Durham Probate Records: pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1651-1680)


Reference code: GB-0033-DPR1/1
Title: Durham Probate Records: pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1651-1680)
Dates of creation: 1651-1680
Extent: 13 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: The Spiritual Chancellors to the bishops of Durham (through their Registrars)
Language: English, with some Latin


Original wills, inventories, accounts and associated documents, proved by the registrars to the bishops of Durham. See main DPR1 catalogue for further details on these records. As well as wills proved within the registry, this series also includes inventories and some other associated documents for those who died intestate, where administration was granted (although the actual administration bonds are stored within the separate DPR1/3 series).

Accession details

See main DPR1 catalogue.

Conditions of access

Open for consultation.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail PG.Library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


The entries within this list are arranged in the same order as the original documents, viz documents for every will proved (or administration granted) within a single year are stored together. Within each year, the documents are in name order. This arrangement is reflected within the reference codes, but note that in a few cases documents were misfiled prior to 2006 and so are lettered or numbered out of sequence.
For pre-1752 wills, note that this is normally an 'old style' year, running from 25th March in the year stated until 24th March of the following year; however, the yearly bundling of wills was not entirely consistent in this respect. Where it can be established with some confidence (for instance, from the date of an accompanying bond or an endorsement relating to the executors' oaths), the precise date of probate or administration is stated within this list. In other cases, however, you may need to check a year each side of the actual year of probate, especially for earlier material (see also under Finding aids below).

Finding aids

This list incorporates all the public information from the North East Inheritance database relating to the original wills and inventories etc, but only includes sparse references to the related records within other series of the Durham Probate Records (chiefly registered copies in DPR1/2 and probate bonds in DPR1/3). The online database at http://familyrecords.dur.ac.uk/nei/data/ will generally be found more helpful for research using the probate records, as it lists together records from multiple series relating to the same deceased person, and can be searched by person, place, occupation and document type as well as dates of probate and of documents. All the data within this catalogue is made available through the online database.
For links to the lists for other parts of the series of original wills (DPRI/1), see the collection level description, or use these links for the previous list and next list.


Several of these wills and inventories have been published, chiefly in volumes of the Surtees Society. Full references, with links to online texts where available, are in the Useful texts section of the North East Inheritance project pages.


Wills etc proved 1651
Reference: DPRI/1/1651
DPRI/1/1651/B1   26 March 1651
Lynell BOWMAN, of Clough within the parish of Alstonn (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Lyo[nel], Lionel
DPRI/1/1651/B1/1: 16 December 1650  - will endorsed: proved, 26 Mar 1651 
DPRI/1/1651/B1/2-3: 16 December 1650  - inventory, actual total £113 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 17s) 
Digitised material for Lynell Bowman, of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1651/B1
DPRI/1/1651/C1   3 April 1651
William CHISHOLME, yeoman, of Earle in the chappelrie of Doddington [Doddington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1651/C1/1-2: 4 January 1651  - will endorsed: proved, 3 Apr 1651 
DPRI/1/1651/C1/3: 4 January 1651  - inventory, actual total £112 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £46 14s 11d) 
DPRI/1/1651/C1/4: 4 January 1651  - incomplete will bond, penal sum £120 conditions clause on dorse is incomplete 
Digitised material for William Chisholme, yeoman, of Doddington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1651/C1
Joseph DAVISON, of Blakiston (Blaikston) [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Davyson
DPRI/1/1651/D1/2: 17 February 1652  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1651/D1/1: 17 February 1652  - administration bond, penal sum £400 
Digitised material for Joseph Davison, of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1651/D1
Carnaby GIBSON, of parish of Halton [Halton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1651/G1/1: 31 March 1651  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1651/G1/2: 31 March 1651  - incomplete [?administration] bond marginal memorandum relates administration was granted to Ann Gibson, relict 
Digitised material for Carnaby Gibson, of Halton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1651/G1
Thomas HUNTER, gentleman, of Newton, parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1651/H1/1: 1 March 1651  - copy will endorsed: proved, 27 Mar 1651; 'the originall will the widow had backe' 
DPRI/1/1651/H1/3: 1 March 1651  - list of debts owed to and by testator, actual total £100 11s (with account of debts of £92 18s) 
DPRI/1/1651/H1/2: 1 March 1651  - inventory, actual total £68 17s date probably 1651 rather than 1650 as stated 
Digitised material for Thomas Hunter, gentleman, of Bywell St Peter, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1651/H1
DPRI/1/1651/J1   20 June 1651
Christopher JACKSONNE, yeoman, of Crosbye Grainge (Crosby Grange) in the countye of Yorke [Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Christofer, Jackson
DPRI/1/1651/J1/1-2: 22 June 1650  - will 
DPRI/1/1651/J1/3-4: 22 June 1650  - inventory, actual total £376 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1651/J1/5: 22 June 1650  - letter Letter from Christopher Forster at Leake to William Church or [Robert] Newhouse at Durham, explaining seven month delay and requesting the probate be dated accordingly. Endorsed: probate granted to Ann Jackson, relict, 20 June 1651 
Digitised material for Christopher Jacksonne, yeoman, of Leake, Yorkshire - DPRI/1/1651/J1
William JEFFERSON, senior, of Elton [Elton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1651/J2/1-2: undated  - will dated 5 May [?1651] 
DPRI/1/1651/J2/5: undated  - incomplete [?will] bond, penal sum £300 conditions clause is incomplete 
DPRI/1/1651/J2/3-4: undated  - inventory, actual total £127 (with account of debts of £54 11s) 
Digitised material for William Jefferson, senior, of Elton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1651/J2
DPRI/1/1651/K1   23 March 1652
John KILLINGHALL, esquire, of Midleton George in the countie of Durham [Middleton St George, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1651/K1/2-3: 19 February 1652  - inventory, actual total £303 5s 
DPRI/1/1651/K1/4-5: 19 February 1652  - commission to Robert Newhouse, notary public, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Killinghall, relict, and also to grant to her the tuition and guardianship of William, John, George, Henry and Ann Killinghall, children; commission executed by Newhouse, 23 Mar 1652 
DPRI/1/1651/K1/1: 19 February 1652  - will bond  with curation bond, 23 March 1652, actual total £600 
Digitised material for John Killinghall, esquire, of Middleton St George, County Durham - DPRI/1/1651/K1
Richard ORDE, gentleman, of Horkeliff [Horncliffe] [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1651/O1/1-2: undated  - account account of Luke Orde, co-executor 
Digitised material for Richard Orde, gentleman, of Norham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1651/O1
DPRI/1/1651/O2   3 November 1651
Ann OSWOLD, widow, of High Consley (Coniscliffe) of the countie of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Anne, Uswold, Oswolld
DPRI/1/1651/O2/1: 2 October 1651  - copy will subscribed: 'the original will was transmitted to London by reason the Bishop's power was taken away' 
DPRI/1/1651/O2/2-3: 2 October 1651  - inventory, actual total £37 11s 1d (with account of funeral charges of £4 19s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1651/O2/4-5: 2 October 1651  - incomplete [?will] bond, penal sum £80 there is no conditions clause 
DPRI/1/1651/O2/6: 2 October 1651  - certificate of probate probate granted to Elizabeth Gibson, spinster 
Digitised material for Ann Oswold, widow, of Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1651/O2
John ROBINSON, [the elder], miller, of Sunderland by the Sea in the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1651/R1/1-2: 20 October 1651  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1651/R1/3-4: 20 October 1651  - inventory, actual total £234 15s 3d (with account of debts of £3 7s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1651/R1/5-6: 20 October 1651  - incomplete [?will] bond with marginal memorandum relating that administration was granted to Ann Robinson, relict, also for the use of John [Robinson, son] 
Digitised material for John Robinson the elder, miller, of Sunderland, County Durham - DPRI/1/1651/R1
DPRI/1/1651/W1   5 March 1652
John WALKER, merchant, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1651/W1/1-2: 9 June 1651  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1651/W1/3: 9 June 1651  - renunciation  with letter, 5 March 1652 (1) renunciation of Barbary Walker, relict; (2) letter from John Lambert at Stockton to Cuthbert Sisseles or George Kirkbey at Durham, relating to a creditor of John Walker who wishes to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1651/W1/4-5: 9 June 1651  - will bond, penal sum £100 probate granted to John Fugill, creditor, 5 Mar 1652 
Digitised material for John Walker, merchant, of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1651/W1
DPRI/1/1651/W2   5 February 1652
Ralph WALLAS, of the Parke in Alston More in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1651/W2/1: 5 January 1652  - inventory administration granted to Margaret Wallas, relict, 5 Feb 1652 
DPRI/1/1651/W2/2: 5 January 1652  - account, actual total £19 (with discharge of £23 14s 11d) account of Margaret Wallas, relict 
DPRI/1/1651/W2/3: 5 January 1652  - incomplete [?administration] bond 
Digitised material for Ralph Wallas, of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1651/W2
Wills etc proved 1652
Reference: DPRI/1/1652
DPRI/1/1652/D1   9 February 1653
William DOWSON, yeoman, of Egleston (Eggleston) in the countie of Durham [Eggleston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1652/D1/3-4: 22 January 1653  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1652/D1/2: 22 January 1653  - inventory, actual total £200 10s 6d probate granted to Mary Dowson, relict and sole executrix, 9 Feb 1653 
DPRI/1/1652/D1/1: 22 January 1653  - will bond, penal sum £400 
Digitised material for William Dowson, yeoman, of Eggleston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1652/D1
John GARRETT, yeoman, of Fenruther (Fenrother, Fenrudder) within the chappellry of Hebborne (Hebburn) in the countie of Northumberland [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Garret
DPRI/1/1652/G1/1-2: 28 November 1651  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1652/G1/3: 28 November 1651  - inventory, actual total £3 15s 2d 
DPRI/1/1652/G1/4: 28 November 1651  - incomplete [?will] bond, penal sum £100 
Digitised material for John Garrett, yeoman, of Hebburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1652/G1
Archbald GIBB, yeoman, of Jarroe (Jarro) in the county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Archbalde, Archibald
DPRI/1/1652/G2/1: 9 February 1651  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1652/G2/2: 9 February 1651  - indented inventory, actual total £338 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £104 8s 8d) 
Digitised material for Archbald Gibb, yeoman, of Jarrow, County Durham - DPRI/1/1652/G2
DPRI/1/1652/H1   25 January 1653
Henry HOPPER, tanner, of Gateshead within the county palatine of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1652/H1/1-2: 3 June 1639  - copy will With memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to the executrix at probate. Endorsed: proved, 25 Jan 1653. 
DPRI/1/1652/H1/3: 3 June 1639  - incomplete [?will] bond, penal sum £200 
Digitised material for Henry Hopper, tanner, of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1652/H1
DPRI/1/1652/M1   6 April 1652
Anthony MILLER, yeoman, of Darneton (Darlington) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1652/M1/1-2: 26 September 1648  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1652/M1/4: 26 September 1648  - incomplete [?will] bond, penal sum £500 
DPRI/1/1652/M1/3: 26 September 1648  - certificate of probate probate granted to Ralph Miller, son and sole executor; the original will was delivered to the executor, it being 'his best evidence at lawe' 
Digitised material for Anthony Miller, yeoman, of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1652/M1
Thomas ROBINSON, yeoman, of Forcegarth in Teasedale in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1652/R1/1-2: 19 April 1652  - will 
DPRI/1/1652/R1/3-4: 19 April 1652  - inventory, actual total £251 3s 2d (with account of debts of £84) 
Digitised material for Thomas Robinson, yeoman, of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1652/R1
William SHEPPEARD, of Eldon in the county of Durham [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Shipard
DPRI/1/1652/S1/1: 24 August 1652  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1652/S1/2: 24 August 1652  - inventory, actual total £213 1s 
DPRI/1/1652/S1/3: 24 August 1652  - incomplete [?will] bond, penal sum £400 
Digitised material for William Sheppeard, of Eldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1652/S1
Wills etc proved 1653
Reference: DPRI/1/1653
Thomas WOLDHAVE, glover, of towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wouldhave
DPRI/1/1653/W1/1: 3 April 1653  - will Subscribed: 'this paper is not to be parted without of Courte untill it be proved'. Endorsed: not issued; caveat by the plaintiff Bell against the interlineations. 
Digitised material for Thomas Woldhave, glover, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1653/W1
Wills etc proved 1654
Reference: DPRI/1/1654
Thomas WATSON, yeoman, of Bournehoope in Wardale in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1654/W1/1: 17 May 1654  - copy will Subscribed and endorsed: the original will was lost, but this tenor of the original will was adjudged valid, proved and issued under seal. Endorsed: 'this copy voided, 1654'. 
Digitised material for Thomas Watson, yeoman, of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1654/W1
Wills etc proved 1655
Reference: DPRI/1/1655
Isabell SKAMMELL, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
See also PROB 11/281 in The National Archives: proved, 5 July 1658.
DPRI/1/1655/S1/1-2: 19 December 1655  - copy will endorsed: proved at London, 1655 [?recte 5 July 1658].  
Digitised material for Isabell Skammell, widow, of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1655/S1
Margrett WHITE, late wife of Anthony White, widow, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1655/W1/1: 23 February 1656  - will endorsed: no [probate] act 
Digitised material for Margrett White, widow of Anthony White, of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1655/W1
Wills etc proved 1656
Reference: DPRI/1/1656
DPRI/1/1656/L1   2 July 1656
John LIVELY, vicar of Kelloe, clerk, of Kelloe in the county of Durham [Kelloe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1656/L1/1-2: 3 March 1656  - [copy] will  with [copy] grant of probate, 2 July 1656 proved in common form at London (Court for Probate of Wills and Granting Administrations), and administration granted to Mary Busby, sole executrix 
Digitised material for John Lively, vicar of Kelloe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1656/L1
Wills etc proved 1657
Reference: DPRI/1/1657
Roger HEATON, of Bitchfield (Bitchfeild) [Stamfordham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1657/H1/1: 27 April 1657  - inventory endorsed: 1663 (?probate date) 
Digitised material for Roger Heaton, of Stamfordham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1657/H1
Wills etc proved 1658
Reference: DPRI/1/1658
Edward PLOWMAN, of St Andrew Auckland (Awckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1658/P1/1: 26 November 1658  - will endorsed: no [probate] act 
Digitised material for Edward Plowman, of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1658/P1
John RODDAM, esquire, of Litle Houghton in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rodham
DPRI/1/1658/R1/1-2: 19 April 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1658/R1/3 - wrapper endorsed: no [probate] act; exhibited in Chancery by Richard Neile esquire 
Digitised material for John Roddam, esquire, of Longhoughton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1658/R1
Wills etc proved 1659
Reference: DPRI/1/1659
Edward HALL, gentleman, of Ryton Woodside (Rytonwoodside) in the parish of Ryton in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1659/H1/3: 26 February 1658  - inventory Exhibited by Robert Thompson, proctor for the administrator, 10 Aug 1659. Endorsed: administration granted at London; 1661. 
DPRI/1/1659/H1/1-2: 26 February 1658  - copy account, actual total £189 2s 10d (with discharge of £202 3s) Account of Margaret Hall, relict. Endorsed: 1661; copy. 
Digitised material for Edward Hall, gentleman, of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1659/H1
Edward SELBY, shipwright, of the Close, towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1659/S1/1: 22 October 1659  - will 
Digitised material for Edward Selby, shipwright, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1659/S1
Wills etc proved 1660
Reference: DPRI/1/1660
Alexander AMOTTS, esquire, of Pensher Staith (Pencher) in the countie of Durham [Penshaw, County Durham]; also spelt Amcotts, Amcotes
DPRI/1/1660/A1/1: 1660  - will dated 12 Charles II (after 29 May and before 27 Dec 1660) 
DPRI/1/1660/A1/2-5: 1660  - inventory, actual total £158 12s 2d 
Jane ANDERSON, widow, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/A2/1-2: 1 September 1658  - will 
Robert ANDERSON, sometime captain for the Commonwealth of England, [army] captain, gentleman, Barwicke upon Twead, Felton parish wher I am now goeing to live [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Felton, Northumberland]
Anderson's mother and his own child were buried at Longframlington
DPRI/1/1660/A3/1-2: 18 May 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/A3/3: 18 May 1655  - inventory, actual total £375 13s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £30) 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B80
Sisillie ARMSTRONGE, widow, of Ridlom Hope (Ridlam Hope) [Riddlehamhope] in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Huntstonworth [Hexham, Northumberland; Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Cicely, Armestronge, Armstrong
DPRI/1/1660/A4/2-3: 21 June 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1660/A4/1: 21 June 1660  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B72
Thomas ARROWSMITH, yeoman, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/A5/1: 30 April 1660  - indented inventory 
Lancelott ATCHESON, yeoman, of Litle (Little) Swinburne in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Lancelot, Acheson, Lancelote, Attchinson
DPRI/1/1660/A6/1-2: 22 October 1660  - nuncupative will  with certificate of oath, undated 
DPRI/1/1660/A6/3: 22 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £25 12s 8d 
John BEE, master and mariner, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/B1/1: 26 January 1661  - inventory 
Michaell BONNER, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1660/B2/1: 23 October 1660  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/B3   12 December 1660
Thomas BONNER, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], draper, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/B3/1-5: 13 March 1660  - copy will proved, 12 Dec 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/B3/6: 13 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £1,695 
Nickkolas BURDONE, of Shotton [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholas, Bordone, Burdon
DPRI/1/1660/B4/1: 1660  - inventory 
Thomas BURRWELL, of East Lilburne in the parish of Eglingham and county of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Burwell
inventory reveals that the will may also have been proved at London
DPRI/1/1660/B5/1-2: 6 May 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1660/B5/3: 6 May 1660  - inventory, actual total £474 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £23) 
William CARR, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Car
DPRI/1/1660/C1/1-6: 11 April 1660  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of Ralph Carr, son and the surviving executor 
James COLE, esquire, of parish of Gateshead (Gateside) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/C2/1-8: 29 August 1660  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1660/C2/9-15: 29 August 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £4,104 18s 7d 
DPRI/1/1660/C2/16 - wrapper 
John COOKE, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/C3/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/C4   30 November 1660
Andrew CRAM, yeoman, of Haining Woode (Wood) in the parish of Jarro and in the county palatine of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/C4/1-2: 17 October 1644  - indented will 
DPRI/1/1660/C4/3-4: 17 October 1644  - inventory, actual total £225 15s 6d endorsed: proved, 30 Nov 1660 
Garrard DUNN, blacksmith, of Ferryhill in the county of Durham [Ferryhill, County Durham]; also spelt Jarrard, Jerrard
DPRI/1/1660/D1/1-2: 25 March 1657  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/D1/3 - wrapper 
John DUNN, yeoman, of Silcksworth (Silkesworth, Silksworth) in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/D2/1-2: 18 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/D2/3: 18 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £302 12s 6d 
DPRI/1/1660/E1   18 December 1660
Rowland EMMERSON, yeoman, of Lowbushopley within the parish of Stanhopp in Weredaile in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson
DPRI/1/1660/E1/1: 17 September 1659  - will endorsed: proved, 18 Dec 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/E1/2: 17 September 1659  - inventory, actual total £169 
Ralph FEWLER, merchant, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, now liveing att Sandinerstone in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/F2/1: 3 July 1658  - will 
Christofer FOLLANSBY, gentleman, of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1660/F1/1: 10 November 1660  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B82
Mark FORSTER, beer-brewer, yeoman, of Gatsheed (Gateside, Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Marke, Foster
DPRI/1/1660/F3/1-2: 16 March 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/F3/3-4: 16 March 1658  - indented inventory, actual total £110 12s 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B73
DPRI/1/1660/F4   3 December 1660
John FOTHERGILL, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) within the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/F4/1-2: 1660  - inventory endorsed: administration and tuition of surviving children granted, 3 Dec 1660 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B6
Anthony GARRY, of Staindrop (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Garrey
DPRI/1/1660/G1/1: 20 March 1661  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B77
Gervis GASCOYNE, of Gengles (Gingels Haughe, Genlees Haugh) within the parish of Blansland and countie of Northumberland [Blanchland, Northumberland]; also spelt Jarvis, Gascoigne, Garvis, Gascone
DPRI/1/1660/G2/1-2: 10 October 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/G2/3: 10 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £128 19s 6d (with account of debts of £30) 
John GREENWELL, gentleman, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Greenewell
DPRI/1/1660/G3/1: 30 January 1661  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1660/G3/2: 30 January 1661  - list of debts owed by testator, actual total £73 15s 6d (discharge of debts and funeral expenses) 
Richard HALL, master and mariner, of North Shields (Sheilds, Sheeles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/H1/2-3: 1 February 1661  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1660/H1/4-5: 1 February 1661  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1660/H1/6: 1 February 1661  - inventory, actual total £181 16s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £96) 
DPRI/1/1660/H1/1: 1 February 1661  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £500 
DPRI/1/1660/H1/7 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1660/H2   8 December 1660
Frances HARLE, widow, of South Sheeles in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Herle
DPRI/1/1660/H2/4: 9 October 1659  - nuncupative will with two certificates of oath, 23 Dec 1659 and 8 Dec 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/H2/1-3: 9 October 1659  - inventory 
John HARLE, yeoman, of Great Ousworth in the county of Durham [Usworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/H3/1: 20 April 1660  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/H4   8 December 1660
Roger HARPER, merchant, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham, parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Sunderland, County Durham]
Administration granted, 8 Dec 1660: inventory exhibited, (?22) Feb 1662; to be accounted, 26 Feb 1662 (see Probate Act Book 1660-1668, DPRI/4/18 page 2). Bond DPRI/3/1660/A13 is missing.
DPRI/1/1660/H4/1: 11 September 1660  - inventory [exhibited, (?22) Feb 1662] 
John HARRISON, bailiff of the manor of Wolsingham for Sir Arthur Haslerigg, bailiff, yeoman, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/H5/1: 31 December 1659  - inventory endorsed with list of goods etc. 'challenged to be Francis Harrison's' and also challenged by John Horton in his capacity as the steward of Sir Arthur Haslerigg 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B81
Ambrose HEIGHINGTON, of Church Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/H6/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B3
Robert HOGGERT, yeoman, of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/H7/1: 4 January 1661  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B63
Stephen HOPPER, tanner, of parish of Goatshead (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/H8/1-2: 26 October 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/H8/3-4: 26 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £26 14s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B69
DPRI/1/1660/H9   30 November 1660
Henry HORSELEY, esquire, Milburne Grange in the county of Northumberland, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Milbourne, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley
DPRI/1/1660/H9/1-2: 9 November 1657  - copy will with 30 Nov 1660 memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix. Endorsed: proved, 30 Nov 1660 
Ralph HUNTLEY, yeoman, of Shawdforth (Shaldforth, Shadforth) in the county of Durham [Shadforth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/H10/1-2: 20 March 1661  - renunciation renunciation of Francis [Frances] Huntley, relict, nominating Frances Huntley, daughter, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1660/H10/3: 20 March 1661  - inventory, actual total £20 
Cuthbertt HYMERS, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) within the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1660/H11/1-2: undated  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 Dec 1660 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B7
DPRI/1/1660/J1   3 December 1660
John JACKSON, of Hellinden Raw (Helmington Rawe) in the parish of Br[ancepe]th in the county of Durhome [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/J1/1-2: 13 July 1660  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 Dec 1660. Date in July 1660 uncertain (document damaged) 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B9
Samuell KELLITT, tailor, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Samuel, Kellet, Kellit
DPRI/1/1660/K1/1-2: 5 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/K1/3: 5 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £30 13s 8d 
DPRI/1/1660/K1/4 - wrapper 
Thomas KENT, miller, of parish of Branspeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/K2/1-2: 14 October 1658  - inventory 
William KING, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/K3/1: undated  - inventory 
Francis KIRKLEY, yeoman, of Mooreside within the parish of Lanchester and in the countie of Durham [Moorside, County Durham]; also spelt Kyrkley
DPRI/1/1660/K4/1: 24 February 1659  - will endorsed: probate granted, 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/K4/2: 24 February 1659  - inventory, actual total £25 5s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £12) 
Robert LAMBTON, yeoman, of Houghton in the Spring (Springe) in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Lampton
DPRI/1/1660/L1/1: 28 December 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/L1/2: 28 December 1660  - inventory, actual total £182 19s 8d 
John LANCASTER, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/L2/1: 26 January 1661  - will endorsed: inventory exhibited by Mary Lanchester widow, 8 May 1661 
DPRI/1/1660/L2/2-6: 26 January 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £1,671 4s [exhibited by Mary Lanchester widow, 8 May 1661] 
Ann LISLE, wife of Talbot Lisle of Barmeston, of Barmeston (Barmston) in the parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/L3/1: 19 March 1661  - inventory 
George LODGE, of Cockerton within the parish of Darnton (Darlingeton, Darlington) [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/L4/1-2: 13 December 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/L4/3: 13 December 1659  - inventory, actual total £361 3s 2d 
Mary MANWELL, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/M1/1: 18 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/M1/2: 18 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £10 1s 4d 
Anthony MARKENDAILE, merchant, of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale
DPRI/1/1660/M2/1: 17 January 1661  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John MARLEY, blacksmith, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/M3/1-2: 8 September 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/M3/3: 8 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £242 0s 4d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Charles MIDDELTON, glazier, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton, Midleton
DPRI/1/1660/M4/1: 10 October 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/M4/2: 10 October 1659  - indented inventory, actual total £105 17s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B79
DPRI/1/1660/M5   23 March 1661
Jane MURRAY, widow, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Murrey
administration granted, 23 Mar 1661: to be accounted, 25 Apr 1661 (see Probate Act Book 1660-1668, DPRI/4/18 page 10). Bond DPRI/3/1660/A95 is missing.
DPRI/1/1660/M5/1-2: 25 March 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/M6   5 December 1660
Cuthbert MURTHWAITE, dying in Durham Gaole, Bishop Aukland [Durham, County Durham; Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Murthwaite's debts included gaol fees for bed and board for 21 weeks, 5s per week.
DPRI/1/1660/M6/1: 17 September 1650  - inventory endorsed: administration, 5 Dec 1660 
Roger MURTON, yeoman, of Tynemouth (Tynmouth) in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
administration granted at London
DPRI/1/1660/M7/1-2: 16 August 1658  - inventory endorsed: administration granted at London to the widow 
DPRI/1/1660/N1   3 December 1660
Edward NUBY, yeoman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Newby
endorsements to the nuncupative will state that (1) an inventory [over £40] was once filed with the nuncupative will; (2) the will was proved in common form, with interrogatories. (See Probate Act Book 1660-1668, DPRI/4/18 page 1)
DPRI/1/1660/N1/1-2: 1 November 1659  - nuncupative will endorsed: proved in common form, 3 Dec 1660; judgement given for [validating] the will 
Marke OGLE, of Kirkley [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Mark
Kirkley, Northumberland confirmed by Probate Act Book 1660-1668 (DPRI/4/18 page 4)
DPRI/1/1660/O1/1: 27 March 1660  - inventory 
George OLIVER, cutler, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Olyver
DPRI/1/1660/O2/1-2: 17 November 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/O2/3: 17 November 1660  - inventory, actual total £78 6s 8d 
George PARNABIE, of Bishop Midleham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Parnaby
DPRI/1/1660/P1/1: 31 May 1660  - inventory 
Mary PEARSON, daughter of the late Thomas Pearson of Crossgate cordwainer, spinster, of Crosgate in the suburbs of the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/P2/1: 14 December 1660  - inventory 
John PRESTON, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/P3/1: 31 October 1660  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B76
Richard RAWLING, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/R2/1: 17 July 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/R2/2-15: 17 July 1660  - inventory, actual total £982 15s inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1660/R2/16 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1660/R1   30 November 1660
John RAWLINGE, the elder, yeoman, of the Close in the countie of Durham [Elwick Hall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/R1/1-2: 27 January 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/R1/3-4: 27 January 1659  - inventory, actual total £1,010 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £525 12s 6d) endorsed: proved, 30 Nov 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/R3   5 December 1660
Thomas REEDE, saddler, of the Pudding Chaire, towne and countie of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the parrish of Saint Johns [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed
DPRI/1/1660/R3/1-2: 9 July 1660  - inventory of shop goods etc.  with inventory of household goods etc., 16 July 1660, actual total £35 2s 9d endorsed: administration and tuition of [Reed's] children granted, 5 Dec 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/R4   30 November 1660
Margret RIDLEY, widow, of Cockerton [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1660/R4/1-2: 16 November 1660  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 30 Nov 1660 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B11
Bulmer ROGERSON, tanner, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Rodgerson
DPRI/1/1660/R5/1: 24 April 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/R5/2: 24 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £21 8s 6d 
Christofer SANDERSON, mercer, of Gaiteside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1660/S1/1-2: 22 December 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/S1/3: 22 December 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £1,624 17s 9d exhibited, 21 Feb 1661 
Adam SHIPPERDSON, gentleman, esquire, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Addam, Shepperdson, Shipheardson
see bond [T86]
DPRI/1/1660/S2/4: 18 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/S2/1-2: 18 October 1660  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1660/S2/5-8: 18 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £221 2s 9d 
DPRI/1/1660/S2/3: 18 October 1660  - curation bond, penal sum £400 children of deceased: Adam, Robert, Bridget, Barbara, (Isabell) and Margaret Shipperdson 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B86
Isabell SLEIGH, wife of Robert Sleigh, widow, of Barwicke (Berwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Isbrell, Slighe. Died 27 November 1660
DPRI/1/1660/S3/1: 21 November 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/S3/2-7: 21 November 1660  - inventory, actual total £751 17s 8d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John SMITH, yeoman, of West Rainton in the countie of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/S4/1-2: 22 February 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/S5   26 January 1661
Thomas SNOWDON, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Snawdon
see DPRI/4/18 page 7
DPRI/1/1660/S5/1: 3 April 1660  - copy inventory endorsed with memorandum relating that Barbara Snawdon [relict] renounced [and inventory exhibited, 26 Jan 1661] 
Richard STEPHENSON, yeoman, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/S6/1: 12 December 1660  - indented inventory 
Thomas STOUT, skinner, glover, of Elvit (Elvett) [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/S7/1-2: 2 January 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/S8   20 December 1660
Thomas SWANNE, gentleman, of Nether Witton in the county of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]; also spelt Swan
DPRI/1/1660/S8/1-2: 18 September 1660  - nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 20 Dec, 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/S8/3-4: 18 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £221 12s 8d 
Robert TAYLER, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Taylor
DPRI/1/1660/T1/1-2: 6 March 1661  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B84
DPRI/1/1660/T2   31 December 1660
Mathew THOMSON, of Mencforth (Mainsforth) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1660/T2/1-2: 17 December 1660  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 31 Dec 1660 
Symond THURSBEY, blacksmith, of Gaitsehead (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Simon, Thursby
DPRI/1/1660/T3/1-2: 17 January 1661  - inventory 
Cuthbert TODD, of Woodside nere Escombe in the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/T4/1-2: 3 January 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/T5   12 December 1660
William TOMPSON, yeoman, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson. Died March 1658
DPRI/1/1660/T5/1: 21 March 1658  - will endorsed: probate, 12 Dec 1660 
DPRI/1/1660/T5/2: 21 March 1658  - inventory, actual total £38 
John WALLER, blacksmith, of Stainton in the parish of Gaineford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/W1/1-2: January 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1660/W1/3: January 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £19 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 16s) 
Thomas WELSH, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
occupation uncertain (document damaged)
DPRI/1/1660/W2/1-2: undated  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
William WHARTON, mercer, of Bernardscastle (Bernard Castle) in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1660/W3/1-8: 15 September 1660  - inventory 
Thomas WILKINSON, shipwright, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1660/W4/1: 13 September 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/W4/2-6: 13 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £2,721 11s 6d pages numbered: 1660/W4/2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, 6 
DPRI/1/1660/W4/7: 13 September 1660  - memorandum memorandum on torn slip of paper correcting Wilkinson's address from Burlington [Bridlington] to Newcastle 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B75
Arch WILSONE, of parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Archibald
DPRI/1/1660/W5/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1660/W5/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1660/B51
Thomas WOOD, of Borroby in the county of Yorke [Borrowby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Woode
DPRI/1/1660/W6/1-2: 11 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1660/W6/3-4: 11 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £23 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £42 12s) 
DPRI/1/1660/W6/5 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1660/W7   15 December 1660
George WOODMAS, of Whinney (Whinny, Whyny) House, county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]. Died 15 April 1660
DPRI/1/1660/W7/1: 4 March 1660  - will subscribed with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed to testator of £26 4s and 20 pecks (5 bushels) of oats 
DPRI/1/1660/W7/2: 4 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £50 4s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 19s) endorsed: proved, 15 Dec 1660 
Wills etc proved 1661
Reference: DPRI/1/1661
Thomas ADAMES, yeoman, of Long Houghton in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Adams
DPRI/1/1661/A1/1: 27 April 1660  - inventory 
John ADAMSON, the younger, son of John Adamson the elder, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
'who departed this life naturall at or about the Cittie of Durham'
DPRI/1/1661/A2/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas AISLEBEY, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Aisleby
see also DPRI/4/18 page 40
DPRI/1/1661/A3/1: 27 August 1661  - inventory 
Mary ALVEY, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne and parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Marey
DPRI/1/1661/A4/1: 29 May 1656  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/A4/2-3: 29 May 1656  - inventory, actual total £26 17s 
Thomas ANDERSON, yeoman, of Hullerbush in the county of Durham in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/A5/1-2: 19 April 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/A5/3 - wrapper 
Robert ANSLEY, of Throple (Thropple), parish of Mitford in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Aynesley
DPRI/1/1661/A6/1: undated  - inventory 
Alexander ARMORER, gentleman, of parish of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/A7/1: 29 June 1655  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/A8   13 September 1661
Robert ARROWSMITH, of Staindroppe (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/A8/1: 11 September 1661  - inventory administration granted to Barbara Arrowsmith widow, 13 Sep 1661 
Johne ATCHISONE, yeoman, of Fenhame within the countie pallatine of Duresme [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt John, Atcheson
DPRI/1/1661/A9/1-2: 25 December 1660  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1661/A9/3-4: 25 December 1660  - inventory, actual total £19 14s 3d (with account of debts of £36 16s 6d) 
Willyam ATCHISSON, of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Atcheson
DPRI/1/1661/A10/1: undated  - inventory administration granted to Adonella Tyson (formerly Atcheson) 
John ATKINSON, yeoman, of Woodside in the countie of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Atchinson
DPRI/1/1661/A11/1: 10 April 1661  - inventory exhibited, 7 May 1661 
Ralph ATKINSON, yeoman, of Cocklake (Cocklack) in the parish of Midleton in Teasdale (Middelton in Teasdaile) and county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/A12/1-2: 3 February 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/A12/3: 3 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £56 17s (with account of debts of £6 3s) 
Michaell AYRE, yeoman, of Wiserly (Wyserley, Wiserley) in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Michael
see DPRI/4/18 page 33
DPRI/1/1661/A13/1: 30 September 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/A13/2-3: 30 September 1661  - inventory, actual total £95 16s 6d 
Cuthbert BAINBRIGG, pewterer, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bainbrigge
see DPRI/4/18 page 9 (and the administration of Francis Bainbridge of Newcastle, on page 32)
DPRI/1/1661/B1/1: 13 March 1661  - inventory 
Ralph BALES, of chapelry of Bernard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Bayles
see DPRI/4/18 page 37
DPRI/1/1661/B4/1: 13 January 1662  - inventory 
Edward BALL, gentleman, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/B2/1-2: 12 March 1661  - inventory 
Samuell BARKER, one of the soldiers riding in General Monk's Troop of Horse, soldier, Barwicke upon Tweed, Barton nigh Teese in Yorkeshyre within the diocese of Chester [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Barton, Yorkshire]; also spelt Samuel
DPRI/1/1661/B3/1-2: 29 October 1659  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1661/B3/4: 29 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £19 14s inventory of goods etc. at Barton 
DPRI/1/1661/B3/3: 29 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £64 0s 4d inventory of goods etc. at Berwick-upon-Tweed 
Thomas BEDFORD, vicar of Bishop Midleham, clerk, of Nesham (Neesham) Abbey in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 26
DPRI/1/1661/B5/1: 23 February 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/B5/2: 23 February 1660  - inventory, actual total £22 1s 
Thomas BEETHOM, master and mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Betham
DPRI/1/1661/B6/1: 25 March 1660  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/B11   8 October 1661
Williame BEETHONE, tailor, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt William, Bethune, Betham
see Probate Act Book (DPRI/4/18 page 29), 8 Oct 1661
DPRI/1/1661/B11/1-2: 13 September 1658  - will with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed by (15s 6d) and owed to (£4 11s 8d) the testator 
Robert BELL, weaver, of parish of Goatsheed (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/B7/1-2: 8 April 1660  - inventory 
Thomas BELL, of the Bogg House (Boggehouse), parish of Knaresdaile in the county of Northumberland [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/B8/1: 23 November 1660  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/B8/2 - wrapper 
William BELL, yeoman, of the Foule (Fold) Towne of Thirlewall in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/B9/1: 20 November 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/B10   7 March 1662
Robart BELLAMYE, yeoman, of Sherbourne (Sheerburne) within the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Robert, Bellerby, Bellamie, Bellamy
DPRI/1/1661/B10/1-2: 6 May 1658  - will endorsed: proved, 7 Mar [1662] 
DPRI/1/1661/B10/3: 6 May 1658  - inventory, actual total £418 5s 
Ellenor BEWICKE, widow, of the Close House in the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Eleaner
see DPRI/4/18 page 38. Parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1661/B12/1-2: 11 June 1661  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1661/B12/3: 11 June 1661  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1661/B12/4 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1661/B13   7 September 1661
Nicolas BOTCHERBIE, yeoman, Cowlie in the parish of Cockfeild and countie of Durham, Woodland [Cockfield, County Durham; Woodland, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholas, Botcheby, Botchebye
see DPRI/4/18 page 26
DPRI/1/1661/B13/1: 16 December 1660  - inventory administration granted 7 Sep 1661 to Mary Botchebye widow, for the use of Thomas, Elizabeth and Nicholas Botchebye 
John BOWDEN, of Elford in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/B14/1-2: 3 August 1660  - inventory 
John BRACKE, yeoman, of Washington in the county of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Brack, Bracks
DPRI/1/1661/B15/1: 15 May 1661  - indented inventory administration granted to Elizabeth Bracke widow 
John BRASSE, of East Newbiggin in the county pallatine of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 31
DPRI/1/1661/B16/1-2: 1 October 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/B16/3 - wrapper 
Gerard BREWELL, of Togsden (Toggesdon), within the parish of Warckworth in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Browell. Died 20 April 1661
DPRI/1/1661/B17/1: 3 January 1662  - inventory 
Alexander BREWHOUSE, yeoman, of Long Witton in the county of Northumberland and parish of Hartburne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/B18/1: 6 August 1661  - inventory 
John BRICE, infant son of John Brice of Elvett, draper tailor, of Elvett (Elvitt) [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/B19/1: 12 September 1661  - inventory 
Anthony BROWNE, yeoman, of Harraton in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/B20/1: 21 October 1661  - inventory exhibted by Elizabeth Browne, relict 
Edward BROWNE, yeoman, of town of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed in the same brough [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown
DPRI/1/1661/B21/1-2: 11 May 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/B21/3: 11 May 1660  - inventory, actual total £49 8s 
DPRI/1/1661/B21/4: 11 May 1660  - inventory of debts, actual total £25 8s list of debts and funeral charges paid and still unpaid by Elizabeth Browne, relict 
Henry BULMER, younger, plumber, of town [and] county of Newcastell upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bullmor, Bulmur
DPRI/1/1661/B22/1-2: 27 January 1647  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/B22/3 - indented inventory, actual total £2 
John BURNETT, of Hurworth upon Tees in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/B23/1: 13 September 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/B23/2: 13 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £1,063 10s 
John BURRELL, gentleman, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/B24/1-2: 22 March 1647  - will endorsed: 'direct your letter with the Commission to George Burrell of Chibburn [Widdrington]' 
DPRI/1/1661/B24/3-4: 22 March 1647  - inventory, actual total £22 5s 5d date uncertain, corrected from 1666 
Ralph CARNIBY, esquire, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Carnaby
DPRI/1/1661/C1/1-2: 1 February 1661  - inventory 
John CARR, esquire, of Hatton (Hetton) within the county of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Car
see DPRI/4/18 page 17
DPRI/1/1661/C2/1-2: 27 December 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/C2/3: 27 December 1660  - inventory, actual total £334 16s 
DPRI/1/1661/C2/4: 27 December 1660  - inventory no items listed or valued 
Thomas CARR, gentleman, of Hauxley [Warkworth, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 37
DPRI/1/1661/C3/1: 27 June 1657  - will 
Robert CATCHESIDE, yeoman, of Great (Greate) Usworth in the county of Durham [Usworth, County Durham]; also spelt Robart
DPRI/1/1661/C4/1-2: 29 April 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/C4/3: 29 April 1661  - inventory of debts owed to deceased, actual total £182 11s 4d 
DPRI/1/1661/C4/4-5: 29 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £2 8s  with inventory, 15 January 1662, actual total £1 1s 4d  with inventory, 30 January 1662, actual total £18 7s 
Uswald CHAMBERS, of Shilbotle (Shilbottle) in the county of Northumberland [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Uswaud, Oswald
DPRI/1/1661/C5/1: 11 March 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C5/2: 11 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £43 5s (with account of debt, legacies and funeral expenses of £21 15s) 
Reaph CHATOO, of Litell Swinburn (Litle Swinburne) [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph, Chattoe
DPRI/1/1661/C6/1: undated  - inventory 
William CHATTOE, yeoman, of Meldon of the parish of Meldon in the county of Northumberland [Meldon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/C7/1-2: January 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/C7/3: January 1662  - inventory, actual total £130 6s 8d (with account of debts of £20) 
Thomas CLARKE, yeoman, of North Seton (Seaton) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerke
DPRI/1/1661/C8/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C8/2-3: undated  - inventory, actual total £79 
William CLARKE, upholsterer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/C9/1-4: 11 September 1661  - indented inventory 
George CLIFTON, of Cowpan (Cowpon) Beuley [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/C10/1: undated  - inventory 
Gaven CLOUGH, of Heckley (Horkley) in the parish of Alnwick (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/C11/1: February 1659  - inventory 
John COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Great Rylle (Ryle) within the county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/C12/1-2: 2 March 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C12/3: 2 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £16 4s (with account of debts of £17) 
David COLWELL, yeoman, of Colwels Hill (Colelhill, Colwell Hill) in the parish of Elsden and within the county of Northumberland [Otterburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Collwell
DPRI/1/1661/C13/1: 1658  - will endorsed with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed by testator of £14 13s 
DPRI/1/1661/C13/2: 1658  - inventory, actual total £21 18s 4d (with account of debts of £14 13s) dated 11 May 
William COMYN, yeoman, of Helmeden (Helmington) in the parish of St Andrew Awckland and county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Coming
DPRI/1/1661/C14/1-2: June 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/C14/3: June 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £83 9s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 13s 10d) exhibted, 29 June 1661 
Katherine CONYERS, spinster, of New Elvet (Elvett) nigh the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Catherine, Conyars
DPRI/1/1661/C15/1: 24 December 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C15/2-3: 24 December 1661  - inventory, actual total £291 13s 4d 
Alice COOKE, widow, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/C16/1: 23 June 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C16/2: 23 June 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £203 2s 1d 
Jane CORKER, spinster, of Newton Bewley in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/C17/1: undated  - inventory 
Robart CORNFFORTH, waller, of Gaitshed (Gaitshead, Gateshead) in the countie palatin of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Robert, Corneforth, Cornforth
DPRI/1/1661/C18/3-4: 5 October 1649  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C18/1-2: 5 October 1649  - copy will  with inventory, 18 January 1650, actual total £6 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 1s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1661/C18/5 - wrapper 
William COTESFORTH, yeoman, of Blackclough in the forrest in Weredale (Weeredale) within the parish of Stanhoope (Stanhoop, Stanhopp) and county palatine of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Cotsforth
DPRI/1/1661/C19/1-2: 22 April 1661  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1661/C19/3-4: 22 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £147 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 2s 6d) 
John COWMAN, yeoman, of Stanington in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/C20/1: undated  - inventory 
George CRAPNELL, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/C21/1-4: 20 October 1660  - inventory 
Willum CRAW, of Outon (Oughton) in the parishe of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt William
DPRI/1/1661/C22/1: 24 April 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C22/2: 24 April 1658  - inventory, actual total £58 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £3 5s 6d) 
Henry CRAWFORD, of Warkworth (Warckworth) in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Crawforth
DPRI/1/1661/C23/1: 1 December 1647  - inventory 
Martine CRAWFORTH, yeoman, gentleman, of towne of Twedmouth (Tweedmouth, Tweadmouth) in the countie pallatine of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Martin, Crafforth
DPRI/1/1661/C24/1: 2 September 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/C24/2: 2 September 1661  - inventory, actual total £754 7s 2d 
Robert DALE, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/D1/1: 12 June 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/D1/2: 12 June 1660  - inventory, actual total £188 19s 7d (with account of debts of £42) 
George DAVIE, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Davy
DPRI/1/1661/D2/1-2: 22 January 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/D2/3-4: 22 January 1660  - inventory, actual total £89 18s 4d (with account of debts of £99 15s) 
John DAWSON, of North Seton (Seaton) [Seaham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/D3/1-2: 3 May 1659  - inventory 
Roger DENAM, of parish of Bishopton in the county [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/D4/1-2: 27 July 1661  - inventory administration granted to Margaret [Denam], widow 
Christopher DENT, of Awxeide (Auxide) in the parishe of Midleton in Teasdall (Teasdaile) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/D5/1: 6 May 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/D5/2-3: 6 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £63 17s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £7 7s 6d) 
John DENT, yeoman, of Linew in the county of Durham, parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/D6/1-2: 26 August 1661  - inventory 
John DICKINSON, of Dodbury in Garrigill in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/D7/1: 9 October 1661  - inventory 
John DICKSON, traveller, of the Spring House in the parish of Eglescliffe in the county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Dikson
DPRI/1/1661/D8/1-2: 16 October 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/D8/3: 16 October 1661  - inventory, actual total £16 
Raiph DOBSON, merchant, of towne and countye of New (Newcastle) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/D9/1: undated  - inventory 
Peter DODSON, esquire, of Featherstonehaugh (Fetherstonehaugh) in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/D10/1: 10 October 1661  - inventory 
William DUNN, cordwainer, of Silver Street in the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Dunne
DPRI/1/1661/D11/1-2: 2 April 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/D11/3-4: 2 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £118 18s inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Humphrey EARSDEN, yeoman, of Horsley (Longhorsley) in the county of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Humphry
DPRI/1/1661/E1/1: 15 August 1659  - will with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed by testator of £26 16s 6d 
DPRI/1/1661/E1/2: 15 August 1659  - inventory, actual total £48 9s 4d 
Margaret EELS, of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Eeles
DPRI/1/1661/E2/1: 3 May 1661  - inventory 
John EMERSON, skinner, of Gelligate, parish of St Giles in the city of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/E3/1-2: 19 April 1661  - inventory 
George ERRINGTON, master and mariner, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/E4/1: 7 March 1661  - indented inventory 
Chrisstifor FARBRIDGE, of Benwell in the countye of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]; also spelt Christopher
see DPRI/4/18 page 28
DPRI/1/1661/F1/1: 12 March 1662  - indented inventory 
Anthony FARROW, the elder, yeoman, of Littlewhite (Litlewhite) in the towneshipp of Branspeth in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/F2/1: 25 February 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/F2/2-3: 25 February 1661  - inventory, actual total £345 10s 6d 
Thomas FAWCUS, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/F3/1: 29 April 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/F3/2: 29 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £48 10s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12) 
DPRI/1/1661/F4   18 April 1661
Thomas FAWDEN, of [Peirce]bridge [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Fawdon
see DPRI/4/18 page 17
DPRI/1/1661/F4/1-2: undated  - will  with grant of probate and tuition, 18 April 1661 will dated 12 March; with list of debts owed to testator of £239 16s 4d; probate granted by commission at Piercebridge to the executors William Mann and George Clayton, to whom the tuition of the deceased's children Phillip, Cuthbert and George Fawdon was also granted 
DPRI/1/1661/F4/3-4: undated  - inventory, actual total £334 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 5s) with list of legacies and (overleaf) other calculations (damaged); dated on or before 18 Apr 1661 when the inventory was exhibited at Piercebridge 
Elizabeth FLETCHER, widow of Josias Fletcher gentleman, widow, of South Sheeles (Sheeldes) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Josias, Fletcher
for the administration 1661 bond of Josias Fletcher, see DPRI/3/1661/B102
DPRI/1/1661/F5/1: 18 April 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/F5/2: 18 April 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £58 14s 10d inventory of the goods etc. of Josias Fletcher of South Shields gentleman and his wife Elizabeth [deceased] 
Lawrence FLETCHER, yeoman, of Chester in the Streat in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Laurance, Lawrance
DPRI/1/1661/F6/1: 22 February 1659  - will  with codicil, 27 September 1659 
DPRI/1/1661/F6/2: 22 February 1659  - inventory, actual total £159 0s 10d (with account of debts of £12 8s 10d) 
Anthony FORSTER, mariner, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/F7/1-2: 17 April 1660  -  with will 
DPRI/1/1661/F7/3: 17 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £104 11s 2d 
Nicholas FORSTER, gentleman, of Rugly, Alnwick in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Foster
DPRI/1/1661/F8/1-4: 9 December 1659  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was handed over to the executor, 5 Apr 1661 
DPRI/1/1661/F8/5-6: 9 December 1659  - inventory, actual total £115 15s 4d 
Richard FORSTER, esquire, of Newham in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
parish uncertain: Bamburgh prefered over Whalton from evidence drawn from inventory; see DPRI/4/18 page 36
DPRI/1/1661/F9/1: 29 November 1661  - inventory includes goods etc. at Tughall, Brunton, Fleatham and Newham 
Gyles FOSTER, clerk, of chaplery of Hampsterly (Hampsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/F10/1: 10 September 1661  - inventory 
William FRISSELL, mariner, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/F11/1-2: 23 February 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/F11/3: 23 February 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £31 14s 
William GALLEN, yeoman, Cokle (Cockle, Cockell) Parke of the chaplery of Hebborne in the countie of Northumberland, Eland Hall [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland; Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Gallon
DPRI/1/1661/G2/1-4: 23 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £158 8s 1d [inventory includes goods etc. that are listed in the other inventory as being at both Cockle Park and Eland Hall] 
DPRI/1/1661/G2/5: 23 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £100 8s 3d  with inventory, 1661, actual total £22 7s 4d 2 (?incomplete) inventories of goods etc. at Cockle Park and at Eland Hall, Northumberland 
John GALLON, of Alnewicke [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/G1/1: 24 September 1661  - inventory 
John GARRET, of Shilbotle (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/G3/1-2: 10 April 1661  - inventory 
William GIVEINGS, of West Chevington in the county of Northumberland [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Willim, Givins
see DPRI/4/18 page 15
DPRI/1/1661/G4/1: 24 February 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/G4/2-3: 24 February 1659  - inventory, actual total £62 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £28 16s 8d) 
Elizabeth GODDART, widow, of chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Goddarrt, [Goddard]
DPRI/1/1661/G5/1: 1 March 1661  - indented inventory 
John GRAVESON, yeoman, of Rushyfoord (Rushyford) in the countye of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Greavson
DPRI/1/1661/G8/1: 25 February 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/G8/2: 25 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £134 5s 8d 
George GRAY, master and mariner, of parish (chappelry) of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/G6/1-2: 1 February 1661  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to George Gray, son and sole executor, 1 June 1663 
DPRI/1/1661/G6/7: 1 February 1661  - nuncupative codicil 
DPRI/1/1661/G6/3-4: 1 February 1661  - inventory, actual total £67 5s 8d exhibited by Phillis Gray, relict 
DPRI/1/1661/G6/5-6: 1 February 1661  - allegation allegations of George Gray, son and sole executor 
Margaret GRAY, widow, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/G7/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Edward GREENE, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/G9/1: 3 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/G9/2-8: 3 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £2,771 0s 7d order of page reference numbers: 1661/G9/2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 5 
Allexander HALL, gentleman, of Eard Hope (Eardhope) in the county of Northumberland [Holystone, Northumberland]; also spelt Alexander
see DPRI/4/18 page 15
DPRI/1/1661/H1/1-2: 25 January 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H1/3-4: 25 January 1661  - inventory, actual total £74 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £66 5s 2d) 
DPRI/1/1661/H1/5 - wrapper 
Georg HALL, of Birdhopp in the parish of Elsdon in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt George
DPRI/1/1661/H2/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/H3   15 June 1661
John HALL, Akolld (Akald, Aikold) within the parish of Kirknewton, chapelry of Garragill [Kirknewton, Northumberland; Alston, Cumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 21 (15 June 1661)
DPRI/1/1661/H3/1-2: 20 July 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H3/3-4: 20 July 1660  - inventory, actual total £103 
John HALL, sail-maker, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 11 (26 Mar 1661)
DPRI/1/1661/H4/1: 13 August 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H4/2: 13 August 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £279 18s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £278 11s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John HALL, yeoman, of South Sheils (Sheeles) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/H5/1: 26 February 1661  - inventory exhibited by Hall's widow, who also renounced administration, 26 Mar 1661 
DPRI/1/1661/H6   29 March 1661
Ralph HALL, of Grissell (Grissins) Feild in the parish of Elsden in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Raiph
see DPRI/4/18 page 14 (29 Mar 1661)
DPRI/1/1661/H6/1: undated  - inventory administration granted at Morpeth to Jane Hall, relict, also for the use of John, Nicholas, Thomas, Alexander and Dorothy Hall, children 
Thomas HALL, of Blacupp (Blacape, Blacupps) Hall [Elsdon, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 13
DPRI/1/1661/H7/1-2: 1648  - will endorsed: read in court for the plaintiffs [no date but see DPRI/1/1661/H9/1] 
DPRI/1/1661/H7/3: 1648  - inventory, actual total £30 10s 
Thomas HALL, of Ottercops (Ottercropps) within the parish of Elsdonn (Elsdon) and county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 36
DPRI/1/1661/H8/1-2: 15 July 1659  - will read in court for the plaintiffs [no date, but see DPRI/1/1661/H9/1] 
DPRI/1/1661/H9   24 March 1662
William HALL, esquire, of Otterburne [Otterburn, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 41: administration granted by commission to John Hall, nephew and co-executor, 24 Mar 1662
DPRI/1/1661/H9/1: 10 March 1662  - will subscribed with memorandum relating to 23 Sep 1664 Chancery cause: Forster and his wife v Hall 
DPRI/1/1661/H9/2-3: 10 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £90 8s 10d 
DPRI/1/1661/H10   29 March 1661
William HALL, of the Knightsyd (Knightsyde, Knightside) in the parish of Elsdaine (Elsden) and countie of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 14: administration granted to Isabell Hall, relict and universal legatrix, 29 Mar 1661
DPRI/1/1661/H10/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H10/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £10 16s 8d 
Ellinor HARGREAVES, spinster, Ighton Hill in the county of Lancaster, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Whalley, Lancashire; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Eleanor
DPRI/1/1661/H11/1: 2 September 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H11/2: 2 September 1661  - inventory, actual total £100 
Francis HARRISON, skinner, glover, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/H12/1: 30 July 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H12/2: 30 July 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £244 7s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £111 2s 7d) 
John HARRISON, of parish of Elton [Elton, County Durham]; also spelt Harreson
DPRI/1/1661/H13/1: undated  - inventory 
Roger HARRISON, yeoman, of the Easter Goallehill (Gole Hill) in the countie of Durham and parish of Mugglleswick (Mugglleswicke) [Muggleswick, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/H14/1-2: 20 January 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H14/3-4: 20 January 1657  - inventory, actual total £53 
Thomas HARRISON, tanner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harreson
DPRI/1/1661/H15/1: 24 June 1661  - indented inventory exhibited by Elizabeth Harrison, relict 
John HARVY, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Harvie, Hervye, Harvye
DPRI/1/1661/H16/1-2: 24 August 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H16/3-4: 24 August 1659  - inventory, actual total £82 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £30) 
Margarett HATHERINGTON, one of the daughters of Thomas Hatherington of Newcastle upon Tyne yeoman, spinster, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret, Margrett
DPRI/1/1661/H17/2-3: 16 June 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H17/1: 16 June 1655  - copy will 
Henry HAWKESWORTH, scrivener, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hawksworth
ee DPRI/4/18 page 11
DPRI/1/1661/H18/1: 20 March 1661  - indented inventory 
Edward HEARRET, of Chilbottell (Shilbottle) in the county of Northumberland [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearrett, Herriott
DPRI/1/1661/H22/1-2: 8 February 1654  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H22/3: 8 February 1654  - inventory, actual total £30 17s 
Thomas HEBSON, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/H19/1-2: 23 October 1661  - inventory 
Elizabeth HEDLEY, widow, of Lynshall (Linshall) in the chaplery of Tanfeild and county of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/H20/1: 16 February 1644  - nuncupative will 
Stephen HEGG, clerk, of Whitworth in the county of Durham [Whitworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/H21/1: 27 September 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H21/2: 27 September 1661  - inventory, actual total £524 5s 
John HETHERINGTON, of Dilston [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/H24/1: April 1659  - inventory 
William HEWGILL, husband of Katherine Hewgill, tanner, of Gilligate in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Hugill
DPRI/1/1661/H25/1: undated  - inventory of William Hewgill and Katherine his late wife, or eyther of them died possessed of'; but endorsed at the probate registry with only William Hewgill's name 
James HILDRETH, of Thimbleby in the county of Yorke, parish of Osmotherley [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]; also spelt Barbara, Hildreth
DPRI/1/1661/H26/1: 10 November 1660  - inventory endorsed with (damaged) memorandum of probate 
Phillis HIND, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hynd, Hinde
DPRI/1/1661/H27/1: 21 March 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H27/2: 21 March 1661  - inventory, actual total £217 0s 9d 
George HINDMERS, of Dunston [Dunston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/H29/1: 10 June 1661  - inventory 
Thomas HINMARS, of West Wellpington (West Welpington) in Kirke Welpington parish in the county of Northumberland [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Hinmers, Hinmarse, Hemers, Hindmers
DPRI/1/1661/H28/1-2: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H28/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £59 10s (with account of debts of £11 10s) 
Edward HIRDMAN, of Whitfeilde (Whitfeild) and county of Northumberland [Whitfield, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/H31/1: 26 June 1661  - will unsigned by testator; endorsed, 11 July 1661 (?probate) 
DPRI/1/1661/H31/2: 26 June 1661  - inventory, actual total £64 15s 8d (with account of debts of £11 5s) 
Elizabeth HOCKNOWLE, widow, of South Sheeles in the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 pages 10 and 20
DPRI/1/1661/H32/1: 2 March 1661  - indented inventory 
George HODGSHON, yeoman, of Law Widdifield (Low Woodefeild) in the parish of Witton upon Weare in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson
DPRI/1/1661/H33/1: 3 September 1661  - indented inventory 
William HODSHON, esquire, of Winlaton [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson
see DPRI/4/18 page 37
DPRI/1/1661/H35/1-2: 5 February 1662  - inventory 
Christofer HOPPER, yeoman, of Wigside in the parish of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1661/H36/1: 11 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H36/3-4: 11 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £557 0s 4d 
DPRI/1/1661/H36/2: 11 January 1662  - additional inventory, actual total £140 13s exhibited by John Hopper, son and executor 
DPRI/1/1661/H36/5: 11 January 1662  - allegation allegation of John Hopper, near kinsman [?son] and executor, relating to a cause between John Hopper and Ralph Trotter: the dispute followed the probate of the will in common form, when both John Hopper and Ralph Trotter were bound for its execution 
Artchbell HORSBROUGH, of town [of Newcastle upon Tyne] [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Archbald
DPRI/1/1661/H23/1: undated  - indented inventory, actual total £27 1s 6d 
Richard HOTCHON, of West Slightburne [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Richart, Hotchson, Hodgson
see DPRI/4/18 page 23
DPRI/1/1661/H34/1: 10 December 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H34/2: 10 December 1660  - copy inventory, actual total £35 
Robert HUDSON, yeoman, of Ambell in the county of Northumberland [Amble, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/H37/1: 10 January 1660  - will 
Barbry HUNTER, widow, of South Sheles (Sheeles, Sheilds) in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1661/H38/1-2: 16 December 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H38/3: 16 December 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £98 16s 5d 
DPRI/1/1661/H39   7 December 1661
Edward HUNTER, of chappelry of St Hyld, South Sheels (Sheiles) [South Shields, County Durham]
The original written will (made in May 1660) was alleged to have been lost or concealed by either Hunter's widow Barbara or his daughter Margaret Parke. Barbara Hunter died having (?partly) executed the will and entered into her husband's estate but while probate was still under examination. Various legatees submitted evidence relating to the tenor of the written will, some of which evidence followed (?first) probate. While Isaac Hunter, nephew, employed a proctor in this business, neither grant of probate was made to himself: 7 Dec 1661 grant to Barbara Hunter, relict; 10 Feb 1662 grant to Margaret Parke nee Hunter, daughter (see DPRI/4/18 pages 33 and 38).
DPRI/1/1661/H39/6-7: 28 November 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £102 4s 5d 
DPRI/1/1661/H39/1-2: 28 November 1661  - [allegation] [?allegation of Barbara Hunter relict, relating to] the tenor of the will 
DPRI/1/1661/H39/8-9: 28 November 1661  - allegation allegation of Robert Chilton, parish clerk and legatee, and on the part of Isaac Hunter, relating to the tenor of the will; supplemental and subsequent to probate 
DPRI/1/1661/H39/3-4: 28 November 1661  - allegation allegation of Isaac Hunter, nephew and legatee, concerning the tenor of the will 
DPRI/1/1661/H39/5: 28 November 1661  - additional statements additional statements of Isaac Hunter relating to the tenor of the will 
DPRI/1/1661/H39/10-11: 28 November 1661  - tenor of the will [definitive (undated)] tenor of the will as 'it appears by the depositions of wittnesses thereupon sworne and examyned' 
John HURD, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Hird
DPRI/1/1661/H30/1: 24 March 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H30/2: 24 March 1657  - inventory, actual total £63 10s 
Mary HUTCHINSON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/H40/1: 6 December 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/H40/2: 6 December 1660  - inventory, actual total £58 
Raiph HYNDHAUGH, yeoman, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hindhaugh
DPRI/1/1661/H41/1-2: 1 February 1661  - will  with list of debts owed by testator, 24 January 1661 will endorsed with list of debts owed by testator of £243 14s 
DPRI/1/1661/H41/3-4: 1 February 1661  - inventory, actual total £113 3s 2d 
John JACKSON, husband of Margaret Jackson, master and mariner, of South Sheilds (Shields) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/J1/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £24 2s 9d inventory of the goods etc. of John and Margaret Jackson, both deceased; dated 20 Oct 165- 
DPRI/1/1661/J1/1: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. of John and Margaret Jackson [both deceased] 
Robert JAMES, of Acklington (Acklinton), parish of Warckworth in the county of Northumberland [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/J2/1: 1656  - inventory 
John JENKINS, gentleman, of town and chaplery of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Jenkings. Died 21 December 1661
DPRI/1/1661/J3/1-2: 21 December 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/J3/6: 21 December 1661  - nuncupative codicil 
DPRI/1/1661/J3/3-4: 21 December 1661  - allegation allegations of Alice Jenkins relict and administratrix, relating to a cause promoted by her against ... [?Humphrey Jenkins, nephew]; a monition having been issued and the executors having declined to act 
DPRI/1/1661/J3/7: 21 December 1661  - allegation allegations of Michael Jenkins the guardian of Humphrey Jenkins, nephew, introducing the codicil 
DPRI/1/1661/J3/5: 21 December 1661  - inventory, actual total £120 5s 10d 
William KELL, shipwright, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/K1/2-5: undated  - inventory, actual total £217 9s 11d endorsed: administration granted at London, 1659; account [submitted] at Durham, 2 Nov 1661 
DPRI/1/1661/K1/1: undated  - draft exhibited by Alice Jeffryson (Jefferson) of Bishopton, formerly Alice Kell relict [and executrix]; dated before 2 Nov 1661 
DPRI/1/1661/K1/6-7: undated  - account exhibited by Alice Jeffryson (Jefferson) of Bishopton, formerly Alice Kell relict and executrix 
George LAW, the elder, currier, of North Awckland (Bishop Awckland, Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/L1/1-2: 20 October 1658  - copy deed of gift will in the form of a deed of gift 
DPRI/1/1661/L1/3-4: 20 October 1658  - inventory, actual total £13 18s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 5s 4d) 
Nicholas LAWSON, of Cunnyn Garth (Connygate) in the parish of Bothal (Bothall) in the county of Northumberland [Bothal, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/L2/1-2: 24 June 1661  - inventory 
Roger LAWSON, of Meldon within the parish of Mitford in the county of Northumberland [Meldon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/L3/1: undated  - inventory 
William LAWSON, yeoman, of Staindrop (Staindropp) within the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Willyam
DPRI/1/1661/L4/1-2: 19 September 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/L4/5-6: 19 September 1660  - list of debts, actual total £7 5s (with account of debts of £10 16s) (contemporaneous) list of debts owed to (£7 5s) and owed by (£10 16s) testator 
DPRI/1/1661/L4/3-4: 19 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £58 7s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £16 10s) 
Gilbert LIDDELL, fitter, hoastman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/L5/1-2: 2 February 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/L5/3: 2 February 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £147 6s 8d  with inventory, actual total £51 
Ralph LOMAX, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/L6/1: 29 January 1662  - indented inventory 
Thomas MAGGITSON, yeoman, of Whalton within the countye of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Meggitson, Meggetson
DPRI/1/1661/M5/1-2: 11 December 1656  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/M5/3: 11 December 1656  - inventory, actual total £54 10s 
George MARLEY, yeoman, of Engleton (Ingleton) in the county of Durham [Ingleton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/M1/1-2: 18 August 1657  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Cuthbert Marley clerk, son, for the use of Isabell Marley, relict (and sole executrix), 8 May 1661 
DPRI/1/1661/M1/3: 18 August 1657  - inventory, actual total £303 8s 10d 
Edward MARR, the younger, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Mawer
DPRI/1/1661/M2/1: 18 May 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/M2/2-3: 18 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £37 9s 7d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
George MASON, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) West Pans in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]. Died 1 February 1661
DPRI/1/1661/M3/1-2: 24 July 1661  - inventory 
Salomon MASTRICK, gunsmith, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Solomon, Mastricke
DPRI/1/1661/M4/1: 25 July 1661  - indented inventory 
Sir Peter MIDLETON, knight, late of Stockeld in the county of Yorke, also late of Hebburne [Stockeld, Yorkshire; Hebburn, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 28; described as late of Stockeld at head of inventory, but late of Hebburn on contemporary endorsement
DPRI/1/1661/M6/1: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. not administered by John Midleton, pretended administrator, exhibited by John Jackson of Winlaton, pretended creditor 
Anna MILLER, widow, of Berwick (Barwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/M7/1-2: 3 June 1659  - will 
George MITCHELL, yeoman, of Marwood Parke Wall (Hall) within the chappelrie of Barnard Castle and county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Michell
DPRI/1/1661/M8/1: 18 December 1661  - nuncupative will endorsed: Simon Gilpin, vicar of Staindrop, and William Bickerton, vicar of Barnard Castle 
DPRI/1/1661/M8/2-5: 18 December 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £737 19s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £391 14s 5d) 
DPRI/1/1661/M8/6 - wrapper 
George MOFFETT, tanner, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke), Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/M9/1: 9 July 1636  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/M9/2: 9 July 1636  - inventory, actual total £10 
DPRI/1/1661/M9/3 - wrapper 
William MOWBRAY, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mowbrey
DPRI/1/1661/M10/1: 14 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/M10/2: 14 January 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £1,898 11s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Ralph NICHOLSON, house-carpenter, of towen and county of NewCasle upon Tyne in the parrish of St Johns [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/N1/1-4: 12 June 1661  - inventory date uncertain: 1660 or 1661 
Stheven NICHOLSON, of Haddon (Heddon) on the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Stephen
DPRI/1/1661/N2/1: undated  - inventory 
William NICKELSON, yeoman, of the East Nuck (Nooke) in the parish of Elsdon (Elsden) and liberty of Readsdale and within the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Nickellson
DPRI/1/1661/N3/1: 27 August 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/N3/2: 27 August 1655  - inventory, actual total £30 14s 2d 
Robert OGLE, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/O1/1: 25 March 1661  - inventory of the goods etc. of Mable Ogle wife to Robert Ogle deceased; endorsed by probate office, Robert Ogle 
William OSMOUNDERLEY, esquire, of Langrigg (Lang Rigge) in the county of Cumberland [Langrigg and Mealrigg, Cumberland]; also spelt Osmunderley
deceased at Branshaugh in the county of Northumberland
DPRI/1/1661/O2/1-2: June 1657  - will further witnessed, 23 Apr 1660 
DPRI/1/1661/O2/3-4: June 1657  - inventory, actual total £79 6s 8d 
Stephen PALFREY, of Gloster Hill parish of Warckworth in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Palphrey
DPRI/1/1661/P1/1: 20 May 1659  - inventory 
Edmond PARTRIDGE, mariner, of North Sheilds (Sheeles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Partride
DPRI/1/1661/P2/1: 17 March 1662  - inventory 
Isable PATTERSON, relict of William Patterson, widow, of Stannington (Stanington) in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Isabell
DPRI/1/1661/P3/1-2: 3 May 1660  - inventory administration granted to Dorothy Urwen nee Patterson, only daughter 
Hugh PATTISON, blacksmith, of the Whitestone in the parrish of Allandaile [Allendale, Northumberland]; also spelt Hewgh, Patteson
DPRI/1/1661/P4/1: undated  - inventory 
Michiell PATTISON, of Hill House in the parish (chapelry) of Hamsterley (Hampstarley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Michael, Patteson, Michaell, Pattyson
see DPRI/4/18 page 23
DPRI/1/1661/P5/1: 19 April 1660  - will endorsed: not issued, engrossment enlcosed 
DPRI/1/1661/P5/2: 19 April 1660  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1661/P5/3: 19 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £10 0s 8d 
DPRI/1/1661/P5/4-5: 19 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £111 19s 
Elizabeth PEARSON, widow, of Alnwick (Alnewicke, Alnewick) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1661/P6/1-2: 12 December 1649  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/P6/3: 12 December 1649  - inventory, actual total 18s 8d 
William PEARSON, of Haltwisle in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/P7/1: 1 March 1662  - inventory  with letter, undated  with letter, undated, actual total £7 7s inventory subscribed with two letters relating to administration and costs 
DPRI/1/1661/P7/2: 1 March 1662  - account, actual total £7 7s (with discharge of £7 17s) 
Margarett PESCOD, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Pescodd
DPRI/1/1661/P8/1: 30 September 1661  - indented inventory 
Thomas PHILLIPSON, junior, of Rennington, parish of Embleton in the county of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/P9/1: July 1660  - inventory 
Micheall POTS, of Ironhouse in the parish of Elsden (Elsdon) in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Potts
DPRI/1/1661/P10/1: 1654  - inventory 
John PRATT, yeoman, of Tweedmouth (Tweadmouth) in the countie pallatyne of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]. Died 12 May 1661
DPRI/1/1661/P11/1: 7 May 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/P11/2-5: 7 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £196 3s 11d inventory of household and shop goods etc.; dated 15 May 1661 at head, and 19 Oct 1661 at foot 
Robert PRESTON, the elder, plumber, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/P12/1: 13 January 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/P12/2-3: 13 January 1655  - indented inventory, actual total £31 
John RAYNE, of Shipley within the parish of Gainford within the countye of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/R1/3-6: 18 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £253 3s 9d 
DPRI/1/1661/R1/1-2: 18 April 1661  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Rayne, relict, nominating Cuthbert Rayne, eldest son, to administer 
Ann READSHAW, wife of Cuthbert Readshaw, blacksmith, of Gaitsid (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Redshawe
DPRI/1/1661/R3/1: 13 February 1662  - inventory 
William REED, of the Clinch in the county of Northumberland, parish of Hally Stone [Holystone, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 15
DPRI/1/1661/R4/1: 20 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/R4/2: 20 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £260 
DPRI/1/1661/R2   26 March 1661
John REISLEY, barber-surgeon, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reasley
see DPRI/4/18 page 11 (26 Mar 1661)
DPRI/1/1661/R2/1: 14 March 1661  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/R5   3 August 1661
Edward RICHARDSON, of Wolveston (Woolviston) [Wolviston, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 25 (3 Aug 1661); further probate business in Dec 1666
DPRI/1/1661/R5/1: undated  - inventory endorsed: 1666 
William RICHARDSON, of Burnegall (Burnigell, Burnagill) in the parish of Branspeth within the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Richardsonn
see DPRI/4/18 page 32
DPRI/1/1661/R6/1-2: 22 June 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/R6/3: 22 June 1660  - inventory, actual total £690 13s 8d endorsed: tuition - Elizabeth, Margaret, William, John and Robert Richardson [children] 
William RICHARDSON, butcher, of Sedgefield (Sedgfeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 31
DPRI/1/1661/R7/1-2: 9 March 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/R7/3: 9 March 1661  - inventory, actual total £75 15s 6d 
Christopher RIDLEY, the younger, of Haltwesle (Haltwisele) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Christofere
DPRI/1/1661/R8/1: 13 April 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/R8/2: 13 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £7 8s (with account of debts of £7 1s 7d) 
Thomas RIDLEY, of the Low House (Netherhouse of the Woodes) in the parrish of Haltwisle (Haltwhistle) in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/R9/1: 10 March 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/R9/2: 10 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £20 5s 
Martyn RIPPON, of Dicken House (Houss) in the parishe of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Martin
DPRI/1/1661/R10/1: 22 May 1648  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/R10/2: 22 May 1648  - inventory, actual total £67 12s 
DPRI/1/1661/R11   27 July 1661
John ROBINSON, yeoman, of North Auckland (Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Anne, County Durham]
Not found in DPRI/4/18.
DPRI/1/1661/R11/1: 30 March 1657  - will endorsed: proved in solemn form, 27 July 1661 
John ROBINSON, yeoman, of Newton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 17
DPRI/1/1661/R12/1: 6 June 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/R12/2: 6 June 1659  - inventory, actual total £136 10s 4d (with account of debts of £191 13s 4d) 
Thomas ROBINSON, yeoman, of Brotherle (Brother Lee) in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/R13/1-2: 11 March 1662  - inventory 
Gabryel ROBSON, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gabryell, Gabriel
DPRI/1/1661/R14/1-2: 20 March 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/R14/3: 20 March 1661  - inventory, actual total £19 8s 8d 
Robert ROBSON, of Stelloe [Stella, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 24
DPRI/1/1661/R15/1: 15 July 1661  - inventory 
William RODDAM, anchor-smith, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/R16/1-2: 15 November 1661  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Peter RUSSELL, yeoman, of Pittington Hallgarth (Hall Garth) in the countye of Durham [Pittington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/R17/1-2: 5 July 1661  - inventory 
Thomas SADLER, the younger, yeoman, of Langehurst (Langhurst) in the countie of Northumberland [Longhirst, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/S1/1: 28 September 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/S1/2: 28 September 1661  - inventory, actual total £64 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 16s 4d) 
Richard SELBY, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of brough of Bearwick uppon Twead (Berwicke, Barwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/S2/1-2: 13 May 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/S2/3-6: 13 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £1,313 11s 5d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £469 7s 4d) 
Andrew SHIPLEY, yeoman, of Chipchase in the parish of Chollerton and county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/S3/1-2: 3 March 1653  - will  with inventory, 2 May 1661, actual total £38 16s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 10s) 
William SIDGEWICKE, esquire, of Elvett, near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwicke
DPRI/1/1661/S4/1-2: 25 October 1650  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1661/S4/3-4: 25 October 1650  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to John Sidgwicke, son and sole executor, 28 Sep 1661 
John SIMPSON, of Aiklinton (Acklington), parish of Warckworth in the county of Northumberland [Acklington, Northumberland]; also spelt Sympson. Died 1657
DPRI/1/1661/S5/1: undated  - inventory 
Jane SINGLETON, widow, of Framwelgate near the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/S6/1: 22 February 1658  - copy will 
Ralph SINGLETON, anchor-smith, of Sandgate in the county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/S7/1: undated  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1661/S8   6 November 1661
John SISTANCE, solider under major-general Sir Thomas Morgan, army soldier, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 34
DPRI/1/1661/S8/1: 15 September 1660  - nuncupative will 
John SMATHWATE, coal-fitter, of Wermouth Shoare (Munck[wear]moth Shore, Munckwermouth, Warmouth) in the parish of Monke Wermouth (Munckworth) and county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Smaithwaite, Smathwaite
DPRI/1/1661/S9/2: 22 June 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/S9/3: 22 June 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/S9/1: 22 June 1661  - rough calculations on dorse: (part) letter from ... at Berwick-upon-Tweed to [Robert] Newhouse [Durham Register], relating to an excommunication for censures of the church, dated 16 June 1665 
James SMITH, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Smyth
DPRI/1/1661/S11/1: 5 April 1661  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/S11/2: 5 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £182 1s 
Margaret SMITH, widow, of West Rainton in the countie of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Margarett
DPRI/1/1661/S12/1-2: 27 February 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/S12/3: 27 February 1661  - inventory, actual total £99 9s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £18 18s 10d) 
Walter SMITH, yeoman, of Haughton in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Symondburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/S13/1-2: 27 May 1652  - inventory 
William SMITH, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough of Barwick upon Tweede (Barwicke) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Smyth
DPRI/1/1661/S14/1-2: 8 April 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/S14/3: 8 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £154 4s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Giles SMYTH, of Windgates (Windgate), parish of Longhorseley [Wingate, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/S10/1: 7 January 1661  - inventory 
Parcivall SNAWDON, yeoman, of Whitton within parish of Rothbury in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Parsivell
DPRI/1/1661/S15/1-2: 20 December 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/S15/3: 20 December 1660  - inventory, actual total £9 13s (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s) 
William SPENCELEY, of Bishop Awckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/S16/1: 8 April 1661  - inventory of household and shop goods etc.; administration granted to Elizabeth Spenceley widow 
Edward SPENCER, mercer, of Gatesyde (Gateside, Gateshead) in the countye of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/S17/1: 5 June 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/S17/2: 5 June 1660  - inventory, actual total £1,385 19s 1d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John SPOOR, of Craister [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Spoore
DPRI/1/1661/S18/1: 1 April 1661  - inventory 
William STANLEY, of Lesbury [Lesbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/S19/1: undated  - inventory 
James STEAVENSON, waller, bricklayer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Stewenson, Stevenson
DPRI/1/1661/S20/1-2: 27 September 1660  - will  with inventory, 13 January 1662, actual total £56 14s 3d 
Cuthbert STOBERT, of Dillston (Dilston) in the parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Stobbert
DPRI/1/1661/S21/1: April 1660  - inventory dated (?5) Apr 1660 
James SWAN, gentleman, of Nether Witton (Woolton) in the countie of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]; also spelt Swann
DPRI/1/1661/S23/1-2: 25 October 1661  - renunciation renunciation of Margret Swan, relict, with her consent to a preceding grant of administration to Dorothy Sharp, mother 
DPRI/1/1661/S23/3-4: 25 October 1661  - inventory, actual total £113 16s 8d 
DPRI/1/1661/S22   25 October 1661
Edward SWANN, tailor, of towen and county of NewCastle upon Tyne in the parrish (chapelry) of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Swanne
DPRI/1/1661/S22/1-2: 7 October 1661  - inventory endorsed: administration granted to Katherine Swann widow, 25 Oct 1661 
Francis TAYLER, yeoman, of Highebitchburne (High Bitchburne) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/T1/1-2: 21 August 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/T1/3-4: 21 August 1661  - inventory, actual total £251 14s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £49 1s 6d) 
John TAYLOR, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/T2/1-2: 7 May 1661  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Robert TAYLOR, of North Seaton [Seaham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/T3/1-2: 2 June 1656  - inventory 
John TEASDAILE, skinner, of Crosgaite near the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/T4/1-2: 18 October 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/T6   27 June 1661
Robert THOMPSON, clerk, of Gatesid (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 22 (27 June 1661)
DPRI/1/1661/T6/1-2: 15 December 1660  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/T7   12 September 1661
Robert THOMPSON, of Ryhopp in the parish of Bishoppwermouth [Ryhope, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 26 (12 Sep 1661)
DPRI/1/1661/T7/1: 12 March 1641  - nuncupative will 
Christopher TOD, yeoman, of Lambton (Lampton) in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Todd
DPRI/1/1661/T8/1-2: 25 June 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/T8/3: 25 June 1661  - inventory, actual total £28 13s 8d 
Jaine TODD, alias Wintropp, beggar, widow, of Melden in the county of Northumberland [Meldon, Northumberland]; also spelt jane
Todd was itinerant - 'a poore beggar travelling abroad to seeke her liveing' - and died at Melden in the house of John Hindemers who had taken her in.
DPRI/1/1661/T9/1: September 1659  - nuncupative will 
John TOMPSON, of the Brisley, parish of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1661/T5/1: 4 June 1658  - inventory 
William TONSTALL, of Coetam (Cotam Mundevale, Coatham) [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Tonstoll, Tunstall
DPRI/1/1661/T10/1-2: 23 November 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/T10/3: 23 November 1659  - inventory, actual total £130 
Frances TROTTER, wife of John Trotter of Auckland St Andrew, mercer, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/T12/1: 6 February 1662  - inventory exhibited by John trotter, 6 Feb 1662 
John TROTTER, of Bollam (Bolam) []
See DPRI/4/18 page 23. Parish and county uncertain: Bolam parish, Northumberland or Bolam chaplery in Gainford parish, County Durham.
DPRI/1/1661/T13/1: 29 June 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/T13/2: 29 June 1660  - inventory, actual total £103 19s 8d 
DPRI/1/1661/T13/3 - wrapper 
Mary TROTTER, widow, of Escombe in the county of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/T14/1: 12 January 1660  - inventory 
Christopher TRUMBLE, of Ord in the countie pallintine of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/T15/1-2: 16 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/T15/3: 16 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £129 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £10 3s) 
George TRUMBLE, butcher, of parishe of Gatsheed (Gateside, Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/T16/1: 13 April 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/T16/2: 13 April 1658  - inventory, actual total £2 17s 6d 
Thomas TRUWHAT, yeoman, of Great Lumley within the county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Trewhatt, Trewhat
DPRI/1/1661/T11/1: 11 April 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/T11/2-3: 11 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £36 5s 
Edward URPETH, of Whitton in the parish of Rothbury and county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/U1/1: 25 November 1659  - inventory 
Ann VEPOND, widow, of chapelry of Garragill [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/V1/1: 9 August 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/V2   15 June 1661
John VEPOUND, of Fewsteades (Fewsteads) in Aldston More [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vepond
DPRI/1/1661/V2/1: 9 March 1645  - inventory administration granted with the consent of Ursula Vepound widow to Richard Vepound, son, 15 June 1661 
Robert WAITHMAN, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wathman
DPRI/1/1661/W1/1-2: 7 May 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W1/3: 7 May 1660  - inventory, actual total £449 8s 
Jane WALKER, spinster, of Swainston in the parish of Sedgefield and county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/W2/1: 23 July 1661  - inventory 
John WALKER, tanner, of Northe Auckland (Bishope Auckland, Awkland) in the countye of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Johne
DPRI/1/1661/W3/1-2: 4 December 1652  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W3/3-4: 4 December 1652  - inventory, actual total £172 10s 6d 
Ralph WALKER, the elder, tanner, of North Auckland (Bishop Auckland, Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Raiph
DPRI/1/1661/W4/1: 5 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W4/2: 5 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £177 11s 4d 
Henry WALL, hoastman, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/W5/1: 31 January 1661  - inventory 
Edward WALLIS, yeoman, of South Sheildes (Sheilds) Panns in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/W6/1: 20 October 1653  - inventory 
William WALLIS, soldier, of Humbleton within the chappelry (parish) of Dodington in the county of Northumberland [Doddington, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallace
Wallis was 'goeing as a souldier to fight in his late Ma[jes]ties service'.
DPRI/1/1661/W7/1-2: 17 July 1643  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/W7/3: 17 July 1643  - inventory, actual total £36 inventory of Wallis' will (i.e. legacies) 
Allan WALTON, of Flatt, Garrigill, in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Allon
see DPRI/4/18 page 25
DPRI/1/1661/W8/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W8/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £45 
Jaine WALTON, wife of Richard Walton, widow, of Snape[rgill] (Snappergill) ... [Al]dstonmore and countye of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Jane
DPRI/1/1661/W9/2: 30 April 1661  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to testatrix of £38 19s 8d 
DPRI/1/1661/W9/1: 30 April 1661  - inventory 
Thomas WALTON, yeoman, of Leehouse (Lee House) in Aldstonmor and countye of Cumberland, chapelry of Garragill [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/W10/1: 8 December 1635  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W10/2: 8 December 1635  - inventory, actual total £8 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 3s) year of inventory uncertain (damaged), but endorsed 1661 
Robert WALTON, of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/W11/1: 30 April 1661  - inventory 
Robert WANLES, yeoman, of Cawsey Parke in the parishe of Haborne (chapelry of Hebborne) in the countye of Northumberland [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]. Died 10 October 1660
DPRI/1/1661/W12/3-4: 24 May 1660  - will (damaged) date confirmed by item 1661/W12/1; will is unsigned and unsealed 
DPRI/1/1661/W12/2: 24 May 1660  - inventory, actual total £243 19s 8d 
DPRI/1/1661/W12/1: 24 May 1660  - allegation allegations of William Wilson relating to a cause to prove the will in solemn form: William Wilson v near blood relations of the deceased 
William WARD, senior, gentleman, of Hurworth upon Teese (Tease) in the county pallatine of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/W13/1-2: 10 February 1662  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Marmaduke Ward, sole executor, 27 Feb 1662 
DPRI/1/1661/W13/3: 10 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £633 10s 
Lancelott WARDEL, woollen-draper, of towne [of] Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Wardall, Wardell
DPRI/1/1661/W14/1-2: 27 August 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W14/3-5: 27 August 1661  - inventory, actual total £724 3s 6d (with account of debts of £515 15s 11d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John WATSON, yeoman, of parish of Witton Gilbert in the county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Wattson
Watson was buried 28 Jan 1644
DPRI/1/1661/W15/1: 23 January 1644  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W15/2: 23 January 1644  - inventory, actual total £19 18s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5) 
Anthony WHARTON, gentleman, of Renton Pit Howesis (Rainton Pitt Houses) in the peresh of Haughton in Spring in the counte of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/W16/1: 6 June 1661  - inventory endorsed with list of (?debts) of £12 17s 10d 
DPRI/1/1661/W16/2 - wrapper 
Milles WHITE, yeoman, of Hawthorne in the county of Durham [Hawthorn, County Durham]; also spelt Miles
DPRI/1/1661/W17/1-2: 9 February 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W17/3-4: 9 February 1659  - inventory, actual total £358 10s 7d 
Mathew WHITFIELD, blacksmith, of Bishop Awckland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Matthew, Whitfeild
DPRI/1/1661/W18/1-2: 23 October 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1661/W18/3-4: 23 October 1661  - inventory, actual total £94 7s 6d 
Nicholas WILKESON, hardwareman, of Gateside in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1661/W21/1: 19 December 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/W21/2-3: 19 December 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £337 7s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £166 3s 4d) 
James WILKINSON, yeoman, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/W20/1: 5 December 1661  - indented inventory 
Thomas WILSON, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/W22/1: 24 July 1661  - indented inventory 
William WOOD, of Tunstall in the perish of Bushop Wearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1661/W23/1: 29 March 1658  - will endorsed with memorandum relating that administration was requested by Mary Ayre, daughter 
DPRI/1/1661/W23/2: 29 March 1658  - inventory, actual total £51 
Abigall WRIGHT, wife of Richard Wright of Newcastle, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Abigail, Wrightt
DPRI/1/1661/W24/1-2: 5 November 1661  - inventory 
Gilbert WYLDBORE, vicar of Heighington, clerk, of Schoole Aickcliffe, Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Wildbore. Died 19 July 1661
DPRI/1/1661/W19/2-3: 24 July 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1661/W19/1: 24 July 1661  - copy inventory 
Andrew YOUNG, of the Blacklawe (Blackelawe, Blacklaw) in the parish of Simonburne (Simondburne) [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1661/Y1/1: 25 February 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1661/Y1/2: 25 February 1658  - inventory, actual total £8 15s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d) 
George YOUNG, tanner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge
DPRI/1/1661/Y2/1: 5 February 1661  - inventory 
Wills etc proved 1662
Reference: DPRI/1/1662
Christobella AINSLEY, relict of Tobias Ainsley of Staindrop, widow, of Staindrop (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Christabell, Aynesley, Christabella, Ainley
DPRI/1/1662/A1/1-2: 29 December 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/A1/3-4: 29 December 1659  - inventory, actual total £55 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12) 
Thomas ANDERSON, yeoman, of Eldon (Elden) in the county of Durham [Eldon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/A2/1: 8 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/A2/2: 8 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £35 11s (with account of funeral expenses of £4) 
Thomas APLETON, of Belsay in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/A3/1: 3 December 1661  - inventory with (incomplete) memorandum relating that administration was granted to Ann [?Apleton] 
Henry APPLEBY, soldier, of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]. Died 1654
Appleby died in Scotland 'about six years since'.
DPRI/1/1662/A4/1: undated  - inventory 
William APPLEBY, yeoman, of Wharleton (Whorleton, Whorlton) in the countie of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/A5/1-2: 15 January 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/A5/3-4: 15 January 1657  - inventory, actual total £79 3s 3d 
Jane ARCHER, widow, of Blackehouse in Aldstonmore and in the county of Cumberland, parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/A6/1-2: 14 October 1645  - will  with inventory, 9 November 1645, actual total £12 10s 
John ARCHER, of Haukwell (Hawkswell) [Stamfordham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/A7/1: 27 March 1663  - inventory 
Thomas ARCHER, a young man without charge of wife or children, bachelor, of parishe of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/A8/1: undated  - inventory 
Anne ARROWSMITH, widow, of Gateside (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Thomas, Arrowsmith
DPRI/1/1662/A9/1-2: 6 June 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/A9/3: 6 June 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £106 2s 10d inventory of the goods etc. of Thomas Arrowsmith and Ann Arrowsmith his wife 
John ATKINSON, yeoman, of Newbigging (Nubiging, Newbiggin) in the parrish of Lanchester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/A10/1-2: 26 April 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/A10/3-4: 26 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £82 19s 8d 
Lanclott ATKINSON, yeoman, of Helmparke (Helme Parke) in the countie of Durham, parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Lancelot, Launclot, Atkeinson
DPRI/1/1662/A11/1-2: February 1651  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/A11/3-4: February 1651  - inventory, actual total £153 2s 8d 
Raph ATKINSON, yeoman, of Newbigin (Newbiggin) in the parish of Lanchester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1662/A12/1-2: 26 November 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/A12/3: 26 November 1661  - inventory, actual total £189 10s 
DPRI/1/1662/A12/4: 26 November 1661  - list of debts owed to testator, actual total £132 18s 6d 
Robert ATKINSON, house-carpenter, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/A13/1: 4 April 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/A13/2: 4 April 1659  - indented inventory, actual total £60 
Edward BAINBRIGG, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bainbrig
DPRI/1/1662/B1/1-2: 19 November 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B1/3: 19 November 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £223 1s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Charles BARKER, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/B3/1-2: 2 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B3/4-5: 2 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £70 1s 
DPRI/1/1662/B3/3: 2 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £992 3s 9d (with account of debts of £364 15s) inventory of Barker's 1/4 share of stock in partnership with Mark Milbanke and Gabriel Fulthorpe 
Henry BAWCOCK, yeoman, of Winston in the county of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Baucock, Baucocke, Backcuke
DPRI/1/1662/B2/1-2: 12 February 1652  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B2/3: 12 February 1652  - inventory, actual total £100 11s 8d 
George BEACROFT, the elder, of parish of St Giles nigh the cittie of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Beecroft
DPRI/1/1662/B4/1: undated  - inventory 
Walter BELL, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/B5/1-2: 9 February 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B5/3: 9 February 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £23 3s 6d 
DPRI/1/1662/B6   April 1662
George BLAIDES, gentleman, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Blaids
see DPRI/4/18 page 44 (Apr 1662)
DPRI/1/1662/B6/1-2: 11 November 1661  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Gabriel Jackson, sole executor, 5 Feb 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/B6/5: 11 November 1661  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1662/B6/3-4: 11 November 1661  - account, actual total £561 14s 8d (with discharge of 558 13s 6d) exhibited, 12 Jan 1667 
Margrat BLINKENSOPP, widow, of Ashclugh in the parish of Hatwisell and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Margrett, Margaret, Blenkinsopp
DPRI/1/1662/B7/1: 20 November 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B7/2: 20 November 1660  - inventory, actual total £21 5s 
Matthew BLITHMAN, of Shildon in the parish of St Andrew Auklande (Awckland) [Shildon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/B8/1: 11 March 1662  - will with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed to testator of £25 19s 
DPRI/1/1662/B8/2-3: 11 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £55 8s (with account of debts of £25 19s) 
John BOLAM, yeoman, of Alnham (Alneham) in the county of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/B9/1: 11 June 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B9/2: 11 June 1662  - inventory, actual total £47 (with account of debts and funeral charges of £10 11s) 
Bartholomew BOLTON, weaver, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/B10/1: 1 April 1662  - inventory 
Thomas BONNER, yeoman, of Lowick (Lowicke) within the county of Northumberland [Lowick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/B11/1: 27 March 1662  - inventory administration granted to Elizabeth Bonner, widow 
Ann BOWMAN, of Emesough (Eamsough) in Aldstonmore, parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/B12/1: 7 November 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B12/2-3: 7 November 1661  - inventory, actual total £19 10s 
Lionell BOWMAN, of Hamsowge (Hemsough, Hemscouge) in the parrish of Aldston in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Lyonell
DPRI/1/1662/B13/1-2: 18 January 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B13/3: 18 January 1655  - inventory, actual total £28 13s 4d (with account of debts of £70) 
John BRIGGS, yeoman, of Peth Housse (Pee House, Houses) in Lanchester parish in the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Brigs
DPRI/1/1662/B14/1-2: 13 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B14/3: 13 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £47 12s 6d 
Jhone BROCKET, of Bedlingtone (Bedlington) [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt John, Brockett. Died 16 July 1662
see DPRI/4/18 page 65
DPRI/1/1662/B15/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/B16   29 May 1662
Edward BROWNE, of Langton in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 46 (24 May 1662) [but see endorsement to 1661/B16/1]
DPRI/1/1662/B16/1: undated  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 29 May 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/B17   2 March 1663
Frances BROWNE, of Winelston (Windleston) in the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Windlestone, County Durham]; also spelt Frences
DPRI/1/1662/B17/1: 6 February 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/B17/2: 6 February 1663  - inventory, actual total £85 date in Feb 1663 uncertain (damage); endorsed: proved, 2 Mar 1663 
Robert BROWNE, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/B18/1: 22 September 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/B19   26 January 1663
Thomas BROWNE, of Parke Head (Parkehead) in the parish of Allenton (Allanton) [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Broune
DPRI/1/1662/B19/1-2: undated  - nuncupative will dated 8 May 'last past' [?1662] 
DPRI/1/1662/B19/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £17 0s 6d 
DPRI/1/1662/B19/4-5: undated  - commission to Thomas Coates, curate of Rothbury, and Ralph Carr, vicar of Alnham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Thomas Clennell esquire, and also to grant to him the tuition of Jane Browne, daughter; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will and examine them; commission executed by Cotes, 26 Jan 1663 
Nicholas BRYAN, of parish of St Mary the Virgin North Baley, citty of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/B20/1: undated  - inventory 
William BUDDELL, yeoman, of Nethertown (Netherton) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Allanton [Alwinton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/B21/1-2: 6 April 1662  - inventory 
Robert BURDON, husband of Allis Burdon, of chapelry of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/B22/1: 16 September 1662  - inventory joint inventory of the goods etc. of Robert and Allis Burdon 
Henry BUSBY, of Cassope (Cassop) [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/B23/1: 24 February 1651  - inventory 
Leonard CALVERT, of chapelry of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/C1/1: 14 August 1662  - inventory 
John CARR, of Hauxley Linkhouse (Linke House) in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/C2/1: 2 February 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C2/2-3: 2 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £44 9s 2d (with account of debts of £6 12s) 
Henry CARTER, executor of Isabell Carter, of Gainford (Gaineford) [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/C3/1: 13 October 1662  - inventory this inventory was exhibited 9 Feb 1663 with the inventory of the goods etc. of Peter and his wife Isabell Carter left unadministered by Henry Carter, executor of Isabell Carter, see - DPRI/1/1662/C3/2-4 
Peter CARTER, husband of Isabell Carter, of Gainford (Gaineford) [Gainford, County Durham]
see bond DPRI/3/1662/B184
DPRI/1/1662/C3/2-4: undated  - inventory, actual total £1,212 17s inventory of the goods etc. of Peter Carter of Gainford left unadministered by his relict Isabell Carter and then also left unadministered by her executor Henry Carter, all now deceased. The inventory distinguishes between debts owed to Peter Carter and those owed to Isabell; exhibited with the 9 Feb 1663 inventory of Henry Carter, see - DPRI/1/1662/C3/1 
Margret CHAIMBERLING, widow, of Swallwell [Swalwell, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Chamberlaine
DPRI/1/1662/C4/1: 25 February 1663  - inventory 
Thomas CHARLETON, of Stokoe (Stoco) of the chapelrie of [Bell]ingham and countie of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charlton
DPRI/1/1662/C5/2-3: 4 July 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/C5/4: 4 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £16 10s 8d inventory total includes total of later additional inventory (see DPRI/1/1662/C5/5) 
DPRI/1/1662/C5/1: 4 July 1662  - additional inventory 
Ambrose CHILTON, of Dalton Peircie in the countie of Durham, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/C6/1: 4 December 1662  - inventory 
John CLARKE, yeoman, of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/C7/1-2: 27 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C7/3: 27 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £123 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £172 4s) 
Thomas CLARKE, master and mariner, of Gateshead (Gateside) [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/C8/1-2: 28 January 1663  - inventory 
Robert COLLIN, of Long Newton [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Colling
DPRI/1/1662/C10/1-2: 4 August 1662  - inventory 
John COLLING, of Longnewton (Long Newton) [Longnewton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/C9/1-2: 13 July 1658  - inventory 
John COLLINGWOOD, locksmith, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/C11/1: 20 January 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C11/2: 20 January 1658  - indented inventory, actual total £9 3s 2d 
Martin COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Shipley and parishe of Eglingham in the county of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Martine
DPRI/1/1662/C12/3: 15 January 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/C12/1-2: 15 January 1662  - allegations allegations of Margaret Collingwood relict 
DPRI/1/1662/C12/5-6: 15 January 1662  - interrogatories interrogatories of George Collingwood gentleman, brother, to the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of Margaret (?Bartiun) alias Collingwood, relict; endorsed with memorandum that the court's sentence was given against the nuncupative will, and that administration was granted to the brother (George Collingwood) 
DPRI/1/1662/C12/4: 15 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £27 
DPRI/1/1662/C12/7 - wrapper 
Thomas COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Glanton of Whittingham within the county of Northumberland [Glanton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/C13/1-2: 15 March 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C13/3: 15 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £19 2s 
DPRI/1/1662/C13/4: 15 March 1660  - renunciation renunciation of Kathren Collingwood, relict and executrix, nominating Robert Collingwood, brother, to take out administration for the use of herself and Thomas, John and Henry Collingwood, children 
William COLWELL, yeoman, of Colwelhill (Colwell Hill) in the parish of Elsden and county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/C14/1: 26 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C14/2: 26 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £5 10s (with account of debts of £10 9s) 
George COOKE, of parish of Gatsid (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/C15/1-2: 16 February 1663  - inventory 
John COSYN, member of the Free Drapers of Newcastle, draper, Walls End (Walsend) in the county of Northumberland, Key Syde in the towne and countye of NewCastle upon Tyne [Wallsend, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/C16/1-7: 17 July 1661  - copy will  with copy, 17 March 1662 with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Jane Cosyn, relict and George Morton, son-in-law at probate 
DPRI/1/1662/C16/8: 17 July 1661  - inventory, actual total £81 3s 8d 
Stephen COULSON, yeoman, of Ryton Woodside (Woodsyde) in the parish of Ryton and county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Gabriel. Died 26 May 1660
DPRI/1/1662/C17/1-2: 18 March 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C17/3: 18 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £85 8s 2d  with inventory, 15 June 1660, actual total £14 Second inventory is of goods etc. at Wolsingham. Endorsed (?in error) with date, 13 June 1660 
Cuthbart COWARDE, yeoman, of East Chevington in the countye of Northumbarland [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert, Coward
DPRI/1/1662/C18/1-2: 12 December 1661  - inventory 
Cuthbert COXSONE, yeoman, of High Heigh Law (Heighley) in the parish of Mitford in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Coxson, Coxon
DPRI/1/1662/C19/1-2: 17 August 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C19/3: 17 August 1662  - inventory, actual total £28 8s 4d (with account of debts of £9 8s) 
John CRAVEN, yeoman, of Pictre (Picktree) in the parish of Chester in the Street and county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Cravene
see DPRI/4/18 page 49
DPRI/1/1662/C20/1-2: 11 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C20/3-4: 11 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £103 1s 3d (with account of debts of £22 10s) 
Thomas CROZER, yeoman, of the Parke within the parish of Aldstone and county of Camberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Croser, Crosier
DPRI/1/1662/C21/1-2: 12 September 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/C21/3: 12 September 1661  - inventory, actual total £23 (with account of debts of £2) 
Christofer CURREY, of Blanchland within the parishe or chaplerie of Shotley in the county of Northumberland [Blanchland, Northumberland]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1662/C22/1: 2 October 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/C22/2-3: 2 October 1662  - list of debts owed to testator, actual total £37 1s 10d 
John DAVISON, yeoman, of Spitle (Speitell, Spittle) in the countye pallatyne of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Johen, Daveson
DPRI/1/1662/D1/1: 24 May 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/D1/2-5: 24 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £110 9s 6d order of pages: 1662/D1/2, 4, 5, 3 
Margrett DAWSON, widow, of Clargill within the parish of Alstone (Alston) and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1662/D2/1-2: 10 July 1662  - will  with inventory, 24 July 1662, actual total £24 7s 3d 
William DAWSONE, of Cambos, Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]. Died 3 July 1662
DPRI/1/1662/D3/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Christofer DICKON, yeoman, of Haughton in the countye of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1662/D4/1-2: 6 February 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/D4/3: 6 February 1663  - inventory, actual total £338 0s 1d 
Anne DOBINSON, spinster, of towneship of Willington in the parish of Branspith (Branspeth) in the county of Durham [Willington, County Durham]; also spelt An
see DPRI/4/18 page 42
DPRI/1/1662/D5/1-2: 21 January 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/D5/3: 21 January 1663  - inventory, actual total £480 8s 
Mabell DODD, spinster, of Lincegreen (Lynts Green, Lince Greene) in the county of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Dod
DPRI/1/1662/D6/1-2: 30 April 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/D6/3: 30 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £40 (with account of funeral expenses of £10) 
Richard DUNN, of towne and parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Dunne
DPRI/1/1662/D7/1: 2 January 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/D7/2: 2 January 1660  - inventory, actual total £415 4s 11d 
Robert EDEN, esquire, of Windleston in the countye of Durham, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Windlestone, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/E1/1: 26 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/E1/2: 26 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £1,465 13s 1d 
Brian EMERSON, of Bridg (Bridge) House in the parish of Midleton in Teasdale (Teasdall) within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/E2/1-2: 2 October 1662  - inventory endorsed: administration granted to Isabell [Emerson] widow, who was also appointed tutor to John, Brian, Thomas, Arthur and Jane Emerson, children 
Thomas EMERSON, yeoman, of Easterblackedeane in Weredaile in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/E3/1: 24 October 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/E3/2: 24 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £38 8s 6d dated 26 Mar [?1662] 
William EMERSON, yeoman, of Ireshoopburne in Weardall (Ireshoopeburne in Weardale) within the chappelry of St Johns in Weredale in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1662/E4/1-2: 14 October 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/E4/3-4: 14 October 1657  - inventory, actual total £68 10s 
Anne ERRINGTON, widow of William Errington of Hepscott gentleman, widow, of Hepscot (Hepscott, Hepscote) in county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/E5/1-2: 19 December 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/E5/3: 19 December 1661  - inventory, actual total £26 2s 1d 
Richard FARLAMBE, yeoman, of Steele Hall (Steelhall) within the parish of Slealey within Bywell lordshipp in the countie of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Farlamb
DPRI/1/1662/F1/1: 11 April 1654  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/F1/2: 11 April 1654  - inventory, actual total £129 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 3s 10d) 
Jeremiah FENCE, mariner, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/F3/1: 19 July 1662  - indented inventory 
Ambrosse FENWICKE, of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Ambrose
DPRI/1/1662/F4/1-2: 2 October 1662  - inventory administration granted to Margaret [Fenwicke] widow 
Thomas FEWLER, yeoman, of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/F5/1: 7 April 1662  - inventory 
William FLEATHAM, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/F6/1-2: 19 March 1662  - inventory endorsed: 'Elizabeth Fleatham to have administration but first to bringe 2 bondsman and then it will be doone. The fees will be 20s' 
John FORSTER, of Beadnall (Beadnell), parish of Balmebrough in the county of Northumberland [Beadnell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/F7/1-2: 19 January 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/F7/3-4: 19 January 1657  - inventory, actual total £15 3s 4d 
Mathew FORSTER, yeoman, of Hetton in the Hole in the countie of Durham [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Mathewe, Foster
DPRI/1/1662/F10/1-2: 22 December 1653  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/F10/3: 22 December 1653  - inventory, actual total £32 1s 8d 
Robert FOSTER, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster
DPRI/1/1662/F8/1-2: 3 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/F8/3: 3 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £300 13s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £59 15s 2d) 
Jhone FOSTER, of Netherton, parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt John, Forster. Died 20 March 1663
DPRI/1/1662/F9/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Robert FOSTER, gardener, of Gretham (Greatham) in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/F11/1: 1 May 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/F11/2-3: 1 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £29 1s 
Thomas FOSTER, yeoman, of Haselden (Cold Hesledon, Could Heselden) in the countie of Durham and of the parishe of Dallton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/F12/1-2: 26 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/F12/3-4: 26 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £172 10s 4d 
William FRIESELL, gentleman, of Milburnegate within the suburbs of the citty of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret and parish of St Oswald [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/F13/1-2: 18 February 1663  - inventory 
William GAINFORTH, of West Awckeland (Awckland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Gaineforth
DPRI/1/1662/G1/1-2: 8 April 1662  - inventory administration granted to Dorothy Midleton and Elizabeth Ayre, daughters 
Nicholas GALLYLEY, of chapelry of Tanfeild, parish of Chester [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Gallilee, Galiley
DPRI/1/1662/G3/3: 18 September 1662  - inventory, actual total £190 1s 8d 
DPRI/1/1662/G3/1: 18 September 1662  - monition monition to Mary Galiley, relict, and other blood relatives relating to a grant of administration to William Galiley, son; executed at Tanfield, 9 Nov 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/G3/2: 18 September 1662  - renunciation renunciation of Mary Gallilee, relict, nominating her son William Gallilee to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1662/G3/4 - wrapper 
John GAYRE, yeoman, of Great Ryall of the parish of Whitingham (Whittingham) and countie of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Gaire, Gare
DPRI/1/1662/G2/1-2: April 1658  - nuncupative will administration granted to Mark Gayre, son 
DPRI/1/1662/G2/3-4: April 1658  - inventory, actual total £86 9s 6d (with account of debts of £31) 
DPRI/1/1662/G4   13 June 1662
John GELSON, rough mason, of Lanchester in the parrish of Lanchester in the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/G4/1: 12 June 1662  - inventory administration granted to Ann Gelson relict, 13 June 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/G5   8 July 1662
Richard GIBSON, of Greatwhitington (Great Whittington) in the county of Northumberland [Halton, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 51 (8 July 1662)
DPRI/1/1662/G5/1: 8 January 1662  - inventory 
William GIBSON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibsonn
DPRI/1/1662/G6/1-2: 26 October 1660  - will Reference number DPRI/1/1662/G6/3 no longer exists. The item had been filed and numbered incorrectly, and is now correctly filed at DPRI/2/1662/V1 and renumbered DPRI/1/1662/V1/3. 
DPRI/1/1662/G6/4-6: 26 October 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £51 9s 10d 
John GILL, gentleman, of Hawghton (Haughton) in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/G7/1-2: 24 September 1662  - inventory 
George GOWLAND, mariner, of Munckwarmouth (Monk Wearmouth) in the countie of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/G9/1: 30 October 1662  - inventory 
John GREENE, merchant, of parish of All Hallows in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1662/G10/1-2: 14 November 1662  - will 
Peter GREENE, boat-wright, of Fryorgoose [Friar's Goose] in the countie of Durham, parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/G11/6: 16 September 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/G11/1-5: 16 September 1662  - indented inventory 
Thomas GREENE, boat-wright, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham, parish of Bishop Wearemouth [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1662/G12/1: 27 February 1662  - inventory 
Robert GREENESID, merchant, chapman, of Morpeth in the countie of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Greeneside, Greenesyde
DPRI/1/1662/G13/1-2: 4 April 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/G13/3: 4 April 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £105 19s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Thomas GREENWELL, yeoman, of Crooke in the parish of Brancpeth (Branspeth) and county of Durham (Durhome) [Crook, County Durham]; also spelt Greenewell, Grenewell
DPRI/1/1662/G14/1-2: 10 May 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/G14/3-4: 10 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £341 10s 
Thomas GYLL, gentleman, of Framwelgate in the suburbs of the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Gill
DPRI/1/1662/G8/1-2: 9 March 1657  - will 
Jamse HALL, yeoman, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt James
DPRI/1/1662/H1/1-2: 6 September 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/H1/3: 6 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £12 
John HALL, baker, brewer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/H2/1: 8 July 1662  - indented inventory administration granted to Elizabeth Hall, widow 
Raiph HALL, of Thronton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Whitingham (Whittingem, Whittingham) [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph. Died 23 May 1662
DPRI/1/1662/H3/1-2: 21 May 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/H3/3: 21 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £17 19s (with account of funeral expenses of £4 12s) 
John HANSON, of Ogle within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/H4/1: 1 November 1662  - inventory 
William HARPER, yeoman, of Bishop Awckland (Awkland) alias North Awckland within the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/H5/1-2: 3 March 1662  - will 
Issabell HARRISON, wife of Nicholas Harrision of Wolsingham, cordwainer, of Wolsingham (Woolsingham) in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Isabel
DPRI/1/1662/H6/1-2: 28 December 1659  - inventory 
Margaret HARRISON, widow, of Cotam Hall Garth (Hallgarth) in the county of Durham, parish of Great Ayckliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Margret, Harrisson
DPRI/1/1662/H7/1-2: 25 October 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/H7/3: 25 October 1662  - inventory, actual total £226 (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £177) 
William HARRISON, yeoman, of Eldon in the county of Durham [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Harreson
DPRI/1/1662/H8/1: 22 October 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/H8/2: 22 October 1662  - inventory, actual total £227 1s 8d 
Usan HART, labourer, of Windeston (Winleston, Windleston) in the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham (Dourham) [Windlestone, County Durham]; also spelt Ousan, Oswald
DPRI/1/1662/H9/1: 2 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/H9/2: 2 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £43 18s 
Robert HARTBOURN, of Carleton in the county of Durham, parish of Red Marshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Hartburne, Hartborne
DPRI/1/1662/H10/1-2: 2 February 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/H10/3-4: 2 February 1660  - inventory, actual total £157 6s 4d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £34) 
DPRI/1/1662/H11   26 November 1662
Nicholas HEATH, the elder, gentleman, of Little Eden [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/H11/1: 1 July 1659  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Thomas Heath, son, at time of probate, 26 Nov 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/H11/2-3: 1 July 1659  - inventory, actual total £38 18s 
George HEDLY, husband of Margarett Hedly, of Kestron [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley
DPRI/1/1662/H12/1: 24 January 1662  - inventory of the goods etc. of George Hedly and Margaret Hedly, both deceased, but endorsed with only George Hedley's name 
Henry HEWITT, of Fawdon of the parish of Ingram in the county of Northumberland [Ingram, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/H13/1: February 1662  - nuncupative will 
Margret HOGGERT, widow, of parish of Tweedmouth in the countie pallatyne of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Margarett, Hoggart, Margreat
DPRI/1/1662/H14/1-2: 13 July 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/H14/3-4: 13 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £93 3s 4d date in Feb 1663 uncertain (damage) 
William HOOD, of parish of Eglingham in the county of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/H15/1: 10 December 1662  - inventory 
Rowland HOPE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of towne and parish of Berwick (Barwicke) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/H16/1-2: 18 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/F2   2 June 1662
Edmond HORNE, of Lampton [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Edmund
DPRI/1/1662/F2/1: 1662  - inventory Endorsed: administration granted, 2 June 1662. Name previously (wrongly) transcribed 'Farne', hence 'F' number. 
Anne HUBBOCK, spinster, of parish of Greatham in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Hubbocke
DPRI/1/1662/H17/1-2: 20 August 1662  - inventory 
Richard HUMBLE, yeoman, of Hartlepoole in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/H18/1-2: 24 May 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/H18/3-4: 24 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £20 1s 4d 
Thomas HUNTER, of Meddomsley [Medomsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/H19/1-2: 22 September 1662  - inventory 
Ann JACKSON, of chappelrie of Trimdon [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/J1/1: undated  - inventory 
John JACKSON, tanner, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/J2/1: 14 May 1662  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Gabriel Jackson for the use of Henry Brignell the executor, 14 June 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/J2/2: 14 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £136 7s 4d (with account of debts of £8 10s) 
Michaell JACKSON, yeoman, of West Rainton in the countie of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Michael, Jackeson
DPRI/1/1662/J3/1-2: 28 January 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/J3/3: 28 January 1659  - inventory, actual total £47 14s 10d 
William JACKSON, yeoman, of parish of Altonridge (Althernish) in the parish of St Oswoldes, city of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 68
DPRI/1/1662/J4/1-2: 24 January 1663  - inventory exhibited 24 Jan 1663 
Robert JAMESON, yeoman, of parish of Easington in the countye of Durham [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/J5/1: 13 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/J5/2-3: 13 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £881 19s 
John JARRARD, mariner, of North Sheilds (Sheels) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tinemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 61
DPRI/1/1662/J6/1-2: 21 October 1662  - inventory 
Magdalen JOHNSON, widow, of North Sheeles in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tinemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/J7/1: 28 February 1649  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/J7/2: 28 February 1649  - indented inventory, actual total £10 6s 2d 
Richard JOHNSON, of Widdrington in the county of Northumberland [Widdrington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/J8/1-2: 30 May 1662  - inventory 
Thomas JOHNSON, of chapplery of St Margarets within the suburbes of the citty of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/J9/1: undated  - inventory 
William JOHNSON, of Whalton within the countye of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/J10/1: 5 December 1662  - inventory 
Elizabeth KIDD, widow, of Pandon in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/K1/1-2: 14 February 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/K1/3-4: 14 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £14 0s 6d (with account of debts of £13 10s 4d) 
Thomas KIRKHOUSE, of Ferryhill [Ferryhill, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/K2/1-2: 18 February 1662  - inventory 
John KIRSOPP, of Consheile, parish of Symondburne in the county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Cirssop
DPRI/1/1662/K3/1: 20 May 1658  - inventory administration granted to Mary Kirsopp alias Ridley of Simonburn 
James LABORNE, yeoman, of Darwancoat (Darwencoate, Darwen Coate) in the countie of Durham [Medomsley, County Durham]; also spelt Laburne
DPRI/1/1662/L1/1-2: 1 June 1662  - will date in June 1662 uncertain 
DPRI/1/1662/L1/3-4: 1 June 1662  - inventory, actual total £220 6s 8d (with account of debts of £114 10s) 
DPRI/1/1662/L3   20 June 1662
Thomas LAINGSTAFE, fellmonger, of Bongate in Bishop Awckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Langstaffe
DPRI/1/1662/L3/1: 26 February 1662  - will endorsed: proved 20 June 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/L3/2: 26 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £77 11s 3d 
Thomas LAMBTON, esquire, of Biddicke within the county of Durham and the parrishe of Houton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 59
DPRI/1/1662/L2/1-2: 28 July 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/L4   24 July 1662
Ellinor LAWES, widow, of Kibblesworth in the chappelry of Lamesley within the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/L4/1-2: 13 October 1659  - will with certificate of oath, 24 July 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/L4/3: 13 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £35 7s 
Martin LAWES, yeoman, of Kibellssworthe (Kiblesworth) in the countye of Durhame within the chapelry of Lamessly [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/L5/1: 15 June 1654  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/L6   27 November 1662
William LAWES, of Lambton [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/L6/1: 19 November 1662  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 Nov 1662 
Anne LAWSON, the elder, spinster, of Staindrop (Staindropp) in the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/L7/1-2: 13 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/L7/3-4: 13 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £65 14s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 19s) 
James LEE, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/L8/1: 1 July 1662  - inventory 
John LEE, yeoman, of Harbertlaw (Harbettlaw, Harbert Law) within the parish of Alstone and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/L9/1-2: 17 April 1661  - will  with inventory, 10 May 1662, actual total £41 4s 8d 
Roger LIDDELL, gentleman, of Daren (Darwen) Crooke in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 46; for a pedigree of the Liddell family see also Surtees' History of Durham, volume 2, page 212
DPRI/1/1662/L10/1: 6 May 1662  - inventory 
Jhone LUMSDELL, of Netherton, parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt John, Lumsden
DPRI/1/1662/L11/1-2: 29 February 1660  - inventory 
Christofer MADDESON, of Elvett in the suburbs of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1662/M1/1: 17 April 1646  - inventory 
Rafe MADDISON, gentleman, of Birkley in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
see DPRI/4/18 page 69
DPRI/1/1662/M2/1-2: 25 July 1662  - will 
Thomas MALIN, alias Mallum, of parish of Witton Gilbert [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]
died 6 Nov [?1662]
DPRI/1/1662/M3/1: undated  - inventory dated 29 Dec [?1662] 
Ingram MARSHALL, yeoman, of the Fawleese (Fawleeses, Fawlees) in the parishe of Woolsingham (Wolsingham) in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/M4/1-2: 29 December 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/M4/3: 29 December 1659  - inventory, actual total £16 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1662/M5   3 March 1663
George MARTIN, draper, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Martyn
see DPRI/4/18 page 70 (3 Mar 1663), and 1662 bond [266]
DPRI/1/1662/M5/1-3: 16 February 1663  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc.; debts owing to testator not included in total 
DPRI/1/1662/M6   29 May 1662
Raph MASON, of Sedgfeild (Sedgefeild) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1662/M6/1: 16 April 1662  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 29 May 1662 
Henery MATHEW, of East Bouldon [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Hendrey, Hennerie
DPRI/1/1662/M7/1-2: 24 June 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/M7/3: 24 June 1655  - inventory, actual total £94 6s (with account of debts of £16 10s) 
Anthony MATTHEW, yeoman, of Cleadon in the county of Durham [Cleadon, County Durham]; also spelt Anthoney, Mathew
DPRI/1/1662/M8/1: 3 July 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/M8/2-3: 3 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £163 1s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £ 75 13s 4d) 
Edward MAVING, yeoman, of Paperhaugh (Paperlaw) in the parish of Roathbury (Rothburie, Rothbury) and county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/M9/1-2: 2 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/M9/3: 2 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £22 (with account of funeral expenses of £3) 
DPRI/1/1662/M10   18 July 1662
William MERRINGTON, of Newton Bewly (Bewley) and parish of Billingham in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/M10/1: 29 November 1660  - will with certificate of oath, 18 July 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/M10/2-3: 29 November 1660  - inventory, actual total £137 4s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 10s) 
Steaphen METTCALFE, of Biggin, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Stephen, Metcalfe
DPRI/1/1662/M11/1-2: 29 January 1663  - inventory 
Isable MILBOURN, widow, of chapelry of St Johns within the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Issable, Milbourne
DPRI/1/1662/M12/1-2: 30 June 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/M12/3: 30 June 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £29 8s 4d 
William MILLER, gardener, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the chappelry of St Johns [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/M13/1-2: 9 July 1661  - inventory endorsed: administration granted to Jane Miller, widow 
Oswald MITFORD, the younger, of Eas[t] Slickburne (Slickeburne), parish of Bedlington [Sleekburn, Northumberland]. Died 1 June 1662
DPRI/1/1662/M14/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas MORROW, yeoman, of Longhorsley (Long Horseley) in the county of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Murrow
DPRI/1/1662/M15/1: 1 December 1662  - inventory 
Robert NEESBIT, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Neesbet
DPRI/1/1662/N1/1: 20 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/N3   23 May 1662
John NICALLSON, yeoman, of the Leese (Lease) in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Haydon [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Nickolson
see DPRI/4/18 page 46
DPRI/1/1662/N3/1: 15 June 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/N3/2-3: 15 June 1661  - inventory, actual total £47 19s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 16s 8d) endorsed: probate granted, 23 May 1662 
Roger NICHOLSONE, of Netherton (Neatherton), parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholson. Died 26 February 1662
DPRI/1/1662/N2/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Daniall ORD, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of Berwicke upon Twead [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Daniel
DPRI/1/1662/O1/1-2: 22 May 1662  - inventory 
Gawine PACE, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/P1/1: 30 July 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/P1/2: 30 July 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £385 17s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £15 9s 4d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Raiph PARMELEY, yeoman, of Ryton (Riton) in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1662/P2/1-2: 4 September 1662  - inventory 
George PEACOCKE, cordwainer, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the parrish of Gainforth in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Peacock
DPRI/1/1662/P3/1: 25 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/P3/2: 25 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £88 4s 11d 
Ann PEAKE, widow, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Anne
DPRI/1/1662/P4/1-2: 6 March 1662  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to George Daile, sole executor, 5 Apr 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/P4/3-8: 6 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £171 19s 3d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £63 2s) 
Anne PHILIPSON, widow, of Church Merrington in the county palatine of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Phillipson
DPRI/1/1662/P5/1: 17 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/P5/2: 17 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £18 19s 9d 
Noah PILKINGTON, of Nesham in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/P6/1-2: 14 October 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/P7   3 May 1662
John POTTS, of Windehaugh (Wyndihaugh) in the parish of Hallystone (Hallistone) [Holystone, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/P7/1-2: 19 April 1662  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 May 1662 
William POULTON, of Bishop Auckland (North Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/P8/1: 2 September 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/P8/2: 2 September 1662  - inventory, actual total £28 19s 8d 
William POWER, gentleman, of Allertongate in the parish (chapelry) of St Margrets (Margaret) nigh the citty of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Poore
DPRI/1/1662/P9/1: 8 April 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/P9/2: 8 April 1662  - renunciation renunciation of Ann Power, relict, nominating Thomas Power, son, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1662/P9/3 - wrapper 
William PRESTON, weaver, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine and in the parish of Saint Andrews [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/P10/1: 18 November 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/P10/2: 18 November 1660  - indented inventory, actual total £120 (with account of debts of £12) 
Richard RAWE, of East Bouldon (Bolden) [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Raw
DPRI/1/1662/R1/1: 24 September 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/R1/2-3: 24 September 1658  - inventory, actual total £51 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £38 13s 3d) 
DPRI/1/1662/R2   31 May 1662
Roger RAWE, yeoman, of Privywell House in Framwellgate in the county of Durham, city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Raw
DPRI/1/1662/R2/1-2: 21 November 1642  - will endorsed: no [probate] act, [1642]; probate later granted, 31 May 1662 
Nicholas RAWLING, of Wollveston (Wolveston) [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/R3/1: 14 January 1662  - inventory 
Richard READ, yeoman, of Shotton in the county of Durham [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Reed. Died 19 September 1662
DPRI/1/1662/R4/1-2: 11 September 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/R4/3: 11 September 1662  - inventory, actual total £264 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £259 3s 4d) 
John RICHARDSON, of Kirkley, in the parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 134
DPRI/1/1662/R5/1-2: 16 December 1662  - inventory the inventory of household goods etc. was not valued 
Nicholas RICHINSON, senior, of Garrigillgate (Garragill Gate) in Aldstonmore (Aldeston Moore) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Ritcheson
DPRI/1/1662/R6/1: 11 May 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/R6/2-3: 11 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £235 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £95 12s 3d) 
Francis RIPLEY, of Jarroe [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/R7/1: 5 June 1662  - inventory 
John ROBSON, yeoman, of Humpshaugh (Hampshaw) in the county of Northumberland and parish of Simonburne (Symondburne) [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/R8/1: 21 November 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/R8/2: 21 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £28 (with account of funeral expenses of £4 12s) 
Walter SCOTT, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/S1/1: 28 September 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S1/3: 28 September 1659  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1662/S1/2: 28 September 1659  - indented inventory, actual total £59 11s 2d 
William SCOTT, of Trewhit of the parish of Horsley (Horseley) in the county of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/S2/1-2: 1 May 1662  - inventory 
Christopher SELBY, of Bishop Midleham (Middleham) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/S3/1: 1 June 1662  - inventory 
Thomas SHARP, house-carpenter, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Sharpe
DPRI/1/1662/S4/1: 31 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S4/2: 31 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £9 18s 4d 
Edward SHARPER, yeoman, of Hey (High) Callerton in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/S5/1: 15 May 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S5/2: 15 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £86 13s 6d 
Raiph SHAW, merchant, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shawe
DPRI/1/1662/S6/1: 3 November 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/S6/4-5: 3 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £170 17s inventory includes household goods etc. at Elstob and debts owed to deceased 
DPRI/1/1662/S6/2-3: 3 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £368 0s 4d inventory of debts (both received and not received) owed to the deceased; dated after 17 Dec [1662] 
Thomas SHAW, yeoman, of Wodland in the parish of Cockfeild and county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/S7/1: 22 September 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S7/2: 22 September 1659  - inventory, actual total £18 10s (with account of debts of £11 10s 2d) 
William SHAW, yeoman, of Winston within the county of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Shawe
DPRI/1/1662/S8/1: 4 April 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S8/2: 4 April 1659  - inventory, actual total £50 19s 4d 
Matthew SHAWTER, of Killerby [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/S9/1: 7 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S9/2: 7 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £82 2s (with account of debts of £66) 
James SHORTE, yeoman, of Houlborne (Howburne) within the chappelrie of Lowick (parish of Lowicke) [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Short. Died 30 November 1656
DPRI/1/1662/S10/1: 3 December 1662  - inventory 
John SIMPSON, of parish of Winston [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/S11/1: undated  - inventory subscribed with 18 Jan 1662 memorandum relating that Dorothy Simpson, relict, renounced administration 
John SMAILES, of East Bowldon (Bouldon) [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Smales
DPRI/1/1662/S12/1: 4 February 1654  - will endorsed with rough calculations, and with a list of debts owed by (?) the testator of £22 
DPRI/1/1662/S12/2-3: 4 February 1654  - inventory, actual total £120 0s 4d endorsed with draft inventory and rough calculations 
DPRI/1/1662/S13   18 April 1662
John SMART, yeoman, of Lowick (Lowicke) within the county of Northumberland [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Smartt. Died 29 October 1650
DPRI/1/1662/S13/1: 27 March 1662  - inventory administration granted to John Smart, son, 18 Apr 1662 
Thomas SMART, yeoman, of Lowick (Lowicke) within the county of Durham [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Smartt. Died 14 December 1659
DPRI/1/1662/S14/1: 27 March 1662  - inventory administration granted to Agnes Smart widow 
Jane SMITH, widow, of Haughton parish of Symondburne in the county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/S15/1: 12 January 1663  - inventory 
Leonard SMITH, yeoman, of East Rainton in the countie of Durham, Houghton in the Spring [East Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/S16/1-2: 27 March 1662  - inventory 
Robart SMITH, of Mordon [Morden, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1662/S17/1: 3 May 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S17/2: 3 May 1658  - inventory, actual total £240 2s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £82 10s 9d) 
Thomas SMITH, yeoman, of Sedgfeild (Sedgfield) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth
DPRI/1/1662/S18/1-2: 11 May 1654  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/S18/3-4: 11 May 1654  - inventory, actual total £133 
Walter SMITH, yeoman, of Haughton in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Symondburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Smyth
DPRI/1/1662/S19/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S19/2 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1662/S20   13 May 1662
Thomas SNAITH, of Mill Holme in the county of Durham, Witton upon the Weare [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/S20/1-2: 21 December 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S20/3-4: 21 December 1660  - inventory, actual total £146 18s 11d (with account of debts of £10 6s 3d) endorsed: proved, 13 May 1662 
Cuthbert SOPWITH, yeoman, of Whalton in the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/S21/1-2: 26 April 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S21/3: 26 April 1658  - inventory, actual total £33 2s 6d 
Margrett SPARROWE, widow, of Hilton in the parishe of Monckwermouth [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Sparrow
DPRI/1/1662/S22/1: undated  - inventory 
John SPOORE, yeoman, of Heaton in the countie of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Spower
DPRI/1/1662/S23/1: 7 January 1663  - indented inventory 
James STANCLIFFE, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/S24/1: 15 December 1662  - indented inventory administration granted to Mary Stancliffe relict, also granted the tuition of Margaret, Thomas, James and Mary Stancliffe, children 
John STOTT, of East Bouldon (Boldon) [East Boldon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/S25/1-2: 3 September 1662  - will dated 3 Sep 1662 but 2 Charles 13 (1661) 
DPRI/1/1662/S25/3-4: 3 September 1662  - inventory, actual total £100 0s 8d 
Thomas STROTHER, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/S26/1-2: 5 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/S26/3: 5 April 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £244 14s 4d 
DPRI/1/1662/S27   12 July 1662
Andrew SWANN, labourer, of Alnham of the countie of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Swanne
DPRI/1/1662/S27/1: 5 March 1662  - nuncupative will with certificate of oath of George Alban at Alnwick, 12 July 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/S27/2: 5 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £11 3s 
John TAILER, minister of Cornhill, clerk, gentleman, of Cornhill (Cornehill) within the county of Durham [Cornhill, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylor
DPRI/1/1662/T2/1-2: 25 October 1659  - will 
An TALBUT, widow, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Talbott
DPRI/1/1662/T1/1: 14 July 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/T5   14 June 1662
William TAYLER, yeoman, of Edgknowle (Edge Knowle) in the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Taylor
see DPRI/4/18 page 48
DPRI/1/1662/T5/1-2: 12 October 1661  - will  with nuncupative codicil, 7 May 1662 endorsed: proved, 14 June 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/T5/3: 12 October 1661  - inventory, actual total £379 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £115 15s 6d) 
Thomas TAYLOR, of Bilton in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 64
DPRI/1/1662/T3/1-2: 20 January 1660  - will written in the form of an inventory of debts and legacies and endorsed 'will and inventory' 
Thomas TAYLOR, tailor, of Witton Gilbert in the county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Tailer, Tayler
see DPRI/4/18 page 56
DPRI/1/1662/T4/1: 21 December 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/T4/2-3: 21 December 1659  - inventory, actual total £122 19s 2d 
John TEASDALL, of Slaggiburne (Slaggie Burne, Slaggeburne) within the parish of Garragill in Aldstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Teasedall, Teasdaile
DPRI/1/1662/T7/1: undated  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1662/T7/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £27 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 9s 2d) 
DPRI/1/1662/T7/3 - wrapper 
Christopher TEISDELL, yeoman, of Ayle within the parish of Kirkhaugh and county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdaile, Teasdale
DPRI/1/1662/T6/1-2: 5 July 1662  - will  with inventory, 11 August 1662, actual total £98 19s 3d (with account of debts of £24 2s 8d) 
William TEMPEST, gentleman, of Thorneley (Thornley) [Whickham, County Durham]
parish uncertain - Low Thornley inferred from lease of property in Gateshead (see inventory)
DPRI/1/1662/T8/1: undated  - inventory 
John TEWART, of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/T9/1-2: 17 May 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/T9/3-4: 17 May 1660  - inventory, actual total £187 17s 10d (with account of debts of £68 1s) 
Edward THOMPSON, son of Mathew Thompson of Durham St Margaret, of Crossgate within the chaplerie of Saint Margrettes (Margaret) neare Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 50: a monition having been issued, administration of the goods and portion of Edward Thompson granted to Mathew and Richard Thomson, brothers, 26 July 1662; inventory of £50 also exhibited. The will of the deceased's father Mathew Thompson is not listed in DPRI/7 calendars, but see PCC Will Register PROB 11/226 (10 June 1653)
DPRI/1/1662/T10/1: undated  - inventory in the form of a memorandum referencing legacies of £50 made in the will of Matthew Thompson to his children, Edward and Elizabeth 
John THORP, of Wolveston in the countye of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Thorpe
DPRI/1/1662/T12/1-2: 20 June 1659  - inventory 
John TODD, yeoman, of Lambton within the parish of Chester in the Streete and county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/T13/1-2: July 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/T13/3: July 1661  - allegation allegation of Anne Todd, sister-in-law 
DPRI/1/1662/T13/4-5: July 1661  - inventory, actual total £66 18s 4d exhibited by Ann Todd widow, 5 Apr 1662 
Raiph TOMSON, of Swalwell in the parish of Whickham (Whikham) [Swalwell, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Thompson
DPRI/1/1662/T11/1: 5 August 1662  - inventory 
Ciciley TURNER, widow, of towne of Berwicke (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/T14/1: April 1660  - nuncupative will 
Mychaell TURNER, of Borrowdon (Burrowdon) in the parish of Allenton (Allanton) in the county of Northumberland [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1662/T15/1: 10 June 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/T15/2-3: 10 June 1662  - inventory, actual total £55 (with account of funeral charges of £8) 
Peter TURNER, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/T16/1: 9 June 1662  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/V1   11 September 1662
Henry VANE, [son of Sir Henry Vane the younger], [cornet in the Life Guard], esquire, of Raby Castle in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Vaine
will written at Copenhagen
DPRI/1/1662/V1/1-2: 2 June 1660  - copy will with memorandum relating that letters of administration with the will annexed were granted to Dame Frances Vane widow, mother, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 11 Sep 1662 (see PCC PROB 11/309) 
DPRI/1/1662/V1/3: 2 June 1660  - certificate of oath Reply from London to Durham; (Durham) commission (not present) executed at the (PCC) Court of Arches in the parish of St Benet Pauls Wharf, 14 Oct 1662. Administration granted to Dame Francis Vane widow, mother. Item formerly misfiled with incorrect reference number DPRI/1/1662/G6/3 (corrected). The digital image of this item can be viewed at DPRI/1/1662/G6/1. 
