Papers of Henry Cecil Ferens (1899-1975), a Durham City solicitor and Durham diocesan registrar and legal secretary to the bishop of Durham.
Most of the items in this collection refer to the Pearson, Love, Ferens and Marshall families and date from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These families were all inter-related by marriage and were prominent in the business,
industrial and professional life of Durham City and the surrounding area. The deeds and related papers illustrate in particular the importance of Joseph Love (1796-1875) and Robinson Ferens (died 1892) as colliery owners and property developers in
the neighbourhood of Brancepeth, Bedburn, Willington, Inkerman and Shincliffe, all in County Durham. The collection also includes family papers, mainly relating to the Pearson, Love and Ferens families, and some papers concerning the business
affairs of John Edwin Marshall (died 1868), a Durham City solicitor.
SGD 40: Two bundles of correspondence and memoranda.
SGD 51: This deposit consists of two boxes of deeds and miscellaneous legal and family papers and correspondence which were formerly in the possession of the late Henry Cecil Ferens.
SGD 40: A deposit of correspondence and papers of H.C. Ferens was made by Mr. Vernon Ferens of Sunderland, brother of the deceased, on 21 June 1975.
SGD 51: This material was deposited in the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic of the University of Durham on 13 October 1977 by Mr. Vernon Ferens.
In the arrangement of SGD 51 the deeds have not been separated from the papers as in many cases items of both sorts were found bundled up together. The basic arrangement is chronological but items found together in a bundle or envelope have been
kept together and deeds or papers concerning a particular property, topic or individual, which in isolation would lose some of their significance, have in general been grouped together.
Service papers for institutions/inductions of clergy, ordinations, enthronements of bishops etc gathered by Ferens in his diocesan capacity are held in Durham Cathedral Library (reference FER).
Deeds concerning Brancepeth colliery, County Durham, Beechburn colliery in North Bedburn township, County Durham, and a Methodist New Connexion chapel in Monkwearmouth, County Durham; and Pearson, Love
and Ferens family deeds, wills, correspondence and papers.Reference: SGD.51/1-28
Items 1-20 were found together in a packet labelled:
a) "l".
b) "This bundle contains assignment of one sixteenth of Beechburn colliery by Messrs. [Thomas Escolastico and Isaac Pedro] Pearson to Mr. Isaac Pearson Love [see no. 14],
probate of the will of Mr. Isaac Pearson [see no. 23], administration with will annexed of Mr. Isaac P[earson] Love [see no. 24], settlement on marriage of Mr. Robinson Ferens with Mrs. Sarah Love probate ... Sarah Love struck through. The documents
to which this passage refers were not found in this packet but were kept separately. [see no. 25] given to Mr Marshall.
c) "17 Beechburn colliery".
SGD.51/1 4 May 1846
(1) Joseph Pearson, grocer, of Chorley, Lancashire.
(2) Joseph Love, colliery owner, of Gilesgate, Durham City.
Articles of agreement concerning the proposed sale by (1) to (2) of (1)'s sixteenth of a share and all of (1)'s other shares in the colliery at Brancepeth, County Durham, now carried on by (1) and (2) and others as partners under the name of
"The Brancepeth Coal Company".
Consideration: £250 from (2) to (1).
Signed by (1) and (2).
Witnesses: William Hart and Abraham Story.
Endorsement: "This is the one to be retained I[saac] P[earson] Love".
Paper 2ff.
Items 1-20 were found together in a packet labelled:
a) "l".
b) "This bundle contains assignment of one sixteenth of Beechburn colliery by Messrs. [Thomas Escolastico and Isaac Pedro] Pearson to Mr. Isaac Pearson Love [see no. 14],
probate of the will of Mr. Isaac Pearson [see no. 23], administration with will annexed of Mr. Isaac P[earson] Love [see no. 24], settlement on marriage of Mr. Robinson Ferens with Mrs. Sarah Love probate ... Sarah Love struck through. The documents
to which this passage refers were not found in this packet but were kept separately. [see no. 25] given to Mr Marshall.
c) "17 Beechburn colliery".
SGD.51/2 5 June 1847
(1)-(4) Partners and owners in [Beechburn or] Bitchburn colliery, firebrick manufactory and coke ovens:
(1) Joseph Love of Durham City.
(2) Isaac Pearson of North Shields, Northumberland.
(3) Joseph Straker of North Shields.
(4) John Straker of North Shields.
Declaration to the effect that (1) holds three eighths of a share, (2) holds one eighth of a share, (3) holds two eighths of a share and (4) holds two eighths of a share in the above concerns.
Signed by all parties.
Tho[mas] Boot[iman] and Isaac P[earson] Love.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/3 10 July 1848
Letter from T[homas] G[ibson] Pearson to his "brother" [brother-in-law] Joseph Love at Durham concerning the death of the writer's father [Isaac Pearson], the case of Fernando who should have been sent out to the writer under the care of Thomas
Binns, the embarrassing state of the collieries [in England], and the means by which the writer may receive payment of the sum of £1,000, payable at twelve months and bearing interest at 5 per cent, which is owed to him following Love's sale of the
writer's interest [in the collieries]. This sale was made, the writer presumes, to avoid involving his share "in the then apparent hazard which property during such a panic was likely to suffer". The writer also asks to be sent a copy of his
father's will.
Address: Buenos Ayres, [Argentina or Brazil].
Seal: One black wax seal, damaged.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/4 20 June 1849
(1) Edw[ar]d [Goag].
(2) John Siddell.
(3) Joseph Love, Esq.
Receipt from (1) and (2) to (3) for £200, being part payment of a sum of £400 owed to (1) and (2) under mortgages of 11 February 1832 and 1 October 1842 charged on certain
hereditaments at Lumley and Hetton and in Kelloe parish, County Durham.
Signed by (1) and (2).
Witness: William [S]iddill.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/5 22 February 1850
Letter from Thomas Gibson Pearson to Robert Thwaites and Isaac Pearson Love, trustees under the will of the writer's father, the late Isaac Pearson, stating that any sums owed to the writer under this will should be paid to his sons Thomas
[Escolastico] Pearson and Isaac [Pedro] Pearson in equal portions until further notice. The letter was sent to Thomas E[scolastico] Pearson at the Brancepeth Coal Office, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire.
Address: Buenos Ayres, [Argentina or
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/6 20 April 1850
Copy letter from Isaac P[earson] Love to Isaac [Pedro Pearson] concerning the latter's worrying financial position and the inability of the executors to advance him money. If [Pearson] had agreed to the proposal to live with the writer's family
until he came of age he might then have received "unbroken" up to £70, as well as his interest in the colliery. The writer, at the request of his father [Joseph Love], repeats the invitation to [Pearson] to come to live with the writer's family, who
will leave Durham for Willington House near Brancepeth colliery, County Durham, in June.
Address: Durham.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/7 21 April 1850
Copy letter from Isaac P[earson] Love to "Tom" [Thomas Escolastico Pearson] concerning the financial circumstances of Isaac [Pedro Pearson] and suggesting that Tom might offer to communicate verbally to the latter details of the estate which it
would not be prudent to put into writing, in the hope that he might thus be induced to leave London. The letter also concerns property at Shields.
Address: Durham.
[Parts illegible].
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/8 8 May 1850
Copy letter from Isaac P[earson] Love to "Tom" [Thomas Escolastico Pearson], explaining why the writer is unable to give any financial assitance to the latter either himself or from the trust set up for Tom and Isaac [Pedro Pearson], but offering
to suggest that the writer's father might discount through his bank a bill in Tom's name for £115 or whatever sum Tom needed. This could be renewed for as long as it was required at a cost to Tom of about 5 per cent. When Isaac [Pedro Pearson] comes
of age Tom will receive the latter's loan and the balance from "the £600".
Address: Durham.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/9 13 May 1850
Undertaking by Tho[mas] E[scolastico] Pearson that he will not demand anything owed to him from his account during the year 1851 if he receives £115 cash "just now".
Signed by Tho[mas] E[scolastico] Pearson.
Address: West Dock,
Hartlepool, County Durham.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/10 16 May 1850
(1) Thomas E[scolastico] Pearson.
(2) Isaac Pearson Love.
Undertaking that (1) will not call in or cause (2) to pay to (1) any part of the purchase money due to (1) "according to the agreement" until after the expiration of the year 1851.
Consideration: £115 from (2) to (1) for (1)'s
"acceptance" (meaning bill?).
Proviso: (1)'s "acceptance" meaning bill for £115 is to be met by (2) "himself" out of (1)'s trust in January and February 1851.
Signed by (1).
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/11 31 May 1850
Copy letter from Isaac P[earson] Love to his cousin "Tom" [Thomas Escolastico Pearson], stating that because of Isaac [Pedro Pearson's] peculiar temper and conduct, the writer's father [Joseph Love] will only make financial advances to him during
his minority if Tom, Isaac's brother and his heir while he is under age, signs the enclosed undertaking [see no. 12].
The writer adds that it is probably better to assist Isaac than to drive him into utter recklessness.
The writer is also
anxious to do everything in connection with the estate legally and not to cause any loss to his co-executor, [Robert] Thwaites.
Address: Durham.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/12 No date.
(1) [Thomas Escolastico Pearson].
