Van Mildert papers


Reference code: GB-0033-VMP
Title: Van Mildert papers
Dates of creation: 1639-1883
Extent: 2 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Van Mildert (family)
Language: English

William Van Mildert (1765-1836), bishop of Durham (1826-1836), was born 6th November 1765 in Southwark, the son of Cornelius Van Mildert (1722-1799), gin distiller, and his wife, Martha, née Hill (1732-1804). Cornelius Van Mildert was the great-grandson of an Amsterdam merchant who migrated to London around 1670, Martha the daughter of William Hill of Vauxhall, Surrey, merchant and financier. Van Mildert studied at the Merchant Taylors' School, and Queen's College, Oxford, 1784-90. Ordained priest in 1789, in 1790 he became curate of Witham, Essex were he met Jane (1760-1837), daughter of General Douglas, who he married in 1795. In 1795 Van Mildert was given the living of Bradden, Northamptonshire, by Cornelius Ives, his cousin and brother-in-law; in 1796, he became chaplain to the Grocers' Company and rector of St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, London. In London he joined the high-church campaigning group the Hackney Phalanx, served as treasurer of the SPCK 1812-15, gave the Boyle lectures of 1802-5, was preacher of Lincoln's Inn, 1812-9, Bampton lecturer in 1814, and in 1823 published a ten-volume edition of the works of Daniel Waterland.
In 1813 he became regius professor of divinity at Oxford and a canon of Christ Church, bishop of Llandaff May 1819, declined the archbishopric of Dublin in 1820, instead becoming dean of St Paul's in commendam with Llandaff, and in 1826 Van Mildert became bishop of Durham. Charles Thorp, Archdeacon of Durham, and Van Mildert worked towards the creation of a university at Durham: The Durham University Bill passed in July 1832 and the university admitted its first students in October 1833.
Van Mildert's wife suffered a stroke in 1833 and died in 1837. Van Mildert died at Auckland Castle, 21 February 1836. Shortly afterwards the bishopric was stripped of its palatine status and the remnant of its ancient secular powers, leaving Van Mildert with the common soubriquet “last of the prince bishops”.


Papers relating to the family of William Van Mildert, bishop of Durham.
VMP 1-1334 formerly belonged to William Van Mildert, Bishop of Durham 1826-1836, or his nephew Cornelius Ives, Rector of Bradden 1818-1883. They were kept by the family at Bradden House, Towcester in Northamptonshire until 1973 when Arnold Bradshaw, Vice-Master, and afterwards Master, of Van Mildert College in the University of Durham, arranged for their transfer to Durham by Mr Edward Grant-Ives. In July 1989 they were deposited in the Archives and Special Collections section of Durham University Library at Palace Green.
The documents are divided into 8 sections:
I: 1-86 Early Family Papers
II: 87-155 William Van Mildert, Rector of St Mary le Bow, Canon of Christ Church and Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, 1788-1820
III: 156-317 William Van Mildert, Bishop of Llandaff and Dean of St Paul's, 1819-1826
IV: 318-586 William Van Mildert, Bishop of Durham, 1826-1836
V: 587-611 William Van Mildert, manuscript notes, lectures and sermons
VI: 612-624 William Van Mildert, printed works: sermons and proof copies of Van Mildert's edition of the works of Daniel Waterland
VII: 625-704 Printed works belonging to William Van Mildert and his nephew Cornelius Ives. These include some early 19th century printed maps covering areas under Van Mildert's jurisdiction in his various offices
VIII: 705-1334 Sermons and miscellaneous papers of Cornelius Ives 1793-1883, Rector of Bradden from 1818. Many of these were taken from collections of sermons written by various ecclesiastical figures, but some were tailored to contemporary events
Items of particular interest include:
A Letter Book containing copies and drafts of letters written by Lawrence Womock (1612-1686), chaplain to Lord Paget, afterwards Bishop of St David's (1);
Early 19th century recipes and prescriptions (18-84);
William Van Mildert's “Journal of a tour of the Netherlands 1792” (89);
Papers relating to the amendment of the Clandestine Marriages Act June 1823 (203-215), and Catholic Emancipation 1829 (510-540);
Accounts relating to Van Mildert's positions as Canon of Christ Church, Bishop of Llandaff and Dean of St Paul's, including accounts for repairs at St Paul's Deanery House (Sections II & III);
Papers concerning the Entertainment given by Van Mildert to the Duke of Wellington at Durham Castle, 3 October 1826, including details of arrangements, invitations, costs and receipts (328-506);
Correspondence concerning Lord Brougham's attempt to influence the composition of the Commission of the Peace, February-April 1831 (550-577).
VMP 1335-1476: form another group of papers from the same source, relating to the family of William Van Mildert, bishop of Durham (1826-1836). Legal, administrative and estate papers, letters etc. of the Van Mildert family. Notes, sermons, verses and one printed item by Bishop Van Mildert, and some correspondence. Material relating to Daniel Waterland (theologian, 1663-1740, whose works were edited by Van Mildert).
The third group documents the work of Arnold Bradshaw attempting to trace information on the Van Mildert family.

Accession details

VMP 1-1334: discovered in a pigeon loft at Bradden House by Arnold Bradshaw, Principal of Van Mildert College and deposited at Van Mildert College by Edward Grant-Ives, ca. 1973, for Bradshaw to catalogue. etc. with the intention of eventually depositing them with the other WVM material already given by the Grant-Ives family to the University Library. Transferred to the library 1989 by the Dept. of Palaeography
VMP 1335-1476 : presented by Captain and Mrs Grant-Ives, 16 November 1946.
VMP 1477-1552 : transferred from Van Mildert College.
Thorp correspondence.
E. A. Varley, “Mildert, William Van (1765–1836)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, (Oxford University Press, 2004)
A catalogue of the very valuable library of the late Rt. Rev. William Van Mildert, D. D. Lord Bishop of Durham; comprising a select collection of English and foreign theology, including various editions of the Bible, Fathers of the Church, liturgies, polemical and practical divinity, sermons &c. ... which will be sold by auction, by Mr Wheatley ... on Wednesday 15th June, 1836, and nine following days ... (London, 1836)
Bradshaw, Arnold, “Van Mildert's Visit to the Netherlands in 1792”, Durham University Journal, 71 (1978-9), 45-53.
Cochrane, R.A., “William Van Mildert, bishop” (M.Litt. thesis, University of Durham, 1950).
Ives, C., “Memoir of the author”, in Sermons on several occasions and charges by William Van Mildert, ed. C. Ives, (Oxford, 1838)
Adams, P. W. L., A history of the Douglas family of Morton in Nithsdale ... (Bedford, 1921)
Varley, E. A., The last of the prince bishops: William Van Mildert and the high church movement of the early nineteenth century (Cambridge, 1992)


Early Family Papers
VMP 1   1639-1666
Letter book belonging to Laurence Womock (1612-1686) chaplain to Lord Paget, afterwards Bishop of St David's (DNB). Contains copies and drafts of over 40 letters sent to friends, family, the Bishops of Worcester, Rochester and London, poems and other matter; with some additions, initialled L.W. (his nephew of the same name?) dated 1697; and recipes.
Notebook, 104p. (remainder blank) 
VMP 2   1661-1667
Notebook containing notes in Dutch, English and shorthand on sermons heard in London between 1661 and 1667, possibly belonging to Daniel Van Mildert.
Notebook, 52f. 
VMP 3   1727-1730
Notebook containing texts and notes on sermons heard at St George's Southwark, 25 June 1727-30 August 1730.
Small leather bound notebook, 90p. 
VMP 4   18 March 1752
(1) Johanna Van Mildert widow, of the parish of St Botolph without Bishopgate in London
(2) Cornelius Van Mildert of the parish of St Mary Newington, Surrey, distiller
Power of Attorney granted by (1) to (2) in respect of the executorship of Benjamin Fleming of the parish of St Botolph, tobacconist, citizen and clothworker of London.
2f. damaged 
VMP 4A   [18th century]
Cover addressed to Cornelius Van Mildert Esq. at No.6 Kennington Road, Surrey.
1f. damaged 
Executorship of Elizabeth Churcher, 1757-1759
VMP 5   20 September 1757
Copy of the will of Elizabeth Churcher of the parish of St Clement's, Eastcheap in the city of London, widow.
VMP 6   9 September 1763
(1) Thomas Christie of the parish of St Clement Eastcheap in the city of London, leatherseller
(2) Edward Hallam of Nottingham, carpenter and joiner
Bond of (1) to (2) for £400; conditioned for the payment of £200 according to the will of Elizabeth Churcher.
Signed and sealed.
With receipt by John Edwards for £201.13.5d. paid by (1)'s executors, Cornelius Van Mildert and Mr Edward Heylin, dated 4 September 1778
VMP 7   9 September 1763
(1) Thomas Christie of the parish of St Clement Eastcheap in the city of London, leatherseller
(2) Edward Hallam of Nottingham, carpenter and joiner
Richard Pepper of Nottingham, cordwainer
Bond of (1) to (2) for £400; conditioned for the payment of £200 to William, John, Edward, Richard and Ann Godby, the children of Elizabeth Churcher's cousin William Godby of Nottingham, chairmaker, now deceased.
Signed and sealed.
VMP 8   14 April 1764
Opinion of Robert Bicknell on a case regarding legacies payable to the children of Elizabeth Churcher's cousin, Elizabeth Barrett.
VMP 9   17 April 1764
(1) John Barrett of Canon Street in the city of London, leatherseller
William Barrett of Nottingham, cabinet maker
Thomas Barrett of Derby, stocking maker
(2) Thomas Christie of the parish of St Clement East Cheap, leather seller
Release and Quitclaim by (1) to (2) in respect of legacies under the will of Elizabeth Churcher.
Consideration: £50 each. Signed and sealed.
VMP 10   Undated
Draft Case on the will of Elizabeth Churcher regarding legacies due to the children of William Godby.
2f. damaged 
VMP 11   28 November 1778
(1) Edward Godber
Richard Godber
Late of Nottingham and now of the city of Dublin, jewellers
(2) Ann Godber of Grace Church Street, London, spinster, (1)s' sister
Power of Attorney granted by (1) to (2) to receive payment of legacies, due under the will of Elizabeth Churcher, from Cornelius Van Mildert of Blackman Street in the parish of St Mary, Newington Butts, Surrey, and Edward Heylin of the parish of St A[ ], Islington gents. executors of Thomas Christie of the city of London gent. deceased, executor of the said Elizabeth Churcher late of the city of London widow, deceased.
Signed and sealed (1).
2f. damaged 
VMP 12   16 December 1778
Copy of letter from A.W. at Merchant Taylors Hall to Mr Hallam, demanding payment by Messrs Van Mildert and Heylin of legacies due to the Godber family under the will of Elizabeth Churcher.
VMP 13   29 April 1779
Letter from J.L. Story of Nottingham to Mr Winterbottom attorney, at Merchant Taylors Hall, London, written to accompany the return of a Release executed by William and John Godber.
Affairs of the Hill Family, 1760-1799
VMP 14   [May 1760]
Abstract of Title to a messuage and lands in Newneham and Otterden in Kent and to a moiety of the impropriated Rectory and Advowson of Newneham, purchased by William Hill from George Walton Lovelace Esq. by lease and release dated 23 & 24 May 1760.
4f. badly damaged 
VMP 15   21 March 1763
Probate of the will of Martha Hill of Vauxhall in the parish of St Mary, Lambeth in Surrey.
Will dated 28 May 1760, with codicil dated 12 January 1762.
2mm. with papered seal, detached. 
VMP 16   6 May 1799
Will of William Hill [of the parish of] Christ Church, Surrey, gent.
8f. damaged 
VMP 17   24 November 1794-5 February 1795
Funeral expenses, accounts and receipts in respect of the estate of Mrs Theodosia Sedgewick (died November 1794); include a letter from her niece Harriot Sedgewick to her fellow executor Cornelius Van Mildert.
13 pieces 
Recipes and prescriptions
VMP 18   1796-1826
Recipe book belonging to Mrs Van Mildert of Tiffield, Towcester in Northamptonshire.
Begun 18 August 1796.
Paper notebook 16f., with 4 inserts 
VMP 19
To stew pippins to look transparent; and dry curry (as made in the East Indies)
VMP 20
Green gooseberry wine
1 piece 
VMP 21
Hard pomatum for thickening the hair
1 piece 
VMP 22
To make reason wine
1 piece 
VMP 23
To stew lampreys and a New College pudding
VMP 24
Elder wine and caper sauce substitute (watermark 1810)
VMP 25
Elder wine
1 piece 
VMP 26
To make green pease soup and light puddings
VMP 27
To make gravy soup
VMP 28
Gooseberry wine sent to Mr Winsor, Farningham, Dartford, Kent
1 piece 
VMP 29
Lemon posset and orange jelly
VMP 30
To make a soup maigre
1 piece 
VMP 31
1 piece 
VMP 32
Ox-head stew
VMP 33
Seed cake
1 piece 
VMP 34
Collar of veal
1 piece 
VMP 35
To bake a fillet of veal
1 piece 
VMP 36
1 piece 
VMP 37
For a curry
VMP 38
To pickle green mellons or large cowcumbers like mangoes
VMP 39
Transparent crabs [apples]
1 piece 
VMP 40
To fricassee chickens white
1 piece 
VMP 41
Fruit pudding
VMP 42
To make a cake basket for trifle custard
VMP 43
Lemon cheesecakes
1 piece 
VMP 44
To make currant wine
1 piece 
VMP 45   November 1824
Ginger beer, at Ponsonby
1 piece 
VMP 46
Lemon cream
1 piece 
VMP 47
Gooseberry biscuits
VMP 48
Lemon cream
VMP 49
Blackcurrant wine
VMP 50
A fish sauce, patties, to broil pigeons (watermark dated 1802)
VMP 51
White fricassee for chicken or veal that has been roasted (watermark dated 1805)
VMP 52
Rice and apple cakes, sent to Miss Douglas at Benet Lodge (watermark dated 1818)
VMP 53   Postmark 19 July 1819
To dry cherries, strawberry sweetmeat, to preserve apricots whole, sent to Miss Mary Douglas at the Rev. Dr Van Mildert's, Ewelme near Wallingford.
VMP 54
New College Puddings, sent to Mrs Van Mildert
1 piece 
VMP 55
Ginger wine for Mrs Van Mildert
VMP 56
Stone cream for Mrs Van Mildert, Ch[rist] Ch[urch]
VMP 57
Ann's maigre soup for Mrs Van Mildert, Ely Place, Holborn
1 piece 
VMP 58
Mrs V.M's recipe for salting tongues
VMP 59
To stew a round of beef, lemon biskets, potato pudding, shortbread (watermark dated 1821)
VMP 60
To make almond paste, bondin de veau á la Richelieu (watermark dated 1825)
VMP 61
Spinage and parsley soup and mock brawn, contained in letter from B. Streatfield to Mrs Van Mildert, 29 April.
VMP 62
Little cakes, Lady Waltham
1 piece 
VMP 63
Ginger wine
1 piece 
VMP 64
Gooseberry wine
1 piece 
VMP 65
Pomatum to thicken the hair
1 piece 
VMP 66
For a cough
1 piece 
VMP 67
Medicine containing Glauber's Salt
1 piece 
VMP 68   21 November 1816
For dropsy, contained in letter from Miss Thorley at the request of Miss Bullock, to Mrs Van Mildert, Ewelane, Oxfordshire.
VMP 69
Containing ivory black, lamb black, sugar and beer; with cost of ingredients.
1 piece 
VMP 70
For a violent cold, sent to Miss M. Hill at the Rev. Mr Van Mildert's, Farningham, Kent
VMP 71
Cure for the ague (watermark dated 1826)
VMP 72
To dye blond black
1 piece 
VMP 73
An infallible remedy for a violent cold
VMP 74
For a hoarseness
1 piece 
VMP 75
To make a plaster
VMP 76
1 piece 
VMP 77
Julip of camphor
1 piece 
VMP 78
Pot pourri and ginger wine (watermark 1809)
VMP 79
For weakness in stomach
1 piece 
VMP 80
Using De Viette's cement to join paper or silk, and to repair china, glass, wood etc. Printed
1 piece 
VMP 81
To make good Blacking
1 piece 
VMP 82
4 Doctor's prescriptions in Latin: including one for Miss M. Douglas's servant, dated 13 February 1815, and one for Mr Van Mildert.
4 pieces 
VMP 83
Notes on growing hyacinths, tulips etc. “for the information of amateurs”. By Cornelius Van Ellen and Gomp. (watermark dated 1812)
VMP 84
A family plaister . . . . . . good for dispersing tumours, chilblains, witlows, cracks and hard swellings of every kind . . . . . .(watermark dated 1825)
VMP 85    Undated
Wages for cleaning the house
1 piece 
VMP 86    Undated
Rules for a card game
VMP 86A   1830 (watermark)
Empty cover addressed to Mrs Van Mildert.
Rector of St Mary le Bow, Canon of Christ Church and Regius Professor of Divinity, Oxford
VMP 87   18 May 1788
Deacon's Orders conferred on William Van Mildert by Edward [Smallwell], Bishop of Oxford.
1m. and seal 
VMP 88   20 December 1789
Priest's Orders conferred on William Van Mildert by Beilby [Porteous], Bishop of London.
1m. and seal 
VMP 89   15 July-4 August 1792
Journal of a tour of the Netherlands by William Van Mildert; with transcript by Arnold Bradshaw.
Notebook, i + 71f. Transcript 28f. 
VMP 90   19 December 1795
Opinion of Thomas Plumer of Lincoln's Inn on a case concerning the tithes of Bradden.
VMP 91   Undated [c.1796?]
Notes on the architecture of Bow Church constructed 1671-1680.
1 piece 
VMP 92   [c.1796?] (watermark dated 1794)
Alphabetical list of Rectors of St Mary le Bow, 1500 to the present time, compiled by William Van Mildert.
VMP 93    Undated
Notes on the Rectors of St Mary le Bow: St Pancras Soper Lane; and All Hallows Honey Lane, from Wood's Athenae Oxonienses.
VMP 94   April 1797
History of the Evening Lecture at Bow Church, compiled for the Archbishop of Canterbury by William Van Mildert.
Notebook, 8f. 
The Boyle Lectures at St Mary le Bow
VMP 95   8 October 1610 & 13 June 1632 [Watermark, 1794]
Copies, by William Van Mildert, of a codicil dated 8 October 1610 annexed to the will (4 March 1610/11) of George Palyn citizen and girdler of London, and of an extract from the will of Sarah Cox widow dated 13 June 1632, concerning donations of £100 and £40 respectively, for the employment of a preacher to give weekly instruction on the rudiments of religion and for providing him with accommodation.
VMP 96    Undated
Notes on the Trustees for appointing Boyle Lecturers, taken from Bishop Newton, Dissertation on Prophecies, vol.1.p.287 note. (Thomas Newton 1704-1782: Boyle Lecturer 1754, Bishop of Bristol 1761)
1 piece 
VMP 97   12 November 1773
Opinion of George Harris, Longden Proctor, on a case concerning the application of legacies donated by parishioners for the appointment of preachers. Transcribed by Wm. Sclater.
VMP 98   In Chancery: 19 November 1777
(1) The Attorney General, at the relation of Thomas Beach, John Salt, Thomas Baker, William Poole and Henry Nettleshipp parishioners of the three united parishes of St Mary le Bow, St Pancras Soper Lane and All Hallows, Honey Lane against:
(2) Wm.Sclater D.D. Rector of the three parishes and Churchwardens Richard Ringwood and Richard Seaman
Concerning the application of funds bequeathed for the maintenance of a weekly lecture and the refusal of the Rector to allow the parishioners to appoint a lecturer without his consent.
Brief for the defendants Ringwood and Seaman.
VMP 99   29 May 1778
Proposals, adopted at a Vestry meeting, for staying proceedings in Chancery and for the conduct of the Boyle lecture; copied by William Van Mildert from the Appendix to Dr Apthorp's sermon on the Liturgy.
VMP 100   [1799]
Draft Bill to permit William Van Mildert Rector, and the Churchwardens of the parish of St Mary le Bow to sell land procured for the maintenance of a weekly lecture and the buildings thereon, to Abraham Robarts, William Curtis, Ellis Were and Charles Horngold of the city of London bankers for £1,350 (30 years purchase) and to invest the proceeds in 3% consolidated bank annuities; the said buildings being part of the purchasers' banking house on which part of a messuage called Lloyds Coffee House formerly stood.
VMP 101   April 1800
Extracts by William Van Mildert from the Resolutions agreed by the Trustees to the Evening Lecture at Bow Church.
VMP 102   April 1800
William Van Mildert's Sequel to the account of the Evening Lecture, describing steps taken to conform with the testators' wishes while remedying the ambiguities which have given rise to disputes.
VMP 103   [1800]
Draft letter from William Van Mildert responding to criticisms regarding his absences from duties at Bow Church since his induction in October 1796 and his residence outside the parish.
VMP 104   7 & 8 April 1807
Dispensation from the Archbishop of Canterbury [Charles Sutton] permitting William Van Mildert to hold the Vicarage of Farningham in Kent, valued at £9.5.10d. per annum, in addition to, and not more than 20 miles distant from, the Rectory of St Mary le Bow in London and the annexed Rectories of St Pancras Soper Lane and All Hallows, Honey Lane valued at £66.2.3½ d.; subject to conditions that, among other things, he preaches 13 sermons a year and provides a curate for the church from which he is most absent.
Royal Confirmation annexed.
Papered seal of the Archbishop and Royal seal (broken)
VMP 105   2 June 1812
Copy of letter from the Masters of the Bench at Lincoln's Inn thanking the Rev. William Van Mildert for his sermon on the occasion of the assassination of the Rt. Hon. Spencer Percival (11 May 1812), requesting a copy and permission to print the same.
2f. and cover 
VMP 106   22 March 1813
Letter from David Evans in Tresco, Isles of Scilly, to the Rev. Dr Tournay at Wadham College, Oxford, recounting the circumstances of his appointment as missionary of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge and the poverty of his situation; requesting protection against those who seek to undermine him and prejudice others against him, and assistance in obtaining a small appointment.
VMP 107   7 April 1813
Copy of letter from William Van Mildert at Lincoln's Inn to the Warden of Wadham College informing him that accusations levelled against Mr Evans in 1798 and 1811 were successfully rebutted and that he retains the good opinion of the SPCK; expressing the belief that both Mr Evans and Mr Selby, the missionaries in the Scilly Islands, are victims of unknown enemies but there is no reason for either to suspect the other; giving details as to the salaries of both men and saying it is probably desirable that Mr Evans should obtain another position.
VMP 108   2 November 1813
Letter from David Evans in Tresco, Isles of Scilly, to the Rev. Dr Tournay at Wadham College, Oxford concerning a present he has sent of salt fish called Scilly Ling with directions as to their care; thanking him for his goodness and informing him of Mr Selby's absence for the past four months and of an offer of a curacy made by the Bishop of Norwich.
VMP 109   [1814]
Letter in Latin from George John Majendie to William Van Mildert requesting admission (to Christ Church, Oxford). (Son of Henry William Majendie, Bishop of Bangor, matriculated at Christ Church 27 October 1814).
VMP 110   25 March 1815
Letter from David Evans in Tresco, Isles of Scilly, to the Rev. Dr Tournay at Wadham College, Oxford enquiring whether someone could find out the intentions of the SPCK regarding the mission in Scilly, detailing his responsibilities over the past two years and promising more presents of fish.
VMP 111   4 August 1815
Receipt of Robert Morrell for £37.6.0d.
1 piece 
VMP 112   [August 1815]
Detailed account of Robert Morrell, solicitor, in respect of a dispute over tithes between William Van Mildert and his tenant farmers at Ewelme, 13 October 1813-21 December 1814 and for drawing a settlement on the marriage of Miss Douglas and Mr Gaisford, January-July 1815
VMP 113   29 November 1815
Copy of Commission from the Bishop of Oxford (William Jackson) to Joseph Phillimore, Dr of Laws, Vicar General; the Rev. Phineas Pitt D.D. Archdeacon of Oxford; the Rev. Richard Laurence LL.D. Canon and Hebrew Professor; and the Rev. William Van Mildert D.D. Canon and Regius Professor of Divinity, giving them authority to act during his illness.
VMP 114   29 November 1815
Letter from Mr Morrell to William Van Mildert conveying the Bishop of Oxford's thanks for agreeing to act as one of the Bishop's Commissaries General during his illness.
VMP 115   20 December 1815
Inventory of plate, china and glass at Christ Church.
VMP 116   27 April and 7 May 1816
Notes by E.V. and part of a letter from C. Holehouse regarding the family affairs of Mrs Edward Guest.
4 pieces, letter badly damaged 
VMP 117   22 May 1816
Letter from W. Tournay at Wadham College to Jacob at Bath (post stamp) repudiating the Cary Resolutions regarding the Clergy Consolidation Bill, which he believes grossly misrepresent the Bill's general tendency for the relief and security of the clergy.
VMP 118   25 May 1818
Certified copy of Testimonial from the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Elphin, George Plunkett, recommending Patt. Mullanny for the position of a groom.
VMP 119   1813-1820
Summary of the receipts of the Canonry of Christ Church, Oxford, from Christmas 1813- Michaelmas 1820 (watermark dated 1822).
Canonry of Christ Church accounts, 1813-1820
VMP 120
1813 Christmas Quarter
3 items 
VMP 121
1814 Lady Day Quarter
2 items 
VMP 122
1814 Midsummer Quarter
2 items 
VMP 123
1814 Michaelmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 124
1814 Christmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 125
1815 Lady Day Quarter
2 items 
VMP 126
1815 Midsummer Quarter
2 items 
VMP 127
1815 Michaelmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 128
1815 Christmas Quarter
1 item 
VMP 129
1816 Lady Day Quarter
2 items 
VMP 130
1816 Midsummer Quarter
3 items 
VMP 131
1816 Michaelmas Quarter
3 items 
VMP 132
1816 Christmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 133
1817 Lady Day Quarter
2 items 
VMP 134
1817 Midsummer Quarter
2 items 
VMP 135
1817 Michaelmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 136
1817 Christmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 137
1818 Lady Day Quarter
2 items 
VMP 138
1818 Midsummer Quarter
2 items 
VMP 139
1818 Michaelmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 140
1818 Christmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 141
1819 Lady Day Quarter
2 items 
VMP 142
1819 Midsummer Quarter
2 items 
VMP 143
1819 Michaelmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 144
1819 Christmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 145
1820 Lady Day Quarter
2 items 
VMP 146
1820 Midsummer Quarter
2 items  
VMP 147
1820 Michaelmas Quarter
2 items 
VMP 148   11 December 1820
Memorandum by William Van Mildert regarding the income of the Divinity Professorship and Canonry of Christ Church, the condition of buildings and land belonging to the Rectory of Ewelme and charities in the parish of Ewelme.
The Rectory House in Bow Churchyard, 1818-1821
VMP 149   1818-1821
Account of George Gwilt, solicitor, in respect of work at the Rectory House in Bow Churchyard 13 January 1818-11 January 1821; with receipt for £39.4.6d. dated 29 January 1821.
2f. and 1 piece 
VMP 150   1819-1821
Account of George Gwilt, solicitor, in respect of the lease of the Rectory House in Bow Churchyard 14 May 1819-11 January 1821.
VMP 151   4 January 1820
Receipt of J. Crawford for painting a sign board at the Rectory House.
1 piece 
VMP 152   11 January 1821
Receipt of Thomas Ebenezer Lomas for £7.1.6d. the balance of his deposit in respect of the lease of the Rectory House, Bow Churchyard.
1f. and 1 piece 
VMP 153   Midsummer 1820
Account of tithes of St Mary le Bow, settled 30 December 1820.
VMP 154   [1760-1820]
Great Seal of George III (broken).
Brown wax, 4 pieces 
VMP 155   ca.1984
Photocopy of list of incumbents at Ewelme Church 1401-1980, from the Historical Guide to Ewelme Church (p.24); and 5 colour photographs of Ewelme Church taken by N. Scholey.
1f. and 5 photographs 
Bishop of Llandaff and Dean of St Paul's
VMP 156   1819
Memoranda concerning William Van Mildert's Visitation of the Diocese of Llandaff including a list of the Rural Deans, his proposed route and matters of enquiry.
small notebook, 22f. 
VMP 157   [September 1819]
William Van Mildert's travelling accounts for his Visitation of the Diocese of Llandaff, 27 August-25 September 1819.
small notebook, 18f. 
VMP 158   Undated [1820?]
Address to the King from the Bishop and clergy of the Diocese of Llandaff affirming their determination to uphold the Laws, Monarchy and Religion. Signed by the clergy of the Deanery of Llandaff.
VMP 159   27 June 1820
Summons of William Van Mildert, Bishop of Llandaff, to the coronation of George IV on 1 August.
VMP 160   28 June 1820
Letter from Lord Henry Howard, Deputy Earl Marshall, requesting the Bishop to inform him whether he will be attending the coronation.
2f. and cover 
VMP 161   5 July 1820
Draft of William Van Mildert's reply to Lord Henry Howard.
1 piece 
VMP 162   [September 1820]
Account of C. Hodgson regarding the lease of the Rectory House at St Mary le Bow, March 1820.
VMP 163   [September 1820]
General Account of C.Hodgson for taking possession of the Deanery of St Paul's, 19 August-11 September 1820.
VMP 164   [September 1820]
Account of C.Hodgson for taking possession of the Deanery of St Paul's and other matters, September 1820.
VMP 165   September 1820
List of repairs etc. to be done at the Deanery House, St Paul's.
VMP 166   11 November 1820
Receipt, signed by John Burder for C.Hodgson, for £528.5.7d. paid by William Van Mildert in respect of expenses incurred on taking possession of the Deanery of St Paul's and other matters.
1 piece 
VMP 167   1 December 1820
“Ode to a Geologist”; attributed to Richard Whately (1787-1863) Archbishop of Dublin from 1831, and dedicated to William Buckland (1754-1856) Fellow of Corpus Christi Oxford 1808-1825, afterwards Professor of Mineralogy and Reader in Geology (and letter from Prof. D.W.Harding to Arnold Bradshaw).
3 items 
VMP 168   21 February 1821
Resolution of the Committee of the Royal Humane Society expressing thanks to the Bishop of Llandaff for preaching the Anniversary Sermon on 18 February and requesting permission for it to be published.
VMP 169   28 February 1821
Letter from Benjamin Hawes, Treasurer of the Royal Humane Society to the Bishop of Llandaff conveying the resolutions of the Society regarding the Anniversary Sermon.
VMP 170   9 June 1821
Abstract of bills for sundry works at the Deanery of St Paul's, October 1820-9 June 1821; with the receipt of Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for £1,699.12.0d. dated 6 July 1821.
2f. and cover 
Accounts of individual tradesmen comprised in the above abstract

