Reference code: GB-0033-GRE-X
Title: Estate records of the Earls Grey and Lords Howick
Dates of creation: 1522-1980
Extent: 102 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: records of the estates of the Earls Grey of Howick, Northumberland
From the eighteenth century onwards the Greys' estates were almost entirely confined to Northumberland: several farms in the neighbourhood of the family seat at Howick, further north a cluster of farms around Ancroft and another group (East and
West Learmouth, Downham, Presson, Tithe Hill and Howburn) near the river Tweed, and, south of Howick, the extensive Chevington Estate. Besides these there were a few more isolated properties such as Cold Martin in the Parish of Chatton, Fleehope in
the Cheviots, Burton in the Parish of Bamburgh and Budle on the coast. Collectively the Greys' possessions were known as “the Howick Estate” which must be distinguished from “Howick
Farms”, the term used to describe those in the vicinity of Howick.
Although the bulk of the estate material concerns these Northumberland properties, there are also deeds and papers relating to the manor of Harting in Sussex, 1562-1698, deeds of the manors of Epping and Gosfield, Essex, 1649-1703, and documents
concerning several houses in or near London including the mansion house in Charterhouse Yard, 1546-1730, and a house in Berkley Square, 1744-1857. Apart from these, and deeds of some of the Northumberland properties which date from the sixteenth
century, most of the material falls into the period 1780-1930, but numerous items will be found both before and after these dates.
The papers provide a detailed record of the management of this extensive northern estate and are rich in correspondence, accounts, farm leases, rentals, surveys, valuations, estate plans, household books and vouchers. There are also documents
concerning coal mines, especially Broomhill Colliery, whinstone quarries, brick and tile manufactories and lime works. Among a wide variety of other topics there are papers about the building and alteration of Howick House, duties performed by
overseers of the poor, material about the cottages on the estate, including a report on the deplorable condition of some of them in 1845 and a census of occupants in 1912, records of attempts to establish a profit sharing scheme on some of the farms
in the 1890s, papers concerning a fur farm in the Cheviots, documents on disputes with tenants especially over claims for unexhausted improvements, and items concerning Chevington Church and school.
Mixed farming was the general rule on the Howick Estate, the usual grain crops and turnips being grown, and cattle and sheep reared. Much attention was paid to cattle feeding and fattening on the farms near Howick, and the grazing on Howick grass
parks was let by auction every year. Most of the farms were leased for 21 years or a lesser term, sometimes from year to year, but a good tenant might remain much longer than was specified in his original lease. Little mercy was shown to those who
fell seriously into arrears of rent: their crops, stock and implements were put up for sale. Occasionally it was agreed that rents should be partly paid in corn, which introduced an element of gambling on the part of both landlord and tenant. From
the mid-nineteenth century the estates were managed by a firm of agents, the Greys of Milfield, but the Earls Grey themselves always took a close interest in estate business. Thus much information about the estates is also to be found amongst the
correspondence of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Earls.
Despite their considerable landed property the Greys were never rich. Their lands were heavily encumbered and thousands of pounds in interest payments were an annual drain on the estate which in any case did not make hugh profits. In 1870, faced
with a mortgage of £200,000 besides other encumbrances, 3rd Earl Grey sold Ulgham Grange, Budle and Cold Martin for a total of £82,000 which enabled him to discharge debts other than the “terrible” mortgage (see his
letter, 20 March 1870, in the papers of General Charles Grey). Although this mortgage was subsequently reduced by about £50,000, other debts were incurred, and in 1906 the total of mortgages and loans stood at £283,586. By 1916 4th Earl Grey was in
daily terror of the interest rate rising by half a percent and soon after his death in 1917 parts of the estate, including property at Tweedside, Burton and Hethpool, were sold, and subsequent sales considerably reduced the size of the once
extensive estate. The 4th Earl Grey owned 17,600 acres; the 5th Earl who died in 1963 owned about 3,000 acres.
The Earl Grey Estate Papers came to Durham in two deposits, in 1955 and 1994, and is periodically added to by further transfers from Howick:
Accession Misc.2014/15:2, 8 September 2014: GRE/X/V125, 129-187; GRE/X/P449-463.
Accession Misc.2014/15:32, 15 December 2014: GRE/X/P474-527; unsorted OS plans and some Ancroft building plans.
Open for consultation.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist
where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
The records are currently (2008) grouped by format into boxed material and volumes. No attempt has yet been made to arrange the voluminous boxed papers systematically, nor to list them in detail, and material concerning any given property or
topic may therefore be found scattered throughout the collection.
Jo Fewster listed the boxed estate papers, with the list being produced in 2000, along with a manuscript card index to facilitate access to the unsorted material. He also listed the volumes that had then been deposited. These were sorted and
listed together with the volumes deposited in 2005 by Rosie Evans, a Durham University undergraduate, in February 2006. This sorting was finalised, incorporating a few associated volumes from the boxes, the list was input to XML, and the volumes
were numbered by Michael Stansfield in February 2008. Additional volumes of estate letter books were sorted and cataligued by Danka Raduwska in September 2014.
Further accruals from the Howick Estate Office are anticipated.
Earl Grey Papers
There is no neat division between the estate papers and those of particular family members, so the papers of the five Earls all contain further information on the family estate. Items in the Grey Pamphlets relate to pamphlets to be found in this
section. The Papers of Evelyn Baring, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale include a section recording his management of the estate (GRE/I/58-80).
Grey Estate Boxed PapersReference: GRE/X/PGRE/X/P1 1843-1852
Howick: Abstracts of Accounts
November 1845-April 1846 6 abstracts
November 1846-July 1847 9 abstracts
January 1848-March 1850 27 abstracts
Summary abstracts for:
The half year ending 1 May 1848
The year ending 1 November 1848
The year ending 1 November 1849
The year ending 1 November 1850
Statements of income 1849, 1850, 1852; and of receipts and expenditure.
Statements of charges on the estate 1845, 1849.
Rentals of the estates 1845, 1848.
Statements of the terms of leases 1845.
Note concerning the terms on which Hawkhill was let 1765-1843.
GRE/X/P2 1848-1883
Cattle feeding returns.
Includes some particulars of the numbers and weights of cattle. 35 bundles and loose papers.
GRE/X/P3 1851-1856
Whitfield House Farm, Chevington.
Corn accounts March 1854-May 1856.
Accounts of Thomas Brown and vouchers 1851-1855.
Abstracts of account 1852-1855.
Letters from Thomas Brown to Archibald Hills 1852-1856.
Inventories of stock 1854-1855.
Particulars of auction of farm stock 3 May 1855 + 2 letters from the auctioneer.
Material about Maidens Hall Farm is included in some of the above items.
GRE/X/P4 10 July 1851-26 December 1861
Howick dairy returns: 273 returns made at fortnightly intervals-a complete series.
GRE/X/P5 1842-1850
Drainage papers:
Accounts, vouchers and reports in respect of various farms, 1842-1848.
Calculation of number of pipes needed per acre at various distances apart. n.d.
Accounts of drainage tiles and pipes supplied 1845-1850.
GRE/X/P6 1847-1869
Drainage papers [contd.].
Accounts and vouchers 1848-1863, 1866-1869.
Drainage schedules 1851-1852.
Drainage sketch plans for various farms 1853-1863.
Correspondence, mainly with the Inclosure Commissioners 1847-1851.
GRE/X/P7 1802-1809
Howick Farm Returns
Particulars of work done each day by the hinds and labourers and their wages. Also details of farm stock and corn. (The workmen are named.) The returns were made every 2 weeks and survive as follows:
1802 3 returns
1803 26 returns
1804 25 returns
1806 26 returns
1807 24 returns
1808 17 returns
1809 25 returns
GRE/X/P8 1810-1819
Howick Farm Returns [contd.]
1810 19 returns
1811 10 returns
1812 14 returns
1813 14 returns
1814 25 returns
1815 8 returns
1816 26 returns
1817 3 returns
1818 26 returns
1819 8 returns
GRE/X/P9 1820-1829
Howick Farm Returns [contd.]
1820 26 returns
1821 26 returns
1822 25 returns
1823 25 returns
1824 25 returns
1825 18 returns
1826 8 returns
1827 26 returns
1828 14 returns
1829 26 returns
GRE/X/P10 1830-1840
Howick Farm Returns [contd.]
1830 26 returns
1831 26 returns
1832 20 returns
1833 26 returns
1834 26 returns
1835 26 returns
1836 25 returns
1837 26 returns
1840 11 returns
GRE/X/P11 1842-1845
Howick Farm Returns [contd.]
1842 22 returns
1843 9 returns
1844 26 returns
1845 14 returns
GRE/X/P12 1847-1853
Howick Farm and Pasture House Farm returns (both headed “Howick Farm”).
1847 36 returns, 7 May-31 December, one for each farm
1848 52 returns, January-December
1849 52 returns, January-December
1850 52 returns, January-December
1851 52 returns, January-December
1852 52 returns, January-December
1853 22 returns, 7 January-27 May
GRE/X/P13 1843-1862
Colliery correspondence and papers:
Broomhill Colliery. 2 bundles and 1 file.
GRE/X/P14 c.1872-1923
Colliery correspondence and papers:
Broomhill Colliery c.1872-1923. 1 bundle.
Bullocks Hall Colliery 1908-1922. 1 bundle.
Hockett, Little Houghton and Little Mill Collieries 1900-1907. 1 bundle.
Widdrington and Chevington Collieries 1886-1909. 1 bundle.
Plan of Widdrington Colliery 1902?
Plan of Chevington Estate n.d.
Other colliery correspondence 1914-1923. 1 file.
GRE/X/P15 1846-1860
Warkworth Harbour and proposed dock company and railway:
Correspondence 1846-1853. 2 bundles.
Draft prospectuses, and reports 1848-1852. 1 bundle.
Final prospectus. 12 copies.
Warkworth Harbour and Roads: plan with soundings 1853. 11 copies.
Report and correspondence January-April 1860. 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P16 c.1844-1932
Chevington School:
Correspondence and papers c.1844-1852. 1 bundle.
Correspondence and deeds relating to the sale of building sites and land for other purposes at Broomhill, Chevington and neighbouring places, 1860-1932, with typescript schedule. [The documents are arranged in accordance with the numbers on this
schedule.] Nos 1-20 [except No. 15, One additional document-a conveyance to the N.E. Railway Co., March 1897.] Contd. in Box 17.
GRE/X/P17 1860-1932
Correspondence and deeds as in Box 16. Nos. 21-44 [except, nos. 25, 27, and 33].
GRE/X/P18 1840-1859
Hawkhill tile works.
Statement of capital expended, profits and losses, interest, yearly charge, etc. 1844-1854.
Ancroft, Broomhill and Hawkhill Tile Works: accounts, statments of vend, vouchers and other papers 1840-1859.
Hawkhill brick and tile works: stubbs of order book showing quantities and kinds of pipe tiles, bricks, etc. supplied 22 March 1851-22 January 1853.
GRE/X/P19 1918-1920
Tweedside estates: Howburn, Presson Hill, East and West Presson, Tithe Hill and Downham:
Correspondence and papers concerning the sale of the above estates 1918-1920;
sale catalogues with plans, 20 March 1920.
GRE/X/P20 1885-1893
Ancroft and Chevington estates.
Plan of Chevington estate n.d.
Letters from George Grey of Milfield to Albert (4th Earl) Grey on estate business 1885-1892 with many enclosures (letters from tenants and others); also some other estate correspondence up to 1893. Includes a paper by George Grey on how
agricultural labourers could rise to positions of responsibility with good wages-quotes in detail cases from his own experience, 10 June 1885. 3 files.
Estate accounts and memoranda, mainly 1880s. 1 bundle. 3 notebooks.
4 printed pamphlets:
The Milk Supplying Company of Copenhagen.
Some Principles and Practice in the Breeding and Treatment of Cattle and Sheep, by Henry H. Scott.
Depression in Agriculture: a paper read before the British Association at Nottingham, 15 September 1893, by Henry H. Scott (Alnwick 1893)
A Sermon on the Gospel of 'Mixed Farming', by an 'Ex-Bonanza Farmer', and Diversified Farming in Minnesota, by Professor N.W. McLain.
GRE/X/P21 1631-1702
Deeds relating to the Township of Craster, Northumberland.
GRE/X/P22 1707-1786
Deeds relating to Craster [contd.].
GRE/X/P23 1867-1872
Deeds relating to Boggy Hall estate in the Township of Craster, mainly 1867-1868 but with copies of some earlier deeds. Includes abstracts of title. [Lowstead Farm and Fleehope are included in some of the above items.]
Plan of lands exchanged by 3rd Earl Grey and the Duke of Northumberland at Hawkhill and Long Houghton, 25 January 1872, with schedule and confirmation by the Inclosure Commissioners.
GRE/X/P24 1559-1690
Deeds relating to East and West Chevington, Hawkley, Bradforth, Morwick, Downham, Ancroft, Awton (or Horton House), the fishery of Stanstell and Blackwell on the Tweed, the tithes of Bamborough, and other properties.
GRE/X/P25 1698-1734
Deeds relating to East and West Chevington, Bradforth, Downham, Ancroft, Burton and other properties in Northumberland.
GRE/X/P26 1756-1793
Deeds, mainly mortgages, relating to East and West Chevington and (in some cases) to Hawkle.
Includes farm leases: East Chevington 1763, West Chevington 1742-1766 and Chevington Woodside 1784.
Also, extract of a recovery and deed to declare its uses in respect of Horton.
GRE/X/P27 1801-1861
Deeds, mainly mortgages, relating to Chevington estate.
Abstract of title to Sir Henry Grey's estate of East and West Chevington with opinion of R. Hopper Williamson, 18 May 1801.
Copy of Mr Braithwaite's observations and opinions on the title to the above estate with replies of Messrs Lambert, 1845.
GRE/X/P28 1623-1686
Deeds concerning the Manor of Bradford (and, in some cases, other properties):-
7 May 1623-Bargain and sale of the Manor of Bradford by Thomas Bradforth, Jane his wife, and Phillis Bradforth to Sir Ralph Grey.
10 June 1623-Lease for a year of the Manor of Bradford: Sir Ralph Grey to Thomas Bradforth.
Trinity Term 1623-Exemplification of a fine conveying the Manor of Bradford to Sir Ralph Grey.
12 August 1652-Bargain and sale for 3 months by William Lord Grey and Ralph Grey of properties and tithes in Northumberland and Middlesex to Thomas Twisden and Michael Heneage.
15 March 1682-Mortgage of the Manors of Morwick, Bradford, East and West Chevington, Ancroft and other properties by Ford Lord Grey to Lady Grace Pierepoint to secure £4000 and interest.
18 March 1686-Indenture of covenants concerning the above mortgage and further charges on the properties. 2 copies.
22 June 1686-Demise of certain manors and tithes in Northumberland by the Earl of Rochester and others to Ford Lord Grey and Ralph Grey for 5 years.
GRE/X/P29 1757-1845
1 and 2 August 1757-Lease and release of the Manor of Bradford, and other estates including Learmouth by Sir Henry Grey to Ebenezer Wardel to secure £1,000 and £1,500 and interest. 2 copies.
19 November 1763-Reconveyance of the above to Sir Henry Grey.
28 October 1778-Lease for a year of Learmouth Glebe and certain tithes: Henry Taylor and Wm. Taylor to Sir Henry Grey and Ralph Compton.
20 March 1806-Release of Manor of Bradford and associated properties by Sir Henry Grey and others to Henry Taylor to secure £6,000 and interest.
30 July 1812-Lease for a year of the Manor of Bradford by Henry Taylor and others to 2nd Earl Grey.
3 March 1824-Mortgage of Bradford estate by 2nd Earl Grey to Wm. Wingfield and T.B. Lennard (in trust for Mrs Baker) to secure £8,000 and interest.
1788-1845-3 abstracts of title to the Bradford estate with counsels' opinions.
1845-Copy of Mr Braithwaite's opinion of the title.
GRE/X/P30 1711-1811
Deeds concerning Little Houghton and the tithes of Longhoughton.
Includes deed of exchange of some parcels of land in the Township of Hawkhill for some other parcels of land in the Township of Longhoughton between the Duke of Northumberland and Sir Henry Grey, 1 May 1788.
Also: Case and counsel's opinion on the tithes of Longhoughton common after inclosure, 1809.
Opinion of Charles Butler of Lincolns Inn on abstract of title to Longhoughton tithes, 18 May 1811.
GRE/X/P31 1542-1745
GRE/X/P31/1 2 May 1564
Exemplification of writ and inquisition post mortem in respect of Thomas Grey.
GRE/X/P31/2 24 November 1597
Letters patent of Elizabeth I confirming to Ralph Grey the lands that his father, Thomas, held in chief of the crown.
GRE/X/P31/3 28 November 1608
Exemplification of a decree in the court of Wards and Liveries concerning the marriage of Robert Collingwood, a ward of the King in the care of Sir Ralph Grey.
GRE/X/P31/4 24 February 1609
Lease for 3 lives from the King to Sir Ralph Grey of lands in Emeldon, Northumberland.
GRE/X/P31/5 17 February 1617
Exemplification of inquisition post mortem in respect of Thomas Grey, brother of Sir Ralph Grey.
GRE/X/P31/6 17 February 1623
Emblazonment of paternal coat of arms and grant of supporters to William Lord Grey of Wark by Sir William Segar, Garter Principal King of Arms.
GRE/X/P31/7 10 February 1626
Royal pardon for William Lord Grey, Baron of Wark.
GRE/X/P31/8 9 June 1627
Letters patent granting William Lord Grey a quietus in respect of lands that descended to him from his father, Ralph.
GRE/X/P31/9 30 July 1660
Royal pardon to William Lord Grey.
GRE/X/P31/10 22 March 1682
Writ of execution in respect of trust money from lands at Wooler, Codrington, Epping and Gosfield.
GRE/X/P31/11 26 September 1684
Letters patent leasing the estates of Ford Lord Grey, deceased, to Richard Graham and others for 21 years, to secure payment of £16,000.
GRE/X/P31/12 1684
Reversal of the outlawry of Ford Lord Grey, Earl of Tankerville.
GRE/X/P31/13 26 December 1745
Copy letters patent creating Henry Grey a baronet.
GRE/X/P31/14 1542-1635/6
Bundle of deeds mainly concerning Elwick (near Norham, Northumberland). (Also concern Horton and Ewart).
GRE/X/P32 1555-1839
GRE/X/P32/1 16 August 1555
Lease of water mill commonly called Cadegate Mill in Cookdale, Northumberland (parcel of the possessions of the Lordship of North Middleton).
Ralph Grey to James Gower for 21 years.
GRE/X/P32/2 20 July 1586
Conveyance of lands in Todgesden:
Ralph Grey to John Wharyer, Edward Browell and John Turner.
GRE/X/P32/3 26 February 1591/2
Letters patent leasing the tithes of Eglingham and other places in Northumberland to Clement Ogle for 21 years.
GRE/X/P32/4 23 January 1592/3
Exemplification of a fine conveying manors and other properties in Northumberland:
Rauffe Grey to John Forster and others.
GRE/X/P32/5 29 April 1600
Bargain and sale of a tenement in Hadston, Northumberland,
George Ruthall to Ralph Grey.
GRE/X/P32/6 29 April 1600
Covenant to produce deeds relating to property at Hadston:
George Ruthall to Ralph Grey.
GRE/X/P32/7 1 May 1600
Bargain and sale of Norham Tower and associated premises.
Ralph Grey to Andrew Skeale.
GRE/X/P32/8 27 February 1603/4
Quitclaim by Nicholas Rotherford in respect of the White Law, the Humbletons Hills and the Sheill Know. Bond attached.
GRE/X/P32/9 1 August 1604
Grant of annuity of £14.
Sir Ralph Grey to Elizabeth Windsor (securing £140).
GRE/X/P32/10 23 March 1604/5
Bargain and sale of lands at Kilham, Northumberland.
John Forster to James Brewis.
GRE/X/P32/11 2 October 1605
Mortgage of premises in Wooler:
Wm. Jackson to John Forster to secure £30 and interest.
GRE/X/P32/12 31 January 1605/6
Assignment of a tenement called 'The Know' at Kilham for residue of a term of 60 years.
James Brewis to Robert Brewis.
GRE/X/P32/13 30 January 1606/7
Bargain and sale of premises at Wooler.
Wm. Jackson to John and Richard Forster.
GRE/X/P32/14 25 June 1609
Bargain and sale of lands and premises at Spindleston.
Sir Ralph Grey to Arthur Grey.
GRE/X/P32/15 1 April 1615
Demise of a tenement in Berwick for 21 years.
Robert Jackson to Sir Ralph Grey.
GRE/X/P32/16 4 February 1617/18
Settlement of Lyham Hall and tenements in Milfield by Rauffe Muschampe.
GRE/X/P32/17 2 July 1634
Defeasance of a recognizance for £15,000 owed by Wm. Lord Grey to Francis Finch.
GRE/X/P32/18 5 May 1635
Release and discharge by Sir William Strickland of Wm. Lord Grey, Francis Finch and Thos. Heneage in respect of a payment of £1,500.
GRE/X/P32/19 1 August 1636
Demise of property at Ross (County Palatine of Durham) for 7 years.
Martha Grey to Thos. Wake, John Watson and Ralph Smythe.
GRE/X/P32/20 23 March 1649
Bargain and sale of lands at Emeldon.
William Lord Grey and others to Michael Heneage and others.
GRE/X/P32/21 29 May 1661
Bargain and sale of fisheries on the S. side of the Tweed and a burgage in Berwick.
Ralph Grey, Sir Edward Ford to Thos. Grey of Chillingham.
GRE/X/P32/22 30 April 1696
Assignment by Thos. Rawlen of a 4th part of Gibside colleries to James Montague for residue of a term of 31 years.
GRE/X/P32/23 13 May 1703
Deed concerning fines levied and recoveries to be suffered in pursuance of a mortgage for £15,750 dated 10 April 1703 to Ralph Lord Grey from Francis Eyles.
GRE/X/P32/24 24 November 1713
Assignment by Thomas Grey to John Carr and Wm. Barras of shares of colleries in Greenlaw (or Fawdonsfield), and elsewhere in Whickham, etc.
GRE/X/P32/25 17 April 1735
Left hand indenture of fine: John Sanderson, gent. plaintiff, the Hon. John Finch and Elizabeth his wife deforciants in respect of lands and portions of the fisheries of Blackwell and Sandstell.
GRE/X/P32/26 10 May 1733
Lease for a year of cottages, lands and appurtenances in Doddington, Wooler, Newtown and Wark.
Earl of Tankerville to Sir Henry Liddell and George Liddell.
GRE/X/P32/27 6 May 1808
Administration with the will and codiciles annexed of Sir Henry Grey.
GRE/X/P32/28 22 April 1778
Arbitration award concerning diversion of the course of the river Bowmont at Kirknewton.
GRE/X/P32/29 1 May 1753
Case concerning the will of Ralph Lord Grey with opinion of Nicholas Fazakerley.
GRE/X/P32/30 16 May 1808
Deed to make a tenant to the precipe for suffering a common recovery of hereditaments in the County Palatine of Durham and to lead the uses of such recovery:
Charles 2nd Earl Grey and Mary Countess Grey to Samuel Castle.
GRE/X/P32/31 16 May 1808
Deed to make a tenant to the precipe for suffering a common recovery of the estates of Charles Earl Grey in Northumberland,
Charles 2nd Earl Grey and Mary Countess Grey to John Bell.
GRE/X/P32/32 1839
Release by Miss Charlotte Grey, Miss Mary Grey and William Grey (children of the Hon. and very Revd. Edward Grey Bishop of Hereford) to 2nd Earl Grey in respect of funds under the Bishop's marriage settlement of which 2nd Earl Grey was the
surviving trustee.
GRE/X/P33 1605-1858
GRE/X/P33/1 22 December 1605
Copy of part of patent roll recording grant of the tithes of Doddington, half the tithes of Longhoughton and various other tithes in Northumberland and Yorkshire to Henry Stanley and John Standish.
GRE/X/P33/2 1619-1704/5
Deeds relating to Ulgham Grange and Nunkirk Tower in Riddlesdale; in some cases also to the Manor of Little Lauckton (Yorks).
GRE/X/P33/3 Michaelmas Term 1673
Copy fine in respect of Downham.
GRE/X/P33/4 5 May 1683-18 March 1701
Deeds concerning the rectory and tithes of Stannington and various other tithes in Northumberland mortgaged to secure £800 and interest.
GRE/X/P33/5 1704
Act for confirming the execution of a certain agreement between Ralph Lord Grey and Charles Lord Ossholston and Lady Mary, his wife, touching certain manors, lands and tenements in Northumberland, Middlesex and London and also between Lawrence
Lord of Rochester and the said Lord Grey concerning other manors in Northumberland, County Palatine of Durham and Berwick upon Tweed.
Royal assent 24 February 1703/4.
GRE/X/P33/6 1735
R.H. and L.H. indentures of fine in respect of half the Manor of Morrick, East and West Chevington, Burton, Bradford, Horton and Hawkley and tithes of Horton and Bamborough.
GRE/X/P33/7 7 December 1832
Grant of annuity of £300 p.a. issuing out of Burton Estate: 2nd Earl Grey to Edward Ellice.
GRE/X/P33/8 1 July 1833
Release by Edward Ellice the elder and younger to 2nd Earl Grey in respect of £9,937 and any other trust monies vested in him as trustee of Edward Ellice the elder's marriage settlement.
GRE/X/P33/9 12 January 1860
Copy bond for securing £5,000 and interest:
3rd Earl Grey to Miss M.A. Ellice.
GRE/X/P33/10 6 March 1833
Deed of indemnity to 2nd Earl Grey and Rowland Alder, trustees of the will of Sir Francis Blake Bart., dated 6 August 1808.
GRE/X/P33/11 13 September 1837
Appointment by Maria (widow of Colonel William Grey) of £5,000 bequeathed in trust by the will of 1st Countess Grey.
GRE/X/P33/12 1858
4 receipts in respect of the above with 2 letters and a statement.
GRE/X/P33/13 28 April 1846
Lease of a house in Eaton Square for 21 years and memorandum of an arrangement between Mary Elizabeth, dowager Countess Grey, and 3rd Earl Grey, dowager Countess Grey being tenant.
GRE/X/P34 1532-1720
GRE/X/P34/1 26 March 1532
Deed concerning the wardship and marrriage of Ralph Grey (son of Sir Edward Grey, died 6 December 1531), with an extent of his property.
Also 19th Century copy.
GRE/X/P34/2 6 May 1554
Deed relating to lands which descended to Ralph Grey on the death of his father, with covenants as to the upkeep and manning of Wark Castle.
Attached: Extent of the lands of Ralph Grey.
Also 19th Century copy.
GRE/X/P34/3 21 June 1554
Letters patent concerning Ralph Grey's estates.
GRE/X/P34/4 12 July 1588
Warrant of attorney from John Baxter and Margaret his wife to Cuthbert Porter to sue Ralph Grey for Margaret's portion.
GRE/X/P34/5 30 July 1590
Deed to lead the uses of a recovery of lands in Ellwick (near Bamborough).
GRE/X/P34/6 14 February 1595
Letters patent granting the tithes of Doddington, Shotton and other places to Ralph Grey.
GRE/X/P34/7 16 November 1604
Assignment of the office of constable of Dunstanburgh Castle to Ralph Delaval and others.
GRE/X/P34/8 11 July 1610
Letters patent granting a discharge to Sir Ralph Grey for certain tithes in Northumberland.
GRE/X/P34/9 8 February 1614
Exemplification of grants of a market and fair at Wark.
GRE/X/P34/10 7 June 1617
Bargain and sale by Sir Thomas Darcy to Thomas Bradforth of the Manor of Wooler.
GRE/X/P34/11 7 April 1618
Bargain and sale by Thomas Bradforth to Sir Ralph Grey of the Manor of Wooler and Muschamp.
GRE/X/P34/12 22 June 1618
Letters patent granting (inter alia) the Manor of Wooler to Sir Ralph Grey.
GRE/X/P34/13 1 February 1640
Letters patent granting William Lord Grey, Cecilia his wife and Edward Fredsham licence to demise the Manor of Bradforth or Bradford.
GRE/X/P34/14 23 January 1651
Bargain and sale by William Lord Grey to Daniel Collingwood of the tithes of Branton and Brandon in the Parish of Eglingham, Northumberland.
GRE/X/P34/15 1 June 1653
Quitclaim by Ralph Muschampe in respect of lands and premises at Milfield, Northumberland, purchased by William Lord Grey.
GRE/X/P34/16 17 December 1711
Copy decree in the Chancery suit Lord Ossulston and others v Grey [The pleadings and answer are summarised.]
GRE/X/P34/17 31 August 1720
Assignment by Richard Hill to the Dowager Countess of Portland of part of a mortgage on Sir Ralph Grey's estates.
GRE/X/P35 1601-1850
Deeds relating to the following places:
Ancroft 1764-1830 5 paper, 1 parchment
Horton 1766-1850 3 parchments
Milfield 1757-1803 2 parchments, 1 paper
Presson 1808 1 paper
Ulgham 1766-1802 2 parchments, 1 paper
Wooler tolls 1672 1 parchment
Detchon Town 1670 1 parchment
Skelby (Yorks) 1772 1 parchment
Wark, Ewart and Kilham 1601-1617 6 parchments
GRE/X/P36 1706-1856
Deed and legal papers
GRE/X/P36/1 19 June 1771
Exemplification of a verdict at Newcastle Assizes, 1770, concerning the right of Sir Henry Grey to a wreck which was claimed by the Duke of Northumberland.
GRE/X/P36/2 1856
Office copy of part of a conveyance of the Township of Craster, 29 April 1692 (to show right to wrecks).
GRE/X/P36/3 1 August 1856
Copy statement regarding Lord Grey's right to wreck on the coast of Howick.
GRE/X/P36/4 26 April 1725
Lease for 21 years of the royalties of iron ore at Howick, 2 copies.
GRE/X/P36/5 7 March 1706
Lease for 5 years of farmholds at Stannington.
GRE/X/P36/6 15 May 1708
Counterpart of reconveyance of an estate at Witton, County Durham.
GRE/X/P36/7 2 December 1779
Deed of exchange of old Howick rectory for a newly built rectory. 2 copies.
GRE/X/P36/8 26 January 1753
Subpoena for unnamed persons to appear before the Northumberland Justices of the Peace on 2 May to testify as to the last legal settlement of Robert Dobson removed from Alnwick to the Township of Swarland.
GRE/X/P36/9 31 March 1825
An Act for more effectually amending ... and keeping in repair the road from Wooler to the Great North Turnpike Road at or near Adderstone Lane, in the County of Northumberland. 6 Gco. IV [royal assent, 31 March 1825].
GRE/X/P37/1 30 April 1808
Deed of partition of Budle estate.
GRE/X/P37/2 19 December 1898
Duplicate conveyance of the Manor and Township of Bradford (Parish of Bamborough) by Joseph F. Christy to the Admiralty on account of Greenwich Hospital.
GRE/X/P37/3 1895-1898
Papers on the winding up of the estate of the Hon. & Revd. John Grey:
Executors' papers, correspondence, vouchers, accounts (very detailed) of Messrs C. D. Forster & Co. Solicitors.
GRE/X/P37/4 1871-1884
Draft appointment of part of the trust funds in the marriage settlement of the Revd. John Grey in favour of his eldest son and daughter, with correspondence and papers concerning the trust.
GRE/X/P37/5 1713-1722, 1859
Documents concerning Howick School:
25 November 1713-Grant of a rent charge of £15p.a. issuing out of lands at Stannington under a charitable trust established under the will of Magdalen Grey of Durham.
26 October 1714-Release by Sir Henry Grey of Howick School House to John Moreton, Archdeacon of Northumberland.
25 July 1717-Deed establishing a free school at Howick.
2 February 1721-1722-Copy deed of endowment of Howick School.
1859-2 letters concerning the above deeds.
GRE/X/P38 1558-1805
GRE/X/P38/1 1558-1669
Deeds mainly relating to the Manor of Little Langton, Yorks.
Includes demise of a farm in Buckton 1609 and mortgage of premises at East Rounton.
GRE/X/P38/2 1805
Lease, release and common recovery of an estate at Skeeby, Yorks.
GRE/X/P38/3 13 June 1704
Assignment of Ralph Lord Grey's security for £10,000 and interest to William Lord Berkeley and Henry Temple from the Earl of Portland and Francis Eyles (£10,000, part of £15,000 being the Earl of Portland's money).
Properties: 2/3rds of Akeld, Yevering, Troupe (or Troupbourn), Ewart, Coupland, Fenton, Dichant and 2 London houses.
GRE/X/P38/4 26 May 1716-3 December 1720
Assignments of Ralph Lord Grey's bond of £15,000 for securing various sums including £8,000 for the marriage portion of Lady Bridget Bennet.
GRE/X/P39 1562-1698
Deeds and papers relating to the Manor of Harting, Sussex.
Includes terrier or rental 1562;
ousterlemain to William Ford of lands in Sussex 20 November 1606;
documents concerning the parsonage of Harting;
letter of attorney from Ralph Grey and Dorothy his wife concerning lands in Somerset and Sussex 13 September 1615.
GRE/X/P40 1546-1730
Deeds relating to a mansion house in Charterhouse Yard, Middlesex; also deeds concerning shares in a waterhouse to supply certain streets in London, 1651-1657.
Deeds concerning property in Arlington Street in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields.
GRE/X/P41 1608-1850
GRE/X/P41/1 1705-1750
Deeds concerning Little Houghton, Northumberland.
8 parchments
GRE/X/P41/2 1608
Office copy of grant of the tithes of Longhoughton.
GRE/X/P41/3 1 September 1804
Copy will of John Clark of Bebside, Northumberland.
GRE/X/P41/4 5 April 1850
Copy mortgage deed: substituted security on the Howick and Little Houghton estates to secure £190,000 and interest.
GRE/X/P41/5 24 May 1791
Abstract of title to the Longhoughton Tithes with opinion of R. Hopper Williamson.
GRE/X/P41/6 5 February 1811
Abstract of title of the devisees in trust and executors of the will of John Clark, deceased, to a moiety of the tithes of corn and grain in the Parish of Longhoughton with the opinion of Ch. Butler of Lincolns Inn.
GRE/X/P41/7 19 April 1845
Abstract of title to lands at Little Houghton and Longhoughton with opinion of Samuel Turner of Grays Inn.
Copy of Turner's opinion with responses to some of his remarks.
GRE/X/P41/9 15 March 1850
Abstract of title to lands at Little Houghton with opinion of Mr Braithwaite of the Inner Temple.
Copy of Braithwaite's opinion.
GRE/X/P41/11 1850
Schedule of title deeds to Little Houghton estate.
GRE/X/P42 1744-1867
Deeds relating to a house in Berkeley Square.
GRE/X/P43 1587-1698
Deeds relating to Howick estate.
GRE/X/P44 1701-1826
Deeds (mainly mortgages) relating to Howick estate.
GRE/X/P45 1600-1734
1649-1703-Deeds concerning the Manors of Epping and Gosfield, Essex. 7 parchments.
1600-1734-Deeds relating to Morwick, Northumberland. 7 parchments.
GRE/X/P46 1674-1889
Copy will of William Lord Grey with probate (PCC 1674).
Copy of part of the above will.
Copy will of Ralph Lord Grey with copy probate (PCC 1675).
Copy will of John Grey of Howick with probate (Durham 1681).
Copy will of Katherine Lady dowager Grey (relict of Ralph Lord Grey) with copy probate (PCC 1682).
Copy will of Ford Earl of Tankerville with copy probate (PCC 1701).
Copy will of Lady Grace Pierrepont with copy probate (PCC 1703).
Grant of administration of the estate of Robert Grey (Prebendary of Durham) to Ralph Lord Grey (Durham 1704).
4 copies of the will of Ralph Lord Grey (2 with note of probate, PCC 1706).
2 copies of the will of John Grey of Howick, 5 February 1706/7.
Another copy of the above will with probate (Durham 1710).
Copy will of Magdalene Grey with probate (Durham 1710).
Copy will of Thomas Grey of Howick with probate (Durham 1717).
Copy will of Dame Hannah Grey of Newcastle, 10 April 1762.
Copy will of Sir Henry Grey, Bart. of Howick, with 2 attested copies (Proved PCC 1768).
Will of Penelope Lee of Ackworth, Yorks, 13 July 1749.
Copy will of Penelope Lee made 19 August 1753.
Copy will of Ralph Grey of Cleadon, County Durham, 28 July 1764.
Will of Sir Henry Grey of Howick, Bart., 12 October 1770.
Codicil, 2 January 1798; copy of this codicil.
Copy will and 2 codicils; abstract of the will and codicils.
Probate copy of will with letters of administration dated 19 December 1809 annexed. (Proved at York).
Copy will of Charles, 1st Earl Grey, 24 February 1803.
Special probate of the will of 1st Earl Grey, 15 January 1808 with copy will.
Copy will of Charles 2nd Earl Grey, dated 14 January 1842.
Correspondence and papers relating to the will of General Sir Henry Grey 1882. (Letters mainly from William Woodmen).
Letters relating to the executorship of Miss Copley's will 1889.
Draft will of Louisa Countess of Durham (d. 1841).
Copy will of Elizabeth 1st Countess Grey, 21 April 1821 with the following papers:
2 memoranda by her concerning treatment of her body after death and place of burial.
Case concerning her will with opinion of R. W. Rolfe, 9 July 1822.
Charges to be defrayed out of her effects including legacies to servants and funeral expenses.
Account of principal and interest on bonds given for payment of legacies under her will, 1823.
Account of interest due to her estate to 26 May 1823.
Account of wages and legacies due to her servants.
Account of bills due from her, legacies under her will and money due on bonds.
Further account of debts, wages, taxes payable from her estate, 26 May 1823.
Accounts of exchequer bills purchased 10 August 1816 and sold 23 June 1817.
GRE/X/P47 1774-1885
15 January 1827-Settlement on the marriage of the Hon. George Barrington and Lady Caroline Grey with associated documents of 14 December 1826 and 1 September 1845.
Bundle containing:
Copy marriage settlement between the Hon. George Barrington and Lady Caroline Grey, 15 January 1827. Draft appointment of new trustees to the above, 19 November 1870.
Abstract of the will of William Keppel Viscount Barrington proved 1867.
Abstract of transfer of mortgage on the Burton estate (originally made by 2nd Earl Grey in 1841 to secure £10,000 and interest), 1 February 1868.
Abstract of deed to substitute the name of Charles Reed MP for that of Robert Ingham in mortgages held by Ingham and others, 1 October 1870.
Counterpart lease of Chevington Whitfield House Farm, 6 December 1874.
Plan of East and West Chevington estate 1869.
Bond of indemnity, Samuel Whitbread to Charles (2nd Earl) Grey, June 1800.
Bond: the Hon. Frederick Ponsonby to 2nd Earl Grey in £4,430, 8 November 1826.
Letter of attorney executed by the Hon. Frederick Ponsonby in respect of the above bond, 8 November 1826.
Indenture of covenants and general release: Charles (1st Earl) Grey and Elizabeth his wife (administratrix of George Grey of Southwick, deceased) to George Grey, 3 March 1774.
Release by Leopold James Henry Grey to 2nd Earl Grey in respect of money received under the trusts of the marriage settlement of the Hon. and Revd. Edward Grey, Bishop of Hereford, 16 April 1839.
Release by Miss Harriet Grey to 2nd Earl Grey in respect of money received under the Bishop of Hereford's marriage settlement, 13 October 1843.
Release by John Balfour and Edward Ellice the younger to 2nd Earl Grey in respect of a bond debt of £10,000, 27 July 1842.
Grant by 3rd Earl Grey to Elizabeth Copley of an annuity of £200 charged on Boggy Hall estate, 28 November 1879, and release of the said annuity by Miss Copley, 27 October 1884.
Deeds and papers relating to the settlement prior to the marriage of Lady Alice Ann Caroline Lambton and Lord Aberdour, later Earl of Morton: Heads of proposed settlement as far as relates to the English fortune of Lady Alice.
2 copies of deed of locality by the Earl of Morton to Alice Ann Caroline Lambton, 6 July 1853.
Copy assignation by Lord Aberdour in favour of the trustees under the ante-nuptial marriage settlement, 6 July 1853.
Copy bond by Lord Aberdour to grant additional provisions, 6 July 1853.
Correspondence and papers concerning insurance policies on the life of Lord Aberdour.
Assignment by Lady Alice of her portion under the late Earl of Durham's settlement to trustees, 6 July 1853.
Settlement, 6 July 1853.
Copy of above settlement.
Copy minute of agreement between Lord and Lady Morton, Lord Aberdour and the Hon. George Henry Douglas, 4 and 11 October 1870.
Covenant of indemnity: Earl and Countess of Morton to 3rd Earl Grey and another, 10 October 1881.
Release and indemnity by the Earl of Morton to 3rd Earl Grey, 10 July 1885.
GRE/X/P48 1816-1885
GRE/X/P48/1 25 November 1816
Deed of convenants for settlement on the marriage of John George Lambton and Lady Louisa Grey.
Epitome of the above deed.
GRE/X/P48/2 6 November 1846-1881
Settlement on the marriage of the Earl of Elgin and Lady Mary Louisa Lambton with associated deeds and papers 1865-1881.
GRE/X/P48/3 1864-19 October 1885
Settlement on the marriage of Sir Edward Grey and Frances Dorothy Widdrington with associated documents 1864-1886, including copy settlement made in contemplation of the marriage between S.F. Widdrington and Miss Hopwood, 18 April 1864, and
abstract of the disentailing deed and settlement of the estates of Fallodon and Brunton, Northumberland, 1885.
GRE/X/P48/4 1826
Draft settlement on the marriage of Lady Elizabeth Grey and John Croker Bulteel with associated papers including copy will of John Bulteel (proved PCC 1801). Properties: Fleet [Pamfleet?] and elsewhere in Devon. The descent of the title is
GRE/X/P49 1788-1870
GRE/X/P49/1 21 January 1788
Settlement in anticipation of the marriage between Samuel Whitbread the younger and Elizabeth Grey, relating to the Manors of Cardington or Carrington, Fenlake and Old Warden in the County of Bedford.
Abstract of additional settlement made to the uses of the above.
GRE/X/P49/2 7 October 1829
Undertaking by W. H. Whitbread to obtain a release for 2nd Earl Grey in respect of his trusteeship of the above marriage settlement and in the meantime to indemnify him.
GRE/X/P49/3 8 August 1832-1870
Settlement on the marriage of Henry (3rd Earl) Grey and Maria Copley with associated deeds 1845-1870 (that of 9 March 1870 being endorsed on a deed of 8 August 1832).
4 parchments
GRE/X/P49/4 3 December 1814
Abstract settlement on the marriage of Lieut.-Colonel Robert Ellice and Eliza Courtney.
GRE/X/P49/5 25 July 1836
Short abstract of settlement on the marriage of the Hon. Charles Grey and Caroline Farquhar.
GRE/X/P49/6 30 June 1836
Heads of proposed settlement on the marriage of the Hon. and Revd. John Grey with Lady Georgiana E. C. Hervey.
GRE/X/P49/7 [1840]
Heads of proposed settlement on the marriage of the Hon. and Revd. Francis Richard Grey and Lady Elizabeth Dorothy A. G. Howard.
GRE/X/P49/8 [1832]
Abstract of conveyance for securing a jointure on the marriage of Lord Howick and Maria Copley.
GRE/X/P50 1522-1625
GRE/X/P50/1 21 November 1522
Settlement by Edward Grey of estates in Northumberland on his illegitimate son John.
GRE/X/P50/2 26 June 1580
Settlement on the marriage of Ralph Grey and Jane Arthington-Manor of Arthington in the County of York.
GRE/X/P50/3 8 July 1591
Grant by Ralph Grey of certain manors in Northumberland (Fenton, Doddington, Howick, Heddon, etc.) to Katherine Grey for her life in lieu of dower.
GRE/X/P50/4 1 September 1592
Settlement by Ralph Grey of manors and lands in Northumberland and Durham.
GRE/X/P50/5 1 September 1592
Duplicate of the above.
GRE/X/P50/6 1 March 1608
Settlement after the marriage of Sir Ralph Grey and Dorothy (neé Mallet) his wife. (E. & W. Chevington and other properties.)
GRE/X/P50/7 15 October 1611
Settlement on the marriage of Edmund Roddam and Margaret Grey (Manor of Ronton, Yorks, and properties at Little Houghton, Broxfield, Remmington and Widdon in Northumberland).
GRE/X/P50/8 8 November 1619
Settlement by Ralph Grey of Ulgham Grange and Nunkirk Tower on Edward Grey and his issue male.
GRE/X/P50/9 16 September 1625
Settlement by William Lord Grey of Horton, Yevering, Eworth, Fenton, Nesbitt, Doddington, Dychant, E. & W. Chevington, Morrick, Awton House, Heaton and Ancroft on Lady Cecil Grey in lieu of dower.
GRE/X/P51 1626-1808
GRE/X/P51/1 20 June 1626
Bargain and sale of Burton, Shipley, Elwick, Stanford, Dunstanburgh Castle, Dunston Manor, the fishery of Stamfell and Blackwell; Bradford, 1/2 Cheviett; Twislope, Troweupp, Shorthope, Hethepole, Fleehope and various tithes on trust for William
Lord Grey.
GRE/X/P51/2 19 January 1626/7
Lease by William Lord Grey of Chillingham, Wark, Learmouth, Killain, Akeild, Cowpland, Wooler, N. & S. Middleton and Newtown for 21 years on trust.
GRE/X/P51/3 4 June 1672
Release by William Lord Grey of the Castle and Manor of Chillingham, Wark and other properties in Northumberland and Durham and the Manor of Epping and Gossfield in Essex to certain uses.
GRE/X/P51/4 2 August 1722
Marriage settlement of Elizabeth wife of Henry Grey. Properties include Bradford and Learmouth with many others including Kingsclere and Itchingswell, Hants.
GRE/X/P51/5 27 December 1735
Appointment by Sir Henry Grey of Richard Grieve as under-sheriff of Northumberland.
GRE/X/P51/6 4 March 1762
Settlement prior to the marriage of Charles (1st Earl) Grey and Elizabeth Grey. Property at Learmouth.
GRE/X/P51/7 28 December 1762
Receipt of James Pennyman for £3,000 from Sir Henry Grey in full for the fortune agreed to be paid to him on the marriage of Sir Henry Grey's sister.
GRE/X/P51/8 23 June 1786
Lease for a year: Sir Henry Grey to Sir Francis Blake and Charles Brandling of Learmouth estate.
GRE/X/P51/9 24 June 1786
Grant of an annuity of £600 by Sir Henry Grey to his nephew Charles (2nd Earl) Grey out of Learmouth.
GRE/X/P51/10 3 February 1808
Grant by Sir Henry Grey of an additional annuity of £250 issuing out of Learmouth estate to Elizabeth Countess Grey (widow of 1st Earl) and duplicate of this deed.
GRE/X/P51/11 20 March 1789
Grant by Sir Henry Grey of an annuity of £5 p.a. charged on lands at Howick to William Homes.
GRE/X/P52 1786-1878
1867-National Provident Institution: schedules of deeds relating to Earl Grey's properties in Northumberland mortgaged for £200,000. 3 schedules.
1870-Lands Improvement Company. Papers relating to charges on Earl Grey's Northumberland lands payable to the Company and forms of consent in connection with the release of certain lands from these charges. 7 papers.
31 October 1878-Copy deed to establish a further charge of £10,000 and interest on certain properties already securing £190,000 and interest: 3rd Earl Grey to Sir Charles Whetham and others.
24 September 1811-Assignment by Harriet Bouverie to James Earl of Rosslyn and Edward Bouverie of a bond (9 July 1811) of 2nd Earl Grey securing £6,000 and interest.
9 July 1828-Discharge of the above bond.
Account of the residuary estate of Charles (2nd Earl) Grey (d. 17 July 1845) and correspondence and papers concerning the executorship of his estate.
5 April 1808-Copy opinion of Sir Arthur Piggot on the will of the late Sir Henry Grey.
1803-Papers concerning the redemption of land tax on Sir Henry Grey's estates. 8 pieces.
Also letter J. Sharp to 1st Earl Grey, 31 January 1786.
8 April 1858-Inland Revenue legacy duty receipt in respect of an estate of Elizabeth Dowager Countess Grey 1822; and annuity receipt, 26 August 1863, in respect of an annuity to Lady Georgiana Grey under the will of 2nd Earl Grey.
1829-1830-Receipts for interest payments by 2nd Earl Grey. 21 pieces.
8 February 1846-Draft indenture relating to financial matters between Hannah Jane Grey and 3rd Earl Grey.
1876-Plan of ground to be added to Chevington graveyard.
1807-An Act for inclosing lands in the Parish of Longhoughton, Northumberland, 47 Gco. III.
6 November 1858-Arbitration award to apportion land to Lord Ossulston in lieu of right of stint on Harrowboc Farm (near Kirknewton), the property of Lord Grey; with plan 1875.
20 September 1869-Declaration by Henry Morton concerning the descent and ownership of estates held by 3rd Earl in Northumberland.
GRE/X/P53 1725-1826
3 April and 11 May 1733-2 deeds settling the uses of certain cottages and rights of common at Doddinton, Wooler, Newtown, Wark, Kilham, Stamford and Embleton, Northumberland: the Earl of Tankerville to Sir Henry and George Liddell to the use of
the existing occupiers (all named) under the terms stated in the deed. 2 parchments.
Copy grant of a rectory of Warmouth and the tithes of Little Houghton and other properties in Northumberland to Edmund Downyng and Miles Dodinge. (Extract of patent roll 30 Elizabeth I).
Schedule of Income of Sir Henry Grey, Bart., 1799.
1826-Receipts for legacy duty in respect of bequests under the will of Nicholas Davison of Alnwick (d. 17 May 1811).
Bundle of deeds, letters and other papers mainly concerning estates at Suddick or Southwich and the parsonage, glebe and tithes of Mickle Benton and lands at Hugh (Heugh) and Stamfordam: Account of Suddick Farm, Mayday 1725-1727.
12 June 1740-Declaration and appointment by Elizabeth Ogle (widow of Nathaniel Ogle of Kirkley, Northumberland) of shares in the parsonage, glebe and tithes of Mickle Benton.
14 June 1740-Assignment by Elizabeth Ogle of Newcastle, spinster, of her share in Mickle Benton parsonage and tithes and certain sums of money to trustees prior to her marriage with George Grey the younger of Newcastle.
3 June 1742-Copy will of Isabella Newton.
13 August 1742-Receipt of Thomas Hindmarsh for a total of £400 trust money for Elizabeth Ogle.
17 May 1746-Declaration concerning the Parsonage, etc. of Mickle Benton and lands at Hugh (Heugh) and Stamfordham.
Copy will of Elizabeth Ogle, 5 October 1750.
Receipts for payments by William Harrison, 1753-1756. 17 pieces.
Copy will of Isabella Lady Kingston, 6 September 1760.
3 letters from Dr Newton Ogle to his sister 1751 concerning disposal of their mother's estate.
Copy will of William Harrison of Southwick with probate, 1761.
31 January 1765-Appointment of Elizabeth Grey as administratrix of the estate of George Grey her husband who died intestate.
1762/4-Receipts for legacies paid by Mrs Grey executrix of the will of George Grey of Southwick and receipt for payment of probate charges. 7 pieces.
1765-Account of the personal estate of the late George Grey with particulars of how it was applied.
7 June 1768-Declaration by Newton Ogle and Wm. Lake concerning the divisions of Mickle Benton parsonage and other properties.
1 April 1775-Similar declaration.
1776-Letters, lawyer's account and receipt in respect of a Chancery suit over a bond debt of Barbara Hall, widow, later wife of John Dawson.
1803-Letter John Davidson to Lady Grey with account and other papers concerning discharge of a mortgage (to Mr Collingwood of Chirton) of the Southwick estate.
GRE/X/P54 1802-1831
c.1802-Abstract of title of John Duke of Atholl to a leasehold estate and premises in Portman Square, Middlesex, with counsel's opinion 1802.
1809-1819-Documents relating to a leasehold house in Portman Square-abstracts of title, draft assignments of lease, insurance policy, inventory of effects belonging to Earl Grey.
1824-1831-Drafts of mortgages of Bradford and Chevington estates.
25 March 1822-Lease of house in Hanover Square for 7 years by the Marchioness dowager of Downshire and the Marquess of Downshire to 2nd Earl Grey.
Draft of the above lease with correspondence and some other letters on financial matters.
Letters 2nd Earl Grey to William Bromley, 1819-1822.
Also account of John Fletcher to the Revd. William Stow Lundee for a survey and report on a building site in Chelsea.
GRE/X/P55 1807-1836
8 December 1807-Bond of indemnity and covenant to produce deeds: Sir Francis Blake, Bart., and Francis Blake Esq., to Sir Henry Grey.
8 June 1835-Appointment by Edward Grey, Bishop of Hereford, of £500, out of his marriage settlement, to Charles Grey.
22 July 1836-Release and discharge by Charles Grey (a cadet in the East India Co.) to 2nd Earl Grey.
27 December 1817-Release by C. B. Sheridan of all claims against 2nd Earl Grey as trustee of the marriage settlement of Richard B. Sheridan.
2 June 1818-Deed to authorize 2nd Earl Grey to surrender certain copyhold premises comprised in the above marriage settlement.
GRE/X/P56 1846-1904
Election expenses of Lord Howick, with vouchers, 1835.
Township of Howick: list of occupiers, 31 July 1897.
Howick estate accounts:
Abstracts 1846-1872 complete, 27 pieces.
Abstract 1886.
Accounts for the years ending 31 May: 1894, 1895, 1897 with further particulars as requested by 4th Earl Grey, 1898, 1899.
Also 6 accounts only partially completed and without date, one with particulars for Minto as well as Howick.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to Grey 25 August 1899 concerning the accounts.
Statements of accounts for the following years each compared with the previous year: 31 May 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903.
Schedule of mortgages and interest June 1903.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to Grey, 6 March 1904 with estimate of the income and outgoings for 1904.
Estimate of expenditure for April 1904.
Printed particulars and plan of Howick grass parks to be let by auction 20 April 1893 with manuscript note of the prices fetched.
Schedule of rents due to Albert Grey, 15 November 1893.
Particulars of allowances to tenants, 1892/3.
Particulars of payments for labour at Howick, 1891-3.
Particulars of coal consumed on the Howick estate in 1893.
Particulars of Chevington Moor corn crop, 1892.
Particulars of cost of rebuilding stone walls at Hipsheugh.
Whitfield House Farm: 5 letters to F. W. Grey concerning valuation of the crops and some equipment. July-December 1851.
Letter from Thomas Brown of W. Learmouth, 2 May 1851.
Lesbury Parish Church. Letters and papers concerning work on the building 1847: 3 letters from F. W. Grey; 2 from Anthony Salvin; specification of work to be done by Philip Nowell and sons, 10 May 1847.
Sussex Horses. 8 letters concerning the procuring and transporting of Sussex horses for Howick.
GRE/X/P57 1879-1919
Little Mill Farm 24 November 1862-Lease for 17 years to William Glahome and sons.
7 October 1898-Schedule of acreages and crops.
1899-Compensation papers.
Draft lease to commence 12 May 1879.
19 December 1898-Lease to Thomas Atkinson with correspondence concerning improvements and compensation for them and papers concerning the away going crop, 1899-1909, with 2 plans.
Little Mill Whinstone Quarry History 1876-1895.
Correspondence 1879-1895.
Note of rents 1887-1891.
Note of meeting between J. Cleghorn and Mr Lamb, 26 January 1895.
Notice to quit 1895.
Correspondence about tramway to the quarry 1896.
Burton Farm (let to James Laing 1879-1903) 19 November 1879-Copy lease and conditions of letting to James Laing.
1902-Schedule of acreages.
1902-1903-Cropping papers.
1898-1903-Correspondence, some concerning the away going crop.
Presson 1891-1918-Papers concerning Presson Hill Farm including correspondence and valuation.
Letter from 5th Earl Grey about sale of the farm in 1918.
22 January 1900-Lease of East Presson Farm to Thomas Bolton, with schedule of acreages of grass, arable and buildings; note of improvements promised by landlord; plan of the farm.
1900-1919-Correspondence and papers.
West (and/or East) Presson Farms: letters and papers concerning compensation for improvements, the away going crops, dilapidations, 1899-1905; 1918-1921.
Letter H. Turnbull to G. Grey 11 July 1912 on the letting of rabbits.
Letter from H. Turnbull about lack of game, 1919.
1904-1906-Papers concerning West Presson fences, with plan.
Howburn Farm 1886-1902-'Rent history'.
1908-Correspondence on drainage with plan.
1904, 1912-Papers concerning fencing.
1916-Correspondence about the letting of the shooting.
1919-Cultivation order.
Schedule of acreages: Presson, Learmouth and Wark townships.
Coldburn Farm (in the Parish of Kirk Newton) 1906-Letter from J. S. Johnston concerning fences, with plan.
23 September 1914-Lease to J. S. Johnston with plan.
9 June 1914-Letter from J. S. Johnston.
25 August 1914-Letter from W.(?) Rea.
1912-Schedule of acreages of Heathpool and Coldburn.
Note about Coldburn shooting for the 1915-1916 season.
Note on acreage about Fleehope and Southern Knowe and Coldburn shooting 1919.
GRE/X/P58 1773-1927
Learmouth and Tweedside 1907-1915-Shooting: correspondence, particulars and conditions of letting, notes, rents. Most of the correspondence is between George Grey and V. A. Caesar Hawkins.
Fishing: correspondene with General Cooke 1894-1895; lease for 1897 season to H. T. Herring and J. Millar.
Agreements with G. J. Marjoribanks for 1898-1902, 1903-1907 with correspondence, 1908-1911, 1912-1915, 1916-1918.
Papers relating to a dispute over fishing in the Tweed between Sir Henry Grey and Edward Marjoribanks, including arbitration award by William Adam, 24 December 1802. 11 pieces.
Also in this bundle: list of deeds not found at Howick in 1773.
Pasture House Farm, Howick 1901-Draft lease to James F. Smith with plan, schedule and note of special conditions.
Another version (not identical with the above) with schedule of acreages and state of cultivation.
1901, 1906-1907-Particulars of state of cultivation.
Schedules of acreages.
Notice to quit, agreement to discharge arrears of rent, and statement showing how this was achieved.
Calculations of compensation for improvements.
Hipsheugh, Howick 1900-Copy agreement to let 3 fields called Hipsheugh, North Hipsheugh and South Hipsheugh to Thomas Thompson, with notes and plan.
February-March 1900-Correspondence.
19 April 1900-Conditions on which Howick grass parks are let.
14 April 1899-Conditions on which West Moor (field 24 of Howick Grass Parks) is let to R. Thompson of Rennington West Farm. (2 copies).
Howick Estate 1920-1927-Particulars of property insured.
c. 1920-Book containing inventory of contents of house [?Howick].
Ancroft Town Farm 7 December 1876-Lease for 21 years to John Brown.
1898-1910-Correspondence and papers (tenant Eustace Brown).
West Learmouth House 1896-Tenancy agreement for 1 year: let to John Fleming Morrison.
1897-Lease to General Sir Richard Stewart.
1897-1902-Correspondence and notes.
Tithe Hill Farm (Parish of Carham) 5 February 1869-Copy lease for 21 years to William Davidson with plan and schedule of acreages.
Copy agreement with Mrs E. Davidson about additional land to be included in the lease from 12 May 1882.
1895-Memorandum about shooting.
1901-Memorandum of further agreement about additional land and fencing.
1889, 1902-1903-Correspondece with Mrs and Wm. Davidson.
25 October 1902-Lease of Tithe Hill Farm to Edward, James and Geo. Waugh.
Schedule of acreages, cropping scheme and plan.
Correspondence and papers concerning dispute with Edward Waugh over compensation for improvements and counter claim, with arbitration award, 7 September 1904, by Thomas Embleton.
1903-1918-Correspondence including letters about the arbitration award of 1904 and help for the incoming tenant, Alexander Mole.
Letter from 5th Earl Grey about sale of the farm 1918.
c. 1900-List of leases in force for the following estates: Howick, Fenton, Twizel, Etal, Ewart, and Lethan.
GRE/X/P59 1861-1918
Ancroft South Moor Farm 1895-1897-Notes on cultivation, valuation (John Allan tenant).
Letter Allan to George Grey and copy Geo. Grey to Allan.
24 October 1902-Lease to Joshua Locke, William John Locke and Henry Corbett with plan and schedule of acreages.
1902-1908-Letters and vouchers; tenant's notice to quit.
West Learmouth 1903-Draft lease to Thomas Brown; plan with field names; schedule of acreages.
Papers concerning: drains 1906; lime allowances 1906-1914; repairs, duck shooting and fishing.
Correspondence with Sir James Miller concerning fox covers with plan 1903; correspondence concerning fences 1910.
Cultivation orders 1917-1918.
East Learmouth 1903-1918-Correspondence and papers.
7 November 1861-Copy lease of a small area of land for 50 years, with plan.
Copy will of James Blackhall 3 May 1870 (but not proved).
1901-Correspondence concerning sale of the lease.
1 January 1912-Note concerning the premises.
14 April 1885-Copy conveyance of land in the Townships of Downham and Learmouth to the North Eastern Railway Co.
East Learmouth farm water supply: correspondence and draft agreement with the NER 1913-1914.
Panama Cottage and land: Schedule of payments of rent by the tenant Smith and particulars of arrears due 1906-1909 with memorandum 29 May 1907.
Grey Estates Particulars of the areas of all Earl Grey's estates corrected to 1918.
GRE/X/P60 1852-1926
Howick Star Farm
10 October 1891-Agreement for lease for 7 years to Thomas Thompson.
Copy lease and plan.
1894-2 copy letters.
Little Houghton c.1904-1909-Copy leases to Andrew and William Glahome; correspondence about way going crop, compensation for improvements and reduction of rent.
Chevington 24 November 1870-Surrender by William Lowrey of leases of Chevington Whitfield House Farm and East Chevington Farm.
12 May 1891-Copy agreement for lease of 4.537 acres of Chevington Moor Farm to Henry Anderson, with plan.
7 April 1897-Copy notice to quit.
1906-2 plans of Chevington Moor house and field drains.
1925-Note and copy letter about West Chevington drain.
1925-1926-Memorandum and correspondence concerning a boundary fence on East Chevington estate.
Howick Red Stead Farm 15 February 1905-Lease to Robert Elliot with plan and schedule of acreages.
4 November 1909-Further agreement endorsed on lease.
1902-1909-Papers on value, repairs, damage by game.
1909-1910-Notices to quit by the tenant: Robert Elliot.
1911-1912-Compensation for improvements papers.
Plan of the farm stead.
1910-Draft lease to William, George and Adam Pyle; schedule of acreages and state of cultivation.
Acknowledgement that the agreement terminated at May 1914.
Whitfield House Farm Cash books 1852-1853, 1853-1854, 1854-1856.
Cash book containing particulars of accounts with various farm servants 1854-1855.
GRE/X/P61 1856-1866
Letters on estate business handled by Messrs Woodman of Morpeth, Solicitors.
GRE/X/P62 1867-1870
Letters on estate business handled by Messrs Woodman of Morpeth, Solicitors.
GRE/X/P63 1871-1873
Letters on estate business handled by Messrs Woodman of Morpeth, Solicitors.
GRE/X/P64 1878-1880
Letters on estate business handled by Messrs Woodman of Morpeth, Solicitors.
GRE/X/P65 1882-1888
Letters on estate business handled by Messrs Woodman of Morpeth, Solicitors.
GRE/X/P66 1768-1829
4 documents connected with the settlement on the marriage of Samuel Whitbread and Elizabeth Grey, 21 January 1788 [see Box. 49]:
26 September 1829-2 copy assignments, on payment of 2 sums of £5,000 by 2nd Earl Grey, of the residue of a term of 1000 years created by a deed of 21 January 1788 upon trusts.
27 September 1829-Abstract of deed of assignment.
30 September 1829-Draft assignment by 2nd Earl Grey to J. G. Shaw Le Fevre and others of terms of 1000 and 1500 years on properties in the Parishes of Southill and Warden, Bedfordshire, in trust to secure £10,000 and interest.
Copy note of grant of letters of administration to Elizabeth (later Dowager Countess Grey) in respect of the goods of George Grey of Newcastle, her grandfather, 15 June 1772, with pedigree of part of the family.
Bundle containing:
1. Will of Elizabeth Lady Pennyman, 15 August 1791.
2. Drafts of will of 2nd Earl Grey 1808, with his instructions and observations by counsel. Draft codicil 1817. 6 pieces.
3. Papers relating to the property and effects of Sir Henry Grey of Howick, including draft of deed to lead to a common recovery of the estates 1808. 7 pieces.
4. Papers concerning annuities payable to Dowager Countess Grey, 1808, and business after her death in 1822. 4 pieces.
5. Papers concerning a bond debt due from 2nd Earl Grey to the Hon. Harriett Bouverie (Lady Spencer) including 2 drafts of release. 5 pieces.
6. Draft lease of house in St James Square from Viscount Anson to 2nd Earl Grey. n.d. [watermark 1810].
Bundle of papers concerning Sir Henry Grey of Howick:
Draft deed for recovery of 2 houses in Berwick, 1768.
Draft release by Sir Henry Grey of burgages in Berwick, 1769.
Copy bond for performance of covenants by Sir Henry Grey, 1769.
Fire insurance policy on contents of Sir Henry Grey's house in Great Ormond Street, 1784.
Draft will of Sir Henry Grey, 1770.
Note concerning tithes of former monastic lands (from Blackstone's Commentaries).
GRE/X/P67 1804-1841
c.1804-1832-Bundle of business letters and papers: many letters from 2nd Earl Grey to his London solicitors John Bell and William Bromley with letters from them to Grey and others. Also some letters from Elizabeth, first Countess Grey.
c.1824-1828-Bundle of letters to William Bromley on legal and financial matters; some from 2nd Earl Grey; many from Robert Anderson.
c.1826-1841-Bundle of letters to William Bromley; 2 from Bromley 1826, 1828.
List of bills paid by Bromley for 2nd Earl Grey, mainly 1833-1834.
GRE/X/P68 1663-1845
Skeeby, Yorks.
Draft abstract of title of 2nd Earl Grey to an estate at Skeeby.
1808-Draft papers preparatory to the suffering of a recovery; draft recovery: Samuel Whitbread, demandant, John Bell tenant, and 2nd Earl Grey and Mary Elizabeth Grey, his wife, vouchees. 5 pieces.
Draft schedules of deeds relating to:
1. Marriage settlements of Richard B. Sheridan, Edward Ellice the elder, the Hon. and Revd. Edward Grey.
2. Trust estate of Sir Francis Blake, Bart. with Sir Henry Grey.
3. Mortgage of Burdon estate. 8 papers.
1783-Copy mortgage of Burdon estate.
Abstract of settlement made previous to the marriage of Alice Clavering and Viscount Windsor, 1737.
12 June 1812-Heads of the settlement made upon the marriage of the Hon. William Waldegrave and Elizabeth Whitbread.
1783-1808-Abstract of settlement on the marriage of Edward Williams, Esq., and Ann Jebb and of associated deeds.
Bundle of miscellaneous papers including some relating to law business handled by Richard Grieve of Alnwick; some of his accounts; copy terrier of Warkworth vicarage 1663; surrender of lease of Horton farm 1814.
6 February 1810-Release and quit claim by Isabella Grieve to 2nd Earl Grey and Shafto Craster in respect of their trusteeship of the will of Davidson Richard Grieve, her husband.
14 July 1824-Contract for No. 48 Berkley Square: Henry Baring to 2nd Earl Grey.
1831(?)-Inventory of furniture at 10 Downing Street, the property of the Earl of Bathurst valued to Earl Grey. Paper book.
1824-Account of Messrs Teesdale and Symes for law business in connection with a mortgage of East and West Chevington estates to the Albion Fire and life Insurance Co. to secure £16,000.
Bundle containing:
Account for law business concerning the Albion Fire and Life Assurance mortgage, 1826.
Schedule of deeds.
List of paid bills, 1835.
Rental of Sir Henry Grey's estates, 1804.
Apothecary's bill, 1772.
November 1845-Report by R. Dunn on cottages and farm buildings on part of the northern estate of 3rd Earl Grey: West Horton, Downham, Presson, Presson Hill, Howburn, Learmouth, Ancroft.
GRE/X/P69 1840-1878
West Learmouth Farm
Abstract of accounts with vouchers, 1850-1851.
Inventories of implements and stock with particulars of sale in April 1851.
Farm bailiff's cash book, 1850-1851.
Accounts and balances, 1852.
Ancroft Farm
Papers concerning a dispute with the Oswald family over the away going crop.
Correspondence and papers concerning the overturning of an arbitration award and subsequent proceedings, 1853-1859.
Howick Cottages
Papers concerning conditions of tenancy, agreements, rental, notices to quit c.1840-1858.
Some items relating to other properties, 1850s-1860s.
Agreements 1845-1878
Include gamekeeper's deputations, agreements for erection of farm machinery, tile manufacture, railway developments, and away going crops.
Also, prices of trees from a nursery at Wooler.
Howick Church
Papers relating to vestry meetings about the proposed alteration and enlargement of Howick Church, April 1848.
Alnwick Union: Howick Parish
Printed list of paupers in Howick Parish with the amount of relief they received in the quarter ending 25 March 1845.
GRE/X/P70 1853-1934
Broomhill and Chevington 24 December 1861-Agreement for vesting the patronage of St John's Church Chevington in the Bishop of Durham, draft and final agreement. 2 parchments.
Deeds relating to premises at Broomhill (including Broomhill Hotel) 1857-1905. 5 parchments, 10 papers.
Envelope containing attested copies of conveyances of lands and premises at Broomhill sold to various persons, 1894-1897. 8 papers.
11 February 1896-Mortgage of premises at Broomhill. 1 parchment.
24 March 1897-Attested copy of conveyance of land at Broomhill to the NER. 1 paper.
27 October 1897-Conveyance of property at Broomhill. 1 parchment.
29 October 1897-Mortgage of property at Broomhill. 1 parchment.
December 1898-Conveyance of land at Chevington to the NER. 1 paper.
30 December 1899-Conveyance of land at Chevington Station to the NER. 1 paper.
23 September 1901-Attested copy of conveyance of land at Broomhill. 1 paper.
15 May 1902-Attested copy of conveyance of land at West Chevington. 1 paper.
14 April 1903-Attested copy of conveyance of land at Broomhill. 1 paper.
22 August 1903-Lease of the Grey Arms Hotel, South Broomhill, to the Northumberland Public House Trust Co. 1 parchment.
12 October 1903-Attested copy of conveyance of land at Broomhill. 1 paper.
31 December 1903-Attested copy of conveyance of land at Red Row in the Township of East Chevington to Northumberland County Council. 1 paper.
31 December 1904-Attested copy of lease of land at East Chevington to the trustees of Northumberland Aged Mine Workers' Homes Association. 1 paper.
29 November 1905-Lease of land at East Chevington to the trustees of Chevington Drift Primitive Methodist Chapel. 1 parchment.
29 November 1905-Lease of land at West Chevington to the trustees of Chevington Primitive Methodist Chapel. 1 parchment.
4 August 1905-Agreement between Broomhill Collieries Ltd. and Earl Grey concerning premises near East Chevington. 1 paper.
4 August 1905-Conveyance of 3 pieces of land at East Chevington to Broomhill Collieries Ltd. 1 parchment.
13 October 1906-Attested copy of lease of land at Chevington to the Newcastle Diocesan Society for the purpose of a mission hall. 1 paper.
17 July 1907-Conveyance of land at East Chevington to Morpeth R.D.C. for a cemetery. 1 parchment.
Abstract of deeds relating to the title of Sir Henry Grey to Chevington estate, with opinion of Thomas Rudd of Durham, 23 January 1763.
8 December 1925-Release of restrictive covenant affecting land at Red Row, East Chevington, to the National Council of YMCA. 1 paper.
19 January 1924-Schedule of deeds relating to Ancroft Town Farm.
17 November 1927-Copy draft conveyance of cottages and other premises at Ancroft. 1 paper.
17 November 1927-Copy draft conveyance of cottage and premises at Ancroft. 1 paper.
6 November 1934-Agreement with Northumberland County Council concerning the building of a new bridge in the Parish of Ancroft.
Howick and Learmouth
4 May 1929-Conveyance of land near Howick to the Post Master General. 1 paper.
6 June 1929-Consent relating to a telegraphic line at Howick. 1 paper.
12 June 1929-Conveyance of Howick Rectory. 1 parchment.
1892-Report by William Forster on certain farms on the Grey estates: Low Stead, Red Stead, Pasture House, Sea Houses, Chevington Moor, East Learmouth, West Learmouth.
1892-Case with counsel's opinion on fishing rights at Learmouth.
11 August 1853-Lease of coal staiths at Warkworth Harbour.
1872-1890-Northumberland Central Railway Co./North British Railway Co. Letters and papers. 6 pieces.
1870-1925-Northumberland Agricultural Supply Association. Share certificate, letters and papers. 4 pieces.
Consett Iron Co.: Prospectus 1864 and papers concerning the allotment of shares; circular to creditors of Consett and Derwent Iron Works.
Northumberland and Durham District Banking Co.: Notice from the liquidators 1858.
Lands Improvement Co.: Provisional contract with 3rd Earl Grey, 1 January 1885.
Drainage of Broomhill farm and associated papers.
1919-1921-Northumberland County Recreation Ground: Share certificates, balance sheet, letter and notes.
Fire insurance policy on the Home of Rest, Morpeth, 24 June 1895.
Copy baptismal certificate of Charles Robert (5th Earl Grey) born 15 December 1879.
30 July 1895-Receipt of the College of Arms for the garter worn by 3rd Earl Grey and for an enamelled collar with appendant.
26 November 1897-Letter from Messrs Freshfield and Williams to 4th Earl Grey concerning a property transaction involving the trustees of the Duke of St Albans' marriage settlement.
1905-1928-Correspondence and papers concering the children of F.B. Grey and Nellie Langlois. 4 pieces.
Copy will and probate (1900) of Lady Georgiana Grey. 1 paper.
Account and receipt for succession duty in respect of Lady Elizabeth Grey (wife of Hon. and Revd. Francis Richard Grey) who died in 1891.
19 April 1922-Grant of annuities to Ladies Mary and Elizabeth Grey. 1 paper.
May 1931-Copy letters concerning shares transferred by 5th Earl Grey to his 2 daughters.
20 February 1811-Assignment by Fergus Crown to John Pringle and Robert Swan of the unfinished hull of a ship he is building, to secure a debt.
1857-1905-Schedule of deeds relating to property leased by Gilbert Turnbull and others.
1905-1926-3 letters J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield; 1 letter from Mansfield to Cleghorn.
GRE/X/P71 1669-1677
Farm Leases
24 August 1669-Horton to George Moffit (or Muffet).
24 August 1669-Hawkhill to William Browne.
21 September 1671-Morrick and mill to Stephen Palfrey of Morrick, gent.
18 May 1672-Killham to Thomas Emerson.
18 May 1672-Learmouth (3 farms and other premises at Wark East Demesne where he is to erect a substantial house) to Adam Felbridge, clerk.
18 May 1672-North Middleton to Andrew Carr of the Crook House, Northumb. gent. + bond of Carr to Ford Lord Grey in £200, 22 November 1675, to observe convenants of the lease.
2 August 1672-Wooler water corn mill to James Davison of Wooler, gent.
13 June 1673-Tithe corn of Headgeley part of the Rectory of Egglingham to Thos. Collingwood of Reeweley, Northumberland.
1 May 1674-3 farms near Stamford Townside, Northumberland, to George Davison of Stamford.
21 September 1674-Harrow Bogg Mill, 13 years, to George Tully.
8 August 1677-Troburne (Parish of Kirk Newton) to George and James Pringle of Trowburn. [damaged]
23 August 1677-Wooler to James Wilson of Wooler East Demesne.
5 September 1677-Nesbit to Ralph Murton (or Morton) of Nesbit.
5 September 1677-Doddington South Side (part) to Matthew Bell of Doddington.
5 September 1677-Doddington South Side (part) to Stephen Cuthbert of Doddington.
5 September 1677-Doddington (part) to John Taylor of Doddington.
5 September 1677-Doddington (part) to Thomas Tyndale of Doddington.
14 September 1677-Killham (part) to Ralph Carr and Ralph Thompson both of Presson.
GRE/X/P72 1636 & 1708-1722
Farm Leases
12 October 1708-Sunnilaws, West Piece and Jennies Knowe (part of the Odd lands at Wark), Henry Grey of Horton Castle, to Anthony Gregson of Sunnilaws, gent.
1 June 1712-Howick Low Flatt, South Farm, Lowfield Farm and North Moor to Alexander Young of Howick.*
1 June 1712-Howick Southfield Farm to Reynold Spoor.*
1 June 1712-Howick Pasture Farm to Wm. Baxter and Ralph Dixon.*
(*These leases were made by Thomas Wood of Burton, gent., tutor and guardian of Henry Grey of Howick.)
2 September 1712-Learmouth (west side). Henry Grey of Horton to Thomas Gregson of Sunnilaws, gent.
9 March 1712-1713-Howick High Flatts, Butterlaw, Pilferlands. Henry Grey of Howick, Esq., to Alexander Young of Howick.
9 March 1712-1713-Howick Heugh and Low Farm. Henry Grey of Howick to Alexander Marshall.
1 April 1715-Stannington. Thomas Grey of Stannington to Ralph and James Dand of Stannington, yeomen.
2 September 1717-Howick South Farm. Henry Grey of Howick to Thomas Nesbitt (Nisbet) of Howick, Clerk.
2 September 1717-Howick pasture lands: Butterlaw, High Damms, Pilferlands, Blacklaw and High Flatt to Thos. Nisbet.
20 July 1719-Hurch Law and Mill Lands (part of Learmouth). Henry Grey of Horton Castle to Anthony Compton of Berwick, Esq.
7 August 1719-Part of Longhoughton North Moor with plan. Charles Duke of Somerset and Elizabeth Duchess of Somerset, his wife, to Henry Grey.
1636-Plan of Little Houghton fields by Willyam Forster-field names and acreages stated.
7 July 1722-Southfield Farm (one half). Henry Grey of Howick, Esq., to Cuthbert Taylor.
7 July 1722-Half of Southfield Farm to Cuthbert Taylor.
1 November 1722-Howick East Farm and the Flatts. Henry Grey of Howick to Alexander Marshall.
GRE/X/P73 1724-1730
Farm Leases
7 May 1724-Learmouth (east side) to Anthony Compton.
11 June 1724-Cornhillhaugh and Learmouth to Anthony Compton.
11 June 1724-Southerley Knowe (Parish of Kirk Newton) to Anthony Compton.
3 June 1726-Sandstell and half of Blackwell Fisheries on the Tweed. Henry Grey of Billingbare, Berks., Esq., to Wm and Edward Watson of London, fishmongers.
8 July 1727-Two-thirds of Ulgham Grange. Henry Grey of Horton Castle to Barbara Fenwick, widow.
1 August 1728-Newton by the sea: Henry Grey of Horton Castle to Benjamin Greive of Berwick.
14 August 1728-Fawcett, to John Pringle of Fenton, Northumberland.
1 November 1728-Howick Heugh and the 2 Flatts to Thomas Neal.
15 June 1729-Learmouth (water corn) Mill to Anthony Compton.
15 June 1729-Sunnilaws, West Piece, Jennys Knoe to Anthony Compton of Learmouth, gent.
15 June 1729-Fleup (Fleehope) and Roughside, Northumberland, to George Frater of Fleup.
16 June 1730-Corn tithes of North Sunderland (Parish of Bamborough) to Benjamin Greive of Berwick, Merchant.
Also 29 March 1728-House in Berwick. Henry Grey of Horton Castle to Geo. Trotter, burgess of Berwick.
10 June 1728-House in Berwick. Henry Grey of Horton Castle to John Edmeston of Berwick.
GRE/X/P74 14 December 1733
Farm Leases
All these leases are from the Hon. Henry Grey of Billingbere, Berks. and Elizabeth his wife and William Mowbray to Anthony Compton.
- Cornhillhaugh (lease and counterpart).
- Learmouth East side (lease and counterpart). 6 farms.
- Learmouth West side (lease and counterpart). 6 farms.
- Learmouth Hurch Law and Mill land (lease and counterpart).
- Sunnilaws.
GRE/X/P75 1734-1762
Farm Leases
3 September 1734-Tithe lambs in the Parish of Bamborough, with certain exceptions. Hon. Henry Grey of Billingbeare and Elizabeth his wife and Frances Mowbray, widow, to Benjamin Greive of Berwik, Merchant.
27 May 1735-Milfield (Parish of Kirk Newton). Hon. Henry Grey to William Mills of Milfield, yeoman.
4 October 1736-Coldmartin. The Hon. Henry Grey to William Walker of Wooler, gent.
10 October 1740-Longhoughton (parcel of land, 114 acres, formerly part of Longhoughton North Moor common). Prince Charles, Duke of Somerset, to Henry Grey of Howick, Esq.
1 August 1742-Hawkshill, alias Hawkswell. Henry Grey of Howick to John Weatherburn of Greens field in the Parish of Alnwick.
20 September 1742-East Chevington (part). Henry Grey of Howick to Edward Brown the younger of East Chevington.
20 September 1742-East Chevington (another part). Lease and counterpart to Benjamin Cook of Warkworth, gent., Robert Cook of Branishaugh, gent., and Thomas Smith of Togston, gent.
27 December 1753-Presson. Sir Henry Grey of Howick, Bart., to John Wood of Moneylaws, Northumberland, gent. and William Wood of Preston, Northumberland, gent.
1 November 1755-Ancroft South Moor. Sir Henry Grey, Bart., to Ralph Alder of Hirkley, Co. Durham, gent. and George Nicholson of Thornton, Co. Durham, gent.
1 November 1755-Ancroft North Moor. Sir Henry Grey of Howick, Bart., to Wm. Smith of Catford Law in the Parish of Ford.
2 August 1756-Learmouth, Sunnilaws and Learmouth Mill. Sir Henry Grey of Howick to Anthony Compton of Learmouth. (2 counterparts, one not executed.)
25 November 1756-Ancroft Town Farm (lease and counterpart). Sir Henry Grey to Edward Sibbitt of Ancroft, gent.
25 November 1756-Ancroft North Farm. Sir Henry Grey to Edward Valentine of Ancroft North Farm, gent.
25 November 1756-Ancroft East Farm. Sir Henry Grey to Richard Brown of Ancroft East Farm, gent.
2 August 1757-Downham. Sir Henry Grey to Wm. Wood of Presson, gent.
1 October 1757-Coldmartin (Parish of Chatton). Sir Henry Grey to John Story of Alnwick, gent.
8 November 1762-Maiden Hall Farm (between East and West Chevington). Sir Henry Grey to Thomas Marshall of Buston Barns and Marshall Robinson of Shirton Grange, Northumberland.
GRE/X/P76 1759-1788
Farm Leases
3 April 1759-Ancroft South Moor. Sir Henry Grey to John Pringle of Fenton Demain, husbandman.
1 June 1764-Ancroft North Farm. To Wm. Taylor of Lowick, gent.
27 April 1772-Skeby (Yorks.) Farm and Limestone Quarry. To Matthew Dent of Skeby, gent.
3 June 1772-Redsteads (Howick). Formerly called Howick South Farm, to John Nisbet or Nesbet.
3 June 1772-Howick Pasture House. To Edward Smetham of the same, gent.
3 June 1772-Howick Sea Houses. To Robert Patterson.
27 March 1775-Bradford Farm and Bradford Mill. To Wm. Ostens of the same, gent.
5 February 1784-Maiden Hall (Parish of Warkworth). To John Spraggon of Burton Barnes in the Parish of Warkworth, husbandman.
29 December 1788-Burton (Parish of Bamborough) and tithes of lamb in respect of the Parishes of Bamborough and Belford. To Henry Taylor of Rock, Northumberland, gent., and Wm. Taylor of Christian Bank, Northumberland, gent.
GRE/X/P77 1790-1796
Farm Leases
18 December 1790-West Chevington and West Chevington Moor. To Ralph Fenwick of Shortridge in the Parish of Warkworth, gent.
24 January 1795-Presson (2 copies). To Wm. Wood of Presson, gent.
25 April 1795-Farney-Beds, Ulgham. To Ralph Fenwick of Shortridge, gent.
21 December 1795-Harrow Boag (Parish of Kirk Newton). To Elizabeth Morton of Paston, Northumberland and George Morton of West Newton, gent.
31 December 1796-Ancroft East Farm. To James Henderson of Cleribald, Berwickshire. [badly damaged].
GRE/X/P78 1798-1799
Farm Leases
30 January 1798-Ancroft North and South Moor. To John Nisbet of Ancroft, farmer.
30 January 1798-Ancroft Town Farm. To John Nisbet.
17 November 1798-Downham. To Ralph Forster the younger of Downham, gent.
5 December 1798-Sunnilaws. To Anthony Compton of Carham Hall, Esq.
5 December 1798-East Learmouth. To Fenwick Compton of East Learmouth, gent.
1 January 1799-Bradford Farm and Bradford Water Corn Mill. To John Ostens of Bradford, farmer.
14 December 1799-Cold Martin. To Robert Selby of Earl, Northumberland, gent.
GRE/X/P79 1802-1845
Farm Leases
13 March 1802-Howick Sea Houses [Agreement to lease]. Between the Hon. Charles Grey (2nd Earl) and Stephen Patterson of Howick Sea Houses, farmer.
n.d.-Wark: Draft lease. Sir Henry Grey to James Goodfellow of Shilbottle, farmer, of land allotted to Sir Henry Grey on the division of Wark Common.
20 January 1807-Newton Farm, Budle Quay and Granary. Surrender of lease of 28 January 1790 by Wm. Hay of Lesbury, gent.
24 April 1807-Budle Newtown. Lease by Sir Henry Grey to Edward and Joseph Lonsdale, farmers, of Newton Barnes, Northumberland.
6 December 1808-Presson Hill Farm. 2nd Earl Grey to James Howie of Presson Hill, farmer, and John Scott of Kelso, shoemaker.
22 December 1808-Presson Town Farm. 2nd Earl Grey to George Archbold of Duddoc, Co. Durham, farmer.
10 January 1809-Howick South Farm. To Wm. Thompson of Evergrass and Matthew Thompson of Breckenhill, Northumberland.
27 July 1812-Hawkhill Farm (Parish of Lesbury). To Robert Briggs the younger of Hawkhill, farmer.
17 November 1812-Howick South Farm. To Wm. Jackson of North Seaton, Northumberland.
4 December 1812-Maiden Hall Farm. [Surrender of lease] by George Spraggon of Maidens Hall, farmer.
13 November 1815-Maiden Hall Farm. [Surrender of lease] by John Straker of Ancroft Mains and William Taylor Straker, farmers.
23 November 1815-Milfield Hill Farm. To John Grey of Milfield Hill, gent.
13 January 1816-Maiden Hall Farm. To John Anderson of Broomhill, Parish of Warkworth.
8 February 1818-Horton West Side Farm. To Thomas Morton of Horton, Northumberland, farmer.
25 March 1818-Ancroft Moor Farms. To Edward Makins of Thornton Mains in the Co. Palatine of Durham, farmer.
28 March 1818-Fleeup, Roughside and Fawcett (Parish of Kirk Newton). To Thomas Morton of Horton.
30 March 1818-Ancroft East Farm. To Margaret Henderson of East Ancroft.
30 March 1818-Ancroft Town and North Farms. To Thomas Henderson at Ancroft East Farm, farmer.
2 May 1818-Harrowbog Farm. To Henry Morton of Kilham, Northumberland, gent.
16 June 1818-Downham Farm. Draft lease to Ralph Forster of Downham, farmer.
1 April 1819-House and premises at Ancroft and copy of same. To Luke Young of Ancroft, publican.
30 April 1819-Southern Know Farm (Parish of Kirk Newton). To Henry Morton of Kilham, gent.
7 November 1825-East Chevington Whitefield House Farm. To Ralph Fenwick of Ulgham Grange, gent.
7 November 1825-Broomhill Farm. To John Anderson of Broomhill, gent.
{7 November 1825-Chevington Woodside Farm. To John Dand of Woodside, gent.}
{23 December 1844-Agreement by John Straughan to take a lease of the above farm [endorsed on the lease]}.
Enclosure 6 February 1845-Letter from Thomas Tate of Bilton House to Richard Robson concerning the lands to be designated for Dand's away going crop, with agreement of Dand and John and William Straughan, 24 February 1845.
26 April 1828-Horton Westside Farm. To Richard Carr of East Ditchburn, Northumberland, farmer.
21 February 1830-Ancroft East Farm-Surrender of lease by Thomas Henderson of Ancroft, farmer, James Chrisp of Doddington, farmer, and Eleanor his wife, Thomas Henderson and Eleanor Chrisp being administrators of the estate of Margaret Henderson,
deceased, to whom a lease of the farm had been granted in 1818.
8 December 1830-Ancroft East Farm. To Thomas Pinkerton of Ancroft East Farm, farmer.
10 May 1831-Part (189 acres) of Ancroft North Farm. To John Subbitt of the Greenses in the Chapelry of Ancroft, gent.
5 May 1832-Burton Farm (Parish of Bamborough). To William Smith of Shedlaw, Northumberland, farmer.
9 March 1838-Agreement of Alexander Pitcairn to take Maiden Hall Farm under certain conditions. Rough particulars of the acreages and crops of Maiden Hall Farm.
30 April 1844-Agreement of Thomas and Matthew Bates to take Maiden Hall Farm for 3 years.
21 May 1845-Inventory of the stock and crop of Maiden Hall Farm with note Thomas Bates to Richard Robson concerning his brother's misconduct and failure to pay the rent and promising to be answerable for it.