Thomas VEPOUND, yeoman, of the Turnings in Aldstonmore and in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Veapond, Vipond
DPRI/1/1662/V2/1: 20 May 1648  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/V2/2: 20 May 1648  - inventory, actual total £27 
John VICKERS, yeoman, of Wollsingham Parke in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Vicckers
DPRI/1/1662/V3/1-2: 3 April 1662  - inventory page order: 1662/V3/1, 3, 4, 2 
Bryan WALL, fellmonger, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Brian
DPRI/1/1662/W1/1-2: 7 January 1663  - inventory 
Jane WALLICE, widow, of the South Sheeles (Sheilds, Sheels) in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Wallis, Wallas, Wallace
DPRI/1/1662/W2/1-2: December 1650  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/W2/3: December 1650  - inventory, actual total £18 6s 
Hugh WALLIS, yeoman, of the Raw within the parish of Kirkhaugh and county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/W3/1-2: 3 May 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/W3/3: 3 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £42 9s (with account of funeral expenses of £6) 
John WALTON, yeoman, of the Rayse (Raise) in Aldstonemoore within the parish of Alstone and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Wallton
see DPRI/4/18 page 49
DPRI/1/1662/W4/1: 11 November 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/W4/2: 11 November 1659  - copy inventory, actual total £37 4s 
John WALTON, dyer, of Bishop Auckland (Awkland, Awckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 68
DPRI/1/1662/W5/1-2: 19 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/W5/3: 19 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £299 15s 
William WALTON, fuller, of Bedborne Mille (Bedburne Milne) in the chaplery of Hamsterley in the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W6/3: 23 September 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/W6/1-2: 23 September 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/W7   27 November 1662
Elizabeth WARDE, of South Sheeles [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Ward
DPRI/1/1662/W7/1-2: 16 April 1661  - will  with inventory, 18 April 1662, actual total £27 19s 6d will with (contemporaneous) list of debts of £6 10s owed to testatrix. Endorsed: proved, 27 Nov 1662 
William WATSON, butcher, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W8/1-2: 26 April 1662  - inventory 
Thomas WAUGH, the elder, yeoman, of Hatwhistell (Haltwesell) in the same parish [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/W9/1-2: 12 May 1656  - will endorsed with list of debts owed by (£7 19s 10d) and owed to (£7 5s 8d) the testator 
DPRI/1/1662/W9/3-4: 12 May 1656  - inventory, actual total £56 1s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 9s 8d) 
William WEDDELL, yeoman, of Monylawes (Money Lawes) within the countie of Northumberland [Carham, Northumberland]. Died 21 October 1660
DPRI/1/1662/W10/1-2: 14 June 1661  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1662/W11   6 December 1662
John WESTWOOD, of Mickleblackedeane (Mickle Blacke Deane) in the parish of Stanhoope (Stanhoppe) and countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W11/1-2: 3 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £26 18s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £5)  with renunciation, 3 November 1662 inventory subscribed with renunciation of Fillis Westwood, relict; a monition havign been issued administration was granted to Toby Trotter, creditor, 6 Dec 1662 
John WHEATLEY, yeoman, of East Rainton in the countye of Durham, parish of Houghton in the Spring [East Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W12/1: 13 November 1662  - inventory 
Robert WILKINSON, shipwright, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/W13/1-2: 19 January 1663  - renunciation renunciation of Barbary Wilkinson, relict, nominating Ralph Johnson, brother-in-law and principal creditor, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1662/W13/3: 19 January 1663  - inventory, actual total £56 11s 10d 
Francis WILLIAMSON, yeoman, of chapelry of Hartlepoole in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W14/1-2: 5 June 1658  - will 
Nichollas WILLYAMSON, mariner, of Seaton (Seeton) Carew in the county of Durham, parish of Stranton [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholas, Williamson, Walker
DPRI/1/1662/W15/1: 4 October 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/W15/2: 4 October 1662  - inventory, actual total £80 14 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30) 
Phillip WILSON, of Nether Witton (Netherwitton) in the county of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]. Died 5 February 1662
DPRI/1/1662/W16/1-2: 11 January 1662  - will 
Robert WILSON, yeoman, of Carleton in the county of Durham, parish of Reed Marshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Roberte
DPRI/1/1662/W17/1: 29 June 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/W17/2-3: 29 June 1658  - inventory, actual total £233 4s 8d 
John WINN, gentleman, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1662/W18/1: 4 July 1662  - indented inventory 
William WINSHOPP, of Bywell in the parish of Bywell Peter in the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Winshop
DPRI/1/1662/W19/1: undated  - inventory administration granted to Jane Winshop, relict 
Robert WOOD, of Milne House in the lordship of Winyard and countie of Durham, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W20/1-2: 29 July 1662  - inventory 
Rowland WOOD, miner, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Roulland
DPRI/1/1662/W21/1: 30 September 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1662/W21/2-3: 30 September 1661  - inventory, actual total £86 14s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £10) inventory includes goods etc. at Wolsingham and Stanhope; endorsed with list of legacies of £140 
Peter WOODHOUSE, yeoman, of Cornforth (Corneforth, Cornfourth) in the county of Durham, parish of Bishop Midleham [Cornforth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W22/1: 7 November 1654  - receipt and quitclaim receipt of Edward Roumford, son-in-law, and quitclaim upon Peter Woodhouse's estate, Roumford having received his wife's portion in full 
DPRI/1/1662/W22/4: 7 November 1654  - inventory, actual total £74 administration requested by Thomas Woodhouse, son 
DPRI/1/1662/W22/2-3: 7 November 1654  - receipt and quitclaim  with receipt and quitclaim, 7 December 1658 (1) receipt and quiclaim of Robert Woodhouse, son, he having received his portion; (2) receipt of William Hutchinson, son-in-law, and quitclaim upon Peter Woodhouse's estate, Atchinson having received his wife's portion and later a portion of the deceased's estate 
Dorathy WOODMOSSE, spinster, of Bolam in the parishe of Gainford [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Dorotie, Woodmas, Dorothy, Woodmasse. Died 24 March 1663
DPRI/1/1662/W23/2: June 1661  - nuncupative will dated 10 days either side of Pentecost 1661 (2 June) 
DPRI/1/1662/W23/1: June 1661  - inventory 
Elizabeth WRANGHAM, wife of George Wrangham of Newcastle upon Tine, of chappelry of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
for the 1664 probate act of George Wrangham, see DPRI/4/18 page 114
DPRI/1/1662/W24/1-2: 2 February 1658  - copy nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1662/W25   22 December 1662
Jane WRIGHT, spinster, of Whitburne (Whytborne) in the county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1662/W25/1: 25 November 1662  - nuncupative will with certificate of oath, 22 Dec 1662 
DPRI/1/1662/W25/2: 25 November 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £91 3s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11) 
Anthoney YOUNGER, tanner, of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1662/Y1/1: 30 July 1662  - indented inventory 
Wills etc proved 1663
Reference: DPRI/1/1663
John ALLANSON, of Hutgill in Teasdall within the countye of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasdaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/A1/1-2: 19 December 1663  - inventory 
Anne ALLENSON, widow, of North Auckland (Bishop Awckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Allinson
DPRI/1/1663/A2/1: 5 March 1657  - will  with codicil, 17 October 1659 
Thomas ANDERSONE, of Wester Newbiging (Newbiggin) parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson
DPRI/1/1663/A3/1: undated  - inventory 
George ANGAS, yeoman, of Shillforde (Shilford) in the parish of Bywell Saint Andrew with in the countye of Northumberland [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 80
DPRI/1/1663/A4/1: 6 May 1659  - will  with inventory, actual total £44 (with account of debts of £1 8s) will unsigned by testator; endorsed (in error) 1633 
William ARCHBALD, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/A5/1: 24 April 1663  - indented inventory 
Thomas ARMESTRONG, yeoman, of the Darlisse (Darllis, Darlis) in the parish of Haltwisle (Haltwhistle) in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestronge
DPRI/1/1663/A7/1: 14 June 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/A7/2: 14 June 1662  - inventory, actual total £26 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 15s 9d) 
Archbald ARMSTRONG, of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestrong
DPRI/1/1663/A6/1: 3 October 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/A6/2: 3 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £9 19s 8d (with account of debts of £7) 
Matthew ATKINSON, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Mathew
DPRI/1/1663/A8/1-5: 8 September 1663  - inventory 
John AUBURNE, yeoman, of Henshaw (Henshawe) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Haltwhistle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/A9/1-2: 24 June 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/A9/3: 24 June 1663  - inventory, actual total £30 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5) 
Ann BABINGTON, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/B1/1-2: 22 September 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/B1/3-4: 22 September 1663  - inventory, actual total £17 11s 10d 
John BAILLIFFE, gentleman, of Halliwell (Hallawell) in this county of Northumberland, parish of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Bayle, Baylie, Bailif, Bayley
DPRI/1/1663/B5/1: 12 May 1663  - power of attorney power of attorney of Alice Bailliffe (Bayle), relict, empowering her son James Bayle to administer; endorsed with (undated) covering letter 
DPRI/1/1663/B5/2: 12 May 1663  - inventory, actual total £134 2s 8d 
George BAINBRIDG, yeoman, of Newlandside in the parish of Stanhope (Stanhopp) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge
DPRI/1/1663/B2/1-2: 20 February 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/B2/3: 20 February 1663  - inventory, actual total £62 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 8s 2d) 
Bartholymew BARROW, yeoman, of Thorngrafton (Thorne Grafton) in the parish of Haltwistle and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Bartholomew
DPRI/1/1663/B3/1: 29 March 1633  - will endorsed with list of debts owed by testator and funeral expenses of £85 6s 
DPRI/1/1663/B3/2-3: 29 March 1633  - inventory, actual total £17 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £85 6s)  with letter, undated inventory, with letter from Hugh Dacre [vicar of Haltwhistle] to [Robert] Newhouse [Durham Register], requesting the probate court treat the deceased's poor widow kindly and also reporting a quorum nomina (multiple citation) published at Haltwhistle and repeating the names and details of those cited 
DPRI/1/1663/B4   27 April 1663
Ellenor BAYLEY, spinster, of Bishop Auckland (Awkland) and parish of St Andrew Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/B4/1: 20 April 1663  - inventory administration granted to Catharine Myers, sister, 27 Apr 1663 
James BELLAMY, of Beamond (Beamont) Hill [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/B7/1: 1 March 1664  - inventory 
Mathew BELLE, of South Charletoune (Charlton, Charleton) [South Charlton, Northumberland]; also spelt Bell, Matthew, Bille
DPRI/1/1663/B6/1-2: 15 April 1652  - will dated 'Averheelle 15 1652' [?Avril]; with certificate of oath dated at Alnwick, 19 Mar 1663 
DPRI/1/1663/B6/3: 15 April 1652  - inventory, actual total £45 19s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 7s 8d) 
John BLACKETT, the elder, of Hill House in the South Side parrish of Hamstarley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Blacket
DPRI/1/1663/B8/2: 27 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/B8/1: 27 January 1664  - [copy] will endorsed: no [probate] act 
DPRI/1/1663/B8/3: 27 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £30 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 10s) 
Nackrolas BLACKLOCK, of Whitfeild [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholas, Blakelocke
DPRI/1/1663/B9/1: undated  - inventory 
Francis BOWIE, of parish of Wooller (Wooler) [Wooler, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 75
DPRI/1/1663/B10/1-2: 11 June 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/B10/3: 11 June 1658  - inventory, actual total £18 1s (with account of debts of £3 13s 3d) 
Roger BROWNE, yeoman, of Forrest of Rothbury and in the parish of Rothbury aforesaid in the countye of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/B11/1: undated  - inventory 
John BULMAN, cordwainer, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/B12/1: 16 April 1663  - will endorsed with memoranda of two witnesses to the will relating to its publication (16 and 23 Apr 1663) and the cancellation of a former will; unsigned by testator or witnesses (?copy) 
Georg BURDAS, yeoman, of Peasmedowes (Peasmeddow) in Allendaile in the county of Northumberland [Allendale, Northumberland]; also spelt George
DPRI/1/1663/B13/1-2: 6 April 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/B13/3: 6 April 1663  - inventory, actual total £45 7s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £29 11s 1d) 
Thomas BURDUS, of Egglescliff (Egelscliff, Eaglescliffe) in the county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Burd, Burdas
DPRI/1/1663/B14/1: 30 April 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/B14/2: 30 April 1663  - inventory, actual total £84 
Thomas BURNETT, draper, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/B15/1-2: 25 February 1664  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1663/B15/3: 25 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £41 13 10d 
John BUSTON, of Alnwick (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]. Died 12 July 1662
DPRI/1/1663/B16/1: 1662  - inventory 
James BUTIMENT, of Snitter, Rothbury pairish [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/B17/1: 26 November 1658  - inventory subscribed with memorandum of two witnesses to a nuncupative will ('declared his mind on his death bed') that is not present, unless some of the listed debts were in fact legacies 
Thomas CARMICHAELL, yeoman, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/C1/1: 7 December 1663  - nuncupative will administration requested by Henry and John Babington, universal legatees 
DPRI/1/1663/C1/2-3: 7 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £45 17s 5d 
James CARR, of Benwell (Benwel), chapelry of St John town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/C2/1: undated  - inventory 
William CARR, esquire, of Eshett within the countie of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Willaim
DPRI/1/1663/C3/1: 29 March 1643  - will with certificate of oath, 23 Sep [?1663] 
DPRI/1/1663/C3/2-3: 29 March 1643  - inventory, actual total £753 15s 
DPRI/1/1663/C3/5 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1663/C3/4 - wrapper 
Andrew CAVERHILL, of Calfe Field parish of Haltwhistle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/C4/1: 8 April 1663  - inventory 
John CHARLETON, of Warke (Warcke) in the parish of Simonburne (Symondburne) [Wark, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/C5/1: 25 June 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/C6   October 1663
John CLARKE, of Thropton (Thorpton) in Rothbury parish [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerke
buried 25 May 1661; see DPRI/4/18 page 89 (Oct 1663)
DPRI/1/1663/C6/1: undated  - nuncupative will  with inventory, actual total £9 13s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £5) nuncupative will in the form of an inventory recording bequests; with memorandum of two witnesses to the nuncupative will 
Lanclott CLERKE, husbandman, yeoman, of the Stanke (Stanckhouse, Stancke) within the parish (chapelry) of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Lancelot, Clarke
DPRI/1/1663/C7/1: 6 June 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/C7/2: 6 June 1661  - inventory, actual total £6 7s 6d 
Gabriell COCKFEILD, skinner, glover, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Gabriel, Cockfield
DPRI/1/1663/C8/1: 31 August 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/C8/2-3: 31 August 1660  - inventory, actual total £22 2s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Thomas COLE, gentleman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/C9/1: undated  - inventory dated 10 Aug 
Edward COLSTON, gentleman, of Quarrey Hill in the county of Durham, parish of Brancpeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
see 1663 bond [222]; see also Surtees Society, 183, vol. 1: an Edward Colston was a Parliamentary Surveyor of the manor of Auckland in 1647
DPRI/1/1663/C10/1-2: 2 September 1663  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/C11   9 July 1663
Robert COOKE, yeoman, of East Morton (Murton) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 83
DPRI/1/1663/C11/1-2: 11 May 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/C11/3: 11 May 1663  - inventory, actual total £71 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £31 12s 8d) exhibited, 9 July 1663 
will bond, penal sum £300: DPRI/3/1734/B13
DPRI/1/1663/C12   4 September 1663
Thomas COULSON, of Bushoppoke (Bishop Oake) in the parish of Wollsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/C12/1: 8 August 1663  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 Sep 1663 
DPRI/1/1663/C13   26 May 1663
John CRAGE, husbandman, yeoman, of the Landends in the county of Northumberland, parish of Nether Warden [Warden, Northumberland]; also spelt Cragg, Cragge
see DPRI/4/18 page 81: administration granted to Richard Parker, brother-in-law, for the sole use of John, Elizabeth, Roger and Richard Cragg, children, 26 May 1663
DPRI/1/1663/C13/1-2: 11 March 1663  - will, with contemporaneous list of debts owed to testator of £21 16s 8d; subscribed with 8 Apr 1663 (incomplete) memorandum relating that the executor Thomas Parker renounced, and that on the same day Richard Parker, brother-in-law, and John Cragg, nephew, ... 
DPRI/1/1663/C13/3: 11 March 1663  - inventory 
Mungo CRISPE, of parish of Bedlingtone (Bedlington) [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/C14/1: 11 November 1662  - inventory 
William DAVISON, yeoman, of Coopan (Coopon) Bewly in the parish of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 97; see 1663 bonds [213] and [214]
DPRI/1/1663/D1/1: 27 April 1663  - inventory administration requested by Alice Davison, relict 
William DAVISON, chapman, of Tweedmouth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/D2/1: 21 April 1663  - inventory 
William DAWSON, clerk, of Bevington (Bavington) of the parish of Kirkwhelpington (Kirke Whelpington) [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/D3/1: undated  - inventory 
George DICKINSON, yeoman, of Blagill (Bleaygill, Bleagill) in the parish of Alston and in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/D4/1: 24 April 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/D4/2: 24 April 1663  - inventory, actual total £32 7s 10d (with account of debts of £88) 
John DICKINSON, of Emsough (Hemsough) in the parrish of Alston in Alstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/D5/1: 12 June 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/D5/2: 12 June 1660  - inventory, actual total £25 10s 
George DIXON, baker, of borough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/D6/1-2: 17 April 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/D6/3: 17 April 1663  - inventory, actual total £49 14s 2d 
Francis DOBSON, yeoman, of Sundarland (Sunderland by the Sea ) in the countye of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/D7/1: 27 May 1663  - will 
Isabell DODSHON, widow, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Dodgson. Died June 1661
DPRI/1/1663/D8/2: June 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1663/D8/1: June 1661  - inventory, actual total £209 
Edward DUN, of Car Houses in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn. Died 1642
see DPRI/4/18 page 92
DPRI/1/1663/D9/1: 24 November 1663  - inventory 
Raph DUNN, of Tuddoe, parish of Brancepeth [Tudhoe, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1663/D10/1: 19 January 1664  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/E3   3 July 1663
Mathew EAGLESTON, of Westclose (West Close) in the parrish of Hunstonworth in the county of Durham [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Eggelston, Egleston, Eggleston
DPRI/1/1663/E3/1: 15 December 1662  - inventory administration granted to Jane Egleston widow, 3 July 1663 
DPRI/1/1663/E3/2: 15 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £43 5s 
John EALES, of Carside in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
parish uncertain: Carrsides near Rushyford, Aycliffe. See DPRI/4/18 page 82
DPRI/1/1663/E1/1: 24 February 1663  - will endorsed with apophthegmatic writing exercises of Nicholas Eales, [?brother] 
DPRI/1/1663/E1/2: 24 February 1663  - inventory, actual total £29 5s inventory of household and shop goods etc.; actual total does not include the lease the total value of which has not been calculated 
DPRI/1/1663/E2   27 March 1663
John EDEN, yeoman, of Gainford (Gaineford) in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/E2/1-2: 9 March 1657  - will endorsed: proved, 27 Mar 1663 
DPRI/1/1663/E2/3: 9 March 1657  - inventory, actual total £85 4s 6d 
DPRI/1/1663/E4   7 August 1663
Edward ELSTOBB, gentleman, of Great Lumley in the county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/E4/1-2: 12 June 1663  - [copy] will with memorandum certifying probate granted and the original will delivered to William Lumley, sole executor, 7 Aug 1663 
John EMMERSON, gentleman, of Screnwood in the county of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 86
DPRI/1/1663/E5/1: 26 September 1662  - inventory includes goods etc. at Screnwood and Prendwick 
George FARLAMBE, of Duckesfeild (Ducksfeild, Dackerfield) within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Sleyley [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Farlam
DPRI/1/1663/F1/1: 3 March 1652  - will with certificate of oath, 29 Sep 1653 
DPRI/1/1663/F1/2: 3 March 1652  - inventory, actual total £87 12s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £8) 
Robert FORSTER, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], Captain, of towne of Berwick (Barwicke) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
will endorsed 'Captain Forster ...'
DPRI/1/1663/F2/1-2: 6 November 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/F2/3: 6 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £5 exhibited by Ann Forster [relict and] executrix, 29 Oct 1663 
Willyam FORSTER, gentleman, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt William
DPRI/1/1663/F3/1-2: 8 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/F3/3: 8 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £596 61s dated at head 12 Dec 1662 and at foot 23 Oct 1663 
Cuthbert GAINFORD, of West Awckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Gainfoord, Gaineford
DPRI/1/1663/G1/1: undated  - inventory 
Walter GIBB, chapman, of Crosgate within the chappelrie of St Margarets in Durham in the county of Durham, near the city of Durhan [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/G2/1: 5 January 1661  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1663/G2/2: 5 January 1661  - inventory, actual total £122 0s 10d 
Robert GOFTON, yeoman, of High Callerton in the parish of Pontiland in the countye of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/G3/1: 21 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/G3/2: 21 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £130 (with account of debts of £112 13s 4d) 
David GOURLEY, of the Groat Hugh (Hewgh) in the parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Gourlay
DPRI/1/1663/G4/1: undated  - inventory 
Adam GRAME, yeoman, of Tweedmouth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/18, nor any bond found.
DPRI/1/1663/G5/1: 15 April 1663  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/G6   2 November 1663
Lady Margrat GRAY, widow, of Spinelston in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret, Margrett, Grey
see DPRI/4/18 page 92
DPRI/1/1663/G6/1: 8 June 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/G6/2: 8 June 1657  - inventory, actual total £688 12s 6d 
DPRI/1/1663/G6/3: 8 June 1657  - commission (dated at Alnwick) to John Horsebrough, curate of Bambrugh, George Hume, vicar of Ellingham, and Francis Moore, curate of Kyloe, to administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Radcliffe and Lady Isabell Swinburne, co-executors; commission executed by Horsbrugh, 2 Nov 1663 
John GREENE, yeoman, of Thropton in the parish of Rothbury (Rothburye) and countie of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1663/G7/1: 25 February 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/G7/2: 25 February 1657  - inventory, actual total £17 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d) 
Nicholas GREENE, of Barnes Rawe within the parishe of Knaresdale (Knairsdaile, Knersdale, Knairesdale) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/G8/1: 29 September 1659  - nuncupative will dated 'within one week or thereaboutes of' 29 Sep 1659 
DPRI/1/1663/G8/4: 29 September 1659  - allegations allegations of Anne Rampshawe alias Noble, cousin and one of the universal legatees. Endorsed: administration granted to John Wallas; sentence (judgement) against the (validity of the) will 
DPRI/1/1663/G8/2-3: 29 September 1659  - interrogatories interrogatories of Ann Wallas alias Greene, former relict, to the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of Ann Noble 
DPRI/1/1663/G8/5: 29 September 1659  - inventory, actual total £38 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11)  with certificate of oath, undated exhibited and sworn (by commission) at Knarsdale by Anne Wallas alias Greene, former relict of the deceased and now wife of John Wallas alias Smith; £8 of the expenses were accounted by probate and court fees; endorsed with direction to Mr Mathews, Durham proctor  
Philip GRIEVE, of parish of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Phillip, Greive
DPRI/1/1663/G9/1: 4 June 1663  - inventory 
William GUEST, senior, yeoman, of Coale Pitts (Colpetts) in the parish of Slealey in the county of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]. Died 24 May 1653
DPRI/1/1663/G10/1: 26 May 1653  - copy inventory, actual total £100 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 5s 4d)  with copy grant of administration, 26 September 1653 administrators sworn, inventory exhibited and bond executed (by commission), 26 Sep 1653, and probate documents entered in the Court of Civil Commission (London); copies made, 11 May 1663 
William HALL, of Elishaw within the parish of Elsdon (Elsden)and county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/H1/1: 3 January 1663  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/H1/2 - wrapper 
Thomas HALLIMAN, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Hallyman
DPRI/1/1663/H2/2: 10 April 1661  - list of debts owed to testator, actual total £95 11s list of debts drawn up by testator himself 
DPRI/1/1663/H2/1: 10 April 1661  - inventory endorsed: 'Elizabeth Swainston, hir bound [bond]' 
DPRI/1/1663/H2/3: 10 April 1661  - summary of debts owed to and by the deceased summary drawn up by the deceased's widow [?Elizabeth] 
Robert HARDING, of Staindrop (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/H3/1: 13 October 1663  - inventory 
Anne HARISON, widow, of Burnhope (Bournhop) in the parrish of Long Newton and county of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Ann, Harrison. Died 4 June 1663
DPRI/1/1663/H4/1-2: 22 May 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/H4/3: 22 May 1663  - inventory, actual total £14 10s (with account of debts of £3 15s 6d) 
Christopher HARISON, weaver, of Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Herrison
DPRI/1/1663/H6/1-2: 4 April 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/H6/3: 4 April 1663  - inventory, actual total £23 11s 8d (with account of debts of £3 14s 6d) 
Bryan HARISSON, of Brearton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Brian, Harrison
see DPRI/4/18 page 101
DPRI/1/1663/H5/1-2: 26 January 1664  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1663/H5/3: 26 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £202 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £41 12s 4d) 
Robert HARRISON, of Elwicke within the parishe of Hart and county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/H7/1: 26 January 1664  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/H9   7 November 1663
Elizabeth HEATH, relict of Nicolas Heath of Little Eden esquire, widow, Litle Eden in the countie of Durham within the kingdome of England, citty of Durham, parish of the Blessed Mary the Virgin North Bailey [Shotton, County Durham; Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]
See DPRI/4/18 page 93: administration granted to Thomas Heath, son, 7 Nov 1663; (in margin) will proved 1665. Elizabeth Waddell's name on the Apr 1664 bond indicates that the Mar 1664 cause ended in her favour.
DPRI/1/1663/H9/1-2: 20 March 1663  - will dated at Dalkeith, Midlothian in the New Style 
DPRI/1/1663/H9/3: 20 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £250 
DPRI/1/1663/H9/4: 20 March 1663  - allegations allegations of Elizabeth Waddell relating to a cause to prove the will in solemn form: Elizabeth Waddell formerly Heath, daughter and executrix v Thomas Heath, son 
Christopher HENDERSON, yeoman, of Tweedmouth in the countie pallataine of Durhame [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/H10/1-2: 15 May 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/H10/3-4: 15 May 1663  - inventory, actual total £79 15s 11d 
Robart HERRISON, house-carpenter, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison
DPRI/1/1663/H8/1: 27 April 1663  - inventory 
William HESILRIG, esquire, of Swarland in the county of Northumberland, parish of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Heslerigg, Hesselrigg, Heslerigge
DPRI/1/1663/H11/1: 10 May 1656  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/H11/2: 10 May 1656  - inventory, actual total £137 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £181 4s 7d) 
Allexander HEWIT, of Holy Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Alexander
DPRI/1/1663/H12/1: 25 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £17 (with account of debts of £11)  with schedule of legacies inventory subscribed with schedule of legacies of the deceased 
Isble HILTON, widow and administratrix of Robert Hilton of South Shields, master and mariner, widow, of South Sheeles in the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Isabell
DPRI/1/1663/H13/1: 7 March 1664  - indented inventory 
Robart HILTON, of South Shelds (Sheilds) in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1663/H14/1: 28 September 1663  - inventory 
Robert HORNER, alias Clarke, yeoman, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/H15/1: 24 December 1661  - will subscribed with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed to testator of £13 18s 2d (amended, 4 Aug 1662) 
DPRI/1/1663/H15/2: 24 December 1661  - inventory, actual total £68 15s 4d 
DPRI/1/1663/H15/3 - wrapper 
John HUTSON, yeoman, of Birkley, parish of Chollerton in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]. Died July 1662
DPRI/1/1663/H16/1: 4 August 1663  - inventory administration granted to John Hedley, husband of Elizabeth Hedley alias Hutson, former relict 
DPRI/1/1663/I1   12 January 1664
John ILEY, yeoman, of Water House in the county of Durham [Waterhouses, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/I1/1-2: 23 April 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/I1/3-4: 23 April 1660  - inventory, actual total £47 endorsed: proved, 12 Jan 1664 
Eliner JACKSON, widow, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Ellener
DPRI/1/1663/J1/1-2: 4 April 1663  - will with certificate of oath (by commission), 31 May [?1663] 
DPRI/1/1663/J1/3: 4 April 1663  - inventory, actual total £55 3s 5d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £20 10s) 
Elizabeth JACKSON, spinster, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/J2/1: 15 August 1663  - inventory 
Margaret JACKSON, widow, of Witton upon Weare in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/J3/1-2: 29 June 1659  - copy will  with copy codicil, 4 April 1662  with receipt for the original will, 18 April 1663 with certificate of oath, 10 Dec 1662 
DPRI/1/1663/J3/3-4: 29 June 1659  - inventory, actual total £301 16s 6d 
William JACKSON, metal man, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/J4/1: 20 March 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/J4/2: 20 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £113 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £95 6s) 
William JAMES, the elder, esquire, of Washington in the county palatine of Durham [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/J5/1-2: 2 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/J5/3: 2 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £247 1s 5d 
DPRI/1/1663/J7   2 October 1663
Robart JEFFRESON, of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/J7/1-2: undated  - will dated 12 May. Endorsed: proved, 2 Oct 1663 
DPRI/1/1663/J7/3-4: undated  - inventory, actual total £109 10s 6d 
John JEFFREY, yeoman, of Dunston in the county of Northumberland, parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Jeffery, Jiffery
see DPRI/4/18 page 76
DPRI/1/1663/J6/1-2: 15 February 1663  - will neither signed nor sealed by testator 
DPRI/1/1663/J6/3: 15 February 1663  - inventory, actual total £88 15s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £51 18s 5d) 
John JOHNSON, of the Spitle (Spittle), parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/J8/1: 31 May 1660  - inventory 
William JOHNSON, alderman of Durham, of Framwelgate [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/J9/1-2: 23 October 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/J9/3: 23 October 1663  - inventory, actual total £399 1s 8d 
DPRI/1/1663/J10   18 August 1663
Johan JOPLING, widow, of parish of Sedgfeild in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Joanna
DPRI/1/1663/J10/1: 29 July 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/J10/2: 29 July 1663  - inventory, actual total £20 6s endorsed: proved, 18 Aug 1663 
Richard JURDISON, of Upper Froston [Hart, County Durham]
parish uncertain: ?Throston in Hart parish. See DPRI/4/18 page 99
DPRI/1/1663/J11/1-2: 20 December 1645  - inventory 
Luke KAY, of Great Chilton in the countye of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Key
DPRI/1/1663/K2/1-2: 24 October 1659  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to (£67 17s 8d) and owed by (£9 15s) testator 
DPRI/1/1663/K2/3: 24 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £194 11s 10d 
DPRI/1/1663/K1   11 January 1664
William KENNETT, esquire, of Hunwicke in the county of Durham [Hunwick, County Durham]; also spelt Kennotte
DPRI/1/1663/K1/1-2: 21 November 1663  - will endorsed: proved, 11 Jan 1664 
DPRI/1/1663/K1/3: 21 November 1663  - inventory, actual total £1,209 6s 8d 
Roger KITCHIN, yeoman, of Long Benton in the countie of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Kitchon
see DPRI/4/18 page 77
DPRI/1/1663/K3/1: 15 June 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/K3/2: 15 June 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £396 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £136 17s 8d) 
DPRI/1/1663/K4   5 December 1663
Edmond KNOWLS, vintner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Knowles
DPRI/1/1663/K4/1: 8 December 1663  - renunciation renunciation of Ellinor Knowls, relict, nominating Richard Knowls, son, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1663/K4/2: 8 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £288 15s 4d endorsed: administration granted, 5 Dec 1663 
Henry LAKENBY, gentleman, of Shirburne (Sherburne) in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Lackenby, Lackenbye, Lackenbie
DPRI/1/1663/L1/1: 25 September 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/L1/2: 25 September 1662  - inventory, actual total £30 16s 8d 
Thomas LANGTON, of parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/L2/1: 23 April 1663  - inventory 
Anthony LEE, yeoman, of Lovladylisheale (Lovelady Sheel, Sheild) in the parish of Aldston (Aldstone) [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/L3/1-2: 19 January 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/L3/3: 19 January 1661  - inventory, actual total £85 2s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £47) 
John LEEKE, butcher, of the High Castle Garth in the county of Northumberland, in the parish of St Nicholas town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/L4/1: 14 October 1663  - inventory 
Edward LOWTHER, gentleman, of Newham in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 86. Parish uncertain: Newhams in Whalton and Bamburgh - the latter favoured on the evidence of Lowther's debtors' abodes
DPRI/1/1663/L6/1: 5 September 1663  - inventory 
William LYSLE, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisle
DPRI/1/1663/L5/1: 8 May 1663  - indented inventory 
Henrie MADDISON, junior, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Henry
inventory is endorsed 1664; see 1663 bond [178] (now lost); no reference in Probate Act Book (DPRI/4/18)
DPRI/1/1663/M3/1: 19 November 1664  - inventory 
Thomas MADDISON, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Maddeson
DPRI/1/1663/M4/1: 21 April 1663  - indented inventory 
Lady Anne MADDISONNE, of Rogerly (Rodgerly, Rogerley) in Waredaile in the county palatine of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Maddison. Died 10 April 1663
DPRI/1/1663/M2/1-2: 11 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/M2/3: 11 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £192 8s 10d 
John MADER, yeoman, of Yetlington in the county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/M5/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/M6   6 June 1663
Elizabeth MARKENDAILE, wife and administratrix of Anthony Markendaile of Barnard Castle, widow, of chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale
DPRI/1/1663/M6/1: 7 February 1663  - indented will 
DPRI/1/1663/M6/2: 7 February 1663  - indented inventory, actual total £550 16s 10d (with account of debts of £150) inventory of household and shop goods etc.. Endorsed: proved, 6 June 1663 
Jane MASON, widow of Raiph Mason of Sedgefield, widow, of Sedgefeild (Sedgfeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/M7/1-2: 29 July 1662  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to the executor Robert Mason, 14 Nov 1663 
DPRI/1/1663/M7/3: 29 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £173 11s 8d 
Nichollas MAXON, of Seaton House in the parish of Longhoughton (Longhowghton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/M8/1: 22 October 1663  - inventory 
Cuthbert MAXWELL, freemason, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbart
DPRI/1/1663/M9/1: 25 October 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/M9/2-3: 25 October 1661  - inventory, actual total £27 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £12) 
Gawin MAXWELL, mariner, of South Sheeles in the countye of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/M10/1: 17 February 1664  - inventory 
William MILBORN, yeoman, of Birkley (Burkle) within the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborne, Milburne, Milburn
parish uncertain (but see DPRI/1/1663/N2/1 for same scribe in Chollerton area)
DPRI/1/1663/M12/1: 9 May 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/M12/2: 9 May 1663  - inventory, actual total £21 7s (with account of funeral expenses of £7) 
William MILBOURNE, hoastman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1663/M13/1: 23 December 1662  - will 
John MILBURN, yeoman, of Birkley in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
parish uncertain (but see DPRI/1/1663/N2/1 for same scribe in Chollerton area); see DPRI/4/18 page 81
DPRI/1/1663/M11/1: 26 July 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/M11/2: 26 July 1659  - inventory, actual total £16 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £4) date uncertain: same date as will, and yet includes funeral expenses 
Christopher MILES, joiner, of Darlington within the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/M14/1-2: 22 May 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/M14/3: 22 May 1657  - inventory, actual total £31 5s 8d 
Mathew MOODY, of Glanton parish of Whittingham [Glanton, Northumberland]; also spelt Modie, Moodie
DPRI/1/1663/M15/1-2: 30 May 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/M15/3: 30 May 1663  - inventory, actual total £170 6s 11d (with account of debts of £10 5s 6d) 
Andrew MOORE, the younger, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough of Barwick (Berwicke) upon Tweede in the county of Northumberland [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/M16/1: 27 December 1663  - will 
Francis MOORE, of Hartlepooll (Hartlepoole) in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/M17/1-2: 18 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/M17/3: 18 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £52 10s 4d (with account of debts of £10 10s) 
Arthur NEWTON, of Whitchester in the countie of Northumberland within the parish of Heddonwall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/N1/1: 17 February 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/N1/2-3: 17 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £521 5s (with account of debts, legacy and funeral expenses of £136 4s 6d) 
George NICHOLSON, of Barrisford (Barrasford) in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 81
DPRI/1/1663/N2/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/N2/2: undated  - inventory 
John NICHOLSON, shipwright, of parish of St Nicholas town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/N3/1: 25 January 1663  - inventory 
Thomas NICHOLSON, of Eastnooke (East Nooke) in the parish of Elsden in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/N4/1: 26 May 1663  - inventory 
Margrett NICKSON, spinster, of Winlaton in the parish of Ryton [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1663/N5/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/O1   10 March 1664
William OLIVANT, gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/O1/1-2: 20 October 1662  - will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1664 
DPRI/1/1663/O1/3: 20 October 1662  - inventory, actual total £23 4s 6d 
Henery PARKE, master and mariner, of South Sheeles (Sheiles) in the countye of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Henry
DPRI/1/1663/P1/1: 21 January 1664  - inventory 
Thomas PATTESON, the elder, of Melkredg (Melkridge), Haltwisle parish in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Haltwhistle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Pattinson
DPRI/1/1663/P2/1-2: 11 April 1663  - will endorsed with list of debts owed to testator of £36 2s 
DPRI/1/1663/P2/3: 11 April 1663  - inventory, actual total £40 2s inventory total includes the 'desperate' debts on dorse of will 
Robert PEACOCKE, butcher, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/P3/1-2: undated  - inventory dated 3 Feb 
Uselay POTTS, of Trewchit (Nether Trewhitt) in the parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Ursula
DPRI/1/1663/P4/1: 17 April 1663  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/P4/2 - wrapper 
William PRESCOATE, of Forestones in the parish of Nether Warden in the county of Northumberland [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/P5/1-2: 28 May 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1663/P5/3: 28 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £17 10s 
Richard PRIDEAUX, minister in Newcastle, clerk, of Newcastle uppon Tine, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/P6/1-2: 17 May 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/P6/3: 17 May 1661  - inventory, actual total £177 14s 
Thomas PUNSHON, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/P7/1: 24 August 1663  - inventory 
Sir Edward RADCLYFFE, baronet, of Dilston (Dilstone) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Radcliffe
see DPRI/4/18 page 95
DPRI/1/1663/R1/1: 29 June 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/R1/2-3: 29 June 1657  - inventory, actual total £355 
DPRI/1/1663/R1/4 - wrapper 
Jarrard READETT, yeoman, of Ovington in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Jarard, Readit
DPRI/1/1663/R2/1-2: 27 July 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/R2/3: 27 July 1663  - inventory, actual total £31 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 13s 7d) 
Robert READHEAD, of Eastw[i]che within the parish of Heddon upon the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R3/1: 8 January 1663  - inventory 
Bartram REED, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R4/1: 4 August 1663  - inventory 
Thomas REED, tanner, of Framwelgate in the county of Durham, near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/R5/1: 26 February 1664  - inventory 
John RENOLDSON, yeoman, of Longhoughton in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R6/1: 23 October 1663  - inventory 
Christopher RICHARDSON, of parish of St Maryes in the North Bayley in the city of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/R7/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Spittle in the parrish of Tweedmouth (Norham) and county pallataine of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R8/1-2: 18 August 1663  - inventory 
Thomas RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Emsough within the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R9/1: February 1661  - nuncupative will  with inventory, actual total £17 13s 
Ann RIDLEINGTON, spinster, of Bishop Auckland (Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Ridlington, Riddleington
DPRI/1/1663/R10/1-2: 4 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/R10/3: 4 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £38 
Cuthbert RIDLEY, yeoman, of Broomehaugh (Broomehawgh) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Bywell St Andrew [Broomhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R11/1: 20 March 1663  - inventory 
John RIDLY, gentleman, of Ayden (Aydon) in the parish of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridley
DPRI/1/1663/R12/1-2: 29 December 1658  - inventory administration granted to Christopher Ridley, son, also for the use of Ann Ridley 
John ROBSON, of Longhaugh (Longhawghe), chapelry of Bellingham in the county of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R13/1: 26 May 1663  - inventory 
Edward ROCHESTER, clerk, of Wooller [Wooler, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/R14/1-2: 20 June 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/R14/3: 20 June 1663  - inventory, actual total £41 17s 7d 
Edmond RODDAM, gentleman, of Little Houghton in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Edwarde, Rodham
DPRI/1/1663/R15/1-2: 18 April 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/R15/3 - inventory, actual total £189 5s (with account of funeral charges of £20) 
Edward RODHAM, tanner, of Fra[m]wellgate (Framwellgaite, Framwelgate) neare the cytty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Roddam
DPRI/1/1663/R16/1-2: 7 January 1664  - inventory 
John RUTLIDGE, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Rutlas, Routledge
DPRI/1/1663/R17/1: 12 May 1663  - will 
Jarrard SALVIN, esquire, of Croxdale in the county of Durham [Croxdale, County Durham]; also spelt Salvyn
DPRI/1/1663/S1/1-4: 18 March 1663  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to the executor Anthony Salvin, 6 Feb 1664 
John SCOT, of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Scott
DPRI/1/1663/S2/1: 19 September 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S2/2: 19 September 1657  - inventory, actual total £23 3s (with account of funeral expenses of £7 16s 9d) 
Marke SCOTT, of Cartingeton (Cartington) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Mark. Died 7 October 1654
DPRI/1/1663/S3/1: undated  - inventory 
George SELBY, of Branxton (Branckston) in the county of Northumberland [Branxton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/S4/1-2: 22 February 1664  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/S4/3: 22 February 1664  - additional inventory of crops sold and sown, actual total £114 17s 4d 
John SELBY, gentleman, of Beall within the county pallatine of Durham, parish of Kiloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/S5/1-2: 21 July 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S5/3: 21 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £1 11s 
Anthony SHADFORTH, bachelor, of Tunstall in the perish of Bishop Wearemouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/S6/1: 6 January 1664  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 Nov 1663 
Robert SHIPLEY, of Barrasford (Barrisford) in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/S7/1: 10 May 1663  - inventory 
Bartholomew SHOTTON, of Gateside (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/S8/1: 24 October 1663  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/S8/2: 24 October 1663  - inventory, actual total £4 5s 6d inventory of goods etc. in the house of Henry Hargrave of Newcastle, merchant 
DPRI/1/1663/S8/3: 24 October 1663  - inventory, actual total £3 1s inventory of goods etc. received from Luke Sheaperd of Durham [?apothecary] 
Christopher SIDGWICKE, of Cleatlam [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgewicke
parish uncertain: part of Cleatlam is in Gainford and part in Staindrop
DPRI/1/1663/S9/1: undated  - inventory dated 17 Sep 
Roger SIMPSON, of North Seaton within the parish of Woodhorne in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/S10/1-2: 23 June 1663  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1663/S10/3: 23 June 1663  - inventory, actual total £287 1s 4d 
Edward SMITH, of chapelry of Horton [Horton, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 94
DPRI/1/1663/S11/1-2: 10 April 1656  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/S11/3: 10 April 1656  - inventory This item was for a time separated from Smith's first inventory (DPRI/1/1663/S11/1-2) and assigned an interim reference number of DPRI/1/1663/M1/1: the image of this inventory may be viewed under that reference number. 
Edward SMITH, of chapelry of Horton [Horton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/M1/1: undated  - inventory This item was for a time separated from Smith's first inventory (DPRI/1/1663/S11/1-2) and assigned an interim reference number of DPRI/1/1663/M1/1. The image of this inventory is associated with this reference number, but the document itself is now filed at DPRI/1/1663/S11 and re-numbered 1663/S11/3. 
Robart SMITH, of Haughton [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert
see DPRI/4/18 page 80
DPRI/1/1663/S12/1: 25 November 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S12/2-3: 25 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £119 15s 3d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £60) 
William SMITH, yeoman, of Haggerston Bridg (Bridge) Milne in the county of Durham, chapelry of Ancrofte [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Smyth
DPRI/1/1663/S13/1: 1 December 1653  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S13/2: 1 December 1653  - inventory, actual total £62 15s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £34 15s 8d) 
John SNAITH, yeoman, of Milne (Mill) Holme (Holme Milne) in the county pallantine of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 79. Parish uncertain: Witton-le-Wear inferred from bequest to the poor of Witton parish
DPRI/1/1663/S14/1: 6 March 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S14/2: 6 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £117 1s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £50 7s) 
Thomas SNAWDON, yeoman, of Keepier (Kepier) Grange of the parish of St Gyles in or near the cyty of Durham and in the county of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/S15/1: 17 December 1662  - nuncupative will 
William SPRAGGON, the elder, of Snitter, Rothbury parish [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/S17/1: 3 May 1657  - inventory 
William SPRAGON, the younger, of Snitter, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Spraggon
DPRI/1/1663/S16/1: 25 June 1654  - inventory 
William STAMPE, of Bilton (Billtton) [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Stamp
DPRI/1/1663/S18/2: 10 February 1659  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed by testator of £14 5s 
DPRI/1/1663/S18/1: 10 February 1659  - inventory, actual total £13 7s (with account of debts of £14 5s) The inventory in the form of a schedule of bequests was drawn up while the testator was alive and witnessed by him, and is largely a restatement of the will made two days earlier but with some bequests now itemised and valued 
Rowland STEELE, shipwright, of towne and countie of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/S19/1: 1 October 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S19/2: 1 October 1663  - indented inventory, actual total £16 15s 
William STOCKELT, of Langledale (Langley Daile), parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Stokeld
DPRI/1/1663/S20/1: 18 November 1659  - inventory administration requested by Mary Dodsworth, former relict, 1 Feb 1664 
DPRI/1/1663/S20/2 - wrapper 
William STOKER, of Greneley in the parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/S21/1: 13 July 1663  - inventory 
Robert STORREY, of Snitter in the parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Story
DPRI/1/1663/S22/1: 27 April 1656  - inventory 
Mary SURETIES, spinster, of Elvett in the suburbs of the citty of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Suretyes
DPRI/1/1663/S23/1-2: 7 January 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S23/3: 7 January 1663  - inventory, actual total £105 7s 8d 
DPRI/1/1663/S24   30 April 1663
Richard SUTTON, hatter, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/S24/1: 30 April 1663  - inventory The deceased's relict and father, Dorothy Sutton and Thomas Sutton, having renounced, administration was granted to John Dobson, creditor, 30 Apr 1663 
Anthony SWALWELL, of Whitside (Whitsyde) House in the parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/S25/1: 10 June 1663  - inventory 
James SWALWELL, of Ludworth within the parish of Pittington in the county of Durham [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Swallwell
DPRI/1/1663/S26/1: 19 February 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/S26/2: 19 February 1658  - inventory, actual total £134 
DPRI/1/1663/T4   7 April 1663
John TALLYERSON, of Elton [Elton, County Durham]; also spelt Talyerson
DPRI/1/1663/T4/1: 26 September 1658  - inventory administration granted, 7 Apr 1663 
John TAYLOR, of thee Groat Hugh (Hewgh) in the parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/T1/1: undated  - inventory 
Leonard TAYLOR, yeoman, of Easter Newbigging (Newbiggin) in the county of Durham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Tayler
Parish identified in Probate Act Book, see DPRI/4/18 page 75.
DPRI/1/1663/T2/1-2: 20 July 1662  - nuncupative will dated 20 July 1663 but also 14 Charles II (1662) 
DPRI/1/1663/T2/3: 20 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £14 13s 
Thomas TAYLOUR, yeoman, of Woodhorne in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylor, Tailour
DPRI/1/1663/T3/1-2: 3 November 1662  - will with [contemporaneous] list of debts owed to testator of £3 12s 6d 
DPRI/1/1663/T3/3: 3 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £60 
Henery TEASDALL, yeoman, of Kirkhaugh in the parish of Kirkhaugh and county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Henry, Teisdell
see DPRI/4/18 page 73
DPRI/1/1663/T5/1: 9 December 1661  - will date 1661 overwritten as 1662 
DPRI/1/1663/T5/2: 9 December 1661  - will with list of debts owed to the testator of £14 12s 6d 
John TEASDELL, of Loninghouse (Loneing, Loneinghouse) within the parish of Alston (Aldston Moore) and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Teasdall
DPRI/1/1663/T6/1: 22 March 1650  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/T6/2: 22 March 1650  - inventory, actual total £58 6s 6d (with account of debts of £1 0s 10d) 
Thomas TEASDELL, the elder, yeoman, of Slayley within the county of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/T7/1-2: 14 October 1652  - copy will  with inventory, 10 November 1652, actual total £106 3s 4d with certificate of oath and execution of bond, 29 Sep 1653, and the return of the original will and inventory to Doctors' Commons, London [Court of Civil Commission] endorsed: processed in May 1663 for probate 
George THOMPSON, about 23 years of age, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Tomson. Died 20 November 1644
DPRI/1/1663/T8/1-2: 20 November 1644  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1663/T8/3: 20 November 1644  - inventory, actual total £7 12s Thompson held property in Goulder Raw, Pandon, Newcastle upon Tyne 
Henry THOMPSON, yeoman, of Fenwick, parish of Kiloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]
died 17 Oct
DPRI/1/1663/T9/1: undated  - inventory dated 21 Oct 
Rowland THOMPSON, carpenter, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/T10/1: 24 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/T10/2: 24 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £774 10s 11d 
Thomas THOMPSON, the elder, of Stanhope in Wardale (Stanhoppe in Wardaile) [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/T11/1-2: undated  - will dated 19 Jan 
DPRI/1/1663/T11/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £104 
William THOMSON, tanner, of Bishop Awckland (Awckland Saint Andrew) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1663/T12/1-2: 7 April 1663  - inventory 
Edward TINGATE, yeoman, of Ousley parish of Allendale in the county of Northumberland [Allendale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/T13/1-2: 6 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/T13/3: 6 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £31 
Henry TOD, of Eaglescliffe (Egscliffe) in the county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Todd
DPRI/1/1663/T14/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/T14/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £24 
John TROTTER, mercer, of Bishop Awckland (Auckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/T15/4-7: 22 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £42 1s 6d inventory of debts owed to deceased, as recorded in his debt book(s) 
DPRI/1/1663/T15/2-3: 22 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £45 17s 1d inventory of shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1663/T15/1: 22 May 1662  - inventory of household goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1663/T15/8 - wrapper 
Thomas TROTTER, yeoman, of Houghton on (in) the Side within the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/T16/1: 11 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/T16/2: 11 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £823 
John TURNER, of West Bouldon (Bolden) in the countie of Durham [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Tourner
DPRI/1/1663/T17/1: 20 February 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/T17/2: 20 February 1660  - inventory, actual total £15 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 9s 6d) 
Richard TURNER, yeoman, of Weldon Dyke (Dike) in the countye of Northumberland [Brinkburn, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 90
DPRI/1/1663/T18/1: 10 August 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/T18/2: 10 August 1659  - inventory, actual total £32 12s 6d 
DPRI/1/1663/U1   24 October 1663
Robert URPEITH, of Snitter, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Urpeth. Died September 1655
see DPRI/4/18 page 90: administration granted, 24 Oct 1663
DPRI/1/1663/U1/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert VEPOUND, yeoman, of Neither Dodbury in Aldstonmore and in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Veapond
DPRI/1/1663/V1/1: 29 August 1661  - will with list of debts owed to deceased of £9 12s 8d and 4 fleeces 
DPRI/1/1663/V2/2: 29 August 1661  - inventory, actual total £2 10s 
Thomas VEPOUND, the elder, of Dryburne in Aldstonmore and perish of Garrigill (Garragill) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Veapond
DPRI/1/1663/V2/1: 4 March 1663  - inventory 
John WALKER, yeoman, of Elvit in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/W1/1-2: 18 March 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W1/3-4: 18 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £44 18s 8d 
Henry WALLIS, of Dewly Feild (Dewley Field) within the parish of Kirkhaugh (Kirkhawgh) in the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/W2/1: 24 May 1663  - inventory administration granted to Margaret Wallas, relict 
John WALLYS, the elder, tallow-chandler, of Sadler Streete in the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Wallis, Wallas
DPRI/1/1663/W3/1-2: 2 September 1663  - will  with [nuncupative codicil], 12 November 1663 
DPRI/1/1663/W3/3: 2 September 1663  - inventory, actual total £39 4s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £40 2s 7d) 
DPRI/1/1663/W4   23 January 1664
John WALTON, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/W4/1-2: 5 January 1664  - inventory of household and shop goods etc.; administration granted to Frances Gawtley, 23 Jan 1664 
John WALTON, Towneheed (Towneheede, Townehead) in the county of Cumberland, Emsough in Aldstonmore [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/W5/1: 1 November 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W5/3: 1 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £38 14s 4s 
DPRI/1/1663/W5/2: 1 November 1662  - certificate of oath of witness 
Willyam WARDALE, yeoman, of Easington in the county of Durham [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Wardaile
DPRI/1/1663/W7/1: 8 April 1663  - inventory 
Anne WATKINS, widow, of parish of the North Bayly in the county of Durham, city of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/W8/1: 18 May 1661  - will 
Charles WATSON, of Staindropp of the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/W10/1: 26 March 1663  - inventory administration granted to William Watson, son 
William WATTEN, of Gatshead (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Waton
DPRI/1/1663/W6/1: 30 April 1662  - inventory 
Anne WATTSONE, widow, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Watson
DPRI/1/1663/W9/1: 4 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W9/2-5: 4 December 1663  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Robert WEBSTER, of Chester in the Street in the county palatine of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/W11/1-2: 11 June 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W11/3-4: 11 June 1663  - inventory, actual total £61 12s 1d inventory of household and shop goods etc. order of pages: 1663/W11/3 recto, 4 recto, 3 verso 
John WELFOAT, of Stockton of the parish of Norton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Welfoote
DPRI/1/1663/W12/1: 16 August 1663  - inventory 
Edward WEST, of Wark (Warcke), parish of Carham [Wark, Northumberland]; also spelt Ewward
DPRI/1/1663/W13/1: 30 October 1660  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to testator of £12 19s 4d 
DPRI/1/1663/W13/2: 30 October 1660  - inventory of debts owed to testator, actual total £12 19s 4d 
John WHEATLIE, of town of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatley
see DPRI/4/18 page 85
DPRI/1/1663/W14/1: 25 July 1651  - will with contemporaneous list of debts of £15 3s 4d. Endorsed: exhibited but not proved 
Mary WHELDON, widow, of Etherston (Edderston, Eatherston) in the parish of Bambrough in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Weldon
see DPRI/4/18 pages 92-3
DPRI/1/1663/W15/3: undated  - nuncupative will dated 10 May 'last past' 
DPRI/1/1663/W15/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1663/W16   21 November 1663
William WHELTON, Kiphill (Kippell), (though for the present ... at) the Hill Head within the chaplerye of Tanfeild and county pallatine of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/W16/1: 1 May 1656  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W16/2 - wrapper endorsed: proved, 21 Nov 1663 
Cuthbert WHITE, of Belsey in the parrish of Bolam in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/W17/1: 13 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W17/2: 13 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £38 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £4) 
Henery WHITFEILD, of the Eastgate, parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Henry, Whetfeild, Whitffield
DPRI/1/1663/W18/1-2: 16 July 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W18/3: 16 July 1663  - inventory, actual total £62 15s 6d 
John WHITFEILD, felt-maker, of town of Newcastle upon Tine, in the chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfield
DPRI/1/1663/W19/1: 20 April 1663  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1663/W20   2 October 1663
John WIDDRINGTON, gentleman, of Heppell in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/W20/1: 1 October 1660  - [copy] will 
DPRI/1/1663/W20/2-3: 1 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £160 inventory includes goods etc. at West Harle 
DPRI/1/1663/W20/6: 1 October 1660  - grant of probate dated at Morpeth 
DPRI/1/1663/W20/4-5: 1 October 1660  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
Thomas WILLIAMSON, of Hurworth upon Tees [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1663/W21/1: 29 June 1663  - inventory 
Thomas WILLSON, yeoman, of Bellford (Belford) [Belford, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilson
DPRI/1/1663/W22/1: 22 April 1663  - inventory 
William WILSON, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1663/W23/1: 25 July 1663  - inventory 
George WOODALL, yeoman, of parish of Birkby in the county of Yorke, within the peculiar spiritual jurisdiction [Birkby, Yorkshire]
DPRI/1/1663/W24/1-2: undated  - nuncupative will dated, Sep (damaged) 
DPRI/1/1663/W24/4: undated  - inventory, actual total £36 18s 10d 
DPRI/1/1663/W24/3 - wrapper 
Richard WOODHOUSE, of Bilton, parish of Lesbury [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Woodhous
DPRI/1/1663/W25/1: 7 July 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1663/W25/2: 7 July 1660  - inventory, actual total £19 5s (with account of debts of £21 10s) 
Wills etc proved 1664
Reference: DPRI/1/1664
William ADAMES, of Long Houghton in the county of Northumberland and parish of Long Houghton [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Adams
DPRI/1/1664/A1/1-2: 24 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/A1/3: 24 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £317 13s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £40 4s 3d)  with inventory, 15 December 1664, actual total £17 2s 6d 
Richard ADDIE, son of John Addie, of Stella Steaths (Staiths) in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/A2/1: 16 August 1644  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B4
Thomas ADDIESON, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Addison
DPRI/1/1664/A3/1: 2 February 1665  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B278
Robert AISLEY, of Coves Houses in the county of Durham, parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/A4/1-2: 1664  - inventory endorsed: [16]64 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B86
DPRI/1/1664/A5   16 September 1664
Thomas AKINSIDE, of Eachwich (Eatchwicke) within the parish (chapelry) of Heddon upon the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Akensyde, Akenside
see DPRI/4/18: administration granted at Newcastle St Nicholas to Mary Akenside, relict, 16 Sep 1664 (later revoked)
DPRI/1/1664/A5/1-2: 12 April 1664  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1664/A5/3-4: 12 April 1664  - copy inventory, actual total £27 (with account of debts and legacies of £35 18s 3d) Subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating that the widow [Mary Akenside] renounced and returned the (grant of) administration to the court. Formerly used as a wrapper for the inventory of John Huntley of Newcastle St Nicholas (no probate act). 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B143
Catharine ALDER, widow, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Cattern
DPRI/1/1664/A6/1-2: 21 July 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/A6/3-4: 21 July 1664  - inventory, actual total £61 1s 9d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B99
Henry ALDER, fuller, dyer, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/A7/1: 16 November 1664  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B89
Georg ANDERSON, of parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt George
DPRI/1/1664/A8/1-2: 29 October 1663  - inventory 
Stephen ANDERSON, mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/A9/1: 24 February 1665  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B277
James ARCHBALD, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borowgh of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/A10/1-2: 21 February 1664  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B123
Robert ARCHBALD, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/A11/1: 14 September 1664  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B145
Jane ARMORER, widow, of borrow of Barwick upon Tweed [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/A12/1-2: 25 February 1659  - will dated 25 Feb 1659 at foot and 21 Feb 1659 on dorse 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B235
Roger ARMORER, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwick (Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Rogeer
DPRI/1/1664/A13/1-2: 5 September 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/A13/3: 5 September 1664  - inventory, actual total £18 16s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B125
Thomas ARMORER, esquire, of Belford West Hall in the county of Northumberland [Belford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/A14/1: 13 September 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B122
Thomas ARMORER, senior, of Belford West Hall in the county of Northumberland [Belford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/A15/1: 18 May 1664  - inventory 
Martine BAINE, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/B1/1-2: undated  - inventory 
George BELL, yeoman, of Litle Whittington in the countie of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/B2/1-2: 3 January 1664  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1664/B2/3: 3 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £142 10s 11d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £10 5s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B53
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B50
Humphrey BELL, yeoman, of parish of Kirkhaugh within the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/B3/1-2: 10 January 1658  - [?copy] will  with inventory, actual total £27 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21 7s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B152
Robert BELL, yeoman, of Carleton in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/B4/1-2: 30 September 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/B4/3: 30 September 1663  - inventory, actual total £13 6s 8d (with account of funeral charges of £10) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B101
William BELL, of Monck Weremuth Hall (Monkwearmouth) [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]. Died 26 September 1664
DPRI/1/1664/B5/1-2: 17 October 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B173
Robert BILTON, of parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/B6/1-2: 20 September 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B154
Rowland BIRD, skipper, of chapelry of St John of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/B7/1-2: 12 July 1663  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B85
William BLAKE, of Netherbuston, parish of Warckworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Blaike
DPRI/1/1664/B8/1: 10 August 1664  - inventory 
Ralph BRADFORTH, esquire, gentleman, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/B9/1: 12 September 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B177
Thomas BROUGH, wheelwright, of East Rainton in the parish of Houghton le Spring and countie of Durham [East Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/B10/1: 22 March 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B3
Francis BRUMWELL, yeoman, of Westgate in the parrish of Stanhoope and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/B11/1-2: 11 November 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/B11/3-4: 11 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £177 18s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £10) 
William BURRELL, draper, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/B12/1: undated  - indented inventory 
George CAR, yeoman, of Reaveley in the countie of Northumberland [Ingram, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr
DPRI/1/1664/C1/1: 10 March 1627  - will  with inventory, undated, actual total £125 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B24
Thomas CARSTON, yeoman, of Barwicke (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Cairston
DPRI/1/1664/C2/1-2: 18 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/C2/3-4: 18 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £185 19s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B19
Jane CHAITOR, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaiter
DPRI/1/1664/C3/1-2: 15 October 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/C3/3: 15 October 1662  - inventory, actual total £126 19s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B41
John CLASPER, yeoman, of Catchburn in the county of Northumberland, parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/C5/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Francis CLERKE, yeoman, of parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarke
DPRI/1/1664/C4/1: 10 March 1662  - will with list of debts owed by testator 
DPRI/1/1664/C4/2: 10 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £58 16s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B131
Thomas COATS, whitesmith, of cittie of Durham, parish of St Oswald [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Coates
DPRI/1/1664/C6/1: 30 May 1664  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B77
John COOKE, yeoman, of Meadowheads (Meadoweheads) in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of St John of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 106
DPRI/1/1664/C7/1: 4 January 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B39
Richard COOKE, master and mariner, of South Sheeles in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/C8/1: 10 January 1665  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B262
Henry COORE, fuller, dyer, of the High Castle Garth, Newcastle upon Tine in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Coare, Core
DPRI/1/1664/C9/1-2: 19 January 1664  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the surviving executor 
DPRI/1/1664/C9/3: 19 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £30 0s 8d 
DPRI/1/1664/C9/4-5: 19 January 1664  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £300 
DPRI/1/1664/C9/6: 19 January 1664  - bond to redeliver the original will bond not executed 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B43
Henrie COWLE, gentleman, of Widdrington (Widderington) [Widdrington, Northumberland]; also spelt Henry, Henery
DPRI/1/1664/C10/1-2: 7 October 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/C10/3: 7 October 1664  - inventory, actual total £227 15s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B260
John COWLING, of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Coolline, Coulline
DPRI/1/1664/C11/1-2: 15 April 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B141
Thomas CRAGS, yeoman, of North Hart in the countie of Durham, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Craggs, Cragges
DPRI/1/1664/C12/1: 20 May 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/C12/2: 20 May 1664  - inventory, actual total £357 16s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B110-111
Thomas CROME, the elder, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine in the county of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/C13/1: 28 August 1663  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/C13/2: 28 August 1663  - indented inventory, actual total £158 14s 6d inventory of household and shop goods etc. Dated 29 Mar [1664]; exhibited, 31 Mar 1664 
DPRI/1/1664/C13/3: 28 August 1663  - receipt for the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B7
Tymothy CROOKE, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Timothy
DPRI/1/1664/C14/1: 21 April 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B44
Edward CROW, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrough (town) of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/C15/1-2: 14 November 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/C15/3-4: 14 November 1664  - receipt for the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B240
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B239
Ann DAGLISH, widow, of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Dagleish
DPRI/1/1664/D1/1: 24 May 1664  - inventory 
Margarett DANBY, spinster, of Nafferton of the parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1664/D2/1: undated  - inventory 
John DAVESON, yeoman, of Stiford (Styford) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Bywell St Andrew [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Davison
DPRI/1/1664/D4/1: 24 March 1664  - inventory 
William DAVISON, blacksmith, of Ovington, parish of Bywell [St] Peter in the county of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Davyson
DPRI/1/1664/D5/1: 5 January 1631  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B48
William DAVISON, carpenter, of Sedgfild (Sedgfeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/D6/1-2: 18 August 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/D6/3: 18 August 1664  - inventory, actual total £47 5s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B171
James DAVISSON, elder, of Learmouth (Lairmouth) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Carham [Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Davyson, Davison
DPRI/1/1664/D3/1: 21 March 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/D3/2: 21 March 1664  - inventory, actual total £24 16s 4d (with account of debts of £10 5s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B17
Anne DAWSON, wife of Richard Dawson of Newcastle St John, blacksmith, of parish or chapelry of St Johns in NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/D7/1-2: 26 January 1657  - nuncupative will subscribed with memorandum relating that while the will was proved in common form 22 June 1664, no executor has entered into a bond 
Jonathan DEVEREUX, clerk, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/D8/1: 28 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/D8/2: 28 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £644 2s 9d exhibited, 26 Mar 1664 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B6
John DICKENSON, of Howdon (Houdon) [Wallsend, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 110. Parish uncertain: Howden, Wallsend more likely than Howden, Yorkshire
DPRI/1/1664/D9/1: 27 May 1664  - inventory administration requested by Mary Dickinson, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B75
Henry DOD, yeoman, of Hornestead in the parish of Simonburne (Symondburne) and county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd
DPRI/1/1664/D10/1: 31 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/D10/2: 31 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £61 (with account of funeral expenses of £4) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B47
John DOUGLAS, of Berwick (Berwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Daiglas
see DPRI/4/18 page 117
DPRI/1/1664/D12/1-2: 13 September 1664  - inventory 
Anthony DOVE, master and mariner, of North Sheiles in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthoney
DPRI/1/1664/D13/1: 15 January 1661  - will 
Arcbald DUNKEN, yeoman, of Upper Acker (Akers, Ackers) in the parish of Elsdone (Elsden) and county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Archbald, Archiebald, Donkin, Dunk, Dunken
DPRI/1/1664/D11/1: 14 August 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/D11/3 - inventory, actual total £6 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 12s 7d) 
DPRI/1/1664/D11/2: 14 August 1664  - inventory, actual total £2 15s items in the inventory are included in the other inventory (1664/D11/3) 
Elizabeth DUNN, widow, of Elvett in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/D14/2: 6 July 1664  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1664/D14/1: 6 July 1664  - inventory, actual total £1 17s 6d dated, 1 Sep [?1664] 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B151
Robert EDMESTON, of East Lilburne [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Edmiston
DPRI/1/1664/E1/1-2: 7 August 1663  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B234
John ELDER, yeoman, of parish of Longhoughton (Long Houghton) in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/E2/1-2: 25 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/E2/3-4: 25 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £90 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 5s 4d) 
William ELDER, of Birlin in the parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/E3/1: 16 January 1662  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B25
Edward ELLAT, alias Ellwood, of Chipchase in the parish of Chollerton in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellatt, Elwood
DPRI/1/1664/E5/1-2: 15 March 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/E5/3: 15 March 1658  - inventory, actual total £85 3s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £28) 
James ELLET, master and mariner, of Northsheilds (North Sheilds) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/E4/1: 9 August 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/E4/2: 9 August 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £14 5s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B147
Cuthbert EMERSON, yeoman, of Burnhoop in the parrish of Stanhop and county palatine of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1664/E6/1-2: 11 November 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/E6/3: 11 November 1663  - inventory, actual total £120 17s 3d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £103 15s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B71
Raiph EMERSON, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1664/E7/1: 7 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/E7/2: 7 February 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £114 10s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B290
Raphe ERINGTON, gentleman, of Ponteland in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralphe, Errington
DPRI/1/1664/E9/1-2: 11 January 1664  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B45
Anthony ERRINGTON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/E8/1-2: 21 September 1664  - inventory 
Robert ERRINGTON, of Wallick (Wallicke) Grange in the parish of Nether W[arden] [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/E10/1: 9 November 1664  - inventory 
Horatio EVRE, bachelor, of Holborne (Holburne) in the citty of London [St Andrew Holborn, London]
DPRI/1/1664/E11/1: 18 October 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B172
John FARBRIDGE, yeoman, of parish of Slaley in the county of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/F1/1-2: 1 June 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/F1/3: 1 June 1659  - inventory, actual total £24 10s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £3) 
Allexander FARGISON, of town of Berwick (Barwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Alexander, Fargeson
DPRI/1/1664/F3/1-2: 13 September 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B126
William FARGY, of Bell Yete, Alnewicke [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Fargie
DPRI/1/1664/F2/1: 1 January 1656  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B128
Thomas FARLE, of Clarewood, parish of Hallton (chapelry of Horton) and parish of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Halton, Northumberland]; also spelt Farrell
see DPRI/4/18 page 107
DPRI/1/1664/F4/1: 19 January 1664  - inventory endorsed with apophthegmatic writing exercises 
George FARROW, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/F5/1: 16 February 1665  - inventory exhibited, 23 Feb 1665 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B276
Ellinor FENWICKE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/F6/1: 5 December 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/F6/2: 5 December 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £280 3s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B244-246
Grace FORSTER, widow, of Newham in the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/F7/1: 3 June 1664  - will 
John FOWLER, yeoman, of borough of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/F8/1-2: 17 August 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/F8/3: 17 August 1663  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/F8/4: 17 August 1663  - inventory items listed were not valued 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B11
John GARTH, of Headlam in the parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/G1/1-2: 15 August 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/G1/3: 15 August 1664  - inventory, actual total £1,291 13s 4d 
Robert GOODCHILD, yeoman, of Seaton in the countie of Durham [Seaton Carew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/G2/1-2: 16 March 1663  - will subscribed with (undated) memorandum that the executor has been warned to exhibit the inventory 
DPRI/1/1664/G2/3-4: 16 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £29 7s actual total does not include household goods, as the appraisers were denied entry by the deceased's widow; exhibited, 14 May 1664 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B61
John GREEN, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/G4/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1664/G3   6 February 1665
John GREENE, haberdasher, of chappelrie of St Margarets (Margaretts) in Framwelgate of the citty of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Grene
see DPRI/4/18 page 136 (6 Feb 1665)
DPRI/1/1664/G3/1-2: 30 January 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/G3/3: 30 January 1665  - inventory £48 3s 6d (with account of debts of £14 18s 4d); exhibited 6 Jan [recte Feb] 1665 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B268
Alice GUY, widow, of Heaton of the chappelry of All Saints in NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Eeales
DPRI/1/1664/G5/1: 6 March 1663  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1664/G5/2: 6 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £15 13s 4d (with account of debts of £5 15s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B97
Anthony HALE, of Eltringham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Hall
DPRI/1/1664/H1/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B280
Anthony HALL, shipwright, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthoney
DPRI/1/1664/H2/1: 23 November 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H2/2: 23 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £27 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B271
Matthew HALL, house-carpenter, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/H3/1: 13 July 1664  - copy will endorsed: proved, 22 Aug 1664 
DPRI/1/1664/H3/2: 13 July 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £25 6s 6d 
DPRI/1/1664/H3/3: 13 July 1664  - receipt for the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B119
Robert HARBOTTLE, gentleman, of Tainfeild (Tanfeild) in the parish of Chester in the county of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Hartbotle
DPRI/1/1664/H4/1: 6 August 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B113
Robert HARDING, plumber, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Hardin
DPRI/1/1664/H5/1: 12 January 1665  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Margarett Morley, aunt; exhibited by William Harding, father, 12 Jan 1665 
DPRI/1/1664/H5/2: 12 January 1665  - renunciation renunciation of Margaret and William Morley, nominating William Harding to take out administration 
Randell HARLE, of Denum (Deanham) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Hartburne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Randill, Randal, Randall, Harll
DPRI/1/1664/H6/1-2: 12 November 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H6/3: 12 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £74 1s 6d 
Margarett HARPERLEY, daughter of John Harperley of Stockton, single woman, of town and chapelry of Stockton and parish of Norton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret. Died September 1644
DPRI/1/1664/H7/1-2: September 1644  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1664/H7/3: September 1644  - inventory, actual total £44 (with account of funeral charges of £5) 
DPRI/1/1664/H7/6: September 1644  - allegations allegations of John Bunting, executor 
DPRI/1/1664/H7/4-5: September 1644  - interrogatories interrogatories of Thomas Harperley to the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of John Bunting 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B27
Richard HARRISON, yeoman, of Gibsnees in the parish of Staindrop (Staindropp) in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Herison
DPRI/1/1664/H8/1-2: 12 April 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H8/3-5: 12 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £308 8s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B9-10
Thomas HARRISON, yeoman, of South Street nere Durham in the chappelry of St Margarets in the county of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/H9/1-2: 21 September 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B157
Ralph HEDWORTH, gentleman, of the College of or belonging to the Cathedrall Church of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
testator, who may once have been a soldier, 'sojourned and lived with' Henry and Elizabeth Blaikiston within the College
DPRI/1/1664/H10/1-2: March 1664  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B120
George HINDERSON, yeoman, of Thriston in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Henderson
DPRI/1/1664/H11/1-2: 1 September 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H11/3-4: 1 September 1664  - inventory, actual total £78 18s 10d (with account of debts of £28 17s 2d) inventory includes a list of items 'taken away feloniously' 
DPRI/1/1664/H11/5: 1 September 1664  - inventory, actual total £18 5s memorandum relating to a bond between the testator and his brother Martin Henderson 
William HODSHON, esquire, of Winlaton [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon
DPRI/1/1664/H13/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Margaret Hodshon, relict 
DPRI/1/1664/H13/2 - wrapper 
John HOMBLE, yeoman, of Absheales (Absheels, Absheeles) in the parish of Longhorsley (Long Horseley) [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Humble
DPRI/1/1664/H16/1: 13 October 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H16/2: 13 October 1663  - inventory, actual total £57 16s 3d 
Cuthbert HOPPER, yeoman, widower, of Newlands (Newland) Bridge End in the county of Northumberland, parish of Bywell St Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/H14/1-2: 9 March 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H14/3: 9 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £67 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £44 17s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B54-56
Ralph HUCHINSON, yeoman, of Over Reaidweeing (Reidweing, Readweeing) in Aldstonmore (Aldstonmoore) and in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1664/H20/1-2: 25 August 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H20/3-4: 25 August 1664  - inventory, actual total £91 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £181 3s) 
Roger HUDSON, shipwright, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/H15/1: 21 September 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H15/2: 21 September 1663  - indented inventory, actual total £16 8s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B35
John HUGHETSON, of Hemsough (Emsough) in Alston parish [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Huetson
DPRI/1/1664/H12/1-2: 28 October 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H12/3-4: 28 October 1663  - inventory, actual total £210 17s 1d (with account of debts of more than £100) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B20
Richard HUMBLE, of Hartlepooll in the county of Durham, parish of Hart [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/H17/1-2: 3 February 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B100
George HUNTER, fuller, of Elvett in the parish of St Oswalds in the suburbs of the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/H18/1-2: 13 April 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H18/3: 13 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £168 19s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B73
Thomas HUNTER, of Espgreene, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/H19/1: 7 December 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/H19/2: 7 December 1664  - inventory, actual total £73 0s 4d 
Robert HUTTON, tanner, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Robertt
DPRI/1/1664/H21/1-2: 19 July 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/H21/3: 19 July 1664  - inventory, actual total £524 11s 3d 
DPRI/1/1664/H21/4: 19 July 1664  - receipt for the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B155
DPRI/1/1664/J1   10 May 1664
Thomas JACKESON, cordwainer, of Craike of the county pallatine of Durham and within the county of Yorke [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Jackson
DPRI/1/1664/J1/1: 29 March 1664  - will proved at Craike, 10 May 1664 
DPRI/1/1664/J1/2: 29 March 1664  - inventory, actual total £11 actual total between £11 and £12 
William JACKSON, yeoman, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/J2/1-2: 7 May 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/J2/3: 7 May 1664  - inventory, actual total £102 4s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B64
Thomas JAMES, of Shilbotle (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/J3/1-2: 5 August 1664  - will with (undated) memorandum relating that a sealed order of court for equal distribution of the estate (after debts and court costs) between the testator's widow and children is to be annexed to the will, and also requesting that a (grant of) tuition and two bonds be executed by the widow 
DPRI/1/1664/J3/3-4: 5 August 1664  - inventory, actual total £82 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 8s) 
DPRI/1/1664/J3/5: 5 August 1664  - deduction arbitration settlement memorandum of an order of court settling a dispute between the widow and children of the testator 
DPRI/1/1664/J3/6: 5 August 1664  - deduction arbitration settlement settlement of testator's debts and estate between his widow and children, witnessed by four persons 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B232
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B231
Richard JEFFERSON, of Elton [Elton, County Durham]. Died August 1636
DPRI/1/1664/J4/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B114
Elizabeth JOHNSON, widow, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/J5/1: 20 February 1665  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B274
Henry JOHNSON, of Nether (Neather) Buston in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/J6/1: 15 July 1664  - inventory 
James JOHNSON, yeoman, of Cockleparke in the parish of Hebron (Hebburne) in the county of Northumberland [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/J7/1: 11 April 1664  - inventory administration granted to Margaret Johnson, widow 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B29
Alexander JOPLIN, of Mooreyate and parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Jopling
DPRI/1/1664/J8/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B72
Nicholas KIRSSOP, yeoman, of the Hemphole (Hempehole) in the parish of Simonburne (Symondburne) and county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Kirsopp
DPRI/1/1664/K1/1: 4 October 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/K1/2: 4 October 1658  - inventory, actual total £8 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1664/K1/3: 4 October 1658  - copy inventory, actual total £8 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B51
Lancelot LAMBE, of parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/L1/1-2: 20 July 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B107
Robbert LAMPTON, of chapelry of All Saints of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1664/L2/1-2: 13 January 1665  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B287
Sir William LAMPTON, knight, of Biddicke [Washington, County Durham]
parish uncertain: North Biddick is in Washington and Whitburn parished, while South Biddick is in Houghton-le-Spring
DPRI/1/1664/L3/1: 14 July 1664  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B84
John LAYBORNE, cordwainer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/L4/1: 6 June 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B291
John LEE, yeoman, of Acklinton (Acklington) in the parish of Warkworth and county of Northumberland [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/L6/1: 20 March 1662  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed by testator of £22 
DPRI/1/1664/L6/2: 20 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £107 16s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B134
Elizabeth LIDDELL, wife of Henry Liddell of Farneacres, gentleman, of Farneacres in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/L7/1-2: 22 October 1664  - inventory 
Thomas LIDDELL, of Farnacres (Farneacres) [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/L8/1-2: 6 October 1664  - inventory 
Thomas LIDIATT, mariner, of Dents Hole in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Lideott, Lideat
see DPRI/4/18 page 121
DPRI/1/1664/L5/1-2: 22 October 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/L5/3: 22 October 1661  - indented inventory, actual total £20 3s 6d exhibited, 16 Sep 1664 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B146
George LINTON, yeoman, of North Sheelds (Sheels) in the parish of Tinmouth (Tinemouth) within the countie of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/L9/1: 11 March 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B5
John LISLE, gentleman, of Nether Framlington (Low Framlington) in the county of Northumberland [Longframlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/L10/1: 12 December 1664  - inventory with memorandum relating that Dorothy Lisle, relict, renounced administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B256
Elinor LOADSMAN, of South Sheeles [South Shields, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 127
DPRI/1/1664/L11/1: 7 November 1664  - indented inventory 
Robert LOWRISON, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/L12/1: 27 October 1663  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1664/L12/2: 27 October 1663  - inventory, actual total £31 18s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B28
William MANGLES, baker, brewer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/M1/1-2: 25 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/M1/3: 25 January 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £220 6s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B38
Richard MARCH, of Winter House in the parish of Eddenbyers in the county of the bishibrig of Durham [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Reichard
DPRI/1/1664/M2/1-2: 9 August 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/M2/3-4: 9 August 1663  - inventory, actual total £32 19s 8d (with account of legacy of £10) 
Matthew MATTHEWSON, of parish of Mitford [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Mathew, Mathewson
DPRI/1/1664/M3/1: 5 July 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B94
Ralph MIDFORD, esquire, of Seighill (Sighill) in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford
DPRI/1/1664/M5/1: 3 December 1663  - inventory 
Cuthbert MITFORD, clerk, of parish of Ingram [Ingram, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/M4/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B63
Robert MITFORD, junior, of parish of Stanington (Stannington) in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/M6/1: undated  - inventory 
John MOFFITT, of Tylmouth (Tillmowth, Tilmouth), parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Moffett, Moffit
DPRI/1/1664/M7/1-2: 23 March 1653  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/M7/3: 23 March 1653  - inventory, actual total £22 14s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B14
Thomas MOORE, gentleman, of Spittle in the county of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/M10/1-2: 29 May 1653  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the surviving executor 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B264
William MOORE, the elder, of Sherraton (Sheraton) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Willyam, Moor
DPRI/1/1664/M11/1-2: 14 March 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/M11/3: 14 March 1664  - inventory, actual total £72 4s 6d (with account of debts of £4 5s 8d) 
will bond, penal sum £300: DPRI/3/1699/B87/3-4
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B92
Robert MORROW, of Bilton, parish of Lesbury [Lesbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/M12/1-2: 2 April 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/M12/3: 2 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £95 17s 4d (with account of debts of £9 6s 4d) 
Ralph MOULDE, baker, beer-brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Mold, Mould
DPRI/1/1664/M8/1-2: 7 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/M8/3: 7 December 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £10 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B36
Robert MUDY, yeoman, of Eslington in the countie of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Moodie, Moodye
DPRI/1/1664/M9/1-2: 24 May 1664  - will  with inventory, 15 July 1664, actual total £36 4s 
William NEGOSE, surgeon, of Wooler (Wooller) in the county of Northumberland [Wooler, Northumberland]; also spelt Negos
DPRI/1/1664/N1/1-2: 11 January 1664  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B15
Ann NICHOLSON, widow, of Aldstone Moore and county of Cumberland, Alstone (Alstonn) [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/N2/1: 16 June 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/N2/2: 16 June 1662  - inventory, actual total £3 1s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B150
DPRI/1/1664/N3   April 1664
George NICHOLSON, yeoman, of Horclif (Horncliffe) Loane End in the county of Durham, parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 103 (Apr 1664)
DPRI/1/1664/N3/1: 22 February 1654  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B13
John NICHOLSON, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/N4/1: 29 December 1663  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B153
Steven NICHOLSON, of Neather Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/N5/1: 25 May 1664  - inventory 
Edward OLIVER, yeoman, of Overwarden (Upper Warden) in the parish of Nether (Neather) Warden in the countie of Northumberland [Warden, Northumberland]; also spelt Olliver
see DPRI/4/18 page 108
DPRI/1/1664/O1/2: 26 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £28 
DPRI/1/1664/O1/1: 26 April 1664  - inventory This inventory contains items listed in the earlier inventory (1664/01/2). Administration granted to Jane Yealderd, former relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B59
Robert ORD, of Barwicke (Berwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 111
DPRI/1/1664/O2/1: 18 June 1664  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Margaret Unthanke alias Ord 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B83
Robert ORD, gentleman, of East Orde (Ord), parish of Tweedmouth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 117
DPRI/1/1664/O3/1: 16 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/O3/2-3: 16 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £131 8s 4d 
DPRI/1/1664/O3/4: 16 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £57 8s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B127
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B124
Edward PACE, of North Weetslet (Witslett) [Longbenton, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 133
DPRI/1/1664/P1/1: 7 December 1653  - will with certificate of oath, 13 Mar 1654 
DPRI/1/1664/P1/2-3: 7 December 1653  - inventory, actual total £240 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £51 16s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B252
Elizabeth PAVYE, spinster, of Elwicke in the parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 136
DPRI/1/1664/P2/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B267
Thomas PEARSON, of parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/P3/1-2: 28 April 1664  - inventory 
John PHILPOTT, of Houghton in the Springe in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/P4/1: 7 May 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/P4/2-3: 7 May 1664  - inventory, actual total £45 5s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B96
Margaret POTTER, widow, of Hutton Henrie (Henry) of the parish of Munckhesleden in the countie of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Margrat
DPRI/1/1664/P5/1-2: 21 May 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/P5/3: 21 May 1664  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1664/P5/4-5: 21 May 1664  - inventory, actual total £34 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 11s 5d) 
Martin POTTER, of Crimdon, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/P6/1: 30 August 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B121
Elias PRATT, baker, of borough of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/P7/1: 6 July 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B62
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B16
Allexander PRENTICE, lieutenant of Berwick garrison, army lieutenant, gentleman, of borough of Barwick upon Tweed (Barwicke upon Tweede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Alexander, Prentyce, Prentis
DPRI/1/1664/P8/1-2: 10 November 1646  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/P8/3: 10 November 1646  - inventory, actual total £4 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B12
Roger PROCTER, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Prockter
DPRI/1/1664/P9/1: 8 December 1664  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Doryty RAWLING, youngest daughter of John Rawling of Sherburn deceased, spinster, Shadforth, Shereburne (Sheerburn) in the county of Durham [Shadforth, County Durham; Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Dorothy
DPRI/1/1664/R1/1-2: 26 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/R1/3-4: 26 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £52 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B98
Edward READ, of Old Towne [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed
DPRI/1/1664/R6/1: 7 December 1664  - inventory 
John READHEADE, of Milburne in the payrish of Pontealland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Readhead
DPRI/1/1664/R3/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B247
Ewanze REEDHEAD, of Cleoden (Cleadon) within the parish off Whitburn (Whitburne) [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Reedheed, Readhead
DPRI/1/1664/R2/1-2: undated  - inventory, actual total £86 10s 8d  with renunciation, 2 March 1665 renunciation of Elezebeth Reedhead, relict, nominating Thomas Reedhead, son, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B281
John REEDHEAD, barber, chandler, of South Sheilds (Sheils, Sheels) in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Readhead, Reedheed
DPRI/1/1664/R4/1-2: 24 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/R4/3: 24 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £8 4s 11d (with account of debts of £7 15s 3d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B66
Thomas REEDHEAD, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/R5/1: 4 November 1663  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B33
Edward RENICKE, of Craister, parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Renick, Renwicke
DPRI/1/1664/R7/1: 17 December 1663  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B22
Edward REVELEY, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reeveley, Reaveley
DPRI/1/1664/R8/1-2: 28 April 1664  - will 
John RICHARDSON, of St Hellen Awckland (Awkland) with in the countye of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Richeson
see bond [A158]
DPRI/1/1664/R9/1: 20 August 1664  - inventory 
John RICHARDSON, of burough of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/R10/1: 5 April 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B18
Thomas RICHINSON, of Howbourne (Howburne) in Aldstonmoore, chapelry of Garragill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Ritchinson
see DPRI/4/18 page 126
DPRI/1/1664/R12/1-2: 17 May 1644  - inventory 
John RICHISON, of Whalten (Whalton) [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/R11/1: 9 December 1664  - inventory 
Hugh RIDLEY, of parish of Haltwhisle in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/R13/1: 2 January 1662  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B2
Robert RIDLEY, of Haltwisle (Haltwhistle, Haltwesle) in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 102
DPRI/1/1664/R14/7-8: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/R14/1-2: undated  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/R14/3-4: undated  - renunciation transfer of administration from Anne Ridley widow (of Robert Ridley) to Elizabeth Ridley widow (of Hugh Ridley and mother of Robert Ridley), relating to the estates of Robert Ridley and Hugh Ridley, both of Haltwhistle 
DPRI/1/1664/R14/5: undated  - renunciation renunciation of Elizabeth Ridley, widow of Hugh Ridley and mother of Robert Ridley, nominating John Lowes to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1664/R14/6: undated  - letter letter from Gabriel Jackson to [Robert] Newhouse, Durham Register, enclosing renunciation of Anne Ridley 
DPRI/1/1664/R14/9: undated  - inventory, actual total £34 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £2) 
Thomas RIPELEY, farmer, of Marwood House within the toweshipe of Marwood in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Ripley
DPRI/1/1664/R16/1-2: 31 August 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/R16/3: 31 August 1664  - inventory, actual total £38 15s 8d 
John RIPLEY, gentleman, of Shothaugh (Stothaugh) within the parish of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/R15/1-2: 1 February 1662  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/R15/3: 1 February 1662  - inventory, actual total £26 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B137
Robert ROBINSON, of Acton (Ackton) in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
parish uncertain: Blanchland or Felton, the latter preferred as administration granted at Alnwick. See DPRI/4/18 page 118
DPRI/1/1664/R17/1: 20 August 1662  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B132
William ROBINSON, of Hounden Mill, parish of Warckworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/R18/1: 12 October 1664  - inventory 
Jarrard ROBSON, yeoman, of the Carr Houses (Carhouses, House) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Jerrard
DPRI/1/1664/R19/1: 13 June 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/R19/2: 13 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £33 16s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B253
DPRI/1/1664/R20   14 December 1664
Ralph ROBSON, of Paperhaugh in the parish of Rothbury and in the countie of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18: (14 Dec 1664)
DPRI/1/1664/R20/1: 12 December 1664  - inventory administration granted to Jane Watson [widow] for the use of [herself, Mabel Robinson, Ellenor Douglas, Ann Crispe and Margaret Atkinson,] sisters 
Reanold ROBSON, baker, brewer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reignold, Reginald
DPRI/1/1664/R21/1-2: 22 March 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/R21/3: 22 March 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £81 3s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B37
Robert ROBSON, of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/R22/1: 15 September 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B140
Margaret RUTLIDGE, widow, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Margarett, Rutlish
DPRI/1/1664/R23/1-2: 4 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/R23/3: 4 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £111 7s 2d exhibited, 21 Mar 1665 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B289
John SCOTT, of South Charleton in the parish of Ellingham [Ellingham, Northumberland]. Died 10 December 1659
DPRI/1/1664/S1/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B129
John SHADFORTH, yeoman, of Huthron (Hawthrone, Hawthorne) in the county of Durham [Hawthorn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/S2/1-2: 1 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/S2/3-4: 1 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £48 18s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B102
Robert SHADFORTH, yeoman, of Cold Hesleden in the county of Durham, parish of Dalton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Shatforth
DPRI/1/1664/S3/1-2: 19 October 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/S3/3: 19 October 1662  - inventory, actual total £175 date in Nov 1662 uncertain (illegible) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B115
Thomas SHEILD, the elder, alias Shevile, house-carpenter, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/S4/1-2: 18 December 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/S4/3: 18 December 1664  - inventory, actual total £14 3s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B284-285
Elizabeth SHIPPERD, widow, of town of Newcastle [upon] Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shepheard
see DPRI/4/18 page 113
DPRI/1/1664/S5/1: 21 July 1664  - indented inventory 
Thomas SMITH, baker, beer-brewer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/S7/1: 15 May 1656  - copy will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B259
James SMYTH, of Low Angerton in the parish of Harburn (Harburne) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Smith
DPRI/1/1664/S6/1: 25 November 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/S6/2: 25 November 1663  - inventory, actual total £91 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £40 11s 2d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B31
Margarett SNOWBALL, spinster, of parrish of St Gyles neare the citty of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1664/S8/1-2: 7 December 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/S8/3: 7 December 1664  - inventory, actual total £30 11s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B254
Michaell SOURSSBYE, of parish of Rothbury in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Solsbey, Mychell, Sourseby, Michall, Solbe, Sowlsby
DPRI/1/1664/S9/1: 14 June 1664  - renunciation quitclaim of Ellinor Sourssbye relict of all except her thirds to Henry Solsbey 
DPRI/1/1664/S9/2: 14 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £59 3s 10d 
DPRI/1/1664/S9/3 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1664/S9/4 - blank 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B148-149
Richard SPARROW, of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/S10/1-2: 20 May 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B74
John SPOONER, felt-maker, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/S11/1: 4 March 1650  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B261
John SPRAGON, cordwainer, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Spraggon
DPRI/1/1664/S12/1: undated  - inventory 
Edward SPROTE, of Stanton in the parish of Horseley (Horsley) [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Sprott
DPRI/1/1664/S13/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Elizabeth STEVENSON, widow, of parish of South Bayley in the citty of Durham [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]; also spelt Stephenson
DPRI/1/1664/S14/1: 7 July 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/S14/2: 7 July 1655  - inventory, actual total £558 7s 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B79
Thomas STOBBS, master and mariner, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Stobs
DPRI/1/1664/S15/1-2: 13 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/S15/3: 13 February 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £109 9s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B34
Henry STORY, of parish of Wooller [Wooler, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/S16/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B238
John STRANGEWAYES, gentleman, of Cheswick (Cheswicke) within the county palatine of Durham, parish of Ancroft [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Straingwayes
see DPRI/4/18 page 132
DPRI/1/1664/S17/1: 21 April 1663  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B236
Lancelot STROTHER, of Alnwick (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/S18/1-2: 13 December 1664  - inventory 
John SWANN, miller, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/S19/1: 14 July 1663  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B67
John TAILOR, coal waiter, of parish of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Tayler
DPRI/1/1664/T1/1: 20 February 1665  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B275
George TAYLER, the elder, of East Shaftoe in the parish of Hartborne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/T2/1: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. not administered by Jane Tayler, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B81
John TAYLOR, of Streatlam Dykes, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Tayler
see bond DPRI/3/1664/B93
DPRI/1/1664/T3/1: 6 May 1664  - inventory administration granted to Mary Taylor, [relict] 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B93
Thomas TAYLOR, of Bullers Green in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Tayler
DPRI/1/1664/T4/1-2: 27 August 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/T4/3: 27 August 1664  - inventory, actual total 12s 8d 
Michael TEASDELL, yeoman, of Cambhill in the parish of Slealy (Slayley) in the county of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdale
DPRI/1/1664/T6/1: 21 December 1643  - inventory 
John TEISDELL, yeoman, of Whitley within the parish of Kirkhaugh (Kirkehaugh) and county of Northumberland [Whitley, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdale
DPRI/1/1664/T5/1-2: 10 November 1663  - will  with inventory, 18 March 1664, actual total £148 13s 8d (with account of debts of £39 5s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B175
Theophelus THEW, yeoman, of Denwicke (Denwick) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Alnewicke [Denwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Theopholus, Theophilas, Theophilus
DPRI/1/1664/T7/1-2: 21 August 1664  - will with list of debts owed by the testator of £21 7s 
DPRI/1/1664/T7/3-4: 21 August 1664  - inventory, actual total £46 17s 
John THIRLWALL, gentleman, of Rothbury in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Thirllwall
DPRI/1/1664/T8/1-2: 31 December 1663  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Thirwall, relict, nominating John Thirwall esquire or his younger son John Thirlwall to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1664/T8/3: 31 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £262 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B52
Henry THOMPSON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/T9/1-4: 7 September 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/T9/5-6: 7 September 1664  - inventory, actual total £86 16s 6d exhibited, 14 Nov 1664 
DPRI/1/1664/T9/7: 7 September 1664  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £6,000 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B176
Isabell THOMPSON, widow, of Chatton in the countie of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Issobell, Thomeson
DPRI/1/1664/T10/2: 14 November 1664  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1664/T10/1: 14 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £69 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £16) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B233
Thomas THOMPSON, vintner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/T11/1: 6 March 1665  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B279
Richard TODD, yeoman, of Bishop Awckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Tod
DPRI/1/1664/T12/1: 12 September 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/T12/2: 12 September 1663  - inventory, actual total £38 10s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B82
Thomas TODD, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/T13/1: 19 December 1660  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B108-109
John TOWARD, the elder, tailor, of parish of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/T14/1: 29 May 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/T14/2: 29 May 1663  - inventory, actual total £164 12s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 5s 1d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B263
Jane TRUMWELL, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Trumbell. Died 14 January 1665
DPRI/1/1664/T15/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B270
DPRI/1/1664/U1   15 April 1664
Henry UMPHREY, of Craswell of the parish of Woodhorne (Wodhorn) [Woodham, County Durham]; also spelt Umphry, Humphrey
see DPRI/4/18 page 105: administration granted at Morpeth to Mary Humphrey, relict, 15 Apr 1664. See also bond DPRI/3/1664/B32
DPRI/1/1664/U1/1: 29 December 1663  - inventory 
Richard WALKER, notary public, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W1/1: 30 June 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W1/2: 30 June 1663  - inventory, actual total £114 7s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B40
DPRI/1/1664/W2   27 September 1659
Robert WALLIS, plumber, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallas
DPRI/1/1664/W2/1-2: 1 April 1659  - will endorsed: administration with the will annexed granted to William and Margaret Collins (daughter), guardians, for the use of Joseph Wallis, son and executor, 27 Sep 1659 
DPRI/1/1664/W2/3: 1 April 1659  - inventory, actual total £4 12s inventory of the goods etc. not already administered by William and Margaret Collins, guardians 
William WALLIS, merchant adventurer of England, mercer, merchant adventurer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W3/1-5: 22 September 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W3/6: 22 September 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £648 14s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B170
Cuthbert WALTON, of Gathead (Gatehead) in the perish of Garrigill in Aldstonmore [Alston, Cumberland]
see bond DPRI/3/1664/B87
DPRI/1/1664/W4/2: 9 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W4/1: 9 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £27 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 16s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B87
George WALTON, of Shealehill (Sheelhill), parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 126
DPRI/1/1664/W5/1: 9 November 1644  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W5/2: 9 November 1644  - inventory, actual total £27 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 5s) 
DPRI/1/1664/W5/3 - wrapper wrapper made from folio 15 of a document relating to the financial circumstances of a person interested in an unspecified office 
John WALTON, of Gathead (Gatehead) in the parish of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 111. See also bond DPRI/3/1664/B88
DPRI/1/1664/W6/1: 13 April 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B88
Richard WALTON, of Witton Gilbert [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/W7/1: 5 March 1665  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B95
DPRI/1/1664/W8   1 October 1664
Anthony WARD, yeoman, of Blachland (Blanchland) in the parishe of Shotly (Shotley) in the county of Northumberland [Blanchland, Northumberland]; also spelt Antoney
see DPRI/4/18 page 122: a monition having been issued, Thomas Ward, brother, exhibited on 1 Oct 1664 the inventory dated 29 Sep 1664 and was granted administration; the will was exhibited later (date unknown) and proved in solemn form, the former administrator's grant having been nullified. See also bond DPRI/3/1664/B164 (£100).
DPRI/1/1664/W8/1: 26 March 1664  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1664/W8/2: 26 March 1664  - inventory, actual total £35 16s 6d (with account of debts of £4 19s) dated, 2 May [?1664] 
DPRI/1/1664/W8/3: 26 March 1664  - inventory, actual total £33 13s [actual total should be £35 13s]  
John WATSON, labourer, of Mordon (Morden) in the county of Durham [Morden, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 133
DPRI/1/1664/W9/1-2: 5 November 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W9/3: 5 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £36 13s (with account of debts and legacies of £11 1s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B241
Robert WATSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W10/1: 7 October 1664  - inventory 
Henry WATT, of Cockfeild in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]. Died October 1664
date of death uncertain
DPRI/1/1664/W11/1-2: 8 October 1664  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1664/W11/3-4: 8 October 1664  - account, actual total £76 14s 1d (with discharge of £136 15s) account of George Arrowsmith for the use of Isaac, George, Thomas and Jane Watt, children. Dated 'about eight years and a half' after the death of Watt in Nov [?Oct] 1664; endorsed, 1673 
John WAUGH, yeoman, of Ryton Woodside in the countie of Durham, parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 114
DPRI/1/1664/W12/1-2: 1 August 1664  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1664/W12/3: 1 August 1664  - supplementary inventory, actual total £52 5s (with account of debts of £200) 
DPRI/1/1664/W12/4: 1 August 1664  - account, actual total £97 8s 6d (with discharge of £207 19s 6d) account of Alice Waugh, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B106
Emanuell WELLS, yeoman, of Readheugh in the parish of Gateshead and county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/W13/1: 30 July 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W13/2: 30 July 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £391 11s 8d 
Robert WELSH, of Read Peth, parish of Haltwhistle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W14/1: 14 January 1664  - inventory endorsed: inventory of Robert Welsh and of Jaine [Welsh] his wife 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B49
John WHEATLEY, carpenter, of Borrowby (Borroby) in the countie of Yorke [Borrowby, Yorkshire]
DPRI/1/1664/W15/1-2: 11 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W15/3: 11 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £9 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 17s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1664/W15/4 - wrapper 
Mary WHITFEILD, spinster, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W16/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B242
John WIDDRINGTON, gentleman, of Stonecroft in the county of Northumberland [Newbrough, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W17/1-4: 4 June 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1664/W17/5: 4 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £84 (with account of debts of £647) 
DPRI/1/1664/W17/6: 4 June 1664  - receipt for the original will 
Robert WILKESON, of Earsdon (Earsden) in the parish of Hebron, chapelry of Hebburne [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkenson, Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1664/W19/1-2: 27 July 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W19/3-4: 27 July 1664  - inventory, actual total £240 9s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B116-117
John WILKINSON, goldsmith, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W18/1: 1 November 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W18/2: 1 November 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £632 14s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B250-251
Thomas WILLIAMSON, gentleman, of chapelry of St Hellen Awckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/W20/1: 3 December 1664  - inventory 
John WILSON, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W21/1: 27 January 1664  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B142
Martha WILSON, widow, of Pegsworth in the countie of Northumberland [Bothal, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W22/1-2: 26 February 1664  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B139
Robert WILSON, yeoman, of Upper Buston in the parish of Warkworth (Warckworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W23/1: 24 June 1662  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B21
Richard WOOD, tanner, of parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/W24/1-3: 9 August 1656  - will 
DPRI/1/1664/W24/4: 9 August 1656  - inventory, actual total £30 16s 8d inventory of goods etc. 'not plundered from him in his lifetime' 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B105
George WRANGHAM, baker, beer-brewer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1664/W25/1: 1 August 1664  - indented inventory 
John WRANGHAM, of parish of Witton Gilbert in the county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1664/W26/1-2: 10 June 1659  - nuncupative will 
Thomas WRANGHAM, of Witton Gilbert in the county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]. Died May 1664
Wrangham died in London
DPRI/1/1664/W27/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by William Wrangham, brother 
bond: DPRI/3/1664/B174
John YOUNGE, yeoman, of Grindon in this county [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Young
see DPRI/4/18 page 127
DPRI/1/1664/Y1/1: 6 November 1663  - inventory 
Wills etc proved 1665
Reference: DPRI/1/1665
Robert ADAMES, yeoman, of Longhoughton (Long Houghton) in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Adams
DPRI/1/1665/A1/1-2: 9 November 1664  - will with list of debts owed to testator of £59 17s 4d 
DPRI/1/1665/A1/3: 9 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £523 16s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £98 10s) 
Jane ADSTON, widow, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/A2/1: 29 July 1661  - will endorsed with memorandum relating to 8 Oct 1668 Chancery cause: George Lisle and Suzan Lisle his wife v William Adston 
DPRI/1/1665/A2/2: 29 July 1661  - codicil 
Edward ANDERSON, of chapplerie of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/A3/1: 7 December 1665  - indented inventory exhibited, 12 Dec 1665 
Thomas ARCHER, about 4 years old, brother of Oswald Archer, of parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/A4/1: 13 February 1666  - inventory of Thomas Archer's interest in a 'little farm' at Alston, but not valued 
Thomas ARCHER, of Brounesid in Aldstonmoore, parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/A5/1: 9 May 1640  - inventory 
William ATKINSON, gentleman, of Great Lumley in the parish of Chester in le Street and county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/A6/1-2: February 1666  - inventory 
Lancelote AYRE, tanner, of parish of Wolsingham (Woolsingham) in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/A7/1: 31 March 1665  - inventory 
Isabell BARLEY, single woman, Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham, parish of Houghton in the Spring [Sunderland, County Durham; Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/B1/1-2: 15 February 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1665/B1/3: 15 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £93 
William BARROW, yeoman, of Hugh House in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 162
DPRI/1/1665/B2/1: 2 December 1664  - inventory administration granted to Margaret [Barrow, relict] 
Thomas BECK, minister of Hunstanworth, clerk, of Hunstonworth (Huntstonworth) [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Becke
DPRI/1/1665/B3/1: 12 April 1665  - inventory 
Albany BELL, yeoman, of the Temple Howse within the parish of Kirkhaugh (Kirkehaugh) within the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/B4/1: 4 December 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/B4/2: 4 December 1665  - inventory, actual total £103 (with account of funeral expenses of £3 10s) exhibited, 9 Dec 1665 
William BELLEMY, of Dunstle Staythes (Dunston Staithes) in the parish of Whickham and countye of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Bellamy
DPRI/1/1665/B5/1: undated  - inventory 
Hugh BLENKARNE, yeoman, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Blenckarne
DPRI/1/1665/B6/1-2: 27 July 1662  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/B6/3: 27 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £72 16s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £36 12s) 
Richard BLENKINSOPP, gentleman, of Angerton in the parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Blenkinson
DPRI/1/1665/B7/1-2: 10 March 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/B7/3-4: 10 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £37 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 5s 5d)  with letter, undated inventory, subscribed with letter from Humfrey Dacre, vicar of Haltwhistle, to [Durham Register] 
William BOLD, of Hutton Henry, parish of Monk Hesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/B8/1: undated  - inventory 
William BONNER, gentleman, of Saint Anthonyes (Anthony's) in the countye of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/B9/1-3: 27 May 1665  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of William Johnson the surviving co-executor 
DPRI/1/1665/B9/7: 27 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £212 inventory of ships at Sheilds; endorsed with note relating that the Patience of Newcastle was lost on her first voyage after Bonner sold his share in her 
DPRI/1/1665/B9/6: 27 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £135 17s 4d [A calculation on the dorse of the document suggests there may have been a discharge (debts etc.) of £67] 
DPRI/1/1665/B9/4-5: 27 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £1,111 3s 9d exhibited, 1670 
Humphrey BOULRON, skinner, of towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tynne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Bolron
DPRI/1/1665/B10/1: 16 August 1665  - inventory 
Lyonell BRADFOORTH, gentleman, of Newham within the county of Northumberland, parish of Balmbrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Lionel, Bradforth
DPRI/1/1665/B11/1: 8 June 1665  - inventory 
Robert BRANDLING, gentleman, of the White House in the parish of Alnewicke [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Brandlinge, Branling
DPRI/1/1665/B12/3: 24 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £744 12s 6d inventory of goods etc. at Shadon, the Woodhouse and the White House 
DPRI/1/1665/B12/1-2: 24 May 1665  - account account of Margarett Dunn, former relict; letters testimonial issued, 12 June 1672 
William BREUHOUS, of Fletham (Fleatham), parish of Balmbrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Brewhouse
DPRI/1/1665/B13/1: 13 May 1665  - inventory 
Thomas BROUGH, blacksmith, of East Rainton in the parish of Houghton in le Springe and countie of Durham [East Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/B14/1: 14 July 1664  - inventory 
Anthoney BROWN, of the Bridghouses in the parish of Corsinside (Corsenside) [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1665/B15/1: 16 May 1665  - inventory 
Robert BROWNE, of Ogle, parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/B16/1: 25 May 1665  - inventory 
George BULMER, gentleman, of Hett in the county pallatyne of Durham [Hett, County Durham]; also spelt Bulmur
DPRI/1/1665/B17/1-2: 21 June 1665  - inventory 
Thomas BURDUS, draper, tailor, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/B18/1-2: 25 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/B18/3-4: 25 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £91 10s 10d exhibited, 20 Oct 1665 
Robert BURRELL, clerk, of Gainford (Gaineford) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Burwell. Died June 1665
DPRI/1/1665/B19/1-2: undated  - will with three (?1665 and 1671) memoranda of witnesses certifying the will's proper publication 
DPRI/1/1665/B19/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £658 4s 
William BURRELL, shipwright, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/B20/1: 12 September 1665  - inventory 
Richard BYERS, the elder, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Biers
DPRI/1/1665/B21/1: 16 June 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/B21/2: 16 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £240 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f5r
George CARR, yeoman, of Elvett in or near the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/C1/1-2: 10 May 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/C1/3: 10 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £48 3s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £42 12s) 
Robert CHAPMAN, parson of Boldon, clerk, of West Bolden (Bouldon, Bowden) [Boldon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/C2/1-2: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/C2/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £210 8s 2d 
Richard CHARLTON, of Alnwicke [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Charleton
DPRI/1/1665/C3/1-2: 18 October 1665  - inventory 
Cuthbert CHATER, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaytor
DPRI/1/1665/C7/1: 20 March 1666  - inventory 
Jellin CHATTO, widow, of Meldon [Meldon, Northumberland]; also spelt Gillian, Chattoe, Shatto
DPRI/1/1665/C4/1-2: 28 December 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/C4/3-4: 28 December 1664  - inventory, actual total £166 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £41 9s) 
Roger CHATTOE, of Little Swinburne in the parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/C5/1: 7 February 1665  - inventory 
Richard CHATTOWE, yeoman, of Neither Leame in the chappelrey of Corssensyde (Corsinside) and county of Northumberland [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Chattoe
see DPRI/4/18 page 147
DPRI/1/1665/C6/1-2: 8 January 1665  - will  with inventory, 12 April 1665, actual total £48 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22) 
William CHICKEN, rope-maker, of parrish (chapelry) of St Andrewes in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/C8/1: 30 March 1665  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1665/C8/2: 30 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £39 6s 6d 
DPRI/1/1665/C8/3-4: 30 March 1665  - copy inventory, actual total £39 6s 6d 
DPRI/1/1665/C8/5: 30 March 1665  - receipt for the original will 
Ellinor CHISOLM, of High Karik (Karicke) in the parish of Ellsden (Elsden) [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Chisolme
DPRI/1/1665/C9/1: 16 June 1665  - inventory 
John CLARKE, of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/C10/1: 5 June 1665  - inventory 
Christopher CLARKE, of Langtone (Langton), parish of Gaineford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/C11/1: 19 March 1666  - inventory 
Richard CLARKSON, vicar of Billingham, clerk, of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Clarkeson
DPRI/1/1665/C12/1: 19 February 1666  - inventory 
Thomas CLEUGH, of Howicke [Howick, Northumberland]; also spelt Clugh
DPRI/1/1665/C13/1-2: undated  - inventory 
George COCK, yeoman, of the South Sheilds in the county palatine of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Cocke
DPRI/1/1665/C14/1: 15 April 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/C14/2: 15 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £207 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 13s 4d) 
John COLLPETTS, yeoman, of Midleton in Teasdall (Teasdale) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Colpitts
DPRI/1/1665/C15/1: 24 November 1664  - will with certificate of oath, 12 May 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/C15/2: 24 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £31 9s (with account of funeral expenses of £6 5s) 
Ralph COOEN, yeoman, of Great Swinburne in the parish of Chollerton and county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Coan, Coen
DPRI/1/1665/C16/1: 18 January 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/C16/2-3: 18 January 1665  - inventory, actual total £211 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £63 5s) 
Jane CROW, widow, of burrough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/C21/1-2: 2 September 1665  - will 
Edward CROWE, of burrough of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Crow
see DPRI/4/18 pages 133, 169, 173
DPRI/1/1665/C22/1: 24 November 1665  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Jane Crow, relict and executrix 
DPRI/1/1665/C17   19 March 1666
Edward CURRY, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of town of Berwick (Berwicke upon Twead) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Currey
DPRI/1/1665/C17/1-2: 21 January 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/C17/3-4: 21 January 1662  - inventory, actual total £38 6s 3d (with account of debts of £16 3s) endorsed: proved, 19 Mar 1666 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f6r
DPRI/1/1665/C18   12 March 1666
Emanuell CUTHBERT, yeoman, of Lamesley in the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Emanuel
see DPRI/4/18 page 179 and Will Register 1665-1670 folio 5v: proved, 12 Mar 1666
DPRI/1/1665/C18/1: 7 July 1657  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/C18/2: 7 July 1657  - inventory, actual total £19 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f5v
Robert CUTHBERT, of Rydeinge [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/C19/1: 3 May 1665  - inventory [administration] granted at Lamesley to Ann Cuthbert widow 
Thomas CUTTER, of Ogle, parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/C20/1: 25 May 1665  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1665/D1   10 February 1666
Richard DARNTON, yeoman, of Winstone (Winston) in the countie of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Darneton
DPRI/1/1665/D1/1-2: 30 November 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/D1/3-4: 30 November 1665  - inventory, actual total £29 8s 4d endorsed: proved, 10 Feb 1666 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f4r
John DAUKING, of Bishop Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 176
DPRI/1/1665/D2/1: 30 January 1666  - inventory with memorandum relating that Ann [Dauking] widow renounced administration, 1 Feb 1666 
John DAVISON, the elder, yeoman, of Cassop (Cassopp) in the county of Durham [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/D3/1: 21 June 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/D3/2: 21 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £357 10s 
Thomas DAVISON, of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/D4/1: 9 August 1665  - inventory administration granted to Isabel Davison relict, and also the tuition of Richard, Mary, Thomas and John Davison, children 
Thomas DELAVALL, esquire, gentleman, citty of Durham in the parish of Little St Maries within the county of Durham, Hetton in the Hole in the county of Durham [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]; also spelt Delavale
DPRI/1/1665/D5/1-4: 14 March 1663  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of two of the surviving supervisors 
DPRI/1/1665/D5/5-6: 14 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £512 11s 
Persivall DIXON, cordwainer, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Percival
DPRI/1/1665/D7/1: 16 March 1666  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John DIXSON, of Huntstoneworth (Hunstonworth) in the county of Durham [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Dixon
DPRI/1/1665/D6/1: undated  - renunciation transfer of administration by Margret Dixson [relict], nominating her son John Dixson to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1665/D6/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £30 11s 4d 
William DOBSON, yeoman, of North Dissington in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/D8/1: 2 January 1664  - inventory 
Margaret DODD, spinster, of Tilmouth within the parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/D9/1: 14 October 1665  - inventory 
Thomas DONNE, merchant, of towne (burough) of Berwick (Barwick, Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Donn, Dunn
DPRI/1/1665/D13/1-2: 16 January 1650  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/D13/3-5: 16 January 1650  - inventory, actual total £176 15s 2d (with account of debts of £421 8s 5d) 
William DOWNES, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/D11/1: 19 December 1665  - inventory 
Robert DOXFOURD, gentleman, of Ellingham in the county of Northumberland [Ellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Doxfoord
DPRI/1/1665/D12/1-2: 7 November 1631  - will 
James DUGLAS, of Oferton (Ufferton) in the parish of Houghton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Douglas
DPRI/1/1665/D10/1-2: 6 June 1665  - inventory 
Jane EAGLESTONE, wife of Mathew Eaglestone of the Close in Hunstanworth, widow, of the Close in Hunstanworth parish [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Eggleston
DPRI/1/1665/E1/1: 28 July 1665  - inventory 
Jane ELLINOR, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellenor
DPRI/1/1665/E2/1: 1 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/E2/2: 1 March 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £52 4s 2d 
Matthew ELLINTON, of Salticke in the parish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/E3/1-2: 4 July 1665  - inventory 
Anthony EMMERSON, dyer, of Gilligate (Geligate) near the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson
DPRI/1/1665/E4/1-2: 4 March 1665  - will dated 19 Dec 1664 at head and 4 Mar 1665 at foot; with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the surviving executor 
DPRI/1/1665/E4/3-4: 4 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £35 3s 8d 
DPRI/1/1665/E4/5: 4 March 1665  - receipt for the original will receipt for the original will, in the form of a letter from Thomas Emerson at Gilesgate to Robert Newhouse, [Durham Register] 
John EMMERSON, skinner, glover, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/E5/1: 25 September 1665  - indented inventory 
Daived ERRINGTON, army lieutenant cornet, esquire, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt David
DPRI/1/1665/E6/1: 1 December 1665  - inventory 
Dorothy ERRINGTON, wife of John Errington of Beaufront esquire, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/E7/1-4: 13 September 1643  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1665/E7/5: 13 September 1643  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1665/E7/6: 13 September 1643  - allegation allegation of Ursula Mountney alias Widdrington widow, executrix of the testator's executor John Widdrington, introducing the will 
Thomas FALKUS, of Nethertone (Neather Towne) within the parish of Bedlingtone (Bedlington) [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Falkas. Died 18 October 1664
DPRI/1/1665/F1/1: undated  - inventory 
John FARGIE, of Alnwicke (Alnewick) [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Fargye
DPRI/1/1665/F2/1: 15 May 1663  - inventory 
Richard FELL, master and mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/F3/1-2: 1 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/F3/3: 1 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £53 13s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f5r-5v
Ralph FENWICK, gentleman, of South Middleton (Midleton) in the county of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
see DPRI/4/18 page 156
DPRI/1/1665/F4/1: 20 July 1665  - inventory dated 18 July 1665 at head and 20 July 1665 at foot 
Ralph FENWICK, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Castlegate in [the] borough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Raph, Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1665/F5/1-2: 24 July 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/F5/3: 24 July 1664  - inventory, actual total £5 8s 6d 
Thomas FLETCHER, of Newtowne in the parish of Rothbury and county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/F6/2-3: 24 July 1665  - inventory, actual total £81 0s 7d 
DPRI/1/1665/F6/1: 24 July 1665  - renunciation (qualified) quitclaim of Rebeccah Fletcher, relict, to Ellinor Sowersby, sister of the deceased 
Richard FORRESTER, of Stanington (Stannington) [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster
DPRI/1/1665/F8/1: undated  - inventory 
Lady Elizabeth FORSTER, widow, of Blanchland [Blanchland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/F7/1-2: 17 November 1665  - inventory  with inventory, 13 December 1665, actual total £1,599 19s 11d inventory of goods etc. at Blanchland and Durham 
George FOSTER, gentleman, of Lyham, parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster
DPRI/1/1665/F9/1-2: 23 May 1665  - inventory 
Richard FOSTER, yeoman, gentleman, of Easington in the countie of Durham [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/F10/1-2: 23 April 1654  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/F10/3: 23 April 1654  - inventory, actual total £276 19s 
Thomas FUIESTER, of Fearie Hill (Ferryhill) [Ferryhill, County Durham]; also spelt Fouster, Fuester, Fuster
DPRI/1/1665/F11/1-2: 3 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/F11/3-4: 3 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £163 (with account of debts of £100) 
DPRI/1/1665/G1   10 February 1666
John GARMUNDSON, weaver, of Cleatlam within the countie of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Garmanson
parish uncertain: Cleatlam divided between Gainford and Staindrop, but Garmundson requested burial in the former
DPRI/1/1665/G1/1-2: 26 January 1666  - will endorsed: proved, 10 Feb 1666 
DPRI/1/1665/G1/3-4: 26 January 1666  - inventory, actual total £8 17s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f3v-4r
Richard GARTH, gentleman, of Langton (Langtone) in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/G2/1: 11 October 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/G2/2-5: 11 October 1664  - inventory, actual total £859 18s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25) 
William GELSON, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/G3/1: 2 March 1665  - inventory 
Robert GENT, weaver, of Ellvett in or neere the cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]. Died 3 September 1665
DPRI/1/1665/G4/1-2: 19 June 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/G4/3-4: 19 June 1658  - inventory, actual total £25 12s 2d 
John GIBSON, yeoman, of Midleside in Teasdaile (Teasdall, Teasdale) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/G5/1-2: 26 June 1665  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1665/G5/3-4: 26 June 1665  - inventory, actual total £68 1s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £8 18s 6d) 
George GILLRY, yeoman, of Wooller Comon (Common) in the county palatine of Durham [Wooler, Northumberland]; also spelt Gildroy
DPRI/1/1665/G6/1: 6 April 1665  - inventory 
Walter GILLRY, Dunsdaille, parish of Wooller [Kirknewton, Northumberland; Wooler, Northumberland; Chillingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Gildroy
see DPRI/4/18 page 143: resident of Newton in Glendale [ward, Chillingham parish]
DPRI/1/1665/G7/1: undated  - inventory 
Arthur GRAY, gentleman, of Sunnylaw in the parish of Carham [Carham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/G8/1: 10 May 1665  - inventory 
George GREEVE, gentleman, of Hull Abbey in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Greive
see DPRI/4/18 page 172
DPRI/1/1665/G9/1-2: 5 December 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/G9/3-4: 5 December 1665  - inventory, actual total £351 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £106 10s) 
George GREY, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/G10/1: 19 February 1666  - indented inventory 
Raph HALL, yeoman, of parish of Elsdon (Elsdone, Elsden) in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1665/H1/1-2: 12 November 1664  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed by (£12 12s) and owed to (£4 12s 6d) testator - later annotated by Katheren Hall, [administratrix] 
DPRI/1/1665/H1/3: 12 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £19 19s 6d taking the annotated inventory of debts and funeral expenses etc. into the account (item 1665/H1/1-2), the actual total is £24 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 12s) 
John HANDCOCKE, barber-surgeon, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Handcock
Handcocke made his will immediately prior to embarking at Tynemouth under the command of John Weetwang [royal navy] captain: this may be an error for Joseph Wetwang, captain of H.M.S. Norwich at this date.
DPRI/1/1665/H2/1-2: 28 March 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/H2/3: 28 March 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £53 0s 6d (with account of debts of £16 4s 10d) 
Roger HARPER, gentleman, of Greate Osworth (Usworth) in the county of Durham [Usworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/H3/1: 25 April 1665  - indented inventory exhibited, 3 Apr 1666 
DPRI/1/1665/H3/2 - wrapper 
John HARRYSON, of Bishopwarmoth (Bishop Wearmouth) Salt Panns in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison
DPRI/1/1665/H4/1: 14 March 1664  - will 
John HASLERIGG, gentleman, of Long Raw within the chappelry of Framlington and county of Northumberland [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Heslerigg
DPRI/1/1665/H5/1-2: April 1654  - nuncupative will with certificate of oath, 27 May 1664 
DPRI/1/1665/H5/3: April 1654  - inventory, actual total £65 18s 8d 
William HENDERSON, gentleman, of toune and countye of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/H6/1: 13 January 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/H6/2: 13 January 1665  - inventory, actual total £423 12s 
Ralphe HEPPELL, baker, brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Raiph, Hepple, Ralph, Hepple
DPRI/1/1665/H7/1: 21 December 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/H7/2: 21 December 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £39 8s 6d 
DPRI/1/1665/H8   10 September 1665
Richard HERON, esquire, gentleman, of Bockenfeild in the parish of Felton in the countye of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon
see DPRI/4/18 page 159: proved, 10 Sep 1665
DPRI/1/1665/H8/1-2: 18 May 1665  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 12 September 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/H8/3: 18 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £378 9s 8d 
DPRI/1/1665/H8/5: 18 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £1,480 additional inventory of debts owed to testator 
DPRI/1/1665/H8/4: 18 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £168 inventory of desperate debts owed to testator 
DPRI/1/1665/H8/6-7: 18 May 1665  - account, actual total £1,858 9s 8d (with discharge of £1,973) account of John Heron esquire, son and executor 
Henry HEWARDINE, mariner, of parish or chappell of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hewerdine
DPRI/1/1665/H9/1: undated  - inventory 
John HIXON, of Nunstainton (Nunn Stainton) in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/H10/1: 23 August 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/H10/2: 23 August 1665  - inventory, actual total £359 1s (with account of debts and legacies of £206) 
John HODSHON, of Jesmond, chapelry of St Andrew in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Jesmond, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/H11/1: 5 April 1665  - inventory 
William HODSHON, butcher, of Bishop Awckland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson
DPRI/1/1665/H12/1: 7 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/H12/2: 7 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £384 5s 
Edward HOLME, gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Holmes
DPRI/1/1665/H13/1: 11 December 1665  - inventory exhibited, 15 Dec 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/H13/2-3: 11 December 1665  - renunciation renunciation of James Holme of London waterman, brother, nominating John and Elizabeth Robinson to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1665/H13/4-5: 11 December 1665  - renunciation renunciation John Jobson of Staveley gentleman pro Agnes Jobson (nee Parke) his wife and the niece of the deceased, nominating John and Elizabeth Robinson to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1665/H13/6-7: 11 December 1665  - renunciation renunciation Francis Jackson of Warton clerk pro Elizabeth Jackson (nee Parke) his wife and the niece of the deceased, nominating John and Elizabeth Robinson to take out administration of the deceased 
Reynold HORSLEY, gentleman, of High Callerton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Reignold
see DPRI/4/18 page 136
DPRI/1/1665/H14/1-2: 5 November 1662  - [copy] will in the form of a deed of gift to the son William Horsley, with contemporaneous schedule of debts, legacies and annuities etc. [formerly annexed to original will] 
DPRI/1/1665/H14/5: 5 November 1662  - administration bond, actual total £500 ?not executed: obligor's name is not accompanied by sureties, nor is the bond sealed (one tag torn away) 
DPRI/1/1665/H14/3-4: 5 November 1662  - inventory, actual total £165 2s 
bond: DPRI/3/1665/B1
John HOWE, gentleman, of Whittingham in the county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt How
see DPRI/4/18 page 172
DPRI/1/1665/H15/1-2: 13 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/H15/3-4: 13 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £145 8s 8d 
George HUME, minister of Ellingham, clerk, of Ellingeham (Ellingham) in the county of Northumberland [Ellingham, Northumberland]. Died 2 May 1665
DPRI/1/1665/H16/1: undated  - inventory 
Mathias HUNTER, gentleman, of Alnwicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/H17/1-2: 22 May 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/H17/3: 22 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £355 17s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £55) 
William HUNTERETCH, yeoman, of Suth (South) Charlton in the parish of Ellingham in the county of Northumberland [South Charlton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hunterridge, Huntridge
DPRI/1/1665/H18/1-2: undated  - will dated, 4 Feb; with certificate of oath, 27 May 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/H18/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £40 7s 6d 
George JACKSON, of Kelley in the parishe of Haltwessell (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/J1/1: 20 March 1665  - inventory 
John JACKSON, mariner, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/J2/1: 24 November 1665  - inventory exhibited by William Chilton 
John JOHNSON, of Carleton parish of Readmarshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/J3/1: 24 March 1665  - inventory 
Nichollas JOHNSON, the younger, yeoman, of Seaton Carew in the county of Durham [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholas
DPRI/1/1665/J4/1: 20 January 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/J4/2: 20 January 1666  - inventory, actual total £78 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £41 13s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f7r
Robert JOHNSON, the younger, of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 152
DPRI/1/1665/J5/3-4: 24 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £185 17s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £102 1s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1665/J5/1-2: 24 May 1665  - copy inventory 
Robert JOHNSON, yeoman, of Greneley Walls (Greenlaw Walls) within the parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 173
DPRI/1/1665/J6/1: 8 January 1666  - inventory 
John JOWSIE, barber-surgeon, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/J7/1: 6 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/J7/2: 6 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £137 6s 10d 
John KAYE, of Shirbone House (Shearburne Hospital) [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Key
DPRI/1/1665/K1/1: 8 September 1665  - inventory 
William KEMBER, rector of Simonburn, clerk, of Symonbourn (Symondburne, Simonburn) in the countie of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/K2/1: 25 November 1665  - will endorsed: proved, 10 Feb 1666 
DPRI/1/1665/K2/2: 25 November 1665  - inventory, actual total £131 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f2v-3r
Ann KENNETT, wife of William Kennett of Hunwicke esquire, widow, of Elvett in or neer the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/K3/1-2: 8 December 1665  - will 
John LAMBE, miller, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham, nere a certain place there called Gibbs Chaire [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/L1/1: 17 February 1665  - will in the form of a deed of gift to Lambe's daughter Anne Summers; endorsed with memorandum relating that livery of seisin was delivered, 17 Feb 1665 
Thomas LAMBE, the elder, gentleman, of Coxhoe in the county of Durham [Coxhoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/L2/1-2: 2 March 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/L2/3: 2 March 1664  - inventory, actual total £12 
Anne LAWSON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/L3/1-2: 9 June 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/L3/3: 9 June 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £19 4s 6d 
Robert LAWSON, merchant, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/L4/1-2: 29 September 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1665/L4/3: 29 September 1664  - receipt for the original will 
William LEAMING, master and mariner, of Leaden Hugh in the parish of Jarrow (Jarroe) and county palentine of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/L5/1-2: 28 September 1665  - inventory 
George LEWEN, gentleman, of Whicham (Whickham) in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/L6/1-2: 17 May 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/L6/3: 17 May 1662  - inventory, actual total £43 4s 6d 
DPRI/1/1665/L6/4: 17 May 1662  - inventory of funeral expenses, actual total £34 9s 5d (funeral expenses) 
Elizabeth LIDDALL, widow, of towne of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell
DPRI/1/1665/L7/1: 27 July 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/L7/2: 27 July 1665  - inventory, actual total £46 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f2r
Margarett LILBURNE, widow, of Ovingham in the countye of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1665/L8/1-2: 9 August 1665  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 21 September 1665 with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of Margaret Addison and Mary Shawe 
DPRI/1/1665/L9   31 March 1665
Thomas LILBURNE, [army] captain, gentleman, esquire, of Ufferton in the county of Durham [Penshaw, County Durham]
Lilburne is recorded as a Parliamentary officer in Aug 1644 in Proc. S. A. Newcastle (3) iv, 230. Correspondence is also preserved in 'State Papers, 1658: Sep and Oct', A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, volume 7: March 1658 - May 1660 (1742), pp. 405-417 and 429-47.
