 1711
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   250ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 13 September 1708 - 30 October 1711 - DHC1/I/94
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/95  (279600)   28 April 1712 - 10 May 1714
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   223ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Book, 28 April 1712 - 10 May 1714 - DHC1/I/95
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/96  (279601)   27 September 1714 - 13 May 1717
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   257ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/97  (279602)   21 October 1717 - 9 May 1720
Court book recording transactions of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At this time entries were recorded for all the courts in this single book.
Paper   264ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/I/98   [17th century?]
5loose end papers from unidentified Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Books, now collected in one bundle.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC 1/II: Halmote Court Books (separate divisions)
Dates of creation: 1720-1925 After 1720 the divisions with the separate Court Books were Auckland, Chester-le-Street, Darlington, Easington, Houghton-le-Spring, Lanchester, Stockton and Wolsingham, all composite manors with dependencies.
These do not include the proceedings of the Court for the Borough of Auckland, which are to be found in CCB B/197.
There is an MS. index to these books listing location, date and steward of each court.

A. Auckland Division
DHC1/II/1  (279603)   29 September 1720 - 30 April 1734
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   237ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 29 September 1720 - 30 April 1734 - DHC1/II/1
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/2  (279604)   11 October 1734 - 14 May 1742
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   209ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 11 October 1734 - 14 May 1742 - DHC1/II/2
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/3  (279605)   8 October 1742 - 30 September 1748
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   195ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 8 October 1742 - 30 September 1748 - DHC1/II/3
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/4  (279606)   7 October 1748 - 24 October 1763
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   241ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Court Book 7 October 1748 - 24 October 1763 - DHC1/II/4
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/5  (279607)   26 October 1763 - 28 April 1773
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   213ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 26 October 1763 - 28 April 1773 - DHC1/II/5
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/6  (279608)   1 October 1773 - 16 October 1787
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   260ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1 October 1773 - 16 October 1787 - DHC1/II/6
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/7  (279609)   14 April 1788 - 13 May 1800
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   265ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 14 April 1788 - 13 May 1800 - DHC1/II/7
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/8  (279610)   10 October 1801 - 26 October 1814
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   264ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 10 October 1801 - 26 October 1814 - DHC1/II/8
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/9  (279611)   24 April 1815 - 18 April 1828
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   348ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 24 April 1815 - 18 April 1828 - DHC1/II/9
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/10  (279612)   27 October 1828 - 21 May 1844
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   331ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 27 October 1828 - 21 May 1844 - DHC1/II/10
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/11  (279613)   24 May 1844 - 20 June 1856
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   365ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 24 May 1844 - 20 June 1856 - DHC1/II/11
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/12  (279614)   20 June 1856 - 30 May 1865
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   488ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 20 June 1856 -30 May 1865 - DHC1/II/12
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/13  (279615)   28 June 1865 - 20 October 1872
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   457ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 28 June 1865 - 20 October 1872 - DHC1/II/13
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/14  (279616)   23 September 1873 - 3 December 1878
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   446ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 23 September 1873 - 3 December 1878 - DHC1/II/14
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/15  (279617)   3 December 1878 - 8 October 1889
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   422ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 3 December 1878 - 8 October 1889 - DHC1/II/15
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/16  (279618)   2 May 1888 - 22 October 1898
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   373ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 2 May 1888 -22 October 1898 - DHC1/II/16
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/17  (279618/1)   1898 - 1904
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    491ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1898-1904 - DHC1/II/17
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/18  (279618/2)   1905 - 1907
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    407ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1905-1907 - DHC1/II/18
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/19  (279618/3)   1907 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    270ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1907-1908 - DHC1/II/19
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/20  (279618/4)   1909 - 1912
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    198ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1909-1912 - DHC1/II/20
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/21  (279618/5)   1913 - 1916
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    151ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1913-1916 - DHC1/II/21
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/22  (279618/6)   1917 - 1920
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    189ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1917-1920 - DHC1/II/22
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/23  (279618/7)   1921 - 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Auckland Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    242ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland Division Court Book, 1921-1925 - DHC1/II/23
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Auckland Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
B. Chester Division
DHC1/II/24  (279623)   3 October 1720 - 24 April 1730
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   224ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 3 October 1720 - 24 April 1730 - DHC1/II/24
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/25  (279624)   12 October 1730 - 20 October 1737
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   260ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 12 October 1730 - 20 October 1737 - DHC1/II/25
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/26  (279625)   21 April 1738 - 14 October 1745
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   244ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 21 April 1738 - 14 October 1745 - DHC1/II/26
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/27  (279626)   14 April 1746 - 27 September 1756
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   244ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 14 April 1746 - 27 September 1756 - DHC1/II/27
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/28  (279627)   9 May 1757 - 2 June 1766
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   248ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 9 May 1757 - 2 June 1766 - DHC1/II/28
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/29  (279628)   18 November 1766 - 22 October 1776
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   246ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 18 November 1766 - 22 October 1776 - DHC1/II/29
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/30  (279629)   28 April 1777 - 26 April 1790
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   264ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 28 April 1777 - 26 April 1790 - DHC1/II/30
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/31  (279630)   8 October 1790 - 8 October 1806
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   344ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 8 October 1790 - 8 October 1806 - DHC1/II/31
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/32  (279631)   13 April 1807 - 13 October 1820
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   304ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 13 April 1807 - 13 October 1820 - DHC1/II/32
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/33  (279632)   16 May 1821 - 7 October 1836
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   345ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 16 May 1821 - 7 October 1836 - DHC1/II/33
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/34  (279633)   26 April 1837 - 28 April 1853
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   342ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 26 April 1837 - 28 April 1853 - DHC1/II/34
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/35  (279634)   3 May 1854 - 10 May 1867
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   448ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 3 May 1854 - 10 May 1867 - DHC1/II/35
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/36  (279635)   10 May 1867 - 20 September 1875
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   477ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 10 May 1867 - 20 September 1875 - DHC1/II/36
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/37  (279636)   26 October 1875 - 28 October 1879
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   398ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 26 October 1875 - 28 October 1879 - DHC1/II/37
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/38  (297637)   11 November 1880 - 16 September 1886
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   353ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 11 November 1880 - 16 September 1886 - DHC1/II/38
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/39  (279638)   16 September 1886 - 12 August 1893
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   388ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 16 September 1886 - 12 August 1893 - DHC1/II/39
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/40  (279638/1)   14 August 1893 - 1896
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   354ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 14 August 1893 - 1896 - DHC1/II/40
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/41  (279638/2)   1897 - 1900
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    441ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 1897-1900 - DHC1/II/41
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/42  (279638/3)   1901 - 1904
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    557ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 1901-1904 - DHC1/II/42
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/43  (279638/4)   1905
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    142ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 1905 - DHC1/II/43
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/44  (279638/5)   1906 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    297ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1906-1908 - DHC1/II/44
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/45  (279638/6)   1909 - 1910
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    255ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1909-1910 - DHC1/II/45
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/46  (279638/8)   1911 - 1912
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    226ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1910-1911 - DHC1/II/46
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/47  (279638/9)   1913 -1914
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    198ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1913-1914 - DHC1/II/47
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/48  (279638/10)   1915 - 1916
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    139ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 1915-1916 - DHC1/II/48
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/49  (279638/11)   1917 - 1918
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    155ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1917-1918 - DHC1/II/49
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/50  (279638/12)   1919
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    178ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1919 - DHC1/II/50
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/51  (279638/13)   1920
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    252ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1920 - DHC1/II/51
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/52  (279638/14)   1921
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    215ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1921 - DHC1/II/52
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/53  (279638/15)   1922
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    201ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester court book, 1922 - DHC1/II/53
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/54  (279638/16)   1923
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    203ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 1923 - DHC1/II/54
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/55  (279638/17)   1924
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    203ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 1924 - DHC1/II/55
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/56  (279638/18)   1925
Court book recording transactions of the Chester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    184ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester Division Court Book, 1925 - DHC1/II/56
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Chester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
C. Darlington Division
DHC1/II/57  (279639)   28 September 1720 - 2 October 1734
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   217ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 28 September 1720 - 2 October 1734 - DHC1/II/57
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/58  (279640)   7 May 1735 - 23 September 1747
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   216ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 7 May 1735 - 23 September 1747 - DHC1/II/58
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/59  (279641)   10 May 1748 - 8 May 1767
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   244ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 10 May 1748 - 8 May 1767 - DHC1/II/59
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/60  (279642)   23 September 1767 - 28 October 1788
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   250ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 23 September 1767 - 28 October 1788 - DHC1/II/60
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/61  (279643)   15 May 1789 - 17 October 1810
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   247ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 15 May 1789 - 17 October 1810 - DHC1/II/61
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/62  (279644)   28 May 1811 - 20 June 1832
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   314ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 28 May 1811 - 20 June 1832 - DHC1/II/62
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/63  (279645)   20 June 1832 - 6 May 1851
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   348ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 20 June 1832 - 6 May 1851 - DHC1/II/63
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/64  (279646)   20 May 1852 - 19 June 1868
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   460ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 20 May 1852 - 19 June 1868 - DHC1/II/64
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/65  (279647)   4 November 1869 - 15 November 1888
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   478ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 4 November 1869 - 15 November 1888 - DHC1/II/65
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/66  (279648)   15 November 1888 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   360ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 15 November 1888 - 1908 - DHC1/II/66
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/67  (279648/1)   1909 - 1914
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    160ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 15 November 1909-1914 - DHC1/II/67
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/68  (279648/2)   1915 - 1920
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    195ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 15 November 1915-1920 - DHC1/II/68
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/69  (279648/3)   1921 - 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Darlington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    214ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington Division Court Book, 1921-1925 - DHC1/II/69
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Darlington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
D. Easington Division
Including Sedgefield, Cornforth and Bishop Middleham.

DHC1/II/70  (279649)   26 September 1720 - 28 April 1740
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   206ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 26 September 1720 - 28 April 1740 - DHC1/II/70
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/71  (279650)   29 September 1740 - 29 May 1759
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   198ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 29 September 1740 - 29 May 1759 - DHC1/II/71
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/72  (279651)   1 October 1759 - 1 October 1780
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   208ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 1 October 1759 - 1 October 1780 - DHC1/II/72
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/73  (279652)   23 April 1781 - 12 May 1802
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   214ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 23 April 1781 - 12 May 1802 - DHC1/II/73
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/74  (279653)   5 May 1802 - 16 May 1827
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   264ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 5 May 1802 - 16 May 1827 - DHC1/II/74
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/75  (279654)   26 September 1827 - 26 April 1850
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   235ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 26 September 1827 - 26 April 1850 - DHC1/II/75
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/76  (279655)   12 April 1851 - 26 August 1880
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   341ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 12 April 1851 - 26 August 1880 - DHC1/II/76
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/77  (279656)   26 August 1880 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   327ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 26 August 1880 - 1908 - DHC1/II/77
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/78  (279656/1)   1909 - 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Easington Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    81ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington Division Court Book, 1909-1925 - DHC1/II/78
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Easington Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
E. Houghton Division
DHC1/II/79  (279657)   4 October 1720 - 19 April 1737
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   197ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 4 October 1720 - 19 April 1737 - DHC1/II/79
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/80  (279658)   17 October 1737 - 13 October 1758
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   266ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 17 October 1737 - 13 October 1758 - DHC1/II/80
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/81  (279659)   18 May 1759 - 6 May 1772
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   255ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 18 May 1759 - 6 May 1772 - DHC1/II/81
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/82  (279660)   1 October 1772 - 13 October 1783
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   229ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 1 October 1772 - 13 October 1783 - DHC1/II/82
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/83  (279661)   27 April 1784 - 23 October 1794
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   261ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 27 April 1784 - 23 October 1794 - DHC1/II/83
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/84  (279662)   20 May 1795 - 26 May 1801
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   269ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 20 May 1795 - 26 May 1801 - DHC1/II/84
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/85  (279663)   7 October 1801 - 11 October 1808
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   259ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 7 October 1801 - 11 October 1808 - DHC1/II/85
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/86  (279664)   27 April 1809 - 23 May 1814
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   257ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 27 April 1809 - 23 May 1814 - DHC1/II/86
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/87  (279665)   24 October 1814 - 13 October 1818
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   261ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 24 October 1814 - 13 October 1818 - DHC1/II/87
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/88  (279666)   31 May 1819 - 31 May 1824
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   316ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 31 May 1819 - 31 May 1824 - DHC1/II/88
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/89  (279667)   31 May 1824 - 20 October 1828
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   347ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 31 May 1824 - 20 October 1828 - DHC1/II/89
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/90  (279668)   27 May 1829 - 19 May 1834
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   332ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 27 May 1829 - 19 May 1834 - DHC1/II/90
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/91  (279669)   22 October 1834 - 4 May 1842
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   304ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 22 October 1834 - 4 May 1842 - DHC1/II/91
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/92  (279670)   4 October 1842 - 10 May 1852
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   390ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 4 October 1842 - 10 May 1852 - DHC1/II/92
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/93  (279671)   10 May 1852 - 25 May 1859
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   406ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 10 May 1852 - 25 May 1859 - DHC1/II/93
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/94  (279672)   25 May 1859 - 7 June 1867
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   523ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 25 May 1859 - 7 June 1867 - DHC1/II/94
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/95  (279673)   5 June 1868 - 11 November 1875
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   446ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 5 June 1868 - 11 November 1875 - DHC1/II/95
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/96  (279674)   11 November 1875 - 6 December 1881
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   412ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton court book, 11 November 1875 - 6 December 1881 - DHC1/II/96
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/97  (279675)   6 December 1881 - 25 November 1890
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   534ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton court book, 6 December 1881 - 25 November 1890 - DHC1/II/97
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/98  (279675/1)   1891 - 1898
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    513ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 1891-1898 - DHC1/II/98
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/99  (279675/2)   1899 - 1905
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    466ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 1899-1905 - DHC1/II/99
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/100  (279675/3)   1906 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    174ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division court book, 1906-08 - DHC1/II/100
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/101  (279675/4)   1909 - 1911
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    143ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton division court book, 1909-11 - DHC1/II/101
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/102  (279675/5)   1912 - 1913
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    107ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 1912-1913 - DHC1/II/102
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/103  (279675/6)   1914 - 1917
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    147ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton court book, 1914-17 - DHC1/II/103
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/104  (279675/7)   1918 - 1921
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    182ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton court book, 1918-1921 - DHC1/II/104
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/105  (279675/8)   1922 - 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Houghton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    217ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton Division Court Book, 1922-1925 - DHC1/II/105
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Houghton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
F. Lanchester Division
DHC1/II/106  (279676)   7 October 1720 - 6 May 1737
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   215ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 7 October 1720 - 6 May 1737 - DHC1/II/106
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/107  (279677)   4 October 1737 - 25 April 1755
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   247ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 4 October 1737 - 25 April 1755 - DHC1/II/107
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/108  (279678)   16 September 1755 - 10 September 1773
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   220ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 16 September 1755 - 10 September 1773 - DHC1/II/108
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/109  (279679)   20 May 1774 - 22 May 1795
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   265ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 20 May 1774 - 22 May 1795 - DHC1/II/109
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/110  (279680)   16 October 1795 - 15 October 1811
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   264ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 16 October 1795 - 15 October 1811 - DHC1/II/110
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/111  (279681)   16 April 1812 - 30 April 1835
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   304ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 16 April 1812 - 30 April 1835 - DHC1/II/111
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/112  (279682)   8 October 1835 - 1 May 1854
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   227ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 8 October 1835 - 1 May 1854 - DHC1/II/112
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/113  (279683)   7 May 1855 - 23 May 1864
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   456ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 7 May 1855 - 23 May 1864 - DHC1/II/113
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/114  (279684)   15 May 1865 - 17 September 1875
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   461ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 15 May 1865 - 17 September 1875 - DHC1/II/114
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/115  (279685)   17 September 1875 - 13 October 1882
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   443ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 17 September 1875 - 13 October 1882 - DHC1/II/115
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/116  (279686)   9 October 1885 - 1894
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   386ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 9 October 1885 - 1894 - DHC1/II/116
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/117  (279686/1)   1894 - 1901
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    440ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester court book, 1894-1901 - DHC1/II/117
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/No 118  (279686/2)   1902 - 1905
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   253ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester division court book, 1902-05 - DHC1/II/118
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/119  (279686/3)   1905 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    286ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester court book, 1905-1908 - DHC1/II/119
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/120  (279686/4)   1909 - 1910
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    205ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester court book, 1909-1910 - DHC1/II/120
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/121  (279686/5)   1911 - 1912
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    167ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester court book, 1911-1912 - DHC1/II/121
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/122  (279686/6)No   1913 - 1916
Court Meetings
Paper    264ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester court book, 1913-1916 - DHC1/II/122
DHC1/II/123  (279686/7)   1917 - 1919
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    192ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester court book, 1917-1919 - DHC1/II/123
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/124  (279686/8)   1920 - 1921
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    264ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 1920-1921 - DHC1/II/124
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/125  (279686/9)   1922
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    102ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 1922 - DHC1/II/125
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/126  (279686/10)   1923
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    111ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 1923 - DHC1/II/126
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/127  (279686/11)   1924
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    130ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 1924 - DHC1/II/127
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/128  (279686/12)   1925
Court book recording transactions of the Lanchester Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    86ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester Division Court Book, 1925 - DHC1/II/128
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Lanchester Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
G. Stockton Division
DHC1/II/129  (279687)   26 September 1720 - 2 May 1734
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   274ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 26 September 1720 - 2 May 1734 - DHC1/II/129
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/130  (279688)   1 October 1734 - 14 May 1745
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   223ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 1 October 1734 - 14 May 1745 - DHC1/II/130
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/131  (279689)   24 September 1745 - 26 April 1757
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   193ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 24 September 1745 - 26 April 1757 - DHC1/II/131
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/132  (279690)   1 September 1757 - 24 September 1772
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   254ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 1 September 1757 - 24 September 1772 - DHC1/II/132
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/133  (279691)   4 May 1773 - 17 October 1785
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   266ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 4 May 1773 - 17 October 1785 - DHC1/II/133
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/134  (279692)   22 May 1786 - 22 October 1801
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   266ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 22 May 1786 - 22 October 1801 - DHC1/II/134
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/135  (279693)   20 May 1802 - 10 October 1815
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   260ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 20 May 1802 - 10 October 1815 - DHC1/II/135
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/136  (279694)   28 May 1816 - 25 May 1830
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   314ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 28 May 1816 - 25 May 1830 - DHC1/II/136
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/137  (279695)   30 September 1830 - 17 May 1849
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   308ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 30 September 1830 - 17 May 1849 - DHC1/II/137
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/138  (279696)   6 May 1850 - 13 June 1867
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   407ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 6 May 1850 - 13 June 1867 - DHC1/II/138
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/139  (279697)   13 June 1867 - 14 November 1876
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   441ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 13 June 1867 - 14 November 1876 - DHC1/II/139
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/140  (279698)   14 November 1876 - 22 October 1889
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   429ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 14 November 1876 - 22 October 1889 - DHC1/II/140
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/141  (279698/1)   1809 - 1902
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    601ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 1889-1902 - DHC1/II/141
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/142  (279698/2)   1903 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    361ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton court book, 1903-1908 - DHC1/II/142
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/143  (279698/3)   1909 - 1918
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    216ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton court book, 1909-1918 - DHC1/II/143
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/144  (279698/4)   1919 - 1922
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    175ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton court book, 1919-1922 - DHC1/II/144
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/145  (279698/5)   1923 - 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Stockton Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    159ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton Division Court Book, 1923-1925 - DHC1/II/145
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Stockton Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
H. Wolsingham Division
DHC1/II/146  (279699)   30 September 1720 - 7 October 1734
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   226ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 30 September 1720 - 7 October 1734 - DHC1/II/146
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/147  (279700)   8 May 1735 - 16 October 1745
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   214ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 8 May 1735 - 16 October 1745 - DHC1/II/147
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/148  (179701)   23 April 1746 - 15 September 1755
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   204ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 23 April 1746 - 15 September 1755 - DHC1/II/148
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/149  (279702)   17 May 1756 - 26 September 1769
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   256ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 17 May 1756 - 26 September 1769 - DHC1/II/149
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/150  (279703)   1 June 1770 - 16 October 1786
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   264ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 1 June 1770 - 16 October 1786 - DHC1/II/150
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/151  (279704)   28 May 1787 - 19 October 1801
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   260ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 28 May 1787 - 19 October 1801 - DHC1/II/151
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/152  (279705)   14 May 1802 - 10 April 1815
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   260ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 14 May 1802 - 10 April 1815 - DHC1/II/152
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/153  (279706)   18 October 1815 - 17 May 1826
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   254ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 18 October 1815 - 17 May 1826 - DHC1/II/153
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/154  (279707)   13 October 1826 - 27 September 1841
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   298ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 13 October 1826 - 27 September 1841 - DHC1/II/154
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/155  (279708)   9 May 1842 - 22 May 1857
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   331ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 9 May 1842 - 22 May 1857 - DHC1/II/155
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/156  (279709)   21 May 1858 - 24 August 1870
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   430ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 21 May 1858 - 24 August 1870 - DHC1/II/156
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/157  (279710)   12 August 1872 - 30 June 1880
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   453ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 12 August 1872 - 30 June 1880 - DHC1/II/157
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/158  (279711)   30 June 1880 - 4 October 1889
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   393ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham court book, 30 June 1880 - 4 October 1889 - DHC1/II/158
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/159  (279711/1)   1891 - 1900
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    514ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham court book, 1891-1900 - DHC1/II/159
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/160  (279711/2)   1901 - 1905
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    355ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham court book, 1901-1905 - DHC1/II/160
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/161  (279711/3)   1906 - 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    95ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham court book, 1906-1908 - DHC1/II/161
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/162  (279711/4)   1909 - 1912
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    158ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham division court book, 1909-12 - DHC1/II/162
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/163  (279711/5)   1913-1920
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    269ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 1913-1920 - DHC1/II/163
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/II/164  (279711/6)   1921 - 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Wolsingham Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper    230ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham Division Court Book, 1921-1925 - DHC1/II/164
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Durham (England : County)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Wolsingham Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC 1/III: Halmote Court Books (separated manors)
Dates of creation: 1579-1925 There is an MS index to parts A, B, D and F compiled by Dr Ritchie listing location, date and steward of each court.