GRE/X/P80 1731-1825
1 April 1731-Award on the division of Tughall Moor in the Barony of Alnwick. 14 signatures and seals. Parchment.
20 May 1740-Appointment by Charles Earl of Tankerville of Henry Grey as deputy lieutenant of Northumberland. Parchment.
7 November 1797-Claim of William Hargrave of rights on Wark Common.
5 June 1767-Agreement by Sir Henry Grey to lease whinstone quarries at Newton near Budle to Richard Pemberton.
1825-Case concerning tithes of lands in the Townships of Hazelrig and Horton with opinion of Anthony Hart of Lincolns Inn, 30 December 1825.
12 October 1819-Arbitration award by James Losh in a dispute between 2nd Earl Grey and Ralph Compton.
18 July 1818-Collector's duplicate of assessed taxes, Parish of Howick.
17 July 1824-Collector's duplicate of assessed taxes, Parish of Howick.
Rentals of properties held by the Greys: 1708, 1756, 1757, 1759, 1763, 1765 (two), 1766.
1747-Rental of the Earl and Countess of Portsmouth for Learmouth, Cornhillhaugh and Sunnilaws, Bradford and Balmborough.
9 November 1772-Abstract of Sir Henry Grey's net yearly income.
1793-An Act for repairing and widening roads at or near Kelso (2 copies).
1811-Plan and elevation of stables, cart shed, etc. at Horton. n.d.-Plan of another farmyard.
GRE/X/P81 1789-1843
Rentals of the Grey Estates
These are the dates at which the rent was actually paid (or should have been paid), though it became due the previous half year: 3 October 1803; 26 March 1804; 1 October 1804; 25 March 1805; 7 October 1805; 31 March 1806; October 1806; Account of
rents from Whitsuntide to Martinmas 1806; 5 October 1807; Whitsuntide to Martinmas 1807 (2 copies); 3 October 1808 (2 copies); 27 March 1809; 2 October 1809; 26 March 1810; 1 October 1810; 5 January 1811; Statement of rent and arrears due at
Whitsuntide last; 25 March 1811; 7 October 1811; 30 March 1812; 5 October 1812; 29 March 1813; 4 October 1813; 28 March 1814; 3 October 1814; 27 March 1815; 2 October 1815; 1 January 1816; 25 March 1816; 7 October 1816; 31 March 1817; 6 October
1817; 30 March 1818; 5 October 1818; 29 March 1819; 4 October 1819; 27 March 1820; 2 October 1820; 26 March 1821; 5 November 1821; 25 March 1822; 4 November 1822; 31 March 1823; 3 November 1823; 29 March 1824; 1 November 1824; 28 March 1825; 7
November 1825; 27 March 1826; 6 November 1826; 26 March 1827; 5 November 1827; 31 March 1828; 30 March 1829; 2 November 1829; 29 March 1830; November 1830; 28 March 1831; 7 November 1831; 26 March 1832; 5 November 1832; 25 March 1833; 22 October
1833; List of arrears due at Martinmas last 4 November 1833; 31 March 1834; 3 November 1834; 31 March 1835; 2 November 1835; 28 March 1836; 7 November 1836; 27 March 1837; 6 November 1837; 26 March 1838; 5 November 1838; 25 March 1839; 4 November
1839; 2 November 1840; 27 March 1843.
With rough statement drawn up by 3rd Earl Grey comparing rents in 1883-1884 with those of 1842-1843.
Howick estate accounts, January 1824-December 1829. Complete for each month except May 1824 and November 1827.
Similar accounts for June 1831.
Similar accounts for January 1832-December 1833, complete.
Also statement of servants' salaries at London for half a year due 1 April 1831. (2 copies).
A general yearly statement of the produce of the crops of corn (wheat, barley and oats) of Howick Farm for each of the years 1802-1829.
Particulars of the crop of corn of Howick Pasture House and Southside Farms together with Longhoughton Tithe for 1829.
List of workmen employed at Howick and their rates of pay, 1 January 1830.
List of deeds sent to William Bromly of Grays Inn on 10 August and 25 November 1824.
Papers concerning Howick Farm Abstracts of accounts: 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1832, 1833, 1839.
Particulars of stock on Howick Farm 1789; also Hawkhill Farm 1789.
Valuation of stock, 1 January 1807.
Particulars of tillage land for crop of 1807.
Valuations of stock, 1 January 1808, 31 December 1808.
Particulars of stock sold at Howick, 8 May 1809.
Account of stock, and of corn in the granaries, on 1 January of each of the years 1821-1830.
Surveys and Valuations
Ulgham Grainge-16 February 1802
Howick Farm-22 January 1805
Skeeby Estate, Yorks.-16 August 1804
Budle Newtown Estate-12 February 1807
Howick South Farm-15 September 1808
Howick Sea Houses-20 January 1815
Horton Estate-28 July 1807
Presson Estate-11 and 13 June 1808
Burton-21 May 1810 + state of cultivation of Burton Farm, 17 October 1810 and sketch plan showing position of Warrenor's Meadow.
Cold Martin Estate-24 November 1811
Little Mill Estate-4 November 1811
Ulgham Grainge and Farneybeds Estates-7 June 1815
Sunnilaws Estate-20 November 1817
Ancroft and Bradford Estates-31 July 1817
Downham Estate-20 November 1817
Learmouth Eastside-20 November 1817
Learmouth Westside-20 November 1817
Learmouth East and Westside with boundary alterations-3 December 1817
Presson Town and Hill Farms-10 October 1829
Account of Easter offerings collected in the Parish of Howick, 19 April 1802.
Account of expenses paid for draining, new roads, and a new bridge at Howick up to 11 October 1811.
Valuation of the timber cut at Howick, 5 January 1815.
Statement of accounts at Howick for 1821.
Particulars of the state of cultivation of the several estates belonging to Earl Grey, 20 December 1825, with letter Robert Anderson to Grey, 11 January 1826.
Statement of the terms of the leases of the several estates belonging to Grey, 1 April 1830 corrected to 22 January 1835 (gives names of tenants, the length of the lease, the date it was to end and the rent).
Memorandum of the tithes payable on Grey's estates, 10 November 1836.
GRE/X/P82 1534-1737
12 June 1534-Lease of the tithes of Chillingham, Newton and Nesbitt from the Abbot and Convent of the Monastery of Our Lady at Alnwick to Sir Robert Ellecker for 44 years.
27 November 1590-Lease of various tithes in Northumberland to Sir Ralph Grey for the residue of a term of 21 years.
20 December 1605-Bargain and sale of various tithes in Northumberland to Ralph Grey.
25 November 1609-Discharge by Thomas Earl of Suffolk to Sir Ralph Grey in respect of certain tithes of Easington and Middleton presumed to have been purchased undervalue.
26 January 1609-1610-Mortgage by Thomas Swinhoe to Fergus Story of a moiety of the tithes of Chatton to secure £200 and interest.
16 July 1614-Bargain and sale of the tithes of lamb in the Parish of Bamborough to Ralph Grey.
24 June 1616-Bargain and sale of the tithes of Belford to Sir Ralph Grey.
26 February 1630-Grant of the tithes of Shafto, Northumberland, by Francis Morrice and Francis Philips to William Ashbourn and Edward Frodsham.
14 September 1677-Lease of the tithes of Kilham by Ford Lord Grey to Barbary Emerson for 21 years.
4 January 1687-Extract of grant of Ford Lord Grey's lands in Northumberland to the Earl of Rochester.
19 August 1734-Lease for a year of one third of the Rectory of Stannington with all tithes, the Lordship of Shipley, the tithes of Easington, Middleton and Newstead Belford, Shoston (?Shotton) and Shipley and Easington Grange.
20 August 1734-Release of the above tithes and properties.
28 July 1737-Lease of the corn tithes of the West end of Belford for 7 years at £20 p.a.
GRE/X/P83 1621-1869
1658-1768-Draft abstract of title to one third of the tithes of Belford.
23 October 1663-Copy terrier of the vicarage of Warkworth.
23 June 1733-Copy arbitration award by Thomas Wood of Fallodon, Esq., and Major Allgood of Brandon, gent. in respect of Threap Moor, between the Townships of Ancroft and Duddoe, in dispute between Henry Grey of Billingbere and Ralph Clavering of
8 June 1739-Lease by the Dean and Chapter of Durham of quarter of the tithe corn of Ancroft and half the tithes of Allerden (Parish of Holy Island) to Anthony Compton for 21 years.
1741-1753-Statistics of land tax for Learmouth, Bradford and Bamborough, including tithes.
3 January 1755-Case with opinion of Bev. Filmer concerning the validity of a fine and recovery. (No premises stated.)
1614-1839-Abstract of title to the tithes of lamb in the Parish of Bamborough. 3 copies.
1770-1808-Draft abstract of title to the above.
1772-Valuation of the tithe wool of Bamborough Parish.
July 1772-Case concerning the tithe wool of Bamborough Parish.
4 July 1772-Counsel's opinion on Bamborough tithe wool.
16 August 1785-Draft letter concerning Bamborough tithe wool.
List of persons [liable to pay?] Bamborough wool tithe.
Draft case concerning the Tithes of Bamborough.
29 March 1839-Disentailing deed by 2nd Earl Grey in respect of the tithes of lamb in the Parishes of Bamborough and Belford.
1839-Copy conveyance of the tithes of lamb and tithe rent charge within the Townships of Outchester, Spindleston and Glowcum [Glororum].
1839-Draft release by 2nd Earl Grey of the tithes of lamb in respect of Thomas Forster's lands in the Township of Adderstone.
31 October 1839-Copy conveyance of the tithes of lamb at Elford in the Township of Bamborough by 2nd Earl Grey to Henry Dinning.
1840-Copy conveyance of the tithes of lamb in respect of the Township of Middleton.
1842-Copy conveyance of the tithes of lamb in the Parish of Belford, the Township of Easington Grange and land in Easington by 2nd Earl Grey to Revd. John Dixon Clark.
1 October 1849-Copy conveyance of tithe rent charges issuing out of farms in the Township of Beadnell.
8 April 1850-Requisitions on Earl Grey's title to the lamb tithe rent charge in the Township of Mousin in the Parish of Bamborough, with replies.
1850-Copy conveyance of the tithe rent charge in respect of the tithes of lamb in the Township of Mousin, by 3rd Earl Grey to the Trustees of the Charity of John Shafto.
2 September 1813-Copy grant of the tithes of Ilderton, Northumberland, by 2nd Earl Grey to Thomas Harvey.
1621-1794-Abstract of title to one quarter of the corn tithes of Longhoughton.
Draft case concerning Longhoughton tithes (the vicar claimed tithe corn on land allotted when the common was inclosed).
1 November 1828-Case on the above with opinion of W. F. Boteler.
Opinion of Mr Bickersteth on Longhoughton tithes with comments by J. Lambert. Parcel containing papers and deeds concerning tithe commutations and mergers: 1837-1844-Copy tithe apportionments for West Chevington, East Chevington, Learmouth,
Howick, Hawkhill, Coldmartin, Horton and Ancroft. 10 papers.
1869-Copy mergers of tithe rent charge into the freehold for Learmouth and Presson. 4 parchments and associated papers.
GRE/X/P84 1812-1920
26 February 1812-Bond of 2nd Earl Grey to Lieutenant-General Henry George Grey in £20,000 conditioned for payment of £10,000 and interest.
5 July 1816-Bond same to same in £20,000 for payment of £10,000 and interest.
16 May 1870-Probate (with copy will annexed) of the will of General Charles Grey (d. 31 March 1870).
1876-Papers concerning the will of 3rd Earl Grey:
19 June 1876-Receipt of the Principal Probate Registry for deposit of will.
Memorandum and 3 letters concerning the will and its place of deposit.
Note by 3rd Earl Grey of money paid to Messrs Glyn 11-12 November -- with rough calculations. Endorsed 'charges paid off'.
3 January-17 April 1882-Broomhill drainage: copies of correspondence between William Woodman and Davidson and Morriss, solicitors for the National Provident Institution, and 2 letters Woodman to 3rd Earl Grey.
1878-1882-Letters concerning Lady Emily Cavendish's trust money mainly from F.A. Currey and Wm. Woodman, solicitors, and a few from Henry Cavendish, nephew to 3rd Earl Grey.
1885-Abstract of title of 3rd Earl Grey to estates in Northumberland.
1888-Schedule of deeds relating to Burton estate.
14 May 1846-Bond 3rd Earl Grey to Edward Ellice and Sir George Grey of Fallodon, Bart., in £30,000 to secure £15,000 and interest.
1859-1860-Benjamin Woodman to 3rd Earl Grey, 6 January 1860; correspondence between Messrs Thrupp and Dixon, London, and A. Hills, 1859-1860; 3rd Earl Grey to Thrupp and Dixon, 7 January 1860.
Correspondence relating to the settlement made on the marriage of Eliza Courtnay with General Ellice in 1814; and release and indemnity by Edward Ellice to 3rd Earl Grey in respect of a bond for £3,000.
2 June 1846-Memorandum of the terms on which the lease of No. 84 Eaton Square has been purchased for Dowager Countess Grey. 2 copies.
20 September 1854-Agreement between 3rd Earl Grey and Wm. Anderson for the letting of 222 acres of land at Datchet Common and 2 letters from Daniel Boulter to Grey 2 and 10 August 1854.
Accounts of succession duty paid by 3rd Earl Grey in respect of annuities which became his on the deaths of the following persons: Hon. William George Grey d.19 December 1865; Admiral the Hon. Frederick William Grey d.2 May 1878; The Hon. Henry
Cavendish Grey d.5 September 1880; Mary Elizabeth Dowager Countess Grey d.17 December 1861; Lady Caroline Barrington d.28 April 1875.
1869-Plan of East and West Chevington estate.
1 July 1882-Copy lease of Broomhill Colliery with plan of East and West Chevington estate.
3 November 1886-2 March 1887-Correspondence concerning the sale of land at Chevington Wood to Mr E.M. Bainbridge, with plan and schedule of areas.
22 November 1867-Sir Richard Duckworth King, Bart., and others to Robert Ingham and others: copy draft mortgage and transfer of mortgages on the estates of 3rd Earl Grey to secure £200,000 and interest.
Papers concerning Chevington Chapel
20 November 1688-Injunction to repair the chapel with part of a letter from William Woodman to Maria Countess Grey concerning this document and copy by Maria of the first part of it. 2 letters
Revd. Henry Percy, Vicar of Warkworth, to 3rd Earl Grey 2-3 December 1852 enclosing 2 letters from T. Bowdler of the Church Building Society to Percy, 2 December 1852, with Quarterly Report of the Society, August 1852, and other printed matter
relating to it.
Copy letter Maria Countess Grey to the Church Building Society [December 1852].
Proposal to form a new district for ecclesiastical purposes from part of the Parish of Warkworth and Chapelry of Widdrington.
Draft letter 3rd Earl Grey to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 8 February 1856.
Letter Revd. J.W. Dunn (vicar of Warkworth) to Grey, 11 February 1856, giving particulars of the number of houses and population of Chevington Chapelry and details of the tithe rent charge.
Copy letter James J. Chalk (Secretary of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners) to Grey, 20 February 1856.
Letter John Norton (Architect) to Grey, 7 March 1857, enclosing estimate of cost of erecting a church at Chevington.
Draft letter Grey to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 28 May 1857.
Copy letter Grey to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 28 May 1857.
Letter James Chalk to Grey, 30 May 1857.
Letter James Chalk to Grey, 9 June 1857.
Letter Viscount Eversley to Grey, 25 July 1859, enclosing letter from James Chalk, 25 July 1859.
Letter James Chalk to Grey, 7 December 1859.
Copy letter Grey to Chalk, 8 December 1859.
2 letters Chalk to Grey, 14 December 1859.
Letter Benjamin Woodman to Grey, 31 December 1859, concerning Chevington deed of covenant.
Letter James Chalk to Grey, 4 February 1860.
Note of the cost of building work and furniture for Chevington Church, 1857-1860.
1919-1920-Notes concerning the income of the Benefice of Alnham, with details of tithes and the cost of the diocesan survey.
GRE/X/P85 1847-1893
Howick Estate Statements of account, 1 for each month as follows:
February 1869-October 1870, 1 bundle
November 1870-October 1871, 1 bundle
November 1871-October 1872, 1 bundle
November 1872-October 1873, 1 bundle
November 1874-October 1877, 1 bundle
November 1877-October 1879, 1 bundle
November 1884-October 1885, 1 bundle
November 1886 draft account
Report by Messrs Lindsay Jamieson and Haldane, accountants of Edinburgh, on the accounts of Edward James Macdonald, agent for 3rd Earl Grey, for the year ending 31 October 1886, with summary and abstract of these accounts.
Howick estate accounts for the year ending 31 October 1886.
Analysis of Howick estate accounts for the year ending 31 October 1887.
Howick estate accounts for the year ending 31 October 1888. Analysis of Howick estate accounts for the year ending 31 October 1889. Enclosed in the above: part of a letter Albert Grey to 3rd Earl Grey 16? May 1890 on the unfavourable financial
position of the Howick estate and the Earl's wish to move to Learmouth.
Howick estate accounts for the year ending 31 May 1893.
Also the following summary accounts for years ending 1 November: 1886; 1887; 1888; 1889; 1890.
Bundle containing drafts of the following:
Summary account for the year ending 1 November 1847.
Half-yearly abstracts of account 1850-1853 [some undated].
Rough calculations of estate accounts, n.d.
Bundle marked 'Memorandums'
Analysis of Howick accounts for 1855, 1856, 1857.
Estimated state of accounts for the year ending 1 November 1857.
Poultry account for Pasture House and Red Stead Farms 1861.
List of outgoings on annuities, interest and drainage interest 1859.
Rough note of capital expended on improvements at Whitfield House, Howick cottages and farm buildings for the year ending 1 November 1856.
Howick buildings: payments and value 1847-1860.
Howick shooting returns 1858-1860.
Chevington Wood Farm: rough account of receipts and expenditure 1856.
Note concerning interest on consols.
GRE/X/P86 1879-1917
Papers concerning Howick Estate
Papers relating to super tax 1915-1916. 3 pieces.
Schedule of mortgages on the estate, July 1910.
Statements showing reductions in the mortgage to the National Provident Institution 1893-1911, and 1893-1915.
Note of interest charged on the above mortgage, 1881-1908.
Statement showing position of Howick Estate accounts, 1904-1910.
Howick Farm balance sheet for years ending 31 May 1916 and 1917.
Howick Farm valuations of stock, 1 June 1916; 1 June 1917.
Earl Grey's private account at Howick office: statement for the year ending 31 December 1916.
Howick Estate Savings Bank: Statement of account for the year ending 31 December 1916.
Howick Accounts for the year ending 31 May 1916.
Howick Estate Statement of accounts: June 1916; July1916; August 1916; October 1916; November 1916 + Howick estate rent roll; November 1916; December 1916; January 1917; February 1917; March 1917; April 1917.
Papers relating to Broomhill Colliery 1901-1914: Letters, report 1912, directors' report and balance sheet 1914.
Little Mill Whinstone Quarry: statement of output 1879-1898.
Little Mill Limestone Quarry: statement of output 1879-1898.
File of letters mainly from J. Cleghorn (partner in the firm George Grey and Sons, Land Agents) to 4th Earl Grey, April-November 1916, concerning management of the estate. Some of these letters are long and important.
Particulars of brood mares and fillies to be sold by Grey at Alnwick, 10 May [1916].
Letter John Wilson of British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co. Ltd. to Grey, 3 November 1911, offering services to maintain the Crossly Gas Engines and dynamos recently installed at Howick.
GRE/X/P87 1844-1858
Letter William Johnson and 5 others to Captain F. W. Grey, 22 March 1848, concerning Howick Street School, Alnwick.
Committee of Council on Education: circular to inspectors of schools, October 1851.
Letter Revd. D. Stewart to Captain F. W. Grey, 13 March, enclosing 2 papers written by pupils of Ancroft School and commenting unfavourably on them.
Committee of Council on Education: letter to R. Grinson of Chevington concerning application for a grant to purchase school books at reduced prices and enclosing a form.
Letter from above to Captain F. W. Grey concerning inspection of Chevington N. School.
Letter Revd. J. D. Eade to Captain F. W. Grey, 23 March 1844, replying as to whether Durham Training School could supply a master for Chevington School.
Enclosure: Report of the sub-committee of the Durham Diocesan Training School for the Education of Schoolmasters ... 11 January 1844.
3 letters John Cundell to Captain F. W. Grey, 26 March-29 April 1844 concerning a master for a proposed industrial school at Chevington.
Explanatory Letter to H. M. Inspectors of Schools on various questions relating to grants under the minutes of August and December 1846 and 10 July 1847
Bundle containing: Copy letter William Woodman to Revd. T. R. Shipperdson, 9 October 1846, with copy letter Woodman to Archdeacon Bland, 15 October 1846, suggesting that the chapelries of Widdrington and Chevington should be formed into a new
district with a resident clergyman.
Letter William Woodman to Captain the Hon. H? G. Grey, 16 July 1851, concerning the above.
'Mr Nowell's estimate of the produce of four acres cultivated by boys in an industrial school'.
Letter Revd. D. Stewart to Captain Grey, 23 February 1852, on gang labour of boys and inspection of Ancroft School.
Note concerning the employment of gangs of school boys on farm work.
Alnwick Industrial School: 3rd Annual Report, 9 January 1851.
Committee of Privy Council on Education: broad sheet on the augmentation of salaries of school teachers who obtain certificates of merit, 1846-1847.
Letter P. Selby to [Captain F. W.] Grey, 3 February 1852 concerning subscriptions to a missionary society.
2 letters William Hewitt to Captain F. W. Grey, 12 January 1852 and 15 March 1852, concerning Ancroft School.
Letter Revd. F. R. Grey to F. W. Grey, 13 December 1849, concerning Ulgham School.
Letter Revd. Charles Thorp to F. W. Grey, 22 October 1849, concerning Howick School.
Chevington School fortnightly returns, 2 March 1850-18 December 1858. 188 returns + list of pupils, February 1850, + letter from J. Rutter the master, to A. Hills, 15 May 1855 + Education Department of the Privy council circular, June 1858. The
returns give numbers on the school books, the names of new pupils, the names of absentees and period of absence, the names of those discharged and attendance statistics.
GRE/X/P88 1735-1863
Bill for repairing and improving roads from Cornhill Burn to Lowick and from Ford Bridge to the Berwick Turnpike Road, 32 Geo. III 1792. [Beginning missing, only p.9-37; some manuscript additions.]
Receipts for fee farm rents 1740-1772 (with gaps). 1 bundle.
Receipts for land tax and window sess payments by the collectors for Howick Parish, 1735-1749. 1 bundle.
Learmouth Farm buildings: accounts and vouchers 1819-1826. 1 bundle.
Papers relating to Thomas Kerr and Ancroft North Farm, 1840-1845, including draft agreement by Kerr to take the farm, accounts of rent and arrears, and particulars of sale.
Papers concerning the claim by W. L. Straker for payment by Grey of bills for work done on Maiden Hall Farm in 1813: Heads of conditions for tenancy of the farm, 22 December 1812; bills for work done; letters from Straker, Robert Anderson and 2nd
Earl Grey, 1834-1835.
George Hudson & Sons, Woollen Drapers and Tailors, Felton: accounts to Grey, 1826-1827.
Application forms for loans for land drainage-all blank.
Copy of
The Weekly Times, 6 September 1863.
Bundle of printed matter.
Printed conditions for letting a farm belonging to Earl Grey [n.d., 19th Century].
Form of a farm lease [blank].
Rough calculations [concerning drainage?].
Advertisement for a turnip and root-cutting machine, c.1855.
GRE/X/P89 1741-1879
1750-1753-Receipts mainly for payments of interest and annuities by Sir Henry Grey.
1762-1765-3 bonds of Sir Henry Grey.
1755-1798-Receipts for payments of quit rents due to the Duke of Northumberland.
1741-1772-Receipts for payments of composition in lieu of tithes mainly in respect of Fleehope.
1763-1790-Receipts for 'castle rent' and land tax payments to the Haggerstone family in respect of Ancroft.
1877-1879-Counterfoil stubs in respect of payments of poor rate by 3rd Earl Grey and others.
1848-1850-Papers concerning a dispute over the cropping and buildings of Burton Farm: memorandum, estimates, accounts and correspondence.
1846-1852-Abstracts of tradesmen's bills, mainly for Howick but some for London. 76 pieces.
Pedigree of part of the Grey family and catalogue of plate at the disposal of Penelope Lee, 1750.
1845-1850-Bundle containing the following:
3 September 1845-Circular to Grey's tenants on the preservation of game.
July-October 1845-Howick Farm abstracts. 9 pieces.
July-October 1845-Howick Farm returns. 6 pieces.
3 May 1850-Return of ewes and lambs.
Proposed Northumberland Railway (Newcastle to Berwick)-Circulars explaining the scheme with schedules showing the parts of Grey's property that would be required, with note from R. Robson stating Grey's objection to the scheme. 5 pieces.
Bundle of 'sundry old papers' including the following:
Unsigned letter discussing at length the claim of Mr Nesbit, a tenant, for compensation from Sir Henry Grey. [n.d. but after 1776.]
3 accounts of T. Adams to Sir Henry Grey for law business, 1772-1784.
List of fee farm rents belonging to George Talbot Hatley Foote Esq., issuing out of lands, tenements, etc. in the County of Northumberland and Berwick upon Tweed. (Estates and their owners stated.)
Calculation of tithes due on Learmouth estate.
22 February 1782-Surrender by William Mills of lease of Milfield Farm made in 1778.
21 October 1754-Commission of Deputy Lieutenant of County Durham granted to Sir Henry Grey by the Earl of Darlington.
Diagram and note of acreages of the glebe lands of Learmouth.
13 May 1796-Account of Easter offerings [for Howick] showing the number of communicants and payments due under several headings.
1754-1758; 1773-Receipts for £10 p.a. paid in lieu of tolls for corn and wool carried from the lands of Sir Henry Grey to Berwick by the Berwick turnpike. 5 pieces.
1756-Particulars of borings made on Ancroft Moor with account and receipt of John Rawling.
31 December 1757-Account for boring to seek limestone near Ancroft, with receipt.
Case concerning the affairs of Thomas Marshall, a tenant of Sir Henry Grey, with opinion of Christopher Fawcett, 23 May 1781.
Abstract of title to certain freehold messuages and hereditaments in the Parish of St George Hanover Square, 1776-1819.
17-19 June 1811-Paper book containing inventory of household furniture and fixtures the property of the Duke of Athol in his house, No. 17 Portman Square, included in the purchase of the said house by 2nd Earl Grey.
List of articles belonging to 2nd Earl Grey in his house in Portman Square which were offered for sale to the Duke of Newcastle, n.d.
1824-Account of 2nd Earl Grey with the Marchioness dowager of Downshire in respect of a mansion in Hanover Square.
Instructions for Mr Kerr concerning a deed of 2 July 1823 executed by Sir Francis L. Wood.
1801-Vouchers for payments by or on behalf of 2nd Earl Grey and list of bond debts. 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P90 1824-1835
11 April 1825-23 April 1827-9 letters from 2nd Earl Grey, Robert Anderson, Messrs Bromley, and A. G. Stapleton on legal and financial matters.
25 August-23 September 1834-6 letters Henry Morton to Richard Robson concerning the death of 2nd Earl Grey's groom, Joseph Pattison, and appointment of a successor.
Vouchers for payments made by Pattison.
Letter from Mary Ann Pattison to Grey, 26 August 1834.
List of Pattison's clothes.
Abstract of title of Henry Baring to the lease and reversionary lease of a messuage and tenement in Berkeley Square 1744-1819 with observations and opinion of H. Bellenden Ker, 1824.
Answers to Ker's queries.
Further query with answer by Ker.
Draft contract for the house.
Draft assignment settled by Ker.
List of payments made by William Bromley in respect of Grey's residence in Berkeley Square, with vouchers.
1833-1834 1 bundle.
1834-1835 1 bundle (Includes account for a survey.)
List of rates and taxes paid by Bromley in respect of the above, with vouchers, 1833-1834. 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P91 1845-1852
Broomhill Colliery 'coal bills': accounts of work done by hewers, putters and others and their wages, with details of pit charges, land sales of coal, coal stocks and cash. The workers' names are given. These accounts were made up every 2 weeks
and cover the period 29 November 1845-31 December 1852.
1845 2 accounts [for similar accounts 1844-1845 see box 92.]
1846 25 accounts
1847 26 accounts and a summary account
1848 26 accounts
1849 26 accounts
1850 26 accounts
1851 26 accounts
1852 27 accounts Total-184 There is also a summary account for 1844-1845.
Vouchers in connection with the above accounts, 1849-1852. 5 bundles.
GRE/X/P92 1844-1904
Letters and papers concerning Broomhill Colliery: most of the letters are from Francis Carr who wrote regularly to Richard Robson and to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey. There are also some letters from John Atlee, one of the lessees of
the colliery:
1844-1845-including wage accounts 8 May-14 September 1844 and one for 15-29 November 1845. 1 bundle.
1845-including surrender of lease by Messrs Atlee and Wilks, and pay bills of workers 21 June-5 July, 5-19 July, 19 July-2 August, 13 October-15 November. Also account of coal worked and sold at Broomhill Colliery 13 September 1844-1 November
1845. 1 bundle.
1845-1851-including letters from George Ledthead and John Atlee. 1 bundle.
Broomhill Coal Co. Invoices for bricks supplied to 3rd Earl Grey, 1883-1884. 1 bundle.
Correspondence and papers concerning Broomhill Colliery mainly 1886-1904 but including some earlier material e.g. list of coal supplied from the colliery, 1870-1885. Also includes directors' reports 1901 and 1903. 1 file.
GRE/X/P93 1845-1904
Note by 3rd Earl Grey of the average expenditure of the Howick estate, 1867-1868.
Statement of receipts and expenditure, December 1893.
Rough account by 4th Earl Grey of the charges on the 3rd Earl's revenue.
Summary account for the year ending 31 May 1901.
Estimate of income and expenditure, September 1902.
Summary accounts for the years ending 31 May 1903 and 31 May 1904.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to Grey, 24 June 1904, concerning the latter account.
Statement of annual charges to be met during the year ending 31 May 1904.
Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey stating why he was unwilling to grant further abatements of rent to his leasehold tenants despite the bad years that the farmers had experienced. 1851.
List of farms re-let in the 7 years ending 8 August 1879.
List of farms where the rent was reduced between 1879-1882.
Table comparing rents of 1842 with those of 1883-1884.
Account of average rent receipts and outgoings, 1873-1880.
Tables showing Howick estate rentals for the following groups of years: 1870, 1880, 1885 1880, 1885 1870, 1885 1870, 1885, 1888, 1895
Rateable values, Alnwick Union, 1875-1883.
Statement of the cost of erecting 2 new cottages at Howick Peep O'Sea, 1902.
Statement of the cost of repairs to Howick House and fittings, 1893-1894.
Particulars of coal consumed on Howick estate during the years 1895, 1896, 1897.
Particulars of expenditure on buildings and drainage 1845-1879, 1880-1883.
Abstract of general payments 1888-1889; 1889-1890, with explanations for increased expenditure.
Accounts of Albert Grey with 3rd Earl Grey: 1 November 1885-1 November 1886; 1 November 1886-1 November 1887; 1 November 1888-1 November 1889; 1 November 1889-1 November 1890; 1 November 1890-1 November 1891.
Lands Improvement Company-Table showing date of loan, principal sum, yearly sum payable and period involved, 1855-1869.
Note of loans from the government and Lands Improvement Company, 1860-1882.
Summary of 3rd Earl Grey's private ledger payments for the years 1874 and 1884 and summary of expenditure for the years 1882-1887.
Abstracts of 4th Earl Grey's private account at the Howick Office for the years ending 1 November 1892 and 31 December 1897, 31 December 1898, 31 December 1899, 31 December 1900; also for the following periods: January-February 1900, May 1900,
January-March 1900, January-May 1901, January-December 1901, January-May 1902, January-December 1903.
Statement of moneys banked at Messrs Hodgkin & Co.'s bank at Newcastle during Lord Grey's absence in South Africa, June 1896-May 1897.
Mortgages on the Howick estate: List for 1893-1897
Statement showing reductions in the National Provident mortgage, 1893-1897.
Schedule of mortgages, September 1902.
Rental schedule in respect of the Howick estates for the half years ending 11 November 1903 and 12 May 1904-received 28 May 1904.
Payments in kind received by heads of departments May 1895 and 19 September 1903. Salaries also stated for 1903.
Howick estate accounts for the years ending 31 May 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904 with account for the London house for the same period in each case.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to Grey, 5 May 1901, concerning insurances.
Account of fruit and vegetables sent into the kitchen in January and August 1885.
Howick Savings Bank, balance sheet 1893.
Particulars of cash paid into Messrs Hodgkin & Co.'s bank on account of Howick Savings Bank, 1892-1893.
Savings bank card-blank.
Present Condition of Sanitary Science: proceedings at the 6th annual dinner of the Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors of Great Britain including an address by Sir Edwin Chadwick, 2 March 1889.
Printed advertisement of money available for lending on mortgages 1893.
Account of Tilley & Co. of Newcastle for catering and providing furnishings for events at Howick in December 1900.
Rough table showing estate expenditure and receipts 1885-1889 and comparison of figures for 1886 and 1887.
Receipt of Walter Scott, contractor and builder, for £1,000 for work at Howick, 14 December 1900.
Bundle of notes, most by 3rd Earl Grey, on the cost of fattening cattle and sheep and the profit gained thereby, 1876, 1884.
Memoranda on Ancroft estate including copy letter George Grey of Milfield to William Marshall (tenant of Ancroft North Moor Farm), 16 March 1887 and copy reply, 24 March 1887, with notes on the South Moor and Ancroft North Farms. (The sums
received by the tenant of the last mentioned farm for corn 1878-1886 are stated.)
Howick Co-operative Society: statement of dividends and bonuses, February 1896-November 1901.
Rough calculation by 4th Earl Grey of death duties on the death of the 3rd Earl Grey.
Comparative statistics showing the wages of agricultural labourers in various parts of England with their expenditure on food and other necessities. This was compiled in 1847 or 1848 by -- 'to enable us to form an opinion as to the condition of
the peasantry being impaired or not'.
Notebook containing sketch plans of the farms on the Grey estates with notes of their acreages and crops, 1845-1847 (in some cases to 1850). The field names are also given.
Book containing notes by 4th Earl Grey mainly on profit and loss of various farms, with figures covering the period c.1860-1892.
Various enclosures including rough notes for an address by Grey to the tenants concerning his plan to adopt a profit sharing scheme on certain farms. Also press cuttings concerning co-operative farming.
Small notebook (red covers) with notes by 4th Earl Grey on Broomhill royalty. Enclosed: Press cutting 8 April 1887 on the coal strike and question of uniform wage. Also enclosed: Notes and statistics of Learmouth farm including calculation of
profit for sharing among the labourers, 1886-1887.
Howick Grass Parks: folder with plan, field names, and acreages to be let by auction 12 April 1894, with manuscript additions of successful bidders and prices.
Similar folder for auction on 22 April 1897. Manuscript addition of prices but not of bidders.
GRE/X/P94 1663-1913
Rentals of Sir Henry Grey's estates 1769, 1791, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1800, 1801. 1 bundle.
A schedule of income of Sir Henry Grey made for the first income tax [1798].
Bundle containing the following:
4 June 1814-Bond: 2nd Earl Grey to William Briggs to secure £1,000.
18 April 1834-Assignment by George Ponsonby of a bond of 2nd Earl Grey to him of 9 July 1828 to secure £1,000 to Eleanor Lister.
18 October 1840-Re-assignment of the above bond by Eleanor Lister to Ponsonby.
11 August 1842-Assignment of the above bond to Eleanor Lister.
List of payments made in 1845.
28 October 1845-Letter George Ponsonby to 3rd Earl Grey.
1822-1830-Cancelled promissory notes to Dr George Wilson of Alnwick. [A note on the wrapper states that these were replaced by a single note of hand for £10,000, 4 May 1838.]. 1 bundle.
Particulars of estates belonging to the Grey family that were sold under a decree of the Court of Chancery in 1734. The purchasers and prices are stated, with details of how the money realized was applied.
Also a 19th century copy of this item.
Letter J. Lambert to [Richard Robson], 30 October 1835, concerning the above.
Also notes by Lambert. 'The yearly rents of Howick estate as it was lett at Whitsunday 1635'.
Notes from the Northumberland book of rates, 1663. 1 bundle.
Plans of the new gallery in Howick Church, 1818.
Diagram of drains at Howick Grange.
27 February 1752-Letter J. Craster to Sir Harry [Grey] concerning the inquest into the death of Thomas Grey, his brother, killed in a duel with Lord Lempster.
29 March 1824-Letter Talbot to -- seeking tenancy of Lord Grey's house in Hanover Square.
Letters mainly from George Grey of Milfield and J. Cleghorn to 4th Earl Grey on estate business, 1888-1913. 1 file.
GRE/X/P95 1873-1904
Howick Estate Howick estate accounts for the years ending 1 November 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877*, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885+, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890.
*Enclosed in 1887 account: Letter J. G. Grey to 3rd Earl Grey with estimate of expenditure from the end of May to rent day (November 1878); also jottings by 3rd Earl Grey.
+Enclosed in 1885 account: Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey on the need for a new arrangement for his Tweedside estates and suggesting a possible scheme.
Also notes by Grey on expenditure in 1885.
Statement of expenditure on pheasants, 1888-1891.
Statement showing payments by Albert Grey to the N. E. Railway Co. for carriage of farm stock, etc. 1 June 1891-1892, with letter C. Jasper of the NER to Grey, 8 November 1892.
Howick farms:
Account of receipts and payments 1 June 1891-1 June 1892.
Balance sheet for year ending 1 June 1893.
Valuation of stock on 1 June 1893.
Statement concerning horses.
Complete account for the year ending 31 May 1896.
Summary accounts for the years ending 31 May 1896 and 1897.
Valuation of stock on 1 June 1897.
Comparative statement of the Howick accounts for the 2 years ending 31 May 1898 and 1899.
List of tenants who came to dinner on 28 December 1900.
Howick estate:
Summary of receipts and payments: June-August 1901; June-September 1901; June-August 1902; June-July 1902; June-November 1903; June-December 1903; June 1903-January 1904; June 1903-February 1904; June 1903-March 1904; June 1903-April 1904;
Howick Farms:
Balance sheet for the years ending 31 May 1902 and 1903.
Valuations of stock on 1 June 1902 and 1903.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to 4th Earl Grey 8 July 1902.
Statement of damage done to crops by rabbits.
Satement of coal consumed on the Howick estate during the year ending 31 December 1903.
Statement of expenses incurred in exhibiting stock at agricultural shows in 1902, with details of prizes won.
Chevington Moor Farm:
Balance sheets for the years ending 1 June 1892 and 1893.
Statement of receipts 1 June 1891 to 1 June 1892.
Statement of payments 1 June 1891 to 1 June 1892.
Valuation of stock on 1 June 1893.
GRE/X/P96 1870-1897
East Learmouth Farm
Letter J. Cleghorn to Albert Grey, 4 September 1888 concerning accounts for East Learmouth.
Account for the year ending 12 May 1887 (2 versions).
Account for the year ending 12 May 1888 (2 versions) and valuation of stock and implements at 12 May 1888.
Account for the year ending 12 May 1889.
Account of receipts for the year ending 12 May 1890.
Account for the half-year ending 11 November 1890.
Account of receipts for the year ending 12 May 1891.
Summary account for the year ending 12 May 1891.
Balance sheet for the year ending 12 May 1891.
Valuation of stock at 12 May 1891.
List of persons employed and wages paid to them for the year ending May 1890.
Another version of the above but not identical.
Account of bonuses due to 5 workers in respect of the year 1887-1888 with their receipts dated 28 November 1890.
Balance sheet for year ending 12 May 1891.
List of persons employed with particulars of their wages and bonuses.
Particulars of bonus payments, 1888, 1890, 1891.
Account of wages and bonus payments for the year ending 12 May 1891 with particulars of the division of profits.
Another statement of the division of profits and bonus payments.
Particulars of wages and bonuses paid to the workers on West Learmouth farm for the year ending 12 May 1891.
Statement of local rates paid in respect of East Learmouth farm and house, May 1886-May 1891.
Statement of local rates and imperial taxes paid in respect of Learmouth farm during the years ending 12 May 1892 and 12 May 1893, with letter J. Cleghorn to Albert Grey 8 December 1893.
West Learmouth Farm
Report by George Grey on the farm criticizing its state of cultivation, 27 November 1889.
Copy report by James Turnbull and Adam Calder on the above farm [November 1888] giving a favourable account of its cultivation by William Lumsden.
2 letters George Grey to Albert Grey, 18 December 1889, concerning the above farm.
Letter Adam Calder to Grey, 12 December 1889.
Rough draft of Grey's reply.
Farm account for the year ending 12 May 1890 with letter George Grey to Albert Grey 10 August 1890 explaining it.
Account for the half-year ending 11 November 1890.
Statement of persons employed and wages paid during the year ending 12 May 1890 (includes payments in kind).
Another version of the above with a correction.
Capital account for West and East Learmouth farms for the year ending 12 May 1891.
Statement showing capital invested in West Learmouth farm, 1889-1891.
Statement showing how the interest is calculated in respect of West Learmouth farm.
Letter J. Cleghorn to Albert Grey, 30 May 1891, concerning the above.
Notes by Albert Grey on East and West Learmouth farms, 1889-1890.
Learmouth United Farm
Profit and loss account for the year ending 12 May 1892.
Account of receipts and payments for the above period.
Balance sheet at 12 May 1892.
Valuation of stock at 12 May 1892.
Calculation of compensation to tenants for unexhausted improvements, May 1892.
Statement showing the variations in rent of East and West Learmouth farms, 1870-1894, with letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 13 February 1894, explaining the difficulty of making a proper comparison.
Another statement concerning the above farms showing their areas and rents before and after 1891 with notes by J. Cleghorn, January 1894.
Copy letter Albert Grey to J. Fox, 8 February 1894, apologizing for being unable to attend the workers' kern and asking him to convey the contents of the letter, on the present position and future prospects of the farm, to them.
62 letters James Fox to 4th Earl Grey and J. H. Mansfield, 1894-1900 reporting from Learmouth Farm; copy letter Grey to Fox, 3 January 1894. See also Box 129.
3 letters from Mary Fox.
Particulars of barley sold, November 1893-January 1894.
Accounts of money due to Learmouth farms from Albert Grey 1890-1892 and at 12 May 1893.
Summary of receipts and payments for the year ending May 1894.
Profit and loss account for the year ending May 1894.
Balance sheet at 12 May 1894.
Profit and loss account for the year ending 12 May 1896.
Account of receipts and payments for the year ending 12 May 1896.
Balance sheet at 12 May 1896.
Valuation of stock May 1896.
Profit and loss account for the year ending 12 May 1897.
Account of receipts and payments for the year ending 12 May 1897.
Balance sheet at 12 May 1897.
Valuation of stock May 1897.
Learmouth Savings Bank account, 26 May 1891.
Learmouth Horticultural Society rules and regulations, 1892.
GRE/X/P97 1854-1862
Letters from tenants of the Grey estates to the principal agent, George Annett Grey of Milfield. Includes letters from 3rd Earl Grey and others. .
8 bundles (and a few loose letters)
GRE/X/P98 1863-1867
Letters from tenants and others* to George Annett Grey. [*'others' on this page includes 3rd Earl Grey.].
5 bundles
GRE/X/P99 1868-1870
Letters from tenants and others to George Annett Grey and J. G. Grey.
4 bundles
GRE/X/P100 1871-1876
Letters from tenants and others to George Annett Grey and J. G. Grey.
7 bundles
GRE/X/P101 1877-1880
1877-1880-Letters from tenants and others to George Annett Grey and J. G. Grey. 4 bundles.
1879-Letters to George A. Grey concerning the Earl of Durham's estates. Many letters from H. Morton.
GRE/X/P102 1881-1883
Letters from tenants and others* to George Annett Grey. [*'others' on this page includes 3rd Earl Grey.].
4 bundles.
GRE/X/P103 1879-1885
1884-1885-Letters from tenants and others to George Annett Grey and George Grey (includes some letters from them to 3rd Earl Grey). 3 bundles.
1879-1885-Letters mainly to George A. Grey concerning Broomhill Farm and Mr Andrews, the tenant. 1 bundle.
4 bundles
GRE/X/P104 1886-1888
Letters from tenants and others to George Grey.
4 bundles
GRE/X/P105 1746-1841
Papers concerning a mortgage of Burton estate to Sir Richard Jebb which Grey wished to discharge after the said Sir Richard had been dead for a considerable number of years.
1 May 1783-Copy mortgage of the Burton estate and certain tithes by Sir Henry Grey to Sir Richard Jebb to secure £6,000 and interest with copies of 2 deed polls placing further charges on the premises amounting to £4,000.
Copy will of Sir Richard Jebb, proved PCC 12 July 1787.
Letters of administration with the will annexed were granted to Richard Jebb Esq., 15 March 1814, to deal with that part of the testator's estate left unadministered by the executor.
Another copy of the above will.
Abstract of the marriage settlement of Edward Williams and Ann Jebb, 25 February 1789, with associated deeds.
1 July 1793-Copy assignment of £4,550 (part of £10,000 due on the mortgage) by Granville Sharp to William Sharp; and copy assignment of this £4,550 by Thomas John Lloyd Baker to Thomas Barwick Lloyd Baker, 31 December 1830.
23 March 1814-Copy release of £550 (part of £10,000 charged on the Burton estate) by Richard Jebb to 2nd Earl Grey.
Also 2 drafts of the above release, and instructions from Wm. Bromley to Mr Butler to prepare the release.
Extracts from the will of William Sharp (brother of Granville Sharp) proved 3 April 1810 enclosed in this instruction.
Note concerning the will and codicils of Sir Richard Jebb.
Abstract of mortgage of 1 May 1783.
List of documents required.
6 May 1819-Copy release Thomas Williams, Edward Richard Williams and Ann, wife of Joseph Nicholson, to Sir Thomas Williams in respect of trust funds of the marriage settlement of Edward Williams and Ann (neé Jebb) his wife. Williams is
indemnified by this deed. (Williams as sole trustee invested the money in American funds and a loss was incurred when the securities were sold.)
3 July 1838-Copy mortgage Thomas Barwick Lloyd Baker to Augustus Warren to secure £12,000 and interest.
18 July 1839-Attested copy release Thomas Williams and others to Admiral Sir Thomas Williams.
[c.1840]-Pedigrees of the Jebb family and associated papers.
1839-1841-Correspondence concerning the Jebb family mainly from solicitors to Wm. Bromley, with a few copies of Bromley's letters on the search for the heir-at-law of Richard Jebb. Includes declaration by Thomas John Lloyd Baker of Hardwick
Court, Gloucester, 4 August 1840.
Account of Messrs Raymond and Rackham to Messrs Bromley in connection with Earl Grey's mortgage 1839-1841 with receipt, 5 April 1841.
Account of Messrs Annesley and Reade to Revd. J. Jebb concerning a conveyance of the legal estate vested in him as heir-at-law of his late father to Grey, 1839-1841.
1840-Rough draft of reconveyance: Richard Jebb to 2nd Earl Grey.
23 May 1840-2 copies of remarks by Marcus Martin of Lincolns Inn on the draft reconveyance, with answers by Wm. Bromley.
Another copy of Martin's remarks but without answers.
9 June 1840-Copy opinion of Marcus Martin on abstract of title deeds.
9-22 June 1840-2 copies of above with further notes by Martin and some answers.
30 June 1840-Case concerning the Jebb family with opinion of H. Bellenden Ker.
Further information and request for Ker's opinion.
14 July 1840-Further statement of the case with Ker's opinion.
26-30 July 1840-Further case with Ker's opinion.
30 July 1840-Further opinion of Ker.
n.d.-Instructions to Ker to advise and prepare drafts, with Ker's opinion.
4 September 1840-Case for Ker's opinion: on the Jebb family with pedigree.
11 September 1840-Case with Ker's opinion.
31 October 1840-Case with Ker's opinion.
15 January 1841-Case with Ker's opinion.
n.d.-Draft case for Ker's opinion.
Draft declarations of Admiral Sir Thomas Williams and Thomas J. Lloyd Baker.
21 January 1841-Draft reconveyance of Burton estate by the Revd. John Jebb and others to 2nd Earl Grey.
1829-1839-Counterfoils of cheques drawn by 2nd Earl Grey on Messrs Rogers, Olding, Sharpe, Boycott & Co.
Bundle labelled 'Sir Henry Grey's Accounts' containing:
Account of expenses in connection with the creation of Sir Henry a baronet (11 January 1746). [damaged].
Account of rents received and disbursements made 1766-1772. 15 pieces.
GRE/X/P106 1771-1900
The Cleveland Bay Stud Book, IX parts 1 and 2 (Northallerton, 1894-1896)
The Cleveland Bay Stud Book, XI (1900)
G. J. Symons and H. Sowerby Wallis:
The Distribution of Rain over the British Isles during the year 1895 (London 1896)
Scripture Lessons adapted to the use of schools. No. 1, Old Testament (Dublin 1832). [Recommended by the Commissioners for the Education of the Poor of Ireland.]
Accounts of tradesmen to Major William Grey with receipts for payment (made by John Bell) 1803. 1 bundle.
Vouchers for payments of [fee farm] rents to the Duke of Northumberland 1828-1831. [Very fragile]. 1 bundle.
File containing the following:
Fire insurance policy with the Sun Fire Office on Howick mansion house and adjacent farm houses and buildings, 10 November 1808. Full particulars of properties endorsed. Receipt for premium 15 October 1808 and rough list of properties
Account of W. Fowle, physician, to Sir Henry Grey, 1774.
Account of W. Fowle for medicines for Mr Moore, 1771.
2 accounts of William Story, tailor, to Sir Henry Grey 1772, 1773 [very detailed].
Accounts of Sir Henry Grey with Thomas Collingwood, 1772-1774. 3 pieces.
Agreement, 2 August 1808, between John Bell on behalf of Earl Grey and Thomas Holloway, of Chancery Lane, for the sale of No. 49 Great Ormond Street and freehold land (late the property of Sir Henry Grey) for £4,200.
Note of Exchequer Bills purchased for 2nd Earl Grey, 18 April 1826.
Note concerning East and West Chevington estate, the lease of which was due to expire in 1826.
Note concerning Bradford estate with its state of cultivation in 1803.
List of 8 of the sons of 2nd Earl Grey.
Account of John Bell to Sir Henry Grey in respect of stock purchased on his behalf and transferred to the Land Tax Commissioners for redemption of land tax on Sir Henry's Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire estates, 1803.
Account of Messrs Wardell Beet & Young to Sir Henry Grey for coal and brushes supplied 1773-1775.
Receipt for a deal box to be transported by mail or coach from London to Howick, 17 June 1808.
GRE/X/P107 1853-1897
Rough abstracts of accounts-cash book balances including London accounts 1853-1861.
Notebook with account of butter produced and used, 1867-1874.
Notebook containing particulars of Broomhill Colliery accounts-receipts from sales at Lucker, Beal, Tweedmouth, Belford, Christon Bank, Chathill, Longhoughton, etc. n.d. [but temp. F. W. Grey as estate manager].
Notebook with particulars of Broomhill coal sold at Christon Bank and Chathill Stations, January-February 1848-with agreement by George Leithead to pay Edward Curry 16/- per week for measuring and selling the coal.
Cheque book counterfoils July-October 1853 April-October 1855
Thorley's Farmer's Almanack, 1859
Symons's Monthly Meteorological Magazine (XXXII, May 1897)
Greening & Co., Manchester:
Illustrated catalogue of Iron and Wire Fences, 1861.
Charles D. Young & Co.:
Compendium of larger catalogue of Iron and Wire Work in connection with landed property (Edinburgh n.d. [c.1850s]).
Charles D. Young & Co.
Illustrated Catalogue of Iron Manufacturers (Edinburgh 1855).
Plymouth Seed, Agricultural Implement and Manure Co. Ltd.:
Catalogue, 1858.
Hill & Smith (Staffordshire):
Illustrated Catalogue of patent continuous iron fencing (1894).
Particulars of cattle feeding:
Rough particulars of cattle feeding, 1857-1859.
Rough particulars of the weights and values of cattle, 1865-1867.
Particulars of cattle feeding at Lodge and Pasture House, 1873.
Abstracts of cattle feeding returns, October 1874-February 1875.
Rough notes of cattle feeding at Pasture House, 1876.
Return of cattle feeding at Howick, November 1877-February 1878.
Return of cattle feeding at Redstead, 13 October 1882-28 March 1883 and particulars of cattle 'put up' at Redstead, 1881.
Particulars of cattle feeding at Lodge and Pasture House, 1882-1883.
Particulars of cattle fed at Redstead 1883-1885, Pasture House 1883-1885, and Sea Houses 1883-1884.
GRE/X/P108 1837-1926
2 books containing poor rate assessments for the Parish of Howick 1837-1839, 1865-1871.
2 books of counterfoils for rate payments by Earl Grey and others (Alnwick Union), 1864-1868, 1868-1871.
Howick Parish Overseers' accounts 1899-1926, with associated documents. [Complete series].
Poor Law and Local Governments Officers' Mutual Guarantee Association Ltd.: Circular from the secretary, 6 March 1913, with prospectus and proposal form.
GRE/X/P109 1897-1927
Howick Parish:
Rate valuation lists 1897-1902, 1904-1915, 1917-1923, 1925.
Notices by J. H. Mansfield concerning new valuations, 1 June 1911, 30 May 1913.
Calculations by Mansfield for revision of charges (enclosed in 1910 list).
Letter F. W. Wade to Mansfield (enclosed in 1912 list).
Correspondence between Mansfield and W. H. Lloyd (Northumberland County Accountant and Clerk to the County Rate Basis Committee) concerning the rate basis for Howick, 28 December 1911-13 January 1912.
County of Northumberland: partial revision of basis for the County rates 1913, 1918, 1920, 1921 (2 copies), 1924 (2 copies), 1925, 1927.
Township of Howick rate assessments 1917, 1926 [both incomplete].
Howick poor rate receipt books: 1895-1896, 1897-1901, 1907-1911, 1915-1919, 1918-1922.
Howick Overseers' poor rate receipt book, 1915-1926.
Howick Parish Committee: receipt book for payments by various persons for repairs to paths, 1897.
Howick Parish Meeting: financial statements 1906-1907, 1911, 1913, 1917.
Howick Parish: return by the Overseers of the Poor of men qualified for jury service, 1914, 1915, 1921. Blank forms for 1907 and 1910.
Howick Parish: list of in-door and out-door poor of the Parish with statements of the sums debited and credited to the Parish in the [Alnwick] Union accounts, 31 March 1912.
GRE/X/P110 1890-1928
Township of Howick: electoral registers 1890, 1898-1907, 1909-1912, 1913 [corrected in manuscript to 1914], 1918 [in manuscript]; list of newly qualified electors and of persons no longer qualified, n.d.; 1920, 1921, 1923, 1923 + list of newly
qualified and of those no longer qualified.
List of occupation voters (other than lodgers) for Embleton polling district, n.d.
Polling Districts for the County of Northumberland with places of election, polling places and revision courts, 1890.
Report by J. W. Coulson on the present position and future possibilities of Prudhoe Hall Colony [for the mentally defective] and its branches, 24 November 1928.
Copy letter F. E. Walker to H. W. Walton, clerk to Alnwick R.D.C., 1 September 1915, concerning a dispute between the Duke of Northumberland and the Council over a sewer and a drain.
Notes on 26 applicants for the post of Valuation Officer to Northumberland County Council. n.d. [but after 1926].
3 printed letters from Newcastle upon Tyne branch of Customs and Excise to J. H. Mansfield, 3 January 1911, 12 August 1912 and 13 November 1912 concerning a payment in response to Mansfield's demand for a moiety of rates for the Parish of Howick
under the Tithe Rentcharge (Rates) Act, 1899.
Printed note from the Inland Revenue concerning an allowance of £10-13s-6d, n.d.
Letter from Berry, Wiggins & Co. Ltd. to H. W. Walton (clerk of Alnwick R.D.C.), 6 December 1926 concerning their product 'Liquaphalt' and enclosing literature about it.
Leaflet from the British Road Tar Association and pamphlet
Why British Tar makes Efficient Roads.
GRE/X/P111 1802-1889
Particulars of the crops in Howick Farm stackyard for each of the years 1802-1809. 1 bundle.
Particulars of the crops in Howick Pasture House stackyard (including the Longhoughton tithe), 1810-1819. 1 bundle.
Particulars of the crops in Pasture House and Southside Farms stackyards (including the Longhoughton tithe), 1820-1828. 1 bundle.
The same for 1830-1839. 1 bundle.
Bundle containing:
Survey and valuation of Howick Pasture House Farm, 18 June 1808.
General statement of receipts and disbursements at Howick, 19 February 1814.
Comparative statement of disbursements at Howick for each of 10 years up to 31 December 1817.
Similar statement for 1818-1834.
Paper endorsed 'Produce of Howick Farm' stating profits(?), 1822-1829.
Statement of assessed taxes at Howick, 1823.
Account of disbursements for new buildings and fences at Howick and other Grey estates, 1802-1827.
List of deeds sent to Wm. Bromley, 1824.
Bundle containing the following:
Scheme of husbandry for Howick Pasture House Farm for 1810-1819.
Estimate of expense of cultivating a 240 acre farm in a four course system (fallow, wheat, clover, oats); and estimate in respect of a farm (the same size) of turnip soil with a five course system (fallow with turnips, wheat and barley, clover,
meadow, pasture, oats). [Watermark 1811].
Comparative weight of an acre of Swedish white and red turnips growing on Pilferlands at Howick, 24 December 1814.
Memo of labour and materials for a new greenhouse.
Particulars of the wheat crop at Howick, 1826.
Note of average yield per acre of wheat, barley and oats in respect of 4 farms near Howick-Redstead, Pasture House, Sea Houses and New Stead, 1881.
Particulars of the annual distribution of beef and wheat given to the poor and householders of the Parish of Howick by 2nd Earl Grey, 18 December 1826.
Similar particulars, 21 December 1829, with additional note about the annual donation of £5 given to the poor of the parish by 2nd Earl Grey.
Account of timber and bark sold from Chevington Wood, 1803-1807.
Account of timber and bark sold at Chevington and Howick, 1814.
Letter William Balfour to 2nd Earl Grey, 22 April 1826, concerning the timber in Ulgham Grange, with vaulation.
Detailed estimate by William Balfour of the value of the oak coppice in Chevington Wood, 16 November 1840.
Note of payments made on Earl Grey's account for the new County Gaol at Morpeth, and for County rates during a period of 16 years; also of payments made to Mr Thomson on account for new buildings at Learmouth Eastside Farm, 30 September 1826.
Bundle containing:
Particulars of the rental of North Sunderland corn tithe, 1802-1829 (Ilderton township included 1802-1812). 28 pieces.
Summary account of the lamb tithe rental 1811-1823 and of the corn tithe rental 1802-1823.
Particulars of the lamb tithe due to Earl Grey in the Parishes of Bamborough and Belford for 1835. (Separate from the above bundle).
Bundle containing: Statements of Robert Anderson's accounts with Sir Henry Grey 1802, 1804-1807.
Bundle containing: Summary account of receipts and disbursements by Robert Anderson for the use of 2nd Earl Grey, January-December 1802-1808.
Bundle containing: General statement of Howick accounts for each of the years 1809-1828 (except for part of 1821); also 1 account for 1833.
List of labourers at Howick with their daily wages, 17 January 1815.
Statement of accounts at Howick, 1814.
Account of debts on bonds, notes, etc., 31 January 1815.
Account of debts, 26 May 1825.
Account of bond debts, etc. and interest due thereon, 1827.
Statement of money due on bonds (totalling £158,187) and rates of interest on these debts, 12 November 1828.
Account of sums due on bonds and notes, 2 April 1830.
Receipt, 16 July 1834, for bond for £10,000 from 2nd Earl Grey to the trustees of Edward Ellice the younger's marriage settlement.
Extract of letter 3rd Earl Grey to Eward Ellice the younger, 14 December 1863, concerning bond debts.
Estimate of receipts and disbursements, 22 October 1817.
Account of money upon which interest has been paid in 1834.
Particulars of interest due to various persons in a year, n.d.
List of 5 large debts, n.d.
Bundle of miscellaneous memoranda, mainly by 3rd Earl Grey, chiefly on estate and financial matters, including:
Particulars of expenditure on gardens and walks, 1853-1883.
Notes about rentals, e.g. Burton and Ancroft Farms.
Housekeeping expenses.
Servants' wages, 1844, 1882.
Plate sold, 1862.
Fat cattle sold, 1883.
Notebooks containing the following:
Receipts and disbursements on behalf of Sir Henry Grey, 1802.
Account of grain, pease, beef, mutton and lamb delivered from the farm for the use of Charles [2nd Earl] Grey, 1802-1803, and particulars of grain fed to horses, poultry and pigs, 1803.
Accounts for repairs to saddles, bridles, etc. and for associated goods supplied for the stables, 1802-1806.
Corn account (amounts in granary and how used), c.1803-1805.
Wheat accounts (particulars of stocks and disposal) 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810 [one book per year].
Barley accounts 1805, 1806, 1807, 1809-1810.
Oats accounts 1805, 1807, 1809-1810, 1811, 1813, 1814-1815, 1816.
Pease accounts 1804-1805, 1806-1807, 1808-1810.
Particulars of cattle feeding and crops, 1850.
Farm work diary c.1853-1854 [writing very faint and large parts illegible].
Particulars of corn crops of Howick farms, stating when each stack was thrashed, its yield and the average yield per acre: 1870-1876 1877-1881 1882-1885 1886-1889 [One book per each period].
GRE/X/P112 1607-1924
Earl Grey's rental schedule due 12 May and 11 November 1900 and received 14 November 1900.
Earl Grey's rental schedule due 11 November 1900 and 12 May 1901 and received 25 May 1901.
Earl Grey's rental schedule due 11 November 1901 and 12 May 1902 and received 28 May 1902.
Earl Grey's rental schedule due 11 November 1902 and 12 May 1902 and received 20 May 1903.
Correspondence concerning estate and succession duties on the Grey estates and income tax in respect of unpaid estate duty: J. Cleghorn to 5th Earl Grey, 23 August, 27 August and 8 September 1924.
Copies of letters Cleghorn to Messrs Herbert Smith & Co., 18 August 1924.
Copy of letter Herbert Smith to Cleghorn, 21 August 1924.
Copy of letter Cleghorn to Herbert Smith & Co., 23 August 1924.
Copy of letter Herbert Smith & Co. to Cleghorn, 26 August 1924.
Copy of letter Herbert Smith & Co. to Cleghorn, 5 September 1924.
New tomato house: crop balance 1923. (Includes flowers and blackcurrants sold.)
Letter from Lloyds Bank, St James Street, London to J. H. Mansfield, 2 September 1924, concerning the late Earl Grey's passbook, with note by J. H. Mansfield endorsed.
Notes concerning plants for garden.
List of securities and income from them received by Robert Benson & Co. and estimate for further sums due.
Particulars of 5th Earl Grey's Accounts at Hambros Bank Ltd., Bishopsgate, London, 1921-1922.
The G. P. Syndicate Ltd.: statement of earnings of the 'Mitropa' Co., May 1921 compared with the previous year.
Letter J. Cleghorn (of George Grey & Sons) to 5th Earl Grey, 1 February 1924, concerning the rents of Broomhill Colliery and enclosing a statement of the gross rentals for coal and fire clay for the years 1920-1923 inclusive.
Ancroft estate game bags for the seasons 1912-1913 to 1921-1922, 10 May 1922.
Letter H. Richardson of Howick Whinstone Quarries Ltd. to 5th Earl Grey, 15 November 1924, giving particulars of output of stone, November 1923-31 October 1924.
Letter J. Cleghorn to 5th Earl Grey, 11 November 1924, concerning the Agricultural Wholesale Agency and the National Agricultural Co-operative Society.
Agreement by 4th Earl Grey with Sir Phillip Currie to take the tenancy of No. 1 Connaught Place for a year from 1 September 1898 to 31 August 1899.
Report by Francis Bothing on the drains of Connaught Place, 7 February 1898.
Letter Lofts & Warner to 4th Earl Grey, 22 March 1898, acknowledging his cheque for first instalment of rent of 1 Connaught Place.
Receipt 25 March 1898, receipt 5 October 1900 for £525 re: Connaught Place.
Receipt 18 August 1898 for £379-5s. 2nd instalment of rent.
Letter Lofts & Waner to Grey, 2 August 1899 enclosing agreement for the tenancy of 1 Connaught Place, 28 July 1899.
Robert Benson & Co.-account with 5th Earl Grey in respect of Mexican Eagle Oil Co. shares, 24 June 1921.
Insurance policy: the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. on 9 Chester Terrace, Regents Park, London, 25 April 1917.
Letter J. Cleghorn to 5th Earl Grey, 21 March 1925, concerning the applicants for Ancroft South Moor Farm, listing the offers and discussing the persons concerned, with copy letter J. K. Papillon to Messrs George Grey, 18 March 1925, concerning
Robert Green, one of the applicants.
The North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. Policy covering 9 Chester Terrace, Regents Park, London, 13 December 1917.
Correspondence concerning insurance: J. H. Mansfield to Countess Grey, 26 March 1919.
Statement of Lord Howick's Insurances.
4 letters from Newcastle branch of the North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. to 5th Earl Grey, 26 March, 15 April, 22 August and 17 October 1919.
The Central Landowners' Association, Northumberland branch.
List of members 1923 (with manuscript corrections for 1924).
Handbill on the objects and achievements of the above (2 copies).
Application form (2 copies).
Copy conveyance, 30 September 1853, by 3rd Earl Grey and others of lands at Ulgham Grange, Hawkhill, Little Houghton, Little Mill, Learmouth, Wark and Chevington to the York, Newcastle and Berwick Railway Company and Kelso & Warkwork Branches
with plan.
Part of a letter [George Grey] to 4th Earl Grey, 5 March 1913.
Letter John H. Merivale to George Grey of Milfield, 3 March 1913, concerning the serious implications for Broomhill Collieries of the new railway regulations concerning the construction of private waggons running on public railways.
Howick Grass Parks: catalogue of fields to be let by public auction and plan. [The names of the purchasers and the rent per acre are also given (in manuscript additions)]: 24 April 1895, 22 April 1898, 24 April 1901. Enclosed in the last of the
above: table showing the rent per acre for each year 1893-1901 with names of the tenants for 1901.
Notebook containing names of those to whom game was sent 1886-1892.
Howick Horticultural and Industrial Society 10th exhibition, 31 August 1901.
Rules, prizes offered, balance sheet for 1900.
Enclosed Letter E. Kinnaird (Hon. Sec.) to 4th Earl Grey, 2 October 1901, concerning the financial situation of the Society and the need for an increase in subscriptions.
British Bank of Northern Commerce: 5th Earl Grey's bank book 1917-1919 + bundle of cashed cheques.
Notebook labelled 'Northumberland' containing notes by 4th Earl Grey concerning Alnwick and the Earls and Dukes of Northumberland. Also statistics of rents, wages, tithe rent charges, etc. for 1874-1876 and 1884. Some loose papers with further
particulars enclosed.
Summaries of statements by 3 elderly men concerning the road through James Murrah's Farm between Howick and Alnwick which they declare had always been a public highway until recently. n.d.
Plan of the roads from Alnwick to Howick with distances indicated. n.d.
18th Century copy of an arbitration award between Edward Grey and John Craster for the division of Howick, July 1607. [A note on the cover states that it was found by Lt. Col. R. H. Carr-Ellison among old family papers and was sent to Lord Grey
in 1914.]
List of charges by mortgage, bond or promissory note, annuities, petty rents and tithe rent charges, on the Grey estates and account of the interest (£18738-7-0) due on them p.a., 1847.
Howick Estate Savings Bank: statement of accounts for the year ending 31 December 1903.
Copy account of Messrs Doig, McKechnie & Davis of Edinburgh for restoring the Grey banquet picture (and other work on pictures), 1873-1874.
Note on establishment for the garden, drives and plantations, n.d.
Census of cottages on the Grey estates, July 1912, giving number of rooms, the sex of occupants and, in some cases, their names. Some of the returns give the numbers under and over 16 years of age.
GRE/X/P113 1843-1852
Letters Henry Morton to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey, 17 February 1846-8 November 1852 [with gaps 1847-1848, 1850] mainly concerning the coal trade especially in connection with Broomhill Colliery. Some enclosures from agents. 2
letters from William Coulson who wished to take a lease of the colliery, 1852. 1 bundle.
May 1846-December 1848 [+1 August 1845]-Letters on estate matters mainly addressed to Captain F. W. Grey but some to Archibald Hills. Includes many letters from Francis Carr concerning Broomhill Colliery. Also one letter from the Scottish
Secession Presbyterian Church, Alnwick, to 3rd Earl Grey, April 1846. 1 bundle.
Correspondence and papers concerning Thomas Wright and Broomhill Colliery, November 1843-November 1852 [mainly 1843-1845]. Chiefly letters Thomas Wright to Captain F. W. Grey, 3rd Earl Grey, Richard Robson and J. Lambert. Wright was tenant of the
colliery but fell into arrears of rent and became bankrupt. A new lease was refused though Wright believed he had received assurances to the contrary and that he had been unjustly treated at the instance of Robson. Also 1 letter Henry Morton to
Captain Grey concerning the miners' strike of 1844. 1 bundle.
Letters from Thomas Crawford to Captain Grey concerning Broomhill Colliery, 19 August 1846-8 January 1851. 1 bundle.
Letters from Robert Marshall, viewer and manager of Broomhill Colliery, to Captain Grey concerning the colliery and sale of coal especially overseas, 7 April 1849-15 November 1852. Some enclosures; also a few letters from Francis Carr to Captain
Grey. 1 bundle.
5 bundles
GRE/X/P114 1720-1840s
12 letters and 1 receipt Grey Cooper to George Boag on estate and financial matters, 26 April 1759-21 April 1763. 1 bundle.
Receipts for rents paid by Sir Henry Grey to the Duke of Somerset, the Earl of Northumberland and the Duke of Northumberland for properties in Northumberland with a few other vouchers 1720-1759 and 1808. 1 bundle.
Receipts for fee farm rents paid by Sir Henry Grey in respect of his Northumberland properties, 1776-1797. 1 bundle.
Miscellaneous vouchers 1801 including a surgeon's bill for attention to Sir Henry Grey and Charles (2nd Earl) Grey. Also Chevington Wood accounts.
Forms of information and summons for various offences (mainly breaches of the game laws) all blank except one partly completed, 1840s.
5 bundles
Howick Farms Balance sheets for the years ending:
31 May 1896 (2 copies) + 1 valuation of stock at 1 June 1896.
31 May 1897 + statement of the expenses of keep of private horses and particulars of mares covered and foals produced.
31 May 1898 + valuation of stock at 1 June 1897 and statement of the expenses of keep for Grey's private horses on Howick farms.
31 May 1900 + statement of private horse keep.
31 May 1901 + valuation of stock at 1 June 1901 and statement of horse and cow keep.
31 May 1904 + valuation of stock on 1 June 1904; statement of horse keep and damage to crops by rabbits; letter J. H. Mansfield to Grey, 1 July 1904, concerning the accounts.
Cattle feeding return for the year 1900-1901.
Cattle feeding return for the year 1901-1902.
Statement of gross receipts for sheep, cattle and corn to show net profit, 1887-1891.
Another statement of profits for the above period, with valuation of cattle and sheep on 1 June of each year.
Howick Estate: statements of receipts and expenditure. September 1897; October 1897; November 1897; January 1898; March 1898; May 1898; June 1899.
Howick Estate: summary of receipts and expenditure: June 1900-January 1901; June 1900-February 1901; June 1900-April 1901; June 1901; June-July 1901; June-October 1901; June-November 1901; June 1901-February 1902; June 1901-March 1902; June
1901-April 1902; June 1901-May 1902; June 1902-April 1903; June 1903; June-July 1903; June-August 1903; June-September 1903; June-October 1903.
GRE/X/P115/1 1874-1901
W. Maule & Sons: North Northumberland Carriage and Harness Manufactory, Alnwick.
Copy estimate for a landau, 9 June 1874.
3 letters to 3rd Earl Grey, 3 October 1879, 7 October 1879, 11 October 1879.
Copy letter Grey to W. Maule & Sons, 10 October 1879.
Draft letter 3rd Earl Grey to his tenants concerning the killing of rabbits, 1 July 1884.
Letter A. Scott to Hugh Andrews, 7 March 1883, concerning trespass by pitmen's dogs and poultry on the Maiden's Hall ground.
Inland Revenue papers 1888-1889 (3 pieces).
Vouchers for accounts settled in London, 1900-1901.
1 file
GRE/X/P115/2 1871-1900
3rd Earl Grey's bank book with Messrs Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. 1881-1887, 1887-1893.
Horsley's Sportsman's pocket book with a few undated entries by Albert Grey, mainly for shooting at Ancroft and neighbourhood.
Account and receipt for horses bought at an auction, 23 August 1900.
Diagram and notes concerning the fitting of blinds for a greenhouse, 1871.
Northumberland and Durham Dairy Farmers' and Milk Producers' Association: circular and rules, 1899.
Press cuttings on agricultural matters including one from the Morning Post, 22 September 1899, on 'The revival of English Agriculture: Farming in Northumberland' [possibly by George Grey of Milfield].
1 file
GRE/X/P115/3 1869-1904
Plan of East and West Chevington Estate 1869. [Paper on linen, coloured.]
Underground Electric Railways Co. of London Ltd. Plan of London lines in operation and authorized (supplement to the
Statist, 15 October 1904).
Particulars of rabbits sold from Howick, 1886-1891.
Rough note by 4th Earl Grey of loss on [Howick or Learmouth?] farm 1980 and 1891.
Note by 3rd Earl Grey: questions about concrete tanks with answers in a different hand.
2 further answers enclosed. Letter R. W. Cooper (of Mssrs Cooper & Goodger of Newcastle) to Grey, 5 July 1898 concerning Heathpool and Heathpool Mill.
Statement of rents of fields on Low Stead Farm let as grass parks, 1897.
1 file
GRE/X/P115/4 1898-1916
2 January 1919-Howick estate: memorandum regarding paying off mortgages [by J. Cleghorn]. 2 copies.
Chevington estate: letter [J. Cleghorn] to 4th Earl Grey, 28 October 1916, discussing the question of raising rents on the estate and reviewing the rent history of the various farms.
Letter J. Cleghorn to 4th Earl Grey, 18 March 1898, concerning fertilizers.
2 letters George Grey to 4th Earl Grey, 7 and 9 September 1899, concerning the Agricultural Holdings Act and compensation to tenants for improvements, specifically in this case, for manures and lime applied to the land.
2 letters George Grey to 4th Earl Grey, 12 and 22 April 1902, concerning building sites at East Chevington and the cottages which the Broomhill Coal Co. wish to erect.
1 letter 4th Earl Grey to George Grey, 17 April 1902, on the same subject.
1 file
GRE/X/P115/5 1846-1903
Letter John and Benjamin Green to Captain the Hon. F. W. Grey, 2 May 1846, concerning their charges for professional services in connection with Learmouth House and a dispute that had arisen about them.
Letter Albert Grey to George Grey, 1 November 1888, concerning Wm. Lumsden, a tenant, in arrears of rent.
Letter George Grey to Albert Grey, 19 December 1890, concerning Lumsden.
Enclosure: copy letter Lumsden to Albert Grey, 18 December 1890, accusing him of wrecking his home and family.
Letter C. H. Eden to George Grey, 5 September 1900, concerning a coal seam at Little Mill and the question of letting it to Mr Richardson.
Letter C. H. Eden to [George Grey?], 7 October 1903, concerning coal under Ancroft estate and the question of whether to open a colliery there, with particulars of borings at neighbouring Shoreswood Colliery and Felkington pit. Attached: plan
showing the coal seams in the area.
1 file
GRE/X/P115/6 1845-1899
1887-1888-file of correspondence mainly from Richardson & Co. of York and the Northumberland Agricultural Supply Association concerning linseed oil cakes.
Letter Ernest H. Godfrey (of the Central Chamber of Agriculture) to 4th Earl Grey, 5 August 1899.
Letter Hugh Lindsay of the Farmers' Supply Association of Scotland to Godfrey, 4 August 1899, enclosing Annual Reports of the Farmers' Supply Association of Scotland 1897, 1898, 1899 and account of proceedings at the annual meeting of the above
Association on 29 March 1899.
Central Chamber of Agriculture: Report of Local Taxation Committee for consideration on 31 October 1899.
10 December 1845-Printed paper proposing that the townships of the parishes adjacent to Howick should combine to employ a surveyor of highways to deal with the bad roads in the district, with schedule of the townships showing their area, annual
value and the rate needed from each to pay the surveyor. 6 copies.
31 July 1897-Township of Howick: list of occupiers entitled to be both county and parliamentary electors, and list of persons entitled to be county but not parliamentary electors for the Berwick-upon-Tweed division of the County of
Northumberland. 2 copies of both lists. 1 additional copy of list of county electors.
Township of Howick: Ownership electors-parliamentary (for Berwick division). 3 copies.
1 file
GRE/X/P115/7 1871-1900
Rough note of 'mineral rents' (Broomhill Colliery, Little Mill Whinstone, Chevington Colliery, Widdrington Coal Co., Little Mill Limery), 1871-1885.
Copy letter Charles D. Forster to George Grey, 7 December 1886 concerning compensation for mining subsidence.
Copy letter George Grey to Forster, 9 December 1886 replying to the above.
Letter George Grey to Albert (4th Earl) Grey, 13 December 1886.
Letter John Dixon to Grey, 30 September 1899, thanking him for silver cup and for kindness while employed at Howick.
Statement concerning potato allowance to hinds.
Letter Duke of Norfolk (Post Master General) to Grey, 9 March 1898, concerning the guarantee the Post Office would require from the National Telephone Co. for a trunk line to Alnwick.
Stubs of 3rd Earl Grey's cheque books (Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.) 1892-1893, and 1893-1894 (and some unused cheques) 1893-1894.
Letter J. Cleghorn to Albert Grey, June 1893.
Part of a letter from Cleghorn [c.1893] concerning Learmouth accounts.
Howick accounts for year ending 31 May 1900
Letter John H. Mansfield to Grey, 27 May 1898, concerning Ralph Grey (and Theatre Royal Shares). Enclosed: Letter E.? Wheler to Mansfield, 20 May 1898.
1 file
GRE/X/P116 1818-1888
Letters William Woodman and George A. Grey concerning leases of estates about to be mortgaged, and notes by Woodman on existing leases, October 1867.
Rough lists of payments, mainly to members of the Grey family 1871-1875 and other financial jottings.
List of deeds sent to Messrs Flux and Leadbitter in October 1888.
2 notes from Messrs Flux, and list of deeds received. 1 bundle.
Letters and papers concerning the exchange of lands in the Parish of Carham between 3rd Earl Grey and John Hodgson Hinde and others 1845-1848 with Act of Parliament (10-11 Victoria) for the purpose. Includes letters from R. Hodgson, J. Lambert,
and Edward Grace to Captain Frederick William Grey, and draft letter 3rd Earl Grey to R. Hodgson, 30 October 1845. Also sketch plan of parts of Wark Common south of Learmouth road. 1 bundle.
Papers in connection with the sale of estates in 1870:
Statement by William Woodman of money to be received and charges to be paid, 12 November 1870.
List of charges to be paid, 12 November 1870, and another list and some further particulars.
List of deeds to be executed consequent upon the sale.
Copy letters M. & F. Davidson to William Woodman, 24 October 1870, and Woodman to Messrs Davidson, 25 October 1870; letter Messrs Davidson to Woodman, 19 November 1870.
List of estates which once belonged to Sir Henry Grey, sent to William Woodman, 2 September 1869. Acreages stated.
Particulars of the Grey estates c.1869. 1 bundle.
Bundle of miscellaneous papers containing:
Account of servants' wages for the half year ending 31 March 1848.
List of farms and their tenants and former tenants, with particulars of rents, date of letting, term, and the increase or decrease in rent since the last letting, September 1845.
Note concerning the Townships of East and West Chevington.
List of 'periodical subscriptions', c.1847.
Abstract of sundry payments at Howick, 19 September 1851.
Account showing consumption of meat and flour and expenses in brewing for year ending 31 August 1844.
Lands Improvement Co.: statement of loans and interest due. 2 pieces.
Circular about the Co.'s change of address.
Receipts for payments of interest on mortgages, 1826-1827. 9 pieces.
Note of drainage rent charges which ceased after payment of the instalment due on 10 October 1876.
Return of Howick Farm for 2 weeks to 7 April 1848.
Return of Howick Farm for 2 weeks to 19 September 1851.
Rough statements of account for Howick Farm 1832-1843 but mainly 1834-1837; also rough comparative statement of accounts 1818-1837; Howick Farm return 15-29 August 1823; statement of a dispute about the trapping of rabbits by a tenant [written on
the Howick Farm statement for the year 1834. Some of the statements are written on back of letters to R. Robson 1835-1836.]
Bundle containing the following miscellaneous letters and papers:
Plans of farm buildings at Ferneybeds, Houghton Grange (Ulgham), Cold Martin and Budle, with values stated, n.d.
Account of rent from the above premises.
Letters and papers concerning interest payments due from 3rd Earl Grey 1857-1861. [In wrapper marked 'Important, Memoranda about Private Ledger matters'.]
Copy minute of reference and arbitration award in a boundary dispute between 3rd Earl Grey and Robert Kerr Elliot over the farms at Fleehope and Auchope, 1850.
Grant of annuity of £300 p.a. by 3rd Earl Grey to Albert Grey, 23 December 1873.
Statement of Lady Emily Augusta Cavendish's settlement trust account.
2 letters William Woodman to Albert Grey, 1886.
Press cutting concerning the case of Crossman and another v the Queen. [One of the above letters from Woodman states that this case is 'entirely inapplicable to Lord Grey's conveyance to you'.]
Account of William Woodman for abstract of title and conveyance of all 3rd Earl Grey's real and personal estate to Albert Grey, 1885.
Large bundle of accounts of receipts and expenditure (mainly Howick and Chevington but also some London items):
January-December 1869 12 accounts
January-December 1870 12 accounts
January-December 1871 12 accounts
January-December 1872 12 accounts
January-December 1873 12 accounts
September 1877 1 account
January-December 1878 12 accounts
January-December 1879 12 accounts
[These accounts seem to give the same information as those in Box 85.]
Scottish Union and National Insurance Company: receipts for payments of premiums for fire insurance in respect of Howick: 24 June 1872 26 pieces; 24 June 1879 26 pieces.
GRE/X/P117 1828-1909
Correspondence concerning a whinstone quarry at Budle-the possibility of exploiting it commercially.
Letters from J. Lambert, John Dodds, and W. B. Rich, November 1828-January 1829; reports by Dodds on the quarry, quay and harbour, lime works and fishing station.
Particulars and tender for supplying stone, etc. for use of the trustees of the New Cross Turnpike Roads, 1829.
Letter J. Lambert to Mr Anderson, 13 March 1830, with copy letter from his agents Mounsey and Gray.
Memorandum book in respect of Budle New Town Quarry, 1828.
Account book in respect of Budle New Town Quarry, 1829-1830.
Vouchers relating to the quarry 1829-1830, includes letter John Dodds to Robert Anderson, 26 February 1830.
Cash book with payments made to stone breakers and quarry labourers, 1829-1830.
Lease of Budle Whinstone Quarries to Robert Gillow for 20 years, 28 October 1853. Parchment deed.
Howick estate: book of cheque counterfoils, 1896-1897.
Orders to tradesmen to supply goods to Howick, 1895-1896.
File of correspondence: George Grey to Earl Grey, 24 May 1902 enclosing letter from John M. Annett, 21 May 1902 concerning starting a cattle mart at Chevington station.
Grey to George Grey, 27 May 1902 commenting on above.
George Grey to Grey, 24 May 1902 site of privies at Chevington drift.
Grey to George Grey, 27 May 1902 replying.
Neol Villiers to 4th Earl Grey, 7 May 1902 concerning Dunstanburgh golf course and inviting Grey to become president.
Copy Grey to Villiers, 27 May stating that he hates golf and so must decline.
Copy letter to Mr Burtt concerning the prospects for a stone business in Northumberland-stone for building and stone for roads.
Letter James Waddell (Hon. Secretary Northumberland and Durham Bee Keepers' Association) to Grey, 22 April 1902 concerning the Association's annual show, subscriptions and appeal.
Journal of boring on West Chevington Farm August 1909 by Robert Wood.
Memoranda by 4th Earl Grey on cottages at Sea Houses, July 1876.
Notes by 4th Earl Grey on trees and timber, The Flat-its crops and cultivation.
Labourers' wages, August 1876.
Note concerning grassland and its value and the danger of ploughing it for grain crops.
Bundle of papers and memoranda relating to estate affairs:
Note of money borrowed for draining and building to December 1860 (£26,799-9-5).
Cost of running No. 13 Carlton House Terrace for each of the years 1872-1877.
Abstracts of servants' wages 1878 and 1880.
Memorandum of wages at Howick 1872.
Accounts showing the results of the sale of estates in March 1870 and how the money was applied.
Account of cost of repairs to Howick after a fire in 1875.
Account of coal consumed 1871-1872.
Account of oil and candles consumed 1867-1870.
Note of capital sunk 1867-1868.
Account of game keeping expenses 1873-1875.
Account of private ledger payments 1868.
Estimate of probable income and expenditure 1861.
Estimated state of accounts 1 November 1869.
List of plate sent from Sprotborough Hall 1875.
Particulars of servants for census return, n.d.
List of game killed on Grey estates 1871.
Abstract account of personal expenses for each year in the period 1859-1863.
Letter and notes concerning wine and beer 1867.
Memorandum of agreement for the sweeping of chimneys at 13 Carlton House Terrace, 1876.
Note of cost of keeping Maiden Hall Farm in hand for a year.
Article on Broomhill Colliery from the
Mining Journal, 18 December 1875.
Account of the cost of heating apparatus 1873.
Account of the cost of building and fitting up a new grape house and conservatory 1863-1864.
Dimensions of new vinery and greenhouse.
Account of the cost of altering a greenhouse 1871.
Account of the cost of building 3 cottages at Little Mill 1864-1865.
Note by 3rd Earl Grey on the increase in value of part of Sir Walter Trevelyan's estate in 1863 as a result of the construction of the Wansbeck railway.
Similarly, Miss Bell's farm at North Middleton.
Comparative statistics of payments and receipts in respect of a farm of 1292 acres, half arable and half pasture, 1867-1874.
2 unlabelled plans, probably of farmyard buildings, one on paper with watermark of 1848.
GRE/X/P118 1824-1845
Bank books: Lord Howick's account with Messrs Ladbrokes 1824-1836, 1837-1841.
Bank book: Lord Howick's separate account with Messrs Glyn & Co., June-July 1845, with cashed cheques in pocket in back cover.
Small notebook with Lord Howick's accounts 1828-1834 [some pages evidently cut out].
Account book containing Lord Howick's household and personal expenses 1832-1835.
Similar book, 1836-1839.
Similar book, 1838-1844.
Large account book 1840-1844 [with other expenses than the above item].
Small book with accounts 1841-1845 including expenses on the continent.
Paper books with particulars of Lord Howick's accounts in 17 separate categories such as servants' wages, subscriptions, doctors' and chemists' accounts ..., 1840-1844.
Paper backed book: Inventory of the fixtures, etc. at Datchet Lawn, Berks., the property of Lady Gore, March 1839.
Paper backed book: Inventory of the furniture, garden utensils, etc. at Datchet Lawn valued to Lord Howick, March 1839.
GRE/X/P119 1890-1921
Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on:
West Presson, 1902-1909.
Downham, c.1893-1920.
Burton shooting, 1905.
Learmouth fishing, 1915.
East Chevington, 1900-1912.
Chevington Woodhouses, 1908-1909.
Also counsel's opinion concerning Wm. Lowrey, 1870. 1 bundle.
Papers concerning Fleehope shooting, 1908-1921.
Copy lease of Southern Knowe, Fleehope and Mount Hooley Farms, 1894, with correspondence and papers, 1893-1920. 1 bundle.
Miscellaneous vouchers 1890-1920 [most 1891]. 1 bundle
GRE/X/P120 1849-1887
1849?-Address by 3rd Earl Grey to his tenants.
Letters to 3rd Earl Grey on estate business:
1876-From George A. Grey, William Woodman and Edward J. Macdonald. 1 bundle.
1879-From George A. Grey. 1 bundle.
1880-1881-From George A. Grey and Henry Morton. 1 bundle.
1881-From George A. Grey. 1 bundle.
1859-1878-Letters from George A. Grey, William Woodman and Henry Morton 'taken out of general bundles of correspondence' by 3rd Earl Grey. 1 bundle.
28 January 1887-Letter George Edgar Frere (28 Lincoln's Inn Fields) to 3rd Earl Grey concerning a question whether certain properties were included in or excluded from the late Lord Durham's marriage settlement.
GRE/X/P121 1888
Letters to George Grey of Milfield (estate agent for the Grey family) from tenants and others, including occasional letters from 3rd Earl Grey. Also draft agreement with the Broomhill Coal Company about compensation to tenants for damaged land
and correspondence on that subject. Some letters are to J. Cleghorn, a member of George Grey's firm.
2 bundles
GRE/X/P122 1849-1863
Estate correspondence. Many of these letters were to Archibald Hills at Howick or were dealt with by him. The letters are in bundles often with overlapping dates as follows:
1. 1849 many to the Hon. Frederick William Grey.
2. 1853
3. 1854
4. 1854
5. 1854-1855
6. 1854-1857 concerning Howick Grange.
7. 1855
8. 1856-1858
9. 1856-1863
10. 1856-1863 concerning Thomas Turner.
11. 1856 concerning right to wrecks on the coast near Howick.
12. 1856-1859
13. 1856
14. 1857 'Important letters' concerning Broomhill Colliery.
15. 1859-1861
16. 1857-1862
17. 1857-1863
18. 1861-1862
19. 1854-1862
20. 1847-1852 letters from the Hon. Sir Frederick William Grey to Archibald Hills.