(2) Isaac Pearson Love.
Enclosure with no. 11.
Copy draft undertaking that should (1)'s brother Isaac P[edro] Pearson die before reaching the age of 21 or should he, after he becomes 21, refuse to repay with interest the consideration money advanced to him by
(2) then (1) will repay to (2) the amount due with interest at 5 per cent.
Consideration: Money from (2) to Isaac P[edro] Pearson to pay the latter's passage to Buenos Ayres, [Argentina or Brazil], and £40 from (2) to Isaac P[edro] Pearson to
pay the latter's debts.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/13 27 June [18]50
(1) Thomas E[scolastico] Pearson.
(2) Isaac Pearson Love.
Undertaking and consideration as in no. 12.
Signed by (1).
Address: West Dock, Hartlepool, County Durham.
Annotation: "Rec[eive]d 2[?9] June/[18]50.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/14 29 May 1851
(1a) Thomas Escolastico Pearson, gent., of Seaton Carew, County Durham.
(1b) Isaac Pedro Pearson of Buenos Ayres, [Argentina or Brazil], South America.
(2) Isaac Pearson Love, gent., formerly of Durham City but now of Willington, County Durham.
Assignment by (1a) - (1b) to (2) of a sixteenth of a share in Beechburn colliery in North Bedburn township, County Durham.
Consideration: £650 from (2) to each of (1a) and (1b).
Term: Remainder of term of years stipulated in a lease
of the above property made on 18 May 1844.
Proviso: The property is subject to certain covenants etc. under a lease of 7 April 1848. Signed by (1a) and (2) and by (1a) as attorney for
Seals: Three red wax seals applied on tapes.
Witnesses: Ralph Walters of Newcastle [upon] Tyne and Nat[haniel] K. Punshon, clerk to Ralph Walters.
Endorsements: a) Receipt from (1a) to (2) for £650, 29 May
b) Receipt from (1a) as attorney for (1b) to (2) for £650, 29 May 1851.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/15 12 [?June] 1851
(1) Tho[mas] E[scolastico] Pearson.
(2) Isaac Pearson Love.
Copy of (1)'s account with (2), 26 March 1850 - 29 May 1851.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/16 28 September 18[51]
Copy letter from Isaac P[earson] Love to "Tom" [Thomas Escolastico Pearson], stating that, as under the will and trust deed of the writer and recipient's late grandfather [Isaac Pearson] [see
no. 23 ] the trustees
alone can settle matters relating to the estate, it was improper for Tom to have engaged an arbitrator without obtaining leave from the executors. The writer states that he has had "a very great deal of trouble" over this estate, particularly in
rendering accounts. As Tom seems inclined to trespass still further on the writer all the latter can now do is to pay him monies due to him without reference to any questions he may raise.
Address: Willington, County Durham.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/17 13 May 1854
(1a) - (1e) Shareholders [in the Seventh Provident Benefit Building Society]:
(1a) William Hardy.
(1b) Arthur [R. Ery].
(1c) Thomas Cooper.
(1d) Robert Ward Ballant[?ire].
(1e) Henry Scott.
(1f) - (1m) [?Shareholders in the Seventh Provident Benefit Building Society]:
(1f) William Parnaby.
(1g) John Maddison.
(1h) William Parkinson.
(1i) William Irvine.
(1j) Dixon Hutchinson.
(1k) Thomas Scott.
(1l) Robert Drivery.
(1m) Charles Stonely.
(2) Joseph Love, Esq.
Undertaking that (1a) - (1m) will repay to (2) £500 and 5 per cent per annum interest at the termination of the Seventh Provident Benefit Building Society. The interest is to be paid either quarterly or half-yearly.
Consideration: £500
loan from (2) to (1a) - (1m) for the purpose of building a Methodist New Connexion chapel at Monkwearmouth, County Durham.
Proviso: If the rules of the Building Society oblige (1a) - (1m) to remove the value of their shares from the Society
before termination they will immediately repay to (2) the £500 and interest.
Signed by (1a) - (1m).
Address: Sunderland, County Durham.
Witness: Thomas Griffith, 22 May 1854.
Endorsement: "The sale of Messrs. Th[oma]s and Joseph
Pearson sha[re]s of Br[a]ncepeth colli[e]ry".
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/18 23 July 1875
Letter from White, Borrett & Co., [solicitors], to H.J. Marshall, Esq., at Durham, enclosing a receipt for payment of their fees and the surveyor's charges [see no. 19] and two sealed licences to assign, which were granted by the
Ecclesiastical Commissioners in a transaction between the Commissioners and Love concerning Durham, St. Oswald, part of the Durham Chapter estates. Address: 6 Whitehall Place, London S.W.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/19 23 July 1875
(1) White, Borrett & Co., [solicitors], of 6 Whitehall Place, London S.W.
(2) H.J. Marshall, Esq., of Durham.
Enclosure with no. 18.
Receipt from (1) to (2) for £7.7s., being (1)'s costs as described in no. 18.
Signed by (1).
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/20 1 December 1875
(1) Mrs. Sarah Love, [widow of the late Joseph Love].
(2) Mrs. Sarah Ferens, [widow of the late Isaac Pearson Love and wife of Robinson Ferens].
Details of (1)'s account with (2) over the profits of [Beechburn or] Bitchburn colliery, County Durham, 2[7] May 1857 - 1 December 1875.
Signed by (1) and (2).
Witness: H.J. Marshall, sol[icito]r, of Durham.
Endorsement: "6".
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/21 - 24
. Items 21-24 were found together in an envelope labelled:
a) "Mrs. Sarah Ferens" trust:
[Register] no. 2/[f.] 34, probate of the will of Isaac Pearson [see no. 23].
[Register] no. 3/[f.] 34, administration (with will annexed) of Isaac Pearson Love [see no. 24].
[Register] no. 5/[f.] 34, (no. 5./34 struck through), re Mrs. Sarah Ferens' settlement [see no. 25].
These documents were not found in this envelope but were kept separately.
[Register no.] 5/[f.] 34, appointment of new trustee and assignment of trust estate" [see no. 26].
These documents were also not found in this envelope but were kept separately.
b) "Sent to W.H. Oliver 22 Nov[ember]/[18]88" [cf. no. 25].
SGD.51/21. a) 28 May 1849 and 4 June 1849
Account of the personal estate of the late Isaac Pearson, gent., of Walker Place, [North Shields], Northumberland (who died 9 February 1848 and whose will was proved in the Consistory Court of Durham on 5 February 1849) exhibited to the
Commissioners of Stamps by Isaac Pearson Love, gent., of Newcastle upon Tyne, one of the executors, on 28 May 1849, with a receipt of 4 June 1849 [from the Commissioners to Isaac Pearson Love] for 12s.4d., being the duty assessed.
SGD.51/21 b) 1 December 1849
(1) J. Ward, [solicitor, of Durham], [?acting on behalf of the Commissioners of Stamps].
(2) [?Joseph] Love.
Receipt from (1) to (2) for £1.13s.4d., being duty payable by Isaac P[earson] Love on [Isaac] Pearson's effects.
21 a) and b): Paper, 3ff.
SGD.51/22 16 February 1850
Letter from Joseph Pearson to unnamed "Friends", [?Joseph and Sarah] Love, acknowledging receipt of a note for £206.13s., which includes all cash and interest owed to the writer, and enclosing a promissory note. The letter also mentions Isaac
[Pearson] Love's health and family matters.
Address: Chorley, [Lancashire].
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/23 27 February 1852
Probate in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury of the will of the late Isaac Pearson, gent., of Walker Place, North Shields, Northumberland, with a copy of his will, made 8 June 1847 and proved in the Consistory Court of Durham on 5 February
1849, annexed.
Signed by Cha[rle]s Dyneley, John [_ulden] and W.F. Gostling, [Canterbury] deputy [diocesan] regist[rars].
Seal: The seal of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, a red wax seal, papered, on a tag.
Will witnessed by John
Ward and Granville L.G. Ward, solicitors, of Durham.
Endorsements on will:
a) "No. 2 reg[ister], fol[io] 34".
b) "Feb[ruar]y 27 1852".
c) "Guardian Ass[uran]ce Office, fo[lios] 204 and 5".
d) "Tynemouth Gas Company reg[istere]d
share led[ger], fo[lio] 466, W.J.S. Davidson, Ja[nuar]y/[18]84".
Parchment 2mm.
SGD.51/24 18 April 1855
Letters of administration granted by the Consistory Court of Durham to Sarah Love, widow, in respect of the goods of her husband, the late Isaac Pearson Love, colliery owner, formerly of Willington, County Durham, but lately of North Bailey,
Durham City, with a copy of his will, made 2 October 1851, annexed.
Signed by Joseph Davison, [Durham] dep[ut]y [diocesan] reg[istra]r.
Seal: The seal of [the Consistory Court of Durham], a red wax seal, papered, on a tag.
Will witnessed
by John Edwin Marshall, sol[icito]r, of Durham, and Rob[er]t Siddle, clerk to John E[dwin] Marshall.
Endorsements on will:
a) "No. 3 reg[ister], fol[io] 34".
b) "Tynemouth Gas Company reg[istere]d share le[dger], fo[lio] 466, W.J.S.
