Durham University Records: Central Committees
Administrative history
Related material - elsewhere


Reference code: GB-0033-UND/B
Title: Durham University Records: Central Committees
Dates of creation: 1836 - 2023
Extent: 75 linear metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Created by the central administration of Durham University
Language: English

Administrative history

The chief governing body of the university for academic matters has always been its Senate, set up by statute in 1835. Also set up then was Convocation which confirmed or rejected Senate's actions but came mainly to deal with the conferment of degrees. The 1909 statutes established a Council, including outside representation, for the Durham Colleges to oversee their administration. The 1937 statutes established a Court for the whole then formally federal university to oversee finance and the administration of the university's property. On the independence of Newcastle in 1963, Court ceased to exist, leaving Senate and Council as the main governing and executive bodies of the university. In the 1990s, a smaller informal grouping of chief officers began to meet as the University Executive Committee for the more rapid transaction of immediate university business.
The work of these major bodies was already by 1900 beginning to be assisted by standing committees which proliferated after especially 1918, and which in turn spawned sub-committees, working parties and ad hoc committees. On occasion identically titled committees answered separately to Senate and Council, and other committees answered jointly to both. To assist Senate with educational matters, a Board of Faculties was set up in 1892 which became the Academic Board in 1937. It was soon followed by boards for each faculty, in their turn being in time assisted by sub-committees covering such as planning, higher degrees, concessions and exemptions, regulations, and specific degrees.


Minutes and agendas, with their associated reports and other submitted papers, of the major governing bodies of the university, principally Senate (from 1836), Court (1937-1963) and Council (from 1910), and their various (on occasion joint) standing and ad hoc committees which have increasingly come to carry out much of the actual administration of the academic work of the university, and the administration of its estate and staff, since WW1. Included are also similar records of the boards administering the various faculties into which the subjects taught and researched at the university have been divided over time. There are also records of some free-standing committees, some of which continued to oversee jointly functions at Newcastle after the establishment of the independent university there in 1963. There are also a few such records of the Institute of Education from 1948 and the university's King's College in Newcastle.

Accession details

Transferred to the University Library from the university's central administration at various times since the 1950s, and especially since 2004.

Previous custodial history

Almost all these records have always been held by the university, with the occasional exception which has been retrieved via local booksellers or otherwise come back into the university's custody.

Conditions of access

There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the General Data Protection Regulations apply.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Collections (e-mail pg.library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


Arranged into the present classification in April 2004 after consultation between M.M.N. Stansfield, M.S. McCollum and E.R. Rainey, with records of additional committees being generally added in chronological order.
A Major Committees (Senate, Convocation, Council, Court, Academic Board, Academic Electoral Assembly, University Executive Committee)
B Standing, including joint, Committees and their sub-committees
B Ad hoc committees and working groups
C Other committees and boards
D Faculty boards and their committees
E Institute of Education and its committees
F King's Council and its committees


Some accessions are appraised on site before transfer, others are appraised when received at Palace Green. Clean duplicates are generally removed.


Continuous further accruals are anticipated. In April 2004, a retention schedule and other records management procedures were developed for the university's records to facilitate the regular transfer of records from the university's departments and offices to the archive. This draft retention schedule was developed further on the appointment of the first university records manager in August 2006, and then revised in 2019.
Much about the early administration of the university is also to be found in the chapter acts of Durham Cathedral to 1908 (DCD/B)

Related material - elsewhere

Records of committees wholly concerned with the administration of the university's operation in Newcastle prior to 1963, such as the councils of the separate colleges there to 1937 and then King's College, are now to be found in the archive of Newcastle University.


Central Committees
Reference: UND/B
Major Committees
Reference: UND/BA
Reference: UND/BA1
Dates of creation: 1836 - 2017
The Senate initially comprised the warden, professors, proctors, registrar and 2 or 3 others. It met on a regular, usually weekly, basis. It dealt with major matters of policy about the university, its property and finances, examinations, scholarships, and graces for students to proceed to their degrees. The minutes are usually signed by the warden or the vice-warden. Increasingly, and especially from 1884 onwards, reports and recommendations of committees set up to look at specific matters are inserted, along with some regulations and occasional correspondence; these are all usually of a printed format, though the minutes themselves remain handwritten until 1909.
The format changed for 1910 with the minutes being printed, and with printed agendas and minutes of the Finance Committee also being consistently inserted. From 1914 the volumes are a series of guardbooks in which the agendas and minutes have been filed. The material has a standard order within each year of agendas (often incorporating reports and proposed syllabuses), signed minutes, an index to the minutes (which have a running pagination), minutes of the finance committee with the annual schedule of stipends and periodical payments and then other reports and addresses. All are printed. Senate was now meeting once a month during term time, alternating in location between Durham and Newcastle. The Finance Committee also met monthly during term, but always in Durham.
In November 1938, the format changed again with the volumes, now bound in dark blue buckram, containing only the signed minutes of Senate, with annual (academic years) indexes at the end. The individual items in the minutes have a running annual number, to which the indexes refer; the minutes of each meeting are paginated separately. Increasingly, typescript or printed reports or appendices are inserted. Meetings were still generally held monthly, alternately between Durham and Newcastle until 1963.
Senate is the governing body of the university in all academic matters. Among other things it recommends to Council the establishment of new academic posts and considers appointments. It regulates admissions and fees, fellowships and scholarships, examinations, the awarding of degrees, and the discipline of the university. Members of Senate now include the vice-chancellor, pro-vice-chancellors, deans, heads of colleges and departments, and other members of staff nominated by the Academic Electoral Assembly.
By 2019, it was being supported by a Senate Agenda Setting Committee
Minutes for 1990-2005 deposited by the Chief Clerk 10 May 2006, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:66.
Minutes (replacing non-signed copies) for 1963-1990 deposited by the Chief Clerk 23 January 2007, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:36.
Online minutes 2009 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/senate/

UND/BA1/1   19 January 1836 - 29 April 1841
Language:   English
Senate minute book
With a note at the front stating that entries for 19 January to 9 February 1836 were copied from a memorandum by “T.C.” 28 November 1837. The minutes proper begin on 19 April 1836.
Reversed are lists of students keeping each term from Easter 1836 to Michaelmas 1840.
Paper book, reverse calf, modern spine, spine label, 2 brass clips   138ff, foliated
Size: 211 x 326mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1836-41 - UND/BA1/1
UND/BA1/2   5 May 1841 - 4 June 1850
Language:   English
Senate minute book
At the front is a proctor's declaration
At the back is a table of the dates for terms 1849 to 1854
Inserted is a separate subject index to the volume
Paper book, reverse calf , spine label, 2 brass clips   192ff, foliated
Size: 225 x 333mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1841-50 - UND/BA1/2
UND/BA1/3   11 June 1850 - 8 November 1859
Language:   English
Senate minute book
f.iv A draft form of licence for a licentiate in medicine
f.96v Printed correspondence with the Newcastle College of Practical Science about it being connected to Durham University 1855
f.185v Letter from Dennis Embleton, registrar of the Newcastle College of Medicine, 28 March 1859 about the Licence in Medicine
At the back. A separate index booklet.
Paper book, reverse calf, modern spine, spine label, parts of 2 brass clips   196ff, foliated
Size: 215 x 333mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1850-59 UND/BA1/3
UND/BA1/4   15 November 1859 - 9 November 1869
Language:   English
Senate minute book
With a partial subject index at the back
f.84v Plan of land let to the [army] Volunteers [at Houghall Farm]
f.205A Letter from Charles C. Hodges to Mr Hilton of 4 May 1904 about returning drawings
At the back. Proposals for the future of Hatfield Hall
At the back. A separate subject index booklet.
Paper book, reverse calf, modern spine and corners, spine label, 2 brass clips   210ff, foliated
Size: 250 x 385mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1859-69 - UND/BA1/4
UND/BA1/5   22 November 1869 - 12 March 1878
Language:   English
Senate minute book
f.120v Letter from A.S. Farrar to the registrar 23 December 1874 about his appointment as subwarden
At the back Letter from Alexander MacLennan to the dean of Durham about his BCL degree; a separate subject index booklet.
Paper book, reverse calf, modern spine, spine label   194ff, foliated
Size: 240 x 378mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1869-78 - UND/BA1/5
UND/BA1/6   7 May 1878 - 22 November 1886
Language:   English
Senate minute book
f.24r Letter from the registrar of the General Medical Council to the registrar of 31 May 1877 about universities combining for exams
f.49r Proposal about tuition fees
f.103r Printed proposed scheme of examination for the certificate of proficiency in general education
f.114v Printed examination for certificate of proficiency in general education
f.124v Letter from Leopold [Duke of Albany] to the warden of 10 February 1884, expressing thanks for his [DCL] degree
f.142v Printed letter from A. Robertson of Hatfield Hall to members of Senate of 18 November 1884 about the finances of Hatfield Hall
f.143r Note from F.B. J[evons] of Hatfield Hall asking for a copy of a minute of 18 November 1884
f.163v Printed report of A. Robertson on the theological course 7 November 1885
f.170v Printed recommendations of Senate re the theological course December 1885
f.171v Printed report on University Extension Lectures
f.172v Printed report of the committee on University Evening Lectures, presented to Senate 2 March 1886
f.185v Printed amended regulations for the Licence in Sanitary Science, regulations for the BS and MS degrees, and exam programme for the MS.
f.187r Copy letter from C. Rowlandson to Joseph Dodds, Chief Clerk of the Tees Conservancy Commission 1 April 1886 about the Tees Conservancy Bill
f.188v Copy opinion of Mr. Charles QC about granting degrees to women
f.190r Printed submission from Mrs. Pemberton 4 March 1844 about a proposed fellowship and scholarships
f.191r Printed letter from Mary Pemberton to the Warden of May 1863 about a Pemberton fellowship in Science
At the back. Estimate of receipts and liabilities for 1845 of the estates granted to the university of Durham 4 June 1841; a separate subject index booklet.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine label   193ff, foliated
Size: 240 x 378mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1878-86 - UND/BA1/6
UND/BA1/7   23 November 1886 - 29 September 1894
Language:   English
Senate minute book
f.18v Copy opinion of Hargreaves and Joblin of 22 August 1887 about the university of Durham's entitlements at Saltholme under the Tees Conservancy Acts
f.21v Letter of John Gibson, clerk to the Burial Board, of 7 November 1887 about university land and the extension of Durham St. Oswald's burial ground
f.23r Report and recommendations of the committee to consider the letting of the old race course
f.24r Draft letter from R.J. Pearce to John Gibson of 22 November 1887 offering land for the Durham St. Oswald's Burial Board
f.24v Recommendations from the committee appointed re new professorships and buildings for the College of Medicine
f.38v Printed scheme for a degree of Master in Surgery for advanced practitioners 29 May 1888
f.48v Printed opinion of the Council of the College of Medicine about striking people off the medical register
f.65r Printed proposed regulation about the degrees of Bachelor and Doctor in Music
f.71r Printed exam regulations for the Licence in Sanitary Science
f.107r Printed exam regulations for the Certificate of Proficiency in General Education
f.108v Proposed alterations in the regulations for the degrees of MB, MD and MS.
f.115v Recommendations of the committee on Hebrew prizes and exams
f.130r Printed draft report on the joint committee of Senate and Bede College
f.133v Report of the committee on the Barry scholarship
f.139v Proposed regulations for the Associateship in Physical Science
f.145v Printed report of the committee into a proposed Board of Studies
f.146v Report of the committee on the entrance exam
f.148v Letter of Hargreaves and Joblin to Dr. Pearce of 87 November 1892 on South Shields leases
f.162v Printed regulations relating to faculties
f.163v Resolution from the Board of Faculties to Senate 9 May 1893
f.166v Report on the regulations of licensing bodies re medicine, surgery and midwifery
f.170v Printed recommendations about appointments to professorships 23 June 1893
f.175v Printed resolution of the Board of Studies about preliminary exams
f.180r Comments of the warden and Senate on the report of the visitor and inspector of the General Medical Council into medical exams
f.188v Printed regulations for the degree of Bachelor in Hygiene
f.190v Printed division of work at the final examination in Arts
f.196v Printed regulation about preliminary Arts exams for Science and Medicine students
f.240v Printed regulations for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Naval Architecture and Metallurgy
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine label   213ff
Size: 250 x 375mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1886-94 - UND/BA1/7
UND/BA1/8   23 October 1894 - 11 December 1900
Language:   English
Senate minute book
With some reports, recommendations, regulations and correspondence inserted:
f.5r Printed report of the Board of Faculties on future professorships
f.15v Notification of the removal of Lewis L. Bailes from the Medical Register by the registrar of the General Medical Council 15 December 1894
f.17v Printed senior proctor's memorandum on the power of the university of Durham to confer new degrees withouth needing a new statute of the dean and chapter of Durham 28 January 1895
f.18r Printed division of work at the final exam in Theology
f.18v Printed proposed regulations re degrees in Letters
f.21v Printed report of the Board of Faculties to Senate on future professorships
f.22r Printed regulations for the degree of Bachelor in Hygiene
f.24v Printed recommendations of the Theology Faculty re exams
f.27v Printed Board of Studies report to Senate on recommendatons of the Theology Faculty
f.30r Printed report of the Board of Studies on the inspection and examination of schools
f.33v Recommendation for the appointment of an examinations' secretary
f.49v Printed report of the committee of Senate on the office of sub-warden
f.49v Printed recommendations of the Board of Faculties on processions
f.50v Printed recommendations of the Board of Studies re subjects for the final BSc exam
f.55v Typed report of the Newcastle Joint Convocation Committee of 28 January 1896 on the first Convocation to be held in Newcastle
f.56v Printed recommendations re the Durham Examination for Teachers' Certificates
f59v Printed report of the committee on affiliated colleges
f.62r Printed report of the committee for the transfer of powers of government from the dean and chapter to the university of Durham
f.63r Printed division of work at the final exam in Theology
f.67r Letter from the dean of Durham to the warden of the university of 4 May 1896 postponing consideration of the matter
f.72r Printed report of the committee on women's education
f.80v Petition from the Council of the College of Medicine about the university's insufficient disciplinary powers
f.81v Table of payments made by the senior proctor, with an explanatory note
f.82v Report of the committee into dental diplomas 23 October 1896
f.85v Report of a committee into a proposed professor of music
f.91v Report of a committee into the University's penal power to annul a degree
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine label   233ff., foliated
Size: 250 x 375mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1894-1900 - UND/BA1/8
UND/BA1/9   29 January 1901 - 25 June 1907
Language:   English
Senate minute book
With committee reports, recommendations, regulations and some letters and memoranda inserted, most printed
At the end are the minutes of a special meeting of 30 October 1906 with a printed draft of an Act “to make further provision with respect to the University of Durham”, also a printed memorandum from the principal of Armstrong College of 23 April 1906 “on the possibility of changing the constitution of the University” and a printed memorandum of communications between the City and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Education Committee and Armstrong College
At the back. A separate subject index booklet.
Paper book, reverse calf, spine label   241ff, foliated
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1901-07 - UND/BA1/9
UND/BA1/10   22 October 1907 - 2 December 1913
Language:   English
Senate minute book
The last handwritten minutes are 7 December 1909. From the 21 January 1910 meeting, there are printed booklets of agendas, minutes, Finance Committee minutes, some Calendar Committee minutes, and reports, with occasional duplicates, inserted in generally chronological order.
At the back. A separate subject index booklet, in 2 parts.
Paper book, reverse calf, spine label   
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1907-13 - UND/BA1/10
UND/BA1/11   3 February 1914 - 20 November 1915
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1914 - UND/BA1/11a
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1915 - UND/BA1/11b
UND/BA1/12   8 February 1916 - 27 November 1917
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1916 - UND/BA1/12a
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1917 - UND/BA1/12b
UND/BA1/13   5 February 1918 - 25 November 1919
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1918 - UND/BA1/13a
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1919 - UND/BA1/13b
UND/BA1/14   3 February 1920 - 29 November 1921
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1920 - UND/BA1/14a
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1921 - UND/BA1/14b
UND/BA1/18   10 February 1931 - 29 November 1932
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1932 - UND/BA1/18b
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1931 - UND/BA1/18a
UND/BA1/19   7 February 1933 - 4 December 1934
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1934 - UND/BA1/19b
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1933 - UND/BA1/19a
UND/BA1/20   5 February 1935 - 1 December 1936
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
UND/BA1/21   9 February 1937 - 21 July 1938
Language:   English
Senate minute book
The meeting of 2 November 1937 was of the “Temporary Senate”; the “Senate appointed under the new statutes” first met on 30 November 1937.
There are Finance Committee minutes only to 11 August 1937.
Paper guardbook
Size: 150 x 225mm
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, February-June 1937 - UND/BA1/21a
Digitised material for University of Durham Senate minute book, 1937-38 - UND/BA1/21b
UND/BA1/24   12 September 1947 - 31 July 1951
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper book
Size: 230 x 280mm
UND/BA1/25   6 November 1951 - 14 June 1955
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper book
Size: 230 x 280mm
UND/BA1/26   22 September 1955 - 17 June 1958
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper book
Size: 230 x 280mm
UND/BA1/27   4 November 1958 - 20 June 1961
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper book
Size: 230 x 280mm
UND/BA1/28   7 November 1961 - 31 July 1963
Language:   English
Senate minute book
Paper book
Size: 230 x 280mm
UND/BA1/29   22 October 1963 - 15 June 1965
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/30   19 October 1965 - 14 June 1967
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/31   17 October 1967 - 11 June 1968
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/32   1 October 1968 - 10 June 1969
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/33   21 October 1969 - 16 June 1970
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/34   20 October 1970 - 15 June 1971
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/35   19 October 1971 - 13 June 1972
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/36   17 October 1972 - 19 June 1973
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/37   2 October 1973 - 18 June 1974
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/38   22 October 1974 - 10 June 1975
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/39   21 October 1975 - 8 June 1976
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/40   19 October 1976 - 14 June 1977
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/41   18 October 1977 - 13 June 1978
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/42   17 October 1978 - 12 June 1979
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/43   16 October 1979 - 10 June 1980
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/44   21 October 1980 - 16 June 1981
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/45   27 October 1981 - 22 June 1982
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/46   19 October 1982 - 14 June 1983
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/47   18 October 1983 - 19 June 1984
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/48   23 October 1984 - 18 June 1985
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/49   22 October 1985 - 17 June 1986
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/50   21 October 1986 - 16 June 1987
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/51   20 October 1987 - 14 June 1988
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/52   18 October 1988 - 13 June 1989
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/53   17 October 1989 - 19 June 1990
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/54   16 October 1990 - 11 June 1991
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/55   22 October 1991 - 16 June 1992
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/56   20 October 1992 - 15 June 1993
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/57   19 October 1993 - 14 June 1994
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/58   29 November 1994 - 13 June 1995
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/59   14 November 1995 - 11 June 1996
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/60   22 October 1996 - 17 June 1997
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/61   21 October 1997 - 16 June 1998
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/62   20 October 1998 - 15 June 1999
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/63   26 October 1999 - 27 June 2000
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/64   21 October 2000 - 19 June 2001
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/65   23 October 2001 - 16 July 2002
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/66   22 October 2002 - 29 September 2003
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/67   28 October 2003 - 22 June 2004
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/68   26 October 2004 - 21 June 2005
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/69   25 October 2005 - 5 July 2006
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/70   24 October 2006 - 12 June 2007
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/71   9 October 2007 - 30 June 2008
Senate minutes and papers
UND/BA1/72   7 October 2008 - 7 September 2009
Senate minutes and papers
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/73   6 October 2009 - 18 May 2010
Senate minutes and papers
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/74   12 October 2010 - 21 June 2011
Senate minutes and papers
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/75   10 October 2011 - 19 June 2012
Senate minutes and papers
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/76   9 October 2012 - 18 June 2013
Senate minutes
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/77   15 October 2013 - 24 June 2014
Senate minutes and papers
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/78   14 October 2014 - 7 July 2015
Senate minutes and papers
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/79   22 September 2015 - 21 June 2016
Senate minutes and papers
2 paper books in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/80   8 September 2016 - 20 June 2017
Senate minutes and papers
Paper book in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA1/81   16 October 2018 - 18 June 2019
Senate minutes and papers
PDF: 1798 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 83607 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicates have not been deleted
UND/BA1/82   19 July 2019 - 10 July 2020
Senate minutes and papers
PDF: 1462 pages  
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA1/83   13 October 2020 - 22 June 2021
Senate minutes and papers
PDF: 1210 pages  
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 61012 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA1/84   11 October 2022 - 20 June 2023
Senate minutes and papers
PDF: 138 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 29649 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA1/A1   1843
Language:   English
Copies of orders made by Senate, 17 May 1836 - 8 February 1842. At the front is a printed almanac page for 1843
Paper book
Size: 32 x 20 cm
Digitised material for Orders made by Senate, 17 May 1836 - 8 February 1842 - UND/BA1/A1
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/A2   17 May 1836 - 12 February 1850
Language:   English
Senate order book
Orders made by Senate; mostly blank. With an amendment inserted.
Paper book, leather binding, frames of blind-stamped spirals on the covers, 2 brass clasps
Size: 250 x 385mm
Deposited by Dr E.C. Salthouse, master of University College per Dr David Watkinson, 28 April 1982, transferred to Palace Green Library 30 November/1 December 1992.
Digitised material for Orders made by Senate, 17 May 1836 - 12 February 1850 - UND/BA1/A2
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/B1   25 January 1910 - 14 May 1940
Language:   English
Senate attendance register
With individual signatures of those attending each meeting.
Paper book, leather binding, front label
Size: 230 x 288mm
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/B2   3 December 1968 - 13 May 1986
Senate attendance register
With individual signatures of those attending each meeting.
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/B3   17 June 1986 - [22] June 2010
Senate attendance register
With individual signatures of those attending each meeting, including from March 2009 on lists of those scheduled to attend.
Paper book, half-leather binding, front label
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/C1   later 19th century
Language:   English
Extracts of Durham dean and chapter minutes relating to the university of Durham 28 September 1831 to 21 November 1842
Inserted is a letter from F.B. Jevons to the dean of Durham asking about the warden's authority to appoint a proctor 31 October 1902
Paper book, blue card covers
Size: 205 x 320mm
Digitised material for Extracts of Durham Dean and Chapter minutes relating to University of Durham, 1831-42 - UND/BA1/C1
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/D1   March 1914
Standing Orders of Senate
Wtih amendments.
Paper booklet, 8p
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/D2   March 1923
Standing Orders of Senate
With amendments.
2 copies.
2 paper booklets, 8p
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/D3   August 1951
Standing Orders of Senate
Paper file, 3f
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
UND/BA1/D4   October 2002
Standing Orders of Senate
Index terms
University of Durham. Senate, creator
University of Durham. Senate
University of Durham -- Administration.
Reference: UND/BA2
Dates of creation: 1836 - 1957
The University's Convocation was established, like the Senate, by the Durham dean and chapter's statutes of 1835. It was presided over by the warden, who had a veto, and comprised the doctors and MAs of the university. It confirmed and approved, or rejected, regulations and other measures, appointments, especially of proctors and examiners, and the number of terms and examinations for degrees initiated by Senate, but it could not originate nor amend them. Its main business however was the conferring of degrees and it had little real influence in the governance of the university. This is reflected in its minutes which, by the twentieth century have become almost exclusively lists of those awarded degrees.
Convocations were initially held in Bishop Cosin's Library. As the University grew, the conferring of degrees by Convocation was moved to the hall of the Castle in 1885. Separate Convocations were started in Newcastle in 1923 and the ceremony in Durham finally moved to the Cathedral in 2003. The main ceremony was in June each year, but a considerable number of degrees were also awarded in December, with rather lesser numbers at other times of the year as well.

UND/BA2/1   4 March 1836 - 16 March 1852
Convocation minute book
Its first meeting approved the University's regulations.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, 2 brass clasps
Size: 210 x 325mm
Digitised material for Convocation minute book, 1836-52 - UND/BA2/1
UND/BA2/2   27 April 1852 - 16 August 1862
Convocation minute book
At the end is a transcript of a petition to Queen Victoria in Council against the ordinances of the Durham University Commission.
With occasional printed notices and regulations inserted.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 210 x 325mm
Digitised material for Convocation minute book, 1852-62 - UND/BA2/2
UND/BA2/3   28 October 1862 - 1 June 1886
Convocation minute book
With some printed notices of regulations and appointments of examiners inserted.
Paper book, reverse calf binding
Size: 210 x 325mm
Digitised material for Convocation minute book, 1862-86 - UND/BA2/3
UND/BA2/4   29 June 1886 - 21 June 1898
Convocation minute book
With occasional printed regulations inserted.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 210 x 325mm
Digitised material for Convocation minute book, 1886-98 - UND/BA2/4
UND/BA2/5   24 September 1898 - 26 September 1908
Convocation minute book
With occasional printed regulations inserted.
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 210 x 325mm
UND/BA2/6   20 October 1908 - 27 June 1922
Convocation minute book
1. Printed notice about the election of Convocation representatives to Senate and Council.
2. Blank matriculation examination certificate.
3. Letter from the Clerk of Convocation, Leeds University, about clause 19 and the Joint Standing Committee of Convocations 15 June 1920.
4. 3 nomination papers for members of Convocation to Senate.
5. A printed list of degrees to be conferred at the Fourah Bay Convocation 30 March 1921.
6. Durham City Advertiser newspaper cutting about Convocation 10 December 1909.
7. List of votes.
8. Draft commission of the chancellor for a deputy-visitor for Fourah Bay College 1921.
9. James Denton's note about grace certificates 2 May 1921.
10. Note about Senate's contribution to the Joint Standing Committee of Convocations 28 October 1919.
11. Francis Joblin's notification of a South Shields lease 7 December 1909.
12. The Central Durham Graduates' Association's printed Remonstrance to Convocation about Dr Gee, Master of University College, not being a Durham man
Paper book, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 230 x 345mm
UND/BA2/7   27 June 1922 - 27 June 1929
Convocation minute book
1. Constitution of the Joint Standing Committee of Convocations 2 copies.
2. Joint Standing Committee of Convocations AGM minutes and agenda 1928.
3. Convocation's nomination for Senate.
4. Joint Standing Committee of Convocations constitution and agenda for the AGM of 2 June 1927.
5. Joint Standing Committee of Convocations minutes 4 November 1922.
6. A request for parchments for Fourah Bay graduates 4 March 1924.
7. Programme for a Fourah Bay Convocation 29 February 1924.
Paper book, 292p, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 230 x 345mm
UND/BA2/8   27 June 1929 - 17 September 1938
Convocation minute book
1. List of graduates for 17 September 1938 Convocation.
2. Joint Standing Committee of Convocations constitution.
3. Joint Standing Committee of Convocations notice of the AGM 8 April 1930.
Paper book, 504p, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 230 x 345mm
UND/BA2/9   1939 - 1957
Convocation minutes, agendas and speeches of the vice-chancellor.
A very incomplete sequence, material is only present for 1939, 1941, 1944-1947, 1954, 1957.
UND/BA2/A1   c.1850 - c.1921
Register of members of Convocation
Recording their full names and degrees, with a note of their death or any other reason for ceasing to be a member.
With some letters inserted enquiring about membership of Convocation.
Paper book, leather gold-edged binding, 1 part of originally 2 brass clasps remaining   Mostly blank, 60f of text
Reference: UND/BA3
Dates of creation: 1910 - 2017
The statutes of 1909 established a Council for the Durham Colleges division of the University. It was to have control of the property and government of the Durham Colleges and its consent would be required by Senate for any regulations affecting the Durham Colleges; it in effect took over many of the powers of the old warden and Senate. Its membership included the dean and chapter, the heads of houses, professors, the treasurer and representatives of the teaching staff, Senate, Convocation and co-opted members. Its approximately fortnightly meetings during term dealt with appointments, estates and property, scholarships, syllabuses, students' terms and a wide variety of administrative matters concerning the running of the Durham Colleges.
By 2020, it was well established as the governing and executive body of the university, setting the strategic direction of the university for the custody, control and disposition of all its property and finance, reviewing the work of the university, advancing the interests of the university, and maintaining its efficiency and encouraging the prosecution of learning and research in the university. The chairman of Council is appointed from among its members and is not employed by the university. The chairman serves for three years.
The volumes of typescript (printed from 1952) minutes have reports, papers and other minutes incorporated in them, some on a regular basis such as the Colleges' annual accounts, the printed report of the director of the University Observatory (especially in the 1930s), annual reports of individual colleges, departments and the library (1940s especially), minutes of the Academic Board (1940s especially). From the mid-1950s very few annual reports and other minutes are filed with the minutes. Each volume has a manuscript subject index to its contents. The minutes are initially foliated within each volume, with the inserted papers and reports being given a number for the whole report within that sequence. By the later 1930s, the individual entries in the minutes are numbered consecutively throughout the academic year.
Minutes for 1963-1990 deposited by the Chief Clerk 23 January 2007, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:36.
Online minutes 2012 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/council/minutes/