21. 1854-1857 letters from the Hon. Sir Frederick William Grey and Barbarina Charlotte Grey to Hills.
22. 1858 includes 2 letters from Hills to-Coulson returned by the Post Office because Coulson could not be found.
23. Vouchers for payments made by or on behalf of the Hon. Sir Frederick William Grey, 1852-1853.
24. Vouchers (as above) 1854-1855.
25. Exercise book containing catalogue of books at Howick Grange, 10 August 1854.
26. Notebook containing inventory of the contents of Howick Grange belonging to the Hon. Sir Frederick William Grey with note by him enclosed as to what was not to be sold, 11 August 1854.
26 bundles
GRE/X/P123 1845-1866
Miscellaneous estate papers mainly those of Archibald Hills, Lord Grey's manager at Howick. The papers are in small bundles and have been given numbers as follows:
1. 1848-1858-Account of acreages of fields in the following groups of farms with some particulars of cultivation-Ancroft, including plan of grassland at Ancroft South Moor and 2 letters Thomas Pinkerton to Archibald Hills 1857-1858; Learmouth;
Presson Hill; Ulgham Grange and Ferney Beds; Chevington and Whitfield House; Little Houghton; Howick Sea Houses.
2. Particulars of drainage done by tenants in the half year ending 1 April 1852 and of allowances made to them.
3. c.1853-1861-Letters and papers, mainly claims by tenants for allowances and reimbursements.
4. 8 May 1850-Copies of letters sent to 3rd Earl Grey's tenants advising them of what abatement, if any, would be allowed to their rents.
5. 1851-1855-Letters and papers concerning the debt of Philip Nairn in respect of Budle and Newtown Farms. Includes valuations of Budle Newtown Farm 1807 and Budle Farm 1854 and letters from Nairn, George A. Grey, A. Lambert and others.
6. 1847-1860-Correspondence concerning the affairs of William Balfour of West Chevington who died in or about 1846. Letters from John Stevenson, junior, of North Shields, to Henry Morton and George A. Grey. Also letters from John Stevenson,
senior, and account relating to Balfour's estate. See also bundle 24 below.
7. 1852-1855-Letters and papers concerning a payment due from James Wilson, tenant of East Chevington.
8. 1858-1860-Letters and papers concerning William Lisle, tenant at Ancroft, and sale of his effects for failure to pay rent. Also papers concerning D. Phillips, who owed money for purchases made at Lisle's sale.
9. 1855-1856-Statement of rentals due to Lord Grey from farms in the Parish of Carham, with letter R. Hodgson to [G. A. Grey?], 25 August 1856.
10. 1849-1862-Advertisements of the following farms to let: Whitfield House, Budle, West Learmouth, West Chevington, Chevington Woodside, Ancroft East with lime and coal works, Ancroft South Moor, Ancroft North. Also Howick Grange.
11. 1857-1859-Advertisements for letting Howick Grange and letters concerning it.
12. 1850-1853-Advertisements of the following farms to let: Ulgham Grange, Ferney Beds, Whitefield House, Burton, Maiden's Hall. Also an unnamed farm.
13. 1846-1854-Letters and papers concerning manures for turnips and experiments with different kinds of manure. Includes letters from 3rd Earl Grey and Robert Swan of Alnwick.
14. 1853-Correspondence with Messrs Packard & Co., Coprolite Mills and Manure Factory, Ispwich, concerning their fossil manures. Includes a long letter of 14 April 1853 from Edward Packard to 3rd Earl Grey advising on use of the manures.
15. 1854-Correspondence concerning the supply of manures and other papers relating to manuring.
16. 1855-Correspondence and papers concerning manures including analysis of samples, leaflets on the values of different animal manures and Nottridges' patent wool manure.
17. 1851-Letter Edward Weir, agricultural engineer, Oxford Street, London, to 3rd Earl Grey 18 January 1851, concerning a windmill pump for liquid manure, with diagram of windmill force pump.
18. 1851-1853-Report by the Hon. Sir Frederick William Grey on engines used by Mr Kennedy and Mr Telford for manuring, irrigation and other purposes on their farms near Ayr, Scotland.
19. 1853-1854-Letters from Messrs Young (Vulcan Foundry, Ayr) concerning liquid manure pipes. Also sketch plan of a farm near Long Houghton.
20. 1855-Handbill advertising Phillip's Patent Root Mincing, Pulping or Grating Machine, and other implements manufactured by Woods of Stowmarket. Correspondence concerning the mincing machine which did not arrive at Howick as expected.
21. 1855-Statement concerning timber to be sold from Chevington Wood on 19 March; handbill advertising the sale; 3 letters from James Earnshaw, one concerning sale of timber at Ulgham Grange.
22. 1856-1868-Handbills advertising timber to be sold from Hawkhill plantation (1856). Notebook containing account of timber sold at Budle Wood, 16 February 1859. Handbills advertising sale of 30 tons of oak bark from Chevington Wood (1860).
Conditions of sale for the bark. Advertisement of timber for sale from Chevington Wood, 1867. Note of offers received for Chevington timber, 1867. Conditions of sale for Chevington timber signed by the purchasers, 1867-1868. Account of wood sold
from Ancroft Moor, 1867. List of offers received for wood at Howick with conditions of sale signed by the purchasers.
23. 1860-Estimates of the value of 30 acres and 210 acres of woodland at 25 years growth. 5 pieces.
24. c.1850-1852-Accounts relating to Chevington Wood. Also papers concerning the estate of William Balfour, gardener for the Greys for many years. See also bundle 6 above.
25. 1854-Particulars of the measurements of the ditches and hedges of Howick plantations.
26. 1855-1857-Letters and papers concerning tenants and financial matters. Includes letter from Edward Sibbit to George A. Grey, 27 September 1855 and letter from George A. Grey to A. Hills concerning a boundary claim.
27. 1851-1860-Letters and papers concerning poor and highway rates in the Parish of Carham, including 3 letters Thomas Scott to A. Hills 1858-1860 and 1 letter from William Lumsden 1860.
28. 1854-Correspondence concerning property tax on Ancroft tithes.
29. 1862-1863-Correspondence concerning income tax on a coal staith in Warkworth Harbour used by the Broomhill Coal Company. Includes letters from A. Hills, B. Woodman, Edward Western and Edward Whitfield.
30. 1847-1848-Papers concerning Broomhill Farm: abstract account from Lord Grey's entry in the Spring of 1847 to 1 August 1848; also rough abstract; valuation of stock and implements transferred from Howick 13 May 1847; valuation of horses on
Broomhill Farm, 11 May 1848.
31. 1847-1855-Particulars of the cost of feeding farm horses, 27 August 1847-19 May 1848. Statement of corn consumed by the farm horses in the above period. Statement of the number of lambs on 11 April 1849. Statement of the numbers of ewes and
lambs, 13 April-10 May 1855. Note of wood supplied from Howick plantations for farm joinery work, 1846. Copy of Howick Farm return for 2 weeks ending 19 May 1848.
32. 1854-Correspondence with Robert Swan of Alnwick concerning oil cake and price list of Messrs Lambert and Smith, Agricultural Suppliers, Hull.
33. 1858-Letters from Messrs Cunningham of Edinburgh and Thew of Alnwick about locust beans and other cattle food.
34. 1853-1856-Rough memoranda of contracts for building and repairing cottages; receipted account for work at Burton 1853-1855; estimate by Robert Dunn of the cost of building work at East Learmouth and Bradford 'having reference to a percentage
of rent charge for the outlay'.
35. 1854-1855-Accounts for building and maintenance work on farm cottages and other buildings on various estates.
36. Estimate and account of Daniel Field for making a new road at Little Mill Farm, 1847-1848. Letters and accounts concerning Horton quit rent, including letter C. Seymour Bell to A. Hills, 1855. Note of wheat sold to Mr Davidson, 1854. Letter
Robert Dunn to A. Hills, 20 April 1855, concerning horses to be sent to Chevington.
37. 1852-1853-Correspondence concerning Ancroft tithes, and drainage tiles. Includes letters from, or on behalf of, W. Longbourne, agent for Mr Grieve, and 1 letter from George A. Grey.
38. 1851-Calculations of acreages of away going crop at Ulgham Grange and Ferney Beds Farms. 2 copies, one with alterations.
39. 1850-2 white papers on the corn trade: (1) stating grain prices and quantities imported from various countries; (2) quantities sold in England and Wales in each week of the 5 years ending 1 January 1850 and in each week subsequently.
40. 1851-1857-Howick gardens: Analysis of expenses in the two years ending 1 November 1851. Memorandum of the cost of gardens and grounds for the years ending 1 November 1855 and 1856. List of men employed and note of their wages, 3 June
41. 1837-1853-Pedigrees of animals and memorandum concerning 3 rams from Leicestershire hired by Mr Grey.
42. 1854-1857 and n.d.-Memoranda of building and other work to be done at Howick and on various farms and plantations. 3 pieces.
43. 1862-1863-Letters concerning Bells Hill tithes due to Lord Grey: 3 letters from John Church of Woodside, Hatfield, Herts., to A. Hills.
44. 1857-1858-Letter Andrew Murray, printer and publisher of the
Kelso Chronicle to A. Hills (written on back of a handbill concerning Murray and the Chronicle); letters from the North of England Implement Company, Stockton, to A. Hills and leaflet
concerning the Company.
45. 1862-2 letters George Turnbull of Budle to A. Hills concerning property tax; 1 letter from the Surveyor of Taxes, Berwick, to Hills concerning this case.
46. 1845, 1861-Valuation of farm stock at Howick. Memorandum of how [drainage] pipes at Broomhill Tilery were disposed of.
47. n.d.-Plan of a house with 2 storeys.
48. 5 January 1866-Copy report by Charles Heath Wilson, architect, of Glasgow, on Egyptian Porphyry and other marbles found at Broomhall, Fifeshire. [This item was found among the papers of General Charles Grey.]
GRE/X/P124 1816-1893
Stock book 1886-1891.
Account of purchases from Messrs E. Johnson & Co., Alnwick (mainly crockery and tableware), 1845-1893.
Terrier of Ancroft Estate surveyed by Nicholas Weatherly, 1816.
Terrier of Learmouth and Downham Estates surveyed by Weatherly, 1817.
Cash account book for Howick Farms, 1846-1850.
Cash book evidently kept by E. J. Macdonald, 1887-1892, with final entries in J. H. Mansfield's hand.
Crop book, 1851-1852. Also contains some miscellaneous jottings.
GRE/X/P125 1752-1913
Estate papers
14 bundles
GRE/X/P125/1 1757-1853
Table showing the results of a boring on Chevington Estate by Mr Rawlings, 1757.
Instructions for the surrender of the lease of Old Learmouth Farm by Mr Smith, stating details of his away going crop and the conditions under which he continues at Sunnilaws, 4 October 1849.
Letter A. Lambert to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey, 26 July 1853, concerning the tithe rent charge on Learmouth and the amount payable by Smith, the tenant.
Copy letter Captain the Hon. F. W. Grey to A. Lambert, 1 August 1853, concerning the surrender of a lease and interest payments on a bond.
List of encumbrances on Earl Grey's estates (drawn up by Mr Lambert, 13 August 1845), with note by 3rd Earl Grey concerning debts discharged and some of those still remaining.
Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey of quarterly payments to be made to members of the family, 10 October 1845.
Letter William Bromley junior to 3rd Earl Grey, 2 October 1846, concerning a box of documents relating to the estate of the late Countess Grey which could be reclaimed from the official assignee of the late William Bromley.
Letter William Burn to Captain the Hon. F. W. Grey, 12 February 1848, reporting on progress of work on the farm.
GRE/X/P125/2 1841-1889
n.d. [watermark 1847]-Conditions for letting Bradford Farm. [Printed form with manuscript additions.]
26 September 1849-Appointment of William Lishman as special constable for Howick.
1851-Proposed scheme of husbandry for Whitefield House Farm.
5 May 1856-Letter Robert Dunn to Archibald Hills concerning beer required for the 'wood sale'.
1841-1851-Particulars of Mr Fenwick's away going crops 1841 and Mr Goodman's 1851. [Field names and acreages stated.]
February-July 1859-Advice notes from Messrs George Henderson & Son of Berwick to Archibald Hills for manure and other commodities despatched to Longhoughton Station. 7 pieces.
n.d. [1860s]-Circular from R. Freeman of Morpeth concerning his agricultural machinery hire business.
1863-Very rough calculations in connection with Howick household and estate accounts.
26 November 1864?-Letter George A. Grey to 3rd Earl Grey mainly concerning William and George Smith and [Ancroft] farm.
31 August 1869-Letter Frederick G. Grey to E. J. Macdonald concerning an affidavit in connection with the Grey estates.
1877-Note by 3rd Earl Grey of the men employed in the garden and their daily wages.
7 February 1879-Copy letter G. A. Grey to Mr Richardson concerning additional land he needs at Little Mill.
22 June-19 July 1889-Pay list of masons, joiners and labourers employed at Howick. States number of days worked, the rate per day, total due. Signed by the workers.
GRE/X/P125/3 [1837]
Papers concerning Radcliffe Colliery, Amble, Northumberland.
Confidential report on the colliery, n.d. [Watermark 1837].
Extract of report by William Anderson and John Easton, colliery engineers, n.d. [watermark 1837].
Questions for Mr Wood and list of requirements.
GRE/X/P125/4 1838-1846
4 December 1838-Bond of 2nd Earl Grey to Captain the Hon. George Grey in £4,000 to secure £2,000 and interest.
1840-Printed paper issued by the Royal Agricultural Society advising on treatment of the present epidemic among cattle.
26 March 1841-Letter Richard Robson to (3rd Earl) Grey with copy letter Samuel Goodman to Robson, 23 March 1841, concerning the letting of Chevington Farms.
24 March 1841-Letter Robson to Grey concerning the tithes and poor rates of Chevington Farms.
25 March 1841-Letter Robson to Grey concerning Chevington Estate.
15 April 1844-Letter Henry Brumell to Richard Robson concerning his price for the sale of Little Houghton estate to the Greys.
1 October 1845-Promissory note: 3rd Earl Grey to Captain the Hon. George Grey for £1,000 and interest [paid off in April 1874].
9 October 1845-Letter John Berkley to 3rd Earl Grey concerning a possible lawsuit against him (Grey).
11 November 1845-Letter Richard Robson to Captain the Hon. F. W. Grey concerning a dispute with Mr Green [the Architect] over a house and buildings at Learmouth occupied by Mr Smith.
19 February 1846-Statement of John Swan's account for rent then settled.
GRE/X/P125/5 1889-1904
2 November 1889-Account of stock sold for 3rd Earl Grey.
27 September 1894-Receipt of Glyn, Mills & Co. for £5,850-8-3d from 3rd Earl Grey.
1899-Account of Messrs Cowtan & Sons of Oxford Street, London, for furniture and paper hangings supplied to 4th Earl Grey.
n.d.-The John Clark Scholarship Foundation for pupils (or former pupils) of Milfield Council School: original and amended schemes of administration by the Trustees.
1900-1901-Papers concerning building work at Howick House: letters and receipts from Walter Scott, builder and contractor, Newcastle, and William Wallace, Old Bond Street, London, [architect]. 6 pieces.
1904-Copy agreement for letting the shooting rights of East and West Burton Farms to R. Philipson of Tynemouth for the 1904 season.
GRE/X/P125/6 1850-1852
c.1852-Detailed notes of the following farms, stating the history of their rents and tenants, generally from 1797, and particulars of crops, expenditure on drainage, and tithe rent charges:
Ancroft Moors
Ancroft North Side and Town Farm
Ancroft East Farm (or Mains)
Ancroft Town Farm Budle and Budle New Town
East Chevington [from 1762]
Hawkhill [from 1765]. Badly damaged.
c.1850-Notes on the rents of various farms. Discussion particularly as to whether any abatement in rent should be made.
Another copy of the above with comments by 3rd Earl Grey.
1850-Draft of proposed clause in a farm lease concerning rents, with opinion of William Clayton Clayton, 8 April 1850.
Bradford Estate: list of field names and acreages.
GRE/X/P125/7 1752-1834
Miscellaneous Papers
Fragment of a draft conveyance of the Manor of Bradford and other properties including Learmouth by Richard Nevill Aldworth (by the direction of John Earl of Portsmouth and Elizabeth his wife) to John Grey; with notes concerning a recovery of the
premises. [Damaged].
20 December 1752-Promissory note by Thomas Wood to leave all the buildings of Presson Farm in good repair at Whitsuntide 1753.
15 October 1757-Receipt of Robert Richardson for £4-9s for the use of James Henderson, the mortgagee of Longhoughton Mill, for dry multure corn.
1776-1777-Account of Thomas Davidson in connection with the mortgage of Chevington and Hawkhill estates.
21 May 1792-List of horses sold at Hawkhill with the purchasers' names and prices.
21 May 1792-Similar list of cattle.
21 May 1792-Similar list of sheep.
1834-Chevington Woods account with note of gamekeeper's expenses, 1828-1833, and other expenses in that period.
GRE/X/P125/8 1806-1887
Pages from a granary book showing quantities of oats and how they were used, January-December 1806.
Account of William Lishman in respect of grain and labourers' wages, 11 April 1848.
Howick Farm abstract, 8 April 1848.
'Total amount of stock made and sold in 1847; total permanent capital in the Works' up to 1 January 1848.
Inland Revenue licences issued to 3rd Earl Grey in respect of male servants, carriages, armorial bearings and dogs, 1881-1887.
Also completed declaration for establishment form, 1879.
GRE/X/P125/9 [1843]-1908
Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey of building work and repairs to be done at Howick Hall and to farm cottages, n.d. [watermark 1843].
Tracing evidently indicating work to be done to the mansion house.
Rough account of the income of the Howick estate, 1847. [Gives acreages, rents, drainage percentage, and tenants' names.]
Valuation of land in Chevington Wood, n.d.
List of game sent to various persons. [In 4th Earl Grey's hand.]
Particulars of the shooting on the Howick portion of the Howick estates (1907-1908 season). Issued by George Grey, July 1907.
GRE/X/P125/10 1845-1848
Account of stock, 1 May 1846, indicating the values of the various animals.
Particulars concerning the preparation of cattle food and method of feeding from Mr Walker and Mr Marshall. Also from Mr Thomas, farm bailiff at Sober Hill, December 1845. 3 pieces.
Letter William Burn, Howick South Farm, to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey, 16 November 1846, concerning linseed cattle food as used at Howick. Also concerning employees' wages.
Particulars of cattle feeding at Howick and information from 3 of Lord Prudhoe's cattlemen, 1846.
Table showing weights of cattle at Howick Lodge, 31 January 1848.
Letter G. W. Baker to 3rd Earl Grey, 15 December 1848, concerning the preparation of cattle food on the Duke of Bedford's Park Farm.
GRE/X/P125/11 1842-1904
23 July 1898-Receipt from F. Brackenbury (secretary to the proprietors) for £500 from 4th Earl Grey, representing his interest in the Osborne Avenue property purchased by Northumberland County Cricket Club.
9 April 1904-Printed memorandum and articles of association of the Northumberland County Recreation Ground Ltd.
18 June 1899-Letter E. C. Meysey-Thompson to 4th Earl Grey concerning horses.
December 1893-Account Messrs Phillips Brothers & Son, Goldsmiths, London to [4th Earl] Grey.
Letter George Edgar Frere to 3rd Earl Grey, 8 April 1884, enclosing printed case 'The Earl Grey and others v The Ecclesiastical Commissioners' concerning ground rents in Sunderland and the Manor of Houghton.
9 May 1845-Account of money due to William Burn for wages and expenses.
n.d.-Outline plan of 3 farms.
16 August 1842-Notes by William Burn on an experiment with nitrate of soda on old land grass.
GRE/X/P125/12 1828-1855
Envelope containing:
General abstract of accounts at Howick, 1844.
Abstract of income and expenditure, 1846.
List of charges on the Howick estate, 1847.
Schedule of rents and percentages payable to Lord Grey in 1853.
Sums expended on draining, building, etc. in each year of the period 1848-1853.
Particulars of garden expenditure, 1846-1847.
Comparative view of the expense of the gardens, grounds and plantations, fuel, fences and bathing house at Howick, 1828-1834.
Analysis of Howick gardens expenses, 1850-1851.
Note of profit and loss on Broomhill Colliery, 1852-1853.
Notes of losses from Learmouth and Whitfield House Farms in 1852 and from these farms plus Maiden's Hall and Seahouses in 1853.
Notes of capital invested and expenditure, 1852-1854.
Estimate of income and charges on the Grey estates 1852, 1854.
Estimate of income and charges, 1854-1855.
Comparison of schedules of income and charges in 1849 and 1850. (3 pieces).
GRE/X/P125/13 1913
Broomhill Colliery:
Letter George Grey of Milfield to 4th Earl Grey, 28 February 1913, enclosing statement of the gross rents due from Broomhill Colliery, 1909-1912.
Letter H. Coates (Secretary of Broomhill Colliery) to J. H. Mansfield, 20 March 1913, concerning the purchase of debenture stock for cancellation, and reply from Grey, 25 March 1913.
GRE/X/P125/14 1755-1877
Schedules of income on the Grey estates and charges (mortgages, annuities, etc.) on them, January 1849, October 1850, and 1852.
1877-Note stating that Fleehope and Southern Knowe estates were charged with annuities on the marriage of Albert Grey.
Printed conditions of sale of some of the Grey estates, 16 March 1870.
[Proof copy] 4 June 1755-Draft order relating to a fine in respect of lands and tithes in the Parishes of Eglingham and Edlingham: John Story and Jane his wife to Thomas D'Oyley.
16 May 1851-Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey stating why he would not consider making further reductions in rent to his tenant farmers.
Glendale Volunteer Rifle Corps: printed subscription list with manuscript additions, n.d.
List of employees in Howick gardens and grounds, 31 December 1847, and table of wages paid, 1842-1847.
List of servants and their wages, October 1846.
Hawkhill Tile Works: contract for the manufacture of drainage pipes and tiles, 1846.
GRE/X/P126 1843-1898
Notebook containing memoranda on Turnpike Trusts in England and Wales, 1834. Includes list of principal evils and proposed remedies and results of consolidation.
Crop book: particulars of Howick Farms' corn crops, 1862-1869.
Cellar books: 1843-1844, 1868-1898 [gap between 1885-1895]. Mainly for Howick but some relate to London (24 vols). Separate note by 3rd Earl Grey of consumption of wine and spirits at Howick in 1867.
Bank books: 2nd Earl Grey's account with Messrs Glyn, Halifax, Mills & Co., 1841-1843.
Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey's account with the Northumberland and Durham District Banking Co., 1845-1849; 1849-1853 (2 vols).
Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey's Learmouth account with the above Co., 1850-1852.
3rd Earl Grey's account books 1847-1850; 1850-1863 (2 vols).
Notebook with 3rd Earl Grey's Datchet accounts, 1845-1847.
Notebook with 3rd Earl Grey's accounts mainly in France, September 1855.
Notebook with 3rd Earl Grey's accounts mainly while in France, 1864-1865.
Enclosed: Account: Grey in account with Messrs Plowden Cholmeley & Co.
37 vols.
GRE/X/P127 1799-1835
1799-1808-Accounts of John Bell of Gray's Inn to Sir Henry Grey for law business and in respect of financial matters. 1 bundle.
1807-1808-Account of John Bell to Sir Henry Grey for law business and vouchers for payments made by Bell in settlement of Grey's London accounts. 1 bundle.
1808-1813-Accounts of John Bell to 2nd Earl Grey. 1 bundle.
1811-1812-List of payments of interest to be made by Bell on behalf of Grey. 1 bundle.
1803-1824-Letters (many form 2nd Earl Grey and Robert Anderson) to Bell and William Bromley (Bell's partner) on legal and financial matters. Includes a few letters from Bromley. 1 bundle.
1807-1823-Lettes to Bell and Bromley. 1 bundle.
1824-1832-Letters to William Bromley. 1 bundle.
1833-1835-Letters from Bromley to 2nd Earl Grey. 1 bundle.
8 bundles
GRE/X/P128 1813-1840
1827-1834-Letters to William Bromley (including some from 2nd Earl Grey) mainly on financial matters, especially the payment of interest on mortgages. Also a few letters from Bromley. 1 bundle.
1833-1843-Papers on 2nd Earl Grey's financial affairs handled by Bromley. Includes: trademen's accounts for work on a house in Berkeley Square; estimate for this work; accounts for law business about mortgages; Bromley's accounts with Grey;
letters on financial matters; and vouchers. 1 bundle.
1813-1815-Vouchers for payments made by Bromley on behalf of 2nd Earl Grey. 1 bundle.
1832-1833-Vouchers for payments made by Bromley on behalf of 2nd Earl Grey. 1 bundle.
18 October 1826-Receipt of the Albion Fire & Life Insurance Co. for interest on a mortgage (paid by Bromley). 1 piece.
1839-1840-Accounts of Bromley to Grey and associated papers. Includes particulars of insurance cover for Howick Hall and farm buildings. 1 bundle.
December 1825-January 1826-Letters concerning proposed alterations to Howick Hall, especially to the staircase. Includes letters from Ignatius Bonami and Lord Howick (3rd Earl Grey), and sketches and plans. 1 bundle.
7 bundles
GRE/X/P129 1846-1920
File containing:
Analysis of expenses of feeding cattle in the Lodge, 1846-1848.
Diagram and notes concerning water supply to Mr Storey's house near the field known as 'Shoulder of Mutton', 7 December 1850.
Rough particulars of the acreages and rents of the Grey estates.
Rough scheme of husbandry for certain fields including Longhoughton Hill and Shoulder of Mutton. [Several of the above items are very fragile.]
1886-1896-Letters James Fox of East Learmouth to Albert 4th Earl Grey reporting in some detail about the Learmouth farms. Also a few miscellaneous items concerning East Learmouth Farm. 1 bundle. See also Box 96.
1906-1916-Correspondence mainly between James Cleghorn of the Milfield Estate Office and J. H. Mansfield at Howick concerning estate business. Includes some tax papers and bills for goods purchased. 1 file.
Plan of the Township of Learmouth. 8 chains to 1". Some acreages and details of charges on the land are included.
Plan of Downham. 8 chains to 1".
Part of a 6" O.S. plan of the Parish of Carham with some manuscript additions of acreages and crops to be grown on Presson Farms, 1918.
Particulars and conditions of sale of the following farms in the Parish of Carham: Hurburn, Presson Hill, West and East Presson, Tithe Hill, and Downham. To be sold on 20 March 1920. 2 plans.
Catalogue of horses, the property of Earl Grey, to be sold at Alnwick on 28 May 1900.
GRE/X/P130 1864-1870
Estate Correspondence
Most of the letters are to Edward J. Macdonald, resident clerk at Howick, from tenants and tradespeople, but some of the letters are to George Annett Grey, estate agent, of Milfield near Wooler, and a few to 3rd Earl Grey. There are also some
letters from G. A. Grey to Macdonald and occasional letters from 3rd Earl Grey to G. A. Grey or Macdonald.
7 bundles
GRE/X/P131 1872-1873
Estate Correspondence
The letters are mainly to E. J. Macdonald at Howick, many from the Milfield estate office.
2 bundles
GRE/X/P132 1885-1886
Estate Correspondence
The letters are mainly to E. J. Macdonald at Howick, many from the Milfield estate office.
2 bundles
GRE/X/P133 1887-1890
Estate Correspondence
The letters are mainly to E. J. Macdonald at Howick, many from the Milfield estate office.
4 bundles
GRE/X/P134 1891-1892
Estate Correspondence
Most of the letters are to E. J. Macdonald at Howick and from c.June 1892 to his successor as resident agent, John H. Mansfield. 2 bundles.
Notes from the Alnwick branch of the North Eastern Banking Co., 1890-1892. 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P135 1893
Estate Correspondence
Letters mainly to J. H. Mansfield at Howick.
5 files
GRE/X/P136 1894
Estate Correspondence
Letters mainly to J. H. Mansfield [not in date order].
1 box
GRE/X/P137 1895
Estate Correspondence
Letters mainly to J. H. Mansfield [not in date order].
1 box
GRE/X/P138 1896
Estate Correspondence
Letters mainly to J. H. Mansfield [not in date order].
1 box
GRE/X/P139 1897
Estate Correspondence
Letters mainly to J. H. Mansfield [not in date order].
1 box
GRE/X/P140 1898
Estate Correspondence
Letters mainly to J. H. Mansfield at Howick. Includes a long letter C. H. Eden to 4th Earl Grey, 11 January 1898, on 'Broomhill [Colliery] trespass of barrier'.
1 box
GRE/X/P141 1899
Estate Correspondence [Part I].
1 box
GRE/X/P142 1899
Estate Correspondence [Part II].
1 box
GRE/X/P143 1900
Estate Correspondence [Part I].
1 box
GRE/X/P144 1900
Estate Correspondence [Part II]. [Some of these letters are in a very fragile state.]
1 box
GRE/X/P145 1901
Estate Correspondence [Part I]. Includes a series of workers' time bills.
1 box
GRE/X/P146 1901
Estate Correspondence [Part II].
GRE/X/P147 1902
Estate Correspondence [Part I].
1 box
GRE/X/P148 1902
Estate Correspondence [Part II].
1 box
GRE/X/P149 1903
Estate Correspondence [Part I].
1 box
GRE/X/P150 1903
Estate Correspondence [Part II]. Includes workers' time bills.
1 box
GRE/X/P151 1904
Estate Correspondence [Part I].
1 box
GRE/X/P152 1904
Estate Correspondence [Part II].
1 box
GRE/X/P153 1905
Estate Correspondence, including letter and printed proforma from Capt F.M. Norman of Berwickshire Naturalists' Club about their visit to Howick Hall and Gardens on 26 July 1905, discussing especially the Cephalomia in the pinetum.
1 box
GRE/X/P154 1906
Estate Correspondence. Includes workers' time bills, December 1905-December 1906.
1 box
GRE/X/P155 1907
Estate Correspondence.
1 box
GRE/X/P156 1908
Estate Correspondence. Workers' time bills 1908.
1 box
GRE/X/P157 1909
Estate Correspondence. Workers' time bills, January-December 1909.
1 box
GRE/X/P158 1910
Estate Correspondence.
1 box
GRE/X/P159 1911
Estate Correspondence. Workers' time bills, 1911.
1 box
GRE/X/P160 1912
Estate correspondence, [Part I].
1 box
GRE/X/P161 1912
Estate Correspondence [Part II]. Workers' time bills, 1912.
1 box
GRE/X/P162 1913
Estate Correspondence Workers' time bills, 1913.
1 box
GRE/X/P163 1914
Estate Correspondence.
1 box
GRE/X/P164 1915
Estate Correspondence. [Includes some 1914 correspondence about the installation of electric light in Howick as this continued into 1915.]
1 box
GRE/X/P165 1916
Estate Correspondence.
Includes draft and final version of description of Howick Hall and grounds with a view to letting it for a term of years.
Workers' time bills, 1916.
Also includes notes of a meeting of agriculturists at Howick on 24 February when a talk on manures was given by Professor Gilchrist.
1 box
GRE/X/P166 1917
Estate Correspondence. Workers' time bills, 1917.
1 box
GRE/X/P167 1918
Estate Correspondence. Workers' time bills, 1918.
1 box
GRE/X/P168 1919
Estate Correspondence.
1 box
GRE/X/P169 1920
Estate Correspondence.
1 box
GRE/X/P170 1921
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P171 1922
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P172 1923
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P173 1924
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P174 1925
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P175 1926
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P176 1927
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P177 1928
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P178 1929
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P179 1930
Estate Correspondence
1 box
GRE/X/P180 1880-1893
February 1893-Questionnaires concerning a profit sharing scheme at East Learmouth Farm, the Saturday half holiday granted by 4th Earl Grey and a cow keeping scheme, with answers (some detailed) from the workers at Learmouth and Howick.
Also, papers concerning a scheme whereby Low Stead, Pasture House, Red Stead and Sea Houses Farms were amalgamated in June 1886 and run on a profit sharing basis until June 1892.
Account of the scheme.
Papers showing the division of profits made by the Farm in the years ending 1 June 1887, 1888, and 1889. The employees are named, their wages stated, and in some cases the year in which they were first employed is indicated.
Letter George Grey of Milfield to Albert Grey, 6 January 1887 commenting critically on a financial statement about the Farm.
Statement showing loss on Chevington Moor Farm, March 1888-June 1891.
Rough calculations concerning the dairy, 1880-1893.
Detailed notes by George Grey on the question of store cattle.
GRE/X/P181 1749-1894
Books and notebooks
17 January 1799-Valuation of oak timber at Ulgham Grange belonging to Sir Henry Grey, Bart., marked and numbered by James Howe.
n.d.-List and value of oak trees cut and sold out of the wood at Ulgham Grange since the above valuation was made. Enclosed: Conditions for the sale of timber from Ulgham Grange, 23 January 1802. [Fragile].
1804-Account and value of ash wood cut in Chevington Wood.
1803-Particulars of the quantities and value of timber at Howick.
1803-1806-Account of timber sold from Howick plantations.
c.1809-Valuation of oak timber standing and growing in the North and South Doctor's Bush.
1811-Account of ash [and other timber] sold at Chevington Wood.
1820-Account of timber sold at Chevington and the Grange Woods.
1777-1778-Teacher's account book giving the names of pupils, their parents and the subjects taught.
1749-1750-Accounts of expenditure by Sir Henry Grey, 1st Bart. At the back is an account probably by Sir Henry Grey, 2nd Bart., 1753-1754.
1858-1865-Bank book: 3rd Earl Grey in account with the Alnwick and County Bank, Alnwick.
1834-1837-Notebook containing particulars of expenditure by 3rd Earl Grey.
1863-1894-3rd Earl Grey account book.
1842-1844-Accounts of Henry B. Robinson, evidently a groom at Howick.
n.d.-List of harness and saddlery.
1845-1851-Notebook containing account of hardware purchased from Michael Hindmarsh of Alnwick by Mrs Coulson and Mr Looker on behalf of 3rd Earl Grey.
1799-1801-Accounts for new hedges, dikes, ditches at the following: Presson, Downham, Sunnilaws, Learmouth, Learmouth East Field, Wark Common. Also a separate account for improvements at Wark Common.
10 October 1801-Receipts for payments of fee farm rents by Sir Henry Grey and 1st Earl Grey. 12 pieces.
15 January 1802-Assessment of taxes due from 1st Earl Grey in respect of Howick Hall and adjacent buildings.
1801-Receipts for payments of interest due on Sir Henry Grey's bonds. 9 pieces.
1801-Rental of Howick village [badly damaged].
3 May 1802-List of cottage holders at Howick to be rent free by finding a bondage servant and to be paid 8d per day for such a servant.
7 October 1802-Summons of Sir Henry Grey to Bamborough Court Leet.
26 December 1838-Plan and section showing the proposed dome in the entrance hall, Howick, by John Green, 3 Arcade, Newcastle upon Tyne.
n.d.-Plan and elevation of the hall at Howick showing alterations for placing the statue of Earl Grey in the central niche. [Probably also by John Green.]
30 November 1847-Analysis of expenses in erecting Red Stead buildings.
1 October 1801-Voucher for £70 allowed to [James] Henderson of Ancroft for building work done by George Robinson.
1763-Account of hay sold at Howick. [Detailed but very fragile.]
26 October 1756-Account of arrears of rent due from the tenants of Sir Henry Grey.
13 June 1759-Similar account.
1754-1755-Accounts of [Richard Grieve?] and Thomas Henzell of Gray's Inn for law business for Sir Henry Grey and the Countess of Portsmouth for a fine and a common recovery of certain lands. 2 pieces [fragile].
1799-1800-Vouchers for payments for masonry work for improvements at Downham. 3 pieces.
20 June 1800-Plan and elevation of farm house at Downham.
Specification and estimate for the above by John Gray [detailed], with receipts for payments made by Ralph Forster.
2 October 1801-Receipt for full amount.
Note stating that Ralph Forster hoped for a greater allowance from Sir Henry Grey as building materials had greatly advanced in price.
5 September 1801-Receipt of Alexander Gilkie for £3 from Ralph Forster for planning, making out a specification and superintending [the building of] his house at Downham.
n.d.-Particulars of a kennel, house and stable at Downham.
4 December 1801-Receipt of James Stephenson for £17-19-4 for masonry work on the garden and stable walls from R. Forster.
1798-1799-Estimates for new smiths' shop and house, new barn and granary.
GRE/X/P182 1840-1925
1846-1858-Rough accounts of expenditure on new farm cottages and on improving existing ones.
1848-1853-Account of expenditure on improving old cottages under the headings of 'joiner', 'masons', 'slater', etc.
1845-1858-List of new farm cottages erected on the Howick estate.
1845-1858-List of new cottages built on the Howick estate since November 1845.
1845-1858-List of new and restored cottages since November 1845.
1849-1859-Rough abstracts of Howick estate accounts comparing figures in the cash book and bank book. 1 bundle.
5 June 1862-Rough abstract of accounts.
1872-1879-Rough abstracts of Howick estate accounts (mainly 1877). 1 bundle.
1891-Rough abstracts of accounts May-December. 1 bundle.
September 1925-Statement of accounts for Howick estate by J. H. Mansfield.
1846-1847-Vouchers for purchases made by 3rd Earl Grey and Lady Grey in London. 1 bundle.
1846-Vouchers for payments by 3rd Earl Grey in London. Most relate to the Datchet property. 1 bundle.
1843-1847-Accounts of James Pearce to Grey for hardware repairs and smith work at Datchet. 1 bundle.
1846-1853-Mss memoranda and printed matter, mainly on cattle feeding, especially at Red Stead and Pasture House Farms, Howick, and statistics of crop yields and acreages of these farms.
1863-Account of experiment with a steam plough. 1 bundle.
1863-Statement of the value of eggs and poultry from Pasture House Farm in the year ending 24 July 1863 and from Red Stead Farm for the year ending 12 May 1863.
8 August 1870-Consent by 3rd Earl Grey to the release of certain lands from charges due to the Lands Improvement Company.
5 April 1899-Estimate by Walter Scott, contractor and builder of Newcastle upon Tyne, for renovation and alterations to Howick House.
1845-1855-Accounts of expenditure on various farm buildings on the Howick estate under each of the headings 'mason', 'joiner', plasterer', 'slater', etc. 1 bundle.
1845-1858-Rough accounts of expenditure on farm buildings on the Howick estate.
1847-1858-Analysis of expenditure on Howick buildings.
1841-1858-Rough account of expenditure on various farms on the Howick estate.
1840-1856-Rough accounts of expenditure on drainage of various farms. 1 bundle.
1845-1856-Account of the cost of building new cottages on various farms and improving others, under headings of 'mason', 'joiner', etc. 1 bundle.
1846-1858-Rough accounts of the cost of permanent improvements (including new machinery) on various farms.
1845-1856-Rough account of the cost of new buildings at Hawkhill. Table comparing crop yields of Red Stead and Pasture House Farms for each of the years
1852-1863. Note of the cost of building Chevington Church showing payments made 1857-1860.
Note by 3rd Earl Grey concerning the price of heifers bought and sold 1873 and also the yield of turnips from certain fields.
Note by 3rd Earl Grey of the cost of draining on various farms, 1868.
Press cutting concerning building with bitumen instead of mortar.
Printed paper advertising M. M. N. Jobson & De Langle of Anvers' roofing tiles.
Another address for roofing tiles.
Printed papers concerning W. C. Holmes & Co.'s patent gas apparatus for mansions, towns, railway states, etc.
Printed paper concerning White & Co.'s earth closets and commodes.
Printed paper advertising Tall's patent universal concrete moulding machine, or general builder, 1869.
Receipts for payments by 3rd Earl Grey of rents to the Duke of Northumberland, 1870-1871, for land, game rights, licence to take gravel and sea weed, etc.
11 November 1864-Estimate by James Barton of Oxford Street, London, of the cost of stable fittings for Howick Hall.
1866-1868-2 letters W. Maule & Sons of Alnwick and Berwick (the North Northumberland Carriage and Harness Manufactory) to 3rd Earl Grey with specifications and estimates for carriages.
24 May 1869-Advertisement by Messrs Whitford & Co., Ice merchants, Liverpool.
1869-Advertisement by George Bower, gas and water work engineer.
Notes by 3rd Earl Grey on method of making rainwater tanks.
Abstract of the terms of a lease of Chevington Colliery for 42 years from 1 July 1873.
Notes on Broomhill Colliery.
Packet of blank lease forms.
Papers relating to the estate of Mrs Mary Ann Pye of Howick, d.1871.
E. J. Macdonald and the Revd. W. C. Streatfield were her executors:
Will and probate of Mary Ann Pye, 1871.
Account for probate, 1871.
Account of her personal estate, and receipt for duty.
Legacy duty receipts, 27 December 1871.
Account of Robert Henderson in connection with the funeral.
1871-1875-Letters to E. J. Macdonald from Robert Henderson (husband of Mary Pye's niece);
4 letters from the Land Securities Company;
3 letters from Thomas Lishman (Mary Pye's brother);
8 letters from James Hunt (Thomas Lishman's son-in-law);
1 letter from Alice Hunt (Lishman's daughter);
1 letter from the Revd. W. C. Streatfield;
2 letters E. J. Macdonald to Robert Henderson 1871, 1875.
Account of the Executors with Mary Henderson, 1871-1872.
Also notebook with account of E. J. Macdonald with Mary Henderson and Thomas Lishman. [At the front of this book is account of wood sold at Ancroft South Moor in 1866.]
1872-1875-Receipts by or on behalf of the legatees for interest on their legacies invested with the Lands Security Company.
Letter E. J. Macdonald to the Lands Security Company, 1871.
2 letters from Granville R. Ryder of the above Company to Macdonald 1871;
2 letters from J. Cox of the said Company to Macdonald, 1875.
1853-1860-Cattle feeding Journal.
1861-1863-Cattle feeding Journal.
1878-1879-Account of J. B. Somers, 22 N. Audley Street, Grosvenor Square, for forage supplied.
GRE/X/P183 1743-1890
Book containing:
1. Accounts of rents received [by Sir Henry Grey of Howick, 1st Bart.] 1743-1745; also particulars of allowances made to tenants.
2. Accounts in respect of building work at Howick and Chevington, 1743-1745.
3. Notes in a different and apparently older hand from books on historical, religious and constitutional matters. Probably late 17th or early 18th Century.
4. Accounts relating to the affairs of John Tawry [the cousin of the later writer], c.1747-1749.
Cash books, evidently of the resident clerks at Howick:
1848-1851 1 volume
1851-1855 1 volume
1855-1862 1 volume
1862-1870 1 volume
1870-1879 1 volume
Notebooks containing particulars of the Grey estates and terms of tenancies:
c.1860-c.1880 1 volume
c.1865-c.1880 1 volume
c.1870-c.1904 1 volume
c.1860-c.1890 1 volume. This also includes particulars of estates and tenancies of Lord Durham and Hugh Taylor.
List of tenants of the Howick Estate, 1900. 1 volume.
1862-1869-An alphabetical list of the farms on the Howick Estate [possibly compiled by Archibald Hills]. Gives acreages of old grass and arable land, particulars of leases (before and after 1862), and rents and also of any special agreements.
GRE/X/P184 1839-1932
1892-1932-Volume containing particulars of land sold from the Howick estates and disposal of the money realized. Letter [pasted in front part of the volume] from J. H. Mansfield to James Cleghorn, 24 October 1907, concerning land sold to the N.
E. Railway Co. at Amble junction between 1870 and 1885. Enclosed [at back of volume]: Rough particulars of building sites at Broomhill sold 1893-1901 and how the money realized was disposed of.
Memorandum by James Cleghorn on the granting of building sites, 10 January 1919.
1893-1904-Volume containing particulars of the letting of Howick Grass Parks. Includes field names, acreages, price per acre, total realized, names of those taking the fields. Also calculations of the value of Lambing Corner Field, 1898-1899.
1892-1903-Volume containing summaries of correspondence on various estate matters and copies of some enclosures in the correspondence, e.g. Ancroft School accounts for 1893 compared with those of Milfield School. Index at front of volume.
1893-1896-Dairy book. Butter account at back of volume. Enclosed: List of dairy utensils, December 1902. List of eggs for preserving, 1900; list of eggs pickled, 1901. Letter from A. Copland to Annie, n.d. Page of pencil notes evidently from a
first aid class.
1899-1902-Volume containing Howick House dairy accounts.
1862-Notebook containing list of plate belonging to 3rd Earl Grey and list of plate set apart for Lady Georgiana Grey.
1895-1903-Volume containing lists of plate, mainly kept in London, including some from Mrs Halford and some from Lady G. Grey.
1839-1845-Pages from a notebook with particulars of plate left at Howick, plated articles, wine in cellars, expenses of brewing. Also list of utensils.
GRE/X/P185 1803-1895
1891-1893-Cuttings from the Liverpool Journal, 25 September 1891, concerning H. Annett junior's dairy and poultry farm at Widdrington.
Cutting from the Livestock Journal, June 1893, on West Chevington border Leicesters.
1880s-1890s-'Pedigrees of Thorough Breds'-press cuttings pasted in book.
c.1882-1893-Stud book for shire horses. Enclosed: Letters from John O. Wallace of Belfast to 4th Earl Grey and David Lindsay concerning a horse which he recommends for purchase and its transport from Ireland. Also, press cuttings concerning a
horse show at Middlesbrough.
January-September 1853-Kitchen book with lists of vegetables used. Also particulars of desserts and salads.
August-December 1853-Kitchen book as above.
n.d. [early 19th Century]-Measurements of painting work to be done inside and outside Howick House.
1803-1804-Rough details of crops on various farms especially those on Tweedside.
1849-1869-Accounts of the Surveyor of Highways for the Parish of Howick.
1879-1894-3rd Earl Grey's London accounts.
1894-1895-Particulars of meat supplied by Mr Straughan and by the Farm.
1894-1895-Abstract account of 'sundries'.
n.d.-Incomplete abstract of Howick House expenses-entries for subscriptions only.
1804-Account of timber sold from plantations at Hawkhill, Bradford and Howick ('the Long Walk')-mainly oak, ash, beech and elm.
1804-1805-Account of timber sold from Chevington Oak Wood and from Chevington and Grange Woods, 1805.
1805-Account of ash and oak sold from Chevington Wood.
1809-Account of timber sold at Chevington Wood.
GRE/X/P186 1809-1890
1845-1878-Cattle journal for Howick farms (Howick, Pasture House, Red Stead)-particulars of stock, feeding, profit and loss. Also Journal of Howick Dairy, 1849-1851. Enclosed: Questionnaire on cattle feeding with copies of answers. Cattle feeding
particulars, 1846-1848.
1888-1890-Howick farms cash book-receipts and payments in cash and 'value'.
1845-1847-Account for goods purchased from Michael Hindmarsh, Ironmonger.
1809-Horton Colliery accounts-Ralph Bickerton's.
1848-Account of coal from Broomhill Colliery sold at Belford and Lucker stations by Thomas Harvey.
1848-Broomhill coal book-particulars of coal sold at various places in Northumberland, and expenses involved. Also notes concerning bills of exchange, 1866-1880. Enclosed: Particulars of timber purchased from the Grey estates most of which relate
to the above bills. Also: Note from G. Bowmaker to E. J. Macdonald, 21 March 1870, concerning payments made by the Broomhill Coal Company.
1811-1812-Account of tithe lambs let in the Parishes of Bamborough and Belford belonging to Earl Grey.
GRE/X/P187 1864-1932
Howick Farm:
Balance sheet for year ending 1 June 1892.
Detailed account for the year ending 31 May 1896.
Account for the year ending 31 May 1900.
Account for the year ending 31 May 1901.
Account for the year ending 31 May 1902.
Account for the year ending 31 May 1904 with a letter from J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 6 July 1904, on this 'the worst farm statement I have made out during the time I have been here'.
Account for the year ending 31 May 1907.
These accounts (apart from that of 1892) include valuations of farm live stock and implements.
Valuation of stock, 1 June 1906.
Valuation of stock, 1 June 1916.
Howick estate accounts: totals for the years 1893-1896.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 6 November 1893, giving particulars of estate expenditure, 1888-1893.
Letter Albert Grey to George Grey of Milfield, 15 January 1887, expressing dissatisfaction at the financial position of Howick Farm.
Analysis of receipts and expenditure, 1864-1886.
Particulars of feeding stuffs and manures used on Howick Farm, 1871-1886.
Howick garden account for year ending December 1921.
East Ancroft Farm: statement of expenditure on buildings, drainage, fences, and water supply, 1877-1900.
List of Earl Grey's annual subscriptions, October 1908.
1886-1932-Howick accounts-one for each year except 1887, 1888, 1890-1892, and 1929. There are 2 accounts for 1918 and for 1932.
Analysis of Howick Estate accounts for the year up to 31 October 1886.
Report of Messrs Lindsay, Jameson and Haldane Accountants of Edinburgh on E. J. Macdonald's account as agent for Earl Grey for the year to 31 October 1886.
Notes by members of the said firm of accountants on Macdonald's account. The account for the year 31 May 1896 includes various associated papers including valuations of Howick Farm stock, 1 June 1895 and 1896, accounts of grain and how it was
used, and queries by J. Cleghorn and replies by Mansfield.
The 1902 account includes the following papers evidently drawn up by J. H. Mansfield to elucidate the account:
Summaries of sundry receipts; of private ledger payments; of sundry payments; of the cost of buildings during the year ending 31 May 1902.
Also 2 letters Mansfield to Cleghorn, 11-14 September 1902, and telegram Mansfield to Cleghorn, 15 September 1902.
Bundle with the following:
Envelope containing:
Analysis of expenditure on buildings, fences, field drains, ditches, woodlands, saw mills and water supply on the Howick estate for each of the years 1901, 1902, and 1903, by J. H. Mansfield.
Letter Mansfield to James Cleghorn, 19 March 1904, on the financial affairs of the estate and the question of economies.
Further letter Mansfield to Cleghorn, 24 March 1904.
Envelope containing:
Estimate by J. H. Mansfield of income and outgoings on the Howick estate for the year 1904.
List of subscriptions for 1904.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 17 March 1904, concerning the above estimate and the finances of the estate.
Draft [by J. Cleghorn] of estimated expenditure on Tweedside, Ancroft, College Valley, Burton and Chevington estates for the month of April 1904. [Copy sent to J. H. Mansfield, 4 April 1904.]
Chevington Moor Farm:
Balance sheet for year ending 1 June 1892.
Balance sheet for year ending 31 May 1896 with valuation of farm stock and implements.
Balance sheet for year ending 31 May 1897 with statement of receipts and payments 1888-1897, letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 18 October 1897, valuation of stock and implements at 1 June 1897.
Balance sheet at 31 May 1898.
GRE/X/P188 1845-1911
Papers mainly concerning Chevington estate 1904-1913:
Many letters from George Grey of Milfield to Hugh V. Spencer of Warkworth who evidently managed the estate.
Agreements for 'stubbing' in Chevington woods, 1904.
Tenancy agreements.
Agreement about demolition of houses at Chevington Woodside, 1911.
Correspondence about an explosion in a cottage at Whitefield House including letter George Grey to J. H. Merivale, 30 January 1913.
Letters from Robert Brown, one of the tenants, of Chevington Moor, 1904-1905.
Sanitary matters including sewage disposal at Red Row.
Notes by George Grey on the 1909 budget and how it would affect the Grey estates. [These notes were for 4th Earl Grey.] 1910.
Papers concerning fencing, improvements to houses and construction of farm buildings.
Repairs. 'Rental history' of East Chevington, 1873-1911; Chevington 'rent notes', 1913.
Prices of grain, wool, beef and mutton, 1884-/1909-1911.
Correspondence about a farm at Mount Pleasant, 32 miles from Allendale Station, with plans.
George A. Dixon, solicitor of Hexham, to George Grey & Sons, 1912-1913. 1 bundle.
Letter James Earnshaw to J. H. Mansfield, 17 July 1895, enclosing plan of Chevington Wood and adjacent area.
Letters to William Woodman, solicitor, of Stobhill, Morpeth, on matters concerning the affairs of 3rd Earl Grey 1872, especially the exchange of lands with the Duke of Northumberland at Hawkhill, the rents of Broomhill Colliery, and Grey's shares
in Warkworth Harbour. Includes account of Warkworth Harbour, 1871-1872. 1 bundle.
1874-1875-Letters and papers concerning the guardianship of the children of the late George Henry Grey (son of Sir George Grey of Fallodon 2nd Bart.) by Harriet Jane, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Pearson. Includes letters from Colonel
Pearson and William Spours, and rental of Sir George Grey's estate, 1874. 1 bundle.
Ancroft: particulars of shooting and conditions of let for the season of 1907-1908. Tweedside: particulars of shooting and conditions of let for the season of 1908-1909.
Letter Messrs J. & B. Green to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey, 24 October 1845, concerning their account in respect of Learmouth House.
GRE/X/P189 1852-1915
Papers relating to Chevington Estate
Papers relating to the collieries on Chevington estate, 1852-1915. 1 bundle.
Copies of correspondence concerning Chevington Colliery, 1896-1898. 1 bundle.
Plans of farms on Chevington estate. 1 bundle.
Chevington rent rolls 1912-1913 and fire insurance policies on farm buildings, 1870-1898. 1 bundle.
Letters and papers concerning Chevington estate with various drawings and plans, 1898-1904. 1 bundle.
Letters from various persons to W. H. Dowson concerning Chevington estate, 1903-1904. 1 bundle.
Letter book with copies of letters concerning Chevington estate mainly from Hugh V. Spencer with some from G. H. Grey, 1904-1908.
Papers concerning water supply to West Chevington, 1890-1912, and papers concerning Chevington Wood, 1908-1915 (lease of Chevington Woodside Farm, 1915). 1 bundle.
Correspondence on sewer wayleaves on Chevington estate, 1902-1904.
Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on Chevington estate, 1904-1911, including correspondence about the bad state of cottages at Chevington Wood 1906, copy lease of East Chevington 1908, correspondence about small holdings at Broomhill 1909,
and 'history of rentals' at Whitefield House and East Chevington c.1911.
GRE/X/P190 1880-1925
Parish of Howick:
Overseers' book of receipts and payments 1880-1899, 1 volume.
Overseers' book of receipts and payments 1900-1921, 1 volume.
Howick Parish Meeting: receipt and payment accounts, 1896-1912, 1 volume.
Howick Parish Meeting: receipt and payment accounts, 1913-1925, 1 volume.
Howick Parish Meeting: counterfoils of Precepts [whereby the overseers were ordered to defray the expenses of the Parish Meeting out of the poor rate], 1899-1924, 1 volume.
5 volumes
GRE/X/P191 1890-1925
Parish of Howick:
Rate Books: 1890-1895; 1895-1896; 1897-1900; 1900-1904; 1904-1908; 1908-1911; 1911-1915; 1916-1921; 1921-1925.
Counterfoils of receipts for payments of poor rates in the Parish of Howick, 1902-1906.
10 volumes
GRE/X/P192 1845-1889
Income and Property Tax Papers
1848-1889-Assessment notices. Also collectors' duplicate of first assessments of property and income tax in respect of Howick, 1851. 1 file.
1852-1855-Papers including assessments 1851-1852, copy returns, letters and memoranda. 1 bundle.
1845-1886-Papers including: tax schedule 29 December 1845; lists of variable rents on Lord Grey's estate due on 1 April 1854 and 1 April 1855; note of property tax May 1855; particulars of tax on Chevington 1880, 1886; list of reduction of rents
of farms on the Howick estate 1886; letters on tax affairs 1855-1876. 1 file.
1853-1855-Papers concerning property tax including schedule of property tax for the year ending 5 April 1854; also some letters. 1 bundle.
1864-1888-Notices concerning appointment of Income Tax Commissioners for the Parishes of Howick and Embleton 1864, 1865. Notes from tenants to E. J. Macdonald concerning receipts for payments of income tax. Tax demand notes, 1888. 1 file.
1846-1851-Contracts for composition of assessed taxes and renewed contracts entered into with 3rd Earl Grey and with the Hon. Frederick William Grey. 1 bundle.
1848-1868-Copies of tax returns with some letters and notes. The form for 1848-1849 is blank. 1 bundle.
1853-An Act to repeal certain duties of assessed taxes and to grant other duties of the same description; and to amend the laws relating to the application of the monies arising from the redemption and purchase of the Land Tax. 16 & 17
Victoria Cap XC, 20 August 1853.
1853-A popular explanation of the Statute requiring a stamp duty of one penny on receipts and orders for money ..., 1853.
1851-Inhabited House Duty: Assessors' Instructions. Some manuscript additions, William Lishman's copy.
1846-1889-Papers concerning rates including: Basis for Northumberland County rates, 1862.
Notices of appeal by or on behalf of 3rd Earl Grey, 1851.
Alnwick Highway District: Surveyor's estimate for the Township of Howick, 1869-1870.
GRE/X/P193 1781-1902
1781-1788-William Newton's book of expenses for the new house at Howick. Gives the names of masons, bricklayers and labourers, the number of hours they worked and their wages. Also the amounts paid for materials and Newton's fees. [About Newton
(1735-1790) see DNB.]
The following cash books were kept by 2nd Earl Grey:
1801-1806-Includes list of bond debts, etc. An account of Grey's expenses in London, 26 March-3 June 1802 is enclosed.
1814-1819-Expenditure is noted under various headings such as 'Lady Grey and children', 'medical attendance', 'journeys', 'sundries' ...
1820-1824-Expenditure divided into categories as above.
1825-1830-Expenditure divided into categories as above.
1892-1901-Book containing particulars of linen at Howick. Enclosed: List of Linen “left out of linen cupboard”. Inventory of Howick House Linen, 1902.
9 volumes
GRE/X/P194 1890-1925
Cheque book counterfoils-some Howick Estate Account, others 'private'.
May-November 1890
November 1890-April 1891
April 1891-November 1891
December 1891-June 1892
June-October 1892
October-November 1892
October 1892-January 1893
November 1892-January 1893
January 1893-June 1893
January-February 1893
March-May 1893
May-July 1893
June-October 1893
August-November 1893
October 1893-January 1894
November 1893-February 1894
February-April 1894
April-July 1894
January-May 1894
August 1894-January 1895
November 1894-February 1895
January-April 1895
February-July 1895
April-August 1895
August-December 1895
July-December 1895
November 1895-February 1896
December 1895-March 1896
February-June 1896
March-April 1896
April-July 1896
June-September 1896 + particulars of cheques issued from the Milfield Office.
July-November 1896
November 1896-March 1897
March-May 1897
March-July 1897
May-September 1897
July-December 1897
September-November 1897
December 1897-March 1898
November 1897-February 1898
February-May 1898
May-September 1898
March-June 1898
Particulars of cheques issued from Milfield in respect of the Howick Estate, February 1897-September 1898.
Particulars of cheques issued from Wooler in respect of the Howick Estate, 1925.
GRE/X/P195 1891-1914
Cheques for payments made by J. H. Mansfield and George Grey of Milfield out of the Howick Estate Account and for payments made by Mansfield out of the private account.
January-December 1892 (Estate per George Grey). 1 bundle.
October-December 1892 (Estate per J. H. Mansfield; also a few private). 1 bundle.
December 1892-June 1893 (Private). 1 bundle.
January-June 1893 (Account not stated). 1 bundle.
June-December 1893 (Account not stated). 1 bundle.
June-December 1893 (Private). 1 bundle.
December 1893-December 1894 (Estate per J. H. Mansfield; some private). 1 bundle.
December 1893-December 1894 (Estate per George Grey; a few by Albert Grey). 1 bundle.
December 1894-December 1895 (Estate per J. H. Mansfield). 1 bundle.
December 1894-December 1895 (Estate per George Grey). 1 bundle.
December 1895-December 1896 (Estate per George Grey). 1 bundle.
December 1895-December 1896 (Account not stated). 1 bundle.
December 1898-December 1899 (Account not stated). 1 bundle.
Pay-in books in respect of accounts at the Alnwick branch of the North Eastern Banking Company: 1893, 1894, 1894-1895, 1896-1897, 1897, 1897-1898, 1898, 1899-1900, 1913-1914.
2 pay-in books, bank not stated, 1891-1892, 1892-1893.
Bank Books and Cash Books
1853-1857-3rd Earl Grey in account with the Northumberland and Durham District Bank.
1858-3rd Earl Grey in account with Messrs Hawks Grey Priestman & Co., Alnwick.
1865-1872-3rd Earl Grey in account with the Alnwick and County Bank.
1873-1875-3rd Earl Grey in account with the Alnwick and County Bank.
1876-1878-3rd Earl Grey in account with the North Eastern Banking Co., Alnwick (Successors to the Alnwick and County Bank).
1878-1881-3rd Earl Grey in account with the North Eastern Banking Co., Alnwick.
1881-1890-3rd Earl Grey in account with the North Eastern Banking Co., Alnwick.
1892-1896-John H. Mansfield in account with the above Bank.
1896-1898-John H. Mansfield in account with the above Bank.
1897-1900-The North Eastern Banking Co., Alnwick, in account with the Howick Estate.
1881-1888-Notebook with accounts of silver, gold, and copper coins and cheques evidently paid into the bank.
Bank Books
1845-1852-3rd Earl Grey in account with Messrs Glyn & Co.
1852-1858-3rd Earl Grey in account with Messrs Glyn & Co.
1858-1872-3rd Earl Grey in account with Messrs Glyn & Co.
1872-1881-3rd Earl Grey in account with Messrs Glyn & Co.
Cash Books
1856-1863-Petty cash book: receipts and payments on behalf of Admiral the Hon. Frederick William Grey. Enclosures include: Leadgate Church building fund-appeal to the shareholders of the Consett and Derwent Iron Co. Appeal for Blackhill Primitive
Methodist Chapel.
1856-1867-Cash book recording 3rd Earl Grey's expenditure but not kept by him. Includes many subscriptions to societies and charities. Various enclosures, some addressed to E. J. Macdonald, the resident clerk at Howick.
1846-1856-Cash book: 3rd Earl Grey's London account. 1888-1894-Notebook kept by 3rd Earl Grey: particulars of personal expenditure.
GRE/X/P197 1845-1916
1879-1887-Cash book, probably kept by E. J. Macdonald, resident clerk at Howick.
1886-1888-Cash book, probably kept by E. J. Macdonald, resident clerk at Howick.
1886-1890-Cash book, probably kept by E. J. Macdonald, resident clerk at Howick.
1887-1890-Coal book with particulars of coal supplied for various uses, and cost.
1845-1849-Dairy book-mainly containing particulars of butter produced.
1891-1899-Dairy book containing particulars of butter produced and milk sold. Enclosed: Notebook containing dairy accounts 1892-1902 and the percentage of cream in the milk of each cow.
1855-1860-Particulars of annual valuations of stock, implements, etc. on the Howick farms (Red Stead, Pasture House, Howick).
1851-1854-Particulars of Howick corn crops-the number of thraves thrashed, the number of bushels produced and the average yield per acre in respect of each field.
1855-1861-Similar volume to the above.
1851-1861-3 notebooks, containing rough jottings and diagrams concerning matters such as drainage, hedges, cropping. Probably Archibald Hills'.
Farm work diaries kept by Archibald Hills-brief memoranda often very full but written in pencil and sometimes almost illegible.
1853-1854, 1 volume-very faint, much illegible.
1854-1855, 1 volume
1856-1857, 1 volume-difficult to read.
1858-1860, 1 volume-rather faint.
1860-1862, 1 volume-very faint.
1852-1864, 1 volume-rather faint.
Notebook containing outline plans of farms on the Grey Estate. The table of contents at the front is the only means of identification.
1845-1860-Account of household goods purchased on behalf of 3rd Earl Grey from Thomas Johnson of Alnwick. Marked 'Housekeeper'.
1850-1860-Account of goods purchased from Johnson as above. Marked 'kitchen'.
1912-1916-Account of 4th Earl Grey with W. Hay (Baker) of N. Audley Street, Grosvenor Square.
1914-1916-Account of 4th Earl Grey with J. J. Ratcliff of West Chapel Street, Mayfair. (Butcher).
1916-Account of 4th Earl Grey with Cooper & Co.'s Stores, Edgeware Road.
Notes on the Howards of Corby and descent of certain property via the Dacres to Lord William Howard. Also notes on the descent of certain of the Greys' estates.
GRE/X/P198 1826-1908
East Learmouth Farm Accounts and Papers
Balance sheets for years ending May 1887, 1888 [altered], 1889 and 1890.
Gross receipts for cattle, sheep and corn, 1887-1891.
Balance sheet for year ending 12 May 1889.
Valuation of stock and implements, May 1889.
Valuation of stock and implements by 2 different methods, with comments, May 1889.
Balance sheet for year ending 12 May 1890.
Estimated market value of stock, etc. at 12 May 1890.
Valuation of stock, etc. at 12 May 1890.
Account for the year ending 12 May 1890.
Balance sheet for year ending 12 May 1891.
Valuation of stock, etc. at 12 May 1891.
Capital account showing assets and liabilities for year ending 12 May 1891.
Account of payments in the year ending 12 May 1891.
Accounts relating to the winding up of the farm:
Account of receipts since May 1891.
Account of payments made up to May 1892.
Accounts relating to compensation for unexhausted improvements at 12 May 1891.
Final balance sheet as at May 1891.
East Learmouth
Statement showing the total amount of wages earned by the workers during the 5 years ending May 1891 and the division of profits on the winding up of the farm as a separate concern at May 1891. [The workers are named and there is a description of
the work.]
List of persons employed during the year May 1886-1887 with statement of their wages.
Similarly for 1887-1888, 1888-1889, 1889-1890, 1890-1891.
Letter Charles D. Forster to Albert (4th Earl) Grey, 10 October 1892, enclosing draft indenture whereby Grey would convey certain lands to a company in return for a rent charge. Endorsed 'Forster & Learmouth'.
West Learmouth Farm
Summary of receipts and payments for the year ending 12 May 1890.
Balance sheeting for the above period.
Valuation of stock, etc. at 12 May 1890.
List of persons employed during the year ending May 1890 with the wages they earned, including payments in kind.
Receipts and payments for the year ending May 1891.
Valuation of stock, etc. at 12 May 1891.
Balance sheet for the year ending 12 May 1891.
Summary account for the above year.
Accounts relating to the winding up of the farm:
Calculations of compensation for unexhausted improvements at May 1891.
Receipts since May 1891 in respect of the year ending then.
Payments made after May 1891.
Final balance sheet.
Learmouth United Farm
Account of receipts and expenditure for the year ending 12 May 1893.
Profit and loss account.
Balance sheet.
Valuation of stock, implements, machinery, corn and hay at 12 May 1893.
Accounts of receipts and expenditure for the years ending 12 May 1894 and 12 May 1895.
Note of barley, wheat and oats produced and how disposed of 1892-1893; 1893-1894.
Comparison of corn prices in the period 12 May 1894-12 February 1895 with those in the period 12 May 1893-12 February 1894.
Memoranda concerning deficits which followed the amalgamation of Learmouth farms and on the prospects for 1894-1895. 2 pieces.
Learmouth Savings Bank account, 1890-1893.
Account of receipts and expenditure of the 'College' school, 1894-1895.
Learmouth Farms
Letter James Cleghorn to 4th Earl Grey, 10 October 1898, enclosing Learmouth Farms accounts for the year ending May 1898:
Valuation list May 1898.
Balance sheet at 12 May 1898.
Profit and Loss account at 12 May 1898.
Accounts and receipts and expenditure for the above year.
Valuation list May 1899.
Chevington Moor Farm [in hand 1888-1898]
Cash accounts and balance sheets for the years ending 31 May 1896, 1897, 1898.
Valuations of stock, implements, etc. 1 June 1896, 1897.
Statement showing outlay in the period May 1888-May 1898 while in Grey's hands.
Abstracts of receipts and expenditure for the years ending 31 May 1897, 1898.
Letter George Grey of Milfield to 4th Earl Grey, 22 September 1896, analysing the losses sustained by Howick Farm and pointing out that the excessive number of horses kept there was a major cause of the deficits.
Howick Farm
Accounts Abstracts of receipts and expenditure for the years ending 31 May 1899, 1902, 1904, 1908 [expenditure only].
Cash account and profit and loss account for the year ending 31 May 1901, with note of receipts and expenditure at 30 November 1901. Particulars of Howick Savings Bank, 1901, are included in the above account.
30 March 1826-Copy lease of Little Mill Farm in the Parish of Longhoughton, Northumberland, by Nicholas Francis Skelly Davison of Alnwick to William Dixon of Little Mill. Term: 12 years.
Table showing the rent per acre of Fenton Demesne and Fenton Town Farms at various points in the period 1835-1888.
GRE/X/P199GRE/X/P199/x 1803-1851
1803-1804-Accounts mainly for mason work at Bradford Farm. 1 bundle.
1805-1809-Vouchers for payments for materials and building work at Downham Farm. 1 bundle.
1808-1809-Estimate of cost of building work at Horton and vouchers. 1 bundle.
1807-1810-Vouchers for payments for building materials for John Anderson's farm, Broomhill. 1 bundle.
1806-1811-Vouchers for payments by-Wilson for materials and building work at East Chevington. 1 bundle.
1806-1811-Vouchers for payments by James Dand for materials for building work at Chevington Woodside. 1 bundle.
26 October-3 December 1847-Correspondence concerning Richard Cail's claim for payment for work done at West Chevington farm house under the direction of Messrs Green, architects, Newcastle. Includes letters from Cail to 3rd Earl Grey and to the
Hon. Frederick William Grey, notes of letters F. W. Grey to Cail, R. Robson to F. W. Grey, F. W. Grey to Messrs Green, Messrs Green to F. W. Grey. 1 bundle.
22 February 1849-26 June 1851-Howick dairy returns, 1 per fortnight. 1 bundle.
8 bundles
GRE/X/P199/I 1849-1850
Papers concerning Ridgway's patent pottery brick and tile kilns erected at Hawkhill:
Leaflet on these patent kilns (2 copies).
Letter William Gordon, secretary of the Ainslie Brick and Tile Machine Co., London, to 3rd Earl Grey, 7 December 1849.
Copy letter Robert Dunn to John Ridgway, 11 September 1850.
3 letters from John Ridgway, 13 September, 16 November and 27 November 1850.
Copy letter Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey to Ridgway, 20 November 1850.
GRE/X/P199/II 1753-1851
Account of money owed by Henry Ogle to Thomas James, c.1753 [endorsed 'James agt Ogle, copy of Plts Bill'].
'Estimate (or proposal) for building a hovel, granary, turnip houses and court walls for Mr Bonner at Horton', 13 June 1808, with detailed specification of work to be done. Contractors: William Bolam, William Gibson and Robert Hope.
Letter Richard Swan, Newcastle, to --, 14 January 1847, concerning the weight of 4 steers supplied, giving details of the cattle market and expressing willingness to buy the queys that had been mentioned.
Letter William Common to Archibald Hills, 6 November 1849, concerning a steam engine to drive a thrashing machine, saw mill and grinding stones at Red Stead.
Sketch plan of the machinery described above, 26 February 1850.
Letter Edward Thew to the Hon. Frederick William Grey, 8 September 1851, concerning varieties of wheat for Northumberland.
GRE/X/P199/III 1824-1857
Wooler Dispensary:
report of patients admitted 1824-1833;
account of receipts and disbursements in same period;
letter William Haigh (Treasurer and Secretary) to Mr Anderson, 1 July 1833 concerning subscriptions to the dispensary and enclosing recommendation forms.
General Board of Health:
official circular, 21 November 1848.
Parkings & Gotto's Almanack for 1857.
Handbill advertising drain pipes, water closet pans and other products supplied by Henry Doulton & Co. Handbill (and price list) advertising A. & M. Burton's sanitary products.
GRE/X/P200/1 [18th century]-1867
Map of North Northumberland (Rothbury, Alnwick, Wooler, Berwick) by J. Cary, 1832.
Plan of the ground in dispute betwixt Duddoe and Ancroft. By John Robertson. n.d. [18th Century].
Drawing of coat of arms for a carriage [in an envelope postmarked 26/27 August 1867].
Page from
The Statesman, 20 February 1858 with a review of 3rd Earl Grey's Parliamentary Government Considered.
Handbill advertising Samuelson's lawn mowing and rolling machines, 1861.
Leaflet advertising H. J. Morton & Co.'s cable strand fencing, 1860.
Handbill advertising the goods available at Messrs Thompson & Wright, Ironmongers, Alnwick.
Booklet: description of Iron and Wire Fences, Gates, etc. adapted specially for Australia, E. & W. Indies, N. & S. America by Charles D. Young & Co., c.1852.
GRE/X/P200/2 [1844]-1851
Account of the cost of feeding boxes for cattle erected at Whitefield House Farm, Chevington, in 1851.
Detailed estimate of the cost of improvements to Presson Farm Buildings, n.d. [watermark 1844].
Abstract of receipts and payments for cattle fattened at Howick in the season ending May 1850.
Valuation of farm stock, etc. at Howick, 1845.
Estimated value of stock upon Howick Farms at 1 May 1847.
Statement of result of experiments with different kinds of manure on the growth of turnips in 1845, drawn up by Wm. Burn, 1846.
Account by Wm. Lishman of the cost of the turnip crop at Pasture House Farm and costs of cattle and sheep fed, killed or sold, 1845.
Account by Wm. Burn of the cost of a crop of 18 tons of turnips grown on part of How Law field in 1846.
Account by Burn of quantities of wheat, barley, oats, and beans consumed by people and horses on a farm of 400 acres, 5 January 1847. [damaged]
GRE/X/P200/3 1834-1853
Letter Lieutenant-General John Fox Burgoyne (1782-1871), [Inspector-General of fortifications see
DNB] to 3rd Earl Grey, 9 January 1852, concerning the comparative costs of a hollow brick arched roof and a slate roof.
Letter F. Ponsonby to Frederick [William Grey?], 12 October 1848, enclosing a letter from J. Kennedy to Ponsonby and 2 copies of a printed memorandum by Kennedy on an arrangement for collecting and distributing sewage water as plant food.
Letter Dods & Cockburn, of Kelso, to Richard Robson, 28 September 1853(?) concerning a disputed account in connection with work done at the direction of Mr Green the architect.
10 November 1845-Part of a letter to Frederick William Grey from -- concerning the account of Green, the architect [damaged].
22 April 1846-Fragment of a letter from Green concerning building work at Learmouth.
Account of money in the Woodbook at Chevington in 1834 and account of cash paid for bills and wages at Chevington.
Account of the cost of 100 yards of portable railway and specifications [watermark 1845].
List of numbered oak trees with value of their timber and bark, n.d. [damaged and fragile].
GRE/X/P200/4 1802-1851
Letter William Burn to Captain F. W. Grey, 5 April 1847, reporting in detail about farm work and other estate matters.
Letter Wm. Burn to Captain Grey, 6 April 1850, concerning drainage on Broomhill Farm.
Letter Adam Darling, Agent of Tile Works at Berwick, to Captain Grey concerning their drainage tiles and pipes.
Letter Thomas Chrisp to Captain Grey, 27 March 1850, concerning drainage of Hawkhill. Enclosed: particulars of fields requiring drainage at Hawkhill.
Letter John Straughan to Captain Grey, 6 April 1850, concerning drainage at Woodside Farm.
Copy letter [parts missing] F. W. Grey to Mr Young(?), 30(?) August 1851, evidently concerning irrigation of a farm.
Instructions by 2nd Earl Grey concerning terms of employment of Moffit, the servant's board wages and also concerning the gardens and plantations and gamekeeping, n.d.
“Observations to be attended to by the request of Mr Grey in his absence at Howick”, 17 March 1802-instructions by 2nd Earl Grey concerning the house, roads, new buildings and repairs.
GRE/X/P200/5 1846-1847
File containing the following:
Statement of the quantities of corn produced by Pasture House, Red Stead and Little Houghton Farms in 1847.
Plans of Howick South Farm stockyard and of Little Houghton stockyard in 1847.
Statement of results of experiments with different descriptions of manure on the crop of barley in the Bolt Hill Field, Howick, 1847, drawn up by Wm. Burn, 11 February 1848.
Plan of Bolt Hill Field showing the different kinds of manure used on various parts, by Wm. Burn, 19 August 1846.
Table showing quantity of corn sown and thraves cut at Howick South Farm, 1846. Compiled by Wm. Burn, 16 September 1846.
Table relating to the threshing of Howick South Farm crops of 1846; also the crops of Little Houghton. Compiled by Wm. Burn, June 1847.
Memorandum of corn sown and thraves of corn cut on Howick South Farm and Little Houghton South Farm in 1847.
Tables relating to the threshing of the Howick South Farm crop of 1847 and that of Little Houghton Farm.
2 lists of grass seeds for permanent grass indicating quantities and, in one case, the price.
GRE/X/P200/6 1888-1893
Letters to Albert Grey concerning costs of telephone line from Howick to Little Mill railway station:
16 October 1888, from the Northern District Telephone Co., Alnwick.
3 April 1890, from the National Telephone Co., London.
9 April 1890, from the National Telephone Co., London.
1 May 1890, from the National Telephone Co., London.
Letter H. Tennant (General Manager's Office, N. E. Railway, York) to Grey, 27 March 1890, stating that without additional staff they could not undertake to deal with postal telegraph business at Little Mill Station.
Letter J. Mansfield (Station Master at Little Mill Station) to Grey, 25 January 1893, enclosing particulars of the postal telegraph business there and complaining that he has not yet received remumeration for the additional work involved.
GRE/X/P200/7 1885-1908
Correspondence between George Grey of Milfield and 4th Earl Grey.
GRE/X/P201 1828-1879
Game book, 1828-1837.
Game books probably kept by Captain the Hon. Harry Cavendish Grey: 1860-1865, 1865-1868, 1868-1872, 1872-1879.
Game book kept by Albert (4th Earl) Grey, 1872-1874. Includes particulars of game shot in Greece/Turkey in 1872 with comments about the countryside, the weather and the availability of game.
1" OS plans of parts of Northumberland:
Sheet 3, Carham, Tweedside, Kirknewton.
Sheet 4, Belford, Holy Island, Bamburgh and Chatton (2 copies).
Sheet 6, Whittingham, Alnwick, Ilderton.
Sheet 9, Morpeth, Walkworth, Felton, Rothbury.
GRE/X/P202 1755-1929
Minutes and letters concerning Learmouth Farm House, 1841-1846, and the various disputes that occurred in the course of planning and carrying out the work of planning and building a new house for Smith, the incoming tenant.
Includes copies of the following:
Correspondence between Messrs John and Benjamin Green, architects, and Richard Robson, 1841-1845.
Isabel Smith with Messrs Green, 1841-1842.
William Smith of Burton with Messrs Green, 1841-1843.
A. Smith of Shedlaw with Messrs Green, 1842.
Messrs Dods & Cockburn of Kelso with Messrs Green, 1842-1843.
John Burn of Spital with Messrs Green, 1842-1846.
W. H. Rowland of Berwick with Messrs Green, 1842-1846.
Letter Col. Charles Grey to Messrs Green, n.d.
Letter Thomas Smith to Richard Robson, 1842.
Report by Messrs Green on the house, 1843.
Abstracts of estimate for work on the house, 1843.
Copy of supplement to the Mark Lane Express and Agricultural Journal, 18 February 1861, with report on the crops of 1860 in England.
Also, circulars from G. P. Tuxford, the editor, requesting information, 1860, 1861, 1863, with copies of replies [by Archibald Hills].
Press cuttings of 3 articles on “Farms and Farming in Northumberland”, 1879.
Press cuttings from agricultural journals, 1891-1892.
Catalogue of reapers and mowers supplied by Messrs Burgess & Key, Newgate Street, London, 1862.
Sutton & Sons of Reading, Berks.: Farm Seed List, 1862.
Catalogue of products for agricultural use supplied by Joseph Bentley, Chemical Works, Barrow-on-Humber, Hull, c.1892.
Catalogue of Incubators and other products supplied by Charles Hearson & Co. Ltd., Regent Street, London, 1900.
With memorandum addressed to J. H. Mansfield, 19 May 1900.
Advertisement of Dinning & Cooke's Improved Sanitary System (Percy Iron Works, Newcastle upon Tyne).
Report of the North Northumberland Church Missionary Society, 1861 [badly damaged].
Sewer Manure: Statement of the Course of Investigation and Results of Experiments as to the means of removing the refuse of towns in water and applying it as manure ... by Edwin Chadwick (London 1849). [Badly damaged].
Letters concerning legal documents, 1857-1891
Wm. Woodman to A. Hills, 9 October 1857.
3rd Earl Grey to Woodman, 4 May 1857.
G. M. Gray to 3rd Earl Grey, 14 April 1857.
W. & B. Woodman to A. Hills, 9 September 1857.
Wm. Woodman to E. J. Macdonald, 18 April 1877.
George Grey of Milfield to Macdonald, 9 December 1891.
Charles D. Forster to Macdonald, 11 December 1891.
Abstracts of Howick Estate Bank accounts:
February 1908.
June 1909-October 1910 (1 for each month).
January 1927-May 1929 (1 for each month).
Writ for arrest of George Shephard of Alnwick, shoemaker, for debt, 6 November 1755.
Case concerning Mr Linn, one of 3rd Earl Grey's tenants who wished to quit his farm at Broomhill before his lease had expired, with opinion of Thomas Henry Haddan, 15 November 1869, and comment by William Woodman.
List of Oddman's duties at Howick House, n.d. [c.1900].
Statistics relating to voters in respect of an election in North Northumberland, with note of the number polled in 1847.
Results of a canvass in Elsdon district also compared with 1847. [Both are in William Woodman's hand.]
Fragment of the results of a canvass in Belford polling district.
Rough notes from a memorandum by Henry Morton about the Lambton estate, c.1856.
Note of the Guardian Assurance Company's rate for general estate workmen, manager and clerks cover in respect of the Workmen's Compensation Act Insurance.
Note of the number of sacks of barley forwarded from Little Mill Station in the period October-December 1888, 1889, and 1890.
Pay sheets for Alfred Spence, journeyman gardener at Howick, 1904-1906. 19 pieces.
GRE/X/P203 1794-1928
n.d. [18th Century]-Plan of Chevington estates and adjacent estates. Acreages and field names are stated. Scale: 4 chains to 1".
1850-Plan of East Chevington and Whitefield House Farms. Field names and acreages are stated. Later additions (1855-1858) indicate state of cultivation and drainage. Scale: 4 chains to 1". n.d.
[18th Century]-Plan of Ulgham Grange, part of the estate of Sir Henry Grey of Howick, Bart. Scale: 5 chains to 1". Damaged.
1794-Plan of John Nisbit's farm at Ancroft. Acreages stated and field names. Scale: 5 chains to 1".
1928-(1) Plan of Howick water supply and distribution and of (2) the water supply to Howick Hall and gardens, by G. Reavell, architect and surveyor, Alnwick. 4 copies of each plan.
1845-Plan and section of proposed Broomhill Colliery Railway to join the Radcliffe Colliery Railway at Moorhouse Farm and from thence Warkworth Harbour. 3 copies.
1869-Particulars and plans of the Manors of Stamford and Dunstanburgh with the Embleton and Dunstan estates to be sold by auction on 17 June 1869.
1870-Particulars and plans of Ulgham Grange, East and West Chevington and Cold Martin Estates and also certain coalmines to be sold by auction on 16 March 1870. 2 copies.
Conditions of sale of the above properties. 18 copies.
1803-Particulars of survey and state of cultivation of the several estates in Northumberland and Durham belonging to Sir Henry Grey, Bart. Originally compiled on 12 September 1803, it gives particulars in many cases up to 1807 and in some to
1808. Field names, acreages and crops are stated as also the names of the tenants. At the end is a summary covering the period 1803-1805 and also 1825.
2 December 1875-Certified copy of Order of Exchange by the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales of certain stints and land of Harrowbog Farm in the Townships of Greys Forest and Heathpool, Northumberland, between 3rd Earl Grey and
Charles Earl of Tankerville, with large plan, 25" to the mile. [Outsize and kept separately.]
GRE/X/P204 1896-1968
Book containing list of securities held by Messrs Robert Benson & Co. on behalf of the late 4th Earl Grey, and for 5th Earl Grey. Also securities held by Lloyds Bank. And securities belonging to Mabel Countess Grey and Alice Countess Dowager
Grey. A number of enclosures associated with the above.
Book containing capital account of the Executors of 4th Earl Grey with Messrs Robert Benson & Co. 1918-1919; and interest and dividend account 1918-1926. Enclosed:
Executors' super-tax account, 1917-1918.
Earl Grey's super-tax return for the year ending 5 April 1927.
Copy letter 5th Earl Grey to the British Bank of Northern Commerce, 26 June 1919.
Letters R. Benson & Co. to J. H. Mansfield, 11 June 1926; Mansfield to 5th Earl Grey, 9 June 1926; Herbert Smith & Co. to Mansfield, 2 June 1926.
Bank Book: 4th Earl Grey's account with Messrs Hodgkin, Barnett, Pease, Spence & Co. [altered to Lloyds Bank, Collingwood Street, Newcastle], 1896-1917.
Notebook containing petty cash payments by or on behalf of Alice Countess Grey, 1900-1902.
Notebook with particulars of electric lighting account, 1941-1954.
Howick Estate petrol account books, 1956-1962, 1962-1968.
Northern Forestry Products Ltd., Tow Law. Copy Advice notes 1954-1956.
GRE/X/P205 1913-1937
Printed lease of mines of coal under the Ancroft Estate, Northumberland, 5th Earl Grey and others to the Scremerston Coal Company Ltd., 20 August 1927.
Counterpart signed and sealed by the Lessees.
Copy letter [J. Cleghorn] to 5th Earl Grey, 20 October 1926, concerning certain points relating to the lease.
Original of the above letter [found apart].
Copy of the above lease. At front is a note concerning disposal of the counterpart lease and 4 copies.
Book containing accounts of Howick Bulb Farm, 1913-1930 [pp.44-93, 312-314; pp1-43 missing]. Also account of cheques and cash received and how disposed of, 1934-1937 [not related to the Bulb Farm].
GRE/X/P206 1912-1929
First Garden City Ltd.-Report of proceedings at the 25th Ordinary General Meeting, 13 December 1928. Enclosed: Ebenezer Howard International Memorial Committee: Appeal and form for donations, January 1929.
List of Deer Forests in Scotland with remarks on shootings, sheep farms, Small Holdings and Afforestation in Scotland. By George Malcolm (Edinburgh, 1912).
Report on the Wantage Manor Farm by James Cleghorn with notes by the Hon. Edward G. Strutt, Christopher Turnor, and A. D. Hall. Foreword by 4th Earl Grey, 1916.
Typescript paper: “Reasons for State Intervention in Agriculture” by Christopher Turnor, n.d.
Howick Hall, Northumberland: General particulars for letting, n.d.
Particulars of the freehold agricultural and sporting property Middle Ord in the Parish of Tweedmouth to be sold by auction on 17 April 1926.
Particulars of freehold Estates on Tweedside in the Parish of Carham, Howburn, Presson, Presson Hill, Tithe Hill, Downham, Northumberland, for sale by auction, 20 March 1920. (By direction of the executors of the late Earl Grey.). 2 copies, 1
marked “First Edition”. With plan. The other copy is marked with the prices at which each farm was sold or withdrawn.
Book containing milk yields and cattle fattening statistics, 1891-905. Enclosed: 3 Jersey herd certificates, 1894. Moved to GRE/X/V113 February 2008.
Book containing notes by J. H. Mansfield, press cuttings and other printed matter concerning events at Howick, 1912-1916.
Danube Navigation Company: letters, reports, minutes of meetings, August-November 1921. Kept in spring backed binder.
GRE/X/P207 1885-1953
Howick Church: folders containing letters, accounts and vouchers for each of the years 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934.
Parcel of Howick Church receipts, 1939-1953.
Envelope containing cheque book counterfoils in respect of payments for Howick Church, 1928-1936, and pay-in book (Martins Bank, Alnwick), 1928-1932.
Book of Designs for Ecclesiastical Stained Glass Windows. Robert J. Newbery, London, n.d.
Scottish Union and National Insurance Company: Fire Insurance Policy on Howick Church, 1885-1886.
Church vouchers, 1896-1899.
Articles for visitation of Archdeacon of Lindisfarne-no replies.
Faculty for placing a war memorial tablet in Howick Church issued from the Diocese of Newcastle, 25 April 1923.
Counterpart mortgage Revd. Charles Edward Green, Rector of Howick, to the governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, 27 August 1898, on the incumbent's glebe lands for 18 years to secure repayment of £357 and 4% interest p.a.
GRE/X/P208 1783-1935
Papers of the Trustees of Howick School
Folders containing letters and papers, rough notes and jottings: 1926-1930, 1931, 1932, 1933-1934, 1934-1935.
25 August 1915-Attested copy of conveyance of Littlehoughton Hall, in the Parish of Littlehoughton, Northumberland, by 4th Earl Grey and his mortgagees to John Richardson of Little Mill Lime Works, Lesbury.
25 August 1915-Agreement between Richardson and Grey mainly concerning water supply and drainage in respect of the above premises.
Copy [made 2 November 1887] of Howick tithe apportionment, 1837.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 2 May 1932 enclosing the following:
Pages from sale catalogue giving particulars (including principal clauses in leases) of Mission Hall, Broomhill, Presbyterian Church, Red Row, and Aged Miners' Homes, E. Chevington, Methodist Church, W. Chevington, Methodist Church, North
Broomhill, Methodist Church, Chevington Drift. These sites of churches, etc. were reserved out of sales of property at Chevington.
Copy letters C. Williams, Northumberland Education Committee, to George Grey of Milfield, 1 March 1911, and George Grey to Williams, 25 February 1911, concerning Chevington N. Broomhill School sewer drain with plan.
31 March 1911-Memorandum of agreement between 4th Earl Grey and Robert Lillie for tenancy of a cottage and garden at Howick Burn Houses.
17 May 1920-Memorandum of agreement between George Grey & Sons, Milfield, on behalf of Earl Grey, and the Lord Grey Buffaloes Club & Institute, Red Row, Chevington for a piece of ground at Red Row, with plan relating to a water pipe.