Davidson, Ja[nuary]/[18]84".
Parchment 2mm.
SGD.51/25 20 April 1857
(1) Sarah Love of Durham City, widow of the late Isaac Pearson Love, colliery owner, of Willington, County Durham.
(2) Robin Ferens, draper, of Durham City.
(3) Joseph Love, Esq., of Willington.
Assignment by (1) with the consent of (2) to (3) in trust for (1), for her sole use free from marital control, of a quarter of a share in Beechburn or Bitchburn colliery, County Durham, and £3,500 secured by three debentures of the Tyne
Improvement Commissioners, two dated 9 August 1855 and the third dated 29 October 1856.
The annual income from the trust property is to be paid by (3) to (1).
The forthcoming marriage between (1) and (2) and 10s. from (3) to (1).
a) If during the life of (1) and the continuance of Beechburn colliery the income from the trust property in any year exceeds £600 the surplus is to be
retained by (3), his executors or his assigns.
b) When the colliery is wound up (1)'s share therein is to form an accretion to the capital of the trust premises.
c) After (1)'s decease the trust property is to be held under such trusts as
are directed by (1)'s will or, in the absence of such direction, it is to be held in trust for such person(s) who would have inherited (1)'s personal estate if she had died intestate and unmarried.
d) (3), at the request or with the consent of
(1), may call in the money secured by the said debentures. This money and any surplus income from the trust premises may be invested by (3) in certain specified ways.
e) (3) may also invest this money in carrying on, extending or improving
Beechburn colliery.
f) (1) may appoint a new trustee or trustees on the death, resignation or dismissal of (3) or any other trustee.
Signed by all the parties.
Seals: Three red wax seals applied on a tape, each seal bearing the initials
"W & S" [for Ward & Story, solicitors, of Durham].
Witness: Abraham Story, so[licito]r, of Durham.
Annotation: "31".
Envelope labelled:
a) "Settlement by Mrs. Love of ¼ share in Beechburn colliery and of £3,500 secured by 3
debentures of the Tyne Improvement Commissioners upon her marriage with Mr. Robinson Ferens. Dated 20 April 1857".
b) "No. 4".
c) "[Register] no. 31, fol[io] 28". no. 31, fol[io] 28 struck through.
d) "Sent to W.H. Oliver 2[2]
Cf. no. 26.
Parchment 2mm. (and paper envelope).
SGD.51/26 30 November 1875
(1) Sarah Ferens, wife of Robinson Ferens, Esq., of Oswald House near Durham City.
(2) Sarah Love, widow, of Mount Beulah near Durham City, executrix of the will of her husband, the late Joseph Love.
(3) Joseph Horatio Love, Esq., of Hawkhills near Easingwold, Yorkshire, [son of (1)].
Appointment by (1) of (3) to replace the late Joseph Love as trustee under an indenture of settlement of 20 April 1857 [see no. 25] and assignment by (2) to (3) of the trust estate now vested in (2) as executrix of the will of the late
Joseph Love and described in an attached schedule.
Signed by all the parties.
Seals: Three red wax seals applied on tapes, each seal bearing [? a lion rampant].
Witnesses: Thomas Jackson, clerk to H.J. Marshall, sol[icito]r, of Durham,
and Archibald Thompson of 15 Sutton Street, Durham.
a) "A".
b) "2355".
a) "27".
b) "This is the indenture marked "A" referred to in the affidavit of Thomas Jackson sworn before me this nineteenth
day of January 1876. H.J. Marshall, a comm[issione]r etc".
Cf. no. 25.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/27 15 December 1858
(1) Thomas Love [senior], gent., of Willington, County Durham.
(2) Joseph Love, gent., of Willington, brother of (1).
Declaration of trust, whereby (2) is to retain £3,300 which he owes to (1) upon trust to apply this principal sum and the interest thereon for the benefit of the following persons:
Isabella Jordan Downes, wife of the Revd.
Henry Downes of Newcastle upon Tyne, and daughter of (1);
Mary Ellen Bell, wife of William Bell, draper, of Willington, and daugher of (1);
Jacob Love, railway engineer, of Willington, and son of (1);
Margaret Jane Love and Isabella Love, infant daughters of the late William Love who was a son of (1);
John Love, infant son of the late Thomas Love junior who was a son of (1);
and Joseph Love, infant son of the late Joseph Love who was a son of (1).
a) (2) is to have absolute discretion in determining how the trust money is to be divided among the above parties.
b) (2) shall have the power to extend the provisions of the trust to any child of the above named persons.
c) (1)'s life interest in the trust money is not prejudiced by this declaration.
Signed by (1) and (2).
Seals: Two red wax seals applied on tapes, each seal bearing [a stag].
Witnesses: Abraham Story, sol[icito]r, of Durham, and John Heaton, clerk to Abraham Story.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/28 30 October 1876
(1) Thomas Mowbray, grocer, of Willington, County Durham, administrator of the estate of his wife, the late Hannah Jane Mowbray (née Love).
(2) Archibald Thompson, gent., of Sutton Street, New North Road, Durham City, trustee appointed under the marriage settlement of (3a) and (3b).
(3a) Frederick Christopher Downes, gent., of Shincliffe Colliery, County Durham.
(3b) Isabella Downes (née Love), wife of (3a).
(4) Joseph Love, engineer, of Shincliffe Colliery.
(5) John Allan Love, grocer, of Willington.
(6) Sarah Love, widow, of Mount Beulah near Durham City, executrix of the will of her husband, the late Joseph Love.
Quitclaim by (1)-(5), renouncing all claim against (6) or the late Joseph Love arising from their supervision of trust property at Willington, vested in the late Joseph Love as trustee by an indenture of 26 May
1860 and then in (6) as his executrix but vested in (2) and in Thomas Dixon [Stephinson or] Stephenson as trustees by an indenture of 30 October 1876.
Consideration: £183.18s.2d. from (6) to (1),
£915.13s.11d. from (6) to (2) for (3a)-(3b), £948.15s. 5d. from (6) to (4) and £1,015.11s.11d. from (6) to (5), being payments due under the aforesaid trust.
Signed by (1)-(5).
Seals: Six red wax seals applied on tapes, each seal bearing [?a
lion rampant].
Witnesses: H.J. Marshall, sol[icito]r, of Durham, and Michael Heaviside, clerk to H.J. Marshall.
Envelope labelled:
a) "No. 13".
b) "1/80".
c) "Susannah Love to Joseph Love. Papers and accounts together with
release". (These documents were not found in this collection).
Parchment 1m. (and paper envelope).
Deeds concerning Coxhoe, County Durham.Reference: SGD.51/29-32SGD.51/29 23 April 1842
(1) Robert Hall, grocer, of Tynemouth, Northumberland.
(2a)-(2d) Trustees of the Tynemouth Friendly Building Society:
(2a) William Davison, gent., of Monkseaton, Northumberland.
(2b) John Owen, currier, of Tynemouth.
(2c) David Ross Lietch, doctor of medicine, of Tynemouth.
(2d) Joseph Bulmer, insurance broker, of Tynemouth.
Assignment by (1) to (2a)-(2d) for the use of the trustees of the Tynemouth Friendly Building Society of a parcel of land and its appurtenances at Coxhoe in the parish of Kelloe, County Durham, measuring 232½ feet or thereabouts in length
from east to west and 33 feet or thereabouts in breadth from north to south, together with fourteen cottages and their appurtenances built on the land and now occupied by the West Hetton Colliery Company as tenants under a lease of 28 September 1839
for a term of 21 years from 23 November 1838.
The land borders on land belonging to James Fawcett to the east, land belonging to Charles Barrett to the west, Fawcett Street to the north, and a back street to the south.
Mining and mineral
rights are reserved to (1).
The assignment is made as security for the payment by (1) to the Tynemouth Building Society of all interest, premiums etc. which shall become due in respect of four shares in the Society received in advance by
Term: Until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of (2a)-(2d).
Consideration: £480 from the Tynemouth Friendly Building Society to (1) in respect of the abovementioned four shares.
a) If a receipt in the form
stipulated by the Building Society's rules is endorsed on the assignment the powers given to the Society's trustees by the assignment shall cease.
b) If the powers of the trustees cease before the money secured is fully paid the money is to
remain a charge on the abovementioned property until payment is made.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing the initials "T & L" [for Tyzack and Lietch, solicitors, North Shields].
Witnesses: Tho[ma]s C.
Lee and Joseph Love. Tho[ma]s C. Lee struck through.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/30 14 May 1842
(1a) Joseph Love, miller, formerly of Shincliffe, County Durham, but now of North Shields, Northumberland.
(1b) Sarah Love, wife of (1a).
(2) Robert Hall, grocer, of North Shields.
