Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1-999


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Misc.Ch.
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1-999
Dates of creation: 1093 - 19th century
Extent: ca. 1,000 items
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Language: Latin


The class Miscellaneous Charters was created in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph Stevenson, in the process of cataloguing substantial portions of Durham Cathedral's medieval muniments. How exactly he proceeded is not clear, but his work did not cover major sections of medieval material, notably the documents catalogued in the late fifteenth-century Magnum Repertorium, and also almost all the accounting material. He catalogued the documents classed in the sequence of numbered Locelli, a medieval creation whose basic principle of arrangement according to subject he retained, but without preserving its details. The documents initially assigned to Miscellaneous Charters had clear topographical associations, for the arrangement evidently began with an alphabetical order of places in view, and it is uncertain whether it was originally intended to have in this class the very much more miscellaneous material, some of it post-medieval, that Stevenson went on to include; nonetheless, where he could do so, he attempted with each fresh batch of material to maintain an alphabetical order of places.
Stevenson left the arrangement of the documents catalogued in the Magnum Repertorium untouched. Despite the fact that catalogues survived, or could be reconstructed from endorsements on the documents, he re-arranged every other medieval collection of deeds, assigning the documents to Miscellaneous Charters. Subsequently, with the aid of the extant catalogues, Canon Greenwell restored what he believed to be the arrangement of the deeds of the Almoner (Elemos.), Finchale priory (Finc.), and the Sacrist (Sacr.), transferring the documents out of Miscellaneous Charters. He did not attempt the same with the Scottish material, although the catalogue in Misc.Ch. 1026 might have made this possible, and he left in Miscellaneous Charters the collections which are attested by endorsements on the documents, notably the Communar's deeds, also the deeds of the Trinity chantry and of the chantries of Bishops Skirlawe and Langley. Documents remain in Miscellaneous Charters whose endorsed medieval markings reveal that they formerly belonged in the system of locelli, or in receptacles described as cista and cophinus. Also within Miscellaneous Charters are to be found a substantial number of post-dissolution documents, most of them from the period 1540-1600. One notable medieval collection found in Miscellaneous Charters is a private fifteenth-century deposit of Claxton family deeds; these are only readily identified by the fact that they concern property and other matters with which the chapter had no connection. The same applies to a single document relating to property in Ireland, Misc.Ch. 5243, presumably deposited by its beneficiary, who never returned to collect it; there may be other, less conspicuous, examples.

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.
19th century wrappers destroyed on repackaging in 2024, noting:
Seals for items 867-879 noted as "varnished"

Stock checked April 2023. 19th century paper wrappers destroyed - several were endorsed with reference to inclusion within the seals catalogue, and [seals] on the following documents were noted as having been varnished (or not):
22-26, 28-30, 35-38, 40-41, 48-69, 75-88, 91-92, 99
100, 129-132, 144-147, 149-150, 152, 158-190
215-241, 243, 245-255
305-331, 354-361, 363-374
375, 377-396, 399-408, 410-415 (noted as "do not require varnishing")
430-431, 433-477, 479-500
567, 579-584, 586*, 587, 590-591, 598-599
604-608, 610-613, 617, 619-620, 630, 632, 661-680, 685-699
710-714, 797-800
845-866, 880-914
1100-1104, 1107-1138

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.
To make the catalogue of Miscellaneous Charters less bulky it was split into parts in April 2018. As the Charters do not have a single logical sequence, so the split is purely by number and does not convey any significance by the grouping:
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1-999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1000-1999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 2000-2999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 3000-3999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 4000-4999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 5000-5999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 6000-end

The main series of deeds for property belonging to Coldingham priory begins is in two sections of the Misc.Ch. series as follows:
Misc.Ch. 554-1453 (including items now listed under within the catalogue of Medieval accounts, under Cold.pr.acs and Cold.sacr.acs)
Misc.Ch. 5919-5990

Additional Coldingham charters that are not included within these two batches include the following:
Misc.Ch. 1487-1496, 4269, 6797-6817, 7049-7063
Loc.IX:68, XIII:8, XIII:14, XIX:19, XIX:33, XIX:41, XXI:16, XXV:2, XXV:6, XXV:43, XXV:137, XXVII:8
Cartulary copies within the following: Cart.Vet. (f.100v, f.102r, f.102v) and Cart.4 (f.1r)
Registered documents within the following (search catalogues for details): Regr.2, Regr.3, Regr.4, Reg.Parv.2, Reg.Parv.3

Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève ms.356 (Cartulary of Ste-G) p.171, s.xiii med. Viris religiosis in Cristo karissimis R. priori Dunelinen' (recte Dunelmen') ecclesie et eiusdem ecclesie conuentui H(erbertus) abbas et A. prior totusque conuentus sancte Genouese Par' salutem in domino. In vestram volumus venire noticiam quod nos in deposito recepimus trecentas marchas bonorum nouorum et legalium sterlingorum nomine vestro de pecunia domini pape per manum Stephani de Sorci burgensis Ambian' pro qua etiam pecunia mandauit nobis dominus Stephanus capellanus domini pape per litteras suas patentes in litteris vestris reclusas quod ipsam pecuniam in deposito reciperemus et ipsam tamdiu penes nos custodiremus donec de ipsa pecunia mandatum aliud haberemus. In cuius rei testimonium presentes litteras sigillis abbatis et prioris pro se et pro conuentu sancte Geno(uese) vobis transmittimus sigillitas. Actum anno domini mo.cco.xxxo. in die natiuitatis sancti Iohannis Bapt(iste).


Anderson, J. Scotland Independent (1705)
Thomson, A. Coldingham: parish and priory (1908)
Regesta regum scottorum, 1153-1424, vols. 1-2, ed. Barrow, G.W.S.
Carr, A.A. A history of Coldingham priory (1836).
The priory of Coldingham. The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings ..., ed. Raine, J. (Surtees Society: v12. 1841)
Hunter, W.K., History of the Priory of Coldingham (Edinburgh, 1858)
Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837) [cited Rot.Cart.
Calendar of the Charter Rolls (London, 1903-1927) [cited as [ C.Ct.R. ]
Durham Episcopal Charters, 1071-1152, ed. H.S. Offler (Surtees Society 179, 1968)
Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis: A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham , compiled in the fifteenth century, ed. W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872)
Greenwell, W. and Blair, C.H. “Durham seals”, Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd ser. vii-xvii (1911-20) [cited as G&B ]
Rotuli litterarum patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1835) [cited Rot.Lit.Pat.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls (London, 1891-1916) [cited as C.P.R. ]
Rhymer, T. Foedera ... (London, 1704-35).
Monasticon Anglicanum (1655: repr. 1846)
Rites of Durham ed Raine, J. (Surtees Society v15)
Wyon, A.B. and Wyon, A. The great seals of England from the earliest period to the present time, (London, 1887).


Misc.Ch. 1-100
DCD Misc.Ch. 1.   4 January [1352]
Letters patent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham granting to Robert Heghhaker, valet of his kitchen, a messuage in the vill of Auckland which John of Burton formerly held which had escheated to [the bishop] as John was a bastard and died without heirs.
Date: Durham, per manus William of Westley dean of Auckland chancellor, 4 January Pont.7.
By letter of the privy seal.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3138, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 1a   [1234 x 1244]
Promise of Brother ?F to obey the rule of St Benedict, in honour of the BVM and St Cuthbert, in the presence of Dom Thomas [of Melsonby] prior.
Parchment, 1m, damaged edges and right side with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 40 x 165mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 2   12 April 1352
Grant by Robert Heghhaker to John Verty of a messuage in the vill of Auckland which John of Burton formerly held, and which had escheated to Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham as John was a bastard and died without heirs, rendering the usual rents and services at the exchequer in Durham.
Witnesses: John Pollard, John of Merrington, John Dalverton, Hugh de Pana and John de Paneta.
Dated: Auckland.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 315mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 3   Monday 1 April 1381
Quitclaim by William of Norton of Auckland to Dom John Verti chaplain son and heir of John Verti of his right to burgage in Auckland between the tenement of William Pelleparius and the messuage of Richard Karter.
Witnesses: John de Burdon bailiff of Auckland, John Pollard, Jak Makaud, Adam Roman, Gilbert Egeleyn.
Dated: Auckland.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 290mm
Seal: slit in a turnup for a missing [sealing] tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 4   St Tecla [23 September] 1362
Grant by John Verty of North Auckland to Agnes his wife and Richard his son and Richard's heirs of two burgages in the vill of North Auckland, one between the burgages of WIlliam Cocky on the west and Margaret of Pickering on the north and opposite the market, and the other between the buragegs of William Schener and Robert Mummyng.
Witnesses: John Burdun, Thomas of Aberford, John of Richmond, Peter of Staindrop, William of Watton, John of [North]allerton, John Nelson, Adam Ioman, John Makand, Robert of Seaton.
Dated: North Auckland.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 290mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5   [2 December] 1286
Copy assignment by letters patent, by Antony [Bek], bishop of Durham, to Master Adam of Brampton, precentor of Lincoln, for the prebend of Auckland collated to him by Robert of Holy Island [bishop of Durham], of the greater tithes from the lands by the old park of Auckland granted to William of Kelloe by Robert of Holy Island, from the land by the vill of Byers in which the sacrist of Durham is said to have sold his right, and from wastes, now or subsequently under cultivation, of the bishop's domain of Coundon, and during his tenure of the prebend of £10 a year from the dean of the church of Auckland; decreeing that a chaplain of the BVM should be provided to celebrate daily at her altar, newly built in the church of Auckland, and to attend the canonical hours and high mass.
Date: Dover, 4 Non. December 1286.
Contemporary copy.
Parchment, 1m, damaged right side with text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 115 x 265mm
Formerly numbered: (contemporary) 4 Sacrist.
15th century copy in Ushaw 25 f.110v-111r.
Printed in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.9-10.
DCD Misc.Ch. 6a   10 September 1387
Inspeximus by Robert [of Walworth] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by John [Fordham] bishop of Durham of a grant by John Burden, lately keeper of the park of Auckland by grant of Thomas [Hatfield] lately bishop of Durham, for life, receiving 3d daily wages at the hands of the head forester of Weardale, with other fees and profits pertaining to the office, as contained in letters patent made to John by the bishop's said predecessor; made with the bishop's assent to William of Hall, the bishop's valet, of his title to the said keepership, with the said wages, fees and profits; the bishop granting him the office for life, with the said wages to be received at the hands of the head forester; and wishing that William stay in the office in his own person.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 19 August, Pont. 6 [1387]
Date: Durham, chapter house, 10 September 1387.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 315mm
Seal: residue, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
tied by a parchment tie on the left side to 6b
Formerly numbered: (16th century) Loc.I:45.
Copy: DCD Reg. II, f.296v-297r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 6b   9 February 1381
Inspeximus by Robert [of Walworth] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, to William de Merley, younger, his serviens, of the office of parker of the park of Wolsingham and Waskerley, and the office of forester of Ruffside ward in the forest of Weardale; to be held for the term of his life, receiving all wages, fees and profits as accustomed to be taken by previous parkers and foresters in these offices.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 18 January, Pont. 36 [1381]
Date: Durham, chapter house, 9 February 1380/1.
Parchment, 1m, faded in parts
Size: 125 x 285mm
Seal: 3 slits in a turnup for a missing [sealing] tag
tied by a parchment tie on the left side to 6a
Formerly numbered: (16th century) Loc.I:45.
Copy: DCD Reg. II, f.287r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 7   [18 May] 1328
Inquisition before the sheriff and coroner of Durham, jurors John of Sockburn, William Clarkson of Auckland, John of Denton, William of Newbiggin, John Ba?, William son of John of Heighington, Guy de Buterington, John son of Robert of Merrington, John son of Alan of Merrington, H? son of Hawys, William Brak and Simon Shap, about Robert smith and John son of Hugh, robbing Alexander de Bollerone of 10s in the high street between Le Byres and Whitworth.
Date: Auckland, Wednesday after Ascension 1328.
Parchment, 1m, some damp damage and faded on the right edge, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 90 x 215mm
Seal: at least 3 [sealing tongue] stubs
Misc.Ch. 8   March & July 1576
Ten mandates by Canons Pilkington and Bunney, commissaries of dean & chapter, the see being vacant, to the curate of North or Bishop Auckland, to cite certain of his parishioners to appear before them in the Galilee. Mandate of John Pilkington BTh, Francis Bunnye and Ralph Lever MA, and George Cliffe BTh, greater canons and prebendaries of Durham cathedral and officials or commissaries of the dean and chapter of Durham, the see being vacant, to the curate of Bishop or North Auckland church to cite various to appear in the Galilee at Durham cathedral on specified days between 9 and 11am.
Signed by: Francis Bunny (a-h), John Pilkington (i-j).
Dorse: Notes of execution of mandates by John Robson, minister, except for 8f where the party within mentioned had been ill for more than a month and needs a further respite.
10 paper items, each 1p
Size: 125-135x210-215mm
Seal: residue or fragments applied on the left side
DCD Misc.Ch. 8a   20 March 1576
John Spencer and (Anne Spencer cancelled) his wife in a case of the defamation of Elizabeth Close of Bishop Auckland spinster.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8b   20 March 1576
Anna Spencer wife of John Spencer, defamation of Robert Walker of Bishop Auckland.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8c   20 March 1576
Ann Spencer wife of John Spencer, defamation of Leonard Thornton of Bishop Auckland.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8d   23 March 1576
William Johnson and Simon Johnson, to produce an inventory of the goods, oaths and creditors of Isabella Johnson former widow of William Johnson of Hunwick parish, of Bishop Auckland.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8e   24 March 1576
Isabella Allison widow formerly wife of John Allison late of Bishop Auckland to produce an inventory of her late husband.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8f   24 March 1576
[blank] Lockey widow formerly wife of James Lockey of Bishop Auckland to produce an inventory of her late husband.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8g   24 March 1576
Isabella Haull widow formerly the wife of Ralph Haull of Bishop Auckland to produce an inventory of her late husband.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8h   14 July 1576
Isabella Hall widow formerly the wife of Ralph Hall of Bishop Auckland to produce an inventory of her late husband on Friday 20 July next.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8i   20 July 1576
Isabella Alanson widow, formerly the wife of John Alanson of North Auckland, to produce an inventory of her late husband on Tuesday 24 July next.
DCD Misc.Ch. 8j   24 July 1576
Kinsmen of late James Lockeye to produce an inventory on Friday 3 August.
DCD Misc.Ch. 9   [18 May] 132[?8]
Inquisition before the [sheriff] and coroner of Durham, jurors, William called Clun, Hugh Knot, William Fullon, William Murroke, John ?, ? Cocken, John of Bedlington, Geoffrey the miller, Robert Mumming sr, John Brid, Robert Tann?, Adam and Peter sons of John, about Matthew son of Peter of Buckingham stealing white bread worth 6s 8d at Durham in the house of John Hulgham and William ? breaking into the house of John Sourmilk at Auckland St Andrew and stealing goods worth 20s.
Date: Auckland, Wednesday after Ascension 132[?8].
Parchment, 1m, damaged foot repired with parchment c.1970, badly faded right edge
Size: 75 x 225mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 10   [20 April] 1365
Grant by John Caper of Auckland, son of John Caper of the same, to John Verty and Agnes his wife, of all the land called Sauceryland at North Auckland which he inherited on the death of John Kemp brother of his sister Agnes.
Witnesses: John de Burden bailiff of the borough of North Auckland, Hugh del Battelery, Adam Yoman, William de Watton, John of Richmond, Thomas de Kychyn.
Date: North Auckland, Sunday after Easter 1365.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 285mm
Seal: blank parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 11   [9 February] 1339
Mandate of Hamo de Bellere dean of Auckland to the dean of Christianity of Durham, reciting the following mandate, to inquire of the prior and chapter of Durham in the cathedral in the Galilee on Thursday before SS Peter and Paul about this poor cleric.
Mandate of Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham to the dean of the collegiate church of Auckland his official and the archdeacon of Durham to carry out the papal bull of Benedict XII to make provision for John Winkburn of Allerton in Sherwood, a poor cleric, by inquiring of the prior and chapter of Durham if there is a suitable vacant benefice in the diocese of Durham.
Date: Abingdon by Northampton, 8 July 1336 and Pont.3.
Date: Auckland, Tuesday before St Scolastica 1338/9.
Parchment, 1m, damaged head and left edge with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 190 x 255mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 12   [?1218 x 1234]
Grant by R[?alph Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham to Ralph nephew of Brother Geoffrey almoner of the bishop of Durham of a toft and croft in the vill of Auckland and 31 acres of land there, that is 13 acres in Auckland moor between Blindewelle and the land of Robert Falconer, which Philip [of Poitou] formerly bishop of Durham gave to the monk Cook in an exchange, and 18 acres within Hallum between the Wear and Gauhenles, rendering annually for each acre 2d at the two terms of Pentecost and Martinmas, along with a pound of cumin at St Cuthbert in September.
Endorsed (15th century) as not registered.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom left and right corners
Size: 85 x 150mm
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.XXv.
DCD Misc.Ch. 13   [?1328]
Inquisition into various thefts, including cattle, and involving ? son of Nicholas of Cockerton, ? Taylor of Escomb, Robert son of Robert Grime de Fichewasse, Thomas Golde and his son John, Matilda dauhgter of Alan son of William of Merrington, and Matilda Haynreell, in Auckland.
Parchment, 1m, badly damaged with half missing, and part of the rest faded, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 145 x 235mm
Seal: several [sealing tongue] stubs
DCD Misc.Ch. 14   [3 January] 1284
Assignment by Walter de Huntercumbe miles to Dom Thomas de Diveleston his farmer of 2 bovates of land with a messuage in Angerton to pay half a mark to the abbot and convent of Blancheland at the end of 10 years, that is from the 18s which is due from the said Thomas annually for the land and messuage, beginning at Palm Sunday 1284.
Date: Wullon', Monday after the Circumcision 1283/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 175mm
Seal: G&B No.1419A, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 15   [early 14th century
Grant by Walter of Whittle (Qwyttill) to Thomas of Charlton of that messuage in Alnwick, which he formerly bought from Thomas, in Narrowgate (Le Narugat) between the land of William Batman on each side.
Witnesses: the abbot of Alnwick, William of Goswick, Benedict constable of Alnwick, John del Green, William Batman.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.2640, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 16   12 and 20 August [1436]
Certificate of the official of the archdeacon of Northumberland to Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham that, having received the following mandate, an inquisition (jurors William Rawyn vicar of Warkworth, Henry Wadding vicar of Whittingham, William Estlyngtown vicar of Lesbury, Thomas Howm', John Barker, and William Edgar chaplains, William Chesman, John Middleham, Patrick Brown, John Atkinson, John Brown, and Thomas Alder seculars) held in the chapel of St Michael in Alnwick on 18 August 1436 has found that Ingram became vacant on 16 June when the last rector Thomas Dover died in the house of the Carmelite brothers at Hulne, and that William Swynburn miles is the patron of Ingram for this turn (other patrons being Dom Robert Ogle and Dom Henry Fenwick) and that he has thereby instituted Robert Chesman as rector.
Date: Alnwick, 20 August year as above.
Commission by Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to the official of the archdeacon of Northumberland to enquire by inquisition into the title of WiIliam Swynburn miles to present to the church of Ingram (Angreham) vacant on the death of Dom Thomas Dover last rector and to institute and induct Robert Chesman clerk if this title is proved.
Date: Stockton manor, 12 August 1436.
Parchment, 1m, damaged foot repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 195 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3282, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Printed from Langley's register: The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437 vol. IV, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 170, 1961), p.200-201 and p.196-197.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 17]
Now 1.1.Finc.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 18]
Now 1.1.Finc.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 19]
Now 1.1.Finc.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 20]
Now 1.1.Finc.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 21]
Now 1.1.Finc.11.
DCD Misc.Ch. 22   4 November 1430
Memorandum that Nicholas Randalph of Hartlepool showed the following two charters to John Fishburn chancellor of the church of Durham.
Grant by Emma Lucian of Aycliffe in her widowhood to Peter of Witton in free marriage with her daughter Eleanor of a toft and 10 acres of arable and half an acre of meadow in the vill of Aycliffe formerly of William of Ketton, besides the 4 acres she has retained for her own needs, rendering annually a rose if asked for.
Date: Aycliffe etc, 1304.
Grant by Agnes daughter of John of Ketton in her widowhood to Ralph of Nesbitt in Aycliffe of all the lands which Ralph was given or sold by her father John of Ketton in the vill of Aycliffe, namely a messuage, toft and croft with buildings, between the toft of Lawrence Porter and the water mill, and 20 acres of arable in the territory of the vill, holding them as her father held them for a day or a night, and rendering annually 6d at the terms of Rogation and St Martin in Winter.
Witnesses: Walter vicar of Aycliffe, Gilbert of Heworth, Peter of School Aycliffe (Sculacly).
Date: the registry house, 4 November 1430.
And memorandum that the said Nicholas has the within written 14 acres and renders for each acre 1d and that there was a parcel of 48 acres which Prior Bertram gave to William son of Geoffrey of Ketton.
Endorsed (contemporary) as Aycliffe land of Nicholas Randalph for which [he renders] to the prior 14d for 14 acres and 6d for 20 acres.
Parchment, 1m, [filing] hole in the centre of the foot, various worm holes
Size: 245 x 235mm
Original (grant by Agnes): DCD Misc.Ch. 37.
DCD Misc.Ch. 23   [mid 15th century]
Copies of two Aycliffe deeds.
Grant by Richard son of Thomas de Wodom to [William, son of] Henry of Aycliffe, and his wife Alice of a messuage in the vill of Aycliffe on the west of the gateway of the vicar [of Aycliffe, and 2 acres] in the north field on the west of Rikenell with the heads at Little Hoden, rendering annually to William Sabyn and his heirs 3 halfpennies at Christmas if asked for.
Witnesses: Dom Robert Carles vicar of Aycliffe, Thomas Toures of Brafferton, Nicholas of Bewick, Gilbert Randalph, Richard of Heworth, Gilbert of Grendon.
Date: Aycliffe, Sunday after St Matthew [22 September] 1359.
Memorandum that John son of William son of Robert de Bermeton gave to John son of William son of Henry of Aycliffe a tenement at Aycliffe at Welbank between the tenement of Robert Smallwood on the south and the highway to the north together with a rod of land by Swynlarsyke.
Date: Aycliffe, St Barnabas [11 June] 1402.
Parchment, 1m, upper right part damaged with text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 105-130 x 310mm
Another copy (grant): DCD Misc.Ch. 25.
DCD Misc.Ch. 24   [25 April] 1431
Memorandum that William Gower of Elton, heir of Thomas Brafferton, showed the original of the following charter to John Fishburn.
Grant by John Randalf of Aycliffe to William Brafferton of Aycliffe of 6d rent in the vill of Aycliffe from Ralph de Rikenell and his wife Agnes from the lands they held of him in Aycliffe at Pentecost and St Martin.
Witnesses: etc.
Date: Aycliffe, Sunday after St Matthew [28 September] 1348.
Date: St Mark 1431.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the centre of the foot
Size: 125 x 285mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 25   [22 September] 1359
Copy grant by Richard son of Thomas de Wodom to [William, son of] Henry of Aycliffe, and his wife Alice of a messuage in the vill of Aycliffe on the west of the gateway of the vicar [of Aycliffe, and 2 acres] in the north field on the west of Rikenell with the heads at Little Hoden, rendering annually to William Sabyn and his heirs 3 halfpennies at Christmas if asked for.
Witnesses: Dom Robert Carles vicar of Aycliffe, Thomas Toures of Brafferton, Nicholas of Bewick, Gilbert Randalph, Richard of Heworth, Gilbert of Grendon.
Date: Aycliffe, Sunday after St Matthew 1359.
Paper, 1p, some worm holes
Size: 135 x 295mm
Another copy in: DCD Misc.Ch. 23.
DCD Misc.Ch. 26   [1189 x 1213]
Grant by Bertram prior and the convent of Durham to William son of Geoffrey of Ketton of 48 acres of land with a toft in their vill of Aycliffe in exchange for all the land which he held of them in Ketton, rendering annually 4s at Rogation and St Martin and providing help for the mill.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 120 x 165mm
Copied in: DCD Reg I, f.i.1v.
Printed in: Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis, [ed W. Greenwell] (Surtees Society 58, 1872), p.57n.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 27]
Now 1.1.Elemos.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 28   [1189 x 1213]
Grant by [Bertram] prior and the convent of Durham to John of Ketton of 53 acres of land in their moor of Aycliffe towards the vill of Greystones, rendering annually half a mark at Rogation and St Martin, free of all services except for the common help.
Witnesses: Ralph de Muleton steward of St Cuthbert, Henry of Wetwang (Wettewenghe) steward, Master Alan of Richmond, Master Alan de Cretton, Master Adam Janitore, Henry of the cellar, William of Aycliffe, Richard Brun, Richard Marshal, William of Bishop, Ralph son of Richard, Simon son of Galien, Robert of Waltham, Jocelin the scribe.
Parchment, 1m, 3 [filing] holes along the foot, indented head, zig-zag, with letters cut through, lined, top left corner missing with text lost
Size: 120 x 180mm
Seal: 2 slits for a [sealing] tag
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.1r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 29   1231
Letters patent of Ralph [Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham suspending a suit with the bishop of Durham over pasture rights in their nemoris at Aycliffe (Hacle).
Date: 1231.
Parchment, 1m, 3 holes along foot, some stains
Size: 100x135mm
Seal: slit for a [sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 30   [11 November] 1316
Lease by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham to Peter of Witton living in Aycliffe (Akleye) of a messuage and 24 acres of land at Aycliffe formerly held by Walter of Heighington along with 3 acres of land of the prior's demesne by Bradeleyes, for 20 years, rendering annually at the exchequer in Durham 20s, half at Pentecost and half at Martinmas, with Peter providing two pledges for the payment of the farm in Thomas Warand of Aycliffe and William son of Robert of the same.