19 February 1921-Memorandum of agreement between George Grey & Sons for Earl Grey and W. J. Glahome of Littlehoughton, Lesbury, Northumberland, for tenancy of a permanent pasture field at Littlehoughton, with plan.
n.d.-Specification of work to be done in the erection of a Gardener's Bothy at Howick gardens.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 10 October 1930, concerning piping at Pasture House.
Plan of Low Stead Dipping Tub, 1937.
Plan of sheep dipping tank produced by Public Works Department, Salisbury, 21 May 1909.
Short specification of work proposed to be carried out at Pasture House Farm, September 1943.
List of documents in tin box at Howick Office.
List of electricity meter readings and costs, n.d.
Copy (made 12 March 1783) of arbitration award for the division of Howick between Edward Grey and John Craster, 1 July 1607.
GRE/X/P209 1859-1899
1864-1866-Valuation lists for the Township of Howick and associated papers. Also other papers concerning the duties of the Overseers of the Poor such as payments to be made out of the Poor Rate to Alnwick District Highway Board.
1859-1865-Rate book for the Parish of Howick.
Papers relating to duties performed by the Overseers of the Poor Bundle containing:
Notices of meetings of Alnwick Union Assessment Committee 1872, 1880.
Valuation lists for the Township of Howick 1879, 1882, 1887, 1888, 1890.
Overseers' accounts for the half years ending, with vouchers: 29 September 1880, 29 September 1883, 29 September 1891, 25 March 1892, 29 September 1896, 25 March 1898, 29 September 1898, 25 March 1899.
Counterfoils of receipts for payment of poor rates in the Township of Howick, 1884-1891.
Appointments of Overseers for the Township of Howick 1880, 1890, 1891.
Local Government Board circular, 31 August 1882 on Poor Law and Rate Assessment Acts, 1869-1882.
List of paupers in the Parish of Howick and statement of sums credited and debited to the Parish in the Alnwick Union accounts for the following half years ending: Michaelmas 1863, Michaelmas 1864, 25 March 1865, Michaelmas 1865, 25 March 1866,
Michaelmas 1866, 25 March 1867, 25 March 1868, Michaelmas 1868, Michaelmas 1871, Michaelmas 1873, Lady Day 1874, Lady Day 1878, Lady Day 1886, Michaelmas 1887, Lady Day 1888, Michaelmas 1888, Lady Day 1889, Michaelmas 1889, Michaelmas 1890, Lady Day
1891, Michaelmas 1891.
1866-1879-Bundle of mainly printed papers relating to the functions of the Overseers of the Poor for the Township of Howick. Includes matter on electoral registration, rate assessment and collection, compilation of lists of jurors, election of
guardians, school attendance committee expenses accounts.
1878-1879-Letters from William Woodman to E. J. Macdonald and 3rd Earl Grey on electoral registration and an annuity for Miss E. M. Copley.
31 July 1880-List of persons claiming to be entitled to vote in the parliamentary election for the northern division of Northumberland in respect of property within the Parish of Howick.
Lists of guardians of the Poor elected in Alnwick Union 1881, 1882, 1886, 1887; notice of election 1885.
Instructions on compiling of jury lists 1877-1885 and 2 returns for Howick, n.d.
Alnwick Union Assessment Committee: instructions for making out returns.
General order to the Guardians and Overseers of the Poor, 17 June 1886.
Notice of appointment of Overseers for Howick Parish, 29 March 1898.
Circular and draft return of allotments and field gardens for Howick, 1886.
Letters and papers concerning rate assessments, 1875.
GRE/X/P210 1870-1897
1885-1897-Bundle of electoral registration papers including forms for the attention of the Overseers of the Poor for Howick.
Electoral registers for Howick in whole or part 1888, 1889, 1891, 1897, several with manuscript alterations to update them for the following year.
Occupiers' lists for Howick 1885, 1891 (8 copies).
Occupation voters other than lodgers in the Parish of Howick.
Alnwick Highway District Accounts and parochial statements 1886-1887, 1888-1889, 1890-1891, 1893-1894.
Statement of charges for materials for the Township of Howick, 1880-1890.
Notice concerning financing of work on bridges at Houndean and Lesbury, 1897.
Notice of audit of accounts, 23 September 1882.
Surveyor's estimate for the Township of Howick for 1870-1871, 1871-1872, 1878-1879.
General statement of receipts and expenditure on account of highways of each parish in the district for the years 1870, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876.
'Parochial statement' [giving similar information] for the year ending 25 March 1880.
Notices of charges for materials in respect of the Township of Howick, October 1875, July 1877, September 1877, June 1879.
Notice of postponement of meeting of the Highway Board, 16 December 1875.
Notice of motion to be discussed 19 March and 7 April 1877.
Circular from the Local Government Board concerning Highway Parish Accounts with 2 copies of order amending former orders.
3 May 1894-Order of Northumberland County Council postponing effect of Act abolishing Highway Boards.
GRE/X/P211 1891-1911
Howick Farm: stock and corn returns, 1 for each month: January 1891-May 1899, June 1905-May 1909, June 1910-May 1911.
Chevington Moor Farm returns May 1888-May 1898 complete.
GRE/X/P212 1867-1891
Letters 3rd Earl Grey to Edward J. Macdonald 1867-1882; 1 letter George Grey of Milfield to Grey, 8 June 1882. 1 file.
Letters to E. J. Macdonald on estate maters 1878-1881; 1 letter to 3rd Earl Grey. 1 bundle.
Letters to E. J. Macdonald and George Grey of Milfield mainly from tenants on estate matters 1877-1884. 1 bundle.
Table of expenditure on buildings and drainage on the Howick Estate 1877-1890 [The first sheet covering 1845-1877 is not present].
Table of general payments in respect of the Howick Estate 1889-1890 showing increase or decrease in expenditure in 1890.
List showing cause of increase in expenditure between 1889 and 1890.
Draft of above list.
Note Albert Grey to E. J. Macdonald, 12 March 1891, requesting account of receipts from Broomhill Colliery from 1880. 1 bundle.
Particulars of charges made by various railway companies for conveyance of horses, 1891.
Letters from the N. E. Banking Company (Alnwick) to E. J. Macdonald 1883-1885. 1 bundle.
Cheques drawn on the Howick Estate Account 1891. 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P213 1858-1915
21 December 1858-Lease of Broomhill Colliery: 3rd Earl Grey to George Lawton.
Copy leases of Broomhill Colliery by 3rd or 4th Earl Grey and others: 1870 (3 copies); 1882, 1915 (2 copies)
Copy agreement with Broomhill Coal Company about land damages: 3 November 1888 (2 copies)
5 April 1915 renewing and varying the above agreement (2 copies)
3 April 1915-Copy agreement Broomhill Collieries Ltd. with 4th Earl Grey and the National Provident Institution.
GRE/X/P214 1869-1930
Broomhill Coal Company
Accounts of rent due to Earl Grey, with statistics of production in most cases:
1869-1879 (includes invoices of coal supplied to Howick 1878 and for bricks supplied to the estate 1878, 1880; also some letters). 1 bundle.
1879-1891 (with report on the Colliery by C. H. Eden, 1887). 1 bundle.
1891-1894 1 bundle.
1887-1919 (numbered 1-41). 1 bundle.
1895-1930 (with gaps). 1 bundle.
June 1910-Letters concerning Broomhill Colliery damage land agreement.
1911-Broomhill Colliery: papers concerning a new lease-schedules of lands held by the Colliery Company; statement of lands under which the Company may and may not work coal; damaged land agreement-schedule of lands occupied by Broomhill Coal
Company as agricultural tenants.
3 April 1915-Broomhill Collieries Ltd., 4th Earl Grey and the National Provident Institution: Agreement.
1913-Copy correspondence about damage to land at Whitefield House Farm.
1917-Copy correspondence with Broomhill Collieries about land for allotments.
1917-Order under the Cultivation of Lands Acts 1917 in respect of grassland to be ploughed up at Broomhill Farm and correspondence.
1917-Broomhill Collieries-press report of 17th AGM.
1917-Broomhill Collieries Account.
GRE/X/P215 1825-1899
2 copy letters W. Brunton of London to Mr Taylor concerning Chevington coal and construction of a harbour for its export, 22 July 1825, with plan of the proposed harbour.
1845-1847-Letters and papers concerning Broomhill Colliery, including letters from Lord Auckland, Henry Morton, 3rd Earl Grey, report by William Wilson and report on experiments with the coal by Dr Playfair at the Admiralty.
1853-1863 [with gaps]-Accounts and letters concerning Broomhill Colliery.
1862-1868-Broomhill Colliery accounts.
1871-1884 [with gaps];
1898-1899-Invoices for coal supplied to Earl Grey by Broomhill Coal Company.
2 letters concerning price of coal supplied to Grey, January 1897.
1882-1891-Widdrington Coal Company: correspondence and accounts in respect of Chevington royalty.
1866-1870-Accounts and letters in respect of Ulgham Grange royalty.
1858-1882 [with gaps]-Chevington Coal Company: correspondence and accounts.
1897-Copy correspondence concerning a borehole near Chevington Colliery.
1848-1851-Correspondence between the York Newcastle and Berwick Railway Company and Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey concerning storage and sale of Broomhill coal at railway stations.
GRE/X/P216 1908-1920
Howick Estate rent rolls 1908-1920 complete.
“Miscellaneous rents” for the years ending 31 May 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917.
GRE/X/P217 1921-1930
Howick Estate rent rolls complete; most in duplicate.
GRE/X/P218 1860-1927
Howick Estate rent schedules: November 1874-May 1897, complete; November 1897-November 1907, complete. Rental of small holdings May 1906. 2 bundles.
1865-1927-Howick Farm balance sheets, complete. 1 bundle.
1899-1921-Howick Farm stock valuations (not a complete series). 1 bundle.
1900-1901-Statement of keep of horses and cows, other than farm stock.
1860-1891-Ancroft North Farm cultivation returns (nearly complete). 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P219 1803-1915
Draft form of lease of farms to be made by 3rd Earl Grey (prepared by Charles D. Forster, with many alterations).
Notes by 3rd Earl Grey on the draft, making queries and suggesting alterations.
Notes by Forster on the amended draft, referring especially to Grey's notes.
Letter Forster to George Grey of Milfield, 9 August 1884 concerning the above 2 items.
Letter George Grey to E. J. Macdonald, 7 January 1885.
Bundle containing:
Rentals of estates belonging to Sir Henry Grey as let at Whitsuntide 1765 and 1770.
Rental of 3rd Earl Grey's estates 11 November 1848-12 May 1849.
Accounts of leases of estates belonging to Sir Henry Grey, 3 March 1803, 3 June 1805.
Note of unexpired terms of leases from Whitsuntide 1807.
Accounts of leases belonging to 2nd Earl Grey, May 1808, 6 November 1810, 2 September 1812, 4 March 1816, 25 August 1818, 1823, 28 October 1825, 10 February 1829, 22 January 1835.
Memoranda of old leases [1712-1795].*
Report on leases, most dating from 1845.*
(* according to a note found among the papers of Sir Frederick Wm. Grey in 1857).
June 1884-Draft case for counsel's opinion concerning Mr Andrews' tenancy of Broomhill Farm with letter from William Woodman to 3rd Earl Grey, 21 June 1884.
Copy letter Grey to George Grey of Milfield complaining of Woodman's premature action on the above.
Also concerning the problem of rabbits on the farms and methods of controlling them.
11 March 1886-Notice of claim of Hugh Andrews for compensation for improvements to Broomhill Farm 1880-1886 (for application of lime and manures) with detailed calculation.
Letter Charles Forster to Albert Grey, 29 September 1886, concerning arbitration of the claim.
4 March 1898-Copy memorandum of agreement and copy lease of Chevington Moor Farm to Robert Brown of Birtley White House for one year and yearly tenancy thereafter.
26 May 1845-Lease of Ulgham Grange and Ferneybeds Farms to Ralph Fenwick.
1846-1852-Correspondence between Ralph Fenwick and Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey concerning the above farms.
1850-1851-Letters and papers concerning Ulgham Grange Farm.
1851-1860-Conditions agreed for the letting of Ulgham Grange Farm to T. L. Tindall and correspondence concerning the farm.
1851-1852-Conditions for letting Ferneybeds Farm and correspondence.
1908-1915-Letters and papers mainly from George Grey of Milfield with some from 4th Earl Grey to George Grey on estate matters, especially the National Provident Society Mortgage, Broomhill Colliery rents and taxes, prospects for lowland farmers
and hill farmers, prices of grain, mutton and beef, Cheviot sheep farming profits, the question whether to sell or keep Ancroft and Tweedside estates, and land for small holdings. 1 file.
1898-Agricultural Returns of Great Britain 1898, with comparisons with previous returns.
Abstract of Agricultural Returns for 1887 and 1888.
2 October 1850-Proof copy of report by the Hon. William Napier to the General Board of Health on his further examination of the gathering grounds for the proposed Government Water Supply to the Metropolis.
1875-1890-Letters to Edward J. Macdonald on estate matters. Also account of the Chevington Coal Company to Earl Grey 1882 and notices concerning its liquidation, 1883. 1 bundle.
October 1871-Letter William Woodman to 3rd Earl Grey, 14 October 1871, enclosing copy letter and memorandum from Henry Morton concerning the Northumberland Central Railway.
1852-1891-Letters to 3rd Earl Grey including one from William Woodman. 1 bundle.
1879-1894-Letters to or from the Milfield estate office.
Notebooks containing:
Account of Chevington Wood timber sale, 10 February 1876.
Account of Chevington Wood timber sale, 2 April 1877.
Account of Ancroft timber sale, 28 March 1879.
Papers with account of expenses of the above Ancroft timber sale.
Agreement to let Chevington Wood Pasture to Jacob D. Forsyth from 12 May 1889 with draft of this agreement.
31 July-1 August 1876-Copy letter 3rd Earl Grey to Godfrey Smith of the N. E. Railway, complaining about refusal to stop trains at Little Mill Station and reply apologizing.
GRE/X/P220 1728-1925
1 November 1728-Lease of Howick South Farm to Thomas Nesbit.
14 December 1733-Lease of Sunnilaws, West Piece and Jenny Knoe to Anthony Compton (junior).
1 July 1805-Lease of East Chevington Farm to William Berry and James Wilson [altered in pencil as draft lease to Wilson in 1825].
21 August 1809-Lease of Ancroft Town Farm to the executors of John Nesbitt.
22 December 1812-Lease of Maiden Hall Farm (Parish of Warkworth) to John Straker and William Taylor Straker.
10 October 1815-Lease of Ulgham Grange and Ferneybeds Farms to Ralph Fenwick.
7 November 1825-Lease of West Chevington Farm to Ralph Fenwick.
2 January 1852-Lease of Ancroft Town Farm to John and Thomas Oswald. Draft of above lease.
1870-Lease of Presson Town Farm to George Hogg.
11 February 1888-Lease of Ancroft South Moor Farm to Edward Waugh.
3 March 1890-Agreement for yearly tenancy of an allotment at Whitefield House and copy of this agreement.
12 August 1896-Agreement whereby a cottage and garden at Low Stead Farm is let to John Alexander Robinson.
24 February 1898-Memorandum of agreement whereby 4th Earl Grey rents No. 1 Connaught Place for 6 months from Sir Philip Currie, with letter Messrs Lofts and Warner to Grey.
24 October 1902-Lease of Ancroft South Moor Farm to Joshua Locke, William John Locke and Henry Corbett.
29 April 1903-Agreement whereby the shooting rights on East and West Burton Farms is let to Roland Philipson for the 1903 season.
25 July 1907-Particulars of Fleehope grouse shooting and conditions of let, with note that V. W. Corbett agrees to rent the shooting for the 1907-1908 season.
8 May 1907-Agreement whereby 4th Earl Grey lets Howick Hall to Arthur Grenfell for 3 months.
26 April 1915-Agreement for letting land near Maidens Hall Farm, Chevington, to Edward Hetherington, with correspondence 1915-1916.
1925-Note of terms of lease of Ancroft North Farm to J. Nielsen.
GRE/X/P221 1860-1916
Leases or agreements for farms or other properties, mainly copies or drafts 1860-1911
21 December 1860-Southern Know and Harrow Bog to Wm. Smith, signed by Smith.
24 November 1865-East Learmouth to Wm. Smith [rough draft].
May 1867-Broomhill to Wm. Burn [rough draft].
5 February 1869-Tithe Hill (Parish of Carham) to Wm. Davidson [signed and sealed by Davidson and Grey].
31 January 1872-Presson Hill (Parish of Carham) to Thomas and Robert Scott [unsigned].
From 12 May 1872-West Learmouth to Wm. Piper Lumsden [unsigned].
7 April 1876-Agreement for letting of a cottage at Chevington Wood to John Rutledge. Signed by Rutledge.
21 December 1877-Howburn (Parish of Carham) to Christopher Brown and Joseph Pearson Tiplady. Signed and sealed by all parties.
From 12 May 1879-Ancroft North Farm (Parish of Holy Island) to George and William Storey. Draft [unsigned].
1879, From 12 May 1880-Burton (Parish of Bamborough) to James Laing [draft].
12 May 1879-West Chevington to Joseph Atkinson. Signed by Grey. Draft of above [altered from a former lease to Thomas James].
12 May 1879-Ancroft North Moor to Robert, William and Richard Marshall. Signed Grey. Draft of above lease.
December 1880-Ancroft South Moor to John Weddell. Signed by John and Thomas Weddell.
c. January 1882-Additional agreement about Tithe Hill. Signed and sealed by Grey and Ellen Davidson. Lease forms for West Chevington, Little Houghton and Little Mill, blank except for the rent in each case. The forms bear a watermark date of
29 March 1883-Whitefield House (Parish of Warkworth) to Thomas George Edwards and David Matthew Edwards. Draft.
8 February 1884-Chevington Woodside to Thomas Hemsley. Unsigned. 5 December 1884-West Learmouth to William Piper Lumsden. Draft.
1885-Bradford. Draft.
January 1885-Bradford to Anthony Frederick Nichol. Draft.
22 December 1885-Broomhill Farm to Jacob Dickinson Forsyth. Draft.
January 1886-Howburn (Parish of Carham) to George and Matthew Logan. Draft.
8 February 1886-Copy letter George Grey of Milfield to Messrs Taylor, Davison and others setting forth the conditions under which the postman will be allowed to pass through Chevington Wood. Copy letter from Taylor, Davison and others to George
Grey, 9 February 1886, accepting the conditions.
16 August 1889-Agreement letting shooting rights over Ancroft estates to John Staniforth for the 1889-1890 season. Signed J. Staniforth and Charles Staniforth, and George Grey.
7 June 1895-Copy agreement for letting 4 acres of land on Maiden's Hall Farm to Chevington West Parish Council as a recreation ground; with plan.
22 July 1894-Southern Knowe, Fleehope and Mount Hooley in Parish of Kirknewton to John Somerville Johnston and James Simson Johnston. Signed by both Johnstons and George Grey. Attached: 12 December 1900-Memorandum that after 12 May 1901 John
Somerville Johnston will be sole tenant.
28 October 1901-Memorandum of agreement about rent rebates on account of the agricultural depression.
c.12 May 1898-Copy Agreement for the winged and ground game of Chevington Wood let to R. C. Swan as shooting tenant, with plan showing the areas held by various tenants.
23 April 1901-Copy letter S. Wormell of the National Telephone Co. to George Grey of Milfield, 23 April 1901, applying for permission to erect telephone poles on Grey's land near Broomhill, with plan. Copy letter R. W. Jackson to George Grey, 10
May 1901, thanking him for consent.
27 August 1903-Agreement to let Howick Grange House to D. Selby-Bigge. Signed by Bigge and 4th Earl Grey.
1 August 1904-Agreement to let for a month a furnished house at Howick Peep O'Sea to C. Franklin Murphy. Signed by Murphy and J. H. Mansfield.
18 August 1904-Agreement to let the above to Arthur H. Lewis for the following month. Signed by Lewis and Mansfield.
23 April 1909-Copy lease of Ancroft South Moor to James Green.
30 November 1909-Copy lease of Little Mill Farm to Fred. Hardy. Schedule of areas attached.
12 May 1911-Agreement to let grass land known as 'Sandylands' near Low Stead in Parish of Longhoughton to Henry Richardson. Signed by Richardson and Lord Howick.
6 May 1899-Conditions of employment of John Renton, painter.
22 August 1905-Conditions of employment of William Lambert, head gardener.
Red Stead Farm House: rough sketch showing proposed connection to a cottage at the back.
Howick Estate: rough calculation of tithe rent charges, n.d.
Howick Farms (Red Stead, Pasture House, Seahouses, Lowstead): acreages of new grass and quantities of bones applied.
Plan of Ancroft Estate, acres stated and, in a few cases, crops, with note by J. Cleghorn, July 1892, concerning the sale of one plot to Queen Anne's Bounty.
1909-1915-Letters concerning the erection of a urinal at South Broomhill, East Chevington, with plan.
20 December 1916-Memorandum of agreement with Morpeth Rural District Council for the site of the urinal at South Broomhill.
27 April 1876-Copy conveyance of a third part of and in certain leasehold mines in the Parish of Warkworth (including Broomhill) from John Sowerby to Hugh Andrews.
GRE/X/P222 1852-1905
1846-1849-Correspondence mainly concerning land sold for railways at Chevington and Learmouth and compensation to tenants for damage. Most of the letters are to or from Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey who was managing the Howick estate
for 3rd Earl Grey.
October 1852-Little Mill Lime Kilns-Valuation of stock, plant and tools.
1863-1864-Broomhill Farm: notes of terms on which a new lease is to be granted to William Burn; note of fields sown to grass; letter William Burn to G. A. Grey, 4 January 1863, about transport of charcoal.
1861-1891 [with gaps]-Letters mainly to Edward J. Macdonald on estate matters, many from the Greys of Milfield.
1860-1873, 1885, 1889-1890-East Learmouth Farm cultivation returns (detailed).
1873-1882-Averages of wheat, barley, oats and beans from unnamed lands.
1888-1897-Calculation of loss on Chevington Moor Farm over the said 9 years.
1893-Account of receipts and expenditure in respect of Chevington Moor Farm for the year ending 1 June 1893.
1876-1885-Alnwick Union Rural Sanitary Authority: correspondence concerning health hazards in Howick Village, especially to five cottages allegedly made damp by adjacent privies. Includes enforcement order served on 3rd Earl Grey, copy letter
Grey to the Authority denying the alleged hazard and press cuttings of proceedings at meeting of the Authority.
23 July 1895-Acknowledgement by Mrs Constance Grey of guarantee for £200 from 4th Earl Grey.
1893-1901-Copy letters Messrs Flux and Leadbitter to Messrs Hodgkin Barnett and Company concerning certain deeds (listed) relating to the Ancroft estate.
1900, 1905-Copy agreements of 4th Earl Grey with the National Telephone Company for telephones at Howick Hall, Howick Grange and Little Mill station.
1901-Notes of agreement between 4th Earl Grey and the Northern Public House Company for sale of the 'Grey Arms' Hotel.
June-July 1895-Notice from the Solicitors for the Royal Insurance Company to the Trustees of the marriage settlement of Reginald B. Brett and 2 letters from Hadden Woodward to 4th Earl Grey.
10 December 1900-Letters messrs Few & Co. to Messrs Williams with notice to the Trustees of R. B. Brett (Viscount Esher) of a mortgage on his property.
GRE/X/P223 1757-1924
12 April 1839-Grant of licence to 2nd Earl Grey to use 2 Yester Patent machines for making bricks and tiles for the residue of a term of 14 years. 1 copy signed and sealed; counterpart not signed.
1840-1843-The Tweeddale Patent Drain Tile and Brick Company: accounts for bricks and tiles supplied; delivery notes; and correspondence.
March 1887-Petition of the pitmen of Broomhill Colliery to 3rd Earl Grey asking him to reduce the royalty he receives from the coal produced so that the owners would not reduce their men's already meagre wages and thus enable them to return to
work. Signed by a great many of the workers.
24-31 March 1887-2 letters Revd. Albert Laurence, Rector of Chevington, to Grey concerning the above petition and the strike and thanking him and Albert Grey for money sent to support the families of the non-union men.
Draft letter Grey to Laurence explaining why he will not grant the petition, expressing sympathy, sending money for the non-union men and commenting on the damage being done by the dispute.
Copy letter Grey to Hugh Andrews concering the strike and advocating conciliation.
5 April 1887-Letter Revd. Albert Laurence to Grey concerning problems over relief to the miners.
8 April 1887-Letter James Brydon (one of the non-union Broomhill miners) to 3rd Earl Grey concerning distribution of the relief money.
Bundle of papers concerning Chevington coal, Broomhill Colliery and Warkworth Harbour including the following items:
Papers concerning borings for coal on Chevington Estate 1757-1850.
Minutes concerning the coal district of Amble and Haxley 1838.
Memorandum by John Taylor, of Gray's Inn Square, on forming a company to exploit Chevington coal, 1 February 1825.
Plan of Warkworth Harbour and roads with soundings 1844, with particulars in French.
Another plan with soundings of the bay adjacent to Chevington Estate.
Radcliffe Colliery sinking account of 1st pit 1839.
Letter Thomas Crawford to Frederick William Grey, 7 February 1846, on how to increase production of Broomhill Colliery.
Papers on testing Chevington coal.
Coal prices at stations on Newcastle to Berwick railway, March 1850.
Account of coal despatched monthly by rail from Broomhill Colliery 1847-1852.
Estimate of cost of working of 200 and 300 tens per fortnight at Broomhill Colliery, December 1850.
Detailed account of actual cost of working at Broomhill Colliery for the year ending 1 May 1852.
Letter James Turner to Frederick William Grey, 10 July 1852, on the loading of the ship Leontine.
2 letters Henry Morton to F. W. Grey, 10-16 November 1854.
Howick Estate rental schedules: 1889 May and November, 1891 May and November, 1892 November, 1894 November.
Small rent schedules: 1892 November, 1893 May, n.d. 1 bundle,
Howick cottages rent schedules with some receipts, 1878, 1880-1888, 1891. 1 bundle.
Agreements for cottages and gardens, mainly at Howick, mostly 1894. 1 bundle.
1847-1855-Howick Estate Drainage: letters from tenants stating what needed to be done, mainly 1853; returns of draining 1847.
1854-1856-Correspondence and papers relating to an application by 3rd Earl Grey to the Lands Improvement Company for a loan for draining certain lands.
July 1856, April 1857-Copy circular sent to tenants to ask whether they needed drainage work on their farms, July 1856, with some replies and summary of the replies in tabular form; circular from the Lands Improvement Company.
1857-1859-Letters and papers relating to an application by 3rd Earl Grey to the Lands Improvement Company for a loan to improve farm buildings.
1855-1863-Circulars from the Lands Improvement Company requesting certificates on the state of drains, outfalls and buildings for which a rent charge had been made; letters reminding those concerned of the necessity of a return; notes by
Archibald Hills of replies.
1867-1868-Vouchers for work in connection with the water supply on Chevington Estate and Ferneybeds Farm. 1 bundle.
25 March 1853-Agreement of James and Thomas Grey to take a lease of Longhoughton Low Steads Farm from the Duke of Northumberland.
9 May 1907-Agreement whereby James Floyd Smith, late tenant of Pasture House Farm, is to pay the interest on £600 to Earl Grey to discharge rent owed in respect of that farm.
Letter C. D. Forster to George Grey of Milfield concerning the above.
24 May 1924-Specification of work to be done and materials used in the erection of a pair of cottages at Pasture House, with plan.
1891-1892 and n.d.-Lists of poor people at Howick to whom Christmas presents of money were to be distributed.
5 January 1895-Letter R. J. Conkleton of Hexham to 4th Earl Grey concerning an attempt to divert the funds of certain charities for the binding of poor apprentices to higher grade education.
1895-1896-Note of money given as Christmas presents to the staff of Little Mill Railway Station; with signatures of recipients.
October 1895-February 1896-Account of expenditure on Learmouth water supply and buildings.
1880-Rough calculations of the cost of coal used at Howick.
Statement of coal consumed on the Howick Estate during the year ending 31 December 1904 [according to endorsement 1903].
List of cottages at Howick and the neighbourhood with names of occupiers at the 1891 census and particulars of repairs and the cost, 1891-1897.
Notebook containing account of Lady Grey with Messrs Faulks & Sons purveyors of milk, cream and eggs, 1897-1898. Also notes on repairs to properties of which the tenants paid half the cost, 1900-1904.
Bank Balance papers-monthly summaries of accounts November 1871-May 1892 (complete series).
Printed catalogue of entries for the show and sale of horses at Howick, 2 July 1896. 12 copies.
Printed catalogue of horses, the property of Earl Grey, to be sold on 25 February 1901. 19 copies.
Programme of music at Howick Hall, 27 August 1897.
Percy Hunt: Programme of sports at Howick, 27 August 1897. 1 parcel.
14 February 1893-Circular from T. Tate, secretary of the Percy Hunt, listing members of the committees and stating the districts supervised by certain members of the Covert Committee. Also concerns claims for damage alleged to have been done by
GRE/X/P225 1848-1906
1859-1871-Chevington School: fortnightly returns showing number of pupils on the books, average attendance, names of new entrants and absentees, the length of absence, the names of those discharged; and occasional remarks. The returns for most
years are fairly or almost complete but there is only 1 return for 1863, and January-March only for 1871.
“Memorandum of cost to Lord Grey of Chevington School” 1861-1865-calculations from what was paid and what was received in school fees.
October 1883-Correspondence concerning the use of Chevington school room for activities out of school hours: letters from Revd. Albert Laurence, 3rd Earl Grey, Joseph Atkinson and James Atcheson. 1 file.
16 October 1883-Letter James Atcheson (teacher) and the Managing Committee of Chevington School [to Albert Grey] thanking him for repulsing the attempts of Revd. Mr Laurence and the School Board to deprive them of the School.
Rules of the School confirmed by the above Committee, same date.
Printed notice concerning the school, n.d.
1 June 1891-30 November 1892-Statement of work done by men employed under Mr Russell at Howick and money paid for the various jobs.
December 1892-November 1893-Similar statement to the above.
10 January 1899-Statement of the terms and conditions of employment of John Urquhart as head working joiner.
n.d.-Summary of wages, etc of persons employed in Howick stables.
1870-1886-Comparison of rents of each farm on the Howick Estate at the above dates showing the reductions that had occurred and the increase necessary to bring existing rents to 1870 levels.
1887-Rental and statement of annual value of lands, the property of Earl Grey.
16 May 1888-Rental schedule.
14 May 1890-Rental schedule.
15 May 1895-Rental schedule.
December 1892-Copy of rental statement in respect of the Howick Estate for the National Provident Institution. States lands, names of tenants, area, annual rent and value, with remarks.
5 schedules relating to lands on the Howick Estate:
1. Lands charged with annuities under the will of 2nd Earl Grey.
2. Lands subject to mortgage for £200,000 to Sir Charles Whetham and others.
3. Lands charged with annuities under the settlement on the marriage of Albert Grey and Alice Holford.
4. Unincumbered lands.
5. Tithe rent, fee farm rents and land tax payable out of Earl Grey's estate.
Rough calculations of the cost of repairs and improvements to buildings and lands on the Howick Estate mortgaged to the National Provident Institution for the years ending 31 May 1905 and 1906.
Schedules of areas of Earl Grey's property in the Townships of Longhoughton and Little Houghton as per the 1865 O. S. plan.
1848-1854-Statements of the acreage of Broomhill Farm.
[Watermark 1864]-Schedule of acreages of each field of Ancroft Town Farm.
n.d. [20th century?]-Schedule of acreages of fields of Howburn Farm.
1850-1851-Tweeddale Patent Tile and Brick Company: return of sales from Broomhill and Ancroft Tile Works.
n.d. [20th century?]-Calculation of the cost of Pasture House feeding boxes.
1880-Draft advert for the letting of Chevington Woodside Farm.
1898-Statement of coal consumption on the Howick Estate for the year ending 31 December 1898 with figures for 1893-1897.
Calendar of prisoners in Morpeth Gaol for trial at the Spring Assizes at Newcastle on 22 February 1868.
GRE/X/P226 1840-1922
1867-Lease of Sandilands Cottage Lands, Longhoughton, to James Grey of Lowsteads.
21 September 1872-Lease of Chevington Nursery and fields to Francis Brown.
19 November 1879-Lease of Burton Farm to James Laing.
Rough notes by 3rd Earl Grey on alteration in the terms of the lease.
2 letters from Laing 23 August 1884 and 25 January 1894.
1880-Note by G. A. Grey of Milfield of alteration in the terms of William P. Lumsden's lease of West Learmouth Farm.
12 May 1886-Tenancy agreement for Broomhill Cottage let to Mary A. Kendall.
Letter James Cleghorn to E. J. Macdonald, 15 May 1886, about the above.
2 October 1891-Copy letter George Grey to Thos. Thompson of Proctor Steads stating the terms on which he could have tenancy of the Star Farm; with Thompson's reply, 10 October.
1 September 1892-Copy agreement whereby Andrew Tait agrees to rebuild a dry stone wall at Howick.
1 April 1893-Copy tenancy agreement for a cottage and garden at Low Stead Farm let to Mrs J. A. Taylor.
12 May 1894-Tenancy agreement for Low Stead Farm House and outbuildings let to William Avery.
3 April 1895-Lease of Sandilands Cottages Field on Low Steads Farm to James Campbell of Boulmer.
22 April 1897-Lease of 2 fields of permanent pasture at Littlehoughton to Thomas Coxon of Denwick.
8 January 1898-Copy agreement whereby the salmon and trout rod fishing on Learmouth Water on the Tweed is let to George John Marjoribanks.
31 October 1898-Tenancy agreement for a cottage and garden at Howick Red Steads let to Robert Downey.
9 September 1901-Copy agreement between 4th Earl Grey and the Northumberland Public House Trust concerning a sewer running from the “Grey Arms Hotel” at South Broomhill.
Letters George Grey to Oswin Bell and Bell to Grey, 7-8 July 1904, concerning the drain.
18 February 1904-Copy agreement whereby the shooting on E. & W. Burton Farms is let to Roland Philipson of Tynemouth for the season of 1904.
22 July 1904-Tenancy agreement for a furnished house at Howick Peep O'Sea let to Beatrice G. Fenwick.
January 1905-Copy agreement whereby the shooting of E. & W. Burton Farms is let to Roland Philipson for the season of 1905.
1908-Draft agreement for the letting of Broomhill Recreation Ground.
16 April 1908-Copy agreement whereby the shooting on Ancroft estate is let to James Logan for the season of 1908-1909, with particulars of the said shooting and conditions of let.
12 July 1910-Tenancy agreement for Howick Hall let for 2 months to Ernest Louis Franklin of Porchester Terrace, London.
12 May 1911-Tenancy agreement for house and garden at Littlehoughton let to Robert Green.
11 January 1912-Copy agreement with Dr R. Esmond Moyes about a sewer at Broomhill.
16 October 1912-Synopsis of agreement whereby Haliston Field in the Parish of East Chevington is let to John Taylor of Broomhill.
6 March 1914-Copy agreement whereby the N. E. Railway Co. are allowed to construct a filter bed near Coldstream.
23 September 1914-Tenancy agreement for Coldburn Farm in the Parish of Kirknewton let to John Somerville Johnston.
29 December 1915-Copy agreement whereby the salmon and trout rod fishing on Learmouth Water on the Tweed is let to George John Marjoribanks for the season 1916, 1917, 1918.
13 May 1922-Tenancy agreement for cottage and garden at Howick Burnhouses let to F. Steele.
n.d.-Rough note about application of superphosphate and bone meal to fields on Maiden's Hall Farm. Letter James Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 10 January 1928, concerning [tenancy] and other agreements he had received from Mansfield.
18 May 1840-Letter William Balfour to 2nd Earl Grey giving a detailed report on Chevington and Ulgham Grange Woods and setting out a plan for their management, especially as a coppiced oak wood.
Also accounts concerning operations in the woods-“Mr Balfour's Accounts”-1841-1846 and papers concerning his estate after his sudden death in January 1847. 1 bundle.
1841, 1846-1853-Letters and papers concerning the tenancy of West Chevington Farm and Whitefield House Farm by Samuel Goodman, mainly correspondence between Goodman and Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey. Includes paper by 3rd Earl Grey,
items on how the rent should be calculated and papers on drainage and cropping. 1 bundle.
May-October 1893-Letters and papers concerning rates on tithe rents in Belford Union. 1 file.
1907-1908-Summaries and copies of correspondence relating to adjustments of the terms of the National Provident Institution mortgage on the Howick Estate. Includes letters from George Grey of Milfield, Arthur Grenfell and L. F. Hovil (actuary and
secretary of the Institution). 1 file.
23 August 1873-Detailed report by Richard Wilson, Sanitary Inspector, on Howick Hall and Village, Longhoughton and part of Lesbury.
1884-1885-Letters from George Annett Grey to E. J. Macdonald on estate matters. 1 bundle.
1877-1878-Letters concerning land tax on tithes in the Parish of Carham. 1 bundle.
1855-1893-Miscellaneous letters and notes on estate matters. 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P227 1816-1912
n.d. [18th century, temp. Sir Henry Grey]-Plan of Budle. Acreages and field names stated; also those responsible for fencing the boundaries. Scale 6 chains to 1". [needs repair].
Tracing of Nicholas Weatherley's plan of Ancroft Estate of 1816-outline with plots numbered but no information.
Plan of part of Ancroft Estate: field names and acreages stated.
28 October 1851-Plan of Ancroft Moor Farms: field names and acreages stated. Scale 8 chains to 1".
n.d.-Plan of Bradford Farm: field names and acreages stated; cultivation indicated.
Tracing of this plan without indication of cultivation.
n.d.-Plan of Burton Estate in the Parish of Bamburgh: field names and acreages stated. Scale 4 chains to 1".
Tracing of plan of Chevington Estate (copied 7 July 1852): field names and acreages stated and also the date when certain parts were drained and the number of drains laid 1850-1855. Scale 4 chains to 1".
Tracing of West Chevington Tithe Plan (made by Archibald Hills, 14 November 1853, and certified by Revd. J. W. Dunn, Vicar of Warkworth, who had possession of the tithe plan).
Plan of Chevington Woodside Farm: field names, acreages and state of cultivation for 1880 stated.
Unfinished plan of Chevington Woodside: field names stated but no boundaries indicated.
Rough plan of land adjacent to Chevington Wood. Plan of Ulgham Grange: field names and acreages stated. Scale 4 chains to 1".
Design for new board schools and master's house at Chevington-block plan of site.
Plan of Broomhill Colliery showing land taken by the coal company.
Tracing of part of a plan of Howick and the adjacent coast. Rectory ground indicated.
Plan of 2 cottages proposed to be erected at Howick.
[n.d. 20th century]. Plan of lands (fields north of Longhoughton, Low Steads Farm, etc.) proposed to be given [by the Duke of Northumberland] to Lord Grey in exchange for Hawkhill Estate.
Plan of Presson Hill Farm in the Parish of Carham. Outline only-no information.
Unfinished plan [of Learmouth?] found among the papers of Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey, 28 May 1857.
Plan of East Learmouth farm stead with schedule indicating cost of construction.
Newcastle and Berwick Railway: plans indicating land purchased or to be purchased from Earl Grey in the following districts:
Parish of Warkworth, Chapelry of Chevington and Townships of East and West Chevington. Scale 4 chains to 1".
Parish of Warkworth and Chapelry and Township of Chevington. Scale 4 chains to 1".
Parish of Morpeth, the Parochial Chapelry of Ulgham and the Township of Ulgham Grange. Scale 4 chains to 1".
Parishes of Lesbury and Longhoughton and Townships of Hawkhill, Longhoughton, Little Houghton and Little Mill. Scale 4 chains to 1". With schedule.
Parish of Carham and Townships of Learmouth and Wark. Scale 4 chains to 1". With schedule.
21 April 1899-Amended plan of proposed hot water apparatus for the ball room at Howick by Henry Walker and Son, Newcastle.
October 1912-3 plans for renewal of glasshouses at Howick by W. Richardson, Horticultural Engineers, Darlington.
Plan of Old Learmouth and neighbourhood. Badly damaged and very fragile.
Outline plan of an unnamed estate.
20 January 1885-Plans for providing sites for labourers' and other dwellings by the formation of new North and South Clayport Roads in Alnwick, and plans for new direct roads to the station. Frederick R. Wilson, Architect, Alnwick.
July 1849-Sketch plan of the workings in the 'A Pit', Low Main Seam of Broomhill Colliery. Scale 2 chains to 1".
9 March 1847-Plan of waste or damage ground as occupied by the pits, etc. at Broomhill Colliery. Scale three quarters of a chain to 1".
1852-Plan of sewage tank.
GRE/X/P228 1848-1909
14 January 1879-19 January 1880-8 letters William Woodman to E. J. Macdonald.
10-24 February 1880-3 letters Messrs Glyn & Co., Bankers, to 3rd Earl Grey concerning Australian 4% bonds.
1883-1886-2 letters G. A. Grey to Thomas Crawford, concerning land required by Broomhill Colliery, and to H. Annett of Broomhill Farm. 1 letter George Grey of Milfield to William Woodman and 1 letter Woodman to George Grey.
31 March 1879-18 February 1881-5 letters R. Jack of Broomhill Coal Co. to E. J. Macdonald mainly concerning prices of coal supplied to Earl Grey.
1892-Howick Estate: copy statement drawn up to support claim for reduction of Income Tax.
1851-1895-Papers relating to Income, Land and Property Tax including Bill to enlarge the time allowed for compounding assessed taxes, 1851; memo from the Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick, 28 April 1891; payments made by tenants under Schedule A,
1891-1892; notice of date of hearing appeals, 21 September 1893; letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 23 October 1893, making queries about tax, with Mansfield's answers indicated; papers on Longhoughton Land Tax including copy of return,
1867-1906-Notices of assessment for Income Tax in respect of various parts of the Howick Estate.
Bundle containing: n.d. [c.1850]-Plan of Whitefield House Farm, field names and acreages stated. Scale 4 chains to 1".
3 November 1851-Lease of West Chevington Farm to Samuel Goodman.
25 April 1855-Lease of Whitefield House Farm to Edward and Nicholas Henderson of Lowick.
23 March 1768-Rate assessments on the inhabitants of the Chapelry of Chevington.
3 September-13 December 1853-3 letters from Francis Hewitt concerning Whitefield House and West Chevington Farms.
Letter William Woodman to G. A. Grey of Milfield concerning Hewitt, 12 September 1853.
Letter S. Donald to G. A. Grey concerning Hewitt, 19 December 1853.
Letter A. Healey to G. A. Grey explaining the offer he had made for a farm.
1848-1863-Letters and papers concerning West Chevington Farm-mainly letters from G. Marshall and S. Sanderson to G. A. Grey with some letters from G. A. Grey; also cropping returns and survey of acreages.
1886-1892-Draft account of an experimental profit sharing scheme whereby Low Stead, Pasture House, Red Stead and Sea Houses Farms were amalgamated and managed on this basis [with numerous alterations by Albert Grey].
11 August 1892-Circular from Henry Chaplin, President of the Board of Agriculture, to clerks of the County Councils concerning the Small Holdings Act, 1892.
22 June 1891-Letter C. Jesper to Albert Grey concerning employment of fisherman from Northumberland as porters at the Forth Station, Newcastle. 7 copies.
n.d. [late 19th or early 20th century]-Proposed alterations of rules of Howick Savings Bank.
1893-Draft letter Albert Grey to Mr Fox, manager of Learmouth combined farms on what he wishes to be said to the workers concerning the profit sharing scheme and other matters relating to the farm and their employment.
2 December 1892-Plan and elevation of a temporary building for the Rates Clerks of the N. E. Railway, from the Architect's Office of the Railway at York.
30 June 1892-Northumberland Agricultural Supply Association, Ltd. Report and balance sheet.
1889-1891-Letters from tenants to E. J. Macdonald stating the sums they had paid in taxes.
1886-1892-Statement showing rates paid in respect of Howick Farms.
1897-London vouchers. 1 bundle.
1892-1897-Letters and papers relating to horses, farm stock, anthrax, traction by horses, and butter making. 1 file.
1893-Letters concerning Thomas Moffat and Thomas J. Robertson and North Eastern Railway land at Coldstream. 1 file.
1891-Northumberland County Council: list of committees.
1868-1894-Papers setting forth the basis of a rate for the County of Northumberland, stating the total annual value of property in each parish or place for each of the years 1868, 1874, 1877, 1881, 1883, 1894. Notes by Albert Grey on these
figures. 1 file.
9 November 1892, 5 and 8 February 1894-3 letters Messrs Merryweather & Sons with report on fire protection at Howick Hall and brochure
“Merryweathers' system of Periodical Inspection and Fire Drill”.
7 November 1892-28 February 1893-Letters and paper concerning re-arrangement of postal services for Little Mill, Howick, Craster and Dunstan: copy letter Albert Grey to the Post Master General; copy memorandum enclosed with the foregoing; letter
Arnold Morley to Grey; copy letter J. H. Mansfield to Grey.
14 May 1895-Letter Arnold Morley to 4th Earl Grey on cost of providing telephone communication between Howick Hall and Little Mill Station.
17 July 1909-Letter A. Mellersh, Surveyor GPO, to George Grey concerning permission to erect a shelter hut for the postman at Ancroft; letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 24 July 1909, on the same subject.
1893-1895-Miscellaneous letters: James Earnshaw to J. H. Mansfield; Montague Machan to 4th Earl Grey; Col. Hatton to Grey; Messrs McKenzie & Holland (Vulcan Iron Works, Worcester) to J. H. Mansfield.
1892-1893 and n.d.-Letters and papers relating to rate assessments on various parts of the Howick Estate.
30-31 July 1895-List of 12 books sent to Messrs Andrew Elliot of Edinburgh for rebinding and list of books sent to Low Stead House Convalescent Rooms.
1892-1893-Broomhill Equitable Industrial Co-operative Society: 86th-88th quarterly reports and statements of account, September 1892-March 1893, with letter Thomas Gee to J. H. Mansfield, 8 December 1892, and statement of Albert Grey's
GRE/X/P229 1797-1932
1852-1854-Letters mainly to 3rd Earl Grey concerning tenants and financial matters, Budle Whinstone, drainage (circular to tenants), and difficulties raised by the Post Office about the stopping of trains at Little Mill Station.
25 February 1856-Letter from James Earnshaw concerning conversion of woodland into tillage.
1869-1871-Letters mainly from J. G. Grey of Milfield and William Woodman of Morpeth to E. J. Macdonald on estate matters.
1869-1871-Letters mainly from tenants to E. J. Macdonald.
January-March 1870-Correspondence concerning payment of tax on 2 carriages hired by 3rd Earl Grey from Messrs Maule of Alnwick.
1 December 1890-Letter from Revd. Herbert Hicks to 3rd Earl Grey enclosing circular on Newcastle Diocesan Fund.
1893-Letter from J. Richardson of Little Mill Lime Works complaining of loss of business through increased railway rates with statement showing old and new rates to various stations; notes from Albert Grey raising queries about the rates; letter
C. Jesper to J. H. Mansfield explaining the charges.
8 June 1928-Copy letter J. Cleghorn to W. Scott concerning grazing of land in Chevington Estate, with sketch plan.
1932-Letters and papers concerning taxation of Chevington Estate.
22 February 1932-Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield enclosing copy letter Cleghorn to J. A. Whittle on terms agreed about Ancroft North Moor Farm.
1846-Abstract of Howick and London accounts for the half year ending 1 November 1846.
1850-1851-Account of Messrs Banting to 3rd Earl Grey for furnishings at Carlton House Terrace and for letting Datchet Lawn; letters from Bantings to Grey; letter Messrs Glyn to Grey; notice from the Audit Office concerning Grey's final account
for Foreign Secret Service, 6 October 1850-26 February 1852.
1854-1857-Analysis of Howick accounts for the 3 years ending 1 November 1857 and rough calculations.
1857-Howick Estate: estimated state of accounts for the year ending 1 November 1857.
1886-1895-List of new work and improvements on the Howick Estate with note of the cost.
1901-1903-Analysis of expenditure on buildings, field drains and ditches, saw mills and sewers on the Howick Estate.
1903-1904-Comparative statement of expenditure on the Howick Estate for the 8 months ending 31 January 1903 and 31 January 1904; estimate of expenditure 1 February-31 May 1904 to compare with the corresponding period in 1903.
1904-1910-Statement showing the state of the Howick Estate account on 1 Janaury 1904 and subsequently to 1 July 1910; explanation as to why the balance in hand at 1 January 1910 was not greater; schedule of mortgages on the Estate at July
1913-1915-Statement of wages paid in cash and in kind to employees on Glendale Farm.
1916-1917-2 statements of estimated and actual expenditure in respect of the Howick Estate, one drawn up in February, the other in March 1917.
1920-1921-Statement of accounts in respect of the Howick Estate for December 1921 with notes by J. H. Mansfield comparing the figures with those of the same month in the previous year.
1921-1922-Statement of expenditure of income of the Howick Estate for the year ending 31 December 1922 and analysis of expenditure for the 2 years ending 31 December 1922.
1922-Howick Gardens: accounts for the year ending 31 December 1922 with balance sheet enclosed.
1920-1923-Statement of expenditure of income of the Howick Estate for the year ending 31 December 1923 and analysis of expenditure for the 3 years ending 31 December 1923.
9 February 1932-Letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn concerning the Estate accounts.
1905-Broomhill Collieries Ltd.: account with 4th Earl Grey for the year 1905.
1911-1915-Broomhill Collieries Ltd.: account of dividends paid on preference shares held by 4th Earl Grey.
1912-1926-Grant by 4th Earl Grey of land near Amble Junction to Bullocks Hall Colliery Company with liberty to erect and maintain an aerial ropeway between the colliery and the land, 6 March 1912.
Summary of the above deed.
Correspondence concerning the agreement 1915-1926.
Agreement about water supply to the offices of Bullocks Hall Colliery Company, 17 May 1915, with correspondence and plans; further correspondence 1926.
1919-1921-Statement of rents received from Broomhill Collieries and Bullocks Hall Colliery Company for coal, etc. for 3 years ending 31 December 1921.
1912-1924-Accounts for coal carried over the aerial ropeway. [Some gaps.]
Statement of coal worked out of West Chevington Royalty by Bullocks Hall Company 1916, 1922, 1923, 1924.
14 February 1922-Memorandum by J. Cleghorn on responsibility for clearing out the burn that flooded the footpath between Red Row and Chevington Crescent.
1923-Correspondence concerning a wayleave for electricity supply cables for Broomhill Colliery to be laid by Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Company; copy receipt for wayleave payment.
1916-1926-Memorandum concerning West Chevington coal, 31 March 1916.
Letters J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn concerning Bullocks Hall Colliery Company's payments to the Howick Estate, 1926.
1797-Act for dividing and inclosing Wark Common, 37 George III.
1849-1850-Papers concerning pedigrees of bulls and cows.
Note of stock that 3rd Earl Grey intends to exhibit at the Northumberland Agricultural Show, 6 August 1850.
1888-1895-Statement of cost of town manure put onto Chevington Moor Farm.
GRE/X/P230 1842-1920
Howick Farms: draft accounts August 1875-September 1876; March 1879-September 1880.
1867-1872-Miscellaneous estate letters.
1868-1872-Letters from William Woodman and G. A. Grey.
1856-Handbill advertising sale of timber at Howick on 5 May 1856.
13 August 1860-Estimate of the value of 210 acres of woodland at 25 years growth and of value of 30 acres at 25 years growth; 2 letters [one incomplete] concerning the calculation. Rough calculations.
1861-Notice concerning sale of oak bark in Chevington Wood and offer [declined] by J. Fleming for it.
8 March 1864-Account in respect of Howick wood sale with some vouchers.
19 January 1865-Account in respect of Howick wood sale with letter from Robert Donkin.
[1866]-Abstracts of accounts of sale of wood at Ancroft Moor and Ancroft Steads, with bill for advertising sales.
25 March 1863-Hartley Colliery Accident Relief Fund: financial statement and report.
1848-1849-Papers relating to a legacy from Margaret Thompson, late of Howick Sea Houses.
1853-1862-Account of Thomas Brown for carriage of goods
1853-1857 and letters requesting payment 1861-1862. Also some receipts.
8 September 1860-List of Howick Estate properties mortgaged to the Provident Society.
1858-1864-Papers relating to income and property tax.
1860-1862-Correspondence concerning tax levied on Burton Farm occupied by J. Laing.
1860-1861-Estimate of Howick Estate accounts for the half year and year ending 1 November 1861, with rough workings.
25 September 1847-Paper showing rateable value of Howick Parish.
1852-1857-Letters concerning property tax on Budle Coast Guard premises.
c.1855-c.1875-Notebook containing valuation of farm buildings on the Howick Estate for insurance purposes with several enclosures drawn up for the same purpose.
1860-Howick School: order by the Charity Commissioners, 3 April 1860; letter Revd. D. Dixon Brown to A. Hills, 25 April 1860, concerning a draft scheme for the school.
21 June 1861-Memorandum of cost of rebuilding Howick School and master's house.
31 October-2 November 1910-2 letters J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield concerning Southern Knowe School.
13-16 July 1885-2 letters from Messrs R. & W. Hawthorn, engineers, concerning a new boiler for Howick.
1919-1920-The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation Ltd.: reports on inspections of steam boiler at Howick Red Stead saw mill.
1 November 1858-Poster advertising sale by auction of the furniture, books, china and wine belonging to Sir Thomas Tancred.
1860-Note of East Chevington and Whitefield House land required by the Blyth and Tyne Railway Company for a branch line to Warkworth Harbour and letter on the subject.
3 July 1860-Notice from the Blyth and Tyne Railway Company of intention to purchase certain land in the Parish of Warkworth for the branch line to Warkworth Harbour, with plan.
1863-1867-Note of state of the Howick Estate bank account in November of each year in the above period.
1881, 1884-Rough statements of rents received and sums banked.
1859-1863-Special rate and payment book as agreed in Vestry at Easter 1859 (entries for 1861-1863 only). Enclosed: Vouchers; and also letters relating to the settlement of Elizabeth Rankin.
1854-Inventory of guns at Howick.
16 August 1854-Inventory of household furniture and other effects in Budle House and gardens belonging to Earl Grey.
20 March 1855-Particulars of the auction sale at Budle Mansion; and letter John Keen of Alnwick concerning the auction account 3 May 1855.
1859-1861-Letters concerning Budle Lime Kiln-refusal of Lord Grey to repair it as the tenant gains advantages from it for his farm and ought to repair it himself.
1885-1886-Account of stone worked from Little Mill Whinstone Quarry, 1 November 1885-31 October 1886.
1860-1861-Northumberland and Durham Educational Prize Association: Treasurer's balance sheet for the year ending August 1861.
1854-Browne's Export List for the month ending 31 October 1854, giving particulars of exports of coal, coke, iron and other materials from various ports.
1854; 1857-Notices to attend Bamburgh, Wark and Wooler manorial courts.
3 May 1917-Memorandum [by J. Cleghorn?] on applying Danish farming methods to parts of Ancroft.
3 May 1842-27 June 1846-Quantities and average [price] of wheat sold in Berwick upon Tweed market (figures supplied by John Wilson, Inspector of Corn Returns, Berwick).
29 October 1852-Letter George Taylor of Presson Hill Farm to Frederick William Grey giving a valuation of his farm stock and equipment.
GRE/X/P231 1910-1935
Letters and papers concerning Howick Whinstone Quarry
3 April 1911-Counterpart lease of whinstone quarries near Howick Scar: Lord Howick to George and Robert McLaren for 9 years from 12 May 1912 and from year to year after that term.
Copy of the above lease with copy letter George Grey of Milfield to the McLarens, 30 May 1912, giving permission to cross a field at the Scar under certain conditions, with copy note from the McLarens accepting the terms.
April-May 1914-Correspondence concerning a possible lease of Howick Scar Quarry to A. H. Clark. 1 file.
22 March 1910-27 April 1911-Correspondence and papers concerning the granting of the above lease to Robert McLaren. 1 file.
August 1920-December 1921-Correspondence and papers concerning Howick Heugh Whinstone Quarry. 1 file.
29 May 1921-28 September 1921-Correspondence and papers concerning the above Quarry. 1 file.
September 1922-September 1925-Correspondence and papers concerning the Quarry including balance sheet of Howick Whinstone Quarries Ltd. and auditor's report, 24 November 1922. 1 file.
March 1926-October 1935-Correspondence and papers concerning Howick Whinstone Quarries, especially a dispute with a neighbouring farmer over dust pollution and other matters. Also concerning extension of the Quarry Company and another enterprise
for the manufacture of concrete pipes established nearby. 1 file.
GRE/X/P232 1864-1927
1885-1894-Accounts of Albert Grey to 3rd Earl Grey in respect of an annuity of £4,000 paid to the Earl under a deed whereby he made the estates over to Albert Grey-mainly household expenses and subscriptions. Some accounts are in duplicate. Some
receipts from Earl Grey.
Copies of some of the above accounts [almost entirely illegible].
1881-1885-Howick Estate: copy statements of outgoings [some illegible].
1885-1895-Statement of expenditure in connection with repairs to buildings, drains, fences, upkeep of woods, etc. [Russell's Department] on the Howick Estate.
Schedule of lands charged with annuities under the will of 2nd Earl Grey and schedule of unincumbered lands.
1905-1906-Statement of outgoings in respect of the parts of the Howick Estate mortgaged to the National Provident Institution, for the years ending 31 May 1905 and 1906; copies of these statements.
10 December 1907-Copy statements of rents and areas of land sent to the National Provident Institution.
1910-1911-Very rough calculations of outgoings in respect of the Howick Estate.
1910-1916-Statement of outgoings in respect of the parts of the Howick Estate mortgaged to the National Provident Institution for the years ending 31 May 1910, 1911, 1912.
Also statements of income and expenditure for the same parts of the Estate for the years ending 31 May 1914, 1915, 1916.
Schedule of areas of the plots within the various farms of the Howick Estate based on the 1897 O. Survey. Indicates the arable, permanent pasture lands etc.; copy of the above.
December 1890-Statement of area of the various parts of Presson Farm, and rough workings.
November 1886-October 1889-Statement of receipts and payments in respect of Chevington Wood. 2 copies, not entirely identical, one with (enclosed) statement of rents receivable from land and cottages in Chevington Wood.
1864-1886-Howick Farm: account in respect of 'contingents'-barley rakings, hay and straw, potatoes, grazings, manures, feeding stuffs, grass seeds, etc.
1884-1888-Howick Farm: analysis of 'farm contingents' and 'sundries'.
Howick Farm: accounts for the year ending 1 June 1885, and 1 June 1888.
Account of receipts in respect of Chevington Moor Farm, 1 June 1889-1 June 1890.
Statement of receipts and expenditure in respect of Howick House, Farm, Chevington Wood and Chevington Moor for the year ending 1 November 1892 with totals for 1890-1892.
1893-Letters and papers concerning an experiment at Howick on growing swedes with varying quantities of fertilizers and manure.
1879-List of cottages at Howick with tenants' names, rents and estimated value of the property as sent to the Surveyor of Taxes-one copy 16 June 1879, another with alterations, 1 October 1879.
1879-List of farms on the Howick Estate with notes about some leases, especially on their expiry date. Also memorandum by G. A. Grey concerning leases, 9 December 1879.
1877, 1878-State of cultivation of Bradford Farm.
1887, 1888-State of cultivation of East Learmouth Farm.
November 1871-November 1886-Howick Farm: account of [cost of] feeding stuffs and manure used in each year in the above period.
June 1887-March 1888-Particulars of coal consumption at Howick.
August 1920-Specification of works to be done and materials to be provided for the erection of 2 cottages at Howick.
n.d.-Elevation of a hollow brick roof.
December 1927-Letters concerning a lease of ground to Morpeth RDC for an infectious diseases hospital in 1903.
1903-Howick Savings Bank: statement of accounts for the year ending 31 December 1903.
n.d.-Exemplar showing how Howick Estate accounts should be drawn up.
GRE/X/P233 1786-1908
1846-1851-Letters from J. Lambert and A. Lambert on legal and estate matters.
1852-1870-Letters, several from A. Lambert on estate matters including the right of Earl Grey to stop trains at Little Mill. Also letters from William Woodman.
1808-1858-Correspondence concerning Craster Southside estate which 2nd and 3rd Earls Grey considered purchasing. Also plan of the estate by Thomas Wilkin, 1786, and valuation by Ralph Fenwick, 1808.
1846-1849-Letters and papers concerning restoration of Lesbury Church, including report by Anthony Salvin, and correspondence between Frederick William Grey and the Duke of Northumberland.
1850-1853-Miscellaneous estate letters, many to Archibald Hills on minor matters. 2 longer letters from Robert Marshall concerning Broomhill Colliery, January and December 1850.
1848-1866-Miscellaneous letters and papers on estate matters, most to Archibald Hills. Includes draft lease of coal under Ancroft Moor Farms, 1856; draft advertisements for the tenancy of Chevington Woodside Farm 1855, 1863; particulars of
cultivation of Woodside Farm 1850-1856; summary of Bowes House sale 1862; advertisement for master for Howick School, 1863; papers concerning Ancroft Lime Works.
14 December 1848-Notices from Guardian Assurance of date of expiration of policies.
1870-Letter George Ovenden to 3rd Earl Grey, 22 December 1870 concerning insurance of cattle and enclosing copy letter from J. Devalle of the Guardian Office with printed matter on rates of insurances on farming property. Also notice about
insurance of farm stock. 2 letters from the Scottish National Insurance Co. to E. J. Macdonald.
23 December 1871-Letter George Ovenden to 3rd Earl Grey with list of insurances due for renewal with the Guardian Office.
1899-1901-2 letters from the Norwich and London Accident Insurance Association concerning cover for Howick employees in respect of the Workmen's Compensation Act; list of Howick employees and their wages, 1899; printed matter issued by the
Company on Workmen's Compensation.
1851-1863-Papers concerning East Ancroft Farm and Lime Works let to Thomas Pinkerton who fell into arrears of rent and had to quit. Includes: conditions of let of lands 1851-1855; statement of vends of lime from the Works 1856-1861; rents of the
Farm 1851-1857; corn rent comparisons in respect of various farms including Pinkerton's, 1856; valuation of plant at the Lime Works 1862; letter from Pinkerton on his ruin; advertisement for the Farm 1862; and accounts between Pinkerton and Earl
Grey 1860-1863.
1867-Papers concerning Fleehope and Southern Knowe Estate and its mortgage to William Woodman and W. J. Pawson. Includes award of boundaries 1608; declarations by Henry Morton and John Grey; schedule of deeds 1867.
1851-1864-List of persons on the Howick establishment; memo of reductions and future strength of establishments 4 February 1851; analysis of work done by John Downey and his men and its cost in the 7 months ending 29 April 1853; analysis of
sundry works at Howick 4 May 1853; Howick gardens: accounts for 1853; abstract of receipts from Howick gardens 30 April-10 December 1852; rough memo of cost of building a new grape house and conservatory 1863-1864.
1830-1848-Summaries of expense of erecting buildings at Red Stead Farm; statement of expenditure on buildings at Hawkhill 1835-1848; expenditure on buildings at all farms on the Howick Estate 1830-1847.
1850-1863-Papers concerning drainage: Letter Frederick William Grey to Charles Grey on the grant of £3,125 to Earl Grey; list of fields that required draining on Presson and Presson Hill Farms; notes of interest received by Lord Grey in respect
of draining and buildings 1851-1852; memo on the state of drains on the Tweedside and other northern farms of the Howick Estate 1863.
1859-1860-Letter George Turnbull of Budle [to A. Hills?], 26 November 1860 concerning dykes; particulars of stone walls built at Budle 1859-1860; cost of rebuilding and repairing stone walls at Hipsheugh, n.d.
1863-1886-Account of railway carriage and market expenses and allowances to men for each month in this period.
1892-1893-Comparison of Howick accounts for 6 months in these years, ending 30 November 1893.
[1907-1908]-Rental of Howick Estate with figures for the years 1909-1910, 1910-1911, 1911-1912, and 1912-1913 added in pencil.
20 March 1906-Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield concerning sporting rents and income tax thereon and enclosing return to the Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick, for 1905-1906 in respect of such rents.
1880-1892-Invoices for agricultural supplies-animal food, fertilizers, supplied to Howick and Chevington Moor Farms.
1894-1897-Invoices for flour, whole meal, etc. purchased from Arthur H. Thew, Alnwick.
n.d.-Plan of Presson and Presson Mill. Field names and acreages stated.
1902-Plan of Tithe Hill Farm, coloured; acreages stated. Schedule of arable, permanent pasture, woods, etc. as let to Messrs Waugh, October 1902.
c.1895-Schedule of acreages and descriptions of each plot on West Learmouth Farm with plan based on 1st edition O. S.
1902-Schedule of acreages of West Learmouth Farm taken from 2nd edition O. S.
Schedule of acreages of all the farms on the Tweedside estates (E. & W. Learmouth, Downham, E. & W. Presson, Presson Hill, Tithe Hill, Howburn) based on 2nd edition O. S.
Schedule of acreages and descriptions of plots of East and West Presson, Downham and Howburn Farms, based on 2nd edition O. S.
GRE/X/P234 1845-1925
1870-1880-Inland Revenue licences for male servants, carriages, dogs, etc.
1846-1856-Statement of building work carried out on the various farms of the Howick Estate.
1871-1873 and n.d.-Notes by 3rd Earl Grey of work to be done on the plantations and grounds at Howick.
1872-Account of Messrs Thompson and Wright of Alnwick to 3rd Earl Grey for building work.
1870-Sale particulars of Ulgham Grange, East and West Chevington and Cold Martin Farms and coal mines, with plans.
1898-1899-Broomhill Coal Company invoices for coal delivered to Howick and advice notes.
1900-Copy letter and other items concerning taxation of the Broomhill Coal Company.
30 April 1883-Letter R. Jack of the Broomhill Coal Company to G. A. Grey enclosing rent due to Earl Grey.
13 December 1880-Memorandum of agreement whereby the Learmouth fishery is let to J. A. Busfield of Upwood, Bingley, for 3 years, with letters J. A. Busfield and W. Busfield to G. A. Grey 1880-1883 attached.
1881-Copy agreement for drainage of Broomhill Farm; letter G. A. Grey to H. Andrews and notes concerning the agreement.
20 December 1887-Lease of Fleehope and Southern Knowe Farms to George Rea on a yearly tenancy.
16 April 1888-Memorandum of agreement with Jacob D. Forsyth (the present tenant of Broomhill Farm) for compensation for loss of land and damage by the operations of the Broomhill Coal Company with valuation of various fields of the farm.
23 January 1890-Memorandum of agreement whereby the Learmouth water rod fishing on the Tweed is let to R. K. Hodgson for the 1890 season.
23 September 1893-Receipt by J. Cleghorn for lease of Broomhill Hotel from J. H. Mansfield.
31 March 1894-Agreement for the upkeep of boundary fence between Presson Hill and Hoselaw Farms, with plan.
19 January 1899-Agreement whereby John G. Butterfield is employed as farm steward at Howick.
21 January 1899-Agreement whereby the winged and ground game in Chevington Wood is let to Edmund Cook Wheater of Westage Road, Newcatle, on a yearly tenancy.
26 March 1900-Agreement whereby Arthur John Reid is employed as a painter.
2 March 1901-Agreement whereby the winged and ground game in Chevington Wood is let to Robert Brown of Birtley White House on a yearly tenancy, with plan and schedule.
17 June 1903-Agreement for letting a furnished house at Howick Peep O'Sea for 4 weeks to John Bowman; letter Bowman to J. H. Mansfield.
23 August 1905-Agreement for letting a furnished house at Howick Peep O'Sea for 4 weeks to Alfred S. Dinning.
31 May 1911-Synopsis of agreement between 4th Earl Grey and East Chevington Parish Council for part of Chevington Woodside Farm for 10 years, with sketch plan.
6 August 1914-Synopsis of lease by Earl Grey of water rights from Downham Farm to Northumberland County Council for Mindrum School and teacher's house, with sketch plan.
14 April 1916-Memorandum of agreement whereby "Little Houghton Cottage" is let to John Richardson of Little Houghton Lime Works on a half yearly tenancy.
28 July 1916-Agreement to let Willow Tree Cottage at Red Row, Chevington, to the Northumberland Public House Company on a half yearly tenancy.
May 1913-Copy return of water supplies on the properties of Earl Grey and Lord Howick at Howick, Little Houghton and Long Houghton.
December 1845-Circular from 3rd Earl Grey suggesting a union of parishes for highway improvement in the area by appointing a surveyor. Manuscript draft and printed version. Letters from W. Lowrey, Edward Thew, Theodore Wood, R. W. Bonsanquet and
T. W. Craster on the subject.
July 1609-Copy of arbitration award dividing lands at Howick betwen Edward Grey and John Craster. [Watermark 1831].
1848-1849-Rough calculations in respect of Howick accounts
1848-1849 labelled 'Items about the comparing of Bank and Cash Books with Captain the Honourable F. W. Grey'.
1873-1878-4 letters W. Maul & Sons, North Northumberland Carriage and Harness Manufactory, Alnwick, to 3rd Earl Grey and E. J. Macdonald; estimate of cost of supplying a new landau and Brougham.
8 June-17 August 1881-1 letter G. A. Grey to E. J. Macdonald and 4 letters R. Jack of Broomhill Coal Company concerning the rent of Broomhill Farm.
14 June 1881-Letter William Lee of the Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. to E. J. Macdonald concerning insurance connected with the Howick Estate.
20-28 August 1856-2 letters John Bulman of Kelso to G. A. Grey of Milfield and 1 letter G. A. Grey to 3rd Earl Grey concerning Bulman's tender for the erection of the proposed new church at Chevington.
30 November 1925-Notes taken by J. Cleghorn at Howick rent audit-requests and complaints by tenants.
3 November 1874-Letter William Jures, rat catcher, Alnwick, to 3rd Earl Grey complaining of unfair dismissal.
1882-Rules for Howick Reading Room.
21 July 1883-Programme for the day at Howick: laying foundation stone of the new reading room and lecture hall, cricket match and grand concert.
GRE/X/P235 1903-1934
1918-1934-Letters and papers concerning income tax. Includes correspondence between J. Cleghorn and J. H. Mansfield, letters from banks, assessments and copy returns.
c.1912-1920-Papers relating to claims for tax repayments in respect of premiums paid by 4th and 5th Earls Grey.
1910-1915-Figures on which tax returns for Howick Estate were made.
1906-1907-Notices of tax assessment.
1903-1904-1914-1915-Receipts for tax paid by tenants.
GRE/X/P236 1847-1960
Howick Farm balance sheets: 1917-1918 (19 months), 1921, 1922, 1923.
Valuations of stock included in the above papers 1 January 1919, 1 January 1922, 1 January 1923.
Howick Estate: statement showing how the income for the year ending 31 December 1921 was expended.
Notebook containing account of Lord Grey with E. Thew, Miller, 1866, and valuation of stock on Howick Farm 1872.
Howick Farm: valuation of stock on 1 June 1904; accounts for the year ending 31 May 1904; statement of expenses incurred in respect of the filly 'Lady Georgiana'.
Howick Farms: statistics of grain produced and rough valuation of stock 1863.
Howick Farms: rough account for the year ending 1 June 1865 and 1871.
Howick Farms: account at 1 June 1872.
Howick Farms: balance sheets for the years ending 1 June 1893 and 1894; valuations of stock at 1 June 1893, 1894, 1898; statement of the cost of keep of Lord Grey's horses for the year ending 31 May 1898.
Chevington Moor Farm: balance sheets for years ending 1 June 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898; statement showing outlay 1888-1898 when Chevington Moor Farm was 'in hand', also statement of receipts and payments 1888-1897 and total loss in that
period. 1 bundle.
Howick Farms: abstracts of accounts 1847-1852; 1853-1863; valuation of 'dead stock' (wheat, oats, barley, beans, etc.) 1851-1853.
Howick Farm: stock and corn returns [May] 1883-December 1890. 1 return every 4 weeks. 2 files.
Howick Farms: notebooks containing valuation of stock, implements, etc., 1851 (Red Stead and Pasture House, also Howick dairy), 1865, 1865-1871 (some years missing), 1861-1877 (Sea Houses and Boggy Hall Farms included), 1878-1907. Low Stead Farm:
rough accounts 1880-1886.
Notebook containing list of cattle belonging to Lord Grey sold at Rock Moor House, 2 June 1856. Prices and auctioneer's fees stated.
Howick diary book, 1949-1960.
Howick Estate Lorry book 1940-1949.
GRE/X/P237 1846-1944
November 1846-May 1850-Correspondence concerning the need for a school for children living in the area adjacent to the Scottish border, part of which included the Greys' Tweedside estates.
Letters from-Hodgson of Carham Hall, F. W. Grey, John Thomson, John Baird and P. Selby. Also petition of Thomas Thomson and others to 3rd Earl Grey [January 1847].
1845-1848-Letters concerning the repair of Bamburgh Church, the need for a church at Spittal, the one being built at Amble, and the possible future need of one at Chevington.
November-December 1874-Letters and papers relating to insurance claim for losses by fire at Howick Hall.
1923-1944-Little Mill Farm: lease to Henry Weatherson, 1923, and correspondence especially concerning arbitration of claims by the outgoing tenant and requests by Weatherson for repairs and improvements. [The correspondence shows the difficulties
that a land agent had to face when dealing with an awkward tenant.]
8 March 1864-Statement of expenses in connection with the sale of wood at Howick.
1867-Accounts of wood sold at Howick.
1861-1862-Account of rent owed by the Taylors for Presson Farm; letters from William and Benjamin Woodman requesting information with a view to legal proceedings against the Taylors; inventory of their farm stock.
1857-1858-3 letters Thomas Pinkerton to Archibald Hills concerning Ancroft North Farm-the awaygoing crop and the acreage. Also schedule of acres and outline plan.
11 July 1853-27 June 1854-Copy specification of the manner of building and finishing cottages at Frogden, with plan and letter-Swan to George A. Grey, 24 June 1854, and letter Grey to 3rd Earl Grey, 27 June 1854.
1871, 1881, 1883-Notices to tenants to quit their holdings.
1868-1870-Receipts for fee farm rents due to the Trustees of Francis Pym and for quit rents, etc. due to the Duke of Northumberland.
1851-Statements of the cost of building cottages at Little Houghton and Howburn.
1899-Sketch plan of Craster West Farm and statement of acreage of the portion in Howick Parish. Another statement of acreage of the above form the O. S. plan. Also letter J. Craster to E. J. Macdonald, 15 July 1871.
1859, 1862-1863-Correspondence with the executors of Thomas Robson concerning a sawmill and cottages in Chevington Wood and valuation of 2 cottages there, 1859.
1869-Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey of work to be done at Howick and further notes by him on an undated sheet.
1861-1863-Correspondence and papers concerning Land Tax and Poor Rate assessments on Longhoughton. Includes Assessors' warrant and instructions with respect to Land Tax, 1861.
1887-Howick Estate: account of rents (mostly small).
29 March 1862-Letter G. A. Grey to A. Hills on estate business; Crowther's agreement mentioned.
1 April 1862-Letter T. Crowther to [A. Hills] concerning Ancroft Lime Works and other property he is to take over from Mr Pinkerton.
March 1857-Circular appealing for funds for the proposed North Eastern Reformatory School at Netherton near Morpeth with sketch of the building and plan.
Newcastle upon Tyne Infirmary: forms to be used by those recommending 'a proper object' for admission.
1870-Advice notes from Broomhill Colliery of despatch of coal to Little Mill Station for Howick.
February-August 1870-Broomhill Coal Company: monthly invoices for coal supplied to Earl Grey.
30 October 1863-Letter William Barkus to A. Hills concerning the vend of lime from Little Mill Works and property tax overpaid on the staith at Amble.
8 June 1854-Letter from the Secretary of the Inclosure Commission stating that Earl Grey's application for an advance under the Drainage Act would receive early consideration.
1855-Letters concerning the cost of transport of stones by rail.
1849-Account and receipts for cutting a gullet in Presson Quarry.
18 October 1870?-Circular from the Secretary of the Newcastle upon Tyne branch of the Scottish National Insurance Company concerning the Company's report and advocating attempts to introduce new policy holders.
19 March 1878-Circular from the manager of the Scottish National Insurance Company advocating the purchase of a life insurance policy.
16 November 1867-Memorandum by E. J. Macdonald on walling to be done by Munro, the contractor, with statement of the cost in each case.
18 November 1867-Letter George Munro to [E. J. Macdonald] on his need for carts to convey him and his men to Dunston after finishing work at Howick.
18 December 1856-Statement of cost of building work at Howick West Lodge.
1 August 1850-List of men employed at Howick.
1863-Letters from farmers about their land: William Potts of Maiden's Hall Farm; Thomas Henderson of Whitefield House and William Marshall of Milfield.
1852-Kitchen book: records of fruit and vegetables received during the household's stay at Howick, July-December, and other information about the garden produce.
GRE/X/P238 1859-1918
Papers relating to Burton Estate
1859-1887-Rent history of Burton Estate.
August-September 1913-Burton mortgage: copy requisitions by solicitors acting for the mortgagee and answers by George Grey of Milfield; correspondence on the subject between J. H. Mansfield, J. Cleghorn and Messrs Flux and Leadbitter, solicitors
employed by the Greys; particulars of tenancies and tenants' claims.
1903-1904-Letters and papers concerning transfer of the Burton mortgage from Messrs Pawson to Lord Arthur Hill and Major Anderton. Also statement of rental and outgoings from the Burton property, 1900.
1903-1905-Correspondence and papers concerning application to the Lands Improvement Company for a loan to effect improvements at Burton and West Learmouth. Includes architect's account and tradesmen's receipted bills.
1913-Correspondence concerning a new mortgage on Burton Estate.
1918-Particulars of Burton and Hethpool Estates. Typescript with many manuscript alterations.
1918-Printed particulars of Hethpool and Burton Estates to be sold by auction on 26 June 1918. With 5 plans. 5 copies, 4 with enclosures and/or manuscript additions, relating to the sale of these properties.
Papers relating to Hethpool Estate
1902-Correspondence concerning the arrangement of a mortgage of £12,000 on Hethpool Farms. Letters are mainly from George Grey of Milfield, C. D. Forster, and Messrs Dees and Thompson. Also copy receipt for interest, March 1903.
1907-1908-Correspondence concerning the calling in of the mortgage money on Hethpool and transfer of the mortgage to another lender. Letters from C. D. Forster and Messrs Dees and Thompson.
13 May 1908-Copy acknowledgement by 4th Earl Grey that the interest rate on Hethpool would be at 4%.
1902-1908-Memoranda [by J. Cleghorn] on the Hethpool mortgage with copies of 2 letters, George Grey of Milfield to Messrs Dees and Thompson, 11 September 1902, and Dees and Thompson to Messrs C. D. Forster & Co., 25 September 1902.
1915-Correspondence concerning the raising of the interest rate on the Hethpool mortgage to 42%-letters from Dees and Thompson, C. D. Forster, George Grey, J. H. Mansfield and J. Cleghorn.
1918-Statement of rentals , etc. due to Earl Grey and the outgoings payable by him in respect of Hethpool Estate at 11 November and 9 December 1918; similar statement in respect of Burton Hall Farm and statement of rentals due to him on transfer
of the Estate on 4 October 1918. Summary account after sale of Burton and Hethpool Estates.
5 October 1918-Copy conveyance of Burton Estate by the representatives and mortgagees of 4th Earl Grey deceased to Arthur Munro Sutherland, with particulars of the Estate and plan.
9 December 1918-Copy conveyance of Hethpool and Hethpool Mill Farm in the Parish of Kirknewton, Northumberland, by the representatives and the mortgagees of 4th Earl Grey to Arthur Munro Sutherland, with particulars of the Estate.
GRE/X/P239 1850-1918
1895-1906-Papers concerning West Learmouth House and Farm:
Estimate of cost of repairs and improvements to West Learmouth House, 1895; diagrams of water supply system.
Sketch plan of the cellar showing position of drains.
Letter General Sir R. C. Stewart to G. Grey of Milfield with list of alterations he wished to be made to the house, 1897.
Papers and plans concerning these proposals.
Outline plan and notes concerning West Learmouth cottages.
Plan of proposed calf house and byre, 1903.
Plan of the farm steading, 1903.
Plan of West Learmouth Low Steading.
Plans of sewer drainage of Learmouth and West Learmouth cottages, 1906.
1901-1915-Papers relating to mortgage on West Learmouth:
Correspondence (mainly copies) between G. Grey of Milfield and Messrs Flux & Leadbitter and others concerning mortgage of West Learmouth.
Also: Schedule of land in West Learmouth Farm, 1893.
Copy letter Messrs Flux & Leadbitter to G. Grey, 1895.
1893-1906-Papers concerning mortgage of East Learmouth and Tithe Hill: Schedule of areas, statement of rent and outgoings of Tithe Hill Farm, 1893, with plan.
Statement of area, rents and outgoings of Learmouth Estate, 1893.
Schedule of lands on East Learmouth Farm with areas stated on the O. S. plan, 'present areas', and state of cultivation, 1893.
Correspondence between George Grey of Milfield and Messrs Flux, Leadbitter and Neighbour, 1901-1906, with statement showing how the money raised by a further charge on the property was applied.
Plan and schedule of Tithe Hill Farm, 1906.
Plan and schedule of East Learmouth Farm, 1906.
1907-Plan and elevation of shed to be erected at East Learmouth with estimate of cost of timber for the purpose.
1897-Plan and specification of work to be done to convert 2 hemmels into a tie-up barn at Tithe Hill.
1906-Plan and specification for proposed Tithe Hill implement shed.
Diagram of drains in Tithe Hill Bog 'put right 1910'.
1898-2 estiamtes for repairs to a cottage at Downham.
1906-Plans of Downham Farm Steading and implement shed.
27 June 1849-Ground plan of Presson Compensation Machine Pond, by Andrew Scott.
1896-Plan of boundary fence between Wark Common and Presson. 2 copies.
1900-Plan, specification and estimate for building a byre and calf house at East Presson.
Rough plan of drains at Presson Hill Farm Steading.
1902-Plan for alterations at West Presson.
Plan showing position of cottages and adjacent coal houses, ash pits and pigsties at Presson.
[1902]-Plan and elevation of pigsties at Presson with note of cost of construction.
1902-Estimates of cost of repairs to pigsties and privies at Presson and instructions to tradesmen.
20 August 1886-Copy plan and elevations of engine house and barns at Howburn, by Samuel Riddle and Sons.
1898-Plan and elevations of implement shed for Howburn. Plan of part of Howburn Farm buildings.
1898-Sketch plan of drains in 2 fields at Howburn.
1887-Plan of proposed water supply to Folds at Howburn.
1902-Copy analysis of water at Howburn.
1902-1903-Correspondence concerning erection of a windmill at Howburn for water supply.
February 1903-Plan of Howburn Farm water supply. 2 copies.
1903-Sketch plan of Howburn Farm House showing drains.
24 April 1899-Letter Ralph Buglass to J. Cleghorn concerning the house and other buildings at Coldburn, with sketch plan.
August 1897-List of repairs (with their cost) needed on the Tweedside farms.
2 September 1850-Letter from the Secretary to the Inclosure Commissioners concerning the mode of application for a loan for drainage purposes and stating that the application of Revd. P. Gilpin could not be granted.
7 December 1883-19 January 1884-Letter George Irving of the North Eastern Railway to G. A. Grey of Milfield enclosing list of 'accommodation works' on Lord Grey's estate, with copy letter Irving to G. A. Grey, 7 December 1883.
Illustration of kitchen range offered for sale at Messrs Dinning & Coke, Percy Iron Works, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Howick Estate: statement of lands mortgaged and unencumbered, areas on 'old' and 'new' O. S. plans; the sums advanced on mortgage and rate of interest, 1906 with corrections up to 1912.
1917-1918-Correspondence and papers relating to a loan of £3,000 by Messrs Benson & Company to 4th Earl Grey which was secured by the deposit of certain securities with the Company.
GRE/X/P240 1891-1929
1916-1947-Correspondence and papers concerning the farm known as 'Amble Junction' on the Chevington Estate. Most of the letters are between Henry Coxon, the tenant, and James Cleghorn, Earl Grey's agent, concerning requests for improvements,
especially of the water supply. Also letters from H. S. Coxon who took over the farm from his grandfather, and letters and notes from Professor Gilchrist of Newcastle, about improving the land.
1910-1911-Notes by J. Cleghorn and correspondence concerning the clearing of ditches on or near the boundary between Downham and Paston and Downham and Kilham, with sketch plan.
1913-Account for clearing ditches between Downham and Kilham, Kilham and Paston.
1891-Notes on Downham Bog and other drainage matters in the area with sketch plan.
Sketch plan of Downham and Kilham Haughs showing drain through them from Downham.
1920-Correspondence concerning maintenance of a fence of a plantation betwen Paston and Downham Farms, with 2 sketch plans.
2 tracings of a 25" O. S. plan of an unnamed area.
Tracing of 25" O. S. plan of Howburn Farm in the Parish of Carham, field names and information about the drainage of some fields added. The acreage is stated in 2 forms.
Rough diagram, probably of drainage of a field on Howburn Farm.
1897-1900-2 items relating to Howburn drains.
n.d.-Plan of West Learmouth Farm Steading.
1895-Very rough plans of West Learmouth House with indication of alterations.
1896-Estimate and account for painting work done at West Learmouth House by Robert Bruce of Coldstream. Detailed-room by room.
n.d.-Plan of boundary fence between Presson and Wark Common.
1903-1907-Plans of West Presson drains and ditches; analysis of West Presson water.
1908-Plan of Howick House drainage with notes by the North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to Alice Countess Grey, 7 June 1911, enclosing copy report of the North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association on the drainage of Howick House, 1908, with copy plan.
1920-Specification of hot water heating apparatus for Howick House by Mackenzie & Moncur Ltd., Edinburgh; illustrations from their catalogue of boiler and radiator; plan of drawing room to show position of radiators; letters Mackenzie &
Mancur to 5th Earl Grey; note 5th Earl Grey to J. H. Mansfield informing him that he has accepted Mackenzie & Mancur's tender; letter Mansfield to Messrs Henry Walker & Son, Newcastle, informing them that their tender has not been
1927-Howick House 'rebuilding drainage plan' by G. Reavell. 2 copies.
2 September 1927-Plan of part of the basement of Howick House indicating proposed alteration to the heating system.
1929-Howick House: plans of the ground floor and first floor 'as completed 1929' by G. Reavell, Architect and Surveyor, Alnwick, evidently in connection with the installation of electricity in the house. 2 copies of each plan.
GRE/X/P241 30 June 1898-31 May 1908
Howick House: abstracts of Household expenses. Complete.
120 returns
GRE/X/P242 30 June 1908-31 October 1917
Howick House: abstracts of Household expenses. A few of the later abstracts are in duplicate.
121 returns
GRE/X/P243 30 June 1898-31 May 1908
Howick House Stables: abstracts of expenses. Complete.
110 abstracts
GRE/X/P244 30 June 1908-31 October 1917
Howick House Stables: abstracts of expenses. Complete.
99 abstracts
GRE/X/P245 June 1898-May 1910
Howick Gardens and Pleasure Grounds: abstracts of expenses.
143 abstracts in 2 bundles
GRE/X/P246 June 1910-October 1917
Howick Gardens and Pleasure Grounds: abstracts of expenses.
99 abstracts in 2 bundles
GRE/X/P247 1804-1872
1830-1839-Particulars of the yield per acre of Howick Farms corn crops. Also rough figures for 1804-1819.
1846-1878-Plans of stackyards at Pasture House, Red Stead, Sea Houses and Scar Farms with particulars of the corn crops. 1 bundle.
1848-1855-Plans of Red Stead stackyard and details of corn crops. 1 bundle.
1847-1851-Tables showing the quantities of wheat, barley, oats and beans produced on the Howick and Long Houghton Farms with particulars of disposal of the crops. 1 bundle.
25 September 1854-Scheme of husbandry proposed by John Storey for Red Stead Farm for the years 1855-1858.
30 October 1872-Particulars of cattle 'put into Lodge'; also of cattle 'put into boxes' at Pasture House.
13 March-8 May 1872-Cattle feeding returns.
1853-1854-Correspondence concerning royalties due on Broomhill Tilery.
GRE/X/P248 1879-1926
1879-1890-Crop returns and stackyard plans in respect of Pasture House, Red Stead, Sea Houses, Low Stead, Star and Chevington Moor Farms. [Some of these farms are represented by only a few returns in this period. The returns show the number of
thraves thrashed and the yield of bushels. The number of bushels per acre is also indicated.] 2 bundles.
1913-1926-Returns of the state of cultivation of the farms on the Howick Estate. 2 bundles.
4 bundles
GRE/X/P249 1867-1929
1906-1929-Viscount Howick's Estate (in later accounts termed 'Marriage Settlement Account'): accounts of receipts and expenditure. Many duplicates. 1 bundle.
1907-1917-Viscount Howick's Estate (Fleehope and Southern Knowe, Low Stead, Howick Scar, Sandylands Fields, part of Red Stead, Part of Pasture House, Sea Banks in Craster Township, and a few small areas around Howick): rent rolls for each
half-year to May 1917. 2 bundles both covering the same period.
1867-1888-Letters and papers concerning Tughall Glebe-mainly correspondence between Revd. William Darnell of Bamburgh and E. J. Macdonald. Also letters from J. Snowball (on behalf of the Duke of Northumberland) and George Turnbull.
1867-Note of mortgage charged on Southern Knowe and Fleehope for repayment of £10,000 to W. J. Pawson and William Woodman.
17 June 1867-List of Howick Estates in mortgage to the National Provident Institution.
7 July 1867-Present rental and annual value of certain lands on the Howick Estate.
22 September 1885-Letter William Woodman to E. J. Macdonald requesting information about the estates so that he can prepare a conveyance [to Albert Grey].
Papers evidently compiled in compliance with this request:
Particulars of leases.
Farm rentals 1870, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1885.
Statement of acreages.