Release (subsequent to a lease for a year of 13 May 1842) by (1a)-(1b) to (2) in trust for (1a) and his heirs for ever of:
a) a parcel of land and its appurtenances at Coxhoe in the parish of Kelloe, County Durham, measuring 99 feet or
thereabouts in length from east to west and 36 feet or thereabouts in breadth from north to south and bordering on cottages belonging to Charles Barrett to the east, vacant land belonging to Charles Barrett to the west, a front street to the north
and a back street to the south;
b) another parcel of land with its appurtenances at Coxhoe, measuring 199½ feet or thereabouts in length from east to west, 33 feet or thereabouts in breadth from north to south on the west side (for a length of
34½ feet), and 24 feet or thereabouts in breadth from north to south on the east side and bordering on a back street to the north, Fawcett Street to the south, vacant land belonging to James Fawcett to the east, and vacant land belonging to Charles
Barrett to the west;
c) another parcel of land with its appurtenances at Coxhoe, measuring 82½ feet or thereabouts in length from east to west and 33 feet or thereabouts in breadth from north to south and bordering on land sold to Robert Todd to
the west, a water course to the east, the main street to the south, and a back street to the north.
Consideration: 5s. from (2) to each of (1a) and (1b).
Proviso: (1b) is not to be entitled to claim dower out of the above
Signed by all the parties.
Seals: Three red wax seals applied on tapes, each seal bearing traces of [a stag's head].
Witnesses: R[ichar]d Barker and Robert Wheldon.
[Solicitor]: J.M. Ogden of Sunderland, County Durham.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/31 4 January 1849
(1) John Allan Muers, grocer, of New Durham, County Durham.
(2) Joseph Love, gent., of the borough of Durham.
(3) William Marshall, gent., of Durham City.
Assignment by (1) to (2), to such uses as (2) shall determine, of a parcel of land with its appurtenances at Coxhoe in the parish of Kelloe, County Durham, measuring 85 feet or thereabouts in length from east to west and 24 feet or
thereabouts in breadth from north to south and containing about 226 square yards, 6½ square feet, together with five cottages lately erected on the land and now occupied by Charles Barrett and the other owners of West Hetton colliery or their
under-tenants. The land borders on a back street to the north, Fawcett Street to the south, vacant land now or lately belonging to James Fawcett to the east, and land and premises belonging to (2) to the west.
Consideration: £19 from (2) to
a) If the estate is determined during (2)'s lifetime it is to be held by (3) in trust for (2) during (2)'s lifetime.
b) No woman who shall become (2)'s widow shall be entitled to claim dower out of the above
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing a man's head.
Witness: [?S.J.] Archbold, clerk to Mr. Thompson, sol[icito]r, of Durham.
Endorsement: Receipt from (1) to (2) for £19,
4 January 1849.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/32 31 December 1849
(1) Robert Hall of Old Hetton, County Durham.
(2a) Edward Etherington Oliver of North Shields, Northumberland.
(2b) George Basham, gent., of 7 Staple Inn, Middlesex.
Mortgage in fee by (1) to (2a)-(2b) of fourteen tenements and their appurtenances at Coxhoe, County Durham, now leased to the owners of Coxhoe colliery at a rent of £60 per annum which is paid by Joseph Love, Esq., one of the said owners, to
Consideration: £110 from (2a)-(2b) to (1).
Proviso: If (1) pays £110 to (2a)-(2b) on 31 December [1850] in the common dining hall of Lincoln's Inn and if (1) also pays to (2a)-(2b) 5 per cent interest on the £110 in equal half yearly
payment due on 31 [
sic ] June and 31 December then (2a)-(2b) will at any time after the repayment of the principal reconvey the above property to (1) at the latter's request and expense.
Signed by (1).
Three red wax seals applied on tapes, each seal bearing the initial "B".
Witness: Geo[rge] Smith, sol[icitor], of Durham.
Endorsement: Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2b) for £110, 31 December 1849.
Parchment 1m.
Deeds concerning Willington, County Durham.Reference: SGD.51/36-48SGD.51/36 13 May 1847
(1) Joseph Love, coal-owner, of [Gilesgate or] Gilligate, Durham City.
(2) Jane Brayshay, widow, of Leazes Place, Durham City.
Appointment and conveyance by (1) to (2) for the use of (2) and her heirs for ever of five adjoining cottages numbered 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and their appurtenances, lately erected by (1) on part of a field containing approximately 2 acres and 7
perches of land on the north side of a new street in Willington township in Brancepeth parish, County Durham. The cottages border on a cottage lately belonging to (1) but sold by him to William Armstrong the elder and William Armstrong the younger
to the east, other cottages lately belonging to (1) but sold by him to William Davison and Eliza his wife to the west, and a back street to the north.
Consideration: £299 from (2) to (1).
Signed by (1) and (2).
Seals: Two red wax seals
applied on tapes, each seal bearing the initials "GW" [? for Granville Ward].
Witnesses: Granville L.G. Ward, sol[icito]r, of Durham, and John Ward, sol[icito]r, of Durham.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2) for £299,
13 May 1847.
b) "[2/61]".
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/37 15 November 1847
(1) Joseph Love [see no. 36].
(2) John Wilson, coke-burner, of Sacriston, County Durham.
Appointment and conveyance by (1) to (2) for the use of (2) and his heirs for ever of:
a) a dwelling house numbered 1 with the yard lying behind it recently erected by (1) on part of a field containing 2 acres and 7 perches of land on
the north side of a new street in Willington township in Brancepeth parish, County Durham. The house borders on the Wolsingham-Durham turnpike road to the south, vacant land belonging to (1) to the east, partly on a cottage belonging to William
Armstrong the elder and William Armstrong the younger and partly on the easternmost of the three cottages described below to the west, and a back street to the north;
b) three adjoining cottages numbered 2, 3 and 4 and their appurtenances lately erected by (1) on another part of the above-mentioned field in Willington township. The cottages border on the above-mentioned dwelling-house to the east, cottages
lately erected by (1) but sold by him to Jane Brayshay and William Armstrong the elder and William Armstrong the younger to the south, vacant land belonging to (1) on which (1) intends to build to the west, and a back street to the north.
Consideration: £455 from (2) to (1).
Proviso: No woman who shall become (2)'s widow shall be entitled to claim dower out of the above property.
Seals: Two red wax seals applied on a tape, each bearing the initials "[W] & S" [for Ward
& Story, solicitors, of Durham].
Witness: Abraham Story, sol[icito]r, of Durham.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2) for £455, 15 November 1847.
b) "3/61".
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/38 20 April 1848
(1) John Wilson [see no. 37].
(2) Joseph Love [see no. 36].
Copy counterpart lease by (1) to (2) of the property described in no. 37, now in the possession of (2) and his undertenants and assigns.
Term: 21 years from 23 November 1847.
Rent: £36.8s. per annum payable quarterly from (2) to
a) If the rent remains unpaid for 21 days after any quarter day or if (2) neglects to perform the covenants in the lease then the above lease is to be void.
b) If the property is damaged or destroyed by fire or tempest
during the term of the lease (1) is to rebuild or repair it.
Witness: Abraham Story, sol[icito]r, of Durham.
[Solicitors]: Ward & Story of Durham.
a) "(Copy" counterpart lease of houses near Brancepeth colliery in
the township of Willington".
b) "No. 11".
c) "3/61".
Paper 3ff.
SGD.51/39 23 March 1858
(1a) Robert Thwaites, gent., of Leazes Place, Durham City.
(1b) James Brayshay, newspaper editor, of Upper Copenhagen Street, Islington, Middlesex.
(2a) The said James Brayshay.
(2b) Thomas Brayshay, currier, of Manchester, Lancashire.
(2c) William Raine, gent., of Durham City.
(2d) Alice Raine (née Brayshay), wife of (2c).
(2e) Anne Brayshay, spinster, of Halifax, Yorkshire.
(2f) Jane Brayshay, spinster, of Halifax.
(2g) Elizabeth Brayshay, spinster, of Halifax.
(2h) Hannah Brayshay, governess, of Tudor Villa, Bolton, [?Lancashire].
(3) Joseph Love, coal-owner, of Willington, County Durham.
(4) Robinson Ferens, gent., of North Bailey, Durham City.
Conveyance by (1a)-(1b) with the consent of (2a)-(2h) to (3), to such uses as (3) shall appoint, of five adjoining cottages numbered 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the north side of a new street in Willington, bordering on a cottage lately belonging to
(3) but sold by him to William Armstrong the elder and William Armstrong the younger to the east, cottages lately belonging to (3) but sold by him to William Davison and Eliza his wife to the west, and a back street to the south [
sic ].
Consideration: £250 from (3) to (1a)-(1b) at the request of (2a)-(2h).
a) If the estate is determined during (3)'s lifetime it is to be held by (4) in trust for (3) during (3)'s
b) No woman who shall become (3)'s widow shall be entitled to claim dower out of the above premises.
Signed by all the parties.
Seals: Twelve red wax seals applied on a tape, each seal bearing the words "Thompson Durham
Witnesses: Jn
o. C. Hendy, clerk to R[ichar]d Thompson, sol[icito]r, of Durham, Thomas Miles of 7 Upper Street, Islington, London, Tho[ma]s Go[r]nall of Cheetham Hill, E[a]gland Bray of Halifax, and George
Knowles of Bolton.
Annotation: "A".
a) Receipt from (1a)-(1b) to (3) for £250, 23 March 1858.
b) "3[8]27".
Parchment 2mm.
These items were found together in a packet labelled:
a) "Parcel 13".
b) "Mr. Strong's property".
c) "Willington".