Witnesses: Stephen Sabyne, William of Kneton, Peter son of Scolasticus, Gilbert of Turribus, Eustace de Revegill.
Date: St Martin 1316.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, with letters cut through
Size: 130 x 205mm
Seal: One seal on [left] parchment tag [Peter of Witton] through a slit in a turn-up with two further now blank tags identified as Thomas Warand and William son of Robert
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.2r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 31]
Now 1.1.Elemos.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 32]
Now 1.1.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 33]
Now 1.1.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 34]
Now 1.1.Elemos.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 35   [11 November 1384]
Lease by Robert [Walworth] prior of Durham to John of Kyllerby, senior, of Aycliffe manor, as formerly held by Richard of Heworth, from St Martin 1384 for 15 years rendering £8 per year at the exchequer in Durham, and for the Bradleys in the park 13s 4d, and to the terrar 6s 8d, at Pentecost and Martinmas, with distraint by the prior's bailiff if the rent is in arrears for more than 40 days, and with the rector of Aycliffe to have the tithes, and John is to mill corn on the demesne at the prior's mill, and John may have half the works for his salary, and John will maintain all the buildings and closes after the prior has repaired them in the first year, and John will keep the buildings and lands in good state and cultivation, and he can use withies from the park to repair buildings and underwood for maintaing the closes by view of the forester.
Date: Durham, St Martin year as above.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, some damp damage in the centre with some text lost, lined
Size: 130 x 305mm
Seal: Turn up with three slits for a [sealing] tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 36   [1213 x 1218]
[14th century] copy exchange by William [of Durham] (the first William prior in the 1200s interlined) prior and the convent of Durham with John son of William of Ketton of all his land in the vill of Ketton for 144 acres in the vill of Aycliffe, parcels detailed, rendering annually 7s, half at St Martin and half at Rogation.
Witnesses: Geoffrey son of S.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a demise of William the first prior ... Aycliffe the first folio ...
Parchment, 1m, stained and damaged by damp with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 110 x 240mm
Copied in: DCD Reg I, f.i.1r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 37   [early 14th century]
Grant by Agnes daughter of John of Ketton in her widowhood to Ralph of Nesbitt in Aycliffe of all the lands which Ralph was given or sold by her father John of Ketton in the vill of Aycliffe, namely a messuage, toft and croft with buildings, between the toft of Lawrence Porter and the water mill, and 20 acres of arable in the territory of the vill, holding them as her father held them for a day or a night, and rendering annually 6d at the terms of Rogation and St Martin in Winter.
Witnesses: Walter vicar of Aycliffe, Gilbert of Heworth, Peter of School Aycliffe (Sculacly).
Parchment, 1m, badly stained, bottom right part cut off and missing with minimal text lost, various ?sewing holes along the left edge
Size: 140 x 250mm
Copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 22.
DCD Misc.Ch. 38   [early 14th century]
Copy sale by Agnes, daughter of John of Ketton, in her widowhood, to William farmer of Aycliffe for a sum of money, in her great necessity, of 6 acres of land in Aycliffe which she acquired from her father, parcels detailed, rendering annually 1d at All Saints.
Witnesses: Gilbert of Heworth, Peter dominus of School Aycliffe, William of Leventhorpe, John son of Julian of Brafferton, Ralph of Aycliffe, John de Kocton, Peter of Preston, Helya de Rewgyl.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a copy charter of Thomas Parkinson and (early 15th century) as being lands demised to Prior John of Hemingbrough for the altar of St Mary against the Statute of Mortmain.
Parchment, 1m, small triangular hole at the foot, various ?sewing holes on the left edge
Size: 85 x 265mm
[DCD Misc.Ch. 39]
Now 1.1.Elemos.12.
DCD Misc.Ch. 40   [16 January] 1315
Certification by J[ohn] de Pollow to Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham of having carried out the following mandate
Mandate of Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham to John of Pollow sequestrator to hold an inquisition into assarts made in the time of his predecessor Bishop A[ntony Bek] in the parish of Auckland for ordaining a prebend worth £10 and of the tithes assigned from the assarts for a chaplain celebrating daily in the chapel of Auckland manor, and whether this has happened or have the dean and canons of Auckland usurped the tithes, with the inquiry to be held by the Circumcision.
Date: Crayke, 9 December Pont.4. [1314]
and having held an inquisition into tithes from assarts made in the time of his predecessor and himself as on the attached schedule, and that a chaplain had celebrated in the chapel of Auckland manor except for 3 weeks before Christmas.
Attached schedule:
New assarts in the parish of Auckland, detailing who held them, the acreage and location:
- from the time of the creation of Bishop Antony Bek for 16 years and 3 months.
- from the end of the said 16 years and 3 months to the death of Bishop Antony Bek when the dean usurped the tithes.
- in the time of Bishop Richard Kellaw.
- waste from which Dom H. de Mohant took the tithes.
Date: Durham, 17 Kal. February 1314/5.
Parchment, 2 rolls, each of 1m, attached at the foot by a parchment tie
Size: 135 x 250mm & 600 x 180mm
Formerly miscatalogued as "Misc. Roll 50", transferred back into this series 3 February 1975 (MGS).
See also register entry in T.D. Hardy (ed.), Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense. The register of Richard de Kellawe..., vol.2, 1272-1277
DCD Misc.Ch. 41   [later 13th century]
Grant by Richard son of Geoffrey of Axwell (Akesell) to John Ingram of Raventhorpe of all his lands in the vill of Axwell, rendering annually a halfpenny at Christmas.
Witnesses: Ralph of Marley, Alexander of Trafford, Thomas de Yolton, John of Ravensworth, Robert of the same, Robert son of Geoffrey of Whickham, William of Axwell, Thomas of Hollinside.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 170mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 42]
Now 1.1.Finc.1
[DCD Misc.Ch. 43]
Now 1.1.Finc.5
[DCD Misc.Ch. 44]
Now 1.1.Finc.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 45]
Now 1.1.Finc.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 46]
Now 1.1.Finc.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 47]
Now 1.1.Finc.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 48   [1218 x 1234]
Grant by Ralph [Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham to the rector and brothers of the hospital of St Giles in Kepier, in return for a quitclaim of lands at Aymundestone and Hurthewithe which they formerly held at farm for 60s to sustain a chaplain in their house celebrating for the soul of Gilbert Hansard and his heirs, which lands they gave to Durham, grant to them of 30s annually, half at Pentecost and half at Martinmas by the hands of the prior of Finchale, to whom the lands have been assigned, to sustain a chaplain for the souls of Gilbert Hansard and his heirs.
Witnesses: the chapter.
Endorsed (later 14th century) with a description headed Finchale and Kepier.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 90 x 170mm
Seal: 5 small holes in the centre of a turnup, 1 large hole on the far right of the turnup, 1 hole on the far left of the document.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.48v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 49   [23 April] 1384
Acquittance by Peter [of Hanney] abbot of Abingdon, appointed collector by the presidents of the black monks in the province of England in the general chapter at Northampton, for three years' contributions of 40s 9½d received from the prior of Durham.
Date: Abingdon, St George the martyr 1384.
Size: 50 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.3399, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub bleow
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.144.
DCD Misc.Ch. 50   [14th century]
Mandate of H. of Stanbury, vices agens of [the bishop of] Durham, to Dom H. chaplain of Alston (Aldeniston) re a case with the parishioners of Garrigill (Gerardisgyle) over the provision by the rector of Alston at his expense of a chaplain to hold services at Garrigill.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 45 x 195mm
Seal: Seal fragment (green), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 51   20 June [1433]
Language:   English
Arbitration award by Henry Fenwick, Robert Claxton, Hugh of Lowther and Thomas Salkeld between William Stapilton the son and Mary widow of William Stapilton the father, giving the manors of Edenhall, Dolphanby, and Bramwra to the son, and the manors of Botcherby and Stainton by Carlisle to the widow for her life, also the tenements of Woodhall and Elrington in Tynedale on Alston Moor are to go to the son, and two closes in Inglewood and demesne in Carlisle to the widow, with a timetable outlined for handing over the lands.
Date: Penrith, 20 June 11 Henry VI.
Paper, 1p, damaged along a central fold, repaired with paper c.1970
Size: 185 x 445mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 52   [29 September 1330 - 29 September 1331]
Coroner's presentments at Durham in the time of William de W[?alworth] sheriff of Durham from Michaelmas Pont.13 [Louis Beaumont] bishop of Durham for a full year, recording cases of deaths, thefts and murders on at least 12 different court-days, with the township(s) or borough(s) concerned detailed in the left margin along with the amercement.
Parchment roll, 1m, badly damaged by damp along the right side and centre with quantities of text lost, repaired with parchment c.1950
Size: 840 x 240mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 53   1329
Positions of the proctor of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham against the archbishop of York over visitation rights in [North]allerton and Allertonshire. Draft, with cancellations and interlineations.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 230 x 245mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 54   3 April 1345
Inspeximus by John [Fossor] prior of Durham of the following grant by the bishop of Durham.
Grant by Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham to William Godard his familiarius, for his fidelity, industry and service, as bailiff of the liberty of Northallerton and Northallertonshire for life, with power to appoint sub-bailiffs.
Date: Auckland manor, 11 December 1344 Pont.11.
Date: Durham chapter house, 3 April 1345.
Parchment, 1m, top right corner damaged, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 155 x 260mm
Seal: double slit in the turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 55   [12 April] 1302
Presentation to Thomas [Corbridge] archbishop of York by Richard Kelloe sub-prior and, in the absence of Richard de Hoton, gerens vices of the convent of Durham, of Master Peter of Kelloe to be vicar of the church of [North] Allerton, vacant on the death of Richard of Claxton the previous vicar, and in their presentation, saving the pension of £20 due to them.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. April 1302.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 205mm
Seal: G&B No.3427, on a parchment tongue
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.117r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 56   8 November 1344
Proxy by John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham to Nicholas of [North]allerton chaplain, appointing him their proctor to attend on their behalf before Master William of [North]allerton, official of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in the diocese of York, and to hear the confessions of Robert de Dyghton', perpetual vicar of [North]allerton, as to the sums of money owed by him to the priory, to hear the penalty and to ask and receive the sums so confessed.
Date: Durham chapter house, 8 November 1344.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge, some staining and fading
Size: 110 x 285mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 57   [11 September] 1267
Presentation by Hugh [of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to W[alter Giffard] archbishop of York or his official, of their chaplain John of Darlington as vicar of [North]allerton, vacant by the death of Gilbert the last vicar, saving to them their ancient pension of £20.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. September 1267.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 60 x 220mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 58   25 September 1366
Sworn undertaking and bond by John de Hylton' to the prior and convent of Durham promising to be faithful to them, not to bring trouble unreasonably or allow the bringing of trouble to them, and to render faithful advocacy when present where their business is conducted, so that they sustain no damage; and obliging himself to pay 20s as often as he be shown knowingly to have failed herein.
Date: Durham, 25 September 1366.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge, some stains
Size: 115 x 325mm
Seal: G&B No.1342, on a parchment tongue
Copy: DCD Reg. II, f.341r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 59   28 March 1501
Written oath by William Mountforth, keeper of the office of gate-keeper of the manor of [North]allerton, swearing to be of good will and faithful to the prior and chapter of Durham and all the monks of their dependent cells, to bring them no injury, annoyance or harm, never to disturb them in their liberties, jurisdictions, customs, goods or possessions, nor to say or do anything in person or through another whereby they might sustain damage or be losers in any way.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1501.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 375mm
Seal: G&B No.1841, on a parchment tongue
Copy: DCD Reg. V, f.58v-59r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 60   [later 16th century]
Remembraunce of rents of the hospital and tenements in [North]allerton.
Paper, 1p
Size: 145 x 60mm
Misc.Ch. 61   24 July 1576
Mandate by Canon John Pilkington, commissary of the dean and chapter of Durham, to the curate of Billingham to cite Constance Saunders, widow of Thomas Saunders of Billingham, and John Saunders, executors of the will of Thomas Saunders, to appear in the Galilee in Durham Cathedral on 3 August next.
Date: Durham, 24 July 1576.
Dorse: note of execution in Billingham church by George Storie.
Paper, 1p
Size: 155 x 205mm
Seal: applied on the left side, fragmenting (design and legend illegible), apparently originally applied with a leaf embedded on top of seal (?to prevent fragmentation - venation of leaf is clearly visible)
Misc.Ch. 62   24 July 1576
Mandate by Canon John Pilkington, commissary of the dean and chapter of Durham, to the curate of Billingham to cite Elizabeth Thorpe of Wolviston, widow of the late George Thorpe of Wolviston, to appear in the Galilee in Durham cathedral on 3 August next concerning the will or administration of his goods.
Date: Durham, 24 July 1576.
Dorse: note of execution in Billingham church by George Storie.
Paper, 1p
Size: 150 x 205mm
Seal: applied on the left side, fragmenting
Misc.Ch. 63   3 August 1576
Mandate by Canon Francis Bunney, commissary of the dean and chapter of Durham, to the curate of Billingham to cite Elizabeth Thorpe [of Wolviston], to appear in the Galilee in Durham cathedral on 10 August next, to answer about the probate of her late husband's will.
Date: Durham, 3 August 1576.
At the foot: note of execution.
Paper, 1p
Size: 165 x 210mm
Seal: applied on the left side, with grasses and leaves affixed
DCD Misc.Ch. 64   [26 August] 1276
Demise in perpetuity by Richard prior and the convent of Durham to Richard del Holm, his heirs and assigns except Jews and other religious men, of a toft and croft and 8 acres of land in the territory of Billingham which Thomas son of the chaplain formerly held, and a cottage which was Albert's on the other side of the said toft, rendering annually for the toft and croft 2s for lights on the high altar of Billingham church at the 2 annual terms of Pentecost and St Martin, and for the 8 acres 4s for the millers of the prior's mill at Billingham, and for the cottage 16d with half for the exchequer in Durham for the mill for 13 vas and half for Billingham manor at autumn.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. September 1276.
Note at the foot: John clerk and William his brother and William of Burntoft hold this land.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “cyrographum” cut through
Size: 100 x 225mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.5r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 65   [mid 14th century]
Grant by John son of Peter of Skipwith to God and St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Durham of a messuage and 18 acres of land in the vill and territory of Billingham which were held by his ancestors for certain services, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Henry of Langton, Robert Lucas, Leo of Claxton, William of Billingham, John of Hardwick.
Parchment, 1m, top right corner torn off and missing, 2=3 stabbed holes on the left edge
Size: 90 x 310mm
Seal: slits in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 66   [1234 x 1244]
Grant by Thomas [of Melsonby] prior and the convent of Durham to Dom Richard formerly chaplain of Jarrow of the vicarage of Billingham which Geoffrey formerly held, rendering the annual pension of 100s, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 50 x 150mm
Seal: blank parchment sealing tag, though a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 67   [1234 x 1244]
Grant by Thomas [of Melsonby] prior and the convent of Durham to Dom Richard formerly chaplain of Jarrow of the vicarage of Billingham which Geoffrey formerly held, rendering the annual pension of 100s, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, but allowing him what he might need for his expenses considering his own needs and the poverty of the parish.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, ? “concessio” cut through, with a hole and a notch cut in the bottom left corner of the turnup
Size: 75 x 150mm
Seal: G&B No.2081, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.113r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 68   [11 November] 1260
Lease by H[ugh of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to Henry de Haya of a toft and corft and 8 acres of land in the field of Billingham which Thomas son of the chaplain formerly held, and 4 cottages between the buildings of the vicarage of Billingham and the said toft, for 30 years, rendering annually for the toft and croft 2s for lights on the high altar of Billingham church at the 2 annual terms of Pentecost and St Martin, and for the 8 acres 4s for the millers of the prior's mill at Billingham, and for the cottages 40d for the prior's Billingham manor at autumn, with a clause about new buildings.
Date: St Martin 1260.
With some interlineations.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, elaborated letters cut through, some stains and worm holes
Size: 95 x 210mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.4v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 69   [22 April] 1267
Grant by Hugh prior and the convent of Durham to Henry de Haya and his wife Agnes and their heirs produced by Agnes, of a bovate of land and 24 acres in the vill and territory of Billingham which John son of Geoffrey of Billingham formerly held and handed over and quitclaimed to [the prior and convent], and an acre of meadow in Frokenale and at Suthker which the same John likewise quitclaimed to them, rendering annually 5s, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, with reversion after the death of Henry if Agnes produces no heirs to the heirs of John son of Geoffrey.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. May 1267.
With a note at the foot that this land is now in the hand of the prior, by the resignation of Roger of Butterwick (Buttrewik), who has demised it to various tenants in 1337.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 140 x 220mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.4v.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 70]
Now Manorial acs, Billingham 1305-6 & 1306.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 71]
Now Manorial acs, Enrolled 1305-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 72]
Now Manorial acs, Billingham 1315-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 73]
Now Manorial acs, Belasis 1305-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 74]
Now Manorial acs, Billingham 1316-7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 75   [2 October 1335]
Assize to determine whether Thomas of Hetton (Etton) and Johanna his wife, Johanna of Elmedon and Thomas Shepherd (Schiphyrd), disseised David of Bitchburn (Bychburn) and Roger of Herle of their freeholding in Billingham of 1 messuage, 41 acres, 4 acres of meadow and half a messuage. For the defendants, William of Potto (Pothowe) stated that the holding was a third part of 3 tofts, 70 acres of land and 10 acres of meadow, of which Thomas of Hetton and Johanna his wife were tenants of two-thirds and Johanna of Embleton of the third part as dower, since Walter of Herle held the tenements for life of the inheritance of John del Hay who granted their reversion to Walter Hunter and Johanna his wife, now Thomas of Hetton's wife, and they entered the tenements after Walter of Herle's death, but were ejected by Roger of Butterwick against whom they recovered the assize of novel disseisin without injury to David and Roger. It was recognised that John son of Geoffrey died seised of 1 messuage, 72 acres of land and 4 acres of meadow in Billingham, then divided it between his daughters Anne, who married Henry del Hay, Alice, who married Alexander of Kirkintolagh, and Margaret who married William, son of William of Herle, with Alexander and Alice subsequently granting their part, half a messuage and 24 acres, to William son of William who acquired 1 messuage and 6 acres in Billingham from William Champneys; William's son and heir William married Johanna of Embleton, died without heir and was succeeded by his sister Johanna, with Johanna of Embleton holding a third of the tenements in dower, while Johanna daughter of William married Walter of Herle, produced a son William and died, whereupon Walter held two parts of the half messuage, 24 acres, messuages and 6 acres for life, which when Thomas [sic] died and after Walter of Herle's death [the plaintiffs] David son and heir of Sibilla sister of William son of William of Herle and one of his heirs and Roger son and heir of Isabella, William son of William of Herle's other sister and heir entered but were ejected by the defendants; David and Roger should recover seisin of the two parts with damages of 20s, but their claim against Johanna of Embleton over the third part false.
Endorsed (15th century) as a duplicate.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 200 x 225mm
Another copy in: DCD 1.11.Pont.1 (whence the date comes).
DCD Misc.Ch. 76   [2 October 1335]
Another copy of Misc.Ch. 75.
Endorsed (15th century) as a duplicate.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 270 x 305mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 77   [11 November] 1366
Lease by John Bishopton subprior of Durham and John of Bolton cummnar there
, with the assent and will of John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham, to Gilbert Faucus of Billingham, of 12 acres of arable and 1 acre and 1 rod of meadow in Billingham which were Geoffrey Hunter's, parcel of 22 acres of land of which the remaining 10 acres remain to thee xchequer of the prior of Durham in recompense for rents and services of the 22 acres and other lands and tenements in Wolviston assigned to the Trinity chantry in Durham cathedral, for 30 years, rendering annually 20s half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, with distraints detailed.
Date: Durham, St Martin 1366.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag
Size: 135 x 300mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 78   [c.1327]
Ordinance by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham, appropriators of the church of Billingham, for the vicarage of Billingham, as set by their predecessors of the house occupied by Walter de Offington', former vicar, and a set portion comprising all the offerings, mortuaries and less tithes from free men and from their servants, save for tithes of hay and of their animals.
Date: Durham.
15th century copy.
With some draft additional phrases at the foot.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 125 x 240mm
Another copy: DCD Reg. II, f.95r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 79   [24 March] 1346
Grant by Joan formerly the wife of Walter Hunter, in her widowhood, to Alan Bishop of Billingham of half a messuage in Billingham with half a croft adjacent and 6 acres of arable land less 12 perches in the territory of the same, for life, rendering annually 9s at Pentecost and St Martin, distraints detailed.
Witnesses: Thomas of Greatham, John de Belsys, John de Benlu, John Ayre, Cuthbert Stere.
Date: Billingham, Thursday after St Cuthbert in March 1345/6.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 85 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 80   [?1350s]
Grant by Roger of Fulthorpe to Robert of Usworth, John of Lytham chaplains, and John of Bamburgh clerk of all his lands in the vill and territory of Billingham.
Witnesses: Alan of Fulthorpe, Simon of Langton, Alan of Billingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 81   [22 September] 1361
Grant by Roger of Fulthorpe to Doms Robert of Usworth and John of Lytham chaplains, of all the lands and tenements which he was given by William son of John Taylor in the vill and territory of Billingham.
Witnesses: Alan of Fulthorpe, Simon of Langton, Alan of Billingham, Thomas of Greatham.
Date: Billingham, Wednesday before St Michael 1361.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 82   [22 May] 1323
Quitclaim by John del Hay to Walter Hunter and his wife Johanna and the heirs of Walter of his right in all the reversions due to him from the lands and tenements in the hands of Walter Herle and Johanna of Elmdon in Billingham.
Witnesses: Robert Aire, John son of Gilbert of Bewdley (Bewlow), John Stere, Richard of Hall, Richard de Hoton, Adam of Gilling.
Date: Wolviston, Trinity 1323.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 195mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 83   [11 November] 1323
Quitclaim by John del Hay to Walter Hunter and his wife Johanna and the heirs of Walter of his right in all the reversions due to him from the lands and tenements in the hands of Walter Herle and Johanna of Elmdon in Billingham.
Witnesses: Robert Aire, John son of Gilbert of Bewdley (Bewlou), John Ster, Richard of Hall, Richard de Hoton, Adam of Gilling.
Date: Wolviston, St Martin 1323.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 200mm
Seal: unidentified fragments, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 84   [22 May] 1323
Grant by John del Hay to Walter Hunter and his Johanna and the heirs of Walter of the reversion of all the lands and tenements which Walter Herle holds in Billingham for his life, and the reversion of the lands and tenements which Johanna of Elmdon holds in Billingham by way of dower for her life.
Witnesses: Roger of Fulthorpe, Henry of Langton, Robert Ayre, John son of Gilbert, John Ster, Adam of Gilling.
Date: Wolviston, Trinity 1323.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 155 x 170mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag recylced from ?a draft of this document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 85   [mid 14th century]
Grant by Alicia who was the daughter of Henry of Billingham in her widowhood and full power to William Cissor of Norton and Cecilia his wife of a toft in Billingham next to the toft of John Wetherhard on the south at the south end of the vill of Billingham called Snapesdore, and 3 acres and 1 rod of arable land and 1½ rods of meadow , in various places in the field and territory of Billingham, that is: 1 selion by Le Thouryne in the north field, 2 selions by Frythwellgate, 1 selion below Frythwellgate, 2 selions on ?Awemmi between the lands of the prior on the east and the vicar on the west, 1 selion at Tellemer between the lands of the prior to the south and the vicar to the north, 4 selions on Tybiryslaw between the lands of the prior to the east and William son of John son of Robert to the west, 1½ rods of meadow in Frognall between the meadows of the prior to the north and John Wetherhard to the south, for William and Cecilia and the heirs of William.
Witnesses: Master John of Norton, Robert Lucas of the same, John Wetherhard of Billingham, Adam of Gilling of the same.
Endorsed (15thc entury) that the communar has this land for the chantry of John Fossor.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified fragment, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 86   [28 December] 1361
Grant by William son and heir of John Taylor of Norton to Roger of Fulthorpe of 2 messuages, 3 acres of land and half an acre of meadow in the vill and territory of Billingham.
Witnesses: Alan of Fulthorpe, Simon of Langton, Gilbert of Clifton, John of Witton.
Date: Tuesday before St Thomas the Martyr 1361.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.2389, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 87   [mid 14th century]
Quitclaim by Isabella who was the wife of Richard of Hall (Aula) of Wolviston (Wulviston) to Johanna who was the wife of Walter Hunter of any right to the lands which Johanna and Walter were given by Richard in Wolviston.
Witnesses: John of Wolviston, Thomas of Greatham, John of Bellasis, John del Hay, John son of Gilbert de Belloloco, Hugh son of Gilbert.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 88   [27 August] 1346
Garnt by John of Burton chaplain to Geoffrey son of Walter Hunter of Wolviston and his wife Katherine and their heirs of all the lands given him by the said Geoffrey in the vills and territories of Billingham and Wolviston, and the reversions from free men of tenements in dower or rents, with reversion to John Hunter for life, then reversion of the chief messuage and the arable land called Dringland in the vill and territory of Wolviston to Yvonne of Hetton (Etton) daughter of the said John and the heirs of her body, then to William of Pottoe (Potthow) and then to John of Belasis, and the reversions of free men etc likewise.
Witnesses: William of Billingham, John lord of Burn Toft (Brumptoft), Thomas of Greatham, John del Hay, Thomas Chapman of Wolviston, Nicholas of Blakeston.
Date: Wolviston, Sunday after St Bartholomew 1346.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 210 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified fragment, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 89]
Now 5.1.Elemos.21a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 90]
Now 4.1.Elemos.16*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 91   [22 November] 1322
Grant by Thomas Gewe and his wife Alicia to William of Kelloe chaplain and William del Hay chaplain, of the manor of Burn Toft, except for 24 acres of land, a messuage and 15d annual rent which Thomas Greatham holds.
Witnesses: Robert of Lambton, John of Birtley, William of Elmdon, Thomas of Greatham, John of Belasis.
Date: Burn Toft, Tuesday after the Octave of St Martin 1362.