Statement of lands in mortgage to the National Provident Institution.
Lands charged with Albert Grey's annuity.
Schedule of tithe rent charges.
Letter, J. Earnshaw to E. J. Macdonald enclosing list of small occupiers on the Chevington Estate.
7 March 1887-Letter J. Cleghorn to E. J. Macdonald enclosing copy report to Messrs Lindsay, Jamieson & Haldane, Accountants, Edinburgh, on Macdonald's accounts.
30 October 1878-Analysis of deed endorsed on deed of mortgage to the National Provident Institution of 22 November 1867 to create a further charge on these properties.
1876-1888-Notes from J. Richardson stating the vend of lime from Little Mill Lime Works in each half year of the above period-almost complete. Also account: Richardson to Earl Grey 1878-1879.
1880-Statement of tithe rent charges due to Lord Crewe's Trustees.
1879-1882; 1886-1887-Letters from John Lamb of the Northumberland Whinstone Company to E. J. Macdonald stating amounts worked from Little Mill Whinstone Quarry.
Also table showing workings and sales November 1886-October 1887.
1876-1877-Invoices from Thomas Carter & Sons, Berwick, for animal food stuffs supplied.
GRE/X/P250 1889-1912
Howick Savings Bank
Depositors' cards with particulars of each transaction from 1889. 2 bundles.
Notebook with depositors' names and account numbers.
Notebook containing account of deposits and withdrawals, 1891-1893.
List of accounts entitled to 22% additional interest for the year 1899.
Statement of accounts for the year ending 31 December 1912.
Particulars of cash deposited with Messrs Hodgkin Barnett and Co., Alnwick. 1891-1894.
Howick Co-operative Society: particulars of interest (22%) on capital invested by Lord Grey's employees for the year ending 30 November 1899.
GRE/X/P251 1845-1925
1847-1925-Schedules of tithe rents due to the Earls Grey in respect of North Sunderland. 1 bundle.
1845-1925-Schedules of tithe rents due in respect of Bamburghshire. Also includes a few letters. 1 bundle.
1863-1925-Schedules of Longhoughton tithe rents.
1849-1878 (mainly 1849-1869)-Letters and papers concerning tithe rent charges mainly in respect of North Sunderland and Bamburghshire. Also statements of poor and highway rates.
1867-1889-Rate assessments on the North Eastern Railway Company.
1859-1870-Schedules of cottage rents.
1862-1863-Schedule of farm rents (some partly payable in corn) due in November 1862; also percentages for draining due in April 1863.
GRE/X/P252 1896-1931
1896-1897-Howick Estate accounts: copy of particulars requested by Lord Grey.
n.d.-Howick Estate: statement of normal income and expenditure for one year.
1912-1913; 1915-1916-Howick Estate: accounts audited by Messrs Goddart & Co. of Newcastle upon Tyne. The 1912-1913 account was sent to J. H. Mansfield with a note by George Grey of Milfield saying that the account was of little use.
1926-Howick Estate: statement showing how the income received during the year ending 31 December 1926 had been expended and (enclosed) statement showing expenditure on buildings, water supplies, drains, ditches, fences and woodlands during the 3
years ending 31 December 1926.
1927-Similar account for the 3 years ending 31 December 1927.
1900-1914-Howick Estate: summary accounts of receipts and expenditure.
1918-1928-Abstracts of Howick accounts (covering Howick Estate, Howick Farms, London House, Howick House, Howick and Ancroft game, Howick gardens and pleasure grounds, Howick stables and Howick private ledger). 21 accounts, some in duplicate.
Howick Estate: list of subscriptions and donations paid during the year ending 31 December 1926.
Howick Estate: statement of income and expenditure for 6 months ending 30 June 1931 (to compare with 1930 figures).
1926-Howick Market Garden: balance sheet for the year ending 31 December 1926 and valuation of stock in trade at the same date.
1927-Howick Market Garden: statement of accounts for the year ending 31 December 1927 and valuation of stock at 1 January 1928.
Howick Farm: balance sheets for the years ending 31 December 1926, 1927.
GRE/X/P253 1851-1918
1851-Lease of West Learmouth Farm to John Lumsden of Mousen, Northumberland, for 21 years. A memorandum of agreement made 24 October 1859 (but not signed) alters the rent.
28 July 1854-Agreement for letting the shooting of Ulgham Grange, Ferneybeds and Chevington Estates to David Moffitt for 5 years; agreement of the lessee to build a house for himself at Chevington Factory.
21 December 1859-Lease of Burton Farm to John Laing for 21 years.
15 March 1858-Lease of Ancroft North Farm to George and William Storey for 21 years. Enclosed: Letter G. A. Grey of Milfield to E. J. Macdonald, 24 December 1866. Letter George Storey to George Grey, 14 December 1857. 3 letters from William
Young, 1 to George Grey, 2 to Archibald Hills.
24 June 1862-Lease of Ancroft East Farm and Ancroft South Moor Fields to George McGregor and Thomas, his son, for 15 years.
1864-Draft lease of Howburn Farm to Christopher Brown, John Brown and Joseph Pearson Tiplady for 152 years.
4 January 1867-Lease of Broomhill Farm, Chevington, to William Burn for 21 years.
1 November 1873-Memorandum of agreement whereby Thomas Chirnside is appointed woodman. Enclosed: Letter Joseph Coxon of Alnwick to E. J. Macdonald, 28 October 1873, supporting Chirnside's application.
1878-Draft lease of Howburn Farm to Christopher Brown and Joseph Pearson Tiplady for 21 years.
12 May 1879-Draft lease of East Chevington Farm to James Alderson for 1 year.
December 1880-Lease of Ancroft South Moor Farm to John Weddell for 21 years.
29 November 1881-Draft lease of Downham Farm to Collingwood Forster James Thompson for 15 years.
17 December 1883-Licence granted to the Marchioness of Waterford to convey water through Earl Grey's lands to Bareless Farm, with plan.
20 December 1887-Lease of Fleehope and Southern Knowe Farms to George Rea on a yearly tenancy.
13 July 1889-Lease of Learmouth Farm House and offices, garden and stables to Mrs Jane Lumsden on a yearly tenancy.
n.d. [watermark 1890]-Draft lease of Red Stead Farm-no lessee stated, only terms of lease. Enclosed: Plan of Red Stead Farm and schedule of acreages of the land to be leased.
12 May 1891-Agreement whereby 4.537 acres of land on Chevington Moor are let to Henry Anderson on a yearly tenancy from the above date, with plan.
7 April 1897-Copy notice to quit the above holding.
28 December 1893-Lease of Howick Grange to Isabella Jane Ronaldson, widow, on a yearly tenancy.
9 July 1895-Memorandum of agreement whereby Thomas and James Brown will do all the cartage in connection with additions and alterations to the farm house and steading at East Ancroft, without charge.
12 April 1897-Agreement whereby a cottage and garden at Howick are let to David A. Taylor on a yearly tenancy.
1 October 1897-Agreement whereby a cottage and garden at Low Stead Farm in the Parish of Longhoughton are let to James Darling for 1 year and thereafter on a yearly tenancy.
22 January 1900-Copy lease of East Presson Farm to Thomas Bolton of Reeds Ford for 1 year and thereafter on a yearly tenancy. Schedule of acreages and plan attached.
4 March 1905-Copy lease of West Presson Farm to Hall Turnbull, Henry Hall Turnbull, James Allan Turnbull and William Turnbull for 1 year and on a yearly tenancy thereafter.
1907-Particulars of the shootings on the Tweedside portion of the Howick Estate; conditions of let; and note that Mr V. A. Caesar-Hawkins agrees to these conditions.
10 September 1907-Memorandum of agreement whereby the Recreation Ground at Broomhill is let to a committee (formed out of representatives of local clubs) on a yearly tenancy.
12 November 1918-Copy agreement concerning the supply of water to allotments near Chevington Crescent. Correspondnece concerning the above.
n.d.-Memo by J. Cleghorn that Mr Barclay will take the Learmouth salmon rod fishing on the same terms as before.
1894-1904-Calculations of the selling prices that should be asked for 'Gee's House' at Red Row and copy correspondence concerning this property.
1908-Copy letter G. H. I. Grey of Milfield to Revd. W. E. Goodreid of the Manse, Amble, concerning drainage from the spouts of the chapel; letter Goodreid to Grey accepting his terms and enclosing a list of Trustees of the chapel.
22 July 1916-Letter William Jeffrey to George Grey and sons concerning land at Maiden's Hall that J. Weightman would like to have.
1875-1876-Fire Insurance policies on Burton Farm buildings taken out by James Laing with the Phoenix Fire Office. 2 pieces.
1864-Notebook containing particulars of a sale of timber.
GRE/X/P254 1844-1928
[Watermark 1854]-Draft of lease (very incomplete) endorsed 'copy of James Blackhall's agreement'.
6 December 1855-Lease of Chevington Woodside Farm to John Aynsley Esq. of the Chirm for 21 years.
[1872]-Draft lease of Ancroft South Moor Farm to William Piper Lumsden for 21 years. Memorandum of agreement to be added to the lease of Chevington Colliery dated 6 August 1873 concerning reduction of the 'certain rent'.
7 April 1876-Agreement whereby a cottage, garden and 1 acre of land at Chevington Wood are let to Alexander Taylor on a yearly tenancy.
[c.1876]-Conditions of letting Bradford Farm. 2 copies, one with additional clauses.
25 April [1876]-Letter Charles Ernest Hay to J. G. Grey concerning alterations to the farm house at Bradford (in the Parish of Bamburgh, Northumberland).
13 September 1876-Lease of Bradford Farm to Charles Ernest Hay for 21 years (with a break at the end of 7 years at the lessee's option).
[1876]-Draft of above lease.
22 February 1881-Lease of Bradford Farm to Anthony Frederick Nichol for 15 years (with a break by either party at the end of 5 years). Enclosed: List of fields that Mr Nichol has laid away to grass and which he agrees to leave in grass; list of
old grass at Bradford. Statement of acreages of Bradford Farm in tillage and old grass. Statement of the acreage of each field according to the Ordnance Survey.
1885-7 letters concerning the terms of a new lease of Bradford Farm.
3 February 1878-Memorandum of agreement concerning the conditions on which George and John Whittle quit Chevington Moor Farm.
19 April 1883-Lease of land at West Chevington to Henry Anderson for 21 years.
16 December 1884-Note of agreement whereby a field in Chevington Wood is let to Alexander Taylor on a yearly tenancy.
May 1886-2 copies of agreement whereby arrangements are made to reduce and pay the arrears of rent due in respect of Ancroft East Farm, George Middlemiss tenant.
3 March 1890-Lease of three quarters of an acre of land on Whitefield House Farm to George Clarke of 13 Chevington Crescent; with memorandum of further agreement, 10 May 1927, whereby the tenancy is transferred to James R. Clarke.
Copy of above agreement.
22 September 1890-Letter James Earnshaw to G. Grey of Milfield, 22 September 1890, concerning a boundary fence and water course near Bullocks Hall.
24 January-3 February 1917-Typescript notes concerning the boundary fence between Clarke's garden and Bullocks Hall and an agreement about it.
21 April 1927-Letter William Jeffrey to Messrs George Grey & Sons concerning James Clark who wishes to take over the tenancy of his father's land.
4 November 1890-Lease of 5 acres of land on Chevington Moor Farm to Stephen Richmond of Widdrington Junction on a yearly tenancy.
1 May 1891-Lease of houses and land at Amble Junction to James Taylor on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
30 December 1891-Copy agreement whereby a grass field at Chevington Red Row is let to Ralph Scott. Notes concerning the rent paid by Scott.
14 October 1921-Memorandum concerning a conversation with John Scott, blacksmith, concerning his wish to sub-let his blacksmith's shop.
15 December 1921-Copy letter [J. Cleghorn?] to C. Alderson of East Chevington concerning high charges made by blacksmiths, especially 'union men'.
8 August 1892-Lease of Low Steads House and outbuildings to Captain Charles F. Lindsell on a yearly tenancy.
11 November 1892-Note from Lindsell stating he will give up the tenancy next May.
3 February 1893-Copy certificate of George Grey of Milfield that a weighbridge purchased by Thomas Brown for use on East Ancroft Farm is satisfactory and at the end of Brown's tenancy it would be taken over by the landlord at valuation.
14 March 1901-Memorandum of agreement whereby permission is given to the postmaster, at Berwick, to build a letter box into a wall near Ancroft Town Farm.
14 October 1902-Copy lease of East Learmouth Farm to William and Andrew Davidson of Tithe Hill on a yearly tenancy, with plan showing acreages, old grass and arable land, and schedule of acreages.
28 October 1902-Copy agreement whereby the salmon and trout rod fishing on Learmouth Water on the Tweed is let to George John Marjoribanks for the seasons
1903-1907. Copy letter George Grey of Milfield to Thomas Hood, 29 October 1902, concerning the trout fishing season.
20 December 1902-Memorandum of agreement whereby a field of permanent grass is let to William Jeffrey of Chevington Wood, with plan.
13 October 1903-Copy lease of Tithe Hill Farm to Alexander Mole of Berrington Law for one year and thereafter on a yearly tenancy. Schedule of acreages and plan enclosed.
30 January 1913-Synopsis of terms and conditions on which the grazing land in Chevington Wood is let to Robert Brown of Chevington Moor.
18 October 1916-Copy agreement whereby permission is granted on certain conditions to Broomhill Co-operative Society to erect a building to house an engine and dynamo, and lay and maintain a cable from it to their existing buildings.
22 December 1920-Lease of Little Mill Farm to James Herdman, John Herdman, James Joseph Herdman and Walter Herdman of Ashington Farm, Northumberland, on a yearly tenancy. Schedule of acreages, plan, list of payments to be made to the outgoing
tenant by the incoming tenants, and special stipulations are included.
21 April 1923-Agreement whereby a cottage and garden at Howick Widows' Row is let to Robert Bruce Strong on a monthly tenancy.
21 April 1923-Agreement whereby a cottage and garden at Howick Burnhouse is let to Joshua Robinson on a monthly tenancy.
22 May 1928-Memorandum of agreement whereby a cottage in the Widows' Row at Howick is let to William Grey on a monthly tenancy.
Fire insurance policies with the Guardian Assurance Company:
12 December 1844 on 16 Whitehall Place, Westminster, the residence of Lord Howick.
12 December 1844 on the contents of the above building.
10 January 1846 on the mansion house, offices and contents at Howick.
10 January 1846 on agricultural produce, live and dead stock and implements of husbandry on the farms at Howick.
28 September 1849 on No. 13 Carlton House Terrace, Pall Mall.
26 December 1856 on farm buildings at Howick, Pasture House, Red Stead and Pasture House Farms; Howick Grange and other buildings at Howick and Longhoughton.
3 letters George Ovenden to 3rd Earl Grey on insurance matters, 29 December 1856, 8 July 1857, 4 August 1859.
1 letter from the Guardian Assurance Office to Ovenden, 28 December 1859.
Particulars of buildings on the Howick Estate proposed to be insured. 2 copies, one drawn up by Robert Dunn, 10 May 1859, the other by Archibald Hills, 11 May (based on Dunn's but with some alterations).
24 May 1859-Fire insurance policy with the North British Insurance Company on farm buildings on the Howick Estate.
29 November 1867-Fire insurance policy with the Scottish National Insurance Company on the farm buildings at Downham.
[1869]-List of farm buildings on the Howick Estate that are insured.
List of farm buildings on the Howick Estate that are not insured.
Draft circular letter to tenants whose buildings were not insured, 26 May 1869, stating that the landlord would pay half the cost of insurance.
6 August 1861-Fire insurance policy on Howick School and School House with the North British Insurance Company.
15 January 1875-Fire insurance policy on the buildings of Christon Bank Farm in the Parish of Embleton, property of Sir George Grey of Fallodon, Bart., with the Scottish National Insurance Company.
13 December 1878-Fire insurance policy on Howick Rectory, with the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company.
12 November 1890-Letter Robert Mark, auctioneer and valuer, Newcastle, to [E. J. Macdonald] estimating loss at Red Steads by fire.
1877-1878-Letters and papers from the Scottish National Insurance Company.
GRE/X/P255 1910
Duties on land values: copy returns made by George Grey of Milfield on behalf of Earl Grey in respect of the various parts of the Howick Estate.
192 returns
GRE/X/P256 1913-1927
Correspondence and papers concerning the British Fur Farm established on land belonging to Lord Howick (5th Earl Grey) at Southern Knowe in the Cheviots. The venture started by Colonel Mervyn Chute and carried on with various partners to breed
skunks and black foxes did not meet with much success and eventually collapsed. The principal correspondents are Mervyn Chute, George Grey of Milfield and James Cleghorn. The papers include draft lease of the land to Chute, 1913; lease 30 June 1915,
various memoranda, inventory of contents of the buildings erected on the land, fire insurance policy with Royal Exchange Assurance, and items relating to the winding up of the scheme.
GRE/X/P257 1849-1908
Widdrington Estate
n.d.-Plan of Widdrington Estate. Acreages stated. Scale 6 chains to 1". 3 copies.
Plan of North and South Steads Farms. Acreages stated.
Plan of Hemscot Hill Farm.
Plan of South Steads Farm buildings.
Plan of South Steads Farm.
Plan of Widdrington coalfield and colliery.
Plan of Houndalee Farm. Acreages and state of cultivation indicated.
Plan of Houndalee Farm, 1875.
1870-Estimates of cost of making new roads on the Widdrington Estate with comments and queries by Lord Vernon.
2 May 1870-Plan showing section of proposed road at South Steads.
16 December 1870-Valuation papers: statements of present value and calculations of future value of the Estate. 6 pieces.
1871-Sale particulars of the Widdrington Estate, with plan. (Auction to be on 20 July 1871 at the Auction Mart, London.)
1878-1886-Account of George A. Grey of Milfield with Hugh Taylor in respect of Widdrington Estate.
Widdrington Coal
10 May 1889-Agreement between Albert Grey and the Widdrington Coal Company concerning damage to land, with valuation of West Chevington Farm by George Grey of Milfield.
Memorandum to be attached to the above agreement.
Plan of West Chevington Farm; acreages stated.
Draft lease of land to the Widdrington Coal Company.
Note of land taken by the Chevington Coal Company, 1889-1891, and letter Mark Lambert to George Grey, 10 April 1890, giving notice that the Company requires possession of 3 fields at West Chevington at May 1891.
Synopsis of correspondence in 1894 concerning the Chevington Coal Company's proposal to work the pillars under a certain field at West Chevington.
Also note concerning this and stating that agreement was ultimately reached.
1889-Copy agreement between Albert Grey and the Widdrington Coal Company concerning damage to land with copy valuation of West Chevington Farm by George Grey and plan.
Note by J. Cleghorn concerning the area under which the Widdrington Coal Company worked the pillars and the compensation the Company paid for damage to land; with plan showing the parts of West Chevington occupied by the Company.
1887-Letter J. Cleghorn to E. J. Macdonald concerning rent of cottages due from the Widdrington Coal Company and enclosing letter Mark W. Lambert to George Grey, 18 April 1887.
1887-1902-Widdrington Coal Company's royalty accounts in respect of coal wrought out of West Chevington. Also, note concerning the rent paid by the Company for cottages; and note concerning records relating to the royalty, 1916. 1 bundle.
1891-1902-Widdrington Coal Company's royalty accounts in respect of coal wrought out of East and West Chevington. 1 bundle.
1 April 1896-Letter Messrs Wilkinson and Marshall, solicitors, Newcastle, to George Grey stating that Mr Lambert had decided to give up Chevington royalty and enclosing copies of formal notices to Earl Grey to that effect.
March-April 1908-Correspondence and draft agreement to enable the Widdrington Coal Company to prospect for coal at West Chevington-letters to/from George Grey, C. H. Eden, and John Rogers.
Plan of Chevington Colliery showing the portion worked out.
[1849]-Handbill advertising best household coal from Broomhill Colliery.
16 September 1850-Handbill advertising Broomhill Colliery coal for sale in Alnwick.
GRE/X/P258 1863-1903
Howick Estate rental schedules
Fair copies of half-yearly rental schedules (see Box 259 for drafts and associated papers) for the following periods:
May 1863-November1881 (except November 1863-May 1864). Many in duplicate.
May 1882-May 1891. Many duplicates.
November 1902 with letter J. H. Mansfield to 4th Earl Grey, 6 February 1903, reporting on work and events at Howick.
GRE/X/P259 1830-1875
Howick Estate: papers relating to rents
May 1846-May 1864-Rental papers.
November 1847-November 1848-Draft rental schedules.
1848-1854-Schedule of percentages [of cost] of building and drainage work due from tenants.
May 1849-November 1858-Draft rental schedules for each half-year.
May 1852-November 1863 (except 1862)-Draft rental schedules.
1854-1862 (except 1859)-Schedule of rents showing the effect of alterations in the average price of corn on rents partly paid in grain; also percentages due from tenants for draining and building work.
May 1859, November 1860, May 1861-May 1862-Draft rental schedules. Also schedule of percentages, November 1859-November 1861.
November 1857-May 1861-Schedule of rents received ('receipt schedules') and summary rental schedules, May 1858-May 1859.
November 1859-May 1863-Summary rental schedules; schedule of percentages November 1862-November 1863; 'receipt schedules' November 1861-November 1863; rental schedule November 1862; rental of the estates 1862-1863.
November 1863-November 1869-Draft rental schedules.
May 1870-May 1874; 1875-Draft rental schedules and papers; also papers only for 1875.
1 April 1830-Statement of the terms (number of years) of leases of the several estates belonging to 2nd Earl Grey.
1835-1851-Table showing the average prices per bushel of wheat, barley and oats in each year of the above period and the value of a tithe rent charge of £100 calculated at these prices.
1850-1853-Papers relating to rental adjustments:
List of 13 farms showing old rents and reduced rents due in November 1850.
Note of Lord Grey's proposal about the rent of Broomhill Farm, November 1851.
Memorandum of Broomhill Farm rent payable in May 1852.
List of rents due from some tenants at May 1852.
Memorandum of Thomas Crisp's rental account, 28 April 1852.
Statement of rental arrears, 28 July 1852.
Account of arrears that tenants were asked to pay before 1 January 1853. 1 bundle.
1851-1852-Draft and fair copy of clause in the lease of Ancroft East Farm to Thomas Pinkerton, relating to the rent.
Calculations of Pinkerton's rent [corn rent plus money payment] with 2 letters Pinkerton to A. Hills.
1849-Rental receipt schedule.
November 1850-Statement of rental arrears, percentages due from tenants for drainage and building work, rents, allowances and demand. Also rental analysis.
November 1853-November 1854-Rent receipt schedule.
November 1852-November 1854-Rental analysis.
1850-1851-Account of Adam Calder with Earl Grey in respect of Burton Farm. Letter Calder to A. Hills, 22 May 1851, concerning his rent account.
1850-1851-Account of rent due from James Wilson of Chevington.
Letter Wilson to A. Hills, 9 June 1851, concerning his arrears of rent, the losses of Chevington Farm and hay he is giving in lieu of rent.
1830-1849-Statement of grain prices at Morpeth Market, by James Mitcheson, Corn Inspector. 1 bundle.
1852-1853-Memorandum of new agreements with tenants who paid part of their rents in corn, with calculations relating to this.
GRE/X/P260 1864-1883
Howick Farm corn and stock returns:
September-December 1864
January-December 1865
January-December 1866
January-December 1867
January-December 1868
January-December 1869
January-December 1870
January-December 1871
January-December 1872
January-December 1873
January-December 1874
January-December 1875
January-December 1876
January-December 1877
January-December 1878
January-December 1879
January-December 1880
January-December 1881
January-December 1882
January-May 1883
GRE/X/P261 1844-1932
1898-1932-Particulars of game shot on Ancroft Estate: reports of Edward and Joseph Johnson. 1 file.
1905-1916-Particulars of game shot on the Tweedside Estate, with some particulars for Fleehope: reports of John Rankin, Keeper. 1 file.
1900-1908-Particulars of grouse shot on Fleehope.
1902-1908-Particulars of shooting to let on the Ancroft, Tweedside and Howick portions of the Howick Estate.
1891-1892-Account of gamekeeper's expenses.
1889-1891-Account of expenses in connection with pheasants.
1886-1910-Account of rabbits sold at Howick.
1898; 1903-Circular letter to tenants of the Tweedside and Ancroft Estates concerning rabbit catchers who destroyed foxes; with replies from some tenants. Also note that circulars were sent to the tenants of the Howick Estate stating that George
Grey of Milfield would not agree to J. C. Cowe of Berwick taking rabbits in future, 11 February 1903.
2 January-22 June 1922-Memorandum concerning the killing of rabbits at Howick and copy letter J. Cleghorn to W. J. Grahome and Mr Herdman on this subject.
January-February 1922-Memorandum concerning pheasants [as pests] and copy letter-Pyle to J. Cleghorn on this.
21 May 1925-Copy note J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield concerning rabbits killed at Ancroft.
1923-Estimate of Howick game bag and note of conditions on which the shooting would be let.
1903-1906-Letters and papers concerning Boggy Hall and Low Stead Farms in connection with a mortgage. Correspondents: Messrs Flux Leadbitter and Neighbour, George Grey and J. Cleghorn of Milfield, and J. H. Mansfield.
7 July 1851-Letter James Kennedy to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey concerning the preparation and use of liquid manure.
28 October 1851-Letter Thomas Tancred to Captain Grey concerning a drill rake (with sketch) that Tancred had devised and also concerning the cultivation of mangel wurzel.
14-16 July 1852-2 letters George Annett Grey to Captain Grey concerning various estate matters. 1 file.
27 June-7 November 1852-6 letters John S. Donaldson Selby to Captain Grey concerning the purchase of Jersey cows for him and their transport from the Channel Islands to Northumberland; also concerning parliamentary elections in Northumberland and
the candidature of George Grey.
1845-1852-Letters to Captain Grey on estate matters.
February-September 1869-Letters to E. J. Macdonald on estate business.
[1844]-Memorandum of the different manures applied to Longhoughton Hill Field with plan and statement of the cost and yield.
December 1844-January 1845-Statement by William Burn of the results of experiments on the growth of turnips in Longhoughton Hill Field.
28 July 1845-Memorandum by William Burn on the application of different manures used in the Near Horse Close Field called Little Houghton Farm.
28 July 1845-Memorandum by William Burn of the application of different kinds of manure used for turnips in the Middle Pasture Field, Howick South Farm. Memorandum by William Burn of the manner and times of working the field called Kirkwalls,
Howick Farm, for the turnip crop of 1844, with plan and description of manure used and costs involved.
Statement by William Burn of the results of experiments with different manures on the growth of Swedish turnips in the Kirkwalls Field in 1844.
1851-Statement of receipts and expenditure on a farm of 842 acres taken in an exhausted condition.
4 August 1851-Statement of the weight of new land hay upon the High Sheth of Longhoughton Hill, with and without manure.
n.d.-Statistics of grain crop yields at Pasture House and Red Stead Farms.
1847-Statement of quantities of corn produced on Pasture House, Red Stead and Little Houghton Farms.
1-15 December 1848-Howick Farm Returns of hinds' and labourers' work and wages and of corn and stock.
n.d.-Rough note of hinds' condition of employment at Pasture House and Red Stead Farms.
1844-1845-Particulars of the rental of the several estates belonging to Charles 2nd Earl Grey.
1845-Particulars of the rental of the estates belonging to Henry 3rd Earl Grey.
n.d. [watermark 1846]-Table showing numbers and price per stone of beasts and sheep each week in the months April-December.
8 April 1850-Statement of proceeds of auction sale of fat cattle at Howick and of Thomas Crisp's heifers there.
1852-Analysis of the results of cattle feeding.
n.d.-Statement of dimensions and cost of a hollow brick arched roof and slate roof to a cattle shed at Howick.
1892-1902-Copies of letters concerning the loan of £3,000 by Miss Mary Elizabeth Grey to Albert, 4th Earl Grey, and discharge of this loan: includes copy letter Grey to Miss Grey, 8 July 1892, Grey to the North Eastern Bank, 8 July 1892, Grey to
George Grey of Milfield, 12 June 1902.
GRE/X/P262 1895-1956
1895-1920-Requisitions for supplies or materials made by the gamekeeper, gardener, painter, joiner, etc. 3 bundles.
1939-1950-Papers concerning fuel rationing with particulars of coal and coke consumed at Howick.
1944-1946; 1952-1956-PAYE tax deduction cards and associated papers in respect of employees at Howick, with receipts of the Inland Revenue for payments.
Alnwick Rural District Council: Byelaws concerning the handling, wrapping and delivery of food in the open air (1952).
Building byelaws made under the Public Health Act 1936.
GRE/X/P263 1857-1933
1 January 1896-Memorandum of agreement whereby George Dryden of Togston Terrace near Acklington is allowed to remove a boundary fence from his yard.
30 May 1912-Copy letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn concerning the above and another wayleave at Togston Terrace.
1901-1903-Correspondence concerning the Broomhill Coal Company's lease of under-sea coal off the coast of Broomhill and Hadston and the question of ownership of the foreshore that has consequently arisen-letters from J. Merivale, C. H. Eden,
Messrs Flux & Leadbitter, George A. Grey, George Grey, J. H. Mansfield and the Board of Trade (some originals, some copies). Also summary of much of the above correspondence.
1902-1907-Correspondence and accounts concerning sand removed from East Chevington beach for building purposes.
29 November 1905-Copy counterpart lease of land at West Chevington to the Trustees of the Chevington Primitive Methodist Chapel for 99 years for the erection of a chapel and vestry, with plan.
October 1905-Letter Revd. W. E. Goodreid to George Grey concerning the boundary wall of the Primitive Methodist Church School at East Chevington and reply permitting the erection of a wooden fence instead of a brick wall.
15 October 1906-Copy lease for 99 years of a parcel of ground in the Parish of Chevington to the Newcastle Diocesan Society for the erection of a parish hall and reading room, with plan.
1933-Correspondence concerning the laying of a water pipe through the above ground.
March-November 1912-Correspondence concerning a footpath required by the North Eastern Railway between Chevington Station and Amble Junction, with plan.
September-November 1914-Correspondence and papers relating to the sale of timber at Howick and Chevington-letters J. H. Mansfield to George Grey and J. Cleghorn, lists of trees and estimates of their cubic capacity, letters J. W. Dent for Messrs
William Wear & Co. to George Grey; conditions of sale of the Howick timber, letter John Slater of Newcastle to George Grey.
October 1914-2 letters William Jeffrey to Messrs Grey of Milfield concerning timber in Chevington Woods with lists of trees and estimates of their cubic capacity; 2 letters George Grey to Messrs Wear & Co. of Hexham offering the timber for
27 March 1916-Memorandum of agreement for sale of the standing timber at Howick to William Wear & Co. Memorandum of agreement for sale of the standing timber in Chevington Wood to William Wear & Co., with plan. Draft of the above
agreement with additions and alterations.
1919-Draft agreement to allow the Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Company to lay a cable at Chevington, with plan. Memorandum concerning the above agreement.
2 January 1928-Copy receipt for wayleave rent.
January 1928-Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield acknowledging receipt of eleven agreements relating to properties at or near Broomhill.
Letter Cleghorn to Messrs Cooper & Jackson, Solicitors, Newcastle, concerning agreements required in connection with a sale of properties to Broomhill Colliery.
List of agreements required for the above purpose.
28 October 1895-Letter James Earnshaw to George Grey concerning a potential water supply for Chevington Moor.
October 1897-Copy letter George Grey to Earl Grey on the water supply question.
n.d.-Diagrams relating to water supply to Whitefield and East Chevington.
n.d.-Plan relating to the water supply and drainage of an unidentified building.
1888-1889-Statement showing differences in general payments at Howick between 1888 and 1889 and statement showing the cause of increased expenditure in the latter year.
Comparison of rents of Howick Estate farms in the years 1870, 1885 and 1888; draft rental for 1888.
1886-1887-East Learmouth Farm account for the year ending 12 May 1887.
1887-List of farms on the Howick Estate with statement of rents and interest.
1885-1886-Note of ploughing, grain sown on Low Stead, North and South Houddlelaw and South Sandylands.
1864-1886-Note of amounts received by farms in value, not in cash.
1857-Plan, specification and estimate by William Marshall for building a cow house and 6 piggeries at Little Houghton. Also estimate for building a cottage at Chevington Wood.
21 May 1883-Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey on the method by which Miss Copley is to pay for the intended new cottage and lecture room at Howick.
1889-1890-Statement of weights, time kept and prices of Canadian cattle fed on Howick Farms.
1915-1916-Howick Estate: statement showing disposal of net amount taxable for Super Tax.
1912-Statement of 4th Earl Grey's private account at the Howick Office for the year ending 31 December 1912.
4 November 1912-Copy letter Lord Howick to William Lambert concerning a situation as head gardener on an estate in Germany in which he is interested and proposals for establishing a market garden at Howick with a memorandum on its management.
[1915?]-Report by William Lambert on Howick Bulb Farm since its inception.
1902-Statement of the cost of building 2 new cottages at Howick Peep O'Sea.
1879-1892-Notebook containing statement of the destination to which leases had been sent.
n.d.-Notebook containing miscellaneous jottings, many relating to building repairs.
7 March 1867-Papers relating to sale of wood at Howick.
1 February 1876-Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey of work to be done in the plantations and elsewhere.
November 1890-Letters from William Milburn & Co. concerning the transport of barley from Newcastle to London by boat.
3 April 1869-Warrant of appointment of E. J. Macdonald and George Dickson as Overseers of the Poor for the Township of Howick.
6 April 1872-Appointment of Macdonald and Dickson as Overseers and of John Downey as Constable. Account of expenses in connection with these appointments. 3 pieces.
4 April 1874-Appointment of Macdonald and Andrew Glahome as Overseers.
3 October 1874; 24 May 1877; 14 June 1882; 1 January 1883-Alnwick Union: notices of audit of accounts. 4 pieces.
1868-1874-Alnwick Union, Parish of Howick: balance sheet of Overseers of the Poor for that parish for the half years ending 29 September 1868, 25 March 1873, 29 September 1873, 29 September 1874.
28 February 1882-Notice of times of special sessions for hearing appeals against rates, at Alnwick.
1878-County of Northumberland: basis or standard for the County rates, confirmed 2 January 1878.
1880-Alnwick Union School Attendance Committee byelaws.
1874, 1879-Notices of revision of lists of voters for North Northumberland.
7 February 1885-Circular from the Secretary of the Local Government Board to the Overseers of the Poor concerning electoral registration.
n.d.-Electoral register for Embleton Polling District.
GRE/X/P264 1866-1929
Leases and Agreements
22 February 1871-Lease of 2255 square yards of ground at Broomhill for 50 years to George Hudson of Hauxley.
June 1873-Surrender of lease of East Learmouth Farm by William Smith senior and junior.
6 December 1874-Extract of lease to the Chevington Coal Company.
12 February 1879-Copy lease of land in the Township of East Chevington and also schoolroom, teacher's house, playground and garden at East Chevington to the School Board of Chevington United School District for 999 years, with plan. Synopsis of
the above deed with copy plan.
Correspondence concerning claims against Broomhill Colleries for damage to the school buildings, 1925-1926.
2 June 1880-Note of agreement whereby part of Chevington Wood was let to John Moffitt.
1884-Agreement with Collingwood Forster James Thompson, farmer, as to the apportionment of rent payable for land in the Township of Downham requisitioned by the North Eastern Railway Company.
12 January 1885-Letter J. W. Irving, agent for the North Eastern Railway, to G. A. Grey of Milfield, accepting terms for land at Amble Junction.
26 April 1887-Agreement whereby a field adjoining Ancroft Vicarage is let to Revd. Edward Thornton on a yearly tenancy, and letter Thornton to George Grey, 27 April 1887, with Grey's reply, 29 April, concerning a fence in need of repair.
10 October 1891-Agreement whereby the pasture land, house and outbuildings known as Howick Star are let to Thomas Thompson for 7 years and also an arable field on a yearly tenancy, with plan. Also 2 copy letters Thompson to George Grey and Grey's
reply, 24 July 1894, concerning the sale of hay from the farm.
6 January 1893-Agreement whereby Low Stead Farm House and outbuildings are let to William Avery on a yearly tenancy.
1 April 1893-Agreement whereby a cottage and garden at Low Stead Farm is let to William Reid on a yearly tenancy.
11 May 1895-Copy agreement whereby the wooden buildings at Chevington Row, formerly used as a school, are handed over to Chevington Parish Council to be used as a public library and reading room or for religious services, the building to be
repaired at the joint cost of the Council and Earl Grey, and thereafter by the Council.
2 June 1896-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby West Learmouth House, garden, offices and other outbuildings are let to John Fleming Morrison of Higham Dykes, near Newcastle, for one year with the option of a yearly tenancy or a lease for 3
years thereafter.
21 May 1897-Copy agreement whereby the salmon and trout rod fishing at Learmouth is let to Herbert Thomas Herring and James Millar for the remainder of the 1897 season.
[1898]-Copy lease of Little Mill Farm to Thomas Atkinson of Craster West Farm for one year and on a yearly tenancy thereafter. Schedule of acreages endorsed.
16 May 1899-Agreement by Thomas Gibson to pay Earl Grey £40 for the use of the Yorkshire Coach House Stallion 'Igmanthorpe George' from March to July 1899.
22 January 1900-Lease of West Presson Farm to James John Brown of North Ancroft on a yearly tenancy, with plan and schedule of acreages.
30 October 1900-Agreement whereby 3 fields at North and South Hipsheugh are let to Thomas Thompson of Howick Star on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
14 June 1902-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby 'Willow Tree Cottage' at Red Row, Chevington, is let to the Northumberland Public House Trust Company on a yearly tenancy.
30 August 1902-Copy memorandum of agreement with the Revd. Joseph S. Prior and William Purvis concerning the laying of drains from Broomhill Wesleyan Chapel through Earl Grey's land, with plan.
25 October 1902-Lease of Tithe Hill Farm in the Parish of Carham to Edward, James and George Waugh on a yearly tenancy. Schedule of acreages attached.
15 February 1905-Copy lease of Howick Red Stead Farm to Robert Elliot late of Turtleton on a yearly tenancy. Enclosed Plan of Farm.
Correspondence between Elliot and George Grey about damage done to grain crops by pheasants.
Memorandum by George Grey that he had given Elliot permission to plough a field of permanent grass and substitute another area for pasture. Memorandum of work that the landlord has agreed to do for the tenant, 15 February 1905.
Valuation of work done at Red Stead by Lord Grey's workmen for which Elliot is to pay, 2 November 1905.
Valuation of machinery at Red Stead Farm, 18 November 1905.
Account for the valuation, 4 May 1906.
27 September 1905-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby the shooting rights at Howick are let to Denys Selby Bigge of Howick Grange for the 1905-1906 season; copy correspondence between George Grey and Bigge, 26-29 Sptember 1905, concerning the
terms of the agreement.
6 October 1905-Lease of shooting rights over East and West Burton Farms to Alexander Browne on a yearly tenancy.
Copy letter H. G. Atkinson Clark to George Grey, 7 October 1905, concerning the shooting.
9 November 1906-Lease of Ancroft North Farm to Alexander Thomas Wright of Longnewton near Haddington on a yearly tenancy, with plan and schedule of acreages.
21 January 1907-Copy agreement whereby Pasture House Farm is let to John, Robert and George Watson of Little Mill on a yearly tenancy, with plan and schedule of areas. Enclosed Note by J. H. Mansfield concerning the fences on the Farm, May
Letter George Grey to the Watsons concerning compensation paid to the previous tenant, 23 October 1908.
Report on and valuation of boiler, engine, thrasher and bruiser at Pasture House, 5 March 1908.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to the Watsons concerning an additional cottage for a worker on the Farm, 5 March 1918.
Agreement for increase of rent, 12 July 1920.
Copy agreement whereby certain fields at Howick adjoining Pasture House Farm are let to the Watsons, 25 November 1927.
31 December 1907-Copy agreement whereby Lord Grey allows the diversion of part of Allerdean Burn on the boundary of North Ancroft Farm to drive a waterwheel on neighbouring Admiralty property, with plan.
1907-1908-Particulars of shooting on Ancroft Estate with copy agreement whereby the shooting is let to James Knott.
19 May 1908-Copy lease of East Chevington Farm to Cuthbert Alderson on a yearly tenancy.
4 July 1911-Agreement whereby Dr. R. Desmond Moyes of Broomhill is allowed to use a path adjoining premises belonging to him in East Chevington Parish, with plan.
6 March 1912-Synopsis of lease of land in West Chevington to the Bullocks Hall Colliery Company with liberty to construct an aerial ropeway across the landlord's property for conveyance of coal.
Note of further agreement, 11 November 1912. With plan.
16 October 1912-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby John Taylor is allowed to relinquish the tenancy of Haliston Field near Red Row, East Chevington, and Joseph Scott of Hauxley Moor House, Amble, becomes tenant, with plan.
27 September 1913-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby 3.395 acres of land adjoining Maiden's Hall Farm are let to William Ferguson of Chevington Crescent on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
28 September 1914-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby the farn known as Hethpool and Hethpool Mill is let to Charles William Dixon-Johnson of Croft House, Croft on Tees, on a yearly tenancy, with schedule of areas and plan. Also memorandum about
taxes to be paid on the holding, 18 January 1915.
26 April 1915-Agreement whereby a piece of land adjoining Maiden's Hall Farm is let to Thomas Edward Hetherington of Red Rown, Broomhill, on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
11 May 1915-Lease of Chevington Woodside Farm to Thomas and Frederick James Hemsley of Chevington Woodside for 15 years but subject to earlier determination by the landlord, with plan, schedule of areas and schedule of special stipulations.
11 May 1915-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby a cottage in Chevington Wood and a pasture and arable field are let to Mary and James Earnshaw on a yearly tenancy.
17 May 1915-Copy agreement whereby the Bullocks Hall Colliery Company is allowed to connect a branch water supply pipe to the one supplying Chevington Crescent, with plan.
28 May 1915-Copy lease of Howick Red Stead Farm to George Pyle on a yearly tenancy. Enclosed Plan of Farm and schedule of areas.
Memorandum of agreement whereby certain additional fields are let to Pyle, 15 May 1929.
Another copy without date or signature.
Note concerning the rent of the Farm.
31 August 1915-Copy agreement whereby the buildings known as Dick's Folly, Ancroft, are leased to James McLeod of Berryburn on a half-yearly tenancy.
15 March 1917- Copy lease of Maiden's Hall Farm, West Chevington, to John Reay and William Robinson Reay of Spital House, Newbiggin by Sea, on a yearly tenancy. With plan and schedule and list of special provisions.
Enclosed Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 17 May 1917, concerning the Farm which had been split up.
14 November 1923-Lease of Littlehoughton Farm to James, John, James Joseph and Walter Herdman on a yearly tenancy.
16 January 1924-Lease of Fleehope and Mount Hooley Farm in the Parish of Kirknewton to Mrs Mary Hamilton Prentice and James Leonard Cuthbert of Fairnieside near Ayton in the County of Berwick on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
14 September 1929-Agreement whereby John A. Arnott is employed as working head of the woods and general estate staff at Howick.
12 December 1867-Note by E. J. Macdonald on how £5,000 of government money was spent on drainage on Chevington, Presson, and Downham Farms.
20 March 1879-Letter James Ronaldson to E. J. Macdonald concerning the 'accommodation' Macdonald is offering in a wagonette.
23 February 1882-Letter Gilbert Borthwick to Macdonald sending East Learmouth lease [not present].
23 November 1882-Letter James Hay to G. A. Grey stating that the owners of Widdrington Colliery are prepared to offer £14 p.a. for land and buildings at West Chevington Colliery.
23 December 1882-Note of terms of employment of Thomas Graham as bailiff at Howick.
May 1886-Copy arbitration award of the sum to be paid to the outgoing tenant of East Learmouth Farm by the incoming tenant.
13 September 1886-Copy valuation of timber in the West and East parts of Chevington Wood.
27 November-6 December 1886-Copy letter George Grey of Milfield to William Smith of Melkington concerning his rent and arrears, and copy reply.
28 December 1886-Copy letter William Lumsden to George Grey concerning his tenancy.
8 March-18 May 1888-2 letters E. M. Bambridge to George Grey of Milfield concerning his application to purchase Chevington Moor Farm and the question of the shooting rights; copy reply of George Grey, 10 March 1888.
12 May 1891-Notice served on William Robson to quit the house he occupies at Howick Star.
12 May 1895-Application by the General Post Office for consent to the erection of telegraph poles from Longhoughton to Craster.
12 June 1895-Estimate by Adam R. Gordon of North Sunderland for making proposed alterations to Ancroft East House.
5 June 1906-Note from George Oliver of Eglingham to J. H. Mansfield agreeing to accept £4-10-0 for killing moles at Howick.
n.d.-Letter C. F. J. Thompson to George Grey sending copy of the Downham lease [not present].
1866-1896-Returns of crops and stock as made to the Board of Trade (from 1892 to the Board of Agriculture) in respect of the farms at or near Howick-Pasture House, Red Stead, Sea Houses, Low Stead, Chevington Moor, Boggy Hall. [Not all of these
farms are included in every return. Low Stead and Chevington Moor appear on a separate sheet.]
GRE/X/P265 1903-1913
Howick Estate: drafts and copies of papers prepared for Income Tax reclaim purposes, with detailed particulars of expenditure on houses, maintenance and repairs, new work and management for the tax years 1903-1904 to 1912-1913 as follows:
1904-1909-1 file (Includes some particulars for Lord Howick's Estate.)
1909-1910-1 file
1910-1911-1 file
1911-1912-1 file
1912-1913-1 file
Tax Relief claim forms (completed); reply of Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick, to claims for 3 years ending 5 April 1912; letter J. H. Mansfield to Miss B. Gilberson, 8 November 1912. 1 file.
GRE/X/P266 1913-1930
Grey Estate Tax Papers
1913-1930-Papers drawn up to claim additional tax relief in respect of repairs, maintenance and management. 5 files.
1915-1917-Claims for repayment of tax on bank interest. 1 file.
1914-1920-Accounts of expenditure on repairs on East and West Learmouth, Downham, Howburn, Presson Hill, East and West Presson, Tithe Hill and East Burton. 1 file.
1918-1922-Accounts of expenditure at Howick Hall on electric lighting, paths and drives, water supply, drains, insurances, repairs and renewals. Also some figures for 'Marriage Settlement Estate', 1921-1922. 1 file.
8 files
GRE/X/P267 1906-1918
1910-1917-4th Earl Grey's super-tax papers-copies of returns and associated papers for each tax year within the above period. 6 files.
1911-1913-Correspondence concerning super-tax. 1 file.
1906-Papers concerning Lord Howick's estate-acreages, outgoings, rents. 1 file.
1914-1915; 1917-1918-Correspondence and papers relating to Lord Howick's income tax and super-tax. 1 file.
9 files
GRE/X/P268 1918-1932
5th Earl Grey's super-tax papers-copies of returns and associated correspondence and papers for each tax year in the above period.
14 bundles
GRE/X/P269 1873-1893
Statements of receipts and expenditure mainly in respect of Howick Hall, Howick Farm, and buildings at or near Howick in the following bundles:
November 1873-October 1874
November 1885-December 1886
November 1885-October 1886
November 1886-October 1887
January 1887-December 1887 [October and November missing]
November 1887-October 1888
January 1888-December 1888
November 1888-October 1889
January 1889-December 1889
November 1889-October 1890
January 1890-December 1890 (except October 1890)
November 1890-October 1891
January 1891-November 1891
April 1892-September 1892
November 1893 [only]
GRE/X/P270 1844-1869
1845-1869-Cultivation returns from each farm on the Howick Estate, with field names, acreage, crops and (in some cases) remarks. One bundle for each year in the above period. 25 bundles.
Bundle containing the following:
Analysis of cultivation returns for 1845 and 1846.
Cropping of Maiden's Hall Farm, 1844-1850.
Plan of Maiden's Hall Farm with note of crops 1848, 1849.
Note of Messrs Neils' Waygoing crop in 1848 and proposed cropping 1848 and 1849.
Notes concerning Mr Fenwick's lease of Ulgham Grange and Ferney Beds and Mr Goodman's lease of Whitefield House and West Chevington.
Various rough calculations and notes.
GRE/X/P271 1870-1912
Cultivation Returns showing cropping of each field on the following farms:
Ancroft Town Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1875-1885)
Ancroft North Farm, 1887, 1895-1912 (except 1888-1894, 1902-1903, 1905-1906)
Ancroft North Moor Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1875-1878, 1894, 1898)
Ancroft South Moor Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1879-1883, 1892, 1897-1900)
Ancroft East Farm, 1870-1911 (except 1894, 1902)
Downham Farm, 1876-1912 (except 1880-1881)
Howburn Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1882-1885, 1897)
Tithe Hill Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1895, 1898, 1900-1901, 1907)
Presson Town Farm, 1871-1897 (except 1894-1895)
Presson Hill Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1871, 1875)
East Presson Farm, 1900-1912 (except 1905-1909)
West Presson Farm, 1902-1912 (except 1903)
East Learmouth Farm, 1901-1907 (except 1903)
West Learmouth Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1871, 1880, 1891-1900)
GRE/X/P272 1870-1912
Cultivation Returns for the following farms:
Bradford, 1870-1897 (except 1875, 1877-1878, 1882-1884)
Burton, 1870-1902 ) East Burton, 1903-1911)
West Burton, 1903-1912)
Broomhill, 1870-1904
Chevington Moor, 1870-1912 (except 1874, 1890-1898. Some particulars for Chevington Moor also appear on the Longhoughton Low Stead return for 1892.)
East Chevington, 1870-1912 (except 1871-1873, 1878, 1890, 1895)
West Chevington, 1871-1912 (except 1872-1876, 1882-1883, 1886-1902)
Chevington Woodside, 1870-1912 (except 1879, 1882-1883, 1911)
Maiden's Hall Farm, 1870-1912 (except 1875, 1882-1884, 1886-1887, 1895)
Whitefield House, 1870-1912 (except 1871-1874, 1882-1883, 1894-1897, 1903, 1905)
Little Houghton, 1870-1912 (except 1879, 1882, 1892)
Long Houghton Low Stead, 1873-1874, 1877, 1892 [Chevington Moor also appears on the 1892 return].
Little Mill, 1870-1912 (except 1882, 1892, 1909)
Howick Red Stead, 1905-1912 (except 1910)
Howick Scar (or Star), 1901-1912
Howick Sea Houses, 1906-1912
Pasture House Farm, 1901-1912
Hawkhill, 1870
Ulgham Grange, 1870
Ferney Beds, 1870
Low Stead, 1912
GRE/X/P273 1840-1931
1904-1914-Letters from J. H. Mansfield to 4th Earl Grey, reporting from Howick, especially about work that was being done in the several departments, and on the state of the finances.
4 August 1915-Letter J. H. Mansfield to Grey enclosing list of bills to be paid out of the private account. Also vouchers for various payments made in 1915.
1916-1917-Vouchers, mainly for payments to 4th Earl Grey or made on behalf of him. Also 3 relating to withdrawals from Howick Savings Bank.
1885-1895-Notebook with accounts of E. J. Macdonald and J. H. Mansfield with 4th Earl Grey.
1890-1892-Notebook containing particulars evidently of receipts and payments into and out of a bank account.
31 May 1902-Agreement whereby a cottage and garden in Howick Village is let to Howick Co-operative Society on a monthly tenancy.
20 December 1902-Memorandum of agreement whereby a grass field at Chevington is let to Elizabeth Dunn of Chevington Wood on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
20 December 1902-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby a grass field at Chevington is let to William Jeffrey on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
7 November 1906-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby Ancroft North Moor Farm is let to William Whittle on a yearly tenancy, with plan.
21 January 1907-Memorandum of agreement whereby permission is given to Revd. Norman Macleod Wright and members of his household and congregation of Ancroft Moor Presbyterian Church to use the private path leading from the road between Ancroft and
Berrington Law under certain conditions, with plan.
Copy of above agreement.
3 May 1912-Agreement by T. B. Eames, postman, concerning the wall at Howick Post Office.
10 October 1912-Copy lease of a strip of land at Chevington to the North Eastern Railway Company for a footpath between Chevington Station and Amble Junction, for 20 years, with plan.
27 September 1913-Memorandum of agreement whereby a piece of land adjoining Maiden's Hall Farm on the Chevington Estate is let to William Ferguson of Chevington on a yearly tenancy, with plan. Enclosed Correspondence relating to the land and the
lease, 1913-1915.
June 1922-Copy memorandum of agreement whereby arrangements are made to provide a supply of water for milk cooling to Elizabeth Dunn of Chevington Wood.
8 April 1925-Copy lease of Ancroft South Moor Farm to Hugh James Douglas and William Lancelot Douglas of Newton Farm Edlingham on a yearly tenancy, with schedule of acreages and plan.
8 April 1931-Agreement whereby the London and North Eastern Railway Company allow 5th Earl Grey's tenant, Henry Coxon, to obtain a supply of water for domestic purposes from the Company's well at Amble Junction, Chevington, with plan.
August 1897-Circulars concerning a garden party and sports to be held at Howick on 27 August for members of the Percy Hunt and farmers within the limits of the hunt.
27 August 1897-Statements showing cost of the above garden party and sports.
August 1899-List of invitations to a Ball at Howick on 10 August, with note of replies.
[c.November 1912]-List of parishioners of Howick and employees on the Estate who subscribed to a present for Evelyn, daughter of 4th Earl Grey, on her marriage to Mr Jones.
28 December 1912-List of those invited to a servants' dance at Howick on 3 January 1913.
July 1919-List of subscriptions for peace celebrations at Howick on 19 July.
[c.September 1922]-List of parishioners of Howick and employees on the estate who subscribed to a present for Sybil, daughter of 4th Earl Grey, on her marriage to Lambert Middleton.
1840-1856, 1892, 1895-Papers relating to drainage of various parts of the Howick Estate. 1 bundle.
1845-1862-Statement showing expenditure on buildings and draining on the Howick Estate.
1882-1883-Accounts for drainage and other works carried out on the Howick Estate by Joseph Batty.
1884-1894-List of loans by the Lands Improvement Company in respect of Downham, East Learmouth and Tithe Hill Farms, with expiry dates.
26 November 1824-Letter James Russell, chairman of committee of Alnwick Mechanics' Institution, to 2nd Earl Grey requesting him to become their president.
1 February 1881-Circular from the riparian proprietors on the River Tweed concerning action to combat pollution of the river, with list of subscriptions.
1874-1877-Account of the Chevington Coal Company with Earl Grey.
7 December 1883-Letter from the Northumberland Whinstone Company Ltd. to E. J. Macdonald concerning quantity of stones worked and vended from Little Mill Whinstone Quarry 1882-1883.
29 July 1887-Copy letter J. Richardson to George Grey of Milfield concerning work on Little Mill Limestone Kilns and payment for it, with note J. Cleghorn to E. J. Macdonald, 9 August 1887.
30 August 1899-Letter Messrs Little & Ballantyn, Nurserymen and Seedsmen, Carlisle, to 4th Earl Grey concerning plants for the improvement of railway embankments and trees ordered on his own account.
GRE/X/P274 1893-1928
1893-1928-Howick Grass Parks: printed conditions under which the Parks are let with memorandum signed by the tenant of each field and statement of rent. 1 bundle for each year in the above period (except 1927 and 1928 where there is only one
sheet in each case).
Also 19 copies of the conditions, unsigned.
Catalogue of the fields, with plan, for the auction:
20 April 1893-2 copies
22 April 1896-2 copies, one with additions in pencil
22 April 1897-2 copies, one with alterations in red ink
22 April 1898
24 April 1901-2 copies
22 April 1903
1896-1905-Notebook containing particulars of the grass parks-field names, acreages, description, rent, and names of tenants. Also many rough calculations [by J. H. Mansfield?].
Statement showing rent per acre at which the Grass Parks were let 1893-1900, with names of the tenant of each field for 1900.
Copy of a similar statement for 1902 (rents per acre stated for each year 1893-1902).
Similar statements for 1903, 1904.
Statement of expenses claimed “as tenants deductions for purposes of rating” 1898-1900, and statement of the rents of the Grass Parks for 1900.
Rough calculation of the Grass Park rent for 1905.
1906-1917-Correspondence and papers relating to the rent of the Grass Parks for tax purposes-letters to the Inspector of Taxes with statements of rent and expenses and rough calculations.
GRE/X/P277 1788-1909
GRE/X/P277/1 1817
Plan of Bradford surveyed by Nicholas Weatherly. Field names and acreages stated; no scale. Information about drains added at a later date.
GRE/X/P277/2 [watermark 1834]
Plan of Ulgham Grange Estate. Field names and acreages stated. Printed on paper backed with linen.
Scale: 4 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P277/3 1849
Plan of Burton Farm by D. Colville. Field names and acreages stated. Coloured. [Damaged - in 3 pieces].
Scale: 4 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P277/4 1847
Plan of Warkworth Harbour. Coloured.
Scale: 2 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P277/5 1849
Printed plan of Warkworth Harbour and Roads with soundings (5 copies).
GRE/X/P277/6 October 1850
Prospectus for Warkworth Harbour and Dock Company.
GRE/X/P277/7 1894
6" O. S. plans (2nd edition) showing part of the River Tyne (highlighted with some industrial concerns from about Newburn to Tynemouth), the depths of the river being indicated in 1908-1909. A Tyne Improvement Commission map.
GRE/X/P277/8 1899
6" O. S. plan of Howick and Craster district, Northumberland XXVII S.E., 2nd edition. Glazed and mounted on linen. Rollers attached.
GRE/X/P277/9 [mid 19th century?]
Plan of Presson. Field names and acreages stated; pencil additions.
Scale: 4 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P277/10 [19th century?]
Outline plan of an unnamed farm with indication of areas drained and to be drained.
GRE/X/P277/11 [19th century?]
Plan and specification of 8 pit cottages to be built at Broomhill, n.d.
GRE/X/P277/12 [19th century?]
Plans and elevation of proposed alterations and additions to Pasture House Farmhouse: ground plan; upstairs rooms; section showing structure; elevation.
GRE/X/P277/13 1901
Plans of building at Pasture House proposed to be converted into a house for the poultry keeper; plan of present state; plan of upper floor of converted building; ground plan and elevation of proposed alterations. Coloured.
GRE/X/P277/14 [19th century?]
Enlarged O. S. plan of part of South Broomhill with manuscript additions.
GRE/X/P277/15 [watermark 1854]
Drawing of the East and West elevations of Chevington Church by John Norton, Architect, Old Bond Street, London. Coloured.
GRE/X/P277/16 [early 18th century?]
Map of Howick and district. Field names and acreages stated. [Badly damaged; part missing.]
GRE/X/P277/17 [1841?]
Plans of cottages [at Howick].
GRE/X/P277/18 [19th century?]
Plan and elevation of 4 cottages Nos. 1 and 2.
GRE/X/P277/19 [19th century?]
Plan and elevation of a 2 storied cottage at Howick Village.
GRE/X/P277/20 [19th century?]
3 other plans of cottages.
GRE/X/P277/21 1788
Map of Gulf of Finland.
GRE/X/P278 1813-1902
GRE/X/P278/1 [1847?]
Plan of Broomhill Colliery.
GRE/X/P278/2 1846
Plan of Broomhill Colliery ground.
Scale: 1 chain to 2"
GRE/X/P278/3 1850
Plan of the Pit Field at Broomhill Colliery. Areas stated.
Scale: 4 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P278/4 1850
Plan of new pit houses at Hadston Lane End.
GRE/X/P278/5 [watermark 1844]
Plan of Maiden's Hall Farm. Field names and acreages stated.
Scale: 12 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P278/6 1844
Plan of Howick Sea Houses Farm showing parts drained. Field names stated; no acreages or scale.
GRE/X/P278/7 [19th century?]
Plan of Budle Farm. Acreages stated; no field names.
Scale: 4 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P278/8 [19th century?]
Plan of Budle Farmstead.
GRE/X/P278/9 [Watermark 1825]
Rough ground plan of Bamburgh Church.
GRE/X/P278/10 [19th century?]
Plan of land exchanged between Paston and Downham.
Scale: 2 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P278/11 [Watermark 1813]
Plan of Coldmartin Farm by William Brown. Field names and acreages stated.
GRE/X/P278/12 1846
Plans and elevations of meeting house and school room at Ancroft Moor.
GRE/X/P278/13 [19th century?]
Plan of the site of the English Presbyterian Chapel.
GRE/X/P278/14 20 October 1851
Letter William Ryder to A. Lambert, concerning measurement of the site.
GRE/X/P278/15 1872
Plan of cattle boxes at Burton.
GRE/X/P278/16 [1902?]
Plans and elevations of new cottages and offices at Howick.
GRE/X/P280GRE/X/P280/1 1808
Plan of Southwick on the River Wear, surveyed 1808. Field names and acreages stated.
GRE/X/P280/2 1792
Sketch plan of Hawkhill Farm surveyed in May 1792 by Henry Taylor. Field names and acreages stated. [Damaged].
GRE/X/P280/3 [19th century]
Plan of the Parish of Carham. Printed.
scale: 32 chains to 1"
GRE/X/P280/4 1850
Plans and drawings of construction of cottages at Broomhill for Earl Grey with account of cost, 1850. 2 other plans and construction drawings. No place stated.
GRE/X/P280/5 [20th century?]
Map of the County of Northumberland from an actual survey finished in 1820 by John Fryer and Sons. Part missing (only NW and SW sections present).
scale: 1" to the mile
GRE/X/P281 1848-1849
Plans and drawings of Howick Church by Frederick D. Francis, architect, 1848-1849.
Drawing of a font by A. D. Gough, architect.
Section of eaves course and spouting as arranged on buildings on Earl Grey's estate.
Endorsed “Plan of solid spouting for cottages, etc”.
2 drawings of a porch for a building.
Plan and elevation of 4 cottages intended to be built at Howick, n.d.
Print of Alphonse de La Martine drawn on stone by R. J. Lane after a painting by Henry W. Phillips, 1848.
Low Stead Farm: monthly corn and stock returns: 1881-1882, 1 file 1883-1885 and January-April 1886.
Also particulars of corn and beans thrashed in 1884 and quantities fed to animals. 1 file.
Low Stead Farm: plan of stackyard and particulars of crop yield 1883; cultivation return 1883; valuation of stock, crops and implements on 1 June 1885 and 1 June 1886; statement of receipts and payments June 1885-1886; summary of receipts and
payments 1880-1886; statement of barley and oats sown, n.d. 1 bundle.
1884-Plan of stackyards at Pasture House, Red Stead, Sea Houses and Low Stead Farms with particulars of crop yields from each field and calculation of the average yield per acre. 1 bundle.
1888-1892-Chevington Moor Farm: account of receipts and payments. Also, balance sheet 1891-1892; valuation of farm stock, etc. 1890, 1891. List of employees and their daily wages, 1891. 1 bundle.
1897-1931-Howick Farms: copy returns of crops and stock made to the Board of Agriculture each year, with additional information for 1897-1902. 1 bundle.
1870-1889-Table showing yield per acre (in bushels) of wheat, barley and oats grown on Pasture House, Red Stead, Sea Houses and Low Stead Farms.
1887-1891-Howick Farms (including Low Stead): summary of receipts and expenditure under various headings.
1 June 1890-1 June 1891-Howick Farms: account of receipts and payments.
June 1890-May 1891-“Values in connection with Howick Farms”-summary of receipts and payments in each month of the above period.
1 June 1891-1 June 1892-Howick Farms balance sheets.
1 June 1892-Howick Farms: valuation of farm stock, etc. and draft.
1 June 1893-Valuation of stock on hand at Howick.
1888-1897-Statement of total cash outlay in respect of [Howick?] Farm and cash receipts in that period, valuation of stock on 31 May 1897 and total loss at that date.
1895-1896-Howick Farms: complete account for the year ending 31 May 1896.
1886-1891-Statement showing local rates paid in respect of Howick Farms.
1 June 1891-1 June 1892-List of employees on the Howick Farms with statement of their earnings in cash and in kind and bonus payment of 8d. in the pound. Also draft with many alterations.
1890-1904-Notebook containing particulars of grain crops on Howick Farms including the yield in bushels when the thraves were thrashed and average yield per acre.
1893-1895-Notebook containing the acreage of each field on the Howick Farms, the tenants' names, rent per acre and yearly rent.
1890-1891-Statement of milk yield of cows in the first full month after calving with percentage of cream. This was evidently given to Mr Stephenson who lectured in Copley Hall in November 1891.
1891-1892-Account of receipts and expenditure in respect of horses used for breeding.
1896-1897-Statement of expenses of keep of private horses on Howick Farms for the year ending 31 May 1897.
1890-1892-Statement of cost of feeding stuffs bought and consumed on Howick Farms.
1890-1892-Particulars of corn produced and consumed on [Howick] Farms.
1887-1888-Statement showing how coal supplied by the North Eastern Railway was used.
1894-Statement of goods conveyed by railway to and from the Howick Farms and cost of carriage.
GRE/X/P283 1848-1901
1850-Statistics of cattle fattening experiments with account and estimate of results. 1 bundle.
Printed paper: The Northern Fat Cattle Show Society-list of premiums open for competition at the Society's show at Newcastle, 8-10 December 1852; rules of the Society and regulations for shows; list of offices for 1852; list of members.
1876-1877-Note of aggregate weights of steers when bought and sold from Red Stead and Pasture House Farms. 1 bundle.
1877-1887-Rough notes on cost of cattle feeding. 1 bundle.
1879-1880-Cattle feeding returns. 1 bundle.
1884-1892-Particulars of cattle fattening at Red Stead and Pasture House Farms. Includes many statistics relating to Canadian cattle. 1 bundle.
1885-1887-Abstracts of cattle and sheep sales at Bowes House. Endorsed, “Lord Durham's Cattle Sales”. 1 bundle.
1891-Particulars of cattle sold from the Howick Estate since October 1891, showing live and dead weights, prices when bought and sold, cost of keep, and profit.
5 July 1882-Letter Dr A. P. Aitken, Chemist of Edinburgh, to John Fairbairn, Veterinary Surgeon, Alnwick, stating that arsenic had been found in the stomach of a bullock that had been sent for analysis.
Statement of draining required on Earl Grey's estates as indicated by tenants in 1853 with note of action in 1854. Also tenants' replies to a circular about drainage, 1860. 1 bundle.
1900-Measurements of ditches, hedges and fences at or near Howick by Thomas Chirnside.
Notebook containing particulars of a sale of timber at Hawkhill on 1 December 1856, Samuel Donkin auctioneer. Purchasers and prices stated.
1885-1886-Longhoughton Low Stead Farm: statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ending 1 June 1886.
October 1898-List of workmen employed at Howick with note of their wages, comments on them, and indication of whether or not they would be retained in service.
Particulars of land in hand at Howick, October 1898, and note of that year's crop and the intended crop for 1899.
List of horses at Howick, October 1898, with note of their disposal. 1 bundle.
8 December 1890-Note of cost of keeping 2 bulls at Howick and [the purchase price?] of one.
n.d.-Account of expenses of keep of private horses on Howick Farms.
1900-1901-Howick Farm balance sheet for the year ending 31 May 1901.
1890-1891-Note of fleeces sold at Howick and Chevington Moor.
1852-1854-Notebook: valuation of the stock, implements, etc. on Howick Farms (Red Stead, Pasture House and Dairy) by John Embleton, auctioneer and appraiser.
1864-1891-“Farms in hand”: statement showing the number of acres farmed in each year of the above period, with the acreage in old grass and tillage and wages of steward, hinds and women.
c.1891-Note [by Albert Grey] of information required about the value of stock and produce [of Howick Farms?].
6 December 1891-Note of questions asked by J. Cleghorn about Howick and Chevington Moor Farms, with draft answers.
1889-1891-Statement showing receipts and expenditure under various headings in respect of Howick Farms. [This bears a note by Albert Grey asking for the statement to be made out in another way.]
1887-1891-Statement of areas in old grass and arable on Howick Farms; also the number of shepherds and stewards, their wages, and the average annual “turnip break”.
Another similar statement but not identical with the above.
Another similar statement including the average amount paid in labourers' wages over the previous 5 years, the cost of labour per acre and the average “turnip break” for the last 3 years.
Valuation of stock, etc. on Howick and Chevington Moor Farms at 1 June 1891.
Statement of values showing amounts credited to Howick Farms for the year ending 1 June 1886.
Valuation of stock, 1891.
Statements of feeding stuffs bought and consumed on the Farms, 1 June 1890-31 May 1891, and 1 June 1891-30 May 1892.
Valuation of stock of Chevington Moor Farm, 1 June 1897.
Valuation of stock of the Howick Farm at 1 June 1893.
Copy of the above.
Another copy set out differently. 1 bundle.
28 October 1901-List and valuation of stock in Howick poultry yards (Sea Houses, Harrow Hill, and Pasture House).
Another copy with letter J. H. Mansfield to 4th Earl Grey, 14 January 1902, concerning the disappointing quality of birds received from Dr Harris; and part of another letter from Mansfield [beginning missing].
n.d.-Chevington School: statement of aims and school rules. 2 printed copies.
12 May 1889-“Bonus paper”: list of depositors and the sums deposited with note of interest due for the half-year ending 31 December 1889.
Return to an order of the House of Lords of 18 July 1848 giving the numbers of live animals imported into the United Kingdom in 1846 and 1847, and statistics of British exports and imports of wool during those years.
Catalogue of Edward Hall & Co.'s wrought iron fences and other products, n.d.
Circular, postmarked 24 October 1852, advertising hardware and ornamental goods stocked by J. Mather, Newcastle. Also particulars of the Patent Gill Stove by J. Mather.
Catalogue of William Crosskill's agricultural implements, 1851.
GRE/X/P284 1846-1858
Howick Accounts (house and farm, etc.)
Monthly abstracts January-February 1846, September 1846-April 1847 [rough], May 1847-October 1854.
Half-yearly abstracts at 1 May 1847, 1 May 1849, 1 May 1850 and every half-year to October 1854. 1 bundle.
Monthly abstracts November 1854-April 1858.
Half-yearly abstracts at 1 May 1855, 1 November 1855, 1 May 1856, 1 November 1856, 1 May 1857, 1 November 1857, 1 May 1858. 1 bundle.
Yearly abstracts, one for each year ending 1 November in the period 1846-1857 (except 1848, 1850, 1854). 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P285 1840-1925
Howick Accounts
Monthly abstracts May 1858-October 1860.
Half-yearly abstracts at 1 November 1858, 1 May 1859, 1 November 1859, 1 May 1860, 1 November 1860.
Yearly abstracts at 1 November 1858, 1859, 1860. 1 bundle.
Howick Farms 'balances' showing income and expenditure in the years 1840-1847.
Another copy 1840-1850.
Abstracts of Howick Farms accounts for the half-years ending 1 November 1846, 1 November 1848, 1 May 1849, 1 May 1851, 1 November 1851, 1 June 1852, and of yearly accounts at 1 May 1849, 1 May and 1 November 1851, 1 June 1852, 1 June 1853.
Statement: Howick Farms in account with Earl Grey, 1851-1852.
Plan and particulars of Pasture House stackyard, 1847.
Ancroft North Farm: letter R. Macdonald to J. Cleghorn, 30 November 1891, with particulars of cultivation of the Farm in 1887.
Ancroft North Farm: cultivation return, 1890.
1890-1910 (except 1905)-Howick Farms: plans of stackyards and particulars of crop yields. 1 bundle.
January 1921-December 1925-Howick Farm corn and stock returns. 1 file.
10 April 1851-Tracing of Ancroft East Farm. Field names and acreages stated.
n.d.-Plan of the Parish of Carham including the part of Wark Common declared to be in Scotland by 37 George III cap. 122. Scale:20 chains to 1". Colouring added.
1862-Letters 3rd Earl Grey to Archibald Hils, manager at Howick.
3 June 1862-Valuation by Andrew Riddle of steam engine, threshing machine and millstones at Ancroft Steads, with covering note from William and Benjamin Woodman, 17 January 1863.
1869?-2 letters Revd. Samuel Bucknell to E. J. Macdonald concerning Newburn Rectory.
1870-Notices of income tax assessments on Earl Grey in respect of inhabited house duties on properties in the Parishes of Chevington, Ulgham and Widdrington.
29 June 1873-Letter Walter Patrick to E. J. Macdonald concerning his financial difficulties and asking him to accept 5 shillings in the pound.
July-December 1874-Letters from J. Downie, secretary of the Newcastle branch of the Scottish National Insurance Company, to E. J. Macdonald. Enclosed in letter of 11 July: Circular from the Manager of the Company to the agents on the previous
year's success and urging them to find new customers. Also, memorandum for agents on the same subject.
1870-1885-Statement of coals supplied to Howick from Broomhill Colliery.
1869-1889-Letters to E. J. Macdonald from tenants and others. 7 pieces.
1891-1893-Note of money given by Lord Grey and Albert Grey to Maggie Greaves.
1891-1892-List of widows to whom donations were made at Christmas.
1893, 1898-1917-List of employees, widows and pensioners to whom gifts of beef were distributed at Christmas.
1926-1928-List of persons to whom hams were given at Christmas. 1 bundle.
1867-1879-Notebook containing London accounts.
1873-1885-Notebook containing valuations of animals and crops on the Howick Farms. Enclosed: Copy letter George Grey of Milfield to the Widdrington Coal Company, 4 September 1886, stating that Albert Grey would charge 5% on overdue rent accounts.
Copy reply, 8 September.
c.1880-Letter George Annett Grey to E. J. Macdonald concerning the letting of Bradford Farm.
1873-1874-Note of Private Ledger payments for the year ending November 1874 and note of expenditure for the years 1882-1884.
Agricultural Returns of Great Britain, 1895, 1896, 1901; and abstracts 1875, 1892-1894.
27 March 1916-Copy memorandum of agreement for sale of standing timber in Chevington Wood and at Howick to Messrs William Wear of Hexham.
November 1908-Copy return to the Census of Production (Timber Trades) in respect of the trade at Howick. Enclosed: Notes on which to base the return.
1901-Correspondence about the erection of telephone poles on a field near Broomhill by the National Telephone Company.
1923-1924-Copy correspondence mainly between C. Williams (Director of Education for Northumberland) and J. Cleghorn concerning the erection of shoring on Lord Grey's land to safeguard the gable of East Chevington Council School.
17 November 1910-Letter Lord Howick (5th Earl Grey) to J. H. Mansfield concerning Arthur Grenfell's plan to put electric light into Howick Hall as a Christmas present for Lord Grey.
n.d.-Inventory of linen, ware and other items in a cottage at Sea Houses.
n.d. [20th century]-“Howick Hall Insurance” : statement of sums for which contents of the house and adjoining buildings are insured and the sums for which they ought to be insured.
1887-1889-British Association for the Advancement of Science: circular requesting subscription for the meeting at Newcastle. List of subscribers up to 30 September 1887.
Circular concerning funding, 29 September 1888.
Copy of Free Life*, 5 December 1890. *Edited by Auberon Herbert, “a thorough-going Individualist paper”.
April 1907-Letter Thomas Gillesphie to 4th Earl Grey concerning the dilapidated state of the granite work over the graves of the Revd. Francis R. Grey and his wife.
Copy letter Grey to Gillesphie, 17 April 1907, and note Miss B. Gilbertson to J. H. Mansfield, 23 April 1907.
25 November 1890-Letter Messrs Corder & Haycraft (Malthouses, Hope Wharf, Greenwich Road S. E.) to Albert Grey complaining of the quality of the barley sent to them, with rough copy of Grey's reply.
16 October 1890-Letter Revd. H. F. Long of Bamburgh to Albert Grey concerning the funding of Bamburgh Village School, Grey's offer, and the intention to reduce the staff.
13 December 1890-Copy letter Albert Grey to Mr Long concerning the large expenditure on teachers' salaries at Long's school and stating his intention of reducing his financial support.
27 January 1886-Letter J. Cleghorn to E. J. Macdonald mainly concerning allowances to a tenant named Lumsden, a “rather slippery” character. 1 file.
1904-Howick Hall: particulars for letting for 6 years. 2 copies, one with the rent added in manuscript.
December 1900-Press cuttings “Scion of a noble house”: Viscount Howick's coming of age, with remarks on the Grey family. 7 copies.
21 July 1883-Copy of
Newcastle Daily Journal.
21 July 1883-Copy of
Newcastle Daily Chronicle.
1906-Subscriptions for a wedding present for Lord Howick from the inhabitants of the Parish of Howick.
January 1895-Circular from 4th Earl Grey to the electors of the Embleton division of Northumberland stating that he would not stand for re-election to the County Council and recommending J. Carr-Ellison as his successor.
1835-1839-Notebook containing accounts for flour, grain, bran purchased from Messrs Webber.
GRE/X/P287 1881-1899
1889-1893-Letters and papers concerning horses purchased by Albert Grey or offered to him, including “Cash” and “England's William”. 1 file, 48 pieces.
n.d.-Paper on “the Cleveland Bay Horse”-largely quotations from articles by A. E. Pease, MP, and W. S. Dixon, secretary of the Cleveland Bay Society.
1890-Particulars, including pedigrees, of “Cash”, a pure bred Cleveland Bay stallion.
1890-1892-List of mares served by “Cash” and accounts relating to him. 1 bundle.
1891-Particulars, including pedigree, of the shire stallion “Dunsmore Nelson”.
1891-1893-List of mares served by “Dunsmore Nelson” and “England's William” and accounts relating to these horses. Also pedigree of “Dunsmore Nelson”.
1 bundle.
1891-1892-Particulars of “England's William” and “Prince William” his sire.
Drawing of “Prince William”-“the dual champion and gold medal shire stallion”. 1 bundle.
1894-Letters and postcards to J. H. Mansfield reporting on whether mares serviced by “England's William” were in foal. 1 bundle.
1893-Letters from persons whose mares had been served by “England's William” or “Dunsmore Nelson” concerning a proposed show of the resulting foals and list of entries for the Shire
Yearling Show to be held at Howick on 4 April 1893. 1 file.
1891-Envelope containing cuttings from
The Livestock Journal 1891 on horses, horse breeding and horse shows. Cleveland Bays mentioned.
1891-Reprint from
The Alnwick Guardian 4 April 1891: “Shire horses at Howick”.
Another reprint: “The Cleveland Bay breed of horses”.
Photographs of 2 horses, probably “England's William” and “Dunsmore Nelson”.
1890-1892-Statement of Shire mares bought 1890-1891.
“Horses account” 1891 and n.d.
Account of expenses in connection with the service of 2 mares by “Prince William” at Wantage.
Accounts relating to horses at Learmouth and J. Fox's expenses, 1891-1892. 1 bundle.
Manuscript and printed pedigrees of various mares and stallions. 1 bundle.
1890-Cleveland Bay Horse Society of Great Britain and Ireland: printed circular with report of sub-committee on membership fees and the entitlement to enter foals in the stud book. Also 2 entry forms not used.
Catalogue of 67 shire horses, property of P. A. Muntz, MP, to be sold by auction at Dunsmore, near Rugby, on 12 February 1891. Illustrated.
Coquetdale Agricultural Society: list of stock, dairy produce, dogs and implements entered at the 28th annual show at Wooler, 13 August 1891.
n.d. [watermark 1880]-Draft conditions of letting Chevington Woodside Farm.
1885-List of tenants to whom manure schedules were sent.
1893-1895-Papers relating to allowances made to tenants for manures: copy vouchers produced by C. F. J. Thompson of Downham Farm and F. Brown of Maiden's Hall Farm for purchase of manure. Also copy vouchers produced by tenants at the rent day, 23
May 1894.
1887-Letter A. R. Gordon of North Sunderland to Robert Russell of Howick, 12 July 1887, enclosing estimate for mason work at Little Mill Lime Works. Also rough accounts for work by several tradesmen on various parts of the Howick Estate.
1894-1895-Account of stone worked and vended from Little Mill Whinstone Quarry.
1888-Papers relating to the cost of fencing at Fleehope.
18 May 1850-Valuation of live and dead stock at Teddesley Park Farm, the property of Lord Hatherton.
1886-1888-Miscellaneous papers, mainly on minor financial matters. Includes Albert Grey's receipts and particulars of coal supplied by the North Eastern Railway and Broomhill Coal Company. 1 bundle.
1881-1887-Vouchers and other papers relating to payments by, or on behalf of, Albert Grey, and debts owed by him. 1 bundle. 1881-1885-Inland Revenue licences issued to Albert Grey. 1 bundle.
1887-1892-Letters to Albert Grey, mainly appeals for financial support for local organisations. 1 file.
1888-1889-List of employees on the Howick Farms and their wages.
1891-1893-Howick House and Farm: statements of monthly receipts and expenditure, November 1891-January 1893. 1 bundle.
1 June 1896-Valuation of stock and implements on Howick Farms.
31 May 1898-Balance sheet in respect of Howick Farms.
Also account for horses kept on the farm for Earl Grey, 1897-1898.
1899-Howick House and Farm: statement of receipts and expenditure, January-February 1899.
GRE/X/P288 1860-1872
1864-1872-Howick House and Farm: monthly summaries of accounts with half-yearly totals for each year in the above period, with associated working papers.
November 1860-October 1863-Abstracts of Howick accounts for each month in the above period, and half-yearly abstracts at 1 May 1861, 1 November 1861, 1 May 1862, 1 November 1862, 1 May 1863 and 1 November 1863.
GRE/X/P289 1873-1891
1873-1891-Howick House and Farm: monthly summary accounts and 6th monthly totals with associated working papers for each year in the above period. Includes London house.
November 1879-October 1884-Balance sheets in respect of Howick house and farm for each month in the above period.
GRE/X/P290 1885-1919
Papers relating to Income Tax
Note of tithes on which tax is paid out of the Howick Estate, also tithes from which tax is not deducted, and statement of the amount of tax allowed to tenants at rent days 1890-1892.
1892-Rough table showing tax paid on the Howick Estate and amounts to be repaid. Also rough workings.
Letter George Grey to F. Brown of Maiden's Hall Farm, 4 January 1893, concerning tax assessments and letter Brown to George Grey, 5 January 1893.
January 1893-List of taxes on various properties on the Howick Estate payable before deductions claimed.
January 1893-Copy statements on Howick Estate taxes sent to the Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick, with alterations made in accordance with his letter of 6 January.
6 January 1893-Letter from the Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick, to J. Cleghorn concerning tax assessments on various properties belonging to Earl Grey.
9 January 1893-Further letter from the Surveyor concerning adjustments to Howick Estate tax assessments.
1893-Statement of rentals on the Howick Estate on which schedule A income tax will be levied.
30 September 1893-Notice of assessment of income tax in respect of Downham Farm, tenant C. F. J. Thompson.
1893-1894-Notice of assessment of income tax in respect of properties at West and East Learmouth and Howburn. Also 2 letters from the Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick.
1897-Case of counsel's opinion on whether income tax should be assessed on the nominal rent that Earl Grey receives for certain farms or on the actual rent received after deductions to enable the tenant to purchase artificial manures had been
made; with opinion of A. M. Bremner, 9 June 1897.
May 1897-Copy letters Charles D. Forster to George Grey, John Forster to his brother Charles, copy case on the question whether allowances made by Lord Grey to tenants for manures, etc. should be regarded as reductions of rent for tax
1897-Account [by J. Cleghorn] of his unsuccessful appeal on behalf of Lord Grey to the Income Tax Commissioners at Berwick against assessments on Downham and Presson Farms on account of manure and other allowances made by Lord Grey to the
1898-Correspondence and papers relating to tax assessed on W. D. Russell, tenant of East Learmouth House.
1898-1899-Correspondence and papers on income tax assessed on Downham Farm (Collingwood Thompson tenant)-result of appeal.
1899-List of assessments for schedule A income tax on the Tweedside Farms paid on 1 January, with remarks.
1899-Figures for appeal against income tax assessments on the Tweedside Farms (states present rents and allowances, present assessment, suggested reduced assessment, and poor rate, in each case).
10 January 1899-Letter Alexander Simpson of Coldstream Parish Council to J. Cleghorn, stating the gross rentals of some of the Tweedside Farms.
27 May 1899-Copy letter George Grey to James Laing of Burton Farm concerning tax assessments on insurance premiums he pays.
15 June 1899-Copy letter Robert Middlemas to J. Cleghorn concerning procedure for income tax appeals (in respect of East and West Learmouth).
1898-1902-Correspondence concerning income tax assessments on East and West Learmouth and Downham Farms.
1902-Correspondence concerning tax assessments and repayments in respect of Hethpool, Hethpool Mill and Coldburn.
19 September 1903-Notice of assessment of income tax on Ancroft South Moor Farm.
17 October 1903-Letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn enclosing copy of tax return made in respect of the Tweedside Farms (acreage, rent and tithes stated).
20 March 1906-Return of Howick Estate sporting rents sent to the Surveyor of Taxes.
[1906]-List of tithe rent charges, fee farms rents and Land Tax payable out of Lord Grey's estates.
15 September 1909-Return for Income Tax purposes of the names, residence and salary of the agent (George Grey) and sub-agent (J. H. Mansfield) employed by Earl Grey.
1911-Correspondence and papers relating to tax and rate assessments on properties in Bullock's Hall and West Chevington Parishes.
12 September 1911-Notice of assessment of income tax in respect of sporting rights on Ancroft.
December 1911-Correspondence concerning 4th Earl Grey's super tax: letters from George Grey, J. Cleghorn and J. H. Mansfield.
Notes by Cleghorn on the principles his firm observes in making out super tax returns.
1912-Correspondence concerning income tax on small holdings held by Northumberland County Council at Howick Red Stead-mainly letters W. H. Lloyd, County Accountant, to George Grey of Milfield.
12 September 1912, 23 September 1914-Notices of assessment of income tax in respect of shooting rents on the Tweedside Estate.
1914-1915-Letters concerning tax assessments on Collingwood F. J. Thompson, tenant of Downham Farm: J. Cleghorn to Thompson 22 December 1914; Thompson to Cleghorn 29 December 1914; the Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick, to Cleghorn 24 December 1914;
Cleghorn to Thompson 30 January 1915; Thompson to Cleghorn 5 February 1915.
1916-Correspondence concerning income tax assessments on Hethpool, including 2 letters from C. W. Dixon-Johnson, the tenant.
18 January 1916-Copy memorandum by J. Cleghorn on taxes on Hethpool (for C. W. Dixon-Johnson).
June 1916-Letter from the Surveyor of Taxes, Alnwick, to [J. Cleghorn] concerning the assessment [on Howburn] and copy letter Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield on the subject.
November 1916-Note from the Assessor of Taxes, Alnwick, enquiring about land held by J. Taylor and sons at Red Row and copy of [Cleghorn's] reply.
1916-1918-Letters and papers concerning income tax assessed on George Marshall, tenant of Presson Hill-mainly letters between J. Cleghorn and Marshall who needed Cleghorn's help in this matter. Also letters Cleghorn to the Surveyor of Taxes,
1917-Notice of income tax assessments under schedule B on woods at Chevington, and note [J. Cleghorn?] to the Surveyor of Taxes, Morpeth, giving notice of objection.
January 1918-Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield and Mansfield to Cleghorn concerning Land Tax and fee farm rents on Hethpool that had been redeemed. Also [found apart] notes from the Land Tax asseessment list in respect of Hethpool and other
properties, 1904.
4 January 1918-Copy letter J. Cleghorn to H. Turnbull, tenant of West Presson Farm, concerning an incorrect demand for Land Tax on the property, and copy letter Cleghorn to the Surveyor of Taxes, Berwick, concerning this and other demands for
Land Tax on the Tweedside properties.
1895-1919-Returns of rent or value of salmon fisheries in the River Tweed or its tributaries belonging to Lord Grey.
1885(?)-Copy statement of the North Eastern Railway Company's proportion of tithes in respect of land taken at New Learmouth and Downham for the Alnwick and Cornhill branch of the railway.
8 May 1893-Letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn concerning maps of Ancroft and fee farm and tithe rents paid out of the Chevington Estate.
June-November 1893-Receipts for payments of poor-rate in respect of the Parish of Carham.
1893-1894-Table of rates made in respect of the Parish of Ancroft.
1896-Note of annual rent charges paid to the Lands Improvement Company and to the National Provident Institution and copy telegram to Messrs Flux & Leadbitter on the subject, 18 March 1896.
3 May 1899-Copy letter George Grey to W. C. Good of Bamburgh concerning rate assessments on the tithes of Dukesfield.
13 June 1899-Copy letter Alexander Simpson, assistant overseer, Coldstream Parish Council, to J. Cleghorn concerning valuations of East and West Learmouth Farms for rating purposes.
July 1899-Papers relating to an appeal for reduction of rates on East and West Learmouth.
28 October 1899-Letter George Grey to 4th Earl Grey concerning methods of charging for cows kept on the farm [by employees].
March 1900-Copy letter Alexander Simpson to J. Cleghorn requesting the names of tenants of Presson Farms and requesting information about the division of the buildings. Copy reply 24 March.
15 March 1904-Copy letter Simpson to George Grey requesting information about the new tenants of Tithe Hill and West Presson Farms and their rents.
3 June 1914-Letter H. W. Sample, clerk of Morpeth Union, to George Grey requesting information about Chevington Woodside Farm for use of the Assessment Committee. Copy reply of George Grey, 5 June.
GRE/X/P291 1862-1893
1862-1891-Howick dairy returns showing the number of cows in milk, the number of calves, the total daily milk yield, the quantity given to the calves and the quantity sent to the dairy. 18 bundles.
1891-1893-Statements concerning Howick dairy cows, their calves, milk yield, percentage of butter fat in milk and weight of butter produced. 1 bundle.
GRE/X/P292 1893-1930
Howick Estate bank balances:
1893-1894, 1897, 1900-1909 1 file, 146 pieces
1910-1926, 1930 1 file, 204 pieces
GRE/X/P293 1893-1900
Howick house and farm: statement of monthly receipts and expenditure.
8 bundles
GRE/X/P294 1861-1893
Howick House and Farm(s)
1861-1892-Yearly summary accounts. 1 bundle.
October 1885-November 1891 [with gaps]-Rough monthly accounts-working papers. 1 bundle.