SGD.51/40 20 March 1863
Schedule of deeds and writings relating to freehold premises at Willington, County Durham, belonging to James Strong and mortgaged to the City and County of Durham Permanant Benefit Building Society for securing £700 and interest. The documents
listed cover the period 1862-20 March 1863.
Signed by Thompson & Lisle, [solicitors], of Durham, for the Building Society trustees.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/41 7 September 1865
(1) James Strong, contractor, of Willington, County Durham.
(2a)-(2c) Trustees of the Tenth Universal Benefit Building Society:
(2a) George Barnes, butcher, of Sunderland, County Durham.
(2b) John Wolstenholme, grocer, of Sunderland.
(2c) Ralph Berkley, inspector of weights and measures, of Sunderland.
Mortgage by demise by (1) to (2a)-(2c) of a piece of land in Willington township in Brancepeth parish, County Durham, measuring 132 feet in length from north to south on the east side, 142 feet in length from north to south on the west side,
63 feet in breadth from east to west on the north side, and 78 feet in breadth from east to west on the south side and continaing 1,073 square yards or thereabouts, together with a dwelling-house and its appurtenances built on the land.
The land
borders on the Durham-Crook road to the south, the Bishop Auckland branch of the North-Eastern railway to the west, and land belonging to Viscount Boyne to the north and east.
Term: Residue of a term of 99 years as stipulated in a lease of the
above property made by Viscount Boyne to (1) on 29 August 1864.
Consideration: £600 from (2a)-(2c) to (1).
Proviso: If (1) pays £600 and £66 premium to (2a)-(2c) then (2a)-(2c) will reconvey the above premises
to (1) at (1)'s expense.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing the initials "R T".
Witness: [?H---man] of 47 Villiers Street.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2c) for £600,
7 September 1865.
b) Receipt from (2a)-(2c) to (1) for all the money secured by this deed, 1869.
Cf. no. 46.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/42 31 January 1867
(1) James Strong [see no. 41].
(2a)-(2e) Trustees of the City and County of Durham Permanent Benefit Building Society:
(2a) George Robson, chemist, of Durham City.
(2b) George Walker, printer, of Durham City.
(2c) John Colpitts, brewer, of Durham City.
(2d) Edward Peele, gent., of Durham City.
(2e) Thomas White, grocer, of Durham City.
Mortgage by demise by (1) to (2a)-(2e) of a piece of land in Willington township and Brancepeth parish, County Durham, measuring 37 feet from north to south, 52 feet from east to west on the north side, and 57 feet from east to west on the
south side and containing 225 square yards or thereabouts, together with two cottages or dwelling-houses and their outbuildings erected on the land by (1).
The land borders on land belonging to Viscount Boyne to the north, south, and east and
the Bishop Auckland branch of the North-Eastern railway to the west.
Term: Residue of a term of 99 years from 1 July 1866 as stipulated in a lease of the above property made by Viscount and Viscountess Boyne and the Hon. Gustavus Russell
Hamilton Russell to (1) on 16 January 1867.
Consideration: £150 from (2a)-(2e) to (1).
Proviso: If (1) pays £1.13s.2d. per month to (2a)-(2e) for ten years from 1 February 1867 the above demise is to be void.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One
red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing the words "Thompson Durham solicitor".
Witness: Tho[ma]s Thompson, clerk to Messrs. Thompson & Lisle, solicitors, of Durham.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2e) for £150,
31 January 1867.
b) Receipt from (2a)-(2e) to (1) for all the money secured by this deed, 20 February 1872. Receipt witnessed by Henry Cooke, articled clerk to Messrs. Thompson &
Parchment 4mm.
SGD.51/43 7 March 1867
(1) James Strong, contractor for coke, of Willington, County Durham.
(2a)-(2e) Trustees of the Alliance Benefit Building Society:
(2a) John Carter Atkinson, builder, of Newcastle upon Tyne.
(2b) Charles Burney, agent, of Newcastle upon Tyne.
(2c) John Dransfield, clothier, of Newcastle upon Tyne.
(2d) Joseph Davison, agent, of Newcastle upon Tyne.
(2e) Isaac Pattinson, auctioneer, of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Mortgage by demise by (1) to (2a)-(2e) of a piece of land in Willington township, measuring 28 feet from north to south on the east side, 22 feet fron north to south on the west side, 57 feet from east to west on the north side, and 62 feet
from east to west on the south side and containing 166 square yards or thereabouts, together with a dwelling-house and its appurtenances erected on the land by (1) and now occupied by James Parke as tenant.
The land borders on land belonging to
Viscount Boyne to the north and east, a dwelling-house belonging to (1) to the south, and land belonging to the Bishop Auckland branch railway to the west.
Term: Residue of a term of 99 years from 1 July 1866 as
stipulated in a lease of the above property made by Viscount and Viscountess Boyne and the Hon. Gustavus Russell Hamilton Russell to (1) on 16 January 1867.
Consideration: £84.9s.10d. from (2a)-(2e) to
Rent: £5 per annum payable monthly by (1) to (2a)-(2e) for additional security as long as any of the money hereby secured remains unpaid.
Proviso: If (1) makes all the payments to (2a)-(2e) which are required by the Building Society
rules and if (1) repays to (2a)-(2e) all the money secured by this mortgage the above demise is to be void.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wafer.
Witness: W[illia]m Brewis Elsdon, clerk to Geo[rge] Brewis, solicitor, of 4 Royal Arcade,
Newcastle upon Tyne.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2e) for £84.9s.10d., 7 March 1867.
b) Receipt from (2a)-(2e) to (1) for all the money secured by this deed, 16 May
1868. Receipt witnessed by W[illia]m Thompson, clerk to Messrs. Chartres & Youll, sol[icito]rs, of Newcastle upon Tyne.
c) "£150 upon this property which consists of a dwell[in]g-house cont[ainin]g 3 rooms [and yard] occuped by
W[illia]m Hall at £17.2s.0d. payable monthly - Mr. Robson to go and inspect" [? see no. 44].
Cf. no. 44.
Paper 6ff.
SGD.51/44 19 June 1868
(1) James Strong [see no. 43].
(2a)-(2e) Trustees of the City and County of Durham Permanent Benefit Building Society:
(2a) George Robson, gent, of Durham City.
(2b) George Walker, printer, of Durham City.
(2c) John Colpitts, brewer, of Durham City.
(2d) Edward Peele, gent, of Durham City.
(2e) Thomas White, grocer, of Durham City.
Mortgage by demise by (1) to (2a)-(2e) of the property described in no. 43.
Term as in no. 43.
Consideration: £150 from (2a)-(2e) to (1).
Proviso: If (1) pays £1.19s.5d per month to (2a)-(2e) for eight years from 3 July 1868 the
above demise is to be void.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing [?a lion rampant].
Witness: William Lisle, sol[icito]r, of Durham.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2e) for £150,
19 June 1868.
b) Receipt from (2a)-(2e) to (1) for all the money secured by this deed, 20 February 1872. Receipt witnessed by Henry Cooke, articled clerk to Messrs. Thompson &
Parchment 2mm.
SGD.51/45 21 July 1868
(1) James Strong, coke-burner, of Brancepeth Colliery Houses near Brancepeth, County Durham.
(2a)-(2e) Trustees of the City and County of Durham Permanent Building Society [see no. 44].
Mortgage in fee by (1) to (2a)-(2e) of a piece of land in Willington, County Durham, containing 1,130 square yards or thereabouts, together with 24 cottages and their appurtenances built on the land.
Consideration: £400 from (2a)-(2e) to
Proviso: If (1) pays £5.17s. per month to (2a)-(2e) for seven years from 7 August 1868 the above conveyance is to be void.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing the words "Thompson Durham
Witness: William Lisle, sol[icito]r, of Durham.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2e) for £400, 21 July 1868.
b) Receipt from (2a)-(2e) to (1) for all the money secured by this
deed, 20 February 1872. Receipt witnessed by Henry Cooke [see no. 44].
Cf. no. 47.
Parchment 4mm.
SGD.51/46 23 February 1869
(1) James Strong, contractor, of Willington, County Durham.
(2a)-(2b) Trustees of the Sixteenth Universal Benefit Building Society:
(2a) William Earle, agent, of Sunderland, County Durham.
(2b) Jonathan Priestly, merchant tailor, of Sunderland.
Mortgage by demise by (1) to (2a)-(2b) of the property described in no. 41.
Term: Residue of a term of 99 years from 1 July 1864 as stipulated in a lease of the above property made by Viscount and Viscountess Boyne and Gustavus Russell
Hamilton Russell to (1) on 29 August 1864.
Consideration: £600 from (2a)-(2b) to (1).
Rent: One peppercorn per week from (1) to (2a)-(2b).
Proviso: If (1) makes all the payments to (2a)-(2b) which are required by the Building Society
rules and if (1) repays to (2a)-(2b) all the money secured by this mortgage the above property will be re-assigned to (1) at his own expense.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing the initials "G S L" [for
George S. Lawson, solicitor, of 15 Lambton Street, Sunderland].
Witness: John Waggott, clerk to Geo[rge] S. Lawson.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2b) for £600, 23 February 1869.
b) "No.