Parchment, 1m, some small holes
Size: 135 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.264 (bis), each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 92   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Ranulph chaplain son of Bertram of Burn Toft to William de Cumba clerk of a place (placiam) of land of his toft on the east in the vill of Burn [Toft] by the toft of the same William which he was given by Ranulph's father Bertram on the west, 30 feet wide and in length extending between the vicus and the toft of Adam son of Gregory.
Witnesses: Dom William de Canne, Simon of Lamorton, Philip of Burn Toft, Randulp de Cumba, Jordan de Lamorton, obert of Elmodn, David of Burn Toft, Randulph the carpenter.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 200mm
Seal: G&B No.433, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 93]
Now 5.1.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 94]
Now 5.1.Elemos.9
[DCD Misc.Ch. 95]
Now 5.1.Elemos.11a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 96]
Now 5.1.Elemos.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 97]
Now 5.1.Elemos.21b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 98]
Now 4.1.Elemos.11.
DCD Misc.Ch. 99   [23 January] 1355
Quitclaim by Walter son of Philip of Burn Toft to Alicia his sister of his right in 6 acres of land except the services and customs which Master William de Cumbe clerk, uncle of Alicia, formerly bought from Simon son of Alexander of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: Thomas of Greatham of Wolviston (Wlviston), Robert Lucas, Ranulph of Burn Toft, Adam his brother.
Date: Burn Toft, Friday before the Conversion of St Paul 1354/5.
Endorsements include (15th century) 1.1.Sacr.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.440, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 100   29 March 1459
Language:  French
Thomas Gowe and his wife Alicia had enfeoffed William of Kelloe chaplain and William del Hay chaplain with two[-thirds] of the manor of Burn Toft except for a messuage, 15 acres of land and 4 acres of meadow which William de Claxton chivaler to pay 12 marks at St John the Baptist next
Date: Chester, 29 March 1459.
to finish
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 85 x 220mm
Misc.Ch. 101-200
[DCD Misc.Ch. 101]
Now 5.1.Elemos.11b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 102]
Now 5.1.Elemos.1b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 103]
Now 5.1.Elemos.1a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 104]
Now 5.1.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 105]
Now 5.1.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 106]
Now 5.1.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 107]
Now 5.1.Elemos.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 108]
Now 5.1.Elemos.10a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 109]
Now 5.1.Elemos.10b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 110]
Now 5.1.Elemos.12b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 111]
Now 5.1.Elemos.12a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 112]
Now 5.1.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 113]
Now 5.1.Elemos.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 114]
Now 4.1.Elemos.9
[DCD Misc.Ch. 114*]
Now 4.1.Elemos.3
[DCD Misc.Ch. 115]
Now 4.1.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 116]
Now 4.1.Elemos.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 117]
Now 4.1.Elemos.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 118]
Now 4.1.Elemos.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 119]
Now 4.1.Elemos.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 120]
Now 4.1.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 121]
Now 4.1.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 122]
Now 4.1.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 123]
Now 4.1.Elemos.22.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 124]
Now 4.1.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 125]
Now 4.1.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 126]
Now 5.1.Elemos.26.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 127]
Now 5.1.Elemos.32.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 128]
Now 5.1.Elemos.19.
DCD Misc.Ch. 129   [20 July] 1334
Grant by Gilbert son and heir of Robert Smith (faber) of Wolviston (Wolleston) to John of Billingham of the reversion of a messuage, 3 acres of arable and half a rod of meadow which Robert del Hall and his wife Alice held for Alice's life of Gilbert's heredity in Burn Toft and which after Alice's death ought to revert to Gilbert and his heirs.
Witnesses: John lord of Burn Toft, Walter of Burn Toft, Leo of Claxton, John de la Hay, John of Bellasis, Thomas of Greatham, John of ?Bewley (Bevlw).
Date: Burn Toft, St Margaret the Virgin 1334.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 310mm
Seal: G&B No.2686, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Final clauses copied in Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.71r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 130   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Ranulph son of Bertram of Burn Toft to William de Cumba of 6 acres of land in the vill of Burn Toft in these locations: at Langesides 3 rods and 18 perches, at Thurnieres 1 rod and 6 perches, in the same field, half a rod at Haylford, a rod and 10 perches at Flodere, a half rod and a rod and 5 perches at Milneflat, 2½ rods and 7 perches at Ethelingesmere, a rod and 10 perches at Thruchornes, a rod and a hlaf rod and 7 perches at Grenelanleche, a half acre and 16 perches at Sconelbrod, a rod and a half rod and 5 perches at Petekertnel, a rod and 11 perches at Kerswam, 39 perches at Fuleford, a rod a half rod and 5 perches at Hincfridhope, a half rod at Stamland, a rod and 8 perches at Fox, a half rod and 12 perches and a rod of meadow at Stamford and Stanes, and a part of Thacdak 2 perches wide and 14 perches long, rendering annually 1d at St Michael in September.
Witnesses: Dom William de Feugers, Simon de la Morton, Jordan of Elmdon, Thomas of Elwick, Robert of Mersey, Robert of Elmdon, Adam Baard of Claxton, Richard brother of Laurence of Wolviston, Bertram of the same.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a charter of Ranulph the chaplain.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 210 x 160mm
Seal: G&B No.433, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copied in DCD Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.72r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 131   [26 September 1379]
Grant by William Lambard and Thomas of Hartlepool to William of Claxton miles and Isabella his wife and the heirs of their bodies of his manor of Burn Toft, with remainder to the right heirs of William of Claxton.
Witnesses: William of Elmdon, Simon of Langton, William of Blakeston, Thomas CXhancellor, Jogn of Bellasis.
Date: Burn Toft, Monday before St Michael 3 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 280mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a slit for a further tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 132   [17 July] 1308
Grant by Simon of Burn Toft to Master William of Burn Toft of a messuage and croft in Burn Toft which his mother formerly held in dower next to his manor on the east side.
Witnesses: Dom Ranulph of Burn Toft perpetual vicar of Haltwhistle, William of Kilkenny lord of Stotfield, Robert Gervet, Thomas Gervet.
Date: Burn Toft, St Kenelm 1308.
Parchment, 1m, some offsetting from another document
Size: 90 x 210mm
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub
[DCD Misc.Ch. 133]
Now 4.1.Elemos.18.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 134]
Now 4.1.Elemos.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 135]
Now 4.1.Elemos.21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 136]
Now 4.1.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 137]
Now 4.1.Elemos.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 138]
Now 4.1.Elemos.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 139]
Now 5.1.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 140]
Now 4.1.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 141]
Now 5.1.Elemos.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 142]
Now 5.1.Elemos.24.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 143]
Now 4.1.Elemos.22.
DCD Misc.Ch. 144   [12 April] 1374
Grant by William Lamberd and Robert Cooper chaplain to William of Claxton miles and Isabella his wife and the heirs of their bodies, of the manor of Burn Toft, with remainder to William of Claxton's right heirs.
Date: Wednesday after the close of Easter 1374.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 100 x 250mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 145   [15 June] 1368
Appointment by John son of William and Thomas Barry of John of Claxton as their attorney to deliver seisin to William del Park and Richard Stere of their manor of Burn Toft according to a charter of feoffment.
Date: [North]allerton, Thursday after St Barnabas 1368.
Parchment, 1m, top right corner damaged
Size: 65 x 230mm
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue with a further [sealing tongue] stub
DCD Misc.Ch. 146   [15 June] 1368
Grant by John son of William and Thomas Barry to William del Park and Richard Stere of their manor of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, William of Elmdon, Gilbert of Clifton, Alan of Billingham, William of Mordon, Thomas of Greatham.
Date: Burn Toft, Thursday after St Barnabas 1368.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a slit for a further tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 147   
Parchment, 1m
Size: mm
Seal: G&B No., on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 148]
Now 5.1.Elemos.23a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 149   [24 August] 1347
Quitclaim by Christiana of Blakeston ?maid-servant (gnolla) of William of Kilkenny to William of Kilkenny her master of her right in the tenement in Burn Toft which she had for life by the gift of Kilkenny.
Date: Egglescliffe, Friday St Bartholomew 1347.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 150   [20 March] 1372
Quitclaim by Emma formerly the wife of John Malkynson of Stotfold to William of Claxton miles of her right to a messuage, 15 acres of land and an acre of meadow in Burn Toft which she and her siad hisband granted to Claxton.
Witnesses: William of Eldmon, Simon of Langton, Robert of Langley, Cuthbert of Fishburn.
Date: Stotfield, Saturday St Cuthbert in March 1371/2.
Parchment, 1m, some damage to the edges
Size: 85 x 225mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
[DCD Misc.Ch. 151]
Now 5.1.Elemos.20.
DCD Misc.Ch. 152   [12 November 1388]
Grant by Robert Randson of Burn Toft to John of Claxton of an annual rent of 6s from all his properties etc in Burn Toft for Robert's life at Pentecost and St Martin next in equal portions, with distraints detailed.
Date: Burn Toft, Thursday after St Martin 12 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 85 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 153]
Now 5.1.Elemos.27.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 154]
Now 5.1.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 155]
Now 5.1.Elemos.18a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 156]
Now 5.1.Elemos.18b
[DCD Misc.Ch. 157]
Now 5.1.Elemos.25.
DCD Misc.Ch. 158   [early 14th century]
Grant by Agnes formerly the daughter of Walter Munpere of Burn [Toft] to William de Cumba of 10 acres of arable in the field of Burn [Toft], parcels delineated, rendering annually a half pound of cummin at St Michael.
Witnesses: Dom William de Canne, Simon de Lamorton, Ranulph son of Bertram chaplain, Jordan of Elmdon, Robert of Elmdon, Robert of Mersey.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 195 x 235mm
Seal: G&B No.1846, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 159   [20 August] 1368
Quitclaim by Richard of Wolviston chaplain to William of Claxton chivaler, his wife Johanna and his brother John of his right to the manor of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, William of Elmdon, William of Mordon, John of Elvet, Thomas of Greatham.
Date: Durham, Sunday after the Assumption of the BVM 1368.
Parchment, 1m, some damp damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 90 x 260mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 160   28 November 1471
Grant by Robert Claxton miles to Lionel Claxton and Christopher Bamforth armigeres and Thomas Hall chaplain of all his lands etc in the vill and fields of Burn Toft with a messuage in the vill of Hurworth on the moor together with 80 acres of land and meadow in its fields and a tenement in Durham market place now inhabited by John Broun.
Date: 28 November 1471.
Parchment, 1m, cancelled by arrow-shaped cuts
Size: 110 x 340mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 161   [11 November] 1310
Lease by Simon son of Alexander of Burn Toft to William Todde and his wife Emma of aprt of his grange in Burn Toft containing 40 feet from the post on the west side of the grange towards the east and in wdith from the highway on the north side to the vegetable garden on the south side, and 9 acres of arable land in the field and territory of Burn Toft of which 2 acres and 1½ rods are on Coklaw, 1 acre and 1 rod on le Potteside and in le Hole, 1 acre on Brerifurlang, 1 acre on le Sconylbrade, 1 acre at Eudysmer, half an acre at Raylismer, 1 rod on Hundemer, 1 rod on Thurclysmer, 3 rods on Wallewortis, and half an acre on Langemer, for 20 years, for a certain sum of money.
Witnesses: William son of John of Hartlepool lord of Burn Toft, William de Kirkekennig lord of Stotfield, Robert Gervet jr, Thomas Gervet, Walter of [North]allerton, William nephew of Dom Ranulph the chaplain, William Raynald of Hartlepool clerk.
Date: St Martin 1310.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 155 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.434/437, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 162   [31 May] 1370
Grant by Alice Gervet to John of Claxton (Clakistoun) of half a messuage, 7½ acres of land and half an acre of meadow called Gervetland in the vill and territory of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, William of Elmdon, Alan of Fulthorpe, William of Blakiston (Blaykistoun).
Date: Burn Toft, Friday before Pentecost 1370.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag reused from the head of a deed, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 163   [17 February] 1359
Grant by William Gewe and his wife Alice to William of Kelloe chaplain and William del Hay chaplain of two parts of his manor of Burn Toft except for a messuage, 15 acres of land, 14½ acres of meadow in the same manor, and except for 5 messuages, 100 acres of land and an acre of meadow from the same two parts.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, Robert of Lambton, Alan of Fulthorpe, John of Birtley, Gilbert of Clifton, William of Elmdon, John of Witton, Thomas of Greatham, Ranulph of Burn Toft.
Date: Burn Toft, Sunday after St Valentine 1358/9.
Parchment, 1m, damaged to the foot, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 135 x 260mm
Seal: slits in a turnup for [2 now missing sealing tags]
DCD Misc.Ch. 164   [10 August] 1361
Grant by William Gewe and Alice his wife to William Kelloe chaplain and William del Hay chaplain of the manor of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: Alan of Fulthorpe, Simon of Langton, Gilbert of Clifton, Thomas of Greatham, Ranulph of Burn Toft.
Date: Burn Toft, Tuesday St Lawrence1361.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 260mm
Seal: G&B No.1072, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further slit for another tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 165   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Philip son of Robert of Burn Toft to William de Cumba clerk of 36 acres of arable in the territory of Burn Toft and 3 acres of meadow, parcels detailed, rendering annually a pound of cumin at Michaelmas.
Witnesses: Master Henry of Kilkenny, Dom Richard son of Robert, Dom William de ?Stengriz, Dom William de Caumbe, Simon de la More, Stephen de Hoton, John de Surveton, Jordan de la More, Richard son of Saer, Bertram of ?Wolviston, ?Richard ?son of ?Lawrence [of Wolviston], [?John] servant of the same.
With interlineations and cancellations.
Parchment, 1m, damaged head and foot with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 185 x 310mm
Seal: [slit] in a turnup [for a now lost sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 166   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Philip son of Robert of Burntoft to William de Cumba of a placia of land from the toft which Drewe formerly held in the vill of Burn Toft on the north side of that side measuring 6 perches ong and 5 perches wide next to the toft of the same William on the east, rendering annually half a pound of cumin or a halfpenny at Michaelmas.
Witnesses: Dom William de Caime, Simon de la More, Jordan of Morton, Richard son of Lawrence of Wolviston, Bretram of the same, John Skirloc of the same, Robert of Mersey clerk.
Parchment, 1m, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 110 x 205mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, reused from another document, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 167   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Philip son of Robert of Burn Toft to William de Cumba of half a bovate of land in the vill of Burn Toft which Adam Bertarius formerly held with a toft, rendering annually 1d at Michaelmas, and making suit at his mill of Burn Toft with his corn grown on that land at the twentieth vas nearer to that whose corn is in the tramallus.
Witnesses: Dom William de Caim, Simon de la More, Jordan of Morton, William Chevalier, John de Surveton, Richard son of Lawrence of Wolviston, John servant of the same, Bertram son of Henry of the same, Thomas of Elwick, Robert Gervet of the same.
Parchment, 1m, foot damaged, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 135 x 220mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 168   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Philip lord of Burn Toft to Ralph de Cumbe of a certain messuage with buildings and edifices in the vill of Burn Toft, that is the messuage which is near the toft towards the north which was formerly Ranulph son of Bertram's, with 33 acres of land with meadow in the territory of the same vill, which Matilda of Burn Toft was given by her uncle Robert, and which Matilda resigned and quitclaimed to Philip, rendering annually a pound of cumin at St Cuthbert in September, and also Ralph may pasture 7 of his draught animals with his, and 40 ewes with their year's offspring, and if Ralph and his heirs wish they can mill at his mill of Burn Toft at the 18th vas, and they can have the first and nearer corn in the tarmallus, and if Philip forfeits, Ralph and his heirs will give 6d.
Witnesses: Dom Gilbert Maunsard, Dom Robert of Kirkham, Dom William of Kilkenny, William de Cumbe, Simon de Lamor, Jordan of Morton, Robert Gerveth, Robert of Mersey, Ralph Bard, Robert of Elmdon, John de Burpath clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some damaged along a left-hand crease with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 235 x 245mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 169   [3 June] 1314
Quitclaim by Simon son of Alexander of Burn Toft to William dictus Todde of Hartlepool and Emma his wife and WIlliam's heirs of any right in the messuage in Burn Toft between the graveyard of the chapal of Burn Toft on the west and the messuage of Master William de Coumbe clerk on the east and between the highway on the north and the highway on the south, and in his former meadow in Endemers between the meadow of the prior of Durham on the south and the heads of the lands of the said William Todde on the north.
Witnesses: William of Kilkenny, Robert Gervet, Richard Masham (Masim) lord of Tunstall, William son of John lord of Burn Toft, John son of the same, Andrew of Burn Toft, of the vill of Hartlepool, Walter de Hawtewyle.
Date: Hartlepool, the morrow of Trinity 1314.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 190mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 170   [26 May] 1322
Grant by Cecilia daughter of William Taylor (cissor) of Stranton to Robert Smith (faber) of Wolviston his uncle of all his lands and tenements in the vill and territory of Burn Toft in parcels.
Witnesses: John lord of Burn Toft, Robert Gervet, Walter of Burn Toft, Robert Ayr of Wolviston, John de Benlu of the same, John Ster of Wolviston, Richard de Hoton of the same.
Date: Burn Toft, Wednesday before Pentecost 1322.
Parchment, 1m, ghost of a seal impression on the dorse
Size: 100 x 200mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 171   [14 April] 1315
Quitclaim by Agnes of Clitheroe (Glyderow) widow of Walter son of Stephen of Burn Toft, to Robert Smith (faber) of Wolviston of her right to meadows at Burn Toft by way of dower and of a third part of 3 acres of arable in the fields of Burn Toft in which she was enfeoffed by her husband Walter.
Witnesses: Gilbert de Bene Loco of Wolviston, Richard dictus Ster of the same, Robert Ayr of Wolviston, Walter de Alyrton of the same, William de ? of Wolviston, Simon son of Ranulph of the same, Robert Gervet of Burn Toft, Walter of Burn Toft.
Date: Wolviston, 18 Kal. May 1315.
Parchment, 1m, damage to the lower right corner repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 85 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.646, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 172   [later 13th century]
Acknowledgement by William de Cumba chaplain that he had returned to Robert Gervet all the muniments for the land of Burn Toft with which he had enfeoffed Gervet and Anastasia his wife, without retaining any document, and if any may be found subsequently relating to the land, Robert and Anatasia are to be notified, the document is to be of no credibility and to be considered misleading.
Witnesses: William Seer, Adam de Secom clerk, Robert of Mersey, Stephen of Elwick, William of Nesbit, Adam de Cravile, John son of Stephen of Hetton, Richard son of Ralph of the same, Stephen freeman of Burntoft, John Smith (faber) of the same.
Parchment, 1m, some holes with occasional letters lost
Size: 85 x 205mm
Seal: remains of a blank parchment [sealing] tag reused from a document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 173   [28 December] 1380
Quitclaim by Cecilia and Agnes daughters and heirs of Thomas of Burn Toft to William Lambard, Thomas of Hertlepool and Robert Couper chaplain of their right in all the lands andf tenements etc in the vill and territory of Burn Toft which were formerly held by Thomas of Burn Toft their father.
Witnesses: Thomas of Claxton, John of Claxton, John of Belasis, Gilbert of Elvet, John of Killinghall.
Date: Durham, Friday after Christmas 1380 4 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 175 x 255mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 174   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Philip lord of Burn Toft to Robert of Mersey of 2 acres of meadow in the fields of Burn Toft in Langemer towards the west, for a certain sum of money and a ?payment (una aquu ad manucas neccandas) to be made at St Nicholas.
Witnesses: William de Cumb proctor of the church of Elwick, Ralph his brother, Ranulph chaplain son of Bertram of Burn Toft, Thomas of Elwick, Robert Gervet of the same, Richard son of Lawrence of Wolviston, John servant of the same, Bertram son of Henry of the same, Ralph Bart, Robert of Elmdon.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 175   [30 June] 1315
Quitclaim by Simon son of Alexander of Burn Toft to William Todde of Hartlepool and his wife Emma, and WIlliam's heirs, of his right to his former chief messuage between the chapel of Burn Toft on the west and the messuage of Master Wialliam son of Ralph de Coumbe on the east, and to 9 acres of arable and a rod of meadow in Eudrmer which the said William and Emma bought from him, of which 4 acres are in the north field, 3½ acres are in the south field and 1½ acres are in Le Middelfeld of Burn Toft, and in 24 acres of arable and an acre of meadow in Le Brademedu in the field and territory of Burn Toft which similarly William and Emma boguth from Master Alam of Bolton then parson of Elwick as is fully detailed in charters.
Witnesses: William son of John lord of Burn Toft, John his son, Robert Gervet jr, Walter of Burn Toft, Walter of Allerton.
Date: Burn Toft, Monday after the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1315.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 155 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 176   [25 January] 1333
Quitclaim by Robert Gervet to William of Burn Toft clerk of his right in 115 acres of arable land and 12 acres of meadow and any messuages, cottages and rents in Burn Toft, as enfeoffed to William by his charter.
Witnesses: John lord of Burn Toft, Leo of Claxton, Stephen Abell, Walter of Burn Toft.
Date: Durham, the Conversion of St Paul in January 1332/3.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 177   [3 April] 1311
Grant by Walter son of Stephen of Burn Toft to Robert son of John Smith (faber) of Burn Toft of 3 acres of arable in the field and territory of Burn Toft and all his meadow at Aldinylnested in the said field of the vill of Burn Toft, of which 1 acre is at Coklawe, half an acre at Nethirtoyeman, half an acre at Estirylberd, half an acre at Dykysend abutting on Eudemer, and half an acre at Cupinthorne, for life, rendering annually to William son of John of Hartlepool lord of Burn Toft 4d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: William son of John of Hartlepool lord of Burn Toft, Robert son of Robert Gervet, Walter son of Hugh of Burn Toft, Simon of the same, Thomas Gervet, Richard Ster of Wolviston, John son of Richard of the same, and others with the clerk.
Date: Burn Toft, Saturday before Palm Sunday 1311.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.439, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 178   3 October 1322
Quitclaim by Robert Gervet to Master William of Burn Toft clerk of his right to 115 acres of arable and 12 acres of meadow and anything else in Burn Toft with which Burn Toft had been enfeoffed.
Witnesses: John lord of Burn Toft, Leo of Claxton, Stephen Abell, Walter of Burn Toft.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1332.
Parchment, 1m, some damp stains, some parchment repair c.1970
Size: 175 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 179   [14 June] 1368
Grant by Thomas Coke (blank) and John of Binchester to John son of William and Thomas Barry of all their manor of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, William of Elmdon, Gilbert of Clifton, Alan of Billingham, William of Mordon, Thomas of Greatham.
Date: Burn Toft, Wednesday after St Barnabas 1368.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 260mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, from reused dcuments, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 180   [11 April] 1374
Grant by William of Claxton miles and John of Claxton his brother to William Lambard and Robert Couper chaplain of their manor of Burn Toft, both the demesne and the services of the free tenants.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, William of Elmdon, William of Blaeston, Robert of Langley and William del Hall of Thorp.
Date: Burn Toft, Tuesday after the close of Easter 1374.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 285mm
Seal: G&B No.627 and an unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 181   [12 June] 1368
Grant by William of Kelloe and William del Hay chaplains to Thomas of Haswell and John Andrew of all their manor of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, William of Elmdon, Gilbert of Clifton, Alan of Billingham, William of Mordon, Thomas of Greatham.
Date: Burn Toft, Monday after St Barnabas 1368.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 290mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 182   [mid 14th century]
Grant by Walter, son of Ivo de Aymondestoun, and Alice his wife, formerly daughter of Ralph de Coumbe of Burn Toft, to William son of William of Kilkenny (Knylkenny) lord of Stotfold and Agnes his wife of all their land in the vill and territory of Burn Toft in the bishropick of Durham and their messuage with its edifices in the vill of Burn Toft, and including half the messuage with its edifices which formerly Ralph de Coumbe had in the vill and territory of Burn Toft which they inherited after the death of Henry de Coumbe son and heir of the said Ralph, rendering annually to the chief lords of the fee half a pound of cumin and to the heirs of Dom Ranulph of Burn Toft chaplain 15d ahlf at St Martin and half at Pentecost.
Witnesses: Doms Richard son of Dom John son of Marmaduke, and Robert Haunsard milites, Robert lord of Eppleton (Applyngden), Roger of Fulthorpe, Alan of Langton, Richard del Park, Bernard of Thrislington (Thorstantoun), John of Durham clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 230 x 235mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 183   6 August 1357
Receipt from Thomas of Burn Toft to William of Claxton chivaler for 100 marks to profit and merchandise for the benefit of William, to be paid back at Durham at St Cuthbert in September with the profits.
Date: Durham, 6 August 1357.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 215mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 184   20 May [1424]
Grant by William of CLaxton miles to William de Eure miles and Robert de Eure armiger of all his lands etc in the vills and territories of Burn Toft, Westermorton and Fishburn within the bishoprick of Durham, except for 4 cottages in Fishburn in his hands in decay for want of tenants of which John Megson held one, Thomas Aire another, John Gibson another and Johanna Wardale another, also a cottage formerly held by Agnes Taylor, and a garden formerly held by William Shepherd of Dalton, to beheld for life, and on condition that if Elizabeth of Claxton, sister of the said William and Robert Eure, dies with William Claxton still living, then the grant to be nullified and the properties returned to him.
Witnesses: William Bowes and Thomas Lambard milites, Thomas Langton, John of Claxton, Richard Sowerby.
Date: 20 May 2 Henry VI.
With various interlineations.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 115 x 285mm
Seal: G&B No.935 and another unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 185   [7 September] 1307
Grant by Simon of Burntoft to Dom Alan of Bolton clerk of 8 acre and 1 rod of arable land in the vill and territory of Burn Toft, with parcels of 1 acre at Eudemere with the meadow adjacent, half an acre at Raylesmere, 3 rods at Estlangwalewortes, half an acre at Langmerflatte in the south field, 1 acre at Breryfurlange, a rod at Hundemere, a rod at Thorkellesmere in the east field, 1 acres at Cockelawe, an acre at Potteside, and an acre at Scouelbrade in the north field.