DPRI/1/1665/L9/1-2: 26 January 1659  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix. Endorsed: proved, 31 Mar 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/L9/3: 26 January 1659  - inventory, actual total £1,140 8s 8d 
DPRI/1/1665/L9/4: 26 January 1659  - receipt for the original will 
John LONDON, apothecary, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/L10/1-9: 16 March 1663  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1665/L10/10: 16 March 1663  - inventory, actual total £1,197 7s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £864 12s 11d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Elizabeth LORRAINE, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Loraine
DPRI/1/1665/L11/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1665/L11/2-3: undated  - inventory of debts and funeral expenses, actual total £61 0s 10d (debts and funeral expenses) 
John LOYSELUR, of Coatsam Moore in the county of Durham, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/L12/1: 3 August 1665  - inventory exhibited, 3 Aug 1665 
Andrew LUMSDEN, gentleman, of Morpeth Abbey Grenge House, Newminster Abbey (Minster) in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/L13/1-2: 1 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/L13/3-4: 1 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £76 17s 2d (with account of debts of £100) 
Elizabeth LYNNE, widow, of Shotton in the countye of Durham, parish of Sedgfeild [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Lynn
DPRI/1/1665/L14/2: 10 December 1663  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/L14/1: 10 December 1663  - inventory 
Robert MADDISON, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/M1/1: 2 April 1664  - will 
Alexander MALLABER, Acomb in the parish of Bywell Peter, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/M2/1: 16 June 1665  - inventory 
William MARTIN, yeoman, of Seaton in the parish of Seaham in the county of Durham [Seaham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/M3/1: 18 August 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/M3/2-3: 18 August 1665  - inventory, actual total £649 4s 
Oswould MATFYN, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Matfen
DPRI/1/1665/M4/1: 21 August 1665  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Thomas MAUGHAN, of chapelry of Haydon [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/M5/1: 4 March 1665  - inventory 
Thomas MIDLETON, butcher, of parish of St Nicholas in the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton
Midleton owned a house and a shop in Sadler Street, and a house on Framwellgate Bridge End
DPRI/1/1665/M6/1: 30 December 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/M6/2: 30 December 1665  - inventory, actual total £82 19s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f2r-2v
Robert MITFORD, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/M7/1-2: 2 December 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/M7/3-4: 2 December 1664  - inventory, actual total £17 6s 4d 
Jaine MOODY, of Boulton (Bolton), parish of Edlingham [Bolton, Northumberland]; also spelt jane
DPRI/1/1665/M8/1-2: 30 October 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/M8/4-5: 30 October 1665  - inventory, actual total £61 6s 8d (debts) inventory of debts [?owed to testatrix]; signed by testatrix and probably contemporaneous with will (thus page order: M8/1, 4-5, 2; 3) 
DPRI/1/1665/M8/3: 30 October 1665  - inventory, actual total £13 7s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 0s 4d) 
John MORTON, yeoman, of Willington in the countie of Northumberland [Wallsend, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/M9/1: 16 March 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/M9/2: 16 March 1660  - inventory, actual total £137 7s 4d 
Robert MORTON, yeoman, of Swinhoe in the county of Northumberland, parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/M10/1-2: 25 July 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/M10/3-4: 25 July 1665  - inventory, actual total £66 19s 9d 
DPRI/1/1665/M11   19 March 1666
Thomas MORTTONE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borrough (town) of Barwick upone Tweed (Barwicke upon Twead) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Murton
DPRI/1/1665/M11/1: 12 March 1666  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1665/M11/2 - wrapper endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar 1666 
Richard MUSGRAVE, gentleman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/M12/1: 9 April 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/M12/2: 9 April 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £20 16s 1d 
Jann NEASON, widow, of Spittel (Spitle), chapelry of Tweedmouth [Spittal, Northumberland]; also spelt Jane, Nealson
DPRI/1/1665/N1/1: 9 March 1665  - inventory 
John NICHOLL, of Crawla (Crawley) in the parish of Eglingeham (Eglingham) [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/N2/1-2: 11 October 1665  - inventory 
William NICKSON, husbandman, of Coatham Mundavell in the county of Durham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/N3/1-2: 29 August 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/N3/3-4: 29 August 1665  - inventory, actual total £181 16s 
Henry OGLE, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/O1/1-2: undated  - inventory 
James OGLE, esquire, of Cawsey Parke in the county of Northumberland [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/O2/1-4: 30 July 1664  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 1 February 1666 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f1r-1v
Andrew OLIVER, yeoman, of Ray in the parish of Kirk Whelpington (Kirke Whelpington) in the county of Northumberland [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Olliver
DPRI/1/1665/O3/1: 25 January 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/O3/2-3: 25 January 1665  - inventory, actual total £132 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £165 10s) 
Richard OLIVER, of Slikburne (Slickburne), parish of Bedlington [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Olliver
DPRI/1/1665/O4/1-2: 27 March 1665  - inventory 
Richard ORD, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrough of Burwick (Berwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Orde
DPRI/1/1665/O5/1: 20 June 1665  - will 
Issable OSBURNE, widow, of Benwell in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of St John in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Benwell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/O6/1: 11 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/O6/2: 11 January 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £49 2s 
DPRI/1/1665/P1   12 January 1666
Ellisabeth PARKER, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Elizabeth
see DPRI/4/18 page 173: will proved and inventory exhibited, 12 Jan 1666
DPRI/1/1665/P1/1: 18 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/P1/2: 18 February 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £9 18s dated, 8 Mar 17 Charles II but also 1665 (new style) 
Timothy PARKIN, gentleman, of the Old Parke [Whitworth, County Durham]; also spelt Parking, Packing
see DPRI/4/18 page 159
DPRI/1/1665/P2/1: 29 October 1662  - inventory exhibited by Jane Parkin, relict 
Christopher PATTISON, senior, of Bishopwarmoth (Bishop Wearmouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/P3/1: 20 February 1666  - inventory dated 19 Feb 1666 at head and 20 Feb 1666 at foot 
John PEARSON, of Ferryhill in the county of Durham [Ferryhill, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/P4/1: 1 June 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/P4/2-3: 1 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £96 10s (with account of debts of £56 8s) 
Peator PEARSON, of Bladon (Blaydon) in the county of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Peter, Peirson
DPRI/1/1665/P5/1: 10 August 1665  - inventory 
Thomas PEARSON, of the Five Mile Bridge [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Peirson
parish uncertain: there is a Six Mile Bridge village in Weetslade township, Longbenton; the tetstator also requests his burial in the 'parish of Benton'
DPRI/1/1665/P6/1: 17 June 1665  - will with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed to testator of £9 12s 6d 
DPRI/1/1665/P6/2: 17 June 1665  - inventory, actual total £19 12s 
Anthony PEARSON, gentleman, esquire, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1665/P7/1-2: 18 January 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/P7/3: 18 January 1666  - inventory  with inventory, 27 January 1666, actual total £106 4s 2d inventories of goods etc. at [Durham], Ramshaw and Toft Hill 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f1r
Thomas POTTS, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/P8/1: 3 January 1665  - inventory 
John POWRY, fuller, of Newtown in the county of Northumberland, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/P9/1: 29 February 1664  - will with certificate of oath, 27 May 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/P9/2: 29 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £42 15s 
John PURDYE, of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/P10/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas PY, clerk, of Elsdon (Elsden) [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Pye
DPRI/1/1665/P11/1-2: 18 March 1658  - inventory 
John RAMSAY, senior, of South Dissington in the county of Northumberland and parish of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R1/1-2: 22 January 1665  - will  with inventory, 22 January 1665, actual total £198 18s 8d (with account of debts of £3 1s) will with lists of debts owed to and by testator, and endorsed by probate office 'will with inventory incorporated' 
Richard REED, yeoman, of parish of Hart in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/R2/1-2: 13 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R2/3: 13 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £968 1s 
Robartt REVELY, of Hartlepooll (Hartynpoole) in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Robert, Reeveley
DPRI/1/1665/R3/1: 20 September 1665  - inventory 
William RICARDSON, apothecary, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/R8/1-2: 28 August 1665  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of one of the executors 
Joan RICHARDSON, widow, of Clapurth (Claputh, Clapeth, Claporth) in or nigh the cyty of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Jeane
DPRI/1/1665/R4/1-3: 12 June 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R4/4-5: 12 June 1662  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1665/R4/6: 12 June 1662  - inventory, actual total £342 9s 10d 
John RICHARDSON, of Minsteracres in the countie of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 163
DPRI/1/1665/R5/1: 11 May 1665  - inventory [administration] granted to Ellinor Richardson, relict 
Margrett RICHARDSON, widow, of chapelry of St Ellen Aukland (St Hellen Awckland) in the countye of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Margatt
DPRI/1/1665/R6/1-2: 8 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R6/3-4: 8 March 1665  - inventory  with additional inventory, 4 April 1665, actual total £93 0s 6d 
Thomas RICHARDSON, of Hedley Hill [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/R7/1: 17 March 1666  - inventory 
Edward RIDLEY, yeoman, of Burnhouse in the parish of Haltewhisle (Haltwesle) and countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R9/1: 19 April 1665  - will with list of debts owed by the testator of £8 
DPRI/1/1665/R9/2: 19 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £14 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 10s) 
Henry RIDLEY, yeoman, of Wooes [?Woods] within the parish of Haltwhistle and countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R10/1-2: 26 March 1665  - will  with inventory of debts and funeral expenses, actual total £10 9s (debts and funeral expenses) 
DPRI/1/1665/R10/3: 26 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £28 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 9s) 
Jane RIDLEY, of Birkeshaw within the parish of Haltwistle (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R11/1: 6 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R11/2: 6 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £8 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 16s) 
will bond, penal sum £200: DPRI/3/1707/B134/1-2
Thomas RIDLEY, of Haltwisle (Haltwhistle) in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R12/1: 25 September 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R12/2: 25 September 1664  - inventory, actual total £38 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 1s) 
Ann ROBINSON, widow, of Forcegarth in Teasdale within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/R13/1: 16 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R13/2-3: 16 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £273 4s 6d 
DPRI/1/1665/R14   12 August 1665
Cuthbert ROBINSON, weaver, of Cockerton in the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/R14/1-2: 9 September 1663  - will endorsed: proved, 12 Aug 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/R14/3: 9 September 1663  - inventory, actual total £125 18s 
Edward ROBINSON, of Sunderland nigh the Sea within the parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/R15/1: 10 May 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/R15/2: 10 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £122 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f4v
Margarett ROBINSON, spinster, of Forcegarth in the parish of Midleton in Teasdale [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1665/R16/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1665/R17   30 June 1665
Richard ROBINSON, tanner, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R17/1: 19 September 1664  - will endorsed: proved, 30 June 1665 
DPRI/1/1665/R17/2: 19 September 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £227 17s 11d 
John ROBSON, rector of Redmarshall, clerk, of Readmarshall in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/R18/1: 21 February 1666  - inventory 
John ROBSON, butcher, of the Westgate in the chapelry of St Johns in Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R19/1-2: 18 December 1665  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to the executor, 20 Mar 1666 
DPRI/1/1665/R19/3: 18 December 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £100 6s 3d (with account of funeral expenses of £9 9s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f6v-7r
William ROBSON, cook, gentleman, of parish of St Maries in the North Baley (Baylie) within the citty of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 143
DPRI/1/1665/R20/1-2: 1 April 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1665/R20/3-4: 1 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £21 5s 2d 
William ROBSON, mariner, of North Sheelds (Sheiles) in the countie of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 168
DPRI/1/1665/R21/1: 20 November 1665  - inventory 
Mary ROWELL, widow, of Ousburne in the countie of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R22/1: 8 July 1657  - will 
John RUTHERFORD, yeoman, of the Peells (Peels) in the parish of Allentone in the county of Northumberland [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rotherfoord, Rotherforde
DPRI/1/1665/R23/1-2: 25 April 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R23/3-4: 25 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £304 11s 4d total torn away 
Leonard RUTTER, yeoman, of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Rooter
DPRI/1/1665/R24/1-2: 9 January 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/R24/3-4: 9 January 1660  - inventory, actual total £33 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29 12s 9d) 
Robert RUTTER, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/R25/1: 16 June 1665  - indented inventory 
Robert SAMPSON, yeoman, of Morton in the parish of Tynemouth and county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/S1/1: 6 July 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S1/2: 6 July 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £61 6s 
Thomas SAVILE, yeoman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/S2/1-2: 6 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S2/3: 6 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £34 2s 6d 
John SHAFTO, gentleman, of Whinie (Whinnye) Hill in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1665/S3/1-2: 30 July 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S3/3: 30 July 1665  - inventory, actual total £94 14s 8d 
Matthew SHARPER, butcher, of Gallowgate without the Walls of Newcastle upon Tine in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/S4/1: 17 June 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S4/2: 17 June 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £44 2s (with account of debts of £18 10s) 
Nicholas SHEFFEILD, cordwainer, of the Market Place in the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/S5/1: 6 June 1665  - inventory 
Henry SIGSWORTH, yeoman, of Tuddo (Tuddoe) in the county of Durham [Tudhoe, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwicke
DPRI/1/1665/S6/1: 18 October 1665  - inventory 
James SIMPSON, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/S7/1: 20 June 1665  - inventory 
John SIMPSON, yeoman, of Houghton on the Side within the county of Durham [Denton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/S8/1-2: 8 December 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S8/3: 8 December 1665  - inventory, actual total £143 3s 4d (with account of debts of £10) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f4v
Mirrell SIMPSON, widow, of West Awckland with in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Merrill
DPRI/1/1665/S9/1-2: 27 October 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S9/3: 27 October 1665  - inventory, actual total £26 6s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f3r-3v
Elisabeth SKIPSEY, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/S10/1-2: 1 December 1664  - inventory 
John SLEIGH, gentleman, of borough of Burw[i]ck upon Tweed (parish of Barwick upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/S11/1-2: 17 April 1665  - will 
William SMITH, of Longhoughton (Long Houghton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/S12/1-2: 27 December 1665  - inventory 
Williame SNAITH, yeoman, of Chester in the Streate (Street) in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/S13/1-2: 5 May 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S13/3: 5 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £114 19s (with account of debts of £7 10s) 
Robert STEPHVENSON, of Blagill in Aldstonmoore, parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Stempson, Stephenson
DPRI/1/1665/S14/1: 10 September 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S14/2: 10 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £19 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 11s) 
DPRI/1/1665/S14/3 - wrapper blank piece of paper formerly affixed to 1665/S14/1 with adhesive as backing 
Raiph STEVENSON, of Cold Hearst (Could Hirst) within the parish (chapelry) of Hamsterley and county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1665/S15/1-2: 27 April 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S15/3-4: 27 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £13 7s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 13s 9d) 
George STOBBART, yeoman, of Dilston in the parish of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Stobbert
DPRI/1/1665/S16/1: 24 September 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/S16/2: 24 September 1665  - inventory, actual total £21 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 10s 10d) 
James SWANN, of Netherwitton (Nether Witton) in the county of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/S17/1: 26 January 1666  - inventory of goods not administered by Dorothy Sharper, mother; exhibited by Oswald Creswell, 26 Jan 1666 
William TAILOR, mariner, of North Sheeles (Sheiles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Tayler
see DPRI/4/18 page 178
DPRI/1/1665/T1/1: 20 February 1666  - indented inventory 
Lionell TATE, of Crookeham (Crookham) in the parish of Ford (Foord) within the county of Northumberland [Ford, Northumberland]; also spelt Lyonell, Taite
DPRI/1/1665/T2/1-2: undated  - nuncupative will dated, Jan 'last past' [?1665]  
DPRI/1/1665/T2/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £78 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £31 10s 8d) 
Henry TAYLOR, of Longhoughton (Long Houghton) in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/T3/1: 4 January 1666  - inventory 
James TAYLOR, fisherman, of Hartlepooll (Hartynpoole) in the county of Durham, parish of Hart [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/T4/1-2: 18 September 1665  - inventory 
Mary TAYLOR, wife of John Taylor, widow, of Streatlam (Stretlam) Dikes in the county of Durham and chappellry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/T5/1: 4 January 1666  - inventory with memorandum relating that administration was sought by Talbot Taylor, son, for his use and the use of his brothers and sisters George, Thomas, Ambrose, Mathew, William, John, Elizabeth and Jane 
Francis TEISDELL, of Ayle within the parish of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdaile
DPRI/1/1665/T6/1: 14 September 1664  - copy will  with inventory, actual total £90 0s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 4s) 
Nicholas TEMPEST, esquire, of Halywell (Hallywell) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/T7/1-8: 28 February 1660  - will endorsed with memorandum of the witnesses to the will certifying its validity effectively as a nuncupative will, the testator having died before he could make his signature 
Elizabeth THOMPSON, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/T8/1-2: 25 August 1665  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f6v
Issabell THOMPSON, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Thomson
DPRI/1/1665/T9/2: 13 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/T9/1: 13 March 1665  - inventory 
John THOMPSON, yeoman, of Hurworth upon Teese in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Thomson
see DPRI/4/18 page 142
DPRI/1/1665/T10/1-2: 17 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/T10/3: 17 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £84 10s 
John THOMPSON, of Pruddoe in the county of Northumberland [Prudhoe, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 180
DPRI/1/1665/T11/1-2: 24 August 1665  - nuncupative will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f6r
John TURNER, of Burraton in the county of Northumberland [Burradon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/T12/1-2: 20 November 1664  - will with certificate of oath, 27 May 1665. Endorsed: 'to be left with Robert Anderson at Alnewicke' 
DPRI/1/1665/T12/3: 20 November 1664  - inventory, actual total £84 11s 
Richard TURNER, glover, of Alnwick (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/T13/1-2: 8 December 1664  - inventory 
Thomas TURNER, gentleman, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/T14/1-2: 19 December 1664  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1665/T14/3-4: 19 December 1664  - inventory, actual total £90 2s 2d 
Miles USHER, of Farle May in the parish of Bywell Peter and countye of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/U1/1: 20 February 1666  - inventory 
John VICKERS, yeoman, of Cawsey (Causey) Parke in the parish of Hebburne in the county of Northumberland [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/V1/1-2: 27 September 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/V1/3: 27 September 1664  - inventory, actual total £172 11s 6d 
Thomas WAKEFELD, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Waikfeild
DPRI/1/1665/W1/1: 25 October 1665  - inventory with memorandum relating that administration was requested by Jane Wakefeld, relict 
Anthoni WALKER, cooper, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1665/W3/1-2: 24 August 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W3/3: 24 August 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £149 9s 2d 
Samuell WALKER, yeoman, of Swainston in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/W4/1-2: 12 October 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W4/3: 12 October 1665  - inventory, actual total £415 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 16s 4d) 
Thomison WALKER, widow, of Roantree House [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Thomasin
DPRI/1/1665/W5/1: 2 March 1666  - inventory 
Robert WALL, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/W2/1: 25 November 1665  - inventory 
Thomas WALTON, yeoman, of the Firth House in Alstonn (Alston) parish and in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/W6/1: 9 April 1621  - inventory 
Francis WATSON, butcher, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/W7/1: 18 May 1665  - indented inventory 
Mary WATSON, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/W8/1-2: 27 December 1664  - will 
Elizabeth WATT, wife of William Watt of Sunderland, rough / free mason, widow, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Wat
DPRI/1/1665/W10/1: 23 April 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W10/2: 23 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £26 7s 10d 
Thomas WATTSON, yeoman, of the Old Moore in the county of Northumberland [Bothal, Northumberland]; also spelt Watson
DPRI/1/1665/W9/1-2: 8 May 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W9/3-4: 8 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £25 
Alice WHITFEILD, widow, of South Sheiles in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/W11/1-2: 14 February 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W11/3: 14 February 1666  - inventory, actual total £21 3s 2d 
Nicholas WHITFEILD, gentleman, of New Sheele (Sheile) within the parish of Alstone and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/W12/1-2: 4 February 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W12/3-4: 4 February 1663  - inventory, actual total £82 7s 8d (with account of debts of £14) 
Thomas WHITFILD, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeild
DPRI/1/1665/W13/1: 20 February 1666  - inventory 
William WIDDRINGTON, gentleman, of Barnhill in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/W14/1: 17 September 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W14/2: 17 September 1664  - inventory, actual total £242 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £127 8s 6d) 
Richard WILLIS, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/W15/1: 15 February 1666  - inventory exhibited, 23 Feb 1666 
Beniamin WILSON, miller, of parish of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Benjamin, Benjemin, Willson
DPRI/1/1665/W16/1: 6 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W16/2: 6 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £59 16s 
John WILSON, labourer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 153
DPRI/1/1665/W17/1: 23 June 1665  - indented inventory 
John WILSON, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 144
DPRI/1/1665/W18/1-4: 17 May 1665  - inventory administration requested by Ann Wilson, relict 
Thomas WILSON, yeoman, of Barfoote of the Moore in the county of Durham, parish of Winston [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/W19/1-2: 9 June 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W19/3-4: 9 June 1665  - inventory, actual total £914 2s 2d (with account of debts and legacies of £59 5s 4d) 
Thomas WOLFE, yeoman, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Woolfe
DPRI/1/1665/W20/1: 17 May 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W20/2: 17 May 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £131 19s 6d (with account of funeral charges of £5 14s 8d) 
Eissobell WOODMAN, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Isabell, Wodman, Issable
DPRI/1/1665/W21/1: 15 April 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/W21/2: 15 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £18 11s 4d 
William WRANGHAM, yeoman, of Shotton in the parishe of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Shotton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/W22/1: 28 December 1659  - indented inventory 
Richard YEILDER, weaver, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Yealder
DPRI/1/1665/Y1/1-2: 13 April 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1665/Y1/3: 13 April 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £18 16s 7d 
Thomas YOULE, of parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1665/Y2/1: 16 January 1666  - inventory 
Roger YOUNGER, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1665/Y3/1-2: 20 January 1666  - renunciation renunciation and power of attorney of Jane Younger, relict, nominating her son James Younger to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1665/Y3/3: 20 January 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £4 10s 8d 
Wills etc proved 1666
Reference: DPRI/1/1666
Grace ALLAN, widow, of Kelloe [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Allen
DPRI/1/1666/A1/1: 11 May 1666  - inventory 
James ALLANSON, yeoman, of Hutgill in Teasdall (Teasdalle) within the countye of Durham, parish of Midleton in Teasdaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 195
DPRI/1/1666/A2/1-2: 3 March 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/A2/3: 3 March 1665  - inventory, actual total £86 11s 11d (with account of funeral expenses of £5) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f21v
DPRI/1/1666/A3   25 February 1667
Robert ANDERSON, mercer, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 p212: probate granted, 25 February 1667; inventory exhibited, 29 June 1667
DPRI/1/1666/A3/1: 19 December 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/A3/2: 19 December 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £705 4s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £359 14s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f45v-46r
Cuthbert APEDAILE, cordwainer, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Cuthbart, Apedale
DPRI/1/1666/A4/1-2: 14 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/A4/3: 14 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £361 18s 9d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f16v
Gabriell APELBY, of Westwicke, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Gabriel, Aplebye
DPRI/1/1666/A5/1-2: 17 May 1666  - inventory 
Margarett APELBY, daughter of Francis Apelby of Lartington, Yorkshire, gentleman, spinster, Lartington in the county of Yorke, chapelry of Croxdaile [Lartington, Yorkshire]
DPRI/1/1666/A6/1-2: 12 November 1666  - inventory of the goods etc. received by the deceased from her father and from her grandfather Jarrard Salvin of Croxdale esquire 
Richard APPLEBY, butcher, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Applebye
DPRI/1/1666/A7/1: 26 November 1666  - inventory 
Barbara ARCHBALD, widow, of towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Barbary
DPRI/1/1666/A8/1: 20 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/A8/2: 20 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £627 12s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f37v
DPRI/1/1666/A9   February 1667
Mathew ARCKLEY, weaver, of Brandon in the county of Durham [Brandon, County Durham]; also spelt Arkley
A copy of the will exists in the Russell of Brancepeth papers (Durham Country Record Office), with a note of probate in Feb 1667
DPRI/1/1666/A9/1: 17 December 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/A9/2: 17 December 1659  - inventory, actual total £11 9s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f39r-39v
Richard ATKINN, yeoman, of Great Haswell in the parrish of Easington [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/A10/1-2: 5 December 1666  - inventory administration granted to Mary Atkinn, relict 
John BARDWELL, [royal navy] quartermaster, of North Sheilds in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
Bardwell died at sea serving 'in his Majesties Service'.
DPRI/1/1666/B1/1: 10 January 1667  - inventory 
William BARNES, gentleman, of Low Cuniscliffe (Conscliffe) in the county of Durham [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/B2/1-2: 10 March 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1666/B2/3: 10 March 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f48v-49r
Henry BELL, of Wild (Wilde) Anter within the parish of Whitfeild (Whittfeild) and county of Northumberland [Whitfield, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B3/1: undated  - draft nuncupative will put into writing at Whitfeild Hall, 16 Aug 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/B3/2-3: undated  - fair copy nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/B3/4: undated  - inventory, actual total £69 19s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f25r
John BELL, mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B4/1: 7 February 1667  - indented inventory exhibited, 25 Feb 1667 
John BELL, baker, beer-brewer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B5/1-2: 28 July 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/B5/3: 28 July 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £128 8s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f29v
Samuell BELL, mariner, of North Sheels (Sheiles) in the countie of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Samuel
DPRI/1/1666/B6/1: 5 July 1666  - inventory 
Thomas BELLEY, hoastman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B7/1-2: 23 July 1666  - nuncupative will with certificate of oath, 16 Aug 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/B7/3: 23 July 1666  - inventory, actual total £423 0s 11d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f21r
Raiph BELSEY, mariner, of chappelry of All Saints of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B8/1: undated  - inventory 
William BOURNE, of Ingraham (Ingram) in the county of Northumberland [Ingram, Northumberland]; also spelt Burne
DPRI/1/1666/B15/1: 5 June 1666  - inventory 
Richard BOUTFLOWER, tailor, of the Ford (Foord) in the parish of Lainchester (Lanchester) and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Bootfloore, Boutflowere
DPRI/1/1666/B9/1-2: 18 May 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/B9/3: 18 May 1666  - inventory, actual total £59 1s (with account of funeral expenses of £4 12s 2d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f21r
William BOWBANCKE, of Piercebridge (Peircebridg) in the parish of Gainford [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Bowbanke, Bowbanck
DPRI/1/1666/B10/1: undated  - inventory administration granted to John Bowbancke, eldest son 
Charles BRANDLING, esquire, of Alnewicke Abbey [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B11/1: 6 April 1666  - inventory 
William BRASSE, gentleman, of Brafferton, parish of Aickliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Brass
DPRI/1/1666/B12/1-2: 15 July 1662  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Barbara Carr, former relict and administratrix 
DPRI/1/1666/B12/3: 15 July 1662  - inventory, actual total £379 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f9v-10r
George BUCKE, yeoman, of Ricknall Grainge in the countye of Durham, parish of Great Aickliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/B13/1: 16 April 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/B13/2: 16 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £82 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f25r
Anthony BULLOCK, smith, of town of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bullocke
DPRI/1/1666/B14/1: 6 October 1666  - indented inventory 
John BUTLER, yeoman, of Byker in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B16/1: 28 February 1665  - indented inventory 
John BUTLER, the younger, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/B17/1: 22 November 1666  - inventory exhibited, 22 Nov 1666 
John CAPE, gentleman, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 203
DPRI/1/1666/C1/1-2: 25 October 1666  - inventory 
William CARNABY, mason, of Newcastle upon Tine in the parish of St Johns [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/C2/1: 14 February 1667  - indented inventory 
Jane CARR, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/C3/1-4: 31 January 1667  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 25 February 1667 with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the co-executors 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f43v-44r
John CATCHESID, yeoman, of Neitherhewearth (Nether Howerth, Nether Heworth) in the countie palatine of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Catchiside, Chichesside, Catcheside
DPRI/1/1666/C4/1-2: 18 March 1648  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/C4/3-4: 18 March 1648  - inventory, actual total £75 4s (with account of debts of £100 16s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f50r-50v
Thomas CATCHESID, yeoman, of Birkley (Birtley) in the county of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Birtley St John, County Durham]; also spelt Catcheside
DPRI/1/1666/C5/1: 28 January 1664  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f41v-42v
John CHAPMAN, gentleman, of North Sheilds (Sheils) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tinemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/C6/1: 20 June 1666  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1666/C6/2: 20 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £67 inventory of goods etc. at South Shields 
Ann CHIPCHAISE, spinster, of parish of Norton within the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase
DPRI/1/1666/C7/1-2: 15 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/C7/3-4: 15 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £39 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f10v
Edward CLARKE, the younger, of South Sheales, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/C8/1-2: 24 July 1666  - inventory 
Thomas CLOUGH, of Warkeworth (Warckworth) in the parish of Warkeworth and county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Clowgh
DPRI/1/1666/C9/1: 13 March 1666  - inventory 
Ralph COAN, of chappelry of All Saints in the town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Coan made his will as he was about to go to sea under the command of the Duke of Albemarle [George Monck]. The probate of Coan's will was the subject of a cause in Durham Consistory Court: 2 Nov 1666; 9 Nov 1666; 16 Nov 1666; 23 Nov 1666; 7 Dec 1666; 14 Dec 1666; 18 Jan 1667; 1 Feb 1667; 29 Mar 1667: no act found in Act Book (DPRI/4/18) or Will Register for 1666-1670.
DPRI/1/1666/C10/3-4: 10 January 1666  - will with list of debts (£40 19s 9d) owed to testator 
DPRI/1/1666/C10/1-2: 10 January 1666  - deposition unsigned deposition relating the publication and tenor of the will endorsed: proved in solemn form, but not issued under seal [i.e. probate not awarded to any person] 
Thomas COMPTON, of parish of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/C13/1: 25 January 1667  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1666/C14   30 April 1666
Ann CONYERS, spinster, of citty and county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/C14/1-2: 5 December 1663  - will endorsed: proved, 30 Apr 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/C14/3-4: 5 December 1663  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1666/C14/5: 5 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £34 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f12r-12v
Henry COOKE, the elder, shipwright, of chapplry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/C11/1-2: 23 January 1667  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 28 January 1667 
DPRI/1/1666/C11/3: 23 January 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £13 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £25 6s 8d) 
DPRI/1/1666/C11/4: 23 January 1667  - additional inventory, actual total £3 16s 
DPRI/1/1666/C11/5-6: 23 January 1667  - account, actual total £35 4s 9d (with discharge of £32 17s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f38r-38v
Marke COOKE, master and mariner, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/C12/1: 15 March 1666  - copy will copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to the executrix, 22 Oct 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/C12/2: 15 March 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £409 3s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f29r-29v
Henry CRASTON, tanner, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/C15/1-2: 19 February 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/C15/3: 19 February 1666  - inventory, actual total £17 6s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f9v
Thomas CRAWFORTH, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwick (Barwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/C16/1: 18 December 1666  - inventory 
William DAVISON, yeoman, of Carleton (Carelton) in the parish of Readmarshall (Redmarshall) in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/D1/1-2: 23 January 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/D1/3-4: 23 January 1666  - inventory, actual total £92 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £78 13s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f7v
Elizabeth DAWSON, widow, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/D2/1: 10 August 1666  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
James DENT, of chappelry of Whorleton (Whorlton) and parish of Gainford [Whorlton, County Durham]. Died 4 June 1666
DPRI/1/1666/D3/1-2: 2 June 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/D3/3: 2 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £14 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 10s 10d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f17v
Raphe DICKINSON, of Gill House in the parish of Austin (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Ralph, Dickenson
DPRI/1/1666/D5/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1666/D5/2 - wrapper 
Allexander DICKSONE, of Spielawe in the kingdom of Scotland [Edinburgh, Mid Lothian]; also spelt Alexander, Dickson
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1666/D4/1: 27 October 1666  - inventory of goods etc. 'within the kingdom of England' 
John DOD, yeoman, of Crawcrooke in the county of Durham, parish of Ryton [Crawcrook, County Durham]; also spelt Dodd
DPRI/1/1666/D6/1: 18 May 1666  - will with list of debts owed by (£6 15s) and to (£2 6s 6d) testator 
DPRI/1/1666/D6/2: 18 May 1666  - inventory, actual total £42 16s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f15v-16r
Bartholomew DOW, son of Thomas Dow of Whitley, of Whitley within the parish of Tynemouth [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/D7/1: 25 June 1666  - inventory exhibited by Margarett Dow, mother, 25 June 1666 
William DOWSON, of Brounesid (Browne Side) in the parish of Alston (Aldstonmoore) [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/D8/1: 5 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/D8/2: 5 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £30 1s 8d (with account of debts of £9) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f25r
Henry EDEN, gentleman, of Shinckliffe (Shinckley, Shincliffe) in the county of Durham, parish of St Oswald [Shincliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/E1/1-4: 18 February 1665  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 26 July 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/E1/5: 18 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £198 11s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f22v-24v
Charles ELSTOB, gentleman, of Foxton in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobb
DPRI/1/1666/E2/1-2: 15 April 1666  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1666/E2/3: 15 April 1666  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f11r-11v
Thomas EMERSON, cordwainer, of parish of St Nicholas in [the] cittie of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1666/E3/1: 8 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/E3/2: 8 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £227 5s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f41r
William EMMERSON, of Dunston in the parish of Whickham [Dunston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/E4/2-3: undated  - inventory, actual total £25 11s 5d inventory of debts owed to testator (and accounted for within the total of item 1666/E4/1) 
DPRI/1/1666/E4/1: undated  - inventory 
Anthony ERRINGTON, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/E5/1-2: 31 January 1667  - inventory 
Jane EWIN, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/E6/1: 30 May 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/E6/2: 30 May 1666  - inventory, actual total £21 16s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f19r
Ralph FELL, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/F1/1: 18 April 1666  - indented inventory of goods etc. at Newcastle and Heworth 
George FENWICK, of Heddon upon the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1666/F2/1-2: 6 September 1666  - inventory 
John FORCER, esquire, of Harbrasse [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
address drawn from DPRI/4/18 page 160
DPRI/1/1666/F3/1: undated  - inventory 
John FULBORNE, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/F4/1: 10 August 1666  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Thomas GILLERY, of Stelloe in the parishe of Rytin (Ryton) [Stella, County Durham]; also spelt Gillrey
DPRI/1/1666/G1/1: undated  - inventory 
John GILPATRICK, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gilpatricke
DPRI/1/1666/G2/1: 4 April 1666  - indented inventory 
Christopher GLENWRIGHT, of Readpeth (Reedspeth), parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/G3/1: undated  - inventory 
John GLOVER, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/G4/1: 14 February 1666  - inventory administration granted to Jane [Glover], widow, 21 Aug 1666 
John GRAISON, yeoman, of Pearcebridge (Peircebridg) in the county of Durham [Piercebridge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/G5/1-2: 10 July 1666  - inventory 
Francis GRAY, merchant, of towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/G6/1-4: 30 December 1666  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 26 February 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f44v-45r
Thomas GREENAY, yeoman, of Crawcrooke in the parish of Ryton in the county of Durham [Crawcrook, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/G7/1-2: 19 December 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/G7/3: 19 December 1665  - inventory, actual total £18 16s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f19v
Henry GREY, yeoman, of the Holy Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray
DPRI/1/1666/G8/1-2: 24 October 1666  - inventory 
Ralph GREY, the elder, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray
DPRI/1/1666/G9/1-2: 21 May 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/G9/3: 21 May 1666  - inventory, actual total £1,318 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £606 13s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f19r
Nicholas GRINWELL, of Elvett near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Greenwell
see DPRI/4/18 page 185
DPRI/1/1666/G10/1-2: 23 April 1666  - inventory date modified to 23 Apr 1667 at head, but Probate Act Book DPRI/4/18 records 23 Apr 1666 
Anthony GRUNDON, yeoman, of Forde (Foord) within the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/G11/1-2: 22 March 1667  - inventory exhibited, 22 Mar 1667 
John HADDOCKE, of Norend in the chappellry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Haddock
DPRI/1/1666/H1/1-2: 6 December 1666  - inventory exhibited, 18 Dec 1666 
Ralph HAGGERSTON, of Riton WoodsId (Ryton Woodside) [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/H2/1: 4 May 1666  - inventory 
Anne HALL, widow, of chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/H4/1: 6 October 1665  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Francis HALL, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/H5/1: 25 February 1667  - inventory 
John HANDCOCKE, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/H6/1: 4 September 1666  - inventory 
Jervas HARDAY, gentleman, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Jervase, Hardy. Died 11 September 1666
DPRI/1/1666/H7/1-2: 10 September 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/H7/3: 10 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £97 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f28v-29r
John HEATH, senior, esquire, of Keeper [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/H8/1: 26 March 1666  - inventory of goods etc. 'not formerly administered' 
Daniell HECKLES, weaver, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tine, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Daniel
DPRI/1/1666/H9/1: 26 June 1665  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the co-executors, and to which will was attached the [grant of] probate at their request 
DPRI/1/1666/H9/2: 26 June 1665  - indented inventory, actual total £36 8s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f18v
John HEDLEY, yeoman, gentleman, of chapelry of Cramlington in the county of Northumberland [Cramlington, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/16 pages 466 and 468, and DPRI/4/18 page 154
DPRI/1/1666/H10/1-2: 12 June 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/H10/3-4: 12 June 1665  - inventory, actual total £616 3s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f47r-47v
William HEDWORTH, gentleman, of Great Lumley within the parish of Chester in the Street [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth
DPRI/1/1666/H11/1: 20 July 1666  - inventory 
Mary HEIGHLEY, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/H12/1: 9 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/H12/3: 9 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £1,182 1s 4d (with account of debts of £220) inventory of household, warehouse and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1666/H12/2 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f28r
Volentyn HEIGHLEY, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Valentine, Heghley
DPRI/1/1666/H13/1-2: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. of Jan[e] Heighley, wife of Valentine Heighley, deceased 
Elizabeth HENDERSON, widow, of Newburn (Newburne) in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/H14/1: 23 November 1666  - inventory 
Gilbert HENDERSON, cordwainer, of towne and countie of NewCastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/H15/1: 22 October 1666  - indented inventory 
Robert HEWER, vicar of Embleton, clerk, of Emblton (Embleton) in the countie of Northumberland [Embleton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/H16/1: 5 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/H16/2: 5 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £207 11s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f30v
John HILTON, esquire, of Hilton in the county of Durham [Hylton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/H17/1: 5 April 1666  - inventory 
Thomas HINDMERS, of Dunston in the parish of Whickham in the countie of Northumberland [Dunston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/H19/1: 15 May 1666  - inventory 
Henry HODSHON, butcher, of Bishop Awckland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/H20/1: 11 December 1666  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f37r
Matthew HODSHON, gentleman, of the Westgate and in the county of Northumberland and of the parrish (chapelry) of Saint Johns Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodgshon
DPRI/1/1666/H21/1: 26 June 1666  - inventory 
Robert HOLIMAN, of Whitton, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Halleman
DPRI/1/1666/H3/1-2: 8 June 1666  - inventory 
Francis HOPPS, hoastman, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/H22/1: 1 March 1666  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1666/B141
Joseph HORNE, yeoman, of Barnard Castle in the county pallatine of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/H23/1: 14 May 1666  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1666/H23/2-3: 14 May 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £81 3s 2d (with account of legacy and funeral expenses of £12) 
DPRI/1/1666/H23/4: 14 May 1666  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f39v
John HYNDMERS, of Borrowdon (Borrowdon, Borrodon) in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Hyndemers, Hindmers
DPRI/1/1666/H18/1-2: 17 March 1651  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed by testator of £5 3s 4d 
DPRI/1/1666/H18/3: 17 March 1651  - inventory, actual total £81 11s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f34v-35r
William JACKSON, yeoman, of Coplawe in the county of Durham, parish of Aickliffe (Aykliffe) [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/J1/1: 21 January 1667  - will endorsed with list of debts owed to testator of £289 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1666/J1/2-3: 21 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £645 13s 4d inventory of goods etc. at Middridge and Coplawe 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f43r
William JORDAN, mayor of Durham, mayor, esquire, of cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/J2/1-2: 28 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/J2/3: 28 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £1,051 6s exhibited by Ann Lambe, former relict, 1 Dec 1666 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f14v-15r
Margreat KELHAM, widow, of Rocke, parish of Embleton in the county of Northumberland [Rock, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1666/K1/1: 20 February 1666  - inventory 
Anne KENNETT, spinster, of citty of Durham the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/K2/1: 28 June 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/K2/2: 28 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £227 10s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f20v
Henry KING, barber-surgeon, of Gateside (garthside, Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Hendrie
DPRI/1/1666/K3/1: 15 October 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/K3/2: 15 October 1661  - inventory, actual total £12 9s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f46v
bond: DPRI/3/1666/B232
William KIRSOPP, the elder, yeoman, of Fowerstones (Fourestones) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warden [Warden, Northumberland]; also spelt Kirsop
DPRI/1/1666/K4/1-2: 17 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/K4/3-4: 17 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £28 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 6s 9d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f26r-26v
George LAIDLOW, of Ovington in the parishe of Ovingham in the county of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/L1/1-2: 8 June 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/L1/3: 8 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £71 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f20v
DPRI/1/1666/L2   16 August 1666
William LAMBE, glazier, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/L2/1: 11 September 1665  - copy will  with grant of probate, 16 August 1666 probate granted to Elizaberth Lambe, relict and co-executrix 
DPRI/1/1666/L2/2: 11 September 1665  - inventory, actual total £15 13s 
DPRI/1/1666/L2/3: 11 September 1665  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f22r
George LAMTON, one of the sons of John Lamton, West Rainton in the parishe of Houghton, South Sheilds [West Rainton, County Durham; South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Lambton
DPRI/1/1666/L3/1: undated  - inventory of the marriage portion of Lamton's widow alias Dorothy Addamson [?deceased] 
Anthonye LEE, yeoman, of Gyllhouse (Gilhouse) within the parish of Alstone (Alston) and countie of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1666/L4/1: 4 November 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/L4/2: 4 November 1666  - inventory, actual total £78 10s 
DPRI/1/1666/L4/3: 4 November 1666  - proxy of consent consent of two of the co-executors that the third might request a grant of probate in all their names 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f40r
Ralph LEE, rough mason, of the South Bayly (Bailey) in the citty and county of Durham [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]; also spelt Ralphe, Raiph
DPRI/1/1666/L5/1: 16 January 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/L5/2-3: 16 January 1663  - inventory, actual total £64 5s 6d dated, 21 Nov 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f34r
Richard LIDDELL, yeoman, of Elvett in the parish of St Oswald in the county of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/L6/1-2: 15 November 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/L6/3-4: 15 November 1666  - inventory, actual total £22 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £21 4s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f33v
Robert LIGHTON, of the East Wood (Eastwood) in the parish of Rothbury in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/L7/1: 28 June 1666  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Lighton, relict, nominating William Lighton, son, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1666/L7/2-3: 28 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £128 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £48) 
John LISH, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/L9/1: 14 June 1666  - inventory administration granted to Alice [Lish], widow 
Ann LONDON, widow, of parish of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/L10/1-4: 5 October 1666  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of Samuel London, son and one of the executors 
DPRI/1/1666/L10/6: 5 October 1666  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1666/L10/5: 5 October 1666  - inventory, actual total £623 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £50) exhibited, 2 Apr 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f47v-48r
Hendre LORRESON, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Henry, Lourrson
DPRI/1/1666/L12/1-2: undated  - inventory 
James LOWES, of Brierwood (Bryerwood) in the parish of Haltwhistle (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/L11/1-2: 28 April 1666  - inventory administration granted to James Lowes, son, for the use of himself and Nicholas Lowes, another son 
John LYND, yeoman, of Hawckside neare Midleton in Teasdaile in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/L8/1-2: 26 June 1666  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 2 November 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/L8/3-4: 26 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £78 4s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 2s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f31v-32r
DPRI/1/1666/M1   4 January 1667
William MABEN, of Barwick (Berwicke, Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/M1/1: 7 December 1666  - will with certificate of oath, [4 Jan 1667] 
DPRI/1/1666/M1/2: 7 December 1666  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margery Maben, relict, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, 4 Jan 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f37v
Sir Lionell MADDISON, knight, of Rogerly in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/M2/1-2: 4 December 1666  - inventory of goods etc. 'not yet administered' by Robert Maddison, brother; exhibited, 4 Dec 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/M3   8 February 1667
Rachell MALLETT, daughter of Thomas Mallett of Newcastle, deceased, spinster, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mallet
DPRI/1/1666/M3/1: 7 February 1667  - renunciation renunciation of Ann Ridley, mother, nominating Edward Mallett, brother, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1666/M3/2: 7 February 1667  - inventory 
Ralph MARLAY, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Marley
DPRI/1/1666/M4/1-2: 13 December 1666  - renunciation renunciation of Henry and Barbary Marlay, parents, nominating John Marlay, brother, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1666/M4/3: 13 December 1666  - inventory, actual total £162 
William MARLEY, of Ingleton in the county of Durham, parish of Staindrop [Ingleton, County Durham]; also spelt Marly
DPRI/1/1666/M5/1: 28 April 1665  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1666/M5/2: 28 April 1665  - copy codicil 
DPRI/1/1666/M5/3: 28 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £329 (with account of funeral expenses of £22) 
DPRI/1/1666/M5/4: 28 April 1665  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f17r-17v
Elin MAWER, widow, of Great Stainton [Great Stainton, County Durham]; also spelt Ellenor
DPRI/1/1666/M6/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas MAYNE, joiner, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/M7/1: 19 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/M7/2: 19 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £9 8s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f36v-37r
Mathew METCALFE, of East Harborne, parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/M9/1-2: 13 November 1666  - inventory 
Francis MIDDLETON, mariner, of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/M10/1: 28 June 1666  - inventory 
George MIDDLETON, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/M11/1: 1 October 1666  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Thomas MIDFORD, esquire, of Pespool (Pespoole) in the county of Durham, parish of Easington [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Mitford
DPRI/1/1666/M12/1: 7 October 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/M12/2-5: 7 October 1659  - inventory, actual total £1,206 10s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1,591 13s 4d) page order: 1666/M12/2, 4, 5, 3; exhibited, 29 Mar 1666 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f7v-8r
Robert MILBOURNE, [royal navy] mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
Milbourne died at sea on active service.
DPRI/1/1666/M13/1: 26 February 1667  - indented inventory 
Thomas MILBOURNE, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1666/M14/1: 13 December 1665  - inventory 
Mathew MILL, yeoman, of Whittingham (Wittingeham) in the county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/M15/1-2: 24 May 1664  - nuncupative will  with inventory, 29 May 1666, actual total £16 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 17s 10d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f20r
Anthony MIRREMAN, of Munck Heslenden in the parrish of Munck Hesleden (Monke Hesleton, Hesleden) and countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Merryman, Merriman
DPRI/1/1666/M8/1: 8 August 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/M8/2-3: 8 August 1665  - inventory, actual total £91 9s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f39r
Cuthbert MITFORD, yeoman, of Shotton, parish of Stannington in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/M16/1-2: 23 September 1666  - inventory 
John MITFORD, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/M17/1: 17 July 1666  - inventory 
Henry MURTON, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Morton
DPRI/1/1666/M18/1: 9 May 1666  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f31r
Jane MUSHEONS, widow, of Bladon Staiths (Blaydon Staithes) in the county of Durham, parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Musheones, [Muschampe]
see DPRI/4/18 page 107; also compare with the inventory of John Musheons of Blaydon Staiths (DPRI/1/1666/M20), probably the deceased's late husband
DPRI/1/1666/M19/1-2: 24 December 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/M19/3: 24 December 1666  - inventory, actual total £11 2s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f46r
John MUSHEONS, of Bladon Staiths (Blaydon Staiths) in the county of Durham, parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Muschampe
DPRI/1/1666/M20/1-2: 4 December 1666  - inventory 
William NEWBY, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/N1/1: 24 May 1666  - inventory 
George OCHTERLONY, minister of Tweedmouth, clerk, of Tweedmouth in the county of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Othorlony
DPRI/1/1666/O1/1-2: 30 June 1666  - inventory 
Robert OLIVER, senior, yeoman, of Bishop Weremouth (Wearmouth) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Olliver
DPRI/1/1666/O2/1-2: 9 May 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/O2/3: 9 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £58 (with account of legacies of £44) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f14r
Henry ORD, gentleman, esquire, Spitle (Spittle) in the county pallatine of Durham, parish of Tweedmouth, West Ord [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Orde
DPRI/1/1666/O4/1: 17 August 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/O4/2-3: 17 August 1665  - inventory, actual total £126 1s 10d  with inventory, 6 July 1670, actual total £6 15s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f20r
Henry ORDE, gentleman, of Horton, parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Ord
DPRI/1/1666/O3/1: 1 August 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1666/O3/2 - wrapper 
John ORDE, the elder, gentleman, of East Brokenheugh (Broken Heugh) in the chappelry of Haydon and countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Ordee, Ord
DPRI/1/1666/O5/1-2: 2 July 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/O5/3: 2 July 1664  - inventory, actual total £285 19s 1d (with account of funeral expenses of £20) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f14r
Mabell ORDE, relict of Thomas Ord of Ord, gentleman, widow, of East Ord within the county pallatine of Durham, parish of Tweedmouth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Maybell, Ord
DPRI/1/1666/O6/1: 17 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/O6/2: 17 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £7 6s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f30v
George PASMOORE, of parish of Hart in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Pasmore
DPRI/1/1666/P1/1: undated  - inventory 
Marke PATTISON, master and mariner, of parish of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Mark, Patteson
DPRI/1/1666/P2/1-2: 15 October 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/P2/3: 15 October 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £85 16s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f45r
Cuthbert PEARSON, of East Slikburne, parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1666/P3/1: 28 May 1665  - inventory 
Robert PEVERALL, yeoman, of Ingleton in the parish of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Ingleton, County Durham]; also spelt Peverell
DPRI/1/1666/P4/1-3: 30 August 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/P4/4: 30 August 1666  - inventory, actual total £388 15s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 15s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f32r-33r
Alice POTTS, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Potts of Gateshead, spinster, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/P5/1: 25 February 1667  - inventory exhibited, 25 Feb 1667 
Jane POTTS, widow, of Blackehedley (Blackhedley) in the parishe of Shotley and county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/P6/1: 9 July 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/P6/2: 9 July 1665  - inventory, actual total £101 12s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f25v-26r
William PRATT, yeoman, of towne of Allanton (parish of Allenton) in the county of Northumberland [Alwinton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/P7/1-2: 5 November 1666  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1666/B146
John PRESTON, pewterer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/P8/1: 7 January 1665  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1666/P8/2: 7 January 1665  - inventory, actual total £84 10s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1666/P8/3: 7 January 1665  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f9r-9v
Cuthbert PROCTER, gentleman, of Glanton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Whittingham [Glanton, Northumberland]; also spelt Proctor, Prockter
DPRI/1/1666/P9/2: 10 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £18 17s 
DPRI/1/1666/P9/1: 10 April 1661  - renunciation renunciation of Dorothie Procter, relict, nominating her son John Procter to take out administration 
Henry RAINE, yeoman, of Stella Lead (Leed) Hill, parish of Ryton [Stella, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/R1/1: 5 February 1666  - inventory 
Henry RAWLING, merchant, of neare Ouseburne within the liberties of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/R2/1-2: 14 April 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/R2/3: 14 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £104 10s inventory includes goods etc. at Barmston and Hebburn; exhibited, 2 Nov 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/R2/5: 14 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £1,848 5s 
DPRI/1/1666/R2/4: 14 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £179 6s dated after inventory dated 10 Jan 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f25v
Cuthbart RAYNE, of chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Raine
DPRI/1/1666/R3/1-2: undated  - inventory endorsed: Katherine [Raine] widow renounced administration 
George REED, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/R4/1: 14 February 1667  - inventory 
John RICHARDSON, the elder, tailor, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/R5/1-2: 5 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/R5/3: 5 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £17 14s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f13r-13v
Robert RICHARDSON, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/R6/1-2: 14 May 1658  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 18 December 1666 
DPRI/1/1666/R6/3: 14 May 1658  - indented inventory, actual total £96 13s 11d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1666/R6/4: 14 May 1658  - additional inventory, actual total £6 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f35v-36r
Margery ROBINSON, widow, of Felling Shore (Shoare) in the county palatine of Duresme (Durham), parish of Jarrow [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/R7/1: 25 January 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/R7/2: 25 January 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £203 3s 2d exhibited, 31 Mar 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f8r-8v
Richard ROBINSON, the elder, yeoman, of parish of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/R8/1: 24 January 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/R8/2: 24 January 1665  - inventory, actual total £136 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f40r-40v
DPRI/1/1666/R9   22 October 1666
Mary ROBSON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
see DPRI/4/18 page 201: administration granted, 22 Oct 1666
DPRI/1/1666/R9/1: 17 September 1666  - indented inventory 
Christiana RUMFORTH, widow, of Summerhouse in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Romthwaite
DPRI/1/1666/R10/1: undated  - inventory 
Ralph RUTTER, gentleman, of Iland (Island) Hall in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/R11/1: 17 October 1665  - inventory exhibited, 25 June 1666 
Nicholas SAILES, gardener, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Saile
DPRI/1/1666/S1/1: 27 October 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/S1/2: 27 October 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £17 12s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f35r-35v
Thomas SCOTT, of Scremerston, chapelry of Ancrofte in the county of Northumberland [Scremerston, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/S3/1: 20 February 1666  - inventory 
William SELBY, gentleman, of Harelaw (Hairelaw) within the parish of Kirke Newton (Kirk Newton) within the county of Northumberland [Kirknewton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/S4/1: 19 October 1666  - inventory 
Thomas SEWELL, the younger, of parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/S5/1: undated  - inventory 
Michaell SHAW, yeoman, of Langleydaile (Langley Daile, Dale) in the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Michael, Shawe
DPRI/1/1666/S6/1-2: 22 September 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/S6/3: 22 September 1665  - inventory, actual total £218 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 1s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f21r-21v
Michaell SHAWE, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/S7/1: 18 February 1667  - indented inventory 
Cuthbert SIDGWAKE, of Strickley Parke in Langley Dale in the parish of Staindrop and [in the county of] Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwicke
DPRI/1/1666/S8/1: 23 August 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/S8/2-4: 23 August 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £676 2s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £394 0s 3d) page order: 1666/S8/4, 2, 3 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f27r-27v
Elizabeth SMITH, widow, of parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/S10/1: 17 December 1666  - inventory 
John SOULBY, the elder, husbandman, of Whorleton in the parish of Gainford in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Soulbye
DPRI/1/1666/S11/1: 9 June 1666  - inventory 
John SPARKE, of Hutton Henry in the countie of Durham, parish of Monk Hesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/S12/1-2: 30 August 1666  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f34v
William ST GEORGE, gentleman, of Dalden in the county of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 189
DPRI/1/1666/S2/1-2: 29 September 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/S2/3: 29 September 1665  - inventory, actual total £7 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f18r
Mary STANCLIFFE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/S13/1: 30 January 1665  - indented inventory 
Garrett STARKIN, cutler, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gerrett
DPRI/1/1666/S14/1: 29 April 1667  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1666/S14/2 - wrapper 
George STEER, husbandman, yeoman, of Billingham in the countye of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/S15/1-2: 28 January 1667  - will with list of debts owed to testator of £17 10s 
DPRI/1/1666/S15/3-4: 28 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £50 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f48v
William STEER, yeoman, of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Steare
DPRI/1/1666/S16/1-2: 10 June 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/S16/3: 10 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £52 10s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f48r
Elizabeth STEVENSON, widow, of Claypueth (Clayparth), the parish of St Nicholas in the citty of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Stephenson
DPRI/1/1666/S17/1-2: 27 January 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/S17/3: 27 January 1665  - inventory, actual total £24 16s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f47r
Margery STRANGEWAYES, spinster, of Crooke House, chapelry of Lowicke in the county of Northumberland [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Strangways, Strangwayes
DPRI/1/1666/S18/1-2: 12 May 1666  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f31r
John SWAN, of Thornton in the parish of Hartburne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/S19/1: September 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/S19/2: September 1666  - inventory, actual total £16 13s 4d exhibited, 5 Oct 1666 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f26v
John SYMSON, master and mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Simpson
DPRI/1/1666/S9/1: 20 August 1666  - inventory 
James TEMPLE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/T1/1: undated  - inventory 
Alexander THOMPSON, gunner's mate on the frigate H.M.S. Portland, Captain Allet commander, royal navy gunner's mate, of Tinemouth (Tynemouth) in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/T2/1: 19 May 1666  - inventory 
John THOMPSON, yeoman, of Staindrop within the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/T3/1-2: 6 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/T3/3-4: 6 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £37 0s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f13v
Richarde THOMPSON, yeoman, of Brearton in the countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Richard
DPRI/1/1666/T4/1: 12 November 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/T4/2: 12 November 1658  - inventory, actual total £117 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f34v
Thomas THOMPSON, the elder, of chapelry of Hartlepoole (Hartinpoole) [Hartlepool, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 189
DPRI/1/1666/T5/1: 20 April 1666  - inventory 
Anne TOCKETTS, alias Winne, wife of Joseph Tockett of Darlington, gentleman, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Tockets
DPRI/1/1666/T7/1: 7 June 1666  - inventory exhibited by Joseph Tockett, 7 June 1666 
Thomas TOMSON, mariner, of Sowth Sheals (South Sheilds) in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
see DPRI/4/18 page 197
DPRI/1/1666/T6/1: 7 August 1666  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1666/T8   24 January 1667
William TROLLOP, gentleman, of Crosgate within the chappelry of St Margaretts (Margaret) in the county of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/T8/1: 15 January 1667  - will unsigned and unsealed by testator, but with memorandum of John Philipson [?attorney], certifying the will's validity: proved, 24 Jan 1667 
DPRI/1/1666/T8/2: 15 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £44 9s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 9s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f38v-39r
Francis TROTTER, gentleman, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/T9/1-2: 15 July 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/T9/3: 15 July 1666  - inventory, actual total £24 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f22r
George TRUMBLE, of Denick (Denwick), parish of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Denwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/T10/1-2: 13 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/T10/3: 13 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £114 5s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f30r
Robert UPTON, sergeant of a Foot Company in Berwick garrison, army sergeant, Bishop Midleham, Berwicke upon Tweed [Bishop Middleham, County Durham; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Upton was sergeant of a Foot Company in Berwick garrison under the command of Captain Watters and then Sir Francis Macswarth. He was killed at sea on active service, 4 June 1666. [Upton was probably killed on the last day of the Four Days Battle in the second Anglo-Dutch war.]
DPRI/1/1666/U1/1: 12 February 1667  - inventory 
Nicholas WALKER, yeoman, of Mounck Hesleden of the perish of Hesleden Hall (Monk Hesleden, Muncke Hesledene) in the county of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W1/1-2: 21 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W1/3-4: 21 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £498 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £287 19s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f15r-15v
DPRI/1/1666/W2   22 March 1667
John WALLAS, of Murriknow within the parish of Knarsdale (Knaresdale) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]. Died 17 January 1667
see DPRI/4/18 page 216: administration granted, 22 Mar 1667
DPRI/1/1666/W2/1: undated  - inventory 
Railph WALLASSE, of Underbanke in the parish of Kirkhaugh and county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph, Wallas
DPRI/1/1666/W5/1-2: 18 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W5/3: 18 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £90 16s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 5s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f12r
Robert WALLES, of Wooller (Wooler) in the county of Northumberland [Wooler, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallas, Wallis. Died 28 March 1666
DPRI/1/1666/W3/1-2: 28 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W3/3: 28 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £31 16s (with account of debts of £6 16s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f19v
Willyam WALLIS, of Merreknow (Merriknowle) in the parish of Knarsdalle (Knaresdaile) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt William, Wallas
DPRI/1/1666/W4/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1666/W4/2 - wrapper endorsed with direction to Robert Newhouse [Durham Register] at Corbridge 
Gilbert WALTON, of Crosgill (Cross Gill) in Aldstonmore in the parish of Garrigill (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W6/1: 4 July 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W6/2: 4 July 1664  - inventory, actual total £18 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f14r-14v
Thomas WALTON, of parish of Whickham within the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W7/1: 27 August 1666  - inventory administration granted to Ann [Walton], daughter, for the use of George Walton, son 
Robert WANLES, yeoman, of Kimmerston in the parish of Foord and county of Northumberland [Ford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W8/1-2: 26 September 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1666/W8/3: 26 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £28 16s (with account of debts of £24 14s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f27v
DPRI/1/1666/W9   14 June 1666
John WARD, son of Robert Ward of Dinsdale, Yorkshire, gentleman, woollen-draper, of Darnton (Darlington) in the county palatine of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Warde
DPRI/1/1666/W9/1: 20 February 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W9/2-3: 20 February 1666  - inventory, actual total £161 15s 5d endorsed: proved, 14 June 1666 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f16r
Thomas WARDELL, yeoman, of Long Framlington in the county of Northumberland [Longframlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W10/1: 14 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W10/2: 14 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £36 16s 4d (with account of debts of £8 6s 5d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f30r
DPRI/1/1666/W11   5 January 1667
George WATSON, of Newbotle in the parish of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W11/1: 31 January 1667  - inventory exhibited, 31 Jan 1667. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 Jan 1667 
John WATSON, yeoman, of Waldridge within the county of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W12/1-2: 4 June 1666  - will with list of (?debts) 
DPRI/1/1666/W12/3-4: 4 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £81 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f18r
Steven WATSON, of Foxton, parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W13/1: 24 September 1666  - inventory 
Thomas WATSON, yeoman, of Renington (Reningeton, Rennington) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Embleton [Rennington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W14/1-2: 20 April 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W14/3-4: 20 April 1665  - inventory, actual total £54 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £6 2s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f49v-50r
William WATSON, yeoman, of Fawdon within the county of Northumberland, parish of South Gosforth [Gosforth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W15/1: 14 August 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W15/2: 14 August 1666  - inventory, actual total £212 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £158 13s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f28v
Richard WAWBANCKE, of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W16/1: 5 September 1665  - inventory 
Jennet WEATHERILT, widow, of Bolam in the county of Durham [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Weatherelt, Wheatherell, Jennett, Weathelt
DPRI/1/1666/W17/1-2: 12 November 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W17/3: 12 November 1666  - inventory, actual total £96 2s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f36r-36v
Roger WEDDELL, yeoman, of Monylawes in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Carham [Carham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W18/1: 1666  - inventory 
John WEST, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W19/1: 14 November 1666  - indented inventory 
Anthony WHITE, of Ingram in the county of Northumberland [Ingram, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W20/1: 27 June 1666  - inventory 
Thomas WHITFEILD, of Clergill (Clargill), parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W21/1: 9 June 1664  - inventory 
George WILKEINSON, yeoman, of Winlington alias Winlaton in the county of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1666/W22/1: 13 June 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W22/2: 13 June 1665  - inventory, actual total £18 1s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f47r
William WILKINSON, royal navy mariner, Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Gateshead, County Durham]
Wilkinson died at sea.
DPRI/1/1666/W23/1: 18 December 1666  - inventory 
Samuell WILSON, minister of Boldon, clerk, of parish of Bouldon [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Samuel
DPRI/1/1666/W24/1: 11 December 1666  - inventory 
Katherine WOOD, widow, of Beenly (Beeneley) in the county of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1666/W25/1-2: 6 December 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W25/3: 6 December 1665  - inventory, actual total £21 13s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £3) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f19v
DPRI/1/1666/W26   24 April 1666
William WOOD, the younger, mason, of Bishop Midleham in the county palatine of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 183: proved, 24 Apr 1666
DPRI/1/1666/W26/1-2: 23 January 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W26/3-4: 23 January 1666  - inventory, actual total £45 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f10r-10v
John WOODHOUSE, the younger, gentleman, of Cornforth (Corneforth) in the county of Durham [Cornforth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W27/1-2: 14 May 1666  - inventory administration granted to Susanna [Woodhouse], widow 
John WOOFE, yeoman, of Shadforth in the perish of Pittington in the countey of Durham [Shadforth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/W28/1: 20 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/W28/2-3: 20 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £254 2s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f8v
James YOUNG, yeoman, of Whickham within the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1666/Y1/1-2: 4 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1666/Y1/3: 4 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £61 14s 7d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f41r-41v
Wills etc proved 1667
Reference: DPRI/1/1667
Fragment found in bundle DPRI/1/1667/A-B. Address lost.
DPRI/1/1667/FRAGMENT/1 - fragment 
Fragment found in bundle DPRI/1/1667/A-B. Address lost.
DPRI/1/1667/FRAGMENT1/1 - fragment 
Richard ADAMSON, yeoman, of Over Throston in the parish of Hart and county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Addamson
DPRI/1/1667/A1/1-2: 16 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/A1/3: 16 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £87 1s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f64v
Leonard ALENSON, yeoman, of Ettersgill in the forrest of Teasedale (Teasdale) and in the county of Durham, parish of Midleton in Teasdaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Allanson, Alanson, Allenson
DPRI/1/1667/A2/1-2: 24 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/A2/3: 24 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £54 2s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f61v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B65
Robert ANDREW, yeoman, of Saint Lorrance in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/A3/1-2: 23 August 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/A3/3: 23 August 1666  - inventory, actual total £492 15s 8d 
DPRI/1/1667/A3/4: 23 August 1666  - inventory, actual total £15 3s 1d inventory of goods etc. at Edmundbyers 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f88v-89r
Michael AUCKLAND, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/A4/1: 2 October 1667  - indented inventory 
Robert AUTON, yeoman, of Ryton Woodside in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/A5/1: 27 January 1668  - indented inventory exhibited, 6 Feb 1668 
Henry BAINBRIDG, of the Church Stile (Style) in the towne and parish of Midleton in Teasdale (Teasdall, Teasdaile) and county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Bainbrigg
DPRI/1/1667/B2/1-2: September 1654  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/B2/3: September 1654  - inventory, actual total £35 11s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 3s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f79r
John BAINBRIDGE, yeoman, of Fieldstile (Fieldstile, Feildstyle) in the parrish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrigge
DPRI/1/1667/B3/1-2: 16 December 1650  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/B3/3-4: 16 December 1650  - inventory, actual total £187 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f66r
Elisabeth BAINBRIGGE, spinster, Newcastle upon Tyne, Feildstyle in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Elsabeth, Bainbrige, Elizabeth, Bainbridge
DPRI/1/1667/B1/1: 11 February 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/B1/2: 11 February 1657  - inventory, actual total £42 10s exhibited, 23 Aug 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f72r
Robert BANCKS, yeoman, of Langley Dayle (Langly Dale, Langly Daile) in the countie of Durham, parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/B4/1: 24 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/B4/2: 24 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £56 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 14s 10d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f52v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B10-11
William BARKER, cordwainer, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/B5/1: 8 January 1666  - inventory 
John BAYNES, gentleman, of Tweedmouth in the county pallatyne of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Baines
DPRI/1/1667/B6/1: 26 June 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/B6/2: 26 June 1667  - inventory, actual total £414 0s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f84v-85r
William BELL, of Hollinghall (Holinghall) in the perish of Wolisingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/B7/1-2: 24 March 1667  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to testator of over £31 12s 4d 
DPRI/1/1667/B7/3: 24 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £115 10s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f79r-79v
DPRI/1/1667/B8   11 April 1667
Samuel BIRD, hoastman, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine and chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/B8/1: 15 March 1667  - copy will original will delivered to the executrix, 13 Apr 1667 
DPRI/1/1667/B8/3: 15 March 1667  - commission to John Shawe MA, rector of Whalton, and James Hayrope, curate of Lamesley, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Bird, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Harrope, 11 Apr 1667 
DPRI/1/1667/B8/2: 15 March 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £226 5s 2d 
DPRI/1/1667/B8/4: 15 March 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f53r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B14
Edward BLACKETT, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/B9/1: 19 September 1667  - indented inventory exhibited, 24 Sep 1667 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B78
Nicholas BLAKE, of Stortone Grang (Storton Grange), parish of Warckworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Blaicke
DPRI/1/1667/B10/1: 11 March 1667  - inventory 
Thomas BLENKINSOPP, mariner, of parish of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Blenkinship
DPRI/1/1667/B11/2-3: 23 April 1667  - nuncupative will made on a voyage [north] from London on board the Marygold of Newcastle 
DPRI/1/1667/B11/1: 23 April 1667  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1667/B11/4: 23 April 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £29 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f66v-67r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B84
Edward BLYTHMAN, master and mariner, of South Sheeles (Sheiles) West Panns [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Blithman
DPRI/1/1667/B12/1: 11 July 1665  - indented inventory 
Ralph BOWES, gentleman, of chapelry of St John in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/B13/1-2: 12 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/B13/3: 12 March 1667  - commission to John Shawe MA, rector of Whalton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Bowes, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Shaw, (undated) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f53r-53v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B15
George BREAKS, saddler, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Braickes
DPRI/1/1667/B14/1: 23 January 1668  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B259
John BRIGNELL, gentleman, of Lambton (Lampton) in the county of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Brignall
DPRI/1/1667/B15/1-2: 22 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/B15/3-4: 22 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £513 5s 4d exhibited, 3 June 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f62r-62v
John BROWNE, of Chevington Moore House, parish of Warckworth [Chevington, Northumberland]. Died 19 February 1667
DPRI/1/1667/B16/1-2: 26 February 1667  - inventory 
John BUNTING, the younger, of Stocton (Stockton) [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/B17/1-2: 21 May 1667  - inventory 
William BURNOPP, of Hownes (Hounes) in the chappellry of Meddumsley (Meddomsley) and countye of Durham [Medomsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/B18/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1667/B18/3: undated  - consent consent of five of the deceased's children that administration be granted to their brother, Ralph Burnopp [for his and their use] 
DPRI/1/1667/B18/4: undated  - testimonial letter testimonial letter of Matthias Wrightson relating to Ralph Burnopp, son and administrator 
Thomas BYERS, of Hutton Henrie (Henry) in the countie of Durham, parish of Monk Hesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/B19/1-2: 4 May 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/B19/3-4: 4 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £128 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £35 11s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f60r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B52-53
William CALVERLEY, esquire, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C1/1: 30 August 1666  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Barbara Gray, wife of Raiph Gray, merchant; exhibited, 30 Aug 1666 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B48
George CARIS, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C2/1: 6 February 1668  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B257
Robert CARR, merchant taylor, of parish of St Nicholas in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C3/1: 7 June 1667  - indented inventory 
Robert CHAPMAN, gentleman, of South Sheeles West Panns in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/C4/1: 30 January 1668  - indented inventory 
Jane CHARLETON, wife of William Charleton, widow, of Hawcupp Hill (Halcuphill) in the chappelrie of Bellingham in the parish of Symonburne and county of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charlton
DPRI/1/1667/C5/1-2: 16 June 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/C5/3: 16 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £41 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 18s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f93r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B275
Robart CHIPCHACE, of Whitton, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase
DPRI/1/1667/C7/1-2: 18 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C7/3: 18 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £51 17s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f63v-64r
Ann CHIPCHAS, relict of Robert Chipchase of Whitton, widow, of Whitton, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase, Chipchese. Died 1667
DPRI/1/1667/C6/1: 5 July 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C6/2: 5 July 1667  - inventory, actual total £3 2s 2d 
DPRI/1/1667/C6/3 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f76r
Charles CLARKE, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C8/1-4: 29 July 1667  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1667/C8/5-6: 29 July 1667  - inventory, actual total £202 17s 10d 
DPRI/1/1667/C8/7: 29 July 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f73v-74r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B61
George CLARKE, tanner, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C9/1: 5 December 1667  - inventory 
John CLARKE, curate of Newcastle St Andrew, clerk, of chapelry of St Andrew within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C10/1: 30 March 1667  - will in the form of a deed of gift 
DPRI/1/1667/C10/2: 30 March 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £28 8s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f76v
William CLAY, barber-surgeon, of chapelry of All Hallowes in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C11/1: 17 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C11/2: 17 March 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £103 11s 5d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f66r-66v
Thomas CLIFFE, shipwright, of North Sheles (Sheilds, Sheiles) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C12/1: 12 July 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C12/2-3: 12 July 1667  - inventory, actual total £33 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £51 11s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f71r
Richard COALE, of Trowlaine within the parish of Hamsterley (chapelry of Hampsterley) and in the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Cole
DPRI/1/1667/C13/1-2: 15 April 1667  - inventory 
Ann COCK, wife of George Cock, widow, of South Sheeles (Shiels) in the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Cocke
DPRI/1/1667/C14/1-2: 17 January 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C14/3-4: 17 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £13 2s 8d 
DPRI/1/1667/C14/5: 17 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £219 3s inventory of debts owed to the executors of George Cocke and Anne his wife for the use of their children 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f89r
Timothy COLLINGWOOD, cordwainer, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C15/1-2: 15 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C15/3: 15 January 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £176 6s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f59r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B39
William COLLINGWOOD, master and mariner, of North Sheiles (Sheils) in the countie of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C16/1: 18 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C16/2: 18 February 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £292 12s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f52r
John COMPTON, of parish of Gotshead (Gateshead) within the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/C17/1-2: 22 September 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/C17/3: 22 September 1667  - inventory, actual total £180 16s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f77v-78r
James COOKE, senior, merchant, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/C18/1-2: 16 December 1667  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 19 March 1668 
DPRI/1/1667/C18/3-4: 16 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £2,304 12s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f91r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B263
Patrik CROOKSHANKS, of High Carricke, parish of Ellsden (Elsden) [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Crookshankes
DPRI/1/1667/C19/1-2: 1 March 1667  - will  with inventory, undated, actual total £12 11s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f83r
Andrew CROZIER, of Horton, parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Crosier
DPRI/1/1667/C20/1-2: 12 June 1665  - inventory 
John CUTTER, mariner, of chapelry of All Hallowes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/C21/1: 6 July 1667  - indented inventory 
Edward DALE, gentleman, of parish of Daleton in the Dale (Dalton) [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Daile
DPRI/1/1667/D1/1-2: 13 September 1667  - inventory 
Arthur DARNELL, yeoman, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/D2/1: 19 September 1667  - indented inventory 
David DAVINSON, yeoman, of Stanford (Stampford) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Davison
DPRI/1/1667/D3/1-2: 20 February 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/D3/3: 20 February 1666  - inventory, actual total £18 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f84r
Sir Thomas DAVISON, knight, of Blakiston in the county of Durham, parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]
see Surtees' History of Durham, vol. 3, page 166: Davison's father was killed, aged 80, on the royalist side in the siege of Newcastle in 1644
DPRI/1/1667/D4/1-4: 3 February 1667  - copy will  with copy codicil, 21 May 1667 with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1667/D4/5: 3 February 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f65r-65v
William DEAMSTER, the elder, blacksmith, of Carshill (Carr's Hill) in the countie palatine of Durham, parish of Jarroe [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Demster
parish uncertain: there is a Carr Hill in Gateshead
DPRI/1/1667/D5/1-2: 26 November 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/D5/3 - inventory, actual total £80 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 14s) exhibited, 6 Feb 1668 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f89v
Robert DELAVALE, esquire, of South Dissington in the county of Northumberland, parish of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/D6/1-2: 22 January 1667  - will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1667/D6/3-4: 22 January 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/D6/5: 22 January 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f69v-70r
Thomas DIXSON, yeoman, of Blackeyburne (Blackaburne) in the parish of Simonburne (Symonburne) and county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Dixon
DPRI/1/1667/D7/1-2: 10 January 1667  - will  with inventory, 19 March 1668, actual total £85 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f93r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B276
Robert DOWTHWHAITE, yeoman, of Thorneley (Thornley) within the parish of Wolsingham in Wardaile (Wollsingham, Woolsingham) in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Dowthwhait, Dowthwaite, Dowhite, Douthwait
DPRI/1/1667/D8/1: 23 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/D8/2: 23 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £225 0s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f87v
Ralph DUNN, of parish of Greatham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/D9/1: 29 November 1667  - inventory 
George DURHAM, barber-surgeon, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/D10/1: 27 November 1667  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc.; month and day in 1667 uncertain 
Edward ELGIE, freemason, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/E1/1-2: 11 July 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/E1/3: 11 July 1667  - inventory, actual total £96 4s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f75v
Christopher ELWIN, yeoman, of Bradbury in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/E2/1-2: 26 March 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/E2/3: 26 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £30 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26 6s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f58v
Arthur EMERSON, yeoman, of Shortthornes (Shorthornes), in the forrest of Weardall (Weeredale), parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp), and county palatine of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Arthure, Emmerson
DPRI/1/1667/E3/1-2: 10 September 1667  - will  with inventory, actual total £135 12s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £119 16s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f76r
Elsabeth EMERSON, widow, of Burtriford (Burtryford) in the countye of Durham, parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Elizabeth, Emmerson
DPRI/1/1667/E4/1-2: 19 April 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/E4/3: 19 April 1661  - inventory, actual total £27 17s (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £18) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f54v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B22
Robert EMERSON, yeoman, of Ludwell in the parrish of Stanhop and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1667/E5/1-2: 25 April 1667  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B40
Anne EWBANCKE, widow, of parish of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Ewbanke
inventory is endorsed 'inventory with allegation' (the latter is not present)
DPRI/1/1667/E6/1-2: 14 January 1667  - nuncupative will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f51v-52r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B8
John FAWDON, of East Brandon within the parish of Brancepeth and county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/F1/1: 17 November 1666  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/F1/2: 17 November 1666  - inventory, actual total £61 2s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f61v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B60
Robert FAWDON, yeoman, of Bradbury (Braidberry) in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/F2/1-2: 21 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/F2/3-4: 21 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £682 1s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £160 10s) exhibited, 25 Jan 1668 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f86v-87r
Robert FENWICK, gentleman, of Kenton in the county of Northumberland in the parish of South Gossworth (Gosforth) [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1667/F3/1: 26 December 1667  - inventory 
William FENWICKE, gentleman, of Batehouse within the county of Durham, Winlaton in the parish of Ryton [Winlaton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/F4/1: 18 September 1667  - inventory 
Cuthbert FETHERSTON, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Featherston
DPRI/1/1667/F5/1-2: 13 December 1667  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to the executrix, 16 Jan 1668 
DPRI/1/1667/F5/3: 13 December 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £34 4s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f85r
John FORSTER, merchant, of burrough of Berwicke (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/F6/1-2: 7 April 1667  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f68v-69r
Thomas FORSTER, gentleman, of North Charleton (Charlton), parish of Ellingham [Ellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Fowerster
DPRI/1/1667/F7/1-2: 13 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/F7/3-4: 13 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £120 6s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f72v
Marmaduke FOSTER, carpenter, yeoman, of Carleton in the county of Durham, parish of Readmarshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Marmaducke, Forster
DPRI/1/1667/F8/1: 25 April 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/F8/2: 25 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £255 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f70v-71r
Mary GARTH, daughter of William Garth of Headlam, gentleman, of Headlam, parish of Gaineford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/G1/1: undated  - inventory 
William GARTH, of West Thickley, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/G2/1: 21 June 1667  - inventory 
Thomas GATHROPPE, yeoman, of Bales (Bayles) in the parish of Alston and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Gathrope
DPRI/1/1667/G3/1: 26 October 1666  - inventory 
Charles GERARD, esquire, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/G4/1: 7 October 1667  - inventory exhibited, 7 Oct 1667 
Henry GIBSON, mariner, of parish of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/G5/1: 25 April 1667  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B33
Barbra GOFTON, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1667/G6/1: 25 September 1667  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1667/G6/2 - wrapper 
Ambrose GRAINGER, skinner, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/G7/1-2: 12 May 1667  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 9 August 1667 
DPRI/1/1667/G7/3: 12 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £27 18s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 7s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f71r-71v
John GRAY, gentleman, Murton (Mortton, Morton) in the county palatine of Durham, chapelry of Tweedmouth, Sunilaws [Tweedmouth, Northumberland; Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Grey
see Commission box 1, no. 94 re tuition
DPRI/1/1667/G8/1-2: 23 September 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/G8/3: 23 September 1667  - inventory, actual total £160 16s 2d dated 15 Oct 1667 at head and 10 Jan 1668 at foot 
DPRI/1/1667/G8/4-5: 23 September 1667  - inventory, actual total £167 10s 10d inventory of goods etc. at Sunilaws 
DPRI/1/1667/G8/6: 23 September 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f94v-95r
James GREEN, clerk, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Greene
DPRI/1/1667/G9/1: 29 October 1667  - inventory 
Thomas GRUNDY, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Grundey
DPRI/1/1667/G10/1-2: 9 March 1668  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B268
William HALL, senior, yeoman, of Parkall (Parkewall) House in the county of Durham, parish of Stainedropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Willyam
DPRI/1/1667/H1/1: 17 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H1/2: 17 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £433 8s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £401 10s 6d) inventory includes goods etc. seized 16 Oct 1667 from John Dunne of Cleatlam for a debt 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f82r
William HALL, the younger, of Shadforth (Shatforth) in the county pallatine of Durham, parish of Pittington [Shadforth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H2/1-2: 14 March 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/H2/4: 14 March 1667  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1667/H2/3: 14 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £156 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £46) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f51r-51v
William HARLE, shipwright, of Westoe in the county of Durham, parish of Jarroe [Westoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H3/1: 27 March 1667  - indented inventory 
Thomas HARPER, of Acklington Park of the parish of Warkwoorth (Warckworth) [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/H4/1: 6 February 1666  - inventory 
Jaine HARRISON, widow, of Wester Blacke Deane (Wester Blackdeane) in the forrest of Weredale (Weerdale) and county of Durham, parish of Stanhop [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Jane
DPRI/1/1667/H5/1-2: 29 April 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H5/3-4: 29 April 1667  - inventory, actual total £50 17s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f91v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B264
George HASTENS, miller, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Haistings
DPRI/1/1667/H6/1: 18 July 1667  - inventory 
Ann HASWELL, widow, of parish of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H7/1: 27 December 1667  - inventory 
George HASWELL, gentleman, of Chester in the Street in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H8/1-2: 21 February 1667  - inventory exhibited, 10 Apr 1667 
DPRI/1/1667/H8/3: 21 February 1667  - additional inventory, actual total £239 0s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B16
Anthony HEADLAM, of Eggleston, parish of Middleton in Teasdaile [Eggleston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H9/1-2: 24 August 1667  - inventory administration requested by Mary Headlam, relict 
Georg HENDERSON, yeoman, of West Neutoune (Newton) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Kirke Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt George
DPRI/1/1667/H10/1-2: 14 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H10/3: 14 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £113 9s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f84r-84v
William HESLOPP, the elder, butcher, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H11/1-4: 17 December 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/H11/6: 17 December 1664  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1667/H11/5: 17 December 1664  - inventory, actual total £12 7s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f85v-86v
John HESLYHEAD, vicar of Warkworth, clerk, of Warkworth (Warckworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/H12/1-2: 10 April 1667  - will full date of will drawn from registered copy 
DPRI/1/1667/H12/3-4: 10 April 1667  - inventory, actual total £156 6s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £30) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f72r-72v
Richard HINDMERSH, gentleman, of Walsend in the countie of Northumberland [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Hyndmarsh, Hindmarsh
DPRI/1/1667/H13/1-2: 23 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H13/3-4: 23 January 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £232 12s 6d inventory includes goods etc. at Little Benton and Low Heaton 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f88r-88v
George HODSHON, gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodgshon
DPRI/1/1667/H14/1: 17 December 1667  - indented inventory includes goods etc. at Bowdon Flatt 
Raiph HOLLM, gentleman, of Bushop Weermouth (Wearmouth) in the county palatine of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Holme
DPRI/1/1667/H15/1: 28 June 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H15/2: 28 June 1665  - inventory, actual total £109 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f68r-68v
Mathew HOLMES, yeoman, of Unthanke in the county of Durham, parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Holme
DPRI/1/1667/H16/1: 13 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H16/2: 13 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £309 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f60v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B55
Thomas HOPPER, weaver, of Dickenuke (Dicke Nuke, Dike Nuke) in the county of Durham, chapelry of Meddomsley [Medomsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H17/1-2: 11 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H17/3: 11 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £320 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 2s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f54v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B23
Humfrey HOWELL, gentleman, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Humphrey
DPRI/1/1667/H18/1: 25 April 1667  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B20
Robert HUDSON, of South Midleton (South Mideltoun, South Middleton) in the parish of Ilderton in the county of Northumberland [Ilderton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hutson
DPRI/1/1667/H19/1-2: 22 March 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/H19/3-4: 22 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £104 15s 4d (with account of debts of £40 6s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f71v
DPRI/1/1667/H20   5 June 1667
George HUMBLE, glover, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 228: proved, 5 June 1667
DPRI/1/1667/H20/1: 7 March 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H20/2: 7 March 1657  - inventory, actual total £115 1s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 1666 (but see DPRI/4/18 page 228) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f62v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B71
George HUNTER, of Acklinton (Acklington), parish of Warckworth [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/H21/1: 24 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H21/2: 24 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £43 4s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f90v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B258
Anthony HUNTLEY, of Shadford (Shadforth) [Shadforth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/H22/1-2: 11 November 1667  - inventory administration requested by Grace Huntley, relict, for the use of herself and three children 
Thomas HUNTLEY, glover, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/H23/1-2: 27 August 1667  - inventory exhibited, 29 Aug 1667 
Robert HUTCHESON, master and mariner, of South Sheales (Sheilds, Sheeles) in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1667/H24/1: 28 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/H24/2: 28 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £50 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f87r
Robert JOBLIN, turner, of town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/J1/1-2: 19 April 1667  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1667/J1/3: 19 April 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £16 18s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f77r-77v
George JOHNSON, the elder, yeoman, of Greatham in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/J2/1-4: 27 March 1667  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 27 April 1667 
DPRI/1/1667/J2/5: 27 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £134 16s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f56v-57v
curation bond, penal sum £300: DPRI/3/1667/B31
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B30
Thomas KIRKLEY, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/K1/1: 3 October 1667  - indented inventory 
Robert LAMBE, of Thorpe Thewles, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/L1/1-3: undated  - inventory 
William LEIGH, of Acklington, parish of Warckworth [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/L2/1: 8 November 1666  - inventory 
Margerie LINDSELL, widow, of Lygate in or neare the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Margery, Lyndsell
DPRI/1/1667/L4/1-2: 2 December 1667  - will with certificate of oath, 31 Jan 1668 
DPRI/1/1667/L4/3: 2 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £9 3s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f86v
Elizabeth LINDSLEY, widow, of Hartlepoole (Hartinpoole) in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Lyndsey
DPRI/1/1667/L5/1: 5 December 1667  - inventory 
William LISTER, royal navy mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Litster
DPRI/1/1667/L6/1: 27 November 1667  - inventory 
John LITLE, of Whitlay (Whitelawe) in the parish of Kirkhauge (Kirkhaugh) [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell
DPRI/1/1667/L3/1: 4 June 1667  - inventory 
Mary LOWSON, widow, of Crosgate [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/L7/1: undated  - inventory in the form of a bill from Lowson's landlord 
James LYNDSEY, of Hartinpoole [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Lindsey
DPRI/1/1667/L8/1: 30 December 1667  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Elizabeth Lyndsey, relict now deceased 
William MADDISON, of Grinley in the county of Durham, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/M1/1: 4 July 1667  - inventory 
John MAINES, of Ogle, parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/M2/1: 22 August 1667  - inventory 
Tobias MARKENDELL, rector of Elton, clerk, of Elton in the county of Durham [Elton, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale
DPRI/1/1667/M3/1: 8 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/M3/2-3: 8 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £218 (with account of debts of £18 15s 11d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f80r-80v
Martin MILBOURNE, yeoman, of Rugley (Ruglie) Frith in the parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) and county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Martin, Milburne
DPRI/1/1667/M4/1-2: 8 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/M4/3: 8 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £93 9s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f83v
Thomas MITFORD, gentleman, of Thorpe Bulmer, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/M5/1: 19 December 1667  - inventory 
George MOODY, smith, of town and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/M6/1: 15 June 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/M6/2: 15 June 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £105 6s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1667/M6/3: 15 June 1667  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f70r
William MORISON, of Ogle, parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Morrison
DPRI/1/1667/M8/1: 26 August 1667  - inventory 
George MORRISON, of Stockley, parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/M7/1: 4 December 1667  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B267
Barbara MORTON, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/M9/1-2: 8 November 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/M9/3: 8 November 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £8 15s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f90r-90v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B255
Mighell MUSHAMP, of Holy Island [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael, Muschampe
DPRI/1/1667/M10/1-2: 9 January 1668  - inventory 
Ambrose MYRES, alderman of Durham, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Miers
DPRI/1/1667/M11/1-2: 23 April 1667  - inventory exhibited, 3 May 1667 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B47
John NEWBY, tailor, of Cockfeild (Cockfield) in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/N1/1-2: 25 October 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/N1/3: 25 October 1667  - inventory, actual total £46 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f80r
Cuthbert OGLE, gentleman, of Kirkley (Kirkeley) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/O1/1-2: 28 November 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/O1/3: 28 November 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f82v-83r
Richard ORD, of parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Rychard, Orde
DPRI/1/1667/O2/1: 9 April 1648  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/O2/2 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f73r
Robert OTWAY, gentleman, of Preston in the parish of Tinemouth (Tynemouth) in the county of Northumberland [Preston, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/O3/1: 26 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/O3/2: 26 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £125 3s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f89v-90r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B253
Barbarie PACE, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1667/P1/1-2: 12 October 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/P1/3: 12 October 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £67 19s 5d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £27 8s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1667/P1/4-5: 12 October 1667  - allegations allegations of Roland Kirkley, relating to a cause to prove the will: Roland Kirkley, executor v John Pace 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f78v
Francis PARKER, of Whessoe (Whessay) Moore and parish of Halghton (Haughton) and countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/P2/1-2: 18 May 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/P2/3: 18 May 1667  - renunciation renunciation of Isabell Parker relict, and Ellenor Parker daughter, co-executors, nominating William Fell, son-in-law, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1667/P2/4: 18 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £51 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f63r
George PARKIN, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/P3/1: 18 July 1667  - indented inventory 
Edward PARKINSON, gentleman, of Haghouse (Hagg House) in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret in the city of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/P4/1: 27 April 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/P4/2: 27 April 1667  - inventory, actual total £441 9s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f79v
Robert PARSMOORE, of Bishop Weremouth (Wearemouth, Wearmouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Parsmore
DPRI/1/1667/P5/1-2: 31 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/P5/3-4: 31 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £35 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f52v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B5
Thomas PASE, fuller, of parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Pace
DPRI/1/1667/P6/1-2: 6 January 1668  - inventory 
Ann PEARSON, widow, of Ferry Hill (Ferryhill) in the county of Durham [Ferryhill, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1667/P7/1: 25 September 1667  - inventory administration requested by Cuthbert Pearson, son and creditor 
Thomas PEARSON, tanner, of Framwelgate in or nigh the citty of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1667/P8/1: 4 June 1667  - inventory exhibited, 6 June 1667 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B68
Elizabeth PECKTON, widow, of Bishop Awckland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Pecton
DPRI/1/1667/P9/1: 22 November 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/P9/2-3: 22 November 1666  - inventory, actual total £17 11s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f55v-56r
William PERKINS, of Watgarth, parish of Midleton in Teasdaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Parkin
DPRI/1/1667/P10/1: 28 March 1667  - inventory 
Ralph PICKERING, yeoman, of East Brandon in the county palatyne of Durham, parish of Brancepeth [Brandon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/P11/1-2: 6 March 1667  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 7 September 1667 
DPRI/1/1667/P11/3-4: 6 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £161 2s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f74v
James PLEASINGTON, yeoman, of Relley (Railey) in the county of Durham, parish of St Oswald in the city of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/P12/1-2: 15 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/P12/3 - inventory, actual total £52 13s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f69r
Richard POTTS, barber-surgeon, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/P13/1: 9 May 1667  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B62
Andrew PRICHARD, of North Sheeles (Sheilds), parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/P14/1-2: 4 April 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/P14/3-4: 4 April 1667  - inventory, actual total £94 17s 11d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f61r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B59
Roger RAMES, gentleman, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Raims, Raimes
DPRI/1/1667/R2/1-2: 2 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/R2/3: 2 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £95 12s 4d 
DPRI/1/1667/R2/4-5: 2 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £78 19s (with account of debts of £59 6s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f92v93r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B270
Edward RAYNE, the elder, yeoman, of Gainford in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Raine
DPRI/1/1667/R1/1-2: 16 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/R1/3: 16 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £142 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £38 9s 2d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f57v-58r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B29
George READHEAD, butcher, of Newton in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Bywell St Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/R3/1-2: 17 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/R3/3: 17 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £17 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f93v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B278
Roberte READSHAW, yeoman, of Durrhamfeild (Durhamfeild) within the county of Northumberland and parish of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert, Readshawe
DPRI/1/1667/R5/1-2: 14 September 1667  - inventory 
Richard REEDHEAD, junior, tailor, of Lay Gate within the township of Westoe in the county of Durham, parish of Jarroe [Westoe, County Durham]; also spelt Readhead, Reedheed
DPRI/1/1667/R4/1-2: 10 February 1668  - renunciation renunciation of Issabell Reedhead, relict, nominating Thomas Reedhead, son, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1667/R4/3: 10 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £42 11s 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B269
George REEVELEY, gentleman, of Throple (Thropple) in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaveley
DPRI/1/1667/R6/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert RIBTON, yeoman, of Streatlam [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/R7/1-2: 27 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/R7/3-4: 27 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £190 0s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £60 8s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f60r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B51
Thomas RIDLEY, miller, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/R8/1-2: 21 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/R8/3: 21 February 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £85 0s 2d exhibited, 16 July 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f67r-67v
Hary RITSONE, tailor, of Knersdale (Knaresdale, Knarsdale) in the county of Northumberland [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Henry, Richinson
DPRI/1/1667/R9/1: 25 November 1667  - will  with inventory, 9 January 1669, actual total £8 12s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f83r
Thomas ROBARTS, fuller, dyer, of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Roberts
DPRI/1/1667/R10/1-2: 24 August 1667  - inventory 
John ROBINSON, yeoman, of East Morton (Murton) within the countie of Durham, parish of Dalton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/R11/1-2: 27 May 1657  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f60v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B58
Matthew ROBINSON, of East Morton (Murton), parish of Dalton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/R12/1: 16 March 1667  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B57
Thomas ROBINSON, husbandman, of Cotham Conniers (Conyers, Connyers) of the parrish of Long Newton (Longe Newton) in the county palatine of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/R13/1-2: 30 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/R13/3: 30 May 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/R13/4-5: 30 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £44 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f63r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B72
William ROBINSON, of Acklington, parish of Warckworth [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/R14/1: undated  - inventory 
John ROBSON, yeoman, of Newburne (Newburn) in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/R15/1-2: 6 September 1666  - will with contemporaneous list of debt of £21 
DPRI/1/1667/R15/3: 6 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £38 17s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f77v
William ROBSON, of Upper Newton in the parish (chapelry) of Bellingham in the county of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]
buried at Bellingham, 10 Jan 1663
DPRI/1/1667/R16/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B26
John RODDAM, esquire, of Little Houghton in the countie of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/R17/1: 7 May 1667  - inventory 
John RODHAM, of Brancepeth (Branspeth) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/R18/1-2: 14 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/R18/3-4: 14 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £197 17s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f64r
James ROSDEN, of brough of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Rosdone
DPRI/1/1667/R19/1: 16 January 1667  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f84v
Thomas ROXBY, yeoman, of parish of Whitburne in the county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Roxbye, Roxbee
DPRI/1/1667/R20/1-2: 22 November 1667  - will  with codicil, 23 November 1667 
DPRI/1/1667/R20/3: 22 November 1667  - inventory, actual total £255 16s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f92r-92v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B279
Mathew RUTTER, butcher, of chapelry of St Johns in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/R21/1: 20 May 1667  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B66
Thomas RUTTER, of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/R22/1: 15 May 1667  - inventory 
John SCOTT, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S1/1: 26 November 1667  - indented inventory 
Edward SCURFEILD, gentleman, of Woograve, parish of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S2/1-2: 6 May 1667  - inventory exhibited, 9 Apr 1667 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B12
John SCURFEILD, the elder, yeoman, of Washintone (Washington) in the countey of Durhame [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfield
DPRI/1/1667/S3/1-2: 2 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/S3/3-4: 2 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £28 10s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £19 5s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f79r
Hellen SELBYE, relict of William Selbye of Biddleston esquire, widow, of Biddilston (Bittleston, Biddleston), parish of Allenton [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Helen
DPRI/1/1667/S4/1-2: 1 August 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/S4/3: 1 August 1667  - inventory, actual total £1,513 16s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £64 10s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f72v
Lawrence SHAFTOE, gentleman, of Prestick (Presticke) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Island [Dinnington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S5/1-2: 5 January 1663  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B18
Peter SHARPE, blacksmith, of Bishop Wearemouth (Wearmouth) Salt Pannes (Panns) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S6/1: 24 August 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/S6/2: 24 August 1667  - inventory, actual total £64 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £9) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f75r
Nicholas SHEELL, of Roantreefoot, parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S7/1: 2 October 1667  - inventory 
William SHEERWOOD, musician, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Sherwood
Sheerwood requested burial at Newcastle All Saints
DPRI/1/1667/S9/1-2: 20 January 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/S9/3: 20 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £157 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f93v
Robertt SHEPHEARD, yeoman, of Castellgate (Castlegate) in the towne of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert, Shipherd, Shipheard
DPRI/1/1667/S10/1-2: 25 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/S10/3: 25 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £2 14s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f74r-74v
William SHERATON, yeoman, of Dalton Pirsie in the parish of Hart in the county pallatine of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S8/1: 7 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/S8/2: 7 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £60 7s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f67v-68r
Thomas SHIPLEY, of Chirpchase (Chipchase) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S11/1-2: 6 May 1666  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B24
Ambrose SIMPSON, of Parkewall of the chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S12/1: 23 March 1667  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1667/S12/2: 23 March 1667  - additional inventory, actual total £5 
DPRI/1/1667/S12/3 - wrapper 
Barnard SIMPSON, cooper, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S13/1-2: 11 December 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/S13/3: 11 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £87 3s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f90v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B256
Raiph SIMSON, of Upper Trewhett in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Simpson
DPRI/1/1667/S14/1-2: 28 June 1664  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to (£133 1s) and owed by (£15 10s) testator 
DPRI/1/1667/S14/3: 28 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £24 5s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f83v-84r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B280
Roger SLAYTER, of Whittell, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Slaytor
DPRI/1/1667/S15/1-2: 12 November 1666  - inventory 
Christopher SMART, yeoman, of Old Elvett, Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S16/1-2: 13 February 1667  - inventory charges to the estate include two fruitless searches for Smart and to find where he died 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B13
Henry SMITH, of Linshill (Lynshill) in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S17/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B274
John SMITH, yeoman, of the Law in the parish of Medemsley (chapelry of Meddomsley) within the county of Durham [Medomsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S18/1: 20 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/S18/2-3: 20 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £136 9s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f59v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B49-50
William SMITH, mariner, of parish of All Saints in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S19/1: 20 August 1667  - inventory 
Thomas SPOORE, yeoman, of Thresley (Thrisley) Haugh, parish of Horsley in the county of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S20/3: 23 December 1666  - inventory, actual total £78 6s administration granted to Ann Spoore, daughter 
DPRI/1/1667/S20/1-2: 23 December 1666  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Spoore, relict, nominating Ann Spoore, daughter, to take out administration, upon certain stipulated conditions re the disposition of the deceased's estate 
William STANTON, of parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S21/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1667/S21/3 - wrapper 
John STEPHENSON, of parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Stenson
DPRI/1/1667/S22/1: undated  - inventory administration granted to Jane Robinson, former relict 
Mary STEPHENSON, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S23/1-2: 22 April 1667  - inventory 
Ellinor STOBBS, widow, of chapplerie of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/S24/1: 30 July 1667  - indented inventory 
John STOBBS, yeoman, of Wolsingham in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/S25/1: 3 September 1667  - inventory 
Henry STORR, mariner, of South Sheeles (Sheiles) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Store
DPRI/1/1667/S26/1-2: 10 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/S26/3: 10 February 1667  - indented inventory, actual total £10 1s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f61r
Robert SWAN, of Hedly (Hedley) Wood in the parish of Longhorsley (Horsley) [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Swann
DPRI/1/1667/S27/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1667/T3   15 October 1667
Thomas TAILOR, of Newborne [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylor
see DPRI/4/18 page 242: administration granted, 15 Oct 1667
DPRI/1/1667/T3/1: 25 June 1666  - inventory endorsed: Ralph Tailor, son, renounced administration 
Ralph TATUM, of Ferryhill in the parish of Church Merrington in the county of Durham [Ferryhill, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/T1/1: 12 December 1667  - inventory exhibited, 12 Dec 1667 
John TAYLOR, of Acklington, parish of Warckworth [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/T2/1-2: 13 November 1666  - inventory 
William TAYLOR, yeoman, of Kibblesworth in the chapplery of Lamesley and county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/T5/1-2: 20 October 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/T5/3: 20 October 1667  - inventory, actual total £119 9s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f81r-81v
Thomas TAYLOUR, of North Seaton, parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylor
see DPRI/4/18 page 249: administration granted, 7 Jan 1668. The two 1667 Bonds 164 and 214 do not survive.
DPRI/1/1667/T4/1-2: 2 January 1670  - inventory 
John THOMPSON, the elder, fellmonger, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/T6/1-2: 17 August 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/T6/3: 17 August 1667  - inventory, actual total £47 16s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f75r-75v
Robert THOMPSON, yeoman, of Reeveley in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Ingram [Ingram, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/T7/1: 26 October 1667  - indented inventory 
Robert TIZICKE, gentleman, of Howdon Glassehouse (Glasshouse) in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Walsend [Wallsend, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/T8/1: 1 March 1667  - inventory 
Robert TODD, of parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/T9/1-2: 8 October 1667  - inventory 
William TODD, of parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/T10/1: 2 September 1667  - inventory 
John TOMKINS, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/T11/1-4: 11 January 1667  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 30 April 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f58r-58v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B34
Henry TOMPSON, of Ilderton parish [Ilderton, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1667/T12/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1667/T12/2 - wrapper 
Cuthbertt TOWARD, weaver, of parish of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1667/T13/1: 22 March 1664  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B266
Catharine TROLLOPP, widow, of Crosgate within the chaplery of Saint Margaretts in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Catherine, Trollop
DPRI/1/1667/T14/1: 24 December 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/T14/2: 24 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £54 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 3s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f85r
Margrett TUKE, widow, of borough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1667/T16/1: 20 April 1658  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f55r-55v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B27
Thomas TURBETT, of Elwicke, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Turbutt
DPRI/1/1667/T17/1: 9 December 1667  - inventory 
Thomas TUTUP, of Willden (Weldon), parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Tudup. Died 2 August 1666
DPRI/1/1667/T15/1: 7 November 1666  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1667/T15/2 - wrapper 
James TWEEDY, of Shiplye in parish of Eglingham [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/T18/1: undated  - inventory 
William VICCARS, of Newsham in the parish of Winston in the county of Durham [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/V1/1-2: 23 October 1667  - inventory 
Jane WALKER, widow, of parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W1/1: 4 February 1668  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B254
John WALKER, yeoman, of Cockfield (Cockfeild, Cockefield) in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W2/1: 14 September 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/W2/2: 14 September 1667  - inventory, actual total £2 17s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f76r-76v
John WALKER, yeoman, of Wylom in the county of Northumberland, parish of Ovingham [Wylam, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/W3/1-2: 28 February 1649  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1667/W3/3: 28 February 1649  - inventory, actual total £41 14s 
DPRI/1/1667/W3/4: 28 February 1649  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f53v-54r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B21
Raiph WALKER, tanner, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1667/W4/1: 22 May 1667  - will endorsed with memorandum relating to 24 Mar 1692 Durham Chancery case: Elizabeth Goodyeare widow v Edward Cook gentleman 
DPRI/1/1667/W4/2-3: 22 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £44 9s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f63v
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B73-74
Thomas WALKER, of Lumley, parish of Chester in the county palatine of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W5/1-2: 12 March 1664  - allegation  with nuncupative will, 8 January 1662 allegation of Isabell Clarke, legatrix, introducing the nuncupative will of the deceased 
DPRI/1/1667/W5/3: 12 March 1664  - inventory, actual total £15 19s 2d inventory of goods etc. not mentioned in his will and now in the possession of Isabell Clerke; exhibited, 9 Nov 1667 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f49v
William WALLER, whitesmith, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W6/1: 26 September 1667  - inventory administration requested by Margaret Waller, relict; exhibited, 4 Oct 1667 
John WALLICE, senior, of Slaggiford (Slaggieford), parish of Knaresdaile [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallace, Wallis
DPRI/1/1667/W7/1: 22 April 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/W7/2: 22 April 1666  - inventory, actual total £20 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f54v-55r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B25
George WATSON, of chapplerie of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/W8/1: 3 April 1667  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B7
Robert WATT, rough mason, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W9/1: 15 April 1667  - inventory administration requested by Mary Watt, relict 
Anthony WESTGARTH, butcher, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Westgart
DPRI/1/1667/W10/1-2: 2 August 1667  - renunciation renunciation of Ann Westgarth, relict 
DPRI/1/1667/W10/3: 2 August 1667  - inventory, actual total £20 9s 3d 
William WHITFEILD, yeoman, of Shereburn (Shearburn, Shearburne, Sherburne) in the county of Durham and of the parish of Pittington [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfield
DPRI/1/1667/W11/1-2: 26 August 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/W11/3: 26 August 1667  - inventory, actual total £95 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f80v-81r
William WIDDERINGTON, gentleman, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Widdrington
DPRI/1/1667/W13/1-2: 27 September 1667  - inventory  with inventory, 2 September 1667, actual total £64 16s second inventory includes goods etc. at the deceased's farm at the Loning End 
John WIDDRINGTON, gentleman, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/W12/1-2: 8 February 1668  - inventory 
Christopher WILKINSON, of parrish of Gilligate (Gillygate) [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W14/1: 20 June 1667  - inventory 
Raph WILKINSON, of Bishop Wearmouth (Wearemouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Raplfe, Wilkenson, Ralph, Ralphe, Wilkinsone
DPRI/1/1667/W15/1: 30 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/W15/2: 30 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £37 6s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f59r-59v
Robert WILKINSON, lead-miner, of Great Eggleshoope (Egleshope Groves) in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W16/1-2: 17 January 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1667/W16/3: 17 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £246 14s 10d (with account of debts of £38 11s 10d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f59v
will bond with , penal sum £70: DPRI/3/1696/B9
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B70
William WILLSON, of parish of Winstone (Winston) in the county of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Wilson
DPRI/1/1667/W17/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B9
Robert WOULDHAVE, saddler, of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1667/W18/1: 12 March 1668  - indented inventory 
Thomas WRAY, esquire, of Beemish [Beamish, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1667/W19/1-2: 21 May 1666  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to George Wray esquire, brother and co-executor 
DPRI/1/1667/W19/3: 21 May 1666  - inventory, actual total £58 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f56r
bond: DPRI/3/1667/B32
Henry YOUNG, gentleman, of Witton upon Weare in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Henery, Younge
DPRI/1/1667/Y1/1: 7 October 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/Y1/2-3: 7 October 1667  - inventory, actual total £224 8s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f81v-82r
John YOUNG, of Barrow Burne, parish of Allenton [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge
DPRI/1/1667/Y2/1-2: 13 January 1667  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to (£14) and owed by (£46) testator 
DPRI/1/1667/Y2/3: 13 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £124 6s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f73r
Thomas YOUNG, yeoman, of East Murton (Morton) in the county pallatine of Durham, parish of Dalton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Younge, Yonge
DPRI/1/1667/Y3/1-2: 2 July 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/Y3/3: 2 July 1667  - inventory, actual total £107 0s 7d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f70r-70v
William YOUNG, yeoman, of parish of Alnham (Aildam, Alneham) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge. Died 23 May 1667
DPRI/1/1667/Y4/1: 30 April 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1667/Y4/2: 30 April 1667  - inventory, actual total £138 19s 6d (with account of debts of £21 7s 10d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f124v
Wills etc proved 1668
Reference: DPRI/1/1668
Elizabeth ALMERY, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/A1/1-2: 11 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/A1/3: 11 February 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £10 8s 11d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f102r-102v
Thomas ARMSTRONG, of Dalton Piercy (Peircy) of the parish of Hart in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Armestrong
DPRI/1/1668/A2/1: 29 October 1668  - renunciation renunciation of Margarett Sparke and Anne Craw, sisters, nominating John Armstrong, brother, to take out administration, and also revoking their caveats 
DPRI/1/1668/A2/2: 29 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £256 10s 
Phillip BAILES, saddler, of chapelry of Bernard (Barnard) Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Philip, Bayles
DPRI/1/1668/B3/1: 16 March 1668  - inventory 
Roger BAINBRIGG, yeoman, of Midleside in Teasdale (Middleside in the parish of Middleton in Teasdaile) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridg
DPRI/1/1668/B2/1: 15 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/B2/2: 15 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £22 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 13s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f116v-117r
Adonell BAMBRIGG, widow, of Great Lumley and countie of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Bambrig, Bainbridg
DPRI/1/1668/B1/1-2: 25 January 1669  - inventory 
George BILLINGTON, of Birtley in the county of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Birtley St John, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/B4/1: 22 January 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/B4/2: 22 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £33 3s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f108v-109r
Francis BLAKISTON, alias Gerrard, late wife of Thomas Blakiston of Darlington, gentleman, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Gerard
DPRI/1/1668/B5/1: undated  - inventory 
Tymothy BONNER, draper, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Timothy
DPRI/1/1668/B6/1-4: 15 February 1669  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John BOTCHEBIE, yeoman, of East Rainton in the countie of Durham [East Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Botcheby
DPRI/1/1668/B7/1-2: 11 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/B7/3: 11 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £60 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £35 10s 11d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f129r-129v
DPRI/1/1668/B8   19 February 1669
Robert BOWLTON, senior, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Bolton
DPRI/1/1668/B8/1: February 1669  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Feb 1669 
Anne BOWRE, widow, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Bower. Died 30 December 1665
DPRI/1/1668/B9/1-2: 2 May 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/B9/3: 2 May 1665  - inventory, actual total £148 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 13s 7d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f98v
Nicholas BRACKE, of Willington within the parish of Brancepeth (Branspeth) in the county of Durham [Willington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/B10/1-2: 6 February 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/B10/3-4: 6 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £127 13s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £5 9s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f109r
John BRAIDLEY, of Upper Heworth in the county of Durham within the parish of Jarroe [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Bradley
DPRI/1/1668/B11/1: 10 February 1669  - renunciation renunciation of Marie Braidley, relict, nominating Richard Kinneyside and Michael Belly, creditors and co-debtors with the deceased, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1668/B11/2: 10 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £81 6s 4d 
Francis BRANLING, gentleman, of Hoppon (Hopton), parish of Balmbrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Brandling
DPRI/1/1668/B12/1-2: 7 January 1668  - inventory with (undated) probate office memorandum relating to the grant of administration to Mary Brandling, relict, by commisison 
James BRIGGS, merchant adventurer, of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/B13/1-2: 20 June 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f114v-115v
Gilbert BROWELL, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/B14/1: 20 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/B14/2: 20 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £69 10s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f101v-102r
Thomas BROWNE, of Tividale in Scotland [Hawick, Roxburghshire]
Browne drowned in Reads Water [Redeswater], Simonburn [ancient parish]
DPRI/1/1668/B15/1: 12 February 1669  - inventory 
John BURNE, yeoman, of Coopan (Coopon) in the countie of Durham, parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Bourne
DPRI/1/1668/B16/1-2: 11 June 1667  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f109r
Railph BURRELL, gentleman, of Milfield (Millfeild) in the parish of Kirk Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1668/B17/1-2: 18 March 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/B17/5: 18 March 1657  - commission to Robert Bigger, vicar of Chillingham, and John Horsbrough, vicar of Wooler, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Wake (Waike) alias Burrell and Thomas Burrell, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bigger, 7 May 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/B17/3-4: 18 March 1657  - inventory, actual total £100 12s 2d 
DPRI/1/1668/B17/6-7: 18 March 1657  - account, actual total £100 12s 2d (with discharge of 116 1s 1d) letters testimonial issued, 16 June 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f108v
Anthony BYARS, of Shotton, parish of Easington [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Byers
DPRI/1/1668/B18/1-2: 13 November 1668  - inventory 
George CARR, saddler, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/C1/1: 2 December 1668  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Mary CARR, spinster, of Newton Cap in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Carre
DPRI/1/1668/C2/1-2: 4 June 1668  - will sealed but not signed by testatrix 
DPRI/1/1668/C2/3-4: 4 June 1668  - inventory, actual total £170 exhibited, 25 Aug 1668 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f118v
Rodger CHAMBERS, yeoman, of Whitbourne and county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Roger
DPRI/1/1668/C3/1: 23 September 1668  - inventory 
Thomas CHAMBERS, tanner, of Gateshead (Gaiteside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/C4/1-2: 18 November 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/C4/3: 18 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £33 10s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f129v
George CHAMLEY, weaver, of Mason in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/C5/1: 10 June 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/C5/2: 10 June 1668  - inventory, actual total £13 8s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f114r-114v
Barbarey CHAPMAN, widow, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1668/C6/1-2: 21 July 1668  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/C7   9 October 1668
John CHAPMAN, yeoman, of Didridge in the chaplery of Hamsterley (Hampsterley) in the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 274: proved, 9 Oct 1668
DPRI/1/1668/C7/1-2: 23 October 1654  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/C7/4: 23 October 1654  - inventory, actual total £57 5s 4d (with account of debts of £16) 
DPRI/1/1668/C7/3: 23 October 1654  - allegation allegation of Nicholas Chapman, brother and executor, introducing the nuncupative will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f123v
Thomas CHIPCHAISE, senior, of parish of Norton within the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase
DPRI/1/1668/C8/1-2: 28 January 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/C8/3: 28 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £156 (with account of funeral expenses of £6) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f109v-110r
Edward CLARKE, barber-surgeon, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Clerke
DPRI/1/1668/C9/1: 9 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/C9/2: 9 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £432 1s 6d (with account of debts of £169 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f112v-113r
James CLATTON, the younger, of Langley Mill in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Clayton
DPRI/1/1668/C10/1: 22 July 1668  - inventory 
Francis CLIFTON, labourer, of the Spring House (Springhouse) in the parish of Eglescliffe (Eggscliffe) and in the county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/C11/1: 7 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/C11/2: 7 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £18 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f113v
Richard COAL, of Chester Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Cole
DPRI/1/1668/C12/1-2: 7 August 1668  - inventory 
William COOKE, fellmonger, of Escombe in the county of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/C13/1: 30 November 1668  - inventory 
Thomas COTES, curate of Rothbury, clerk, of Whitton Tower, Rothbury in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Cottes, Coates
DPRI/1/1668/C14/1: 29 September 1666  - will  with codicil, 10 August 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/C14/2-3: 29 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £84 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f135r-135v
Humphrey COWARD, master and mariner, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of Tynmoth (Tynemouth) in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Cowart, Couwart
DPRI/1/1668/C15/1-2: 15 February 1666  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 3 November 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/C15/3: 15 February 1666  - inventory, actual total £4 18s 
DPRI/1/1668/C15/4: 15 February 1666  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f127v
Cuthbert COXON, mariner, of South Sheeles, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/C16/1-2: 30 July 1668  - indented inventory 
Elizabeth CRAWE, widow, of chapelry of Hamsterley (Hampsterley) in the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Craw
DPRI/1/1668/C17/1: 8 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/C17/2: 8 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £114 19s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f110r-110v
John CRAWFORTH, of town (parish) of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/C18/1-2: 8 December 1668  - inventory 
Francis DAGGET, gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Daggett
DPRI/1/1668/D1/1: 13 April 1668  - inventory 
John DALTON, gentleman, of Weetslets (Weetsled), parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/D2/1-2: 12 January 1669  - inventory 
George DAVISON, yeoman, of Sedgefield (Sedgfeld, Sedgfeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Gorge, Davieson
DPRI/1/1668/D3/1: 12 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/D3/2-3: 12 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £39 12s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f104v
Humphray DAVISON, cooper, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Humphrey
DPRI/1/1668/D4/1: 27 June 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/D4/2: 27 June 1668  - inventory, actual total £83 13s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc.; exhibited, 31 Aug 1668 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f118v-119r
Robeart DAVISON, senior, yeoman, of Norton within the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Robart, Robert
DPRI/1/1668/D5/1-2: 7 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/D5/3: 7 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £85 15s (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £25) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f109v
William DAVISON, yeoman, of Bradford (Bradeford) of the parish of Bolam in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/D6/1-2: 27 March 1668  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to testator of £170 18s 
DPRI/1/1668/D6/3-4: 27 March 1668  - inventory, actual total £77 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f113v-114r
DPRI/1/1668/D7   2 March 1669
Henry DELAVALE, gentleman, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/D7/1-2: 13 January 1669  - inventory administration granted, 2 Mar [1669] 
James DENTON, master and mariner, of North Sheeles (Sheiles) in the countie of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/D8/1: 27 March 1668  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/D8/2: 27 March 1668  - additional inventory of shop goods etc., actual total £9 8s 
Thomas DICKINSON, of Skellgill (Skilgill, Skelgill) in the parish of Alston (Alstonn) in Aldstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Dickenson
DPRI/1/1668/D9/1: 27 January 1645  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/D9/2: 27 January 1645  - inventory, actual total £8 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f98v-99r
Anthony DIXON, of Ravensfoord in the county of Durham, chapelry of Hampsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/D10/1: 30 January 1667  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/D10/2 - wrapper 
Henry DOBBIN, vicar of Seaham, clerk, of Seaham [Seaham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/D11/1: 10 December 1668  - inventory 
Richard DOBINSON, of Fore Sheale in the parish of Alston in Aldston Moore [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/D12/1-2: 9 December 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/D12/3: 9 December 1663  - inventory, actual total £12 (with account of debts of £19) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f99r
John DOBSON, yeoman, of towne (parish) of Heighington in the countie of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/D13/1-2: 11 December 1654  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/D13/3: 11 December 1654  - inventory, actual total £22 4s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £26 5s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f130r-130v
Roger DOBSON, merchant, of chapelry of Hartlepoole (Hartinpoole) [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/D14/1: 26 January 1668  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/D15   27 August 1668
Hugh DODDS, freemason, of Framwelgate nigh the city in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Dods
see DPRI/4/18 page 274: proved, 27 Aug 1668
DPRI/1/1668/D15/1-2: 20 September 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/D15/3: 20 September 1667  - inventory, actual total £19 14s 8d [exhibited, 27 Aug 1668] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f118r-118v
Nicholas DODGHSON, the elder, of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Dodshon
DPRI/1/1668/D16/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Catharine Dodghson [relict] 
Nicholas DODSHON, yeoman, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/D17/1: 2 January 1669  - inventory 
John DOWTHWAIT, tanner, of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Douthwaite
the will was endorsed by the probate office: will, with allegation and interrogatories [the latter items are not present]
DPRI/1/1668/D18/1: 1 August 1666  - will endorsed: proved 
DPRI/1/1668/D18/2: 1 August 1666  - inventory, actual total £8 5s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f134r
William DOWTHWAITE, of parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/D19/1: 5 November 1668  - inventory administration requested by Ann Dowthwaite, relict 
Thomas DUCKETT, skinner, of parish of St Gyles in the county of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/D20/1: 1 November 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/D20/2: 1 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £25 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f129v-130r
Robert DUNN, yeoman, of Old Acres in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Dunne
DPRI/1/1668/D21/1-2: 24 May 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/D21/3: 24 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £25 11s (with account of legacies of £12) with list of legacies 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f111r
Ellinor EMERSON, widow, of the Broome in the county of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Ellenor, Emmerson
DPRI/1/1668/E1/1-2: 10 April 1666  - nuncupative will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f131r
Elizabeth FARROW, widow, of Litle Thwaite in the parish of Brancepeth and county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/F1/1: September 1664  - nuncupative will endorsed: no [probate] act 
John FELL, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/F2/1: 25 August 1668  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1668/F2/2: 25 August 1668  - inventory, actual total £1,606 inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1668/F2/3: 25 August 1668  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f120r-120v
John FENWICKE, gentleman, of East Denton in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/F3/1-4: 10 March 1668  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 15 October 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/F3/5: 10 March 1668  - inventory, actual total £282 19s 8d 
DPRI/1/1668/F3/6: 10 March 1668  - inventory, actual total £80 4s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f125r-125v
Richard FETHERSTON, weaver, of Hetton in the Hole in the county of Durham [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Featherston
DPRI/1/1668/F4/1-2: 29 July 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/F4/3: 29 July 1668  - inventory, actual total £7 9s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f128v
Anthony FLEETHAM, of chapelry of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Fleatham
DPRI/1/1668/F5/1-2: 18 January 1667  - copy will in the form of a deed of bargain and sale (in trust) 
DPRI/1/1668/F5/3: 18 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £70 10s 
Thomas FORCER, joiner, of city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/F6/1-2: 9 October 1668  - will unsigned by testator, but endorsed with memorandum of the witnesses to the will certifying its validity 
DPRI/1/1668/F6/3: 9 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £33 4s 6d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f133v-134r
Thomas FOSTER, yeoman, of East Woodburne in the parish of Corsinside (Corsenside) [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster
DPRI/1/1668/F7/1-2: 6 August 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/F7/3: 6 August 1667  - inventory, actual total £40 14s 1d endorsed: 'to be sent to Cuthbert Pearson's in Morpeth or Thomas Dawson's' 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f124r
Gabriel FULTHORPE, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gabriell
will endorsed by probate office: will and inventory (not present)
DPRI/1/1668/F8/1-2: 15 March 1667  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f105r
Henry GASTELL, shoemaker, of Elvett in the county of Durham, parish of St Oswald [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/G1/1-2: 3 October 1666  - nuncupative will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f102v
John GIBSON, the elder, yeoman, of Daddreysheell (Daderesheall in Weredale, Daddrysheel) in the parish of Stanhop in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/G2/1-2: 7 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/G2/3: 7 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £23 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 10s) 
John GRAY, dyer, of Clapurth within the suburbes of the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/G3/1-2: 3 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/G3/4: 3 February 1669  - schedule of goods schedule of goods etc. in the possession of the testator's son Robert Gray 
DPRI/1/1668/G3/3: 3 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £140 1s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f108r
John GRAY, of parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/G4/1: 9 December 1668  - inventory 
John GREEN, mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Grene
Green made his will aboard the May Flower of Newcastle, Thomas Green master, in Carlisle Bay, Barbados [i.e. off Bridgetown]
DPRI/1/1668/G5/1-2: May 1668  - nuncupative will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f141r
Joshua GREEN, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/G6/1-6: 16 November 1668  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/G6/7: 16 November 1668  - inventory of shop goods etc., actual total £4 16s 
William GRINWELL, the elder, yeoman, of Greencroft within the parish of Lanchester (Lainchester) and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Greenweile, Greenwell
DPRI/1/1668/G7/1: 24 February 1664  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/G7/2: 24 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £11 12s 4d (with account of funeral charges of £3) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f128v
DPRI/1/1668/H1   6 July 1668
Jesper HALL, of the Sills within the parish of Elsden and county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Jasper
see DPRI/4/19 p267: administration granted to Isabell Hall relict, and inventory exhibited, 6 July 1668
DPRI/1/1668/H1/1: 9 June 1668  - inventory 
Katherine HALL, widow, of Elsden in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/H2/1-2: 31 July 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/H2/3: 31 July 1668  - inventory, actual total £22 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £12 13s 11d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f124r
Nicholas HALL, yeoman, of Hesleden Hall in the county of Durham, parish of Mounck Hesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Nickolas
DPRI/1/1668/H3/1-2: 2 November 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/H3/3-4: 2 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £807 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £492 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f128r
George HANDCOCKE, apothecary, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Handcock
see 1668 bond 17
DPRI/1/1668/H4/3: 26 March 1668  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/H4/1-2: 26 March 1668  - account, actual total £64 9s 4d (with discharge of £108 11s) letters testimonial issued, 18 Feb 1673 
Robert HARLE, of Tinemouth (Tynemouth) [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/H5/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Ellenor HARRISON, executrix of John Harrison, widow, of Bishop Wearmouth Saltpanns in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H6/1-2: 8 January 1666  - nuncupative will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f121v
John HARTLEY, yeoman, of Thornley in the county of Durham, parish of Wolsingham [Thornley, Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H7/1-2: 27 January 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/H7/3: 27 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £36 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f115v
Margrett HAUXLEY, widow, of parish of Ryton in the countie of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Margarett
DPRI/1/1668/H8/1: 24 February 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/H8/2: 24 February 1659  - inventory, actual total £11 3s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £6 14s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f131r
John HEADLEE, labourer, of Garrat Sheeles in the parish of Ellesdon in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley
DPRI/1/1668/H9/1: undated  - inventory with memorandum relating that the administrator was dismissed, the estate value being beneath the court's purview. Formerly used as a wrapper to DPRI/1/1668/H10. 
Adam HEDLEY, of Hadderwicke, parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/H10/1: undated  - inventory administration granted to Mark Hedley, son 
Stephen HEGG, clerk, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H11/1-2: 21 July 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/H11/3: 21 July 1668  - inventory, actual total £270 19s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f119r
George HETHERINGTON, of Claypath in the suburbs of the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H12/1-2: 1 June 1668  - inventory 
Mary HIMERS, relict of George Hymers of Newcastle, baker and brewer, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hymers
DPRI/1/1668/H30/1-2: 24 May 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f118r
Thomas HOCKIN, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/H13/1-2: 5 May 1654  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1668/H13/3: 5 May 1654  - receipt for the original will  with letter, 14 September 1668 receipt for the original will, with covering letter from Edward French, uncle of the executor, to his 'old friend' Robert Newhouse, Durham Register 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f119v-120r
Robert HODGESHON, the younger, son of Ralph Hodgshon, of Litle Newsam (Little Newsham) in the county of Durham, parish of Winston [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon
DPRI/1/1668/H15/1-2: 16 December 1668  - inventory 
Thomas HODGON, yeoman, of Witton Gilbert in the county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon
DPRI/1/1668/H14/1-2: 11 November 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/H14/3: 11 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £86 11s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £61 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f128v-129r
Barbary HOGG, widow, of North Sheeles (Sheiles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1668/H16/1: 24 August 1668  - indented inventory 
George HOGG, yeoman, of Hartley in the parish (chapelry) of Earsdon in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Georg
DPRI/1/1668/H17/1-2: undated  - will dated 19 May; with list of debts owed to testator 
DPRI/1/1668/H17/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £101 15s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f115v-116r
Richard HOGG, baker, of East Bowlden (Bouldon, Boldon) within the county of Durham [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Hog
DPRI/1/1668/H18/1-2: 1 April 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/H18/3: 1 April 1657  - inventory, actual total £86 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 7s 6d) date uncertain 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f119r-119v
Christopher HOPPER, of Wigside in the parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H19/1: 4 March 1669  - inventory of the goods etc. not administered by John Hopper, son and sole executor; exhibited by Alice Hopper, relict 
Cuthbert HOPPER, yeoman, of Southe Hole Rawe (Raw) in the parish (chapelry) of Shotley and county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/H20/1-2: 26 July 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/H20/3-4: 26 July 1668  - inventory, actual total £71 5s dated either 7, 17 or 27 Sep 1668 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f121r
John HOPPER, yeoman, of parish of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H21/1: 20 January 1669  - renunciation renunciation of Alice Hopper, mother, nominating Elizabeth Trotter, sister, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1668/H21/2-3: 20 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £237 4s 8d exhibited, 22 Jan 1669 
Simon HUDSON, of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H23/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas HULL, junior, tanner, of Pipergate in the towne and parishe of Gatesheade (Gaitshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H24/1-2: 13 October 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/H24/3-4: 13 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £67 0s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f127v
Thomas HUMBLE, miller, of Sunderland by Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H25/1-2: 18 March 1669  - inventory 
John HUTCHINSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Huchinsone
DPRI/1/1668/H22/1: 27 March 1667  - inventory 
Clement HUTCHINSON, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H26/1: undated  - inventory 
Henry HUTCHINSON, fuller, dyer, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/H27/1: 21 September 1668  - inventory 
Robert HUTTON, of chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/H28/2: 7 September 1668  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/H28/1: 7 September 1668  - rough calculations rough calculations relating to inventory (DPRI/1/1668/H28/2) 
George HYMERS, baker, brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/H29/1-2: 15 May 1668  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 25 August 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/H29/3: 15 May 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £571 3s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f117r-117v
Michaell HYNMERS, of Borowdone (Borrowdon, Burradon, Borodone), parish of Allenton [Burradon, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael, Hymers, Michell, Hinemers, Hindmers, Hinmers
DPRI/1/1668/H31/1-2: 18 September 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/H31/3: 18 September 1667  - inventory, actual total £33 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f125r
Jane JEFFRASON, widow, of Carleton, parish of Readmarshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Jefferson
DPRI/1/1668/J1/1: undated  - inventory 
John JEFFREYSON, baker, brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Jeffrason
DPRI/1/1668/J2/1: 15 November 1668  - will endorsed with certificate of oath, 13 Feb 1669 
DPRI/1/1668/J2/2: 15 November 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £296 8s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f137r-137v
Henry JOHNSON, junior, of Nether (Neather) Buston in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warckworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/J3/1-2: 18 June 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1668/J3/3: 18 June 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f110v
Richard KEARTON, of Midridge Grange, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Kyrton
DPRI/1/1668/K1/1: 27 March 1660  - inventory administration requested by Jane Kearton, relict, for her use and the use of 5 children 
Lionell KIPLING, yeoman, of Egglesburne (Egglesbourne) in the parish of Middletonin Teasdaile in the countie of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/K2/1-2: 4 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/K2/3: 4 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £130 19s 4d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £68 5s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f139r
Richard KITCHIN, merchant, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Kitching
DPRI/1/1668/K3/1: 18 September 1668  - inventory of shop goods etc. 
Thomas KNIGHT, skinner, glover, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/K4/1: 2 April 1668  - indented inventory 
John LANGTON, of Hardwich (Hardwick) in the parish of Monck Hesleden (Hesldenn) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/L1/1-2: 2 January 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/L1/3: 2 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £26 2s 8d (with account of debts of £7 5s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f104v
Robert LAW, gentleman, of parish of Branxton in the county of Northumberland [Branxton, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawe
DPRI/1/1668/L2/1-2: 7 April 1668  - inventory 
Thomas LAWES, yeoman, of Kyo Peath (Kyho Peth) in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Lawese
DPRI/1/1668/L3/1: 9 July 1668  - inventory 
Elizabeth LINSLEY, widow, of East More Hell, chapelry of Hampsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Lindsey
DPRI/1/1668/L4/1: undated  - inventory 
William LONGSDAILE, of Swalwell, parish of Whickham [Swalwell, County Durham]
address drawn from probate office note relating to the deceased's relict
DPRI/1/1668/L5/1-2: 30 September 1668  - inventory 
Thomas LOWRISON, baker, brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/L6/1: 21 April 1668  - indented inventory 
John LUKAM, mariner, of South Sheeles (Sheiles) in the countye of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Lukom
DPRI/1/1668/L7/1-2: 14 August 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f121v-122r
William MARLEY, smith, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/M1/1: 11 August 1668  - indented inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f133r-133v
DPRI/1/1668/M2   8 June 1668
Richard MARSINGALE, bachelor, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt John, Marsingell
deceased is named as John in item DPRI/1/1668/M2/1-2, but as Richard in item DPRI/1/1668/M2/3-4 and DPRI/4/18 page 266
DPRI/1/1668/M2/1-2: 15 April 1668  - renunciation renunciation of Richard Marsingale, father, nominating George Mayo esquire, principal creditor, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1668/M2/3-4: 15 April 1668  - commission to Thomas Exton LL.D. and John Clarke LL.D., and Thomas Pinfold LL.B. and Francis Mundy LL.B., to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to George Mayo esquire, principal creditor; commission executed by Exton, 8 June 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/M3   6 March 1669
Henry MAUGHAN, yeoman, of the Lough alias Duke Poole in the parish of Nether Warden in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Haydon [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/M3/1-2: 2 February 1660  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/M3/3-4: 2 February 1660  - inventory, actual total £17 7s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £2 4s 2d) endorsed: proved, 6 Mar 1669 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f138v-139r
Edward MAXWELL, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/M4/1: 15 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/M4/2-3: 15 February 1668  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 28 April 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/M4/4: 15 February 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £84 7s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f103r-103v
George MAXWELL, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/M5/1: 17 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/M5/2: 17 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £154 10s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f103v-104r
John MIDLETON, of Belsey within the parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Middleton
DPRI/1/1668/M6/1-2: 8 December 1668  - inventory 
John MIDLETON, of Brancepeth (Branspath) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton
DPRI/1/1668/M7/1-2: 2 July 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/M7/3-4: 2 July 1666  - inventory, actual total £132 18s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f122v
DPRI/1/1668/M8   16 February 1669
Ralph MILBOURNE, salter, of South Sheles (Sheeles, Sheiles) Wester Salt Pans (West Panns) in the countye palatine of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Milburn, Milburne
DPRI/1/1668/M8/1-2: 12 January 1669  - will endorsed with certificate of oath [and execution of commission] by John Walker, curate of Jarrow, 16 Feb 1669 
DPRI/1/1668/M8/3: 12 January 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £640 19s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f137v-138r
George MOORE, senior, yeoman, of Escombe within the county of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/M9/1-2: 8 March 1669  - inventory 
Charles NEWBY, yeoman, of Woodland in the parishe of Cockfeild in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/N1/1: 17 February 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/N1/2: 17 February 1665  - inventory, actual total £13 0s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 5s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f111r
Nicholas NEWBY, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/N2/1: 25 May 1668  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/N3   8 March 1669
Robert NEWHOUSE, register, gentleman, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
Robert Newhouse was the Register of Durham diocese.