VMP 171   [1820-1821]
Account No.1: Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for bricklayers' work: £231.11.2 ½d.
VMP 172   [1820-1821]
Account No.2: Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for carpenters' work: £413.19.11d.
VMP 173   [1820-1821]
Account No.3: William Boyer, 69 Shoe Lane, plumber: £160.7.9½d.
VMP 174   [1820-1821]
Account No.4: William Bellenie, mason: £64.3.7d.
VMP 175   [1820-1821]
Account No.5: Thomas Brady for slating on offices at the Deanery of St Paul's: £8.14.9½d.
1 piece 
VMP 176   [1820-1821]
Account No.6: John Cantelow and son, plasterers: £175.5.5½d.
VMP 177   [1820-1821]
Account No.7: William Thorne for painting and glazing: £322.6.1½d.
VMP 178   [1820-1821]
Account No.8: C.Hamerton for paving: £15.1.4d.
VMP 179   [1820-1821]
Account No.8*: J.Mallcott,12 Newgate St for masons' work (paving): 5.0d.
1 piece 
VMP 180   [1820-1821]
Account No.9: Messrs Cood and Adams for paper hanging and decorating: £297.10.6d.
VMP 181   [1820-1821]
Account No.10: Charles Marden for smiths' work: £5.8.0d.
VMP 182   16 June 1821
Summons to William Van Mildert Bishop of Llandaff to attend the coronation of George IV on 19 July.
2f. and cover 
VMP 183   16 June 1821
Letter from Lord Henry Howard, Deputy Earl Marshall, to William Van Mildert Bishop of Llandaff asking whether he will be attending the coronation.
VMP 184   20 June 1821
Copy of William Van Mildert's reply to Lord Henry Howard expressing his intention of attending the coronation on 19 July.
VMP 185   [November 1821]
General account of Joseph Parker bookseller with the Bishop of Llandaff; and receipt for £29.17.0d. dated 10 November 1821.
1f. and 1 piece 
VMP 186   1821
Account of the sale of the Bishop of Llandaff's Bampton Lectures (included in the above account).
VMP 187   21 November 1821
Memorial by the inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Llanddewi-Brefi to the Bishop of St David's urging that the college for clerical education should be erected at Llandewi-Brefi, as originally proposed and not at Lampeter or elsewhere; with list of subscribers. Received by the Bishop of Llandaff 19 December 1821. Printed.
VMP 188   2 February 1822
Abstract of bills for sundry works at the Deanery of St Paul's, 14 June 1821-2 February 1822; with the receipt of Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for £185.16.0d. dated 14 February 1822.
2f. and 1 piece 
Accounts of individual tradesmen comprised in the above abstract, VMP 188.

VMP 189   [1821-1822]
Account No.1: Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for bricklayers' work 23 June 1821-31 January 1822: £13.12.9½d.
VMP 190   [1821-1822]
Account No.2: Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for carpenters' work 16 June 1821-2 February 1822: £146.4.11½d.
VMP 191   [1821-1822]
Account No.3: William Boyer, plumber, 7 July-18 December 1821: £3.4.9½d.
VMP 192   [1821-1822]
Account No.4: William Bellenie, mason, 24 July-5 November 1821: £5.17.7d.
VMP 193   [1821-1822]
Account No.5: John Cantellow and son, plasterers, 2 November- 11 December 1821: £1.1.0d.
1 piece 
VMP 194   [1821-1822]
Account No.6: William Thorne for painting and glazing 14 June-30 November 1821: £13.2.0d.
VMP 195   [1821-1822]
Account No.7: Messrs Cood and Adams for paperhanging, September-December 1821: £8.3.9d.
VMP 196   6 February 1822
Account with the Bishop of Llandaff, and receipt for £346.1.0d., of Henry Downer, 155 Fleet Street, furnishing ironmonger and manufacturer of stove grates, patent cooking machines and kitchen ranges, covering the period 15 January 1821-27 September 1822.
8f. and 1 piece 
VMP 197   1822
Detailed account of Joseph and Nathaniel Graham with the Lord Bishop of Llandaff amounting to £831.4.0d. for furnishing a house in Waterloo Place, London, 1820-1821.
exercise book, 8f. 
VMP 198   11 February 1823
2 Accounts, and receipt for £65.15.0d., of Messrs Jenner, Bush and Jenner in respect of the executorship of Mrs Martha Van Mildert, 15 January 1821-27 September 1822.
3 items  
VMP 199   15 February 1823
Account of assets belonging to William Van Mildert.
VMP 200   15 February 1823
Account of funds in the Bank of England held by William Van Mildert in trust for others.
VMP 201   8 March 1823
Account of Christopher Edmonds with the Bishop of Llandaff for the survey and valuation of a copyhold estate at Rawreth in Essex, 13 May-28 December 1819; and receipt for £25.8.6d.
1f.and 1 piece 
VMP 202   29 May 1823
Account of John Burder for payments on behalf of the Bishop of Llandaff 2 August-29 May 1823.
Clandestine Marriages Act, June 1823
VMP 203   1800
An Act for the better preventing of Clandestine Marriages, 26 George II (1752-1753). Printed.
VMP 204   c.1823 (watermark dated 1819)
Extracts, made by William Van Mildert, from the debate in the House of Commons on clauses respecting divorce in the Marriage Act of 1753; and from the Journals of the House of Lords, 19 November 1689, recording the dissent of Bishops and others on the Bill for an Act disabling Minors to marry without the consent of Fathers or Guardians.
VMP 205    Undated
Comments on Dr Phillimore's Bill to repeal parts of the Marriage Act; with proposals for remedying its defects. Signed W.Ll (William Van Mildert, Bishop of Llandaff).
VMP 206    Undated
Extracts from laws respecting marriage, taken by William Van Mildert from Gibson's Codex etc.
VMP 207   Undated (watermark 1815)
Copy by William Van Mildert of Ibbetson's Enquiry into the force of the Annulling clauses in the Marriage Act of 1754.
VMP 208   Undated (watermark 1815)
Dr Stebbing, on the Power of States to deny Civil Protection to the Marriages of Minors made without Consent of Parents or Guardians,1755 (written by William Van Mildert).
VMP 209   Undated (watermark 1815)
Bishop Warburton, on the nature of the Marriage Vow (written by William Van Mildert).
VMP 210   Undated (watermark 1821)
Hints for amendments in the Old Marriage Act (written by William Van Mildert).
VMP 211   3 George IV cap.75 [22 July 1822]
An Act to amend certain Provisions of the 26th of George II, for the better preventing of Clandestine Marriages. Printed.
VMP 212   February 1823
Petition, respecting the 14th section of the new Marriage Act, by Phineas Pett D.D. Archdeacon of Oxford; George Turner M.A. the Archdeacon's Official Principal; and John Marshall Esq., Registrar in the Archdeacon's Court, requesting the restoration of the right of the Archdeaconry Court to grant marriage licences.
VMP 213   June 1823
Notes by William Van Mildert on the Dissenters' Marriage Bill.
VMP 214   3 June 1823
A Bill [as amended by the Committee] . . . . for amending the Laws respecting the Solemnization of Marriages in England. Printed, 2 copies.
14p. each 
VMP 215   5 June 1823
Bill . . . . for granting Relief to His Majesty's Subjects, not being Members of the Church of England, in relation to the Solemnization of Matrimony. Printed.
Accounts of Messrs Wigg and Co. with the Bishop of Llandaff in cover dated January 1824

VMP 216   [January 1824]
Account of G.F.Echstein, 13 High Holborn, with Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for smiths' work for the Bishop of Llandaff 4 July-6 September 1823: 19.6d.
VMP 217   [January 1824]
Account of John Cantellow and Son with Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for plasterers' work at St Paul's Deanery 27 September 1823: 7.4d.
VMP 218   [January 1824]
Account of Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg with the Bishop of Llandaff for bricklayers' work 11 January-4 October 1823: £44.3.4d.
VMP 219   [January 1824]
Thomas Mortin's account with Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for plumbers' work at the Deanery of St Paul's 23 January-28 October 1823: £30.13.3¼d.
VMP 220   [January 1824]
Account of Messrs Francis Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg with the Bishop of Llandaff for carpenters' work 14 January-26 November 1823: £15.3.3½d.; with abstract of accounts (nos.216-221).
VMP 221   [January 1824]
Account of Thomas Thorne with Messrs Wigg, Mansfield and Wigg for painting and glazing at the Deanery of St Paul's 1 April-20 December 1823: £6.8.5d.
VMP 222   [February 1824]
Petition of the Freemasons of Ireland to the House of Lords requesting exemption from the Act for the suppression of secret societies. Printed (lithograph).
VMP 223   [September 1824]
Account of Messrs Sikes and Co. with the Bishop of Llandaff for payments to charities and individuals, and the purchase of investments 2 March-1 September 1824.
VMP 224   9 September 1824
Report of committee of the Sons of the Clergy at Durham to consider the formation of a Clergy Provident Institution with draft rules and regulations, approved 23 September.
VMP 225   19 January 1825
(1) Charles Robert Henderson of Witney, Oxfordshire, Esq. for and on behalf of the Rt. Hon. Francis Almarie Lord Churchill
(2) Rt. Rev. William Lord Bishop of Llandaff
Copy of Articles of Agreement for the lease by (1) to (2) of a villa called Laurel Grove adjoining Wimbledon Common in Surrey, and a paddock belonging to the same, at a rent of £500 p.a.
VMP 226   5 February 1825
Letter from C. Henderson to William Van Mildert concerning the above Agreement.
VMP 227   11 February 1825
Letter from Rev. Francis Homfray (Rector of Llanvair, Kilgedlin and Llanarth) in Lanvayer to William Van Mildert at St Paul's Deanery justifying his recommendation of a friend and relative of Mr Alex Jones for the church at Usk; commenting on the state of the established church, with particular regard to the practice of forcing young men to take several (curacies) at once so that services are inadequately or negligently performed and the increasing influence of anabaptists; informing him that he has established a clerical benefit society for the relief of disabled clergy and widows.
4f. and cover 
VMP 228   19 April 1825
Copy of paper from the Warden [Dr J. W. Vivian] and Minor Canons to the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's protesting at the reduction in the number of Dean and Chapter livings assigned to the support of the 12 minor canons from 16 to 11.
VMP 229   [May 1825]
3 drafts of the Dean and Chapter's response to the Warden and Minor Canons defending the decision regarding the disposal of livings in their gift.
4f., 4f., 2f. 
Ordination papers
Papers concerning the ordination of Michael Morgan as Deacon, received 4 June 1825.

VMP 230   4 April 1823
Certificate of the baptism of Michael Morgan on 30 September 1800.
Certified by Thomas Powell, Rector of Brecknock.
1 piece 
VMP 231   [15 May 1825]
Certificate that there were no objections after notice of the ordination was given at Usk Parish Church on 15 May 1825.
Signed by James W.Davies, officiating minister, and James Blyth, churchwarden.
VMP 232   27 May 1825
Certificate by Lewis Williams, Perpetual Curate of Kemys Commander, of the appointment of Michael Morgan to a curacy in the church of Kemys Commander at a stipend of £40 p.a.
VMP 233   2 June 1825
Testimonial from John Saunders, tutor at the Divinity School of Usk.
VMP 234   1825
Testimonial in support of Michael Morgan's ordination as Deacon.
Signed by Thomas A. Williams Vicar of Usk, James B. Davies Wolvesnewton and John Williams, Vicar of Goldcliff.
Ordination papers
Papers concerning the ordination of William Henry Hankins as Deacon, received 14 June 1825

VMP 235   [5 June 1825]
Certificate by Thomas A. Williams, Vicar of Usk and James Blyth, churchwarden that there were no objections when notice of the ordination was read publicly on 5 June 1825.
VMP 236   [June 1825]
Testimonial from John Saunders, Master of the Divinity School at Usk.
VMP 237   10 June 1825
Testimonial from Thomas A.Williams, Vicar of Usk, James B. Davies, Rector of Wolvesnewton, and Lewis Williams, Perpetual Curate of Kemys Commander.
VMP 238   10 June 1825
Appointment by Benjamin Jones S.C.L., Rector of Gwernesney, of William Henry Hankins as curate at a stipend of £40 p.a.
VMP 239   10 June 1825
Covering letter from William Henry Hankins to the Bishop explaining the absence of his Baptismal Certificate.
VMP 240   15 July 1825
Circular on the completion of an undertaking to erect a statue of Dr Cyril Jackson, Dean of Christ Church 1783-1809; with list of subscribers. Printed.
VMP 241   2 August 1825
Letter from Archibald H. Duthie at Trinity College Cambridge informing the Bishop of his intention to present himself as a candidate for deacon's orders at the Bishop of Bristol's examination about 28th August and that he is enclosing the relevant papers.
VMP 242   26 August 1825
Letter from Guy Turner, on behalf of the Commissioners for building new churches, to the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's informing them that the new chapels in Somers Town and Regent Square in the parish of St Pancras would be ready for consecration if the parishes were encouraged to furnish them with the necessary articles and enclose the sites.
2f. and cover 
VMP 243   27 August 1825
Letter from James Elmes of 3 Walbrook Buildings to the Bishop of Llandaff at the Deanery, St Paul's Churchyard, asking him to become a Vice President of the Society for improving the area and avenues round the Cathedral Church of St Paul.
2f. and cover 
VMP 244    Undated
Prospectus of the London Architectural Association for improving the area and avenues round the Cathedral Church of St Paul. Proof copy, with names of Presidents and Committee members added in manuscript.
2f. damaged 
VMP 245   August 1825
Letter from the Chairman of the Society for the Encouragement of Literature to the Bishop of Llandaff asking him to become a president of the Society; with note of William Van Mildert's reply, dated 30 August 1825, declining the offer.
VMP 246   [1825]
Prospectus for the Society for the Encouragement of Literature. Printed.
VMP 247   1 December 1825
Letter from Messrs Sikes, Snaith and Co. to the Bishop of Llandaff informing him of the purchase of £1,000 3% Consols in his name for £822.10.0d.
VMP 248    Undated
Form for the appointment by a bishop of another bishop as procurator to sit in Parliament on his behalf. In Latin.
Accounts relating to the See of Llandaff, 1819-1826
VMP 249   9 July 1819
Composition for the First Fruits of the See of Llandaff by William Van Mildert with the times for paying instalments 1820-1823.
VMP 250   1819
Rev. James Evans' account of receipts and disbursements, 29 June 1819-20 January 1820.
VMP 251   1820
Rev. James Evans' account of episcopal receipts and expenses, 25 January 1820-11 January 1821.
VMP 252   1821
Rev. James Evans' account of receipts and disbursements, 22 January 1821-17 January 1822.
VMP 253   1822
Rev. James Evans' account of receipts and disbursements, 22 January 1822-12 February 1823.
VMP 254   22 July 1822
Abstract of Account delivered 22 July 1822.
VMP 255   1823
Rev. James Evans' account of receipts and disbursements, 16 February 1823-9 January 1824.
VMP 256   1 July 1823
Mr Evan's Account with the Bishop for June 1823.
VMP 257   1824
Rev. James Evans' account of receipts and disbursements, 11 January 1824-17 January 1825.
VMP 258   1825
Rev. James Evans' account of receipts and disbursements, 15 April 1825-12 January 1826.
VMP 259   [1826]
General abstract of net receipts of the See of Llandaff, 1819-1826.
VMP 260   [1826]
Rough notes for the above abstract.
1 piece 
Accounts relating to the Deanery of St Paul's 1820-1826
VMP 261   1821-1822
Net receipts of the Deanery of St Paul's.
VMP 262   1823
Net receipts of the Deanery of St Paul's.
VMP 263   1824
Net receipts of the Deanery of St Paul's.
VMP 264   1824
Abstract of net receipts of the Deanery of St Paul's.
VMP 265   1825-1826
Net receipts of the Deanery of St Paul's.
VMP 266   1820-1823
Extra outgoings of the Deanery of St Paul's, exclusive of those accounted for in Mr Serjeant Sellon's statements of receipts and disbursements (for assessed taxes, rates etc.).
VMP 267   November 1820
Account of Christopher Hodgson for costs of obtaining an Order in the Court of Chancery for payment of dividends on Stock standing to the credit of the Dean of St Paul's (included in the general account settled 24 July 1821).
VMP 268   24 July 1821
General account of Christopher Hodgson in respect of Shadwell rents and Decanal Land Tax stock, 11 December 1820-July 1821.
VMP 269   1821-1823
Christopher Hodgson's accounts in respect of the collection of rents, 5 September 1821-15 March 1823.
2 items, 2f.each 
VMP 270   3 March 1823
Memorandum of rents etc. of Shadwell Estate now due. Initialled W.L.
1 piece 
VMP 271   5 July 1823
Account of fines payable at Peterstide.
VMP 272   [1823-1824]
Christopher Hodgson's accounts in respect of the collection of rents, 24 March 1823-17 February 1824.
VMP 273   Michaelmas 1824
Memorandum of leases of estates belonging to the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's due for renewal Michaelmas 1824-1825; with valuations and fines paid at the last renewal.
VMP 274   [November 1824]
Christopher Hodgson's account for the Shadwell estate, 7 April- 24 November 1824.
VMP 275   26 November 1825
Account of fines expected before Christmas.
1 piece 
VMP 276   24 December 1825
Account of Chapter fines received and divided.
1 piece 
VMP 277   15 March 1826
Account of (Chapter) fines to be set.
1 piece 
VMP 278   30 March 1826
Account of Chapter fines.
1 piece 
VMP 278a   [1826]
General abstract of net annual receipts of the Deanery of St Pauls, 1819-1826, with annual figures for Bishopric of Llandaff.
1 piece. 
Carriage Accounts, 1822-1826
VMP 279   1822
Account of Messrs Hallmarke, Mason and Hughes, late Winser and Company, for the repair of carriages 2 January-30 December 1822; with receipt for £70.18.6d. dated [7] March 1823.
4f. and 1 piece 
VMP 280   1824
Account of Messrs Hallmarke, Mason and Hughes, late Winser and Company, with Miss Douglas (niece of Mrs Van Mildert) for maintenance on a carriage amounting to £9.14.0d. from 7 January-13 December 1824.
1f. and cover 
VMP 281   1826
Account of Messrs Hallmarke, Mason and Hughes, late Winser and Company, with the Bishop of Durham for 1825 and 1826; with receipt for £103.3.6d. dated 10 July 1826.
2f. and 1 piece 
VMP 282    Undated
3 Copper plates, engraved respectively with the names of Rev. Dr Van Mildert, Miss Mary Douglas and Miss Helen Douglas respectively, each in contemporary wrapper.
3 copper plates 
Size: ca. 6 x 10 cm each.
Ordination caveats
Caveats and related papers issued by Charles Manners Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury 1805-1828, to the Bishops of Llandaff (successively: Richard Watson 1782-1816, Herbert Marsh 1816-1819, and William Van Mildert 1819-1826); warning them not to ordain or give licences to officiate without consulting him or another bishop.

