Bollard, Edward Gomer
Edward Gomer Bollard

1. Photographic Material
(a) Cinefilms: El Fasher, Darfur
(b) Cinefilms: El Obeid, Kordofan
(c) Video
2. Object
Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: Bollard, Edward Gomer
Dates of creation: [c. 1929-1944]
Extent: 11 films; 1 object
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections: Sudan Archive
Created by: Bollard, Edward Gomer
Language: English

Edward Gomer Bollard

(1892 - 1964)

1918-1944 Public Works Department
1918 First appointment
1920 Foreman of Works, Engineering Section, Berber and Halfa
1925-1927 Superintendent of Works, Engineering Section, Malakal
1927 Superintendent of Works, Engineering Section, El Obeid
1927-1928 Superintendent of Works, Talodi
1929-1935 Superintendent of Works, El Fasher
1935-1938 District Engineer, El Fasher
1939-1941 District Engineer, El Obeid
1942-1944 Divisional Engineer, El Obeid
1944 Retired


1. Photographic Material
(a) Cinefilms: El Fasher, Darfur
(b) Cinefilms: El Obeid, Kordofan
(c) Video
2. Object

Accession details

Presented by Mrs G.R. Bollard, 1978

1. Photographic Material
(a) Cinefilms: El Fasher, Darfur
[c. 1929 - 1938]
El Fasher No.1: On trek with vet
British official driving lorry; people in suq ; Mrs Grace Bollard pouring tea from silver teapot; loading lorry with mattresses for trek; raising water from well with a shaduf ; cooking meal on camp fire; E.G. Bollard sitting at table on trek; Mrs Grace Bollard pouring drinks; Sudanese woman pouring milk; sawing wood, carrying fodder; two British officials in front of house; view of countryside from moving vehicle; women and children; camels and cattle; Mrs Grace Bollard with parrot; unloading lorry; two British men; laying branches on road to help move car stuck in mud; pulling car through mud; man with ass; man on bicycle; monkey; raising water from well; girls carrying pots on heads; El Fasher mosque; cattle; E.G. Bollard walking by river's edge; river in full flow; Mrs Grace Bollard; row of vehicles outside mudiriyah (?); lorries stuck on hillside; eating lunch in open
(8mm, black and white, 13 mins 30 secs)

Digital copy
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Video recordings
[c. 1929 - 1938]
El Fasher No.2: journey home
Travelling by truck on Fasher road; villagers; Mrs Grace Bollard pouring tea; E.G. Bollard seated at table and in deckchair; two women carrying loads on heads and two men with spears; men sawing wood; British officials eating in open air; lorry stuck on dirt road; resthouse; soldiers lined up in front of lorries; view from moving lorry; street scenes with mosque in background, possibly El Obeid; El Obeid girls' school; Sudanese mother and children; train at station; Nile steamer; men on camels; repairing washout at Sinkat; engine on repaired track; view from moving train; Strathnaver arriving at Port Sudan; view of harbour; Port Sudan town; Suez canal; Malta; Gibraltar
(8mm, black and white, 16 mins 30 secs; poor quality in parts)

Digital copy
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Video recordings
[c. 1929 - 1938]
El Fasher No.3
Tangier; Port Said; ship in harbour and street scenes; Mrs Grace Bollard feeding birds in garden; mosque; view of town from harbour; sailing boats; lorry stuck in sand, Fasher road; camel; lorry crossing river; woman carrying load on her head; lorry laden with passengers; British officials and wives seated at Zalingei
(8mm, black and white, 9 mins 30 secs; poor quality)

Digital copy
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Video recordings
[c. 1929 - 1938]
El Fasher No.4
Woman carrying water pot; presentation of prizes to British officials at Darfur race meeting; breakfast on verandah; view of hills; Mrs Grace Bollard in deckchair; man chopping wood; men sawing planks; men rolling section of tree trunk; Mrs Grace Bollard bidding farewell to friends; British officials taking tea in garden; race meeting spectators and competitors; weighing jockeys; British man taking photographs; presentation of prizes; aeroplane taking off; drawing water from well; animals at well; lion cub; cheetah cubs; making up camp beds under tree
(8mm, black and white, 14 mins 30 secs; poor quality)