DPRI/1/1668/N3/1-2: 18 September 1668  - will endorsed: proved, 8 Mar 1669 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f139v
Cuthbert NICHOLSON, the elder, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/N4/1: 10 January 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/N4/2: 10 January 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £22 1s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f101r-101v
Cuthbert PATTISON, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/P1/1-2: 6 May 1668  - inventory 
Thomas PATTISON, tanner, of parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/P2/1-2: 6 March 1668  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/P3   14 December 1668
John PEARSON, gentleman, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1668/P3/1-2: 14 November 1668  - nuncupative will proved, 14 Dec 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/P3/3: 14 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £153 6s 8d exhibited, 14 Dec 1668 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f130v-131r
Nicholas PEARSON, glover, of South Street (Streete) in or near the citty of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/P4/1-2: 16 February 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1668/P4/4: 16 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £44 3s 8d 
DPRI/1/1668/P4/3: 16 February 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f138r-138v
Susanna PEARSON, alias Conyers, wife of William Pearson of Washington, gentleman, of parish of Washington in the county of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Pierson
DPRI/1/1668/P5/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/P6   30 June 1668
William PEARSON, of Coundon [Coundon, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1668/P6/1: 29 June 1668  - inventory endorsed: administration granted, 30 June 1668 
Georg PICKERING, of Beareparke (Bearparke) in the parish (chapelry) of Witton Gilbert [Bearpark, County Durham]; also spelt George, Pickerine. Died 7 March 1668
DPRI/1/1668/P8/1: 9 June 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/P8/2: 9 June 1667  - inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f98r
Christopher PICKRING, yeoman, of Raby in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Pickering
DPRI/1/1668/P7/1-2: 3 June 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/P7/3-4: 3 June 1668  - inventory, actual total £139 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f134v
John PLUMPTON, cordwainer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne of the parish of Saint Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/P9/1: 6 October 1659  - inventory 
Edmond POOLE, of Chester Lea St[r]eet in the counti of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/P10/1-2: 6 March 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/P10/3: 6 March 1668  - inventory, actual total 2s 6d (with account of debts of £4 18s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f131v
Samuell POTT, servant to Sir Cuthbert Herron, servant, of Chepses (Chipchase) [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/P11/4: 13 June 1668  - power of attorney power of attorney of Elizabeth Pott, sister, to Francis Pott, brother 
DPRI/1/1668/P11/1-2: 13 June 1668  - power of attorney power of attorney of Katherine Pott, sister, to Francis Pott, brother 
DPRI/1/1668/P11/3: 13 June 1668  - inventory 
Thomas POTTS, tailor, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/P12/1-2: 18 March 1668  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 10 August 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/P12/3: 18 March 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £35 18s 
DPRI/1/1668/P12/4: 18 March 1668  - inventory of debts, actual total £63 14s 4d inventory of debts owed to testator 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f97v-98r
Issable PRATT, widow, of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Isabel
DPRI/1/1668/P13/1: 11 December 1668  - inventory 
Henry PRESTON, merchant, apothecary, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Henery
DPRI/1/1668/P15/1-2: 18 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/P15/3: 18 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £230 8s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f102v-103r
John PRESTON, draper, of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/P16/1-2: 10 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/P16/3-5: 10 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £619 2s 4d 
DPRI/1/1668/P16/6: 10 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £35 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f112r-112v
John PRESTON, gentleman, of South Gosforth in the county of Northumberland [Gosforth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/P17/1-2: 11 January 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1668/P17/3-4: 11 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £315 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £123 6s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f99r-99v
Thomas PRISSICKE, of parish of Egskilfe (Eggescliff, Eggscliffe) in the countie of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Pressick
DPRI/1/1668/P14/1: 11 December 1668  - inventory administration requested by John Pressicke, brother 
Dame Elizabeth RADCLYFFE, widow, of Dilston (Dilstone) in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Radcliffe
DPRI/1/1668/R1/1-3: 18 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/R1/4-5: 18 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £2,665 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f132r-132v
Robert RAINE, usher of Bishop Auckland free grammer school, school usher, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/R2/1: 5 March 1669  - inventory 
Thomas READ, yeoman, of Clyesdenn, chapelry of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed
DPRI/1/1668/R3/1-2: 21 April 1668  - inventory 
Thomas READHEAD, yeoman, of Cledon (Cleadon) in the countie of Durham [Cleadon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/R4/1: 22 September 1668  - inventory 
Christopher RICHARDSON, yeoman, of West Auckland (Aukland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/R5/1-2: 1 June 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/R5/3-4: 1 June 1668  - inventory, actual total £28 18s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f112r
Nicholas RIDLEY, gentleman, of Spencer (Spence) Croft in the parishe of Alston in Aldstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Redlye
DPRI/1/1668/R6/1: 26 March 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/R6/2: 26 March 1668  - inventory, actual total £54 3s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f98v
Thomas RIDLEY, gentleman, of Waltowne [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/R7/1: 15 December 1668  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1668/R7/2 - wrapper 
William RIDLEY, gentleman, widow, of Shawdon in the county of Northumberland, parish of Whittingham [Whittingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/R8/1-2: 13 April 1668  - renunciation renunciation of Barbara Ridley, relict, nominating James Thompson to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1668/R8/3-4: 13 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £45 9s 4d actual total does not include 10 bolls 1 bushel of oats as these are not valued: it is not clear whether Scottish / northern or southern measures are being used 
George ROBINSON, of River Greene (Green) within the county of Northumberland, parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/R9/1-2: 4 December 1668  - inventory 
Robert ROBINSON, of Little Usworth in the county of Durham, parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/R10/1: 24 October 1667  - indented inventory 
Issobell SALKILD, widow, of Lesburie (Lesbury) [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Issobel, Salkeld, Isabel
DPRI/1/1668/S1/1-2: 1 February 1667  - will with list of debts owed to testator of £18 12s and a quantity of crops in the ground (unvalued) 
DPRI/1/1668/S1/3: 1 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £36 8s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f122r-122v
Isable SANDERSON, widow, of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/S2/1: 4 February 1669  - indented inventory 
William SCLATER, butcher, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Slater, Slaytor, Slator
DPRI/1/1668/S12/1: 28 May 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/S12/2-3: 28 May 1664  - inventory, actual total £22 5s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f120v
Gilbert SCOTT, gentleman, of Erle (Earle) in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Doddington [Doddington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S3/1-2: 26 March 1654  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f113r-113v
Jane SCOTT, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S4/1-2: 4 May 1668  - will  with codicil, 9 July 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/S4/3-4: 4 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £15 5s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f126r
Robert SCURFELD, master and mariner, of Monke Warmoth (Wearmouth) in the county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfeild
DPRI/1/1668/S5/1: 1 January 1669  - inventory 
Sir George SELBY, baronet, knight, Winlaton Whitehouse (White House) in the county of Durham, Dawley in the county of Middlesex [Winlaton, County Durham; Harlington, Middlesex]
Selby died in the bishopric of Durham
DPRI/1/1668/S6/1-2: 11 September 1668  - will proved, 27 Oct [1668] 
DPRI/1/1668/S6/3: 11 September 1668  - inventory, actual total £319 6s exhibited, 27 Oct 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/S6/4: 11 September 1668  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f126v-127r
Robert SHAFTO, the younger, esquire, of Benwell in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S7/1-2: 2 November 1668  - will endorsed with memorandum relating to 13 Apr 1670 Chancery case: Collingwood and others v Sir David Fowles and others 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f107r-108r
George SHAFTO, gentleman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1668/S8/1-4: 15 April 1668  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1668/S8/5-6: 15 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £88 17s 4d 
DPRI/1/1668/S8/7: 15 April 1668  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f105r-107r
Christopher SHAW, yeoman, of Ingleton in the county of Durham [Ingleton, County Durham]; also spelt Shawe
DPRI/1/1668/S9/1-2: 7 March 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/S9/3-4: 7 March 1662  - inventory, actual total £246 2s 3d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £158 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f131v
Thomas SHERWOOD, of Bishop Awkeland (Auckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/S10/1: undated  - inventory 
Richard SKELTON, gentleman, of Blankinsopp (Blankishopp, Blenkinsop) Castle in parish of Haultwissell in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S11/1: 7 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/S11/2: 7 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £316 3s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £67 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f136v
Thomas SMIRKE, weaver, of Blaigdon in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Stannington [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S13/1-2: 28 January 1669  - renunciation renunciation of Thomas Smirke and Richard Smirke, sons, nominating George Smirke, son, to take out administration; administration granted, 19 Feb 1669 
DPRI/1/1668/S13/3: 28 January 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £44 6s 8d 
Anne SMITH, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S14/1-2: 31 August 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f126r
Margarett SMITH, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S15/1: 23 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/S15/2: 23 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £20 10s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f99v-100r
Robert SMITH, yeoman, of Hordon in the countye of Durham, parish of Easington [Horden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/S16/1: 17 December 1668  - inventory 
John SNAWBALL, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S17/1: 3 November 1668  - inventory 
William STAINEBANCKE, carpenter, of chaplery of Hamsterley (Hampsterley) within the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Stainbanke, Stainbancke
DPRI/1/1668/S18/1: 5 August 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/S18/2: 5 August 1667  - inventory, actual total £7 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f130r
Cudbart STOKELD, of Shipley in the county of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Stokeild
DPRI/1/1668/S19/1-2: 1 September 1668  - inventory administration requested by Thomasin Stokeild, relict 
Thomas STOKOE, weaver, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S20/1: 3 April 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/S20/2: 3 April 1658  - inventory, actual total £21 
DPRI/1/1668/S20/3 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f121r-121v
Mathew STOREY, of parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/S21/1: 5 September 1668  - inventory exhibited, 5 Sep 1668 
Thomas STROTHER, gentleman, of the Cannomill (Canno Mill), parish of Kirk Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S22/1-2: 15 April 1667  - inventory 
William SWINBURNE, gentleman, of Westgayte in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/S23/1: 20 April 1668  - inventory 
Jane SYMMINGS, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Symings
DPRI/1/1668/S24/1: 26 January 1669  - indented inventory 
Georg TALOR, yeoman, of Kibblesworth (Kiblesworth) in the chapplery of Lamesley and county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt George, Taylor
DPRI/1/1668/T3/1-2: 1 September 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/T3/3: 1 September 1668  - inventory, actual total £85 11s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f122v-123r
Arther TAYLER, yeoman, of Ridley Mill within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Bywell Peter (Bywell St Peter) [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Arthur, Taylor
DPRI/1/1668/T1/1-2: undated  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to (£14 7s 4d) and owed by (£99) testator 
DPRI/1/1668/T1/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £27 5s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f130v
Thomas TAYLER, yeoman, of parish of Bywell St Peter in the countye of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylor
DPRI/1/1668/T2/1: 24 September 1668  - inventory 
William TAYLOR, gentleman, of the Colledge of [the] citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/T4/1-2: 23 March 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/T4/3-4: 23 March 1668  - inventory, actual total £399 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £31 19s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f111r-111v
Henry TEASDELL, of Whitlow, parish of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Henrye, Teasdaile
DPRI/1/1668/T5/1-2: 26 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/T5/3-4: 26 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £181 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 8s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f140v
Anthony THOMPSON, husband of Mary Thompson, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/T6/1: 4 April 1667  - inventory joint inventory of the goods etc. of Anthony and Mary Thompson 
William THOMPSON, master and mariner, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/18 page 265: proved, June 1668
DPRI/1/1668/T8/1-2: 12 February 1666  - will 
George THOMSON, gentleman, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1668/T7/1: 2 March 1669  - inventory 
John TINDELL, of Low Spem (Spen) in the parish of Ryton in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Tyndale
DPRI/1/1668/T9/1: 24 February 1668  - inventory 
Isaac TURNER, cordwainer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/T10/1: 2 September 1668  - inventory exhibited, 2 Sep 1668 
DPRI/1/1668/T10/2 - wrapper 
Robert TURNER, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/T11/1-2: 29 June 1668  - inventory 
Thomas VASE, of Cow Close, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Vasey
DPRI/1/1668/V1/1-2: 1 August 1668  - inventory 
John WAITE, junior, of parish of Gateside (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]. Died 2 November 1668
DPRI/1/1668/W1/1-2: 5 November 1668  - inventory 
Thomas WALLAS, yeoman, of the Parke (Park) in Aldstonemore of the parish of Alston in the countie of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Wallace, Wallasse
DPRI/1/1668/W2/1-2: 4 March 1652  - will endorsed with [contemporaneous] list of debts owed to (£4 3s 2d) and owed by (£12 5s 4d) the testator; dated in new style [inferred from date of inventory] 
DPRI/1/1668/W2/3-4: 4 March 1652  - inventory, actual total £27 6s 2d (with account of debts of £12 5s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1668/W2/5: 4 March 1652  - power of attorney Isabell Wallasse, relict, assigns power of attorney to her son Thomas Wallasse 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f116r
Christopher WALTON, of Foule Loning (Lonning) in the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
1668 bond 102 now missing
DPRI/1/1668/W3/1: 4 December 1647  - inventory date uncertain 
Thomas WANLES, of Wooller [Wooler, Northumberland]; also spelt Wanlesse
DPRI/1/1668/W4/1: undated  - inventory 
George WASTELL, yeoman, of Grainge Field (Grange Feild) House in the parish of Haughton in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Waistall
DPRI/1/1668/W5/1: 15 November 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1668/W5/2-3: 15 November 1667  - inventory, actual total £94 19s 4d 
DPRI/1/1668/W5/4-5: 15 November 1667  - interrogatories interrogatories of Christopher Wastell, brother, to the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of Ellinor Wastell, relict 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f114r
Anne WATSON, daughter of Robert Watson of Monk Hesleden, spinster, of Monk Hesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/W6/1: 17 March 1669  - inventory 
Thomas WATSON, yeoman, of Burnehoupe in Wearedale (Burnopp, Burnhoope, Burnhope in Weardaile), parish of Stanhopp in Weardaile in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]. Died May 1654
DPRI/1/1668/W7/5: 3 June 1654  - inventory, actual total £91 16s exhibited, 5 Feb 1669 
DPRI/1/1668/W7/1-4: 3 June 1654  - allegations  with tenor of the will, 17 May 1654 allegations of Isabell Watson, relict and co-executor, relating to a cause: Isabell Watson, relict and co-executrix v Cuthbert Watson and William Watson, sons. Endorsed: adjudged valid 
DPRI/1/1668/W7/6: 3 June 1654  - interrogatories interrogatories of Cuthbert Watson and William Watson, sons, to the witnesses of the will on the part of Isabell Watson and others, executors 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f136r
William WATSON, yeoman, of Ingleton in the county of Durham, parish of Staindropp [Ingleton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/W8/1: 31 March 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/W8/2-3: 31 March 1668  - inventory, actual total £175 16s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £154 14s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f123r-123v
George WAUGH, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/W9/1: 27 November 1667  - indented inventory 
Thomas WEEMES, yeoman, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Weems
DPRI/1/1668/W10/1-2: 31 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/W10/3: 31 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £75 11s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f112v
Henry WETHERLEY, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Weatherley
DPRI/1/1668/W11/1-2: 3 October 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f141v-142r
Christopher WHIT, of Gallegill (Galligill), parish of Aldston (Alston) in Aldstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Cristopher, White
DPRI/1/1668/W12/1: 18 September 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/W12/2: 18 September 1668  - inventory, actual total £49 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 1s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f128r
George WHITE, of parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/W13/1: 7 December 1668  - inventory administration requested by Mary [White], sister, at the consent of the deceased's mother 
Sir Henry WIDDRINGTON, knight, of Chesburne (Cheesburn) Grange in the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/W14/1-4: 13 September 1664  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to the executor 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f95v-97r
George WILBOURNE, tanner, of Framwellgate (Framwelgate) in the suburbs of the citty of Durham in the county pallatine of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Wilburne
DPRI/1/1668/W15/1-2: 6 September 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/W15/3: 6 September 1668  - inventory, actual total £82 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f140r
David WILLIBE, of Detchen (Detchant) in the parish of Bambrough in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Belford [Belford, Northumberland]; also spelt Willowby
DPRI/1/1668/W16/1: 13 October 1668  - inventory exhibited, 13 Oct 1668 
John WILSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1668/W17/1: 29 June 1668  - inventory 
Leonard WILSON, yeoman, of Midleton in Teasdale (Middleton in Teasdaile, Teasdall) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Willson
DPRI/1/1668/W18/1: 16 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/W18/2: 16 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £33 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 14s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f116r-116v
John WODMOSE, of Sillihole (Silly Hole) in the perish of Garrigill, parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Wodmosse, Woodmasse
DPRI/1/1668/W19/1: 26 February 1668  - inventory 
Peter WOOD, yeoman, of Church Merrington in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/W20/1-2: 3 December 1668  - inventory 
Francis WRIGHT, cooper, of Bishop Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1668/W21/1-2: 5 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/W21/3-4: 5 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £67 19s 2d (with account of debts of £26 3s 2d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f138r
Elsabeth YEILDER, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Elizabeth, Yealder
DPRI/1/1668/Y1/1-2: 3 June 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1668/Y1/3: 3 June 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £31 19s 10d (with account of funeral charges of £5) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f111v-112r
Rebeccah YEILDERD, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Rebecca
DPRI/1/1668/Y2/1-2: 6 March 1668  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1668/Y2/3: 6 March 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £66 0s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £49) 
DPRI/1/1668/Y2/4: 6 March 1668  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f100r-100v
Wills etc proved 1669
Reference: DPRI/1/1669
Martin ALBON, tanner, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Albone. Died 24 August 1668
DPRI/1/1669/A1/1-2: 29 December 1668  - inventory 
Francis ALDER, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/A2/1: undated  - inventory 
William ALESON, yeoman, of Sherburne in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Allenson, Allison
DPRI/1/1669/A4/1-2: 19 February 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/A4/3: 19 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £95 16s 4d (with account of debts of £18 4s 10d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f194v
John ALLENSON, of Uper (Upper) Sevelee in Teasdaille (Teasdaile) within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Allanson, Allinson
DPRI/1/1669/A3/1: 3 March 1670  - inventory administration requested by Margaret Allanson, relict 
Raiph ALLISON, yeoman, of Little Stenton (Stainton) in the parish of Bishopton and in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Allenson
DPRI/1/1669/A5/1: 10 March 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/A5/2: 10 March 1669  - inventory, actual total £471 4s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f147r-147v
Thomas ALLISON, of Hedle (Hedley) Hill [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Allenson
DPRI/1/1669/A6/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1669/A6/2 - wrapper 
Anne ANDERSON, widow, of Renington (Rennington) in the county of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland]; also spelt Ann
DPRI/1/1669/A7/1-2: 23 January 1669  - will  with inventory, 13 April 1669, actual total £34 4s 7d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f183v-184r
Elizabeth ANDERSON, wife of Steaphen Anderson of Newcastle, mariner, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/A8/1: 4 August 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/A8/2: 4 August 1668  - inventory, actual total £10 5s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f134v-135r
Stephen ANDERTON, gentleman, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/A9/1-2: 8 September 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/A9/3: 8 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £152 5s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f185v
George APPLEBY, of Darlington in the county pallatine of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/A10/1-2: 17 November 1669  - inventory 
John ARMESTRONG, yeoman, of Dalton Peircie (Peircy, Peircye) in the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Armstrong
DPRI/1/1669/A11/1: 22 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/A11/2: 22 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £300 18s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f171r
Thomas ATCHISON, of Woodhorne in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Atcheson
DPRI/1/1669/A12/1: undated  - inventory 
John ATKINSON, saddler, of Gateside (Gateshead) within the county palatine of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/A13/1-4: 1 April 1669  - inventory with 8 Apr 1669 memorandum relating that a list of debts owing to the deceased would be submitted later [not present] 
Robertt ATKINSON, yeoman, of Hilton in the county of Durham [Hylton, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1669/A14/1-2: 27 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/A14/3: 27 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £355 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f140v-141r
Georg AYNESLEY, of Riplington and parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt George, Aynsley
DPRI/1/1669/A15/1-2: 28 October 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/A15/3: 28 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £160 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £38 17s 9d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f171v
William AYRE, tanner, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Ayres
DPRI/1/1669/A16/1-2: 30 July 1669  - inventory 
Richard BARKER, wheelwright, of Monke Arbour House (Monck Arbor, Munk Arbor) nere Durham in the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/B1/1-2: 17 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/B1/3-4: 17 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £42 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f168r
Ambrose BARNES, cordwainer, of chapelry of Barnard Castle within the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/B2/1: 17 August 1669  - inventory 
Thomas BELL, of Bernard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Tomas
DPRI/1/1669/B4/1: 6 August 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/B4/2: 6 August 1669  - inventory, actual total £38 19s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f165r
John BESTT, master and mariner, of Stockton in the county pallintine of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Best
DPRI/1/1669/B5/1: undated  - inventory administration requested by Ann Bestt, relict 
Margery BILLOP, widow, of Lampton in the county of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Billopp
DPRI/1/1669/B6/1-2: 5 July 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/B6/3: 5 July 1668  - inventory, actual total £157 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f160r-160v
Thomas BOLRON, skinner, glover, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/B7/1: 5 December 1668  - inventory 
John BOLT, yeoman, of Coopon in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Horton [Cowpen, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/B8/1: undated  - inventory 
John BOWE, of Tynmouth (Tynemouth) in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/B9/1: 9 September 1669  - inventory 
Thomas BULL, the younger, of Barnard Castle in the county pallatine of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/B10/1: 14 April 1669  - inventory 
William BULLOCKE, butcher, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Bullock
DPRI/1/1669/B11/1-2: 29 December 1668  - inventory 
Margaret BURNELL, widow, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Margarett
DPRI/1/1669/B13/1-2: 11 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/B13/3-4: 11 March 1667  - power of attorney power of attorney of Katherine Burnell, daughter, assigning administration to her brother and co-executor John Burnell 
DPRI/1/1669/B13/5: 11 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £105 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f161v
Christopher BURNN, of Hunter Sheiles, parish of Whitfeild [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Burne
DPRI/1/1669/B12/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/B12/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £10 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f166r
Robert BYARS, of Suddick (Suddicke) [Southwick, County Durham]; also spelt Byers
DPRI/1/1669/B14/1-2: 12 March 1667  - inventory 
George CARR, gentleman, of North Beddicke (Biddick, Bedick) in the countey of Durhame [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/C1/1-2: 8 October 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f162v
Lowrance CARR, mariner, of South Sheeles in the countye of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Laurence
DPRI/1/1669/C2/1: 20 August 1669  - inventory administration requested by Robert Carr, for his use and the use of four other children of the deceased 
Robert CARR, the elder, gentleman, of North Biddicke in the county of Durham [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/C3/1: 22 September 1669  - will 
Roger CARR, gentleman, of Newton Capp in the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Rodger, Carre
DPRI/1/1669/C4/1-2: 8 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C4/3: 8 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £160 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f144v
Christopher CHATER, yeoman, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Christofer
DPRI/1/1669/C5/1: 26 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C5/2: 26 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £57 3s 8d (with account of debts of £22 19s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f152r
George CHILTON, yeoman, of Newbottle in the county of Durham [Newbottle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/C6/1-2: 14 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C6/3-4: 14 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £123 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £228 13s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f174r-174v
John CLARKE, of Pegsworth in the parish of Bothall (Bottle) [Bothal, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/C7/1: undated  - inventory 
William CLARKE, of Learmouth [Carham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/C8/1-2: 13 May 1668  - will  with inventory, undated, actual total £7 (with account of debts of £40 17s 1d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f186r-186v
Frances CLEMENT, of Winston in the county of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Francis
DPRI/1/1669/C9/1: 10 November 1668  - inventory 
Thomas CLERKE, vicar of Heddon-on-the-Wall, clerk, of Heddon upon the Wall within the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarke, Clearke
DPRI/1/1669/C10/1-2: 2 October 1668  - will  with codicil, 21 October 1668 codicil dated 21 Oct [?1668]; with list of debts owed to (£188 7s 2d) and owed by (£20 2s 11d) testator 
DPRI/1/1669/C10/3-4: 2 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £17 16s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f181r
Marke COATES, weaver, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Mark, Coats
DPRI/1/1669/C11/1: 5 April 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C11/2: 5 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £180 2s (with account of funeral expenses of £10) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f147v-149r
Samuell COCK, merchant, gentleman, of chapplery of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Cocke
DPRI/1/1669/C12/1-2: 19 October 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C12/3-5: 19 October 1666  - indented inventory, actual total £288 4s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f161v
DPRI/1/1669/C13   16 March 1670
John COCKFEILD, of chapelry of Whorleton in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Cockfield
DPRI/1/1669/C13/1-2: 17 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C13/3: 17 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £99 19 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £116 4s 10d) 
DPRI/1/1669/C13/4: 17 January 1670  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, and ... Atkinson, curate of Whorleton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Hugh Hodshon (Hodgshon), executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 16 Mar 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f192v-193r
Robert COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Great Ryle in the parish of Whittingham and county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/C14/1-2: 13 August 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C14/3: 13 August 1669  - inventory, actual total £255 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f165r
Thomas CONYERS, yeoman, of Mordon (Morden) within the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/C15/1: 28 October 1668  - will endorsed: 'respite for the widow to take Tuition at Lady Day'. Will unsigned and unsealed by testator. 
DPRI/1/1669/C15/2-3: 28 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £188 3s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £27 5s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f141r
Abraham COOKE, Acton in the parish of Felton, Swarland in the parish of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Cook
DPRI/1/1669/C16/1-2: 20 March 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/C16/3: 20 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £68 16s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f171r
Margrate COOKE, widow, of Newcasell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1669/C17/1: 29 December 1669  - inventory 
Robart COWARD, of East Chevington [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert, Cowheard
DPRI/1/1669/C18/1-2: 20 May 1667  - will with (undated) list of debts and legacies of £155 5s 5d 
DPRI/1/1669/C18/3: 20 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £311 2s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f182v
Thomas COXEN, of East Woodbourn (Woodburne, Woodbourne) [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Coxson, Coxon
DPRI/1/1669/C19/1-2: 15 July 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C19/3: 15 July 1669  - inventory, actual total £16 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 15s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f181v
William CRADOCK, merchant, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Cradocke
DPRI/1/1669/C20/1-2: 2 April 1669  - inventory exhibited, 18 June 1669 
William CRAWE, of Coppie Crookes (Coppy, Coppicrooke) within the parish of Sainte Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Craw
DPRI/1/1669/C21/1: 20 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C21/2: 20 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £122 12s (with account of debts of £72 1s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f157r
John CURREY, yeoman, of Escombe in the county of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]; also spelt Curry
DPRI/1/1669/C22/1-2: 14 October 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/C22/3-4: 14 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £35 7s 4d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £2 2s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f160r
Thomas DALTON, mariner, yeoman, of parishe or chaplery of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/D1/1: 28 January 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/D1/2: 28 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £3 1s (with account of funeral expenses of £3 10s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f144r
Andrew DAVIDSON, Learmouth, Wearmouth [Carham, Northumberland]
alternate address of Wearmouth is probably a misreading by the probate office clerk
DPRI/1/1669/D2/1: 20 June 1668  - inventory 
Alexander DAVISON, esquire, of Winyard in the county of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/D3/1-4: 11 October 1669  - inventory 
John DAVISON, of Blacklaw the High or Upper (Upper Blackelaw) in the chappelry of Bellingham in the parish of Simonburn in the county of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]. Died 19 November 1668
DPRI/1/1669/D4/1-2: 15 November 1668  - will date in Nov 1668 uncertain 
DPRI/1/1669/D4/3: 15 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £30 4s 8d 
DPRI/1/1669/D4/5: 15 November 1668  - commission to Major Algood MA, rector of Simonburn, and Robert Adamson MA, vicar of Chollerton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Davison, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; [commission perhaps executed 26 May 1669] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f173v
Thomas DAVISON, tailor, of Chester Street (Chester in the Street) in the county palatine of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/D5/1: 22 December 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/D5/2: 22 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £132 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f156v
Thomas DICKSON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dixon
DPRI/1/1669/D8/1-2: 18 September 1669  - copy will  with bond to redeliver the original will, 23 February 1688, penal sum £1,000 will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix's (next) husband, Robert Crow 
DPRI/1/1669/D8/3-4: 18 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £182 18s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f170r
Patrick DICKSONE, yeoman, of Mindrime (Mindrim) within the county of Northumberland [Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Patricke, Dicksson, Dixon
DPRI/1/1669/D6/1-2: 30 September 1669  - will  with inventory, 8 October 1669, actual total £81 18s 6d will dated, 30 Sep [1669] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f185v
Thomas DIXON, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine in the parish of St Andrews [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/D7/1: 10 March 1670  - inventory 
William DIXON, of parish of Saint Andrew in Newcastle (town of Newcastle upon Tyne) [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/D9/1-2: 15 March 1669  - inventory 
Roger DOBSON, mariner, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/D10/1-2: 17 March 1669  - inventory administration requested by Ann Dobson, relict 
James DOD, yeoman, of Low Angerton in the county of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Doodd, Dodd
DPRI/1/1669/D11/1: 27 May 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/D11/2-3: 27 May 1669  - inventory, actual total £104 14s (with account of debts of £28) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f181v
Robert DOD, of parish of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd
DPRI/1/1669/D12/1: undated  - inventory 
John DODSHON, gentleman, of parish of Monke Hesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/D13/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1669/D13/2-3: undated  - commission to George Spooner MA, vicar of Aycliffe, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Dodshon, relict, during the course of litigation to prove the will (Nicholas Dodshon, brother and executor v Margaret Dodshon); commission executed at School Aycliffe by Spooner, 20 Mar 1669 
Robert DOUGLAS, Viscount Belhaven, baron of Spott, of kingdom of Scotland [Edinburgh, Mid Lothian]. Died 12 January 1639
title and name and date of death drawn from DNB entry (May 2007 ed.). Douglas died at Edinburgh.
DPRI/1/1669/B3/1: undated  - inventory 
Richard DOUTHWAITE, yeoman, of Peth Raw (Pethrowe, Peth Rawe) within the parish of Cockfeild (Cockfield) [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Douthwait, Dowthwate, Dowthwaite
DPRI/1/1669/D15/1: 30 November 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/D15/2-3: 30 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £34 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f191v-192r
Christopher DOWNES, gentleman, of Leaseingthorn (Leaseingthorne, Leasingthorn) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Downs. Died 2 June 1668
DPRI/1/1669/D14/1: 29 April 1668  - will  with codicil, 9 May 1668  with codicil, 10 May 1668 
DPRI/1/1669/D14/2: 29 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £485 15s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f153r-153v
Thomas DUNNE, butcher, of parish of St Andrews in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn
DPRI/1/1669/D16/1: 16 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/D16/2: 16 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £28 12s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f179r-179v
John ELGINSON, mason, of Great Ayckliffe (Aickliffe) in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/E1/1: 20 April 1669  - inventory 
Agnes ELLETT, widow, of Warke, chapelry of Carham [Wark, Northumberland]; also spelt Allett
DPRI/1/1669/E2/1: 4 September 1667  - will  with inventory, actual total £9 4s 6d 
Christopher ELLISON, junior, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Elleson
DPRI/1/1669/E3/1: 11 May 1669  - renunciation renunciation of Christopher Ellison, father, nominating Dorcas Ellison, sister, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1669/E3/2-6: 11 May 1669  - inventory, actual total £324 13s 
Thomas EMERSON, the younger, yeoman, of Lingerrigde in Weredale in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhop in Weardaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1669/E5/1: 20 September 1669  - inventory 
George EMMERSON, of Billingsheeld (Billingsheel in Weardaile) [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/E4/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Mary FELL, widow, of towen and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/F1/1-2: 4 September 1668  - will endorsed: will adjudged valid 
DPRI/1/1669/F1/3: 4 September 1668  - inventory, actual total £685 12s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f142r
Claudius FENWICKE, doctor of physic, esquire, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/F2/1-4: 15 September 1669  - inventory actual total does not include the deceased's rental of the manor of Brinkburn manor (£200 pa) and 2 maps of the same manor - both items being unvalued 
Raiph FETHERSTON, yeoman, of Burnhop in Weredale (Burnehoop in Weardaile, Burnhopp, Burnehope) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Featherston, Raphe, Fatherstonhaugh
DPRI/1/1669/F3/1-2: 16 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/F3/3: 16 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £48 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 17s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f144v-145r
John FEWSTER, of Whittenstall (Whittonstall) in the parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/F4/1-2: 11 August 1668  - inventory 
Samuell FINCH, lace-man, Dunstable in the county of Bedford, being at NewCastle upon Tine [Dunstable, Bedfordshire; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Samuel
DPRI/1/1669/F5/1-2: 6 April 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/F5/3-4: 6 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £26 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f170r
Lawrences FLETCHER, skinner, of Chester within the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Laurence, Lawrence, Lawrance
DPRI/1/1669/F6/1-2: 11 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/F6/3: 11 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £27 7s (with account of funeral expenses of £6) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f191r
Clement FORSTER, merchant, gentleman, of Alnwicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/F7/1-2: 10 November 1668  - will  with codicil, 27 September 1669 
DPRI/1/1669/F7/3-4: 10 November 1668  - inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f194v-195r
Richard FORSTER, merchant, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/F8/1-2: 27 September 1665  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f145r-145v
Thomas FORSTER, merchant, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/F9/1-2: 6 October 1669  - inventory 
Steven FRIER, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Stephen, Fryer
DPRI/1/1669/F10/1: 20 May 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/F10/2: 20 May 1669  - inventory, actual total £27 1s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f178v
Margarett GIBSON, spinster, of Midleton in Teasdall (Middleton in Teasdaile) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1669/G1/1: 4 February 1669  - inventory 
John GRASSOME, yeoman, of Langtone (Langton) within the countie of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Grasham
DPRI/1/1669/G2/1: 14 March 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/G2/2: 14 March 1669  - inventory, actual total £84 3s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f143r
Jane GRAY, widow, of North Sheilds (Sheiles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/G3/1: 11 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/G3/2-3: 11 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £36 15s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f164v
John GREEN, of Corbridg Towne (Corbridge) [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/G4/1: 1 March 1669  - inventory 
John GRIFFETH, currier, of borough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Griffith
DPRI/1/1669/G5/1-2: 27 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/G5/3: 27 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £28.15s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f185r-185v
Francis HALL, baker, brewer, of Hornesby Chaire, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H1/1: 29 February 1668  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 1 June 1698 
DPRI/1/1669/H1/2: 29 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £80 8s 8d 
DPRI/1/1669/H1/3-4: 29 February 1668  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f189v-190r
Thomas HALL, weaver, of Boulton (Bolton) in the county of Northumberland [Bolton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H2/1-2: 9 November 1668  - will with list of debts owed to the testator of £13 7s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f183v
George HARBOTTLE, gentleman, of Beednall (Beadnell) in the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H3/1-2: 23 January 1665  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f174v-175v
Robert HARBOTTLE, of chapplreie of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H4/1: undated  - inventory 
George HARRISON, yeoman, of Blackwell (Blackewell) in the parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/H5/1: 3 March 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/H5/2: 3 March 1669  - inventory, actual total £81 10s with certificate of oath, 3 Dec [1669] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f156r
Thomas HARRISON, master and mariner, of Bishop Wearmouth (Warmoth) Salt Panns in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/H6/1-2: 3 February 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/H6/3: 3 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £309 9s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f159v
Thomas HARRISON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H7/1-2: 22 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/H7/3: 22 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £72 10s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f189r-189v
Richard HASWELL, nailer, of Chester in the Street in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/H8/1: 31 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/H8/2-3: 31 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £76 10s 5d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f191v
John HENDERSON, of Eughclugh (Eughlugh) in the parish of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H9/1: 26 March 1669  - inventory 
Mathew HENDERSON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine in the parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Matthew
DPRI/1/1669/H10/1: 25 May 1669  - inventory 
Ann HENZELL, widow, of the Newglasse Houses (Newglasshouses) in the parish of All Hallowes in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H11/1: 1 February 1669  - indented inventory 
Joseph HENZELL, the elder, broad-glass-maker, of the New Glasse Houses (Glasshouses) in the chapelry of All Saints neare the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H12/1-2: 26 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/H12/3: 26 January 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £114 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f190r-190v
George HERON, gentleman, of Birtley Hall in the county of Northumberland, parish of Birtley [Birtley St Giles, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon
DPRI/1/1669/H13/1-4: 9 October 1669  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 8 December 1669 
DPRI/1/1669/H13/5: 9 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £328 4s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f193r-194r
John HICKES, vicar of Monkwearmouth, clerk, of Monckwarmouth (Monk Wearmouth) [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Hicks
DPRI/1/1669/H14/1: 25 September 1667  - inventory administration granted to Dorothy Hickes, widow 
John HILLS, yeoman, of Munck Seaton in the mannor of Tinemouth and county of Northumberland [Monkseaton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H15/1: 1 October 1669  - inventory 
Albert HODGHSON, gentleman, of Lynts (Lints) Hall in the county of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon
DPRI/1/1669/H16/1: 9 May 1668  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1669/H16/2: 9 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £112 13s 4d 
DPRI/1/1669/H16/3: 9 May 1668  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f174r
Raiph HOOME, of Riop (Ryhopp) [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Holme
DPRI/1/1669/H17/1: undated  - inventory 
John HORSLEY, gentleman, of Newham in the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H18/2: 17 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £185 16s 
DPRI/1/1669/H18/1: 17 March 1670  - renunciation transfer of administration by Elizabeth Horsley, relict, to her son George Horsley 
Henry HUDSON, yeoman, of New Bigging (Newbiggin) in the county of Northumberland [Northumberland]
parish uncertain: Newbiggins in Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea
DPRI/1/1669/H20/1: 28 January 1669  - inventory 
Thomas HUETSON, wheelwright, of Double Dikes in the parish of Haltwistle (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Hewetson
DPRI/1/1669/H21/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas HUNTLEY, [royal navy] mariner, of Bishop Wearmouth Salt Panns within the parish of Bishop Wearmouth and county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
Huntley made his will as he was imminently 'ready to goe to Sea in the King's service against the Dutch'.
DPRI/1/1669/H22/1: April 1665  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/H22/2: April 1665  - inventory, actual total £33 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f153v
Thomas HUNTRIDGE, gentleman, of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/H23/1-2: 31 May 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/H23/3: 31 May 1669  - inventory, actual total £53 15s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f183r
no address given
DPRI/1/1669/H24/1: 1 July 1669  - inventory 
Guyen HUTSON, yeoman, of Streat Yeate (Stret Gate, Streatyate, Street Yeate) in the countie of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Gawain, Gui, Hudson
Hutson's forename spelling appears to be a transliteration of the Welsh pronunciation of Gawain
DPRI/1/1669/H19/1-2: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/H19/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £20 16s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f170v
Joseph JACKSON, of Newcasell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/J1/1-2: 4 November 1668  - inventory 
Stephen JACKSON, gentleman, of town of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/J2/1-2: 23 September 1669  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f186r
James JENKINSON, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Jenkenson
DPRI/1/1669/J3/1: 31 March 1669  - inventory 
Richard JOHNSON, son of William Johnson of Framwellgate, tanner, of Framwelgate in Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/J4/1: 5 April 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/J4/2: 5 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £22 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f146v
Robert JOHNSON, yeoman, of Gretham (Greatham) in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/J5/1: 5 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/J5/2-3: 5 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £291 17s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £368 9s 2d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f154r
Alice KELLAM, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Kellan
DPRI/1/1669/K1/1: 5 January 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/K1/2: 5 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £24 9s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f167r
William KITCHIN, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Kitching
DPRI/1/1669/K2/1-2: 16 July 1669  - inventory 
John KITCHING, of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/K3/1-2: 12 November 1669  - inventory  with inventory, undated, actual total £165 6s inventory includes goods etc. that were in Yorkshire at the time the first inventory was made 
Barbarie LAMBE, widow, of parish of All Saints, towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Barbary, Lamb
DPRI/1/1669/L1/1-2: 13 March 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/L1/3-4: 13 March 1668  - inventory, actual total £104 7s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f142r
Lady Katherine LAMBTON, widow, of Bidwicke (Biddicke) [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
The Lambton family owned Biddick Hall in South Biddick.
DPRI/1/1669/L2/1-2: 18 April 1664  - will endorsed with certificate of oath, 30 May 1668 
DPRI/1/1669/L2/3-4: 18 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £289 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f169r
Raph LAX, of Byshopton [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1669/L3/1: 21 May 1669  - inventory 
John LEATCH, of parish of All Saints in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Leach
DPRI/1/1669/L4/1: 24 March 1669  - inventory 
Williame LIDELL, of Cholerton (Chollerton) [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell
DPRI/1/1669/L5/1: 7 May 1669  - inventory 
Mary LITCHSTER, widow, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Litster
DPRI/1/1669/L6/1-2: 19 December 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/L6/3: 19 December 1659  - inventory, actual total £68 16s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f154v-155r
John LONSDALE, yeoman, of Whitestones in Weredale (Weardaile, Weerdaile) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Lonsdaile, Longsdaile
DPRI/1/1669/L7/1: 24 April 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/L7/2: 24 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £36 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 16s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f169r-169v
Mathew LORRYMAN, yeoman, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Loryman, Loriman
DPRI/1/1669/L8/1-4: 20 November 1669  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 14 December 1669 
DPRI/1/1669/L8/5: 20 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £2 0s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f188r-189r
Roger LUMLEY, of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/L9/1: 24 February 1670  - inventory 
Percivell MARKENDELL, yeoman, of Escomb (Escombe) in the county of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]; also spelt Parsible, Markendaill, Parcivel, Markendale, Parsival
DPRI/1/1669/M1/1: 8 September 1669  - will  with codicil, 8 October 1669 
DPRI/1/1669/M1/2: 8 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £30 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f171v
Thomas MARLEY, gentleman, of Kyhoe (Kyloe, Kyo) within the county of Durham [Kyloe, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/M2/2: 21 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/M2/1: 21 June 1669  - copy will  with grant of probate (incomplete), undated will proved in solemn form 
William MARLEY, smith, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/M3/1: 10 July 1668  - will 
Henry MARTIN, baker, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/M4/1: 8 March 1669  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f176v-177v
Robert MAUGHAN, yeoman, of Haydon in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/M5/1-2: 9 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/M5/3-4: 9 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £28 13s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f157v
James MIDFORDE, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford
DPRI/1/1669/M8/1: 7 December 1668  - inventory 
Oswold MILBOURNE, baker, brewer, of parish of All Saints within the towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Oswald, Milburne
DPRI/1/1669/M6/1: 30 September 1669  - inventory 
John MILLER, yeoman, of North Sheilds (Sheiles, Sheeles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/M7/1-2: 7 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/M7/3-4: 7 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £59 13s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34 3s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f177v-178r
John MOFFETE, of Ayden (Aydon) [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Moffett
DPRI/1/1669/M9/1: 7 January 1669  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1669/M9/2 - wrapper 
Mathew MOORE, house-carpenter, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/M10/1: 16 May 1667  - inventory 
Barrow MORTON, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, gentleman, of borough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/M11/1-2: 5 December 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f184v-185r
David MOSCRIP, of Humbleton and parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Moscrop, Moscropp
DPRI/1/1669/M12/1-2: 3 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/M12/3: 3 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £13 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f172v
Edward MUSCHAMP, of Acklington (Acklinton) [Acklington, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschampe
DPRI/1/1669/M13/1: 28 January 1667  - inventory  with renunciation, undated, actual total £16 3s 4d (with account of debts of £7) date of inventory in Jan 1667 uncertain; transfer of administration by Jane Muschamp, relict, nominating Robert Muschamp to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1669/M13/2: 28 January 1667  - letter covering letter from Matthew Bonney at Warkworth to Rowell at Alnwick 
Matthew MUSGRAVE, cook, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mathew
DPRI/1/1669/M14/2: 20 May 1669  - renunciation transfer of administration by William Musgrave, brother, nominating Edward Fletcher to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1669/M14/1: 20 May 1669  - inventory 
Mathew NEWTON, merchant, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/N1/1-2: 25 November 1668  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1669/N1/3-4: 25 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £185 1s 6d 
DPRI/1/1669/N1/5: 25 November 1668  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f143v-144r
James NICHOLSON, yeoman, of Powpans in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tynemouth [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/N2/1-2: 29 April 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/N2/3: 29 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £83 12s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f173r-173v
Walter NIXON, yeoman, of Upper Trewhitt (Trewhit) in the parrish of Rothburry and county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/N3/1-2: 15 April 1669  - will with contemporaneous schedule of debts owed to testator. Endorsed with direction to Thomas Selby esquire at Biddlestone 
DPRI/1/1669/N3/3-4: 15 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £47 2s 5d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f184v
Peter NORMANN, pewterer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Norman
DPRI/1/1669/N4/1: 4 April 1668  - indented inventory 
Mabell OGLE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/O1/1-2: 20 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/O1/3: 20 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £9 5s 5d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f180v
Thomas ORD, gentleman, of Loungridge (Longridge) [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/O2/1-2: 10 November 1669  - inventory exhibited, 7 Mar 1670 
Dorothie OSAWLD, widow, of parish of Saint Andrew in NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Dorithie, Dorothye, Osawld
DPRI/1/1669/O3/1: 17 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/O3/2: 17 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £631 1s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f150r-150v
George OVINGTON, yeoman, of Black (Blacke) Hurworth in the county of Durham [Kelloe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/O4/1-2: 5 October 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/O4/3-4: 5 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £753 4s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f170v
Amor OXLEY, vicar of Kirknewton, master of the free school in Newcastle, clerk, schoolmaster, of Kirke Newton in Northumberland [Kirknewton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/O5/1-2: 19 August 1669  - will with a schedule of books bequeathed 'towards a library for the free schoole in Newcastle' 
DPRI/1/1669/O5/3: 19 August 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £79 13s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f163v-164r
James PARCIVALL, of Bernard Castle (chapelry of Barnard Castle) in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Percivall, Percivell
DPRI/1/1669/P8/1-2: 8 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/P8/3: 8 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £12 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 3s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f152r-152v
Thomas PARTIS, yeoman, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/P3/1-2: 8 September 1664  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1669/P3/4: 8 September 1664  - receipt for the orginal will 
DPRI/1/1669/P3/3: 8 September 1664  - indented inventory, actual total £2,265 12s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f146v-147r
Henry PASTON, gentleman, of Blackheddon (Black Heddon) in the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Pastone, Pauston
DPRI/1/1669/P4/1-2: 7 May 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/P4/3: 7 May 1669  - inventory, actual total £295 7s 8d endorsed with memorandum relating to 7 Oct [1675] [Chancery] case: Jane Pauston and others v Henry Brooks and his wife 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f163r
Christopher PATTISON, of Newbigin (Newbiggin) in the county of Northumberland [Northumberland]
parish uncertain: Newbiggins in Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea
DPRI/1/1669/P5/3-4: 8 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £135 2s 10d 
DPRI/1/1669/P5/1-2: 8 December 1669  - account exhibited, 7 Jan 1673 
Dorothy PAUSTON, widow, of Benwell in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]; also spelt Dorothie
DPRI/1/1669/P6/1-2: 19 March 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/P6/3: 19 March 1669  - inventory, actual total £42 4s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f175v-176r
William PEACOCKE, cordwainer, of Barnard Castle in the parrish of Gaineforth in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/P7/2-3: 19 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £229 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £164 17s) 
DPRI/1/1669/P7/1: 19 February 1670  - renunciation treansfer of administration by Elizabeth Peacocke, relict, nominating George Peacocke, brother, to take out administration 
Thomas PERKER, miller, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Parker
DPRI/1/1669/P2/1: 22 November 1669  - inventory 
John PERSIVELL, yeoman, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Percivall, Percivell
DPRI/1/1669/P1/1: 25 September 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/P1/2: 25 September 1668  - inventory, actual total £58 3s 4d exhibited, 10 Apr 1669 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f145v
Arthur PIG, yeoman, of Linnell Wood in the parish of Corbridg (Corbridge) in the countie of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Pigg
DPRI/1/1669/P9/1: 1 July 1669  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1669/P9/2 - wrapper 
Roger PIGG, yeoman, of Haydon Bridge in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/P10/1-2: 30 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/P10/3: 30 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £116 6s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f164r
James PINKNEY, of Neasham in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Pinckney
DPRI/1/1669/P11/1-2: 10 November 1669  - inventory 
William PINKNEY, innkeeper, of Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Pinckney, Pinkeney
DPRI/1/1669/P12/1: 28 March 1666  - will subscribed with (pencil) memorandum relating to a commission (not present) to John Brokeld and ... Atkinson, curate of Whorleton 
DPRI/1/1669/P12/2: 28 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £46 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f149r-149v
George PRINGLE, of parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Pringill, Georg, Pringell
DPRI/1/1669/P13/1-2: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/P13/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £52 17s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f186r
John PYE, rector of Morpeth, clerk, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/P14/3-4: 12 May 1668  - testamentary schedule with list of debts owed by (£220) and owed to (£469 12s) the testator 
DPRI/1/1669/P14/1-2: 12 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/P14/5-6: 12 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £160 8s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f182r-182v
John RADCLIFFE, gentleman, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Radcliff
DPRI/1/1669/R1/1-2: 9 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R1/3: 9 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £158 4s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £44 17s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f186v-187r
William RAE, of Dail Acres (Dale Acrees) in the parish of Haltwisle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Reay
DPRI/1/1669/R5/1-2: 6 December 1669  - inventory 
Edward REA, of Ogle [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Reay
DPRI/1/1669/R2/1: 18 March 1668  - inventory 
William REA, gentleman, of Cambo (Camboe) in the countie of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Reay
DPRI/1/1669/R3/1: 3 March 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1669/R3/2-3: 3 March 1670  - renunciation renunciation of Isabell Rea, relict, nominating Sir William Fenwicke baronet to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1669/R3/4: 3 March 1670  - letter letter from John Carnaby at Rothley to John Mitford apparitor at Durham, enclosing the monition and requesting the administration be returned to him 
Edward READ, baker, brewer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/R4/1: 9 March 1667  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f162v-163r
Christofer REDSHAW, butcher, of Sedgfeild (Sedgefield) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Readshaw
DPRI/1/1669/R6/1: 15 December 1662  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R6/2-3: 15 December 1662  - inventory, actual total £202 14s 2d (with account of debts of £65) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f172r
Timothy REED, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Died 20 November 1661
DPRI/1/1669/R7/1: 22 February 1670  - inventory 
Margarett REYNOLDS, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1669/R8/1: 20 April 1669  - indented inventory 
John RIDLEY, gentleman, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/R9/1: 26 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R9/2: 26 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £276 13s 
DPRI/1/1669/R9/3-4: 26 December 1668  - renunciation renunciation of Thomas Ridley, [brother and co-]executor, nominating John Salkeild to take out administration 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f146r-146v
Robert RIDLEY, gentleman, of Birling in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/R10/1-2: 1 September 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R10/3: 1 September 1668  - inventory, actual total £55 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f183r
Edward ROBINSON, yeoman, of Cockerton within the countie of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]. Died 3 March 1669
DPRI/1/1669/R11/1: 6 March 1669  - inventory 
John ROBINSON, the elder, yeoman, of Low Conscliff (Lowe Consclif, Conscliffe) within the parish of Upper Conscliff and county of Durham [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/R12/1-2: 19 September 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/R12/3: 19 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £38 13s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 15s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f154v
Stephen ROBINSON, of parish of Darneton (Darnton) or Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/R13/1-2: 15 July 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R13/3-4: 15 July 1669  - inventory, actual total £259 4s 6d dated, 19 Aug [?1669] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f173r
William ROBINSON, yeoman, of Silkworth in the county pallatine of Durham, parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/R14/1-2: 19 February 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R14/3: 19 February 1664  - inventory, actual total £97 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f155r-155v
John ROBSON, alias Jacke of Binchester, yeoman, of Binchesterbridgend (Binchester Bridge End) in the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/R15/1-2: 16 July 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R15/3: 16 July 1661  - inventory, actual total £2 10s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f174v
William ROBSON, of Black Callerton [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/R16/1: 11 August 1669  - inventory 
George ROWELL, yeoman, of Burnehope in Weredaile (Burnehoop in Weardaile, Burnehoope in Weredale) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/R17/1: 19 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/R17/2: 19 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £34 12s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f169v
Robert ROWELL, of Peele Wales (Peell Walls) in the kingdome of Scotland [Ayton, Berwickshire]
DPRI/1/1669/R18/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert RUDCHESTER, yeoman, late of the county of Northumberland, and now of the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ruchester, Rutchester
DPRI/1/1669/R19/1-2: 15 February 1669  - copy will  with receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1669/R19/3: 15 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £9 8s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f172r
John SAINTE, senior, badger, of Warkeworth (Warckworth) in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Saint
DPRI/1/1669/S2/1-2: 3 December 1668  - will  with inventory, 7 January 1669, actual total £191 5s 11d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f184r-184v
Charles SANDERSON, gentleman, Newcastle, Hedly Hope, parish of Lanchester [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/S3/1: 28 December 1667  - will  with codicil, 9 November 1668 endorsed with (undated) certificate of oath of witnesses 
DPRI/1/1669/S3/2: 28 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £146 14s 8d (with account of debts of £54 1s 5d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f168v
Ralph SAYDLER, mariner, of Gatesyd (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Sadler
DPRI/1/1669/S1/1: undated  - inventory 
John SCOTT, merchant, gentleman, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S4/1-2: 7 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S4/3-4: 7 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £73 5s 10d 
DPRI/1/1669/S4/5-6: 7 December 1667  - account, actual total £73 5s 10d (with discharge of £97 3s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1669/S4/7 - wrapper 
John SEWELL, fisherman, of town of Hartlepooll (Hartlepoole) in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/S5/1: 21 April 1668  - inventory subscribed with memorandum relating to 22 Feb 1670 monition: administration to be granted to Ann Shipphird, daughter 
George SHADFOORTH, gentleman, of Eppleton in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Shadforth
DPRI/1/1669/S6/1-2: 18 April 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S6/3: 18 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £269 18s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f188r
Frances SHAFTO, spinster, of chappelry of All Saints of the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S7/1: 7 November 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/S7/2: 7 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £45 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f171v
Elizabeth SHARPER, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine in the chapelry of Allhallowes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S8/1: 22 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S8/2: 22 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £83 18s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f158r-158v
Robert SHAW, of Summer House in the parishe of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Robartt, Shawe
DPRI/1/1669/S9/1-2: 5 October 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/S9/3-4: 5 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £137 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34 8s 2d) 
DPRI/1/1669/S9/5: 5 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £2 9s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f156v-157r
Wilyham SHEPLAY, of Hystead (Hye Stead, High Stead) and within the parish of Simminborne (Simondburne), chapelry od Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt William, Shiplae, Shipley
DPRI/1/1669/S12/1-2: 2 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S12/3: 2 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £6 5s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f187r-187v
William SHERATON, of Throston [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/S10/1: 19 March 1670  - inventory 
John SHEWBRIDGE, baker, of parish of St Nicholas towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S11/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas SHIPPARD, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Shipheard
DPRI/1/1669/S13/1: 4 June 1669  - inventory 
Henry SHORT, of Holy Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Shorte
DPRI/1/1669/S14/1: 9 August 1669  - inventory 
Gabraell SIDGEWICKE, yeoman, of West Whitley in Langley Dale in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Gabriel, Sidgwick
DPRI/1/1669/S15/1: 3 May 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S15/2: 3 May 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £395 14s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £93 9s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f161r
Ralph SIDGWICK, yeoman, of Sheale Hirst within the parish of Stanhop in Weredaile in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwicke
DPRI/1/1669/S16/1: 25 July 1667  - inventory administration requested by Bridget Sidgwick, relict 
Walter SIME, yeoman, of Bittleston (Bidleston) in the county of Northumberland [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Symm, Simme
While the 1670 draft nuncupative will was endorsed by the probate office 1669, and while the inventory of debts was first made (by the deceased) in Jan 1669 (but then amended to 1670), the registered copy of the nuncupative will is recorded with the 1670 wills (1665-1670 Register, folio 210v). The DPRI/7 calendar also records 1670 but with a cross-reference to 1669. No reference found in the 1670 Consistory Court Acts (DDR/EJ/CCA/1/16).
DPRI/1/1669/S30/1-2: 10 May 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1669/S30/3-4: 10 May 1670  - draft nuncupative will endorsed by probate office 1669 
DPRI/1/1669/S30/5-6: 10 May 1670  - inventory of debts, actual total £1,070 0s 8d  with inventory, 10 June 1670, actual total £40 (1) inventory of debts owed to the testator; date amended from 15 Jan 1669; (2) inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f210v-211r
Henry SIMPSON, gentleman, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Sympson
DPRI/1/1669/S17/1-2: 21 April 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S17/3-4: 21 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £7 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f187r
Raphe SINGLETONE, of Langtone (Langton) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Singleton
DPRI/1/1669/S18/1-2: 5 December 1668  - inventory date in Dec 1668 uncertain 
Edward SMITH, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S19/1: 6 January 1669  - inventory 
Jane SMITH, widow, of Rennigton (Renington) in the county of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S20/1: 6 October 1669  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1669/S20/2 - wrapper 
Robert SMITH, the elder, yeoman, of Throston in the countie of Durham, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/S21/1: 3 August 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S21/2: 3 August 1669  - inventory, actual total £472 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f166r
Jarrard STOKELD, of Linesicke (Lynesacke) in the chapplery of Hamsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Jerrard
DPRI/1/1669/S22/1: 16 December 1669  - inventory 
Thomas STOKOE, of Newbrough in the county of Northumberland [Newbrough, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S23/1-2: 7 October 1668  - inventory 
George STORY, of Charlton in the chapelrie of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/S24/1: 17 April 1669  - renunciation transfer of administration by Jane Story, relict, nominating William Lee to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1669/S24/2: 17 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £34 7s 10d 
Mary STORY, widow, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/S25/1: 12 March 1670  - inventory 
Alice STOTTE, of East Bouldn (Boldon) in the countie of Durham [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Stott
DPRI/1/1669/S26/1: 15 July 1669  - inventory 
Cuthbert STROTHER, carpenter, of borough at Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Struther
DPRI/1/1669/S27/1-2: 11 April 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S27/3: 11 April 1664  - inventory, actual total £18 16s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f150v
William STUART, esquire, of Littleburn in the parish of Brancepeth in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/S28/1-2: 12 June 1669  - copy will  with copy codicil, 14 June 1669 
DPRI/1/1669/S28/3: 12 June 1669  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f162r-162v
William SUDDICKE, glazier, of Gateshead (Gatshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Suddick
DPRI/1/1669/S29/1: 18 May 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/S29/2: 18 May 1669  - inventory, actual total £81 10s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f176r-176v
Raiph TAILOR, notary public, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph, Taylor
DPRI/1/1669/T1/1: 2 July 1669  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1669/T1/2: 2 July 1669  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f167v-168r
Hugh TAYLOR, tanner, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Tailor
DPRI/1/1669/T2/1-2: 23 September 1668  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f172v
Thomas TEASDALE, yeoman, of Slealey (Slaley) in the county of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdaill, Teasdaile
DPRI/1/1669/T3/1-2: 29 December 1669  - will unsigned and unsealed by testator (?nuncupative) 
DPRI/1/1669/T3/3: 29 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £150 18s 6d (with account of debts of £22 9s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f194r
Christopher THOMPSONN, of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1669/T4/1: undated  - inventory 
John THORNTON, yeoman, of Venturstel (Ventursteale, Venturhouse) House within the county of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/T6/1: 12 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/T6/2-3: 12 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £15 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 11s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f190v
William TINDALL, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrow (Burrough) of Berwick (Berwicke, Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Tindale, Tyndale, Tindell
DPRI/1/1669/T7/1-2: 2 November 1669  - will endorsed: not issued; no [probate] act 
DPRI/1/1669/T7/3-6: 2 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £210 12s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f190v-191r
Ann TITCHBURN, widow, of Claypouth within the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/T8/1: 14 March 1670  - inventory 
Christopher TODD, gentleman, of Stillington within the county of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]; also spelt Christofer
DPRI/1/1669/T9/1: 1 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/T9/2: 1 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £268 13s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f165v-166r
Thomas TODD, yeoman, of Edderley Moure (Moore) in the parish of St Andrew Auckland with in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/T10/1: 25 April 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/T10/2: 25 April 1669  - inventory, actual total £49 1s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f168v
Robert TOMPSON, of Hawthorne in the parrish of Easington [Hawthorn, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1669/T5/1-2: undated  - inventory 
John TOWARD, tailor, of Woolsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/T11/1: undated  - inventory of debts etc. owed to the testator and not received by his executor William Waller 
Christopher TROTTER, of Hamsterley within the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
1669 bond 178 does not survive. No reference in Probate Act book DPRI/4/18 (1660-1668).
DPRI/1/1669/T12/1: 21 December 1664  - inventory 
James TURNER, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/T13/1: 9 February 1669  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 25 June 1669 Copy of the will made 16 Mar 1669. Endorsed by probate office 'Testament and Inventory': inventory not present, but probable inventory total of £17 10s 6d also endorsed on will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f150v-151v
Robert TWISELL, yeoman, of Kirkley in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Twysle, Twysell
DPRI/1/1669/T14/1: 12 June 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/T14/2: 12 June 1667  - inventory, actual total £25 18s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f181r
Robert WAIDE, of Walkerfield (Wakerfeeld, Wackerfeild) in the parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Roberte, Wayd, Wade
DPRI/1/1669/W14/2-3: 2 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £174 10s (with account of debts of £38) 
DPRI/1/1669/W14/1: 2 November 1669  - renunciation transfer of administration by Margret Waide, relict, and George Waide, eldest son, nominating John Waide, son, to take out administration 
Robert WALKER, of Ellington [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/W1/1: 4 October 1669  - inventory 
Thomas WALKER, of Hurwith (Hurworth) upon Teese in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/W2/1-2: 15 February 1670  - inventory 
William WALKER, yeoman, of Sedgefield (Sedgfeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/W3/1-2: 12 October 1669  - inventory 
Philiss WALLAS, widow, of Wooler (Wooller) [Wooler, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallis
DPRI/1/1669/W4/1: 22 December 1669  - inventory 
Michaell WALTON, [junior], of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1669/W5/1: 26 January 1670  - inventory 
John WANLIS, waller, bricklayer, plasterer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wanles, Wanlesse
DPRI/1/1669/W6/1: 25 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W6/2: 25 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £6 12s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f179v-180r
Thomas WARD, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/W7/1: undated  - inventory 
Guy WATSON, of Scots Heade (Scotts Head) in the parish of Woolsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/W8/1: 7 May 1669  - inventory 
Robert WATSON, of Newton by the Sea in the county of Northumberland, parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/W9/1: 21 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W9/2: 21 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £31 8s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f183r
Urwold WATSON, yeoman, of Newtown (Newtowne) in the parish of Balmbrough in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Oswold
DPRI/1/1669/W10/1: 13 January 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W10/2: 13 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £44 3s 1d inventory acknowledged to be complete by the deceased 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f192r-192v
William WATSON, of Easington [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/W11/1: undated  - inventory 
John WATT, master and mariner, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/W12/1: 4 April 1669  - inventory 
Edward WATTS, of Newbiggin in the county of Northumberland [Northumberland]
parish uncertain: Newbiggin townships in Shotley and Newburn, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea chapelry in Woodhorn, Newbiggen in Rothbury, Newbiggin in Rothbury. Investigating the several Cresswell and Burrell (witnesses) families of Northumberland could help with the identification, but see DPRI/1/1688/W11 for probate records of Richard Watts of Newbiggin in Woodhorn.
DPRI/1/1669/W13/1-2: 19 April 1669  - inventory 
Isabel WAYTON, widow, of Pipewell Streate in Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Isable, Waiton, Isabel
DPRI/1/1669/W15/1: 9 February 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W15/2: 9 February 1669  - inventory, actual total £54 5s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f160v-161r
Sarah WEBSTER, widow, of Chester in the Streete in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Sara
DPRI/1/1669/W16/1-2: 24 January 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W16/3: 24 January 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £52 19s inventory of household and shop goods etc. Exhibited, 22 Feb 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f159v
Sir Mathew WHITFEILD, knight, of Whitfeild Hall in the countie of Northumberland [Whitfield, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/W17/1: 19 August 1669  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1669/W17/2: 19 August 1669  - inventory of debts owed to deceased, actual total £55 12s 9d 
John WIKLYFFE, yeoman, gentleman, of Preston upon Skearne within the county of Durham, parish of Aickliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Wyckliffe, Wickliffe
DPRI/1/1669/W27/1-2: 17 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W27/3-4: 17 January 1670  - nuncupative codicil Endorsed by probate office: 'with interrogatories' [not present]. Also endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating that the codicil was adjudged valid (with expenses). 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f157v
Alice WILKINSON, widow, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1669/W18/1: 26 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W18/2: 26 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £57 14s 8d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f166v-167r
Allice WILKINSON, widow, of Glowoverhim (Glow-Over-Him) [Glower O'er Him] in the parishe of Sedgfeild and county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Alice
DPRI/1/1669/W19/1: 8 March 1670  - inventory 
Nicholas WILKINSON, of Potter House in the parish of Whitfeild (Whitfeald) and countie of Northumberland [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Nickollas
DPRI/1/1669/W20/1-2: 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W20/3: 1668  - inventory, actual total £139 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f187v
William WILKINSON, saddler, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/W21/1: 17 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W21/2: 17 September 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £149 19s 4d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f180r-180v
Matthew WILSON, yeoman, of Renington (Rennington) in the county of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland]; also spelt Mathew
DPRI/1/1669/W22/1-2: 28 January 1669  - will endorsed with list of debts owed to the testator of £7 14s 
DPRI/1/1669/W22/3-4: 28 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £77 5s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f183v
Thomas WOOD, gentleman, of Burton in the parish of Balmbrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/W23/1: 5 January 1670  - inventory 
William WRANGHAM, gentleman, of parish of North Sheilds (Sheeles, Sheiles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1669/W24/1-2: 4 June 1666  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 18 January 1670 
DPRI/1/1669/W24/3: 4 June 1666  - inventory, actual total £283 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f154v
Jane WREN, of Hentknowell (Hentknoull), Sent Andrue Auckland (Bishop Auckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Wrenn
DPRI/1/1669/W26/1-2: 29 December 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W26/3-4: 29 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £145 9s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f155v
Anthony WRENN, yeoman, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Wren
DPRI/1/1669/W25/1-2: 5 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/W25/3-4: 5 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £136 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f159r
Barbary YOUNG, wife of William Young []; also spelt Barbara, Younge
no address given
DPRI/1/1669/Y1/1-2: undated  - inventory of debts owed to the deceased inventory of goods etc. 'which were not received before or after her marriage' 
Richard YOUNG, yeoman, of Shoston (Shoseton, Shorston, Shotton) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Balmbrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge
DPRI/1/1669/Y2/1-2: 28 January 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1669/Y2/3: 28 January 1661  - inventory, actual total £54 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £30 2s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f192r
Wills etc proved 1670
Reference: DPRI/1/1670
DPRI/1/1670/A1   28 November 1670
John ABBIS, of chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/A1/1-2: 14 September 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/A1/3: 14 September 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Abbis, relict; commission executed by Naylor, 28 Nov 1670 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B248
John ADAMSON, tanner, of Bishop Awckland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/A2/1-2: 8 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/A2/3-4: 8 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £25 0s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f197r
William AIRESOME, master and mariner, of Bishop Wearemouth (Wearmouth) Salt Pans (Panns) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Airson
DPRI/1/1670/A3/1: 21 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B207
Edward ALDERSON, yeoman, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the county palatine of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/A4/1-2: 25 December 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/A4/3: 25 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £35 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f196r
Elizabeth ALLEN, spinster, of Sadberge (Sadberg) in the county of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/A5/1: 28 September 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/A5/2: 28 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £9 11s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f212r-212v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B142
John ANDERSON, yeoman, of Lemmondon Hill Head in the parish of Edlingham in the county of Northumberland [Edlingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/A6/1-2: 2 November 1669  - will  with inventory, 19 May 1670, actual total £95 (with account of debts and funeral charges of £82) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f214v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B179
Raiph ANDERSON, of Lamondon in the county of Northumberland [Edlingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph, Railph
DPRI/1/1670/A7/1-2: 10 May 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/A7/3: 10 May 1668  - inventory  with nuncupative will, undated, actual total £35 9s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f197v
Thomas ANDERSON, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/A8/1: 31 March 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/A8/2: 31 March 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £35 16s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f213r-213v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B167
Anthony APPLEBY, of Westwick (Westwicke) within the chaplery of Bernard (Barnard) Castle and parish of Gainford in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Applebie
DPRI/1/1670/A9/1: 28 February 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/A9/2: 28 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £89 0s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £26 13s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f198r
Jane APPLEBY, spinster, of Newbottle [Newbottle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/A10/1-2: 16 July 1670  - inventory 
Henry ARCHBOLD, of Cowpen [Cowpen, Northumberland]; also spelt Archbald
DPRI/1/1670/A11/1: 7 January 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B279
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B278
John ARCHBOLD, yeoman, of Morly (Morley) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Archbald
DPRI/1/1670/A12/1: 29 March 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/A12/2: 29 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £38 7s (with account of funeral expenses of £5 4s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f199r
DPRI/1/1670/A13   January 1671
George ARMSTRONGE, house-carpenter, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestrong, Armstrong
DPRI/1/1670/A13/1-2: 27 November 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/A13/3: 27 November 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £14 5s 4d 
DPRI/1/1670/A13/4: 27 November 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and John Shaw, rector of Whalton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Lumley, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Shaw, (date lost due to damage) [?Jan, 1671] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f213v-214v
William ARROWSMITH, glazier, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/A14/1: 1670  - inventory 
Henry ASHBURNE, clerk, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ashburnham
DPRI/1/1670/A15/1: 16 August 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B150
John ATKINSON, merchant, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/A16/1-4: 1 February 1670  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/A16/5: 1 February 1670  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f211v-212r
Raiph ATKINSON, yeoman, of Cock Laicke in Harwod (Cocklaike in Harwood) in the Forrest of Teasedale (Teasdaile) within the perish of Midleton and in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1670/A17/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Gawen AYNSLEY, gentleman, of Little Harle in the parish of Kirkwhelpington (Kirke Whelpington, Kirkwelpington) [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Ainsley, Ansley
Part of a protracted case concerning this estate appears in Consistory Court Book DDR/EJ/CCA/1/16 (late 1671).
DPRI/1/1670/A18/1-2: 5 September 1670  - will with memorandum relating to 16 Oct 1732 Westminster Chancery case: Robert Hodgson and his wife Ann Hodgson v Gavin Aynsley esquire 
DPRI/1/1670/A18/3: 5 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £285 10s 10d 
DPRI/1/1670/A18/5: 5 September 1670  - inventory of debts, actual total £291 14s inventory of debts owing to testator 
DPRI/1/1670/A18/4: 5 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £333 13s 8d inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Margarett Ainsley, relict and administrator during the minority of Elizabeth Ainsley and Jane Ainsley, daughters and co-executors; exhibited by Bartholomew Atkinson 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f212v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B163
Thomas BALES, yeoman, of Bishop Midleham (Middleham) in the countie of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Bayles
DPRI/1/1670/B2/1-2: 11 October 1670  - copy will  with receipt for original will, 17 December 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/B2/3: 11 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £72 11s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f215r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B258
Guy BAMBRIDGE, yeoman, of Windieside (Windiside in Teasdaile) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Bumbridge
DPRI/1/1670/B1/1: 25 May 1670  - inventory 
George BARKAS, yeoman, of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B3/1-2: 2 March 1670  - inventory 
George BARTRIM, yeoman, of Ingram in the county of Northumberland [Ingram, Northumberland]; also spelt Bartram
DPRI/1/1670/B4/1: 11 November 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/B4/2: 11 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £125 2s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f216v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B177
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B176
DPRI/1/1670/B5   10 November 1670
Dorothy BELL, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/B5/1-2: 1 September 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/B5/3: 1 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £38 0s 10d 
DPRI/1/1670/B5/4: 1 September 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Timothy Fenwick, curate of Newcastle All Saints, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Sarah Bell, universal legatrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fenwicke, 10 Nov 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f218v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B221
DPRI/1/1670/B6   20 February 1671
Humphrey BELL, gentleman, of Wooden in the parish of Lesburie in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/B6/1-2: 25 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/B6/5: 25 January 1671  - commission to John Faulder, vicar of Lesbury, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Bell, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Falder, 20 Feb 1671 
DPRI/1/1670/B6/3-4: 25 January 1671  - inventory (part 1), actual total £292 17s 
DPRI/1/1670/B6/6: 25 January 1671  - inventory (part 2), actual total £292 17s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f217r
John BELL, yeoman, of Over Cuniscliffe (Conniscliffe, Conscliffe) in the countye of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B7/1-3: 31 March 1670  - will  with wrapper 
DPRI/1/1670/B7/4: 31 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £8 10s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f216r-216v
Thomas BENSON, of Broadley (Bradly) Forge within the parish of Wolsingham and county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B8/1: 12 December 1670  - inventory 
John BIERLEY, of Mugleswick (Muggleswicke, Mugleswicke) Hall in the parish of Mugleswick and county of Durham [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Byerley
DPRI/1/1670/B23/1: 25 May 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/B23/2-3: 25 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £228 0s 8d (with account of debts of £7 12s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f215v-216r
Richard BINKS, miller, of South Street within the chapplery of St Margaretts in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Bincks
DPRI/1/1670/B9/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B287
Edmond BLYTH, macer, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Edmund
DPRI/1/1670/B10/1: 22 April 1670  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f218r-218v
John BLYTHMAN, the younger, of Breckinbury Leazes within the parish of St Andrew Auckland and county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Blyeman
DPRI/1/1670/B11/1-2: 8 June 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/B11/3-4: 8 June 1670  - account, actual total £321 17s (with discharge of £15) exhibited by Ann Collman alias Blythman, former relict and administratrix for the use of Ann and Mary Blythman, daughters 
Miles BOOSWILL, miller, of parish of Standrop (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B12/1-2: 6 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B143
Robart BRASE, yeoman, of Tremdon (Trimdon) in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Brass, Brasse
DPRI/1/1670/B13/1: 27 September 1670  - inventory with (undated) memorandum relating that Margaret Brass, relict, requested administration be granted to her for the use of Elizabeth, Ann, Margaret and Mary Brass, daughters 
DPRI/1/1670/B13/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B225
Thomas BROWEN, of Bradbury [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Broune, Browne
DPRI/1/1670/B14/1-2: 30 August 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/B14/3-4: 30 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £156 7s 3d (with account of debts and legacies of £19) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f216v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B200
Edward BROWNE, of the Loneing (Loning) End in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/B15/2: 19 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £171 10s 
DPRI/1/1670/B15/1: 19 December 1670  - renunciation renunciation of Alice Browne, relict, nominating Richard Browne, brother, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B282
Nicholas BROWNE, glazier, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B16/1: 9 February 1671  - indented inventory 
Francis BUCKE, yeoman, of the Streatgate (Streat Yeate) in the chapplery of Lamesley and county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B17/1: 1 August 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/B17/2: 1 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £77 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f215v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B192
Thomas BULMER, yeoman, of Offerton (Ufferton) within the parish of Houghton le Spring in the countie of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B18/1: 16 September 1670  - inventory 
John BUNTINGE, alderman [of Stockton-on-Tees], of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Bunting
DPRI/1/1670/B19/1: 10 August 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/B19/2-3: 10 August 1669  - inventory, actual total £50 17s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f217v-218r
Wiliam BURNE, junior, of Whitburn (Whitburne) [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt William
DPRI/1/1670/B20/1-2: 17 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B214
Robart BURRELL, of Lynts Greene in the chappellry of Tanfeild and county of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1670/B21/1-2: 12 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/B21/3: 12 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £23 19s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £8) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f219r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B263
William BUSBY, yeoman, of Cowpon in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/B22/1-2: 18 January 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B284
Jane CHAMNEY, widow, of Mersphen in the parish of Ponteland (Pont Island) [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Champney
DPRI/1/1670/C1/1: 6 November 1669  - will  with codicil, 6 November 1669 
DPRI/1/1670/C1/2-3: 6 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £116 14s 5d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f2v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B160
William CHARLTON, gentleman, of the Bower in the county of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charleton
parish drawn from bond [235]
DPRI/1/1670/C2/1-2: 17 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/C2/4: 17 December 1668  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1670/C2/3: 17 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £74 6s 2d 
DPRI/1/1670/C2/5 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f8r-8v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B235
Robertt CHILTON, yeoman, of Newbotle (Newbottle) in the county of Durham [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1670/C3/1-2: 16 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/C3/3-4: 16 January 1671  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/C3/5: 16 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £145 18s 10d (with account of debts of £353) 
DPRI/1/1670/C3/6 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f219v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B288
Robert CLARKE, of Sherborne in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Clark
DPRI/1/1670/C4/1-2: 15 March 1670  - inventory with memorandum relating that Elizabeth Clark, relict, requested that administration be granted to her 
Robert CLAYTON, of Midridge in the county of Durham [Middridge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/C5/1: 17 June 1670  - inventory 
Richard CLERKE, yeoman, of Hilton Ferry Boate in the county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Clarke
DPRI/1/1670/C6/1-2: 16 September 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/C6/3: 16 September 1659  - inventory, actual total £101 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f208r-208v
DPRI/1/1670/C7   14 October 1670
Ralph COLLING, yeoman, of Longnewton (Long Newton) [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Raiphe, Collin
DPRI/1/1670/C7/1-2: 10 April 1668  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/C7/3: 10 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £409 
DPRI/1/1670/C7/6-7: 10 April 1668  - renunciation  with receipt for the original will, 25 July 1671 renunciation of Thomasin Collin, relict and co-executor; with receipt for the original will, signed by John Oliver, rector of Longnewton 
DPRI/1/1670/C7/4-5: 10 April 1668  - commission to John Oliver, rector of Longnewton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Colling, son and co-executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Oliver, 14 Oct 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f220r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B194
Lowrance COLSTON, yeoman, of Tweedmouth in the county pallataine of Durhame [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Laurance, Coolstone, Laurence, Coulston, Colstone
DPRI/1/1670/C11/1-2: 11 June 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/C11/3: 11 June 1665  - inventory, actual total £21 12s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f4v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B190
Nicholas COMYN, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/C8/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert COOKE, mariner, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/C9/1: 3 June 1670  - inventory exhibited 3 June 1670 
Alice COULSON, widow, of Ryton in the countie of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Coulsyn
DPRI/1/1670/C10/1: 8 March 1671  - inventory 
William COWARD, labourer, of Cleatlam in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham; Staindrop, County Durham]
Cleatlam is in both Gainford and Staindrop parishes
DPRI/1/1670/C12/1: 13 November 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/C12/2: 13 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £7 11s 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B256
George CROSYER, the elder, gentleman, of Newbiggin within the parish of Heighington and county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/C13/1-2: 17 December 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/C13/3: 17 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £23 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f219r-219v
Ambrose CUTHBERTSON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/C14/1: 26 September 1670  - indented inventory 
Richard DARNTON, of Hetton in the Hole [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/D1/1-2: 11 May 1670  - inventory 
Marmaducke DAVISON, yeoman, of Thorpetewles (Thorpe Thewles, Thewlis) in the county of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/D2/1: 15 September 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/D2/2-3: 15 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £287 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £50 15s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B247
DPRI/1/1670/D3   27 September 1670
Thomas DAVISON, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrough (parish) of Berwicke (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/D3/1-2: 19 May 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/D3/4: 19 May 1669  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Davison, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, 27 Sep 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/D3/3: 19 May 1669  - inventory, actual total £10 12s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f232r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B139
DPRI/1/1670/D4   March 1671
Margrat DAWSON, widow, of Barwick upon Twed (Berwicke) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Margerat, Daweson, Marget, Margerett, Dawsson, Margaret
DPRI/1/1670/D4/1-2: 15 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/D4/4-5: 15 May 1670  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Rodham, and Edmund Clarkson, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, [?3.1671] 
DPRI/1/1670/D4/3: 15 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £31 10s 3d 
Mathew DELAFULE, mariner, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Delafale
DPRI/1/1670/D5/1: 4 October 1669  - will r 
DPRI/1/1670/D5/2: 4 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £29 12s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 3s 3d) 
Registered copies: DPRI/2/8 f209v, DPRI/2/8 f222r
Anthony DOBIN, of parish of Great Stenton (Stainton) in the county of Durham [Great Stainton, County Durham]; also spelt Dobbin
DPRI/1/1670/D6/1: 14 October 1670  - inventory with (undated) memorandum relating that Christopher Dobbin, son, requested administration be granted to him and for the use of the other children Margaret, Thomas, John and Elizabeth Dobbin, minors 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B204
William DOBSON, yeoman, of Bothall Banckes (Banks) in the paryshe of Bothall and countie of Northumberland [Bothal, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/D7/1: 22 March 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/D7/2: 22 March 1669  - inventory, actual total £89 6s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £24 14s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f230v-231r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B136
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B135
William DODE, of Smallmouth [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/D8/1: 6 October 1670  - inventory exhibited, Oct 1670 [see note on wrapper] 
DPRI/1/1670/D8/2 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1670/D9   11 June 1670
William DONE, gentleman, of Newtowne in the parish of Edlingham in the county of Northumberland [Edlingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Donn, Dunn
DPRI/1/1670/D9/3: 31 May 1670  - commission to Edward Lumsden MA, curate of Morpeth, and Ralph Carr MA, vicar of Edlingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Dunn, relict; commission executed by Carr, 11 June 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/D9/1-2: 31 May 1670  - inventory 
Edward DOSSEY, mariner, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/D10/1: 29 April 1670  - inventory 
Margarett DUNN, sister of George Dunn, of Silksworth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
[?See 1663 tuition bond]; [?see 1660 will of John Dunn of Silksworth, Bishopwearmoth]. Address drawn from residence of the children's late father.
DPRI/1/1670/D11/1: 9 July 1670  - inventory of the goods etc. (legacies) of the two children of the late John Dunn of Silksworth 
John DUNNE, of East Matphen [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn
DPRI/1/1670/D12/1: 4 August 1669  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/E1   8 June 1670
George ELLIOTT, gentleman, of West Chevington in the county of Northumberland [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellott, Elyott, Elliot
DPRI/1/1670/E1/1-2: 12 April 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/E1/4: 12 April 1670  - commission to Edward Lumsden MA, curate of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Elliott, relict, and Edmund Eliott, son, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Lumsden, 8 June 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/E1/3: 12 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £156 8s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f210v
Ralph EMERSON, yeoman, of Wellhop in the parrish of Stanhop and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1670/E2/1: 6 October 1670  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Emerson, relict, nominating her son John Emerson to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1670/E2/2-3: 6 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £201 9s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B205
Francis EMMERSON, son of Leonard Emmerson of Hill Close House, of Hill Close House near Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/E3/1: 29 April 1670  - inventory exhibited, 29 Apr 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/E3/2 - wrapper 
Katherine EMMERSON, spinster, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Catherine
DPRI/1/1670/E4/1-4: 16 January 1669  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/E4/5: 16 January 1669  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f227v-228v
John ERRINGTON, smith, of Seaham in the countie of Durham [Seaham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/E5/1: 31 May 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/E5/2 - wrapper 
John ERRINGTON, of Stanington in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/E6/1-2: 7 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B145
Thomas ERRINGTON, yeoman, of Fourstones in the countie of Northumberland [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/E7/1: 8 August 1669  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B231
John ESKELL, of Westholme [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/E8/1: 3 February 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B294
DPRI/1/1670/F1   25 December 1670
Nicholas FARLAMBE, yeoman, of Lipwood, chapelry of Haydon in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Farelambe
DPRI/1/1670/F1/1-2: 18 March 1670  - will with [contemporaneous] list of debts owing to testator of £16 5s 
DPRI/1/1670/F1/3-4: 18 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £18 15s 
DPRI/1/1670/F1/5: 18 March 1670  - commission to John Shafto, vicar of Warden, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Parker alias Farelambe, daughter; commission executed by Shafto, 25 Dec 1670 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B255
John FATHERLY, of Newbottle [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Fatherley
DPRI/1/1670/F2/1-2: 28 April 1670  - inventory 
Raiph FENWICK, yeoman, of Ulgham Grainge of the parish of Morpeth and county of Northumberland [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph, Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1670/F4/1-2: January 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/F4/3-4: January 1670  - inventory, actual total £385 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f206r
Dorithe FENWICKE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dorothie, Dorothy, Fenwick
DPRI/1/1670/F3/1-2: 11 November 1670  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f10v
Alexander FLEMING []; also spelt Fleeming
no address given
DPRI/1/1670/F5/1: 20 September 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/F5/2: 20 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £50 15s 6d 
Richard FORSTER, esquire, of Newham [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/F6/1-2: 2 June 1670  - inventory 
Margaret FOSTER, spinster, of Sunderland nigh the Sea within the parish of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Margarett, Forster
DPRI/1/1670/F7/1: 19 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/F7/2: 19 November 1669  - renunciation renunciation of Phillis Nicholson, [aunt], nominating her son John Nicholson to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1670/F7/3: 19 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £21 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f6v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B218
William FRAWLER, yeoman, of Burnthills (Burnt Hills), chapelry of St John in Weardaile, in the parrish of Stanhop in the county of Durham [St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/F8/1: 23 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/F8/2-3: 23 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £64 2s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f205v
Thomas GAIRE, senior, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Gare
DPRI/1/1670/G1/1-2: 17 February 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G1/3: 17 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £53 5s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f3v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B169
William GAIRE, of Whitwell House [Shincliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G2/1: 5 April 1670  - inventory 
Humphrey GAMLIN, of the Hauks Bill (Bill Point) in the parish of Longbenton and county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Gamling
DPRI/1/1670/G3/1-2: 14 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G3/3: 14 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £113 4s 
Registered copies: DPRI/2/8 f210r-210v, DPRI/2/8 f220v
Jane GARFET, widow, of Hunwick (Hunwicke) in the county of Durham [Hunwick, County Durham]; also spelt Garford, Garfoote, Garforth
DPRI/1/1670/G4/1-2: 11 January 1670  - will  with affidavit, undated will, with 16 Jan 1671 affidavit of a witness to the will relating the testatrix's verbal clarification of the terms of a bequest 
DPRI/1/1670/G4/3-4: 11 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £39 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f195v
George GARNETT, gentleman, of Blackwell in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G5/1-2: 14 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G5/3: 14 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £53 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58) 
James GARSTELL, vintner, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G6/1: 3 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B149
James GATES, yeoman, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G7/1: 29 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G7/2-3: 29 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £104 19s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £5 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f10r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B250
William GENT, of Shinckliffe Leazes, parish of St Oswalds [Shincliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G8/1-2: 31 August 1670  - inventory 
Raiph GIBSON, yeoman, of Earnewell in the parish of Stanhop and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G9/1-2: 14 May 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/G9/3: 14 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £123 0s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f224v
William GILROY, of Bishop Wearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Gillroy
DPRI/1/1670/G11/1: 20 April 1670  - inventory 
George GILRY, anchor-smith, of Sunderland by the Sea in the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G10/1: 12 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B193
Margaret GLENWRIGHT, spinster, of Penpeugh in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/G12/1: 8 May 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B232
John GOWLAND, tanner, of Framwelgate (Framwellgate) in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G13/1: 18 July 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G13/2: 18 July 1669  - inventory, actual total £311 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f198r
John GOWLAND, of (Rainton low pitts) Low Pit Houses in the parish of Houghton in the countie of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G14/1-2: 3 September 1670  - will Full date drawn from registered copy. 
DPRI/1/1670/G14/3: 3 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £118 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f230v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B122
Edward GRAY, esquire, of Howicke in the county of Northumberland [Howick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/G15/1: 22 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G15/2: 22 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £8 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f7r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B148
DPRI/1/1670/G16   12 November 1670
Edward GRAY, gentleman, of Staindropp (Staindrop) otherwise Stainthorpp in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
see also 1670 bond [223], and 1680 administration bond [334]
DPRI/1/1670/G16/1-2: 2 November 1658  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/G16/4: 2 November 1658  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, and Toby Sidgwicke, rector of Cockfield, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Leonard Scott, co-executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Sedgwick, 12 Nov 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/G16/3: 2 November 1658  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f1r-1v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B224
Gilbert GRAY, yeoman, of Wester Shotton within the county of Northumberland and parish of Kirk Newton (Newtone) [Kirknewton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/G17/1: 27 December 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G17/2: 27 December 1669  - renunciation renunciation of Barbara Gray, relict, dated at Learmouth 
John GRAY, yeoman, of Easter Snowupclose (Snaupclose) in the parish of Stanhope (Stanhop) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/G18/1: 29 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/G18/2-3: 29 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £81 12s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £75 11s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f200r
Rowland GREENE, of Heellie [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
parish drawn from bond [178]
DPRI/1/1670/G19/1: 18 October 1669  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B178
John GREENWELL, of Shortflatt in the parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/G20/1-2: 28 June 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B172
Ralph GREY, husband of Elizabeth Grey, gentleman, of Braidford (Bradford) in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray
DPRI/1/1670/G21/1: 19 November 1670  - inventory of the goods etc. of Ralph Grey and his wife Elizabeth Grey 
John GRINDALL, mercer, merchant, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Grindale
DPRI/1/1670/G22/1-2: 2 May 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/G22/3: 2 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £132 10s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f221v
John HALL, of Newborn (Newburne) [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H2/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Peter HALL, yeoman, of Elsdon (Elseden) in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H3/1-2: 26 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H3/3-4: 26 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £31 1s 3d (with account of debts of £3 10s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f3r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B165
Ralph HALL, yeoman, of Lingerridge in Weredale (Lynngeridge in Weardaile) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Raiph
DPRI/1/1670/H4/1: 12 January 1671  - will unsigned and unsealed by testator 
DPRI/1/1670/H4/2: 12 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £66 1s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B290
William HALL, of the Old Towne in the parish of Elsdon (Elseden) in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H5/1: 30 September 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B168
Forman HAMILTON, gentleman, of Hurworth (Hurwith) upon Tease (Teese) [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Foreman, Hamleton
DPRI/1/1670/H6/1: 19 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H6/2-3: 19 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £21 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B243
Thomas HARLEY, smith, of chapelry of St Andrew, towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H7/2-3: 1 July 1670  - commission to John Weld, curate of Newcastle St Andrew, and Anthony Proctor, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Harley, relict 
DPRI/1/1670/H7/1: 1 July 1670  - inventory 
Cuthbert HARPER, of Winlaton [Winlaton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/H8/1-2: 24 May 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/H8/3-4: 24 May 1670  - account, actual total £36 16s 8d (with discharge of £59 11s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B220
James HARRISON, yeoman, of Blackclugh (Blackclough) in the parish of Haltwhisle (Haltwesle) and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H9/1: 18 March 1666  - will with list of debts owed to (£14 12s 8d) and owed by (£25 8s 8d) the testator 
DPRI/1/1670/H9/2: 18 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £54 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 8s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B197
John HARRISON, of Sumerhouse (Summerhouse) within the parish of Gainforth [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Harisson, Harrisson
DPRI/1/1670/H10/1: 22 August 1670  - will unsigned and unsealed by testator 
DPRI/1/1670/H10/2: 22 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £140 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £56 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f230v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B133
Margarett HARRISON, widow, of Blackwell in the parish of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Margret
DPRI/1/1670/H11/1-2: 19 September 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H11/3: 19 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £17 19s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B202
Michael HARRISON, of Tuddoe [Tudhoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/H12/1-2: 2 September 1670  - inventory 
Thomas HARRISON, of Well Feild within the chapplery of Witton Gilbert and county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/H13/1: 26 July 1670  - inventory dated 26 July 1670 at head and 29 July 1670 at foot 
John HARWOOD, gentleman, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H14/1-2: 10 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H14/3-4: 10 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £22 8s with incomplete draft inventory, dated 8 Jan 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/H14/5-6: 10 January 1670  - account, actual total £22 8s (with discharge of £47 2s 8d) with 19 July 1672 probate process memorandum [exhibition] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f4r-4v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B181
Michaell HAYROPP, skinner, glover, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael, Hairopp, Haropp, Hayroppe, Hayrope
DPRI/1/1670/H1/1: 7 February 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H1/2-3: 7 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £24 9s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f199v-200r
Edward HEADLEE, yeoman, of Boresheele (Boursheell, Boresheel) within the parish of Ellesdon (Elseden) in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley, Headle, Hedlie
DPRI/1/1670/H15/1-2: 7 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H15/3: 7 February 1668  - inventory, actual total £6 15s 7d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f3r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B167A
Margaret HEATH, widow, New Elvett, Durtham, Old Elvett [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/H16/1-2: 8 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H16/3: 8 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £122 3s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f225r
An HEDLEY, of Garet Sheals (Garratsheales), Corsinside (Corsenside) [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Ane, Hedlye, Ann
DPRI/1/1670/H17/1-2: 22 August 1670  - will unsigned and unsealed by testator [and described as a 'verbal' will in H17/4] 
DPRI/1/1670/H17/4: 22 August 1670  - commission to Jeremiah Nelson, rector od Elsden, and John Graham, curate of Corsenside, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Bigham (Bigam), universal legatee, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Graham, 25 Feb 1671 
DPRI/1/1670/H17/3: 22 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £11 2s 10d 
Henry HELME, of North Sheeles [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H18/1: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Robert Helme, son and executor 
Rachell HENZELL, of the Glasshouses, All Hallow parish [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H19/1-2: 12 March 1669  - inventory 
John HEPPELL, yeoman, of Styford (Stiford) in the parish of Bywell Andrew [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H20/1: 14 March 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H20/2: 14 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £58 18s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f198r-199v
Ann HERON, widow, of Birkley (Birkeley) Hall in the countie of Northumberland [Birtley St Giles, Northumberland]; also spelt An. Died 14 January 1670
Birkley is probably Birtley, as the testatrix's brother Sir Cuthbert Heron owned Chipchase Castle in Chollerton
DPRI/1/1670/H21/1-2: 2 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H21/3-4: 2 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £190 0s 10d 
DPRI/1/1670/H21/5 - wrapper 
Francis HILL, rector of Kirkhaugh, clerk, of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H23/1-2: 25 April 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B126
John HINDE, of Blackburne within the county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hynde
DPRI/1/1670/H24/1: 21 February 1671  - inventory endorsed with calculations of the widow and three of her daughter's parts 
George HIXON, yeoman, of Nun Stainton (Staynton) in the countie pallatine of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Hickson
DPRI/1/1670/H22/1: 7 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H22/2: 7 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £543 1s 10d (with account of debts of £130 17s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f202r-202v
Thomas HIXON, of Ferry Hill [Ferryhill, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/H25/1-2: 25 July 1670  - inventory 
Humphrey HOPPER, yeoman, of West Butsfeild (Buttsfield) in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Satley, County Durham]; also spelt Umphrey
DPRI/1/1670/H26/1-2: 19 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H26/3-4: 19 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £301 4s 
Registered copies: DPRI/2/8 f208v, DPRI/2/8 f221v-222r
William HUDSPETH, the younger, yeoman, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/H27/1: 18 February 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H27/2: 18 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £23 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 2s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f223r
Thomas HULL, tanner, of Gateshead in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/H28/1-2: 28 January 1669  - will  with inventory (total), undated, actual total £287 5s 9d endorsed: 'will and inventory', however the inventory is not present. Nevertheless, the will is also endorsed '£287 5s 9d' which is probably the value of the inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f229r-229v
DPRI/1/1670/H29   25 October 1670
Mary HUTTON, widow, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/H29/1: 30 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/H29/2-3: 30 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £183 3s 10d (with account of debts of £25) 
DPRI/1/1670/H29/4: 30 May 1668  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Sarah Hutton and Hannah Hutton, daughters and co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 25 Oct 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f5v-6r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B210
Thomas HYMERS [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Hinmers
parish drawn from 1670 bond [171]
DPRI/1/1670/H30/1: 3 June 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/H30/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B171
John INGLEDEW, yeoman, of Egglescliff (Eggscliffe, Eggscliffe) in the county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Engledew
DPRI/1/1670/I1/1: 16 December 1670  - will dated 16 Dec 1670 at head and 17 Dec 1670 at foot 
DPRI/1/1670/I1/2: 16 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £47 3s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f12r-12v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B286
William JACKSON, skinner, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Willyam
DPRI/1/1670/J1/1: 21 February 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/J1/2-3: 21 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £112 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f201r-201v
William JACKSON, gentleman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/J2/1: 11 January 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/J2/2 - wrapper wrapper, made from incomplete draft bond, perhaps relating to the probate of the will of John Paull of Redmarshall (?see DPRI/1/1674/P4) 
John JAMES, yeoman, of Storton Grange (Horton) in the parish of Warkwoeth in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/J3/1-2: undated  - unsigned and unsealed by testator  with 30.11.1669, actual total £43 (with account of debts of £24 2s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B183
Michaell JOBLING, shipwright, of parish of St Nicholas and towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1670/J4/1-2: 10 August 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/J4/3: 10 August 1669  - inventory, actual total £23 7s 2d endorsed: John Thursby, smith [of Gateshead] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f207r
John JOCELYN, earthen pot-maker, of Ouseburne neare the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Joycelin, Joselyn
DPRI/1/1670/J5/1-2: 2 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/J5/3: 2 April 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £54 11s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f2r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B158
Anthony JOHNSON, butcher, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthoney
DPRI/1/1670/J6/1: 3 June 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/J6/2: 3 June 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £20 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f2v-3r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B161
John JOHNSON, yeoman, of Munckton (Monckton) in the county of Durham, parish of Jarroe [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/J7/1: 2 February 1670  - inventory 
Thomas JOHNSON, yeoman, of Houghton le Spring in the county palatine of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/J8/1-2: 31 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/J8/3-4: 31 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £248 0s 2d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £64 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f12v-13r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B300
DPRI/1/1670/K1   14 October 1670
Christopher KEARTON, yeoman, of Seaton Carew in the parish of Stranton in the county of Durham [Seaton Carew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/K1/1: 31 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/K1/2-3: 31 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £90 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £45 16s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1670/K1/4: 31 May 1670  - commission to John Smith, vicar of Stranton, and Edward Smathwaite, vicar of Hart, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Kearton, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smith, 14 Nov 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f7v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B227
Edward KIRTON, cordwainer, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/K2/1: 28 October 1670  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B217
William LAMBE, yeoman, of Fulthrope (Fulthorpe), parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/L1/1: 6 September 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B140
Richard LAMBERT, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/L2/1: 4 October 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/L2/2: 4 October 1670  - list of debts owing to deceased, actual total £390 
DPRI/1/1670/L2/3: 4 October 1670  - list of debts owing to deceased, actual total £171 7s 7d 
John LAMBTON, yeoman, of West Rainton in the countye of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/L3/1-2: 5 December 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B260
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B259
Robert LAURENCE, master and mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Lowrance
DPRI/1/1670/L5/1: 30 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/L5/2: 30 January 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £97 18s 3d 
Robert LAWRENCE, yeoman, of Cowpon (Cowpan Bewley, Coopon) in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Laurence, Lowrance
DPRI/1/1670/L4/1-2: 3 October 1670  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/L4/3: 3 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £930 
DPRI/1/1670/L4/4: 3 October 1670  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f5r
Talbot LISLE, gentleman, of Eshet (Eshott) in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/L6/1: 5 February 1664  - inventory 
Wilyam LODGE, of Streatlam [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt William
DPRI/1/1670/L7/1-2: undated  - inventory date lost from head of document 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B238
Anthony LORAINE, gentleman, of Walker in the parish of Long Benton and county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Lorraine
DPRI/1/1670/L8/1-2: 15 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/L8/3-4: 15 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £206 2s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f13v
DPRI/1/1670/L9   5 November 1670
Robert LORAINE, gentleman, of Walker, parish of Benton [Walker, Northumberland]; also spelt Lorraine
DPRI/1/1670/L9/2: 27 October 1670  - commission to William Musgrave, curate of Benton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Lorraine, relict; commission executed by Musgrave, 5 Nov 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/L9/1: 27 October 1670  - inventory 
Alice LUCAS, widow, of Bradburie (Bradbury) within the parish of Sedgfeild and county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/L10/1-2: 9 April 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/L10/3: 9 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £3 5s 11d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s)  
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f204r
Ralph LUMBLEY, waller, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Lumley
DPRI/1/1670/L11/1: 4 February 1670  - inventory 
John LYNDSAY, of Samford in the parish of Embelton [Embleton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/L12/1-2: 10 May 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B180
Peter MADDISON, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/M2/1: 22 January 1670  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of Joseph Atkinson 
DPRI/1/1670/M2/2-3: 22 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £484 1s 7d 
DPRI/1/1670/M2/6: 22 January 1670  - commission to Ralph Astell MA, curate of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Maddison, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Astell, 9 Mar 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/M2/7: 22 January 1670  - common recovery (summary)  with fine (summary), 1700 summaries of the conveyance (to break entail) of the deceased's property at the Close, Newcastle, to Joseph Atkinson and Barbary Atkinson his wife 
DPRI/1/1670/M2/4-5: 22 January 1670  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £200 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f225v
William MAKDOWELL, of Gunnerton in the parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Mackdowell
DPRI/1/1670/M1/1: 10 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B233
Edward MALLETT, mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/M3/1: 9 August 1670  - indented inventory includes goods etc. 'in the dwelling house of Ralph Rogerson' 
Margaret MALTBY, widow, of Stillington in the county of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]; also spelt Margret, Maltbye, Maultby
DPRI/1/1670/M4/1: 9 October 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/M4/2: 9 October 1666  - inventory, actual total £70 9s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f231r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B137
Elizabeth MARKINDALE, widow, of Byshopton (Bishopton) in the countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale
DPRI/1/1670/M5/1: 19 November 1670  - will signed by Elizabeth Boock, niece 
DPRI/1/1670/M5/2-3: 19 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £155 16s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f10r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B253
William MARSHALL, yeoman, of Cowpon in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/M6/1-2: 12 January 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B283
John MARTIN, yeoman, of Seighill (Sechall, Sighill) in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Marton
DPRI/1/1670/M7/1: 2 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/M7/2-3: 2 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £310 9s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f206r-207r
Richard MAYSON, of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Mason
DPRI/1/1670/M8/1-2: 26 April 1646  - inventory 
Michaell MILBOURNE, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael, Milburne
DPRI/1/1670/M9/1: 4 September 1669  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 23 June 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/M9/2: 4 September 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £74 7s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f222v
William MILL, of Edlingham in the countie of Northumberland [Edlingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/M10/1-2: 1 January 1670  - nuncupative will  with inventory, 3 May 1670, actual total £79 8s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £39 6s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B184
DPRI/1/1670/M11   31 October 1670
Robert MILLS, master and mariner, of chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/M11/2: 7 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £137 8s 6d 
DPRI/1/1670/M11/1: 7 September 1670  - copy inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/M11/3: 7 September 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Stephen Boardley, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Mills, relict; commission executed by Bordley, 31 Oct 1670 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B216
Robert MITFORD, gentleman, of North Bayley in the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/M12/1: 24 January 1667  - will endorsed: 'nil act' [no probate act] 
Alexander MOORE, keelman, of Sandgate [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/M13/1: 10 March 1671  - inventory 
John MOUERY, of Girsby, parish of Sockburne [Girsby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Moorye
DPRI/1/1670/M14/1-2: 23 August 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B128
Thomas MOWBRAY, yeoman, of East Duxfeild in the parish of Slaly and in the countie of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/M15/3-4: 2 March 1670  - will unsigned and unsealed by testator 
DPRI/1/1670/M15/1-2: 2 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £52 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f7v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B230
Jane NEWTON, widow, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/N1/1: 17 August 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/N1/2: 17 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £118 14s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £16) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f230r
Mathew NEWTON, of Hawicke (Howicke) in the parish of Kirkeharle in the county of Northumberland [Kirkharle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/N2/1-2: 11 November 1669  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B166
Thomas NEWTON, yeoman, of Little Stainton within the parish of bishopton and county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/N3/1: 20 February 1670  - nuncupative will unsigned by witnesses 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B196
Christopher NICHOLSON, yeoman, of Darlington within the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]. Died 9 October 1670
DPRI/1/1670/N4/1-2: 7 October 1670  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 26 October 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/N4/3: 7 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £13 0s 2d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £67 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f6r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B212
Richard NICHOLSON, the elder, yeoman, of Eggescliff in the county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/N6/1-2: 20 August 1670  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 25 November 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/N6/3: 20 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £342 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f9v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B244
Christofer NICOLSON, merchant, of towne and countie of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Christopher, Nicholson
DPRI/1/1670/N5/1: 29 April 1668  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 14 November 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f7r-7v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B226
Hugh PARKER, of Slaggiford in the parish of Knarsdale [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/P1/1: 7 October 1670  - inventory additional sums lost due to damage to foot of document 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B234
Thomas PARKINSON, yeoman, of Cockerton within the countie of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]. Died 12 September 1670
DPRI/1/1670/P2/1-4: 25 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B242
John PARTRIDGE, master and mariner, of Gateside in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/P3/1: 18 May 1669  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f1
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B147
John PEACOCKE, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/P4/1: 14 December 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B187
William PEARETH, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/P5/1-2: 6 December 1670  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/P5/3: 6 December 1670  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f11r-11v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B267
Thomas PEARSON, yeoman, of Harton in the countie of Durham [Harton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/P6/1: 16 October 1666  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B291
Thomas PEARSON, tanner, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1670/P7/1-2: 24 May 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B152
Marmaduke PEART, of Bishopwarmouth (Bishopwearmouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Marmadoueke
DPRI/1/1670/P8/1-2: 20 August 1658  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B195
Marie PENNELL, widow, of Gateshead in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/P9/1: 13 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/P9/3: 13 April 1670  - nuncupative codicil probate of the codicil was the subject of a cause, July 1670-July 1671 (and perhaps later): Joanne Shacklocke widow, sister v William Cooke, executor (see DDR/EJ/CCA/1/16 folios 140v-159r) 
DPRI/1/1670/P9/2: 13 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £28 2s 5d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f207v-208r
Thomas PICKERING, bachelor, of Winlinton in the countie of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham]. Died 14 July 1670
DPRI/1/1670/P10/1-2: 11 July 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/P10/3: 11 July 1670  - inventory, actual total £14 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f227v
DPRI/1/1670/P11   31 October 1670
Titus PITHIE, merchant, of chapelry of All Saints, towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Pithy, Pithye
DPRI/1/1670/P11/1: 22 July 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/P11/2: 22 July 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £134 1s 6d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1670/P11/4: 22 July 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isable Pithye, relict and co-executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 31 Oct 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/P11/3: 22 July 1670  - renunciation renunciation of Thomas Moore, co-executor, nominating Isabell Pithy, relict and co-executrix, to take out administration 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f6r-6v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B215
William PORRETT, gentleman, of Hartinpooll (Hartlepooll, Hartynpoole) in the countie pallantine of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Poritte, Poritte
DPRI/1/1670/P12/1: 9 January 1665  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/P12/2: 9 January 1665  - inventory, actual total £51 17s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £16 1s 4d) 
George POTTS, gentleman, of Lower Trewhett in the county of Northumberland, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/P13/1: 14 August 1669  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f20v-203v
DPRI/1/1670/P14   11 January 1671
Thomas POTTS, of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/P14/1-2: undated  - inventory dated 8 Dec [?1670] 
DPRI/1/1670/P14/3-4: undated  - commission  with letter, 11 January 1671 commission to John Wolfall, vicar of Woodhorn, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Potts, relict; commission executed by Wolfall, 11 Jan 1671; with letter from John Mitford to Rowell relating to the dispatch of the probate commission fee 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B273
Alexander PRINTIS, gentleman, of parish of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Prentice, Prentisse, Prentis
DPRI/1/1670/P15/1: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Mary Chapman [alias Prentis, relict and executrix] 
DPRI/1/1670/P15/2: undated  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Barwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the goods left unadministered by Mary Chapman alias Prentisse, relict and executrix, to Ephan Carr alias Prentisse, daughter; commission executed by Smithson, (undated) 
John PROCKTER, gentleman, of Glanton in the county of Northumberland [Glanton, Northumberland]; also spelt Procter, Proctor
DPRI/1/1670/P16/1-2: 15 November 1668  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 13 May 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/P16/3: 15 November 1668  - inventory, actual total £10 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f202v
William PROCTER, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Proctor. Died January 1671
DPRI/1/1670/P17/1-2: 9 January 1671  - inventory exhibited, 2 Sep 1672 
DPRI/1/1670/P17/5: 9 January 1671  - copy inventory, actual total £120 8s 6d 
DPRI/1/1670/P17/3-4: 9 January 1671  - account, actual total £120 8s 6d (with discharge of £203) exhibited by Jane Proctor alias Baites (Bates), sister 
Mary RAINE, spinster, of Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R1/1: 6 March 1671  - inventory paper fragments of an unidentified (Barnard Castle) will adhere to the dorse of the inventory 
Richard RAINE, yeoman, of Gainford in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Rayne
DPRI/1/1670/R2/1: 18 January 1670  - will date uncertain: dated 18 Jan 166- and 22 Charles II (amended from 21 Charles II) [i.e. ?18 Jan 1670] 
DPRI/1/1670/R2/2-3: 18 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £321 14s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f226r
John RAMSAY, esquire, of East Lilburne in the county of Northumberland, parish of Whittingham [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ramsey
DPRI/1/1670/R3/1-2: 21 February 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/R3/3 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f200v-201r
Anthony RANSON, tailor, yeoman, of Newbotle (Newbottle) in the parrish of Houghton in the Spring in the countie of Durham [Newbottle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R4/1-2: 14 June 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/R4/3: 14 June 1670  - inventory, actual total £54 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f10v
John REED, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Read
DPRI/1/1670/R5/1: 27 November 1670  - renunciation renunciation of Elizabeth Reed, relict, nominating Thomas Forster, principal creditor, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1670/R5/2: 27 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £6 13s 9d 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B252
John REED, of PontIland (Pont Island) [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/R6/1-2: 1 March 1665  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B173
William RICHARDSON, of Tuddey (Tuddoe, Tuddow) [Tudhoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R7/2: 16 May 1670  - renunciation renunciation of Elezabeth Wheatley, daughter, nominating Robert Richardson, son, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1670/R7/1: 16 May 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/R7/3 - wrapper 
John RIDDELL, of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/R8/1: 5 May 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/R8/2: 5 May 1670  - renunciation transfer of administration of Izabell Riddell, relict, nominating James Riddell, son, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B174
Henery RIDDLEY, yeoman, of Great Burdon (Borddon) in the countye of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Henry, Ridley, Reidley
DPRI/1/1670/R9/1: 16 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/R9/2: 16 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £164 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f13r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B301
Martin RIPPON, yeoman, of Primroside in the parish of Brancepeth and county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R10/1: 12 September 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/R10/2: 12 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £49 11s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f12r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B285
John RITSON, senior, blacksmith, of Midleton in Teasdale (Middleton in Teasdaile) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R11/1: 5 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/R11/2: 5 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £18 10s 11d full date and account of debts and funeral charges lost due to damage 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f229v-230r
John RITSON, junior, of Middleton in Teasdaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R12/1: 20 May 1670  - inventory with memorandum relating that Mary Ritson, relict, requested administration be granted to her 
George ROBINSON, tailor, of Jeligate in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R13/1-2: 15 November 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B328
Richard ROBINSON, yeoman, of Moorsley in the countye of Durham [Moorsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R14/1: 14 December 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B289
Thomas ROBINSON, yeoman, of Barmore (Barmoore) within the chappelrie of Lowick (Lowicke) [Lowick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/R15/1: 3 January 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B188
Dorothy ROBSON, widow, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R16/2: 8 June 1670  - will  with codicil, 10 September 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/R16/1: 8 June 1670  - copy will  with copy codicil, 10 September 1670 
John ROBSON, tailor, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/R17/1-2: 9 November 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/R17/3: 9 November 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £11 12s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f196v
Thomas ROBSON, of Dalton P[er]se (Peircy) in the parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R18/1: 3 December 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B254
William ROBSON, of Pespoole [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R19/1-2: 29 August 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B132
Oswould ROGERS, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Oswald
DPRI/1/1670/R20/1: 24 November 1669  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f2r-2v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B159
Ralph ROTHERFORD, of Hamsterley in the county of Bishobrigg [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Rotherfoord
DPRI/1/1670/R21/1-2: 4 April 1670  - inventory 
Willyam ROUNTHWAITE, of Heighington (Heighinton) [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt William, Roundthwate
DPRI/1/1670/R22/1-3: December 1668  - will  with inventory, 7 December 1670 inventory total illegible due to damage 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B272
Mary ROWELL, widow, of barroney of Elvett in or near the citty of Durham within the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R23/1-2: 16 December 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/R23/3: 16 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £8 15s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B265
Thomas ROWELL, draper, tailor, of barroney of Elvett in or nigh the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R24/1: 21 December 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B264
Allan RUDDOCK, master and mariner, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Allen, Ruddeck, Ruddocke
DPRI/1/1670/R25/1: 17 January 1671  - inventory 
John RUTTER, skinner, glover, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/R26/1: 17 March 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/S1   29 June 1670
Beniamin SALKELD, draper, of chappelry of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Benjamin
DPRI/1/1670/S1/1-2: 28 February 1670  - nuncupative will  with nuncupative codicil, 1 March 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/S1/3: 28 February 1670  - commission to William Bickerton, preacher of Newcastle All Saints, and John Weld, curate of Newcastle St Andrew, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ralph Salkeld, father and co-executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Weld, 29 June 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f223v
John SANDERSON, gentleman, of Westgate in the parish of St Johns in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S2/1-2: 9 September 1669  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 29 June 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/S2/3: 9 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £95 9s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £57 9s 5d) exhibited, 29 June 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f224r
Anne SCAIFE, widow, of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S3/1: 21 October 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B213
William SHAFTO, infant son of George Shafto deceased and Elizabeth Shafto his wife [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Shaftoe
parish drawn from bond [292]
DPRI/1/1670/S4/1: 10 February 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/S4/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B292
Thomasyn SHAW, spinster, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Thomasin, Shawe
DPRI/1/1670/S6/1-2: 22 September 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B209
Ralphe SHAWE, yeoman, of Weste (West) Hindeon, parish of Cockfeild [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Shaw
DPRI/1/1670/S5/1: 11 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S5/2-3: 11 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £39 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 17s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f207v
Johana SHERWOOD, widow, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sheerwood
DPRI/1/1670/S7/1: 4 October 1670  - inventory 
William SHIPLEY, yeoman, of Shorte (Short) Moore in the parish of Chollerton and county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S8/1: 15 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S8/2-3: 15 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £262 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f225r
Robert SIMPSON, of Hurworth upon Teese in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S9/1-2: 5 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S9/3: 5 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £53 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £43 8s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f5r-5v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B201
DPRI/1/1670/S10   26 September 1670
Robert SINGLETON, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrough (parish) of Berwicke (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S10/1: 20 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S10/2: 20 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £79 7s inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1670/S10/3: 20 January 1669  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Singleton, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, 26 Sep 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f231v-232r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B138
George SMITH, master and mariner, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S12/1: 16 January 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B275
John SMITH, vicar of Stranton, clerk, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S13/1-2: 9 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S13/3: 9 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £56 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 19s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B295
John SMITH, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S14/1-2: 11 December 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S14/3-4: 11 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £22 5s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f14r
John SMITH, alias Wallis, of the Banes (Barnes) in Knarsdill (Knaresdaile) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S15/1: undated  - inventory with memorandum relating that a grant of administration was sought by Anne Bell alias Smith, former relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B134
DPRI/1/1670/S16   15 November 1670
Robert SMITH, felt-maker, haberdasher, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine of the parish of All Hallows [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S16/1: 14 April 1670  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/S16/2-7: 14 April 1670  - list of debts owing to deceased, actual total £99 4s 11d [exhibited at Westminster, 15 Nov 1670] 
DPRI/1/1670/S16/8: 14 April 1670  - grant of administration  with copy grant of administration, 15 November 1670 administration granted at Westminster Hall (before Thomas Burrell LL.D., Durham Official Principal) to Edward Lascells of St Martin Outwich London, grocer, principal creditor; Lascells (Lascelles) appointed the house of John Bedford of Gateshead to which citations etc. might be sent; the inventory was also exhibited and a bond executed [see 1670 bond 228] 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B228
Thomas SMITH, yeoman, of Bushop Wearmouth (Weremoth) in the counti of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S17/1-2: 22 August 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S17/3-4: 22 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £189 0s 11d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f231r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B141
John SNATH, the younger, of Witton Gilbart (Gilbert) [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Snaith
DPRI/1/1670/S18/1-2: 26 May 1670  - inventory 
John SNAWDON, miller, of Hart in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S19/1-2: 2 December 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S19/3: 2 December 1667  - inventory, actual total £8 6s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f14r
DPRI/1/1670/S11   19 July 1670
Robert SOFTLY, yeoman, of Munckton (Monckton), parish of Jarroe in the county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Softley
DPRI/1/1670/S11/1-2: 21 November 1669  - will  with nuncupative codicil, 21 November 1669 endorsed with certificate of oath (and execution of commission by John Walker), 19 July 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/S11/3: 21 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £137 10s 4d 
DPRI/1/1670/S11/4: 21 November 1669  - commission to John Walker, curate of Jarrow, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Softley widow, and Robert Softley, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by [Walker], 19 July 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f227r
Timothie SOULBIE, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Timothy, Soulby, Sowlsby
DPRI/1/1670/S20/1: 18 September 1669  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f9r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B241
John SPECK, of Elwicke within the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Specke
DPRI/1/1670/S21/1: 2 February 1671  - inventory of John Speck 'and Mary his wife' 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B298
Mary SPECKE, widow, of Elwicke in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Speck, Ann
DPRI/1/1670/S22/1: 16 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S22/2: 16 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £1 inventory of the goods etc. of Ann [?Mary] Speck of Elwick, widow; endorsed Mary Speck 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f12v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B299
William STANLEY, of Lesbury in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S23/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. left unadministered by Anne Stanley, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B182
Thomas STOKELD, of Linesicke within the countie of Durham and chapplerie of Hamstrley (Hampstarley) [Lynesack, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S24/1: 14 February 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/S25   October 1670
Richard STORY, yeoman, of Heworth Shoare (Shore) in the county of Durham [Heworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S25/1-2: 23 July 1670  - will endorsed: 'Northumberland wills in court, Oct 1670' [?probate date] 
DPRI/1/1670/S25/3: 23 July 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £949 6s 3d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £208 14s 4d) inventory includes goods etc. at Usworth 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f1v-2r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B154
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B153
William STORY, yeoman, of Whalton within the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/S26/1-2: 28 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S26/3-4: 28 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £15 6s 8d 
Registered copies: DPRI/2/8 f209r-209v, DPRI/2/8 f221r
Henry SWAINSTON, yeoman, of West Shawes [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/S27/1-2: 7 June 1670  - inventory 
William SWAINSTON, yeoman, of Thopthewles (Thorptewlis,Thorp thewles) in the countie of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Swanston
DPRI/1/1670/S28/1-2: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/S28/3-4: undated  - inventory, actual total £69 11s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f9v
Anthony SWALWELL, of White Side House within the parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Swallwell
DPRI/1/1670/S29/1: 21 October 1670  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Ann Swalwell widow, mother; exhibited by Robert Swalwell, brother 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B206
Barbara SWAN, widow, of South Sheeles [South Shields, County Durham]
Swan died 'being infected with the contagion of the plague in Cleadon Lezard House'
DPRI/1/1670/S30/1: August 1665  - nuncupative will witnesses: William Halliman, gentleman and Mary Farnton 
DPRI/1/1670/S30/2: August 1665  - inventory, actual total £20 exhibited by Nicholas Bryan [nephew], 15 Apr 1670 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f197v
Henry TATE, of Rothbury in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/T1/1-2: 26 June 1668  - will with list of debts owing to the testator of £18 17s 2d 
DPRI/1/1670/T1/3: 26 June 1668  - inventory, actual total £8 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f228v-229r
Charles THOMPSON, tanner, of Sunderland neare the Sea, parish of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/T2/1: 21 April 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/T2/2: 21 April 1670  - commission to Thomas Broughton MA, curate of Bishopwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Thompson, relict; commission executed by Broughton, 2 May 1670 
Thomas THOMPSON, scrivener, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/T3/1: 17 February 1670  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/T4   23 February 1671
Thomas THOMPSON, yeoman, of town and parish of Stranton (Strainton) in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/T4/1: 1 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/T4/2: 1 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £77 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33) 
DPRI/1/1670/T4/3: 1 April 1670  - commission to Edward Smathwaite, vicar of Hart with Hartlepool, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Fortune Thompson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smathwate, 23 Feb 1671 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f13v
William THOMPSON, glazier, plumber, of Morpeth in the countie of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/T5/1-2: 16 April 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/T5/3: 16 April 1668  - inventory, actual total £3 16s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f4r
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B175
Symon THORPE, of Wollveston (Woolviston) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Simon
DPRI/1/1670/T6/1-2: 8 March 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B124
John THURSBYE, of Schole Akerliffe (Schoole Aickliffe, Akelie) [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Thursbie, Thursby
DPRI/1/1670/T7/1-2: 1 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/T7/3: 1 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £53 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f204r
William WAKE, of Kell's Loaning, parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W2/1-2: 25 February 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/W1   22 February 1670
Thomas WALES, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Wailes
DPRI/1/1670/W1/1: 4 February 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1670/W1/2: 4 February 1670  - commission to John Ladler MA, rector of Gateshead, and Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabel Wailes, relict; commission executed by Ladler, 22 Feb 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/W3   18 July 1670
Richard WALKER, gentleman, of North Sheeles in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/W3/1: 9 June 1670  - nuncupative will endorsed with certificate of oath, 18 July 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/W3/3: 9 June 1670  - commission to John Harrison, curate of Tynemouth, and Stephen Boardley, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Bell, legatee, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Harrison, 18 July 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/W3/2: 9 June 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £41 16s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f227r
Cuthbert WALLASSE, yeoman, of Nether Fairhill (Neatherfairhill, Nether Fairehill) in the parish of Aldston (Alston) in Aldstonmoore and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Wallas, Wallis
DPRI/1/1670/W4/1-2: 5 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/W4/3: 5 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £140 17s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f222v
Robert WALLIS, of Intaks (Intackes) in the parish of Knarsdayle (Knaresdaile) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/W5/1-2: 24 August 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B127
Thomas WALTON, alias Wascat, of Intax, parish of Knaresdaile [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Wastcat
DPRI/1/1670/W6/1: 31 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/W6/2: 31 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £16 2s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 8s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B297
George WATSON, of Benrigge (Bendredge, Benridge) in the parish of Mitford [Mitford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/W7/1: 27 May 1670  - inventory 
Lucye WATSON, of Winlaton [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Lucy
DPRI/1/1670/W8/1: 16 July 1669  - inventory with memorandum relating that grant of administration was requested by Elizabeth Watson widow, for the use of the deceased's daughters, Mary and Margaret Watson 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B130
Roggar WATSON, yeoman, of Belsay (Belsey) in the parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Roger
DPRI/1/1670/W9/1-2: 5 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/W9/3-4: 5 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £49 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B164
Thomas WATSON, [royal navy] mariner, of Monk Wearmouth [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W10/1: 16 August 1670  - inventory £19 of the total was 'for arrears of pay due unto him by his Ma[jes]tie in the late Dutch Warr' 
Anne WELTON, widow, of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W11/1-2: 5 April 1670  - nuncupative will 
Nicolas WHEATLEY, yeoman, of East Rainton (Raineton, Renton) of the parrish of Houghton le Springe within the countie of Durham [East Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W12/1-2: 8 June 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/W12/3: 8 June 1670  - inventory, actual total £68 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f224v
Mary WILKINSON, of parishe of St Nicholas of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W13/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B246
William WILKINSON, haberdasher, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/W14/1: 28 April 1670  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1670/W14/2: 28 April 1670  - copy inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Stephen WILLOBY, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrough of Berwicke (Berwick, Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Willoughby, Willowby
DPRI/1/1670/W15/1-2: 20 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/W15/3-4: 20 January 1670  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1670/W15/7: 20 January 1670  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and William Davidson, preacher of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Willoughby, relict and executrix, and also to grant to her the tuition of Sarah, Mary and Margaret Willoughby, daughters; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, (undated) 
DPRI/1/1670/W15/5-6: 20 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £214 
DPRI/1/1670/W15/8 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f226v
Timothy WILSON, weaver, of North Baley nigh the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W16/1-2: 14 October 1668  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/W16/4: 14 October 1668  - inventory of debts, actual total £24 10s (with account of debts of £4) list of debts owing to testator 
DPRI/1/1670/W16/3: 14 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £40 18s total includes debts owing to testator 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f221v
John WINSHIPP, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1670/W17/1: 2 February 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B296
Dorothy WOOD, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dorothie, Woodd
DPRI/1/1670/W18/1-2: 26 April 1670  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 26 May 1670 
DPRI/1/1670/W18/3: 26 April 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £633 14s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f204v-205r
Thomas WOOD, gentleman, of Coxhoe (Coxhow) [in the] county of Durham [Coxhoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W19/1-2: 4 February 1670  - will  with inventory of debts, undated, actual total £39 7s 4d list of debts is probably of those owing by testator, and is also likely to be contemporaneous with the will 
DPRI/1/1670/W19/3: 4 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £18 3s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f158v
John WRANGHAM, yeoman, of Heighley (Heighly) Hall in the county of Durham, parish of Winston [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/W20/1-2: 21 October 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/W20/3: 21 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £79 6s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 16s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f226r
George WRAYE, esquire, of Beamish [Beamish, County Durham]; also spelt Wray
DPRI/1/1670/W21/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas WRAYE, esquire, of Beamish (Bemish) in the county of Durham [Beamish, County Durham]; also spelt Wrey
DPRI/1/1670/W22/1-2: 20 January 1671  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by George Wrey, brother and executor; exhibited by Charles Wrey, nephew 
Gabriell WRIGHT, cordwainer, Claypitt (Claypeth, Claypith) in the cittie of Durham, Bearepeare [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham; Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Gabriel, Write, Gabrell. Died 19 March 1669
occupation also described as shoemaker; Wright died at Bearpark
DPRI/1/1670/W23/1-2: 19 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/W23/3: 19 January 1669  - inventory, actual total £95 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f195v
Willyam WRIGHT, yeoman, gentleman, of Norton within the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt William
DPRI/1/1670/W24/1: 30 April 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1670/W24/2-3: 30 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £206 14s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £106 19s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f230r
Dorothy WYTHAM, widow, of Gillegate (Giligate, Gilligate, Gillygate) near the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Witham, Dorithy, Withham
DPRI/1/1670/W25/1-2: 12 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/W25/3-4: 12 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £80 4s 9d inventory includes goods etc. at Preston 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f223r
Anthony YOUNG, of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1670/Y1/1: 13 April 1670  - inventory 
Robert YOUNG, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge
DPRI/1/1670/Y2/1-2: 29 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1670/Y2/3: 29 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £860 17s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f11v
bond: DPRI/3/1670/B276
Wills etc proved 1671
Reference: DPRI/1/1671
William ADSTON, of Alnwick (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/A1/1-2: 28 November 1671  - inventory 
George ALDER, the elder, gentleman, of Prendicke (Prendick) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Alneham [Alnham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/A2/1-2: 21 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/A2/3-4: 21 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £698 18s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f34r-35v
Issabell ALLGOOD, widow, of town of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Isabel, Algood
DPRI/1/1671/A3/1: 25 October 1671  - inventory 
Bertram ANDERSON, merchant []; also spelt Bartram. Died April 1665
no address given
DPRI/1/1671/A4/1: 16 January 1672  - inventory 
Margrett ANDERSON, widow, of Lemington, parish of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret. Died 29 May 1671
DPRI/1/1671/A5/1-2: 19 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/A5/3: 19 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £13 1s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B329
Robert ANDERSON, baker, brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/A6/1: 19 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/A6/2: 19 April 1670  - indented inventory, actual total £117 12s 5d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f22r-22v
Anthony APPLEBIE [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Appleby
address drawn from bond [A311]
DPRI/1/1671/A7/1: 8 December 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B311
Thomas ARMSTRONG, of Emley [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
address uncertain: Emley, now in Plenmeller with Whitfield, Northumberland
DPRI/1/1671/A8/1: 30 July 1670  - inventory 
Anthony ARROWSMITH, of Cotham Mundavell in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/A9/1-2: 28 November 1671  - inventory 
Robert ATCHESON, yeoman, of Fenham in the county pallatyne of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/A10/1-2: 16 April 1667  - will with list of debts owing by testator of £36 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1671/A10/3-4: 16 April 1667  - inventory, actual total £25 16s 8d 
Richard ATKINSON, weaver, of Great Lumley within the county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/A11/1: 8 September 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/A11/2: 8 September 1660  - inventory, actual total £7 0s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 8s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f211r
William ATKINSON, of Hookerhouse in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/A12/1-2: 17 July 1671  - inventory 
Richard BADDELEY, the elder, gentleman, of the North Balie (Baylie) of the citty of Durham in the county palatine of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Baddely, Baddelie
DPRI/1/1671/B1/1: 30 September 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B1/2: 30 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £641 18s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £50) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f48r-49r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B283
Henry BAINBRIGG, yeoman, of the Hill in Middleton in Teasedale (Midleton in Teasdale) within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Bainebridge
DPRI/1/1671/B3/1-2: 24 March 1671  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 19 August 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/B3/3: 24 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £28 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £63) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f27v-28r
Francis BARROWE, yeoman, of Hunter Crook, Towhouse in the parishe of Haltwisle and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Barrow, Borrow
DPRI/1/1671/B4/1: 6 July 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B4/2: 6 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £41 (with account of funeral expenses of £6 10s) dated 2 Aug [?1671] 
Anthony BAYLES, yeoman, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Bailes
DPRI/1/1671/B2/1: 30 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B2/2: 30 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £125 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 19s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f21r
Anthony BELL, of Barrasford in the parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/B5/1: 3 May 1671  - inventory 
Edward BELL, yeoman, of Short Ridge (Shortridge) in the parish of Warkeworth and county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]. Died 19 April 1671
DPRI/1/1671/B6/1: 30 March 1671  - will with list of debts owing to (£47 15s 7d) and owing by testator (£20) 
DPRI/1/1671/B6/2: 30 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £214 11s 3d endorsed: 'to send this probate to Mr Peter Bush's house in Newcastle, directed to Thomas Bell of Birling' 
Humphrey BELL, gentleman, of Stannington Milne (Stanington Bridge) in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/B7/1-2: 6 July 1671  - inventory 
Dame Margaret BELLASES, widow, of Elvett in or neere the cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham, parish of St Oswalds [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Margarett, Bellasys, Bellassys, Bellasses
DPRI/1/1671/B8/1-2: 3 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B8/3: 3 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £463 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f43r-43v
DPRI/1/1671/B9   18 May 1671
William BICKERTON, clerk, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/B9/1-2: 16 March 1671  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/B9/4: 16 March 1671  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Bickerton, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 18 May 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/B9/3: 16 March 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £116 2s 8d 
DPRI/1/1671/B9/5: 16 March 1671  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f19v-20r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B44
John BLACKETT, yeoman, of Greenehead (Greenhead) in the parrish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Blacket
DPRI/1/1671/B10/1: 10 December 1670  - inventory 
Ralph BLACKISTON, gentleman, of Chopwell [Chopwell, County Durham]; also spelt Blakiston
DPRI/1/1671/B11/1-2: 19 July 1671  - inventory 
Thomas BLUNT, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/B12/1: 27 May 1671  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 16 October 1671 will, with 16 Oct 1671 memorandum of the witnesses verifying the accuracy of the copy; endorsed with receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1671/B12/2: 27 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £96 8s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f32v-33r
John BLYTHMAN, the elder, yeoman, of Breackenbury Leases (Brackenberry Leeses, Brackenbury Leazes) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Bliethman