A. Bedlington
DHC1/III/1  (279619)   1 May 1721 - 14 May 1772
Court book recording transactions of the Bedlington Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   133ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington Manor Court Book, 1 May 1721 - 14 May 1772 - DHC1/III/1
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bedlington (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bedlington Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Northumberland
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/2  (279620)   29 April 1773 - 25 April 1834
Court book recording transactions of the Bedlington Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   154ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington Manor Court Book, 29 April 1773 - 25 April 1834 - DHC1/III/2
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bedlington (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bedlington Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Northumberland
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/3  (279621)   28 April 1835 - 31 January 1878
Court book recording transactions of the Bedlington Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   179ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington Court Book, 28 April 1835 - 31 January 1878 - DHC1/III/3
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bedlington (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bedlington Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Northumberland
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/4  (279622)   6 September 1877 - 12 March 1907
Court book recording transactions of the Bedlington Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   160ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington Court Book, 6 September 1877 - 12 March 1907 - DHC1/III/4
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bedlington (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bedlington Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Northumberland
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/5  (279622/1)   1 October 1907 - 21 December 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Bedlington Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   28ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington Court Book, 1 October 1907 - 21 December 1908 - DHC1/III/5
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bedlington (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bedlington Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Northumberland
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/6  (279622/2)   18 May 1909 - 23 December 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Bedlington Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   83ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington Court Book, 18 May 1909 - 23 December 1925 - DHC1/III/6
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bedlington (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bedlington Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Northumberland
Records and briefs
B. Bishop Wearmouth Rectory
DHC1/III/7  (302901)   30 May 1579 - 23 June 1783
Court book recording transactions of the Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
The early part of this is an eighteenth century copy. The old cover of this volume is kept with the Original Surrenders for Wearmouth.
For the index see DHC1/VII/11.
596 pp. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Court Book, 30 May 1579 - 23 June 1783 - DHC1/III/7
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bishop Wearmouth (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/8  (302902)   16 July 1783 - 23 November 1820
Court book recording transactions of the Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. For the index see DHC1/VII/12.
784 pp. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Court Book, 16 July 1783 - 23 November 1820 - DHC1/III/8
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bishop Wearmouth (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/9  (302903)   17 January 1821 - 8 January 1851
Court book recording transactions of the Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. For the index see DHC1/VII/13.
712 pp. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Court Book, 17 January 1821 - 8 January 1851 - DHC1/III/9
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bishop Wearmouth (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/10  (302904)   2 April 1851 - 30 May 1890
Court book recording transactions of the Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court. Among the Original Surrenders for Bishop Wearmouth is a box (DHC2/K5) of 279 Surrenders all dated 28 February 1881 which seem not to have been entered in this book. For the index see DHC1/VII/14.
743 pp. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Court Book, 2 April 1851 - 30 May 1890 - DHC1/III/10
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bishop Wearmouth (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/11  (302905)   30 May 1890 - 5 October 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court. For the index see DHC1/VII/15.
Paper   575ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Court Book, 30 May 1890 - 5 October 1925 - DHC1/III/11
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bishop Wearmouth (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Bishop Wearmouth Rectory Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
C. Evenwood Before 1720 Evenwood is included with the general Court Books. In the first Court Book for the Auckland Division (1720-34) Evenwood occurs regularly. At the very beginning of the book the court meets at Bishop Auckland and deals with the following places, recording them in the following order:
Newton Cap, Escomb, Middridge, Heighington, Byers Green, Coundon, Redworth, Bondgate in Auckland, Killerby, Evenwood, West Auckland.
By 1721 the order has changed in that Redworth has moved to a position between Middridge and Heighington in the list; this order of place-names seems to have been regarded as the standard or proper order, as it recurs again and again, though occasionally jumbled and often incomplete, since Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland very soon develop a tendency to be regarded as in some way separate: the first sign of this tendency is in October 1722, when there was a session of the court at Evenwood. The record of this session lists the places dealt with as Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland, in that order. By 1723 it seems to be becoming accepted that one has separate court sessions in the division, one session at Evenwood (dealing with Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland and recording them in that order) and one session at Bishop Auckland (dealing with the remainder of the division, and usually listing the places dealt with in the standard order). In April 1725 there is a record of a Bishop Auckland session which has the list of place-names jumbled, but Evenwood continues on its own with Killerby and West Auckland. For several years after this the Bishop Auckland sessions, while listing the court members from the various places in the proper order of their townships, show a tendency to jumble the place-names in the records of admissions. In 1729 the Evenwood sessions also begin to show this tendency, although they still have a number of meetings in the records of which the names are not jumbled (it isn't so easy to jumble a list of 3 names)
In 1735 the lists of sessions at both Bishop Auckland and Evenwood are back in the standard order.
In April 1740 there was a session at West Auckland, dealing with West Auckland only and leaving the Evenwood session with only Killerby and Evenwood to look after. In April 1741 and May 1742 West Auckland was once again dealt with at the Evenwood session, together with Killerby and Evenwood. In October 1800 there was a session at Evenwood (the record says "at Evenwood for the manor of Evenwood and by adjournment thence to West Auckland, parcel of and within the said manor"), dealing with Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland. In 1809 the Evenwood sessions are still adjourning to West Auckland and are dealing with Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland. At this period (1801-9) the Bishop Auckland sessions continue to deal with their usual places, listing them in the proper order.
In the Court Book for the Auckland Division for the years 1889-98 there are copies (folio 298 and thereabouts) of a couple of indentures that are mentioned in admissions and that the people concerned with them are said to have asked to have put on the court rolls of the Manor of Evenwood. Although no particular search has been made for other instances of this sort of thing, no other instances of this have been noticed in any other Court Books, but these entries do look at first glance very much like entries of admissions.
Court Book II.A.19, labelled "Auckland 1907-8", has a record of a session at Bishop Auckland in 1907: this session seems to have been willing to deal with business from anywhere in the division, although not all the places in the division are in fact mentioned. In 1908 business is being done not only at Bishop Auckland but also out of court at (for places in the list formerly dealt with at the Bishop Auckland sessions) Durham and Newcastle, and (for places in the list formerly dealt with at Evenwood) Durham and Sunderland. No business in this book seems to have been dealt with at Evenwood.
Court Book II.A.20 is labelled "Bondgate in Auckland 1909-12". Business concerning the places in the list formerly dealt with at Bishop Auckland sessions is recorded as being done out of court at Bishop Auckland, Darlington, Coundon and Corbridge. The places formerly dealt with at Evenwood sessions are absent. Court Books II.A.21 (1913-6) and II.A.22 are both labelled "Bondgate in Auckland", but II.A.23 (1921-5) is labelled "Auckland". The places formerly dealt with at the Evenwood sessions are absent from these volumes. In these volumes business is recorded as being transacted out of court at Durham, Bishop Auckland, Bedale (Yorkshire), Darlington, Clacton-on-Sea and Birkenhead.
After 1908 business concerning the Manor of Evenwood is recorded in the two Court Books listed below (III.C.12 and III.C.13). In these volumes is business concerning Evenwood and West Auckland (apparently no business concerning Killerby; the volume of Killerby business seems to be very small throughout the period 1720-1925) is recorded as being transacted out of court at Bishop Auckland, Toft Hill, Cockfield, North Walsham (Norfolk), Darlington and Durham.
Call Books
Nos. V.A.3-9, entered below amongst the call books, were clearly known as "Bondgate in Auckland" in the Halmote Court Office. (It appears as if to the Halmote Court officials "Auckland" meant the whole division, including Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland, and "Bondgate in Auckland" meant the whole division except Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland.) These Call Books deal with the places formerly dealt with at Bishop Auckland, listing them in the standard order (Newton Cap, Escomb, Middridge, Redworth, Heighington, Byers Green, Coundon, Bondgate in Auckland).
Nos. V.A.34-9, entered below amongst the call books under Evenwood, were known as "Evenwood and West Auckland" in the Halmote Court Office; each volume deals with Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland, in that order.
V.A.81 is a peculiar volume containing first calls from numerous places in the Stockton and Darlington divisions, and then, in this order, Killerby, Evenwood, West Auckland, Newton Cap, Escomb, Middridge, Redworth and Heighington.
V.B.1, labelled "Bondgate in Auckland", lists calls from all the places in the list normally dealt with at the Bishop Auckland sessions, getting the order "correct".
V.B.2-6 all deal with some or other of the places dealt with at the Bishop Auckland sessions.
V.B.14 (dated 1787 and calling itself "Evenwood Call-Book") deals with Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland in that order.
V.B.15 (dated 1809 and calling itself "Evenwood and West Auckland Call Book") deals with Killerby, Evenwood and West Auckland in that order.
For Evenwood during the following periods:
1519-1719 : see general Halmote Court Books.
1720-1908: see Auckland Division
1925 onwards: see VIII: No. 14

DHC1/III/12  (279633/1)   25 January 1909 - 15 December 1920
Court book recording transactions of the Evenwood Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   200ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood manor court book, 25 January 1909 - 15 December 1920 - DHC1/III/12
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Evenwood (Durham, England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Evenwood Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/13  (279633/2)   10 January 1921 - 25 November 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Evenwood Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   75ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood manor court book, 10 January 1921 - 25 November 1925 - DHC1/III/13
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Evenwood (Durham, England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Evenwood Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
D. Gateshead
There are no post 1925 transactions for Gateshead
See also:
Gateshead court books in DHC1/M.67 and 68
Church Commision deposits, Nos. 249019-21 (not found 1990 and 2009); and CCB B/161/81 (57157).
Tyne and Wear Archives:
MN/GA(2091) Gateshead Manorial Court Book, jurors and presentments, 16 April 1751 - 30 September 1774.

DHC1/III/14  (249014)   1703-1774
Court book recording transactions of the Gateshead Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Gateshead manor court book - DHC1/III/14
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Gateshead (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Gateshead Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
(i): Front(i): Front   14 October 1703 - 20 September 1774
69 pp. 
(ii): Back(ii): Back   30 September 1703 - 8 February 1721
Paper   20ff.
DHC1/III/15  (249015)   1780-1828
Court book recording transactions of the Gateshead Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At front: 20 April 1780 - 17 December 1828, 225p. From the back: 20 April 1780 - 21 October 1788, 16p.
Paper   241 pages
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Gateshead manor court book, 20 April 1780 - 17 December 1828 - DHC1/III/15
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Gateshead (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Gateshead Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/16  (249016)   20 October 1829 - 7 November 1924
Court book recording transactions of the Gateshead Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
138 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Gateshead manor court book, 20 October 1829 - 7 November 1924 - DHC1/III/16
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Gateshead (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Gateshead Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
E. Middleham
The Middleham, Cornforth and Sedgefield transactions for 1720-1908 are in the Easington Court Books for the period.

DHC1/III/17  (27965/3)   11 March 1909 - 11 December 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Middleham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. No Court Meetings, but business transacted out of court.
Paper   174ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Bishop Middleham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Middleham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
F. Whickham For abstracts from Whickham Court Books see CCB B/198 (284377a).
See also CCB Nos. 205013-205015 (not found 2009).

DHC1/III/18  (205016)   17 April 1585 - 5 June 1632
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   227ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 17 April 1585 - 5 June 1632 - DHC1/III/18
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/19  (205017)   14 May 1633 - 19 December 1663
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court. At the back of this book and upside down is bound in a rental for Whickham for 1591 and Gateshead.
Paper   174ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 14 May 1633 - 19 December 1663 - DHC1/III/19
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/20  (205018)   19 April 1664 - 15 March 1681
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   160ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 19 April 1664 - 15 March 1681 - DHC1/III/20
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/21  (205019)   27 October 1681 - 8 July 1718
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   138ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 27 October 1681 - 8 July 1718 - DHC1/III/21
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/22  (205020)   22 June 1719 - 28 May 1744
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   205ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 22 June 1719 - 28 May 1744 - DHC1/III/22
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/23  (205021)   28 May 1744 - 21 October 1771
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
451 pp. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 28 May 1744 - 21 October 1771 - DHC1/III/23
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/24  (205022)   21 October 1771 - 19 October 1790
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   234ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 21 October 1771 - 19 October 1790 - DHC1/III/24
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/25  (205023)   23 October 1792 - 14 October 1812
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
505 pp. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 23 October 1792 - 14 October 1812 - DHC1/III/25
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/26  (205024)   14 October 1812 - 24 October 1828
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   299ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham manor court book, 14 October 1812 - 24 October 1828 - DHC1/III/26
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/27  (205025)   25 October 1828 - 14 October 1843
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   307ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/28  (205026)   28 October 1844 - 18 October 1854
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   286ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/29  (205027)   29 October 1857 - 13 April 1869
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   307ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/30  (205028)   21 May 1868 - 16 December 1878
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   582ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/31  (205029)   20 December 1878 - 30 September 1892
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
595 pp. 
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/32  (205029/3)   8 October 1892 - 24 December 1900
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   226ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/33  (205029/3/1)   1 February 1901 - 20 December 1908
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   306ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/34  (205029/1)   19 February 1909 - 16 December 1916
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   154ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC1/III/35  (205029/2)   24 January 1917 - 31 December 1925
Court book recording transactions of the Whickham Manor Division of the Durham Bishopric Halmote Court.
Paper   251ff.
Index terms
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court.
Whickham (England)
Durham (England : Bishopric). Halmote Court. Whickham Manor Division.
Manorial courts -- England -- Durham (County)
Records and briefs
DHC 1/IV: Stewards' Minute Books
Dates of creation: 1682-1819
DHC1/IV/1   10 April 1682 - 5 November 1695
Paper   233ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book - DHC1/IV/1
DHC1/IV/2   4 May 1696 - 3 June 1701
Paper   91ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book, 4 May 1696 - 3 June 1701 - DHC1/IV/2
DHC1/IV/3   25 September 1701 - 26 May 1704
Paper   45ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book, 25 September 1701 - 26 May 1704 - DHC1/IV/3
DHC1/IV/4   3 October 1704 - 17 October 1706
Paper   44ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book, 3 October 1704 - 17 October 1706 - DHC1/IV/4
DHC1/IV/5   5 May 1707 - 30 October 1710
Paper   81ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book, 5 May 1707 - 30 October 1710 - DHC1/IV/5
DHC1/IV/6   17 April 1711 - 9 November 1714
Paper   86ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book, 17 April 1711 - 9 November 1714 - DHC1/IV/6
DHC1/IV/7   25 April 1715 - 10 October 1720
Paper   100ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book, 25 April 1715 - 10 October 1720 - DHC1/IV/7
DHC1/IV/8   7 October 1720 - 15 April 1725
(Contains Wolsingham, Lanchester, Chester, Houghton and Middleham (Spring court 1721 only)
52 + 2ff. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stewards minute book, 7 October 1720 - 15 April 1725 - DHC1/IV/8
DHC1/IV/9   26 September 1720 - 16 April 1725
(Contains Middleham, Stockton, Darlington, Auckland and Evenwood)
Paper   64ff.
DHC1/IV/10   4 October 1725 - 15 October 1729
Paper    80ff.
DHC1/IV/11   14 April 1730 - 13 May 1734
Includes Bedlington, f.71.
Paper    125ff.
DHC1/IV/12   30 September 1734 - 20 October 1738
Paper    117ff.
DHC1/IV/13   30 April 1739 - 2 October 1746
Paper    172ff.
DHC1/IV/14   23 April 1747 - 9 October 1759
Paper    217ff.
DHC1/IV/15   1 May 1760 - 1 November 1768
+ Spring court (18 April 1769) for Evenwood only.
Paper    158ff.
DHC1/IV/16   21 April 1769 - 30 May 1775
132 + 5ff. 
DHC1/IV/17   22 September 1775 - 23 May 1782
130 + 5ff. 
DHC1/IV/18   18 September 1782 - 25 May 1789
131 + 5ff. 
DHC1/IV/19   1 May 1797 - 2 June 1803
139 + 3ff. 
DHC1/IV/20   26 September 1803 - 26 October 1810
130 + 2ff. 
DHC1/IV/21   18 April 1811 - 27 May 1819
Paper    129ff.
DHC 1/V: Call Books   ca.1660-1842
In two series, A and B. Call Books A contains Calls up to 1809, B later ones, although they do overlap
These volumes have been microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, and digital copies derived from the microfilms are available at their familysearch website. When accessing images on familysearch, note:

Call Books A   mid 17th century - 1809
These books, especially the early ones, generally contain little more than lists of names of the Bishop's tenants. When a property changed hands the name of the former tenant is often crossed out and that of the new tenant substituted. Letters of the alphabet which often appear against a person's name in the early 18th century call books refer to the court books of the halmote court, which from 1695-1719 are marked with a letter of the alphabet at the beginning of transactions for each half-year, e.g. April 1706 is marked 'A', September 1706 'B', May 1707 'C', September 1707 'D'. At the end of the alphabet the next year begins with 'A' again.
In the 1760's the entries in the call books become more detailed and between 1766 and 1768 the system of call numbers becomes generally established, though they do not appear in the Bedlington call books until 1776. In several cases, e.g. Auckland, Wolsingham, Easington, the entries in the last call book in series A continue into the early 19th century when they are superseded by series B. The close relationship between series A and B is further shown by the fact that in several cases the last volume of series A was copied and becomes the first volume of series B - e.g. Evenwood, Houghton, Darlington.
The Bedlington call books series A contain lists of freeholders, leaseholders and copyholders, and also lists of officers of the Bedlington court. Volume no. V 10 contains a list of fees for the Bedlington court, which incidentally indicates some of the customs of the manor (fo. 10). A fee of 2d. was to be paid for entering a new tenant's name in the call book.