1866-1891 [with gaps]-Statement of receipts and expenditure as entered in the yearly accounts. 1 bundle.
n.d. [1890s?]-Half-yearly accounts. 1 bundle.
Howick Estate and Howick House and Farm account for the year ending 1 June 1893.
GRE/X/P295 1899-1920
Howick Farm corn and stock returns:
June 1899-May 1905
June 1909-May 1910
June 1911-December 1920
GRE/X/P296/1 1925-1929
Correspondence concerning land leased to Broomhill Co-operative Society at Chevington Drift, certain gardens opposite the North Broomhill Branch of the Society. Memorandum by J. Cleghorn of conversation with the secretary of Broomhill
Co-operative Society, 4 March 1926. Also a question of the ownership of land on which a store had been erected at North Broomhill.
GRE/X/P296/2 1914-1921
20 February 1914-Paper by [J. Cleghorn] on wages paid in cash, kind and allowances to the workers on “Farm A on Tweedside”. Statement showing all persons (other than casual harvesters and the like) employed on
“Farm A” with their wages and allowances for the year 12 May 1913-1914 and for May 1914-May 1915. 2 copies.
Tweedside Estate: valuation for fixing reserve prices and note of prices obtained when the farms were sold.
Tweedside Estates: sale particulars for auction on 20 March 1920 with manuscript alterations with respect to Tithe Hill, March 1921. Enclosed: Rental history of Tithe Hill Farm.
1921-Correspondence concerning the sale of Tithe Hill Farm.
GRE/X/P296/3 1932-1934
Correspondence concerning repayment of income tax in respect of the children of Lawrence & Lady Evelyn Jones.
GRE/X/P296/4 1920
Howburn Farm: apportionment of rentals and outgoings between Earl Grey and the purchaser as at 24 June 1920 with associated papers.
GRE/X/P296/6 1932-1941
1932-1941-Correspondence and papers concerning 5th Earl Grey's covenant with the National Council of Social Service to pay a specified sum to that body for distribution for charitable purposes.
1940-1941-Correspondence concerning Lady Mabel Grey's covenant with the above organisation.
Copy deeds of covenant by 5th Earl Grey 1936-1950, and by Mabel Countess Grey 1940.
GRE/X/P296/7 1922
Correspondence concerning the case of Kristen Nielsen (brother of J. Nielson of Ancroft North Farm) to enable him to remain in England to assist in experimental farming on Ancroft.
GRE/X/P296/8 1897-1963
1897-1963-Correspondence concerning the question of ownership of Ancroft Presbyterian Church and Manse; and land used as a garden which was eventually sold to the Presbyterian Church of England in 1963.
1914-Copy correspondence concerning the financial difficulties of Ancroft Anglican Church and reduction of rent due to Lord Grey for a cottage.
1924-Correspondence concerning water supply for Ancroft Moor Manse.
1932-Correspondence concerning a drain for a septic tank at Ancroft North Moor Manse.
GRE/X/P296/9 1936-1946
1941-1943-Correspondence and papers relating to 33 Eaton Place, London, commandeered by the army, and tax matters.
1936-1946-Correspondence and papers concerning 2-4 Belgrave Mews South and also 31 Belgrave Mews.
GRE/X/P296/10 1917
Letters concerning a drain from Stamford Bog to the burn in the old grass field on Little Mill Farm-letters from W. Robertson, Fred Hardy and J. H. Mansfield.
GRE/X/P296/11 1887-1933
1932-1933-Correspondence and papers on the cost of transporting coal from Broomhill Colliery by rail or by road. Complaints by the Colliery that the Howick driver selected the large coal by hand and left the small.
1887-1888-Particulars of best and small coal supplied from Broomhill Colliery to Howick.
1930-1933-Particulars as above with note on where the small coal was used.
1932-1933-Particulars of coal to which Earl Grey was entitled from Broomhill Colliery under his lease.
GRE/X/P296/12 May 1834
Letter J. Cleghorn to W. Meakin, and Meakin to J. Cleghorn concerning his duties on Sundays and hope for extra payment.
GRE/X/P296/13 1918 & 1935
Letter Herbert Smith & Co. to 5th Earl Grey, 11 May 1918, concerning Oliver Williams' final account.
1935-Letter J. Cleghorn to Mr Gibb, 8 November 1835, enclosing copy correspondence concerning property passing on the death of Revd. Charles Grey and Mrs E. M. K. F. Grey.
GRE/X/P296/14 1934-1935
1934-1935-Letters from W. Richardson & Co., Horticultural and Heating Engineers, Darlington, concerning renewal of glasshouses at Howick-esimates and drawings.
Letter Mabel Countess Grey to the Howick Estate Company, 11 January 1935, requesting that the big glasshouse should be renovated.
GRE/X/P296/15 1933-1934
Correspondence concerning Lord Grey's subscription to the Royal Empire Society both for himself and Alnwick Mechanics' Institute and Chevington Drift Institute. Also memorandum by J. Cleghorn on the subject.
GRE/X/P296/16 1897-1931
Papers relating to Howick Grange House: Statement showing expenditure on Howick Grange in each year from 1868 to 1897.
January 1901-Envelope containing 3 letters
Alfred Emily, managing director of Emily & Sons, hot water engineers, Newcastle, to G. Grey of Milfield concerning hot water supply at Howick Grange with diagram and plan.
Envelope containing letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 15 September 1901, enclosing detailed statement of expenditure on Howick Grange, October 1900-September 1901.
Copy memorandum of agreement between 4th Earl Grey and D. Selby Bigge, 27 August 1903, whereby Howick Grange and furnishings are let to Selby Bigge for 5 years.
Copy notice to quit on 12 May 1908 sent to Selby Bigge, 12 October 1907.
Envelope containing correspondence concerning the letting of Howick Grange to Joseph Philipson from middle of June-20 August 1911. Includes letters Philipson to George Grey and Mabel Lady Howick to George Grey.
1921-Correspondence and papers concerning the letting of Howick Grange to R. E. Hale of The Hermitage, Chester-le-Street, for 5 years. Includes letters from Hale, 5th Earl Grey, J. Cleghorn, report on the drainage by the North Eastern Sanitary
Inspection Association, drainage plan, memorandum of agreement, 26 October 1921, as to lease of Howick Grange, with plan, 2 copies and draft.
Also: 2 letters from United Water Softeners Ltd. 3-13 September 1926 concerning a “Permutit” Household Water Softener; analysis and report on a sample of water from Howick Grange; estimate and specification for
supply and installation of a “Permutit” water softening plant, and plan of the apparatus.
Plan of proposed alterations to Howick Grange, n.d.
Report by Burns, Sons & Co. of Newcastle on the drainage of Howick Grange, 8 July 1931.
GRE/X/P296/17 1932-1936
Correspondence concerning 5th Earl Grey's payments to the Central Board of Finance of the Church of England under a covenant of 29 November 1928. Copy of the covenant.
GRE/X/P296/19 1933-1934
Correspondence concerning 5th Earl Grey's subscription to the North East Coast Institution of Engineeers and Shipbuilders.
GRE/X/P296/21 1930
2 letters [J. H. Mansfield] to Mabel, Countess Grey, enclosing lists of pail closets and privies at Howick and neighbourhood.
GRE/X/P297/22 1890-1936
Papers relating to Tithe Rent Charges
1890-Table showing to whom tithe rent charges in respect of the various farms on the Howick Estate were due.
1924-Correspondence and papers concerning Schedule A income tax on Howick Hall and neighbouring properties. Includes statement of Tithe rent charges due in respect of properties in the Township of Howick.
1927-1936-Correspondence and papers concerning Tithe rent charges in respect of Howick and neighbourhood for income tax and rating purposes. Also correspondence concerning tithes owed to the Diocese of Newcastle.
1909, 1912, 1915-Copies of Longhoughton Tithe Rent Schedule.
1926-1936-Correspondence and papers concerning North Sunderland Tithes due to Earl Grey. Also letter, 6 December 1928, concerning the Scremerston Coal Company's need for a reduced rent in respect of Ancroft coal; statement showing reduction of
rent agreed.
Willich's Tithe Commutation Tables 1917, with average grain prices as published in the London Gazette 1846-1917; statement of annual average grain prices in England and Wales 1790-1916;
statement of the annual average price of wheat per imperial quarter in England and Wales 1856-1916.
1893-Correspondence and papers mainly on Longhoughton Tithes.
18 March 1918-Letter to tenants of the Howick Estate concerning the great increase in tithe rent charges issuing out of the Estate (owing to the advance in the price of corn from which the landlord did not benefit) and asking the tenants to
assume to themselves the burden of the additional Tithe Rent Charge, the amount in respect of each farm being stated. Also some of the tenants' replies.
Statement of Howick Estate Tithes with proportion of the extra Tithe Rent Charge payable by each farm for the years ending 12 May 1918, 12 May 1919.
GRE/X/P297/23 1916-1927
Howick Home Farm.
Schedule of areas.
Balance sheets and valuations of stock 1921-1927.
Copy Howick Bulb Farm account for 3 years ending 31 May 1916.
1917-Correspondence concerning Income Tax assessments under schedule B on Howick Farm.
Grass Parks account 1922.
Memorandum of discussion between J. Cleghorn and J. H. Mansfield concerning the Farm, 6 March 1923.
Memorandum by J. Cleghorn for Earl Grey, 15 November 1926.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 7 January 1927, concerning Mr Watson's offer for land (to rent) and also Mr Pyle's.
GRE/X/P297/24 1923
2 letters David Wilson to J. Cleghorn, 9 March and 15 April 1923, seeking a site on which to erect a wooden building.
2 letters Cleghorn to Wilson, 12 March 1923, and 17 April.
Letter Cuthbert Alderson to Cleghorn, 15 March 1923.
Memorandum by Cleghorn, 1 June 1923.
GRE/X/P297/26 7 November 1917
Letter J. Cleghorn to 5th Earl Grey concerning a chapel erected in a wood at Howburn and need to assert Grey's right to the site. Plan of the chapel.
GRE/X/P297/27 1933-1938
1933-1938-Correspondence concerning the sale of land leased to Broomhill Collieries at Red Row to Matthew B. Coxon. Plan of the area concerned.
1935-2 copies of agreement relating to land at Red Row but not carried out. One copy includes a plan.
GRE/X/P297/28 1931-1932
September 1931-April 1932-Howick Estate: statement of accounts for each month in the above period.
Draft account [1932].
GRE/X/P297/29 1932-1940
1932-1940-Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries: printed material relating to Agricultural Returns.
Copy return for Chevington Wood, 3 June 1933.
Copy return for Howick, 19 June 1933.
Demands for return, 1940.
Copy replies by G. Gibb, 25 June 1940.
GRE/X/P297/30 1933-1954
Letters and papers concerning electricity supply to Howick Hall, Village and neighbouring farms-estimates, difficulties over costs, tariffs, and the question of wayleaves. Most of the correspondence is with the North Eastern Electric Supply
Company and the later North Eastern Electricity Board. Also with Messrs Falconer, Cross & Company, Electrical Engineers, Newcastle.
GRE/X/P297/30A 1929-1937
Letters and reports by Messrs Falconer, Cross & Co. on the electrical installations at Howick Hall, Howick Rectory and Littlehoughton Hall.
GRE/X/P297/32 1904-1926
Howick Grass Parks: correspondence and papers.
Auction catalogues, 1904, 1905.
Statement of rent per acre in respect of the various plots 1893-1905 with remarks by J. H. Mansfield.
East and West Heughs grazing account, 1923-1924.
Big Flatt grazing account, 1923-1924.
Correspondence 1922-1926 mainly between J. H. Mansfield and J. Cleghorn, with occasional memoranda.
GRE/X/P298/34 1916-1959
Howick Market Gardens.
1955-1959-Papers relating to advertisements for an under-gardener, letters of application and other correspondence on the subject.
1950-1960-Correspondence and papers mainly about the cultivation and sale of bulbs and flowers at Howick.
1916-1917-Howick Bulb Farm: statement of accounts for the year ending 31 May 1917.
Paper stating how the garden scheme is to be worked.
1923-1924-Correspondence between J. H. Mansfield and J. Cleghorn on the tax position in respect of Howick Market Garden, with statement of profit and loss, 1914-1922.
Statement of wages of the garden staff, 1921-1922.
Statement of accounts and balance sheet for the 19 months ending 31 December 1918.
Statement of accounts and balance sheets with some valuations of stock on 31 December of each year in the period 1921-1929.
GRE/X/P298/35 1923
Correspondence between J. Cleghorn and Professor Douglas Gilchrist of the Agricultural Department, Armstrong College, Newcastle, concerning the question whether the leaves of daffodils and narcissi are poisonous to stock.
GRE/X/P298/36 1919-1932
Correspondence concerning the sale of land at Little Mill to the North Eastern Railway Company.
GRE/X/P298/37 1926-1958
1936-1937-Correspondence concerning sale of land to Northumberland County Council for widening the Broomhill-Acklington road, with plans.
1927-Correspondence concerning land given by Lord Grey to enable the alteration of a dangerous corner at Howick East Lodge.
1926-Correspondence with Morpeth Rural District Council concerning land for improving the corner at the junction of South Broomhill and Hadstone roads. With plan.
1937-1938-Correspondence concerning land to improve the corner where Littlehoughton road joins the Peppermoor-Hakot road, with plan.
1956-1958-Correspondence and plans concerning land for improvements at Hadstone to the South Broomhill and Low Coldrife road and also the removal of a hedge at the junction of Hadstone road and the Ashington-Alnwick road.
GRE/X/P298/38 1934-1938
Correspondence with the Post Office, Newcastle Telephone Area, concerning the erection of stays or poles at Littlehoughton or elsewhere in the neighbourhood of Howick. Also letters from the North Eastern Electric Supply Company about the erection
of an additional stay on a pole in the Howick area.
GRE/X/P298/39 1914-1932
Rents and rental history of farms on the Howick Estate
Statement of rents on the Howick Estate, 1914 and 1919, and proposed allowances in 1923, with remarks.
Howick Estate rentals 1931, 1932.
Statements of increase in rents on the Ancroft and Chevington Estates in 1922 as compared with 1918.
Table [c.1920] showing tenants' names, the date when their tenancy commenced, the area of their farms, the rental and rent per acre, the new rental and the “high water mark” in the rental history of each
Table showing the area and rental of various farms as valued in 1917 compared with the situation in 1924.
Statement of the rental history of Whitefield House Farm 1874-1924.
Statement of the rental history of Maidens Hall Farm, 1860-1912; valuation of the Farm, 1912, and correspondence concerning increase in rent. Also correspondence with Francis Brown, the tenant in 1891, who sought a reduction in rent and gave
notice to quit when it was refused.
Particulars of the areas and rents of the farms on the Chevington and Ancroft Estates and of the Howick group of farms after 12 May 1925.
Rental history of Little Houghton Farm 1878-1911 and correspondence with the tenant, William Glahome, about rent increase.
Copy letter [J. Cleghorn] to 5th Earl Grey, 21 May 1925, on rent abatements and other estate matters.
Table showing “old” and “new” rents to be charged on farms with note of the increase.
Rental history of East Chevington Farm 1873-1920; valuation of the Farm 1912 and correspondence about increase in rent.
GRE/X/P299/40 1935
Correspondence and papers concerning fences: estimates from various firms for supplying creosoted rails and posts and correspondence concerning concrete posts. Calculations of costs.
GRE/X/P299/42 1896-1953
Papers relating to the Marriage Settlement of Viscount Howick (5th Earl Grey) and Lady Mabel Palmer, 1906.
15 June 1906-Epitome of settlements executed on the marriage of Viscount Howick and Lady Mabel Palmer: (1) settlement of estates in Northumberland; (2) settlement of the fortune of Lady Mabel.
22 May 1937-Deed of appointment of leasehold property (Nos. 1-3 Whitehill Houses, Loman Street, Southwark) by the Earl and Countess of Selborne to Mabel Countess Grey.
25 May 1937-Letters Messrs Mackarness & Lunt, Solicitors, to Lady Grey concerning the above deed.
10 November 1936-Holiday Houses Company: 2 debenture certificates issued to 5th Earl Grey.
20 March 1896-General power of attorney for 6 months given by 4th Earl Grey to Albert Edmund Earl of Morley to act for him while he was away from England.
April 1906-Letter 4th Earl Grey to Viscount Howick concerning the marriage settlement.
March 1906-Letters George Grey of Milfield and Arthur Grenfell to Viscount Howick.
14 March 1906-Copy letter Messrs Flux Leadbitter and Neighbour to 4th Earl Grey concerning Countess Grey's marriage settlement and the proposed settlement on Lord Howick.
1922-1924-Statement of Marriage Settlement accounts in respect of Fleehope, Low Stead, and Howick Scar Estates for the years ending 31 May 1922, 1923, 1924.
Notes extracted from the settlement of 15 June 1906.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 23 January 1924, concerning Southern Knowe School.
1927-1959-Correspondence on business related to the Marriage Settlement, especially Lord Grey's desire to purchase properties in the neighbourhood of Howick from the Trustees of his marriage settlement to prevent them falling into
“alien hands”.
1938-Valuation of the marriage settlement properties in the neighbourhood of Howick by J. Clark. (Revised by A. Beresford Peirse and J. Clark, 1948.)
31 December 1948-Summary of accounts of the Marriage Settlement Estate.
15 December 1953-Valuation of securities held by the Trustees.
GRE/X/P299/43 1920-1927
New cottages at Pasture House Farm
Correspondence and papers including tenders, specifications, application to the Lands Improvement Company for money to finance the work. Also plans and booklet on Standard Metal Windows issued by The Crittall Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (1923).
GRE/X/P299/44 1900-1977
Water supply to Howick and district.
1940-1943-Correspondence and papers, rate of flow statistics, reported pollution of supply at Littlehoughton; results of bacteriological examination of samples.
1936-1950-Exercise book containing water supply readings, graphs showing flow in gallons per hour and rainfall statistics; particulars of water supply to Howick Hall during summer months 1936-1949. Also some enclosures including reports on
springs supplying Howick, 1951.
17 October 1955-Letter from Alnwick Rural District Council concerning inadequate water supply to Howick and need for water carts for which a charge would be made.
1928-1930-Correspondence and papers concerning water supply to Littlehoughton Kiln Cottages.
1933-1935-Reports on springs supplying water to Howick and district; report on Redsteads water.
1934-1964-Correspondence with LNER and British Railways concerning easements connected with water supply pipes laid under the railway at Little Mill, Chevington and Amble.
1976-1977-Further correspondence.
1900, 1924, 1930, 1934-Agreements relating to the easements mentioned above.
GRE/X/P299/46 1935-1963
1935-1954-Correspondence mainly with Messrs Cooper and Jackson, solicitors, Newcastle, concerning 4th Earl Grey's residual personal estate and its disposal to save estate duties on the death of the 5th Earl.
Also correspondence concerning the sale of timber from the Howick Estate, 1939-1940, the timber being part of the 4th Earl's residual estate.
1946, 1951-Accounts: the Executors of the late Earl Grey (4th Earl) with Robert Benson, Lonsdale and Co. Ltd.-Capital Account.
1963-Correspondence and papers concerning 4th Earl Grey's shares in The Northumberland County Recreations Ground Ltd. and 5th Earl's gift of them to the Trustess of that body.
GRE/X/P299/47 1903-1983
Correspondence and papers concerning the Grey Arms Hotel, South Broomhill, originally leased to the Northumberland Public House Trust Company for 1000 years. The terms of the lease, the attempts to sell the concern when the Trust Company went
into liquidation, questions about a sewer which ran into adjoining properties, the final sale of the property and conversion of the lease into freehold are the main topics of this correspondence. Many of the letters are from J. Cleghorn, Messrs
Cooper & Jackson, solicitors, and T. P. Parmeter of Messrs Price, Waterhouse & Co., the liquidator.
GRE/X/P300/48 1936
Correspondence and papers concerning the sale of timber standing in Crow Wood, Howick.
Inquiries by various timber merchants.
Conditions of sale and agreement with Messrs Thubron Son & Kirkup of Sedgefield Sawmills.
Estimate of cubic capacity of the timber.
GRE/X/P300/51 1940
Employees' agreements (wages stated):
Robert Nicoll, gamekeeper (an agreement by him in 1923 is marked “expired”).
George Railson, sawyer and woodman.
Thomas Murray Ogle, general estate worker.
John Elliott Hudson, general estate worker.
Thomas Hall, general estate worker.
William Arthur Meakin, joiner.
Thomas Arthur McDonald, chauffeur.
Thomas Hindmarsh, kitchen garden foreman.
John Patten, garden labourer.
John Thomas Crate, garden labourer.
George Bell, garden labourer.
Robert J. Lowrie, garden boy.
Hugh Reginald Meakin, stableman.
GRE/X/P300/53 1911-1924
Correspondence concerning Broomhill Council School:
drainage of the school and teacher's house, 1911, with plan;
subsidence allegedly caused by workings of Broomhill Collieries, 1916-1924.
GRE/X/P300/54 1954
Certificates of redemption of Land Tax in respect of the following properties: Lowsteads Farm Littlehoughton Farm Little Mill Farm Land at The Scar, Craster Cottage and land at The Scar, Howick Land at Howick House and land at the Lime Works,
Little Mill.
GRE/X/P300/57 1901-1909
July 1901-Specification of works required in the erection of a block of 2 cottages at Howick.
22 September 1909-Tenders invited for laying of the stable yard at Howick with cement concrete according to the specification stated.
April 1906-Specification of work to be done by slater and plasterer and plumber. [This is p.9-10 of a specification, the other pages of which are not present.]
GRE/X/P300/58 1898-1959
Woods n.d.-Copy report by J. F. Dunn of Northern Forestry Products Ltd., Newcastle, on Howick Woods with suggestions for future management. Detailed.
1898-Statement of wood sent into the wood yard at Howick, with its value.
1899-Statement of timber cut at Howick, with its value.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 10 December 1928; Mansfield to Cleghorn, 13 December 1928, concerning tree planting at or near Howick.
List of shrubs and trees in Village Wood Nursery [1928].
Objectives with regard to woods and plantations [1928].
Notes concerning the sawmill; list of stock there.
1930-1934-Correspondence and papers concerning grants from the Forestry Commission for the planting of conifers at or near Howick.
1940-1944-Letters and papers concerning national need for timber, the requestion of land at Acklington [for an airfield] and compensation for timber felled on account of its being “a flying obstruction”.
1944-Correspondence concering sale of a quantity of timber at Howick to John Bardgett & Sons of Newcastle.
1954-1959-Advertisement for post of woodman at Howick, applications for the job, references.
Orders for trees for planting, 1956-1957.
Measurement of trees (specimens) at Howick.
Schedules of areas of woodland at Howick and in the Parish of Longhoughton.
GRE/X/P300/59 1941-1957
Unnumbered file.
Wages 1941-1955-Lists of employees on the Howick Estate with their present wages and privileges and proposed new rates.
Note by Lord Grey, 21 June 1956, on his attempt to make his staff more content with their conditions.
Note by Lord Grey [n.d.] concerning Mr Woodman's wages.
Agricultural Wages Board leaflets, 1946-1957.
Page from
The Gardener's Chronicle, 24 June 1950, with paragraph concerning a judgment about gardeners' wages.
GRE/X/P300/60 1947-1955
Unnumbered file.
Insurance Ministry of National Insurance leaflets, 1947-1955.
National Assistance Board leaflet.
Circular from County Council of Northumberland Treasurer, 20 May 1955, on increased rate of contributions under the National Insurance Act 1946.
GRE/X/P300/61 1956-1970
Another unnumbered file, marked WAGES.
Printed matter: Agricultural Wages Board: wage orders 1956-1977; holiday order 1957.
National Insurance leaflets, 1958-1974.
Ministry of Labour publications: Notes on Contracts of Employment Act 1963.
Redundancy Payments Act 1965.
Ready reckoner for redundancy payments.
10 January 1969-Proposals on Howick wages.
2 February 1970-List of Howick employees and their wages.
GRE/X/P301/62 1924-1931
Letters, mainly from J. Cleghorn, and papers concerning a loan from the Lands Improvement Company for the erection of 2 cottages at Pasture House Farm and the improvement of the water supply to Howick Hall. Also concerning inspection of the work
by a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
GRE/X/P301/63 1927-1936
1934-1936-Letters and papers concerning the purchase of land at Ross Castle near Chillingham and negotiations concerning a lease of part of Chillingham Park in connection with a memorial to the late Sir Edward Grey. [The Ross Castle land was
purchased by Earl Grey and passed to the National Trust; the Chillingham Park lease did not take place.] Includes 6" O. S. plan sheet NXXI NE in part and sheet NXXII NW, 1926 edition.
Plan of proposed enclosure at Ross Castle by G. Reavell, 1935.
Memorandum of Agreement, 8 March 1927, whereby the grazing rights for sheep over the Wild Cattle Park at Chillingham were let by Lord Tankerville to David Porter of Hepburn Moor Farm. Includes comments about the Chillingham wild cattle.
Also a letter from R. C. Bosanquet to J. Cleghorn, 11 January 1935, concerning various names and their derivation for Ross Castle.
GRE/X/P301/65 1930
Note Lady Mabel Grey to J. H. Mansfield and 2 copy letters Mansfield to Countess Grey concerning footmen's liveries.
GRE/X/P301/67 1935-1938
Copy letters, George Gibb, assistant secretary of the Howick Estate Company, to the London & North Eastern Railway Company, concerning 2 fires that had occurred in a plantation south of Little Mill station.
GRE/X/P301/68 1915-1918
Correspondence and papers concerning the sale of timber in Chevington Wood and Howick Plantation to Messrs William Weir & Co. of Hexham. Includes measurements of cubic capacity of trees and calculations of value. Also plans of Chevington
GRE/X/P301/69 10 October 1917
Memorandum on timber management on the Howick Estate (at or near Howick).
GRE/X/P301/70 1935-1936
Leaflet: summary of the Provisions of the Housing Act 1935 affecting Landlords and Occupiers with respect to overcrowding.
17 July 1936-Notices served on George Gibb in respect of overcrowded dwellings on the Howick Estate.
16 September 1936-Notice served on George Gibb stating the permitted number of persons in respect of dwellings at or near Howick.
Measurements of a cottage at Lowstead.
GRE/X/P301/72 January 1932
Copy memorandum of agreement whereby a cottage and garden at Pasture House is let to John William Coulson of Little Houghton on a monthly tenancy.
GRE/X/P301/73 September 1924
Copy correspondence between J. Cleghorn and Major A. Morison of Broomhill Colliery concerning the sale of land for building purposes and the question of damage arising to the buildings by underground workings.
GRE/X/P301/74 1923-1933
5 July 1933-Note 5th Earl Grey to J. Cleghorn concerning financial provision he had made for his daughters and asking Cleghorn to obtain from the Inspector of Taxes at Alnwick a copy of a deed whereby Grey had conferred annuities on his
28 March 1923-Copy deed whereby annuities of £300 are granted by Grey to his 2 daughters, Lady Mary Cecil Grey and Lady Elizabeth Katherine Grey, Lawrence E. Jones and Evelyn Alice Jones being trustees.
8 July 1933-Note Cleghorn to A. J. Farquharson, Inspector of Taxes, Alnwick, thanking him for the copy of the deed of 5 July 1933.
Note concerning the operation of the Trusteeship.
GRE/X/P301/75 1927-1962
Correspondence mainly concerning the tenancy of Co-operative Stores at Broomhill. (No record could be found as to how permission to build a store on land owned by Lord Grey but leased to the Broomhill Coal Company had been obtained.) Most of the
letters are from J. Cleghorn and Major Morison of the Coal Company.
GRE/X/P301/77 1923-1931
July 1931-Copy correspondence between J. H. Mansfield and J. Cleghorn concerning tax and rate assessments on Howick Hall and grounds.
Also letter and papers on the same subject, 1923-1924.
GRE/X/P301/78 29 September 1936
Letter J. Cleghorn to G. Gibb concerning the rental value of Old Rectory, Howick Grange and Littlehoughton Hall.
GRE/X/P301/79 1921-1922
Correspondence concerning an overflow from a North Eastern Railway locomotive tank into a trough in a field on Maidens Hall Farm. Letters from J. H. Mansfield, F. C. Buscarlet of the NER, J. Cleghorn and William Jeffrey.
GRE/X/P301/80 1925
Correspondence and papers concerning a proposed bacon factory at Carlisle in which Earl Grey has become a shareholder. Letters J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield; Mansfield to Cleghorn.
GRE/X/P301/81 1929-1930
Statement of income from the ownership of lands, houses, tithe rent charges, etc. with income tax assessment. [Copy-very faded in places.]
GRE/X/P301/82 1919-1927
Correspondence and plans concerning Alnwick Rural District Council's proposal to build cottages for the working classes at Little Mill and Pasture House. Most of the letters are from J. Cleghorn, some to Lord Grey and J. H. Mansfield. Problems
arose about position of the proposed site at Little Mill and drainage.
GRE/X/P301/83 1920-1922
Correspondence, mainly between J. Cleghorn and Messrs Herbert Smith & Co., the London solicitors of the Howick Estate, concerning the proposed sale to Morpeth Rural District Council of 72 acres of land at Whitefield House Farm for housing
purposes. [The scheme was stopped by the Ministry of Health who eventually agreed to pay a proportion of the law costs that had been incurred on Lord Grey's behalf.]
1920, 1921-2 draft contracts for sale of the said land, both with many additions, comments and alterations.
GRE/X/P301/85 1914-1918
“Howick Economies” Howick Estate:
Accounts of receipts and payments for the years ending 31 May 1914, and 31 May 1915, audited by Monkhouse Goddard & Co., Chartered Accountants, Newcastle.
List of Lord Grey's subscriptions and donations, 1914-1915, with comments as to how they might be reduced; letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 21 March 1916.
Howick Estate subscriptions and donations, 1914-1915-list by J. Cleghorn with notes on what could be done to reduce (and in some cases discontinue them).
Letter [Cleghorn] to 4th Earl Grey, 4 April 1916, on the subject.
Also letter [Cleghorn] to J. H. Mansfield, 18 March 1916.
Estimate of income and expenditure for the year ending 31 May 1916.
Estimate of income for the year ending 31 May 1917; estimate of income and expenditure for the year ending 31 May 1917; letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 25 August 1916.
Queries and answers about the estimate for 1916.
Correspondence between J. H. Mansfield and J. Cleghorn about income tax, April-May 1916.
Copy letter [J. Cleghorn] to the Secretary of Northumberland Agricultural Society, 28 September 1916, concerning reduction of Lord Grey's subscription.
Particulars of mortgages on the Howick Estate, 1915.
Statement of plantations cut down or being cut down that will need replanting, 16 December 1915.
Particulars of Tweedside game 1910-1916 and the game on Ancroft and Burton; note of rents for the shooting on Fleehope and Coldburn.
Memorandum [by J. Cleghorn] of matters determined at meeting with Lord Grey on 16 December 1915.
Note of points discussed at meeting with Lord Grey on 12 April 1916 with brief jottings of some decisions.
Note of points to be discussed at interview with Lord Grey on 5 May 1916.
Memorandum [by J. Cleghorn] of discussion with Lord and Lady Grey, 7 March 1918.
GRE/X/P301/86 1904-1945
Correspondence and papers relating to the letting of Howick Hall: conditions of letting; general particulars (with many alterations); calculations of rent; correspondence and papers relating to the tenancy of Lady Leconfield in 1933; heads of
agreement with the British Red Cross Society, 1941, and counterpart agreement with the Red Cross Society for use of Howick Hall as a convalescent home or auxiliary hospital; schedule of furnishings and effects at Howick Hall by Robert Parker,
honorary surveyor to the British Red Cross Society (with note of the condition of the items listed).
GRE/X/P301/89 1927-1932
Correspondence concerning liability for cleaning out a boundary ditch between Chevington Moor and Eshott: letters from J. Cleghorn, Hugh Percy, John Elliott (County Secretary of National Farmers' Union), Messrs Keenlyside & Forster, and copy
letter from J. Ernshaw to Cleghorn 1898.
GRE/X/P302/90 1917-1924
Correspondence and papers concerning valuation of the Howick Estate for the purpose of Estate Duty payable on the death of 4th Earl Grey. Most of the letters are from J. Cleghorn, Herbert Smith & Co., Solicitors, and J. H. Mansfield.
Rough valuation of the Howick Estate, 31 August 1917.
Detailed valuation, January 1918. Enclosed in this are 2 typescript statements: “A” showing rate of duty and duty interest payable on the estate by reason of inclusion therein of the share of the residuary estate
of the late Cecil Rhodes; and “B” the state of the case if the share of the said residuary estate had not been brought into account.
Draft schedule of values prepared by the Valuation Department of the Inland Revenue, with many alterations.
Valuation of minerals.
Statement of timber sold from Howick Estate since the death of 4th Earl Grey up to July 1924.
Correspondence about Fleehope and Southern Knowe which were made over to the 5th Earl Grey as part of his marriage settlement.
GRE/X/P302/91 1934-1937
Northern Forestry Products Ltd.
1934-1936-Rules, prospectus, and correspondence concerning the purchase of shares and the sale of timber from the Howick Estate.
1935-1937-Circulars containing information, advice, details of costs and prices, and particulars of timber wanted.
1935-1937-Annual reports. The Home Grown Timber Marketing Association Rules.
1934-1937-Bulletins of information, advice and particulars of timber wanted.
GRE/X/P302/94 1944-1956
Pit Props
Smith's Pitprop Tables: Home Timber (Clevedon, Somerset, 1944), 2 copies.
Howick Estate Company: Pit Prop Accounts, 1954-1955; and “final account”, 1954-1956. 2 copies of each account with Northern Forestry Products Ltd.
Draft account and copies of orders, 1954-1956.
Howick Woods-“First Thinnings”, notes by Sir Evelyn Baring, June 1954.
1954-1955-Correspondence with Northern Forestry Products Ltd. (who acted as agents for the Howick Estate Company for sale of pit props).
1954-1956-Orders handled by Northern Forestry Products Ltd. pro Howick Estate.
1954-1955-List of pit props available from the Howick Estate.
GRE/X/P302/95 28 October-27 November 1902
2 letters W. M. Price, factor of the Minto Estate, Hawick, to John H. Mansfield concerning his (Price's) method of keeping the estate and household accounts and enclosing forms of the various accounts he uses.
GRE/X/P302/96 1907-1932
List of deeds, and correspondence mainly concerning deeds of College Valley and Coldburn which were to be sold. Includes the following:
List of title deeds relating to property of the Learmouth Fruit Company Ltd. (Canada), 1912.
Statement showing location of title deeds of 4th Earl Grey on 1 January 1914. 4 copies.
Schedule of title deeds relating to part of the Northumberland property formerly in mortgage to the National Provident Institution, 1927.
List of deeds deposited in the muniment room at Howick, May 1928. 2 copies.
GRE/X/P302/99 1926-1928
Letters and papers concerning the fire at Howick Hall on 2 February 1926. Includes:
Cuttings from
The North Mail, 3 February 1926, with pictures.
Cuttings from
The Daily Mail, 4 February with picture of the library.
Cuttings from another paper with report of the fire.
List of persons who assisted at the fire with sums paid to them.
Letters to and from J. Cleghorn, Colonel G. Reavell (architect and surveyor of Alnwick who was employed to assess the damage to the building and negotiate with the Insurers), Messrs Anderson & Garland (who were employed to assess damage to
furnishings), 5th Earl Grey, Countess Grey, the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company.
Most of the items concern the insurance claim but some concern the fees of those employed for valuation purposes.
Also in this file are some charred plates from a French Herbal.
Particulars of the weight and value of 2 oxen bred and fed by Sir Henry Grey, Bart., of Howick and killed in March 1787. (Copied from Cully's
Observations on Live Stock.)
GRE/X/P302/101 1894-1961
Papers concerning wrecks
Copy of part of an Act of Parliament concerning wrecks, 1894.
Notice of wreck taken by the Receiver of Wrecks, Berwick, 13 December 1898.
Note of proceeds of the sale of a wreck found near Howick Burn, 19 January 1913, and claimed by the Lord of the Manor.
Copy letter D. Bradley (Agent of the Howick Estates) to T. P. Robb of Newcastle, 4 September 1961, concerning the conditions under which he may have access to a submarine wrecked on the rocks near Howick after the 1914-1918 war, with agreement by
Robb to observe those conditions.
GRE/X/P302/102 1926-1929
Correspondence and papers concerning the purchase and erection of a steam engine for a new saw mill at Howick.
Letters to and from J. Cleghorn, A. H. Finch, H. K. Denton, J. W. Dent, J. H. Mansfield.
Also account of cost of installing the new steam engine, saw bench and shed at Howick.
GRE/X/P303/106 1926-1928
1926-1927-Correspondence relating to negotiations for an overdraft from the Bank of Liverpool and Martins Ltd. (Alnwick Branch) to finance the rebuilding of Howick Hall. Also concerns the paying off of the National Provident Institution
Howick Hall: claim for fire reparation: Bill of Quantities compiled by G. Reavell, architect and surveyor, Alnwick, April 1926.
1926-1928-Letters, mainly from G. Reavell, concerning the work of reconstruction, including tenders for the work. Also correspondence concerning the fee to be paid to Messrs Anderson and Garland for valuation of contents destroyed.
List of extras sanctioned by the Greys.
Report on the Library from Howick Hall: suggestions as to the arrangement of the catalogue.
1926-1928-Receipted accounts in connection with the aftermath of the fire and rebuilding work.
GRE/X/P303/107 1926-1929
Proposed new school site at Broomhill.
Correspondence concerning a site for a new school: chief correspondents J. Cleghorn, C. Williams (Director of Education for Northumberland), Major Morison of Broomhill Collieries, and J. H. B. Forster, mining engineer. Some plans included in this
GRE/X/P303/109 1899-1901
1900-Letters and papers concerning the proposed formation of a Scottish battalion of Volunteer Rifles at Newcastle.
Letters from J. Graham Duff, W. M. Angus, 4th Earl Grey, H. Erskine, E. Downing.
Rules and bye-laws of St. George's Rifle Club.
Notes on the history of 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Return showing the Volunteer and Militia Corps in Newcastle, Northumberland and Berwick-upon-Tweed, their respective commanding officers and the date of establishment of each corps.
The Northumberland and Tyneside Reservists' Fund: statement of receipts and payments, 16 October 1899-28 July 1900.
Letters Charles M. Forster to Grey, 18 September 1900, 3 January 1901.
Report by Forster on the Reservists' Fund. Queries and answers about the Fund.
Letter John Thornton to 4th Earl Grey, 25 August 1900, enclosing a press cutting “Dispersion of a famous Kerry herd”.
GRE/X/P303/111 1927
Letters concerning a loan by 5th Earl Grey to J. B. Leslie-Smith of North Shields (a printer connected with the Co-operative Movement) who had fallen into financial difficulties.
GRE/X/P303/112 1917-1918
Correspondence and papers concerning the sale of Burton Estate and Hethpool Estate. Also a few items concerning Humbleton Estate. The major part of these papers concern Hethpool and include letters to and from prospective buyers, memorandum on
the history of the estate, schedule of acreages and various plans. Most of the letters are to and from J. Cleghorn who was selling the estates on behalf of Earl Grey.
GRE/X/P303/113 1905-1935
Executors of the late Earl Grey: statement of account at Lloyds Bank, 16 St. James' Street, London, 1 October 1917-31 December 1918. Copy will of 4th Earl Grey, dated 13 July 1917, and of probate dated 6 April 1918.
1 October 1917-Letter A. G. C. Liddell, Permanent Secretary Lord Chancellor's Office, to 5th Earl Grey enclosing particulars of procedure on application for a Writ of Summons to the House of Lords.
20 June 1905-4th Earl Grey to Oliver Williams and Arthur Grenfell: further power of attorney.
1920-1922-Accounts relating to the late 4th Earl Grey's financial affairs in Rhodesia.
1922-1923-Correspondence mainly between J. H. Mansfield and the Inspector of Taxes, Alnwick, concerning overseas investments of the late Earl Grey.
Typescript memorandum from L. N. for Mr. Goss concerning the legal position of Earl Grey's estates as affected by the will of the late 4th Earl and the Law of Property Act 1925 and the amendment to that Act, 1926.
1927-1935-Correspondence between J. Cleghorn and Messrs Herbert Smith & Co. and also with D. B. Jackson of Newcastle concerning law business in connection with the sale of College Valley Estate and other business relating to the affairs of
the late 4th Earl Grey.
GRE/X/P303/114 1894-1934
Howick Hall Drains
1894-1899-2 Reports by the North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association on Howick drains.
Howick drainage plan, 1908.
Howick rebuilding: drainage plan-Sir Herbert Baker; surveyed by G. Reavell, chartered architect, Alnwick, 12 June 1926.
Another plan relating to the above, traced from plan supplied by J. Reid to G. Reavell, 7 February 1927.
Very rough sketch labelled “Howick Drains”, 5 April 1934.
GRE/X/P304/116 27 April-6 July 1909
Correspondence and papers concerning alteration in hours of business of the sub-post office at Howick.
Letters from J. H. Mansfield and reports of Parish meetings on the subject.
Circular and letter from the Head Quarters of the Surveyor G.P.O., N. E. District, Harrogate.
GRE/X/P304/118 17 June-21 July 1927
Correspondence concerning Richard Robson, agent to the Greys, 1835-1847. Letters Miss Alice Lough, J. Cleghorn, J. H. Mansfield, Earl Grey.
Notes concerning the date of 4th Earl Grey's will, of his death and date of probate.
GRE/X/P304/120 1901
6 April 1901-Rough sketches of drainage system at Low Stead cottages.
Rough diagram “Diversion of burn through Red Wells Field at Howick to bog in same”.
GRE/X/P304/121 1901
Schedules of areas of various parts of the Howick Estate (in some cases the state of cultivation-arable or permanent pasture-is stated):
Little Mill Farm-acreage of each field. Field names stated.
Low Stead Farm.
Boggy Hall Estate (1897 O. S.).
Pasture House, Red Stead, Sea Houses, Home Farm, Little Mill Farm.
Howick House and gardens, Howick Scar, Howick Grange, Woods, etc.
Area of the Howick portion of the Howick Estate, 1901.
Extract from schedule attached to the mortgage deeds held by the National Provident Institution.
Also: statement of cottages at Howick with rents or values at which they are or might be let.
1912-Census of cottages on the Howick Estate indicating the number of rooms, the number of males and females under and over 16 years, and total of all ages. Total of 167 cottages housing 676 persons of all ages.
GRE/X/P304/123 1904-1915
Letter H. W. Walton, Clerk of Alnwick Rural District Council, to J. H. Mansfield, 26 January 1904, enclosing copy of resolution passed by the Council: that the removal of certain plantation fences ought not to be made a plea by future councillors
for depriving Lord Grey of any proprietory rights which belong to him.
Letter W. Robertson (Stamford, Alnwick), 20 February 1915, concerning difficulties that would arise in driving stock to and from Little Mill Station if all the fence along a nearby wood were removed.
GRE/X/P304/125 1921-1965
Correspondence, mainly between secretaries of the Lord Grey Buffalo Club and Institute, Red Row, and J. Cleghorn over land and possible re-siting of the Club. Also concerning rent for the premises and upkeep of access road.
GRE/X/P304/126 1928-1982
Correspondence and plans relating to the sale of land near Longhoughton for a telephone exchange for Howick and district. The earlier letters are between J. Cleghorn and G.P.O. officers, the later are between D. Bradley and Department of
Environment officials. Also much correspondence with lawyers.
GRE/X/P304/128 1928-1934
Correspondence and papers concerning the sale of Howick Rectory, its purchase by Lord Grey, repairs to the property and tenancy of Captain Carr-Ellison. Includes letters to and from Revd. H. B. Dolland, J. Cleghorn, J. H. Mansfield, Lord Grey, W.
Waite Sanderson, G. Reavell, Captain Cuthbert Carr-Ellison.
Also draft lease of the old Rectory to Carr-Ellison, 1930.
GRE/X/P305/133 1929-1930
- Correspondence concerning a Vesting Deed to enable Earl Grey to convey land that had been charged with payment of certain annuities under the will of the late 4th Earl Grey without the question of these annuities. Also concerning renunciation
of probate of the said will by Lady Sybil Middleton and Arthur Grenfell.
Letters to and from D. B. Jackson of Messrs Cooper & Jackson, Solicitors, Newcastle, James Cleghorn, 5th Earl Grey, J. H. Mansfield.
Also schedule of properties belonging to Lord Grey, 5 July 1929, stating name of holdings, tenants and area of each farm. (2 copies).
GRE/X/P305/134 1851-1968
Correspondence and papers concerning Little Mill pond and ditch and difficulties about the drainage of Lee Moor Farm, the Duke of Northumberland's property. Includes letters from Hugh Taylor, J. H. Mansfield, J. Cleghorn, A. Beresford Peirse, G.
Gibb, Charles Burn, D. Bradley, W. F. P. Hugonin. Also plans.
GRE/X/P305/136 31 October 1929
Printed letter from Messrs Dibb, Lupton & Co., Solicitors, Leeds, concerning distribution of certain moneys of the Agricultural Wholesale Society Ltd., Earl Grey's share being £7-10-5.
GRE/X/P305/139 15 May 1930
Copy letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, concerning the date of death and place of burial of Helen Mary Grey, wife of the Hon. and Revd. John Grey; also concerning the neglected state of their graves and those of the Hon. and Revd. Francis
Richard Grey and his wife at Morpeth.
Note of the date of death and place of burial of Mrs Harriet Jane Grey.
GRE/X/P305/140 1930-1931
1930-1931-Letters and papers concerning a bathroom to be created in J. H. Mansfield's house (Pasture House) and also concerning the kitchen range.
Letters from G. Reavell, J. Cleghorn, J. H. Mansfield. Plan, by Reavell, of proposed bathroom.
GRE/X/P305/144 12 July 1930
Memorandum by J. Cleghorn concerning repair of a conduit crossing the main road between Howick Grange and Red Stead.
GRE/X/P305/145 1930-1935
Correspondence and papers concerning William Jeffrey of Chevington Wood, an ancient employee of the Howick Estate who had an accident leading to the amputation of his leg. The correspondence concerns compensation under the Workmen's Compensation
Acts and the insurance claim relating to the same. Also, provision for Jeffrey made by the Estate as an act of favour. Includes letters from Jeffrey, J. Cleghorn, D. C. Allen of the British and Mercantile Insurance Co., George Gibb.
GRE/X/P305/146 1904-1932
1904; 1930-1932-Papers relating to loans from the Lands Improvement Company
Papers relating to loans from the Company for improvements to Burton and Learmouth Estates, 1904.
Letters and papers concerning loans for the provision of water supply to certain fields at Little Mill Farm, improvements to Pasture House Farm, the Farm House and J. H. Mansfield's house there, and reconstruction work at the north front of
Howick Hall and work on the drives there. Many of the letters are between J. Cleghorn and G. Reavell, the architect employed for the work. Includes:
Application to the Lands Improvement Company with schedule of lands to be charged with repayment of the loan, 5 Agust 1930.
Provisional contract, 9 September 1930.
Specifications for work.
Tradesmen's bills.
GRE/X/P305/147 1930-1931
Copy letters J. Cleghorn to Messrs Cooper and Jackson and copy replies concerning charges on the Howick Estate under the will of 4th Earl Grey-information needed by the Lands Improvement Company with regard to a new application to them for a
GRE/X/P305/149 1930-1931
Correspondence concerning Lord Grey's becoming a member of the National Farmers' Union: letters from J. Cleghorn, John R. Elliott (County Secretary NFU) and J. H. Mansfield.
GRE/X/P305/152 1931-1937
Correspondence with the Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Company (later the North Eastern Electric Supply Co.) concerning the siting of poles to supply Howick Heugh Quarries and the question of wayleave rentals. Includes copy Wayleave
Agreement, 10 September 1931, and several plans.
GRE/X/P305/153 6 January 1932
Note concerning alteration of 5th Earl Grey's will on account of the creation of the Howick Estate Company.
GRE/X/P305/155 1928-1931
Papers relating to the adjustment of outstanding matters subsequent to the sale of part of Chevington Estate to Broomhill Collieries Ltd. [completion date 14 December 1928.] Includes:
Memorandum of outstanding matters drawn up by Major Morison of the Colliery Co., c.10 April 1930.
Replies by J. Cleghorn to the above.
Schedule of Income Tax on the properties sold to the Broomhill Co. for the year 1928-1929 showing taxes payable and actually paid and sum due to Earl Grey in respect of tax paid in full from 14 December 1928 to 5 April 1929.
Reconciliation of apportionment statements and Howick Estate Account No. 3. Summary of apportionments due to Earl Grey and Broomhill Collieries Ltd.
Summary of apportioned rents received and payments made, 6 March 1930.
Apportionment of tithe rent charges as from 14 December 1928. Also of fee farm rents.
Rental schedule showing apportionment of rents at 12 May 1929 between Earl Grey and the Broomhill Coal Co.
Schedule as above at 11 November 1929.
Howick Estate Account No. 3 (opened in connection with collection of rents and apportionments): statement of receipts and payments, 1929-1931.
GRE/X/P305/158 1906-1933
1906-Statement showing the parts of the Howick Estate that were mortgaged-the area, mortgage, amount and rate of interest being given-and also particulars of lands not mortgaged.
1 October 1913-Copy mortgage of the Burton Estate to Henry Richmond to secure £16,000 and interest.
1907-1917-Correspondence and papers concerning the mortgage of parts of the Howick Estate to the National Provident Institution. Includes:
Memorandum on the mortgage by J. Cleghorn of George Grey & Sons, March 1917, reviewing its history, the nature of the security and arguing against any “harsh step” by the mortgagees, with appendices on the
amount of the mortgage and repayments of part of the capital sum 1893-1917;
particulars of rentals on the property subject to the mortgage;
particulars of outgoings;
statement of the average income in respect of the portions of the estate mortgaged to the N. P. I. for the 3 years ending 31 May 1916;
also of the average expenditure on the said properties over the same period.
27 July 1918-Memorandum on [all] mortgages on the Howick Estate.
1926-Copy correspondence relating to a loan of £40,000 to Earl Grey by the Bank of Liverpool and Martins.
1926-1933-Also letters concerning a loan of £13,585 advanced to Lord Grey by the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., 1926.
1932-1933-Letters concerning a further loan to Lord Grey of £1,000 by the above Insurance Company (for the Bishop's Church Extension Fund).
GRE/X/P306/159 1901-1941
1908-1935-Letters and papers concerning land at North Broomhill originally leased by Earl Grey to the Primitive Methodists to enable them to erect a chapel; transfer of the lease to the Disciples of Christ; and finally the sale of the premises to
the said Disciples. Includes:
Copy lease of land for 99 years to the Trustees of the North Broomhill Primitive Methodists, 31 December 1908.
Also: Copy letter George Grey to Messrs Flux & Co., 10 September 1901, concerning land sold to Broomhill Wesleyan Methodists, with plans.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 21 June 1909, concerning lease of land to Broomhill Presbyterians.
19 July-10 October 1941-Letters Messrs William Webb & Sons, solicitors, to George Gibb, concerning appointment of additional Trustees in respect of a lease from 4th Earl Grey to Broomhill Presbyterian Church Trustees for 99 years, 24 December
GRE/X/P306/163 1932
1932-Press cutting with report of funeral of J. H. Mansfield.
Rough statement of value of Mansfield's estate.
Copy letter J. Cleghorn to 5th Earl Grey, 19 August 1932, concerning Mansfield's financial affairs.
GRE/X/P306/167 31 December 1932
The Howick Estate Company: copy summary of ledger receipts and payments for the year ending.
GRE/X/P306/168 1920-1934
Correspondence mainly between J. Cleghorn and Major A. M. Morison of Broomhill Collieries Ltd., with some plans.
1. 1922-Concerning land that the Colliery Co. needs for a “travelling drift” at Red Row.
2. 1920-1924-Concerning a pipe line from Woodside Burn and an electrical cable to be carried across fields belonging to Lord Grey.
3. 1932-1934-Concerning West Chevington Estate water supply. Includes a memorandum by Cleghorn, 4 February 1933.
GRE/X/P306/169 1932-1933
Copy letter 5th Earl Grey to J. Cleghorn, 6 April 1933, concerning his sur-tax return and the sum he had borrowed to donate to the Bishop of Newcastle's Church Extension Fund.
Letter J. H. Eddison (Local Manager of the North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. Ltd., Newcastle) to J. Cleghorn, 29 August 1932, concerning the loan of £1,000 to Earl Grey for the Bishop's Fund.
GRE/X/P305/173 1933
Correspondence between J. Cleghorn and United Automobile Services Ltd., Newcastle, concerning erection of timetable notice cases at Little Mill and Ancroft.
GRE/X/P306/176 1931
Letters from A. Beresford Peirse, J. Cleghorn and J. H. Mansfield concerning a boundary fence between property of Earl Grey and the Duke of Northumberland at Bulmer.
GRE/X/P306/178 1930
11 November 1930-Extract of conveyance of Maiden's Hall Farm: Earl Grey to Francis Heath concerning water supply.
n.d.-List of offers for Maiden's Hall Farm.
GRE/X/P306/184 1933
1933-Applications for registration of dwelling houses at Howick and district, Chevington Wood and Ancroft under the Rent Restrictions Act 1933.
Circular from Alnwick Rural District Council to J. Cleghorn, 14 October 1933, stating that certain dwelling houses had been registered.
GRE/X/P306/188 1920
Earl Grey's Ancestry.
22 January 1920-Letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn concerning a query by Professor Vickers about the ancestry of Earl Grey. Explains how Sir Henry Grey entered on estates formerly of Ralph Lord Grey.
Note from memoirs of Sir Algernon West who married Mary Barrington, granddaughter of 2nd Earl Grey.
Note of where particulars of the exchange of Low Stead and Hawkhill (made in 1872) could be found.
GRE/X/P306/191 1903-1934
Howick Estate Financial Papers
Howick Estate: comparative statement of expenditure for 8 months ending 31 January 1903 and 1904, with estimates of expenditure for the remainder of the financial year to 31 May 1904 to compare with the total expenditure for the year ending 31
May 1903.
Statement of property mortgaged to the National Provident Institution showing capital value in 1917 and amounts covered for Fire Insurance at 25 December 1913 and April 1920.
Copy statement showing how the income of the Howick Estate received during the year ending 31 December 1920 had been expended.
Howick Gardens Accounts: statement of accounts for the year ending 31 December 1920.
Statement of income and expenditure of the Howick Estate for 6 months ending 30 June 1931 to compare with estimated normal income and expenditure for one year as furnished for the year 1930.
Statement showing income and expenditure of the Estate during the year ending 31 December 1931.
Statement of allocation of amounts of expenditure on buildings, water supplies, field drains, ditches, etc. 1927-1931.
Statement of normal income and outgoings of the property for 1 year.
Statement of normal charges borne by the estate in 1 year.
Statement of normal income and expenditure for 1 year (copy sent to Lord Grey, 29 October 1930).
Estimated income and expenditure for the year 1933 (prepared August 1932).
Copy summary of ledger receipts and payments, 1 January-30 June 1933.
Howick Estate Company and Earl Grey: summary of accounts 1 January-31 October 1933.
Summary of the Company's accounts for the year ending 31 December 1934.
Balance sheet and profit and loss account of the Company for the year ending 31 December 1933.
Grey Trust Ltd.: Balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year ending 31 December 1933.
GRE/X/P306/195 1934
Correspondence concerning duties claimed by the Estate Duty Office in respect of moneys that reverted to the estate of the late 4th Earl Grey under the will of the Hon. and Revd. John Grey. Includes letter Austin J. Wright, solicitor, Victoria
Street, Westminster, to Messrs George Grey, 13 November 1934, which explains the complicated position. Other letters from J. Cleghorn, D. B. Jackson, Messrs Robert Benson.
GRE/X/P306/197 1912-1949
Correspondence and papers relating to rate assessments on the Howick Estate, or parts thereof. Includes:
Valuation list (n.d.) for Howick and adjacent area.
Copy return made in respect of the Howick Estate Company, 1933.
Letter from The Land Union, 26 July 1912, drawing attention to “serious aspect” of proposed assessment of local rates on capital site values (as advocated by the Single Tax Party).
GRE/X/P306/200 1950
Letter H. R. Peters, clerk to Rural District Council of Norham and Islandshire, 12 June 1950, to G. Gibb, enclosing 2 copies of a draft wayleave agreement to enable the Council to lay a water main through land belonging to the Howick Estate Co.
at Ancroft. Further letter Peters to Gibb, 29 August 1950, requesting a reply.
GRE/X/P306/201 1901-1944
c.1933-1940-Letters and papers concerning the painting of property at or near Howick. Includes estimates, particulars of work to be done, dates when last painted.
Miscellaneous Papers
20 November 1901-Particulars of the mason's job at Howick.
February 1904-Statement of salaries paid to Heads of Departments at Howick.
22 February 1932-Statement showing rent remitted and tax claimed to be repaid in respect of certain lands on the Howick Estate.
22 September 1909-Specification of work required for the laying of the stable yard at Howick House with cement concrete: tenders invited.
19 August 1914-Report for Lord Grey of work done previous to the commencement of his Housing Scheme. [Describes unsatisfactory state of cottages on the Tweedside, Ancroft and Burton estates and steps taken to improve them (when virtually forced
to do so by the Health Authorities)].
Also reports on work done at Ancroft, West Learmouth and Presson Hill in pursuance of Lord Grey's improvement scheme-expenditure of £3 or 4,000 authorised; and work in hand or in “immediate contemplation”.
Printed bye-laws of Coquet Salmon Fishery 1874-1911.
7 June 1914-Petition of 10 Craster fisherman to Lord Grey complaining of action by other fishermen that gave them an unfair advantage and suggesting a remedy.
April 1916-Notes on West Chevington Royalty. Typescript. Detailed. Concerns the suggested working of coal under West Chevington by the Bullocks Hall Colliery Co. and the terms on which this might be arranged.
4 April 1916-Letter J. Cleghorn to 4th Earl Grey concerning the reduction of subscriptions and donations charged to the Howick Estate Account and enclosing notes on them with suggestions as to their being stopped or curtailed. Also list of 94
subscriptions or donations showing what was paid in 1914 and 1915 and the suggested future amount, if any.
21 November 1919-Letter T. W. Craster to 5th Earl Grey concerning a proposed ropeway to carry stone from a quarry from Craster to Little Mill, and enclosing notes by the tenant of Craster South Quarry pointing out the necessity of this means of
Letter [J. H. Mansfield?] to R. W. Boyd of Longhoughton, 27 March 1922, concerning the Chessman Charity.
1921-1923-Detailed memoranda by J. Cleghorn of various estate matters to which he attended-reports of conversations with tenants, Lord Grey and others.
Index to sales of land on the Howick Estate, 1860-1932.
1926-1927-Correspondence with the Special Commissioners of Income Tax concerning Lord Grey's claim for repayment of tax.
8-12 May 1928-Memorandum by J. Cleghorn concerning Maiden's Hall Farm let as a grass park to Mr Frank Heath.
8 January 1930-Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield concerning the minerals under Burton Estate (reserved when the estate was sold) and other cases where the minerals were reserved.
30 August-1 November 1930-Correspondence mainly between J. H. Mansfield and J. Cleghorn discussing in detail matters relating to the compilation of a statement of normal income and expenditure on the Howick Estate.
Note of abatement of rents for the half year to 11 November 1930.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 28 May 1931, enclosing 2 copies of a statement showing a 10% abatement on the net half year's rents of various tenants. One copy has MS alterations.
September 1931-List of Howick Estate employees and their yearly wages.
26 March 1936-Letter George Gibb to J. Cleghorn enclosing amended list of wages payable at Howick.
Account of cost of repairs to cottages at Howick for the year ending 31 December 1932.
Howick Estate estimated expenditure for a full standard year.
3 May 1934-Statement with regard to rentals of various estates (Fenton, Wark, Thornington, Biddlestone and Howick) showing area in 1934, rents in 1912-1914, peak rental year, net rentals 1933-1934.
26 November 1936-4 January 1937-List of documents taken [from the Estate Agent's Office] to Howick by George Gibb, or sent to him.
28 March 1938-Notice to tenants of Howick Estate about restricting access of visitors to certain places and keeping the paths and walks clear of litter.
1943-1944-Letters from the Sanitary Inspector, Rural District Council of Alnwick, concerning ashpits that needed clearing out.
Letters G. Gibb to F. E. Holden asking whether he could undertake the work.
Letter Holden to Gibb, 29 November 1943; letter J. R. S. Lawson, 15 September 1943 giving estimate for work.
26 April 1944-Letter on behalf of the Superintending Engineer, H. Q. No. 2 Works Area, Air Ministry Directorate of Works, Newcastle, to G. Gibb enclosing claim forms in respect of land now under Air Ministry occupation and stating that any claim
for restoration would still be valid when the sites were vacated. Also concerning timber for disposal by the Estate.
GRE/X/P306/202 1945
15 October 1945-Letter from the Ordnance Survey Office, Hinchley Wood, Surrey, concerning a proposed O. S. triangulation station at Hipsheugh and enclosing sketch plan, circular, plan of the triangulation pillar and photographs.
Copy letter George Gibb to the O. S., 7 November 1945, signifying Lord Grey's consent to the proposal.
GRE/X/P306/203 1936-1958
Correspondence and papers concerning slum clearance of houses at South Broomhill leased by the Howick Estate to Broomhill Collieries Ltd. The question of minerals being left to support new houses, if erected on the same site, is discussed and
also whether the Estate or the Colliery Company is responsible for the demolitions.
Letters from J. Cleghorn, A. M. Morison, J. B. Annett, D. B. Jackson, G. Gibb, Lord Grey and D. Bradley.
GRE/X/P307/204 1940-1959
Letters and papers concerning Alice, Dowager Countess Grey (wife of 4th Earl). Mainly correspondence with George Gibb concerning Miss M. K. Parker whose rent the Countess paid and also concerning various minor business matters.
GRE/X/P307/205 1914-1918
1914-1915-Letters and papers concerning Belgian refugees at Howick, including letter Victor Fermon to 4th Earl Grey, 5 October 1914, concerning 2 gardeners he is sending to Howick and German atrocities in Belgium, and 2 letters from the Royal
Belgian Consulate, Newcastle, to Countess Grey concerning the marriage of Belgian refugees.
Also 2 letters Captain Fullarton James, Chief Constable of Northumberland, to Lady Grey, 15 November and 9 December 1915, concerning Belgian soldiers who came for short periods to Howick.
1918-Papers concerning Corporal Herrington employed on farm work at Howick.
GRE/X/P307/206 1922-1941
Letters and papers concerning Howick Whinstone Quarry including correspondence about raising money for additional plant and equipment, 1923-1924, balance sheets for the years ending 24 November 1922, 1923, 1924, letters about leading electricity
into the Quarry; other financial matters.
GRE/X/P307/207 1958
Lady Grey [1st wife of Sir Edward Grey of Fallodon] Memorial Fund. Correspondence concerning this fund which was to be applied in Belford. Letters from R. J. Dickinson of Messrs Dickinson Miller & Turnbull, Solicitors, Newcastle, 5th Earl
Grey, Maude Williamson.
GRE/X/P307/208 1903-1909
Papers relating to the estate of Mary Katherine Grey (daughter of the Hon. and Revd. John Grey), died 25 May 1908.
Statement of monies received and paid since her death. 2 receipts for part repayment of a loan of £400, 1903-1904.
Assessment of succession duty payable by 4th Earl Grey in respect of the above estate with receipt for payment, 15 January 1909.
GRE/X/P307/209 1925 & 1993
14 November 1925-Chessman's Charity. Copy letter from the Charity Commission to Revd. H. B. Dolland concerning the trustees of the Charity.
Letter Revd. Colin Scott, Vicar of Longhoughton to Lord Howick, 18 May 1993, and reply 26 May 1993 concerning the payment of monies deriving from the capitalisation of the Charity direct to Johnson House.
GRE/X/P307/211 1919-1922
Duke of Northumberland v. Alnwick Rural District Council concerning the alleged dedication of a cart road as a public highway. Letters and papers including copy opinions of John M. Gover of Lincoln's Inn and Randolph A. Glen of the Temple.
GRE/X/P307/212 1911-1937
Howick Red Steads Farm. Correspondence and papers mainly concerning the tenancy of George Pyle. Includes: synopsis of conditions of let, 1911; schedule of acreages; lease 1915; compensation to outgoing tenant, 1911; correspondence mainly between
J. Cleghorn and G. Pyle; memoranda by Cleghorn of discussions with Pyle and Lord Grey; attempts to retain Pyle after he had given notice to quit.
GRE/X/P307/213 1898-1931
Statistics of rainfall at Howick for each month of 1898.
List of boxes of documents at Howick.
Rough list of silver and other items kept at Howick.
Letter T. Tate [the Historian of Alnwick] to 4th Earl Grey, 24 October 1898, enclosing notes on some manuscript books that Grey had lent to him.
22 August-18 September 1931-Correspondence concerning 5th Earl Grey's tax affairs: letters from the Inspector of Taxes, Alnwick, J. H. Mansfield to the Inspector, to J. Cleghorn and to Messrs Robert Benson & Co.
GRE/X/P307/214 1957-1964
Correspondence concerning Ancroft School and school house: 1957 concerning the school house; 1960-1964 concerning the school. Both had become vacant and the correspondence concerns their disposal. Letters from Revd. Robert Chell (Vicar of
Scremerston), J. M. Edney (copy), D. Bradley, Messrs Cooper & Jackson, Messrs Stanton Atkinson & Bird (Solicitors, Newcastle), Lord Grey.
GRE/X/P307/215 1957
Correspondence concerning Turnbull's Buildings, North Broomhill: letters from Messrs William Webb & Son, Solicitors, Morpeth and D. Bradley.
GRE/X/P308/216 1903-1904
Letters and papers concerning Earl Grey's rifle shooting competitions for Northumberland clubs. Includes lettes from Lord Howick, B. D. Gibson (secretary, Northumberland Rifle Association). List of civilian rifle clubs of Northumberland
affiliated to the National Rifle Association.
GRE/X/P308/217 1921
British Trade Ship Ltd.
Agenda of 3rd Board meeting to be held on 4 October 1921.
Recommendations to the Board on staff appointments and lecture tours, 3 October 1921.
Notes by 5th Earl Grey mainly on financial matters.
GRE/X/P308/218 1923
Howick War Memorial. Subscription list, vouchers, notebook with account, letter J. H. Mansfield to Lord Grey, 19 May 1923.
GRE/X/P308/219 1919-1923
Correspondence and papers concerning application by the Chevington branch of Comrades of the Great War to Lord Grey for land on which to build a club and institute at Red Row, and gift of the land by Lord Grey for the same. Also concerning land
belonging to Broomhill Colliery Company which the Comrades sought to acquire for a sports field. Most of the letters are between Robert Mitchinson (Secretary of the Comrades) and J. Cleghorn. Also, printed Constitution and Objects of the Comrades of
the Great War, and plans of proposed building.
GRE/X/P308/220 1849-1959
Howick Church
Watercolour drawing of the church before the alteration in 1849.
Howick Church payments 1880-1890 (organists' salary, repairs, painting, etc.).
Plans and elevation of Howick Memorial Cross [to Earl Grey and Lady Vera Grenfell] by Herbert Baker, architect.
Drawing to show position of Howick Church War Memorial.
Letter W. Richardson & Co., Heating Engineers, Darlington, to R. E. Hale, 31 March 1933, enclosing specification and quotation for heating system for Howick Church, with plan.
Letter Dinning & Cooke, Heating Engineers, Newcastle, to R. E. Hale, 27 June 1933, enclosing specification and quotation for proposed new heating installation for Howick Church, with plan.
27 May 1953-Petition for a faculty for a new altar and other alterations in the church at Howick [marked “withdrawn”].
Drawing showing proposed alterations to memorial in Howick Church.
Drawings of proposed additions and alterations to Howick Church by Hicks & Charlewood, Architects, Newcastle.
Drawing of proposed high altar and panelling at the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Howick, by Sir William Milner, Architect, of Milner & Craze, of Skipton, Yorks., 4 April 1953.
1955-1959-Correspondence concerning improvements to Howick Church-windows, memorial, organ and payment for same.
Includes letters from Milner & Craze, architects, A. Robinson (Kingston-on-Thames), C. E. Lazenby (York, Craftsman Glazier), Ronald B. Moses (Warrels Organ Works, Leeds), Harrison & Harrison (Organ Builders, Durham).
1959-Correspondence concerning the new incumbent of the United Benefice of Longhoughton with Howick and the dilapidations of Longhoughton Vicarage. Includes letters from R. J. Dickinson (Registrar & Bishop's secretary), Lord Grey, Col. A. D.
S. Rogers (secretary, The Church Board of Finance for the Diocese of Newcastle), Revd. John Crawley. Also writ of Sequestration (during vacancy), 3 April 1959.
GRE/X/P308/221 1891-1959
Deeds of covenant and annuities.
Copy deeds of covenant made by 5th Earl Grey in respect of payments to widows or ex-employees:
28 June 1952 to Nelly Nicoll, Peep O'Sea, Alnwick.
19 February 1952 to Robert Nicoll, Peep O'Sea, Alnwick.
20 December 1950 to George Railson.
Correspondence concerning the above.
1955-1959-Correspondence concerning a covenant made by 4th Earl Grey to pay an annuity of £100 p.a. to Lady Louise de Vere Loder and £2,900 to her children (after her decease) who attain the age of 21.
Letters from 5th Earl Grey, Robert Benson & Co., Coutts & Co., Henry Duckworth, Cooper & Jackson.
20 July 1891-Copy deed 4th Earl Grey to Lady Louise de Vere Loder (later Lady Wakehurst, who died 15 December 1958).
GRE/X/P308/222 1960-1968
Correspondence and papers concerning greenhouse heating, repair, and construction of new greenhouse at Howick.
1960-1961-Correspondence and papers concerning application for a grant under the Ministry of Agriculture Horticulture Improvement Scheme towards the cost of improved glasshouse heating system for Howick Market Garden, including estimates of cost
from contractors.
1960-Correspondence concerning purchase of second hand cast iron hot water pipes from Messrs C. A. Christiansen of Norwood Green, Southall, Middlesex.
1960-1968-Correspondence and papers mainly with Messrs Perkins Boilers Ltd. of Derby, concerning boiler purchased from them which did not give satisfaction.
Letters from Lord Grey, James Wood (Plumbers) of Alnwick, Lord Howick of Glendale, D. Bradley.
Drawings: “Proposed lay-out for Greenhouse heating system for Howick Hall Gardens”-by W. A. Meakin, 12 March 1960.
1964-1965-Correspondence and papers concerning replacement of glasshouse roof and improved ventilating system, and application for grant under the Horticulture Improvement Scheme.
GRE/X/P309/223 1950-1964
1950-1956-Correspondence and papers relating to insurance with the North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. and the Railway Passengers Assurance Co. Includes:
List of jewellery belonging to Lady E. Dawnay and sums for which it was insured; similar list of jewellery belonging to Earl Grey;
letter 23 and 28 October 1952 concerning personal injury cover and insurance of Sir Evelyn Baring against risk of death directly from an act of violence directed at him;
letter concerning the saw mill at Howick, 20 January 1955;
letters concerning motor insurance of Lady Mary Baring, Lord Grey and Miss A. J. Dawnay.
Also letter concerning loss through fire in Servants' Hall chimney (1955).
1956-1960-Correspondence with the Railway Passengers Assurance Co. mainly concerning motor insurance of estate employees or their relatives.
Also concerning insurance of Miss S. V. Grenfell's cottage at Burnham.
1955-1961-Correspondence with the above Company concerning insurance of Miss A. J. Dawnay's camera, exposure meter, binoculars, baggage, and motor insurance and claims arising.
1957-1959-Correspondence with the above Company concerning Lady Mary Cecil Baring's motor insurance and claims arising thereupon.
1960-1964-Correspondence concerning Miss Mary Dawnay's motor insurance with the above Company.
1961-1963-Correspondence concerning the insurance of Lint Close, Alnmouth, with the North British & Mercantile Insurance Company. [The property was purchased by Lady Howick and was vested in The Fidelity Trust-a company that held other
properties on behalf of the Society of St. Francis. It was by 1962 called St. Francis House, Alnmouth.]
Letters from A. D. S. Rogers of Messrs Stanton Atkinson & Bird, Solicitors, Newcastle, to Lady Howick; D. Bradley; the North British & Mercantile Company; Samares Investments, Jersey, C. I.; Brother Noël of the Society of St. Francis;
Brother Aidan of the said Society.
1961-Correspondence concerning motor insurance of the Hon. Miss Elizabeth Baring.
1957-1961-Correspondence and papers concerning insurance mainly of jewellery belonging to Lady Grey, Lady Mary Baring (Lady Howick of Glendale), Miss Ann Dawnay, Miss Mary Dawnay, Miss Elizabeth Baring and Miss Katherine Mary Alice Baring. Also
concerning insurance of pictures at Howick. Some valuations of jewellery.
GRE/X/P309/224 1971-1973
Correspondence concerning the conversion of Broomhill Methodist Church into a dwelling house. Letters from Messrs Waugh, Moody & Malcahy, D. Bradley, Messrs Cooper, Jackson, Thomas & Knighting.
GRE/X/P310 1870-1962
Cheviot Hill Farms: index figures showing rise and fall of prices of 2 top wedder lambs, 1 draft eve, first wool and percentages in each of the years 1870-1915, “the year 1899 being datum”.
“It is assumed that the fluctuations in values [shown] will follow fairly closely the fluctuations of total farm receipts”. 2 copies.
May-June 1927-Correspondence concerning maintenance claim in respect of cottages at Pasture House. Letters Inspector of Taxes, Alnwick, to J. Cleghorn, Cleghorn to Lord Grey, J. H. Mansfield to Cleghorn.
1909-1937-Correspondence and papers concerning mineral rights duties in respect of Bullocks Hall Colliery; Little Mill Whinstone Quarry and Broomhill Colliery. Notice of assessments and copy returns.
1930-1931-Correspondence and papers concerning water supply to Pasture House and Little Mill and application for a Ministry of Agriculture grant for improvement of supply. Specification for new water supply.
1929-1936-Correspondence mainly between J. Cleghorn, G. Reavell and J. H. Mansfield concerning the water supply to Littlehoughton and Littlehoughton Hall. Drawing of detail of reservoir near spring. Analysis of water.
1940-Analysis and report on bacteriological examination of Howick Hall water.
September 1931-Copy summary of particulars of skilled and unskilled labour employed on Howick water supply (sent by J. Cleghorn to the County Land Agent, 19 September 1931).
1943-Comments on reported pollution of Littlehoughton Hall water.
1930-1935; 1959-1962-Littlehoughton Springs: yields in gallons per 24 hours.
1899-1927-Reports on analysis of Little Mill water; drawings relating to Little Mill water supply.
August-November 1933-Letters and papers concerning water supply to Mr Metcalf's house at Littlehoughton and to a nearby cottage. Includes memorandum by J. Cleghorn, letters to and from George Railson, message from Lord Gey, plan of pipe line.
1937-1944-Correspondence and accounts relating to rents due from Broomhill Collieries. Much of the correspondence is between George Gibb and Messrs William Armstrong & Sons of Newcastle who were employed as mineral rights agents to negotiate
with the Coal Company who tended to be tardy in payment. Accounts of what was due from the Colliery Company, 1935-1937.
1911-Tracings of O. S. plans marked to show cottages and other buildings (other than those at the pithead) on colliery land at North Broomhill, South Broomhill, Red Row and Chevington Crescent.
1911-Statement of areas (in acres) occupied by the Broomhill Colliery Company and calculations of the rent they should be paying.
1911-Statement concerning damaged land agreement with the Colliery Company.
1911-Statement showing how present rents (for cottages and land) payable by the Colliery Company are calculated.
27 August 1923-Wayleave Agreement between Earl Grey and Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Company Ltd. for underground electric cables at Broomhill, with plan. Lists of documents relating to the following collieries:
Broomhill, 1868-1936
West Chevington, 1855-1936
Little Mill, 1907
Ancroft, 1903-1930
Letter C. H. Eden to George Grey of Milfield, 30 April 1889, concerning a boring for coal in Chevington Wood and returning “An account of strata in Chevington Wood No. 10 borehole”, 5 January 1874.
1936-Correspondence and papers concerning a proposal by David Hodge to bore for coal at West Chevington. Includes a memorandum by J. Cleghorn, letters Cleghorn to Lord Grey, 2 and 19 October 1936; proposal by Hodge; plan; correspondence with
Major Morison of Broomhill Collieries and D. B. Jackson of Messrs Cooper & Jackson, Solicitors, Newcastle.
1920-1936-Statement of output and rentals in respect of Broomhill and other royalties. Statement of output of coal from various seams in Broomhill royalty and from Togston, Hadstone and Acklington royalties.
1927-1937-Statement showing when royalty rents have been paid by Messrs Broomhill Collieries Ltd.
March 1889?-Copy report by C. H. Eden to Albert Grey on an application by the lessess of Broomhill Colliery for a reduction in rent with appendix estimating the value of coal in Broomhill Royalty. [Very faded.]
Letter C. H. Eden to George Grey, 4 December 1897 [very faded] with 2 copies of typescript extracts of his report on Broomhill Colliery.
Letter C. H. Eden to George Grey, 16 December 1908, enclosing copy of his estimate of the life of Broomhill Colliery.
Report by C. H. Eden on Broomhill Colliery, 20 March 1913, incorporating copy letter Eden to Lord Grey, 18 April 1912, revising his 1908 estimate of the life of the Broomhill royalty.
Copy letter C. H. Eden to George Grey, 19 April 1912, with another copy of Eden's report to Lord Grey of 18 April and concerning the effects of the new Mines Act, the proposed insurance Bill, the agitation to abolish the 3 shift system in
Northumberland and the 8 hours Act.
31 October 1901-Valuation and report by George Grey on Broomhill and Chevington Collieries and Little Mill Whinstone and Limestone Quarries. 2 copies, one partly typed.
5 December 1901-Copy letter T. E. Forster (Mining Engineer) to George Grey, giving a valuation of all minerals on the Howick Estate as in October 1894.
9 February 1933-Copy memorandum [by J. Cleghorn] on the output and probable life of Broomhill Colliery.
30 March 1928-Draft agreement for sale of freehold hereditaments in West Chevington to Margaret Ann Thompson.
1937-1944-Correspondence with Messrs William Armstrong and Sons of Newcastle, Mineral Agents, on registration of the Howick Estate Company's minerals under the Coal (Registration of Ownership) Act 1937. Also correspondence with Messrs Cooper
& Jackson on the same subject, and papers relating to valuation of the Howick Estate coal royalties and payments of compensation by the Coal Commission.
1945-Correspondence concerning compensation payments by the Coal Commission: letters from George Gibb to Messrs William Armstrong and the Coal Commission. Letter from the Finance Officer of the Coal Commission to George Gibb.
1942-1944-Notice of valuations by the Northern Regional Valuation Board (Coal Act 1938) in respect of Broomhill, Ancroft, Burton and West Chevington royalties.
1942-Circulars from the Mineral Owners' Association of Great Britain on the Coal Act 1938, on payment of compensation, and counsel's opinion on the position of tenants for life under the said Act.
GRE/X/P311 1848-1969
Envelope marked “Deeds” containing the following:
Copy tithe apportionment for Little Houghton in the Parish of Longhoughton.
Lists of deeds handed to solicitors (Messrs Flux & Leadbitter), 1887-1893.
Schedule of 4th Earl Grey's title deeds, 1914.
List of Trust Deeds.
Schedule of deeds relating to Boggy Hall Estate and Low Stead Farm.
List of deeds relating to Earl Grey's Estate at Littlehoughton.
List of deeds referring to the Estate of Little Mill.
Copy of the entry in the Register of Marriages in the Parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, recording the marriage of Charles Robert Grey (Lord Howick) and Mabel Laura Georgiana Palmer, 16 June 1906.
Duplicate of death certificate of Lady Victoria Grenfell (died 3 February 1907) for transportation of corpse, permit of Local Board of Health, Ottawa, and certificate of undertaker.
Certificate of burial of the above Lady Victoria at Howick, 19 February 1907.
8 letters Messrs Flux & Leadbitter to J. H. Mansfield, 1893-1904.
Note from Messrs Robert Benson & Co. to 5th Earl Grey, 8 June 1944, stating that they hold a certificate for £12,300 3% Savings Bond registered in the name of the Howick Estate Co.
Letter Messrs Bowlings & Co. to 3rd Earl Grey concerning the marriage of Captain George Edmund Byron Bettesworth, 20 February 1893, and copy reply, 6 March 1893.
Copy letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 28 January 1919, concerning the Howick Christmas beef and Sir Henry Grey's charity.
Letter Claud Schuster to 5th Earl Grey, 12 November 1917, concerning the writ to enable Grey to take his seat in the House of Lords.
Account of W. Holder & Sons, Picture Restorer, London, to Lord Grey, 5 November 1920, for cleaning/repairing various pictures.
Drawings of oak and reinforced concrete footbridge at Howick.
1948-Memorandum concerning Little Mill Quarries; copy letter Lord Grey to Mr Brader, Director of Messrs Trollope & Colls Ltd., 19 October 1948; copy letter E. Marshall, Managing Director of Northumberland Whinstone Co., to Mr Richardson, 30
October 1948.
Particulars of the terms of leases of Little Mill Whinstone Quarry.
7 March 1949-12 October 1950-Correspondence concerning the terms of a lease of Little Mill Whinstone Quarry to Messrs Trollope & Colls Ltd., Building Contractors and Engineers, London.
Letters from the above Company, George Gibb, Messrs Cooper & Jackson. 3 plans (2 copies of each of 2 of them).
11 January 1907-Notes by J. H. Mansfield concerning minerals claimed by the Duke of Northumberland in the vicinity of Little Mill (but excluding Little Mill and Littlehoughton coal) and letter from Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 19 January 1907, on
the same subject.
Copy letter J. Richardson of Little Mill Limeworks to George Grey, 11 January 1907, concerning coal at Little Mill and Littlehoughton and his desire to work part of the coal for use at his Limeworks.
Plan of pit workings at Little Mill and Littlehoughton.
Little Mill Whinstone Quarry, 1895-1949
Correspondence, papers and plans, including:
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 24 November 1896.
Letters and papers concerning an offer by Mr Tyler to work whinstone at or near Howick:
Letters George Grey of Milfield to 4th Earl Grey, 1914;
Notes by 4th Earl Grey concerning Tyler;
Statement of output of stone and rents received from Little Mill Whinstone Quarry, 1895-1913;
Letter W. Tyler to Lord Grey, 8 December 1914.
Returns of output from Little Mill Whinstone Quarry and Little Mill Lime Works, 1934-1949.
Correspondence 1916-1936 especially with John Richardson; also with Greenwich Hospital Estates concerning lead found at Little Mill amongst the whinstone-their charges for “lead rent”;
memorandum on the need to instal at tarring plant in the Quarry, 1925;
correspondence with the London and North Eastern Railway Company about use of a bridge across the railway by Richardson for cartage of stone.
Plans showing the location of the Quarry and land taken in connection with it.
1912-Correspondence concerning a proposal by John Richardson of Little Mill Lime Works to work the coal at Little Mill. Letters from J. Richardson to George Grey of Milfield; George Grey to Lord Grey; Lord Grey to George Grey; George Grey to C.
H. Eden; Eden to George Grey. The matter was not pursued at this time.
1926-1927-Correspondence concerning a new proposal by Richardson to work the Little Mill coal: memorandum by J. Cleghorn, 17 November 1926; letters Cleghorn to Lord Grey, 17, 25 and 30 November 1926; J. Cleghorn to Richardson, 17 and 25 November.
Letters J. Richardson to Cleghorn, 15 and 17 November 1926; Cleghorn to Richardson, 24 January 1927.
Little Mill Lime Works 1848-1969-Correspondence and papers concerning Little Mill Lime Works, including draft leases, copy agreements, conditions of letting, accounts of rent and royalty payments at various periods, statistics of output, letters
from J. Cleghorn, J. H. Mansfield, John Richardson (tenant), W. Glahome (farmer at Little Mill), plans of the area. Also correspondence with the Ministry of Works, 1951-1959-use of the area for storage of timber, and correspondence with Messrs
Montague L. Meyer Ltd.
Correspondence with the Little Mill Railway Preservation Society, 1969.
Little Mill Lime Works Water 1900-Analysis of Little Mill Lime Works water (from a well); plan showing position of well; letter J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn, 26 May 1900.
GRE/X/P312 1850-1930
Volume containing particulars of tithes, rents, fee farm rents and taxes payable on the various farms of the Howick Estate in the period c.1893-1920. At the front of the book are some accounts relating to Hawkhill Tile Works but the pages have
been stapled together and cannot be opened. Numerous enclosures including the following:
Annual Supplements to Willich's Tithe Commutation Tables 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1918.
Copy return by J. H. Mansfield to the Inland Revenue of the acreage, rent, tithes and number of cottages let in respect of the farms in the Parish of Carham, 30 April 1903.
Copy list of tithe rent charges payable by the Howick Estate, 1920.
Copy statement showing how the income received in respect of the Howick Estate during the year ending 31 December 1921 had been expended.
Several letters on tithes and taxes, 1863-1912.
List of rent charges in lieu of lamb tithes in Bamburgh Ward belonging to Lord Grey, 14 October 1850.
Note by 3rd Earl Grey of charges on his estate in favour of Lady Caroline Barrington and also note of the income from certain tithes, c.1850.
Account of fee farm rents on East Chevington, 7 October 1930.
1855-1859; 1859-1863-2 exercise books containing particulars, accounts and calculations of the tithe rent charges in respect of Longhoughton and Littlehoughton.
1855-1885-Book containing particulars of tithes payable in respect of the various farms on the Howick Estate.
Enclosures relating to the above subject, 1866-1886, including some letters.
Maps and Plans
Ancroft Estate
1. Plan of Ancroft Estate, field names and acreages stated. No scale. n.d.
2. Plan of Ancroft Estate, field names and acreages stated. Scale 8 chains to 1". n.d.
3. Plan of Ancroft Estate, no field names or acreages, some plantations named and the farms indicated. Scale 80 chains to 1 mile. 4.
Statement of acreages of plantations on Ancroft Estate.
Enclosed: Statement of acreage of other areas in Ancroft.
1. Plan of Bradford Estate. Fields numbered, acreages stated, field names added in pencil. n.d.
2. Plan of Bradford Farm. Fields named; notes about drainage. n.d.
3. Plan of Bradford and Belford Burn showing estates bounding on it; account of the cost of cleaning it and proportions payable by the various owners, 1881.
4. Plan endorsed “Bradford Cut February 1879” showing the lands held by various persons including Lord Grey in the vicinity.
5. Plan of Belford Burn with account for cleaning out part of it and the proportions of the cost payable by the various landowners, October 1894.
Howick and District
1. Tracing of plan of Howick and district. No field names or acreages. The various farmsteads are named. n.d.
2. Plan of Howick Sea Houses Farm. Fields named and acreages stated, 18 September 1853. Scale 8 chains to 1".
3. Statement of the acreage of Little Mill Farm. Fields named; old grass land indicated. O. S. plan numbers given.
4. Letter R. B. Duncan, secretary of the North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association, to J. H. Mansfield, 14 February 1903 concerning new iron drains required to put Howick Hall into a sound sanitary state. [To go with a plan not present.]
Chevington Estate
1. Book of reference to the O. S. plan of the Parish of Warkworth (Morpeth and Coquetdale Wards), 1865.
2. Tracing of plan of Amble branch railway junction showing where timber was loaded. Scale 50 feet to 1". Copy of plan referred to in Mr Wilson's letters 26 October-7 November 1892 and 7 November 1896.
3. Tracing from plan of Chevington Estate showing the relative situation of the farm onsteads, colliery, etc. relative to the proposed new church.
4. Plan of Broomhill Farm. Fields named and acreages stated. Drawn by Edward H. Burn, n.d. [watermark 1848].
5. Sketch plan: Broomhill water supply. n.d.
6. Plan of Broomhill and Woodside Farms. Fields named and acreages stated. n.d.
7. Plan of Chevington Woodside Farm. Fields named and acreages stated. Fields on which Mr Richley's crop was growing indicated. n.d.
8. Plan of land sold to Messrs Young and Griffiths in field No. 84, Woodside Farm, in August 1894.
9. Plan showing the workings in the middle seam, southern portion of Broomhill Royalty. Scale 3 chanis to 1". n.d.
10A. Plan showing workings in the top seam, Broomhill Colliery. The older and more recent workings, January 1887, indicated. Scale 3 chains to 1".
10B. Tracing of the above plan.
10C. Copy letter C. H. Eden to --, 17 February 1887, forwarding the above items 9 and 10.
11. Plan (produced by Broomhill Collieries Ltd.) of area around Chevington Drift. Scale 25 " to 1 mile. n.d.
12. Plan showing site of Co-operative Store at Chevington Drift. Scale 1 chain to 1". August 1909.
13. Sketch plan of area around Broomhill Colliery showing land taken by the Coal Company from field No. 39. n.d.
14. Plan of a site at the junction of roads from Broomhill and to Acklington. Scale 40 feet to 1". May 1908.
15. Plan of East Chevington. Fields named, acreages stated, state of cultivation indicated and also fields that had been drained. Scale 12 chains to 1".
16. Tracing of the above plan but without state of cultivation or drainage information.
17. Morpeth Rural District Council: plan showing land leased for sewage disposal works at Red Row. Scale 40 feed to 1". Drawn by Andrew Adams, surveyor, October 1905.
18. The following small plans fastened together: Plan of land belonging to the North Eastern Railway at Amble Junction (sent by W. H. Dowson with a letter of 5 November 1903). Plan showing schools at Red Row. Rough plan showing teacher's house.
Plan showing boundary fence belonging to Togston Estate.
19. Plan of site for Primitive Methodist Church at East Chevington Drift. Drawn by William Burton of Amble, 9 February 1905.
20. Plan of West Chevington and Moor Farms. Fields named and acreages stated. n.d. Scale 8 chains to 1". Total areas of tillage and old grass stated.