DPRI/1/1671/B13/1-2: 24 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B13/3: 24 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £7 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B327
Robert BOWMAN, yeoman, of Crose Lands (Crosslands) in the parish of Alston and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/B15/1: 6 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B15/2: 6 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £25 (with account of debts of £8 9s 11d) 
William BRANDLING, gentleman, of Alnewicke Abby in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/B16/1-2: 27 November 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B16/3: 27 November 1667  - inventory, actual total £20 
Phillip BROUGH, yeoman, of East Rainton (Raineton) and in the county of Durham [East Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Phillipp
DPRI/1/1671/B17/1-2: 17 October 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B17/3: 17 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £35 2s 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B293
William BROWELL, of Cowclose in the chapplery of Lamesley and county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/B18/1: 23 May 1671  - inventory 
William BROWNE, yeoman, of Cresswell in the county of Northumberland [Cresswell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/B19/1: 28 November 1670  - inventory 
Thomas BROWNE, blacksmith, of Houghton in le Springe in the parish of Houghton le Spring and countie of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/B20/1: 4 September 1671  - inventory 
Thomas BULLOCKE, gentleman, of Whitwell in the county of Durham [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Bullock
DPRI/1/1671/B21/1: 20 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B21/3-4: 20 April 1671  - nuncupative codicil endorsed with (damaged) probate office endorsement relating to the Dean and Chapter of Durham 
DPRI/1/1671/B21/2: 20 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £439 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £86 7s 8d) list of debts include one to [Sherburn] Hospital 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f29r-29v
DPRI/1/1671/B22   27 November 1671
George BUNNY, gentleman, of Newsham (Newsame), parish of Winston in the countie of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Bonney
DPRI/1/1671/B22/1-2: 11 August 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/B22/3: 11 August 1668  - inventory, actual total £110 15s 
DPRI/1/1671/B22/4: 11 August 1668  - commission to Edmund Fotherbie MA, perpetual vicar of Gainford, and Cuthbert Marley, vicar of Winston, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Bathsheba Bunny, relict, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fotherbie and Marley, 27 Nov 1671 
George BURN, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Bourne, Burne
DPRI/1/1671/B14/1-2: 12 October 1670  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f52r-52v
William BUSBY, of Bellasses in the parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/B23/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/B23/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B300
DPRI/1/1671/C1   25 May 1671
William CALDWELL, gentleman, of Sunderland neare the Sea, parish of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/C1/1: 17 March 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C1/3: 17 March 1670  - commission to Thomas Broughton, curate of Bishopwearmouth, and John Harper, vicar of Monkwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Caldwell, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Broughton, 25 May 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/C1/2: 17 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £106 18s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f20v
Francis CARDE, of Shinckliffe Milne (Mylne) [Shincliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Card
DPRI/1/1671/C2/1-2: 10 April 1671  - inventory 
Jeane CARE, of Cralow in the parish of Egingham (Eglingham) in the countie of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Jane, Carr
DPRI/1/1671/C6/1-2: 16 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C6/3: 16 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £35 16s 
DPRI/1/1671/C6/4: 16 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £1 0s 6d 
DPRI/1/1671/C3   28 July 1671
Henry CARLILE, master and mariner, of chapelry of St Hilda, South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Henery, Carlyle, Carlisle
DPRI/1/1671/C3/1: 21 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C3/3: 21 April 1671  - commission to Stephan Boardley, curate of St Hilda, and John Harrison, curate of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Carlisle, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Harrison, 28 July 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/C3/2: 21 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £150 17s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f26v-27v
William CARNABY, mason, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine in the chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/C4/1-2: 21 November 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C4/3: 21 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £85 6s 4d 
James CARR, yeoman, of South Bayley (Baley) in the citty and county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/C5/1: 28 March 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C5/2: 28 March 1667  - inventory, actual total £15 5s 8d 
DPRI/1/1671/C7   9 February 1672
Michaell CARR, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1671/C7/1-2: 29 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C7/3: 29 August 1671  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Phillis Metcalfe widow, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 9 Feb 1672 
DPRI/1/1671/C7/4: 29 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £25 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B306
Matthew CHALLONER, weaver, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Mathew, Challiner
DPRI/1/1671/C8/1-2: 25 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C8/3-4: 25 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £46 14s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f34r
Thomas CHARLETON, the younger, of Helmden Raw (Rawe) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/C9/1: 29 April 1667  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/C9/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B271
Custance CHILTON, of Brearton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Christian
DPRI/1/1671/C10/1: undated  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/C10/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B296
Anne CHIPCHAIS, widow, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Ann, Chipchase
DPRI/1/1671/C11/1: 4 September 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C11/2: 4 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £47 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 13s 4d) 
Robert CLARKE, senior, gentleman, of Great Lumley and parish of Chester in the Street in the countie of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/C12/1-2: 20 June 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/C12/3-4: 20 June 1671  - account, actual total £35 16s 8d (with discharge of £75 5s 1d) exhibited by William Clarke, son; subscribed with memorandum relating that letters testimonial were issued, 18 July 1672 
DPRI/1/1671/C12/5 - wrapper endorsed with direction to John Midford at Durham, apparitor 
Mary CLARKE, widow, of parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Clark
DPRI/1/1671/C13/1: 30 April 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/C13/2: 30 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £49 6s 6d 
William CLERKE, gentleman, of Great Lumly (Lumley) in the county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Clarke
DPRI/1/1671/C14/1: 6 October 1671  - inventory 
Raiph COALL, yeoman, of Morley (Morly) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Cole
DPRI/1/1671/C17/1: 13 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C17/2: 13 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £109 18s (with account of debts of £37) 
Robert COCKBURNE, yeoman, of the brough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Cowburne
DPRI/1/1671/C15/1-2: 18 October 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C15/4: 18 October 1669  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Christian Cockburne, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, (undated) 
DPRI/1/1671/C15/3: 18 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £21 16s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f16v
Samuell COCKE, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Samuel
DPRI/1/1671/C16/1: 22 November 1671  - copy will copy made, 19 Dec 1671 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f46v-47r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B278
DPRI/1/1671/C18   29 January 1672
George COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Shipley, parish of Egglingham in the county of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/C18/1: 13 December 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/C18/2: 13 December 1671  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Christopher Greatham, principal creditor; commission executed by Naylor, 29 Jan 1672 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B301
DPRI/1/1671/C19   22 February 1672
Samuell COLLINGWOOD, of chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Samuel
DPRI/1/1671/C19/1: 10 February 1672  - inventory of household and [tobacconist] shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1671/C19/2: 10 February 1672  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Potts alias Collingwood widow, mother; commission executed by Naylor, 22 Feb 1672 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B318
Alice COLSON, daughter of of Thomas Colson late of Park Wall, spinster, of Park Wall within the parish of Wolsingham and county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Coulson
DPRI/1/1671/C23/3-5: 17 December 1669  - will list of legacies [?used as draft for item C23/1-2]; endorsed with incomplete lambitive recipe 
DPRI/1/1671/C23/1-2: 17 December 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/C23/6: 17 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £157 8s 4d lists of debts owing to testatrix are drawn from an earlier account dated 17 Sep 1667 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B43
Edward COOKE, husbandman, yeoman, of Cheswick (Cheswicke) in the county pallatine of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/C21/1: 28 January 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/C21/2: 28 January 1664  - inventory, actual total £19 8s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f25r-25v
Matheu CORNER, of Dalton Percy [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Mathew
DPRI/1/1671/C22/1: 7 April 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/C22/2 - wrapper 
Thomas COYLLER, of Pensher within the parrish of Houghton in the Springe [Penshaw, County Durham]; also spelt Collier
DPRI/1/1671/C20/1-2: undated  - inventory 
John CROOK, of Sunderland [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Crooke
DPRI/1/1671/C24/1: 8 December 1671  - inventory exact date in Dec 1671 uncertain (damage) 
George CUMIN, yeoman, of Bishopton in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Cummyn
DPRI/1/1671/C25/1: 14 December 1671  - inventory total in fact appears to be £54 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B270
John DACKE, yeoman, Pearsbridge (Pearshbridge) in the parishe of Gainford (Gaineford), Cokerton (Cockerton) [Piercebridge, County Durham; Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/D1/1-2: 2 February 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/D1/3-4: 2 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £48 19s  with inventory, actual total £105 6s inventory of goods etc. at the testator's house and land at Cockerton and at his farm at Piercebridge 
DPRI/1/1671/D2   21 November 1671
Roger DALTON, baker, beer-brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/D2/1: 12 January 1669  - copy will subscribed with (1) memorandum of probate, 21 Nov 1671; (2) 29 Nov 1671 memorandum of the witnesses verifying the accuracy of the copy; (3) 8 Aug 1696 memorandum relating that the will was read in the Newcastle Assizes. Endorsed with memorandum of 17 Jan 1693 Westminster Chancery cause: William Fletcher v Roger Dalton and others 
DPRI/1/1671/D2/2: 12 January 1669  - indented inventory, actual total £42 18s 6d (with account of debts of £114) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f40v
George DOBSON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/D3/1: 1 June 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/D3/2: 1 June 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £47 8s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f39r-40r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B295
Alice DODDS, widow, of chapplerie of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/D4/1-2: 11 May 1671  - inventory 
Chrytopher DODS, thatcher, of Sedgfeild in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher, Dodds
DPRI/1/1671/D5/1-2: 23 July 1670  - inventory 
Robert DOWNES, son of Christopher Downes of Leazingthorn gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/D6/1: undated  - inventory 
Marke DOWSON, yeoman, of Brenckley [Dinnington, Northumberland]; also spelt Mark
DPRI/1/1671/D7/1: 2 October 1671  - inventory 
John DRAPER, gentleman, of Headlam in the parish of Gainford (Gaineford) [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/D8/1: 16 February 1672  - inventory exhibited by Henry Draper, 16 Feb 1672 
Anthony EASTGATE, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/E1/1-2: 21 September 1671  - inventory 
Lawrance EMERSON, weaver, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Laurence, Emmerson
DPRI/1/1671/E2/1: 13 September 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/E2/2: 13 September 1658  - inventory, actual total £9 18s 4d (with account of debts of £10) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f45v
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B272
John EWARD, of Meddomsley [Medomsley, County Durham]. Died 20 May 1671
DPRI/1/1671/E3/1: undated  - inventory with memorandum relating that a grant of administration was requested by Jane Eward, widow 
Robert EWART, cordwainer, of Warke within the county of Northumberland [Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ewarte
parish of Carham inferred from references to Carham and Learmouth in will and inventory
DPRI/1/1671/E4/1: 28 March 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/E4/2: 28 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £23 3s (with account of debts of £2) account of (grain) debts owing to testator uses new boll (2 bushels) measure of 4 kennings to the boll 
Jane FAWCUS, alias Bell, wife of Thomas Fawcus of Newcastle St Andrew, of chapplerie of Saint Andrews in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/F2/1-2: 10 January 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B288
Thomas FAWSETT, yeoman, of Corbridge within the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Fawcett
DPRI/1/1671/F1/1: 3 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/F1/2-3: 3 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £26 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 12s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f36v-37r
John FELL, yeoman, of Ryhop (Ryhope) aliis Rivehop in the parish of Bishop Wearemouth (Wearmouth) and county of Durham [Ryhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/F3/1-2: 21 September 1671  - inventory 
George FENWICK, of Weetslets in the parrish of Longbenton (Long Benton) and county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1671/F4/1-2: 5 June 1671  - inventory 
Sir John FENWICK, knight, baronet, Fenwick in the countye of Northumberland, Wallington [Stamfordham, Northumberland; Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1671/F5/1-2: 2 December 1656  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/F5/3-4: 2 December 1656  - inventory, actual total £444 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f25v-26r
Elisabeth FOULIS, spinster, Benwell in the county of Northumberland, Brancepeth within the county of Durham [Benwell, Northumberland; Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Elizabeth, Fowlis
DPRI/1/1671/F6/1-2: 31 March 1671  - will with certificate of oath, (undated) 
DPRI/1/1671/F6/3: 31 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £740 exhbited by Mary Shaftoe, executrix 
Margarett FRAZER, spinster, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Fraser
DPRI/1/1671/F7/1: 6 July 1671  - inventory 
Matthew FRENCH, yeoman, of Haydon in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Mathew
DPRI/1/1671/F8/1: 6 April 1671  - inventory 
Thomas FRISSELL, yeoman, of South Street in the subborbs of the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Frizell
DPRI/1/1671/F9/1: undated  - inventory 
William GAITES, innkeeper, gentleman, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Gates
DPRI/1/1671/G1/1-2: 15 June 1670  - will endorsed: 'originall will's not extracted under seale' 
DPRI/1/1671/G1/3: 15 June 1670  - inventory, actual total £39 6s 8d (with account of debts of £41 17s 10d) 
Elisabeth GARFOOTE, of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Elizabeth, Garfoord
DPRI/1/1671/G2/1: 2 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/G2/2: 2 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £128 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £5 16s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1671/G3   14 October 1671
John GARSTELL, vintner, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland; Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Garstall
DPRI/1/1671/G3/1-2: 24 July 1671  - nuncupative will  with nuncupative codicil, 24 July 1671  with nuncupative codicil, 24 July 1671 with memorandum relating to 18 Apr 1683 Westminster Chancery case: Roger Garstell v John Varey and others 
DPRI/1/1671/G3/4-5: 24 July 1671  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabel Garstell, relict, and also to grant to her the tuition of Margaret and Jane Garstell, daughters; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 14 Oct 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/G3/3: 24 July 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £568 10s 2d inventory includes goods etc. at Wyserley [Wiserley, Wolsingham] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f31v-32r
Anthony GARTH, yeoman, of Luttrington in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/G4/1: 11 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/G4/2: 11 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £37 8s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f42r
Thomas GIBSON, yeoman, of Cockerton within the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/G5/1: 27 December 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/G5/2: 27 December 1671  - inventory, actual total £156 15s (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £60 13s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B292
William GIBSON, gentleman, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham; Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/G6/1: 26 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/G6/2: 26 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £176 inventory of goods etc. at Stranton and Durham [City] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f42v
William GOFTON, gentleman, of Faudon (Fadon) in the county of Northumberland [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Willim
parish uncertain: Gosforth or Ingram
DPRI/1/1671/G7/1-2: 4 November 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/G7/3: 4 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £71 14s 6d 
Thomas GRAY, yeoman, of Wooller in the county of Northumberland [Wooler, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/G8/1: 3 April 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/G8/2: 3 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £97 17s 3d (with unspecified discharge of £26 14s) 
Matthew GREENWELL, of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Mathew
DPRI/1/1671/G9/1: 4 April 1671  - inventory 
Stephen HADDOCKE, of Marley in the parish of Houghton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H1/1: 6 October 1671  - inventory 
George HALL, of Pelton [Pelton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H2/1: 10 November 1670  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/H2/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B277
Susanna HALL, [?sister of Tymothea Hall], spinster, of Ferryhill, in the parish of Merrington [Ferryhill, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H3/1: 8 August 1671  - inventory of Susanna Hall, actual total £155  with inventory of Tymothea Hall, 8 August 1671, actual total £105 two separate inventories of the goods etc. of Susanna and Timothea Hall, spinsters 
Thomas HALL, fuller, dyer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/H4/1: 10 July 1671  - will endorsed with further bequest of same date 
DPRI/1/1671/H4/2: 10 July 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £352 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f37v-38v
Thomas HARLE, yeoman, of Flatworth in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/H5/1: 14 July 1671  - inventory exhibited by Richard Harle, 14 July 1671 
Anthoney HARPERLEY, of towneshipp of Hart Burne (Hartburne) [Hartburn, County Durham]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1671/H6/1: 27 March 1671  - inventory 
John HARPERLEY, cordwainer, of Stodday in the parish of Dinsdaile (Dinsdale) in the countye of Durham [Dinsdale, County Durham]; also spelt Harperlee
DPRI/1/1671/H7/1-2: 14 June 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H7/3: 14 June 1671  - inventory, actual total £30 14s (with account of debts of £3 13s 2d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B287
Suzanna HARPERLEY, of Hartburne [Hartburn, County Durham]; also spelt Susanna
DPRI/1/1671/H8/1: 12 April 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/H8/2 - wrapper 
Elizabeth HARRISON, widow, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H9/1: 30 June 1671  - inventory 
Thomas HARRISON, of Barmton within the parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Herison
DPRI/1/1671/H10/1-2: 29 November 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H10/3: 29 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £104 
Thomas HARRISON, yeoman, of Kimblesworth (Kymblesworth) in the county of Durham [Kimblesworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H11/1-2: 28 April 1671  - copy will endorsed with 7 Mar 1671 memorandum of the witnesses certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1671/H11/3-4: 28 April 1671  - copy inventory, actual total £326 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £70 10s) 
DPRI/1/1671/H11/5: 28 April 1671  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f17r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B325
Thomas HASWELL, of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Hasswell
DPRI/1/1671/H12/1-2: 25 October 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H12/3: 25 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £127 10s (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £114 17s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f41v
Robert HEARON, yeoman, of Humshaugh in the parish of Symonburne (Symondburne) and county of Northumberland [Humshaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Heron
DPRI/1/1671/H13/1-2: 29 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H13/3-4: 29 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £51 17s 6d (with account of debts of over £120) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f36v
Nicholas HENDERSON []
no address given
DPRI/1/1671/H14/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/H14/2 - wrapper 
William HESILRIGE, esquire, of Swarland in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Heslerigg, Hesilrigg, Heslerig
DPRI/1/1671/H15/1-2: 28 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H15/3: 28 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £101 5s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f26v
Isabell HILL, widow, of Munckseaton in the parish of Tinemouth (Tynemouth) and county of Northumberland [Monkseaton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/H16/1: 28 September 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/H16/2: 28 September 1671  - commission to Thomas Dockwray D.D., vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to James Ladler and Thomas Hills for the sole use of the children of the deceased; commission executed by Dockwray, 23 Oct 1671 
Elizabeth HODGON, spinster, of Whorleton in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgeon, Hodshon
DPRI/1/1671/H17/1: 26 February 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H17/2: 26 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £2 8s 6d 
DPRI/1/1671/H17/3 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1671/H18   22 April 1671
William HORSLEY, gentleman, of High Callerton, parish of Pont Island in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Horseley
DPRI/1/1671/H18/1-4: 20 October 1670  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/H18/5: 20 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £114 7s 
DPRI/1/1671/H18/6: 20 October 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Horsley, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 22 Apr 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/H18/7: 20 October 1670  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f17v-18r
Maball HOWNAM, spinster, of Milfeild in the parish of Kirk Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Mabell
DPRI/1/1671/H19/1-2: 10 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H19/3: 10 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £11 14s 8d 
John HUCHINSON, yeoman, of Over Read Weing in Aldstonmoore in the parish of Garrigill and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1671/H25/1-2: 5 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H25/3: 5 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £10 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f15v-16r
John HUDSON, yeoman, Rainton Pittes, South Biddicke within the parrish of Houghton in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H20/1: 16 January 1672  - will with (undated) memorandum of the witnesses certifying its proper publication 
DPRI/1/1671/H20/2-3: 16 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £115 13s 4d (with account of debts of £55) 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B317
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B316
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B315
Robert HUDSON, of Tittleington, parish of Bothall [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/H21/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/H22   28 February 1672
John HUNTER, yeoman, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/H22/1: 18 November 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H22/2: 18 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £29 16s 
DPRI/1/1671/H22/3: 18 November 1671  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1671/H22/4: 18 November 1671  - commission to John Falder, vicar of Shilbottle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Hunter and Thomas Wetherburne, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Falder, 28 Feb 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f50v-51v
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B323
John HUNTER, blacksmith, of Newton Hall (Hill) in the parish of Bywell St Peter and countye of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/H23/1: 6 July 1671  - inventory 
Thomas HUTCHESON []; also spelt Hutchinson
no address given
DPRI/1/1671/H24/1: 26 September 1671  - inventory 
Robert HUTCHINSON, cordwainer, of South Street in the suburbs in the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H26/1-2: 30 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/H26/3-4: 30 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £13 6s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f40v-41r
John HUTTON, of Southside in the parrish (chapelry) of Hamsterly [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/H27/1: 29 October 1671  - inventory 
Isabell INGRAM, widow, of town (parish) of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/I1/4: 31 May 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/I1/1-2: 31 May 1671  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Archbald, sister, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, (undated) 
DPRI/1/1671/I1/3: 31 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £24 17s 5d inventory of goods etc. 'recovered of Mr John Ingram by Thomas Archbald and Margrett his wife in the court of Barwicke' 
Thomas INGRAM, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of Berwicke (Barwicke) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Died 1666
date of death appoximately 5 years prior to the making of the inventory
DPRI/1/1671/I2/1: 30 November 1671  - inventory 
Gabriel JACKSON, notary public, of Elvett Bridgend, neare the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/J1/1-4: 28 March 1671  - copy will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f14v-15v
Ralph JACKSON, of Lumley [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Raiph
DPRI/1/1671/J2/1: 27 September 1671  - inventory 
Gawin JOHNSON, butcher, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gawine
DPRI/1/1671/J3/1: 5 July 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/J3/2-3: 5 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £143 9s 4d inventory of goods (£26 19s 4d) and all debts owing to testator (£116 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f43v-45v
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B269
William JOHNSON, the elder, yeoman, of Wollveston in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/J4/1-2: 22 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/J4/3: 22 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £320 1s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f41r-41v
Mary KAMISH, widow, of brough of Berwick vupon Tweed (Berwicke, Barwick upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Keemish, Kemish
DPRI/1/1671/K2/1-2: 2 October 1670  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 21 October 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/K2/3-4: 2 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £21 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f35v-36r
Syth KAY, widow, of Graston in the county of Durham [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1671/K1/1-2: 1 June 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/K1/3-4: 1 June 1670  - inventory, actual total £73 14s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £5) 
Thomas KENELESIDE, of Sunderland besides the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Keenleside
DPRI/1/1671/K3/1: 7 August 1671  - inventory 
Robert LAMBERT, yeoman, of Tweedmouth in the county pallataine of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/L1/1: 31 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/L1/2-3: 31 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £220 17s 5d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £85 3s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f24v-25r
John LAW, yeoman, of parish of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Lawe
DPRI/1/1671/L2/1-2: 23 November 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/L2/3-4: 23 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £163 10s 
Cuthbert LAWES, of Kibblesworth in the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/L3/1: 23 September 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B298
George LEWEN, of the Midle Street (Midlestreet) []
parish unknown
DPRI/1/1671/L4/1: 18 January 1671  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Henry LEWIN, gentleman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Lewen
DPRI/1/1671/L5/1: 31 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/L5/2: 31 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £171 0s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f51v-52r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B331
Nicolas LOWES, yeoman, of Ridley in the parish of Haltwhisle (Haltwisle) and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholas
DPRI/1/1671/L7/1: 20 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/L7/2: 20 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £20 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 19s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f37v
William LUMSDEN, gentleman, of Morpeth Abbey Grange in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/L8/1-2: 4 October 1670  - inventory 
William LYLE, baker, of Berwick (Barwick, Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisle
DPRI/1/1671/L6/1: 2 February 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/L6/2: 2 February 1671  - commission to John Smithson MA, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabel Lisle, relict; commission executed by Smithson, (undated) 
James MANNERS, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/M2/1-2: 23 October 1671  - inventory 
Robert MARLEY []
no address given
DPRI/1/1671/M3/1: 26 September 1671  - inventory 
Robertt MARLEY, gentleman, of Picktree in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1671/M4/1-2: 16 October 1671  - copy will with 13 Jan 1672 memorandum of the witnesses certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1671/M4/3: 16 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £255 19s 11d 
DPRI/1/1671/M4/4: 16 October 1671  - receipt for the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B294
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B290
Henry MARSHALL, yeoman, of Standley (Stanley) in the countey of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]. Died 28 October 1671
DPRI/1/1671/M5/1-2: 23 October 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/M5/3: 23 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £161 2s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £43 14s 10d) inventory includes some goods held in partnership with Marshall's son-in-law 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B279
Anne MARTIN, widow, of Seaton in the parish of Seaham in the county of Durham [Seaham, County Durham]; also spelt Martyn
DPRI/1/1671/M6/1-2: 17 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/M6/3: 17 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £101 15s 
George MARTIN, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Martyn
DPRI/1/1671/M7/1: 6 September 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/M7/2 - wrapper 
Thomas MASON, keelman, yeoman, of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/M8/1-2: 27 March 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/M8/3-4: 27 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £61 14s 4d 
James MATHER, pewterer, of Gateshead in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Matther
DPRI/1/1671/M10/1: 8 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/M10/2: 8 May 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £110 11s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f22v-23r
Ann MATHEW, of Cleadon [Cleadon, County Durham]. Died 14 June 1671
DPRI/1/1671/M9/1: 26 September 1671  - inventory 
Thomas MAUGHAM, of St Andrew Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Maughan
DPRI/1/1671/M12/1-2: 4 May 1671  - inventory 
John MAUGHAN, yeoman, of Morreley (Moreley, Morraley) in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/M11/1-2: 18 May 1666  - will with memorandum relating that the will was further 'acknowledged' by Maughan, 21 Aug 1670 
DPRI/1/1671/M11/3: 18 May 1666  - inventory, actual total £263 3s 10d 
Richard MAYNESFORTH, yeoman, of Shinklie (Shinckley, Shinkeley) in the countie of Durham, parish of St Oswald [Shincliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Maynesforthe, Mainsforth, Maineforth, Mansforth
DPRI/1/1671/M1/1-2: 1 June 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/M1/3: 1 June 1670  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/M1/4-5: 1 June 1670  - inventory, actual total £83 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f30v
DPRI/1/1671/M13   7 September 1671
Charles METCALFE, merchant adventurer, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Midcalfe
DPRI/1/1671/M13/1: 26 August 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/M13/2: 26 August 1671  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and WIlliam Major, clerk, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Phillis Metcalfe, relict; commission executed, 7 Sep 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/M14   1 August 1671
George MILBURNE, gentleman, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/M14/1-2: 1 August 1671  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA and Ralph Astell, vicar and curate of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Susanna Hutchinson alias Milburne, sister; commission executed by Astell, 1 Aug 1671 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B108
Esdras MILLS []; also spelt Mill
no address given
DPRI/1/1671/M15/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas MILLS, carpenter, of Waskerley in the parish of Shotley and in the county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/M16/1: 17 April 1671  - will subscribed with [?contemporaneous] list of debts owing to the testator of £150 12s 
DPRI/1/1671/M16/2-3: 17 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £164 12s 10d 
John MOORE, of Humelton (Humbleton) in the county of Northumberland [Wooler, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/M17/1: 15 June 1671  - will endorsed with memorandum relating to the appointment of a tutor and guardian of the testator's two sons 
Thomas MOSLY, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burrough of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Moysley, Moyseley
DPRI/1/1671/M18/1: 17 February 1671  - will 
Edward NEWTON, weaver, yeoman, of Mickley (Meckley) in the parish of Ovingham in the county of Northumberland [Mickley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/N1/1: 4 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/N1/2: 4 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £61 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15) 
John NEWTON, hoastman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/N2/1: 23 June 1671  - indented inventory 
Thomas NEWTON, yeoman, of Ayslibie (Aysleby, Aselby, Ayslaby) in the parish of Egglescliff (Egglecliffe, Egsclife) in the county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Nuton
DPRI/1/1671/N3/1-2: 20 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/N3/3-4: 20 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £60 6s date uncertain: ?1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f16r-16v
Phineas NICHOLSON, mariner, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/N4/1: 6 January 1672  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B289
Robert NOBLE, mariner, of South Sheilds (Sheeles) [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/N5/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B276
Thomas OLIVER, yeoman, of Newsteed (Newstead) in the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Olliver
DPRI/1/1671/O1/1-2: 13 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/O1/3: 13 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £107 11s 
John PAGE, tailor, of West Rainton (Raineton) in the parish of Houghton in the Spring within the countie of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/P1/1-2: 15 February 1671  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1671/P1/3: 15 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £55 13s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £31 15s 8d) 
Isabell PARKER, widow, of Cockerton in the parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/P2/1: 5 June 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/P2/2-3: 5 June 1671  - inventory, actual total £16 15s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 18s 1d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B324
John PARKINSON, of Sunderland by Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/P3/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Robert Cockfeild, executor 
DPRI/1/1671/P3/2 - wrapper 
Ralph PATTISON, smith, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Raiph
DPRI/1/1671/P4/1: 1 September 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/P5   7 June 1671
Richard PATTISON, master and mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/P5/1: 5 June 1671  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/P5/2: 5 June 1671  - commission to John Ladler MA, rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Pattison, relict; commission executed by Ladler, 7 June 1671 
Stephen PATTISON, of the Meadow Heads in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1671/P6/3-4: 19 April 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/P6/1-2: 19 April 1671  - inventory 
Jann PEARSON, widow, of Fromwellgaat (Framwellgate) near the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Jane, Peirson
DPRI/1/1671/P7/1-2: 4 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/P7/3: 4 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £183 11s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £72 2s 1d) 
Robert PEIRSON, of Preston upon Skerne (Priston upon Skirne) in the parish of Aickliffe in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Robart, Pearson
DPRI/1/1671/P8/1-2: 14 June 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/P8/3-4: 14 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £22 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 5s) 
James PENNY, gardener, of chapelry of St Andrews, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/P9/1-2: 3 February 1662  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 18 January 1672 with 18 Jan 1672 memorandum of the witnesses certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1671/P9/3: 3 February 1662  - indented inventory, actual total £31 9s 6d 
DPRI/1/1671/P9/4-5: 3 February 1662  - renunciation transfer of administration by Ellianor Penny, relict and co-executor, nominating her son Samuel Penny, co-executor, to take out administration 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f50v
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B313
Thomas PESCOD, gentleman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/P10/1-2: 21 July 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/P10/3: 21 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £98 19s 
Richard PICKRING, yeoman, of Raby in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Pickering
DPRI/1/1671/P11/2-3: 7 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/P11/1: 7 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £42 2s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f16v
Michaell POTT, yeoman, of Sharperton, parish of Alwinton in the county of Northumberland [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Pot, Potts
DPRI/1/1671/P12/1-2: 20 October 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/P12/3: 20 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £44 11s 
DPRI/1/1671/P12/4-5: 20 October 1670  - commission to John Stewart, curate of Alnwick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Pott, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Stuart, (undated) 
Richard PRATT, haberdasher, of Staindrop (Stainedropp) in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/P13/1-2: 16 February 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B312
DPRI/1/1671/P14   16 February 1672
Edward PROWSE, rector of Bothal, clerk [Bothal, Northumberland]; also spelt Prouse
DPRI/1/1671/P14/2: 29 January 1672  - commission to John Shawe MA, rector of Whalton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margery Prowse, relict; commission executed by Shaw, 16 Feb 1672 
DPRI/1/1671/P14/1: 29 January 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B310
Christopher RAINE, yeoman, of Darlington (Darlinton) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/R1/1-4: 27 November 1671  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/R1/5: 27 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £548 19s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £100 13s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1671/R1/6-7: 27 November 1671  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f49v-50r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B308
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B307
Elizabeth RAW, widow, of Wester Salt Panns within the chappelry of St Hilda and parish of Jarro in the county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Rawe
DPRI/1/1671/R2/1-2: November 1671  - nuncupative will 
John RAW, yeoman, of West Brunton [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Rawe
DPRI/1/1671/R3/1: 3 November 1670  - inventory 
John REAY, of Blaigdon (Blagedon) Hill in the parish of Stannington (Stanington) [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Ree
DPRI/1/1671/R5/3-4: undated  - inventory, actual total £153 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £60 4s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1671/R5/5: undated  - draft account of discharge, actual total £71 12s 8d (discharge) subscribed with memorandum relating administration granted to Ellinor Smith alias Reay, and that only one of two children survives; dated ?1673 
DPRI/1/1671/R5/1-2: undated  - account exhibited by Ellenor Smith alias Reay, former relict 
Cuthbert REEDHEAD, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/R4/1: 22 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/R4/2-3: 22 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £47 8s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 13s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f31r-31v
Cristopher RICHARDSON, of parrish (chapelry) off St Margaretts (Margaret) in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1671/R6/1: 2 January 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B281
John RICHARDSON, of Carleton [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/R7/1: 24 January 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/R7/2 - wrapper 
Francis RIDLEY, butcher, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/R8/1: 26 June 1671  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1671/R9   17 November 1671
John RIDLEY, gentleman, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham, parish of Bishopwearmouth [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Ridly
DPRI/1/1671/R9/1: 26 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/R9/2: 26 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £180 10s 
DPRI/1/1671/R9/3-4: 26 August 1671  - commission to Thomas Broughton, curate of Bishopwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Judith Ridley, relict, and also to grant to her the tuition of three children; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Broughton, 17 Nov 1671 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f38v-39r
DPRI/1/1671/R10   6 January 1672
John ROBINSON, senior, yeoman, of Acklington in the parish of Warkeworth (Warkworth) and county of Northumberland [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/R10/1: 10 June 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/R10/2: 10 June 1671  - inventory, actual total £40 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 8s 11d) 
DPRI/1/1671/R10/3: 10 June 1671  - commission to Mathew Bonner MA, vicar of Warkworth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Finch, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bonner, 6 Jan 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f47v
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B282
John ROBINSON, of Stillington in the parish of Readmarshall (Red Marshall) [Stillington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/R11/1: 27 April 1671  - inventory 
William ROBINSON, clerk, of Cockerton [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/R12/1-2: 17 July 1671  - inventory exhibited, 21 July 1671 
Renold ROBSON, labourer, of Winlaton in the county of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Reinold
DPRI/1/1671/R13/1-2: 24 January 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/R13/3: 24 January 1668  - inventory, actual total £15 0s 4d 
Joseph RODHAM, of brough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Roddam
DPRI/1/1671/R14/1: 25 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £3 0s 10d  with inventory, 9 August 1671, actual total £3 19s 6d 
Robert ROWLANDSON, yeoman, of Westwicke, chapelry of Barnard Castle in the county pallatine of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/R15/1-2: 15 June 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/R15/3-4: 15 June 1669  - inventory, actual total £24 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 16s 7d) 
DPRI/1/1671/R15/5: 15 June 1669  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, and Clement Parcherd, curate of Whorleton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Rowlandson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 1 May 1671 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f18r
Richard RUTCLISH, cooper, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Rutledge
parish possibly Newcastle St Nicholas
DPRI/1/1671/R16/1: 6 July 1671  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Edward SCIPSIE, of Hepscot (Hepscott) [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Skipsey
DPRI/1/1671/S12/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/S12/2 - wrapper 
Nicholas SCURFIELD, of Sheraton Grange in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfeild
DPRI/1/1671/S1/1-2: 22 March 1671  - inventory 
William SELBY, gentleman, of Beall [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/S3/1: 4 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S3/2-3: 4 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £106 11s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f36r
Robert SHAFTO, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1671/S4/1-2: 4 July 1671  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of Sarah Shafto, relict 
DPRI/1/1671/S4/3: 4 July 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £73 9s 6d 
DPRI/1/1671/S4/4: 4 July 1671  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £2,000 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f33v
Ann SHANKES, spinster, of Berrington, chapelry of Kyloe in the county palat[ine] of Durham [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Shancks
DPRI/1/1671/S5/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/S5/2: undated  - commission to James Gregg, curate of Lowick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Shancks, father 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B273
Anne SHAW, spinster, of Ingleton in the parrish of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Ingleton, County Durham]; also spelt Ann, Shawe
DPRI/1/1671/S6/1: 23 November 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S6/2: 23 November 1670  - inventory, actual total £84 dated, 2 June [?1671] 
Dorathie SHAWE, spinster, of Summerhouse in the parish of Gainford (Gainforth) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Dorothy
DPRI/1/1671/S7/1: 13 November 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S7/2: 13 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £50 15s 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B291
Robert SHEAPEARD, of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Shipheard
DPRI/1/1671/S10/1-2: 21 September 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/S10/3: 21 September 1671  - renunciation renunciation of Hugh Barnes, nominating Thomas Shipheard to take out administration 
Anne SHEVILL, of parish of St Oswalds in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Ann
DPRI/1/1671/S8/1-2: 27 November 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S8/3: 27 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £35 10s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B280
John SHIPPARD, yeoman, of Wollveston (Wolviston) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Shipart, Shipheard
DPRI/1/1671/S9/1-2: 27 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S9/3-4: 27 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £305 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f18v
William SHOTTONE, the elder []; also spelt Shotton. Died 7 March 1671
no address given
DPRI/1/1671/S11/1: 16 March 1671  - inventory 
John SIDGWICK, yeoman, of Cockfeild within the countie of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Sedgwick, Sedgweck, Sidgwicke
DPRI/1/1671/S2/1-2: 20 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S2/3: 20 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £11 7s 
Elizabeth SMITH, widow, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/S13/5-6: 15 January 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/S13/1-2: 15 January 1672  - depositions depositions of the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of John Hall [cousin] 
DPRI/1/1671/S13/3-4: 15 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £21 5s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B305
Gawin SMITH, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Gawine
DPRI/1/1671/S14/1: 14 October 1671  - inventory 
George SMITH, shoemaker, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/S15/1-2: 17 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S15/3: 17 March 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £32 3s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f19v
Humphrey SMITH, currier, of Claypeth, parish of St Nicholas in the city of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/S16/1: 22 January 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B304
John SMITH, junior, of Eshe (Esh) [Esh, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/S17/1-2: 4 July 1671  - inventory exhibited, 14 July 1671 
John SMITH, gentleman, of the Bale (North Bayley) in or neare the cety of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/S18/1-2: 31 December 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S18/3-4: 31 December 1671  - inventory, actual total £39 12s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f31v
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B299
John SMITH, the elder, blacksmith, of Yarme Bridge End in the parrish of Egglescliff (Eggscliffe) and county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]. Died 9 September 1671
DPRI/1/1671/S19/1-2: 7 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S19/3-4: 7 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £147 1s 2d 
William SMITH, yeoman, of Bridgmilne (Bridge Mill, Bridge Mylne) in the county pallatine of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1671/S20/1: 14 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S20/2: 14 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £79 4s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £43 3s 2d) 
William SNAREY, yeoman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Snary
DPRI/1/1671/S21/1: 14 October 1671  - indented inventory 
William SNAWDON, yeoman, of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/S22/1-2: 13 April 1671  - inventory 
Emanuell SOUTHYATTE, yeoman, of Braike (Brake) Leases in the parish of Sedgefield (Sedgfeild) and county palatine Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Emanuel, Southgate, Southgaite
DPRI/1/1671/S23/1: 27 June 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S23/2-3: 27 June 1671  - inventory, actual total £159 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £73 19s) 
George SPARKE, of Hutton Henry in the perish of Mounk Hesledon in the county of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/S24/1-4: 17 May 1671  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/S24/5-6: 17 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £781 4s 9d 
DPRI/1/1671/S24/7: 17 May 1671  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f21r-22r
John STAINESBY, tanner, of Cockerton in the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Stainsby
DPRI/1/1671/S25/1-2: 11 July 1671  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 17 August 1671 with 18 Aug 1671 memorandum of the witnesses certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1671/S25/3-4: 11 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £685 18s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f27r-27v
Robert STAYNESBY, yeoman, of Cockerton in the countye pallintine of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Staynsby, Robart, Stainsby
DPRI/1/1671/S26/1: 14 July 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S26/2-4: 14 July 1668  - inventory, actual total £132 3s 4d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £8) 
DPRI/1/1671/S27   10 January 1672
Cuthbert STOKELL, gentleman, of Berwick-on-the-Hill (Barwicke on the Hill, Barwicke Hill), parish of Pont Island [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbertt, Stokold, Cuthbart, Stokeld
DPRI/1/1671/S27/2-3: 1 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S27/1: 1 December 1670  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/S27/4-5: 1 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £2,165 16s 7d 
DPRI/1/1671/S27/6: 1 December 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and John Weld, curate of Newcastle St Andrew, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to George Stokeld, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 10 Jan 1672 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B286
Fargus STORY, of Beanely in the parish of Eglingham [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/S28/1: undated  - inventory 
William STRUTHER, clerk, of Barwick upon Tweed (Barwicke) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Strother
DPRI/1/1671/S29/1: 5 February 1648  - [copy] will 
DPRI/1/1671/S29/2: 5 February 1648  - commission to John Smithson, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Judith Sleigh alias Strother widow, mother and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, (undated) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f18v-19r
Petter SWAINSTON, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Peter
DPRI/1/1671/S30/1-2: 27 May 1671  - inventory 
George SWINBURNE, yeoman, of Newbigin (Newbegin, Newbiggin) in the parish of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Sinburne, Georg, Swinborne
DPRI/1/1671/S31/1: 13 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/S31/2: 13 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £72 13s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 13s) 
Anne TAYLER, wife of John Tayler, of the house of John Tayler, Crosgate [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Taylor
DPRI/1/1671/T1/1-2: 5 September 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/T2   16 January 1672
Richard TEMPEST, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]. Died 15 August 1671
DPRI/1/1671/T2/1-2: 12 August 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/T2/7-8: 12 August 1671  - commission to Thoams Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to administer an oath to the witnesses to the nuncupative will, and also to take the depositions of the witnesses; commission executed by Naylor, [16 Jan 1672] 
DPRI/1/1671/T2/3-4: 12 August 1671  - depositions depositions of the witnesses to the nuncupative will, taken by Thomas Naylor (by commission) at the house of Fortune Collingwood widow in Newcastle 
DPRI/1/1671/T2/5-6: 12 August 1671  - certificate of oath Commissioner and Public Notary's certificates of execution of the commission 
Ann TEMPLE, spinster, of Staindropp (Stainedroppe) in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/T3/1-2: 19 April 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/T3/3-4: 19 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £8 19s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s) 
Fortene TENDELL, relict of William Tendell, widow, of Barwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Fortune, Tyndale
DPRI/1/1671/T16/1-2: 6 February 1670  - will endorsed with: (1) memorandum relating that the will was proved by commission, but did not pass the seal due to the death of the executrix; (2) memorandum relating to the Berwick wills / inventories of Robert Clavering, Robert Turvin and Thomas Ingram 
Mathew THOMPSON, weaver, of Cockerton in the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/T5/1-2: 21 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/T5/3-4: 21 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £51 19s 10d 
DPRI/1/1671/T6   19 December 1671
William THOMPSON, the elder, mariner, of Monckwearemouth (Monke Warmoth) in the county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/T6/1: 4 April 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/T6/3: 4 April 1670  - commission to John Harper, vicar of Monkwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Thompson, co-executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Harper, 19 Dec 1671 
DPRI/1/1671/T6/2: 4 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £35 5s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f45v-46v
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B274
John THOMSON, of Tofthill [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1671/T4/1: 5 May 1671  - inventory 
Phillis THORESBY, widow, of Woolhouse in the county of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/T7/1-2: 27 February 1671  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f24r-24v
Thomas TODD, of Birkside [Shotley, Northumberland]
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1671/T8/1: 9 July 1670  - inventory 
Wenefrid TODD, widow, of Stillington in the county of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]; also spelt Winifrid, Winifride, Winefride
DPRI/1/1671/T9/1-2: 16 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/T9/3: 16 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £53 
DPRI/1/1671/T10   28 November 1671
William TODD, of parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Tod
DPRI/1/1671/T10/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £26 0s 5d 
DPRI/1/1671/T10/2: undated  - commission to Henry Garnett, curate of Rothbury, and John Stuart, curate of Alnwick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Roger Todd, nephew; commission executed by Stuart, [?28] Nov 1671 
Philip TONSTALL, gentleman, of Beareparke (Bearparke) in the county of Durham [Bearpark, County Durham]; also spelt Phillipp, Phillip
DPRI/1/1671/T11/1: 24 August 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/T11/2: 24 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £175 (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £129) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f29v-30r
Anne TREWHAT, widow, of Great Lumley in the county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Ann, Trewhatt, Trewhit, Trewhett
DPRI/1/1671/T12/1-2: 16 July 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/T12/3: 16 July 1669  - inventory, actual total £51 10s 
DPRI/1/1671/T13   6 March 1671
John TROTTER, of Eglingham in the countye of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Trater
DPRI/1/1671/T13/1-2: 31 January 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/T13/3: 31 January 1671  - commission to John Horsbrough, vicar of Wooler, and Alexander Davison, vicar of Norham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Trotter, relict; commission executed by Davieson and Horsbrugh, 6 Mar 1671 
Grace TUGGELL, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/T14/1-2: 30 October 1671  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/T14/3: 30 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £19 4s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f49r
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B285
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B284
Robert TURVIN, the elder, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], merchant, of borough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/T15/1: 25 July 1671  - copy will subscribed with 26 July 1671 memorandum relating to a gift of £5 
DPRI/1/1671/T15/2: 25 July 1671  - commission to John Smithson and William Davidson, vicar and preacher of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Turvin, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smithson, (undated) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f28r-28v
George UTTERSON, of Berwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/U1/1: 20 October 1671  - inventory 
Thomas VAZIE, of Wanwode in the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vasye
DPRI/1/1671/V1/1: 14 September 1664  - inventory 
Henry WAIKE, yeoman, of Fudgerhouse in the chapplery of Lamesley and county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W1/1-2: 9 March 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W1/3: 9 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £47 3s 6d 
Nicholas WAISTELL, yeoman, of Great Burdon in the parish of Haughton in the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Wastill, Nicklas, Wastall
DPRI/1/1671/W2/1-2: 20 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W2/3: 20 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £267 18s 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B322
Isabl WAKE, widow, of Sudick (Suddicke) in the cowunti of Durham [Southwick, County Durham]; also spelt Isabal, Isabel, Waike
DPRI/1/1671/W3/1-2: 8 January 1650  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W3/3: 8 January 1650  - inventory, actual total £56 10s 2d (with account of debts of £5 9s 4d) 
Andrew WALAS, chapman, of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallas
DPRI/1/1671/W4/1-2: 29 January 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B302
Jane WALKER, widow, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W5/1: 25 May 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W5/2-3: 25 May 1667  - inventory, actual total £27 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f20r-20v
Margaret WALLAS, of Dowlifield in the parish of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallase, Wallis
DPRI/1/1671/W6/1: 15 May 1671  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/W6/2 - wrapper formerly used as a wrapper for a commission relating to Thomas Thorsby 
Thomas WALLASSE, yeoman, of Hill House in Aldstonmoore (Alston Moore) in the parish of Alston in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Wallis, Wallas
DPRI/1/1671/W7/1-2: 17 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W7/3: 17 May 1670  - inventory, actual total £40 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f23r-23v
Jennett WALTON, of Loveladyesheale (Lovelady Sheele) in the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Janett
DPRI/1/1671/W8/1: 6 February 1671  - inventory 
Nickolos WALTON, of Over Houses (Overhouses) in Aldston Moore in the parish of Garrigill (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Nicholas, Waltonn
DPRI/1/1671/W9/1: 8 June 1671  - renunciation renunciation of Margert Walton, relict, nominating her eldest son, Reignold Walton, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1671/W9/2: 8 June 1671  - inventory, actual total £15 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18) 
Thomas WALTON, fuller, of North Awckland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W10/1: 5 February 1661  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W10/2: 5 February 1661  - inventory, actual total £148 12s 6d 
Cuthbert WANLESS, glazier, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wanlesse
DPRI/1/1671/W11/1: 6 October 1671  - indented inventory 
Christopher WARD, butcher, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W12/1: 17 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W12/2: 17 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £84 2s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £12) 
Robert WARDE, yeoman, of Newbiggin in the county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]
parish uncertain: there were Eaglestons (a witness) in Hunstanworth nearby in the 1660s; Newbiggins in Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea
DPRI/1/1671/W13/1-2: 12 November 1670  - inventory 
Robert WATSON, of Plawswort (Plausworth) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W14/1: 26 September 1671  - inventory 
Thomas WATSON, of Bedleington (Bedlingtone) [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/W15/1-2: 10 July 1671  - will endorsed with contemporaneous list of debts owing by the testator of £1 12s 6d 
DPRI/1/1671/W15/3: 10 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £19 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 1s) date uncertain [?1672] 
Thomas WATT, rough mason, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W16/1-2: 28 July 1671  - inventory 
James WATTS, yeoman, of Cockfield (Cockfeild) in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W17/1: 20 July 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W17/2: 20 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £37 14s (with account of funeral expenses of £3) 
Thomas WEETMAN, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Wrightman
DPRI/1/1671/W22/1: 9 March 1672  - inventory of household goods etc. and [draper's] merchandise 
bond: DPRI/3/1671/B326
DPRI/1/1671/W19   19 April 1671
Anne WELTON, widow, of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Ann
DPRI/1/1671/W19/1-2: 18 January 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W19/3: 18 January 1666  - inventory, actual total £31 0s 6d endorsed: 'let administration be granted to An[n] Paxton: Richard Wrench, surrogate, April 19 1671' 
John WETHERLEY, gentleman, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Weatherley, Wetherly
DPRI/1/1671/W18/1-2: 16 January 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/W18/3-4: 16 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £34 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f33v-34r
John WHITFILDE, miller, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfeild
DPRI/1/1671/W20/1-2: 15 March 1671  - inventory 
Matthew WIGGONER, master and mariner, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Wigginor
DPRI/1/1671/W21/1-2: August 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/W21/3: August 1671  - inventory, actual total £1,014 14s (with account of debts of £214 14s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f36r
John WILKINSON, yeoman, of Durham Moor Houses (Moorehouse) within the parish of Sainct Oswalds in or near the citty of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkington
DPRI/1/1671/W23/1: 18 March 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/W23/2-3: 18 March 1671  - inventory, actual total £141 inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
John WILLIAMES, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Williams
DPRI/1/1671/W24/1: 8 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W24/2: 8 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £7 10s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f23v-24r
Roger WILLS, gentleman, of parish of St Nicholas in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/W25/1: 17 October 1671  - inventory exhibited by Amor Wills, brother, 17 Oct 1671 
John WILSON, of Fenham pertaining to Holie Island parish [Holy Island, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/W26/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1671/W27   17 April 1671
Robert WOLFE, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/W27/1-4: 28 April 1662  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1671/W27/5: 28 April 1662  - inventory, actual total £19 
DPRI/1/1671/W27/8: 28 April 1662  - certificate of oath 
DPRI/1/1671/W27/6-7: 28 April 1662  - letter Letter from William Dewer of the Prerogative Office in the Savoy in the Strand London to John Rowell at Durham, enclosing the original will, inventory, bond and warrant re Robert Wolfe; administration to be granted to Katherine Jackson and Rebecca Carter, nieces and surviving legatees, the executor also having died. Subscribed with memorandum of Chancellor Thomas Burwell (at London) ordering engrossment (before 1 May 1671) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f17r-17v
William WRENN, the elder, yeoman, of the Overtowne of Wolsingham (Woolsingham) in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W28/1: 3 July 1671  - will unsigned by testator; with memorandum indicating the will was dictated 29 June 1671 and transcribed 3 July 1671 prior to the testator's death 
DPRI/1/1671/W28/2: 3 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £54 11s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f30v-31r
Ann WRIGHT, widow, of Bearparke (Beare Parke) in the county of Durham [Bearpark, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W29/1: 15 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W29/2: 15 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £23 
Richard WRIGHT, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1671/W30/1-3: 22 May 1671  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1671/W31   23 March 1672
James WYAN, esquire, of towne of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Wynn, Wyen
DPRI/1/1671/W31/1-2: 20 February 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1671/W31/3: 20 February 1672  - allegation Allegation of Grantham Wyan, brother and co-executor, introducing the nuncupative will. Endorsed with memorandum relating that the will was proved, co-executor sworn and the inventory exhibited, 23 Mar 1672 
DPRI/1/1671/W31/5-6: 20 February 1672  - depositions depositions of the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of Grantham Wyan gentleman, brother and co-executor 
DPRI/1/1671/W31/4: 20 February 1672  - inventory, actual total £139 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f51v
Ann WYTHAM, widow, of Sledwish in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1671/W32/1: 14 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1671/W32/2-3: 14 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £257 16s 8d 
Wills etc proved 1672
Reference: DPRI/1/1672
Joseph AIERY, mariner, of town of Newcasell upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ayrie, Airey
DPRI/1/1672/A1/1-2: 15 October 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/A1/3: 15 October 1668  - inventory, actual total £140 
George ALDER, maltster, of Alnwick (Alnwicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/A2/1: 18 October 1672  - inventory 
Elizabeth ALLEN, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Elizebeth
DPRI/1/1672/A3/1-2: 27 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/A3/3: 27 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £11 0s 1d 
John ALLENSON, butcher, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Allanson
DPRI/1/1672/A4/1: 20 February 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/A4/2-3: 20 February 1673  - account, actual total £195 10s (with discharge of £53 2s 2d) with account of the widow Apelline Allenson and her three children's portions; dated on dorse 
Edward ANDERSON, of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/A5/1: 9 May 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/A6   24 September 1672
Henry ANDERSON, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/A6/1-2: 10 September 1672  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1672/A6/3-8: 10 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £412 13s 11d inventory of shop and warehouse goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1672/A6/9-10: 10 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £93 5s 9d inventory of household goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1672/A6/11-20: 10 September 1672  - inventory of debts owing to testator, actual total £412 14s 10d inventory of debts owing to the testator; with account of £252 0s 5d of which debts having been received by Mary Anderson, [relict and co-executor] 
DPRI/1/1672/A6/21-22: 10 September 1672  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Anderson, relict and co-executor, and also to grant to her the tuition of her son George Anderson; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 24 Sep 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/A6/23: 10 September 1672  - commission (issued at the promotion of Joseph Hudleston, principal creditor) to Thomas Naylor, to receive from Mary Anderson, relict and co-executor, the inventory and account; executed by Naylor, 26 Mar 1674 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f62r
Robertt ANDREW, smith, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1672/A7/1: 3 January 1673  - inventory 
Henry ARCHER, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/A8/1: 5 October 1672  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/A8/2: 5 October 1672  - commission to Anthony Procter, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Thomas Sutton for the sole use of Mary, Elizabeth and Henry Archer, children of the deceased; commission executed by Procter, 14 Nov 1672 
Michael ATKINSON, draper, mercer, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/A9/1: 29 October 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/A9/2: 29 October 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £503 19s 8d 
DPRI/1/1672/A10   28 March 1672
Thomas AUBONE, the elder, master and mariner, of Sandgate, chapelry of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/A10/1-2: 6 March 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/A10/3-4: 6 March 1672  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Aubone, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 28 Mar 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f54v
Joseph AVERY, felt-maker, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/A11/1-2: 15 March 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/A11/3-4: 15 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £6 6s 8d 
William AYNSLEY, yeoman, gentleman, of Galley (Gallow) Hill in the parish of Bolam within the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Aynesley
DPRI/1/1672/A12/1-2: 21 November 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/A12/3-4: 21 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £111 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f67v-68r
Robertt BAKER, of Low House in the parish of Howicke [Howick, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1672/B1/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Edward BARRIFFE, of Staindrop in the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/B2/1-2: 4 January 1673  - inventory 
Anne BAXTER, widow, of Pedgbanck (Pedgbanke) within the parish of Brancepeth and county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/B3/1-2: 27 January 1673  - inventory 
Richard BECK, of town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/B4/1-2: undated  - inventory 
William BELL, shipwright, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/B5/1: undated  - inventory 
Matthew BOWDON, of Elford [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/B6/1: 6 January 1673  - inventory 
Allexander BROUN, of Shoreswood [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown
DPRI/1/1672/B7/1: undated  - inventory 
John BROWN, of Bishopton Waste Feilde House, parish of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Browne
DPRI/1/1672/B8/1: 24 January 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/B8/2 - wrapper 
Matthew BROWN, gentleman, of Low Conscliff (Conscliffe) in the county of Durham [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Browne
DPRI/1/1672/B9/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/B9/2 - wrapper 
Elizabeth BROWNE, widow, of Swalwell in the parish of Whickham [Swalwell, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/B10/1: 20 January 1673  - inventory exhibited by Mary Blunt, sister, 20 Jan 1673 
Francis BUNNY, gentleman, of Newsham [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/B11/1-2: 4 January 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/B12   March 1673
Robert BURTON, gentleman, of Hedworth, parish of Jarrow in the county of Durham [Hedworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/B12/1-2: 10 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/B12/4: 10 January 1673  - commission to Roger Young, curate of Jarrow, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ralph Burton, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Young, (undated) 
DPRI/1/1672/B12/3: 10 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £314 0s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f74r-75r
DPRI/1/1672/C1   26 October 1672
Barbary CARR, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1672/C1/1-2: 3 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/C1/3-4: 3 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £197 7s 9d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1672/C1/5: 3 October 1672  - commission to John Ladler MA, rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Anne Wood, co-executor, and also to grant to James Bell the tuition of George and Cuthbert Carr, children of the deceased; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Ladler, 26 Oct 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/C1/6 - wrapper 
James CARR, of Hethershaw (Heddershaw) in the parish of Foord [Ford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/C2/1-2: 30 June 1668  - inventory 
Olever CARR, of Foord in the parish of Foord [Ford, Northumberland]; also spelt Oliver
DPRI/1/1672/C3/1: 7 July 1669  - inventory 
Stephen CARTER, tailor, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/C4/1-2: 30 March 1672  - inventory exhibited, 1 Apr 1672 
Christopher CHAMBERS, skinner, glover, of chapelry of St Johns in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/C5/1: 23 December 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/C5/2-3: 23 December 1672  - renunciation renunciation of Katherine Chambers, relict, nominating her son George Chambers to take out administration 
John CHAMBERS, shipwright, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/C6/1-2: 15 January 1673  - inventory 
Matthew CHARLTON, cordwainer, of parish of St Nicholas, city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Mathew, Charleton
DPRI/1/1672/C7/1: 27 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/C7/2-3: 27 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £39 19s 3d 
Robeart CHRISTOPHER, yeoman, of Billingam (Billingham) in the county off Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Robert, Chr[ist]ofer, Christ[oph]er
DPRI/1/1672/C8/1-2: 23 July 1672  - inventory 
Robert CLAVERING, gentleman, of Tilmouthe (Tilmouth) in the parish of Norham in the county palatine of Durham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Robat, Clavaring
DPRI/1/1672/C9/1-2: 15 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/C9/3: 15 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £90 
DPRI/1/1672/C9/4: 15 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £90 (with discharge of £98 10s) 
DPRI/1/1672/C9/5 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f67r-67v
John CLAXTON, junior, of Hartlepooll (Hartinpole) [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/C10/1-2: 12 August 1672  - inventory 
Cuthbert COLLINGWOOD, esquire, of Dawden (Dawdon) [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/C11/1-2: 15 November 1672  - inventory 
Jane COLSON, widow, South Sheeles (Sheiles) in the county of Durham, but late of Walsend (Wallsend) in the county of Northumberland in the parish of Jarroe [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Coulson
DPRI/1/1672/C13/1: 22 March 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/C13/2: 22 March 1658  - inventory, actual total £4 10s inventory of the goods etc. Colson 'gave to her daughter Elizabeth Tempest' 
Edward COLTRED, yeoman, of Fetherstone (Featheston) in the parish of Haltwhisle (Haltwesle) in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Coultred
DPRI/1/1672/C12/1-2: 13 March 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/C12/3: 13 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £118 13s 4d 
DPRI/1/1672/C14   27 April 1672
Robert COUTSFORTH, gentleman, of Unthanke (Unthanck), parish of Haltwesle in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Cotsforth
DPRI/1/1672/C14/1-2: 10 April 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/C14/3: 10 April 1672  - commission to Adam Browne, curate of Haltwhistle, and George Lowthean, rector of Whitfeild, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Cotsforth, relict; commission executed by Broun, 27 Apr 1672 
William COX, vicar of Embleton, M.A., clerk, of Embleton in the county of Northumberland [Embleton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/C15/1: 25 July 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/C15/2: 25 July 1672  - commission to Thomas Wemys, Thomas Trotter, Thomas Davison and John Stuart MAs, clerks, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Cox, relict; commission executed by Stuart, (undated) 
Thomas CRAGGS, yeoman, of Maland in the parish of Hamsterley and county palatine of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/C16/1-2: 22 May 1672  - copy will with 1 June 1672 memorandum of the witnesses certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1672/C16/3: 22 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £63 17s 
DPRI/1/1672/C16/4: 22 May 1672  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f57v
Thomas CRAMLINGTON, pilot to one of H.M. ships, [royal navy] pilot, of chappellrey of All Saints in the towne and county of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/C17/1-2: 13 August 1672  - inventory 
Thomas CROFT, yeoman, of Benwell in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/C18/1: 5 June 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/C18/2-3: 5 June 1672  - inventory, actual total £90 4s 2d 
Thomas CROME, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/C19/1: 14 August 1668  - copy will with 20 Jan 1673 memorandum of the witnesses certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1672/C19/2: 14 August 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £29 1s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1672/C19/3: 14 August 1668  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f69r-70r
Nicholas CROSYER, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Crosier
DPRI/1/1672/C20/1: 21 November 1672  - inventory 
Thomas CROSYER, master and mariner, of Sunderland nigh the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/C21/1-2: 14 August 1672  - inventory 
Nathaniell DAVES, of Tynemouth [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Nathaniel, Davies
DPRI/1/1672/D1/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Thomas DAVISON, of chappelry of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/D2/1: 6 December 1672  - inventory subscribed with memorandum relating that Anne Davison, relict, renounced administration, 20 Dec 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/D2/2 - wrapper 
George DETCHEN, of Great Tossen in the parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/D3/1-2: 19 March 1672  - will  with codicil, undated  with nuncupative codicil, undated with [contemporaneous] list of debts owing to the testator of £23 3s 11d 
DPRI/1/1672/D3/3-4: 19 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £29 3s 
Katharine DINNON, widow, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Katherine, Dining, Catherine
DPRI/1/1672/D4/2-3: 17 October 1657  - copy will  with bond to redeliver the original will, 4 January 1687, penal sum £300 
DPRI/1/1672/D4/1: 17 October 1657  - inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f56r
Thomas DIXON, yeoman, of Neither Hewerth (Nether Heworth) in the county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Dicksone
DPRI/1/1672/D5/1: 6 July 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/D5/2: 6 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £21 6s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 14s) 
DPRI/1/1672/D5/3 - wrapper 
William DIXON, cooper, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/D6/1: 9 December 1672  - indented inventory 
Jane DOBBINSON, spinster, of Toft (Toftt) Hill in the parish of Saint Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Dobinson
DPRI/1/1672/D7/1: 14 September 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/D7/2 - wrapper 
George DOBSON, baker, brewer, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/D8/1: 19 November 1672  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/D9   30 August 1672
Thomas DOBSON, of towen and pairish of Horsley [Horsley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/D9/2: 29 August 1672  - commission to Thomas Bell, vicar of Horsley, and Edward Lumsden, curate of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Dobson, relict; commission executed by Bell, 30 Aug 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/D9/1: 29 August 1672  - inventory 
John DRUMMON, yeoman, of the Hassex (Hassocks) in the parish of Bywell St Peter in the countie of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Drummond, Dru[mm]an
DPRI/1/1672/D10/1-2: 3 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/D10/3: 3 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £23 11s 8d 
Matthew EAGLESTONE, of Knooketon (Knockton) in the parrish of Hunstoneworth and county pallatine of Durham [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Mathew, Eggleston
DPRI/1/1672/E2/1: 24 February 1672  - inventory 
Abraham EDON, [royal navy serviceman], of Gatesheade (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Eden
DPRI/1/1672/E1/1: undated  - inventory 
John ELGINSON, of Greate Aickliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/E3/1-2: undated  - inventory of goods etc. left unadministered by Ann Elginson, relict 
Ralph ELSTOB, cordwainer, of Sunderland in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobb
DPRI/1/1672/E4/1-2: 17 May 1672  - inventory 
John EMMERSON, of chappelry of All Saints and towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/E5/1: undated  - inventory 
Alexander FALCONER, vicar of Felton, clerk, of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/F1/1: 9 August 1672  - inventory 
Clement FARROW, yeoman, of Butterby (Butterbie) nigh the citty of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/F2/1-2: 19 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/F2/3: 19 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £22 15s (with account of debts of £35 10s) 
George FENWICK, butcher, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1672/F3/1: 14 March 1672  - indented inventory 
Roger FENWICKE, gentleman, of Ougham Grainge (Ulgham Grange) in the parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Ulgham, Northumberland]. Died 9 December 1672
DPRI/1/1672/F4/1-2: 9 December 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/F4/3: 9 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £431 3s 4d 
Roger FEWLER, yeoman, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Rogger, Fewleer, Rogerr
DPRI/1/1672/F5/1: 5 August 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/F5/2: 5 August 1670  - renunciation renunciation of Elliner Fewler, relict, nominating John Corneforth to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1672/F5/3: 5 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £24 16s 4d (with account of debts of £26 7s) dated 18 Mar 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f57v-58r
DPRI/1/1672/F6   8 January 1673
Thomas FEWLER, gentleman, yeoman, of Ayslaby (Aysebie, Aislabye, Aisleby) in the countie of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Fowler
DPRI/1/1672/F6/1-2: 28 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/F6/5: 28 December 1672  - commission to Henry Doughtie, curate of Egglescliffe, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Fewler, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Doughtie, 8 Jan 1673 
DPRI/1/1672/F6/3-4: 28 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £300 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f66v-67r
Thomas FOGGET, yeoman, of Washington in the countey of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Foggatt
DPRI/1/1672/F7/1: 17 March 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/F7/2: 17 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £65 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26 4s 5d) date uncertain: [?1673] 
DPRI/1/1672/F8   28 January 1673
Mathew FORSTER, gentleman, of Newham in the parish of Balmbrough in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/F8/1: 4 February 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/F8/2: 4 February 1670  - inventory, actual total £25 15s 
DPRI/1/1672/F8/3-4: 4 February 1670  - commission to Thomas Davidson MA, curate of Bamburgh, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Forster, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Davison, 28 Jan 1673 
Richard FORSTER, of Newham in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
parish uncertain: Bamburgh or Whalton, the former inferred from DPRI/1/1672/F8
DPRI/1/1672/F9/1-2: undated  - inventory of goods etc. left unadministered by Grace Forster, relict 
Thomas FORSTER, of Greene Leighton in the parish of Hartburne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/F10/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/G1   14 October 1672
Robert GALLON, of North Gosforth in the county of Northumberland [North Gosforth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/G1/1: 26 July 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/G1/2: 26 July 1672  - commission to William Musgrave, curate of South Gosforth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Gallon, relict; commission executed by Musgrave, 14 Oct 1672 
John GARBOTT, husbandman, yeoman, of Toft Hill (Tofthill) within the parish of Eggescliff (Egglescliff) and county of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Garbutt. Died 27 October 1672
DPRI/1/1672/G2/1-2: 25 October 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/G2/3-4: 25 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £97 
John GIBSON, gentleman, of Presticke, parish of Pont Island in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/G3/3: 24 April 1673  - inventory, actual total £253 16s 2d 
DPRI/1/1672/G3/1-2: 24 April 1673  - account subscribed with memorandum relating that letters testimonial were issued 12 June 1673 
John GLOVER, of North Sheiles [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/G4/1-2: 6 March 1673  - inventory of the goods etc. of 'John Glover and Anne his wife' (but endorsed with only John Glover's name) 
Robert GOFTON, baker, beer-brewer, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/G5/1: 25 September 1672  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Gofton, relict, nominating Richard Handcocke, principal creditor, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1672/G5/2-3: 25 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £18 6s 6d 
Robert GOULDING, freemason, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Gowling
DPRI/1/1672/G6/1-2: 19 March 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/G6/3: 19 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £13 5s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f61v-62r
Edward GRAY, gentleman, of Wooller in the countie of Northumberland [Wooler, Northumberland]; also spelt Grey
DPRI/1/1672/G7/1-2: 23 November 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/G7/3-4: 23 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £359 6s 6d (with account of debts of £57 15s) 
Robert GREEN, gentleman, of Helly (Healey) [Healey, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/G8/1: 16 December 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/G9   31 January 1673
Roger GREENE, gentleman, of Healy (Helly, Healey) in the parish of Rothbury and county of Northumberland [Healey, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1672/G9/1: 28 November 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/G9/2: 28 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £207 8s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £40) 
DPRI/1/1672/G9/3: 28 November 1672  - commission to Henry Garnett, curate of Rothbury, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Green widow, mother and universal legatrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Garnett, 31 Jan 1673 
Christopher GRENWELL, butcher, of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Greenwell
parish uncertain; bond [A148] missing
DPRI/1/1672/G10/1: 1 November 1672  - inventory 
Arthure GUNN, shipwright, tobacco-pipe maker, of Gateside (Gaitsyde, Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Arthur
DPRI/1/1672/G11/1: 5 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/G11/2: 5 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £53 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f61r-61v
DPRI/1/1672/H1   12 December 1672
William HALL, of parish of St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/H1/1: 28 November 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/H1/2: 28 November 1672  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Matilda Hall, relict; commission executed by Naylor, 12 Dec 1672 
Robert HALLIDAY, maltman, fitter, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H2/1-2: 1 July 1672  - inventory 
Thomas HAND, chandler, of city and county of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H3/1: 23 January 1673  - inventory 
Thomas HARBERT, weaver, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H4/1: 27 December 1672  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/H4/2 - wrapper 
Thomas HARCUS, yeoman, of Stobbswood (Stobswood) in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Harcos
DPRI/1/1672/H5/1: 20 November 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H5/2: 20 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £38 10s 
William HARPER, of Denwick (Denwicke) in the paresh of Alinwick [Denwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/H6/1: 6 August 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H6/2-3: 6 August 1672  - inventory, actual total £50 3s 4d 
DPRI/1/1672/H7   19 February 1673
Robert HARRIGATE, master and mariner, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrigat
DPRI/1/1672/H7/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/H7/2-3: undated  - commission to John Ladler MA, rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Gunn, executrix of the deceased's creditor Arthur Gunn, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Ladler, 19 Feb 1673 
George HARRISON, of Swalwell [Swalwell, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H8/1: 19 April 1672  - inventory 
Richard HARRISON, yeoman, of Nenthead in the parish of Alston (Alstonn) and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/H9/1-2: 1 July 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H9/3: 1 July 1672  - inventory, actual total £120 8s 8d dated 8 July [?1672] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f59r-59v
DPRI/1/1672/H10   6 February 1673
William HARRISON, pump-wright, of chapelry of St Hilda, South Sheeles (Sheelds) [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H10/1: undated  - inventory dated 2 May 
DPRI/1/1672/H10/2: undated  - commission to Stephen Bordley MA, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Harrison, relict; commission executed by Bordley, 6 Feb 1673 
Cuthbert HEARON, of Pithouse in the parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/H11/1: 20 December 1672  - inventory 
George HEARON, the elder, gentleman, of Birkley (Birkly, Birtley) in the parishe of Chollerton [Birtley St Giles, Northumberland]; also spelt Heron
will proved 1669
DPRI/1/1672/H12/1-2: 12 July 1672  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by George Hearon the younger, [nephew and] executor 
DPRI/1/1672/H12/3-4: 12 July 1672  - commission to Robert Adamson, vicar of Chollerton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Stokoe alias Heron; commission executed by Adamson, 2 Oct 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f75v
William HEAVISIDE, of Bishop Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H13/1: 16 June 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/H14   21 August 1672
Edward HEDLEY, of Heppell in the parish of Rothbury and county of Northumberland [Hepple, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/H14/1-2: 26 May 1672  - nuncupative will with certificate of oath, 21 Aug 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/H14/3: 26 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £27 5s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £12) 
Raphe HEDLIE, notary public, gentleman, of Elvett in the county of Durham, parish of St Oswald [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Hedly
DPRI/1/1672/H15/1-2: 12 December 1667  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f59v-60r
Elizabeth HEIGHINGTON, late called Botchaby, wife of Robert Heighington, skinner, widow, of Gilligate in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H16/1: undated  - inventory 
Cuthbert HERON, tailor, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H17/1: 3 March 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/H17/2: 3 March 1673  - account, actual total £305 8s 6d (with discharge of £399 1s) subscribed with memorandum relating that letters testimonial were issued 17 Feb 1674 
William HILLS, baker, brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/H18/1: 22 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H18/2: 22 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £174 13s 
Ralph HILTON, gentleman, of Great (Greate) Usworth in the parish of Washington [Usworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H19/1: 9 October 1671  - inventory 
Augustine HIXON, yeoman, of Mordon in the county of Durham [Morden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H20/1-2: 1 February 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H20/3-4: 1 February 1672  - inventory, actual total £63 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f62v-63r
John HIXSON, yeoman, of Black (Blacke) Hurworth in the parish of Church Kelloe in the county of Durham [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Hickson, Hixon
DPRI/1/1672/H21/1: 11 July 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H21/2: 11 July 1672  - inventory, actual total £385 15s 2d 
Margarett HODGSHON, widow, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon
DPRI/1/1672/H22/1: 17 August 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H22/2: 17 August 1672  - inventory, actual total £74 5s 10d 
Tobie HUDSPETH, draper, tailor, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H23/1: 6 June 1671  - inventory 
Ann HUMBLE, widow, of Sedgfeild (Sedgfield) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H24/1-2: 16 September 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H24/3-4: 16 September 1669  - inventory, actual total £25 0s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f55r-55v
Matthew HUMBLE, miller, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Mathew
DPRI/1/1672/H25/1: 30 May 1672  - inventory 
Christofer HUTCHINSON, glover, of Elvett neare the cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1672/H26/1-2: 23 May 1644  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H26/3-4: 23 May 1644  - inventory, actual total £156 4s 
DPRI/1/1672/H26/5-6: 23 May 1644  - copy inventory, actual total £156 4s 
DPRI/1/1672/H26/7 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f58v-59r
Thomas HUTCHINSON, the younger, of Billingsid (Billingside) [Medomsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H27/1: 3 May 1671  - inventory 
Henry HUTTON, parson of Witton Gilbert, rector of Witton Gilbert, clerk, of Witton Gilbert [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H29/2: 11 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/H29/1: 11 April 1671  - inventory 
Henry HUTTON, of Stamford [Embleton, Northumberland]
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1672/H30/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas HUTTON, of Hartburne in the countie of Durham [Hartburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H31/1-2: 10 February 1673  - inventory 
Issabell HUTTSON, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Isabel, Hutson
DPRI/1/1672/H28/1-2: undated  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1672/H28/3-4: undated  - copy will endorsed with: (1) 17 Aug [16]65 letter from John Hetherington to his son William Hetherington, relating the death of his grandson; (2) memorandum relating to the will of Elizabeth Hutson, proved 1674 
DPRI/1/1672/H28/5: undated  - inventory, actual total £22 1s 2d 
Thomas HYNDMERS, yeoman, of Bishop Midleham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/H32/1: 17 May 1672  - inventory 
Robert JACKSON, junior, yeoman, of Primroseside (Primroside) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/J1/1: 21 September 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/J1/2: 21 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £216 
DPRI/1/1672/J1/3: 21 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £462 4s 10d inventory includes desperate debts 
DPRI/1/1672/J1/4: 21 September 1672  - inventory of debts owing to testator, actual total £190 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f64r
William JACKSON, of Winlaton in the county of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/J2/1-2: 15 January 1673  - inventory 
Robert JACKSON, the elder, yeoman, of Primroside in the county of Durham, parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/J3/1-2: 27 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/J3/3-4: 27 September 1671  - inventory of debts, actual total £626 19s 4d inventory of debts owing to testator 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f63v
Jane JENKINSON, widow, of Sleetburn within the parish of Brancepeth and county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/J4/1: October 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/J4/2-3: October 1671  - inventory, actual total £20 10s 
Jane JENNISON, spinster, of parish of Hurworth upon Teese [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Jenison
DPRI/1/1672/J5/1: 7 February 1673  - inventory exhibited by Thomas Jennison, 7 Feb 1673 
John JOHNSON, shipwright, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/J6/1: 19 August 1672  - inventory 
Richard JOHNSON, of Lemington in the parish of Newburn in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/J7/1: 1 July 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/J8   20 November 1672
Edward JOSCELINE, gentleman, of North Sheilds, parish of Tinmouth in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Joycelin
DPRI/1/1672/J8/1-2: 25 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/J8/3: 25 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £836 13s 4d 
DPRI/1/1672/J8/4: 25 October 1672  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, and Stephen Boardley, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Joycelin, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwray, 20 Nov 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f64v
Jane KEARTON, widow, of Redworth [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/K1/1-2: 29 September 1671  - inventory 
Bartholomew KIRKHAM, weaver, of Lanchester in the county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/K2/1-2: 26 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/K1/3: 26 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £4 10s 
William KNOWLES, yeoman, of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/K3/1: 25 March 1672  - inventory 
Thomas LAMLY, yeoman, of the county of Durham of Ox Close House (Oxe Clos Houese) in the parish of Dinsdall (Dindle) [Dinsdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/L1/1-2: 17 February 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/L1/3: 17 February 1672  - inventory, actual total £19 1s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 14s) 
John LATEN, yeoman, of Cothloth (Cotleth) Hill in Aldston (Alstall) Moore in the parish of Alston in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Laton
DPRI/1/1672/L2/1-2: 2 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/L2/3: 2 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £35 1s 4d (with account of debts of £6) 
DPRI/1/1672/L2/4: 2 February 1673  - commission to John Lee, curate of Alston Moor, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Grace Laton, relict, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will 
DPRI/1/1672/L3   20 October 1672
Nicolas LAW, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough of Berwicke (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/L3/2: 18 May 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/L3/1: 18 May 1672  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1672/L3/3: 18 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £136 15s 2d 
DPRI/1/1672/L3/4: 18 May 1672  - commission to William Davidson, curate of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Law, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Davidson, 20 Oct 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f63r-63v
Thomas LAWSON, anchor-smith, of chapplerie of All Saints within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/L4/1: 6 February 1673  - indented inventory 
Thomas LAWSON, gardener, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/L5/1-2: 9 July 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/L5/3: 9 July 1672  - indented inventory, actual total £59 8s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f73r
DPRI/1/1672/L6   29 January 1673
William LAWSON, gentleman, of South Sheeles (Sheiles) West Pannes in the chapplery of St Hildes in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/L6/1: 2 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/L6/3-4: 2 December 1672  - commission to Stephen Boardley, curate of St Hilda, and Thomas White, curate of Bouldon, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Lawrence Lawson and Thomas Lawson, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bordley and White, 29 Jan 1673 
DPRI/1/1672/L6/2: 2 December 1672  - indented inventory, actual total £570 8s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f70r-71r
John LAX, of Binchester [Binchester, County Durham]. Died 18 August 1670
DPRI/1/1672/L7/1: 9 September 1670  - inventory 
Arthure LEE, junior, yeoman, of Emsaugh (Emsough, Emeshaugh) in the parish of Alston and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Arthur
DPRI/1/1672/L8/1: 20 April 1672  - nuncupative will dated 20 and 21 Apr 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/L8/2: 20 April 1672  - inventory, actual total £67 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 7s 1d) 
DPRI/1/1672/L8/3: 20 April 1672  - interrogatories interrogatories of Ann Lee, relict, to the witnesses to the nuncupative will produced on the part of Arthur Lee senior 
DPRI/1/1672/L8/4-5: 20 April 1672  - depositions and responses depositions of the witnesses to the nuncupative will, with their responses to the interrogatories, relating to a cause to prove the will: Arthur Lee senior, father v Ann Lee, relict 
DPRI/1/1672/L9   1 March 1673
Elizabeth LEE, widow, of Aldston House in Aldstonmoore (Alstall Moore) [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/L9/4: 21 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/L9/3: 21 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £12 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £4 5s) 
DPRI/1/1672/L9/1-2: 21 May 1671  - commission to John Lee, curate of Alston Moor, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Lee, [grandson and] executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Lee, 1 Mar 1673 
William LEE, yeoman, of Birkle (Birckley, Birkley) in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/L10/1: 8 May 1671  - indented will 
DPRI/1/1672/L10/2: 8 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £20 7s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f72v-73r
John LISLE, esquire, of Elihaugh (Elyhaugh) [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/L11/1: 24 December 1672  - inventory 
Dorothy LORAINE, relict and administratrix of Robert Loraine, widow, of Walker in the county of Northumberland [Walker, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/L12/1-2: 2 October 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/L12/3: 2 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £23 
Robert LORRAIN, gentleman, of Walker in the county of Northumberland [Walker, Northumberland]; also spelt Lorraine, Loraine
DPRI/1/1672/L13/1: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Dorothy Lorrain, relict; exhibited by Robert Lorrain 
Jane LUMBLEY, of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Lumbly
DPRI/1/1672/L14/1: 17 January 1673  - inventory 
Lionell MADDISON, of Gateshead (Goateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]. Died 20 June 1672
DPRI/1/1672/M1/1: undated  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1672/M1/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £29 9s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f71r
Raiph MARLEY, blacksmith, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1672/M2/1: 1 August 1672  - inventory 
Thomas MASON, the elder, yeoman, of Iveston in the county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/M3/1-2: 13 April 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/M3/3: 13 April 1672  - inventory, actual total £114 18s (with account of funeral expenses of £7 10s) 
George MEDCALFE, mason, of Evenwood in the county of Durham [Evenwood, County Durham]; also spelt Metcalfe, Medcaffe
DPRI/1/1672/M4/1-2: 8 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/M4/3: 8 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £45 0s 11d (with account of funeral expenses of £5) 
DPRI/1/1672/M5   6 March 1673
Robert MERRIMAN, of chapelry of Hartlepoole [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/M5/1: 13 February 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/M5/2: 13 February 1673  - commission to Edward Smathwate MA, vicar of Hart, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Merriman, relict; commission executed by Smathwate, 6 Mar 1673 
Edmond MIDLETON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Middleton
DPRI/1/1672/M6/1: 7 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/M6/2: 7 February 1673  - indented inventory, actual total £1,195 1s 7d (with account of debts of £453) inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f73v
DPRI/1/1672/M7   3 April 1672
George MILBOURNE, esquire, of East Chirton, parish of Tynemouth in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1672/M7/1-2: 20 January 1672  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1672/M7/6-7: 20 January 1672  - commission to Stephen Dockwray, curate of Tynemouth, Stephen Boardley, curate of St Hilda, and Joseph Dacree, curate of Earsden, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Butler, [sister and] executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwary, 3 Apr 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/M7/3: 20 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £190 
DPRI/1/1672/M7/4-5: 20 January 1672  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f54v-55r
Cuthbart MILLNER, of Furd (Foord), parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Cuthbert, Miller
DPRI/1/1672/M8/1: 28 December 1671  - inventory 
Andrew MOORE, apothecary, towne of Berwick upon Tweed, town of Newcastle [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/M9/1: January 1673  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1672/M10   31 May 1672
Mary MOORE, widow, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/M10/1-2: 17 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/M10/3: 17 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £26 4s 4d 
DPRI/1/1672/M10/4: 17 December 1670  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Henry Moore and Bartram Robson, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 31 May 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f56v-57r
Robert MOWBRAY, yeoman, of Duxfeild Hall in the parish of Slaley in the countie of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Mowbrey
DPRI/1/1672/M11/1-2: 12 November 1671  - inventory 
William MUSHONS, shipped on board H.M.S. Monmouth, [royal navy] mariner, of Newcastell upon Tyne in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/M12/1: 14 May 1672  - power of attorney  with will, 14 May 1672 
Michaell NEWTON, of Aislaby within the parish Eaglescliffe [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1672/N1/1: 17 October 1672  - inventory 
Edward NICHOLSON, yeoman, of Low Throston in the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/N2/1: 29 August 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/N2/2: 29 August 1672  - inventory, actual total £317 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f62r-62v
Henry NICHOLSON, of West Slickburne [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicolson
DPRI/1/1672/N3/2: 24 June 1671  - inventory, actual total £37 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 19s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1672/N3/1: 24 June 1671  - copy inventory, actual total £37 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 19s 4d)  with copy inventory, 31 January 1684, actual total £9 13s inventory of the goods etc. of Henry Nicholson (1671) and Ursula Bard 'wife to Edward Bard' (1684) 
George OURD, yeoman, of Elmdon (Elmden) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Ord
DPRI/1/1672/O1/1: 25 April 1672  - inventory 
Marmaduke OVERMAN, of West Awckland (Auckland) within the countie of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/O2/1: 5 October 1672  - inventory 
Anthony PAIGE, yeoman, of Hunt Hall in the forrest of Teesdale (Teasdaile) in the parish of Midleton in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/P1/1: 14 September 1672  - inventory 
Thomas PEARSON, yeoman, of Trimdon in the countie of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/P2/1-2: 4 June 1658  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/P2/3-4: 4 June 1658  - inventory, actual total £221 10s 8d (with account of debts of £175 11s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f56r-56v
Elliner PENNY, widow, of chapelry of St Andrewes, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellinor, Elianor
DPRI/1/1672/P3/1-4: 2 February 1672  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1672/P3/5: 2 February 1672  - inventory, actual total £31 9s 6d 
DPRI/1/1672/P3/6: 2 February 1672  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f65r-65v
DPRI/1/1672/P4   17 June 1672
Robert PRESTON, plumber, of parish of St Nicholas, towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/P4/1: 15 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/P4/2: 15 April 1671  - indented inventory, actual total £26 17s 6d 
DPRI/1/1672/P4/3: 15 April 1671  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Florence Preston, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 17 June 1762 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f58r-58v
Cudbert RAILESTON, of Ellington in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1672/R1/1: 8 October 1672  - inventory 
Gillian RAIMS, widow, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Julian, Rames, Raimes
DPRI/1/1672/R2/1-2: 23 March 1672  - will with list of debts owed by the testator of £33 
DPRI/1/1672/R2/3-4: 23 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £55 15s 4d 
William READ, yeoman, of Great Lumley (Lumly) in the countie of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Reed
DPRI/1/1672/R4/1-2: 27 July 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/R4/3: 27 July 1660  - inventory, actual total £24 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f65v-66r
Raiph REED, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1672/R3/1-2: 24 May 1672  - inventory exhibited, 24 May 1672 
Nicholas RICHARDSON, of Wolviston [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/R5/1-2: 17 January 1673  - inventory exhibited by Edward Richardson, 17 Jan 1673 
Thomas RIPPON, of Howlemires in the parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/R6/1: 6 June 1672  - inventory 
Margrit ROBINGTON, widow, of Crake in the county and within the county of Yorke [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Margrite, Margaret
DPRI/1/1672/R11/1: undated  - will dated 22 M... 1671 (document damaged) 
DPRI/1/1672/R11/2 - wrapper 
Andrew ROBINSON, skinner, glover, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/R7/1: 20 June 1671  - indented inventory 
no address given
DPRI/1/1672/R8/1: 29 December 1671  - inventory 
Jane ROBINSON, widow, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/R9/1: 15 June 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/R9/2: 15 June 1672  - inventory, actual total £76 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 6d) 
John ROBINSON, senior, of Lowconclif (Low Conscliffe) [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/R10/1: 22 February 1672  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered [by John Robinson junior, son]; the same goods were appraised 28 Sep 1669 after the death of James Robinson senior, father 
DPRI/1/1672/R12   12 December 1672
Bartram ROBSON, butcher, of without the Westgate within the chapplerie of St Johns neare the towne of Newcastle upon Tine in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/R12/1-2: 14 September 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/R12/3: 14 September 1672  - indented inventory, actual total £75 2s 8d 
DPRI/1/1672/R12/4: 14 September 1672  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Grace Robson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 12 Dec 1672 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f66r-66v
William ROBSON, smith, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/R13/1-2: 13 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/R13/3: 13 December 1672  - indented inventory, actual total £62 1s inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Cuthbert RODHAM, yeoman, gentleman, of Widon (Wydon) within the parish of Haltwesle (Haltwhistle) and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/R14/1-2: February 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/R14/3: February 1672  - inventory, actual total £33 14s 10d 
John SALVIN, gentleman, of Hurworth (White Hurworth) in the countie of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Salvyn
DPRI/1/1672/S1/1: 27 August 1672  - inventory 
George SANDS, of parish of Stanington (Stannington) [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/S2/1-2: 13 December 1671  - inventory 
Thomas SCOTT, yeoman, of Sunderland neare the Sea and parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/S3/1: 27 September 1672  - inventory exhibited by Euphania Preston, 27 Sep 1672 
George SELBY, gentleman, of Winlaton in the parish of Ryton [Winlaton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/S4/1: 24 October 1672  - inventory exhibited by Dorothy Selby, relict, 24 Oct 1672 
Richard SELBY, gentleman, of Thorneton in the county of Durham [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Selbye
DPRI/1/1672/S6/1-2: 17 March 1672  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f69r
Oliver SELBYE, gentleman, of Shoreswood Demaine [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby
DPRI/1/1672/S5/1: 31 December 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/S7   31 May 1672
James SHAFTO, merchant adventurer, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1672/S7/1-2: 25 May 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/S7/5: 25 May 1672  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mark Shafto esquire, brother, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 31 May 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/S7/3-4: 25 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £90 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f57r-57v
Ann SHARPE, of Duxfeild (Dueksfeald) Hall in the county of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Ane, Sharp
DPRI/1/1672/S8/1-2: 27 April 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/S8/3: 27 April 1672  - inventory, actual total £26 8s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 1s 6d) 
John SHARPE, of Dilston in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Sharp
DPRI/1/1672/S9/1-2: 29 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/S9/3-4: 29 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £40 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 11s 6d) 
Hugh SHEVILL, fuller, of Gilligate, parish of St Gyles's in Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/S10/1: 17 May 1672  - inventory exhibited by Henry Shevill, son, 17 May 1672 
William SIGGWICK, East Whitley in the parish of Staindrop and countie of Durham, Longledale (Langlydale) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Sigswicke, Sidgwicke, Sidgewicke, Sidgwick
DPRI/1/1672/S11/1-2: 1 February 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/S11/3-4: 1 February 1672  - inventory, actual total £391 5s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 14s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f55v
Mary SIMPSON, widow, of North Seaton in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/S12/1-2: 2 May 1672  - inventory 
Edward SMITH, of Barmeston (Barmston) in the parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/S13/1: 17 May 1672  - inventory 
James SMITH, of Lizards House (Lyzardshouse) in the parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/S14/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Richard SMITH, of Newbottle (Newbotle) in the county of Durham [Newbottle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/S15/1: 18 May 1672  - inventory exhibited 18 May 1672 
Edward SOULESBY, [royal navy] mariner, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Soulsby
Soulesby 'was slayne in his Majestyes service aboard of the Royall Prince [H.M.S. Prince Royal] in the late Engagement against the Hollanders' [3rd Anglo-Dutch War].
DPRI/1/1672/S16/1: 13 January 1673  - inventory 
Edmund STOBBERT, yeoman, of Bromley in the parish of Bywell St Peter in the countie of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Edmond, Stobbart
DPRI/1/1672/S17/1: 27 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/S17/2: 27 December 1672  - will, actual total £21 16s 6d list of debts owed to and bequeathed by the testator, endorsed with list of remitted debts; [dated 27 Dec 1672] 
DPRI/1/1672/S17/3: 27 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £181 0s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f71v-72r
Richard STODDART, of Greenside in the parish of Kellow [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Stoddert
DPRI/1/1672/S18/1: 10 October 1672  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Isabell Stoddart, relict 
Christopher STONES, gentleman, of North Baly in the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/S19/1-2: 20 March 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/S19/3: 20 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £38 16s 
Reynold STORYE, of Holy Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Reginald, Story
DPRI/1/1672/S20/1-2: 27 December 1672  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f68r-68v
Matthew TAYLOR, shipwright, of South Shore (Shoare) in the county of Durham, parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/T1/1: 20 January 1673  - inventory 
Mathew TAYLOR, of Unthank within the parish of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Tayller
DPRI/1/1672/T2/1-2: 29 May 1672  - inventory 
Miles TAYLOR, master and mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/T3/1: 16 January 1673  - indented inventory 
William TAYLOR, of Kibblesworth in the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/T4/1: 11 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/T4/2: 11 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £148 19s 8d exhibited by Robert Taylor, executor, 8 Mar 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f71v
Arthure THOMPSON, of chappelry of Brainshaugh in the county of Northumberland [Brainshaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/T5/1-2: 5 March 1673  - inventory funeral expenses for two burials 
Thomas THOMPSON, shipwright, of chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/T6/1-2: 1 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/T6/4: 1 October 1672  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA and Ralph Adstell, perpetual vicar and curate of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Rand, [daughter-in-law and] executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 25 Nov 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/T6/3: 1 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £58 4s 8d 
DPRI/1/1672/T7   17 December 1672
Robert TOD, the elder, carpenter, of chapelry of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Todd
DPRI/1/1672/T7/1-2: 22 November 1652  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/T7/3: 22 November 1652  - inventory, actual total £170 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £37 10s) 
DPRI/1/1672/T7/4: 22 November 1652  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Raine and Isabell Raine, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 17 Dec 1672 
Nicholas TOWARD, tanner, of Wolsinghma in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/T8/1: 13 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/T8/2-3: 13 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £112 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 6s) 
John TOWLERTON, yeoman, of Shildon (Sheldon) in the countye of Durham [Shildon, County Durham]; also spelt Tollert[on]
DPRI/1/1672/T9/1-2: 28 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/T9/3: 28 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £52 12s 
Charles TROTTER, mercer, merchant, of Gatesheade in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/T10/1: 24 October 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/T10/2 - wrapper 
Thomas TRUMBLE, cooper, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/T11/1: 4 July 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/T11/2: 4 July 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £36 2s (with account of debts of £170) inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f60r-61r
George TWEDDELL, yeoman, of Hartburne Grainge (Harburne Grange) in the parish of Harburne in the county of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Tweddaile, Tweeddaile
DPRI/1/1672/T12/1: 1 September 1671  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/T12/2-3: 1 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £86 5s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £14 3s 6d) 
Robert URWEN, gentleman, of Felton Pethfoot [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/U1/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/V1   20 April 1672
Peter Dennis VANVIVE, of chapelry of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Van, Vive
DPRI/1/1672/V1/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/V1/2-3: undated  - commission to Thomas Rudd, curate of Stockton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Hester Vanvive, relict; commission executed by Rudd, 20 Apr 1672 
James VICCARS, yeoman, of Chappell Smiddy (Sniddy) House in Weredale (Weardaile) in the county of Durham [St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, County Durham]; also spelt Viccarrs
DPRI/1/1672/V2/1: 28 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/V2/2-3: 28 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £48 10s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £7 3s 2d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f54r
William VIPOUND, yeoman, of Midle Crage (Middle Crag) in the parish of Garrigill and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vepound, Vypond
DPRI/1/1672/V3/1: 27 June 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/V3/2: 27 June 1672  - inventory, actual total £37 7s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29 1s 2d) 
Thomas VYPONT, tailor, of Alstonmore (Alston Moore) in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vepon
DPRI/1/1672/V4/1-2: 14 January 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/V4/4: 14 January 1667  - inventory, actual total £3 1s 
DPRI/1/1672/V4/3: 14 January 1667  - deposition deposition of John Flinte relating to the authenticity of the will and its transmission to the deceased's relict; taken by Thomas Naylor [vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas] 
James WALKER, yeoman, of Wylom (Wylome) in the parish of Ovingham and county of Northumberland [Wylam, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W1/1-2: 17 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/W1/3-4: 17 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £34 12s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f72v
William WALLAS, yeoman, of Blagill in the parish of Alston (Alstonn) and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Wallis
DPRI/1/1672/W4/1: undated  - [copy] will 
DPRI/1/1672/W4/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £48 12s (with account of funeral expenses of £7) 
Robert WALLES, of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W2/1: 27 December 1671  - inventory 
George WALLIS, senior, gentleman, of Whitelaw [?Whitlow] and parish of Kirkhaugh (Knaresdaile) in the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W3/1-2: 20 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/W3/3: 20 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £171 17s 4d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £44 13s) 
Thomas WALTON, yeoman, of Annot Walls in Aldstonmoore in the county of Cumberland, parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W5/1: 19 October 1672  - inventory 
James WANLESS, yeoman, of Girsles (Girslees) in the countie of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Wandles, Wanlesse
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1672/W6/1-2: 15 July 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/W6/3-4: 15 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £16 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f68v
Edward WATSON, curate of Chester-le-Street, clerk, of Chester in the Streete in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/W7/1-2: 20 January 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1672/W7/3: 20 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £34 2s 8d 
Ellenor WATSON, of Sumer House (Summerhouse) within the parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/W8/1: undated  - inventory 
James WATSON, of parish of St Maries in North Baley [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/W9/1: undated  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Isabell Watson, relict 
Amet WAUGH, wife of Robert Waugh, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Emetta
DPRI/1/1672/W10/1: 2 June 1672  - inventory 
John WELSH, of Hetton in the Holl (Hole) [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/W11/1-2: 14 October 1672  - inventory 
Roger WIDDRINGTON, gentleman, of Harbotle (Harbottle) in the parish of Allenton in the county of Northumberland [Holystone, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W12/1: 26 January 1672  - copy inventory 
DPRI/1/1672/W12/3-4: 26 January 1672  - commission to John Stuarte, curate of Alwinton, and Thomas Wemys MA, vicar of Whittingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Catherine Widdrington, relict, and also to grant to her the tuition of her daughter Mary Widdrington; commission executed by Wemys, 26 Mar 1672 
DPRI/1/1672/W12/5-6: 26 January 1672  - account, actual total £2,210 0s 4d (with discharge of £2,517 13s) account of Catherine Hammond (formerly Widdrington, relict) 
DPRI/1/1672/W12/7-8: 26 January 1672  - copy account, actual total £2,210 0s 4d (with discharge of £2,517 13s) account of Catherine Hammond alias Widdrington 
DPRI/1/1672/W12/9 - wrapper wrapper for the account, dated June 1673 
DPRI/1/1672/W12/2: 26 January 1672  - bond to redeliver the original inventory, penal sum £1,000 
Alice WILKINSON, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/W13/1: 15 March 1672  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Alice Smith alias Potts; exhibited by Thomas Potts, 15 Mar 1672 
John WILKINSON, of Laingsloaneing in the parish of Shotley and county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W14/1: 29 May 1672  - inventory 
Robert WILLSON, yeoman, of Clarewoode (Clarewood) in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W17/1: 24 April 1672  - inventory 
Edward WILSON, yeoman, of Ritton Whithowse (Whitehouse) in the county of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W15/1-2: 20 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/W15/3-4: 20 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £193 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £60 9s 11d) 
Ralph WILSON, glover, skinner, of South Street nigh the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Raph, Wolson
DPRI/1/1672/W16/1-3: 7 June 1672  - will  with inventory, 16 December 1672, actual total £76 6s 8d 
Rowland WILSON, cordwainer, of Darlington within the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]. Died 13 August 1672
DPRI/1/1672/W18/1: 29 August 1672  - inventory 
William WILSON, yeoman, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1672/W19/1-2: 28 December 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1672/W19/3: 28 December 1671  - inventory, actual total £177 
William WOODMAS, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Woodmasse
DPRI/1/1672/W20/1: 25 March 1672  - indented inventory 
Hugh WOODMOSS, yeoman, of Over Galigill (Gallygill) in the parish of Aldstone and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Woodmas
DPRI/1/1672/W21/1: 22 March 1672  - inventory 
Avara WRANGHAM, shipwright, of chapplerie of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1672/W22/1: 18 February 1673  - indented inventory 
George WRIGHT, of Whitton within the countie of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1672/W23/1-2: 30 April 1672  - inventory 
Wills etc proved 1673
Reference: DPRI/1/1673
Mergery AINSLEY, of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Margery, Ainesly, Ansley
DPRI/1/1673/A1/1-2: 29 September 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B169
DPRI/1/1673/A2   26 August 1673
William ALINSON, bagger, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Allenson, Allanson, Allinson
DPRI/1/1673/A2/1-2: 26 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/A2/4: 26 June 1673  - commission to John Brockeld, curate of Barnard Castle, and Clement Parcherd, curate of Whorleton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Allinson, daughter and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 26 Aug 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/A2/3: 26 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £24 17s 7d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f88v
Nicholas ALLON, weaver, of Midridge (Mederedge) in the county of Durham, parish of Aickliffe [Middridge, County Durham]; also spelt Nicolas, Allan
DPRI/1/1673/A3/1: 5 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/A3/2: 5 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £89 10s 
Anne APEDALE, widow, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/A4/1-2: 8 February 1673  - will endorsed with memorandum relating to the publication of the will, 2 Dec 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/A4/3: 8 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £70 8s 2d (with account of legacies of £5) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B223
Peter ARCHER, of East Matphen (Matfin) in the parish of Stamfordham (Stamphordham) [Stamfordham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/A5/1: 3 January 1674  - inventory 
Nicholas ARMESTRONG, yeoman, of Low Throston in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/A7/1-2: 7 October 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B182
Alice ARMSTRONG, widow, of Dalton Peircy (Peircey, Pearcey) alias Dalton Perse in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Armestrong
DPRI/1/1673/A6/1-3: 17 April 1673  - will  with codicil, 17 April 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/A6/4: 17 April 1673  - inventory, actual total £40 4s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f85r-87v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B142-143
Elizabeth ARROWSMITH, spinster, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/A8/1-2: 14 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/A8/3: 14 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £6 0s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B216
DPRI/1/1673/A9   9 October 1673
James ASCOUGH, esquire, of Middleton St George [Middleton St George, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/A9/1-2: 10 September 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/A9/4: 10 September 1673  - commission to Marmaduke Wetherell MA, rector of Middleton St George, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Ascough, relict; [commission executed by Wetherell, 9 Oct 1673] 
DPRI/1/1673/A9/3: 10 September 1673  - certificate of oath 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B181
Ann ATKINSON, spinster, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Atteson
DPRI/1/1673/A10/1: 2 February 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/A10/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B268
Cassandra BADDELEY, widow, of North Baley nigh the cittie and county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B1/1-2: 12 April 1673  - will  with codicil, 15 September 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/B1/3-4: 12 April 1673  - inventory, actual total £606 15s exhibited 11 Oct 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B185
Elizabeth BAINBRIDGE, widow, of parish (chapel) of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Weardaile) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Bainebridge
DPRI/1/1673/B2/1: 17 May 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/B2/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B47
Thomas BAINBRIGGE, weaver, of Lingoefeild in the county of Durham, chapelry of Lamesly [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Bainebridge, Baimbrigg
DPRI/1/1673/B3/1-2: 12 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/B3/3: 12 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £16 11s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f92v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B192
DPRI/1/1673/B4   23 September 1673
Richard BAKER, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/B4/1: 20 November 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/B4/2-3: 20 November 1673  - commission to William Sancroft D.D., dan of St Paul's London, and Joseph Thompson D.D., vicar of St Dunstan in the West, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Nicholas Baker, son; commission executed by Thompson, 23 Sep 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B231-233
Jane BARKER, widow, of chapelry of St Margaretts in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B5/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B6
Richard BARKER, widow, of Monck Arbour House (Monk Arbour) [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B6/1: 6 May 1673  - inventory of the goods etc. left unadministered by Jane Barker, widdow 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B26
DPRI/1/1673/B7   11 August 1673
Stephen BARKER, gentleman, of the North Sheilds, parish of Tinemouth in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Barkar
DPRI/1/1673/B7/1: 6 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/B7/2: 6 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £343 4s 6d 
DPRI/1/1673/B7/3: 6 November 1672  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Barker, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwray, 11 Aug 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B140
John BAROW, of Hensay, parish of Haltwistle (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Barrow
DPRI/1/1673/B9/1: 4 January 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/B9/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B98
George BARROW, yeoman, of Stonehall in the parish of Haltwisle (Haltwesle) and countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/B8/1-2: 26 March 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B99
Robert BECKLES, beer-brewer, of Elvett near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B10/1: 14 January 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/B10/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B253
Gawin BELL, yeoman, of Stockley in the parish of Branspeth in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B11/1-2: 25 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/B11/3: 25 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £25 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21 15s) 
DPRI/1/1673/B11/4: 25 February 1671  - copy inventory, actual total £25 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21 15s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B9
Ralph BELL, mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/B12/1-2: 7 March 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B277
John BENEY, chapman, yeoman, of chapelry of All Saints within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/B13/1: 26 March 1673  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1673/B13/2: 26 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £272 3s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B14
John BEWICKE, clerk, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bewick
DPRI/1/1673/B14/1: 15 January 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/B14/2 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1673/B15   3 June 1673
Margarett BLENKARN, widow, of Bernard (Barnard) Castle within the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Blenkarne
DPRI/1/1673/B15/1-2: 12 May 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/B15/3: 12 May 1673  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Simon Raine and Christopher Raine, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 3 June 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/B15/4: 12 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £131 13s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B53
John BOULTON, tanner, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Bowleton
DPRI/1/1673/B16/1-2: 19 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/B16/3: 19 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £131 12s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f89r-89v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B156
Isabell BOURN, servant of John Walker, servant, of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B17/1: 28 April 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/B17/2: 28 April 1673  - inventory, actual total £13 4s 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B65
Robert BOYES, senior, Elwicke , and Dalton Peircy, parish of Hart, late deceased in the parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Boys
DPRI/1/1673/B18/1: 15 February 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B269
Stephen BOYES, shipwright, of Bishop Wearmouth Salt Panns in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B19/1-2: 13 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/B19/3: 13 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £82 9s 6d exhibited by Jane Boyes, relict, 1 Sep 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B154-155
Christofer BRADLEY, watchmaker, of barronry of Elvett in the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
Bradley leased a shop on Elvett Bridge
DPRI/1/1673/B20/1-2: 11 December 1670  - will  with codicil, 14 December 1670 
DPRI/1/1673/B20/3: 11 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £26 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 14s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f103r-103v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B256
John BROWNE, yeoman, bachelor, of Langton in the parish of Gainford in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/B21/1-2: 14 November 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/B21/3-4: 14 November 1673  - inventory, actual total £43 13s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f102v-103r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B252
John BURDEN, mariner, of Bishop Wearmouth (Wearemouth) Pans in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Burdon
DPRI/1/1673/B22/1-2: 19 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/B22/3: 19 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £63 exhibited by Alice Forster widow, 1 Sep 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B153
Jane BURNETT, widow, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/B23/2-3: 15 January 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/B23/1: 15 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £8 7s 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B80
Peter BUSH, gentleman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
see bond [A172]
DPRI/1/1673/B24/1-2: undated  - [draft] 
DPRI/1/1673/B24/3: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/B24/4 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B172
John CARR, of Alnwicke Aby (Alnewick Abby) [Alnwick, Northumberland]. Died 29 November 1672
DPRI/1/1673/C1/1-2: 12 December 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B90
Raiph CHAMBERS, shipwright, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1673/C2/1: 15 August 1672  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B68
DPRI/1/1673/C3   2 March 1674
Marmaducke CHAPMAN, of parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
see bond [A274]
DPRI/1/1673/C3/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/C3/2-3: undated  - commission to Hammond Beaumont MA, curate of Sedgefield, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Chapman, relict; commission executed by Beaumont, 2 Mar 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B274
John CHARLETON, Stanfordham (Stamfordham), Stanerton [Stamfordham, Northumberland; Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Charlton
DPRI/1/1673/C4/1: 12 May 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C4/2: 12 May 1668  - inventory, actual total £51 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B97
George CHATOR, weaver, of parish of St Johns in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaitor, Chaytor
DPRI/1/1673/C5/1: 23 October 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C5/2-3: 23 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £23 14s 7d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f77v-78r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B43
Robert CHIPCHASE, beer-brewer, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham, parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchaise, Chipchais
DPRI/1/1673/C6/1: 2 September 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C6/2: 2 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £232 5s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f99v-100r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B231-232
James CHOLMELEY, gentleman, of Framwelgate (Framwellgate) near the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/C7/1: 4 February 1674  - will endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating to a sentence (judgement) validating the will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f109v-110r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B278
DPRI/1/1673/C9   28 August 1673
Edmond CLARKSON, yeoman, of borough of Berwicke (Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerckson
DPRI/1/1673/C9/1: 24 July 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C9/2: 24 July 1672  - inventory, actual total £99 18s 6d 
DPRI/1/1673/C9/3: 24 July 1672  - commission to William Mitford MA, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Clerkson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Mitford, 28 Aug 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B149
Ann CLAVERING, widow, of Axwell Houses, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/C10/1: 12 January 1674  - inventory exhibited, 13 Jan 1674 
DPRI/1/1673/C10/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B217
Stephen COCKEY, the elder, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/C11/1: 21 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C11/2: 21 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £92 2s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B226
Anthony COMYN, of the Burne in the parish of Branspeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Anthonie, Commin
DPRI/1/1673/C12/1-2: 2 November 1667  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/C12/3: 2 November 1667  - inventory, actual total £21 2s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B280
Nicholas COMYN, yeoman, of Burne in the towneshipp of Willington in the county of Durham, parish of Brancepeth [Willington, County Durham]; also spelt Cumin
DPRI/1/1673/C13/1: 9 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C13/2: 9 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £40 (with account of debts of £31) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B8
James COOKE, junior, of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/C14/1-2: 29 August 1673  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B170
Mary COOKE, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/C15/1-2: 4 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C15/3: 4 December 1672  - indented inventory, actual total £169 14s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B38
DPRI/1/1673/C16   23 December 1673
Robert COOKE, master and mariner, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/C16/1-2: 9 September 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/C16/3: 9 September 1667  - inventory, actual total £306 18s 4d 
DPRI/1/1673/C16/4: 9 September 1667  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to George Cooke, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 23 Dec 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f100v-101r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B235
John CRAW, of Youdon Foot (Foote) in the parish (chapelry) of Hamsterly [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Crawe
DPRI/1/1673/C17/1: 25 March 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B40
Elenor CRISP, spinster, Sydgate without the walls but within the libertes of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Andrews, London [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland; London]; also spelt Ellinor, Crispe, Ellenor
Crisp died at sea on a voyage from Newcastle to London 'where her fixed dwelling was'.
DPRI/1/1673/C18/1-2: September 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/C18/3: September 1672  - allegation allegation introducing the nuncupative will to prove the same in solemn form 
DPRI/1/1673/C18/5-6: September 1672  - depositions depositions of the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of Henry Crispe [brother] and Gabriel Swainston, curators ad litem of William Crispe [nephew] (no other next of kin having answered a monition) 
DPRI/1/1673/C18/4: September 1672  - inventory, actual total £49 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B126
DPRI/1/1673/C19   4 July 1673
Robert CROME, fuller, dyer, of towne and county of New Castle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/C19/1: 30 June 1673  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1673/C19/2: 30 June 1673  - commission to Anthony Procter, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Crome, relict; commission executed by Procter, 4 July 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B109
John CROW, of parish of Longframlington (Low Framlington), parish of Felton [Longframlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/C20/1: 13 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B91
James CRYSTON, glover, of Alnwick (Alnewick) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Chryston, Christon
DPRI/1/1673/C8/1: 21 February 1673  - will with (contemporaneous) list of debts owed to testator 
DPRI/1/1673/C8/2-3: 21 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £45 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f91v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B177-178
Joseph DACRE, curate of Earsdon, clerk, of Earsdan (Earsdon) [Earsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/D1/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B48
Thomas DAVISON, yeoman, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/D2/1-2: 18 December 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/D2/3-4: 18 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £195 10s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £36 19s 2d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B44
Thomas DAVISON, of Thorpe Thewles [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/D3/1: 1 May 1673  - inventory 
Christopher DAWSON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/D4/1: 11 March 1673  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B70
Jane DAWSON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/D5/1: 12 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B241
John DEANHAM, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Deenham
DPRI/1/1673/D6/1: 30 August 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B150
John DOUTHWAITE, goldsmith, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dowthwaite
DPRI/1/1673/D7/1: 19 May 1673  - indented inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B41
Cuthbert EMERSON, yeoman, of Werehead (Wearhead) in Weredaile in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhope [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1673/E1/1: 12 August 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/E1/2-3: 12 August 1673  - inventory, actual total £46 1s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £8) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B189-190
William EMERSON, of Low Horsley within the parish of Stanhoop (Stanhopp) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emersone, Emmerson
DPRI/1/1673/E4/1-2: 16 October 1655  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/E4/3: 16 October 1655  - inventory, actual total £54 3s 8d 
DPRI/1/1673/E2   27 November 1673
John EMMERSON, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Emerson
DPRI/1/1673/E2/1-2: 11 March 1672  - will  with grant of probate, 27 November 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f97v-99v
will bond, penal sum £200: DPRI/3/1706/B232
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B213
Thomas EMMERSON, yeoman, of Shotton in the parish of Staindrope in the county of Durham [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson, Emersonn
DPRI/1/1673/E3/1: 3 July 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/E3/2: 3 July 1672  - inventory, actual total £61 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £52 13s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B147
Ralph EWERT, of Throple (Thropple) [Mitford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/E5/1: 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/E5/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B79
Thomas FAWCUS, alias Bell, former wife of Thomas Fawcus, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/F1/1: 7 June 1673  - inventory of goods etc. left unadministered by Thomas Fawcus, husband; exhibited by Alice Fawcus, widow 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B75
Thomas FAWCUS, of town of Newcastlle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/F2/1: 10 June 1673  - inventory 
Thomas FELL, miller, yeoman, of Peircebrigg (Piersbridge, Peacebridge) in the county palatine of Durham, parish of Gainford [Piercebridge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/F3/1-2: 14 August 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/F3/3: 14 August 1673  - inventory, actual total £449 6s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £47 5s 9d) 
DPRI/1/1673/F3/4-5: 14 August 1673  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Fell, relict, nominating Thomas Mowbrey and John Hobson to administer during the minority of William Fell, son and sole executor 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B220-221
DPRI/1/1673/F4   11 June 1673
Phillipp FENWICK, yeoman, of North Sheilds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/F4/1: 11 June 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/F4/2: 11 June 1673  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Fenwick, relict; commission executed by Dockwray, 11 June 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B63
Alexander FORSTER, gentleman, of Bednell in the county of Northumberland, parish of Balmbrough [Beadnell, Northumberland]
parish uncertain
DPRI/1/1673/F5/1-2: 29 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B88
Thomas FORSTER, esquire, of Edderston [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/F7/1: 15 July 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B123-124
Robart FORTHERLEY, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert, Fotherley
DPRI/1/1673/F9/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B264
John FOSTER, of Great Lumley (Lumbly) in this county, parish of Chester in the Street [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Forster
DPRI/1/1673/F6/1: 3 June 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/F6/2 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1673/F8   9 October 1673
James FOTHERGILL, tanner, of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/F8/2-3: 6 October 1673  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Fothergill, relict; commission executed by Brockell, 9 Oct 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/F8/1: 6 October 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B187
Nicholas FREVILE, esquire, of Hardwick (Hardwicke) in the countie of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Frevill
DPRI/1/1673/F10/1-4: 12 November 1673  - copy will  with copy codicil, 15 December 1673  with receipt for the original will and codicil, 6 March 1674 with 6 Mar 1674 memorandum certifying the accuracy of the will and codicil 
DPRI/1/1673/F10/5-6: 12 November 1673  - inventory, actual total £856 10s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f108r-109v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B275
Thomas GIBBONS, tanner, of Goatshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/G1/1: 19 November 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B207
Thomas GIBSON, gentleman, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/G2/1-4: 2 September 1672  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1673/G2/5: 2 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £39 0s 2d 
DPRI/1/1673/G2/6-7: 2 September 1672  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f81r-82v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B105
DPRI/1/1673/G3   23 December 1673
George GILPIN, gentleman, of North Sheilds (Sheiles) in the parish of Tinemouth in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/G3/1-2: 2 October 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/G3/3-4: 2 October 1673  - inventory, actual total £80 1s 8d 
DPRI/1/1673/G3/5: 2 October 1673  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Gilpin, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwray, 23 Dec 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f100r-100v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B234
Ralph GRAINGE, of Wolviston [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/G4/1: 7 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B31
William GRAY, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/G5/1-4: 8 December 1656  - copy will  with copy codicil, 27 March 1658 [page order is 1, 3, 4, 2] 
DPRI/1/1673/G5/5: 8 December 1656  - indented inventory, actual total £29 8s 1d 
DPRI/1/1673/G5/7-8: 8 December 1656  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f104r-105v
DPRI/1/1673/G6   5 November 1673
Edward GRAYE, esquire, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray, Grey
DPRI/1/1673/G6/1: 27 January 1658  - will endorsed with memorandum relating to 16 Apr 1672 Chancery case: William Widdrington esquire and others v Leonard Thorneton and others 
DPRI/1/1673/G6/3-4: 27 January 1658  - commission to Edward Lumsden MA and George Bell, curate and preacher of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Delavale alias Grey and Katharine Ramsey alias Grey, [daughters and two of the] co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; [commission executed by Bell, 5 Nov 1673] 
DPRI/1/1673/G6/2: 27 January 1658  - certificate of oath letter from George Bell at Morpeth to Rowell [at Durham], with certificate of oath; endorsed with direction to Gerrard Stokel[d], attorney at Newcastle upon Tyne 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f76v-77v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B251
Christopher GREENAY, of Wylom in the county of Northumberland, parish of Ovingham [Wylam, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/G8/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B101
Henry GREENE, yeoman, of Sheraton in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1673/G7/1-2: 13 November 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/G7/3-4: 13 November 1673  - inventory, actual total £266 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £157 1s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B224
Thomas GREENEWELL, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Grinwell
DPRI/1/1673/G9/1-2: 17 November 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/G9/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B227
DPRI/1/1673/G10   10 May 1673
Edward GREY, Suny (Sunney, Sunny) Lawes in the county of Northumberland, Pauston (Pastone) [Pawston], parish of Kirk Newton [Carham, Northumberland; Kirknewton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/G10/1-2: 31 October 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1673/G10/5: 31 October 1667  - commission to Adam Felbridge, curate of Carham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Philip Grey, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Felbridge, 10 May 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/G10/3-4: 31 October 1667  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f102r-102v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B36
John HALL, senior, alderman [of Durham], of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H1/1: 4 October 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B176
William HALL, freemason, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/H2/1: 21 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H2/2: 21 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £9 14s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f101v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B243
Thomas HARDCASTLE, gentleman, of towne of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/H3/1-2: 20 March 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B196
Thomas HARPER, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H4/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/H4/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B265
John HARPERLEY, gentleman, of Norton in the countie of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H5/1: 24 January 1672  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/H5/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B57
Richard HARPERLEY, mariner, of East Hartburne in the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H6/1: 4 March 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H6/2: 4 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £53 6s 4d (with account of debts of £7 13s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B209
John HARRISON, yeoman, of Walworth (Wallworth) in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H7/1-2: 14 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H7/3-4: 14 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £144 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B32-33
Marmaduke HAWARD, labourer, of Hallgarth Street near the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H8/1: 4 August 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B136
Anthoney HEDLEY, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/H9/1: 9 June 1673  - inventory includes goods etc. at Kenton 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B71
Richard HEIGHINGTON, gentleman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H10/1-2: 7 October 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B202
Ralph HENDERSON, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/H11/1: 17 June 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B92-93
Thomas HENDERSON, master and mariner, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
see 1673 bond [A219]
DPRI/1/1673/H12/1: 3 December 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/H12/2-3: 3 December 1673  - account, actual total £125 8s 2d (with discharge of £153 18s 10d) exhibited by Elizabeth Henderson, relict; endorsed with memorandum relating that letters testimonial were issued, 14 Sep [1675] 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B219
George HERON, junior, gentleman, of Birkley (Birkely, Birtley) Hall in the chapellry of Birkley and parish of Chollerton and county of Northumberland [Birtley St Giles, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon
DPRI/1/1673/H13/1: 5 April 1672  - will the deposition (DPRI/1/1673/H13/4) makes clear the testator died whilst dictating his will, however one might still expect a statement and signatures by the witnesses, thus there may have been an additional membrane that is now lost 
DPRI/1/1673/H13/2-3: 5 April 1672  - inventory, actual total £463 6s 10d 
DPRI/1/1673/H13/4: 5 April 1672  - deposition deposition of John Heron, father and a witness to the will 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B1
DPRI/1/1673/H14   31 July 1673
William HETT, senior, yeoman, of Low Throston in the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H14/1: 14 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H14/2: 14 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £324 7s 
DPRI/1/1673/H14/3-4: 14 July 1673  - commission to Edward Smathwaite MA and Percival Donkin, vicar and curate of Hart, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Hett and Thomas Hett, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smathwate, 31 July 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f84v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B132
Thomas HEWITSON, yeoman, of Staindrop (Staindropp) within the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Hewetson
DPRI/1/1673/H15/1-2: 27 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H15/3-4: 27 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £43 2s 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B21
Railph HILLTON, glover, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Hilton
DPRI/1/1673/H16/1-4: 11 September 1673  - will with [contemporaneous] list of debts owed by testator of £5 4s 
DPRI/1/1673/H16/5: 11 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £1 4s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f92v-94r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B197
William HODGSHON, of High Hamsterley (High Hamsterly) within the county of Durham [Medomsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H18/1-2: 18 March 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B50
DPRI/1/1673/H19   21 July 1673
Stephen HODGSON, master and mariner, Gaitside in the county of Durham, chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/H19/1: 8 February 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H19/3: 8 February 1668  - commission to Timothy Fenwick, curate of Newcastle All Saints, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Hodgson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fenwicke, 21 July 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/H19/2: 8 February 1668  - indented inventory, actual total £76 13s 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B128
John HODSHON, master and mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H17/1: 18 June 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B94
DPRI/1/1673/H20   30 September 1673
John HOOD, yeoman, of Gainford (Gaineford) in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H20/1-2: 23 November 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H20/3: 23 November 1671  - inventory, actual total £32 10s 
DPRI/1/1673/H20/4: 23 November 1671  - commission to Edmund Fotherby MA, vicar of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Hood, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fotherby, 30 Sep 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f90v-91v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B171
DPRI/1/1673/H21   8 October 1673
Mary HOOD, widow, of Gainford in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H21/1-2: 29 September 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H21/3: 29 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £17 13s 4d 
DPRI/1/1673/H21/4: 29 September 1673  - commission to Edmund Fotherby MA, vicar of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Hood and Christopher Asbridge, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fotherby, 8 Oct 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f99v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B228
Robert HOPPER, of Witton Gilbert nigh the city of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Hoper
DPRI/1/1673/H22/1: 27 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H22/2: 27 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £13 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 6s 1d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f88r-88v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B145
Peter HORNE, weaver, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H23/1: 16 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H23/3-4: 16 July 1673  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1673/H23/2: 16 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £61 14s 10d (with account of debts of £210 11s 3d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B135
DPRI/1/1673/H24   24 April 1673
Thomas HORSLEY, gentleman, of High Callerton, parish of Pont Isleland in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsly
DPRI/1/1673/H24/1-2: 16 February 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/H24/3: 16 February 1673  - commission to John Ladler MA, rector of Gateshead, and Robert Nanson MA, vicar of Ponteland, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ralph Emmerson, co-executor, and also to grant to John Emmerson [brother-in-law] the tuition of Dorothy Harsley, daughter [and co-executor]; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Ladler, 24 Apr 1673 
Margaret HUCHINSON, alias Teasdaile, of parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1673/H26/1: undated  - inventory 
Richard HUCHISSON, yeoman, of Sedgfild (Sedgfeild) in the contey of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1673/H27/1-2: 19 March 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H27/3-4: 19 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £196 13s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B42
DPRI/1/1673/H25   1 October 1673
Katherine HUDLESTON, daughter of Fardinando Hudleston of Millom Castle, Cumberland, spinster, of Ammerston in the county of Durham [Elwick Hall, County Durham]; also spelt Catherine, Huddleston
DPRI/1/1673/H25/1: 9 October 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H25/3: 9 October 1666  - renunciation renunciation of Nicholas Rawling, co-executor, nominating Katherine Asmall, niece and universal legatee, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1673/H25/4: 9 October 1666  - commission to Thomas Davison MA and Robert Pattison, vicar and curate of Norton, and Thomas Rudd, curate of Stockton-on-Tees, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Catherine Asmall, universal legatee [and niece], and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Rudd, 1 Oct 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/H25/2: 9 October 1666  - inventory, actual total £417 17s 
Thomas HUTCHINSON, yeoman, of Brancepeth West Park (Parke) within the parish of Brancepeth and county palatine of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H28/1-2: 23 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H28/3: 23 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £439 10s (with account of debts of £115) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f105v-106v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B262
Thomas HUTCHINSON, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/H29/1: 7 January 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B240
DPRI/1/1673/H30   14 August 1673
Charles HUTTON, tanner, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/H30/1-2: 20 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/H30/5-6: 20 June 1673  - renunciation renunciation of Frances Hutton, relict and executrix 
DPRI/1/1673/H30/7: 20 June 1673  - consent of legatees consent of legatees to the granting of administration to William Dobson [cousin] and Christofer Rain, who had procured a monition to the same effect 
DPRI/1/1673/H30/4: 20 June 1673  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Dobson and Christopher Raine, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 14 Aug 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/H30/3: 20 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £310 10s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f87r-88r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B144
Margret JACKSON, of Blacke (Black) Hall in the parrish (chapelry) of Witton upon the Weare [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1673/J2/1: 17 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/J2/2: 17 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £20 13s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B257
Christopher JAXSON, of Beareparke (Bearepark) in the countie of Durham [Bearpark, County Durham]; also spelt Jackson
DPRI/1/1673/J1/1: 26 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B236
DPRI/1/1673/J3   17 November 1673
Joseph JEFFREYSON, master and mariner, of chapelry of All Saints in the Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/J3/1: 23 July 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/J3/2: 23 July 1673  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Jeffreyson, relict; commission executed by Naylor, 17 Nov 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B203
Alice JENKINS, widow, of chapelry of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Aliss, Jenk[i]ns
DPRI/1/1673/J4/1-2: 14 June 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/J4/3: 14 June 1672  - inventory, actual total £95 14s 
DPRI/1/1673/J4/4: 14 June 1672  - commission to Thomas Rudd, curate of Stockton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Hester Jessopp, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Rudd, 11 June 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B64
Michael JOBLING, pulley-maker, turner, of Newcastle upon Tine and chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/J5/1: 10 July 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/J5/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B129
Margarett JOHNSON, of Claypeth (Clapeth) near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1673/J6/1-2: 3 November 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B201
Raph JOHNSON, yeoman, of Newbiggin (Newbigin) in the parish of Byshopton and countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1673/J7/1: 20 January 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B272
Richard JOHNSON, yeoman, of Greatham in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/J8/1: 27 August 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/J8/2-3: 27 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £163 13s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £19 11s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f91v-92r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B184
Willyam JOHNSON, of Staindrop (Staindropp, Stainedropp) in the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt William
DPRI/1/1673/J9/1-2: 12 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/J9/3-4: 12 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £184 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £36 19s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B199
Thomas JOPLIN, of Ouston, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Jopling, Jopline
DPRI/1/1673/J10/1: 13 April 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/J10/2: 13 April 1673  - inventory, actual total £53 (with account of debts and legacies of £44) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B18
Richard KEIRSTON, of Sedgefeild in the county palatine of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Kearton
DPRI/1/1673/K1/1: 4 June 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B55
Thomas KELL, of Styfford (Styford) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Bywell St Peter [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/K2/1-2: 6 May 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/K2/3: 6 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £91 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B245-246
Jane KELLET, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Kellett
DPRI/1/1673/K3/1: 8 January 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B244
DPRI/1/1673/K4   6 February 1674
Lionell KIPLING, yeoman, of Westwicke (Westwick) in the county of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Lyonell
DPRI/1/1673/K4/1: 27 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/K4/2: 27 January 1674  - indented inventory, actual total £317 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26) 
DPRI/1/1673/K4/3: 27 January 1674  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Kipling, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 6 Feb 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B259A
Lancelott KNOTT, yeoman, of Newbrough in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warden [Newbrough, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/K5/1: 20 July 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/K5/2: 20 July 1671  - inventory, actual total £45 7s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 10s 7d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B96
Andrew LATTIMER, hoastman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/L1/1-2: 9 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/L1/3: 9 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £16 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B59
Henry LAWSON, of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/L3/1-2: 10 June 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B107-108
DPRI/1/1673/L4   17 February 1674
John LAWSON, farmer, of Brafferton in the county of Durham, parish of Ayckliff [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/L4/1-2: 6 February 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/L4/4: 6 February 1674  - commission to George Spooner MA, vicar of Aycliffe, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Lawson, relict and executrix; [commission executed by Spooner, 17 Feb 1674] 
DPRI/1/1673/L4/3: 6 February 1674  - certificate of oath 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B266
Thomas LEDGARD, the elder, draper, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/L5/1-2: 1 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/L5/3: 1 January 1673  - indented inventory, actual total £107 16s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f79v-80r
Sisell LEE, widow, of Lovelady Sheale (Loveladye Sheile) in the parish of Alston (Alstonn) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Cicilie, Cicily
DPRI/1/1673/L6/1-2: 1 June 1664  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/L6/3: 1 June 1664  - inventory, actual total £77 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £49 6s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f90v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B166
DPRI/1/1673/L7   19 July 1673
Robert LISLE, gentleman, of Weldon, parish of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/L7/1: 6 March 1669  - will endorsed with certificate of oath, 19 July 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/L7/2: 6 March 1669  - inventory, actual total £221 16s 
DPRI/1/1673/L7/3: 6 March 1669  - letter, actual total £381 16s (with account of debts of £408) letter [?from John Harrison at Felton to Durham], refering to an account (not present) and with summary account of debts owing to the deceased (including a [£60] mortgage) and debts of £408, and recommending that the deceased's widow be given an acquittance 
DPRI/1/1673/L7/4: 6 March 1669  - commission to John Harrison, vicar of Felton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Lisle, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Harrison, 19 July 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f83r-83v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B127
Raiph LOWRANCE, yeoman, bachelor, of Coupon (Coopan) Buly in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Lawrence
DPRI/1/1673/L2/1-2: 12 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/L2/3: 12 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £669 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £56 8s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B29
Ralph LOWRISON, of Hurst in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/L8/1-2: 28 April 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B78
Thomas MACHON, clerk, of Sherburne House in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/M1/1-2: 19 December 1673  - inventory exhibited, 19 Dec 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B230
William MACKDOWELL, of Gunnerton in the parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/M2/1-2: 22 April 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B103-104
Sir John MARLAY, knight, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/M3/1-2: 21 November 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B222
Thomas MARLEY, surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/M4/1: 4 April 1673  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Francis MEASOME, yeoman, of Westside House in the county of Durham, parish of Gaineford [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Measom, Meason
DPRI/1/1673/M5/1: 9 February 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B259B
Robert MERRIMAN, yeoman, Christy Knowle House in the countie of Durham, parish of Stranton, North Field House [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Merryman
DPRI/1/1673/M6/1-2: 2 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/M6/3: 2 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £215 11s 2d (with account of debts of £58) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B81-82
Frances MICHELL, yeoman, of Branspath (Brancepeth) within the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Francis, Mitchell
DPRI/1/1673/M7/1: 21 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/M7/2: 21 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £125 3s (with account of debts of £27) 
Edward MITFORD, gentleman, of Morpeth in the county of Durham [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/M8/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B183
DPRI/1/1673/M9   18 November 1673
Humfrey MITFORD, esquire, of Mitford in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Humphrey
DPRI/1/1673/M9/1: 30 October 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/M9/2-3: 30 October 1673  - commission to John Shawe, rector of Whalton, Richard Preston, vicar of Mitford, Edward Lumsden and George Bell, curate and preacher of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Frances Mitford, relict, and also to grant to her the tuition of Robert, George, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Ann Frances and Mary Mitford, childen; commission executed by Lumsden, 18 Nov 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B205
Michell MITFORD, of Shotton in the pairish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1673/M10/1-2: 4 March 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B120
DPRI/1/1673/M11   11 August 1673
Thomas MITFORD, of Heaton in the chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tine in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/M11/1: 17 January 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/M11/2: 17 January 1673  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Mitford, relict; commission executed by Naylor, 11 Aug 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B141
Elizabeth MUSTCHAMP, of Barwicke (Barwick) upon Twead [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschampe
DPRI/1/1673/M12/1-2: 17 March 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/M12/3: 17 March 1670  - inventory, actual total £15 6s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B85
Francis MYDDLETON, gentleman, of Ufferton in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton
DPRI/1/1673/M13/1: 8 April 1667  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f94v-97r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B200
Christopher NEVIN, of the Steele (Steel) in the parish of Haltwhistle (Haltwisle, Haltwesle) in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Neavin
DPRI/1/1673/N1/1-2: 8 March 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/N1/3-4: 8 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £43 5s (with account of funeral expenses of £4) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B100
DPRI/1/1673/N2   8 August 1673
Lancelot NEWBY, butcher, of Barnard Castle within the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Lanclott
DPRI/1/1673/N2/1-2: 27 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/N2/3: 27 May 1673  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Newby, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 8 Aug 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/N2/4: 27 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £79 3s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 1s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f84v-85r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B137
DPRI/1/1673/N3   28 July 1673
Leonard NEWBY, butcher, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/N3/1: 12 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/N3/4: 12 July 1673  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Newby, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 28 July 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/N3/2-3: 12 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £59 6s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f84r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B131
DPRI/1/1673/N5   17 September 1673
Robert NICHOLSON, mercer, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/N5/1: 24 May 1673  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1673/N5/4: 24 May 1673  - commission to John Marsh, rector of Haughton, and George Bell, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Nicholson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Marsh, 17 Sep 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/N5/2-3: 24 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £153 6s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f89v-90r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B162
Jane NICOLSON, widow, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholson
DPRI/1/1673/N4/1: 15 September 1673  - will 
Richard ORD, of West Ord [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/O1/3-4: 4 August 1672  - will endorsed with (undated) memorandum requesting Ralph Ord should be called at the next court 
DPRI/1/1673/O1/1-2: 4 August 1672  - copy will headed 'nil act' [no probate act] 
Margaret PACOCK, widow, of parish of Dinsdaile [Dinsdale, County Durham]; also spelt Peacocke
DPRI/1/1673/P1/1: 9 April 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/P2   10 April 1673
William PARKER, gentleman, Long Thorpe in the county of York, chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Rothwell, Yorkshire; Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
location of Long Thorpe uncertain
DPRI/1/1673/P2/1-2: 8 February 1673  - will Dated in the New Style. 