VMP 283   April 1805
Against Des Carrieres.
VMP 284   3 July 1805
Against John Salt a schoolmaster at Shrewsbury.
1 piece 
VMP 285   8 January 1806 & 20 February 1808
Against John Litchfield Mayne, styling himself Bachelor of Arts of Oxford, who lately set up a school and officiated in two churches in the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry falsely pretending to have been ordained by the Bishop of London.
1f. each 
VMP 286   1 March 1806
Against George Donnisthorpe clerk, late of the county of Somerset, convicted of “a most gross Crime”.
VMP 287   1 March 1806
Against John C. E. Graves clerk, late of the county of Somerset, convicted of “a most gross Crime”.
VMP 288   18 March 1806
Against Joseph Jones A.B., late of Jesus College, Oxford, ordained Deacon.
VMP 289   28 April 1806
Against Charles Monck, late a Fellow of New College, Oxford.
VMP 290   11 July 1808
Against John Evans.
VMP 291   11 February 1809
Against William Smith clerk, aged about 60 years, late a curate in Lincolnshire, guilty of grossly immoral conduct.
VMP 292   22 May 1810
Against Mr Richard Povah, a deacon and curate of St James's, Duke's Place, London.
VMP 293   14 December 1810
Circular from Claudius Crigan, Bishop of Sodor and Man 1784-1813, pledging himself not to ordain any person not of his diocese without consultation with the bishop to whose diocese he belongs.
VMP 294   18 December 1810
Against Mr Charles Maitland, a deacon.
VMP 295   5 July 1811
Against John Tuck alias John Tucker or John Carter Tuck falsely pretending to have been a Demy of Magdalene College Oxford and to have been ordained by the Bishop of Oxford; who has officiated for several clergymen in London, Middlesex, Huntingdon, Hertfordshire and Suffolk.
VMP 296   9 July 1811
Against John Adamthwaite D.D. a deacon, formerly curate of Abingdon, Northamptonshire and later of St Peter's Northampton.
VMP 297   10 October 1811
Against Thomas Ward falsely claiming to have been ordained Deacon by the Bishop of Winchester.
VMP 298   14 October 1811
Against John Kennedy who has officiated at Minster in the Isle of Sheppy and county of Kent.
VMP 299   12 December 1811
Against James Barrett late curate in the parishes of Graveney with Goodnestone in the county of Kent.
VMP 300   23 January 1812
Against John Harris, aged about 58 years, from America, formerly assistant in the School of Rev. Gurney, Rector of St Clement Dane's, London.
VMP 301   9 June 1812
Against Thomas White, alias Richard Thomas, who has lately officiated at Newnham in Gloucestershire, and falsely claims to have been curate to the Rev. Dr Barclay of Leeds and to the Rev. Thompson of Dublin and that he holds a small living in Ireland.
VMP 302   14 October 1812
Against Rev. William Barnes, ordained by the Bishop of Carlisle 3 years ago.
VMP 303   16 January 1813
Against Rev. W. Herbert late curate of Dilewid, Cardiganshire.
VMP 304   12 October 1816
Against Lucius Hooke Robinson of Thrapston, Northamptonshire.
VMP 305   24 November 1816
Against Edward Lloyd, alias Edward Lloyd Lewis, commoner of Wadham College, Oxford, and ordained Deacon.
VMP 306   14 December 1816
Against Henry Chaloner B.A., late of Trinity College, Cambridge, and ordained deacon.
VMP 307   10 January 1817
Against Sinkinson or Senkinson who claims he was ordained to a curacy in the diocese of Carlisle and who taught in a school at Edenhall.
VMP 308   19 August 1818
Against Rev. Robert Taylor, late curate of Midhurst, Sussex.
VMP 309   2 April 1819
Against: Thomas Stretton who lately officiated at Burnham in Essex and is suspected of having been on the stage; John Homer (real name Peacock) a bankrupt cutler late of Sheffield who falsely claims to be in Orders; Charles Arnold, late incumbent of Nazing and Raydon in Essex, now resident near Exeter; W.H.Rawlins convicted of manslaughter; and John Prendergast, ordained deacon by the Bishop of Gloucester, a man of infamous character.
VMP 310   28 January 1820
Against the Rev. Lionel Thomas Berguer, late of St Mary Hale, Oxford, ordained deacon.
VMP 311   13 March 1820
Against Frossard, a native of France, who has been refused ordination by the Bishop of Winchester.
VMP 312   20 September 1820
Against Francis Oakley S.C.L. of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, ordained a deacon and now residing in Dorchester.
VMP 313   15 March 1823
Against Abraham Charles Mummery S.C.L., late of St John's College, Cambridge, and ordained a deacon.
VMP 314   26 March 1823
Against Thomas Rowlands, clerk, late curate of Old Romney and Ivychurch in Kent.
VMP 315   2 March 1825
Against John Tilt, clerk, late curate of All Hallows, Lombard Street, London.
VMP 316   8 March 1826
Against William Stone, clerk, B.A. late of Peter House in Cambridge and ordained deacon.
VMP 317   13 March 1826
Against John Palmer falsely claiming to have been ordained deacon and priest, and lately officiating as a clergyman in the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry.
Bishop of Durham
VMP 318   1826
Copy of Oath of Homage to George IV taken by William Van Mildert on his election and confirmation as Bishop of Durham.
VMP 319   10 July 1826
Account of John Cochran, bookseller and publisher at No.108 Strand, with the Bishop of Durham for 27 January-10 July 1826.
VMP 320   5 September 1826
Letter from John Cochran, bookseller and publisher at No.108 Strand, concerning the dispatch of two cases of books from Hanover Square by ship to Stockton according to the Bishop's instructions; with a list of books the Bishop may wish to purchase and a duplicate of the account of 10 July 1826, dated August 1826.
VMP 321   1 November 1826
Letter from Mr Cochran to the Bishop of Durham enquiring whether he wishes to purchase items from the catalogue.
VMP 322    Undated
List of books and prices in William Van Mildert's hand.
1 piece 
VMP 323   5 December 182[ ]
Admittance of William Bishop of Durham as honorary member of the Antiquarian Society of Newcastle upon Tyne.
1m. damaged, with seal 
VMP 324   3 March 1827
Begging letter from Thomas Geo. Clay, Captain of the Coventry Yeomen Cavalry during the war and Commissioner of Income Tax etc., to the Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry recounting his misfortunes and the past services of his family of silk merchants to the church in Coventry.
VMP 325    Undated
Begging letter from Thomas Geo. Clay of 16 Cross Key Square, Little Brittain, formerly silk merchant and banker, to the Bishop of Durham recounting his misfortunes.
VMP 326   Received 9 April 1827
Letter from Thomas G. Clay to the Bishop of Durham seeking to remove misunderstandings, naming persons who have assisted him and saying that he is permitted to wait upon distinguished persons at all public dinners.
1f. and cover 
VMP 327   13 July 1827
Freedom of the Borough of Berwick upon Tweed granted to William Van Mildert, Bishop of Durham.
Duke of Wellington's Durham entertainment, 1827
Papers relating to the Entertainment given by William Lord Bishop of Durham to the Duke of Wellington at Durham Castle, 3 October 1827.

VMP 328    Undated
List of peers and gentlemen headed by the names of the Duke of Wellington and the Marquis of Londonderry.
1 piece 
VMP 329    Undated
3 Drafts of guest list.
2f. each 
VMP 330    Undated
Guest list of 140 persons, indicating acceptances and refusals.
VMP 331    Undated
Final guest list of 115 persons.
VMP 332    Undated
2 Drafts for invitation cards.
1f. & 1 card 
VMP 333    Undated
Blank invitation card. Printed (5 copies).
5 cards 
VMP 334   20 September 1827
Receipt of Samuel Johnson of London for £14 in respect of the turtle.
1 piece 
VMP 335   22 September 1827
List of wine sent from Auckland to Durham, initialled H.R. (Henry Randle?).
small card 
VMP 336   28 September 1827
Draft of notice informing guests of arrangements for announcing their arrival.
Invitation replies
Invitation replies 23 September-2 October 1827, addressed to T.H.Faber at Auckland Castle.
Listed in alphabetical order as found.

VMP 337   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Rev. C.] Anstey of Norton.
VMP 338   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Lieut-Gen. Aylmer at Walworth Castle.
VMP 339   28 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from George Baker of Elemore Hall.
VMP 340   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Thomas Baker of Whitburn.
VMP 341   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr Barrington at Ravensworth Castle.
VMP 342   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Captain Barrington and Mr Augustus Barrington of Sedgefield.
VMP 343    Undated
Letter of acceptance from Lord Bathurst.
VMP 344    Undated
Letter from Thomas Beaumont of Harrogate declining the invitation because he will not be in the North on 3 October.
VMP 345    Undated
Letter from Sir John Beckett at Wynyard declining the invitation as he is obliged to return to Lowther Castle before 3 October.
VMP 346    26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [G.T.H.] Blenkinsopp of Hoppyland Park.
VMP 347   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Rev. R.H.] Brandling of Gosforth House.
VMP 348   1 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr Brewster and Mr John Brewster of Eaglescliffe.
VMP 349   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Rev. John] Brewster at Egglescliffe Rectory.
VMP 350   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Rowland Burdon] of Castle Eden.
VMP 351   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Robert] Burrell of the Green, Durham.
VMP 352   25 September 1827
Letter from Mrs [Ralph] Carr of Dunston declining the invitation on behalf of her husband who is away.
VMP 353   1 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from [John] Cartwright of Norton accepting the invitation.
VMP 354   30 September 1827
Letter from William Chaytor of Witton Castle accepting the invitation conditionally upon his business affairs.
VMP 355   1 October 1827
Second letter from William Chaytor of Witton Castle, declining the invitation on the grounds that he must leave on business immediately.
VMP 356   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [C.J.] Clavering of Axwell Park.
VMP 357   Wednesday morning [26 October 1827]
Second letter from [C.J.] Clavering withdrawing his acceptance because of an indisposition.
VMP 358   27 September 1827
Letter from Sir Thomas Clavering of Greencoft declining the invitation because of illness.
VMP 359   24 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Rev. John] Collinson of Gateshead.
VMP 360    Undated
Letter of acceptance from Dr Cooke of Belasyse Cottage.
VMP 361   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Col. Cookson of Witton Hall.
VMP 362    Undated
Letter from Mr Isaac Cookson of Gateshead Park declining the invitation because of a prior engagement.
VMP 363   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr John Cookson of Pelaw.
VMP 364   1 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr Thomas Cookson of Hermitage.
VMP 365   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Capt. [W. P.] Cumby of Heighington.
VMP 366   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [Edward] Dale of Ryhope.
VMP 367   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [The Rev. W.N.] Darnell of the College.
VMP 368   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [Thomas] Davison of Sedgefield.
VMP 369   26 September 1827
Letter from Mr Morton Davison of Beamish declining the invitation because he will not be in this part of the country on 3 October.
VMP 370   2 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Capt. Ellis of Durham.
VMP 371   25 September 1827
Letter from [Mrs ?] H.J. Ellis of Durham informing Mr Faber that a request has been made to the Duke to honour the ladies of the town with his presence in their ballroom for a few minutes on his return from the Castle.
VMP 372   26 September 1827
Letter from Mr John Fawcett declining the invitation because of his absence in Edinburgh.
VMP 373   1 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr A. Fenwick of Bishop Wearmouth.
VMP 374    Undated
Letter from Dr Fenwick of Urpeth declining the invitation on grounds of ill health.
VMP 375   1 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr Robert Fenwick of Ford.
VMP 376   1 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr T. Fenwick of Southill.
VMP 377    Undated
Letter from Mr [Benj.] Flounders at Sheet, near Ludlow in Shropshire, declining the invitation on account of his great distance from Durham.
VMP 378   29 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Rev.] Mr Fountaine of Middleton St George.
VMP 379   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr William Gilly of Whitburn.
VMP 380   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Rev.] John Gilpin of Sedbury.
VMP 381   29 September 1827
Letter from [Rev.] John Gilpin of Sedbury apologising for having to withdraw his acceptance.
VMP 382   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Rev. Robert Grey [of Sunderland].
VMP 383   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Col. Grey of Norton.
VMP 384   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr John Griffith of Durham.
VMP 385   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Sir Roger Gresley of Wynyard.
VMP 386   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Thos. Baron Hullock of Barnard Castle.
VMP 387   28 September 1827
Letter from Mr Frederick Harding of Ketton House, declining the invitation on behalf of himself and his father [Revd.] Sir Charles Harding who is in the south of England.
VMP 388   26 September 1827
Letter from Mr [William] Harland of Hartlepool declining the invitation on grounds of ill health.
VMP 389   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr Archdeacon Headlam of Wycliffe.
VMP 390   27 September 1827
Letter from Mr A. Helen in Eastfield near Leith declining the invitation as he is away from home.
VMP 391   24 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [Thomas] Hopper of Silksworth.
VMP 392   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr Thomas Hopper of Sherburn; with separate covering letter.
2f. each 
VMP 393   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [George Peter] Hutchinson of Egglestone Hall.
VMP 394   26 September 1827
Letter from Mr [Robert] Ingham of Westoe declining the invitation because of absence from home.
VMP 395   24 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [Humble] Lamb of Ryton.
VMP 396    Undated
Card from Mr Ralph Lambton [of Morton House] declining the invitation.
1 card 
VMP 397   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr William Lambton of Biddick Hall.
VMP 398   1 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Sir Thomas Lawrence at Wynyard.
VMP 399   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Revd.] Mr H. Liddell of Boldon.
VMP 400   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [T.H.] Liddell of Ravensworth Castle.
VMP 401   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [Newby] Lowson of Witton le Wear.
VMP 402   1 October 1827
Letter from Mr Jacob Maude of Hartlepool declining the invitation because of an indisposition.
VMP 403   23 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from the Mayor of Durham.
VMP 404   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from the Mayor of Stockton.
VMP 405   24 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [Thomas] Meynell of the Fryerage [Yarm?].
VMP 406   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Lieut.-Col. Mills of Willington, with covering letter.
2f. each 
VMP 407   30 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr Mills of Willington; with separate covering letter.
VMP 408   29 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Revd.] Mr Nesfield of Hildale.
VMP 409   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [J.D.] Nesham of Stockton.
VMP 410   28 September 1827
Letter from [Revd. Mr J.S.] Ogle of Newcastle declining the invitation.
VMP 411   26 September 1827
Letter declining the invitation on behalf of Mr [Richard] Pemberton of Barnes who is away.
VMP 412   27 September 1827
Letter from [Revd.?] St Pemberton of Bishop Wearmouth declining the invitation on grounds of old age and infirmity.
VMP 413   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Dr [H.] Philpotts of Durham.
VMP 414   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Revd.] Mr G. St Quintin of the College.
VMP 415   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Lord Ravensworth at Wynyard Park on behalf of himself and Mr Barrington.
VMP 416   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from the Recorder of Stockton.
VMP 417   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [George] Robinson of Hendon Lodge.
VMP 418   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Mr [Marshal] Robinson of Preston House, Stockton.
VMP 419   28 September 1827
Letter from Anthony Salvin Jr. declining the invitation on behalf of his father who is away from home.
VMP 420   28 September 1827
Letter from William Thomas Salvin declining the invitation as he is in Harrogate for the sake of his health.
VMP 421   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Lt.-Gen. Seddon, Mayor of Hartlepool.
VMP 422   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Col. Shadforth of Witton le Wear.
VMP 423   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Robert] Shaw of Usworth Place.
VMP 424   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Edward Shipperdson of Durham.
VMP 425   28 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from George Silvertop of Minsteracres.
VMP 426   28 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Archdeacon Singleton at Elsdon Castle by Newcastle.
VMP 427   27 September 1827
Letter from Walter Scruton of Durham explaining that Mr Spearman will be away at the time of the Dinner.
VMP 428   1 September 1827
Letter from Henry Stapylton of Norton declining the invitation for reasons of health.
VMP 429   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from C. Sharp of Sunderland.
VMP 430   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Revd. J.B.] Sumner of the College, Durham.
VMP 431   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Robert Surtees of Redworth House.
VMP 432   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Robert] Surtees of Mainsforth.
VMP 433   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Anthony Surtees of Hamsterley Hall.
VMP 434   25 September 1827
2 Letters of acceptance from [George William] Sutton of Elton Castle.
VMP 435   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Revd. Charles] Thorp of Ryton Rectory.
VMP 436   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Revd. E.S.] Thurlow of Houghton le Spring.
VMP 437   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Revd. G.] Townsend of Northallerton; enquiring also whether the invitation can be extended to his brother-in-law who will be in Durham at the time.
VMP 438   28 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Doctor Trotter of Durham.
VMP 439   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [Hon.] Dr Wellesley of the College.
VMP 440   25 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [William Lloyd] Wharton of Dryburn.
VMP 441   26 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from [G.H.] Wilkinson of Harperley Park.
VMP 442   2 October 1827
Letter of acceptance from Anthony Wilkinson of Durham.
VMP 443   28 September 1827
Letter from Lt.-Gen. Wilkinson of Durham declining the invitation because of a prior engagement.
VMP 444   26 September 1827
Letter from R. Hopper Williamson of Newcastle declining the invitation on grounds of ill health.
VMP 445    Undated
Letter from Sir Hedworth Williamson of Whitburn Hall declining the invitation because he will have left for London before 3 October.
VMP 446   30 September 1827
Letter from [John] R.Wilson, Recorder of Hartlepool, Stockton, declining the invitation on the grounds that his wife's family is staying with him.
VMP 447   27 September 1827
Letter from the Marquis of Worcester at Wynyard declining the invitation because he has been called away on business.
VMP 448   27 September 1827
Letter of acceptance from Richard Wright of Sands.
VMP 449   September-October 1827
Bundle of 15 empty covers addressed to T.H. Faber Esq. at Auckland Castle.
1f.each, some damaged 
VMP 450    Undated
2 Lists of ladies (to be invited to Mrs Van Mildert's At Home?): one headed by the names of Lady Ravensworth and the Honourable Miss Liddell, the other arranged according to their address.
1 piece 
VMP 451    Undated
Draft invitation card, addressed to Mrs and the Miss Aylmers, for Mrs Van Mildert's At Home at Durham Castle, Wednesday evening 3 October [1827].
1 card 
VMP 452   27 September & 2 October 1827
2 letters from R.W. Mills at Brancepeth to T.H. Faber at Auckland Castle concerning his offer to send fruit from the gardens of Brancepeth Castle for the dinner in honour of the Duke of Wellington.
2f. each 
VMP 453   29 September 1827
Durham County Advertiser, no. 682, containing reports of the Duke of Wellington's visits to Stockton and Newcastle, and proposals for welcoming him in Durham.
VMP 454   3 October 1827
Letter from Captain Loggan of Gilesgate to the Bishop requesting permission to fire a salute in honour of the Duke of Wellington from the Castle or its vicinity instead of from his garden
VMP 455    Undated
Table plan.
VMP 456    Undated
Table settings for the dinner at Durham Castle on 3 October 1827, showing where each dish should be placed.
VMP 457   3 October 1827
List of wines served.
VMP 458   [3 October 1827]
2 lists of toasts.
1f. each 
VMP 459   [3 October 1827]
Drafts of the Bishop's speech proposing the toasts to the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of Londonderry, Lord Viscount Beresford and Sir Walter Scott, with memorandum of Sir Walter's response.
4 items 
VMP 460   6 October 1827
Durham County Advertiser, no. 683, containing reports of the Duke of Wellington's visits to Newcastle, Painsher, Alnwick Castle, Durham and Sunderland.
VMP 461    Undated
Summary of the cost of the Entertainment given to the Duke of Wellington on 3 October 1827, amounting to £211.16.9d.; and draft of the same.
1f. each 
VMP 462   3 October 1827
Account of William Sanderson for employing 12 men, amounting to £1.12.6d.
1 piece 
VMP 463   1827
Note that 1 Kyloo (an ox?), sent to Durham, weighing 14st. 7lb. cost £14.2.6d.
1 piece  
VMP 464   4 October 1827
Receipt of George Caldcleugh for £3.2.0d. for carriage of a turtle.
1 piece 
VMP 465   4 October [1827]
Receipted account of E. Bland confectioner for 6s.2d.
1 piece 
VMP 466   5 October [1827]
Receipted account of George Bell confectioner for £1.13.0d.
VMP 467   5 October 1827
Account of Joseph Hedley baker for bread supplied 28 September-5 October 1827; and receipt for £3.18.1d.
2 pieces 
VMP 468    Undated
Receipted account of James Hedley baker for £1.17.0d.
1 piece 
VMP 469   5 October 1827
Account of A.W. Knight for fruit supplied 25 September-3 October 1827; and receipt for £2.1.11d.
2 pieces 
VMP 470   5 October 1827
Account of Thomas Macknight for meat and fish supplied to the Bishop of Durham 25 September-3 October 1827; and receipt for £10.6.6½d.
1f. and 1 piece 
VMP 471   5 October 1827
Account of W. Shields for groceries supplied to the Bishop of Durham 24 September-3 October 1827; and receipt for £6.5.7d.
2 pieces 
VMP 472   5 October 1827
Receipted account of Robert Wearmouth for £1.8.2d. in respect of milk and cream supplied to the Bishop of Durham 26 September-5 October 1827.
VMP 473    Undated
Receipted account of Mrs Wearmouth for 2s.4d. in respect of milk supplied 26 September-5 October 1827.
1 piece 
VMP 474   5 October 1827
Account of C.Wright for supplying a tin steamer with false bottom; and receipt for £2.7.0d.
2 pieces 
VMP 475   6 October 1827
Henry Randle's account for wine, beer and candles amounting to £94.9.5d.
VMP 476    Undated
Henry Randle's account for sundry expenses amounting to £10.17.6d. incurred 29 September-6 October [1827].
VMP 477    Undated
List of Bills paid by Henry Randle amounting to £94.12.11d. of which £44.12.11d. remains due.
VMP 478    Undated
Receipted account of Henry Parker for 19s.8d in respect of meat and meal.
1 piece 
VMP 479   6 October 1827
Receipt of William Sanderson for £1.12.6d. paid by Mr Thomas Davison.
1 piece 
VMP 480   6 October 1827
Receipt of Thomas Davison for £1.17.6d. paid to the Bedesmen for attendance at the dinner at Durham Castle.
1 piece 
VMP 481    Undated
Account of sundry payments (made by Thomas Davison) in respect of Lord Wellington's entry into Durham: for labourers, carts, drawing the carriage and working on the gravel walks etc., amounting to £15.6.6d.
VMP 482   6 October 1827
Account of John Grieveson whitesmith in respect of work undertaken 27 September and 1 October 1827; and receipt for £3.6.6d.
2 pieces 
VMP 483   6 October 1827
Account of Mark Hopper, painter and glazier, in respect of work undertaken in September 1827; and receipt for £9.1.10d.
2 pieces 
VMP 484   [6 October 1827]
Receipted account of Thomas Jackson mason for £1.13.3d. in respect of work undertaken 22 September-6 October 1827.
VMP 485   6 October 1827
Account of Mr George Robson plasterer; and receipt for £6.7.9d.
2 pieces 
VMP 486   6 October 1827
Account of Thomas Sheffield ironmonger in respect of work undertaken 19 September-4 October 1827; and receipt for £2.15.7d.
2 pieces 
VMP 487   [6 October 1827]
Receipted account of Joseph Woodward carpenter for £1.12.1d. in respect of work undertaken 29 September and 6 October 1827.
1 piece 
VMP 488   6 October 1827
Receipted account of C. Biggins for 9s. in respect of 6 tin lamp burners.
1 piece 
VMP 489   27 September 1827
Receipted account of Ralph Thwaites for 15s. for cleaning lamps .
1 piece 
VMP 490   6 October 1827
Receipted account of Thomas Wortley, lamplighter, for £1.10.0d.
1 piece 
VMP 491   6 October 1827
Receipted account of Mrs M. Salt for 7s.6d. in respect of cleaning 24-28 September 1827.
1 piece 
VMP 492   6 October 1827
Receipted account of George Andrews, stationer, for 7s. in respect of cards etc. supplied 2 October 1827.
1 piece 
VMP 493   6 October 1827
Account and receipt of James Malcolm for £2.1.8d. for the hire of china .
2 pieces 
VMP 494   6 October 1827
Account and receipt of James Malcolm for £4.17.5d. for the hire of china and glass on 3 October 1827.
2 pieces 
VMP 495   6 October 1827
Account and receipt of John Nelson Jr., butcher, for £15.7.8½d. for meat supplied 25 September-6 October 1827.
2 pieces 
VMP 496    Undated
Receipted account of H.Parker, cheesemonger, for £1.10.6d. for cheese supplied 29 September 1827.
1 piece 
VMP 497   6 October 1827
Account and receipt of James Robson for £4.13.0d. for spirits etc.
2 pieces 
VMP 498   6 October 1827
Account and receipt of W.Shields, grocers, for £12.2.2d. for goods supplied 29 September and 1 October 1827.
2 pieces 
VMP 499   8 October 1827
Receipted Account of Joseph Goodson for expenses and bills amounting to £91.5.10d.
VMP 500   8 October 1827
Account of John Grieveson for ironmongery; and receipt for £5.0.1d.
2 pieces 
VMP 501   [11 October 1827]
Receipted account of M. Salt for 8s.6d. for extra cleaning 10-11 October 1827.
VMP 502   11 October 1827
Account and receipt of Messrs Clark and Robson, upholsterers, for £25.18.9d.
1f and 1 piece 
VMP 503   13 October 1827
Receipt of Robert Hunter for £1.1.0d. for 4 days labourers' work on the gravel.
1 piece 
VMP 504   19 October 1827
Receipt by Peter Fair of Bishop Auckland for 4s.6d. in respect of stationery purchased 21 September.
VMP 505   17 November 1827
Account of Francis Humble of the Durham County Advertiser for printing invitation cards etc.; and receipt for £3.11.4d.
2 pieces 
VMP 506    Undated
Account of small sums amounting to £1.13.11d. (for postage?).
1 piece 
VMP 507   January 1828
Catalogue of books in the Library at Auckland Castle compiled by Rev. George Fielding; with summary by William Van Mildert.
28p. & 1 piece 
VMP 508   27 February [1828]
The Standard: contains report of proceedings in the House of Commons on the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, 26 February.
2f. badly damaged 
VMP 509   21 March 1829
Handbill published by John Hatchard, Vicar of St Andrew Plymouth, refuting claims that the Roman Catholic Bible and notes thereon, from which he has published extracts, was not authorised by Dr Troy, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. Printed.
1 piece 
VMP 510   3 April 1829
Speech by the Bishop of Durham in the House of Lords on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill. Printed.
VMP 511   3 April 1829
Various proofs of the Bishop of Durham's speech (VMP 510) in the House of Lords.
VMP 512   3-8 April 1829
Substance of speeches delivered in the House of Lords by the Bishop of Durham on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill on 3, 7 and 8 April 1829. Printed.
VMP 513   4 April 1829
The Morning Post: contains a report on proceedings in the House of Lords on the Catholic Relief Bill on 3 April.
2f. damaged 
VMP 514   4 April 1829
St James Chronicle and General Evening Post: contains reports and editorial on proceedings in the House of Lords regarding the Catholic Relief Bill.
2f. damaged 
Catholic Emancipation
William Van Mildert's working notes for proceedings on Catholic Emancipation.