DHC1/V/A/1   No date but mid to late 17th century.
An index has been inserted.
A loose cover from an Alphabet book has been put round this volume.
Paper    95ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm, images 4-105). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Call book, mid 17th century - DHC1/V/A/1
DHC1/V/A/2   1682
An index has been inserted.
On f.2 is written "Hoc librum scripsit prima Curia 30 Apr. 1682 Jo: Hutchinson Major."
Paper   104ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm, images 106-222). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Call book, 1682 - DHC1/V/A/2
DHC1/V/A/3   1722
An index has been inserted.
Paper    24ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm, images 223-251). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Call book, Auckland, 1722 - DHC1/V/A/3
DHC1/V/A/4    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    18ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm, images 252-275). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Call book, Auckland, mid 18th century - DHC1/V/A/4
DHC1/V/A/5   1765
An index has been inserted.
Paper   10ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm, images 276-294). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Call book, Auckland, 1765 - DHC1/V/A/5
DHC1/V/A/6   1768
An index has been inserted.
Paper   26ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm, images 295-329). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Call book, Auckland, 1768 - DHC1/V/A/6
DHC1/V/A/7   1772
An index has been inserted.
The ff. containing Newton Capp, Escomb and Middridge are missing.
Paper   20ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 7 of digitised microfilm, images 330-355). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Call book, Auckland, 1772 - DHC1/V/A/7
DHC1/V/A/8   1780
An index has been inserted.
Paper   24ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 8 of digitised microfilm, images 356-412). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book 1780 - DHC1/V/A/8
DHC1/V/A/9    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 9 of digitised microfilm, images 413-434). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book undated - DHC1/V/A/9
DHC1/V/A/10   1707-1725
An index has been inserted.
Paper    16ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 10 of digitised microfilm, images 435-458). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1707-1725 - DHC1/V/A/10
DHC1/V/A/11   1726-1735
An index has been inserted.
Paper    18ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 11 of digitised microfilm, images 459-478). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1726-1735 - DHC1/V/A/11
DHC1/V/A/12   1736-1765
An index has been inserted.
Paper    16ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 12 of digitised microfilm, images 479-500). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1736-1765 - DHC1/V/A/12
DHC1/V/A/13   1766-1768
An index has been inserted.
Paper    12ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 13 of digitised microfilm, images 501-518). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1766-1768 - DHC1/V/A/13
DHC1/V/A/14   1769-1775
An index has been inserted.
Paper    12ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 14 of digitised microfilm, images 519-535). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1769-1775 - DHC1/V/A/14
DHC1/V/A/15   1776-1778
An index has been inserted.
Paper    7ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 15 of digitised microfilm, images 536-550). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1776-1778 - DHC1/V/A/15
DHC1/V/A/16   1779-1787
An index has been inserted.
Paper    8ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 16 of digitised microfilm, images 551-564). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1779-1787 - DHC1/V/A/16
DHC1/V/A/17   1788-1809
An index has been inserted.
Paper    25ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 17 of digitised microfilm, images 565-592). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book 1788-1809 - DHC1/V/A/17
DHC1/V/A/18   c.1700
An index has been inserted.
Paper    16ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 18 of digitised microfilm, images 593-615). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book c.1700 - DHC1/V/A/18
DHC1/V/A/19   1718
An index has been inserted.
Paper   39ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 19 of digitised microfilm, images 616-662). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book 1718 - DHC1/V/A/19
DHC1/V/A/20   c.1730
An index has been inserted.
Paper    42ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 20 of digitised microfilm, images 663-711). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book c,1730 - DHC1/V/A/20
DHC1/V/A/21   c.1750
An index has been inserted.
Paper    29ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 21 of digitised microfilm, images 712-748). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book c,1750 - DHC1/V/A/21
DHC1/V/A/22   1766
An index has been inserted.
Paper   30ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 22 of digitised microfilm, images 749-787). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book, 1766 - DHC1/V/A/22
DHC1/V/A/23   1768
An index has been inserted.
Paper   38ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 23 of digitised microfilm, images 788-829). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book, 1768 - DHC1/V/A/23
DHC1/V/A/24   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   31ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 24 of digitised microfilm, images 830-871). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book, 1772 - DHC1/V/A/24
DHC1/V/A/25   1774
An index has been inserted.
On the front cover is written "Copied in July 1787", i.e. V.B.No. 8 is a copy of this volume.
Paper   38ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 25 of digitised microfilm, images 872-918). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book, 1774 - DHC1/V/A/25
DHC1/V/A/26    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    16ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 18th century - DHC1/V/A/26
DHC1/V/A/27   1723
An index has been inserted.
Paper   16ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book 1723 - DHC1/V/A/27
DHC1/V/A/28   1736
An index has been inserted.
Paper   18ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book 1736 - DHC1/V/A/28
DHC1/V/A/29    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    15ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 18th century - DHC1/V/A/29
DHC1/V/A/30   1766
An index has been inserted.
Paper   15ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book 1766 - DHC1/V/A/30
DHC1/V/A/31   1768
An index has been inserted.
Paper   17ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book 1768 - DHC1/V/A/31
DHC1/V/A/32   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   38ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 7 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book 1772 - DHC1/V/A/32
DHC1/V/A/33   1777
An index has been inserted. On the front cover is written "Copied in May 1787", i.e. V.B. No. 11 is a copy of this volume.
Paper   24ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 8 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book 1777 - DHC1/V/A/33
DHC1/V/A/34   1711
An index has been inserted.
Paper   6ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 9 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood call book 1711 - DHC1/V/A/34
DHC1/V/A/35   1723
An index has been inserted.
Paper   9ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 10 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood call book 1723 - DHC1/V/A/35
DHC1/V/A/36    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    18ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 11 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood call book 18th century - DHC1/V/A/36
DHC1/V/A/37   1760
An index has been inserted.
Paper   12ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 12 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood call book 1760 - DHC1/V/A/37
DHC1/V/A/38   1773
An index has been inserted.
Paper   12ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 13 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood call book 1773 - DHC1/V/A/38
DHC1/V/A/39   1782
An index has been inserted.
On the front cover is written "Copied and examined in the month of October 1787 by Tho: Waller", i.e. V.B. No. 14 is a copy of this.
Paper   14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 14 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Evenwood call book 1782 - DHC1/V/A/39
DHC1/V/A/40   1709
An index has been inserted.
Paper   12ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 15 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1709 - DHC1/V/A/40
DHC1/V/A/41   1716
An index has been inserted.
Paper   14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 16 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1716 - DHC1/V/A/41
DHC1/V/A/42   1724
An index has been inserted.
Paper   18ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 17 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1724 - DHC1/V/A/42
DHC1/V/A/43   c.1742
An index has been inserted.
Paper    14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 18 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1742 - DHC1/V/A/43
DHC1/V/A/44   1751
An index has been inserted.
Paper   14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 19 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1751 - DHC1/V/A/44
DHC1/V/A/45   1766
An index has been inserted.
Paper   22ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 20 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1766 - DHC1/V/A/45
DHC1/V/A/46   1768
An index has been inserted.
Paper   32ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 21 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1768 - DHC1/V/A/46
DHC1/V/A/47   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   26ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 22 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1772 - DHC1/V/A/47
DHC1/V/A/48   1779
An index has been inserted.
Paper   36ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 23 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book 1779 - DHC1/V/A/48
Lanchester and Wolsingham 1708-1766
DHC1/V/A/49   1708
An index has been inserted.
Paper   22ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 24 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester and Wolsingham call book 1709 - DHC1/V/A/49
DHC1/V/A/50    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    10ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 25 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester and Wolsingham call book, ca. 1710 - DHC1/V/A/50
DHC1/V/A/51   1714
An index has been inserted.
Paper   17ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 26 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester and Wolsingham call book, 1714 - DHC1/V/A/51
DHC1/V/A/52    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    33ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 27 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester and Wolsingham call book, ca. 1720s - DHC1/V/A/52
DHC1/V/A/53   1734
An index has been inserted.
Paper   55ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 28 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester and Wolsingham call book, 1734 - DHC1/V/A/53
DHC1/V/A/54    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    39ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 29 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester and Wolsingham call book, 1740s? - DHC1/V/A/54
DHC1/V/A/55   1766
An index has been inserted.
Paper   20ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester call book, 1766 - DHC1/V/A/55
DHC1/V/A/56   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   20ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester call book, 1772 - DHC1/V/A/56
DHC1/V/A/57   1784
An index has been inserted.
Paper   19ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Lanchester call book, 1784 - DHC1/V/A/57
DHC1/V/A/58   1766
An index has been inserted.
Paper   25ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham call book, 1766 - DHC1/V/A/58
DHC1/V/A/59   1768
An index has been inserted.
Paper   30ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham call book, 1768 - DHC1/V/A/59
DHC1/V/A/60   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   32ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham call book, 1772 - DHC1/V/A/60
DHC1/V/A/61   1781
An index has been inserted.
Paper   37ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 7 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Wolsingham call book, 1781 - DHC1/V/A/61
DHC1/V/A/62    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    9ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 8 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington, early 18th century - DHC1/V/A/62
DHC1/V/A/63   1724
An index has been inserted.
Paper   5ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 9 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington, 1724 - DHC1/V/A/63
DHC1/V/A/64   1766
An index has been inserted.
Paper   14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 10 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington call book, 1766 - DHC1/V/A/64
DHC1/V/A/65   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   12ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 11 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington, 1772 - DHC1/V/A/65
DHC1/V/A/66   1784
An index has been inserted.
Paper   15ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 12 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington, 1784 - DHC1/V/A/66
Easington and Stockton
DHC1/V/A/67   1749-1763
An index has been inserted.
Paper    35ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 13 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington and Stockton call book, 1749-1763 - DHC1/V/A/67
Middleham and Stockton
DHC1/V/A/68   1766
An index has been inserted.
Paper   28ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 14 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Middleham and Stockton call book, 1766 - DHC1/V/A/68
DHC1/V/A/69   1768-1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper    36ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 15 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Middleham and Stockton call book, 1768-72 - DHC1/V/A/69
DHC1/V/A/70   1712
An index has been inserted.
Paper   8ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 16 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Middleham call book, 1712 - DHC1/V/A/70
DHC1/V/A/71   1722
An index has been inserted.
Paper   14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 17 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Middleham call book, 1722 - DHC1/V/A/71
DHC1/V/A/72   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   14ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 18 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Middleham call book, 1772 - DHC1/V/A/72
DHC1/V/A/73   1784
An index has been inserted.
Paper   19ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 19 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Middleham call book, 1784 - DHC1/V/A/73
DHC1/V/A/74    N.D.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    15ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 20 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Middleham call book, [late 18th century] - DHC1/V/A/74
DHC1/V/A/75   c.1680-c.1708
An index has been inserted.
Paper    10ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 21 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton call book, [1680-1708] - DHC1/V/A/75
DHC1/V/A/76   c.1709-c.1722
An index has been inserted.
Paper    18ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 22 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton call book, [1709-1722] - DHC1/V/A/76
DHC1/V/A/77   c.1722-c.1732
An index has been inserted.
Paper    28ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 23 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton call book, [1722-1732] - DHC1/V/A/77
DHC1/V/A/78   c.1732-c.1748
An index has been inserted.
Paper    40ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 24 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton call book, [1732-1748] - DHC1/V/A/78
DHC1/V/A/79   1772
An index has been inserted.
Paper   30ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 25 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton call book, 1772 - DHC1/V/A/79
DHC1/V/A/80   1780
An index has been inserted.
Paper   32ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 26 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton call book, 1780 - DHC1/V/A/80
Stockton, Darlington, Evenwood and Auckland
DHC1/V/A/81   c.1660-1680
An index has been inserted.
Paper    31ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 27 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Stockton, Darlington, Evenwood and Auckland call book, [1660-1680] - DHC1/V/A/81
Call Books B
Dates of creation: 1703 - 1952
DHC1/V/B/1   1809
Newton Cap
Byers Green
Bondgate in Auckland
An index has been inserted.
Paper   367ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book, 1809 - DHC1/V/B/1
Bondgate in Auckland calls 1-748.
Copied from DHC1/V/B/1 above.
Paper    174ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book: Bondgate in Auckland calls 1-748 (copied from DHC1/V/B/1) - DHC1/V/B/2
Bondgate in Auckland calls 749-1487
Paper    104ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book: Bondgate in Auckland calls 749-1487 (copied from DHC1/V/B/1) - DHC1/V/B/3
Escomb calls 1-572
Paper    155ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book: Escomb calls 1-572 (copied from DHC1/V/B/1) - DHC1/V/B/4
Byers Green calls 1-226.
Coundon calls 1-201.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    192ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book: Byers Green calls 1-226. Coundon calls 1-201 (copied from DHC1/V/B/1) - DHC1/V/B/5
Newton Capp calls 1-50.
Middridge calls 1-22.
Redworth calls 1-24.
Heighington calls 1-80.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    187ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Auckland call book: Newton Cap calls 1-50. Middridge calls 1-22. Redworth calls 1-24. Heighington calls 1-80 (copied from DHC1/V/B/1) - DHC1/V/B/6
DHC1/V/B/7   1809
Gives freeholders, leaseholders and copyholders and officers of the court 1810-1842.
An index has been inserted.
50ff. at front and 7ff. at back. 
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book, 1809-1842 - DHC1/V/B/7
DHC1/V/B/7A   [c. 1891. Includes references to transactions covering 1801-1891]
Covers Bedlington calls 1-117.
Paper   41ff.
A note (c.1970) in the handlist states "Transferred from Durham Diocesan Records: miscellanea."
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Bedlington call book, 1801-1891 - DHC1/V/B/7a
DHC1/V/B/8   1787
Ryton calls 1-179.
Whitburn and Cleadon calls 1-57.
Boldons calls 1-81.
Chester calls 1-309.
An index has been inserted.
A copy of DHC1/V/A/25.
Paper   96ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book, 1787 (copy of DHC1/V/A/25) - DHC1/V/B/8
DHC1/V/B/9   1809
Ryton calls 1-405.
Whitburn and Cleadon calls 1-166.
Boldons calls 1-251.
Chester calls 1-833.
An index has been inserted.
Paper   357ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book, 1809 - DHC1/V/B/9
Ryton calls 406-703.
Whitburn and Cleadon calls 167-378.
Bowdons calls 252-461.
Chester calls 834-1907.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    410ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website in two parts: up to f.330r (item 6 of digitised microfilm) and from f.329v (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester call book II, 1809 - DHC1/V/B/10
DHC1/V/B/ No. 11   1787
An index has been inserted.
A copy of DHC1/V/A/33.
Paper    56ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 1787 - DHC1/V/B/11
Haughton calls 1-71.
Beaumonthill calls 1-21.
Whessoe calls 1-12.
Sadberge calls 1 and 2.
Coatham Mundeville calls 1-12.
Blackwell calls 1-86.
Cockerton calls 1-249.
Darlington calls 1-602.
Paper    350ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, [19th century] - DHC1/V/B/12
DHC1/V/B/13   1809
An index has been inserted.
Paper   70ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 1809 - DHC1/V/B/13
DHC1/V/B/14   1787
An index has been inserted.
A copy of DHC1/V/A/39.
Paper   54ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 1787 - DHC1/V/B/14
DHC1/V/B/15   1809
West Auckland.
An index has been inserted.
Paper   220ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 1809 - DHC1/V/B/15
DHC1/V/B/16   1703-1718
The back folios contain Gateshead presentments 1703-1718.
91ff + 18ff at back. 
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 7 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 1703-1718 - DHC1/V/B/16
DHC1/V/B/17   1719-1751
The back folios contain Gateshead presentments 1719-1751.
31ff + 15ff at back. 
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 9 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 1719-1751 - DHC1/V/B/17
DHC1/V/B/18   1736-1800
Folios 31-160 are plaints from 1808-1844.
The early part of this volume is a duplicate of the later part of DHC1/V/B/17.
Paper    160ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website in two parts: up to f.132r (item 9 of digitised microfilm) and from f.129v (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington call book, 1736-1800 - DHC1/V/B/18
DHC1/V/B/19   1793
Burdon, Tunstall, Ryehope, Herringtons, Newbottle, Wearmouth, Wearmouth tenants by surrenders from Harrison, Lambton, Nicholson, and Thatham, Houghton and Warden Law.
An index has been inserted.
A copy of DHC1/V/A/48.
Paper   134ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book, 1793 (copy of DHC1/V/A/48) - DHC1/V/B/19
Ryhope, Burdon, Tunstall, Herrington, Newbottle, Houghton and Warden Law.
An index has been inserted
Paper    259ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book I, 19th century - DHC1/V/B/20
Contains Wearmouth only.
Wearmouth tenants by surrenders from Lambton, Harrison, Nicholson, Tatham, Hopper and Robinson.
An index has been inserted.
A continuation of DHC1/V/B/20.
Paper    259ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book II (Wearmouth), 19th century - DHC1/V/B/21
Wearmouth calls 1-504.
On f.1 is a note "This book became so tattered that a substitute copy was made".
The substitute copy is DHC1/V/B/23.
Paper    117ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book III (Wearmouth), 19th century (replaced by DHC1/V/B/23) - DHC1/V/B/22
Wearmouth calls 1-499.
On f.1 is a note "This is a copy of the new Call Book that was made in 1851".
A copy of DHC1/V/B/22 above.
Paper    118ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book, 1851 (copy of DHC1/V/B/22) - DHC1/V/B/23
Wearmouth calls 500-1898.
A continuation of DHC1/V/B/22 and 23.
Paper    180ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website in two parts: up to f.140r (item 7 of digitised microfilm) and from f.139v (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book, (continues DHC1/V/B/22-23) - DHC1/V/B/24
Wearmouth calls 1899-3963.
A continuation of DHC1/V/B/24.
On f.227 are the tenants under Beckwith's (late Hopper's) estate, calls 220-975, i.e. a continuation of DHC1/V/B/28.
Paper    314ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (continues DHC1/V/B/24) - DHC1/V/B/25
Wearmouth calls 3964-6740.
A continuation of DHC1/V/B/25 above.
Paper    299ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (continues DHC1/V/B/25) - DHC1/V/B/26
Wearmouth. Lambton's, Nicholson's and Robinson's estates.
Lambton's estate calls 1-1194.
Nicholson's estate calls 1-65.
Robinson's estate calls 1-26.
Paper    233ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Wearmouth) - DHC1/V/B/27
Wearmouth. Harrison's, Beckwith's and Tatham's estates.
Harrison's estate calls 1-241.
Beckwith's estate calls 1-219. (Calls 220-975 are in DHC1/V/B/25 )
Tatham's estate calls 1-195.
Paper    115ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Wearmouth) - DHC1/V/B/28
Wearmouth. Harrison's, Beckwith's and Tatham's estates.
Harrison's estate calls 1-264.
Beckwith's estate calls 1-219. (Calls 220-975 are in DHC1/V/B/25 )
Tatham's estate calls 1-222.
On f.1 is a note "This is a fair copy of the Call Book which was made in 1851", i.e. of DHC1/V/B/28 above.
Paper    138ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Wearmouth) - DHC1/V/B/29
DHC1/V/B/30   1809
Roughside and Rowley calls 1-117.
Benfieldside calls 1-656.
Butsfield etc. calls 1-69.
Burnhope and Hamsteels calls 1-74.
Kyo Billingside and Peth calls 1-418.
Broom and Flass calls 1-319.
Lanchester calls 1-439.
An index has been inserted.
Paper   439ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book, 1809 - DHC1/V/B/30
Roughside and Rowley calls 1-133.
Butsfield etc. calls 1-73.
Burnhope and Hamsteels calls 1-79.
Paper    191ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book - DHC1/V/B/31
Benfieldside calls 1-600, copied from DHC1/V/B/30.
Paper    192ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (copied from DHC1/V/B/30) - DHC1/V/B/32
Benfieldside calls 601-700.
Paper    21ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Benfieldside) - DHC1/V/B/33
Broom and Flass calls 1-332.
Paper    191ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Broom and Flass) - DHC1/V/B/34
Kyo Billingside and Peth calls 1-452.
Paper    192ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Kyo, Billingside and Peth) - DHC1/V/B/35
Lanchester calls 1-476.
Paper    190ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Lanchester) - DHC1/V/B/36
DHC1/V/B/37   1809
Middleham, Sedgefield, Cornforth.
An index has been inserted.
Paper   114ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Middleham, Sedgefield, Cornforth) - DHC1/V/B/37
DHC1/V/B/38   1786
Carleton, Hartburn, Norton, Stockton.
An index has been inserted.
A copy of DHC1/V/A/80.
Paper   75ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (copy of DHC1/V/A/80) - DHC1/V/B/38
DHC1/V/B/39   1809
Carleton calls 1-70.
Hartburn calls 1-57.
Norton calls 1-297.
Stockton calls 1-734.
An index has been inserted.
Paper   246ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Carleton, Hartburn, Norton, Stockton) - DHC1/V/B/39
Carleton calls 71-80.
Hartburn calls 58-94.
Norton calls 298-898.
Stockton calls 735-1763.
An index has been inserted.
Paper    309ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Carleton, Hartburn, Norton, Stockton) - DHC1/V/B/40
Sunderland Ground Rent Call Book.
Paper    47ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Sunderland Ground Rents) - DHC1/V/B/41
Five books are described as Whickham Call Books. The first of these (DHC1/V/B/42, with a Halmote Court Office label calling it "Whickham Court and Call Roll from 1703 to 1716 No.1") looks at first glance like a Court Book, but instead of records of admittances it contains lists of tenants' names. The next three "Whickham Call Books" (DHC1/V/B/43-45, covering between them the period 1719 to 1842, with a gap between 1780 and 1782) are of the same nature as DHC1/V/B/42. It seems clear that what the Halmote Court staff for Whickham in the 18th and early 19th centuries meant by "Call Roll" was not a list of copyhold properties but a list of copyhold tenants.
The last of the five books called Whickham Call Books is DHC1/V/B/46B. It is a perfectly normal Call Book, listing 699 calls and containing notes of surrenders and admittances from about 1820 to 1925 and later. It also notes the extinguishment of manorial incidents on many properties. See under DHC1/V/B/46A for notes on a related item.

