Durham University Records: Associations, Clubs and Societies
Administrative history
Related material - here


Reference code: GB-0033-UND/G
Title: Durham University Records: Associations, Clubs and Societies
Dates of creation: 1846 - 2016
Extent: 15 linear metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Created by the associations and societies of Durham University
Language: English

Administrative history

A variety of associations and societies have developed over the years to provide representation for the university's staff and particularly student bodies, and to arrange and administer their social, leisure and sporting activities. Prior to 1963, some of these bodies were university-wide, ie they covered Newcastle as well as Durham, and others were specifically for the Durham Colleges. This meant that, for instance especially in sport, someone might be called upon to represent say college, Durham Colleges and/or the university and so such representation may be recorded by three separate bodies. The picture of course simplifies after 1963 with the independence of Newcastle.
Staff associations for which there are records surviving are not many but they do cover representation, in the Association of University Teachers, social, in the Women's Tea Club later the Women's Society, leisure, in the Kemble Society for play readings and performances, and sport, in the Staff Cricket Club.
The students have had a Representative Council in Durham since c.1900, which became the Students Union in 1970. This has been active in student politics and welfare, and has also produced the student newspaper - Palatinate - since 1947, administered student sporting activities through the Athletic Union (again, there were separate bodies for Durham Colleges and the university, with men's and women's versions of the former amalgamating in 1946), overseen a myriad of sporting and other societies, and carried out much charity work in the local community (funds raised through DUCK and work carried out through SCA). Almost any conceivable sport has had its patrons at Durham, but the major ones of rowing, cricket, rugby, football, hockey and athletics have been most consistently and enthusiastically pursued since the early days of the university. In terms of other activities, the Union Society has attracted perhaps the greatest support for longest, with a Debating Society first established in 1835; the women's version amalagmated with it in 1963. Musical, dramatic and religious societies, along with subject interest groups, have always been strong at Durham, but one of the latest additions to the canon, the Choc Soc, demonstrates that such student groupings do not lack for invention and eclecticism.
Military training was an important aspect of university life for many students, with the university having both an Officers Training Corps and later an Air Squadron. Finally, the university has made considerable and varying efforts to maintain contact with and solicit the support of its alumni with a Durham University Association being formed in 1866, followed by a Society of Dunelmians in 1905, followed again by a Durham University Society in 1921.


The records of these bodies mostly comprise minutes, agendas and other papers for their meetings, with some accounts, also photographs (particularly of the sporting groups), programmes and posters for performances or exhibitions, and termcards of meetings or fixtures. The high turnover rate of officers of student societies has meant that consistency in record keeping, especially since the later twentieth century, has often been a problem. However, the core archive of the Students Representative Council/Students Union (DSU) is perhaps the most comprehensive of these collections, with the Durham Union Society also having good runs of minutes and other records. The University Exploration Society has an important series of reports of its expeditions, mainly to the northern extremities of Europe, and the Light Opera Group (DULOG) has a reasonably comprehensive series of programmes and other performance ephemera. However, records of major student sporting achievements in rowing, rugby, cricket and the like are often intermittent at best, and printed reports in such as the Durham University Journal, local newspapers and Palatinate are often a better source.

Accession details

Transferred to Durham University Library at various times from the 1950s onwards, with particular efforts to garner ephemera for such organisations being made in the 1980s and from 2002.

Previous custodial history

Generally retained by the creating society or organisation, though some records remained with former officers after their association with the society ceased, and others ended up with the central administration of the university.

Conditions of access

There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the Data Protection Act applies.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Collections (e-mail PG.Library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


Records are arranged within the association or society as follows:
A Minutes
B Accounts
C Correspondence and other administrative files
D Term cards, fixture lists, publications and other printed material
E Photographs: EA formal groups, EB other photographs, EC videos
F Artefacts


Some accessions are appraised on site before transfer, others are appraised when received at Palace Green Library. Clean duplicates are generally removed.


Continuous further accruals are anticipated. In April 2004, a retention schedule and other records management procedures were developed for the university's records to facilitate the regular transfer of records from the university's departments and offices to the archive. This draft retention schedule was developed further on the appointment of the first university records manager in August 2006 and reviewed in 2019.

Related material - here

Printed reports of the activities of these organisations are to be found in such as the Durham University Journal, local newspapers and the various student journals such as New Durham and especially Palatinate (from 1947).


Associations, Clubs and Societies
Reference: UND/G
Staff Associations
Reference: UND/GA
DC Women's Tea Club/DU Women's Society
Reference: UND/GA1
Dates of creation: 1934 - 2007 The Society was founded on 24 October 1934 as the Durham Colleges and Training Colleges Women's Tea Club, being a social society for women staff members and wives of staff, Council, and college governing bodies, women postgraduates and wives of postgraduates. Membership was initially extended to Newcastle as well. The society seems to have lapsed during the War (no meetings are recorded after 22 October 1941) as it was being refounded on 5 November 1949. Membership was restricted to the Durham Colleges in October 1950, with the title being shortened to the Durham Colleges Women's Tea Club to reflect this. On 12 June 1968, the title was again changed to Durham University Women's Society to reflect the increasing range of activities in addition to the traditional afternoon teas (continued until 1979), now including evening parties, occasional papers, dances (annual dinner dances were held 1954-1980) and pre-school playgroup, reflecting the vigorous activity of its committee. The Society was wound up in June 2007 with the hope that the socialising would continue more informally with monthly coffee mornings.
Further minutes, accounts, programmes, circulars and correspondence 1970-2007 were deposited by Mrs Helen Major 19 March 2008, Acc No Misc.2007/8:48.
Formerly UND DUS 15/1-6.

Reference: UND/GA1/A
UND/GA1/AA1   24 October 1934 - 17 June 1970
Women's Tea Club general meetings minute book with little information (1935) “since the proceedings at all the meetings this year were of a purely social nature, there is no business to report”.
Some annual accounts are inserted.
Paper book
UND/GA1/AA2   16 June 1971 - 15 June 2000
Women's Society AGM minute book
UND/GA1/AA3   1970 - 1999
Reports for the AGM from:
President for 1985, 1990-1992, 1995-1999.
Secretary for 1970, 1973, 1977-1982.
Pre-school play group for 1970, 1971, 1973, [1980].
UND/GA1/AA4   13 June 2001 - 6 June 2007
Women's Society AGM minutes
2007 agenda only.
UND/GA1/AB1   30 November 1949 - 12 January 1962
Women's Tea Club committee meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GA1/AB2   2 March 1962 - 15 June 1967
Women's Tea Club committee meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GA1/AB3   21 September 1967 - 3 February 1975
Women's Tea Club/Society committee meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GA1/AB4   22 April 1975 - 6 September 1984
Women's Society committee meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GA1/AB5   9 January 1985 - 27 September 1996
Women's Society committee meetings minute book
UND/GA1/AB6   19 November 1996 - 6 September 2006
Women's Society committee meetings minute book
Minutes change from manusript to typescript stuck-in in June 2000.
Reference: UND/GA1/B
UND/GA1/B1   1968 - 2007
Annual accounts 1969-1970, 1972, 1975-1976, 1978-1985, 1987-2000, 2003-2007.
With treasurer's annual reports explaining the accounts 1968-1970, 1976, 1978, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1989-1991.
For earlier annual accounts, see GA1/AA1 above.
UND/GA1/B2   June 1996 - July 2007
Account book, receipts and expenses
With a note that the final balance was transferred to the DU Student Opportunity Fund.
Reference: UND/GA1/C
UND/GA1/C1-11   1964 - 2007
Correspondence and circulars, with some tickets, AGM agendas, membership lists and notes of meetings:
1. 1964-1969.
2. 1970-1971.
3. 1971-1972.
4. 1972-1973.
5. 1973-1974.
6. 1974-1975.
7. 1975-1976.
8. 1976-1978.
9. 1980-1989/90.
10. 1990-1999 including 50th anniversary tea party November 1999.
11. 2000-2007.
11 paper files
Reference: UND/GA1/D
UND/GA1/D1   1959 - 2001
Society constitution: 1959, 1965, 1968, [c.1980], 2001.
UND/GA1/D2   1965 - 2007
Annual progamme cards for 1965-1971, 1972/73, 1975/1976, 1978-1983, 1985-1992, 1993-2007.
Reference: UND/GA1/E
UND/GA1/E1   8 February 1989
Members of the group at a 40th anniversary [of the refounding] meeting at the home of Marie Shearer; identified: Jane Watkinson, Phillipa Holliday, Muriel Woodward, Cherry Dowrick, Mary Hawgood, Muriel Lough, Audrey Wolfendale, Ann Evans, Helen Major, Ella Wright, Tosca Bull, Jenny Maguire, Coral Davies, Eileen Woods, Angela Mussett, Jenny Heyward, Bel Holgate, Betty Bowen-Jones, Dig Clarke, Wendy Sterling, Marie Shearer, Eileen Boulter, Angela Shaw, Pam Green, Katherine Lowes, Lucy Tubb, Rosemary Williams, Betty Higgins.
Colour photo
Reference: UND/GA1/F
UND/GA1/F1   December 1962
Recorded music for ?parties, featuring marches, promenades, polkas and tangos.
One 5" magnetic tape and a spare tape reel
Kemble Society
Reference: UND/GA2
Dates of creation: 1950 - 1982 The Kemble Society “was born” on 8 March 1950 for members of staff of the Durham Colleges and the University Library to read plays, and also to rehearse and produce plays on a usually annual basis. It is named after the notable Kemble acting family, and particularly Stephen Kemble (1758-1822), actor, manager and writer, who became a renowned theatre manager in the north-east and especially Newcastle, and died at The Grove, near Durham and is buried in the Chapel of the Nine Altars, Cathedral.
Productions have been:
1950, The Servant of Two Masters, Goldoni.
1951, The Flies, Sartre.
1953, The Way of the World, Congreve.
1959, Look Back in Anger, Osborne.
1960, A Resounding Tinkle, Simpson.
1960, Victims of Duty, Ionesco.
1961, The Crucible, Miller.
1962, The Alchemist, Jonson.
1963, The Visit, Durrenmatt.
1964, Lady Windermere's Fan, Wilde.
1965, Heartbreak House, Shaw.
1967, Six Characters in Search of an Author, Pirandello.
1969, Waltz of the Toreadors, Anouilh.
1970, Krapp's Last Tape, Beckett, and The Real Inspector Hound, Stoppard.
1971, The Cocktail Party, Eliot.
1972, The Cherry Orchard, Chekhov.
1974, The Country Wife, Wycherley.
1975, The Philanthropist, Hampton.
1977, The Tiger and the Horse, Bolt.
1978, What the Butler Saw, Orton.
1980, Play, Beckett, and The Maids, Genet.
Table Manners, Ayckbourn.
1983, Abigail's Party, Leigh.
Habeas Corpus, Bennett.
1985, Sleepless Nights, Dawson.

Reference: UND/GA2/A
UND/GA2/A1   9 March 1950 - 5 December 1960
Kemble Society minute book
Early meetings detail the casts of plays read.
Paper book
UND/GA2/A2   8 March 1961 - 29 October 1975
Kemble Society minute book
Occasional circulars, term cards, lists of members, auditions inserted.
Paper book
UND/GA2/A3   12 October 1976 - 18 September 1979
Kemble Society minute book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GA2/B
UND/GA2/B1   June 1950 - June 1959
Kemble Society account book
For the Kemble Players account and, at the back, the Christmas party account and lists of members.
Paper book
UND/GA2/B2   March 1959 - June 1965
Kemble Society account book
With lists of members at the back.
Paper book
UND/GA2/B3   October 1965 - June 1981
Kemble Society account book
With lists of members at the back.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GA2/C
UND/GA2/C1   1950 - 1960
Kemble Society correspondence, circulars, agendas and accounts
Paper file
UND/GA2/C2   1961 - 1965
Kemble Society correspondence, circulars, term cards and accounts
Paper file
UND/GA2/C3   1969 - 1976
Kemble Society correspondence, circulars and accounts
Paper file
UND/GA2/C4   1977 - 1982
Kemble Society correspondence, circulars and accounts
Paper file
Posters and programmes
Reference: UND/GA2/D
UND/GA2/D1   1950 -1985
Posters, programmes, some accounts, newspaper cuttings, tickets and correspondence for the following productions:
1950 The Servant of Two Masters
1951 The Flies
1962 The Alchemist
1963 The Visit
1970 Krapp's Last Tape and The Real Inspector Hound
1971 The Cocktail Party
1972 The Cherry Orchard
1974 The Country Wife
1975 The Philanthropist
1977 The Tiger and the Horse
1978 What the Butler Saw
1979 Three Mystery Plays
1980 The Maids and Play
1983 Abigail's Party
1985 Sleepless Nights
Habeas Corpus
Table Manners
Paper file
DC Local Association of University Teachers/D.A.U.T., later the Durham branch of the University and College Union/U.C.U.
Reference: UND/GA3
Dates of creation: 1932 - 2019 This is a branch of the Association of University Teachers (AUT) union specifically for members of the Durham Colleges, then Durham University. The inaugural meeting was on 2 November 1932. AUT merged with the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education on 1 June 2006 forming the University and College Union (UCU).
Formerly UND DUS 21.

Reference: UND/GA3/A
UND/GA3/A1   2 November 1932 - 21 May 1963
AUT minute book
Paper book
Deposited via Dr C.D. Watkinson, deputy university librarian, 1995.
UND/GA3/A2   30 October 1963 - 21 October 1993
AUT minute book, for general and annual general meetings, with some president's reports, and AUT Rules of the Association as at 1 October 1980 inserted at the back.
Paper book, most minutes stuck, sellotaped, or stapled in or just inserted
UND/GA3/A3   10 October 1990 - 16 May 1994
DAUT general and executive committee meeting minutes.
UND/GA3/A4   25 May 1994 - 5 March 1997
DAUT general and executive committee meeting minutes.
UND/GA3/A5   1 May 1997 - 20 September 2000
DAUT general and executive committee meeting minutes.
Reference: UND/GA3/C
UND/GA3/C1   March 1947 - March 1954
Notices of the annual dinner: 1947, 1951, 1952, 1954 (joint of the DC and King's branches).
UND/GA3/C2   1961 - 1974
AGM agendas for 1961, 1962, 1963, an undated GM notice, and a report on the 1974 Disinvestment campaign.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C3   c.1950 - 1984
Related national documents and Durham correspondence and papers on tenure. Also includes job descriptions and copies of terms and conditions of employment. Documents mainly date from the period 1982 - 1984.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2064. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C4    c.1972 - 1991
Correspondence and papers relating to temporary positions within the University.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2071. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C5   1980s
Correspondence and papers relating to redeployment within the University
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2070. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C6   c.1986 – 2004
Correspondence and papers relating to staff appraisal, primarily from the late 1980s and early 1990s
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2075. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C7   1973 – 1993
Correspondence and papers relating to staff appointments, primarily for the 1970s concerning University College and the Department of Theology.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2073. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C8   1990 – 1991
Correspondence and papers related to terms of employment for contracted research staff.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2071. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C9   1972 - 2000
Correspondence and papers related to issues around the employment of “other related staff” .
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2080. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C10   1977 – 1989
Correspondence and papers related to employment in colleges, including residential staff agreements.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2069. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C11   1973 - 1994
Correspondence and papers primarily relating to staff appointments and pay grades.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2074. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C12   1988 – 2004
Correspondence and papers relating to employment conditions, and employment conditions of the university.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2084. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C13   1998 – 2004
Correspondnance and papers on issues of workload and university expectations.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2084. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C14   1970 – 2004
Letters and papers relating to early retirement and voluntary severance, including policy development and funding.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2084. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C15   1972 – 1999
Correspondence and papers relating to annual leave entitlement.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2079. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C16   1975 – 1976
Correspondence on dismissal regulations.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2056. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C17A - C   1982 - 2004
Correspondence and papers relating to redundancy policy and general cases.
Paper files
Closed under DPA until 2084. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C18   1985 – 2005
Letters and papers on grievance issues and procedures, mainly from the 1980s and 2000s.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2085. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C19   1990 – 1991
Correspondance on changes to working hours for members of the former Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic within the University Library.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2071. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C20   1967 - 1995
Local and national letters and papers (inc. AUT leaflets) on general pay (including pay scales), mainly from the 1980s and 1990s.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C21   1992 -2002
Correspondence and papers relating to postgraduate pay and conditions for teaching.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2073. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C22   1989 - 2004
Correspondence and papers, and local and national reports, relating to discretionary pay.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C23   1970 – 2004
Correspondence and papers relating to academic-related pay and conditions of employment issues.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2084. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C24   1979 – 1980
Correspondence and papers concerning the University Grants Committee, and financial support and staffing in the university. Primarily contains Durham’s AUT report on the period 1967 – 1978.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C25A - H   1979 - 2002
Correspondence, reports, circulars and papers (inc. leaflets and newspaper cuttings) relating to various pay disputes, primarily from the mid-1990s onwards.
Paper files
UND/GA3/C26   1988
Correspondence and papers relating to Durham University’s response to the 1988 Education Reform Bill, together with letters and papers relating to press speculation on Durham University’s plans for the future.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C27A-B   1996
Correspondence and papers related to the 1996 campaign against funding cuts, affecting jobs and salaries. This campaign was carried out in conjunction with other universities, including Newcastle and Northumbria.
Paper files
UND/GA3/C28   1967 - 1977
Correspondence and papers on Health and Safety, including the implementation of the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act, and details of general issues relating to Durham buildings.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C29/A-B   1998 – 2000
Correspondence and papers relating to the proposed outsourcing of IT facilities and support within Durham University.
Paper files
Closed under DPA until 2080. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C30   1990 – 2003
Correspondence and papers relating to the university’s statutes and regulations (mainly 1990).
Paper file
UND/GA3/C31   1991
Correspondence and papers relating to the university’s vision for the year 2000.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C32   1987 – 1989
Correspondence and papers relating to the university’s response to ethical issues, including apartheid in South Africa.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C33   1987 - 1992
Correspondence and papers on the university’s code of practice on freedom of speech.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C34   1973 - 1998
Correspondence with MPs and newspapers on various issues and campaigns.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C35   c. 1970s - c. 1990s
Letters and papers outlining concessions to AUT members available at local Durham businesses.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C36   1957 - 1990
Correspondence and papers relating to AUT membership, including university job advertisements, appointment letters and documents relating to AUT membership. These include receipts of payments for membership, details of subscription and membership criteria, recruitment documentation and some Durham branch accounts.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2070. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C37   1970 – 1999
Correspondence and papers detailing relations between the Durham branch of the AUT and the national AUT office, including details of visiting officials.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C38   1993 – 1994
Correspondence and papers related to the AUT Council (the annual conference of the AUT) held in Durham in 1993.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C39   1980 - 2005
Newsletters for Durham members containing local and national information and some related papers.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C40   1970 - 1997
Membership lists from the years 1970, 1975, 1983-84, 1988-89, 1996-97, and the approximate distribution of members in each salary structure 1975-76.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2077. File contains personal information.
UND/GA3/C41   1971 - 79
Statements of account from 1971-72 and 1978-79.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C42   1974 – 75
Various receipts, invoices and bank statements.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C43   1971
Correspondence and papers relating to the hosting of the 1971 AUT Council in Durham.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C44   1993
Correspondence and papers relating to the hosting of the 1993 AUT Council in Durham.
Paper file
UND/GA3/C45   1974 – 1994
Correspondence and papers covering relations with other unions, including the Association of University and College Lecturers.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GA3/D
UND/GA3/D1   February 1989, October 1990
Durham AUT Bulletin
Paper file
UND/GA3/D2   February - March 2018
Printed ephemera for the UCU strike (14 days over the period 22 February-16 March 2018) over USS pensions.
Paper file
UND/GA3/D3    November 2019 - March 2020
Printed ephemera relating to UCU strikes:
25 November-4 December 2019 on pay inequality, job insecurity, rising workloads, and pay deflation;
20-21 and 24-26 February, 2-5 and 9-13 March 2020 on USS pensions, pay, equality, casualisation and workloads.

UND/GA3/D4   December 2021-March 2022
Printed ephemera relating to UCU strikes:
1-3 December 2021 and 14-18, 21-22, 28 February, 1-2, 21-25 March 2022 on pay inequality, job insecurity, rising workloads, pay devaluation, USS pensions.

UND/GA3/D5   November 2022-March 2023
Printed ephemera relating to UCU strikes:
24-25, 30 November 2022; 1, 9-10, 14-16, 21-23, 27-28 February and 1-2, 16-17, 20-22 March 2023 on pay inequality, job insecurity, rising workloads, pay devaluation, USS pensions.

Reference: UND/GA3/F
UND/GA3/F1   [1992]
AUT banner “Durham AUT/ Association of University Teachers”, made by Lotte Shankland (husband Hugh former head of Italian), and acquired from her for £250 on 12 February 1992.
Purple backed cloth, purple lettering on a cream field, with purple bordering
Size: 1550 x 2050mm
DU International Association
Reference: UND/GA4
Dates of creation: 1963 - 1966 Formerly UND DUS 22.

Correspondence and other records
Reference: UND/GA4/C
UND/GA4/C1   December 1963 - June 1966
Visitors book
Paper book
Presented by Dr Henry Parris, 1995, Acc No Misc.1994/1995:17.
DU Staff Club/Common Room
Reference: UND/GA5
Dates of creation: 1965 - 1967 A club for staff was set up in Dunelm House in March 1966.

Reference: UND/GA5/A
UND/GA5/A1   23 January 1967
Agenda for a general meeting
Correspondence and other records
Reference: UND/GA5/C
UND/GA5/C1   1965 - 1966
Constitutions (including a 26 April 1965 draft), rules, and a notice re the setting up of the club in March 1966.
Posters and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GA5/D
UND/GA5/D1   1968 - 1977
Art Exhibitions in Dunelm House:
Ernesto Mussi paintings, 3 June - 31 July 1968, catalogue.
Tunde Alabi modern Nigerian wallhangings, October 1969, catalogue and invite.
Dennis Hawkins, Gordon Smith and Michael Stokoe, 3 printmakers, June 1970, poster.
Barry Woodward paintings and drawings, 1 - 19 February 1972, poster.
Margaret E. Dadswell and Jean Tait paintings, 14 November - 23 December 1972, poster.
Keith Gretton paintings and graphics, May [c.1973], poster.
“Germany in Ferment” festival of photography, graphics, drama, films, lectures, paintings, various Durham venues, October - November [c.1973], poster.
Aubrey Beardsley drawings, Brighton, Leeds & Durham venues, November - January [c.1973], poster
Raymond Lowry cartoons, October 1975, poster
Michael Wharton paintings, January 1976, poster.
Barry Woodward paintings, 18 October - 13 November 1976, catalogue.
John Blackburn paintings, 31 January - 26 February 1977, poster.
Paper file
Latin Mass Society
Reference: UND/GA6 Members of the Society sang vespers in Latin thrice weekly in the Norman Chapel of Castle, and prayed for the preservation and restoration of the traditional Catholic faith, liturgy and discipline, and the work of the University Catholic Society.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GA6/D
UND/GA6/D1   [c.1975]
Notice of the Society and its members.
Card, 1f
Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staff (ASTMS), Durham Branch
Reference: UND/GA7 This was created out of merger in 1969 and itself disappeared in a merger in 1988 to become Manufacturing, Science and Finance, and eventually Amicus in 2002.

Reference: UND/GA7/C
UND/GA7/C1   [1975]
Circulars re a 1974 holidays and hours agreement, and “Slave Labour in the University” .
Paper, 1f
British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS), Durham Office
Reference: UND/GA8 The British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) was a group established in 1969 to encourage an awareness of the social significance of science. Its members were principally scientists and those active in academic poilitics. Its local office in Durham was at 44 Old Elvet.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GA8/D
UND/GA8/D1   [1970]
Newsletters - SRS Broadside Nos 12-14.
3 paper leaflets
Ramsey Society
Reference: UND/GA9 After initial meetings in Epiphany term 1984, the Ramsey Society was founded on 21October 1984, named after two bishops of Durham with Michael Ramsey as its patron. It aimed to allow Christians, regardless of denomination, to meet together in order to share with each other their vast wealth of knowledge and experience. It hoped to provide inter-collegiate fellowship for those not alresdy aligned toa university-wide society and provide a linking force for chapel congrgeations. A journal was quickly produced to give people the chance to share their knowledge with both Society members and thos who were unable to attend meetings.

Reference: UND/GA9/D
UND/GA9/D1   1985 - 1987
The Journal, articles from theologians, leading churchmen and prominent Christians covering the society's broad remit, produced annually. Editors: No.1 (1985) Paul Lock; No.2 (1986) Greg Dewar; No.3 (1987) Tim Pike.
3 printed paper booklets
DC/DU Staff Cricket Club
UND/GA10   1948 - 2011
Scorebooks, and also papers for the AGMs with some correspondence concerning arranging fixtures and grounds from especially the earlier years.
Staff in the Durham Colleges within the university began to play cricket fixtures in 1948, being formally established as a cricket club in 1949. This became the Durham University Staff Cricket Club in 1963 but reverted to the name Durham Colleges Staff Cricket Club in 1974 to allow it to include staff from especially Neville's Cross College in Durham. Its matches initially generally coincided with the university Easter term, ie late April to early July, but by the later 1990s fixtures were being played well into August. Home matches were initially played on the Old Racecourse, with pitches at Maiden Castle being used by the 1990s. An international cub festival was hosted every 3 or 4 years from the late 1990s.
Further accounts, averages and AGMs etc 1963-2003 are in UND/CB1/S40.

Minutes, agendas and papers for the AGMs (first held on 1 December 1949), including annual accounts, inventories of equipment, fixtures for the forthcoming season, reports on the previous season with on occasion averages, and also correspondence principally about arranging fixtures, and also subscriptions, an annual dinner (in the mid 1950s), the booking of pitches, an annual festival and with some team sheets and lists of players.

UND/GA10/A1   November 1949 - December 1954
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence, including headed notepaper/fixture cards of local clubs such as The Moths, The Victorians, The St George's Rovers, Brancepeth Cricket Club and Durham County Constabulary Sports and Social Club.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A2   January 1955 - December 1959
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A3   January 1960 - June 1963
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence (no AGM papers after 1961).
Paper file
UND/GA10/A4   March 1966 - October 1969
Annual General Meeting minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A5   January 1970 - December 1974
Annual general Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A6   January 1975 - December 1979
Annual General Meeting minutes (not all present), papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A7   January 1980 - April 1984
Annual General Meeting minutes (not all present), papers and correspondence, including a constitution.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A8   March 1985 - July 1989
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A9   March 1990 - March 1994
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A10   March 1995 - March 1999
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A11   March 2000 - August 2004
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence, including World Club Friendship Cricket Festival booklet August 2004.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A12   March 2005 - April 2009
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GA10/A13   April 2010 - April 2011
Annual General Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GA10/B
UND/GA1/GA10/B1   1955 - 2000
Account book, detailing receipts and expenses to 1973 thence annual summaries.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GA10/C
UND/GA10/C1   24 June 1948 - 18 May 1950
Scorebook, somewhat disordered and incomplete (1 match undated, some averages entered), “The Empire Cumulative Cricket Scoring Book” .
Paper book
UND/GA10/C2   18 May - 4 July 1950, 26 May 1956, 2 May - 27 June 1957
Scorebook, repeats the 18 May 1950 match from 1, “The Invicta Cricket Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C3   17 May 1951 - 21 May 1953
Scorebook, “The Invicta Cricket Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C4   30 April 1953 - 30 June 1956
Scorebook, “Unrivalled Cricket Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C5   2 May 1958 - 11 June 1964, 2 May 1968
Scorebook (only 1 innings recorded for the 1968 game), “The Club Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C6   13 May 1965 - [?June] 1969
Scorebook (several of the later matches are undated), “The Empire Cumulative Cricket Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C7   11 May 1971 - 13 July 1973
Scorebook (several matches undated and out of order towards the end), “The Empire Cumulative Cricket Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C8   21 May 1974 - 3 June 1976
Scorebook, “The Slazenger Imperial Cricket Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C9   10 June 1976 - 1 May 1980
Scorebook, “The Empire Cumulative Cricket Scoring Book”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C10   8 May 1980 - 24 June 1985
Scorebook, “Bourne's Empire Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C11   1 May 1986 - 13 June 1991
Scorebook, “Bourne's Empire Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C12   9 July 1991 - 22 June 1994
Scorebook (several with only summary details recorded), “Bourne's Empire Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C13   30 June 1994 - 6 May 1997
Scorebook (several with only summary details recorded), “Bourne's Empire Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C14   13 May 1997 - 12 June 2001
Scorebook (several with only summary details recorded), “Bourne's Empire Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C15   26 June 2001 - 19 August 2003
Scorebook, “Carta Sport Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C16   ?2002, 8 May 2003, 13 May 2004 - 10 August 2005
Scorebook (some entries incomplete), “Bourne's Empire Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C17   25 April 2006 - 25 July 2007
Scorebook (some entries incomplete), “Carta Sport”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C18   16 August 2007 - 2 June 2009, 12 August 2010 - 13 May 2011
Scorebook (some entries incomplete, others now recording all the balls faced by a batsman), “Bourne's Empire Cricket Scoring Book Cumulative”
Paper book
UND/GA10/C19   23 June 2009 - 27 July 2010
Scorebook (some entries incomplete, others recording all the balls faced by a batsman), “Carta Sport”
Paper book
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GA10/D
UND/GA10/D1   1991 - 2004
Durham Farmers Cricket Club fixture cards
Card file
UND/GA10/D2   2004
Dover Tour Club [of Barbados] 2004 Tour to Durham and London England brochure, including fixtures, images of all participants, results and images from the 2000 tour, and many adverts.
Printed paper booket, 96p
UND/GA10/D3   [2004]
Destination The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, promotional CD from [the Optimists cricket club from Luxembourg] taking part in Durham's international club festival.
CD in a hard plastic case
DU Retired Staff Association
Reference: UND/GA11
Dates of creation: 2010 The inaugural meeting was held on 30 September 2010

Administrative FIles
Reference: UND/GA11/C
UND/GA11/C1   2010
Correspondence, agenda and minutes about the setting up of the association.
Paper file
Town and Gown Society
Reference: UND/GA12
Administrative files
Reference: UND/GA12/C
UND/GA12/C1   September 1981
Notice of a dinner at Van Mildert College to celebrate the 125th meeting of the Society.
Paper file
DU Interfaith Forum
Reference: UND/GA13 For students and staff of different faiths and none, with the aim of being inclusive of all people from different ethnicities, faiths and cultures, and to get together to know each other better through social and educational activities.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GA13/D
UND/GA13/D1   [2019]
Paper, 1f
DU Women's Staff Football
Reference: UND/GA14
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GA14/D
UND/GA14/D1   [c.2015]
Poster promoting Women's Staff Football Week.
Paper, 1f
DU Staff Volunteering
Reference: UND/GA15
   3 March 2022 -
Volunteering circular emails and newsletters
1 file 
Student Representative Bodies
Reference: UND/GB
DC (from 1963 DU) Students Representative Council (SRC), later Students Union (DSU)
Reference: UND/GB1
Dates of creation: 1913 - 2018 A Students' Representative Council developed in the Durham Colleges in c.1900, following the model of a similar council at the College of Medicine in Newcastle. A Durham University SRC was established in 1907, holding its first meeting on 11 February with 4 representatives each from the Durham Colleges, Armstrong College and the College of Medicine. It became the Students Union, aka DSU, in 1970.
DSU Presidents:
1970-71 Richard J. Ayre, University
1971-72 Michael Eccles, St Cuthbert's
1972-73 Patrick Wolfe, St Chad's
1973-74 John Spens, Collingwood
1974-75 Adrian Dorber, St John's
1975-76 Andrew McFarlane, Collingwood
1976-77 John McGahan, University
1977-78 David J. Smith, Ushaw
1978-79 A.C. Jenkins, Van Mildert
1979-80 S.P.S. Weatherseed, St Cuthbert's
1980-81 Peter G. Gray, University
1981-82 Robert J. Beckley, University
1982-83 Michael D.M. Izza, St Cuthbert's
1983-84 Jacqui Mellor, Trevelyan
1984-85 Simon Pottinger, University
1985-86 Patrick J. Martin, Collingwood
1986-87 Katherine M. Ross, Van Mildert
1987-88 Nicholas V. Thorne, Grey
1988-89 Graeme N. Rainey, Van Mildert
1989-90 Jonathan S. Rich, Hild Bede
1990-91 Aidan W.G. Poole, St Aidan's
1991-92 Robert W. Groves, St John's
1992-93 Daniel Redford, St Cuthbert's
1993-94 Jon Walsh, Van Mildert
1994-95 Richard Taylor, Van Mildert
1995-96 Emily Baldock, Van Mildert
1996-97 Ewan Jenkins, St Cuthbert's
1997-98 Charlotte Nash-Wanklin, Collingwood
1998-99 Brian Ahearne, Hatfield
1999-00 Dave Park, Trevelyan
2000-01 Eddie Moore, Grey
2001-02 Emily Fieran-Reed, St Mary's
2002-03 Ben Wood
2003-04 Craig Jones
2004-05 Tom Page
2005-06 Nick Pickles
2006-07 Alex Duncan
2007-08 Flo Herbert
2008-09 Andrew Welch
2009-10 Natalie Crisp
2010-12 Mike King
2012-13 Archie Dallas
2013-15 Dan Slavin
2015-16 Millie Tanner
2016-17 Alice Dee
2018-19 George Walker
2019-20 Kate McIntosh
2020-21 Seun Twins
AA1-4 deposited via Dr C.D. Watkinson, deputy university librarian, Acc No Misc.1995/1996:10.
AB1-FZ1 deposited by DSU officers 1, 19 & 21 July 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:1, 5 & 8.
AA1-4 formerly UND DUS 20.
Anna Woodford, “Princesses, Politicians and Prisoners”, Durham First (10, Autumn 1999), p.14-17, including photos of a number of past presidents.

Reference: UND/GB1/A Minutes 1964-1977 are the copy files sent to the registrar, transferred from Old Shire Hall in August 2007, as the originals have not survived.

UND/GB1/AA1   18 June 1913 - 19 May 1927
SRC minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings, with some annual reports and accounts inserted. The first issue was considering a new constitution.
Paper book
UND/GB1/AA2   31 October 1927 - 15 March 1949
SRC minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings, with constitutions and accounts inserted. Typescript from 1945.
Paper book
UND/GB1/AA3   3 May 1949 - 19 May 1958
SRC minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings, with accounts inserted. Indexed.
Paper book
UND/GB1/AA4   23 June 1958 - 12 June 1964
SRC minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings, with some accounts inserted.
Paper book
UND/GB1/AA5   16 October 1964 - 15 June 1965
SRC minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AA6   5 November 1965 - 20 June 1967
SRC minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AA7   13 October 1967 - 18 June 1969
SRC minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AA8   15 October 1969 - 23 June 1971
SRC/DSU minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AA9   21 October 1971 - 14 June 1972
DSU minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AA10   18 October 1972 - 19 June 1974
DSU minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AA11   23 October 1974 - 31 December 1975
DSU minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AA12   28 January 1976 - 26 January 1977
DSU minute book
Minutes of general and council meetings.
UND/GB1/AB1   January 1977 - October 1978
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
including minutes and reports of other committees and officers
UND/GB1/AB2   November 1978 - October 1979
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB2A   November 1979 - Easter 1980
DSU minute book
UND/GB1/AB3   Michaelmas 1980 - Easter 1981
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB4   Michaelmas 1981 - Easter 1982
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB5   Michaelmas 1982 - Easter 1983
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB6   Michaelmas 1983 - Easter 1984
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB7   Michaelmas 1984 - Easter 1985
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB8   Michaelmas 1985 - Easter 1986
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB9   Michaelmas 1986 - Easter 1987
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB10   Michaelmas 1987 - Easter 1988
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB11   Michaelmas 1988 - Easter 1989
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB12   Michaelmas 1989 - Easter 1990
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB13   Michaelmas 1990 - Easter 1991
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB14   Michaelmas 1991 - Easter 1992
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB15   Easter 1993
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB16   Michaelmas 1993 - Easter 1994
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB17   Michaelmas 1994 - Easter 1995
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB18   Michaelmas 1995 - Easter 1996
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB19   Michaelmas 1996 - Easter 1997
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB20   Michaelmas 1997 - Easter 1998
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB21   Michaelmas 1999 - Easter 2000
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB22   Michaelmas 2000 - Easter 2001
DSU UGM/Council minutes, agendas and papers
UND/GB1/AB23   19 June 2014
DSU Assembly agenda
Paper file
UND/GB1/AC1   Michaelmas 1989 - Easter 1992
DSU Executive Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AC2   Michaelmas 1992 - January 1994
DSU Executive Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AD1   October 1989 - June 1992
DSU Services Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AD2   October 1992 - January 1994
DSU Services Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AD3   October 1994 - June 1996
DSU Services and Finance Committees draft minute book
One joint committee from October 1995. With signed attendance lists inserted.
UND/GB1/AD4   May 1996 - November 1997
DSU Joint Finance and Services Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AD5   October 1997 - February 1999
DSU Joint Finance and Services Committee draft minute book, with signed attendance lists inserted.
UND/GB1/AD6   March 1999 - May 2000
DSU Joint Finance and Services Committee draft minute book, with signed attendance lists inserted.
UND/GB1/AD7   October 1998 - May 2000
DSU Joint Finance and Services Committee minutes, with budgets inserted.
UND/GB1/AE1   October 1984 - June 1985
DSU Finance Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AE2   October 1990 - June 1991
DSU Finance Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AE3   November 1991 - June 1992
DSU Finance Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AE4   October 1992 - January 1994
DSU Finance Committee minutes
For later minutes of the Finance committee and then the joint Finance and Services committee, see UND/GB1/AD3 etc above.
UND/GB1/AF1   October 1989 - May 1994
DSU JCR Liaison Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AF2   October 1996 - March 1998
DSU JCR Joint Liaison Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AF3   January 1999 - May 2001
Joint Committee of DSU and the Colleges minutes
UND/GB1/AF4   August 2003 - May 2008
DSU Presidents' Executive, including committee meetings and papers:
File 1: August - November 2003
File 2: August 2004 - July 2005
File 3: August 2005 - July 2006
File 4: August 2006 - June 2007
File 5: August 2007 - May 2008
5 paper files
UND/GB1/AG1   February 1991 - October 1992
DSU Line Managers Committee minutes
This became the House Committee in March 1991 but reverted to Line Managers Committee after October 1992.
UND/GB1/AG2   August 1994 - July 1997
DSU Line Managers Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AG3   January 1998 - June 2001
DSU Line Managers Committee
UND/GB1/AH1   October 1990 - January 1992
Senior Men and Women's meetings minutes
UND/GB1/AH2   September 2000 - May 2001
Senior Men and Women's meetings minutes
UND/GB1/AH3   August 2002 - June 2003
Senior Men and Women's meetings minutes
Also includes agendas of Senior Ladies and Girls (SLAGS)
UND/GB1/AI1   14 February 1997
University College Stockton Bar Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AI2   July 2000 - June 2001
Rocket Union Management Committee minutes
UND/GB1/AJ1   March 1950 - November 1954
Dance Committee minute book, organising the June Ball, Freshers' Ball, Christmas Ball, Room 5 dances, with some lists of property and bands at the back.
Paper book, wrapped in brown paper
From Hatfield College July 2014 (possibly as the last meeting was held there).
Reference: UND/GB1/B
UND/GB1/B1   2011 - 2015
Annual financial statements for each year.
Paper file
Administrative files
Reference: UND/GB1/C
UND/GB1/C1/1   1971 - 1979
DSU Policies, filed alphabetically.
UND/GB1/C1/2   Michaelmas 1979 - Easter 1984
DSU Policies, filed chronologically.
UND/GB1/C1/3   Michaelmas 1984 - Easter 1989
DSU Policies, filed chronologically.
UND/GB1/C1/4   Michaelmas 1989 - Easter 1994
DSU Policies, filed chronologically.
UND/GB1/C1/5   1996 - 2000
DSU Policies, filed alphabetically.
UND/GB1/C2   December 1998 - June 2001
Register of members and share ledger.
UND/GB1/C3   December 1998 - July 2000
Documents lodged with the registrar of companies, including returns, appointments and resignations of directors.
UND/GB1/C4   June 1999 - June 2002
Declaration of trust deed 11 June 2002, with stock transfer forms, powers of attorney and promotional literature for DSU.
UND/GB1/C5   2002
DSU Committee [Room] appointments diary.
UND/GB1/C6   1995 - 1997
DSU Societies [Officer's] correspondence for 1997, including copies of the DSU constitution and standing orders of 26 October 1995 and a DSU reports timetable.
UND/GB1/C7   8 May 2000
University Strategy Committee meeting papers annotated [by the DSU representative]
UND/GB1/C8   Michaelmas 1981 - Epiphany 1992
DSU NUS delegation nomination forms with photos of candidates and some manifestoes.
UND/GB1/C9   September 1995 - July 1998
Dunelm House redevelopment of the reception area by architects Anthony Watson of Sunderland, including correspondence plans, minutes of meetings, catalogues, estimates and invoices.
UND/GB1/C10   2001 - 2002
DSU [General Manager's] file with accounts, directors' reports and financial statements for 31 July 2001, action plan of June 2002, strategic diagnostic of June 2001, presentations on finances, budget report, the general manager's job description, DSU organisational chart and a task [for an away day].
UND/GB1/C11   September 2002
DSU staff handbook, including the constitution and standing orders.
UND/GB1/C12   1982
University press releases re the installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn as chancellor and launching of the university's 150th anniversary appeal on the same day 30 June 1982, with newspaper cuttings.
UND/GB1/C13   [October 2004]
Paperwork for ratifying a new society - Durham Student Theatre.
Paper file
UND/GB1/C14   1997 - 2001
Applications for DSU membership from part-time students for courses expiring 1999-2001, with photos, addresses, names and courses.
Closed until 2081 under DPA.
UND/GB1/C15   1997 - 2002
Applications for DSU membership from part-time students for courses expiring 2002-2003, with photos, addresses, names and courses.
Closed until 2082 under DPA.
UND/GB1/C16   1998 - 2002
Applications for DSU membership from part-time students for courses expiring 2002-2007, with photos, addresses, names and courses.
Closed until 2082 under DPA.
UND/GB1/C17   August - October 1947
Freshers Conference circulars, programmes and reading lists.
Paper file
UND/GB1/C18   [c.1960s - 1970s, 2011], 2014-2020
Manifestoes and posters promoting those standing for election to SRC/DSU (and on one occasion city council) office.
Paper file
UND/GB1/C19   1949 - 1974
Circulars, promoting diaries, concerning staff attendance at balls, invite to end of term service, from the Societies Grant Committee, from the Body for Organising Revolutionary Enterprise entitled “Revolution”, from the Movement for a Democatic University reporting on its meetings, from Sociology students promoting a strike, from the Smudge Organisation seeking to control university politics, against the 1971 Immigration Bill, re the financing of Student Unions and a proposed national day of action, maintenance fees, rent strikes, lecture boycotts, a Durham Left Broadsheet, promoting a committee for the defence of Trade Unions, promoting the “Alternative Assembly”, concerning developments at LSE and Oxford, education cuts, Suwamish tribe letter to the president of the USA produced by Freedom Group: Durham Libertarian Students, and questionnaires on accommodation and use of DSU.
Paper file
UND/GB1/C20   12 September 2011
DSU organised Postgraduate Leaver's Dinner at St Mary's College, menu with grace specially composed by Ian Williamson, and a seating plan.
Card, 2f + 1f
UND/GB1/C21   27 November 1986
Circular letter from the president Kate Ross, and Anne Taylor, about the potential impact of student loans.
Paper, 2f
UND/GB1/C22   2006 & 2012
Annual Reports for 2005/06 and 2011/12
2 printed paper booklets
UND/GB1/C23   2012
Durham Students' Union Our New Direction Strategic Plan 2012-2015
Printed paper booklet
UND/GB1/C24   [2013]
DSU organisational structure chart, with names and posts
Paper, 1f
UND/GB1/C25   2015 - 2016
DSU formal documents:
Standing Orders updated 13 December 2016
DSU Advice Service Code of Practice 2016/17
Articles of Association adopted 16 January 2015
Paper file
UND/GB1/C26   [1989]
“Durham Students Union An Introduction” with plans and “The Development Plan” with aims and objectives.
Printed paper file
UND/GB1/C27   [?2017]
“Addictive blogs How to write brilliant web content A DSU Masterclass” , by Suzanne Worthington
Printed paper booklet, 20p
The Students Union has produced various handbooks and guides informing students about itself and aspects of life at the university. Their format and style is by no means consistent from year to year, but some do survive to become series.

UND/GB1/D1   1957 - 2019
Handbook, variously titled:
1957 DCSRC Handbook
1961 DCSRC Diary
1965 University of Durham Students' Handbook
1966 SRC Handbook
1968 SRC Handbook
1969 Info' 1 University of Durham S.R.C. handbook
1969 Info' 2 DUSRC Diary
1970 Info DSU Handbook
1972 DSU Handbook
1973 Durham Students' Union Handbook
1974 DSU Handbook
1975 DSU Handbook
1976 DSU Handbook
1977 DSU Handbook
1978 Durham Student Handbook
1979 Durham Student Handbook
1980 Durham Students Union in Association with TWANUS Handbook
1981 Durham Students Union in Association with Tyne and Wear Area N.U.S. Handbook
1982 Durham University Students Union NUS Handbook
1983 Durham Students' Union Handbook
1984 Durham Student Union Handbook
1985 Durham Student Union Handbook
1986 The Durham Students Union Handbook
1987 Durham Student Handbook
1988 Durham Student Union Handbook & Diary
1989 Durham Student's Union Handbook and Diary
1990 Durham Students Union Handbook & Diary
1991 Durham Students Union Handbook and Diary
1992 Durham Students' Union Handbook & Diary
1993 Durham Students' Union The Blue Book
1994 The Blue Book Durham Students' Union
1995 The Purple Book Durham Students' Union Handbook and Diary
1996 DSU Handbook and Diary
1997 The Union Handbook
1998 The Student Handbook (DSU and DUAU)
1999 The Student Handbook
2000 The Student Handbook
2001 The Student Handbook
2002 The Student Handbook
2003 The Student Handbook
2004 The Handbook
2005 The Handbook
2006 The Durham Handbook
2017 Everything you need to know about Durham Students' Union
2019 Everything you need to know about DurhamSU
Produced annually at the beginning of each academic year by the Students Union, these volumes detail the student union's facilities, its sabbatical officers, its staff, its functions and workings, the university's clubs and societies, the colleges, welfare, attractions and facilities of Durham, and also Newcastle and Stockton.
30 paper booklets
Formerly Per Local DUR
UND/GB1/D2   1977, 1983, 1986
DSU Welfare Handbook 1977/78
DSU Welfare Diary 1983-4
DSU Welfare Diary 1986-1987
The DSU Welfare Department [?1986]
With information sections on where to find help, health, sexual awareness, finance, the law, accommodation, and a diary.
4 paper booklets, 2 spiral bound
UND/GB1/D3   1948 - 1991, 2017
A 3 day conference, which grew to become a week, was held before the start of the Michaelmas term to introduce new students to the university. A printed guide/programme, which grew to become pretty well a handbook for freshers, was produced for this, variously titled:
An Introduction to the University 1948-1953
Freshers Conference 1951, 1954-1965, 1968-1971
Freshers Conference Handbook 1972-1983
Intro Week 1984-1989, 1991
Freshers' Week 2017 flyer
36 printed illustrated paper booklets, + 1f
UND/GB1/D4   15 February 1936 & December 1949
DUSRC 15 February 1936
DCSRC December 1949
2 printed paper leaflets
UND/GB1/D5   [1938 - 2011]
Official headed notepaper:
DCSRC K.B. Gibson president [1938]
DCSRC [c.1950]
DCSRC [1953x1957]
DSU [2011]
Paper, 5f
UND/GB1/D6   1991 - 1995
File of newsletters of DSU societies (only the latter half of the alphabet survives); annotated with notes of their printing out/photocopying and circulation by DSU.
- NSPCC Durham University branch
- Orchestral Society 1992.
- Oriental Society 1992-1995.
- Peace Action 1994.
- Philosophical Society 1992
- Photographic Society 1992.
- Physical Society, with term cards for Michaelmas 1991 and Epiphany 1992
- Quasar Society 1992
- Reality - Real Ale Society 1994
- Rock Society 1994-1995
- Rock n Roll Society 1992
- Russian Society
- Science Fiction and [Fantasy] Society 1994-1995
- Scout and Guide Group 1992-1995, including correspondence (issues for 1996-1999 in UND/GE8/D2)
- Soccer Supporters Society
- Tea Appreciation Society 1992
- Third World First 1995
- Tory Reform Group 1992
- Use Your Head 1994
- Wildlife Society
- Wine Tasting Society 1992
- Women's Group 1992
- Youth Hostel Association 1992-1995
UND/GB1/D7   1935 - 1997
Invites and cards for balls and dances, including the June Ball, the Carnival Ball, the Christmas Ball and the Graduation Ball, for: May 1935, October 1945 - December 1951, December 1953, December 1954, June & December 1955, June 1957, 1967 - 1969, 1997
UND/GB1/D8   October 2007 & October 2017
Freshers' Fair programmes, listing all the societies/clubs, with a plan, for 2007 and 2017.
Paper file
UND/GB1/D9   [c.1995] - 2011
Guides for students living out, produced by the Accommodation Office:
Living Out in Durham [c.1995], 8p
Guide to Living Out 2002, 56p
Guide to Living Out (2004), 56p
Guide to Living Out (2006), 56p
Livers' Out Guide [2011], 46p
UND/GB1/D10   [1960s] - 2021
Posters for meetings, campaigns, sales, exhibitions, elections and events at Dunelm House, including:
Midsummer Ball, 23 June 1975
Freshers Week and Induction Courses for Postgrads and Overseas Students, October [?1976]
The Oscratch Perverts, 19 June 2008
iDance InStep Dance Show, 3-5 March 2009
Wish you could tell the Library and ITS exactly what you think? 25 February 2010
Cuth's Charity Fashion Show 8 June [2010]
Uncle Keith's Retro Quiz, 11 October [2010]
Demonstration Against Education Cuts, 24 November
Bad Habit launch, 5 March 2011
Ethical Fashion Show, 10 March 2011
Bad Habit Jungle Night, 12 March 2011
Question Time with the VC etc, 28 November 2011
Give It A Go, 29 April - 3 May 2013
Feedback Student Experience Survey [2013]
Environmental & Citizenship Committee [2017]
European Election Hustings, 21 May [2019]
Durham's Got Talent, February 2020
Casino Royale Ball, 23 November 2021
UND/GB1/D11   1904 - 1971
June Week:
programmes for 1922, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1954-1957, 1959, 1961, 1967, 1971
ticket for 1904
12 foldout printed cards + card, 1f
UND/GB1/D12   1968 - 1980
Programmes for events at Dunelm House:
Christian Viewpoint programme, 9-17 November 1968.
Christian Viewpoint programme, 12-19 November 1972.
University of London Orchestra 25th anniversary Concert, 29 March 1980.
3 paper leaflets
UND/GB1/D13   1978
The Dizzy Directory and The Dizzy Discount Directory.
2 paper booklets
UND/GB1/D14   1969 - 1982
SRC/DSU newsletters:
prod news from src/dsu, 4 issues, 23 April 1969 - 18 June 1970.
DSU News, 4 issues, [c.1974]
pga Bulletin (Postgraduate Association), bulletin no.1 only, Easter 1976.
Pipeline D.S.U. News Michaelmas 1979
Freshers Pipeline [October 1982]
Paper file
UND/GB1/D15   [1991] - 2019
DSU Year Planners 1991-1992, bordered by local adverts, published by Roffey Associates Ltd of Runcorn, and 2012/13, 2015/16, 2017/18, 2019/20.
Paper file
UND/GB1/D16   [2011]
Promotional leaflet/booklet done 2011 and 2017, including images of the sabbatical officers and Dunelm House
2 paper items
UND/GB1/D17   [c.1970]
Dunelm House Student Side guide to facilities for university staff members.
Paper leaflet, 2f
UND/GB1/D18   January 1986
“Investors in Apartheid The Case for Disinvestment from South Africa and Namibia A Report to the Council of the University of Durham by Durham Students Union” “published by Durham Students Union”
Paper file, 52f with a card back
Formerly L+332.6730968DUR
UND/GB1/D19   2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019
DSU Revision Timetables, incorporating an exam survival guide and information about the university library; also posters promoting tips for revision with the strapline Revise Wise [2019]
Paper file
UND/GB1/D20   19 June 2013
Awards ceremony programme, with a ticket
Card, 1f + 1f
UND/GB1/D21   1994 - 1997
Publications for students from other organisations:
1. Keith Tondeur, A Student's Guide to Better Money Management (Credit Action, 1994), iv + 24 + 2p
2. Studying and living in Britain 1995 (The British Council), 114p
3. Debt What to do when bills pile up (Office of Fair Trading, [1996]), 12p
4. Thinking about Higher Education? An Introductory guide to university and college entrance (HELOA, 1997), 12p
4 paper booklets
UND/GB1/D23   [2016]
Assembly & Committee Information Booklet
Printed paper booklet, 12p
UND/GB1/D24   October 1976 - September 1977
Press cuttings from the local press about the DSU and general student activities.
2 scrapbooks, with newspaper cuttings stuck in
UND/GB1/D25   [2019]
Student pledge flyer and bookmark
Paper file
UND/GB1/D26   [2019]
Wellbeing Map, with helpful contacts.
Paper, 1f
UND/GB1/D27   [1990]
Durham Food & Pub Review, ed David Naylor, 2nd edition, the 1st being just the Durham Food Guide, with reviews, adverts and a map
Printed paper booklet, 16f
UND/GB1/D28   [c.2000]
Student Shop official merchandise
Printed colour leaflet
UND/GB1/D29   [2021 ?]
Durham Students Union, Culture Commission
Printed booklet   47 p.
UND/GB1/D30   12 June 2001
Durham Students Union, The truth about college rents? A briefing pack on Durham's residence charge increases

UND/GB1/D31   [June 2003]
Durham Student Union briefing papers on the University' Strategic Improvement Programme and reduced funding for Higher Education institutions
Paper file 
Reference: UND/GB1/E
UND/GB1/E1   [c.2015]
“Durham Student Union Elections” balloons
2 rubber balloons, one orange and one purple
UND/GB1/E2   [c.2015]
“Durham Students' Union Happy to Help”
Cotton tee-shirt, small, by Fruit of the Loom, orange
UND/GB1/E3   [c.2015]
“Ready to Fight?” with boxing gloves on the front; “It's Your Last Chance to Register to Vote What Are You Fighting For?” on the back, with the logos of DSU, New College Durham, East Durham College SU and Stockton Riverside College.
Cotton tee-shirt, XL, by Ringspun Cotton Event T, white
UND/GB1/E4   [2017]
DSU shirt of Carmen O'Loughlin DUCK Officer, embroidered in silver with the DSU badge and her name and title on the front.
Black cotton long sleeve buttoned up collared shirt by Russell Collection
Size: c.520 x 1300mm
UND/GB1/E5   [2017]
DSU shirt of Alice Dee president, embroidered in silver with “Durham Students' Union Enabling Students” and her name and office on the front, and @DurhamSUpres on the back.
Pink cotton polo shirt by B&C Collection
Size: c.760 x 760mm
Reference: UND/GB1/F
UND/GB1/FA1949   [October] 1949
Freshers Conference group photo, in jackets and ties/skirts, outside the then Durham Union Society on Palace Green.
Copy BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
Copied from the original of Dr Eileen Polding (correspondence in UND/F13/H1).
UND/GB1/FA1955   [1955]
In jackets and ties, or skirts, and gowns, on the steps of Castle Hall, by T. Mason of Durham, identified: J.P. Bannerman (St Cuthbert's); J.E. Green (St Bede's); R.L. Wishlade (St Chad's); D.J. Marriott (St Chad's); J.I. Coxon (St Bede's); J.M. Watson (St Bede's); D.P. Brice (University); P.E. Barber (University); St.J.A. Turner (St John's); R.M.F. Haigh (St John's); I.T. Nixon (Hatfield); W.B. Woodward (Hatfield); D.E. Lardner (St Aidan's); L.A.A. Chan (St Aidan's); M.M. Leask (University); J.R. Bureau (University); D.A. Hargreave (Hatfield); T.R. Abram (Hatfield); I.J. Bellerby (Neville's Cross); B.A. Norton (St Mary's); D.J. Parker (St Mary's); W.P. Buck (Sec DCAU); J.S. Pearson (St John's); E.A. Joscelyne (St Mary's); J.A.M. Corbett (St Hild's); R.K. Moorhouse (St Aidan's); N.G. Rees (St Mary's); R.A. Isherwood (vice-president); B. Holt (president); T.R. Harper (past president); A.R.B Robinson (secretary; B.J.N. Edwards (assistant secretary); P.M. Hoyle (St Hild's); A. Trotter (Neville's Cross).
BW print
UND/GB1/FY1   [c.1970]
View of Dunelm House through foliage beneath Kingsgate Bridge.
BW print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/GB1/FZ1   1989
Photo of [barman] “Tommy” behind the [DSU] bar.
Reference: UND/GB2
Dates of creation: 1948 - 2009 Palatinate is the newspaper for Durham university students which has been published since 1948 by the Durham Students' Representative Council, and then the Durham Students' Union.
Editors have included:
Alastair McCall, Epiphany and Easter 1984
Joel Donovan, Michaelmas 1984
Tim Burt, Epiphany and Easter 1985
Adrian Wells, Michaelmas 1985
Jeremy Vine, Epiphany 1986
Wendy Pilmer, Easter 1986
Clare Lyons, Michaelmas 1986
Cristina Nicolotti, Epiphany and Easter 1987
Aisling Irwin, Michaelmas 1987

Reference: UND/GB2/B
UND/GB2/B1   November 1961 - February 1976
Palatinate account book
Paper book
Deposited by the Chief Clerk , Acc No Misc.1990/1991:11.
Reference: UND/GB2/C
UND/GB2/C1   19 November 1951
Circular from the circulation manager appealing for subscriptions.
UND/GB2/C2   1974 - 1977
Palatinate editor's file of correspondence, draft articles and cuttings.
Reference: UND/GE10/D
UND/GE10/D1   1948 - 2019
Palatinate, issues 1-current, lacking 73, 93, 101, 104, 149, 179, 660, 683.
UND/GE10/D2   1949 - 2013
Palatinate second copies, issues 15, 19-28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 47-49, 51, 54, 55, 66, 117, 125, 126, 139, 143, 176, 177, 180, 181, 183, 656, 688-690, 692-696, 702-708, 710 only for June 1949, November 1949 - May 1951, March - December 1952, December 1953, November 1958 - February 1961, Febriaru - June 1964, May 2004, October 2007 - April 2008 and December 2008 - October 2009.
UND/GE10/D3   [c.1975] & 2002
Other publications:
“Palatinate Passport Folio to College Types” [c.1975]
Palatinate Sense 029, 14 June 2002
Paper file
DUCK (Durham University Charities weeK/Kommittee)
Reference: UND/GB3
Dates of creation: 1950 - 2015 DUCK is the reinvention of Durham Rag which was banned for overstepping the mark by breaking into Durham prison and suspending a car from Kingsgate bridge as Rag week stunts. It raises money for charities, distributed at an annual presentation evening, through events for students, which are also meant to provide the opportunity for some fun and self-development. It also provides students to make collections on behalf of other charities. The main fund-raising focus though is on the annual DUCK week, first held in November 1977. DUCK also undertakes expeditions to various parts of the world, comprising part fundraising and part community work

Reference: UND/GB3/B
UND/GB3/B1   2000 - 2001
DUCK treasurer's invoices and correspondence.
UND/GB3/B2   2001 - 2002
DUCK treasurer's invoices, correspondence and statements.
UND/GB3/B3   1971
Rag cash book
Paper volume
Reference: UND/GB3/C
UND/GB3/C1   1950 - 1951, 1966
Rag Week appeals circulars.
UND/GB3/C2   1982 - 1992
Scrap book of newspaper cuttings, promotional literature and rag mags.
UND/GB3/C3   1993 - 1994
Correspondence, newspaper cuttings, promotional literature, rag mags and circulars.
UND/GB3/C4   1995 - 2004
Scrap book of newspaper cuttings, promotional literature, rag mags, lists of grants made and presentation night programmes.
UND/GB3/C5   2003 - 2004
Applications to DUCK for funds.
Closed until 2034.
UND/GB3/C6   1967 - 1969
Programmes, tickets and invites to concerts in aid of the Durham Colleges' Charities Appeal.
Paper file
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GB3/D
UND/GB3/D1   1972, 2007 - 2019
Posters for events including:
- Charity Concert, Treveyan Hall, 1 March 1972
- Jazz Night, Chase Bar, 26 February [2007]
- Live Music at Ustinov, 2 May [2008]
- Kinky Jeff and the Swingers at Hatfield, 31 May [2008]
- Mr & Mrs Durham Final, 12 June [2008]
- Annual DUCK Celebration Evening invite, 6 June [2010]
- Duck Hits!!
- Jailbreak 9-10 June 2011
- Comic Relief Tricycle Race, [2013]
- Skydive, 27 February & 6 March 2013
- Epiphany term events 2014
- Epiphany term events 2017
- Events 2017/8
- Events 2019/20
- London to Paris cycle meeting 18 October 2021
UND/GB3/D2   [c.2000] & 2012/13
DUCK promotional booklet, explaining it, 2012/13 edition called The Little Book of DUCK
UND/GB3/D3   1951 - 1969
Programmes for RAG events for 1951, 1959, 1960, 1967, 1969
5 printed paper booklets
UND/GB3/D4   [2011]
Business card of the DUCK Officer, Martin Dorset-Purkis.
Card, 1f
UND/GB3/D5   1937 - 2004
Programmes for events:
Rag Revues 1937 (signed), 1948-1953 and 1955
Concert 1950
Rag Ball 1972, with a beer mat and car sticker
Durham University Charity Challenge Durham University RFC 1st XV v Northumbria University RFC 1st XV, 11 February [2004]
Paper file
UND/GB3/D6   2015
DUCK Expeditions Passport detailing the charity expeditions organised for the summer of 2016 by Tom Purvis, expeditions officer.
Printed paper illustrated boklet
UND/GB3/D7   1948 - 1971
Durham Colleges Rag Mags:
The Octopus ( “Published by the University Students of Durham and printed by the Durham County Advertiser in aid of Durham and Stockton Hospitals” )1929
Durham Colleges Rag Mag 1938-1939, 1946
Rag Mag 1948, 1950.
The Purple Patch 1954, 1955, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1970, 1971.
13 printed paper magazines
From Hatfield College July 2014 and Grey College (1964, 1965, 1971) March 2018
Reference: UND/GB3/E
UND/GB3/EB1   [2011 - 2012]
Photographs of DUCK events and activities, including collections, parties/dinners (some in fancy dress), musicals (performances and rehearsals) and various groups of students, with and without drinks, indoors and outdoors, in Durham and Stockton, including a poster for Bad Girls the Musical (9-11 February 2011), all unidentified.
53 colour prints
Size: 100 x 135mm
Student Community Action
Reference: UND/GB4
Dates of creation: 1996 - 20111 SCA provides the opportunity for student volunteers to work in various sectors of the local community.

Reference: UND/GB4/A
UND/GB4/A1   17 November 1999 - 20 June 2001
Student Community Action Board of Trustees minutes
Including accounts, project coordinators' reports, and some correspondence, circulars and booklets about SCA.
UND/GB4/A2   November 2006 - June 2011
Student Community Action Board of Trustees minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence; file of the honorary president, Patrick O'Meara.
Paper file
UND/GB4/A3   November 1996 - May 1998
SPARK steering committee minutes, with some correspondence and a November 1996 SPARK evaluation of the international youth camp in Palestine.
Safety Prevention Awareness Realisation and Knowledge, part of SCA.
Publications and Ephemera
Reference: UND/GB4/D
UND/GB4/D1   [1994] - 2019
Student Comunity Action: [1994/95]
Student Community Action Handbook: 1996/7
Student Community Action Rough Guide outlining what SCA is about, the team and its projects: 2008/09, 2010/11, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16, 2017/18, 2018/19.
Student Volunteer Handbook: 2019/20.
9 printed paper booklets, colour, illustrated
UND/GB4/D2   [2012] - 2018
Flyers and posters promoting Student Community Action and its activities.
Paper file
UND/GB4/D3   2010
oSCArs 2010 & Volunteering Palatinates programme
Printed colour leaflet, 1f
UND/GB4/D4   1999
Durham University, Student Community Action Annual Report 1998-1999
Paper report
Movement for a Democratic University (MDU)
Reference: UND/GB5
Dates of creation: [1968] In the Summer Term of [1968], a number of meetings of students, and some staff, were held expressing dissatisfaction with the existing structure for dealing with grievances and complaints in the university. It was principally objecting to the perceived undemocratic nature of the SRC, which did not have meetings where students could vote directly. The meetings set up an ad hoc committee which drafted resolutions over the summer of [1968] about the university's governance which were sent to all staff. Further meetings were to be held in the autumn of [1968].

UND/GB5/1   [October 1968]
“WHAT IS MDU .....?” circular, encouraging attendance at a meeting on 9 October.
Paper, 1f
Military Organisations
Reference: UND/GC
DU Air Squadron
Reference: UND/GC1
Dates of creation: 1943 - 1945
Reference: UND/GC1/A
UND/GC1/A1   [August 1943]
5th course Durham University Air Squadron magazine 2nd edition.
Includes a nominal roll of the University Short Course Cadets No.5.
With 8 autographs on the back, and a [U.S.C.] ms song “At the Squadron Ball”dated 19 September 1943. “1814237. LAC. BYATT. DW. 30/8/43.”on the front.
Paper booklet, 9f
Reference: UND/GC1/B
Dates of creation: 1943 - 1945 For photos of Short Course No.4, see UND/CK3/C; for a photo of part of Short Course No.8, see UND/F7/FK3; for photos of Short Course No.10, see UND/F1/H8.

UND/GC1/B1   [1943]
Formal group photo of Durham University Short Course Cadets No.5, in uniform, on a lawn on the south side of Durham, with the Cathedral and St Oswald's Church behind, by Sidney L. Gorer of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Also a print of 2 images (face and inscription) of a wrist-watch given to D. Byatt by W.W. Wakefield director of the Air Training Corps as the best all-round cadet on the course, with a copy newspaper cutting of 17 September 1943 about the presentation and the passing-out parade, and a 2004 C.V. of Dennis William George Byatt (b.1925).
2 BW prints, mounted on board + 2 BW copy prints 
Size: 158 x 108mm & 203 x 134mm & 204 x 139mm
B1b formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/57.
UND/GC1/B2   [?March 1944]
RAF No6 Short Course, formal group photo on the steps of Castle Great Hall, in uniform; Wing-Commander Nunn and Sergeant John Davies identified.
By Sidney L. Gorer, of Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 295 x 240mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/79
UND/GC1/B3   September 1944
RAF No7 Short Course formal group photo, in uniform, Cathedral beyond.
By Sidney L. Gorer of Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 255 x 195mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/56.
UND/GC1/B4   September 1944
RAF C Flight formal group photo on the steps of Castle Great Hall, in uniform, Dennis E Hook identified.
BW print, printout of a scanned copy
UND/GC1/B5   [c.1945]
RAF ?Short Course formal group photo [?of one flight] on the steps of Castle Great Hall, in uniform.
Size: 210 x 160mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/58.
UND/GC1/B5   [c.1945]
RAF ?Short Course passing out parade, marching along Palace Green past the Pemberton Rooms, Cathedral behind.
Size: 195 x 155mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/59.
UND/GC1/B6   [c.1945]
RAF ?Short Course formal group photo, in uniform, Cathedral beyond, Sidney Holgate identified. 2 copies.
By Sidney L. Gorer, of Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 255 x 205mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/60.
UND/GC1/B7   [1945]
RAF No.8 Short Course formal group photo on Palace Green, in uniform, in the snow.
By Sidney L. Gorer, of Grainger St, Newcastle.
2 copies, one signed by 18 on the back.
Size: 255 x 200mm
One formerly Misc Photos PH 3/B/85; the other from Hatfield College July 2014.
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GC1/D
UND/GC1/D1   2017
Flyer advertising Northumbrian Universities' Air Squadron
Paper file
Reference: UND/GC1/F 1 and possibly also 2 were given by Mr Heady to University College c.2000, and thence were part of the College deposit Acc No Misc.2005/2006/20, 3 October 2005.