21. Plan of West Chevington Farm. Fields named and acreages stated. The acreages differ from those stated in the above plan. n.d.
22. Tracing of plan of Maiden's Hall Farm. Outline only.
23. Plan of Whitefield House Farm. Fields named and acreages stated. n.d.
24. Plan of a block of 8 cottages at Whitefield Farm, showing work required to convert two into one and proposed alteration to the offices. Scale 8 feet to 1".
Tweedside Estate
1. Plan of the Parish of Carham including that part of Wark Common declared to be in Scotland by 37 George III c.122. Marked to show exchanges of land that had taken plan between Lord Tankerville and Mr Huntley and between Lord Tankerville and
the owner of Carham Estate. Scale 20 chains to 1".
2. Plan of Tweedside Estate. Acreages stated; some fields named. A note in pencil has been added, dated 1904.
3. Plan of Tweedside Estate. Acreages of Tithe Hill and Howburn Farms stated but not of the rest. [?Traced from 6" O. S. plan.]
4. Tracing of a plan of Tweedside Estate. Scale 80 chains to 1 mile. Farms marked but no information.
5. Plan of West Learmouth Farm. Fields numbered, acreages stated. Fields that were to be permanent pasture indicated and particulars of grain crops sown on them in the period 1882-1886 are stated.
6. Tracing of plan of West Learmouth Farm. Field names and acreages stated. Endorsed “West Learmouth Ordnance Survey 1885”.
7. Plan of West Learmouth. Fields named and acreages stated.
8. Plan showing land to be purchased by R. H. Huntley from Lord Grey and the future boundary between West Learmouth Farm and Wark Bog. Drawn by James Nicholson, 4 December 1872.
9. Tracing from O. S. plan of East Learmouth and Tithe Hill. Acreages stated.
10. Tracing from O. S. plan of East Learmouth. Many fields named.
11. Papers concerning the acreage of East Learmouth 1881, and memorandum of the terms of tenancy of Gilbert Borthwick, 2 January 1882.
12. Plan of part of East Learmouth showing the position of a fence (on Lord Grey's land) destroyed by Thomas Brown “about 3 years ago”.
13. Plan of Downham Farm. Fields numbered and acreages stated. Endorsed “Large Ordnance Plan”.
14. Plan of Presson Farm. Acreages stated.
15. Plan of Presson and Presson Hill area.
16. Plan of Presson Farm. Fields numbered and acreages stated.
Miscellaneous Plans
1. Plan of Glanton Mansion.
2. Particulars of the dimensions of the rooms in Glanton Mansion.
3. Plan of Newton-on-the-Moor cottages.
4. Plan and elevation of a hay shed. Scale 8 feet to 1". Note of cost of building a barn of enclosed dimensions, 5 September 1862.
GRE/X/P313 1892-1944
Packet marked “Drainage Various”
1a. 11 February 1899-Recommendations of the North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association after inspection of the drainage system at Howick Hall.
1b. Sketch plan showing proposed new drainage system at Howick Stables.
2. 2 March 1899-Letter R. H. Duncan, secretary of the North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association, to George Grey, enclosing specification and schedule of quantities for drainage works to be executed at the stable and kitchen wings of Howick
3. July-August 1899-Accounts of William Howey for work on drains at Howick Hall.
4. 1899-Letters from E. Ferguson & Son, Builders' Supply Stores, Newcastle, to James Cleghorn concerning orders for materials.
5a. September 1899-List of sanitary pipes ordered for Little Mill.
5b. October 1899-List of additional pipes ordered for the above.
5c. September 1899-Plan of sewer drain at Little Mill Farm.
6. February 1892-Copy report on drainage of Littlehoughton House.
7. 20 February 1892-Copy report on drainage at Howick Grange.
8. 20 March 1906-Copy report on drainage at Howick Grange.
9. 1906-Account for fittings and work on Howick Grange drains.
10a-c. Particulars of fittings ordered for Howick Grange drains, April-May 1906.
11. 20 April 1906-Letter R. B. Duncan, secretary North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association, to George Grey, commenting at length on a proposed drainage scheme for Howick Grange.
12. April-June 1906-Time sheets for men employed by William Howey, drain contractor.
13. 10 December 1906-Letter J. H. Mansfield to James Cleghorn.
14-16. 3 plans, all different, of drainage arrangements at Howick Grange. Two plans are marked “completed June 1906”.
Water Supply Papers and Plans
1a. Letter Robert Russell to George Grey, 4 October 1893, concerning analysis of water at Red Steads and his attempts to find alternative supplies.
1b. Copy analysis of samples of water from Red Steads area. 3 pieces.
1c. Plan showing source of Red Steads water supply.
2. 9 December 1896-Analysis of Howick Village water supply by Dr Charles Hunter Stewart of Edinburgh.
3a-c. 2 February 1921-Report by Dr George Hickling of Armstrong College, Newcastle, on the effect of the proposed whinstone quarry at Heugh Hill on the water supply to Howick Hall from the Cress Well and Littlehoughton bore hole, with plan, and
section showing various strata.
4. 1917-1923-Notebook containing particulars of the water supply to Howick Village, Howick Hall and neighbouring farms.
5. 31 August 1923-Memorandum by J. Cleghorn on Howick Hall water supply.
6. August 1924-Plan marked “Additional water supply, Howick Hall”.
7. 20 January 1927-Howick rebuilding: plan by George Reavell, architect and surveyor, Alnwick, showing water mains and hydrants on the North front of Howick Hall.
8a-c. January-May 1928-3 letters from G. Reavell to J. Cleghorn concerning Howick water supply.
9. 14 March 1928-Howick Hall water supply: plan by G. Reavell showing existing water pipe tracks.
10. 13 April 1928-Plan by G. Reavell showing approximate runs of old a new pipes supplied from new tanks in the clock tower at Howick.
11. 17 April 1928-Plan of piping in valve chamber.
12. 19 April 1928-Specification of work to be done and materials used in forming new water tanks and altering pipe tracks at Howick.
13. 15 August 1929-Plan by G. Reavell of Howick District water supplies. Scale 6" to 1 mile.
14. n.d.-Detailed return of water supplies on Earl Grey's properties at Howick and Littlehoughton.
15a-c. June 1930-2 drawings by G. Reavell-Littlehoughton water supply: detail of reservour near spring; details of tenant's suction tank. Also letter to J. Cleghorn, 1 September 1933, concerning the above drawings.
16. 25 August 1930-Littlehoughton water supply: plan by G. Reavell to show distribution pipes at Pasture House.
17. 11 September 1930-Drawing by G. Reavell showing section of pipe track from Pasture House to Little Mill.
18. August 1933-Drawing showing collecting and storage tanks in Littlehoughton field No. 33 for Howick Hall water supply.
19. Plan showing Howick Village and Sea Houses water supply. Endorsed “now superseded by plan dated August 1933”.
20. August 1933-Plan showing water supply to Howick Village.
21. n.d.-Plan marked to indicate pipes and fittings required for water supply to cottages at Peep O'Sea.
22. 28 July 1943-Comments on reported pollution of water supply at Littlehoughton Hall.
23. n.d.-Tracing of plan of Littlehoughton and Little Mill Farms showing original boundaries, with note by J. E. Macdonald that the construction of the railway through the estate had necessitated alteration of the fences.
1921-1933-Letters and papers concerning Howick water supply including the following:
Memorandum on Cresswell Spring and Littlehoughton bore hole.
Report by Dr George Hickling, of Armstrong College, on effect of a proposed Whinstone Quarry at Heugh Hill on water supply from Cress Well and Littlehoughton bore hole, 2 February 1921.
Memorandum by James Cleghorn on Howick Hall water supply, 31 August 1923.
Analysis of Howick burn water, 1923, and Littlehoughton Spring water, 1924.
Specifications for cutting water pipe trenches and also for construction of a concrete water storage tank at Littlehoughton, 1924.
Correspondence with the London and North Eastern Railway Company concerning the laying of a water pipe through a culvert near Little Mill Station.
Letters to and from tradesmen.
Letters from Lord Grey.
Statement of expenditure on Howick Hall water supply, 1924.
Memorandum by James Cleghorn on distribution of water at Howick Hall and neighbourhood, 30 September 1927.
Letters from Cleghorn to George Reavell, architect.
Plan by Reavell: detail of tank room in attic of clock tower, 22 February 1928.
1928-1933-Correspondence and papers concerning Howick Village and Sea Houses Water supply; also the supply to the Old Rectory and Sea Houses Farm. Attempts to improve the supply to the Village included sinking a bore hole at a spot indicated by a
water diviner but no water was found. Analysis of water from a spring discovered near a bog on Harrow Hill. Letters from J. Cleghorn, J. H. Mansfield and Professor Hickling of Armstrong College are included in this file.
1893-1933-Letters and papers concerning Howick Grange water supply. Includes letters from J. H. Mansfield, J. Cleghorn and R. E. Hale.
23 October 1929-Memorandum concerning a well at Pasture House. 2 copies.
Analysis of Pasture House well water, 27 August 1898. 2 copies.
28 December 1944-Circular and forms from Alnwick Rural District Coucil concerning a survey of water requirements of the district.
Notes in pencil evidently drawn up in connection with the above-indicating sources of supply, the number of houses served, the population and number of farms.
GRE/X/P314 1892-1947
Howick Estate: Schedules of Areas 1903
1. Schedule of areas of each farm on the estate, field by field, mostly according to the old O. S.
2. Schedule of areas showing proportions of each holding owned by Earl Grey and also the “Marriage Settlement Properties” ', July 1929 (correcting an earlier version also present). Also schedule of areas at May
1906 as per 1897 O. S. (amended July 1929).
3a. Schedule of acreages of the Howick Estate Company from the 1897 O. S.
3b. Schedule of the “Marriage Settlement Estate”.
4a. Howick Estate Company: schedule of areas based on 1923 O. S.
4b. Area schedule of the “Marriage Settlement Estate” based on 1923 O. S.
5. Area schedule of East and West Chevington Estate, corrected to 1947.
1893-Plan of Howick and district coloured to show grass fields that were to be let and those that were to be kept in hand. The crops of some other fields are indicated. The acreage of each field is stated.
Attached: 29 December 1892-29 March 1893-3 notes from J. H. Mansfield to J. Cleghorn concerning the above plan and the fences of some fields.
n.d.-Tracing of plan of Howick and district.
1906-Tracing of 25" O. S. plan of Little Mill Limery and Whinstone Quarry with schedule of areas occupied by each.
15-17 July 1913-Letter J. H. Mansfield to James Cleghorn concerning a piece of ground for an extension to Howick churchyard, with plan; copy letter Cleghorn to Lord Howick concerning conveyance of this land.
1912-Plan of area around Pasture House showing land taken from field No. 110.
c.1897-c.1911-References relating to various female servants.
1901-1902-Application and other letters from Robert Smith, appointed as a jobbing mason.
March-April 1902-Applications for the post of cart and wheelwright.
March 1902-Applications and testimonials of applicants for the post of painter and paper-hanger.
March 1915-Papers concerning appointment of J. W. Jones as groom.
GRE/X/P315 1816-1922
Papers relating to ANCROFT EAST FARM
Plan of Ancroft East Farm. Fields named and acreages stated.
Enclosed: Small plan of fields around Ancroft Stead showing part that did not belong to East Ancroft. [Tracings, no scale or date.]
Another, smaller, plan of Ancroft East Farm, fields named and acreages stated. [Tracing, no scale or date.]
Schedules stating acreage per “old survey” of 1816 and per O. S.
12 February 1850-Draft lease to Thomas Pinkerton for 21 years.
12 February 1850-Lease to Thomas Pinkerton for 21 years with liberty to dig for lime and coal; with memorandum cancelling this lease to substitute a new one dated 4 December 1857. [This latter lease not present.]
1845-1860-Correspondence concerning East Ancroft Farm, mainly letters from the tenant, Thomas Pinkerton, to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey and some letters Captain Grey to Pinkerton.
Statement by Pinkerton of profit and loss on the farm, 1835-1849.
Letter Robert Dunn to Captain Grey, 28 August 1850, reporting on the state of Ancroft East farm house and buildings.
1862-Copy lease of East Ancroft Farm and Ancroft South Moor Fields to George McGregor and Thomas McGregor, his son.
Schedule of acres of the above farm.
21 April 1861-19 March 1862-2 letters George McGregor to George A. Grey concerning rent and parties to the agreement for the farm.
1 March 1876-Notice from E. J. Macdonald, agent for Earl Grey, to D. Tait of Ancroft East Farm, stating that Grey desired the existing contract of tenancy to remain unaffected by the Agricultural Holdings (England) Act, 1875.
24 October 1876-Note J. G. Grey to E. J. Macdonald stating the rent at which he had let Ancroft East Farm to G. Middlemiss.
1878-1879-4 letters G. A. Grey to E. J. Macdonald mainly concerning a claim by Tait, tenant of Ancroft East Farm, for a deficiency of acres in respect of his farm after the Ordnance Survey of it and concerning other likely cases.
30 January 1879-Letter W. Woodman to G. A. Grey [concerning Tait's claim].
1877-1883-Letters and notes from George Middlemiss to G. A. Grey concerning payment of rent and cropping of the farm.
Note by G. A. Grey, 15 October 1881, stating that Middlemiss was a rogue and Land Leaguer.
Another note from G. A. Grey, 1 January 1882, concerning Middlemiss' debt.
Memorandum [by E. J. Macdonald] concerning the history of Middlemiss' tenancy-rent reductions made to him 1877-1883.
Also a note concerning the rent of Burton.
February 1883-Drafts and copy agreement between Earl Grey and George Middlemiss and James Gilroy whereby the rent of Ancroft East Farm was to be reduced to £900 for 5 years after which it was to revert to that stipulated in the lease.
Letter George Middlemiss to George A. Grey, 17 February 1883.
Letter George A. Grey to 3rd Earl Grey, 28 February 1883.
1883-1885-Further letters from George Middlemiss.
2 May 1886-Letter J. Cleghorn to E. J. Macdonald concerning an agreement about Middlemiss' arrears of rent; draft of agreement.
15 May 1886-Agreement between George Middlemiss and James Gilroy on the one part and Albert Grey on the other about payment of rent and reduction of arrears.
29 November 1886-Copy letter George Grey to -- Gilroy concerning payment of rent.
December 1887-Press cuttings of farms to let including East Ancroft and Ancroft South Moor.
ANCROFT NORTH AND SOUTH MOORS This area was originally let as one farm but later divided.
5 January 1843-Letter G. A. Grey to T. R. Robson concerning new buildings he wishes to erect on the farm.
11 January 1843-Copy letter Robson to G. A. Grey concerning valuation of existing buildings on the farm.
23 January 1843-Letter G. A. Grey to Robson concerning the valuation and other matters.
18 February 1843-Letter G. A. Grey [to Robson] concerning the valuation.
18 March 1843-Letter Robert Dunn to Robson concerning the valuation.
Enclosed: Notebook containing valuation of the buildings on North and South Moor.
Wrapper of the above notebook is written on the back of a catalogue of Agricultural Seeds, Messrs Hogg and Wood of Coldstream, 1841.
1846-1851-6 letters Thomas Pinkerton to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey concerning the Ancroft Moor farms.
1 letter Captain F. W. Grey to Pinkerton concerning the cropping of the Moor farm.
1 letter John Grey of Dilston to Captain F. W Grey, 21 November 1846, concerning a boundary ditch.
Rough calculation by G. A. Grey of the acreage, rents and value of stock and crops on the Moor farm.
1849-1852-6 letters G. A. Grey to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey mainly concerning the Moor farm.
24 December 1850-Conditions of letting Ancroft South Moor Farm for 21 years from Mayday 1851, agreed by William Tait.
16 May 1854-Notice by William Tait that he intends to surrender tenancy of the Ancroft South Moor Farm on 12 May 1855 and copy of acceptance of the notice by G. A. Grey.
Conditions of letting Ancroft South Moor Farm for 16 years from 12 May 1855.
Letter Revd. James K. McLean to G. Bowmaker, 18 January 1879, concerning rent for a garden at Ancroft South Moor.
Schedule of acreages of Ancroft South Moor Farm per O. S. (1880). 2 copies.
10 January 1881-Letter George A. Grey to E. J. Macdonald concerning terms for the agreements to be drawn up for the Moor Farms.
Draft advertisement for the letting of Ancroft South Moor Farm from 12 May 1881.
Notes by George A. Grey of conditions of letting the above farm from 12 May 1881.
Fair copy of part of the above.
12 November 1881-Valuation of steam engine on Ancroft South Moor Farm.
31 March 1887-Copy letter George Grey to Mr Weddell, tenant of Ancroft South Moor Farm, concerning rent reduction.
Account of expenditure on the Farm buildings since Weddell was tenant.
5 June 1888-Statement of affairs as presented at the Creditors' Meeting with the representatives of the late John Weddell of Ancroft South Moor.
17 August 1857-Copy advertisement for the letting of Ancroft North Moor Farm.
September 1857-Bundle of offers for tenancy of the above farm, with list of the offers and note of conditions of letting.
1861-1862-3 letters George Bowmaker to Archibald Hills concerning Marshall's lease [of Ancroft North Moor Farm] and note by Hills on the subject.
1 March-13 April 1895-Copy letters William Marshall to George Grey with statement of loss on Ancroft North Moor Farm and seeking a reduction of rent; letter George Grey to Marshall concerning an allowance that Lord Grey has made.
1863-1866-Ancroft Moor Plantations: statement of receipts and payments.
Ancroft plantations: schedule of acreages.
Papers relating to ANCROFT NORTH FARM
n.d. [Watermark 1844]-Copy lease of Ancroft North Farm to William Lisle for 7 years.
8 September 1845-Note by Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey concerning terms of agreement with Lisle.
1845-1853-Correspondence-mainly letters from Lisle to Captain Grey and Archibald Hills concerning his rent and arrears; letters to Lisle.
11 November 1857-Agreement by Lisle to quit the farm.
18 December 1857-Letters from various farmers making offers for tenancy of the farm.
1 March 1867-Notice to George Storey, the tenant, that Earl Grey desires the existing contract of tenancy to be unaffected by the Agricultural Holdings (England) Act, 1875.
27 April 1887-Schedule of acreages of the farm according to the O. S.
31 March 1887-Copy letter George Grey to Storey, tenant, informing him that an allowance of £50 will be made to him while the depression in agriculture continues.
28 December 1893-Letter George Storey to Albert Grey asking whether anything more could be done for them as after 34 years in the farm it was very hard that the family should be destitute.
28 January 1893-Letter James Cleghorn to Albert Grey concerning the Storeys, with statement of concessions made to them.
Papers relating to ANCROFT TOWN FARM
24 February 1831-Lease to John Oswald of Greenlaw Walls in the Parish of Norham for 21 years.
2 January 1852-Draft lease to John and Thomas Oswald for 21 years.
Fair copy of the above but not signed.
Enclosed in the draft lease:
13 April 1853-Conditions of letting the farm to George Smith for 21 years, signed by Smith and G. A. Grey.
1845-1852-Bundle of letters mainly between Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey (who was managing the Grey estates) and John Oswald concerning the farm, especially Oswald's requests for reduction of rent and demands for payment of his
Also letter Messrs Hogg and Wood to F. W. Grey concerning a plantation on the farm; and schedule of acreages.
1853-1856-2 letters George Smith to G. A. Grey; 1 letter Smith to Archibald Hills; 1 memorandum for Mr Dunn concerning the farm buildings.
15 March 1853-Copy advertisment for the letting of the farm then occupied by the executors of the late John Oswald.
16 March-2 April 1853-3 letters George A. Grey to Archibald Hills.
1 letter Nicholas John Henderson to George Grey, 16 March 1853, declining to take the farm.
19-20 September 1853-Letter 3rd Earl Grey to G. A. Grey concerning alterations he had made to the Ancroft lease.
Letter G. A. Grey to Grey, 20 September, replying in detail to the above and pointing out difficulties that might arise.
11 May 1853-Ancroft sale accounts following distraint on Thomas Oswald.
25 April 1855-Lease of the farm to George Smith for 21 years from 12 May 1853.
1862-1863-Bundle of letters George Smith to G. A. Grey and 1 to Grey requesting reimbursement of money he had expended on the farm house and mentioning repairs to the farm buildings that were required.
Copy letters G. A. Grey to Smith; letter 3rd Earl Grey [to A. Hills], 7 April 1863, concerning correspondence with Smith.
7-16 November 1867-3 letters Stephen Sanderson(?) of Berwick to Edward J. Macdonald concerning financial matters relating to the Smiths of Ancroft.
1 March 1876-Notice to be served on James W. Smith, tenant of Ancroft Town Farm, that Lord Grey desired the existing contract of tenancy between him and Smith to remain unaffected by the Agricultural Holdings (England) Act, 1875.
2 September 1856-Receipt G. A. Grey for £544-6-10 from George Smith, for money expended on the farm house at Ancroft beyond a stipulated sum.
Attached: Account of rent due from George Smith, 12 May 1867.
September 1876-Schedule of acreages of Ancroft Town Farm according to Ordnance Survey. (2 copies)
Another schedule with different plot numbers.
Letter J. G. Grey to E. J. Macdonald, 29 March 1877, on tree planting at Ancroft.
Letter J. G. Grey to Macdonald, 9 April 1877, stating that Smith of Ancroft agrees to a valuation of sheds, grates, etc.
Copy letter G. A. Grey to John Brown, 26 November 1880, concerning reduction of rent.
Letter John Brown to Grey, 16 December 1880, responding to the above.
Draft agreement modifying the terms of the Ancroft Town Farm lease from May 1882.
23 February 1893-Letter E. Flux of Messrs Flux and Leadbitter to Albert Grey concerning the mortgage of Ancroft Town Farm.
1855-Draft lease of Ancroft North Moor Colliery to Charles Carr of Seghill and Co. for 21 years.
Another draft of the above with many additions and alterations.
29 April 1858-Notice by John Carr, Charles Carr and Patience Johnson to 3rd Earl Grey that they wished to quit the above coal mines leased to them on 31 December 1855.
31 December 1869-Letter J. G. Grey to E. J. Macdonald-Scremerston Coal Co. mentioned.
4 May 1870-Letter Thomas Johnson to Macdonald concerning wording of the Ancroft Mineral lease.
23 January 1879-Memorandum by George A. Grey for Macdonald.
24 January 1879-Letter Thomas Johnson to G. A. Grey stating the date that the Scremerston Coal Co. got possession of East Ancroft Lime Works and field.
1 January 1846-Copy lease of public house, cottages and land at Ancroft to the Border Brewery Company for 12 years.
10 September 1857-Lease of public house and fields at Ancroft to the Border Brewery Co. for 12 years.
Letter Thomas Douglas of the Border Brewery Co to G. A. Grey, 25 April 1857 -Mr Lowery expects some allowance from his rent as a small field has been taken from him.
Letter James Grey of the Border Brewery Co. to Archibald Hills, 13 May 1857, giving the names of the partners in the Company.
Letter Matthew Pratt of the above Company to A. Hills, 10 October 1857, concerning the lease of the Ancroft property to the Company.
Letter James Grey of the above Company to A. Hills, 5 November 1859, concerning the rent of Ancroft and the payment of tithes.
Letter James Grey to George A. Grey, 25 March 1867, concerning drainage of land at Ancroft.
Letter J. G. Grey to Edward J. Macdonald, 27 February 1869, concerning terms on which the Brewery Company will take a new lease of the inn and land at Ancroft.
Letter A. Foulds(?) to E. J. Macdonald, 15 July 1869, concerning signing of the lease.
Letter W. Marshall to G. A. Grey, 1 January 1880, asking whether there was anything to pay for the lease.
Letter R. Marshall to Mr Grey, 5 January 1881, concerning rent of the inn fields and North Moor.
Letter John Brown to G. A. Grey, 17 March 1881-valuation of the Inn Land.
Letter A. L. Miller to G. A. Grey, 2 April 1881, agreeing on behalf of the Brewery Company to new terms.
Letter E. J. Macdonald to G. A. Grey, 4 April 1881, concerning the Brewery Company lease and change in rent.
Letter A. L. Miller to E. J. Macdonald, 27 June 1884, stating that the Company will take a lease of “this house” for 5 years.
Rough estimate for repairs to Ancroft Inn and offices.
Tracing of plan of Ancroft of 1816. Fields named and acreages stated. Scale 8 chains to 1".
Attached: Schedule of acreages of Ancroft East Farm and Moorfields (1) as per 1816 survey; (2) a per Ordnance Survey.
Label on back of plan reads “Ancroft 1873”.
1846-1850-5 letters from Revd. William Hewitt to the Hon. Frederick William Grey concerning the upkeep and arrangement of Ancroft National School and also a lending library for the parishioners.
18 November 1850-Note concerning Ancroft Moor and Ancroft Town Farms.
May-July 1868-Rental of Ancroft Estate.
1869-Copy statement of rentals and outgoings in respect of farms and other property at Ancroft, Budle, Bradford and Burton, with observations, as sent to W. Woodman, 5 July 1869.
April 1869-Rental of Ancroft Estate.
1870-List of farms, tenants and rents of the Ancroft and Tweedside Estates sent to W. Woodman, 24 February 1870.
January 1879 -Demand note for poor rate in respect of the Parish of Ancroft.
1912-1922-Statement of game bags for each season of the above period and average for the 10 years.
GRE/X/P316 1774-1925
BRADFORD FARM in the Parish of Bamburgh
1774-Plan of Bradford Estate belonging to Sir Henry Grey, Bart., surveyed by D. F. C., 14 June 1774. Fields are named and acreages stated. No scale.
1839-Letter William Balfour to 2nd Earl Grey concerning trees that could be planted in Bradford Dean.
6 October 1817-Lease to John Ostens, farmer, for term of his natural life. Signed and sealed by Ostens.
14 December 1852-Lease to Robert Tait of Lees, Coldstream, for 21 years. Signed and sealed by Tait and 3rd Earl Grey.
1866-Draft lease to Robert Tait and sons James and John for 15 years from 12 May 1866. Signed by all the Taits; G. A. Grey and others.
1847-1850-Correspondence concerning “Bradford Cut”-a ditch to drain the land belonging to several properties: letters from Andrew Moffat, William and Thomas Smith to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey; copy
letters Grey to Moffat and Thomas Smith.
January-February 1849-Correspondence concerning stone from Spindleston Quarry for a bridge and (mainly) about a road at Bradford which has occasioned some dispute: letters from John Grey of Dilston to Captain F. W. Grey, Janet Thomson to John
Grey, Captain Grey to Thomas Smith.
Miscellaneous letters and papers: Copy statement of cost of Bradford Farm House entered into by Thomas Smith, 1 May 1849.
Copy letter G. A. Grey to Robert Tait, 24 December 1855.
Letter John Tait to G. A. Grey, 19 March 1859.
Letter Robert Tait to G. A. Grey, 9 December 1865 with note G. A. Grey to E. J. Macdonald, 13 December 1865.
Letter John Tait to E. J. Macdonald, 29 March 1867.
Letter R. H. Huntley to 3rd Earl Grey, 29 July 1873, with results of borings for coal at Hoppen.
Letter J. G. Grey to E. J. Macdonald, 29 November 1875.
Letter Charles Ernest Hay to G. A. Grey, 30 April 1880, seeking to surrender his lease on account of the loss he has sustained.
Letter G. A. Grey to 3rd Earl Grey, 2 May 1880, concerning the above.
Copy letter G. A. Grey to C. E. Hay, 3 May 1880, setting out the terms on which Hay might quit before the expiration of his lease.
Letter C. E. Hay to G. A. Grey, 6 July 1880.
Letter 3rd Earl Grey to [E. J. Macdonald] concerning the following item.
Copy letter G. A. Grey to C. E. Hay, 8 July 1880, stating that the farm was not in as good condition as when he entered it but, if he is not satisfied with the terms previously stated, he may farm to the end of the lease.
Copy advert for letting of Bradford Farm from Mayday 1881.
Memorandum by G. A. Grey, 22 February 1881, on terms of lease to be granted to A. F. Nichol; and to J. Harvey for lime works.
Letter C. E Hay to G. A. Grey, 6 May 1881, stating his loss at £6,500; the good result of his sale; and requesting that the £100 premium for cancellation of the lease might be remitted.
Letter Anthony F. Nichol to G. A. Grey, 14 June 1884, stating that he had spent much money on the farm and the returns had been “next to nothing”.
Statement of monies expended on Bradford Farm 1873-1893-yearly details of expenditure on buildings, cottages, drainage, tenants' permanent improvements, tenants' fences and sundries. 2 copies.
Statement of acreages of old grass and arable, rent and interest, and average rent per acre, 19 October 1897.
Rent history, 1871-1896.
Letter J. H. Mansfield to James Cleghorn, 8 December 1897, concerning tithe, fee farm and mortgage charges on Bradford.
Account of cost of cleaning out part of Belford Burn showing the sums payable by various landowners, 1894, with plan. Endorsed “Bradford Boundary Ditch”.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 12 March 1918, concerning a question about a right of way over Bradford field between the Lucker-Bamburgh main road and the east boundary of Burton.
Copy letter Mansfield to Cleghorn, 15 March 1918, replying to the above.
Correspondence with tenants, 1851-1852: Part of a copy letter Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey to Thomas Smith, 26 March 1851, concerning payment of half of rent according to the price of wheat.
Letter Thomas Smith to Captain Grey, 28 April 1851, seeking reduction of rent.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Smith, 30 April 1851-further reduction of rent impossible and terms of lease must be fulfilled.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Smith, 26 December 1851, requesting payment of arrears.
Letter Thomas Smith to Captain Grey, 29 December 1851, replying to the above.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Smith, 9 March 1852, requesting payment of arrears.
Letter Rawdon Briggs to Captain Grey, 3 July 1852, inquiring about Bradford Farm for his son.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Thomas Smith, 28 July 1852, setting out the terms on which a surrender of the lease of Bradford would be accepted.
Copy terms of surrender of Bradford.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Thomas Smith, 29 September 1852, concerning the state of the farm and the away-going crop.
Letter Thomas Smith to Captain Grey, 4 October 1852.
Letter Thomas Pinkerton to Captain Grey, 25 October 1852, concerning the offer of the Farm to Mr. McGregor.
Letter Thomas Smith to Captain Grey, 1 November 1852, asking whether he would take the threshing machine and grinding mill at valuation.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Smith, 3 November 1852, replying.
Letter R. Douglas to Captain Grey, 13 November 1852, stating that he wishes to lease the Farm.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Thomas Smith, 26 November 1852, informing him that G. A. Grey is to deal with all matters relating to the Farm and requesting payment of arrears.
Copy letter Captain Grey to R. Douglas, 26 November 1852, informing him that Lord Grey is willing to accept his offer for the Farm.
Letter R. Douglas to A. Hills, 27 November 1852, requesting plan of the Farm.
Copy letter Captain Grey to R. Douglas, 29 November 1852, on matters relating to his tenancy of the Farm.
c.1810-1851-Rental history.
10 June 1851-Surrender of lease by Thomas Brown, senior and junior. 1
858-Draft lease to James Black.
27 January 1859-Agreement by James Black to surrender lease of Burton.
21 December 1859-Draft lease to John Laing.
21 December 1859-Copy lease to John Laing for 21 years.
n.d.-Printed form of lease-blank.
1853-1855-Letters and papers mainly concerning the away-going crop.
Letter Thomas Brown [to G. A. Grey?], 25 September 1853.
State of crop on Burton, January? 1853, with note by A. C. [Adam Calder].
Note of arable and grassland, 1853.
Letter Thomas Brown to G. A. Grey, 22 June 1854, concerning cottages and a boundary ditch.
Letter A. Lambert to A. Hills, 20 September 1855.
Letter Thomas Brown to G. A. Grey, 17 September 1855, concerning arbitrators. Attached:
Letter G. A. Grey to A. Hills, 19 September [1855].
Memorandum by Hills, 19 September.
Letter Adam Calder junior to George Grey, 4 May 1854, complaining especially about interference of Captain Grey between Smith, the previous tenant, and him.
Statement of away-going crop in 1853.
Statement of away-going crops in 1848 and 1853.
Letter John Clay to Captain Grey, 24 February 1851, requesting documents.
Letter Clay to Grey, 20 March 1851, concerning the arbitration.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Clay, 22 March 1851; another copy of the same.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Adam Calder, 22 March 1851.
Letter Robert Dunn to Captain Grey, 28 March 1851, expressing dissatisfaction at proceedings in the arbitration.
Letter Francis(?) Stedman to Captain Grey, 30 April 1851.
Account of the evidence given by witnesses in the case.
Arbitration award, 29 May 1851.
1858-1859-Papers concerning arbitration relating to the away-going crop on Burton Farm between Earl Grey (by G. A. Grey) and Thomas Brown (farmer) on the one part and Adam Calder (farmer) on the other.
Note of proposed findings by the arbiter, James Cunningham, November 1858.
Award by Cunningham, 29 March 1859.
Correspondence, January-February 1859, concerning financial arrangements on Black's quitting the farm and Laing's entry into it, especially cropping.
Jonathan Melrose (solicitor) to G. A. Grey, 11 January 1859, 20 January 1859 (2 letters), n.d.
James Black to G. A. Grey, 11 January 1859, with note by G. A. Grey endorsed.
John Laing to G. A. Grey, 3 February 1859, 4 February, 9 February, 11 February, with proposed plan of farming Burton, 11 October, 1 November 1859.
Burton away-going crop, 25 January 1859.
1846-1853-Letters and papers concerning rent and cropping: Proposal by William Smith junior for the cropping of Burton and Learmouth and Sunnylaws, 1846.
Letter William Turnbull to Captain Grey, 24 November 1847, rent too high.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Mr. Smith of Ladykirk, 31 October 1848.
Letter William Smith to Captain Grey, 21 January 1850, about transfer of lease to A. Calder, with note of Captain Grey's reply, 22 January.
Part of a letter Captain Grey to A. Calder, 26 March 1851, concerning calculation of half of rent according to price of grain.
Letter Adam Calder to Captain Grey, 18 April 1851, on need for a new arrangement for calculating rent.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Calder, 23 April 1853-no further reduction in rent possible.
Letter Calder to Captain Grey, 7 May 1851, seeking reduction in rent on account of the low price of agricultural produce as a result of Free Trade.
Letter Calder to Captain Grey, 22 May 1851, concerning £10 reduction in rent.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Calder, 24 December 1851, concerning his need for money and begging Calder to pay arrears in rent.
Letter A. Calder to Captain Grey, 8 January 1852, on his financial difficulties.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Calder, 9 March 1852, asking for paymnet before 1 April.
Letter Calder to Captain Grey, 26 March 1852, replying to the above.
Letter Calder to Grey, 5 April 1852, promising to pay.
Letter Calder to Grey, 15 May 1852, payment of rent in instalments.
1850-1851-Papers relating to a dispute with William Smith, a former tenant, about the cost of repairs to farm buildings: Plan of Burton Farm Buildings.
Plan of Burton Farm Offices, 1849.
Memorandum of Burton Buildings, 1851.
Memorandum by Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey on Burton buildings, 19 November 1850, sent to Mr. Lambert, attorney at law, with instructions to proceed against William Smith for recovery of the money owed.
Agreement between 3rd Earl Grey and Smith to refer the matter to arbitration.
Letter John Clay, the arbitrator, to Captain Grey, 24 February 1851, requesting documents.
Memorandum by Captain Grey on the subject sent to John Clay, 4 March 1851, with the following: Copy letter William Smith to Captain Grey, 6 October 1848.
Copy letter Captain Grey to George Smith of Ladykirk, 9 October 1848.
Copy list of tenant's repairs as required on William Smith's leaving the farm in 1848, with costs.
Copy list of landlord's repairs with costs.
Letter John Clay to Captain Grey, 17 June 1850.
Copy letters Captain Grey to Clay and William Smith, 12 June 1850.
Report by Adam Young of Kelso on the farm buildings with estimated cost of repairs to conform to the leases, 19 September 1848.
Letter Calder to Captain Grey, 26 May 1852, concerning payment of rent.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Calder, 19 October 1852, concerning the away-going crop if Calder does not wish to renew his lease.
Conditions of letting Burton Farm from Mayday 1853, with proposed scheme of husbandry for that year. 2 copies.
Letters and papers 1857-1858 relating to the debt of the tenants, Thomas Brown and son to Lord Grey: 2 letters Messrs Woodman (solicitors) to Archibald Hills, 13-15 March 1858.
Account of rent and other charges due from the Browns, 1857-1858.
Letter G. A. Grey to Hills, 15 March 1858-“We must guard ourselves and not let Jonathan Melrose do us there as at W. Ord”.
Note of areas of tillage, old grass, etc., rent and interest for drainage and buildings, 17 March 1858.
Correspondence mainly concerning the debt of Messrs Brown, March-August 1858; draft agreement for Burton 1853, and other papers: Copy letter G. A. Grey to T. Brown, 11 July 1855, concerning Burton buildings.
Note R. Kilgour (for Mr. Lambert of Alnwick), 7 July 1855, enclosing draft agreement of Thomas Brown and son for Burton Farm, 30 April 1853.
Letter Benjamin Woodman (Solicitor) to G. A. Grey, 15 March 1858.
3 letters Jonathan Melrose to G. A. Grey, 22-29 March 1858.
3 letters John Laing to G. A. Grey, 24-27 March 1858.
Note of terms of Burton lease.
Letter G. A. Grey to Archibald Hills, 2 August 1858.
Letters and papers, 1884-1885: James Laing to G. A. Grey, 16 July 1884, explaining at length why he cannot continue to farm Burton unless a new arrangement is made-increase in wages of both men and women since 1859, lower prices for grain and
wool, higher prices of store stock, his losses from abortion in ewes (to which Burton seems liable)-a capital loss of £3,000 over the last 7 years.
Copy note G. A. Grey to E. J. Macdonald, 17 July 1884, asking for information about Burton rents, with notes concerning rent and tithes.
Another note by Macdonald on same subject.
Copy advertisement of Burton to be let from 12 May 1885.
Conditions of letting the Farm.
Letter James Laing to G. A. Grey, 31 January 1885, stating that, though he is much disappointed that Grey has not accepted his offer, he will not leave the Farm that year, but will have to do so if circumstances remain as they are.
Note of Burton away-going crop as given in by Mr. Laing, 31 October 1884.
List of field names and acreages.
List of Burton farm buildings and their value. Note of Burton tithes, 1866-1872.
Rough note evidently of alterations to farm house, n.d.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 14 March 1906, concerning repair of boundary fence between Burton and Elford.
Papers relating to BUDLE
Letter P. Nairn to Captain Grey, 6 December 1849, concerning conversion of property at the Heather House for which Earl Grey migh advance money.
Copy letter [Captain Grey] to Nairn, 2 September 1852, concerning the possibility of a new lease and the improvement in prices of agricultural produce.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Nairn, 26 November 1852, informing him that Mr. Grey of Milfield will in future manage the Grey estates and requesting payment of arrears of rent.
Letter Robert Gillow to A. Hills, 8 April 1854, promising to pay rent for quarries into the hands of Messrs Glyn & Co. in London.
Letter G. M. Grey to 3rd Earl Grey, 8 August 1854, acknowledging receipt of a draft for the amount of his account; his attempt to find Mr. Gillow.
Letter-H. Logan, Agent of Northumberland and Durham District Bank, to 3rd Earl Grey, 11 December 1855, concerning a form of guarantee in favour of Mr. Nairn.
Letter Logan to A. Hills, 13 December 1855, acknowledging receipt of the guarantee.
Guarantee by Grey to the Northumberland and Durham District Bank to the extent of £200 in favour of Philip Nairn, 12 December 1855.
Printed letter Benjamin Woodman to 3rd Earl Grey, 1 December 1865, concerning a scheme to reclaim sands and flats in or near the Parish of Holy Island and neighbouring Parishes, with schedule of Grey's property at Budle that would be
Letter George Turnbull to G. A. Grey, 23 November 1867, concerning an allowance made to him by Lord Grey which Turnbull promises to expend on improving the Farm; with copy letter G. A. Grey to Turnbull, 20 November 1867, concerning the allowance
and the rent history of Budle from 1840.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 16 October 1896, asking what price Budle was sold for in 1870. Note of price fetched on f.2 verso.
Letter H. de Monilpied of the Custom House, Berwick, to Messrs C. D. Forster & Dunn (solicitors), 28 December 1887, stating that Albert Grey's name had been inserted in the books as claimant for wrecks washed ashore.
Letter C. D. Forster & Dunn to George Grey, 4 January 1888, concerning the right to wreck washed ashore on other parts of the Grey estates.
Letter J. Cleghorn to J. H. Mansfield, 15 December 1911, concerning rights to wreckage in Budle Bay.
Copy letter Mansfield to Cleghorn, 15 February 1912, replying to the above and enclosing list of payments made to Lord Grey for wreckage, 1869-1887.
Letter Cleghorn to Mansfield, 11 May 1912, concerning dispute with the Crown over Budle foreshore and requesting search for documents.
Copy letter Mansfield to Cleghorn, 13 May 1912, replying to the above and stating that there were no deeds at Howick as, at Lord Grey's direction, they had been deposited in a bank in Newcastle during the recent coal strike.
Copy letter Mansfield to Cleghorn, 13 April 1922, stating that all papers about ownership of wreckage cast up on the Manor of Budle had been sent to Milfield in February 1912.
Memorandum by Cleghorn on the Manor or reputed Manor of Budle Newtown, 14 September 1925, stating that Earl Grey had conveyed to the Cruddas Trustees any lordship rights he might possess in this Manor.
GRE/X/P317 1825-1904
1854-1884-Letters and papers concerning land in Chevington Wood including: Sketch plan, 8 April 1854. T. Edgar's agreement, 15 April 1854. Offers from intending tenants, September 1872. Statement of acreage. Conditions of letting. Correspondence
with H. Andrews, 1881-1882. Statement of receipts and expenditure over 10 years ending November 1884. Valuation of damage done to trees by rabbits, 1884. 1 bundle.
1847-1852-Correspondence mainly about payment from Broomhill Farm arbitration, including letters from Henry Morton, Daniel Turner and James Rutherford. Also 3 copy letters from Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey on other subjects. 1
1839-1850-Correspondence concerning valuation of Ulgham Grange and West Chevington Farms and dispute over the charge made for the work by Henry Turner: Report on the 2 Farms by Henry Turner, 1839. Letters between R. Robson and Daniel Turner.
Letters between Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey and Daniel Turner. 1 bundle.
1850-1895-Letters and papers concerning Whitefield House Farm including the following: Enquiry by A. Hedley and his “unsurmountable objection” to the system of cultivation, December 1850. Advertisement to let,
1853. State of cultivation, 1853. Agreement to let to William Lowrey, 1866. Letter from Lowrey to E. J. Macdonald, 16 May 1866. Letter George Grey to his father George A. Grey, 19 February 1883, reporting on the bad state of the farm. Letters G. A.
Grey to C. Coates, the tenant, 1883. Letter G. A. Grey to Revd. M. Edwards and Edwards to G. A. Grey concerning the farm, 1883. Statements of acreage. Conditions of letting. Memorandum of agreement with David Matthew Edwards and Thomas George
Edwards from 12 May 1883. Memorandum by 3rd Earl Grey on conditions of letting the farm, 29 March 1883. 1 bundle.
Bullock's Hall Estate in the Parish of Warkworth, Northumberland: particulars and conditions of sale on 5 September 1849, with plan stating field names and acreages.
1853-1897-Letters and papers concerning West Chevington Farm including some on Chevington Moor, and some on Chevington Estate in general: Plan of onstead, n.d. [Watermark 1848].
Analysis of cropping of West Chevington and Chevington Moor, 1853.
2 letters George Moor [to A. Hills?], 13-20 December 1853, making offers for Chevington Moor Farm.
Letter William Sample to G. Grey, 9 December 1853, concerning Moor.
Letter G. Marshall to G. A. Grey, 4 December 1854, concerning tenancy of the farm especially as to game.
Statement of acreage of Chevington Moor.
Conditions of letting West Chevington.
Letter Robert Russell to G. A. Grey, 1 March 1879, concerning state of West Chevington farmhouse, and repairs needed.
Conditions of letting land at West Chevington, 19 April 1883, to Henry Anderson.
Copy agreement with Anderson, 19 April 1883.
Statement of acreage of West Chevington per O. S.
September-October 1883-Letter William Webb, Clerk to Chevington School Board, to G. A. Grey concerning a memorial addressed to 3rd Earl Grey about a proposed new school at Chevington Colliery and 3 letters Earl Grey to G. A. Grey expressing
opposition to the plan and concerning agricultural matters.
Copy letter G. A. Grey to W. Webb, Clerk to Chevington School Board, 28 August 1885, concerning Earl Grey's unwillingness to do more for the school but his readiness to sell the building and land.
Copy letter George Grey to Mr Earnshaw, 8 April 1895, concerning conditions on which Earl Grey would hand over the old school at Chevington Row to the local Council.
Letter John Blencow Cookson to Albert (4th Earl) Grey, 20 OCtober 1893, complaining of the use of barbed wire on John Annett's farm-a danger to hunters.
Letter John Annett to Albert Grey, 23 October 1893, concerning his use of barbed wire.
Statement of new rent to be charged on West Chevington from May 1897.
1886-1887-Statement of Schedule A Income Tax paid by tenants of Chevington Estate.
List of Chevington Estate rents for the year ending May 1888.
1825-1850-Papers concerning East Chevington and Chevington Woodside: Lease of East Chevington Farm to James Wilson, 7 November 1825, for 21 years from 12 May 1826.
Copy lease of Chevington Woodside Farm to John Straughan for 21 years as from 12 May 1845.
Draft of above lease.
Letter James Wilson to Richard Robson, October 1843, and a long letter Robson to Wilson criticizing him for failing to drain land and for other matters.
Letter John Straughan to Captain the Hon. Frederick William Grey, 13 May 1846.
Letter Robert Dunn to Captain Grey, 16 May 1846, about repairs.
Letter James Wilson to Captain Grey, 1 October 1846, about draining.
Letter 3rd Earl Grey to Captain Grey, 31 December 1846, concerning East Chevington rent, his dislike of corn rents and Wilson's proposed alteration of terms.
Copy letter Captain Grey to Wilson of East Chevington, 15 March 1847, concerning Lord Grey's objection to corn rents, the injury to landlord and tenant that can result from them-e.g. the Chevington Estate, the terms on which a new lease will be
granted to Wilson.
2 letters James Wilson to Captain Grey, 24 March and 1 October 1847, concerning cultivation of the Farm.
Conditions of letting East Chevington from Mayday 1848.
Memorandum on the rent of East Chevington, 1848 (includes rent history from 1804).
Lease of East Chevington Farm to James and John William Wilson, 20 December 1847, for 21 years from 12 May 1848.
Draft of above lease.
2 letters John Straughan to Captain Grey, 21 November 1848 and 6 February 1849, concerning terms for a lease and draining.
2 letters James Wilson to Captain Grey, 18 March and 28 December 1850, concerning “the most ruinous year on record for Corn Farms” and his arrears of rent.
1851-1869-Letters and papers concerning East Chevington and Chevington Woodside: Copy letters Captain F. W. Grey to J. Wilson and J. Straughan, 26 March 1851, concerning conversion of half their rents into corn rents.
Letters Wilson and Straughan to Captain Grey seeking further reductions in their rents.
Copy letters Captain Grey to Wilson and Straughan, 30 April 1851, stating that no further reduction in their rents will be made.
Further correspondence with Wilson and Straughan about their rents.
Shooting agreements, July 1854, with David Moffitt and others.
Papers concerning D. Moffitt's house which he agreed to build.
Vouchers relating to the building of Moffitt's house, 1854-1855.
Letter 3rd Earl Grey to Moffitt, 25 July 1854, concerning shooting arrangements and Moffitt's house.
Letter Moffitt to 3rd Earl Grey, 31 July 1854, with note of reply to be made, concerning his (Moffitt's) objection to tenant farmers being allowed to course for hares and rabbits.
Statement of cost of house erected at Chevington Wood by David Moffitt, December 1854.
Copy lease of East Chevington to James and John William Wilson, 26 October 1858, for 15 years from 12 May last post.
Papers concerning East Chevington rent, 1857-1858, including letter James Wilson to G. A. Grey, 25 November 1857, and letter Robert Dunn to G. A. Grey, 15 October 1858, concerning buildings and improvements to them required at East
Memorandum of agreement whereby David Moffitt agrees to rent the shooting of game on the Chevington Estate for one year from 12 May 1859.
Letter J. Aynsley of Chevington Woodside to G. A. Grey, 28 October 1862, asking for a reduction of rent.
Letter Aynsley to G. A. Grey, 16 July 1863, complaining of the advert for letting the farm.
Copy letter G. A. Grey to Aynsley, 17 July 1863, replying to the above.
Copy lease of East Chevington to James and John William Wilson, May 1864, for 19 years.
Statement of Wilson's away-going crop, 1867.
Letter H.? Lowrey to E. J. Macdonald, February 1867, concerning draft lease of East Chevington.
Letter W. B. Wilson to G. A. Grey, 18 November 1867, concerning his father's arrears.
State of cultivation of East Chevington, 1867.
Letter James J. Dand to 3rd Earl Grey, 9 October 1868, concerning site for a parsonage house and subscription for the building.
2 letters Dand to Grey, 7 and 22 December 1868, concerning tithes; the site also mentioned.
Letter William Woodman to 3rd Earl Grey, 31 December 1868, concerning Grey's covenant to pay the curate of Chevington £50 p.a. Memorandum by Grey, 26 December 1868, concerning tithe payments to Mr Dand and the above covenant.
Letter Dand to Grey, 29 December 1868.
Letter James Chalk (Secretary to the Ecclesiastical Commission) to Grey, 31 December 1868, stating that the covenant is still binding until 1 November 1876.
Draft and fair copy of letter Grey to Chalk, 7 January 1869, strongly resisting the above conclusion as there was no longer a curate at Chevington.
Letter Chalk to Grey, 25 February 1869, stating that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners cannot concur in Grey's view of the subject.
Copy letter Grey to Chalk, 27 February 1869, replying to the above.
Preliminary advertisement of Chevington and other Grey estates to be sold by auction in March 1870 with letters and papers concerning the acreage and rents of these properties-most of the letters are from William Woodman, November 1869.
1870-1886-Letters and papers concerning East Chevington and Chevington Woodside Farms, including: Copy advertisement of farms to let on Chevington Estate, 28 November 1870.
Conditions of letting the above farms from Mayday 1871.
Letter Revd. James Dand to Grey, 14 December 1876, concerning Grey's covenant to pay £50 p.a. to the curate of Chevington and claiming £400 less income tax as the amount due.
Copy letter Grey to Dand, 15 December 1876, rejecting the above claim.
Letter Dand to Grey, 18 December 1876, suggesting arbitration to settle their differences.
Copy Grey to Dand, 19 December 1876, refusing arbitration.
Letter Dand to Grey, 20 December 1876, expressing regret at the above.
Letter Bishop of Durham to Grey, 30 December 1876, expressing disapproval of Dand's claim and enclosing copy letter to Dand strongly stating his views on the subject.
Letter Dand to Grey, 1 January 1877, withdrawing his claim though contending that he was justified in making it.
Copy advertisement of Chevington Woodside and Long Houghton Low Steads Farms to be let in 1880.
Statement of acreage of Chevington Woodside Farm. List of fields to be left in grass.
Account for rent of Chevington Woodside, 1883-1884, distrained for by William Woodman.
Valuation of grassland at Woodside, August 1884. Valuation of thrashing machine, 25 August 1884.
Letter J. S. Alderson to G. A. Grey, 22 September 1884, concerning payment for the thrashing machine.
Statement of acreage of Woodside Farm per O. S.
Letter Joseph Atkinson to G. A. Grey, 3 December 1884, concerning the value of Woodside crop.
Note of cost of manure, seeds, harrowing and draining, Woodside Farm 1884-1885.
Account (receipted) of William Robison, bailiff, for levying distress at Chevington Woodside, 13 May 1884.
Other letters and papers concerning settlement of the affairs of Richley, the late tenant of Woodside Farm, especially in respect of the away-going crop, 1884-1885, including William Woodman's account to Lord Grey in respect of the distress
against Richley and negotiations 1884-1885.
Correspondence between J. S. Alderson, tenant of East Chevington Farm, and G. A. Grey, March-September 1885, concerning rent and colliery damage payments, and payment for machinery, with receipt by Alderson for £33-5-6, half the amount due from
the Broomhill Coal Co. for damage and half the cost of valuation.
1893-1904-Letters and papers concerning East Chevington and Chevington Woodside Farms, including: Statement of value of wire fencing at East Chevington, 1893.
Statement of land taken off East Chevington Farm by the Broomhill Coal Company with plan, 1893-1894.
Plan of land sold to Amble Building Company, 1893-1894.
Note that 2 acres of old grass on Chevington Woodside Farm was to be ploughed up, with plan.
Plan of land sold to the Wesleyans for a chapel, March 1901.
Plan of land sold to Mr Spence.
1901-1903-Correspondence (mainly copies) concerning ownership of the foreshore of the Manors of Chevington and Howick which both the Greys and the Crown claimed. Most of the letters are between George Grey and Messrs Flux Leadbitter &
Neighbour. The right to wrecks is also mentioned.
Letter C. D. Forster to George Grey, 16 January 1903, warning that if Lord Grey did not establish his claim it might lapse.
Notes on a sewer running from the Grey Arms Hotel to Chevington Burn, July 1904, with plan.
GRE/X/P318 1847-1928
June 1871-Instructions to Overseers of the Poor on compilation of electoral register.
20 December 1851-Copy order by 2 J.P.s addressed to the Overseers of Broxfield to remove John Tait to the Parish of Howick where he had a settlement, and notice, 26 December 1851, from the Broxfield Overseers to those of Howick concerning removal
of Tait with particulars of grounds of his settlement in Howick. Alnwick Highway District.
1864-1869-Papers, mainly receipts for payments made to persons for winning and breaking stones.
Also account in respect of Howick Township, 1865, and account of work done by George Gibson in the month ending 25 April 1869, with details of the weather and his daily wages.
Surveyor's estimate of expenditure required for repairs in the Township of Howick during the years ending March 1878 and March 1880.
General statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ending 31 December 1872.
Parochial statement (in respect of 35 parishes) and general account of receipts and expenditure for the years ending 25 March 1881 and 1882.
Parochial statement only for the year ending 25 March 1884 (3 copies).
Notice of audit of accounts, 16 June 1883.
Alnwick Union: list of Guardians of the Poor elected for the several Parishes and Townships:
10 April 1874 (2 copies)
10 April 1880 (2 copies)
11 April 1883 (2 copies)
Alnwick Union Assessment Committee; valuation lists:
Valuation list in respect of the Parish of Howick plus list of cottages to be rated in one sum, 1870-1871.
Valuation list of Earl Grey's property in the Parish of Howick 1873.
Valuation lists to be completed by the Overseers [of the Township of Howick], 1891.
Alnwick Union: list of paupers (Howick Parish) and statement of the Parish debit and credit in the Union accounts for the half years ending 25 March 1870, 25 March 1883, 29 Spetember 1884, 25 March 1885, 25 March 1890.
1869-1874-Contribution orders to the Overseers of the Parish of Howick to make payments to Alnwick Union, Alnwick Highway Board, or for other purposes.
8 October 1875-Notice of audit addressed to the Overseers for Howick. [Found with stamp cut off.]
25 February 1885-Order to the Overseers of the Poor for the Township of Howick to prepare lists of substantial householders from which new Overseers can be appointed.
n.d.-Return by the Overseers for Howick of Albert Grey as a person qualified for jury service.
1879-1880-Letters to 3rd Earl Grey concerning the sale of No. 13 Carlton House Terrace, London, and its furniture. Also concerning investments. Most of the letters are from Messrs Arber Rutter & Waghorn and Messrs Glyn Mills Currie & Co.,
Also some vouchers and other papers.
19 August 1898-Address by 4th Earl Grey on opening the “One and All” Flower Show organised by the Agricultural and Horticultural Association in connection with the National Co-operative Festival. 3 proof copies
with corrections.
1861-1887-Rough account mainly in respect of Howick House and Farm for the year ending 1 November 1864, with summary of accounts, 1861-1885. Also rough account of extraordinary receipts and payments, 1864-1887.
1864-1865-Statement of cost of repairing and improving the bathing house at Howick.
November 1886-June 1895-Account of expenditure in connection with Russell's department at Howick [building and joinery] in each year of the above period.
1886-Rough account of expenditure on behalf of Lord Grey.
1874-1878-List of game shot at Howick by John Rowlands with note of value to be paid to Lord Grey.
1895-1896-List of persons to whom pheasants were sent from Howick.
11 January 1847-Account of the rateable value of the property of the Duke of Northumberland and Earl Grey in the Parish of Lesbury (extracted from the Rate Book).
1854, 1858-Tables showing value of eggs and poultry supplied from Howick Farm to the House in the years ending 21 July 1854 and 30 July 1858.
30 April 1870-Letter Robert Roxburgh (of George Henderson & Son, corn, seed and manure merchants, Berwick) to E. J. Macdonald concerning supply of cotton. [Found with stamps cut off from envelope.]
1882-Papers labelled “Ancroft Taxes” relating to income tax and tithes mainly in respect of the Ancroft and Tweedside estates.
1882-1883-Rough account for cattle sold or killed.
1864-1886-“Farms in hand”: statement of total acreage farmed, the areas of permanent pasture and tillage land, the steward's salary, and the daily wages of hinds and woman workers in each year of the above
22 October 1890-List of bills sent to Mr Fox at Learmouth.
1890-1891-Scheme of husbandry for an unnamed farm.
n.d. [watermark 1880]-Statement of the whereabouts of tenants' leases.
20 October 1897-Copy statement of mortgages on the Howick Estate.
20 October 1897-Copy statement showing reductions achieved in the National Provident Institution mortgage from November 1893.
1912-1913-Howick Farm: copy statement of wages account for the years ending 31 May 1912 and 1913, with particulars of bonus payments and proposal for division of profits for the said two years.
1926-1928-Howick Estate: statements of account with reports by J. H. Mansfield on receipts and expenditure compared with those in the corresponding month of the previous year, December 1926-May 1927; October 1927-October 1928. Also list of
subscriptions and donations during 1927.
24 May 1847-Copy letter the Hon. Frederick William Grey to Anthony Salvin concerning work on Lesbury Church.
n.d. [1867?]-Letter Revd. Oswald Head to -- concerning the church rate and the amount of property in Howick Parish belonging to Earl Grey and the Duke of Northumberland.
5 November 1847-Statement of the away-going crop of James Hall in respect of the Outfield and Infield Lands at East Horton.
1854-1855-Durham Diocesan Training School for the Education of Schoolmasters: list of committee, officers, donations, annual report of sub-committee of management, accounts and subscriptions.
Names of various persons who evidently assisted at the fire at Howick.
25 January 1884-Printed letter from Messrs Turnbull, Simson & Sturrock to George A. Grey concerning dividend payable on claims sustained in respect of Thomas Elliot's Trust. [On verso, calculation of the cost of Copley Hall.]
1879-1886-Notebook: account of Albert Grey with Edward J. Macdonald.
n.d.-Review of Reviews Circulating Library: copy statement showing result of a year's work in centres at Learmouth, Broomhill, Howick and Long Houghton.
23 June 1900-Letter G. Reavell, junior, to 4th Earl Grey concerning tenders for the erection of the Grey Arms Hotel at Broomhill. List of tenders enclosed.
GRE/X/P319 1840-1906
c.1840-1901-Letters and papers concerning Broomhill and Maiden's Hall Farms. Also some items about Chevington Moor.
Letters and papers concerning Fleehope, Cold Martin, and Downham mainly c.1840-1890, but some earlier items.
1903-1906-Correspondence concerning mortgage and other charges on Fleehope and Southern Knowe.
GRE/X/P320 1808-1889
Letters and papers concerning Hawkhill mainly 1840-1869 but some items 1808-1812.
Letters and papers concerning Howburn and Horton mainly 1840-1889.
GRE/X/P321 c.1800-1930
Letters and papers concerning Howick and neighbouring farms. Also papers concerning Howick Sea Houses and Little Mill Farms mainly mid 19th century, but some items earlier or later.
GRE/X/P322 mainly mid 19th century
Papers concerning East and West Learmouth, Tithe Hill and Presson,
GRE/X/P323 mainly mid 19th century
Papers concerning Little Houghton.
Also: tenant's replies to enquiries whether they would need anything involving outlay by Lord Grey in next 3 years after 1866.
Replies to a circular concerning killing of rabbits, 1884.
Notices that Lord Grey did not wish his tenancy agreements to be affected by the Agricultural Holdings Act of 1875.
GRE/X/P324 c.1850-1913
Letters and papers concerning Little Mill Lime Works.
GRE/X/P325 1837-1899
Broomhill Colliery: Lease 1858; accounts c.1860-1899; correspondence concerning railway developments and compensation to tenants, 1847. 1 bundle.
Papers concerning tithe rent charges: copy tithe apportionments for various parts of the Howick Estate, 1837-1843; 1 altered apportionment 1872; correspondence c.1840-1899; tithe rent charge receipt book 1890-1899.
GRE/X/P326 c.1840-1859
Lease of Maiden's Hall Farm, 1854.
Leases of Broomhill brick fields and Hawkhill Tile Works c.1840-1859.
Correspondence about supply of drainage tiles and costs of draining.
GRE/X/P327 1902-1951
Files of correspondence and papers relating to Ancroft Estate:
Ancroft Coal, 1921-1935.
Ancroft Mortgage, 1903-1929. Burton mortgage also included.
Ancroft Tithe Rent Charges, 1931-1937.
Ancroft Shooting, 1935-1950.
Ancroft North Moor boundary fences, 1923-1928.
Ancroft Town Farm Water Supply.
Ancroft North Moor Water Supply, 1902-1924.
Ancroft South Moor Water Supply, 1904-1933.
North Ancroft Water Supply, 1907.
Ancroft Estate Lot 1, 1927-1932.
Sale of Ancroft North Moor, 1951 (Papers 1934-1951).
4 files concerning cleaning of ditches on Ancroft Estate.
1 file on cleaning Allerdene Burn, 1918.
1 file on Dam in Allerdene Burn, 1934.
Diagram of Sewer drains at Ancroft South Moor Farm.
6" O. S. plan of Ancroft and district, 1922.
GRE/X/P328 1907-1952
Ancroft North Moor Farm, 1934-1944.
Ancroft North Moor Farm, 1948.
Sale of Ancroft South Moor Farm and Timber, 1939-1942.
Sale of timber near Howick, 1939-1941. 1 file.
Ancroft South Moor Farm, 1925-1934, also some concerning North Moor.
Ancroft South Moor, 1934-1935; 1939.
Lamb Inn and lands at Ancroft, 1931-1952.
Ancroft Shooting, 1932-1939.
Agreement for cottages, etc., 1907-1925, 1915-1927. 2 files.
Ancroft Memorial Hall, 1931.
P. O. pole near Lamb Inn, 1934.
Authority to County Council to erect post and wire fence in place of hedge at Ancroft Village, 1929-1930.
Schedule of lots and acreages from O. S. 1922, compiled in 1927.
Disposal of purchase moneys.
Statement of tenancies, rentals, areas, outgoings and capital value.
Schedule of acreages from new O. S. survey.
Loose letters re: Ancroft coal and timber and taxes, 1923-1936.
GRE/X/P329 1902-1931
Ancroft Shooting, 1908-1931.
East Ancroft Farm, 1902-1930.
Ancroft Town Farm, 1909-1929.
Ancroft North Moor Farm-J. A. Whittle, tenant-1906-1937. Many of these papers concern a suit against Whittle for payment of rent.
There are a few loose papers attached to these files which concern other parts of the Ancroft Estate.
GRE/X/P330 1853-1935
Bundle of draft leases including Ancroft Town Farm, 1853 (3 versions), Chevington Moor, 1854 (2 versions).
Copy of a general draft lease, 1854; rough copy of a form of lease, 1854.
Housing Act 1935, Lamb Inn, Ancroft, Game Keeper's cottage at Ancroft South Moor.
Memorandum re: Joseph Johnson, Ancroft South Moor, 1932.
Ancroft estate repairs, 1923-1927.
East Ancroft: rain and water supply for Cheswick Buildings, 1922-1928.
East Ancroft Timber Sale of Plantation to Scremerston Coal Company, 1922-1925.
Ancroft Town Farm Cottages, 1919.
Telephone Exchange Ancroft, 1929-1930.
Ancroft Estate schedule of acreages and summary, 1927.
Ancroft sales to Sintons-cottage property sold, 1925-1927.
GRE/X/P331 1921-1933
Lands Improvement Co. Application for loan in respect of re-building and re-modelling corn and straw barns at Ancroft North Farm, 1932-1933.
Ancroft North Moor Windmill, 1923-1925.
Lamb Inn-Adam Straughan, tenant, 1928-1931.
Ancroft Town Fire, 1921.
Ancroft Town Fox cover, 1924.
Bride's Brae, Ancroft-road and bridge improvements, 1924-1931.
Hunt bridges at Ancroft, 1930.
Ancroft North Moor Whin Covert, 1931-1933.
Ancroft Estate Lot 2, 1927-1932, Ancroft South Moor.
Ancroft Estate Lot 3, Ancroft North Farm, 1927-1928.
Ancroft Estate Lot 4, Ancroft Town Farm, 1927-1931.
Ancroft Estate Lot 5, Lamb Inn, 1927-1931.
Ancroft Estate Lot 6, East Ancroft Farm, 1927-1932.
Sale of Ancroft Estate: schedules of Areas, Annual Values, outgoings and capital value-all lots, 1927-1928.
Sale of Ancroft Estate-General correspondence, 1927-1928.
GRE/X/P332 1888-1932
File of correspondence: letters from Messrs Flux & Leadbittter (1) on Burton mortgage, 1888-1890; (2) Ancroft and Burton mortgages, 1903-1916.
Some loose papers concerning various parts of the Ancroft Estate, 1925-1932.
Ancroft Town Farm plan and specification for new bow windows to farm house, 1896.
Plan and papers connected with the alteration of the Lamb Inn, 1916/1918.
Tracings of plans of the whole Ancroft estate and separate parts thereof showing acreages, n.d.; plan of North Ancroft buildings and drains, 1907; plan of implement shed at Ancroft North Moor, 1898.
Papers concerning East Ancroft, drains, fences, buildings, 1890-1922, mainly early 20th century.
Papers re: Ancroft Post Office and letter box near Ancroft Town Farm, 1901-1910.
Papers re: mortgage of Ancroft Town Farm, 1892-1922.
Ancroft Estate mortgages requisitions on title and replies, 1904.
Bundle of papers concerning Ancroft plantations and timber, 1890s-1920s, including account book, 1892-1898 and plans
GRE/X/P333 1844-1932
Speech of 3rd Earl Grey (then Viscount Howick) on Agricultural Distress, 13 March 1845.
Account of festivities at Howick to celebrate the coming of age of Viscount Howick, 22 December 1900.
Typescript of speech by Lord Howick when presented with an illuminated address.
Inventories of pictures, furniture and silver from Howick.
Conditions for competition for 4th Earl Grey's challenge shield for rifle shooting.
Programme for 9th Exhibition of Howick Horticultural and Industrial Society, 1 September 1900.
Miscellaneous estate letters, 1844-1879. 1 file.
Miscellaneous estate letters, 1881-1930 and rough rental of Howick Estate. 1 file.
Receipts for subscriptions to various institutions and requests by local societies for patronage, 1875-1917. 1 file.
Miscellaneous papers relating to finance. 1 file.
Papers relating to taxes, 1862-1932. 1 file.
Letters and papers relating to insurance, 1874-1890. 1 file.
Miscellaneous estate papers. 1 file.
Miscellaneous vouchers and 1 notebook with some vouchers enclosed. 1 file.
1864*-Unexecuted lease of Craster Southside Farm from Thomas Clutterbuck of Warkworth to James Grey of Craster Southside for 12 years, with plan and schedule of acreages and state of cultivation, with letter John Tate to G. A. Grey, 5 February
1867, concerning Grey's right to away-going crop.
1929*-Draft lease of a house called Glen Aln by Nancy Cawley and Arthur Atkinson Clark to Henry Utrick Dickinson of Heckley House, near Alnwick. 2 copies.
*These might not be Earl Grey papers.
GRE/X/P334 1888-1936
Chevington Estate: schedule of areas, annual values and capital values of land, etc. proposed to be sold to Broomhill Collieries Ltd., 1927.
Chevington Estate: miscellaneous papers, some re: Income Tax, c.1893-1931 [found loose].
Chevington Sale: general file and sale to Broomhill Collieries, 1927-1931.
Broomhill Colliery: correspondence and papers, 1888-1936.
Broomhill Colliery: correspondence and papers, 1921-1936 mainly rent accounts.
Broomhill Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd.: correspondence and papers, 1891-1928.
GRE/X/P335 1845-1933
Chevington Estate: Whitfield House Farm, Cuthbert Alderson, 1924-1930.
Chevington Estate: Lease of Broomhill Farm, J. D. Forsyth, 1886-1931.
Chevington Estate: Maiden's Hall Farm, Mr Heath's occupation, 1928-1930.
Chevington Estate: Haleston Fields, Mr J. Pettica, 1925-1929.
Chevington Estate: North Broomhill, land let to Robert Slater, 1922-1923.
Chevington Estate: Broomhill Field, Gilbert Turnbull; Christopher Purvis, 1921-1927.
Chevington Estate: Broomhill Field, Gilbert Turnbull and Christopher Purvis, 1873-1927.
Chevington Estate: Re: Messrs Watt & Campbell's villas-drainage, 1921.
Chevington Estate: East Chevington Vicarage, 1921-1923.
Broomhill Colliery accounts, 1887-1919 [numbered 1-41].
Other papers relating to Broomhill Colliery, 1911-1917.
File containing items about the National Provident Society mortgage, report on Broomhill Colliery, correspondence with George Grey of Milfield, 1910-1912, 1912-1914.
File labelled “Road through Chevington Wood to Amble Junction”, 1922-1933.
Chevington Colliery: correspondence re: borehole in field 115, 1897.
Plan of proposed Broomhill Colliery Railway ... to Warkworth Harbour, 1845.
Plan of land to be purchased from Earl Grey at Chevington Station, 1899.
GRE/X/P336 1888-1933
Chevington Moor Farm: R. Brown, 1897-1934. Report on Chevington Moor buildings. Lease to Brown, 24 February 1898. Rental history, 1898-1927. Arbitration award, 1899. State of cultivation, June 1899. Balance sheet for year ending 31 May 1895;
Howick Farms stock valuation, 1895. 1 file.
Chevington Estate: deeds releasing land from National Provident Mortgage to enable sales of building sites, 1894, 1895, 1923. 1 file.
Chevington Estate: agreement with Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Co. for overhead line Bedlington to Shibottle, 1931-1932. 1 file.
Chevington Wood, House etc., cottage, game, Mr Robert Brown: correspondence and papers, 1901-1933.
East Chevington Farm, Mr C. Alderson, 1912-1930.
Allotments in field No. 69: leased to Chevington East Parish Council, 1922-1928.
West Chevington Farm, John M. Thompson, 1902-1927.
Chevington Woodshire Farm, Thomas Hemsley, 1888-1927.
Chevington Estate water supplies to various places.
Chevington Woodside Farm: extract from conveyance to F. J. Hemsley, 11 November 1930.
Chevington Woodside: papers concerning improvement of water supply on sale to Hemsley, 1930.
Chevington Wood Windmill, 1922-1926.
Chevington-Whitfield House road-removal of hedge and substitution of wire and post fence, 1922.
Chevington Wood experiments, 1917-1918.
GRE/X/P337 1840-1954
Chevington boundary fences, 1928-1933.
Chevington Estate proposed new sewerage system, 1913-1933.
Chevington Wood: Charles Harmer; John T. Hall, 1917-1935.
Chevington repairs, 1921-1924.
Chevington Wood-replanting, 1924.
Chevington Crescent (Wood) Water Supply; also Bullocks Hall & Whitfield House, 1898-1948.
Bullocks Hall Colliery Co. rent accounts, 1916-1925.
Chevington: prices of building sites, 1924-1925.
Chevington Burn: pollution by Stobswood Colliery, 1925.
Chevington Estate: sale of building site to the Comrades of the Great War (The British Legion), 1923.
Chevington Estate: land between the railways, 1916-1921.
Chevington Wood: plans showing timber felled and still standing, 1924; 1916 notes showing rental realized for land planted in 1881.
East Chevington-road improvement at corner of field No. 35, 1922.
Chevington Estate timber sold to the Broomhill Coal Company, 1917-1920.
Chevington Estate: schedules of areas and particulars of capital value, 1927.
Chevington Wood: sale, 1947-1954.
Chevington Estate: land near Bullocks Hall Colliery.
Chevington Crescent allotments, 1917-1920.
Chevington Estate: form of conveyance to be used in connection with the sale of building sites, 1925.
Chevington: woodland grazing-Mr Robert Brown, 1904-1930.
Chevington Station drain, 1917-1918.
Chevington factory, Hunter's cottage water supply, 1936.
Chevington Vicarage, 1923.
Chevington: lease of garden (field No. 125) at Barties Town, 1925-1928.
Chevington Estate: recreation gound, Broomhill, 1914-1927.
Chevington Estate: copy counterpart lease of land to Morpeth R. D. C. for an isolation hospital, 1903.
Correspondence, 1903-1928.
West Chevington: grazing of fields 58 and 59, 1928-1929.
Barties Town, Chevington: lease of garden (field No. 125), 1925-1927.
Chevington Wood: James and Mary Earnshaw-lease of cottage and land, 1915; correspondence, 1915-1926.
Sale to Broomhill Collieries Ltd. of Eastern portion of Chevington Estate: copy conveyance, 1928.
Copy of West Chevington Tithe Apportionment, 1840 [found loose].
Swinhoe East Farm: tithe redemption, 1926-1928.
James Scott Trust and redemption of North Sunderland tithes, 1931-1934, and other papers re: North Northumberland tithes, 1927-1931 [found loose].
GRE/X/P338 1841-1932
Copy tithe apportionment for West Chevington, 1841, and tracing of plan.
Chevington Estate schedule of areas, rents, outgoings, capital value, 1920s.
Chevington Estate Tithe and fee farm apportionments-much correspondence including sub-files on East Chevington tithes; East and West Chevington tithes, tithe rent charges on various lots of Chevington Estate ... 1920s and 1930s.
Statement showing debitor balances of Howick accounts, 1923-1932.
Analysis of expenditure-soap accounts of the Laundry.
Chevington Moor water supply-plans 1899, 1901.
West Chevington Farm water supply, 1901-1915.
East Chevington Farm water supply, 1892-1902.
Broomhill Farm water supply, 1902-1928.
Maiden's Hall and Chevington Woodside water supply, 1924-1929.
Wayleave agreements (various), 1886-1910.
Agreement with John Dunn for Chevington Nursery Fields, 1887.
Rough notes on Tweedside Estate-rental history, outgoings (re: sale 1918); suggested asking and reserve prices, 1920.
Tracing of plan of East and West Chevington, 1869.
Copy agreements for allotment gardens on Chevington Estate, 1925.
Papers relating to the sale of East Chevington to Broomhill Collieries, 1928-1930.
Sale particulars and plans of Ulgham Grange, East and West Chevington, Cold Martin and Budle and coalmines, March 1870.
GRE/X/P339 mainly 1926-1928
Letters and papers relating to the sale of Chevington Estate, Lots 1-36. 1 file per Lot.
GRE/X/P340 1841-1947
Chevington Nursery and other land at Chevington Wood-letters and papers, 1887-1947.
Copy of East Chevington Tithe apportionment, 1841, and tracing of tithe plan.
Memorandum on tithe rent charges and tithe redemption by J. Cleghorn, 1918.
List of lay tithes received by Earl Grey and their commuted value, 1931.
Letter re: Earl Grey's Lucker & Newham tithes, 1924.
Agreement with Post Office for stay in field north of West Chevington, 1933.
GRE/X/P341 1846-1849
Blue Books: Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the burdens affecting Real Property; together with the Minutes of Evidence taken before the said Committee, 1846.
Collieries: Reports on the gases and explosions in Collieries by Sir Henry T. de la Beche, Dr. Lyon Playfair and Mr Warington Smyth, 1847.
Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the best means of preventing the occurrence of dangerous accidents in Coal Mines ... together with the Minutes of Evidence and an appendix and index thereto,
GRE/X/P342 1719-1892
Large tracing of plan of Chevington Estate-fields named and areas stated. 4 chains to 1", n.d. [fragile].
Plan of Broomhill Railway Station, 1892.
18th century survey of East and West Chevington-acreages and state of cultivation.
Fragments of a lease of Hawkhill by Sir Henry Grey of Horton, 1719.
Schedules of manures applied to the following farms, 1884-1885: Ancroft North, Bradford, Presson Hill, Downham, Little Mill and Little Houghton.
GRE/X/P343 1850-1909
Large file of papers relating to loans from the Land Improvements Company for drainage of various parts of the Howick Estate, 1850-c.1883. Includes schedules and plans.
Similar file, 1855-1860 [no plans].
Similar file, 1860s with plans.
Howick Farm, abstracts of receipts and payments for the year ending 31 May 1909.
Pedigree of the dog “Torrent”, a retriever bred by Lt Col Sir Henry Smith 1 February 1900, stored between railway timetables for July-September 1900 and October 1900.
GRE/X/P344 1850-1983
Printed material. Miscellaneous pamphlets, journals and other ephemera (GRE/X/P344/1-34).
Ivory disc on blue ribbon-life member's pass issued by the National Rifle Association to Earl Grey 1900 (GRE/X/P344/35).
ARP warden's cap badge in red printed box “Air Raid Precautions Services”, ms. inscription “D. Croke Littlehoughton” (GRE/X/P344/36).
Newspaper cuttings:
“Earl Grey on the war”; “Earl Grey's notable speech in Winnipeg” (21 October 1905); 4p. from The guardian (16 April 1920) with correspondence on
tithes marked; “Reaping the profits of greed” from The guardian 23 June 1983 (GRE/X/P344/37-40).
Blank printed receipt for Howick Estate (GRE/X/P344/41).
Proof copy of biography of 1st Earl from a history of the 20th Regiment, with 2 letters (GRE/X/P344/42).
Printed circular letter and 2 letters relating to a local organisation to oversee schools that have incurred warnings from national inspectors (1894) (GRE/X/P344/43-45).
Blank letters of admission or recommendation to the following charitable institutions: Newcastle upon Tyne Infirmary (185-); Newcastle upon Tyne Infirmary (1853); Newcastle upon Tyne Infirmary (1859); Newcastle upon Tyne Infirmary (186-);
Newcastle upon Tyne Infirmary (1880-81); Newcastle upon Tyne Convalescent Society; (1893); Glendale Ward, Wooler (185-); Fleming Memorial Hospital for Sick Children, Newcastle upon Tyne (1895) and letter requesting return of any spare letters;
Hospital for Sick Children, Hanover Square, Newcastle upon Tyne (1895); Newcastle Invalid Loan Society [1890s].
2 uncompleted blank printed forms from the Newcastle branch of the Charities Central Collecting Agency, listing all local charities and inviting subscriptions.
All catalogued in DUL printed catalogue
GRE/X/P345 1827-1940s
Printed material. Miscellaneous pamphlets, journals and other ephemera
All printed material catalogued in DUL catalogue
Large scale printed Ordnance Survey maps of Northumberland, covering the area of the Grey Estates.
Stored in NSR Planfile B
All catalogued in DUL printed catalogue
GRE/X/P347 [mid 18th century]
Abstract of Sir Henry Grey's title to Fallodon 1662-1717.
GRE/X/P348 1799
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P348/ January 1799
1. Labourers, named, employed in the gardens and plantations at Howick for 2 weeks ending 1 January, 18 January.
2. Labourers, named, employed in the gardens and plantations at Howick for 2 weeks ending 4 January, 4 January.
3. John Briggs for coal, 18 January.
4. Isabella Ogle, housekeeping account, with 4 other bills for food from Strothers, Embleton, 18 January.
5. John Barton, 18 January.
6. John Briggs, 18 January.
7. John Murray, repairs, 18 January.
8. J. Adam, 18 January.
9. Taylor, transporting goods (including potatoes) to London, 18 January.
10. Joseph Athey, labourers working on the estate 4-18 January, 18 January.
11. Antony Robinson, husbandry work, 18 January.
12. Isabella Ogle, housekeeping, with 4 others bills from Mattherson, Strothers, Embleton and Foreman, 4 January.
13. Joseph Athey, labourers, named, working on the estate 21 December-4 January, 4 January.
14. Antony Robinson, horse and other repairs, 4 January.
15. Morris Saugh, animals, 1 October 1798.
16. John Briggs, coal, 21 December 1798.
17-18. Labourers wages, 18 January.
19-20. Labourers wages, 4 January.
GRE/X/P349 1800
Estate vouchers.
7th January 1800
John Murray. Receipt of payment for works done.
| | | | |
| | HG | | |
January 1800 | Isabella Ogle | HG | Housekeeping accounts for Jan 11th including bills from Strothers, Embleton, Purvis and Foreman | |
7th January 1800 | Joseph
Athey | HG | Receipt of payment for works done at Howick between Jan 3rd - 17th. Names of workers included. | |
10th January 1800 | Antony Robinson | HG | Receipt of payment for repairs and improvements and husbandry. | |
28th January 1800 | J. Pringle | HG | Receipt of payment for paint | |
31st January 1800 | Joseph Athey | HG | Receipt of payment for works done at Howick between Jan 17th - 31st. Names of workers included. | |
22nd January 1800 | Antony Robinson | HG | Reciept of payment for repairs, improvements and hubandry. | |
3rd January 1800 | | | Cash paid to workmen on january
3rd. Names included | |
17th January 1800 | | | Cash paid to workmen on january 17th. Names included | |
3rd January 1800 | Isabella Ogle | HG | Housekeeping accounts for December 21st-28th. Includes bills from Embleton (x 2), Strothers (x 2), Horsley (x 2). | |
3rd January 1800 | Joseph
Athey | HG | Receipt of payment for works done at Howick between 20th Dec 1799-3rd Jan 1800. Names of workers included. | |
3rd January 1800 | John Bolton | HG | Receipt for the payment of candles. | |
1st October 1799 | Antony Robinson | HG | Receipt of payment for horse shoeing | |
18th December 1799 | Antony Robinson | HG | Receipt of payment for repairs and improvements. | |
3rd January 1800 | John Murray | HG | Receipt of payment for making and repairing cart wheels. | |
3rd January 1800 | Mr Graham | HG | Receipt | |
3rd January 1800 | John Kent | HG | Receipt | |
9th January 1800 | Mark Oliver | HG | Receipt of payment for food including mustard. | |
1st January 1800 | Henry Srotts | HG | Receipt of payment for various items. | |
GRE/X/P350 1801
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P351 1802
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P352 1803
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P353 1804
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P354 1805
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P355 1806
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P356 1807
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P357 1808
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P358 January-June 1809
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P359 July-December 1809
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P360 1810
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P361 1811
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P362 1812
Estate vouchers.
January Nos.43-45, purchases of books
GRE/X/P363 1813
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P364 1814
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P365 1815
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P366 1816
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P367 1817
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P368 1818
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P369 1819
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P370 1820
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P371 1821
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P372 1822-1823
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P373 1824-1825
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P374 1826
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P375 1827
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P376 1828
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P377 1829
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P378 1830
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P379 1831
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P380 1831-1832
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P381 1832
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P382 1833
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P383 1834
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P384 1835
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P385 1836
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P386 1837
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P387 1838
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P388 1839
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P389 1840
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P390 1841
Estate vouchers, including, for November, the account of John and Benjamin Green, architects, of Newcastle, for various works at Howick 1834-1840 including an ornamental dairy, new terrace, a gallery in Howick church, lighting in the library at
Howick Hall etc.
GRE/X/P391 1842
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P392 1843
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P393 1844
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P394 January-June 1845
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P395 July-December 1845
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P396 January-June 1846
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P397 July-December 1846
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P398 January-June 1847
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P399 July-December 1847
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P400 January-June 1848
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P401 July-December 1848
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P402 January-June 1849
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P403 July-December 1849
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P404 January-June 1850
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P405 July-December 1850
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P406 1851
Estate vouchers.
Description, date
Description date
GRE/X/P407 1852
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P408 January-June 1853
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P409 July-December 1853
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P410 January-June 1854
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P411 July-December 1854
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P412 January-June 1855
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P413 July-December 1855
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P414 January-June 1856
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P415 July-December 1856
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P416 January-June 1857
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P417 July-December 1857
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P418 1858
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P419 1859
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P420 1874
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P421 1875
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P422 1876
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P423 1877
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P424 1878
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P425 1879
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P426 1880
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P427 1881
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P428 1882
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P429 1883
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P430 1884
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P431 1885
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P432 1886
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P433 1887
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P434 1888
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P435 1889
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P436 1890
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P437 1891
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P438 January-June 1892
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P439 July-December 1892
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P440 January-June 1893
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P441 July-December 1893
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P442 January-June 1894
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P443 July-December 1894
Estate vouchers.
GRE/X/P444 1845-1861
Private ledger vouchers.
GRE/X/P445 1861-1876
Private ledger vouchers.
GRE/X/P446 1876-1894
Private ledger vouchers.
GRE/X/P447 1881-1916
Private ledger vouchers 1894-1898;
Lord Howick's estate vouchers 1913-1916;
Payments by the 3rd Earl Grey 1881-1894.
GRE/X/P448 1885-1914
Albert Grey, 4th Earl Grey's vouchers 1885-1894 & 1905-1914;
Mrs/Lady Grey's vouchers 1888-1889 & 1900-1902.
GRE/X/P449 1950s-1960s
Building plans, reports and works specifications for estate properties:
Howick Grange: construction of new glasshouse, with sections, plans and elevations, 1961
Littlehoughton Farm: 1. Cottage ground plan, on dorse of fundraising circular reporting on a Working Men’s Deputations to Belfast re Home Rule (June 1893), Albert Grey of Howick, Treasurer, with list of subscribers; 2. Farm buildings ground plans
and elevations, 20th century
East Lodge: building requirements, specification, with Allan Bros. Ltd of Berwick brochures and invoice, 1950s
Pasture House Farm, farm cottages at Longhoughton Lowstead, Howick Gardens (heating): works and alterations specifications; sewage scheme; sheep dip unit, 1959-1960
Howick Scar Cottage: 2 section drawings of roof timbers, 20th century
Howick Grange: traced OS plan, with ?fencing measurements, 20th century
Grange Cottage (Gilmores): specifications for additions and alterations, 1962; with traced OS plans of estate settlements, showing water supply routes, 20th century
File of ‘Plans that were never carried out’, 20th century: offices for new cottages at Howick; 7 bedroom house (2 plans); Kennels at Howick West Lodge; alterations at Littlehoughton Farm; Pheasant pens
Redstead Farm and Cottages: plans and specifications for alterations and additions, W. A. Meakin, and sewerage scheme, 1959-1960
Howick Grange, East Lodge, Grange Cottage, Peep-o-Sea Cottage, Lowstead Farm Cottage no. 2: specifications for modernisation and alterations
Poultry Keeper's House, and New Cottage, Pasture House: 1. plans of Poultryman’s House, showing alterations to be made, February 1901; 2. traced OS plan showing enlargement of [Poultry Keeper’s] house and grounds; 3. traced OS plan with New
Cottage, Pasture House
Cowhouse Design: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries issued set of (outsize: filed with GRE/X/P461) scale drawings showing alternative cowhouse designs, with regional Advisory Standard specification
Seahouses Farm: roof over open court, 1961; Mr Bradley’s house at Pasture House, 1961; Redstead Farm cottages: modernisation, alterations, and additions, 1960; Littlehoughton Cottages; Poultryman’s house at Pasture House Farm; new greenhouse
heating installation at Howick Hall gardens; Gardener’s Cottage timber order, 1957; 1950s building trade publications; Proposed Corn Dressing Plant at Pasture House Farm, (outsize: filed with GRE/X/P461) plan by W. A. Meakin, 1 July 1960
Paper; waxed linen paper 1 box
GRE/X/P450 [late 18th century]
Map of Howick Hall, estate and gardens, and extending to Howick Grange, Pasture House, Howick, Sea Houses, Red Stead; with key headed ‘Collections’ listing field names and acreages of Howick Farm, Sea Houses Farm,
Plantations and Reads (1417a 1r 17p in total). Numbered on dorse: 35. Manuscript, ink with pencilled transects. Details include: plantings (some dated), archaeological sites, wells, quarries, buildings.
scale: [about 3336:1 or 4 chains : 1 inch]
Linen-backed paper (rolled) 1 roll
Size: 113 x 95 cm
GRE/X/P451 [early 20th century]
Copy plan of Low Stead, Peppermoor, Rock Hole and other lands in Longhoughton Township; and Hawkhill Farm in Hawkhill Township, Lesbury. Hand-coloured photostat. Low Stead was given in [1872] by the Duke of Northumberland to Lord Grey in exchange
for Hawkhill Farm: for original see
scale: 6 chains : 1 inch [1:4752]
Paper (rolled) 1 roll (now 2)
Size: 100 x 115 cm
Howick HallGRE/X/P452/1-6 1899-1927
Plans of Howick Hall.
GRE/X/P452/1 [1899]
Plan of drains in Howick Kitchen Wing. Endorsed: ‘left out at Howick after work finished’.
scale: 1/10" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 76 cm
GRE/X/P452/2 [1899]
Plan of drains in Howick Kitchen Wing.
scale: 1/10" : 1 foot
Waxed linen paper 1f
Size: 57 x 75 cm
GRE/X/P452/3 May-June 1899
Section plan of Howick Hall kitchen wing drains. Passed as correct by J. C. Endorsed with pencil measurements of levels, 26 June 1899.
Paper 1f
Size: 66 x 80 cm
GRE/X/P452/4 December 1919-January 1920
Howick Hall: floor plans by Henry Walker and Son Ltd, Heating, Ventilating Sanitary Engineers. Photostat.
scale: 1/16" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 70 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P452/5 September 1926
Howick Hall, Rebuilding: half-inch details of Central Court, by Sir Herbert Baker, 14 Barton Street, Westminster. Drawing No. 8: sections, elevations, plan. Office copy.