DPRI/1/1673/P2/4: 8 February 1673  - commission to Leonard Shafto and Timothy Fenwicke, curates of Newcastle All Saints, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Parker spinster, sister and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fenwicke, 10 Apr 1673 
DPRI/1/1673/P2/3: 8 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £10 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B4
Cuthbart PARKIN, gentleman, of Hartly (Hartley) in the chapplerie of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1673/P3/1-2: 9 June 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/P3/3-4: 9 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £104 19s 6d (with discharge of £36 6s 8d) subscribed with memorandum relating that letters testimonial were issued, 8 Jan 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B138-139
George PARKIN, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/P4/1: 19 April 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B16
Thomas PARKIN, joiner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/P5/1: 16 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/P5/2: 16 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £30 11s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f75v-76r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B13
John PARMANLY, yeoman, of Hangingshaw (Hanging Shaw) in the High Forest of Teasdale (Teasdaile Forrest) in the parish of Midleton in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Parmanley
DPRI/1/1673/P6/1: 31 May 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/P6/2-3: 31 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £372 8s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £70 8s 8d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f76r-76v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B17
Thomas PATTISON, master and mariner, of Gaitsyde (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/P7/1: 4 April 1673  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B37
Ann PAXTON, widow, of West Rainton in the county of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]. Died 18 February 1673
DPRI/1/1673/P8/1: 15 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/P8/2: 15 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £2 7s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B163
John PEACOCKE, of Low Dinsdaile in the countie of Durham [Dinsdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/P9/1-2: 2 April 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B25
Robert PEARSON, shoemaker, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Robart
DPRI/1/1673/P10/1-2: 3 August 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/P10/3: 3 August 1673  - inventory, actual total £29 15s (with account of debts of £69 14s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f94r-94v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B198
Alas PEELE, of Tuddoe [Tudhoe, County Durham]; also spelt Alice
DPRI/1/1673/P11/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/P11/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B95
William PETERSON, mariner, of Goateshead (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/P12/1-2: 4 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/P12/3-4: 4 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £21 6s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f101r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B238
Mary PITHIE, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/P13/1: 11 June 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B69
DPRI/1/1673/P14   4 May 1673
William POWELL, son of Robert Powell of Prestick, Ponteland, of Readhugh (Readheugh) within the parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/P14/1: 2 May 1673  - inventory exhibited by Robert Powell, father 
DPRI/1/1673/P14/2: 2 May 1673  - commission to Robert Nanson, vicar of Ponteland, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Powell gentleman, father; commission executed by Nanson, 4 May 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B30
Christopher RAWLIN, yeoman, of Suddicke (Suddick) in the county of Durham, parish of Monk Wearemouth [Southwick, County Durham]; also spelt Rawling
DPRI/1/1673/R1/1-2: 7 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/R1/3-4: 7 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £950 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B193-194
Roger REAY, master and mariner, of parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Reauh
DPRI/1/1673/R2/1: 26 November 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/R2/2-3: 26 November 1673  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Reay, relict; commission executed by Naylor, 3 Jan 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B239
Anthony REED, yeoman, of Barnes in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Reede
DPRI/1/1673/R3/1: 27 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/R3/2: 27 February 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B35
Cuthbeart RIDLEY, of Woodhead within the parish of Haltwhistle (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1673/R4/1: 15 August 1673  - inventory date in Aug 1673 uncertain 
DPRI/1/1673/R4/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B208
Arthur ROBINSON, of parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/R5/1: 11 April 1673  - inventory exhibited by William Robinson, 11 Apr 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B5
Anne ROBSON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/R6/1-2: 23 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/R6/3: 23 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £28 12s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B242
William ROBSON, of Kelloe [Kelloe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/R7/1: 23 September 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/R7/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B168
Francis ROGERS, shipwright, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/R8/1: 5 February 1673  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B67
John ROGERS, gentleman, esquire, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Died 30 May 1671
DPRI/1/1673/R9/1-2: 30 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/R9/3: 30 May 1671  - inventory  with legatee's receipt, 9 January 1674, actual total £565 1s inventory, subscribed with 9 Jan 1674 receipt of a legatee (also acting as executrix) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f01v-102r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B249
Edward ROUNWHAIT, yeoman, of Simpasture (Simpaster) in the towneshipp of Schoole Aykeliffe (Scoul Aackelef) in the county of Durham, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Romford, Romthwaite, Rounthwaite, Rownfthwaite, Romforth, Romwhaitt, Ronthwaite
DPRI/1/1673/R10/1-2: 2 November 1673  - will with memorandums relating to (1) 5 Sep 1701 Durham Chancery case: Frances Romthwaite widow v Ann Romthwaite and others; (2) 14 Aug 1702 Durham Chancery case: Frances Rounthwaite widow v Peter Burrell gentleman 
DPRI/1/1673/R10/3: 2 November 1673  - inventory, actual total £29 16s 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B210-211
Anthoney ROWELL, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1673/R11/1: 3 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B66
Nickollas SALES, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countye of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholas, Sailes
DPRI/1/1673/S1/1: 16 September 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B161
Richard SCURRY, yeoman, of Priston (Preston) upon Teese in the county of Durham [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Scurrey
DPRI/1/1673/S2/3: 23 May 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/S2/1-2: 23 May 1673  - account, actual total £53 4s (with discharge of £61 16s 8d) with memorandum relating that letters testimonial were issued, 5 July 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B58
DPRI/1/1673/S3   3 June 1673
George SELBY, gentleman, of Twizell in the county palatine of Durham [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/S3/1-2: 2 February 1673  - copy will  with receipt for the original will, 17 June 1673 each page of the will is endorsed to the effect that this copy of the will was made 10 Jan 1744 by Ralph Trotter [Durham Register], taken both from an office copy found in the office of Mr Brigstock and from the original will dispatched by Elizabeth Selby [relict and co-executrix] to Brigstock 
DPRI/1/1673/S3/3-4: 2 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £746 15s 3d 
DPRI/1/1673/S3/5: 2 February 1673  - commission to Adam Felbridge, vicar of Branxton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Selby, relict and co-executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Felbridge, 3 June 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f78v-79r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B118
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B54
Henry SHELLE, gentleman, of Barwicke (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/S4/1-2: 12 March 1673  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f80v-81r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B86-87
Kendell SIDGWICK, coal-fitter, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Kendall
DPRI/1/1673/S5/1: 12 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £352 7s 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B159-160
John SIMPSON, blacksmith, of Hunwick in the county of Durham [Hunwick, County Durham]; also spelt Simson
DPRI/1/1673/S6/1-2: 1 July 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/S6/3-4: 1 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £46 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B134
William SIMPSON, yeoman, of Greate Ayckliffe (Ayckliff) in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/S7/1: 29 August 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/S7/2: 29 August 1673  - inventory, actual total £18 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f107r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B263
DPRI/1/1673/S8   20 October 1673
Cuthbert SMITH, tailor, of Thornehop (Thornenope, Thornhopp) in the parrish of Knarsdale (Knarsdaile, Knaresdale) in the county of Northumberland [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/S8/1-2: 11 September 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/S8/3: 11 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £29 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 2s) with certificate of oath, 20 Oct 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B191
Cuthbert SMITH, fuller, dyer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/S9/1: 4 February 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B73
Edward SMYTH, draper, tailor, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Smith
DPRI/1/1673/S10/1: 17 October 1673  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B188
John SNAWBALL, of Allensheilds of the parish of Hunstonworth [Hunstanworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/S11/1: 11 July 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B116
Thomas SNAWDON, yeoman, of Gillegate in the parish of St Gyles nigh the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/S12/1-2: 17 February 1674  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1673/S12/3-4: 17 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £32 1s 
DPRI/1/1673/S12/5: 17 February 1674  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f110r-110v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B279
Peter STAINSBY, yeoman, of Greate Burdon in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/S13/1-2: 19 March 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B11-12
Conan STEPHENSON, yeoman, of Eggleston in the county palatine of Durham, parish of Middleton St George [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Conon, Stevenson
DPRI/1/1673/S14/1: 15 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/S14/2: 15 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £36 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 6s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f107v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B270
George STEVENSON, of Sunderland [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/S15/1-2: 10 March 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B10
Tristrem STORIE, yeoman, of Helme Parke (Elm Park) within the parish of Wolsingham and county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Tristram, Story
DPRI/1/1673/S16/1: 1662  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/S16/2-3: 1662  - renunciation renunciation of Mary Storie, relict, nominating Thomas Storie, son, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B15
Rowland STOTT, saddler, of Framwelgate Bridge End, city and county of Durham and chapelry of St Margarets [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/S17/1-2: 4 February 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/S17/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B39
Thomas SWALWELL, of Prodho (Prudhoe) in the parish of Ovingham and in the county of Northumberland [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Swallwell
DPRI/1/1673/S18/1: 3 July 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B110
John SWAN, of Framwelgate near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Swann
DPRI/1/1673/S19/1: 23 February 1674  - inventory of cloth goods costed at pence per yard 
DPRI/1/1673/S19/2 - wrapper endorsed with direction to Francis Parker at the Minster yard, York 
DPRI/1/1673/S20   8 September 1673
James SWINHOE, gentleman, of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/S20/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/S20/3: undated  - commission to John Horsbrough, vicar of Wooler, and Thomas Wetherley, vicar of Chatton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Swinhoe, relict; commission executed by Horsbrugh, 8 Sep 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B158
William TAILOR, mariner, of chaplery of Sainct John's within the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylor
Tailor drowned on a voyage to London
DPRI/1/1673/T1/1-2: December 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/T1/3: December 1672  - inventory, actual total £15 exhibited by John Tailor, brother 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B174
Margrat TEASDALE, widow, of Slealey in the county of Northumberland [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret, Teasdall, Teasdaile
DPRI/1/1673/T4/1: 21 August 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B175
Ann TEASDELL, widow, of Whitlowe (Whitlow) in the parish of Kirkehaugh (Kirkhaugh) and county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Anne, Teasdaile
DPRI/1/1673/T2/1: 20 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/T2/2: 20 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £28 14s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 12s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B167
John TESDAILL, yeoman, of Emble (Elmley) within the parish of Whitfeild (Whitfeilde) in the county of Northumberland [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Tesdall, Teasdaile, Teasdall, Teasdail
DPRI/1/1673/T3/1-2: 20 July 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/T3/3: 20 July 1672  - inventory, actual total £37 16s 8d inventory of goods etc. left unadministered by Margaret Hutchinson alias Teasdail, executrix; exhibited by Elizabeth Johnson 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B273
William THOMPSON, of Bishop Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/T6/1: 7 May 1673  - inventory of goods etc. left unadministered by Alice Thompson, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B23-24
John THOMSON, of Wollveston (Wolviston) in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1673/T5/1: 25 March 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B229
Robert TOD, of parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Todd
DPRI/1/1673/T7/1: 27 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B46
Nichollas TOWARD, mariner, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countye of Durham, parish of Jarroe [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/T8/1: 9 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B225
Thomas VASEY, gentleman, of Woolsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/V1/3: 11 July 1673  - renunciation transfer of admnistration by Jane Vasey, relict, nominating John Permeley to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1673/V1/1-2: 11 July 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B121
Ralph VEPOND, yeoman, of Foresheald (Foresheale, Foresheild) in the parish of Alston Mooer (Alston) and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vepound
DPRI/1/1673/V2/1: 6 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/V2/2: 6 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £63 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £51 7s 11d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B164
Thomas WAILES, of Redheugh in the parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Wales
DPRI/1/1673/W1/2-3: November 1669  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/W1/1: November 1669  - inventory, actual total £250 4s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B74
Ralph WALLTON, yeoman, of Cornsey townshipp and parrish of Lenchester and in the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Walton
DPRI/1/1673/W4/1: 29 July 1667  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W4/2-3: 29 July 1667  - inventory, actual total £32 6s 8d 
Gilbert WALTON, yeoman, of Gallygill (Galligill) in Aldston Moore in the parish of Alston (Alstonn) [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/W3/1: 14 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W3/2: 14 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £52 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £64 5s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f90r-90v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B165
Robert WALTON, of Overhouese (Overhouse) in the parish (chapelry) of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/W5/1: 30 April 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B179
Henry WARD, gentleman, of Witton uppon Weare [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W6/1: 13 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W6/2: 13 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £113 5s 
James WATSON, yeoman, of Shadforth (Shadfoorth), parish of Pittington in the countie of Durham [Shadforth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W7/1: 3 October 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W7/3: 3 October 1671  - grant of probate administration (and tuition) granted to Michael Watson and Wiliam Watson, brothers, for the use of William, James, Ellenor, Michael and Ann Watson, children and executors; inventory to be exhibited within 3 months 
DPRI/1/1673/W7/2: 3 October 1671  - inventory, actual total £338 dated 17 Oct [?1673] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f89r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B151-152
Robert WATSON, of Dalton Peircy in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W8/1: 23 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W8/2: 23 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £29 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £6 3s 10d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f83v-84r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B130
DPRI/1/1673/W9   28 August 1673
Stephen WATSON, of Litlegill (Littlegill) in the parish (chapelry) of Garrigill (Garragill) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Steven
DPRI/1/1673/W9/1-2: 12 March 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W9/3: 12 March 1666  - inventory, actual total £22 (with account of debts of £9 10s) 
DPRI/1/1673/W9/4: 12 March 1666  - commission to John Lee, curate of Garrigill (vicar of Alston), to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Watson, relict and co-executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Lee, 28 Aug 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B148
Thomas WATSON, alderman [of Stockton-on-Tees], of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W10/1: 19 March 1672  - will dated 19 Mar 167[2] (document damaged) 
DPRI/1/1673/W10/2: 19 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £65 15s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B119
DPRI/1/1673/W11   18 November 1673
William WEBB, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], gentleman, Berwicke (Barwick, Barwicke) upon Tweed, Swinhoe [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/W11/1: 29 September 1673  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1673/W11/4: 29 September 1673  - commission to William Mitford MA, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Watson, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Mitford, 18 Nov [1673] 
DPRI/1/1673/W11/2: 29 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £602 18s 3d inventory includes goods etc. at Web's farm at Swinhoe 
DPRI/1/1673/W11/3: 29 September 1673  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f97r-97v
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B206
John WELLS, tallow-chandler, of Hartlepoole (Hartynpoole) in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W12/1: 7 September 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W12/2-3: 7 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £166 (with account of funeral expenses of £16) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B237
John WELSH, yeoman, of West Rainton (Renton) of the parish of Houghton le Springe and countie of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W13/1: 29 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B49
Henry WESTELL, yeoman, of Pumsher (Pensher, Pencher) in the parrish of Houghton in the Springe (Spring) with in the county of Durham [Penshaw, County Durham]; also spelt Henery, Waistell, Wastell
DPRI/1/1673/W2/1-2: 4 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W2/3-4: 4 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £160 3s 4d (with account of debts of £40) 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B214-215
Thomas WETHERELL, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/W14/1-2: 23 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/W14/7: 23 December 1672  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1673/W14/3-6: 23 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £364 6s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f82v-83r
DPRI/1/1673/W15   27 October 1673
David WETHERLEY, yeoman, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wetherly, Weatherley
DPRI/1/1673/W15/1: 24 October 1673  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/W15/2: 24 October 1673  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Thomas Wetherly, son; commission executed by Naylor, 27 Oct 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B195
John WHITFEILD, gentleman, of Newsheale (Newsheild) in the parish of Alston in Aldstonmoore and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Whitfield
DPRI/1/1673/W16/1: 27 June 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B114-115
Robert WHITFEILD, of Clargill in the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/W17/2: 5 October 1673  - renunciation transfer of administration by Thomas and Nicholas Whitfeild, brothers, nominating their sister Jane Walton to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1673/W17/1: 5 October 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B180
Phyllip WHORTON, of Killerby, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Philip
DPRI/1/1673/W18/1-2: 10 October 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B186
Cuthbert WIGHAM, of Burne House in the parish of Haltwhistle (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1673/W19/1: 16 May 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/W19/2: 16 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £60 3s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B102
William WILKINSON, schoolmaster, gentleman, of Framwelgate (Framwellgate) near the city of Durham within the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W20/1-2: 28 October 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/W20/3-4: 28 October 1673  - inventory, actual total £30 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B218
John WOOLFE, yeoman, of Gateshead in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Wolfe
DPRI/1/1673/W21/1: 25 August 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/W21/2: 25 August 1673  - renunciation renunciation of Elizabeth Woolfe, relict, nominating her son Robert Woolfe to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B212
William WREAY, of Ferryhill in the county of Durham [Ferryhill, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/W22/1: 22 December 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1673/W22/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B254
John YATES, miller, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1673/Y1/1: 31 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/Y1/2: 31 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £39 15s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f86v-87r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B34
Thomas YEATES, of Over Fairehill (Farehill) within the parish of Alstone (Allstonn, Auston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Yeats, Yates
DPRI/1/1673/Y2/1: 17 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1673/Y2/2: 17 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £42 12s (with account of debts of £25) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f78r
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B52
Margaret YOUNG, spinster, of Haughton (Haughtone) [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Margret, Younge
DPRI/1/1673/Y3/2: 6 May 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1673/Y3/1: 6 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1673/B122
Wills etc proved 1674
Reference: DPRI/1/1674
John ADAMSON, weaver, of Whitworth in the county of Durham [Whitworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/A1/1: 29 January 1675  - inventory exhibited, 12 Mar 1675 
DPRI/1/1674/A1/2: 29 January 1675  - additional inventory dated after 12 Mar 1675 
Margarett AINSLEY, spinster, of Staindropp (Staindrop) within the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Ainesley
DPRI/1/1674/A2/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Mary Ainsley, sister 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B13
Edward ALDER, yeoman, of Shilvington in the parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/A3/3-4: 26 February 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/A3/1-2: 26 February 1674  - inventory date uncertain 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B158
Thomas ALLINSON, of Lampton Steathes in the parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/A5/1: 29 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B181
Willyam ALONSON, staithman, of Renton Steathes, parish of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt William, Allenson
DPRI/1/1674/A4/1-2: 2 November 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B221
John ANDERSON, yeoman, of town of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/A6/1-2: 14 October 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/A6/3-4: 14 October 1674  - inventory, actual total £39 11s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B274
Eliner ANDREW, spinster, of Saint Lowrance (Lawrence) in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Elinor, Ellinor
DPRI/1/1674/A7/1-2: 26 March 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/A7/3: 26 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £108 6s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B39
John APEDAIL, son of Richard Apedail, of parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Apedaile
DPRI/1/1674/A8/1: 2 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B107
George APPLEBY, of Westwick in the county of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/A9/1: 22 March 1675  - inventory exhibited by Elizabeth Ling alias Appleby, mother 
Robert ARCHER, yeoman, of Knare House in the parish of Knaresdale (Knaresdaile) and county of Northumberland [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/A10/1: 16 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B55
Christofer ARMESTRONG, yeoman, of Readmarshall (Redmarshall) in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1674/A12/1: 20 June 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B100
Elizabeth ARMESTRONG, widow, of Elmdon (Elmedon) [Embleton, Northumberland]
parish and county uncertain: possibly Sedgefield, County Durham
DPRI/1/1674/A13/1-2: 4 March 1675  - inventory exhibited, 6 Mar 1675 
DPRI/1/1674/A11   6 September 1673
Adam ARMSTRONGE, of indweller in Dead Water in Ingham, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestrange, Armestrong, Armestronge
DPRI/1/1674/A11/1: 9 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/A11/2-3: 9 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £192 
DPRI/1/1674/A11/4: 9 June 1673  - commission to Major Allgood, rector of Simonburn, and Robert Carr, curate of Bellingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Adam Armestrong, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Carr, 6 Sep 1673 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B14
John ARUNDELL, glazier, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Arrundell
DPRI/1/1674/A14/1-2: 7 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/A14/3: 7 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £28 14s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f126r-126v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B205
George ATKINSON, merchant, of chapplery of All Saints in the town of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/A15/1: 25 September 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B198
Isable ATKINSON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Issabell
DPRI/1/1674/A16/1-2: 16 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/A16/3: 16 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £21 14s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B109
John ATKINSON, clerk, of Kello in the county of Durham [Kelloe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/A17/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Elizabeth Atkinson, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B57
John ATKINSON, of Castle Yard in the county of Northumberland, town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/A18/1: 2 December 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B263
William ATKINSON, yeoman, of Huckerhouse (Hookerhouse) in the parish of Lanchester (Lenchester) and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/A19/1-2: 11 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/A19/3-4: 11 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £400 5s (with account of funeral expenses of £10) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B42
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B41
Anthony AYRE, mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/A20/1: 12 October 1674  - inventory 
Lyonell AYRE, of Quarell Closes (Quarrell, Quarry Close House) in the chapelry of Eshe (Ash) in the county of Durham [Esh, County Durham]; also spelt Lionall, Ayer
DPRI/1/1674/A21/1-2: 20 October 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/A21/3: 20 October 1675  - list of legacies 
DPRI/1/1674/A21/4: 20 October 1675  - inventory, actual total £32 1s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £6) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B66
Thomas BAILLES, of Seaton Carew and in the county of Durham, parish of Stranton [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Bailes
DPRI/1/1674/B1/1: 10 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B1/2: 10 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £17 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 19s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B19
John BAITES, of Bromley (Broomley) in the parish of Byell (Bywell) St Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Bates
DPRI/1/1674/B2/1: 8 July 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/B2/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B166
Cuthbert BAYLES, freemason, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Bailes
DPRI/1/1674/B3/1: 22 November 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B3/2: 22 November 1673  - inventory, actual total £61 12s 6d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £11 8s 2d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f111v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B16
Thomas BAYLES, of Gilligate (Gillygate) in the suburbs of the city and county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/B4/1-2: 19 June 1674  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B99
John BEALE, draper, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Beall
DPRI/1/1674/B5/1-2: 13 September 1671  - copy will subscribed with 12 Feb 1675 memorandum certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1674/B5/3: 13 September 1671  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f113v-114v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B34
DPRI/1/1674/B6   14 October 1674
Cuthbert BECKWITH, shipwright, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine, parish of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/B6/1-2: 3 July 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B6/3: 3 July 1674  - indented inventory, actual total £704 16s 2d 
DPRI/1/1674/B6/4: 3 July 1674  - commission to John Ladler D.D., rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Judith Beckwith, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Ladler, 14 Oct 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B209
Elizabeth BELL, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/B7/1: 13 October 1674  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/B7/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B217
George BELL, master and mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/B8/1-3: 21 February 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/B8/4 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B155
John BELL, of Stanhopp in the county pallatine of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/B9/1: 26 March 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B18
Luke BELL, yeoman, of Haughton in the parish of Heddon Wallen (Heddon on the Wall) in the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
Bell was buried, 17 Mar 1674
DPRI/1/1674/B10/1: 16 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B154
Thomas BELL, of the Barnes, parish of Knaresdaile [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/B11/1: 26 October 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B11/2: 26 October 1674  - inventory, actual total £11 18s 2d 
DPRI/1/1674/B11/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B220
Mathew BENTLEY, of Hartinpooll (Hartinpoole) [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Bently
DPRI/1/1674/B12/1: 8 February 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/B12/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B285
DPRI/1/1674/B13   26 December 1674
Thomas BLAIR, gentleman, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Blaire
DPRI/1/1674/B13/1-2: 13 November 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/B13/3: 13 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £389 13s 10d 
DPRI/1/1674/B13/4: 13 November 1674  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Humphrey Gill and William Hutchinson, supervisors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 26 Dec 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/B14   16 January 1675
George BLYTHMAN, smith, of Benwell, chapelry of St John in the town of Newcastle upon Tine in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/B14/1: 3 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B14/2: 3 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £28 19s 11d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £4 7s) 
DPRI/1/1674/B14/3-4: 3 December 1674  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Blythman, relict and universal legatee, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 16 Jan 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B245
Henry BOWLES, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/B15/1: 1 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B112
Henry BOYES, of Stotfold within Elwicke Hall parish [Elwick Hall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/B16/1: 20 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B167
John BRASE, yeoman, of Tremdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Brass
DPRI/1/1674/B17/1: 4 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B56
Roger BRIGGS, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/B18/1-2: 3 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B18/3-4: 3 February 1674  - codicil 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f123v-124r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B151
Mathew BROWN, of Nether Leem in this our parish of Corsenside [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne
DPRI/1/1674/B20/1: 2 November 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/B20/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B219
John BROWNE, wherryman, of South Sheilds in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/B19/1: 27 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B45
DPRI/1/1674/B21   30 March 1674
Mirriam BROWNE, widow, of borough of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/B21/1: 13 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B21/2: 13 February 1674  - commission to Roger Young, reader of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and Patrick Smith, curate of Tweedmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Turvin, co-executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Young, 30 Mar 1674 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f111r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B11
George BROWNE, weaver, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/B22/1: 29 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B278
Adam BURDON, of Bishop Wearmouth (Wearemouth) Salt Panns (Pans) in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Bordon
DPRI/1/1674/B23/1: 13 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B23/2: 13 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £8 9s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B33
Elizabeth BURDON, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/B24/1: 30 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B58
Ann BURTON, widow, of Bishop Midleham (Middleham) in the county of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
Burton is described as a spinster in the will, but as a widow in the inventory and in probate office endorsements
DPRI/1/1674/B25/1: 16 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/B25/2: 16 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £6 18s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B183
Dame Elizabeth CALVERLEY, widow, of Littleburne in the countye palatine of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Calverly
DPRI/1/1674/C1/1: 16 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C1/2: 16 December 1673  - indented inventory, actual total £686 13s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f134r-134v
DPRI/1/1674/C2   7 January 1675
Alice CARR, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/C2/1-2: 19 October 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C2/3: 19 October 1674  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Carr, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 7 Jan 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B238
Edmond CARRACK, of Fellburne in the parish of Hartwisle (Haltwesle) in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Carrocke
DPRI/1/1674/C3/1: 29 March 1674  - inventory 
William CARRUTHERS, cobbler, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/C4/1: 18 January 1675  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B264
James CARTER, yeoman, of Newton Bewley in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/C5/1-2: 16 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C5/3-4: 16 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £280 16s 
Jane CHALLONER, widow, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Challener, Challenor
DPRI/1/1674/C6/1-2: 26 May 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C6/3-4: 26 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £49 16s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f122r-122v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B139
Katharine CHAMBERS, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Catharine
DPRI/1/1674/C7/1-2: 25 November 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C7/3: 25 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £31 exhibited, 19 Jan 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B251
Edward CHILLTON, yeoman, of Wollveston (Wolviston) in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Chilton
DPRI/1/1674/C8/1-2: 27 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B282-283
Robert CHILTON, the elder, yeoman, of Framwelgate (Framwellgate) near the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/C9/1-2: 5 May 1674  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1674/C9/3: 5 May 1674  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1674/C9/4-5: 5 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £9 2s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f117r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B72
William CHILTON, yeoman, of Wolviston in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/C10/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/C10/2 - wrapper 
Gilbert CLARKE, yeoman, of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/C11/1-2: 11 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B114
George CLAVERING, gentleman, of Bowsden in the county of Northumberland [Ancroft, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/C12/1-2: 21 July 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C12/3-4: 21 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £234 18s 
DPRI/1/1674/C12/5-6: 21 July 1674  - depositions and responses depositions of the witnesses to the will on the part of Margaret Clavering, relating to a cause: Margaret Clavering widow v William Clavering gentleman 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f139v
John CLAY, senior, of Acklington (Arcklington) in the parish of Warkeworth (Warckworth) and county of Northumberland [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/C13/1: 21 June 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/C13/2: 21 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £85 6s 8d (with account of debts of £7 3s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B129
Thomas CLERK, yeoman, of Thropton (Throppton) in the parish of Rotherbury (Rothbury) in the county of Northumberland [Thropton, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarke
DPRI/1/1674/C14/1-2: 5 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C14/3: 5 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £31 (with account of debts of £5) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f124v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B160
William CLUGH, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Cleugh
DPRI/1/1674/C15/1: 8 October 1674  - inventory 
Edward COCKRAM, of Tweedmouth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Cockeram
DPRI/1/1674/C16/1: 6 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B117
John COLEMAN, of Brancepeth in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/C17/1: 18 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C17/2: 18 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £262 10s 
Thomas CORNEFORTH, of Bowlden [Boldon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/C18/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/C18/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B105
Thomas COULEY, of Pearcebridge [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Cowling
DPRI/1/1674/C19/1: 10 February 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B287
Luk CRAWFORTH, husbandman, of Nesam (Neesham) in the county of Durham, parish of Hurworth [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Luke
DPRI/1/1674/C20/1-2: 25 October 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C20/3-4: 25 October 1673  - inventory, actual total £156 10s (with account of funeral charges of £4) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B174-175
Thomas CRAWFORTH, yeoman, of Read Marshall (Redmarshall) in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/C21/1-2: 27 October 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B224
DPRI/1/1674/C22   18 May 1674
Andrew CRISPE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Chrispe
DPRI/1/1674/C22/1-2: 10 January 1672  - copy will subscribed with 6 May 1674 memorandum certifying its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1674/C22/3: 10 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £1,418 16s 4d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1674/C22/5: 10 January 1672  - commission to William Mitford and Roger Young, clerks, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Andrew Crispe and John Johnson, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Mitford, 18 May 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/C22/4: 10 January 1672  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f114v-116r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B60
DPRI/1/1674/C23   16 December 1674
Isabell CROME, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/C23/1: 5 January 1674  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1674/C23/3: 5 January 1674  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Henry Bland and Richard Gilroy, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 16 Dec 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/C23/2: 5 January 1674  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f128r-128v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B227
William CROOKE, merchant, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/C24/1-4: 6 January 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B27
John CUSSON, yeoman, of Sadbardge (Sadbridge, Sadberge) within the county of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]; also spelt Cuson
DPRI/1/1674/C25/1: 3 May 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/C25/2: 3 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £29 18s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B279
Edmund DALTON, cook, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Edmond, Edward
DPRI/1/1674/D1/1: 22 May 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/D1/2: 22 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £15 19s 5d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B81
William DARNELL, yeoman, of West Sheall (Sheele) in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Wilyame, Darnall
DPRI/1/1674/D2/1-2: 2 May 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/D2/3: 2 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £181 8s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £41) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B48
Robert DAVENPORT, of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/D3/1-2: 15 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B113
Henry DAVISON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Henrey
DPRI/1/1674/D4/1-2: 18 January 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/D5   20 February 1675
John DAVISON, yeoman, of Cassop in the county of Durham, parish of Kelloe [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]. Died 1 February 1675
DPRI/1/1674/D5/1-2: 1 February 1675  - will endorsed: proved, 20 Feb 1675 
DPRI/1/1674/D5/3: 1 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £233 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £229 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f133v
Robert DAVY, of North Sheeles (Sheilds) in the parish of Tinemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/D6/1: undated  - inventory 
Elizabeth DEMSTER, spinster, of Carrs Hill in the parish of Jarrow (Jarroe) and county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Deemster
DPRI/1/1674/D7/1-2: 11 September 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B188
John DENING, of Colwell in the parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Dinning
DPRI/1/1674/D11/1: 3 January 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/D11/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B149
Gawen DEWART, yeoman, Coxlodge in the county of Northumberland, parish of South Gosforth, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Gosforth, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gawine
DPRI/1/1674/D8/1-2: 24 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/D8/3: 24 December 1673  - indented inventory, actual total £8 7s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B262
Thomas DICKINSON, yeoman, Upper Dodbury within the parish or chaplery of Garrigill (Garragill), Loninghead in the parish of Garrigill in Aldstonmore [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/D9/1-2: 31 May 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/D9/3: 31 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £62 19s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £31 14s 7d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f119r-119v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B103
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B102
James DINNING, yeoman, of Backworth in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/D10/1: 4 August 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/D10/2: 4 August 1673  - inventory, actual total £64 0s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B110
John DOBSON, junior, merchant, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/D12/1: 12 March 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/D12/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B35
Nicholas DODSHON, the elder, yeoman, of Wingaite Grainge in the county of Durham [Wingate, County Durham]; also spelt Dodgson
DPRI/1/1674/D13/1: 1 January 1674  - copy will 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B230
John DOUGLAS, the elder, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], gentleman, of borough of Berwicke (Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/D14/1-2: 4 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/D14/3: 4 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £62 1s 2d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f116v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B64
Robert DUCKET, of Woodifeild (Woddyfeild) in the chapplerie of Witton upon the Weare [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Duckett
DPRI/1/1674/D15/1: 12 March 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/D16   9 April 1674
John DYMOKE, gentleman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dymock, Dymick
DPRI/1/1674/D16/1: 8 September 1673  - will with certificate of oath, 9 Apr 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/D16/2: 8 September 1673  - indented inventory, actual total £409 15s 11d (with account of funeral charges of £15 18s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f112r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B17
George EMERSON, yeoman, of Smaleburnes (Smaleburne) in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Weardaile) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1674/E1/1: 13 October 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/E1/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B216
Robert EMERSON, yeoman, of Smaleburnes, parish of Stanhop in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1674/E2/1: 23 September 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B194
Robert EMERSON, potter, of town of NewCastle upon Tyne within the parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1674/E3/1: 16 April 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/E3/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B23
George ERRINGTON, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/E4/1: 20 May 1674  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B200
John FALDER, merchant, of Alnwicke (Alnewick) [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/F1/1: 3 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B131
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B130
John FEATHERSTON, yeoman, of Bridgend in Weredale (Weardaile) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/F3/1-2: 27 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B203
Thomas FEATHERSTONE, yeoman, gentleman, of Burnehoope (Burnhoop) in Weredale in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhopp in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Fetherston
DPRI/1/1674/F4/1-2: 10 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B75
John FENWICKE, minister of Corbridge, clerk, Corbridge in the county of Northumberland, Alnewicke [Corbridge, Northumberland; Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick
DPRI/1/1674/F5/1-2: 16 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/F5/3-4: 16 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £20 16s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B15
Jane FETHERSTON, wife of John Fetherston, widow, of Gisteclose (Guyes Close) within the parish of Stanhopp in Weardail (Wearedaile) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Featherston
see bond [241]
DPRI/1/1674/F2/3: August 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/F2/1-2: August 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B241
Issabell FEWLER, widow, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/F6/1-2: 16 April 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/F6/3: 16 April 1673  - inventory, actual total £42 17s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B59
Richard FLECK, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/F7/1: 24 June 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B98
Richard FLETCHER, gentleman, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/F8/1: 16 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B272
William FOREMAN, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/F9/1: 7 May 1674  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B63
Roger FORSTER, shipwright, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/F10/1: 29 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/F10/2: 29 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £5 19s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f130v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B250
DPRI/1/1674/F11   26 December 1674
William FORSTER, baker, brewer, of chapelry of St John in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/F11/1-2: 19 June 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/F11/3: 19 June 1674  - inventory, actual total £284 2s 3d inventory total is a minimum figure, the document having been damaged and the total lost 
DPRI/1/1674/F11/4: 19 June 1674  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Forster, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 26 Dec 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B234
Cuthbert FREZER, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/F12/1-2: 3 November 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B157
Henry FRISELL, gentleman, Milbournegate neare the citty of Durham, Framwelgate near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Frizell
DPRI/1/1674/F13/1: 7 August 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/F13/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B165
Issabell GARBETT, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/G1/1: 18 January 1675  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B268
Richard GARMANSWAY, yeoman, of Sadbury (Sadberge) in the county of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]; also spelt Garmonsway
DPRI/1/1674/G2/1-2: 23 February 1674  - will  with codicil, 23 February 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/G2/3: 23 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £164 3s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B84
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B83
Robert GARSTELL, master mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/G3/1: 19 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B255
Elizabeth GARTHWAIT, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Garthwaite
DPRI/1/1674/G4/1: 17 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/G4/2-3: 17 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £275 
DPRI/1/1674/G5   16 March 1675
William GIBSON, yeoman, of the Midleside in Teasdaile (Middleside in Teasdale) within the county of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasedaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Willyam
DPRI/1/1674/G5/1-2: 4 January 1673  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1674/G5/3: 4 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £24 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £6) 
DPRI/1/1674/G5/4: 4 January 1673  - commission to Timothy Tully MA, rector of Middleton in Teesdale, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellenor Gibson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Tullie, 16 Mar 1675 
DPRI/1/1674/G5/5: 4 January 1673  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f136v
Henry GILL, blacksmith, gentleman, of Benwell in the chaplery of St Johns in Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]; also spelt Henery
For the consistory court cause papers relating to this dispute, see DDR/EJ/CCA/1/16. Ann Gill disputed two causes at Durham, first against two creditors and secondly against Margaret Errington, between 3 Apr 1674 and 12 Feb 1675, when the case was transferred to the Prerogative Court of York. See Borthwick Institute for Archives: CP.H.4706 testamentary (inventory only), Jan 1673; CP.H.5113 appeal (testamentary), Mar 1673; TRANS.CP.1675/3 appeal (testamentary), Jan-Dec 1675. An administration bond was executed in 1674 [A170], however this bond can not be found.
DPRI/1/1674/G6/1: 3 November 1673  - nuncupative will in favour of Margaret Errington 
DPRI/1/1674/G6/3-4: 3 November 1673  - nuncupative will in favour of Ann Gill, Henry Gill's wife 
DPRI/1/1674/G6/2: 3 November 1673  - allegation (draft) allegation introducing the (Jan 1674) nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/G6/5-6: 3 November 1673  - inventory, actual total £977 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1674/G6/7-8: 3 November 1673  - interrogatories interrogatories (of Ann Gill) to the witnesses produced on the part of Margaret Errington, relating to a cause to prove the (first) nuncupative will: Margaret Errington v Ann Gill widow 
DPRI/1/1674/G6/9 - wrapper 
Anne GILROY, widow, of Bishop Wearemouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/G7/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/G7/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B199
William GILROYE, yeoman, of Bishop Weermouth (Weremouth) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Gilroy
DPRI/1/1674/G8/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B159
Christopher GOWLAND, of Monck Wearmouth Hall [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/G9/1: 27 September 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B229
Richard GREAVSON, yeoman, of Woodham in the county of Durham, parish of Ayckliff (Ayckliffe) [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Greevson, Greeveson, Grieveson, Greiveson. Died 14 August 1673
DPRI/1/1674/G11/1-2: 14 August 1673  - will is unsigned and unsealed 
DPRI/1/1674/G11/3: 14 August 1673  - inventory, actual total £180 5s 
DPRI/1/1674/G11/4-7: 14 August 1673  - depositions depositions of three witnesses to the will, given 13 Mar 1674 and 3 Apr 1674. Page order is 1673/G11/4, 6, 7, 5. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f122v-123r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B145
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B144
Arthur GREENE, of Thropton (Throppton) in the parish of Routherbury (Rothbury) and county of Northumberland [Thropton, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1674/G12/3: 4 July 1674  - renunciation transfer of administration of Margaret Green relict, nominating her only son John Green to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1674/G12/1-2: 4 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B162
Ralph GREENWELL, yeoman, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Grenewell
DPRI/1/1674/G13/1: 18 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/G13/2: 18 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £9 (with account of funeral expenses of £3 14s 4d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f123r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B148
DPRI/1/1674/G10   19 June 1674
John GREY, of Newstead (Newsteed) within the parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray
DPRI/1/1674/G10/3: 20 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/G10/2: 20 April 1674  - commission to Thomas Davison, curate of Bamburgh, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margery Grey, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Davison, 19 June 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/G10/1: 20 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B97
Ralph HALL, of Ferry Hill in the county of Durham, parish of Merrington [Ferryhill, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H1/1: 2 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B106
Thomas HALL, of Greatham in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H2/1-2: 6 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B44
James HAMER, haberdasher of small wares, haberdasher, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/H3/1-2: 28 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H3/3-8: 28 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £1,273 13s 6d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B26B
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B26A
Richard HANDCOCKE, yeoman, of Low Angerton in the county of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/H4/1-2: 3 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H4/3: 3 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £22 11s 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B138
William HANDCOCKE, apothecary, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Handcock
DPRI/1/1674/H5/1: 6 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H5/2-3: 6 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £10 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f136v-137r
Thomas HAROPP, yeoman, of Benwell in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]; also spelt Hayropp
DPRI/1/1674/H8/1: 15 December 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B266
George HARRISON, yeoman, of Allers in Weredale (Weredaile) in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhopp in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H6/1: 12 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H6/2-3: 12 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £77 6s (with account of funeral charges of £7) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B187
Robert HARRISSON, master and mariner, of Gateshead (Gateside) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison
DPRI/1/1674/H7/1: 12 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H7/2: 12 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £96 1s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f127v-128r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B218
Thomas HEATH, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Heith
DPRI/1/1674/H9/1: 20 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B62
Frances HEDWORTH, of Ryton Woodside, parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H10/1: 18 December 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/H10/2 - wrapper 
Moses HENZELL, broad-glass-maker, of Easter Glassehouses in the chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tine in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/H11/1: 26 September 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B204
DPRI/1/1674/H14   21 January 1675
Thomas HICKSON, vintner, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hixon
DPRI/1/1674/H14/1: 24 December 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/H14/2-3: 24 December 1674  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Hickson, relict; commission executed by Naylor, 21 Jan 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B269
Anne HILTON, widow, of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H12/1-2: 10 July 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H12/3-4: 10 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £46 1s 8d endorsed with: (1) apophthegmatic writing exercises of Thomas Hilton, 17 and 29 Nov 1674; (2) direction to Mr Newhouse or Mr Rowell at 'the office at the abbey church dore' 
Thomas HODGSON, of Harperley, chapelry of Witton upon the Weer [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon
DPRI/1/1674/H15/1: 1 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B70
James HOLMES, attorney, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/H16/1: 5 August 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B257
Jone HOPPER, widow, of Witton Gillbert [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Joan
DPRI/1/1674/H17/1-2: 23 September 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B214
Thomas HOPPER, of Newbigin in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H18/1: 8 August 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B143
Edward HUDSPETH, of the Pryor Manes (Prior Maines), parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/H19/1-2: 27 September 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B146
Mighell HULL, of Hill House (Hilhouse), parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1674/H20/1-2: 13 July 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H20/3-4: 13 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £250 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B190
George HUNTINGTON, yeoman, of Thachmire House in the parish of Castle Eden in the county of Durham [Castle Eden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H21/1: 2 September 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H21/2-3: 2 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £183 4s 4d (with account of debts of £13 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B53
Thomas HUSBAND, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H22/1-2: 9 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H22/3: 9 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £18 6s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f118v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B87
Thomas HUTCHINSON, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/H23/1-2: 8 June 1674  - inventory of the goods etc. of Elizabeth Labourne deceased 'not altered since the death of her late husband Thomas Hutchinson' 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B96
Margery HUTTON, late wife of Henry Hutton of Witton Gilbert clerk, widow, of Witton Gilbert in the county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Margary
DPRI/1/1674/H24/1-2: 6 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H24/3-4: 6 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £31 1s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B180
DPRI/1/1674/H13   1 August 1674
John HYLTON, esquire, of Hilton Castle, parish of Monk Wearemouth in the county of Durham [Southwick, County Durham]; also spelt Hilton
DPRI/1/1674/H13/1-2: 22 July 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/H13/3: 22 July 1668  - inventory, actual total £51 14s 4d exhibited, 1 Aug 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/H13/4-5: 22 July 1668  - commission to John Kershaw MA, rector of Ripley, and Humphrey Tophan, vicar of Middlesmoore, both in Yorkshire, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Henry Hilton, brother and executor; commission executed by Kirshaw, 1 Aug 1674 
George JACKSON, of Lowicke [Lowick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/J1/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B119
George JACKSON, the younger, of Midridge in the parish of St Andrew Auckland [Middridge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/J2/1: 26 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B168
Thomas JACKSON, weaver, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/J3/1-2: 29 June 1642  - will with [contemporaneous] list of debts owed by testator of £5 2s 8d; also subscribed with certificate of oath of Margaret Jackson, relict, and the son of one of the witnesses, 15 June [?1674]  
DPRI/1/1674/J3/3: 29 June 1642  - inventory, actual total £45 3s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f118v-119r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B90
John JAMES, yeoman, of Acklington in the parish of Warkworth (Warkeworth, Warckworth) and county of Northumberland [Acklington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/J4/1-2: 1 December 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/J4/3: 1 December 1672  - inventory, actual total £128 14s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £95 4s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B132
William JAMES, esquire, of Washington in the county of Durham [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/J5/1: 8 January 1664  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f127r-127v
John JEFFERIE, master and mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Jefferey, Jeffery, Jeffera
DPRI/1/1674/J6/1-2: 4 May 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/J6/3: 4 May 1674  - indented inventory, actual total £37 0s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f124r-124v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B152
Gerrard JENISON, gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Jennison
DPRI/1/1674/J7/1-2: 10 April 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/J8   15 March 1675
William JENNISON, gentleman, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/J8/1-2: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/J8/3: undated  - commission to Thomas Broughton MA, curate of Bishopwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellenor Jennison, relict; commission executed by Broughton, 15 Mar 1675 
Grace JONES, widow, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/J9/1-2: 20 October 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B212
Thomas KIPLING, of Westwick, chapelry of Bernard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/K1/1: 17 October 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/K1/2: 17 October 1674  - inventory, actual total £114 12s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f131v-132r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B276
Elizabeth LABOURNE, alias Bainbridge, wife of John Labourne, of Billingside in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Laburne
DPRI/1/1674/L1/1: 30 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B77
Joseph LATTENEY, boat-wright, of South Sheilds [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/L2/1: 30 December 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B273
Edward LAVERICKE, master and mariner, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Lavaricke
DPRI/1/1674/L3/1: 18 March 1674  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B265
Elizabeth LEE, widow, of South Baley in or neere the citty of Durham in the county of Durham, parish of Saint Mary the Virgin [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]; also spelt Elisebeth
DPRI/1/1674/L4/1: 24 September 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/L4/2: 24 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £47 3s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B79
Robert LINN, yeoman, of Mainesforth (Mainsforth) in the county of Durham, parish of Bishop Middleham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Lynne
DPRI/1/1674/L5/1-2: 4 December 1673  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1674/L5/3-4: 4 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £99 5s 
DPRI/1/1674/L5/5: 4 December 1673  - inventory of debts, actual total £116 2s [?dated 23 Dec 1673]; list of bonds the deceased was owing, with (above) a further account of amounts outstanding on most of these bonds. [The actual total assumes those bonds without outstanding accounts listed above were still owed in full.] 
DPRI/1/1674/L5/6: 4 December 1673  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f112v-113r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B32
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B31
William LOCKRAINE, keelman, of Sandgate without the walls but within the liberties of the towne of Newcastle, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/L6/1: 27 August 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B185
Jane LOMAX, spinster, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/L7/1: 20 January 1675  - inventory 
Andrew LONGSTAFFE, shipwright, of North Sheilds in the parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Longstaff
DPRI/1/1674/L8/2: 4 January 1675  - commission to Stephen Boardley MA, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Longstaffe, relict; commission executed by Bordley, (undated) 
DPRI/1/1674/L8/1: 4 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B240
John LOWES, of Beltingham, parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/L9/1-2: 3 November 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B242
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B210
Richard LUMLEY, of Ryton Woodside [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/L10/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B202
DPRI/1/1674/M1   7 September 1674
Ann MACHON, spinster, of Shereburn House near the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/M1/2: 4 September 1674  - commission to Richard Wrench B.D. and Charles Elstobb MA, curate of Sherburn Hospital, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Machon, father; commission executed by Wrench, 7 Sep 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/M1/1: 4 September 1674  - inventory 
Richard MADDISON, yeoman, of Pelaw in the county of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/M2/1: 4 September 1666  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/M2/2-3: 4 September 1666  - inventory, actual total £30 12s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f117r-117v
DPRI/1/1674/M3   12 March 1675
Cuthbert MARLEY, rector of Winston, M.A., clerk, of Winston [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/M3/1-2: 4 March 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/M3/3: 4 March 1675  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Marley, relict; commission executed by Gilpin, 12 Mar 1675 
John MASON, yeoman, of Coopon (Cowpan, Coapon) Bewley in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Maison. Died 19 November 1673
DPRI/1/1674/M6/1-2: 19 November 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/M6/3-4: 19 November 1673  - inventory, actual total £84 12s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £42 15s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f119r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B94
John MASSOME, of Langton, parish of Gaineford [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Massom
DPRI/1/1674/M5/1: 27 January 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B7
DPRI/1/1674/M7   29 December 1674
Ozwald MAXON, of Shyply (Shiply, Shipley) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Egglingham (Eglingham) [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Oswald
DPRI/1/1674/M7/1-2: 4 December 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/M7/3: 4 December 1674  - commission to Thomas Trotter, perpetual vicar of Eglingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Maxon, son; commission executed by Trotter, 29 Dec 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B235
DPRI/1/1674/M9   23 September 1674
George MILBOURNE, of South Sheeles (Shealds), chapelry of St Hilda in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/M9/1: 11 March 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/M9/2: 11 March 1674  - commission to Stephen Boardley MA, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Milbourne, relict; commission executed by Bordley, 23 Sep 1674. Commission formerly used as a wrapper to the inventory of Thomas Myers of Middleton in Teesdale (see DPRI/1/1674/M13) 
DPRI/1/1674/M9/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B193
Thomas MITCALFE, merchant, of Alnwicke (Alnewick) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Metcalfe
DPRI/1/1674/M8/1-2: 13 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/M8/3-4: 13 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £133 18s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f120v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B123
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B122
Robert MITFORD, esquire, of Mitford in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]. Died 26 June 1674
DPRI/1/1674/M10/1-2: 22 December 1673  - will  with codicil, 26 June 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/M10/3-4: 22 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £372 7s 7d 
DPRI/1/1674/M10/5: 22 December 1673  - commission to John Pye MA, rector of Morpeth, and Edward Lumsden MA, curate of of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Philadelphia Mitford, relict, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Pye, 3 Mar 1675 
DPRI/1/1674/M10/6 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f136r-136v
William MOORE, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/M11/1: 15 January 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B5
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B4
DPRI/1/1674/M12   27 May 1674
John MURRAS, malt-maker, of Tinemouth in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Morrow
see bond [A73]
DPRI/1/1674/M12/1: 23 December 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/M12/2: 23 December 1673  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Morrow, relict; commission executed by Dockwray, 27 May 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B73
John MURRO, yeoman, of Castelgate in the brough of Berwicke (Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Murrow
DPRI/1/1674/M4/1-2: 27 February 1674  - will dated in late February [27 Feb 1674] 
DPRI/1/1674/M4/3: 27 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £26 16s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f120r-20v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B118
Thomas MYRES, of the Hope House in the parish of Midleton in Teasdale (Middleton in Teasdaile) within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/M13/1: 23 August 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B196
John NATTRES, yeoman, of Weareshead in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Nattresse
DPRI/1/1674/N1/1-2: 4 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/N1/3-4: 4 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £70 14s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B197
John NATTRESSE, yeoman, of Brotherlee in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Wearedaile) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Nattres
DPRI/1/1674/N2/1-2: 6 September 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/N2/3-4: 6 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £233 16s 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B178
DPRI/1/1674/N3   27 January 1675
Lancelot NEWBY, the elder, butcher, of Barnard (Bernard) Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/N3/1: 26 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/N3/2: 26 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £49 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 10s) 
DPRI/1/1674/N3/3: 26 December 1674  - commission to John Brockeld, curate of Barnard Castle, and Clement Perchard, curate of Whorlton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Newby, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 27 Jan 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f131r-131v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B275
Thomas NICHOLLSON, yeoman, of Readmyres (Readmires, Reedmyres, Redmyres), chapelry of Witton upon the Wear (Weare) in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholson
Nichollson was a blind man for the 20 years preceding his death
DPRI/1/1674/N7/1-2: 29 July 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/N7/3-4: 29 July 1672  - inventory, actual total £14 11s 4d 
DPRI/1/1674/N7/5: 29 July 1672  - interrogatories interrogatories [of Dorothy Roper] to the witnesses to the will [on the part of Mary Nicholson] 
DPRI/1/1674/N7/6-7: 29 July 1672  - depositions and responses depositions of two witnesses to the will, with their responses to the interrogatories, relating to a cause: Mary Nicholson widow v Dorothy Roper 
Edward NICHOLSON, miller, of Greate Lumley within the parish of Chester in the Street and county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Nickelson
DPRI/1/1674/N4/1-2: January 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/N4/3: January 1673  - inventory, actual total £6 17s 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B173
Henry NICHOLSON, joiner, of North Sheilds in the parish of Tinemouth and county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/N5/1: 8 June 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B101
William NICHOLSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/N8/1: 10 December 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B254
Thomas NICKELSON, yeoman, of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholson
DPRI/1/1674/N6/1: 21 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/N6/2-3: 21 February 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B133
Mathew NORY, of Edlingham [Edlingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/N9/1: 9 June 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B121
Bartram ORDE, gentleman, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ord
DPRI/1/1674/O1/1: 5 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B256
Margert OTERINTON, widow, of town of Newcastell upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret, Ottrington
DPRI/1/1674/O2/1: 8 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B142
DPRI/1/1674/P1   11 August 1674
Mary PARKE, widow, of West Pans (Panns), South Sheilds in the chappellry of St Hilds and county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/P1/1-2: 31 May 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/P1/4: 31 May 1674  - commission to Stephen Boardley, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to James Smith, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bordley, 11 Aug 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/P1/3: 31 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £150 (with account of debts of £7 3s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f125r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B177
Thomas PARKER, cordwainer, of chappellry of St Johns, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/P2/1: 2 November 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B252
Thomas PATTISON, scrivener, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Pattinson
DPRI/1/1674/P3/1: 18 January 1675  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/P3/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B259
John PAULE, master and mariner, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/P4/1: 6 December 1673  - inventory total does not include any of the deceased's debts due in 'oversea customs' 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B6
Bryan PEARSON, yeoman, of Escombe in the county of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/P5/1-2: 7 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/P5/3-4: 7 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £108 0s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f117v-118r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B80
Ann PERSON, of Grete Chellton (Chilton), parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Peirceson
DPRI/1/1674/P6/1: 21 May 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/P6/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B67
Elizabeth PIERSON, wife of William Pierson, of Washington in the county of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Pearson
DPRI/1/1674/P7/1: 9 June 1674  - will endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating that a (court) judgement was given validating the will 
DPRI/1/1674/P8   13 May 1674
Leonard PILKINGTON, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/P8/1-2: 12 March 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/P8/3: 12 March 1674  - commission to George Bell, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Alice Pilkington, relict; commission executed by Bell, 13 May 1674 
John POTTER, yeoman, of Earsdon (Earsedon, Earsden) in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/P9/1-2: 16 July 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/P9/4-5: 16 July 1674  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Potter, relict and executrix, nominating her son George Potter to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1674/P9/2-3: 16 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £255 11s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £73 10s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B191
Robart PROUD, yeoman, of Cronkley (Cronckley) in the parish of Bywill Peter (Bywell St Peter) in the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1674/P10/1-2: 16 June 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/P10/3: 16 June 1674  - inventory, actual total £45 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f125r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B163
James RAFEILD, of Boghall (Bog Hill), Woodhorne parish [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Rawfeild
DPRI/1/1674/R1/1: 7 July 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B136
DPRI/1/1674/R2   23 April 1674
Richard REA, tailor, of Byshopton (Bishopton) in the countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/R2/1-2: 1 April 1674  - will endorsed with memorandum relating to sureties William Smith and John Dobbin of Bishopton in a £140 bond  
DPRI/1/1674/R2/3-4: 1 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £54 19s 
DPRI/1/1674/R2/5: 1 April 1674  - commission to Richard Croft, vicar of Bishopton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Alice Rea, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Croft, 23 Apr 1674 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f112v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B30
Henry REED, yeoman, of Collell in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/R3/1: 25 October 1670  - will  with inventory, undated, actual total £20 13s 6d 
DPRI/1/1674/R3/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B150
John REMAKY, yeoman, of borough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Remke, Remacky
DPRI/1/1674/R4/1: 14 March 1674  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f119v-120r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B115
Robert RENTON, blacksmith, of Shirriton (Shirraton) in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/R5/1: undated  - will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to (£1 11s 7d) and by (£1 2s 6d) the testator 
DPRI/1/1674/R5/2-3: undated  - inventory, actual total £15 11s 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B243
Peter RICHARDSON, gentleman, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/R6/1: 17 May 1672  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/R6/3: 17 May 1672  - allegation allegation of Ralph Johnson of Newcastle upon Tyne gentleman introducing the nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/R6/4-5: 17 May 1672  - depositions and responses depositions of two witnesses to the nuncupative will, with their responses to the interrogatories of Ralph Johnson, relating to a cause to prove the will: Ralph Johnson gentleman v John Richardson gentleman, father; subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating that judgement was given validating the will 
DPRI/1/1674/R6/2: 17 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £4 18s 8d the goods etc. were distrained by William Ogle, creditor 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B69
Cuthbert RIDLEY, gentleman, of Teckett in the county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbertt
DPRI/1/1674/R7/1-2: 7 March 1674  - will  with codicil, 7 March 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/R7/3: 7 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £13 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f132v-133r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B286
Lancelott ROBINSON, yeoman, of Hackewellhead (Hackwellhead) in the forrest of Wearedale within the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Weardaile) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Lancelot
DPRI/1/1674/R8/1-2: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/R8/3: undated  - inventory, actual total £44 0s 3d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £19) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B184
Anthony ROBSON, porter, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/R9/1: 18 January 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/R9/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B258
Christopher ROGERS, yeoman, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/R10/1-2: 5 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/R10/3: 5 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £53 3s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f134v
George ROWELL, weaver, of New Elvett nigh the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/R11/1: 16 June 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B93
Josuah RUDSTON, master and mariner, of Gateside (Gaiteshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/R12/1: 14 April 1674  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B65
Thomas RUTLISH, the younger, of Sedgfeild (Sedgefield, Sedgefeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Rutlidge
DPRI/1/1674/R13/2-3: 28 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £95 16s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 17s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1674/R13/1: 28 January 1675  - renunciation renunciation of Ann Turnball alias Rutlish, mother, nominating Thomas Chapman of Sedgefield, merchant, to take out administration for the use of John Rutlish and Mary Rutlish, brother and sister 
Phillis SANDERSON, widow, of Barnard (Bernard) Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Philis
DPRI/1/1674/S1/1-2: 16 February 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S1/3: 16 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £92 (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £50 2s 2d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B36
Thomas SANDERSON, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/S2/1: 16 September 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B9
DPRI/1/1674/S3   24 September 1674
Dalston SHAFTO, gentleman, of East Shafto in the county of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1674/S3/1: 1 March 1653  - will endorsed with memorandum relating that the will was again witnessed 'about a yeare and a halfe before the testator's death' 
DPRI/1/1674/S3/2: 1 March 1653  - inventory, actual total £291 12s (with account of debts of £300 19s 8d) 
DPRI/1/1674/S3/3: 1 March 1653  - commission to Robert Bonner, vicar of Hartburn, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Shafto, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bonner, 24 Sep 1674 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f126r
Thomas SHAWTER, of town and parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/S4/1: 6 October 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B207
David SHEVILL, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/S5/1: 1 May 1674  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1674/S5/2: 1 May 1674  - receipt for the original will  with receipt for the original will, 19 September 1722 receipt for delivering the original will to William Midford, relating to a trial at Newcastle sherriff's court; with guarantee by William French to redeliver of the same 
DPRI/1/1674/S5/3: 1 May 1674  - receipt for the original will receipt of William Midford 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f113r-113v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B43
Christopher SIDGEWICKE, saddler, of Langleydaile (Langlydaile) in the county of Durham, parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwicke
DPRI/1/1674/S6/1: 4 June 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S6/2: 4 June 1674  - indented inventory, actual total £265 13s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B89
DPRI/1/1674/S7   4 June 1674
Ralph SIDGWICKE, saddler, of Langley Daile (Langleydaile, Langly Daile) in the parish of Staindrop (Staindropp) in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgewicke, Sidgwick
DPRI/1/1674/S7/1: 27 May 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S7/3: 27 May 1674  - commission to Simon Gilpin, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Christopher Sidgwick, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 4 June 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/S7/2: 27 May 1674  - indented inventory, actual total £317 7s 3d (with account of funeral expenses of £8) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f118r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B82
John SKAFE, tailor, of Greate Ayckliffe (Aickliffe) in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Scaife
DPRI/1/1674/S8/1-2: 14 April 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S8/3-4: 14 April 1671  - inventory, actual total £7 9s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f135v
Thomas SPINKE, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Spink
DPRI/1/1674/S9/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B135
Elizabeth STEPHENSON, late wife of John Stephenson, widow, of Buetleleses (Bewedly Leases, Bewetle Leases) in the parish of Stanhop and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/S10/1-2: 18 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S10/3: 18 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £41 10s 8d (with account of debts of £17 12s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B237
James STEWART, yeoman, of Boulton (Bolton) in the parish of Edlingham in the county of Northumberland [Edlingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Stuerd
DPRI/1/1674/S11/1: 16 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S11/2: 16 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £393 5s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B126
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B125
Anthony STOCKDALE, yeoman, of West Aukland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Stockdall
DPRI/1/1674/S12/1: 30 August 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S12/2 - inventory, actual total £3 3s 7d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B52
DPRI/1/1674/S13   13 January 1675
Edward STOCKDELL, master and mariner, of chapelry of All Saints, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/S13/1: 7 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S13/2: 7 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £204 3s 7d 
DPRI/1/1674/S13/3: 7 June 1673  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John and Ann Thompson (Thomson) his wife, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Naylor, 13 Jan 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f128v-129r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B239
William STONEHOUSE, mariner, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/S14/1: 17 February 1675  - inventory 
Edward STOTT, roper, of Framwelgate within the chapplery of St Margretts nigh the citty of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/S15/1-2: 26 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/S15/3: 26 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £90 13s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f125v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B182
Thomas STOTT, of Feildhousses (Feildhouses), chapelry of St Margaret Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/S16/1: 26 December 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/S16/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B232
Rowland STOUT, butcher, of Claypeth near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/S17/1 - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B12
Arthur SWANN, shipwright, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Swan
DPRI/1/1674/S18/1: 19 March 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/S18/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B3
Raiph TAILOR, of the chappelry of Esh [Esh, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Taylor
DPRI/1/1674/T1/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B280
DPRI/1/1674/T2   13 October 1674
Christopher TALBOT, gentleman, of Blackwell (Blackwall), parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Talbott
DPRI/1/1674/T2/1-2: 19 July 1674  - will  with codicil, 19 July 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/T2/3-4: 19 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £493 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £164 10s 5d) 
DPRI/1/1674/T2/5: 19 July 1674  - commission to Leonard Waistell, rector of Hurworth-upon-Tees, and George Bell, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Talbott, relict and co-executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will and codicil; commission executed by Wastell, 13 Oct 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/T2/6 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f126v-127r
George TATE, yeoman, of Mindram (Mindrom) within the chaplery of Carham in the county of Northumberland [Carham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/T3/1-2: September 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/T3/3: September 1673  - inventory, actual total £54 15s 7d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B120
Isabell TAYLOR, widow, of Langley Mill within the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/T4/1-2: 20 April 1674  - nuncupative will endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating that the will was adjudged valid 
DPRI/1/1674/T4/3: 20 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £39 0s 6d 
DPRI/1/1674/T4/4: 20 April 1674  - interrogatories interrogatories of Brian Forster to the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of William Lewin, relating to a cause: William Lewin [nephew and executor] v Brian Forster 
DPRI/1/1674/T4/5-6: 20 April 1674  - depositions and responses depositions of the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of William Lewin, with their responses to the interrogaties of Brian Forster 
DPRI/1/1674/T4/7-8: 20 April 1674  - depositions depositions of four other witnesses answering the further allegations of Brian Forster 
DPRI/1/1674/T4/9-10: 20 April 1674  - depositions  with deposition, 24 July 1674 depositions of one witness already produced on the part of William Lewin and three other witnesses responding to the further allegations of Brian Forster 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B29
William TAYLOR, yeoman, of Blyth in the parish of Earsden in the county of Northumberland [Blyth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/T5/1: 6 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B156
Robert THACKWRAY, smith, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/T6/1: 31 March 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B10
Elizabeth THOMPSON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/T7/1: 14 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/T7/2: 14 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £9 17s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f129v-130r
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B249
James THOMPSON, yeoman, of Castle Eden in the county of Durham [Castle Eden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/T8/1-2: 20 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B86
John THOMPSON, butcher, of chapelry of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/T9/1-2: March 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/T9/3: March 1674  - inventory, actual total £209 19s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 4s 5d) 
Michaell THOMPSON, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1674/T10/1: 29 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B134
Robert THOMSON, of Ryop (Ryopp) in Bishop Warmouth (Wearmouth) parish [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1674/T11/1: 6 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B161
John THORNTON, esquire, of Nether Witton in the county of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]; also spelt Thorneton
DPRI/1/1674/T12/1-4: 24 February 1673  - copy will  with copy schedule of legacies, 24 February 1673 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f120v-122r
will bond, penal sum £600: DPRI/3/1674/B137
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B137
John TODD, yeoman, of Denton in the county of Durham [Denton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/T13/1-2: 17 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B88
Robert TROTER, weaver, yeoman, of Bishopp Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Trotter
DPRI/1/1674/T14/1-2: 17 July 1673  - will endosed: not proved 
DPRI/1/1674/T14/3: 17 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £19 6s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B25
Anthony TRUMBLE, tailor, of Castle Garth in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/T15/1: 4 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B38
Christofer TURNER, gentleman, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher
DPRI/1/1674/T16/1-2: 20 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/T16/3: 20 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £28 3s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B8
Thomas TURPIN, of North Seaton [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/T17/1-2: 11 November 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B141
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B140
George URWEN, of Cramlington [Cramlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/U1/1: 20 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B153
Jane VASEY, widow, of Woolsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/V2/1: 21 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B78
Dorothy VASIE, late wife of Abraham Vasie mariner, widow, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countye of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Vasye, Vasy
DPRI/1/1674/V1/1-2: 18 January 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/V1/3: 18 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £23 11s 6d 
Alice VICCARS, widow, of chappelry of St Johns in the parish of Stanhopp in Wearedale [St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/V3/1: July 1674  - nuncupative will endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating that a prior will (and not this one) was validated by the court 
DPRI/1/1674/V3/2: July 1674  - interrogatories interrogatories of Ellenor Knowles to the witnesses to the nuncupative will, relating to a cause: Margaret Fetherston (Featherston) spinster v Ellenor Knowles 
Thomas VICCARS, the elder, of Raby in the county of Durham, parish of Stainedropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Vickars
DPRI/1/1674/V4/1: 6 August 1674  - renunciation renunciation of Elizabeth Viccars, relict, nominating her son Thomas Viccars the younger to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1674/V4/2-3: 6 August 1674  - inventory, actual total £27 3s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B172
Richard VIPOND, yeoman, of Fewsteeds within the parish of Garrigill and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/V5/1-2: 10 December 1674  - will  with list of debts owed by testator, 10 December 1674 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f130v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B271
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B270
William VIPOND, of Fewsteades (Few Steads) in the parish of Garrigill in Aldstonmore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Viepont
DPRI/1/1674/V6/1: 16 March 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/V6/2 - wrapper 
Jane WAKELYN, widow, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Wakelyne, Wakelin
DPRI/1/1674/W1/1-2: 6 April 1674  - will endorsed: no [probate] act 
Ann WALTON, alias Lee, of Emsough (Emsaugh) within the parish of Aldston [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/W2/1: undated  - inventory 
Edward WALTON, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W3/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B231
Phillipp WATE, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Watt
DPRI/1/1674/W7/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B85
John WATSON, yeoman, of Hett within the parish of Merrington and county of Durham [Hett, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W5/1-2: November 1673  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1674/W5/3: November 1673  - inventory, actual total £337 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B189
Margery WATSON, spinster, of Whitton in the parish of Grindon and county of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W6/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/W6/2: undated  - revocation of inventory revocation of the inventory by William Watson, brother and administrator 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B284
Thomas WEATHERBURNE, yeoman, of Greensfield (Greenfeild) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Wetherburne
DPRI/1/1674/W8/1-2: 9 June 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B128
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B127
Robert WEEMYS, grocer, mercer, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Wemys
DPRI/1/1674/W10/1: 14 January 1675  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B246
Addilin WELSH, spinster, of Hetton in the Hole in the county of Durham, parish of Houghton in the Spring [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Addinell, Adinell, [Adeline]
DPRI/1/1674/W9/1-2: 9 April 1674  - will endorsed with testatrix's note of delivery of the will to William Foster 
DPRI/1/1674/W9/3: 9 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £41 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B195
DPRI/1/1674/W11   30 January 1675
Elinor WHARTON, widow, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Elianor
DPRI/1/1674/W11/1-2: 18 August 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/W11/3: 18 August 1674  - inventory, actual total £384 4s 7d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1674/W11/4: 18 August 1674  - commission to John Brockeld, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jonathan Wharton, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 30 Jan 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B277
Ellenor WHITE, widow, of Crosgate nigh the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Ellianor
DPRI/1/1674/W12/1-2: 18 June 1674  - renunciation renunciation of John and Elizabeth Dobinson and William and Averell Fewster, daughters, nominating Christopher White, son, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1674/W12/3-4: 18 June 1674  - inventory, actual total £20 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B95
Richard WHITE, mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W13/1: 18 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B260
DPRI/1/1674/W14   3 March 1675
Raiph WHITFEILD, gentleman, of Clergill (Clargill) in Alstonmoor within the parish of Alstone (Alston) and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Railph, Ralph
DPRI/1/1674/W14/1: 22 January 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/W14/2: 22 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £155 5s 6d 
DPRI/1/1674/W14/3-4: 22 January 1675  - commission to John Lee, vicar of Alston, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Whitfeild widow, for the use of William Whitfeild, sole executor, and also to grant to her the tuition of Nicholas, William, and Mary Whitfeild, grandchildren; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Lee, 3 Mar 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f135v-136r
DPRI/1/1674/W16   19 March 1675
Henry WILKESON, of Wooller (Woller) [Wooler, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1674/W16/1: 18 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/W16/2-3: 18 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £54 12s 
DPRI/1/1674/W16/4: 18 February 1675  - commission to Alexander Davidson MA, vicar of Norham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Wilkinson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Davidson, 19 Mar 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f137r
Rowland WILKINGSON, yeoman, of Raredon (Rardon) in the parrish of Lainchester (Lanchester) and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1674/W19/1-2: 20 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/W19/3: 20 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £227 5s (with account of funeral expenses of £18 5s 3d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f114v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B49
Jane WILKINSON, widow, of toun and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Willkeson
DPRI/1/1674/W17/1: 12 June 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/W17/2: 12 June 1674  - inventory, actual total £28 19s 4d possibly dated 13 July 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B164
DPRI/1/1674/W18   14 December 1674
John WILKINSON, boat-builder, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of [Durham] [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W18/1: 8 December 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/W18/2: 8 December 1674  - commission to Thomas Broughton MA, curate of Bishop Wearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Wilkinson, relict; also to grant to her the tuition of John, Edward, Robert and Ellenor Wilkinson, children; commission executed by Broughton, 14 Dec 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B226
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B225
William WILKINSON, master and mariner, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W21/1: 20 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B111
Thomas WILLEY, of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W22/1: 11 December 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B223
Symond WILLKINSON, yeoman, of Ridley in the parrish of Haltwhisel (Haltwesle) and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Simon, Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1674/W20/1: 21 April 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B169
Christoffer WILLSON, yeoman, of Bruntiffe (Bruntoff) in the county of Durham, parish of Elwick [Elwick Hall, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher, Wilson
DPRI/1/1674/W23/1: 8 April 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/W23/2 - wrapper 
John WILYE, of Whitchester [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Wiley
DPRI/1/1674/W15/1: 3 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B261
William WODMOSSE, weaver, of Bales in the parish of Alstonn (Alston) in Aldstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Woodmas
DPRI/1/1674/W24/1: 20 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B147
Thomas WOLFE, senior, yeoman, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Woulfe
DPRI/1/1674/W25/1-2: 27 November 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/W25/3: 27 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £45 2s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f129v
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B247
DPRI/1/1674/W26   24 October 1674
Adam WOOD, of Shorswood (Shoreswood) in the paroch of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/W26/1-2: 27 December 1673  - nuncupative will  with inventory, actual total £8 16s (with account of debts of £7 12s 7d) 
DPRI/1/1674/W26/3: 27 December 1673  - commission to Alexander Davidson MA, vicar of Norham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Wood, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Davieson, 24 Oct 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B215
John WOOD, vicar of Heighington, clerk, of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W27/1: 4 February 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B68
DPRI/1/1674/W28   29 September 1674
Roger WOODHOUSE, mariner, of Tynemouth in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/W28/3: 28 September 1674  - commission to Stephen Boardley MA, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Reed, maternal grandmother; commission executed by Bordley, 29 Sep 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/W28/1-2: 28 September 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B201
Michell WOTEN, of New Towne, parish of Ayckliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Michael, Walton
DPRI/1/1674/W4/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1674/W4/2 - wrapper 
John WRIGHT, yeoman, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W29/1: 29 August 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/W29/2: 29 August 1674  - inventory, actual total £12 1s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f135r
Thomas WRIGHT, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1674/W30/1-2: undated  - inventory exhibited by Lionel Maddison esquire 
DPRI/1/1674/W31   19 December 1674
Thomas WRIGHT, of parish of Whitbourne (Whitburne) [Whitburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1674/W31/2: 15 December 1674  - commission to Nathaniel Bowey MA, curate of Whitburn, and Richard Harper MA, curate of Monkwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Wright, relict; commission executed by Bowey, 19 Dec 1674 
DPRI/1/1674/W31/1: 15 December 1674  - inventory 
Thomas YOUNG, senior, yeoman, of Snapps Lees in the county of Northumberland, parish of Horseley [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge
parish uncertain: probate office endorsement of will and bond [124] states Longhorsely, however, Snableazes farm is in Longhoughton, many of Young's debtors were resident there, and Young himself requests burial at Longhoughton
DPRI/1/1674/Y1/1-2: 23 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1674/Y1/3: 23 December 1673  - schedule of debts owing to testator, actual total £29 14s 4d schedule of debts owing to testator 
bond: DPRI/3/1674/B124
Wills etc proved 1675
Reference: DPRI/1/1675
DPRI/1/1675/A1   8 June 1675
Cuthbert ADAMSON, felt-maker, of Citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/A1/1-2: 8 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £73 0s 6d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £7 16s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B129
DPRI/1/1675/A2   2 December 1675
Thomas AIREY, mariner, of North Shields in the County of Northumberland, parish of Tinemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Airee, Arey
DPRI/1/1675/A2/1-2: 2 November 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/A2/3: 2 November 1675  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, , and John Weld MA, curate of the chapelry of Newcastle St Andrew, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ursula Airey, relict, and also to grant to her the tuition of Thomas, Ursula, Henry, Mercy and Mary Airey, children; also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwray, 2 Dec 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/A2/4: 2 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £1,394 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B290
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B289
DPRI/1/1675/A3   1 January 1675
William ALLANSON, of Shotton in the county palataine of Durham [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Allenson
DPRI/1/1675/A3/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £471 12s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £50 2s) exhibited, 17 Dec 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B331
DPRI/1/1675/A4   1 January 1675
Michael ALLENSON, of Lampton in the parish of Chester in lee Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Michaell, Aleson
DPRI/1/1675/A4/1: 1675  - inventory, actual total £13 1s 8d 
DPRI/1/1675/A5   29 November 1675
John ANDERSON, skinner, glover, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/A5/1: 29 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £11 14s 7d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B316
DPRI/1/1675/A6   25 March 1675
Thomas APLEBY, cordwainer, of Barnard Castle in the County of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Appleby
DPRI/1/1675/A6/1-2: 25 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £72 3s 7d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B49
DPRI/1/1675/A7   14 August 1675
Thomas ARCHER, yeoman, of Underbanke within the parish of Kirkehaugh in the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/A7/1: 10 July 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/A7/2: 10 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £72 18s (with brief account of debts of £220) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B209
DPRI/1/1675/A8   1 January 1675
Thomas ASMALL, gentleman, of Amerston (Ammerston) in the County of Durham [Elwick Hall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/A8/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £180 18s 6d (with account of debts of £37) 
DPRI/1/1675/A8/2 - wrapper 
Cuthbert ATKINSON, yeoman, of Brecking (Breckin) Hill in the parish of St Tandrew Auckland in the County of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Atckinson. Died 22 March 1673
DPRI/1/1675/A9/1: 31 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £39 3s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 19s 5d) 
DPRI/1/1675/A9/2 - wrapper dated 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B173
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B172
DPRI/1/1675/A10   3 August 1675
Elizabeth ATKINSON, widow, of Haydon Bridge (Haydonbridg) in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Elizbeth
DPRI/1/1675/A10/1: 22 July 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/A10/2: 22 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £21 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 15s 9d) 
DPRI/1/1675/A11   1 January 1675
Jane ATKINSON, widow, of Penhuegh (Penpeugh), parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Jann
DPRI/1/1675/A11/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £6 0s 4d (with account of debts of £4) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B228
John ATKINSON, mariner, of Soueth Sheals (South Sheilds) West Pans (Panns) in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/A12/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £31 10s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B267
Mary ATKINSON, spinster, of South Biddicke (Biddick) in the parish of Houghton in le Spring in the County of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/A13/1-2: April 1668  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B145
Henry BAINBRIDGE, miller, of Gateshead in the County of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Bainebridg
DPRI/1/1675/B1/1: 1 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £8 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B190
DPRI/1/1675/B2   26 June 1675
Thomas BAINBRIDGE, of Midleton in Teasdale (Middleton in Teasedaile) within the County of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainebridge, Bainbrigg
DPRI/1/1675/B2/1: 26 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £10 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 6s 10) 
DPRI/1/1675/B2/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B162
DPRI/1/1675/B3   26 April 1674
Ellinor BAKER, widow, of Morpeth in the County of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Elliner
DPRI/1/1675/B3/1: 26 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £15 10s (with brief account of funeral expenses of £2 15s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B78
Thomas BARKER, of North Sheelds (Sheilds) [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/B4/1-2: 2 September 1675  - inventory, actual total £9 2s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B216
Mary BARNES, widow, of Bernard Castle in the County of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B5/1-2: 10 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £32 14s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B262
DPRI/1/1675/B6   26 October 1675
Thomas BATES, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Baites
DPRI/1/1675/B6/1: 14 June 1675  - will with certificate of oath, 27 Oct 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/B6/2: 14 June 1675  - indented inventory, actual total £672 17s 
William BATES, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Baites
DPRI/1/1675/B7/1-2: undated  - inventory, actual total £20 3s 8d (with account of debts of £35 10s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B309
DPRI/1/1675/B8   8 March 1676
Alice BAYLEY, widow, of West Renton (Rainton) in the County of Durham, parish of Houghton in le Spring [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Baley
DPRI/1/1675/B8/1-2: 18 August 1659  - will with certificate of oath, 8 Mar 1676 
DPRI/1/1675/B8/3: 18 August 1659  - inventory, actual total £4 6s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f166r
DPRI/1/1675/B9   13 February 1676
Edward BEERES, the elder, yeoman, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the County of Durham, parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Beers
DPRI/1/1675/B9/1: 20 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/B9/2-3: 20 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £4 9s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f158v-159r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B347
Andrew BELL, yeoman, of Shippwesh (Shipwash) in the county of Northumberland [Sheepwash, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/B10/1: 10 December 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/B10/2: 10 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £23 14s 8d (with account of debts of £36) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B40
Elizabeth BELL, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
[There is an inventory and bond for an Elizabeth Bell of Newcastle among the probate records for 1676 but there is no apparent connection with this will]
DPRI/1/1675/B11/1: April 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/B12   2 March 1676
George BELL, miller, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B12/1-2: 16 February 1676  - will with certificate of oath, 2 Mar 1676 
DPRI/1/1675/B12/3: 16 February 1676  - inventory, actual total £616 4s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B418-419
James BELL, cordwainer, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B13/1: 3 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £11 18s 9d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B355
John BELL, the elder, yeoman, of Cleatlam in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B14/1: 7 June 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/B14/2: 7 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £118 17s (with account of legacies of £82 9s 8d and debts of £80) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f147v-148r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B179
DPRI/1/1675/B15   20 May 1675
Luke BELL, yeoman, of parish of Heddon [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/B15/1: undated  - account, actual total £37 7s exhibited by Mary Bell, relict; account refers to an inventory (exhibited at Durham) of £74 0s 4d; published under seal, 20 May 1675 
William BELL, the younger, of Bellasis in the parish of Stannington [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/B16/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £13 6s 8d exhibited by William Bell, 4 Feb 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B381
DPRI/1/1675/B17   14 January 1676
William BELL, waterman, of South Sheilds, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B17/1: 29 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £30 15s 4d 
DPRI/1/1675/B17/2: 29 December 1675  - commission to Stephen Bordley, curate of the chapelry of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellenor Bell, relict; commission executed by Bordley, 14 Jan 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B353
Edward BERRY, of Pearcebridge in the parish Gaineford (Gainford) [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Edwarde, Berrey
DPRI/1/1675/B18/1: 19 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £160 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 0s 4d) 
DPRI/1/1675/B18/2-3: 19 April 1675  - commission to Edmund Fotherby MA, vicar of Gainford, and Alexander Hilton, clerk, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Berry, relict; commission executed by Fotherby, (undated) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B30
DPRI/1/1675/B19   8 June 1676
Ralph BILLINGTON, yeoman, of Preston in the parish of Tinemouth and county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/B19/1-2: 8 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/B19/3-4: 8 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £27 17s 
DPRI/1/1675/B19/5-6: 8 January 1674  - renunciation renunciation of Edward Spearman, tutor and administrator for the use of Ralph Billington, infant son and executor, nominating Mary Killerby, relict (and mother of the infant son), upon her seniority  
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f147v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B178
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B177
DPRI/1/1675/B20   2 June 1675
William BISHOPRICK, of Brafferton in the parish of Great Aycliff (Aickliffe) [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B20/1-2: 2 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £161 1s 7d (with account of debts of £37) 
DPRI/1/1675/B20/3: 2 June 1675  - commission to George Spooner MA, perpetual vicar of Aycliffe, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Bishoprick, relict ('widow junior'); commission executed, 2 June 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B123
Christopher BLACKETT, gentleman, of Hoppyland (Hoppiland) in the County of Durham, chapelry of Hamsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B21/1: 28 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £2,572 5s 2d (with brief account of debts of £35) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B412
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B199
Mary BLAKESTON, spinster, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Blakiston
DPRI/1/1675/B22/1-2: 6 February 1675  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B325
Alice BLARTON, widow, of Thorneley in the parish of Wolsingham [Thornley, Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B23/1: 26 September 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/B23/2: 26 September 1675  - inventory, actual total £28 5s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B254
George BOWMER, Evenwood in the parish of St Andrew Auckland, Evenwood in the chapelry of Auckland St Hellen [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham; Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Boomer, [Bulmer]
DPRI/1/1675/B34/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £23 15s 11d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £11 17s 7d) 
DPRI/1/1675/B34/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B379
Richard BOWSER, the younger, esquire, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B24/1: 20 October 1675  - inventory, actual total £1,196 16s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B252
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B251
Elizabeth BRADFORTH, widow, of Newham in the County of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Elisabeth, Bradfoorth
DPRI/1/1675/B25/1: 6 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/B25/2: 6 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £141 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f142r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B69
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B67
Edward BRADY, of Stanhope in Wearedaile in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Bradie, Braddy
DPRI/1/1675/B26/1: 16 August 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/B26/2-3: 16 August 1672  - inventory, actual total £226 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 11s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B159
Dame Elizabeth BRANDLING, widow, of Felling in the parish of Jarroe in the county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Branling
DPRI/1/1675/B27/1: 24 January 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/B27/2: 24 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £72 18s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B377
Cuthbert BREWELL, yeoman, of Stanington in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbertt. Died 17 May 1675
DPRI/1/1675/B28/1: 17 May 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/B28/2-3: 17 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £76 17s 3d (with account of debts of £10 19s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f157r-157v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B313
Roger BROWN, yeoman, of The Sheepe (Sheep) Hirst in the County of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne
parish drawn from bond [77]
DPRI/1/1675/B29/1: 28 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £27 1s (with account of debts of £253 3s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B77
William BROWN, of Upper Heworth within the parish of Jarro (Jarroe) [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Browne, Broun
DPRI/1/1675/B30/1: September 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/B30/2 - inventory, actual total £9 15s 6d (with account of debts of £1 17s 7d) 
DPRI/1/1675/B30/3: September 1674  - inventory  with account of goods at sale, actual total £15 11s 6d endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating that the goods at sale made only £10 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B380
Cuthbert BROWNE, of parish of Stanington (Stannington) [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/B31/1: 19 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £17 6s (with brief account of debts and funeral charges of £3) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B88
Thomas BROWNE, the elder, joiner, of citty and county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B32/1-2: 2 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/B32/3-4: 2 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £52 15s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B130
Robert BRUMLEY, the elder, gentleman, Nesbett in the county of Durham, parish of Hart, Monke Hesleton in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham; Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Bromley
DPRI/1/1675/B33/1-2: 3 November 1672  - will  with codicil, 14 November 1673  with receipt for the original will, 27 March 1675 with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the co-executors 
DPRI/1/1675/B33/3: 3 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £548 5s exhibited, 27 Mar 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f137r
Thomas BURDON, anchor-smith, of Bishopp Weermouth (Wearemouth) Salt Panns in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B35/1-2: undated  - inventory, actual total £22 16s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B350
John BURTON, of Bishop Middleham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B36/1: 18 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £14 13s 10d exhibited by Cuthbert Burton, 2 July 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B156
Thomas BUTLER, farmer, of Cleatelam (Cleatlam) in the county of Durham, parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/B37/1: 16 August 1675  - will  with codicil, 16 August 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f152r-152v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B249
Francis CALLAGHAN, vintner, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/C2/1-4: 7 February 1676  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the surviving executor 
DPRI/1/1675/C2/7: 7 February 1676  - codicil 
DPRI/1/1675/C2/8: 7 February 1676  - copy codicil 
DPRI/1/1675/C2/5-6: 7 February 1676  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £200 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f161v-163r
Thomas CALVERLAY, gentleman, of Silkesworth in the countye of Durham [Silksworth, County Durham]; also spelt Calverley
DPRI/1/1675/C1/1: 8 November 1675  - original draft 
DPRI/1/1675/C1/3-4: 8 November 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/C1/2: 8 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £60 17s (with account of debts of £21 0s 2d) 
James CAMMELL, plumber, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Camell
DPRI/1/1675/C3/1-2: 28 January 1676  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1675/C3/3-4: 28 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £34 7s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1675/C3/5: 28 January 1676  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f165r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B425
Daniell CAPE, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Daniel
DPRI/1/1675/C4/1-4: 28 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £234 2s 2d 
DPRI/1/1675/C4/5 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B272
Alice CARR, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C5/1: 3 May 1676  - inventory, actual total £310 inventory of goods left unadministered by Robert Carr, executor 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B387
Esther CARR, widow, of Midleston (Middleston), parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Carre
DPRI/1/1675/C6/1: 24 September 1675  - inventory, actual total £344 11s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B236
Robert CARR, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C7/1-4: 1 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £587 2s 
DPRI/1/1675/C7/5 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B277
Roger CARR, of Saint Lawrance (Lawrence) in the chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C8/1: 11 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £58 19s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B333
Thomas CARR, of Farllmay within the parish of Bywell Petter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C9/1: 1674  - inventory, actual total £14 16s 4d (with brief account of debts of £8 0s 6d) dated between 25 Mar 1674-24 Mar 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/C9/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B111
Sir Edward CHARLTON, baronet, of Cartington, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Charleton
DPRI/1/1675/C10/1-2: 8 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £533 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1675/C10/3: 8 February 1675  - renunciation renunciation of Mary Charlton, relict, nominating Thomas Gibenes, a relation, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B99
William CHESMAN, cordwainer, of towne and countie of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Chessman
DPRI/1/1675/C11/1-2: 29 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/C11/3: 29 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £92 15s 6d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B363
George CLARKE, of Eachwick (Eeachweake) in the parish of Heddon on the Wall in the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C12/1: 18 November 1675  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1675/C12/2: 18 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £18 9s 7d (after debts and funeral charges discharged) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B430
William CLARKE, gentleman, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerke
DPRI/1/1675/C13/1-2: 27 June 1674  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f144r-144v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B90
Thomas CLEGHORNE, of Mindrime (Mindram), chapelry of Carham [Carham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C14/1-2: 24 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £53 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B55
Archball CLENELL, of parish of Longe Horsley (Longhorseley) [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Clennell
DPRI/1/1675/C15/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £24 10s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B84
Philipp COLVIL, gentleman, of Melcaridg within the parish of Haltwesle and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Philip, Colvill
DPRI/1/1675/C16/1-2: 23 December 1675  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B401-402
John COMPTON, gentleman, of Framwelgate (Framwellgate) nigh the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/C17/1-2: 11 August 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/C17/3: 11 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £122 15s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B240
George COOKE, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C19/1-2: 25 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/C19/3: 25 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £5 13s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f143v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B91
William COOKE, mariner, of chappelrey of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/C18/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £50 exhibited by John Cooke, 24 Sep 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B229
John COTESWORTH, yeoman, of Allergill in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Coatesforth
DPRI/1/1675/C20/1-2: 27 May 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/C20/3: 27 May 1672  - inventory, actual total £85 4s 
William COULSON, gentleman, of Jesmond (Jazemond) in the county of Northumberland [Jesmond, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C21/1: 6 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/C21/2: 6 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £241 3s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f145r-145v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B72
Mary COWLING, widow, of Peircebridg, parish of Gaineford [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Couling
DPRI/1/1675/C22/1: 15 March 1676  - inventory, actual total £25 8s 
DPRI/1/1675/C22/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B436
Thomas COWLING, of Pearcebridge [Piercebridge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/C23/1: 9 March 1676  - inventory, actual total £26 10s inventory of goods left unadministered by Mary Cowling, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B429
Robert CRAGGS, of North Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/C24/1: 16 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £211 17s 6d (with account of debts of £52 13s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B4
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B3
DPRI/1/1675/C25   16 July 1675
John CRAMLINGTON, of chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Cramlinton
DPRI/1/1675/C25/1: 11 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £1 6s 
DPRI/1/1675/C25/2: 11 June 1675  - commission (from Durham) to Marmaduke Cook, vicar of St Peter in Leeds, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Armitage widow, principal creditor; commission executed by Cooke, 16 July 1675 
Mary CRAMLINGTON, spinster, of Walker in the county of Northumberland [Walker, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C26/1: 17 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £35 exhibited by John Lorrain, 17 Dec 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B329
Lancelot CRAWFORTH, of Long Framlington [Longframlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C27/1: 7 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £33 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B303
Richard CROFTON, yeoman, of Great Lumly (Lumleey) in the County of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/C28/1: 6 March 1676  - inventory, actual total £58 
Thomas CROOK, gentleman, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Crooke
DPRI/1/1675/C29/1: 27 September 1675  - inventory, actual total £12 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B243
Robert CROW, yeoman, of Elwick in the parish of Hart in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/C30/1: 21 March 1676  - inventory, actual total £425 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £142) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B10
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B9
William CURREY, slater, bricklayer, of Towne and County of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C31/1-2: 23 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/C31/3: 23 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £40 0s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f144r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B92
Matthew CUTTER, blacksmith, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/C32/1-2: 16 June 1675  - will with (undated) list of debts owing [to] the testator (£14 11s) 
DPRI/1/1675/C32/3-4: 16 June 1675  - indented inventory, actual total £38 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 6s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B403
John DALE, mercer, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Dayle
DPRI/1/1675/D1/1-2: 15 March 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/D1/3: 15 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £921 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B151
Gertrude DALTON, spinster, of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/D2/1: 28 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £2 18s 6d 
DPRI/1/1675/D2/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B203
John DARNELL, yeoman, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/D3/1: January 1676  - nuncupative will 
Raiph DAVISON, of Alneham [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1675/D4/1: 1 December 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/D4/2: 1 December 1671  - inventory, actual total £17 10s 
DPRI/1/1675/D4/3 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f143r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B79
Mary DELAVALL, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/D5/1-2: 30 August 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/D5/3-4: 30 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £2 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f150r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B224
Ralph DICKINSON, of Snappergill in the parish of Garrigill (Garrygill) in Aldston Moore [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/D6/1: 7 September 1674  - inventory, actual total £17 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 10s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B18
Parsivall DIXON, yeoman, of Fenwick (Fenwicke) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Stamfordham [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Percivall
DPRI/1/1675/D7/1: 18 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/D7/2: 18 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £810 12s 8d 
DPRI/1/1675/D8   29 March 1675
Richard DIXON, salt-maker, yeoman, of South Sheiles (Sheilds) within the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/D8/1: 4 March 1675  - nuncupative will with certificate of oath, 29 Mar 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/D8/2: 4 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £55 2s 2d 
DPRI/1/1675/D8/3: 4 March 1675  - commission to Stephen Bordley MA, curate of the chapelry of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Grundy, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bordley, 29 Mar 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B8
William DOBSON, yeoman, of East Akam, county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/D9/1: undated  - inventory, actual total £25 13s (with account of funeral charges and debts of £13 5s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B108
Thomas DOD, yeoman, of Lowe Speen (Low Spen) with in the parich of Ryton and county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Dodd
DPRI/1/1675/D10/1: 18 February 1676  - inventory, actual total £19 6s 8d (with brief account of debts of £13 15s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B16
William DUCKET, gentleman, of Dilston [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Duckett
DPRI/1/1675/D11/1: 20 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £228 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B112
Alexander DURHAM, gentleman, of Marshall Meadowes within the liberties of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/D12/1-2: 17 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £80 13s 4d 
renunciation: DPRI/3/1696/B258/2
administration bond, penal sum £70: DPRI/3/1696/B258/1
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B70
DPRI/1/1675/E1   6 January 1671
John EARLE, weaver, of Bishopton in the countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/E1/1: 27 December 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/E1/2-3: 27 December 1670  - inventory, actual total £4 13s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B352
DPRI/1/1675/E2   20 January 1676
Issabell EARSDEN, widow, of Newcastle upon Tine [Tyne] [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Isabel
DPRI/1/1675/E2/1: 20 January 1676  - indented inventory, actual total £32 5s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B364
DPRI/1/1675/E3   29 March 1675
Richard ELBROUGH, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Eldbrough
DPRI/1/1675/E3/1: 22 January 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/E3/2-3: 22 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £98 2s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f137v-138r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B11
DPRI/1/1675/E4   17 June 1675
William EMERSON, of Ambling (Ambleing) Gate in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Wearedaile) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1675/E4/1: 17 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £98 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B182
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B181
DPRI/1/1675/E5   11 November 1675
John EMMELTON, yeoman, of Tuggle (Tuggell) [Tuggall, Bambrough] in the county of Northumberland [Tughall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/E5/1: 11 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £133 18s 4d 
DPRI/1/1675/E5/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B362
DPRI/1/1675/E7   10 March 1676
Nicholas ERRINGTON, aged 53 years 8 months, esquire, of Ponteland (Pont Iland, Pont Island) in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Nickholas, Erington
See also Borthwick Institute for Archives: CP.H.5181, testamentary cause (validity of the will), April-December 1677; TRANS.CP.1677/8, appeal (testamentary), 1677; CP.H.3188, appeal (testamentary), July-Oct 1678.
DPRI/1/1675/E7/1-2: 22 October 1669  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix; endorsed with memorandum relating to 9 Apr 1677 [?Durham Chancery case], and to 16 Oct 1684 Westminster Chancery case: John Fenwicke and wife, and others v Nicholas Errington and Benedict Errington and others 
DPRI/1/1675/E7/3-4: 22 October 1669  - inventory, actual total £488 16s 8d inventory of goods etc. [at Ponteland] and at Newcastle 
DPRI/1/1675/E7/5: 22 October 1669  - commission to Major Allgood MA, rector of Simonburn, and Samuel Raine, vicar of Heddon-on the-Wall, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Frances Errington, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Reyne, 10 Mar 1676; endorsed with memorandum relating to 16 Oct 1684 [Westminster] High Court of Chancery case: John Fenwicke and wife, and others v Nicholas Errington [and Benedict Errington] and others 
DPRI/1/1675/E7/6: 22 October 1669  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £500 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f165r-166r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B431
DPRI/1/1675/E6   10 September 1675
Mary ERRINGTON, spinster, of Wallick Grainge [Walwick Grange, Warden] in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/E6/1-2: 10 September 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/E6/3: 10 September 1675  - commission to John Shaftoe MA, vicar of Warden, and Major Allgood MA, rector of Simonburn, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mark Errington gentleman, executor [and father], and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed at Hexham by Allgood, 1 Feb 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B374
William EVERSTONE, yeoman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Everston
DPRI/1/1675/E8/1-2: 12 May 1674  - copy will  with receipt for original will, 26 May 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/E8/3-4: 12 May 1674  - inventory, actual total £18 9s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f140r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B119
Anna FARGISON, widow, of borrow (town) of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Fargisson, Anne
DPRI/1/1675/F1/1-2: 28 October 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/F1/3: 28 October 1674  - inventory, actual total £6 10s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f142v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B60
Frances FARROW, widow, of West Ackland (Auckland) in the county of Durham [West Auckland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/F2/1: 28 December 1675  - inventory 
Ann FENWICK, relict of Robert Fenwick, widow, of Trewick (Trewicke) within the parish of Bolam in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1675/F3/1-2: September 1674  - nuncupative will dated around Michaelmas 1674 
DPRI/1/1675/F3/5-6: September 1674  - interrogatories interrogatories of John Fenwick to the witnesses to the nuncupative will, relating to a cause: Margaret Thirkeld and Isabel Fenwick spinster v John Fenwick gentleman 
DPRI/1/1675/F3/7-8: September 1674  - depositions and responses depositions of two witnesses to the nuncupative will (produced on the part of Thirkeld and Fenwick), with their responses to the interrogatories of John Fenwick 
DPRI/1/1675/F3/3-4: September 1674  - inventory, actual total £232 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £41 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B82
Nicholas FENWICK, of Long Framlington [Longframlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/F4/1: 5 July 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B305
DPRI/1/1675/F5   19 July 1675
Tristram FENWICKE, gentleman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Fenwick
DPRI/1/1675/F5/1: 26 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/F5/2-3: 26 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £82 2s 10d 
DPRI/1/1675/F5/4: 26 January 1674  - commission to Thomas Mason MA, rector of Whickham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Fenwick, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Mason, 19 July 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f149r
Thomas FLETCHER, the eldest, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/F6/1: 12 July 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/F6/2: 12 July 1675  - indented inventory, actual total £24 6s 4d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f160r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B376
John FLINT, hardwareman, of Castlegarth (Castle Garth) in the countie of Northumberland and parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/F7/2-3: 25 December 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/F7/1: 25 December 1675  - inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f164v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B399
DPRI/1/1675/F8   11 October 1675
William FRENCH, senior, of Ryton in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/F8/1-2: 27 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/F8/4: 27 January 1672  - commission to Edward Bowey, curate of Ryton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth French, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bowey, 11 Oct 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/F8/5: 27 January 1672  - certificate of oath 
DPRI/1/1675/F8/3: 27 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £50 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f151v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B248
DPRI/1/1675/G1   10 November 1675
Matthew GALE, of parish of Hurwith (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Gaile, Mathew, Gayle
DPRI/1/1675/G1/1: 28 October 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/G1/2: 28 October 1675  - commission to Thomas Robinson, clerk, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Francis Allen, principal creditor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Robinson, 10 Nov 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B273
Robert GALLALEE, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gollowley, Gallaley
DPRI/1/1675/G2/1: 10 May 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/G2/2: 10 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £11 17s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B193
Francis GASCOYNE, gentleman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/G3/1: 2 March 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B420
John GAW, butcher, of Denwicke in the county of Northumberland, parish of Alnewick [Denwick, Northumberland]; also spelt [Gow]
DPRI/1/1675/G4/1: 6 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B302
Rowland GIBSON, yeoman, of Barrasford (Barrasfoord) in the parish of Chollerton and county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/G5/2: 26 April 1658  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/G5/1: 26 April 1658  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B101
Dorothy GIFFARD, widow, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Gifford
DPRI/1/1675/G6/1: 13 September 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/G6/2: 13 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £84 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £117) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B301
Elizabeth GOWLAND, widow, of Monk Wearmouth Hale (Munckwarmouth Shore, Monck Wearmouth Hall) within the countie of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/G7/1: 26 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/G7/2: 26 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £36 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B186
Thomas GRAHAM, of in the parish of Holy Island [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Grayham
DPRI/1/1675/G9/1: 7 April 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/G9/2: 7 April 1675  - inventory, actual total 11s 1d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f157v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B293
Grasey GRAIME, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Grace, Graham, Grame, Greame
DPRI/1/1675/G8/1-2: 30 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/G8/3: 30 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £17 4s 4d 
Thomas GREENE, master and mariner, of chapelry of All Saints [in the] towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1675/G10/1: 13 September 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/G10/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B164
Mary GREENWELL, widow, of Fenhall in the parrish of Lanschester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/G11/1: 16 November 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B284
John GREGORY, joiner, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/G12/1-2: 19 August 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B208
DPRI/1/1675/G13   18 June 1675
Lord Ralph GREY, Baron of Warke, of parish of St Botolph without Aldersgate London [St Botolph without Aldgate, London; Carham, Northumberland]. Died 15 June 1675
date of death drawn from DNB
DPRI/1/1675/G13/1: 7 January 1675  - copy will with memorandum relating that probate was granted at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18 June 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f153v
DPRI/1/1675/G14   11 August 1674
Lord William GREY, Baron of Warke, of parish of St Botolph without Aldgersate London [St Botolph without Aldgate, London; Carham, Northumberland]. Died 29 July 1674
date of death drawn from DNB
DPRI/1/1675/G14/1-2: 4 January 1669  - copy will  with copy codicil, 2 March 1672  with copy codicil, 23 May 1674 with memorandum relating that probate was granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 11 Aug 1674 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f152v-153r
Thomas GUY, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/G15/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Ann Guy, relict, 1 Mar 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B414
Rowland HADDOCKE, of High Connisclife (Conscliff) in the countie of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Haddock
DPRI/1/1675/H1/1: 19 November 1674  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/H1/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B341
Georg HAGGERSTON, of Crawcrooke (Crawcrook) [Crawcrook, County Durham]; also spelt George
DPRI/1/1675/H2/1-2: 9 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B332
John HALL, yeoman, of Stockley within the parish of Branspeth (Brancepeth) and county palatine of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H4/1-2: 31 May 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H4/3: 31 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £165 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B131
Lionel HALL, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Lyonel
possibly same individual as DPRI/1/1675/H6
DPRI/1/1675/H5/1: undated  - inventory [probably exhibited by the deceased's wife, Jane Hall: see DPRI/3/1675/A117] 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B117
Lyonall HALL, yeoman, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Lionel
possibly same individual as DPRI/1/1675/H5
DPRI/1/1675/H6/1-2: 4 August 1675  - inventory endorsed 'nil act' [no Probate Act] 
DPRI/1/1675/H7   14 June 1675
Nicholas HALL, junior, gentleman, of Elwick in the parish of Hart (Harte) in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H7/1: 10 May 1675  - inventory exhibited, 14 June 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/H7/2: 10 May 1675  - commission to Robert Booth and William Cooper, clerks, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration and tuition to Dorothy Snawdon, sister, for the use of John and Robert Hall, children; commission executed by Booth, 14 June 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B135
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B134
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B124
Ralph HALL, yeoman, of South Sheeles (Sheilds) in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H8/1-2: 3 August 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H8/3: 3 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £335 11s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B227
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B226
Thomas HALL, of Belsey in the parish of Bolam, Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H9/1: 6 May 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B81
William HALL, yeoman, of Shearburn (Shereburne) within the parish of Pittington and county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H10/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Robert Hall, son, 25 Sep 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B231
John HARLE, of Oterburne (Otterburne) in the county of Northumberland [Otterburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H11/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/H11/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B311
Alice HARPERLEY, widow, of Stockton in the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H12/1-2: 4 July 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H12/3-4: 4 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £50 0s 9d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B143
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B142
Isabell HARRISON, widow, of Easter Blackedean (Easterblackdean) in the parish of Stanhop [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H13/1: 7 March 1676  - inventory 
John HARRISON, yeoman, of Easterblackedeane (Easter Blackdean, Blackdeane in the Forrest of Wearedaile) in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhope) [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H14/1-2: 29 October 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H14/3: 29 October 1675  - inventory, actual total £26 18s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B372
Marie HARRISON, widow, of Ireshoopburne (Ireshopeburne) in the Forrest of Weardale within the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Weardaile) [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H15/1: 13 August 1675  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/H15/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B191
Ralph HARRISON, butcher, of Sadberge in the county of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H16/1-2: September 1671  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B196
Richard HARRISON, of Nent Hall (Nenthall), parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Richarrd, Herrison
DPRI/1/1675/H17/1-2: 3 March 1675  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1675/H17/3: 3 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £58 4s 2d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £105 8s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f142v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B103
DPRI/1/1675/H19   16 November 1675
Henry HEDLEY, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H19/1-2: 8 October 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H19/3: 8 October 1675  - indented inventory, actual total £15 12s 
DPRI/1/1675/H19/4: 8 October 1675  - commission to Timothy Fenwick, curate of the chapelry of Newcastle All Saints, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellinor Hedley, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fenwicke, 16 Nov 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B278
William HEIGHINGTON, yeoman, of Church Merrington in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]. Died 7 April 1675
DPRI/1/1675/H20/1: 8 March 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H20/2: 8 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £20 5s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B168
John HEIRSTANES, burgess of Dumfries, merchant, Dumfreise in Scotland, North Sheales (Sheilds) [Dumfries, Dumfriesshire; North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Hairestones, Hairstones
DPRI/1/1675/H3/1: 3 March 1675  - will  with inventory, 3 March 1675 inventory of goods etc. (unvalued) at various locations with account of debts of £8 9s, drawn up by testator 
DPRI/1/1675/H3/2: 3 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £34 7s 6d inventory of goods etc. at North Shields and elsewhere in Northumberland 
Robert HERRYSON, yeoman, of Elwicke in the county of Durham [Elwick Hall, County Durham]; also spelt Harryson, Harrison
DPRI/1/1675/H18/1-2: 5 December 1668  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H18/3: 5 December 1668  - inventory, actual total £22 5s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f164v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B435
James HESILRIGE, merchant, of Alnwicke (Alnewick) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Heslerigg, Hisilridge, Heselrigg
DPRI/1/1675/H21/1: 12 January 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H21/2-5: 12 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £51 10s 10d 
Anne HICKS, widow, of North Sheiles (Sheilds) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Hix
DPRI/1/1675/H22/1: 13 December 1675  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B314
Jane HILTON, widow, of East Bouldon (Bolden) in the county of Durham [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Jahn
DPRI/1/1675/H23/2-3: February 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/H23/1: February 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B169
John HINDMERS, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H25/1: 26 August 1675  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/H25/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B212
William HIRDMAN, of Skirninggame (Skirningham) in the parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H26/1: 30 September 1671  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B351
Henry HODSHON, scrivener, of parish of St Andrew Awckland (Auckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H27/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Elizabeth Atkinson, 15 Jan 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B356
John HOLME, gentleman, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Holmes
DPRI/1/1675/H28/1-2: 25 March 1674  - will  with codicil, 31 March 1674 
DPRI/1/1675/H28/3: 25 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £38 0s 11d 
DPRI/1/1675/H28/4 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f149r-150r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B432
Thomas HOOD, burgess [of Berwick upon Tweed], of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H29/1: 9 January 1676  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f161r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B391
William HOPPER, yeoman, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H30/1-2: 2 December 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H30/3-4: 2 December 1669  - inventory, actual total £124 19s 6d (with brief account funeral expenses and legacies of £24 17s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B404
Ann HUCHINGSON, widow, Hill Greane in the towneship of Linesacke in the chappelry of Hamsterley, Woods Hill within the chaplery of Hamstarley and county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1675/H40/1-2: 19 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H40/3: 19 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £16 exhibited by George Arrowsmith 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B423
John HUDSPETH, of Cornhill (Cornehill) and county of Durham [Cornhill, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H31/1: 4 May 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/H31/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B68
John HUDSPETH, yeoman, of Penshey (Penshy) Feild House in the parish of Bywell Peter and county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H32/2-3: 26 March 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/H32/1: 26 March 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B33
William HUDSPETH, yeoman, of Corbridge, county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H33/1: 2 February 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B102A
Lancelot HUMPHREYS, of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Lancelote
DPRI/1/1675/H34/1: 4 December 1675  - inventory of goods left unadministered by Ellenor Humphreys, relict now deceased 
DPRI/1/1675/H34/2: 4 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £7 10s 
DPRI/1/1675/H34/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B295
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B87
Isabell HUNTER, widow, of Newton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Bywell St Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H35/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B109
John HUNTER, of Bradley in the parish of Lanchester in the chappellry of Medomsley [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H36/1-2: 8 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H36/3-4: 8 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £38 15s 10d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f145v-146r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B126
Leonard HUNTER, of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H37/1: 27 September 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B234
Michaell HUNTER, of Alnewick in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H38/1: 20 October 1674  - will 
John HUNTLEY, tailor, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H39/1: 14 May 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B86
Francis HUTCHINSON, of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/H41/1-2: 7 January 1676  - will 
Bartholomew HUTTON, yeoman, of Alnewick in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/H42/1: 18 May 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/H42/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B80
John HYND, gentleman, of East Brandon within the parish of Branspeth (Brancepeth) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Hind, Hinde
DPRI/1/1675/H24/1-2: 20 November 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/H24/3-4: 20 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £87 exhibited by Trofena Hind, relict and executrix 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f146r-146v
Bulmer ILE, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Boulmer
DPRI/1/1675/I1/1-2: 22 January 1639  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/I1/3 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f155r-156v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B330
William INGRAM, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/I2/1: 3 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B296
DPRI/1/1675/I3   17 January 1676
Richard IRELAND, cordwainer, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/I3/1-2: 13 December 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/I3/3: 13 December 1675  - commission to Thomas Broughton MA, curate of Bishopwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Ireland; commission executed by Broughton, 17 Jan 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B359
Thomas JACKSON, of Wackerfeild (Wakerfeild) in the parish of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/J1/1: 17 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B345
Ambros JEFFERSON, weaver, of Church Merrington in the county palatine of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Ambrose. Died 27 February 1675
DPRI/1/1675/J2/1: 11 January 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/J2/2: 11 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £3 
DPRI/1/1675/J2/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B118
Ellinour JENNISON, widow, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Ellenor, Ellinor
DPRI/1/1675/J3/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert JOBLING, shipwright, of chapplery of St John in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Jopling
DPRI/1/1675/J4/1-2: 24 December 1675  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1675/J4/3: 24 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £23 10s 
DPRI/1/1675/J4/4: 24 December 1675  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f163v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B415
Elizabeth JOHNSON, widow, of Renington in the county of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/J5/1: 1 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/J5/2: 1 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £12 18s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B306
John JOHNSON, yeoman, of Cockton Hill in the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/J6/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B115
Thomas JOHNSON, yeoman, of Dunston Staith in the county of Durham, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/J7/1: 2 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/J7/2: 2 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £75 5s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B201
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B176
Ann JOPLIN, spinster, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Jopling
DPRI/1/1675/J8/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by George Joplin, brother 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B150
John KELL, of Walbotle (Wallbotle) in the county of Northumberland and parish of Newburn (Newburne) [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/K1/2: November 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/K1/3: November 1675  - copy nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/K1/1: November 1675  - inventory  with letter, actual total £78 2s 9d (with account of debts of £16 0s 10d) letter from [?Stephen] Dockwray to [Gabrial] Newhouse, relating to the probate of the nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B286
Thomas KELSAY, yeoman, of Jarrow in the county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/K2/1-2: 11 May 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/K2/3: 11 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £241 4s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B174
George KIRKBY, the elder, gentleman, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/K3/1-2: 30 June 1674  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f158r-158v
DPRI/1/1675/K4   27 February 1675
Giles KIRSHOPE, yeoman, of the Waterhead in the chapelry of Bellingham and county of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Gilese, Kirsope, Gyles, Kirsopp, Kirshopp
DPRI/1/1675/K4/1-2: 24 January 1675  - will subscribed with record of a debt [?owing to testator] of 7s 6d 
DPRI/1/1675/K4/3-4: 24 January 1675  - commission to Robert Carr, curate of Bellingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to George Hunter, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Carr, 27 Feb 1675 
Mary KITCHING, widow, of Killingworth [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Kitchin
DPRI/1/1675/K5/1-2: 24 November 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/K5/3: 24 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £342 5s 8d exhibited, 8 Dec 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B310
Jane KYRSOPP, spinster, of Conn Sheile (Consheile) within the parish of Simondburn and county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Kirsopp, Kyrshopp
DPRI/1/1675/K6/2: 8 February 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/K6/1: 8 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £30 12s 
Margarett LAIRMITH, alias Pearson, late wife of Roger Pearson, and since the wife of Nicholas Lairmith, of Dents Hole [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret, Lairemith
DPRI/1/1675/L1/1: 19 March 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B6
Margarett LANCASTER, spinster, of Ammerstone in the parish of Elwick [Elwick Hall, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1675/L2/1: undated  - inventory dated 28 June [?1675] 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B157
DPRI/1/1675/L3   22 December 1675
Elizabeth LANGSTAFFE, spinster, of Hurworth upon Teese in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Langstaf, Langstafe, Longstaffe
DPRI/1/1675/L3/1: 29 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L3/2: 29 April 1675  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1675/L3/4: 29 April 1675  - commission to Leonard Waistell, rector of Hurworth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Anne Johnson, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed at Hurworth by Wastell, 22 Dec 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/L3/3: 29 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £6 16s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B338
DPRI/1/1675/L4   10 December 1675
George LANGSTRAFFE, the younger, of Raby, parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Lonstaffe
DPRI/1/1675/L4/1-2: 30 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L4/3-4: 30 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £420 14s (with account of debts of £65 13s 8d) inventory includes £119 11s of debts owing to the testator inherited from his father; the debts of £65 13s 8d were legacies made in his father's will (see DPRI/1/1675/L5) 
DPRI/1/1675/L4/5: 30 November 1675  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margery Langstaffe, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 10 Dec 1675 
George LANGSTRAFFE, senior, yeoman, of Raby in the county of Durham, parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Langstraff, Longstaffe, Langstaffe
DPRI/1/1675/L5/1-2: 30 May 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L5/3-4: 30 May 1673  - inventory, actual total £205 18s 8d (with account of rent and funeral expenses of £25 0s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B323
Christopher LAVERICK, of Craw Crook (Crawcruk) within the parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/L6/2: 29 September 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/L6/1: 29 September 1674  - inventory, actual total £19 15s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B139
Ann LAWSON, wife of John Lawson, widow, of Brafferton in the county of Durham, parish of Aickliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/L7/1-2: 20 August 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L7/3-4: 20 August 1674  - inventory, actual total £37 8s (with account of rent of £16) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B270
William LAWSON, esquire, of Little Usworth in the parish of Washington in the county of Durham [Usworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/L8/1-2: 12 July 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L8/3: 12 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £220 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f153v-154v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B280
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B279
John LAX, yeoman, of Ferryhill in the county of Durham, parish of Merrington [Ferryhill, County Durham]. Died 4 March 1675
DPRI/1/1675/L9/1-2: 22 March 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B146
Margett LEE, widow, of the Castle Garth (Castlegarth) in the county of Northumberland, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Margarett
DPRI/1/1675/L10/1-2: 24 August 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L10/3: 24 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £82 7s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B321
Elizebeth LIDELL, sometimes wife of Henry Liddell of Farnacres, gentleman, widow, of Farnacres (Farne Acres) in the county palatine of Durham, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Elizabeth, Liddell
DPRI/1/1675/L11/1-2: 18 February 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L11/3-4: 18 February 1672  - inventory, actual total £145 15s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B194
Lanclot LIGHTON, yeoman, of Long Framlington in the county of Northumberland [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Lanclote, Lancelot
DPRI/1/1675/L13/1-2: 1 June 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L13/3: 1 June 1674  - inventory, actual total £32 6s 4d (with account of debts of £9 18s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f143r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B71
Robertt LILBURN, yeoman, of Holy Iland in the county pallatine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Robert, Lilborn, Lilburne
DPRI/1/1675/L14/1: 9 August 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L14/2: 9 August 1674  - inventory, actual total £1 
DPRI/1/1675/L14/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B64
Thomas LITSTER, of town of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/L15/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B73
Thomas LODGE, of Greate Usworth, in the parish of Washington [Usworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/L16/3: 25 February 1676  - commission to George Davenport MA, rector of Houghton le Spring, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Lodge, relict; commission executed by Davenport, 26 Feb 1676 
DPRI/1/1675/L16/1-2: 25 February 1676  - inventory on the behalf of Jane Lodge, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B407
DPRI/1/1675/L17   12 July 1675
John LONGESTAFFE, of chapelry of All Saints, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Longstaff, Longstaffe
DPRI/1/1675/L17/1-2: 11 June 1675  - inventory of goods left unadministered by John Forster 
DPRI/1/1675/L17/3: 11 June 1675  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Longstaffe, relict of Andrew Longstaff, son; commission executed by Dockwray, 12 July 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B175
Lancelot LYGHTON, of Butterknowes in the parish (forrest) of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Lanclott, Lighton
DPRI/1/1675/L12/1: 8 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/L12/2-3: 8 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £14 10s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £13 3s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f157v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B307
John MAINSFORTH, yeoman, of Wolveston (Wolviston, Wollveston) within the county of Durham (Dourham), parish of Billingham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Mensforth
DPRI/1/1675/M1/1: 27 June 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M1/2: 27 June 1670  - inventory, actual total £27 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £25 0s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B125
John MARLEY, of Evenwood, chapelry of Auckland St Hellen [Evenwood, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/M2/1: undated  - inventory dated 25 Mar 1675-24 Mar 1676 
DPRI/1/1675/M2/2 - wrapper formerly used as a wrapper for the 1675 nuncupative will of Robert Roddam of Burnt Hills, Stanhope (see DPRI/1/1675/R20) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B397
John MARLEY, smith, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/M3/1: 7 October 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M3/2: 7 October 1675  - inventory, actual total £723 6s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f156v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B320
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B318
Robert MARLEY, gentleman, of Nunshouse (Nimshouse), parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/M4/1: 22 July 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B155
John MARSHILL, of Bridge Milne (Mill) within the chapilry of Ancroft in the county pallatine of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Marshall
DPRI/1/1675/M5/1: 10 May 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B58
Richard MAWER, of parish of Long Newton [Longnewton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/M6/1: 8 January 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B422
Richard MEDCAFFE, of Shildon in the parish of South Church (Auckland St Andrew) [Shildon, County Durham]; also spelt Meddcaff, Metcalfe, Edward
DPRI/1/1675/M7/1: 19 July 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M7/2: 19 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £69 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f148v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B202
Anne MIDFORDE, spinster, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Midford, Ann, Mitford. Died 31 August 1675
DPRI/1/1675/M11/1-2: 11 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M11/3: 11 November 1669  - inventory, actual total £29 7s 5d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Thomas MILBOURNE, slater, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborne
DPRI/1/1675/M8/1: 2 February 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M8/2: 2 February 1657  - inventory, actual total £3 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B253
Edward MILBURNE, of Belsey in the parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/M9/1: 27 April 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B83
William MILBURNE, yeoman, of Whit Chester within the parish of Heddon on the Wall and county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborn, Milburn
DPRI/1/1675/M10/3-4: 16 May 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/M10/1-2: 16 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £384 12s 8d (with account of rent and funeral charges of £109 2s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B214
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B213
Robert MIREES, of the Hye (High) Nooke in the parrich (chapelry) of Witton Gillbert (Gilbert) in the countye of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]; also spelt Myers
DPRI/1/1675/M20/1-2: 11 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M20/3: 11 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £14 14s 
DPRI/1/1675/M12   3 December 1675
Antony MITFORD, of the Old Moore in the parish of Bothall in the county of Northumberland [Bothal, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1675/M12/1-2: 29 November 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/M12/3: 29 November 1675  - commission to John Booth, rector of Bothall, and Thomas Pye, curate of Ulgham to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Mitford, relict; commission executed by Booth, 3 Dec 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B292
Frances MITFORD, gentlewoman, widow, of Mitford in the parish of Mitford in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/M13/1: 23 February 1674  - will endorsed 'cosen Mitfords will in 1673' 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B358
George MOORE, of town and chapelry of Escomb [Escomb, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/M14/1: 26 August 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B237
George MOORE, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/M15/1: 12 October 1674  - will  with verifying handwriting of testator, undated written prior to undertaking a voyage [?mariner], and leaving bequests to family and friends at Grimeshill and Midleton 
DPRI/1/1675/M15/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B244
Margaret MORGAN, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/M16/1-2: 1 February 1673  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1675/M16/3: 1 February 1673  - inventory, actual total £29 10s inventory includes some goods 'in Mr John Rowcastles House' 
DPRI/1/1675/M16/4: 1 February 1673  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f167v-168r
John MORROW, yeoman, of Bilton in the parish of Lesbury in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Murrow
DPRI/1/1675/M17/1-2: 20 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M17/3: 20 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £36 8s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B75
James MORTON, yeoman, of Fenton in the countie of Northumberland [Fenton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/M18/1-2: 3 March 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B63
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B62
Cuthbert MYERS, yeoman, of Greenehead in the parish of Stanhope in Wearedaile and county palatine of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Myres
DPRI/1/1675/M19/1: 3 July 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/M19/2-3: 3 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £45 6s 10d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £3 18s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B398
Robert NANSON, vicar of Ponteland, clerk, of Ponteland (Pont Island) [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/N1/1-2: 1675  - inventory dated between 25 Mar 1675-24 Mar 1676 
Elizabeth NEWHAM, widow, of Gallyhill within the parish of Bolam and county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/N2/1: April 1675  - nuncupative will signed by witnesses 
DPRI/1/1675/N2/2: April 1675  - duplicate signed by witnesses 
Gerrard NEWHAM, of Gallahill (Gallyhill) in the parish of Bolam, Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]. Died April 1675
DPRI/1/1675/N3/1-2: 29 April 1675  - inventory endorsed with memorandum relating that Gerrard Newham was buried 24 Apr 1675, and Elisabeth Newham was buried 30 Apr 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B370
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B269
Francis NEWTON, weaver, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/N4/1: 16 March 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/N4/2: 16 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £17 14s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B148
John NEWTON, of parish of Brancepeth within the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/N5/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B94
John NEWTON, yeoman, of parish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/N6/1: 1675  - inventory dated between 25 Mar 1675-24 Mar 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B308
Thomas NICKSON, of Annett Wales in the parish of Alstonn in Alstonmore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Nixon
DPRI/1/1675/N8/1: 10 September 1674  - inventory 
Edward NIXON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/N7/1: 15 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/N7/2: 15 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £172 15s 8d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f159r-159v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B369
Anthony NORMANN, scrivener, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Norman
DPRI/1/1675/N9/1-2: 5 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/N9/3-4: 5 December 1675  - indented inventory, actual total £33 1s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f159v-160r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B375
John OLLIVER, of Kellow (Kelloe) [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Oliver
DPRI/1/1675/O1/1: 19 February 1676  - inventory 
Anne ORD, relict of Henry Ord late of Spittle gentleman, widow, of Berwick (Berwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/O2/1-2: 16 July 1674  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1675/O2/3-4: 16 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £545 15s 
DPRI/1/1675/O2/5: 16 July 1674  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f140-141r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B59
William ORD, gentleman, of Sturton Grange in the county of Northumberland, in the parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/O3/1-2: 7 June 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/O3/3: 7 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £157 11s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B346
Robert OSBURNE, clerk, of Felling in the parish of Jarrow (Jarrowe) and county of Durham [Felling, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/O4/1-2: 10 December 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B45
John OTWAY, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ottway
DPRI/1/1675/O5/1-2: 10 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/O5/3: 10 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £157 3s 9d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f161v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B385
Francis PALMORE, of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Palmer
DPRI/1/1675/P1/1: 25 March 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B56
Marke PATTISON, boat-wright, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Mark
DPRI/1/1675/P2/1-2: 28 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/P2/3: 28 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £79 6s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B395-396
Simon PATTISON, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/P3/1: 4 September 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B221
Roger PEARSON, gentleman, of Titlington in the county of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/P4/1: 28 August 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/P4/2: 28 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £312 19s 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f157r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B304
George PICKERING, of Raby, parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/P5/1-2: 14 December 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/P5/3: 14 December 1675  - supplemental, actual total £30 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B335-336
Gerrard PICKERING, yeoman, of Broad Close House (Brode Close Houses) in the county of Durham, chapelry of Croxdaile [Croxdale, County Durham]; also spelt Jarrard, Pickerin, Jerard
DPRI/1/1675/P6/1-2: 3 November 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/P6/3: 3 November 1673  - indented inventory, actual total £40 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B206
Thomas PICKERINGE, the elder, of Branden, in the parish of Brancepeth [Brandon, County Durham]; also spelt Pikering, Pickering
DPRI/1/1675/P7/1-2: 19 March 1674  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B405
Anne PRINGLE, widow, of Ford (Foord) [Ford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/P8/1: 4 December 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B300
Robert PUNSHON, of Waldridge [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/P9/1-2: 29 November 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B360
Sir Francis RADCLIFFE, knight, of East Denton in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Ratcliffe
DPRI/1/1675/R1/1-2: 3 October 1675  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1675/R1/3-4: 3 October 1675  - inventory, actual total £83 10s 
DPRI/1/1675/R1/5: 3 October 1675  - receipt for the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f138r-138r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B31
DPRI/1/1675/R2   21 June 1675
Thomas RAMPSHOE, yeoman, of the Eales (Eals, Eeles) in the parish of Knarsdale (Knaresdaile, Knaresdale) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Ramsay, Ramsey
DPRI/1/1675/R2/1: 15 March 1659  - will dated 15 Mar 1659, probably in new style, as inventory is dated 10 Apr 1659 
DPRI/1/1675/R2/2: 15 March 1659  - inventory, actual total £25 8s 6d (with account of debts of £17 15s 2d) 
DPRI/1/1675/R2/3-4: 15 March 1659  - commission to James Drummond, rector of Knarsdale, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Ramsey, relict and executrix; commission executed by Drummond, 21 June 1675 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f146r
Dorothy RAPER, widow, of Newsham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Dorothye
parish drawn from bond
DPRI/1/1675/R3/1: 23 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R3/2: 23 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £28 18s 4d (with account of rents and funeral expenses of £10 6s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B392
Issabell READHEAD, widow, of town and county of New Castle upon Tyne (Newcastle upon Tine) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Isabell
DPRI/1/1675/R4/3: 16 September 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/R4/1-2: 16 September 1675  - inventory 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f150v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B233
Richard READHEAD, weaver, of towne and county of New Castle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/R5/1: 2 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R5/2-3: 2 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £38 12s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f144v-145r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B96
Robart REAY, cutler, of Sandgate in the town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/R6/1: 17 January 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B361
Francis REED, gentleman, of North Sheilds within the parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/R7/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by John Watson, 29 July 1675 
Roger REED, gentleman, of parish of St Oswalds in Durham, (Elvett) [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Younge
DPRI/1/1675/R9/1: 9 March 1676  - inventory endorsed Roger Younge of Elvett [?in error] 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B433
William REED, yeoman, of the Clinch in the parish of Ingram and county of Northumberland [Ingram, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/R10/1: 27 October 1675  - nuncupative will signed by witness 
DPRI/1/1675/R10/2: 27 October 1675  - copy nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/R10/3: 27 October 1675  - inventory, actual total £276 13s 4d endorsed 'nil act' [no probate act] 
Jane REEDE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed
DPRI/1/1675/R8/1-2: 27 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R8/3: 27 November 1672  - inventory, actual total £62 16s 8d 
John RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Renington (Rennington) within the parish of Embleton in the county of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/R11/3: 24 March 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/R11/1-2: 24 March 1674  - inventory dated 31 Mar 1673, but as the nuncupative will is clearly dated 24 Mar 1673 old style, this is probably in error for 31 Mar 1674 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B74
Elizbeth RIDLEY, widow, of Haltwhistle in the parish of Haltwistle (Haltwesle, Haltwisle) and countey of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Elizabeth
DPRI/1/1675/R12/1-2: 11 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R12/3: 11 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £18 12s 10d (with brief account of debts and funeral expenses of £12) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B105
Lines RIDLEY, yeoman, of Thorngrafton (Thornegrafton) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Linnes
DPRI/1/1675/R13/1: 20 March 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R13/2: 20 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £24 8s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B29
John RIPPON, of Netlesworth (Nettlesworth), parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/R14/1-2: 22 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B171
Henry RITSON, of Milstone in the parish of Whitfeald (Whitfeild) and in the county of Northumberland [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Henrie
DPRI/1/1675/R15/1: 29 February 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R15/2: 29 February 1672  - inventory, actual total £29 12s (with account of £23) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B15
Anne ROBINSON, wife of Thomas Robinson of Stanhop, widow, Brotherlee in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Wearedaile) and county of Durham, Westgate [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Ann
DPRI/1/1675/R16/1-2: 13 July 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R16/3-4: 13 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £136 2s (with account of debts of £2) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B34
Isaack ROBINSON, cordwainer, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Isaac
DPRI/1/1675/R17/1: 27 December 1675  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B340
John ROBSON, of Hauckwell in the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/R18/1: 21 February 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B424
John ROBSON, yeoman, of Halton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Corbridge [Halton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/R19/1: 25 March 1675  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B28
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B27
Robert RODDAM, yeoman, of Burnt Hills within the parish of Stanhopp in Wearedaile (Burnthills in Weredale) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Rodham
see bonds [258] and [393]
DPRI/1/1675/R20/4-5: 10 July 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/R20/3: 10 July 1674  - inventory, actual total £23 18s 8d 
DPRI/1/1675/R20/1-2: 10 July 1674  - deposition  with responses, 18 February 1676 deposition of Cuthbert Roddam (on the part of Christopher Roddam), witness to the nuncupative will, relating to a cause: Christopher Roddam, brother v Jane Frawler alias Roddam widow, mother; also the personal responses of the same Jane Frawler alias Roddam, relating to the same cause; with 18 Feb 1676 memorandum from Gabriel Swainston to Mr Rowell, indicating his consent that once the administration already granted had been voided, probate should be granted to Cuthbert Roddam, brother and executor 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B393
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B258
Rafe RUTTER, skinner, glover, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1675/R21/1-2: 29 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/R21/3: 29 April 1675  - inventory, actual total £236 18s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B128
Thomas RUTTER, gentleman, of Lambton (Lampton), parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/R22/1: 4 January 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/R22/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B400
George SANDERS, mariner, of Walker in the parrish of Longbenton [Walker, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S1/1: 4 August 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B205
Barbara SANDERSON, widow, of Hedlyhope, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S2/1: 25 March 1672  - holograph 
DPRI/1/1675/S2/2: 25 March 1672  - inventory, actual total £173 (with account of debts of £160 5s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B200
Henry SCOTT, of South Charleton (Charlton) within the parish of Ellingham and county of Northumberland [Ellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S3/1: April 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/S3/2: April 1675  - inventory, actual total £17 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B76
Ann SELBY, relict of William Selby late of Beall, widow, of Beall (Beale), chapelry of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S4/1: 1 August 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/S4/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B57
Charles SELBY, of Winlaton, parish of Ryton [Winlaton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S5/1: 29 May 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/S5/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B144
Thomas SHARPE, yeoman, of Coold Heselton (Cold Hesledon, Hesleden) in the county of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S6/1-2: 24 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S6/3-4: 24 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £333 11s (with account of rent of £15) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f166v
Robert SHAWE, gentleman, of Thrislington (Thisleington) in the county of Durham [Cornforth, County Durham]; also spelt Shaw
DPRI/1/1675/S7/1-4: 31 January 1676  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is held by the co-executors 
DPRI/1/1675/S7/5: 31 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £1,135 12s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £428 10s) 
DPRI/1/1675/S7/6: 31 January 1676  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £2,000 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f166v-167v
William SHEREWOOD, of Sandgate, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sherwood, Sherwed
DPRI/1/1675/S8/1: undated  - list of debts owing to testator drawn up by testator before 9 Nov 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/S8/2-3: undated  - inventory  with letter, 9 November 1675, actual total £7 14s 2d inventory exhibited by William Bell, 9 Dec 1675; letter from Bell relating the drawing up of the list of debtors and requesting administration of the same 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B322
William SHEVILL, shipwright, of town and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S9/1-2: 22 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S9/3: 22 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £28 16s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B319
Robert SHIPHERD, gentleman, of Whestow (Westoe), parish of Haughton [Westoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S10/1: 12 May 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B210
John SHORETRICK, skinner, glover, yeoman, of Broom (Broome, Brome) within the parish of Saint Oswald near Durham within the county of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Shortrick, Shortrid, Shortred
DPRI/1/1675/S12/1: 29 November 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/S12/2: 29 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £43 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 5s 3d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B324
William SHORT, weaver, of Counden (Cownden) in the county of Durham, in the parish of Auckland St Andrew [Coundon, County Durham]. Died 12 August 1671
Death date stated in inventory incompatible with the date of the will.