UND/GC1/F1   c.1970
Air Squadron tie, with alternate diagonal lines of St Cuthbert's cross and eagles in flight, both in white, on a purple background. Made by Macaseta Ltd of Macclesfield.
Size: 1330 x 27-95mm
UND/GC1/F2   c.1970
Air Squadron crest, with the motto “Dat Scientia Alas”
Size: 146 x 176mm
DU Officers Training Corps
Reference: UND/GC2
Dates of creation: 1922 - 2017
Printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GC2/D
UND/GC2/D1   [1 February ?1935]
Invite to the annual presentation of prizes by Sir Joseph Reed.
Card, 1f
UND/GC2/D2   2017
Flyer for Northumbrian UOTC
Paper file
Reference: UND/GC2/E
UND/GC2/EA1922   [?1922]
[Durham O.T.C.] officers group [at Summer Camp, Fleetwood], most in uniform of various regiments with canes, in front of tents, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve and William Arthur Prowse identified.
By Lonnergan, of Leeds and Wakefield.
Size: 300 x 240mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/88.
Compare similar 1921 photo in MIA 2.
Reference: UND/GC2/F
UND/GC2/F1   [1950]
“Presented to Sgt. Blackburn N., P.S.I. from the cadets Durham University Training Corps 1948-1950”
Pewter tankard
Size: 120 x 110 x 135mm
Given by Maurice Blackburn (regular in the DLI) (acquired by him during the clearance of a pub in Somerset) 19 April 2012, Acc No Misc.2011/12:62.
Royal Naval Units
Reference: UND/GC3
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GC3/D
UND/GC3/D1   2017
Flyer for University Royal Naval Units
Sports Clubs
Reference: UND/GD Unless otherwise indicated under custodial history, Athletic Union and associated sports club material (minutes, record books, accounts, photos and newspaper cuttings) was deposited by the Athletic Union on 27 June 2005, Acc No Misc.2004/2005:63.
Mounted group photographs in GD4,5,20,26,38,39/EA (mostly GD20) were deposited by Maiden Castle Sports Centre 13 July 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:3.

DU Athletic Union
Reference: UND/GD1
Dates of creation: 1919 - 1962 The sports sub-committee of the University Students' Representative Council was responsible for overseeing the administration of sport in Durham University until the Durham University Athletic Union was set up in 1929. This was still responsible to the University S.R.C. and, through it, obtained its funds from the 3 units of Durham Colleges, Armstrong College and the College of Medicine. The exception was the University Boat Club which, as the College of Medicine did not row, obtained its funds directly from the Durham Colleges and Armstrong. The Athletic Union had representatives from each of the individual Athletic Unions in the 3 units (who provided its officials in turn), and each constitutent university club. A permanent treasurer was a member of staff of one of the units. The Athletic Union is responsible for all university clubs and is the final authority on inter-college competitions through the trophies committee, in charge of the challenge cups and trophies belonging to the union.
The Athletic Union initially comprised the university clubs for rowing, cricket, rugby football, association football, hockey, lawn tennis, athletics, women's hockey, women's netball and women's lawn tennis. Men's and women's swimming were added in 1931 and golf and amateur boxing in 1934.
Durham's participation in inter-university competition developed after it became a full member of the Universities Athletic Union in 1931 with Durham university clubs gradually entering U.A.U. championships and Durham students appearing on U.A.U. teams.

Reference: UND/GD1/A
UND/GD1/A1   1 December 1919 - 10 May 1927
Durham University S.R.C. sports committee minute book.
Minutes are signed by the president and secretary. They generally concern the administration of university sports and finance, and record the awards of palatinates colours to members of Durham University teams.
Paper book
Formerly UND/DUS 10/1
UND/GD1/A2   6 November 1944 - 8 November 1962
Durham University Athletic Union minute book
Paper book, manuscript, then typescript stuck in from November 1948
UND/GD1/A3   27 November [1973]
Paper file
Correspondence and administrative files
Reference: UND/GD1/C
UND/GD1/C1   17 June 1929
Constitution, signed
(Copy originally kept in the university library)
Paper file   19f.
Formerly UND/B3 (part), copy sent to the university library for safe-keeping.
Reference: UND/GD1/D For fixtures cards for cricket/tennis for May 1921, 1922 and 1923, and rugby/football/hockey for October 1920, 1922 and 1923, see UND/F1/H5A/19-22, 73, 74.

UND/GD1/D1   1923
Fixtures card for DU rugby, football and hockey clubs for the 1923-24 season, with rugby results noted.
UND/GD1/D2   1947
Durham University Athletic Union Constitution, Laws and Standing Orders, revised edition.
Printed paper booklet, 20p
DC/DU Athletic Union/Team Durham
Reference: UND/GD2
Dates of creation: 1906 - 2005 Sport in the Durham Colleges was the responsibility of “Central Finance”, along with all undergraduate activities, until the captains of college sports in the Durham Colleges set up a men's Athletic Union at the end of Michaelmas term 1927. Its committee comprised a president and secretary (to be elected annually), a permanent treasurer, the captains of all colleges' sports, and eventually representatives from each college. Its functions were then delineated as:
- the management of all colleges' sports finances
- the arrangement of inter-college fixtures
- the ratification of college colours
- the control of the use of college grounds
- representation on the university athletic union
- fining “delinquents” in college sports
- the appointment of a publicity agent for all sports to the press
- drawing up of fixture cards
The sports represented were rugby football, association football, hockey, fives, athletics, cricket and tennis. Women's sports were not represented, having their own organisation. Swimming was added in 1929 and Bede College came into the fold in 1930 having previously largely run its own teams.
The men's Durham Colleges Athletic Union united with the women's in 1946. On the independence of Newcastle University in 1963, it became the Durham University Athletic Union.
In 2002, Gabby Logan launched Durham University's Team Durham initiative to provide coaching and facilities for talented athletes. The athletics union was re-branded as Team Durham in 2006. As a consequence of the Charities Act 2006, which removed exempt charitable status from students' unions, Team Durham was, along with a number of other student associations and some junior common rooms, legally incorporated into the university as a Durham Student Organisation in 2011.

Reference: UND/GD2/A
UND/GD2/A1   26 January 1928 - 18 October 1932
Durham Colleges Athletic Union committee minute book.
Minutes are signed by the president and secretary. They generally concern finance and record the captains and awards of colours to members of Durham Colleges teams.
Paper book, covers detached
Deposited by the Chief Clerk, Acc No Misc.1990/1991:13.
Formerly UND/DUS 1/1
UND/GD2/A2   22 November 1932 - 18 October 1946
Durham Colleges Athletic Union committee minute book
Inserted at the back are the standing orders.
Paper book
UND/GD2/A3   30 June 1938 - 12 March 1960
Durham Colleges Women's Athletic Union committee minute book until 20 June 1946, thenceforward, on the uniting of the men's and women's Unions, Durham Colleges Athletic Union committee minute book
The first meeting of the combined men's and women's Durham Colleges Athletic Union was held on 11 October 1946.
With some agendas and lists of colours awarded inserted.
Paper book
UND/GD2/A4   20 June 1960 - 13 May 1963
Durham Colleges Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/A5   21 October 1963 - 15 June 1967
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/A6   19 October 1967 - 23 June 1970
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
With constitutions and standing orders at the front.
Paper file
UND/GD2/A7   27 October 1970 - 25 June 1973
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/A8   27 November 1973 - 21 June 1976
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/A9   26 October 1976 - 4 March 1980
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/A10   4 March 1980 - 13 June 1983
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/A11   22 November 1983 - 19 June 1986
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/A12   19 June 1986 - 31 January 1989
Durham University Athletic Union committee minute book
Paper file
UND/GD2/AA1   10 October 1977 -9 February 1982
Durham University Athletic Union secretary's draft minute book
Paper book, front cover detached
UND/GD2/AA2   2 March 1982 - 26 February 1985
Durham University Athletic Union secretary's draft minute book
Paper book
UND/GD2/AA3   30 April 1985 - 24 February 1987
Durham University Athletic Union secretary's draft minute book
Paper book
UND/GD2/AA4   14 May 1987 - 24 February 1992
Durham University Athletic Union secretary's draft minute book
Paper book
UND/GD2/AB1   [1966 - 1970]
Durham University Athletic Union president's procedure book for meetings
Paper book
UND/GD2/AC1   1958 - 1970
Durham Colleges/University Athletic Union colours/palatinates awarded book
Paper book
UND/GD2/AC2   11 June 1983 - May 1990
Durham University Athletic Union palatinate committee minute book recording palatinates and half-palatinates awarded winter and summer.
Paper book
UND/GD2/AD1   1952 - 1959
Durham Colleges Athletic Union trophy record
detailing who held each trophy each year, where it was housed and who had signed for it, in order of trophy.
Paper book
UND/GD2/AD2   1981 - 1996
Durham University Athletic Union trophy results and college captains
detailing each year the winners and often runners-up of inter-college competitions and the college captains
Paper book
UND/GD2/AE1   15 November [1963] - 8 June 1967
Durham University Fixture Co-ordination committee minute book
mostly unused.
Paper book
UND/GD2/AF1   December 2005 - October 2007
Team Durham Board meetings, including agendas, minutes and associated reports and papers
Paper file
UND/GD2/AF2   March 2008 - November 2010
Team Durham Board meetings, including agendas, minutes and associated reports and papers
Paper file
UND/GD2/AG1   2007 - 2008
Directors of Sport (Sport Universities North East England) Meetings, including agendas, minutes and associated papers and reports
Paper file
UND/GD2/AG2   2009
Directors of Sport (Sport Universities North East England) Meetings, including agendas, minutes and associated papers and reports
Paper file
UND/GD2/AG3   2010 - 2011
Directors of Sport (Sport Universities North East England) Meetings, including agendas, minutes and associated papers and reports
Paper file
Reference: UND/GD2/B
UND/GD2/B1   13 October 1906 - 31 December 1946
Account book of [ “Central Finance” (the volume is titled so in 1920) though the flyleaf is titled “University of Durham DUF.C.” (cancelled), and then the Durham Colleges Athletic Union from 1928 (the volume is stamped “Durham Colleges, S.R.C. & A.U.” in Michaelmas 1928)]. E.F. Baxter signs as treasurer from December 1926 to April 1939.
Records expenses and receipts for the periods 13 October 1906 - 11 November 1913 and 26 January 1920 - 31 December 1946.
Paper book
Deposited by the Chief Clerk, Acc No Misc.1990/1991:12.
Formerly UND/DUS 1/2
Administrative File
Reference: UND/GD2/C
UND/GD2/C1   [2008 x 2010]
Papers relating to an outreach initiative in Zambia between Durham University Sport and other universities in partnership with IDEALS (International Development Through Excellence and Leadership in Sport) and Sport in Action, including student placement reports, notes and PowerPoint print outs from workshops, induction programme, and volunteer handbook
Paper file
UND/GD2/C2   2008 - 2009
Papers relating to a charity partnership between Durham University and Project Sri Lanka, involving students raising money for sport-related initiatives in Sri Lanka, including partnership agreement, and a report of a visit
Paper file
Reference: UND/GD2/D
UND/GD2/D1   2003
DUAU College Captains' Guide for the 2003/04 season
Detailing the DUAU executive, procedures, competitions and contacts for the various sports, and results cards
Paper booklet   24p
UND/GD2/D2   1976 - 2004
DUAU Handbooks, detailing staff, facilities and clubs at university and college level.
For 1976/77, 1978/79-1980/81, 1982/83-1991/92, 1993/94, 1995/96, 2003/04, 2004/05.
18 paper booklets
Formerly: Per Local DUR
UND/GD2/D3   January 1978 - August 1997
Newspaper cuttings of Durham sports events and of sporting activities of Durham alumni, gleaned from national and local papers by Durrant's.
1. January 1978 - December 1978.
2. January 1979 - February 1980.
3. March 1982 - February 1983.
4. March 1983 - February 1984.
5. May 1986 - November 1986.
6. March 1987 - January 1988.
7. January 1988 - April 1988.
8. April 1988 - July 1988.
9. July 1988 - October 1988.
10. October 1988 - March 1989.
11. February 1989 - July 1989.
12. September 1989 - February 1990.
13. June 1989 - July 1989, Henley rowing regatta only.
14. May 1991 - September 1991, croquet only.
15. January 1992 - December 1992.
16. January 1993 - June 1993.
17. June 1995 - September 1995.
18. September 1995 - December 1995.
19. January 1996 - June 1996.
20. July 1996 - December 1996.
21. January 1997 - June 1997.
22. July 1997 - August 1997.
12 paper scrapbooks with cuttings sellotaped or glued in, with 10 further files of cuttings stuck/stapled on to loose sheets
UND/GD2/D4   2004 - 2015
Annual reviews of sporting activities with reports and comments from the director of sport, the executive and from some of the university's sports, with sporting news, individual awards and careers, and a summary of income and expenditure:
Durham University Athletic Union 2003/2004 yearbook Commemorating 47 clubs in the union, 35f
Durham University Athletics Union Sports review 04/05, 28p
[Team Durham] A Sporting Review 2006-2007
[Team Durham] A Sporting Review 2008-2009
[Team Durham] A Sporting Review 2009-2010
[Team Durham] A Sporting Review 2010-2011
[Team Durham] A Sporting Review 2011-2012
[Team Durham] A Sporting Review 2012-2013, with inserted Durham University Sport 'A Moment in Time' brochure
[Team Durham] A Sporting Review 2014-2015
9 printed BW/colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/GD2/D5   1934 - 1973
Winter fixtures lists, DCAU, then DUAU from 1963-64:
1934-1935: football 1st and 2nd XIs, rugby 1st and 2nd XVs, hockey 1st and 2nd XIs, boat club, cross country club, women's hockey, women's netball, DCA.U. trophy fixtures and fives. Printed by Advertiser Printing Works, Durham.
1948-1949: rugby 1st and 2nd XVs, football, hockey, swimming, fives, women's hockey, women's swimming, women's netball, and inter-collegiate fixtures.
1963-1964: rugby 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XVs, football 1st, 2nd and 3rd XIs, men's hockey 1st, 2nd, and 3rd XIs,swimming, cross country 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams, women's hockey 1st and 2nd XIs, women's netball, rugby fives, table tennis, squash, and winter trophy fixtures.
1964-1965: rugby 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XVs, football 1st, 2nd and 3rd XIs, men's hockey 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XIs, cross country 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams, swimming, women's hockey, squash, table tennis, women's netball, and winter trophy fixtures.
1966-1967: rugby 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XVs, football 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XIs, cross country 1st and 3rd teams, fencing, men's hockey 1st, 2nd, and 3rd XIs, women's hockey 1st and 2nd XIs, netball, rugby fives, squash 1st and 2nd Vs, swimming.
1972-1973: football 1st and 2nd XIs, cross country, fencing, golf, judo, men's hockey 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th XIs, squash 1st and 2nd Vs, riding, fives, rugby 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XVs, skiing, table tennis, women's hockey 1st and 2nd XIs.
7 paper booklets, in card covers
UND/GD2/D6   1959 & 1967
Summer fixtures list:
1967: Athletics, rowing, cricket 1st and 2nd XIs, cycling, men's and ladies' lawn tennis.
1959: Cricket, cycling (photocopy)
UND/GD2/D7   [c.1975]
Poster advertising a barbecue.
Paper, 1f
UND/GD2/D8   January 1974
Constitution and Standing Orders
Printed paper booklet, 18p + covers
UND/GD2/D9   2005 - 2006
Friends of Durham Sport Annual Report (including financial report) and Annual Review, both for 2004/05.
Friends of Durham Sport Annual Report 2005/06.
3 paper booklets
UND/GD2/D10   March 2005 - April 2007
Friends of Durham Community Sport newsletter, issues 1-5.
5 printed illustrated booklets
UND/GD2/D11   [October 2012] - October 2015
Posters promoting sport:
Flyer for the Freshers Sports Fair listing all the 52 sports clubs and their captains and an introductory letter [October 2012].
College Festival of Sport.
Team Durham Sports Fair 6-7 October 2015.
Learn to Row
Team Durham Sport Volunteering
Paper file
UND/GD2/D12   February 2002 - Winter 2005
Performance The Magazine of Team Durham (issues 1-7), then Performance the Newspaper of Durham Sport (Issue 10), with articles on sporting activities at Durham. Issues present: [1] February 2002, [2] Spring 2002, Review of the Year Midsummer 2002, 4 Winter 2003, 5 Spring 2003, 6 Summer 2003, 7 Winter 2003, 10 Spring 2005, 11 Winter 2005/06.
7 colour illustrated magazines & 2 newspapers
UND/GD2/D13   13 February 1993
Sportspersons' Dinner and Palatinate Awards menu/programme
Card, 2f
UND/GD2/D14   [?2010]
Christmas card from Team Durham, signed by staff members
Colour printed card
UND/GD2/D15   2004
Team Durham review, 2003-04
MPG File
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
VLC Media Player, 138MB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicates have not been deleted
Reference: UND/GD2/E
UND/GD2/EB1   c.1980
Choir, orchestra, soloists, conductor and audience in a performance of a choral work in a church or chapel.
BW print
Size: 295 x 230mm
UND/GD2/EB2   [1991]
Male [student] drinking a yard of ale in [Van Mildert] bar.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 100mm
Printed in Durham University Ahtletic Union handbook 1991-92, in Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD2/EB3   [February 1991]
Representatives of a number of athletic unions displaying large cheques for money raised for the British Student International Sports Aid Trust on the steps of a building; A.U.s identified: Edge Hill college, Southampton university, Brunel university, Loughborough university, Durham university, Oxford polytechnic, Hull university.
2 BW prints
Size: 197 x 135mm
UND/GD2/EB4   [1996]
2 staff manning a Halifax Bank stand at [a Freshers Fair] wearing tee-shirts proclaiming Halifax's sponsorship of BUSA 1996-1999.
2 colour prints
Size: 178 x 125mm
UND/GD2/EB5   c.1900
Newspaper cutting of a photo from “The Father Browne SJ Collection” showing the interior of a gym with a man on a rowing machine, another on a ?horse, other machines and a map of the world on the wall, entitled “Maiden Castle Gym 1998?”.
Paper, mounted on paper
Size: 195 x 155mm
Reference: UND/GD2/F
UND/GD2/F1   [?2010]
Durham University Sport cap
Cloth cap, mostly purple with yellow stripes and red university crest
DC Women's Athletic Union
Reference: UND/GD3
Dates of creation: 1935 - 1946 A Durham Colleges Women's Athletic Union was mooted at a meeting of captains and secretaries of Durham Women's Athletic Clubs on 30 June 1938 and its committee first met on 31 October 1938. It combined with the men in Michaelmas term 1946. Previously, women's sports in the Durham Colleges were admininistered by the sports club of the Women's Union Society, and prior to that from 1920 by the sports finance committee of the Women Students' Society. Women's sports in the university were part of the Durham University Athletic Union from its inception in 1929 with women's hockey, netball and lawn tennis all being represented; swimming was added in 1931.

Reference: UND/GD3/A Minutes for 1938-1946 are incorporated in UND/GD2/A3, the minute book of the Durham Colleges Athletic Union.
For minutes concerning the administration of women's sport 1913-1921, see the Durham Women Students' finance committee minute book UND/GE2/AB1.

Reference: UND/GD3/B
UND/GD3/B1   26 January 1935 - 28 June 1946
Durham Women's Union Society Sports Club account book
Recording receipts and expenses of “2B Clubs Account”.With 4 receipts and a games account inserted for 1946.
Some damp damage towards the back.
Paper book
Formerly OSH Deed Box 8/4.
UND/GD3/B2   28 April 1936 - 24 June 1946
Durham Women's Union Society [sports treasurer's] account book
The accounts are signed by [Miss] R.E.D. Donaldson to October 1943 and then by [Miss] MB Fergusson. They cover expenses for hockey, netball, rowing, tennis and swimming. With 7 receipts inserted for 1946.
Paper book
Formerly OSH Deed Box 8/5.
DU Angling Club/Society
Reference: UND/GD44
Dates of creation: 1985 - 1988
Reference: UND/GD44/B
UND/GD44/B1   April 1985 - April 1988
Angling Club account book
Paper book
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD44/D
UND/GD44/D1   March 2012
Poster advertising “free fishing taster sessions” 3 March 2012.
Paper, 1f
DU Archery Club
Reference: UND/GD48
Dates of creation: 1987 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD48/B
UND/GD48/B1   February 1987 - June 1994
Archery Club account book
Paper book, 5f cut out at the front
DU Athletics Club
Reference: UND/GD4
Dates of creation: 1922 - 1994 The Athletic sports day was discontinued in 1876 but revived again in 1884.

Reference: UND/GD4/A
UND/GD4/A1   3 December 1948 - 22 June 1963
Athletics Club minute book
with some addresses of coaches at the front
Paper book
UND/GD4/A2   29 April 1967 - 23 June 1970
Athletics Club minute book
General and committee meetings, with results of meetings, a programme for the Rowlands and Wimpenny trophies meeting of 4 May 1968, and some newspaper cuttings inserted.
Paper book
UND/GD4/A3   October 1985 - 22 June 1990
Athletics Club record book, including reports, minutes, results, notices and newsletters.
Paper book, with items stapled in
Reference: UND/GD4/B
UND/GD4/B1   [June] 1929 - 18 June 1940
Athletics Club account book
Receipts, from the DUA.U. treasurer and others, and expenses for travel, administration and running meetings.
With an index of club presidents, captains and secretaries at the front.
With bundles of 4 receipts for 1939 and 9 receipts for 1940 inserted.
Inside the front cover is pasted an extract from the constitution of the DUA.U. about the finances of a university club and the returning of the account book to the treasurer of the Union, signed by A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve, treasurer.
Paper book
Deposited by the Athletics Club.
Formerly UND/DUS 1/2.
UND/GD4/B2   October 1973 - June 1994
Athletics Club account book
detailing the expenditure of DUAU's running and equipment grants.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD4/C
UND/GD4/C1   1922 - 1948, most 1947-1948
Secretary's file of W. Watson, Bede College.
1. Poster advertising the annual sports 1948.
2. Printed constitution of Durham Colleges S.R.C. October 1928 reprinted October 1932.
3. 2 letters about holding an athletics meeting with St John's College York October/November 1947.
4. Durham Union Society circular on the use of Union rooms 22 October 1947.
5. 2 stewards' badges.
6. Financial statement for the Colleges sports 1947.
7. Priced catalogue of Stacy stationers of London with a coloured catalogue of badges.
8. Instructions to competitors.
9. Colleges' entries for the Colleges sports.
10. Results of the Colleges sports.
11. Recorders' charts of results.
12. Competitor's number ( “77”).
13. Cards recording the results of individual events.
14. Invoice from Durham County Press 31 May 1948.
15. Printed programme for June Week 1922.
16. Umpire's badge.
17. Printed programme of the Sunderland Police Recreation Club Open Amateur Athletic and Cycling Sports 5 July 1947.
18. Typescript list of the secretary's duties.
19. List of DCA.C. meetings.
20. Sports results.
21. Team for Varsity Sports.
22. List of DCA.C. challenge cups with signatures of 1947 cup holders.
23. Circular from The Palatinate inviting copy 4 March 1948.
24. Paying-in book for “2B Clubs” at the National Provincial Bank, with payments December 1945 to June 1946.
25. Letter from the Northern Counties Athletic Association to Mr A. Heselgreaves about finding officials 19 April 1938.
26. Memo about a meeting with the DUA.U. 21 October 1947.
27. Letter from A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve agreeing to be a judge at the annual sports 12 March 1948.
28. Letter from Mrs Lambell reporting the death of Mr Lambell 11 March 1948.
29. Note of financial estimates October 1947 and October 1948, on the back of an invite to the annual Founders and Benefactors Day service 1945.
Paper   1 file
Formerly OSH Deed Box 8/3
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD4/D For Athletics programmes for May 1920, 1922, 1923 and March 1923, see UND/F1/H5A/10, 11, 41, 57.

UND/GD4/D1   1924 - 1970
Athletics Club annual sports meeting programmes
Programmes are present for 1924, 1930-1932, 1934-1937, 1938 (photocopy), 1939 (bis, including one signed by competitors), 1940-1942, 1947, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1969, 1970 (bis).
The meetings were held in March (1930 & 1931), then February (1932) and in later April/early May from 1934, lasting 2 or 3 days and were for competitors from the Durham Colleges. The programmes for 1970 are for a Universities Athletic Union meeting (22 June) and the British Universities Atheltic Championships (19/20 June). Also includes a programme (photocopy) for a triangular contest at Catterick on 13 May 1939.
The programmes record officials, events, competitors, previous results, records, college points charts and some local advertisements, with some annotated with results or amendments for the following year.
Paper booklets   25 items
Signed 1939 copy given by Ian Cowburn's son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
Formerly OSH Deed Box 8/3
UND/GD4/D2   22 June 1970
Poster for an athletics match at Maiden Castle 22 June 1970.
Paper, 1f
UND/GD4/D3   18 June 1930
Programme for the Athletics Sports between St Andrew's University AC and DUAC, detailing competitors and events, with some results filled in, and officers/officials.
Card, 2f
UND/GD4/D4   8 May 1965
Programme for the opening ceremony of the Maiden Castle Sports Hall and playing fields, and an Athletics meeting between the universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Nottingham.
Paper booklet, 16p
UND/GD4/D5   1966, 1970
Menus for dinners held in Grey and St Mary's Colleges respectively on the occasion of the holding of the UAU Athletic Championships in Durham.
2 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD4/D6   Spring 2006
Friends of Durham Athletics & Cross-Country newsletter.
Printed paper BW illustrated booklet
UND/GD4/D7   May 1968
Newspaper cuttings re DUAC: Northern Echo 4 May 1968
Paper file
Reference: UND/GD4/E
UND/GD4/EA1937   c.1937
A group of 18 students outside the [university pavilion] in various blazers and trousers, some with scarves and some holding running spikes, including K.B. Gibson (back row, 6 from right), unidentified, probably the athletics club, photo by Fillingham's.
BW print
Size: 150 x 110mm
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
UND/GD4/EA1966   [June] 1966
Athletics Club, some in tracksuits, others variously dressed, grouped around [pavilion] stairs, with D. Lowther captain identified, holding up the Unicorn Cup, 13 men.
BW print, mounted on board, with a label stuck on
Size: 237 x 190mm (print), 280 x 200mm (mount)
UND/GD4/EA1968   [June] 1968
Athletics Club, in vests, shorts and trainers, inside Maiden Castle main hall, identified (all men): M. Bateman, P. Reynold, V. Thomson, P. Wilson, R. Brooke-Smith, A. Wallace, J. Hinchcliffe, G. Lee, S. Cornish, K. McCulloch (capt), Dr D. Loades (team manager), L. Wimpenny (pres), A. Henderson (hon sec), D. Priestman (team and AAA hon senior coach), R. Crook (sec), G. Tunnicliffe, M. Teasdale, D. O'Hara, J. Cutter.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 370 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD4/EA1973   [June] 1973
Athletics Club, Unicorn Trophy winners, some in vests (some with a horizontal stripe, some with “Durham University”), shorts and trainers, also polo shirts, sweatshirts, tracksuits, tee-shirts, on [Maiden castle] sports ground, photo by Fillinghams, identified (* women): J. Patten, D. Parker, J. Bell, I. Briggs, A. McIntyre, R. Penman, R. Durrant, A. Boardman, T. Hawkes, J. Insoll, A. Johnson, M. Goddard, S. Lipple, A. Dewhirst, H. Symonds, J. Barrow, M. Ferguson, N. Poxton, R. Walker, G. Wood, I. Thomas, A. Bosfield*, A. Clarke*, G. Chesser*, Dr D. Loades (team manager), Mr L. Wimpenny (president), M. Weddell (captain), A. Henderson (trainer), C. Knee (secretary), M. Hudson* (ladies captain).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 205mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD4/EB1   [1980]
Intercollegiate sports men's 100m just starting, 5 runners in view, [at ?Maiden Castle].
BW print
Size: 188 x 108mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1980-81, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD4/EB2   [c.1960]
Men's [1500m] start, 8 runners, ?at Newcastle.
BW print
Size: 140 x 90mm
Reference: UND/GD4/F
UND/GD4/F1   1921
“DUAS 1921 High Jump 3rd”, with the university arms and motto, [of D.S.Rowlands]
Pewter tankard
Size: 95 x 120 x 120mm
Given by his grandson David Rowlands 31 August 2014, Acc No Misc.2014/15:1.
UND/GD4/F2   1937
“D.U.A.C. 1937 3 MILES” with the university arms and motto, of Ian Cowburn (1917-2005).
Pewter half pint tankard, with a glass bottom
Size: 90 x 85 x 115mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/GD4/F3-4   [May] 1939
“D.C.A.C. 1939 2nd ” of Ian Cowburn (1917-2005)
2 silver gilt metal medallions, with a ring [for threading a ribbon thorugh]
Size: 35 x 25mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/GD4/F5-7   [May] 1940
“D.C.A.C. 1940” of Ian Cowburn (1917-2005)
3 bronze medallions, with a ring [for threading a ribbon through]
Size: 35 x 25mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
DU Badminton Club
Reference: UND/GD50
Reference: UND/GD50/E
UND/GD50/EA1970   [June] 1970
Badminton Club (5M), outside the Graham Sports Centre, in white shirts, shorts, socks, shoes, with racquets, titled with the university arms, identified, Northern Counties Divison A winners, UAU finalists.
Paper, 1f
DU Basketball Club
Reference: UND/GD32
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD32/A
UND/GD32/A1   1981 - 1987
Men's Basketball Club record book
Includes reports, results, match reports, English Basketball Association match reports
Paper book
UND/GD32W/A1   1981 - 1987
Women's Basketball Club record book
Includes reports, results, match reports, English Basketball Association match reports
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD32/B
UND/GD32/B1   November 1973 - April 1994
Basketball Club account book
Women's Club separately recorded from 1982
Paper book
DU Boat Club
Reference: UND/GD5
Dates of creation: 1886 - 2017 Durham Regatta was founded in 1834 by the University with help of Squire Lloyd Wharton of Dryburn, after almost 20 years of aquatic festivities celebrating the victory at Waterloo. University crews raced in boats named Sylph, St Cuthbert, St Agnes or the Venerable Bede. They won the Grand Challenge Cup at the regatta seven times 1854-1862. The University Boat Club was formally founded in 1877 to produce representative student crews and to act as the controlling body for the various clubs that were already active. Races for junior inter-collegiate fours started in 1879 with the Graduate’s Challenge Cup for them being presented in 1897. In 1904 an annual inter-varsity race with Edinburgh university was inaugurated.
During the inter-war years, ease of travel allowed the two parts of the university in Durham and Newcastle to form DUBC crews from those rowing on both the Wear and the Tyne. Until 1945, their activity was confined largely to the north east with crews rarely racing much further afield then York. After the war, DUBC became more adventuorus and rowed for the first time at Henley Royal Regatta in 1948, by which time a women's boat club had been established. Olympic representation followed in 1952 when Simon Hobbs of King's College was spare man for the GB. The relationship with Newcastle remained close after the creation of the two universities in 1963 with Durham crews still being seen on the Tyne. The growing success of the Boat Club has been marked by the following milestones.
•1968 DUBC won the first of a run of UAU champsionships under Eric Halladay.
•1972 First Tees Long Distance Sculls held as an invitation event. Course from North Tees Power Station to Victoria Bridge (3.75 miles). Won by Rolf Munding of DUBC.
•1973 (Easter) The Club visited Holland for a training camp with hosts Groningen Students Rowing Club in Aegir, as a result of the Clubs meeting in the Ladies Plate at Henley in 1972. DUBC adopted the new style of an efficient compact stroke with virtually no body swing, followed by very slow controlled sliding. The club took delivery of a Geo Sims of Twickenham 8+ “Prince Bishop” costing £1,100. The boat was a cross between a Donoratico and a Karlisch, and the first boat ever built with carbon fibre ribs beneath the canvasses. It weighed 45lbs lighter than the lightest boat in Britain. The boat was 56 feet long with a very short stern and was sectioned in two parts rather than the usual three. DUBC finished second to Durham ARC in the Page Pennant competition.
•1974 Geoff Potts, originally Tees RC, but now Durham ARC, and coached by the university's Eric Halliday, was selected as GB lightweight single sculler at the World Rowing Championships in Lucerne, the first time that ligtweight events were included. He won the first ever WRC lightweight race & finished 4th overall.
•1978 DUBC won the Visitors Challenge Cup as the first crew from the North East to win at Henley Royal Regatta since 1874 (crew: Peter McManners, Tom Durie, Peter Scott, Chris Shawcross).
•1979 Graduate Colin Barratt wons gold in the LM4- at the World Championships in Slovenia, and gold again the following year in the LM8+ in Belgium.
•1981 DUBC 4- (James Stewart, Mike Roberts, Dave Rendle, Damian Hessian coached by Eric Halladay) was selected to represent GB at the Match des Seniors (U23s), coming 5th.
•1982 DUBC won the Visitors Challenge Cup at Henley for a second time (crew: Simon Pelly, Andrew Purvis, Dave Rendle, Damian Hessian).
•1986 DUWBC W4+ (Jo Crookhall, Philippa Cross, Di Foster, Mary Sladden, cox Jojo Freeland, coach Paul Mines) was selected to represent GB at the Match des Seniors (U23s), finishing 5th.
•1988 DUBC won the Visitors Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta for the third time (crew: Scott Taylor, Mark Towers, James Chaytor, Wade Hall-Craggs).
•1989 DUBC's Mark Towers and George Every represented GB in M8+ at the U23s winning bronze. A fresher squad was established.
•1990 DUWBC S2 4+ (Sarah van Newkirk, Laura Morgan, Elisabeth Lugg, Caroline Phillips, cox Russell Slatford) won at Henley Women’s Regatt., S. Russell Slatford and graduate Roger Brown won gold at the U23 World Championships in the M8+.
•1991 DUWBC won the Club VIIIs at HWR (Anne Lancaster, Margaret Cooke, Fran Cunningham, Ali Holland, Sarah van Newkirk, Pip Graham, Caroline Phillips, Kim Thomas, cox Ed Dutton).
•1992 DUBC won the Visitors Challenge Cup at Henley again (crew: Charlie Harris, Hugo Mills, Ed Bellamy, Simon Pattinson). Graduates Wade Hall-Craggs, Roger Brown, Kim Thomas and Philippa Cross competed at the Olympic Games. Graduate Andy Butt won silver in the LM8+ at the World Championships in Canada.
•1993 Graduate Ed Bellamy won gold at the U23 World Championships in the M8+. Graduate Wade Hall-Craggs won the Wingfield Sculls on the Thames.
•1994 Graduates Roger Brown (M8+) and Wade Hall-Craggs (M1x) won gold and bronze respectively at the Commonwealth Regatta in Canada.
•1995 Graduate Andy Butt won silver in the LM8+ at the World Championships in Finland.
•1996 Graduates Roger Brown (M8+), Philippa Cross (W2-) and Suzie Ellis (W8+) competed at the Atlanta Olympic Games. Graduate Malindi Myers won silver in the LW2- at the World Championships in Great Britain.
•1997 The 1st Northumbrian Water Boat Race in the centre of Newcastle-upon-Tyne revived old inter-campus races that used to be held between Durham University’s colleges in Newcastle and Durham (previously held in coxed fours). Graduate Malindi Myers won bronze in the LW2- at the World Championships in France.
•1999 Graduate Malindi Myers won silver in the LW2- at the World Championships in Canada.
•2000 Wade Hall-Craggs became DUBC's head coach. Ian Lawson won bronze at the World University Games in China in the M2x.
•2001 DUWBC won at Henley Womens Regatta in LW2-. Magdalene Barron was in a composite with TSS which won bronze at the National Championships and represented Scotland at the Home International Regatta. Peter Rudge won bronze at the World Championships in the M4+. DUBC and DUWBC merged to become one club.
•2002 DUBC won the College VIIIs at Henley Womens Regatta (Naomi Hoogesteger, Louise Buxton, Bryony Oldale, Celia Kingston, Laura Gater, Helen Loughran, Marsaili Scott, Clare Leake, cox Emma Crozier). Graduate Tracy Langlands won bronze in the LW2x at the World Championships. Graduates Chantal Shahloub (W4x), Angus MacAlister (M4x) and Paul Turner (M4x, M2x) win gold, silver and bronzes respectively at the Commonwealth Regatta Graduate in Manchester. Malindi Myers won gold at the World Championships in Croatio in the LW2-.
•2003 Peter Rudge wons silver in the M4+ at the World Championships. Graduate Ian Lawson won the Wingfield Sculls for the 3rd year running.
•2004 DUBC won at Henley Womens Regatta in senior quads (Clare Leake, Rachel Harris, Ann Fines Allin, Louisa Reeve). Paul Kelly and James Clarke were selected to represent GB at the U23s in LM2- and won bronze medals. DUBC won the BUSA Regatta winning the Eric Halladay Memorial trophy, the first time that Nottingham had ever lost the title. Stephen Rowbotham won silver at the FISU World University Championships. Graduates Ian Lawson (M1x) and Tracy Langlands (LW2x) competed at the Athens Olympic Games.
•2005 Men’s 1st 8 won the Ortner Shield for universities at the HORR. A coxed four of P. Evans, P. Thomas, J. Foster, N. Jones and T. Hill won the Men’s Student Coxed Fours event at HRR (now the Prince Albert Challenge Cup). A coxless four of L. Reeve, A. Allin and L. Gooderham (in a Nottingham University BC composite) won the Senior Coxless Fours at HWR. L. Gater won Senior Single Scull at HWR. Graduate Naomi Hoogesteger won bronze at the World Championships in Japan. Durham won the BUSA Regatta.
•2006 M. Paxton, A. Hoskins, F. Fletcher and E. Steel win HWR in the Senior Quad Sculls. Graduate James Clarke stroked the winning LM4- at the World Championships. Graduate Steve Rowbotham won bronze in the M2x at the World Championships. Louisa Reeve won gold at the World University Rowing Championships. Frances Fletcher won silver at the U23 World Championships in the W4x. Durham won the BUSA Regatta.
•2007 S. Bradshaw, A. Wolstencroft, F. Fletcher and E. Steel won HWR in the Lightweight Quad Sculls. Graduate L. Reeve won bronze at the World Championships in Germany in the W8+. Durham won the BUSA Regatta.
•2008 Men’s 1st 8 finished 6th at the Head of the River Race whilst the women finished 3rd at the WHORR. Emily Taylor and Hannah Elsy won silver at the European Championships in the W8+ and bronze in the W2-. Nick Fearnhead and Henry Chin won bronze at the U23 World Championships in the LM4x and silver in the World University Rowing Championships in the 2x. Graduate Steve Rowbotham won an Olympic bronze medal in the M2x at Beijing – the first British Olympic sculling medal since 1976. Graduates James Clarke (LM4- ) and Louisa Reeve (W8+ and W2-) finaled at the Beijing Olympics. Durham won the BUCS Regatta.
•2009 Sarah Cowburn won silver at the Rowing World Cup in the W4x. Emily Taylor (W8+), Will Fletcher (LM4x) and Keiren Emery (M8+) win gold and bronzes respectively at the U23 World Championships in the Czech Republic. Graduate Steve Rowbotham won gold in the M2x at the Rowing World Cup in Spain. Durham won the BUCS Regatta.
•2010 DUBC run the inaugural year of the Winter Challenge Cup. The Women finished 4th at the WHORR. Durham won the BUCS Regatta for the 7th year running. Graduates James Clarke and Lousia Reeve won gold at the Bled Rowing World Cup in the M8+ and W8+ respectively. Graduate Steve Rowbotham won bronze at the World Cups in Germany and Switzerland in the M4x. Will Fletcher (LM4-), Matthew Rossiter (M4-) and Jamie Watson (LM4x) won gold, silver and bronze respectively at the U23 World Championships in Belarus. Matthew Rossiter and Emily Taylor won gold at the World University Rowing Championships in the M8+ and the W4- respectively.
A History of Durham Rowing, ed. A.A. Macfarlane Grieve (Newcastle upon Tyne 1922)
Rowing diaries of Wade Hall-Craggs 1985-1991 feature his time as a student rowing with DUBC 1985-1988 and especially as president of DUBC 1987/88: Add Ms 1703.

Reference: UND/GD5/A
UND/GD5/A1   1 February 1886 - 15 November 1890
Boat Club minute book
General meetings 1 February 1886 - 21 November 1889
Committee meetings 5 May 1886 - 15 November 1890
Paper book, covers loose
Formerly UND DUS 2/2.
UND/GD5/A2   29 January 1891 - 19 May 1899
Boat Club minute book
General and committee meetings, general meetings 1891-1892 reversed.
Paper book
Formerly UND DUS 2/2.
UND/GD5/A3   30 October 1899 - 5 June 1912
Boat Club minute book
Committee meetings, with general meetings at the back.
Paper book
Formerly UND DUS 2/2.
UND/GD5/A4   1988
Boat Club record book, containing notices about the Northern Universities Regatta at Durham on 5 November 1988.
Mostly unused.
Paper book with items stapled in, damaged by damp
UND/GD5W/A1   20 February 1948 - 23 June 1966
Womens Boat Club minute book
includes rules and a constitution.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD5/B
UND/GD5/B1   1889 - 1920
Boat Club account book
Listing the officers and committee up to 1896.
Inserted at the front is a letter from Mappin and Webb of 15 November 1912 about providing trophies and the printed Central Finance Committee constitution of 1913.
Paper book
Formerly UND DUS 2/1.
UND/GD5/B2   1922 - 1941
Boat Club account book
with annual statements of accounts from 1923/24 inserted, also vouchers for 1942 and 2 printed editions of the DUBC rules revised in 1927 and 1935.
Paper book
Formerly UND DUS 2/1.
UND/GD5/B3   October 1973 - June 1994
Boat Club account book
detailing expenditure of the running and equipment grants from DUAU.
Inserted at the front is a brief history of the Boat Club with a list of those going on to international honours 1974-1994.
Paper book, damaged by damp
UND/GD5W/B1   September 1973 - May 1994
Womens Boat Club account book
detailing expenditure of the running and equipment grants from DUAU.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD5/C
UND/GD5/C1   November 1989
Circular encouraging subscriptions to a DUBC fund from the secretary, Eric Halladay.
UND/GD5/C2   15 April 1977
Invitation to a centenary dinner and contributions to a centenary fund.
Paper, 1f
UND/GD5/C3   [October 2012]
Open welcome letter to freshers
Paper, 1f
UND/GD5/C4   [October 2004]
Flyer for the freshers' squad
Paper, 1f
UND/GD5/C5   May 2003
Friends of Durham Rowing Interim Report.
Paper leaflet
UND/GD5/C6   2000 - 2009
Men's training diaries, recording ergo and weight training sessions and outings.
1. 25 September 2000 -17 March 2001
2. 20 March - 21 July 2001
3. 24 September 2001 - 2 May 2002
4. 3 May 2002 - 9 February 2003
5. 10 February 2003 - 22 November 2003 [tape with dates detached from spine and inside front cover]
6. April 2004 'temporary book'
7. 7 July 2004 - 9 March 2005
8. 10 March - 7 July 2005
9. [log for July 2005 - November 2005 not found]
10. 1 November 2005 - 11 May 2006 [latest date recorded in log, also loose sheet of paper in back for Ergo Preparation on dates 23 October and 4 November but no year recorded, 'Boys' written on front of book but some girls' names mentioned, possibly relating to club socials]
11. 12 September 2005 - 11 February 2006
12. 13 February - 25 August 2006 [Senior Men's]
13. 18 September 2006 - 18 March 2007
14. 19 March - 16 July 2007
15. [log for July 2007 - March 2008 not found]
16. 17 March - 21 July 2008
17. 12 September 2007 - 12 March 2008
18. 1 September 2008 - 17 March 2009 [DUBC 2009 Easter Training Camp itinerary included]
19. 15 April - 17 July 2009
17 hard back A4 paper books
UND/GD5/C7   2003 - 2009
Women's (Senior and Freshers' Squads) training diaries recording ergo and weight training sessions, squad lists and outings, several decorated.
1. 27 January - 25 September 2003
2. 25 September 2003 - 11 February 2004
3. 27 October 2003 - 10 June 2004
4. 11 February 2004 - 4 February 2005
5. 14 November 2004 - 15 March 2005 [Fresher Women's Squad]
6. 7 February 2005 - 13 January 2006
7. 16 January - 8 June 2006 [Women's Senior Squad]
8. 18 September 2006 - 29 July 2007
9. 12 September 2007 - 9 August 2008
10. 1 September 2008 - 16 July 2009
10 hard back A4 paper books
UND/GD5/C8   9 January 2011
Alumni Races Mortlake, signatures and details of participants.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C9   2000 - 2006
Amateur Rowing Association (ARA), correspondence with, including “British International Rowing: World Class Start and Potential Plan 2001-2008” (draft October 2000), various flyers and prospectuses from East Durham and Houghall Community College, and some copies of British International Rowing News for 2001.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C10   2001 - 2003
ARA National Coaching Committee meeting minutes, newsletters, presentations and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C11   1999 - 2006
ARA Northern Rowing Council AGM and executive committee meeting agendas and minutes, with some correspondence, and various reports and papers, including Durham Amateur Rowing Club Business and Development Plan [2000], ARA Competition Review 2002, North Region newsletters, ARA Forward Plan 2001-2005, ARA Annual Report and Accounts for 31 March 2001, ARA Rowing Facilities Strategy 1999-2005.
2 paper files
UND/GD5/C12   1994 - 2006
Boathouses, with correspondence and reports about a proposed new DUBC boathouse including plans for one at Maiden Castle, also brochures for St John's College boathouse and Durham Amateur Rowing Club's proposal to build a boathouse on the Old Coal Yard, also plans and correspondence re Newcastle Grammar School, Newcastle University, and Northumbria University Boat Club boathouses on the Tyne.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C13   2001 - 2006
British University Sports Association (BUSA) correspondence, circulars, and notices about British Universities Rowing and FISU World University Rowing Championsips.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C14   1995 - 1996
Centre of Excellence in Water-Based Sports on the River Tees and Durham/Teesside Joint Centre of Excellence for Rowing, proposals, reports and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C15   July - October 1996
Coaching, letter from [Eric Halladay] September 1996 handing over the DUBC coaching mantle, with further correspondence about the situation of the boat club at the time.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C16   2001 - 2008
Colleges rowing, including correspondence with colleges, occasional captains' meetings papers, some results, a St Chad's College Boat Club Water Safety Plan, a presentation, a Durham University Rowing year plan, and plans/visions for St Aidan's and Van Mildert Colleges Boat Clubs.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C17   1992 - [c.2005]
Constitution (c.2005), also policy document (1992/3), rules (1996) and handbook (2004, with annotations) of DUBC.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C18   2000 - 2009
Correspondence, mostly with Wade Hall-Craggs, about rowing issues, especially arrangments and thank yous for Henley, a sponsorship proposal 2004, sculling camps 2007, also some awards, including some Palatinate certificates for 2006, and a press release for Hall-Craggs' appointment as DUBC coach 2000.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C19   2000 - 2003
Durham Regatta, and Super Sprints, meetings minutes and papers, and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C20   2003 - 2004
Durham Sport (a partnership of local councils and other NE and national bodies to improve coaching), some agendas, circulars and proposed programmes.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C21   2000 - 2003
Durham Sporting Club (objective of 'partners for the improvement of sporting pathways' with members from all types and level of sport in Durham), especially the Rowing Group, meeting minutes, agendas, correspondence and a constitution.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C22   2000 - 2006
Durham University Rowing Board, minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence, especially concerning the issue of safety, with risk assessments, codes of practice, incident reports, and inspections.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C23   1992 - 1994
Durham University Women's Boat Club correspondence, especially re the fatal minibus road accident 17 June 1992.
Paper file
Closed until 2073
UND/GD5/C24   2000 - 2005
Durham University Women's Boat Club results, Erg tests, individual development forms and correspondence.
2 paper files
Closed until 2086
UND/GD5/C25   2003 - 2004
English Institute of Sport, correspondence, programmes and publicity re measuring athlete performance.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C26   2000 - 2002
Ergs, correspondence and information, including Issue 7 of Concept Ranking 2 (2002) and programmes for the British Indoor Rowing Championships of 2001 and 2002.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C27   1999 - 2007
Friends of Durham Rowing, some minutes and agendas for committee meetings, with correspondence, some accounts, lists of members, occasional menus, photos and a sample of clothing fabric.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C28   1999 - 2008
Great Britain U23 rowing, strategies and reports.
3 paper files
UND/GD5/C29   2000 - 2006
Great Britain trials, circulars and some results of trials with ergometer tests.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C30   1948 - 2001
History of Durham Rowing, being photocopies of entries for Durham crews from the Henley Regatta and the ARA lists of University records.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C31   2002
History of the Tideway Scullers School by A. ?Casden being lists of crews and wins/races.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C32   2000 - 2002
Incident report forms and correspondence about rowing incidents on the Wear.
Paper file
Closed until 2033.
UND/GD5/C33   1991 - 2000
Insurance, policies with details of the equipment being insured, and correspondence about claims with details of some incidents.
2 paper files
UND/GD5/C34   1996 - 2008
Northumbrian Water University Boat Races (Durham v Newcastle) on the Tyne, meeting executive and other committee minutes, correspondence, reports, contingency arrangements, preparations, briefings, debriefings, plans, timetables, instructions, publicity, support events including Dragon boat races, and some newspaper cuttings and photographs.
6 paper files
UND/GD5/C35   1996, 2001 - 2002, 2006 - 2007
Purchase orders 2001-2 and 2006-7, largely for significant pieces of equipment, with also lists of boats in October 1996.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C36   2000 - 2001
Riverbanks Gardens Project working party meetings and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C37   2000 - 2001
Supersprints (Sir Steven Redgrave) Durham 2001, meeting minutes, correspondence and promotional literature.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C38   2000 - 2007
Strategic plans and reviews, including University of Durham Strategic Awareness Workshop by Prof Kevan Scholes May 2004.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C39   2002 - 2004
Team Durham, meeting minutes and agendas, including especially reports and statements of the DU Canoeing and Swimming Clubs.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C40   2002
Team Durham Coaching Forum, including various presentations and guides on coaching, meeting minutes, and Sports Coach UK's A Guide to Mentoring Sports Coaches (Leeds 2003).
Paper file
UND/GD5/C41   1992 - 1994
Tees Barrage Project, including reports, plans and correspondence, especially re how it would enhance rowing on the Tees.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C42   1999 - 2009
Training plans, programmes and data for rowers, filed annually, comprising for each year 1999/00-2008/09:
Training plans for each week with some overviews
Data for individual rowers (closed under DPA for 80 years)
Data for the squad including erg results and selections (closed under DPA for 80 years)
Race results
35 paper files
UND/GD5/C43   1992 - 1993
Transport and trailers (and their towing), regulations and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C44   [2004]
International representation, lists of DUBC rowers who have represented their country 1952-2004, and other honours being Boat Race and Wingfield Sculls winners.
Paper file
UND/GD5/C45   [c.1975]
DUBC standing orders
Paper file
Programmes and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GD5/D For programmes for races March 1913, March & November 1921, February & November 1922, February, June (v. Edinburgh) & November 1923, see UND/F1/H5A/4,9,12,13,27,40,80,95.

UND/GD5/D1903   1 - 2 December 1903
Programme for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Caldcleugh of Durham.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1906   6 - 7 March 1906
Programme for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Caldcleugh of Durham.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1924   28 - 29 February 1924
Programme for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Veitch of Durham.
UND/GD5/D1931   27 - 28 November 1931
Programme for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Bailes & Sons of Durham, with some annotations
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1932   4 March - 26 November 1932
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Bailes & Sons of Durham:
- Senate and Graduates Cup, 4-5 March
- Sculls and pairs, 28 May
- Races against Edinburgh University, 11 June
- Lowe, Pickard-Cambridge and President's Sculls, 25-26 November
4 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1933   3 March - 10 June 1933
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Advertiser Printing Works, Durham:
- Senate and Graduates Cup, 3-4 March
- Sculls and pairs, 24 May, with a newspaper cutting
- Races against Edinburgh University, 10 June
3 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1934   23 February - 1 December 1934
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Advertiser Printing Works, Durham:
- Senate and Graduates Cup, 23-24 February
- Sculls and pairs, 30 May
- Races against Edinburgh University, 9 June
- Lowe, Pickard-Cambridge and President's Sculls, 30 November- 1 December, some annotations
4 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1935   24 May, 8 June 1935
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Advertiser Printing Works, Durham:
- Sculls and pairs, 24 May
- Races against Edinburgh University, 8 June
2 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1937   5 June 1937
Programme for the inter-university boat race between Durham and Edinburgh, detailing the crews, officers, previous records, timings, with a plan of the course, signed “K.B. Gibson”.
Card, 2f
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
UND/GD5/D1942   23 May - 28 November 1942
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Advertiser Printing Works, Durham:
- Gabbett and President's Cups, 23 May, some annotation
- Pickard-Cambridge races, 21 & 28 November 1942
2 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1943   6 March 1943
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Advertiser Printing Works, Durham:
- Senate and Graduates Cup
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1944   3 - 4 March 1944
Programmes for:
the Senate and Graduates' Cup 3-4 March, detailing the races, crews, officials, signed by Hatfield College Boat Club crews.
the Pickard-Cambridge Trophy races 24-25 November, detailing the races, crews, officials, signed by many of the various crews.
Card, 2f
Pickard-Cambridge programme given by S.H. Matthews' (bow in Hatfield A crew) daughter August 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:6.
UND/GD5/D1945    16 - 17 March 1945
Programme for the Senate and Graduates' Cup, detailing the races, crews, officials, rowed on the Tyne.
Card, 2f
Given by S.H. Matthews' (bow in the Hatfield Senate crew) daughter August 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:6.
UND/GD5/D1946   8 June - 7 December 1946
Programmes for:
- the inter-university boat race between Durham and Edinburgh, detailing the crews, officers, previous winners, with a plan of the course, signed “F.J. Hoyle”, 8 June.
- DUBC races, detailing the races, officials, regulations, crews and draw, 6-7 December.
both printed by Durham County Press Ltd.
2 cards, each 2f
Given by F.J. Hoyle's son-in-law March 2011, Acc No Misc.2001/11:77.
UND/GD5/D1947   7 March - 29 November 1947
Programmes for:
- DUBC races, detailing the races, officials, regulations, crews and draw, 7-8 March.
- the inter-university boat race between Durham and Edinburgh, sculls and inter-collegiate invitation races detailing the officials, rules, crews, draw and programme, 7 June.
- DUBC races, detailing the races, officials, regulations, crews and draw, 28-29 November. 2 copies, one with annotations
4 cards, each 2f
Given by F.J. Hoyle's son-in-law March 2011, Acc No Misc.2001/11:77.
UND/GD5/D1948   5 March - 27 November 1948
Programmes for:
- DUBC races, detailing the races (including Ladies Invitation), officials, regulations, crews and draw, 5-6 March.
- DUBC versus Edinburgh and other races, 5 June, with annotations
- Henley Royal Regatta programmes (DUBC's first appearance), with 2 badges, 30 June, 1 July.
- DUBC races, detailing the races, officials, regulations, crews and draw, 26-27 November. 2 copies, one signed by a Hatfield crew.
4 cards, each 2f, 2 paper booklets of 36p and 40p, and 2 card discs
Given by F.J. Hoyle's son-in-law March 2011, Acc No Misc.2001/11:77.
UND/GD5/D1949   4 March - 16 June 1949
Programmes for:
- DUBC races, detailing the races (including Ladies), officials, regulations, cres and draw, 4-5 March, with annotations
- UAU Championship and Inter-Varsity Invitation races, detailing the officials, regulations, crews and draw, 21 May.
- the inter-university boat race between Durham and Edinburgh, and inter-collegiate invitation races detailing the officials, rules, crews, and draw, 11 June. 2 copies, one annotatetd.
- DUBC races, detailing the races, officials, rules, crews and draw, 16 June.
5 cards, each 2f
Given by F.J. Hoyle's son-in-law March 2011, Acc No Misc.2001/11:77.
UND/GD5/D1950   3 March - 27 May 1950
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Durham County Press Ltd, Durham:
- Graduates Cup, Ladies Invitation etc, 3-4 March. 2 copies, both annotated.
- Races against Edinburgh University, 27 May, with annotations.
3 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1951   2 - 3 March 1951
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Durham County Press Ltd, Durham:
- Graduates and Pickard-Cambridge Cups, 2-3 March, annotated and signed by a Hatfield crew.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1952   28 - 29 November 1952
Programme for DUBC races, featuring the Senate Cup, detailing the races, crews, officials, and rules.
Given by P.R. Gatenby to the Castle 25 April 2000, part of Acc No Misc.2005/2006:20 of 5 October 2005.
UND/GD5/D1953   3 June - 28 November 1953
Programmes for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, rules and prize-giving; printed by Durham County Press Ltd, Durham:
- [Durham Regatta] Coronation Races, listing events and participants, 3 June, with results recorded and signed by all the [Hatfield College Boat Club] crew, including R.B. Hicks.
- Senate Cup etc, 27-28 November, annotated.
2 items, each card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1954   8 May - 27 November 1954
Programme for DUBC races:
- UAU Rowing Championship IVs, with crews listed, 8 May, annotated.
- Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants, 26-27 November, 2 copies, with results recorded and one signed by all the [Hatfield College Boat Club] crews, including R.B. Hicks, with newspaper cuttings affixed and a [Hatfield] 3rd year rowing song inserted.
3 items, each card, 2f + 3f
UND/GD5/D1955   25 - 26 February 1955
Programme for DUBC races, Graduates' Cup etc, listing events and participants, with results recorded and signed by all the [Hatfield College Boat Club] crews, R.B. Hicks captain.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1959   27 - 28 November 1959
Programme for DUBC races: Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1960   4 - 5 March 1960
Programme for DUBC races: Graduates Cup etc, listing events and participants, with some results recorded.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1961   1 - 2 December 1961
Programme for DUBC races: Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1962   2 - 3 March, 30 November - 1 December 1962
Programme for DUBC races: Graduates Cup, Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants, with results recorded.
Also York City Rowing Club Spring Regatta 12 May 1962, with results.
2 items
UND/GD5/D1963   1 - 2 March, 29 - 30 November & 9 - 12 December 1963
Programmes for DUBC races: Graduates Cup etc, Senate Cup etc, and Michaelmas bumps, listing events and participants
3 items
UND/GD5/D1964   11 - 12 March 1964
Programmes for DUBC races, Graduates Cup etc, listing events and participants, with some results recorded.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1965   12 - 13 November 1965
Programme for DUBC races, Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants, with results recorded.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1966   9 - 10 March & 11 - 12 November 1966
Programmes for DUBC races, Graduates' Cup etc and Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants, with results recorded.
2 cards, each 2f
UND/GD5/D1967   8 - 9 March & 17 - 18 November 1967
Programmes for DUBC races, Graduates' Cup etc and Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants, with results recorded.
2 cards, each 2f
UND/GD5/D1968   6 - 7 March & 22 - 23 November 1968
Programmes for DUBC races, Graduates' Cup etc and Senate Cup etc, listing events and participants, with results recorded for the March races.
2 cards, each 2f
UND/GD5/D1969   5 - 6 March 1969
Programme for DUBC races, detailing the races, crews, officials, course, and rules.
Card, 2f
UND/GD5/D1977   16 April [1977]
Poster for the centenary Regatta
Paper, 1f
UND/GD5/D1997   May 1997
The Journal Northumbrian Water University Boat Race programme and souvenir special for the Newcastle v Durham races.
Newspaper, 24p   24p
UND/GD5/D1999   3 June 1999
The Journal Northumbrian Water University Boat Race guide for the Newcastle v Durham races.
UND/GD5/D2005   5 November 2005
Invitation to the Durham University Boat Club Ball 2005, Bowburn Hall Hotel, 5 November.
Card, 1f
UND/GD5/D2006   11 March 2006
Programme for 66th Women's Eights Head of the RIver Race, annotated
Paper booklet
UND/GD5/D2007   13 May 2007
Flyer for the 11th university boat race, Newcastle v Durham.
UND/GD5/D2012   9 - 10 June 2012
Poster for the Durham Regatta (cancelled due to high river level)
Paper, 1f
UND/GD5/DN1   1954 - 1997
Small collection of newspaper cuttings about Durham success at rowing, at Henley, on the Tyne and in the UAU championships on the Thames, along with some notes on crew members and a copy of the memorial to Eric Halladay (d.1997).
Paper file
UND/GD5/DN2   2 July 2008
Invite and supper menu for the opening of an exhibition at Henley River and Rowing Museum celebrating the 175th anniversary of Durham University Boat Club, with a copy of gerald Blake's exhibition guide: One hundred & seventy five years of Durham University rowing
Paper, 2 items
UND/GD5/DN3   1989, 1995, 2003 - 2006
DUBC Newsletter Issue 1 1989 and 1994-95
Friends of Durham Rowing newsletters: 1 [Winter 2003/04], 2 Summer 2004, 3 December 2004, 4 April 2005, 5 October 2005, Spring 2006, Summer 2006.
2 paper files & 7 printed paper booklets
UND/GD5/DN4   2017 - 2018
Promotional flyers
Paper file
UND/GD5/DN5   4 June & 2 July 1971
Durham Advertiser, including news of Durham Regatta.
Paper file
UND/GD5/DN6-7   2001 - 2010
Newspaper cuttings, and complete copies of some sports sections from national newspapers, also from Durham Times, Palatinate, The News and Durham First about rowing, with some photos.
2 paper files
UND/GD5/DP1   1977 - 2003
Dinner programmes/menus:
1977. DUBC 1877-1977 menu.
2002 June 15. DUBC 1967 1st VIII reunion dinner programme at the Three Tuns, Durham, including photos of the crew on the bank and rowing: R.H. Blackwell, R.W. Brewer, D.J. Cronin, N.P. Pite, A.C. Sainthill, F.M.K. Lodge, F.H. Frost, R.I.G. Gaskell, R.H. Kelsey.
2003 March 29. DUBC 125th anniversary, at The Dorchester Hotel, London, programme detailing presidents and achievments.
Reference: UND/GD5/E A DUBC group photo for 1986 is in MIA 17.