DHC1/V/B/42   1703-1716
79ff. + some damaged at the back. 
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham pleas, 1703-1716 - DHC1/V/B/42
DHC1/V/B/43   1719-1780
The end folios contain Whickham pleas 1719-1780.
78ff.+ 62ff. at end. 
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Whickham pleas, 1719-1780 - DHC1/V/B/43
DHC1/V/B/44   1782-1824
The end folios contain Whickham pleas 1782-1822.
99ff. + 179ff. at end. 
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Whickham pleas 1782-1824) - DHC1/V/B/44
DHC1/V/B/45   1824-1842
The end folios contain Whickham pleas 1824-1862.
93ff. + 130ff. at end. 
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book (Whickham pleas 1824-1862) - DHC1/V/B/45
DHC1/V/B/46A    19th-20th cent.
Unbound loose sheets. Calls 1-626.
DHC1/V/B/46A is physically odd, in that its entries are written across sheets about 17" wide and 13" high; these sheets are in a pile, with the sheets bearing the lowest Call Numnbers at the bottom of the pile, and the pile is folded down the middle.
This "book" has a fairly close relationship with DHC1/V/B/46B. The two books deal with roughly the same properties and in something like the same order: one and the same property may have two Call Numbers of which the one given in book 46B may differ from that given in the other book 46A by as little as two or three or as much as 20 or 30. Book 46B gives for each property (except a few at the beginning of the book) not only the Call Number appropriate to its position in 46B but also, in brackets (sometimes in pencil but more usually in ink and in the hand responsible for the other Call Numbers the Call Number given to the property in 46A. Entries in 46A are sometimes longer (listing admittances as early as 1801) than in 46B, but for the Call Numbers above about 460 the entries are in the hand responsible for most of 46B and are of the same length as those in 46B, though neither book seems a verbatim copy of the other. 46A stops at Call Number 626, and the highest Call Number that 46B has in brackets is 629. Notes of extinguishing of manorial incidents are commoner in 46B, and such notes of extinguishment in 46A are in manuscript (not rubber-stamped) and refer to deeds of enfranchisement dated before 1926.
A little information about the relationship between Call Books 46A and 46B can be obtained from the Whickham Court Books. Such Call Numbers as are given (always in pencil and in the margin) in the Court Book for 1792-1812 are the same as those used in Call Book 46A. The same is true of the Court Books for 1812-1828 and 1844-1854. In the Court Book for 1878-1892, and in that for 1892-1900, the Call Numbers, though now appearing regularly, are still written in pencil in the margin. Most properties to which admittances are recorded have only one number so written, this being the number given in Call Book 46A. In the margin beside some admittances two Call Numbers are written: sometimes one is written smaller than the other (usually the number given in 46B), sometimes one is in brackets (usually the number in 46A), and sometimes the two Call Numbers are written like a large fraction (e.g. 359 over 379, with the number above the line usually the one given in 46B). In general, one and the same property is very likely to have a higher Call Number given to it in 46A than 46B.
In the Court Book for 1901-1908 the Call Numbers are written in ink as an integral part of the copy of the admittance. One Call Number is given for each property, and this number is the one given in Call Book 46A. It is worth noting that on folio 188r of the 1901-1908 Whickham Court Book, where a property whose Call Number was 507 is mentioned (the date is 23 November 1906), a pencil note above the Call Number reads "now 494", and 46B gives this property the Call Number 494. In the Court Books for 1909-1916 and 1917-1925, in both of which all the matter, including the Call Numbers, is printed, the Call Numbers in use are still those given in 46A.
Formerly catalogued as Halmote Court miscellanea: miscellaneous papers box 15, item 1.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book - DHC1/V/B/46A
Calls 1-699.
See under DHC1/V/B/46A for a related item, and for notes on the relationship between Call Books 46A and 46B.
Paper    121ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book - DHC1/V/B/46B
DHC1/V/B/47   1809
Stanhope, Bishopley, Lynesack and Softley, S. Bedburn, N. Bedburn, Wolsingham.
An index has been inserted.
Paper   390ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book, 1809 - DHC1/V/B/47
Bishopwearmouth Rectory
Calls 1-1007.
Paper   123ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Houghton call book - DHC1/V/B/48
DHC 1/VI: Rental Registers
Dates of creation: 1804-1857 The first three rentals for Chester ward (only) have been microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, and digital copies derived from the microfilms are available at their familysearch website. When accessing images on familysearch, note:
For copyhold rentals before 1800 see the separate catalogue of rentals at DHC 4.
See also catalogue of miscellanea under DHC 10/B1/14 and 15, for extracts from Bedlington rentals 1742-1857.

Chester Ward
DHC1/VI/1  (134820)   1804
Index on f.1A
Paper    111ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Rental Registers.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1804 - DHC1/VI/1
DHC1/VI/2  (134821)   1805
Index on f.1A
Paper    110ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Rental Registersdescription for the Call Books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1805 - DHC1/VI/2
DHC1/VI/3  (134822)   1806
Index on f.1B.
Leaf 85-86 is bound after f.97
Paper    107ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm). See note under description for the Rental Registers.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1806 - DHC1/VI/3
DHC1/VI/4  (134823)   1807
Index on f.1A
Paper    107ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1807 - DHC1/VI/4
DHC1/VI/5  (134824)   1808
Index on f.1A
Paper    106ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1808 - DHC1/VI/5
DHC1/VI/6  (134825)   1809
Index on f.1A
Paper    99ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1809 - DHC1/VI/6
DHC1/VI/7  (134826)   1810
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    102ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1810 - DHC1/VI/7
DHC1/VI/8  (134827)   1811
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    113ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1811 - DHC1/VI/8
DHC1/VI/9  (134828)   1812
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    111ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1812 - DHC1/VI/9
DHC1/VI/10  (134829)   1813
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    109ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1813 - DHC1/VI/10
DHC1/VI/11  (134830)   1814
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    109ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1814 - DHC1/VI/11
DHC1/VI/12  (134831)   1815
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    110ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1815 - DHC1/VI/12
DHC1/VI/13  (134832)   1816
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    108ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1816 - DHC1/VI/13
DHC1/VI/14  (134833)   1817-1819
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    108ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1817-1819 - DHC1/VI/14
DHC1/VI/15  (134834)   1820-1822
On f.1A a cutting from a newspaper has been pasted, bearing the date 14th November 1822.
It states the times and places that Percival Foster, acting receiver of the Bishop of Durham, will attend to receive rents.
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    109ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1820-1822 - DHC1/VI/15
DHC1/VI/16  (134835)   1823-1825
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    110ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1823-1825 - DHC1/VI/16
DHC1/VI/17  (134836)   1826-1828
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    110ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1826-1828 - DHC1/VI/17
DHC1/VI/18  (134837)   1829-1831
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    85ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1829-1831 - DHC1/VI/18
DHC1/VI/19  (134838)   1832-1834
On f.1A is a letter relating to rental books.
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    85ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1832-1834 - DHC1/VI/19
DHC1/VI/20  (134839)   1835-1837
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    83ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1835-1837 - DHC1/VI/20
DHC1/VI/21  (134840)   1838-1840
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    80ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1838-1840 - DHC1/VI/21
DHC1/VI/22  (134841)   1841-1843
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    70ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1841-1843 - DHC1/VI/22
DHC1/VI/23  (134842)   1843-1844
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    110ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1843-1844 - DHC1/VI/23
DHC1/VI/24  (134843)   1845-1847
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    112ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1845-1847 - DHC1/VI/24
DHC1/VI/25  (134844)   1848-1850
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    112ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1848-1850 - DHC1/VI/25
DHC1/VI/26  (134845)   1851-1853
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    110ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1851-1853 - DHC1/VI/26
DHC1/VI/27  (134846)   1854-1855
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    110ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1854-1855 - DHC1/VI/27
DHC1/VI/28  (134847)   1856-1857
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    112ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester rentals, 1856-1857 - DHC1/VI/28
Darlington Ward
DHC1/VI/29  (134848)   1804
Index on f.1A
Paper    177ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1804 - DHC1/VI/29
DHC1/VI/30  (134849)   1805
Index on f.1A
Paper    176ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1805 - DHC1/VI/30
DHC1/VI/31  (134850)   1806
Index on f.1A
Paper    176ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1806 - DHC1/VI/31
DHC1/VI/32  (134851)   1807
Index on f.1A
Paper    176ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1807 - DHC1/VI/32
DHC1/VI/33  (134852)   1808
Index on f.1A
Paper    176ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1808 - DHC1/VI/33
DHC1/VI/34  (134853)   1809
Index on f.1A
Paper    184ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1808 - DHC1/VI/34
DHC1/VI/35  (134854)   1810
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    205ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1810 - DHC1/VI/35
DHC1/VI/36  (134855)   1811
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    198ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1811 - DHC1/VI/36
DHC1/VI/37  (134856)   1812
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    197ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1812 - DHC1/VI/37
DHC1/VI/38  (134857)   1813
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    190ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1813 - DHC1/VI/38
DHC1/VI/39  (134858)   1814
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    190ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1814 - DHC1/VI/39
DHC1/VI/40  (134859)   1815
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    180ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1815 - DHC1/VI/40
DHC1/VI/41  (134860)   1816
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    189ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1816 - DHC1/VI/41
DHC1/VI/42  (134861)   1817-1819
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    190ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1817-1819 - DHC1/VI/42
DHC1/VI/43  (134862)   1820-1822
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    190ff.
Digitised material for Rental register: Darlington Ward 1820-22 - DHC1/VI/43
DHC1/VI/44  (134863)   1823-1825
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    193ff.
Digitised material for Rental register: Darlington Ward 1823-25 - DHC1/VI/44
DHC1/VI/45  (134864)   1826-1828
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    193ff.
Digitised material for Rental register: Darlington Ward 1826-28 - DHC1/VI/45
DHC1/VI/46  (134865)   1829-1831
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    150ff.
Digitised material for Rental register: Darlington Ward 1829-31 - DHC1/VI/46
DHC1/VI/47  (134866)   1832-1834
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    155ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1832-1834 - DHC1/VI/47
DHC1/VI/48  (134867)   1835-1837
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    155ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington rentals, 1835-1837 - DHC1/VI/48
DHC1/VI/49  (134868)   1838-1840
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    155ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1838-40 - DHC1/VI/49
DHC1/VI/50  (134869)   1841-1843
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    124ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1841-43 - DHC1/VI/50
DHC1/VI/51  (134870)   1843-1845
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    194ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1843-45 - DHC1/VI/51
DHC1/VI/52  (134871)   1845-1847
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    194ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1845-47 - DHC1/VI/52
DHC1/VI/53  (134872)   1848-1850
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    194ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1848-50 - DHC1/VI/53
DHC1/VI/54  (134873)   1851-1853
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    194ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1851-53 - DHC1/VI/54
DHC1/VI/55  (134874)   1854-1855
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    192ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1854-55 - DHC1/VI/55
DHC1/VI/56  (134875)   1856-1857
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    193ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Darlington Ward, 1856-57 - DHC1/VI/56
Easington and Stockton Wards
DHC1/VI/63  (134882)   1810
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    62ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1810 - DHC1/VI/63
DHC1/VI/64  (134883)   1811
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    59ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1811 - DHC1/VI/64
DHC1/VI/65  (134884)   1812
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    60ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1812 - DHC1/VI/65
DHC1/VI/66  (134885)   1813
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    61ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1813 - DHC1/VI/66
DHC1/VI/67  (134886)   1814
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    61ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1814 - DHC1/VI/67
DHC1/VI/68  (134887)   1815
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    61ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1815 - DHC1/VI/68
DHC1/VI/69  (134888)   1816
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    64ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1816 - DHC1/VI/69
DHC1/VI/70  (134889)   1817-1819
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    59ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1817-19 - DHC1/VI/70
DHC1/VI/71  (134890)   1820-1822
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    70ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1820-22 - DHC1/VI/71
DHC1/VI/72  (134891)   1823-1825
A newspaper cutting, dated 11th November 1825, pasted in the front cover, announces the dates of attendance of the Bishop's Receiver.
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    64ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1823-25 - DHC1/VI/72
DHC1/VI/73  (134892)   1826-1828
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    64ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1826-28 - DHC1/VI/73
DHC1/VI/74  (134893)   1829-1831
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    58ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1829-31 - DHC1/VI/74
DHC1/VI/75  (134894)   1832-1834
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    56ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1832-34 - DHC1/VI/75
DHC1/VI/76  (134895)   1835-1837
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    53ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1835-37 - DHC1/VI/76
DHC1/VI/77  (134896)   1838-1840
A memorandum on the front cover records that the first 25ff. of the book are lost.
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    55ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1838-40 - DHC1/VI/77
DHC1/VI/78  (134897)   1841-1843
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    47ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1841-43 - DHC1/VI/78
DHC1/VI/79  (134898)   1843-1844
Folios 1-12 are missing.
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    66ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1843-44 - DHC1/VI/79
DHC1/VI/80  (134899)   1845-1847
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    70ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1845-47 - DHC1/VI/80
DHC1/VI/81  (134900)   1848-1850
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    70ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1848-50 - DHC1/VI/81
DHC1/VI/82  (134901)   1851-1853
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    70ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1851-53 - DHC1/VI/82
DHC1/VI/83  (134902)   1854-1855
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    70ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1854-55 - DHC1/VI/83
DHC1/VI/84  (134903)   1856-1857
An index has been made and inserted
Paper    70ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rental register, Easington and Stockton Wards, 1856-57 - DHC1/VI/84
DHC 1/VII: Index and Alphabet Books   1594-1925
These books provide an alphabetical means of reference to the halmote court books of corresponding dates, and is chiefly needed for the period before 1720 (when the court books in DHC 1/I do not include name indexes). The series starts in 1594 but there is a gap between 1597 and 1607.
Within the alphabet books, names of tenants are listed under their initial letter, in (approximate) date or court book order. Entries generally give both the name of the tenant being indexed, plus the other party to the transaction (or for properties that are being inherited, the name of the copyholder who has died). But note that where multiple tenants are being admitted, sometimes the first one only is indexed.
The folio references in the index and alphabet books refer to the old foliation in the halmote court books (not the numbers in pencil). Several volumes of these books were numbered continuously e.g. the three books between 1660 and 1674 are continuously numbered from 1 to 1813, and the seven books between 1674 and 1705 from 1 to 2165. Since the index and alphabet book for the period 1660-1706 covers all ten volumes the numbers 1-1813 appear twice in it for different dates. The dates are not always indicated in the index and alphabet books but, since the names are arranged chronologically, it is in practice easy enough to tell from the preceding and following numbers within each letter to which section of the court books any given folio reference relates.
These volumes have been microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, and digital copies derived from the microfilms are available at their familysearch website. When accessing images on familysearch, note:

DHC1/VII/1   1594-1605
Endorsed on cover "Alphabet librorum curie Halmot tempore Tobi Episcopi Dunelm..."
Paper    32ff.
Digitised material for Alphabet book (index) 1594-1605 - DHC1/VII/1
DHC1/VII/2   1607-1636
A note inside the front cover reads "The Three several alphabets in this Book are from the fourth James the first to the twelfth Charles the first 1607-1636."
f.14 1607-1618
f.44 1618-1625
f.70 1625-1636

Paper    99ff.
Digitised material for Alphabet book (index) 1607-1636 - DHC1/VII/2
DHC1/VII/3   1635-1660
A note inside the front cover reads "The first Alphabet from 1635-1650. And the 2nd. Do. from 1650-1660. Sedgefield Division fo. 255 to and with 267."
f.12 1635-1650
f.60 1650-1660

Paper    94ff.
Digitised material for Alphabet book (index) 1635-1660 - DHC1/VII/3
DHC1/VII/4   1650-1659 or 1660
The volume if bound with a land conveyance relating to a certain George Chapman as its inner cover.
(See also DHC1/VII/18 [1660-1673] ).
Paper   43ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm, images 576-690). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1650-60 - DHC1/VII/4
DHC1/VII/5   1660-1717
Marked on the front cover "Alphabet A."
This and the next volume both cover the period 1660-1706: this book indexes those who are admitted to copyhold lands, No. 6 indexes the persons making the surrender.
An additional alphabet, beginning on f.134, in part duplicates the index within DHC 1/VII 10.
Paper    171ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 7of digitised microfilm, images 691-1033). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1660-1717 - DHC1/VII/5
DHC1/VII/6   1660-1706
This and the previous volume both cover the period 1660-1706: this book indexes those who surrendered copyhold lands, No. 5 indexes the persons being admitted.
Paper    129ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 8 of digitised microfilm, images 1034-1258). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1660-1706 - DHC1/VII/6
DHC1/VII/7   1688-1694
Entered in VII.5
Paper    24ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 1 of digitised microfilm, images 4-63). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1688-1694 - DHC1/VII/7
DHC1/VII/8   1695-1704
Entered in VII.5.
Paper    28ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 2of digitised microfilm, images 64-132). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1695-1704 - DHC1/VII/8
DHC1/VII/9   1706-1720
This and the next volume both cover the period 1706-1720: this book indexes those who surrendered copyhold lands, No. 9 indexes the persons being admitted.
Paper    92ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 3 of digitised microfilm, images 133-234). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1706-20 - DHC1/VII/9
DHC1/VII/10   1706-1720
Marked on front cover "A".
This and the previous volume both cover the period 1706-1720: this book indexes those who are admitted to copyhold lands, No. 9 indexes the persons making the surrender.
Paper    90ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 4 of digitised microfilm, images 235-382). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1706-1720 - DHC1/VII/10
DHC1/VII/11   1579-1783
This book is marked "33" and "Lib.I" on the front cover.
On the flyleaf is a note "Index to Lib.1st. of Bishopwearmouth Manor Court." i.e. to Vol. III.B.7.
Paper    34ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 5 of digitised microfilm, images 384-430). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index book, 1579-1783 - DHC1/VII/11
DHC1/VII/12   1783-1820
On the front cover is "Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book Lib. II." i.e. to Vol. III.B.8.
Paper    93pp.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 6 of digitised microfilm, images 431-484). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book, 1783-1820 - DHC1/VII/12
DHC1/VII/13   1821-1851
On the front cover is "Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book Lib.III.B.9 ".
Paper    92ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 7 of digitised microfilm, images 485-537). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book, 1821-1851 - DHC1/VII/13
DHC1/VII/14   1851-1890
On the front cover is "Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book Vol. IV". i.e. to Vol.III.B.10.
Paper    26ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 8 of digitised microfilm, images 538-568). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book, 1851-1890 - DHC1/VII/14
DHC1/VII/15   1890-1925
On the front cover is "Vol.V. Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book." i.e. to Vol.III.B.11.
Paper    26ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 9 of digitised microfilm, images 569-602). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Index to Bishopwearmouth Court Book, 1890-1925 - DHC1/VII/15
14 sheets of an alphabetical index in an envelope marked "249015. Gateshead Index."
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 10 of digitised microfilm, images 603-628). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records:
DHC1/VII/17   n.d. [Late 17th century]
Contains entries for ff.3-313. Letters A-W.
This index does not appear to relate to any halmote court book deposited here. Indeed, occasional references in it to a person's accounts suggests that it may not be an index book to any of the halmote court books at all.
Paper    10ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 11 of digitised microfilm, images 629-654). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: unidentified part index book - DHC1/VII/17
DHC1/VII/18   n.d. [1660-1673]
Apparently incomplete. Contains entries for ff.1-1652. Letters B-Y.
Paper    57ff.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 12 of digitised microfilm, images 655-755). See note under description for this series.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: unidentified part index book - DHC1/VII/18
DHC 1/VIII: Transactions after 1925
(Mortgages, Conveyances, Releases etc.)