VMP 515    Undated
Copy of the 37th Article (1571) concerning the Oath of Allegiance.
VMP 516    Undated
Notes from Lord Clarendon, chapter 1.
2f. folded 
VMP 517    Undated
Notes on the Pope's Supremacy and Bellarmine.
VMP 518    Undated
Extracts from Rule of Conscience (Ductor Dubitantium) 1660, by Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667, Bishop of Down and Connor).
VMP 519    Undated
Notes on The Pope's Supremacy 1680, by Isaac Barrow (1630-1677, Master of Trinity College Cambridge).
VMP 520    Undated
Notes on the reunion of spiritual and temporal power from Bellarmine and Neale (Daniel Neale 1678-1743, History of the Puritans down to 1689 published 1732-1738).
VMP 521    Undated
Acts of Parliament relative to Papists: extracts from Hume.
VMP 522    Undated
Extracts from The Alliance between Church and State 1736, by William Warburton (1698-1779, Bishop of Gloucester).
VMP 523    Undated
Extracts from Blackstone's Commentaries on Schism (Bk.4, ch.4, vol.4, pp.52-55, 10th edition 1787).
VMP 524    Undated
Extracts from Blackstone's Commentaries on Praemunire (Bk.4, ch.8).
VMP 525   1789
(Copy) Response of the Catholic Universities of Paris, Louvain, Doway, Salamanca, Alcala and Valladolid to a query respecting the Pope's supremacy.
VMP 526   [1790]
The Dispute Adjusted about the Proper Time of applying for a repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts: by showing that no Time is proper. Anonymous tract first published in 1732 (by Edmund Gibson) ... republished MDCCXC. Printed.
VMP 527   [1790]
Notes on Pitt's proposal for the repeal of the Test and Corporation Act and form of oath proposed by Burke in 1790.
1f. folded 
VMP 528    Undated
List of Whig authorities against the Papists with Dr Milner's Opinion of Locke and Hoadley. ( ? John Milner 1752-1826, Roman Catholic Bishop of Castabala, opposed the oath of allegiance proposed in the Catholic Relief Bill 1791 DNB)
VMP 529    Undated
Notes on “Protesting Catholics” with reference to Dr Troy and Dr Milner. (John Thomas Troy 1739-1823, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin from 1784)
VMP 530    Undated
Dr Poynter on the spiritual supremacy of the Pope. ( ? William Poynter 1762-1827, Prefect of studies at Douai, Vicar apostolic of the London District from 1812)
VMP 531   [June 1816]
Notes on the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the regulation of Roman Catholic Subjects in foreign countries, June 1816.
3f. folded 
VMP 532    Undated
Dr Doyle's Essay on the Catholic Claims. ( ? A Vindication of the Religious and Civil Principles of the Irish Catholics by James Warren Doyle 1786-1834, Roman Catholic Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin from 1819)
VMP 533   [1826]
“Divided Allegiance”: extract from a speech by Mr O'Brien 6 December 1826 (? William Smith O'Brien 1803-1864, Irish Nationalist M.P. from 1828); and Declaration of the English Catholic Bishops, 1826.
VMP 534   26 February 1828
Extracts from the debate in the House of Commons on the Repeal of the Test Laws.
3f. folded 
VMP 535    Undated
Extracts from a debate on Catholic Emancipation in the House of Commons.
2f. folded 
VMP 536    Undated
Arguments for and against the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts.
3f. folded 
VMP 537   5 February 1829
(Copy) Petition from Oxford University to the House of Lords against Catholic Emancipation.
VMP 538   [April 1829]
Part of speech to the House of Lords developing the argument (of the Earl of Guildford) that an oath is less binding for Roman Catholics than their duty of obedience to the Pope.
VMP 539   [April 1829]
“Reasons for not taking the Test”: extract from speech by the Earl of Shrewsbury in the House of Lords.
VMP 540    Undated
Extract regarding the Roman Catholic belief that the Pope's spiritual and temporal power cannot be separated.
VMP 541   26 May 1829
John Burder's account with the Bishop of Durham for the period 18 July 1828-May 1829.
VMP 542   February 1830
Abstract of Sir John Nicholl's Statement of the Constitution and Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts in England and Wales.
Printed minutes of the House of Lords
VMP 543   [March 1830]
Account of charges and expenses of the Commissioners for building new churches, March 1829-March 1830. Printed.
2f. badly damaged 
VMP 544   [1830]
Philanthropic Society: Report of Committee appointed 30 April 1830 to investigate the state of manufactory and to draw up rules and regulations for the better government of pupils and the punishment of offences . . . . Printed.
VMP 545   1830 (watermark)
The Coal Trade: Heads of Report for Consideration by the Committee enquiring into the effect of the provisions of the Act for the Regulation of the Coal Trade in the City of London and Westminster (47 Geo.III 1806-1807). Printed.
VMP 546   1830 (watermark)
The Coal Trade: Heads of Report for Consideration by the Committee enquiring into the effect of the provisions of the Act for the Regulation of the Coal Trade in the City of London and Westminster (47 Geo.III 1806-1807). Another version, printed.
VMP 547   21 June 1830
Evidence taken before the Committee to enquire into the state of the Coal Trade, 21 June 1830. Printed, item No.11.
8f., p. numbered 235-250; damaged 
VMP 548   July 1830
Evidence at the 2nd Reading of the East Retford Disfranchisement Bill, 2 July-6 July 1830. Printed.
14f., 24f. & 4f. 
VMP 549   16 July 1830
Articles of Evidence on the Address delivered by the Commons at the Conference 25 May [1830] for the Removal of Sir Jonah Barrington from the Office of Judge of the High Court of Admiralty in Ireland, 14 June-16 July 1830. Printed.
VMP 550-564   2 February-20 April 1831
Correspondence between Lord Brougham Lord High Chancellor, the Bishop of Durham and the Bishop of Bristol regarding the list of magistrates for the new Commission of the Peace. Concerns:
doubts expressed by Lord Brougham, as to the suitability of John Douse Garthwaite, on the grounds that he had once been tried by court martial. Lord Brougham's request for the inclusion of Sir Cuthbert Sharpe of Sunderland, William Bell of Sunderland Esq. coalfitter, William Williamson of Whitburn Esq., Henry Morton of Lambton Esq. agent to Lord Durham, John Buddle of Penshaw Esq., agent and coal viewer to Lord Londonderry, and Henry Stobart of Pelaw Esq. colliery viewer; Bishop Van Mildert's reluctance to include more names, particularly of persons closely associated with the coal owners lest the pitmen should suspect bias in the magistracy in any difference between them and their employers; and Lord Brougham's subsequent withdrawal.
15 letters, copies and drafts 
VMP 565-577   12-18 April 1831
Letters from local magistrates protesting against the Lord Chancellor's intervention regarding the composition of the Commission of the Peace; expressing fears lest the inclusion of agents of the coal owners should become a precedent and that the Bench should lose the appearance of impartiality in disputes between pitmen and their employers. Include:
Letter from C.J. Clavering of Axwell Park to the Bishop threatening to resign if the names are included,14 April 1831 (568). Copy of a Resolution of the Justices of Gateshead against the Chancellor's intervention, 16 April 1831 (571). Letter from Rev. T. Gaisford telling the Bishop that he has informed Sir Robert Peel of the Lord Chancellor's intervention, with mention of troubles in the collieries, 17 April [1831] (572). Copy of Instructions from the Lord Chancellor's Secretary for Commissions that the commission should be sent to solicitors in London for the names to be included; with covering letter from John Dunn, Deputy Clerk of the Peace, informing the Bishop that he has complied with the demand, 15 & 17 April [1831] (574 & 575). Letter from Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden informing the Bishop that he will resign as Assessor to Lord Londonderry if the agents are included and declaring that the colliers have good grounds for some of their complaints (576). Copy of note from Bishop Van Mildert, Custos Rotulorum for the County of Durham, to Messrs North and Smart solicitors in Kings Bench Walk, The Temple, that the names to be inserted were sent without his knowledge or concurrence, 19 April 1831 (577).
13 items and 5 covers with endorsements 
VMP 578   2 August 1831
Summons of William Van Mildert, Bishop of Durham, to the coronation of William IV on 8 September 1831.
VMP 579   4 August 1831
Letter from the Earl Marshall's Office requesting the Bishop to inform him whether he will be attending the coronation.
VMP 580   13 August 1831
Copy of the Bishop's reply to the Earl Marshall that the King has already excused him from the coronation ceremony on grounds of ill health and nominated the Archbishop of York to act as his representative; enquiring whether formal application for permission to absent himself is necessary.
VMP 581   2 May 1834
The Oxford Declaration against the admission of Dissenters to Universities. Printed.
3p. damaged 
VMP 582   11 June 1834
Address to the Bishop of Durham by the Committee of the Lord Day's Society urging him to support their petition to the House of Lords.
VMP 583   [June 1834]
2 copies of the petition for the rejection of clauses which sanction travel, the opening of public houses and employment of bakers on the Lord's Day in the Bill for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day. Printed.
1 piece each 
VMP 584   26 February 1836
The Durham Advertiser, containing reports of marks of respect paid to the memory of William Van Mildert, Bishop of Durham, and an obituary. Printed.
VMP 585   28 February 1836
A sermon on the death of the Right Revd. William Van Mildert . . . . preached in the Cathedral church of Durham, on Sunday, February 28, 1836, by George Townsend. Printed.
VMP 586   4 March 1836
The Durham Advertiser, containing a report of the funeral of Bishop Van Mildert and editorial on his successor and the proposal to separate the civil from the spiritual duties of the see. Printed.
Manuscript notes, sermons and lectures
VMP 587   ca. 1787
Notes on Roman History.
exercise book, 26p. 
VMP 588    Undated
Biographical notes on classical and early Christian writers; with loose index.
small notebook, 31f. ( preceding leaves excised); & 1 piece 
VMP 589   1 June 1788
William Van Mildert's first sermon, preached at Pyrton in Oxfordshire, on the text “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun and behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit” (Eccles.1, 14.); with list of other places and dates on which it was given.
notebook, 16f. 
VMP 590   1795
Sermon: “The Causes and Consequences of Inattention to Religion” (Deut. 4,9); revised and altered 1812.
unbound notebook, 22f. 
VMP 591   [1802-1804]
“Memorandums for Boyle's Lectures”: notes for 24 lectures on the history of Christianity and the Nature of Belief, given at St Mary le Bow, 1802-1804.
2 small notebooks, 90 & 93f. 
VMP 592   3 February-27 March 1808
Notes on lectures given by Dr [Charles Henry] Hall, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford.
unbound notebook, 13f. 
VMP 593    Undated
“Marks of a Corrupt Church”, notes.
1 piece 
VMP 594    Undated
Notes on Acts ix, 5-6, in Greek and Latin.
1 piece 
VMP 595    (Watermarks dated 1809 and 1813)
Notes on Natural and Revealed Religion, Scripture, Doctrines of Christianity, Ecclesiastical History, Church of England, sermons as models of composition.
2 sets, 2f. each 
VMP 596   (Watermark dated [18]10)
Notes on epochs of Ecclesiastical History.
VMP 597   (Watermark dated 1813)
“A view of the Harmony of the Evangelists, according to the Sections of Ammonius and the Canons of Eusebius, as stated by Eusebius in his prefatory letter to Carpianus”.
1 piece 
VMP 598    Undated
Notes on the Church of England, marked “Lecture 6”.
VMP 599   [1813]
“Collections for an Appendix to Bampton Lectures”: notes and references for 8 lectures (delivered 1813).
notebook 90f., many blank 
VMP 600    Undated
Excerpta Theologica: notes on Dr Croft's Bampton Lectures, Bennet's Essay on the 39 Articles, Jortin's Remarks on Ecclesiastical History and Granville Sharp's Tract on The Uses of the Definitive Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament; with loose index.
notebook 68 f.(f.39-end blank); and 1 piece 
VMP 601   (Watermark dated 1814)
Extracts from a sermon by Bishop Sanderson “On the Inward Call to the Ministry” (I Cor. vii, 24).
2f. and cover 
VMP 602   1816
William Van Mildert's “Journal of Studies” recording his writing and reading 1-26 January 1816. Entered into The Student's Journal . . . . for . . . . an Account of Every Day's Employment, London 1815.
1 vol. 75p. 
VMP 603   (Watermark dated 1817)
Notes on rubrics in the Communion Service.
4f. badly damaged 
VMP 604   (Watermark dated 1817)
(Copy) Manuscript notes made by Dr Waterland (1683-1740, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge) on A Discourse concerning the necessity of discerning the Lord's Body in the Holy Communion by Dr Brett, 1720.
VMP 605    Undated
Outline plan for the Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Dr Waterland.
small notebook, 35f. 
VMP 606    Undated
References to books in Sion College Library, arranged alphabetically.
small notebook, 70f., many blank 
VMP 607    Undated
Books in Divinity printed at the Clarendon Press in Oxford. Printed list.
VMP 608    Undated
Language:  Italian
“Catalogo e Discrizione de Marmi Antichi . . . .” List of a collection of marbles down to A.D.130 and where they were found.
VMP 609   [1816]
Part of a pamphlet entitled: Reasons why a new Translation of the Bible should not be published without a previous statement and examination of all the material passages supposed to be misinterpreted (attributed to Thomas Burgess, 20p. version printed Durham, 1816). Printed
8p., badly damaged 
VMP 610    Undated
“A Suit in Chancery”, poem beginning: Mr Leach / made a neat speech / . . . .
VMP 611    Undated
2 Riddles.
1 piece 
Printed works
VMP 612   1809
The Duty of attending public worship. A sermon preached in the parish church of Farningham, . . . . Kent: on Sunday, October 8, 1809. (London, 1809).
VMP 613   1812
A sermon preached before the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, on Sunday, May 31, 1812 on the occasion of the assassination of the Right Honourable Spencer Percival (11 May 1812). (London, 1812).
VMP 614   1816
A sermon preached in the parish church of St Nicholas, Deptford, before the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, Master, and the Elder Brethren of the Corporation of Trinity-House, on Trinity-Monday, June 10, 1816. (London, 1816).
VMP 615   1820
A sermon, preached in the Cathedral church of St Paul, on Thursday, June 8, 1820; being the time of the yearly meeting of the children educated in the charity schools in and about the cities of London and Westminster. [1820]. Inscribed: From the Author.
VMP 616   1821
A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Llandaff, at the primary visitation in August MDCCCXXI, by William, Lord Bishop of Llandaff. (Oxford, 1821). Inscribed: To Cornelius Ives Esq. from the Author.
VMP 617   1822
A sermon preached before the . . . . Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . . . . at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St Mary le Bow, on Friday February 15, 1822 . . . . Together with the report of the Society for the year 1821 . . . . (London 1822). Includes copy of print of Bishop's College, near Calcutta, published by R.Ackermann, London, 8 May 1822.
VMP 618   1822
A sermon preached before the . . . . Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . . . . at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St Mary le Bow, on Friday February 15, 1822 . . . . Together with the report of the Society for the year 1821 . . . . Sermon only (London, 1822). Inscribed: From the Author.
VMP 619   1829
A sermon, preached at the consecration of St Paul's chapel, in the parish of Ryton, Durham, on Tuesday, September IX, MDCCCXXVIII. (London 1829).
VMP 620   1834
A sermon, preached in the Cathedral church at Durham before the Right Honourable Lord Lyndhurst . . . and the Honourable Mr Baron Gurney, at the Assizes, July 27th 1834. (London, 1834).
VMP 621   1823
Parts of Collected Works of Daniel Waterland edited by William Van Mildert, (Oxford, 1823), proof copies:
Vol.I A Vindication of Christ's Divinity . . . . xxi+356pp.
Vol.II 8 Sermons . . . . in defence of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ . . . pp.i-xliii, 17-368, 401-406
Vol.III A second Vindication of Christ's Divinity . . . . pp.i-xxiii, 481-495
Vol.IV A Farther Vindication of Christ's Divinity . . . . 471pp.
Vol.V Importance of the Doctrine of the Trinity . . . . vii+549pp.
Vol.VI Scripture Vindicated, pt.III contents (1f.) and pp.193-388
Vol.VII A Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist . . . . v+439pp.
Vol.VIII The Sacramental Part of the Eucharist Explained . . . . pp.241-384
Vol.IX 33 Sermons xxxv+pp.1-416
Vol.X Letters on Lay Baptism . . . . pp.1-444
Vol.XI Dr Waterland's Remarks on Johnson's “Unbloody Sacrifice” 1st. Edition,1714. pp.1-128
11 vols. 
VMP 622   1831
An Historical View of the Rise and Progress of Infidelity, with a refutation of its principles and reasonings . . .. Vol.I: 12 sermons preached for the Boyle lectures at St Mary le Bow parish church 1802-1805, and appendix. (4th edition London, 1831).
ca. 530p. badly damaged 
VMP 623   Undated
Parts of volume originally containing 25 sermons, entitled Vol.I. ( ? Lincoln's Inn Sermons, delivered 1812-1819). pp.145-524, damaged (some pp. duplicated); and
VMP 624   Undated
Volume containing 25 sermons; with wrapper labelled: “Vol.2 Lincoln's Inn Sermons”.
Books belonging to William Van Mildert and his nephew Cornelius Ives
VMP 625   [1654 ?]
Calligraphy sample book containing examples of script in French, Dutch, Latin and Greek; includes copies from Carpentier's Exemplaer-boeck : inhoudende d'alder-gebruyckelyckste geschriften (Amsterdam, 1645) [Carpentier, George de, b. 1583 or 1584; calligrapher, engraver in Leiden 1603-1624 and Hoorn 1640]. Some have guidelines in pencil, and are on thin paper so may have been traced, while others appear printed. Carpentier's book was published in a larger format, but no copy is available to compare this further.
Written on inside of board, “16 May 1654”.
55f., some missing 
Size: 15 x 20 cm
Binding: One board only survives, with fragments of ribbon suggesting it was tied like a portfolio.
VMP 626   1716
A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, 7 June 1716, Being the Day of Public THANKSGIVING to . . . . Almighty God for suppressing the late unnatural Rebellion, [by Daniel Waterland D.D. (1683-1740)]. From Van Mildert's Collected Works of Daniel Waterland.
6f., numbered 387-398 
VMP 627   1722
A sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy . . . . December 14, 1721, by Daniel Waterland D.D. Master of Magdalen College in Cambridge . . . . (London, MDCCXXII).
VMP 628   1731-1740
5 Visitation Charges to the Clergy of Middlesex by Daniel Waterland bound into one volume:
I A Charge deliver'd to the Clergy of Middlesex at the Primary Visitation held May 19, 1731, by Daniel Waterland D.D. Archdeacon of Middlesex. (London, MDCCXXXI). 66p.
II Christianity vindicated against Infidelity: A Second Charge Deliver'd to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, by Daniel Waterland, D.D. Archdeacon of Middlesex And Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. (London, MDCCXXXII). 82p.
III The Christian Sacrifice Explained, In a Charge . . . . to the Middlesex Clergy at St Clement-Danes April 20th, 1738, and Appendix, by Daniel Waterland, D.D. Archdeacon of Middlesex and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty; (London, MDCCXXXVIII). 48 & (Appendix) 64p.
IV The Sacramental Part of the Eucharist Explain'd, In a Charge . . . . to the Clergy of Middlesex, at the Easter-Visitation 1739, by Daniel Waterland, D.D. Archdeacon of Middlesex and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. (London, MDCCXXXIX). 80p.
V Distinctions of Sacrifice: Charge . . . . at the Easter Visitation, 1740, by Daniel Waterland, D.D. Archdeacon of Middlesex and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. (London, MDCCXL). 126p.
1 vol. 
VMP 629   1735-1736
2 Visitation Charges to the Clergy of Middlesex by Daniel Waterland bound into one volume (damaged):
I A discourse of fundamentals being the substance of two charges delivered to the Middlesex-clergy, at the Easter-visitations of 1734 and 1735, by Daniel Waterland, D.D. Archdeacon of Middlesex and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. (Cambridge, MDCCXXXV). 64p.
II The Doctrinal Use of the Christian Sacraments Considered; Charge to the Middlesex Clergy May 12, 1736, by Daniel Waterland, D.D. Archdeacon of Middlesex and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. (London, MDCCXXXVI). 40p.
1 vol. 
VMP 630   1740
Regeneration stated and explained . . . . in a Discourse on Tit.iii, 4,5,6, by Daniel Waterland, D.D. Chaplain Ordinary to His Majesty. (London, MDCCXL).
VMP 631   1741
Sermon on the death of Dr Waterland, late Vicar of Twickenham, preached in Twickenham Chapel Jan.4th 1740/41, by Jeremiah Seed, Minister of Twickenham-Chapel and Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. (London, MDCCXLI).
VMP 632   1748
A Friendly Letter to a Patient just admitted into an Infirmary, with a large Supplement calculated for General Use, by James Stonhouse, M.D. Physician to the County Infirmary at Northampton. 3rd edition (London, MDCCXLVIII).
VMP 633   1770
Talbot's (added in ms.) Reflections of the seven days of the week. 3rd edition. (London, 1770). Inscription on inside front cover: Wm. Ives (father of Rev. Cornelius Ives).
VMP 634   1788
A Sermon on the Duty of Forgiveness abridged from the late Rev. R.Needham M.A., together with A Short Discourse on Prayer, by a Member of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. 2nd edition (Newark, MDCCLXXXVIII).
VMP 635   1793
The Duties of Man, A sermon preached on occasion of the Public Fast, April 19, 1793, by W.Gilbank. (London, MDCCXCIII).
VMP 636   1802
Second Dialogue between a Minister of the Church and His Parishioner, concerning Christian Edification, by Rev. Thomas Sikes, M.A., Vicar of Guilsborough. 2nd edition (London, 1802).
VMP 637   1809
A Protestant Catechism; shewing the Principal Errors of the Church of Rome, Anon. (London, 1809).
VMP 638   1809
Preparation for the Holy Order of Priests or Words of Ordination and Absolution explained . . ., by George Isaac Huntingford, D.D., F.R.S., Bishop of Gloucester and Warden of Winchester College. (London, 1809)
VMP 639   1812
A Conference between Two Men that had doubts about Infant Baptism, by W. Wall, author of The History of Infant Baptism, and Vicar of Shoreham in Kent. 10th edition. (London, 1812).
VMP 640   1812
An Earnest Exhortation to Housekeepers, to maintain Family Instruction and Devotion; with Daily Prayers for morning and evening. Anon. 22nd edition. (London, 1812).
VMP 641   1814
Preparation for the Holy Order of Deacons, by George Isaac Huntingford, D.D., F.R.S., Bishop of Gloucester and Warden of Winchester College. 2nd edition. (London, 1814).
VMP 642   1817
A Sermon preached to a Friendly Society at Morton-Pinkney, on Whit Tuesday, 1817, by the Rev. Samson White, Rector of Maidford and Curate of Morton-Pinkney. (Northampton, 1817) Back cover endorsed: To Mr Ives, Bradden.
VMP 643   1818
A Short catechism on the Duty of Conforming to the Established Church, as good subjects and good Christians . . ., by the Rt. Rev. Thomas Burgess, D.D., Bishop of St David's. 8th edition. (London, 1818).
VMP 644   1818
Pastoral advice to a young person lately confirmed by the Bishop. Anon. 23rd edition. (London, 1818).
VMP 645   1819
A Dissuasive from Crimes, comprised in Two Sermons: one preached to the Condemned Prisoners in the Chapel of the Gaol; the other in St Giles's Church in Northampton, by the Chaplain of the County Gaol. (Northampton, 1819).
16p. damaged 
VMP 646   1821
Speech delivered in the House of Lords on Thursday, June 14, 1821, by Herbert, Lord Bishop of Peterborough. . . . .. ; in answer to a petition from the Rector of Blathwick concerning the Bishop's right to examine persons nominated for a curate's license. (London, 1821).
VMP 647   1821
The Delineator: or, a Picturesque, Historical, and Topographical Description of the Isle of Wight, by James Clarke. 5th edition. (Newport, 1821).
VMP 648   1824
Pastoral advice to a young person lately confirmed by the Bishop. Anon. 26th edition. (London, 1824).
VMP 649   1830
The British Magazine: a Monthly Journal of Literature, Science and Art, Vol.1, No.1, January 1830. (London, 1830).
VMP 650   1830
Obituary of the Rev. John Robert, A.M. ; extracted from the Christian Observer for January, 1830. Inscription on cover: The Revd. C.Ives.
6p., damaged 
VMP 651   1830-1831
Cobbett's Twopenny Trash, Nos. I-VII, July 1830-January 1831. 7 monthly parts.
VMP 652   1830-1831
The Prompter, Nos. 1-11, 13 November 1830-22 January 1831. 11 political tracts.
VMP 653   1830
Kingcraft and Priestcraft, or “the Mystery of Iniquity”, dethroned, defeated, and destroyed, in The Grand Battle of Armageddon; being a Church and State Oracle, exposing the Fame, Folly and Fate of Christendom: dedicated to the King's Old and New Ministers, respecting all the great and terrible events at hand. Also, An Expose of the Bishop of Winchester's Job of £16,800 for mud lands near Gosport, not worth £20 rent . . .. By the author of The Budget of Truth. (London, 1830).
VMP 654   1830
The Life and History of Swing, the Kent Rick-Burner, by himself, pp.1-8,17-24. (London, 1830)
VMP 655   1830
A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Wilmot Horton, from William Carpenter 31 December 1830, and other matters. Political pamphlet. (London)
VMP 656   1831
The Genuine Life of Mr Francis Swing. Political pamphlet. (London,1831).
VMP 657   1831
The Poor Man's Guardian, containing a comprehensive digest of all the political occurrences of the week, 21 January 1831. Political pamphlet printed by Henry Hetherington (1792-1849). (London).
VMP 658   Undated
Unidentified printed sermon on a text taken from Acts xvii, 16,17 regarding idolatry. With ms ink changes and note “3rd edition”.
VMP 659   1831
A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Buckingham at the triennial visitation of the Rt. Rev. John Lord Bishop of Lincoln, June 24th, 1831, by the Rev. Wm. Th. Eyre, M.A., Vicar of Padbury and Perpetual Curate of Hillesden. (Oxford, 1831).
30p., damaged 
VMP 660   1832
The Infirmary, by Mrs Sherwood, author of Little Henry and his Bearer, Lucy Clare, etc. etc. 14th edition. (London, 1832).
VMP 661   1836
The Christian Guest, or, The Institution of the Lord's Supper simply explained, by the Author of Scripture Stories. 21st edition. (London, 1836).
VMP 662   1838
I Believe in One Catholic and Apostolic Church. Nicene Creed, by the Rev. Frederic W.Faber, B.A. Fellow of the University College, Oxford. 3rd edition. (London, 1838).
20p. damaged 
VMP 663   1840
An Earnest Persuasive to Unity. Mostly extracted from the writings of pious and learned members of the Church. (Oxford, 1840).
VMP 664   1842
Descriptive Account of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury; illustrated with ten highly finished engravings on steel. (Canterbury, 1842).
Inscription on inside front cover: Martha Ives, Canterbury, October 31, 1844.
43p.; 10 engravings: 9 views and 1 plan. 
VMP 665   1844
Take heed what ye hear: A Sermon, with a preface on some of the existing controversies in the church, by Walter Farquar Hook, D.D., Vicar of Leeds. 2nd edition. (London 1844).
14ff, numbered 85-109 
VMP 666   1845
Rome and the Bible, by G.S. Faber, B.D., Master of Sherburn Hospital, and Prebendary of Salisbury. Printed for SPCK [No.236]. (London, 1845)
VMP 667   1847
Elements of Faith and Practice; contained in Two Sermons, preached, severally, on July 27th 1845, and on July 19th, 1846, in Eton College Chapel, by the Rev. Francis Hodgson, B.D., Provost of Eton. (Eton, 1847).
VMP 668   1848
The Churches of Rome and England compared in their declared doctrines and practices. . . . .. , by Richard Mant, D.D., M.R.I.A., late Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore. Printed for SPCK [No.109]. (London, 1848).
VMP 669   1849
A Word of Exhortation to the Younger Women of his Flock, by their Pastor. (Salisbury, MDCCCXLIX).
VMP 670   1850
Holy Scripture and the Pope's Supremacy contrasted, by Isaac Barrow, D.D. Edited by James Brogden, M.A. Vicar of Deddington, Oxon. Printed for SPCK [No.802]. (London, 1850).
VMP 671   1851
A Few Reasons for opposing the Papal Aggression, and the progress of Popery in England . . .. by the Rev. R.Green, A.B., Vicar of Longhorseley. (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1851).
VMP 672   [1851]
“The Temples of the Holy Ghost.” A Sermon preached in Christ Church, Dover, Sunday, November 16th, 1851, by the Rev. J.Ellison Bates, M.A. (London)
VMP 673   1852
A Caution against Popery and Popish Priests; or, Popery an Imposture, and Popish Priests no priests at all, by the Rev. R. Green, A.B., Vicar of Longhorseley. (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1852).
VMP 674   1855
The Church Catechism explained, for the use of Young Persons, and Catechumens generally; pt.I, by the Rev. Henry Stretton, M.A., Oxon., Minister of St Mary Magdalene's, Chiswick . . . . (London, MDCCCLV).
VMP 675   1857
Christian Evidences: intended chiefly for the Young, by the most Rev. Dr Whately, Archbishop of Dublin. Printed for SPCK [No.202]. (London, 1857) . Inscription on front flyleaf: Cornelius Ives, May 4th, 1865.
VMP 676   1865
Puseyism, Catholicism, and Popery; being a correspondence between the Rev. J.M. Rodwell, M.A., Rector of St Ethelburga, London, and the Marquis of Westmeath, with appendix, showing the contrast between some of Dr Pusey's doctrines and those of the Church of England. (London, 1865).
16p. damaged 
VMP 677   [1869]
It is Ended! A Tract for the New Year 1869, by Brownlow North, B.A. Magdalen Hall, Oxford: Registrar of Winchester and Surrey. (London). Altered to fit 1872 throughout.
VMP 678   1870
The Catechumen's Catechism; or, a Manual of Catechitical Instruction, with Scripture References and Prayers, by the Rev. Francis E. Smith, M.A. Rector of Hadstock, Essex. (London, 1870).
VMP 679   1872
Associated Architectural Societies' Reports and Papers 1872 Vol.XI, Part II: Reports and Papers read at the meetings of the Architectural Societies of the Diocese of Lincoln, County of York, Archdeaconry of Northampton, County of Bedford, Diocese of Worcester, County of Leicester, and Town of Sheffield during the year MDCCCLXXII.
389p. damaged 
VMP 680   1870-1873
The Christian Advocate and Review Series 2, edited by the Rev. Edward Garbett, M.A., Vicar of Christ Church, Surbiton (London):
Vol.IV No.37, March 1870. pp.153-232
Vol.VI No.63, May 1872. pp.321-400
Vol.VII No.75, May 1873. pp.321-400
3 vols. 
VMP 681   1871
Confirmation Thoughts: with a few short devotions, by the Author of Lent Thoughts. (London, 1871).
VMP 682   1872
A Charge delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the diocese of Peterborough at his primary visitation October 1872, by William Connor Magee, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough, with an appendix. (London, 1872).
72+ (appendix) vii p. 
VMP 683   1876
A Charge delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Archdeaconry of Northampton, Easter Visitation, 1876, by Francis Henry Thicknesse, M.A., Archdeacon of Northampton, Canon Residentiary of Peterborough. (London,1876). Inscription on flyleaf: To The Reverend the Rector of Bradden with Best Regards of CHW.
VMP 684   [1876]
Report of a Conference on Conditional Immortality, including papers by the Rev. Samuel Minton, Dr Leask, and Edward White; held at Canon Street Hotel, London, Monday, May 15th, 1876. (London).
VMP 685   1876
The New Quarterly Magazine, No.13 October 1876. (London)
282p. damaged 
VMP 686   1877
The Creed and the Church; or, The Athanasian Creed tested by Scripture, by H.H.A.S. (London, 1877).
VMP 687   1878
A Charge delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the diocese of Peterborough at his Third Visitation, October 1878, by William Connor Magee, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough. (London, 1878).
VMP 688   [1882]
A New Years Address for the Year 1882 by an aged Pastor to His Parishioners. (Towcester). Modern inscription: Revd.Cornelius Ives 18.7.1793 - 15.11.1883.
VMP 689   1883
The Churchman, A Monthly Magazine : No.40 January 1883. pp.1-20, 241-320
No.41 February 1883. pp.1-16, 321-400
No.42 March 1883 (vol.7). pp.401-478
3 vols. 
VMP 690   1883
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Vol.XXVI No.3, July 1883. Specimen copy.
p.323-480, damaged 
VMP 691   1886
Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East, 87th year, 1885-1886; Containing the Anniversary Sermon by the Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. Edward White Benson, D.D. Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. (London, August 2, 1886).
VMP 692   1887
The Mission to Seamen, 31st Annual Report 1887. (London)
VMP 693    Undated
Christian Lessons. (London).
VMP 694    Undated
Our Protestant Forefathers, by William Stephen Gilly D.D., Prebendary of Durham, Author of Waldensian Researches etc. etc. New edition, printed for SPCK [No.51]. (London).
VMP 695    Undated
New Year's Inquiries. Printed for SPCK [No.204].
(London). 12p. 
VMP 696    Undated
An Address to a Young Woman after Confirmation, chiefly compiled from a tract by the late Rt. Rev. R.Watson, D.D., Bishop of Llandaff. Printed for SPCK [No.363]. (London).
VMP 697    Undated
An Address to Young Men who have been confirmed. Printed for SPCK [No.1337]. (London).
VMP 698    Undated
A Happy New Year, by the Rt. Rev. Ashton Oxenden, D.D. late Bishop of Montreal. Barham Tracts No.XXIII. 14th edition. (London).
VMP 699   1790
Bowles's New Travelling Map of England and Wales, exhibiting all the direct and principal Cross Roads . . . in cardboard case. (London, 2 January 1790).
Coloured, on linen; 614 x 537mm. 
VMP 700   1792
Bowles's Reduced New Pocket Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, with the Borough of Southwark, exhibiting the New Buildings to the Year 1792, in cardboard case. (London).
Coloured, on linen; 394 x 552mm. 
VMP 701   1805
A New and Accurate Map of the Country for Twenty Five Miles round the University of Oxford, exhibiting all the direct and cross Roads, the Hills, Vales, Woods, Rivers, Canals, Towns, Villages, Hamlets, Parks and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry. Dedicated to the Vice-Chancellor and the Heads of Houses in the University of Oxford, and to the Nobility, Gentry and Clergy resident within its limits . . . . in cardboard case. (Oxford, 15 April 1805).
Coloured, on linen; 477 x 472mm. 
VMP 702   1813
A New Map of South Wales by Nathaniel Coltman, in cardboard case. First published 1 January 1798. (4th edition, London 1813).
Coloured, on linen; 550 x 713mm. 
VMP 703   1818
A Two Sheet Map of the Principality of Wales, in cardboard case. First published 6 January 1804. (3rd edition, corrected to 1818, London).
Coloured, on linen; 904 x 567mm. 
VMP 704   1825
A combined view of the Principal Mountains and Rivers in the World; accompanied by a Table shewing their relative Heights and Lengths. Engraved by Gardner. (London, January 1825).
Coloured; 666 x 855mm. 
Papers of the Rev. Cornelius Ives (1783-1883)
VMP 705   1842
Book of reference to the lectures and sermons of Cornelius Ives; listing texts in Biblical order, with titles and dates of delivery. Begun 1842 and including sermons given between 1820 and 1878.
Small notebook with stiff covers, 87p.& 5f. 
VMP 706   [1880]
“A few suggestions towards a Revision of the Liturgy by a clergyman in the 63rd year of his incumbency”, by Cornelius Ives? Rector of Bradden 1818-1883. Addressed to Alfred Ellis, Rock Office, 7 Southampton Street, W.C.
VMP 707   2 March 1883
Receipted bill of B.Wilkins of Northampton dentist to Rev. C.Ives in respect of dental work in February 1883.
1 piece 
The following sermons are all contained in homemade notebooks consisting of three or four sheets folded and sewn together. The title and author or origin of each sermon are written on the front cover, with the text and the years when the sermon was given on the inside. The Rev. Ives adopted a simple code for his sources in which all the consonants of the author's name were followed by the vowels. The names have been reconstructed in the following list.