UND/GD5/EA1911   1911
3rd IV, in college blazers, ties, white trousers, cox with a cap, posed in a photographer's studio, identified: A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, C.P. Young, S.J. Streatfield stroke, H.S. Crabtree bow, H. McQ. Leyshon cox.
Size: 155 x 200mm (print), 280 x 350mm (mount)
UND/GD5/EA1928A   [June 1928]
DUBC and Edinburgh University BC [1st IVs], in blazers, scarves/ties. white trousers, in Castle grounds, unidentified, but: coach, Edinburgh, [E.D. Dawson-Walker] Durham, [?C.E. Carter], Edinburgh, coach, [A.A. Macfarlane Grieve Durham coach], (sitting), [L. Dethloff Wang] Durham, Edinburgh, [?R. Spence], Edinburgh, [W.N. Goundry] Durham (cox), [J.P. MacGibbon Edinburgh (cox)].
Dated and identified by comparison with MIA 4/159 and DUJ December 1928, p.14-15.
BW print
Size: 235 x 285mm
UND/GD5/EA1928B   [June 1928]
DUBC and Edinburgh University BC [2nd IVs], in blazers, scarves/ties. white trousers, in Castle grounds, unidentified, but: [E.F. Baxter Durham coach], Edinburgh, [?C.E. Charlton] Durham, [T.A. Bell] Durham, [Edinburgh coach], [A.A. Macfarlane Grieve Durham coach], (sitting), [W. Robinson] Durham, Edinburgh, [L.R. King] Durham, Edinburgh, [F. Cockcroft] Durham (cox), [D.L. Moore Edinburgh (cox)].
Dated and identified by comparison with MIA 4/159 and DUJ December 1928, p.14-15.
BW print, some damage to bottom and right edges
Size: 235 x 285mm
UND/GD5/EA1929A   [June 1929]
DUBC and Edinburgh University BC IVs (only 1st IVs raced this year), in blazers, scarves/ties. white trousers, in Castle grounds, unidentified, but: coach, [?C.E. Charlton] Durham, Edinburgh, [E.F. Baxter Durham coach], A.A. Macfarlane Grieve Durham coach], coach, [T.A. Bell] Durham, [?B. Stratton] Durham, [E.D. Dawson-Walker] Durham, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, [L.R. King] Durham, [F. Cockcroft] Durham (cox), [Edinburgh (cox)].
Dated and identified by comparison with MIA 4/159 and DUJ December 1928, p.287.
BW print
Size: 235 x 285mm
UND/GD5/EA1929B   1929
DUBC and Edinburgh University BC, in blazers, scarves/ties, white trousers, in Castle grounds, identified: J. C. Hislop (Edin. C.), C. E. Charlton (Dur. Bow.), A. B. Monro (Edin. 3), E. F. Baxter, Esq. (H. C. B. C. Dur. Coach), Major A. A. Macfarlane-Grieve (D. U. B. C. Dur. Coach), H. C. Bucknall, Esq. (O. U. B. C Dur. Coach), T. A. Bell (Dur. 3.) (Vice Pres. D. U. B. C.), B. Stratton (Dur Stroke), E. D. Dawson-Walker (President D. U. B. C.), P. H. Cutner (Edin. Str.) (Capt. E. U. B. C.), R. C. Greig (Edin. Row) (Hon. Sec. E. U. B. C), L. R. King (Dur 2.) (Hon. Sec. D. U. B. C.), F. Cockroft (Dur. Cox), E. J. Keith (Edin. Cox).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the universities' arms 
Size: 310 x 280mm (print), 520 x 400mm (mount)
Donated by Vivianne Simpson (née Bell), daughter of T. A. Bell, 24 August 2022, Misc.2022/23:2
UND/GD5/EA1933   [June 1933]
DUBC and Edinburgh University BC 1st IVs, in blazers, scarves/ties, white trousers, coxes with caps, in Castle garden, by John Edis, identified: R.N. Traquair (Edin Bow), P.H. Warman (Dur 2), H.C. Bucknall esq (Dur coach), E.L. Kirby esq (Dur coach), J.R. Pinna (Edin 2), C. Morrison Vice-Pres DUBC (Dur Bow), G.M. Baker (Dur Str), W.R.H. Mackay Capt EUBC (Edin 3), J.N. Edwards Pres DUBC (Dur 3), J.E. Buck (Edin Str), W.L. Dobb (Dur Cox), W.M. Russell (Edin Cox).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the universities' arms
Size: 285 x 240mm (print), 480 x 390mm (mount)
UND/GD5/EA1947   [June] 1947
DUBC [1st IV], Lowe Memorial Bowl and City Plate Durham Regatta, in white rowing kit with palatinate trim, and shoes, with a trophy, in the Castle Fellows Garden, by Jon R. Edis, identified: D.A. Tuckey (Bede 3), A.C. Reid (DUBC coach), G.R. Lucock (Bede 2), H. Brown (Medicals stroke), J.W. Stokoe (Bede cox), P.G.F. Nixon (Medicals bow).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university's arms
Size: 200 x 155mm (print), 355 x 280mm (mount)
UND/GD5/EA1948   June 1948
DUBC and Edinburgh University BC 1st IVs, in blazers, scarves/ties, trousers/shorts, with caps (Edinburgh), in Castle garden, by John Edis, identified: D.P.C. Price (Dur Bow), J.S. Berkeley (Edin Bow), J.S. Paterson (Edin 3), A.F. Berkley (Edin Coach), G.C. Rawson (Dur 2), E.C. Corlett (Dur Coach), J.P. Hall (Edin Str), F.J. Hoyle (Dur Pres 3), R.S.P. Scott-Mitchell (Dur Str), R.H. McClure (Edin 2), J. Spence (Edin Cox), Major (dog), F.St.M. Brierley (Dur Cox).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the universities' arms
Size: 180 x 290mm (print), 310 x 440mm (mount)
UND/GD5/EA1954   1954
1st IV, in rowing tops and shorts, in a garden, with trophies (City Plate Durham regatta, Londesborough Cup York, Head of the River Wear Durham), identified: Albert Hodgson president, Dave Marriott bow, Michael Welch 2, Brian Welch 3, Humphrey York stroke, Mike Wright cox.
BW print
Size: 202 x 152mm
UND/GD5/EA1965   [June] 1965
DUBC [1st VIII] in a boat by the landing stage opposite the racecourse, in white rowing gear with [palatinate purple] edged tops with corsses on the left breast, cox wearing a cap and blazer, with 9 trophies, titled with the university arms, by Fillinghams, identified: D.I. Guy, R.W. Brewer, P.T. Brett, D.L. Bayne, D.J. Cronin, F.M.K. Lodge vice-president, J.F. McCormack, R.I.G. Gaskell president, G.E. Swain, M.A. Clegg hon secretary, E. Halladay coach, R.W. Harris.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 305 x 430mm
Transferred from Grey College archive 23 December 2021.
UND/GD5/EA1966   [June] 1966
DUBC VIII, outside under Kingsgate Bridge, in white tops with 2 badges (1 a lion rampant for winning the UAU/Ortner shield) and white shorts, [cox] also in a cap and scarf, with a table and 4 trophies (Tyne Head of the River [March] – a long-distance event in preparation for the Thames/Tideway Head; Guinness Sprint Eights [also on the Tyne in March]; Whitbread Challenge Cup [Durham Regatta, June]; Anfield Challenge Cup [York Regatta, June]) and the [Ortner] UAU Championship shield, titled with the university arms and identified: Gerald Blake (coach), Richard I.G. Gaskell (v-president), George Greaves, Keith Jones, Geoffrey Brook (cox), Richard W. Brewer (secretary), Daniel J. Cronin (president), Roger Blackwell, Eric Halladay (coach), Anthony C. Sainthill, Peter T. Brett (asst-secretary).
BW print, mounted on board, with a copy BW print
Size: 305 x 405mm
Original transferred from Grey College archive 23 December 2021, copy given by K. Jones, September 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:13..
UND/GD5/EA1967   [June] 1967
DUBC VIII, outside under Kingsgate Bridge, in dark trousers, DUBC rowing blazers, ties, with 6 trophies and a shield, titled with the university arms, by Fillinghams: A. Henderson, E. Halladay, R.H. Blackwell, D.J. Cronin, F.H. Frost, N.P. Pite, J.N. Bridge, R.H. Kelsey, F.M.K. Lodge, R.I.G. Gaskell, A.C. Sainthill, R.W. Brewer.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 320 x 480mm
Transferred from Grey College archive 23 December 2021.
UND/GD5/EA1968   [June] 1968
DUB.C. [1st VIII] with [coaches], in rowing blazers, ties and dark trousers, on [Maiden Castle] sports ground, with 6 trophies and 1 plaque, identified: E. Halladay, A. Henderson, E.P. Morris, J.G. Allen, C.A.J. Cornforth, J.R. Appleby, R.A. Longhurst, J.N. Bridge, G.H. Blake, N.P. Pite, A.C. Sainthill,. F.M.K. Lodge, R.H. Blackwell.
BW print, mounted on card, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 370 x 200mm (print), 480 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD5/EA1969   [June 1969]
DUB.C. [1st VIII] with [coaches], in rowing blazers, ties and dark trousers, on [Maiden Castle] sports ground, with 4 trophies and 1 plaque, and crossed blades, identified: E. Halladay, A. Henderson, J.J.O'B. Wilson, C.G. Daniel, N.E. Emson, P. Pritchard, J.P. Milne, G. Potts, C.A.J. Cornforth, E.P. Morris, P.E. Craig, W.J.C. Grant.
BW print, mounted on card, identified (no year)
Size: 365 x 205mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD5/EA1972   [June] 1972
DUB.C. 1st VIII with [coaches], in rowing blazers, ties and dark trousers, on [Maiden Castle] sports ground, with 11 trophies and 1 plaque, and crossed blades, identified: E. Halladay coach, A.P. Wodd cox, J.L. Spencer stroke, P.M. Prichard coach, P.J.F. Brough 5, E.R. Davies 7, A. Henderson trainer, D.A. Hewitt 2, D.B. Speight 3, C.N. Barratt president bow, A.K.M. Miller 6, J.C. Hedley 4.
BW print, mounted on card, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 370 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
Printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.90.
UND/GD5/EA1973   [June] 1973
DUB.C. with [coaches], in tracksuits, outside Dunelm House boathouse, with 16 trophies and 2 plaques, and crossed blades, photo by Fillinghams, identified: E. Halladay coach, S. Birch, A. Wight, D. Trace, M. Proctor, A. Higgs, P. Mainds, C. Sinclair, A. Henderson trainer, G. Blake coach, A. Gaskell, R. Munding, P. Brough, J. Wishart president, C. Barker, M. Ling secretary, D. Gattey, M. Mannerson.
BW print, mounted on card, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 205mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD5/EA1988   13 May 1988
DUB.C. in tracksuits, rugby shirts, singlets and trainers, two coxes in sweatshirts, with coaches, and two crossed blades, under Kingsgate Bridge, by Fillinghams, proof. Identified (from the copy in MIA 19): John Hayward, Nick Tubbs, Quentin Cox, Mark Towers, James Chaytor, Roger Brown, Paddy Anderson, John Daubenny, Jed Gargan, Charlie Tuke, Nick Penny, Simon Atkinson, Wade Hall-Craggs, Eric Halladay, Gerald Blake, Ben Lyster-Binns, Justin Young, Scott Taylor, Jerry Garrett-Cox, George Every, Neil Sutcliffe.
Size: 255 x 205mm
Another copy: in MIA 19.
UND/GD5/EA1999   28 April 1999
DUB.C. men's 1st VIII, before the boat race v Newcastle, four different groups with blades, also individual images, and a police helicopter: Will Hunt, James Cazenove, Tristan Hewins, Andrew MacGowen, Andrew Dangerfield, Will Hodson, Natalie Liddle (cox), James Shortridge, Alastair West.
By Stu Outterside for North News & Print of Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 250 x 200mm
Formerly: 45563B.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.10, Autumn 1999), p.24.
UND/GD5/EA2005   [?2005]
DUBC group photo, in various rowing kit, on a riverbank at a regatta.
Colour print
Size: 210 x 295mm
UND/GD5/EA2013   [June 2013]
DUBC Fresher Men's Squad, on the steps of Durham Castle Great Hall, in palatinate with white side stripe one pieces with crossed blades and the university badge and 'Deloitte', titled with the university arms, identified: James Gibbons, Alex Lamb, Alex Hodge, Max Holdsworth, Callum Stayton, Franz Imfeld, Sam Hills, Grant Oldham, David Butler, Ben Allon-Smith, Charlie Vaux, Adam Lewis, James Estlin, Digby Walker, Frederick Shuttle, Edward Gleadowe, Ellen Bridges, Sam Taylor, Theo Gibson, Freddie Pearce, Harry Speedy, Robert Lewis.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/GD5W/EA1952   June 1952
DCWBC outside [at the Castle], 3 in dark [?DU] blazers, 2 in striped DCWBC blazers, identified: Maureen Perry, Ken Lewis (coach), Mary Deighton, Margaret Elliott, Dorothy Bourne (holding the Archibald Cup and another trophy), Eileen Knowles.
With a list of women's rowing successes 1950-1953 and a description of Durham Colleges' Women's Boat Club 1949-1953 by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, with a covering letter of 15 September 2011 from Dorothy Hilton to Peter Warburton sending him this material [and UND/GD5W/EB1-4].
BW print & paper, 1f with photocopied BW print + 1f
Size: 90 x 125mm & A4
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
UND/GD5/EB1   13 March 1954
York spring regatta, DUBC VIII at the dock, in tops and shorts, (beat Kings Newcastle and Tyne ARC), identified: John K. Dixon bow, Brian L. Seager 2, Brian K. Welch 3, John N. Sherwood 4, Albert V. Hodgson 5, Michael R. Welch 6, Antony W. Wilson 7, Brian H. Bartram stroke, John D. Thompson cox. Northern Echo photo.
BW print
Size: 205 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB2   24 March 1954
Thames head of the river, DUBC VIII rowing towards Hammersmith Bridge, identified: J. Dixon bow, B.L. Seager 2, B.K. Welsh 3, J. Sherwood 4, A.V. Hodgson 5, M. Welch 6, A. Wilson 7, B. Bartrum stroke, J. Thompson cox.
BW print
Size: 212 x 161mm
UND/GD5/EB3   24 March 1954
7 of DUBC crew watching from the balcony of Thames R.C. at Putney.
BW print
Size: 78 x 55mm
UND/GD5/EB4   19 June 1954
York summer regatta, DUBC pair rowing, Arne Serck-Hansen stroke, George Semb bow, winners of the Charles Oliver trophy.
BW print
Size: 93 x 62mm
UND/GD5/EB5   19 June 1954
York summer regatta, DUBC winners of the eights Anfield trophy, crew members Sam Bartram, Derek Craven, Tony Wilson and Johnnie Dixon carrying J Thompson, the cox, [towards the river].
BW print
Size: 62 x 92mm
UND/GD5/EB6   26 June 1954
Chester head of the river Dee, DUBC VIII rowing, spectators on the bank, Fotocraft Co of Chester photo.
BW print
Size: 128 x 79mm
UND/GD5/EB7   30 June 1954
Henley royal regatta, DUBC VIII racing, spectators in deckchairs, photo by G. Bushell of Henley.
BW print
Size: 206 x 153mm
UND/GD5/EB8   30 June 1954
DUBC VIII racing in the Thames Cup just before the finish (losing to Henley Town), Henley bridge beyond, identified: J.K. Dixon bow, B.L. Seager 2, A.V. Hodgson 3, J.N. Sherwood 4, G. Semb 5, D.L. Craven 6, A.W. Wilson 7, B.H. Bartram stroke, J.D. Thompson cox, photo by G. Bushell of Henley.
BW print
Size: 200 x 155mm
UND/GD5/EB9   12 March 1955
Chester head of the river Dee, DUBC VIII rowing.
BW print
Size: 150 x 77mm
UND/GD5/EB10   12 March 1955
Chester head of the river Dee, DUBC winners being presented with the trophy and pennant by John Snagg of the BBC, identified: T.W. Jones 2, M.F.J. Hawker 3, A.W. Wilson 5, G.R. Cullington bow, A.V. Hodgson 7, J.A. Partington cox, R. Jackson stroke, J.E. Glover 4, J.G. Hill 6.
BW print
Size: 207 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB11   17 March 1955
Thames head of the river, DUBC VIII chasing St Catherine's College Cambridge, photo by S. Hughes of Clapton, from Hammersmith Bridge.
BW print
Size: 156 x 213mm
UND/GD5/EB12   7 May 1955
DUBC 1st IV racing and losing to Glasgow in [the U.A.U. IVs] on the Wear, identified: M. Wright cox, Humphrey York stroke, Brian Welsh 3, Mike Welch 2, D.J. Marriott bow.
BW print
Size: 102 x 78mm
UND/GD5/EB13   7 May 1955
DUBC 2nd IV rowing in the U.A.U. IVs on the Wear, identified Geoff Cullington bow, Graeme Hill 2, Albert Hodgson 3, Bob Hicks stroke, John Partington cox.
BW print
Size: 102 x 78mm
UND/GD5/EB14   July 1955
[Albert Hodgson] seated in his rowing blazer, with 6 trophies, 7 tankards and 8 medals, “Grosse Kopf & the loot”
BW print
Size: 100 x 72mm
UND/GD5/EB15   c.1955
Durham head of the Wear, 13 fours easied above Prebends Bridge, on the back “Fine 1 DUBC (York), 2 Kings (Bartram), 3 DUBC (Hicks), 4 DARC (McGregor), Clinker Hatfield A (Laidler)”, photo by Durham Advertiser.
BW print
Size: 205 x 152mm
UND/GD5/EB16   [March] 1966
[Thames head of the river] DUBC VIII rowing, photo by Burke Fotographic of Kew Gardens.
BW print
Size: 157 x 210mm
UND/GD5/EB17   [June] 1966
Henley royal regatta, Thames Cup, DUBC VIII racing, some spectators, photo by George Bushell of Henley: bow Roger Blackwell, 2 Rick Brewer, 3 Peter Brett, 4 Keith Jones, 5 Dan Cronin, 6 George Greaves, 7 Tony Sainthill, stroke Rick Gaskell, cox Geoff Brook.
BW print
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB18   [June] 1966
Henley royal regatta, DUBC VIII racing and losing to Midland Nautilus in the 2nd round of the Thames Cup, just before the finish, Henley bridge beyond, photo by George Bushell of Henley: bow Roger Blackwell, 2 Rick Brewer, 3 Peter Brett, 4 Keith Jones, 5 Dan Cronin, 6 George Greaves, 7 Tony Sainthill, stroke Rick Gaskell, cox Geoff Brook.
BW print
Size: 202 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB19   [March] 1967
[Thames head of the river], DUBC VIII rowing (retaining the UAU championship), identified: bow Roger Blackwell, 2 Richard Brewer, 3 Dan Cronin, 4 Nigel Pite, 5 Tony Sainthill, 6 Ken Lodge, 7 Harvey Frost, stroke Richard Gaskell, cox Rory Kelsey. Photo by D.R. Wanstell of Lightwater.
BW print
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/GD5/EB20   [June 1965]
Durham regatta, on the Wear, DUBC VIII v another VIII, racing, just started, photo by North of England Newspaper Co Ltd: bow D.I. Guy, 2 R.W. Brewer, 3 P.T. Brett, 4 D.L. Bayne, 5 D.J. Cronin, 6 F.M.K. Lodge, 7 J.F. McCormack, stroke R.I.G. Gaskell, cox G.E. Swain.
BW print, formerly mounted on black card
Size: 245 x 193mm
UND/GD5/EB21   [March] 1968
[Thames head of the river], DUBC VIII rowing, identified: Blackwell, Lodge, Frost, Pite, Sainthill, Cornforth, Longford, Appleby. Photo by Burke Fotographic of Richmond.
BW print
Size: 157 x 207mm
UND/GD5/EB22   10 July 1968
Henley royal regatta, [Ladies Challenge Plate], DUBC VIII beating Jesus College Cambridge, boats and marquees beyond, photo by George Bushell of Henley. With a Henley programme identifying the crew (losing in the semi-final on 12 July) as: R.H. Blackwell bow, F.M.K. Lodge 2, J.G. Allen 3, N.P. Pite 4, A.C. Sainthill 5, C.A.J. Cornforth 6, R.A. Longhurst 7, J.R. Appleby stroke, E.P. Morris cox.
BW print
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB23   c.1980
?Novice VIII rowing on the Wear.
BW print
Size: 135 x 70mm
UND/GD5/EB24   [March] 1986
[Thames] head of the river, DUBC VIII rowing in purple tops with white singlets over.
Colour print
Size: 297 x 166mm
UND/GD5/EB25   [March] 1988
[Chester North of England head of the river Dee] DUBC 1st VIII rowing, photo by David Capper, proof.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 152mm
UND/GD5/EB26   [March] 1988
[Chester North of England head of the river Dee] DUBC 1st VIII rowing, identified: Young, Taylor, Daubeny, Brown, Chaytor, Owl, Towers, Penny, Every. Photo by J.W. Godsell of Wallasey, proof.
BW print
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/GD5/EB27   [March] 1988
[Chester North of England head of the river Dee] DUBC 1st VIII rowing, photo by J.W. Godsell of Wallasey, proof.
BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/GD5/EB28   [March] 1988
[Chester North of England head of the river Dee] DUBC 1st VIII rowing, photo by J.W. Godsell of Wallasey, proof.
BW print
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/GD5/EB29   [March 1988]
[Chester North of England head of the river Dee] DUBC 2nd VIII rowing, photo by J.W. Godsell of Wallasey, proof.
BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/GD5/EB30   [March] 1988
[Chester North of England head of the river Dee], Scott Taylor and Nick Penny receiving the winner's trophy, photo by J.W. Godsell of Wallasey, proof.
BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/GD5/EB31   26 March 1988
Thames head of the river, DUBC 1st VIII rowing, identified: Justin Young, Scott Taylor, John Daubeny, Roger Brown, James Chaytor, Owhill, Mark Towers, Nick Penny, George Every. Photo by Mike Nicholson of Bracknell, proof.
Colour print
Size: 300 x 177mm
UND/GD5/EB32   [26 March] 1988
Thames head of the river, DUBC Ist VIII rowing, photo by Derek Wybrow of Bicknacre, proof.
Colour print
Size: 251 x 183mm
UND/GD5/EB33   [26 March] 1988
[Thames head of the river], DUBC 1st VIII rowing, photo by John Thompson of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 209 x 124mm
UND/GD5/EB34   26 March 1988
Thames head of the river, DUBC 2nd VIII rowing, identified: Jerry Garrett-Cox, Charlie Tuke, Quentin Cox, John Hayward, Nick Tibbs, Simon Atkinson, Ben Lyster-Binns, Patrick Anderson, Neal Sutcliffe. Photo by Mike Nicholson of Bracknell, proof.
Colour print
Size: 302 x 175mm
UND/GD5/EB35   1988
DUBC 2nd VIII rowing, identified: Jerry Garrett-Cox, Charlie Tuke, Quentin Cox, John Hayward, Nick Tibbs, Simon Atkinson, Ben Lyster-Binns, Patrick Anderson, Neal Sutcliffe.
Colour print
Size: 152 x 100mm
UND/GD5/EB36   c.1985
Henley royal regatta, DUBC VIII rowing, identified: Hessian?, Dan Wallace?, Gerry Hughes, Piers Temple, Andy Riley. Photo by George Bushell of Henley.
Colour print
Size: 252 x 185mm
UND/GD5/EB37   c.1985
Henley royal regatta, DUBC VIII rowing, and losing.
Colour print
Size: 176 x 125mm
UND/GD5/EB38   c.1985
[Thames head of the river] ?DUBC VIII rowing, photo by John Thompson of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 202 x 125mm
UND/GD5/EB39   c.1985
[Thames fours head of the river], DUBC coxless four rowing, identified: Ashton Shuttleworth, Steve Walter.
Colour print
Size: 237 x 152mm
UND/GD5/EB40   [1989]
Thames fours head of the river, DUBC IV rowing, photo by John Thompson of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 240 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB41   [?1989]
?National championships (lane racing), DUBC VIII rowing, wearing white vests with diagonal purple stripe with “Durham” written on the stripe, in a yellow boat.
Colour print
Size: 252 x 175mm
UND/GD5/EB42   1990
?Head race, DUBC 3rd (Freshers) VIII, rowing, identified: Davies, Harris. Photo by John Thompson of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print, mounted on card
Size: 270 x 160mm
UND/GD5/EB43   [1990]
?Head race, DUBC [3rd (Freshers)] VIII rowing, identified: Andrew Davies bow, Charlie Harris stroke. Photo by John Thompson. Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 300 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB44   [March] 1991
Thames head of the river, DUBC VIII rowing, identified: Hooker bow (?sub on the day), Richard Moore 2, James Datnow 3, Richard Manners 4 (not at Durham, sub on the day?), Mark Towers 5, Pat Weir 6, Simon Amis 7, Simon Pattinson stroke. Photo by Electric Arts, Eynsham, proof.
Colour print
Size: 295 x 160mm
UND/GD5/EB45   1991
Head of the Trent, DUBC 1st VIII rowing, identified: S. Hill bow, L. Howarth 2, S.Wood 3, P. Taylor 4, D. Weatherly 5, H. Wallace 6, K. Thompson 7, A. Gates stroke, J. Brown cox. Photo by J.E.T. Photographic of Dry Drayton, copy.
Colour print
Size: 122 x 90mm
UND/GD5/EB46   [March] 1991
Thames womens' head of the river, DUBC VIII rowing, photo by Ted Colman, Oxford, proof.
Colour print
Size: 390 x 228mm
UND/GD5/EB47   [March] 1992
Thames head of the river, DUBC VIII rowing, identified: John Stephens stroke. Photo by J.E.T. Photographic of Dry Drayton.
Colour print
Size: 308 x 201mm
UND/GD5/EB48   1992
Head of the Trent, DUBC VIII rowing, steps beyond, another crew in the foreground, identified: Andrew Davies 7, John Stephens stroke. Photo by J.E.T. Photographic of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 305 x 202mm
UND/GD5/EB49   [1992]
[Thames fours head of the river], DUBC coxless IV rowing, identified: Davies 3, Stephens stroke. Photo by J.E.T. photographic of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 240 x 150mm
UND/GD5/EB50   [1992]
[Thames fours head of the river], DUBC coxless IV rowing, identified: Davies, Stephens, C. Skinner, R. Turton. Photo by C. Atkins of Watford, proof.
BW print
Size: 198 x 75mm
UND/GD5/EB51   [March] 1993
Thames fours head of the river, DUBC [1st] IV rowing, photo by Ted Colman of Oxford, proof.
Colour print
Size: 296 x 160mm
UND/GD5/EB52   [March] 1993
Thames fours head of the river, DUBC [2nd] IV rowing, photo by Ted Colman of Oxford, proof.
Colour print
Size: 296 x 160mm
UND/GD5/EB53   [March] 1994
Thames head of the river, DUBC [1st] VIII rowing, identified: John Stephens 2, Ed Clegg 4, Simon Brooke 5, Hugo Mills 7. Photo by J.E.T. Photographic of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 302 x 202mm
UND/GD5/EB54   [March] 1994
Thames head of the river, DUBC [1st] VIII rowing, photo by J.E.T. photographic of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 302 x 202mm
UND/GD5/EB55   [March] 1994
Thames head of the river, DUBC [1st] VIII rowing, photo by Ted Colman of Oxford, proof.
Colour print
Size: 297 x 160mm
UND/GD5/EB56   [March] 1994
Thames head of the river, DUBC [2nd] VIII rowing, photo by Ted Colman of Oxford, proof.
Colour print
Size: 297 x 160mm
UND/GD5/EB57   1994
North of England head, DUBC VIII rowing, identified: Simon Brooke 5, Hugo Mills 7. Photo by J.E.T. Photographic of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 310 x 202mm
UND/GD5/EB58   1994
Head of the Trent, DUBC VIII rowing, identified: John Stephens 2, John, George, Simon Brooke 5, Hugh Mills 7, Nick C-L cox. Photo by J.E.T. Photographic of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 310 x 202mm
UND/GD5/EB59   1994
Head of the Trent, DUBC women's VIII rowing, photo by J.E.T. Photographic of Dry Drayton, proof.
Colour print
Size: 310 x 202mm
UND/GD5/EB60-78   [May 1999]
Northumbria Water boat races against Newcastle University on the Tyne in Newcastle, men's 1st VIIIs (won by Durham: Will Hunt, James Cazenove, Tristan Hewins, Andrew MacGowen, Andrew Dangerfield, Will Hodson, Natalie Liddle (cox), James Shortridge, Alastair West), women's 1st VIIIs (won by Newcastle), men's fresher VIIIs (won by Durham): crews racing on the Tyne with the umpire boat behind, all crews together and individual crews (Durham and Newcastle) with their medals, presentation of a medal, the overall trophies and in Durham hands with Sir Kenneth Calman VC.
By Northpoint Media of Aynsley Terrace, Consett.
Size: 150 x 100mm
Formerly: 99158.
UND/GD5/EB79-85   20 May 1997
Boat race v Newcastle, DUBC Women's 1st VIII racing (overhead), including: Katie Stark-Toller, Charlotte Mulcahy, and Lucy Heise. Also 5 images of the crew training in Durham on the Wear in the rain: easied by the Racecourse with the cox with an umbrella; rowing closeup; at the dockside; on the dockside, coming up to Baths Bridge with the coach cycling on the path.
By Michael Scott of North News and Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 155/210 x 230/300mm
Formerly: G000008-23.
Overhead image printed in Durham First (No.6, Autumn 1997), p.29, Durham First (No.7, Spring 1998), p.23, (in 3 parts) Durham First (No.14, Autumn 2001), p.25 and News for members of staff (November 2000), p.8.
UND/GD5/EB86   [20 May 1997]
Boat race v Newcastle, champagne shower for the Durham winners, with medals and trophies: Katie Stark-Toller (women's president), Ben Thorpe (men's president), Claire Riley (fresher's cox), Paula Russell (women's cox), Georgina Wincott (men's cox), James Stephenson (freshers' captain).
By The Journal, Newcastle.
Size: 295 x 205mm
Formerly: G000024.
Printed in Durham First (No.6, Autumn 1997), p.28 and N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.126.
UND/GD5/EB87-89   [c.May 1998]
Boat race v Newcastle, DUBC men's crew lunching at Bella Pasta in Durham: inside the restaurant, outside the entrance, and with the manageress dangling sphagetti above a crew member.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 230 x 150mm
Formerly: 245-247 and G000017-19.
1 image printed in N. Watson, The Durham Difference (2007), p.125.
UND/GD5/EB90-93   [6 June 1998]
Boat race v Newcastle: men's crews racing through the swing bridge, and with it behind them with following launches in view, also 2 views of the Newcastle men's crew.
By North News & Pictures, Grainger St, Newcastle.
Size: 220/295 x 150/210mm
Formerly: G000020-25.
1 image printed in Durham First (No.9, Spring 1999), p.40.
UND/GD5/EB94   [c.1980]
Two women's fours racing in [Durham regatta] on the Wear along the Racecourse.
Size: 130 x 90mm
Formerly: B1/1/34 and G000014.
UND/GD5/EB95   [c.1995]
Hatfield College four racing.
Size: 150 x 210mm
Formerly: G000015.
UND/GD5/EB96   [c.1960]
Durham regatta, overhead of two fours racing towards Baths Bridge, crowds on both banks.
By Durham Advertiser.
Size: 250 x 190mm
UND/GD5/EB97   [July] 1948
Henley regatta, Durham University Boat Club coxless four training for the Wyfold along the booms: D.P.C. Price, G.C. Rawson, F.J. Hoyle, R.S.P. Scott-Mitchell (stroke). By Alan Rost of 30 Hart St, Henley. (The first Durham crew to appear at Henley, they hit the booms shortly after the start of their first round race.)
BW print mounted on card
Size: 255 x 205mm
UND/GD5/EB98   [July 1948]
Henley regatta, Durham University Boat Club coxless four training for the Wyfold along the booms: [D.P.C. Price, G.C. Rawson, F.J. Hoyle, R.S.P. Scott-Mitchell (stroke)]. By George Bushell of 37 Hart St, Henley.
BW print
Size: 160 x 215mm
Given by F.J. Hoyle's son-in-law March 2011 (Acc No Misc.2001/11:77).
UND/GD5/EB99   c.March 1966
Photocopy of 2 BW prints of DUBC 1st VIII rowing in the Thames Head of the RIver race, wining the first of a run of UAU champsionsips: bow Roger Blackwell, 2 Richard Brrewer, 3 Peter Brett, 4 Keith Jones, 5 Dan Cronin, 6 George Greaves, 7 Tony Sainthill, stroke Rick Gaskell, cox Geoff Brook.
Paper, 1f
Originals held by Keith Jones, from which this was copied 5 September 2016.
UND/GD5/EB100   [c.2008]
Durham against Newcastle Universities Boat Races on the Tyne: various shots of the crews warming up and at the start, and receiving their medals afterwards.
4 sheets of 108 colour contact prints
UND/GD5/EB101   2005
Images of DUBC rowing in the [Eights Head of the River] on the Thames, also at Henley, with a men's four in blazers with medals at Henley, also some social shots, a senior II pennant and medals, and various images of a black labrador dog.
CD with 30 colour images
UND/GD5/EB102   2008
Images for a calendar, so some rather arty, showing rowing, land training, rivers, people, boats and boat houses in Durham and elsewhere.
CD with 89 colour images
UND/GD5/EB103   2012
Images of DUBC crews rowing and sculling on the Wear, and elsewhere, also some in the Erg room at Maiden Castle, Vice-Chancellor Chris Higgins admiring some photos on the wall, and the rowing tank in action.
CD with 73 colour images
UND/GD5/EB104   2008
DUBC crews at Henley and the boat races on the Tyne with Newcastle, also DUBC rowers performing for Great Britain, with also some more relaxed social images, occasionally identified, some by Jet.
File of colour prints, all laminated for dipslay
UND/GD5/EB105   2005
Henley Royal Regatta, DUBC men's and women's crews racing, also before and after on the bank, and men's four in blazers, with some general images of the regatta.
File of colour prints
UND/GD5/EB106   [c.2005]
DUBC coxless four rowing in the Prince Philip Cup at Henley.
Fie of colour prints
UND/GD5/EB107   [c.1975]
Men's eight rowing, overhead shot, ?featuring Noel Wilson.
BW print
UND/GD5/EB108   July 1988
DUBC Visitors Cup winning crew at Henley, waiting in the boat tents (torrential rain) to meet Princess Anne, in DUBC tops and trousers, by Scott Taylor, LtoR: James Chaytor (1986-1989), Scott Taylor (Hid Bede 1986-1989), Wade Hall-Craggs, Mark Towers (1987-1990).
Paper, 1f
UND/GD5/EC   1988 - 2003
Recordings of international rowing competitions, DUBC training and Amateur Rowing Association 'Go Row - Go Coach'.
1. 'Go Row - Go Coach' (copyright of The Amateur Rowing Association)
2. 1992, Barcelona Olympics, Tape 1
3. Italian and Seoul Olympics, 1988, Wells/Di Luzio, Windsor, Chester, Tyne, Junior World Championships, Hazewinkel 1997
4. 2001 FISA Rowing World Championships Lucerne Switzerland Sunday Finals, Cassette 1 of 2
5. 2001 FISA Rowing World Championships Lucerne Switzerland Sunday Finals, Cassette 2 of 2
6. 1 February 2001 [Fresher Men and Senior Squad]
7. Training in Stealing Beauty, Belgrade 2003.
8. January - February 2003, DUBC Simon Beck
9. DUBC, Trent Head, Training at Holme Pierrepont (men), BUSA Head, Training on Tyne (8 March 2003)
9 VHS video cassettes
UND/GD5W/EB1   1952/53
DCWBC coxed four in mid stroke rowing on the Wear towards the Fulling Mill with the Cathedral above, in white shirts and shorts with striped facings, by Slim Hewitt of Picture Post: Margaret Elliott bow, Mary Deighton 2, Joanne Smith 3, Mary Wardle-Harpur stroke, Dorothy Bourne cox (in blazer and cap).
BW print & copy
Size: 140 x 175mm
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
UND/GD5W/EB2   1952/53
DCWBC coxed four at the finish stroke rowing on the Wear under Prebends Bridge, in white shirts and shorts with striped facings, by Slim Hewitt of Picture Post: Margaret Elliott bow, Mary Deighton 2, Joanne Smith 3, Mary Wardle-Harpur stroke, Dorothy Bourne cox (in blazer and cap).
BW print & copy
Size: 140 x 175mm
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
UND/GD5W/EB3   Spring 1952
DCWBC coxed four standing on the bank at Brown's boathouse watching Mrs Macfarlane-Grieve pouring French wine from a trophy on the bows of a new clinker four being named Jenda, with a newspaper cutting, with the crew in white shorts and jerseys: Margaret Elliott bow, Mary Deighton 2, Maureen Perry 3, Eileen Knowles stroke, Dorothy Bourne cox (in striped blazer and white trousers).
BW print & copy
Size: 80 x 125mm
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
UND/GD5W/EB4   Spring 1952
DCWBC coxed four at ease outside Brown's boathouse in a new clinker four being named Jenda, with the crew in white shorts and jerseys: Margaret Elliott bow, Mary Deighton 2, Maureen Perry 3, Eileen Knowles stroke, Dorothy Bourne cox (in striped blazer and white trousers).
BW print & copy
Size: 90 x 140mm
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
FA: trophies
FB: clothing

UND/GD5/FA1   1912
D.U.B.C. Junior Inter Collegiate Fours (Graduates) goblet, with the university arms and motto, awarded to each member of the crew, in this case the cox James Murdoch Smith (Hatfield MA, 1893-1947).
Silver goblet
Size: 185 x 80mm
With a covering letter from Smith's nephew David Mackenzie Smith of 14 February 1988, donating the goblet and explaining his uncle's subsequent career in the Highland Light Infantry during WW1 at Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and Flanders, being wounded at Gaza in 1916, and becoming a schoolteacher in Cardiff, dying, unmarried, partly from his wounds.
UND/GD5/FA2   [c.2005]
Team Durham medallion
Gold-coloured medallion with a shield in the centre, on a dark blue ribbon
UND/GD5/FB1   [c.2005]
[Durham/Newcastle boat races] tie, dark blue with diagonal stripes of alternate blades - purple/palatinate [Durham] and white with a blue lion rampant [Newcastle] - with also at the foot logos for Northumbrian Water and Newcastle Gateshead Buzzin.
Silk tie
UND/GD5/FB2   2003
'Durham University Men's Boat Race VIII 2003' embroidered on the left chest, also printed on the front Moette sportswear logo and www.moette.co.uk
Dark blue cotton L tee-shirt by Fruit of the Loom
UND/GD5/FB3   [c.2005]
On the left chest emblem of crossed blades (golden) behind the university arms (red and gold) with 'Durham University Boat Club' surrounding.
50% cotton 50% polyester Jerzees 509 dark blue L polo shirt
UND/GD5/FB4   [c.2005]
On the left chest, silver embroidered outline of crossed blades behind the university arms, with D.U.B.C. surrounding, on the right chest the PL logo with the PWC logo below, both embroidered, printed in white on the back 'DUBC Coach' with another PL logo embroidered above.
Rowing waterproof jacket, hooded, zipped down the front, with 2 zipped pockets, by Playerlayer
UND/GD5/FB5   [c.1987]
On the left chest, silver outlined with palatinate purple crossed blades behind the university arms, with D.U.B.C. surrounding
Palatinate purple with white facings and buttons rugby shirt by Front Row & Co, L
UND/GD5/FB6   [c.1987]
Silver outlined with palatinate purple crossed blades behind the university arms, with D.U.B.C. on either side
?polyester beanie, dark blue
UND/GD5/FB7   [c.1987]
On the left chest, silver outlined with palatinate purple crossed blades behind the university arms, with D.U.B.C. on either side, and 'Durham University Rowing' printed on the back
Polartec rowing waterproof fleece, full length zip, dark blue with palatinate purple highlights
UND/GD5/FB8   2019
On the left chest, palatinate purple outlined with silver crossed blades behind the university arms, with D.U.B.C. on either side, and 'Head of the River 2019' below, and 'Durham University Boat Club' embroidered on the back
Result dark blue fleece, short zip, XL
UND/GD5/FB9   1927
Engraved on front: “Durham University Boat Club. Senior Inter-Collegiate Fours, 1927”
Grey pewter tankard with glass bottom (glass cracked) 
Size: 160 x 115 x 90 mm
Donated by Vivianne Simpson (née Bell), daughter of T. A. Bell, 24 August 2022, Misc.2022/23:2
DU Canoeing/Canoe Club
Reference: UND/GD17
Dates of creation: 1973 - 2017
Reference: UND/GD17/A
UND/GD17/A1   1982 - 1991
Canoeing Club record book
Includes results, minutes, events and correspondence, and minutes of the Northumbria Canoeists 1990.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD17/B
UND/GD17/B1   October 1973 - July 1994
Canoeing Club account book
Paper book
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD17/D
UND/GD17/D1   2006
Friends of Durham Canoeing newsletters, issues: 7 Spring 2006, 8 Autumn 2006.
2 printed illustrated paper booklets
UND/GD17/D2   [2017 - 2019]
Promotional flyers
Paper file
DU Chess Club
Reference: UND/GD27
Dates of creation: 1987 - 1991
Reference: UND/GD27/A
UND/GD27/A1   1987 - 1991
Chess Club record book
Includes fixtures and newsletters.
Paper book
DU Clay Pigeon Shooting Club
Reference: UND/GD45
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD45/B
UND/GD45/B1   November 1973 - June 1994
Clay Pigeon Shooting Club account book
Paper book
DU Contract Bridge Club
Reference: UND/GD12
Dates of creation: 1974 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD12/A
UND/GD12/A1   1982 - 1987
Bridge Club record book
Includes minutes, reports, results and (at the back of the book) accounts.
Paper book
UND/GD12/A2   1987 - 1991
Bridge Club record book
Includes results, newsletters and a description of the scoring system.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD12/B
UND/GD12/B1   February 1974 - February 1994
Bridge Club account book
Paper book
DC/DU Cricket Club
Reference: UND/GD6
Dates of creation: 1846 - 1994 Cricket is first recorded as being played at the university in 1843 with a match between the university and Sunderland on the Racecourse Ground. The university cricket club was founded in 1846 with the founding fathers being Joseph Waite and Charles Henry Ford. In 1888 the cricket club took possession of the Racecourse Ground where it still plays its regular fixtures. The university first won the Universities Athletic Union championship (founded in 1927) in 1938, repeating the success the following year, with Syd Holgate one of the leading players. The next success was in 1953, with Frank Tyson very much to the fore. Durham's victory in 1972 was the first of 8 in the modern period, with the university contesting every final from 1984 to 1991. This success was amplified by the contribution of Durham students (Martin Speight, Nasser Hussain, Jon Longley, Tim O'Gorman) to the successful Combined Universities side of 1989 that reached the quarter-finals of the Benson and Hedges Cup. The university's cricket club continued to flourish under the presidency of Dr Grenville Holland, producing the following Test players for England: Paul Allott, Tim Curtis, Graeme Fowler, Nasser Hussain, and John Stephenson. Women's cricket was established at Durham in 1982.
R. Dellor, Durham Birth of a First Class County (1992), especially p.38-47.

Reference: UND/GD6/A
UND/GD6/A1   28 October 1846 - 4 February 1861
Cricket Club minute book
General and committee meetings, with occasional lists of subscribers and of the first XI included.
Paper book
Ex libris stamp of 2 May 1924.
Formerly 39.C.18 and UND DUS 5/1.
UND/GD6/A2   1 March 1886 - 24 February 1894
Cricket Club minute book
General and committee meetings.
Also lists of committee members 1886-1894, bats presented, presidents, treasurers and secretaries 1884-1894, and of matches played May - June 1886
Paper book
A note inside from “E.F.B.” of 16 December 1936 states that it was found in 38 [North Bailey] when it was being cleared for repairs. It was sent to Angus Macfarlane-Grieve who handed it on to the University Library where it was received on 22 January 1937.
Formerly UND DUS 5/1.
UND/GD6/A3   1974 - 1988
Cricket Club record book
Includes fixtures, results and letters.
Paper book
UND/GD6W/A1   1982 - 1983
Women's Cricket Club record book
Includes teams, reports, minutes, fixtures, newsletters and (at the back) accounts.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD6/B
UND/GD6/B1   February 1974 - June 1994
Cricket Club account book
Recording the expenditure of DUAU's running and equipment grants.
Divided into men's and women's cricket from 1982.
Paper book
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD6/D
UND/GD6/D1   1978
Fixture card, also detailing the officers
Card, 2f
UND/GD6/D2   April 2005
Friends of Durham Cricket newsletter, issue 1 only.
Printed colour illustrated booklet
Reference: UND/GD6/E
UND/GD6/EA1919   [11/12] June 1919
“Durham 'Varsity Edinboro 'Varsity”, Durham and Edinburgh [cricket] teams, seated in front of the pavilion, in whites and blazers.
By The City Studio, Durham.
Size: 230 x 180mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/61.
UND/GD6/EA1921   [June] 1921
Durham University Cricket XI, in a corner of Castle courtyard, in whites, blazers (one colours, one striped, on with chequered edging, and various colleges), by John R. Edis, identified: F.A. Hossack, H.B. Goundry, N. Craig, R.V. Butler, D.S. Rowlands, E. Roberts, F.H.R. Davey, T.R. Yeoman (V-Capt), E.R.B. Reynolds (Capt), A.D. Forster (Hon Sec), R.V. Higgins.
BW print, mounted on board, with some edges damaged
Size: 240 x 290mm (print), 410 x 465mm (mount)
UND/GD6/EA1938   [June] 1938
[Durham University Cricket XI] UAU Champions (11), in front of a pavilion, in whites, jerseys and blazers (4 plain palatinate, 1 other plain and 6 different striped), 2 with pads, identified: A.R. Staines, L.C. Coombes, J.W. Evans, S.W. Holgate, S. Martin, A.W.D. Martin, J.M. Pearson, I.B. Appleby (Hon Sec), W.E. Lockwood (Capt), G.W. Green, F.I. Herbert.
BW print, mounted on board
Given by W.E. Lockwood (cf UND/F7/H15) c.2000.
UND/GD6/EA1952   [June] 1952
Durham Colleges Cricket Club, in front of the [university] pavilion, in whites and sweaters, one holding a bat, with a trophy, titled with the university arms, identified: J.H.L. Davis (Bede), F.G. Stones (Bede), B. Patterson (University), R. Coleman (Bede), J. Graves (Hatfield), D. Harrison (University), K.E. Groves (Hatfield), L. Bambridge (Bede (Hon. Sec.), M.J. Darlington (St Cuthbert's) (Capt), F.H. Tyson (Hatfield), D.K. Hansell (University), W. Bradley (Hatfield), J. McGuiness (Hatfield).
With a photocopy
BW print, mounted on board, + 1f
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 255 x 3300mm (mount)
Original from Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/GD6/EA1953   [June] 1953
Durham University Cricket Club, UAU champions, trees behind, in whites, some with pads, bats and jerseys, titled with the university arms, by John R. Edis, identified: J. McGuinness (Hatfield), M. McKendrick (Medicals), D.K. Hansell (University), J.B. Hercock (King's), J.R. Dale (King's), A. French (University), D.J. Day (University), T.S. Raghuram (King's), D. Harrison (University) (Hon Sec), F.H. Tyson (Hatfield) (Capt), D.A.K. Roberts (King's), W. Bradley (Hatfield), (inset) S.B. Williams (Medicals).
Copy BW print no board
Size: 210 x 295mm
Given by Mike McKendrick August 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:28.
UND/GD6/EA1954   [June] 1954
Durham Colleges Cricket Club, in front of the pavilion, in whites and mostly plain sweaters, 2 in pads with bats, by T. Mason & Co, identified: A.J. Tilling (Hatfield), C.D. Smith (University), W.O. Heal (Hatfield), K. Norton (Bede), J.O. Graves (Hatfield), G.A. Creasey (Hatfield), W.R. Burgoyne (Bede), B. Patterson (University), J. McGuinness (Hatfield, capt), W. Bradley (Hatfield), D.J. Day (University, Hon Sec).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 305mm
UND/GD6/EA1955   [June 1955]
Durham Colleges Cricket Club, in whites and various sweaters, on the Racecourse ground, Bede College beyond, by T. Mason and Co, (undated, dated by comparison with the previous ones), identified: R.D. Savage (Hatfield), D. Harrison (University), L. Crass (Hatfield), A.J. Tilling (Hatfield), A.G. Britton (Hatfield), C.D. Smith (University), W.R. Burchnall (Hatfield), S. Miles (Bede), G.A. Creasey (Hatfield), B. Dobson (Hatfield, hon secretary), O.W. Heal (Hatfield, captain), J. McGuinness (Hatfield), W. Bradley (Hatfield).
BW print, mounted on board, 3 corners broken off and missing
Size: 140 x 210mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
From Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/GD6/EA1962U   [June] 1962
Durham University Cricket Club (14), outside, fencing behind, most in whites, 1 jersey and some pads, and a bat, 3 insets (absent), titled with the university arms, all identified: C.J. Glaister, C. Webb, J. Cooke, B. Wain, A.P. Taylor, T. Sofoluwe, A. Cockburn, J.A. Baxter, N.H. Lindo (capt), J.A. Schofield. W.G. Hale, M. Khan, D. Hardman, D. Barlow.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 205mm
Given by Brian Wain (featured), October 2021
UND/GD6/EA1962C   [June] 1962
Durham Colleges Cricket Club (14), outside the pavilion, mostly in whites, with some pads, a jersey and an umpire's coat, titled with the university arms, all identified: P. Skinner (umpire, Grey), A. Taylor (St Cuthberts), J. Cooke (Grey), C. Glaister (St Cuthberts), R. Dobson (Grey), N.H. Lindo (St Johns), A. Cockburn (Hatfield), J.A. Schofield (capt, University), W. Hale (Grey), C. Webb (University), K.B. Richardson (Hatfield), B. Wain (St Cuthberts), R.J. Scourse (Hatfield).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 205mm
Given by Brian Wain (featured), October 2021
UND/GD6/EA1963C   [June] 1963
Durham Colleges [Cricket] 1st XI (11), outside the pavilion, in whites, with some pads and jerseys, titled with the university arms, all identified: R. Redbourne, R. Dobson, C.E.R. Combes, J.W.R. Cooke, C. Glaister, T.J. Hughes, K.B. Richardson, A.P. Taylor, A. Cockburn, R.C. Webb, B.E.W. Wain.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 205mm
Given by Brian Wain (featured), October 2021
UND/GD6/EA1964   [June] 1964
Durham University Cricket Club 1st XI (15), outside the pavilion, in whites, with some pads and jerseys, and an umpire's coat, titled with the university arms, by Fillinghams, all identified: M. Edwards, J. Wallis, A. Parley, J. Aldridge, J. Falkner, M.J. Stewart, R.D. Aldred, B. Regler, A.P. Taylor, D. Porter, K.B. Richardson, A. Cockburn (capt), B.E. Wain, C.E.R. Combes, T.J. Hughes.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 205mm
Given by Brian Wain (featured), October 2021
UND/GD6/EA1965   [June] 1965
Durham University Cricket Club 1st XI (14), outside the pavilion, in whites, with some pads and jerseys, titled with the university arms, by Fillinghams, all identified: D. Brooks, D. Porter, P.D. Sudlow, P. Wiser, M. Glen, R. Aldred, L. Richardson, M. Johnson, J. Wallis, T. Hughes, B. Wain (capt), C. Combes, A. Parley, J. Cooke.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 320 x 480mm
Given by Brian Wain (featured), October 2021
UND/GD6/EA1972   3 July 1972
UAU Champions, Trent Bridge, Nottingham, on the outfield, pavilion behind, in whites and various sweaters, titled with the university arms, identified: R.G. Swan, A.J. Good, S.R. Atkinson, C.R. Woodhead, R.J. Denning, T. Wellock, J. Shoulder, J.M. Bennett, Dr J.G. Holland president, S.C. Walford captain, R. Mercer vice-captain, T.J. Hughes, A. Taylor.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 315 x 475mm
Transferred from Grey College archive 23 December 2021.
UND/GD6/EA1998   [c.July 1998]
Durham University Cricket Club, in front of the pavilion: (back row) 6 players, Graeme Fowler (coach); (front row): Simon Francis, ?, Mark Chilton, Luke Sutton, ?.
Size: 180 x 130mm
Formerly: G000046.
UND/GD6/EB1   c.1980
Batsman in cap and sweater playing a defensive shot on his toes, ball in shot, [at the Racecourse ground].
BW print
Size: 160 x 110mm
UND/GD6/EB2   c.1980
Wicketkeeper and 3 slips in sweaters, about to receive the ball, [on the Racecourse ground].
BW print
Size: 185 x 95mm
DU Croquet Club
Reference: UND/GD15
Dates of creation: 1974 - 1989 A croquet club was formed at Durham in 1966 and it joined the Athletic Union in 1974.

Reference: UND/GD15/A
UND/GD15/A1   1974 - 1984
Croquet Club record book
Includes reports, minutes, fixtures, rules, leagues and newsletters.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD15/B
UND/GD15/B1   May 1974 - October 1989
Croquet Club account book
Paper book
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD15/D
UND/GD15/D1   15 May [1977]
Poster for a croquet match between Durham and Oxford.
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/GD15/E
UND/GD15/EB1   [1979]
A game of croquet being played outside Maiden Castle sports centre, 13 present, casual dress, J. Rose identified.
BW print
Size: 225 x 100mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1979-80, Palace Green Local L 057.96 DUR.
DU Cross-Country Club
Reference: UND/GD36
Dates of creation: 1948 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD36/A
UND/GD36/A1   1948 - 1957
Durham Colleges Cross-Country Club record book
Includes reports, results, teams, newspaper cuttings, programmes.
Paper book
UND/GD36/A2   1957 - 1963
Durham Colleges Cross-Country Club record book
Includes reports, results, teams and programmes, with a final note about the DCCCC becoming the DUCCC.
Paper book
UND/GD36/A3   1988 - 1990
Cross-Country Club record book
Includes results and minutes.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD36/B
UND/GD36/B1   October 1973 - April 1994
Cross-Country Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD36/E
UND/GD36/EA1953C   [May] 1953
Durham Colleges Cross Country Club 1952-53
In Hild Bede grounds, in white singlets with a dark badge, white shorts and shoes, titled with the university arms, by John R. Edis, identified: I.H. Forster (University), D.C. Darley (St Chad's), G.H. Hunt (University), G.B. Crosby (St John's), B.B. Lynes (St John's), B. Harbottle (Bede), G.E. Whalley (Bede, Capt), J. Fenwick ( Bede), A.F. Dunn ( Bede).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 155 x 215mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
From Brian Crosby's estate, February 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:98.
UND/GD36/EA1954U   [May] 1954
Durham University Cross Country Club 1953-4
Outside, on a sports ground, church beyond, [?in Newcastle], in (mostly) white shirts with the university badge, white shorts, socks and running spikes, titled, with the university arms, by Charles Freeman of Low Fell, identified: F.E. Eden (King's), C.R.W. Mitchell (King's), C. Darley (St Chadwick's), E. Robinson (King's), B. Crosby (St John's), S. Chilton (St Cuthbert's), T.W. Kirkbride (King's, Capt), I. Forster (University, Sec), C. Smith (St John's).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 160 x 210mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
From Brian Crosby's estate, February 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:98.
UND/GD36/EA1955U   [May] 1955
Durham University Cross Country Club 1954-55
Outisde, in front of a building with a verandah, in white shirts, some with university badges, and (mostly) white shorts, with shoes, one in a blazer, titled with the university arms, by T. Mason & Co of 32c Silver St, Durham, identified: R. Forster (coach), P. Ross (University), J. Maskell (Hatfield), F.H. Eden (King's), R. McQuillin (Bede), P.G. Monk (Hatfield), W. Lawson (King's), C. Smith (St John's), I.H. Forster (University, Capt), D.C. Darley (St Chad's), C.R.W. Mitchell (King's, Sec), G.B. Crosby (St John's).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 140 x 205mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
From Brian Crosby's estate, February 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:98.
UND/GD36/EA1956C   [May] 1956
Durham Colleges Cross-Country Club 1955-56
In Hild Bede grounds looking N to the Racecourse Ground, 8 students, in white shorts, dark tee-shirts with a single horizontal stripe and running spikes, by T. Mason & Co, photographers of 4 New Elvet, identified: R.M. Routh, M[ichael] Bates, J.F. Watson, R.E. Owens, J.M. Watson, R. McQuillin (Capt.), P.L. Goggin, G.R. Jibson.
1 BW print, mounted on grey card, mounted on white stiff card, titled 
Size: 203 x 145mm (print), 300 x 250mm (mount)
Given by Michael Bates October 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:24.
UND/GD36/EA1956U   [May] 1956
Durham University Cross Country Club 1955-1956
In [Castle courtyard), in dark [purple] shirts with the university badge, white shorts, socks and running shoes, titled with the university arms, by John R. Edis, identified: P.G. Monk (Hatfield), W. Lawson (King's), J.A. Jordan (Medicals), A.C. Griffith (University), R. McQuillin (Bede), T. Frederich (King's), J. Creigh (King's), J.W. Maskell (Hatfield, Sec), I.H. Forster (University, Capt), G.B. Crosby (St John's), P.L. Goggin (University).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 150 x 210mm (print), 250 x 330mm (mount)
From Brian Crosby's estate, February 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:98.
UND/GD36/EA1957U   [May] 1957
Durham University Cross Country Club 1956-57, North-Eastern Counties Junior Champions
Outside [Durham Racecourse] pavilion, in dark [?purple] singlets with the university badge, dark shorts and running spikes, with a trophy, titled, with the university arms, by T. Mason & Co of 4 New Elvet, Durham, identified: P. Goggin (University), D. Picton (Hatfield), A. Jordan (Medicals), R. Gettins (King's), G. Clarke (St Cuthbert's), G. Crosby (St John's), J. Maskell (Hatfield, Capt), P. Plimmer (St Cuthbert's), T. Wood (King's).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm
From Brian Crosby's estate, February 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:98.
Reference: UND/GD36/F
UND/GD36/F1   [May] 1939
“DCCCC 1939” trophy of Ian Cowburn
Mini 2 handled cup
Size: 75 x 40 x 30mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/GD36/F2   [May] 1940
“DCCC 1940” in a panel trophy of Ian Cowburn
Pewter glass-bottomed pint tankard
Size: 125 x 135 x 110mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/GD36/F3   [May] 1940
“D.C.C.C.C. SPORTS 1940” medallion of Ian Cowburn
Silver gilt metal medallion, with a ring [for threading on to a ribbon]
Size: 35 x 25mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/GD36/F4   1979
DUCCC medal won by Paul Bentley for coming 2nd in a Past v Present match, representing Neville's Cross College.
Metal medal with an image of a runner
Size: 65 x 50mm
Given by Paul Bentley, 23 October 2021, Acc No Misc 2021/22:38.
DU Cycling Club
Reference: UND/GD9
Dates of creation: 1966 - 1994 The Cycling Club became the Cycling and Triathlon Club in [1987].

Reference: UND/GD9/A
UND/GD9/A1   22 June 1966 - 11 June 1970
Cycling Club minute book
Includes results.
Paper book
UND/GD9/A2   1981 - [1987]
Cycling Club record book
Includes minutes, results, records, newsletters and fixtures.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD9/B
UND/GD9/B1   November 1973 - May 1994
Cycling Club account book
Paper book
DU Darts Club
Reference: UND/GD13
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1983 Darts became part of the Durham University Athletic Union for the first time in 1981.

Reference: UND/GD13/A
UND/GD13/A1   1981 - 1983
Darts Club record book
Includes reports, results, teams, tables and (at the back) accounts.
Paper book
DU Fell Running Club
Reference: UND/GD47
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1992
Reference: UND/GD47/B
UND/GD47/B1   November 1981 - May 1992
Fell Running Club account book
Paper book
DU Fencing Club
Reference: UND/GD39
Dates of creation: 1947 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD39/A
UND/GD39/A1   20 November 1947 - 18 May 1963
Durham Colleges Fencing Club minute book
AGMs and committees, includes reports and results.
Paper book
UND/GD39/A2   1975 - 1987
Fencing Club record book
Includes reports, fixtures, newsletters and (at the back) accounts
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD39/B
UND/GD39/B1   October 1973 - March 1994
Fencing Club account book
Paper book
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD39/D
UND/GD39/D1   2016
Notice of training times for the various teams.
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/GD39/E
UND/GD39/EA1970   [June] 1970
Mens and Womens Fencing Team (13, 8M & 5W) inside the Sports Centre at Maiden Castle, in fencing kit, with weapons and head guards, and a trophy, achievements listed, identified (men only): P.G. White (secretary), A.M.D. Havelock-Allan, J.D.M. Charney BSc, J.P. Zapasnik (past captain), C.S. Shaw, J.R. Crouch, R.J. Howard (captain), M.S.H. McDonald.
Paper, 1f, printed out digital copy of a BW mounted print
Taken from an original of Mark Havelock-Allan, 21 November 2017.
UND/GD39/EA1970M   [June] 1970
Mens Fencing Team (8) inside the Sports Centre at Maiden Castle, in fencing kit, with weapons and head guards, and a trophy, identified with individual achievements listed: C.S. Shaw, A.M.D. Havelock-Allan, M.S.H. McDonald, J.R. Crouch, P.G. White, R.J. Howard, J.P. Zapasnik, J.D.M. Charney BSc.
Paper, 1f, printed out digital copy of a BW mounted print
Taken from an original of Valerie Davis (?nee Wise), 21 November 2017.
UND/GD39/EA1971   [June] 1971
Fencing Club (men and women) (13, 8M & 5W), outside at Maiden Castle with the hill behind, in fencing kit, with weapons and head guards, identified: P.G. White, M.S.H. Macdonald, J.P. Zapasnik, R. Mitchell, B.M. Diaz, C.B. Shaw, J.R. Crouch, V.M. Wise, J.R. Craigie, A.C. Winter, M.J. Collins, A.G. King, S.G. Field.
Paper, 1f, printed out digital copy of a BW mounted print
Taken from an original of Valerie Davis (?nee Wise), 21 November 2017.
UND/GD39/EA1975   1975
[Fencing Club], U.A.U. champions 1974/5, in fencing kit and trainers, with weapons and head guards, and a trophy, in [Maiden Castle] hall, identified: Trevor Collins, Paul Gover, Guy Jordan, Ray Johnston, Steve Courtney, Jim Clark, Bob Mitchell, Bernard Diaz.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with 2 university arms
Size: 285 x 200mm (print), 380 x 300mm (mount)
DC/DU Football Club
Reference: UND/GD38
Dates of creation: 1920 - 1994 There was no authorized football club at the university until 1886 and early fixtures included Sunderland, Middlesbrough Ironopolis and Darlington before the club built up a fixture list focused more on university sides such as Edinburgh and Victoria.

Reference: UND/GD38/A
UND/GD38/A1   1958 - 1965
Durham Colleges/University Football Club record book
Includes minutes, teams, results, with a list of addresses of opponents at the back
Paper book
UND/GD38/A2   1980 - 1988
Football Club record book
Includes fixtures, results, reports, minutes, agendas
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD38/B
UND/GD38/B1   October 1973 - June 1994
Football Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD38/E
UND/GD38/EA1907   [1905 x 1907]
[Durham Colleges] football team, in 2 rows, in Castle courtyard, in shorts, socks, boots, scarfs, and (Hatfield Hall and University College) blazers (various sports), all identified: W. Yates, D. G. Bennett, C. Appleton, R. J. D. Hepple, F. Forman, C. B. Bryson, R. Mutimer, E. S. Turner, J. W. Hall, F. E. Dann, E. S. Nicholson.
Copy BW print
Donated by Judith Walker, a descendant of Edmund Sanctuary Turner (1885-1916; Hatfield Hall, B.A. 1907), 20 January 2015 (Misc.2014/15:36).
UND/GD38/EA1920   [June 1920]
Durham University AFC 1919-20, in shirts, shorts, socks and boots, indoors, by Stuart of Blackett St, Newcastle, identified: W.M. Dodds (Armstrong), T. Jackson (Armstrong [later Aston Villa]), S. Hutson (Medicine), C.J. Osborne (Armstrong), R.S. Adamson (Hatfield), H.H. Boggon (Armstrong), R.T.E. Naismith (Medicine, captain), J.N. Slack (Medicine), S.E.H. Anderson (Medicine), J. Thompson (Armstrong), R. Yeoman (absent).
BW print, mounted on board, titled and identified, scuffed and edges damaged
Size: 220 x 295mm (print), 325 x 410mm
Given by Mrs Mangan, 20 September 2012, acc No Misc.2012/13:22.
UND/GD38/EA1931   [March] 1931
Durham Colleges AFC "A" XI 1930-31, outside, leafy backdrop, in halved shirts, various shorts and socks, titled, identified: G.E. Bell (St John's), W.R. Dewey (Hatfield), A.E. Lockwood (Bede), J. Walker (Bede), A. Mather (Bede), G.F.J. Burchby (Bede), H. Johnson (Bede), F.N. Kent (St John's), L.F. Mills (Bede) (Capt), G.J. Wilson (Bede), E. Baxter (Bede).
Paper, 1f, photocopy of a BW print, mounted
Given by Jill White, 11 July 2020, acc no Misc.2019/20:102.
UND/GD38/EA1945   [March 1945]
Durham Colleges AFC 1944-45, outside, in football kit (shirts - dark with a cross on the left breast - shorts - mostly dark- socks - various - and boots), identified:
D.R. Branson, G.R. Bainbridge, G.C. Brown, R. Kingsmill, J.S. Evans, J. Golden, O.D. Nicholls, J.R. Oaks (Capt), G.M. Mason, A.H. Winspear, M.G. Mason.
Paper, 1p, printout of a digitised copy of a BW print
From an original held by J.R. Oaks's son Tim. in August 2015.
UND/GD38/EA1950/1-2   [March] 1950
Digitised photographs of Durham Colleges AFC 1949-50, outside, in football kit (shirts - dark with a cross on the left breast - shorts - mostly dark- socks - various - and boots), identified.
The first includes the bottom section of the photograph with the description “Durham Colleges Association Football Club, 1949-50” and the second includes the top section of the photograph with the description “University of Durham” and coat of arms.
2 PDFs (single pages) 
Images donated by Alison Rutkowski, daughter of Eric Innes Clark, October 2023. Accessioned March 2024. Misc.2023/24:53
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft PDF documents, 925KB and 815KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
From an original held by the daughter of an alumnus, Eric Innes Clark, who attended Hatfield College from 1949- 1952. He played in the Durham College football team and studied Chemistry, graduating with honours in 1952.
UND/GD38/EA1951   [March] 1951
Durham Colleges Football Club 2nd XI, in badged, halved shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, in Castle garden, with a football, photo by John R. Edis, identified: E. Dixon (Bede), G. R. Glover (Bede), W. Clarke (St Cuthbert's), J.R. Clark (University), M. Pallister (University), R.M. Hall (St Cuthbert's), B.J.R. Rippin (Hatfield), H. Ridley (St Cuthbert's), J.F. Moore (Hon Sec) (Bede), G.M. Mason (capt) (University), A.R. Thompson (Hatfield), A. Halewood (St Cuthbert's).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 208 x 150mm (print), 330 x 250mm (mount)
UND/GD38/EA1959W   [?1959]
[Durham Women's Football] XI (11), in dark/light quartered shirts, various shorts and socks, goalkeeper with an umbrella and cap, with a ball, unidentified, except it is from Janet Croasdale who is 5 from L.
Paper, 1f, printout of a BW JPG
From Stella Herbert nee Cayless, August 2020.
UND/GD38/EA1960   [March] 1960
Durham Colleges AFC, in dark shirts with alternate thin stripes and white trim, white shorts and dark hooped socks, with a ball, in front of the Castle Great Hall entrance, by John R. Edis, identified: A. Dean (St Cuthbert's), P.J. Tilbrook (St Cuthbert's), S. Robson (Hatfield), N. Hassall (University), A.B. Maugham (University), R.A. Redbourn (Hatfield), W. Haworth (Hatfield), L. Evans (Hatfield), C. Allison (St Cuthbert's), D.G. Johnson (Hatfield, captain), W. Oxley (Hatfield), M.J. Street (Hatfield), D. Place (Hatfield), J. Brunt (St Cuthbert's).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 300mm (mount)
From Bill Oxley, Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/GD38/EA1961C   [March] 1961
Durham Colleges AFC, in dark shirts with alternate thin stripes and white trim, white shorts and dark hooped socks, with a ball, in front of the Castle Great Hall entrance, by John R. Edis, identified: K. McMahon (St Cuthbert's), W.A.R. Dewey (Hatfield), J. Miller (Hatfield), N. Hassall (University), W. Haworth (Hatfield), P.E. Watson (Hatfield), W. Oxley (Hatfield), C. Allison (St Cuthbert's), D.G. Johnson (Hatfield), M. Street (Hatfield), S. Robson (Hatfield), R.A. Redbourne (Hatfield),
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 300mm (mount)
From Bill Oxley, Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/GD38/EA1961U   [March] 1961
Durham University AFC, in ?purple shirts, white shorts and white topped dark socks, with a ball, outside a pavilion, by Charles Freeman, photographer of Low Fell, Gateshead, identified: French (King's), Knox (King's), K. McMahon (St Cuthbert's), Millar (King's), Johnson (?Medicals), P.E. Watson (Hatfield), Armstrong (King's), Binns (King's), C. Allison (St Cuthbert's), Hookway (King's), W. Oxley (Hatfield), M. Street (Hatfield).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 300mm (mount)
From Bill Oxley, Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/GD38/EA1963C   [March] 1963
Durham Colleges AFC 1st XI, on the steps of the Great Hall, (12), in thin striped dark shirts, white shorts, dark socks, titled with the university arms, by Fillinghams, all identified: K. McMahon (Cu), B. Wain (Cu), J. Kilgarriff (H), C. Griffiths (G), D. Place (H), W. Morgan (H), M. Brent (U), P. Barass (G), C. Critchley (J), R. Dobson (G, capt), K. Clarke (G), A. Lonsdale (G).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 205mm
Given by Brian Wain (featured), October 2021
UND/GD38/EA1970   [March] 1970
Football 1st XI, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Racecourse ground, photo by Fillinghams, identified: B. Mitchinson (St Cuthbert's), R.O. Deeming (Bede), K.M. Perrin (Hatfield) (Hon Sec), D. Bell (Hatfield), S.D. Brown (St Cuthbert's), S.C. Walford (University), D. Balmer (Grey), M.H. Banks (Hatfield), D. Walshaw (Hatfield), K.D. Smith (St Cuthbert's) (Vice-Captain), DD Stephen (Hatfield) (Captain), D Thackwray (Van Mildert), D.J. Hardy (Van Mildert).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD38/EA1982A   [June] 1982
Football U.S.A. tour party, in badged jerseys, badged ties, trousers and shoes, on [Maiden Castle] sports ground, photo by Fillinghams, identified: T. Albitson, D. Callaghan, G. Forrest, T. Hall, I. Reed, N. Malpas, T. Smith, A. Henderson, P. Rooney, N. Morris, R. Chaloner, M. Grey, S. Pendlebury, E. Readman, J. Hinde, T. Berkeley, D. Cahill.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 360 x 215mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD38/EA1982B   [June] 1982
Football U.S.A. tour party, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on [Maiden Castle] sports ground, with a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: T. Albitson, D. Callaghan, R. Chaloner, G. Forrest, T. Hall, I. Reed, T. Smith, A. Henderson, P. Rooney, N. Morris, N. Malpas, M. Grey, S. Pendlebury, E. Readman, J. Hinde, T. Berkeley, D. Cahill.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 215mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD38/EB1   [1988]
Football match, penalty being taken.
Colour print
Size: 148 x 100mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1988-89, p.11, available in Palace Green Library Local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD38/EB2   6 November 1980
Football match in progress, ?2nd XI, 7 players, ball headed, Max Robinson named.
BW print
Size: 205 x 135mm
UND/GD38/EB3   c.1980
Football match in progress, Racecourse, 9 players, linesman, goalkeeper catching the ball.
BW print
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/GD38/EB4   c.1980
Football match in progress, Racecourse, 6 players, failed tackle.
BW print
Size: 200 x 150mm
UND/GD38/EB5   1982
Football match in progress, Durham 1st XI v Lancaster university, 10 players, goalmouth, goalkeeper with ball.
BW print
Size: 165 x 108mm
DU Free Fall Club
Reference: UND/GD43
Dates of creation: 1977 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD43/B
UND/GD43/B1   October 1977 - June 1994
Free Fall Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD43/E
UND/GD43/EB1   c.1980
2 boys and 1 girl equipped with helmets and parachutes on the ground.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 100mm
DU Golf Club
Reference: UND/GD25
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD25/A
UND/GD25/A1   1975 - 1987
Golf Club record book
Includes results, teams, fixtures and correspondence.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD25/B
UND/GD25/B1   October 1973 - June 1994
Golf Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD25/E
UND/GD25/EB1   [1991]
6 men on a golf course with Dexters Hypotonic logoed shirts and golf bags.
BW print
Size: 167 x 100mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1991-92, in Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
DC/DU Hockey Club
Reference: UND/GD26
Dates of creation: 1946 - 2000
Reference: UND/GD26/A
UND/GD26/A1   1947 - 1960
Durham University Hockey Club record book
Includes minutes, results, teams, match reports, programmes, cuttings, with at the front lists of captains and secretaries 1947-1966, results, palatinates and half-palatinates, and county and UAU players.
Paper book
UND/GD26/A2   1946 - 1958
Durham Colleges Hockey Club record book
Includes teams, results, minutes, match reports.
Paper book
UND/GD26/A3   1958 - 1962
Durham Colleges Hockey Club record book
Includes teams, results, minutes, match reports.
Paper book
UND/GD26/A4   1987 - 1988
Hockey Club record book
Includes correspondence about tours.
Paper book
UND/GD26W/A1   [1988] - 1991
Women's Hockey Club record book
Includes training programmes, results and reports.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD26/B
UND/GD26/B1   October 1973 - April 1994
Hockey Club account book
Paper book
UND/GD26W/B1   October 1973 - May 1994
Women's Hockey Club account book
Paper book
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD26/D
UND/GD26/D1   2004 - 2006
Friends of Durham Hockey newsletter, issues: 1 September 2004, 2 February 2005, 3 January 2006, Summer 2006, Winter 2006/07.
5 printed illustrated paper booklets
UND/GD26/D2   4 November 2001
Fixtures programmes:
DUHC v Beeston Hockey Club, National Men's Cup Round 3, at Maiden Castle, 4 November 2001.
Paper file
UND/GD26/D3   1993
Tour brochures:
Australia Tour Brochure 1993, including a history of the club, a photo of the team and profiles of the players.
Paper booklet
Reference: UND/GD26/E For other groups, see:
(1910-1911) MIA 1/55

UND/GD26/EA1910   November 1910
Durham Colleges v. Tynedale, players intermingled, standing in front of ?a pavilion, in a variety of shirts, shorts, some blazers, jerseys, jackets, boots, sticks, gloves and a cap, unidentified, but, by comparison with F1/FD1910 (LtoR): B.H.H. Browne, ?, ?, ?, H.G. Williams, E.N.M. Firth, J.L. Mawson, ?, ?, ?J.C. Nuthall, ?, ?, ?.
On the back: “Mr Mawson, Ravensworth Terrace”.
Formerly numbered DURUC 1190.
UND/GD26/EA1922   [March] 1922
Durham University Hockey XI, in front of a pavilion, in shirts, jerseys, scarves, colours (3) or college blazers, shorts, socks and boots, with sticks and a ball, identified: R.G. Dobeson (Armstrong), L.D. Dickinson (Armstrong), N. Craig (Armstrong), C.N. Curry (Armstrong), P. Emmerson (Medicine), G.E. Heyden (Medicine), F. Hope (Armstrong), E.R.B. Reynolds (Armstrong, V-Capt & Hon Sec), D.S. Rowlands (St John's, Capt, wearing a glove on his right hand), E. Troup (University), E. Roberts (University)
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 240 x 295mm (print), 285 x 330mm (mount)
Given by David Rowlands, grandson of the captain, 31 August 2014, Acc No Misc.2014/15:1.
UND/GD26/EA1929   [March] 1929
Durham University Hockey XI, in front of a pavilion, in shirts, jerseys, scarves, colours (4) college blazers, shorts, socks and boots, with sticks, pads (1) and a ball, by John R. Edis, identified: B.A. Kemp, R. Walker, C.H.B. Ridler, P.A. Unwin, M. Ferguson, J.A. McKeon, A. Burn, A.T. Richardson (hon secretary), P.N. Rampal, H.C. Eisel (capatain), J.A. Harper, A. Aitchison.
BW print, mounted on board, titled with the university arms, bottom right corner broken off and missing
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 280 x 355mm (mount)
From Hatfield College, July 2014.
UND/GD26/EA1974   [March] 1974
Men's hockey 2nd XI, U.A.U. finalists, in dark shirts, white shorts, socks, boots, outside [?Castle Hall], with crossed sticks, identified: F. Morris, S. Babbington, M. Morris, R. Wilson, F. Barnsley, T. Harvey, D. Lawrence, T. Clarke, S. Williams, A. Lee (capt), G. Sims, N. Wilson.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 290 x 180mm (print), 350 x 255mm (mount)
UND/GD26/EA1991M1   21 February 1991
Men's hockey [1st XI], 14 present, in purple shirts, with Professional Packaging Group logo, shorts and socks, with sticks, outside Castle Great Hall entrance, unidentified. Fillinghams proof no.2.
Colour print
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/GD26/EA1991M2   21 February 1991
Men's hockey [2nd XI], 13 present, in blue and white shirts, with Ernst and Young logos, shorts and socks, outside Castle Great Hall entrance, unidentified. Fillinghams proof no.8.
Colour print
Size: 250 x 200mm
UND/GD26/EA2000M   c.2000
Men's hockey [1st XI], 13 present, in tracksuits, in a hockey goalmouth on an all-weather pitch, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/GD26/EA2000X   c.2000
Mixed hockey group, 24 present, in black/white and magenta/purple quartered shirts, with sticks, in a hockey goalmouth, on a grass pitch, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/GD26/EA2005M2   [March] 2005
Durham University Men's Hockey 2nd team (16), BUSA champions, in the Castle courtyard, in white-trimmed university badged Accenture sponsored purple shirts, white shorts and white topped purple socks, identified: Jas Kandola, Chris Menzies, Ross Warnes, Niels Jakeman, Ben Shorten, Rob Balsom, Pete Morgan, George Metcalfe, Daniel Muldoon, James Pearce, Ed Birkin, Martin Webb, Angus Lennox, Nick Robinson, Alex Norman, Dane Scott.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/GD26/EA2007W   28 March 2007
Durham University Women's Hockey team, [winners] of BUSA finals, in front of a pavilion, in purple shirts and shorts, with white trim, badged, sponsored by Accenture, 2 in pads, with medals and a trophy, unidentified.
1. With coaches (18), holding up the medals.
2. Without coaches (16), medals hanging.
2 colour prints
Size: 150 x 225mm
1 from Hatfield College, July 2014; 2 from Maiden Castle Sports Centre December 2016.
UND/GD26/EB1   3 November 1976
Men's 1st XI v Hull university on the Racecourse, 7 players and a goal in view, photo by D. Robottom.
BW print
Size: 205 x 150mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1978-79 p.23, (Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR).
UND/GD26/EB2   5 February 1977
Men's 2nd XI v Morpeth on the Racecourse, 6 players in view, Nigel Rix defending, [photo by D. Robottom].
BW print
Size: 205 x 150mm
UND/GD26/EB3   1982
Men's 1st XI match, 5 players in view, Malthouse, Milbourn, Cutter named.
BW print
Size: 145 x 100mm
UND/GD26/EB4   c.1980
Men's hockey match on an all-weather pitch, 2 players in view, with spectators, entitled “President (Julian) in action” and “Natasha Clarke”.
BW print
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/GD26/EB5   c.1980
Men's hockey match on an all-weather pitch, 3 players in view, with spectators, entitled “Natasha Clarke”.
BW print
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/GD26/EB6   c.1980
Men's hockey match, on grass, 5 players in view.
BW print
Size: 150 x 115mm
UND/GD26/EB7   [1982]
Men's hockey 1st XI, [U.A.U. finals, Teddington], v Loughborough, 6 players in view, with spectators.
BW print
Size: 125 x 90mm
UND/GD26/EB8   1982
Men's hockey 1st XI, U.A.U. finals, Teddington, [v Lougborough], David Bayliss named, “Durham about to score”.
BW print
Size: 125 x 90mm
DU Ice-Skating Club
Reference: UND/GD24
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD24/A
UND/GD24/A1   1975 - 1987
Ice-Skating Club record book
Includes newsletters and notices of events.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD24/B
UND/GD24/B1   December 1973 - July 1994
Ice-Skating Club account book
Includes separate accounts for Ice Hockey May 1982 to April 1994.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD24/D
UND/GD24/D1   1951
Ice Hockey programmes:
Grimsby Redwings versus Durham University, 21 April 1951, at Grimsby, listing the teams
Paper leaflet
From Hatfield College July 2014.
DU Judo Club
Reference: UND/GD23
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD23/A
UND/GD23/A1   1985 - 1987
Judo Club record book
Includes minutes and newsletters.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD23/B
UND/GD23/B1   October 1973 - April 1994
Judo Club account book
Includes separate accounts for Kendo 1984-1992.
Paper book
DU Lacrosse Club
Reference: UND/GD10
Dates of creation: 1973 - 2007
Reference: UND/GD10/A
UND/GD10/A1   1981 - 1991
Women's Lacrosse record book
Includes minutes, reports, teams, fixtures.
Paper book, damaged by damp
Reference: UND/GD10/B
UND/GD10/B1   October 1973 - July 1994
Women's Lacrosse account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD10/D
UND/GD10/D2007   3 June 2007
Lacrosse Summer 7s poster
Reference: UND/GD10/E
UND/GD10/EA1959   [?1959]
[DU Lacrosse team] (13 women), most in dark skirts and shirts with white trim and dark on white numbers on the front, with sticks, unidentified.
Paper, 1f, printout of a BW JPG
Provided by Janet Croasdale via Stella Herbert, August 2020.
UND/GD10/EA1976   1976
DU Lacrosse team, in shirts, skirts, socks and boots, with sticks, on a pitch, coaches and houses beyond, signed by all the team, identified: Karen Bulmer (St Aidan's), Ann Ballingal (St Cuthbert's), Julie Miller (Van Mildert), Pip Rodgers (St Cuthbert's), Diana Mathias (Collingwood), Buffy Wilson (Trevelyan), Marge Deed (Trevelyan), Fiona McIntosh (St Aidan's), Kathy Wilkins (Collingwood), Sarah Philbrick (St Mary's), Jenny Campbell (Collingwood), Alison Eyre (St Aidan's)
BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/GD10/EB1   [1976]
W.I.V.A.B. final (Durham won), 8 players in view, spectators beyond.
BW print, mounted on paper
Size: 150 x 100mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1976-77, Palace Green Local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD10/EB2   20 November 1976
W.I.V.A.B. quarter-final, Durham v. Sheffield university, 5 players and a goal, photo by D. Robottom.
BW print
Size: 205 x 155mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1978-79, Palace Green Local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD10/EB3   20 November 1976
W.I.V.A.B. quarter-final, Durham v. Sheffield university, 4 players and a goal, photo by D. Robottom.
BW print
Size: 205 x 155mm
UND/GD10/FB4   [1983]
Lacrosse match, 5 players in view.
BW print
Size: 115 x 80mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1983-84 and Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1984-85, Palace Green Local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD10/FB5-6   [c.1975]
Durham University women's lacrosse team, in white collated purple shirts, purple skirts and white topped purple socks, lined up opposite a USA team in red shirts and tartan skirts, all with sticks, with a hillside, bare trees and a house beyond, 2 images.
2 colour prints, 1 mounted on board
Size: 275 x 355mm
DU Lawn Tennis Club
Reference: UND/GD22
Dates of creation: 1945 - 1994 A university tennis team was first established in 1894 ( Durham University Journal, 9 June 1894, p.52). It was still extant in 1945 when there were also separate clubs for the Durham Colleges, King's College and the Medicals College.