Witnesses: William of Kilkenny, Robert Gervet, Stephen of Elwick, Thomas Gervet, Ralph de Coumbe.
Date: Burn Toft, Thursday the vigil of the Nativity of the BVM 1307.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 210mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 186   [22 February 1269]
Grant by Hugh [of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to Philip of Burn Toft that he may mill the corn from his demesne of Burn Toft whereever he likes without any impediment, [but if he does want to mill at their mill then he will be liable for the usual multure, and they also quitclaim to him any right they may have for any services, such as multure and carriage, due from the 12 acres and 2 perches of meadow which he gave them in the same vill, as detailed in his charter.]
Date: Durham, [St Peter in cathedra 1268/9].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner, damaged with lower left corner destroyed with much text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 150 x 175mm
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.5v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 187   [16 May] 1356
Grant by Thomas brother and heir of Walter of Burn Toft to Richard of Wolviston chaplain of all his lands and tenements both in demesne and service in the vill and territory of Burn Toft, rendering annually £20, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: Alan of Billingham, Gilbert of Clifton, William of Elmdon, Thomas of Greatham.
Date: Burn Toft, Monday before St Dunstan 1356.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 105 x 250mm
Seal: blank parchment sealing tag, through a slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.72v-73r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 188   [13 September] 1356
Grant by Richard of Wolviston chaplain to Cistilia daughter of Thomas of Burn Toft of all the lands and tenements given him by Thomas brother and heir of Walter of Burn Toft in the vill and territory of Burn Toft, rendering annually £20, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, with Richard being allowed to reenter the lands if the rent is unpaid for 6 days.
Witnesses: William of Claxton miles, William of Elmdon, Thomas of Greatham, Ranulph of Burn Toft.
Date: Burn Toft, Tuesday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 1356.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “hec indentura” cut through
Size: 95 x 250mm
Seal: blank parchment sealing tag, recycled from another deed, through a slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.74r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 189   [13 September] 1356
Counterpart to Misc.Ch. 188.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “hec indentura” cut through
Size: 95 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, recycled from another deed, through a slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.73v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 190   [16 May] 1356
Counterpart to Misc.Ch. 187.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.74r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 191   [22 February] 1349
Grant by John Burn Toft to Walter his son and Dyonisia his daughter of 3 messuages and 100 acres of land in Burn Toft for life, rendering annually 4 marks, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, beginning at Pentecost in 1349, with John to reetner if the rent is unpaid after 40 days.
Witnesses: William of Kilkenny, Robert Lucays, Thomas of Swainston, Ranulph of Burn Toft.
Date: Burn Toft, St Peter ad vincula 1348/9.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 110 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.73r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 192   15 April [1327]
Grant by Robert son of Robert Gervet, since Robert Gervet his father gave to the parson of St Peter Elwick and his successors 6 marks annually, to be paid half at Pentecost and half at Michaelmas, for a messuage, 4 tofts and 95 acres of land and 10 acres of meadow in the vill of Burn Toft which Dom William de Comba chaplain conferred on the same Robert to provide for a chaplain in the church of Elwick to celebrate divine service there for the soul of William de Comba etc, and since the tenement has now devolved on Robert son of Robert, the same Robert now grants to Master Luke de Perers parson of the said church the rent of 6 marks etc as above, with right of ditraint to th eparson if the rent is behind.
Witnesses: Dom Geoffrey de Schroppe miles, Dom William of Kilkenny miles lord of Stotfold, John de Denn, William de Denn, John de Hamby sheriff of Durham, Adam of Bowes, Thomas Surtays, Henry of Langton, Roger of Fulthrope, William of Walworth, John de Menevyll, Leo of Claxton, John lord of Burn Toft, Walter of Burn Toft, John of Egglescliffe, John dictus Ferour.
Date: Durham, 15 April 1326 (?recte 1327), 1 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some damp damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 190 x 240mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Another version: DCD Misc.Ch. 195.
DCD Misc.Ch. 193   [15 December] 1312
Grant by Simon son of Alexander of Burn Toft to William Todde and Emma his wife of a certain part of his grange in Burn Toft containing in longitude from the post on tyhe west side 50 feet towards the east and in width from the highway on the north to his vegetable garden on the south, and 9 acres of arable land in the field and territory of Burn Toft, of which 2 acres and 1½ rods are on Coklaw, 1 acre and 1 rod on Le Potteside and in Le Hole, 1 acre on Brerifurlang, 1 acre on Le Stonylbrade, 1 acre at Eudysmer, half an acre at Raylismer, 1 rod on Hundemer, 1 rod on Thurclysmer, 3 rods on Wallewortys, and half an acre on Langemer, which they had held for a term of years, to be held of William son of John of Hartlepool lord of Burn Toft.
Witnesses: William son of John of Hartlepool lord of Burn Toft, William of Kilkenny (Kirkennig) lord of Stotfold, Robert Gervet jr, Thomas Gervet, Walter of [North]allerton, Walter nephew of Dom Ranulph chaplain, William Raynald of Harltepool clerk.
Date: Burn Toft, Friday before St Thomas the apostle 1312.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 220mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 194   [11 June] 1368
Appointment by William of Kelloe chaplain of William del Hay chaplain as his attorney to deliver seisin to Thomas of Haswell and John Andrew of all his manor of Burn Toft according to a charter of enfeoffment.
Date: Chester, Sunday St Barnabas 1368.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 50 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 195   15 April 1327
Grant by Robert son of Robert Gervet, since Robert Gervet his father gave to the parson of St Peter Elwick and his successors 6 marks annually, to be paid half at Pentecost and half at Michaelmas, for a messuage, 4 tofts and 95 acres of land and 10 acres of meadow in the vill of Burn Toft which Dom William de Comba chaplain conferred on the same Robert to provide for a chaplain in the church of Elwick to celebrate divine service there for the soul of William de Comba etc, and since the tenement has now devolved on Robert son of Robert, the same Robert now grants to Master Luke de Perers parson of the said church the rent of 6 marks etc as above, with right of distraint to the parson if the rent is behind.
Witnesses: Dom Geoffrey de Schroppe miles, Dom William of Kilkenny miles lord of Stotfold, John de Denn, William de Denn, John de Hamby sheriff of Durham, Adam of Bowes, Thomas Surtays, Henry of Langton, Roger of Fulthrope, William of Walworth, John de Menevyll, Leo of Claxton, John lord of Burn Toft, Walter of Burn Toft, John of Egglescliffe, John dictus Ferour.
Date: Durham, 15 April 1327, 1 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 165 x 270mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 196]
Now 5.1.Elemos.23b.
DCD Misc.Ch. 197   [23 November] 1262
Grant by Philip son of Robert of Burn Toft (Brumptoft) to the prior and convent of Durham of an acre of land in the territory of Burn Toft in Le Northker to take marl at will for their manor of Beaulieu (Bello Loco), as much as they can find, with sufficient access through his land, with the acre to remain to him and his heirs when they have had sufficient marl, and they can begin taking the marl within a week from the date of this document.
Witnesses: Doms Hugh de Capella, William de Feugers, John de Rungetun, Geoffrey de Parco milites, Richard son of Lawrence of Wolviston, Bertram son of Henry of the same, John Schyrloc of the same.
Date: 9 Kal. December 1262.
Parchment, 1m, triangular [filing] hole on the left edge, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner, lined
Size: 135 x 210mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.7r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 198   [25 June] 1311
Grant by William of Burn Toft clerk to [John son] of William lord of Burn Toft and Margaret, William of Burn Toft's sister, and the longer living of them, of half of all that land and tenements which he had from Ralph de Cumba his father together with 6 acres of arable which he had from Simon of Burn Toft, as is more fully detailed in the charters of Ralph and Simon, with remainder to Isabella his kinswoman.
Witnesses: William of Kilkenny, Roger of Blakiston, Walter of Burn Toft.
Date: Burn Toft, the morrow of St John the Baptist 1311.
Parchment, 1m, some damp stains with some text lost
Size: 90 x 205mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 199   [later 13th century]
Grant by Philip of Burn Toft to John son of Peter of Hartlepool of all his lands, tenements, rents etc which Matilda of Duffield held in the vill and territory of Burn Toft by way of dower, except for 6s rent from a tenement of Dom Ranulph chaplain of Burn Toft, rendering annually 1d at Christmas.
Witnesses: William of Kilkenny (Kirkenni) lord of Stotfold, Ralph de Veruny, Roger de Herice, EliaBard, Ralph Bard, Ralph de Cumba, Roger Postel, John Abel, William Seer.
Parchment, 1m, damaged with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 150 x 210mm
Seal: stub of a parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 200   [18 July 1392 - 19 February 1394]
Burn Toft [manorial] court roll for Dom Isabella of Claxton.
Courts held: Thursday before St Mary Magdalene 16 Richard [II], vigil of the Conversion of St Paul 17 Richard [II], Thursday before St Peter in cathedra year as above.
Parchment roll, 1m, some damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 345 x 205mm
Misc.Ch. 201-300
[DCD Misc.Ch. 201]
Now 4.1.Elemos.23a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 202]
Now 4.1.Elemos.23b.
DCD Misc.Ch. 203   [1244 x 1258]
Demise by Bertram [of Middleton] prior and the convent of Durham to Richard his faithful man for life of all their land in Cruketon [in the park at Bearpark] which Gilbert de Leya gave them, except for the meadows which they have retained for the custody of their animals whose custody they have committed to him, and for which they have allowed him to have 10 cows in their pastures for life, and if his wife survives him, she may continue with the custody, but she may also give it up as she wishes, and they will reserve the cheese and butter for the prior and convent's use.
Witnesses: Master Walter of Haddington, Master Herbet the medic, William chaplain of St Mary, John of Ketton, Richard Brun, Adam de Awic, William of Aycliffe (Acleya), Ralph Pistore, Thomas Coco, Robert Coco, Gilbert Burdon, Aileward.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “cyrographum” cut through, lined
Size: 130 x 190mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.11r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 204   [?late 1228]
Request by R[ichard Poore] bishop of Durham for Prior R[alph Kerneth] and the convent of Durham to confirm the grant to Nicholas de Yeland of lands (as in Misc.Ch. 6632).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 161 x 16mm
Sewn to Misc.Ch. 205 & 206
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.310-311.
DCD Misc.Ch. 205   [1228, after 22 July]
Request by R[ichard Poore] bishop of Durham for R[alph Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham to add their seal to the charter for R[obert] of Cockfield [Misc.Ch. 206].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 150 x 34mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse, with a wrapping tie
Sewn to Misc.Ch. 204 & 206
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.273-274.
DCD Misc.Ch. 206   [1228 x 1234]
Counterpart consent by R[alph Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham of gifts by R[ichard Poore] bishop of Durham to Dom Robert of Cockfield of lands and the advowson of a church founded by him in a place called Beaurepayr [Cockfield].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, round [filing] hole in the top left corner
Size: 105 x 165mm
Sewn to Misc.Ch.204 & 205
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.4v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.273.
Misc.Ch. 207   1 March [1555]
Language:  English
Award by Stephen [Gardiner] bishop of Winchester and chancellor of England, between the dean & chapter of Durham, and Thomas Whytehedde and Christopher Moreland gent., over an annuity of £20 from Bearpark.
Signed “Ste Winton cancell”.
Date: 1 March 1 & 2 Phil. & Mary.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Size: 480 x 640mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 208]
Now Manorial acs, Enrolled 1342-3 m.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 209]
Now Manorial acs, Bearpark 1342-3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 210   11 November 139[1]
Account of Dom William de Killerby prior's chaplain of the first ludus held at Bearpark around St Martin 139[1]
Up to four ludi (games/entertainments/hospitality events and gatherings of monks on relaxation) were held each year when monks were entertained at one of the prior's manors. The ludi accounts are essentially provisioning accounts, recording daily consumption of different categories of food.
This account has 22 daily sections, Sunday to Sunday, also a cash section, and totals of certain foodstuffs consumed.
Parchment roll, 1m, some damage to the edges
Size: 670 x 255mm
Further details on ludi in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.97-98.
The ludi accounts are also listed in Household Accounts from Medieval England Part 2, ed C.M. Woolgar (Oxford 1993), p.701.
DCD Misc.Ch. 211   [2 February] 1392
Account of Dom William de Killerby prior's chaplain of the second ludus held at Bearpark around the Purification of the BVM 1391/2
25 daily sections Monday to Thursday, with a cash section, and totals of certain foodstuffs consumed.
Parchment roll, 2m, some damage to m2
Size: 1130 x 245mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 211*   27 April 1392
Account of Dom William de Killerby prior's chaplain of the ludus held at Pittington around 27 April 1392
22 daily sections Sunday to Sunday, with a cash section, and totals of certain foodstuffs consumed.
Parchment roll, 2m, damaged down the left side, especially m2, with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 1130 x 200mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 212   [24 June] 1392
Account of Dom William de Killerby prior's chaplain of the ludus held at Bearpark around the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1392
23 daily sections Sunday to Monday, with totals of certain foodstuffs consumed, and a cash section.
Parchment roll, 1m, some damage to the right edge with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 760 x 275mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 213   [c.1390]
Account of ? for a spacio held at [?Pittington around ?Ascension]
26 daily sections Monday to Thursday, with a final cash total “istius spacionis prioris”
Whether or not a spacio was significantly different from a ludus is not clear, but the pattern is that of a ludus account. A side-note refers to the prior's absence in Durham during one week. It is likely that the occasion took place at Pittington rather than Bearpark as some entries refer to Bearpark as a source of supply and others refer to an unnamed manor. Though there is no heading, the first line appears to read “D... festum Asc...” which might be the Sunday after Ascension.
Parchment roll, 2m, some damp damage to m1, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 685 x 270mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 214   [c.1390]
Account of ? of [the ludus held at Bearpark]
28 daily sections Tuesday to Monday. After the second day, there is a total for the week, showing that five days at least are missing at the start, about the right number to occupy one membrane. A note at hte foot of the face refers to text at the start of the dorse, now lost.
While there is no reference to the occasion for the account being a ludus, it follows the appropriate pattern, and references to items brought from Durham shows that it concerns consumption away from the priory, quite possibly at Bearpark.
Parchment roll, 5m, some damage to m1, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 2400 x 255mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 215   [3 May 1334]
Grant by Adam de Chatton of Bamburgh and his wife Cecilia to Alexander son of William Dughan of Bamburgh, of a messuage in Southegate in Bamburgh, between the messuages of the said Alexander on the east and Adam son of Walter Coke on the west.
Witnesses: Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, Robert Freman of Bamburgh, Henry de Brotherwyk, John de Whalton, William son of Adam Skinner of Bamburgh, William Mayle.
Date: Bamburgh, Tuesday the Invention of the Holy Cross 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some small stains
Size: 100 x 265mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, with a further blank parchment sealing tag, each through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.128n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 216   [mid 14th century]
Language:  French
Petition to the king or his council from Alexander of Bamburgh re the finding of an inquest of a commission in Northumberland returned into the chancery was that certain lands rightly his had been seised into the king's hands on account of William of Hadham's malicious suggestion that they had escheated to the king after Ralph le Porter's forfeiture.
Parchment, 1m, some damage to the head and left edge with some letters lost, repaired with parchment c.1970, stubs of [filing] threads through 2 holes in the centre of the turnup
Size: 90 x 295mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 217   [mid 14th century]
Language:  French
Petition to the king from Alexander of Bamburgh reciting that, a writ having been issued from the chancery or exchequer to Northumberland after the death of Robert Porter of Bamburgh to hold an inquisition into his estate and his next heir, which inquisition, returned into the chancery, found that he held all his lands of the king in chief, with their reversion being held by the said Alexander, as certified by William de Kyldesby clerk of the privy seal, then a letter went from the clerk of the chancery rolls to Alexander to make his homage before the king, but William de Hadham had suggested that Alexander had no right to the lands because of the forfeiture of Ralph le Porter of Bamburgh who had been seised of them, which Alexander now disputes.
With some interlineations.
Parchment, 1m, some damage to the head and foot and some staining
Size: 80 x 300mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 218   [mid 14th century]
Language:  French
Petition to the king and his council from Alexander of Bamburgh, reciting that an inquest taken after a writ of diem clausit extremis on the death of Robert le Porter of Bamburgh returned into chancery found that all the lands he held at his death were held of the king in chief and he held only a life estate in them with reversion due to Alexander as brother and heir of Thomas of Bamburgh, and a letter was sent under the seal of the clerk of the chancery rolls and William de Kyldesby clerk of the privy seal for Alxeander to make his homage to the king for the lands, but at the suggestion that the said Robert's lands had escheated to the king because of the forfeiture of his ancestor Ralph, the homage was delayed and a commission has been issued to John de Stryvelin, Robert Darreys and WIlliam Heppescotes to enquire into William de Hadham's suggestion, and Alexander does not want thereby to be disinherited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 125 x 290mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 219   [25 November] 1348
Lease by William Vescy of Bamburgh to Robert Wake and Marjory who was the wife of Alexander Dughan of 33 acres of arable land in the field of Bamburgh, of which 7½ acres are at Prestlawe, 4½ acres are at Standandstane, 9 on Laughakres, 12 on Les Croukes on Pasterleys and at Humbreford, from St Martin 1348 for 5 years, rendering annually for each acre 3s 4d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and also 7½ acres of arable land at Elthop and an acre at Prestlawe which Thomas Marshall now holds, 2 acres which William Bellard holds at Prestlawe, 3 acres which John Bell holds at Prestlawe, 1½ acres which John de Hopom holds, and 10 acres on Le Swyrles, from St Martin next for 5 years rendering annually for each acre 3s 4d at the terms as above, and also 11 acres of arable land in the said field, of which 8 acres are by Laughakres at Le Standandstane which Matthew Pipys now holds, and 3 acres are at Humbreford in the tenure of William Brewster, from St Martin 1350 for 3 years, rendering annually for each acre as above, and also all his meadows in the said field of Bamburgh from St Martin at 1348 for 5 years rendering annually 20s in equal portions at St Cuthbert in March and September.
Witnesses: Thomas de Knapton, John Skinner, John Bell and John de Sessurth bailiffs of Bamburgh, William Maille, Robert Goldwyne, Adam de Chatton.
Date: Bamburgh, Tuesday St Katherine 1348.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 210 x 245mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.131n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 220   [pre-1348]
Grant by Adam de Bedenhale to Alexander Doughane of Bamburgh of his tenement in Bambrugh in Le Pestethes between the tenements of himself and Robert Goldwyne.
Witnesses: Robert le Wake, William Skinner, William Maile, Robert Goldwyne, John Bonde.
Alexander Dughan's will is dated 1347.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 221   [16 September 1326]
Grant by William del Hevedrawe of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas son of William Dughan of Bamburgh of 3 messuages in Bamburgh on Le Hevedrawe (?High St) between the messuages of William le Skinner on the north and Ralph Lovely on the south, and another messuage in Bamburgh in Malsane between the messuages of the lord of Bradford on the east and that formerly of John of Berwick on the west, and 2 messuages in Le Baillie which were Gilbert Goldewyn's.
Witnesses: William le Coroner of Bamburgh, William le Skinner, Robert Goldwyn, Adam de Elford, William Maille, Henry de Brotherwik.
Date: Bamburgh, Tuesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 20 Edward [II].
With a 17th century endorsement by [Bishop John Cosin].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 250mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing[ tag, through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.129n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 222   [?1320s]
Grant by John Browster of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh son of William Dughan of Bamburgh of all that land of his garden on the east on which the same Thomas formerly built a latrine.
Date: John de Whalton, William Mayle, Robert Goldewyn, Robert Skarf, William Rugheved.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 220mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.129n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 223   [?1320s]
Grant by William son of Adam Gregorysone of Newtown (Nova Villa) to Thomas son of William Dughane of Bamburgh clerk of 10½ burgages in Newtown upon Warnneth by Bamburgh, of which one is between the burgages of Adam of Elford in the west of the vill, and three are near the burgage of Robert of Weardale in the Houemastshete, and two are between the burgages of the said Adam de Elford and William Gibson ate Potte, and two are between the burgages of William le Skinner and Robert Holheye in the Middelmastshete, and one is near the burgage of Thomas Gibson by le Harestane, and one is between the two burgages of Robert of Weardale by Hollawe, and the half burgage is between the burgages of William le Skinner and John le Skinner on the east of the vill.
Witnesses: William le Coroner of Bamburgh, William del Heudebrawe, John de Whalton, William le Skinner, John le Skinner, and Adam of Elford.
Parchment, 1m, some holes
Size: 95 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.196n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 224   [20 July 1328]
Grant by Robert Scarf of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas son of William Dughan of Bamburgh of a messuage in Bamburgh between the messuages of William le Skinner of Bamburgh on the east and John de Whalton on the west.
Witnesses: Roger de Edereston, William of St Paul, William the Skinner of Bamburgh, John de Whalton of Bamburgh, and John Bond.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday St Margaret the virgin 2 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 65 x 240mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 225   [2 August 1329]
Quitclaim by William Legger of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh son of William Dughan of Bamburgh of his right to a messuage in Bamburgh called ?Bedeleem.
Witnesses: Roger de Edereston, Adam of Ellingham, William of St Paul, William Skinner, John de Whalton, Robert Goldewyn.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after St Peter ad vincula 3 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 45 x 260mm
Seal: blank parchment sealing tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 226   [15 September] 1329
Grant by John de Whalton of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh son of William Dughan of Bamburgh of a messuage in Bamburgh between the messuage of William de Homeldon near le Marketsted on the east and the messuage of Alan of Ford on the west.
Witnesses: William Skinner of Bamburgh, Robert Porter, John Skinner, William Skinner of Spindleston, Robert Goldewyn, Robert Skarf.
Date: Bamburgh, Friday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 3 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, with a parchment tie through 4 holes in a turnup
Size: 75 x 245mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 227   [24 September 1332]
Grant by Thomas of Bamburgh clerk to Alexander his brother and his heirs of a messuage in la Southgate in Bamburgh which was Geoffrey Nout of Bamburgh's and which Eustace le Whrit of Bamburgh held when the deed was made, with reversion to the said Thomas and his heirs.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter, John de Whalton, William le Skinner (Skenner), Robert Goldewyne, John Bunde, Ralph the Taylor.
Date: Bamburgh, Thursday before St Michael 6 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.143, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.129n.
Digitised material for Grant by Thomas of Bamburgh clerk to Alexander his brother and his heirs of a messuage in la Southgate in Bamburgh - DCD Misc.Ch. 227
DCD Misc.Ch. 228   3 March [1332]
Demise by Thomas of Bamburgh clerk to Robert son of Robert le Porter of Bamburgh of 60 acres of land and 5 acres of meadow in Bamburgh and the custody of the gate of Bamburgh castle taking per day 2d for the custody for life from the king, with reversion of all to the said Thomas.
Witnesses: Dom Robert of Horncliff miles, Robert of Tuggal (Tughale), Henry of Swinhoe (Swynhowe) , William of Beadnell (Bedenale), Adam of Ellingham, William le Skinner of Bamburgh.
Date: London, 3 March 6 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 255mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.130n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 229   [13 October 1332]
Final concord before William de Herle, John of Stonor, John of Cambridge, John Inge, John de Shardelowe, and Richard of Aldborough king's justices, of a quticlaim to Thomas of Bamburgh clerk querulent, by Thomas Beaupount of Bamburgh deforciant, of his right to a messuage, 60 acres of land and 10 acres of meadow in Fulbrig in Bamburgh, for which Thomas of Bamburgh paid him 20 marks.
Date: Westminster, quindene of St Michael 6 Edward III.
With a 17th century endorsement describing it, by [Bishop John Cosin]
Parchment, 1m, indented head and right side, wavy, letters cut through, slit in the centre of the foot
Size: 135 x 275mm
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.130n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 230   [6 April 1334]
Grant by William son of William Gray of Bamburgh to Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of 3 acres of land in le Elle in Bamburgh which was formerly in the hand of the late King Edward [II] after the death of Roger le Porter and which King Edward III had asked to be given to the said Thomas, who had leased them from the king for 10 years, as his right and inheritance, and William also quitclaims his right to them.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William Skinner of Bamburgh of Shoreston, John Bonde, Robert Godewyn of Bamburgh, WIlliam Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after St Ambrose 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 285mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 231   [6 April 1334]
Quitclaim by William son of William Gray of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of his right to 3 acres of land in a certain place called le Elle in the vill of Bamburgh which the same Thomas held for a term of years by concession of the king of England.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William le Skenner of Bamburgh of Shoreston, John Bonde, Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, William Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after St Ambrose 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 232   [6 April 1334]
Grant by John Scot of Shoreston son and heir of Henry Warynson to Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of 4 acres of land in a certain place called le Elle in Bamburgh which had formerly been taken into the hand of King Edward [II] on the death of Roger le Porter and which King Edward III had handed over to John as his right and inheritance, as demanded by the said Thomas, who had leased the land from the king for 10 years, and John also quitclaims any right therein to Thomas.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William Skinner of Bamburgh of Shoreston, John Bonde, Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, William Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after St Ambrose 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 233   [13 April 1334]
Quitclaim by John Scot of Shoreston son and heir of Henry Warynson to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of his right to 4 acres of land in a certain place called le Elle in Bamburgh which Thomas holds for a term of years by concession of the king of England.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William Skinner of Bamburgh of Shoreston, John Bonde, Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, William Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after the quindene of Easter 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 234   [6 April 1334]
Grant by Margery of the Hill formerly the wife of Adam of Crofton to Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of 3 acres of land in Bamburgh which had formerly been taken into the hands of King Edward II after the death of Robert le Porter and which King Edward III had handed over to John as his right and inheritance, as demanded by the said Thomas, who had leased the land from the king for 10 years, and Margery also quitclaims her right therein to the said Thomas.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William Skinner of Bamburgh of Shoreston, John Bonde, Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, William Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after St Ambrose 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some thread sewn through holes in the turnup
Size: 90 x 275mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 235   [6 April 1334]
Quitclaim by William son of Patrick of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of his right to 6½ acres of land and an acre of meadow in Bamburgh which Thomas holds for a term of years by concession of the king of England.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William Skinner of Bamburgh of Shofton, John Bonde, Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, William Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after St Ambrose 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some staining, with some thread sewn through some holes in the turnup
Size: 90 x 250mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 236   [6 April 1334]
Quitclaim by John son of William son of John Wilkokessone to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of his right to 3 acres of land in a certain place called le Elle in Bamburgh which Thomas holds for a term of years by concession of the king of England.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William Skinner of Bamburgh of Shoreston, John Bonde, Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, William Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after the quindene of Easter 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 237   18 June [1334]
Charter of Edward III granting to Thomas of Bamburgh the king's clerk a vacant place called le Kyngesgerner next to the gate called Mukgate in Berwick-upon-Tweed during pleasure.