UND/BA3/1   18 January 1910 - 1 July 1913
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper book, 184f of text + 56f blank, minutes stuck in, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 280 x 415mm
UND/BA3/2   28 October 1913 - 8 February 1921
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper book, 261f, reverse calf binding, spine label
Size: 230 x 395mm
UND/BA3/3   22 February 1921 - 5 June 1923
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Inserted sealed copy of the 14 March 1921 amending statutes
Index at the front
Paper book, 133f text + 31f index, blue half-leather binding over buckram, spine label
Size: 260 x 390mm
UND/BA3/4   23 October 1923 - 16 March 1926
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Index at the front
Paper book, 181f text + 29f index, blue half-leather binding over buckram, spine label
Size: 260 x 390mm
UND/BA3/5   11 May 1926 - 6 July 1929
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Index at the back
Paper book, 234f text + 31f index, blue half-leather binding over buckram, spine label
Size: 225 x 350mm
UND/BA3/6   29 October 1929 - 1 March 1932
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Index at the back
Paper book, 136f text + 28f index, blue half-leather binding over buckram, spine label
Size: 225 x 350mm
UND/BA3/7   10 May 1932 - 10 July 1934
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Index at the back
Paper book, 125f text + 29f index, blue half-leather binding over buckram, spine label
Size: 225 x 350mm
UND/BA3/8   30 October 1934 - 21 April 1936
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file, 107f (the minutes are foliated with inserted reports each assigned a single number within the same sequence) + 26f index, in a spirng-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/9   12 May 1936 - 3 July 1937
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file, 83f + 12f, index in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/10   15 October 1937 - 4 July 1938
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file, 75f + index + further report,s in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/11   25 October 1938 - 18 July 1939
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/12   8 September 1939 - 29 October 1940
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/13   26 November 1940 - 8 July 1941
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/14   28 October 1941 - 24 November 1942
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/15   2 February 1943 - 17 July 1945
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/16   23 October 1945 - 23 July 1947
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/17   28 October 1947 - 8 July 1949
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/18   1 November 1949 - 10 July 1950
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder   Unfoliated, text + index
UND/BA3/19   3 October 1950 - 19 July 1951
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/20   30 October 1951 - 15 July 1952
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/21   4 November 1952 - 21 July 1953
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/22   3 November 1953 - 13 July 1954
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/23   2 November 1954 - 12 July 1955
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/24   1 November 1955 - 10 July 1956
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/25   14 September 1956 - 17 July 1957
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/26   29 October 1957 - 14 July 1958
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/27   28 October 1958 - 14 July 1959
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/28   1 December 1959 - 12 July 1960
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/29   1 November 1960 - 7 March 1961
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/30   9 May 1961 - 11 July 1961
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Includes the substantial Estimates for the Quinquennium report and draft statutes for the reconstitution of the university.
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/31   31 October 1961 - 6 March 1962
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/32   15 May 1962 - 10 July 1962
Council of the Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA3/33   30 October 1962 - 5 June 1963
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/34   5 November 1963 - 15 July 1964
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/35   3 November 1964 - 6 July 1965
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/36   2 November 1965 - 12 July 1966
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/37   1 November 1966 - 11 July 1967
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/38   30 October 1967 - 8 July 1968
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/39   5 November 1968 - 7 July 1969
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/40   4 November 1969 - 6 July 1970
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/41   3 November 1970 - 5 July 1971
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/42   2 November 1971 - 3 July 1972
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/43   31 October 1972 - 10 July 1973
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/44   6 November 1973 - 9 July 1974
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/45   5 November 1974 - 8 July 1975
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/46   4 November 1975 - 6 July 1976
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/47   2 November 1976 - 5 July 1977
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/48   1 November 1977 - 4 July 1978
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/49   31 October 1978 - 3 July 1979
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/50   30 October 1979 - 1 July 1980
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/51   4 November 1980 - 7 July 1981
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/52   10 November 1981 - 3 July 1982
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/53   2 November 1982 - 5 July 1983
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/54   1 November 1983 - 10 July 1984
Council minutes and papers, in 2 parts
UND/BA3/55   6 November 1984 - 9 July 1985
Council minutes and papers, in 2 parts
UND/BA3/56   5 November 1985 - 8 July 1986
Council minutes and papers, in 2 parts
UND/BA3/57   4 November 1986 - 7 July 1987
Council minutes and papers, in 2 parts
UND/BA3/58   3 November 1987 - 5 July 1988
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/59   1 November 1988 - 4 July 1989
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/60   17 October 1989 - 10 July 1990
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/61   30 October 1990 - 2 July 1991
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/62   5 November 1991 - 26 May 1992
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/63   3 November 1992 - 6 July 1993
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/64   2 November 1993 - 5 July 1994
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/65   6 December 1994 - 4 July 1995
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/66   28 November 1995 - 2 July 1996
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/67   5 November 1996 - 16 July 1997
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/68   3 October 1997 - 7 July 1998
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/69   3 November 1998 - 6 July 1999
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/70   2 November 1999 - 11 July 2000
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/71   29 September 2000 - 10 July 2001
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/72   6 November 2001 - 9 July 2002
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/73   5 November 2002 - 15 July 2003
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/74   30 September 2003 - 13 July 2004
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/75   9 November 2004 - 12 July 2005
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/76   27 September 2005 - 5 July 2006
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/77   26 September 2006 - 3 July 2007
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/78   25 September 2007 - 1 July 2008
Council minutes and papers
UND/BA3/79   26 September 2008 - 7 July 2009
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/80   25 September 2009 - 6 July 2010
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/81   19 October 2010 - 5 July 2011
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/82   23 September 2011 - 3 July 2012
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/83   28 September 2012 - 2 July 2013
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/84   24 September 2013 - 15 July 2014
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/85   21 November 2014 - 7 July 2015
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/86   18 November 2015 - 11 July 2016
Council minutes and papers
2 paper books, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/87   19 September 2016 - 11 July 2017
Council minutes and papers
Paper book, bound in blue buckram covered boards
UND/BA3/88   18 September 2017 - 10 July 2018
Council minutes and papers
PDF: 2377 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 83583 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA3/89   29 October 2018 - 9 July 2019
Council minutes and papers
PDF: 2164 pages96168 KB 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 96168 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA3/90   18 September 2020 - 8 July 2021
Council minutes and papers
PDF: 2011 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 132522 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA3/92   25 October 2022 - 11 July 2023
PDF: 332 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 64534 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA3/A1   24 October 1911 - 3 June 1913
Council of the Durham Colleges draft minute book
With some draft reports of the estates committee, and others, inserted.
Paper book, soft covers
Size: 170 x 230mm
Formerly OSH Deed Box 7/10.
UND/BA3/B1   17 May 1949 - 11 July 1963
Council of the Durham Colleges attendance register
Signed by the members of Council attending each meeting.
Paper book
Size: 155 x 322mm
UND/BA3/B2   7 December 1937 - 8 July 1986
Court of the university of Durham attendance register 1937-1963
Council of the university of Durham attendance register 1963-1986
Signed by the members attending each meeting.
UND/BA3/B3   4 November 1986 - 22 November 2011
Council of the University of Durham attendance register.
Signed by the members attending each meeting.
Paper book, half leather bound, with a morrocco title plate on the front cover
UND/BA3/C1   November 1937
Council of Durham Colleges Standing Orders
Paper file
UND/BA3/C2   October 2002
Council standing orders
UND/BA3/D1   2002, 2003, 2005
Induction to Council packs, includes newsletters, reports and leaflets on general, staffing, financial, risk, student, diversity, health and safety, regional, governance and estate matters.
UND/BA3/E1   June 2009 - December 2010
Council Bulletin, Nos.5, 6, 8, 12 and 13 only.
Paper file
Reference: UND/BA4
Dates of creation: 1937 - 1963
The Court for the university of Durham was established by the statutes of 1937. It was to comprise the chancellor, vice-chancellor, pro-vice-chancellors, the deans of Durham and Medicine, the treasurer, and members appointed by the Crown in Council, Senate, the Councils of the Durham and Newcastle divisions, the County Councils of Durham and Northumberland, Newcastle City Council, and co-opted members. It was to have the custody, control and disposition of the university's property, and control of the university's finances, taking into consideration recommendations and reports of Senate. Its powers were to include allocating the University's funds, fixing fees, making grants to the Councils, instituting, abolishing, appointing and fixing the salaries of professors and readers, appointing administrative staff and proctors (if necessary), prescribing the form of accounts and budgets, and the dates of terms. It met approximately monthly during term, alternately in Durham and Newcastle.
The Court's minutes are printed and bound in blue buckram volumes. They include an increasing quantity of reports and papers, especially on financial matters, and especially from the early 1950s annual accounts of the university of Durham, Durham Colleges and King's College, and annual reports of the warden of the Durham Colleges and the Rector of King's College. The format from 1938 is of minutes for each year with the entries numbered consecutively and then a printed index.

UND/BA4/1   7 December 1937 - 29 June 1938
Court minute book
Printed agendas and then minutes of Court, followed by an index, and then minutes of its finance committee with tables of fees and periodical payments
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 160 x 245mm
UND/BA4/2   6 December 1938 - 3 July 1947
Court minute book
Minutes, with some inserted papers and reports, especially annual accounts, followed by an index, for each year.
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 210 x 335mm
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Court minutes 1938-39 - UND/BA4/2
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Court minutes 1940-41 - UND/BA4/4
UND/BA4/3   12 September 1947 - 5 July 1949
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 210 x 335mm
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Court minutes 1939-40 - UND/BA4/3
UND/BA4/4   13 December 1949 - 8 July 1952
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 210 x 335mm
UND/BA4/5   21 October 1952 - 6 July 1954
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 210 x 335mm
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Court minutes 1941-43 - UND/BA4/5
UND/BA4/6   20 December 1954 - 11 July 1955
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 220 x 340mm
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Court minutes 1943-45 - UND/BA4/6
UND/BA4/7   3 October 1955 - 9 July 1956
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 220 x 340mm
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Court minutes 1945-47 - UND/BA4/7
UND/BA4/8   17 December 1956 - 13 July 1959
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 220 x 340mm
Digitised material for Durham University Records: Court minutes 1947-49 - UND/BA4/8
UND/BA4/9   22 December 1959 - 7 July 1961
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 220 x 340mm
UND/BA4/10   19 December 1961 - 29 July 1963
Court minute book
Paper book, bound in blue buckram, spine and front labels
Size: 220 x 340mm
UND/BA4/A1   1 August 1948
Standing Orders of Court
Paper, 4f
UND/BA4/B1   7 December 1937 - 29 July 1963 & 31 October 1978 - 8 July 1986
Court attendance register
Reused as Council attendance register
With individual signatures of those present at meetings.
Board of Faculties and Durham Colleges Academic Board
Reference: UND/BA5
Dates of creation: 1900 - 1963
A Board of Faculties for the university was set up in 1892 to advise Senate on educational matters. Its members were the professors, tutors and lecturers in the various faculties in Durham and Newcastle. Minutes only survive from 1900, being manuscript volumes with printed agendas inserted.
It had a Board of Studies as its executive committee comprising two members appointed by Senate and two by each faculty. It made recommendations to Senate with regard to curriculum, examinations, and educational work, and made reports to the Board of Faculties at least twice a year.
The 1937 statutes established Academic Boards for the Durham and Newcastle divisions. Durham's comprised the warden and dean of Durham, the heads of houses, professors and readers engaged on teaching, representatives of other teaching staff and Council nominees of other holders of academic posts. It dealt with academic matters, such as the appointments of lecturers and examiners, awards of fellowships and scholarships, in many cases making recommendations for the approval of the Council of Durham Colleges.
The typescript minutes are filed in spring-back binders. Individual entries are numbered consecutively throughout a volume, with a manuscript index at the back. So many reports, annual reports of departments, draft statutes and other papers were inserted that one academic year is spread over 3 volumes by 1962/1963.

UND/BA5/1   13 February 1900 - 17 May 1910
Board of Faculties minute book
Paper book, soft covers, front cover missing
Size: 170 x 200mm
Formerly OSH Box 7/8.
UND/BA5/2   8 November 1910 - 1 June 1937
Board of Faculties minute book
Paper book, half-leather binding, front cover title
Size: 210 x 260mm
UND/BA5/3   21 October 1937 - 27 May 1941
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/4   21 October 1941 - 29 May 1945
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/5   16 October 1945 - 30 May 1949
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/6   25 October 1949 - 29 May 1951
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/7   23 October 1951 - 4 June 1953
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/8   27 October 1953 - 31 May 1955
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/9   18 October 1955 - 20 June 1957
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/10   15 October 1957 - 26 May 1959
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/11   20 October 1959 - 27 June 1960
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/12   18 October 1960 - 21 February 1961
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/13   20 March 1961 - 30 May 1961
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/14   17 October 1961 - 14 November 1961
Academic Board minute book
With a quantity of annual reports of departments and other University bodies inserted.
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/15   23 January 1962 - 29 May 1962
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/16   17 September 1962 - 13 November 1962
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/17   22 January 1963 - 7 May 1963
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/18   28 May 1963
Academic Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BA5/A1   28 October 1952 - 28 May 1963
Academic Board attendance book
Signatures of members attending each meeting
Paper book
Size: 200 x 320mm
Academic Electoral Assembly
Reference: UND/BA6
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1991 All full-time academic staff of the university are members of the Academic Electoral Assembly, established in 1968, with the facility to nominate members to appropriate vacancies on Senate or Council and to discuss any matter of interest to the university and make representations thereby to other statutory bodies as appropriate. At the same time, a standing committee was established to prepare the Assembly's agendas.
By 2020, the Assembly consisted of all members of staff performing academic or academic-related roles (normally taken to mean staff on Grade 7 or above), with the exception of ex officio members of Senate, together with the Senior Tutor (or one tutor of equivalent rank) from each of the Recognised Colleges or Licensed Halls of Residence. Business comprised: minutes; business arising out of the minutes; any business required by the statutes, regulations or standing orders; business, if any, remaining from the last meeting; references and reports from the Senate or from any other statutory body; other items of business of which notice shall appear on the agenda paper.
Online papers 1993-2008 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/academic-electoral-assembly/from 2017 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/academic_electoral_assembly/

UND/BA6/1   29 April 1968 - 28 April 1969
Academic Electoral Assembly minute book.
UND/BA6/2   14 October 1969 - 27 April 1981
Academic Electoral Assembly minute book
UND/BA6/3   19 October 1981 - 30 April 1990
Academic Electoral Assembly minute book
UND/BA6/A1   5 July 1968 - 25 September 1969
Academic Electoral Assembly Standing Committee minute book
UND/BA6/A2   16 January 1970 - 19 March 1984
Academic Electoral Assembly Standing Committee minute book
UND/BA6/A3   3 October 1984 - 4 June 1991
Academic Electoral Assembly Standing Committee minute book
Vice-Chancellor's Group/University Executive Committee (UEC)
Reference: UND/BA7
Dates of creation: 1991 - 2017 The Vice-Chancellor's Group was a meeting of the senior officers of the university, principally the vice-chancellor, the PVCs, treasurer, director of Estates and Buildings, registrar, that met regularly, initially weekly but gradually less frequently, to oversee the practicalities of running the university. It had become the University Executive Committee by 2002. By 2020, its role was to: oversee the delivery of the university's strategy; monitor the achievement of the University's objectives; consider and make recommendations to Senate and Council on policy initiatives and other matters; take ownership and management responsibility for key risks, and coordinate the university's integrated planning and budgeting process; approve annual plans; and recommend the annual budget and financial forecasts to Finance Committee. UEC is a joint committee of Senate and Council and reports to these bodies on a regular basis. The secretary of the committee is the University Secretary. By 2019 its meetings were designated as business, blue skies or strategy, and it had a sub-committee of an Operations Board (BB148).
Files 1-3 not found June 2012.
Online minutes 2009 to date for internal access are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/password/uec/uec_minutes_internal/

UND/BA7/4   8 January - 17 September 1991
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, with some drafts and papers
Paper file
UND/BA7/5   24 September 1991 - 1 September 1992
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/6   15 September - 15 December 1992
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/7   22 December 1992 - 29 June 1993
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/8   6 July - 21 December 1993
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/9   11 January - 31 May 1994
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/10   7 June - 6 September 1994
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/11   6 September - 6 December 1994
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/12   17 January - 18 July 1995
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/13   1 August - 5 December 1995
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/13a   21 June 1993 - 6 March 1996
Vice-Chancellor's Group general papers
Paper file
UND/BA7/13b   17 January 1995 - 31 March 1998
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting agendas
Paper file
UND/BA7/14   16 January - 30 April 1996
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/15   14 May - 30 July 1996
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/16   13 August - 17 December 1996
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/17   7 January - 16 April 1997
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/18   6 May - 17 December 1997
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/19   13 January - 30 June 1998
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/20   6 August - 22 September 1998
Vice-Chancellor's Group meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BA7/200203   16 September 2002 - 11 September 2003
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
2 boxes of paper files
UND/BA7/200304   24 September 2003 - 27 July 2004
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
UND/BA7/200405   4 October 2004 - 9 August 2005
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
UND/BA7/200506   6 September 2005 - 25 July 2006
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
3 boxes of paper files
UND/BA7/200607    15 August 2006 - 24 July 2007
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
12 paper files
UND/BA7/200708   11 September 2007 - 22 July 2008
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
11 paper files
UND/BA7/200809   26 August 2008 - 31 July 2009
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
3 boxes of paper files
UND/BA7/200910   8 September 2009 - 13 July 2010
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers, with away days
2 boxes of paper files
UND/BA7/201011   28 September 2010 - 12 July 2011
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers, with away days and a planning meeting
3 boxes of paper files
UND/BA7/201112   August 2011 - July 2012
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
8 paper files
UND/BA7/201213   September 2012 - July 2013
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
6 paper files
UND/BA7/201314   September 2013 - July 2014
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
11 paper files
UND/BA7/201415   September 2014 - July 2015
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
11 paper files
UND/BA7/201516   September 2015 - July 2016
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
13 paper files
UND/BA7/201617   September 2016 - August 2017
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
15 paper files
UND/BA7/201718A   September 2017 - 6 February 2018
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
With duplicate electronic copy
UND/BA7/201718B   24 April - 1 August 2018
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 3493 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 117090 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/201819A   4 September - 10 December 2018
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 3468 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 137194 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/201819B   29 April - 23 July 2019
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 2607 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 98915 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/201920A   3 September - 9 December 2019
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 2737 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 129006 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/201920B   7 January - 31 March 2020
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 3105 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 146178 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/201920C   20 April - 24 August 2020
UEC meeting minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 4320 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 149997 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/202021A   20 July - 15 December 2020
UEC meeting papers
PDF: 2344 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 87279 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/202021B   1 January - 29 March 2021
UEC meeting papers
PDF: 2058 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 62393 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/202021C   13 April - 16 August 2021
UEC meeting papers
PDF: 3317 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 152009 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/202021D   1 September 2020 - 27 August 2021
UEC meeting minutes
PDF: 321 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 2606 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA7/202223   6 September 2022 - 25 July 2023
UEC meeting minutes
PDF: 169 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 263450 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Provost's Board
Reference: UND/BA8 The start of September 2019 saw the first meetings of the newly established Provost's Board (PB). Comprising the senior academic leaders of the University, and with a student representative from DSU, the PB is charged with supporting the delivery of the University academic strategy, and reports to the University Executive Committee and Senate (see link for membership and terms of reference). The PB will provide updates on strategic matters – such as recruitment, progression, and issues relating to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) – via the Provost Office website.

UND/BA8/202021   2 September 2020 - 26 July 2021
Provost's Board minutes and papers
PDF: 1753 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 127415 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BA8/202223   5 September 2022 - 10 July 2023
Provost's Board minutes and papers
PDF: 25 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 30487 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Standing (including joint) committees, and their sub-committees
Reference: UND/BB
Often the reports or papers produced by these committees are to be found either filed with or even incorporated into the minutes of the higher level committee or governing body. The minutes of the committee may record this and so for a full record of their business both these minutes and those of the higher level body may need to be examined.
Durham University's main governing bodies of Senate, Council, Court and even Convocation carried out much of their business through committees. Some of these were standing, others ad hoc; some reported to one of these bodies, others were jointly answerable, and others had their allegiance changed over time. These committees might also themselves have sub-committees, some of which could be long-standing and others quite ephemeral.
In 2020, the extant committees were:
Senate: Education Committee with sub-committees of Access and Admissions, Faculty Education Committees, Quality and Standards, Research Degrees, and Teaching and Learning; Research Committee with sub-committees of REF Strategy and Research Management; Senate Academic Appeals Committee; Senate Agenda Setting Committee; Senate Discipline Committee; Wider Student Experience Committee with sub-committees of Development and Communities and Support and Wellbeing.
Council: Audit and Risk Committee; Council Student Appeals Committee; Finance Committee; Governance and Nominations Committee; Remuneration Committee; University Strategy Implementation Committee.
Joint Committees of Senate and Council: Ethics Advisory Committee; Operations Board; Provost's Board; University Academic Promotion Committee; University Executive Committee.
The minutes here are organised generally chronologically by committee, noting changes of name, function and allegiance where this has been discovered.

Estates Committee
Reference: UND/BB1
Dates of creation: 1893 - 1958
An Estates committee was set up in 1893. Its initial remit from Senate was to examine and report on all sales and leases of university property, to examine and authorise all repairs and to acquaint istelf with the condition of university property, with further secific provisos concerning the South Shields property. It met weekly/fortnightly during term time, with its proposals/actions being approved or otherwise by Senate.
The Council of the Durham Colleges had an Estates and Finance committee reporting to it from its first minuted meetings early in 1910. A report of 10 May 1910, accepted by Council, recommended establishing an Estates committee as a standing committee (perhaps so called, despite its brief, to distinguish it from the Senate Finance standing committee, for which see below). Its remit was to deal with the acquisition and disposal, maintenance and letting of Council property, to oversee the investments, income, expenditure and accounts of Council, and “to advise Council generally in matters of estates and finance”. It was to comprise the president of Council, the treasurer of the Durham Colleges and others elected by Council. It was to meet before Council meetings, to which it was to report, and it was also given licence to take any urgent decisions as necessary over the summer vacation.
It continued as a standing committee of Council until 1984 when it was amalgamated with the Buildings committee to become Estates and Buildings.
Formerly UND/A3/22

UND/BB1/1   7 November 1893 - 13 December 1897
Estate committee minute book
The committee was appointed on 7 November 1893 and first met on 24 November.
Inserted at the front: its remit from Senate, and how it should proceed concerning the South Shields property.
f.1-88 Minutes.
f.99 Repairs authorised March 1895 - December 1896, recording estimate and cost
f.116 Leases that may be renewed May 1894 - February 1896.
f.117-125 Index to the minutes.
Inserted at the back: expenditure passed January 1894 - June 1896.
Paper book, ii + 125f
UND/BB1/2   31 January 1898 - 12 December 1904
Estates committee minute book, with Senate's approval or otherwise noted.
The first meeting recorded here approved the minutes of an earlier meeting.
With an index at the front.
Purchased at the Anderson & Garland auction in Newcastle, lot 683 part of the Colin Higgins Collection, 11 March 2009, Acc No Misc.2008/9:91.
UND/BB1/3   13 January 1905 - 17 May 1909
Estates committee minute book, with Senate's approval or otherwise noted.
With an index at the front.
Purchased at the Anderson & Garland auction in Newcastle, lot 876 part of the Colin Higgins Collection, 11 March 2009, Acc No Misc.2008/9:91.
UND/BB1/4   28 May 1909 - 30 September 1912
Estates committee minute book, with Senate/Council's approval or otherwise noted.
With an index at the front.
Purchased from John Turton antiquarian bookseller 18 May 2009, who had acquired it at the Anderson & Garland auction in Newcastle, as part of the Colin Higgins Collection, 11 March 2009, Acc No Misc.2008/9:108.
Numbered on the spine “4”.
UND/BB1/5   8 November 1920 - 30 January 1922
Estates committee minute book
Labelled as “No.7”.
Paper book, buckram spine, front cover title label   Foliated 1-87, & 11f. index at front
Size: 205 x 270mm
UND/BB1/6   13 February 1922 - 23 October 1922
Estates committee minute book
Labelled as “No.8”.
Paper book, buckram spine, front cover title label   Foliated 1-41, & 11f. index at front
Size: 205 x 270mm
UND/BB1/7   6 November 1922 - 17 December 1923
Estates committee minute book
Labelled as “No.9”.
Paper book, buckram spine, front cover title label   Foliated 1-84, &12f. index at front
Size: 185 x 245mm
UND/BB1/8   25 January 1924 - 17 November 1924
Estates committee minute book
Labelled as “No.10”.
Paper book, buckram spine, front cover title label   Foliated 1-84, &12f. index at back
Size: 185 x 245mm
UND/BB1/9   15 December 1924 - 11 July 1927
Estates committee minute book
Paper book, half-leather bound, spine title, by George Bailes printer of Durham   Unfoliated TS text, & MS index at back
Size: 225 x 350mm
UND/BB1/10   7 September 1942 - 9 December 1946
Estates committee minutes
Incomplete; present are minutes of meetings 7 September 1942 to 5 July 1943, 4 September 1944 and 3 September 1945 to 9 December 1946.
UND/BB1/11   1 September 1947 - 26 June 1950
Estates committee minute book
With abstracts of financial matters.
Paper file
UND/BB1/12   4 September 1950 - 23 August 1954
Estates committee minute book
With abstracts of financial matters. Incomplete: Aug 1951-Aug 1952 not present.
Paper file
UND/BB1/13   16 September 1954 - 1 July 1958
Estates committee minute book
With abstracts of financial matters.
Paper file
Scholarship Awards Board
Reference: UND/BB2
Dates of creation: 1924 - 1991
The Scholarship Awards Board for the Durham Colleges was set up on 6 May 1924. By 1964 it was the Scholarship Awards Committee.

UND/BB2/1   15 May 1924 - 30 June 1938
Scholarship Awards Board minute book
Paper book, half-leather binding, spine title, mostly blank
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BB2/2   6 July 1964 - 6 July 1987
Scholarship Awards Committee minute book
UND/BB2/3   4 July 1988 - 4 July 1991
Scholarship Awards Committee minute book, includes applications for awards.
Excavation Committee
Reference: UND/BB22
Dates of creation: 1925 - 1979
The files comprise the committee's minutes, and its annual reports and financial statements.
The university established an Excavation Committee in 1925 to oversee excavations and the archaeological collection of the Council of Durham Colleges. After 1963, its remit was redefined as being to coordinate excavations and other practical archaeology of staff and students, to organise the annual training courses at Corbridge in cooperation with Newcastle University, and to supervise the expenditure of funds allocated by Council.

UND/BB22/1   31 May 1925 - 25 June 1938
Excavations Committee minute book
UND/BB22/2   1 December 1938 - 7 July 1955
Excavations Committee minute book
UND/BB22/3   3 November 1955 - 18 July 1963
Excavations Committee minute book
UND/BB22/4   24 November 1964 - 8 July 1970
Excavations Committee minute book
UND/BB22/5   12 November 1970 - 6 July 1972
Excavations Committee minute book
UND/BB22/6   23 November 1972 - 8 July 1976
Excavations Committee minute book
UND/BB22/7   25 November 1976 - 7 February 1979
Excavations Committee minute book
Board of Management of the DU Women's Playing Fields
Reference: UND/BB123
Dates of creation: 1928 - 1946
UND/BB123/1   14 November 1928 - 7 March 1946
Board of Management of Durham University Women's Playing Fields committee minute book.
Paper book
Transferred from St Mary's College archive 21 December 2009 (Meetings had usually been held at St Mary's and/or chaired by the college's principal.)
Treasurer's/Finance and General Purposes/Finance Committee
Reference: UND/BB3
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1963, 2011 - 2017
An Estates and Finance standing committee of Senate was set up in 1900. In 1912 its title was simplified to just Finance. On the reorganisation of the university in 1937, this became the Treasurer's Committee of Court. On 17 March 1953, the Chairman's Committee of Court was amalgamated with this Treasurer's Committee to become the Finance and General Purposes standing committee of Court, with a remit to advise Court on the exercise of its powers under Statute 11 subsections 2 and 5 and on matters arising from the operation of Statutes 32 and 35, and also to submit to Court estimates of expenditure and administer funds allocated by Court.
Minutes in this sequence only survive from 1938, but for earlier reports, see the relevant minutes of Senate.
Each volume has minutes, which are foliated, with in addition reports and estimates/accounts inserted, and an index.
The Finance and General Purposes Committee became just the Finance Committee in November 2016. Its business concerned (in 2020): financial strategy; investment and borrowing; estates and project;, intellectual property, subsidiary companies and major collaborations; endowments and fund raising.
Online minutes 2019 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/fgpc/minutes/

UND/BB3/1   24 June 1938 -12 September 1947
Treasurer's Committee minute book
Including some joint meetings with the Chairman's Committee.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   15f, & index
UND/BB3/2   4 December 1947 - 4 October 1950
Treasurer's Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   71f, & unfoliated reports & estimates, & index
UND/BB3/3   12 December 1950 - 25 May 1955
Treasurer's/Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   103f, & unfoliated reports & accounts, & index
UND/BB3/4   9 December 1955 - 15 July 1957
Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   61f, & unfoliated reports & estimates, & index
UND/BB3/5   10 December 1957 - 28 May 1959
Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   62f, & unfoliated reports & estimates, & index
UND/BB3/6   15 December 1959 - 23 March 1961
Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   52f, & unfoliated reports & estimates, & index
UND/BB3/7   24 May 1961 - 24 May 1962
Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   31f, & unfoliated reports & estimates, & index
UND/BB3/8   12 December 1962 - 23 May 1963
Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
UND/BB3/199192   21 May 1991 - 26 June 1992
Finance Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB3/199293   2 November 1992 - 25 May 1993
Finance Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB3/199798   17 February & 8 June 1998
Finance Committee minutes, agendas and papers
1 paper file 
UND/BB3/199899   3 November 1998 - 11 June 1999
Finance Committee minutes, agendas and papers
1 paper file 
UND/BB3/19992000   15 October 1999 - 12 June 2000
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files 
UND/BB3/200001   29 September 2000 - 9 July 2001
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files 
UND/BB3/200102   10 September 2001 - 24 June 2002
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files 
UND/BB3/200203   9 September 2002 - 30 June 2003
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files 
UND/BB3/200304   29 September 2003 - 25 June 2004
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
1 paper file 
UND/BB3/200405-200708   15 October 2004 - 16 June 2008
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes and agendas
1 paper file 
UND/BB3/200809-200910   3 October 2008 - 17 June 2010
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes and agendas, with some papers
1 paper file 
UND/BB3/201011   23 September 2010 - 13 June 2011
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes and agendas, with some papers
1 paper file 
UND/BB3/201112   October 2011 - June 2012
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB3/201213   October 2012 - June 2013
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB3/201314   September 2013 - June 2014
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB3/201415   October 2014 - June 2015
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB3/201516   October 2015 - June 2016
Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB3/201617   October 2016 - June 2017
Finance and General Purposes/Finance (from November) Committee minutes, agendas and papers
6 paper files
UND/BB3/201718   September 2017 - August 2018
Finance Committee minutes and papers
PDF: 1738 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 84966 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB3/201819   6 September 2018 - 20 June 2019
Finance Committee minutes and papers
PDF: 1385 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 65519 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB3/201920   27 September 2019 - 22 July 2020
Finance Committee minutes and papers
PDF: 1404 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 108895 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB3/202021   1 September 2020 - 16 June 2021
Finance Committee minutes and papers
PDF: 1124 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 61736 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB3/202223   5 October 2022 - 21 June 2023
Finance Committee minutes and papers
PDF: 128 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 39384 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Chairman's Committee
Reference: UND/BB4
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1952
The Chairman's Committee was a standing committee of Court set up in 1938. It was subsumed with the Treasurer's Committee, with which there had already been some joint meetings in the 1940s, on 17 March 1953 to become the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

UND/BB4/1   30 November 1938 - 27 November 1944
Chairman's Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   27ff, & unfoliated reports, & index
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BB4/2   2 October 1951 - 16 December 1952
Chairman's Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   4ff, & unfoliated reports, & index
Size: 230 x 350mm
Calendar Committee
Reference: UND/BB5
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1955
A Senate standing committee for the control of the University Calendar and other university publications was first set up in 1915. This was simplified to the Drafting and Calendar Committee in 1938, and again to just the Calendar Committee the following year. The committee was dropped after 1962.