VMP 708
Missionary Address (Original)
VMP 709
Faith (Wolfe)
VMP 710
Genesis iv, 8: Cain and Abel (Original)
VMP 711
Genesis vi, 12-13: The Flood (Original)
VMP 712
Genesis viii, last 3 vv.: Promise to Noah (Close)
VMP 713
Genesis xi, 5: Babel (Original)
VMP 714
Genesis xi, 5: Babel Club (Original)
VMP 715
Genesis xv, 1: Fear not Abram etc. (Ch.Eng.Mag.Vol.X)
VMP 716
Genesis xviii, 27: Dust and Ashes (Jones)
VMP 717
Genesis xviii, 32: Ten Righteous (Original)
VMP 718
Genesis xix, 14: Lot's Sons-in-law (Slade)
VMP 719
Genesis xix, 17: Escape for thy life (Hare)
VMP 720
Genesis xix, 29: Lot delivered (Original)
VMP 721
Genesis xxviii, 15: No title or source given
VMP 722
Genesis xlii, 36: All against me (Hannam)
VMP 723
Genesis xliv, 16: Iniquity found out (Close)
VMP 724
Genesis xlvii, 9: Few and Evil (Original)
VMP 725
Genesis xlix, 22-24: Joseph (Simeon)
VMP 726
Exodus iii, 21-22: Spoil the Egyptians (Original)
VMP 727
Exodus ix, 20-21: Plague of Hail (Original)
VMP 728
Exodus ix, 27-28: Pharaoh (Bradley)
VMP 729
Exodus xii, 11: The Lord's Passover (Original)
VMP 730
Exodus xxxv, 5: Churches and Chapels (Original)
VMP 731
Numbers xxiii, 19: God cannot lie (Simeon)
VMP 732
Numbers xxiii, 23: Ch. Miss. Jubilee (10 December 1848, Original)
VMP 733
Numbers xxiv, 23: Who shall live etc. (Original)
VMP 734
Deuteronomy iv, 41-42: Cities of Refuge (Blencowe)
VMP 735
Deuteronomy v, 11: 3rd Commandment (Original)
VMP 736
Deuteronomy v, 28-29: O that there were etc.(Hampden)
VMP 737
Deuteronomy v, 32: Ye shall observe etc. (Original)
VMP 738
Deuteronomy vi, 15: Jealousy (Slade)
VMP 739
Deuteronomy vi, 20sq.: When thy Son (Original)
VMP 740
Joshua x, 40: The Canaanites (Paley)
VMP 741
Judges iv, 14: Is not the Lord etc. (Original)
VMP 742
Judges iv, 21: Jael and Sisera (Original)
VMP 743
Judges v, 8: Fast Day (1854, Original)
VMP 744
I Samuel xii, 7: Stand still (Original)
VMP 745
I Samuel xv, 22: Obey Sacrifice (Slade)
VMP 746
I Samuel xv, 29: God not a Man (Archd. Pott)
VMP 747
I Samuel xvii, 50: David and Goliath (Original)
VMP 748
II Samuel xix, 34: Barzillai (Original)
VMP 749
II Samuel xxiv, 24: Cost nothing (Family Sermons Vol.1)
VMP 750
I Kings xviii, 21: How long halt ye etc.etc. (Townsend)
VMP 751
I Kings xix, 12: A still small voice (Original)
VMP 752
I Chronicles xxix, 5: Churches and Chapels (Original)
VMP 753
Esther iii, 8: History of Jews No.1 (Original)
VMP 754
Job i, 1: Job No.1 (1856, Original)
VMP 755
Job i, 6: Job No.2 (Original)
VMP 756
Job i, 22: Contentment (Johnson)
VMP 757
Job ii, 11: Job No. 3 (Hartwell Horne 4th vol.p.85)
VMP 758
Job xi, 7: The Trinity (Original)
VMP 759
Job xix, 25-27: Creed No.8 (Original)
VMP 760
Job xxii, 21: Acquaint yourselves (Parkinson)
VMP 761
Job xxiii, 10: Tried Gold (Bp. Horne)
VMP 762
Job xxviii, 28: Reverence (Dwight)
VMP 763
Job xxxi, 14: Assizes (Original)
VMP 764
Job xxxii, 2-3: Job No.4 (Original and composed)
VMP 765
Job xxxiii, 27-28: Repentance (Hare)
VMP 766
Job xxxiv, 29: Quietness and Trouble (Simeon)
VMP 767
Job xxxiv, 31-32: Chastisement (Leighton)
VMP 768
Job xxxv, 10: Songs in the night (Ch. Eng. Mag. xiii)
VMP 769
Job xxxviii, 1-3: Job No.5 (Original and composed)
VMP 770
Job xlii, 10: Job No.6 (Original)
VMP 771
Psalm iv, 4: Stand in Awe (Family Sermons)
VMP 772
Psalm viii, 5-6: Septuagesima 8th psalm (Original)
VMP 773
Psalm ix, 10: They that know thy name (Bp. Beveridge)
VMP 774
Psalm x, 4-5: The wicked so proud (Simeon)
VMP 775
Psalm xiv, 1: The fool hath said etc. (Hannam?)
VMP 776
Psalm xvi, 4: Another God (Original)
VMP 777
Psalm xix, 10-11: Gold and Honey (Simeon)
VMP 778
Psalm xxii, 26: Seek and Praise (Original)
VMP 779
Psalm xxiii, 5: A Table prepared etc. (Original)
VMP 780
Psalm xxvi, 8: Feast (W. Dunelm)
VMP 781
Psalm xxvii, 13-14: Utterly have fainted (H. Stewart)
VMP 782
Psalm xxxii, 6: Ash Wednesday 1861 (Berens)
VMP 783
Psalm xxxiv, 3-5: Thanksgiving (Original)
VMP 784
Psalm xxxvi, 5-6: Righteousness and Judgments (Barrow)
VMP 785
Psalm xxxvii, 4: Delight in the Lord (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 786
Psalm xliii, 5: Hope in God (J.Scott)
VMP 787
Psalm xliv, 3: Indian Thanksgiving (1859, Original)
VMP 788
Psalm xlvi, 4: River of Gladness (Family Sermons)
VMP 789
Psalm xlviii, 13: Trinity (Original)
VMP 790
Psalm l, 1-4: 50th Psalm (Original)
VMP 791
Psalm li, 10: Ash Wednesday (Archd. Pott)
VMP 792
Psalm lv, 4: Fear of Death (Original)
VMP 793
Psalm lxxii, 1: Prince's Marriage (1863, Original)
VMP 794
Psalm lxxiii, 24: Whom have I etc. (Hannam)
Enclosed: Copy of part of the same sermon
6f. each. 
VMP 795
Psalm lxxvi, 10: The wrath of man praising God (Leighton)
VMP 796
Psalm lxxxiv, 11: Sun and Shield (Simeon)
VMP 797
Psalm lxxxv, 8: Not turn again to folly (Jno. Marriott)
VMP 798
Psalm lxxxix, 36-37: Moon Church (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 799
Psalm lxxxix, 47: Made in Vain (Venn)
VMP 800
Psalm xc, 7-9: Cholera (Original)
VMP 801
Psalm xc, 12: Numbering our days (Bp. Bull)
VMP 802
Psalm xcii, 13sq.: No title
VMP 803
Psalm xcii, 13-15: Such as are planted (Original)
VMP 804
Psalm xciii, 1: Ascension (Original)
VMP 805
Psalm ci, 1: Thanksgiving 1854, Mercy and Judgment (Original)
VMP 806
Psalm cii, 13: 4th Advent 102nd Psalm (Original)
VMP 807
Psalm cii, 19-21: No title or source given
VMP 808
Psalm cii, 23-24: Early Death (Original)
VMP 809
Psalm civ, 34: Meditation sweet (Hannam)
VMP 810
Psalm cvii, 43: 107th Psalm (Bp. Horne)
VMP 811
Psalm cx, 1: Ascension 110th Psalm (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 812
Psalm cx, 7: Brook in the way (Bp. Horne)
VMP 813
Psalm cxiii, 4-5: 113th Psalm (Original)
VMP 814
Psalm cxviii, 13-14: Prince of Wales (1872, Original)
VMP 815
Psalm cxix, 32: Heart at Liberty (Leighton)
VMP 816
Psalm cxix, 59-60: I made haste etc.(B. Scott)
VMP 817
Psalm cxix, 75: Judgments right (Original)
VMP 818
Psalm cxix, 81: No title or source given
6f. & 2 loose pieces 
VMP 819
Psalm cxix, 165: Peace and Law (Sherlock)
VMP 820
Psalm cxxiv, 7: Help 124th Psalm (Original)
VMP 821
Psalm cxxx, 7-8: Plenteous Redemption (Simeon)
VMP 822
Psalm cxxxi, 2: Weaned Child (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
6f., badly damaged 
VMP 823
Psalm cxxxii, 7: Hayes Church (1857, Original)
VMP 824
Psalm cxxxiii, 1: Unity (Bather)
VMP 825
Psalm cxxxix, 5: Omnipresence and Trinity (Dwight)
VMP 826
Psalm cxli, 3: Set a watch etc. St James 3rd chapter (Original)
VMP 827
Psalm cxlvi, 2sq.: The Prince Consort (23 December 1861, Original)
VMP 828
Psalm cxlvii, 12-14: 147th Psalm (Original)
VMP 829
Psalm cxlix, 4: Meek beautified (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 830
Psalm cl, 1-2: Praise God (Jones)
VMP 831
Proverbs i, 10: If Sinners entice (Original)
VMP 832
Proverbs ii, 5: Wisdom (Original)
VMP 833
Proverbs ii, 6: The Lord giveth Wisdom (Townson)
VMP 834
Proverbs iii, 5-6: Acknowledge him (Original)
VMP 835
Proverbs iii, 11-12: Chastening (Jowett)
VMP 836
Proverbs iii, 18: Wisdom a Tree of Life (1865, Original)
VMP 837
Proverbs iv, 23sq.: Heart Mouth Path (Bather)
VMP 838
Proverbs ix, 1sq.: The Lord's Supper Christmas (Original)
VMP 839
Proverbs xiv, 9: Fools mock at sin (Jones)
VMP 840
Proverbs xiv, 14: Backsliding (Simeon)
VMP 841
Proverbs xiv, 32: Death of wicked and righteous (Hannam)
VMP 842
Proverbs xv, 3: Eyes of the Lord (Family Sermons)
VMP 843
Proverbs xvi, 4: The Day of Evil (Waterland)
VMP 844
Proverbs xvi, 25: A way seemeth right etc. (Jowett)
VMP 845
Proverbs xviii, 10: Strong Tower (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 846
Proverbs xix, 16: Keeper and Despiser (J.Walton)
VMP 847
Proverbs xx, 4: The Sluggard (Simeon)
VMP 848
Proverbs xxiii, 17-18: Envy not Sinners (B. Scott)
VMP 849
Ecclesiastes iii, 8: Thanksgiving for Peace (4 May 1856 Composed)
VMP 850
Ecclesiastes viii, 12: Fear God (Simeon)
VMP 851
Ecclesiastes ix, 13-15: Poor Wise Man (Jones)
VMP 852
Solomon's Song viii, 5: From the Wilderness (Cawood)
VMP 853
Isaiah ix, 1-2: Epiphany (Original)
VMP 854
Isaiah xi, S.P.G.F.P.: The Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord (Original)
6f.badly damaged 
VMP 855
Isaiah xxv, 6-8: Feast of fat things (Simeon)
VMP 856
Isaiah xxvi, 20: Hide thyself (Original)
VMP 857
Isaiah xxxii, 1-3: Hiding Place (Deltray)
VMP 858
Isaiah xxxiii, 24: Heaven (Jowett)
VMP 859
Isaiah xxxv, 8-10: A High Way (no source given)
VMP 860
Isaiah xxxviii, 1: Hezekiah sick (Rennell)
VMP 861
Isaiah xlii, 16: Lead the blind (Simeon)
VMP 862
Isaiah xliv, 20: Feedeth on Ashes (Hastings)
VMP 863
Isaiah xlv, 17: Everlasting Salvation (Simeon)
VMP 864
Isaiah xlviii, 18: Peace and Righteousness (Roberts)
VMP 865
Isaiah liii, 2-3: Tender Plant (Simeon)
VMP 866
Isaiah liii, 3: 53rd Chapter of Isaiah (W. Dunelm)
VMP 867
Isaiah liv, 2-3: Churches and Chapels (Original)
VMP 868
Isaiah liv, 13: N[ational] Society (Original)
VMP 869
Isaiah lv, 10-11: As the Rain and Snow (Original)
VMP 870
Isaiah lv, 12-13: Joy and Peace (Original)
VMP 871
Isaiah lvi, 8: Gather others (Original)
VMP 872
Isaiah lvii, 17-18: For the iniquity etc.(Simeon)
VMP 873
Isaiah lvii, 19-21: Peace Peace (Original)
VMP 874
Isaiah lix, 19: When the enemy (J. Scott)
VMP 875
Isaiah lix, 20: First Advent (Original)
VMP 876
Isaiah lx, 1-2: Arise Shine (Leighton)
VMP 877
Isaiah lxi, 3: Trees of Righteousness (Hare)
VMP 878
Isaiah lxiv, 6: Fade as a leaf (Original)
VMP 879
Jeremiah viii, 7: Crane and Swallow (Bp. Horne)
VMP 880
Jeremiah xxiii, 6: The Lord our Righteousness (Simeon)
VMP 881
Jeremiah xxxv, 12-13: The Rechabites (no source given)
VMP 882
Jeremiah l, 4-5: Returning Jews (Bradley)
VMP 883
Lamentations i, 9: She remembered not her latter end (Original)
VMP 884
Lamentations ii, 13: Breach great (Ch. Eng.Mag., September 1858)
VMP 885
Lamentations iii, 40-41: Fast Day (21 March 1855, Original)
VMP 886
Lamentations v, 16-17: Indian Fast, concerns the Indian Mutiny 1857 (Original)
VMP 887
Ezekiel ii, 5: A Prophet amongst you (Randell)
VMP 888
Ezechiel xiii, 10-11: Wall and Mortar (Original)
VMP 889
Ezechiel xviii, 2: Teeth set on edge (Original)
VMP 890
Ezekiel xxxvi, 25-27: Sprinkle clean water (Original)
Enclosed: Copy of part of the same sermon
6f. and 4f. 
VMP 891
Daniel v, 5: The Handwriting on the Wall (Original)
VMP 892
Hosea ii, 20: Know the Lord Trinity (Hannam)
VMP 893
Hosea vi 4 Goodness Cloud Dew (Hampden)
VMP 894
Joel ii, 1: Blow ye the Trumpet (Original)
VMP 895
Joel ii, 32: Deliverance (Original)
VMP 896
Amos iii, 1-2: Fast, 1855 (Original)
VMP 897
Amos iv, 12: Funeral Tiffield (Funeral of the Rector of Tiffield 24 October 1852, Original)
VMP 898
Amos iv, 12: Prepare to meet thy God (Original)
VMP 899
Amos viii, 9: Eclipse (Roberts and Original)
VMP 900
Micah v, 2: Christmas Bethlehem (Original)
VMP 901
Micah vi, 2: Fast 1855 ( 21 March 1855, Original)
VMP 902
Micah vi, 2: Cattle Plague 1866 (no source given)
6f. damaged 
VMP 903
Micah vi, 8: Justice Mercy and Humility (Original)
VMP 904
Micah vii, 8-9: O mine Enemy (Original)
VMP 905
Habakkuk ii, 20: Holy Temple (Family Sermons 5th Vol.)
VMP 906
Habakkuk iii, 2: Habakkuk (Bather)
VMP 907
Haggae ii, 9: Reopening (Original)
VMP 908
Zachariah iv, 10: Small things (Simeon)
6f.badly damaged 
VMP 909
Zechariah vi, 12-13: The Branch (Simeon)
VMP 910
Zachariah ix, 12: Stronghold (Simeon)
VMP 911
Malachi i, 11: S.P.G.F.P. (Original)
VMP 912
Malachi iii, 1-2: Suddenly come (Townson)
VMP 913
Malachi, iv: 2 The Sun of Righteousness (Bp. Beveridge)
VMP 914
Matthew iv, 10: Idolatry (Skelton)
VMP 915
Matthew v, 3: The Poor in Spirit (Original)
VMP 916
Matthew v, 6: Hunger and Thirst (Original)
VMP 917
Matthew v, 8: Pure in heart (Bp. Mant, Family Sermons Vol.2)
VMP 918
Matthew v, 8: Part of another sermon enclosed in No.917
VMP 919
Matthew v, 13: Salt (Ch. Eng. Mag. Vol.IX)
VMP 920
Matthew v, 16: Let your Light (Original)
Enclosed: Copy of part of the same sermon.
6f. each 
VMP 921
Matthew v, 17: No title or source given.
VMP 922
Matthew v, 29-30: Hand - Foot Eye (Original)
VMP 923
Matthew vii, 13-14: Strait Gate (Pott)
VMP 924
Matthew vii, 24sq.: Rock Sand, St Luke 1862 (Family Sermons)
VMP 925
Matthew viii, 4: Tell no man (Pott)
VMP 926
Matthew viii, 13: The Centurion (W. Dunelm manuscript)
VMP 927
Matthew viii, 34: Gergesenes (Original)
VMP 928
Matthew ix, 22: Woman healed (Simeon)
VMP 929
Matthew xi, 2sq.: John's message (Original)
VMP 930
Matthew xi, 6: Not offended (Original)
VMP 931
Matthew xi, 28-30: Come unto me etc. (Simeon)
VMP 932
Matthew xi, 28-30: Come unto me etc. (Wolfe)
VMP 933
Matthew xii, 31: Blasphemy H.G. (Holy Ghost) (Waterland)
VMP 934
Matthew xii, 36-37: Idle Words (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
Enclosed: Revised version of part of the same sermon
6ff each 
VMP 935
Matthew xiii, 16-17: Blessed are your eyes etc. (Bp. Van Mildert)
VMP 936
Matthew xiii, 18: The Sower (Bp. Jebb)
VMP 937
Matthew xiii, 29: Wheat and Tares (Pott)
VMP 938
Matthew xiii, 47: Net cast unto Sea (Family Sermons)
VMP 939
Matthew xiv, 10: John beheaded (Bather)
VMP 940
Matthew xiv, 28-29: St Peter No.2 (Spence)
VMP 941
Matthew xvi, 15-16: Upon this Rock (Original)
VMP 942
Matthew xvi, 21-23: St Peter No.4 (Spence)
6f. badly damaged 
VMP 943
Matthew xvii, 1: St Peter No.5 (Spence)
VMP 944
Matthew xviii, 10: Angels (Stanhope)
VMP 945
Matthew xviii, 14: National Society (Original)
VMP 946
Matthew xviii, 35: Forgiveness (Original)
VMP 947
Matthew xix, 29: Forsaken Houses (Original)
VMP 948
Matthew xx, 1: Labourers in the Vineyard (Waterland)
VMP 949
Matthew xxi, 12-13: Buyers and Sellers (Fam. Sermons 5th Volume)
VMP 950
Matthew xxi, 16: N[ational?] Schools (Bp. Horne)
VMP 951
Matthew xxi, 20: The Fig tree withered (Simeon)
VMP 952
Matthew xxii, 1-3: Marriage Feast (Slade)
VMP 953
Matthew xxii, 40: Love God and Neighbour (Family Sermons 4th Vol)
VMP 954
Matthew xxii, 42: What think ye of Christ? (Bates)
VMP 955
Matthew xxii, 46: Could not answer (Original)
VMP 956
Matthew xxiii, 37-39: Jews History No.6 (Original)
VMP 957
Matthew xxiv, 44: Be ready (Original)
VMP 958
Matthew xxiv, 44: No title or source given
VMP 959
Matthew xxiv, 50-51: Evil Servant (Jones)
6f., damaged 
VMP 960
Matthew xxv, 6-7: Ten Virgins (Original)
VMP 961
Matthew xxv, 10: The Door shut (Breay?)
VMP 962
Matthew xxv, 29: Talents (D. Wilson)
VMP 963
Matthew xxv, 34: Come ye Blessed (Pulpit)
VMP 964
Matthew xxvii, 5: Judas Iscariot (Richardson)
VMP 965
Mark i, 14-15: Repent and Believe (Original)
VMP 966
Mark i, 23-26: Unclean Spirit (Original)
VMP 967
Mark viii, 22: Men as Trees (Simeon)
VMP 968
Mark viii, 34: Self Denial (Walton)
VMP 969
Mark x, 49-50: Bartimeus (Simeon)
VMP 970
Mark xi, 24: Prayer (Hawes?)
VMP 971
Mark xiii, 31: Word not pass away (Original)
VMP 972
Mark xiv, 38: Spirit ready Flesh weak (Original)
VMP 973
Mark xiv, 72: Peter No.6 (Spence)
VMP 974
Mark xvi, 15-16: S.P.G.F.P. (Original)
VMP 975
Luke ii, 21: Jesus and the New Year (Family Sermons)
VMP 976
Luke iv, 1-2: Temptation (William Dunelm)
VMP 977
Luke v, 22: Purification and Presentation (Original)
VMP 978
Luke vi, 19: Christ healing (Simeon)
VMP 979
Luke vi, 47-49: Wise and foolish man (Simeon)
VMP 980
Luke vii, 47: Love much and little (Original)
VMP 981
Luke vii, 50: The sinful woman (Simeon)
VMP 982
Luke viii, 15: Honest and Good Heart (Original)
VMP 983
Luke ix, 23: Self Denial (Bather)
VMP 984
Luke ix, 62: Hand to Plough (Hampden)
VMP 985
Luke x, 41-42: One thing needful (Family Sermons)
VMP 986
Luke xi, 1-2: Lord's Prayer No.1 (Secker)
VMP 987
Luke xi, 2: Lord's Prayer No.2 (Hare)
VMP 988
Luke xi, 2: Lord's Prayer No.3 (Hare)
VMP 989
Luke xi, 2: The Kingdom of God (Hare)
VMP 990
Luke xi, 3: Lord's Prayer No.4 (Original)
VMP 991
Luke xi, 4: Lord's Prayer No.5 (Original)
VMP 992
Luke xi, 26: Unclean Spirit (Original)
VMP 993
Luke xi, 28: Rather blessed (Original)
VMP 994
Luke xi, 35: Inward Light (Simeon)
VMP 995
Luke xiii, 23-24: Strait Gate (Original)
VMP 996
Luke xiv, 25-27: Hate Parents etc. (Original)
VMP 997
Luke xv, 1-2: Receiveth Sinners (Jowett)
VMP 998
Luke xv, 18-19: Prodigal Son (Newman)
Enclosed: Part of another version of the same sermon
6f. each 
VMP 999
Luke xvi, 1-2: The unjust Steward (Stanhope)
VMP 1000
Luke xvi, 31: Dives and Lazarus (Original)
VMP 1001
Luke xvii, 10: Unprofitable Servants (Simeon)
VMP 1002
Luke xviii, 6-8: The Unjust Judge
VMP 1003
Luke xviii, 29-30: House or Parents etc. (Original)
VMP 1004
Luke xviii, 34: Understood none etc. (Original)
VMP 1005
Luke xviii, 35sq.: The blind man (Dehon)
VMP 1006
Luke xxii, 12: The Lord's Supper-Room (Original)
VMP 1007
Luke xxii, 14-16: Passover (Original)
VMP 1008
Luke xxii, 28-30: St Bartholomew (Original)
VMP 1009
Luke xxii, 31-32: Peter Sifted (Simeon)
VMP 1010
Luke xxii, 61-62: Jesus looking at Peter (Original?)
VMP 1011
Luke xxiii, 23-24: Good Friday (Bather)
VMP 1012
Luke xxiii, 31: Green Tree and Dry (Original)
VMP 1013
Luke xxiii, 41: We indeed justly etc. (Original)
VMP 1014
John i, 17: Grace and Truth (Bp. Beveridge)
VMP 1015
John i, 17: Lecture No.4 (Original)
VMP 1016
John i, 17: Lecture No.5 (Original)
VMP 1017
John i, 18: The Father declared by the Son (Simeon)
VMP 1018
John i, 47: No Guile (Original)
VMP 1019
John ii, 11: Miracles (Original)
VMP 1020
John ii, 21: Temple of Body (Original)
VMP 1021
John iii, 2-3: Hope purifieth (B. Scott)
VMP 1022
John iii, 17: Not to condemn but to save (Simeon)
VMP 1023
John iii, 36: Belief and Unbelief (J. Scott, Simeon)
VMP 1024
John iv, 2: Whit Sunday: The Spirit of God (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 1025
John iv, 13-14: Living Water (Family Sermons Vol.2)
VMP 1026
John iv, 25-26: Advent: He will tell us all things (Original)
VMP 1027
John iv, 32: Meat that ye know not of (Roberts)
VMP 1028
John iv, 35: Ch. Missionary
VMP 1029
John v, 4-5: Bethesda (Tyler)
VMP 1030
John v, 24: Heareth my words (B. Scott)
VMP 1031
John v, 40: Ye will not come (Ch. Eng. Mag. Bp. Wilson)
VMP 1032
John vi, 11: Five thousand fed (Townson)
VMP 1033
John vi, 27: Labour not etc. (Original)
VMP 1034
John vi, 28-29: The Works of God (John Scott)
VMP 1035
John vi, 34-35: The true Bread (Simeon)
VMP 1036
John vi, 37: Him that cometh (D.Wilson)
VMP 1037
John vi, 63: Whit Sunday (Original)
VMP 1038
John vi, 67-69: St Peter No.3 (Spence)
6f.badly damaged 
VMP 1039
John vi, 67-69: Will ye also go away (Original)
VMP 1040
John vii, 16-17: Know of the Doctrine (Hare)
VMP 1041
John vii, 37: If any man thirst etc. (Original)
VMP 1042
John vii, 46: Never men etc. (Bp. Van Mildert)
VMP 1043
John viii, 9: The Power of Conscience
VMP 1044
John viii, 36: Freedom (Original)
VMP 1045
John viii, 51: Never see Death (Original)
VMP 1046
John ix, 1: The Blind Man (Jones)
VMP 1047
John ix, 35: Dost thou believe etc. (T. Scott)
VMP 1048
John x, 22-23: Feast Dedication (Original)
VMP 1049
John xi, 5-6: Jesus delaying (Original)
VMP 1050
John xii, 26: Serve and Follow (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
6f., damaged 
VMP 1051
John xiii, 13-14: Master and Lord (Beveridge)
6f., damaged. 
VMP 1052
John xiii, 34-35: A new Commandment (Original)
VMP 1053
John xiv, 23: No title or source given
VMP 1054
John xv, 1&5: Christ the true Vine (Stanhope)
VMP 1055
John xv, 22: No Cloak etc. (Simeon)
VMP 1056
John xvi, 28: I came forth from the Father etc. (Original)
VMP 1057
John xvi, 31: Do ye now believe (Simeon)
VMP 1058
John xvii, 1,4-5: Glorified Thee (Original)
VMP 1059
John xix, 5: Good Friday (Wm. Dunelm manuscript)
VMP 1060
John xx, 28: St Thomas (Original)
6f., very badly damaged 
VMP 1061
John xx, 30-31: Many other signs (Simeon)
VMP 1062
John xxi, 24: St John (1868, Original)
VMP 1063
Acts i, 15: St Peter 2nd part No.1, 1866 (Original)
VMP 1064
Acts i, 25: His own Place (Ch. Eng Mag.)
VMP 1065
Acts ii, 30-31: David and Christ (Jones)
VMP 1066
Acts ii, 37: Pricked in heart (Original)
VMP 1067
Acts iii, 1: St Peter 2nd part No.2 (Spence)
VMP 1068
Acts iii, 22-23: Advent (Jno. M[a]rr[io]t)
VMP 1069
Acts vi, 10: St Stephen (Original)
VMP 1070
Acts vii, 35: This Moses (Original)
VMP 1071
Acts viii, 18-20: St Peter No.3, 2nd part (Spence)
VMP 1072
Acts viii, 35: Advent Ethiopean Eunuch
VMP 1073
Acts ix, 6: Saul's question (Original)
VMP 1074
Acts ix, 15-16: St Paul (Original)
VMP 1075
Acts x, 43: Cornelius (Simeon)
VMP 1076
Acts xi, 24: St Barnabas (Gisborne)
VMP 1077
Acts xi, 26: Christian Name (Hoare)
VMP 1078
Acts xi, 29: Cotton Workers (Original, 1862)
VMP 1079
Acts xii, 1-3: St Peter No.4 (Spence)
VMP 1080
Acts xii, 17: Peter's deliverance (Jones)
VMP 1081
Acts xiii, 28-29: Crucified, Dead and Buried (Original)
VMP 1082
Acts xiii, 36: Served Generation (Hannam)
Enclosed: Revised version of the same sermon
6f. each 
VMP 1083
Acts xiii, 38-39: Forgiveness of sins (Original)
VMP 1084
Acts xvi, 9-10: S.P.G.F.P. (Original)
VMP 1085
Acts xvii, 6: Upside down (Original)
VMP 1086
Acts xxii, 10: What shall I do Lord? (Original)
VMP 1087
Acts xxiv, 16: Conscience (Simeon)
VMP 1088
Acts xxvi, 20: Repentance (Hare)
VMP 1089
Acts xxvi, 28: Almost a Christian (Richardson)
VMP 1090
Acts xxvii, 23: Whose am I etc. (Slade)
VMP 1091
Acts xxvii, 44: Paul's shipwreck (Jones)
VMP 1092
Romans ii, 4-5: Leadeth to Repentance (Hare)
VMP 1093
Romans ii, 6: According to Deeds (Original)
VMP 1094
Romans ii, 28-29: He is not a Jew etc. etc. (Richardson)
VMP 1095
Romans iii, 20: Justification (Dwight)
VMP 1096
Romans iv, 9: This Blessedness (Original)
VMP 1097
Romans iv, 22: Faith imputed (Original)
VMP 1098
Romans v, 5: Hope (B. Scott)
VMP 1099
Romans v, 12: One man's disobedience (Original)
VMP 1100
Romans vi, 4: Newness of Life (B. Scott)
VMP 1101
Romans vi, 17-18: We're Servants of Sin etc.(Chr. Observer)
VMP 1102
Romans vii, 6: Serve in newness of Spirit (Original)
VMP 1103
Romans vii, 24-25: The Body of Death (Paley)
VMP 1104
Romans vii, 25: Law of God and Law of Sin (Richardson)
VMP 1105
Romans viii, 1: No Condemnation (Original)
VMP 1106
Romans viii, 3-4: Law weak (Bather)
VMP 1107
Romans viii, 6: Carnal and Spiritual Mind (Original)
VMP 1108
Romans viii, 7-8: Carnal Mind (Blencowe)
VMP 1109
Romans viii, 9: If any man have not etc. (Original)
VMP 1110
Romans viii, 16: Witness of Spirit (Randolph)
VMP 1111
Romans viii, 17: Suffering and Glory (Original)
VMP 1112
Romans viii, 33-34: Who shall lay etc. (Original)
VMP 1113
Romans ix, 18: He hardeneth (Bp. Heber)
VMP 1114
Romans ix, 31-33: Jews and Gentiles (Original)
VMP 1115
Romans x, 9-10: Confession and Salvation (no source given)
VMP 1116
Romans xiv, 7-9: Blakesley Funeral (Funeral of the Vicar of Blakesley, 12 October 1851, Original)
VMP 1117
Romans xiv, 7-9: Towcester Funeral (Funeral of the Vicar of Towcester, Good Friday 1855, Original)
6f. & 1 piece 
VMP 1118
Romans xiv, 9: Christ Lord (Secker)
VMP 1119
Romans xiv, 17: Kingdom of God (Jebb)
VMP 1120
Romans xv, 2-3: Please his neighbour (Original)
VMP 1121
Romans xv, 5-6: Common Prayer (Bather)
VMP 1122
Romans xv, 11-12: Advent Now it is high time (Original)
VMP 1123
Romans xv, 29: Fullness of Blessing (J. Scott)
VMP 1124
I Corinthians iii, 9: God's Husbandry and Building (Original)
VMP 1125
I Corinthians iii, 22-23: All are yours (Venn)
VMP 1126
I Corinthians iv, 20: Not in word but in power (Original)
VMP 1127
I Corinthians v, 7-8: Christ our Passover (Original and compiled)
VMP 1128
I Corinthians v, 7-8: Let us keep the Feast (Original)
VMP 1129
I Corinthians vi, 12: All things are lawful etc. (Original)
VMP 1130
I Corinthians vi, 20: Bought with a price (Original)
VMP 1131
I Corinthians vii, 24: Abide in calling (Bp. V[an] M[ildert])
VMP 1132
I Corinthians viii, 6: Creed No.1 (Original)
VMP 1133
I Corinthians viii, 6: Creed No.2 (Original)
VMP 1134
I Corinthians ix, 24: So run etc. (Original)
VMP 1135
I Corinthians ix, 25: Fight Race (Stanhope)
VMP 1136
I Corinthians x, 3-5: Spiritual meat and drink (Simeon)
VMP 1137
I Corinthians x, 6: Jews Examples (Stanhope)
VMP 1138
I Corinthians x, 9: Tempting Christ (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 1139
I Corinthians x, 21: Table of devils (Roberts)
VMP 1140
I Corinthians x, 31: All to God's Glory (Venn)
VMP 1141
I Corinthians xi, 27-28: The Lord's Supper (Original)
VMP 1142
I Corinthians xi, 31: Judge ourselves (J. Scott)
VMP 1143
I Corinthians xii, 4: Spiritual Gifts (Original)
VMP 1144
I Corinthians xii, 4-6: Whit Sunday (Bp. London)
VMP 1145
I Corinthians xiii, 11: Childish things (Original)
VMP 1146
I Corinthians xv, 10: I am what I am (Original)
VMP 1147
I Corinthians xv, 34: Knowledge of God (Original)
VMP 1148
I Corinthians xvi, 22: Anathema Marenatha (Original)
VMP 1149
II Corinthians i, 20: Yea and Amen (Beveridge)
VMP 1150
II Corinthians ii, 11: Satan's Devices (J. Scott)
VMP 1151
II Corinthians, 15-16: Savour (Hampden)
VMP 1152
II Corinthians iii, 2-3: Epistle of Christ (Cawood)
VMP 1153
II Corinthians iii, 11: Ministration etc. (Stanhope)
VMP 1154
II Corinthians iv, 1-2: Visitation (1854, Original)
VMP 1155
II Corinthians iv, 16: Outward and Inward Man (Original)
VMP 1156
II Corinthians v, 17: A new creature (Original)
VMP 1157
II Corinthians v, 18-19: Reconciled (Original)
VMP 1158
II Corinthians vi, 1-2: Grace in vain (Stanhope)
VMP 1159
II Corinthians vii, 10: Godly Sorrow (Hoare)
VMP 1160
II Corinthians viii, 9: Christ become poor (Original)
VMP 1161
II Corinthians x, 3-5: Every high thing (Roberts)
VMP 1162
II Corinthians xi, 3: Eve Subtlety (Family Sermons)
VMP 1163
II Corinthians xii, 7: Thorn in flesh (Bp. Bull)
VMP 1164
Galatians i, 4: Deliverance from World (Original)
VMP 1165
Galatians ii, 7-8: St Peter No.5 2nd part (Original)
VMP 1166
Galatians iii, 24: Law Schoolmaster (Ch. Eng. Mag. Aug. 1849)
VMP 1167
Galatians iii, 27: Baptism (Original)
VMP 1168
Galatians iv, 24: An Allegory (Simeon)
VMP 1169
Galatians v, 1: [Stand Fast] (no source given)
VMP 1170
Galatians v, 1: Liberty Christian (Original)
VMP 1171
Galatians v, 24: Crucify the flesh (Gisborne)
VMP 1172
Galatians vi, 2: Foresters (Original)
VMP 1173
Galatians vi, 9: Be not weary etc. (Original)
VMP 1174
Ephesians i, 7: Forgiveness of sins (Original)
VMP 1175
Ephesians i, 12: Praise of Glory (Original)
VMP 1176
Ephesians ii, 1-3: Quickened (Family Sermons)
VMP 1177
Ephesians ii, 10: Created unto good works (Beveridge)
VMP 1178
Ephesians ii, 13: Epiphany: Far off and nigh (Hare)
VMP 1179
Ephesians ii, 19sq.: Simon and Jude Collect (Stanhope)
VMP 1180
Ephesians iii, 8: Epiphany (Family Sermons 1st Vol.)
VMP 1181
Ephesians iv, 1-3: Lowliness and Meekness (Original)
VMP 1182
Ephesians iv, 4-6: Creed No.6 (Original)
VMP 1183
Ephesians iv, 30: Grieve not etc. (J. Walton)
Enclosed: Shorter version of the same sermon.
6f. each 
VMP 1184
Ephesians v, 1-2: Be followers of God as dear Children (Original)
VMP 1185
Ephesians v, 14: Awake and Arise (Compiled)
VMP 1186
Ephesians v, 15-16: Redeeming the time (Bp. Dehon)
VMP 1187
Ephesians vi, 10: Armour of God (Stanhope)
VMP 1188
Ephesians vi, 17: The Sword of the Spirit (Simeon)
VMP 1189
Ephesians vi, 17: Helmet of Salvation (Simeon)
VMP 1190
Ephesians vi, 24: Grace be with all of them etc. (Roberts)
VMP 1191
Philippians i, 9-11: Love abound in Knowledge etc. (Original)
VMP 1192
Philippians i, 10: Sincerity (Walker of Truro)
VMP 1193
Philippians i, 19: Turn to Salvation (D. Wilson)
6f. damaged 
VMP 1194
Philippians i, 23: Better to depart (Family Sermons)
VMP 1195
Philippians ii, 6-8: Creed No.3 (Original)
VMP 1196
Philippians ii, 9sq.: Creed No.4 (Original)
VMP 1197
Philippians iii, 3: Circumcision (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 1198
Philippians iii, 5: Circumcision (Bp. Horne)
VMP 1199
Philippians iii, 8-9: Loss for Christ (Simeon)
VMP 1200
Philippians iii, 9: Sexagesima Collect (Original)
VMP 1201
Philippians iii, 13-14: Mark Prize (Beveridge)
VMP 1202
Philippians iv, 11: Contentment (Christian Remembrancer - Ch. Eng. Mag. Vol.4 p.104)
VMP 1203
Philippians iv, 13: I can do all things (Original)
VMP 1204
Colossians i, 10: Worthy of the Lord (Slade)
VMP 1205
Colossians i, 12: Meet for Heaven (Venn)
VMP 1206
Colossians i, 14: Creed No.7 (Original)
VMP 1207
Colossians i, 19-20: Fullness dwell (1857, Venn)
VMP 1208
Colossians i, 21-22: Reconciliation (Slade)
VMP 1209
Colossians ii, 10: Complete in Him (Bp. Dehon)
VMP 1210
Colossians iii, 3: Ye are Dead (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
6f. & 1 loose piece 
VMP 1211
Colossians iii, 12-13: Christian Tempers (D.Wilson)
VMP 1212
Colossians iii, 16: Psalms (Original)
VMP 1213
Colossians iii, 17: Doing all in Jesus' Name (Barrons)
VMP 1214
I Thessalonians i, 2-4: W[ork] of F[aith] L[abour] of L[ove] P[atience] of H[ope] (Original)
VMP 1215
I Thessalonians iii, 5: Lest the Tempter (Hannam)
VMP 1216
I Thessalonians v, 9-10: Not unto wrath (Original)
VMP 1217
II Thessalonians i, 12: Glorified in you etc. (Original)
VMP 1218
II Thessalonians ii, 16-17: Consolation and Hope (Walton)
VMP 1219
II Thessalonians iii, 13: Be not weary (Original)
VMP 1220
I Timothy i, 8: Law good (Original)
VMP 1221
I Timothy i, 15: Faithful Saying (Deltray, Family Sermons)
VMP 1222
I Timothy ii, 1-2: Prayer for Kings (Original)
VMP 1223
I Timothy iii, 15: Church (Original)
VMP 1224
I Timothy iii, 16: Great Mystery (Simeon)
VMP 1225
I Timothy iv, 8: Godliness profitable (Original)
VMP 1226
I Timothy iv, 10: Specially of Believers (Original)
VMP 1227
I Timothy v, 24: Some Men's sins etc. (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 1228
I Timothy vi, 6: Godliness with Contentment (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 1229
I Timothy vi, 12: Fight the good Fight (Original)
VMP 1230
I Timothy vi, 19: Benefit Club (Original)
VMP 1231
II Timothy i, 7: A sound mind (Original)
VMP 1232
II Timothy ii, 3: Endure hardness (Ch. Eng. Mag. March 1855)
VMP 1233
II Timothy ii, 19: God's Foundation (Original?)
VMP 1234
II Timothy ii, 25: If peradventure (Family Sermons)
VMP 1235
II Timothy iii, 1-2: Self Lovers (Waterland)
VMP 1236
II Timothy iii, 16-17: All Scripture (Compiled and Original, Dehon, Scott)
VMP 1237
II Timothy iv, 6-8: Crown of Righteousness (Original)
VMP 1238
Titus iii, 4sq.: Christmas Collect (Original)
VMP 1239
Philemon 1: Philemon (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 1240
Philemon 1: Shorter version of foregoing
VMP 1241
Hebrews i, 1-2: God speaking by His Son (Original)
VMP 1242
Hebrews i, 6: Worship Christ (Simeon)
VMP 1243
Hebrews ii, 6: What is man (Hannam)
VMP 1244
Hebrews ii, 10: Perfect through suffering (Jay)
6f. damaged 
VMP 1245
Hebrew iii, 4: Trinity (Original)
VMP 1246
Hebrews iii, 19: Israel's unbelief (Original)
VMP 1247
Hebrews iv, 1: Fear Rest (Original)
VMP 1248
Hebrews iv, 9: Rest (J. Walton)
VMP 1249
Hebrews iv, 12-13: The Word of God (Simeon)
VMP 1250
Hebrews iv, 14: Ascension (Original)
VMP 1251
Hebrews v, 8: Suffering (Jones)
VMP 1252
Hebrews vi, 16sq.: God's Word and Oath (Original and Composed)
VMP 1253
Hebrews vii, 24-25: Ascension (Dwight)
VMP 1254
Hebrews viii, 11-12: Shall not teach etc. (J. Scott)
VMP 1255
Hebrews viii, 13: Old year (Bp. Horne)
VMP 1256
Hebrews ix, 13-14: The Blood of Christ (Simeon)
VMP 1257
Hebrews ix, 16-17: Testament (Roberts)
VMP 1258
Hebrews ix, 22: Shedding of Blood (Family Sermons Vol.IV)
VMP 1259
Hebrews ix, 27-28: Death and Judgment (Original)
VMP 1260
Hebrews x, 5: A Body Christmas (Original)
VMP 1261
Hebrews x, 25: Public Worship (Van Mildert)
VMP 1262
Hebrews x, 28-29: Despiser of Moses and of Christ (Original)
VMP 1263
Hebrews x, 38: The just by faith (Townson)
VMP 1264
Hebrews xi, 4: Abel (Family Sermons)
VMP 1265
Hebrews xi, 6: Cometh to God (Greaves)
VMP 1266
Hebrews xi, 39-40: All Saints (Original)
VMP 1267
Hebrews xii, 1-2: Cloud of witnesses (Original)
VMP 1268
Hebrews xii, 4-6: It is impossible etc. (Original)
VMP 1269
Hebrews xii, 5-6: Chastisement (Cecil)
VMP 1270
Hebrews xii, 14: Holiness (Simeon)
VMP 1271
Hebrews xii, 15-17: Esau's birthright (Original)
VMP 1272
Hebrews xiii, 1: Let love continue (Ch. Eng. Mag. Vol.1)
VMP 1273
Hebrews xiii, 14: No continuing City (Original)
VMP 1274
Hebrews xiii, 15-16: Thanksgiving (Original)
VMP 1275
James i, 1-4: Temptation St Philip and St James (Stanhope)
VMP 1276
James i, 12: Endure Temptation (Cecil)
VMP 1277
James i, 16-17: Every good Gift (Townson)
VMP 1278
James i, 21: Engrafted Word (Original)
VMP 1279
James i, 22-24: Doers not Hearers only (Stanhope)
VMP 1280
James ii, 26: Faith alone dead (Richardson)
6f. damaged 
VMP 1281
James iv, 8: Draw nigh etc. (Townson)
VMP 1282
James v, 6-7: Be patient (Original)
VMP 1283
I Peter i, 12: Creed No.5 (Original)
VMP 1284
I Peter i, 13: Gird up the loins etc. (Walton)
VMP 1285
I Peter i, 17-19: Fear (Leighton)
VMP 1286
I St Peter ii 4-5 Lively Stones (Simeon)
VMP 1287
I Peter ii, 9: Epiphany (Original)
VMP 1288
I Peter ii, 11: Fleshly Lusts (Jones)
VMP 1289
I Peter ii, 21: Christ's example (Original)
VMP 1290
I Peter iii, 10: Tongue (Original)
VMP 1291
I St Peter iii 12 Eyes of the Lord (Hannam)
VMP 1292
I Peter iv, 1: Arm yourselves (Original)
VMP 1293
I Peter iv, 7-8: End of all things (Original)
VMP 1294
I Peter v, 1: A witness of the sufferings of Christ (Walton)
VMP 1295
I Peter v, 5-6: Humility (Original)
VMP 1296
II Peter i, 1: St Peter (Original)
VMP 1297
II Peter i: St Peter No.1 (Spence)
VMP 1298
II Peter i, 2: Grace and Peace (Hare)
VMP 1299
II Peter i, 10-11: Calling and Election (Original)
VMP 1300
II Peter iii, 1-2 & i, 13-14: St Peter No.6 2nd part (Spence)
VMP 1301
II Peter iii, 9: The Lord not slack (mostly Original)
VMP 1302
II Peter iii, 15: Long suffering and salvation (Original)
VMP 1303
II Peter iii, 18: Grow in Grace (Robert)
VMP 1304
I John i, 3: Fellowship (Ch. Eng. Mag.)
VMP 1305
I John i, 7: If we walk in the light (Cowod)
VMP 1306
I John i, 8-9: Confession Lent (Original)
VMP 1307
I John ii, 6: Walk as Christ did (Bp. Barrow)
VMP 1308
I John iii, 8: Works of the Devil (Original)
VMP 1309
I John iii, 9: Born of God (Pott)
VMP 1310
I John iii, 14: Passed from Death (Ch. Eng. Mag. Vol.1)
VMP 1311
I John iii, 21-22: A good conscience (Waterland)
VMP 1312
I John iv, 2-3: Christmas (Original)
VMP 1313
I John iv, 18: Fear and love (Original)
VMP 1314
I John iv, 19: First loved us (W. Dunelm)
VMP 1315
I John v, 3: Not grievous (J. Scott)
VMP 1316
I John v, 5: Who is he that etc. (ArchB. Sumner)
VMP 1317
I John v, 11-12: Eternal life in the Son of God (D. Wilson)
VMP 1318
I John v, 14-15: Have the Petitions (Original)
VMP 1319
I John v, 16-17: A sin not unto death (Original)
VMP 1320
I John v, 18: Sinneth not (Waterland)
VMP 1321
Jude 20-21: Epistle of Jude (Original)
VMP 1322
Revelation i, 5-6: Kings and Priests (Simeon )
VMP 1323
Revelation i, 7: Cometh with Clouds (Bp. Horne)
VMP 1324
Revelation iii, 20: I stand and knock (Simeon)
VMP 1325
Revelation v, 13: Every Creature (Original)
VMP 1326
Revelation vii, 14-15: All Saints (Original)
6f. very badly damaged 
VMP 1327
Revelation xii, 7-8: St Michael (Original)
VMP 1328
Revelation xiv, 13: No title
6 f. and cover  
VMP 1329
Enclosed with VMP 1328: Sermon on the Evangelisation of the Heathen (No text)
VMP 1330
Revelation xxi, 3: Feast (Original)
VMP 1331
Revelation xxi, 3: Adson Chapel (12 January 1843, Original)
VMP 1332
Revelation xxii, 3-4: No more Curse (Original)
VMP 1333
Revelation xxii, 12: I come quickly (Original)
VMP 1334
Revelation xxii, 12: I come quickly (Original, another version)
Family papers
Reference: VMP 1335-1366
VMP 1335   11 July 1787
Abstract of the marriage settlement of Anna Van Mildert, afterwards Mrs William Ives.
VMP 1336-1337   [ca. 1800]
2 copies of the will of Cornelius Van Mildert, dated 27 September 1797 and proven May 1799.
3f. each 
VMP 1338   1801
Trust deed in favour of Mrs Anna Ives.
VMP 1339   1801
Draft receipt from Cornelius and Anna Ives.
VMP 1340   September 1818
Summary of the will (made 18 November 1803) of Mrs Cornelius Van Mildert (née Martha Hill).
VMP 1341   2 October 1859
Extracted record of the baptism of Cornelius Van Mildert Cooke, on 29 November 1838 (completed on printed form).
VMP 1342   [ca. 1840?]
Copy will of William Van Mildert (Bishop of Durham), made 23 November 1835, proven 14 March 1836.
VMP 1343   15 June 1839
Residuary account of estate of the estate of William Van Mildert, entered on printed form.
VMP 1344   1843
“Copy of the accounts of the executors of William Van Mildert late Lord bishop of Durham made up June 3 1843”.
Exercise book   21p. (remainder blank)
VMP 1345   1834
Lawyers' accounts of Mrs William Van Mildert (née Jane Douglas) with Sheppard & Co., March to April 1834.
VMP 1346   21 April 1845
Letter from the secretary of St Mary's, Newington, National, Parochial and Sunday Schools to William Grant, thanking him for Mrs Van Mildert's legacy.
VMP 1347-1348   [late 18th century]
Two lists made for Cornelius Van Mildert of his Van Mildert and Wittenoom ancestors in the 17th and 18th century.
VMP 1349   [1836]
Monument to the late bishop of Durham. Printed paper concerning subscriptions for William Van Mildert's monument in Durham Cathedral.
VMP 1350-1351   [ca. 1820]
Note of sums invested in 4% annuities. Blank printed form to Bank of England for receiving annuities in 1824.
2 pieces. 
VMP 1352-1353   29 January 1819
“Account of Dr Van Mildert's receipts and disbursements relative to the personal estate of the late Martha Van Mildert deceased”, for 1818. 2 copies.
2p. each 
VMP 1354   [1837?]
“Deductions for residue”, notes of sums arising from settlement of William Van Mildert's estate (valuations of furniture, a portrait, clothing given to servants and the consequences of the book auctioneer's insolvency).
VMP 1355   18 February 1764
Letter from Mrs Abraham Van Mildert (née Anne Wittenoom) to Miss Nancy Ives, Bradden, about family news.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1356   15 February 1802
Letter from William Van Mildert, London, to Cornelius Ives, Towcester, about finances and investments relating to annuities etc. on his father's estate.
4p. on 1f. and wrapper 
VMP 1357   27 July 1807
Letter from William Van Mildert, Ely Place, to Cornelius Ives, Towcester, about adjustments to his father's estate in favour of his mother.
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1358   29 January 1819
Letter from William Van Mildert, Lincolns Inn, to Cornelius Ives, Towcester, about winding up his parent's estate matters, with postscript on wrapper.
4p. on 1f. and wrapper 
VMP 1359   6 February 1819
Letter from William Van Mildert, Lincolns Inn, to Cornelius Ives, Towcester, about financial matters relating to winding up his parent's estate.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1360   2 April 1795
Letter from William Van Mildert, Kennington, to Thomas Grant, Towcester, about building a new parsonage at Bradden.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1361   5 August 1819
Letter from Miss Catherine Van Mildert, Hampton Street, London, to Mrs Thomas Grant (née Anne Ives), Towcester, about family news.
3p. on 1f. and wrapper 
VMP 1362-1363   7 February 1823
Letter from Robert Archibald Douglas, Temple, to Charles Ives, Towcester, enclosing a memorandum for Mrs Ives on a bond.
1f. each 
VMP 1364   1799-1801
Book of accounts of the executors of Cornelius Van Mildert.
Exercise book   22p. (remainder blank)
VMP 1365   10 June 1819
Receipt for Mrs Ives on sale of Peckham estate.
1 piece 
VMP 1366   May 1815
Receipt for sale on behalf of Mrs Etherington.
1 piece 
Miscellaneous notes
VMP 1367-1396
Notes made by William Van Mildert. The dating of most of these notes is uncertain.