Auckland Division.
Index at front
Paper    335pp.
Digital images available on external familysearch website (item 13 of digitised microfilm, images 756-1075). See note under description for series of Index and Alphabet Books.
Chester Division.
Index at front.
Paper    468pp.
Darlington Division.
Index at front.
Paper    135pp.
Easington Division.
Index at front.
Paper    27pp.
Houghton Division.
Index at front.
Paper    177pp.
Bishopwearmouth I.
Index at front.
Paper    476pp.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Transactions after 1925 - Bishopwearmouth - DHC1/VIII/6
Bishopwearmouth II.
Index at front
Lanchester Division.
Index at front.
Paper    293pp.
Stockton Division I.
Index at front.
Paper    402pp.
Stockton Division II.
Index at front.
Paper    45pp.
Wolsingham Division.
Index at front.
226 pp. 
Bedlington Manor.
Index at front.
Paper    24pp.
Bishopwearmouth Rectory Manor.
Index at front.
Paper    97pp.
Evenwood Manor.
Index at front.
Paper    132pp.
Middleham Manor.
Index at front.
Paper    47pp.
Whickham Manor.
Index at front
Paper    81pp.
DHC 1/IX: Other court books and rolls
Estreats Material removed from Durham in the 19th century, at some point in the custody of the PRO and then passed to the Church Commision. Deposited here as part of the 1981 CCB deposit. Currently still stored with that collection.