UND/BB5/1   26 April 1938 - 1 December 1955
Calendar Committee minute book
Paper file, 48f & index, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
Matriculation Committee
Reference: UND/BB6
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1985
A Matriculation Board had been extant from 1910 to 1928, overseeing the matriculation of students to Durham University. On 1 November 1938 a Senate committee on matriculation was set up which recommended, approved by Senate on 7 March 1939, the establishment of a Matriculation Board to oversee the regulation and control of the conditions qualifying for matriculation. The board first met on 7 June 1939. In 1956 the Matriculation and School Examinations Board was set up with its own Matriculation Committee. In 1963, the committee's role was defined as to advise Senate on the matriculation regulations and to grant exemptions from those regulations to individuals. In February 1970 it became the Matriculations and Admissions Committee with its remit widened to include advising Senate on the administrative procedures for undergraduate admissions. This role was taken over by the Senate's Regulations Committee in 1985 when this committee ceased to exist.

UND/BB6/1   10 November 1938 - 1 October 1945
Matriculation Board minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 114f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BB6/2   7 November 1945 - 4 May 1950
Matriculation Board minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 175f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BB6/3   26 September 1950 - 15 May 1956
Matriculation Board minute book
Paper book, 174f, in a buckram binding, spine title labels
Size: 220 x 350mm
UND/BB6/4   25 September 1956 - 9 March 1960
Matriculation Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB6/5   5 May 1960 - 20 June 1962
Matriculation Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB6/6   18 September 1962 - 19 June 1963
Matriculation Committee minute book
UND/BB6/7   17 September 1963 - 16 September 1969
Matriculation Committee minute book
UND/BB6/8   13 February 1970 - 12 September 1972
Matriculation and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB6/9   7 November 1972 - 3 May 1974
Matriculation and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB6/10   13 November 1974 - 4 May 1976
Matriculation and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB6/11   7 October 1976 - 30 April 1979
Matriculation and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB6/12   10 October 1979 - 3 May 1983
Matriculation and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB6/13   11 October 1983 - 30 October 1985
Matriculation and Admissions Committee minute book
Research Fund Committee
Reference: UND/BB23
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1980
The files comprise minutes, annual reports and financial statements, and applications to the fund.
A committee was established in 1938 to adminster a research fund of £500 allocated by Council for staff and post-graduates in the Durham division. Its activities were taken over by a new Staff Travel and Research Committee in 1980 (for which see BB24 below).

UND/BB23/1   2 November 1938 - 7 June 1957
Research Fund Committee minute book
UND/BB23/2   8 November 1957 - 29 May 1964
Research Fund Committee minute book
UND/BB23/3   6 November 1964 - 20 November 1970
Research Fund Committee minute book
UND/BB23/4   29 January 1971 - 31 May 1974
Research Fund Committee minute book
UND/BB23/5   22 November 1974 - 25 May 1979
Research Fund Committee minute book
UND/BB23/6   16 November 1979 - 23 May 1980
Research Fund Committee minute book
Staff Travel and Research Committee
Reference: UND/BB24
Dates of creation: 1980 - 1986
The minutes detail the applications for expenses for overseas conferences, research and sabbatical leave.
A new committee took over the administration of the award of travel expenses previously carried out by the Research Fund, the Staff Travel Fund and the Senate Nominating Committee travel awards for conferences, working to a fixed budget. It became a sub-committee of the new Research Committee in August 1985 and ceased in 1986 when its funds were diverted to individual departments/boards of studies.

UND/BB24/1   29 September 1980 - 27 May 1983
Staff Travel and Research Committee minute book
UND/BB24/2   3 October 1983 - 14 June 1985
Staff Travel and Research Committee minute book
UND/BB24/3   7 October 1985 - 9 June 1986
Staff Travel and Research Committee minute book
UND/BB24/4   16 October - 28 November 1986
Staff Travel and Research Committee minute book
Research Fund for Special Projects
Reference: UND/BB25
Dates of creation: 1980 - 1983 This committee administered a special fund set aside to foster new, high quality research initiatives or to accelerate the progress of existing highly promising lines of enquiry.

UND/BB25/1   4 September 1980 - 13 May 1983
Research Fund for Special Projects minute book
Research Awards Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BB26
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1998
The files comprise minutes and applications.
Established in 1949 to administer the award of all research studentships and fellowships, it was reincarnated in 1986 as a sub-committee of the new Research Committee.

UND/BB26/1   4 July 1949 - 25 July 1967
Research Awards Committee minute book
UND/BB26/2   4 June 1968 - 15 July 1974
Research Awards Committee minute book
UND/BB26/3   7 July 1975 - 24 May 1984
Research Awards Committee minute book
UND/BB26/4   17 July 1984 - 10 July 1985
Research Awards Committee minute book
UND/BB26/5   20 May 1986 - 17 May 1988
Research Awards Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BB26/6-13   28 May 1989 - 10 July 1992
Research Awards Sub-Committee minute books
Meetings were held in May and July only.
UND/BB26/14   14 May 1993
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/15   19 May 1994
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/16   5 July 1994
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including applications and reports
Paper file
UND/BB26/17   19 May 1995
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/18   7 July 1995
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/19   5 July 1996
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/20   16 May 1997
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/21   1 July 1997
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/22   18 May 1998
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
UND/BB26/23   8 July 1998
Research Awards Sub-Committee minutes and papers, including all the applications
Paper file
Research Foundation Committee
Reference: UND/BB27
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1987
The files comprise minutes, correspondence and applications for fellowships.
The committee was set up in 1981 to administer the fellowships that were to result from the 150th anniversary appeal of 1982. It was wound up and its functions transferred to the Research Committee in 1987.

UND/BB27/1   15 July 1981 - 1 December 1982
Research Foundation Committee minute book
UND/BB27/2   1 February 1983 - 8 October 1984
Research Foundation Committee minute book
UND/BB27/3   28 October 1984 - 3 February 1987
Research Foundation Committee minute book
Research Committee
Reference: UND/BB28
Dates of creation: 1985 - 1998
The files comprise the minutes of the committee, correspondence, reports and (mostly) applications from staff covering all types of research.
Following the 1983 review of the internal government of the university (see BB20 above), three major new joint committees of Senate and Council were established for research, policy and resources. The Research Committee was responsible for identifying the needs and availability of resources for research and for reporting annually on the implementation of the university's research policy. It had sub-committees for sabbatical leave, staff travel and research, and research awards (see BB26 above), and also CORD from 1987 (see BB57 below) after subsuming the Research Foundation Committee in that year. In May 1987 it was renamed the Research and Initiatives Committee, but reverted to being the Research Committee on 9 November 1993 when the Teaching and Learning Committee was established with a budget for teaching initiatives. The Research Committee was then confined to research initiatives and research matters in general, holding separate meetings to consider reports and other matters, applications for special equipment, books and projects, and applications for foundation fellowships.
By 2019, the Research Committee's scope was: to be directly responsible for all staff research, funded research and for the broader research environment for student research; on quality and standards to advise UEC, Senate and Council on the University’s compliance with regulatory requirements and on its performance, inter alia, against relevant concordats and the Research Excellence Framework; on research degrees to monitor the environment, experience and outcomes of research students not reserved to Education Committee. It had sub-committees for REF Strategy and Research Management.
Minutes from 2008 are available online at https://www.dur.ac.uk/research.innovation/local/governance/research.committee/rc/

UND/BB28/1   23 September 1985 - 15 July 1986
Research Committee minute book
UND/BB28/2-10   11 November 1986 - 26 May 1989
Research and Initiatives Committee minute books
UND/BB28/11-22   14 November 1989 - 12 November 1991
Research and Initiatives Committee minute books
UND/BB28/23-32   16 December 1991 - 9 November 1993
Research and Initiatives Committee minute books
UND/BB28/33-45   13 December 1993 - 4 December 1995
Research Committee minute books
UND/BB28/46-55   15 February 1996 - 19 February 1998
Research Committee minute books
UND/BB28/A1   1992 - 1995
Research Committee final reports on the expenditure of funds awarded for equipment, books and special projects, filed alphabetically by recipient.
Research and Initiatives Sub-Committee to Review Major Requests for Computer Resources
Reference: UND/BB29
Dates of creation: 1987 - 1990
UND/BB29/1   18 December 1987 - December 1990
Sub-Committee to Review Major Requests for Computer Resources minute book
Publications Board
Reference: UND/BB7
Dates of creation: 1948 - 2000
Senate set up a Publications Board on 15 June 1948 to publish a series of monographs in line with a contract authorised by Court, with financial guarantees, with the Oxford University Press. Its remit was redefined in 1963 as being, within financial limits prescribed by Council, to publish a series of monographs written by teaching or research staff, or graduates, to be known as “University of Durham Publications”. In 1988 it became a sub-committee of the Research and Initiatives Joint Standing Committee of Council and Senate.

UND/BB7/1   3 December 1948 - 2 July 1958
Publications Board minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, spine title   230ff, & index
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BB7/2   5 November 1958 - 23 May 1963
Publications Board minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder   107ff, & index
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BB7/3   4 November 1963 - 18 May 1972
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/4   30 October 1972 - 20 May 1976
Publications Board minute book
Paper file
UND/BB7/5   5 November 1976 - 23 May 1980
Publications Board minute book
Paper file in a spring-back binder
UND/BB7/6   7 November 1980 - 16 May 1983
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/7   4 November 1983 - 7 March 1988
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/8   16 May 1988 - 4 January 1991
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/9   30 April 1991 - 10 January 1992
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/10   5 May 1992 - 7 May 1993
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/11   29 September 1993 - 2 May 1995
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/12   2 May 1995 - 24 May 1999
Publications Board minute book
UND/BB7/13   6 October 1999 - 1 March 2000
Publications Board minute book, with correspondence
Committee of Deans of Faculties
Reference: UND/BB116
Dates of creation: 1948 - 1955 This committee mainly considered examination arrangements, and payments to examiners.

UND/116/1   September 1948 - February 1949, December 1955
Committee of Deans of Faculties agenda papers, minutes and some correspondence.
Paper file
MSc in Agricultural Engineering Joint Committee
Reference: UND/BB8
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1956
UND/BB8/1   14 January 1949 - 3 October 1956
MSc in Agricultural Engineering Joint Committee minute book
With an index
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
PhD/Higher Degrees Committee
Reference: UND/BB9
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1985
Minutes with reports.
A Senate standing committee on the PhD degree existed from 1918 to 1937. It was then reestablished, along with the DSc committee, in 1949. In 1963 it became the Higher Degrees committee with a remit to advise Senate on all matters relating to the PhD degree, later widened to all higher degrees, and to administer applications from university staff for higher degrees in any faculty. It later was also to receive proposals from faculty boards for new higher degrees or amendments to existing ones, and to act on matters not in the powers of faculty boards (each of which had their own higher degrees committee, for which see below).

UND/BB9/1   1 June 1949 - 14 May 1959
PhD Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB9/2   27 October 1959 - 6 June 1963
PhD Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB9/3   25 November 1963 - 28 April 1969
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BB9/4   28 October 1969 - 1 May 1972
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BB9/5   13 November 1972 - 25 April 1976
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BB9/6   15 November 1976 - 24 April 1978
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BB9/7   6 November 1978 - 4 December 1979
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BB9/8   17 January 1980 - 28 January 1982
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BB9/9   9 March 1982 - 17 January 1984
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BB9/10   29 February 1984 - 16 July 1985
Higher Degrees Committee minute book
Oriental Studies Committee
Reference: UND/BB10
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1962
This was a standing committee of the Durham Colleges.

UND/BB10/1   14 November 1949 - 24 October 1962
Oriental Studies Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
Palaeography and Diplomatic Committee
Reference: UND/BB11
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1989
The Durham Colleges had a standing committee for Palaeography and Diplomatic to administer arrangements with the Dean and Chapter.

UND/BB11/1   26 May 1949 - 12 November 1962
Palaeography and Diplomatic Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BB11/2   7 November 1985 - 3 November 1988
Palaeography and Diplomatic Committee minute book
UND/BB11/3   5 October 1988 - January 1989
Working Party on Palaeography and Diplomatic minutes, agendas, correspondence and papers.
Paper file
The working party had been set up to consider the university's response to the UGC working party report on Palaeography and, in particular, to discuss possible alternatives for action.
Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee
Reference: UND/BB12
Dates of creation: 1950 - 1957
A Fourah Bay Advisory Committee was set up in 1927, becoming a standing committee of Senate in 1938. It thence developed to become the Colonial Colleges Committee in 1946, and the Overseas Colleges Committee in 1961.

UND/BB12/1   16 February 1950 - 3 October 1957
Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee minute book
Paper file, 43f & index, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
Buildings Committee
Reference: UND/BB21
Dates of creation: 1950 The Buildings Committee was a committee of the Council of the Durham Colleges which was set up by 1950. It was combined with the Estates Committee in 1984 to become the Estates and Buildings Committee.
Buildings Committee material 1945-1951 relating to the St Mary's College development are in that college's archive (in UND/F8/C1/E).

UND/BB21/1   20 February & 4 September 1950
Buildings Committee minutes
Paper file
Deposited by University College in 1982 and extracted from a file of its own governing body copy minutes and papers for 1940-1951 in January 2006.
Archaeology Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BB65
Dates of creation: 1950 - 1962 With the creation of a new department of Archaeology, with a reader at its head, a standing committee was also established to consider matters brought to it by the head of the department, to consider questions of premises or special equipment required by the department, and to receive the annual report of the head of the department.

UND/BB65/1   19 May 1950 - 25 October 1962
Standing Committee on Archaeology minute book
DSc Degree Committee
Reference: UND/BB13
Dates of creation: 1953 - 1963
The standing committee of Senate on the DSc degree lasted from 1949 to 1963.

UND/BB13/1   14 May 1953 - 6 June 1963
Language:   English
DSc Committee minute book
With an index.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
Nominating Committee of Senate/Joint Senate and Council Nomnating Committee/Joint Appointments Committee/Council's Nominations Committee/Governance and Nominations Committee
Reference: UND/BB14
Dates of creation: 1953 - 2017
The Nominating Comittee was originally a standing committee of Senate set up in 1917 to nominate university representatives to the boards of governors of secondary schools. On 14 June 1938 its remit was broadened to making recommendations to Senate about members and terms of reference of Senate committees, and nominating representatives of Durham university on other bodies for appointment by Senate. Council's Nominating Committee (see BB58 below) was merged with it in 1988 to make it a joint standing committee of Council and Senate. In 2002/3 it was reviewed along with Council's Special Nominating Committee (BB125) which was then extant. The latter survived the review and became Council's Nominations Committee in 2006/7 and, by 2019, Governance and Nominations Committee.
By 2019, it met termly: to keep under review and advise Council on the University's governance arrangements, ensuring the University pursues good practice, and complies with external governance requirements; to advise Council on all matters relating to the process for the appointment of Council members and their induction, mentoring, development and appraisal; to recommend the appointment of new Council members, the Chair and Vice-Chairs of Council, and chairs and members of Council's committees; to consider the detailed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion performance of the University and that all University Committees support and promote EDI through their activities.

UND/BB14/1   10 November 1953 - 21 May 1963
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
Paper file, 135f & index, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BB14/2   24 October 1962 - 8 June 1967
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/3   12 October 1967 - 29 May 1969
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/4   20 November 1969 - 1 June 1972
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/5   2 October 1972 - 24 February 1975
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/6   3 May 1975 - 21 February 1977
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/7   3 May 1977 - 21 May 1979
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/8   2 October 1979 - 3 June 1980
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/9   7 October 1980 - 23 May 1983
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/10   14 November 1983 - 1 June 1987
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/11   6 October 1987 - 23 May 1988
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/12   10 October 1988 - 4 June 1990
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/13   8 October 1990 - 3 June 1994
Senate Nominating Committee minute book
UND/BB14/14   18 November 1994 - 5 June 1998
Senate Nominating Committee minute book, meetings on 18 November 1994, 2 June and 30 November 1995, 31 May and 8 November 1996, 17 January, 6 June and 7 November 1998, 5 June 1998
Paper file
UND/BB14/15   6 November 1998 - 9 June 2000
Senate Nominating Committee minute book, meetings on 6 November 1998, 19 February, 4 June and 5 November 1999m 18 February and 9 June 2000
Paper file
UND/BB14/16   3 November 2000 - January 2003
Senate Nominating Committee minute book, meetings on 3 November 2000, 1 June and 2 November 2001, 15 february, 31 May and 1 Novembr 2002, January 2003
Paper file
UND/BB14/17   6 June 2003 - October 2005
Joint Appointments Committee minute book, meetings on 6 Jne 2003, 4 June 2004, 2 June and October 2005
Paper file
UND/BB14/18   8 November 2005 - 12 May 2006
Nominations Committee minute book, meetings on 8 November and 13 December 2005, 15 February and 12 May 2006
Paper file
UND/BB14/19   14 September 2006 - 22 May 2007
Nominations Committee minute book, meetings on 14 September, 7 November and 12 December 2006, 13 February, 26 April and 22 May 2007
Paper file
UND/BB14/20   18 January 2008 - 27 May 2009
Nominations Committee minute book, meetings on 18 January, 11 March, 19 May, 21 October, 4 and 25 November 2008, 3 February and 27 May 2009
Paper file
UND/BB14/21   19 October 2009 - 14 June 2010
Nominations Committee minute book, meetings on 19 October and 27 November 2009, 1 February, 15 March, 17 May and 14 June 2010
Paper file
UND/BB14/22   October 2010 - June 2017
Nominations Committee minutes, agendas and papers
7 paper files
UND/BB14/23   20 October 2017 - 31 May 2018
Governance and Nominations Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 256 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 5456 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB14/24   19 October 2018 - 7 June 2019
Governance and Nominations Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 328 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 4417 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB14/25   17 October 2019 - 12 June 2020
Governance and Nominations Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 339 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 8973 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB14/26   14 October 2020 - 21 June 2021
Governance and Nominations Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 294 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 9583 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB14/28   5 October 2022 - 22 June 2023
Governance and Nominations Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 40 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 7767 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Discipline Committee
Reference: UND/BB32
Dates of creation: 1953 - 2002
The minutes are complemented by reports to Senate and supported by the documentation of individual cases.
This standing committee of Senate had been established in 1938 and dealt principally with academic issues of cheating in examinations and plaigiarism in student work.

UND/BB32/1   14 September 1953 - December 1962
Discipline Committee minute book
UND/BB32/2   11 February 1967 - 1 December 1972
Joint Senate/DSU Advisory Committee on Discipline minute book, concerning principally the setting up of an appeals procedure.
UND/BB32/3   13 July 1993 - 3 July 1996
Discipline Committee minute book
UND/BB32/4   24 October 1996 - 27 June 1997
Discipline Committee minute book
UND/BB32/5   22 April - 20 July 1998
Discipline Committee minute book
UND/BB32/6   23 June 1998 - 21 September 1999
Discipline Committee minute book
UND/BB32/7   21 September 1999 - 18 October 2002
Discipline Committee minute book
Concessions and Exemptions Committee
Reference: UND/BB34
Dates of creation: 1954 - 1986
The early files comprise minutes and reports to Senate. From 1982, agendas and correspondence about individual cases are included with file contents being listed.
This Senate committee was established in 1954 to decide and report on applications for concessions, including the granting of grace terms. It disappeared in the 1963 reorganisation but was reinvented by Senate on 22 October 1968 to deal with concessions and exemptions (mainly students needing to postpone exams for medical or other reasons) reserved to Senate and/or that did not fall within the remit of faculty boards (which had their own concessions and exemptions committees, for which see below) to decide upon. It also had a brief to advise Senate on general university policy on concessions and exemptions.

UND/BB34/1   23 October 1954 - 25 October 1957
Concessions and Exemptions Committee minute book
UND/BB34/2   25 February 1969 - 30 October 1972
Concessions and Exemptions Committee minute book
UND/BB34/3   31 October 1972 - 6 July 1977
Concessions and Exemptions Committee minute book
UND/BB34/4   27 September 1977 - 13 May 1980
Concessions and Exemptions Committee minute book
UND/BB34/5   2 July 1980 - January 1984
Concessions and Exemptions Committee minute book
UND/BB34/6   20 September 1982 - 11 May 1983
Concessions and Exemptions Committee file
UND/BB34/7   27 May - 18 September 1983
Concessions and Exemptions Committee file
UND/BB34/8   17 October 1983 - 11 July 1984
Concessions and Exemptions Committee file
UND/BB34/9   4 July - 15 November 1984
Concessions and Exemptions Committee file
UND/BB34/10   12 October 1984 - 4 June 1985
Concessions and Exemptions Committee file
UND/BB34/11   13 May 1985 - 20 January 1986
Concessions and Exemptions Committee file
I.C.I. Fellowships Committee
Reference: UND/BB15
Dates of creation: 1957 - 1975
The I.C.I. Fellowships committee was a standing committee of Senate set up in 1949. From 1963 to 1968 it was a joint committee with Newcastle University with meetings held alternately in Durham and Newcastle; it also then administered the Turner and Newall fellowship. In February 1968 a new Durham committee on ICI fellowships was established.

UND/BB15/1   19 October 1957 - 10 April 1963
I.C.I. Fellowships Committee minute book
At the front is a list of I.C.I. and Turner and Newall fellows 1946-1964.
Paper file, 134f & reports & index, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BB15/1   22 November 1963 - 18 March 1968
ICI Fellowships Joint Committee minute book
UND/BB15/3   19 February 1968 - 17 February 1975
ICI Fellowships Committee minute book
Development Programme Committee
Reference: UND/BB16
Dates of creation: 1958 - 1983
The Development Programme was a committee of the Durham Colleges.

UND/BB16/1   3 December 1958 - 15 May 1961
Development Programme Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BB16/2   26 October 1961 - 12 October 1971
Development Programme Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB16/3   19 November 1971 - 16 January 1978
Development Programme Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB16/4   25 April 1978 - 12 October 1981
Development Programme Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB16/5   17 April 1980 - 1 December 1983
Joint Development Programme and Quinquennial Committee minute book
The committee was set up to consider suggestions submitted for items to be financed from the projected 150th anniversary appeal and to make recommendations to Senate and Council.
Education Department Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BB60
Dates of creation: 1959 - 1966 This standing committee of the Academic Board was established in 1959 to consider matters brought before it by the professor of Education, to consider any questions about staff, premises or special equipment for the department of Education, and to receive the annual report of the professor of Education. It was disbanded in 1966 when its remit had been taken over by the reconstituted board of the faculty of Education.

UND/BB60/1   9 December 1959 - 24 November 1966
Standing Committee for the Department of Education minute book
General Lectures Committee
Reference: UND/BB75
Dates of creation: 1959 - 1991 Academic Board set up a standing committee on General Lectures on 17 November 1959. It became a standing committee of Senate in 1963. It was intended to set up progammes of lectures of general interest to everyone in the Michaelmas and Epiphany terms, but increasingly dealt rather with facilitating one-off lectures in departments.

UND/BB75/1   28 November 1959 - 7 October 1983
General Lectures Committee minute book
UND/BB75/2   11 May 1984 - 4 March 1987
General Lectures Committee minute book
UND/BB75/3   9 October 1987 - 11 October 1991
General Lectures Committee minute book
Paper file
Quinquennial Committee
Reference: UND/BB18
Dates of creation: 1960 - 1986
The Quinquennial committee of the Durham Colleges became a joint standing committee of Council and Senate from 1963 and was retitled the Resources Committee in 1985. A sub-committee on part-time teaching was extant by 1982 and on Accommodation Review by 1990.

UND/BB18/1   2 November 1960 - 22 June 1961
Quinquennial Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BB18/2   2 December 1961 - 2 July 1964
Quinquennial Committee minute book
UND/BB18/3   16 November 1964 - 14 May 1966
Quinquennial Committee minute book
From the 15 November 1965 meeting, titled as the Quinquennial committee for 1962/67.
UND/BB18/4   17 January 1966 - 31 January 1967
Quinquennial Committee 1967/72 minute book
UND/BB18/5   4 March 1967 - 17 May 1969
Quinquennial Committee [1967/72] minute book
UND/BB18/6   7 November 1969 - 22 May 1971
Quinquennial Committee [1967/72] minute book
UND/BB18/7-14   14 November 1970 - 18 November 1976
Quinquennial Committee 1972/77 minutes, papers and reports, numbered 1-495.
UND/BB18/15-22   29 November 1975 - 10 June 1982
Quinquennial Committee 1977/82 minutes, papers and reports, numbered 1-697.
UND/BB18/23-29   4 October 1982 - 6 June 1985
Quinquennial Committee 1982/87 minutes, papers and reports, numbered 1-277.
Part-Time Teaching Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB18A
Dates of creation: 1982 - 1986
UND/BB18A/1   11 October 1982 - 25 June 1986
Part-Time Teaching Sub-Committee minute book
Accommodation Review Committee
Reference: UND/BB18B
Dates of creation: 1991 - 1995 An Accommodation Review Committee was established as a sub-committee of the Resources Committee by 1990. Its duties were stipulated as covering planning considerations affecting the university estate, the best use by the university of its physical assets, environmental considerations in accommodation plans, the provision and use of centrally timetabled teaching accommodation, the provision of residential accommodation, and advising on the need for additional accommodation.
Minutes 2001-2006 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/accommodation-review-committee/

UND/BB18B/1   13 November 1991 - 7 June 1993
Accommodation Review Committee minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence, including “Charging for the Use of Accommodation Report and Recommendations to the University of Durham” by A. McWilliam, 10 February 1992
Paper file
UND/BB18B/2   18 October 1993 - 6 October 1995
Accommodation Review Committee minutes, papers, agendas and correspondence, including plans for the Science site and buildings on it.
Paper file
SRC/DSU and Council Joint Committee
Reference: UND/BB35
Dates of creation: 1960 - 1987
Minutes with some papers and reports.
This committee was set up by Council on 14 May 1957 to discuss items of common interest to the Students Representative Council, later Durham Students Union, and the Durham Colleges', later University, Council.
Minutes 1992-1995 and 2000-2007 are available online at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/joint-committee-of-the-university-and-dsu/

UND/BB35/1   6 May 1960 - 17 June 1969
SRC and Council Joint Committee minute book
UND/BB35/2   4 December 1969 - 7 June 1976
SRC/DSU and Council Joint Committee minute book, including a copy of Fifth Report from the Expenditure Committee Session 1973-74 Wages and Conditions of African Workers Employed by British Firms in South Africa (HMSO 1974)
Paper file
UND/BB35/3   2 February 1978 - 12 March 1987
DSU and Council Joint Committee minute book
Heads of Houses Committees
Reference: UND/BB43
Dates of creation: 1960 - 2011 A committee for the heads of the colleges in the Durham Colleges was established in 1950. It became or was subsumed within the Colleges Board in December 2008 which had answering to it the Committees of Bursars, Senior Tutors and Chaplains.