Paper 1f
Size: 114 x 76 cm
GRE/X/P452/6 7 January 1927
Howick Hall: ground floor plan by Mackenzie and Moncur Ltd, Heating Engineers. Photostat. Endorsed: P. W. 6.
Paper 1f
Size: 52 x 87 cm
Howick LodgesGRE/X/P452/7-16 1855-1958
Plans of Howick West, East and North Lodges, respectively.
GRE/X/P452/7 [late 19th century]
Ground plan of a Lodge at Howick. Pencil annotations.
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 51 x 34 cm
GRE/X/P452/8 [late 19th century]
West Lodge Gates: front elevation and ground plan. Also endorsed: ‘East Chevington, proposed gateway to [?farm house]’.
scale: 1/2" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 38 x 60 cm
GRE/X/P452/9 [mid-late 19th century]
[West Lodge]: north elevation; with costing for addition of date of construction (1847) and crest on gables.
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 48 x 34 cm
GRE/X/P452/10 [mid-late 19th century]
West Lodge: floor plans.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 48 x 35 cm
GRE/X/P452/11 [early 20th century]
Design for gateways at New Lodge. Endorsed: West Lodge.
Paper 1f
Size: 68 x 51 cm
GRE/X/P452/12 [early 20th century]
Sketch of gateway [at New Lodge / West Lodge].
Paper 1f
Size: 68 x 51 cm
GRE/X/P452/13 [mid-20th century]
Howick East Lodge: front elevation.
Paper 1f
Size: 49 x 33 cm
GRE/X/P452/14 20 August 1958
Improvements at East Lodge Howick: elevations and plans, by W. A. Meakin.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 61 x 39 cm
GRE/X/P452/15 10 September 1855
Pinnacles and Pendants to Gables, Howick North Lodge; elevations on reverse. Hand-coloured designs by R. Dunn. Endorsed with part of elevation and transverse section of unidentified building.
scale: 0.5 : 1
Paper 1f
Size: 51 x 34 cm
GRE/X/P452/16 [mid-20th century]
Details of Barge Boarding, New [?North] Lodge.
scale: 1 : 1
Paper 1f
Size: 45 x 29 cm
Howick Hall Estate BuildingsGRE/X/P452/17-20 [late 19th century]-1960
Plans of Howick Hall estate buildings.
GRE/X/P452/17 [late 19th century]
Garden Bothy, Howick: plan and elevations.
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 50 x 94 cm
GRE/X/P452/18 [early 20th century]
Plan of proposed New Draining System for Sewage from Gardener’s House and Cottage, Howick Estate.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 38 x 37 cm
GRE/X/P452/19 [mid 20th century]
Plan of alteration to garage flat. Pencil, hand coloured.
Paper 1f
Size: 55 x 45 cm
GRE/X/P452/20 27 July 1960
Proposed Layout For Greenhouse Heating Scheme For Howick Hall Gardens, by W. A. Meakin.
scale: 3/16" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 76 cm
Bathing House and Boat HouseGRE/X/P453/1-7 [late 19th century]
Plans of Howick Hall Bathing House and Boat House.
GRE/X/P453/1-2 [late 19th century]
Elevations of [the Bathing House]. Grey crest with garter affixed: for installation above house doorway, with date [of construction] 1864.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 2f
Size: 34 x 25 cm
GRE/X/P453/3 [late 19th century]
Bathing House, Howick: details of principle entrance.
scale: 1" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 34 x 51 cm
GRE/X/P453/4 [late 19th century]
Bathing House (Howick) Improvements: details of porch, plans and elevations.
scale: 1" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 51 x 34 cm
GRE/X/P453/5-6 [late 19th century]
The Modernisation of the Bathing House, Howick: plans, sections.
Paper 2f
Size: 56 x 76 cm
GRE/X/P453/7 [late 19th century]
Old Boathouse, New Carriage Drive and Sea-Wall: plans and elevations.
Paper 1f
Size: 71 x 64 cm
Howick Hall Farm BuildingsGRE/X/P453/8-11 1891-[1899]
Plans of Howick Hall Farm Buildings.
GRE/X/P453/8 31 March 1891
Loose Boxes Proposed to be Built at Howick Cow Byres: elevation and plan. Endorsed: Mr Russell, Howick, Lesbury, Northumberland. Drawing approved by A.G.
scale: 1/4" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 39 x 62 cm
GRE/X/P453/9-10 April 1899
Howick Plans and Section of Drain from S.E. Stable to Manhole at front of buildings; Howick Sewerage Stable Wing Sections (sketches also on reverse).
Waxed linen paper; paper 2f
Size: 14 x 50 cm; 38 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P453/11 [late 19th century]
Howick House Stables Block: plan.
scale: 1/8" : 1 foot
Waxed linen paper 1f
Size: 46 x 76 cm
Howick Grange Estate Buildings and CottagesGRE/X/P453/12-19 [late 19th century]-1958
8f; 1p
Howick Grange Estate Buildings and Cottages.
GRE/X/P453/12 [20th century]
Details of Foundations of Greenhouse at Howick Grange for Lady Howick: plan and section.
scale: 1/2" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 46 x 41 cm
GRE/X/P453/13 [late 19th century]
Grange Cottage: plan and elevation.
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 76 cm
GRE/X/P453/14-15 5 January 1958
Proposed modernisation of Cottage at Howick Grange, by W. A. Meakin: elevations, plans (existing and proposed); block plan. (Original and photostat copy)
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 2f
Size: 66 x 41 cm; 64 x 41 cm
GRE/X/P453/16-19 September 1958
Proposed alterations to Cottage at Howick Grange, by W. A. Meakin: plans and block plan; with typescript (1p) Specifications for plumbing work.
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper; tracing paper 4f; 1p
Size: 48 x 75 cm; 42 x 77 cm; 42 x 62 cm; 66 x 41 cm
Howick Village and Estate Cottages, including Copley HallGRE/X/P454/1-20 October 1840-[mid 20th century]
Plans of Howick Village and Estate Cottages, including Copley Hall.
GRE/X/P454/1 October 1840
Proposed Improvements to the Cottages at Howick, by John and Benjamin Green Architects: elevations and sections. Endorsed: Village School and Cottages.
scale: 1/8" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 54 x 81 cm
GRE/X/P454/2-3 [mid 19th century]
[Burn Cottages]: plans and elevations. Pencil. Endorsed: ‘original for Howick’, and ‘Burn Cottage’.
Paper 2f
Size: 55 x 37.5 cm; 40 x 32.5 cm
GRE/X/P454/4-6 [mid 19th century]
Farm Cottages as erected on the Estate of the Right Honourable Earl Grey: ground plan of four cottages; transverse section of cottages and offices, and upper floor plan; block plan of cottages, shewing arrangement of the drains. Plans numbered A.
1-2, 4.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 3f
Size: 34 x 51 cm
GRE/X/P454/7 [mid 19th century]
Design, by Robert Dunn of Howick, for the improvement of the school and Master’s house at Howick.
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 53 x 66 cm
GRE/X/P454/8 21 April 1883
Copley Hall: ground plan, elevations and section. Drawing no. 1.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper, repaired with linen 1f
Size: 100 x 55.5 cm
GRE/X/P454/9 [early 20th century]
Plan, elevation and section of unidentified building [?at Copley Hall]. Drawing no. 3.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 58 x 36.5 cm
GRE/X/P454/10 [early 20th century]
Cattle Shed [?at Copley Hall]: elevation, section and plan. Drawing No. 4.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 62 x 34 cm
GRE/X/P454/11 [early 20th century]
Plan of cottage, Reading Room, offices and bowling green at Howick, including Burn Houses and School. Ink, hand-coloured. Endorsed: ‘site plan, Howick’, and ‘Copley Hall, ground plan
(block), R.R.’.
Card 1f
Size: 59 x 39 cm
GRE/X/P454/12 [late 19th century]
Proposed Layout for Improvements to the Widows Row, Howick: ground plan, elevation and section.
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 76 cm
GRE/X/P454/13-14 [late 19th century]
Coal House (abutting unidentified house): ground plan, front elevation and section as proposed.
Waxed linen paper 2f
Size: 22 x 35 cm; 41 x 25 cm
GRE/X/P454/15 [early 20th century]
Plan and cross-sections of two new cottages at Howick. Pen and ink, hand-coloured.
scale: 1/8" : 1 foot
Waxed-linen 1f
Size: 77 x 57 cm
GRE/X/P454/16 [mid-20th century]
Alterations to Cottage on Howick Estate, occupied by Woodman: plans and elevations, by Burn Brothers.
scale: 1/8" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 37 x 28 cm
GRE/X/P454/17 18 June 1927
Elevations, cross-section and ground plan of proposed bungalows near Howick, Northumberland. Plan by William Steen, Building Contractor of Howick, Longhoughton and Alnwick. Blue dyeline.
scale: 1/8" : 1 foot
Paper 1f
Size: 48 x 37 cm
GRE/X/P454/18 [early 20th century]
Proposed drainage scheme, Howick Village. Drawing no. 68/16/A: F.B. Hindmarsh & Partners, 107 Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. Annotated in pencil. Numbered in red: 5 and #36.
scale: 1:500
Paper 1f
Size: 44 x 74 cm
GRE/X/P454/19-20 [early 20th century]
Howick Village. Drawing no. 68/16: F.B. Hindmarsh & Partners, 107 Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. Annotated in pencil. Numbered in red: 6 and #36. Inset: Seahouses.
Second copy, with blank inset; annotated in red and green crayon and in pencil.
scale: 1:500 with 1:2,500 inset
Paper 2f
Size: 77 x 79 cm
Howick ScarGRE/X/P455/1-7 [early 20th century]-1960
7f; 1p
Plans of Howick Scar Farm.
GRE/X/P455/1 [early 20th century]
Traced [Ordnance Survey] plan of Howick Scar and land to the east, to coast. Ink.
Waxed linen paper 1f
Size: 24 x 50.6 cm
GRE/X/P455/2 March 1906
Plan showing alterations to Farm House at Howick Scar: plans, elevation, section.
scale: 1/4" : 1 foot
Waxed linen paper 1f
Size: 78 x 43 cm
GRE/X/P455/3 [April 1906]
Proposed Corn Room at Howick Scar Farm: elevation, plan and section.
scale: 1/4" : 1 foot
Waxed linen paper 1f
Size: 26 x 45 cm
GRE/X/P455/4-5 April 1906
Howick Scar. Plan of proposed Corn Room (2 copies); with typescript (1p) Specification.
scale: 1/4" : 1 foot
Waxed linen paper 2f; 1p
Size: 40 x 36 cm; 43 x 41 cm
GRE/X/P455/6 [20th century]
Scar Farm, Farmhouse: elevations, plans.
scale: 1/8" : 1 foot
Tracing paper 1f
Size: 37 x 34 cm
GRE/X/P455/7 20 February 1960
Proposed Hay Shed and Utility Store for The Howick Scar Farm, by W. A. Meakin: elevation, sections, plan and block plan.
Paper 1f
Size: 75 x 56 cm
Lowstead and LonghoughtonGRE/X/P456/1-11 [early 20th century]-1959
GRE/X/P456/1 [early 20th century]
Traced [Ordnance Survey] plan of Low Stead, Longhoughton and surrounding lands. Ink and [?boundary] marked in red crayon.
Linen-backed paper 1f
Size: 106 x 64 cm
GRE/X/P456/2 [20th century]
Plan of additions to Farm Buildings, Longhoughton, Lowstead Farm, by [?Robert Russell]: sections, elevations, plan.
scale: 1" : 12 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 78 x 57 cm
GRE/X/P456/3 [20th century]
Cottage, Longhoughton, Lowstead, by Robert Russell: section, elevation, plan.
Paper; waxed linen paper 1f
Size: 47 x 45 cm
GRE/X/P456/4 [early 20th century]
Sketch block plan of Longhoughton. Pencil.
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 30.5 cm
GRE/X/P456/5 [early 20th century]
Sketch ground plan at [?Longhoughton]. Pencil.
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 40 cm
GRE/X/P456/6 [early 20th century]
Small sketches and measurements of roof-lines, corners, bricks, and washroom at [?Longhoughton]. Pencil.
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 35.5. cm
GRE/X/P456/7-8 21 October 1958
Proposed improvements to The North Cottages at Longhoughton Lowstead Farm, by W. A. Meakin: elevations, section, plans (existing and proposed), block plan. (2 copies)
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 2f
Size: 64 x 41 cm
GRE/X/P456/9-10 28 October 1958
Proposed modernisation of no. 3 Cottage at Longhoughton Lowstead Farm, by W. A. Meakin: elevations and plans (existing and proposed). 2 copies.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 2f
Size: 66 x 39 cm
GRE/X/P456/11-12 6 March 1959
Addition to and modernisation of No. 2 Cottage at Longhoughton Lowstead Farm, by W. A. Meakin: elevations, plan and section. (2 copies)
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 43 x 38 cm
Pasture House and Little MillGRE/X/P457/1-19 [early 20th century]-1960
19f; 1p
Plans of Pasture House and Little Mill Farms.
GRE/X/P457/1 [20th century]
Floor plan of Pasture House Farmhouse in Howick. Pencil and blue crayon.
Paper 1f
Size: 58.5 x 80.5 cm
GRE/X/P457/2 [early 20th century]
Plan of proposed layout for access road and turning area to loading ramp at Howick Pasture House Farm, produced for the Howick Estate Company. Pencil and red crayon.
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 38 cm
GRE/X/P457/3 [early 20th century]
Past[ure House], unidentified farm buildings ground plan.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 46.5 x 38.5 cm
GRE/X/P457/4 26 August 1927
Survey of Four Cottages at Pasture House, Howick: hand-coloured elevations, floor plan and section, amended and original, by E. L. Devine, Wooler.
Paper 1f
Size: 65 x 22 cm
GRE/X/P457/5-6 [20th century]
Proposed alteration of and addition to Pasture House Farm House: plan of upstair rooms; elevation.
scale: 1/4" : 1 foot
Waxed linen paper 2f
Size: 65 x 36 cm; 62 x 42 cm
GRE/X/P457/7 [1960s]
Lighting points to be installed at Howick Pasture House Farm, for the Howick Estate Company: plan; with typescript (1p) Specification of additional lighting points.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f; 1p
Size: 48 x 33 cm
GRE/X/P457/8-12 [20th century]
Amended layout for bin storage at Howick Pasture House Farm, by W. A. Meakin.
scale: 1” : 4 feet (plan); 1” : 2 feet (sections)
Paper; Tracing paper 5f
Size: 57 x 77 cm; 55 x 59 cm; 60 x 14 cm
GRE/X/P457/13 [20th century]
Howick Pasture House Farm. Proposed alteration: ground plan; proposed covering for open courts; sections.
scale: 1/4" : 1 foot
Waxed linen paper 1f
Size: 76 x 61 cm
GRE/X/P457/14 7 June 1960
Proposed general improvements to Howick Pasture House Farm Buildings, by W. A. Meakin: plan and elevation.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 69 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P457/15-16 [20th century]
North elevation, section of same and end section of proposed bin corn storage at Howick Pasture House Farm, with photostat copy.
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 2f
Size: 66 x 58 cm
GRE/X/P457/17 [early 20th century]
Floor plan of Little Mill Farm.
Paper 1f
Size: 76.5 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P457/18 August 1954
Plan of proposed Improvements to Little Mill Farm Cottages, General Working Drawings ( ‘Grange Cottages development’ on reverse), by Reavell & Cahill, Chartered Architects, Alnwick.
Paper 1f
Size: 98.5 x 66.5 cm
GRE/X/P457/19 [early 20th century]
Plan of combined Little Mill and Pasture House Farm lands (part). Pen and pencil.
Paper 1f
Size: 58 x 56 cm
Peep o' SeaGRE/X/P458/1-2 [early 20th century]-1947
Plans of Peep o' Sea Farm.
GRE/X/P458/1 [early 20th century]
Plan of proposed new drain at Peep O' Sea, Howick Estate.
scale: 1 : 500 feet (longitudinal); 8 feet : 1 inch (vertical)
Paper 1f
Size: 21 x 77 cm
GRE/X/P458/2 9 April 1947
Four Cottages for Rural Workers at Peep O’Sea, by Reavell and Cahill, Chartered Architects: floor plans, elevations and sections. Hand-coloured photostat. Plan numbered 23/26/39.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 69 x 50 cm
Redstead FarmGRE/X/P458/3-22 1845-1960
Plans of Redstead Farm.
GRE/X/P458/3 [mid 19th century]
Designs [by R. Dunn] for Cottages for the Northumbrian Peasantry, residing on the Estate of the right honourable Earl Grey. Plan no. 1: elevation and floor plans. Subscribed in pencil: £73. Endorsed: ‘Redstead?’.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 24 x 34 cm
GRE/X/P458/4 1845
Farm Cottages at Redstead Farm for the Right Honourable Earl Grey, by [Robert Dunn]: upper plan and section of Cottages and Offices.
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 48 x 68 cm
GRE/X/P458/5 1845
[Farm] Cottages at Howick for the Right Honourable Earl Grey. K. C., by Robert Dunn: plan and section of Cottages and Offices (Series A., No. 2). Endorsed: ‘Farm Cottages executed at Read Stead Howick, 1845’.
Paper 1f
Size: 34 x 48 cm
GRE/X/P458/6 [20th century]
Proposed conversion of Three Cottages into Two at Howick Redstead Farm, by [W. A. Meakin]: plan, section, elevation.
Paper 1f
Size: 77 x 57 cm
GRE/X/P458/7 29 October 1959
Proposed floor plans for modernisation of four cottages at Redstead Farm, showing existing and new stonework, by W. A. Meakin.
scale: 1" : 1 foot
Tracing paper 1f
Size: 69 x 31 cm
GRE/X/P458/8-12 30 November 1959
Proposed improvements to Redstead Farm Cottages, by W. A. Meakin: elevations, plans (existing and proposed).
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 5f
Size: 77 x 56 cm; 73 x 53 cm
GRE/X/P458/13-19 14 January 1960
Constructional plan and sectional end elevation for four cottages to be modernised at Howick Redstead Farm, by W. A. Meakin: section, plan (original and 6 photostat copies: 1 annotated in red ink with ?electrical lighting points).
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 7f
Size: 72 x 54 cm; 77 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P458/20-21 14 April 1960
Modernisation of modified plan for 4 cottages at Howick Redstead Farm, by W. A. Meakin: section, elevation and plan of cottages nos. 3-4. (original and photostat copy)
scale: 1" : 4 feet
Paper 2f
Size: 77 x 56 cm; 72 x 55 cm
SeahousesGRE/X/P459/1-15 [early 20th century]-1962
15f; 2p
Plans of Seahouses Farm.
GRE/X/P459/1 [early 20th century]
Seahouses ground plan, showing drains. Pencil.
Paper 1f
Size: 82.5 x 67 cm
GRE/X/P459/2 [20th century]
Ground plan of Howick Seahouses, by [R. Russell]: Drawing no. 1.
scale: 1" : 12 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 75 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P459/3 [20th century]
[Howick Seahouses], by R. Russell: Drawing no. 2: elevations.
scale: 1" : 12 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 63 x 36 cm
GRE/X/P459/4 [early 20th century]
Plan, elevation and sections of unidentified building. Drawing no. 3.
scale: 1" : 12 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 51 x 35.5 cm
GRE/X/P459/5-6 [20th century]
Plan of stable proposed to be built at the Seahouses, by [R. Russell]: ground plan, side and front elevations.
Paper on waxed linen paper; Paper 2f
Size: 67 x 45 cm; 68 x 52 cm
GRE/X/P459/7 5 June 1961
Proposed new bedroom and kitchenette added to Farm Cottage at Seahouses Farm, Howick. Also showing ex larder converted into a bathroom etc., sectional elevation and plan; with typescript (2pp) Specification of plasterwork, roofing etc.
scale: 1/2" : 1 foot
Paper 1f; 2p
Size: 56 x 73 cm
GRE/X/P459/8-10 14 July 1961
Proposed New Roof Over Open Court at Howick Seahouses Farm: plans and elevations, by W. A. Meakin.
scale: ¼’’ : 1 foot (plans) and ½’’ : 1 foot (elevations)
Paper 3f
Size: 68 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P459/11 [early 20th century]
[Seahouses Farm Cottage]: cross-section. Pencil.
scale: 2.6 cm: 2 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 56 x 47 cm
GRE/X/P459/12-13 5 April 1962
Howick Seahouses Farm Cottage Modernisation Scheme. Proposed Drainage Plan For Farm Cottages At Howick Seahouses; elevation and section (original and photstat copy).
scale: 1" : 8 feet (plan); 1" : 4 feet (elevation)
Paper 2f
Size: 56 x 76 cm
GRE/X/P459/14-15 14 April 1962
Proposed modernisation of three Farm Cottages at Howick, Seahouses Farm: elevations and plan; with typescript (4pp) Specification of plasterwork, roofing etc. Original and photostat copy.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 2f
Size: 56 x 53 cm; 55 x 52 cm
LittlehoughtonGRE/X/P460/1-6 20th century
6f; 2p
Plans of Littlehoughton Farm and surrounding lands.
GRE/X/P460/1 December 1915
Littlehoughton Farm. Additions to 2 cottages: plan, elevation, section; with correspondence and estimate (2p) from J. Cleghorn, George Grey & Sons Land Agents and Valuers, Alnwick.
Waxed linen paper; Paper 1f; 2p
Size: 68 x 39 cm
GRE/X/P460/2 [20th century]
Littlehoughton Farm Cottages: proposed alterations, plan, block plan, section.
scale: 1/8" : 1 foot
Tracing paper 1f
Size: 76 x 31 cm
GRE/X/P460/3-4 [20th century]
Littlehoughton Farm Cottages: north and south elevations.
Tracing paper 2f
Size: 48 x 35 cm
GRE/X/P460/5 [20th century]
Additions to cottage at Littlehoughton, by Burn Brothers Contractors, Felton: ground floor plan, elevations, and block plan.
scale: 1" : 8 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 60 x 32 cm
GRE/X/P460/6 [20th century]
Block plan of Littlehoughton Hall and farm buildings. Pencil.
Paper 1f
Size: 64 x 51 cm
Dominion HouseGRE/X/P460/7-9 1914
Plans of Dominion House, London.
GRE/X/P460/7 14 May 1914
Design for Dominion House, London, by A. Marshall Mackenzie and A. Q. R. Mackenzie, Architects, 1 Victoria Street, London. Ground floor plan, with surrounding streets. Photostat.
scale: 1" : 32 feet
Paper 1f
Size: 52 x 91 cm
GRE/X/P460/8-9 [May 1914]
Design for Dominion House, London, by A. Marshall Mackenzie and A. Q. R. Mackenzie, Architects, 1 Victoria Street, London. Shaded photostat concept sketches, from South, with and without St Mary-le-Strand indicated.
Paper 2f
Size: 55 x 64 cm
MiscellaneousGRE/X/P461/1-4 1937-[1925]
Miscellaneous and unidentified plans.
GRE/X/P461/1 June 1937
Plan of Peppermoor - Hocket road improvements. Lands of the Duke of Northumberland and Earl Grey indicated. Alnwick Rural District Council: F. T. Robson F.S.I., Highway Surveyor.
scale: 30 feet : 1 inch
Paper 1f
Size: 99 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P461/2 [early 20th century]
Plan of cottages occupied by Meakin and Collins, and subsequently by Nichol: conversion of bedroom into bathroom. Plan by Burn Brothers Contractors, Felton.
scale: 8 feet : 1 inch
Paper 1f
Size: 36 x 27 cm
GRE/X/P461/3 [early 20th century]
Section of unidentified roof structure; endorsed with design for church notice board. Pencil.
Paper 1f
Size: 76 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P461/4 [early 20th century]
Three dimensional pencil sketch of windows.
Card 1f
Size: 25.5 x 35.5 cm
GRE/X/P462/1-22 [19th-early 20th century]
Floral and vegetational interior designs, possibly for plaster or carved wooden reliefs.
Tracing paper 22f
Size: Between 76 x 45 cm and 18 x 9 cm
GRE/X/P463/1-5 [1909 x 1950]
Posters by Nancy Smith. Printed by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son Ltd. Subjects. Robinson Crusoe series (4); unidentified series - a man dragging a tree across a ploughed field (1). Colour prints.
Card 5f
Size: 62 x 42.5 cm
GRE/X/P464 1936-1946
Correspondence and reports relating to Howick Estate Company's tithe rent payments and redemptions for the districts of Shoreston, Longhoughton, Sunderland North, Adderston, Fleetham, Bamburgh, Warenton, Ratchwood, Tughall, Newham, Lucker and
Hoppen, Budle, Swinhoe, Newstead, and Learmouth; including Chancel charges for Bamburgh. Also includes 'Trojan' and 'Athole' Combination Grates sales catalogue.
1 box
GRE/X/P465 1932-1937; 1939-1948
Vouchers and financial records relating to Marriage Settlement Estate of the 5th Earl.
1 box
GRE/X/P466 1899-1952
1 box
GRE/X/P466/1 1930-1952
Correspondence relating to letting Littlehoughton Hall 1930 and again in 1936. Also correspondence and plans relating to renovations of Littlehoughton Hall in 1951-1952 and finding a tenant.
1 file
GRE/X/P466/2 1899-1936
Correspondence and papers relating to Low Stead Farm rents, boundaries and repairs.
1 file
GRE/X/P467 1903-1956
1 box
GRE/X/P467/1 1931-1935
Correspondence and papers relating to the formation of the Howick Estate Company.
2 files
GRE/X/P467/2 1911-1934
Correspondence and papers relating to Ratings of the Howick Estate.
1 file
GRE/X/P467/3 1934-1936
Chequebooks and receipts for the Alan, Duke of Northumberland Memorial Fund.
1 file
GRE/X/P467/4 1903
List of Death Duties paid and to be paid on behalf of the Howick Estate Company.
1 file
GRE/X/P467/5 1911-1956
Correspondence and papers relating to the land let of Howick Read Stead to Northumberland County Council from the Howick Estate Company.
1 file
GRE/X/P468 1899-1954
1 box
GRE/X/P468/1 1919-1930
Papers relating to Little Mill Farm's planned extension to a barn in 1919 and a boundary fence between Stamford and the farm in 1930.
1 file
GRE/X/P468/2 1906-1954
Plans, correspondence and papers relating to Howick Scar Farm during the tenancy of Messrs Weatherson, 1906-1933, and William Curry, 1933-1954. including Rabbit accounts from 1933-1936.
3 files
GRE/X/P468/3 1933-1937
Plans, correspondence and papers relating to Red Stead Farm during the tenancy of Duncan Hodgson Esq. Copy of lease is enclosed.
1 file
GRE/X/P468/4 1899-1936
Plans, correspondence and papers relating to Littlehoughton Farm including Rabbit accounts from 1935-1936 and repairs to a road leading to the farm in 1932-1935.
3 files
GRE/X/P469 1918-1960
1 box
GRE/X/P469/1 1918-1936
Correspondence and papers relating to income tax on the Howick estates.
2 files
GRE/X/P469/2 1958-1960
Publications and circulars to Church of England Schools from the Ministry of Education and Northumberland Education Committee.
1 file
GRE/X/P470 1892-1955
Parish Council papers and minutes, Miscellaneous Tithe Rent Papers.
Miscellaneous Tithe rent papers, Parish Council papers and minutes of meetings etc.
1 box
GRE/X/P470/1 1893-1919
Tax assessment (including tithe rent charge) and rent accounts for Howick and other estates, including properties at: Fleehope and Southern Knowe (Kirknewton parish); Downham, Presson, Presson Hill, Howburn, Tithe Hill, West Learmouth, East
Learmouth, Learmouth Fishery, Woods and Game (Carham parish); West and East Chevington, Whitefield House, Woodside, Maidens Hall, Broomhill Farm (Chevington parish); East Ancroft, Ancroft Town, Ancroft North and South Moors, Ancroft Inn and land,
Ancroft Woods and Game (Ancroft parish); Howick; Dukesfield; Burton; Hethpool; Coldburn; Smith Panama Cottage; Hatchery; Wark Manor and Castle; Bradford; North Sunderland.
Paper 1 notebook
GRE/X/P470/2 1931
List of Lay Tithes received by Earl Grey.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P470/3 1920-1921
List of Howick Estate tithe rent and redemption charges, with related correspondence with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Paper 3 files
GRE/X/P470/4 1892-1926
Sale particulars of freehold and copyhold land and other properties at Bamburgh and North Sunderland, in 8 lots, with (annotated) plan of copyhold lands at North Sunderland. Sale, 25 July 1892.
North Sunderland district copy tithe plan ([1848]; 1893 copy).
Sale particulars of Colonel Railston's North Sunderland and Seahouses estates, 7 November 1919; with 2 February 1920 letter to Railston's representatives apportioning the tithe rent charge between Bamburgh and Crewe [Trustees].
North Sunderland Estate. Sale particulars plan no. 1, showing lots 1-21.
Sea Houses Estate. Sale particulars plan no. 2, showing lots 5-6.
Correspondence, dated 1908 and 1920, with representatives of the Railston family, and the Vicar of North Sunderland, relating to tithe rent charges on property at North Sunderland, sold in 1908 and 1920.
Correspondence relating to tithe rent payments for Burn Houses Farm, Little Crawley Moor, and other property at North Sunderland, 1926.
Parchment; paper 9 files
GRE/X/P470/5 1931
Correspondence with the Trustees of the late James Scott relating to the redemption of Kippylaw, North Sunderland tithes.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P470/6 1848-1936
Correspondence relating to lay tithe rent charges in: Longhoughton, North Sunderland (Slate Hall Farm, Mayfield Estate Seahouses, Kippy Law Seahouses, Lucker, Seafield House Seahouses (following the death of James Scott), Hastings Farm,
Dukesfield, North Shields, Springhill, Berwick-on-Tweed, Bamburgh, Hexham, Belford, Alnwick, Lesbury, Morwick, Wooler. Tithe rent schedules for: Bamburghshire, Longhoughton, North Sunderland, 1925-1931.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P470/7 1894-1937
Minutes of Howick Parish Council meetings; with miscellaneous correspondence and printed ephemera enclosed.
1 volume
GRE/X/P470/8 1947-1952
Minutes of Howick Parish Coucil meetings; with miscellaneous correspondence and printed ephemera enclosed.
Paper, cloth 1 volume
GRE/X/P470/9 1952-1955
Notice to George Gibb of validity of his nomination for election to the [Howick] Parish Council; with Howick Parish Council (uncontested) election return, 1952.
Ministry of Housing and Local Government notification concerning provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1953.
Confirmation order, with schedule (2 copies), concerning the re-arrangement of parishes in the Rural District of Alnwick, 1955.
List of forms, records and stationery for Parish Councils and Parish Meetings. Shaw & Sons Ltd.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P470/10 1944-1951
Parish Council correspondence, orders and local governmental circulars: elections; parish meetings (polls) rules; road repairs; appointment of managers and governors by minor local authorities; regulations; land allotment; audits; library
service; scavenging tenders, 1946-1948.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P470/11 Mid-20th century
Trollope & Colls, Ltd sales brochure for “Troncoll” concrete pipes and manholes.
Paper brochure
GRE/X/P471 1893-1948
Correspondence, reports and plans concerning water supplies, and tenancy dispute; estate accounts.
1 box
GRE/X/P471/1 1934
Correspondence concerning Pasture House Farm cottage tenancy dispute.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P471/2 1925; 1927; 1929-1931
Howick Estate accounts, including Ancroft: includes drafts, and duplicates.
Paper 8 booklets
GRE/X/P471/3 1929-1947
Reports of yields from Howick Estate springs, with plans and updates.
Paper 8 files
GRE/X/P471/4 1893-1948
Reports related to Howick Estate water supplies, and of the greater Alnwick Rural District Council area; includes chemical analyses of old and new water supplies, and plans.
Paper 16 files
GRE/X/P472 [20th century]
Pasture House Farm.
Seahouses Farm.
Howick Whinstone Quarry (Trollope & Colls).
Plans and proposals for dwellings at Pasture House [Farm].
1 box
GRE/X/P472/1 1893-1927
Plans, Specifications and Proposals for dwellings at Pasture House
Paper and linen paper 7 files
GRE/X/P472/2 1929-1936
Letters related to the displacement of sand from the beach at Longhoughton Lowstead by Trollope and Colls and corresponding costs.
Paper 2 files
GRE/X/P472/3 1931-1954 (61?)
Drain and additional building proposals from Trollope and Colls, and correspondence regarding the lease and acquisition of land and take-over of the Howick Whinstone Quarry by Trollope and Colls.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P472/4 1925-1930
Conditions of tenancy, and correspondence and plans related to sewer drains at Pasture House.
Paper and linen paper 1 file
GRE/X/P472/5 1953-1955
Work cards, specifications and plans for improvements to cottages at Pasture House Farm
Paper and tracing paper 1 file
GRE/X/P472/6 1932
Agreement of tenancy by Earl Grey for the lease of a cottage at the Pasture House.
Paper 1
GRE/X/P472/7 1943
Requirements for repairs to the Dairy and Byres at Pasture House Farm, and application for building licence.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P472/8 1927-1949
Correspondence concerning the tenancy of John Weatherson at Pasture House Farm. One insert related to the Pasture House Wash House 1902-3?
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P472/9 1906-1952
Proposed alterations to the Farmhouse, and correspondence during the tenancy of Thomas Thompson at Sea Houses Farm.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473 1947-1966
Howick Heugh Quarry.
Electric light installation, 1947.
N.E.E.B. wayleaves.
A.D.A.S. / Pasture House Farm.
Open Cast Coal: Coldrife site, 1966.
Open Cast Coal: Radar North Ext[ensio]n site, 1966.
1 box
GRE/X/P473/1 1958-1966
Radar North Extension Site application and subsequent authorisation to work coal by opencast operations and related schedule and guidelines.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/2 1958-1966
Coldrife Site application and subsequent authorisation to work coal by opencast operations and related schedules and guidelines.
Paper 1 file
GRE/P473/3 1964-1972
ADAS/Pasture House Farm report from 1962 until end of year 1971/1972.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/4 1938-1966
Wayleave agreements and correspondence related to electricity supply to parts of the Howick Estate,
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/5 1945-1947
Letters related to the costs for electric light installation in parts of the Howick Estate.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/6 1926-1936
Correspondence concerning the electric supply to Howick Heugh Quarry, and subsequent costs.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/7 1922-1939
Accounts for the Howick Whinstone Company concerning: the sale of lease, royalty accounts and repairs?
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/8 1921
Lease of Whinstone Quarry at Howick
Booklet 1 file
GRE/X/P473/9 ca. 1930s?
E. R. Metcalf and Co. drawing of proposed Quarry Siding at Littlehoughton. Six Chain Cwure?
LinenPaper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/10 1920
Memorandum to the Earl Grey regarding the lease of Whinstone quarry, the possibility of reduced output at Little Mill if Whinstone becomes a competitor, and the affects it may have Howick's water supply. Drawing included highlighting the area
Paper/Tracing paper 2 files
GRE/X/P473/11 ca. Late 1920s?
Proposed alteration to Article 18 of Company's Articles in order to give effect to the arrangement for grant of Lease at Howick Whinston Quarry, the roles of Directors Robinson, Metcalf and Richardson, and the appointment of a Director of the
Company in he event of the Earl Grey's absence, resignation or death.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/12 1921
North Eastern Railway, Newcastle and Berwick Branch, proposed siding for Metcalf at Little Mill, Howick Heugh.
Linen paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/13 1922-1936
Annual Howick Whinstone Quarries Ltd. accounts: balance sheet, royalty account and computation, output and profit and loss account. Some duplicates.
Paper 16 files
GRE/X/P473/14 1927
Correspondence including a statement of account service at Howick Heugh Quarry since commencement of the Company's operations with a correction explained in writing.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/15 1923
Copy of tracing sent to HS and Co.? Sketch illuminating area surrounding Heugh Hill.
Tracing paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/16 1925
Correspondence concerning the Lease and Agreement for Howick Whinstone Quarried Ltd.
Paper 2 files
GRE/X/P473/17 1935
Acknowledgement of Royalty Account and correspondence concerning the potential sale of the Quarry
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/18 1924
Original and copy of the cancellation of a Guarantee concerning Howick Whinstone Quarries Ltd and the Earl Grey.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/19 1925
Draft agreement for payment of a Salary to Earl Grey as Managing Director of the Company.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/20 1935
Letter to Cleghorn following the death of Richardson cooncerning Grey's (?) desire to leave his position as Metcalf's partner and to sell his shares of the Quarry.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/21 1935
Correspondence related to plaster repair work at Littlehoughton Farm House.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/22 1935
Correspondence concerning an application for the Altered Apportionment of the Tithe Rent Charge in North Sunderland
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P473/23 1921
Copy agreement as to taking up of shares in the Company, and concerns related to the appointment of Richardson and Metcalf as permanent Managing Directors.
Paper 3 files
GRE/X/P473/24 1921
Memorandum and Articles of Association of Howick Whinstone Quarries Ltd.
Paper Booklet 1 file
GRE/X/P473/25 1939-1942
Letters and correspondence related to surface rents, outputs and rentals, and the sub-lease of Howick Quarry to Trollope and Colls.
Paper 1 file
GRE/X/P474 1 July 1888-30 June 1889
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P474/1 1 July-31 December 1888
1 file
Formerly numbered: 1.
GRE/X/P474/2 1 January-30 June 1889
1 file
Formerly numbered: 2.
GRE/X/P475 1 July 1889-30 June 1890
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P475/1 1 July-31 December 1889
1 file
Formerly numbered: 3.
GRE/X/P475/2 1 January-30 June 1890
1 file
Formerly numbered: 4.
GRE/X/P476 1 July 1890-30 June 1891
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P476/1 1 July-31 December 1890
1 file
Formerly numbered: 5.
GRE/X/P476/2 1 January-30 June 1891
1 file
Formerly numbered: 6.
GRE/X/P477 1 July 1891-30 June 1892
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P477/1 1 July-31 December 1891
1 file
Formerly numbered: 7.
GRE/X/P477/2 1 January-30 June 1892
1 file
Formerly numbered: 8.
GRE/X/P478 1 July 1892-30 June 1893
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P478/1 1 July-31 December 1892
1 file
Formerly numbered: 9.
GRE/X/P478/2 1 January-30 June 1893
1 file
Formerly numbered: 10.
GRE/X/P479 1 July 1893-30 June 1894
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P479/1 1 July-31 December 1893
1 file
Formerly numbered: 11.
GRE/X/P479/2 1 January-30 June 1894
1 file
Formerly numbered: 12.
GRE/X/P480 1 July 1894-30 June 1895
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P480/1 1 July-31 December 1894
1 file
Formerly numbered: 13.
GRE/X/P480/2 1 January-30 June 1895
1 file
Formerly numbered: 14.
GRE/X/P481 1 July 1895-30 June 1896
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P481/1 1 July-31 December 1895
1 file
Formerly numbered: 15.
GRE/X/P481/2 1 January-30 June 1896
1 file
Formerly numbered: 16.
GRE/X/P482 [1 July] 1896-30 June 1897
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P482/1 [1 July-31 December] 1896
1 file
Formerly numbered: [17].
GRE/X/P482/2 1 January-30 June 1897
1 file
Formerly numbered: 18.
GRE/X/P483 30 June 1897-1 June 1898
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P483/1 30 June-31 December 1897
1 file
Formerly numbered: 19.
GRE/X/P483/2 30 June-31 December 1897
1 file
Formerly numbered: 20.
GRE/X/P483/3 1 January-1 June 1898
1 file
Formerly numbered: 21.
GRE/X/P484 1 June-30 November 1898
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P484/1 1 June-30 September 1898
1 file
Formerly numbered: 22.
GRE/X/P484/2 1 October-30 November 1898
1 file
Formerly numbered: 23.
GRE/X/P485 [30 November 1898]-30 June 1899
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P485/1 [30 November 1898-1 March 1899]
1 file
Formerly numbered: [24].
GRE/X/P485/2 1 March-30 June 1899
1 file
Formerly numbered: 25.
GRE/X/P486 30 June-31 December 1899
Howick Estate Letters.
GRE/X/P486/1 30 June-30 September 1899
1 file
Formerly numbered: 26.
GRE/X/P486/2 1 October-31 December 1899
1 file
Formerly numbered: 27.
GRE/X/P487 1 January-30 June 1900
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P487/1 1 January-31 March 1900
1 file
Formerly numbered: 28.
GRE/X/P487/2 1 April-30 June 1900
1 file
Formerly numbered:29.
GRE/X/P488 1 July 1900-31 January 1901
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P488/1 1 July-30 September 1900
1 file
Formerly numbered: 30.
GRE/X/P488/2 30 September-31 January 1901
1 file
Formerly numbered: 31.
GRE/X/P489 1 February-31 May 1901
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P489/1 1 February-31 May 1901
1 file
Formerly numbered: 32.
GRE/X/P489/2 1 February-31 May 1901
1 file
Formerly numbered: 33.
GRE/X/P490 1 June-30 September 1901
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P490/1 1 June-30 September 1901
1 file
Formerly numbered: 34[A].
GRE/X/P490/2 1 June-30 September 1901
1 file
Formerly numbered: 34[B].
GRE/X/P491 [1] October 1901-1 April 1902
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P491/1 [1] October-19 December 1901
1 file
Formerly numbered: 35.
GRE/X/P491/2 19 December 1901-1 April 1902
1 file
Formerly numbered: 36.
GRE/X/P492 19 December 1901-18 June 1902
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P492/1 19 December 1901-1 April 1902
1 file
Formerly numbered: 37.
GRE/X/P492/2 1 April-18 June 1902
1 file
Formerly numbered: 38.
GRE/X/P493 19 June-30 October 1902
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P493/1 19 June-30 August 1902
1 file
Formerly numbered: 39.
GRE/X/P493/2 30 August-30 October 1902
1 file
Formerly numbered: 40.
GRE/X/P494 1 November 1902-22 April 1903
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P494/1 1 November 1902-31 January 1903
1 file
Formerly numbered: 41.
GRE/X/P494/2 1 February-22 April 1903
1 file
Formerly numbered: 42.
GRE/X/P495 22 April-24 October 1903
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P495/1 22 April-18 July 1903
1 file
Formerly numbered: 43.
GRE/X/P495/2 18 July-24 October 1903
1 file
Formerly numbered: 44.
GRE/X/P496 24 October 1903-1 June 1904
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P496/1 24 October 1903-13 February 1904
1 file
Formerly numbered: 45.
GRE/X/P496/2 13 February-1 June 1904
1 file
Formerly numbered: 46.
GRE/X/P497 1 June 1904-28 January 1905
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P497/1 1 June-15 September 1904
1 file
Formerly numbered: 47.
GRE/X/P497/2 15 September 1904-28 January 1905
1 file
Formerly numbered: 48.
GRE/X/P498 28 January-27 September 1905
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P498/1 28 January-25 May 1905
1 file
Formerly numbered: 49.
GRE/X/P498/2 25 May-27 September 1905
1 file
Formerly numbered: 50.
GRE/X/P499 27 September 1905-4 July 1906
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P499/1 27 September 1905-28 February 1906
1 file
Formerly numbered: 51.
GRE/X/P499/2 28 February-4 July 1906
1 file
Formerly numbered: 52.
GRE/X/P500 4 July 1906-30 April 1907
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P500/1 4 July-26 November 1906
1 file
Formerly numbered: 53.
GRE/X/P500/2 26 November-30 April 1907
1 file
Formerly numbered: 54.
GRE/X/P501 30 April 1907-24 January 1908
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P501/1 30 April-3 September 1907
1 file
Formerly numbered: 55.
GRE/X/P501/2 3 September 1907-24 January 1908
1 file
Formerly numbered: 56.
GRE/X/P502 24 January-4 December 1908
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P502/1 24 January-5 June 1908
1 file
Formerly numbered: 57.
GRE/X/P502/1 5 June-4 December 1908
1 file
Formerly numbered: 58.
GRE/X/P503 4 December 1908-30 November 1909
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P503/1 4 December 1908-3 July 1909
1 file
Formerly numbered: 59.
GRE/X/P503/2 3 July-30 November 1909
1 file
Formerly numbered: 60.
GRE/X/P504 30 November 1909-3 February 1911
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P504/1 30 November 1909-13 July 1910
1 file
Formerly numbered: 61.
GRE/X/P504/2 13 July 1910-3 February 1911
1 file
Formerly numbered: 62.
GRE/X/P505 [3 February 1911]-8 February 1912
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P505/1 [3 February-5 June 1911]
1 file
Formerly numbered: 63.
GRE/X/P505/2 5 June 1911-8 February 1912
1 file
Formerly numbered: 64.
GRE/X/P506 8 February 1912-1 April 1913
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P506/1 8 February-12 September 1912
1 file
Formerly numbered: 65.
GRE/X/P506/2 12 September 1912-1 April 1913
1 file
Formerly numbered: 66.
GRE/X/P507 1 April 1913-11 May 1914
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P507/1 1 April-3 November 1913
1 file
Formerly numbered: 67.
GRE/X/P507/2 3 November 1913-11 May 1914
1 file
Formerly numbered: 68.
GRE/X/P508 11 May 1914-9 July 1915
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P508/1 11 May-25 November 1914
1 file
Formerly numbered: 69.
GRE/X/P508/2 25 November 1914-9 July 1915
1 file
Formerly numbered: 70.
GRE/X/P509 9 July 1915-September 1916
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P509/1 9 July 1915-10 February 1916
1 file
Formerly numbered: 71.
GRE/X/P509/2 [10] February-September 1916
1 file
Formerly numbered: 72.
GRE/X/P510 September 1916-8 December 1917
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P510/1 September 1916-May 1917
1 file
Formerly numbered: 73.
GRE/X/P510/2 May 1917-8 December 1917
1 file
Formerly numbered: 74.
GRE/X/P511 [8 December 1917]-3 April 1919
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P511/1 [8 December 1917-14 August 1918]
1 file
Formerly numbered: 75.
GRE/X/P511/2 14 August 1918-3 April 1919
1 file
Formerly numbered: 76.
GRE/X/P512 4 April 1919-26 January 1920
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P512/1 4 April-10 September 1919
1 file
Formerly numbered: 77.
GRE/X/P512/2 11 September 1919-26 January 1920
1 file
Formerly numbered: 78.
GRE/X/P513 27 January-September 1920
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P513/1 27 January-15 May 1920
1 file
Formerly numbered: 79.
GRE/X/P513/2 16 May-September 1920
1 file
Formerly numbered: 80.
GRE/X/P514 October 1920-[3 August] 1921
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P514/1 October 1920-31 January 1921
1 file
Formerly numbered: 81.
GRE/X/P514/2 31 January-[3 August] 1921
1 file
Formerly numbered: 82.
GRE/X/P515 3 August 1921-30 June 1922
Howick Estate Letters.
GRE/X/P515/1 3 August-31 December 1921
1 file
Formerly numbered: 83.
GRE/X/P515/2 1 January-30 June 1922
1 file
Formerly numbered: 84.
GRE/X/P516 1 July 1922-31 May 1923
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P516/1 1 July-31 December 1922
1 file
Formerly numbered: 85.
GRE/X/P516/2 1 January-31 May 1923
1 file
Formerly numbered: 86.
GRE/X/P517 1 June 1923-31 March 1924
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P517/1 1 June-30 November 1923
1 file
Formerly numbered: 87.
GRE/X/P517/2 1 December 1923-31 March 1924
1 file
Formerly numbered: 88.
GRE/X/P518 1 April-30 November 1924
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P518/1 1 April-19 August 1924
1 file
Formerly numbered: 89.
GRE/X/P518/2 19 August-30 November 1924
1 file
Formerly numbered: 90.
GRE/X/P519 1 December 1924-6 August 1925
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P519/1 1 December 1924-31 March 1925
1 file
Formerly numbered: 91.
GRE/X/P519/2 1 April-6 August 1925
1 file
Formerly numbered: 92.
GRE/X/P520 7 August 1925-23 May 1926
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P520/1 7 August-8 December 1925
1 file
Formerly numbered: 93.
GRE/X/P520/2 9 December 1925-23 May 1926
1 file
Formerly numbered: 94.
GRE/X/P521 24 May 1926-[22 March] 1927
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P521/1 24 May-16 October 1926
1 file
Formerly numbered: 95.
GRE/X/P521/2 [16 October 1926-22 March 1927]
1 file
Formerly numbered: 96.
GRE/X/P522 [23 March] 1927-11 April 1928
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P522/1 [23 March-1 October 1927]
1 file
Formerly numbered: 97.
GRE/X/P522/2 [2 October] 1927-11 April 1928
1 file
Formerly numbered: 98.
GRE/X/P523 [12 April] 1928-9 July 1929
Howick Estate Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P523/1 [12 April]-16 November 1928
1 file
Formerly numbered: 99.
GRE/X/P523/2 17 November 1928-9 July 1929
1 file
Formerly numbered: 100.
GRE/X/P524 March 1907-31 August 1912
Chevington Letters.
1 box
GRE/X/P524/1 March 1907-31 March 1909
1 file
Formerly numbered: 1.
GRE/X/P524/2 1 April 1909-31 August 1912
1 file
Formerly numbered: 2.
GRE/X/P525 1 September 1912-1914
Chevington Letters. [A-Z.]
1 box
Formerly numbered: 3.
GRE/X/P526 1917
Gardens Committee.
1 box
GRE/X/P526/1 1917
1 file
Formerly numbered: 1.
GRE/X/P526/2 1917
1 file
Formerly numbered: 2.
GRE/X/P527 1917
Gardens Committee.
1 box (1 file)
Formerly numbered: 3.
GRE/X/P528 12 October 2014
Howick Arboretum Database, Nagoya Protocol printouts:
1. Seed Stock List, 61f.
2. Planted Out List, 88f.
3. Nursery Stock List, 13f.
3 spiral bound paper files
GRE/X/P529 [late 19th century]
Ordnance Survey maps of the Ancroft estates, annotated with field names, and occasionally some land management information.
All printed material catalogued in DUL catalogue
Paper 9f.
GRE/X/P529/1 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet [6.12]: East and West Allerdean, Ancroft Northmoor, Ancroft Greens in Thornton Township, Holy Island Parish.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 95 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P529/2 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet 10.3 and Sheet 6.15: parts of Duddo and Felkington townships in the Parishes of Holy Island and Norham respectively.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 96 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P529/3 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet 6.16: Ancroft Southmoor, and Camp, Ancroft and Berrington Townships, Holy Island Parish.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 96 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P529/4 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet 7.9: Ancroft North Farm, Ancroft Stead, and Nabhill in Scremerston Township, Holy Island Parish.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 96 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P529/5 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet 7.10: Cheswick township, Holy Island Parish.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 96 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P529/6 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet [7.13]: Berringtonlaw, Berrington Backhill, Ancroft, Town Farm in Berrington and Ancroft Townships, Holy Island Parish.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 95 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P529/7 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet 7.14: Bridgemill, Broomhouse, Berryburn, Ancroft Mill and Tile Works in Berrington, Haggerston, Cheswick and Ancroft townships, Holy Island Parish.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 95 x 65 cm
GRE/X/P529/8 1866
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, Sheet 7: Scremerston, Ancroft, Goswick in Holy Island Parish. Highlighted areas: St Anne’s Church, The Parsonage; Ancroft.
scale: 1:10,560
Paper 1f.
Size: 60 x 85 cm
GRE/X/P529/9 1899
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, sheets 6 NE, 6 SE, 7 NW, 7 SW: Murton, Scremerston, Cheswick, Ancroft, Felkington, Shoreswood. Second edition.
scale: 1:10,560
Paper 1f.
Size: 102 x 71 cm
GRE/X/P530 [1856]-1926
Ordnance Survey maps of Northumberland estates, annotated with property and occasionally some land management information.
All printed material catalogued in DUL catalogue
Paper; linen 7f.
GRE/X/P530/1 1899
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, sheets 27 SW, 27 SE, 32 NW, 32 NE: Stamford, Craster, Rennington, Howick, Littlehoughton and Longhoughton. Second edition. Howick estate delineated, with Littlemill and areas surrounding the North Eastern Railway
scale: 1:10,560
Paper, linen backed 1f.
Size: 92 x 61.5 cm
GRE/X/P530/2 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, sheet [27.8]: Craster, [Dunstanburgh Castle]. Fragment, missing upper half.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper 1f.
Size: 106 x 46 cm
GRE/X/P530/3-4 1926
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland [new series], sheets 29 NE, 29 SE: Longhoughton, Littlehoughton, Dunston. Fragments, SE and NE quadrants excised, respectively.
scale: 1:10,560
Paper 1f.
Size: 57 x 43 cm
GRE/X/P530/5 1893
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, sheet 46.2: Broom Hill and colliery. Annotated to show plots of properties sold, sale prices, areal measurements, dates of sale, and names of purchasers.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper, linen backed 1f.
Size: 102 x 69 cm
GRE/X/P530/6 [1862]
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, sheet 46.15: Woodside, Maiden's Hall, East Chevington township in Warkworth parish. Annotated to show plots of properties sold, sale prices, areal measurements, dates of sale, and names of purchasers; and with
Hemel drainage plan. Stained with red ink.
scale: 1:2,500
Paper, with linen repair 1f.
Size: 106 x 69 cm
GRE/X/P530/7 1897
Ordnance Survey, Northumberland, sheet 46.16: East Chevington, Link House. Annotated with property numbers, and several coloured farm/property boundaries.
scale: 1:2,500 scale
Paper 1f.
Size: 106 x 72 cm
GRE/X/P531 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plans for developments at Presson Town Farm. Two plans are dated: 9 August 1867 and 12 December 1872; for correspondence relating to alterations and repairs at Presson in 1900, see
Paper 33f.
GRE/X/P531/1 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of Cattle Shed proposed to be built at Presson Town Farm: south elevation, section, ground plan.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 39 x 33 cm
GRE/X/P531/2 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of Implement Shed and Manure House proposed to be built at Presson Town Farm: front, back and end elevations, section, ground plan. Plan signed by R. Russell.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 55 x 35.5 cm
GRE/X/P531/3 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of Roof of Lambing Shed proposed to be built at Presson: ground plan. Signed by R. Russell.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 39 x 40.5 cm
GRE/X/P531/4 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Elevation of sections of propsosed addition to Farm House at Presson Town Farm: west end elevation, sections. Signed by R. Russell.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 60 x 47 cm
GRE/X/P531/5 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of covered cribs and Turnip House proposed to be built at Pesson: front, north end, south end elevations, ground plan, section. Plan no. 3.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 60 x 47 cm
GRE/X/P531/6 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of covered cribs proposed to be built at Presson Hill: front and end elevations, ground plan, sections. Signed by R. R[ussell].
scale: 8' : 1"; 1' : 0.5"
Paper 1f.
Size: 74 x 51 cm
GRE/X/P531/7 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Part of corn barn and straw room proposed to be built at Presson Town Farm: north elevation, upper corn barn ground plan. Drawing no. 2, signed by R. Russell.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 60 x 47 cm
GRE/X/P531/8-9 9 August 1867
Addition proposed to be built to Presson Hill Farm House. Drawings nos 2-3, signed by R. Russell, Howick, 9 August 1867. Pan no. 2: west, east, north elevations, ground and chamber plans. Plan no. 3: plan of roof, sections.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 2f.
Size: 61.5 x 43.5 cm
GRE/X/P531/10-12 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plans of unidentified farm house, stables and coach house. Drawing no. 1: ground plans. Drawing no. 2: roof plan. Drawing no. 3: west, south, east elevations, section.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 3f.
Size: 64.5 x 45 cm
GRE/X/P531/13-14 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plans of house proposed to be built at Presson. Drawing no. 2: front, back, west elevations, sections. Drawing no. 5: west elevation, section, ground plan.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 2f.
Size: 60 x 44.5 cm
GRE/X/P531/15 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Ground plan of corn and straw barn proposed to be built at Presson. Drawing no. 1.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 63 x 45.5 cm
GRE/X/P531/16 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of coach house, harness room, stables, poultry house and granary above, proposed to be built at Presson: south, north, east, west elevations, ground plan. Drawing no. 5, signed by R. R[ussell].
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 63 x 45.4 x cm
GRE/X/P531/17 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plans of unidentified barn with columned open front. Drawing No. 3: side, front, end elevations, ground plan, transverse section.
scale: [8]' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 50 x 49 cm
GRE/X/P531/18 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of Cattle Shed and Joiners Shop proposed to be built at Presson: south, north, end elevations, ground plan, sections.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: x cm
GRE/X/P531/19 12 December 1872
Plan of Piggeries proposed to be built at Presson Hill: front elevation, ground plan, section. Plan by R. Russell, Howick.
scale: 4' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 54 x 39.5 cm
GRE/X/P531/20 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of covered cribs proposed to be built at Presson: front and back elevations, ground plan, section. Drawing no. 4.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 62 x 46.5 cm
GRE/X/P531/21 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of corn and straw barn proposed to be built at Presson: west elevation, section. Plan by R. R[ussell]. Endorsed West Chevington [in error].
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 62 x 47 cm
GRE/X/P531/22 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plan of farm house at Presson Town showing alterations proposed to be done: elevations, ground and floor plans. Plan signed by R. R[ussell].
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 59 x 51 cm
GRE/X/P531/23-29 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plans of dwelling and farm buildings at East Presson and West Presson farms.
Paper 7f.
GRE/X/P531/23 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
North East Cottage at Presson: ground plan.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 39 x 20 cm
GRE/X/P531/24 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Straw Barn, stable, water wheel, barn at Presson: ground plan.
scale: [8]' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 54 x 38 cm
GRE/X/P531/25 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Unidentified farm house with extensive farm buildings: block plan.
Paper 1f.
Size: 29 x 40 cm
GRE/X/P531/26 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Unidentified house, with milk house, at East Presson: ground plan.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 54 x 38 cm
GRE/X/P531/27 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Hen house and (part) cart shed at East Presson: ground plan. Corrected plan, signed by [?W.H.D].
scale: 4' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 54 x 38 cm
GRE/X/P531/28 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Stable at West Presson: ground plan.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 69 x 55 cm
GRE/X/P531/29 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Unidentified [farm] building: elevation and ground plan.
Paper 1f.
Size: 70.5 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P531/30-33 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Plans of East Press and West Presson farms.
Paper 4f.
GRE/X/P531/30 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Farm complex: rough ground plan.
scale: [12]' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 69 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P531/31 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Farm complex: rough ground plan.
scale: [12]' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 75.5 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P531/32 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Presson farm: rough ground plan no. 1.
scale: [12]' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 72 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P531/33 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Presson farm: rough ground plan no. 2.
scale: [12]' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 72 x 56 cm
GRE/X/P532 1852-[early 20th century]
Building plans: Ancroft Town Farm, Ancroft East Farm, and Ancroft North Farm. For specifications and correspondence relating to alterations and repairs at Ancroft North Moor in 1900, see
Paper 6f.
GRE/X/P532/1 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Ancroft East Farm, Plan of intended improvements to the farm offices: ground plan. Original drawing, no. 1.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 85 x 61.5 cm
GRE/X/P532/2 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Ancroft Town Farm: side and end elevations, sections and ground plans. Drawing no. 2, signed by R. Russell.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 61.5 x 48 cm
GRE/X/P532/3 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Ancroft East Farm: block plan.
scale: [8]' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 82.5 x 68 cm
GRE/X/P532/4 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Ancroft East Farm: Front, side and end elevations, tranverse section and ground and floor plans. Drawing no. 1, signed by R. Russell.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 88 x 64 cm
GRE/X/P532/5 May 1852
Plan and Arrangement of the farm buildings on Ancroft North Farm, as surveyed May 1852: front elevation of farm house and offices attached, ground plans, with block plan of cottages in their relative positions (erected 1846).
scale: 12' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 67.5 x 50 cm
GRE/X/P532/6 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Ancroft Town Farm, Turnip house: ground plan, section, front elevation. Drawing no. 1.
scale: 8' : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 55 x 45 cm
GRE/X/P533 [Late 19th-early 20th century]
Ground and first floor plans, with front and side elevations of unidentified dwelling house. Drawing no. 1, signed by R. Russell.
scale: [8'] : 1"
Paper 1f.
Size: 68 x 59 cm
GRE/X/P534 1900
Specifications and some correspondence relating to alterations and repairs at East Presson and West Presson, and Ancroft North Moor. Also includes maps packaging (GRE/X/P531 and P529), including label for a parcel of merchandise dispatched by
Frederick Gorringe, linen draper & silk mercer, Buckingham Palace Road, London, to Lady Grey, Dorchester House, Park Lane, 22 November 1894.
Paper 1 file
Grey Estate VolumesReference: GRE/X/VHowick Estate General Ledgers 1801-1934
Containing headings for annuities, bonds, charity, collieries, contingents, drainage, fences, gamekeepers, gardening, housekeeping, interest, livestock, new buildings, plantations, poor rate, rents, repairs, servants, sundries, tithes and
All volumes are paginated.
GRE/X/V1 1801- 1808
Howick estate ledger
Cross-referenced to a cash book
Headings for: charity, Hawkhill plantations, sunderies, surveying, Wark Common nurseryman, assessments, land tax, property tax, stamps, plasterers' work, bricks and pantiles, quit rents, gamekeeper, rent days, interest, fences, repairs,
remittances, servants, Chevington Wood, bonds, annuity, rents, tithes, cash, contingents, woods, subscriptions, and new buildings, with individuals' accounts at the end.
Digitised material for Howick estate ledger, 1801-08 - GRE/X/V1
GRE/X/V3 1802
Howick estate ledger
Cross-referenced to a cash book.
Headings for: plantations, interest, housekeeping, saddle horses, gardening, repairs, Howick School, Howtick tithes, assessments, physician, smith work for husbandry, husbandry wright work, repairs, joiner work, lime and dung, sundries, domestic
servants, house servants, farm servants, farm casual payments, sheep, farm horses, black cattle, hair, slaters, dikes, gamekeeper, cellars, shoemaker, poultry and pig-house, mason work, moles, colliery, threshing mill, coals, poor rate, plasterers'
work, newspapers, stamps, corn, turnips, thorn quicks, seeds, Mr Stephen Patterson.
Digitised material for Howick estate ledger, 1802 - GRE/X/V3
GRE/X/V6 1811-1813
Howick estate ledger
The headings now cover: assessments, annuities, black cattle, corn, contingents, county rates, cellars, coals, carting, charity, cash, farm horses, farm labourers, farm assessments, farm cartwright work, fences, gardens and plantations,
gamekeeper, husbandry smith work, Howick house, housekeeping, house servants, interest, improvements, land tax, Longhoughton tithes, new building, property tax, poor rate, rents, repairs, sheep, swine, saddle horses, sundries, tithes, woods.
GRE/X/V7 1814-1816
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V8 1817-1819
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V9 1820-1823
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V10 1824-1829
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V11 1829-1833
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V12 1835-1839
Howick estate ledger
The spine title has “1834” but the volume starts in 1835, and 1834 entries may now be missing.
GRE/X/V13 1840-1845
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V14 1845-1850
Howick estate ledger
With half yearly Howick estate account abstracts 1846-1849 inserted at the front.
GRE/X/V15 1850-1855
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V16 1855-1861
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V17 1861-1867
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V18 1867-1873
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V19 1873-1879
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V20 1879-1885
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V21 1885-1891
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V22 1891-1892
Howick estate ledger
GRE/X/V37 1892-1902
Howick estate account book
Although the volumes henceforth are still entitled “Howick estate ledger”, these now very large volumes are in the form of printed account books, with headings for:
receipts: rents land and houses, tithe rent charges, land sales, sundries;
payments: donations, fences, field drains, imperial taxes, local rates, office expenses, pensions, salaries, subscriptions to schools, churches and Copley Hall, travelling costs, upkeep of woods, water supplies, building upkeep not Howick Hall or
stables, fee farm rents, tithe rent charges, insurance, manure and other allowances to tenants, rent dinners, saw mill, and improvement rent charges.
The business is now more generally estate, with the specifics of running the Howick Farm, Howick game, Howick Hall, its gardens and grounds, the stables, and the London house are all now accounted for separately as below.
GRE/X/V38 1903-1906
Howick estate account book
GRE/X/V39 1906-1911
Howick estate account book
GRE/X/V40 1911-1916
Howick estate account book
GRE/X/V41 1916-1922
Howick estate account book
GRE/X/V42 1923-1928
Howick estate account book
GRE/X/V43 1929-1934
Howick estate account book
This becomes an account book for Earl Grey's general account from 1932 with entries under only a few of the former headings. The Howick estate account continues in the following volume.
GRE/X/V44 1931-1934
Howick Estate Company account book
These accounts now detail:
receipts from: rents, tithe rent charges, game and sundry;
expenses for: salaries, office expenses, repairs and renewals (Howick Mansion House, buildings including sewerage and drains, water supplies, field drains, fences other than woodland fences), upkeep of woods including fences, local rates (lands
and houses, woods, sporting rights, tithes), fee farm rents and tithe rent charges, insurance premiums and National Insurance, manure, other allowances to tenants, sawmills, improvements, rent charges, pensions and annuities, new work, imperial
taxes, game, sundries.
GRE/X/V45 1934-1936
Howick Estate Company account book
GRE/X/V46 1936-1939
Howick Estate Company account book
Receipts now include: income tax repaid and land sold
Expenses now include: horses bought, repayment of loans, dividends on preferment shares, bank charges, subsidies and donations.
Howick Farm ledgers 1846-1934
These ledgers initially replicate the information recorded in the general series above. On the reorganisation of 1892, Howick Farm, and some of the other local activitites, are accounted for separately in printed account books, of again
considerable size.
GRE/X/V23 1846-1863
Howick Farm ledger
With headings for contingents, corn, farm labour, horses, livestock (cattle, horses, pigs, poultry, sheep), rates and taxes.
GRE/X/V24 1863-1891
Howick Farm ledger
GRE/X/V47 1892-1920
Howick Farm account book
Receipts: sales of corn, cattle, sheep and wool, horses, swine, hay and starw, roots, poultry, dairy cows and sundries.
Payments: wages and allowances, purchases of sheep, hores, swine, farm seeds, artificial and other foods, implements bought and repaired, manures bought, rates and taxes paid, insurance premiums, building repairs, grass parks auction, rent, farm
house corn, poultry and sundries.
GRE/X/V48 1892-1934
Howick Farm account book 1920-1934, also
Chevington Moor Farm account book 1892-1934
GRE/X/V49 June 1892-December 1931
Howick and Ancroft Game account book
Receipts: rabbits and hares sold, game sold, sundries.
Payments: wages in money and kind, food and bedding for horses, food for dogs and game, medicine and professional attendance, ammunition, repairs to guns and shooting expenses, licences, fuel and light, dogs bought, birds and eggs bought,
permanent buildings new and repaired, game coops and houses new and repaired, carting and cartridges, and sundries.
GRE/X/V50 1901-1905
Howick Poultry account book
Receipts: eggs, fowls, ducks, turkeys (blank), geese (blank).
Payments: wages, eggs, fowls, ducks, turkeys (blank), geese (blank), buildings, corn, other feeding stuffs, exhibition expenses, cartage and railway carriage, and sundries.
Tenants 1871-1933
These ledgers cover the estate's tenant farmers, and also the various quarrying, mining etc activities going on on the estate.
GRE/X/V25 1871-1915
Tenants ledger
recording sums for each property, also listing the tenant
GRE/X/V26 1914-1933
Tenants ledger
recording sums for each property, also listing the tenant
GRE/X/V27 1867-1931
Tenants ledger
recording sums for each tenant, also listing the property
Private ledgers 1845-1959
These ledgers record accounts with various members of the Grey family, and other individuals including the various estate mortgagors. Private ledger entries appear in the main ledger series from 1835 before becoming a separate sequence in
GRE/X/V28 1845-1881
Private ledger
GRE/X/V29 November 1880-January 1893
Private ledger payments
574p, only 17p used
GRE/X/V30 1881-1934
Private ledger
GRE/X/V51 1935-1959
Private ledger account book
Printed book with headings for:
Receipts: income from investments, marriage settlement estate, sale of Howick timber, income tax repaid/allowed, insurance commission.
Expaneses: insurances, subsidies for annuities, churches and sundry, licences, bank overdraft interest, sur-tax and income tax, and sundries.
Howick and London houses accounts 1892-1959
From June 1892, accounts for the running of the Howick and London (until 1947) houses were separated off from the main estate account. The books detail receipts and payments covering cleaning, drains, food, fuel, furnishing, repairs, travel
expenses, wages and liveries, water supplies, lighting, medicines, licences, rates, carriage, and later also gas, storage charges, and telephone.
GRE/X/V52 1892-1903
Howick and London houses account book
GRE/X/V53 1904-1911
Howick and London houses account book
GRE/X/V54 1911-1917
Howick and London houses account book
GRE/X/V55 1917-1929
Howick and London houses account book
GRE/X/V56 1929-1946
Howick and London houses account book
GRE/X/V57 1947-1959
Howick and London houses account book
Acounts for London for 1947 only.
Howick Gardens and Pleasure Grounds accounts 1892-1959
These printed account books detail receipts (mostly blank) and payments, covering bedding for horses, building repairs, food for horses, liveries, plants, trees, seeds, manures, fuel, carting and railway carriage, water supplies, improvements,
wages and sundries.
GRE/X/V58 1892-1924
Howick Gardens and Pleasure Grounds account book
GRE/X/V59 1925-1959
Howick Gardens and Pleasure Grounds account book
Howick Stables and Garages accountsDates of creation: 1893-1959
GRE/X/V60 1893-1934
Howick Stables account book
Receipts: none.
Payments: wages and liveries, horses' food, bedding, blacksmith and saddler, veterinary surgeon, chemist and druggist, horses bought, carriages bought and repaired, building repairs, carting and railway carriages, and sundries.
GRE/X/V61 1935-1959
Howick Garage and Stabling account book
With a separate section of garage expenses: wages, insurances, petrol and oil, repairs and upkeep of cars, cars bought, licences, and sundries.
Other accountsDates of creation: 1915-1917
GRE/X/V62 June 1915-November 1917
National Provident Institution account book
With receipts and payments headings as in the Howcik estate account books.
Howick Estate cash books 1804-1934
Chronological record of sums of money
GRE/X/V31 1804-1807
Howick Estate cash book
with cross-references to the ledger above, and entries recording the ledger headings.
GRE/X/V32 1808-1810
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V33 1811-1813
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V34 1814-1816
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V35 1817-1819
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V36 1820-1823
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V67 1824-1828
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V68 1829-1833
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V69 1834-1839
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V70 1840-1845
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V71 1845-November 1850
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V72 December 1850-April 1855
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V73 May 1855-May 1861
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V74 June 1861-October 1867
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V75 November 1867-September 1873
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V76 October 1873-October 1879
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V77 November 1879-June 1885
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V78 July 1885-January 1891
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V79 February 1891-May 1892
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V63 June 1892-October 1896
Howick Estate cash book
Now a printed book, with the cash sums assigned to the various accounts: house, gardens, stables, game; private account; farms account; estate account.
GRE/X/V64 November 1896-May 1900
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V65 June 1900-June 1903
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V66 July 1903-September 1906
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V206 October 1906-October 1910
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V207 November 1910-December 1913
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V208 January 1914-April 1917
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V209 May 1917-May 1921
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V210 June 1921-June 1925
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V211 July 1925-June 1929
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V212 July 1929-December 1934
Howick Estate cash book
GRE/X/V213 1935-1953
Howick Estate cash book
The account headings are now: Howick Hall, London House, Gardens and Pleasure Grounds, Garage, Stables and Private.
GRE/X/V214 1954-1960
Howick Estate cash book
A Market Garden account has now replaced the London House one.
GRE/X/V215 1960-1965
Howick Estate cash book
The account headings are now:
Household (expenses: coal, coke and electricity; estate staff wages; sundries)
Market Garden (expenses: wages and National Insurance; rents and rates employees cottages; plants, seeds and bulbs; manures, weedkillers, insecticides; boxes, canes, tying materials; packing materials; fuel for glasshouse boilers; transport
charges; purchase and upkeep of implements; sundries)
Pleasure Grounds (expenses: wages and National Insurance; rents and rates employees cottages; plants, seeds, and bulbs; sundries; gardens open to the public)
Howick Grange
Garage (expenses: wages and National Insurance; petrol and oil; repairs and upkeep of cars; licences and insurance; chauffeur's expenses; sundries)
Private (expenses: pensions; subscriptions and donations; Howick church; insurances; sundries)
GRE/X/V216 1965-1980
Howick Estate cash book
Howick Farm cash booksDates of creation: 1704-1890
GRE/X/V80 1704-1724
Estate cash book
Detailing receipts and expenses, cross-referenced to a journal.
Covers Berwick for Henry Grey esq November 1706 to July 1724 (f.30-108), with a possibly separated section from a similar volume covering Chillingham/Wooler October 1704 to October 1706 (f.5-28) for Ralph Lord Grey Baron Warke to June 1706,
thence Henry Grey esq, at the front.
Paper book, in vellum covers 102f, some folios now missing, with foilation running 5-28 and 30-108, with f.101 and 108 largely torn away and missing, + 3f inserted at f.41, 49 and 69
A note inside the front cover states that the book was given to Mr Charles Grey of Coupland Castle by G.A. Grey of Milfield in 1845.
GRE/X/V81 25 November 1740-26 February 1745
Howick rent book
recording receipts of rents and allowances for land tax and others on Sir Henry Grey's estate
GRE/X/V82 1784-1793 & 1804-1815
Hawkhill cash book 1784-1793
Howick Farm stock valuation 1 January 1804
Howick Farm cash book 1804-1815
The last replicates and cross-references to the main cash book series.
GRE/X/V83 May 1846-April 1850
Howick Farm cash book
some replication of the main cash books
Formerly: Estate Box 124.
GRE/X/V84 May 1850-May 1863
Howick Farm cash book
some replication of the main cash books
GRE/X/V85 January-December [c.1890]
[Howick Farm draft] cash book
At the back is a gamekeeper's cash book.
Mostly unused.
Journals 1846-1892
Daily records of receipts and expenses, with some cross-referencing to vouchers, the cash books and ledgers.
GRE/X/V86 January 1846 - July 1853
GRE/X/V87 August 1853 - November 1863
GRE/X/V88 May 1864 - November 1870
GRE/X/V89 July 1871 - April 1880
GRE/X/V90 May 1880 - February 1889
GRE/X/V91 March 1889 - May 1892
Broomhill CollieryReference: GRE/X/VDates of creation: 1844-1883
GRE/X/V92 1845 - 1852
Broomhill Colliery ledger
Detailing accounts with individuals and cash seales, for running the colliery.
With a separate index.
Largely unused.
GRE/X/V93 1845 - 1883
Broomhill Colliery ledger for the sale of coal to individuals
detailing amounts of best, good, small and chindley coal.
GRE/X/V94 September 1844 - December 1848
Accounts of coal worked out of the Low Main Seam at Broomhill Colliery and coal stock accounts
GRE/X/V95 January 1849 - December 1852
Accounts of coal worked out of the Low Main Seam at Broomhill Colliery and coal stock accounts
GRE/X/V96 1848 - 1850
Coal landsales accounts
A printed account book, recording daily sales of best and small coal sold to individuals.
At the front is an account of pit props acquired from Chevington Wood January 1948-April 1949.
GRE/X/V97 1844 - 1852
Invoice book
Items ordered from individuals 1844-1847
Chronological listing of invoices January 1849-December 1852
West Learmouth and Whitefield House FarmsDates of creation: 1850 - 1855
GRE/X/V98 1850 - 1855
Learmouth ledger
GRE/X/V99 1850 - 1855
Learmouth cash book
Warkworth Harbour 1844 - 1852
GRE/X/V100 1844 - 1852
Warkworth Harbour invoice book
Printed invoices filled in for ships' cargoes. Largely unused.
Buildings accountsDates of creation: 1840-1888
GRE/X/V101 1841 - 1858
Building and improvements expenditure accounts
Detailing annual amounts spent at each property, tenants listed, under the headings of farm offices, cottages, repairs, draining and sundries, with some further details.
GRE/X/V102 1840 - 1867
Drainage book
Detailing by property details of expenditures on draining.
GRE/X/V103 1855 - 1886
Drainage book
GRE/X/V104 10 December 1886 - 7 December 1888
Estimates book
recording chronologically the repair and maintenance of various Howick properties detailing quantities/dimensions/type of materials/tasks.
546p (145p used)
Estate staff wagesDates of creation: 1887-1932
GRE/X/V105 7 January 1887 - 3 February 1888
Workmen's wages ledger
Detailing the location, trade and work done (no names). Largely unused.
GRE/X/V217 12 July 1912 - 20 May 1932
Estate monthly wages book
detailing name, post, daily rate, number of days worked, amount, National Insurance deductions and stamps.
Viscount Howick's Estate/Marriage Settlement accountsGRE/X/V 1906-1948
This separate account was transferred to the general account at the end of 1948.
GRE/X/V106 November 1906 - May 1920
Viscount Howick's estate ledger
detailing receipts from rents and sundries and expenses under headings as in the estates account book.
GRE/X/V107 June 1920 - December 1948
Marriage Settlement estate account book
GRE/X/V108 December 1906 - November 1928
Viscount Howick's estate cash book
GRE/X/V109 June 1929 - December 1948
Marriage Settlement estate cash book
Other estate recordsDates of creation: 1756-1932
GRE/X/V110 1756 - 1770
Particularities of borings made on Sir Henry Grey's estate
Detailing borings for coal made at Chevington (1757), Hawkhill (1769 & 1770) and Ancroft Moor (1756) detailing the samples brought up, with the costs of carpenters' work and materials.
Largley unused.
GRE/X/V111 1845 - 1881
Crop book
Detailing for each farm and tenant, in each named field, the acreage and the crop each year.
Paper book in vellum covered boards
GRE/X/V112 January 1875 - May 1892
Cattle milk yield journal
Detailing for each named cow monthly totals of milk for each milking, their milking average, and their calvings, with annual total yields for each cow at the back.
GRE/X/V113 1891 - 1905
Cattle milk yield journal
Enclosed: 3 Jersey herd certificates, 1894.
Formerly: Estate Box 206.
GRE/X/V114 1845 - 1878
Beef cattle journal
Detailing the cost, weight, gains, cost and length of feeding, when and where bought and sold for cattle at Cattle Lodge and Pasture House Boxes.
Formerly: Estate Box 186.
GRE/X/V115 1878 - 1905
Beef cattle journal
GRE/X/V116 1872 - 1881
Howick game book
detailing chronologically the number of game (pheasant, partridge, woodcock, snipe, wild fowl, hare, rabbit, plover, wood pigeon, various) killed on named beats, with annual totals and occasional names of those shooting, and some comments.
GRE/X/V117 1872 - 1894
Howick game book
initially replicates the previous volume
GRE/X/V118 August - December 1893
Howick game book
replicates the previous volume, adding the names of those shooting, and a table of game shot 1872-1890.
GRE/X/V218 1881 - 1932
Howick estate land sold register
Detailing what, where, to whom, when and for how much, with plans.
GRE/X/V119 1894 - 1909
Howick estate wayleaves
Copies of agreements, with plans enclosed and details of work done.
Estate Letter Books 1845-1932
Mostly comprising copies of letters sent out from the Howick Office discussing estate matters, with also receipts and some accounts.
Arranged in chronological order.
GRE/X/V120 3 September 1845 - 31 March 1864
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters from Frederick William Grey, G.A. Grey and S.A. Grey concerning estate matters with farmers eg cropping and stables-tabbed index book enclosed.
GRE/X/V121 23 April 1864 - 7 January 1873
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters written by Edward Macdonald from the Howick Office.
GRE/X/V122 8 January 1873 - 12 June 1879
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters written by Edward Macdonald from the Howick Office.
GRE/X/V123 21 June 1879 - 30 December 1881
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Edward Macdonald, G.A. Grey
GRE/X/V124 2 January 1882 - 7 October 1887
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Edward Macdonald and G.A. Grey
GRE/X/V125 19 October 1887 - 15 October 1892
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by John H. Mansfield and Edward James Macdonald
997p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V126 15 October 1890 - 17 March 1893
Howick Estate letter book
Contains copies of letters written by J.H. Mansfield and Edward Macdonald from the Howick Office and all have tabbed index pages at the front.
GRE/X/V127 18 March 1893 - 16 October 1894
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by John H. Mansfield
GRE/X/V128 17 October 1894 - 31 December 1895
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by John H. Mansfield and Grey
GRE/X/V129 2 January 1896 - 11 October 1904
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and John H. Mansfield
1003p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V130 3 December 1904 - 1930
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by John H. Mansfield, written until 596p
1000p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V131 27 September 1856 - 17 March 1866
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by G.A. Grey
754p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V132 18 March 1866 - 4 August 1871
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by G.A. Grey and J.G. Grey
960p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V133 8 August 1871 - 4 June 1878
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by J.G. Grey, written until p.531.
1019p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V134 13 November 1876 - 15 July 1882
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by G.A. Grey
800p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V135 15 July 1882 - 19 February 1886
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and G.A. Grey
1002p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V136 28 November 1885 - 28 April 1887
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
726p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V137 29 April 1887 - 6 May 1889
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by
1036p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V138 28 April 1889 - 9 April 1891
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
1015p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V139 16 April 1891 - 22 November 1892
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
802p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V140 22 November 1892 - 8 November 1893
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V141 9 November 1893 - 18 October 1894
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V142 20 October 1894 - 21 October 1895
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by C.W. Dixon-Johnson, George Grey and James Cleghorn
597p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V143 24 October 1895 - 11 October 1896
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
587p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V144 12 October 1896 - 2 February 1897
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
609p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V145 5 September 1897 - 27 May 1898
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
599p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V146 28 May - 10 November 1898
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V147 30 November 1898 - 29 April 1899
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V148 2 May - 12 October 1899
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey, James Cleghorn, Thos. Black, Oswald Fletcher
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V149 14 October 1899 - 19 November 1900
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey, James Cleghorn, Fairnington Branxton, A.P. Burns
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V150 18 June 1900 - 16 February 1901
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V151 16 February - 21 June 1901
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V152 20 June - 2 October 1901
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
604p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V153 3 October 1901 - 5 February 1902
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V154 5 February - 17 May 1902
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V155 17 May - 4 September 1902
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
602p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V156 4 September - 19 December 1902
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V157 22 December 1902 - 21 April 1903
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V158 21 April - 23 September 1903
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V159 25 September 1903 - 22 March 1904
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V160 22 March - 15 October 1904
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Joseph Johnson, George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V161 18 October 1904 - 29 May 1905
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by G.H.J. Grey, George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V162 29 May - 23 December 1905
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by G.H.J. Grey, George Grey and James Cleghorn, with 2 articles from a newspaper
601p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V163 27 December 1905 - 14 August 1906
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Eric I. Grey, George Grey and James Cleghorn
604p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V164 14 August 1906 - 13 April 1907
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Eric I. Grey, George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V165 15 April - 23 December 1907
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Eric I. Grey, George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V166 27 December 1907 - 21 October 1908
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Eric I. Grey, J.S. Carrl Elleson, George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V167 21 October 1908 - 23 August 1909
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V168 23 August 1909 - 15 June 1910
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Eric I. Grey, George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V169 15 June 1910 - 7 March 1911
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V170 7 March 1911 - 17 January 1912
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V171 17 January - 25 November 1912
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V172 25 November 1912 - 23 August 1913
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V173 23 August 1913 - 16 July 1914
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V174 17 July 1914 - 4 June 1915
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
602p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V175 4 June 1915 - 14 March 1916
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V176 15 March - 27 October 1916
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
600p + index of recipients
GRE/X/V177 27 October 1916 - 10 May 1917
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V178 11 May - 9 November 1917
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
599p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V179 9 November 1917 - 9 April 1918
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V180 12 April - 12 October 1918
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V181 12 October 1918 - 5 June 1919
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V182 6 June 1919 - 12 January 1920
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by George Grey & Sons and James Cleghorn
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V183 7 July 1869 - 15 January 1878
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by J.G. Grey, written until 330p.
1016p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V184 26 November 1866 - 31 July 1870
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by J.G. Grey and G.A. Grey
957p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V185 1 June 1899 - 19 May 1932
Howick Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by John H. Mansfield
996p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V186 4 May - 1868 - 5 August 1877, 11 September 1866 - 2 April 1892
Howick Estate letter book
Book divided into two letter books and both parts contain copies of letters signed by Edward Macdonald, pages ripped out at the beginning
600p + with index of recipients
GRE/X/V187 28 March 1908 - 30 October 1916
Chevington Estate letter book
Copies of letters signed by Eric J. Grey, G.H.J. Grey, George Grey & Sons
600p + with index of recipients
Howick Market Garden sales accounts 1948-1969
These accounts detail the various produce sold (flowers, plants, bulbs, fruit and vegetables) and who bought it.
GRE/X/V188 February 1948 - April 1953
Howick Market Garden sales account book
GRE/X/V189 April 1953 - May 1955
Howick Market Garden sales account book
GRE/X/V190 May 1955 - September 1958
Howick Market Garden sales account book
GRE/X/V191 September 1958 - November 1961
Howick Market Garden sales account book
GRE/X/V192 December 1961 - December 1963
Howick Market Garden sales account book
GRE/X/V193 January 1964 - December 1966
Howick Market Garden sales account book
GRE/X/V194 January 1967 - December 1969
Howick Market Garden sales account book
House and household staff wagesDates of creation: 1904-1911
GRE/X/V195 1904 - 1911
Governor-General of Canada's Steward's Department servants' quarterly wages book
Detailing the position (no names), annual/daily rate, period and amount, with allowances for beer, washing and powder. Payments in [Canadian] dollars.
GRE/X/V196 1906 - 1911
Housekeeper's Department servants' quarterly wages book
Detailing positions (no names), salary, period, amount paid in pounds sterling.
Other house recordsDates of creation: 1888-1921
GRE/X/V197 1 April 1888 - 31 January 1895
Howick Hall numbers staying daily register
with some notes of particular visitors, recording numbers in the dining room, luncheon, hall and extras.
GRE/X/V198 [1900]
Howick Grange inventory
of furniture and fittings bought, detailing the cost and supplier, with wallpaper fabric samples inserted, and also some correspondence and receipts/orders.
GRE/X/V199 1921
Howick Grange inventory
of furniture and furnishings, with occasional later amendments.
Other personal recordsDates of creation: 1875-1930
GRE/X/V200 January 1900 - August 1919
4th Earl Grey's cash book
Recording the earl's expenses up to May 1917 under cash, yeomany expenses travel expenses, telegrams, savings bank withdrawals and home of rest, and the expenses of his executors from October 1917.
Inserted at the front are receipts of the executors 1917-1919.
GRE/X/V201 January 1910 - December 1916
Personal expenses account book
under headings: housekeeping, wages, HS, washing, nursery, stables, gardens, dress MH, dress H, doctoring, travelling, charity, cash, subs, sundries, elections/constituency.
Reversed is an annual summary of the movements on “A” account 1910-1916, also a military account at Cox's, an estate acount and income tax all for 1916.
GRE/X/V202 January 1917 - December 1921
Personal expenses account book
under printed headings: housekeeping, wages, household sundries, washing, garden, motor and stables, MH, children, doctors, dentist, charity, cash, sundries, subscriptions, presents, travelling, C, education, constituency repalced by telephone
light and gas, income tax, insurance, rates, coal, rent.
With monthly totals and the end of each year, and an account for 9 Chester Terrace “A” account for 1917, which thence becomes a separate heading in the main account, with Howick added in 1920.
GRE/X/V203 1901 - 1902
Tanganyika Concessions, Limited Reports on the Discoveries made by Mr George Grey's Expedition in Northern Rhodesia and the Congo Free State, and Reports by Mr J.R. Farrell, Mining Engineer
features, many with plans, mines at Kambove, Likasye, Kabalela, Kalabe, Kakanda, Fungurume, Kamatanda, Karawano, Kipushi, Kolwezi, Chituru, Luushia, Lupota, Msesa, Musonoi and Kansanshi mines July-September 1902,
with two general maps and 8 BW photos.
GRE/X/V204 1875
Scrapbook with a Greek newspaper inserted and captions of now removed postcards of Bologna.
GRE/X/V205 [c.1930]
Scrapbook of Italian artists
Non-Earl Grey materialDates of creation: 1927 - 1929
GRE/X/V219 October 1927-September 1929
Dale Park Estate Company account book
For [Col Fletcher's] estate at Dale Park, Sussex, recording:
receipts: rents, woods, timber, game, gardens, sundry;
expenses: (estate) rates, taxes, tithe, insurances, general estate repairs, petty cash, management, estate wages, National Health and Unemployment Insurance, game, woods, sawyard and timber, charities and pensions, previous years' accounts,
sundry, car and oil, investments, farm, wages garden; (private) gardens, sundry, stable, poultry.
ListsGRE/X/V220 [1867 - 1931]
Howick muniments register book, listing estate documents, mortgages, acts, wills, deeds, copy leases, abstracts of title and plans for the Howick estate in general, and also specific parts of the estate and specific members of the family. With
some annotations of subsequent locations.
f.1-8. With National Provident Institution, 1749-1867.
f.9-18. At Howick, 1522-1885.
f.19-20. At Mr Woodman's office, 1787-1870.
f.21. At Howick, 1894-1901.
f.22-31. Family History, 1542-1901.
f.32-59. With National Provident Institution, 1761-1867.
f.65. Family History, 1914-1917.
f.70-80. At Howick Box 5, 1857-1931.
144 + 6f
GRE/X/V220/A1 15 January 1927
Letter from James Cleghorn at Wooler to John Mansfield at Howick detailing the transfer of [Chevington] deeds from the National Provident Institution to the Bank of Liverpool at Newcastle via Lombard St.
GRE/X/V220/A2 3 May 1929
Letter from James Cleghorn at Wooler to John Mansfield at Howick asking for three deeds (listed) for Ancroft Town, to be sold to Mr Mitchell, with two receipts of 6 May.