Witnesses: W[illiam Melton] archbishop of York, R[ichard of Bury] bishop of Durham treasurer, John of Eltham earl of Cornwall the king's brother, John de Warenne earl of Surrey, Henry Percy, Ralph Nevill steward of the king's household.
By writ of privy seal; duplicate.
Date: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 18 June 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 190 x 285mm
Seal: G&B No.3745 (Edward III, brown wax), on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup. 2nd seal
DCD Misc.Ch. 238   [2 January 1336]
Grant by Thomas son of Robert Hoker of Bamburgh to Dom Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of 2½ acres of land in Bamburgh formerly taken into the hands of King Edward [II] after the death of Roger le Porter which King Edward III by his writ had mandated the said Thomas, who then held them for a term of years, to hand over to the grantor as his right and inheritance, and the grantor also quitclaims any right in them to the said Thomas.
Witnesses: William Skinner of Shoreston of Bamburgh, John de Whalton, Robert Goldewyn, Robert le Porter, William Maile, Robert Wake, William de Bedenhale, Adam of Ellingham, Samson de Mulsfen.
Date: Bamburgh, Tuesday after the Circumcision 9 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 90 x 265mm
Seal: part, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 239   [15 September 1339]
Quitclaim by Margaret who was the wife of John de Whalton of Bamburgh to Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of her right to a messuage in Bamburgh situated between the messuage of Gilbert de Homeldon near le Marketstede on the east and the messuage formerly of Alan of Ford on the west, by way of dower.
Witnesses: Robert Goldewyn, William Skinner, Robert Wake, Samson de Mulsfen, William Maile.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 13 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some thread sewn through the turnup
Size: 80 x 275mm
Seal: parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 240   [6 April 1334]
Grant by John son of William son of John Wilkokesson of Shoreston to Thomas of Bamburgh clerk of 3 acres of land in a place called le Elle in Bamburgh which formerly was taken into the hands of King Edward [II] after the death of Roger le Porter and which King Edward III by his writ had mandated the said Thomas, who then held them for a term of 10 years, to hand over to the grantor as his right and inheritance, and the grantor also quitclaims any right in them to the said Thomas.
Witnesses: Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, Robert Wake of Bamburgh, William Skinner of Bamburgh of Shoreston, John Bonde, Robert Goldewyn of Bamburgh, William Maile of Bamburgh.
Date: Bamburgh, Wednesday after St Ambrose 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some stains, some thread sewn through the turnup
Size: 100 x 280mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 241   3 May 1348
Notarial instrument recording the resignation of Dom Adam of Newsham (Newsome) as vicar of Bywell St Peter before Master John of Stockton vicar general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Dom John de Sculthorp rector of Misson in York diocese, and also John of Ludworth and Richard of Luffenham clerks of Durham and Lincoln dioceses.
Date: Galilee Durham, 3 May 1348.
Notary: John Thomas of Hackthorpe clerk of Carlisle diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 185 x 270mm
Decoration: elaborated initial “I”
[DCD Misc.Ch. 242]
Now 4.3.Sacr.5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 243   8 January 1499
Notarial instrument reciting the resignation by Dom Thomas Lee chaplain as vicar of Bywell St Peter.
Witnesses: Doms Richard White and John Robson chaplains, and Robert ?Feyny literatus, of Durham and London dioceses.
Date: a high chamber in Brancepeth castle, 8 January 1498/9
Notary: Robert Dykar clerk of Bath and Wells diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority, eschatocol recited.
Endorsed (contemporary) that the resignation was admitted on that day.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 205 x 285mm
Copy: DCD Reg. V, f.45r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 244]
Now 4.3.Sacr.29.
DCD Misc.Ch. 245   [21 December 1310]
Confirmation by John of Corbridge for Adam de Menevill of lands with their buildings in Bywell given him by John de Ullesby, rendering him annually 20s, half at Pentecost and half at Martinmas.
Witnesses: Doms John de Insula, John of Halton, John de Vallibus milites, John of Normanville, Robert Wawclyn, Gilbert de Faldleye, Robert of Minsteracres, and John son of William of Bywell.
Date: Bywell, St Thomas the Apostle 4 Edward [II].
Size: 135 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.694, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.191.
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.85.
DCD Misc.Ch. 246   [30 July 1299]
Grant by Cecilia daughter of Ely of Bywell, in good prosperity and legitimate widowhood, to John de Ulnysby of all her land in the vill and territory of Bywell with the buildings built thereon for life.
Date: John of Normanville, John de Maynevill, Robert of Corbridge, Robert of Ovington, Hugh of Bywell, John son of William, William Rot', Laurence de Merkamby.
Date: Bywell, Thursday before St Peter ad vincula 27 Edward [I].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 290mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 247   [31 December c.1300]
[?Appointment of an attorney] by Adam de Menevile [to deliver seisin to ?] of all the land and tenements in the territory of Bywell as more fully detailed in a charter.
Date: Whittonstall, the vigil of the Circumcision [?].
Parchment, 1m, badly damaged, right half lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 40 x c.130mm
Seal: part of a [sealing] tongue remaining
DCD Misc.Ch. 248   [30 November] 1331
Language:  French
Lease by John son of Adam de Menevill to Adam Uncouth of Ovington of his part of the pool (estaunk) and all the fishery of Bywell in the River Tyne, from Pentecost last for 8 years, rendering 7 marks in equal shares at Pentecost and St Martin, with Robert Lutil of Newburn, Richard del Milne of Bywell, John Baret and Adam Multergrene as Uncouth's ?guarantors.
Date: St Andrew 1331.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, some damage to the foot repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 140 x 225mm
Seal: parts of two, each on a parchment tag, with a further two blank tags, each through a slit in a turnup
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.191.
DCD Misc.Ch. 249   [28 January 1369]
Language:  French
Appointment by John of Carlisle chaplain and William de Lackerby of Nicholas Rosels as their attorney to administer their goods in the wapentake of Laugburgh.
Date: Sunday before the Purification of the BVM 43 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 210mm
Seal: unidentified, on a detached tongue, tied to the wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 250   [10 December 1446]
Grant by Alice Sutton in her pure widowhood to Alan Tempyll of Shoreston of a burgage on le Northrawe in Bamburgh (Bawmburght) between the burgages of Richard Ogyll on the east and Edward Craster (Crawsyster) on the west.
Witnesses: Dom William Ragge, William Brigainer, John Nicolson, Thomas Mawe, John Eme, John Maii.
Date: Bamburgh, 4 Id. December 25 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.2356, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.130n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 251   [1260 x 1275]
Language:  French
Quitclaim by Adam son of Gilbert of Stocksfield to Sir Alexander de Balliol and Lady Eleanor de Genouer his wife of his father's gift of an acre of land abutting the pool (le stang) at Bywell.
Witnesses: Nicholas [of Cramlington] prior of Brinkburn, Sir Ralph de Cotum, Sir William of Middleton, Sir John de Ogill, John of Normanville, Robert de Meynevill, Roger de Areynes, William de Godheclin steward of Bywell.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 90 x 195mm
Seal: remains of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 252   [c.1260s]
Language:  French
Quitclaim by John son of Elys of Stocksfield to Sir Robert de Estoutevill and Lady Eleanor de Genoue his wife of his right to an acre of land abutting the pool and the fishery at Bywell on the River Tyne, bounded by the land of John of Normanville and himself to the west, and Robert and Eleanor can build houses, quarry etc there, rendering annually to him and his heirs a clove at Christmas.
Witnesses: Sir Robert del Yle, Sir Robert de Meynevill, Sir Ralph de Cotum chivalers, John of Normanvill, Robert of Corbridge, Simon of Waskerley.
Parchment, 1m, some damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 170 x 250mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 2 slits
DCD Misc.Ch. 253   [?1318]
Quitclaim by John de Stutevill to Adam de Meynevill and his heirs of his right to all the lands and tenements, pools and fisheries in the River Tyne which he ever had in the territories of the vills of Bywell and Stocksfield.
Witnesses: John de Insula of Woodburn, John de Vallibus, John of Haughton (Haulton), Robert de Insula of Chipchase milites, John Gray of Wallington, John Turpin, John de Matfen, Robert de Boteland, Thomas de Boteland, Adam of Mickley clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 75 x 230mm
Seal: stub of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 254   [13 November] 1318
Quticlaim by John de Stutevill to Adam de Mennevill of his right to lands and tenements in the territories of the vills of Bywell and Stocksfield, and pools and fisheries in the River Tyne.
Witnesses: John de Insula of Woodburn, John de Vallibus, John of Haughton (Haulton), Robert de Insula of Chipchase milites, John Gray of Wallington, John Turpin, John de Matfen, Robert de Boteland, Thomas de Boteland, Adam of Mickley clerk.
Date: York, Wednesday after St Martin 1318.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 100 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No.2336, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.190-191.
DCD Misc.Ch. 255   [26 March] 1345
Grant by Isolda, daughter of Guy Darrayns of Whittonstall, to William, son of William of Charlton, and John, son of Lawrence of Stocksfield, of a parcel of land at Blacklaw in Newton in the parish of Bywell St Peter, formerly owned by her father, for the life of Isolda at an annual rent of 13s 4d, at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions beginning at Pentecost 1346, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: Robert de Insula of Woodburn, Roger of Fenwick, John Forster, Adam son of Alan of Corbridge, Simon of Waskerley, Gilbert of Ovington.
Date: Corbridge, Saturday the vigil of Easter 1345.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, some small holes
Size: 110 x 255mm
Seal: two blank parchment [sealing] tags, each through a slit in a turnup
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.131.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 256]
Now 5.1.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 257]
Now 2.1.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 258]
Now 2.1.Elemos.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 259]
Now 2.1.Elemos.11.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 260]
Now 2.1.Elemos.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 261]
Now 2.1.Elemos.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 262]
Now 3.1.Elemos.24.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 263]
Now 2.1.Elemos.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 264]
Now 2.1.Elemos.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 264*]
Now 2.1.Elemos.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 265]
Now 3.1.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 266]
Now 2.1.Elemos.24.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 267]
Now 2.1.Elemos.23.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 268]
Now 2.1.Elemos.22.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 269]
Now 2.1.Elemos.20.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 270]
Now 2.1.Elemos.21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 271]
Now 2.1.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 272]
Now 3.1.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 273]
Now 3.1.Elemos.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 274]
Now 3.1.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 275]
Now 3.1.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 276]
Now 2.1.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 277]
Now 2.1.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 278]
Now 2.1.Elemos.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 279]
Now 2.1.Elemos.5b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 280]
Now 2.1.Elemos.5a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 281]
Now 2.1.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 282]
Now 1.1.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 283]
Now 3.1.Elemos.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 284]
Now 3.1.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 285]
Now 3.1.Elemos.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 286]
Now 3.1.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 287]
Now 3.1.Elemos.18.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 288]
Now 2.1.Elemos.26a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 289]
Now 2.1.Elemos.26b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 290]
Now 2.1.Elemos.25.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 291]
Now 3.1.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 292]
Now 3.1.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 293]
Now 3.1.Elemos.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 294]
Now 3.1.Elemos.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 295]
Now 3.1.Elemos.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 296]
Now 3.1.Elemos.12a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 297]
Now 3.1.Elemos.12b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 298]
Now 3.1.Elemos.11.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 299]
Now 3.1.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 300]
Now 3.1.Elemos.20.
Misc.Ch. 301-400
DCD Misc.Ch. 301   14 May [1378]
Lease by William of Claxton miles to John of Claxton of all his lands in the vill and territory of Bradbury and his manor of Fishburn except for what William de Morislaw holds and an annual rent from the lands and tenements of Cuthbert of Fishburn in the same vill, for life, rendering annually £20 in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, and after William's death, John should render a rose if asked for at the Nativity of St John the Baptist to William's heirs for life.
Witnesses: William of Elmdon, Simon of Langton, Thomas of Claxton, Cuthbert of Fishburn, Robert of Langley.
Date: Fishburn, 14 May 1 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 115 x 270mm
Seal: part, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 302]
Now 3.1.Elemos.21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 303]
Now 2.1.Elemos.28.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 304]
Now 2.1.Elemos.29.
DCD Misc.Ch. 305   [?1323]
Grant by John son of William of Burdon to William of Walworth of 2 messuages and 4 bovates of land in Great Burdon.
Witnesses: William of Skirningham, Walter Gilet, William de Bermeton, Jordan Pedcock, Henry del Chippes.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 306   [1323]
Grant by John son of William of Burdon to William of Walworth of 2 messuages and 4 bovates of land in Great Burdon, rendering annually for his life 5 marks at the 3 annual terms, that is 22s 2½d at each of St Cuthbert in September 1323, St Martin and Pentecost, with distraints entitled after 15 days of non-payment.
Witnesses: William of Skirningham, Walter Gilet, William de Bermeton, Jordan Pedcock, Henry del Chippes.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, “cyrographus” cut through
Size: 150 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag from a reused citation of 6 Id. January, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 307   [1322]
Copy grant by John son of William Burdon to Gilbert son of William Burdon his brother of all hi slands of the inheritance of his father William and mother Marjory in the vill of Great Burdon, rendering a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist if asked for.
Witnesses: William lord of Skirningham, William son of Thomas de Bermeton, Jordan de Bermeton, Henry del Chyppes.
Copy grant by John son of William of Burdon to his brother Gilbert of all his goods and chattels.
Date: Burdon, Sunday after the Ascension 1322.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 260mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 308   [2 December] 1331
Grant by Roger son of William of Burdon to Robert of Silksworth of a messuage and 14 acres of land in West Burdon which had been Payn de Wardon's, which he now holds by the gift of Roger son of Geoffrey of Burdon his grandfather, for life with remainder to Robert's brother William and then William's daughter Agnes.
Date: West Burdon, Monday after St Katherine 1331.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 235mm
Seal: G&B No.472, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 309   [16 November] 1338
Grant by Roger lord of Burdon to William Bates del Riding of an annual rent of 20s from the tenement which Simon Marke holds of him in West Burdon to be paid at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: John de Maynevill, Richard de Lynce, John de Gildefurth, Walter de Bildefurth, William de Yholton, William Freeman, Richard of Ravensworth.
Date: Burdon, Monday after St Martin 1338.
Parchment, 1m, damaged and fragile with part of the foot lost
Size: 120 x 255mm
Seal: turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 310   [25 January] 1344
Grant by Roger lord of West Burdon to Nicholas of Skelton and Alexander his son of 4½ acres of land on the meadow of Sentholme in the vill of West Burdon, 4 acres in Ercilaw, 3 acres and a rod in Blacklanflat, 3 rods beyond Wynnileche Way, 3 acres in le Brigfflat, 3 acres in le Schortfflat, 3 acres in le Bernoflat, an acre in Gossecroft, half an acre abutting on Blancornemere, 3 rods on Gormerehill, 4 acres which John son of Ely held, an acre in Langmoreflat, a rod abutting on le Langmedow, half an acre in le Holme in Lemedowflat, 3 acres at Birdenwellflat, 3 acres in Tosselaw, 2½ acres which Peter Say held, an acre in le Bailliecroft, half an acre in le Crossflat, half an acre abutting on Estergormer, 3 rods in le Northchestrs, 5 rods by Anabelscross, an acre in Hechilwiner with meadows of Northolme and Southholme and with 2 acres of arable in le Holme, 6 acres on Ercilawflat on the east side, 2 acres in le Smertcroft, 1½ rods of land in le Holme by the land of William of Silksworth on the east, and the meadow of Bailiyhard and Parkmedew, and the service and all the right of the land of John de Gossewich in the vill of West Burdon, rendering annually for the first 17 years a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and then £10 in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: John Harpyne, Thomas de Densw, Jordan de Merlaw, Gilbert de Wessington, Roger de Hepdon, William of Masham.
Date: West Burdon, the Conversion of St Paul 1343/4.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, some small holes
Size: 205 x 225mm
Seal: a slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 311   23 May 1331
Grant by Roger son of Geoffrey of West Burdon and Ivette his wife to Robert of Silksworth of a messuage and 30 acres of land in West Burdon for the life of Robert, with remainder to William of Silksworth for his life, and then William's daughter Agnes.
Date: West Burdon, 23 May 1331.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 245mm
Seal: parts of two parchment tags, each through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 312   [13 November] 1363
Quitclaim by Alice of Burdon, sister and one of the heirs of John of Burdon, to Thomas de Menevil of her right to her lands etc in the vill of West Burdon.
Witnesses: William de Menevill, John of Birtley, Robert of Lambton, John of Ogle (Ogill), Gilbert de Holom.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Martin 1363.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.461, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 313   [6 November] 1363
Appointment by Alice of Burdon, sister and one of the heirs of John of Burdon, of John son of Laurence of Kelloe as her attorney to deliver seisin to Thomas de Menevill of all he rlands etc in the vill of West Burdon.
Date: West Burdon, Monday after All Saints 1363.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.461, on a tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 314   [1394]
Lease by Thomas of Burdon to William de Merlay jr of a tenement with two bovates of land in the vill of Little Burdon (Mikilburdon) for 40 years from St Martin 1394, rendering annually to Thomas of Burdon and his wife Eleanor 13s 4d in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin beginning at Pentecost 1395, and rendering annually to the lord prior of Durham 7½d, with Thomas and Eleanor entitled to distrain if the rent is unpaid for 40 days or half a year, and if they impede William then he is entitled to a rent of 100s from their lands in the vills of Burdon, Fawles and Bermeton.
Witnesses: Richard de Federstanhaulgh, Thomas Casson, John of Burdon of Darlington, John of Teesdale.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 145 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.177, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 315   14 April 1331
Grant by William del Westhalle of Ryhope (Refhop) to Robert of Silksworth of a messuage and 30 acres of land in West Burdon, for life, with remainder to William of Silksworth for life, and then to William's daughter Agnes.
Date: Burdon, 14 April 1331.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 140 x 215mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 316   [19 November] 1338
Grant by William Bates del Riding to Roger lord of Burdon to repossess after 15 years an annual rent of 20s from that tenement in the vill of West Burdon which Simon Mark holds, with which Roger had enfeoffed him.
Date: Burdon, Thursday before St Katherine 1338.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 85 x 260mm
Seal: part of a parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 317   [?1320s]
Grant by Robert de Stodhaghe to William son of William of Walworth and his wife Olive of a messuage and 2 bovates of land in Great Burdon, with reversion to William's right heirs if there are no heirs of William and Olive.
Witnesses: William of Skirningham, Richard Chancellor, Henry del Chippes, William son of Thomas de Bermeton, Jordan de Bermeton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No., on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 318   [1 May] 1321
Acknowledgement that the grant by ? Benet and Eustachia his wife to William son of William of Walworth (Wallewud) an annual rent of 10s from their lands in Great Burdon has deteriorated to nothing over 12 years.
Witnesses: William son of Peter the clerk, John son of Peter, John Bruse, Henry de Chippes.
Date: Darlington, Friday SS Philip and James 1321.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, badly worn with some text lost, also some worm damage
Size: 80 x 180mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 319   [24 January] 1390
Grant by William of Lanchester, vicar of Durham St Oswald, to John Dernlof of all the lands etc John gave him in the vills of Greater Burdon, Darlington, Croft and Iolby, with remainder to the heirs of the body of John's father, John Dernlof, and then to his right heirs.
Witnesses: Robert Gylet, Walter de Bewlof, John of Barton, William de Okirby, John Clervaus, Robert de Laton, William Clerk.
Date: Monday before the Conversion of St Paul 1389/90.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 130 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
tied with a parchment tie round the seal tags to 320 and 321
DCD Misc.Ch. 320   [24 January] 1390
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 319.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 130 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
tied with a parchment tie round the seal tags to 319 and 321
DCD Misc.Ch. 321   [28 December] 1389
Grant by John Dernlof, son and heir of John Dernlof, to William of Lanchester, vicar of Durham St Oswald, of all his lands etc in the vills of Greater Burdon, Darlington, Croft and Iolby.
Witnesses: John Clervaus sr, John Clervaus jr, Robert de Laton, John Blakman, William Clerk, William Hill, John Arnalde.
Date: Tuesday after Christmas 1389.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No., on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
tied with a parchment tie round the seal tags to 319 and 320
DCD Misc.Ch. 322   [1 May] 1321
Grant by John Benet of Darlington and Eustachia his wife to William son of William of Wallworth (Wallwrd) of a 10s annual rent from all their lands in Great Burdon at the two annual terms of Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Witnesses: William son of Peter clerk, John son of Peter, John Bruse, Henry de Chippes.
Date: Darlington, Friday SS Philip and James 1321.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 190mm
Seal: two blank parchment [sealing] tags, each through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 323   [25 February] 1321
Grant by John Benet of Darlington and Eustachia his wife to William de Helton and Matilda his wife and the heirs of Matilda, of a messuage and a bovate of land and the adjacent meadow in the vill of Great Burdon, rendering annually for the next 12 years 10s at the two annual terms of St Martin and Pentecost in equal portions beginning at Pentecost 1332, and after the 12 years 20s.
Witnesses: William of Skirningham, John of Burdon, Henry de Chippes.
Date: Darlington, Wednesday the morrow of St Matthias 1320/1.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, some slight damage, repaired wth parchment c.1970
Size: 140 x 185mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 324   [?1269]
Grant by Henry de Halteby and Avicia his wife, and Abraham of Burdon and Emma his wife, to Gilbert of Ketton of all the land, toft, corft and meadow in the vill and territory of Burdon which was Cecilia's, formerly the wife of the said Gilbert, which was her portion, and 5s annual rent in the vill of Foxton (Foxdery) from land which Ranulph of Brompton (Brumpton) held which similarly pertained to Cecilia, rendering annually 7½ at St Martin.
Witnesses: Dom Ranulph of Middleton miles, Jordan of Skirningham, Thomas of the same, William de Levyngthorp, William of Burdon, Adam clerk of Darlington (Dernington), Richard Dring of Haughton-le-Skerne (Haulton).
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 155 x 250mm
Seal: four blank parchment [sealing] tags, each through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 325   [3 May 1269]
Final concord made in the court of Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham before Dom John de Egg' dictus Gilet and Robert of Burnigill (Bruninghille) justiciars between Gilbert of Ketton petititoner, and Henry of Maltby and his wife Avicia, Abraham of Burdon and Emma his wife inpedientes, over a toft, 31 acres of land in Burdon and 5s rent in Foxton (Foxdene), acknowledged to have been held by Cecilia sister and coheir of the said Avicia and Emma and so the right and inheritance of the said Gilbert, rendering thereby to Henry and Avicia, Abraham and Emma, 7½d at St Martin, and in which Henry and Avicia had quitclaimed their right to Abraham and Emma as John Waydlof, now dead, had held the toft, land and rent paying the 7½d to Abraham and Emma, for which Gilbert has given to Henry and Avicia, Abraham and Emma 14 marks.
Date: Sadberge, Friday after St John before the Latin port Pont. 9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 240mm
Seal: double slit in a turnup [for a parchment seal tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 326   [23 February] 1355
Grant by John son and heir of Henry Schyppes to Thomas son of John Casson of Brompton (Berempton) of all his lands and tenements in Great Burdon in the bishop of Durham and also of all his lands and tenements in Nether Middleton in the county of Sadberge.
Date: Great Burdon, Monday after St Peter in cathedra 1354/5.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 327   [26 July] 1355
Quitclaim by Henry Druet chaplain to Thomas Casson of Bermeton of his right to all the lands he was given by John Chippys of Great Burdon.
Witnesses: Roger Gilet, John Ivewlen, Thomas de Bermeton, Robert of Skirningham.
Date: Great Burdon, Sunday after St James 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 300mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 328   [2 April] 1372
Grant by Thomas son of John Casson de Bermeton to John Dernelove of Sedgefield of all the lands and tenements with which he had been enfeoffed by John Chyppes in Great Burdon.
Witnesses: John de Beauleow, Geoffrey of Kelloe, Roger Gillet, Thomas de Bermeton, John Clerk of Sadberge.
Date: Great Burdon, Friday in Easter Week 1372.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 285mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, some staining
DCD Misc.Ch. 329   [4 April] 1374
Quitclaim by John Chippys of Great Burdon to John Dernelof of Sedgefield of his right to all the lands etc which he had in Great Burdon.
Witnesses: Roger Gelet, Thomas de Bermeton, William son of Robert.
Date: Bermeton, St Ambrose bishop and doctor 1374.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 330   [4 April] 1374
Quitclaim by John Chippys of Great Burdon to John Dernelove of Sedgefield of his right to all the lands he inherited in Great Burdon.
Witnesses: Roger Gilet, Thomas de Bermeton, William son of Robert.
Date: Bermeton, St Ambrose bishop and doctor 1374.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a duplicate except for the warranty.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 331   [19 February] 1355
Grant by John Chyppes of Great Burdon to Dom Henry Druet chaplain of a messuage and 2 bovates of land within and without the vill of Great Burdon, rendering annually 10s for 20 whole years, half at St Martin and half at Pentecost with right of distraint if this is unpaid for 10 days.
Witnesses: Roger Gylet, John Ivewlof, Walter Circy, John ?Birtley, John ?Siodehowe
Date: Great Burdon, Thursday before St Peter in cathedra 1354/5.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, some staining and fading of text on the left side
Size: 135 x 275mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 332]
Now 1.1.Finc.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 333]
Now 1.1.Finc.18.