UND/BB43/1   11 January 1960 - 15 June 1964
Heads of Houses Committee minute book
UND/BB43/2   3 December 1964 - 13 June 1966
Heads of Houses Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB43/3   8 October 1966 - 26 April 1969
Heads of Houses Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB43/4   11 October 1969 - 15 November 1975
Heads of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB43/5   20 February 1975 - 23 June 1978
Heads of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB43/6   26 September 1978 - 14 September 1981
Heads of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB43/7   9 October 1981 - 24 November 1984
Heads of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
UND/BB43/7A   22 May 1985
Letter from E. C. Salthouse (Master of University College) to all Heads of Houses confirming the decision of the Governing Body of University College to admit women from October 1987
UND/BB43/8   12 May 1986 - 9 February 1987
Heads of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Also includes reviews of college accountancy systems and estates and buildings
Paper file
UND/BB43/9   8 February 1988 - 4 June 1989
Heads of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB43/10   October 2000 - July 2002
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/11   October 2002 - July 2003
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/12   September 2003 - June 2004
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/13   September 2004 - July 2005
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/14   September 2005 - July 2006
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/15   September 2006 - July 2007
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/16   September 2007 - July 2008
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/17   September 2008 - June 2009
Head of Houses Committee which became or was subsumed within the Colleges Board in December minute book, with agendas and papers
2 paper files, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder and a plastic 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/18   September 2009 - July 2010
Colleges Board minute book, with agendas and papers
2 paper files, in a lever-arch 2 ring binders
UND/BB43/19   September 2010 - June 2011
Head of Houses Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB43/20   15 January 1976 - 28 June 1984
Head of Houses Committee with the Committee of Senior Men and Women minutes, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB43/21   18 May 1982 - 24 January 1986
Heads of Houses informal meetings, with agenda, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB43/22   1978 - 1979
Heads of Houses with the Committee of College Bursars, with agenda, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB43/23   1986
Papers relating Heads of Houses discussions on admissions policy
Paper file
UND/BB43/24   September 1994 - November 2000
Memoranda and other official communications from the Academic Registrar to the Heads of Houses, mostly on student administration
Paper file
Colleges Committee/Board
Reference: UND/BB44
Dates of creation: 1985 - 2002 A Colleges Committee was established in 1985 to keep the collegiate system under review, to consider any questions referred to it by Senate or Council, to advise them on any aspect of academic policy which had implicatons for the operation of the collegiate system, to comment on plans for university expansion or contraction from the collegiate aspect, to receive the minutes of the Colleges Bursars Committee and to communicate directly with college governing bodies. It was retitled as the Colleges Consultative Committee in October 1987. Membership was made up of some heads of houses, representatives of college officers and college tutors. Its work was subsumed in that of the Colleges Board in October 1993, which then was given additional responsibility for financial monitoring, planning and resource allocation for colleges.

UND/BB44/1   16 February 1985 - 27 May 1987
Colleges Committee minute book
UND/BB44/2   7 October 1987 - 8 February 1989
Colleges Consultative Committee minute book
UND/BB44/3   11 October 1989 - 13 May 1993
Colleges Consultative Committee/Colleges Board minute book
UND/BB44/4   28 October 1993 - 1 February 1996
Colleges Board minute book
UND/BB44/5   9 May 1996 - 27 October 1998
Colleges Board minute book
UND/BB44/6   9 May 1996 - 1 July 2002
Colleges Board minute book
Overlaps with the previous volume without entirely replicating it.
Colleges Board Planning Committee
Reference: UND/BB45
Dates of creation: 1990 - 1999
UND/BB45/1   30 March 1990 - 26 April 1999
Colleges Board Planning Committee minute book
College Bursars' Committee
Reference: UND/BB107
Dates of creation: 1965 - 2007
UND/BB107/1   February 1965 - September 1967
College Bursars' Committee minutes, agendas, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from St Mary's College archive (C2) June 2024
UND/BB107/2   August 1970 & October 1971 - May 1972
College Bursars' Committee minutes, agendas, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from St Mary's College archive (C2) June 2024 and Hatfield College, August 2024
UND/BB107/3   January 1979 - December 1980
College Bursars' Committee minutes, agendas, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from Trevelyan College archive (B2/12) October 2016.
UND/BB107/4   January - April 1981
College Bursars' Committee minutes, agendas, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from Hatfield College archive (E15) October 2017.
UND/BB107/5   July 1984 - November 1987
College Bursars' Committee minutes, agendas, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from Trevelyan College archive (B1/5) October 2016.
UND/BB107/6   April 1988 - October 1995
College Bursars' Committee minutes.
Paper file
Transferred from Trevelyan College archive (B2/4) October 2016.
UND/BB107/7   December 2000 - July 2002
Bursars' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB107/8   September 2002 - July 2003
Bursars' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB107/9   September 2003 - July 2004
Bursars' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB107/10   October 2004 - July 2005
Bursars' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB107/11   October 2005 - July 2007
Bursars' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
Colleges' Residence and Catering Operations Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB106
Dates of creation: 1999 - 2000 This was a sub-committee of the Colleges' Board.

UND/BB106/1   October 1999 - July 2000
Colleges' Residence and Catering Operations Sub-Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Business School Board of Governors
Reference: UND/BB51
Dates of creation: 1961 - 1998 A standing committee was set up in 1961 to consider matters submitted by the director of the Business Research Unit, to receive his annual report, and to make recommendations to the Academic Board concerning the staffing, premises or special equipment needs of the unit. In 1984 an advistory committee for the Business School was replaced by a board of governors as a standing committee of Council, as recommended by Council on 6 November. The governors were to keep under review the performance of the Business School and ensure it was meeting its objectives, with particular reference to its finances. They were also to advise and assist the staff of the school, meet at least termly, and report annually to Council in Michaelmas.
A Finance and General Purposes Committee was set up by the board in February 1994.

UND/BB51/1   9 November 1961 - 5 November 1962
Business Research Unit Standing Committee minute book
UND/BB51/2   14 December 1984 - 30 April 1985
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/3   31 October 1985 - 9 June 1986
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/4   3 October 1986 - 8 June 1987
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/5   1 October 1987 - 18 November 1988
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/6   24 February - 8 September 1989
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/7   24 November 1989 - 14 June 1991
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/8   29 November 1991 - 26 June 1992
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/9   27 November 1992 - 21 February 1995
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/10   10 March - 17 November 1995
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/11   1 March - 29 November 1996
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/12   7 March - 21 November 1997
Business School Board of Governors minute book
UND/BB51/13   6 March - 29 July 1998
Business School Board of Governors minute book
Business School Finance and General Purposes Committee
Reference: UND/BB51A
Dates of creation: 1994 - 1998
UND/BB51A/1   24 February 1994 - 1 November 1996
Business School Board of Governors Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
UND/BB51A/2   26 February 1997 - 25 February 1998
Business School Board of Governors Finance and General Purposes Committee minute book
Fawcus Trust Fund Committee
Reference: UND/BB41
Dates of creation: 1962 - 1988 This committee administered grants from the Fawcus Trust Fund and also, from 1964, from the Council fund for students travelling abroad unless, from 1980, they had been otherwise provided for by the University Expeditions Committee.

UND/BB41/1   12 October 1962 - 20 May 1985
Fawcus Trust Fund Committee minute book
UND/BB41/2   19 May 1986 - 4 March 1988
Fawcus Trust Fund Committee minute book
Includes student applications.
University Arts Finance/Support for the Arts Committee
Reference: UND/BB55
Dates of creation: 1964 - 1988 An Arts Finance Committee was established in 1964 to advise Council on the finance required for the proper support of university activities in any branch of the arts, and to make grants to approved university societies in the arts from an annual Council grant. This was reconstituted as the Committee on the University's Support for the Arts in September 1982 with a brief of advising Council on the finance required for the proper support of University activities in any of the branches of the Arts, to supplement such resources as then existd by making ad hoc grants or guarantees from funds to be provided by Council and by Northern Arts in support of activities in any branches of the Arts to approved University and other societies or organisations approved by the committee, with a high priority being given to the needs of university societies, and also to manage the Assembly Rooms, to provide such administrative and financial supervision as was required and thought appropriate for activities which did not have a continuing existence but which regularly occurred such as the Oriental Music Festival and Durham University Fringe Theatre, and to make recommendations on the development of arts activities, and, funds permitting, to appoint an Administrative Officer to coordinate all artistic events and oversee the daily running of the Assembly Rooms etc.

UND/BB55/1   14 February 1964 - 27 May 1971
University Arts Finance Committee minute book
UND/BB55/2   28 October 1971 - 6 May 1976
University Arts Finance Committee minute book
UND/BB55/3   21 October 1976 - 13 May 1982
University Arts Finance Committee minute book
UND/BB55/4   19 June 1985 - 12 October 1988
Committee on the University's Support for the Arts minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB55A/1   10 May 1985 - 8 May 1987
Sub-Committee A (Assembly Rooms Theatre) minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB55B/1   15 May 1985 - 13 May 1987
Sub-Committee B (Student Arts Finance) minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB55B/2   28 October 1987 - 29 February 1988
Arts Finance Working Party of the Committee on the University's Support for the Arts minutes
Paper file
UND/BB55C/1   12 February 1986 - 14 March 1988
Sub-Committee C (Performing Arts Fund) minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Computer Unit/Service Committee
Reference: UND/BB46
Dates of creation: 1964 - 1989 An ad hoc committee met in November 1964 which led to the establishment of a Computer Unit joint committee of Senate and Council in March 1965. This was to keep under review the policy of the Computer Unit for the allocation of time and other matters, and report to Senate and Council accordingly. It was also to consider matters brought to it by the unit's diector, to forward his annual report to Senate and Council, to consult with the Quinquennial Committee re staffing and finance matters, to fix fees payable for the use of the unit and to settle financial questions arising from the operation of the unit.

UND/BB46/1   25 November 1964 - 21 January 1969
Computer Unit Committee minute book
UND/BB46/2   2 June 1969 - 24 May 1971
Computer Unit Committee minute book
UND/BB46/3   22 May 1972 - 10 May 1976
Computer Unit Committee minute book
UND/BB46/4   22 November 1976 - 19 November 1979
Computer Unit Committee minute book
UND/BB46/5   [22 February] 1980 - 28 October 1981
Computer Unit Committee minute book
UND/BB46/6   5 March 1982 - 3 May 1983
Computer Unit Committee minute book
UND/BB46/7   6 June 1983 - 11 June 1984
Computer Unit Committee minute book
UND/BB46/8   28 September 1984 - 2 June 1986
Computer Centre/Service Committee minute book
The committee was retitled Computer Centre Committee in September 1984 and then Computer Service Committee for the next meeting in October 1984.
UND/BB46/9   24 October 1986 - 23 October 1987
Computer Service Committee minute book
UND/BB46/10   26 February 1988 - 24 February 1989
Computer Service Committee minute book
UND/BB46/11   November 1989 - June 1990
Computer Service Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB46/12   November 1990 - May 1991
Computer Service Committee minute book
2 paper files, in spring-back binders
Computer Unit ad hoc committees and working parties
Reference: UND/BB46A
Dates of creation: 1979 - 1981
UND/BB46A/1   2 November 1979 - 25 November 1980
Ad Hoc Committee on the Implications of Separating the Directorship of the Computer Unit from the Chairmanship of the Board of Studies in Computing minute book
UND/BB46A/2   9 December 1980 - 19 February 1981
Whitfield Report Working Party minute book
To prepare comments on Prof H. Whitfield's report into computing in the universities of Durham and Newcastle in the 1980s.
Computer Users' Committee
Reference: UND/BB47
Dates of creation: 1968 - 2007 This committee was to discuss developments in system software and computer facilities, and to make suggestions about them to the Computer Unit Committee. It was also to act as a means of communication bewteen users and the Computer Unit. It was renamed the Computer Consultative Committee in 1985 and was then replaced in 1991 by an Information Technology Users' Commitee, as a committee of the IT Strategy Committee. It thence had a role of voicing the views of users on major matters, being concerned with services provided by Library and Administrative computing as well as the Computing Service.
IT Users' Committee minutes 1994-1995 and 2000-2006 also available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/it-users-committee/

UND/BB47/1   18 December 1968 - 14 November 1980
Computer Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/2   9 February 1981 - 30 May 1984
Computer Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/3   October 1984 - May 1989
Computer Consultative Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB47/4   October 1989 - April 1991
Computer Consultative Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB47/5   16 October 1991 - 1 May 1992
IT Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/6   14 October 1992 - 30 April 1993
IT Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/7   13 October 1993 - 29 April 1994
IT Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/8   12 October 1994 - 29 April 1996
IT Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/9   9 October 1996 - 30 April 1999
IT Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/10   20 October 1999 - 2 May 2003
IT Users' Committee minute book
UND/BB47/11   15 October 2003 - 22 January 2007
IT Users' Committee minute book
Microprocessor Centre Management Committee
Reference: UND/BB48
Dates of creation: 1979 - 1985 A steering committee for microprocessor developments was set up in May 1979. This became a management committee for the Microprocessor Centre in February 1980.

UND/BB48/1   22 May - 12 September 1979
University Steering Committee for Microprocessor Developments minute book
UND/BB48/2   28 February 1980 - 7 February 1985
Microprocessor Centre Management Committee minute book
Word Processor Steering Group
Reference: UND/BB49
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1985 A working party on word processors in the university was set up in June 1981. This became a steering group in May 1982.

UND/BB49/1   29 June 1981 - 1 March 1982
Word Processor Working Party minute book
UND/BB49/2   12 May 1982 - 4 March 1985
Word Processor Steering Group minute book
Information Technology Strategy Committee
Reference: UND/BB50
Dates of creation: 1991 - 2007 An Information Technology Committee was set up in 1991 to keep under review the university's IT strategy, to advise and make recommendations to the Policy and Resources committees as appropriate, to keep under review the provision of computing facilities in the university, to advise on academic, library and administrative computing to ensure their integration, to receive information on computing facilities and services, and to determine charging for their use.
Minutes for 1994-1995 and 2000-2006 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/it-strategy-committee/

UND/BB50/1   28 May - 30 October 1991
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/2   10 February - 18 May 1992
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/3   12 November 1992 - 8 February 1993
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/4   17 May - 27 October 1993
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/5   9 February - 19 May 1994
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/6   16 November 1994 - 25 May 1995
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/7   25 October 1995 - 29 May 1997
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/8   28 October 1997 - 10 June 1998
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/9   5 November 1998 - 1 June 2000
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/10   31 October 2000 - 24 May 2001
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/11   30 October 2001 - 27 May 2004
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50/12   2 November 2004 - 8 February 2007
IT Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB50A/1   28 May - 25 October 1991
Technical Working Party on Printing Services, set up by the shadow meeting of the IT Strategy Committee of 28 May 1991 to consider and make recommendations to it on the efficient co-ordination of printing services through the data network, in particular as between the Computer Centre and Old Shire Hall; agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/BB50B/1   30 August 1991 - 9 July 1993
Working Group on the 1992 Procurment, also set up by the shadow meeting of the IT STrategy Committee of 28 May 1991 to consider and take action as may be necessary on details of the planned procurement for the 1992 upgrade, taking ISC advice into account particularly on the ba;lance of workstations and PCs and their possible location, and to report their actions; minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB50C/1   12 November 1997 - 26 August 1998
Millennium Task Force Working Party minute book.
This was set up as a working group of the IT Strategy Committee in 1997 to consider and recommend how the university should manage the problems with the year 2000 issue in IT based systems. On the submission of its report in October 1998 it was disbanded and replaced by a project team.
Nominating Committee of Council
Reference: UND/BB58
Dates of creation: 1964 - 1988 Council's Nominating Committee was established in 1950. Following joint meetings with its Senate counterpart in 1988, the two were merged, and for subsequent meetings see BB14 above.

UND/BB58/1   28 May 1964 - 30 June 1969
Nominating Committee of Council minute book
UND/BB58/2   3 November 1969 - 28 June 1976
Nominating Committee of Council minute book
UND/BB58/3   15 March 1977 - 28 June 1983
Nominating Committee of Council minute book
UND/BB58/4   5 December 1983 - 17 June 1987
Nominating Committee of Council minute book
UND/BB58/5   27 November 1987 - 15 June 1988
Nominating Committee of Council minute book
DSIR/SRC and Other Outside Contracts Committee
Reference: UND/BB78
Dates of creation: 1963 - 1966 This joint standing committee of Senate and Council was set up in 1963 to consider the principles to be followed in regulating the growing number of researchers financed by outside bodies and the consequent problems of staffing, accounting and accommodation, and also to consider whether any special machinery was necessary to control the initiation of such contracts.

UND/BB78/1   21 January 1963 - 27 January 1966
DSIR/Science Research Council and Other Outside Contracts Standing Committee minute book, with some agendas.
Honorary Degrees/Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees Committee
Reference: UND/BB82
Dates of creation: 1957 - 2012 An Honorary Degrees Committee was set up by Senate in 1938. It was amalgamated with the Ceremonies Committee in 1985 to become the Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees Committee.
Closed for 60 years under Data Protection Act.

UND/BB82/1   19 March 1957 - 9 February 1961
Honorary Degrees Committee minutes, agendas and papers, with some voting papers
Paper file
UND/BB82/2   4 November 1964 - 10 November 1997
Honorary Degrees/Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees (from 4 November 1985) Committee minute book.
With a list of honorary graduates 1965-1986 at the back.
Closed until 2058.
UND/BB82/3   12 May 1998 - 30 October 2006
Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees Committee/Advisory Panel (from May 2003) minute book.
Closed until 2067.
UND/BB82/4   27 October 2007 - 20 October 2010
Senate Advisory Panel on Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees minutes and papers.
Paper file
Closed until 2071.
UND/BB82/5   October 2011 - February 2012
Senate Advisory Panel on Ceremonies and Honorary Degrees minutes and papers.
Paper file
Closed until 2073.
Isabel Fleck Award Committee
Reference: UND/BB30
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1977 This committee appointed and awarded the Isabel Fleck awards/fellowships, funded by Lord Fleck.

UND/BB30/1   15 March 1968 - 17 May 1977
Isabel Fleck Award Committee minute book
Timetable Committee
Reference: UND/BB59
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1977 This standing committee of Senate to oversee the academic timetable was set up in 1968 and lasted until 1984.

UND/BB59/1   29 October 1968 - 4 March 1977
Timetable Committee minute book
SRC/DSU and Senate Joint Committee
Reference: UND/BB36
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1985 This committee was set up in 1968 to discuss items of common interest and where necessary make recommendations to Senate or the Students Representative Council, later the Durham Students' Union. Its brief soon expanded to include matters relating to courses and academic developments on which Senate might wish to consult student opinion or about which the DSU might wish to make recommendations.

UND/BB36/1   20 May 1968 - 1 May 1969
SRC and Senate Joint Committee minute book
UND/BB36/2   27 January 1970 - 4 February 1985
DSU and Senate Joint Committee minute book
Information Committee
Reference: UND/BB76
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1983 An ad hoc committee on the production of a university prospectus in place of the various faculty handbooks led to the establishment by Senate of an Information Committee on 22 October 1968 which was to oversee the production, financing and stock of a prospectus, and other pamphlet literature.

UND/BB76/1   10 December 1968 - 28 April 1983
Information Committee minute book
Ceremonies Committee
Reference: UND/BB83
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1982 A Senate Ceremonies Committee was established in 1963 to oversee arrangements for congregations. It was amalgamated with the Honorary Degrees Committee in 1985.

UND/BB83/1   9 January 1968 - 1 December 1982
Ceremonies Committee minute book.
Student Representation Joint Committee
Reference: UND/BB37
Dates of creation: 1970 - 1972 This joint committee was to keep under review the general working of student representation and the channels of communication between the student body and the statutory bodies of the university and their committees.

UND/BB37/1   1 May 1970 - 27 October 1972
Student Representation Joint Committee minute book
Vacation Grants Committee
Reference: UND/BB54
Dates of creation: 1970 - 1981

An ad hoc committee of Senate on Vacation Grants was set up in 1970. It ceased to be ad hoc by March 1973 and became the Vacation Study Committee in June 1981.

UND/BB54/1   2 December 1970 - 10 June 1981
Vacation Grants Committee minute book
European & Overseas Academic/Overseas Academic & Students Committee
Reference: UND/BB39
Dates of creation: 1974 - 1993 An advisory committee on European and Overseas academics (exchanges, visits, recuritment etc) was established in 1974. A committee on the recruitment of overseas students, initially just undergraduates but, as only 2 matriculated in 1982, soon expanded to all students, was set up in February 1982. These committees were soon holding joint meetings and formally merged in May 1984 to become the Overseas Academic and Students Committee with duties of advising Senate on matters re official agreements and exchanges of staff or students between Durham and overseas universities and on the recruitment of overseas students.

UND/BB39/1   15 February 1974 - 17 February 1978
European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee minute book
UND/BB39/2   September 1978 - 8 October 1981
European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee minute book
UND/BB39/3   5 February 1982 - 14 October 1987
European and Overseas Academic Advisory Committee/ Committee on the Recruitment of Overseas Students/ Overseas Academic and Students Committee minute book
UND/BB39/4   25 April 1988 - 26 February 1990
Overseas Academic and Students Committee minute book
UND/BB39/5   10 October 1990 - 22 February 1993
Overseas Academic and Students Committee minute book
BEd Degree in the College of St Hild and St Bede Senate Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BB74
Dates of creation: 1975 - 1977 This Senate Standing Committee was set up in November 1975. It duties were taken over by the Board of the Faculty of Education's BEd (New Regulations) Standing Comittee in 1977 (cf. UND/BD5/E).

UND/BB74/1   19 November 1975 - 22 March 1976
BEd in St Hild and St Bede Standing Committee minute book
UND/BD8/   14 April 1976 - 28 June 1977
BEd in St Hild and St Bede Standing Committee minute book
Teaching Resources Committee
Reference: UND/BB62
Dates of creation: 1978 - 1983 This standing committee was to advise Senate on matters affecting teaching methods and resources in the university, and especially on the effective use of existing resources, and the best means of disseminating new ideas on teaching and learning. A Technical sub-committee was set up in November 1978 to survey audio and video equipment in the university.

UND/BB62/1   10 March 1978 - 18 February 1983
Teaching Resources Committee minute book
UND/BB62A/1   5 December 1978 - 30 April 1981
Technical Sub-Committee minute book.
Hearing-Impaired Students Advisory Committee
Reference: UND/BB40
Dates of creation: 1979 - 1993
UND/BB40/1   13 November 1979 - 19 November 1985
Hearing-Impaired Students Advisory Committee minute book
UND/BB40/2   4 March 1986 - 27 February 1989
Hearing-Impaired Students Advisory Committee minute book
UND/BB40/3   15 May 1989 - 2 March 1992
Hearing-Impaired Students Advisory Committee minute book
UND/BB40/4   18 May 1992 - 26 April 1993
Hearing-Impaired Students Advisory Committee minute book
University Expeditions Council Committee
Reference: UND/BB38
Dates of creation: 1980 - 1985
The minutes also include prospectuses and some reports of the various expeditions, mostly overseas, seeking university sanction and support.
The committee was set up in 1980.

UND/BB38/1   14 March 1980 - 14 January 1981
University Expeditions Committee minute book
UND/BB38/2   16 November 1981 - 20 January 1982
University Expeditions Committee minute book
UND/BB38/3   24 November 1982 - 12 January 1983
University Expeditions Committee minute book
UND/BB38/4   24 November 1983 - 10 February 1984
University Expeditions Committee minute book
UND/BB38/5   16 January - 8 March 1985
University Expeditions Committee minute book
UND/BB38/6   28 November 1985 - 26 January 1988
University Expeditions Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BB38/7   26 January 1989 - 1 February 1990
University Expeditions Committee minute book
Paper file
Senate Visiting Groups
Reference: UND/BB80
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1984 Senate established on 10 February 1981 the principle of groups visiting departments to review and make recommendations on future planning for teaching and research in a subject.

UND/BB80/1   30 March - 20 October 1981
Visiting Group to Computing/Mathematics minute book
UND/BB80/2   28 April - 15 September 1981
Visiting Group to the School of Education minute book
UND/BB80/3   16 December 1983 - 11 May 1984
Visiting Group to the Department of Pyschology minute book
Centre for Materials Science and Technology/ Industrial Research Laboratories Committee
Reference: UND/BB52
Dates of creation: 1982 - 1995 On 2 November 1982 Council set up a planning committee for the Centre for Materials Science and Technology to carry out the planning and administration of the project. In May 1984, this became a management committee with the Centre now operational. A year later, the Centre was renamed as the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories. An advisory board was set up in addition in January 1986 and the management committee became an executive board on July 1988.

UND/BB52/1   9 December 1982 - 24 June 1983
Centre for Materials Science and Techonology Planning Committee minute book
UND/BB52/2   10 October 1983 - 14 March 1984
Centre for Materials Science and Techonology Planning Committee minute book
UND/BB52/3   11 May 1984 - 20 February 1985
Centre for Materials Science and Techonology Management Committee minute book
UND/BB52/4   10 May 1985 - 20 January 1988
Industrial Research Laboratories Management Committee minute book
UND/BB52/5   10 October 1988 - 3 May 1991
Industrial Research Laboratories Executive Board minute book
UND/BB52/6   14 October 1991 - 6 July 1992
Industrial Research Laboratories Executive Board minute book
UND/BB52/7   19 October 1992 - 16 October 1995
Industrial Research Laboratories Executive Board minute book
Industrial Research Laboratories Advisory Board
Reference: UND/BB52A
Dates of creation: 1986 - 1990
UND/BB52A/1   23 January 1986 - 19 November 1990
Industrial Research Laboratories Advisory Board minute book
Policy/Policy and Resources/Strategy/Strategy Implementation Committee
Reference: UND/BB31
Dates of creation: 1984 - 2003
The files comprise minutes, with associated papers and reports, and minutes of other relevant committees.
A Policy Committee was set up as a joint standing committee of Senate and Council in February 1984 to consider a broad strategy for the future of the university. It was to observe the changing social and economic environment outside the university and to improve the university's understanding of the implications of those changes for the university's work, to identify and study specific issues and options within the university, and to develop techniques which would assist in strategic thinking. It became the Policy and Resources Committee in October 1993 and was then reinvented as the Strategy Committee on 1 October 1999 with a brief to develop and keep under review the University Strategy and to consider and make recommendations to Senate and Council on important policy initiatives.
By 2019, as the University Strategy Implementation Committee, it was to provide strategic oversight and scrutiny of progress in implementing the University Strategy 2017-2027, in particular its key strategic projects, where such oversight and scrutiny did not already fall within the remits of other Council Committees (e.g. Finance and Audit). The Committee receives progress reports on behalf of Council, from the Executive and Project Boards on implementation of the overall University Strategy and strategic projects as against targets, key performance indicators (KPIs) and timelines. The Committee has no decision making powers, and is a scrutiny rather than policy-making body, reporting to Council.

UND/BB31/1   20 June 1984 - 17 November 1986
Policy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/2   19 January 1987 - 14 July 1988
Policy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/3   30 September 1988 - 13 November 1989
Policy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/4   19 January 1990 - 28 May 1991
Policy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/5   4 October 1991 - 25 January 1993
Policy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/6   30 April 1993
Policy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/7   1 October 1993 - 6 June 1994
Policy and Resources Committee minute book
UND/BB31/8   30 September 1994 - 28 April 1995
Policy and Resources Committee minute book
UND/BB31/9   22 May 1995 - 19 February 1996
Policy and Resources Committee minute book
UND/BB31/10   20 May 1996 - 27 January 1997
Policy and Resources Committee minute book
UND/BB31/11   9 May - 3 October 1997
Policy and Resources Committee minute book
UND/BB31/12   5 November 1997 - 8 June 1998
Policy and Resources Committee minute book
UND/BB31/13   11 June 1998 - 29 September 2000
Policy and Resources/Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/14   13 November 2000 - 27 May 2003
Strategy Committee minute book
UND/BB31/15   18 November 2020 - 17 June 2021
University Strategy Implementation Committee minutes and papers
PDF: 307 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 24198 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB31/17   17 November 2022
University Strategy Implementation Committee minutes and papers
PDF: 7 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 315 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Office of Commercial and Public Affairs Management Committee
Reference: UND/BB56
Dates of creation: 1984 - 1985
UND/BB56/1   22 May 1984 - 14 November 1985
Office of Commercial and Public Affairs Management Committee minute book
Centre for Overseas Research and Development Advisory Committee
Reference: UND/BB57
Dates of creation: 1984 - 1991 An advisory committee was established for the new Centre for Overseas Research and Development (CORD) under the aegis of the Research Foundation in 1984, becoming a committee of the new Research and Initiatives Committee in 1987.

UND/BB57/1   11 May 1984 - 2 October 1991
Centre for Overseas Research and Development Committee minute book.
Regulations and Admissions Committee
Reference: UND/BB70
Dates of creation: 1985 - 1993 A Regulations Committee of Senate was established in October 1985 to oversee the university's examination regulations. Its brief and title were widened to include admissions by November 1987.

UND/BB70/1   15 October 1985 - 24 November 1986
Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BB70/2   27 January - 2 March 1987
Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BB70/3   28 April - 14 July 1987
Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BB70/4   13 October 1987 - 29 February 1988
Regulations and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB70/5   26 April 1988 - 27 February 1989
Regulations and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB70/6   25 April - 27 November 1989
Regulations and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB70/7   5 March 1990 - 25 February 1991
Regulations and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB70/8   29 April 1991 - 2 March 1992
Regulations and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB70/9   30 April - 13 October 1992
Regulations and Admissions Committee minute book
UND/BB70/10   23 November 1992 - 29 April 1993
Regulations and Admissions Committee minute book
Academic Audit Working Party
Reference: UND/BB70A
Dates of creation: 1991 - 1992 Focusing on teaching rather than research, this working party was to consider if the university had in place defensible quality assurance mechanisms in areas to be reviewed by the Academic Audit Unit.

UND/BB70A/1   7 March - 4 July 1991
Academic Audit Working Party minute book
UND/BB70A/2   18 September 1991 - 27 January 1992
Academic Audit Working Party minute book
UND/BB70A/3   5 February - 4 December 1992
Academic Audit Working Party minutes and papers
UND/BB70A/4   19 January - 24 May 1993
Academic Audit Working Party minutes and papers
Joint Shared Use Committee
Reference: UND/BB162
Dates of creation: 1986 - 1989 The Joint Shared Committee was established in 1986 to administer the shared usage of the Durham Sixth Form Centre Theatre. The Committee was responsible for overall policy and decision-making in respect of shared use premises/facilities for its represetatives that included Durham University, Durham County Council, Northern Arts, Durham Sixth Form Centre, and Durham Community Arts Association.