DPRI/1/1675/S11/1: 14 August 1671  - will unsigned; endorsd with (undated) memorandum relating the circumstances of its imperfect publication 
DPRI/1/1675/S11/2: 14 August 1671  - copy will endorsed with direction to cousin Lionell Aire 
DPRI/1/1675/S11/3: 14 August 1671  - inventory, actual total £18 2s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B437
Thomas SIDGWICK, of Stillington in the county of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S13/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B255
James SILL, silk-weaver, of town and chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S14/1: 14 May 1675  - inventory 
John SIMPSON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S15/1: 19 May 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B93
John SMART, of Lowick in the county of Northumberland [Lowick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S16/1: 23 December 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B298
Thomas SMITH, of Beamish (Beemish) [Beamish, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S17/1: 13 October 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B250
Thomas SMITH, yeoman, of East Herrington in the countie of Durham in the parish of Houghton [East Herrington, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth
DPRI/1/1675/S18/1-2: 21 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S18/3-4: 21 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £160 4s 8d (with account of debts of funeral expenses of £37 13s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B26
William SMITH, yeoman, of Togston in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]. Died 4 July 1675
DPRI/1/1675/S19/1: 3 June 1675  - will  with inventory of debts, actual total £14 1s (with account of debts of £13) 
DPRI/1/1675/S19/2-3: 3 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £210 4s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B275
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B274
Anne SNOWBALL, widow, of Crossgate in the county of Durham, near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S20/1: 29 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B342
George SNOWBALL, yeoman, of Brekynsyde (Berkynside, Breckinside, Birkenside), chapelry of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Snoweball, Snawball
DPRI/1/1675/S21/1-2: 10 October 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S21/3: 10 October 1660  - inventory, actual total £8 4s 6d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f146v-147r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B160
William SOTHERAN, yeoman, of Cope Law (Cope Lawe, Cop Law) in the parish of Aycliffe in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Sotherne
DPRI/1/1675/S22/1-2: 8 June 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S22/3: 8 June 1673  - inventory, actual total £98 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B120
John SPARROWE, of North Sheilds [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Sparrow
DPRI/1/1675/S23/1: 31 May 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B122
Thomas SPOURE, of Wallsend [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Spour
DPRI/1/1675/S24/1: 5 April 1675  - inventory includes list of debts owing to deceased 
DPRI/1/1675/S24/2: 5 April 1675  - copy inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B35
Robert STANESBY, cordwainer, of town of Bernard Castle (Barnard Castle) within the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Stainesby
DPRI/1/1675/S25/2: 17 September 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/S25/1: 17 September 1675  - inventory, actual total £18 16s 4d exhibited by Margarett Stanesby, relict 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B232
Thomas STEEL, brother of Robert Steele of Newcastle upon Tyne, master and mariner, shipwright, of chapplery of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Steele
For the probate records of Steel's brother and sole executor, see - DPRI/1/1682/S30/1-2 - DPRI/1/1682/S30/4-5
DPRI/1/1675/S26/1-2: 29 December 1675  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is held by the executor 
DPRI/1/1675/S26/3: 29 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £152 14s 8d 
DPRI/1/1682/S30/3: 29 December 1675  - bond to redeliver the original will Robert Steel, brother and sole executor, is bound to redeliver the original will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f163v-164r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B417
Richard STEMPSON, yeoman, of Corbygates in the parish of Alston and in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Stephenson
DPRI/1/1675/S27/1-2: 9 March 1675  - will  with inventory, undated, actual total £35 (with account of debts of £83 8s) will unsigned by testator; inventory dated 1 Apr [?1675] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f142v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B107
Brian STOBBERT, the elder, of Trimdon within the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S28/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Thomas Stobbert 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B406
William STOBBERT, whitesmith, of New Elvett nigh the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Stobert
DPRI/1/1675/S29/2: 2 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £11 2s 10d inventory of household and shop (Elvet Bridge) goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1675/S29/1: 2 July 1675  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Stobbert, relict, nominating Robert Stobbert, son, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B184
DPRI/1/1675/S30   15 November 1675
Ellinor STOBBS, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellianor, Stobs
DPRI/1/1675/S30/1: 8 November 1675  - inventory of goods left unadministered by Titus Pithie, merchant 
DPRI/1/1675/S30/2: 8 November 1675  - copy inventory of goods left unadministered by Titus Pithie or Pichy, merchant; with certificate of oath of Isabella Pichy, 15 Nov 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/S30/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B282
John STOKALL, of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Stokeld
DPRI/1/1675/S31/1-2: 29 July 1675  - inventory has been amended to the effect that it is of John rather than Margaret Stokall's goods etc.; as it includes funeral expenses etc. of Margarett Stokall, relict, she presumably held only a life interest in her husband's estate 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B241
John STOREY, gentleman, of All Hallows, Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Storry, Story
testator requests burial at All Hallows church
DPRI/1/1675/S32/1-2: 17 February 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S32/3-4: 17 February 1676  - inventory, actual total £308 17s 10d 
Alice STOTT, widow, of the suburbs of the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S34/1: 1 September 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B257
Elezebeth STOTT, daughter of John Stott, of Feald Houses (Feild Houses), chapelry of Saint Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Elizabeth
DPRI/1/1675/S35/1: 13 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B428
John STRAKER, yeoman, of Useburne (Owsburne) in the parrish (chapelry) of All Saints and in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S36/1-2: 1 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S36/3-4: 1 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £120 18s 2d 
John STRONG, master of the Correction House, master, weaver, of the Correction House, NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Died 20 September 1675
DPRI/1/1675/S33/1: 27 October 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B266
John SUMMERS, tailor, of Castle Garth within the parish of St Nicholas in NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S37/2: October 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/S37/1: October 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B283
Richard SURETEIS, yeoman, of Hunwick within the parish of Saint Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Hunwick, County Durham]; also spelt Suerties, Suirties, [Surtees]
DPRI/1/1675/S39/2-3: March 1670  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/S39/1: March 1670  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B218
Elinor SURRITT, widow, of Sedgefield (Sedgefeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Ellenor, Surrett
DPRI/1/1675/S38/1: 25 December 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/S38/2: 25 December 1671  - inventory, actual total £9 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B133
Grace SWAINSTON, widow, of Bishop Auckland in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/S40/1-2: 7 December 1644  - will endorsed 'nil act' [no probate act] 
Thomas SWAN, of West Threston (Thriston) within the parish of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/S41/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B312
John SWINBURN, yeoman, of Winlaton within the parish of Riton (Ryton) and county of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Swinburne
DPRI/1/1675/S42/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B230
William SWINBURNE, of Laings Loning (Lorneing) [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Swimburne
parish drawn from bond [54]
DPRI/1/1675/S43/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B54
John TAYLOR, butcher, of South Sheelds (Sheilds) [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/T1/1: 19 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B344
Margaret TAYLOR, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margarett, Tailor
DPRI/1/1675/T2/1-2: 22 January 1676  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is held by the executrix 
DPRI/1/1675/T2/3: 22 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £85 11s 8d 
DPRI/1/1675/T2/4: 22 January 1676  - receipt for the original will signed by the husband of the testator's daughter and executrix 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f163r-163v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B416
William TEASEDALE, of Brandon Walls in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp, Stanhope) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Teasdal, Teasdale, Teasdaile, Teasdell
DPRI/1/1675/T3/1: 30 January 1675  - draft will subscribed with memorandum relating 'this is the paper was written by William Emmerson by the testator's directions and in his presence'; unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1675/T3/2-3: 30 January 1675  - fair copy will subscribed with memorandum by William Emmerson; unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1675/T3/4-5: 30 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £103 13s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B24
John TEDCASTLE, yeoman, of the Milhills (Mill Hills) in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Haydon [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Tedcatle
DPRI/1/1675/T4/1: 15 February 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/T4/2: 15 February 1671  - inventory, actual total £21 1s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B235
Edward THIRKELD, gentleman, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Thirkeild
DPRI/1/1675/T5/2: 7 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £241 7s 9d 
DPRI/1/1675/T5/1: 7 May 1675  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Thirkeld, relict, nominating Edward Thirkeld, son, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B52
George THOMPSON, of Sandgate within the parish of All Saints in the towne of NewCastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/T7/1: undated  - inventory 
Isabell THOMPSON, widow, of Sunderland neare the Sea, in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/T8/1: 26 July 1671  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f148r-148v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B198
John THOMPSON, of Shortflatt (Short Flatt) in the parish of Bolam in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/T9/1-2: 6 September 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B217
Robert THOMPSON, yeoman, of East Hartburne (Harbourn) within the parish of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Thomson
DPRI/1/1675/T10/1-2: 13 January 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/T10/3: 13 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £187 3s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B366-367
DPRI/1/1675/T11   14 June 1675
Robert THOMPSON, fisherman, of chapelry of St Hilda, South Sheilds within the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/T11/2: 7 June 1675  - commission to Stephen Bordley, curate of St Hilda, and Stephen Dockwray, perpetual vicar of Tynemouth, to administer an oath and grant administration to Winifrid Thompson, relict; executed by Bordley, 14 June 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/T11/1: 7 June 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B136
William THOMPSON, yeoman, bachelor, of Hartburne (East Harbonn) in the parish of Norton in the county of Durham [Hartburn, County Durham]; also spelt Thomson
DPRI/1/1675/T12/1-2: 8 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/T12/3: 8 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £100 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 17s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B334
Forton THOMSON, widow, of Stranton in the countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Fortone, Thompson, Fortune
DPRI/1/1675/T6/1: 18 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/T6/2: 18 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £77 2s 6d (with account of debts of £27 1s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B113
Barbary TROTTER, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1675/T13/1-2: 1 December 1675  - inventory total does not include the (unspecified) value of the deceased's interest in a third part of a lease of Cooppecrooks in County Durham, which interest was the subject of an ongoing dispute with a Mrs Rudock 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B291
Mary TULLEY, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Tullie
DPRI/1/1675/T14/1: 27 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/T14/2-3: 27 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £308 6s 3d inventory of shop goods and 'mercery wares' 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B46
Mary TWEDDELL, spinster, of Gateside (Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/T15/1-2: 19 March 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/T15/3: 19 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £7 10s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B36
William TWISEL, of the Moor Houses in the parish of South Gosforth and chappelery of the North Gosforth in the county of Northumberland [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Twizell, Twisell
DPRI/1/1675/T16/1: 27 August 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B239
Peter URWEN, of Birk House in the parish of Heddon on the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourwan
DPRI/1/1675/U1/1: 29 May 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B317
Michael USHER, yeoman, of Humesough (Humshaugh, Humeshaugh) in the parish of Symondburne in the countie of Northumberland [Humshaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Michaell
DPRI/1/1675/U2/1: 8 January 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/U2/2: 8 January 1675  - inventory, actual total £40 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 6s 8d) 
DPRI/1/1675/U2/3 - wrapper 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f142r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B104
Alice VICARS, widow, of of or near Chappell House within the parish of Stanhopp in Weardail and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Viccars. Died August 1674
DPRI/1/1675/V1/1-2: 16 August 1674  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/V1/3: 16 August 1674  - inventory, actual total £27 10s 
DPRI/1/1675/V1/4: 16 August 1674  - renunciation renunciation of James and Elenor Knowles, releasing administration to Thomas Viccars 
DPRI/1/1675/V1/5-6: 16 August 1674  - transfer of administration transfer of power of administration by James and Elenor Knowles to Thomas Viccars (but without any explicit renunciation); document states deceased was intestate 
DPRI/1/1675/V1/7-8: 16 August 1674  - depositions depositions of three witnesses to the nuncupative will and of a neighbour of the deceased, in response to six charges on the part of Ellenor Knowles relating to a cause: Ellenor Knowles v Margaret Featherston 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B32
Thomas VIPOUND, yeoman, of Skids (Skyds) in the parish of Garrigill (Garrygill) in Aldstonmoo[r]e and in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vipond
DPRI/1/1675/V2/1: 19 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/V2/2: 19 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £15 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £47) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B22
Cudbert WADE, gentleman, of Gainforth (Gainford) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1675/W1/1-2: 14 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B339
George WADE, yeoman, of Ingleton in the county of Durham, parish of Staindropp [Ingleton, County Durham]; also spelt Waide
DPRI/1/1675/W2/1-2: 27 September 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W2/3: 27 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £38 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f137v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B13
James WALKER, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W3/1: 18 March 1675  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B95
John WALL, yeoman, West Haire Hope (Westerhairehop) in the parish of Wolsingam in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhopp in Wearedaile [Wolsingham, County Durham; Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W4/1: 30 December 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W4/2-3: 30 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £224 9s 8d 
Richard WALL, butcher, of without Westgate in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W5/1: 25 February 1675  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B19
John WALTON, of the Rase in the parish of Alston in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W6/1: 26 March 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/W6/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B21
Michael WALTON, distiller, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W7/1-2: 25 December 1674  - will unsigned by testator 
DPRI/1/1675/W7/3: 25 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £28 17s endorsed [by probate office] with list of debts [?owing to testator] of £21 3s 6d, and list of £1 10s received 
DPRI/1/1675/W7/4-5: 25 December 1674  - interrogatories interrogatories of Ann Bowry (Bowrey) alias Walton, daughter, to the witnesses to the will 
DPRI/1/1675/W7/6-7: 25 December 1674  - deposition and responses  with deposition and responses, 26 March 1675 depositions of the two witnesses to the will, with their responses to the interrogatories of Ann Bowry alias Walton, daughter 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f139v-140r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B51
Timothy WALTON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W8/1: 8 December 1675  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B315
DPRI/1/1675/W9   10 April 1675
William WALTON, of Sheale (Sheild) Hill in the parish of Garrigill (Garrygill) in Alstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W9/1: 6 April 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/W9/2-3: 6 April 1675  - commission to John Lee, vicar of Alston, to administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Archer alias Walton, sister; executed by Lee, 10 Apr 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B23
An WARD, widow, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Ann, Anne
DPRI/1/1675/W11/1: 5 November 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W11/2: 5 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £506 6s 5d (with brief account of debts and funeral charges of £21) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f160v-161r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B384
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B147
Ann WARD, widow, of Haughton in the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W12/1-2: 4 December 1674  - inventory 
Cuthbert WATSON, of Coupon [Cowpen, Northumberland]; also spelt Wattson
see 1675 bond [166]
DPRI/1/1675/W13/1: undated  - will endorsed with cancelled memorandum relating to Newton £100 bond on £53 debt to be repaid 6 Mar 1671 
DPRI/1/1675/W13/2-3: undated  - inventory, actual total £44 7s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B166
George WATSON, of Chapington (Chappington), parish of Bedlington [Choppington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W14/1: 18 November 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B25
George WATSON, linen-weaver, of Holy Iland (Island) [Holy Island, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W15/1: 15 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W15/2: 15 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £4 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £15 10s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f141v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B65
James WATSON, of West Slickburne (Slicburne) [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Watsone
DPRI/1/1675/W16/1: 13 March 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B245
John WATSON, gentleman, of Cockfield (Cockfeild) in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W17/1: 20 October 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W17/2-3: 20 October 1675  - inventory, actual total £61 5s 9d (with account of debts anf funeral expenses of £115 5s 9d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B264
Richard WATSON, of Mordon, parish of Sedgfeild [Morden, County Durham]; also spelt Wattson
DPRI/1/1675/W18/1: 30 September 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B238
Thomas WATSON, of Bedlingtone (Bedlington) [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Watsone
DPRI/1/1675/W19/1: 2 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W19/2: 2 February 1675  - inventory, actual total £64 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B85
Anne WATT, widow, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W20/1: 29 May 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W20/2: 29 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £45 3s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B187
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B163
William WATTS, of Holy Iland in the county palatine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W21/1: 10 February 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B297
Thomas WAUBANKE, of Pearcebridge, parish of Gaineford (Gainfoorth) [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Waubancke, Walbanke, Wawbancke
DPRI/1/1675/W10/1-2: 18 January 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W10/3: 18 January 1670  - inventory, actual total £20 16s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £5) 
Patrick WEDDELL, yeoman, of Moneylawes (Money Lawes, Mony Lawes) within the county of Northumberland [Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Weddel
DPRI/1/1675/W22/1-2: 21 June 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W22/3: 21 June 1671  - inventory, actual total £450 3s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B66
Lancelot WESTGARTH, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Lance
DPRI/1/1675/W23/1: 28 May 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W23/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B247
Thomas WESTGARTH, master and mariner, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W24/1: 26 August 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W24/2: 26 August 1670  - inventory, actual total £14 14s 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B365
Edward WETHERLY, yeoman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Wetherley, Weatherlye
DPRI/1/1675/W25/1-2: 7 April 1673  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is held by the executrix 
DPRI/1/1675/W25/3: 7 April 1673  - receipt for the original will 
DPRI/1/1675/W25/4: 7 April 1673  - inventory, actual total £21 14s 3d 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f141v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B97
DPRI/1/1675/W26   9 November 1675
Edward WHITFEILD, of Sumerhouse, parish of Gaineford (Gainford) [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W26/1: 11 November 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1675/W26/2-3: 11 November 1675  - commission to Alexander Hilton MA, curate of the chapelry of Denton, to administer an oath and grant administration to George Clayton senior, principal creditor; executed by Hilton, 9 Nov 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B271
John WHITFIELD, yeoman, of Shearburne (Shereburn) in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeild
DPRI/1/1675/W27/1-2: 20 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W27/3: 20 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £12 10s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B373
Robert WHITFIELD, yeoman, of Watchtrees (Watchtresse) in the parish of Haltwhisle in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfeild
DPRI/1/1675/W28/1: 25 December 1675  - will dated at head of document 5 Dec 1675 and at foot 25 Dec 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/W28/2: 25 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £40 12s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 19s 3d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B389
John WIDDERINGTON, of Cowpan Bewley (Coopon) [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Widdrington
DPRI/1/1675/W29/1: 6 March 1676  - inventory 
Allexsander WIGHAME, Tippell parish of Haltwesle, Old Shields, Haltwisle parish [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Allexsande, Alexander, Wigham
DPRI/1/1675/W30/1-2: 10 June 1675  - will with list of debts drawn up by testator 
DPRI/1/1675/W30/3: 10 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £22 1s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B161
Katherin WILDE, widow, of Cockerton in the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Katherine, Willde, Katteran. Died 1 October 1675
DPRI/1/1675/W31/1: 29 September 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W31/2: 29 September 1675  - inventory, actual total £43 12s 9d (with account of debts, funeral expenses and legacies of £30 8s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B242
DPRI/1/1675/W32   7 June 1675
Barbara WILEY, alias Clark, alias Coxon, widow, of Whitchester in the parish of Heddon (Heddon Wallen) within the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W32/1: April 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/W32/2-3: April 1675  - inventory, actual total £72 18s 8d (with account of debts of £16 8s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1675/W32/4-5: April 1675  - commission to Samuel Raine, vicar of Heddon-on-the-Wall, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Pattison alias Readshaw alias Coxon, sister, for the use of Thomas and Anne Clarke and John Wiley, children; commission executed at Heddon by Rayne, 7 June 1675 
DPRI/1/1675/W32/6: April 1675  - certificate of oath 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B127
John WILEY, of parish of Heddon upon the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W33/1: 14 May 1675  - inventory of goods etc. left unadministered by Barbara Wiley, relict now deceased 
DPRI/1/1675/W33/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B410
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B140
Lawrence WILLKINSON, of Harparleigh (Harperley), parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1675/W34/1: 29 September 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B220
Gascoygne WILLSONE, yeoman, of Stoddy (Stoddye, Stoddoe) in the parrish of Dinsdaile (Dinsdale) in the county of Durham [Dinsdale, County Durham]; also spelt Gascoyne, Wilson, Gascoigne
DPRI/1/1675/W35/1-2: 2 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W35/3-4: 2 February 1674  - inventory, actual total £193 9s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B53
Ann WILSON, widow, of Greate Burdon [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W36/1-2: 16 July 1675  - will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f154v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B287
Gabriell WILSON, mason, of town and parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Gabriel
DPRI/1/1675/W37/1-2: 15 November 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B285
Henry WILSON, gentleman, of Wallicke (Wallick) in the county of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]. Died 28 December 1674
DPRI/1/1675/W38/1: 28 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W38/2-3: 28 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £128 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 5s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f143r-143v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B102B
John WILSON, of parish of Whitfeild and countie of Northumberland [Whitfield, Northumberland]
died 7 Mar 'last past' [probably 1675 or 1676]
DPRI/1/1675/W39/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B192
Marmaduke WILSON, yeoman, of Stoday in the countye of Durham, parish of Dinsdale [Dinsdale, County Durham]; also spelt Willson
DPRI/1/1675/W40/1: 29 May 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W40/2-3: 29 May 1675  - inventory, actual total £77 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £106) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f147r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B167
Roger WILSON, yeoman, of Midleton One Row (Middleton One Rowe) in the county of Durham [Middleton St George, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W41/1-2: 25 March 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W41/3-4: 25 March 1675  - inventory, actual total £35 (with account of debts of £25 2s 6d) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f139r-139v
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B50
Thomas WILSON, yeoman, of Carelton (Carleton) in the county of Durham, in the parish of Readmarshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W42/1-2: 15 November 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B408-409
Thomas WILSON, shipwright, of Warmoth (Wearmouth) Salt Panns neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W43/1-2: 19 July 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B185
William WINDE, miller, of Fenham in the county of Northumberland [Kyloe, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W44/1: 5 April 1675  - inventory 
John WINLINGTON, yeoman, of Castle Yard in the county of Northumberland, parish of St Nicholas town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W45/1-2: 8 April 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B47
Barbara WOLFE, widow, of Southeeles (South Sheeles, Sheilds) in the countye of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W46/1-2: 4 June 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1675/W46/3: 4 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £28 5s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B138
Robert WOOD, of Church Merrington (Merrington) [Merrington, County Durham]. Died 8 January 1673
DPRI/1/1675/W47/1-2: 20 May 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B170
Thomas WOODHOUSE, yeoman, of Bilton in the parish of Lesbury in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1675/W48/1-2: 29 November 1674  - will endorsed contemporaneously with list of debts owing to the testator 
DPRI/1/1675/W48/3-4: 29 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £81 5s 8d (with account of debts of £10 11s) 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f164r
DPRI/1/1675/W49   20 May 1675
Robert WOULDHAVE, saddler, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Wooldhave
DPRI/1/1675/W49/1-2: undated  - account exhibited by Dorothy Wouldhave, relict; issued under seal, 20 May 1675 
Oswold WRANGHAM, of West Herrington, parish of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W50/1: 23 March 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B1
Anthony WREN, yeoman, of Billiwrow (Billy Raw) in the county of Durham, parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W51/1-2: 25 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W51/3: 25 March 1674  - inventory, actual total £42 6s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B152
Charles WREN, esquire, of Newton Capp in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W52/1: 8 December 1675  - inventory 
Issabell WRIGHT, spinster, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Isabell
DPRI/1/1675/W53/1: 18 October 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1675/W53/2-3: 18 October 1670  - inventory, actual total £67 0s 8d dated 1670 [old style] 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/9 f154v-155r
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B327
Robert WRIGHT, yeoman, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1675/W54/1: 4 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B328
John YOUNGE, yeoman, of towne and countie of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Young
DPRI/1/1675/Y1/1: 3 October 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1675/B89
Wills etc proved 1676
Reference: DPRI/1/1676
Robert ADDIE, gentleman, of Bladon in the county palatine of Durham, in the parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Addy
DPRI/1/1676/A1/1: 21 March 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/A1/2: 21 March 1676  - renunciation 
William ALBON, of Mosedon, in the county of Northumberland, in the parish of Mitford [Mitford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/A2/1: 29 April 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B141
Ales ANGAS, widow, of Shilfor[d] in the parish of Bywell St Andrew [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Alice
DPRI/1/1676/A3/1 - inventory, with account of funeral expenses, debt and wages 
Rowland ARCHER, of North Seaton, Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/A4/1-2: 14 September 1676  - inventory, with account of debts (21 Sep 1676) 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B191
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B190
Matthew ARCLE, of Fenton in the parish of Wooller [Fenton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/A5/1 - inventory, subscribed 'for Mr William Fenwick at Tweedmouth' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B145
DPRI/1/1676/A6   17 January 1677
Cuthbert ATKINSON, master and mariner, of the Spicer Lane, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Atkinson's inventory lists goods in his own raff yard, as well as at Trinity House cellar, hall and yard
DPRI/1/1676/A6/1-2: 28 December 1676  - nuncupative will  with affidavit, undated nuncupative will, with affidavit of the witnesses and notary public present at its drawing up 
DPRI/1/1676/A6/3-6: 28 December 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/A6/7: 28 December 1676  - commission to Thomas Maylor [Naylor] MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Joseph Atkinson, son and co-executor of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; with memorandum relating its execution by Naylor, 17 Jan 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B309
John ATKINSON, of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/A7/1-2 - inventory of 'goods [ap]praised att widdow Atkinsons' 
Thomas ATKINSON, the elder, yeoman, of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/A8/1: 23 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/A8/2: 23 October 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B233
William ATKINSON, gentleman, of West Boldon in the county of Durham [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Attkinson
DPRI/1/1676/A9/1-2: 24 September 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/A9/3-4: 24 September 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B219
Thomas BAITT, of Newton, parish of Bywell St Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Baite
DPRI/1/1676/B1/1 - inventory, dated 10 Mar 
DPRI/1/1676/B1/2 - wrapper 
George BARKER, the elder, of Heddon on the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B4/1: 23 September 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/B4/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B215
William BARKER, of Hart within the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/B5/1: 16 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B289
DPRI/1/1676/B2   12 December 1676
Margarett BATES, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret, Baites
DPRI/1/1676/B2/1: 23 November 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B2/2: 23 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B293
DPRI/1/1676/B3   13 March 1677
Mathew BATES, master and mariner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Matthew, Baites
DPRI/1/1676/B3/1: 7 February 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B3/2: 7 February 1677  - inventory, dated 26 and 29 Feb 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B350
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B349
Thomas BATES, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Baites
DPRI/1/1676/B6/1-2: 13 June 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B6/3: 13 June 1676  - inventory 
Thomas BAXTER, of Sunderland by the Sea, in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/B7/1: 8 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B241
Thomas BAYLES, of Eggleston [Eggleston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/B8/1: 14 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B8/2 - inventory, with account of debt and funeral expenses, dated 21 Dec 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B156
Robert BEERES, keelman, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Beers
DPRI/1/1676/B9/1-2: 20 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B98
Elizabeth BELL, widow, of chapelry of St Andrews within in the towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B10/1: 13 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B253
Hilda BELL, wife of William Bell of Bellasys within the parish of Stanington, administrator, of Bellasys within the parish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B11/1: 17 January 1677  - inventory, exhibited by William Bell, [husband and] administrator 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B308
Michael BEST, of parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/B12/1 - inventory 
George BIRLETSON, yeoman, of Woodhorne in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]. Died 16 December 1675
DPRI/1/1676/B13/1-2: 16 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B13/3: 16 December 1675  - inventory, with account of debts 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B267
May BLACKISTON, spinster, of New Elvitt in or near the city of Durham in the county of Durham, parish of St Oswalds [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Mary, Blakistone
DPRI/1/1676/B14/1-2: 19 January 1677  - will 
Raiph BLAIKESTONE, clerk, of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph, Blakiston
DPRI/1/1676/B15/1: 6 March 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B348
Edward BLAKEY, smith, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B16/1: 20 June 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B137
John BOGG, of chaplery of All Saints in the towne of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B17/1: 28 October 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B254
DPRI/1/1676/B18   23 March 1677
Robert BONNER, vicar of Hartburn, clerk, of Hartburne in the county of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B18/1-2: 17 September 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B18/3-4: 17 September 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/B18/5: 17 September 1676  - commission to John Shaw MA, rector of Whalton, and Mathew Bonner, perpetual vicar of Hartburn, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabel Bonner, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; with memorandum relating its execution by John Shaw, 23 Mar 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B355A
John BOULD, tailor, of Castlegarth in the countie of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B19/1: 10 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B330
John BOWEY, apothecary, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
see also 'Durham Apothecaries' tokens and their issuers', Bulletin of Durham County Local History Society, no.35, Dec 1985
DPRI/1/1676/B20/1: 3 November 1676  - inventory 
William BOWSER, gentleman, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/B21/1-2: 11 October 1676  - will 
James BRANCKSTON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Brankston, Branxton
DPRI/1/1676/B22/1: 27 April 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B22/2: 27 April 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B174
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B127
Nicholas BROWNE, cooper, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/B23/1: 2 February 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B329
Richard BROWNE, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chappelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown
DPRI/1/1676/B24/1: 28 November 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/B24/2: 28 November 1676  - renunciation renunciation and transfer of administration, subscribed with 17 Jan 1676 note from Gabriel Swainston to Mr Rowell consenting to the granting of administration to Rowland Brown, brother of Richard Browne 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B307
Bathsheba BUNNY, widow, of Little Newsham in the county of Durham, parish of Winston [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Beersheba
DPRI/1/1676/B25/1: 23 April 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/B25/2: 23 April 1675  - inventory 
Richard BUSHBY, of Low Woolley in the parish of Branspeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Busby
DPRI/1/1676/B26/1 - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B126
Richard BUTLER, of Spindleston, within the parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]. Died 2 January 1676
DPRI/1/1676/B27/1: 20 May 1676  - inventory, with brief account of debts 
DPRI/1/1676/B27/2: 20 May 1676  - renunciation renunciation of Susanna Butler, relict of Butler, nominating Richard Hales of Dilston in the parish of Corbridge, principal creditor, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B105
Francis CAGELL, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/C1/1: 24 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B328
DPRI/1/1676/C2   19 April 1676
William CARR, merchant, esquire, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/C2/1-2: 11 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/C2/3-4: 11 November 1675  - renunciation renunciation of the co-executors, nominating Jane Carr, relict of the testator, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1676/C2/5: 11 November 1675  - commission to Ralph Astell MA and William Maire MA, clerks at Newcastle upon Tine, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Lilburne of Newcastle upon Tyne esquire, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Ralph Astell, 19 Apr 1676 
letter of request: DPRI/3/1717/B60/3
will bond with , penal sum £200: DPRI/3/1717/B60/1-2
letter of request with letter, 8 April 1721: DPRI/3/1721/B8/2-4
will bond, penal sum £1,000: DPRI/3/1721/B8/1
William CHAMBERS, weaver, of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C3/1 - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/C3/2-3: 19 January 1677  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/C3/4: 19 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B318
DPRI/1/1676/C4   22 January 1677
Robert CHATER, mariner, of North Sheilds in the parish of Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaytor
DPRI/1/1676/C4/1: 20 December 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/C4/2-3: 20 December 1676  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tinmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Shotton, grandfather, on behalf of Anthony Chaytor and John Chaytor, children of the testator and minors; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Dockwray, 22 Jan 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B313A
Robert CHILTON, freemason, of Ford, the house near Hilton ferry boat within the parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Chillton
DPRI/1/1676/C5/1: 4 December 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/C5/2: 4 December 1676  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B291
Robert CHILTON, of chappellry of St Hilds, South Shields [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C6/1: 5 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B313B
DPRI/1/1676/C7   27 January 1677
James CHIPCHASE, gentleman, of Heworth Shoare in the county of Durham, parish of Jarrow [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C7/1: 24 January 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/C7/2-3: 24 January 1677  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Chipchase, relict of James Chipchase; with memorandum relating the commission was executed by Naylor, 27 Jan 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B316
Peetter CLARKE, of Greatt Lumley [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Peter
DPRI/1/1676/C8/1: 6 October 1676  - inventory 
William CLARKE, upholsterer, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/C9/1: 6 October 1676  - inventory of goods etc. unadministered by Jane Clarke, relict of William Clarke 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B342
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B212
John CLARKE, of Killerby in the county of Durham, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C10/1: 7 July 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/C10/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B132
Robert CLARKE, upholsterer, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/C11/1: 8 August 1676  - inventory  with inventory, 22 September 1676 inventory of goods etc. in the shop at Newcastle and the shop at Durham (22 Sep 1676) 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B162
Thomas CLARKE, stationer, of Tine Bridge within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Clarke's house and shop situated 'upon Tine Bridge'
DPRI/1/1676/C12/1-2: 17 November 1676  - will 
William CLARKE, yeoman, of Harlow in the Hill in Comitatu Northumberland, within the chappelry of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/C13/1-2: 3 September 1658  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1676/C13/3-4: 3 September 1658  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B124
Ralph CLAVERING, gentleman, of North Caulsey in the county of Durham, within the chappelry of Tanfeild [Tanfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C14/1: 14 October 1671  - inventory 
Andrew CLOW, yeoman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C15/1: 1 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B258
Zachary COCKREL, master and mariner, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Cockerell
DPRI/1/1676/C16/1: 21 June 1676  - renunciation 
DPRI/1/1676/C16/2: 21 June 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B118
Dorothy COMPTON, widow, of Framwellgate within or near the city of Durham within the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C17/1: 8 June 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/C17/2-3: 8 June 1676  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B111
Mary COMPTON, spinster, of Gateshead within the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C18/1 - inventory, exhibited by Mary Brass alias Compton, wife of Christopher Brass, and Isabel Gilbertson alias Compton, widow, coadministrators 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B319
Thomas CONYERS, esquire, of Branspeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C19/1-2: 9 August 1676  - inventory 
Richard CORNEFORTH, cooper, of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/C20/1: 11 May 1676  - inventory of 'all the Wood, both hewn and unhewn, now lying and being at Wood-house, Cliffe-wood, and Piersbridge' 
DPRI/1/1676/C20/2-3: 11 May 1676  - inventory of goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1676/C20/4: 11 May 1676  - proxy of Alice Corneforth, relict of Richard Corneforth, nominating William Johnson of Claxton feilde house to take out administration 
William COULSON, of Woodhall, parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/C21/1: 8 April 1676  - inventory, subscribed 'Mr Rippon to pay 23s 4d to Cos [?cousin] Thomas Algood before and when the bond to be sent is to be presented the Administration to be sent to him'; also subscribed 'Hugo only son of [Coulson]' 
DPRI/1/1676/C21/2 - wrapper 
William CRABTREE, butcher, of chappellrey of All Saints in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Crabtre
DPRI/1/1676/C22/1: 20 August 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/C22/2: 20 August 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B255
James CRAWFOOT, of Walwothe, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Crawforth, Crawfoott
DPRI/1/1676/C23/1-2: 27 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B108
Ann DAILE, spinster, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Dale
DPRI/1/1676/D1/1: 28 October 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/D1/2 - inventory, exhibited by James Dail, brother of Ann Daile and her administrator with the will annexed 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B283
William DAILE, glazier, of towne and countie of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/D3/1: 1 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B232
Emma DALTON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Emmett
DPRI/1/1676/D4/1: 13 November 1675  - will, endrosed with memorandum relating to 17 Jan 1693 High Court of Chancery case: William Fletcher v Roger Dalton and others 
DPRI/1/1676/D4/2: 13 November 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B252
DPRI/1/1676/D5   3 May 1676
Elizabeth DAVISON, spinster, of chappelry of Stockton, parish of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/D5/1: 5 May 1676  - inventory, with account of funeral expenses, wages and debts owing by Davison to her tutor 
DPRI/1/1676/D5/2: 5 May 1676  - commission to Thomas Rudd MA, curate of the chappelry of Stockton, to execute a bond, administer and oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Burdon, grandmother of Davison; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Rudd, 3 May 1676 
Thomas DAVISON, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/D6/1-2: 25 November 1675  - copy will copy will, with certificate of its accuracy dated 13 Dec 1676 
DPRI/1/1676/D6/3-4: 25 November 1675  - bond to redeliver the original will 
John DAVY, of East Slickburne, parish of Bedlington [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Jhone, Davie, Davye
DPRI/1/1676/D7/1-2: 23 November 1675  - inventory and account of debts 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B192-193
DPRI/1/1676/D8   25 January 1677
John DAWSON, yeoman, of Lingerridge in Weredale in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/D8/1: 27 April 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/D8/2-3: 27 April 1676  - commission to William Smith, curate of the chappelry of St John in the parish of Stanhope in Weardale, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administratino to Ann Dawson, relict of John Dawson; endorsed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Smith at the chappelry of St John, 25 Jan 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B314
Richard DAY, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/D9/1: 17 August 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B327
Ellianor DAYLE, widow, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Ellenor
DPRI/1/1676/D2/1: 23 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/D2/2-3: 23 October 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B282
John DICKENSAN, yeoman, of Emsough in the parish of Aldston and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Dickenson
DPRI/1/1676/D10/1: 28 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/D10/2: 28 November 1675  - inventory, with account of debts 
Thomas DICKESON, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Dickinson
DPRI/1/1676/D11/1: 3 April 1676  - inventory, with account of funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/D11/2 - wrapper 
Thomas DOBSON, of Blackwell, parish of Darlington, in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
Dobson was buried at Darlington, 14 Jan 1677
DPRI/1/1676/D12/1-2: 9 January 1677  - will, endorsed with memorandum relating to 24 Sep 1691 Chancery case: Robert Garbutt and others v George Dobson and others 
DPRI/1/1676/D12/3-4: 9 January 1677  - copy will copy will, with (1) certificate of its accuracy dated 13 May 1691; (2) memorandum relating the 14 Jan 1677 burial of Dobson, certified by George Bell, minister of Darlington 
DPRI/1/1676/D12/5-6: 9 January 1677  - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/D12/7: 9 January 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will 
DPRI/1/1676/D12/8: 9 January 1677  - commission to George Bell, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Dobson, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; with (undated) memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Bell 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B343
George DODS, of Lowick [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodds
DPRI/1/1676/D13/1 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/D13/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B272
John DOFFINBY, gentleman, of Dalton in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Newburne [Dalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Doffenby
DPRI/1/1676/D14/1: 13 February 1677  - inventory 
Henry DUNE, of Akild, within the parish of Kirknewton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hendrey, Dun, Dunn
DPRI/1/1676/D15/1: 20 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/D15/2-3: 20 November 1675  - inventory, with account of debts and wages 
James DUNN, yeoman, of Church Merrington in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Dunne
DPRI/1/1676/D16/1-2: 18 December 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/D16/3: 18 December 1672  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B183-184
Jane DUNN, widow, of towne and parish of Whallton in the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/D17/1-2: 30 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/D17/3: 30 October 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B281
John DUNNINGTON, mariner, of chappelry of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunington
Dunnington died at sea
DPRI/1/1676/D18/1: 5 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/D18/2: 5 January 1669  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B163
Michaell DURHAM, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/D19/1: 22 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/D19/2: 22 September 1671  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B326
Henry EALES, of Kirkhaugh parish in the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/E1/1: 17 August 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/E1/2: 17 August 1676  - inventory  with inventory, 13 September 1676 inventory and inventory (13 Sep 1676), with brief account of funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/E1/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B181
Catherine EDGAR, spinster, of the Peales within the chapplerie of Allenton [Alwinton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/E2/1 - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B271
Henry EDMESTON, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of towne of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/E3/1-2: 22 January 1676  - will copy will 
DPRI/1/1676/E4   7 October 1676
Benjamin ELLISON, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/E4/1-4: 20 June 1676  - copy will with memorandum relating that the original will is in the hands of Isabell Ellison, relict and co-executrix of the testator 
DPRI/1/1676/E4/6: 20 June 1676  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Timothy Fenwick, curate of Newcastle All Saints, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabel Ellison, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; with memorandum relating that the commission to executed at Newcastle All Saints by Fenwick, 7 Oct 1676 
DPRI/1/1676/E4/5: 20 June 1676  - bond to redeliver the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B210
Robert ELRINGTON, yeoman, of Elrington in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/E5/1: 17 April 1676  - inventory  with renunciation, 19 April 1676 inventory and renunciation (19 Apr 1676), subscribed with (undated) memorandum indicating administration sought by Thomas Newin of Sixton Sheile in Allendale, principal creditor 
DPRI/1/1676/E5/2 - wrapper 
William ELTRINGHAM, yeoman, of Prudhoe in the county of Northumberland, in the parish of Ovingham [Prudhoe, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/E6/1: 8 April 1676  - inventory, with account of funeral expenses, debts, wages and legacies 
Cuthbert EMERSON, yeoman, of Lingerridge in Weredale in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhope in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1676/E7/1: 16 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/E7/2-3: 16 February 1674  - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses 
John EMERSON, of Swinehepburne in the parish of Stanhope in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1676/E8/1-2: 24 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B288
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B287
Margaret EMERSON, widow, of Windieside in the parish of Stanhop [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
DPRI/1/1676/E9/1-2: 7 September 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B189
John FARGESON, chapman, of chappelry of St John, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Fargison
DPRI/1/1676/F1/1-2: 3 April 1676  - indented inventory with brief account of debts and funeral expenses 
John FLETCHER, hoastman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/F2/1: 12 February 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/F2/2-3: 12 February 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/F2/4 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B222
DPRI/1/1676/F3   5 May 1676
Alexander FOREMAN, intestate, yeoman, of North Charleton in the parish of Ellingham in the county of Northumberland [Ellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/F3/1-2: 4 April 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/F3/3-4: 4 April 1676  - commission to Lancelot Dobson MA, vicar of Ellingham, and John Stuart MA, curate of Alnwick, to execute a bond, administer two oaths and grant tuition and administration to Thomas Foreman, brother of Alexander Foreman, for the use of Martin Foreman and Ellenor Foreman, children of Alexander Foreman and minors; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Dobson, and listing the bondsmen, 5 May 1676 
James FORSTER, yeoman, of chappelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/F5/1: 30 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B89
Nicholas FORSTER, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/F7/1-2: 15 December 1676  - will 
Thomas FORSTER, baker, brewer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/F8/1-2: 22 June 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/F8/3: 22 June 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B138
Christopher FOSTER, labourer, of Shereburne in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Forster
DPRI/1/1676/F4/1-2: 3 October 1676  - will  with inventory, undated 
John FOSTER, yeoman, of Cold Hesleton in the county of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Forster
DPRI/1/1676/F6/1: 28 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/F6/2: 28 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B114
DPRI/1/1676/F9   23 May 1676
John FRIER, yeoman, of Bradfoorth in the parish of Balmbrough and countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Fryery
DPRI/1/1676/F9/1-2 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/F9/3-4: 6 May 1676  - commission  with renunciation, 23 May 1676 (1) commission to Thomas Davison MA, curate of Bamburgh, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to George Fryery, son of John Fryery; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Davison at Bamburgh, 23 May 1676; (2) renunciation of Mary Fryery, relict of John Fryery, nominating George Fryery to take out administration, dated 23 May 1676 
Isabell GARSTON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Isable
DPRI/1/1676/G1/1: 26 March 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/G1/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B151
Anthony GASTELL, of Auxeide in the bownes of Midleton in Teasdale within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Garstell
DPRI/1/1676/G2/1: 22 May 1676  - inventory 
Thomas GIBSON, yeoman, of Midleton in Teasdale within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/G3/1: 16 April 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/G3/2: 16 April 1676  - inventory, with brief account of debts and funeral expenses 
Sarah GILPATRICKE, widow, of parish of St Nicholas, towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Gilpatrick, Gillpatricke
DPRI/1/1676/G4/1-2: 9 August 1676  - will, with memorandum (same date) 
DPRI/1/1676/G4/3: 9 August 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B202
Judith GOFTON, wife of William Gofton, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/G5/1: 15 July 1676  - inventory, exhibited by William Gofton, husband and administrator 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B136
Mathew GRAY, weaver, of Cowpan in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Grey
DPRI/1/1676/G8/1: 28 March 1676  - inventory, with brief account of funeral charges 
Thomas GREATHEAD, of Conisclife [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Greatehead
DPRI/1/1676/G6/1-2: 8 June 1676  - inventory, with brief account of debts and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/G6/3-4: 8 June 1676  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B102
William GREENE, yeoman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1676/G7/1: 12 July 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/G7/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B133
John GRUNDYE, yeoman, of South Sheeles in the countie of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Grundy
DPRI/1/1676/G9/1: 19 September 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B186
Elizabeth HALL, relict of Michael Hall late of Framwelgate, widow, of Framwelgate, near the city of Durham, in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/H1/1-2: 7 February 1673  - will copy will, with memorandum relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor (Michael Hall) 
DPRI/1/1676/H1/3-4: 7 February 1673  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H1/5: 7 February 1673  - executor's records executor's records: receipt for the original will out of Durham Registry, promising to redeliver the same upon need, signed by Michael Hall, son and executor of the testator 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B352
Michell HALL, of Dickhead within the parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Michael
DPRI/1/1676/H2/1: 12 September 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/H2/2 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H2/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B264
Robert HALL, of Hokeryate within the parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/H3/1: 25 March 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H3/2-3: 25 March 1676  - nuncupative will 
Thomas HALL, gentleman, of Shittlehugh in the county of Northumberland, parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H4/1: 2 May 1674  - will  with codicil, 8 May 1675 
DPRI/1/1676/H4/2: 2 May 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B265
John HARLE, of Heddon Walle in the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H5/1-2: 13 December 1675  - inventory, with account of debts, rent, wages and funeral charges 
DPRI/1/1676/H5/3-4: 13 December 1675  - nuncupative will 
Anne HARRISON, spinster, of Summerhouse within the parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/H6/1: 6 April 1676  - inventory, exhibited by Edward Harrison, brother and administrator of Ann Harrison 
James HARVEY, of Tiptoe within the parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H7/1: 7 December 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H7/2 - wrapper 
George HEARON, of Gurner toune Colepit House [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H12/1-2: 27 June 1675  - inventory, with brief account of debts and funeral charges 
DPRI/1/1676/H12/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B245
Margaret HEBSON, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H8/1: 12 August 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H9   15 September 1676
Anthony HEDLEE, of Eusler, parish of Hartburne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley
DPRI/1/1676/H9/1: 10 August 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/H9/2: 10 August 1676  - commission to Robert Bonner, vicar of Hartburn, John Pye, rector of Morpeth, and John Lucas, curate of Ulgham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Hedley, relict of Anthony Hedley; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Bonner, 15 Sep 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B182
Edward HEEDLEY, of East Sleakburne in the parish of Bedlington in the county of Durham [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley
DPRI/1/1676/H10/1: 13 November 1676  - inventory, with account of debts, rent and funeral expenses; subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating that Jane (Heedley), widow, was sworn 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B268
Cuthbert HERON, yeoman, of Humeshough in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Symonburne [Humshaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon
DPRI/1/1676/H11/1: 31 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/H11/2 - inventory, dated 11 Jan, with brief account of debts and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/H15   4 May 1676
John HILDRETH, of the Old Parke within the chappelry of Netherwitton [Netherwitton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H15/1-2: 28 April 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H15/3: 28 April 1676  - commission to Robert Bonner MA, curate of Netherwitton, and John Pye MA, rector of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Hildreth, relict and administratrix of John Hildreth; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Bonner, 4 May 1676 
William HILTON, apothecary, of chapplerie of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H13/1: 1 April 1676  - will, subscribed with 6 Apr 1676 memorandum relating that Anne Liddell was examined upon this will by T[homas] Naylor [vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas] 
DPRI/1/1676/H13/2-3: 1 April 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/H13/4-5: 1 April 1676  - affidavit affidavit of the witnesses to the wills 
John HIMIRS, of Coupon and in the parish off Horton and in the countye of Northumberland [Cowpen, Northumberland]; also spelt Hymers
DPRI/1/1676/H28/1: 13 June 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/H28/2: 13 June 1676  - inventory, dated 14 June and 19 June 1676, with brief account of legacies 
DPRI/1/1676/H28/3 - wrapper 
Samuell HODGSON, shipwright, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon
DPRI/1/1676/H17/1: 7 June 1676  - inventory 
Anthony HODSHON, of Trough Loning in the countie of Durham, chappelry of Hamsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon
DPRI/1/1676/H16/1: 6 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/H16/2: 6 May 1676  - inventory, with account of debts, rent and funeral expenses 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B96
Martin HOLME, of Crossgate near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Holmes
DPRI/1/1676/H18/1: 29 July 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H18/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B157
Nicolas HOLME, yeoman, of Low-Stanley within the chaplery of Tanfeild and county of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholas, Holm
DPRI/1/1676/H19/1-2: 16 February 1677  - nuncupative will  with inventory, undated nuncupative will and inventory (undated) exhibited by Mary Holm, relict of testator 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B340
John HORNESBY, yeoman, of Whorleton in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/H20/1-2: 8 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/H20/3: 8 May 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral expenses 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B130
John HUDSON, gentleman, of Earsden Forrest in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H21/1: 29 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B280
Margarett HUGALL, widow, of Great Lumley in the county of Durham, parish of Chester in the Street [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/H22/1 - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B310
Richard HUNTER, of Willington, chappelry of Wallsend [Wallsend, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H23/1: 18 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B178
John HUNTLEY, yeoman, of East Burden, parish of Bishopwearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Huntly
DPRI/1/1676/H24/1-2: 19 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/H24/3-4: 19 January 1676  - inventory 
Edward HUNTRIDGE, gentleman, of Abberwick in the county of Northumberland [Edlingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/H25/1-2: 4 May 1675  - copy will  with copy inventory, 12 May 1675 
DPRI/1/1676/H25/3: 4 May 1675  - bond to redeliver the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B218
Francis HUTCHINSON, tanner, of Bernard Castle within the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/H26/1 - inventory, endorsed 'will and inventory': will not present 
John HUTCHINSON, the elder, yeoman, of Bishop Midleham in the county of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/H27/1-2: 6 March 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/H27/3 - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B119
Elizabeth HYNDMARSH, widow, of Walsend in the county of Northumberland [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Hindmerch
DPRI/1/1676/H14/1: 1 May 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/H14/2-3: 1 May 1676  - nuncupative will 
Matthew IRETON, yeoman, of Thorn-grafton within the parish of Haltwesle and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Mathew, Ireston
DPRI/1/1676/I1/1-2: April 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/I1/3: April 1676  - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses 
Robert JECKELL, fuller, dyer, of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/J1/1-2: 4 July 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/J1/3: 4 July 1676  - inventory, delivered by Mary Jeckell to commissioner William Mair at Newcastle, 23 Sep 1676 
DPRI/1/1676/J1/4: 4 July 1676  - commission to Leonard Shaftoe, John Weld and ... Maire of Newcastle upon Tyne, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Jeckell, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will 
Thomas JENISON, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Jennison
DPRI/1/1676/J2/1: 19 November 1677  - inventory 
Edward JOHNSON, yeoman, of Claxton in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/J3/1-2: 28 April 1676  - inventory, with brief account of debts and funeral expenses 
Robert JOHNSON, yeoman, of Coaldgetmill in the county of Northumberland [Ilderton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/J4/1-2: 13 March 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/J4/3: 13 March 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B144
Issabell JOWSEY, widow, of Ryton Woodsid in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Isabell, Joycy, Joyse
DPRI/1/1676/J5/1-2: 6 July 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/J5/3: 6 July 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B229
Thomas JUSTICE, tailor, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/J6/1-2: 14 August 1676  - inventory, with account of debts; endorsed 19 Aug 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B172
Robert KELL, of Barrasford in the parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/K1/1-2: 4 March 1676  - inventory, with brief account of debts 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B246
John KIRSOPP, yeoman, of Hemp-hole, in the parish of Symondburn in the county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/K2/1: 1 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/K2/2: 1 January 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B247
John KITCHING, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/K3/1: 12 October 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/K3/2 - wrapper wrapper, endorsed with direction to John Rowell at the Registers Office, Durham 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B227
William KITCHINGE, butcher, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Kitching
DPRI/1/1676/K4/1-2: 27 July 1676  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B187
Elizabeth LAWES, widow, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/L1/1-2: 23 November 1676  - inventory, with account of debts 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B292
George LIDDLE, of Sunderland by the sea in the parish of Bishopwearmouth [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Liddell
DPRI/1/1676/L2/1: 8 February 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B312
George LILBURNE, esquire, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/L3/1-2: 17 June 1675  - will (incomplete) 
DPRI/1/1676/L3/3: 17 June 1675  - inventory 
Robert LISHMAN, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/L4/1: 2 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B250
Humphrey LITTLE, yeoman, of Woodhall in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/L5/1: 17 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/L5/2: 17 November 1675  - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses and church dues 
Ralph MADDISON, of Birtley in the parish of Chester and county of Durham [Birtley St John, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/M1/1: 23 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B122
William MADIR, of Otterburn in the county of Northumberland, parish of Elsden [Otterburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Mader
DPRI/1/1676/M2/1-2: 15 October 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/M2/3: 15 October 1675  - inventory, subscribed 'To Arthur Fenwicke the Saint [?Sergeant] in Morpeth' 
DPRI/1/1676/M2/4 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B259
Robert MALLABAR, intestate, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Mallaber
DPRI/1/1676/M3/1: 7 December 1676  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/M3/2: 7 December 1676  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration and tuition of Robert, George, Thomas, Sarah and Jane Mallabar, children of Robert Mallabar, to Alice Mallabar, relict of Robert Mallabar; with memorandum relating that the commissino was executed by Naylor, 4 Jan 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B301
William MALLABER, of parish of St Nicholas in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/M4/1: 17 March 1676  - indented inventory 
Joseph MARKENDELL, gentleman, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale
DPRI/1/1676/M5/1: 28 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/M5/2-3: 28 February 1674  - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses 
John MARSHALL, of Acton, parish of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/M6/1-2 - inventory, endorsed 'Margaret, widow, parish of Shotley' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B153-154
Elener MASON, spinster, of Haggerston [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellenor
DPRI/1/1676/M7/1: 14 November 1676  - inventory, subscribed 'Margaret: mother, of Cockerton' 
DPRI/1/1676/M7/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B134
Thomas MASSAM, gentleman, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/M8/1-2: 8 August 1675  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B165
Thomas MAWER, yeoman, of Byshopton in the countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/M9/1-2: 30 November 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/M9/3: 30 November 1669  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B286
John MAY, cooper, of Woollveston in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/M10/1: 24 June 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral charges 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B117
Willyam MERRYMAN, yeoman, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt William, Merriman
DPRI/1/1676/M11/1: 6 June 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/M11/2: 6 June 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B296
Jane MIDDLETON, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/M12/1: 16 October 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/M12/2-3: 16 October 1676  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B228A
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B225
John MIDDLETON, draper, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/M13/1: 1 April 1676  - copy inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/M13/2: 1 April 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/M13/3 - wrapper 
Ralph MILBORN, of Dike Nuke, chappelry of Meddomsley [Medomsley, County Durham]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1676/M14/1: 17 March 1676  - inventory 
John MIRES, of Brownerig in the parish of Stanhopp in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Myers
DPRI/1/1676/M22/1: 6 March 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B200
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B199
Robert MITFORD, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/M15/1-2: 16 April 1675  - copy will  with grant of probate, 7 April 1676 
DPRI/1/1676/M15/3: 16 April 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/M15/4: 16 April 1675  - bond to redeliver the original will 
Thomas MOFFITT, of Horton [Horton, Northumberland; Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Moffett
DPRI/1/1676/M16/1-2: 1 January 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B142-143
Edward MOORE, gentleman, of Scrimerston [Scremerston, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/M17/1-2: 7 November 1676  - nuncupative will  with inventory, 17 November 1676 nuncupative will and inventory (17 Nov 1676), with account of debts, rents and funeral charges 
DPRI/1/1676/M17/3 - inventory additional inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B273
Christopher MORPETH, of Stillington [Stillington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/M18/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Richard Morpeth, son and executor (now deceased); with probate office notes dated 17 Nov 1676 relating to Thompson, Inglesby and Wilson 
Richard MORPETH, gentleman, of Stillington in the parish of Redmarshall in the county of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/M19/1: 11 January 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/M19/2: 11 January 1669  - inventory, exhibited by Robert Morpeth 
Thomas MOSSE, tanner, of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Moss
Certificate of oath undated
DPRI/1/1676/M20/1-2: 13 March 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/M20/3: 13 March 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B220
William MURREY, gentleman, of Suensheels in the countie of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/M21/1 - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses, dated in the 1670s 
Gilbert NEWTON, yeoman, of Mirry Shees in the parish of Bywell St Peter in the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/N1/1: 15 January 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and burial expenses; endorsed with related probate office account concerning Mr Forster and his wife 
Robart NEWTON, yeoman, of Holy Feild in the county of Durham, in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/N2/1: 1 August 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/N2/2-3: 1 August 1673  - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B94
George NICHOLSON, blacksmith, of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/N3/1: 14 July 1673  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/N3/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B152
John NICHOLSON, of Elvet near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/N4/1-2 - inventory, with brief account of 'the Buriall of my husband' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B345
John NICHOLSON, coal-fitter, of Sunderland in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/N5/1-2: 31 October 1676  - inventory, (exhibited by Adam Nicholson, administrator) 
DPRI/1/1676/N5/3 - inventory, exhibited by Adam Nicholson, administrator 'at the instance or promocion of Sampson Nicholson' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B216
John NOTLEY, cordwainer, of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Notcliffe
DPRI/1/1676/N6/1: 20 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/N6/2: 20 November 1672  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Margaret Notley, relict of John Notley 
DPRI/1/1676/N6/3-4 - inventory, made on the death of Notley's wife 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B285
DPRI/1/1676/O1   21 December 1676
John OGLE, esquire, of The Whitehouse in the county of Durham [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/O1/1 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/O1/2-3: 16 December 1676  - commission to Francis Bridge, Fellow of Trinity and curate of St Mary's Cambridge, and ... Wells, clerks, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Aston alias Ogle, now wife of Thomas Aston esquire, and Winifred Ogle, spinster, sisters of John Ogle; endorsed with certificate of its execution by Bridge at St Paul's Covent Garden, 21 Dec 1676 
Joshua OLEY, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/O2/1: 20 August 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/O2/2: 20 August 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B203
DPRI/1/1676/O3   21 September 1676
Richard OLIVER, of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/O3/1-2 - inventory  with account, undated 
DPRI/1/1676/O3/3: 18 September 1676  - commission to Edward Smaithwaite MA, perpetual vicar of Hart and Hartlepool, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabath Olver, relict of Richard Oliver; with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Smathwaite, 21 Sep 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B185
John ORDE, gentleman, of Mindrum [Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ord. Died 23 April 1676
DPRI/1/1676/O4/1: 29 April 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B236
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B201
John OSWOLD, yeoman, of Milburnegate nigh the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Oswald
An inventory survives of a John Oswold of Low Coniscliffe and Milburnegate, and who may have been this testator's father: see - DPRI/1/1686/O1/1
DPRI/1/1676/O5/1-2: 10 July 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/O5/3: 10 July 1676  - inventory, actual total £16 inventory, exhibited 28 Sep 1676 
Robert PARKIN, bailiff [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/P1/1: 9 November 1676  - inventory, with brief account of funeral expenses 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B257
John PARNABEY, butcher, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Parnaby
DPRI/1/1676/P2/1: 19 September 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B194-195
Mary PEACOCK, widow, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Peacocke
DPRI/1/1676/P3/1-2: 16 February 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/P3/3: 16 February 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B120
Anthony PEARSON, yeoman, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1676/P4/1: 13 September 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/P4/2: 13 September 1676  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/P4/3-4: 13 September 1676  - copy will  with bond to redeliver the original will, 6 July 1685 The seals have been removed from the bond. 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B213
William PEARSON, of Sunnyside in the parish of Whickham and in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1676/P5/1: 6 September 1676  - nuncupative will  with grant of probate, undated nuncupative will subscribed with (undated) grant of probate, relating that the will was proved in solemn form, and administration was granted to Katherine Pearson of Lamesley for the use of Alice Pearson, daughter of the testator and a minor 
DPRI/1/1676/P5/2: 6 September 1676  - copy nuncupative will endorsed with memorandum relating the will was validated 
DPRI/1/1676/P5/3-4: 6 September 1676  - deposition  with depositions, 24 November 1676 depositions of (1) Katharine Backworth, wife of Cuthbert Backworth of Shotly Bridge weaver, and (2) Richard Hornsby of Shotley Bridge weaver, witnesses to the nuncupative will, relating to a cause promoted by Katharine Peirson, wife of George Peirson against Thomas Peirson 
Cuthbert PEPPER, esquire, of Farington Hall in the county of Durham, parish of Bishopwearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/P6/1: 4 October 1675  - inventory 
William PESCOD, of Swallwell in the parish of Whickham [Swalwell, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/P7/1: 19 November 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B230
Jane PLEASANCE, relict of Robert Pleasance esquire, widow, of South Bayly in the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/P8/1-2: 10 March 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/P8/3: 10 March 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B356
DPRI/1/1676/P9   14 December 1676
Robert PLUMPTON, confectioner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/P9/1: 19 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/P9/2: 19 October 1676  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B295
Francis POLESON, tailor, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Poulson
DPRI/1/1676/P10/1: 6 November 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B238
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B237
John PROCKTER, intestate, yeoman, of parish of All Saints in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Procter
DPRI/1/1676/P11/1: 30 August 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B175
William PROCKTER, yeoman, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Procter
for the inventory of the goods left unadministered by Prockter's widow, see also DPRI/1688/P17
DPRI/1/1676/P12/1-2: 31 March 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/P12/3: 31 March 1676  - inventory 
William RAYNE, intestate, chandler, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Raine
DPRI/1/1676/R1/1: 22 April 1676  - inventory 
Robert READ, of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R10/1: 8 November 1675  - inventory 
Parsivell READE, gentleman, of Troughende in the parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R9/1 - inventory, subscribed 'John, Gabriel, Katharine and Maria children' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B263
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B262
Anthony READHEAD, of Cleadon in the county of Durham, parish of Whitburne [Cleadon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R2/1: 6 December 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B320
Stephen READHEAD, of Milburne in the parish of Pont Island [Milbourne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R3/1: 26 March 1676  - inventory, with brief account of debts, rent and funeral charges 
Anne READSHAW, widow, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R4/1-2: 29 June 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R4/3-4: 29 June 1674  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B169
John READSHAW, yeoman, of Healy Feild in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R5/1-2: 22 June 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R5/3-4 - inventory, with account of debts 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B129
Anthony REAY, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Rea
DPRI/1/1676/R6/1: 2 November 1675  - inventory  with renunciation, 9 October 1676 inventory, subscribed with 9 Oct 1676 renunciation of Margarett Rea, relict of Anthony Rea, nominating Thomas Medley to take out administration for the use of Anthony, Ann and Mary Rea, children of Anthoy Read and still minors 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B211
Richard REAY, tanner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R7/1: 24 January 1677  - inventory, endorsed 'Jane and Dorothie' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B333
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B332
Gabrell REED, yeoman, of Whitstonhous in the parish of Corsinside and county of Northumberland [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Gabrel, Gabriel
DPRI/1/1676/R8/1: 15 July 1660  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R8/2: 15 July 1660  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral expenses 
Thomas REED, of Denwick in the parish of Alnewicke [Denwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R11/1-2: 5 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R11/3: 5 January 1676  - inventory 
Rowland RENTON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R12/1: 9 February 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B206A
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B206
George RICHARDSON, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine, chappelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R13/1: 29 February 1676  - inventory, subscribed 'Florence widow' 
George RICHARDSON, of the Snods, in the chappelry of Shotley, in the county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R14/1-2: 10 June 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B170
Henry RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Egglesburne in the countie of Durham, in the parish of Middleton in Teasedaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R15/1: 8 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R15/2: 8 January 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B173
Mary RICHARDSON, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Certificate of oath undated
DPRI/1/1676/R16/1: 1 September 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/R16/2: 1 September 1676  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B179
William RIPON, yeoman, of Waterhouse in the county of Durham, parish of Bransepeth [Waterhouses, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R17/1-2: 12 November 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R17/3 - inventory, with account of debts and rent 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B304
Robert RIPPON, intestate, yeoman, of the Garth in the parish of Witton uppon Weare and county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R18/1: 11 July 1676  - renunciation renunciation of Martha Rippon, relict of Robert Rippon, nominating her son George Rippon to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1676/R18/2: 11 July 1676  - inventory, with account of debt 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B131
Elizabeth ROBARTS, widow, of Cannongate in the parish of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Roberts
DPRI/1/1676/R19/1-2: 23 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R19/3: 23 January 1676  - inventory 
John ROBINSON, of Cockerton in the countie of Durham, parish of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R20/1: 27 June 1676  - inventory, with account of debts, rent and funeral charges 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B115
Michaell ROBINSON, cordwainer, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R21/1: 17 July 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B188
DPRI/1/1676/R22   12 May 1676
Thomas ROBINSON, intestate, of Hartinpoole in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R22/1-2: 26 April 1676  - inventory, with account of debts, rent and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/R22/3-4: 26 April 1676  - commission to Percival Donkin, curate of Hartlepool, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Robinson, relict of Thomas Robinson; endorsed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Donkinge, 12 May 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B166
John ROBSON, the elder, yeoman, of Allerwash in the county of Northumberland, in the parish of Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R23/1: 22 October 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R23/2 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/R23/3 - wrapper wrapper, endorsed with direction to John Rowell, notary public in Durham 
John RODDAM, esquire, of Little Houghton in the county of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R25/1: 2 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/R25/2: 2 October 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B278
Cuthbert RODHAM, of the Greenrigs in the parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Roddam
DPRI/1/1676/R24/1: 19 November 1674  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral expenses 
George ROUNTHWAITE, carpenter, of chappelry of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Rownthwait
DPRI/1/1676/R28/1: 4 July 1676  - inventory, exhibited by Edward Rounthwaite, brother and administrator of George Rounthwaite 
John ROWCASTLE, apothecary, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R26/1-2: 1 September 1676  - copy will copy will, with (unsigned) memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the exectrix 
DPRI/1/1676/R26/3: 1 September 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/R26/4-5: 1 September 1676  - bond to redeliver the original will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B249
DPRI/1/1676/R27   8 September 1676
Ralph ROWMAINE, upholsterer, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Romaine
DPRI/1/1676/R27/1: 28 August 1676  - commission to John Brokeld MA, curate of the chappelry of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Rowmaine, relict of Ralph Rowmaine; subscribed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Brockeld, 8 Sep 1676 
DPRI/1/1676/R27/2: 28 August 1676  - inventory  with account, undated 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B180
Anne RUDSTONE, intestate, widow, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Rudston
DPRI/1/1676/R29/1 - inventory 
Robert RUTTER, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R30/1: 28 April 1676  - inventory 
Robert RUTTER, of Daldon in the parish of Dalton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/R31/1: 8 May 1676  - inventory 
Thomas RUTTER, yeoman, of Alneham in the county of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/R32/1: 21 November 1675  - nuncupative will draft nuncupative will (unsigned by witnesses) 
DPRI/1/1676/R32/2: 21 November 1675  - inventory, with account of debt, rent and wages 
DPRI/1/1676/R32/3-4: 21 November 1675  - nuncupative will 
Ralph SCOURFEILD, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S1/1-2: 27 January 1676  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B323-324
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B322
Margaret SEDGEWICK, widow, of Strickly Parke in Langly dale in the county of Durham, in the parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwick, Sidgewick
DPRI/1/1676/S2/1: 10 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S2/2 - inventory, with account of debts, wages and funeral expenses 
Ann SELBY, of Branxton [Branxton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S3/1: 2 November 1676  - inventory 
Leonard SHAFTO, clerk, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1676/S4/1-2: 8 August 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S4/3-4: 8 August 1676  - inventory 
Mathew SHARPER, of Galligate with in the chaplery of St Johns in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S5/1: 30 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B93
Christopher SHAW, cordwainer, of Silver Street, the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S6/1: 21 March 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S6/2 - inventory 
John SINGLETON, of Creswell within the parish of Woodhorne [Cresswell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S7/1: February 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/S7/2-3: February 1676  - inventory, with account of debts, wages and rent 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B266
George SKIPSEY, of Beelingtone [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Skipesie
DPRI/1/1676/S8/1: 10 February 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and 'portions' [legacies] 
Elizabeth SLATOR, relict and administratrix of Roger Slator, widow, of Whittell in the county of Northumberland, in the parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Slaytor
DPRI/1/1676/S9/1: 8 April 1676  - inventory 
Elias SMITH, M.A., precentor and minor canon of Durham Cathedral, clerk, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S10/1-2: 29 November 1676  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B357
Francis SMITH, senior, of High Angerton within the parish of Hartburne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S11/1-2: January 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/S11/3-4: January 1676  - inventory, with account of debts, rent and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/S11/5-6: January 1676  - responses responses to the interrogatories (of Eleanor Fones) and depositions of John Cutter and Mark Cutter of Trewicke in the parish of Bolam, yeomen and witnesses to the nuncupative will, relating to a cause promoted by Margaret Smith, relict of the testator, against Eleanor Fones, wife of Samuel Fones and daughter of the testator 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B260
John SMITH, yeoman, of Bainsly Loaning in the county of Durham, parochiall chappelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S12/1: 6 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S12/2-3 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/S13   5 January 1677
Thomas SMITH, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S13/1-2: 11 December 1676  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1676/S13/3: 11 December 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/S13/4: 11 December 1676  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Clay, widow, and Roger Smith, executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; subscribed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Naylor, 5 Jan 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B303
William SMITH, barber-surgeon, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S14/1-2: 20 February 1677  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1676/S14/3: 20 February 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/S14/4: 20 February 1677  - probate records probate records: certificate of oath of the witnesses to the will and codicil, taken by Thomas Naylor (vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas) 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B351
William SMITH, intestate, ploughwright, of Rennington in the county of Northumberland, parish of Embleton [Rennington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S15/1-2: 20 November 1676  - inventory, with account of debts, legacy and funeral charges owed by the administratrix 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B276
William SMITH, yeoman, of Peircebridge within the parish of Gaineford [Piercebridge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S16/1: 22 June 1676  - inventory, exhibited by Jennett Errington, widow, sister of William Smith 
DPRI/1/1676/S16/2: 22 June 1676  - nuncupative will 
Thomas SMITHSON, of Woollhouse in the county pallatine of Durham, chappelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S17/1: 23 May 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/S17/2 - wrapper 
Margarett SNAITH, widow, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S18/1: 1 June 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/S18/2 - wrapper wrapper, formerly used as a wrapper for the inventory of Samuel Hodgson (probably DPRI/1/1676/H17) 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B95
William SOWERBEY, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sowerby
DPRI/1/1676/S19/1-2: 9 October 1676  - inventory 
Joseph SPEEDINGE, of Hartinpoole [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Speeding
DPRI/1/1676/S20/1: 3 July 1676  - inventory, subscribed 'Alice widow' 
Thomas SPORNE, shipwright, of chapplery of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S21/1: 1 February 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/S22   30 December 1676
Aron STEELE, tailor, of chappelry of All Saints, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Aaron
DPRI/1/1676/S22/1: 30 November 1676  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1676/S22/2: 30 November 1676  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/S22/3-4: 30 November 1676  - bond to redeliver the original will 
DPRI/1/1676/S22/5: 30 November 1676  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, [perpetual] vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Steele, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; subscribed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Naylor, 30 Dec 1676 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B299
William STOKO, yeoman, of the Shawbush in the countie of Northumbarlande, chappelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Stokoe
DPRI/1/1676/S23/1-2: 17 November 1659  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S23/3-4: 17 November 1659  - inventory 
George STORY, cordwainer, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S24/1-2: 15 December 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S24/3: 15 December 1676  - copy will 
Thomas STOTT, the younger, yeoman, of Lingey house, chappelry of St Margaret, in the county of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/S25/1-2: 11 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S25/3: 11 May 1676  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B91
Ralph SUDDICK, glover, skinner, of Wood house in the township of Hett in the county of Durham, parish of Marrington [Hett, County Durham]; also spelt Suddik, Sudick
DPRI/1/1676/S26/1-2: 1 July 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S26/3-4: 1 July 1676  - inventory  with account, 2 March 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B344
John SUTTON, yeoman, of Ousburne in the countye of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/S27/1-2: 1 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/S27/3 - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B231
Ralph SWINBANK, skinner, of Quarry-house within the parish of Staindropp within the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Swinbanck
DPRI/1/1676/S28/1: 24 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B315
Rodger TALLER, yeoman, of Houtton in the Side in the county of Durham, in the chappelry of Denton [Denton, County Durham]; also spelt Roger, Taylor
DPRI/1/1676/T3/1-2: 10 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/T3/3: 10 May 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and rent 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B197
DPRI/1/1676/T1   12 April 1676
John TATE, yeoman, of Alnwicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Taete, Tatte
DPRI/1/1676/T1/1-2: 30 March 1669  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/T1/3-4: 30 March 1669  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/T1/5: 30 March 1669  - commission to Ralph Carr, vicar of Edlingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Boswell, co-executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; subscribed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Carr, 12 Apr 1676 
DPRI/1/1676/T1/6: 30 March 1669  - commission (cancelled) cancelled commission to Ralph Carr, vicar of Edlingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Tate, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; formerly used as a wrapper for the inventory of William Mallaber of Newcastle upon Tine (see DPRI/1/1676/M4) 
Robert TATHAM, gentleman, of Little Stainton, in the countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/T2/1: 21 May 1674  - will, endorsed with memorandum relation to 20 Mar 1690 Durham Chancery case: William Watson and others v Richard Tharsby and others 
DPRI/1/1676/T4   7 March 1677
Christopher THOMSON, yeoman, of Hurworth upon Teese in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1676/T4/1: 16 February 1677  - inventory, with account of debts, rent and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/T4/2: 16 February 1677  - commission to Leonard Waistell, rector of Hurworth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Thompson, relict of Christopher Thompson; subscribed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Wastell, 7 Mar 1677 
DPRI/1/1676/T5   31 January 1677
George THORESBY, draper, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Thursby
DPRI/1/1676/T5/1-2: 20 January 1677  - will  with testamentary schedule, undated will annexed to testimentary schedule 
DPRI/1/1676/T5/3: 20 January 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/T5/4: 20 January 1677  - commission to Thomas Naylor MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Thursby of Leeds, brother and executor of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; endorsed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Naylor, 31 Jan 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B317
Ann TODD, widow, of Lambton Staith [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Anne
DPRI/1/1676/T6/1: 19 October 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/T6/2 - inventory of debts owing to Anne Todd 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B235
Michaell TOPPING, tanner, of North Sheilds [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/T7/1-2: 5 March 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B354
Oliver TROTER, yeoman, of Bolam in the parish of Gainforth and county of Durham [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Trotter
DPRI/1/1676/T9/1: 26 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/T9/2: 26 May 1676  - inventory, with brief account of legacies and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/T9/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B401
DPRI/1/1676/T8   22 March 1677
Thomas TRURIN, clerk, gentleman, of Harlohill within the parish of Ovingham and county of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Trewrin, Trewren
DPRI/1/1676/T8/1: 17 January 1677  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1676/T8/2-3 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/T8/4-5: 17 January 1677  - commission to George Forster, vicar of Bolam, and Ralph Robinson, curate of Ovingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Thomas Boutflower gentleman, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; subscribed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Forster and Robinson, 22 Mar 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B355B
Dorothy TULLY, spinster, of Middleton in Teasdail within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/T10/1-2: April 1676  - nuncupative will nuncupative will, subscribed with (undated) memorandum of the witnesses attesting its execution and accuracy 
DPRI/1/1676/T10/3: April 1676  - certificate of oath certificate of oath and of the execution of a bond, taken at Oxford by Henry Sayer 
DPRI/1/1676/T10/4: April 1676  - commission to John Daile, rector of Standlake in Oxfordshire, and Henry Sayre, chaplain of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to George Tully of Oxford city, brother and co-executor of the testator; subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Sayer 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B176A
James TUTER, of Beall on the hill [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Tunnell
DPRI/1/1676/T11/1: 18 October 1675  - inventory, subscribed 'For James Watson in Barwick' 
DPRI/1/1676/T11/2 - wrapper 
Christopher VASEY, senior, gentleman, of town and parish of High-Cunniscliff in the county of Durrham [Coniscliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/V1/1-2: 21 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/V1/3: 21 February 1675  - inventory 
James WAISTALL, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Waistell
DPRI/1/1676/W1/1-2: 17 May 1676  - inventory, with brief account of funeral charges 
Robert WALKER, yeoman, of Prudhoe in the county of Northumberland, parish of Ovingham [Prudhoe, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/W2/1-2: 1 March 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/W2/3: 1 March 1675  - inventory, with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses 
Hendry WALLAS, gentleman, of Stone-hall in the countie of Northumberland, in the parish of Knaresdaile [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Henry
DPRI/1/1676/W3/1-2: 21 October 1675  - inventory, with account of legacies 
DPRI/1/1676/W3/3: 21 October 1675  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B99
Joyce WALTON, spinster, of Fenn-hall in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W4/1 - inventory 
Petter WALTON, of Scotchwood in the chappelry of Benwell in the parish of St Johns in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Peter
DPRI/1/1676/W5/1-2: 26 June 1676  - will (unsigned), endorsed with memorandum of the witnesses attesting to its execution and accuracy 
DPRI/1/1676/W5/3-4: 26 June 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B135
Thomas WALTON, yeoman, of Shitlopside in the parrish of Stanhope in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W6/1-2: 10 July 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B176B
Arthur WATBANCK, master and mariner [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Watbank
occupation uncertain
DPRI/1/1676/W8/1-2: 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/W8/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B406
Cuthbert WATSON, of Walderish, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]. Died 2 August 1674
DPRI/1/1676/W9/1 - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B116
John WATSON, of Hartley in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/W10/1-2 - inventory, subscribed 'Henry, Ann, William, Robert and Jane' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B251
John WATSON, intestate, of Midridge in the parish of St Andrew Auckland [Middridge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W11/1: 19 May 1676  - inventory 
Thomas WATSON, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/W12/1: 31 May 1676  - inventory of goods unadministered by Margaret Watson of Bedlington, relict and administratrix of Thomas Watson, now also deceased 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B92
Thomasina WATSON, widow, of Slealy [Slaley, Northumberland]
The top of the inventory has been torn off, and is not present
DPRI/1/1676/W13/1: 19 December 1674  - inventory (mutilated), with account of debts 
DPRI/1/1676/W13/2 - wrapper 
Matthew WATTSON, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Watson
DPRI/1/1676/W14/1-2: 13 February 1677  - inventory, subscribed 'Barbara Watson widow of Whickham, Thomas Fenwick and Gilbert Laybridge of Whickham, house carpenter' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B339
George WHARMOUTH, yeoman, of Newtan Hanset in the county of Durham, in the parish of Elwick [Elwick Hall, County Durham]; also spelt Warmouth, Warmoth
DPRI/1/1676/W7/1: 12 November 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/W7/2: 12 November 1676  - inventory, with account of rent 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B297
James WHISTON, mercer, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W15/1: 23 December 1676  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B334
Roger WHITE, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W16/1: 5 May 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/W16/2 - wrapper 
Thomas WHITE, of Stanhope [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W17/1-2: 16 May 1676  - inventory, subscribed 'For Mr Timothy Robson chyrurgion, shop nere Sangate Gate' 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B140
William WILLIAMSON, of Great Chilton, parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W18/1: 27 February 1677  - inventory, exhibited by Francis Williamson, son and administrator of William Williamson 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B341
DPRI/1/1676/W19   15 May 1676
Anthony WILSON, yeoman, of Egglesburne in the county of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasedaile [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W19/1-2: 25 February 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/W19/3-4: 25 February 1676  - inventory, with account of debts and funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1676/W19/5: 25 February 1676  - commission to Timothy Tully, rector of Middleton in Teasedaile, and Francis Gregson, curate of Eggleston, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Wilson, mother and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; subscribed with memorandum relating that the commission was executed by Gregson, 15 May 1676 
Peter WILSON, scrivener, notary public, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/W20/1-2: 3 January 1676  - will copy will, with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1676/W20/3-4: 3 January 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/W20/5: 3 January 1676  - executor's records executor's records: receipt for the original will, signed by Mary Wilson, relict and executrix of the testator 
Henry WINSHIPP, yeoman, of Aydon within the parish of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Winshipe
DPRI/1/1676/W21/1-2: 5 February 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/W21/3: 5 February 1675  - inventory 
John WOODRUFFE, merchant, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wooddruffe
will is missing a small section cut out at its foot
DPRI/1/1676/W22/1: 24 May 1633  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/W22/2 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1676/W22/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B269
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B221
Margaret WRENN, of parish of St Nicholas in the citty of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
The inventory is endorsed with a note dated 19 Aug 1673, 'Saveing your presence I am affraid you were drunk yesterday'
DPRI/1/1676/W23/1: 8 July 1676  - inventory, exhibited by Robert Morpeth, son and administrator of Margaret Wrenn 
DPRI/1/1676/W23/2 - wrapper 
Rowley WRIGHT, of Backworth, chapelry of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Rowland
DPRI/1/1676/W24/1: 3 May 1675  - inventory, with account of rent 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B331
Thomas WRIGHT, yeoman, of Newlands in the parish of Wolsingham with in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1676/W25/1-2: 30 September 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/W25/3: 30 September 1676  - copy inventory copy inventory, with account of legacies 
John WYLYE, of parish of Hedden upon the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Wyly, Wiley
DPRI/1/1676/W26/1: 1 May 1676  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Barbara Wyly, relict and administratrix of John Wyly 
John YOUNG, baker, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Younge
Inventory subscribed, 'Ralph Burdon, scribe'
DPRI/1/1676/Y1/1-2: 18 April 1676  - inventory 
William YOUNGER, tanner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1676/Y2/1-2: 20 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1676/Y2/3: 20 January 1673  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1676/B325
Wills etc proved 1677
Reference: DPRI/1/1677
Ursula AIREY, widow, of North Sheiles, parish of Tynemouth, in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Ayrie
DPRI/1/1677/A1/1: 21 April 1677  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B94-95
Edward AKINHEAD, of Makindin, parish of Allenton [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Akenhead
DPRI/1/1677/A2/1-2: 23 March 1677  - inventory, actual total £51 2s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B10
Ralph ALLINSON, gentleman, of Little Stainton in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/A3/1-2: 4 April 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/A3/3: 4 April 1677  - inventory, actual total £124 0s 0d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B59
Thomas ALLINSON, of Crossgate in or near the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Allison
DPRI/1/1677/A4/1-2: 10 July 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B209
Isabel ANDERSON, relict of Ralph Anderson esquire, widow, of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/A5/1: 7 May 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B35
Robert ANDERSON, esquire, of parish of Saint Nicholas, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/A6/1-2: 6 March 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B101
Thomas ANDERSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/A7/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B43
Francis APLEBY, of Sunderland near the Sea alias Bishop Warmouth Salt Panns in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Appleby
DPRI/1/1677/A9/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B183
Elizabeth APPLEBEY, widow, of chappelry of St Andrews within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Appleby
DPRI/1/1677/A8/1: 20 February 1678  - inventory indented 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B253
Ralph ARCHBALD, senior, yeoman, gentleman, of Kimmerstonn within the paroch of Foord and countie of Northumberland [Ford, Northumberland]; also spelt Raiph, Archbould
DPRI/1/1677/A10/1-2: 4 August 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/A10/3-4: 4 August 1677  - inventory, actual total £72 11s 6d 
DPRI/1/1677/A10/5-6 - inventory, actual total £27 10s od 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B177
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B170
William ARMESTRONG, merchant, of city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Armstrong
DPRI/1/1677/A12/1-2: 20 August 1669  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B97
DPRI/1/1677/A11   April 1677
Thomas ARMORER, gentleman, of Belford in the parish of Balmebrough in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/A11/1-2: 21 April 1677  - commission to Thomas Nayler MA, perpetual vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Thomas Davison MA, curate of Bamburgh, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Armorer gentleman, Edward Collingwood gentleman, and Elizabeth Armorer, relict of Thomas Armorer; subscribed with Davison, Apr 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B30
Thomas ARUNDEL, gentleman, of town and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Arundell
DPRI/1/1677/A13/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. unadministered by William Wallace gentleman, late executor, and exhibited by Gilbert Park gentleman and administrator 
DPRI/1/1677/A14   11 May 1677
Barbara ATKINSON, widow, of Gateshead in the county pallatine of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Midleton
DPRI/1/1677/A14/1-2: 6 March 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/A14/3: 6 March 1677  - inventory, actual total £147 1s 0d with certificate of oath dated 11 May 1677; endorsed 'inventory of ... Barbara Midleton' 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B40
Thomas AYMERS, of Killam in the parish of Kirk Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/A15/1: undated  - inventory subscribed 'Barbara widow, Thomas, William, Gilbert, Christopher and Sarah children' 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B168
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B165
DPRI/1/1677/B1   17 November 1677
Margaret BAXTER, spinster, of Stockley within the parish of Brancepeth in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Margert
DPRI/1/1677/B1/2: 17 October 1677  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/B1/1: 17 October 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/B1/3: 17 October 1677  - commission to John Lumley, rector of Kirkhaugh, and John Lee, curate of Alston Moor, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Wallace, wife of Alexander Wallace the universal legatee, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the nuncupative will; commission executed by Lumley and Lee, 17 Nov 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B180
Christopher BEE, labourer, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/B2/1-2: 21 March 1676  - will  with codicil, 21 March 1676 
DPRI/1/1677/B2/3: 21 March 1676  - inventory, actual total £22 16s 0d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B6
John BELL, yeoman, of Cleatlam, in the countie of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/B3/1-2: 3 November 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B181
Robert BELLIE, intestate, of Ovingham in the county of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Belly
DPRI/1/1677/B4/1: 5 October 1677  - renunciation and revocation renunciation, revoking letters of administration formerly granted, and nominating new administrators 
DPRI/1/1677/B4/2 - inventory, actual total £9 0s 0d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B141
Jane BENNETT, widow, of towne of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/B5/1: 25 July 1677  - will  with codicil, 3 September 1677 
DPRI/1/1677/B5/2-3: 25 July 1677  - inventory, actual total £9 6s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B171
Thomas BIRKBECKE, gentleman, of Morton Tinmouth in the county of Durham, parish of Gaineford [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Birkbeck, Birckbecke
DPRI/1/1677/B6/1-2: 1 February 1677  - will  with codicil, 19 March 1677 
DPRI/1/1677/B6/3-4: 1 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £99 7s 8d (with account of rent and funeral expenses of £35 0s 0d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B104
Henery BLACKETT, gentleman, of Witton Castle in the chappelry of Witton on the Wear [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Henry, Blakett
DPRI/1/1677/B7/1-2: 1 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/B7/3-4: 1 October 1676  - inventory, actual total £646 06s 08d (with account of rent and debts of £53 09s 11d) endorsed with calligraphic exercise 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B29
Cuthbert BLAKY, tailor, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/B8/1-4: 27 December 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B246-247
Anne BOLLUM, yeoman, of Borrowton in the parrish of Allenton in the county of Northumberland [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Ann, Bollume
DPRI/1/1677/B9/1-2: 14 April 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/B9/3 - inventory, actual total £33 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B156
George BROWNE, blacksmith, of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/B10/1: 23 July 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B90
Cuthbert BUCK, of Shotly feild in the parrish of Shotley feild [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/B11/1: 16 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/B11/2: 16 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £77 13s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B134
Thomasine BULLOCK, widow, of New Elvet in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/B12/1-2: 4 June 1675  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B89
George BURNE, bailiff, of Elvett [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Burn
DPRI/1/1677/B13/1-2: 9 January 1677  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/B13/3: 9 January 1677  - inventory, actual total £46 06s 10d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £2 10s 0d) 
Nicholas BYERLEY, yeoman, of Whithall in the parish of Lanchester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Byerly
DPRI/1/1677/B14/1: 6 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/B14/2: 6 May 1676  - inventory, actual total £155 18s 10d (with account of debts, rent and wages of £124 9s 9d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B24
Robert CARR, chapman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/C1/1: 15 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/C1/2: 15 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £247 9s 3d inventory of household, shop and warehouse goods 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B98
William CHAMBERS, yeoman, of Longbenton in the county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/C2/1-2 - will endorsed with draft inventory; subscribed 'to be sent to Robert Bulman' 
DPRI/1/1677/C2/3-4: 22 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £134 16s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B149
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B147
William CHARLETON, of Warke, parish of Symonburne [Wark, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/C3/1: 5 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B47
Nicholas CLOSE, labourer, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/C4/1-2: 12 January 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/C4/3-4: 12 January 1671  - inventory, actual total £16 3s 11d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B121
John COCKERALL, of Sunderland nigh the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/C5/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas COLE, master and mariner, of Sunderland nere the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/C6/1-2: 3 May 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B36
Sir John CONYERS, baronet, militis, son and heir of Christopher Conyers esquire of Horden, husband of Frances Conyers, nee Groves, [royalist army] soldier, of Nettlesworth in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]. Died 4 December 1664
Additional information drawn from DNB entry, and pedigree in Surtees' Surtees' 'History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham', vol.1, p28-29. This is a rare instance of two duplicate signed and sealed wills being filed in the Registry, in the years 1677 and 1685. The registered copy is found registered among wills proved in late 1667 and early 1668, but no John Conyers entry in the Probate Act Book for 1664-1668 can be found. The 1677 filing, for which year no Probate Act book survives, may reflect a 1677 probate or may be an error; there is again no surviving Probate Act book for 1685. The two copies differ only in the two interpolations having been silently inserted within the main body of the text in the 1685 copy (and in the registered copy).
DPRI/1/1677/C7/1: 2 September 1663  - will 
DPRI/1/1685/C10/1: 2 September 1663  - duplicate will 
Registered copy: DPRI/2/8 f94r-94v
Frances COOKE, widow, of Stockton upon Teese in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Cook
DPRI/1/1677/C8/1: 26 November 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/C8/2 - inventory, actual total £50 0s 0d exhibited by Edward Cook gentleman, executor 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B205
Richard CRAWFORTH, of Bolam in the county of Durham, parish of Gainford [Bolam, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/C9/1-2: 29 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/C9/3: 29 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £45 8s 4d (with account of debts, rent and funeral expenses of £23 10s 0d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B127
John DALTON, gentleman, of Read Heugh within the parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/D1/1: 27 April 1677  - inventory of goods not administered by Elizabeth Dalton alias Peirson, relict and administratrix of John Dalton and now deceased, exhibited by Mrs Jane Lewen, widow and administratrix 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B20
George DAVENPORT, M.A., rector of Houghton le Spring, clerk, of Houghton le Spring in the county palatine of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/D2/1-2: 17 September 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/D2/3-4: 17 September 1676  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1677/D2/5-8: 17 September 1676  - inventory, actual total £435 19s 0d 
DPRI/1/1677/D2/9-10: 17 September 1676  - bond to redeliver the original will undated, unsiged, and with no penal sum entered 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B135
Anne DAVISON, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/D3/1: 18 April 1677  - inventory endorsed 'to Margaret Davison daughter of Anne Davision' 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B12
William DAVY, of Thropton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Rothbury [Thropton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/D4/1: 16 January 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/D4/2-3: 16 January 1677  - inventory, actual total £76 6s 0d (with brief account of debts and funeral charges of £10 6s 9d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B55-56
Robert DAWSON, merchant, of towne and county of New Castle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/D5/1-2: 10 April 1677  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B34
Eleasbeth DICKINSON, spinster, of Skalegill in the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Elizabeth, Dickenson
DPRI/1/1677/D6/2-3: November 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/D6/1: November 1675  - inventory, actual total £4 10s 0d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £1) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B140
Gilbert DOBSON, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/D7/1-2: 21 July 1677  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1677/D7/3: 21 July 1677  - inventory, actual total £368 17s 09d inventory of goods etc. in the East and West shops and a cellar 
DPRI/1/1677/D7/4: 21 July 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £500 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B117
William DOBSON, of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/D8/1: 22 September 1677  - inventory of goods unadministered by Susan Robson alias Dobson, relict, exhibited by Richard Hason, administrator 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B116
Anthony DUNN, miller, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/D9/1-2: 18 May 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/D9/3: 18 May 1677  - inventory, actual total £11 8s 6d indented 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B257
Anne EALES, spinster, of parish of Kirkhaugh in the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Ann, Eles
DPRI/1/1677/E1/1: 12 September 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/E1/2: 12 September 1676  - inventory, actual total £15 12s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B200
DPRI/1/1677/E2   10 February 1678
Joseph EDEN, master and mariner, of Broadechaire neare the Keay Syde within the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/E2/1-2: 5 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/E3   12 April 1677
John EDWARD, tanner, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/E3/1: 12 April 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/E3/2: 12 April 1677  - commission to John Brokeld MA, curate of chapelry of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellenor Edward, relict of John Edward; commission executed by Brockele, 12 Apr 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B7
Elenor ELIOT, widow, of Glenwhelt in the parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Elliott
DPRI/1/1677/E4/1: undated  - inventory of goods not administered by William Rea, now deceased 
Robert ELLISON, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/E5/1-2: 11 January 1678  - will 
Robert EMBLETON, yeoman, of Shilbotle in the county of Northumberland [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Emelton, Emeltone
DPRI/1/1677/E6/1: 11 February 1677  - will head of will dated 16 Jan 1677, but not published until 11 Feb 1677 
DPRI/1/1677/E6/2: 11 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £71 11s 8d 
DPRI/1/1677/E6/3: 11 February 1677  - interrogatories interrogatories of Cuthbert Embleton to the witnesses to the will 
DPRI/1/1677/E6/4-5: 11 February 1677  - depositions and responses depositions and responses of the witnesses to the will, relating to a cause promoted by Thomas Embleton, eldest son of the testator, against Cuthbert Embleton, son of the testator 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B48
George EMISON, of Paul Hartburne in the parish of Long Newton in the county of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/E7/1-2: 2 December 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B13
David FAIRLAW, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/F1/1-2: 12 September 1676  - inventory with incomplete and undated letter from one brother to another, relating the death of their father 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B258
Henry FEATHERSTONHALGH, gentleman, of Stanley, parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Featherston, Halgh
DPRI/1/1677/F2/1-2: 25 November 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B195-196
Katherin FENWICK, spinster, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Catherine, Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1677/F3/1: 16 July 1677  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B152
William FENWICK, gentleman, of Nunriding in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke. Died 24 February 1676
DPRI/1/1677/F6/1-2: 4 August 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/F6/3-4: 4 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £225 12s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B155
DPRI/1/1677/F4   4 March 1678
Lionell FENWICKE, intestate, gentleman, of Blagden in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/F4/1-2: 18 May 1676  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/F4/3: 18 May 1676  - commission to Charles Cowling MA, perpetual vicar of Bedlington, to execute a bond, administer two oaths and grant administration and tuition to Barbara Fenwick relict of Lionell Fenwick, of William, Margaret, Barbara and Isabell Fenwick, children of Lionell Fenwick, minors; commission executed by Cowling, 4 Mar 1678 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B260-261
Thomas FENWICKE, tanner, of Goateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Fenwick
DPRI/1/1677/F5/1-3: 11 June 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B62
Elizabeth FINLEY, alias Hutchinson, alias Baxter, wife of Robert Finley of Newcastle upon Tine, of town and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/F7/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Robert Finley, administrator 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B79
John FLICHER, yeoman, of Belases in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Bellasis, County Durham]; also spelt Fletcher
DPRI/1/1677/F8/1-2: 5 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B222-223
Francis FORSTER, senior, gentleman, of Nether Buston in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/F9/1-2: 26 March 1677  - will endorsed 'Mr Francis Forsters deed of gift to Mr George Forster his son' 
DPRI/1/1677/F9/3: 26 March 1677  - inventory, actual total £88 10s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B268
John FORSTER, organist in Durham Cathedral, organist, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Foster. Died 20 April 1677
Forster was bured 21 Apr 1677 (Cathedral Register)
DPRI/1/1677/F10/1-2 - will 
DPRI/1/1677/F10/3: 20 June 1677  - inventory, actual total £90 4s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B57
Peter FORSTER, junior, of Bywell St Andrew [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/F11/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B244
Thomas FORSTER, yeoman, of Lambton Steithes in the parish of Chester le Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/F12/1-2: 19 February 1677  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1677/F12/3: 19 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £18 16s 11d 
DPRI/1/1677/F12/4: 19 February 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £300 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B9
John FOSTER, yeoman, of Rissington in the parish of Corsinside and county of Northumberland [Corsenside, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/F13/1-2: 28 October 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/F13/3: 28 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £36 6s 4d (with account of debts of £73 13s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B254
William FURNAS, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/F14/1: 30 April 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B26
DPRI/1/1677/G1   15 March 1678
Edward GARGRAVE, whitesmith, yeoman, of Cockfield in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/G1/1-2: 31 January 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/G1/5: 31 January 1678  - commission to Toby Sidgwick, rector of Cockfield, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Gargrave, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Sedgwick, 15 Mar 1678 
DPRI/1/1677/G1/3-4: 31 January 1678  - inventory, actual total £59 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B267
John GARRETT, of Shilbottle [Shilbottle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/G2/1: 28 March 1677  - copy inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B158
Isabella GARSTELL, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Issabell
DPRI/1/1677/G3/1-4: 30 August 1677  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1677/G3/5-6: 30 August 1677  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B220-221
Robert GIBSON, tailor, of Corbridge in the countie of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/G4/1: 21 April 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B144
John GILL, of Benwill [Benwell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/G5/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B150
DPRI/1/1677/G6   30 October 1677
Francis GOUNDRY, yeoman, of Morton Tinmoth in the county of Durham [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/G6/1 - will unsigned and undated (c 1675), with undated memorandum of the witnesses attesting its validity 
DPRI/1/1677/G6/2-3: 27 October 1677  - commission to Edmund Fotherby MA, perpetual vicar of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Christopher Goundry and Joseph Goundry, sons and co-executors of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fotherby, 30 Oct 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B146
Rowland GRAY, of Glanton [Glanton, Northumberland]; also spelt Roulene, Grey
DPRI/1/1677/G10/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/G10/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £47 (with account of debts and burial charges of £24 17s 2d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B157
Anthony GREENWELL, of Corbredg [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/G7/1-2: 21 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/G7/3-4: 21 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £23 17s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B138
William GREENWELL, of White Hurwith in the parish of Kello in the county of Durham [Kelloe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/G8/1-2: 19 January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B3
John GREY, yeoman, of Fishburne within the parish of Sedgfield and county of Durham [Fishburn, County Durham]; also spelt Gray
DPRI/1/1677/G9/1: June 1677  - nuncupative will dated 'about tenn days or a week before midsummer day' 
DPRI/1/1677/G9/2-3: June 1677  - inventory, actual total £59 5s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B212
George GRUNDY, gunstock-maker, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/G11/1-2: 2 June 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/G11/3: 2 June 1677  - inventory, actual total £16 1s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B151
DPRI/1/1677/G12   27 March 1677
Robert GUTTHERA, yeoman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Guthera
DPRI/1/1677/G12/1-2: 25 March 1677  - will  with affidavit will was unsigned and unpublished before testator's death 
DPRI/1/1677/G12/3: 25 March 1677  - inventory, actual total £54 5s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B1
George HALL, gentleman, of Pelton in the parish of Chester in the county of Durham [Pelton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H1/1-2: 19 April 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H1/3-4: 19 April 1676  - inventory, actual total £127 9s 10d (with brief account of debts of £94 4s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B192
Nicholas HALL, of Elwicke, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H2/1: 12 April 1677  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Dorothy Snowdon of Allerton, deceased, exhibited by George Snowdon 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B130-131
Ralph HALL, yeoman, of Harthopburne in the parish of Stanhop and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H3/1-2: 7 March 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H3/3-4: 7 March 1677  - inventory, actual total £10 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B229
Francis HARDING, weaver, of Gateshead in the county palatine of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H4/1-2: 24 October 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H4/3: 24 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £8 15s (with brief account of funeral expenses of £6 1s 3d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B256
Margaret HARRISON, alias Collyer, daughter of William Collyer late of Newcastle upon Tyne baker and brewer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/H5/1: 30 November 1677  - inventory exhibited by Thomas Harrison, husband of Margaret Harrison 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B194
Christopher HEAVISIDE, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Heavyside
DPRI/1/1677/H6/1-2: 2 October 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B99
George HODGSON, alderman [of Durham], mercer, of citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon
DPRI/1/1677/H7/1-2: 9 February 1678  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of one of the executors 
DPRI/1/1677/H7/3-4: 9 February 1678  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B264
Anthony HODSHON, yeoman, of Laburne Greene in the Southside and parish of Hamsterly [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H8/1: 2 June 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H8/2-3: 2 June 1675  - inventory, actual total £95 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B186
Lancelott HODSHON, esquire, of Win Laton in the county of Bishoprick [Winlaton, County Durham]; also spelt Lancelot
DPRI/1/1677/H9/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B109
Cuthbert HOPPER, intestate, of Eldon within the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Eldon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H10/1: 13 October 1677  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Hopper, relict, nominating her son Thomas Hopper to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1677/H10/2 - inventory, actual total £36 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B184
John HOPPER, of Farewell Hall in the parish of St Oswalds in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H11/1: 8 September 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B118
Richard HOPPER, the elder, yeoman, of Counden in the parish of Auckland St Andrew in the county of Durham [Coundon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H12/1-2: 1 July 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H12/3: 1 July 1676  - inventory, actual total £23 4s 4d (with account of debts of £50) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B74
Sampson HUDSPETH, gentleman, of Prior Maines in the parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/H13/1-2: 29 October 1677  - renunciation renunciation of relict, nominating Thomas Algood of Hexham, principal creditor, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1677/H13/3: 29 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £161 16s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B185
John HULLOCK, weaver, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H14/1: 8 August 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H14/2 - inventory, actual total £117 14s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B214
Francis HUMBLE, of parish of St Johns in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Francies
DPRI/1/1677/H15/1: 14 September 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B182
Alice HUNTER, widow, of Elvett in the parish of St Oswalds in the suburbs of the citty and county of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H16/1-2: 24 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H16/3: 24 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £107 7s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B245
Robert HUNTER, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/H17/1: 8 October 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B269
William HUNTER, butcher, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/H18/3: 24 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £28 1s 11d 
DPRI/1/1677/H18/1-2: 24 October 1677  - renunciation renunciation of Dorothy Hunter, relict, nominating Ralph Wilson, her father, to take out administration for the use of William, Edward and Isabell Hunter, children of William Hunter 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B193
William HUTCHESON, of Bushblades, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1677/H20/1-2: 8 May 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B31
William HUTCHINSON, tanner, of town and chapplery of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H19/1-2: September 1675  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/H19/3-4: September 1675  - inventory, actual total £340 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £108 13s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B102
DPRI/1/1677/H21   14 March 1678
Barbery HUTTON, relict of George Hutton of Streakelam, widow, of Streakelam (Streetlam Dykes) lordeshippe, in the chapelry of Barnard Castle, in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1677/H21/1-2: 30 November 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H21/3-4: 30 November 1674  - inventory, actual total £80 (with brief account of funeral expenses of £10) 
DPRI/1/1677/H21/5: 30 November 1674  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Spencer alias Hutton, widow, and Ann Hutton, spinster, daughters and co-executors of the testatrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed at Staindrop by Gilpin, 14 Mar 1678 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B265
Sarah HUTTON, spinster, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/H22/1: 14 July 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/H22/2-3: 14 July 1677  - inventory, actual total £46 16s 
DPRI/1/1677/H22/4 - additional inventory, actual total £22 4s exhibited by William Parkin, executor, 16 May 1678 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B103
Thomas HYNDMERS, of Bearle in the parish of Bywell St Andrew, and county of Northumberland [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]
renunciation of Hyndmers' widow not present
DPRI/1/1677/H23/1: 1 January 1677  - inventory subscribed by probate clerk, 'Thomas, son, sworn; Margaret, widow, renounced' 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B145
Anne INGRAM, widow, of the borough of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Ingrim
DPRI/1/1677/I1/1: 20 September 1677  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B172
Cuthbert JACKSON, of Helmden Rowe in the parish of Brancepeth and county palatine of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/J1/1: 22 July 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/J1/2-3: 22 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £470 16s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B215
John JACKSON, yeoman, of Bishopton in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/J2/1: 5 April 1677  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B15
Lawrence JACKSON, of Stillington within the parish of Redmarshall [Stillington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/J3/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B161/2
William JEFFERSON, of Elton in the county palatine of Durham [Elton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/J4/1-2: 28 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/J4/3-4: 28 October 1676  - inventory, actual total £204 6s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B86
Thomas JENISON, gentleman, of Neesham-Abbey in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/J5/1: 20 August 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/J5/2: 20 August 1677  - inventory, actual total £145 10s exhibited 4 Oct 1677 
DPRI/1/1677/J6   2 November 1677
John JOHNSON, spurrier, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/J6/1: 13 September 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/J6/2-3: 13 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £69 5s 
DPRI/1/1677/J6/4: 13 September 1677  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabella Johnson, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 2 Nov 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B161/1
William JOHNSON, blacksmith, Milburnegate nigh the citty of Durham, Crossgate near the citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/J7/1-2: 26 September 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/J7/3: 26 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £35 14s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B203
John JORDISON, yeoman, of Low Stotfold in the county of Durham, parish of Elwick [Elwick Hall, County Durham]; also spelt Jordeson, Jurdison
DPRI/1/1677/J8/1-2: 13 April 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/J8/3-4 - inventory, actual total £178 13s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B16
George KINLINE, yeoman, of Tweedmouth in the county palatine of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Kinling, Kinlyn
DPRI/1/1677/K1/1-2: 31 August 1675  - will  with surrender to the uses of the will, 31 August 1675 
DPRI/1/1677/K1/3 - inventory, actual total £1 6s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B175
George LAWES, of Urpeth, parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/L1/1-2: 12 February 1679  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B237
Arther LEE, yeoman, of the Parke within the parish of Alstone and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Arthur
DPRI/1/1677/L2/1-2: 26 July 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/L2/3: 26 July 1677  - copy inventory, actual total £43 3s 4d (with account of debts of £6 18s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B143
Rebecca LIDDELL, now wife of Henry Liddell of Whickham gentleman, and heretofore the widdow and relict (and executrix) of Henery Lewen late of Whickham, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/L3/1: 9 March 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/L3/2-3: 9 March 1677  - inventory, actual total £48 12s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B33
DPRI/1/1677/L4   15 March 1678
Robert LODGE, son of Robert Lodge of Cockfeild, fellmonger, of Cockfeild in the countie of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/L4/3: 23 February 1678  - commission to Toby Sidgwick, rector of Cockfeild, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Lodge, relict of Robert Lodge; commission executed by Sedgwick, 15 Mar 1678 
DPRI/1/1677/L4/1-2: 23 February 1678  - inventory dated 14 and 15 Mar 1678 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B266
Ann MALTBY, spinster, of Sylver Street within the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Maultby
DPRI/1/1677/M1/1-2: 2 April 1677  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/M1/3: 2 April 1677  - inventory, actual total £45 12s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B5
Lancelot MARKENDALE, of parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Lanclott
DPRI/1/1677/M2/1: 24 October 1676  - nuncupative will subscribed with memorandum relating the renunciation of one of the executors 
DPRI/1/1677/M2/2 - inventory, actual total £198 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B236
William MASON, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/M3/1-2: 21 November 1677  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1677/M3/3: 21 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £134 14s 11d 
DPRI/1/1677/M3/4-5: 21 November 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £200 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B259
George MATTHEW, yeoman, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/M4/1-2: 26 June 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/M4/3-4: 26 June 1677  - inventory, actual total £30 8s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B100
William MAUGHAN, yeoman, of Haydon Bridge in the countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/M5/1-2: 20 February 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/M5/3: 20 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £97 2s 8d (with brief account of debts, church dues and funeral charges of £3) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B38
DPRI/1/1677/M6   18 June 1677
Edward MIDLETON, draper, of Gateshead in the county palatine of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Middlton
DPRI/1/1677/M6/1-2: 19 May 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/M6/3: 19 May 1677  - inventory, actual total £557 18s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B63-64
Marke MILBANCK, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], esquire, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mark, Millbank
For the probate records of Milbanck's wife, see - DPRI/1/1686/M9/1 - DPRI/1/1686/M9/4-5
DPRI/1/1677/M7/1-4: 23 January 1677  - copy will, with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the co-executors; for the £10,000 bond to redeliver the original will, see - DPRI/1/1686/M9/2-3 
commission: DPRI/3/1716/B216/3
will bond, penal sum £500: DPRI/3/1716/B216/1-2
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B93
DPRI/1/1677/M8   23 October 1677
Thomas MILBURNE, of Whitlay [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborne
DPRI/1/1677/M8/1: 5 October 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/M8/2: 5 October 1677  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, perpetual vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Milburne, relict of Thomas Milburne; commission executed by Dockwray, 23 Oct 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B133
William MILNER, yeoman, of Lowe Foard in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Miller, Millner
DPRI/1/1677/M9/1: 20 September 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/M9/2-3: 20 September 1676  - inventory, actual total £65 9s 
John MITCHELL, gentleman, of Parrocke House in Marwood Parke in the county of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/M10/1-3: 22 January 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/M10/4: 22 January 1673  - inventory, actual total £24 9s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B52
George MOORE, of South Street in or near the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/M11/1-2: 3 April 1677  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B234
Joshan MURRO, of Brough of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Josann, Murroe, Carr
DPRI/1/1677/M12/1-2: 20 January 1677  - will erroneously endorsed 'Joshan Carr' (transcription error) 
DPRI/1/1677/M12/3: 20 January 1677  - inventory, actual total £21 18s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B167
Christopher NANSON, of Halghton in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/N1/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by John Nanson, administrator 
Thomas NIXON, of Marley Hill, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/N2/1: 12 February 1678  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B232
Thomas OLIVER, yeoman, of parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Olliver
DPRI/1/1677/O1/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B201
Elizabeth OVINGTON, widow, of Black Hurworth within the parish of Kelloe and county of Durham [Kelloe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/O2/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by George Ovington 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B61
Alice PARKE, widow, of Castle Yard (Garth) in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/P1/1: 13 August 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B106
Joan PARTAS, relict of Thoams Partas late of Harraton, widow, of Harraton in the county of Durham, parish of Chester le Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Portas
DPRI/1/1677/P2/1: undated  - inventory 
Ellis PATTISON, widow, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Alice
DPRI/1/1677/P3/1-2 - will dated 14 June 
DPRI/1/1677/P3/3: 24 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £94 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B119
Edward PHILIPSON, yeoman, of Broad Oake in the parish of Ovingham and county of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/P4/2: 15 December 1676  - nuncupative will subscribed 'Ann widow [of] Cuthbert Bucke of Shotley Feild, parish of Shotley, deceased: Mr Cuthbert Backw[o]rth' (see DPRI/1/1677/B11) 
DPRI/1/1677/P4/1: 15 December 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B46
Jane POTTER, wife of Ralph Potter gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/P5/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Ralph Potter 
DPRI/1/1677/P5/2 - wrapper 
George POTTS, house-carpenter, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/P6/1: 17 December 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B216
Margret POTTS, relict of Thomas Potts late of Woodhorne, widow, of towne and parish of Woodhorne in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/P7/1: 1 November 1677  - nuncupative will dated 'the first day of November last past' (probably 1677) 
DPRI/1/1677/P7/2: 1 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £204 4s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B248
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B208
Roger POTTS, of Sharperton, parish of Allenton [Alwinton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/P8/1-2: 2 May 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/P8/3: 2 May 1677  - inventory, actual total £108 1s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B107
George PRINGLE, of Thompsons Walls in the parish of Kirknewton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/P9/1-2: 10 February 1677  - will with list of bonds and debts owing to the testator 
DPRI/1/1677/P9/5: 10 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £337 
DPRI/1/1677/P9/3-4: 10 February 1677  - renunciation renunciation of the executrix, a minor, nominating the 'administrator' (so named in the will) to take out administration for her use 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B8
Christopher RANSON, of Renton Steithes, parish of Houghton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/R1/1: undated  - inventory 
William REA, yeoman, of Bishopton in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/R2/1: 16 July 1677  - inventory exhibited by Richard Dinsdal, administrator 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B88
Edward REAVELY, of West Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaveley. Died 28 April 1676
DPRI/1/1677/R3/1: 3 May 1676  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B176
Ralph REED, esquire, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of St Johns [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/R4/1: 10 August 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B230
John RENTON, of in the town and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/R5/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B262
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B114
Thomas RICHARDSON, the elder, cordwainer, of Clapath, city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/R6/1-2: 9 October 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/R6/3: 9 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £109 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £162 19s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B210
William RIDLEY, of Waltowne Shields in the parish of Haltwisle and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/R7/3-4: January 1677  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/R7/1-2: January 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B120
John RIPPON, blacksmith, of Witton upon Weare in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/R8/1: 22 February 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/R8/2: 22 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £80 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B80-81
Peeter ROBINSON, of Low Coniscliffe [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Peter
DPRI/1/1677/R9/1 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/R9/2: 19 October 1677  - proxy of Ralph Robinson, son of Peter Robinson, nominating Rowland Oswald, his brother in law to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B132
George ROBINSON, mariner, of Dents Holl, South Sheilds [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/R10/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B111
Thomas ROBINSON, of Hawthorne [Hawthorn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/R11/1: 15 May 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B45
James RUSSLE, yeoman, of Cornhill [Cornhill, Northumberland]; also spelt Russell
DPRI/1/1677/R12/1: 1 August 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B163
Thomas RUTLIDGE, of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Rutledge
died 'in the Goale at Durham'
DPRI/1/1677/R13/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by John Wilkinson of Sedgefield, administrator 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B66
William SANDERSON, of Healy in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Ovingham [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]
parish drawn from bond [75]
DPRI/1/1677/S1/1: 30 February 1676  - inventory will is dated 30 Feb 1676 [sic] 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B75
Thomas SHEERWOOD, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sherewood
DPRI/1/1677/S2/1-3: 19 July 1677  - indented inventory endorsed 'Mr Humphrey Pybus of Newe More' 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B160
Alexander SIMPSON, draper, Newcastle upon Tyne, Lesbury in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Sympson
DPRI/1/1677/S3/1: 12 September 1677  - inventory of goods etc. at Lesbury 
DPRI/1/1677/S3/2: 12 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £173 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B178-179
DPRI/1/1677/S4   30 July 1677
Cuthbert SMITH, of Whiteridge, parish of Hartburne [Hartburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S4/1: 12 December 1675  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/S4/2: 12 December 1675  - commission to Matthew Bonner MA, vicar of Hartburn, and John Pye MA, rector of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Rebecca Wood alias Smith, relict of Cuthbert Smith and now wife of William Wood; commission executed by Bonner, 30 July 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B96
George SMITH, the elder, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/S5/1: 1 September 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/S5/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B173
Jahne SMITH, widow, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Jane
DPRI/1/1677/S6/1: 24 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/S6/2: 24 May 1676  - inventory, actual total £74 18s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B78
Thomas SMITHSON, of Winston in the county of Durham [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S7/1: 10 August 1677  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Smithson, relict, nominating Thomas Smithson, son of Thomas Smithson, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1677/S7/2: 10 August 1677  - inventory, actual total £4 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 11s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B105
Thomas SMURFOOT, glover, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S8/1-2: 4 January 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/S8/3: 4 January 1678  - inventory, actual total £96 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B239
DPRI/1/1677/S9   20 November 1677
Francis SOWERBY, son of Francis Sowerby (deceased), of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S9/1-2: 20 November 1677  - inventory exhibited by Isabell Sowerby, widow and administratrix 
DPRI/1/1677/S9/3: 20 November 1677  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnartd Castle , to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Sowerby, widow and mother of Francis Sowerby [the younger]; commission executed by Brockell, 20 Nov 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B189
John SPARKE, of Hutton Henrie in the county of Durham, parish of Monk Hesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S10/1-2: 3 April 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/S10/3-4: 3 April 1677  - inventory, actual total £1,155 11d (with brief account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 18s 5d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B217-218
John STAINSBE, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Stainsby
DPRI/1/1677/S11/1-2: 12 September 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B126
Thomas STATON, gentleman, of chapelry of St Johns within the towne and counie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Stayton, Sayton
DPRI/1/1677/S12/1: 1 September 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/S12/2: 1 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £31 7s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B148
Margarett STEEL, spinster, of Gainford within the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1677/S13/1-2: December 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/S13/3: December 1676  - inventory, actual total £99 exhibited by Jane Page, her sister 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B243
Anne STELL, widow, of parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S14/1: 10 April 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/S14/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B19
John STOBART, blacksmith, of Edderly Moore within the parish of St Andrew Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Stobbert
DPRI/1/1677/S15/1-2: 31 August 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/S15/3-4: 31 August 1677  - nuncupative will 
George STOBBS, of Framwellgate within the chaplery of St Margretts [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S16/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B113
William STRATFORTH, husbandman, of Hart in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S17/1-2: 5 November 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/S17/3: 5 November 1676  - inventory, actual total £892 5d (with account of debts of £152 12s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B22-23
Lancelot STROTHER, tanner, of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Lancelott
DPRI/1/1677/S18/1: January 1677  - will endorsed with list of debts owing to the testator 
DPRI/1/1677/S18/2-3: January 1677  - inventory, actual total £61 14s (with account of debts, mortuary and funeral expenses of 23 15s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B159
Richard SURRETT, of Middle Herington in Houghton parish and in the countie of Durham [Herrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/S19/1: 29 March 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/S19/2-3: 29 March 1677  - inventory, actual total £4 19s 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B128
Thomas TALBOTT, miller, of Sandgate without the Walls but within the liberties of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Talbotte
DPRI/1/1677/T1/1: 18 June 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B65
DPRI/1/1677/T2   8 October 1677
Anne TAYLOR, widow, of Bradnell in the parish of Balmborrough Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/T2/1: 21 August 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/T2/2: 21 August 1677  - commission to Lancelot Dobson MA, vicar of Ellingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Richard Taylor, son of Anne Taylor; commission executed by Dobson, 8 Oct 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B129
Edward TAYLOR, shoemaker, of parish of St Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/T3/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B91
John TAYLOR, intestate, yeoman, of chapelry of St Andrews within the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/T4/1-2: 29 January 1678  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B226
Robert TAYLOR, of Hortone [Horton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/T5/1: 12 May 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B85
Frances THOMPSON, butcher, of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Francis
DPRI/1/1677/T6/1: 5 April 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/T6/2: 5 April 1677  - inventory, actual total £23 5s 
Gilbert THOMPSON, of Goateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/T7/1-2: 1 February 1678  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B228
James THOMPSON, yeoman, of Shortflatt in the county of Northumberland, parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/T8/1: 10 April 1677  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B11
George TODD, yeoman, of Evenwood in the county of Durham, chapelry of Auckland St Helen [Evenwood, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/T9/1-2: 4 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/T9/3: 4 November 1677  - indented inventory, actual total £254 (with account of debts, rent, doctors and funeral expenses of £208 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B187-188
William TREWITT, yeoman, of West Bowdon in the county of Durham [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Willyam, Treuwhit
DPRI/1/1677/T10/1-2: 30 November 1677  - will with list of debts owing to the testator 
DPRI/1/1677/T10/3-4: 30 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £100 11s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £93 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B238
Robert TRUMBLE, tin-plate worker, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/T11/1: 23 January 1678  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B255
Mark TURNBULL, yeoman, of in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Marke, Turnebull
DPRI/1/1677/T12/1: 21 February 1677  - will Turnbull's inventory can be found in Diocesan Records Consistory Court 1676 inventories 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B28
John TWEDELL, of Ulnham in the parish of Haltwisell and in the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Tweddell
DPRI/1/1677/T13/1: 29 June 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/T13/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B139
Elinor VIPOUND, widow, of Flatt in the parish of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vipond, Ellenor, Vepond
DPRI/1/1677/V1/1: 10 December 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/V1/2: 10 December 1677  - inventory, actual total £81 11s 2d dated the 'last day of December', probably 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B211
Thomas VIPOUND, younger, yeoman, of Drybourne in the parish of Garrigill and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vipond, Vepond, Vippound
DPRI/1/1677/V2/1: 10 September 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/V2/2: 10 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £89 10s (with brief account of debts of £15 11s) dated 'the 27th of September', probably 1677 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B122
John WATSON, of Hoges House in Sedge Feild parish in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W1/1-2: 8 June 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B73
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B53
William WATSON, of Hesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W2/1-2: 9 February 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/W2/3: 9 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £62 1s 4d (with account of debts of £34) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B70-71
George WAUGH, schoolmaster, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/W3/1-2: 5 August 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/W3/3 - inventory, actual total £24 10s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B41
John WAUGH, of Cornwood Nest Raw in parishe of Haltwisle and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/W4/1-2: 27 February 1678  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B263
DPRI/1/1677/W5   5 December 1677
John WELD, minister of Newcastle St Andrews, clerk, of chappelrie and parish of Saint Andrews within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/W5/1: 5 December 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B199
John WELFUTT, yeoman, of Framwelgate, chapelry of St Margaret Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Wellfoot
DPRI/1/1677/W7/1: 26 January 1677  - inventory 
Jane WELLFOOTE, widow, of chaplery of St Margarets in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Welfoot
DPRI/1/1677/W6/1-2: 1 March 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/W6/3: 1 March 1678  - commission to Robert Adamson MA, perpetual vicar of Chollerton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mabel Coulson, wife of John Coulson and neice of Jane Welfoot; commission executed by Adamson, (undated) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B242
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B235
Roger WESTWOOD, gentleman, of chappellry of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/W8/1: 2 January 1678  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B252
John WHITE, master and mariner, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W9/1: 24 April 1675  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B32
Edward WHITE, yeoman, of Ebchester in the countie of Durham [Ebchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W11/1: 31 May 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/W11/2 - wrapper 
John WHITFEILD, cordwainer, of Clapeth, the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W13/1: 7 December 1676  - inventory 
Cuthbert WHITTFEILD, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeild
DPRI/1/1677/W12/1-2: 20 March 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B42
Margrat WHYTTE, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret, White
DPRI/1/1677/W10/1: 18 September 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/W10/2 - wrapper 
Robert WILDE, yeoman, of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W14/1: 26 April 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B25
Dorothy WILKINSON, spinster, of Slickburne Mill within the parish of Brancepeth and county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W15/2: November 1676  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1677/W15/1: November 1676  - inventory exhibited by Edward Harrison 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B190
George WILKINSON, gentleman, of Byersgreene in the county of Durham, parish of Auckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W16/1-2: 14 September 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1677/W16/3 - additional inventory, actual total £64 14s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B124
George WILLIAMSON, yeoman, of Barmoore [Lowick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/W17/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B162
Cuthbert WILSON, gentleman, of Walwicke, parish of Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/W18/1-2: 27 April 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B84
Robert WILSON, weaver, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W19/1: 30 November 1677  - will  with affidavit, undated will is unsigned and unsealed by the testator 
DPRI/1/1677/W19/4: 30 November 1677  - comission commission to George Bell MA, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Wilson, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bell, (undated) 
DPRI/1/1677/W19/2-3: 30 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £20 4s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B198
Stephen WILSON, yeoman, of Borough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Stephin
DPRI/1/1677/W20/1-2: 14 September 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/W20/3: 14 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £157 7s 11d with list of debts owing to the testator 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B174
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B169
Mary WREN, spinster, of citty of Durham in the county palatine of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1677/W21/1: 13 August 1677  - will 
Abraham WRIT, of the East Close in the parish of Sedgfell [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Wright
DPRI/1/1677/W22/1: 2 April 1677  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B17
John YEALDART, yeoman, of Ninwicke in the county of Northumberland and parish of Simonburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Yealdert
DPRI/1/1677/Y1/1: 21 November 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1677/Y1/2 - inventory, actual total £16 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 1s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B142
Thomas YEILDER, meal-maker, of chaplery of St Johns within the towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1677/Y2/1-2: 3 May 1677  - copy will  with grant of probate 
DPRI/1/1677/Y2/3: 3 May 1677  - inventory, actual total £19 7s 10d 
DPRI/1/1677/Y2/4-5: 3 May 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £600 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B82
DPRI/1/1677/Y3   27 February 1678
Joseph YOUNG, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
inventory indicates Young may have been an apothecary
DPRI/1/1677/Y3/1: 6 January 1678  - indented inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1677/B241
Wills etc proved 1678
Reference: DPRI/1/1678
William ALDER, vicar of Grindon, clerk, of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/A1/1: 20 January 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/A1/2 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1678/A2   14 March 1679
Jane APPLEBY, spinster, of Whorleton [Whorlton, County Durham]. Died 27 November 1678
DPRI/1/1678/A2/1: 15 March 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/A2/2: 15 March 1679  - commission to John Moresby, curate of Whorleton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Appleby, brother of Jane Appleby; commission executed by Moresby, 14 Mar 1679 
Peter ASTELL, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/A3/1: 10 December 1679  - inventory printed in 'The Celebrated Mary Astell' by Ruth Perry (University of Chicago Press, 1986), pp 335-338 
Thomas ATKISSON, of Hamstals in the parish of Lenchester [Hamsteels, County Durham]; also spelt Atkinson
DPRI/1/1678/A4/1: 1 April 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/A4/2: 1 April 1678  - inventory, actual total £90 6s 8d 
John AUCKLAND, anchor-smith, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/A5/1: 27 January 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/A5/2: 27 January 1674  - inventory, actual total £4 9s 8d 
Thomas AYRE, yeoman, of Tonstall in the county of Durham, parish of Bishop Wearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/A6/1-2: 13 September 1673  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1678/A6/3: 13 September 1673  - inventory, actual total £96 4s 6d 
DPRI/1/1678/A6/4: 13 September 1673  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £500 
Bartholomew BARKER, yeoman, of Upper Throston in the parrish of Hartt in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B1/1-2: 29 September 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B1/3-4: 29 September 1678  - inventory, actual total £223 3s 4d 
Martin BARKER, yeoman, of Lambton [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B2/1-2: 13 March 1678  - will 
George BATEMAN, hosier, of Owengate in or nigh the citty of Durham, parish of St Maries in the South Bayly [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B3/1-2: 30 September 1672  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1678/B3/3 - inventory, actual total £20 10s 
DPRI/1/1678/B3/4-5: 30 September 1672  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £200 
Robert BECK, gentleman, of parish of St Nicholas, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/B4/1: 20 March 1678  - indented inventory 
Thomas BEE, master and mariner, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/B5/1-2: 6 February 1679  - inventory 
Peter BELL, of chapelry of All Saints, Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/B6/1-2: 28 December 1675  - will 
George BEWLY, of Capheaton in the county of Northumberland [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Buly
DPRI/1/1678/B8/1: 24 September 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B8/2: 24 September 1678  - inventory, actual total £194 6s 8d endorsed with draft inventory 
George BILTON, of Stodoe in the parish of Dinsdell in the countie of Durham [Dinsdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B9/1-2: 22 January 1679  - inventory 
John BLACK, of Sumphouse in the county of Northumberland in the parish of Anwick [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Blak, Blaike
DPRI/1/1678/B11/1: 27 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B11/2 - inventory, actual total £32 4d 
Jane BLACKETT, widow, of Bedburne Hall in the chapelry of Hamsterly in the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B10/1-2: 13 December 1677  - will 
Isabell BLAICKLOCK, widow, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Blaiklock, Blaykocke
DPRI/1/1678/B12/1-2: 1 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B12/3: 1 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £15 11s 8d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £5) 
James BOLLUME, yeoman, of Borrowdone, in Allontone, in the county of Northumberland [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Bollum
DPRI/1/1678/B13/1: 9 January 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B13/2 - inventory, actual total £58 5s 6d 
DPRI/1/1678/B13/3: 9 January 1678  - renunciation renunciation of William Bollume, brother of the testator, nominating Alice Bollume, relict of the testator, to take out administration 
Robert BOYD, labourer, of Sunderland neare the Sea, in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B14/1: 2 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B14/2-3: 2 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £10 12s 4d 
DPRI/1/1678/B14/4: 2 March 1679  - renunciation 
Dorothy BRACK, wife of Robert Brack, of Coatam-Mundavall in the parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B15/1-2: 21 May 1678  - inventory exhibited by Robert Brack, husband and administrator 
John BROWNE, mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/B16/1: 24 October 1678  - indented inventory 
John BROWNE, yeoman, of Netherton within the parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown
DPRI/1/1678/B17/3-4: December 1677  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1678/B17/1-2: December 1677  - inventory of the goods etc. of Jane Browne, relict of the testator, who held only a life interest in Browne's personal estate 
Elinour BRUMELL, widow, of Winston in the county of Durham [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B18/1-2: 25 April 1678  - will written on paper formerly used for calligraphic practice 
DPRI/1/1678/B18/3-4: 25 April 1678  - inventory, actual total £18 12s 10d (with brief account of debts of £18 11s 6d) 
James BRYAN, skinner, glover, of South Streete nigh the citty of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B19/1: 6 April 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B19/2-3: 6 April 1678  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1678/B19/4-5: 6 April 1678  - inventory, actual total £85 16s 8d 
Thomas BUDELL, of Holy Island [Holy Island, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/B20/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas BULMAN, of Sadberge [Sadberge, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/B21/1: undated  - inventory 
Henry BURFEILD, of Walsend [Wallsend, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/B22/1-2: 5 September 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/B23   6 March 1679
William BUSBIE, yeoman, gentleman, of Cassop in the county of Durham, parish of Kelloe [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]; also spelt Busby, Busbey
DPRI/1/1678/B23/1: 31 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/B23/2-3: 31 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £270 3d 
DPRI/1/1678/B23/4: 31 January 1676  - commission to William Musgrave, vicar of Gosforth, and William Maire, curate of Wallsend, to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will and take their depositions; commission executed by Musgrave and Maire at the house of William Rutter in Kenton, 6 Mar 1679 
DPRI/1/1678/B23/5-8: 31 January 1676  - depositions depositions of William Rutter and Robert Fenwick, witnesses to the will 
John BYNION, of parish of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Benyon
DPRI/1/1678/B7/1: 2 November 1678  - inventory 
Margarett CARRACK, spinster, of Ulwham in the parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1678/C1/1: undated  - inventory 
John CATCHESIDE, cordwainer, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/C2/1: 24 April 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/C3   20 July 1678
James CHARLETON, intestate, of the Boughthill, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/C3/1: 15 June 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/C3/2: 15 June 1678  - commission to Robert Carr, curate of Bellingham chapelry, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Edward Charleton, grandson of James Charleton; commission executed at Bellingham by Carr, 20 July 1678 
John CHARLETON, miller, of South Street near the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/C4/1-2: 1 April 1678  - inventory 
Anthony CLARK, yeoman, of Great Aclyffe in the county palatine of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Clarke
DPRI/1/1678/C5/1-2: 9 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/C5/3 - inventory, actual total £17 19s 
DPRI/1/1678/C6   13 May 1678
William CLENNELL, gentleman, of Callaley in the county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/C6/1-2: 6 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/C6/3-4: 6 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £168 10s 4d inventory of goods etc. at Thropton and Little Tossen 
DPRI/1/1678/C6/5 - inventory, actual total £334 15s 4d inventory includes those goods apprised at Thropton (see 1678/C6/3-4) 
DPRI/1/1678/C6/6: 6 November 1677  - commission to Thomas Weemys MA, perpetual vicar of Whittingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ralph Clavering esquire, George Collingwood esquire, and Thomas Clennell esquire, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wemys, 13 May 1678 
Lancelot COATESWORTH, yeoman, of Powtree in Teasedale within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Lancelott, Cotsworth
DPRI/1/1678/C7/1-3: 6 January 1679  - copy will  with bond to redeliver the original will, 24 February 1679, penal sum £500 with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1678/C7/4: 6 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £112 17s (with account of funeral expenses of £4) 
Fortune COLLINGWOOD, widow, of parish of St Nicholas, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/C8/1-2: 13 August 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/C9   19 June 1678
Francis COLLINSON, gentleman, Gateshead in the county palatine of Durham, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/C9/1-2: 26 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/C9/3: 26 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £218 3s 4d 
William COLLINSON, captain, gentleman, of North Sheilds, Tynemouth in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/C10/1: 12 July 1675  - will with memorandum (undated) explicitly making his legatees liable for any debts and stipulating prompt payment thereof 
DPRI/1/1678/C10/2: 12 July 1675  - inventory, actual total £41 2s 8d 
Richard COOKE, yeoman, of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/C11/1: 26 December 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/C11/2: 26 December 1675  - inventory, actual total £559 5s 10d (with account of debts of 243 8s 9d) 
William COWLING, blacksmith, of Gainford in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/C12/1: 25 February 1679  - inventory 
Robert CROW, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/C14/1: 18 November 1678  - inventory 
Bryon CROYSER, shipwright, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Bryan, Crosyer
DPRI/1/1678/C13/1-2: 1677  - inventory 
Richard DARNTON, yeoman, of Cleadon in the county of Durham, parish of Whitburne [Cleadon, County Durham]; also spelt Darneton
DPRI/1/1678/D1/1-2: 25 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D1/3: 25 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £148 5s 
John DAVISON, of Munck Seaton, parish of Tynemouth [Monkseaton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/D2/1: 19 April 1678  - inventory 
Anne DAWSON, widow, of Lingyrigge in Weredale in the parish of Stanhop in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/D3/1-2: 10 February 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D3/3-4: 10 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £75 4s 6d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £4 10s) subscribed [by probate clerk] 'Richard ArcherTaylor, bond; Thomas, Elizabeth, Anne, Jane and William [Dawson]; Ralph Watson of Burnop unckle to the children' 
Thomas DICKENSON, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/D4/1-2: 3 December 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D4/3-5 - inventory, actual total £239 15s 4d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
George DICKXON, yeoman, of Heborn in the countie of Northumberland [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Dixon
Parish uncertain: multiple Hebburns in Northumberland.
DPRI/1/1678/D6/1: 15 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D6/3 - testimentary schedule with (undated) probate office memorandum relating that this part of Dixon's will was entered in the margin of the engrossed will 
DPRI/1/1678/D6/2: 15 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £48 16s 7d endorsed 'In time of need man may see how faith faver' 
DPRI/1/1678/D6/4 - wrapper 
Anne DIXON, widow, of Hairehope in the parish of Wolsingam in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/D5/1: 26 October 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D5/2: 26 October 1678  - inventory, actual total £175 19s 4d (with account of debts of £30) 
William DIXON, tailor, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/D7/1-2: 6 August 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D7/3-4: 6 August 1678  - inventory, actual total £16 11s 
Christopher DOBSON, yeoman, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/D8/1: 28 November 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D8/2 - inventory, actual total £23 10s dated 26th July 
John DOBSON, felt-maker, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/D9/1-4: 16 July 1678  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1678/D9/5: 16 July 1678  - receipt for the original will 
Nicholas DRYDON, yeoman, of Proudhoe in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Ovingham [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Dridon
DPRI/1/1678/D10/1-2: 26 December 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D10/3: 26 December 1671  - inventory, actual total £10 (with account of funeral expenses and debts of £11 10s) 
Robert DUNN, yeoman, of Glororum in the county of Durham, in the parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Dunne
DPRI/1/1678/D12/1-2: 29 September 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/D12/3: 29 September 1678  - inventory, actual total £245 5s 4d 
DPRI/1/1678/D12/4: 29 September 1678  - power of attorney power of attorney of one of the excecutors, in ill health, giving full power to the other executor 
Katherine DUNNE, relict to James Dunne of Church Merrington, widow, of Church Merrington in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Catherine, Dunn
DPRI/1/1678/D11/1: 2 February 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/E1   13 August 1678
John EDWARDS, intestate, gentleman, of Raby Castle in the parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/E1/1-2: 8 July 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/E1/3: 8 July 1678  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Eleanor Edwards, relict of John Edwards; commission executed by Gilpin, 13 Aug 1678 
Francis ELRINGTON, gentleman, of Satling Stones in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Newbrough [Newbrough, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/E3/1-2: 28 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/E3/3: 28 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £475 (with account of funeral expenses and church dues of £30) 
Thomas ELWOOD, of Slealy Wood Foot in the parish of Slealey [Slaley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/E2/1-2: 14 November 1677  - inventory 
John EMMERSON, yeoman, of Coxclose in the county of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/E4/1-2: 24 December 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/E4/3: 24 December 1677  - inventory, actual total £191 13s 8d 
George ERRINGTON, tailor, of Castlegarth, town of Newcastle upon Tine, in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/E5/1: 18 June 1678  - will  with 18.6.1678 
DPRI/1/1678/E5/2-3: 18 June 1678  - inventory, actual total £65 10s 
Thomas FATHERLY, yeoman, of Sherburne in the county of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/F1/1-2: undated  - inventory the inventory was exhibited with the account (not present), 8 May 1680 
Claudius FENWICK, doctor of physic, of chapplery of St Johns in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/F2/1: 17 January 1679  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by George Fenwick, administrator and son of Claudius Fenwick, now deceased, exhibited by William Fenwick 
DPRI/1/1678/F4   28 November 1678
Robert FEWLER, master and mariner, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/F4/1-2: 28 November 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/F4/3: 28 November 1678  - commission to Thomas Davison MA, perpetual vicar of Norton, and Thomas Rudd, curate of Stockton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Fewler, relict of Robert Fewler; commission executed by Rudd, 28 Nov 1678 
Heugh FINCH, yeoman, of Wollveston in the county of Durham, in the parish of Billingham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Hugh
DPRI/1/1678/F5/1: 24 October 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/F5/2: 24 October 1678  - inventory, actual total £72 6s 8d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £15) 
William FISHER, clerk, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/F6/1: 21 May 1678  - inventory 
Richard FLETCHER, yeoman, of Chester in the Street in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/F7/1: 27 April 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/F7/2: 27 April 1678  - inventory, actual total £13 10s 
Robert FOLLONSBY, of the East Parke in the parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Follensby, Follansby
DPRI/1/1678/F8/1-2: 12 April 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/F8/3: 12 April 1676  - inventory, actual total £30 12s 
George FORSTER, gentleman, of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/F9/1-2: 9 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/F9/3-4: 9 March 1678  - copy inventory, actual total £196 3s 6d 
DPRI/1/1678/F9/5: 9 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £196 3s 6d 
Margarett FORSTER, widow, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/F10/1-2: 10 February 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/F10/3: 10 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £19 3s 4d 
Nicholas FORSTER, gentleman, of Doxford in the county of Northumberland [Ellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/F11/1-2: 6 July 1678  - will 
Dorothy FRYER, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/F12/1: 14 June 1678  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/F3   22 April 1678
Edward FULER, yeoman, of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Fewler
DPRI/1/1678/F3/2: 6 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/F3/1: 6 January 1676  - copy will  with grant of probate, 22 April 1678 
DPRI/1/1678/F3/3 - inventory, actual total £14 4s 8d 
George GENINGS, yeoman, of Longhirst in the county of Northumberland [Longhirst, Northumberland]; also spelt Gennings, Jenings
DPRI/1/1678/J3/1-2: 19 August 1677  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1678/J3/3: 19 August 1677  - inventory, actual total £6 12s 6d 
DPRI/1/1678/J3/4: 19 August 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will, and receipt for the same, penal sum £200 
John GLENDINING, yeoman, of Great Ryle in the parish of Whitingham and county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Glendinning
DPRI/1/1678/G2/1-2: 29 December 1676  - will with schedule of debts owing to the testator drawn up by the testator 
DPRI/1/1678/G2/3: 29 December 1676  - commission to Thomas Weemys MA, perpetual vicar of Whittingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Glendining and James Hall, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wemys, (undated) 
Phillipp GOWLAND, yeoman, of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/G3/1: 8 January 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/G3/2: 8 January 1677  - inventory, actual total £32 16s 
William GOWLAND, of Seaton, parish of Stranton [Seaton Carew, County Durham]
administration with the will annexed granted
DPRI/1/1678/G4/1: 2 December 1678  - inventory 
David GRAHAM, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/G5/1: 11 December 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/G5/2 - wrapper 
Peter GREENE, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1678/G6/1: 11 September 1678  - indented inventory 
Dorothy GYPSON, widow, of Heckels Raw in the parish of Rothbury and county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Gipson, Gibson. Died 4 May 1678
DPRI/1/1678/G1/1: 22 May 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/G1/2: 22 May 1678  - will 
Allice HALL, widow, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Alice
DPRI/1/1678/H1/1-2: 11 July 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/H1/3: 11 July 1677  - inventory, actual total £89 5s 8d 
John HALL, butcher, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H2/1-2: 6 January 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/H3   23 December 1678
Robert HALLIWELL, of Redes Foord in the parish of Kirke Newtowne in the county of Northumberland [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hilliwill
DPRI/1/1678/H3/1 - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/H3/2: 13 December 1678  - comission commission to Adam Felbridge, vicar of Branxton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Halliwell, relict of Robert Halliwell; commission executed by Felbridge, 23 Dec 1678 
Ambrose HAMLET, master and mariner, of Northsheilds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Hamblet, Hamblett
DPRI/1/1678/H4/1: 20 April 1678  - will 
Richard HARDCASTELL, shipwright, of Munke Warmouth Shore [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Hardcastle
DPRI/1/1678/H5/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Robert HARDING, of Hollingside, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H6/1: 24 June 1678  - inventory 
George HARRISON, yeoman, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H7/1: 10 May 1678  - inventory 
George HARRISON, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/H8/1-2: 5 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/H8/3: 5 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £22 11s 6d 
Richard HARROP, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hayropp
DPRI/1/1678/H9/1-2: 4 December 1678  - inventory 
Dorothy HECHSTETTER, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hethstetter
DPRI/1/1678/H14/1: 24 June 1678  - inventory of household, shop and warehouse goods etc. 
Robert HEDLEY, draper, tailor, bellman, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H10/1-2: 26 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/H10/3-4: 26 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £216 16s 4d 
Anne HEDWORTH, of North Sheilds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/H11/1-2: 30 October 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/H12   5 March 1679
Dorothy HEDWORTH, spinster, of Harraton in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H12/1-2: 5 March 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/H12/3: 5 March 1678  - commission to William Hume MA, curate of Chester le Street, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Suzanna Jackson alias Hedworth, widow and mother of Dorothy Hedworth; commission executed by Hume, 5 Mar 1679 
John HENDERSON, fisherman, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H13/1-2: 5 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/H13/3: 5 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £8 14s 
DPRI/1/1678/H15   24 March 1679
Robert HICKSON, gentleman, of Sunderland neare the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Hixon
DPRI/1/1678/H15/1-2: 2 March 1679  - will  with 5.3.1679 
DPRI/1/1678/H15/3-4: 2 March 1679  - commission to Thomas Broughton MA, curate of Bishopwearmouth, and John Harper MA, curate of Bishopwearmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration and tuition of ten children to Jane Hickson, relict and executrix of Robert Hickson, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Broughton, 24 Mar 1679 
Thomas HICKSON, yeoman, of Greate Ayckliffe in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H16/1: 2 July 1678  - inventory 
Robert HILTON, master and mariner, of chapelry of St Hilda, South Sheeles [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H17/1: 16 January 1679  - inventory of goods etc. unadministered by Isabell Hilton, relict 
DPRI/1/1678/H17/2: 16 January 1679  - commission to Stephen Boardley, curate of chapelry of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Eleanor Selby, widow, for the use of Henry Hilton the (minor) son of Robert Hilton, her grandson 
Anne HINCKS, alias Hall, of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/H18/1: 1 October 1678  - inventory exhibited by Thomas Hincks, husband and administrator 
William HIND, yeoman, of East Bouldon in the county of Durham [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Hinde
DPRI/1/1678/H19/1: 23 April 1678  - inventory 
Ursilla HUDSPETH, of Cornhill [Cornhill, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/H20/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/H20/2 - wrapper 
Thomas HUMBLE, yeoman, of Framwellgate [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H21/1: 23 May 1678  - inventory 
Elliner HUNTER, widow, of Gateside in the parish of Saint Maryes and county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/H22/1: 24 June 1678  - indented inventory 
Henry HUTTON, gentleman, of Stamford within the county of Lincolnshire [Stamford, Lincolnshire]
Hutton requests his burial at Witton Gilbert should he die in County Durham.