Wrapper labelled:
a) "Dated the 23rd day of February 186[9], security no. 30, Mr. James Strong to the 16th Universal Benefit Building Society, mortgage of leasehold premises situate at Willington in the County of Durham for sec[uring]
£600 and int[erest], Geo[rge] S. Lawson, Sunderland".
b) "Deeds of Strong propertity [
sic ]".
c) "15.) Strong's property".
Parchment 1m. (and paper wrapper).
SGD.51/47 29 April 1869
(1) James Strong [see no. 45].
(2a)-(2e) Trustees of the City and County of Durham Permanent Building Society [see no. 44].
Further charge on property in Willington, County Durham, mortgaged in fee by (1) to (2a)-(2e) on 21 July 1868 [see no. 45].
Consideration: £150 from (2a)-(2e) to (1).
Proviso: If (1) pays £2.3s.11d. per month to (2a)-(2e) for seven
years from 7 May 1869 in addition to the monthly payments stipulated in no. 45 the conveyance of the above property to (2a)-(2b) is to be void.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape.
Witness: William Lisle, sol[icito]r,
of Durham.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2e) for £150, 29 April 1869.
b) Receipt from (2a)-(2b) to (1) for all the money secured by this deed, 20 February 1872.
Receipt witnessed by Henry Cooke [see no. 44].
Parchment 2mm.
SGD.51/48 7 May 1872
(1) John William Wilson, gent., of Sacriston, County Durham.
(2) Joseph Love, Esq., of Mount Beulah near Durham City.
(3) Robinson Ferens, gent., of Willington Hall, County Durham.
Conveyance by (1) to (2), to such uses as (2) shall determine, of:
a) a piece of land in Willington township, County Durham, containing 302 square yards or thereabouts, together with four cottages erected on the land. The land borders on
a back lane to the north, the Durham-Crook turnpike road to the south, a cross lane to the east, and partly on land belonging to (2) and partly on land belonging to Thomas Dixon [Stephinson or] Stephenson to the west. This is the property previously
described as a dwelling-house numbered 1 etc. in no. 37 part a);
b) three adjoining cottages as described in no. 37 part b).
Consideration: £455 from (2) to (1) and 10s from (3) to (1).
a) If the estate is determined
during (2)'s lifetime it is to be held by (3) in trust for (2) during (2)'s lifetime.
b) No woman who shall become (2)'s widow shall be entitled to claim dower out of the above property.
Signed by (1) and (2).
Seals: Three red wax seals
applied on tapes, each seal bearing [?a lion rampant].
Witnesses: Thomas Robinson, coachman, of Durham, and H.J. Marshall, solicitor, of Durham.
a) Receipt from (1) to (2) for £455, 7 May
b) Plan of the property conveyed by this deed. Scale: 1 inch to 20 feet. The plan is annotated to show that the cottages numbered 2 and 3 were sold off to J[ohn] Middleton.
c) 8 May 1872.
Memorandum by H.J. Marshall, solicitor, of Durham, that on 8 May 1872 (2) conveyed to John Middleton of Willington a piece of land at Willington, measuring 23 feet 8 inches or thereabouts in length from north to south and 32 feet or thereabouts in
breadth from east to west and containing 84 square yards, 1 square foot and 4 square inches or thereabouts, together with two cottages erected on the land. The land borders on a back street to the north, property recently purchased by John Middleton
from James Strong to the south, and property recently purchased by (2) from (1) to the east and west.
d) "3/61".
no. 37.
Parchment 1m.
Love and Ferens family deeds, will, and probate materialReference: SGD.51/57-63SGD.51/57 3 August 1886
(1) John George Blumer, colliery agent, of Darlington, County Durham.
(2) Joseph Horatio Love, Esq., of Hawkhills, Yorkshire.
Declaration of trust, whereby (1) is to hold in trust for (2) or is to assign to (2) at (2)'s request either the premises [unspecified] which were surrendered into court on 16 January 1884 by (2), the Reverend William Cooke, John George
Hargreaves, and George Gradon for the use of (1) or the purchase money arising from the above premises if they are sold by (1) to the Earl of Durham, as was provided for by a contract of 12 April 1884 between (1) and the Earl's agent, Henry Thomas
Morton of Biddick Hall near Fence Houses, County Durham. (1) also authorises (2) to receive the residue of the purchase money arising from the aforesaid sale.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wax seal applied on a tape and bearing the initials
"[?H M]".
Witness: John Geo[rge] Russell, colliery agent, of Durham.
Annotation: "520".
a) "19/37".
b) "11".
c) "H.J. Marshall, [solicitor, of] Durham".
Parchment 2mm.
SGD.51/58 15 December 1888
Probate in the Durham District Probate Registry of the will of the late Sarah Ferens, wife of Robinson Ferens, Esq., of Oswald House near Durham City, with a copy of her will, made 2 March 1885, annexed.
by Joshua Earles, district registrar.
Seal: The seal of the High Court of Justice, Probate Division, a red wax seal, papered, on a tag. Will witnessed by W[illia]m H. Oliver, sol[icito]r, of Durham, and S.H. Oliver of Durham.
Endorsement on
will: "Tynemouth Gas Company reg[istere]d share ledger, fol[io] 466, W.J.S. Davidson, sec[retar]y, 24 Decem[ber] /[18]88".
Parchment 2mm.
SGD.51/59 22 November 1889
(1) Thomas Charles McKenzie, gent., of 66 John Street, Sunderland, County Durham.
(2a)-(2b) Trustees under the will of the late Sarah Ferens, wife of (2a):
(2a) Robinson Ferens, Esq.
(2b) Joseph Horatio Love, Esq.
Notice from (1) to (2a)-(2b) that on 22 November 1889 John Roberts Stephinson, painter, of Monkwearmouth, County Durham, mortgaged to (1) his legacy of £1,000 from and all his interest in the estate of the late Sarah Ferens in order to
secure to (1) the payment of £200 and interest.
Signed by (1).
a) "To be retained by Mr. Love".
b) "28/35".
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/60 7 January 1891
Letter from Tho[ma]s C[harles] McKenzie to J[oseph] Horatio Love at Hawkhills, Easingwold, Yorkshire, giving notice to the latter that on 7 January 1891 J[ohn] R[oberts] Stephinson assigned his legacy under the will of the late [Sarah] Ferens to
the writer as security for the repayment of a further advance and interest.
Address: Sunderland, County Durham.
Annotation: "29/35".
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/61 30 April 1891
Letter from Tho[ma]s C[harles] McKenzie to J[oseph] Horatio Love at Hawkhills, Easingwold, Yorkshire, giving notice to the latter that on 30 April 1891 J[ohn] R[oberts] Stephinson assigned his legacy under the will of the late [Sarah] Ferens to
the writer as security for the repayment of a further advance and interest.
Address: Sunderland, County Durham.
Annotation: "Ack[nowledgemen]t sent 1 May/[18]91".
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/62 8 January 1892
(1) Isabella Ann Stephinson, widow, of Willington, County Durham.
(2) Joseph Horatio Love, Esq., of The Hawkhills near Easingwold, Yorkshire.
Assignment by (1) to (2) of (1)'s reversionary interest in a legacy of £1,500 from the estate of the late Sarah Ferens, payable on the death of Robinson Ferens, husband of the said Sarah Ferens.
Consideration: £120 per annum from (2) to
(1) for the remainder of (1)'s life.
Signed by (1).
Seal: One red wafer.
Witness: W[illia]m H. Oliver, solicitor, of Durham.
Endorsement: "13".
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/63 26 April 1892
Certified copy of the registration on 12 April 1892 of the death on 10 April 1892 of Robinson Ferens, J.P., colliery owner, aged 74, of Oswald House, South Road, Elvet, [Durham
Copy certified by Michael Tindale, registrar.
Paper 1f.
Certificates, diplomas and papers of Alderman Henry Edwin Ferens.SGD.51/64-83
Items 64-83 were found together in a folder labelled:
"Ald[erman] H[enry] E[dwin] Ferens. Insurance policies. Personal diplomas and certif[icate]s." and in an envelope addressed to H[enry] E[dwin] Ferens, Esq., solicitor, Durham, and
labelled: "Diplomas etc. and marriage certif[icate]".
SGD.51/64 30 July 1880
Certificate granted by the Law Society of the United Kingdom, stating that Henry Edwin Ferens of Richmond School, Yorkshire, had passed the Preliminary Examination pursuant to the Solicitors' Act, 1877.
Signed by John M. Clabon,
Certificate number: 144.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/65-70 Michaelmas term 1881-Easter term 1883
Six certificates granted by the University of Durham, stating that H[enry] E[dwin] Ferens of University College had kept Michaelmas term 1881, the Epiphany, Easter, and Michaelmas terms 1882, and the Epiphany and Easter terms 1883 in
Each certificate is signed by W[alter] K[ercheval] Hilton, registrar.
Paper 6ff.
SGD.51/71 14 October 1882
Certificate granted by the University of Durham, stating that Henry E[dwin] Ferens had passed the First Year Examination in Arts.