UND/BB162/1   7 January 1986 - 15 March 1989
Joint Shared Use Committee minutes, agendas, reports and correspondence
Paper file
Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative Committee
Reference: UND/BB53
Dates of creation: 1989 - 1993 A steering committee for the University of Durham's Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative was set up in February 1989, becoming a joint management committee in July of that year.

UND/BB53/1   27 February - 2 June 1989
Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative Steering Committee minute book
UND/BB53/2   7 July 1989 - 11 December 1990
Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative Joint Management Committee minute book
UND/BB53/3   19 March 1991 - 30 November 1993
Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative Joint Management Committee minute book
Validation Committee
Reference: UND/BB71
Dates of creation: 1990 - 1992 A Regulations and Admissions Committee working party on Validation was set up in July 1990 to look at the university's validation of courses and qualifications taught by other institutions and to propose a university scheme to coordinate validation procedures for different qualifications. The final report of November 1990 led to a Validation Standing Committee being set up by Senate in July 1991.
Minutes for 1993 and 2000-2007 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/committee-on-validation/

UND/BB71/1   26 July - 18 September 1990
Validation Working Party minute book
UND/BB71/2   23 October - 30 November 1990
Validation Working Party minute book
With the final report.
UND/BB71/3   8 July 1991 - 29 May 1992
Validation Committee minute book
University/Quantitative/Strategic/Resource Planning Group
Reference: UND/BB72
Dates of creation: 1989 - 2002 A University Planning Group of the Policy and Resources Committee was established by February 1990. It was successively retitled as the Quantitative (October 1991), Strategic (December 1997) and then Resource (October 1999) Planning Group.
Minutes for 1994-1995 and 2000-2002 are also available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/quality-and-standards-committee/

UND/BB72/1   August 1989 - May 1991
University Planning Group correspondence, general and with departments, with a subject list at the front
Paper file
UND/BB72/2   6 March - 18 April 1990
University Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB72/3   20 April - 7 June 1990
University Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB72/4   19 September 1990 - 1 February 1991
University Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB72/5   8 March - 16 April 1991
University Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB72/6   30 April - 22 May 1991
University Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers
UND/BB72/7-8   28 October 1991 - 8 July 1992
Quantitative Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/9-10   2 October 1992 - 17 May 1993
Quantitative Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/11-12   12 January - 18 July 1994
Quantitative Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/13-14   18 October 1994 - 18 May 1995
Quantitative Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/15-16   9 October 1995 - 10 June 1996
Quantitative Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/17   22 October 1996 - 23 May 1997
Quantitative Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/18   27 October 1997 - 7 July 1998
Strategic Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/19   17 November 1998 - 5 July 1999
Strategic Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/20   29 October 1999 - 23 June 2000
Resource Planning Group minute book and papers
UND/BB72/21   12 September 2000 - 6 March 2002
Resource Planning Group minute book and papers
Student Organisations Sub-Group
Reference: UND/BB72/A
Dates of creation: 1978 - 1996
UND/BB72/A1   16 May 1978 - 2 June 1994
Composition Fee Council Committee and Student Organisations Sub-Group minute book
Composition Fee Committee 16 May 1978 - 14 May 1991
Student Organisations 26 May - 2 June 1994
UND/BB72/A2   28 February - 17 May 1995
Student Organisations Sub-Group minute book
UND/BB72/A3   17 January 1996
Student Organisations Sub-Group minute book
Stockton Campus/Health, Medicine and Environment Planning Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB72/B
Dates of creation: 1999 - 2002
UND/BB72/B1   15 September 1999 - 11 May 2001
Stockton Campus Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BB72/B2   9 November 2001 - 10 May 2002
Health, Medicine and Environment Planning Sub-Committee minute book
Academic Planning Group
Reference: UND/BB73
Dates of creation: 1991 - 1998 An Academic Planning Group of the Policy and Resources Committee was established in 1991.

UND/BB73/1   22 October 1991 - 8 July 1992
Academic Planning Group minute book
UND/BB73/2   21 April - 18 May 1993
Academic Planning Group minute book
UND/BB73/3   7 May 1994 - 20 February 1996
Academic Planning Group minute book
UND/BB73/4   27 February 1997 - 26 February 1998
Academic Planning Group minute book
Language Centre Steering Committee
Reference: UND/BB68
Dates of creation: 1991 - 1999 An advisory committee was set up in 1991 to act as a support group for the director of the newly developed Language Centre as a sub-committee of the Resources Committee. It became a steering committee on November 1993.

UND/BB68/1   20 November 1991 - 21 June 1996
Language Centre Advisory/Steering Committee minute book
UND/BB68/2   2 December 1996 - 26 March 1999
Language Centre Steering Committee minute book
Health and Safety Policy Committee Counselling Services Support Group Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB79
Dates of creation: 1992 This was set up in 1992.

UND/BB79/1   3 December 1992
Counselling Services Support Group Sub-Committee minute book
Continuing Education and Training Committee
Reference: UND/BB77
Dates of creation: 1992 - 1999 A Continuing Education Committee of Senate was set up in 1985. This had become a Vocational Education and Training Committee by 1995. It was reinvented by the Policy and Resources Committee on 27 September 1996 as a Continuing Education and Training Committee, removing responsibilities for internal university staff training and development which was to be covered by the Staffing Policy Committee.

UND/BB77/1   27 October 1992 - 26 January 1993
Continuing Education Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/BB77/2   21 September 1995 - 4 December 1997
Vocational/Continuing Education and Training Committee minute book
UND/BB77/3   1 May 1998 - 1 June 1999
Continuing Education and Training Committee minute book
Staff Development and Training Committee
Reference: UND/BB92
Dates of creation: 1992 - 1994 This was a sub-committee of the Staffing Policy Committee with a remit (from November 1992) to oversee the career development and training of all university staff, to co-ordinate and monitor staff appraisal procedures, to make recommendations to Staffing Policy Committee relating to staff development and training and to receive the annual report from the Staff Development and Training Adviser (first appointed in April 1990). A working party to review staff development and training was established in late 1992 which reported back to the Policy and Resources Committee in 1993 that the Staff Development Training Committee served no useful purpose and should be abolished. However, a steering group reemerged to oversee staff development and training.

UND/BB92/1   16 November 1992 - 19 February 1993
Staff Development and Training Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/BB92/2   16 December 1992 - 29 March 1993
Staff Development and Training Working Group minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/BB92/3   18 October 1993 - 2 June 1994
Staff Development and Training Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/BB92/4   October 1994 - October 1996
Staff Development and Training Steering Group minutes, agendas, papers, and correspondence.
Paper file
Teaching Technology Initiatives Steering Committee
Reference: UND/BB109
Dates of creation: 1992 - 1993 This was a sub-committee of the Information Technology Strategy Committee with functions of monitoring, reviewing nad reporting on the work of the Teaching Technology Initiatives Group to the IT STrategy Committee.,

UND/BB109/1   August 1992 - June 1993
Teaching Technology Initiatives Steering Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file, in a springback binder
Computer/IT Service Steering Group
Reference: UND/BB113
Dates of creation: 1992 - 2013
The Computer Service Steering Group was set up by the IT Strategy Committee on 12 November 1992, initially to review the paper of the Computer Service director on 'Staffing in the Computing Service - Needs and Priorities' and comments submitted, and to consider action on it for recommendation back to the IT Strategy Committee. The steering group was redesignated the IT Service Steering Group in May 1994. In November 2006, as the University IT Steering Group, its purpose was defined as to ensure that the University's IT resources were aligned to its strategic objectives and that the requisite policies, structures and systems were in place to manage them effectively, and to provide advice and direction on strategy, investment, resources and priorities for IT; it was to report to UEC.

UND/BB113/1   December 1992 - November 1993
Computer Service Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB113/2   May 1994 - June 1995
IT Service Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB113/3   January - June 1996
IT Service Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB113/4   October 1996 - June 1997
IT Service Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB113/5   May 2007 - June 2008
Information Technology Steering Group agendas, minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB113/6   August 2008 - May 2010
Information Technology Steering Group agendas, minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB113/7   July 2010 - October 2011
Information Technology Steering Group agendas, minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB113/8   September 2011 - March 2013
Information Technology Steering Group agendas, minutes and papers.
Paper file
Teaching and Learning Committee
Reference: UND/BB63
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1998 This committee was set up in 1993 for formulating and overseeing the implementation of policies and guidelines covering all aspects of teaching and learning and associated delivery processes; also for curriculum development, changes in regulations and course review; for teaching quality assurance and assessment; for encouraging teaching initiatives and good practice; and for validating external courses.
By 2019 it had become a sub-committee of the Education committee, meeting twice termly, with a brief: to promote innovations in teaching, learning, assessment, and employability, embracing effective new pedagogies and technologies, and disseminating good practices; to advise UEC, Senate and Council on the physical and digital learning environments required to support and enhance education and related student experience, including libraries, teaching laboratories, IT facilities, and College learning spaces; to scrutinise programs for the professional development in teaching and learning of research students and academic staff.
Minutes for 2007-2010 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/learning-teaching-committee/
For Stockton's Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee, see UND/JB5.

UND/BB63/1-9   7 June 1993 - 1 June 1994
Teaching and Learning Committee minute books
UND/BB63/10-14   16 August 1994 - 6 June 1995
Teaching and Learning Committee minute books
UND/BB63/15-18   11 July 1995 - 4 June 1996
Teaching and Learning Committee minute books
UND/BB63/19-22   9 July 1996 - 14 October 1997
Teaching and Learning Committee minute books
UND/BB63/23-25   25 November 1997 - 6 July 1998
Teaching and Learning Committee minute books
UND/BB63/26   23 February 2000
Teaching and Learning Committe minutes and associated papers
Incomplete, extracted from the Key Skills Working Group.
Paper file
UND/BB63/27-32   14 November 2000 - 2 July 2001
Teaching and Learning Committe minutes and associated papers
6 paper files
UND/BB63/33-38   11 January - 1 July 2002
Teaching and Learning Committe minutes and associated papers
6 paper files
UND/BB63/39-41   7 October 2002 - [?March] 2003
Teaching and Learning Committe minutes and associated papers
4 paper files
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB63a
Dates of creation: 1993 - 2000 Minutes for 1994-2007 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/faculty-of-arts-and-humanities-subcommittee/ and for 2007-2008 at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/faculty-arts-humanities-ltc-sub-committee/

UND/BB63a/1   May 1993 - 11 February 1994
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers with some correspondence
Paper file
UND/BB63a/2   7 October 1994 - 3 April 1995
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63a/3   20 October 1995 - 20 June 1996
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63a/4   25 October 1996 - 28 May 1997
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63a/5   24 October 1997 - 24 April 1998
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63a/6   23 October 1998 - 12 February 1999
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63a/7   22 October 1999 - 28 April 2000
Teaching and Learning Committee Arts Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
Teaching and Learning Committee Science Faculty Area Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB63b
Dates of creation: 1994 - 1998 Minutes for 1994-2007 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/faculty-of-science-subcommittee/ and for 2007-2008 at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/faculty-science-ltc-sub-committee/

UND/BB63b/1   10 January - 24 May 1994
Teaching and Learning Committee Science Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63b/2   June 1994 - 6 April 1995
Teaching and Learning Committee Science Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers, with some agendas and correspondence
2 paper files
UND/BB63b/3   19 October 1995 - 29 May 1996
Teaching and Learning Committee Science Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB63b/4   24 October 1996 - 31 January 1997
Teaching and Learning Committee Science Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63b/5   24 October 1997 - October 1998
Teaching and Learning Committee Science Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers, with some correspondence
Paper file
Teaching and Learning Committee Social Sciences Faculty Area Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB63c
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1999 Minutes for 1994-2007 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/faculty-of-social-sciences-and-health-subcommittee/ and 2007-2008 at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/faculty-social-sciences-health-ltc-sub-committee/

UND/BB63c/1   28 October 1993 - 17 May 1994
Teaching and Learning Committee Social Sciences Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63c/2   27 October 1994 - 4 April 1995
Teaching and Learning Committee Social Sciences Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63c/3   26 October 1995 - 2 April 1996
Teaching and Learning Committee Social Sciences Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63c/4   31 October 1996 - 6 February 1997
Teaching and Learning Committee Social Sciences Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63c/5   20 October 1997 - 6 February 1998
Teaching and Learning Committee Social Sciences Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB63c/6   31 January - 29 April 1999
Teaching and Learning Committee Social Sciences Faculty Area Sub-Committee minutes and papers
Paper file
Teaching and Learning Committee Health, Medicine and Environment Faculty Area Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB63d Minutes for 2001-2002 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/faculty-of-health-medicine-and-environment-subcommittee/

Undergraduate Admissions Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB63e This sub-committee of the Teaching and Learning Committee was established in October 2008 to oversee the ongoing implementation and monitoring of the Admissions Strategy and Policy on behalf of the Learning and Teaching Committee, following a review of the University’s admissions policy and procedures during 2007-08 by the Admissions Working Group.
Minutes for 2008-2012 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/undergraduate-admissions-sub-committee/

Academic Staffing Committee (Promotions and Probation)
Reference: UND/BB87
Dates of creation: 1992 - 1995 By October 2018 there was just one University Academic Promotion Committee/University Progression Committee, a Joint Business/Operations Committee of Senate and Council, with faculty and departmental sub-committees, meeting as necessary to advise those bodies on all matters relating to the progression and promotion of academic, teaching and research staff.

UND/BB87/1   June 1992 - December 1993
Academic Staffing Committee (Promotions and Probation) agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
UND/BB87/2   January - December 1994
Academic Staffing Committee (Promotions and Probation) agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
UND/BB87/3   January - June 1995
Academic Staffing Committee (Promotions and Probation) agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
Academic Staffing Committee (Professorships and Readerships)
Reference: UND/BB88
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1994
UND/BB88/1   13 January 1993, 26 April - 15 June 1994
Academic Staffing Committee (Professorships and Readerships) agendas, minutes, reports, papers and correspondence.
Non-Academic Staffing Committee
Reference: UND/BB89
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1994
UND/BB89/1   June 1993 - June 1994
Non-Academic Staffing Committee agendas, minutes, reports and correspondence.
Graduate School Committee
Reference: UND/BB91
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1994 A Graduate School was first mooted in the Vice-Chancellor's Durham 2000 statement. The Research and Initiatives Committee set up a working party which first met on 22 March. This considered that the school might take responsibility for the admission of postgraduates, their academic progress, including providing training programmes, degree regulation and approval of new programmes and degrees, allocation of university awards for postgraduates, social provision for them, and providing advice to higher bodies in the university on strategic considerations regarding graduate study and research. As a result of the working party's report, Council approved on 6 July 1993 the recommendation of the Policy Committee that a Graduate School should be established, with its concomitant committee which first met on 28 July 1993.

UND/BB91/1   22 March - 22 April 1993
Graduate School Working Party agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
UND/BB91/2   28 July - 18 November 1993
Graduate School Committee agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
UND/BB91/3   27 January - 2 June 1994
Graduate School Committee agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
UND/BB91/4   29 September - 17 November 1994
Graduate School Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB91/5   26 January - 23 February 1995
Graduate School Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB91/6   4 May 1995 - 1 June 1995
Graduate School Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
Development Office Management/Fundraising Steering Group
Reference: UND/BB122
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1996 A management steering group first met on 20 July 1993 to oversee the Development Office, set up in 1991. This became the Fundraising Steering Group in November 1994.

UND/BB122/1   July 1993 - October 1996
Development Office Management/Fundraising Steering Group agendas, minutes, papers, reports and correspondence.
Paper file
Examinations and Assessment Advisory Group
Reference: UND/BB85
Dates of creation: 1994 - 1999 The Teaching and Learning Commttee at its meeting on 20 January 1994 agreed to establish an advisory group on examinations and assessment to provide for their central monitoring and co-ordination under the following terms:
monitoring and reviewing the implementation of all quality assurance procedures relating to the examination and assessment process within the university, and the central guidance, documentation and regulations in support of these procedures;
monitoring and providing guidance on assessment practices;
considering for recommendation to TLC nominations for the appointment of Boards of Examiners and External Examiners;
monitoring and reviewing the operation of the external examining process within the university;
receiving reports of aegrotat degrees awarded following the approval of the relevant faculty dean in consultation with the TLC chiarman;
receiving and considering a statistical summary of all first degree, diploma and certificate final award results;
considering other matters referred to it by the TLC or its area sub-committees responsible for curriculum development.

UND/BB85/1   5 April 1994 - 5 December 1996
Examinations and Assessment Advisory Group minute book, including agendas, reports and papers.
UND/BB85/2   19 February 1997 - 10 February 1999
Examinations and Assessment Advisory Group minute book, including agendas, reports and papers.
Academic Appeals Committee
Reference: UND/BB33
Dates of creation: 1995 - 2002
The files mostly comprise the papers submitted for and against the particular party in specific cases.
This considered appeals from students against decisions of the Discipline Committee. It usually met to hear a particular individual case.

UND/BB33/1   18 January 1995 - 15 March 1996
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/2   5 November 1996 - 9 October 1997
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/3   20 November 1997 - 28 April 1998
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/4   26 August - 13 October 1998
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/5   24 February 1999
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/6-7   21 April - 4 May 1999
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/8   12 November 1999
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/9   10 March -31 May 2000
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
UND/BB33/10   11 April 2001 - 3 September 2002
Academic Appeals Committee minute book
Access and Admissions Advisory Group
Reference: UND/BB93
Dates of creation: 1996 Teaching and Learning Committee established an advisory group at its 21 November 1995 meeting to be responsible to the committee for giving initial consideration to access and admissions matters, related to undergraduate programmes of study, by, specifically, reviewing the university's access and admissions policies and monitoring their implementation, monitoring and reviewing the university's admission and induction processes and the supporting documentation, including the undergraduate prospectus and regulations, and by reviewing and monitoring the university's open day scheme.
Minutes of the Advisory Group 2001-2006 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/admissions-advisory-group/

UND/BB93/1   19 January - 16 May 1996
Advisory Group on Access and Admissions agendas, minutes and papers.
Paper file
Special Council Nominating Committee
Reference: UND/BB125
Dates of creation: 1996 - 2005 Council agreed on 12 March 1996 that the chair and vice-chair or vice-chairs, in conjunction with the vice-chancellor, should be constituated as a Special Coucil Nominating Committee to identify suitable lay members of Council so that, as vacancies arose, they could submit their names to the chancellor for appointment or to Council for co-option as appropriate. It was merged with the Council Nominating Committee in 2006.

UND/BB125/1   May 1996 - May 2001
Special Council Nominating Committee minute book with agendas.
Paper file
UND/BB125/2   June 2001 - July 2005
Special Council Nominating Committee minute book with agendas.
Paper file
Senior Tutors' Committee
Reference: UND/BB94
Dates of creation: 2001 - 2011 Minutes for 2002-2003 are also available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/senior-tutors-committee/

UND/BB94/1   February 2001 - June 2002
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/2   September 2002 - July 2003
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/3   September 2003 - June 2004
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/4   September 2004 - July 2005
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/5   September 2005 - July 2006
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/6   September 2006 - June 2007
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/7   September 2007 - August 2008
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/8   September 2008 - August 2009
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/9   September 2009 - June 2010
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file, in a lever-arch 2 ring binder
UND/BB94/10   15 September 2010 - 7 July 2011
Senior Tutors' Committee minute book
Paper file, in a lever arch binder
Audit Committee/Audit and Risk Committee
Reference: UND/BB124
Dates of creation: 1996 - 2018 Its business concerns internal and external audit, risk management, value for money and best practice. It meets at least termly.
Online minutes 2019 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/audit/minutes/

UND/BB124/199698   10 December 1996 - 6 July 1998
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 10 December 1996, 18 March 1997, 10 June 1997, 7 November 1997, 17 March 1998, 6 July 1998.
Paper file in a spring-back binder
UND/BB124/199899   2 November 1998 - 5 July 1999
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 2 & 25 November 1998, 16 March, 24 May, 5 July 1999.
2 paper files in spring-back binders
UND/BB124/199900   6 December 1999 - 10 July 2000
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 6 December 1999, 20 March and 10 July 2000.
2 paper files
UND/BB124/200001   27 November 2000 - 18 June 2001
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 27 November, 6 and 21 December 2000, 27 February and 18 June 2001.
2 paper files
UND/BB124/200102   21 November 2001 - 11 June 2002
Audit Committee minutes and papers for meetings on 21 November 2001, 26 February, 11 June and 9 July 2002.
2 paper files
UND/BB124/200203   20 November 2002 - 17 June 2003
Audit Committee minute, agendas and papers for meetings on 20 November 2002, 4 March and 17 June 2003.
3 paper files
UND/BB124/200304   26 November 2003 - 15 June 2004
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 26 November 2003, 2 March and 15 June 2004.
3 paper files
UND/BB124/200405   30 September 2004 - 13 June 2005
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 30 September and 18 November 2004, 25 February and 13 June 2005.
4 paper files
UND/BB124/200506   22 September 2005 - 9 June 2006
Audit Committee minutes, agendas, and papers, for meetings on 22 September and 30 November 2005, 24 February and 9 June 2006.
4 paper files
UND/BB124/200607   16 October 2006 - 15 June 2007
Audit Committee minutes, agendas, and papers, for meetings on 16 October and 17 November 2006, 23 February and 15 June 2007.
4 paper files
UND/BB124/200708   4 October 2007 - 3 June 2008
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers, for meetings on 4 October and 6 November 2007, 21 February and 3 June 2008
4 paper files 
UND/BB124/200809   2 October 2008 - 18 June 2009
Audit Committee minutes, agendas, and papers, for meetings on 2 October and 17 November 2008, 19 February and 18 June 2009.
4 paper files 
UND/BB124/200910   1 October 2009 - 17 June 2010
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 1 October and 16 November 2009, 9 February and 17 June 2010.
4 paper files
UND/BB124/201011   11 October 2010 - 14 June 2011
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 11 October and 15 November 2010, 16 February and 14 June 2011.
4 paper files
UND/BB124/201112   November 2011 & June 2012
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB124/201213   October 2012 - June 2013
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB124/201314   October 2013 - June 2014
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB124/201415   September 2014 - June 2015
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB124/201516   October 2015 - June 2016
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BB124/201617   October 2016 - June 2017
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
5 paper files
UND/BB124/201718   25 September 2017 - 25 January 2018
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers for meetings on 25 September, 20 October and 21 November 2017, and 25 January 2018.
UND/BB124/201819   24 September - 30 May 2018
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 1301 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 46307 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB124/201920   26 September 2019 - 12 June 2020
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 1477 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 67409 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB124/202021   25 September 2020 - 17 June 2021
Audit Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 1251 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 60562 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB124/202223   10 October 2022 - 14 June 2023
Audit and Risk Committee minutes, agendas and papers
PDF: 270 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 114379 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Risk Management Steering Group/Risk Management Sub-Committee/Risk Management Advisory Group
Reference: UND/BB153
Dates of creation: 2002 - 2007 Sub-Committee/Steering Group/Advisory Group reporting to the University Executive Committee on all aspects of risk management. Meets termly.

UND/BB153/200203   17 December 2002 - 12 June 2003
Risk Management Sub-Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
1 paper file 
UND/BB153/200304   5 November 2003 - 10 June 2004
Risk Management Sub-Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
1 paper file 
UND/BB153/200405   11 January - 6 June 2005
Risk Management Sub-Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
1 paper file 
UND/BB153/200506   18 August 2005 - 19 July 2006
Risk Management Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers.
1 paper file 
UND/BB153/200607   10 October 2006 - 5 June 2007
Risk Management Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers.
1 paper file 
Research Capital Equipment Group
Reference: UND/BB160
Dates of creation: 2008 - 2014 The Research Capital Equipment Group considers prioritised proposals for capital expenditure on research equipment from the appropriate Faculty Research Committee

UND/BB160/1   2 July 2008 - 7 March 2011
Research Capital Equipment Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB160/2   15 September 2011 - 25 June 2012
Research Capital Equipment Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB160/3   12 December 2012 - June 2013
Research Capital Equipment Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB160/4   2 December 2013 - 16 June 2014
Research Capital Equipment Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Capital Planning Group
Reference: UND/BB159
Dates of creation: 2010 - 2015 The Capital Planning Group was established in January 2010 to provide an oversight of the capital programme and all capital budgets carried out in departments, colleges, estates and buildings, and IT services.
Papers incomplete for some meetings.

UND/BB159/200910   2009 - 14 July 2010
Capital Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers.
2 paper files
UND/BB159/201011   30 September 2010 - June 2011
Capital Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers.
3 paper files
UND/BB159/201112   19 September 2011 - 12 June 2012
Capital Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers.
3 paper files
UND/BB159/201213   3 September 2012 - July 2013
Capital Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers.
2 paper files
UND/BB159/201314   19 September 2013 - 23 June 2014
Capital Planning Group minutes, agendas and papers.
People + Steering Group
Reference: UND/BB161
Dates of creation: 2014 - 2015 The People + Steering Group oversaw the implementation of a human resources management system designed to modernise HR and Payroll processes, introducing effective and efficient procedures throughout the University supported by software that interfaces with other existing and proposed University software

UNDBB161/1   16 January - 17 July 2014
People + Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file 
UNDBB161/2   August - 27 October 2014
People + Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file 
UNDBB161/3   5 November 2014 - 12 February 2015
People + Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file 
UNDBB161/4   17 June - 7 October 2015
People + Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file 
Ethics Advisory Committee
Reference: UND/BB154
Dates of creation: 2014 - 2018 The Ethics Advisory Committee was set up to provide an ethical perspective and advice to inform management decisions on specific issues which might pose significant ethical and/or reputational risk to the University.

UND/BB154/201415   18 September 2014 - 18 May 2015
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/BB154/201516   30 September 2015 - 25 May 2016
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/BB154/201617   14 October 2016 - 24 May 2017
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/BB154/201718   1 November 2017 - 10 May 2018
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
PDF: 293 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 7321 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB154/201819   31 October 2018 - 6 February 2019
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
PDF: 223 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 2544 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB154/201920   30 October 2019 - 13 May 2020
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
PDF: 215 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 5023 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB154/202021   1 October 2020 - 27 May 2021
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
PDF: 170 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 4818 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB154/202223   26 September 2022 - 25 May 2023
Ethics Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
PDF: 75 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 7320 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Senate Agenda Setting Committee
Reference: UND/BB146 Senate Agenda Setting Committee is a sub-committee of Senate, with the purpose of supporting Senate in fulfilling its responsibilities under University Statute 19 relating to the academic governance of the University; 9.2 SASC shall consider the papers and reports and recommendations being presented to Senate, and give assurance to Senate that they provide clear and adequate reporting of a committee’s performance of its delegated responsibilities and where necessary adequate information for Senate to discharge its own responsibilities. Substantive discussion of the content of reports and discussion and decision-making upon recommendations remains the preserve of Senate.
Online minutes 2016 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/sasc/

Wider Student Experience Committee
Reference: UND/BB147 A committee for the Oversight of Student Support Services was extant in 2000. This became the Student Experience Sub-Committee in October 2007 and then the Wider Student Expereince Committee by 2018. This supports Senate in maintaining the quality of the wider student experience, and does so in line with the terms of reference provided by Senate. The committee has responsibility for scrutinising and recommending to Senate (and UEC and Council, where appropriate) policy and sub-strategies in support of the university’s Wider Student Experience Strategy. The committee is chaired by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Colleges and Student Experience). It scope covers: student development, specifically including programmes for student development, as well as the building of student communities and the three graduate outcomes of intellectual curiosity, personal effectiveness and a sense of belonging and responsibility; student support and wellbeing; student conduct, excluding academic issues; all activity in the colleges relating to the Wider Student Experience; residences and catering; DSOs and all recognised bodies related to the Wider Student Experience; policies and codes of practice related to the Wider Student Experience; relationships with third parties relevant to the Wider Student Experience established by memoranda of understanding or partnerships. It has two sub-committees examining issues in greater detail relating to their specific areas: Development and Communities; Student Support and Wellbeing.
Minutes for the Committee for the Oversight of Student Support Services 2000-2001 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/committee-for-the-oversight-of-student-support-services/
Minutes for the Student Experience Sub-Committee 2007-2014 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/student-experience-sub-committee/

UND/BB147/2006-2009   10 October 2006 - 23 February 2009
Student Experience Sub-Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB147/200910   16 November 2009 - 19 April 2010
Student Experience Sub-Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB147/201718   31 January - 24 May 2018
Wider Student Experience Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB147/201819   26 September 2018 - 13 June 2019
Wider Student Experience Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB147/201920   24 October 2019 - 18 June 2020
Wider Student Experience Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
UND/BB147/202021   23 October 2020 - 17 June 2021
Wider Student Experience Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
Operations Board
Reference: UND/BB148 The Operations Board is a sub-committee of UEC [from 2019], meeting bi-weekly, with terms of reference:
a) To review the quality and performance of the University’s infrastructure, including its information technologies and residential and academic estates;
b) To review in Green Paper form strategy, policy/initiatives proposals in relation to the University’s infrastructure;
c) To monitor on behalf of UEC the progress of business improvement projects;
d) To review in Green Paper form proposals for major new infrastructural projects: for subsequent discussion and approval at UEC, if endorsed;
e) To approve under delegated authority minor works proposals up to £500,000 and report these to UEC and as required to Finance Committee and Council;
f) Within the strategic framework of the Estates Strategy and Masterplan approved by Council, to oversee the delivery of the University’s major capital projects, including: the new build programme; projects to address the residential and academic estate backlog; other infrastructure and enabling work.
g) To consider and, in line with the Financial Scheme of Delegation commend Outline and Full Business Cases to UEC, Finance Committee and Council: considers Gateway reviews / progress reports / risk registers/ communication plans on projects recommending any actions deemed necessary to progress the project and escalates issues to UEC in accordance with the level of risk; reports on variations and contingency budget spend in the delivery phase of projects and reporting to Finance Committee; considers project completion review reports and the associated process and recommends project close down to UEC; considers consultation and engagement strategies for individual projects, including student engagement.
h) To provide guidance on issues escalated by project sponsors (e.g. planning issues);
i) To consider how the University deals with cross cutting issues relating to projects, including EDI, IT, design quality, space utilisation and Value For Money.
Online minutes 2019 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/ob/minutesandpaper19-20/

UND/BB148/202021   7 September 2020 - 14 July 2021
Operations Board minutes and papers
PDF: 2326 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Microsoft Edge PDF, 126121 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
UND/BB148/202223   7 September 2022 - 12 July 2023
Operations Board minutes and papers
PDF: 41 pages 
Electronic record. Access copy may be available on request
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 30874 KB
The original structure in this file has been maintained; duplicate files have not been deleted
Academic Electoral Assembly Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BB149 AEA's standing committee considers items for inclusion on the agenda of meetings of the Academic Electoral Assembly and prepares any documents or memoranda relating to such items. It considers any matters which may be drawn to the attention of the Committee by any member or members of the Academic Electoral Assembly and decides whether such matters should be brought to the attention of the Assembly, with or without a recommendation from the Standing Committee. (This section shall in no way infringe the right of any member of the Academic Electoral Assembly to submit an item to the secretary for inclusion on the agenda of the Academic Electoral Assembly at any time, nor shall it inhibit the right of the chair or any member or members of the Standing Committee from taking such informal action as they may see fit in connection with any such matter.)
Online minutes 2015 to date are available at: https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/academic_electoral_assembly/aea_standing_committee_minutes/

Education Committee
Reference: UND/BB150 The Education committee's purpose is:
1. to work with the Vice-Provost (Education) to secure the implementation of the University’s Education Strategy;
2. to advise the Vice-Provost (Education) in the development of such new educational policies as may become necessary from time to time for reasons internal and external to Durham University: the development of such policies ordinarily being undertaken by Task and Finish Groups with membership drawn from the Education Committee and beyond, as appropriate;
3. to scrutinize as necessary new policies for access and admissions, teaching and learning, education quality enhancement, and others in the broader education domain;
4. to provide assurance to UEC, Senate and Council of the high standard and outcomes of undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes of study and of research degree provision and performance;
5. to oversee the development of a changing portfolio of high quality programmes of teaching and learning and associated forms of assessment;
6. to support and promote equality and diversity in all its activities.
Four sub-committees help to carry this out: access and admissions; teaching and learning;quality and standards; research degrees.
Minutes for 2010-2014 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/education-committee/

Quality and Standards Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BB150a The committee first met on 25 October 2007.
Minutes for 2007-2014 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/quality-and-standards-committee/

Health and Safety Committee
Reference: UND/BB151 Minutes for 2001-2011 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/health-and-safety-committee/

Management Committee for the e-Science Research Institute
Reference: UND/BB152 The committee first met on 8 October 2003.
Minutes for 2003-2005 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/escience-management-committee/

Ad hoc committees and working groups
Reference: UND/BB Committees were established for specific short-term functions and to look at single issues. These have been arranged in chronological order.