Reference: UND/GD22/A
UND/GD22/A1   26 November 1945 - 1 November 1962
Durham University Lawn Tennis Club record book
Includes minutes, teams, fixtures, results, and (at the back) accounts.
Paper book
UND/GD22/A2   1983 & 1990
Men's Lawn Tennis Club record book
Includes a report on the 1983 season and a 1990 newsletter.
Paper book
UND/GD22W/A1   1982 - 1983
Women's Lawn Tennis Club record book
Includes results and teams.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD22/B
UND/GD22/B1   May 1974 - June 1994
Men's Lawn Tennis Club account book
Paper book
UND/GD22W/B1   May 1974 - May 1994
Women's Lawn Tennis Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD22/E
UND/GD22/EA1955   [c.1955]
[University men's tennis team] (5), outside [in Castle Fellows Gadren], in badged [dark blue] blazers (2 Bede, 1 Hatfield, 1 Castle (?R.P. Hughes), 1 University), grey trousers, behind a table with 6 trophies, by J.A. Mills Ltd.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 115 x 155mm (print), 205 x 255mm (mount)
Received anonymously internally April 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:40.
UND/GD22/EB1   [1979]
John Biscombe, Irish Davis Cup player, on court, in action, returning, ball in shot.
BW print
Size: 195 x 247mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1979-80, p.44, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD22/EB2   [1980]
Jan Kovar, on court, in action, serving.
BW print
Size: 195 x 247mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1980-81, p.34, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
DU Modern Pentathlon Club
Reference: UND/GD18
Dates of creation: 1966 - 1970 Prior to joining the Athletic Union in 1965, Modern Pentathlon had existed at Durham on a private basis from at least 1963, very successfully, winning the cup for the top British civilian club in 1964.

Reference: UND/GD18/A
UND/GD18/A1   1966 - 1970
Modern Pentathlon record book
Includes addresses of past members, a roll of officials 1963-1970, minutes, results, a team photo of 1966/67 and newspaper cuttings.
Paper book
DU Mountain Biking
Reference: UND/GD51
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD51/D
UND/GD51/D1   [2017]
Posters promoting mountain biking:
First DU female mountain biking team [2017]
Paper, 1f
DU Mountaineering Club
Reference: UND/GD14
Dates of creation: 1932 - 1994 The Durham Colleges Mountaineering Club was founded under the auspices of Jack Longland, English lecturer and Everest climber, in Michaelmas 1931 with founder members of Thomas A.A. Morton, Thomas Whitton, Roland H. Robinson, Thomas H. Sisson, James Robinson and [Christopher] Gatenby. Early presidents were Gatenby, then (May 1932) Whitton, then [Michaelmas 1932] James Robinson. Initial meets were in the Lake District.
Club report in New Durham vol.II no.2, (Epiphany 1933), p.74.

Reference: UND/GD14/A
UND/GD14/A1   1983 - 1990
Mountaineering Club record book
Includes reports, newsletters, event lists and meeting agendas.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD14/B
UND/GD14/B1   October 1973 - June 1994
Mountaineering Club account book
Paper book
Printed material
Reference: UND/GD14/D
UND/GD14/D1   June 1932
Transcript of a report in the British Mountaineering Journal, vol.I no.1 by the secretary of DCMC, James Robinson, describing the inception and first meet of the club in the Lake District and the accident that befell two of its members there.
UND/GD14/D2   1988
Hispar Wall expedition, 1988: final report.
UND/GD14/D3   1965
“Durham University Mountaineering Club Journal”, editor R.G. Wild, No.1 only
Typescript paper booklet, viii + 36p, in loose card covers
DU Netball Club
Reference: UND/GD7
Dates of creation: 1928 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD7/A
UND/GD7/A1   1964 - 1968
Womens Netball Club record book
Includes fixtures, club addresses, minutes and estimates.
Paper book
UND/GD7/A2   1976 - 1988
Womens Netball club record book
Includes fixtures, teams and minutes of an AGM (1976).
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD7/B
UND/GD7/B1   1928 - 1940
Womens Netball Club account book
with an index of officers at the front and extracts from the DUAU constitutions of 1929 and 1932 inserted at the front
Paper book
Formerly UND DUS 14/1.
UND/GD7/B2   November 1973 - April 1994
Womens Netball Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD7/E
UND/GD7/EA1994   [ June 1994]
Netball Club 1993-1994, outside St Mary's College, in skirts, shirts and tabards, with Nuclear Electric sponsor logos, with a ball, all identified:
Sarah McGuigan, Elfrida Hughes, Andrea Nuttall, Heidi Alexander, Lis Wilson, Sheila Misra, Melissa Banks, Julie Russell, Rachel Pycock, Suzie Willey, Hilary Marston, Vicky Palmer.
Colour print, mounted on board, titled
Size: 305 x 202mm
UND/GD7/EA1995   19 June 1995
Netball Club [1994-1995], outside St Mary's College, in skirts, shirts and tabards, with Nuclear Electric sponsor logos, unidentified. Fillinghams proofs, 2 versions.
2 colour prints
Size: 250 x 202mm
UND/GD7/EA1996   10 June 1996
Netball Club 1995-1996, outside Castle Great Hall entrance, in skirts, shirts and tabards, with Nuclear Electric sponsor logos, unidentified. Fillinghams proofs, 2 versions.
2 colour prints, 1 in a gold edged titled card frame
Size: 250 x 202mm
DU Orienteering Club
Reference: UND/GD16
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD16/A
UND/GD16/A1   1973 - 1987
Orienteering Club record book
Includes reports, minutes, teams, fixtures, results, newsletters, accounts and agendas.
Paper book
UND/GD16/A2   1988 - 1991
Orienteering Club record book
Includes newsletters (combined with fell runners from 1989) and minutes.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD16/B
UND/GD16/B1   October 1973 - September 1994
Orienteering Club account book
Paper book
DU Real Tennis and Racquets Club
Reference: UND/GD42
Dates of creation: 1986 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD42/B
UND/GD42/B1   November 1986 - May 1994
Real Tennis and Racquets account book
Paper book
DU Riding Club
Reference: UND/GD30
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1987 A riding club had been established in Durham by 1975.

Reference: UND/GD30/A
UND/GD30/A1   1981 - 1987
Riding Club record book
Includes results, teams and newsletters.
Paper book
DU Rifles Club
Reference: UND/GD11
Dates of creation: 1976 - 1985
Reference: UND/GD11/A
UND/GD11/A1   1976-1977 & 1984-1985
Rifles Club record book
Includes reports and plans for a range and gun cabinet.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD11/B
UND/GD11/B1   2003 - 2009
Treasurer's file, including bank statements, receipts, invoices, audit report October 2005 and 7 year strategy January 2005.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GD11/C
UND/GD11/C1   2007 - 2009
Captain's files, including constitution and rules; standing orders; training manuals; register of members and termcard; affiliation and insurance; competition entry and results; accounts; purchasing; correspondence with DUAU and BUSA; correspondence with NRA and NSRA; correspondence with St Giles Yarner's RC; other correspondence; bullet ball/dinner; firearms certificates; awards; copies of forms; publicity; and internal correspondence
2 paper files
UND/GD11/C2   2017 - 2021
Membership records
2 paper files
UND/GD11/C3   2018 - 2019
Range records
Paper file
UND/GD11/C4   2017 - [2020]
Individual shooter records
Paper file
Reference: UND/GD11/E
UND/GD11/EA1   2018
Rifle Club Executive, identified
1 colour print
UND/GD11/EA2   2018
Rifle Club members, identified
1 colour print
UND/GD11/EB1   c.1980
Outdoor rifle range, 2 people prone, firing air rifles.
Colour print
Size: 100 x 150mm
DC/DU Rugby Club
Reference: UND/GD20
Dates of creation: 1957 - 2016 The rugby club was founded in 1875 but it was not until 1884 that it began to incorporate the students from Newcastle as well as Durham. This led to an early prowess with the teams of 1889 and 1890 being the strongest in the county. The club was also particularly successful during the 1970s winning the U.A.U. championships a number of times. Women's rugby was established at Durham in October 1983, encouraged by a visiting women's team from Barcelona in 1982.
BUCS Champions: 51 , 55 , 65 , 69 , 81 , 82 , 83 , 87 , 04 , 11 , 13
BUCS 7s Champions: 2011, 12

Reference: UND/GD20/A
UND/GD20/A1   1974-1975 & 1982-1983
Rugby Club record book
Includes results for 1st, 2nd and 3rd XVs for 1982-1983, minutes, officials, notices of college sevens and accounts.
Paper book
UND/GD20W/A1   1984 - 1987
Women's Rugby Club record book
Includes officers, results and notices.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD20/B
UND/GD20/B1   1957 & 1959 & November 1973 - July 1994
Rugby Club account book
Includes women's rugby from 1984.
With 2 receipts inserted for 1957 and 1959.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD20/C
UND/GD20/C1   5 May 1906
Letter from J.B. Pollard, captain of DCRFC, asking for £2 towards a trophy to be played for by 'the various Durham bodies' to help arrest the declining reputation of rugby in Durham.
Paper, 2f
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GD20/D
UND/GD20/D1   1963 - 2016
Annual fixture lists, listing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XV fixtures, and also club officers, internationals and contacts, for 1963-64, 1972-73, 1976-77, 1995-96, 1996-97, 2005-06, 2015/16, 2016/17.
5 cards & 3 paper booklets
UND/GD20/D2   1969 - 2019
Posters advertising rugby matches, including for the UAU final 12 March 1969, the centenary match 26 April 1975, and against Bath 4 October 2017, and women against Newcastle 30 January 2019.
Paper file
UND/GD20/D3   1969 - 2008
Programmes for fixtures/tours:
Durham University v Newcastle University, UAU final, 12 March 1969
Durham University v Newcastle University, UAU Northern Group, 28 November [?1973]
Durham University v Loughborough Colleges, Rugby Championship Final, 6 March 1974
Durham University v Loughborough Colleges, Rugby Championship Final, 5 March 1975
Durham University v Old Palatinates XV, 26 April 1975
Durham University v Newcastle University, UAU Northern Group, 26 November [?1975]
Durham University v West Hartlepool, Durham Senior Cup, 15 January 1977
Durham University v Cambridge University, 22 January 1977
Durham University Presidents XV v University of Colorado US Air Force Academy, 23 March 1977
Canadian tour, 30 August - 11 September 1979
Durham County v Durham University Past and Present, Tom Whitworth Memorial Game, 7 December 1980
Past v Present, to commemorate Ian Graham, 17 March [c.1985]
Newcastle University RFC v Durham University RFC, 9 February 2008
Paper file
UND/GD20/D4   April 2005
Friends of Durham Rugby newsletter.
Printed colour illustrated booklet
UND/GD20/D5   1975
Durham University Rugby Football Club 1875-1975 Centenary Magazine, with pieces from various contributors: G. Tarn Bainbridge, I.E. Graham, T.A. Whitworth, Peter J. Dixon, Gordon Wood, Bill McLaren, C. Shaw, David Norrie, Peter C. Brown, Peter Galloway, C.R. Kelly.
Printed BW illustrated paper booklet
UND/GD20/D6   2006
Dinner menus:
An evening with Will, Will & Phil (Brewery, Chsiwell St, London), 11 October 2006
Card file
Reference: UND/GD20/E For other group photos, see:
1912-1913 (DCRFC) MIA 1/129.

UND/GD20/EA1901   [March 1901]
Durham University Rugby Football XV 1900-1, in a photographer's studio, in light coloured broad-hooped shirts, dark shorts, various socks, and boots, with some blazers (?full and half palatinates), caps, and scarves, by Grand Studio of Pilgrim St, Newcastle, identified: W. Saunderson (Science), L.A.H. Bulkeley (Medicine), W. Fleming (Medicine), H.W. Cousins (Science), W. Seymour (Medicine), H.F.D. Turner (University), W.R. Heath (Hatfield), J.C. Hill (Hatfield), S. Raw (Medicine), B.S. Robson (Capt) (Medicine), F.J. Gowans (Medicine), F.W. Kemp (Medicine), L. Smith (Hatfield), C.G. King (Hatfield), S. Cochrane (Medicine).
BW print, mounted on board, some light foxing
Size: 255 x 355mm (print), 395 x 480mm (mount)
Given by H.W. Cousins's great-nephew, January 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:27.
Digitised material for Durham University Rugby Club photograph, 1901 - UND/GD20/EA1901
UND/GD20/EA1921   [March 1921]
Rugby football club 1920-21, in shirts, shorts and socks of various designs (some shirts hooped, some plain), with a ball, in front of a pavilion, titled, identified: R.A. Goodall, R. Armstrong, J.A.W. McCracken, D.S. Jackson, P. Murphy, W.P.J. Watts, S.D.M. Bailey, J.C. Yeoman, A. Angus, G[eorge] B. Jameson [Armstrong], S. Henderson, J. Hirsop (capt), R.E. Dagger, G.S.C. Taylor, M.H. Jones, J.M. Yeoman
Paper copy of a mounted BW print
Copy of an original held by Julie Jameson, [widow] of George Jameson, February 1999.
UND/GD20/EA1934   [March 1934]
DURFC 1933-1934, in front of a pavilion, in light-coloured shirts, shorts, socks and boots, with a ball, identified: J. Ellis, R. Scott, S. Hart, J. Beattie, G.G. Lennox, J. Blythe, R.B. Martin, R. Dawson, T. Corden, T. Rowlands, A. Piercy, C.H. Hobson, A.K. Dougall, W. Coates, G. Lamb.
BW print, mounted on board, some staining
Given by Alec Ryrie, from Corbridge Middle School, October 2016, Misc.2016/17:32.
UND/GD20/EA1935   [March 1935]
DURFC 1934-1935, in front of a pavilion, in white shirts, shorts, dark socks with white tops, boots, with a ball, by Stuart of Flackett St, Newcastle, no.20383, identified: Ridley Scott, W. Coates, R.B. Martin, R. Dawson, J. Ellis, A. Bell, Kidson, Glass, J.R. Spear, J. Blyth, P.G. Rowsell, Rowlands, A.K. Dougall, G. Lamb, C.H. Hobson, G.G. Lennox, T. Corden.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 155 x 205mm (print), 250 x 300mm (mount)
Given by Alec Ryrie, from Corbridge Middle School, October 2016, Misc.2016/17:32.
UND/GD20/EA1945   [March] 1945
Durham Colleges RFC 1st XV, in the Castle Fellows garden, in dark shirts (some with crosses on the left breast), various shorts and socks, by John R. Edis, identified: J.A. Laurie, W.R. Effer, J.B. Sawdon, G.F. Morton, A. Robertson, T. Russell, D. Hird, L. Cross, A.G.T. Tallentire, R.E.A. Parker, L. Castelvecchi, S.H. Matthews (capt), R.M. Underwood, J. Nightingale, D. Rudd, T.S. Nutting, K. Yates.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 140 x 205mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014, POG 002.
UND/GD20/EA1947   [March] 1947
Durham Colleges RFC 1st XV, in the Castle Fellows garden, in dark shirts, various shorts and socks, by John R. Edis, identified: A.K. Mearns (Hatfield), R. Dodgson (University), T.E. Brock (Hatfield), D. Pallant (University), A.J. Heard (St John's), N. Wilkinson (Bede), P.O. Deverson (University), E.W. Webber (Hatfield), C.F. Pennock (University), M. Green (University), J.A. Rogers (University, hon secretary), D.H.N. Wells (St Chad's, captain), H.B. Elliott (county representative), G.P. Davis (Hatfield), H.W. Catlin (Bede), R.P. Pierce-Price (University), E. Pyecroft (Hatfield).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 275 x 345mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GD20/EA1949   [March] 1949
Durham Colleges RFC 1st XV, in the Castle Fellows garden, in 2 sorts of thick/thin hooped shirts, with dark shorts and thick/thin hooped socks, by John R. Edis, identified: P. Durber (Hatfield), G.T. Atkinson (Bede), G.W. Naylor (St Cuthbert's), S. Glenney (St Cuthbert's), J.S. Applegarth (St Cuthbert's), J.M. Wragge (Hatfield), C. Folland (University), D.H. Bale (University), S.J Burnell (University), E.S. Poll (Hatfield), C.F. Pennock (University, captain), H.R. Elliott esq (county representative), W.F. Graham (University), K.M. MacDonald (St Cuthbert's), T.S. Nutting (Hatfield), S. Lonsdale (Bede), R. Jackson (University), M.J. Darlington (St Cuthbert's).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 280 x 355mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014, POG 003.
UND/GD20/EA1950   [March] 1950
Durham Colleges RFC 1st XV, in the Castle Fellows garden, in dark shirts with alternate dark and light thin hoops, white colllars, some with badges on their left breast, dark shorts and dark socks with thin light coloured hoops, by John R. Edis, identified: P. Durber, J. Davies, G.W. Naylor, A. Healey, J.M. Wragge, R. Jackman, J.W. Collard, J.S. Applegarth, K.M. MacDonald (hon secretary), E. Poll (captain), H.B. Elliott esq (county representative), J.R. Auld, D.H. Bale, M.J. Routledge, K.L. Nodding, J.E. Cooper, M.J. Darlington, F.A.H. Tomplins, D.G. Evans.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 330mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GD20/EA1951C   [March] 1951
Durham Colleges RFC 1st XV, below the steps to the Castle Great Hall, in alternate dark hoops and a light coloured thin hoop shirts, white colllars, with badges on their left breast, dark shorts and dark socks with thin light coloured hoops, by John R. Edis, identified: T.C. Danskin (University), J.D. Rushworth (Bede), H.W. Leigh (St Cuthbert's), W. Charlton (Bede), G.S. Holmes (St Cuthbert's), J.H. Bean (Hatfield), J.W. Collard (St Cuthbert's), K.M. McDonald (St Cuthbert's), J.S. Applegarth (Hatfield, hon secretary), E. Poll (Hatfield, captain), H.B. Elliott esq (county representative), G.W. Naylor (St Cuthbert's), J.M. Milburn (Bede), D.S. Barry (St Cuthbert's), D.R. Siddle (Hatfield), J. Stalker (Bede), J.C. Coulson( University).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 330mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GD20/EA1951U   [March] 1951
Durham University RFC [1st XV], winners UAU Rugby Championship 1951, outside the Cochrane Park pavilion, in university badged dark shirts, white shorts, dark socks with white tops, with a ball and trophy, by Charles Freeman, photographer, of Low Fell, Gateshead, titled with the university arms, identified: W. Hayton, J. McDonald, E. Hughson, H. MacClelland, W.I. Hay, C.E. Metcalfe, H.W. Leigh, H.A.S. Walker, W.H. Boshoff, J.D. Heaton, H.E. Harper, A.R. Bird (Capt), J.W. COllard (Hon Sec), T. Potts, B.B. Ratcliffe.
Copy BW print
Size: 245 x 295mm
UND/GD20/EA1953   [March] 1953
Durham Colleges RFC 1st XV, outside a doorway, in alternate dark hoops and a light coloured thin hoop shirts, white colllars, with badges on their left breast, dark shorts and dark socks with thin light coloured hoops, winners of the Dons Cup, with the trophy and a ball, by John R. Edis, identified: J. Munro ( St Cuthbert's), A.L. Smith (St Cuthbert's), P.V. Crooks (Hatfield), J.G. Davidson (St Cuthbert's), R.D. Eaton (University), W.M. Riding (St Cuthbert's), N. Wiseman (Hatfield), A.E. Cartmell (University), R.W. Goundry (St Chad's), W.R. Burchnall (Hatfield, hon secretary), J.W. Collard (St Cuthbert's, captain), H.B. Elliott esq. (county representative), J.C. Coulson (University), J.P. Goodwill (Hatfield), S. Kaiser (Hatfield), D. Cornfoot (Hatfield). With a copy.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms, + 1f
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 330mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GD20/EA1956   [March] 1956
Durham Colleges RFC 1st XV, below the steps to the Castle Great Hall, in alternate dark hoops and a light coloured thin hoop shirts, white colllars, dark shorts and dark socks with thin light coloured hoops, with a ball, by John R. Edis, identified: R.W. Sexton (Bede), R. Gittins (Hatfield), R.D. Eaton (University), K. Foreman (Hatfield), O.W. Heal (Hatfield), A.R. Taylor (University), O. Conway (St Chad's), G. Calvin (Hatfield), R.W. Goundry (St Chad's), R.A. Peel (University, Sec), E.S. Holmes (Hatfield, Capt), H.B. Elliott (County Rep), K. McPhee (Hatfield), G.T. Reay (University), A.F. Walker (St Chad's), H. James (Hatfield).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 330mm
UND/GD20/EA1965   [March] 1965
Rugby 1st XV [joint winners U.A.U. Challenge Cup], on the Castle Great Hall entrance steps, in shirts, shorts, socks and boots, with the trophy, identified [in Moyes]: G. Stimpson, B. Turnbull, R. Dimbleby, L.K. Toye, D. Allen, D. Younger, D. Shimwell, P. Westwood, W. Hewitt, D. Porter, P. Dixon, T.A. Cowell, R.C. Hannaford, P. Knowles, J. Parsons, A.G. Hill, W.G. Garside, A.W. Newton, Hartley B. Elliott (coach), R.M.C. Impett.
Copy BW print
Size: 210 x 295mm
Printed in: A.R. Moyes, Be The Best You Can Be. A History of Sport in Hatfield College, Durham University (Durham 2007), p.121.
UND/GD20/EA1969A   [March 1969]
Rugby 1st XV 1968/69, U.A.U. champions, in shirts, shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with the [U.A.U.] trophy, photo by Fillinghams, identified: R. Paine, E.J. Littlechild, B.J. Dickinson, R. Judson, S. King, I. Pringle, P.M. Trotter, R. Clarke, R. Williams, A. Henderson (trainer), D.J. Davies, G.N. Wainwright, J. Rawlinson, J.D. Dirom, G. Buttle, J.L. Regan, P. Rossborough, B. Raine.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, indentified, with the university arms
Size: 370 x 205mm (print), 475 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1969B   [March 1969]
Rugby 1st XV, taken before the U.A.U. championships v. Newcastle, photographed by the Durham Advertiser, individual heads mounted on a background of a snowy Durham, looking towards the Cathedral and castle from Mountjoy, individuals not identified.
BW print, mounted on board, with a typescript label stuck on
Size: 300 x 220mm (print), 420 x 330mm (mount)
Printed in W.A. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.265.
UND/GD20/EA1969C   [March 1969]
Rugby 1st XV, taken before the U.A.U. championship final v. Newcastle in Sunderland, in shirts, shorts, socks, identified: R.W. Judson, G.C. Forster, P.M. Trotter, R.C.B. Clark, R.J. Payne, E.J.F. Littlechild, J.O. Dirom, P.A. Rossborough, I.N. Pringle, J.E. Rawlinson, A. Henderson (trainer), R.C. Williams, G.W. Buttle, D.J. Davies, J.L. Regan, P.D.B. Smith, G. Wainwright, B. Raine.
Printed copy of a BW print
Size: 70 x 145mm
Printed in: A.R. Moyes, Be The Best You Can Be. A History of Sport in Hatfield College, Durham University (Durham 2007), p.24.
UND/GD20/EA1970A   [March 1970]
Rugby 1st XV 1969/70, in shirts, shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, results and points totals, identified: T. Roberts, B. Dickinson, P.M. Trotter, R.C.B. Clark, S. King, C.T. Gibbons, J.P. Bligh, A. Henderson (trainer), I.N. Pringle, D.J. Davies, L.B. Messer, K.G. Edgar, E.J.F. Littlechild, G.W. Buttle (Capt), P.A. Rossborough, B. Rain, R.C. Williams, (insets) R. Judson, G.N. Wainwright, M. Brookes.
BW Print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 370 x 205mm (print), 475 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1970B   [March 1970]
Rugby sevens, winners of the Billingham Sevens, in shirts, shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with trophy, identified: T.S. Roberts, K.G. Edgar, A. Dyson, G.N. Wainwright, L. Messer, I.N. Pringle, G.W. Buttle, D.J. Davies.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 208mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1971A   [March 1971]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, shorts (now dark, previously white), socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps (notices pinned to the door), with 2 cups and a plaque, results and points totals, photo by Fillinghams, identified: L. Messer, G.D. Challands, T. Roberts, S. Sumner, J.P. Bligh, A.H. Auster, A. Henderson (trainer), A.N. Bulmer, D. Scott, A. Brown, N.T.H. Holmes, R. Wilson, Mr I.E. Graham, R.C. Williams, E.J.F. Littlechild, G.W. Buttle, S. King (capt), P.A. Rossborough, K.G. Edgar.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1971B   [March 1971]
Rugby 2nd XV U.A.U. champions, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps (notices pinned to the door), with the [U.A.U.] trophy, photo by Fillinghams, identified: D.E. Cowell, G.W. Simpson, P.F. Gosling, A.H. Auster, M.P. Price, J. Jenkins, M.G. Woodley. A. Henderson (trainer), R.J. Smithies, C. Gott, J.L. Makulski, Mr I.E. Graham, E.H. Greenwood, L.A. Swarbrick, N.A. Halfpenny (capt), N.T.H. Holmes, R. Edwards, P.R. Goggs.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1971C   [March 1971]
Rugby 2nd XV, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots (a few in tracksuit tops, tee-shirts), on the Castle Hall entrance steps (notices pinned to the door), with the [U.A.U.] trophy, results and points totals, photo by Fillinghams, identified: M.J. Stirling, N.S. Dawson, E.F. Peart, R.C. Hawkes, D.J. Robson, B. Winter, L.A. Wheatley, P.F. Gosling, D. Younger, G.W. Simpson, R.E.T. Nicholl, M.P. Price, A.H. Auster, J. Jenkins, R.D.S. Blair, D.E. Cowell, A. Henderson (trainer), R.J. Smithies, C. Gott, J.L. Makulski, Mr I.E. Graham, M.G. Woodley, E.H. Greenwood, L.A. Swarbrick, N.A. Halfpenny (capt), N.T.H. Holmes, R. Edwards, P.R. Goggs.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1971D   [March 1971]
Rugby 1st VII, U.A.U. Sevens champions, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with the [U.A.U.] trophy, photo by Fillinghams, identified: L. Messer, G. Challands, Mr A. Henderson, K.G. Edgar, G.W. Buttle, E.J.F. Littlechild, R.C. Williams.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1971E   [March 1971]
Rugby 2nd VII, U.A.U. Sevens plate winners, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with the [U.A.U.] plaque, photo by Fillinghams, identified: M.G. Woodley, Mr A. Henderson, R. Smithies, P.R. Goggs, E.N. Greenwood, N. Dawson, T. Roberts, S. King (capt), D. Scott.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1972A   [March 1972]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with 2 cups, identified: A. Henderson esq, G. Wood, P. Warfield, J. Knapp, A. Sumner, T. Roberts, A. Auster, I. Bell, R. Young, I.E. Graham esq, A. Peacock, N. Dawson, J. Bligh, A. Bulmer (capt), N. Holmes, R. Edwards, R. Wilson.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 355 x 205mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1972B   [March 1972]
Rugby 2nd XV, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, identified: M. Sampson, B. Leach, R. Nicholl, R. Bishop, W. Hamilton, D. Simpson, M. Monk, K. Mair, D. Younger, G. Makulski, P. Holton, D. Cowell, P. Goggs (capt), R. Smithies, B. Winter, M. Stirling.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 360 x 200mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1973A   [March 1973]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: R. Young, R.B. Bishop, T. Hawkes, J.L. Makulski, E.F. Peart, R. Hesford, M.T. Pryor, G. Wood, I. Bell, P.J. Warfield, Mr I. Graham, D.J. Peart, T. Roberts, J. Knapp, R. Edwards, A. Peacock (capt), T.C. Sinclair, M. Mathews, A.J. Boardman, J.M. Dellar.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 362 x 205mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1973B   [March 1973]
Rugby club, shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with a ball, photo by Fillinghams, unidentified (36 present).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 202mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1974A   [March 1974]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with 2 trophies and a ball, results and points totalled, photo by Fillinghams, identified: Mr I.E. Graham, G.E. Wood, M. O'Conner, R.E.L. Oliphant, C.R. Kelly, D.R.S. Nash, B.R. Illingworth, D. Bowrey, P.J. Warfield, Mr A. Henderson (trainer), K.W.J. Mair, R.B. Bishop, D.J. Peart, R. Hesford, J.E. Knapp (capt), K. Roughley, N.T.H. Holmes, A.I. Boardman, T.C. Sinclair.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 360 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1974B   [March 1974]
Rugby 2nd XV, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with 2 trophies and a ball, results and points totalled, photo by Fillinghams, identified: Mr I.E. Graham, N.A. Schiele, G. White, S.A. Cranville, E.F. Peart, A.J. McIntyre, T.J.C. Burt, A.I. Boardman, D.J. Beer, Mr A. Henderson (trainer), J. Lambden, R.M. Holmes, J.S. Foulkes, A.G.J. Creese, M.J. Hamlin (capt), MAC. McDowell, K.H. Sargeant, D. Bowrey, W.H. Barber.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 360 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1974C   [March 1974]
Rugby 1st and 2nd VIIs, U.A.U. winners and runners-up, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with 2 trophies and a ball, identified: R. B. Bishop, A.I. Boardman, MAC. McDowell, A.G.J. Creese, N.T.H. Holmes, N.A. Schiele, K.W.J. Mair, R. Hesford, G.E. Wood (capt), D.J. Peart, T.J.C. Burt, D.R.S. Nash.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1974D   [March 1974]
Rugby club, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with 2 trophies and a ball, identified: C. Bannister, C.R. Kelly, A.J. McIntyre, D. Bowrey, A. Stafford, N.A. Schiele, J. Lambden, G. White, K.H. Sargeant, T.J.C. Burt, T.C. Sinclair, W. Oxyley, G. Tomlinson, A.G.J. Creese, W.H. Barber, MAC. McDowell, R.M. Holmes, R.E.L. Oliphant, S.A. Cranville, Mr I.E. Graham, J. Cox, G.E. Wood, M. O'Conner, K. Roughley, R. Thorpe, D.R.S. Nash, B.R. Illingworth, J.S. Foulkes, D.J. Beer, Mr A. Henderson (trainer), R.B. Bishop, K.W.J. Mair, D.J. Peart, R. Hesford, J.E. Knapp (capt), M. Higgins, P.J. Warfield, E.F. Peart, M.J. Hamlin, A.I. Boardman.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1975A   [March 1975]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps (notices pinned to the door), with a ball, results and points totalled, photo by Fillinghams, identified: M.R. Cooper, J. Banks, W.J.R. Allen, S.J. Gorvett, C.R. Kelly, T.W. Rupar, T.R. Anderson, R.E.L. Oliphant, D.A. Bowrey, J. Lambden, M.G. Wyburn Mason, T.J.C. Burt, M.T. Pryor, D.J. Peart, D.R.S. Nash (capt), J.M. Deller, T.C. Sinclair, R.G. Barlow, MAC. McDowell.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 205mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1975B   [March 1975]
Rugby [1st XV], U.A.U. finalists, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, at [Twickenham] (stand and goalposts behind), photo by the Sport and General Press Agency, identified: R. Oliphant, S. Gorvett, C. Kelly, T. Rupar, K. Sargeant, R. Anderson, M. Pryor, M. Cooper, T. Sinclair, R. Barlow, D. Peart, D. Nash, J. Deller, T. Burt, M. Wyburn-Mason (all from Hatfield except Sargeant, from Hild/Bede), with the referee and 2 linesmen.
With another copy, a copy print and a digital printout with names appended.
BW print, framed in board, identified + 3f
Size: 195 x 145 (print), 252 x 215 (frame)
Printed in W.A. Moyes, Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996), p.264.
UND/GD20/EA1975C   26 April 1975
Centenary Match Durham University R.F.C. v Old Palatinates XV, outside the pavilion, in while and palatinate shirts, shorts, socks and boots, identified: A. Sumner, J.F. Banks, R.G. Barlow, J. Bligh, M. McDowell, G.W. Buttle, D.A. Bowrey, B. Raine, T.J. Burt, R. Edwards, M.G. Wyburn-Mason, N.T.H. Holmes, A.J. Grosvenor, I.N. Pringle, M.R. McKenzie, S.J. Gorvett, R. Hesford, C.P. Kelly, T.C. Roberts, T. Rupar, T.A.T. Cowell, K.H. Sargeant, J. Straughan, L.K. Toye, G.E. Wood, R.E.I. Oliphant, P. Knight, J.L. Regan, P.J. Dixon, D.R.S. Nash, D.J. Peart, P.A. Rossborough, T.R. Anderson, P.J. Warfield, M.T. Pryor, J.M. Dellar, A. Barraclough, T.C. Sinclair, R.C. Williams.
BW print unidentified.
Colour print & BW print, each mounted on board
Size: 165 x 205mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1977   [March 1977]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps (notices pinned to the door), photo by Fillinghams, identified: P. Chalmers, D. Proctor, J. Campbell-Lamerton, T. Rupar, K. Davies, Mr I. Graham, M. Rose, M. Metcalfe, J. Womersley, K. Norkett, G. Carder, W. Allen, T. Burt, D. Stevens, S. Killick, C. Kelly, R. Anderson (capt), S. Gorvett, M. Wyburn-Mason, G. Tarleton, J. Beckett.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 205mm (print), 470 x 315 (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1978   [March 1978]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps (notices pinned to the door), with a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: S. Evans, T. Rupar, A. Jones, A. Simnett, T. Allchurch, R. Moore, N. Williams, J. Johnson, C. Reynolds, P. Chalmers, I. Graham, S. Moriarty, K. Davies. J. Campbell-Lamerton, K. Norkett (capt), M. Rose, J. Womersley, D. Proctor, J. Beckett.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 362 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1979   [March 1979]
Rugby club, in shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps (notices pinned to the door), with a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: A. Watts, P. Lillington, I.L. Emburey. A. Morgan, D.K. Allan, P. Jemson, M. Waller, C. Allcock, Mr I. Graham, A.F. Tweedy, N. Chapman, H. Bevan, M. Campbell-Lamerton, D. Godfrey, I. Corbett, A. Carton-Kelly, Mr E.R. Wood, Mr T. Whitworth, N. Walker, Q. Hayes, I. Brown, S. Moriarty, K. Davies K.T. Norkett ([capt]), J.W. Beckett, G. Brook, R. Wilson, C. Hill, G. Hulme.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1981A   [March 1981]
Rugby 1st XV, U.A.U. senior champions, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with two trophies and a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: S.D. Henderson, C.A.W. Gibson, J.F. Ellison, R.R. Smith, R.J. Anderson, I.E. Graham (hon sec), N.B. Chesworth, C.L.R. Batten, G.R. Halsey, M.D. Bailey, C.J. Wheatman, E.R. Wood esq (club coach), G.C.S. Gordon, G.J. Hulme, C.J. Alcock, P.W. Dewey (capt), P.M. Lillington, J.N. Johnson, H.M. Bevan (absent B.P. Crawshaw).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1981B   [March 1981]
Rugby 2nd XV, U.A.U. junior champions, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with a trophy and a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: A.M. Woodhouse, E. Musto, W.H. Creak, R.R. Smith, D.W. Griffiths, L.R. Ward, I.E. Graham (hon sec), A.J. Brear, A.T.C. Morgan, N. McCallum, D.R.McG. Bruce-Lockhart, J.R. Meadows, T.C. Fry, E.R. Wood esq (club coach), C.J. Riley, R.H. Carr, F.J. Timmons, A.J. Watts (capt), N.C.R. Isaac, MA Halsey, C.J. Wheatman.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1981C   [March 1981]
Rugby club, U.A.U. senior and junior champions, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with 3 trophies and a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: J.N. Johnson, C.L.R. Batten, C.A.W. Gibson, R.J. Anderson, D.R.McG. Bruce-Lockhart, H.M. Bevan, G.R. Halsey, L.R. Ward, A.M. Woodhouse, E. Musto, W.H. Creak, R.R. Smith, D.W. Griffiths, J.R. Meadows, M.D. Bailey, I.E. Graham (hon sec), C.J. Riley, A.J. Brear, F.J. Timmons, A.T.C. Morgan, N. McCallum, T.C. Fry, M.A. Heesley, N.C.R. Isaac, C.J. Wheatman, E.R. Wood esq (club coach), B.H. Carr, C.J. Alcock, G.J. Hulme, A.J. Watts, P.W. Dewey (capt), P.M. Lillington, J.F. Ellison, G.C.S. Gordon, N.B. Chesworth, (absent B.P. Crawshaw, R.P. Bowman, Q. Hayes, H.J.N. English).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1982   [March 1982]
Rugby 1st XV, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with a trophy and a ball, photo by Fillinghams, identified: N. Isaac, C.J. Foreman, N. Nicholson, C. Godwin, I.E. Graham (hon sec), G.R. Halsey, D. Bruce-Lockhart, F.J. Clough, D.J. Rose, D.M. Keating, E.R. Wood esq (club coach), C. Wheatman, F.J. Timmons, J.M. Phelan, G. Gordon, J.F. Ellison (capt), C.J. Alcock, M.D. Bailey, T. Griffiths, N.B. Chesworth. With a copy.
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms + 1f
Size: 365 x 210mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA1983   [March 1983]
Rugby 1st XV, winners of U.A.U. championship, Journal Merit table and Tom Whitworth Memorial Trophy, in shirts, white shorts, socks and boots, on the Castle Hall entrance steps, with 3 trophies and a ball, identified: C.J. Foreman, W.P. Tall, A.J. Macleod, I.E. Graham (secretary), R.L. Davies, C.S.D. Freeman, C.J. Riley, N. McCallum, M.R. Thompson, L.R. Ward, A.D.G. Lennox, P.J. Dixon (asst. coach), E.R. Wood (coach), T.M. Satchell, J.M.P.C. Turner, F.J. Clough, D.M. Keating, H.C. Nicholson, S.D. Henderson (capt), J.L. Brooks (president), D.R. Bruce-Lockhart, F.J. Timmons, G..R. Halsey, J.R. Meadows (absent D.J. Rose).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, identified, with the university arms
Size: 365 x 215mm (print), 470 x 315mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA2000   [c.2000]
Rugby 1st XV (30, including coaches etc), at Twickenham, in purple shirts with white collars and badges, sponsored by Lloyds TSB, white shorts and purple socks with white tops, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 215 x 295mm
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GD20/EA2004   28 April 2004
DURFC BUSA champions, in the tunnel entrance [at Twickenham], in purple shirts with white collars, white shorts, purple socks with white tops, with the trophy, by Kickphoto of 4 Paget Road, Penarth, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/GD20/EA2009   [June] 2009
Men's Rugby 2nd Team 2008-2009 Northern Conference League 1 Winners, outside on Prebends Bridge, in palatinate shirts, dark shorts, and white topped palatinate socks, with a ball, titled with the university arms, identified: Tom O'Toole, Chris Wright, James McCann, Alex Jones, Chris Hughes, Luke Helmsley, Ted Wood, Benjamin Cryer, Jonathan Cooper, Edward Rayfield, Tom Garland, Aaron Bolton, James Balfour, Joe Thomas, James Dennis, Ferguson King MBE (coach), Chris Robinson, Duncan Madden, Richard Mortimer, James Metcalfe, Patrick Montgomery (captain), James Redding, Tom Foster, Will Clough, David Greene.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 300mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA2013   [June] 2013
Men's Rugby Club 1st XV 2012-2013 BUCS Premiership & Championship Winners - The Untouchables, outside at Hild Bede, in palatinate shirts with a white band yourgolftravel logo, white shorts and white topped palatinate socks, titled with the university arms, identified: Jamie Bache, Jack Pattinson, Simon Hammersley, James Middleton, Joshua Payne, Fergus King MBE, Jolyon Kelleher, Jamie Clements, Nathan Holmes, Dave Treglown, Sean Robinson, Oliver Petrides, Murrary Galbraith-Lowe, Charlie Gordon, Oliver McCollum, Alex Keay (coach), Thomas Jones, Nicholas Haigh, Josh Bayford, Harrison Collins, Josh Beaumont (c), Fred Stonell, Duncan Finnie, Liam Gwynne, Adam Carson.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/GD20/EA2014   [June] 2014
[Men's] Rugby Club 2013-2014, in front of Castle entrance, in palatinate shirts with a white band yourgolftravel logo, dark shorts and white topped palatinate socks, 12 in palatinate white edged blazers, 2 in palatinate and black striped blazers, titled with the university arms, identified: Basil Strang, Joe Goddard, Will Foster, Edouard Balcon, Carlos Davies, Jack Heeney, Adam Sargent, Henry Ivall, Aidan Graham, Edward Hicks, Ryan Grange, Toby Mackean, Matthew McRae, Alexa Dansette, Digby Walker, Nick Lovall, Cal Westaway, Jamie Clements, George Harjette, George Shiel, Bradley Freeman, Richard Lenton, Louis Molloy, Jamie Bache, Ben Cook, Joe Martin, Jack McGill, George Cantlay, Jaewon Jang, Thomas McClean, Peter Watson, Luca Vincenzini, Magnus Yadi, Finn Maxwell, Matt Flett, Henry Slater, Rory Anderson, Nathan Holmes, Angus Simpson, Barnaby Ware, Henry Laurie, Bruce Fulton, Will Percival, Oli Petrides, Bradley Pears, Thomas Brown, Murray Galbraith-Lowe, Oliver McCollum, Ollie Harris, Jack Stileman, Jack Barker, Ben Rose, David Spelman, Fred Howard, Sam Porter, Matt Holmes, Ben Jones, Peter Henshall, Ben Allchurch, Andrew Wheelhouse, Fraser Mosley, Thomas Gretton, Max Rouse, Alex Pike, Sean Henney, Cosmo Fisher, Conor Stephens, Tim Turner, Henry Johnstone, Jack Baron, Jack Walkden, Robbie Offer, Harry Thompson, Nathaniel Opedo, Elliott Husband, Damon Poole, Guy Watkinson, Alastair Mankin, Ollie Wilson, Jack Beazer, Cameron Henderson (fitness coach), Max Roger, Robin Hardman, Hamish Grant, Elis Wilkins, Ben Veitch (4XV), Tom Grant (2XV), Charlie Goodwin (club captain), Ferguson King (president), Alex Keay (head of rugby), Simon Hammersley (1XV), George Borrows (3XV), James Middleton, Alex Stout, Rory Gower, Lin Li, Nick Willings (coach).
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA2015A   [June] 2015
[Men's] Rugby Club 2014-2015, in front of Castle entrance, in palatinate shirts with a yourgolftravel logo, dark shorts and white topped palatinate socks, 15 in palatinate white edged blazers, 2 in palatinate and black striped blazers, titled with the university arms, identified: Tom Griffiths, Carlos Davies, Will Foster, Justin Beese, Henry Ivall, Toby Thurgood, Ollie Jackson, Digby Walker, James Middleton, Buchan Richardson, Edward Hicks, George Shiel, Samuel Kettle, George Essex, Jack Fountain, Edward Varney, Tom Stanley, Cal Westaway, Josh Howey, Alex Cocke, Nicky Rawlinson, Adam Brocklebank, Louis Molloy, Benjamin Cook, Nick Lovell, Matt McRae, Bradley Freeman, Tom Grant, William Hyde, Brodie Wilson, Alex Fage, Angus Simpson, Henry Slater, Murray Galbraith-Lowe, David Spelman, Jamie Clements, Ben Marsden, George Harjette, Will Percival, Elliot Blenkhorn, Will Helme, Jamie Taylor, James Worlock, Will Treadwell, Alastair Mankin, Rory Hardman, Harri Thomas, Mario Maritan, Max Dialdas, Austin Wright, Jack Barker, Joe Boyd-Morritt, Owen Bennett, Olly Hart, Guy Watkinson, Alex Pike, Jack Jones, Rory Liggins, Ben Allchurch, Fraser Mosley, Matt Holmes, Sam Porter, George Hairs, Matthew Gardner, Jake Squirrell, Cosmo Fisher, Michael Durante, Jack Beazer, George Jones, Aidan Graham, Luca Vincenzini, Andrew Willis, Oliver Wilson, Nathaniel Opedo, Oliver Rosillo, Damon Poole, Jack Close, Archie Hamilton, Alastair Neden, Cameron Henderson (coach), Jack Heeney, Thomas Gretton (vice club captain), Rory Anderson, Jack Walden (4XV), Elliott Husband (2XV), Oliver Petrides (vice club captain), Harry Thompson (club captain), Ferguson King MBE (president), Jamie Bache (1XV), Alex Keay (head of rugby), Jack Stileman (3XV), George Borrows, Ollie Harris, George Winstanley, Thomas McClean, Nick Willings (coach).
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EA2015B   [June] 2015
Men's Rugby 1st XV 2014-2015, outside at Hild Bede, in palatinate shirts with a yourgolftravel logo, dark shorts and white topped palatinate socks, 2 in palatinate white edged blazers, titled with the university arms, identified: Jack Beazer, Jake Squirrell, Harry Sanders, Tom Griffiths, Sam Porter, Jack Barker, Henry Slater, Sam Moncur, Fergus King MBE, Oliver Rosillo, Brodie Wilson, Louis Molloy, Jack Heeney, Buchan Richardson, Adam Brocklebank, Robert Stevenson, Alex Kreay (head of rugby), Oliver Petrides, David Spelman, Matt Holmes, Nathan Holmes, Will Foster, Jamie Bache (c), Harry Thompson, James Middleton, Jamie Clements, Nick Lovell.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/GD20/EA2016   [June] 2016
[Men's] Rugby Club 2015-2016, in front of Castle entrance, in palatinate shirts with a yourgolftravel logo, dark shorts and white topped palatinate socks, 19 in palatinate white edged blazers, 2 in palatinate and black striped blazers, titled with the university arms, identified: Max Hayes, Nick Etherington, Jack Statham, William Clyde, Digby Walker, Jonathan Edes, Adam Telling, Koen Maarleveld, Alex Wheal, Christian Johnston, Myles Rawstron-Rudd, Thomas Munns, Matt Wood, Joshua Howley, Robert Stevenson, Giles Bromley-Martin, William Helme, Alex Locke, Ben Cook, Fewa Olu-Martins, Edward Varney, Justin Beese, George Arghyron, Elliot Manley, Joshua Burdass, Finn Maxwell, Cal Westaway, Tom McClean, Tom Stanley, Ollie Harris, Ben Scher, Josh Perry, Charlie Norman, Tristan Rawcliffe, Joseph Spencer, Joseph Duffy, Charlie Beachell, Justin Clegg, George Essex, Alastair Wheelhouse, Harry Nicholls, Jack Hedley, Matthew Beese, Barend Frederick Wiese, Adam Brocklebank, Alex Alcock, Tom Picton-Turbervill, Alex Fage, Jack Jones, Charlie Hiram, Fred Catterall, George Hairs, Gabriel Ames, Samuel Trowbridge, Paddy McDuell, Owen MacCuish, Owen Bennett, Jack Heeney, Harry Hall, Olly Hart, Harry Bassett, Harry Baron, Rob Keith, Ollie Wilson, Jack Aldous-Fountain, Alexander Murphy, Edward Culliney, Akira Takenaka, Alistair Broughton, Nathaniel Opedo, Diogo Hasse Ferreira, Dean Elmore, Jack Martin, Ollie Green, Thomas Steventon, Anthony Nzegwu, Fraser Mosley, Craig Lamb, Ethan Harbinson, Harri Thomas, Elliott Husband, Alastair Mankin, Henry Ivall, George Shiel, George Jones, Tim Turner, George Trick, Matthew Scrutton, Gregory Dann, Joseph Passau, James Otulakowski, Cameron Henderson (coach), Matthew Gardner, Archie Hamilton, Nicholas Rawlinson, George Winstanley (4XV), Jack Stileman (2XV), Alastair Neden (vice club captain), Thomas Gretton (club captain), Ferguson King MBE (president), Alex Keay (head of rugby), Bradley Freeman (vice club captain), Buchan Richardson (1XV), Toby Thurgood (3XV), James Worlock, Henry Slater, Brodie Wilson, Nick Gillings (coach).
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EB1   13 October 1976
1st XV v Manchester university, Racecourse ground, lineout in progress, photo by D. Robottom.
BW print
Size: 150 x 200mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1978-79, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD20/EB2   3 November 1976
1xt XV v Hull university, Racecourse ground, player running with the ball, photo by D. Robottom.
BW print, torn
Size: 205 x 155mm
UND/GD20/EB3   [October] 1977
Freshers' trials, lineout in progress.
BW print, torn
Size: 75 x 120mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1979-80, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD20/EB4   [1980]
Rugby match, lineout in progress.
BW print
Size: 155 x 212mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1980-81, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD20/EB5   1982
Chris Alcock in a rugby match.
BW print
Size: 110 x 165mm
UND/GD20/EB6   c.1980
Rugby match at the Racecourse, lineout in progress.
BW print, torn
Size: 130 x 85mm
UND/GD20/EB7   c.1980
Rugby match at the Racecourse (as in EB6 above), lineout in progress.
BW print
Size: 130 x 130mm
UND/GD20/EB8   c.1980
Rugby match at the Racecourse, man with ball, about to be tackled, “Natasha Clarke” on the back.
BW print
Size: 125 x 90mm
UND/GD20/EB9   c.1980
Rugby match, lineout in progress.
Colour print
Size: 90 x 50mm
UND/GD20/EB10   c.1980
Rugby match at the Racecourse, player about to punt the ball.
Colour print
Size: 90 x 45mm
UND/GD20/EB11   c.1990
Phil de Glanville in England shirt, with World Cup ball, titled “James Grant Media Group Ltd”, by Walker Print of London.
BW print
Size: 165 x 225mm
UND/GD20/EB12   [1988]
Women's rugby match, player running with the ball, by Roy Peters Sportslines of Moseley.
BW print
Size: 200 x 150mm
Printed in Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1988-89, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
UND/GD20/EB13   [March] 1972
U.A.U. final at Twickenham, Durham v Loughborough Colleges, in progress, 7 players in view, (Durham ones) identified: T. Rupar, (Hatfield), M.J. Cooper, (Collingwood) (kicking the ball), S.J. Gorvett, (Hatfield).
BW print, mounted on card, identified
Size: 210 x 150mm (print), 305 x 250mm (mount)
UND/GD20/EB14   [c.1971]
Peter Dixon, head and shoulders, [then of Harlequins], in a Barbarians shirt, by Colorsport of 44 St Peter's St, London N1.
BW print
Size: 220 x 165mm
UND/GD20/EB15   [c.1975]
G.E. Wood, running with the ball, in a hooped [?Cambridge University] shirt, white shorts and dark socks, by Colorsport of 44 St Peter's St, London N1.
BW print
Size: 215 x 165mm
UND/GD20/EB16   [March 1972]
U.A.U. final at Twickenham, Durham University and Loughborough, try just scored by Durham, 2 players from DU in white collared dark shirts with black shrts and white topped dark socks, and 1 from Lougborough, with a photographer and linesman beyond, by Colorsport of 44 St Peter's St, London N1.
BW print
Size: 170 x 215mm
UND/GD20/EB17   28 April 2004
BUSA final, Twickenham, Irvin about to score a try for DU with one other DU and to Exeter University players, also the referee, by Kickphoto of 4 Paget Road, Penarth.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/GD20/EB18   1986
College rugby match in progress, scrum, at Maiden Castle.
Colour print
Formerly numbered: INF/SPT/P/1.
Reference: UND/GD20/F
UND/GD20/F1   [c.2010]
Tie, dark blue with a repeated emblem comprising a stylised griffin guardant (yellow), lion guardant (white), mitre (red) and St Cuthbert's cross (green) (perhaps representative of all the university's colleges in Durham and Newcastle in the 1920s).
Size: 150 x 30-85mm
Given by Ted Wood (former DURC coach) July 2011.
DU Rugby Fives Club
Reference: UND/GD19
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD19/A
UND/GD19/A1   1981 - 1990
Fives Club record book
Includes fixtures, teams and results.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD19/B
UND/GD19/B1   November 1973 - June 1994
Fives Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD19/E
UND/GD19/EA1954   [?1954]
[Durham Colleges Rugby Fives Club]
In [Castle Fellows'] garden, 7 students in white shorts, white tee-shirts (4 with the colleges's crest), and white sports shoes, by John R. Edis, present:
[O.D. Kendall, J.B. Esmond, M. Bates], ?, [D.S. Halder], ?, [T.L. Goodfellow]
(Dated and identified by comparison with GD19/EA1957 and F1/FE1954)
1 BW print 
Size: 155 x 200mm
Given by Michael Bates October 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:24.
UND/GD19/EA1957   1957
Durham [Colleges] Rugby Fives Club
In a garden, 5 students in white shorts, white tee-shirts (2 with the colleges's crest), white sports shoes and fives gloves, by John R. Edis, identified:
R.E. Smith, F.D. Holman (Sec.), A.I. Hogg, J.C. Hancock (Capt.), M. Bates.
1 BW print, mounted on grey card, mounted on white stiff card, titled, with the university arms 
Size: 155 x 200mm (print), 255 x 330mm (mount)
Given by Michael Bates October 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:24.
DU Rugby League Club
Reference: UND/GD40
Dates of creation: 1991 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD40/B1
UND/GD40/B1   October 1991 - February 1994
Rugby League Club account book
Paper book
DU Sailing Club
Reference: UND/GD49
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD49/D
UND/GD49/D1   Spring 2006
Friends of Durham Sailing newsletter.
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
DU Ski Club
Reference: UND/GD33
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1993
Reference: UND/GD33/A
UND/GD33/A1   1982 - 1987
Ski Club record book
Includes reports, results, newsletters and minutes
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD33/B
UND/GD33/B1   November 1973 - May 1993
Ski Club account book
Paper book, affected by damp
Reference: UND/GD33/E
UND/GD33/EB1   c.1980
Slalom skier in action, on an [Alpine] course.
Colour print
Size: 75 x 100mm
DU Squash Club
Reference: UND/GD35
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD35/A
UND/GD35/A1   1976 - 1984
Squash Club record book
Including results, reports, leagues, ladders, rules, letters.
Paper book
UND/GD35W/A1   1982 - 1985
Women's Squash Club record book
Includes results, UAU result cards, letters.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD35/B
UND/GD35/B1   October 1973 - July 1994
Men's Squash Club account book.
Paper book
UND/GD35W/B1   October 1973 - March 1994
Women's Squash Club account book.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD35/E
UND/GD35/EA1975M   [c.1975]
[Durham University Men's Squash Club] (12), in a squash court, in various sports attire, with racquets, unidentified.
Colour print mounted on board
Size: 265 x 340mm
UND/GD35/EA1975X   [c.1975]
[Durham University Mixed Squash Club] (24), in a sqaush court, in various sports attire, with some racquets, unidentified
Colour print mounted on board
Size: 265 x 340mm
DU Sub-Aqua Club
Reference: UND/GD28
Dates of creation: 1976 - 1988
Reference: UND/GD28/A
UND/GD28/A1   1976 - 1988
Sub-Aqua Club record book
Includes accounts, agendas, diving log, and diver theory tests.
Paper book
DC/DU Swimming Club
Reference: UND/GD8
Dates of creation: 1931 - 1990
Reference: UND/GD8/A
UND/GD8/A1   May 1954 - 1967
Swimming Club record book
Includes reports, results, programmes, cuttings, annual team photographs (all years), certificates, receipts and minutes.
Paper book
UND/GD8/A2   1976 - 1990
Swimming Club record book
Includes minutes, fixtures, newsletters and expenditure.
Paper book
UND/GD8W/A1   1956 - 1963
Women's Swimming Club record book
Includes notes of officers, fixtures, results and teams.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD8/B
UND/GD8/B1   October 1973 - June 1994
Swimming Club account book
Includes water polo by [1989].
Paper book
UND/GD8W/B1   1931 - 1940
Women's Swimming Club account book
with an extract from the DUAU 1932 constitution inserted at the front
Paper book
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GD8/D
UND/GD8/D1   1936 - 1950
3rd, 15th and 17th Annual Gala programmes for
3rd, 22 June 1936, with most results marked in.
Gala, 22 May 1948, Shipcote Baths, Gateshead
15th, 21 June 1948
17th, 19 June 1950
4 paper booklets
Reference: UND/GD8/E
UND/GD8/EB1   c.1980
Men's backstroke race just starting, indoor pool, officials and spectators.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 100mm
DU Table Tennis Club
Reference: UND/GD29
Dates of creation: 1973 - 1994
Reference: UND/GD29/A
UND/GD29/A1   1984 - 1991
Table Tennis Club record book
Includes results, minutes and newsletters.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD29/B
UND/GD29/B1   November 1973 - April 1994
Table Tennis Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD29/E
UND/GD29/EA1955   [c.1955]
[University men's table tennis team] (5), outside [in Castle Fellows Gadren], in badged [dark blue] blazers (3 Hatfield, 2 Castle (including ?R.P. Hughes 2nd from left)), grey trousers, behind a table with 3 trophies and 2 table tennis bats.
BW print, on a board mount
Size: 150 x 200mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
Received anonymously internally April 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:40.
DU Ten Pin Bowling Club
Reference: UND/GD21
Dates of creation: 1970 - 1993 Ten Pin Bowling was established at Durham in 1969.

Reference: UND/GD21/A
UND/GD21/A1   1970 - 1972
Ten Pin Bowling record book
Includes results, reports, minutes, accounts.
Paper book
UND/GD21/A2   1976 - 1987
Ten Pin Bowling record book
Includes results and a letter about the club folding in 1976.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD21/B
UND/GD21/B1   October 1973 - May 1993
Ten Pin Bowling account book
Paper book
DU Trampolining Club
Reference: UND/GD41
Dates of creation: 1978 - 1992
Reference: UND/GD41/B
UND/GD41/B1   May 1978 - January 1992
Trampolining Club account book
At the back are coaching (all sports) accounts November 1980 - June 1990.
Paper book, damaged by damp
DU Volleyball Club
Reference: UND/GD37
Dates of creation: 1969 - 1994 The Volleyball Club was established in 1969.

Reference: UND/GD37/A
UND/GD37/A1   1969 - 1970
Volleyball Club record book
Includes AGM minutes, results, reports and accounts.
Paper book
UND/GD37/A2   1974 - 1992
Volleyball Club record book
Includes results, fixtures, correspondence, reports, agendas, and team photos for 1985/86 and 1988/89
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD37/B
UND/GD37/B1   November 1973 - June 1994
Volleyball Club account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD37/E
UND/GD37/EB1   [1986]
Volleyball match, [Durham] v Leeds [university], ball at the net.
BW print
Size: 140 x 155mm
Printed on the cover of Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1986-87, Palace Green Library local L 057.96 DUR.
DU Water Polo Club
Reference: UND/GD34
Dates of creation: 1974 - 1988 The Water Polo Club seems to have been subsumed in the Swimming Club in the mid-1980s.

Reference: UND/GD34/A
UND/GD34/A1   1983 - 1984
Water Polo Club record book
Includes results, fixtures and a training schedule
Paper book
Reference: UND/GD34/B
UND/GD34/B1   October 1974 - April 1988
Water Polo Club account book
Paper book
For subsequent accounts, see the Swimming Club at UND/GD8/B1
Printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GD34/D
UND/GD34/D1   [c.1980] & 2018
Water Polo posters/flyers
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/GD34/E
UND/GD34/EB1   [1978]
Water polo match in progress, 5 players in view, referee on the poolside.
BW print
Size: 190 x 125mm
Printed in the Durham University Athletic Union handbook 1978-79, Palace Green Library Local L 057.96 DUR.
Durham Raptors Wheelchair Basketball Club
Reference: UND/GD52
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GD52/D
UND/GD52/D1   [c.2015]
Poster promoting the club
Paper, 1f
Interest & Recreational Groups
Reference: UND/GE The records of the Durham Colleges/University Railway Society 1959-1989 are in Durham County Record Office, reference D/DURS.