Signed by William Maddison, Jos[eph] Morris, M.A.W. Mitchell, and F.W. Sanderson, examiners.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/72 22 June [18]83
Certificate granted by the University of Durham, stating that Henry E[dwin] Ferens had passed the Final Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
Signed by R.J. Pearce, [W.] Yates, A.F. [Terry], and W.M. Collett, examiners.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/73 2[4] June 1883
Certificate granted by the Warden, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Durham, stating that Henry Edwin Ferens of University College had been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
Seal: The seal of the University of Durham, a red
wax seal, papered, on a tag.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/74 15 May 1885
Certificate granted by the Law Society of the United Kingdom, stating that Henry Edwin Ferens, B.A., of 220 Gilesgate, Durham, had passed the Intermediate Examination pursuant to the Solicitors' Act, 1877.
Duplicated signature of C.T.
Saunders, president.
Certificate number: 88.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/75 16 July 1886
Certificate granted by the Law Society of the United Kingdom, stating that Henry Edwin Ferens, B.A., of 220 Gilesgate, Durham had passed the Final Examination pursuant to the Solicitors' Act, 1877.
Duplicated signature of Henry Roscoe,
Certificate number: 121.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/76 18 September 1886
Certificate stating that Henry Edwin Ferens, B.A., of 220 Gilesgate, Durham, was admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court on 18 September 1886 and that his name was enrolled as a solicitor of this court on the same day.
Signed by Henry
Cott[on] "for the [M.R.]" and H.W. Holden.
Endorsement: "[?3.] Ferens."
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/77 9 December 189[0]
Certificate granted by the Warden, Master, and Scholars of the University of Durham, stating that Henry Edwin Ferens of University College had been admitted to the degree of Master of Arts.
Seal: The seal of the University of Durham, a red
wax seal, papered, on a tag.
Parchment 1m.
SGD.51/78 8 October 1896
Certified copy of the registration of the marriage on 6 September 1896 at the church of St. Cuthbert, Durham, of Henry Edwin Ferens, solicitor, aged 32, of the parish of St. Cuthbert, Durham, son of Joseph Ferens, draper, and Edythe Dean Hill,
aged 21, of the parish of St. Margaret, Durham, daughter of John Hill, miller.
Witnesses to the marriage: M. Annie Hill, R.H. Ferens, Jemima Ferens, and Matt[hew] Fowler.
Copy certified by Thomas Forster Dodd, vicar of St. Cuthbert's, Durham.
Endorsement: "The Palatine Insurance Company, Limited, registered, L.B.
Hadfield pro secr[etary], 12 October [18]96".
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/79 22 July 1910
Certificate stating that Henry Edwin Ferens had been elected, appointed, and admitted a member of the Law Society.
Duplicated signatures of [?---], secretary, and H.J. Johnson, president.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/80 No date.
Certificate of Service of V.426 P[riva]te Henry Edwin Ferens during the Great War from 5 October [19]16 until 9 February [19]17 as an enrolled volunteer in the 3rd V[olunteer] B[attalio]n Durham L[ight] I[nfantry] (3rd B[attalio]n Durham
V[olunteer] Reg[imen]t).
Duplicated signature of Winston S[pencer] Churchill, secretary of state for war.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/81 16 March 1917
Temporary commission of Henry Edwin Ferens as a 2nd lieutenant in the Volunteer Force from 21 March 1917.
a) "Durham Co[unty] Vol[unteer] Reg[imen]t H[ea]d Q[uarte]rs, 54 Old Elvet, 12 Apr[il] 1918".
b) "H[enry] E[dwin]
Ferens, 2nd Lieutenant, Volunteer Force, temporary, 3rd Battalion Durham Volunteer Regiment, 20 March 1917".
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/82 25 November [19]19
Cutting from the Yorkshire Post of 25 November [19]19 including a reprt that H[enry] E[dwin] Ferens had relinquished his commission as temporary captain in the 3rd Vol[unteer] Batt[alio]n of the Durham L[ight] I[nfantry] and had been granted the
honorary rank of captain.
Paper (Printed). 1f.
SGD.51/83 12 January 1920
Letter from the Army Council to Hon[orary] Capt[ain] H[enry] E[dwin] Ferens at Fernhill, Crossgate Moor, Durham, stating that in recognition of the latter's services as an officer of the Volunteer Force in the 3rd Vol[unteer] Batt[alio]n of the
Durham Light Infantry he had been granted the honorary rank of captain and that a notice to this effect had appeared in the
London Gazette of 22 November 1919.
Address: War Office, London S.W.1.
Paper 1f. (and envelope).
Papers of John Edwin Marshall; Marshall and Ferens family papers; and deeds and papers concerning Claypath, Durham City, Hartlepool, County Durham, Pity Me, County Durham, and Harton, County
Items 84-98 were found together in a wrapper labelled:
"Miscellaneous papers".
SGD.51/84 2 October 1854
(1) [N.R.] FitzGerald on behalf of the Northumberland and Durham District Banking Company.
(2) Evan[s] Reece of Durham City.
Receipt from (1) on account of the City of Durham Gas Company to (2) for £2, being the amount due for the call of £1 per share on two new shares.
Receipt number: 47.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/85 15 May 1856
(1) [N.R.] FitzGerald [see no. 84].
(2) Evans Reece.
Receipt from (1) on account of the City of Durham Gas Company to (2) for £1.10s. on account of shares held by (2) in the Gas Company.
Receipt number: 48.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/86. a) 25 March 1857
Letter from Thomas Jewel, secretary of the City of Durham Gas Company, to Evans Reece, asking the latter to pay 10s., being the amount of the call on the one new share held by Reece in the Gas Company, at the Northumberland and Durham District
Bank in Durham by 27 April 1857.
Address: Durham.
SGD.51/86 b) 27 April 1857
(1) [N.R.] Fitzgerald [see no. 84].
(2) E[vans] Reece of Durham.
Receipt from (1) on account of the City of Durham Gas Company to (2) for 10s., being the amount of the call of 10s. per share on the above-mentioned one new share.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/87 12 August 1857
(1) Evans Reece, confectioner, of Durham.
(2) John Edwin Marshall, gent., of Durham City.
Assignment by (1) to (2) of two shares numbered 384 and 1511 in the City of Durham Gas Company as security for the repayment of £7 and interest at 5 per cent per annum by (1) to (2) by 12 February
Consideration: £7 from (2) to (1).
Proviso: If (1) does not repay the £7 and interest by 12 February 1858 (2) may, upon giving three months notice of his intention to (1), sell the above shares in order to reimburse himself for
the money owing to him and expenses. Any surplus from such a sale is to be paid to (1).
Signed by (1) and (2).
Seals: Two red wafers.
Witness: Henry Marshall jun[ior], 220 Gilesgate, Durham.
a) "2".
b) Receipt
from (1) to (2) for £7, 12 August 1857. [Solicitor]: [?S.E.] Marshall of Durham.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/88 30 April 1862
(1) John E[dwin] Marshall, sol[icitor], of Durham City.
(2) William Jopling, fruiterer, of Durham City.
(3a) Evan[s] Reece, butter dealer, of Durham City.
(3b) Mary Ann Reece, wife of (3a).
(4) Charles Felgate White, grocer, of Durham City.
[?Draft] agreement whereby:
a) (2) is to assign to (4) on 5 May 1862 the residue of (2)'s term and interest in a shop and rooms [in Durham City] in (2)'s occupation.
Consideration: (4) is to pay £15 to (2) and to pay the next
quarter's rent for the above premises which is due on [13] May 1862.
b) (1) and (3a)-(3b) are to lease to (4) the above shop and house containing seven rooms, a warehouse behind the shop, and a cellar beneath the shop.
Term: Five years from
13 May 1862.
Rent: £40 per annum from (4) to (1) while the property remains mortgaged to (1) and thereafter from (4) to (3a)-(3b).
Signed by all the parties.
nos. 103-104.
Paper 2ff.
Items 89-93 were found pinned together.
SGD.51/89 5 October [18]58
Letter from W[illiam] H[ohnson] Clements to John [Edwin] Marshall, stating that business is very dull and asking Marshall to recommend the writer to Mr. Taylor for the vacant post of bailiff of the County Court [at Shotley Bridge, County
Address: Crook, County Durham.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/90 17 January [18]59
Letter from W[illaim] J[ohnson] Clements to John [Edwin] Marshall at Durham concerning the writer's financial position and a sum of £40 to be paid on his behalf to Mr. Brown by Marshall and enclosing a list of the writer's household furniture
[see no. 91].
Address: High Bailiff's Office, Shotley Bridge, County Durham.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/91 17 January 1859
(1) William Johnson Clements, tailor, of Shotley Bridge, County Durham.
(2) John Edwin Marshall, solicitor, of Durham City.
Assignment by (1) to (2) of all (1)'s stock in trade, household furniture etc., and personal estate and effects (except for the wearing apparel of (1), his wife, and his family) as security for the repayment of £40 and interest at 5 per cent
per annum by (1) to (2).
Consideration: £40 from (2) to (1).
a) If (1) at the demand of (2) pays £40 and interest to (2) the above assignment is to be void.
b) Until the whole of the principal is repaid (1) will pay any
interest which is due to (2) in equal half yearly instalments on 24 July and 24 January every year.
c) Until default is made in payment of the principal or interest hereby secured (1) is to retain possession of all the above property and
d) If default is made in payment of the principal or interest (2) may sell the above property and effects in order to reimburse himself for the money owing to him and expenses. Any surplus from such a sale is to be paid to
Signed by (1) and (2).