VMP 1368   
Notes on required reading and questions to ask for an examination.
VMP 1369   1824
“List of books ordered to be sent to Revd. Wm. Ives, Harlton nr. Cambridge, by the Halton Carrier, from “One Swan” Bishopsgate Street, on Friday, April 30 1824”.
VMP 1370   18 May 1829
“Books sent from Hanover Square”, with added list of books sent from Cochran, Strand (215 volumes in total).
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1371   [late 18th century]
“Observations on the works of Horace”
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1372   [ca. 1789]
Copy of a prophecy attributed to Caesarius of Arles thought to predict the French Revolution.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1373   [late 18th century]
Itinerary from Abergavenny to Harrogate.
VMP 1374   [late 18th century]
Notes on the town of Bakewell.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1375   [late 18th century]
Notes on itineraries in Cheshire and Lancashire (dated at top “Octr. 29”).
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1376   [late 18th century]
“Journey from Ponsonby Hall to Oxford” (dated at start “Octr 27th” and end “October 28th”).
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1377   [1820's ?]
Itinerary “Wooler to Berwick by Cornhill”.
VMP 1378   [1820's ?]
“From Bambrough to Alnwick by Howick” (itinerary for a visitation).
VMP 1379   [late 18th century]
“Penrith to Ambleside by Ullswater” (description of a 5 mile walk).
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1380   [late 18th century]
“Inns”, list with notes between Worcester and Bootle.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1381   [late 18th century]
Notes of itinerary from Trentham Inn, via Stafford, Wolverhampton and Kidderminster, to Worcester, dated at top “Octr 30”.
VMP 1382   [early 19th century]
“Heddon Hall” notes on a house near Bakewell.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1383   1827
“Visitations &c 1827”, notes on visitations at Durham and Newcastle 2-7 July 1827.
VMP 1384   1827
“Visitations & confirmations 1827”, notes on visitations throughout the diocese of Durham 2 July - 3 August 1827.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1385   [March 1825]
Notes for the installation of Herbert Oakeley as prebend of Wenlocks Barn [St Paul's, London, 9 March 1825].
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1386-1387   November 1834
Prayer for his wife, by Van Mildert, draft and full version (cf. VMP 1394).
2p. & 3p. on 1f. each 
VMP 1388   [19th century]
Note on Acts iv, 33.
VMP 1389   [19th century]
Note “For Epiphany” on Matthew ii, 2.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1390   [19th century]
Note on Psalm 119.
3p.on 2f. 
VMP 1391   [19th century]
Note on the eucharist from Sellier.
VMP 1392   1833
“Prayer for this church and nation in the year 1833”.
3p. on 1f. 
Another copy: VMP 1440
VMP 1393   [19th century]
Order of prayers for morning and evening.
VMP 1394   [1834 ?]
Prayer for his wife (cf. VMP 1386-1387)
3p. on 2f. 
VMP 1395   [19th century]
“A morning prayer altered from Bp. Wilson”, and “An evening prayer altered from Bp. Wilson”.
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1396   [19th century]
“Devotions for the aged and infirm”
3p. on 1f. 
Verse and translations
VMP 1397-1421   1782-1826
Bishop William Van Mildert: original verses and translations, with two prayers (probably not all in the author's own hand).