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Video recordings
[c. 1929 - 1938]
El Fasher No.6
King's Day sports meeting at El Fasher - boys fighting on greasy pole, obstacle race, steeple chase, donkey race, horse race, sack race; Mrs Grace Bollard feeding birds in garden; construction of building, water and materials carried by women; watering animals at well; tame eland; gathering driftwood from river; river in full flood at Nyala; the Inglesons making their farewells before boarding plane; ant-eater; two men on camel; pet bird; thatched huts in village; view of hills; Nyala mosque
(8mm, black and white, 13 mins; poor quality)

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Video recordings
[c. 1929 - 1938]
El Fasher No.7: trip to Jabal Marra
Women carrying loads on their heads; children; river views; packing up on trek; crossing river on donkeys; trekking through long grass; views of hills; Dr. Wheaton with field glasses; stop for lunch; Mrs Grace Bollard winding wool; village scenes; views of hills; waterfall; villagers; packing up luggage in village; Mrs Grace Bollard and servant walking through grass; E.G. Bollard and Mrs Grace Bollard in village; leading donkeys over rough terrain; tents and camp by small river; continuation of trek; women threshing corn; raising water from well by shaduf ; making runway at Geneina
(8mm, black and white, 13 mins; poor quality)

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Video recordings
[c. 1929 - 1938]
El Fasher No.8
Geneina suq ; secretary bird; family on the move; British officials leaving El Fasher church at Christmas; street scenes; market; drummers; men and women coming to market; herd of goats; raising water from well; cattle; forest; making runway at Geneina; tame monkeys; giraffe; view over town from verandah of house; river scene; house and garden with gateway; Mrs Grace Bollard in garden; digging lorry out of soft sand; loaded lorry; farewell to El Fasher
(8mm, black and white, 10 mins)

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Video recordings
(b) Cinefilms: El Obeid, Kordofan
[c. 1939 - 1944]
El Obeid No.9
Bishop Gwynne's visit to El Obeid; packing sacks with cotton; British couple; E.G. Bollard; Nuba tour; playing handball; Mrs Grace Bollard feeding birds; packing up bedding; women carrying pots on their heads; women and children in village; women washing clothes; Kadugli races; Sudanese boy scout; spectators at races; view of hills; village shops; views of bush; first home at Talodi; British woman with Sudanese baby; Nuba woman and child; Mrs Grace Bollard with Sudanese baby; British woman on donkey; British child in cart pulled by donkey; memorial to Hicks Pasha at Shaykan; tebeldi tree; Mrs Grace Bollard on donkey
(8mm, black and white, 13 mins)

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Video recordings
[c. 1939 - 1944]
El Obeid No.10
SS Rejaf on Nile, going on leave to Kenya; Mrs Grace Bollard on deck; views of river; SS Stanley ; steam train; scenes from railway; playing golf at White Rhino Hotel; oxen pulling cart; Mrs Grace Bollard picking lilies; waterfall; walking in hills; river views, taken from car or train; walking in forest; wood station; construction of roof with thatch; village; views of mountains; felling trees and transporting logs down hill into river
(8mm, black and white, 13 mins 30 secs; poor quality in parts)

Digital copy
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Video recordings
[c. 1939 - 1944]
El Obeid No.11
Nuba men and women; boys' drill display; house with large, low thatched roof; family on the move; saqiyah pulled by camel; girls carrying bundles of sticks; farewell for A.J. Gillan; band and guard of honour; road and river scenes; British child on donkey; Mrs Grace Bollard with birds; Bollard's daughter (?); Sherkeila; British children at party; Mrs Grace Bollard with parrots; men wading through river; car stuck in river at Hammadi; young girl with pipe; Baqqarah family on the move with cattle
(8mm, black and white, 13 mins; poor quality in parts)

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Video recordings
[c. 1939 - 1944]
El Obeid No.12
Nile scenes, N. Sudan and Egypt; Mrs Grace Bollard's return to the Sudan; Nile steamer; Abu Simbel; E.G. Bollard in garden of house at El Obeid; view of countryside from aeroplane; Geneina D.C.'s house; construction of building; British woman (Betty) on donkey; Mrs Grace Bollard; laying pipes; hoeing ground; making bricks; spring cotton
(8mm, black and white, 6 mins)

Digital copy
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Video recordings
Small notebook containing additional notes on the contents of the above films
(c) Video
SAD.Video 6
Time-coded VHS video copy of films 640/1 - 640/11 above
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Video recordings
2. Object
[1930s x 1940s]
Kodascope Eight film splicing outfit, made by the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, N.Y.; metal, in two pieces; with folded instruction leaflet; wrapped in old envelope
Size: 7.5 x 3.1 cm; 4.4 x 1.5 cm
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