DCD Misc.Ch. 334   [1234 x 1244]
Ratification by Thomas [of Melsonby] prior and the convent of Durham of the grant by Richard [?Poore] bishop of Durham to the nuns of Neasham of the annual tithes of sheaves from Little Burdon.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, round [filing] hole in the bottom right corner and a stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 95 x 165mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.5r foot.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 335]
Now 6.1.Elemos.21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 336 + 337]
Now 6.1.Elemos.19b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 338]
Now 6.1.Elemos.19a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 339   [11 November] 1318
Lease by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior and convent [of Durham] to Master Gilbert of Burdon vicar of Bedlington of half of their demesne land in the vill of Burdon, that is 3½ bovates with half the capital toft which Gilbert son of Abraham holds, for 20 years, rendering annually 5 marks, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and Gilbert will also receive a building on the toft worth 26s, 16 acres of land sown with wheat with 3 ploughs and an acre sown with mixed corn with a plough, and if he builds anything worth half a mark above the 26s before the end of the term, in the view of good men, then he can have the value of corn growing on the said land milled at Burdon mill without multure, and the 16 acres are in the filed towards Morton and the one acre is in the field called Gridbery.
Gilbert's guarantors: John of Burdon, John son of Gilbert of the same, Roger de Beaukeit, Henry Chippes, John brother of the said Master Gilbert who will equally stand surety.
Date: St Martin 1318.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through (?cyrographum), top left corner missing with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 195 x 250mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.7r-v.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 340 & 341]
Now 6.1.Elemos.18.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 342]
Now 6.1.Elemos.20.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 343]
Now 6.1.Elemos.17.
DCD Misc.Ch. 344   [1218 x 1234]
Grant by R[alph Kerneth]? prior and the convent of Durham to William Britton of the whole vill of Great Burdon with all pertinences etc within and without the vill which is of their fee and which they bought from Roger son of Roger of Burdon, except for 2 bovates of land which Roger father of the said Roger formerly gave to their almoner, rendering 2 marks annually, one at Pentecost and one at St Martin.
Witnesses: chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, carta cut through, 3 [filing] holes along the foot
Size: 90 x 150mm
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.7v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 345   [early 13th century]
Confirmation by Hugh of Balliol to Gilbert, son of Alden of Hindley, of two bovates of land granted to him by Hugh's father Eustace of Balliol in the vill of Broomley [in Bywell St Peter] which Robert Neucumen held, along with a toft and croft.
Witnesses: Ingram of Balliol, Hugh of Normanville, Bernard de Areines, Thomas of Amundeville steward, Henry de Vi, Wido de Fontibus, Amfrido of Balliol, Ralph de Gunewertone, Robert of Hindley, Adam Marshal.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 190mm
Seal: G&B No.138, on a detached parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.144n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 346   [mid 13th century]
Grant by John of Balliol to Adam the forester of Broomley of a toft, lately held by Robert scissor, in Broomley and 36 acres in the west part of the field of the vill in the culture called Sunniside, rendering 9s annually, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and making the service due from 3 bovates in the barony of Bywell, and he is entitled to greenwood from Bywell wood for enclosing Sunniside without view of his foresters.
Witnesses: Dom Guy de Areynes, Peter de Gunwarton, Peter Bataill, Robert of Heddon, milites, Elias of Stocksfield, William of Ryhill, Elias of Fairhill, Richard de Heleye, William of Broomley, Hugh de Acum.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 170 x 165mm
Seal: parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Calendared and witnesses printed in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.144 & n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 347   [26 April] 1324
Grant by Geoffrey son of William de Pollowe to Adam de Menevile of all his lands in the vills of Broomley and Temple Heley.
Witnesses: Dom John de Insula of Woodburn and Dom Robert de Insula de Schipches milites, Richard de Action, Thomas Daulin, Robert the Tanner, Roger de Hesilhirst, Adam Stirk, Richard son of Walden of Hedley, Laurence of Stocksfield, John son of Adam de Menevile.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, Thursday the morrow of St Mark the Evangelist 1324.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 105 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 348   [25 December] 1286
Grant by Dom John of Farlington to Robert of Mitford burgess of Newcastle upon Tyne of all his vill of Brinkley, except for his manor with its demesnes, rendering annually 20 marks, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, after a term of 11 years, and the heirs of Robert after the death of his ancestors will give for duplicating the farm 1d.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas de Dunlyston sheriff of Northumberland, Dom Walter de Campinov, Dom Walter of Framlington, John son of Roger mayor of Newcastle, Henry Scot, John le Flamager, Thomas de Brunygham, John de Camera servant of the lord king.
Date: Newcastle, Christmas Day 1286.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 225mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup, but a ghost of an impression on the dorse
DCD Misc.Ch. 349   12 March [1369]
Grant by William Latymer son of John Latymer de Tyveryngton to Dom Robert de Rouclyff miles of 2 messuages, 7 bovates, 3 acres and 3 rods of land in Netherdunsford and 2 tofts and 4 bovates of land in Brampton.
Witnesses: Thomas ?Gow, John of Strensall, William of Lofthouse, Richard of Pickering, John de ?, Robert Archer of Tyveryngton.
Date: Netherdunsford, 12 March 43 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 110 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.1558, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 350]
Now 1.1.Finc.20.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 351]
Now 1.1.Finc.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 352]
Now 6.1.Elemos.14.
DCD Misc.Ch. 353   [13 January] 1391
Quitclaim by John of Bingley chaplain, John de Tyndale chaplain, Thomas Burnard, John de Gunsky, William of Barton, John de Kendale and John del Stable to William de Elmedon and Johanna his wife, for her life, of all their rights to all the lands etc in the vills of Brandon, ?Biddlestone (Bitlysdon) and ?Doxford (Duxfeld), and an annual rent from the vill of Brampton of 8 marks in which William and Johanna are seised for the life of Johanna; and they also quitclaim to Nicholas de Raymes and John of Selby and the heirs male of their bodies after the death of Johanna.
Witnesses: Thomas Gray, Robert Clavering, John of Lilburne milites, John Heron, William of Lilburne, Robert Heron.
Date: the vill of Newcastle upon Tyne, St Hilary 1390/1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 325mm
Seal: G&B No.801, 1438, 1541 and 4 others unidentified, each on a parchment tag reused from ?a draft, through 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for Quitclaim to William of Elmedon and Johanna his wife of land in Brandon etc. - DCD Misc.Ch. 353
DCD Misc.Ch. 354   [27 June 1329]
Inquisition before the sheriff and coroner by Hugh Burdun, John de Burninghill, John Randolfe, William ?Halle, ?Robert ?Rokmaris, William de Ayford, Robert Hobbesonn, William of Brackenbury, Thomas Pingill, Alan del Palet, John Cayte, and Andrew de ?Stanlawe, about Walter de Byli, thief, stole a mare from William Sadeles at ?Billy [Hill], and also broke into Andrew Stanley's (Stanlawe) house at Stanley, and stole ?, a tabard, 20s and a mare, and Richard ?Wyther broke into the house of Emma ?Cuenild at Stockley stole a robe and 20s, and William son of the miller stole 14 sheep by Shotley Bridge.
Date: Brancepeth, Tuesday after St John the Baptist 12 Beaumont.
Parchment, 1m, badly rubbed with some text lost, flattened and tongues repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 90 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with 2 further tongues and a stub
DCD Misc.Ch. 355   [c.1327]
Inquisition before John Thropton, coroner of the ward of Darlington ?and ?William ?Walworth [sheriff], by William de Billey, Robert Hobson, William son of Agnes, Robert Utingson, John Scot, John Bell of Hunwick, John ?Bayt, ?Simon ?, Alan del Palet, Reginald of Herrington, and Robert de Harhelme, about the death of William son of Robert Oll in his house at ?, killed by John Gray on Sunday ? 1327.
Date: Brancepeth.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a tonuge, with remains of a further four tongues
DCD Misc.Ch. 356   29 December 1318
[Draft] notarial instrument reciting that Henry of Stamford, monk of the church of Durham, had been given the grace by Pope John XXII of the first vacant benefice in the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham to be accepted within a month, and now the benefice of Brantingham had become vacant [on the death of John de Jargelis last rector (cancelled)] which he had to accept within the period of the grace unless he did not wish to renounce his grace and thereby retain hsi right to any other church.
Witnesses: Adam of Pontefract prior of Stamford, Henry son of Laurence of Stoke, Geoffrey of Stamford domicellus of the said prior.
Date: the monastery of St Leonard by Stamford, 29 December 1318.
With various interlineations and cancellations and, on the dorse, beginnings of other instruments concerning William of Norwich and Richard the nativus formerly of Henry de Ganyo clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese and notary public.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed [filing] hole in the foot
Size: 130 x 210mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 357   [8 November] 1279
Presentation by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham to W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York of Master Thomas de Byrland to the church of Brantingham, vacant by the death of the last rector Master John le Gras, saving to them the ancient annual pension of 10 marks.
Date: Durham, 6 Id. November 1279.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 180mm
Seal: [seling tongue] stub
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.120v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 358   [8 January] 1261
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to G[odfrey Ludham] archbishop of York of Master Robert de Scheftling' dean of York to the church of Brantingham vacant by the death of Master Odo of Kilkenny (Kelkenni) formerly rector, saving their ancient pension of 10 marks.
Date: Durham, Saturday after Epiphany 1260/1.
Various pen trials at the foot.
Parchment, 1m, with 2 stabbed [filing] holes on the right edge
Size: 90 x 185mm
Discussed in: The Register, or Rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York, ed W. Raine (Surtees Society 56, 1872), p.78n.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.120v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 359   [17 January] 1319
Presentation by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior and the convent of Durham to W[illiam of Melton] archbishop of York of Dom Gilbert of Stapilton clerk to the vacant church of Brantingham, saving their ancient pension of 10 marks.
Date: chapter in Durham, 16 Kal. February 1318/9.
On the dorse is a draft cancelled ratification by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior and the convent of Durham to Richard bishop of Durham of their previous charters, dated in the chapter at Durham, 8 June 1319.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the top right corner and a stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 75 x 240mm
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stubs
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.120v-121r.
Draft copied in DCD Reg. II, f.62v-63r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 360   1 June [14]58
[Draft] notification of the appointment by John [Burnaby] prior and the chapter of Durham, patrons of the church of Brantingham, to W[illiam] Booth archbishop of York of Robert Rodes armiger as their proctor in the business of the appropriation of the church of Brantingham to their college in the university of Oxford for 8 monks and 8 secular scholars to obtain letters testamentary, instruments and other proofs as required etc.
Date: 1 June 58.
With various interlineations.
Paper, 1p, parts of the bottom right corner cut off and missing
Size: 175 x 220mm
Watermark: bunch of grapes
DCD Misc.Ch. 361   [later 13th century]
Grant by William Crispe of Rowside to Dom Thomas of Levisham of 2 tofts and 7 acres of land on the south side of the Wear towards Bradleyand of all his land del Heel in the territory of Bradley which he had by demise of Ralph of Staveley, rendering annually to him a rose at St John the Baptist and to Ralph of Staveley a halfpenny at Christmas.
Witnesses: Ralph of Warsop sheriff of Durham, John de Bradewod, Alexander Wilde, Richard of Brafferton, Alexander de Ponte, Nicholas of Waverley, Alxerander de Chadirley, Roger of the same, Roger of Bradley, William Hamund, Robert of Thornely, Ralph del Ker, Colin the clerk.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 90 x 225mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Formerly numbered: Loc.35:40.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 362]
Now 1.1.Finc.22.
DCD Misc.Ch. 363    [9 August 1339] and 6 April [1296]
Charter of Edward Balliol inspecting and confirming the following charter of his father.
Witnesses: Doms Thomas Surtees, Adam Percevale, Henry de Havering, milites.
Date: Bishop Auckland, Monday the vigil of St Laurence 7 Edward.
Charter of John Balliol, king of Scotland, granting and confirming to William de Silkesworth, his sergeant, for his homage and service, all the land of Balmutath and its appurtenances, which once belonged to William de Crombathy, in the tenement of Kingorn with its rights, boundaries and all appurtenances.
Witnesses: John Comyn earl of Buchan and constable of Scotland, Donald earl of Mar, Malise earl of Strathearn, Geoffrey de Mowbray and Andrew Fraser milites.
Date: Jedburgh, 6 April 4 John [1296].
Parchment, 1m, some damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 200 x 250mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 364   [22 August] 1342
Grant by William son and heir of Thomas of Masham of all the lands in the vills and territories of Birley, Crawcrook and Spen which his mother Emma holds for life and which after her death ought to revert to him, should rather remain to his brother Robert of Masham and his heirs male, with remainder to their sister Alice and her heirs male, with reversion to him and his heirs.
Witnesses: John de Menevyll lord of Thornley by Winlaton sheriff of Durham, Gilbert de Merley, Hugh of Bolton, Richard lord of Lynce, Thomas Scrotevill, Robert son of Robert of Masham, William Freeman of Whickham (Quichame), Robert son of Patrick of Crawcrook.
Date: Birley, Thursday before St Bartholomew 1342.
Parchment, 1m, diagonal cut sewn up with [contemporary] stitching, indented head, raged, with letters cut through
Size: 145 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 365   [24 April] 1337
Grant by William de Foxcotes, son and heir of Roger son of Katherine, to Richard son of Thomas del Hay lord of Stainton le Street of all his lands and tenements in the vill of Bedburn.
Witnesses: Dom John de Conyers and Dom Robert of Binchester milites, John de Euere, John de Amundeville, Richard Chancellor, Nicholas Mager, Thomas de Bermeton.
Date: Bedburn, Thursday the vigil of St Mark the Evangelist 1337.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 320mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 366   [1197 x 1217]
Grant and quitclaim by Roger de Coigners to St Cuthbert and the prior and monks of Durham, of William, Thomas and Thurstan, brothers, sons of Eylof of Bishopton, with their sons and daughters, and all their successors, and their animals and chattels, for a horse and 6 marks whcih they have given him in his great necessity from the money of St Cuthbert by the hand of John chaplain of Bello Loco.
Witnesses: Aimeric archdeacon of Durham, Master John of London, Leo de Heriz, Jordan Escodland, Thomas de Mund', Geoffrey de Horden, Roger de Audrai, Robert chaplain de Bis, Rogr the chaplain, Ralph Baard, Ralph de Cotum, William de Lacumbe, Walter Postel, Roger of Suffolk, Roger Danais, Thomas of Newbiggin, Alan of Normant', Gilbert de Billigh, Richard de Dent, Arvisio de Bel, Aubricio de Biscar, Gilbert de Grend', Patrick of Wolviston (Wlvest'), Robert Vertenel.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 140 x 175mm
Seal: G&B No.683, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copies: DCD Cart. II, f.169v, and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Carte 177, f.41r
DCD Misc.Ch. 367   [10 December] 1308 and 14 August 1306
Inspeximus by William [of Tanfield] prior and convent of Durham of the following grant.
Witnesses: chapter.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. December 1308.
Grant by Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham to Gilbert of Scarisbrick of 120 acres of waste land under Sheddon's Hill, towards the wood by Birtley on one side and Eighton on the other, also common pasture in the bishop's woods of Birtley and Gateshead, and in the moor of Gateshead.
Witnesses: Dom Stephen de Malo Lacu archdeacon of Cleveland; Master William of St Botulph archdeacon of Durham; Peter of Thoresby, Hugh of Lowther, John de Sotyll, milites; Richard of Stanley, John of Staundon.
Date: [North]allerton, 14 August 1306, Pat.1, Pont.23.
Parchment, 1m, hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 155 x 275mm
Seal: 5 holes [for sealing cords] in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 368   [1219 x 1224]
Grant by R[alph Kerneth] prior and the conent of Durham to their clerk William de Blokeleie of their church of Bedlington, rendering to them the annual ancient pension of 1 mark, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and providing the ancient hospitality for them, saving to Nicholas de Herleviler their clerk the corn tithes of Nedderton and a toft in Bedlington between the stable which was of Ralph Harang' and the adjoining toft of the bishop, and he is to swear fealty. Sealed by W de Blokeleie.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, [filing] hole in the left corner, stabbed hole in the right corner
Size: 85 x 155mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.112v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 369   [1333 x 1345]
Grant by William de Foxcotis to John Daudre of Shotton jr of 2 acres and a rod of land which he was given by William of Hall in the vill of Bishopley in le Pekside, rendering annually to the exchequer in Durham 9d at the four usual terms in the bishoprick of Durham.
Witnesses: John of Birtley sr sheriff of Dom Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham, William of Morden jr, Bernard de Thurstanton, William de Auford, Richard de Scrotevile, Robert of Levisham, Thomas Marshall of Stanhope, William Hamond.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 225mm
Seal: fragment, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 370   [15 January] 1333
Lease by Edmund Dautre and Alice his wife to Adam Bennesson of half of their lands and tenements in Dryburnside in Bishopley and 20 acres of land there which William de Foxcotes formerly held, for 20 years, rendering annually 13s 4d for the lands in Dryburnside at two annual terms, Pentecost and St Martin, and 7s to the bishop of Durham for William Foxcotes's lands at the 4 usual terms in the bishoprick of Durham, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: Roger of Butterwick, John of Sockburn, Richard son of Gilbert of Durham, William of Slikeburn, Thomas of Raby clerk.
Date: Durham, Friday after Hilary 1332/3.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 195 x 240mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a further slit in the turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 370*   [1297 x 1311]
Grant by Adam son and heir of Thomas Gray to Thomas de Foxcotes and Isabella his wife of either of them while living of all his land in Pekside which he had by the death of his father Thomas Gray, between the lands of William de Morileye on the west and John of Edmundbyers on the east, abutting on Driburneside to the north and the pasture of Whelpeshow to the south, to be held of the bishop of Durham, rendering to the bishop annually a grain of pepper.
Witnesses: Master William of St Botulph archdeacon of Durham, Gilbert of Scarisbrick, John Breton, William Scra, William Hammund, Roger Wilde, Thomas of Lascelles, William of Woodcroft, Nicholas the clerk.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 180 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.1106, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Decoration: elaborated initial “S”
DCD Misc.Ch. 371   [early 14th century]
Grant by William de Foxcotis to John Daudre of Shotton of all his land in Pekside in Bischopleyge which he was given by Adam Gray with bounds detailed in Adam's charter.
Witnesses: John of Birtley sr sheriff of Durham, Richard de Soccevile, Robert of Levisham, Roger of Claxton, William of Mordon, William Hammund.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 95 x 230mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 372   [c.1300]
Grant by Thomas de Aula to William de Foxcotys of 2 acres and a rod of land which he had from William son of Thomas Gray in Pekside in the west part of the field of Thomas Gray, abutting Welpeshow to the south, along with the buildings there, to be held of the bishop of Durham, rendering annually to the exchequer of Durham 9d at the four annual terms usual in the bishoprick.
Witnesses: Gilbert of Scarisbrick (Scaresbrec), William Hamund, Roger Wilde, William of Haxby (Axby), Thomas of Lascelles, William of Woodcroft, Nicholas of Lincoln clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 175 x 190mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Decoration: elaborated initial “S”
DCD Misc.Ch. 373   [c.1462]
Language:  French
Part of a draft plea concerning the Bingham heirs and a fine over the advowson of Ruddington church involving Richard of Bingham whom the prior said was never a knight (chivaler) but Edmund of Bingham clerk whose heir is Richard Sutton as son of Henry son of Roland son of John son of Alice daughter of Richard, party to the fine of WIlliam Bingham knight.
With cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 1p, some staining and damaged along the right edge
Size: 145 x 295mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 374   [1219 x October 1224]
Certification by William of Blockley parson of Bedlington of his admission and institution to the church of Bedlington by Richard bishop of Durham and king's chancellor at the presentation of Ralph [Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham, saving an annual pension of a mark, payable half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, and saving hospitality as of old due to the prior and convent, and saving to Nicholas de Herlemler the corn tithes from Nedderton and a toft in Bedlington between the stable of Ralph Harang' and the toft of the bishop.
Witnesses: Philip de St Helena, Stephen of Canterbury, Robert Bacun clerk.
Parchment, 1m, one diamond shaped and one stabbed [filing] hole on the right side, one diamond shaped hole in the bottom left corner
Size: 110 x 145mm
Seal: G&B No.295, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.112v.
Calendared: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.328.
DCD Misc.Ch. 375   [c.1300]
Grant by Beatrice widow of Walter Butemund to John son of Gilbert of Hetton of her third part of a toft and croft which she had as dower in the vill of Bermeton of the heredity of the said John, rendering to her for her life annually 2s, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Thomas son of Thomas of Barmpton (Bermieton), Nicholas of the same, Stephen of Fishburn, John de Pistrino of Burdon, Sibacle of Barmpton, Richard Dring of Haughton (Haluton).
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 65 x 235mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 376]
Now 1.1.Sacr.3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 377   [12 November 1403]
Lease by Thomas of Burdon to William de Merley of Langton of a tenement in the vill of Barmpton for 20 years from St Martin 1403, rendering annually 6s 8d, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, first payment at St Martin 1403, with distraints detailed.
Wintesses: Richard Dwy, Thomas Terebson, John Blakhed, Thomas Rogelly, Robert Morgan.
Date: Fawnlees (Fawlis), morrow of St Martin year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 225mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 2 slits in the foot
DCD Misc.Ch. 378   [26 November] 1344
Grant by Juliana who was the wife of John Burdon to Thomas her son and his wife Agnes of all the lands and tenements which he had in Barmpton and Burdon, to be held by them and their heirs, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas.
Witnesses: William of Durham of Darlington, Thomas del Toures, Robert of Brackenbury, Roger Gilet, Roger Skate of Brafferton.
Date: Burdon, Friday after St Katherine 1344.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 245mm
Seal: blank [sealing] parchment tag with some thread, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 379   [5 December] 1334
Grant by John of Haughton (Halughton) chaplain to Juliana daughter of William of Haxby (Hackesby) of all his lands and tenements in the vills and territories of Burdon and Darlington, and also a toft and croft in the vill of Barmpton, which he was given by John of Burdon son of Gilbert of Ketton, husband of the said Juliana, with remainder to the nearest heir of the blood or parentage of Juliana.
Witnesses: Henry del Chyppes, John of Bewley, John son of Avote, William son of Thomas of Barmpton, William of Burdon of Darlington.
Date: Darlington, Monday after St Andrew 1334.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 205mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
tied to Misc.Ch. 380 by thread round the seal tags
DCD Misc.Ch. 380   [27 November] 1334
Grant by John of Burdon son of Gilbert of Ketton to Dom John of Haughton (Haloutton) chaplain of all his lands and tenements in the vills and territories of Burdon and Darlington, and a croft and toft in the vill of Barmpton.
Witnesses: Henry de Chepys, John of Bewley, John son of Avote, William son of Thomas of Barmpton, William of Burdon of Darlington.
Date: Burdon, Sunday after St Clement 1334.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 210mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
tied to Misc.Ch. 379 by thread round the seal tags
DCD Misc.Ch. 381   [13 February] 1313
Grant by William [of Tanfield] prior and the convent of Durham to Walter Gylet of a third part of the manor of Barmpton, rendering annually at the exchequer in Durham 11s 2d as the ancient farm of the third part of the whole vill of Barmpton, and they will make no distraint there nor demand suit of court, as in the other two parts of the manor in the seisin of Dom Luke Tayleborn, William of Skerningham and Robert of Lumley, and they also acquit Walter of any services due to Luke.
Date: Durham, Id. February 1312/3.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag, “abcdefg” cut through, diamond-shaped [filing hole in the bottom left corner, soem damage with a little text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 175 x 225mm
Seal: slit in a turnup for a [seal tag]
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.9r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 382   [early 14th century]
Copy grant by Walter de Butemund to John of Eggescliffe of 3 bovates in the vill and territory of Barmpton, of which two were held by John son of William with toft and croft, and one, between the other two, was held by Harnegrin with a toft and croft held by Nicholas Piscator, rendering annually 2d at Pentecost.
Witnesses: William of Skerningham, John his brother, Roger de Carmundesway, William of Burdon, William de Lenygthorpe, Thomas of Skerningham, John of Forest, Thomas son of Nicholas of Barmpton, Roger Miller of the same, Alan son of Thyok, Simon Tinctor, John of Darlington, John his brother, William Page of the same, William of Trimdon, Benedict of Hartlepool (Hertilpoll), Ralph Fermyner clerk.
Parchment, 1m, some stitching holes along th eleft edge
Size: 110 x 275mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.95r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 383   9 July 1320
Letters patent of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham attesting the ordination by his predecessor Richard [Kellaw] of Dom William of Hilton priest.
Date: Durham, 9 ?July 1320, Pont. 3.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge, 3 other ?stitching holes, faded
Size: 55 x 165mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 384   19 May 1315
Letters patent recording the ordination by Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham of William of Hilton acolite as deacon in the church of Bishopton on Saturday the vigil of Trinity 1315.
Date: Durham, 19 May 1315, Pont. 4.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge, top right corner torn off with some text lost
Size: 60 x 175mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 385   15 July 1387
Language:   French
Lease by Thomas de Ullesby clerk, to whom the prior and convent of Durham had granted the manor of Bewdley (Bealieu) and the vills of Newton Bewdley and Wolviston, of the manor of Bewdley and the vills of Newton Bewdley and Wolviston to the prior and convent of Durham for his life, rendering annually 80 marks in equal portions at St Margaret, All Saints, the Purification and St Mark, beginning at St Margaret next, with a furred robe for Thomas annually at Christmas.
Date: Durham, 15 July 1387.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 145 x 350mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 386   [24 July] 1335
Grant by Alice daughter of Adam of Newhouse to Adam of Newhouse her father of all her land in Beckley and Crook (Crock).
Witnesses: Doms Roger Maudonyt and William de Kyrkenyng milites, John of Birtley, William of Marley, Walter de Gylford, John of Farnacres.