Senate Committee on Procedure
Reference: UND/BB115
Dates of creation: 1953 - 1954 A Senate committee was established to consider the issues raised in the Scarbrough-Collingwood report, and in particular the application of those parts of the report referring to Senate.

UND/BB115/1   October 1953 - February 1954
Senate Committee on Procedure agendas, minutes and some correspondence.
Paper file
Committee on Degree Course in Light Electrical Engineering
Reference: UND/BB140
Dates of creation: December 1955Paper file

To consider proposals for light engineering.

New Vice-Chancellor Appointing Committee
Reference: UND/BB19
Dates of creation: 1959 - 2006
UND/BB19/1   October 1959 - May 1960
Joint Committee of Council and Academic Board on the Wardenship of the Durham Colleges agendas, minutes and correspondence, (Prof Derman G. Christopherson appointed).
Paper file
UND/BB19/2   4 March 1978 - 8 February 1979
Committee on the appointment of a new vice-chancellor minute book.
Paper file
UND/BB19/3   12 December 2005 - 14 June 2006
Selection panel for the vice-chancellor and warden, minute book including recruitment pack and adverts.
Paper file
Reconstitution of the University Committee
Reference: UND/BB17
Dates of creation: 1960 - 1963
The Council of Durham Colleges agreed on 1 November 1960 to set up a committee to consider the aspects of the new constitution for Durham University with regard to finance, property and the relationship between the principal governing bodies.

UND/BB17/1   23 November 1960 - 4 February 1963
Reconstitution of the University Committee minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Senate Committee on Director of Computing Laboratory
Reference: UND/BB139
Dates of creation: March 1961Paper file

To consider the position of the director of the Computing Laboratory in view of the increasing activity of the Laboratory and the prospects for its future expansion.

Joint Committee of Council and Heads of Colleges on Finanical Relationship Between Council and Colleges
Reference: UND/BB138
Dates of creation: May 1961Paper file

To consider the recommendations in the treasurer's paper on the financial relationship between Council and its colleges and societies.

Committee on the Provision of Student Residential Places for University College
Reference: UND/BB137
Dates of creation: January 1962Paper file

Committee on Arrangements for the Beginning of the Academic Year
Reference: UND/BB136
Dates of creation: March 1962Paper file

Set up by Academic Board to consider the administrative arrangements for the beginning of the academic year including registration, matriculation and the Freshers' Conference with a view to reorganising the present system from October 1963.

Committee on Facilities for Graduates
Reference: UND/BB118
Dates of creation: 1962 - 1963 Academic Board set up a committee on 20 February 1962 to consider the accommodation and facilities provided for graduate students.

UND/BB118/1   May 1962 - June 1963
Committee on facilities for graduates agendas and minutes
Paper file
Joint Committee of Council and Academic Board on the Department of English
Reference: UND/BB135
Dates of creation: Febuary - March 19632 paper files

To consider the steps to be taken for the future administration of the Department of English in the event of Prof Leech's resignation.

Statutory Committee on the Personal Readership in the Faculty of Science of the Durham Division
Reference: UND/BB141
Dates of creation: April 1963Paper file

Re Arnold Wolfendale.

Committee on the Nomenclature for Posts in the Research Assistant/Research Fellow Range
Reference: UND/BB134
Dates of creation: October 1963 - January 1964Paper file

Established by Academic Board to consider the appropriate terminology to be used for posts in the range from Research Assistant to Senior Research Fellow, not confined to the terminology at present in use.

Statutory Committee on the Personal Readership in Economic History
Reference: UND/BB142
Dates of creation: February - May 19644 paper files

Joint Committee on the Chaplaincy of University College and Hatfield College
Reference: UND/BB133
Dates of creation: July 1964Paper file

Theatre Policy Committee
Reference: UND/BB67
Dates of creation: 1964 - 1965 This committee was to consider a possible theatre and possible arrangements with local authorities for its financing, use and management.

UND/BB67/1   10 September 1964 - 13 November 1965
Theatre Policy Committee minute book
Committee on the Use of the Academic Year
Reference: UND/BB117
Dates of creation: 1964 A Senate committee was established to consider the dates of examinations in the Easter term, the date of Congregation and the period which must elapse from the date of the last examination and the date of Congegation in the light of proposals particularly concerning the Diploma in Education course.

UND/BB117/1   15 October - 16 December 1964
Committee on the Use of the Academic Year agendas and minutes
Paper file
Senate Committee on Printing Facilities
Reference: UND/BB97
Dates of creation: 1964 - 1966 Set up to advise Senate on the need for a Department of Printing with facilities for printing by offset photo lithography (as included in the original quinquennial estimates), on the steps whto be taken to set up and equip such a department and on any additional requirements for copying equipment for use by departments.

UND/BB97/1   November 1964 - February 1966
Committee on Printing Facilities minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Ad Hoc Committee of Council on Matters Affecting Student Discipline
Reference: UND/BB98
Dates of creation: 1965
UND/BB98/1   June 1965
Committee on Matters Affecting Student Discipline papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Committee on College Boat Clubs
Reference: UND/BB132
Dates of creation: June 1965Paper file

To consider the problem of equipping the boat clubs of new colleges.

Statutory Committee on the Personal Readership in Theology
Reference: UND/BB143
Dates of creation: December 1965 - February 19662 paper files

Ad Hoc Committee of Senate on Meeting with UGC
Reference: UND/BB131
Dates of creation: April 1966Paper file

Appointed to draw up a document to serve as a basis for discussion with the University Grants Committee.

Ad Hoc Committee on the Division of the Second Class
Reference: UND/BB130
Dates of creation: January 1967Paper file

Established to consider the issues raised in Prof Scott's letter on the current practice of distributing Honours candidates between the two divisions of the Second Class.

Parry Report Committee
Reference: UND/BB81
Dates of creation: 1967 - 1969 A joint ad hoc committee of Senate and Council was set up to make a comprehensive and detailed examination of the development of the University Library in the light of the Parry report [of the UGC Committee on Libraries (1967) chaired by Thomas Parry] and to make such recommendations as may be necessary.

UND/BB81/1   1967 - 1969
Parry Report Committee minutes and papers
Ad Hoc Committee of Senate on the Relations Between Staff and Students
Reference: UND/BB145
Dates of creation: January 1968Paper file

To investigate the establishment of a new joint committee of Senate and S.R.C..

Ad Hoc Committee of Council on the Business Research Unit/Business School Appeal
Reference: UND/BB128
Dates of creation: February 1968 - February 19693 paper files

Established to ascertain the financial possibilites of an appeal to provide funds primarily for the provision of residential accommodation to be used for the Business School.

Joint Staff/Student Advisory Committee on Local Radio
Reference: UND/BB129
Dates of creation: February 1968Paper file

Set up at the suggestion of the director of the Local Radio Station for Durham that the university should set up a committee to advise the Local Radio Council on matters connected with Local Radio in which the university might have an interest and also to make suggestions for the Council's consideration.

Ad Hoc Committee on the Regulations for the Keeping of Term
Reference: UND/BB127
Dates of creation: November 1968Paper file

Established to consider the proposals submitted by the joint committee of Senate and SRC for the keeping of term on 11 June 1968.

Educational Technology Committee
Reference: UND/BB61
Dates of creation: 1969 Senate originally set up a committee in 1965/6 to recommend about audio-visual aids. The committee was reconstituted in May 1969 to coordinate and plan future developments in audio-visual equipment in university departments and to offer advice thereon.

UND/BB61/1   28 June - 20 October 1969
Educational Technology Committee minute book
Ad Hoc Committee on CASSO
Reference: UND/BB126
Dates of creation: January - May 19724 paper files

Committee of Council established on 16 February 1971 to consider the future of CASSO and to consider action on the matters raised in O&M Report No.60 on Personnel Management.

Ad Hoc Joint Committee of Senate and Council on the Retirement Age
Reference: UND/BB144
Dates of creation: March - May 19722 paper files

To consider a proposal to raise the retirement age for university staff from 65 to 67.

Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Consider the Lord James Report on the Education and Training of Teachers
Reference: UND/BB102
Dates of creation: 1972
UND/BB102/1   March - June 1972
Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Consider the Lord James Report on the Education and Training of Teachers minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the White Paper “Education: A Fraemwork for Expansion”
Reference: UND/BB103
Dates of creation: 1973
UND/BB103/1   June - September 1973
Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the White Paper “Education: A Framework for Expansion” minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Council Ad Hoc Committee on College Rents
Reference: UND/BB164
Dates of creation: November 1973 - April 1996Paper file

Minutes of meetings and associated papers

Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Probationary Procedures
Reference: UND/BB99
Dates of creation: 1975 Senate set up an ad hoc committee on 3 December 1974 on a recommendation from the Academic Electoral Assembly that the current procedure for considering the re-appointment of academic staff at the end of their probationary periods should be reveiwed.

UND/BB99/1   March - October 1975
Committee on Probationary Procedures minutes, agendas, papers, and correspondence.
Paper file
Possibilities of a Merger Between the University and the College of St Hild and St Bede Working Party
Reference: UND/BB64
Dates of creation: 1976 - 1979
UND/BB64/1   9 November 1976 - 17 October 1977
Possibilities of a Merger Between the University and the College of St Hild and St Bede Working Party minute book
UND/BB64/2   25 October 1977 - 21 March 1979
Possibilities of a Merger Between the University and the College of St Hild and St Bede Working Party minute book
UND/BB64/3   22 November 1978
Joint Committee of Senate and the Governing Body of the College of St Hild and St Bede minute book
Deciding which members of the college's staff would be offered continuing employment.
Closed until 2059.
150th Anniversary Committees
Reference: UND/BB42
Dates of creation: 1979 - 1982
UND/BB42/1   12 July 1979 - 17 October 1980
150th Anniversary Appeal Executive Committee minute book
UND/BB42/2   10 July 1980 - 15 July 1982
150th Anniversary Celebrations Committee minute book, with agendas, papers and some correspondence
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB42/3   15 July 1981 - 21 July 1983
Anniversary Appeal Committee, minutes, papers, agendas and correspondence (last met on 21 July 1983)
Paper file
UND/BB42/4   April 1982 - January 1983
[Anniversary Appeal Committee] correspondence, especially letters to potential donors and some events
Paper file
Review of the Government and Structure of the University Committee
Reference: UND/BB20
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1983
UND/BB20/1-5   May 1981 - June 1983
Review Committee minutes and documents, including drafts and a final version of the resultant report.
5 paper files, in spring-back binders
UND/BB20/6   15 June 1981 - 14 May 1982
Review Committee Select Committee on Faculties minutes, reports and submissions.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BB20/7   24 June 1981 - 28 June 1982
Review Committee Select Committee on Boards of Studies minutes, reports and submissions.
UND/BB20/8-9   25 June 1981 - 17 May 1982
Review Committee Select Committee on Services minutes, reports and submissions.
UND/BB20/10   23 June - 30 October 1981
Review Committee Select Committee on Research minutes, reports and submissions.
UND/BB20/11   26 June 1981 - 8 November 1982
Review Committee Select Committee on Buildings minutes, reports and submissions.
Open Days Committee
Reference: UND/BB69
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1982 Senate set up this committee to verify the costs of and coordinate university open days in April/May 1982.

UND/BB69/1   13 November 1981 - 7 June 1982
Open Days Committee minute book
Qatar Working Group
Reference: UND/BB163
Dates of creation: March 1982 - March 1983Paper file

Correspondence with Deboarh Lavin, member of the group

Maintenance Fee Committees
Reference: UND/BB100
Dates of creation: 1984 - 1989
UND/BB100/1   July 1984 - May 1985
Council Working Party on the Maintenance Fee and College Finances minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
The working party's brief from Council on 29 May 1984 was to consider the financial operation of the colleges, including an effective cross-subsidisation scheme and the rights of students to live out, and the timing and method of negotiating the annual increase in the maintenance fee.
UND/BB100/2   October 1988 - April 1989
Council Maintenance Fee Review Committee minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB100/3   March 1988 - February 1989
Council Maintenance Fee Committee and Maintenance Fee Review Committee minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Duties of College Officers Ad Hoc Committee
Reference: UND/BB66
Dates of creation: 1985 - 1986 This committee was to review the duties and responsibilities of all the college officers of the Council's colleges, taking account of the current financial situation, though its report submitted in April 1986 went somewhat further in reviewing the whole position of the colleges within the university.

UND/BB66/1   11 September 1985 - 13 January 1986
Ad Hoc Committee on College Officers' Duties minute book
UND/BB66/2   20 February - 4 March 1986
Ad Hoc Committee on College Officers' Duties minute book
Working Group on Photocopying Material in Copyright
Reference: UND/BB101
Dates of creation: 1987 - 1989
UND/BB101/1   July 1987 - January 1989
Working Group on Photocopying Material in Copyright minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Working Group on St Chad's College
Reference: UND/BB105
Dates of creation: 1988 - 1989 The group was set up by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden at the request of the college's governing body at its meeting on 17 March 1988, “to examine and report to the governing body on the well-being and good running of the college and to make recommendations” .

UND/BB105/1   March - April 1988
Working Group on St Chad's College, agendas and submissions of evidence, many being personal statements on aspects of the running of the college.
Paper file
UND/BB105/2   May 1988 - February 1989
Working Group on St Chad's College, agendas and submissions of evidence, many being personal statements on aspects of the running of the college, with also the fial report to the governign body, produced 1 June 1988 and some subsequent correspondence, especially re the revised Articles of Asssociation.
Paper file
UND/BB105/3   January 1976 - April 1988
Working Group on St Chad's College, evidence (mostly personal statements) submitted to the 26 April 1988 meeting, with a list (69 items), and also a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of St Chad's College of 27 January 1976 and college governing body minutes June 1980 to March 1988.
Paper file
Student Profiles Working Group
Reference: UND/BB86
Dates of creation: 1989 - 1993 A working group on student profiles was set up by the Joint Management Committee for the Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative to consider the function of a profile as a tool to facilitate personal development and communication between those involved in the learning process. It first met in September 1989 and was dissolved in June 1993 with the suggestion that it might be reconvened as a sub-group of the Teaching and Learning Committee.

UND/BB86/1   28 September 1989 - 23 June 1993
Student Profiles Working Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Computer Literacy Working Group
Reference: UND/BB121
Dates of creation: 1989 - 1991
UND/BB121/1   June 1989 - June 1990
Computer Literacy Working Group minute book.
Paper file
UND/BB121/2   September 1990 - May 1991
Computer Literacy Working Group minute book.
Paper file
Working Party on the Introduction of a New Academic Year
Reference: UND/BB104
Dates of creation: 1993
UND/BB104/1   June - October 1993
Working Party on the Introduction of a New Academic Year, minutes, papers and especially returns from colleges and departments to the proposals to change the year, with the recommendation that the Epiphany Term should start a week earlier from January 1995.
Paper file
Information Technology Training Working Group
Reference: UND/BB108
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1994 This group was established by the Information Technology Strategy Committee on 12 November 1992 with the terms of reference of, approvd on 27 October 1993:
a) To review the report on 'IT skills in Universities - the Way Forward' in relation to Durham (which would also take into account the comments on that report and another by the Teaching Technology Initiatives Steering Committee).
b) To put forward for consideration by the committee a strategy for IT training for both students and all categories of staff, together with priorities and proposals for its implementation, taking into account the likely resources available, and including recommendations for the coordination of provision and publicity.

UND/BB108/1   27 April - 2 July 1993
Information Technology Training Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BB108/2   November 1993 - June 1994
Information Technology Training Steering Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Information Technology Strategy Working Group
Reference: UND/BB110
Dates of creation: 1993 This group was set up by the Information Technology Strategy Committee on 12 November 1992 to review the university's IT strategy, and to make proposals including an indication of priorities, and the relationship between the various services.

UND/BB110/1   February - May 1993
IT Strategy Working Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Software Working Group
Reference: UND/BB111
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1994 This group was set up by the Information Technology Users' Group on 25 January 1993 to consider issues relating to software for teaching, research and administration, namely: recommended software, suport including specialist ise, standardisation, transportability, platforms, and licensing arrangements.

UND/BB111/1   March 1993 - March 1994
Software Working Group minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Working Group on Administrative Computing Matters in Colleges
Reference: UND/BB112
Dates of creation: 1993 The group was set up by the IT Strategy Committee on 12 November 1992 to implement its resolution that, in relation to administrative and management computing, all colleges should operate on standardised systems, and support for this should be provided by the Computing Service and Management Information Systems on the basis that advice would be free of charge but that an appropriate charge would be made for other services.

UND/BB112/1   February - June 1993
Working Group on Administrative Computing Matters in Colleges minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Working Group on Forensic Science Research
Reference: UND/BB120
Dates of creation: 1993 - 1994
As a result of a House of Lords report and previous work at the university on the validation of forensic Science training, it was thought appropriate to consider the possibility of a Research Institute at Durham; the resultant working group led to a new Forensic Science Research Centre.

UND/BB120/1   May 1993 - August 1994
Working Group on Forensic Science Research agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Postgraduate Prospectus Working Group
Reference: UND/BB90
Dates of creation: 1994 The group was set up in 1994 to review the form of the postgraduate prospectus and to advise on the production of the 1995 edition.

UND/BB90/1   9 February 1994
Postgraduate Prospectus Working Group agenda, papers and minutes.
Working Group on College Bars
Reference: UND/BB119
Dates of creation: 1996 This group was set up as a result of a recommendation of the final report the working party on colleges on 6 November 1995 “that a small group ... be asked to consult and report on the adequcy of the arrangements for College Bars, especially their management and control including financial arrangements.”, to report within 6 months.

UND/BB119/1   December 1995 - November 1996
Working Group on College Bars agendas, minutes, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Working Group on Credit Rating of Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Reference: UND/BB114
Dates of creation: 1998 This Graduate School working group was to consider recalibration of taught postgraduate programmes from October 1999.

UND/BB114/1   February - March 1998
Working Group on Credit Rating of Taught Postgraduate Programmes minutes, agendas, and papers.
Paper file
St Mary's College Working Group
Reference: UND/BB95
Dates of creation: 1999 - 2003 This group reviewed the single-sex (female) status of the college, which led to it going mixed in 2005.

UND/BB95/1   January 1999 - April 2000
St Mary's Working Group minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/BB95/2   November 2003
St Mary's College review papers.
Paper file
Senate Working Group on the Academic Year
Reference: UND/BB96
Dates of creation: 2000 - 2001 This group looked at replacing semesters at Queen’s Campus and made changes to the number of teaching weeks

UND/BB96/1   February 2000 - October 2001
Academic Year Working Group minutes, agendas and correspondence
Paper file
Senate Review Group
Reference: UND/BB155
Dates of creation: 2006 - 2007 This group looked at the role of Senate and its sub-committee structure

UND/BB155/200506   14 March & 10 April 2006
Senate Review Group minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files 
UND/BB155/200607   1 March - 31 May 2007
Senate Review Group minutes, agendas and papers
1 paper file 
Gateway Programme Board
Reference: UND/BB84
Dates of creation: 2009
UND/BB84/1   August - December 2009
Gateway Programme Board minutes, agendas, and papers.
Lindisfarne Gospels Programme Board/Project Delivery Board
Reference: UND/BB156
Dates of creation: 2010 - 2012 This group led on the planning for the Lindisfarne Gospels Exhibition held at Palace Green Library between July and September 2013
For the Library planning group see UND/EA1/GG25

UND/BB156   11 March 2010 - 9 June 2012
Minutes of meeting, papers, reports and associated correspondence
Professional Service Heads/Heads of Service Meetings
Reference: UND/BB157
Dates of creation: 2016 - 2017 This group was established by the Chief Operating Officer to (1) provide a forum for discussion, consultation and feedback within the central suppor services in support of the new University Strategy and resulting changes, and (2) allow the heads of central services to discuss other key topics and issues in detail and agree common approaches

UND/BB157   11 April 2016 - 5 June 2017
Agendas, minutes of meeting, papers, reports and associated correspondence
Paper file
Durham DOES Programme Board
Reference: UND/BB158
Dates of creation: 2016 - 2017
UND/BB158   12 December 2016 - 7 June 2017
Circular email updates to the University community
Some updates are numbered
Paper file
Other committees and boards
Reference: UND/BC
Military Education Committee
Reference: UND/BC1
Dates of creation: 1908 - 1937
This committee, appointed by Senate, was set up in 1908 to oversee the Durham University contingent of the Officers Training Corps. It became the Universities of Northumbria Military Education Committee in 1963, with the continuance of just the one O.T.C. to serve both Durham and Newcastle universities, and lasted until 1985.

UND/BC1/1   15 August 1908 - 27 October 1914
Military Education Committee minute book
Paper book, 50f, in soft covers
Size: 165 x 205mm
UND/BC1/2   29 April 1924 - 20 May 1937
Military Education Committee minute book
Noted as “Minute Book No 5”.
Paper book, 100f, in soft marbled covers
Size: 175 x 230mm
Museum/Collections Committee
Reference: UND/BC2
Dates of creation: 1912 - 2016 The Museum Curators committee was first set up in 1900 and did not survive the reorganisation of the university in 1937. It reemerged in 1954 as a standing committee of Senate, titled as the Joint Committee for Managing the Museum of Roman Antiquities. It became the Committee for the Antiquities of the University of Durham and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle in 1959, and, finally, the Committee for the Museum of Antiquities in 1964. This lasted until 1972.
A board of trustees for the university's Oriental Museum was set up in January 1990. By October 1995, this had become the Committee for the Oriental Museum. In October 1998, this committee was combined with the Museums and Collections Sub-Committee of the university's Policy and Resources Committee and the sub-committee of the Board of Archaeology dealing with the Old Fulling Mill Museum to become the University Museums Committee. This expanded its remit to include all university collections (ie Archives and Special Collections) to become the Collections Committee in 2014.
A.F. Harding, “Durham University Museum, 1833-1982”, Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland (New Series 6, 1982), p.37-43.
Minutes 2000-2007 are available online at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/library-users-committee/

UND/BC2/1   16 May 1912 - 12 December 1924
Museum Curators minute book
Inserted are letters from University officers and others relating to the business of the Museum, transfers of items from it, and the collection's dispersal on the conversion of the Museum to lecture rooms in 1924.
Paper book, soft-backed
Size: 165 x 200mm
Found in the Public Analyst's Laboratory in Newcastle in 1983 (the Public Analyst in the period covered by the volume being Dr J.T. Dunn, who was one of the last curators) and returned to Durham; cf correspondence in UND/EA2/5/Z37. Acc No Misc.1983.2.
Prior to 18 October 2004, housed in the Old Strong Room at Palace Green as SR19A(1912).
UND/BC2/2   16 January 1990 - 29 October 1992
Oriental Museum Board of Trustees minute book
UND/BC2/3   13 May 1993 - 3 November 1994
Oriental Museum Board of Trustees minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BC2/4   25 October 1995
Oriental Museum Committee minute book
UND/BC2/5   17 September 1996 - 16 June 1998
Committee for the Oriental Museum minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BC2/6   12 October 1998 - 14 May 2003
University Museums Committee minute book
UND/BC2/7   20 October 2003 - 31 January 2007
University Museums Committee minute book
UND/BC2/8   May 2009 - February 2012
University Museums Committee minutes, university librarian's copies.
Paper file
UND/BC2/9   May 2012 - March 2014
University Museums Committee minutes, university librarian's copies.
Paper file
UND/BC2/10   November 2014 - May 2016
Collections Committee minutes, agendas and papers, university librarian's copies.
Paper file
UND/BC2/A1   16 December 2003 - July 2004
Working Group on the Review of Museums and Collections, minutes of meetings 16 December 2003 - 26 May 2004 and final report of June 2004 to the university's Strategic Improvement Programme Monitoring Group.
Joint Board to Administer the Durham Colleges' Departments of Science and Education
Reference: UND/BC3
Dates of creation: 1921 - 1984 A Joint Board to administer the departments of Science and Education in the Durham Colleges first met on 10 November 1921. It saw its role as being to administer financially and generally the department of Education within the Durham Division of the university, to take steps for the foundation of the school of Science and the erection of buildings, and thereby to administer the grant from Durham County Council, to negotiate with the Board of Education and the local training colleges and to secure recognition by the Board of Education of the several colleges in the Durham Division as hostels for teachers in training.
The Joint Board last met on 11 November 1937 and was replaced on 30 January 1938 by separate joint committees for Science and Education in the Durham Colleges.
In 1959 the Science Committee was replaced by a committee for the Science departments in the Durham Colleges answering to Council. Its remit then was to administer the general services of the laboratories and grounds, take care of the Science buildings and supervise the non-academic staff there.
This in turn was replaced in 1963 by the Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory which was to be a sub-committee of the Council's Estates Committee. Its brief was now: the general organisation and operation of the Science site and the Observatory, including centralised services such as the computer, the main workshop, the electronics shop, the glass-blowing shop, the liquid air plant, the canteen and the incinerator; the pay, conditions and training of the technicians; the radiation protection officer and the radiation protection sub-committee; the non-teaching use of Science site rooms and the organisation of conferences and visits.
It further changed to the Science Site General Services Committee in 1972 with a remit of car parking, canteen facilities, room hiring, the organisation of conferences and visits, and Science Site amenities. It was retitled as the South Road General Services Committee in 1984. Sub-committees were established for the canteen in 1974, car parking in 1979 and High Wood Room by 1981. In 1972 a separate Technical Services Committee was also set up to look after the Science Site's central services, its general workshop and liquid gas plant.