VMP 1397   1783
“Again, fairest Maria! I see thee return”.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1398   10 October 1783
“Janus clusus. The proclamation of peace. A ballad, written impromptu”, “Ye calm temper'd Souls, who, when enmities cease”.
VMP 1399   May 1782
“On Miss A . . .'s Birth Day”, “Where'er I wander through each Grove or Lawn”.
2p. on 1f 
VMP 1400   1784
“The stirrup”, “Well, sirs, my Brethren of the Stable”.
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1401   1784
Language:  Latin and English
“Stapes”, in Latin “Sistere equos dociles ad pondera quæque ferenda”, and “The stirrup” in English (as VMP 1400) marked on back “a school exercise”.
4p. on 2f. 
VMP 1402   [1780s ?]
Language:  Latin and English
“The phoenix”, in Latin, “Quam decore insolito effulsit divina potestas”, and English “In Araby's blest clime, where Nature show'rs”.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1403   1783
“The Form at School”, “The Form at School! (Methinks I hear”.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1404   [late 18th century]
Two epigrams; by John Sinclair on Mrs Bouverie and on Dr Parr.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1405   [1790's ?]
“Rights of men. A new ballad”. Attack on Thomas Paine, starting “This world is an odd sort of place”.
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1406   16 February 1786
“Poetical letter from Oxford”, account of his journey to Oxford addressed to his sister, starting “Safe and sound, without loss of an arm or a leg”.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1407   9 June 1785
“On reading Churchill's poems”, starting “Go, restless spirit of unceasing rage”.
VMP 1408   December 1826
“A walk by the River Gaunless”, “How sweet, at noon or eventide”.
3p. on 2f. 
VMP 1409   27 January 1824
Poem written after undergoing a severe surgical operation, “O Thou, our meek Redeemer! Pattern pure”.
VMP 1410   May 1825
Poem (date given but crossed out), “Who has not seen, on a clear summer's eve”.
VMP 1411   [early 19th century]
“Night thoughts”, “Guardian angels! Watch around me”.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1412   [early 19th century]
Part of a letter to Cornelius Ives, on which Van Mildert has added a “jeu d'esprit” on duelling “Satisfaction. A hint to duellists”, “Florio, bred up in fashion's school”.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1413   [early 19th century]
Poem starting “Nymph! Fare thee well!”.
VMP 1414   [early 19th century]
“The mastiff, the fox and the wolf. A fable”, pro-Tory poem, starting “Long did a faithful mastiff's care”.
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1415   [1821 watermark]
Riddle (?) “What makes the soldier's spirit boil”.
VMP 1416   [early 19th century]
Language:  Latin and English
Latin verse with translation “Sic vos non vobis nidificatis aves”.
VMP 1417   [early 19th century]
Language:   Latin
Translation of lines by Gray, in imitation of Martial on his mistress, “Of Fulvia's beauty many tell us”.
VMP 1418   [1832] watermark
Language:   Latin
“Oweni epigrammata”, Latin epigrams from an edition of the works of John Owen (1560?-1622).
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1419   [early 19th century]
“Bell the cat”, “A council of mice met together one day”.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1420   [1831 ?]
“My Birth-day”, “Another birth-day on this day appears” and “Prayer on composing a charge for 1831”.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1421   water mark 1833, but ca. 1840
Copies of VMP 1409, VMP 1411 and VMP 1394, made after Van Mildert's death.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1422-1440   1792-1826
Bishop William Van Mildert: sixteen sermons, with a plan of a series of sermons and two prayers.