Date: Beckley, Monday after St Mary Magdalene 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 275mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 387   1 November 1335
Grant by Adam of Newhouse to Hugh son of John de Dolfanby and Alice his daughter of all his land given him by Alice in Beckley and Crook, to be held by Hugh and Alice and their heirs, with remainder to Hugh's heirs if Alice dies withouth heirs.
Witnesses: Doms Roger Maudauyt and William de Kyrkenyg milites, John of Birtley, William of Marley, Walter de Gilford, John of Farnacres.
Date: Beckley, 1 November 1335.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Size: 95 x 275mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 388   [29 June] 1335
Grant by Christiana daughter of Adam of Newhouse to Alice her sister of 8 acres of land in the territory of Beckley which she had after the death of Dyonisia their mother, and also her part of the land and meadow in Crook which she also had after the death of their mother.
Witnesses: Doms Roger Maudouyt and William de Kykenyg milites, John of Birtley, William of Marley, Walter de Gylford, John of Farnacres.
Date: Beckley, Thursday after the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 100 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 389   1 November 1335
Grant by Adam of Newhouse to Hugh son of John of Dolfanby and Alice, Adam's daughter, of all his land given him by Alice in Beckley and Crook, to Hugh and Alice and their heirs, with remainder if Alice dies without hiers, to Hugh's heirs.
Witnesses: Doms Roger Maudouyt and William de Kyrkenyg milites, John of Birtley, William of Marley, Walter de Gylford, John of Farnacres.
Date: Beckley, 1 November 1335.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, wavy
Size: 85 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.803 (bis), each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 390   [29 June] 1335
Quitclaim by Christiana daughter of Adam of Newhouse to her sister Alice of her right in 8 acres of land in Beckley and of land in Crook which she had after the death of their mother Dyonisia.
Witnesses: Doms Roger Maudouyt and William de Kyrkenyg milites, John of Birtley, William of Marley, Walter de Gilford, John of Farnacres.
Date: Beckley, Thursday after the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1335.
Parchment, 1m, some staining, repaired c.1970
Size: 85 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag reused from a ?draft of the document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 391   25 September 1507
Mandate by Thomas Swalwell STP, warden of the spiritualities of the diocese of Durham sede vacante, to all clergy to cite John ? of the town of Berwick to appear in the Galilee in Durham on the fourth day on a law day after being cited in a case against Agnes Gorden alias Ilderton over marriage and divorce.
Date: 25 September 1507.
Draft mandate (start only) from the dean of York to John Curwen prebendary of Thockrington re the diocese of Durham sede vacante after the death of Bishop William Senhouse and the diocese of York sede vacante after the death of Archbishop Thomas Savage.
List of names.
Other jottings.
Paper, 2f, right edge gnawed by rodents with some text lost
Size: 285 x 205mm
Watermark: wheel with hooks round the edge, with “LA ” above
DCD Misc.Ch. 392   3 June [1385]
Language:  French
Writ of Thomas of Beauchamp earl of Warwick and lord of Gower to the wardens of his park of Barnard Castle that he had granted to Sir Hugh Herle clerk a fallow deer (daen) annually for life from the park.
Date: Warwick, 3 June 8 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 275mm
Seal: residue on a tongue and applied, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
[DCD Misc.Ch. 393]
Transferred to form part of Misc.Ch. 7155.
DCD Misc.Ch. 394   [25 April] 1280
Inspeximus by Richard [of Caxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Date: Durham, St Mark 1280.
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to Thomas of East Nesbit, the bishop's chamberlain, of land in the moor of Boldon, bounds detailed, rendering annually half a mark at the bishop's exchequer in lieu of service, [9 December 1274 x 25 April 1280].
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron steward of Durham, Robert of Hilton, Thomas of Herrington and John son of Marmaduke, knights, and Masters Alan of Easingwold, John Hock, Robert Avenel and Dom Thomas of Levisham clerk.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, lined, 2 slashed holes in the bottom right corner
Size: 150 x 250mm
Original of grant: DCD Misc.Ch. 406.
DCD Misc.Ch. 395   2 June 1515
Lease by Hugh Whitehead STP, warden of Durham College Oxford, to Dom Simon Baland vicar of Bossall of all the tithes etc from Harton, Flaxton and Claxton due to the rectory of Bossall , from the Invention of the Holy Cross last for 9 years, rendering annually £10 13s 4d at the Purification and the Nativity of St John the Baptist in equal portions in the parish church of Brantingham at the font, with distraint detailed, and the lease to be null and void if Baland dies before the term is complete, and the warden to be able to reside, with his horses, if he visits Bossall.
Date: Durham, 2 June 1515.
With interlineations for [the next lease] of 25 April 1518 to Edward Hyndmarche STB, with lands augmented by Sand Hutton, Buttercrambe and Aldby, and amount to £21, to be paid in the church of Ruddington by Nottingham.
Parchment, 1m, indetned head, zig-zag
Size: 240 x 295mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 396   [3 July 1281]
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Date: Durham, 5 Non. July year as above.
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to William, son of Robert le Despenser of Haswell, of 60 acres in the waste by Butsfield, bounds detailed, rendering annually 25s at the bishop's exchequer in lieu of service, saving 2s tallage.
Witnesses: Guichard de Charron steward of Durham, Robert of Hylton, knights; Master Robert de Avenel, Alexander of Biddick, Henry of Holy Island, Hugh de Monte Alto, Walter of Barmston, Robert of Thorp, Gilbert of Greystones, William of Masham, Gilbert of Thorney, William de Fennum, clerks,
Date: Halton, 15 June 1281, Pont.7.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “abcdefgh” cut through, lined
Size: 175 x 225mm
Seal: slit in a turnup for a [sealing tag]
?Draft of inspeximus: DCD Misc.Ch. 404.
Printed (grant): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.180-181.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 396. - Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 397]
Now 6.1.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 398]
Now 6.1.Elemos.16.
DCD Misc.Ch. 399   [13 October] 1370
Quitclaim by William of Heslington and his wife Joan to Robert of Langley of their right to all the lands and tenements which were John of Handen's in Butterwick and which Joan had as dower after the death of John of Handen formerly her husband.
Date: Thirsk, Sunday before St Luke 1370.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.1298 and one unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 400   [8 July] 1371
Grant by Thomas Hurlewyn of Kirkby Sigston and Isabel his wife to Robert of Langley of Butterwick of all his half of the lands and tenements formerly of John of Howden in the same vill, rendering annually to Thomas and Isabel and Isbael's heirs for 20 years a rose at the time of roses if asked for, and after the 20 years £20 at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: William of Elmdon, John of Clifford, William of Layton, Thomas del Hall of Sedgefield, William Welefed, Thomas Chancellor.
Date: Butterwick, Tuesday after the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr 1371.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, some staining
Size: 125 x 205mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag reused from a deed about Fencotes as executor of the will of ? of Northallerton, through a slit in a turnup
Copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 403.
Misc.Ch. 401-500
DCD Misc.Ch. 401   [4 July] 1372
Grant by Agnes Walker formerly the wife of Robert Walker of Harum and heir of John of Howden to Robert of Langley of Butterwick of all her half of the lands and tenements which John of Howden formerly held in the same vill, rendering annually for 19 years a stone of wool at the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and thence £20 in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: William of Elmdon, John of Clifford, William of Layton, Thomas del Hall of Sedgefield, William Welefed, Thomas Chancellor.
Date: Butterwick, Sunday before the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr 1372.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 120 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 402   [6 November] 1373
Grant by John of Howden to Hugh of Witton (Whytton) of all his lands and tenements in Butterwick, rendewring annually for 18 years a rose at St John the Baptist if asked for, starting at St Martin 1373, and thence £20 half at St Martin and half at Pentecost, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: John of Butterwick, Robert son of Theobald, John of Clifford, John of Wodom.
Date: Butterwick, Wednesday St Leonard 1373.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 145 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 403   [8 July] 1371
Grant by Thomas Huwelyn of Kirby Sigston and Isabel his wife to Robert Langley of Butterwick of half the lands whcih formerly John Howden held in the same vill, rendering annually for the first 20 years a rose in season if sought, and thereafter £20 annually in equal portions at Pentecost and St Martin.
Witnesses: William of Elmdon, John of Clifford, William of Laton, Thomas del Hall of Sedgefield, William Welfed, Thomas Chancellor.
Date: Butterwick, Tuesday after the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr 1371.
Copy of Misc.Ch. 400.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 110 x 255mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 404   ?[3 July 1281]
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
(Undated, ?draft)
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to William, son of Robert le Despenser of Haswell, of 72 acres in the waste by Butsfield, bounds detailed, rendering annually 29s at the bishop's exchequer in lieu of service.
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron, steward of Durham, and Robert of Hylton, milites; Master Robert de Avenel, Alexander of Biddick, Henry of Holy Island, Hugh de Monte Alto, Walter of Barmston, Robert of Thorp, Gilbert of Greystones, William of Masham, Gilbert of Thorney, William de Fennum, clerks,
Date: Halton, 15 June 1281, Pont.7.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, “cyrographum” cut through, lined
Size: 280 x 220mm
Fair copy of inspeximus: DCD Misc.Ch. 396 with different amounts.
DCD Misc.Ch. 405   6 May 1411
Grant by John Rughede lord of Greencroft to Robert Harbottle (Herbotyll) of Chilton of a toft and croft containing an acre in Bushblades (Bursebladys) between the lands of John Gildeford on each side and also half an acre in the field of Bushblades, rendering annually a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist to the heirs of William Cromer of Bushblades if requested.
Witnesses: John Gildeforde, John Britley, John Hallyng, Thomas Gibson, William Beckley.
Date: Bushblades, 6 May 1411.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 255mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 406   [9 December 1274 x 25 April 1280]
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to Thomas of East Nesbit, the bishop's chamberlain, of land in the moor of Boldon, bounds detailed, rendering annually half a mark at the bishop's exchequer in lieu of service.
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron steward of Durham, Robert of Hilton, Thomas of Herrington and John son of Marmaduke, milites, and Masters Alan of Easingwold, John Hock, Robert Avenel and Dom Thomas of Levisham clerk.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 175 x 325mm
Seal: G&B No.3124, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Inspeximus: (1280) DCD Misc.Ch. 394.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.195-196.
DCD Misc.Ch. 407   11 May 1394
Grant by William Gategang, brother and heir of John Gategang, to Peter del Hay scutifer, and Dom Robert Wycliffe and Dom Henry Beswick (Bessewyk) chaplains, of his manor of Faderleshows in Boldon etc.
Witnesses: Dom William of Washington (Wessyngton) miles, John of Hedworth of Southwick, Thomas de Moderby, John Dophanby, John of Hedworth of Hebburn.
Date: Boldon, 11 May 1394.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No.1056, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 408   [1234 x 1244]
Counterpart ratification by Prior Thomas [Melsonby] and the convent of Durham of the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham for Thomas de Mariscis and his heirs of land in West Boldon surrendered to the bishop by William son of William, rendering annually 6s 8d at the four terms and every twentieth vas at the bishop's mill.
[Witnesses: Gilbert of the hospital, Master Robert de Ambianis, Stephen of Burton.
Date: Fulham by London by the hand of Henry bishop's chaplain 13 Kal. September Pont.7.]
Witness: chapter. [20 August 1234]
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, “carta” cut through, 2 stabbed [filing] holes on each side, 2 stitching holes in the centre of the foot
Size: 50 x 115mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.5v-6r.
Copies (confirmation): DCD Cart.IV, f.83v; 3.5.Spec.3.
Printed (confirmation): English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.299.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 409]
Now 1.1.Sacr.5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 410   [1 November] 1386
Attestation by Richard Dunton prior and the convent of St Salvator Bermondsey of Brother John Aghelond as a praiseworthy and honest member of their society.
Date: [Bermondsey] chapter house, All Saints 1386.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left side, badly stained, damaged, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 120 x 190mm
Seal: G&B No.3407, on a tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 411   [later 13th century]
Quitclaim by Gamel de Mora and his Margaret to Ranulph of Fairhill of all their rights in land in Bacwrze which Ranulph holds by grant of Serloye his ancestor.
Witnesses: Dom William de Hindel, Peter de Gonewart', Ely de Stokesf', Milo de Omnt', William de Bromel.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 115mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through the same 3 slits in a turnup
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.197.
DCD Misc.Ch. 412   [late 12th century]
Copy (15th century) grant by Thomas of Bowsden, with the consent of his father William (Ulkill in the original) who left him as his heir in Bowsden before he transferred to the monastery of Durham where he died in the habit of a monk, to God, St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham, of a carucate of land with the tofts of Grim and Godfrey in the vill of Bowsden, in pure and perpetual alms, with common pasture and the remaining easements of the vill, and a mark from his mill of Bowsden annually on the day of his anniversary to the monks' refectory, for the souls of his father and mother, for the salvation of his own body and soul, and those of his lord Thomas de Muschans, who gave this land to him free of all services, and for the salvation of his wife Matilda and their heirs, and his ancestors and successors; and if God inspires him to change his life, the monks will take him into their consortium, and they will possess this land, and if he dies a secular man, they will provide a service for him as for one of their professed own, and then they will possess this land; and if any is tempted to infringe this gift, they are to be excluded from the consortium of the elect.
Witnesses: Master Adam of Eccles, Master Richard of Coldingham, Walter de Rasne, Richard of Dunstable.
Paper, 1p
Size: 150 x 200mm
Original: DCD 3.1.Spec.45.
DCD Misc.Ch. 413   10 January 1424
Receipt from William abbot of Bury St Edmunds, deputed collector in the last general chapter at Northampton of moneys not paid for the triennial collection, to the prior of Durham for 108s 9d for 1d in the mark for 2 years.
Date: his manor of Elmeswell, 10 January 1423/4.
Parchment, 1m, part of the right edge torn off and lost
Size: 45 x 300mm
Seal: G&B No.3420, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 414   [24 May] 1356
Grant by Thomas of Burdon to Roger Gilet of a toft and croft in Bermeton, to be held by service of 12d annually, and rendering annually for the first 40 years 5s 8d at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, beginning at Pentecost 1357, and thereafter 40s at the same terms.
Witnesses: John de Beauli, Thomas de Bermeton, John Pollard.
Date: Bermeton, Tuesday after St Dunstan 1356.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 165 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.479, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 415   3 April 1312
Receipt of the commissary specially deputed to collect the tenth for all benefices according to the taxation now current granted by his clergy to the bishop of Durham for the first year, to Master John de Insula for his church of Boldon for 40s and for his portion in the church of Auckland 16s 8d, and for his church of Bolom 28s 5d for the second term of the above year.
Date: Durham, 3 April 1312.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 220mm
Seal: G&B No.3182, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
[DCD Misc.Ch. 416]
Now Manorial acs, Enrolled ? 1296-7 ?.
DCD Misc.Ch. 417   [later 14th century]
Folio from a manorial rental for the Lent session, listing names, with some amounts and valuations of animals.
Paper, 1p, damaged edges
Size: 280 x 200mm
Digitised material for Folio from a manorial rental for the Lent session [14th century] - DCD Misc.Ch.417
DCD Misc.Ch. 418   [mid 15th century]
Language:  French
Folio from a formulary of private letters, with Latin marginal titles.
Paper, 1p, damaged edges
Size: 270 x 205mm
Digitised material for Folio from a formulary of private letters - DCD Misc.Ch.418
DCD Misc.Ch. 419   1541
Rental of the cathedral for the city of Durham listing by street, names and amounts, also listing other income from temporalities in Co Durham and Norhtumberland, and also from spiritualities in Co Durham and Nothumberland.
Paper booklet, 8f
Size: 305 x 210mm
Digitised material for Rental of the cathedral for the city of Durham and elsewhere - DCD Misc.Ch.419.
DCD Misc.Ch. 420   [c.1442]
Language:  Scotch
Letter to the prior of Durham from David Hume of Wedderburn discussing a meeting between [John Oll] prior of Coldingham and John Pincher with Sir Alexander Hume at Dunglass, and the prior, on his way home, visited David Hume at Colbrandpeth and shewed him the prior [of Durham]'s letter offering Alexander Hume Aldcambos for 15 years in exchange for Hwndewod, to which David Hume objects as the prior and his chapter had already given him the husbandry of Aldcambos for 30 years at 6 marks annually.
Paper, 1p, some holes and damaged edges
Size: 325 x 295mm
Seal: parts, applied on the dorse
Digitised material for Letter to the prior of Durham from David Hume of Wedderburn - DCD Misc.Ch.420
DCD Misc.Ch. 421   [c.1370 - 1381]
Part of a register of the official of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, incorporating a formulary of documents.
Paper book, ii + 15 + 14f, some damage round the edges, repaired with browning paper c1970 and bound in buckram covered boards by Maltby of Oxford
Size: 285 x 200mm
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Archive: Part of register of the official of Thomas Hatfield bishop of Durham - Misc.Ch. 421.
Mandate from the official of the bishop of Durham to the chaplain ??? Smyth to cite Robert Johnson to appear before him ???.
Date: Durham etc.
Mandate from the official of the bishop of Durham to the parochial chaplain of Chester le Street to cite at the instance of William of Ryton ??? to appear in the Galilee re a suspension.
Mandate from the official of the bishop of Durham to the parochial chaplain of C to cite Robert de T to appear re excommunication.
Date: Durham etc.
Mandate from the official of the bishop of Durham to the vicar of T to cite W de B to appear in the Galilee in Durham re aggravated inhibition.
Mandate from the official of the bishop of Durham to a parochial chaplain about an excommunication for invoking secular help.
Letter to the bishop about an excommunication.
Writ of Richard II to the bishop of Durham supplicating for the absolution of a 40 day penalty of no ringing of bells.
Archdeacon of Carlisle to absolve ? of the church of St Mary Carlisle.
Absolution of John of Dalton at the instance of William of Ripon.
Absolution of the excommunication of John de ? and Alice ? for adultery.
Absolution of an excommunication.
Matrimonial cause over a marriage in Whickham church without banns being published.
William de Westley archdeacon of Durham agianst Henry of Esh over an assault on his wife Alice.
Letters to cite a reclamation in the issuing of banns.
Letters to compell a wife to adhere to her husband.
f.2r   8 July 1377
Notarial instrument reciting a case between Thomas of Morpeth vicar of Merrington against the prior and convent of Durham by their proctor Brother John of Barnard Castle that, although it was agreed in the Roman curia that the prior and convent should pay Morpeth £22 annually at four annual terms for the fruits of the church of Merrington, with the vicar to support a parochial chaplain at his own costs, it is now agreed that the prior and convent will pay Morpeth £16 for the fruits and they are to provide for the parochial chaplain, and if Morpeth resigns the church he will be exempt from any repairs liability.
Witnesses: John of Brampton, Master William of Farnham official of the bishop of Durham, William of Bowland notary public, John Haughmond.
Visitation of the priory of Lytham.
A case of matrimony and divorce before the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior and convent of Durham between Joan Styrk and John of Laxton.
Official of the prior of Durham to William de Forset chaplain, the vill of Newcastle upon Tyne, his house in Wolviston, John Smith of Newton Bewley, defamation.
Alexander archbishop of York in a case between Richard of Birtley, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, and Richard prior of Lytham over the fruits of Lytham priory.
Excommunication for multiple contumacy.
Punishment of J. de Blida monk of the priory of F. for carnally knowing an uncorrupted virgin.
Penitence for adultery.
Defamation for a carnal lapse.
Letters of correction over adultery.
Compelling the solemnization of a marriage.
Matrimonial case between Joan Newsom and Thomas Myryman, reciting an appeal in St Oswald's church Durham by Thomas Miryman of Billingham on Tuesday before the Purification of the BVM 1377.
f.4v   [14 February 1378]
Mandate by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham in his archdeaconry in all his churches in the diocese, or his official, for an enquiry on the presentation of Dom Thomas of Kelloe chaplain to Heighington church, as to who should present and what it is worth.
Date: Durham, [14 February 1377/8 and Pont.33].
Original: DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.14.
Another copy: DCD Regr. I, f.i.128v.
f.4v   16 February 1378
Mandate of the official of the prior of Durham to William Hett his apparitor to cite the clergy of Durham St Oswald, Pittington, Merrington, Middleham and Aycliffe to an inquisition at St Oswald re the presentation of the vicar of Heighington.
Date: Durham, 16 February 1377/8.
f.4v-5r   20 February 1378
Certificate, by the official of the prior of Durham's archidiaconal jurisdiction, to Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, having received his mandate (next above) of an inquisition in St Oswald's church [Durham] in his full chapter with William of Lanchester vicar of St Oswald's [Durham], William Francis vicar of Merrington, Robert Carles vicar of Aycliffe, William Baty vicar of Pittington, Robert Hanslap vicar of [Bishop] Middleham, Thomas Copper, John Forster, Thomas of Hexham, William de Falderley, Alan of Haydon, Thomas Carles and John of Pittington, priests of his jurisdiction, stating the vicarage to be vacant by the death of John of Mitford the last vicar, from Friday after Nicholas last [11 December 1377], the presentee to be free, legitimate, of legitimate age and in priest's orders, and no obstacle. Ssealed by the official and those forming the jury.
Date: Durham, 20 February 1377/8.
Original: DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.15.
Another copy: DCD Reg. I, f.i.128v-129r.
f.5r   [c.1380]
Mandate from the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to Dom Willliam of Marton vicar of Hesleden concerning his fornication with Megota Calvehird.
Mandate of the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to cite Richard of Wolviston vicar of Dalton re fornication with Alice Tewar.
With cancellations and interlineations.
Mandate of the [official] of the archdeaconry of the prior of Durham to Dom Richard vicar of Billingham to cite Thomas Meryman to appear at St Oswald's on Tuesday next re his marriage with Joan Newsom.
Date: Durham, morrow of St Peter ad cathedra year etc.
Mandate of the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to Dom Richard Whitlok chaplain re adultery with Agnes wife of Adam Calknane of Billingham.
Mandate of the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to his apparitor Wiliam Hert to cite the vicars of Billingham, Aycliffe, Heighington, Merrington, Pittington, Middleham, Dalton, Hesleden and Durham St Oswald to St Oswald on Wednesday next after St Thomas the Martyr over the payment of their synodical dues for the last four years.
f.6r   [c.1400]
Notification by the prior and convent of Durham to the churches of Northallerton and Eastrington of the appointment of Master John of Stanton clerk as their proctor.
f.6v   [c.1374]
Ordinance of John [?Fossor] prior of Durham, with the consent of the convent, for the better protection of the church against injury, of the establishment of a common fund of 80 marks with other profits and emoluments with keys held by the bursar and two other obedientiaries, for loans to be made, with accounts to be rendered on pain of a twentieth of the loan.
f.6v   [1379 x 1380]
Receipt of John of Berrington fellow monk and bursar of Durham for the deposit of 80 marks under the ordinance as above.
Date: Durham, day and year as above.
f.7r   [1379 x 1380]
Oath to be sworn when money is loaned by the three conscientious men.
f.7r   1[3]74
Ordinance of John [?Fossor] prior of Durham that each monk in a cell at the annual chapter may receive 40s annually from the prior or master of the cell.
f.7r   [11 November] 1378
Receipt by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall in Oxford for all the arrears of an annual pension of 20s from the parish church of Benton.
Date: Auckland manor, St Martin 1378 Pont. 33.
Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham Scots causing lots of damage.
Appointment of J de Acley Sag. Pag. Prof. as their proctor.
f.7v   29 June 1378
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Date: Durham, chapter house, 29 June 1378.
Grant by Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, to John Wyles, his servant, of the office of doorkeeper (janitor) of the manor of Auckland; holding the office for life with the profits pertaining thereto, of old used and wont; receiving a three-weekly allowance of 2 bushels of wheat and 4s yearly as his salary, a robe of valet's livery, and the other fees as received by previous doorkeepers.
By the hand of Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 4 February Pont. 30. [1375]
Another copy: DCD Reg. II, f.280r.
f.8r   19 March 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Date: Durham, 19 March 1378/9.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Nicholas de Hatefeld', his kinsman, of the office and keeping of the park of Wolsingham; for life, receiving 4d daily at the hands of the head forester of Weardale, along with other fees and profits pertaining to the said office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 10 August, Pont. 33. [1377]
Another copy: DCD Reg. II, f.278r-v.
f.8r   [1345 x 1381]
Mandate of the official of the court of York to the official of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, on the petition of Dom Thomas of Greatham priest of the diocese of Durham and rector of Ryton church that he had been impeded by John de Wellyngburn, John of Wimbledon and Dom William of Brantingham vicar of Kelloe, to summon them to York [Minster] on Monday before the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr in the case of this tuitorial appeal.
f.8v   [later 14th century]
Official of the bishop of Durham to the parochial chaplain of Seaham, to carry out letters received from the official of the archidiaconal jursidiction of the prior of Durham denouncing William as excommunicated for adultery who had fled to Seaham to escape the prior's jurisdiction.
f.9r   19 January 1380
Licence by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to Thomas brother of the Augustinian order of Newcastle upon Tyne to hear the confessions of parishioners of Tynedale in the archdeaconry of Northumberland who have attacked churches in the diocese and removed his goods from Durham castle.
Date: Auckland manor, 19 January 1379/80 Pont. 34.
f.9r   [later 14th century]
Notarial eschatacol of William Mundy clerk of Winchester diocese, notary public by apostolic authoirty.
f.9r   1 February 1379
Confirmation by Robert [of Walworth] prior and the chapter of Durham of approproiations etc of the bisop of Durham.
Date: Durham chapter house, 1 February 1378/9.
f.9v   19 January 1379
Grant by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the prior and chapter of Durham of an annual pension of 6s 8d from the church of Aldeneston appropriated to the prior and convent of Hexham to be paid at his exchequer in Durham at the two annual feasts of Pentecost and St Martin for the next 80 years.