Reference: UND/GE79 The directors theatre company (3dTC) provides an opportunity for people to have a go at directing in Durham with guidance from the junior and senior directors on the executive.
2013 Michael Earnshaw

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE79/D
UND/GE79/D1   2013
Posters for performances:
Once and Future - A Brand New Comedy Musical, Assembly Rooms, 17-19 October [2013]
Paper file
DU African Society
Reference: UND/GE63
Reference: UND/GE63/D
UND/GE63/D1   June 1966
The African Society journal with articles on political, non-political and miscellaneous ideas, edited by Mr A.G.M. Abdalla.
Printed paper booklet
Formerly Per Local AFR
DU African Caribbean Society
Reference: UND/GE144
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE144/D
UND/GE144/D1   2013
Posters for events:
Charity showcase, Three Tuns Hotel, 8 March 2013.
DU Amnesty International
Reference: UND/GE35
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE35/D
UND/GE35/D1   2007 - 2013
Poster advertising events:
Talk by Tricia Abbott 22 November [2007].
Write for Rights, re Azza Hilal Ahmad Suleiman, December 2013
Durham-Teikyo/DU Anglo-Japanese Society
Reference: UND/GE48 The Anglo-Japanese Society strives to bridge the cultures of East and West through the help of its enthusiastic members and lively events. Working closely with both Durham University students and those of Tokyo's Teikyo University, the society helps its members to broaden their knowledge of these intriguingly different cultures. Great importance is placed on holding various events and socials which help further the understanding of Japan for Durham students and on creating as many opportunities as possible for Japanese exchange students to immerse themselves in our culture and enjoy living in the U.K.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE48/D
UND/GE48/D1   [?2007]
UND/GE48/D2   [2019]
Promotional flyers
Paper file
Arcanum Arcanorum Society
Reference: UND/GE158 The Arcanum Arcanorum Society is an exclusive secret student society for select Durham University students. According to a Palatinate article from 2014, its “initiation procedures largely revolve around being a ‘gentleman’: combining the necessities of a superficial knowledge of good manners and dress; psychological challenges; rudimentary, ritualistic team-building exercises; and, ironically, binge drinking… the staples of a traditional student secret society”.https://www.palatinate.org.uk/secret-societies-of-durham/

Reference: UND/GE158/F
UND/GE158/F1   [?2018]
Unopened envelope with the name of student inscribed on the front. Inside is a letter from the Arcanum Arcanorum Society, a secret society of Durham University, asking the named student to appear on Palace Green at a certain time/date. The envelope is sealed with wax and stamped.
Unopened letter
Found tipped between pages 840 and 841 in the 'The Britwell Handlist' (PG 015.42 BRI) on the open shelves in the BRL. It is likely that this letter was left in the book for the student to receive, a common tactic for Durham secret society communications.
The front of the envelope includes the name of the student so access may be restricted under the UK Data Protection Act 2018. Please contact Archives and Special Collections for further information.
DU Archaeology Society
Reference: UND/GE71
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE71/D
UND/GE71/D1   17 November [2011] - 23 October [2013]
Posters for lectures
Paper file
DU Art Society
Reference: UND/GE105
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE105/D
UND/GE105/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Astronomical Society
Reference: UND/GE147
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE147/D
UND/GE147/D1   [c.2015]
Posters for events:
Halloween Party, Kingsgate Bar, DSU, 28 October.
Paper file
Bailey Chamber Orchestra
Reference: UND/GE153
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE153/D
UND/GE153/D1   11 June 2022
Beethoven uncovered
Inaugural concert of the Bailey Chamber Orchestera, Hatfield College Dining Room, Saturday 11th June 2022.
1 flyer 
Unused (formerly Bailey Theatre Company, now UND/F4/E9)
Bailey Voices
Reference: UND/GE76 Bailey Voices was founded in 2003 by its artistic director, Charles MacDougall, in order to perform a varied repertoire with an emphaiss on madrigal, folksong and partsong with an eye towards new music.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE76/D
UND/GE76/D1   12 December 2003
Concert programmes:
Tunstal Advent Recital Series, 12 December 2003
Paper, 1f
DU Ballet Company
Reference: UND/GE89
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE89/D
UND/GE89/D1   [?2015] - 2018
Performances ephemera:
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Fountains Hall, Grey College, 13-14 June [?2015], poster.
Alice in Wonderland, Assembly Rooms, 19 June 2016, castlist, list of scenes and review.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Newcastle Dance City, 19 June [2018], flyer
Paper file
DU Bar Society
Reference: UND/GE103
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE103/D
UND/GE103/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Big Band
Reference: UND/GE47 Formed in 1998, Durham University Big Band exists to promote live Big Band music in Durham. Holding auditions in the October of each academic year, the 20-piece band, comprising trumpets, saxophones, trombones and rhythm section, perform across Durham and the North East in general, including the frequent “Big Gigs” held at the end of termtime in DSU. Music played has included: Groovin' Hard, Caravan, Count Bubba, Cute Soul, Vaccination, Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, A Night in Tunisia, A Few Good Men, Flight of the Foo Birds, Ya Gotta Try Harder, Apple Honey, Critical Mass, Mr Zoot Suit, Hay Burner, Salsa on the Side, Harlem Nocturn, Splanky, Ol Man River, Sing Sang Sung, and The Chicken.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE47/D
UND/GE47/D1   [2008] - [2016]
Poster for performances:
DSU gig, 15 June [2008]
Three Tuns Hotel, 5 March [2013]
DSU, 11 December [2013]
Garden Party Gig (Castle) 13 June [2014]
A Chrismassy Evening, 12 December [2016]
UND/GE47/D2   2017 - 2021
Programmes for performances:
Swing, Strings & Sir Tom, Gala Theatre, 10 March 2017 (with DU Orchestral Society strings and Sir Thomas Allen)
Big Summer Gig, DSU Riverside Bar, 5 June 2018, review
Annual Jazzy Christmas Event, DSU Riverside bar, 8 December 2021, flyer
Paper file
UND/GE47/D3   February 2022
Promotional statement about the band.
Paper, 1f
DU Brass Band
Reference: UND/GE36 The Durham University Brass Band is based in the Music department. It rehearses every Tuesday evening and aims to perform on several occasions during each term. Except for certain positions, the band is non auditioning, promoting the ethos of inclusion and therefore welcoming players of all abilities. A wide variety of music is played ranging from the traditional 'Pomp and Circumstance' to pieces written by its own players.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE36/D
UND/GE36/D1   2008 - 2021
Posters for festivals and concerts.
UND/GE36/D2    2016 - 2021
Programmes and reviews for concerts:
Candlelit Christmas, with St Chad's College Choir, St Oswald's Church, 14 December 2016
A Summer Celebration, St Oswald's Church, 14 June 2017
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, with DU Concert Band, Durham Town Hall, [12 December 2018]
Summer starts here!, [St Oswald's Church, June 2019]
Introducing ..., St Oswald's Church, 9 November 2019
12 Days till Christmas, with DU Concert Band, Durham Town Hall, 13 December 2019
TriUni 2020, with The University of Warwick Brass Society and Leeds University Union Music Society, Castle Great Hall, 25 January 2020
Music for the Fallen, St Oswald's Church, 13 November 2021
Banding Together for Christmas, with DU Concert Band, Elvet Methodist Church, 10 December 2021
Paper file
UND/GE36/D3   2019
Tour ephemera:
Belgium tour report June 2019
Paper file
The Bubble
Reference: UND/GE153
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE153/D
UND/GE153/D1   2015
Posters for events
Paper file
DU Business Society
Reference: UND/GE98
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE98/D
UND/GE98/D1   [2017]
Promotional flyers
Paper file
DU Catholic Chaplaincy and Catholic Society
Reference: UND/GE12
Dates of creation: 1972 - 2013 The university's Catholic Chaplaincy is based at St Cuthbert's in Old Elvet. Masses are held on Sundays and weekdays at St Cuthbert's with Stockton students being encouraged to attend St Mary's in Major Street, Stockton. A music group and choir is also active. The society has an executive of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, social secretary and prayer and worship, and has a programme of masses, socials, prayer groups, the occasional lecture around Durham and a termly retreat out of Durham. The society is committed to ecumenism and has strong links with the Methodist Society.
2008-9 Chris Newton

Publications and printed items
Reference: UND/GE12/D
UND/GE12/D1   Michaelmas 2004 - Michaelmas 2019
Catholic Society term cards: Michaelmas 2004, Michaelmas 2013, Michaelmas 2014, Michaelmas 2019.
UND/GE12/D2   [2014]
Catholic Chaplaincy bookmark [2014]
Card, 1f
UND/GE12/D3   May 1972, February 1975
Catalyst Magazine of the Durham University Catholic Society, 2 issues, including aticles, poems, reports of groups, constitution, AGM minutes
2 paper files
UND/GE12/D4   [2017]
Flyer promoting the society
Paper file
DU Chamber Choir
Reference: UND/GE16
Dates of creation: 1970 - 2022 The Chamber Choir developed out of the DU Music Society in the early 1970s. It holds highly competitive auditions to form a select group of about 20 singers, arguably one of the best choirs in Durham. Following weekly rehearsals, concerts comprise contrasting music from all periods and styles, sacred and secular. The choir also sings a termly evensong in Durham and at other Cathedrals in the north. Every year, it aims to tour and previous (to 2007) locations have included Paris, Italy and Poland. The year climaxes with the renowned charity concert on the River Wear performed to well over 200 spectators, both students and locals alike.
Directors have included:
1970-1972 Ralph Allwood
1973-1974 David Hansell
1979 Patrick Hawes
1980 Peter Allwood
1981 Simon Williams
1984 John Young
2000 Richard Walmsley
2005-2006 Peter Stobart
2006-2007 Toby Moschard
2007-2008 Jason Walsh
2008-2009 Chris Jacklin
2011-2012 Daniel Tate
2012-2013 Calum Zuckert
2013-2014 Hugo Hymas
2014-2015 Harry Castle
2015-2016 Thomas Brooke
2016-2017 George Cook
2017-2018 Josh Ridley
2018-2019 Theo Golden
2019-2020 Marcello Palazzo
2021-2022 Adam Whitmore

Administrative Files
Reference: UND/GE16/C
UND/GE16/C1   2018 - 2019
Manager's file of Abi Ingram of the running of the choir including budgets, risk assessments, list of music, advert for a new conductor, grant application, invoice.
Paper file
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE16/D
UND/GE16/D1   1990, 2007 - 2022
Posters for concerts:
John Tavener Icon of Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, J.S. Bach Cantata No.80, Monteverdi Beatus Vir, plus music for the river, St Oswald's Church, 6 March 1990
J.S. Bach St John Passion, Elvet Methodist Church, 24 February [2007].
Leighton Mass for Double Choir, Howells Take Him Earth, For Cherishing, Bede Chapel, 4 May [2007].
Jason Walsh, A Great and Mighty Wonder, Castle Great Hall, 10 December [2007].
Allegri Miserere, Leighton Crucifixus Pro Nobis, Tallis Lamentations of Jeremiah, Vaughan Williams Mass in G Minor, St Oswald's Church, 2 March [2008].
Carols, St Oswald's Church, 4 December [2009].
Harris, Stanford, Barber, Parry, Gibbons, Bede chapel, 10 March [2010].
Hear My Prayer English Choral Music by Howells, Parry & Stanford, director Daniel Tate, Cathedral, 3 March 2012.
I Was Glad Music for a Diamond Jubilee, director Daniel Tate, Cathedral, 4 June [2012].
Music on the River, director Daniel Tate, 10 June [2012].
Mr Spirit Sang..., Vaughan Williams, Britten, Brahms, Poulenc, director Calum Zuckert, Castle Great Hall, 30 November [2012].
Britten and Britain, Edinburgh St Anne's and Cathedral Chapter House, 16/24 February [2013].
Cathedral concert with Sir Thomas Allen and the Symphony Orchestra, British music including Vaughan Williams and Britten, 1 June [2013].
Music on the River, 8 June [2103]
Un soir de neige, Cathedral Chapter House, 7 December 2013
J.S. Bach, St John Passion, Castle Great Hall, 2 March 2014
The New World Music of the Americas, 13 June 2014
Bernstein, Chichester Psalmset al, Cathedral, 7 June 2015
Star of Gold, Bede Chapel, 4 December 2015
Durham Actually the Ultimate Christmas Concert, Castle Great Hall, 14 December 2015, with DU Orchestral Society
There is No Rose, St Margaret's Church, 9 December 2016
Byrd Easter Propers, Lobo Lamentations, Brahms Motets, Cathedral Chapter House, 25 February 2017
Time is Forgotten, Cathedral, 9 June 2018
A Boy Was Born, St Godric's Church, 8 December 2018
The Life of St Cuthbert, Cathedral, 8 February 2019
Foosteps on a Small Island, Cathedral Chapter House, 2 March 2019
There is Sweet Music, St Margaret's church, 30 November 2019, Temple Church London, 11 January 2020
Longings and Lamentations, Cathedral Chapter House, 29 February 2020
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal, St Oswald's Church, 2 December 2021.
Out of the Shadows, Chapter House, Durham Cathedral, 9 March 2022.
UND/GE16/D2   1970 - 2022
Concert programmes:
Music at the court of Henry VIII, [?1970].
Tippett, Lambert, Hurd, 23 October 1971.
Rigatti, Schutz, Pachelbel, Purcell, Victoria, Rathgeber, Teleman, 20 November 1971, with ticket.
Palestrina, Monteverdi, Schutz, [1973].
Victoria, Gabrieli, Tippett, Mouton, Willaert, des Pres, Mendelssohn, Salzedo, Schutz, [?1974].
Chapter House concert, 27 November 1974, ticket.
Byrd, Bruckner, Handel, 1979.
Purcell, Croft, Blow, Telemann, Lotti, [c.1980].
Lassus and Scarlatti, 28 February 1981.
Mozart, Vespers, Purcell Ode on St Cecilia's Day, 8 December 1984.
Monteverdi, Vespers, 12 May 2000.
A Venetian Christmas, Durham Town Hall, 13 December 2005.
J.S. Bach, Magnificat, Durham Town Hall, 12 May 2006.
J.S. Bach, St John Passion, 24 February 2007.
Miserere, St Oswald's Church, 2 March 2008
Hear My Prayer, Cathedral, 3 March 2012
My Spirit Sang..., 30 November [2012]
Britten and Britain, Edinburgh St Anne's church 16 February 2013 and Cathedral Chapter House 24 February 2013
In concert with Sir Thomas Allen, 1 June 2013.
un soir de neige, 7 December 2013, with an insert of forthcoming concerts.
J.S. Bach, St John Passion, 2 March 2014.
The New World Music of the Americas, 13 June 2014.
How Brightly Shines the Morning Star, 6 December 2014.
J.S. Bach, Mass in B Minor, 8 March 2015.
Bernstein, Chichester Psalms et al, 7 June 2015.
Star of Gold, 4 December 2015.
Rachmaninov, All-Night Vigil, 5 March 2016, with review.
There is no Rose, 9 December 2016, with a review.
Defiant Requiem, Verdi at Terezin, 28 January 2017, with Durham Choral Society.
Byrd Easter Propers, Lobo Lamentations, Brahms Motets, 25 February 2017.
Alumni Evensong, St Gabriel's Church Pimlico, [22 April 2017].
The Evening Watch, 10 June 2017.
Lully Lulla, 8 December 2017, with a review.
Path of Miracles, Cathedral Chapter House, 24 February [2018].
Time is Forgotten, 9 June 2018, with a review.
A Boy Was Born, St Godric's Church, 8 December 2018, with a review.
The Life of St Cuthbert, Cathedral, 8 February 2019, with a flyer and a review.
Footsteps on a Small Island, Cathedral Chapter House, 2 March 2019, with a review.
Even in Silence, Cathedral, 15 June 2019
Lunchtime Concert, Music School, 20 November 2019.
There is Sweet Music, St Margaret's Church, 30 November 2019, with a review.
Longings and Lamentations, Cathedral Chapter House, 29 February 2020, with a review.
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal, St Oswald's Church, 2 December 2021.
Out of the Shadows, Cathedral Chapter House, 9 March 2022, with a flyer.
Descend to Earth, Cathedral Chapter House, 12 June 2022, with a poster and a flyer.
File of paper leaflets and booklets
UND/GE16/D3   2017
Tours ephemera:
Lisbon tour report July 2017
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE16/F
UND/GE16/F1   July 1972
A selection of works by J.S. Bach, Stanford, Victoria, Arcadelt, Morley, Stravinsky, Duruflé, Tippett and Purcell, recorded by the choir during a eek's stay in Walton-on-Thames with the recordings taking place in St Mary's parish church and the Methodist church there on 6/7 July, and also at a concert in Chichester Cathedral on 6 July, conductor Ralph Allwood, organist Jerome Roche, editing and remix by H&F Recordings, engineered and produced by Ian Hamilton.
33.3 RPM black vinyl LP in a card sleeve, 2 copies
Given by William Miller (former member of DUCC at the time), February 2017, Acc No Misc.2016/17:81.
DU Chamber Music Society
Reference: UND/GE126 The Chamber Music Society was established in 2018 to provide a platform for as many musicians as possible of a range of abilities to have the opportunity to perform, conduct or compose for a chamber setting.
2018-2019 Libby Dillon and Phillipa Murrison

Reference: UND/GE126/C
UND/GE126/C1   [October] 2018
Statement about the society's intentions, and from its two presidents.
Paper file
DU Charity Fashion Show
Reference: UND/GE130
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE130/D
UND/GE130/D1   Michaelmas 2019
Thread, issue No.1, the first magazine for DUCFS, the first editorial proclaims “Through photoshoots, articles, interviews and poetry, this magazine outlines the damage present in the fashion industry and offers alternative solutions for the future” .
Paper booklet
UND/GE130/D2   [2019]
Poster with a list of upcoming events
Paper, 1f
UND/GE130/D3   February 2017
Mavericks to Movements, [3-4 February] 2017.
Paper leaflet
DU Chemistry Society
Reference: UND/GE96
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE96/D
UND/GE96/D1   [2017]
Promotional flyers
Paper file
Durham Chinese Christian Fellowship
Reference: UND/GE113
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE113/D
UND/GE113/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Reference: UND/GE149
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE149/D
UND/GE149/D1   2014
Posters for events:
Mandarin Course, June [2014]
Paper file
Durham Choc Soc
Reference: UND/GE30 The Choc Soc, established in 2004, hopes to promote chocolate of all types, with events ranging from international chocolate tasting to chocolate games; chocolate films to trips to Cadbury's World.
2008-9 Lilly Keating

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE30/D
UND/GE30/D1   29 April 2007
Poster for an Easter Egg Hunt in the Botanical Gardens.
DC/DU Choral Society
Reference: UND/GE4
Dates of creation: 1903 - 2022 The Society was founded in 1903 with E.V. Stocks as its first conductor, performing Mendelssohn's Antigone as its first work. Stocks served as conductor to 1914, with H.D. Hughes and W.G. Whittaker being conductors when the society reemerged in 1921, performing a slightly lighter repertoire of music. Its somewhat inconsistent existence saw it being reformed again some years before the Second World War, by 1938, and then again in 1947 under the direction of Mr A.F. Dickinson, concerts in 1945 and 1946 beig given by the “special choir” of the Durham Colleges. During Dickinson's tenure as conductor, which lasted until Easter 1951, one of the works performed was Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius, which was most recently performed by the society in March 1994 under James Lancelot, the society's present conductor. The first DUCS performance of this work involved a considerably smaller choir than today's, with only three singers in one of the male voice parts.
Mr Dickinson was succeeded by Mr J.P.B Dobbs, who conducted the choir in many major works, including Brahms' Requiem, and Bach's Mass in B Minor, also performed by the society in 1993. Other works performed in the 1950s include Berlioz's Childhood of Christ, and Mozart's Requiem.
In the 1970s, the society was privileged to perform Berlioz's “Te Deum”, both in Cathedral and later in York Minster under the direction of Mr Brian Primmer. This work was also performed as part of celebrations for the installation of Dame Margot Fonteyn as chancellor of Durham University.
Mr Primmer was succeeded in 1987 as conductor by James Lancelot. He was the first conductor who was not a member of the university staff, and also the first to hold auditions. Under his direction, the society has performed a number of major works including Handel's Israel in Egypt, Beethoven's Mass in D, and Verdi's Requiem.
E.V. Stocks 1903-1914
H.D. Hughes & W.G. Whittaker 1921-?
Mr Dan Gregory 1938-1939
A.E.F. Dickinson 1947-1951
J.P.B. Dobbs 1951-c.1960
Dr Murray D. Brown c.1964-1967
Brian Primmer c.1970-1987
James Lancelot 1987-2013
Michael Summers 2013-2015
Clare Wills 2015-2016
Adam Laughton 2017
Katherine Hambridge 2017
Daniel Cook 2018-2019
Nathan Smith 2020
John Forsyth 2021-

Reference: UND/GE4/A
UND/GE4/A1   25 February 1903 - 21 October 1921
Choral Society committee meetings minute book
There are no minutes 25 May 1914 to 21 January 1921.
At the back are accounts for 1903, 1906/07 and 1907/08.
Also includes, tipped in at various points, printed programmes for concerts given by the Society.
Paper book
Deposited by the Society in 1949.
Formerly numbered DUS 3/1 and before that Add Ms 176.
Reference: UND/GE4/B
UND/GE4/B1   May 1974 - March 1977
Annual accounts, estimates, bills and correspondence of the senior treasurer.
Paper file
UND/GE4/B2   May 1980 - March 1985
Annual accounts, estimates, bills and correspondence of the senior treasurer.
Paper file
UND/GE4/B3   January 1985 - [May 1995]
Annual accounts, estimates, bills and correspondence of the senior treasurer.
Paper file
Administrative Files
Reference: UND/GE4/C
UND/GE4/C1   25 January 1973
Circular, including an upcoming appearance on BBC TV's Look North
Paper, 1f
UND/GE4/C2   2005
List of all pieces performed 1947-2005
Paper file, 3f
Printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE4/D
UND/GE4/D1   3 December 2004
Scores of music sung in concerts:
2004 December 3, MacMillan Charities Concert
Paper booklet
UND/GE4/D2   2 December 1948
Notice for an informal performance by DC Choral Society of Handel's Messiah in the church of St Mary-le-Bow.
UND/GE4/D3   21 June 1909
DU Choral Society concert programme, listing officers, chorus members (all male), pieces, performers, and words.
UND/GE4/D4/19   1945 - 1999
Concert programmes (all detailing the executive and those to 1967 including lists of past performances since 1947):
1945 March 10, Bach St John's Passion
1946 March 16, Mozart Requiem Mass
1947 March 15, Haydn Symphony No.95, Bach Mass in B Minor selection
1947 June 25, Stanford Phaudrig Crohoore
1948 March 13, Handel Judas Maccabaeus, Vaughan Williams Thanksgiving for Victory
1949 March 12, Brahms Requiem and Beethoven Symphony No.5
1950 May 6, Bach Mass in B Minor Sanctus, Elgar For the Fallen, Beethoven Symphony No.3, Vaughan Williams Benedicite
1953 March 14, Bach Mass in B Minor
1954 March 13, Mozart Symphony No.41, Mozart Exultate Jubilate, Brahms Requiem
1958 March 15, English Music
1960 March 12, Mendelssohn Elijah
1960 December 10, Kodály Missa Brevis and Vaughan-Williams Concerto Grosso Sancta Civitas
1964 December 5, Rossini Messa Solenne
1966 December 3/5, Handel The Messiah
1967 March 4, Gabrieli motet and Haydn Nelson Mass
1970 March 7, Tippett A Child of Our Time
1976 December 4, Palestrina Stabat Mater and Beethoven Choral Symphony
1977 March 12, Byrd Mass in Four Parts, Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis, Schubert Mass in G
1989 March 11, Handel, Israel in Egypt
1990 March 17, Beethoven, Missa Solemnis
1990 November 17, Orff, Carmina Burana, Van Mildert College
1991 March 9, Mozart, Requiem etc, with poster for a pre-concert lecture series
1991 December 7, An Evening with DUCC, Van Mildert College
1992 March 14, Brahms, German Requiem
1993 March 13, Bach, Mass in B Minor
1994 March 12, Elgar, Dream of Gerontius etc
1994 November 19, Bach, Cantata 140, Vivaldi, Gloria etc
1995 March 11, Verdi Requiem
1995 June 18, Midsummer Madrigals, with poster
1995 November 18, Vaughan Williams, Stanford, Parry
[?1995] November 25, Handel, Messiah come and sing, St Nicholas' Church, poster only
1996 March 9, Haydn, The Creation
1996 June 6, Summer Serenade, Elvet Methodist Church
1996 December 6, Todd, Saint Cuthbert Oratorio
1997 March 15, Bach, St John Passion
1997 December 5, Mendelssohn, Elijah
1998 March 14, Vaughan Williams, A Sea Symphony, Elgar, Parry, with poster
1998 December 4, Mussorgsky, Tippett, A Child of Our Time
1999 March 13, Handel, Messiah
1999 November 22, Evensong
Paper booklets
UND/GE4/D4/20   2000 - 2023
Concert programmes, including images of the conductor and soloists, lists of the members (and those of the Orchestral Society/Palatinate Orchestra performing).
2000 March 11, Beethoven, Missa Solemnis
2000 November 25, Bach, Christmas Oratorio Parts 1, 2, 3
2001 March 10, Bernstein, Chichester Psalms, Dvorák, Stabat Mater
2001 November 24, Rossini, Petite Messe Solennelle
2002 March 2, Jubilee Concert, Parry, Stravinsky, Haydn
2002 November 19, BBC Philharmonic, with DUCS, poster only
2003 March 15, Verdi, Requiem
2003 November 22, Vivaldi, Gloria, Corelli, Vivaldi, Van Mildert College
2003 December 5, Macmillan Concert, Vivaldi, Gloria, etc, Elvert Methodist Church
2004 March 13, Bach St Matthew Passion, with poster
2005 March 5, Haydn, Theresienmesse, Duruflé, Requiem, with poster
2005 November 19, Bach, Christmas Oratorio Parts 4-6, Elvet Methodist Church, with poster
2006 March 4, Brahms, Requiem, Haydn
2007 March 10, Elgar, Apostles, with poster
2007 November 24, Advent Concert, St Nicholas' Church, with poster
2008 March 8, Haydn, The Creation, with poster
2009 March 14, Mendelssohn, St Paul, with poster
2009 November 14, Schubert, Sacred and Secular Songs, Mozart, Fauré, Requiem, with poster
2010 March 13, Bach B Minor Mass, with poster
2010 December 10, Macmillan Concert
2011 March 12, Stainer Crucifixion and Schubert Mass in A flat
2012 March 10, Mozart, Mass in C Minor, Handel, Coronation Anthems, with poster
2012 November 17, Brahms, Requiem, Johnston School
2013 March 9, Beethoven Mass in C major, Bach Magnificat, with poster
2013 November 22, Handel Messiah highlights, with poster
2014 March 15, Rowarth Christus: A Passiontide Sequence, Mozart Requiem
2014 November 22, Duruflé R equiem & Fauré Requiem, with a review
2015 March 7, Vivaldi Gloria, Hawes Lazarus Requiem (with the University Chamber Choir)
2015 December 12, Haydn Mass in D Minor, Britten Saint Nicholas, with a review
2016 March 12, Poulenc Gloria and Rutter Magnificat, (cancelled), poster only
2016 December 10, Voicing the Spirit, with a review.
2017 March 11, Jenkins The Armed Man, Parry Blest Pair of Sirens, with a review and poster.
2017 December 9, Handel Dixit Dominus & Bach Wachet Auf, with a review.
2018 March 2, Fauré Requiem & Rutter Requiem.
2018 December 14, Britten Saint Nicholas, Britten Ceremony of Carols, Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols, with a review
2019 March 9, Chant de Dieu, with poster and review
2019 December 5, Vaughan Williams Five Mystical Songs, Stanford Three Motets, Parry Songs of Farewell, with poster and review
2020 March 12, Mendelssohn Elijah, with Durham Opera Ensemble
2021 December 8, Rutter, Magnificat et al, with poster
2022 March 12, Mozart Missa Brevis in D and Requiem, Bernstein Chichester Psalms, with flyer
[2023] March 15, “DUPO at 15: Boundaries of Romanticism”, programme.
Paper file
UND/GE4/D5   1965/66 - 1990/91
Membership cards for 1965/66, 1972/73, 1974/75, 1989/90, 1990/91.
Card, 5 items
UND/GE4/D6   1938 - 1939
DU Choral Society programmes for concerts in Hatfield Hall of songs and instrumental pieces, conductor Dan Gregory, accompanist Mr J. Humphries, with pieces and performers detailed, and a list of patrons on the back, on 12 March 1938 and 11 March 1939.
2 cards, each 2f
Reference: UND/GE4/F
UND/GE4/F1   [?February 1973]
Choral Society with the DU Orchestral Society and Durham Sinfonia, performing Berlioz's Te Deum [in York Minster] , with Paul Taylor tenor, Conrad Eden organ and Brian Primmer conductor.
33.3 RPM black vinyl LP in a paper sleeve
Given by William Miller (former member of DUCC at the time), February 2017, Acc No Misc.2016/17:81.
Christian Social Union, DU Branch
Reference: UND/GE93 Presidents
[c.1904] F.B. Jevons

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE93/D
UND/GE93/D1   [c.1904]
Rules and a list of officers (from H.E. Horton, Hatfield 1904-6).
Card, 2f
Church of England Temperance Society, DU Branch
Reference: UND/GE5
Dates of creation: 1881 - 1890 The branch was founded in 1881.

Reference: UND/GE5/A
UND/GE5/A1   February 1881 - 7 November 1890
Temperance Society, Durham University branch, minute book
Tipped in on f.8, cutting from the Durham County Advertiser, 17 March 1882, of an address given to the Society by the Earl of Mulgrave.
In a pocket inside the back cover:
- 3 sets of ms notes concerning the society by J.T. F[owler], H.B. H[yde] and unsigned.
- 7 letters to the secretary, 1887-1890, including one from John Parson, curate of Bearpark, 26 January 1887, asking for assistance from the Society's workers in his “very poor (and I am afraid dissolute) village”. The later letters suggest some difficulty in finding new speakers for the Society.
- Annual report (printed) for 1885/86, including a list of members.
- Advertisements for two of the Society's meetings.
- Blank membership cards.
Paper book, text on f.1-34, remainder of volume blank
DU Church Music Society
Reference: UND/GE52
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1969
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE52/D
UND/GE52/D1   May [1968] - May 1969
Concert programmes:
Organ, Durham School Chapel, 22 May [1968]
Organ, St John's College Chapel, 28 January 1969
University College Chapel Choir and orchestra, Durham St Margaret's, 27 April 1969.
St Clement Danes Chorale, Castle Great Hall, 10 May 1969.
Paper file
DU Classical Ensemble
UND/GE86   2015 - 2022
A chamber orchestra founded in 2014 to perform the earlier repertoire often overlooked by the larger university symphony orchestras.
2015-2016 David Sheard
2016-2017 Ryan Bunce
2017-2018 Chris Waters
2018-2019 Bruno Needham
2019-2020 Rob King
2021-2022 Charlotte Smith

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE86/D
UND/GE86/D1   2015 - 2024
Concert ephemera::
Music School, 13 December 2015, programme
St Oswald's Church, 8 March 2016, programme
Music School, 2 December 2016, programme, with a review
St Oswald's Church, 3 March 2017, programme, with a review
St Oswald's Church, [16 June 2017], programme, with a review
St Oswald's Church, 10 December 2017, programme
Music School, 7 March 2018, programme, with a review
Town Hall, 15 June 2018, programme, poster, review
Castle Great Hall, 7 December 2018, programme, poster, review
St Oswald's Church, 21 March 2019, programme, poster, review
Town Hall, 21 June 2019, programme
Castle Great Hall, 6 December 2019, programme, with a review
St Oswald's Church, 13 March 2020, programme, with a poster
Elvet Methodist Church, 3 December 2921, programme, with a poster
Castle Great Hall, 8 March 2022, programme
Elvet Methodist Church, 2 December 2023, programme
Castle Great Hall, 5 March 2024, programme.
Paper file
DU Classical Guitar Society
Reference: UND/GE56
Dates of creation: 1976
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE56/D
UND/GE56/D1   30 October 1976
Concert programmes:
Timothy Walker, Castle Great Hall, 30 October 1976 (with ticket).
Paper file
DU Classical Theatre (DUCT)
Reference: UND/GE75
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE75/D
UND/GE75/D1   2013 - 2022
Posters and programmes for plays, in the Assembly Rooms unless otherwise stated:
Euripedes, 7-9 February [2013], programme
Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guilderstein are Dead, 16-18 October 2014, poster
Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, 4-6 December 2014, cast list and review
Arms and the Man, 22-24 January 2015, programme, ticket, poster and review
Pygmalion, 3-5 March 2016, programme, poster and reviews
R.C. Sheriff, Journey's End, City Theatre, 3-5 November 2016, programme & reviews
Paul Sills adapted, Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, 14-16 December 2016, programme, poster and reviews
Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband, 7-9 December 2017, programme & review.
Timberlake Wertenbaker, Our Country's Good, North Road Methodist Church, 15-16 June 2018, programme, poster & reviews
Anton Chekhov, Uncle Vanya, Durham Masonic Hall, 17-18 November 2018, programme and reviews
Aristophanes, Lysistrata, Alington House, 23-24 November 2018, programme and reviews
Classical Acting Showcase, Bede Chapel, 26 January 2019, poster and reviews
Shakespeare, Hamlet, City Theatre, 14-16 February 2019, programme & reviews
Simon Armitage, The Last Days of Troy, Wharton Park, 19-21 June 2019, programme, reviews and poster
Jessica Swale, Nell Gwyn, DSU Vane Tempest, 7-8 December 2019, programme, poster & reviews
Classical Acting Showcase, Hatfield College, Birley Room, 27 January 2020, review
Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guilderstein are Dead, 11-13 November 2021, programme, poster and reviews
Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Fabio's Bar, 25-26 February 2022, reviews
Paper file
DU Classics Society
Reference: UND/GE17 The society aims to provide a means for Classics students and staff to get to know each other in a social, as well as academic, context. It organises social activities and Classics related outings as well as arranging for speakers to visit.
2008-9 Anthony Pitt

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE17/D
UND/GE17/D1   2007
Posters for performances:
Medea Media, by Jessie Marshall, directed by Nick Nawrockyi, Grey College, 21-23 February 2007.
DU Concert Band
Reference: UND/GE37 The Concert Band, founded in 1977, is intended to provide a group for any brass, wind or percussion player to perform in, regardless of standard and experience. There are no auditions and every effort is made to make the music accessible to all, whilst providing some challenges for everyone. The repertoire is varied and has covered all styles and periods of music, from Carmen to Gershwin, and traditional Christmas tunes to modern concert pieces and film music. Weekly rehearsals are in the Sir James (Jimmy) Knott Hall at Trevelyan College (the band first developed at Trev's) but people come in from all over Durham to play in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. At least two concerts are performed every year, usually in conjunction with other groups, including college groups and the Hill Orchestra. Concerts are held in a range of venues including Castle, The Town Hall, St Oswalds Church – even a brave venture onto the picturesque Palace Green for a splendid open-air concert in Summer 2017. There are also termly social events in a range of locations.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE37/D
UND/GE37/D1   2008 - 2020
Posters for concerts.
UND/GE37/D2   2008 - 2023
Programmes for concerts:
2008, 7 December
2012, 11 March & [9 December]
2015, 9 March & 6 December (with a review)
2016, 8 March (40th anniversary; with a review and poster)
2016, 6 December, A Winter Wonderland, poster
2017, 29 November (review); 13 December (with DU Brass Band, with a review)
2018, 8 March Europe A Continent in Concert
2018, 12 June Celebration, with Whitworth Park School Wind Band, flyer, poster & review; 28 November A Movie Night in Concert (review)
2019, 6 March Concert Band Classics, with a review
2019, 13 November, UK-USA
2021, 17 November, Journey to Durham, poster
2023, 3 March, Around the World in 80 Minutes, St Oswald's Church.
DU Concert Opera
Reference: UND/GE138 Durham University Concert Opera was founded in June 2019 for the purpose of bringing opera to the concert hall. Its aim was to provide an operatic platform in Durham which strives for musical excellence by attracting the university’s finest musicians, both singers and instrumentalists alike, with emphasis on the musical delivery of a work, paying close attention to the musical elements of an operatic work, without the additional challenge of staging and theatricising it. This platform also opens up the possibility of more complex and unusual operatic statements, from the work of twentieth-century and contemporary composers to chamber operas to operatic suites. With more time to explore the musical score, a greater level of detail can be achieved in the performance. As a society it aimed to produce three shows a year; one per term.
Presidents: Marcello Palazzo 2019
Hannah McKay 2020

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE138/D
UND/GE138/D1   2019 - 2021
Programmes, posters and reviews for performances:
Concert, Music School, 30 October 2019, programme
Purcell, Dido and Aeneas, Bede Chapel, 1-2 November 2019, programme
Madrigals, Principal's Garden, University College, 17/18 June 2021, progra,mme & poster
Paper file
DU Congregational-Presbyterian Society - The Frankland Fellowship
Reference: UND/GE66 An association of Congregational and Presbyterian students in the interests of Reformed Churchmanship. Whilst helping members to a deeper understanding of their own tradition, it encouraged them to share in wider ecunmenical activity in the university and city.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE66/D
UND/GE66/D1   1963 - 1965
Annual programmes, listing officers, chaplains, services and other activities.
3 cards
DU Conservative and Unionist Association
Reference: UND/GE3
Dates of creation: 1938
Reference: UND/GE3/C
UND/GE3/C1   16 May 1938
Circular letter from Ronald Tree, secretary of the Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations (vice-chairman K.B. Gibson, Durham), enclosing committee minutes (no longer present).
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/GE3/D
UND/GE3/D1   Epiphany 1938
Term card for the Durham Division, meeting in Lyons Cafe.
Card, 1f
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
Reference: UND/GE3/E
UND/GE3/E1   [1938]
Cutting of a photograph of the Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations, showing K.B. Gibson (Durham), Hon. Oliver Stanley (president Board of Trade), Ronald Tree M.P., E.(Ted)R.G. Heath (Oxford), and I.H.P. Doherty (Edinburgh).
Paper, 1f
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
Dunelm Consort & Players
Reference: UND/GE87 Founded in 2015, the Dunelm Consort & Players is an ensemble formed of Durham University students, as well as professional singers and instrumentalists from the surrounding area. The group performs a wide range of music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, specialising in the works of J.S. Bach. The group line-up is ever-changing according to the specific needso f the programme; however, there remains a core group of members as well. In 2015-16, the ensemble's first concert was of two of Bach's Advent cantatas, and a term later they performed a programme of Lenten and Easter cantatas alongside the Double Violin Concerto.
2015-2016 Jonathan Allsopp
2017-2018 Ethan Darby
2018-2019 Matthew McCullough
2019-2020 Daniel Cook
2020-2021 Anita Datta
2021-2022 Benedict Munden

Reference: UND/GE87/D
UND/GE87/D1   2016 - 2022
Concert ephemera:
Bach for Lent and Easter, Castle Great Hall, 28 February 2016, programme.
Gaude, Gaude, Gaude! Marian Music from the Golden Age of English Polyphony, Cathedral Chapter House, 21 November 2016, programme, poster and preview.
Handel, The King Shall Rejoice, Castle Great Hall, 3 February 2017, poster
J.S. Bach, St John Passion, Castle Great Hall, 13 March 2017, programme and poster.
Divine Profanity, Bede Chapel, 27 November 2017, programme and review.
Stabat Mater, Cathedral Chapter House, 6 March 2018, review.
J.S. Bach Magnificat and Vivaldi Gloria, St Oswald's Church, 14 March 2018, programme & review.
Handel, Acis and Galatea, St Oswald's Church, 23 November 2018, programme, poster & review.
Gesualdo, L'Héritier & Gombert, Cathedral Chapter House, 19 February 2019, programme, poster & review.
Deutsche Reise - Buxtehude's Legacy, Bede Chapel, 2 December 2019, programme, poster & review.
Love & Death An Exploration of Early Musical Emotion, (Players only), Castle Great Hall, 23 February 2020, programme, poster & review.
Brothers in Arms an exhibition of Renaissance madrigals, Cathedral Chapter House, 6 March 2020, programme, flyer, poster & review.
Charpentier, Les Arts Florissant, Principal's Garden, University College, 17/18 June 2021, programme & poster
Music for These Distracted Times, Castle Great Hall, 28 November 2021, programme & poster
Portrait of a Lady, Ushaw College Chapel, 11 March 2022, programme
J.S. Bach, St John Passion, St Brandon's Church Brancepeth, with the Bishop's Consort, director David Stancliffe, 20 March 2022, programme & flyer
Paper file
DU Consort of Voices
Reference: UND/GE142 Founded c.1995.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE142/D
UND/GE142/D1   2005
Concert ephemera:
Britten, Saint Nicholas, with other works by Rachmaninov, Stanford, Parry and Stainer, Cathedral Chapter House, with the Palatinate Ensemble, 11 May 2005, (10th anniversary concert), poster & programme
Paper file
DU Creative Writing Society
Reference: UND/GE106
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE106/D
UND/GE106/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Dine, Wine and Debate Society
Reference: UND/GE34
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE34/D
UND/GE34/D   2007 - 2008
Poster for events.
Divinity Wind Quintet
Reference: UND/GE128 Founded in 2016, the Divinity Quintet is a wind quintet comprising of students from the university’s leading orchestras. They have enjoyed performing in lunchtime concerts in the Music Department’s Concert Room and their repertoire included quintets by Ibert, Taffenel and Danzi. Their aim is to provide a wind ensemble of the highest possible standard within a warm and enjoyable atmosphere for wind players in the university. They hope to build on their beginning successes, in collaboration with other chamber groups in Durham. Recent repertoire has included Ligeti’s ‘Six Bagatelles’, Poulenc’s ‘Sextet’, and they perform in a variety of events not just limited to concerts, including college dinners and charity events.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE128/D
UND/GE128/D1   2017 - 2019
Concert ephemera:
Nielson Wind Quintet, Ibert Trois Pièces Brèves, Mozart Divertimento in Eb, St Margaret's Church, 24 November [2017], poster
Ibert Trois Pièces Brèves, Klughardt Quintet, Hindemith Kleine Kammermusick, Hatfield Chapel, 8 March 2019, poster, programme and review.
Paper file
DU Documentary Film Society
Reference: UND/GE107
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE107/D
UND/GE107/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DC Dramatic Society
Reference: UND/GE9
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1963 The Society was extant by 1948.
Deposited by the Chief Clerk, Acc No 1990/91:14.
Formerly UND DUS 17

Reference: UND/GE9/B
UND/GE9/B1   October 1949 - November 1959
Dramatic Society cash book
From 1951/52 there are general accounts, production accounts for specific plays, and the scenic pool account which supplied the Dramatic Society and also June Week, Rag, the Durham Colleges Light Opera Society and the French Society.
Paper book
UND/GE9/B2   May 1955 - November 1963
Dramatic Society account book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GE9/C
UND/GE9/C1   1950 - [1951]
Circulars to patrons.
Reference: UND/GE9/D
UND/GE9/D1   1940 - 1953
Programmes, tickets and flyers for the Society's productions:
Leslie Staves, The Equation, and G.B. Shaw, How He Lied to Her Husband, 7-6 March 1940, programme.
Donagh McDonagh, Happy as Larry, 25-27 November 1948, programme.
Arden of Faversham, 3-5 March 1949, programme.
Shakespeare, Hamlet, 7 February 1950, programme.
Christopher Fry, The Lady's Not For Burning, 28 November -2 December 1950, programme.
Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People, 7-10 March 1951, flyer and ticket.
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, December 1951, programme.
Ronald Duncan, This Way to the Tomb, 1-4 March 1952, programme and ticket.
Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 5-7 November 1953, programme.
DU Duke of Edinburgh Society
Reference: UND/GE122
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE122/D
UND/GE122/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU East Asian Economic, Social and Political Research Society
Reference: UND/GE108
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE108/D
UND/GE108/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Economics Society
Reference: UND/GE85
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE85/D
UND/GE85/D1   [October 2015]
Durham University Economics Journal, freshers' week edition
Printed paper booklet
DU Ecumenical Christian Council (DUECC)
Reference: UND/GE20
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE20/D
UND/GE20/D1   2007 - 2014
Posters for lectures:
Prof Alister McGrath, “Deluded about God?: Richard Dawkins on God and the Meaning of Life”, in Cathedral, 6 March 2007.
Candlelit Procession to the Cathedral, 18 October [2009].
Advent Prayer and Meditation, Castle chapel, 2 December [2009].
Candlelit Procession to the Cathedral, 17 October 2010
Paul Regan Ecumenism talk, 10 November [2011]
Candelit Procession to the Cathedral, 14 October 2012, 12 October [2014]
UND/GE20/D2   [2018]
Ecumenical Christian Leaflet detailing all the various churches, chapels and student Christian groups [Michaelmas 2018].
Paper booklet, 8f
Reference: UND/GE109 ELSA is a Law Association at DU committed to enhancing its members' employability in the legal sector.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE109/D
UND/GE109/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Engineers Without Borders
Reference: UND/GE110
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE110/D
UND/GE110/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU English Society
Reference: UND/GE58
Dates of creation: 1981
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE58/D
UND/GE58/D1   1981
Programmes for performances of plays:
Aristophanes, The Birds, 12-14 November 1981.
Paper leaflet
UND/GE58/D2   1982 - 1984
Nexus, poetry broadsheet, issues present: III Michelmas 1982, IV Epiphany 1983, V Michaelmas 1983, VI Epiphany 1984.
Paper file, 4f
Formerly: Per Local NEX
Erasmus Society
Reference: UND/GE90
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE90/D
UND/GE90/D1   [2016] - [2019]
Promotional flyers [October 2016] and [October 2019]
Paper file
Experience Durham
Reference: UND/GE88 Headed by a Dean of Experience, this umbrella organisation oversees the university's various and many music and drama groups, and volunteering and community outreach.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE88/D
UND/GE88/D1   2015
Music and Theatre Review, Including (2014/15) annual reviews of Theatre: 3D Theatre Company, Adians College Theatre, Bailey Theatre Company, Castle Theatre Company, Classical Theatre, Fountains Theatre Company, Green Door Theatre Company, Hild Bede Theatre Company, Durham Improvised Musical, Lion Theatre Company, Ooook! Productions, Durham Revue, Tone Deaf Theatre Company, DULOG, Opera Ensemble; Music: Brass Band, Chamber Choir, Concert Band, Northern Lights, Orchestral Society, Palatinate Orchestra; and Chapel Choirs: St Chad's, St Cuthbert's,Grey, Hatfield, St Hild and St Bede, St John's, St Mary's and University.
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
UND/GE88/D2   2015 - 2019
Durham Festival of the Arts A Celebration of Music and Theatre, begun in 2015, rebranded as Summer in the City Festival in 2019 in cooperation with Durham County Council, brochures and programmes with details of performances.
30 May - 15 June 2015
3-20 June 2016
2-23 June 2017, with a poster
1-25 June 2018, with posters
June 2019, with a poster
Printed colour illustrated paper leaflets
UND/GE88/D3   2017
Impact Report Experience Durham Volunteering and Community Outreach, for 2016/17
Printed colour illustrated paper bok
DU Exploration Society
Reference: UND/GE22
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE22/D Copies of reports were presented to the University Library, and had been placed in the XX+ sequence from which some had been moved to the SC+ sequence. All have now been relocated here and are more fully catalogued on the Library catalogue: see http://library.dur.ac.uk/search/c?SEARCH=UND%2FGE22&SUBMIT=Search

UND/GE22/D/1950/1   1950
Report of the Durham University Exploration Society expedition to Engabreen (Norway), summer 1950.
UND/GE22/D/1952/1   1952
Iceland expedition, 1952.
UND/GE22/D/1952/2   1956
Report of the expedition to French Morocco, 1952.
UND/GE22/D/1952/3   1952
Report of the expedition to Norway, 1952.
UND/GE22/D/1953/1/1   1953
Report on the expedition to Iceland, 1953.
UND/GE22/D/1953/1/2   1954
Report on the expedition to Iceland, 1954.
UND/GE22/D/1953/2   1953
Report on the expedition to Alsten, North Norway, 1953
UND/GE22/D/1954/1-2   1954
Report on the expedition to Clifden, Connemara, Irish Republic, 1954.
UND/GE22/D/1954/3   1954
Cairngorms expedition, 1954.
UND/GE22/D/1955/1   1955
Report on the expedition to Sòlheimajökull, Iceland, 1955 (women).
UND/GE22/D/1955/2   1955 & 2022
Account of an expedition to Svartisen, Norway, July to September 1955. Report of Glaciological Work. K. Bramley. A. A. Smaring
Word-processed report written in 2022. Published report no longer survives.
2 further copies of the report and 1 printed map
3 reports 
UND/GE22/D/1956/1   1956
Expedition to Switzerland, 1956.
UND/GE22/D/1956/2   1956
Report on the expedition to the Lyngen Peninsula, Norway, 1956.
UND/GE22/D/1957/1   1957
Report on the expedition to the Lyngen Peninsula, Arctic Norway, 1957.
UND/GE22/D/1957/2   1957
Report on the expedition to Newfoundland, 1957.
UND/GE22/D/1958/1   1958
Report on the expedition to Newfoundland, 1958.
UND/GE22/D/1958/2   1958
Report of the Durham University Exploration Society Mauranger, Norway, Expedition, 1958.
UND/GE22/D/1961/1   1961
Report. The Durham University Faroes expedition, 1961, 22 May to 31 July inclusive.
UND/GE22/D/1970/1   1970
Expedition to Djebel Toubkal (Moroccan High Atlas Mountatins) 1970 : Preliminary report November, 1970.
UND/GE22/D/1972/1   1973
Report of the Durham University Exploration Society expedition to the Konya Basin, Turkey, 1972.
UND/GE22/D/1975/1   1976
Report of the Durham University Expedition to St. Vincent. [1975].
UND/GE22/D/1976/1   1976
Langtang National Park research project : 1st report May - August 1976.
UND/GE22/D/1976/2   1977
The report of the Durham University Expedition to St. Vincent : 1975 & '76.
UND/GE22/D/1977/1   1977
Operation seabed : a Durham University Exploration Society expedition to Grimstad, southern Norway in August 1977 : full report.
UND/GE22/D/1978/1   1978
Sea tiger : a Durham University scientific diving expedition to Charlestown in Cornwall, August 1978 : expedition report.
UND/GE22/D/1979/1   1980
Durham University Polar East Greenland Expedition 1979 : general report.
UND/GE22/D/1980/1   1981
Shorebird studies in North West Morocco.
UND/GE22/D/1981/1   1982
Durham University Expedition to Hagavatn, 1981.
UND/GE22/D/1981/2   1983
Shark Bay - '81... : report [of the] Durham University N.W. Australia Expedition.
UND/GE22/D/1983/1   1984
The Durham University Sri Lanka Expedition 1983
Formerly [BBL] Pamphlet Box 551.311.21 DUR
UND/GE22/D/1985/1   1986
A report on the Durham University Azore Islands Expedition 1985.
UND/GE22/D/1985/2   1986
Durham University Expedition to "Nepal 85" : Final report.
UND/GE22/D/1986/1   1987
Durham University expedition 12 July-20 September, 1986 to the Amboro National Park, Bolivia.
UND/GE22/D/1986/2   1988
Report of the Durham University Expedition to Ecuador, 1986 : an ornithological survey in the Province of Esmeraldas in north-west Ecuador, August 1986.
UND/GE22/D/1987/1   1987
Quest for the river wolf: final report of the Durham University Expedition to Bolivia 1987.
UND/GE22/D/1988/1   1989
Final report: research into rural development.
UND/GE22/D/1990/1   1990
A Report on the Durham University Costa Rica Expedition
UND/GE22/D/1992/1   1992
DUN.E. Durham University North Africa Expedition, Morocco October to November 1992.
Formerly In PG Local at L+916.4DUR.
UND/GE22/D/1997/1   1997
The Durham University Bushveld Biodiversity Expedition Bophuthatswana, South Africa, July and August 1997, expedition report
Paper file, spiral bound, 71f
Transferred from St Aidan's College (one of the sponsors) March 2014
DU Feminism Society
Reference: UND/GE81
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE81/D
UND/GE81/D1   2013 - 2014
Posters for events
Paper file
DC/DU Film Society
Reference: UND/GE25
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE25/D
UND/GE25/D1   1951 - 1970
1951-1952 season with the officers, introduction and precis of each film.
1963-1964 season with officers and rates.
1966-1967 season with officers and rates.
1970 Summer term, list of films.
UND/GE25/D2   1951 - 1952
Membership card.
DU Finance Society
Reference: UND/GE92 The society was founded in 2003 as the Durham University Investment and Finance Group, but the 2015 co-presidents Jemima Atkins and Nathaniel Barling rebranded it as the Durham University FInance Society.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE92/D
UND/GE92/D1   [October & November 2016]
Elevate, ed by Jess Melling, secretary, Issues 1 & 2, only including sections on upcoming events, we need faster rebalancing to boost UK growth, the investent fund, the market mogul, interview tips, London day report, market report and meet the exec.
2 printed paper colour illustrated magazine
UND/GE92/D2   [2019]
Promotional lfyer
Paper, 1f
DU Fine Art Society
Reference: UND/GE44 The Fine Art Society encourages students to explore their creativity through painting, sketching, sculpture and similar forms of visual expression, regardless of previous experience. Relaxed weekly sessions encourage members to follow their individual interests. This provides the opportunity to plan new projects and share ideas and opinions. The society aims to provide permanent facilities to enable students to work outside group sessions and to facilitate the exhibition of student artwork around both the university and the city of Durham. There is also the possibility of workshops with visiting artists.

Publications and printed ephemra
Reference: UND/GE44/D
UND/GE44/D1   [2009]
Posters: Student Art Exhibition at St Mary's College 22 February [2009].
DU FinTech Society
Reference: UND/GE111 A society dedicated to helping members learn more about Financial Technology.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE111/D
UND/GE111/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Folk Society
Reference: UND/GE49 There has been a folk society in Durham from c.1974. However it has been something of a rollercoaster with high points such as hosting IVFDF in 1983; and low points such as disbanding in the mid 1990s. The current form of the society was restarted in 2001 and has been moving from strength to strength. The society aims to play folk music in pubs, dance at ceilidhs (held every term), go on rapper dance crawls around the local bars, go to folk festivals and occasionally morris dance too. In 2005-6, the society had Whapweasel as a ceilidh band, went to Cambridge for the Inter-Varsity Folk and Dance Festival, danced in every college bar, did a border morris display at 5am on May Day, held 3 ceilidhs, had weekly sessions in the Court Inn, practised rapper in the Shakespeare, set up a ceilidh band and helped local publicans put their children through college.
2001-2 Josephine White
2002-3 Sally Jackson
2003-4 Katherine Millman
2004-5 Robynne Parker
2005-6 Hannah Thomas
2006-7 Tom Besford
2007-8 Ffion Thomas
2008-9 Martin Clarke

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE49/D
UND/GE49/D1   2 June [2007] - 21 November 2019
Posters for events:
Summer ceilidh, 2 June [2007]
Christmas Ceilidh, 11 December 2013
Easter Ceilidh, 11 March 2015
Ceilidh, 11 February 2016
Ceilidh in the Castle, 21 January [2017]
DASH Community Concert, 21 November [2019]
UND/GE49/D2   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
Foot Notes
Reference: UND/GE125 A Music Durham A Cappella group started in 2018.
2018-2019 Tara Munnelly
2019-2020 Gabrielle Raw-Rees
2020-2021 Emma Burke
2021-2022 Molly Whitworth

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE125/D
UND/GE125/D1   2018
Website notice about the group's establishment and its early progress, and officers.
Paper file
UND/GE125/D2   2018 - 2022
Concert ephemera:
I'm Dreaming of an A Cappella Christmas, Castle Great Hall, 9 December 2018, programme, poster & review
A Cappella Through The Ages, DSU Vane Tempest, 19 March 2019, poster and review
Christmas in the City, Castle Great Hall, 8 December 2019, programme & poster
A Festive Night with Foot Notes, Collingwood College Mark Hillery Arts Centre, 5 December 2021, flyer
Life Could Be a Dream A Night of A Cappella, Castle Great Hal, 18 March 2022, poster & programme
A Festive Night with Foot Notes, St Margaret of Antioch Church, Owengate, 6 December 2022, print out of poster and running order
Paper file
DC/DU La Société Française/French Society
Reference: UND/GE24
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE24/D
UND/GE24/D1   1950 - 1974
Programmes for performances:
[c.1950] Knock ou Le Triomphe de la Médecine, a comedy by Jules Romains
1952 March 6, Topaze, a comedy by Marcel Pagnol, in the Assembly Rooms, (invite and programme).
[?1969], Le Malade Imaginaire, by Moliere
[?1974] March 6-7, Les Femmes Savantes, by Molière, in the Assembly Rooms, (by Le Cercle Français de DU)
[?1974] March 8, 3 Molière plays, in the Assembly Rooms, ticket
UND/GE24/D2   [2011]
Posters for performances:
Francis Veber, Le Dîner de cons, Assembly Rooms, 27-29 June 2000
Ionesco, Rhinoceros, 8/10 March [2011]
Paper, 1f
UND/GE24/D3   [2017]
Promotional flyers.
Paper file
DU Friends of Palestine Society
Reference: UND/GE150
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE150/D
UND/GE150/D1   2016
Posters for events:
Tears of Gaza movie, 17 February 2016
Israel Apartheid Week, March 2016
Paper file
Full Score
Reference: UND/GE124 Full Score is a vibrant new society, founded in September 2017, with the aim of encouraging and promoting barbershop music! They will perform regularly at events around Durham, rehearse twice weekly, and promote barbershop appreciation through both chorus and quartet singing. This friendly society is open to men and women who love barbershop, close harmony, and the camaraderie of singing together.
President: Alex Mackinder and Sophia Atkinson

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE124/D
UND/GE124/D1   2018 - 2019
Concert ephemera:
2018 June 10, Castle Great Hall, poster & review
2019 August, Edinburgh Fringe flyer
2019 November 27, A Night of Barbershop, St Oswald's Church, poster & review
Paper file
The Generation Club
Reference: UND/GE60
Dates of creation: 1968 - [c.1975] This was a society initially of the university, and largely St John's College, that developed out of Youth Outreach. It intended to include people from local youth groups as well, aiming to “present Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord to our Generation, and to stimulate their Christian development” .

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE60/D
UND/GE60/D1   [c.1975]
Programme for Mainline, a play written, produced and acted by the Generation Club
Paper booklet
UND/GE60/D2   May 1968, January 1970
Paper file
UND/GE60/D3   [?1968]
Where's the Point, by Mike Williams and Geoff Howard, with two further leaflets “Magical Mystery Tour” by Geoff Howard (February 1968) and “A Personal Exposition of Sgt. Pepper” by Mike Williams inserted.
Paper printed booklet + 2 leaflets
DU Geographical Society
Reference: UND/GE68
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE68/D
UND/GE68/D1   1973, 1974, 1984, 2004
The Journal (vols.13 1973, 16 1974, 26 1984) and Journal 2004-2005, including profiles of the executive, their reports, articles, departmental staff changes and dissertation titles of 2004 graduates.
4 paper booklets
Formerly L+378.4281DUR.
UND/GE68/D2   1956 - 1983
Dinner menus
Durham Colleges Geographical Society first annual dinner, Hatfield College, 3 March 1956
Durham University Geographical Society, dinner & dance, Durham Town Hall, 25 November 1981
Durham University Geographical Society, dinner & dance, Three Tuns Hotel, 23 November 1983
3 folded cards
UND/GE68/D3   2016
Posters for events:
Geography Ball, 7 December 2016
Paper file
Durham Go Club
Reference: UND/GE148
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE148/D
UND/GE148/D1   2013
Posters for events:
Promotional poster for the club, [October 2013]
Paper file
DU Gospel Choir
Reference: UND/GE127 The choir was set up in 2011. They were national competition finalists in 2018/9.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE127/D
UND/GE127/D1   2019 - 2020
Concert ephemera:
The Real Gospel Project, Music Dept, 17 March 2019, poster
Lunchtime Concert, Music School, 29 January 2020, programme
The Real Gospel Project II: Church, Castle Great Hall, 8 March 2020, programme & review
Paper file
Greenwell Society
Reference: UND/GE23 “Being a Society for the study of Archaeology with special reference to the period preceding the Norman Conquest.”

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE23/D
UND/GE23/D1   1922 - 1923
Year cards listing the officers and lectures for 1922/23 and 1923/24.
Presented by Bertram Colgrave to David Ramage 3 December 1951.
DU Hill Orchestra
Reference: UND/GE45 The Hill Orchestra is the largest and most established non-auditioning orchestra in the University of Durham, welcoming players of any standard, from all colleges. It aims to be Durham's most relaxed, sociable and fun orchestra, open to all members of the University of Durham who play an orchestral instrument, but at the same time maintaining a high standard of performances throughout the year. It prides itself in performing an exciting and extensive repertoire in several concerts throughout the year. In December, a general concert is held locally with a wide variety of music, including something with a Christmas theme. In spring, there is a “Last Night of the Proms” style concert featuring all the usual favourites, such as the Sea Songs and Land of Hope and Glory, plus a variety of other music. In summer (once the exams are over), the orchestra goes on tour (locations have included the Netherlands, Belgium and Edinburgh) which is the pinnacle of musical and social outpouring from the Orchestra. Weekly rehearsals are on a Wednesday evening and provide an enjoyable, friendly and productive atmosphere with further opportunity to party through the legendary social calendar.
2004-2005 Camilla Begg
2014- 2015 Percy Leung
2015-2016 Jonathan Packham
2016-2017 Ryan Kerr
2017-2018 Ross Norman
2018-2019 Edward Walters
2019-2020 Samuel Read
2021-2022 Elizabeth McCauley

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE45/D
UND/GE45/D1   2008 - 2022
Posters for concerts:
Van Mildert Hall, 11 December 2008.
St Aidan's College, 16 March [2011].
Elvet Methodist Church, 4 December 2017
St Oswald's Church, 9 March 2018
St Oswald's Church, 8 June 2018.
Elvet Methodist Church, 4 December 2018
St Oswald's Church, 15 March 2019
Elvet Methodist Church, 3 December 2019
St Oswald's Church, 15 March 2020 (cancelled)
Elvet Methodist Church, 1 December 2021
Castle Great Hall, 14 March 2022
UND/GE45/D2   2015 - 2022
Programmes for concerts:
[Elvet Methodist Church, 6 March 2015]
[St Oswald's Church, 12 December 2015]
[St Oswald's Church, 16 March 2016]
[Elvet Methodist Church, 7 June 2016]
[Elvet Methodist Church, 5 December 2016], with a review
Elvet Methodist Church, 9 March 2017, with a review
St Oswald's Church, with Voices, 13 June 2017, with a review
Elvet Methodist Church, 4 December 2017, with a review
St Oswald's Church, 9 March 2018, with a review
St Oswald's Church, [8 June 2018]
Elvet Methodist Church, 4 December 2018
St Oswald's Church, 15 March 2019, with a review
Elvet Methodist Church, 3 December 2019, with a review
Elvet Methodist Church, 1 December 2021
Castle Great Hall, 14 March 2022
Paper file
DU Hillwalking Society

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE78/D
UND/GE78/D1   [2013]
Flyer of forthcoming walks [Michaelmas 2013].
Paper, 1f
DC Historical/DU History Society
Reference: UND/GE33
Dates of creation: 1937 - 2015 The Durham Colleges Historical Society may well have been founded in 1926. It held meetings at which papers on historical topics were read by acadmeics and student members, and also on occasion went on outings, performed plays and held a ball. It morphed into the Durham University Historical Society in October 1963 and by 2008 was the DU History Society, whence it produced a journal largely detailing talks at its meetings, with illustrations.

