DCL MS. C.IV.23Aristotle, etc.Held by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts
Physical description of manuscript
Extent: i+179+i f
Size: 212 mm x 145 mm
Modern pencil foliation, runs 1-58, 58*-96, 96*-177.
Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over
thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British
Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th
century). Traces on f.177v of turnovers and lacing channels from a former binding.
Manuscript history
All parts appear to have been written in England,
in the 15th century.
Provenance of (e): apparently written by John Fishburn senior (c. 1394-1434) who was Bursar of Durham College 1405-6, drew up an inventory of the books of the Prior’s chancellor in 1421, and possibly wrote DCL MS B.IV.45 and Lambeth Palace 12. Erased ex libris on f.57r, lower margin ( Liber domini -?- ?monachi ?dunelm). William Law, warden of Durham College 1475 (name inserted into colophon on f.126r; inscription on f.128v). A copy of the text appears in the 1392 and 1416 Spendement catalogues as part of a volume with the Biblia versificata of Peter Riga.
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 3 f
Written in Cursiva libraria
Manuscript contents(a)
Modern title: Unidentified Commentary on Aristotle
Language: Latin
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 42 f
CollationI4, II12, III4, IV-V4, VI2, VII12
Signatures: Leaves of quire VII lettered and numbered.
Written in Cursiva libraria by probably 4 scribes.
Manuscript contents(b)
f.4-23; 35-56
Modern title: Commentary on Aristotle, De generatione et corruptione
Incipit: In prohemio huius libri proponit philosophus intentionem suam dicens quod intendit in hoc libro determinare
Explicit: Et in hoc terminatur de generacione et corrupcione
Language: Latin
Attributed to Walter Burley
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 10 f
CollationI11 (=12 with leaf 12 cancelled)
Written in Cursiva libraria
Manuscript contents(c)
Modern title: Unidentified tract
Language: Latin
Possibly a commentary on Duns Scotus, Utrum esse intelligibile. f.24 and 34v are blank.
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 74 f
Collation I10, II-V12, VI-VII8
Signatures: All quires except the first have a contemporary quire number on the first recto, spelled out in full.
30 ruled, 15 written lines
Written in Literary cursive with Secretary and Anglicana features, possibly by John Fishburn.
Space left for initials but not used.
Manuscript contents(d)
Original title: Poetria nova
Incipit: Papa stupor mundi si dixero papa nocenti
Explicit: Crescere non poteris quantum de iure mereris
Explicit noua poetria Galfridi Anglici | Benedicamus domino{q[uoth] Willielmus Law} | Deo gratias therto q[uoth] Fysheborne
Language: Latin
f.126v-128v are blank except for informal 15th century jottings (some partly erased) and inscriptions on f.128v, principally: Est liber inscriptus si questio sit tibi cuius | Est liber W legis responsio sit tibi talis to which a different hand subjoined, Et dunelmensis monachi pie religionis.
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 12 f
Written in Cursiva libraria by a single scribe
Space left for initials but not used.
Manuscript contents(e)
Modern title: Commentary on Aristotle, Philosophia naturalis
Incipit: Quoniam autem sciendi et intelligendi naturale desiderium omni intellectui est innatum palam quidem quod non tantum communia est generalia
Language: Latin
Breaks off 24 lines into Book III.
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 10 f
Written in Secretary-Bâtarde hybrid
Manuscript contents(f)
Original title: De Jacob et Vita Beata
Incipit: Necessarius est ad disciplinam bonus sermo omnibus plenus prudencie et mens
Explicit: Vicerunt in nobis sola arma pietatis. Dedit penas tyrannis, et quia nos non potuit vincere, et quia atroci peremtus est morte
Language: Latin
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 14 f
Written in Libraria cursiva by three scribes
Manuscript contents(g)
Modern title: Anonymous Tract(s) on Matter, Causation, etc.
Incipit: Quoniam autem nature principia et causas eius et persone
Explicit: ut esset bona pluraliter sine principio in hoc mundo unus
Language: Latin
Physical description of section of manuscript
Paper in a parchment wrapper
Extent: 13 f
CollationI13 within parchment wrapper
Written in Libraria cursiva by a single scribe
Manuscript contents(h)
Modern title: Commentary on Aristotle, Liber physicorum II
Incipit: Iste secundus liber phisicorum aristotelis in quo determinat de causis et eorum naturalium tam internalium quam externalium tam per qualitatem quam per actibus
Explicit: et sic finem huius secundi libri physicorum
Language: Latin
MicrofilmMicrofilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS. C.IV.23 - Aristotle, etc.Digitised May 2016 as part of the Durham Priory Recreated project
Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis
dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at
various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including
catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.
Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).
Index terms