UND/BC3/1   10 November 1921 - 24 November 1927
Joint Board of Science and Education minute book
Paper book, 342p & index, buckram binding, red morocco and gilt spine and cover title labels
Size: 220 x 340mm
UND/BC3/2   8 December 1927 - 23 May 1935
Joint Board of Science and Education minute book
At the front is a list of dates of meetings.
At the back is a copy of the Department of Science Record for October 1924 to December 1934.
Paper book, 340p & index, half-leather binding, spine title
Size: 220 x 340mm
UND/BC3/3   17 October 1935 - 11 November 1937
Joint Board of Science and Education minute book
Paper book, 346p, only 98p used, & index, half-leather binding, spine title
Size: 220 x 340mm
UND/BC3/4   30 January 1938 - 7 June 1945
Joint Committee for Science in Durham Colleges minute book
With an index.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BC3/4A   24 February 1939 - 27 February 1958
Joint Committee for Education in Durham Colleges minute book
UND/BC3/5   18 October 1945 - 3 May 1956
Joint Committee for Science in Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BC3/6   25 October 1956 - 27 February 1958
Joint Committee for Science in Durham Colleges minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BC3/7   May 1952 - June 1961
Science Departmental/Departments in Durham Colleges Committee minute book, p.1-177
Paper file
UND/BC3/8   26 September 1961 - 30 May 1963
Science Departments Committee minute book
Signed, with full papers, p.178-309.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/12
UND/BC3/9   17 October 1963 - 22 May 1965
Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory minute book.
Signed; p.310-458.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/13/1.
UND/BC3/10   15 October 1965 - 26 May 1966
Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory minute book.
Signed; p.459-561.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/13/2.
UND/BC3/11   14 October 1966 - 18 August 1967
Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory minute book.
Signed; p.562-676.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/13/3.
UND/BC3/12   13 October 1967 - 23 May 1968
Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory minute book.
Signed; p.677-775.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/13/4.
UND/BC3/13   18 October 1968 - 1 June 1972
Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory minute book.
Signed; p.776-966.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/13/5-8.
UND/BC3/14   12 October 1972 - 24 November 1976
Science Site General Services Committee minute book
UND/BC3/15   2 March 1977 - 5 May 1978
Science Site General Services Committee minute book
UND/BC3/16   22 November 1978 - 28 May 1982
Science Site General Services Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BC3/17   24 November 1982 - 25 May 1984
Science Site General Services Committee minute book
UND/BC3/A1   1952 - 1972
Index to the Joint Committee for Science/Science Departments Committee/Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory minutes
Paper file in a 2 ring binder
Formerly UND A4/14.
Science Site Technical Services Committee
Reference: UND/BC3/B
Dates of creation: 1972 - 1983
UND/BC3/B1   9 October 1972 - 13 May 1977
Science Site Technical Services Committee minute book
UND/BC3/B2   18 October 1977 - 21 January 1983
Science Site Technical Services Committee minute book, indexed
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BC3/B3   11 November 1983
Science Site Technical Services Committee minute book
Canteen Sub-Committee of General Services
Reference: UND/BC3/C
Dates of creation: 1974 - 1981
UND/BC3/C1   17 May 1974 - 11 May 1981
Canteen Sub-Committee minute book
Car Parking Sub-Committee of General Services
Reference: UND/BC3/D
Dates of creation: 1979 - 1980
UND/BC3/D1   7 November 1979 - 7 November 1980
Car Parking Sub-Committee minute book
High Wood Room Sub-Committee of General Services
Reference: UND/BC3/E
Dates of creation: 1981 - 1984
UND/BC3/E1   25 November 1981 - 11 May 1984
High Wood Room Sub-Committee minute book
School Examinations Board
Reference: UND/BC4
Dates of creation: 1937 - 1954
UND/BC4/1   24 November 1937 - 15 November 1944
School Examinations Board minute book
Includes minutes of the Board's General Purposes Committee. With an index.
Paper file, 106f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
UND/BC4/2   3 February 1954
School Examinations Board minute book
1 meeting only. With an index.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
Joint Committee of Durham Colleges and Durham Dean and Chapter on the Prior's Kitchen
Reference: UND/BC5
Dates of creation: 1954 - 1972
UND/BC5/1   1 June 1954 - 25 May 1972
Prior's Kitchen Committee minutes, with agendas, papers and some correspondence.
Paper file
Board of Curators of the Observatory
Reference: UND/BC6
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1961
This Board, whose minutes first survive from 1840, became a standing committee of the university's Senate in 1937 and was then transferred to the Council of the Durham Colleges in 1952. It was subsumed in the Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory in 1963, for which see BC3 above.
For earlier minutes 1840-1852 and 1909-1937, see DUL ASC OBS/V.70.

UND/BC6/1   14 November 1938 - 20 March 1951
Board of Curators of the Observatory minute book, signed.
Paper file, foliated 1-96, in a spring-back binder, indexed
Size: 230 x 340mm
Formerly UND A4/17/1.
UND/BC6/2   18 March 1952 - 21 March 1961
Observatory Committee minute book, signed.
Paper file, foliated 1-108, in a spring-backed binder, indexed
Size: 230 x 340mm
Formerly UND A4/17/2.
Meetings of Academic Staff
Reference: UND/BC7
Dates of creation: 1963
Section 31 of the 1963 statutes provided for meetings of academic staff, with the registrar as secretary. The first meeting was held on 9 October 1963. The meetings generally received the vice-chancellor's report, but did consider the issue of the university's banking involvment in South Africa in 1970.

UND/BC7/1   October 1963 - March 1972
Academic staff meetings, agendas, minutes and papers, with some correspondence, mainly apologies; not comprehensive.
NUMAC Computing Service - The 1992 Procurement Steering Group
Reference: UND/BC8
Dates of creation: 1991 - 1992
The group comprised nominees from the Computing Service Committee of Newcastle and the Information Technology Strategy Committee of Durham, with some others. Its task was to implement the Joint Computing Strategy as defined in the March 1991 document submitted to the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils (later the Information System Committee of the UFC).

UND/BC8/1   September - November 1991
Steering Group minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/BC8/2   February - October 1992
Steering Group minutes and papers.
Paper file
Northumbrian Universities Multiple Access Computer Committee (NUMAC)
Reference: UND/BC9
Dates of creation: 1967 - 1972, 1983 - 1991
The Councils of the Universities of Newcastle (6 February 1967) and Durham (21 February 1967) approved the establishment of a policy and management committee as a general basis for the running of a joint computer system, with a quorum of no fewer than three members of each university. The committee first met on 1 May 1967.

UND/BC9/1   May 1967 - May 1972
NUMAC minute book
Paper file, in a springback binder
UND/BC9/2   November 1983 - June 1985
NUMAC minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BC9/3   October 1985 - May 1987
NUMAC minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BC9/4   November 1987 - May 1989
NUMAC minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BC9/5   November 1989 - February 1991
NUMAC minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
Faculty Boards
Reference: UND/BD
Letters Faculty
Reference: UND/BD1
Dates of creation: 8 March 1898 - 2 December 1910
The minutes are manuscript to 1 November 1910, whence typescript sheets are stuck in. Agendas, reports and letters are also stuck in.
The faculty of Letters was united with the faculty of Arts on 20 October 1916; “Letters” was dropped from the title in 1937.

UND/BD1/1   8 March 1898 - 29 May 1906
Board of the Faculty of Letters minute book
At the front is a list of the members of the faculty
Paper book, half-leather binding
Size: 195 x 250mm
Formerly OSH Deed Box 7/7.
UND/BD1/2   1 November 1906 - 2 December 1910
Board of the Faculty of Letters minute book
Paper book, reverse calf, with a cover title, largely blank
Size: 225 x 270mm
Arts/Arts and Humanities Faculty
Reference: UND/BD2
Dates of creation: 1901 - 2002 The faculty dates from the beginning of the university and was united with the faculty of Letters on 20 October 1916; “Letters” was dropped from the title in 1937. Additional meetings for board members in Durham were held in 1963 in preparation for the separation off of Newcastle University. Similarly, a shadow board met in 1968 in preparation for a new faculty board.
Sub-faculties for Art, Architecture, Town and Country Planning [in Newcastle] and Oriental Studies [in Durham] were established in 1946 and 1952 respectively.
D.F.S. Scott, “The Development of German Studies at Durham”, ( Durham University Journal, 59, 1966-1967), p.25-29.
Arts Faculty Board minutes 1993-2009 are available online at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/board-of-the-faculty-of-arts-and-humanities/

UND/BD2/1   24 May 1901 - 18 November 1911
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
Paper book, half leather binding
Formerly OSH Deed Box 7/9.
UND/BD2/2   26 January 1912 - 5 May 1922
Board of the Faculty of Arts/Arts and Letters minute book
Typescript minutes inserted
Paper book, half leather binding, front cover title
UND/BD2/3   20 October 1922 - 10 May 1929
Board of the Faculty of Arts and Letters minute book
Typescript minutes inserted, with an index.
Paper book, 150f, half leather binding, front cover title
UND/BD2/4   25 October 1929 - 26 June 1934
Board of the Faculty of Arts and Letters minute book
Typescript minutes inserted, with an index.
Paper book, 139f, blue buckram binding by Durham Advertisers, spine title
UND/BD2/5   26 October 1934 - 4 November 1937
Board of the Faculty of Arts and Letters minute book
Typescript minutes inserted, with an index.
Paper book, 92f, blue buckram binding by Durham Advertisers, spine title
UND/BD2/6   19 November 1937 - 1 May 1941
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
Paper book, 133f, blue buckram binding by Durham Advertisers, spine title label
UND/BD2/7   24 October 1941 - 4 May 1945
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
Paper book, 162f, buckram binding by Durham County Press Ltd, spine title label
UND/BD2/8   19 October 1945 - 7 May 1948
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
In 2 parts for 1945/1946 and 1946/1947-1947/1948, each with a separate index and foliation
Paper book, 212f, bound in blue buckram, spine title
UND/BD2/9   22 October 1948 - 12 May 1950
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
With an index
Paper book, 188f, bound in blue bruckram, spine title
UND/BD2/10   27 October 1950 - 8 May 1953
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
Separate indexes and foliation for 1950/1951 and 1951/1952-1952/1953.
Paper book, 267f, bound in blue buckram, spine title
UND/BD2/11   30 October 1953 - 13 May 1955
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
Separate indexes and foliation for each year.
Paper book, 140f, buckram binding, spine title
UND/BD2/12   21 October 1955 - 10 May 1957
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
With an index
Paper book, 179f, buckram binding, spine title
UND/BD2/13   25 October 1957 - 8 May 1959
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
With an index
Paper book, 190f, buckram binding, spine title
UND/BD2/14   23 October 1959 - 12 May 1961
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
Separate foliation and indexes for each year
Paper book, 256f, buckram binding, spine title
UND/BD2/15   20 October 1961 - 10 May 1963
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/16   13 December 1962 - 2 May 1963
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book, meetings of Durham division members only.
UND/BD2/17   2 May 1963 - 31 January 1964
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/18   28 February - 8 May 1964
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/19   23 October 1964 - 29 January 1965
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/20   26 February - 7 May 1965
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/21   22 October 1965 - 6 May 1966
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/22   21 October 1966 - 5 May 1967
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/23   20 October 1967 - 23 February 1968
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/24   8 February - 10 May 1968
Shadow Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/25   3 May 1968
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute book
UND/BD2/26-29   15 November 1968 - 5 May 1972
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute books
UND/BD2/30-34   25 February 1983 - 28 April 1989
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute books
UND/BD2/35-42   17 November 1989 - 24 April 1992
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute books
UND/BD2/43-48   13 November 1992 - 28 April 1995
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute books
UND/BD2/49-51   13 October 1995 - 26 April 2002
Board of the Faculty of Arts minute books
Sub-Faculty of Art, Architecture, Town and Country Planning Board
Reference: UND/BD2/A
Dates of creation: 1946 - 1963
UND/BD2/A1   16 December 1946 - 14 October 1955
Board of the Sub-Faculty of Art, Architecture, Town and Country Planning minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 136f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD2/A2   20 January 1956 - 19 January 1962
Board of the Sub-Faculty of Art, Architecture, Town and Country Planning minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD2/A3   27 April 1962 - 26 April 1963
Board of the Sub-Faculty of Art, Architecture, Town and Country Planning minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Sub-Faculty of Oriental Studies Board
Reference: UND/BD2/B
Dates of creation: 1952 - 1962 The Board of the Faculty of Arts on 28 October 1949 appointed a committee to make proposals on the organisation for dealing with Oriental Studies in the administration of the university, and to submit draft regulations. The board received on 27 January 1950 the report of this committee of 24 November 1949 recommending that a sub-faculty of Oriental Studies be formed to advise the board on the regulations, syllabus and examination arrangements in Oriental Studies and to exercise by delegation the powers of the Arts Faculty Board on concessions and exemptions in Oriental Studies.

UND/BD2/B1   17 January 1952 - 14 February 1962
Board of the Sub-Faculty of Oriental Studies minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 36f, in a spring-back binder
Standing Orders
Reference: UND/BD2/C
Dates of creation: 1946 - 1965
UND/BD2/C1   November 1946 & October 1965
Standing Orders of the Board of the Faculty of Arts
Paper file
Higher Degrees Committee of the Arts Faculty
Reference: UND/BD2/D
Dates of creation: 1951 - 1998 Minutes are also filed with the Arts Faculty Board minutes in UND/BD2.

UND/BD2/D1   18 October 1951 - 16 July 1956
Arts Higher Degrees Committee reports to the Faculty Board, mainly listing candidates and thesis title, indexed
Paper file
UND/BD2/D2   17 October 1956 - 25 February 1959
Arts Higher Degrees Committee reports to the Faculty Board, mainly listing candidates and thesis title, indexed
Paper file
UND/BD2/D3   30 April 1959 - 9 July 1963
Arts Higher Degrees Committee reports to the Faculty Board, mainly listing candidates and thesis title, indexed, with alist of the candidates whose files had been passed to Newcastle
Paper file
UND/BD2/D4   9 October 1963 - 2 July 1965
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D5   8 October 1965 - 20 December 1967
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D6   8 February 1968 - 13 January 1972
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D7   27 April 1972 - 12 January 1978
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D8   14 March 1978 - 4 July 1980
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D9   10 October 1980 - 28 April 1982
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D10   16 July 1982 - 13 July 1984
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D11   12 October 1984 - 11 July 1986
Arts Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD2/D12   4 February 1994
Arts Higher Degrees Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD2/D13   3 November 1994 - 6 February 1995
Arts Higher Degrees Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD2/D14   6 November 1995 - 5 February 1996
Arts Higher Degrees Advisory Group minute book
UND/BD2/D15   30 October 1996 - 30 January 1998
Arts Higher Degrees Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
Concessions Committee of the Arts Faculty
Reference: UND/BD2/E
Dates of creation: 1951 - 1986 This was established as the Concessions and Exemptions Committee in 1951, but became just the Concessions Committee from 8 July 1955.
Minutes are also filed with the Arts Faculty Board minutes in UND/BD2.

UND/BD2/E1   24 October 1951 - 8 July 1963
Arts Concessions and Exemptions/Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD2/E2   10 October 1963 - 7 July 1975
Arts Concessions Committee minute book, with an index
Paper file
UND/BD2/E3   1 October 1981 - 7 July 1986
Arts Concessions Committee minute book
Arts Standing Committee for the BA Degree in General Studies
Reference: UND/BD2/F
Dates of creation: 1961 - 1982 A committee was appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Arts on 3 February 1961 “to consider the B.A. in General Studies degree and its relation with the Honours degree in the light of the impending reconstitution of the University and to submit proposals to the Board which could apply to Durham separately”; it first met on 21 November 1961. The committee was revived by the Arts Board on 6 May 1966 to administer the syllabus, teaching and examining of the BA in General Studies. By 1982, it had become a joint faculty committee of Arts and Social Sciences.

UND/BD2/F1   21 November 1961 - 21 January 1963
Durham Committee on the Degree of BA in General Studies agendas, minutes, and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD2/F2   9 March 1963 - 22 February 1964
Durham Committee on the Degree of BA in General Studies agendas, minutes, papers and a little correspondence.
Paper file
UND/BD2/F3   27 May 1966 - 19 March 1976
Arts BA Degree in General Studies Committee minute book, including minutes, correspondence and some lists of students.
UND/BD2/F3   23 April 1981 - 3 February 1982
Arts and Social Sciences BA Degree in General Studies Committee minute book.
Regulations Committee of the Arts Faculty Board
Reference: UND/BD2/G
Dates of creation: 1985 - 1993
UND/BD2/G1-5   2 December 1985 - 14 April 1989
Arts Regulations Committee minute books
UND/BD2/G6-16   3 July 1989 - 6 July 1992
Arts Regulations Committee minute books
UND/BD2/G17-23   24 September 1992 - 5 November 1993
Arts Regulations Committee minute books
Planning Committee of the Arts Faculty Board
Reference: UND/BD2/H
Dates of creation: 1976 - 2002 The Faculty of Arts established a Planning Committee in October 1976 to advise the Faculty Board “on matters of planning and development which might concern either Faculty as a whole, or more than one Board of Studies” .

UND/BD2/H1   8 October 1976 - 20 June 1979
Arts Planning Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD2/H2   5 March 1982 - 25 April 1984
Arts Planning Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD2/H3-7   31 October 1984 - 22 April 1987
Arts Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD2/H8-12   22 May 1987 - 31 January 1991
Arts Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD2/H13-17   6 March 1991 - 25 September 1992
Arts Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD2/H18-21   30 October 1992 - 10 May 1996
Arts Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD2/H22   1 November 1996 - 16 May 1997
Arts Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD2/H23   31 October 1997 - 27 May 1998
Arts Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD2/H24   30 October 1998 - 18 May 1999
Arts Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD2/H25   29 October 1999 - 16 June 2000
Arts Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD2/H26   27 October 2000 - 8 May 2002
Arts Planning Committee minute book
Arts Faculty Board Ad Hoc and Occasional Committees
Reference: UND/BD2/J
Dates of creation: 1951 - 1993
UND/BD2/J1   16 March 1951 - 18 January 1952
Committee on the Organisation and Working of the Faculty of Arts, minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD2/J2   12 December 1956
Committee of Heads of Departments of Modern Foreign Languages on Dates of Examinations in Subsidiary Subjects, agenda and report.
Paper file
UND/BD2/J3   24 April 1958
Committee on Physical Education as a Subject for the BA in General Studies, minutes, agenda and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD2/J4   3 June 1960
Committee on Payments to External Examiners in Arts, agenda and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD2/J5   15 January 1963
Committee on External Examiners in Arts after Reconstitution, minutes, agenda and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD2/J6   15 May 1963 - 27 November 1967
Economic Studies Qualifications for Fourah Bay Candidates Committee minute book
This committee was set up by the Durham divisional board of the faculty of Arts in May 1963. Its meetings were latterly carried out by correspondence.
UND/BD2/J7   6 December 1972 & 31 May 1973
Ad Hoc Committee to Consider the Degrees of MLitt and PhD, minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD2/J8   27 April - 14 July 1993
Arts Appeals Committee minutes.
Set up to hear a specific appeal referred to the Arts faculty by the Senate Appeals Committee.
Closed until 2074 under the Data Protection Act.
Theology/Divinity Faculty
Reference: UND/BD3
Dates of creation: 1908 - 1985 The Theology faculty dated from the beginning of the university. It was renamed as Divinity in 1963 and was absorbed into the Arts faculty in 1985.
“The Study of Theology at Durham”, (Durham University Journal, 21, 1913/1918), p.324-326; J. McHugh, “Theology in Durham - 1971”, (Ushaw Magazine 81, No 238, December 1971), p.1-4; J. McHugh, “A New Option In Durham: Historical Theology”, (Ushaw Magazine 92, No 257, 1981), p.1-10.

UND/BD3/1   7 May 1908 - 3 June 1920
Board of the Faculty of Theology minute book
The minutes are manuscript until 18 October 1917, thence inserted typescript sheets. With occasional inserted letters and reports.
Paper book, half-leather binding, front cover title
Size: 195 x 240mm
UND/BD3/2   7 May 1931 - 4 November 1937
Board of the Faculty of Theology minute book
With a manuscript index.
Paper book, 110f, blue buckram binding by Durham Advertiser, spine title
Size: 220 x 335mm
UND/BD3/3   16 November 1937 - 26 April 1946
Board of the Faculty of Theology minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 155f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 225 x 345mm
UND/BD3/4   11 October 1946 - 3 May 1957
Board of the Faculty of Theology minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 133f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 225 x 345mm
UND/BD3/5   11 October 1957 - 3 May 1963
Board of the Faculty of Theology minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 89f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 225 x 345mm
UND/BD3/6   18 October 1963 - 26 May 1976
Board of the Faculty of Divinity minute book
UND/BD3/7   13 October 1976 - 5 May 1982
Board of the Faculty of Divinity minute book
UND/BD3/8   3 November 1982 - 1 May 1985
Board of the Faculty of Divinity minute book
Divinity Higher Degrees Committee
Reference: UND/BD3/A
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1985 The Board of the Divinity Faculty set up a Higher Degrees Committee in 1968 in the light of a Senate report that each faculty board should be responsible for administering its own higher degrees, including PhDs, subject to the general supervision of the Senate's Higher Degrees Committee.

UND/BD3/A1   10 October 1968 - 24 September 1976
Divinity Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD3/A2   7 January 1977 - 3 July 1981
Divinity Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD3/A3   2 October 1981 - 13 May 1985
Divinity Higher Degrees Committee minute book
Divinity Concessions Committee
Reference: UND/BD3/B
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1984
UND/BD3/B1   10 October 1968 - 1 July 1985
Divinity Concessions Committee minute book
Committee for the Certificate in Theology
Reference: UND/BD3/C
Dates of creation: 1978 - 1993
UND/BD3/C1   20 March 1978 - 25 June 1993
Committee for the Certificate in Theology minutes, with some mark sheets and examiners' reports.
Paper file
Closed until 2074 under DPA.
Music Faculty
Reference: UND/BD4
Dates of creation: 1911 - 1985
The board of the faculty of Music was constituted in the Michaelmas term of 1910.

UND/BD4/1   23 February 1911 - 16 February 1938
Board of the Faculty of Music minute book
Paper file, in soft covers
Size: 180 x 230mm
UND/BD4/2   18 October 1938 - 24 May 1957
Board of the Faculty of Music minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 162f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BD4/3   15 November 1957 - 9 November 1962
Board of the Faculty of Music minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 42f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 350mm
UND/BD4/4   31 October 1963 - 10 May 1973
Board of the Faculty of Music minute book.
Paper file
UND/BD4/5   8 November 1973 - 21 June 1979
Board of the Faculty of Music minute book
UND/BD4/6   1 November 1979 - 29 April 1982
Board of the Faculty of Music minute book
UND/BD4/7   4 November 1982 - 25 April 1985
Board of the Faculty of Music minute book
Education Faculty
Reference: UND/BD5
Dates of creation: 1921 - 1985
The University Committee of Education first met on 19 October 1921 with the remit of advising on education as a subject, suggesting suitable examiners, reporting to Senate on education, putting education on the agenda of the Board of Faculties, acting in Senate referrals, and making representations to Senate and Council. Its early business concerned the training of teachers. It became the faculty of Education on 12 July 1944 which lasted until 1985.

UND/BD5/1   19 October 1921 - 22 January 1935
University Committee of Education minute book
Minutes and agendas, with some correspondence inserted.
Paper book, leather spine, damaged
UND/BD5/2   22 January 1935 - 2 November 1939
University Committee of Education minute book
Paper book, paginated to 66, partly unused, leather spine
UND/BD5/3   5 May 1938 - 8 October 1946
University Committee/Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
Overlaps with the previous volume. With an index.
Paper file, 144f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD5/4   21 January 1947 - 31 May 1957
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
With an index.
Paper book, 290f, in a buckram binding, spine title
UND/BD5/5   8 October 1957 - 11 October 1960
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 122f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD5/6   31 January 1961 - 30 April 1963
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
With an index. Foliation continued from the previous volume.
Paper file, 185f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD5/7   29 October 1963 - 30 November 1964
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/8   26 January 1965 - 26 April 1966
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/9   15 November 1966 - 25 April 1967
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/10   14 November 1967 - 23 April 1968
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/11   19 November 1968 - 28 April 1970
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/12   17 November 1970 - 27 April 1971
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/13   16 November 1971 - 25 April 1972
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/14   6 July 1972 - 10 June 1974
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/15   19 November 1974 - 31 May 1977
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/16   13 June 1977 - 30 May 1978
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/17   7 November 1978 - 29 May 1979
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/18   5 June 1979 - 11 November 1980
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/19   20 January 1981 - 11 May 1982
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/20   9 November 1982 - 3 May 1983
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/21   20 October 1983 - 7 May 1985
Board of the Faculty of Education minute book
UND/BD5/A1   5 November 1941 - 22 October 1942
Joint Board of Educational Studies minute book
The Committee of Education met as a joint board from 5 November 1941.
Paper file, 8f, & index, in a spring-back binder
Education Standing Committe to Coordinate the Teaching of the MEd in the Faculties of Durham and Newcastle
Reference: UND/BD5/B
Dates of creation: 1953 - 1970 A sub-committee was set up in 1953 and out of this a standing committee was established on 19 January 1954 to draft and review courses and syllabuses for the MEd, to make recommendations about its administration, and to make the necessary administrative arrangements for the vacation course and for the course of lectures for MEd students. On the creation of Newcastle University in 1963, this committee was to coordinate the teaching of the MEd in the Education faculties at Durham and Newcastle. The committee last met in 1970 as its functions, at least for Durham, had largely been taken over by the Education Higher Degrees Committee.

UND/BD5/B1   13 November 1953 - 14 November 1956
Standing Committee on the MEd minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 34f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD5/B2   30 September 1963 - 26 April 1965
Education Standing Committee for the MEd in Durham and Newcastle minute book
UND/BD5/B3   27 September 1965 - 22 April 1968
Education Standing Committee for the MEd in Durham and Newcastle minute book
UND/BD5/B4   30 September 1968 - 9 February 1970
Education Standing Committee for the MEd in Durham and Newcastle minute book
Education Higher Degrees Committee
Reference: UND/BD5/C
Dates of creation: 1967 - 1985 The Board of the Faculty of Educaton established a Higher Degrees Committee to oversee the Diploma in Advanced Studies in Education, the MEd (new regulations) and PhDs in 1967.

UND/BD5/C1   31 January 1967 - 7 May 1971
Education Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD5/C2   14 October 1971 - 9 May 1977
Education Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD5/C3   13 October 1977 - 1 May 1979
Education Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD5/C4   11 October 1979 - 29 May 1981
Education Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD5/C5   22 October 1981 - 1 July 1983
Education Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD5/C6   17 October 1983 - 30 April 1985
Education Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD5/CA1   November 1981 - July 1982
Working Party on Teesside Polytechnic Diploma in Special and Remedial Education validation, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Education Concessions Committee
Reference: UND/BD5/D
Dates of creation: 1969 - 1984 The Board of the Education Faculty set up a Concessions Committee on 19 November 1968.

UND/BD5/D1   20 May 1969 - 4 July 1977
Education Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD5/D2   5 May 1978 - July 1984
Education Concessions Committee minute book
Education BEd Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BD5/E
Dates of creation: 1971 - 1980 The Board of the Education Faculty established a Standing Committee for the BEd on 19 January 1971 to coordinate the degree's administration. Senate set up its own Standing Committee for the BEd degree in the College of St Hild and St Bede in November 1975 (cf UND/BB73). With the development of a new BEd degree, the functions of the two committees were combined in the one Education Faculty committee. A further committee to supervise the programmes of BEd candidates in the “Transitional Period” 1979/82 was also established in 1979.

UND/BD5/E1   8 February 1971 - 31 October 1974
Education BEd Standing Committee minute book
UND/BD5/E2   7 October 1977 - 22 November 1979
Education BEd (New Regulations) Standing Committee minute book
UND/BD5/E3   16 March 1979 - 1 May 1980
Committee to Supervise BEd Candidates in the Transitional Period 1979/82 minute book
Education Advisory Committee on Teacher Education
Reference: UND/BD5/F
Dates of creation: 1977 - 1985 Established before 1978, this became the Advisory (Professional) Committee under revised standing orders on June 1980. It was replaced by a Consultative Committee on Teacher Education in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 1985.
Continued by

UND/BD5/F1   3 May 1978 - 10 February 1984
Education Advisory Committee on Teacher Education minute book
UND/BD5/F2   April 1977 - October 1985
Education Advisory/Social Sciences Consultative Committee on Teacher Education correspondence inviting people from LEAs, teachers, DES and Senate to be members.
Paper file
Medicine Faculty
Reference: UND/BD6
Dates of creation: 18 January 1938 - 28 January 1960
The board of the faculty of Medicine was established in 1905; minutes survive from 1938.
The minutes are typescript, and include manuscript indexes up to 1956.

UND/BD6/1   18 January 1938 - 10 May 1949
Board of the Faculty of Medicine minute book
Paper file, 196f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 225 x 345mm
UND/BD6/2   4 October 1949 - 13 January 1953
Board of the Faculty of Medicine minute book
Paper file, 196f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 345mm
UND/BD6/3   21 April 1953 - 3 May 1956
Board of the Faculty of Medicine minute book
Paper file, 149f, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 345mm
UND/BD6/4   11 October 1956 - 3 May 1958
Board of the Faculty of Medicine minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 345mm
UND/BD6/5   28 May 1958 - 28 January 1960
Board of the Faculty of Medicine minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 345mm
UND/BD6/6   29 February 1960 - 3 October 1961
Board of the Faculty of Medicine minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD6/7   25 January 1962 - 2 May 1963
Board of the Faculty of Medicine minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Sub-Faculty of Dental Surgery
Reference: UND/BD6/A
UND/BD6/A1   3 March 1953 - 1 May 1962
Sub-Faculty of Dental Surgery minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Applied Science Faculty
Reference: UND/BD7
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1963
The minutes are typescript, with manuscript indexes up to 1955.

UND/BD7/1   12 October 1938 - 24 April 1946
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, 172f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/2   9 October 1946 - 27 April 1949
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, 150f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/3   8 October 1949 - 15 October 1952
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, 122f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/4   21 January 1952 - 26 June 1955
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, 114f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/5   12 October 1955 - 8 May 1957
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/6   9 October 1957 - 30 April 1958
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/7   8 October 1958 - 27 May 1959
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/8   14 October 1959 - 4 May 1960
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/9   12 October 1960 - 6 December 1961
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD7/10   24 January 1962 - 1 May 1963
Board of the Faculty of Applied Science minute book
Applied Physics Sub-Faculty
Reference: UND/BD7/A
Dates of creation: 1960 - 1961 A sub-faculty of Applied Physics was set up [in Durham] in 1960 which, it was stated in 1961, was to absorbed into the Faculty of Science on the reconstitution of the university in 1963.