VMP 1422   [late 18th century]
Notes on Luke xviii, 13-14.
Paper booklet   2p. (remainder blank)
VMP 1423   May 1792
“On the importance of our Lord's ascension”, marked “No. 119”, with amendments and annotations in pencil and ink. At end note of when and where preached 1792-1808.
Paper booklet   i+15f.
VMP 1424   May 1794
“A confirmation sermon”, marked “No. 200”, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached 1794-1807.
VMP 1425   March 1799
“The nature & obligation of the baptismal vow. A confirmation sermon”, marked “No. 253”, with amendments and annotations in pencil and ink. At end note of when and where preached 1799-1813.
VMP 1426   February 1807
“Man in a state of nature”, Romans iii, 23-24, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached 1807-1824.
VMP 1427   February 1807
“Man in a state of grace”, Romans iii, 23-24, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached 1807-1815.
VMP 1428   April 1810
“Good Friday”, John xix, 5, , with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached1810-1816.
VMP 1429   July 1810
“The danger of associating with wicked companions”, Proverbs xiii, 20, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached 1810-1816.
VMP 1430   7 May 1815
“The necessity & the effects of our Lord's Ascension”, John xvi, 28, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note preached at Lincolns Inn.
VMP 1431   November 1816
“The centurion's faith”, Matthew vii, 13, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached 1816-1817.
VMP 1432   27 June 1813
“Cautions against incredulity”, 1 John iv, 1, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note preached at Lincolns Inn.
VMP 1433   20 June 1813
“Cautions against credulity”, 1 John iv, 1, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note preached at Lincolns Inn.
25f.+1p. loose  
VMP 1434   November 1818
“The rich & poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all”, Proverbs xxii, 2, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached 1818-1831.
VMP 1435   October 1818
“The Christian warfare”, 1 Timothy vi, 12, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached 1818-1819.
VMP 1436   December 1823
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation”, Hebrews ii, 3, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note of when and where preached1823-1826.
VMP 1437   1826
“For Easter Day”, with amendments and annotations in ink. At end note preached St Paul's Cathedral.
VMP 1438   [1820s ?]
“Plan of a series of sermons on the books of the New Testament”.
VMP 1439   [1830s ?]
Prayers: “Thanksgiving on recovery from dangerous illness”; “Morning prayer”; “Evening prayer”.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1440   1833
“Prayer for this church and nation 1833”.
3p. on 1f. 
Another copy: VMP 1392
Ecclesiastical documents
Reference: VMP 1441-1444
VMP 1441   12 October 1796
Letters testimonial from John [Moore], Archbishop of Canterbury that Van Mildert has subscribed the Articles on presentation to St Mary-le-Bow Church, London.
Parchment   1m.
Seal: Papered seal
VMP 1442   17 April 1801
Licence from John [Moore], Archbishop of Canterbury to Van Mildert as a Sunday afternoon lecturer.
Parchment   1m.
Seal: Papered seal
VMP 1443   14 April 1807
Letters testimonial from Charles [Sutton], Archbishop of Canterbury on Van Mildert's presentation to the parish of Farningham.
Parchment   1m.
Seal: Papered seal
Papers relating to Daniel Waterland
Reference: VMP 1444-1455
VMP 1444   13 June 1726
Letter from Daniel Waterland, Magdalen College, to J. Colbatch suggesting a candidate to be his curate, with pencil note on back about provenance.
VMP 1445   8 April 1822
Letter from George Henry Law (Bishop of Chester), to Van Mildert enclosing two letters from Daniel Waterland to Edmund Law (1703-1787; Bishop of Carlisle).
VMP 1446   [late 1720s-1730s]
Letter from Daniel Waterland to Mr Law, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge about the books of Mr Chapman and Mr Johnson.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1447   19 July 1732
Letter from Daniel Waterland, Windsor, to Mr Law, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, thanking him for a gift of books
VMP 1448   1 May 1823
Letter from William Vaux, Lambeth Palace, to Van Mildert, enclosing a letter from John Tregonwell King relating to Van Mildert's inquiries about Waterland.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1449   28 April 1823
Letter from John Tregonwell King, Blandford, about a picture of Waterland once owned by his family, with copy of the reply of Mrs King about the work.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1450   13 May 1823
Letter from William Vaux, Lambeth Palace, to Van Mildert, enclosing a letter from John Tregonwell King relating to responses to Van Mildert's inquiries about Waterland.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1451   11 May 1823
Letter from John Tregonwell King, Bourn Cliff near Poole about failing to locate Waterland's nephews and the picture.
2p. on 1f. 
VMP 1452   22 July 1823
Letter from Robert Watts, Sion College, to Van Mildert, with notes on Gilbert Burnet the younger (son of Bishop of Salisbury), and his publications.
3p. on 1f. 
VMP 1453   January 1825
Draft letter from William Van Mildert, to “My dear friend” about a review of Waterland's Works.
4p. on 1f. 
VMP 1454   [1820s ?]
Notes by Van Mildert on monuments to Mary and Theodore Waterland.
VMP 1455   [1820s ?]
Notes by Van Mildert on Lady Moyrer's Lecture.
3p. on 2f. 
Other documents
Reference: VMP 1456-1476
VMP 1456   1810
To the inhabitants of the parish of Farningham in the county of Kent, William Van Mildert, (London, 1810). Printed.
VMP 1457-1462   1815-1819
Five letters from Thomas Fanshaw Middleton (1769-1822, Bishop of Calcutta) to Van Mildert, from India, 14 February 1815, 20 January 1816, 7 January 1818, 3 May 1819, 20 September 1819, with draft of a reply by Van Mildert. Gives account of the voyage out, his life and administration in India as well as Greek and theological scholarship and mutual friends.
VMP 1463-1476   1844-1845
Memorandum by Catherine Van Mildert, in her own hand concerning her estate, March 1844.
Receipts and accounts relating to the settlement of her estate: receipts for monument, probate, inheritance tax, valuation of property, funeral, medical bills, liquidation of stocks, legacies and water rates.
Correspondence of Arnold Bradshaw
The following correspondence is concerned primarily with the work of Arnold Bradshaw (Vice Master, afterwards Master, of Van Mildert College in the University of Durham) to trace documents and works relating to William Van Mildert and the deposit of the Grant-Ives Archive, 1966-1973. It also contains some items relating to exhibitions of Van Mildert's papers after their acquisition and requests for information from students and others. The papers are arranged alphabetically by correspondent.

VMP 1477   20 June 1966
List of antiquarian booksellers, with circular letter from Arnold Bradshaw requesting copies of works by William Van Mildert.
VMP 1478   19 May 1971
Letter from Maurice Wiles, Oxford about Van Mildert at Oxford.
VMP 1479-1480   14 & 18 June 1966
Letter to Rev. Ralph A. Cochrane, Dale House, Wharfdale Rd., Bournemouth, about his thesis on Van Mildert, with reply.
1f. & 2f. 
VMP 1481   15 May 1973
Letter to Messrs Cooper and Co., 7 King Street, Newcastle under Lyme, about the Douglas family.
1 item 
VMP 1482-1483   1 & 13 June 1966
Letter to R. Page, Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge about Van Mildert's brother-in-law, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1484-1485   May 1973
Letters from J. K. Douglas, Beaminster, Dorset, about the Douglas family.
2f. & 1f. 
VMP 1486-1487   3 & 7 May 1973
Letter to Robert P. Douglas, Salisbury, about the Douglas family, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1488-1490   17 February & 21 April 1969, 8 October 1992
Letters to Dr A. I. Doyle, Durham University Library, about material at Bradden.
1f. each 
VMP 1491-1492   4 & 7 May 1973
Letter to Rev. Alan H. Doyle, Salwarpe Rectory, Droitwich Spa, about the Douglas family, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1493   25 May 1966
Letter to H. Elder, Headmaster, The Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood, Midx. about Van Mildert's attendance there.
VMP 1494-1498   31 May-15 August 1966, 9 & 18 April 1973
Correspondence with C. S. Gaisford-St Lawrence, Howth Castle, Dublin, about Van Mildert - Gaisford letters there.
1f. each 
VMP 1499-1507   1966-1973
Correspondence with Edward Grant-Ives, Bradden House, Towcester. Includes Bradshaw's preliminary report on the Van Mildert papers for Edward Grant-Ives (VMP 1506).
1f. each; report 2f. 
VMP 1508-1509   1 & 15 June 1966
Letter to Miss Grant-Ives, Wellesbourne, Warwicks, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1510-1511   20 & 21 June 1966
Letter to Hon. Mrs Vivian Hart, Beaconsfield, Bucks., with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1512-1513   11 & 14 May 1973
Rev. John J. Hogan, Woore Vicarage, Crewe.
1f. each 
VMP 1514   1 June 1966
Letter to Sir Anthony Jenkinson Bart., Wentworth, Virginia Water.
VMP 1515   14 April 1988
Letter from Dr Paul Kent, formerly Master of Van Mildert College, Barnard Castle.
VMP 1516-1517   20 December 1977 & 13 January 1978
Letter from Peter B. Nochles, St Cross College, Oxford, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1518-1519   28 October & 7 November 1968
Letter from Peter A. Packer, St John's College, Durham, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1520-1521   21 & 23 June 1966
Letter to Lord Parker of Waddington, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1522-1524   21-24 June 1966
Letter to the Dean and the Librarian, St Paul's Cathedral, London, with replies.
1f., 1f. & 2f. 
VMP 1525-1526   25 & 27 May 1966
Letter to J. O. Prestwich, Librarian, Queen's College, Oxford, with reply.
1f. each 
VMP 1527-1529   13 July-2 August 1966
David Ramage, Librarian, Durham University Library.
2f., 1f & 1f. 
VMP 1530   7 March 1972
Note from Robert -, Department of Sociology, King's College, Aberdeen, about Van Mildert and Darlington Mechanics' Institute.
VMP 1531-1532   25 April [1973]
Letter from Douglas Hyde Sealy, Howth, Dublin, with reply.
2f. & 1f. 
VMP 1533-1536   29 March-10 June 1977
Letter to Canon Derrett, and replies from Rev. B. D. Spinks, Curate of Witham, Essex.
1f., 2f. & 1f. each 
VMP 1537   31 May 1966
Letter to N.A. Stanley, Holmrook, Cumberland.
VMP 1538-1541   31 May-26 July 1966
2 letters to Peter Stanley, Ponsonby Old Hall, Calderbridge, Cumberland, with replies.
1f., 2f., 1f. & 2f. 
VMP 1542   19 June [ ]
Letter from Prof. W. R. Ward, Department of History, University of Durham.
Working notes and papers of Arnold Bradshaw
VMP 1543-1544   1971
“William Van Mildert (1765-1836): an historical sketch”, by J. C. Thewlis B.A. Printed and typescript. The typescript version includes a list of sources.
1f. & 2f. 
VMP 1545
Inventory of Van Mildert Papers already in Durham University Library (i.e. VMP 1335-1476).
VMP 1546   19 April 1973
Draft list of Grant-Ives Archive collected from Bradden House.
VMP 1547-1548   1977
“Van Mildert's Visit to the Netherlands in 1792”, by Arnold Bradshaw. Offprint from the Durham University Journal, 1977, 45-53; and letter from the editor.
9p. & 1f. 
VMP 1549
Notes taken from Cochrane, R.A., “William Van Mildert, Bishop”.
VMP 1550
Working notes: book references, biographical notes on Van Mildert, his contemporaries and the Grant-Ives family, paragraphs on Van Mildert's motives and the lack of reference to contemporary events; with copy of letter to the University Treasurer concerning steps to clean a portrait of Van Mildert, 1 September 1965.
VMP 1551
Biographical notes on members of the Douglas family.
VMP 1552   22 August 1947
“Pedigree of Bishop Van Mildert”; brief family tree, in the same hand as the ink numbering on some documents.