Reference: UND/GE33/A
UND/GE33/A1   15 February 1937 - 23 November 1954
DC Historical Society meetings minute book, including summaries of addresses.
At the front: constitution, as approved 10 November 1926, with amendments 1929-1947; list of addresses 1937-1950; lists of officers 1925-1957.
Noted as “Minute Book No.2” .
Paper book
UND/GE33/A2   3 December 1954 - 11 March 1966
DC/DU Historical Society meetings minute book, including summaries of addresses, with notices of other events.
At the front: list of addresses 1954-1966.
Paper book
Correspondence and Administrative Files
Reference: UND/GE33/C
UND/GE33/C1   7 February 2015
“Cities Nation and Identity” conference programme, with images and biographies of the speakers
Paper booklet
UND/GE33/C2   1998 - 2006
Secretary's files, mostly 1998-2000 and 2006, including minutes of meetings, speaker correspondence, membership correspondence. committee contact lists, elections, invitations, and prograames
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE33/D
UND/GE33/D1   2007
Poster for a lecture.
UND/GE33/D2   January 2009 - 2020
Durham University History Society Journal, incorporating editorial, papers of speakers to the History Society, and of students, with a list of officers. The Journal ceased publication in this format in 2014. It was rebranded in 2019 as the Durham University History Society Academic Journal.
Volume 3 Issue 1 (Michaelmas 2008): Mark Ormrod, Ben Dodds, D.B.G. Heuser, Chris Given-Wilson, Wayne Dooling, Michael Prestwich, Marjorie Hands, Bernd Kroll
Volume 4 (2010): William Doyle, Hugh Macleod, Simon Skinner, Guy Halsall, Robert Bartlett, Christine Carpenter, Gareth Steadman-Jones, Colin Jones, Jack Hayward.
Volume 5 ([Michaelmas] 2012): Elizabeth Wheeler, Hywel Thomas, Abigail Taylor, Joel Butler, Bryan Gillingham, Sabine Schneider, Andrew Mackenzie, Benjamin Priest, Rachael Merrison, Lucy James, Tom Trennery, Caitlin Johnson, Tyan Cullen
Volume 6 ([Easter] 2013): Maddie Michie & Ivan Yuen, Ben Dodds, Joe Adams, Philip Kelvin, William Vick, James Callingham, Harriet Evans, Daisy-Rose C. Srblin, David Bartlett (bis), Rachel Powell, Joe Strong, Antonia Goddard, Ryan Cullen, Josh Hewson
Volume 7 (2014): Siena Morrell, Matthew Williams, Jack Hepworth, Ellie de la Bedoyere, Stephanie Ballard, Matt Hoser, Will Vick, Joshua Kaye, Victoria Cacchione, Hannah Fitzpatrick, Naomi Warin, Jessica McDonald, Ismay Milford
Academic Journal: Volume 1 (2019), Volume 2 (2020).
2 paper files, 2 paper books and 5 pdf documents
Volume 7 and Academic Journal Volumes 1 and 2 are electronic records. Because of file size, volume 2 has been separated into three pdfs. Access copy may be available on request
Electronic records are Microsoft Edge PDF
For the electronic records, the original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicates have not been deleted
UND/GE33/D3   [October] 1963 & [October] 1966
Annual programmes, listing officers
2 cards
UND/GE33/D4   1996 - 2005
Pageant Theatre Company play productions ephemera, in the Assembly Rooms unless otherwsie stated:
R.C. Sherriff, Journey's End, 8-10 February 1996, programme
Alan Bennett, The Madness of George III, [1997], programme
Alan Bennett, Forty Years On, 7-9 November [2002], poster.
Arthur Miller, The Crucible, 14-16 November 2003, programme & poster.
Anton Chekhov, The Cherry Orchard, [2005], programme.
Paper file
UND/GE33/D5   2023
Critical Historical Studies, Student Handbook
PDF: 10 pages
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe PDF, 1.47MB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicates have not been deleted
UND/GE33/D6   2023
Critical Historical Studies, Submission Guidelines
PDF: 4 pages
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe PDF, 2.75MB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicates have not been deleted
DU History of Art Society
Reference: UND/GE43 The History of Art Society was set up in 2004 upon realisation that, whilst in Durham, students missed the cultural escapades that they might enjoy out of term time. It holds a fortnightly evening with an art historian who gives an informal talk on a specific era or movement. The event generally lasts for two hours, and will end around 9pm. Previous knowledge of art is not required, as the society aims to provide this. Events are social as well as educational with wine and canapés. As the evenings generally finish around 9pm, the talk can be a pre-going out dose of culture, or alternatively, a civilised excursion to talk to a few friendly faces and learn something about art. In 2007/8, there were also trips to Paris and the Bowes Museum, and a tour of Cathedral.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE43/D
UND/GE43/D1   [2009]
Poster of the the term's programme for Epiphany [2009].
DU Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Service Society
Reference: UND/GE136
Printed Ephemra
Reference: UND/GE136/D
UND/GE136/D1   2019
Promotional flyer
Paper, 1f
DU Hong Kong Society
Reference: UND/GE137
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE137/D
UND/GE137/D1   [October 2019]
Pre-Departure Booklet, with details of the society and lstudent ife in Durham.
Printed paper booklet
Durham Humanist Society
Reference: UND/GE112
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE112/D
UND/GE112/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Ice Skating Society
Reference: UND/GE129
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE129/D
UND/GE129/D1   [2019]
Promotional flyer
Paper, 1f
DU Instep Dance Society
Reference: UND/GE146
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE146/D
UND/GE146/D1   2015 - 2016
Posters for events:
Iconic, Durham SU, 3-4 March 2015
Insteption, Fonteyn Ballroom, DSU, 11-12 March 2016
Paper file
International Students Association
Reference: UND/GE143
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE143/D
UND/GE143/D1   1996
Polyglot, issue 4 only.
Pinted colour illustrated paper magazine
DU Italian Society
Reference: UND/GE145
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE145/D
UND/GE145/D1   2014
Posters for events:
A Night at the Opera, Newcastle Theatre Royal, 12 November [2014].
DU Jazz Society
Reference: UND/GE42
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE42/D
UND/GE42/D1   [2009] - 2021
Events posters:
Jam Night at Fish Tank, Durham, 8 March [2009].
Prohibition, 26 February 2019.
Tom Ollendorff guitarist, Cafedral, 1 December 2021.
DU Jewish Society
Reference: UND/GE135
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE135/D
UND/GE135/D1   2019
Promotional flyer
Paper, 1f
Durham Joint Anglican and Methodist Society
Reference: UND/GE114
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE114/D
UND/GE114/D1   2017 - 2019
Promotional flyers
Paper file
Durham Joint Christian Societies Committee
Reference: UND/GE61 This was set up in March 1966 and comprised the presidents of all Durham's Christian societies, meeting peridoically to discuss ways and means of promoting interest and understanding among the university's various Christian societies, and of co-ordinating their activities. Two immediate outcomes of this were a calendar detailing all the various societies, their officers and programmes, and a November Peace Week. Such ecumenical activities were meant to deepen inter-Christian understanding and reinforce the Christian impact on the whole of university life.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE61/D
UND/GE61/D1   1966 - 1967
Calendars for 1966/67 and Michaelmas 1967.
2 booklets
DC/DU June Week Committee
Reference: UND/GE26
Reference: UND/GE26/B
UND/GE26/B1   1965
General Income and Expenditure Account Statement
5 pages 
Reference: UND/GE26/C
UND/GE26/C1   19 May 1946
Circular advertising the revival of June Week and encouraging subscribers.
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE26/D
UND/GE26/D1   1946 - 1955
Overall programmes for June Week, and programmes, flyers, tickets and invites for individual events, including concerts, plays and balls.
1951 programmes for the choral/orchestral concert and a performance of John Milton's Comus with Thomas Arne's Thomas & Sally, and invites.
1952 programmes for the orchestral concert and The Gentleman's Relish at Lumley Castle, and invites.
1953 programme for the orchestral concert.
1954 programmes for the orchestral concert and Michael Henshall's Nightcap revue (photocopy).
The King's Men
Reference: UND/GE54
Dates of creation: 1971 - 1975 The King's (ie Christ the King) Men was a religious drama group aiming to bring the Christian message to all through the medium of drama.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE54/D
UND/GE54/D1   1971 - [c.1975]
Six Characters in Search of an Author, Assembly Rooms, 4-5 February 1971.
John Arden, Serjeant Musgrave's Dance, Assembly Rooms, 6-9 March [c.1975].
Paper file
DU Korea Society
Reference: UND/GE134
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE134/D
UND/GE134/D1   [2019]
Promotional flyer
Paper, 2f
DU Labour Club
Reference: UND/GE141
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE141/D
UND/GE141/D1   2019
Event flyers.
Paper file
DU Law Society
Reference: UND/GE46
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE46/D
UND/GE46/D1   2008 - 2015
Posters for events:
Liberty address by Bob Turney, 25 November 2008
Inter-University Debate, 7 March 2015
UND/GE46/D2   [October] 2004 & October 2017
Durham University Law Society handbook/term card for October 2004 and October 2017
2 paper booklets
DU Lego Society
Reference: UND/GE151
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE151/D
UND/GE151/D1   [c.2015]
Posters for events:
First session, Thursday 24.
Paper file
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Association
Reference: UND/GE74 The DSU LGBT Association is a group that aims to provide socials, representation, campaigns and welfare services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students at Durham University. Welfare services are available for a wide range of LGBT issues (extending to intersex, asexual etc.) and socials are free for anyone to attend, whether strictly LGBT, questioning, interested or just coming with a friend!

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE74/D
UND/GE74/D1   28 February 2011
Poster advertising “Q week”, 28 February 2011
Paper, 1f
DU Life Society
Reference: UND/GE156 The DU Life Society was established in 1988 as a non-demoninational and non-party political association of students opposed to all direct abortion

Reference: UND/GE156/C
UND/GE156/C1   5 February 1988
Letter from the Welfare Officer to Deborah Lavin, Principal of Trevelyan College (and probably circulated to all College Principals) seeking their views on accomodation for single-parents, with reply from Lavin declining the offer to take part
1 letter
DC/DU Light Opera Group/Light Opera and Musical Theatre Group (DULOG)
Reference: UND/GE15
Dates of creation: 1952 - 2021 The Durham Colleges' Light Opera Group was established in 1950 “to promote interest in the not-so-serious operas”, later expanded “to perform light opera and generally to stimulate interest in light opera within the Durham Colleges”. It put on productions generally twice a year, in February/March and during June Week, in the Assembly Rooms, Durham. It became the Durham University Light Opera Group in 1963 and by 2007 had a full title of the Durham University Light Opera and Musical Theatre Group as the repertoire expanded to include West End hits.
Students become involved in every aspect of DULOG productions; developing performance skills, as musicians in the band, or as part of a production team: directors, producers, choreographers and technical crew are all drawn from the student body. DULOG has a reputation for producing exceptionally high standard entertainment within the University and town, whilst fostering the talent of individuals. Many former members have gone on to study at top drama schools and have subsequently become accomplished professional performers.
Productions have included:
1950 The Pirates of Penzance;
1951 Iolanthe;
1952 The Yeoman of the Guard;
1953 The Gondoliers; Cupid and Death;
1954 The Mikado;
1955 The Bartered Bride; La Vie Parisienne;
1956 Patience; H.M.S. Pinafore;
1957 Die Fledermaus; Iolanthe;
1958 The Yeoman of the Guard; The Pirates of Penzance;
1959 Ruddigore; The Conspirators;
1960 Jolly Rodger; Patience;
1961 The Mikado; Cox & Box and Trial by Jury;
1962 The Plumber's Arms; H.M.S. Pinafore;
1963 Iolanthe; Bastien and Bastienne and The Batsman's Bride;
1964 The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein; The Sorcerer; Ruddigore;
1965 The Gondoliers; Patience.
1966 The Mikado;
1967 The Plumber's Arms; The Pirates of Penzance;
1968 Princess Ida; Iolanthe.
1969 The Sorcerer; Ruddigore.
1970x1974 The Mikado; Merrie England
c.1975 The Grand Duke; Orpheus in the Underworld.
1977 The Merry Widow.
1980 Orpheus in the Underworld.
1991 HMS Pinafore.
1992 The Boyfriend.
1993 Ruddigore.
1997 Guys & Dolls
2000 Return to the ... Forbidden Planet
2001 The Gondoliers
2002 Kiss Me, Kate.
2003 A Chorus Line; Oh What A Lovely War!; Oklahoma!; H.M.S. Pinafore.
2004 Fame; Sweet Charity; The Mikado; A Slice of Saturday Night; Ruddigore.
2005 West Side Story; Me & My Girl; Into the Woods; The Gondoliers.
2006 City of Angels; How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying; The Pirates of Penzance.
2007 Sweeney Todd; The Fix; Thoroughly Modern Millie; The Mikado.
2008 Anything Goes; Assassins; Kiss Me, Kate; Company.
2009 Guys and Dolls; H.M.S. Pinafore; Mack & Mabel; Merrily We Roll Along; Iolanthe;
2010 West Side Story; A Little Night Music; A Chorus Line; The WIld Party; The Threepenny Opera.
2011 The Producers; A... My Name is Alice; No Fixed Address: a DULOG musical cabaret; The Pirates of Penzance.
2012 Oklahoma!; Rent; Kiss Me, Kate; Bat Boy: The Musical; H.M.S. Pinafore
2013 Fame! The Musical, Hair, DULOG Summer Cabaret
2014 Guys and Dolls, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Merrily We Roll Along, Cabaret
2015 Anything Goes, The Drowsy Chaperone, Spring Awakening, Addams Family
2016 Kiss Me, Kate, Ordinary Days, Avenue Q, Sweeney Todd
2017 Spamalot, Urinetown, Zanna, Don't, Rent
2018 Seussical the Musical, I Love You Because, Legally Blonde: the Musical; Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens; Spring Awakening
2019 Singin' in the Rain, Into the Woods, Soho Cinders, Company
2020 Oklahoma!, Dogfight
2021 Carrie, All Together Now
2022 Guys & Dolls
Details of the group's present-day activities are to be found at http://www.durham.ac.uk/dulog.
1970x1974 Chris Wagstaffe
c.1975 David Cross
1979-1980 Barrie Wright
1991-1992 Claire E. Williams
1993-1994 Sonia Hinze
1994-1995 Alexander E. Duval
2001-2002 Benjamin Prance
2002-2003 Heather Robson
2003-2004 Luke Gasper
2004-2006 David Alty
2006-2007 Natalie Neagle
2007-2008 Nicholas Lee
2008-2009 Matthew Johnson
2009-2010 Oliver Stevenson
2010-2011 Madeline Mutch
2011-2012 Joe Leather
2012-2013 Hannah Howie
2013-2014 Maxwell Spence
2014-2015 Jack Moreton
2015-2016 Jennifer Bullock
2016-2017 Joe McWilliam
2017-2018 Issie Osborne
2018-2019 Caroline Mosimann
2019-2020 Millicent Blair
2021-2022 Miriam Templeman

Reference: UND/GE15/B
UND/GE15/B1   October 1990
Statement of accounts for 1989/90 and correspondence.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE15/C
UND/GE15/C1   [1952]
Subscription circular detailing past and forthcoming productions, officers and committee and the benefits of membership.
UND/GE15/C2   2003 - 2008
List of the members of the executive for each year 2003/4 to 2007/8, with a photo of the 2006/7 executive.
Publications and printed items
Programmes with some tickets and posters for performances, usually detailing the cast, orchestra and stage crew, with a synopsis of the plot, some also with adverts and details of the group's officers and some previous and upcoming productions, generally int he Assembly Rooms unless otherwise stated.

UND/GE15/D1950s   1950 - 1959
The Pirates of Penzance, programme, with a note about this being the group's first production and “With reasonable co-operation there is no reason why light opera shoud not flourish in Durham and why this week's production should not be the first of a regular series”, 1950 .
Iolanthe, programme, 1951, (a photo of the cast is in UND/F13/FZ).
Yeoman of the Guard, programme and ticket, 21 February 1952
Gondoliers, programme and ticket, 19 February 1953.
Cupid and Death, programme, June 1953.
The Mikado, programme and ticket, 18 February 1954.
Patience, programme and ticket, 22 February 1956
Die Fledermaus, programme cover copy, 19-23 february 1957.
The Pirates of Penzance, programme cover copy, June 1958.
Ruddigore, programme and ticket, February 1959.
Paper file
UND/GE15/D1960s   1960 - 1969
Jolly Roger programme, ticket and flyer, 4 March 1960.
Iolanthe programme, 26 February - 2 March 1963.
The Gondoliers programme, June 1965.
Patience progamme, November 1965.
The Mikado programme, June 1966.
The Plumber's Arms programme, February 1967.
The Pirates of Penzance programme and poster, June 1967.
Princess Ida programme, February 1968.
Iolanthe programme, June 1968.
The Sorcerer programme, February 1969.
Ruddy-Gore programme, June 1969.
UND/GE15/D1970s   c.1970 - 1977
The Mikado programme, 1970x1974.
Merrie England programme, 1970x1974
The Grand Duke ticket and BW photo, c.1975.
Orpheus in the Underworld programme, [c.1975].
The Merry Widow programme, 8-12 February 1977.
UND/GE15/D1980s    [1980] - 1987
Orpheus in the Underworld poster and programme, 6-10 February [1980].
Oh What A Lovely War programme, 14 April 1987.
Paper file
UND/GE15/D1990s   1991 - 1997
HMS Pinafore programme 4-8 June 1991.
The Boyfriend programme, 11-15 February 1992.
Ruddigore programme, 8-12 June 1993.
Kiss me Kate programme and ticket, 14-18 February [1995].
Yeomen of the Guard programme, [June 1995].
Pygmalion programme, [?February 1996].
The Pirates of Penzance programme and ticket, 2-8 June 1996.
Guys & Dolls programme, 20 February 1997.
Paper file
UND/GE15/D2000s   2000 - 2009
Return to the ... Forbidden Planet poster, 22-24 June 2000.
The Gondoliers poster, 14-17 February 2001.
Iolanthe programme & poster [21-24 November] 2001.
Kiss Me, Kate programme, [?June 2002].
Oh What A Lovely War! programme & poster, 19-21 June [?2003]
A Slice of Saturday Night cast list, production team, reviews, photographs, copy poster, poster, 10-13 November 2004.
Ruddigore flyer & poster, 8-11 December 2004.
West Side Story cast list, production team, reviews, photographs, copy poster, 28 February-5 March 2005.
Into the Woods programme, cast list, production team, reviews, photographs by Oliver King, copy poster, 9-12 November 2005.
The Gondoliers programme, cast list, production team and copy poster, Town Hall, 6-7 December 2005.
City of Angels programme, cast list, production team, reviews, photographs by Oliver King, copy poster, Gala Theatre, 14-16 February 2006.
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, programme, 14-16 June 2006.
The Pirates of Penzance cast list, production team, photos and copy poster, 8-11 November 2006.
Sweeney Todd programme, cast list, production team, reviews, photographs by Oliver King, copy poster, Gala Theatre, 30 January-3 February 2007.
The Fix cast list, production team, synopsis, photos by Oliver King, copy poster, also a flyer, 7-10 March 2007.
The Mikado cast list, production team, photos and copy poster, programme, ticket, poster and flyer, 7-10 November 2007.
Anything Goes programme, including photos and brief biographies of the cast and production team, also separate cast list, production team, reviews, copy poster and photos, also 3 different posters and a flyer, Gala Theatre, 22-26 January 2008.
The Assassins programme, poster, flyer, Assembly Rooms, 27 February-1 March 2008.
Kiss Me, Kate poster, 11-14 June 2008.
Company programme, flyer and ticket, 5-8 November 2008.
Guys & Dolls programnme and flyer, Gala Theatre, 20-24 January 2009.
H.M.S. Pinafore, programme, Assembly Rooms, 11-14 March 2009.
Mack & Mabel poster, 17-20 June 2009.
Iolanthe programme & poster, Assembly Rooms, 4-7 November 2009.
Paper file
UND/GE15/D2010s    2010 - 2019
West Side Story poster and flyer, 26-30 January 2010
A Little Night Music, programme, [March 2010].
The Threepenny Opera, programme, [November 2010].
The Producers, programme, Gala Theatre, [January 2011]
A... My Name Is Alice poster, 2-5 March 2011.
The Pirates of Penzance poster, 23-26 November 2011.
Oklahoma! programme & flyer, Gala Theatre, 17-21 January 2012.
Fame The Musical programme & flyer, Gala Theatre, January 2013.
Guys and Dolls poster, programme and ticket, Gala Theatre, 21-25 January 2014.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee programme & poster, March 2014.
Merrily We Roll Along programme & poster, June 2014.
Cabaret programme, ticket & review, November 2014.
Anything Goes programme, poster, ticket & reviews, January 2015.
The Drowsy Chaperone programme, poster and review, March 2015.
Spring Awakening programme, poster and review, June 2015.
Addams Family programme, ticket and review, November 2015.
Kiss Me, Kate programme, poster, ticket and review, Gala Theatre, 19-23 January 2016.
Ordinary Days programme, flyer and review, 2-5 March 2016.
Avenue Q programme, poster, ticket and reviews, 15-18 June 2016.
Sweeney Todd programme, poster and reviews, 16-19 November 2016.
Spamalot programme, poster, preview and reviews, Gala Theatre, 24-28 January 2017.
Urinetown programme and reviews, 9-11 March 2017.
Zanna, Don't programme, poster and reviews, 14-17 June 2017.
Rent programme, poster, reviews and concert programme, 8-11 November 2017.
Seussical the Musical programme, poster and reviews, Gala Theatre, 16-20 January 2018.
I Love You Because programme, poster and reviews, 8-10 March 2018.
DULOG in Concert, 15 June 2018.
Legally Blonde: the Musical, programme and reviews, 20-22 June 2018.
Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens, poster and flyer, Edinburgh Fringe, 1-19 August 2018.
Spring Awakening, reviews, Hild Bede Joachim Room, 14-17 November 2018.
Singin' in the Rain, programme, reviews, ticket and poster, Gala Theatre, 15-19 January 2019.
Into the Woods, programme & reviews, Collingwood, 27 February - 2 March 2019.
DULOG in concert, Music School, [6 November 2019]
Company, programme & reviews, 20-23 November 2019.
Paper file
UND/GE15/D2020s   2020 - 2022
Oklahoma!, programme, poster & reviews, Gala Theatre, 21-25 January 2020.
Dogfight, programme & reviews, 4-7 March 2020.
Carrie, programme & reviews, 3-5 November 2021.
All Together Now, review, Caedmon Hall, 13-15 November 2021.
Guys & Dolls, programme, flyer, reviews & ticket, Gala Theatre, 18-22 January 2022
Hello Dolly, programme, Gala Theatre, 8-12 February 2023
Paper file
UND/GE15/D2   [2013]
List and description of DULOG productions 2007-2013, printed from the DULOG website 12 March 2014.
Paper file
UND/GE15/D3   [2005] - [2017]
Promotional flyers for DULOG.
Paper file
Lightfoot Society
Reference: UND/GE7
Dates of creation: 1947 - 1987 The Lightfoot Society was founded some time before 1939 (the first surviving minute book starts with meeting No 66 in 1947), with one of its co-founders having been Prof D. Winton Thomas. Its object initially was biblical studies, which had been expanded somewhat, by its 1967 constitution, to “The object of the Society shall be to discuss all branches of learning which contribute to the better understanding of Biblical and theological studies”.
Pre-1985 material deposited by Duane Arnold [president] in April 1985.
Formerly UND DUS 7/1-3.

Reference: UND/GE7/A
UND/GE7/A1   5 December 1947 - 9 May 1954
Lightfoot Society minute book
with loose minutes, paper abstracts and correspondence inserted.
Paper book, covers detached
UND/GE7/A2   15 October 1954 - 9 March 1956
Lightfoot Society minute book
Paper book
UND/GE7/A3   27 April 1956 - 8 November 1960
Lightfoot Society minute book
Paper book
UND/GE7/A4   2 December 1960 - 19 February 1965
Lightfoot Society minute book
Paper book
UND/GE7/A5   12 March 1965 - 9 February 1968
Lightfoot Society minute book
Copies of the new constitution, May 1967, and its draft, are loose inside the front cover.
Paper book
UND/GE7/A6   23 February 1968 - 20 June 1975
Lightfoot Society minute book
Paper book
UND/GE7/A7   31 October 1975 - 31 January 1980
Lightfoot Society minute book
Paper book
UND/GE7/A8   2 February 1980 - 12 May 1982
Lightfoot Society minute book
The minutes for meetings from 17 October 1980 onwards are on loose sheets inserted into the volume.
Paper book, largely blank
UND/GE7/A9   22 October 1986 - 12 May 1987
Lightfoot Society minutes
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE7/B
UND/GE7/B1   1951 - 1973
Lighfoot Society Account book
recording mostly subscriptions and expenses
Paper book
Reference: UND/GE7/C
UND/GE7/C1   1982 - 1983
Correspondence of Mrs Sue Havens at the Theology department with speakers, includes some lists of possible speakers.
Paper book
UND/GE7/C2   1983 - 1986
Correspondence of Duane W.H. Arnold and then Paul Trebilco, [successive presidents], includes some papers delivered to the society and lists of its members.
Paper book
Publications and printed items
Reference: UND/GE7/D
UND/GE7/D1   1948 - 1987
Termcards, recording officers, dates, speakers and titles for meetings.
Card, 13 items
UND/GE7/D2   1985
Posters advertising meetings:
Prof C.F.D. Moule “What Do Christians Mean By: The Presence of Christ” , in Hatfield, 11 March 1985
Paper, 1f
DC/DU Literary Society
The collection contains lists of literary contacts, correspondence with literary contacts and poets themselves, contributions for Makaris from outside poets (rather than students), proofs of Makaris, and a range of other contemporary amateur literary publications.
This material mostly dates from the years 1969-1971, one of the several periods during which Durham University Literary Society was active. Throughout this period it presented itself as a more informal alternative to the English Society, with a focus on ideas and discussion by members. Their magazine, Makaris, focused on poetry, and consequently it is this aspect of literature which is most prominent in the collection. Presidents during this time included Rob Cullen, J. Anne Brock, and Steve Taylor, with secretaries including Davina Waterhouse and John Davidson.

Reference: UND/GE27/C
UND/GE27/C1   February 1952
Circular giving notice of the term's meetings.
UND/GE27/C2/1   [c.1970]
Lists of addresses for publications and other literary contacts.
Paper, 5f
UND/GE27/C2/2   [c.1970]
List of addresses for poets.
Paper, 6f
UND/GE27/C2/3   13 June 1969
Poetry in Motion – containing short biographies of poets. Inc. letter from Jan Falkiner (Poetry in Motion) to Rob Cullen (editor, Makaris poetry magazine).
Paper booklet
UND/GE27/C2/4   22 June 1970
Postcard from Christopher Carrell (The Bookshop and Bookshop Gallery, Sunderland) to John Davidson concerning possible poetry readings.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C2/5-6    8 August 1970
Letter from Christopher Carrell (The Bookshop and Bookshop Gallery, Sunderland) to John Davidson concerning poetry readings Letter from Adrian Mitchell, Alan Jackson and Jeff Nuttall.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C2/7   7 September 1970
Postcard from Christopher Carrell (The Bookshop and Bookshop Gallery, Sunderland) to John Davidson concerning poetry readings from Adrian Mitchell, Alan Jackson, Jeff Nuttall and George Macbeth.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C2/8   [c.1970]
Letter from Christopher Carrell (The Bookshop and Bookshop Gallery, Sunderland) to John Davidson concerning poetry reading from Adrian Henri. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C2/9   22 June 1970
Postcard from George Stephenson (Mid Northumberland Arts Group) to John Davidson concerning poetry readings.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C2/10   3 November 1970
Postcard from George Stephenson (Mid Northumberland Arts Group) to John Davidson concerning addresses of poets.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C2/11   [1971]
Postcard invitation from Mid Northumberland Arts Group to book reading on 3 September 1971.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/1-2   12 November 1970
Letter from Fiona Glasgow (secretary to Sir John Betjeman's publisher) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading from Sir John Betjeman.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/3-4   10 June 1970
Letter from Alan Bold (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading. Inc. comment from previous editor of Makaris warning against his coming.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/5-6   29 May 1970
Letter from Edward Dorn (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/7   26 November 1970
Postcard from Thom Gunn (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/8-9   2 June 1970
Letter from Seamus Heaney (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/10   23 June 1970
Letter from Adrian Henri (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/12-13   7 October 1970
Letter from Adrian Henri (poet) to John Davidson confirming a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/14-15   2 November 1970
Letter from Adrian Henri (poet) to John Davidson confirming a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/16   14 January 1971
Postcard from Adrian Henri (poet) to John Davidson confirming arrival time for poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/17-18   1 June 1971
Letter from Adrian Henri (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a second poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/19   19 January 1971
Newspaper cutting listing Adrian Henri's poetry reading in Durham.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/20-21   5 June 1970
Letter from Alan Jackson (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/22-23   8 November 1970
Letter from Alan Jackson (poet) to John Davidson confirming a poetry reading. Inc. annotations.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/24-25   30 November 1970
Letter from Philip Larkin (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/26   31 May 1970
Postcard from George Macbeth (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/27   5 September 1970
Postcard from George Macbeth (poet) to John Davidson confirming a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/28   10 September 1970
Postcard from George Macbeth (poet) to John Davidson.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/29    18 September 1970
Postcard from George Macbeth (poet) to John Davidson confirming arrival time for a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/30-31    ? November 1970
Letter from George Macbeth (poet) to John Davidson concerning fees and expenses for poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/32   3 June 1970
Letter from Norman McCaig (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/34   20 January 1970
Letter from Spike Milligan (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/36-37   4 June 1970
Letter from Adrian Mitchell (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/38   6 September 1970
Postcard from Adrian Mitchell (poet) to John Davidson proposing dates for poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/39   ? September 1970
Postcard from Adrian Mitchell (poet) to John Davidson confirming a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/40   18 September 1970
Letter from Adrian Mitchell (poet) to John Davidson providing a brief biography.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/41-42   ? 1970
Letter from Adrian Mitchell (poet) to John Davidson confirming arrival arrangements for a poetry reading. Inc. hand-drawn map/diagram of Durham.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/43-44   11 January 1971
Letter from Adrian Mitchell (poet) to John Davidson providing Brian Patten's address.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/45-46   18 May 1971
Letter from Adrian Mitchell (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a second poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/47   [c.1970]
Change of address notecard for Adrian and Celia Mitchell. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/48   8 June 1970
Letter from David Morrison (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/49-50   1 July 1970
Letter from David Morrison (poet) to John Davidson confirming the date of a poetry reading. Inc. attached flyer concerning the poet's latest collection.
Paper, 2f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/51-52   24 October 1970
Letter from David Morrison (poet) to John Davidson concerning possible poetry readings in the surrounding area.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/53-54   24 November 1970
Letter from David Morrison (poet) to John Davidson confirming details concerning poetry readings.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/55-56   5 January 1971
Letter from David Morrison (poet) to John Davidson offering publicity material for his poetry reading (letter dated wrong year).
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/57   [c.1970]
Letter from Jeff Nuttall (poet) to John Davidson accepting offer of a poetry reading. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/58   [c.1970]
Postcard from Jeff Nuttall (poet) to John Davidson confirming date of poetry reading. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/59   [c.1970]
Brief biography of Jeff Nuttall, with hand-written note from the poet concerning poetry readings. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/60-61   27 August 1970
Letter from John Davidson to Jeff Nuttall (poet) requesting confirmation of details of poetry reading. Reply from poet concerned on same paper, requesting address. No date for reply.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/62-63   4 ? 1970
Letter from Jeff Nuttall (poet) to John Davidson requesting address and directions for poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/64-65   25 October 1970
Letter from Jeff Nuttall (poet) to John Davidson confirming arrival time for poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/66   [c.1970]
Letter from Brian Patten (poet) to Davina Waterhouse concerning poetry readings and encouraging her to visit him. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/67   [c.1970]
Letter from Brian Patten (poet) to Davina Waterhouse confirming a date for a poetry reading. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/68-69   ? January 1971
Letter from Brian Patten (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/70   16 September 19?70
Postcard from Tom Pickard (poet) to John Davidson confirming a poetry reading.
UND/GE27/C3/71   [c.1970]
Letter from Tom Pickard (poet) to John Davidson containing brief biography and list of works. No date.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C3/72   3 June 1970
Letter from Charles Senior (poet) to John Davidson declining the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/GE27/C3/74-75   2 June 1970
Letter from John Wain (poet) to John Davidson accepting the offer of a poetry reading.
Paper, 1f + window
UND/GE27/C4   [c.1970]
Contributions for Makaris:
1. Morning Song II and Song by Adrian Henri. Attached. 2f.
2. 4 by Barry MacSweeney. 1f.
3. Untitled poem by Barry MacSweeney. 1f.
4. Guns by Adrian Mitchell. Signed. 1f.
5. Byron is One of the Dancers by Adrian Mitchell. Signed. 1f.
6. Licht Unseen by David Morrison. Signed. 1f.
7. My Hell is Mine by David Morrison. 2f.
8. On Dunnet Beach, Caithness by David Morrison. 1f.
9. Untitled poem by Jeff Nuttall. 1969. 1f.
10. Untitled poem by Tom Pickard. 1f.
11. Untitled poem by Tom Pickard. Inc. corrections. 1f.
12. New Body by Tom Pickard. 1f.
13. Contributions for Makaris: nine poems, including Take Me, Go Softly, O Eye, Death Duty and Poem of Jealousy by Sal Lunn, Van Mildert. ? October 1970. 3ff.
Paper file
UND/GE27/C5/1-14   October 1969 - February 1971
Proofs for Makaris.
1. Vol.9 No.1. 16 October 1969. 4ff.
2. Vol. 10 No.1. 17 October 1970. 5ff.
3. Vol. 10 No.2. 24 October 1970. 6ff.
4. Vol. 10 No.3. 31 October 1970. 7ff.
5. Vol. 10 No.4. 14 November 1970. 6ff.
6. Vol. 10 No.5. 21 November 1970. 5ff.
7. Vol. 10 No.6. No date. 6ff.
8. Vol. 10 No.7. No date. 6ff.
9. Vol. 11 No.1. No date. 6ff.
10. Vol. 11 No.2. 23 January 1971. 6ff.
11. Vol. 11 No.3. 30 January 1971. 5ff.
12. Vol. 11 No.4. 6 February 1971. 6ff.
13. Vol. 11 No.5 (printed as 4 on magazine). No date. 4ff.
14. Vol. 11 No.6. 20 February 1971. 7ff.
Paper file
UND/GE27/C5/15   17 November 1970
Letter from R. Watson (University of Durham Examinations Department, Old Shire Hall) to J.A. Brock (editor, Makaris poetry magazine) terminating the agreement of the Printing Department to print Makaris after Michaelmas term 1970.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C5/16   30 November 1970
Letter from W.B. Fisher (University of Durham Department of Geography) to J.A. Brock (editor, Makaris poetry magazine) declining the request to print Makaris.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C6    [c.1970]
Headed notepaper for Makaris correspondence. Printed with the names of the president and editor (J. Anne Brock) and secretary (John Davidson) at the time of production.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/C7   1971
Photocopy of newspaper article concerning Durham University Literary Society. Including photograph of Steve Taylor (editor, Makaris poetry magazine) and John Davidson . Written comment: ' Evening Chronicle? Durham Advertiser?'.
Paper, 1f
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE27/D
UND/GE27/D1/1   [?1969]
Questionnaire sent from Durham University Literary Society to other universities to encourage co-operation between literary societies. Written responses from Manchester University Poetry and English Societies.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/D1/2   October 1969
Dodo: collection of poems, illustrated. Manchester University Poetry Society.
Paper booklet, 13f
UND/GE27/D2   [c.1970]
Estragon, Nos.1&2: collection of poems, short stories and articles. Durham University English Society.
2 paper booklets
UND/GE27/D3/1    12 October 1970
Letter from Sarah to John [Davidson, secretary of Makaris poetry magazine?] to accompany UND/GE27/D3/3.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/D3/2    [c.1970]
Flyer from publisher of UND/GE27/D3/3 advertising available and upcoming publications.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE27/D3/3   1970
The High Tower by Frances Horovitz: collection of poems. Printed and bound.
Paper booklet
UND/GE27/D4/1    [c.1970]
Iconolâtre, issue 21: collection of essays, artwork, and poetry.
Paper booklet
UND/GE27/D4/2   1969
Upper Reaches: Poetry from Iconolâtre magazine 1963-1968: collection of poems.
Paper booklet
UND/GE27/D5   Winter 1969-1970
Phalanx, No.2: collection of poems, stories and articles. Theme of violence. Durham University arts magazine.
Paper file, 21f
UND/GE27/D6   31 October 1969
Poetry and Audience, Vol.17 No.4: collection of poems. Leeds University.
Paper booklet
UND/GE27/D7   October 1970
Tomorrow, Vol.1 No. 1: collection of poems, photographs and drawings. Independent student magazine based in Oxford. Printed.
Paper booklet
UND/GE27/D8   [February ?1970]
Programme for Luther by John Osborne, performed in the Dunelm Ballroom from 9th-12th Feb. (no year). Including list of cast and crew. Publicity attributed to Durham University Literary Society. 2ff.
Paper leaflet, 2f
UND/GE27/D9   October 1968 - February 1971
Makaris poetry magazine:
Volume 6 Special Edition
Volume 6 No.1, 12 October 1968
Volume 6 No.2, 19 October 1968
Volume 6 No.3, 28 October 1968
Volume 6 No.4, 4 November 1968
Volume 6 No.5, 11 November 1968
Volume 6 No.6, 18 November 1968
Volume 6 No.7, 25 November 1968
Volume 6 No.8, 2 December 1968
Volume 6 Christmas edition, 9 December 1968
Volume 7 No.1, 18 January 1969
Volume 7 No.2, 25 January 1968
Volume 7 No.3, 1 February 1969
Volume 7 No.4, 8 February 1969
Volume 7 No.5, 15 February 1969
Volume 7 No.6, 22 February 1969
Volume 7 No.7, 1 March 1969
Volume 7 No.8, 8 March 1969
Volume 7 No.9, 26 April 1969
Volume 7 No.10, 10 May 1969
Volume 7 No.11, 24 May 1969
Volume 7 No.12, 7 June 1969
Poetry Anthology 1969
Volume 9 No.2, 25 October 1969
Volume 9 No.4
Volume 9 No.5, 15 November 1969
Volume 9 No.7, 29 November 1969
Poetry Anthology, Christmas 1969
Volume 9 No.9, 30 January 1970
Volume 9 No.10, 9 February 1970
Volume 9 No.12, 21 February 1970
Volume 10 No.12, 27 February 1970
Volume 9 No.13, 10 March 1970
Volume 10 No.14, 2 May 1970
Volume 10 No.13, 23 May 1970
Volume 10 No.14, 30 May 1970
Undated, with a welcoming letter to students and notice about the visit of Ted Hughes
Volume 10 No.1, 17 October 1970
Volume 10 No.2, 24 October 1970, with a Guardian review of Crow by Ted Hughes
Volume 10 No.3, 31 October 1970
Volume 10 No.4, 14 November 1970
Volume 10 No.6, 28 November 1970
Volume 10 No.7, 5 December 1970
Volume 11 No.1, 16 January 1971
Volume 11 No.2, 23 January 1971
Volume 11 No.3, 30 January 1971
Volume 11 No.4, 6 February 1971
Volume 11 No.4, 13 February 1971
Volume 11 No.6, 20 February 1971
49 paper booklets
Vols.6 and 7 given by the editor Haydn Adams, June 2019, Acc No Misc 2019/20:73
A more comprehensive set 1965-1994 is available at Palace Green Library, ref PamSC+ 00159.
DU Malaysian Society
Reference: UND/GE132
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE132/D
UND/GE132/D1   [2019]
Promotional flyer
Paper, 1f
DU/Durham Colleges Mathematical Society
Reference: UND/GE154
Reference: UND/GE154/H
UND/GE154/H1   1962 - 1969
DELTA: The Magazine of Durhan University's Mathematical Society
First issue entitled: DELTA: The Magazine of the Durham Colleges Mathematical Society
Issues: Nos. 1 (1962), 6 (1966/67), 7 ([1968]), 8 [(1969)]
4 issues
DU Medical Society
Reference: UND/GE11
Dates of creation: 1882 - 1928 Formerly DUS 23.

Reference: UND/GE11/B
UND/GE11/B1   December 1882 - March 1928
Medical Society account book
Receipts and expenses are in separate sections of the volume up to 1888, thence credit and debit accounts are on facing pages. The volume includes separate accounts for the Medical Ball 1890-1894, an inventory of the Medical Society's effects January to July 1883 on p.271, and an inserted 1928 receipt.
A note on the front flyleaf states that the volume was presented “by Simpson Powell, Honorary Secretary 1882-83 In order that the Society's accounts might in future be kept in a thoroughly Businesslike Manner”. A further note at the front states that “The lists of members ... are not to be entered in this book but in another especially provided for that purpose together with the petty cash account”.
Paper book
Presented by the Thackwray Museum 2001, Acc No Misc. 2001/2002:112.
Medieval and Early Modern Student Association (MEMSA)
Reference: UND/GE77
Dates of creation: 2011 - 2017 MEMSA is a postgraduate group spanning the faculties of Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences.

Administrative Files
Reference: UND/GE77/C
UND/GE77/C1   July 2017
Conference programmes: 11-12 July 2017 (11th annual conference)
Paper file
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE77/D
UND/GE77/D1   2011 - 2019
Posters for seminars and courses.
Paper file
UND/GE77/D2   2013
Posters for excursions.
Paper file
DU Methodist Society/MethSoc
Reference: UND/GE13
Dates of creation: 1932 - 2016 The university's Methodist Society meets at Elvet Methodist church for talks, discussions, meditations, videos, music and socials. It is an action-minded group, engaging actively in the community and with the local church, and providing opportunities for Christian witness, both as a single society and within a larger Christian spectrum. It has an executive of a president, secretary, treasurer, community services and liaison officer, missions and retreats officer, prayer and worship secretary, and small groups secretaries. It is the oldest Christian society in the university.
2008-9 Jon Fryer

Publications and printed items
Reference: UND/GE13/D
UND/GE13/D1   Michaelmas 2004 & Michaelmas 2016
Printed ephemera promoting the Society.
Term card, with a list of freshers' events inserted [October 2004]
Flyer [October 2016].
Reference: UND/GE13/E
UND/GE13/EA1932   [1932]
Methodist Society committee, in jackets and ties, outside, 2 photocopies, identified: Lily (Pat) Askwith (Brigham), Harry Stringer, Kingsley Dunham, Nancie Matthews.
Paper, 2f
DU Mooting Society
Reference: UND/GE32 The Mooting Society exists to promote the art of oral legal argument through the familiarisation of mooting rules and procedures. This society is open to students of all disciplines, with a key focus on law students. The Society aims to hold regular workshops and to provide entry into mooting competitions throughout the year. It also aims to invite guest speakers, such as barristers, solicitors, and other members related to the field of legal argument, as well as holding socials throughout the year. It is affiliated to Durham Law School and Durham Students' Union.
2008-9 Helen Dennis

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE32/D
UND/GE32/D1   2007 - 2012
Posters for an introductory social.
DC/DU Music/Musical Society/ Music Durham
Reference: UND/GE21
Dates of creation: 1943 - 2015 DUMS aims to provide every student within Durham University with an opportunity to access many different types of music, from jam nights to piano concertos. It has strong links with other societies, offering opportunities to work alongside the vast number of other musical clubs and societies in the university. As a society itself, DUMS offers its members regular lunchtime concerts, providing performing opportunities for students of all standards, abilities and interests. Another aspect of the society is lively social events, such as a Christmas ball, trips to shows within the North-East, a monthly newsletter and a website to keep members updated of all events. DUMS integrates its members throughout the year, from a freshers choir and band to a graduate concert.
DUMS became Music Durham in 2015 as the over-arching body for extra-curricular music in Durham.

Administrative files
Reference: UND/GE21/C
UND/GE21/C1   December 2017
Details of Durham's music societies, taken from the website.
Paper file
UND/GE21/C2   January 2019 - November 2020
Occasional Music Durham Weekly newsletter detailing upcoming events, concerts, positions available, and consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic and conversion of performances to online. Originally produced and circulated online.
Paper file
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE21/D
UND/GE21/D1   1967 - 2020
Posters for concerts:
Choral concert, Durham Town Hall, 11 March 1967
Choral concert, Castle Great Hall, 9 May [?1971]
Liszt, Via Crucis oratorio, Music School, 6 March 2007.
Lunchtime recitals Easter term 2007.
Chaminade Flute Concertino, Mozart Piano Concerto No.23, Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms, conductor Alistair Hardie, Newcastle Cathedral, 21 February [2009].
Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espagnol, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2, Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition, conductor Ray Farr, The Sage Gateshead, 18 March [2010].
Tippett A Child of Our Time, Britten The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Vaughan Williams Five Mystical Songs, conductor Edward Moore, The Sage Gateshead, 2 March 2011.
Music diary November/December 2013.
Parnassius Piano Duo, Music Department, 24 February [2014]
Last Night of the Proms, Cathedral, 6 June 2014
A Night at the Movies, Cathedral, 30 May [2015]
An Evening With Shakespeare, Cathedral, 3 June 2016
'Tis the season for a Christmas concert, Durham Town Hall, 13 December 2016
Home Alone Lost in Durham A Christmas Concert, Elvet Methodist Church, 11 December [2017]
Land of Hope and Glory, Cathedral, 2 June 2017
Around the World in 80 Minutes, Castle Great Hall, 4 June 2017
Beyond the Realms Tales of Fantasy and Imagination, Cathedral, 1 June 2018
Divinity Wind Quintet, Cathedral Chapter House, 6 June 2018
Stage & Screen Act 1, Cathedral, 8 June 2019
Stage & Screen Act 2, Gala Theatre, 10 June 2019
Lunchtime recitals Epiphany term 2019
Colleges' Evensong, Cathedral, 26 January 2020
Never Give Up, Assembly Rooms, 1 March 2020
UND/GE21/D2   1943 - 2024
Programmes for concerts and performances:
J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Handel, Warlock, Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Ireland, Hodgson, Castle Great Hall, 24 June 1943.
Haydn, Franck, Fauré, Scriabin, 23 May 1944.
Traditional, Festa, Byrd, Schubert, Mozart, Bach, Gibbons, Weelkes, Ford, Thiman, Vaughan Williams, Stanford, Gluck, Walthew, Schumann, Wolf, Elgar, Holst, German, Castle Great Hall, 22 June 1944.
J.S. Bach, St John Passion, Cathedral, 10 March 1945.
Morley, Wilbye, Vautor, Mozart, Handel, Beethoven, Weelkes, Chopin, Debussy, Head, Quilter, Wood, Mendelssohn, Joseph, I. Holst, Moeran, in Castle Great Hall, 21 June 1945.
Mozart, Requiem Mass, Cathedral, 16 March 1946.
The Art of J.S. Bach, 29 October 1947
Arne, Mozart, Purcell, Farmer, Weelkes, Morley, Stanford, Handel, Schubert, Finzi, Vaughan Williams, O'Neill, Saint-Saëns, in Castle Great Hall, 23 June 1948.
Rubbra, Evans, Tippett, Stevenson, Leaper, Schoneberg, Vaughan Williams, in the Music School, 10 May 1950.
Purcell, Franck, Bramwell, Delius, Debussy, Haydn, Strauss, in Castle Great Hall, 21 June 1950.
Conrad Eden, organ, Frescobaldi, Buxtehude, Bach, Mozart, Darke, Philip, in Cathedral, 14 June [1950].
A. Gabrieli, Palestrina, Willaert, G. Gabrieli, Monteverdi, Scarlatti, Marenziom de Rore, 29 November 1950.
Farmer, Gibbons, Barlet, Byrd, Gibbons, Morley, Cavendish, Pilkington, Bull, Weelkes, Wilbye, in the Music School, 7 February 1951.
Norman Suckling, Ravel, Fauré, Debussy, Roussel, Ravel, Poulenc, 5 March 1951.
Morley, Purcell, Tomkins, Gibbons, Scarlatti, Mozart, Brahms, Handel, Boyce, Thiman, Ireland, Medelssohn, Bridge, Chopin, Parry, Finzi, June 1951.
Haydn, Fauré, Head, Vaughan Williams, Mozart, 24 October [1951].
Borodin, Grieg, Bartok, Vaughan Williams, Dvorak, 7 May 1952.
Bell, Patterson, Owen, Rockett, Fleming, Boyd, 16 May 1952.
Boyce, Kreisler, Farmer, Haydn, Mozart, Sharp, Vaughan Williams, Delius, Stanford, Roberton, Reger, Woodgate, Fuiger, Handel, Parry, 16 June 1952.
Irene Kohler piano, Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Schubert, Albeniz, Bede College, 7 March 1954.
Peter Mountain String Quartet, Applebey Theatre, 5 March 1958
Organ recital, Durham School Chapel, 19 March 1958
Italian and English baroque music, Durham St Mary-le-Bow, 28 May 1958
Cecilian Pianoforte Trio, Beethoven, Schubert, Lecture Room 5 Palace Green, 10 May [?1961].
Dujay, Paumann, Schütz, Josquin, in St Mary-le-Bow, 21 November 1962.
Farnaby, Sweelinck, Purcell, Arne, Paradisi, J.S. Bach, Couperin, Henze, Scarlatti, in Castle Great Hall, November 1965.
Choral, Coleridge Taylor, Seiber, Elgar, Head, Brahms, Schubert, [11 March 1967].
Choral, Schütz, Bach, Purcell, Handel, Monteverdi, 30 November [?1967].
Mozart, Debussy, Stravinsky, Brahms, in Music School, 9 December 1968.
Buxtehude, Monteverdi, Gibbons, Tippett, Vaughan Williams, Cathedral Chapter House, 26 February 1969.
Buxtehude, Purcell, Bruckner, J.S. Bach, Palestrina, [?1969].
Handel, Veracini, Couperin, Pergolesi, Telemann, Arne, Bach, 4 February 1970.
Monteverdi, Rovetta, Cima, Gabrieli, Handel, St Oswald's Church, 4 March 1970.
Freddi, Wilbye, Tomkins, Byrd, Weelkes, Donati Tippett, Vivaldi, Cathedral Chapter House, 14 May [?1970].
J.S. Bach, Britten, Vaughan Williams, Palestrina, St Oswald's Church, 27 November [?1970].
Crecquillon, Purcell, Handel, 1970/71.
Ariadne auf Naxos and The Village Barber, Assembly Rooms, January [?1971].
Dartington String Quartet, Mozart, Skalkottas, Mendelssohn, in Durham Town Hall, 12 October [?1971].
Chamber Choir and Bow School Boys' Choir, Tippett, Lambert, Hurd, 23 October [1971]
Christmas music, 10 November 1971, with ticket.
Freshers' Concert, 24 November 1971.
University Music Group orchestral concert, 28 November 1971.
Renaissance and Baroque music, 19 January 1972.
Monteverdi's Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda and Mozart's Zaïde, Assembly Rooms, with a ticket of Wednesday 26 April [?1972].
A Son et Lumiere from Messiah, St Oswald's Church, 4/5 May 1972.
With Strings and Voices, 10 May 1972.
Organ, Durham School Chapel, 21 May 1972.
Capriol Ensemble of London, in Dunelm House, 25 October [?1972]
Chamber Orchestra concert, conductor Stephen Shipley, Durham Castle, 10 March 1974
Coronation of Poppea, Assembly Rooms, May 1974.
Savitri and Dido and Aeneas, Assembly Rooms, May 1975.
The Threepenny Opera, Assembly Rooms, [c.1975]
Chamber Choir concert, Bede chapel, 7 March 1991
The Beggar's Opera, Assembly Rooms, January [?1992].
Organ and trumpet, St Oswald's Church, 7 June 1999.
The Sage Gateshead, 18 March 2010.
Tippett, A Child of Our Time, The Sage Gateshead, 2 March 2011.
J.S. Bach, Christmas Oratorio, Castle, 6 December 2013.
Perilous Polyphony, Castle Great Hall, 10 May 2014.
Last Night of the Proms, Cathedral, 6 June 2014
Verdi, Nabucco, Collingwood College, by Opera Nova, 8 March 2015.
A Night at the Movies, with contributions from the university's Northern Lights, Big Band, Concert Band, Palatinate Orchestra, Opera Ensemble, Brass Band, Light Opera Group, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Choir, Cathedral, 30 May 2015.
An Evening with Shakespeare, with contributions from DST, Brass Band, Chamber Choir, Palatinate Orchestra, Opera Ensemble, Concert Band, Northern Lights, Orchestral Society and DULOG, Cathedral, 3 June 2016.
The European Lute Orchestra, with the Durham Singers and Music department soloists, Castle, 30 October 2016.
Swing, Strings & Sir Tom, with Big Band and Sir Thomas Allen, Gala Theatre, 10 March 2017.
Divinity Wind Quintet with the Durham String Quartet, St Oswald's Church, 21 June 2017.
Divinity Quintet and Bailey Quartet, St Margaret's Church, 24 November 2017, review.
Home Alone Lost in Durham A Christmas Concert, Orchestral Society, Chamber Choir and Northern Lights, Elvet Methodist Church, 11 December 2017, programme & review.
Christmas with a Twist, Flute Choir, DSU, 14 December 2017, review and newspaper article
Lunchtime concerts Michaelmas 2017 review
Beyond the Realms Tales of Fantasy and Imagination, Cathedral, 1 June 2018, with a review
Earthbound, Castle, 3 June 2018, programme and review
Divinity Wind Quintet and Friends, Cathedral Chapter House, 6 June 2018, programme and review
Flute Choir, DSU Kingsgate Room, 2 December 2018, programme
Gospel Choir and Durham Dynamics, Music School, 30 January 2019, programme
Flute Choir, Music School, 13 February 2019, poster
A Celebration of Women in Music, 5 March 2019, programme
Music for Tanzania Spring Charity Concert featuring the Flute Choir, Foot Notes et al, 12 March 2019, poster
Chamber Music featuring No Treble and Divinity Quintet, 20 March 2019, programme
Stage & Screen Act 1, Cathedral, 8 June 2019
Stage & Screen Act 2, Gala Theatre, 10 June 2019
Lunchtime concert with Sophie Horrocks and Mary-Anne Grego, and the Kingsgate Quartet, 23 October 2019, programme
Northern Lights and Foot Notes, 6 November 2019, programme
Flute Choir Christmas Concert - A Night at the Ballet, St Mary the Less, 24 November 2019, programme, poster and review
Durham Dynamics and Northern Lights, Lunchtime concert, Music School, 4 December 2019, programme
Durham Dynamics, Christmas Showcase, St Oswald's Church, 4 December 2019, programme & review
Never Give Up, Assembly Rooms, with RTProjects, 1 March 2020, programme
Durham Dynamics, Winter Concert, St Oswald's Church, 1 December 2021, programme
Flute Choir, Christmas Concert, Music School, 2 December 2021, poster
Colleges Choirs Evensong, Cathedral, 13 March 2022
Durham University Classical Ensemble presents Johann Sebastian Bach, Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel, Franz Peter Schubert, 8 March 2023, St Oswald's Church, Durham, programme
Music Durham Instrumentalists Concert, Music Department Concert Room, 2 March 2022
Concert on the theme of sanctuary, Cathedra, [?2024]. Includes members of the Durham University Orchestral and Choral Societies and soloists from DULOG, in support of Ukrainian refugees
Paper file
UND/GE21/D3   1968 - 1986
University Chamber Orchestra programmes, detailing the orchestra's members from 1973:
Castle Great Hall, 1 December 1968.
Castle Great Hall, [?December 1969].
Castle Great Hall, 2 December 1973.
Trevelyan College, 7 May [1977].
Castle Great Hall, 1 December [1985].
Castle Great Hall, 2 March 1986.
File of paper leaflets/booklets
UND/GE21/D4   1964
Term card for Easter 1964 listing officers and events
Card, 2f
UND/GE21/D5   2017
Flyers for Music Durham.
Paper file
UND/GE21/D6   2014
2013 2014 A Musical Review, produced by Durham University Music Society and Experience Durham, with reviews of DUMS activities, and those of the Chamber Choir, Chamber Choir, Chapel Choirs, Orchestral Society, Palatinate Orchestra, Brass Band, Concert Band, Opera Ensemble, Big Band, Music Department and Musicon.
Printed colour illustrated booklet, 24p + covers
UND/GE21/D7   2015
Concert ephemera for performances outside Durham:
An evening with Tim Rice & friends, at the Sage Gateshead, (including Music Durham chorus from DULOG, Northern Lights and Chamber Choir) 8 October 2015.
Printed booklet
DC Natural History Society/ DU Biological Society
Reference: UND/GE6
Dates of creation: 1947 - 1969 The Durham Colleges Natural History Society was formed on 24 October 1947 when the “emphasis was to be laid upon field studies in Botany, Geology and Zoology supplemented by short papers read by students, with occasional contributions from members of staff and outside speakers”. A separate Geological Society was founded in 1954, noted at this society's AGM on 11 May. The 1962 constitution described its interests as just Natural History, which a subsequent president declined to define at an AGM. In May 1966, it became the Durham University Biological Society. In 2007, the Biological Society claimed to be “one of the best up-and-coming societies around”, with events including socials, trips to the Farne Islands, engaging guest speakers on current issues, photography competitions and careers information.
Deposited by G. Rankin 1981.
Formerly UND DUS 8.

Reference: UND/GE6/A
UND/GE6/A1   24 October 1947 - 27 April 1956
Natural History Society minute book
Paper book
UND/GE6/A2   19 October 1956 - 19 October 1962
Natural History Society minute book
Paper book
UND/GE6/A3   2 November 1962 - 14 November 1969
Natural History/Biological Society minute book
Paper book
Reference: UND/GE6/D
UND/GE6/D1   1954 - 1959
The Durham Colleges Natural History Society Journal, intending in 1954 to publish annually articles on Natrual History, accounts of field work and summaries of papers presented to the society. Present:
Vol.1, 1953/54
[Vol.2], 1954/55
[Vol.3], 1955/56
Vol.IV, May 1957
Vol.V, June 1958
Vol.VI, June 1959
6 printed booklets bound in one volume
Formerly: Per Local DUR
New Art Music Ensemble (NAME)
Reference: UND/GE139 NAME is a chamber music society specialising in music written since the Second World War. Its two subgroups, NAME Pierrot and NAME Collective, perform joint termly concerts in the Music Department, college-based venues, and local churches. NAME Pierrot is a pierrot ensemble, thus consisting of a flautist, a clarinetist, a pianist, a violinist, and a cellist. It frequently perform repertoire with additional instruments, such as oboe, viola, and percussion. 2019/20 repertoire may include works by Peter Maxwell Davies, Jennifer Higdon, and John Cage. NAME Collective is a non-auditioned ensemble, open to all instrumentalists and singers. It performs a variety of text pieces and graphic scores, in the past performing works by composers such as Cornelius Cardew, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Will Redman, as well as members of the Collective who may submit their own pieces. NAME Collective is also involved in outreach projects, working with children to instill adventurous musical interests from an early age.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE139/D
UND/GE139/D1   2019 - 2020
Concert ephemera:
Collingwood College, 10 December 2019, posters
Bede Chapel, 9 March 2020, poster
Music Dept Concert Room, 10 March 2020, poster
Collingwood College, 22 October 2021, poster
St John's Chapel, 28 October 2021, poster
Paper file
Northern Lights
Reference: UND/GE91 The Northern Lights are a mixed a cappella group made up of talented, diverse and passionate performers who seek to thrill their audiences solely through the power of the human voice. They were established in 2015 and hope to build on 2016's successes, which included reaching the semi-finals of the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCAs), performing at Castle June Ball and Cathedral, and putting on sold-out shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. They are very proud to say that they arrange their own pieces and choreograph their own routines. Also in 2016 they recorded their first single, ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE91/D
UND/GE91/D1   2017 - 2020
Concert ephemera:
Northern Lights at the Gala, 31 January 2017
Christmas Concert, Music School, 5 December 2017, review
Northern Lights at the Gala, 12 February 2018, review
Northern Lights at the Boat Club, 4 March 2018, review
A Series of Unaccompained Events, Edinburgh Fringe Show, Music Department, 11 August 2018, poster
Northern Lights A Cappella Supported by Full Score, Gala Theatre, 28 January 2019, programme, poster and review
An A Cappella Spring Concert with Durham Dynamics, Castle Great Hall, 18 March 2019, poster.
A Riff in Time, Edinburgh Fringe, 19-24 August 2019, flyer
Lunchtime Concert, Music School, 4 December 2019, programme
Northern Lights A Cappella with DU Gospel Choir, Gala Theatre, 27 January 2020, programme & review
Lunchtime Concert, Music School, 12 February 2020, programme
Paper file
UND/GE91/D2   2017
Auditions flyer
Paper file
DU Northern Society
Reference: UND/GE131
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE131/D
UND/GE131/D1   [2019]
Promotional flyer
Paper, 1f
OoooK! Productions
UND/GE83   2009 - 2022

Ooook! Productions is a comedy theatre specialist, set up in 2008 by DU students Tim Foster and Ben Saunders to bring Discworld productions to the stage in Durham. It puts on several productions a year in venues across Durham, ranging from local pubs to the Gates Shopping centre as well as fully equipped theatres. The main event in the Ooook! calendar is the annual Discworld play in the Assembly Rooms Theatre. Past productions have included Terry Pratchett's Night Watch and Small Gods and the classic BBC sitcoms 'Allo 'Allo and Fawlty Towers. Ooook! is a friendly and outreaching theatre company open to all comers, and have no qualms about taking on thus far untested talent, which it actively recruits. Proceeds from all Ooook! productions go to charity, raising over £7500 by 2014 for such as the Orangutan Foundation. Ooook!’s philosophy is to create accessible theatre and to have fun doing it; it does not put on the most critically acclaimed productions but it guarantees that cast, crew and audience will have an unforgettable and enjoyable experience.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE83/D
UND/GE83/D1   2009 - 2022
Posters and programmes for productions, usually at the Assembly Rooms unless otherwise stated:
Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters, 5-7 March [2009], poster.
Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!, 18-20 February [2010], poster.
Terry Pratchett, Small Gods, 17-19 February [2011], poster.
'Allo 'Allo, 10-12 March [2011], auditions poster.
Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 7-9 November 2013, programme & poster
Shaw, Pygmalion, St John's College Chapel, 6/8 December [2013], poster
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies, 20-22 February [2014], poster
Aristophanes, Lysistrata, 26-28 June 2014, programme & poster
Guy Bolton & P.G. Wodehouse, Come On Jeeves, 6-8 November 2014, programme, poster, flyer & review
Jess Bray, Swing By Around, 5-6 February [2015], poster
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment, [19-21 February 2015], programme, poster & review
Antony Jay & Jonathan Lynn, Yes, Prime Minister, 17-19 June 2015, programme, poster, flyer and review
Christopher Durang, The Actor's Nightmare, and Tom Stoppard, The Real Inspector Hound, 3-5 December 2015, programme, poster and review
Terry Pratchett, Soul Music, 18-20 February 2016, programme and poster
Ian Gower & Paul Carpenter, The Vicar of Dibley, 22-24 June 2016, programme, poster and reviews
Graham Linehan, The Ladykillers, 10-12 November 2016, programme, poster, preview and reviews
Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum, 16-18 February 2017, poster and reviews
Richard Curits & Ben Elton, Blackadder the Third, 21-23 June 2017, programme, poster and reviews
Larry Shue, The Foreigner, 1-2 December 2017, programme, poster and reviews
Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay, 15-17 February 2018, programme and reviews
Graham Lineham, The IT Crowd, 7-9 June 2018, programme, poster and reviews
Richard Sheridan, The Rivals, Fountains Hall Grey College, 30 November-1 December 2018, programme & reviews
Terry Pratchett, Mort, Durham School Luce Theatre, 21-23 February 2019, reviews & poster
Father Ted, Elvet Methodist Church, 20-22 June 2019, programme, reviews & poster
Arthur Wing Pinero, The Magistrate, 5-7 December 2019, programme, poster & reviews
Terry Pratchett, Going Postal, 20-22 February 2020, programme & reviews
Miranda: The Stage Show, 9-11 December 2021, reviews
The Amazing Maurice, 24-26 February 2022, review
Paper file
UND/GE83/D2   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Opera
Reference: UND/GE51
Dates of creation: 1987
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE51/D
UND/GE51/D1   1987
Carl Orff, Der Mond, Hild and Bede, November 1987.
Paper booklet
Durham Opera Appreciation Society (DOAS)
Reference: UND/GE140 Durham Opera Appreciation Society (DOAS) seeks to understand and appreciate opera in its entire glory. We value opera as a musical art, but also seek to understand how the academic, social and managerial aspects of the genre work alongside performance. As such, we are unique in our endeavour to appreciate opera as a complete and functioning art form. This objective is carried out through regular informal meetings in which various students will perform and talk about opera, as well as additional sessions in which professional performers and speakers will discuss their rich and diverse encounters with the genre. Any student, regardless of prior knowledge or experience, is very welcome to join us in our mission to appreciate the many fascinating elements which constitute opera.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE140/D
UND/GE140/D1   2020
Events ephemera:
Glyndebourne's Gus Christie & Sir Thomas Allen, Assembly Rooms, 26 January 2020, programme & poster
Paper file
DU Opera Society
Reference: UND/GE57
Dates of creation: 1969 - 1970
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE57/D
UND/GE57/D1   [1969 - 1970]
Programmes for performances, detailing also the committee:
Bizet Doctor Miracle, Offenbach Les Deux Aveugles, Menotti The Telephone, Assembly Rooms, 11-12 March [1969].
Mozart Bastien and Bastienne, Telemann Pimpinone, Assembly Rooms, 10-11 March [1970].
2 paper leaflets
Durham Opera Ensemble (DOE)
Reference: UND/GE38
Dates of creation: 2007 - 2022 The Durham University Opera Ensemble was established in 2005 to provide an opportunity for singers, players and composers to perform and write opera of all kinds. It aims to put on at least one full-scale opera every year from the major opera repertoire, and 3-5 original, student-written operas lasting 20 minutes in an opera festival in the summer. For those who are not so interested in performing and writing opera, trips are also organised to see professional productions of operas. From 2015, it has put on its main Spring performance in the Gala Theatre in Durham.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE38/D
UND/GE38/D2000   2007 - 2009
Posters and programmes for events and productions, including:
Ravel L'Enfant et les Sortilèges flyer & programme, 5-7 March [2007].
Opfest '07 flyer.
Humperdinck Hansel and Gretel programme, flyer and ticket, 20-23 February 2008.
Eric Fagan Lost Words poster, 22 January [2009].
Georges Bizet Carmen programme, 25 February-1 March 2009.
Purcell Dido & Aeneas programme, 22 June 2009.
Benjamin Britten, Albert Herring, Assembly Rooms, [November 2009].
Opera Favourties, programme, [?December 2009].
UND/GE38/D2010   2010 - 2019
Johann Strauss II, Die Fledermaus programme and poster, 24-28 February [2010].
Acis and Galatea, Castle Fellows Garden, programme, 20 June [2010].
Mozart, Cosi Fan Tutte, programme & poster, 11-13 November [2010].
Ralph Vaughan Williams The Poisoned Kiss, programme & poster, 16-20 February [2011].
Humperdinck, Hansel and Gretel, Castle Great Hall, programme, [November 2011].
Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro, Castle Great Hall, programme, 15-19 February [2012].
Opera Favourites, poster, 9 March [2012].
Handel, Semele, Union Society, programme and poster, 13-14 June 2012.
Seven Deadly Sins, scenes from Bizet, Mozart, Handel, Gershwin, Castle Great Hall, programme, 10 November 2012.
Opera Favourites, poster, 5 December [2012].
Lehár, The Merry Widow, poster & programme, 13-17 February [2013].
Purcell, The Faerie Queene, poster, programme & ticket, 16 June [2013].
Darkness and Light a Selection of Opera Scenes, Hild Bede Caedmon Hall, programme & poster, 29 November & 1 December 2013.
Mozart, The Magic Flute, Castle Great Hall, poster, programme & reviews, 12-16 February 2014.
Purcell, Dido and Aeneas and Come Ye Sons of Art, St John's College Amphitheatre, programme, 25-26 June 2014.
Monteverdi, L'Orfeo, flyer, 28 June 2014.
War & Peace, programme, 8-9 November 2014.
Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro, Gala Theatre, programme, poster, review & ticket, 21-22 February 2015.
de Cavalieri, Di Anima et Di Corpo, programme & poster, 31 May 2015.
Gluck, Orpheus & Euridice, flyer & poster, 12-13 June 2015.
Lunchtime concert, programme, 4 November 2015.
The Voyage - Scenes of Travel, programme & ticket, 20-22 November 2015.
Bizet, Carmen, Gala Theatre, programme, poster, flyer, ticket & review, 12-13 February 2016.
Jonathan Dove, Mansfield Park, Music School, programme, 17-19 June 2016.
10th Anniversary Concert programme & review, 11-12 November 2016.
Masterclass with Sarah Fox, Gala Theatre, poster, 1 February 2017.
Britten, A Midsummer Night's Dream, scenes from, Music School, concert 8 February 2017, programme.
Britten, A Midsummer's Night Dream, Gala Theatre, programme, poster, flyer & review, 17-18 February 2017.
Will Todd & Maggie Gottlieb, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, St John's College Library Lawn, programme, poster, preview & reviews, 15-17 June 2017.
Opera of Ages, Castle Great Hall, review, 17 November 2017.
Mozart, The Magic Flute, Gala Theatre, programme, poster and review, 16-17 February 2018.
Gilbert & Sullivan, HMS Pinafore, Assembly Rooms, 14-16 June 2018, programme, poster & reviews, Cockpit Theatre, Marylebone, 31 Augut-1 September 2018, review.
The Traveller's Tale, Castle Great Hall, 16-17 November 2018, programme and reviews.
Lunchtime concert, Music School, programme, 6 February 2019.
Johann Strauss II, Die Fledermaus, Gala Theatre, 22-23 February 2019, programme, reviews, flyer & poster.
Gilbert & Sullivan, Iolanthe, St John's College Leech Hall, 22-23 June 2019, programme & review; Harrogate Utopia Theatre, 11 August 2019, programme; Cockpit Theatre, Marylebone, 30-31 August 2019, flyer.
Barber Hand of Bridge, Bernstein Trouble in Tahiti, Britten Noye's Fludde, Bede Chapel, 29-30 November 2019, programme poster & review.
Paper file
UND/GE38/D2020   2020 - 2022
Tchaikovsky, Eugene Onegin, Assembly Rooms, 27-29 February 2020, programme, poster and reviews.
Mendelssohn, Elijah, Cathedral, with DU Choral Society, 12 March 2020, programme.
Edward Woodborn, Mixed Messages, Caedmon Hall, 25-26 November 2021, review.
Mozart, Don Giovanni, Assembly Rooms, 1-5 March 2022, reviews.
Paper file
UND/GE38/D2   2017
Auditions flyer
Paper file
DC Orchestra/DU Orchestral Society
Reference: UND/GE19
Dates of creation: 1964 - 2022 The Orchestral Society comprises both a chamber and a symphony orchestra made up from the best orchestral players in the university. Players are selected through auditions, which are held each year in the first week of the Michaelmas term. Programmes are invariably extremely challenging and exciting, with recent (in 2007) works performed including Prokofiev's “Peter and the Wolf”, Vaughan Williams's “Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis” and Rachmaninov's “Symphony no. 2”. It plays regular concerts and undertakes an annual concert tour, the social highlight of the DUOS year. Tour destinations prior to 2009 have included Salzburg, Rheims, Barcelona, Prague, Norway and the Loire.
Conductors have included:
1951 R.A. Harman and J. Fryer
1953-1960 Peter Evans
1964-1969 John Wilks
1970-1971 Eric Taylor
1974 Malcolm Goldring
1977 Edward Kay
1978 Gerry Cornelius and Julian Gibbons
1986 Derek Downes
1997 Dominic Nunns
2005 Nathan Hamer and Christopher Johns
2005-6 Camilla Begg and Christopher Johns
2007-8 Camilla Begg and Thomas Molloy
2008-9 Tom Newall; Jonathan Slade
2009-0 Calum Zuckert and Dominic Brennan
2011-3 Calum Zuckert
2011-2 Daniel Tate and Calum Zuckert
2012-3 Matthew Howes
2013-4 Harry Castle and Alexander Robertson
2014-5 Harry Castle and Oliver Zeffman
2015-6 Lewis Wilkinson and Joseph Schultz
2016-7 Alex Mackinder and John Reddel
2017-8 Alex Mackinder (Symphony) and Joshua Ridley (Chamber)
2018-9 Alex Mackinder (Symphony) and Theo Golden (Chamber)
2019-20 Marcello Palazzo (Symphony) and Will Fox (Chamber)
2021-22 Monty Milner (Symphony) and Leo Zagorac (Chamber)