DPRI/1/1678/H23/1-2: 21 December 1677  - will 
Elizabeth INMENT, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Inman
DPRI/1/1678/I1/1: 12 December 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/I1/2: 12 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £22 13s 6d 
Margarett JACKSON, widow, of Stillington within the parish of Readmarshall in the county of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/J1/1: 6 December 1678  - inventory exhibited 6 Dec 1678 
DPRI/1/1678/J1/2 - wrapper formerly used as a wrapper for the petition of Richard Shipperd 
Frances JEFFERA, widow, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Jeffrey
DPRI/1/1678/J2/1: 31 January 1679  - inventory 
Adam JOHNSON, of Crockham West Demesne (Field) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Ford [Ford, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/J4/1-2: 8 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/J4/3: 8 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £246 11s 
Margarat JOHNSON, widow, of Greatham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/J5/1-2: 12 September 1678  - inventory 
Ralph JOHNSON, of Midleton in Teasdale within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/J6/1: 21 November 1678  - inventory 
Robert JOHNSON, boat-wright, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/J7/1-2: 20 May 1677  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1678/J7/3: 20 May 1677  - inventory, actual total £23 13s 3d 
DPRI/1/1678/J7/4-5: 20 May 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £100 
William JONSTON, of Allerwish Milne, chapelry of Newbrough [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Johnston
DPRI/1/1678/J8/1-2: 7 January 1678  - inventory 
Barbry JOPLING, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Barbara, Jobling, Joplin
DPRI/1/1678/J9/1-2: 17 October 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/J9/3: 17 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £19 13s 2d 
George KITCHING, of Longbenton in the county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/K1/1: 13 February 1679  - inventory 
John LAMB, waterman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/L1/1: 18 July 1678  - inventory 
Edward LAMBE, of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Lamb
DPRI/1/1678/L2/1-2: 13 March 1679  - inventory 
Robert LAWRENCE, bachelor, of Copan in the parish of Billingham and in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/L3/1-2: 16 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/L3/3: 16 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £324 10s (with brief account of funeral expenses of £50) 
John LAWSON, of Linton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/L4/1-2: 26 June 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/L5   11 July 1678
William LEE, yeoman, of Nent head in the parish of Alstonn in Aldstonmoore in the countie of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/L5/1-2: 3 February 1667  - will endorsed with certificate of oath of Margaret Clements alias Lee, 11 July 1678; also endorsed with direction to Mr Rowell at Durham; also endorsed with memorandum 'Received this will of Mr Rowell Register of Durham' 
DPRI/1/1678/L5/3-4: 3 February 1667  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1678/L5/5: 3 February 1667  - inventory of debts, actual total £1 6s (with account of debts of £10 19s 3d) list of debts owing to and owing by the testator drawn up by the testator 
DPRI/1/1678/L5/6: 3 February 1667  - inventory, actual total £39 3s 8d (with account of debts of £10 19s 3d) 
George LISLE, of Newton on the Moore in the county of Northumberland [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Leisle
DPRI/1/1678/L6/1: 28 February 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/L6/2: 28 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £49 2s 8d endorsed with direction to 'Mr John Rowell, Deputy Register to Mr Chancellor at his office in Durham, post paid 2d' 
Henry LOODGE, of Teame Steathes in the parrish of Whickham and county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Lodge
DPRI/1/1678/L7/1-2: 1 March 1678  - inventory 
Thomas LOWTHER, gentleman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/L8/1: undated  - inventory 
Grace LUMLEY, widow, of Ryton Wood Side [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/L9/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/M1   7 March 1679
Margery MABEN, widow, of towne of Barwicke upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/M1/1-2: 14 May 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/M1/3: 14 May 1677  - commission to Thomas Bourne MA, perpetual vicar of Berwick upon Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margery Reaburne, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bourne, 7 Mar 1679 
DPRI/1/1678/M2   10 June 1678
Thomas MARLEY, gentleman, of Kyhoe, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
the will is not present, but is stated in the depositions to have been executed 21 June 1669
DPRI/1/1678/M2/1-2: undated  - deposition and answers  with deposition and answers, undated depositions of (1) Arthur Greenwell and (2) John Raw, witnesses to the will, with their responses to the interrogatories of Margaret Marley, daughter of the testator and now wife of Matthew Ornesby [relating to a cause promoted against her by Phillida Marley, relict and executrix of the testator and now wife of John Sanderson] 
DPRI/1/1678/M2/3-4: undated  - depositions and responses depositions of Francis Forster and Richard Henderson, witnesses to the will, with their responses to the interrogatories of Margaret Marley, daughter of the testator and now wife of Matthew Ornesby, relating to a cause promoted against her by Phillida Marley, relict and executrix of the testator and now wife of John Sanderson; endorsed with memorandum relating that the will was validated, 10 June 1678 
Alexander MASON, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/M3/1: 4 August 1678  - inventory 
Henry MAWER, of parish of Hurworth [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Mawar
DPRI/1/1678/M4/1: 10 January 1679  - inventory dated both 10 and 15 Jan 1679 
Edward MAXWELL, yeoman, of Whitburne in the county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/M5/1-2: 15 January 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/M5/3-4: 15 January 1677  - inventory, actual total £62 12s 8d 
John MAYOR, of the High Rowe in Woodland in the parish of Cockfeild and county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Mayer
DPRI/1/1678/M6/1-2: 4 May 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/M6/3-4: 4 May 1678  - inventory, actual total £77 18s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 9s 2d) 
DPRI/1/1678/M7   1 November 1678
William MERRYMAN, yeoman, of Throston, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Merreman
DPRI/1/1678/M7/1-2: 23 October 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/M7/3: 23 October 1678  - commission to Percival Donkin, curate of Hartlepool chapelry, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Merryman, relict of William Merryman; commission executed by Donkinge, 1 Nov 1678 
James METCALFE, gentleman, of Rackwoodhill in the chapplerie of Hamsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/M8/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Gilbert Metcalfe, son and administrator, 15 May 1678 
Isabell BAITES, alias Middleton, wife of Charles Middleton, of parish of Gateshead (Garsyde) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/M9/1: 26 November 1679  - inventory  with account, 26 November 1679, actual total £100 
DPRI/1/1678/M10   12 March 1679
William MIDDLETON, of Alwaine (Alwan) Millne in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/M10/1-2: 19 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/M10/3: 19 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £95 7s 2d (with account of rent, wages and funeral expenses of £21 6s 8d) 
DPRI/1/1678/M10/4: 19 January 1679  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, perpetual vicar of Staindrop, and Simon Gilpin junior, curate of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jennet Middleton, relict and executrix of the testator, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin (senior), 12 Mar 1679 
William MILBOURNE, yeoman, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1678/M11/1-2: 28 February 1678  - will endorsed with (undated) memorandum recording an additional gift made by the testator 
DPRI/1/1678/M11/3: 28 February 1678  - copy will endorsed with (cancelled) direction to Mr Samuel Thompson, attorney in Pilgrim Street, Newcastle 
DPRI/1/1678/M11/4: 28 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £17 15s 7d 
Anne MILBURNE, widow, of Millburnegate in the chappellry of St Margaret in the county of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/M12/1: 8 February 1679  - inventory 
John MITCHESON, of Moorsley and in the parish of Houghton in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/M13/1: 12 July 1678  - inventory 
Cuthbart NEWTON, of Miresheales (Merry Sheilds) within the parish of Bywell (St) Petter within the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1678/N1/1: 21 March 1678  - inventory 
Jancon NEWTON, yeoman, of Brumbley (Brumley) in the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Jencon, Jenking, Nuton
Parish uncertain: Broomley in Bywell St Peter or Broomlee in Haltwhistle; there are Newtons recorded in the former, see DPRI/1/1678/N1
DPRI/1/1678/N2/1: 11 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/N2/2: 11 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £107 10s 
DPRI/1/1678/O1   15 October 1678
Francis ORD, gentleman, of Felkington, parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/O1/1-2: 17 June 1678  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of Lancelot Ord senior, the testator's brother 
DPRI/1/1678/O1/3: 17 June 1678  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
DPRI/1/1678/O1/4: 17 June 1678  - commission to Thomas Wetherly MA, vicar of Chatton, John Horsebrough MA, vicar of Wooller, and Alexander Davision MA, vicar of Norham , to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Thomas Haggerston baronet and William Strother esquire, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Horsbrugh, 15 Oct 1678 
Isable ORDE, widow, of Barwick upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Isabell, Ord
DPRI/1/1678/O2/1-2: 25 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/O2/3: 25 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £12 9s exhibited by Nicholas Wressell, executor, 2 Nov 1678 
DPRI/1/1678/O2/4: 25 November 1677  - additional inventory, actual total £4 6d 
Mary OSMONDERLEY, widow, of Brainshaugh in the parish of Felton and county of Northumberland [Brainshaugh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/O3/1-2: 27 May 1678  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1678/O3/3: 27 May 1678  - inventory, actual total £116 1s 8d 
DPRI/1/1678/O3/4: 27 May 1678  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
Elizabeth PARKIN, widow, of Whickham within the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/P1/1-2: 23 January 1679  - will  with schedule of debts owing to the testatrix, 23 January 1679 
DPRI/1/1678/P1/3: 23 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £23 19s 10d 
John PARTS, yeoman, gentleman, of Gatsid in the cowntye of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Partis
DPRI/1/1678/P2/1: 4 June 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/P2/2: 4 June 1678  - inventory, actual total £22 4s 6d 
Oswald PATTISON, skinner, glover, of towne and county of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/P3/1: 11 April 1678  - inventory 
Christopher PEART, yeoman, of Carleton in the countie of Durham, parish of Readmarshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/P4/1-2: 17 February 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/P4/3: 17 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £24 16s 8d (with account of rent of £7 7s) 
Ralph PICKERING, fuller, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/P5/1: 21 March 1679  - inventory 
Elias PRATT, senior, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], burgess, of borough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/P6/1: 23 October 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/P6/2-3: 23 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £81 2s 8d 
Richard PRIDEAUX, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/P7/1-2: 27 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/P7/3: 27 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £62 8s 11d inventory of household goods etc. and goods in the shop and in the cellar at Mr Letany 
Lawrence QUINCY, of chapelry of St John Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/Q1/1-4: 17 January 1678  - inventory of the goods etc. of Margaret Qunicy, deceased, the relict of Lawrence Quincy [who presumably held only a life interest in his estate] 
John REAH, of Hett, parish of Merrington [Hett, County Durham]; also spelt Reay
DPRI/1/1678/R1/1: 20 April 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/R1/2 - wrapper 
Edward REAVELY, glover, of parish of Alnwick [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaveley, Rivelye
DPRI/1/1678/R2/1-2: 30 July 1675  - inventory 
Anne RICHARDSON, widow, of Barwick upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/R3/1-2: 25 August 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/R3/3: 25 August 1678  - inventory, actual total £2 5s 6d 
Frances RICHARDSON, widow, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/R4/1-2: 9 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/R4/3: 9 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £77 8d 
Nicholas RICHARDSON, merchant, gentleman, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/R5/1: 18 December 1678  - inventory 
Robert RICHARDSON, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine in the parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/R6/1-5: 28 October 1678  - indented inventory pieces may be reconstructed in this order: 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 (some parts now missing) 
Thomas RIDLEY, yeoman, of chapelry of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/R7/1: 27 January 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/R7/2: 27 January 1679  - renunciation renunciation of Isabell Ridley, relict, nominating Thomas Wrangham, principal credtor to take out administration 
George ROBINSON, of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/R8/1: 22 August 1678  - inventory 
James ROBINSON, of South Sheilds [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/R9/1: 10 September 1678  - inventory of goods etc. unadministered by Elizabeth Robinson, relict and administratrix 
administration bond, penal sum £100: DPRI/3/1698/B130/1-2
Ralph ROBINSON, yeoman, of Great Usworth in the parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/R10/1-2: 29 February 1676  - inventory 
William ROXBY, of Whitburne [Whitburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/R11/1: 23 April 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/R11/2 - wrapper  with citation, 11 April 1678 wrapper, formerly a citation relating to the rash administration of the estates of Henry Russell and Edward Fewler of Heighington (with other names cancelled); executed by James Thompson, vicar of Heighington, Sunday 14 Apr 1678 
Charles SANDERSON, woollen-draper, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/S1/1-2: 28 September 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S1/3-4: 28 September 1678  - inventory, actual total £54 
DPRI/1/1678/S2   10 June 1678
Peter SEAMER, yeoman, of Morley, chapelry of Auckland St Helen, in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S2/1-2: 16 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S2/3: 16 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £30 7s 6d 
DPRI/1/1678/S2/4-5: 16 February 1678  - depositions depositions of Richard Heavyside, Valentine Heavyside and John Heavyside of Morley, witnesses to the will, relating to a cause promoted by Thomas Helmeron, executor, against Thomas Seamer, brother of the testator; endorsed with memorandum relating that the will was validated, 10 June 1678 
DPRI/1/1678/S3   27 January 1679
Barbrah SELBY, spinster, of Seaton Delavale [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Barbara
DPRI/1/1678/S3/1-2: 27 January 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/S3/3: 27 January 1679  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, perpetual vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Delavale, widow and cousin of Barbara Selby; commission executed by Dockwray, 27 Jan 1679 
Edward SHARPER, of High Callerton in the county of Northumberland and parish of Pont Iland [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/S4/1-2: 16 April 1678  - inventory 
John SHATER, yeoman, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Shawter, Shuwter
DPRI/1/1678/S5/1-2: 5 December 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S5/3-4: 5 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £66 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £22 8s 6d) 
Cudberth SHEAVELL, cordwainer, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert, Shevill
DPRI/1/1678/S8/1-2: undated  - inventory 
John SHEELL, yeoman, of Harthopburn, in the forrest of Weredall and chappelry of St John's [St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, County Durham]; also spelt Sheele, Sheel
DPRI/1/1678/S6/1: 4 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S6/2-3: 4 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £52 19s 
William SHERATON, gentleman, of Elwick in the county pallintine of Durham [Elwick Hall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S7/1-2: 16 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S7/3-4: 16 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £54 16s 8d 
John SHOTTON, yeoman, of North Sheilds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/S9/1-2: 5 August 1678  - inventory 
William SIMPSON, yeoman, of Langtone in the countie of Durham, parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S10/1-2: 23 October 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S10/3: 23 October 1672  - inventory, actual total £70 18s (with account of debts, funeral expenses and legacies of £48 4s) 
William SMART, gentleman, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S11/1-2: 7 January 1679  - inventory 
John SMITH, of Sunderland neare the Sea and parish of Bishop Wearemouth [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S12/1: undated  - inventory 
Richard SMITH, of Willington, parish of Brancepeth [Willington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S13/1-2: 24 June 1676  - inventory 
John SOFTLEY, yeoman, of Walbottle in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/S14/1-2: 15 May 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S14/3: 15 May 1678  - inventory, actual total £8 4s 6d 
Gilbert STALPER, of Saltick in the parish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Stawper
DPRI/1/1678/S15/1: 30 December 1675  - inventory 
Richard STEELE, of Somerhowse, parish of Gainforth [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Steel
DPRI/1/1678/S16/1: 15 August 1657  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S16/2: 15 August 1657  - inventory, actual total £30 5s (with account of funeral expenses and legacies of £5 17s 6d) 
George STEER, yeoman, of Wollveston in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S17/1: 5 November 1678  - inventory 
John STEVENSON, yeoman, of East Brandon in the parish of Branspeth in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Stephenson
DPRI/1/1678/S18/1-2: 20 May 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/S18/3-4: 20 May 1676  - inventory, actual total £39 5s 
Christofer STOCKDELL, bachelor, of parish of Middleton St George [Middleton St George, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S19/1: 8 October 1678  - inventory 
John STOKOE, of Shawbush within the chapplerie of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/S20/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Elizabeth Murder, widow and sister of John Stokoe, 28 Oct 1678 
Robert SUDDICK, of chapelry of Croxdaile [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/S21/1: 14 January 1679  - inventory 
Petronilla TAYLER, spinster [occupation], widow, of Water House in the perresh of Branpeth and county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Petronella
DPRI/1/1678/T2/1: 23 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/T2/2: 23 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £23 7s 4d 
DPRI/1/1678/T1   29 November 1678
Oswold TAYLOR, of High Heworth in the parish of Jarrow [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Oswald
DPRI/1/1678/T1/1: 6 November 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/T1/2 - wrapper endorsed with direction to Gabriel Newhouse or John Rowel at the office on Palace Green, Durham 
DPRI/1/1678/T3   15 February 1679
Merriall THOMPSON, widow, of Hungerknowle in the lordship of Streatlam and countie of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/T3/1: 18 December 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/T3/2-3: 18 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £74 6s 
DPRI/1/1678/T3/4: 18 December 1678  - commission to George Bell, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Joshua Middleton, executor, (the will having been proved by the oaths of two witnesses to the will); commission executed by Bell, 15 Feb 1679 
Nicholas THOMPSON, yeoman, of Torhouse in th parish of Haltwisle and countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]. Died 29 September 1677
DPRI/1/1678/T4/1: 10 June 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/T4/2 - wrapper 
Robart THOMPSON, yeoman, of Staindrop in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1678/T5/1: 12 September 1670  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/T5/2-3: 12 September 1670  - inventory, actual total £34 5s (with brief account of funeral expenses and wages of £6 19s 3d) endorsed with detailed account of funeral expenses 
DPRI/1/1678/T5/4: 12 September 1670  - commission to Simon Gilpin junior, curate of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Thompson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 4 Feb 1679 
Rowland THOMPSON, carpenter, of Wolsingham in the county of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/T6/1: 11 July 1678  - inventory of debts due to Thompson, not administered or inventoried by Mary Thompson, relict and administratrix, now deceased 
DPRI/1/1678/T6/2: 11 July 1678  - inventory, actual total £22 4s 6d 
William THOMPSON, the younger, master and mariner, of Mounkwermouth in the county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/T8/1: 4 May 1678  - inventory 
William THOMSON, yeoman, Hungerknowle in the lordship of Streatlam and countie of Durham, parish of Staindrop [Barnard Castle, County Durham; Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1678/T7/1: 3 January 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/T7/2: 3 January 1678  - inventory, actual total £40 inventory of the lease of lands at Whorleton, [?31 May 1678] 
DPRI/1/1678/T7/3-4: 3 January 1678  - inventory, actual total £75 4s (with brief account of debts of £8) 
Nicholas TINMOUTH, weaver, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/T10/1: 13 June 1678  - inventory 
Ellinor TOTHERICKE, widow, of chapelry of All Saints, Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Totherick
DPRI/1/1678/T11/1: 12 April 1678  - inventory 
Robert TULLY, gentleman, of South Street in the parish of St Margaretts in the suburbs of the citty of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/T12/1-2: 8 August 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/T13   26 April 1678
Anthoney TUNSTALL, intestate, gentleman, of Chillingham [Chillingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthony, Tonstall, Tunstell
DPRI/1/1678/T13/1: 26 April 1678  - inventory exhibited by Elizabeth Tunstall, relict and administratrix, 26 Apr 1678 
DPRI/1/1678/T13/2: 26 April 1678  - commission  with certificate of oath in the form of a letter, 28 April 1678 commission to Adam Felbridge, vicar of Branxton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Tonstall, relict; commission executed by Felbridge, 26 Apr 1678; endorsed with: (1) direction to Felbridge, minister of Carham, via Berwick postmaster; (2) covering letter from Felbridge to [?Newhouse], enclosing commission and inventory, dated at Learmouth, 28 Apr 1678 
Andrew TURNBULL, yeoman, of Fenham in the county of Northumberland [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Turnebull
DPRI/1/1678/T14/1-2: 25 June 1678  - inventory includes goods etc. in partnership 
George TYNDALE, of Hatton House in the parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Tindale
DPRI/1/1678/T9/1: 5 May 1677  - inventory date uncertain 
Thomas URWIN, of Old Sheilds, Haltwisle parish [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Urwen
DPRI/1/1678/U1/1: 20 April 1678  - inventory 
Thomas WAKE, yeoman, of Benwell in the county of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W1/1: 21 January 1679  - will dated in the new style 
DPRI/1/1678/W1/2: 21 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £146 15s 6d (with account of debts of £61 1s 8d) 
John WALKER, miller, of Carlbury in the parish of Coniscliff and county of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/W2/1: 4 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/W2/2: 4 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £53 4s 4d (with account of rent, wages and funeral charges of £21 12s 6d) 
Cuthbert WALL, yeoman, of Coves in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhopp in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1678/W3/1: 21 January 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/W3/2-3: 21 January 1678  - inventory, actual total £677 7s 
Albany WALLIS, gentleman, of Ash Holme in the parish of Lamley and county of Northumberland [Lambley, Northumberland]. Died 31 January 1678
DPRI/1/1678/W4/1-2: 17 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/W4/3: 17 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £43 
John WALLIS, mariner, of North Sheelds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallas
DPRI/1/1678/W5/1-2 - will dated 10 Feb 
DPRI/1/1678/W5/3-4: 1 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £11 6s 4d 
John WATSON, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W6/1-2: 5 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/W6/3: 5 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £758 10s 8d 
Robert WATSON, yeoman, of Newton by the Sea in the county of Northumberland, parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W7/1: 3 December 1678  - inventory 
Robert WATTTSON, yeoman, of Bishoppwermouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Wattson
DPRI/1/1678/W8/1: 5 June 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/W8/2-3: 5 June 1678  - nuncupative will 
William WATSON, mariner, of chapelry of All Saints, towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W9/1: 8 January 1679  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/W9/2 - wrapper 
John WAUGH, yeoman, of Rockmoure hous in the county of Northumberland [Rock, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W10/1-2: 12 January 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/W10/3: 12 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £67 5s 
Robert WEA, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Way
DPRI/1/1678/W11/1 - inventory dated 16 July [?1678] 
William WELCOME, solder in H.M. garrison of Berwick-upon-Tweed, cooper, garrison soldier, of borough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W12/1-2: 28 September 1677  - will endorsed with direction to Mr Robertson, vicar of Berwick 
DPRI/1/1678/W12/3: 28 September 1677  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1678/W12/4: 28 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £10 13s 
Jane WETHERELL, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wethereld
DPRI/1/1678/W13/1-2: 11 October 1676  - will  with codicil, 26 September 1677 
DPRI/1/1678/W13/3: 11 October 1676  - inventory, actual total £147 1s 4d 
DPRI/1/1678/W13/4: 11 October 1676  - copy will (typescript) 
DPRI/1/1678/W13/5 - wrapper (typescript) 
Francis WETWANG, draper, of chapelry of All Saints, NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W14/1: 29 May 1678  - inventory 
administration bond, penal sum £200: DPRI/3/1725/B150
Jane WHEETLEY, widow, of South Sheels [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatley
DPRI/1/1678/W15/1-2: 18 September 1678  - inventory 
William WILCH, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilsh
DPRI/1/1678/W16/1: 3 January 1679  - inventory 
Anthony WILKISON, of borough of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1678/W17/1-4: 3 March 1679  - inventory 
Cuthbert WILLOWBYE, of North Sheilds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W18/1: 23 April 1678  - inventory 
Margret WILSON, wife to William Wilson, of North Sheelds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W19/1: 28 May 1678  - inventory 
Richard WILSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/W20/1: 1 May 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1678/W21   3 March 1679
Grace WINSHIPP, widow, of chapplerie of St Johns, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Winshopp
DPRI/1/1678/W21/1-2: 1 June 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1678/W21/3: 1 June 1678  - indented inventory, actual total £52 11s 10d (with account of funeral expenses, legacies, debts, rent and wages of £19 7s) 
DPRI/1/1678/W21/4: 1 June 1678  - commission to Laton Eden, curate of Ryton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Sawer, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Eden, 3 Mar 1679 
Francis WYCLIFE, esquire, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Wycliffe. Died 4 December 1678
DPRI/1/1678/W22/1: 11 December 1678  - inventory 
administration bond, penal sum £300: DPRI/3/1714/B66/1-2
Robert YOUNGER, of Widdrington [Widdrington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1678/Y1/1: 28 October 1678  - inventory 
Wills etc proved 1679
Reference: DPRI/1/1679
John ALBON, of Hebburne [Chillingham, Northumberland]
parish uncertain: Hebburns in Chillingham and Jarrow, the former inferred from list of creditors
DPRI/1/1679/A1/1: 12 October 1679  - inventory 
Thomas ALLANSON, yeoman, of Midleton in Teasdale within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/A2/1-2: 30 August 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/A2/3: 30 August 1672  - inventory, actual total £12 (with brief account of debts and funeral expenses of £14) 
John ALLENN, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Allen
DPRI/1/1679/A3/1: 14 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/A3/2: 14 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £20 9d inventory of shop and household goods etc. 
Ralph AMCOTTS, trooper in major Meynes' Regiment, army trooper, gentleman, of parish of Alnwick within the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
Endorsemet to will notes that major or colonel Meynes (Maines) served under the Duke of Monmouth.
DPRI/1/1679/A4/1: undated  - allegation allegation of James Amcotts, brother and universal legatee of the testator, relating to a cause promoted by him to prove the nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1679/A4/2-3: undated  - nuncupative will 
Sir Francis ANDERSON, knight, of parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/A5/1: 15 October 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/A5/2: 15 October 1679  - inventory, actual total £199 
Ralph ANDERSON, esquire, of South Sheilds in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/A6/1-2: 9 October 1679  - inventory of goods etc. unadministered by Isabell Anderson, relict and administratrix, now deceased, exhibited by Robert Anderson, son 
John ANDREW, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/A7/1: 13 February 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/A7/2: 13 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £29 16s 8d 
DPRI/1/1679/A8   28 July 1679
Robert APPLEBY, yeoman, of Whorleton in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/A8/1-2: 8 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/A8/4-5: 8 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £188 13s 8d 
DPRI/1/1679/A8/3: 8 March 1679  - commission to Simon Gilpin, vicar of Staindrop, and John Morresby, curate of Whorlton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Appleby, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Moresby, 28 July 1679 
William ARKELEY, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Arckley
DPRI/1/1679/A9/1: undated  - inventory 
William ARMSTRONG, yeoman, of Widon within the parish of Haltwhistle and county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestrong
DPRI/1/1679/A10/1: 20 May 1679  - will with list of debts owing to the testator 
DPRI/1/1679/A10/2: 20 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £35 12s 8d (with account of debts of £6 5s 3d) 
Elizabeth ATKINSON, late wife to John Atkinson of Fenham, widow, of Fenham in the countie pallatine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellizabeth
DPRI/1/1679/A11/1-2: 5 June 1676  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1679/A11/3: 5 June 1676  - inventory, actual total £25 17s 7d 
Hannah ATKINSON, of West Boldon in the county of Durham [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Hanna
DPRI/1/1679/A13/1-2: 21 March 1678  - will 
James ATKINSON, yeoman, of Bishopwearemouth in the county palatine of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/A14/1: 19 January 1679  - will  with affidavit, undated will (unsigned and unsealed), with affidavit of a witness certifying its validity 
DPRI/1/1679/A14/2: 19 January 1679  - inventory  with account, 6 May 1679, actual total £195 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £131 13s 10d) 
DPRI/1/1679/A14/3: 19 January 1679  - administration agreemeent agreement between the executor and supervisor resolving a dispute between them 
Thomas ATKINSON, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/A15/1-2: 26 August 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/A15/3: 26 August 1679  - inventory, actual total £133 10s 4d 
Elloner ATKINSONE, widow, of Castle Garth in the parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellinor, Atkinson
DPRI/1/1679/A12/1-2: 9 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/A12/3-4: 9 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £26 10s 6d 
Mary AYTON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/A16/1: 5 February 1680  - inventory 
Margret BAILLS, widow, of Stranton in the county of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Margrett, Bailes
DPRI/1/1679/B1/1-2: 20 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B1/3: 20 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £54 4s 8d 
Jane BATSON, widow, of Swinhoe [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Bedson
DPRI/1/1679/B2/1: 14 October 1679  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/B3   6 February 1680
John BAYLES, butcher, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B3/1: 16 January 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/B3/2: 16 January 1680  - commission to John Brockell MA, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Bayles, relict; commission executed by Brockell, 6 Feb 1680 
Toby BAYLES, yeoman, of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B4/1: 10 November 1679  - renunciation renunciation of Ann Bayles, relict, nominating her son Christopher Bayles to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1679/B4/2-3: 10 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £9 9s 10d 
James BAYLIFFE, of Hallywell []; also spelt Ballife, Baliffe
location of Hallywell may be in Earsdon, Northumberland, or in Wolsingham or Brancepeth, County Durham
DPRI/1/1679/B5/1: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B5/2 - wrapper formerly used as a wrapper for the inventory of Mrs Elliner Reavely (see DPRI/1/1679/R4) 
Henry BEBY, felt-maker, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Beeby
DPRI/1/1679/B6/1: 16 December 1679  - inventory 
Henry BELL, butcher, of South Sheilds [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B7/1: 11 June 1679  - inventory 
Thomas BELL, bridler, saddler, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B8/1: 11 March 1680  - inventory 
Thomas BELL, vicar of Long Horselay, clerk, of Long Horselay [Longhorsley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/B9/1-2: 6 November 1679  - inventory 
William BELL, labourer, yeoman, of Hett in the county of Durham [Hett, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B10/1: 24 September 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B10/2: 24 September 1671  - inventory, actual total £7 17s 4d (with account of legacies of £6 4s) 
William BELL, yeoman, of Prudhoe in the parish of Ovingham in the county of Northumberland [Prudhoe, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/B11/1-2: 22 June 1678  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1679/B11/3-4: 22 June 1678  - inventory, actual total £58 
Elizabeth BELLAMY, widow, of Clapurth in or nigh the city of Durham in the county of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Bellany
DPRI/1/1679/B12/1-2: 20 January 1676  - will  with codicil, 18 May 1678 
DPRI/1/1679/B12/3: 20 January 1676  - inventory, actual total £14 5s 2d 
William BENNET, of Newhouse, parish of Ackeclif in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Bennett
DPRI/1/1679/B13/1: 24 September 1678  - inventory 
Isabell BEWLEY, widow, of Capheaton, parish of Whelpington [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Beiwley
DPRI/1/1679/B14/1-3: 29 January 1680  - inventory 
Christopher BLACKETT, gentleman, of Hoppyland [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B15/1: undated  - inventory of goods unadministered by Jane Blackett, relict and administratrix, now deceased 
DPRI/1/1679/B15/2 - wrapper 
Ann BLAND, spinster, of West gate-goate within the chapplery of Hamsterly and county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B16/1-2: 12 February 1680  - inventory 
Ralph BOWREY, hardwareman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B17/1-2: 19 March 1679  - inventory of shop and household goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1679/B17/3 - wrapper 
Bethya BRISTOW, wife of Henry Bristow of the Castlegarth, tailor, of the Castlegarth in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Bethia, Bristowe
DPRI/1/1679/B18/1-2: 5 April 1679  - will 
William BROUNE, yeoman, of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne
DPRI/1/1679/B23/1-2: 7 November 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B23/3: 7 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £216 9s 2d 
Cecill BROWN, widow, of Hakel (Hawkell) in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Cecil, Broun, Cicil, Broune, Cicilia, Browne
DPRI/1/1679/B19/1-2: 9 July 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B19/3: 9 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £1 1s 6d (debts) unspecified list of the testator's debtors or creditors 
Matthew BROWNE, plumber, glazier, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Brown
DPRI/1/1679/B20/1-2: 1 April 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B20/3: 1 April 1679  - inventory, actual total £27 10s 6d 
Thomas BROWNE, yeoman, of Sunderland neare the Bridge, chapelry of Croxdale, in the county pallatine of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B21/1: 3 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B21/2: 3 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £168 13s 4d 
William BROWNE, gentleman, of Hawckle (Hawkell) in the parish of Lesbury in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/B22/1: 10 July 1680  - inventory 
Richard BROWNLESSE, shoemaker, of Staindrop in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Brownless, Brounlesse, Brounlles, Brownlles
DPRI/1/1679/B24/1-2: 30 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B24/3: 30 June 1679  - inventory, actual total £48 2s (with account of funeral expenses, debts and rent of £18 10s) 
William BUTLER, gentleman, of Oldacres in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/B25/1: 23 August 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B25/2: 23 August 1679  - indented inventory, actual total £329 5s 
Nicholas BYERS, of Thorp-Bulmer, parish of Harte, in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Byars
DPRI/1/1679/B26/1-2: 5 April 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/B26/3-4: 5 April 1676  - inventory, actual total £151 16s (with account of debts and rent of £41 1s) 
Jane CHAPMAN, relict of Marmaduke Chapman of Sedgefeild, yeoman, widow, of Sedgefeild in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/C1/1-2: 6 July 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/C1/3-4: 6 July 1677  - inventory, actual total £7 9s 8d 
John CHAPMAN, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/C2/1-2: 24 October 1678  - inventory 
Thomas CHAPMAN, of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/C3/1-2: 24 March 1679  - will 
Robert CHILTON, of chappelry of St Hylds [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/C4/1: 4 December 1679  - inventory of goods unadministered by Ralph Chilton, son and now deceased 
William CHILTON, yeoman, of Poulton (Poolton) Grange in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
parish uncertain: Pelton in Chester le Street
DPRI/1/1679/C5/1-2: 20 November 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/C5/3-4: 20 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £148 10s 
Garvas CLARINET, of Gillygate [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Gervase, Clarynet
DPRI/1/1679/C6/1: undated  - inventory 
William CLEMETT, of Ricknell Grainge in the countie of Durham, parish of Aickliffe [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Clement
DPRI/1/1679/C7/1: 16 September 1679  - inventory 
Gilbertt CLIFTON, yeoman, of Mooresley in the county of Durham, parish of Houghton le Spring [Moorsley, County Durham]; also spelt Gilbert
DPRI/1/1679/C8/1: 21 April 1679  - inventory 
John COGDEN, yeoman, of Willam (Wylom) within the parish of Ovingham and county of Northumberland [Wylam, Northumberland]; also spelt Cogdon
DPRI/1/1679/C9/1: 26 February 1680  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1679/C9/2: 26 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £26 
Richard COLLING, yeoman, of Little Stainton in the parish of Byshopton and countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/C10/1: 2 May 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/C10/2: 2 May 1678  - inventory, actual total £413 3s 10d (with account of legacies and rent of £257) 
George COLLINGWOOD, esquire, of Eslington in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/C11/1-2: 19 May 1679  - inventory 
Hugh COLLYER, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/C12/1: 19 February 1680  - indented inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/C13   19 January 1680
Thomas COLYER, yeoman, of Pensher in the parish of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Penshaw, County Durham]; also spelt Collyer
DPRI/1/1679/C13/1-2: 17 February 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/C13/3-4: 17 February 1677  - inventory, actual total £5 8s 8d 
DPRI/1/1679/C13/5: 17 February 1677  - commission to William Hume, curate of Chester le Street, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Colyer, relict and co-executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hume, 19 Jan 1680 
Robert COOKE, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/C14/2: 9 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/C14/3: 9 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £22 3s 
DPRI/1/1679/C14/1: 9 September 1679  - caveat caveat against the delivery of the original will 
Robert COPSEY, of Newbottle [Newbottle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/C15/1: 14 February 1680  - inventory exhibited by Margaret Copsey, relict 
James CORDIE, gentleman, of Tinemouth in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Cordy
DPRI/1/1679/C16/1-2: 16 December 1675  - will 
Robert COX, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]. Died 3 August 1679
DPRI/1/1679/C17/1-2: 21 August 1679  - inventory 
Richard CRADOCK, yeoman, of Stainthrop in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Cradocke
DPRI/1/1679/C18/1-2: 22 June 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/C18/3-4: 22 June 1676  - inventory, actual total £25 19s (with brief account of £14) 
John CRAWFORTH, yeoman, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/C19/1-2: 24 January 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/C19/3: 24 January 1672  - inventory, actual total £11 
Margret CRAWFORTH, widow, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1679/C20/1-2: 14 July 1678  - will  with wrapper 
DPRI/1/1679/C20/3: 14 July 1678  - inventory, actual total £38 7s 2d endorsed with direction to Humphry Norton at Willington, via William Leavers at Bishop Auckland 
Richard CROME, son and heir of Thomas Crome the younger late of Newcastle upon Tyne merchant, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Croame
DPRI/1/1679/C21/1-2: 3 January 1672  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1679/C21/3: 3 January 1672  - copy inventory, actual total £10 18s 2d 
DPRI/1/1679/D1   2 September 1679
Thomas DAGLEISH, miller, of chapelry of All Saints, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/D1/1-2: 28 July 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/D1/3: 28 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £17 12s 4d 
DPRI/1/1679/D1/4: 28 July 1679  - commission to Timothy Fenwick, curate of the chapelry of Newcastle All Saints, and William Drake, curate of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Alice Dagleish, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Drake, 2 Sep 1679 
Margaret DAVISON, widow, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/D2/1: 26 January 1679  - will 
Margrett DAVISON, of Munck Seaton, parish of Tynemouth [Monkseaton, Northumberland]; also spelt Margaret
DPRI/1/1679/D3/1: 4 December 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/D3/2 - wrapper 
Robert DAVISON, of Bolam []
parish uncertain: Bolams in Northumberland and County Durham
DPRI/1/1679/D4/1: 10 November 1679  - inventory 
Matthew DAWSON, of parish of Middleton in Teasedall [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/D5/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas DAWSON, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/D6/1: 12 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/D6/2: 12 October 1676  - inventory, actual total £5 10s 
Thomas DAWSON, yeoman, of Weareshead in the parish of Stanhop [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/D7/1-2: 19 February 1679  - inventory 
Henry DAY, weaver, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Henary
DPRI/1/1679/D8/1-2: 19 August 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/D8/3: 19 August 1678  - inventory, actual total £3 4s 
Susanna DEMPSTER, widow, of Carrs-Hill in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Deamster
DPRI/1/1679/D9/1-2: 6 January 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/D9/3: 6 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £26 6s 
John DENNIS, mercer, of Cockerton within the county of Durham, parish of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]
Dennis died 3 Dec [?1679]
DPRI/1/1679/D10/1-2: 2 April 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/D10/3-4: 2 April 1678  - inventory, actual total £51 18s 8d 
Usworld DOTCHON, of Greate Tosson within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Oswald, Detchon, Dotchen
DPRI/1/1679/D11/1-2: 3 September 1679  - inventory endorsed 'to be sent to John Swinhoe' 
John DOWNES, gentleman, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/D12/1: 19 August 1679  - inventory 
Daniel DUNNE, of Castle Garth in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn
DPRI/1/1679/D13/1: undated  - inventory 
Margarett EALES, widow, of Kyrkhalgh (Kirkhaugh) within the county of Northumberland [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Margat, Ealles
DPRI/1/1679/E1/1-2: October 1678  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1679/E1/3: October 1678  - inventory, actual total £14 (with brief account of funeral expences of £2) 
Henry EARLE, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/E2/1: 29 March 1680  - inventory 
Anne ELBOROUGH, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Elbrough
DPRI/1/1679/E3/1-2: 1 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/E3/3-4: 1 September 1679  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1679/E3/5: 1 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £267 8s 8d 
Stephen ELDRINGTON, yeoman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Elrington
DPRI/1/1679/E4/1: 27 June 1679  - inventory 
Raiph ELLENOR, miller, of Thorpthewles (Thorp thewleis) in the countie of Durham, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Elenor
DPRI/1/1679/E5/1-2: 28 October 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/E5/3: 28 October 1679  - inventory, actual total £54 16s 
Issabell ELSTOB, spinster, of Mordon (Morden) in the county of Durham [Morden, County Durham]; also spelt Isabell, Elstobb
DPRI/1/1679/E6/1-2: 27 August 1675  - will  with inventory, 8 October 1679, actual total £17 10s 8d 
Arthur EMMERSON, of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/E7/1: 24 February 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/E9   3 April 1679
Frances ERINGTON, widow, of Barwick on the Hill in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Island (Pontiland) [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Errington
DPRI/1/1679/E9/1: 3 September 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/E9/2: 3 September 1678  - inventory, actual total £20 
DPRI/1/1679/E9/3: 3 September 1678  - commission to Majori Allgood MA, rector of Symonburne, and Robert Adamson MA, vicar of Chollerton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Cuthbert Heron, baronet, executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Adamson, 3 Apr 1679 
Elizabeth ERRINGTON, widow, of Castlegarth in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/E8/1-2: 12 July 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/E8/3: 12 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £17 11s 6d 
William FALAA, of parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Falen, Fala
DPRI/1/1679/F1/1-2: 1678  - inventory 
Anne FENWICK, widow, of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Ann, Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1679/F3/1-2: 26 December 1679  - will  with codicil, 27 December 1679 
DPRI/1/1679/F3/3: 26 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £51 18s 8d 
Cuthbart FENWICKE, gentleman, of East Heddon (Hedon) in the parish of Heddon on the Wall in the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert, Fenwick
DPRI/1/1679/F4/1-2: 27 October 1679  - will  with codicil, 27 October 1679 
DPRI/1/1679/F4/3-4: 27 October 1679  - inventory, actual total £25 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1679/F5   22 May 1679
George FENWICKE, esquire, of Breken burne (Brenckburne), parish of Felton [Brinkburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick
DPRI/1/1679/F5/1: 14 February 1678  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/F5/2-3: 14 February 1678  - commission to John Pye MA, rector of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Fenwick of Morpeth, relict; commission executed by Pye, 22 May 1679. Endorsed with probate office account 
John FENWICKE, gentleman, of West Harle, parish of Whelpington and county of Northumberland [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick
DPRI/1/1679/F6/1: 5 January 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/F6/2: 5 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £307 11s 6d 
William FENWICKE, gentleman, of Prudhoe in the county of Northumberland [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick
DPRI/1/1679/F7/1: 22 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/F7/2-3: 22 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £43 3s 4d 
Charels FERRA, yeoman, of Cheswicke in the chaplry of Ancroft and parish of Holy Island within the county pallatine of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Charles, Farra
DPRI/1/1679/F2/1: 17 November 1679  - inventory 
John FISH, of Harraton within the parish of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/F8/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert FLEMING, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/F9/1: 25 February 1680  - inventory 
Charles FORSTER, gentleman, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Foster
DPRI/1/1679/F10/1-2: 5 March 1680  - inventory 
George FORSTER, gentleman, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/F11/1: 17 October 1679  - inventory of goods unadministered by Margaret Forster, relict, exhibited by Elizabeth Robinson, administratrix 
John FORSTER, esquire, of Cornhill (Cornehill) in the county pallatine of Durham [Cornhill, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/F12/1: 6 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/F12/2-3: 6 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £138 15s endorsed with two (?unrelated) inventories 
DPRI/1/1679/F13   23 January 1680
Matthew FORSTER, intestate, gentleman, of Beadnell (Beadnall), parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
For a curation bond for a William Forster, possibly the son of Matthew Forster, see - DPRI/3/1696/B79
DPRI/1/1679/F13/1-2: 14 January 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/F13/3: 14 January 1679  - commission to Lancelot Dobson MA, vicar of Ellingham, to execute a bond, administer two oaths and grant administration and tuition of William and Grace Forster to Roberta Forster, relict; commission executed by Dobson, 23 Jan 1680 
Ralph FORSTER, gentleman, of Elford in the parish of Balmbrough and countey of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/F14/1-2: 19 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/F14/3: 19 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £84 10s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £120) 
George FRAME, cow-hand, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/F15/1-2: 4 August 1679  - inventory 
John GARTH, yeoman, of St Ellen Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/G1/1: 15 November 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/G1/3: 15 November 1679  - renunciation dated 13 Mar [?1680] 
DPRI/1/1679/G1/2: 15 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £63 
Robert GLAZINBY, yeoman, of Birkly (Birkley) in the county of Durham [Birtley St John, County Durham]; also spelt Glasingby, Glasensby, Glasanby
DPRI/1/1679/G2/1: 25 January 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/G2/2: 25 January 1677  - inventory, actual total £150 2s 6d 
Edward GOWLAND, master and mariner, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/G3/1: 18 June 1679  - inventory 
John GOWLAND, of Framwelgate [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/G4/1: 9 May 1679  - inventory 
John GOWLAND, the elder, of Framwelgate, chaplery of St Margarets in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/G5/1: 12 November 1679  - inventory of goods unadministered by John Gowland the younger, deceased 
Elizabeth GREEN, widow, of Healley (Helly) in the county of Northumberland, parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/G6/1: 4 February 1679  - will 
Christopher GREETHAM, pewterer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Greatham
DPRI/1/1679/G8/1-2: 25 January 1679  - will  with codicil, 29 January 1679 
DPRI/1/1679/G8/3: 25 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £244 18s 1d 
John GREGSTON, of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Gregson
DPRI/1/1679/G9/1-2: 10 July 1679  - inventory 
John GRENAY, yeoman, of Crawcrooke in the county of Durham, parish of Ryton [Crawcrook, County Durham]; also spelt Greenay
DPRI/1/1679/G7/1-2: 4 December 1673  - will with list of debts owed to the testator 
DPRI/1/1679/G7/3: 4 December 1673  - inventory, actual total £31 4s 
John GRUNDON, of Thornley, parish of Woolsingham [Thornley, Wolsingham, County Durham]. Died 18 May 1672
DPRI/1/1679/G10/1-2: 5 June 1672  - inventory 
Isabell HARDCASTLE, relict and administratrix of Richard Hardcastle of Mounkwearmouth Shore, shippwreight, widow, of Mounkwearmouth Shore in the county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H1/1: 8 July 1679  - inventory 
Jane HARDCASTLE, of Sunderland by the Sea [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H2/1-2: 17 April 1679  - inventory of household and shop goods etc. and debts 
Ellinor HARLE, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/H3/1: 17 January 1679  - inventory 
Dorothy HARRISON, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/H4/1-2: 19 April 1670  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executor 
DPRI/1/1679/H4/3-4: 19 April 1670  - inventory, actual total £8 17s 8d 
DPRI/1/1679/H4/5-6: 19 April 1670  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £300 
John HARRISON, fuller, of Geligate (Gillygate) [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H5/1: 15 November 1679  - inventory 
Robert HARRISON, of Butterweeke (Butterwick), parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H6/1-2: 18 June 1678  - inventory 
Christofer HAWDON, minor, gentleman, of Wakerfeild (Wackerfeild), parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Christopher, Hawden
DPRI/1/1679/H7/1: 14 July 1679  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Hawdon, relict, nominating Christopher Hawdon, her father in law to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1679/H7/2: 14 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £22 3s 4d (with account of debts, funeral and coroner expenses of £32 6s 8d) 
Elizabeth HEADLEY, widow, of Ously (Ousley) in the county of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]; also spelt Headly, Hedly, Hedley, Hedgy
DPRI/1/1679/H8/1-2: 6 November 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H8/3: 6 November 1678  - inventory, actual total £64 13s 6d 
Joseph HEDLESTON, citizen and fishmonger of London, fishmonger, of residing within the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Huddleston
DPRI/1/1679/H18/1-2: 13 June 1679  - will 
Barbara HENDERSON, widow, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H9/1: 19 January 1680  - inventory 
Thomas HINDEHAUGH, yeoman, of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hindhaugh
DPRI/1/1679/H10/1: 28 August 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H10/2-3: 28 August 1677  - inventory, actual total £71 13s 4d 
Robert HODGSON, yeoman, of Low Hullerbush in the countie of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon
DPRI/1/1679/H12/1: 21 August 1679  - inventory 
John HODSHON, of Fitches, chapelry of Hamsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H11/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/H11/2 - wrapper 
Humphrey HOPPER, of Shotley Feild, parish of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/H13/1-2: 17 July 1679  - inventory 
John HOPPER, yeoman, of Black hedley (Blackhedly) in the parish of Shotley and county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/H14/1: 27 February 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H14/2-3: 27 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £110 7s 8d 
Samuel HORN, of Sunderland near the Sea within the parish of Bishop Wearmouth and county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Horne
DPRI/1/1679/H15/1: 14 February 1680  - inventory exhibited by Philodelphia Horn, widow and administratrix 
John HORNE, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H16/1: undated  - inventory 
Joseph HORNE, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H17/1: undated  - inventory 
Ann HUCHINSON, widow, of South Streete within the suburbs of the citty of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
DPRI/1/1679/H25/1: 24 February 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/H25/2 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1679/H19   22 October 1679
Edward HUDSPETH, master and mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/H19/1-2: 6 July 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H19/3: 6 July 1677  - inventory, actual total £60 10s 
DPRI/1/1679/H19/4: 6 July 1677  - commission to Stephen Dockwray, vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Martha Rotherford alias Hudspeth, executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwray, 22 Oct 1679 
John HUGHSON, skipper, of Sandgat, chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hewison
DPRI/1/1679/H20/1: 25 August 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/H20/2: 25 August 1679  - list of debts of the deceased, actual total £4 15s 8d (indebted) 
Thomas HULL, gentleman, of the College within the precinct of Durham cathedral [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H21/1-2: 8 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H21/3: 8 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £10 5s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 15s 10d) exhibited by Margarett Hull, spinster and co-executrix 
DPRI/1/1679/H22   20 November 1679
William HULLOCKE, blacksmith, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Hullock, Hullucke
DPRI/1/1679/H22/1: 22 October 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H22/2-3: 22 October 1679  - inventory, actual total £37 17s 8d (with brief account of debts of £3) 
DPRI/1/1679/H22/4: 22 October 1679  - commission to John Brockell, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Hullock, relict and executix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 20 Nov 1679 
Robert HUNTER, of chapelry of Meddomsley [Medomsley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H24/1: 30 January 1680  - inventory 
Elener HUNTOR, of Gatsid [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Ellenor, Hunter
DPRI/1/1679/H23/1: 13 June 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H23/2-3: 13 June 1678  - depositions depositions of John Young and Isabell Young (witness) of Gateshead, relating to a cause promoted by Elizabeth Wall against Catherine Mathers; endorsed 'see inventory 78: 77:' 
Elizabeth HUTCHINSON, spinster, of Denton [Denton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H26/1: 6 February 1680  - inventory exhibited by John Hutchinson, brother and administrator 
John HUTCHINSON, miller, of Denton in the county of Durham [Denton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H27/1-2: 6 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H27/3: 6 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £102 10s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19) 
John HUTCHINSON, rope-maker, of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/H28/1: 5 September 1677  - will with 30 Aug 1700 caveat of John Spain against delivery of the will out of the Registry 
DPRI/1/1679/H28/2: 5 September 1677  - inventory, actual total £336 10s 10d inventory of goods etc. in the houses at Sandhill, Sheildfeild, and shop 
Thomas HUTCHINSON, the elder, yeoman, of Bishop Midleham (Middleham) in the county of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H29/1-2: 3 October 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H29/3-4: 3 October 1679  - inventory, actual total £115 3s 4d 
Thomas HUTCHINSON, yeoman, of Whitburn (Whitburne) in the county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/H30/1: 13 August 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/H30/2: 13 August 1678  - inventory, actual total £207 17s 4d 
Robert ILE, gentleman, of Cockerton in the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/I1/1-2: 16 October 1679  - inventory 
Philip JACKSON, of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/J1/1: 4 April 1679  - inventory 
Thomas JACKSON, of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/J2/1: 19 July 1677  - inventory 
John JEKELL, yeoman, of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Jeekell
DPRI/1/1679/J3/1: 23 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/J3/2: 23 June 1679  - inventory, actual total £286 (with account of debts of £32 19s) 
Robert JOHNSON, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/J4/1: 30 June 1679  - inventory 
Robert JOHNSON, of Whitburn (Whitburne) in the county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/J5/1: 6 May 1679  - copy inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/J5/2-3: 6 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £45 4s 8d 
DPRI/1/1679/J6   December 1679
Thomas JOHNSON, yeoman, of Morwood in the parish of Haltwisle and countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/J6/1: 4 March 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/J6/2: 4 March 1679  - commission to Robert Preistman MA, vicar of Haltwhistle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Johnson, relict; commission executed by Preistman, Dec 1679 
William JOHNSON, merchant, of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/J7/1-2: 24 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/J7/3-4: 24 January 1679  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of Margaret Johnson, relict 
DPRI/1/1679/K1   22 April 1679
Thomas KEARTON, mariner, of South Shields [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/K1/1: undated  - inventory endorsed with direction to 'Mr Gabriel Swainston at's chamber in Durham' 
DPRI/1/1679/K1/2: undated  - commission to Stephen Bordley, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Kearton, widow and mother of the deceased; commission executed by Bordley, 22 Apr 1679 
Richard LADELER, of parish of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Ladler. Died 17 December 1679
DPRI/1/1679/L2/1: 30 December 1679  - inventory 
John LADLER, parson of Gateshead, D.D., clerk, of Gateshead in the county palatine of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/L1/1-2: 14 April 1679  - will 
Thomas LAIDLEY, yeoman, of Ninwick in the parish of Simond burne and county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/L3/1-2: 21 November 1679  - inventory 
Isbell LAMBERT, widow, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Isabell
DPRI/1/1679/L4/1-2: 6 December 1678  - inventory 
John LAMPTON, of Woodhorne in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/L5/1: 11 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/L5/2-3: 11 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £235 16s 
John LAWES, of Urpeth, parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/L6/1: 3 May 1679  - inventory 
John LAWRENCE, yeoman, of Woolveston (Wollveston) in the parish of Billingham in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/L7/1-2: 28 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/L7/3-4: 28 March 1679  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1679/L7/5: 28 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £475 (with brief account of funeral expenses of £40) endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating that the will was validated 
Milcah LAWSON, relict of William Lawson esquire of Litle Usworth, widow, of Litle Usworth in the parish of Washington and county palentine of Durham [Usworth, County Durham]. Died 24 July 1679
DPRI/1/1679/L8/1-2: 28 July 1679  - inventory 
Ralph LAWSON, gentleman, Heaton, chapelry of St Andrew, town of Newcastle upon Tine, Jesmond [Jesmond, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/L9/1-2: 9 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/L9/3-4: 9 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £42 19s 6d exhibited 30 Sep 1679 
John LIDLE, of Longrig (Longrigg) in the parish of Symonburne and county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell
DPRI/1/1679/L10/1-2: 14 May 1679  - inventory 
John LINDSLEY, of Merrington Mill [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/L12/1: 19 September 1679  - inventory 
George LINSEY, of the Colledge in the precinct of Durham cathedral [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Linsley
DPRI/1/1679/L11/1-2: 3 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/L11/3: 3 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £8 8s 3d 
Robert LISLE, gentleman, of Hazon in the countie of Northumberland [Shilbottle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/L13/1-2: 12 November 1680  - will dated at head 24 Apr 1679, and at foot 12 Nov 1680 (?1679); endorsed 1679. 
DPRI/1/1679/L14   15 March 1680
Christopher LODGE, yeoman, of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/L14/1-2: 22 November 1679  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1679/L14/3-4: 22 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £175 18s 2d Inventory dated 13 Jan 1679, probably in error for 1680; Lodge stated to be 'laitly deseased' 
DPRI/1/1679/L14/5-6: 22 November 1679  - commission to Simon Gilpin senior MA, perpetual vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margery Lodge, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 15 Mar 1680 
DPRI/1/1679/L14/7-8: 22 November 1679  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £600 
DPRI/1/1679/L14/9: 22 November 1679  - memorandum of Lodge's death in Nov 1679 formerly attached with pin to L14/10 
DPRI/1/1679/L14/10: 22 November 1679  - covering note for L14/9 covering note addressed to Mr Dixon at Richmond 
Robert LOGAN, senior, gentleman, of South Sheeles (Sheilds), within the chappelry of St Hylds and parish of Jarrow, in the county of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/L15/1-2: 3 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/L15/3: 3 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £193 17s 10d 
DPRI/1/1679/L15/4: 3 September 1679  - commission to Stephen Boardley, curate of the chapelry of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Anne Logan, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bordley, 9 Feb 1680 
Thomas LOWSON, of parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/L16/1-2: 26 November 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/L16/3 - wrapper 
Richard LUCK, doctor of physic, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/L17/1: 27 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/L17/2-3: 27 June 1679  - bond to redeliver the original will (unexecuted) 
Anthony MACKDOWELL, yeoman, of Newbewick (New Bewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Magdowell
DPRI/1/1679/M1/1: 10 November 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/M1/2: 10 November 1679  - nuncupative will 
William MAINE, of Cockerton within the countie of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/M2/1-2: 16 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/M2/3: 16 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £17 16s 
William MAINE, burgess, chapman, merchant, Glascoe in the kingdome of Scotland, Great Aickliffe [Glasgow, Lanarkshire; Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Main, Mayne
DPRI/1/1679/M3/1: 24 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/M3/2: 24 September 1679  - certificate attesting to the lawful status of relict certificate of Glascow magistrates attesting to the lawful status of Maine's widow, Elizabeth Allane (Allan) 
DPRI/1/1679/M3/3: 24 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £65 inventory of goods etc. at Great Aycliffe 
DPRI/1/1679/M3/4: 24 September 1679  - certificate attesting to the lawful status of relict certificate of Glascow Clerk to the Session and a Minister of the city attesting to the lawful status of Maine's widow, Elizabeth Allan (Allane) 
DPRI/1/1679/M3/5-6: 24 September 1679  - power of attorney 
Isabell MARSHALL, widow, of Coopan (Cowpan bewley) in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Marsheall
DPRI/1/1679/M4/1: 29 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/M4/2: 29 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £29 3s 4d 
John MATLAND, of Backworth [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Madline
DPRI/1/1679/M5/1: 17 March 1679  - inventory 
Luke MAXWELL, yeoman, of parish of Jarrow [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/M6/1: 14 January 1680  - inventory exhibited 6 Feb 1680 
William MEGGISON, of Whalton deane house in the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/M7/1-2: undated  - inventory exhibited by Lancelot Meggison, brother and administrator, 29 Jan 1680 
Elizabeth MILBOURNE, widow, of chapelry of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1679/M9/1: 22 December 1679  - inventory 
John MILBOURNE, gentleman, of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1679/M10/1-2: 1 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/M10/3: 1 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £35 10s 6d 
Edward MILBURNE, barber-surgeon, of Northsheles [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/M8/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert MOOR, blacksmith, of Hutton Henry (Hutton Henrie) in the county of Durham, parish of Monk Hesledon [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Moore
DPRI/1/1679/M12/1-2: 18 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/M12/3-4: 18 June 1679  - inventory, actual total £19 0s 2d (with account of debts of £41) 
George MOORE, gentleman, of South Street in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/M13/1-2: 19 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/M13/3: 19 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £33 10s 2d 
Mary MOORE, widow, of the Holy Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/M14/1-2: 12 June 1679  - inventory 
Richard MOORE, intestate, of Hartlepoole in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/M15/1: 19 February 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/M11   11 March 1680
George MOORECROFT, gentleman, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/M11/1-2: 15 March 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/M11/3: 15 March 1680  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Moorecroft, relict, nominating Edward Moorecroft the elder, father and principal creditor, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1679/M11/4: 15 March 1680  - commission to Thomas Davison MA, vicar of Norton, and Richard Croft, vicar of Bishopton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Edward Moorecroft, rector of Redmarshall and father of deceased; commission executed by Davison, 11 Mar 1680 
Robert MORLEY, mason, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/M16/1: 20 November 1679  - inventory 
William MORLEY, yeoman, of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/M17/1: 28 May 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/M17/2-3: 28 May 1678  - inventory, actual total £113 16s 10d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £7) 
Henrie MORTON, of Dodingtonne (Doddington) [Doddington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/M18/1-2: 22 October 1679  - inventory 
Michell MOSSES, yeoman, of Peassmires in the parish of Stanhope in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Moyses
DPRI/1/1679/M19/1-2: 31 May 1678  - inventory 
William NATTERISS, of South Side within the chaplery of Hamsterley (Hamsterlay) and county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Nattress, Natris
DPRI/1/1679/N1/1-2: April 1678  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1679/N1/3: April 1678  - inventory, actual total £18 (with brief account of funeral charges of £1 11s) 
Thomas NAYLOR, M.A., vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, clerk, of St Nicholas, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/N2/1-2: 13 March 1679  - will 
David NESBITT, waller, of Warkworth in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/N3/1: 21 January 1679  - will with list of debts owing to the testator 
DPRI/1/1679/N3/2: 21 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £27 5s 7d (with account of debts of £6 10s) with (undated) memorandum directing 'to be sent to Mr John Thompsons in the Syde in Newcastle, draper' 
Jane NEVEN, spinster, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/N4/1-2: 22 April 1679  - nuncupative will 
Robert NEVINE, yeoman, of Widon Eales in the countie of Northumberland, Haltwisle parish [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Nevin
DPRI/1/1679/N5/1: 5 February 1679  - inventory 
John NEWBYE, of Stellae within the counteye of Durham [Stella, County Durham]; also spelt Newby
DPRI/1/1679/N6/1: 15 December 1679  - inventory endorsed with direction to Thomas Pots in Gatsid (Gateshead) 
Christopher NEWTON, gentleman, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/N7/1: 25 June 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/N7/2: 25 June 1677  - inventory, actual total £26 15s 
William NEWTON, gentleman, of Hawkwell in the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/N8/1-2: 22 September 1679  - inventory 
Samson NICHOALESON, of Tinmouth Castle [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholson
DPRI/1/1679/N12/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/N12/2 - wrapper 
Rowland NICHOLLSON, of Corbridg (Corbridge) [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholson
DPRI/1/1679/N11/1-2: 10 November 1677  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/N11/3 - wrapper 
Cuthbert NICHOLSON, yeoman, of Killerby in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/N9/1-3: 11 July 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/N9/4-5: 11 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £73 19s 8d 
John NICHOLSON, smith, of Clapeth (Claypeth) [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/N10/1-2: 24 March 1679  - inventory 
Nathaniell ORD, mercer, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/O1/1-8: 17 March 1679  - inventory of shop, warehouse and household goods 
Michaell PARKIN, of West Gatecoate (West Gate Coate) within the parish of Hamsterley in the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/P1/1: 25 August 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/P1/2: 25 August 1679  - inventory, actual total £91 19s 6d (with brief account of debts and funeral expenses of £7) 
Edward PATOONE, of Wooller [Wooler, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/P3/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Richard Wallace, administrator, 8 Mar 1680 
George PATTESON, plumber, of brough off Elvet (Elvett) in the parish of St Oswoulds neare Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Pattison
DPRI/1/1679/P4/1-2: 13 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/P4/3-4: 13 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £18 10s 8d (with brief account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 12s) 
DPRI/1/1679/P5   30 October 1679
Anthony PEARSON, butcher, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Peirson
DPRI/1/1679/P5/1: 5 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/P5/2-3: 5 May 1679  - copy will endorsed with direction to Mr Robert Johnson of Barnard Castle, 'to be left att John Harwood's in Darlington' (and sent on) 
DPRI/1/1679/P5/4: 5 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £38 13s 8d inventory of household and shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1679/P5/5: 5 May 1679  - commission to John Brockeld, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Pearson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Brockell, 30 Oct 1679 
Thomas PEEG, of Coles hill in the parish of Knarsedale [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Pigg
DPRI/1/1679/P7/1: 23 April 1679  - inventory 
William PERKIN, of Staningill Head in Teasdell within the county of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasedale [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt parkin
DPRI/1/1679/P2/1: 22 November 1679  - inventory 
Nicholas PESCOD, yeoman, of Corbridge in the countie of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/P6/1: 6 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/P6/2 - wrapper 
DPRI/1/1679/P8   12 January 1680
Catherine PLACE, intestate, of Dinsedale in the county of Durham [Dinsdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/P8/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Rowland Plate, her husband 
DPRI/1/1679/P8/2: undated  - commission to Marmaduke Weatherell, rector of Dinsdale, Leanard Waistell MA, rector of Hurworth upon Tees, and John Hepburne, vicar of Sockburne, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Rowland Place esquire, husband; commission executed by Hepburne, 12 Jan 1680 
Stephen POTTS, of parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/P9/1-2: undated  - inventory exhibited by William Potts, administrator, 20 June 1679 
DPRI/1/1679/P10   21 February 1680
William POTTS, shipwright, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/P10/1-2: 16 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/P10/3: 16 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £91 9s 4d 
DPRI/1/1679/P10/4: 16 March 1679  - commission to Thomas Broughton MA, John Pye MA, and John Harper MA, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Potts, widow and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Pye and Harper, 21 Feb 1680 
Issabell POWER, widow, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Isabell
DPRI/1/1679/P11/1: 17 February 1680  - inventory 
George PRATT, of Allentone [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Prate, Prat
DPRI/1/1679/P12/1-2: 24 April 1679  - will  with list of debts owing to testator, actual total £85 13s (with account of debts of £2 7s) lists of debts drawn up after death of testator 
DPRI/1/1679/P12/3: 24 April 1679  - inventory, actual total £15 3s 4d 
Robert RAND, master and mariner, of Byker Chaire, towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R1/1-2: 24 November 1665  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of one of the executrixes 
DPRI/1/1679/R1/3: 24 November 1665  - inventory, actual total £170 0s 5d 
DPRI/1/1679/R1/4: 24 November 1665  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £600 
Anthony REAY, of Lisdon, chapelry of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R2/1-2: 10 September 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/R3   1 April 1679
Thomas REAY, of Tynemouth in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Rea
DPRI/1/1679/R3/1: 1 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R3/2: 1 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £25 6s 6d 
DPRI/1/1679/R3/3: 1 January 1679  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Alice Reay, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwray, 1 Apr 1679 
Elliner REEVELEY, widow, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellenor, Reevely, Reavely
wrapper for this will and inventory was re-used as a wrapper for the will of James Bayliffe (see DPRI/1/1679/B5/2)
DPRI/1/1679/R4/1-2: 2 November 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R4/3: 2 November 1678  - inventory, actual total £10 1s 7d 
Thomas REVELY, of Lesbury [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Revelley, Reavely
DPRI/1/1679/R5/1: 29 November 1679  - will date uncertain: falls between 21 and 30 Nov 1679 
Issabell REWMAINE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Rowmaine, Romaine
DPRI/1/1679/R17/1: 11 March 1679  - will 
Ann RICHARDSON, spinster, of Elvett in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/R6/1-2: 9 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R6/3-4: 9 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £88 10s 
Mathew RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Walbotle in the county of Northumberland, parish of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R7/1: 26 May 1679  - will  with codicil, 26 May 1679 
DPRI/1/1679/R7/2-3: 26 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £70 13s 4d (with brief account of mortuary and funeral expenses of £6 10) 
Thomas RICHARDSON, meal-maker, of chappelry of St Johns within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R8/1: 31 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R8/2: 31 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £23 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 11s 4d) 
John RIDLEY, of Cousheele(Cousheilds) in the parish of Symonburne and county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R9/1-2: 3 January 1679  - inventory 
Dorothy ROBINSON, of Langley Foord (Langley Dale) in the parrish of Stainthropp [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/R10/1-2: 15 January 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R10/3: 15 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £9 10s 10d 
Roger ROBINSON, blacksmith, of Great Lumley in the county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/R11/1: 20 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R11/2: 20 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £13 5s 4d 
Thomas ROBINSON, gentleman, of Easington Beacon house in the county of Durham, parish of Easington [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/R12/1-2: 15 December 1677  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1679/R12/3-4: 15 December 1677  - inventory, actual total £313 15s 2d 
DPRI/1/1679/R12/5: 15 December 1677  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £2,000 
Elizabeth ROBSON, widow, of Netherwarden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R13/1: 26 May 1671  - inventory 
William ROBSON, yeoman, of Netherwarden in the county of Northumberland, Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R14/1: 20 February 1680  - inventory exhibited by Edward Hudspeth, administrator 
DPRI/1/1679/R14/2: 20 February 1680  - renunciation renunciation of William Robson, nephew of the deceased, nominating Edward Hudspeth, nephew of William Robson, to take out administration 
Gabriell ROCKWOOD, blacksmith, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]. Died 27 March 1679
DPRI/1/1679/R15/1-2: 11 April 1679  - inventory 
Robert RODHAM, gentleman, of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Roddam
DPRI/1/1679/R16/1-2: 8 December 1679  - inventory 
Richard ROOTLIDGE, butcher, yeoman, of Belasis (Belses) in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Bellasis, County Durham]; also spelt Rutledge, Routlidge
DPRI/1/1679/R20/1-2: 2 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R20/3: 2 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £142 1s 6d (with account of debts of £106 10s) 
Mark ROSEDON, of Bilton in the parish of Lesbury [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Rosden
DPRI/1/1679/R18/1: 24 June 1679  - inventory 
Henry RUTHERFOORD, alias Rodham, yeoman, of Earle within the chapplery of Dodington in the county of Northumberland [Doddington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/R19/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by James Wilson 
DPRI/1/1679/R19/2: undated  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1679/R19/3: undated  - commission to John Horsebrough, vicar of Wooler, to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Horsbrugh, 3 Mar 1680 
John RUTTER, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/R21/1: 4 August 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/R21/2: 4 August 1679  - inventory, actual total £30 10s 
Ralph SALKELD, gentleman, of Swinhoe in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Salkeild
DPRI/1/1679/S1/1: 5 June 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S1/2: 5 June 1674  - inventory, actual total £237 5s indented 
DPRI/1/1679/S1/3: 5 June 1674  - commission to Thomas Davison, curate of Balmebrough, and Thomas Forster, curate of Warkworth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Samuel Salkeld, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will 
Anthony SAMPSON, yeoman, of Peley alias Pelowe (Pely) within the parish of Chester le Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Anthoney
DPRI/1/1679/S2/1: 20 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S2/2: 20 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £96 10s 2d 
DPRI/1/1679/S4   12 March 1680
Cuthbert SANDERSON, yeoman, of Highe Wham within the chappellry of Hampsterley and county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/S4/1-2: 10 February 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S4/3-4: 10 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £29 13s 4d 
DPRI/1/1679/S4/5: 10 February 1680  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, perpetual vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Hodshon (for the use of Robert Sanderson, son and executor, minor), and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 12 Mar 1680 
Christopher SAUNDERSON, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sanderson
DPRI/1/1679/S3/1: 16 October 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/S5   14 August 1679
Thomas SELBY, gentleman, of Fenwick, chapelry of Lowick [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Sellby
DPRI/1/1679/S5/1: 26 February 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/S5/2: 26 February 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S5/3: 26 February 1679  - commission to John Udney, curate of Holy Island, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Thomas Haggerston, baronet and cousin, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Udney, 14 Aug 1679 
DPRI/1/1679/S5/4 - wrapper 
Alice SHADFORTH, of chappelry of Lamsley in the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Shatforth
DPRI/1/1679/S6/1-2: 2 May 1679  - will 
Jane SHAFTO, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1679/S7/1: 12 February 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S7/2-5: 12 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £283 8s 3d 
John SHAFTO, of High Calerton in the parish of Pontiland in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
DPRI/1/1679/S8/1-2: 3 March 1679  - inventory with list of debts owing by deceased 
Henry SHAW, grocer, yeoman, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/S9/1: 19 October 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S9/2-3: 19 October 1678  - inventory, actual total £21 1s 2d 
Raife SHAWE, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Shaw
DPRI/1/1679/S10/1-2: 29 August 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S10/3: 29 August 1679  - inventory, actual total £1 10s 
John SHORT, gentleman, of Bishop Wearemouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/S11/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by John Short, eldest son and administrator 
Raiph SIDGEWICK, yeoman, of Day Gill in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Helen [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwick
DPRI/1/1679/S13/1-2: 3 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S13/3: 3 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £296 6s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £35 3s 6d) 
Garrard SIDGWICK, yeoman, of Wollveston in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwicke, Sedgwick
DPRI/1/1679/S12/1: 26 August 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S12/2: 26 August 1677  - inventory, actual total £21 3s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £9 4s 4d) exhibited by George Sidgewicke, 12 Mar 1680 
John SIMPSON, yeoman, of Denton in the county of Durham [Denton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/S14/1-2: 25 February 1680  - inventory 
Robert SKIRFEILD, carpenter, of Elvett in the suburbs of the city of Durham, and in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfeild
DPRI/1/1679/S15/1-2: 4 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S15/3-4: 4 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £23 10s 6d (with brief account of debts of £40) 
Henry SLINGAR, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Slinger
DPRI/1/1679/S16/1-2: 13 March 1679  - inventory 
Christopher SMITH, tailor, of Hutton Henry (Henrie) in the county of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/S17/1-2: 30 December 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S17/3-4: 30 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £35 7s 3d 
Robert SMITH, merchant, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/S18/1-2: 13 November 1679  - inventory 
Christopher SMURTHWAITE, of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/S20/1: 30 July 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S20/2: 30 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £38 14s 10d 
DPRI/1/1679/S20/3 - wrapper 
Thomas SMYTH, of Boleham in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/S19/1: 8 October 1678  - inventory 
Elizabeth SNAWDON, widow, of Gilligate, parish of St Gyles nigh the city of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Elessabeth
DPRI/1/1679/S22/1-2: 16 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S22/3-4: 16 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £9 7s (with brief account of funeral expenses of £11) 
Elizabeth SNOWDON, widow, of Bishop Wearemouth in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Snawdon
DPRI/1/1679/S21/1: 15 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S21/2: 15 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £37 16s 
Thomas SOFTLY, farmer, of Heddon upon the Wall in the countye of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Softley, Softlye
DPRI/1/1679/S23/1-2: 15 August 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S23/3-4: 15 August 1679  - inventory, actual total £46 10s (with account of rent, funeral charges and legacies of £12 14s) 
Richard SPENCLEY, yeoman, of Sunderland nigh the Sea within the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Spenceley, Spensley
DPRI/1/1679/S24/1: 9 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S24/2-3: 9 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £7 6s 7d 
Thomas STORY, yeoman, of Wilam in the parish of Ovingham and county of Northumberland [Wylam, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/S25/1-2: 11 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S25/3: 11 June 1679  - inventory, actual total £60 
Robert STOTTE, yeoman, of Hedworth in the county of Durham, parish of Jarrow [Hedworth, County Durham]; also spelt Stott
DPRI/1/1679/S26/1: 21 October 1679  - inventory 
Ellenor SWADDELL, spinster, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/S27/1-2: 8 January 1675  - nuncupative will  with inventory, 8 March 1680, actual total £20 13s 4d 
Richard SWAINSTON, yeoman, of Westwick in the county of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/S28/1: 25 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/S28/2-3: 25 June 1679  - inventory, actual total £76 19s 8d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £3 15s) 
John SWALWELL, yeoman, of Bladon (Blaydon) within the parish of Ryton and county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Swallwel, Swalwel
DPRI/1/1679/S29/1-2: October 1678  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1679/S29/3: October 1678  - inventory, actual total £8 6s 4d exhibited by Margaret Swalwel, relict, 19 Mar 1680 
Francis SWINBURNE, yeoman, of Dilston in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/S30/1-2: 19 March 1679  - will 
Francis TAYLER, gentleman, of High Bitchburne in the parish of Witton le Weare [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Taylor
DPRI/1/1679/T2/1-2: 2 April 1679  - inventory 
William TAYLER, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylor
DPRI/1/1679/T3/1-2: 25 December 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/T3/3-4: 25 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £105 inventory of shop goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1679/T3/5-6: 25 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £68 3s inventory of household goods etc. 
Ann TAYLOR, widow, of Bolam in the parish of Gainforth (Gainford) within the county of Durham [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Taler, Tailor
DPRI/1/1679/T1/1: 6 June 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/T1/2: 6 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/T1/3 - wrapper 
William TEWART, of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/T11/1: 13 January 1680  - inventory 
Robert THIRLEWAY, of Whickham within the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/T4/1-2: 27 November 1679  - inventory 
Michaell THOMPSON, yeoman, of Sunderland in the parish of Stanhop in Wearedaile and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/T5/1-2: 22 June 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/T5/3-4: 22 June 1678  - inventory, actual total £173 2s 1d 
Robert THOMSON, yeoman, of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson
DPRI/1/1679/T6/1: 31 October 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/T6/2: 31 October 1679  - nuncupative will  with inventory, 15 September 1672 with list of debts owing to the testator (see above), and brief list of debts owed amounting to £2 5s 11d 
William TINDELL, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Tindall
DPRI/1/1679/T7/1: 4 May 1681  - inventory 
John TOD, of Great Usworth, parish of Washington [Usworth, County Durham]; also spelt Todd
DPRI/1/1679/T8/1: 14 August 1679  - inventory 
John TODD, of Caphetone (Capheaton) Whitehous in the county of Northumberland [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Tode
DPRI/1/1679/T9/1: 7 November 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/T9/2: 7 November 1679  - list of sale prices, actual total £149 9s 4d 
Thomas TOWARD, of parish of Wolsingham (Woolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/T10/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by George Toward, 14 Nov 1679 
Bryan TROTTER, yeoman, of Holehouse in the parrish of Stanhop in Weardall in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Brian
DPRI/1/1679/T12/1: 26 November 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/T12/2-3: 26 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £137 6s 6d 
Gilbert TROTTER, gentleman, of Helmenden Hall in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/T13/1-2: 9 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/T13/3-4: 9 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £85 3s 10d 
DPRI/1/1679/T13/5 - wrapper 
James VICKARS, yeoman, of Raby, parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Viccars
DPRI/1/1679/V1/1-2: 2 June 1679  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/V2   22 July 1679
John VIPOUND, of Neither Dodbury in the parish of Garrigill in Aldston Moore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Vepond
DPRI/1/1679/V2/1: 5 April 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/V2/2: 5 April 1679  - inventory, actual total £24 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 11s) 
DPRI/1/1679/V2/3: 5 April 1679  - commission to John Lee, curate of Garragill, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Robert Vepond, son and executor, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Lee, 22 July 1679 
Robert WAKE, yeoman, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W1/1: 3 March 1680  - inventory 
John WALKER, weaver, of Bernard Castle within the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W2/1: 5 October 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W2/2: 5 October 1676  - inventory, actual total £35 17s (with account of debts of £4 5s) 
John WALKER, of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W3/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Richard WALKER, house-carpenter, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W4/1: 27 December 1678  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1679/W4/2-3: 27 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £41 19s 11d 
DPRI/1/1679/W4/4-5: 27 December 1678  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £200 
Elizabeth WALL, widow, of Snapgate (Snape Gate, Snappgate) in the parish of Stanhoop (Stanhopp) in Weardaile and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Elizebeth
DPRI/1/1679/W5/1: 16 December 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W5/2-3: 16 December 1678  - depositions and responses of the witnesses to the will depositions of the witnesses to the will, on the part of Jane Johnson, daughter of the testatrix, relating to a cause against the guardians ad litem of John Wall, grandson of testatrix; with their responses to the interrogatories of the guardians 
DPRI/1/1679/W5/4: 16 December 1678  - inventory, actual total £30 0s 5d 
will bond, penal sum £18: DPRI/3/1698/B108/1-2
William WALL, gentleman, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Testator may have been a Quaker
DPRI/1/1679/W6/1-2: 24 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W6/3: 24 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £171 3s 7d 
William WALTON, Love Lady Sheale in Aldston moor in the county of Cumberland, Natris in the parish of Allstonn in Aldston moore [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W7/1: 14 March 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W7/2: 14 March 1678  - inventory, actual total £37 10s (with brief account of funeral expenses of £8) 
Christopher WARDAILE, the younger, yeoman, of Edmonseley in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Wardell
DPRI/1/1679/W8/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas WARDELL, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wardale
DPRI/1/1679/W9/1-2: 5 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W9/3: 5 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £250 3s 
Anthony WATSON, of Castle Eden in the County of Durham [Castle Eden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W10/1-2: 14 January 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W10/3: 14 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £142 7s 10d 
Edward WATSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W11/1: 26 November 1666  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1679/W11/2: 26 November 1666  - will 
Nicholas WATSON, gentleman, of Summerhouse in the parish of Gainford and county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W12/1-2: 28 April 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W12/3: 28 April 1679  - inventory, actual total £27 8s 4d 
William WATSON, gentleman, of South Shields in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W13/1: 11 February 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W13/2: 11 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £1,530 1s 4d 
John WELDON, gentleman, of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W14/1-2: 31 March 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W14/3: 31 March 1673  - inventory, actual total £1 
Peater WELLBANCK, yeoman, of Sadbirge (Sadbard, Sadberge) in the county of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]; also spelt Peter, Welbancke, Welbanck
DPRI/1/1679/W15/1: 26 April 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W15/2: 26 April 1679  - inventory, actual total £23 4s 
Elizabeth WHARYER, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W16/1-2: 14 February 1676  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W16/3: 14 February 1676  - inventory, actual total £6 4s 
Christopher WHITFEILD, cordwainer, of Clapurth (Claypeth) nigh the city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W17/1-2: 14 July 1679  - will  with codicil, undated 
Christofer WHITFEILD, of Hetton in the Hole in the county of Durham [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W18/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Robert WIDDISON, intestate, mariner, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Widdyson
DPRI/1/1679/W19/1-2: undated  - inventory 
Cudbert WIGHTMAN, gentleman, of Plassey New Howses in the parish of Stannington and county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuthbert
DPRI/1/1679/W20/1-2: 3 January 1680  - will 
William WILCH, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W21/1-2: 4 February 1680  - inventory of goods etc. not administered by Frances Wilch, widow and administratrix 
Elizabeth WILKINSON, widow, of Rareton within the parish of Lanchester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W22/1: 24 February 1680  - inventory exhibited by Mary Rippon, spinster and administratrix, 24 Feb 1680 
John WILKINSON, the elder, yeoman, of Butterwick in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W23/1: 16 August 1675  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W23/2: 16 August 1675  - inventory, actual total £88 exhibited by Anne Wilkinson, relict, and Robert Wilkinson, son, co-executors 
Ann WILSON, widow, of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W24/1: 30 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W24/2: 30 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £65 2s 
Dorithie WILSON, widow, of Wallick in the parish of Warden and county of Northumberland [Warden, Northumberland]; also spelt Dorothy
DPRI/1/1679/W25/1-2: 25 June 1679  - inventory 
Jane WILSON, widow, of Middleton (Midleton) One Rowe in the county of Durham [Middleton St George, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W26/1-2: 21 April 1679  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1679/W26/3-4: 21 April 1679  - will 
Katheraine WILSON, widow, of Chester in the Street in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W27/1: 26 October 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W27/2: 26 October 1677  - inventory, actual total £8 1s 11d 
Robert WILSON, yeoman, of Bellsis in the county of Durham, parish of Billingham [Bellasis, County Durham]; also spelt Willson
DPRI/1/1679/W28/1-2: 8 March 1679  - inventory 
William WILSON, gentleman, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W29/1-2: 4 January 1679  - will with list of debts of £25 30s 
DPRI/1/1679/W29/3: 4 January 1679  - renunciation renunciation of the executors, nominating Michaell (?Widder) to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1679/W29/4: 4 January 1679  - inventory, actual total £85 19s 11d 
Dorothy WOULDHAVE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1679/W30/1-2: 14 July 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W30/3: 14 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £105 13s 2d 
Richard WRIGHT, of Teame Steath, and parrish of Whickham within the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W31/1: 24 June 1679  - inventory 
Alice WYCLIFFE, widow, of parish of St Gyles in Gilligate in the county of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/W32/1: 24 November 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/W32/2-3: 24 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £62 3s 
George YOUNG, yeoman, of Murton (Morton) in the parish of Dalton in the county of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Younge
DPRI/1/1679/Y1/1-2: 23 April 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/Y1/3-4: 23 April 1679  - inventory, actual total £111 1s 8d 
John YOUNG, miller, waterman, of towne and countie of NewCastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge
DPRI/1/1679/Y2/1: 31 December 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/Y2/2: 31 December 1674  - inventory, actual total £21 14s 8d 
DPRI/1/1679/Y3   29 September 1679
William YOUNG, yeoman, of Etherdakers (Edderdakers) in the countie of Durham in the parish of Eassington (Easington) [Easington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1679/Y3/1-2: undated  - will 
DPRI/1/1679/Y3/3-4: undated  - inventory, actual total £320 7s 6d (with brief account of legacies and funeral expenses of £72 8s) 
DPRI/1/1679/Y3/5: undated  - commission to Francis Gamul, curate of Easington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Young, widow, and Robert Sober, co-executors, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed byGamul, 29 Sep 1679 
Wills etc proved 1680
Reference: DPRI/1/1680
William AGAR, surgeon, of Sunderland neare the Sea, in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/A1/1: 9 February 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B342
Henry AIREY, yeoman, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Ayrey, Arie
DPRI/1/1680/A2/1: 1 February 1681  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/A2/2: 1 February 1681  - inventory, actual total £2,121 8s 4d 
DPRI/1/1680/A2/3: 1 February 1681  - renunciation 
Elizabeth AKENHEAD, widow, of Hallistone (Hallyston) in the county of Northumberland [Holystone, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/A3/1-2: 21 October 1679  - will  with inventory, 3 September 1680, actual total £46 5s (with brief account of funeral charges of £8 6s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B102
Thomas ARMSTRONG, of Low Throston, parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Armestrong
DPRI/1/1680/A4/1-2: 2 March 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B4-5
Humphrey ARROWSMITH, of Coxhey (Coxhoe) [Coxhoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/A5/1: 14 December 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/A5/2-3: 14 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £390 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B313
William ARROWSMITH, yeoman, of Coxhoe in the county of Durham, parish of Kelloe [Coxhoe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/A6/1-2: 1 February 1679  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1680/A6/3: 1 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £204 10s exhibited by Bryan Roper, co-executor, 18 Sep 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B146
Samuell ASH, cordwainer, of North Shields in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/A7/1-2: 1 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/A7/3: 1 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £13 2s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B309
Roger ATCHISON, of burrough of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Atkinson
DPRI/1/1680/A8/1-2: 13 November 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/A8/3: 13 November 1677  - inventory, actual total £13 7s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B235
John ATKINSON, yeoman, of Greate Ayckliffe in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/A9/1: 5 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/A9/2: 5 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £4 17s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B350
John ATKINSON, of parish of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/A10/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by William Atkinson, son and administrator, 2 Nov 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B206
Raiph ATKINSON, yeoman, of Suddick, parish of Monk Wearemouth [Southwick, County Durham]; also spelt Ralph
DPRI/1/1680/A11/1: 17 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B319-320
William ATKINSON, tanner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Atcinson
DPRI/1/1680/A12/1-2: 23 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/A12/3: 23 June 1679  - inventory, actual total £58 
DPRI/1/1680/A12/4: 23 June 1679  - account, actual total £45 3s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £142 11s 6d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B351
George AUDE, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Awd
DPRI/1/1680/A13/1: 28 May 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B78
Richard AYESLABY, of Killerby within the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Ayslaby
DPRI/1/1680/A14/1: 26 November 1680  - inventory 
John BACON, yeoman, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B1/1-2: 30 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/B1/3-4: 30 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £112 
DPRI/1/1680/B1/5: 30 September 1680  - interrogatories interrogatories to the witnesses on the part of John Harrison, nephew, relating to a cause against John Hornesby, son of the testator's wife 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B349
Robert BAILES, yeoman, of Wakerfield in the county of Durham, parish of Staindrop [Ingleton, County Durham]; also spelt Bayles
DPRI/1/1680/B5/1: 14 February 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/B5/2-3: 14 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £19 18s 
Henry BAINBRIDGE, saddler, of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B2/1: 12 May 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B43
Clement BARKER, widow, of Eachweake in the parish of Heddon of the Waile [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/B3/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/B3/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B243
Thomas BARNES, of Witton upon Wear (Weare) in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B4/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by George Barnes, son and administrator, 12 Mar 1681 
DPRI/1/1680/B4/2: undated  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Barnes, relict, nominating George Barnes, son and creditor, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B369
Thomas BAYLES, junior, saddler, of Gillygate, parish of St Gyles nigh the city of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B6/1: 11 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B173
Ann BEAL, of Bishop Midleham in the county pallentine of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Beale
DPRI/1/1680/B7/1: 15 April 1680  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B119
Matthew BEE, yeoman, of Chollerton in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/B8/1-2: 4 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/B8/3-4: 4 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £107 13s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B88
Samuell BELL, butcher, of chappelrey of St Johns within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/B9/1: 15 May 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B60
Thomas BELL, surgeon, of South Shields [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B10/1-2: 2 August 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B122
William BELL, yeoman, of Cleatlam in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham; Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B11/1-2: 15 September 1680  - copy will  with copy codicil, 22 September 1680 with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the orginal will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1680/B11/3: 15 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £165 
DPRI/1/1680/B11/4: 15 September 1680  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £600 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B190-191
William BELL, yeoman, of Ryall within the parish of Stamfordham in the county of Northumberland [Ryal, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/B12/1: 23 July 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/B12/2-3: 23 July 1680  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1680/B12/4 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B151
Richard BINDLEY, yeoman, of Merington (Church Merrington) in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Binley
DPRI/1/1680/B13/1-2: 31 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/B13/3: 31 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £104 14s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B71
William BIRD, blacksmith, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B14/1: 22 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B314
Richard BLACKETT, of Lanchester Milne [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B15/1: 30 December 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B302
Sir William BLACKETT, baronet, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/B16/1-14: 9 March 1680  - copy will  with copy codicil, 9 March 1680 
DPRI/1/1680/B16/15-16: 9 March 1680  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £4,000 
DPRI/1/1680/B16/17 - wrapper formerly a wrapper for the Egglescliffe Parish Registers 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B108
Tobias BLAKISTON, gentleman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B17/1: 3 March 1681  - inventory 
John BRICE, of Elvit neare the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B18/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B121
DPRI/1/1680/B19   May 1680
Henry BROWNE, of Capheton, parish of Whelpington [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]. Died 7 February 1680
DPRI/1/1680/B19/1-2: 7 February 1680  - will with list of debts, 1680; endorsed 'Mrs Anne Browne his wife is sole administratrix' 
DPRI/1/1680/B19/3: 7 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £63 16s 6d 
DPRI/1/1680/B19/4-5: 7 February 1680  - commission to William Mitford MA, rector of Elsden, and Laton Eden, vicar of Whelpington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Anne Browne, relict and legatee, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Eden, May 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B107
Christopher BURDON, of Houghton in the Side, chapelry of Denton [Denton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/B20/1: 20 June 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/B20/2: 20 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £35 
DPRI/1/1680/B20/3: 20 June 1680  - proxy of Ellin Burdon, relict, nominating Mary Burdon, her daughter, to take out administration due to infirmity 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B321
Bryan BURLETSON, gentleman, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Brian
DPRI/1/1680/B21/1: 23 December 1680  - will dorse has attached to it fragments of an unidentified inventory 
Margarat BYRES, widow, of Branspeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Byars
DPRI/1/1680/B22/1: 22 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B30
Anne CALVERLEY, Mordon, Byers-Green [Sedgefield, County Durham; Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C1/1-2: 29 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £68 13s 8d  with inventory, 30 December 1680, actual total £83 10s inventories of goods etc. at Mordon and Byers Green 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B290
Robert CARR, gentleman, of Swarland in the parish of Felton and county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/C2/1: 5 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B223
DPRI/1/1680/C3   24 January 1681
Francis CARTER, labourer, of Stockton in the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Francisse
DPRI/1/1680/C3/1: 29 May 1671  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C3/2: 29 May 1671  - inventory, actual total £12 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 10s) 
DPRI/1/1680/C3/3: 29 May 1671  - commission to Stephen Tennant, vicar of Stranton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Carter, relict and executrix; commission executed by Tennant, 24 Jan 1681 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B315
DPRI/1/1680/C4   24 November 1680
Margaret CATHERICK, widow, of Darlington in the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Margarett, Cathericke
DPRI/1/1680/C4/1: 28 September 1675  - will Certificate of oath undated 
DPRI/1/1680/C4/2-3: 28 September 1675  - inventory, actual total £28 14s 8d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £8) 
DPRI/1/1680/C4/4: 28 September 1675  - commission to George Bell, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Alice Gregory, widow and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bell, 24 Nov 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B257
Jasper CHARLETON, of chapplery of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/C5/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Elizabeth Dodd, daughter, 1 Nov 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B203
John CHILTON, gentleman, of South Shields in the county palatine of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C6/1: 6 July 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B89
Thomas CHILTON, yeoman, of Houghton le Spring in the county palatine of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C7/1-2: 30 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C7/3-4: 30 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £542 8s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B274
William CHIPCASE, of Wolveston in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase
DPRI/1/1680/C9/1: 20 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B332-333
Thomas CHIPCHAIS, the elder, yeoman, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase
DPRI/1/1680/C8/1-2: 5 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C8/3: 5 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £241 18s (with account of debts, legacies and rent of £55) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B246-247
George CHRISPE, of Ingraham [Ingram, Northumberland]; also spelt Chrisp
DPRI/1/1680/C10/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B94
William CLENNELL, gentleman, of Littell Tossen [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/C11/1: 11 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B232-233
Wilfrid CLERKE, of parish of Saint Nicholas, city of Durham, in the county of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C12/1: 7 June 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B67
John CLOUGH, ship-carpenter, of Chester in the Street in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Cleugh
DPRI/1/1680/C13/1: 30 February 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C13/2: 30 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £89 6s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B45-46
Robert COATS, labourer, of Wollveston (Woolviston) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Coates
DPRI/1/1680/C14/1: 5 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C14/2: 5 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £17 8s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B249
Raiph COLLING, tanner, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C15/1: 12 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B192
Robert COOK, yeoman, of West Rainton (Renton) in the county of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Cooke
DPRI/1/1680/C17/1-2: 5 August 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C17/3-4: 5 August 1680  - inventory, actual total £132 12s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B132
John COOKE, of Ayden, parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/C16/1: 12 January 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B200
Ellis COOPER, gentleman, esquire, of Sunderland by the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C18/1: 5 July 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C18/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B294
William CORNEFORTH, gentleman, of Blackwell in the county of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C19/1: 12 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C19/2: 12 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £155 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B330
Richard COWLEY, of Laton (Layton), parish of Chester, in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
locality is in fact Layton in Sedgefield: see Baker Baker 40/22, 40/25, 40/29a-b and 72/249 Layton Survey
DPRI/1/1680/C20/1-2: 30 August 1680  - inventory 
George CRAGGES, yeoman, of Hutton Henrie West Moors in the county of Durham, parish of Monk Hesledon [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Craggs
DPRI/1/1680/C21/1-2: 25 July 1673  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C21/3-4: 25 July 1673  - inventory, actual total £19 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B57
Ephraim CRESWELL, gentleman, of Creswell in the county of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorne [Cresswell, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/C22/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B207
Thomas CROW, mariner, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/C23/1-2: 26 May 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C23/3: 26 May 1680  - inventory, actual total £162 15s 
John CURRY, yeoman, of parrish of St Andrews in the county of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Curey
DPRI/1/1680/C24/1-2: 9 April 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C24/3: 9 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £21 6s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B32
Jarrerd CUTHBERTSON, yeoman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/C25/1-2: 28 February 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/C25/3-4: 28 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £136 18s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B124
George DAILE, gentleman, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/D1/1-2: 26 September 1678  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1680/D1/3-4: 26 September 1678  - indented inventory, actual total £222 9s 
DPRI/1/1680/D1/5: 26 September 1678  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £1,000 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B61
Thomas DAVILE, mercer, of Gateshead in the county palatine of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/D2/1: 17 January 1681  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D2/2: 17 January 1681  - inventory, actual total £932 5s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B338-339
DPRI/1/1680/D3   19 July 1680
Elizabeth DAVISON, widow, of Newton in the county of Northumberland, parish of Allenton [Alwinton, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/D3/1-2: 20 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D3/3-4: 20 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £25 1s 8d 
DPRI/1/1680/D3/5: 20 December 1679  - commission to Lancelot Dobson MA, vicar of Ellingham, Ralph Carr, vicar of Edlingham, and Thomas Trotter, vicar of Egglingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Catherine Gardner, daughter and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dobson, 19 July 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B105
Robert DAVISON, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/D4/1: 14 March 1681  - inventory 
Robart DAVISON, yeoman, of Norton in the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Robert
DPRI/1/1680/D5/1: 14 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D5/2-3: 14 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £279 14s (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £34 6s) this inventory was found separated from the will and wrapper; it is not certain that the two Robert Davisons of Norton are the same individual 
DPRI/1/1680/D5/4 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B258-260
Margret DENAM, widow, of Bishopton in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Danham, Deanam
DPRI/1/1680/D6/1: 1 November 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D6/2: 1 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £15 19s 6d (with account of debts of over £12 5s 9d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B268
James DICKENSON, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Dickinson
DPRI/1/1680/D7/1-2: 29 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D7/3-4: 29 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £586 11s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B72
Robert DICKINSON, yeoman, of Over Eishgill in Aldstonmoore in the parish of Garrigill and county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Dickenson
DPRI/1/1680/D8/1: 29 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D8/2: 29 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £23 1s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B26-27
William DINNING, of Gunnertonn (Gunnerton) [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Dining
DPRI/1/1680/D9/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B204
Francis DOBINSON, fellmonger, yeoman, of Witton upon Weare in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Debbison
DPRI/1/1680/D10/1: 24 April 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D10/2: 24 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £72 16s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B101
Thomas DOBSON, of Redworth in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/D11/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B291
George DOCHEN, gentleman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/D13/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Margaret Dochen, relict and administratrix 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B283
John DOD, yeoman, of Latter Foord in the county of Northumberland and parish of Simonburne; Warke [Wark, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd
DPRI/1/1680/D12/1: 8 April 1674  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/D12/2: 8 April 1674  - inventory, actual total £71 17s 11d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B201
Margery DUNN, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/D15/1: 18 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B208
John DUNNE, of Church Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/D14/1: 22 March 1680  - inventory 
George EARLE, yeoman, of Cleatlam (Cleatland) in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham; Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/E1/1: 17 March 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/E1/2: 17 March 1679  - inventory, actual total £3 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B166
DPRI/1/1680/E2   8 June 1680
John EDEN, gentleman, of town of Billingham in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/E2/1-2: 23 April 1680  - will 
Christopher ELLENOR, of Hutton Henry in the county of Durham, parish of Monk Hesledon [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/E3/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Ralph Ellenor, son and administrator, 8 May 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B35
Robert EMBLETONN, of Lesbury [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Embltonn, Embleton
DPRI/1/1680/E4/1-2: 21 June 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B100
Robbart ERINGTON, of Shadford, parish of Pittington [Shadforth, County Durham]; also spelt Robert, Errington
DPRI/1/1680/E5/1: 13 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B301
Robert ERRINGTON, of Battons Green in the county of Durham, parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/E6/1: 20 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/E6/2: 20 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £66 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B8
John ESHTON, junior, weaver, of Chesterwood in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/E7/1-2: 23 January 1681  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/E7/3: 23 January 1681  - inventory, actual total £52 0s 8d (with brief account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 15s) 
William FENWICK, esquire, of Bywell St Andrew in the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
DPRI/1/1680/F3/1: 2 June 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/F3/2: 2 June 1679  - inventory, actual total £128 0s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B167
Arthur FENWICKE, merchant, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Arther
DPRI/1/1680/F2/1-2: 2 April 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/F2/3: 2 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £621 16s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B66
William FERRAR, of towne of Barwicke uppon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Farrer
DPRI/1/1680/F1/1-2: 26 May 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B53
Roger FEWLER, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/F4/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. unadministered by John Cornforth, now deceased, exhibited by Whare Fawcett, 12 Jan 1681 
Peter FINCH, yeoman, of Woolveston in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/F5/1-2: 26 June 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/F5/3: 26 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £137 19s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £117 9s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B97-98
Thomas FORSITH, intestate, of parish of Kirk Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]. Died 4 April 1680
DPRI/1/1680/F7/1-2: 3 November 1680  - inventory subscribed with direction 'to be left at David Sherwood's att the [?head] of the sid[e] at the Spread Eagle' 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B230
Robert FOSSICK, yeoman, of Bishopton within the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/F6/1: 16 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B188
Thomas FURBY, of Oswould croft in the parish of Winston [Winston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/F8/1: 4 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/F8/2: 4 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £140 12s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B76-77
Anthoney GARGRAVE, yeoman, of St Hellen Auckland in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Anthony
DPRI/1/1680/G1/1-2: 1 March 1681  - will with account of debts owing by the testator of £7 15s 
DPRI/1/1680/G1/3: 1 March 1681  - inventory, actual total £52 
Thomas GARTH, yeoman, of Weatside (Weetside) in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/G2/1: 27 December 1680  - inventory 
Gawin GIBSON, yeoman, of Prestwicke in the county of Northumberland, parish of Ponteland [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/G3/1: 12 September 1680  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B186
John GIBSON, yeoman, of Hylton (Hilton) within the parish of Monkwarmmouth in the county of Durham [Hylton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/G4/1: 4 August 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/G4/2: 4 August 1679  - inventory, actual total £126 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B51
Lancelot GIBSON, yeoman, of Coupan (Coopon) in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Horton [Cowpen, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/G5/1-2: 21 July 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/G5/3: 21 July 1679  - inventory, actual total £26 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B23
Daniel GILL, gentleman, of Haughton Close in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/G6/1: 21 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B242
Jane GLOVER, widow, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/G7/1: 24 September 1672  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/G7/2: 24 September 1672  - inventory, actual total £26 14s 10d 
William GRAY, of Seaton Delavall (Delavele) in the county of Northumberland [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye
DPRI/1/1680/G13/1: 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/G13/2: 1680  - inventory, actual total £149 11s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B126
John GRAYSTON, of parish of Reed Marshall (Readmarshall) in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/G8/1: 5 February 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B70
James GREENE, glazier, of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Green
DPRI/1/1680/G9/1: 15 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B28
DPRI/1/1680/G10   7 June 1680
John GREENWELL, of Welden in the county of Northumberland and parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Grenwell, Greenewell, Grenewell
DPRI/1/1680/G10/1-2: 25 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/G10/3-4: 25 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £118 2s 10d 
DPRI/1/1680/G10/5: 25 March 1680  - commission to Ralph Robinson, vicar of Ovingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Greenwell, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Robinson, 7 June 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B62
William GREEVE, yeoman, of Bradbury in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]. Died 23 September 1680
DPRI/1/1680/G11/1: 9 September 1680  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1680/G11/2-3: 9 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £36 3s 8d (with brief account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 10s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B165
Ellenor GRENEWELL, spinster, of Sunderland near the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Grinwell
DPRI/1/1680/G14/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Mary Grenewell, widow, mother and administratrix of the deceased, 21 June 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B80
John GREY, husbandman, of Stannington (Stanington) in the county of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray
DPRI/1/1680/G12/1: 7 May 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/G12/2: 7 May 1680  - inventory, actual total £167 9s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B92-93
John GRINWELL, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/G15/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Thomas Grinwell, brother and administrator, 10 July 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B96
Michael HALL, gentleman, of Framwelgate, chapelry of St Margaret Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H1/1: 5 July 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B128
Thomas HALL, gentleman, of Ellamore (Ellimore) Hall in the county of Durham, parish of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H2/1-2: 27 March 1680  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will rests in the hands of the executors 
DPRI/1/1680/H2/5-10: 27 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £377 7s 8d 
DPRI/1/1680/H2/3-4: 27 March 1680  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £6,000 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B129
DPRI/1/1680/H3   20 April 1680
Christopher HARRISON, yeoman, of Swinhopbourn in Werdayll in the countie of Durham, parish of Stanhope in Wearedaile [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H3/1: undated  - will dated 25 Nov 
DPRI/1/1680/H3/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £90 6s 8d 
DPRI/1/1680/H3/3-4: undated  - commission to William Smith, curate of the chapelry of St John Weardale, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Harrison, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Smith, 20 Apr 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B19
Eleanor HARRISON, widow, of South Shields [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Alloner, Herrison
DPRI/1/1680/H4/1-2: 8 January 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H4/3: 8 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £7 18s 4d 
George HARRISON, yeoman, of Hunshellfoard in the parish of Stanhop and county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H5/1-2: 9 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H5/3: 9 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £6 3s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B163
Jane HARRISON, widow, of Eldon in the county of Durham [Eldon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H6/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas HARRISON, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/H7/1: 10 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B355
Elizabeth HASWELL, widow, of Great Ayckliffe in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H8/1-2: 24 September 1680  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B261
Ralph HEBBURNE, esquire, of Hebburne (Hebburn), parish of Chillingham [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/H9/1-2: 11 May 1680  - copy inventory subscribed with 4 July 1680 certificate of its accuracy 
DPRI/1/1680/H9/3: 11 May 1680  - commission to Lancelot Dobson MA, vicar of Chillingham (endorsed Ellingham), to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Alice Hebburn, relict, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dobson, 11 May 1680; endorsed with direction 'to be left with the Postmaster of Belford' 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B38
Edward HEDLEY, of Boore Shiele within the parish of Ellesden (Elsden) in the county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/H10/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Parcival Hedley 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B153
Elizabeth HENDERSON, widow, of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H12/1: 10 February 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H12/2: 10 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £46 17s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B110
William HENDRY, yeoman, of Barwick on the Hill in the parish of Ponteland in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/H13/1: 12 December 1679  - will with schedule of debts drawn up by the testator himself of £35 16s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B55-56
John HETT, yeoman, of Greatham in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H14/1: 12 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H14/2: 12 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £16 19s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B195
John HICKSON, yeoman, of Standelaine (Standalaine) in the county of Durham, parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H15/1: 11 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H15/2: 11 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £94 19s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B282
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B10
John HICKSON, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H16/1: 18 January 1681  - renunciation renunciation of Joan Hickson, relict, nominating Christopher Coates, principal creditor, and citing executed monition to that effect 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B311
Robert HICKSON, yeoman, of Ferryhill in the county of Durham [Ferryhill, County Durham]; also spelt Hixon. Died 3 April 1680
DPRI/1/1680/H17/1: 26 January 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H17/2: 26 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £97 11s 8d (with brief account of debts and funeral expneses of £53 15s 2d) 
Thomas HICKSON, of Burtre-house within the parish of Haughton in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H18/1: 9 December 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B316-317
Richard HIGHLEY, yeoman, of Woodhorn in the county of Durham [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Heighley
DPRI/1/1680/H11/1-2: 11 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H11/3: 11 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £244 15s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B111
William HINCKES, intestate, of Elvett (Elvet), city of Durham, in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Hincks
DPRI/1/1680/H19/1: 15 November 1680  - renunciation renunciation of Jane Hinckes, relict, nominating Edward Hinckes, son, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1680/H19/2-3: 15 November 1680  - inventory, actual total £195 8s (with brief account of debts of £9 12s) 
Robert HOCHSON, the elder, of East Duday in the pairish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodshon
DPRI/1/1680/H20/1: 29 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B217
Nicholas HULL, of parish of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H21/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B148
John HUMBLE, miller, of parish of Bushupton and county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H22/1-2: 19 March 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B2
DPRI/1/1680/H23   21 June 1680
John HUMBLE, of Heppell in the parish of Rothbury and county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/H23/1: 18 June 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/H23/2-3: 18 June 1680  - commission to John Thomlinson MA, rector of Rothbury, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellenor Humble, relict; commission executed by Thomlinson, 21 June 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B79
John HUMPHREY, of Kynton, parish of Woodhorn [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Umphrey
DPRI/1/1680/H24/1-2: 15 December 1679  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B90-91
William HUNTER, blacksmith, of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/H25/1-2: 5 April 1677  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H25/3: 5 April 1677  - inventory, actual total £65 19s 8d schedule of debts owing to the testator 
DPRI/1/1680/H25/4: 5 April 1677  - inventory, actual total £13 6s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B222
William HUNTINGTON, of Wollveston (Woolviston) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H26/1: 16 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B141
Andrew HUNTLEY, yeoman, of parish of Dalton in the Dale [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H27/1: undated  - will dated 13 Nov 
DPRI/1/1680/H27/2: undated  - inventory, actual total £10 exhibited by Robert Huntley, son, 25 June 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B84
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B83
Isabell HUNTLEY, of parish of Dalton and county of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H28/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B86
Robert HUTCHINSON, of Littell Chillton, parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H29/1: undated  - inventory 
Robert HUTCHINSON, millwright, of Wingate in the parish of Kelloe [Wingate, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H30/1: 11 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B138
DPRI/1/1680/H31   21 May 1680
Anne HUTTON, spinster, of Streatlam (Streatlem) Dykes in the county of Durham, chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H31/1: 7 April 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H31/2: 7 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £256 13s 4d (with brief account of legacy and funeral expenses of £20 4s 8d) 
DPRI/1/1680/H31/3-4: 7 April 1680  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Spenser, widow and executrix and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 21 May 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B50
Arthur HUTTON, gentleman, of Witton Gilbert nigh the citty of Durham in the county of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H32/1-2: 2 August 1680  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1680/H32/3-4: 2 August 1680  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £600 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B145
Ralph HUTTON, gentleman, of Mainsforth (Mensforth) in the county of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/H33/1: 9 November 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/H33/2-3: 9 November 1680  - inventory, actual total £88 
DPRI/1/1680/H33/4: 9 November 1680  - renunciation renunciation of Elizabeth Hutton, spinster, daughter and executrix, nominating Ralph Hutton, her brother, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B318
Christopher JACKSON, of Wackerfeild (Wackerfeilld) in the county of Durham, parish of Staindrop [Ingleton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/J1/1-2: 18 February 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/J1/3: 18 February 1680  - inventory, actual total £46 6s 8d (with account of debts of £20) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B142
Robert JACKSON, weaver, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/J2/1: 16 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/J2/2: 16 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £385 12s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B22
Thomas JACKSON, of borough of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/J3/1: 1 October 1681  - inventory 
Richard JAMESON, yeoman, of Black Callerton, parish of Newburne, in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/J4/1: February 1675  - will only half of will is present; dated between 20 and 27 February 1675 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B3
Anne JOBLIN, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ann
DPRI/1/1680/J5/1-4: 23 November 1680  - will  with inventory, 6 December 1680, actual total £19 5s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B273
Alice JOHNSON, widow, of Houghton in the Spring in the countie of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/J6/1: 14 January 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/J6/2: 14 January 1678  - inventory, actual total £269 6s 11d 
DPRI/1/1680/J6/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B115
Robert JOHNSON, of parish of Dalton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/J8/1-2: 20 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B157
Thomas JOHNSON, yeoman, of Wolveston (Woolviston) in the parish of Billingham in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/J9/1: 6 June 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/J9/2-3: 6 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £121 9s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £77 10s 2d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B73-74
DPRI/1/1680/J10   24 March 1681
Wilfred JOHNSON, anchor-smith, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilfrid
DPRI/1/1680/J10/1-4: 1 March 1681  - will  with inventory, 16 March 1681, actual total £275 2s 5d 
Marget JONSON, of Morwood in the parish of Haltwhisel [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Merget, Margaret, Johnson
DPRI/1/1680/J7/1-2: 3 July 1680  - will is unsigned 
DPRI/1/1680/J7/3-4: 3 July 1680  - inventory, actual total £26 8s 6d (with account of debts of £8 13s) with (incomplete) draft will of Merget Jonson, dated 30 June 1680 
Linley KENNETT, of Coxhoe within the parish of Kello [Coxhoe, County Durham]; also spelt Kennet
DPRI/1/1680/K1/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Thomas Kennett 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B336
Robert KIRKHAM, yeoman, of Great Aycliff (Aycliffe, Aickliffe) in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/K2/1-2: 15 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/K2/3: 15 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £96 10s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £70) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B279
William KITCHING, yeoman, of Norton in th county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Kitchin
DPRI/1/1680/K3/1-2: 30 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/K3/3: 30 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £149 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21 15s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B184-185
James LABURN, yeoman, of Healey Feild in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Layburne, Laburne
DPRI/1/1680/L1/1: 29 November 1680  - renunciation renunciation of Elizabeth Laburn, relict, nominating Elizabeth Bell alias Laburn, daughter, to take out administration 
DPRI/1/1680/L1/2-3: 29 November 1680  - inventory, actual total £21 1s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 23 4s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B264
Thomas LEE, of Eishgillsid in Aldstonmoore and in the parish of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/L2/1: 24 January 1680  - will unsigned 
DPRI/1/1680/L2/2: 24 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £9 0s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B25
John LITTLE, of chapelry of St John, town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/L3/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B285
Thomas LITTLEFAIR, of Seaton Carue [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Littlefaire
DPRI/1/1680/L4/1-2: 9 February 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B343
Robert LOCKSMITH, master and mariner, of chapelry of All Saints, Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/L5/1: 9 December 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B284
Thomas LODGE, of Muslebrough in the parish of Kelloe [Kelloe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/L6/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B158
Cuthbert LOWES, of Ridley Hall in the parish of Haltwhisel and countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/L7/1: 3 January 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B40
John LOWRISON, of Chappington in the parish of Bedlington and county of Durham [Choppington, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/L8/1-2: 27 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B218
Margret LUMLEY, of parish of Ovingham and county of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/L9/1: undated  - inventory dated 25 Mar [probably 1680] 
DPRI/1/1680/L9/2: undated  - account of funeral expenses, actual total £8 6s 1d undated, but probably on or before 25 Mar 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B202
Robert LYNN, yeoman, of Poplar Row in the parish of Elwick and county palatine of Durham [Elwick Hall, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/L10/1-2: 7 September 1680  - inventory  with inventory, 23 September 1680, actual total £163 13s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B180
Thomas MAIRE, esquire, of Gillygate in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/M1/1-2: 29 January 1672  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1680/M1/3-4: 29 January 1672  - bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £300 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B106
Samuel MARKENDAILE, mercer, of Barnard Castell in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale
DPRI/1/1680/M2/1: 10 November 1676  - will  with codicil, undated  with codicil, undated 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B169-170
Marie MARKHAM, widow, of Woolveston (Wolveston) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Mary, Markeham
DPRI/1/1680/M3/1-2: 20 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/M3/3: 20 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £61 16s (with account of debts of £87) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B194
Ralph MARLY, of Silksworth in the county of Durham, parish of Bishop Wearemouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Marley
DPRI/1/1680/M4/1-2: 28 January 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/M4/3: 28 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £22 8s 8d inventory of household goods etc. 
DPRI/1/1680/M4/4-5: 28 January 1680  - inventory, actual total £324 6s 8d inventory of farm goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B197
Edward MARR, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/M5/1-2: 29 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/M5/3: 29 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £20 2s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B219
John MARSH, rector of Haughton, clerk, of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/M6/1-2: 19 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/M6/3-4: 19 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £528 19s 
DPRI/1/1680/M7   4 August 1680
Richard MARSHALL, citizen and scrivener of London, scrivener, of Lothbury, London [St Margaret Lothbury, London]
DPRI/1/1680/M7/1: 6 October 1679  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy; certificate of oath of executor, Timothy Thornbury, 17 July 1680; memorandum relating that probate (for estate in Durham diocese) issued 4 Aug 1680, and that no bond was entered 
Thomas MAVIN, of Ponteland Westhouses [Ponteland, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/M8/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B39
Robert METCALFE, master and mariner, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/M9/1: 3 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B136-137
John MILBOURNE, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/M10/1: 9 June 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/M10/2: 9 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £64 14s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B307
Margaret MILBOURNE, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Margarett, Milburne
DPRI/1/1680/M11/1-2: 29 December 1679  - will  with codicil, undated 
DPRI/1/1680/M11/3: 29 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £708 1s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B139
Ralph MITTFORD, of Camboise (Camboyes) in the parish of Bedlington and county of Durham [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford
DPRI/1/1680/M12/1-2: 12 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B216
Lancelote MOORE, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/M13/1: 10 January 1681  - inventory of shop and warehouse (£1,727 8s 5d), and household (£84 6s 1d) goods etc. 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B303
DPRI/1/1680/M14   19 April 1680
Humphrey MORRYSON, of Bockenfeild [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Morrison
DPRI/1/1680/M14/1: 19 April 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/M14/2-3: 19 April 1680  - commission to Ralph Carr, vicar of Edlingham, and John Harrison, vicar of Felton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Alice Morrison, relict; commission executed by Harrison, 19 Apr 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B16
DPRI/1/1680/M15   31 July 1680
Katheryne MOSSE, widow, of Gateshead in the countye of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Moss
DPRI/1/1680/M15/1-2: 27 July 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/M15/3: 27 July 1680  - commission to Richard Werg MA, rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ambrose Moss, son; commission executed by Werg, 31 July 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B120
Thomas MYRES, of Witton Bridge End [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/M16/1-2: 21 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B20
John NAMPTULL, of Stockton in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Nanitull
DPRI/1/1680/N1/1: 24 February 1681  - inventory 
John NATTRESS, yeoman, of Wereshead (Weershead) in Weredale in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Natras
DPRI/1/1680/N2/1-2: 18 May 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/N2/3-4: 18 May 1679  - inventory, actual total £51 12s 11d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £78 5s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B18
John NEALSON, gentleman, of Tweedmouth in the county palatine of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/N3/1-2: 26 April 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/N3/3-4: 26 April 1679  - inventory, actual total £284 0s 3d (with account of debts of £84 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B52
John NEWBY, shipwright, of Sunderland in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/N4/1-2: 10 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B298
Anthony NICHOLSON, master and mariner, of North Shields, Tynemouth [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/N5/1-2: 17 August 1680  - inventory of goods etc. 'which were left unsold (the money for the rest which were reckoned into the Bonds and Debts)'; actual total includes bonds and debts, but not the deceased's 1/16th and 1/32nd parts of the ship the Amity of Newcastle which were not valued 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B210-211
DPRI/1/1680/N6   14 October 1680
William NICHOLSON, of town and county of NewCastle and parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
DPRI/1/1680/N6/1: 6 October 1680  - inventory endorsed 'William Milburne' probably in error 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B174
Thomas NIXON, Eishgillsid in the parish of Garrigill in Aldstonmoore, Crosgill in Aldstonmoore in the parish of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Nickson
DPRI/1/1680/N7/1: 6 September 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/N7/2: 6 September 1678  - inventory, actual total £167 16s 1d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B58
Thomas NIXON, yeoman, of Edgwill House in the parish of Ovingham and county of Northumberland [Ovingham, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/N8/1-2: 29 June 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/N8/3: 29 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £74 4s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 1s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B109
William OGLE, gentleman, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/O1/1-2: 25 August 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/O1/3-4: 25 August 1680  - inventory, actual total £37 8s 10d 
John ORNSBY, tailor, of the Castlegarth in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ornesbey, Ornesby
DPRI/1/1680/O2/1-2: 11 December 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/O2/3: 11 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £42 9s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B300
DPRI/1/1680/P1   12 December 1680
Elizabeth PAGE, spinster, of Barmeton in the parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/P1/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by John Page, brother and administrator, 12 Dec 1680 
DPRI/1/1680/P1/2: undated  - commission to Robert Collingwood MA, curate of Haughton le Skerne, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Page, brother; commission executed by Collingwood, 12 Dec 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B278
John PALMER, mason, of Old Elvitt in Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/P2/1: 1 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B7
Michaell PARKER, of Bishop Warmouth Pans in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Michael, Michall
DPRI/1/1680/P3/1-2: 16 October 1665  - will dated 5 Aug 1665 at head and dorse, and 16 Oct 1665 at foot 
DPRI/1/1680/P3/3-4: 16 October 1665  - copy will 
DPRI/1/1680/P3/5: 16 October 1665  - inventory, actual total £111 15s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B49
James PARKIN, of Munke Seeton (Seaton), Tynmouth [Monkseaton, Northumberland]; also spelt Perkin
DPRI/1/1680/P4/1-2: 15 March 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B213
DPRI/1/1680/P5   31 January 1681
John PARKINSON, of Sedgefeild in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/P5/1: 28 January 1681  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/P5/2-3: 28 January 1681  - commission to William Sisterson, deacon, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Parkinson, relict; commission executed by Sistersonn, 31 Jan 1681 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B327
Phillip PATTISON, of Chester le Streete [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson
DPRI/1/1680/P6/1: 20 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B156
Thomas PATTISON, gentleman, of Hedworth in the parish of Jarroe, and county of Durham [Hedworth, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson
DPRI/1/1680/P7/1-2: 13 March 1681  - will 
John PEARNE, gentleman, of Greatham in the county of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/P8/1: 9 February 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B64-65
John PEART, yeoman, of Hethery (Hether, Heddry) Clough in Weredale and county palatine of Durham, parish of Stanhope [Stanhope, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/P9/1-2: 17 May 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/P9/3-4: 17 May 1680  - inventory, actual total £74 9s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £111 2s 4d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B131
James PEERS, merchant, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/P10/1: 12 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B322
Ralph PENDROTH, yeoman, of West Renton in the parish of Houghton in Le Spring in the county of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Pendreth
DPRI/1/1680/P11/1: 6 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B293
Mary PESCOD, daughter to William Pescod, deceased, of Whickham within the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/P12/1: 27 November 1679  - inventory apprised as the third part of the inventory of William Pescod, her father 
Jane POTTER, relict and widow of John Potter of Yearsdon, widow, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Jaine
DPRI/1/1680/P13/1-2: 4 August 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/P13/3: 4 August 1678  - inventory, actual total £58 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B175
John POTTER, of North Shields [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/P14/1: 28 December 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B288
Dorithy PRISCOTT, widow, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Dorothy
DPRI/1/1680/P15/1: 4 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B250
Elizabeth PROCTER, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Proctor
DPRI/1/1680/P16/1: 31 October 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/P16/2: 31 October 1679  - inventory, actual total £24 10s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B193
William PURVIS, of Westhereford in the chappelrie of Horton [Horton, Northumberland]; also spelt Purvois
DPRI/1/1680/P17/1-2: 29 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B215
John RACE, yeoman, of Humbleton in the parrish of Haughton in the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R1/1: 10 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B149
James RANSON, of Schoole Acliffe (Ackliffe) in the parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R2/1: undated  - inventory 
Thomas RAW, senior, yeoman, of Wharney burne in the parish of Lainchester in the county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Rawe
DPRI/1/1680/R3/1-2: 3 July 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R3/3-4: 3 July 1680  - inventory, actual total £103 1s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 16s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B187
John RAWLIN, of Little Wallworth (Walworth), parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R4/1-2: 14 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B162
John RAWLING, of St Hellen Awkland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R5/1-2: 26 January 1681  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B344
William RAYNE, the younger, gentleman, of Low Moorey Lee in Langledaile (Langlydale) in the county of Durham, parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Raine
DPRI/1/1680/R6/1-2: 27 February 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B42
John REE, of Ingoe in the parish of Stamfordham in the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]. Died 14 October 1680
DPRI/1/1680/R7/1: 4 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B270-271
John RENNICKE, the elder, of Wardley in the county of Durham, parish of Jarroe [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Renwick
DPRI/1/1680/R8/1: 9 September 1680  - inventory exhibited, 6 Mar 1682 
John REYNOLDS, alias Renwick, junior, of Jarrow [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Reanolds
DPRI/1/1680/R9/1: 7 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B177
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B171
Richard RICHARDSON, of Browne (Brome) Beard House in the bownes (bouns) of Midleton in Teasdale (Middleton in Teasedaile) within the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R10/1: 7 July 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R10/2: 7 July 1680  - inventory, actual total £57 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 9s 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B253
Robert RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Wolveston (Woolviston), in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Robart
DPRI/1/1680/R11/1-2: 18 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R11/3: 18 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £278 6s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B331
William RICHARDSON, of Randle hoime (Randolholme) in Aldstonmoor (Aldstonmoore) in the county of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/R12/1: 5 April 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R12/2: 5 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £1,366 2s 9d (with brief account of funeral expenses of £60) 
DPRI/1/1680/R12/3: 5 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £180 10s inventory of goods etc. omitted from R12/2; exhibited by Christopher Richardson, executor; with list of debts of £134 8s 10d owing to the testator (accounted with R12/2) described as desperate, and requesting their subtraction from the total value of the estate 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B15
William RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Witton upon Wear in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R13/1: 24 November 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R13/2: 24 November 1678  - inventory, actual total £67 
Christopher RIDLEY, of Melcridg (Melkeridge) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/R14/1: 22 September 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/R14/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B152
Nicholas RIDLEY, yeoman, of Warke in the parish of Symonburne within the county of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/R15/1-2: 12 November 1675  - indented will 
DPRI/1/1680/R15/3-4: 12 November 1675  - inventory, actual total £12 16s 8d (with brief account of debts of £5 5s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B117
Georg ROBINSON, yeoman, of Owregrase (Overgrasse) with in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt George
DPRI/1/1680/R16/1: 26 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R16/2: 26 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £34 
DPRI/1/1680/R16/3 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B116
DPRI/1/1680/R17   7 July 1680
George ROBINSON, skinner, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R17/1-2: 29 June 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R17/3: 29 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £24 0s 9d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B95
John ROBINSON, yeoman, of Elford in the county of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/R18/1: 4 September 1680  - inventory 
John ROBINSON, of Sheraton in the county of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R19/1: 16 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B179
Marke ROBINSON, yeoman, of Stillington in the county of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R20/1: 27 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R20/2: 27 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £160 16s 8d (with account of debts of £101 5s) 
Robert ROBINSON, yeoman, of East Murton in the parish of Sedgfeild in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/R21/1: 3 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/R21/2: 3 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £151 14s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B225
Ursula ROBINSON, spinster, of Plawseworth (Plausworth) within the parish of Chester within the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Usaley, Robesson
DPRI/1/1680/R22/1: undated  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/R22/2-3: undated  - nuncupative will 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B34
Symond ROBSON, cordwainer, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Simon
DPRI/1/1680/R23/1: 25 February 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B353
James ROSSE, yeoman, of parish of St Nicholas, town of NewCastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Ross
DPRI/1/1680/R24/1: 26 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B75
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B37
DPRI/1/1680/R25   21 April 1680
Samuel ROWLANDSON, mariner, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/R25/1: 19 April 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/R25/2: 19 April 1680  - commission to William Hume, curate of Chester le Street, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Rowlandson, relict; commission executed by Hume, 21 Apr 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B17
DPRI/1/1680/R26   20 August 1680
Bartram RUTLISH, of Benwell [Benwell, Northumberland]; also spelt Routchlidg
DPRI/1/1680/R26/1: August 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/R26/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B212
William RUTTER, gentleman, of Kenton in the county of Northumberland [Gosforth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/R27/1-2: 27 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B214
Thomas SANDERSON, yeoman, of West Brando in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S1/1-2: 24 May 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S1/3: 24 May 1680  - inventory, actual total £98 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B198
James SAYRE, gentleman, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Sayer
DPRI/1/1680/S2/1-2: 7 December 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S2/3-4: 7 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £675 10s 
DPRI/1/1680/S2/5: 7 December 1680  - renunciation renunciation of Anne Sayer, relict and co-executrix, nominating Nicholas Milburne, mercer and other co-executor, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B299
Francis SEAMER, yeoman, of Rainton Moore within the parish of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S3/1: 28 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B159
George SELBY, shipwright, of South Sheeles in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S4/1: 19 January 1681  - copy inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/S4/2: 19 January 1681  - inventory, actual total £47 14s 4d 
John SHADFORTH, the elder, yeoman, of Carr House in the parish of Trimdon and county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S5/1: 5 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S5/2: 5 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £19 7s 8d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B9
Nicholas SHAFFIELD, tanner, of Milburnegate within the suburbs of the citty of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Shaffeild
DPRI/1/1680/S7/1: 18 March 1681  - inventory 
Timothy SHAFTOE, gentleman, of South Street in the chapplery of St Margaretts in the suburbs of the citty of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Shafto
DPRI/1/1680/S6/1-2: 17 February 1679  - copy will with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will is in the hands of the executrix 
DPRI/1/1680/S6/3: 17 February 1679  - inventory, actual total £5 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B277
James SHERATON, yeoman, of Throston in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S8/1: 10 March 1681  - inventory 
John SIDGICK, skinner, of Byresgrene (Byarsgreen) within the county of Durham [Byers Green, County Durham]; also spelt Sidgwick
DPRI/1/1680/S9/1-2: 13 November 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S9/3: 13 November 1680  - inventory, actual total £90 9s 7d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £67 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B251
Jephora SIMPSON, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Geoffrey
DPRI/1/1680/S10/1-2: 17 February 1681  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S11   26 April 1680
John SIMPSON, yeoman, of Staindrop in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S11/1: 1 April 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S11/2-3: 1 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £427 3s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32) 
DPRI/1/1680/S11/4: 1 April 1680  - commission to Simon Gilpin MA, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ann Simpson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Gilpin, 26 Apr 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B24
James SMITH, Bickerton, Newton Garthes, parish of Boldon [Rothbury, Northumberland; Boldon, County Durham]. Died August 1680
Smith died 'at Newton Garthes about fourtene daies after the Assize holden att Newcastle towardes the latter end off August last'
DPRI/1/1680/S13/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B347
DPRI/1/1680/S14   4 November 1680
John SMITH, yeoman, of Hartlepoole in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S14/1-2: 16 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S14/3-4: 16 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £33 0s 4d (with brief account of debts of £19 2s 6d) 
DPRI/1/1680/S14/5: 16 September 1680  - commission to Stephen Tennant, vicar of Stranton, and Percival Donkinge, curate of Hartlepool, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Smith, Grace Smith and Mary Smith, daughters and co-executrixes, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Donkinge, 4 Nov 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B224
Ralph SMITH, yeoman, of Bridgmilne (Brigg Milne) in the county pallatine of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]
parish drawn from bond [229]
DPRI/1/1680/S15/1-2: 23 August 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S15/3: 23 August 1680  - inventory, actual total £153 2s 11d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B229
William SMORTHAITE, yeoman, of Bollam in the cunty of Durham [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Smurfat, Smourfolk, Smurthwaite
DPRI/1/1680/S16/1: 22 December 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S16/2: 22 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £26 10s (wth brief account of funeral expenses of £6) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B292
Henry SMYTH, the elder, yeoman, of Eldon in the county of Durham [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Smith
DPRI/1/1680/S12/1: 21 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S12/2-3: 21 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £122 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B262
Henerye SOTHREN, blacksmith, of Lingefilde in the chaplery Lamesly in the county pallatine of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Henry, Sotheron
DPRI/1/1680/S17/1-2: 14 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B183
Richard SOULBYE, of Castle Eden in the county of Durham [Castle Eden, County Durham]; also spelt Soulby
DPRI/1/1680/S18/1-2: 25 December 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S18/3: 25 December 1679  - inventory, actual total £96 13s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B304
Robert SPENCER, husbandman, of Langton in the parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Spenser
DPRI/1/1680/S19/1-2: 20 November 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/S19/3: 20 November 1680  - list of debts of the testator, actual total £46 19s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B289
Robert STAMP, yeoman, of Netherton in the parish of Houghton in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S20/1: 20 May 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B54
John STEELE, yeoman, of Hett in the county of Durham, parish of Merrington [Hett, County Durham]; also spelt Steel
DPRI/1/1680/S21/1-2: 17 November 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S21/3: 17 November 1679  - inventory, actual total £93 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B248
William STEVENS, of Wallick in the parish of Warden [Warden, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/S22/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Roger Wilson, administrator, 1 Nov 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B199
Willyam STOBBES, of Stainthorp (Staindrop) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt William, Stobs, Stobbs
DPRI/1/1680/S25/1: 10 August 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/S25/2-3: 10 August 1680  - indented inventory, actual total £23 19s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B123
Bryan STOBBS, glazier, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Brian
DPRI/1/1680/S23/1-2: 18 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B265
John STOBBS, yeoman, of Spring House in the parish of Stanhop in Weardaile [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Stobs
DPRI/1/1680/S26/1-2: 15 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S26/3-4: 15 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £143 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B12-13
Nicholas STOBS, cordwainer, of Framwelgat (Framwellgate) in the subuerbs of the Sitty of Durham in the county pallantyne of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Stobbs
DPRI/1/1680/S24/1-2: 22 December 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/S24/3: 22 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £38 7s 6d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B328
Mathew STODART, gentleman, of Barnard Castle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Stodartt
DPRI/1/1680/S27/1: 11 June 1680  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B127
Francis STOKELD, of Brooks Hall in the parish of Bishopton [Bishopton, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/S28/1-2: 10 January 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B296
John TALER, mason, of Bearparcke (Beareparke, Bearparke) in the countie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Tayler, Taylor
DPRI/1/1680/T1/1: 17 May 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/T1/2-3: 17 May 1680  - inventory, actual total £89 5s 
Thomas TAYLOR, yeoman, of Monketon [Jarrow, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/T2/1: 10 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B140
Richard THEW, shipwright, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/T3/1: 1 November 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B209
Elizabeth THOMPSON, widow, of Staindropp in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/T4/1: undated  - inventory of goods etc. unadministered by Cuthbert Thompson, administrator now deceased, exhibited by Robert Thompson, son and administrator, 29 Nov 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B267
Richard THOMPSON, yeoman, of Lumley in the county of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/T5/1-2: 13 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/T5/3: 13 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £66 10s 
Richard THOMPSON, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/T6/1-2: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B357
Christopher TODD, butcher, of Denton in the county of Durham [Denton, County Durham]; also spelt Tid
DPRI/1/1680/T7/1-2: 23 September 1679  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/T7/3: 23 September 1679  - inventory, actual total £2 4s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B269
DPRI/1/1680/T8   28 January 1681
Edward TOLL, draper, of North Sheilds in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/T8/1: 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/T8/2-3: 1680  - inventory, actual total £2,072 
DPRI/1/1680/T8/4: 1680  - commission to Stephen Dockwray MA, perpetual vicar of Tynemouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Toll, relict and co-executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Dockwray, 28 Jan 1681 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B324-325
Thomas TREWHETT, yeoman, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/T9/1: 4 March 1681  - inventory 
John TROTTER, tanner, of Bishop Auckland in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/T10/1: 13 October 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/T10/2: 13 October 1680  - renunciation renunciation of Margaret Trotter, relict, nominating Thomas Trotter, brother of deceased, to take out administration 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B178
William TURBEE, senior, weaver, of city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/T11/1-2: 2 February 1678  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/T11/3-5: 2 February 1678  - inventory, actual total £20 18s 7d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B59
Charles VINCENT, of Old Park, parish of Whitworth [Whitworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/V1/1: 1 December 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/V1/2 - wrapper 
administration bond, penal sum £8: DPRI/3/1699/B39/1-2
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B272
William WALES, chapman, of chapelry of St John, town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W1/1: 13 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B11
George WALLIS, master and mariner, of South Sheeles in the county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Wallisse, Wallace
DPRI/1/1680/W3/1: 24 April 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W3/2: 24 April 1680  - inventory, actual total £60 1s 10d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B29
Antony WALLKER, of Ulnaby in the parish of Connynnisclif (Conscliffe) [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Walker
DPRI/1/1680/W2/1: undated  - inventory dated 31 Aug [?1680] 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B135
DPRI/1/1680/W4   23 March 1681
John WALTERS, gentleman, of Buckton in the chapelry of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Watters
DPRI/1/1680/W4/1-2: 14 April 1681  - inventory  with letter relating to probate fees and grant of administration, 20 April 1681, actual total £97 18s 4d letter from William Carr of Alnwick to Mr Rowell of Durham, annexing the inventory and requesting dispatch of administration and tuition [grant]; endorsed with direction to John Rowell 'at his chamber in Mr Gabriell Newhouses in Durham' 
DPRI/1/1680/W4/3: 14 April 1681  - commission to Roger Young, preacher of Berwick upon Tweed, and Patrick Smith, curate of Tweedmouth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration and tuition of the deceased's son Rowland Walters, to Ralph Archbald; commission executed by Smith, 23 Mar 1681 
Anthony WALTON, yeoman, of Stonie Hill in Harwood in the parrish of Midleton (Middleton in Teasedall) in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W5/1-2: 15 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B144
Alice WARD, spinster, of Hurworth upon Tease in the county of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Warde
DPRI/1/1680/W6/1-2: 26 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W6/3-4: 26 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £72 18s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B297
DPRI/1/1680/W7   19 March 1681
Dorothy WARD, spinster, of Hurworth upon Tease [Hurworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W7/1: 19 March 1681  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/W7/2: 19 March 1681  - commission to Leonard Waistell, rector of Hurworth, and John Hebborne, vicar of Sockburne, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to William Ward, brother; commission executed by Wastell, 19 Mar 1681 
Thomas WARD, yeoman, of Billingham in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]. Died 24 November 1680
DPRI/1/1680/W8/1: 17 November 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W8/2-5: 17 November 1680  - depositions and responses to interrogatories depositions of the witnesses to the will with their responses to interrogatories, relating to a cause between Moses Ward and Margaret Lawe, children of the testator 
DPRI/1/1680/W8/6: 17 November 1680  - inventory, actual total £394 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B308
John WARMOTH, yeoman, of Billingham in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Warmouth
DPRI/1/1680/W9/1: 21 December 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W9/2: 21 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £143 15s (with account of rents of £24 5s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B306
James WATSON, yeoman, of Hett in the parish of Merrington and county of Durham [Hett, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W10/1-2: 24 September 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B160-161
Robert WATSON, yeoman, of West Hall in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Robeart
DPRI/1/1680/W11/1-2: 11 October 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W11/3: 11 October 1680  - inventory, actual total £35 10s (with brief account of debts of £13 10s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B196
George WAUGH, of parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W12/1: 8 April 1679  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B41
John WEEMES, yeoman, of Trimdon in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Weemys
DPRI/1/1680/W13/1: 20 October 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B189
John WELSH, yeoman, of Wood Stone House in the county of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
will endorsed 'will and inventory' - inventory not present
DPRI/1/1680/W15/1-2: 8 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W14   20 April 1680
Jefery WELTH, of Lumly [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Welsh
DPRI/1/1680/W14/1: undated  - inventory subscribed 'I pray let the Administration beare date the 20th of Ap: last' 
DPRI/1/1680/W14/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B82
William WHARRAM, mariner, of Sunderland nigh the Sea in the county of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Warren
DPRI/1/1680/W16/1: 19 December 1679  - inventory 
Thomas WHARRINGTON, of Walworth [Heighington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W17/1-2: undated  - inventory dated 10 Mar [?1681] 
Robert WHITE, curate of Bodon, clerk, of West Bowdon in the county of Durham [Boldon, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W18/1: 7 May 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B31
Michaell WIDDRINGTON, the elder, gentleman, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W19/1: 3 August 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W19/2: 3 August 1680  - inventory, actual total £466 0s 3d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B154
Christopher WILKINSON, of Neither Le House (Netherleehouse) in Aldston Moore in the parish of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W20/1: 4 June 1680  - will unsigned 
DPRI/1/1680/W20/2: 4 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £69 (with brief account of funeral expenses of £6) dated 2 Sep [?1680] 
DPRI/1/1680/W20/3: 4 June 1680  - commission to John Lee, vicar of Alston, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Wilkinson, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Lee, 20 Nov 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B252
Gawin WILKINSON, upholsterer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W21/1: undated  - inventory exhibited by Gerrard Stokeld, 1 Oct 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B164
John WILKINSON, of Dryclose House in the parrish of Great Acklif (Aickliffe) [Aycliffe, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W22/1: undated  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B323
Thomas WILKINSON, yeoman, of Benknowle (Ben Knowle) within the parish of Hart in the county of Durham [Hart, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W24/1-2: 18 August 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W24/3-4: 18 August 1680  - inventory, actual total £190 17s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B172
John WILLIAMSON, yeoman, of Woolveston (Wollveston) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W25/1-2: 4 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W25/3-4: 4 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £149 18s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B168
Michal WILLKINSON, shipwright, of Goteshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Michael, Wilkinson
DPRI/1/1680/W23/1-2: 18 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W23/3: 18 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £10 11s 
Ralph WILLY, yeoman, of Churchmerington in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]. Died 5 October 1680
DPRI/1/1680/W26/1-2: 28 September 1680  - will  with codicil, 28 September 1680 
DPRI/1/1680/W26/3: 28 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £62 4s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £49 6s 8d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B237
Edward WILSON, doctor of physic, of Old Elvitt in the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W27/1-2: 1 June 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W27/3-4: 1 June 1680  - inventory, actual total £79 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B348
John WILSON, butcher, of Midleton (Middleton) in Teasedale in the county of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W28/1: 11 August 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W28/2: 11 August 1680  - inventory, actual total £132 10s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £111 3s) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B133
John WILSON, cordwainer, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W29/1: 1 March 1681  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B359
Margret WILSON, widow, of Eglesburne (Egglesburne) in the countie of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Margaret, Willson
DPRI/1/1680/W30/1-2: 2 December 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W30/3: 2 December 1680  - inventory, actual total £32 (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £17 10d) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B345
Ralph WILSON, senior, waterman, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W31/1-2: 28 November 1680  - will 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B346
Richard WILSON, yeoman, of Gateshead in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W32/1-2: 2 November 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W32/3: 2 November 1680  - inventory, actual total £48 2s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B256
Robert WILSON, yeoman, of Old Parke within the parish of Whitworth and county of Durham [Whitworth, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W33/1: 13 November 1680  - nuncupative will 
DPRI/1/1680/W33/2: 13 November 1680  - inventory, actual total £21 5s 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B263
William WILSON, of Car (Carr) Edge in the chapellry of Newbrough and parish of Warden [Newbrough, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W34/1: 7 April 1680  - inventory 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B125
William WINSHIPP, of Hedon Laes in the paresh of Hedon on the Wall in the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Winshop
DPRI/1/1680/W35/1: 8 March 1680  - inventory 
DPRI/1/1680/W35/2 - wrapper 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B205
John WOOD, the younger, yeoman, of Church Merrington in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]. Died 7 October 1680
DPRI/1/1680/W36/1-2: 30 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W36/3: 30 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £356 16s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £355) 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B335
Archbald WRIGHT, yeoman, of borough of Barwick upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/W37/1-2: 12 February 1678  - copy will  with letter requesting speedy probate, 26 March 1680 letter from Thomas Bourne of Berwick to Durham Register, relating that Margaret Wright, executrix, had sold some of the deceased's property without having proved the will, and the purchaser has had her imprisoned in the town prison until probate is granted in order to secure the title, the executrix having been about to leave the country; Bourne requests speedy probate, and the Register's confirmation of the delivery of the original will to the custody of the purchaser, Margery Garrett 
DPRI/1/1680/W37/3: 12 February 1678  - commission to Thomas Bourne MA, vicar of Berwick upon Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Wright, relict and executrix, and also to administer an oath to the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Bourne, 31 Mar 1680 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B6
Henry WRIGHT, yeoman, of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
DPRI/1/1680/W38/1-2: 22 September 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/W38/3-4: 22 September 1680  - inventory, actual total £26 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B227
Cuthbert YATES, yeoman, of Upper Biggins (Biggines) in the perish of Wolsingham in the county palatine of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Oates, Yatts
DPRI/1/1680/Y1/1-2: 15 January 1681  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/Y1/3: 15 January 1681  - inventory, actual total £294 13s 4d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B340-341
Michaell YOUNG, weaver, of the Castle Yard in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
DPRI/1/1680/Y2/1-2: 26 March 1680  - will 
DPRI/1/1680/Y2/3: 26 March 1680  - inventory, actual total £28 18s 2d 
bond: DPRI/3/1680/B33