CCB D/1981/220020   1675-1681
Arrears of Halmote Court Estreats, etc
Darlington Ward, with Blackwell, Houghton, Middridge, Bondgate in Auckland, Escomb, Redworth, Wolsingham, Newton Cap.
Chester Ward with Bedlington
Easington Ward
Stockton Ward with Norton, Bishop Middleham, Hartburn, Stockton.
6 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220044   2 Anne [1703-1704]
Sheriffs Tourn Courts
Chester-in-le-Spring with Nettlesworth, Stella, Gibside, Ravensworth Castle, Howells, Bradly, Readhaugh, Gateshead, Fieldhouse, Saltworthside, Whimhouse, Medomsley, Hamsterley, Byerside, Byermoor, Mosshouse, Pelton, Foxholes, Washington, Lyerdeane, Aleshill, Maiden Riding, Hunstonworth, Hedley, Beamish, Tanfield, Causey North, Crookbank, Causey South, Lintsgreen, Losthouse, Joyhurst, Bryansloue, Fryerside Upper, Sheele Raw, Steelclose, Causey Middle, Kiphill, Broad Myers, Plawsworth, Hole Myers, Witton Gilbert, Falforth, Arrowclose, Onsterley, Fearnacres, Burnhope, Ryton Wood, Consett, Consett Park, Iveston, Saltley, Hall Hill, Seeley, Edmondsley, Tribley, Whitehall, Twizell, Hagg, Fawside, Kibblesworth, Woodside, Nunshouse, Birkley, Harraton, Picktree, Rickledon, Pelaw, Urpeth, Hedworth, Newton Garthes, Monckton, Boldon North, Whitburne, Suddick, Hilton, Chester, Whittell, Felling, Usworth Little, Ouston, Pockerley, Hebborne, Jarrow, Monk Wearmouth, Westoe, Shields South, Whickham, Whickham in low hand, Hollingside, Swallwell, Kimlesworth, Harbour House, Colliery, Montopp, Blackburne, Stebbalee, Kyot, Kyot Lawes, Barnton, Collerieghill, Manor House, Burnhall, Barrow Flatt, Fleets, Lanchester, Crawcrook, Bladon, Ebchester, Pedams Oak, Darwent, Chowdon, Hamsteels, Buttsfield, Broomesteele, Knitsley, Walridge, Roughside, Rowley, Benfieldside, Penton, Muggleswick.
4 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Sheriffs Tourn Courts, 1703-04 - CCB D/1981/220044
CCB D/1981/220045   2 Anne [1703-1704]
Sheriffs Tourn Courts
Bishop Auckland
with Rogerley, Stanhope, Poinchester, Whitworth, Auckland St Helen, Auckland St Andrew, Middridge Grange, Shildon, Evenwood, Tofthill, Lutterington, Bolton Garthes, Auckland West, Rackwood Hill, Chilton Great, Chilton Little, Rushyford, Coundon, Ferry Hill, Church Merrington, Woodcroft, Dryburnside, Eastgate, Boltsburne, Millhouses, Greenhead, Bradwood, Newlandside, Horsleyburne, Ferryfield House, Thimbleby Hill, Sheelesh, Shitley Bourne, Warmwell, Bradly, Wyserley, Toffpolts, Esh, Chalterley, Linden, Fawleezes, Scothdale, Freerside, Redworth, Froserly, Windlestone, Hunwick, Escomb, Merrington West, Oakes Raw, Ricknell Grange, Hett, Thickley, Newbiggin, Byersgreen, Old Park, Softley, Bisshopley, Bellasside, Wolsingham, Grimwell Hill, Lynsack, Newton Cap, Cornforth, Evenwood Barony, Eldon, Woodham, Cowplow, Bondgate in Auckland, Westerton, Middleton, Bedburn South, Auckland borough, Newgate, Sunderland Bridge, Helmington.
4 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Sheriffs Tourn Courts, 1703-04 - CCB D/1981/220045
CCB D/1981/220212   14 Tunstall [1544] & 17 Tunstall [1547] & one other year of Bishop Tunstall [1530-1559]
Durham. Book of Great Receipt
7 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Estate Records: Book of Great Receipt, 1544; 1547; undated Tunstall - D/1981/220212
CCB D/1981/220261   1606-1620
Estreats, Courts, Forest Courts etc for 4-6 [1606-1609], 16 [1618-1619], 17 [1619-1620] James I
Durham, Darlington Ward, Stanhope Ward.
11 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220262   1598-1628
Durham. Estreats etc for 41-44 Eliz. [1598-1602], 3 [1605-1606], 17 [1619-1620], 19 [1621-1622] James I, 3 Charles I [1627-1628]
8 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220263   2, 3 James II [1686-1688]
Durham. Estreats etc
4 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220264   1663-1671
Estreats, 15 [1663-1664], 16 [1664-1665], 19-22 [1667-1671] Charles II, for Chester, Darlington, Sedgefield, Houghton-le-Spring, Bishop Auckland, Durham.
20 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220265   17-19 [1665-1667], 22 [1670-1671] Charles II
Chester, Darlington, Sedgefield, Houghton-le-Spring, Bishop Auckland, Durham.
12 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220266   23-27 Charles II [1671-1676]
Chester, Darlington, Sedgefield, Houghton-le-Spring, Bishop Auckland, Durham.
22 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220341   17 Eliz. [1574-1575]
Gateshead 'Burgus'. Extracts from Court
2 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220342   20 Eliz. [1577-1578]
Estreats etc
Norton, Evenwood, Wolsingham, Killerby, Burnhope and Hamsteels, Whitburn and Cleadon, Lynesack, Bedburn, Houghton, Stanhope, Coundon, Escomb, Coatham Mundeville and Brafferton, Bishopley, Cockerton, Blackwell, Haughton, Burdon, Middridge, Byer, Heighington, Newton Cap, Sholton, Ryhop, Herrington, Cornforth, Carleton, Sadberge, Hartburn, Middleham, Newbottle.
30 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220343   11 James I [1613-1614]
Norton etc (as 220342), Bondgate in Darlington, Ryton, Boldon, Bedlington, Slickman West, Netherton, Wearmouth.
57 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220344   12 Charles II [1660-1661]
Estreats etc
with Burdon, Tunstall, Ryhope (Rivehopp), Herrington, Bishop Wearmouth, Newbottle.
with Sherburn, Thorpe, Shadforth, Shotton, Cassop
with Cockerton
Bondgate in Darlington
with Carlton, Hartburn, Norton, Sedgefield, Cornforth, Bishops' Middleham
with Newton Cap
with Middridge, Redworth, Heighington, Byersgreen
Bondgate in Auckland
with Killerby
Auckland West
with Stanhope, Bishopley, Lynesack, Bedburn South, Bedburn North
with Roughside (Rowside) and Rowley, Benfieldside, Billingside, Burnhope and Hamsteels, Butsfield, Broomshields, Satley and Coldpikehill, Brome and Flash, Fawside and Wearelands
with Ryton, Whiburn and Cleadon
9 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1660-61 - CCB D/1981/220344
CCB D/1981/220345   13 Charles II [1661-1662]
Estreats etc
The usual halmote tourn.
but Darlington with Coatham Mundeville, Beumondhill, Sadberge, Haughton, Whessoe.
13 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1661-62 - CCB D/1981/220345
CCB D/1981/220346   13 Charles II [1661-1662]
Estreats etc
The usual halmote tourn.
and Bedlington with Camboys, Slickburn East, Slickburn West.
15 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1661-62 - CCB D/1981/220346
CCB D/1981/220347   14 Charles II [1662-1663]
The usual halmote tourn (excepting Boldon). Estreats etc
10 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1662-63 - CCB D/1981/220347
CCB D/1981/220348   14 Charles II [1662-1663]
The usual halmote tourn. Halmotes & Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
13 mm. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1662-63 - CCB D/1981/220348
CCB D/1981/220349   15 Charles II [1663-1664]
Language:   Latin
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
24 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1663-64 - CCB D/1981/220349
CCB D/1981/220350   15 Charles II [1663-1664]
Language:   Latin
The usual halmote tourn etc (excepting Escomb). Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
22 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1663-64 - CCB D/1981/220350
CCB D/1981/220351   15 Charles II [1663-1664]
Language:   Latin
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
42 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1663-64 - CCB D/1981/220351
CCB D/1981/220352   16 Charles II [1664-1665]
Language:   English
The usual halmote tourn etc (excepting Boldon). Halmote & Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
28 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1664-65 - CCB D/1981/220352
CCB D/1981/220353   16 Charles II [1664-1665]
Language:   English
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
16 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1664-65 - CCB D/1981/220353
CCB D/1981/220354   17 Charles II [1665-1666]
Language:   English
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
12 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1665-66 - CCB D/1981/220354
CCB D/1981/220355   18 Charles II [1666-1667]
Language:   English
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
16 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1666-67 - CCB D/1981/220355
CCB D/1981/220356   18 Charles II [1666-1667]
Language:   English
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
16 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1666-67 - CCB D/1981/220356
CCB D/1981/220357   9 Charles II [1667-1668]
Language:   English
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
12 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1667-68 - CCB D/1981/220357
CCB D/1981/220358   9 Charles II [1667-1668]
Language:   English
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
12 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1667-68 - CCB D/1981/220358
CCB D/1981/220359   20 Charles II [1668-1669]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
12 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1668-69 - CCB D/1981/220359
CCB D/1981/220360   20 Charles II [1668-1669]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
14 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1668-69 - CCB D/1981/220360
CCB D/1981/220361   21 Charles II [1669-1670]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
18 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1669-70 - CCB D/1981/220361
CCB D/1981/220362   21 Charles II [1669-1670]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
16 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1669-70 - CCB D/1981/220362
CCB D/1981/220363   22 Charles II [1670-1671]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
26 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1670-71 - CCB D/1981/220363
CCB D/1981/220364   23 Charles II [1671-1672]
The usual halmote tourn etc (also Auckland Borough). Estreats etc
36 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1671-72 - CCB D/1981/220364
CCB D/1981/220365   24 Charles II [1672-1673]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
26 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1672-73 - CCB D/1981/220365
CCB D/1981/220366   27 Charles II [1675-1676]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
30 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1675-76 - CCB D/1981/220366
CCB D/1981/220367   28 Charles II [1676-1677]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
34 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1676-77 - CCB D/1981/220367
CCB D/1981/220368   29 Charles II [1677-1678]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
32 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1677-78 - CCB D/1981/220368
CCB D/1981/220369   30 Charles II [1678-1679]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
28 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1678-79 - CCB D/1981/220369
CCB D/1981/220370   31 Charles II [1679-1680]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
32 pages 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Estreats, 1679-80 - CCB D/1981/220370
CCB D/1981/220371   33 Charles II
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
14 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220372   34 Charles II [1682-1683]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
14 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220373   35 Charles II [1683-1684]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
15 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220374   36 Charles II [1684-1685]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
15 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220375   1 James II [1685-1686]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
18 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220376   2 James II
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
19 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220377   3 James II
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
16 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220378   4 James II [1688]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
15 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220379   1 William & Mary [1689-1690]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
16 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220380   1 William & Mary [1690-1691]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
12 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220381   3 William & Mary [1691-1692]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
20 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220382   4 William & Mary [1692-1693]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
18 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220383   6 William & Mary [1693-1694]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
13 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220384   7 William III [1695-1696]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
14 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220385   9 William III
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
18 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220386   10 William III
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
16 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220387   11 William III
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
13 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220388   13 William III [1701-1702]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
13 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220389   1 Anne [1702-1703]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
13 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220390   2 Anne [1703-1704]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
12 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220391   4 Anne [1705-1706]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
9 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220392   5 Anne [1706-1707]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
12 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220393   6 Anne [1707-1708]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
17 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220394   7 Anne [1708-1709]
The usual halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
15 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220395   6 Anne [1707-1708]
Chester-le-Street. Estreats etc.
2 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220396a   8 Anne [1709-1710]
Rents & Estreats in Arrear
Darlington Ward
Bondgate in Auckland, Cockerton, Haughton, Heighington, Middridge, Killerby, West Auckland, Bondgate in Auckland, Coundon lynesack and Bedburn, Wolsingham.
2 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220396b    Undated
Fines of Courts
Halmote tourn etc (excepting the places under Houghton, and Thorpe, Darlington, Bondgate in Darlington, Hartburn, Morton and Killerby.
With Wearmouth, Kyo and Peth, Haughton.
4 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220397   8 Anne [1709-1710]
Halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
16 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220398   9 Anne [1710-1711]
Halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
14 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220399   10 Anne [1711-1712]
Halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc (Durham and Northumberland)
11 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220400   11 Anne [1712-1713]
Halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
11 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220401   12 Anne [1713-1714]
Halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
13 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220402   13 Anne [1714-1715]
Halmote tourn etc. Estreats etc
11 mm. 
CCB D/1981/220485   15 Charles II [1663-1664]
Bishop Auckland Borough. Estreats etc.
2 mm. 
CCB D/1981/221135   13 Charles II [1661-1662]
Particulars of Estreats Touching Various Places. Eccles 56/25
CCB D/1981/221441   12-14 Charles II [1660-1663]
List of Collectors at Halmotes
Houghton-le-Spring etc.
Darlington with Coatham Mundeville, Haughton, Beaumont Hill, Sadberge, Whessoe, Brafferton
CCB D/1981/221519   1758 & 1759
Accounts of Leases Granted & Fees due to Durham Auditor
DHC 1/M: Miscellaneous Books
Dates of creation: 1589-1939
Register Books of Inclosure Awards
DHC1/M.1  (279752)
On spine:- "Awards. Reg.I. Hamsterley. Hunwick Edge. Ushaw Moor. Evenwood". Contains:-
Paper   450pp.
Digitised material for Copy of inclosure awards for Hamsterley, Hunwick Edge, Ushaw Moor and Evenwood - DHC1/M1
p. A2
Rental for Hamsterley, South Bedburn, Lynesack and Softley allotments.
pp. 1-146
Award (12 April 1760 ) for Hamsterley, Lynesack and Softley and South Bedburn.
pp. 1-7.
Recitation by the Commissioners of the essential parts of the Act of Parliament under which they worked. This recital mentions:
p. 3.
the rent of 4d. per acre payable to the Bishop of Durham
p. 4.
width of public roads, access to mines and quarries, enrollment of the Award
p. 5.
peat mosses, South Bedburn Moor not cultivable
pp. 5-7.
pp. 7-13.
List of owners or proprietors of premises in respect of which rights of common were claimed, with amounts of the rents:
pp. 7-8.
pp. 9-10.
South Bedburn
pp. 10-13.
Lynesack & Softley
pp. 13-18.
Objections to these claims, mentioning the boundaries of:
pp. 13-14.
Langley Chase & Langley Forest in Raby Manor
p. 14.
Evenwood Common
pp. 14-15.
Pennington's Rake
p. 15.
Wolsingham landowners claims on Bedburn Fell
pp. 15-16.
boundary of Cloudam Rake
p. 16.
Lunton Hill, Stone Chesters and Mayland Leigh
p. 17.
Sun Close Nooke and a claim in right of Eggleston Manor
p. 18.
description of the boundary of Evenwood Common
pp. 18-23.
Arbitrators awards regarding these disputes and other disputed areas and who had rights of common there, what land is to be excluded from the division and the reason, the Edge Road.
pp. 23-31.
public roads.
p. 33.
repair of roads.
pp. 33-34.
pp. 34-35.
common watering places.
pp. 34-114.
the allotments.
pp. 114-134.
ways, 20 feet wide and less.
pp. 135-143.
foot paths.
pp. 143-146.
fencing, ditching, water courses, gates and drains.
p. 146.
names of commissioners, date, end.
p. 152-194
Award (23 April 1760 ) for Hunwick Edge.
In this award items often dealt with in separate sections are mentioned in the descriptions of the allotments.
Recital by the Commissioners of the Act of Parliament under which they worked - mention of the 6d. per acre payable to the Bishop of Durham, procedures to be followed.
pp. 157-159.
The claimants and the property in respect of which they claimed right of common.
pp. 159-162.
public highways and their repair.
pp. 163-188.
the allotments, mentioning the foot paths and carriage roads which are to cross them, with fencing provisions.
pp. 188-193.
private carriage roads, public bridle ways for "sack and seam" i.e. packhorse traffic, foot paths, stiles (pinfold), water courses, ditches.
pp. 193-194.
names of commissioners. end.
p. 195
Rental for Hunwick Edge allotments 1764.
p. 199-265
Award (3 May 1763 ) for Middlewood Moor or Ushaw Moor in Lanchester Parish.
pp. 199-206.
Recital by the commissioners of the main parts of the Act empowering them, boundaries and description of the ground concerned, 6d. per acre to be due to the Bishop of Durham, roads etc. to be laid out, deposit of award.
pp. 206-207.
claimants to a right of common to whose claims objections were made.
pp. 208-212.
names of claimants with descriptions of the properties in right of which their claims were made.
pp. 212-214.
procedures followed in general terms, meetings, decisions, boundary stones and marks, draft prepared.
pp. 214-215.
Earl of Shaftsbury's objection referred arbitrators and deemed groundless. (The arbitrators decisions on this and other objections are enrolled in this vol. ( pgs. 267-274 ).)
pp. 216-218.
highways and their repair.
pp. 218-219.
pp. 219-221.
watering places and access to them.
pp. 221-225.
carriage roads.
pp. 225-226.
details of 19 boundary stones and their upkeep.
pp. 226-259.
the allotments including the roads, fences, stiles etc. which concern each.
pp. 259-263.
ditches, watercourses.
pp. 263-265.
maintenance of public highways, the rates to be levied by the surveyors, lists of those to pay with amounts.
p. 265.
names of commissioners - end.
p. 267
Arbitrators' Awards respecting Ushaw Moor.
p. 275
Rental for Ushaw Moor allotments 1764.
p. 281
Arbitrators' Awards respecting Railey Fell in the Manor of Evenwood.
p. 305-440
Award (30 November 1765 ) for Railey Fell, Evenwood.
pp. 305-315.
Recital by the Commissioners of the essential parts of the Act of Parliament which empowered them, 4d. per acre to be payable to the Bishop of Durham, general outline of what is to be done, the Red House excluded, Nutley Well, procedures.
p. 315.
Representatives of all the West Auckland proprietors claim a certain boundary between West Auckland and Escomb and Bondgate in Auckland.
pp. 315-318.
Names, holdings and rents of the West Auckland proprietors claiming common.
p. 318.
withdrawals of claims.
pp. 318-319.
A representative of all the Evenwood owners and tenants presented an account of the barony boundary in the area intended to be inclosed.
pp. 319-322.
The Evenwood claimants, names, premises and rents.
p. 323.
Claims and withdrawals from tenants etc. of Escombe, Auckland St. Helen, Bishop Auckland and Pollards Lands etc.
pp. 323-325.
objections to submitted claims.
p. 325.
no objections to the boundaries claimed earlier.
pp. 325-327.
A new Act of Parliament was passed to give extra time for the arbitrators to consider the objections, claims and complaints and "Great Variety of Disputes & Differences".
pp. 327-328.
Summary of arbitrators awards respecting claimants of the township or barony of Evenwood (pp. 327-328), (well entitled), West Auckland (not entitled) (p. 328).
pp. 328-329.
description of the area (boundering upon Evenwood common) on which the West Auckland people and no others were entitled to common.
pp. 329-320.
Part of West Auckland Common, i.e. West Auckland South Moor had been divided by an Award of 11 February 1639 embodied on a Durham Chancery Award of 27 March 1640.
The owners and occupiers of that already divided part were not entitled to common on the area to be divided.
The rest were entitled.
Intakes carried no right of common.
pp. 330-332.
Names, premises and rents of those in West Auckland entitled to right of common.
pp. 332-335.
Those in Evenwood similarly entitled.
pp. 335-340.
Mrs. Mary Bowes of Gibside - her allotment, objections, arbitration and agreement with Geo. Bell.
pp. 340-341.
George Bell's allotment.
pp. 341-343.
West Auckland common highways and their repair.
p. 343.
West Auckland Common quarry.
pp. 343-344.
West Auckland Common watering places.
pp. 344-347.
highroads in Evenwood township and their repair.
pp. 347-349.
Evenwood common quarries.
pp. 349-351.
Evenwood common watering places.
pp. 351-354.
Evenwood common springs.
pp. 354-382.
West Auckland allotments.
p. 383.
A particular road through George Hodgson's allotment (access to Evenwood Mill).
p. 383A.
West Auckland private carriage ways.
pp. 383-6.
West Auckland public foot way and repairs.
pp. 386-429.
Evenwood allotments.
pp. 429-30.
Witton Castle private bridle way.
pp. 430-436.
Evenwood common foot paths.
p. 436.
stiles, foot path repairs.
p. 437.
Occupiers of the allotments of Mary Bowes and Eliz. Garland to have access over stiles to the Earl of Darlington's Spring.
pp. 437-8.
access to St. Swithin's well.
pp. 438-440.
path to Day Gyll quarry, path between Toft Hill Lane and Mill Lane and other roads and ways.
p. 440.
p. 440.
award and plan deposited, names of commissioners - end.
p. A7
Rental for Evenwood and West Auckland allotments.
Draft: DHC5/190347, which gives page numbers as here, and a little extra information.
p. 444
DHC1/M.2  (279753)
On spine:- "Awards. Wolsingham Common. Wolsingham East Townfields. Holling Hall Pasture. Register 2". Contains:-
Paper   478pp.
Digitised material for Register copies of inclosure awards: Awards. Wolsingham Common, Wolsingham East Townfields, Holling Hall Pasture - DHC/M2
p. 1-44
Arbitrators' Awards respecting Wolsingham Common Inclosure Award 1767.
Arbitrators' awards in various differences referred to them by the Commissioners.
pp. 1-3.
Sheal named Peat or Peal Carrs, Wolsingham.
pp. 3-6.
Freehold and copyhold premises and mill in Wolsingham belonging to R.B. Bowes and Mrs. Eliz. Bowes.
pp. 7-9.
Premises and quarries in Wolsingham belonging to Tristram Collins.
pp. 9-12.
Premises at Greenwell Hill in Wolsingham belonging to Thos. Greenwell.
pp. 13-15.
Freehold and copyhold premises in Wolsingham belonging to Will. Greenwell.
pp. 15-18.
Premises in Wolsingham belonging to George Emmerson and his mother.
pp. 18-27.
Premises at Frosterley belonging various people.
pp. 28-31.
John Swinburn's claim, in right of premises at Rogerley and Frosterley, to common on Wolsingham North, South and Park Moors.
pp. 33-35.
Claim of the Earl of Darlington involving the boundary between his manor of Raby and the Bishop of Durham's manor of Wolsingham.
pp. 36-38.
Claim of Will. Hutchinson involving the boundary between the manors of Egglestone and Wolsingham.
pp. 38-41.
Claim of Farrer Wren of Binchester involving the boundary between his township of Woodland and the manor of Wolsingham.
pp. 41-44.
Claim of the Dean of Chapter of Durham involving the boundary between their manor of Muggleswick and the manor of Wolsingham.
p. 45-318
Award (21 November 1767 ) for Wolsingham North, South & Park Moors (ie the Wolsingham Common Award).
pp. 45-53.
Recital of the main parts of the Act of Parliament empowering the Commissioners' procedures.
pp. 53-56.
Claimants referred to the arbitrators whose awards are set out in full on pgs. 1-44 of this volume M.2.
pp. 56-68.
Claimants to common - names, premises, rents.
Objections were made to some of these claims.
p. 68.
Certain boundary stones claimed as belonging to Egglestone Manor.
p. 68.
Claims regarding the boundary of Frosterley Manor.
pp. 68-77.
Results of the claims ( pgs. 53-56 ) and lesser ones which went to the arbitrators, including:
p. 74.
Swinburn's claim.
pp. 74-75.
Hutchinson's Earl of Darlington's claim.
p. 77.
Dean & Chapter's claim.
p. 77.
The survey made - note of parts excluded as belonging to other manors, unimprovable etc.
p. 78.
Draft award made.
pp. 79-90.
Public highways and paths, their repair.
These are ways between, not across, allotments.
pgs. 79-85.
sixty feet wide.
pgs. 85-90.
narrower ones.
pp. 90-92.
Quarries - and who may use them.
pp. 92-193.
The more improvable allotments, beginning with the perpetual curacies of Lanchester, Ash & Satley.
Responsibility for fencing is specified in each allotment.
pp. 193-295.
The less improvable allotments and fencing provisions - still to be subject to the 4d. per acre payable per annum to the Bishop of Durham for all land inclosed.
If not inclosed these less improvable parts were to remain common.
pp. 295-316.
Ways and passages across allotments.
p. 316.
Responsibility for surface repairs, fencing and stiles for these ways rests with the holders of the allotments through which they pass.
pp. 316-318.
Access to springs and watering places.
p. 318.
Ditches and gutters.
p. 318.
Names of Commissioners etc. - end.
pp. 321-460
Award (17 May 1770 ) for Wolsingham East Townfields.
p. 321.
Recital of the enabling Act of Parliament which described the situation before inclosure, common fields in which the proprietors knew their own lands and stinting of them at certain times of the year.
Tithes held by named people.
The stinting right is to be extinguished and the land divided.
pp. 322-326.
p. 326.
the allotments to be held in severalty and free from right of stinting, common of average and all other claims whatsoever: to be held by the same sort of title (e.g. copyhold) as the other land in right of which the allotment was made.
pp. 326-393.
Lists of those claiming land in the townfields with descriptions of their separate pieces by area and by neighbouring proprietors with dates of admittances.
p. 393.
No objections made to these claims.
pp. 393-394.
The beginning of the commissioners' award.
p. 394.
Public highways.
pp. 394-416.
Private ways.
pp. 417-418.
Wells, fences; a plan.
pp. 421-456.
The allotments with their fencing provisions.
Earlier admittances, describing the plots in lieu of which these allotments were made, are quoted.
pp. 436-437.   15 March 1918
Bound in a query concerning fencing with a tracing of a plan attached.
pp. 456-459.
private ways across allotments.
p. 459.
use and maintenance of private ways.
pp. 459-460.
gutters and ditches.
p. 460.
names of the commissioners - end.
p. 463
Award (5 February 1775 ) for Holling Hall Pasture.
This award contains no reference to any consultation with the landlord, the Bishop of Durham.
p. 463.
Recital of the Commissioners or Arbitrators of the circumstances in which the division was proposed.
The land was held by lease or leases under the Bishop of Durham and the holders joined in an indenture of 18 October 1774 to divide it among themselves and fence it according to the Commissioners' Award.
pp. 463-466.
William Parker's shares in lieu of his one leasehold for 3 lives, and several for terms of years, boundaries, fencing responsibilities.
pp. 466-467.
Timothy Allinson's shares.
(At one point the copylist begins to refer to him as John Allinson or Atkinson.)
pp. 467-468.
Joseph Garthwaite's shares.
pp. 468-470.
Concerning fencing of the existing and appointed highways over the pasture.
p. 470.
Maintenance of fencing and gates.
p. 470.
Use of the water from the spring south of Hazel Bank - end.
p. 472
Index for pp. 92-192.
DHC1/M.3  (279754)
On spine:- "Awards. Hamsteels. Witton-le-Wear and North Bedburn. Urpeth. Reg.3". Contains:-
Paper   333pp.
Digitised material for Register copies of inclosure awards Hamsteels, Witton-le-Wear and North Bedburn, and Urpeth - DHC/M3
pp. 1-108
Hamsteels Moor Award (17 January 1774 ).
p. 1.
Commissioners' oaths.
pp. 2-24.
Awards of the Arbitrators to whom the Commissioners referred controversial claims.
pp. 25-34.
Recital by the Commissioners of the essential parts of the Act of Parliament authorising the inclosure, general intentions, procedures, 6d. per acre per annum to be paid to the Bishop for the land to be inclosed (pp. 30).
pp. 34-45.
Claimants to a right of common, names, premises and yearly value.
pp. 45-61.
Withdrawals and reductions of claims, others referred to arbitrators, their decisions - those who made unjustified claims to pay the costs of those who challenged them.
(pp. 61 Andrew Robinson Stoney [Bowes'] claim reduced by the arbitrators.)
pp. 61-62.
Claims to common which were substantiated.
p. 63.
beginning of the commissioners' award.
pp. 64-66.
public highways beginning with those sixty feet wide, uses and repairs of public roads.
pp. 66-71.
private carriage roads, uses and repairs.
pp. 71-72.
access to a spring called the Boiling Well.
pp. 73-74.
quarries and their uses.
pp. 74-75.
common watering places and their uses.
p. 75.
provision of a drain or watercourse 336 yards long to carry water from the Lough and to cross the road in a stone conduit.
pp. 76-103.
the allotments with fencing provisions.
p. 103.
a service road for the drain from the Lough.
pp. 103-106.
foot roads.
p. 106.
ditches and gutters.
p. 107.
names of commissioners, end.
p. 108.
index of names of those who received allotments.
p. 108
Rental for Hamsteels Moor allotments.
pp. 115-244
Witton-le-Wear and North Bedburn Award (1 March 1776 ).
p. 115.
commissioners' oaths.
pp. 116-150.
arbitrators' awards in cases referred to them by the commissioners.
pp. 151-165.
recitation of the general terms of the Award. - common to be divided, commissioners' appointments and oaths, encroachments, notice of meetings, claims to be made, arbitration penalties, costs, claims to be tried at law, details of commons to be divided, leasehold valuations, Bishop of Durham's acre money, tenure of new allotments, townships, surrenders, public roads, common quarries (p.162) and watering places, private ways, draft of award, ingrossment, plan, deposit, right of common to cease, acceptance of allotments, charges of act, penalties of non-payment.
pp. 165-174.
report of how the procedure was followed - meetings, lists of claims, grounds for claims and names and addresses of claimants.
pp. 174-189.
objections - names of claimants, reasons for objections and results.
pp. 189-190.
settled claims in respect of freeholds, copyholds and leaseholds.
pp. 190-191.
roads, quarries and wells generally.
pp. 192-201.
particular roads.
pp. 201-202.
pp. 202-204.
watering places.
pp. 204-205.
pp. 205-206.
water courses.
pp. 206-209.
foot roads.
pp. 209-243.
the allotments.
pp. 243-244.
entering upon the allotments, ditches, gutters, plan annexed to award, deposited, date and names of commissioners.
pp. 247-306
Lanchester Inclosure Award: related documents 1773
The Lanchester Inclosure Award itself is in volume M.4.
pp. 247-8.
Oaths of the commissioners and arbitrators.
pp. 249-304.
Arbitrators' awards in cases referred to them by the commissioners.
p. 251.
an encroachment on the common carries no right of common but if it has been enjoyed without any interruption given for more than 30 years then it cannot be treated as part of the common to be divided.
These awards rarely give the grounds on which the decisions were made, they simply state the decision and if state which, if either, side is to pay the costs of the other.
pp. 304-6.
Replacement of Arbitrators who had died by others.
p. 311
Award (1 July 1799 ) for Urpeth Common.
pp. 311-3.   12 February 1799
(1) Bishop Barrington, Lord of Manor of Chester-le-Street
(2) Sir John Eden
Calverly Bewicke
(3) John Davidson;
Will. Cornforth;
(guardians of William Lowes)
(4) Arthur Mowbray
Joseph Granger
John Taylor
Indenture between (1), (2), (3) and (4).
Eden, Bewicke and Lowes were the only persons with a right of common on Urpeth Common.
They agreed to extinguish the right of stinting and divide and inclose Urpeth Common.
p. 313.
Parties (2) and (3) appointed (4) as Commissioners.
pp. 313-4.
Bishop Barrington agreed to the division.
pp. 314-21.
procedures agreed 6d. per acre to be paid to the Bishop of Durham.
p. 321.
the Award begins.
pp. 321-3.
Public Highways.
pp. 323-4.
Public foot roads and their uses.
p. 325.
Private roads.
pp. 325-331.
Allotments with fencing conditions.
pp. 325-7.
Sir John Eden
pp. 327-331.
Calverley Bewicke
p. 331.
William Lowes
p. 332.
ditches and gutters.
names of commissioners - end.
p. 333
Rental for Urpeth Common allotments.
DHC1/M.4  (279755)
On spine:- "Register 4. Lanchester Award". Contains:-
p. 1 Award ( 13 June 1781 ) for Lanchester.
Old index at end. Modern index at beginning.
For the Commissioners' Oaths and Arbitrators' Awards respecting Lanchester, see vol. M. 3. pp. 247 and 249.
Paper   516pp.
Digitised material for Registered inclosure award Lanchester - DHC/M4
DHC1/M.5.   (279756)
On spine:- "Awards. Chester and Framwellgate. Register 5".
For Awards for Chester townfields and Chester demesnes, see Vol. M.17.
Paper   321ff.
Digitised material for Registered copies of inclosure awards for Chester-le-Street and Framwellgate Moor - DHC/M5
f. 1ff
Award (22 September 1800 ) for Chester-le-Street Common or Moor lying in the manors of Chester-le-Street and Chester Deanery.
Arbitrators' Awards regarding the differences referred to them by Commissioners.
They do not give the gounds for the decisions.
Beginning of the extracts of the Award.
Summary of the enabling Act of Parliament, procedures to be followed.
Claims regarding the perambulated boundaries of the area with which the Commissioners were concerned.
Procedures followed.
Beginning of the award.
uses and repair of highways.
private carriage roads.
public bridle roads.
breadths and uses of public bridle roads.
public foot roads.
breadths and uses of public foot roads.
wells and watering places, public and private.
quarries and gravel pits.
directions for working quarries.
the allotments, each with fencing provisions and rent.
allotment of the Grieve and Jury of the Copyhold Court of Chester-le-Street.
The Grieve and Jury exchanged piece of land they already held at Bull bog for a piece adjoining their new plot on Chester West moor which had been allotted to Mrs. Lambton who owned other land at Bull bog.
fences, when and how to be made.
no cattle to graze in the public and private roads for ten years to allow hedges to become established.
standing waters to be discharged.
abatement to the tenant of Twizell Farm.
a similar abatement to farm at Pelton.
names of commissioners - end.
f. 126
Laws and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools for the education of poor children in the County of Durham".
ff. 131-209
Arbitrators' awards respecting Framwellgate and Witton Gilbert award.
The Intack or Cow Pasture and Shawwood in the townships of Framwellgate and Witton Gilbert (in the manors of Chester-le-Street and Lanchester) and for extinguishing all rights of common on certain inclosed intercommon lands (intercommon between certain dates only each year), Inclosure Award 12 May 1809.
Oaths of the Arbitrators.
Arbitrators' awards in cases referred to them by the Commissioners.
Firstly claims in respect of property in the city, Arbitrator Robert Hopper Williamson.
John Burlison's claim for 3 burgages in Silver Street, Durham City one long used as an unnamed public house.
Peter Bowlby's claim for five burgages in the South Bailey.
William Cummins, for 3 burgages in Claypath.
John Crow, for 2 burgages in Claypath.
Thos. Chipchase for 3 burgages then used as one dwelling house in Sadler Street.
Anthony Curry and John Wardell for 3 burgages in Framwellgate.
The Clerk of the Mayor and Aldermen being the governors of Durham City's Charitable Stock - claim in respect of 5 ancient burgages in the Market Place on the sites of which had been built the Newplace or palace alias the Bull, one other ancient burgage being the City Tavern in the Market Place and three others in Back Lane or Walker Lane and one other ancient burgage, location unspecified.
[The New Place stretched down to the river behind the Town Hall, see O.S. 25" 27/1, 1919.]
William Darnell, for one ancient burgage in the Market Place and a shop under another ancient burgage in the Market Place.
Edward Davison, for two ancient burgages in Claypath and two in Framwellgate.
James Davison, auctioneer, for two ancient burgages in Claypath.
Robert Davison, jnr., for one burgage in Claypath.
Robert Davison, carrier, for sites of burgages in Claypath, then with stables built on them.
Will. Darling, for 2 burgages in Silver Street.
Benjamin Dunn, for a burgage in Fleshergate formerly an inn "Sign of the Black Horse" and afterwards the "Sign of the Fountain" and two adjoining burgages in Fleshergate also for two more burgages, one in Sadlergate and another in Fleshergate.
John Grey, for 3 burgages in Silver St. between Framwellgate Bridge and the way leading to Broken Walls and also for the site of one burgage which used to stand in "Silver Street otherwise Smithgate or Slipin", and "adjoining upon the River Wear" which had been swept away in a flood many years before [? November 1771 ] and had been leased to a shoemaker, John Fletcher. [see also ff.186-8.].
Edward Hodgson for 2 burgages in Back Lane alias Walkergate.
Hendry Hopper for 2 burgages in Framwellgate.
John Jaques of Gilesgate for 2 burgages in Framwellgate.
Margaret Ingram for three burgages in Fleshergate, then in use as one dwelling house, shop and yard.
William Ironside for 6 burgages in the North Bailey, five of which were then one dwelling house.
William Kirton for 2 burgages in the Market Place and two, occupied then as three houses, in Sidegate, Framwellgate.
John Pattison for a burgage on the east side of the Market Street (otherwise known as the Market Place) known as the Angel Inn.
William Reed for 3 burgages in the South Bailey, then occupied as one dwelling house.
John Robson for 3 burgages in the North Bailey.
William Sharp for 2 burgages in Framwellgate.
Michael Stott for one burgage in Fleshergate alias Sadler Street.
John Graham (for Ann Jemima), 2 burgages in the South Bailey, then one dwelling house.
Robert Stoker, gardener, for the sites of 2 burgages in Sydgate, Framwellgate then used as a garden or orchard.
John Starforth for one burgage in the back Lane or Walker Chare.
Gilbert and John Starforth for two adjoining burgages in Claypath, another in Walkergate alias the Backlane, another in Walkergate commonly called the Brass Castle, and the moiety of yet another in Walkergate now the dwelling houses of a great many people.
William Shotton for one burgage in Framwellgate.
Thos. Calvert (for Sir Henry Vane Tempest) for one burgage in the Market Place, another between that one and a yard on the west, another in the Market Place being the Rose and Crown Inn, another two adjoining each other, in Silver Street and two in Back Lane.
(The three in the Market Place had been one which was Dame Ann Duck's burgage.)
John Ward for 2 burgages in Sadler St. alias Fleshergate.
William Ward (for Thos Ward) for two burgages in the North Bailey then used as one dwelling house.
Charles Wade for one burgage at or near the place where Claypath Gates lately stood [demolished 1791 ] and on the east side of the street.
William Handcock (agent) for one burgage in Silver Street [see also ff.154-6.].
There end the arbitrations by Robt. Hopper Williamson; the rest are by William Hoar and do not concern claims in respect of burgages.
Thos. Maynard (for Robt. Wharton) for certain copyhold premises (values given) in the townships of Witton Gilbert and Framwellgate.
(It transpired the Framwellgate premises carried no rights of common as they themselves were subject to right of intercommon and that the premises in the township of Witton Gilbert carried no right of common on the land specified in the Act.)
John Taylor (for John Richardson) for premises in the townships of Framwellgate and Witton Gilbert - part subject to intercommon.
Thos. Maynard (for Robt. Wharton) for premises in the townships of Framwellgate & Witton Gilbert.
John Taylor (for John Richardson) for premises in Framwellgate and Witton Gilbert.
David Stephenson for holdings in Waldridge township in the Manor of Chester-le-Street.
Will. Kirton for premises in Framwellgate.
Mary Lynn etc. for premises in Framwellgate.
Matthew Greenwell for premises in Plawsworth, manor of Chester-le-Street.
John Taylor - 3 burgages at Wheatley Green, parish Lanchester.
Robert Darling for premises at Plawsworth (Chester Manor).
George Adam Askew claimed rights on Charlaw Moor [Lanchester manor] in respect of premises at Plawsworth, i.e. Nettlesworth Hall Farm, Nettlesworth North Farm, Howlmires and West House Farm.
The same man, in respect of the same premises, claimed rights on Findon Hill and Potter Moor [Witton Gilbert township, Chester Manor].
f. 210-321
Award (12 May 1809 ) for Framwellgate and Witton Gilbert.
These claims put to the arbitration of Hoar show that people living anywhere in Chester Manor thought they might have a valid claim to common (or in this case the intercommon shared with Framwellgate) in a different township in the same manor from the one in which they lived - G. Askew did in fact. His allotment on Findon Hill (Witton Gilbert) was in respect of Houlmires at Plawsworth. Again, as the Act dealt with land in more than one township, people who knew they had premises with rights in one township, thought these rights might apply to the other land with which the Act was dealing. Hoar had to spell out clearly that premises in Witton Gilbert did not confer any rights on common in Framwellgate.
f. 210
Commissioners' oaths for Framwellgate and Witton Gilbert award.
beginning of these extracts from the Commissioners' Award.
recital of a summary of the empowering act.
recital of procedure followed.
highways, carriage roads and other ways, beginning with public highways.
breadth of roads.
uses of roads.
road repairs.
private carriage roads and quarry roads
public foot roads, breadth, uses, stiles.
common quarries.
directions concerning common quarries.
public wells and watering places.
The allotments beginning with those of the Bishop and the Freemen and proceeding alphabetically.
Where plots have been sold or exchanged this is mentioned. The type of tenure is given. (There were new enfranchisements under a recent Act for sale and redemption of the land tax.) It is curious to note that the tenants of houses belonging to St. Margarets and St. Nicholas Churches sold the plots allotted in respect of the houses. The consent of the appropriate wardens is not mentioned.
plan deposited.
making of fences.
standing waters to be discharged.
names of commissioners etc. - end.
The rest of the volume is blank.
DHC1/M.6  (259901)
Indices at front and on f. 40. Contains:-
Paper   160ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: copies of Inclosure Awards for Whickham Townfields, 1677 and Whickham Fell, 1821 - DHC1/M.6
Copy of the Chancery Decree Award of 3 July 1677 for the division of Whickham Townfields.
No plan accompanied this award, but a suggested reconstruction of it appears on annotated HC 25" OS plans, 1st ed.
f. 46
Copy of the Award ( 18 December 1821 ) on the division of Whickham Fell.
DHC1/M.7   29 September 1815
Book containing the allotments made on the division of commons in the Park and Forest of Weardale.
Index f. 27.
Paper    27ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: allotments made on the division of commons in the Park and Forest of Weardale - DHC1/M.7
DHC1/M.8   1900
Copy of the award for St. Andrew Auckland (Etherley and Escomb).
This award is in 10 sections.
Paper    446pp.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Copy of award for St. Andrew Auckland (Etherley and Escomb) - DHC1/M.8
DHC1/M.8a   7 May 1636
Incomplete copy of Award upon the division of the Copyhold Townfields in Chester-le-Street.
Paper    54ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: copy Award, Townfields in Chester-le-Street (incomplete) - DHC1/M.8a
Notitia Books and Books of Plans   early - mid 19th century
Rre Bishop's leaseholds.
See also the series of notitia books in the Church Commission deposit (CCB V).
A corresponding volume for the Yorkshire estates is CCB 1981 deposit, CCB V/3/6/3 (321795) “Howdenshire, Allertonshire, Craik etc.”.