Reference: UND/GE19/B
UND/GE19/B1   June 1982 - November 1991
Bills and invoices, with some related correspondence, programmes etc, of the treasurer re the running of the Society, costs of rehearsals, music hire, and concerts.
3 paper files
Reference: UND/GE19/C
UND/GE19/C1   [c.1992]
List of members of the orchestra.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE19/C2   June 1997
Information on a proposed tour to Denmark.
Paper file
UND/GE19/C3   [1960]
List of concerts 1953-1960, detailing pieces played and soloists
Paper, 2f
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE19/D
UND/GE19/D1   2007 - 2019
Posters for concerts:
2007: [Symphony Orchestra] 3 March; Alumni Orchestra 6 May; [Symphony Orchestra] 16 June.
2008: [Symphony Orchestra] 4 May; [Symphony Orchestra] 13 June; Chamber Orchestra 14 December.
2009 Symphony Orchestra 7 March; Alumni Orchestra 3 May; [Symphony Orchestra] 20 June; Symphony Orchestra 5 December; Chamber Orchestra 13 December.
2010 Symphony & Chamber Orchestras 7 March; Alumni [Orchestra] 2 May; Symphony Orchestra 4 December; Chamber Orchestra 11 December
2011 [Symphony & Chamber Orchestras] 5 March
2013 [Symphony and Chamber Orchestras] 2 March, [Symphony Orchestra] 15 June, & 30 November, Chamber Orchestra 7 December
2014 [Symphony and Chamber Orchestras] 8 March, [Symphony and Chamber Orchestra] 21 June, Chamber Ochestra 29 November, [Symphony Orchestra] 5 December
2015 [Symphony and Chamber Orchestra] 28 February, [Symphony and Chamber Orchestras] 15 June, Chamber Orchestra 28 November, Symphony Orchestra 5 December
2016 [Symphony and Chamber Orchestra] 11 March, 2016 [Symphony Orchestra] 20 June, [Chamber Orchestra] 26 November, [Symphony Orchestra] 3 December
2017 [Symphony and Chamber Orchestra] 4 March, [Symphony and Chamber Orchestra] 17 June, [Symphony Orchestra] 25 November, [Chamber Orchestra] 2 December
2018 Symphony Orchestra 24 November, Chamber Orchestra 30 November
2019 Symphony Orchestra 16 March, Symphony & Chamber Orchestras 22 June, Symphony Orchestra 23 November, Chamber Orchestra 7 December
2020 Symphony & Chamber Orchestras 7 March
Paper file
UND/GE19/D2   1951 - 2024
Programmes for concerts (listing all players):
Assembly Rooms, 15 March 1951
Applebey Theatre, 24 June 1953 (June Week)
Applebey Theatre, 23 June 1954 (June Week)
Applebey Theatre, 17 February 1956
June 1956 (June Week)
February 1957
Castle Great Hall, 26 June 1957 (June Week)
Applebey Theatre, 25 June 1958
Applebey Theatre, 21 February 1959
Applebey Theatre, 21 June 1959 (June Week)
Applebey Theatre, 27 February 1960
The Applebey Theatre, 19/20 June 1960 (June Week)
Castle Great Hall, 22 June 1964
Castle Great Hall, 29 January 1967 (ticket)
Castle Great Hall, 2 February 1969
Castle Great Hall, 15 June 1969
Castle Great Hall, 1 February 1970
Van Mildert College, 21 June 1970
Castle Great Hall, 31 January 1971
Van Mildert College, 20 June 1971
Van Mildert College, 2 February 1974
Van Mildert College, 23 June 1974
Van Mildert College, 19 June 1977
University Orchestra, Trevelyan College, 18 June ?1978
Symphony Orchestra, Van Mildert College, 16 March 1986
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 13 March 1983
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 4 December 1994
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Cathedral, 10 June 2005
Chamber Orchestra, Bede Chapel, 10 December 2005
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Cathedral, 17 June [2006]
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Gala Theatre, 3 March 2007
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Cathedral, 16 June 2007
Symphony Orchestra, Van Mildert, 1 December 2007
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Elvet Methodist Church, 1 March 2008
Alumni Concert, Castle Great Hall, 4 May 2008
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Cathedral, 13 June 2008
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 5 December [2009]
Chamber Orchestra, St Oswald's Church, 13 December [2009]
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Van Mildert College, 7 March [2010]
Alumni Concert, Castle Great Hall, 2 May 2010
Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, Cathedral, 19 June [2010]
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 4 December 2010
Chamber Orchestra, St Oswald's Church, 10 December [2011]
Symphony Orchestra, with Stanford Society, world premiere of Stanford Violin Concerto No.2, with autographs, Cathedral, 2 March 2012
Symphony Orchestra, Cathedral, 16 June 2012
Chamber Orchestra, St Oswald's Church, 8 December 2012
Symphony Orchestra, Cathedral, 15 June 2013
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 30 November 2013
Chamber Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 7 December 2013
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 8 March 2014
Symphony [and Chamber] Orchestra, Cathedral, 21 June 2014
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 29 November 2014
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 5 December 2014
Symphony [and Chamber] Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 28 February 2015
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra (with Sir Tom Allen), Cathedral, 15 June 2015
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 28 November 2015
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 5 December 2015
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra, Gala Theatre, 11 March 2016
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra, Cathedral, 20 June 2016
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 26 November 2016, with a preview and review
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 3 December, with a review
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 4 March, with a review
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra, Cathedral, 17 June 2017, with a review.
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 25 November 2017, with a review.
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 2 December 2017, with a review.
Symphony Orchestra (with Choral Society, Chamber Choir, Cathedral Choristers, County Youth Choir, Sir Tom Allen), before HRH Charles Prince of Wales, Cathedral, 15 February 2018, with an invitation
Chamber Orchestra, Durham Town Hall, 3 March 2018, with a review.
Symphony Orchestra (with DU Choral Society, Durham County Youth Choir and Cathedral Choir), Cathedral, 10 March 2018, with a flyer and review
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra, Cathedral, 16 June 2018
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 24 November 2018, with a review
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 30 November 2018, with a review
Orchestral Society, Chamber Choir and Northern Lights, Elvet Methodist Church, 10 December 2018, review
Orchestral Society, Elvet Methodist Church, 16 March 2019, review
Orchestral Society, Elvet Methodist Church, 23 November 2019
Chamber Orchestra, Castle Great Hall, 7 December 2019, review & flyer
Symphony & Chamber Orchestras, Elvet Methodist Church, 7 March 2020, flyer & review
Orchestra with Sir Thomas Allen, Sage Gateshead, 27 June 2021, ticket and Covid arrival procedures
Symphony Orchestra, Elvet Methodist Church, 27 November 2021
Chamber Orchestra, Mount Oswald Hub, 30 November 2021
Symphony Orchestra, Cathedral, 5 March 2022
Chamber Orchestra, St Oswald's Church, 18 March 2022
Symphony and Chamber Orchestra, Sage Gateshead, 19 June 2022, programme and ticket
Symphony Orchestra, Shakespeare in Music: Romeo and Juliet, Cathedral, 10 June 2023
Symphony Orchestra, Cathedral, 13 March 2024
UND/GE19/D3   1995, 2019
Tours epehemra:
Promotional advertisement for the Symphony Orchestra's tour of Israel, including a formal photo of the orchestra, with a supporting DUOS Christmas card 1995.
Budapest tour report 2019.
Paper file
UND/GE19/D4   [2004]
Profile of the society, its conductors, and principal performers, with an invitation to become a patron; illustrated.
Paper file
UND/GE19/D5   Michaelmas 2017
Programme for the year 2017/8.
Card, 1f
UND/GE19/D6   2019
Applications for conductor posts 2019/20
Paper file
DU Organ Society
Reference: UND/GE55
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1986
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE55/D
UND/GE55/D1   1981 - 1991
Recital programmes:
Jonathan Newell, Castle Tunstal Capel, 27 January [1981].
Jonathan D.R. Price, Castle Tunstal Chapel, 25 April 1986.
Andrew Lumsden, St Oswald's Church, 30 January 1991.
Paper file
DU Pakistan Society (PakSoc)
Reference: UND/GE133
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE133/D
UND/GE133/D1   [2019]
Membership leaflet
Paper, 2f
UND/GE133/D2   2019
Events ephemera:
Qawwali Night, DSU, 9 November 2019
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE94
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE94/D
UND/GE94/D1   2017
Posters for the ski trip
Paper file
DU Palatinate Orchestra
Reference: UND/GE40 This was [first] recruiting musicians for “a high standard ensemble” in Michaelmas 2008. By the Spring of 2013 it was rehearsing and performing in Trevelyan College, but then settled on Elvet Methodist Church as its performing venue.
2010-2011 Dominic Wells
2011-2012 Edward Moore
2012-2013 Alexander Robertson
2013-2015 Joe Schultz
2015-2017 Adam Laughton
2016-2017 Alex Bromwich (Chamber Orchestra)
2017-2018 Hugo Jennings (Symphony) & Harry Lai (Chamber)
2018-2019 Matthias Lichtenfeld (Symphony) & Hugo Jennings (Chamber)
2019-2020 Matthias Lichtenfeld (Symphony) & Sonia Bae (Chamber)
2021-2022 Jude Holloway (Symphony) & Amelia Enstone (Chamber)

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE40/D
UND/GE40/D1   2008 - 2022
Posters for:
auditions December [2008]
concerts March, 22 June, 15 December [2009], 15 March, 10 June, 13 December 2010, 14 March, 8 June 2011, 13 March [2012], 1 & 3 December 2017, 1 & 13 December 2018, 10 & 17 March, 29 November, 1 December 2019, 25 June (Symphony and Brass, Tent on the Racecourse, with DU Classical Ensemble) & 26 November 2021, 15 March 2022
events 24 October - 4 November 2024 Making Music Connecting Communities
UND/GE40/D2   2013 - 2022
Concert programmes, with details of the conductor and soloist, and names of the executive and orchestra members, with some reviews:
2013, 12 March & 3 December;
2014, 17 March, 19 June & 4 December;
2015, [5 March] & 11 December;
2016, 8 December (Chamber) & 11 December (Symphony);
2017, 5 March, 22 June, 1 December (Symphony), 3 December (Chamber),
2018, 11 March (Symphony & Chamber), 11 June, 1 December (Symphony), 13 December (Chamber)
2019, 16 February (Ensembles, St Oswald's Church), 10 March (Chamber, Castle Great Hall), 17 March (Symphony, Hild Bede Caedmon Hall), 16 June (Symphony & Chamber, with St Margaret's School, Durham Johnston School), 29 November (Chamber, Castle Great Hall), 1 December (Symphony, Durham Town Hall)
2020, 14 March (Symphony, Cathedral), 20 March (Chamber, Castle Great Hall, cancelled)
2021, 26 November (Symphony, Elvet Methodist), 4 December (Chamber, St Oswald's)
2022, 11 March (Symphony, Gala Theatre), 15 March (Chamber, Castle Great Hal)
2023, 26 November, A Night in Paris (Symphony, Elvet Methodist)
2023, 2 December, An evening with DUPO (Symphony, Elvet Methodist)
2024, 11 March (Symphony, Cathedral)
2024, 15 March, DUPO at 15: Boundaries of Romanticism (Castle Great Hall)
Paper file
UND/GE40/D3   2014
Newsletter, Epiphany 2014
Paper file
UND/GE40/D4   2009 - 2013
Website printout with details of all concerts
Paper file
UND/GE40/D5   [2017]
Flyer promoting the orchestra.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE40/D6   2019
Tour ephemera:
Paris tour [2019]
Paper file
Durham People of Colour Association (DPOCA)
Reference: UND/GE115
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE115/D
UND/GE115/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Performing Arts/DU Student Performing Arts
Reference: UND/GE157 Durham University Performing Arts is a student-led, satff-enabled intiative that sits within the University's wider student experience programme. Their programme of events covers theatre and music events, staged mostly at the Sir Thomas Allen Assembly Rooms in Durham.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE157/D
UND/GE157/D1    2024
What's On, January-March 2024; April-August 2024
2 printed colour pamphlets 
UND/GE157/D2   31 May 2024
Fairytales, Durham Cathedral, Friday 31 May 2024
Includes contributions by Northern Lights, Durham University Classical Ensemble, Durham University Gospel Choir, Foot Notes & Cappella, Durham University Palatinate Orchestra, Durham Opera Ensemble, Durham University Concert Band, Durham Unversity Orchestral Society, Durham University Choral Society, and DULOG Musical Theatre.
Printed colour leaflet
UND/GE157/D3   [?June] 2024
Durham University Choral Society/Durham University Symphony Orchestra, Beethoven Symphony No. 9.
In assocation with Durham University Student Performing Arts, Durham Cathedral and Durham University Orchestral Society
Printed colour programme
DU Philosophical Society
Reference: UND/GE67 The Durham University Philosophical Society hosts talks by eminent philosophers throughout the year alongside other, more informal events and socials. Past speakers include Simon Blackburn, Anthony Grayling, David Sedley, Richard Swinburne and many others with a fantastic range of research interests. From the philosophy of wine, to paradoxes, to time travel- Phil Soc has hosted talks that go beyond the scope of our day-to-day thought, which intrigue and excite. Talks are often followed by a trip to the pub where members can continue their conversation with the speakers and each other in a relaxed, friendly setting. Our social events vary over the year. From bar crawls, to café based discussion, to film nights, there is something for everyone. Phil Soc has also enjoyed a good relationship with our equivalents at York, with whom we enjoy a Christmas meal at the end of Michaelmas term. Phil Soc also creates its own undergraduate philosophy journal, Critique, published once a term. Being a member of Phil Soc is not just a chance to broaden your academic studies, whatever those may be, but an opportunity to broaden your horizons and challenge yourself with new and bold ideas. It offers a unique social setting, where like-minded people can engage in healthy disagreement over some of the most fascinating issues possible. (From the 2012 DSU website)

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE67/D
UND/GE67/D1   June 2009 - [January 2012]
6 paper booklets
UND/GE67/D2   [2011]
Posters for talks:
David Sedley, “The sphericity of God in Greek philosophy” , 10 March [2011]
Paper, 1f
DU Photography Society
Reference: UND/GE116
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE116/D
UND/GE116/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
UND/GE116/D1   June 2018
Events ephemera:
Summer exhibition poster June 2018
Paper file
DU Physics Society
Reference: UND/GE97
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE97/D
UND/GE97/D1   [2017]
Promotional flyers.
Paper file
DU Plumtree Society
Based at the [Catholic] chaplaincy at 19A Old Elvet, Durham.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE64/D
UND/GE64/D1   1961 & 1963
Termcards listing officers, meetings and facilities.
1961 Michaelmas
1963 Michaelmas
2 3-fold cards
DU Politics Society
Reference: UND/GE152
Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE152/D
UND/GE152/D1   2016
Posters for events:
Should the UK Leave or Stay in the EU? conference, 30 April 2016
Paper, 1f
Durham Polyphony
Reference: UND/GE41 This is a university choir specialising in medieval and renaissance music.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE41/D
UND/GE41/D1   2004 - [2010]
Concert ephemera:
Medievall Christmase Musicke & Drinkes of Wasail, 5 December 2004, programme
Jacob Obrecht, Durham Town Hall, 13 June 2005, programme.
Guillaume du Fay, Castle Norman Chapel, 19 March [2009], poster.
Tudor Music, Castle Tunstall Chapel, 18 April [2010], poster.
Portico Consort and Orchestra
Reference: UND/GE70 Founded by Michael Ash in 2012 who directed it in concerts of Purcell verse anthems and Handel's Israel in Egypt before its December 2012 Messiah concert.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE70/D
UND/GE70/D1   2012 - 2013
Concert ephemera:
Handel's Messiah, St Oswald's Church, 14 December 2012, programme and poster
J.S. Bach Easter Oratorio et al, Castle Great Hall, 15 March 2013, programme and poster
Buxtehude Membra Jesu Nostri, J.S. Bach Jesu, Meine Freude, St John's College Chapel, 14 June 2013, poster
Paper file
DU PPE Society
Reference: UND/GE100 A vibrant and active student society aiming to offer a social and scholastic network for both undergraduates and postgrdautes stduying or interested in the disciplines [of Politics, Philosophy and Economics]

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE100/D
UND/GE100/D1   2017
Handbook, for 2017-18
Paper booklet
DU Pro Bono Society (DUPS)
Reference: UND/GE95
Dates of creation: 2009 - 2017 The Durham University Pro Bono Society ('DUPS') was established towards the end of the 2009/10 academic year. As an umbrella organisation, DUPS encompasses and strengthens the existing student-run projects whilst also providing a platform of resources and guidance to begin new Pro Bono projects. DUPS encourages students to engage skills developed as part of their degree for the benefit of the local community. The individual projects allow students to interact with their peers and the community, gaining important research skills that contribute to their academic and professional work. In addition, the local community profits from access to practical knowledge and information regarding a range of legal areas through each of the projects. To date, we offer Durham University students the opportunity to participate in thirteen different projects, which work in a variety of areas including family law, capital punishment and employment law. The projects engage in a wide range of activities such as fundraising, carrying out research projects and working with solicitors on real-life cases. We welcome all students, regardless of your degree, as we encourage interaction between individuals from different backgrounds. We are always willing to hear any new ideas for projects, having started our newest project – A-Team Durham – in October 2016. In September 2009, Baroness Hale of Richmond accepted our invitation to take up the position of honorary life president of the society. Her ongoing support is be extremely beneficial as we extend the society's projects in the future. As stipulated by our inaugural President, 'we are firmly committed to the idea that those fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study law should share their knowledge with the general local community, so that they too can use a knowledge of law to support them in times of difficulty'. None of these achievements would have been possible had it not been for the hard work of the society's members and interaction with the national legal community. These factors combined to help the Pro Bono Society to its victory at the DSU Awards 2014, winning DSU Society of the Year. We are committed to improve our efforts as we move forward as a society.
Lorraine Chan President 2017/2018

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE95/D
UND/GE95/D1   2009 - 2017
Flyers explaining the society and its projects (lawyers without borders in 2017).
Printed colour illustrated leaflets, 2f
Purple Radio
Reference: UND/GE119
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE119/D
UND/GE119/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Quaker Society
Reference: UND/GE101
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE101/D
UND/GE101/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Railway Society
Reference: UND/GE65 Records for 1959-1989 are in Durham County Record Office, reference D/DURS.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE65/D
UND/GE65/D1   [October] 1963
Annual Calendar listing officers and meetings.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE69   2011 - 2016
Renaissance is a small group of singers directed by Ben Rowarth and currently based in the North East, taking many of its singers from the Durham University, its students, staff and its Alumni. The choir specializes in two specific genres: Renaissance Polyphony and 20th/21st Century, or ‘Contemporary Music’ and works, not only to give specialist performances of these two genres separately, but also to provide programs that show how well these two contrasting and beautiful styles complement each other. After being founded in 2011, the group have been moving from strength to strength, receiving outstanding reviews, and are currently hoping to perform further afield in the near future.

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE69/D
UND/GE69/D1   November 2011 - March 2017
Concert programmes, tickets and posters:
Remembrance, Victoria Requiem et al, Bede Chapel, 11 November 2011, programme, ticket and poster.
Music of the European Renaissance, Bede Chapel, 24 February [2012], programme and ticket
A Tudor Christmas, Castle Norman Chapel, 1 December 2012, programme
Musica Dunelmi, Cathedral Chapter House, 27 May 2013, programme & poster
Blessed Cecilia The inspiration of Benjamin Britten (with The Durham Singers), Elvet Methodist Church, 22 June 2013, programme & ticket
Christus Natus Est, Cathedral Chapter House, [27 November 2013], programme & poster
Rememberance A First World War Centenary Concert, Cathedral, [?November 2014], programme
Darkness into Light, Ushaw College chapel, 25 April 2015, programme
Lamenta, Cathedral Chapter House, 23 September 2015, programme
Shepherd at Night, Ushaw College chapel, 10 June 2016, programme
Lamenta, Hexham Abbey, 23 September 2016, programme
Concert invite, Castle Senate Suite, 3 December 2016, invite
Lamentation: Death and Passion, Newcastle King's Hall, 1 March 2017, programme
Paper file
UND/GE69/D2   May 2016
Paper, 1f
UND/GE69/D3   [december 2016]
Printed paper leaflet
DU Rock Society
Reference: UND/GE117 For those interested in rock, metal, and alternative music, bar crawls, BBQs, games/movie nights, cinema trips, gigs, music festivals, nights out on the Newcastle rock scene, and helping musicians looking to form bands.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE117/D
UND/GE117/D1   2016 - 2017
Promotional flyers and posters for events
Paper file
DC Rover Crew/DU Scout and Guide Group
Reference: UND/GE8
Dates of creation: 1932 - 2015 The Rover Crew was initially founded about 1928 by Eagling of University College. By 1931 it had been taken over by Dr J. Alan Chalmers who remained Rover Leader until the Crew was dissolved in about November 1967 in favour of a Scout and Guide Club. David Ramage was his long-serving assistant. The crew was restarted after the War in 1946 and usually met in 5th Durham Den, with around fifteen members. The 1953 constitution stipulated the aims as being “to further the interests of Scouting in the Durham Colleges”, governed by the “Policy, Organisation and Rules” of the Boy Scouts' Association.
Deposited and presented respectively by D.G. Ramage 1970, also by Kara-Jane Senior 2015.
Formerly UND DUS 9/1-2.

Reference: UND/GE8/A
UND/GE8/A1   1946 - 4 May 1965
Rover Scout Crew minute book
With a history of the Crew c.1928-1967 by D.G. Ramage at the front, also accounts and a 1953 constitution.
Paper file in a 2 ring binder
Formerly SR7A.
UND/GE8/A2   July 1932 - June 1965
Roll book of invested rovers,
recording names, colleges, dates of investiture and address. The volume is far from complete as investiture was usually at the end of the Easter term when students often went down before being invested.
Inserted is a dinner menu for 10 March 1959, signed by those present.
Paper book, largely unused
UND/GE8/A3   February 1998 - March 2003
Committee minute book with AGM minutes and annual report for 2003.
Paper book
UND/GE8/A4   2003 - 2016
AGM and some committee minutes, and agendas.
Paper file
UND/GE8/A5   March 1999 - October 2000
Great North East Rally committee minute book with papers.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GE8/B
UND/GE8/B1   1998 - 2005
Annual accounts/treasurers' reports for 1998, 2003, 2004, 2005.
Paper file
UND/GE8/B2   2002 - 2009
Finance and funding applications, lists, certificates of grants, guidelines and correspondence.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE8/C
UND/GE8/C1   1959 - 1965
Ramage's files of some annual reports, correspondence, invoices and notices of meetings for the Rover Crew, with circulars from the County, lists of Scout Clubs in all universities and colleges, a Durham badge, headed notepaper, a printed Royal Life Saving Society booklet for instructors, a 1964 copy of KUDU, a printed leaflet on Scouting in Universities and Colleges (1952) and a copy of The Scouter (1959) including an article by Ramage on knots, with drafts.
UND/GE8/C2   c.1980 - 2015
Constitutions, 8 iterations, only 5 dated: 2005, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015.
Also including a copy of the DSU Societies Regulations of 2003/04
UND/GE8/C3   2003 - 2015
Presidential annual and termly reports, 2003-2008, 2010, 2011, 2015.
Paper file
UND/GE8/C4   2002 - 2014
Executive details, 2002-2007, 2009, 2011-2014 (2014 with images).
Paper file
UND/GE8/C5   1997 - 2010
Camp records, detailing dates, location, transport to it and comments on it.
Paper file
UND/GE8/C6   2006 - 2012
Events, details and correspondence re camps, walks, and social activities, including Roshtwaite 2006 Challenge Hike results and certificates, a Midnight Madness certificate 2010 and details of the Zodiac Challenge 2010.
Paper file
UND/GE8/C7   1996 - 2010
Correspondence, including a complaint about an event 1996, report on a trip to Madagascar 2004, a letter on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II 2010, and letters to freshers.
Paper file
UND/GE8/C8   1998 - 2010
Secretary's file, including notices, copies of SSAGO News 2005-2009, SSAGO Ball notices, The Great South Rally 2010 CD, sponsorship letters, First Aid exam results, SSAGO AGM and committee papers 1998-2000, SSAGO and SAGGA leaflets.
Paper file
UND/GE8/C9   1999 - 2015
Term planners detailing meetings and events.
Paper file
UND/GE8/C10   1993 - 2010
Guide Skills Day/Morson Trophy outdoor competition, correspondence, instructions and certificates.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE8/D
UND/GE8/D1   1966/67 & 2003
Membership cards
UND/GE8/D2   Michaelmas 1996 - Epiphany 1999
The Little Issue newsletter, 5 issues.
For newsletters 1992-1995, see UND/GB1/D6.
UND/GE8/D3   [2008]
Durham Scout County Directory 2008-2009 Annual Report 2007-2008
Paper booklet, 64p
UND/GE8/D4   Easter 1921
Durham Colleges Scout Club term card, listing offiers and a programme of talks.
Card, 1f
Reference: UND/GE8/E
UND/GE8/E1   1997 - 2004
Cards from all round the UK, Europe and the world from former members.
Colour postcards in a plastic sleeved album
Reference: UND/GE8/F
UND/GE8/F1   [c.2010]
Embroidered label, yellow on green
Size: 12 x 90mm
UND/GE8/F2   [c.2010]
“zodiac durham university scout & guide group 12 camps 12 challenges 12 months”
Printed multi-coloured badge with embroidered edge
UND/GE8/F3   [c.2010]
“DURHAM UNIVERSITY SCOUT AND GUIDE GROUP DUSAGG” framing a mole in a coat holding a tankard
Embroidered coloured round badge
Size: 90mm
UND/GE8/F4   [c.2010]
“CHEERS FOR 100 YEARS OF SCOUTING” framing a mole in a coat holding a tankard
Embroidered coloured round badge
Size: 65mm
UND/GE8/F5   2005 - 2014
“DURHAM UNIVERSITY SCOUT AND GUIDE GROUP [year] MIDNIGHT MADNESS” for 2005-2009, 2011, 2012; “MIDNIGHT MADNESS [year]” framing a mole in a coat holding a map for 2013, 2014
9 printed coloured badges with embroidered edges
Size: 75 - 90mm
UND/GE8/F6   [c.2010]
Polyester/cotton triangular neck scarf, black edged with purple
Size: 580 x 1180mm
UND/GE8/F7   [c.2015]
DUSAGG top, with an embroidered badge on the front left of the mole surrounded in silver by “Durham University Scout and Guide Group” , the 2 guide and scout badges and “DUSAGG” with “DUSAGG” also embroidered in silver on the back
Cotton/polyester navy blue sweatshirt by Fruit of the Loom
Size: c.650 x 1200mm
DU Russian Speaking Society
Reference: UND/GE118
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE118/D
UND/GE118/D1   2017 - 2019
Promotional flyers
Paper file
Schola Cantorum
Reference: UND/GE53
Dates of creation: 1970 - 1994 A University choir performing early music directed by Jerome Roche.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE53/D
UND/GE53/D1   1970 - 1994
Concert programmes:
Cathedral Chapter House, 6 February 1970.
3 March 1974.
Bede Chapel, 18 May 1974.
Van Mildert College, 21 February 1976.
Cathedral Chapter House, 22 May 1977.
Cathedral Chapter House, 21 May 1978.
Trevelyan College, 16 February 1980.
Trevelyan College, 20 February 1982.
St Mary's College, 27 January 1989.
Cathedral (poster), 26 October 1994.
Paper file
Durham Shakespeare Company
Reference: UND/GE31
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE31/D
UND/GE31/D1   2007
Posters for productions:
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 19-21 June 2007, Durham Botanic Gardens.
Shellshock! Durham University Improvised Comedy Society
Reference: UND/GE155 This archive is primarily digital and is stored in a Google Drive. Please contact Palace Green Library for access.

UND/GE155/C1   25 February 2023
Birthday card signed at an “Improv Jam” by current and former members of Shellshock! to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the society
Birthday card
Socialist Society
Reference: UND/GE62 In early 1962, a Socialist Action Committee was formed as an alternative Marxist group to the then Labour Club; with links established with the local and national Labour party, it became the Socialist Society.

Reference: UND/GE62/C
UND/GE62/C1   1970
Circulars entitled “Discipline - Action!” supporting for students at Keele University disciplined for nude sunbathing and “Big Business in the Universities” promoting a talk by Julian Harber on Warwick University.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE62/D
UND/GE62/D1   1963 - 1971
Durham Left, a joint publication of the Socialist Society and Labour Club of Durham University which, by Michaelmas 1964, had become the Durham Left Publishing Society, with an editorial, political articles, events and some advertisements. Issue 1's editorial details the state of student politics in Durham in the early 1960s and Issue 2 details the officers of the Labour Club, Socialist Society and CND. Issue [18] may have been the last of its first incarnation as the unnumbered issue of [1971] states: “Durham Left is revived magazene. It's function remains the same as before - to provide informaton and stimulate left-wing discussion, It is non-sectarian and welcomes articles from all left standpoints - from the Labour Party upwards.”
Issue 1, October 1963
Issue 2, November 1963
Issue 3, January 1964
Issue 5, [?May 1964]
Issue 6, October 1964
Joint Issue 7 and 9, June Week 1965
Issue 8, May 1965
Issue 10, October 1965
Issue 11, November 1965
Issue 12, February 1966
Issue 13, October 1966
Issue 14 November 1966
Issue 15
Issue [16]
Issue [17] [?Michaelmas 1968]
Issue [18] [?Michaelmas 1968]
Unnumbered [1971]
4 loose printed paper booklets and a bound volume
Formerly: Per Local DUR
DU Speleological Association
Reference: UND/GE84
Reference: UND/GE84/D
UND/GE84/D1   January 1977
DUSA Journal No.1, edited by Grant Davies, with articles: A few words from the Pres.; Caves of Bollihope Burn, Weardale; Pittington Quarry Cave, Co. Durham; Tutman's Hole, Alston; The finding of the extension to Tutman's Hole, by Graham Veale; The Hard Caver, by Pete Urben; Heale Farm Cave, Mendip; An account of the DUSA trip to Co. Clare, Ireland 1976, parts I-III by Graham Veale, Dave Roberts and Dave Walker.
Paper journal, 38p + card covers
Formerly: xx 55(05).
Durham Strolling Players
Reference: UND/GE59
Dates of creation: 1971
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE59/D
UND/GE59/D1   1971
Tom Taylor, The Ticket-of-Leave Man, 20 June 1971
Off the Beat revue, [1971].
Paper, 2f
DC Student Christian Movement/Durham Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (DICCU)
Reference: UND/GE28 Established in 1931

Reference: UND/GE28/C
UND/GE28/C1   1951
Circulars from the president requesting support and about the DC Mission with a card for it.
UND/GE28/C2   1958
Welcoming letter to freshers from the president, Michael Echlin.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE28/C3   November 1968
Programme for Christian Viewpoint 1968, with details and images of the speakers.
Foldout card
UND/GE28/C4   1977
Programme and details of talks by Archbishop Stuart Blanch for the mission “What a Hope!”
Paper file
UND/GE28/C5   1975
Summer vacation prayer letter, including reports from each college, with a separate prayer letter from St Mary's College.
Paper file
UND/GE28/C6   February 1968, 1969/70 & 1971/72
Lists of members, by college, with addresses.
Paper file
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE28/D
UND/GE28/D1   Epiphany 1951 - Easter 1979
Term cards outlining aims, events, officers and representatives for:
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 1951
Epiphany, Michaelmas 1960
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 1961
Epiphany 1962
Michaelmas 1963
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 1964
Epiphany, Michaelmas 1965
Epiphany, Michaelmas 1966
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 1967
Epiphany, Easter 1968
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 1969
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 1970
Epiphany, Easter 1971
Easter, Michaelmas 1973
Epiphany, Michaelmas 1974
Michaelmas 1975
Epiphany 1976
Easter 1977
Easter 1979.
UND/GE28/D2   2008 - 2020
Posters for
DICCU Open House 2008.
Life 12-20 February 2010.
Mark Mullins talk 11 February [2011].
Test a Toastie, 3 March [2012].
Easter Celebration Service, 13 March [2012].
Uncover, 8-15 February 2013.
Meaningless Historical Trivia, 18 October [2013].
Freshers Week flyers, October 2016.
Carol Service, 3 December [2018], 2 December [2019].
Vision 17-21 February 2020
UND/GE28/D3   1967
List of preachers at St Oswald's in conjunction with the Anglican Chaplaincy.
Card, 1f
UND/GE28/D4   [October 2015] & [October 2017]
Faith Support listing of college and university chaplains, for October [2015], [2017, [2019].
2 colour illustrated paper leaflet, 2f
UND/GE28/D5   January 1967
Pre-terminal house party programme “Power to Live” , 13-16 January.
Card, 2f
UND/GE28/D6   February 1970 & 1993
Mission to the University, “my god is real” , 22 February - 1 March, programmes and circulars.
“A Man with a Message” , assistant missioner's handbook, 1993
Paper file
UND/GE28/D7   2002, 2016, 2020
Service papers:
Carol service, Cathedral: 9 December 2002, 12 December 2016, December 2020 (filmed for streaming)
Paper file
UND/GE28/D8   Michaelmas 1903
Membership card (blank, but from H.E. Horton, Hatfield 1904-1906)
Card, 1f
UND/GE28/D9   2017
Promotional flyers
Paper file
UND/GE28/D10   November 1954
Student Christian Movement Mission 54 card and programme.
Card file
Students with Disabilities Association (SWDA)
Reference: UND/GE123
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE123/D
UND/GE123/D1   [2017]
Freshers' Guide to Illness & Disability
Printed paper booklet
UND/GE123/D2   2015
Posters for events:
Joe Elliott lecture: The Dyslexia Debate, 27 November 2015
Paper, 1f
DU Tai Chi Group
Reference: UND/GE72 Formed in [2011], comprising four separate societies: Tai Chi Society, Mandarin Society, Chess & Cards Society and Queen's International Theme Club.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE72/D
UND/GE72/D1   [2011]
Posters: advertising the establishment of the group [2011]
Paper, 1f
Durham Student Theatre (DST)
Reference: UND/GE39
Dates of creation: 2003 - 2022 The role of DST, formed in 2004, is to act as an umbrella organization for all the theatre companies in Durham. It is based in the Assembly Rooms Theatre with the purpose of promoting involvement with theatre and support for the theatre community in Durham. This is done by: organizing social events, theatre trips and workshops; offering support to individual companies and productions; liaising with the University Arts Funding Committee; and maintaining a website and sending weekly emails about theatre auditions and events in Durham.
2020-2021 Gabbie Sills

Reference: UND/GE39/A
UND/GE39/A1   October 2004 - May 2008
Executive committee minutes, with occasional verifications of elections and notices of AGMs.
Paper file
Administrative Files
Reference: UND/GE39/C
UND/GE39/C1   2016
Statement on the worth of Durham Student Theatre.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C2   December 2017
Details of the various DST companies, taken from the website.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C3   2012 - 2014
Scripts [of one act plays submitted for the Durham Drama Festival]:
“Back to Stratford A Play” by B.P. Mullen, February 2013
“Charles on Charles Bridge”
“A Hundred Minus One Day” by Idgie Beau, February 2013
“Island State” by Dom Riley, with a cue list, 2012
“We All Fall Down”
“The Babysitters”, [2014]
Paper file
UND/GE39/C4   1989 - 2006
Correspondence about the administration of DST and the Assembly Rooms, and including flyers for The D'Oscars 2006, issues with sponsors, early newsletter, notice of an AGM, circulars appealing for members, and a Palatinate newspaper cutting about the redevelopment of the Assembly Rooms.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C5   1987 - 2004
Equipment, some invoices for purchases, also a workshop for set design 2003, a DST suppliers and services directory 2000, lists of equipment for hire, regulations for de-rigging, a schedule for a DST Technical course 2003/4, regulations for using the Assembly Rooms 1987 and later, a play application form and a toolkit hire agreement,
Paper file
UND/GE39/C6   1988 - c.2000
Flyers, notices, circulars and programmes of other theatre companies, performances, performers etc., including Strange Fruit Theatre Company, the Charles Parker Archive, Theatre de Camping, Transitions Dance Company, Northern Black Light Theatre, Lynx Theatre & Poetry, Brute Farce, National Student Theatre Company, the Springboard Theatre Company, the All-England Theatre Festival, and the National Operatic and Dramatic Association, also programmes for the Sunday Times National Student Drama Festivals at Swansea 3-10 April 1986 and Wakefield 9-16 April 1987 (Durham not at either), and plans of and details about hiring the Durham Sixth Form Centre Theatre.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C7   January - March 2005
APL's file for the production of Alan Bennett's play Habeas Corpus, by Barefoot Productions, including bills, notes, parts of the script, Assembly Room regulations, schedule of rehearsals, drafts of posters, a DSU student wall planner marked up with the production timetable, and some emails.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C8   2016 - 2019
Durham Drama Festival:
2017 file, including procedures for submitting scripts, guidelines for scripts, applications to be on the executive, and a flyer advertising the festival.
2020 festival including emails about applications and the executive committee.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C9   2016
Annual reports: 2015/16.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C10   [c.2000]
Assembly Rooms plan, section and elevation with the existing electrical installation, by R.W. Gregory of Newcastle etc, drawing no.1493/32/1, from the University Surveyor's Dept.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE39/C11   1982
Lunchtime theatre project; notes and correspondence re play performances in the lunch hour, with posters for Take-Over Bid, Decent Things and Oleanna.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C12   1996 - 2008
Durham Oscars/D'Oscars award ceremony (begun in 1995), invites, tickets, flyers and posters.
Paper file
UND/GE39/C13   October 2018 - January 2022
Weekly newsletter detailing shows, auditions, opportunities, and the reaction to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the closing of all theatres, and the creation of online alternatives; Michaelmas 3-10, Christmas 1, Pre-Term 1, Epiphany 3-10, Easter Holidays 1-4, Easter 2-8 & 8 (bis), Summer 1,-6, Michaelmas 1, 7-9, etc.
3 paper files
UND/GE39/C14   [April/May] 2019
DST Standing Orders, as at 29 April [2019], and blank Theatre Company Ratification Agreement 2019, with a list of newly elected committee members for 2019/20.
Paper file
Publications and printed ephemera
Printed ephemera for productions, in the Assembly Rooms unless otherwise stated, including programmes, posters, flyers, tickets and reviews, generally taken from DST's First Night, The Bubble, and Palatinate's Indigo; detailing the play and author, company performing it, location, dates of the run, and ephemera available.

UND/GE39/D1/1992   1992
Rudolf's Revenge: Judgement Day, by The Durham Revue, 3-5 December [1992], flyer.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/1995   1995
Mike Leigh, Abigail's Party, by Venus Productions, 23-25 November 1995, programme.
Ray Cooney, It Runs In The Family, by Off The Ground Productions, 1-4 December 1995, programme.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/1996   1996
Euripedes, Medea, by Classical Society, [?1996], programme.
Richard Harris, Stepping Out, by Curved Productions, 1-3 February [?1996], programme.
David Hare, Racing Demon, 14-16 November, programme.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/1997   1997
Aristophanes, Clouds, by Classoc, 30 January - 1 February 1997, programmes.
One Act Play Festival 27-28 [?February 1997] poster.
Michael Frayn, Noises Off, by Off The Ground Durham, [?1997], programme.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2000   2000
Ibsen, Hedda Gabler, by Topcat Productions, DSU Fonteyn Ballroom, 25-26 June 2000, poster.
Steven Berkoff, East, 10-13 January [c.2000], poster.
Shakespeare, A Midsummer's Night Dream, by Spirit Theatre Co, Main Hall St Aidan's College, 1-3 February [c.2000], poster.
Shakespeare, Henry V, by Pageant Theatre Co, 8-10 February [c.2000], poster.
Jimmy Chinn, A Different Way Home, by Holy Waidquake, 14-16 February [c.2000], poster.
David Mamet, Oleanna, 6-7 June [c.2000], poster.
Edinburgh Festival Preview, by Durham Revue, 14-16 June [c.2000], poster.
The Man of Grace, by Bare Witness Theatre Co, Leech Hall St John's College, 23-25 June [c.2000], poster.
Edward Dutton, Expression & Creation, 26-28 October [c.2000], poster.
Ken Pickering, Some Canterbury Tales, by Pluff Productions, Joachim Room Hild Bede College, 16-18 November, 2 posters.
...in your face, by The Durham Revue, 25-26 November [c.2000], poster.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2001   2001
Jim Cartwright, Road, by CAST Theatre Co, 10-12 January 2001, programme.
Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, by The Society Theatre Company, 22-24 February 2001, poster.
Death by Demise, by Arizona Bay Productions with the Durham Revue, various locations, 5-8 June [?2001], poster.
Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan, by Midsummer Madness Productions, St Chad's College garden, 14-16 June [?2001], ticket.
Fresh from the Fringe, by Durham Revue, 4-5 October [2001], poster & flyer.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2002   2002
The One Act Play Festival, 27-28 February [2002], programme.
Shakespeare, Hamlet, by 2D Productions, 11-13 March 2002, programme.
Christopher Marlowe, Dr Faustus, by The Society Theatre Company, 13-15 June, programme & ticket.
Edward Bond, Saved, by ReAct Theatre Company, [2002], programme.
David Mamet, Speed-the-Plow, by AdHoc Productions, at Caedmon Hall, 21-23 November [2002], flyer.
Friedrich Durrenmatt, The Visit, by This Theatre Company, [2002], programme.
Peter Nichols, a day in the death of joe egg, by 2D Productions, [2002], programme.
Baby Food by Durham Revue, [?July 2002], flyer & review.
Chip Monk by Durham Revue, 10-11 October [2002], flyer.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2003   2003
Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, by The Ruff Theatre Company, 6-8 February [?2003], programme.
The Persecution and Assassination of Marat .. the Marquis de Sade, Freshers' Production, 14-16 March 2003, poster.
Arthur Miller, The Crucible, by Pageant Theatre Co, 14-16 November [2003], auditions poster.
Tom Stoppard, The Real Thing, by 2D Productions, 30 October-1 November, programme.
R.B. Sheridan, The School for Scandal, Freshers play, 20-22 November 2003, programme & poster.
Shakespeare, Macbeth, by The Ruff Theatre Company, [8-13 December 2003], programme with a good luck card.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2004   2004
Josef Kesselring, Arsenic and Old Lace, by This Theatre Company, 28 January - 1 February 2004, programme.
Durham Drama Festival, 16-18 February 2004, poster.
The Champions, by Mammoth Theatre Company, 19-21 February 2004, programme & poster.
Mourning by Durham Revue, August [?2004], flyer & poster.
Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, by Fresh Productions, 25-27 November 2004, programme.
Gogol, The Government Inspector, by The Society Theatre Company, 5-7 December [?2004], programme.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2005   2005
Durham Drama Festival, 23-26 February, listing & poster.
Shakespeare, Julius Ceasar, by Black Box Theatre, 9-12 March 2005, programme & poster.
Edward Albee, The Zoo Story, by Offensive Shadows Theatre Company, 27-30 April 2005, programme.
Freshers' Play, 10-11 October 2005, interviews poster.
Woyzeck The Everyman's Everyman, by Society Theatre, 11-14 October 2005, programme.
Harold Pinter, Betrayal, by Illumine Productions, 22-22 October 2005, programme.
Paula Vogel, How I Learned to Drive, by IBA Productions, 3-5 November [2005], programme.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2006   2006
Arnold Ridley, The Ghost Train, 19-21 January, programme & poster.
Bram Stoker, Dracula, by Mammoth Theatre Company, 1-4 February 2006, programme.
Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, 14-17 February [?2006], poster.
George Herman, A Company of Wayward Saints, by Another Country Productions, [11-13 October 2006], programme & poster.
Federico Garcia Lorca, Yerma, Freshers' play, [16-18 November 2006], programme & poster.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2007   2007
Durham Drama Festival, 7-10 February 2007, listing
Julian Mitchell, Another Country, [9-11 March 2007], programme & posters.
Tony Kushner, Angels in America, by Pageant Theatre Company, 6-9 June 2007, poster.
Peter Shaffer, Amadeus, (Freshers' Play), 15-17 November 2007, programme & poster.
Federico Garcia Lorca, The Public, 22-24 November 2007, flyer.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2008   2008
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Another Country Productions, 16-19 January, poster.
Durham Drama Festival, 13-16 February, programme & poster
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2009   2009
Shakespeare, Richard III, Durham Shakespeare Co, 29 April - 2 May [2009], poster & review.
Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Hill College Theatre Company, June, review.
WitTank, October, review.
Doubt, by THIS Theatre Company, October, review
Alan Bennett, The History Boys, November, review
Arthur Miller, Incident at Vichy, by Durham University Productions, Castle Norman Chapel, November, review
David Hare, The Blue Room, by Another Country Productions, November 2009, review.
Stags and Hens, by Hill College Theatre Company, in Trevelyan College Knott Hall, December 2009, review.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2010   2010
Neil Labute, The Shape of Things, Almeida Theatre Co, 28-30 January [2010], poster.
Durrenmatt, The Visit, by Hill College Theatre Company, February 2010, review.
Equus, This Theatre Co, 11-13 February 2010, poster.
Yasmina Reza, Art, by Peculius Stage, 29 April - 1 May [2010], poster and programme.
1072 interactive tour of the World Heritage Site, 5-8 May [2010], poster.
Harold Pinter, The Caretaker, 26-28 October [?2010], poster.
Tom Stoppard, Travesties, by Peculius Stage, 2-4 December [2010], poster.
UND/GE39/D1/2011   2011
Dennis Kelly, DNA, by FPTC, 3-5 February [2011], poster.
Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, by Peculius Stage, Castle Norman Chapel, 9-12 February, programme.
Wertenbaker, Our Country's God, Leech Hall St John's College, 3-5 March [2011], poster.
Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange, by Peculius Stage, Assembly Rooms and the Indoor Market, 10-20 March [2011], poster.
Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara, by The Hill College Theatre Company, 16-18 March [2011], poster.
1539, Cathedral, 29 April-2 May [?2011], poster.
Self-written, Cut, by Hyena Theatre Company, 31 October/1 November [2011], auditions poster.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2012   2012
Durham Drama Festival, 22-25 February 2012, flyer.
Michael McLauchlan, Incognito, 24 February [2012], poster.
The Cabaret of Death, by Another Country Productions, 28 February - 3 March [?2012], programme.
Caryl Churchill, Cloud Nine, by The Hill College Theatre Company, 26-28 April [2012], poster.
The Theatre!, 7-9 June 2012, programme.
The Jungle Book adaptation, by Another Soup Productions, The Empty Shop, Framwellgate Bridge, 13-16 June [2012], poster.
Harold Pinter, The Dumb Waiter, by NADSAT Productions, 11-13 October 2012, poster.
Donnchadh O'Conaill & Andrew McFarlane, Anonymous & Co., Cathedral the Dormitory, 27-28 October 2012, programme.
Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire, by Thrust Stage, 8-10 November 2012, poster.
Virginia Woolf, The Waves, by Another Soup Productions, Bede chapel, 22-24 November [2012], poster.
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, by NADSAT Productions, 6-8 December 2012, poster.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2013   2013
Drama Festival, 19-23 February, poster.
Comdeyfest, by the Durham Revue, Gala Theatre, 24 February, poster.
1000 Suns: An American Afterlife, [28 February - 2 March], programme.
Sweeney Todd & The String of Pearls, by Another Soup Productions, 5-9 March & 5-8 June, posters.
Allstars, by the Durham Revue, 1 June, poster.
Idgie Beau, A Hundred Minus One Day, by Another Soup Productions, Hatfield College, 19 June [2013], poster.
Hunter Bell, [title of show], by Tone Deaf Theatre Co, 19-21 June [2013, poster.
Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie, by Thrust Stage, 10-12 October [2013], poster.
The Revenger's Tragedy, 5-7 December 2013, poster & review.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2014   2014
Irrelevant Title, by The Durham Revue, 23-25 January [2014], poster.
The Babysitters, by Thrust Stage, 6-8 February, poster.
Durham Drama Festival, 12-15 February, programme & poster.
Alan Ayckbourn, Bedroom Farce, by ACT, 6-8 March, poster.
God of Carnage, by Kronos Productions, 2-4 May, programme.
Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot, 12-14 June, programme.
Shakespeare, Henry V, by Thrust Stage, 25-27 June, programme & poster.
Shellshock, 9 October, poster.
The Returners Show, by Durham Revue, 25 October, poster.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Cathedral, [20-21 November], cast list & review.
Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman, Freshers' Play, [20-22 November], programme, poster & review.
Timberlake Wertenbaker, Our Country's Good, by Fourth Wall, [27-29 November], programme, poster & review.
The One-Act Plays of Gustav Milner, by Hill College Theatre Co, Trevelyan College, 27-29 November, programme & review.
Educating Rita, [5-7 December], Castle MCR, ticket and reviews.
I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change, by Tone Deaf Theatre Co, 10-12 December, ticket & poster.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2015   2015
The Durham Revue presents: Disenchanted, 15-17 January, review & poster.
Improvised Comedy, by Shellshock, 23 January, review.
Durham Drama Festival, 4-7 February, poster.
Hugh Train, Ozymandias, Castle Norman Chapel, 4 February, poster.
Antonia Goddard, The Night Watch, Cathedral Prior's Hall, 4 February, poster.
Sophie Mcquillan & Alex Prescot, Werthers & Wrinkles, The Wallis Room St John's College, 4 February, poster.
Jess Bray, Swing By Around, 5-6 February, poster.
Nikhil Vyas, Killing Time, 5-6 February, poster.
Jenny Walser, Strike, 5-6 February, poster.
Caitlin McEwan, Winston, The Black Box Alington House, 5-6 February, poster.
Ellie Gouge & Sophie Mcquillan, Congestion, The Black Box Alington House, 5-6 February, poster.
Hamish Clayton, Whistles, The Black Box Alington House, 5-6 February, poster.
The Black Box, Durham Drama Festival, 5-6 February, review and ticket.
Alison Middleton & Polly Norkett, The House of Usher, Empty Shop, 8-9 February, poster.
Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 11-14 February, review & poster.
The Caucasian Chalk Circle, 26-28 February, programme, poster and review
The Durham Revue Comedy Fest, 26 February, poster & flyer.
David Hare, Skylight, by Fourth Wall, Empty Shop, 2-4 March, poster & review.
Stephen Berkoff from Franz Kafka, The Trial, by 3DTC, 11-13 March, programme, poster and review.
Harold Pinter, Old Times, by Raving Mask Theatre, Horsfall Room, St Chad's College, 24-25 April, castlist.
The Bacchae, by Hill College Theatre Co, 30 April - 2 May, programme, poster and review.
Martin Sherman, Bent, by Ethrael Theatre, 4-6 June, poster.
The Runaways, by Durham Comedy Roadshow, 7 June, poster.
Eugène Ionesco, The Bald Prima Donna, by Raving Mask Theatre, Hatfield College Chapel, 11-12 June, poster.
Anthony Shaffer, Sleuth, by 3DTC, Ushaw College, 13 June, poster.
Something New, St Chad's College, 13 June, poster.
The Durham Showcase, 22 June, poster.
Cirque du Silly, by Durham Revue, 17 October, poster.
That Comedy Show, by Stand-Up Durham, Shellshock, Just Desserts, 18 October, poster.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, by Fourth Wall, 23-24 October, programme and review.
The Thrill of Love, by Front Room, 5-7 November, programme and review.
Alan Ayckbourn, Woman in Mind, by First Theatre Company (1TC), 10-11 November, poster.
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, The Physicists, 26-28 November, programme, poster and review.
David Mamet, Glengarry Glen Ross, by Fortnight Theatre, City Theatre, 26-28 November, progamme and review.
Mike Bartlett, Cock, by Battered Theatre, 28-30 November, progamme and review.
Durham Improvised Musical and Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 6 December, review.
Mary Stuart, by Fourth Wall Theatre, 10-12 December, programme, flyer and review.
Miss Julie, by Pitch Productions, [16-18 December], programme, ticket, poster and review.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2016   2016
Coriolanus, by Hill College Theatre Co, 21-23 January, programme, ticket and review.
Gigglebox, by Durham Revue, 24&31 January, poster.
The Girl from Maxim's, by Fourth Wall, 28-30 January, programme.
Durham Drama Festival, 7-13 February, flyer, programme and review.
All You Need Is Improv..., Shellshock, DSU, 12 February
4000 miles, by First Theatre Company, 18-20 February, programme and review.
Durham Revue: ComedyFest, 22 February, review.
Durham Comedy Collaborative, by Stand-Up Durham, Shellshock, Just Desserts, [?February], poster.
Parlour Song, by Fortnight Theatre, 3-5 March, programme and reviews.
Parade, by Feather Theatre, 4-5 March, programme, poster and review.
International Women's Week Showcase, by Pitch Productions, 6 March, poster.
The Pillowman, by Fourth Wall Theatre, 10-12 March, programme, poster and review.
Whose Deadline it it Anyway?, by Shellshock improvised comedy, Upper Kingsgate Room DSU, 6 May, poster.
The Birthday Party, by Hill College Theatre Company, Castle Senate Suite, 7-8 May, review.
Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), by Pitch Productions, [12-13 May], programme, poster and review.
William Golding, The Lord of the Flies, by Fourth Wall Theatre, 8-10 June, programme, ticket and review.
James Fritz, Four Minutes Twelve Seconds, by Pitch Productions, Pemberton Building, 13-14 June, programme and review.
Rumpelstiltskin, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Empty Shop, 18 June, reviews.
Tony Kushner, Angels in America, 23-24 June, programme & poster.
The Durham Revue: Returners' Show, [13 October], preview and review.
Jez Butterworth, Mojo, 27-29 October, programme, preview & reviews.
Returners' Show 2015/16, by Shellshock improvised comedy, 28 October, review.
Stef Smith, Swallow, by Piccolo, 3-5 November, review.
Tom Basden, Party, by Pitch Productions, Wallis Room St John's College, [18-19 November], programme, preview and reviews.
Bill Naughton, Alfie, 24-26 November, programme, previews and reviews.
Imprototype, by Shellshock improvised comedy, Kingsgate Room DSU, 25 November, poster.
Chekhov, The Seagull, by Fortnight Theatre, 1-3 December, programme and reviews.
A Christmas Cock-Up, by Durham Improvised Musical, 4 December, review.
The Spread new writing, 35C Framwellgate Bridge, 7 December, review.
Tales of East Wind, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Castle Norman Chapel, 8-11 December, programme and reviews.
Get Your Sh*t Together, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 8-10 December, programme and reviews.
Dennis Kelly, After The End, by One Theatre Company, Three Tuns Hotel, 12-14 December, programme and reviews.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2017   2017
The Revusual Suspects, by The Durham Revue, 22 & 29 January, preview & poster.
Kafka's Dick, by First Theatre Company, 26-28 January, programme, flyer and reviews.
Alison Middleton The Bocchae, Alice Clarke Daisy's Dead, Hamish Clayton A Year of Minutes, Durham Drama Festival, 10-11 February, reviews.
Isabelle Culkin Rose, Freddie Drewer The Not So Divine Comedy, Andrew Shires Cold Fronts and Hot Flushes: The Short Stories of Kevin Spacey, Durham Drama Festival, 10-11 February, reviews
Charlie Keable Toll, Kate Lipson Alford and the Acid Tip, Kate Barton Screen 9, Durham Drama Festival, 10-11 February, reviews.
Jason Robert Brown, Songs for a New World, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 16-18 February, programme, poster & reviews.
Luigi Pirandello, Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Fortnight Theatre, Fountains Hall Grey College, 16-18 February, reviews.
Harold Pinter, The Dumb Waiter, by Fourth Wall Theatre, City Theatre, 16-18 February, reviews.
Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber, by First Theatre Company, Crook Hall, 21-23 February, programme and reviews.
Made in Dagenham the Musical, by Feather Theatre Company, 23-25 February, programme and reviews.
Shelagh Stephenson, Five Kinds of Silence, by Fourth Wall Theatre, City Theatre, 23-25 February, programme and reviews.
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Fourth Wall Theatre, 15-17 March, programme and reviews.
Mike Bartlett, Love, Love, Love, by Pitch Productions, 27-29 April, programme, poster and reviews.
Bert V. Royal, Dog Sees God Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead, by Fortnight Theatre, 29-30 April, Leech Hall St John's College, programme and reviews.
Adam Simpson, Survivor, by Buttered Toast, 30 April, reviews.
Larry Kramer, The Normal Heart, by Fourth Wall Theatre, 4-6 May, reviews.
Romeo and Juliet, by Phoenix Theatre Co, 11-13 May, programme and reviews.
Chaucer adapted by Mike Poulton, The Canterbury Tales, by DST, Gala, 6-7 June, programme and reviews.
Allstars review, by Durham Revue, 10 June (Gala Theatre) & 13 June, poster & review.
Kate Tempest, Wasted, by Fortnight Theatre, Empty Shop, 13-14 June, preview & reviews.
Souvenirs, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Cafédral, 15-17 June, programme, poster & reviews.
Bodhi Shribman-Dellman & Barnabas Mercer, Landing, by First Theatre Company, DSU Vane Tempest, 16-17 June, poster & reviews.
Sam Steiner, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, by Phoenix Theatre Company, DSU Vane Tempest, 16-17 June, reviews.
Sounds of Solstice, by Wrong Tree Theatre, DSU Vane Tempest, 16-17 June, reviews.
The Durham Revue Returners' Show 2017: Laugh Actually, 14 October, flyer & review.
Kate Barton, Screen 9, 21 October, programme.
The Book of Keith, by Buttered Toast, 28 October, review.
The DIM-Reaper, by Durham Improvised Musicals, 29 October, review.
Picnic at Hanging Rock, by Pitch Productions, 2-4 November, programme, poster, & reviews.
George Farquhar, The Beaux' Stratagem, DST Freshers Play, 23-25 November, programme & review.
Jason R Brown, The Last Five Years, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, Joachim Room Hild Bede College, 23-25 November, programme, poster & review.
Georg Büchner, Woyzeck, by Fourth Wall Theatre, Durham Union Society, 8-9 December, reviews.
A Round-Up: The Picnic, Empty Shop, 13 December, review.
Euripedes, Medea, by First Theatre Company, 13-15 December, programme & reviews.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2018   2018
Philip Ridley, Vincent River, by Pitch Productions, Hatfield College Chapel, 16-18 January, programme & reviews.
Cordelia Lynn, Lela & Co, by Sightline Productions, 19-20 January, programme & review.
No Strings Attached, by Durham Revue, 22 January, poster & review.
Inferno, by Wrong Tree Theatre, 1-3 February, programme and reviews.
Durham Drama Festival 4-11 February including: Aqua Spectacula, Hypocritical, The Empiricist, Cloudburst, The Adventures of Slick Tuffman, Marsistan, The House of Influenza, Eve, Flowers N That, poster & reviews
Jez Butterworth, Jerusalem, by Letterbox Productions, 22-24 February, poster & review.
Torts & Tina, 25 February, review.
Puns Intended, 28 February-3 March, programme & reviews.
Anna Jordan, Yen, by Fourth Wall, 8-10 March, programme, poster and reviews.
Shakespeare, As You Like It, by First Theatre Company, 8-10 March, programme and reviews.
Rymes Against Humanity, by Durham Improvised Musical, 12 March, reviews.
The Crust showcase of new writing, by Buttered Toast, 15 March, reviews.
North of the Wall, by Durham Revue (& Leeds and St Andrews), 3 June, poster & reviews.
Flo Petrie, Aaron, by Wrong Tree Theatre, 12-13 June, Vane Tempest DSU, reviews & poster, also Vane Tempest DSU, 20-21 October, review.
A Night at the Tony's, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 13 June, reviews & poster.
Laura Wade, Posh, by Fourth Wall Theatre, 20-21 June, poster and reviews.
Durham Showcase, 25 June, programme.
Freshers' Showcase, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 23 October, review.
The AdDIMs Family, by Durham Improvised Musical group, Trevelyan College, 26 October, reviews.
Kevin, by Keith, Gala Theatre studio, 26-27 October, reviews.
Alan Ayckbourn, My Very Own Story, by DST Freshers, Caedmon Hall Hild Bede College, 9-10 November, review, programme and poster.
Simon Stephens, Sea Wall, by Letterbox Productions, Alington House, 15-16 November, reviews.
Miscast, by Sightline Productions, Caedmon Hall, 16 November, review.
Zeitgeist, by Durham Revue, 17 November, reviews.
Tennessee Williams, Sweet Bird of Youth, by Feather Theatre Company, Van Mildert College, 23-24 November, reviews.
Carly Wijs, Us/Them, by Pitch Productions, Bede Chapel, 23-25 November, programme & reviews.
Edward Abee, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, by First Theatre Company, Durham Union Society, 23-25 November, reviews.
Jack Thorne, Stacy, by Letterbox, Arlington House, 29 November & 1 December, programme, poster and reviews.
Shakespeare, The Tempest, by Sightline Productions, Bede Chapel, 29 November-1 December, poster and reviews.
The Castaways, by White Tree Theatre, St Chad's College, 3 December, poster.
Gary Owen, Killology, by Fourth Wall Theatre, City Theatre, 6-8 December, programme & reviews.
Jimmy Roberts, I Love You You're Perfect Now Change, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, Ushaw College, 6-8 December, programme, poster & reviews.
La Casbah, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Collingwood College, 9-10 December, programme, poster & reviews.
DIM Dong Merrily on High, by Durham Improvised Musical group, Music Department, 14 December, reviews.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2019   2019
Apocalypse ... Now?, by Durham Revue, Collingwood College, 25 January, reviews.
Emily Carter, Bedlam, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Bede Chapel, 31 January - 2 February, programme, poster and reviews.
Henry Naylor, Angel, by Sightline Productions, Hatfield College Chapel/Birley Room, 31 January - 3 February, poster and reviews.
Durham Drama Festival 3-10 Feburary, including Poseiden's Playhouse by Alex Julian-Ottie, Save the Date by Ollie Kirkwood, Tuesday by Andrew Cowburn, Whatever Happened to Christopher Robin by Charlie Whitehead, Reckoning by Helena Snider-Martin, Ophelia is Also Dead by Aliya Gilmore, Ladies Who Lunch by Niamh Collins, The Fire on Beacon Hill by Harry Jenkins, Kay and Rex by Madeline Horton, and the Scratch Night, poster, programme, flyer and reviews.
Owen Sheers, Pink Mist, by First Theatre Company, City Theatre, 21-23 February, programe & reviews.
Keith: Why did the chicken cross the road?, by Keith, Dowrick Suite, Trevelyan College, 22-24 February, reviews.
ComedyFest 2019, by Durham Revue, Gala Theatre, 24 February, reviews.
Baker's Dozen, by Buttered Toast, Dorwick Suite Trevelyan College, 7-8 March, poster and reviews.
Rosie Dart & Rhys Rodrigues, Tappuccino, by Durham Improvised Musical and Buttered Toast, Cafédral, 8-9 March, reviews.
Death to the Afterlife, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Fabio's Bar and Birley Room, Hatfield College, 14-17 March, reviews.
Polly Stenham, Tusk Tusk, by Fourth Wall Theatre, DSU Kingsgate, 15-17 March, poster and reviews.
Florence Petrie, 25 & Counting, by Pitch Productions, Leech Hall St John's College, 17-18 March, programme, poster and reviews.
In The Wings, by Wellbeing At Centre Stage, DSU Kingsgate, 19-20 March 2019, programme, poster and reviews.
Mamma Mia, Here We DIM Again!, by Durham Improvised Musical, [21] March, review.
The Durham Showcase, Music Dept, 22 March, (also London, Tristan Bates Theatre, 28 March) programmes.
Ryan Scott Oliver, 35MM: a Musical Exhibition, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, Collingwood College, 2-4 May, poster and reviews.
Alexander Cohen, The Human Flesh, by Buttered Toast, DSU Kingsgate, 4-5 May, poster and reviews.
The Big Funny, by Buttered Toast, St Cuthbert's Society bar, 6 May, review.
Vicky Jones, The One, by Letterbox Productions, Birley Room Hatfield College, 1-12 June, programme & reviews.
Mission Improvable Exam Protocol, by Shellshock!, DSU Upper Kingsgate, 24 May 2019, poster.
What We Aren't Supposed to Talk About (Lips Don't Lie Showcase review; Liz Richardson and Tara Robinson Gutted poster & reviews), Dowrick Suite Trevelyan College, by Pitch Productions, 10-15 June, programme & poster.
Bróccán Tyzack-Carlin, Don't Bother, 12 June, review.
The Spare Room (aka Pemberton Rooms) (9 plays), 18-20 June, programme.
Nick Payne, Constellations, by Letterbox Productions, Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics, 18-19 June, programme & reviews.
Aliya Gilmore, Ophelia is Also Dead, by Sightline Productions, Pemberton Rooms, 18-20 June, reviews.
Kieran Hurley, Beats, by Fourth Wall Theatre, Wiff Waff bar, 18-20 June, programme, poster and reviews.
Sophie Wright, Queerbaiting, by Sightline Productions, Pemberton Rooms, 19 June, reviews.
Cameron Ashplant, Test Bed, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Spare Room/Vane Tempest DSU, 19-21 June, reviews & poster.
Clarie Dowie, All Over Lovely, by Letterbox Productions, St John's College Bar, 21-24 June, reviews.
Heroes & Villains, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company and Durham Improvised Musical, Music School, 24 June, programme, poster and reviews.
Shakespeare, The Tempest, by Sightline Productions with Suffragette Theatre Company, Gala Theatre, 26 June, poster, flyer and reviews.
William Golding, Lord of the Flies, adapted by Nigel Williams, co-production by DST and Gala Theatre in association with Unfolding Theatre, Gala Theatre, 30 September - 5 October, programme, poster, flyer, cast notes, review.
Stand-Up with Papyrus, by Buttered Toast, St Cuthbert's Society bar, 23 October, review.
Standing in the Rain, by Keith, Dowrick Suite Trevelyan College, 25-27 October, reviews.
Freshers' Showcase, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, Bede Chapel, 5 November, poster and reviews.
Lucy Prebble, Enron, by DST Freshers, 7-9 November, programme & reviews.
Adam Gwon, Ordinary Days, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, Dowrick Suite Treveleyan College, 25-29 November, programme, poster & reviews.
Simon Longman, Sparks, by Pitch Productions, Ustinov Room Van Mildert College, 29-30 November, programme & reviews.
Alex Ottie & Conor Norrington, The Most Expensive Orgy in History, by First Theatre Company, Union Society Debating Chamber, 30 November - 1 December, poster & reviews.
Aimiee Dickinson & Olivia Swain, Away, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Cassidy Quad St Chad's College, 30 November - 1 December, programme & reviews.
Polly Teale, Brontë, by Letterbox Productions, Union Society Debating Chamber, 2-3 December, reviews.
Sita, by Squashed Mango Theatre Company, 11-13 December, programme & reviews.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2020   2020
Alexander Cohen, Blue Room, by Pitch Productions, Bede Chapel, 17-18 January, programme, poster & reviews.
Charity Fashion Show, 19 January 2020, programme and review
The Good, the Bad and the Durham Revue, Mark Hillery Arts Centre Collingwood College, 26 & 28 January, review.
Shellshock! and The Directors Cut, DSU Kingsgate, 1 February, review and poster.
Durham Drama Festival Scratch Night, 2 February, reviews.
Durham Drama Festival 4-7 February:
Charles Edward Pipe, The Landlord's Arms; Elliot Ancona, Tourists; Imogen Usherwood, Number Theory; programme and reviews.
Kane Taylor, He Never Married; Ryan King, Green Alert; Aidas Zvirblis, Lungbarrow's Insomnia; Mark Hillery Arts Centre Collingwood College, programme and reviews.
Lowri Matthias, Fishbowl; Aliya Gilmore, Laika; Issy Flower, Implosion; Caedmon Hall Hild Bede College, programme, poster and reviews.
Dorottya Farkas, Lost Connections, by Wrong Tree Theatre, Mark Hillery Arts Centre Collingwood College, 14-16 February, programme, posters and reviews.
Broccan Tyzack-Carlin, Don't Bother, stand up poetry, 16 February, poster & review
Tom Basden, Holes, by Fourth Wall Theatre, City Theatre, 20-22 February, reviews.
Finola Southgate, We'll Have Nun of It, by Sister Sister Productions, 23 February, programme & reviews.
ComedyFest, Durham Revue with Oxford Revue and Cambridge Footlights, Gala Theatre, 23 February, reviews.
Natasha Ali, The Babbling Barista Monologues, Cafédral, 28-29 February, programme & reviews.
Chortle Student Comedy Award, DSU, 1 March, review.
Table for One, by Keith, Babylon [bar], 2 March, reviews.
Tom Wells, The Kitchen Sink, by Fourth Wall Theatre Company, Hatfield Birley Room, 12-13 March, poster, programme & reviews.
Harold Pinter, The Homecoming, by First Theatre Company, Cafédral, 14-16 March, poster & reviews.
Lucy Kirkwood, it felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now, 17-18 March, poster (cancelled).
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2021   2021
The Durham Revue Returners' Show: Unfinished Business, 12 October, review
Will Geraint Drake & Lauren Brewer, The Single Lady, by Pitch Prods, 28-30 October, flyer, programme, review
Second Coming, by Stand Society, Holy Grale pub, 28 October, review
Ben Willows, Biting the Fruit, by First Theatre Company, Hatfield Birley Room, 13-14 November, review and poster
Sam Steiner, Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons, by Sightline Productions, Cafedral, 25-27 November, reviews
G.B. Shaw, Pygmalion, Freshers' play, 25-27 November, programme, poster and reviews
Pasek & Paul, Edges, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 2-4 December, programme, poster and review
Synthesise, by Wrong Tree Theatre, 2-4 December, review
Late Night Comedy Lock-In, by Buttered Toast, 5 December, reviews
Mike Bartlett, Bull, by Fourth Wall Theatre, Mark Hillery Arts Centre Collingwood, 8-10 December, reviews
Paper file
UND/GE39/D1/2022   2022
Shakespeare, Julius Ceasar, by Pitch Productions, online, review
Cecil O'Brien, When the Bees Come, 27-29 January, programme and reviews
Durham Revue's Show, You Only Laugh Twice, 30 January, reviews
Durham Drama Festival 30 January - 6 February:
Millie Glenister, Hotel Charmon; Eloise Richmond, Mrs Alexander; Ben Willows, Cottage; programme and reviews
Yolan Noszkay, You Will Hear Me; Em Oliver, Beautiful Nothing; Yibu Jin, The Marriage Proposal; Mark Hillery Arts Centre, Collingwood; reviews
Enzo Lebeau, The Children of Yesterday; James Murray, Stage's Fool; Mount Oswald; reviews
Doctor Who, by Durham WhoSoc, Audio Drama on Purple Radio, [February], review
Howard Ashman & Alan Menken, Little Shop of Horrors, by Tone Deaf Theatre Company, 10-12 February, programme, ticket and reviews
LGBT+ History Month Cabaret, February, review
Jez Butterworth, Mojo, by Pitch Productions, Fabio's Bar, 10-12 March, reviews
The Durham Finalist's Showcase, 11 March (also Camden People's Theatre 27 March)
A Night of Voices, by Sightline Theatre Co, Birley Room, Hatfield, 11-12 March, reviews
Federico Garcia Lorca, Blood Wedding, by Wrong Tree Theatre Co, 10-12 March, programme & reviews
Paper file
UND/GE39/D2   October 1995 - January 2020
DST term programmes: detailing the plays to be performed:
Michaelmas 1995, Michaelmas 2006, Epiphany and Michaelmas 2007, Epiphany 2008, Summer 2010, Michaelmas 2013, Epiphany 2014, Epiphany and Easter 2017, Epiphany 2018, Michaelmas 2019, Spring 2020
Paper file
UND/GE39/D3   [c.2005 - 2019]
Programmes and flyers for plays performed at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Paper file
UND/GE39/D4   2000 - 2017
Promotional flyers and posters for DST promoting membership, and such as outreach in Zambia, an open day on 9 October 2000, and sponsorship
Paper file
UND/GE39/D5   1907, 1996 - 2021
Performances at the Assembly Rooms and elsewhere by non-DST theatre companies:
Rutland Barrington, The Turncoats, and T.W. Robertson, The Ladies' Battle, 13-14 November 1907, poster (photocopy, see Add Ms 1574 for the original and various other Assembly Rooms playbills, programmes, newspaper cuttings etc 1899-1907.
Gilbert and Sullivan, Patience, by Durham Amateur Operatic Society, 12-17 July 1971, programme.
[School concert including] The Pied Piper of Hamlyn, [c.1975], programme.
Noel Coward, Blithe Spirit, by Durham Dramatic Society, January 1976, programme.
David Heneker and John Taylor, Charlie Girl, by Durham Amateur Operatic Society, 15-23 July 1983, programme.
Legend, Life and Laughter, by Durham Centre, 5-7 April 1995, programme.
Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, by Off The Ground Productions, in the Count's House, 12-15 June 1996, programme.
Dominic Hedges, The Doppel Gang, by Just Some Theatre Company, 29 September [2015], poster.
Adrian Marks, Waiting For Gandalf, by Mankind, 5 May [?2017], poster.
J.P. Miller, Days of Wine and Roses, by Elysium Theatre Company, 3-7 October [?2017], poster.
Scott Turnbull, Where Do All The Dead Pigeons Go?, an ARC Stockton Production, 15 October [2017], flyer.
Above the Mealy-Mouthed Sea, by Omnibus Theatre and Unholy Mess, 13-14 January [2018].
Stephen Adly Guirgis, Jesus Hopped the A Train, 14 May [2018], programme, poster & review.
Samuel Beckett, Footfalls & Krapp's Last Tape, by Elysium Theatre Company, 23&24 June 2018, flyer & previews.
Minge Unhinged, by Your Aunt Fanny, Pemberton Rooms, 18 June 2019, reviews.
Andrew Shires, The House of Influenza, by 4 Umbrellas Productions, Pemberton Rooms, 19 June 2019, reviews.
Children of the Quorn TM, by Megan from HR, Pemberton Rooms, 20 June 2019, review.
Dan Takyi, Black Training, by Durham People of Colour Association, Pemberton Rooms/ Fonteyn Ballroom DSU, 20-21 June 2019, poster & reviews.
Formal Reopening of the Assembly Rooms, 26 January 2020, programme.
Durham Fringe Festival (at Assembly Rooms, St Chad's, City Theatre and Fusion Bar) 28 July - 1 August 2021, programmes and flyers.
Paper file
UND/GE39/D6   1995 - 2021
DST newsletters/magazines with articles on theatre generally and specifically in Durham:
Newsletter, issue 2 for Michaelmas 1995.
artslink, issues for Epiphany 2001, Easter 2004, Easter 2005, Michaelmas 2006, Epiphany and Easter 2007.
First Night, issues 1 (January 2017), 2 (August 2017), 3 (January 2018), 4 (May 2018), Summer Round-Up 2018, Summer Round-Up 2019, 8 (Summer/Michaelmas 2020), Easter & Michaelmas 2021.
13 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
Reference: UND/GE39/E
UND/GE39/E1   [c.2002 - 2017]
Photographs of performances and performers, some rehearsals and views of the Assembly Rooms, mostly unidentified, except for:
Man of Grace 2000
D'Oscars 2001 and 2003
Antigone, [?June 2002], 9 x colour photos.
R.B. Sheridan, The School for Scandal, Freshers play, 20-22 November 2003, 2 BW photos of Alex Lamond, Tom Richardson and James Marshal
Picnic at Hanging Rock, by Pitch Productions, 2-4 November 2017, 8 colour prints
Colour prints and printouts file
Society for the Study of Religion
Reference: UND/GE99 An interdisciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate society