Seals: Two red wafers.
Witness: William Turnbull [?senior], joiner, 12 Framwellgate, Durham.
Annotation: Receipt from (1) to (2) for £40, 24 January 1859.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/93 7 February 1859
Certificate stating that a copy bill of sale between [William Johnson] Clements and [John Edwin] Marshall dated 24 January 1859 was filed at the Judgement Office, Temple, on 7 February 1859.
Signed by R.[E.] Good[rich].
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/94 19 September 1859
(1) Robert Thompson.
(2) John Edwin Marshall of Durham City.
Promissory note whereby (1) gives an undertaking that he will pay £10 to (2) within 80 days.
Address: Darlington, County Durham.
Endorsement: Receipt from (2) to (1) for £7 received on acc[ount], 9 December 1859.
Paper 1f.
Items 95-96 were found pinned together in an envelope labelled:
"[?The] Peverall[s'] promissory not[e]".
SGD.51/95 2[6] May 1862
(1) George Peverall.
(2) Richard Peverall.
(3) John Edwin Marshall.
Promissory note whereby (1) and (2) give an undertaking that they will pay £100 and interest at 5 per cent per annum to (3) on demand.
Address: Durham.
Witness: H. Marshall jun[io]r, sol[icito]r, 2 Leazes Place, Durham.
Cf. no.
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/96 26 January 1863
(1) George Peverall.
(2) Richard Peverall.
(3) J[ohn] E[dwin] Marshall.
Agreement whereby:
a) (1), as surety for (2), consents to (3)'s receiving £50 on account of the debt and costs in the action on "the joint and several note" [see no. 95] against (2), as "Executor" and to (3)'s staying the proceedings in
this action.
b) (1) consents to continue liable on the said note, notwithstanding this payment and stay of proceedings.
Signed by (1).
Paper 1f.
SGD.51/97 No date.
Copy of the will of the late Joseph Taylor the elder, builder, of The Avenue, Neville's Cross near Durham City, made 13 March 1874 and proved at Durham on 8 October 1874.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/98 No date.
Valuation and schedule of freehold property at Hartlepool in Hart parish, County Durham, belonging to John Sharp.
Paper 1f.
Items 99-104 were found together in a wrapper labelled:
"Miscellaneous papers, lease field, Pity Me [see nos. 100-101], Mrs. Ferens' settlem[en]t [see no. 99], J. Ramsbottom's leases [see nos. 103-104], residuary a[c]c[ount]s etc".
SGD.51/99 30 August 1858
(1) John Edwin Marshall, solicitor, of Durham City.
(2) Mary Marshall, spinster, of Durham City.
(3) Joseph Ferens, draper, of Durham City.
(4a) Robert Thorman, ship-broker, of Seaham Harbour, County Durham.
(4b) William Marshall the younger, solicitor, of West Hartlepool, County Durham.
(4c) Henry Marshall, articled clerk, of Durham City.
Assignment by (1), (2) and (3) to (4a)-(4c) in trust for (2), for her sole use free from marital control, and after (2)'s death in trust for her children or, if she has no children, in trust for (1), of all the household furniture, goods
etc. listed in an attached schedule, together with any other such goods purchased by (1) or (3) for (2) either before or after her marriage and all of (2)'s personal estate.
Consideration: The forthcoming marriage between (2) and (3) and £300
from (1) to (2) for furnishing a house for (2) and (3) on their marriage.
Covenant: (3) covenants with (4a)-(4c) that during the lives of (2) and (3) he will renew, repair, and replace as necessary all the household goods on the
Signed by (1), (2), (3), (4a) and (4c).
Seals: Six red wafers.
Witness: Geo[rge] Salkeld.
Envelope labelled: "30 August 1858. Mrs Ferens' settlement".
Paper 4ff. (and envelope).
SGD.51/100 17 January 1863
(1) [?Jno.] [?Gilroy], sol[icito]r'[s] clerk, of Gilesgate, Durham [City].
(2) John Edwin Marshall [see no. 99].
(3) Anthony Dodds, blacksmith, of Pity Me near Durham.
Memorandum by (1) that on 17 January 1863 (2) leased to (3) two small grass fields near Pity Me in the occupation of John Williamson whose tenancy extends until 13 May 1863. Further clauses concern conditions of the tenancy. Game is reserved
to (2).
Term: Yearly tenancy from 13 May 1863.
Rent: £3.10s. per annum from (3) to (2).
Witness: (1).
Envelope labelled: "17 January 1863, J[ohn] E[dwin] Marshall to Mr. Anthony Dodds, lease of 2 fields at Pity Me."
Paper 2ff. (and envelope).
Items 101-102 were found together in an envelope labelled:
a) "W. Maughan agreements etc". (W. Maughan struck through).
b) "H.P. Gradon, Esqr., 22 Market Place, Durham".
SGD.51/101 22 February 1896
(1a)-(1b) Trustees under the will of the late John Edwin Marshall:
(1a) Henry Marshall, gent., of 50 Newcomen Street, Redcar, in the North Riding of Yorkshire.
(1b) Robert Thorman, ship-broker, of Dawdon House, Seaham Harbour, County Durham.
(2) Thomas Lowden, gent., of Western Hill, Durham City.
Memorandum of articles of agreement for the sale by (1a)-(1b) to (2) of the fee simple of two grass fields at Pity Me, County Durham, now or lately occupied by John Edward Dickeson as tenant.
Consideration: 5s. is to be paid immediately
by (2) to (1a)-(1b) as a deposit and the remainder of the consideration of £200 is to be paid by (2) to (1a)-(1b) when the purchase is completed on 13 May 1896.
Proviso: If (2) does not obtain the statutory leave necessary to build a powder
magazine on the property the above agreement is to be void.
Signed by all the parties.
Witnesses: A. Picknett, spinster, of 50 Newcomen Street, Redcar, Taylor Ptts, clerk, of 10 The Royalty, Sunderland, County Durham, and Henry E[dwin]
Ferens, solicitor, of Durham.
Annotation: "A".
a) "6d. [stamp duty]".
b) "80".
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/102 20 July 1896
(1) [Willia]m S. Young, agent for Michael Graham.
(2a) H[enry] Marshall.
(2b) R[obert] Thorman.
Receipt from (1) to (2a)-(2b) for deeds and documents relating to Michael Graham's freehold hereditaments and premises at Eleanor Terrace, Harton, near South Shields, County Durham, as listed in an attached schedule.
Signed by (1).
Paper 2ff.
Items 103-104 were found together in an envelope labelled:
"J[ohn] E[dwin] Marshall's executors and others to Mr. John Ramsbottom, leases of Claypath shop etc. (1879 lease given to [J.R.])".
SGD.51/103 11 May 1865
(1) John Edwin Marshall, solicitor, of Durham City.
(2a) Evans Reece, poulterer, of Durham City.
(2b) Mary Ann Reece, wife of (2a).
(3) John Ramsbottom, provision dealer, of Claypath, Durham City.
Lease by (1) with the consent of (2a)-(2b) to (3) of a shop with a house above it containing seven rooms and its appurtenances in Claypath Gates, Durham City, lately occupied by Thomas Thompson. Further clauses concern conditions of the
tenancy. The premises are to be used only for a dwelling house and for a shop and warehouse for the provision trade. No gunpowder is to be kept on the premises.
Term: Yearly tenancy from 13 May [1865].
Rent: £40 per annum from (3) to
Proviso: If the rent is in arrears for 21 days after any quarter-day or if (3) becomes bankrupt or does not observe all the covenants in the lease the above lease is to be void.
Signed by all the parties.
Seals: Four red
Witness: John Dickinson, house-agent. Cf. nos.
88 and 104.
Paper 2ff.
SGD.51/104 30 August 1869
(1a)-(1c) Executors under the will of the late John Edwin Marshall, gent., of Durham City, who was mortgagee of the premises described below:
(1a) Henry Marshall, solicitor, of Framwellgate in the borough of Durham.
(1b) Robert Thorman, ship-broker, of Seaham Harbour, County Durham.
(1c) Joseph Ferens, draper, of Durham City.
(2) Evan Reece, poulterer, of Claypath Gates, Durham City, the equitable owner of the premises described below.
(3) John Ramsbottom, pork-butcher, of [Claypath Gates], Durham City.
Lease by (1a)-(1c) with the consent of (2) to (3) of a shop with a house above it containing six rooms and the cellars beneath it in Claypath Gates, Durham City, now occupied by (3) as tenant.
A right of way through a passage from the
front street to the yard belonging to (2) and others is reserved.
Further clauses concern conditions of the tenancy. The premises are to be used by (3) only for his business as a pork-butcher or provision merchant. No gunpowder or other
dangerous substances or machines are to be kept on the premises.
Term: Ten years from 13 August [1869].
Rent: £45 per annum from (3) to (1a)-(1c).
Proviso: If the rent is in arrears for 20 days after any quarter-day or if (3) does not
observe all the covenants in the lease or becomes bankrupt the above lease is to be void.
Signed by all the parties.
Seals: Five red wafers.
Witness: Robert Jackson, clerk to (1a).
Cf. nos.
88 and
Paper 2ff.