DHC1/VIII/ M. 9  (321775)
Notitia Book of Chester Ward.
Index at front, including Bedlington.
Paper   228ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Notitia Book, Chester Ward - DHC1/M.9
DHC1/M.10  (321764)
Notitia Book of Darlington Ward.
Index at front.
Paper   212ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Notitia Book, Darlington Ward - DHC1/M.10
DHC1/M.11  (321781)
Notitia Book of Easington Ward.
Index at front.
Paper   223ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Notitia Book, Easington Ward - DHC1/M.11
DHC1/M.12  (321799)
Notitia Book of Stockton Ward.
Index at front.
Paper   228ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Notitia Book, Stockton Ward - DHC1/M.12
DHC1/M.13   February and March 1799
Notitia Book of leasehold houses etc. in the city of Durham.
Comprises parts of both volumes of Mathew Woodifield's Survey of Durham Dean and Chapter Estates, 1799, with later annotations.
Index at front.
Paper   12ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Notitia Book of leasehold houses in the city of Durham - DHC1/M.13
DHC1/M.14   made c.1812
Plans of farms, mainly in the Sedgefield district.
Paper    26ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Plans of farms mainly around Sedgefield - DHC1/M.14
a). Plans etc of ten farms in County Durham, formerly belonging to the Deanery of Durham and on f.24 a series of observations on these 10 farms [ c. 1840 ].
Index f.3.
b). Plans etc. of Houghall Farm, County Durham, formerly assigned to the 11th stall of Durham Cathedral, 3 March 1841.
c). Plan etc of property in the Mountjoy area of Durham City, formerly assigned to the 1st stall of Durham Cathedral [ c. 1846 ].
These properties were all transferred to Durham University by orders in council of 1841 and 1846.
After f.40 is inserted a folder, also of plans of farms belonging to the Deanery of Durham. These are of the same farms with the addition of one other.
Index f.2.
40ff. and (plans) 25ff. 
For other copies, see Mawson's deposit (MAW 7/3), and Church Commission Chapter estates deposit (CCD).
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: plans of former cathedral prebendal farms - DHC1/M.15
DHC1/M.16   1830
Small paper-bound volume entitled “Terrier of Easington and Little Thorpe. 1830” .
Paper    38ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Easington terrier - DHC1/M.16
Volume containing:-
Paper   81ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Chester-le-Street terrier and awards - DHC1/M.17
ff. 5-54
A terrier of Chester.
ff. 56-63
A copy of the Award ( 7 May 1636 ) on the division of Chester townfields.
ff. 64-81
A copy of the Award ( 10 February 1729 ) on the division of Chester demesnes.
Tithe Apportionments and Agreements
Paperbound volume entitled “Extract from Bishopwearmouth Tithe Apportionments” .
The owner, tenant, quantity and rent-charge of the apportionments are set out.
Paper   44ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court : Bishopwearmouth Tithe Apportionments - DHC1/M.18
f. 1
f. 14
f. 19
High and Low Barnes.
f. 22
f. 23
f. 32
f. 40
DHC1/M.19   19th June 1840
Paper-bound volume of an agreement for commutation of tithes and apportionment of rent charges in Great and Little Lumley in Chester-le-Street.
Paper    13ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Great and Little Lumley tithe commutation - DHC1/M.19
DHC1/M.20   5 March 1840
An agreement for commutation of tithes and apportionment of rent charges in the parish of Ryton.
Paper    14ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Ryton tithe commutations - DHC1/M.20
DHC1/M.21   5 March 1840
An agreement for commutation of tithes and apportionment of rent charges in Ryton Woodside in the parish of Ryton.
Paper    9ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Commutation of tithes in Ryton Woodside, 1840 - DHC1/M.21
DHC1/M.22   1856-1860
Tithe Rent Charges for Darlington.
The townships included are:
Haughton, Barmpton, Burdon, Coatham Mundeville, Cockerton, Darlington, Morton Palmes, Sadberge, Whessoe.
f. 1 1856.
f. 8 1857.
f. 15 1858.
f. 22 1859.
f. 29 1860.