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE99/D
UND/GE99/D1   [2017]
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Swing Society
Reference: UND/GE102
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE102/D
UND/GE102/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Theatre (D.U.T.)
Reference: UND/GE50
Dates of creation: 1965 - 1993
Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE50/D
UND/GE50/D1   [1965 - 1993]
Programmes and other ephemera for:
The Importance of Being Earnest [?1965]
The Form by N.F. Simpson, The American Dream by Edward Albee, The Governor's Lady by David Mercer [?1965]
Saint's Day, by John Whiting, Henry IV, by Luigi Pirandello, Poetry and Revolt (Edinburgh Festival) 1965
The Devils, by John Whiting, November 1965
A Penny for a Song, by John Whiting [?1966]
The Birthday Party February 1966
The Sport of my Mad Mother, by Ann Jellicoe [?1967]
Vaudeville and Villainy, [1967]
Chicago, by Sam Shephard, by Hijack Theatre, [13 November ?1968]
The Beggars Opera [1968]
Romanoff and Juliet [c.1970]
Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett, 10 October 1970, ticket
The Caretaker, by Harold Pinter, 5 December 1970, ticket
The Importance of Being Earnest 1971
Henry IV Part 1 2-6 March 1971
Hamlet, 24 February 1972, ticket
The Government Inspector, by Gogol, 2 March 1972, ticket
The Emperor Henry IV, by Luigi Pirandello, 6 May 1972, ticket
The Dumb Waiter, by Harold Pinter, & The Real Inspector Hound, by Tom Stoppard, 19 May 1972, ticket
Hamlet [c.1973]
Antigone 1973
One Act festival [1974]
Black Comedy by Peter Shaffer and The Lesson by Eugène Ionesco [c.1975]
One Act Play Festival 19-22 November 1980
The Pirates of Penzance [1987]
Misanthrope, by Molière, by Box Theatre Company, in Durham Sixth Form Centre, 5-7 May 1988, poster, programme, auditions, ticket
Antigone, by Jean Anouilh, by Box Theatre Company, in Durham Sixth Form Centre, 24-26 November [1988], poster, auditions, ticket
Blue Remembered Hills, by Dennis Potter, and Still Life, by Noel Coward, by The Absurd Theatre Company, [1993].
Paper file
Thrust Stage
Reference: UND/GE82 Founded in Durham in 2011, Thrust Stage is an award-winning company dedicated to producing theatre of the highest quality across a range of genres.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE82/D
UND/GE82/D1   2013 - 2014
Posters and programmes etc for productions:
Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie, 10-12 October [2013], poster
The Babysitters, 6-8 February 2014, poster
Shakespeare, Henry V, [25-28 June 2014], programme & review
Paper file
UND/GE82/D2   2014
Website printout of 26 June 2014 detailing previous productions.
Paper file

Publications and Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE80/D
UND/GE80/D1   2013
Posters for events:
“TheBubbleBurning” live music, Market Vaults, 21 February 2013
Paper file
Durham Union Society
Reference: UND/GE1
Dates of creation: 1835 - 2018 The Durham Union Society has been the chief debating and social club in Durham. A Debating Society was first established at Durham in May 1835. This may have lapsed in 1839 as the Durham University Union was founded in 1842, with its early days being sufficiently unsuccessful to necessitate it being revived in 1872. This was then an amalgamation of the Reading Rooms of University College and Hatfield Hall, which Unattached men were also allowed to join. It became the Durham Union Sociewty in 1873 when a system of terminal elections for a president was established. Rooms were granted to it by Senate, with some of the dons taking up life membership. An inaugural presidential address was started in 1880. The premises were expanded to include a debating hall, billiard and smoking rooms, and the Union became the recipient of gifts of pictures, drawings and books. Reciprocal arrangements were developed early with the Unions at Oxford and Cambridge, and, from 1893, Edinburgh.
In 1881 a Junior Union Society was established in Newcastle. From 1914 to 1925, the Durham Union Society joined forces with the Newcastle Union Society with the president and vice-president being chosen alternatively from the two divisions. The arrangement ended with the building of new Union buildings in Newcastle. A separate Women's Union Society had also been set up.
Features of the debating year were the June Week Inter-Varsity debates, with speakers from other universities, held in Castle Great Hall, and then the Durham Miners' Hall for a while from 1925. The Union's facilities expanded to include a reading room, a popular coffee bar from 1922, and a licensed bar in 1951.
A list of presidents, and further details of the Society's past and present, can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidents_of_the_Durham_Union_Society.
The first 3 volumes of Committee minutes (AC1-3) were the first of the Society's records to be deposited with the University Library and were for a time catalogued as Durham University Library Add. MSS. 334-336.
AB1-14, AC1-8 and BA1 formerly UND DUS 11/1-3.
P.D.A. Campbell, A short history of the Durham Union Society, (Durham 1952), (including a list of presidents 1872-1952) on open access in the Durham University Library local collection at Palace Green at L 378.4281 DUR/CAM; R.P. Dockerill, “"The Durham Union Society was unsuccessful in emulating the Oxford and Cambridge Union Societies and unwilling to learn from or mix with the debating societies and unions of the 'newer' universities" : To what extent is this an accurate comment upon the Durham Union Society in the period 1842 to 1914?” (Durham University BA dissertation 1996), available in Durham University Library as Thesis Misc.D.11; R.P. Dockerill, ''Forgotten Voices': The Debating Societies of Durham and Liverpool, 1900-1939', in Students in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland, ed J. Burkett (2018), p. 101-128.

Reference: UND/GE1/A
UND/GE1/AA1   13 May 1835 - Michaelmas 1839
Debating Society minute book
recording motions, speakers and votes at debates and the committee members each term. Its first motion was “Whether the March of Popery or Republicanism at Present more imminently threatens the Stability of the British Constitution”.
Label on front cover: “Durham University Debating Society. Established Easter-Term 1835”.
On the verso of the front free endpaper “Rules for the Government of the DU Debating Club”, Easter 1835 (see rule XIV), with additions 18 October 1835; several rules have subsequently been crossed out.
Minutes on p.1-52 of the ledger, with an index at the back of the volume; rest of the volume blank.
Paper book
Size: 431 x 288mm
Presented by R.D. Steedman, 1933. A letter from him to E.V. Stocks, the University Librarian, 2 December 1933 (tipped in on the front free endpaper) says that he acquired the volume at a recent sale in Newcastle, and that it had belonged to Philip C. Neasham of Tynemouth (formerly of Consett).
Formerly UND DUS 6.
UND/GE1/AB1   12 March 1885 - 15 February 1900
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB2   1 March 1900 - 30 January 1918
Union Society general meetings minute book
Sheet of Sports fund accounts and sheet of Common Room fund accounts, both Michaelmas term, 1912, and two sheets of the minute taker's rough notes, apparently for the meeting of 30 January 1918, in a pocket inside the back cover.
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB3   16 March 1918 - 5 December 1935
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB4   31 January 1936 - 18 October 1951
Union Society general meetings minute book
Printed copies of presidential addresses delivered to the Society during the period spanned by this volume are tipped in at the appropriate points. Minutes and the presidential address for the meeting of 18 October 1951 are in a pocket inside the back cover.
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB5   25 October 1951 - 17 March 1961
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB6   11 May 1961 - 3 March 1967
Union Society general meetings minute book
Typescript presidential addresses tipped in at appropriate points. Report of Committee of enquiry, 11 November 1966, bar account, Michaelmas term 1965, and mark sheets for debates in February 1965 and February 1966 in a pocket inside the back cover.
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB7   16 March 1967 - 27 February 1972
Union Society general meetings minute book
Report to Senate and D.S.U. from the Senate Advisory Committee on discipline, 11 February 1972, in a pocket inside the back cover.
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB8   February 1972 - March 1974
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB9   April 1974 - February 1978
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB10   February 1978 - April 1979
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB11   May 1979 - February 1982
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB12   March 1982 - February 1985
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB13   March 1985 - December 1989
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB14   December 1989 - February 1996
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB15   March 1996 - February 2000
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB16   May 2001 - March 2003
Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AB17   November 2007 - June 2008
Union Society minute book, including general/ordinary meetings with details of debates, and general comimittee, and also standing, bar and sponsorship committees minutes, with some order papers inserted
Paper file
UND/GE1/AB18   October 2008 - June 2009
Union Society ordinary meeting minute book with details of debates
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC1   20 January 1902 - 22 May 1913
Union Society committee meetings minute book
Paper book
Formerly Add Ms 334.
UND/GE1/AC2   26 May 1913 - 25 October 1918
Union Society committee meetings minute book
Paper book
Formerly Add Ms 335.
UND/GE1/AC3   28 October 1918 - 20 January 1933
Union Society committee meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AC4   20 February 1933 - 4 December 1948
Union Society committee meetings minute book
called Journal on the front cover and title page, which is dated Easter term 1931.
Paper book
UND/GE1/AC5   26 January 1949 - 14 May 1956
Union Society committee meetings minute book
Loose financial documents tucked in at various points, and a quantity of minute taker's rough notes etc. in a pocket inside the back cover.
Paper book
UND/GE1/AC6   15 October 1956 - 7 May 1962
Union Society committee meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AC7   18 June 1962 - 11 May 1967
Union Society committee meetings minute book
Financial and other documents tipped or tucked into the volume at various points.
In a separate file is a quantity of correspondence, including two letters from Earl Attlee, 8 May and 5 June 1959, and another from Sir Cyril Osborne giving his [forthright] views on homosexuality, 23 December 1964. Originally tipped inside volume
Paper book
UND/GE1/AC8   June 1967 - March 1971
Union Society committee meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE1/AC9   April 1971 - January 1974
Union Society committee meetings minute book, with occasional annual accounts, reports and letters inserted
Paper book
UND/GE1/AC10   October 1973 - April 1977
Union Society committee meetings minutes (typescript, with the initial minutes being copies of the latter part of the previous volume)
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC11   May 1977 - June 1980
Union Society committee meetings minutes, typescript, with some agendas, summary minutes, treasurer's and other reports
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC12   October 1980 - November 1983
Union Society committee meetings minutes, typescript, with agendas, attendance sheets, reports and accounts
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC13   January 1984 - January 1987
Union Society committee meetings minutes, typescript, with agendas, attendance sheets, reports and accounts
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC14   January 1988 - March 1993
Union Society general committee meetings minutes, typescript and some manuscript, with some agendas, reports and accounts
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC15   October 1993 - June 1997
Union Society general committee meetings minutes, typescript, with some agendas, reports and accounts
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC16   October 1997 - June 2000
Union Society general committee meetings minutes, typescript, with some agendas, reports and accounts
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC17   November 2000 - June 2002
Union Society committee meetings minutes, typescript, with some agendas, reports and accounts
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC18   October 2002 - February 2004 & June 2007
Union Society committee meetings draft minutes and lists of committee members
Paper file
UND/GE1/AC19   October 2009 - March 2010
Union Society general committee meetings minutes, typescript, with some agendas, reports and accounts
Paper file
UND/GE1/AD1   October 1984 - May 1999
Union Society social committee minutes, with some reports and accounts
Paper book, with insertions
UND/GE1/AE1   November 1988 - March 2000
Union Society Finance Committee minutes, with occasional agendas
Paper file
UND/GE1/AF1   December 1989 - March 1993
Union Society 24 Committee minutes, re the running of 24 North Bailey
Paper file
UND/GE1/AG1   October 1989 - June 1994
Union Society Standing Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/GE1/AG2   October 1994 - April 1999
Union Society Standing Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/GE1/AG3   November 1999 - June 2004
Union Society Standing Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/GE1/AG4   October 2004 - June 2006
Union Society Standing Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/GE1/AG5   September - November 2006, January 2008 - January 2009
Union Society Standing Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE1/B
UND/GE1/BA1   Michaelmas 1883 - Easter 1918
Union Society treasurer's account book
Paper book
UND/GE1/BA2   March 1960 - June 1963
Union Society treasurer's account book, credit and debit accounts, with other accounts at the back including coffee bar takings and union teas.
Paper book
Administrative files
Reference: UND/GE1/C
UND/GE1/C1   February 1920 - January 1965
Senior treasurer's (Dr T. Whitworth) file of committee minutes, correspondence, and including also specifications for 24 North Bailey [1964], and discussions of extensions to the Debating Hall in 1948.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C2   [?1961]
Report of the commission of enquiry into the financial administration of the Durham Union Society, with a budget for 1961.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C3   September 1962 - July 1964, September 1967
Treasurer's correspondence file re financial matters of the society, including a declaration of trust.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C4   October 1974
Palace Green Library Sub-Committee, Development Programme for additional space for the Department of Palaeography and its effect on the Union Society premises, minutes, report and plans.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C5   9 July 1963
Photocopied draft Declaration of Trust of property held on behalf of the Union by the trustees Thomas Frederick Peart, Henry Cecil Ferens, Revd Walter Alexander Whitehouse , Mary Holdsworth and Arthur Pennington.
Paper, 5f
UND/GE1/C6   13 January 1969
Deed of Appointment of new trustees of Durham Union Society, with Rt Hon Thomas Frederick Peart, Henry Cecil Ferens and Mary Holdsworth continuing as trustees, Revd Walter Alexander Whitehouse and Arthur Pennington retiring as trustees, and Thomas Whitworth and Sidney Holgate becoming new trustees.
Paper, 2f
UND/GE1/C7   1976 - 1993
Register of debate speakers, given date and debate, in alphabetical order, with at the back a list of speakers by debate category
Paper book, spine lost and covers detached and some folios loose
UND/GE1/C8   [c.1925]
Union Society Library catalogue, detailing author and title, in alphabetical order of author
Paper book, some folios excised
UND/GE1/C9   1950 - 1968
Union Society membership register with the printed term lists of students stuck in and marked up with whether they were term, life or non-members (M, L, N) (to 1962/3, thence just ticked as [members].
Paper book, with items glued/sellotaped in
UND/GE1/C10   November 1923 - April 1979
Bar Visitors Books, detailing date, name, address, and the member by whom they were introduced
1. November 1923 - March 1962, with an extract from the rules at the front
2. December 1951 - March 1963
3. March 1963 - December 1975
4. November 1975 - April 1979
4 paper books
UND/GE1/C11   April 1992 - June 2003
Debate Visitors Books, detailing for each debate the date, name, address and comments of visiting speakers and others
1. April 1992 - January 1995
2. January 1995 - November 1996
3. March 1997 - June 2003

UND/GE1/C12   Easter 2017 - Epiphany 2018
Files for elections of presidents for Michaelmas 2017 and Easter 2018 including manifestoes, posters, nomination forms, lists of votes.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C13   19 October 2005
“The Constitution of the Durham Union Society”
Paper file, 26f
UND/GE1/C14   [October 1995 - June 1997]
Some draft general meeting minutes, with order papers - some signed by the participants - and correspondence wit prospective speakers, especially from the House of Commons.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C15   February 2013
Rules Committee and the Election Appeals Tribunal case over Andrew Lloyd and the DU Labour Club and the illicit sending of mass emails etc.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C16   [May 2013]
Returning officer file on Re-Open Nominations.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C17   November 2017
Returning officer's file over electoral misconduct.
Paper file
UND/GE1/C18   Epiphany 2019 - Easter 2020
Election nominations
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE1/D D1-6 given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.

UND/GE1/D1   1930 - 2022
Term cards (booklets by 2004) listing officers, college representatives, and the programme for the term for:
1930 Easter
1935 Michaelmas
1936 Epiphany
1959 Epiphany, Michaelmas
1960 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1961 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1962 Epiphany, Easter
1966 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1967 Epiphany, Easter
1968 Michaelmas
1969 Epiphany
1970 Michaelmas
1971 Easter
1974 Michaelmas
1975 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1976 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1977 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1978 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1979 Easter
1980 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1981 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1982 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1983 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1984 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1985 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1986 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1987 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1988 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1989 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1990 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas (with a ball programme and 2 copies of the Update newsletter
1991 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1992 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1993 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1994 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1995 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1996 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1997 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
1998 Epiphany, Easter
1999 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2000 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2001 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2002 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2003 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2004 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2005 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2006 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2007 Epiphany, Easter
2008 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2009 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2010 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2011 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2012 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2013 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2014 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2015 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2016 Easter, Michaelmas
2017 Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas
2018 Epiphany, Easter
2019 Epiphany, Michaelmas
2020 Epiphany, Michaelmas
2021 Michaelmas (Fresher's brochure)
2022 Epiphany
2023 Michaelmas
2024 Epiphany
144 items, folded card or printed paper booklets
Further term cards are: UND/F1/H5A/5 & 28 (Michaelmas 1912 and 1922).
UND/GE1/D2   1925 - 1953
Rules, printed, as revised and corrected to
1. December 1925, printed by Advertiser Printing Works, Durham, 32p.
2. October 1937, printed by G. Bailes & Sons, Durham, 18p.
3. March 1948, printed by Durham County Press Ltd, 24p.
4. October 1953, printed by Durham County Press Ltd, 24p.
4 paper booklets
UND/GE1/D3   1933 - 1955
Presidential addresses, printed by the Durham County Advertiser and Durham County Press:
1. T. Dixon, “The Cistern and the Fountain”, 26 October 1933, 20p.
2. W.J. Dey, “The Walrus Said”, 1 November 1934, 24p.
3. E.A. Eaton, “Half the Battle”, 24 January 1935, 16p.
4. Max Gregory, “Sons of Noah”, 31 October 1935, 16p.
5. E.W. Buxton, “Caliban and Ariel. A Plea for the New Enlistment.”, 21 January 1937, 16p.
6. K.B. Gibson, “Plebeian Pastures”, 14 May 1937, 20p, 2 copies, 1 a proof, with a newspaper cutting report on it.
7. S.H. Evans, “Time - Present: Mood - Indicative”, 21 October 1937, 18p.
8. J. Cattell, “At Any Rate, We Live”, 27 January 1938, 20p.
8A. J.T. Gleave, “ The Root of the Matter”, 20 October 1938, 14p.
9. W.P.B. Frost, “Masquerade”, 6 May 1940, 20p.
9A. S. Holgate, “Quo Vadis?”, 31 October 1940, 12p.
10. L.J. Derrett, “Railings!”, 28 January 1941, 16p.
11. E.J. Tinsley, “Twilight of the Gods”, 1 May 1941, 24p.
12. J.K. Wales, “Reflections - Good, Bad, and Indifferent”, 23 October 1944, 12p.
13. G.B. Donaldson, “War and Peace”, 18 October 1945, 12p.
14. N.B. Scott, “Praecedentibus Insta”, 25 April 1946, 16p.
15. A. Radford, “Four Questions”, 5 February 1948,
16. K.R. Shimeld, “Confound the Experts!”, 14 October 1948, 16p.
17. S. Turner, “Anomaly”, 24 February 1949, 12p.
18. R.A. Foster, “Aut Sint Ut Sint, Aut Non Sint”, 28 April 1949, 16p.
19. B.E. Hobbs, “An Apology for Adventure”, 13 October 1949, 12p.
20. W.T. Hastings, “Choosing”, 19 January 1950, 16p.
21. J.E. Harrison, “Art, Immanent & Transcendent”, 4 May 1950, 12p.
22. P.D.A. Campbell, “A History of the Durham Union Society”, 18 January 1951, 20p.
23. N.D. Lawson, 18 October 1951, 8p.
24. R.A. Lindley, 31 January 1952, 12p.
25. D. Harrison, 1 May 1952, 10p.
26. G.F. Hyder, 23 October 1952, 16p.
27. J. Wardle-Harpur, 5 November 1953, 12p.
28. J. Rogan, “Gratis Dictum”, 6 May 1954, 16p.
29. Scanned and printed presidential addresses 1942-1955, paper book, compiled and given by Robert Dockerill December 2017.
30 paper booklets, and 1 paper book
UND/GE1/D4   c.1935 - c.1938
Order papers detailing the date, motion and speakers for individual debates.
Paper, 6 items each of 1f
UND/GE1/D5   [1935 - 2010]
Posters advertising debates and other events, listing place, motion and speakers:
Thornley Welfare Hall, 26 November [1935].
Miners' Hall, 25 June ?1936, printed by Advertiser printing works.
Debating Hall: “Can the United Nations Survive?”, address by Elizabeth Ashcroft, 30 October 1947.
June Debate: “That in the opinion of this House the value of Tradition is over-rated”, 24 June 1948.
Debating Hall: presidential address then “That the University Lecturer should be replaced by a gramaphone”, 13 October 1949.
Debating Hall: “That in the Opinion of this House, the Lowering of the Hemline is a Deplorable Descent”, 13 November c.1950.
Debate with Oxford University in the debating hall: “That in the opinion of this House, American Materialism is destroying European Humanism”, 11 December c.1950.
Assembly Rooms: “It was coming to a University that made this House insufferable” , Visitor's Night, 21 June 1951.
Assembly Rooms: “Beauty is out of Fashion Nowadays” , 19 June 1952.
Town Hall, That this house cherishes its illusions, Inter University, 22 June [c.1953].
Debating Hall: “That this House believes in flying saucers” , 30 October c.1960.
Debating Chamber: “This House Believes the Powers of the Police have Increased are Increasing and ought to be Diminished”, 7 November 1963.
Debating Chamber: “This House views with concern the steady dissolution of the British Empire”, 30 April 1964.
Debating Chamber, Palace Green, 10 October 1975, red lettering.
Blank printed notice for a general meeting.
Debating Chamber, Palace Green: “This House believes that a drink before and a cigarette after are the three best things in life” , 12 March 2004
Debating Chamber, Palace Green, Address by Michael Winner, 19 November [2004]
The Chamber, Palace Green, “This house believes that Islam is incompatible with the West” , 20 January 2006
Chamber on Palace Green: “This House believes that US foreign policy creates more foes than friends” , 26 January [2007]
The Chamber, Palace Green: “This House Believes That Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life”, 27 April 2007.
The Middle East: “This House believes that Isreal Should Negotiate with Hamas” , 8 November 2007
Africa: “This House Believes that Aid to Africa Causes More Harm than Good” , 1 February 2008
The Chamber, Palace Green, Address by Sir Ian Blair, 28 April 2008
US Election Debate: “This House Would Vote for John McCain” , 31 October [2008]
Civil Liberties: “This House believes that civil liberties should not be sacrificed for national security interests” , 23 January 2009
Marijuana Legalisation Debate: “This House Believes that the Mighty Should not Punish the High” , 8 May [2009]
The Chamber, Palace Green: Women in Law Forum, 26 January [2010]
Forced Marriage Mock Trial Event [c.2015]
Debates Epiphany 2020: Decriminalise Sex Work; Globalisation has Done More Harm than Good.
Paper file
UND/GE1/D6   c.1937
Durham Union Society stationery, paper headed with officers, address and arms, also postcards and envelopes.
Paper file
UND/GE1/D7   1970s
Lunch at the Union.
An art exhibition by Douglas Pittuck, May 1977.
UND/GE1/D8   1967 & c.1977
Union ... News ... News ... News newsletter, 4 editions only.
UND/GE1/D9   1923 - 1956
Debate invites:
1. Inter-Varsity debate, 23 June 1923.
2. “That in the opinion of this house, the value of Tradition is over-rated”, 24 June [1948].
3. “That the Modern University is Betraying its Past”, 23 June 1949.
4. 22 June 1950.
5. “It was coming to a University that made this House insufferable”, 21 June [1951].
6. “It is easy to be good in the country”, 9 June 1953.
7. “That when Good Americans die they go to Paris”, 21 June 1956.
UND/GE1/D10   November 1950
Exhibition catalogues:
1950 November, Art exhibition of contemporary British artists, with an invite.
1966 February 5-19, Gary Sargeant, Drawings and Paintings.
UND/GE1/D11   May 1977
Concert programmes:
Osian Ellis (harp), Castle Great Hall, 11 May 1977.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE1/D12   1957, [1967 - 1979], 2015
Election notices and manifestoes.
Paper file
UND/GE1/D13   1955 - 2017
Handbook, detailing the society's history, presidents, facilities, traditions, procedures, constitution, standing orders, Robson cup and shield, telephone numbers, for 1955, [1962], 1965, 1969, 1973, 1985, with a Freshers' Guide for 2016 & 2017
8 printed paper booklets, 1955 damaged by damp with pages stuck together
1955-1973 From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GE1/D14   1941
Membership cards for J.E.H. Spaul and Robert Armstrong (latter includes a NUS card for 1941)
2 folding cards, backed by board
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GE1/D15   1947 - 1949
Parliamentary Debates for June Week 1948 and 1949, and Michaelmas 1947.
3 printed paper leaflets
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GE1/D16   17 February 1949
White Paper on Finance
Printed paper leaflet, 8p
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GE1/D17   2019
Promotional flyers for membership, debates and the ball.
Paper file
UND/GE1/D18   1965-2013
Durham Union Society calendar
1 box 
UND/GE1/D19   1998/99 & 2009/10
Durham Union Society brochure
2 printed colour brochures
Reference: UND/GE1/E Other group photos:
(Michaelmas 1912) MIA 1/105

UND/GE1/EA1913   Epiphany 1913
Union Society Committee, in a photographer's studio, in suits and ties, identified: J.J.F. Rees (Hatfield), C.C. Reed (St Cuthbert's), A. Shaw (St Cuthbert's), T.L. Aldridge (St Chad's), G.H. Bergg (St John's), G.N. Bacon (St Chad's), B.T. Greenwood (president elect), A.W.P. Jaggard (ex-president), ?, ?, ?.
BE print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms, stained and damaged
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 305 x 380mm (mount)
UND/GE1/EA1919   Easter 1919
Union Society, in a garden, in suits and ties, by John R. Edis, identified: H.A. Ellis (hatfield), Rev A.E. Dru (St Cuthbert's), F.W. Loxton (ex-Pres, St John's), F.L. Sneed (ex-Pres, St Chad's), R.S. Admason (librarian, Hatfield), E.H. Langhorne (St Chad's), J.M. Herring (ex-Pres St Chad's), R.H.W. Roberts( secretary, St CHad's), B.T. Greenwood (president, University), J.H. Preston (treasurer, St John's), G.N. Bacon (ex-Pres St Chad's), Rev R.T. Edmond (St John's), (Rev J.S. Bevan, University, absent)
BW print, mounted on board, with the university and society arms, badly faded and damaged
Size: 150 x 195mm (print), 265 x 350mm (mount)
UND/GE1/EA1920   Michaelmas 1920
Union Society, in a garden, in suits and ties, by John R. Edis, identified: J.B. Griffin (St Chad's), F. Rawes (Bede, sub-treasurer), J.L.C. Horstead (University), W. Smith (Hatfield), L.W. Trotman (St John's), W.B. Farrer (St John's, librarian), J.R. Spaul (Hatfield, secretary), G.W.L. Wynne (St Chad's, president), H.N. Cox (St Chad's, treasurer), E.S. Ragg (University, assistant secretary).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 150 x 200mm (print), 250 x 340mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GE1/EA1923   June 1923
Union Society, Inter-Varsity debate, in the Castle Fellows garden, in suits and ties, by John R. Edis, identified: W. Mulcahy (Hatfield, secretary), W.G. Howard (St Chads, ex-president), G.H. Greenfield (St Johns, sub-treasurer), B. Williamson (St Johns, treasurer), W.M. Foster (Edinburgh Union secretary), A.G. Bagnall (Oxford Union president), E. Lax (Hatfield, vice-president), S.V.T. Adams (Cambridge Union secretary), A. Sutherland (Glasgow Union secretary).
BW print, mounted on card and then on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 280 x 355mm (mouint)
UND/GE1/EA1924   June 1924
Union Society, Inter-Varsity debate, in the Castle Fellows garden, in suits and ties, by John R. Edis, identified: R.C. Unwin (St John's, librarian), B. Williamson (St John's, ex president), W. Mulcahy (Hatfield, ex vice-president), A.G. Barker (University, secretary), E. Lax (Hatfield, treasurer, ex vice-president), E.L. Seager (Hatfield), J.E. Blamey (Hatfield, assistant secretary), A.M. Struthers (Glasgow University Union Society), E.N. Porter-Goff, College History Society, TCD), C.W. Pilkinton-Rogers (Cambridge Union Society), C.D. Ward-Davis (Hatfield, president), G. Gardiner (Oxford Union Society president), J. Cameron (Edinburgh University Union Society), F. Mettrick (Belfast Union Society).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 275 x 355mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014, POG 001.
UND/GE1/EA1926   Easter 1926
Union Society, in the Castle Fellows garden, in suits and ties, identified: H.W. Bradley (assistant secretary), L. Blackburn, G.A.P. Tomson, E.W.G. Holmes (sub-treasurer), G.W. McLane (ex-president), J.A. Taylor, R.K. Roper, C. Scorer, J.E.S. Unwin (ex-president), D. Chitty (treasurer), R.T. Norman esq (permanent treasurer), W.K. Smith (president), E.L. Seager (secretary), C.R. Montgomery (librarian)
BW print, mounted on board, titled, faded, stained and damaged
Size: 155 x 200mm (print), 250 x 305mm (mount)
UND/GE1/EA1931   June 1931
Union Society, Inter-Union debate, in the Castle Fellows garden, in black tie, Durham students also in gowns, by John R. Edis, identified: L.J. Harper (Hatfield, Asst Sec), W. Robertson (Bede), E.A. Eaton (University, Librarian), C.E. Bache (St John's), C.G. Eagling (University), A.B. Davison (St Chad's, Treasurer), H. Casson (Hatfield, Sec), F.A. Sadler (St Chad's), J.L. Phillips (Bede, Sub Treas), T.R. MacNaughtan (Glasgow Union), O.S. Skeffington (Trinity College Dublin), H.Z.A. Kabir (Oxford Union), A.G. Ellis (Hatfield, Ex Pres), J. Needham (St John's, Pres), K. Britton (Cambridge Union), A. Philp (St Andrew's Union), A. MacLeod (Edinburgh Union).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 250 x 330mm (mount, cut down, some damage from being framed)
UND/GE1/EA1935   June 1935
Union Society, Inter-Union debate, in the Castle Fellows Garden, in black tie, Durham students also in gowns, by John R. Edis, identified: J. Harrod (Hatfield), E.A. Eaton (University), E.F. Hudson (St John's), H.G. Tyler (St Chad's), J.G. Stuart-Black (Bede), D.W. Wain (University), M. Gregory (St John's), T.H. Corden (University), W.J. Dey (University), T.F. Peart (Bede), R.A. Beddoes (St Chad's), A.H. Thornton (Hatfield), E.W. Buxton (Hatfield), W.M. Hendrie (Glasgow), R.S. Nesbitt (Trinity College Dublin), L.H. Daiches (Edinburgh), W.T. Hinkley (President), A.W.G. Kean (Cambridge), K.D. Darashah (University College London), T.G. Phillips (Cardiff).
BW print, mounted on card and then on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 206 x 145mm (print), 355 x 280mm (mount)
UND/GE1/EA1937   June 1937
Union Society, Inter-Union debate, in the Castle Fellows Garden, in black tie, by John R. Edis, identified: R.W. Moss (Bede), J.W. Towell (St John's), T.R. Lumsden (Hatfield), L.P. Mason (St John's), W.N. Havard (University), E.W. Buxton (Hatfield), H.T.W. Nesbitt (St Chad's), E.F. Hudson (St John's), J.T. Gleave (Hatfield), K.B. Bolton (Bede), J. Catell (University), S.H. Evans (St Chad's), W.A. Smallman (King's College London), R. Ross (St Andrew's), K.B. Gibson (University, President), P.R. Noakes (Cambridge), R.P.C. Hanson (Trinity College Dublin), C.R. Marks (Glasgow).
BW print, mounted on card and then on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 206 x 145mm (print), 355 x 280mm (mount)
UND/GE1/EA1938   June 1938
Union Society, Inter-Union debate, in the Castle Fellows Garden outside the Garden Room, in black tie, by John R. Edis, identified: R.W. Moss (Bede), G.W. Williams (University), J. Cattell (University), J.T. Gleave (Hatfield), S.H. Evans (St Chad's), W.P.B. Frost (St Chad's), J.W. Towell (St John's), W. McCoy (University), L.D. Mason (St John's), K.B. Gibson (University), I.R.M. Davies (Edinburgh), R.G. Holloway (University College London), J.A. Stuart-Black (Bede, President), J.D.W. Hughes (Trinity College Dublin), W. Cunningham (Glasgow), W.E. Barber (Leeds).
BW print, mounted on card and then on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 206 x 145mm (print), 355 x 280mm (mount)
UND/GE1/EA1939   June 1939
Union Society, Inter-Union debate, in the Castle Fellows Garden outside, in black tie, by John R. Edis, identified: G.A. Williams (University, sub-treasurer), J. Fernsby (St Chad's, president elect), E.R. Gaskill (St Chad's), J.A. Bruce (Bede, assistant secretary), W. McCoy (University, librarian), L.J. Derrett (St John's), S. Lowes (Hatfield), W.P.B. Frost (St Chad's, secretary), L.D. Mason (St John's, ex-president), E.J. Tinsley (St John's), R.W. Moss (Bede), W.W. Taylor (Hatfield), K. Horn (King's College London), J.K. Walton (Trinity College Dublin), Lord Eustace Percy, J.W. Towell (St John's, president), G.A. Birmingham, P.B. Hague (Cambridge Union), H.C. Howie (Glasgow University).
BW print, mounted on board, titled, with the university arms
Size: 150 x 200mm (print), 285 x 355mm (mount)
From Hatfield College July 2014.
UND/GE1/EA1960s   1967 - 1969
Union Society Committees, with 3 undated (?pre-1967) outside the entrance, then all in the Debating Chamber, in black tie/dresses, some with gowns with facings:
undated (15M, 1W), 1 image
undated (11M, 1W) and (19M, 3W), 2 images
1967[Ea] (20M, 3W), 1 image, mounted
1968M (8M, 3W): A. Mallinson, G.B.W. Fergusin, J.E.G. Bach, A.C. Bull, L.G. Waller, P. Wells. R.J.G. Wickes, R.G. Bonfield, V. Bird, T.E. Worsley, 1 image, mounted
undated (6M, 4W), 3 images
undated (10M, 1W), 5 images, 2 with the president in shorts
undated (6M, 2W) and (12M, 7W), 2 images
undated (6M, 2W), 2 images
undated (7M, 2W), 4 images, some relaxed
1969[Ea] (9M, 4W) and (17M, 8W), 2 images, 1 mounted
23 BW prints
UND/GE1/EA1970s   1970 - 1979
Union Society Committees, in the Debating Chamber, in black tie/dresses, some with gowns with facings:
1970[Ea] (7M, 2W) and (9M, 6W), 3 images, 1 mounted
1971Ep (7M, 2W) and (15M, 4W), 3 images, 1 mounted
1972Ep (5M, 2W), 1 image, Christopher Knox president
1972Ea (6M, 1W), 2 images, Nicholas Cottam president
1972M (15M, 2W), 1 image, Edward Llewelyn-Jones president
1973Ep (9M, 1W), 1 image, Ian Dunbar president
1974Ea (7M) and (13M, 4W), 3 images, 1 mounted: M.E. Walker, M.P. Nunn, D.A. Gallie (asst secretary), R.I.W. Atkins (past president), R.F. Blackburn (past president), J.C. Woolley, W.G.A. Stewart, P. Stiff, Miss R.M. Bowen-Wright, R.P. Calder (custodian), R.C.D. Baldwin (asst custodian), W.J.H. Crossley (treasurer), M.G. Hampton (president), F.R. Dannatt (secretary & president elect), S.R. Chalmers (librarian), Miss C.J. Swift, Miss M.L. ffoulkes, Miss V.M.R. Barrow, Miss M.V. Vincent
1974M (12M, 1W), 1 image, Richard Dannatt president
1975M (13M, 1W), Inter-Varsity Debate, 1 image, mounted: R. Rowling (asst custodian, Van Mildert), A. Clarke (custodian, St John's), D.A. Gallie (librarian, Hild Bede), I.G. Bridge (president elect, Hatfield), J. Inge (secretary, St Chads), J. Aldridge (asst treasurer, Hild Bede), Miss L. ffoulkes (assistant secretary, St Mary's), C.J.D. Auld (treasurer, University), F.R. Dannatt (past president, Hatfield), J. Hayes (president of debates, Edinburgh University Union), P. Bazalgette (president, Cambridge Union Society), W.J.H. Crossley (president, St John's), T. Bench-Capon (Oxford Union Society), M. Hanna (auditor, Trinity College Historical Society Dublin)
1976Ep (8M, 1W), 1 image, Ian Bridge president
1976Ea (6M, 5W), 2 images, 1 relaxed, Alan Clarke president
1976M (7M, 3W), 1 image, Charles Auld president
1977Ea (11M, 6W), 1 image, Nicholas Russell president
1977M (10M, 1W), 2 images, Alvyn Pettersen president
1978Ea (7M, 9W) and (9M, ?including speakers), 3 images, 1 with Sambo the dog, Peter Hillyor-Russ president
1978M (8M, 1W), 1 image, Richard Hayes president
1979Ep (6M, 1W), 2 images, 1 including Sambo the dog, Richard Vivian president
1979Ea (14M, 8W), 1 images, Joanna James president
1979M (7M, 2W), 1 image, Neil Cameron, David Faulder, Mark Woodruff, Richard Farr, Anna Davies, Earl of Longford, Graham Barker president, Mrs Taylor, Mr W. Taylor solicitor
31 BW prints
UND/GE1/EA1980s   1980 - 1989
Union Society Committees, in the Debating Chamber, in black tie/dresses, some with gowns with facings, with often including the officers, the wider committee as formal groups and an informal shot of the wider committee, with presidents identified:
1980Ep, 1 image, Anna Davies
1980Ea, 1 image
1980M, 1 image, Neil Cameron
1981Ep, 4 images, David Shaw
1981Ea, 3 images, Nigel Hall
1981M, 3 images, Brian Jennings
1982Ep, 3 images, Julian Briant
1982Ea, 3 images, Catherine Gregg
1982M, 7 images (including of the term's speakers at debates), William Rome
1983Ep, 2 images, Mark Garraway
1983Ea, 2 images, Charles Brooks
1983M, 4 images (including with speakers Sir Leonard Neal, John Selwyn Gummer, Sidney Weighell, Ossie O'Brien, and the Perrier debate with Edward Mason, Jeremy Crossley, Hilary O'Neill (Edinburgh), Declan Sheen (Dublin), Prof A. Milne, Julian Bowes of Aqualac, Jeremy Thorpe, Prof W. Fisher), Crispin Blunt
1984Ep, 1 image, Edward Mason
1984M, 4 images, Rachel Ridgeon
1985Ep, 3 images (including colour), Rupert Mayo
1985Ea, 3 images, Charles Harman
1985M, 6 images, James Hancock
1986Ep, 3 images, Richard Callard
1986Ea, 3 images, Paul Hewett
1986M, 4 images (including the dogs Dusty II and Emma), Giles Ramsay
1987Ep, 3 images (including the dog Emma), David Hannah
1987Ea, 3 images, Giles Ball
1987M, 4 images, Mark Rogers
1988Ep, 3 images, Murray Buesst
1988Ea, 4 images, Alistair Dunne
1988M, 4 images, Ben Kottler
1989Ep, 3 images, Richard Chalk
1989Ea, 3 images, Jon Wilks
1989M, 4 images, Robert Buckland
92 BW & colour prints
UND/GE1/EA1990s   1990 - 1999
Union Society Committees, in the Debating Chamber, in black tie/dresses, some with gowns with facings, with often including the officers, the wider committee as formal groups and an informal shot of the wider committee, with presidents identified:
1990Ep, 4 images, Mark O'Donoghue
1990Ea, 5 images, Richard Bull
1990M, 3 images, David Naylor
1991Ep, 4 images, Rhona Campbell
1991Ea, 4 images, Helen Berry
1991M, 5 images, Karim Anjarwalla
1992Ep, 4 images, Alex Redman
1992Ea, 3 images, Paul Houghton
1992M, 2 images, Angus Whittington
1993Ep, 3 images, Michael Horsley
1993Ea, 3 images, Alice Burt
1993M, 3 images, Jonathan Mortimer
1994Ep, 4 images, Huw Merriman
1994Ea, 4 images, Matthew Beam
1994M, 3 images, Gareth Williams
1995Ep, 3 images, Emma Thomas
1995Ea, 3 images, Colin Stewart
1995M, 4 images, Robert Donnell
1996Ep, 4 images, Kate Fox
1996Ea, 3 images, Helen Thomson
1996M, 3 images, Oliver Willmott
1997Ep, 3 images, Ian Oakley
1997Ea, 4 images, Bjorn Timelin
1997M, 3 images, Abigail Dobson
1998Ep, 3 images, Tom Joyce
1998Ea, 4 images, Tom Hamilton
1998M, 4 images including 1 mounted: Nick Park (tournament secretary), Martin Jubb, Rohan Maxwell (bar steward), Robert Donnell (past president), Marina Campbell, Michael Ripley (assistant treasurer), Kate Bould (librarian), Simon Mollan, Neil Wilson, Hiren Mistry, Tom Joyce (past president), Bjorn Timelin (past president), Alexis Granholm, Matthew Szyndel, Daniel Smith, Humphrey Dobson, David Lindsay, Christopher Ham, Paul Hancock, Christopher Lester, Jennifer Rushmore, Geoffrey Mansfield, Bibilotte Duyvesteyn, Lucy Barnard (assistant secretary), Ian Oakley (past president), Ben Fletcher, Robert Nicholls (returning officer), Jane Wadsworth, Amy Ibitson, Lianne Beech, Joanna Cathy, Sara Gale (sponsorship secretary), Aaron Craigie (custodian), Andrew Russell (treasurer), Tom Hamilton (president), Fay Winsor (Secretary), Kate Morgan-Owen (social secretary), Kumar Iyer (president elect)
1999Ep, 3 images, Ben Fletcher
1999Ea, 3 images, John Tomsky
1999M, 3 images, Roland Allen
104 BW & colour prints
UND/GE1/EA2000s   2000 - 2005
Union Society Committees, in the Debating Chamber, in black tie/dresses, some with gowns with facings, often including the officers, the wider committee as formal groups and an informal shot of the wider committee, with presidents identified:
2000Ep, 6 images, Kuman Satkunanayagam
2000Ea, 7 images, Nicholas Park
2000M, 4 images, Aaron Craigie
2001Ep, 6 images, Manveen Rana
2001Ea, 2 images, James Fowler
2001M, 2 images, Guy McCrea
2002Ep, 2 images, Edward Collins
2002Ea, 2 images, Emma Willoughby
2005Ep, 1 image, mounted: Paul Robertson, Ben Howlett, William Maddocks, Matthew Hindle, John Keightley, Thomas Carr, Daniel Chichester-Miles, Nicholas Hallett, Philip Lawton, Scott Vaughan, Rosie Robinson, Lizzie Wells, Jenny Fraser, William Bainbridge, Mark Hastie-Oldland, Jim Bligh, Anna Crosby, Kate Bragg, Danica Summerlin, Hannah Shand, Laura Newbery, Simon Preston, Thomas Ball, Benjamin Heppenstall, Mark O'Grady, Connor Coleman, Alistair Cormack
32 BW and colour images
UND/GE1/EB1   Epiphany 1926
C[onstance] W[inifred] Hudson, half length, in a gown with 2 lapel badges, by J.R. Edis.
BW print, mounted on card
UND/GE1/EB2   [c.1925]
Female student, unidentified, half length, in a gown with a lapel badge, by J.R. Edis.
BW print, mounted on card
UND/GE1/EB3-5   [?1978]
Speakers at the despatch box in debates, with officers seated beyond, including president Nigel Morgan (Epiphany 1978) in 5
3. Arthur Scargill, in a suit.
4. Lord Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, in dog collar.
5. Unidentified.
3 BW prints, mounted on board, damaged and stained
Size: 285 x 405mm (print), 340 x 405mm (mount)
Durham University Association/Society/Dunelm Society
UND/GE14   1866 - 2016
The records comprise minutes and papers of meetings - annual and committee -material concerning the annual dinners in London including menus, invites and photographs, newsletters and the later more glossy magazines Kingsgate and then Durham First along with some expenses books and a little correspondence reflecting the running of the society.
The Durham University Society originated in Easter Term 1866 as the Durham University Association with the purpose of making known to the university administrators the consensus opinion of members on matters that caused them concern. Its broader aims became to form a united body of opinion, to work to promote a better image, to make the university more widely known, and to keep members in touch. Membership grew to over 400, with the attendance of 200 at a dinner in London in 1883 not being surpassed until the university's 150th anniversary reception in 1982. Early issues which it successfully agitated over included graduate representation on Senate (1 in 1880), changing of the King's College London AKC diploma hood which was too close to Durham's MA one (1885), a Jubilee Prize fund (1882) and more Senate and Council seats for graduates and the abolition of ad eundum degrees in the 1908 Act.
(A Society of Dunelmians was also established on 8 August 1905 “to promote the interests of the University and its members in such directions as may from time to time be deemed advisable” with all members of the university and colleges affiliated to it being eligible to join for an annual subscription of 2s 6d).
The Association was suspended in 1893, revived in 1896, fell into abeyance in 1914, and revived in London in 1921, initially as a dining club holding annual dinners and, from 1937, other social gatherings and visits. Women were admitted in 1937. The formation of the Castlemen's Society and the Hatfield Association were discussed on 23 February 1948 and the greater attractions of the college associations to Durham graduates was a source of some tension until membership of the Durham University Society became automatic for any graduate of Durham on the adoption of a new constitution in 1993. Members of Teikyo University and Durham University staff were also to be members and the then life members of the Society were elevated to the status of “fellows”. This was part of the university's increased attempts to maintain better contacts with its alumni in the increased hope and expectation that they would provide greater financial support for their alma mater.
Rev L.L. Barclay pre-1914
Rt Hon Edward Shortt 1921-1925+
Sir John (later Lord) Cadman 1937-1945
Rt Rev Bertram Simpson bishop of Southwark 1945-1962
Prof Alan Woodruff 1962-1973
Sir Kingsley Dunham 1973-1975
Rt Hon Lord Peart of Workington 1975-1988
Howard Phelps 1988-1999
Deposited by the Alumni Office 11 May 2006, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:67, with additions from there 11 April 2008, Acc No Misc.2007/8:52, and the pre-1900 records being transferred from Hatfield College July 2014.

Reference: UND/GE14/A
UND/GE14/A1   May 1867 - May 1883
Minutes of committee and annual general meetings, with correspondence, lists of members, rules, petition for an MP for Durham University, printed statements, newspaper cuttings, reports, scheme for a school at Haydon Bridge, stuck in or inserted.
Paper book, with many items stuck in, in a paper wrapper
Digitised material for Durham University Association Minutes - UND/GE14/A1
UND/GE14/A2   July 1883 - June 1896
Minutes of committee and annual general meetings, with occasional additional printed notices inserted, including the music programme for the July 1883 dinner.
Paper book, with many items stuck in
Digitised material for Durham University Association Minutes book - UND/GE14/A2
UND/GE14/A3   [April] 1921 - 15 October 1958
Minutes of committee and annual general meetings, and records of attendance at dinners and other social events.
There are no records of the dinners, or meetings, 1925-1936 and no meetings were held 22 February 1940 to 6 June 1945.
UND/GE14/A4   21 November 1957 - 11 May 1971
Minutes of committee and annual general meetings.
UND/GE14/A5   28 September 1971 - 8 January 1982
Minutes of committee and annual general meetings.
UND/GE14/A6   2 July 1982 - 26 June 1993
Minutes of committee and annual general meetings.
Reference: UND/GE14/B
UND/GE14/B1   [June] 1866 - May 1882
Account book detailing income from subscriptions, and expenses, with at the back accounts for the Central African Mission 1868-1869 and for a fund raised for the family of Rev Richard Twigg 1877 with 3 related letters 1877-1878.
Paper book
UND/GE14/B2   June 1882 - February 1890
Account book detailing income from subscriptions, and expenses.
Paper book
UND/GE14/B3   February 1982 - September 1992
Expenses book of the secretary/membership secretary (mostly postage).
UND/GE14/B4   February 1983 - January 1999
Expenses book of the [departmental secretary], reclaimed [from the Society].
Correspondence and other administrative files
Reference: UND/GE14/C
UND/GE14/C1   1977 - 1989
Circulars 1977, 1982 and [1989], correspondence, discussion papers on the future of the Society, draft constitutions, balance sheets and treasurer's reports, minutes and agendas of AGMs and the executive and financial committees 1985-1987, diary of events 1988, proformas and correspondence re “Durham Scholars” .
UND/GE14/C2   1996 - 1999
AGM and committee minutes and agendas, programme of events, constitution amendments, correspondence, 1997 Bursary Bonds flyer.
UND/GE14/C3   9 August 1968
Letter from Joan Clibbon to W.R.A. Easthope of DUS expressing views on a possible lecture series for the Society.
UND/GE14/C4   21 November 1990
Letter from David Finnemore Hill to Dame Margot Fonteyn asking her to become a vice-president of the Society and reminiscing on their previous connections.
UND/GE14/C5   March 1880 - January 1882
Copy out-letter book of the Association correspondence of the secretary George R. Bulman, indexed by correspondent.
Paper book
UND/GE14/C6   May 1884 - May 1888
Copy out-letter book of the Association correspondence of the secretary George R. Bulman, indexed by correspondent, with inserted notes for a lecture on The Physical Object on the back of a printed German translation exam September 1900 for the Certificate of Proficiency in General Education.
Paper book
UND/GE14/C7   August 2015 - November 2016
Email circulars to members about the 150th anniversary January - November 2016, and printouts of parts of the website August 2015 about the anniversary.
Paper file
UND/GE14/C8   [1991]
Circular outlining the Society's position and role, and how it might develop, and produce a high quality magazine.
Paper, 3f
Reference: UND/GE14/D
UND/GE14/D1   [1968] - 1999
[Spring 1968], February 1970, April 1971, Spring 1972 [No.1], Spring 1973, Spring 1974, Spring 1975, Autumn 1975, February 1977, February 1978, February 1979, February 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 (No.18), 1990, 1999.
UND/GE14/D2   Winter 1991 - Autumn 1994
Kingsgate - University of Durham Alumni Magazine
Complete set: Vol 1 numbers 1 (Winter 1991) and 2 (Summer 1992), Vol 2 numbers 1 (Spring 1993) and 2 (Autumn 1993), Vol 3 numbers 1 (Spring 1994) and 2 (Autumn 1994).
Continued by Durham First below
Further copies available on open access in the Local Collection in Palace Green Library at Per Local KIN.
UND/GE14/D3   Spring 1995 - Spring 2001
Durham First - The University of Durham Magazine
Incomplete set: issues Nos 1 (Spring 1995), 3 (Spring 1996), 4 (Autumn 1996), 5 (Spring 1997), 6 (Autumn 1997), 7 (Spring 1998), 8 (Autumn 1998), 9 (Spring 1999), 10 (Autumn 1999), 13 (Spring 2001).
Continues Kingsgate above.
Further copies available on open access in the Local Collection in Palace Green Library at Per Local DUR .
UND/GE14/D4   May 1996
Fellows handbook, listing: the officers of the Society; preface by the chairman Patrick Salaun; names, former names, degrees, colleges, years, addresses and phone numbers of fellows of the Society; former names, current names, colleges and years of fellows who had changed names; names, colleges and years of missing fellows; names, degrees, colleges and years of fellows who had died 1988-1996.
UND/GE14/D5   c.1998
Alumni Annual Fund.
UND/GE14/D6   c.1995
Membership cards for the Durham University Society and the 24 North Bailey Club.
UND/GE14/D7   1967 - 2014
Invites and menus for the annual dinner for:
20 October 1967, invite
18 October 1968, invite & menu
15 October 1971, menu
23 November 1973, menu
18 October 1974, menu
29 October 1982, invite
5 November 1992, House of Lords dinner to celebrate 2000 members, menu, invite, place card etc.
15 November 2007, gala dinner menu
2014, Lincolns Inn
13 October 2022, Armoury House, menu,
UND/GE14/D8A   1876/77
Durham University Association address list, president Isaac L. Bell, with a list of former presidents
Paper, 1f
UND/GE14/D8B   1955 - 1990
“Address List of Members”, editions for [1955] (London; Life Members), July 1973, June 1979, August 1982, Summer 1985, October 1988 and Summer 1990
UND/GE14/D9   [1986]
Achievements since 1866, by Reginald Easthope.
Paper booklet, 12p
UND/GE14/D10   July 2014
Dunelm Congregation Souvenir Edition
Printed colour illustrated booklet
UND/GE14/D11   [July 2014]
2014/15 Alumni Event Calendar
Printed colour illustrated card
Reference: UND/GE14/E
UND/GE14/EB1   27 January 1938
Annual dinner in London [at the Florence restaurant, Rupert St], seated, in dinner jackets/dresses, by Rawood Ltd of 12 Baker Street, W1. With a sheet identifying all present:
Rev N.A. Bligh Hill, Mr & Mrs F.B. Earle, Dr & Mrs Nathan Raw, Miss Eleanor Rathbone, Lord Cadman of Silverdale, Capt & Mrs Wilfred Kingdon, Rev & Mrs R.G. Millidge, Rev Canon A.A. Ost, Miss J.C. Ward, Rev J.R.C. Forrest, Dr & Mrs R. Christie Brown, Dr and Mrs Welch, Mr & Mrs Sydney Walton, Dr E.G. Gibbs-Smith, Rev Dr D. Bryant, Mrs A.J. Mayneord, Dr W.V. Mayneord, Dr & Mrs A. de W. Ranken, Rev J. Phillip Smith, Rev H. Mould, Mr J. Gray Tait, Mr Pendennis Wallis, Prof G. Grey Turner, Mr J.A. Jamieson, Dr T.H. Bishop, Col C.R.M. Green, Col A.H. Proctor, Rev & Mrs E. Koch, Mr G.R. Simpson, Capt S.T. Bryden, Rev & Mrs W.F. James, Rev E. Cannon, Rev E.L. Field, Miss B. Callender, Dr J.W.H. Eyre, Dr E.P. Satchell, Mr W. Torrie Shaddock, Mr Bartholomew Snowball, Mr B.J.M. Lane, Rev S.J.N. Duddington, Rev E.B. Murray.
Size: 437 x 218mm (print), 480 x 280mm (mount)
UND/GE14/EB2   [26 January] 1939
Annual dinner in London [at the Florence restaurant, Rupert St], seated, in dinner jackets/dresses, by Rawood Ltd of 12 Baker Street, W1. Unidentified, but present were:
Lord Cadman, Lord Eustace Percy, Mr Sydney Walton, Dr Ida C. Ward, Mr W.N. Austin, Dr & Mrs R. Christie Brown, Miss E.A. Bryden, Capt S.T. Bryden, Lt-Cdr J.A. Burnett, Miss B. Callender, Rev E. Cannon, Mr D.F. Davies, Mr J.N. Duddington, Mr & Mrs F.B. Earle, Rev J.R.C. Forrest, Hon Florence M. Fremantle, Miss Joan Honeyburn, Capt & Mrs Wilfred Kingdon, Rev & Mrs E. Koch, Dr & Mrs Mayneord, Rev & Mrs R.G. Millidge, Rev H. Mould, Rev D. Nicholson, Rev W. Priest, Dr & Mrs A. de W. Ranken, Dr Nathan Raw, Dr E.P. Satchell, Mr W. Torrie Shaddock, Mr G.R. Simpson, Rev & Mrs J. Philip Smith, Mr Bartholomew Snowball, Miss E.M. Snowball, Mr & Mrs A.P. Stockdale, Mr J. Gray Tait, Mr & Mrs G. Thompson, Dr & Mrs R. Pendennis Wallis, Dr & Mrs R. Welch, Miss I.W. Ward, Miss A.M. Watson, Rev & Mrs F.D. Wilkinson, Dr T.H. Bishop.
Size: 437 x 218mm (print), 480 x 280mm (mount)
Reference: UND/GE14/F
UND/GE14/F1   [c.1980]
Society tie, double diagonal Palatinate purple stripe on a black background with red St Cuthbert crosses inbetween, by Tudor.
UND/GE14/F2   [c.1980]
Society lapel badge with the university arms and “Durham University Society” beneath.
UND/GE14/F3   [c.1960]
Printing block with the university arms, university motto above, and “Durham University Society” below.
Size: 45 x 35 x 10mm
UND/GE14/F4   [c.1980]
Society stamp: “Durham University Society If Undelivered, Please Return To: Dr. D.J.F. Hill, 27 Park Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7BX”.
UND/GE14/F5   [2013]
“I bagged a Durham degree” and (other side) “Durham University Dunelm Durham University Alumni Community”
Linen bag, with purple printing
Size: 380 x 410mm (excluding handles)
UND/GE14/F6   [c.2015]
Open segmented circle, with the university arms at the head and a bar across the centre with “Dunelm Circle”, all in palatinate purple with silver edging/lettering.
Enamelled round metal badge
Size: 30 x 10mm
DU Voices
Reference: UND/GE18 Durham University Voices was described as “a recently formed music group” in 2007. It aims to provide a good quality non-auditioning choir for keen singers. Although non-auditioning, it aims to maintain a reasonable standard in order to work towards participation in competitions and festivals. The society also covers a wide variety of styles of music, from jazz, to classical pieces, to musicals. The group provides a relaxed, enjoyable environment to sing in & tries to have at least two main performances a year.
2008-9 Jill Robson
Musical Director:
2017-2018 Daniel Murphy
2018-2019 Melody Bishop
2019-2020 Arnold Fortuna

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/GE18/D
UND/GE18/D1   June [2007] - March 2020
Concert ephemera:
Summer workshop and concert, 14/15 June [2007], poster.
The Extraordinary Instrument, 15 March 2011, poster.
A Christmas Celebration, 6 December 2017, programme and review.
Sounds of Spring (with DU Ceilidh Band), 28 February 2018, review.
Tunes in June, 13 June 2018, programme and review.
Voices of Christmas, St Oswald's Church, 5 December 2018, programme, poster and review.
Perfect Days, St Oswald's Church, 13 March 2019, programme, poster and review.
Notes from a Midwinter's Night, St Margaret's Church, 11 December 2019, programme and poster
Lunchtime concert, Music School, 12 February 2020, programme
To Be Sung on Water, St Oswald's Church, 18 March 2020, poster (cancelled)
DU Wing Chun Club
Reference: UND/GE120
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE120/D
UND/GE120/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
DU Women in Business
Reference: UND/GE104
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE104/D
UND/GE104/D1   2017
Promotional flyer and poster
Paper file
Durham WISE (Women in Science Technology and Engineering)
Reference: UND/GE121
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE121/D
UND/GE121/D1   2017
Promotional flyer
Paper file
Durham Women Students' Association/Women's Union Society
Reference: UND/GE2
Dates of creation: 1899 - 1963 The first women undergraduates in Durham matriculated in 1896. The Durham Women Students' Association was extant in Michaelmas 1899 and may well have been founded then. It was not initially a debating society but was more of a common room for women students, based in Queen's Street and then Bow Lane. The Society's name was changed in 1934 to the Durham Women's Union Society, in parallel with the Durham Union Society, the male undergraduates' debating club. By 1960, facilities included common rooms at 44 North Bailey and 9 South Bailey, with also a library at the former and a coffee bar at the latter. The two societies merged in 1963 with the last AGM of the women being on 26 June.

Reference: UND/GE2/A
UND/GE2/AA1   18 October 1899 - 11 May 1908
Women Students' Association general meetings minute book
This book is concerned with the general affairs of the Association, and includes only occasional accounts of debates. Minutes from May 1907 are of Common Room meetings and debates appear to have been separately recorded in the next volume.
Paper book
UND/GE2/AA2   14 May 1907 - 23 June 1911
Women Students' Association general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE2/AA3   17 October 1911 - 3 March 1914
Women Students' Association general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE2/AA4   16 October 1917 - 11 June 1920
Women Students' Association general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE2/AA5   11 March 1924 - 27 January 1930
Women Students' Association general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE2/AA6   4 March 1938 - 26 November 1947
Women's Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE2/AA7   15 October 1951 - 9 May 1961
Women's Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE2/AA8   17 October 1961 - 26 June 1963
Women's Union Society general meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/GE2/AB1   14 February 1913 - 21 October 1921
Women Students' finance committee minute book
Much of the business concerned the financing of womens' sport, and from October 1920 the committee was retitled the sports finance committee.
Paper book
UND/GE2/AC1   9 February 1928 - 16 May 1945
Women Students' (from Michaelmas 1934 Women Union Society's) committee minute book.
Paper book
UND/GE2/AD1   October 1942 - December 1943
Women's Union Society National Service committee minute book
The committee was set up in 1942 to organise national service amongst women students of Durham university.
With four letters in a pocket inside the back cover.
Paper book
Reference: UND/GE2/C
UND/GE2/C1   17 November 1961
Constitution, with a covering letter from the president Jane Hutchings, in a Society cover.
Paper file
Reference: UND/GE2/D
UND/GE2/D1   4 March 1938
Order paper for a visitors' night debate, recording date, motion and speakers.
Paper, 1f
UND/GE2/D2   Michaelmas 1947 & October 1961
Printed presidential addresses:
Michaelmas 1947, K.M. Wilson, printed by Durham County Press;
21 October 1961, Jane Hutchings, printed by City Printing Works.
UND/GE3/D3   Michaelmas 1960
Term card, detailing officers, programme of debates, and facilities
Card, 2f
UND/GE3/D4   20 February 1948
Invite to a meeting to be addressed by Henry Strauss MP
Card, 1f
World Cinema Society
Reference: UND/GE73
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/GE73/D
UND/GE73/D1   3 March [2011]
Poster advertising Scorsese's Gomorrah, 3 March [2011]
Paper, 1f