UND/BD11/A1   2 May 1960 - 6 October 1961
Committee of the Sub-Faculty of Applied Physics minute book
Paper file, 12f, in a spring-back binder
Law Faculty
Reference: UND/BD8
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1985 Durham ceased to have a Law Faculty on the creation of Newcastle University in 1963, until one was formally established in Durham on 1 October 1970, preceded by a shadow board which met from the February beforehand. This faculty was absorbed into the Arts faculty in 1985.

UND/BD8/1   13 October 1938 - 3 October 1957
Board of the Faculty of Law minute book
Partly foliated and indexed.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD8/2   16 January 1958 - 25 April 1963
Board of the Faculty of Law minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD8/3   18 February 1970 - 16 October 1975
Board of the Faculty of Law minute book
UND/BD8/4   20 November 1975 - 28 April 1983
Board of the Faculty of Law minute book
UND/BD8/5   27 October 1983 - 30 May 1985
Board of the Faculty of Law minute book
Agriculture Faculty
Reference: UND/BD9
Dates of creation: 1947 - 1963 The Agriculture faculty ceased to be part of Durham University in 1963 on the separation off of Newcastle.

UND/BD9/1   26 June 1947 - 8 October 1951
Board of the Faculty of Agriculture minute book
With an index.
Paper file, 105f, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD9/2   9 January 1952 - 2 October 1957
Board of the Faculty of Agriculture minute book
Partially foliated and indexed.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD9/3   15 January 1958 - 24 April 1963
Board of the Faculty of Agriculture minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Commerce/Economic Studies Faculty
Reference: UND/BD10
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1963
Originally set up as the faculty of Commerce in 1913, this changed to Economic Studies on 28 May 1952 and remained with Newcastle on the division in 1963.

UND/BD10/1   13 October 1938 - 24 April 1952
Board of the Faculty of Commerce minute book, indexed
Paper file
UND/BD10/2   9 October 1952 - 18 January 1962
Board of the Faculty of Economic Studies minute book
With separate indexes for up to January 1960 and then from April 1960.
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
UND/BD10/3   4 October 1962 - 25 April 1963
Board of the Faculty of Economic Studies minute book
Science Faculty
Reference: UND/BD11
Dates of creation: 1938 - 2002
The board of the faculty of Science was established in 1905, but minutes only survive from 1938. (3 earlier volumes appear to be lost as the index to the present vol.6 is titled as the index to vol.9.) In 1960 a sub-faculty of Applied Physics was set up. In 1962, with the new University of Newcastle imminent, a Durham sub-faculty, or a Board for just Durham members, was set up to prepare for the 1963 split, and the sub-committees of Higher Degrees, Concessions, and Exemptions were also similarly to be run thence on a divisional basis.
The minutes include also papers for the meetings and, from 1963 to 1972 agendas. Most of the minutes have indexes for each file up to 1980. Most of the files from 1972 to 1987 begin with the constitution/standing orders for the board. The Board's papers include minutes of its various committees until 1994.
Science Faculty Board minutes 1993-2009 are available online at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/board-of-the-faculty-of-science/

UND/BD11/1   19 October 1938 - 2 May 1945
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, indexed.
Paper file, 96f
UND/BD11/2   17 October 1945 - 11 May 1949
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, indexed.
Paper file, 132f
UND/BD11/3   26 October 1949 - 22 October 1952
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, indexed.
Paper file, 138f
UND/BD11/4   28 January 1953 - 12 May 1954
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, indexed.
Paper file, 127f
UND/BD11/5   20 October 1954 - 11 May 1955
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book
Paper file
UND/BD11/6   19 October 1955 - 15 May 1957
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, indexed.
Paper file
UND/BD11/7   16 October 1957 - 6 May 1959
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book
Paper file
UND/BD11/8   21 October 1959 - 11 May 1960
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book
Paper file
UND/BD11/9   19 October 1960 - 18 October 1961
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book
Paper file
UND/BD11/10   31 January - 17 October 1962
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book
Paper file
UND/BD11/11   27 February - 8 May 1963
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book
UND/BD11/12   20 January 1962 - 7 June 1963
Board of the Durham Sub-Faculty of Science minute book
Paper file
UND/BD11/13   1 May 1963 - 3 June 1964
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/14   21 October 1964 - 2 June 1965
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/15   20 October 1965 - 4 May 1966
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/16   19 October 1966 - 31 May 1967
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/17   18 October 1967 - 1 May 1968
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers, incuding a meeting of a shadow board 21 February 1968
Paper file
UND/BD11/18   23 October 1968 - 3 June 1969
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/19   15 October 1969 - 6 May 1970
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/20   14 October 1970 - 5 May 1971
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/21   13 October 1971 - 3 May 1972
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/22   11 October 1972 - 9 May 1973
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/23   17 October 1973 - 8 May 1974
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/24   16 October 1974 - 14 May 1975
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/25   15 October 1975 - 5 May 1976
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/26   3 November 1976 - 4 May 1977
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/27   2 November 1977 - 3 May 1978
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/28   1 November 1978 - 2 May 1979
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, wth papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/29   3 October 1979 - 30 April 1980
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/30   5 November 1980 - 6 May 1981
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/31   11 November 1981 - 2 June 1982
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/32   3 November 1982 - 4 May 1983
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/33   2 November 1983 - 9 May 1984
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/34   31 October 1984 - 8 May 1985
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers, including the meeting of an additional shadow board on 8 May 1985 prior to the reconstitution of the Science Faculty on 1 August 1985
Paper file
UND/BD11/35   30 October 1985 - 7 May 1986
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/36   29 October 1986 - 6 May 1987
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/37   28 October 1987 - 4 May 1988
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/38   26 October 1988 - 3 May 1989
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/39   1 November 1989 - 9 May 1990
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/40   14 November 1990 - 1 May 1991
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/41   20 November 1991 - 6 May 1992
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/42   18 November 1992 - 5 May 1993
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/43   10 November 1993 - 4 May 1994
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with papers and agendas
Paper file
UND/BD11/44   19 October 1994 - 14 May 1997
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with agendas
Paper file
UND/BD11/45   22 October 1997 - 1 May 2002
Board of the Faculty of Science minute book, with occasional agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/A1   21 March 1962 - 16 February 1972
Board of the Faculty of Science attendance sheets, signed.
Paper file
Science Higher Degrees Committee
Reference: UND/BD11/B
Dates of creation: 1962 - 1993
UND/BD11/B1   11 October 1962 - 3 May 1963
Science Higher Degrees Committee (Durham Division) minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B2   14 October 1963 - 19 January 1966
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B3   27 April 1966 - 9 September 1968
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B4   14 October 1968 - 11 January 1971
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B5   28 April 1971 - 5 September 1973
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B6   12 October 1973 - 12 July 1976
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B7   8 September 1976 - 4 July 1980
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B8   19 September 1980 - 14 September 1983
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B9   7 October 1983 - 13 December 1985
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/B10   21 March 1986 - 11 December 1987
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/B11   16 February 1988 - 7 July 1989
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/B12   20 September 1989 - 13 July 1990
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/B13   12 September 1990 - 27 June 1991
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/B14   18 September 1991 - 10 July 1992
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/B15   30 October 1992 - 21 May 1993
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/B16   1 February 1994 - 3 February 1995
Science Higher Degrees Committee minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/B17   2 February 1996 - 7 February 1997
Graduate School Science Higher Degrees Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/B18   28 October 1997 - 6 February 1998
Graduate School Science Higher Degrees Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB11/B19   29 October 1998 - 8 February 1999
Graduate School Science Higher Degrees Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BB11/B20   1 November 1999 - 1 June 2000
Graduate School Science Higher Degrees Advisory Group minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
Science Exemptions/Concessions Committee
Reference: UND/BD11/C
Dates of creation: 1953 - 1993 A standing committee for exemptions was extant in 1938, but separate exemption committees were set up for the Durham and Newcastle divisions of the Science Faculty on 22 October 1952. In addition, separate Concessions Committees for the Durham and Newcastle divisions of the Science Faculty operated prior to 1963. By August 1965, the work of the Exemptions Committee seems to have been subsumed in that of the Concessions Committee, which on 13 June 1972 was retitled as the Concessions and Academic Progress Committee. It became the Concessions and Appeals Committee in September 1991 following a review of appeals procedure by Senate and Council.

UND/BD11/C1   18 March 1953 - 1 February 1956
Science Exemptions Committee (Durham division) minute book
UND/BD11/C2   1 September 1961 - 24 August 1964
Science Exemptions Committee (Durham division) minute book
UND/BD11/C3   2 February 1963 - 25 June 1971
Science Concessions Committee minute book, indexed
UND/BD11/C4   26 April 1972 - 17 September 1976
Science Concessions and Academic Progress Committee minute book, indexed
UND/BD11/C5   10 May 1977 - 21 September 1984
Science Concessions and Academic Progress Committee minute book, indexed
Paper file
UND/BD11/C6   18 April 1985 - 1 July 1988
Science Concessions and Academic Progress Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/BD11/C7   16 September 1988 - 20 July 1989
Science Concessions and Academic Progress Committee minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/C8   22 September 1989 - 13 July 1990
Science Concessions and Academic Progress Committee minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/C9   17 September 1990 - 5 July 1991
Science Concessions and Academic Progress Committee minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/C10   13 September 1991 - 10 July 1992
Science Concessions and Appeals Committee minute book, with papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/C11   29 September 1992 - 9 July 1993
Science Concessions and Appeals Committee minute book, with papers
Paper file
Science Planning Committee
Reference: UND/BD11/E
Dates of creation: 1980 - 2002 This began as the Quinquennial Review Committee, and was retitled as the Faculty Planning Committee on 25 January 1984. In November 1993 it was transferred, with all faculty planning committees, to become the Science Area Planning Sub-Committee, soon just Committee, of the new Policy and Resources Committee. Then in November 1999 it was transferred again to become a sub-committee of the Resource Planning Group.
This Planning Committee recommended that standing orders for a sub-committee be approved but not implemented on 6 November 1986. This sub-committee was then given specific tasks concerning the allocation of accommodation on the Science Site and central workshop facilities on 28 January 1987.
The Planning Committee of 6 February 1986 established a Sub-Committee on Biological/Life Sciences to report on possible courses of action regarding the future of the departments of Botany, Pyschology and Zoology.

UND/BD11/E1   24 September 1980 - 26 October 1983
Science Quinquennial Review Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E2   17 November 1983 - 22 October 1985
Science Quinquennial Review/Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E3   1 January - 18 September 1986
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E4   15 October 1986 - 22 April 1987
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E5   2 June 1987 - 18 January 1988
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E6   22 February - 5 July 1988
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E7   22 September 1988 - 24 May 1989
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E8   28 September 1989 - 30 May 1990
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E9   20 September 1990 - 22 May 1991
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E10   26 September 1991 - 27 May 1992
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E11   1 October 1992 - 25 May 1993
Science Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E12   28 September 1993 - 17 May 1994
Science Area Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E13   25 October 1994 - 16 May 1995
Science Area Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E14   25 October 1995 - 7 May 1996
Science Area Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E15   30 October 1996 - 21 May 1997
Science Area Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E16   29 October 1997 - 10 June 1998
Science Area Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E17   28 October 1998 - 24 May 2000
Science Area Planning Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/E18   25 October 2000 - 15 May 2002
Science Area Planning Committee minute book, with papers
Science Planning Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BD11/EA
Dates of creation: 1987 - 1992
UND/BD11/EA1   3 March 1987 - 7 June 1989
Science Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD11/EA2   19 December 1989 - 5 May 1992
Science Planning Sub-Committee minute book
Biological/Life Sciences Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BD11/EB
Dates of creation: 1986 - 1988
UND/BD11/EB1   24 February - 24 March 1986
Biological/Life Sciences Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD11/EB2   26 January - 16 March 1988
Meeting on the School of Life Sciences minute book
Science and Mathematics Teaching in the BEd Degree Committee
Reference: UND/BD11/F
Dates of creation: 1970 - 1979 Following an advisory meeting on 29 June 1970, the Science Faculty Board set up a Committee on Science and Mathematics teaching in the BEd degree on 14 October 1970.

UND/BD11/F1   29 June 1970
Advisory Meeting on Integrated Science Courses in the BEd report and papers
UND/BD11/F2   5 January 1971 - 8 January 1979
Science and Mathematics Teaching in the BEd Degree Committee minute book
No meetings were held 1973-1977 inclusive.
BSc Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BD11/G
Dates of creation: 1969 - 1993 An ad hoc committee on the BSc general degree met on 27 May 1969. The Science Faculty Board made it into a standing committee on 3 June 1969.

UND/BD11/G1   14 November 1969 - 27 April 1973
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/G2   27 September 1973 - 25 April 1979
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers, indexed
UND/BD11/G3   23 October 1979 - 24 October 1985
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/G4   5 February 1986 - 2 February 1989
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/G5   3 November 1989 - 26 April 1990
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/G6   18 October 1990 - 18 April 1991
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/G7   24 October 1991 - 23 April 1992
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/G8   22 October 1992 - 26 April 1993
BSc Standing Committee minute book, with papers
Science Ad Hoc Committees
Reference: UND/BD11/H
Dates of creation: 1963 - 1983
UND/BD11/H1   6 February 1963 - 12 February 1965
BSc Degree Committee minute book, with papers and agendas.
A committee was established by the Durham Sub-Faculty of Science on 12 December 1962 to consider proposals for new regulations for BSc degrees in the Science Faculty after the reconstitution of the university. Includes copies of the UGC's First Employment of University Graduates 1961-1962 and J.A. Petch's G.C.E. and Degree Part 1 for the Joint Matriculation Board of the Universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield and Birmingham (April 1961).
Paper file
UND/BD11/H2   4 May 1965 - 27 May 1966
Science Film Committee minute book, with papers and correspondence with film companies.
A committee was set up to organise a promotional film of the Science departments.
UND/BD11/H3   31 October 1967 - 3 May 1968
Science Teaching Timetable and Related Problems Committee minute book, with papers
The committee was subsumed within the BSc standing committee on 6 January 1971.
UND/BD11/H4   17 November 1981 - 19 April 1982
Science Open Days Committee minute book, with papers
A committee was set up to coordinate Science Site preparations for open days in 1982 and to liaise with the main university Open Days committee (for which see UND/BB69).
UND/BD11/H5   23 September - 14 November 1983
Science Faculty Group on Expansion in Applied Science and Engineering minute book, with papers
UND/BD11/H6   April - July 1988
Working Group on Workshop Funding/Facilities minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD11/H7   April - June 1988
Working Group to Consider Academic Priorities and Initiatives in Science minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/BD11/H8   27 April 1992 - 25 June 1993
Working Group on Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements minute book, with papers
Paper file
Social Sciences/Social Sciences and Health Faculty
Reference: UND/BD12
Dates of creation: 1968 - 2002 The Social Sciences faculty, with its board, was set up on 1 August 1968; a shadow board operated briefly beforehand.
Social Sciences Faculty Board minutes 1993-2009 are available online at https://www.dur.ac.uk/committees/minutes/board-of-the-faculty-of-social-sciences-and-health/

UND/BD12/1   14 February - 15 May 1968
Shadow Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/2   16 October 1968 - 23 April 1969
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book, with an index
UND/BD12/3   22 October 1969 - 29 April 1970
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book, with an index
UND/BD12/4-5   21 October 1970 - 23 April 1971
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books, with an index
UND/BD12/6   20 October 1971 - 26 April 1972
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/7   18 October 1972 - 17 January 1973
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/8   14 February - 24 October 1973
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/9   23 January 1974 - 30 April 1975
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/10   22 October 1975 - 27 April 1977
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/11   19 October 1977 - 25 April 1979
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/12   17 October 1979 - 29 April 1981
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/13   18 November 1981 - 12 October 1983
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/14   9 November 1983 - 23 January 1985
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/15   20 February - 1 May 1985
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/16   29 May 1985 - 30 April 1986
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/17-18   19 November 1986 - 3 June 1987
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books
UND/BD12/19-20   11 November 1987 - 1 June 1988
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books
UND/BD12/21-22   9 November 1988 - 26 April 1989
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books
UND/BD12/23-25   15 November 1989 - 2 May 1990
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books
UND/BD12/26-29   14 November 1990 - 24 April 1991
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books
UND/BD12/30-33   20 November 1991 - 29 April 1992
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books
UND/BD12/34-36   18 November 1992 - 28 April 1993
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute books
UND/BD12/37   17 November 1993 - 11 October 1995
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/38   11 October 1995 - 29 April 1998
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
UND/BD12/39   14 October 1998 - 24 April 2002
Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences minute book
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/A
Dates of creation: 1968 - 2000 A Higher Degrees Committee was set up by the shadow Social Sciences Faculty Board on 13 March 1968.

UND/BD12/A1   15 May 1968 - 8 January 1971
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A2   23 April 1971 - 30 May 1973
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A3   5 October 1973 - 19 April 1977
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A4   30 September 1977 - 28 September 1979
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A5   11 January 1980 - 21 April 1983
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A6   1 July 1983 - 25 April 1985
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A7   16 October 1985 - 14 July 1986
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A8   12 November 1986 - 20 March 1987
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute book
UND/BD12/A9-10   9 October 1987 - 11 July 1988
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute books
UND/BD12/A11-12   7 October 1988 - 19 May 1989
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute books
UND/BD12/A13-15   27 October 1989 - 22 August 1990
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute books
UND/BD12/A16-18   26 October 1990 - 18 September 1991
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute books
UND/BD12/A19-22   16 October 1991 - 22 September 1992
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute books
UND/BD12/A23-27   6 November 1992 - 12 July 1993
Social Sciences Higher Degrees Committee minute books
UND/BD12/A28   2 February 1994 - 1 February 1995
Graduate School Social Sciences Higher Degrees Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD12/A29   1 November 1995
Graduate School Social Sciences Higher Degrees Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD12/A30   31 January 1996
Graduate School Social Sciences Higher Degrees Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD12/A31   22 October 1997 - 4 Februrary 1998
Graduate School Social Sciences Higher Degrees Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers
Paper file
UND/BD12/A32   3 - 4 February 1999
Graduate School Social Sciences Higher Degrees Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
UND/BD12/A33   20 October 1999 - 24 May 2000
Graduate School Social Sciences Higher Degrees Advisory Committee minutes, agendas and papers
2 paper files
Social Sciences Concessions Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/B
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1992
UND/BD12/B1   25 September 1968 - 4 July 1983
Social Sciences Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD12/B2   9 July 1984 - 4 October 1989
Social Sciences Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD12/B3   9 July - 24 October 1990
Social Sciences Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD12/B4   4 July - 30 September 1991
Social Sciences Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD12/B5   9 - 24 July 1992
Social Sciences Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD12/B6   28 September 1992
Social Sciences Concessions Committee minute book
UND/BD12/B7   July - September 1993
Social Sciences Concessions Committee agendas, minutes and papers
Paper file
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/C
Dates of creation: 1986 - 1993
UND/BD12/C1   5 February 1986 - 5 February 1987
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BD12/C2   29 October 1987 - 27 October 1988
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BD12/C3   2 February 1989 - 18 April 1990
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BD12/C4   25 October - 6 December 1990
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BD12/C5   31 January - 31 October 1991
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BD12/C6   12 December 1991 - 6 February 1992
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BD12/C7   29 October - 10 December 1992
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
UND/BD12/C8   4 February 1993
Social Sciences Degree Regulations Committee minute book
Social Sciences Planning Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/D
Dates of creation: 1984 - 2002 The Social Sciences Faculty's Policy and Review Committee was retitled as the Planning Committee in April 1986. In November 1993 it was transferred, with all faculty planning committees, to become the Social Sciences Area Planning Sub-Committee of the new Policy and Resources Committee; within a year the “Area” was dropped. Then in November 1999 it was transferred again to become a sub-committee of the Resource Planning Group.

UND/BD12/D1   9 January 1984 - 17 July 1985
Social Sciences Policy and Review Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D2   13 September 1985 - 3 June 1986
Social Sciences Policy and Review/Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D3   29 September 1986 - 2 June 1987
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D4   27 October 1987 - 23 May 1988
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D5-6   8 September 1988 - 22 May 1989
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD12/D7-8   15 June 1989 - 9 April 1990
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD12/D9   31 May - 2 November 1990
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D10   8 February - 17 May 1991
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D11-12   12 October 1991 - 19 May 1992
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD12/D13-14   22 September 1992 - 21 September 1993
Social Sciences Planning Committee minute books
UND/BD12/D15   23 November 1993 - 18 May 1994
Social Sciences Area Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D16   2 November 1994 - 17 May 1995
Social Sciences Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D17   30 October 1995 - 13 May 1996
Social Sciences Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D18   4 November 1996 - 19 May 1997
Social Sciences Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D19   3 November 1997 - 26 May 1998
Social Sciences Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D20   2 November 1998 - 17 May 1999
Social Sciences Planning Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/D21   1 November 1999 - 13 May 2002
Social Sciences Planning Sub-Committee minute book
Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Standing Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/E
Dates of creation: 1962 - 1987 Academic Board set up a Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies on 1 May 1962. In the following year it became a Standing Committee of the Arts Faculty Board, before being reconstituted on 14 October 1968 as a Standing Committee of the new Social Sciences Faculty Board. From the beginning it had a Travel Grants Sub-Committee which was reconstituted on 22 April 1968 as a Finance Sub-Committee. Also, a Publications Sub-Committee was set up on 25 April 1967 to discuss the possibility of publishing monographs by members of the centre, financed by the Materials Fund; this did not first meet until over a year later.

UND/BD12/E1   21 June 1962 - 22 April 1968
Arts Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies minute book
UND/BD12/E2   14 October 1968 - 1 November 1971
Social Sciences Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies minute book
UND/BD12/E3   18 January 1972 - 4 February 1975
Social Sciences Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies minute book
UND/BD12/E4   21 April 1975 - 14 April 1980
Social Sciences Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies minute book
UND/BD12/E5   17 October 1980 - 25 October 1985
Social Sciences Committee for the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies minute book
Travel Grants/Finances Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/EA
Dates of creation: 1962 - 1987
UND/BD12/EA1   19 December 1962 - 4 April 1968
Travel Grants Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/EA2   25 October 1968 - 20 November 1981
Finance Sub-Committee minute book
UND/BD12/EA3   29 March 1982 - 11 May 1987
Finance Sub-Committee minute book
Publications Sub-Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/EB
Dates of creation: 1968 - 1984
UND/BD12/EB1   7 November 1968 - 11 December 1984
Publications Sub-Committee minute book
North-East Area Study Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/F
Dates of creation: 1972 - 1977 The Social Sciences Faculty Board set up a Standing Committee for the North-East Area Study on 26 April 1972.

UND/BD12/F1   27 June 1972 - 25 February 1975
North-East Area Study Standing Committee minute book
UND/BD12/F2   22 April 1975 - 19 May 1977
North-East Area Study Standing Committee minute book
Teacher Education Consultative Committee
Reference: UND/BD12/G
Dates of creation: 1985 - 1990 A Consultative Committee on Teacher Education was originally conceived by the Education Faculty Board but, on the subsuming of the School of Education into the Social Sciences Faculty on the restructuring of the university into 3 faculties in 1985, it became rather a Social Sciences committee.
Earlier material 1977-1985 in UND/BD5/F

UND/BD12/G1   3 August 1983 - 15 November 1985
Consultative Committee on Teacher Education minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/BD12/G1   20 November 1985 - 28 June 1986
Consultative Committee on Teacher Education minute book
UND/BD12/G2   13 November 1986 - 2 April 1987
Consultative Committee on Teacher Education minute book
UND/BD12/G3   9 July 1987 - 12 June 1989
Consultative Committee on Teacher Education minute book
UND/BD12/G4   7 December 1989 - 5 February 1990
Consultative Committee on Teacher Education minute book
Education Working Parties and Ad Hoc Committees
Reference: UND/BD12/H
UND/BD12/H1   21 March 1986
Working Parties for Advanced Diplomas in Education Management, Social and Moral Education, and Mathematical Education (all Teesside Polytechnic courses to be validated by Durham University), agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD12/H2   15 March - 10 April 1990
Faculty Working Group/Committee on Validation, set up by the Faculty Board on 24 January 1990, to consider, following the guidance laid down in the CVCP's cope of practice on University Validation of courses in the polytechnics and colleges sector, the valdiation submissions which had been presented to the faculty by external institutions, and, in consultation with the assessors appointed by the faculty in connection with each programme, to bring foward to faculty board recommendations for the initial validation of these programmes, and to consider, for recommendation to faculty board, appropriate mechanisms for ensuring the continued monitoring of the academic standard of the programmes.
Minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/BD12/H3   20 May 1987
Working Party for the Advanced Diploma in Primary Art Education report, proposal and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/BD12/H4   September 1981 - June 1984
Working Party on a Diploma in Special and Remedial Education and the Education of Children with Special Educational Needs (Teesside Polytechnic) agendas, minutes, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Institute of Education
Reference: UND/BE
Reference: UND/BE1
Dates of creation: 1948 - 1976
The minute books contain printed minutes, with running numbers, and separate indexes to each year.
The Delegacy was set up on 9 December 1947 and first met on 16 January 1948.

UND/BE1/1   16 January 1948 - 15 June 1950
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, buckram binding
Size: 220 x 265mm
UND/BE1/2   22 November 1950 - 15 June 1955
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, buckram binding
Size: 220 x 265mm
UND/BE1/3   30 November 1955 - 15 June 1960
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, buckram binding
Size: 220 x 265mm
UND/BE1/4   30 November 1960 - 12 June 1963
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, buckram binding
Size: 220 x 265mm
UND/BE1/5   4 December 1963 - 7 June 1967
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
UND/BE1/6   24 November 1967 - 10 June 1970
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
UND/BE1/7   2 December 1970 - 7 June 1972
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
UND/BE1/8   29 November 1972 - 5 March 1976
Delegacy of the Institute of Education minute book
UND/BE1/A1   c.1948
Standing Orders of the Institute of Education
Covering the Delegacy, Academic and Finance Committees, Boards of Studies and the Committee of Principals.
Paper, 3f
UND/BE1/A2   4 December 1963 - 1 March 1978
Delegacy of the Institute of Education attendance register
Academic Committee of the Institute of Education
Reference: UND/BE2
Dates of creation: 1948 - 1971 The Institute's Academic Committee became an Academic Board in November 1963.

UND/BE2/1   11 February 1948 - 14 May 1952
Academic Committee of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, half-leather binding
Size: 270 x 380mm
UND/BE2/2   5 November 1952 - 9 May 1956
Academic Committee of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, half-leather binding
Size: 270 x 380mm
UND/BE2/3   28 September 1956 - 2 November 1960
Academic Committee of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, half-leather binding
Size: 270 x 380mm
UND/BE2/4   2 November 1960 - 23 May 1962
Academic Committee of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper book, half-leather binding
Size: 270 x 380mm
UND/BE2/5   7 November 1962 - 22 May 1963
Academic Committee of the Institute of Education minute book
UND/BE2/6   20 November 1963 - 23 May 1968
Academic Board of the Institute of Education minute book
UND/BE2/7   5 November 1968 - 26 May 1971
Academic Board of the Institute of Education minute book
Board of Examiners of the Institute of Education (graduate courses)
Reference: UND/BE3
Dates of creation: 1950 - 1956
The Board of Examiners (graduate courses) became the Durham Divisional Board of Examiners (graduate courses) on 26 November 1956.

UND/BE3/1   17 January 1950 - 26 November 1956
Board of Examiners of the Institute of Education (graduate courses) minute book
Paper book, 188p, only 35p used, buckram spine
Size: 250 x 370mm
Board of Studies in Graduate Courses of the Institute of Education
Reference: UND/BE4
Dates of creation: 1949 - 1962
UND/BE4/1   7 December 1949 - 25 October 1962
Board of Studies in Graduate Courses of the Institute of Education minute book
Paper file, in a spring-back binder
Size: 230 x 340mm
King's College
Reference: UND/BF
King's College Council
Reference: UND/BF1
Dates of creation: 1953 - 1962
UND/BF1/1   19 January 1953 - 16 May 1955
King's College Council minutes
UND/BF1/2   20 October 1958 - 22 June 1959
King's College Council minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   164p minutes, 16p index
Size: 200 x 250mm
UND/BF1/3   24 October 1960 - 19 June 1961
Language:   English
King's College Council minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   118p minutes, 14p index
Size: 200 x 250mm
UND/BF1/4   23 October 1961 - 26 June 1962
Language:   English
King's College Council minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   112p minutes, 16p index
Size: 200 x 250mm
King's College General Purposes Committee
Reference: UND/BF2
Dates of creation: 1957 - 1962
UND/BF2/1   2 September 1957 - 7 July 1958
King's College General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   252p minutes & index
Size: 210 x 250mm
UND/BF2/2   1 September 1958 - 6 July 1959
King's College General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   294p minutes, 16p index
Size: 210 x 250mm
UND/BF2/3   7 September 1959 - 4 July 1960
King's College General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   280p minutes, 14p index
Size: 210 x 250mm
UND/BF2/4   5 September 1960 - 3 July 1961
King's College General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   290p minutes, 16p index
Size: 210 x 250mm
UND/BF2/5   4 September 1961 - 2 July 1962
King's College General Purposes Committee minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   360p minutes, 16p index
Size: 210 x 250mm
King's College Finance Committee
Reference: UND/BF3
Dates of creation: 1955 - 1957
UND/BF3/1   3 October 1955 - 11 June 1956
King's College Finance Committee minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   144p minutes & index
Size: 200 x 255mm
UND/BF3/2   1 October 1956 - 1 July 1957
King's College Finance Committee minute book
Paper book, buckram binding, front cover & spine titles   146p minutes & index
Size: 200 x 255mm