Paper    42ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Tithe Rent Charges for Darlington, 1856-1860 - DHC1/M.22
Agreement for commutation of tithes and apportionment of rent charges in:-
Paper   50ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Commutation of tithes in Sedgefield, 1838 - DHC1/M.23
1 f.1:   31 January 1838
Bradbury in the parish of Sedgefield.
2 f.10   2 February 1838
Morden in the parish of Sedgefield.
3 f.20:   31 January 1838
Foxton cum Shotton in the parish of Sedgefield.
4 f.28   7 February 1838
Fishburn in the parish of Sedgefield.
5 f.42   7 July 1838
Embleton in the parish of Sedgefield.
Unbound volume relating to the apportionment of rent charges in Sedgefield parish.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Rent charges in Sedgefield parish - DHC1/M.25
DHC1/M.26   31 January 1838
Agreement for commutation of the tithes and apportionment of rent charges in the township of Sedgefield.
Paper    33ff.
Agreement for commutation of tithes and apportionment of rent charges in:-
Digitised material for Tithe commutation agreements: Stockton, East Hartburn Preston-on-Tees - DHC1/M.27
1 ff.1-32   26 December 1843
The township of Stockton.
2 ff.34-40   19 April 1839
The township of East Hartburn.
3 ff.42-48   11 October 1838
The township of Preston.
DHC1/M.28   13 February 1838
Agreement for commutation of tithes and apportionment of rent charges in the parish of Wolsingham.
Paper    67ff.
Digitised material for Tithe commutation agreements: Wolsingham - DHC1/M.28
DHC1/M.29   October 1927-July 1929
Paper   95ff.
DHC1/M.30   July 1929-October 1929
95ff. ff.17-95 blank 
DHC1/M.31   November 1929-October 1930
143ff. ff.104-143 blank 
DHC1/M.32   November 1930-October 1931
Paper   249ff.
DHC1/M.33   November 1930-December 1931
Paper   353ff.
DHC1/M.34   November 1931-August 1933
Paper   251ff.
DHC1/M.35   August 1933-October 1935
Paper   251ff.
DHC1/M.36   November 1935-October 1936
Paper   95ff.
DHC1/M.37   November 1936-October 1939
Paper   95ff.
Reporting Books (of Compensation Agreements reported for sealing)
DHC1/M.38   1 May 1929-15 November 1930.
Paper   88ff.
DHC1/M.39   21 November 1930-18 February 1932
Paper   141ff.
DHC1/M.40   25 February 1932-26 October 1933.
Paper   137ff.
DHC1/M.41   3 November 1933-11 February 1937.
Paper   139ff.
Compensation Money Balance Books
DHC1/M.42   November 1930-July 1932
Paper   42ff.
DHC1/M.43   August 1932-June 1933
Paper   42ff.
DHC1/M.44   July 1933-March 1935
Paper    42ff.
Rentals for Bishopric Estates for Martinmas 1882
Chester Ward.
Paper   115ff.
Rentals, Various
DHC1//M.49  (214616)   1856-1857
Darlington, Chester, Easington and Stockton Wards.
Copyhold Outrents Durham.
Paper    410pp.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Darlington, Chester, Easington and Stockton Wards. Copyhold Outrents, 1856-57 - DHC1//M.49
On front:- "Durham Bishoprick Manors. Chester Ward. Darlington Ward. Darlington Weardale District. Easington and Stockton Wards".
No date, but at the top of f.1 is written in pencil "Presumably to Martinmas 1927 ".
This volume gives the dates of the compensation agreements and redemption receipts by which were redeemed and extinguished the old reserved rents and dues still saved in the 1922 Act which provided for the enfranchisement of copyhold land etc. References are given to file numbers (there is a separate list of the few surviving files from the Halmote Office in ASC). These items for redemption are listed by Halmote division (or manor) and township. If the land were once copyhold the call number is given, if freehold then “F” is in the margin. There is some reference to earlier transactions. Entries were struck through when redemption was completed (the latest redemption date noticed is April 1950).
Paper   367ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Durham Bishopric Manors. Chester Ward. Darlington Ward. Darlington Weardale District. Easington and Stockton Wards, 1927 - DHC1/M.50
Cash Books
DHC1/M.51   3 August 1928-30 April 1931
A note at the front indicates that "Amounts are entered in this book as received, and are transferred from here to the Ledger".
Paper   136ff.
DHC1/M.52   1 May 1931-31 July 1933
Paper   189ff.
DHC1/M.53   1 August 1933-30 May 1936
Paper   192ff.
Account Books, Various
DHC1/M.54   1929-1934
Office expenses of the Halmote Court Office at Durham from 1 November 1929-18 May 1934.
Paper    90ff.
DHC1/M.55   1933-1934
Ledger of Reported Instalments of Compensation Money from January 1933-October 1934.
Paper    126ff.
DHC1/M.56   1785-1789
Account Book of receipts and disbursements in the Halmote Court Office from 1 October 1785-30 April 1789.
72ff. at front containing receipts.
12ff. at back containing disbursements.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court Account Book, 1 October 1785-30 April 1789 - DHC1/M.56
DHC1/M.57   1789-1797
Account Book of receipts and disbursements in the Halmote Court Office from 2 May 1789-28 June 1797.
125ff. at front containing receipts.
9ff. at back containing disbursements.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Receipts and disbursements in the Halmote Court Office from 2 May 1789-28 June 1797 - DHC1/M.57
DHC1/M.58   1862
On front cover:- "1862. An Account Book respecting the Admittances to the Earl of Durham's Ground Rents in Bishopwearmouth, Manor of Houghton."
Records when admittance fees were paid and admittances despatched.
Paper    83ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Account Book Admittances Earl of Durham's Ground Rents in Bishopwearmouth, Manor of Houghton - DHC1/M.58
DHC1/M.59   1851-1890
Book recording dates of proclamations and of admittances for Bishopwearmouth 1851-1890.
Paper    66ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: proclamations and of admittances for Bishopwearmouth, 1851-1890 - DHC1/M.59
DHC1/M.60   1931-1935
On front cover:- "Sunderland Book of Interviews".
This volume records interviews relating to Compensation Money payments from 4 March 1931-3 April 1935.
Paper    94ff.
Large ledger relating to Sunderland.
Large ledger relating to Sunderland.
Continuation of M. 61.
DHC1/M.63  (195543)
Account of fines and amercements at Assizes and Sheriff's Tourns, 1595.
Paper, unbound.   24ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: fines and amercements at Assizes and Sheriff's Tourns, 1595 - DHC1/M.63
DHC1/M.64  (105566a)
Parchment bound paper volume having on the front cover "An old Rentall and Patent".
The volume contains entries at both front and back.
At the front are items 1. - 6., at the back items 7. - 12:-
At the front, this volume is paginated from 1-138 and foliated thereafter to f.241 where the front section ends. In this section were missing pp. 26-73, but see below. At the back there are 167ff. 
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: copies of 16th-17th century records - DHC1/M.64
An alphabetical index.
2 p.1   1589-1628
Demises temp. Matthew Hutton, Tobias Matthew, Richard Neil.
These demises, missing, were found in Church Commission box 143, no. 221700 and replaced here.
3 f.143
A rental of the Bishopric of Durham for 1640.
4 f.158   1589-1595
Demises temp. Toby Matthew.
5 f.164   1606
Coroners' Rentals for all wards.
6 f.187   c. 1640
Lists and rents of freeholders, copy-holders and leaseholders in all the wards.
7 f.1   Taken April 1588
Articles of instructions for, and a survey of, the Bishopric of Durham, in the Queen's hands, sede vacante .
A bound copy of this survey with detailed list of contents is also available.
8 f.72   1555-1613
Transcripts of grants by letters patent, mainly Dean and Chapter.
This series stretches from 1555 to 1613.
Index f.70v.
9 f.135   26 August 1612
An inventory of prisoners and implements in Durham Gaol on 26 August 1612, including 9 recusants.
10 f.137   1607-1622
Transcripts of grants by letters patent, mainly Bishopric.
This series stretches from 1607 to 1622.
For other patents see Church Commission list IV: Enrolment books
11 f.153
An act giving authority to the Queen's Majesty, upon the avoidance of any Archbishopric or Bishopric, to take into her hands certain of the temporal possessions thereof recompensing the same with personages impropriate and tithes.
12 f.156   1570-1629
Transcripts of grants by letter patent, mainly Bishopric.
This series stretches from 1570-1629.
DHC1/M.65  (185000c)
A parchment-bound paper volume containing various items.
Binding: parchment deed of 1629.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Transcript of Boldon Buke, etc. DHC1/M.65
1 f.1
Survey of Bishop Hatfield.
In two parts, free and unfree tenants.
2 f.73
A copy of the Boldon Book, 1183.
3 f.84
Transcripts of various deeds:-
a)    n.d.
re Merrington.
b)   23 March 1304
re Merrington.
c)   11 November 1292
re Merrington.
d)    n.d.
re Merrington.
e)    n.d.
re Merrington.
f)   January 1308
re Merrington.
g)   27 July 1320
re Spennymoor.
h)   10 February 1447
re Twillesden.
i)    n.d.
Confirmation of a grant to the borough of Gateshead.
j)    n.d.
Grant by Richard, Bishop of Durham, to the burgesses of Hartlepool.
Confirmation of j). by the Dean and Chapter.
Charter of Anthony Bek confirming a grant of land in Bearpark.
4 f.89
Rental and Survey of all wards. June and July 1466.
5 f.127
Rental compiled 8 Thomas Langley, 1413-1414.
6 f.147
Survey and Rental tempore Thomas Langley. 1418.
Original: TNA SC12/21/29.
6a f.164r-vf.164r-v
Copy of an agreement between R[ichard Poore] bishop of Durham and John de Balliol concerning the vill of Longnewton and 5¼ knights' fees of the barony of Gainford in the wapentake of Sadberge.
Witnesses: Masters W. archdeacon of Durham and Robert de Ambianis, [and] Jordan Heyrun, Hugh of the chapel, Jordan de Alden knights.
At [Bishop] Auckland, 1231 5 Id. December [9 December] 1231.
Other copies: TNA C146/9507 (early 14th century); DCL Hunter 4 p.289a (18th century).
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.269-270.
7 f.193
Account of William Eure, knight, Escheator in the Bishopric of Durham. 1524-1525.
For original of this, see Church Commission Bishopric deposit, CC no. 189615 (Escheator's Accounts)
8 f.195
Account of John Parkinson, Escheator in the Bishopric of Durham. 1516-1517.
For original of this, see Church Commission Bishopric deposit, CC no. 189608 (Escheator's Accounts)
DHC1/M.66  (195566b)
A volume of inquisitions Post Mortem.
The originals of many of these are in TNA Durham 3/164-193 (1438-163?), calendared Deputy Keeper's Report XLIV, appendix pp. 310-542, with some indices in List and Indexes vols. XXXIII and XL.
Abstracts and registers are in TNA Durham 3/2-6 (1318-1567), calendared ibid. and idem. XLV, pp.153-282.
For 1509 onwards, see List and Indexes XXXIII.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: copies of 14th-15th century Inquisitions Post Mortem - DHC1/M.66
1 f.1
Inquisitions tempore Lewis Beaumont. 1313-1333.
See also list of Church Commission Miscellanea p.42, item 221677.
2 ff.1-6
Inquisitions tempore Richard Bury. 1333-1345.
3 ff.6-28
Inquisitions tempore Thomas Hatfield. 1345-1381.
4 ff.29-42
Inquisitions tempore Walter Skirlaw. 1388-1406.
5 ff.43-45
Inquisitions tempore John Fordham. 1381-1388.
6 ff.46-72
Inquisitions tempore Thomas Langley. 1406-1437.
Index locorum.
Index nominum.
DHC1/M.67  (249018)
There is an MS index to this volumes [by Dr Ritchie?] listing location, date and stewards of each court, part of an incomplete index to the Halmote Court books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Gateshead Court book 1703-1708 - DHC1/M.67
At front:-   from 16 September 1703-13 January 1708
Book of Precepts for Gateshead court.
Paper   43ff.
At back:-   from 14 October 1703-22 January 1708
Cases in Gateshead courts.
Paper   93ff.
DHC1/M.68  (249017)
There is an MS index to this volumes [by Dr Ritchie?] listing location, date and stewards of each court, part of an incomplete index to the Halmote Court books.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Gateshead Court book 1708-1727 - DHC1/M.68
At front:-   from 22 January 1708-25 October 1726
Book of Precepts for Gateshead court.
Paper   27ff.
At back:-   from 1 April 1708-18 April 1727
Cases in Gateshead courts
DHC1/M.69   23 October 1810-16 November 1887
Minute Book of Presentments at Whickham courts.
Paper   27ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Presentments at Whickham courts, 23 October 1810-16 November 1887 - DHC1/M.69
Copy of an act ( 1585 ) for the incorporation of the hospital of Christ in the town of Sherburn.
Paper   17pp.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: copy of 1585 Sherburn Hospital act - DHC1/M.70
Volume containing:-
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: copies of Durham City episcopal charters - DHC1/M.71
1 f.3
Copy of King James' confirmation of the charter of Bishop Toby Matthew to the city of Durham. 15 February 1606.
2 f.11
Copy of the charter of Nathaniel, Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham. 1684.
3 f.20
Copy of the charter of John Egerton, Bishop of Durham. 2 October 1780.
4 f.31
Record of decisions at a meeting of the Mayor, Aldermen and Council of Durham and Framwellgate. 11 November 1780.
Incomplete copy of the award on the division of Norton Townfields.
Paper   39ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court records: Copy award Norton Townfields (incomplete) - DHC1/M.72
Incomplete copy of the award on the division of Norton Townfields.
A note on f.9v says "N.B. The wording of this copy does not everywhere agree with the Chancery enrolment."
Paper   56ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Copy award Norton Townfields (incomplete) - DHC1/M.73
DHC1/M.74   12 October 1840-18 September 1845
Letter book containing office copies of letters despatched.
Letters from Thomas Davison, apparently land agent to Bishop of Durham and prebendary of 11th Durham stall.
Paper   9ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Thomas Davison letterbook 12 October 1840-18 September 1845 - DHC1/M.74
DHC1/M.75   13 February 1912-23 November 1927
Letter book containing office copies of letters despatched from the Halmote Court Office, Durham, to the Secretary to the Ecclesiastical Commission.
Index at front.
Paper   315ff.
Volume containing 753pp. of miscellaneous extracts.
N.B. The pagination moves from 409 to 500. This is merely a mistake in the numbering and does not indicate an omission.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: volume of copies of miscellaneous records - DHC1/M.76
Copy of a Decree for the Division of the Township of Sedgefield, 23 July 1636.
Valuation of Etty Hill in the Township of Barmpton, 10 May 1814.
Case in Durham Chancery, 8 September 1626, John Woodhouse et al. v. Wm. Leeburne.
Form for claim of allowances for the duty assessed on Colleges, Halls, Schools, Almshouses, or Hospitals.
Copies of advertisements re. farms to be leased, 1815.
Copies of 3 documents relating to a query on Billing Stinted pasture, 1814.
Copies of letters relative to the enfranchisement of Leasehold estates belonging to the See of Durham.
Valuation of an estate at Midridge Grange, October 1809.
Instructions for planting trees.
Particulars of Road leading from Park Head Estate to Wolsingham, October 1814.
Account of Commons divided and inclosed in the County of Durham.
Copies of 2 letters re sale of tithes at Bishop Auckland, 1815.
Copies of 3 bills remitted to the Bishop of Durham, 17 February 1815.
Letters and notes re enfranchisement of a leasehold held by the Earl of Strathmore, January and February 1815.
Details of an enfranchisement settlement (n.d.).
Queries as to coal mines in East Sleekburn.
Plan and valuation of an estate at Bitchburn in the township of Hunwick in the parish of St. Andrew Auckland, 18 May 1815.
Particulars of ways to avoid mildew in wheat and plea for experiments to be made, 1815.
Extract from the will of Thomas Forster (n.d.).
Receipts for making ink.
Plan and valuation of North Hall Farm, High Barnes, Bishop Wearmouth, May 1817.
Plan and valuation of Moor House Farm, Eaglescliffe, October 1819.
Plan and valuation of an estate in Newham, in the parish of Marton, North Riding, January 1819.
Plan and valuation of Stripe Farm, and part of Colly Farm, in the township of Huntington, Stainton, Cleveland, Yorkshire, January 1820.
Valuation of land and houses at Cornforth, April 1847.
Valuation of lands at Brinkburn, Northumberland, July 1823.
Deposition of Thomas Davison in chancery re the value of lands at Brinkburn, 1823.
Parish poor rates for Sedgefield, December 1823-July 1826.
Plan and valuation of lands at Sadberge, March 1833.
Rents at Wolsingham Park Estate.
Valuation of a house in Queen Street, Durham, September 1835.
Valuation of Glebe land and vicarage house at Whitworth, July 1835.
Payments of rent by the Stockton and Darlington Railway Coy.
Boring for coal at Thickley. Details of bore, November 1834.
Plan and valuation of Newfield estate.
Plan and valuation of part of Newfield estate, St. Andrew Auckland, November 1841.
Observations on the fine for adding 4 years to the unexpired term of Rainton colliery lease which are (sic) 17 years.
Report on limestone quarries in Midridge, June 1824.
Report on the coalmines in Bishop Middleham; Sedgefield, Easington etc, September 1825.
A report on the tumbling limestones between high and low water mark in the township of Whitburn, August 1825.
Valuation of 9 years interest in the mines and quarries of Midridge Grange in lease to Messrs. Dixon, March 1826.
Case for the opinion of Dr. Swaby. Re curacy of Bramley, Leeds, April 1822.
Letter relating to the practicability of making a railroad to the north of Sedgefield up the Skerne valley, July 1824.
Case for the opinion of Mr. Martin, August 1822. Relates to Catterick, Yorkshire.
Case for the opinion of R.H. Williamson relating to the Agistment, November 1820.
Case for the opinion of Mr. Tindale, November 1825.
Valuation of Little Swinburn in the parish of Chollerton, Northumberland, November 1824.
Valuation of Chipchase Castle and Estate in the parish of Chollerton.
Correspondence of T. Davison re valuation of Chipchase Estate.
Answers to queries re property in St. Andrew Auckland (n.d.).
Value of Lord Barrington's lease of the Coalmines in Ricknal, Middridge, Redworth, Heightington and Woodhouse Close, October 1826.
Bill for survey of Gateshead Park Estate, 1826.
Dr. J. Leybourne in account to Viscount Barrington, 1826.
Particulars of estate at Aislaby, October 1819.
Valuation of land at Bishop Middleham belonging to Thos. Smith, November 1826
Valuation of an estate at Aislaby in the parish of Egglescliffe, October 1827.
Valuation of an estate at Barmpton in Haughton-le-Skerne, November 1827.
Thos. Davison in account with Mark Ruddock, January 1831.
Table of ready-made calculations.
Statement of a case, n.d., re Hartlepool Railway Co.
Notes on renewal of lease of Pittington Colliery, June 1833.
Letter re renewal of leases of Weardale Mines, June 1833.
Affidavit of Thos. Davison re children of Viscount Barrington, July 1844.
Deposition of Thos. Davison in a Chancery Case re Breckenhill, in Sedgefield, July 1844.
Letters and orders re inspection by Thos. Davison of Prior's Close, 1828.
Deposition of Thos. Davison in a Chancery Case re land in Byers Green, 1841.
Deposition of Thos. Davison in a Chancery Case re land at Cockton Hill, 1847.
Case for the opinion of Sir N.C. Tindale re dispute between the vicar of Norton and the executors of his predecessor, 1828.
More queries for counsel's opinion in the same case, 1828.
2 Bills due to Thos. Davison, 1828 and 1835.
2 Bills due to Thos. Davison, 1827 and 1831.
1 Bill due to Thos. Davison, 1831.
Case for opinion of counsel re leasing of glebe-lands in an unspecified place to a colliery owner.
Case for opinion of counsel re rights of wayleave., 1836.
Account for the tithes in the parish of Longnewton for 1813 and 1830. Account of the tithes in the parish of Sedgefield for 1813, 1829 and 1830.
Continuation of opinions from p.321.
Continuation of opinions from p.321.
1 Bill due to Thos. Davison, 1833.
An award made by Thos. Davison et al., January 1834.
Valuation of the Rectory of Sutton upon Derwent, Yorkshire, July 1835.
Valuation of free-, copy-, and leasehold estates at Shotton, Easington, November 1834.
Account of fees owed to Andrew Stoddart by Durham University, 1832.
Account of fees owed to Thomas Davison by Durham University, 1832.
Deposition of Thos. Davison in a Chancery Case re remuneration for a survey done for the Dean and Chapter, 1837.
Bills due to Thos. Davison, 1829-1831.
Account of Thos. Davison with Messrs. Drummond, 1836.
Report on borings and results of these borings at Byers Green Colliery, 1830-1831.
Letter re borings at Byers Green, 1832.
Bills owing to Thos. Davison by the Opponents to the South Durham Railway Company, 1836.
Deposition of Thos. Davison in an Exchequer Case re compensation by the Great North of England Railway Company, January 1839.
An account of the boring at Coxhoe colliery, June 1827.
Letter re regarding excellence of Quarrington Main Coals, November 1831.
Correspondence re opening a new colliery at Coxhoe, 1832.
2 Bills due to Thos. Davison, 1839 and 1840.
3 (4?) Bills due to Thos. Davison, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1832.
Deposition of Thomas Davison in a Chancery Case re Binchester estate, February 1833.
Deposition of Andrew Stoddart in a Chancery Case re fairness of Thos. Davison's charges on p.540, March 1833.
Valuation of houses in South Street, Durham, December 1842.
Plan and valuation of "The Grove" land and cottages, Crossgate, Durham, February 1841.
Valuation of freehold estates in Northumberland belonging to the Revd. Henry and Charles William Brandling.
Deposition of Thomas Davison in the matter of the petition of the Bishop of Durham, July 1834.
Case for counsel's opinion re dispute at Stamford Dam, Consett, May 1834.
Valuation of land in the township of Shincliffe, February 1843.
Valuation and report of an estate in Marton, Cleveland, North Riding, March 1835.
Indenture of award upon the division of Osmotherley Common, Yorkshire, September 1755.
Case for opinion re division of money received from land purchase, January 1834 ; re Hartlepool Railway Co.
Case for opinion re division of money received from land purchase, November 1833 ; re Stockton.
Case for opinion re division of compensation money, August 1838 ; re Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Co.
An account of the boring at Thornley.
Plan and valuation of an estate in Norham, Shellacres, Tiptoe and Tindall House Farms, September 1836.
Valuation of the reversion in fee of houses etc. in Crossgate.
Plan and valuation of a freehold estate in Chilton in the parish of Merrington, October 1836.
Plan and valuation of an estate in Greatham parish, October 1836.
Report on, and valuation of, the Bitchfield estate, Lincolnshire, May 1836.
Particulars of rents and negotiations re the Clarence Railway Company.
Valuation of lands, corn tithes, coalmines and quarries belonging to Viscountess Barrington, November 1836.
Valuation of land and injury by severance re land in the North Riding required by the Great North of England Railway.
Report on, and valuation of, the Bitchfield estate, Lincolnshire, May 1836. A revised copy of p.658.
Case for opinion of counsel re dispute on tithes in the parish of Eglingham, 1837.
Letter from Thos. Davison to the Dean and Chapter, March 1842.
Division of purchase money for tithes of Plawsworth, March 1839.
Particulars and valuation of property near Sunderland, June 1841.
Plan and valuation of the Grammar School, Palace Green, May 1843.
2 Questions and answers re Tithe Commutation and subsequent hardship to clergymen, February 1844.
2 Bills of the Bp. Auckland and Weardale Railway Company to the Bishop of Durham.
Rental of lands etc. belonging to Viscountess Barrington.
Account of working out of Pelton Colliery, May 1837-May 1838.
Thos. Davison's affidavit in a case in Chancery setting out valuation of Bitchfield estate, Lincolnshire.
Thos. Davison's affidavit in a chase in Chancery setting out valuation of Bitchfield estate, Lincolnshire.
Affidavit of Thos Davison in a case in Chancery re valuation of Byers Green.
Affidavit of Thos. Davison in a case in Chancery re valuation of property in South Street, Durham, August 1846.
Affidavit of Thos. Davison in a case in Chancery re valuation of land in North Bailey, Durham, April 1847.
Affidavit of Thos. Davison in a case in Chancery re valuation of Lane House, Bedlington, February 1848.
Affidavit of Thos. Davison in a case in Chancery re valuation of Orchard Cottage, near Prebends' Bridge, March 1848.
Valuation of lands at Monkwearmouth, September 1847.
Valuation of the reversion in fee of a house and garden in Crossgate, Durham, July 1843.
DHC1/M.77   1879-1914
Copyhold enfranchisement court roll of the Manor of Houghton (and other Manors for 1857).
Paper    498ff.
DHC1/M.78   1914-1925
Copyhold enfranchisement court roll.
With MS. index by Sladden loose inside (after 1925).
Paper    93ff.
DHC1/M.79   All dated 28 February 1881
Admittances in Wearmouth (Lambton).
Paper    281ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Admittances in Wearmouth, 1881 - DHC1/M.79
Volume containing parliamentary surveys of the manors of the County of Durham.
Paper   990pp.
There are other copies of this material, including Church Commission Durham bishopric estates deposit, box 164 (includes Stockton omitted here) and, for Crayke survey see also Church Commission item no. 23377.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: copies of parliamentary surveys - DHC1/M.80
Auckland survey. March-April 1647.
Darlington survey.
Evenwood survey. April 1647.
Wolsingham. March 1647.
Chester survey. April 1647.
Gateshead Survey. October 1647.
Whickham survey. August 1647.
A re-survey of the collieries and coal seams in Gateshead and Whickham manors. 1652.
Bedlington survey. November 1648.
Easington survey. 1649.
Houghton survey. July-August 1647.
Middleham survey. July 1647.
Crayke survey. December 1647. [Incomplete].
See also CCB B/162/5 (23377).
Northallerton survey. October-November 1647. [also covers Northallertonshire]
Covers: Brompton (p.893), Deighton, Romanby (p.915), Kirkeby, Hutton Bonville, Girsby, Overingdale, Worsell, Horneby, Harlesy, West Ellerbeck, Osmotherley (p.905), Thimbleby, Winton, Stank, Hallekeld, Sigiston, Sowerby under Cottcliffe (p.917), Lamnoth, Cottoe, Leake, Kepwicke, Barrowby (p.924), Knotton (p.927), Thornton in the Beanes (p.926), Northcottrington, Thornton in the Street, North Kilvington, Seasey cum Hutton, Hutton Conyers, Holme & Holgrave, West Kenton, Foxton
Howden survey. April-June 1648.
Covers: Howden, Kilpin, Skelton, Saltmarsh, Knedlington, Asselby, Barnby, Wheelhall, Rickall, Cliffe, Easington, Ellerker, Brantingham, Welton, Melton, Walkington, Belby
Volume containing a key to the Halmote Court Office files.
They are listed in serial order with the subject specified. The serial numbers run from 5426 to 10223.
Key to Halmote Court Office files Nos. 15628 to 16244.
Key to Halmote Court Office files Nos. 16245 to 20631.
Volume of "Conspectus of Tenures in the Palatinate of Durham".
Paper   22pp.
Digitised material for Conspectus of Tenures in the Palatinate of Durham - DHC1/M.84
Volume of "General View of the Tenures in the Palatinate of Durham".
Paper   47pp.
Digitised material for General View of the Tenures in the Palatinate of Durham - DHC1/M.85
DHC1/M.86  (284317)
Volume of "Durham Records. Vol. I".
Contains copy extracts from various Durham records both in the P.R.O. and at Durham.
Paper   485ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Durham Records vol.I - DHC1/M.86
DHC1/M.87  (284318)
Volume of "Durham Records. Vol. II".
Contains copy extracts from Halmote Court Records in the P.R.O.
Paper   363ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Durham Records vol.II - DHC1/M.87
DHC1/M.88  (284319)
Volume of "Durham Records. Vol. III".
Contains copy extracts from Halmote Court Records in the P.R.O.
Paper   118ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Durham Records vol.III - DHC1/M.88
DHC1/M.89  (284320)
Volume of "Durham Records. Vol. IV".
Contains copies of records in the P.R.O. illustrative of the ancient method of working coal.
Paper   27ff.
Digitised material for Durham Bishopric Halmote Court: Durham Records vol.IV - DHC1/M.89
Appendix to the 16th Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records .
Durham Chapter Estates.
Schedule of old counterpart leases ( 1722-1799 ), Nos. 260000 to 260354.
Digitised material for Durham Chapter Estates. Schedule of old counterpart leases (1722-1799) - DHC1/M.91
Durham Chapter Estates.
Schedule of old counterpart leases (1722-1799 ). Nos. 260355-266839.
Digitised material for Durham Chapter Estates. Schedule of old counterpart leases 2 (1722-1799) - DHC1/M.92
Schedules and lists, various dates, of documents in the Halmote Court Office.
DHC1/M.95  (190617a)   [mid-end 17th century]
Note and jotting book of John Kay, including also:
A1. Transcription by J.K. Forster 1987-8.
A2. Notes [by Linda Drury] c.1990 including a list and an index of John Kay's transcripts from [Auckland St Helen's] parish registers (mostly baptisms) 1593-1679.
Volume concerning ground-rents on copyholds in Sunderland in the manor of Houghton.
Large paper volume   115ff.