Date: Auckland manor, 19 January 1378/9 Pont. 34.
f.9v   [later 14th century]
Mandate of the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to the parochial chaplain of Billingham to serve a notice of suspension from entering church on Master John de Bolom clerk proctor of Dom Richard Whitlok chaplain in the matter of the adultery and incest of the same Richard with Agnes wife of Adam Halknave and to cite him to appear before him in the church of St Oswald by Durham on Wednesday after St Gregpory the pope next
End part only of an instruction about correcting, amending and recording business.
f.10r   [1374 x 1391]
Letter from Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham to Dom Robert of Blakeley (Blakawe) about obtaining a licence to study at Oxford University.
Date: Durham etc.
f.10r   1372
Licence of John [Fossor] prior of Durham, with the consent of his fellow monks, to their fellow monk John Aycliffe (Aclyff) to study in the schools at Oxford University.
Date: the autmun of 1372.
f.10r   [later 14th century]
Notification by the official of the publishing of banns for Adam with M as his former wife Joan died in the last pestilence and has been buried.
f.10v   7 September 1379
Mandate of William of Farnham vicar-general to ? of Walworth clerk to put William of Weardale substitute of Master John de Coken into corporal possession of the prebend in Middleton St George to which he was appointed by the patron William of Walworth citizen of London.
Date: Durham, 7 September 1379.
f.10v   August 1274
Opening of the statutes of Walter de Marton clerk and chancellor, for Martin's Hall Oxford.
Date: August 1274.
John of Barnard Castle fellow monk, acting as proctor of Robert [of Walworth] prior and the convent of Durham in busienss concerning Master Alexander Neville archbishop of York Incomplete.
Letter from Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham to Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham about the appropriation of a church to support the monks at the university and buying a 100 mark rent in the city of London for a 1000 mark investment.
f.11r   4 January 1380
Adultery case in the prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 4 January 1379/80.
f.11v   [26 May] 1322
Probate of the will of Robert of Cave rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston, made 23 April 1322, to be buried in the church of St Mary between two columns, beuqest to Emma wife of Aam de Kyrthby, executors to be Alan of Walkington chaplain, Adam de Kyrthby jr and Richard of Bromley, before John de Bellington commissary of the prior of Durham.
Date: [North]allerton, 7 Kal. June 1322.
Mandate from Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham and ordinary of the spiritualties of the liberty of St Cuthbert in thediocese of York to the parochial chaplain of the spiritualites of Allerton shire about the despoliation of the church, vicarage and vicar of [North]allerton.
Date: Durham etc.
f.12r   25 August 1328
Quittance by Robert (sic, recte William of Cowton), prior of Durham, to Robert Stagman of Norham, remitting all debts owed by him to the priory from the corn and fish tithes or from any contract up to the date of the presents, excepting 2 marks to be paid at Martinmas, because of his losses at the hands of the Scots, including the ransoms paid when captured on two occasions.
Date: Durham, 25 August 1328.
Another (correct) version: DCD Reg. II, f.97r.
f.12r   8 February 1371
Adultery and incest case in the prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 8 February 1370/1.
Letter from the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to John Gray chaplain about dissolute living, playing games, neglecting divine service, frequenting taverns.
Letter from the official of the archdiaconal jurisidction of the prior of Durham to Robert of [North]allerton chaplain about his dissolute living, being formerly cited by his apparitor Robert Qwyiton, including for fornication with Alice Bolby and Christiana Scot.
Start of a letter from Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham and archdeacon of the churches within the diocese of Durham.
f.13r   3 January 1381
Grant by Robert [of Walworth] prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas of Kelloe vicar of Heighington of an annual pension of 4 marks at the terms of Pentecost and St Martin for his help and counsel in their business.
Date: Durham, 3 January 1380/1.
f.13r   [10 December] 1381
Appointment of a bailiff to hold courts and collect farms.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after the Conception of the BVM 1381.
Mandate from Robert prior of Durham and archdeacon in the prior and convent's churches in the diocese of Durham to William vicar of St Oswald for repairs to the south side of the church by the feast of SS Philip and James next.
Response from the vicar of St Oswald by Durham to the official or warden of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert about parishioners in the Old Borough of Durham on an attached list contributing to repairs to the nave and bell tower of the church.
f.14v-15r   30 October [1375]
Letter, having received a letter on 17 Kal. October, about John de Billesfield formerly prior of St Leonards by Stamford, having been withdrawn, allegedly “ex incuria et minore providencia”, his replacement by John of Hemingbrough [1375], and the role of the bishop of Lincoln.
Date: Durham, 30 October.
Appointment of a bailiff.
f.15v   6 October [1375]
Presentation by [the prior of Durham to the bishop of Lincoln] of John of Hemingbrough as prior of Stamford in succession to John de Billesfield.
Date: Durham, 6 October.
f.15v   15 December [1345 x 1380]
Letter by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham, with fulsome preamble, informing them that John de Beryngton, their fellow monk, will report to them by word of mouth and in writing what he (the bishop) has done with regard to the college of monks and seculars which he has established to the profit and honour of the church of Durham and what he wants them to do in the foregoing.
Date: London, 15 December.
Another copy: DCD Reg. II, f.157v.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxlv-cxlvi.
DCD Misc.Ch. 422   [mid 14th - mid 15th century]
Part of a register with copies of documents.
Parchment booklet, 4f
Size: 330 x 260mm
Digitised material for Part of a register with copies of documents - DCD Misc.Ch. 422.
f.1r   [13 November] 1325
Assignment by William prior and the convent of Durham accepting the assignment by their predecessors of the vicarage portion of [Bishop] Middleham namely: the manse in Middleham (two small houses near the church) as occupied by William de Mayners, former vicar, and his predecessors; the tithes, offerings and mortuaries of the church, excepting the corn tithes; and 5 marks a year from the master and brethren of the hospital of Sherburn (a sum assigned to the vicarage from the corn tithes of Garmondsway by the late Robert, bishop of Durham), who have been accustomed to make the payment to the vicars and, before appropriation, to the rectors of [Bishop] Middleham.
Date: Durham, Id. November 1325.
Original: DCD 3.12.Spec.11.
f.1r   27 July 1344
Copy of the admission and institution by William [Zouche], archbishop of York and papal legate, of John of Applethorpe, chaplain, to a vicarage in the church of Leake, diocese of York, at the presentation of Richard [of Bury], bishop of Durham; with ordination of the vicarage, reserving the rectory as appropriated to the bishop of Durham's table.
Date: [Bishop]thorpe near York, 27 July 1344, Pont.3.
f.1v   [14 January 1293]
Ordinances by Antony [Bek], bishop of Durham, for the collegiate church of St Andrew, Auckland; with consent of Mr Robert de Alburwyk, vicar of Auckland, and of all the canons and prebendaries there; creating a prebend worth £10 from the tithes of assarts beyond the River Gaunless in the bishop's forest, and on this side of the Gaunless in Widehope moor; giving the title of dean to Master Robert, hitherto vicar of Auckland, and his successors, annexing the said new prebend to the deanery, along with the existing vicarage revenues, and specifying certain of the dean's responsibilities; assigning an area, lying to the south of the church, to be divided up by him, on which the canons are to build houses within two years, and requiring non-resident canons to have vicars to officiate for them; specifying that the first five canons, namely Master Robert Avenell', Walter de Langton', Geoffrey de Vezano, John de London', Master Adam de Brempton. Incomplete.
Complete copy (and a list of other copies) printed in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.35-37.
f.2r   [24 September 1229]
“Le Convenit” - an agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham on the one hand and Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and Chapter of Durham on the other. Latter part only.
Original: DCD 1.4.Pont.2a.
f.2r-3r   [22 January] 1331
Copy indenture of agreement between William [Melton], archbishop of York, and Louis Beaumont, bishop of Durham,
(a) settling a dispute concerning the jurisdiction and visitation to be exercised by the archbishop in churches and places etc. in Allertonshire, setting out in detail the respective rights of the archbishop and the bishop as agreed by the parties.
(b) settling a dispute concerning tuitorial appeals to the court of York by subjects of the bishop and church of Durham.
Date: [Bishop]thorpe near York, 11 Kal. Feburary 1330/1.
Another copy: DCD 1.2.Archiep.2.
f.3r   [later 13th century]
Grant by William de Cumba chaplain to Robert Gervet of Elwick and his wife Anatasia, of all his land with messuages in Burntoft, rendering annually £8, half at Pentecost and half at Michaelmas, with a rent of 6 marks after his death to be paid to the rector of Elwick to maintain a chantry in Elwick church.
Witnesses: Master Andrew of Kilkenny prebendary of Darlington, William de Kilk lord of Stotfold, Simon de la More, Ranulph chaplain, Jordan of Morton, Stephen de Hoton, John de Scurveton.
f.3r   [later 13th century]
Obligation by Robert Gervet and Anastasia his wife in 6 marks to be paid to the church of Elwick St Peter after the death of William de Cumbe chaplain annually in equal portions at the terms of Pentecost and Michaelmas.
Witnesses: Master Andrew of Kilkenny, William de Kilk lord of Stotfold, Simon de la More, Jordan of Morton, Ranulph of Burntoft chaplain, John de Scurveton, Stephen de Hoton, William Payn.
f.3v   [c.1230s]
Agreement between Bartholomew vicar of Norton and the parishioners of Stockton, Preston and Hartburn concerning the ordination of a chapel in Stockton by Richard [?Poore] late bishop of Durham, paying 50s annually at the four terms of St Martin, St Cuthbert in March, the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and St Cuthbert in September.
Witnesses: Master William de Lann[eham] archdeacon of Durham, William de Karlebery dean, Master William de Herford, Master William de Manfeld, John parson of Middleton, Nicholas parson of Dicinsal, John de Rotomago, Dom William de Bromham, Dom Thomas parson of Norton.
Another copy: DULSC, MSP 1A, f.7r.
f.3v-4r   [1249 x 1257]
Inspeximus by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Nicholas [Farnham] former bishop of Durham of land in Stockton for the maintenance of a chaplain to celebrate in the chapel of St Thomas the Martyr, Stockton, with regulations for his appointment and duties.
Witnesses: Dom William of Middleton steward of Durham, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, John Gilet, Robert of St Alban, Richard Basset, William de Blocley.
f.4r   [early 14th century]
Endowment by Thomas son of [Lewin] burgess of Durham, Emma his wife and William their son, of a chapel of St James on the new bridge in Durham. Incomplete.
Original: DCD 2.11.Spec.27.
DCD Misc.Ch. 423   [early 15th century]
Part of a ?register of the official of the archdeacon of Durham.
Booklet of 20 paper and 2 parchment folios, damaged round the edges, repaired c.1970
Size: 300 x 225mm
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Archive: Part of register of the official of the archdeacon of Durham - Misc.Ch. 423.
f.1r-v   [20 April 1397]
Bull of Pope Boniface [IX] granting exception from personal appearance at synods, visitations, or convocations before the archbishop of York or the bishop of Lincoln, to the priors of Durham and Durham College Oxford, for the churches of Frampton, Bossall, Ruddington and Fishlake, annexed to Durham College, if represented by proctor(s).
Date: St Peter's Rome, 12 Kal. May Pont. 8.
Exemplifcation in DCD 4.6.Ebor.3.
Position and articles of the vicar of Dalton against the archdeacon of Durham.
Positions of T de Weston archdeacon of Durham against the vicar of Dalton.
Libel of Master Alan of Newark for the prior and convent of Guisborough against the vicar of Staunton.
Acta in the Staunton case.
Exceptions of the vicar of Dalton against the articles and positions of T. de Weston archdeacon of Durham.
Statement of J de Dalton official of Durham in the dispute about fishing tithes at Hawthorn.
Factum of the vicar of Dalton against Naster T de Weston archdeacon of Durham.
f.7v   15 March 1408
Official of the court of York about Hartlepool.
Date: York, 15 March 1407/8.
Appeal of R de Lowther vicar of Wigton in a case of adultery and fornication before Master John official of William bishop of Carlisle.
f.8v   2 January 1404
Mandate of W[alter], bishop of Durham, to Masters John de D. and J. de C. to hand over Sherburn Hospital to Master A[lan] de N[ewerk], clerk, appointed keeper of Sherburn hospital, vacant by the removal of John Burgeys, last keeper thereof.
Date: 2 January 1403/4.
f.9r-v   2 March 1408
Appeal about Hartlepool.
Date: 2 March 1407/8.
f.10r-v   [17 March 1379]
Bull of Pope Urban [VI] to the bishops of Durham and Lincoln and the prior of Durham
Date: St Mary's transtiber in Rome, 16 Kal. April Pont. 1.
Provocation and appeal by John de Hak clerk, canon of Lanchester with the prebend of Newbiggin, before Thomas de Weston archdeacon of Durham
Libel before Walter bishop of Durham of the canons of Auckland St Andrew against the dean of Auckland
Visitation articles for Auckland.
Positions and articles of W de Wall dean of Auckland
f.13v   8 January 1410
Mandate of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to the vicar of Warkworth William Damson priest and John Kirkly clerk of Carlisle diocese to cite John Biry vicar of Whittingham to appear before his vicar general the dean of Chester on 12 February next to answer for his absence from his church and to show why it should be sequestrated.
Date: Auckland, 8 January 1409/10 Pont. 4.
f.14r   [17 November] 1408
Allegation of John de Hak clerk, canon of Lanchester church in the prebend of Newbiggin.
Witnesses: Thomas de Aveslay vicar of Conniscliffe.
Date: Durham St Nicholas, Saturday after St Martin [14]08.
Libel of the prebendaries of Auckland against J. de Burges dean of Auckland over destitute prebends.
Another libel against the same dean over two prebends in Auckland church.
Official of the court of York.
Libel of W. de Lathon vicar of Norton before the official of the bishop of Durham.
Libel of W. de Lathon vicar of Norton before the official of the court of York, against John of Dalton official of the court of Durham.
Libel of John Burges dean of Auckland St Andrew before the officlal of the court of Durham.
prior and convent of St Mary Guisborough against William Nell over the fishing tithes of Hart church.
Part of ?a libel over Dalton tithes in the port of Hawthorn. Reversed and cancelled.
Libel of William Nell over the fishing tithes of Hart church, with an addition, exceptions against it, and an advocation.
[Misc.Ch. 424]   Temp. Elizabeth
Part of a paper volume (ff.180-291) containing various forms of ecclesiastical instruments, proceedings in the Consistory Court etc., chiefly relating to the dioceses of York and Durham.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 425]
Now Bursar's Book D
DCD Misc.Ch. 426   [c.1370s]
Repertory of the cathedral's muniments, with a 15th century title describing it as “Ancient charters pertaining to the office of chancellor of Durham” , with individual documents mostly identified by a single letter, comprising:
f.1r-2v. Papal.
f.3r-4v. Royal.
f.5r-9v. Episcopal, including archiepiscopal.
f.10r. Archidiaconal, Durham and Northumberland.
f.10v-12v. General, Northumberland beyond the Coquet.
f.13r-14r. General, Northumberland, this side of the Coquet.
f.14r-15r. General in Chester ward.
f.15r-17v. General in Easington ward.
f.17v-20v. General in Darlington ward.
f.21r-23v. General in Stockton ward and the wapentake.
f.24r-25v. General in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.
Parchment book, 26f in parchment covers, within modern buckram covered boards by Maltby of Oxford
Size: 340 x 220mm
Decoration: marginal letters in alternate red and blue, also some capitals in the text red or blue, with various patterns of linefill in varying colours
Digitised material for Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Repertory of Durham Priory muniments - Misc.Ch. 426.
Misc.Ch. 427   [late 16th - early 17th century]
File of papers relating to the chapter's possessions on Holy Island, especially Sir William Reade's demolition of the church there.
19 paper documents
Size: 310 x 210mm
Documents were lettered a-t [by AJP], 26 November 1979
DCD Misc.Ch. 427a   30 May 1579
“The copies of captayn Reades assuraunce for the Holie Eland &c”. Copy lease from Elizabeth I to William Kynnard alias Reade gent her captain of Holy Island, of Holy Island, including the rectory and tithes, for 54 years at £26 per annum.
Date: Westminster, 30 May 21 Elizabeth I.
Paper, 5p, attached with parchment tie at top, worn around edges
Digitised material for Copy lease from Elizabeth I to William Kynnard alias Reade of Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch. 427a
DCD Misc.Ch. 427b   4 December 1564
Copy lease to William Kynnard alias Reade by Elizabeth I of 12 husbandries in Fenham in the county of Northumberland, a water mill in Fenham, all messuages, cottages, land, tenements, meadow, pasture and marshes in Tweedmouth, Elwick, Kaylonge Howborne, Bowsden, Ancroft, Cheswick, Skrympston, Beal, Barmoor and Ord and all of the tithe in the villages of Fenham, Fenwick, Buckton, and Holy Island and all the granges and gardens in Fenham and the tithe on wool in the parish of Holy Island and all the tithe on lambs in the villages of Holy Island, Fenham, Tweedmouth, Ord, Spittle, Unthank, Edmondhills, and all the tithe of hay and hemp of the parish of Holy Island, and all the tithe of money and offerings of Lent of the parish of Holy Island, and tithe on fish and fisherman in the parish of Holy Island and the premises of William Swynne. ??? to William Kynnard alias Reade by the executors and assignees after the death of bishop Thomas Barwicen after the feast of St Michael 1583? for a term of 31 years. On condition of payment of rent of £55 14d in total, specifically £18 for the 12 husbandries, 16s for the watermill, £5 7s 6d for the various pieces of land, and the stated tithes for the rest amounting to £30 17s 8d paid a the Annunciation and the feast of St Michael.
Date: 4 December 1564.
Paper, 4p, worn around edges, attached with parchment tie at top, hole through left centre
Digitised material for Copy lease to William Kynnard alias Reade by Elizabeth I of properties in Islandshire - DCD Misc.Ch.427b
DCD Misc.Ch. 427c   16 May [1541]
Copy of grant to the dean and chapter of Durham of the site of the priory of Holy Island and all the land relating to the parish of Holy Island, with detailed descriptions of these lands.
Date: Westminster, 16 May 33 Henry VIII.
Dorse: valuations of the rectories of Berwick upon Tweed and Norham, and the cells of Holy Island and the Farne Islands
Paper, 6p, attached with parchment tie at top, worn around edges
Original: DCD/A/AA2.
Digitised material for Copy of grant to the dean and chapter of Durham of the site of the priory of Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427c
DCD Misc.Ch. 427d   [early 17th century]
Language:  English
Extracts from lease registers of Holy Island leases 9 February 16 Eliz, 12 January 32 Eliz and 7 January 1609.
Paper, 2f
Digitised material for Extracts from lease registers of Holy Island leases - DCD Misc.Ch.427d
DCD Misc.Ch. 427e   13 September 1613
Language:  English
Letter signed by Mar[maduke] Blakeston vice dean, Robert Hutton treasurer, Clement Colmore, James Rand receiver, Jo[hn] Calfhill, Francis Bunney and Peter Smart [canons] to Sir William Reade instructing him to stop attempts to demolish and deface the church and sell its lead, formerly part of the cell on Holy Island and now their inheritance, by Mr Harbert and Mr Thomas Ourd in the name of Lord Walden.
Date: 13 September 1613.
Paper, single sheet, worn around edges.
Digitised material for Letter to Sir William Reade instructing him to stop attempts to demolish and deface the church on Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427e
DCD Misc.Ch. 427f   [later 16th century]
Language:  English
Letter (of unknown author) arguing that the rectory of Holy Island was the possession of [Thomas] Spark [suffragan] bishop of Berwick, having been granted him by Henry VIII, and the victualling of royal ships there during the wars with Scotland.
Paper, single sheet, worn around edges.
Digitised material for Letter arguing that the rectory of Holy Island was the possession of Thomas Spark, bishop of Berwick - DCD Misc.Ch.427f
DCD Misc.Ch. 427g   12 August 1589
Language:  English
Receipt by Martin Hallyman of Lumley Castle for various detailed sealed evidences received from Richard Johnson and Simon Comyn, witnessed by Robert Massam.
Date: 12 August 1589.
Paper, single sheet, worn around edges, section at bottom of page removed, small orange stains along centre.
Digitised material for Receipt by Martin Hallyman of Lumley Castle for various detailed sealed evidences - DCD Misc.Ch.427g
DCD Misc.Ch. 427h   [later 16th century]
Language:  English
Draft statement on evidence relating to the dispute between William Read and the dean and chapter of Durham, with much cancellation and interlineation.
Paper, 2f
Digitised material for Draft statement on evidence relating to the dispute between William Read and the dean and chapter of Durham - DCD Misc.Ch.427h
DCD Misc.Ch. 427i   24 September 1613
Language:  English
Letter from Mar[maduke] Blakeston, Rob[ert] Hutton, Cl[ement] Colmore, Ralph Tonstall, Henry Ewbank, James Rand and Peter Smart to Adam Newton dean of Durham William Read forwarding William Read's report on the attempts by Roger Widdrington, Arnold Herbert and Thomas Ourd to deface and demolish the church of the cell of Holy Island on behalf of Lord Walden..
Date: Chapter house in Durham, 24 September 1613.
Paper, single sheet, worn around edges.
Digitised material for Letter forwarding William Read's report on the attempts to deface and demolish the church of the cell of Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427i
DCD Misc.Ch. 427j   [?1613]
Language:  English
Report of council's (Me Cooper and Mr Smith) opinion on the demolition of the church of Holy Island, the theft of the lead, its shipment to the south, the sinking of the ship and drowning of many persons, listing grants to Bishop Spark including in Chancery or the Court of Augmentation.
Paper, 2f
Digitised material for Report of council's opinion on the demolition of the church of Holy Island - DCD MiscCh.427j
DCD Misc.Ch. 427k   [early 17th century]
Language:  English
List of evidence relating to the ownership of Holy Island after the dissolution, with cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 2f
Digitised material for List of evidence relating to the ownership of Holy Island after the dissolution - DCD MiscCh.427k
DCD Misc.Ch. 427l   [early 17th century]
Language:  English
Labelled 'Questions for Mr Capteyn Reade'. [Chapter's council] lists evidence relating to the dispute with each piece followed by questions to be put to William Read.
Paper, 2f, worn around edges.
Digitised material for Questions for Mr Capteyn Reade - DCD MiscCh.427l
DCD Misc.Ch. 427m   10 February 1604
Language:  English
Letter of Thomas Cuthbert in response to the question regarding the ownership of Holy Island, he responds in favour of the Dean and Chapter.
Date: 10 February 1603/4.
Paper, 1f, worn around edges.
Digitised material for Letter of Thomas Cuthbert in response to the question regarding the ownership of Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427m
DCD Misc.Ch. 427n    [early 17th century]
Language:  English
Summary of the history of the ownership of Holy Island, focusing specifically on the period after the dissolution of the monasteries and the dispute over the lease/grant of the island by Henry VIII to Bishop Thomas Sparke of Berwick, resolved in favour of the dean and chapter of Durham.
Paper, 1f, worn around edges.
Digitised material for Summary of the history of the ownership of Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427n
DCD Misc.Ch. 427o   [early 17th century]
Language:  English
Notes regardings the dean and chapter's farmers/tenants and properties on Holy Island, with cancellations and interlineations.
Paper, 2f
Digitised material for Notes regardings the dean and chapter's farmers/tenants and properties on Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427o
DCD Misc.Ch. 427p   [19 May] 1578
Language:  English
Letter to Elizabeth I and the Council of the North from George Dennys of Holy Island requesting an investigation into the case of Holy Island and complaining against Sir William Read over a lease of Sanctuary Garth and Muster Garth in Holy Island to William Nodder.
Date: First day after Pentecost 1578.
Endorsed as five parcels received by D[aniel] Birkhead from Thomas Kinge, to be delivered to the chapter, witness Peter Smart, 14 March 1621/2.
Paper, 1f, folded, worn around edges, hole through left centre.
Digitised material for Letter to Elizabeth I and the Council of the North from George Dennys of Holy Island requesting an investigation into the case of Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427p
DCD Misc.Ch. 427q   [early 17th century]
Language:  English
List of historical evidence in the dispute over the ownership of Holy Island, including copies of the relevant documents and information with analysis and annotation by the author.
Paper, 2f, worn around edges.
Digitised material for List of historical evidence in the dispute over the ownership of Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427q
DCD Misc.Ch. 427r   [early 17th century]
Language:  English
Document detailing the dispute between the dean and chapter of Durham and William Read over Holy Island.
Endorsed (18th century) as “Papers relating to the destruction of the Church at Lindisfarne” .
Paper, 2f
Digitised material for Document detailing the dispute between the dean and chapter of Durham and William Read over Holy Island - DCD Misc.Ch.427r
DCD Misc.Ch. 427s   18 September 1613
Language:  English
Letter from William Read to Marmaduke Blakiston, Mr Hutton and Clement Colmore regarding his demolition of the abbey church and cell on Holy Island and sale of the effects, according to a commission from Theophilus Lord Walden in the right of his wife Lady Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of the late George Earl of Dunbar.
Date: 18 September 1613.
Paper, single sheet of paper, folded, worn around edges, remnant of sealing wax on reverse.
Digitised material for Letter from William Read regarding his demolition of the abbey church and cell on Holy Island and sale of the effects - DCD Misc.Ch.427s
DCD Misc.Ch. 427t   [late 16th century]
Language:  English
Extracts of rental records for Holy Island between 1542 and 1589.
Paper, 2f
Digitised material for Extracts of rental records for Holy Island between 1542 and 1589 - DCD Misc.Ch.427t
DCD Misc.Ch. 428   [c.1600]
Copy of the instrument of surrender by Hugh Whitehead prior of Durham to Henry VIII of all the monastery with all land with all due chattells and movable goods and all manors, messuages, gardens, curtilages, tofts, lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, woods, underwoods, rents, services, mills, passages, knights' fees, wards, marriages, native villeins with their freedoms, liberties, franchises, courts leet, hundreds, views of frankpledge, warrens, vineries, waters, fisheries, ways, paths, wharves, advowsons, nominations and presentations, and donations to churches, vicarages, chapels and chantries and other ecclesiastical benefices, pensions, portions, annuities, tithes, oblations and all other profits etc in the counties of Durham, York, Northampton, Nottingham, Stafford, Lancaster and Northumberland and otherwise in the kingdom of England.
Paper, 7r, worn around edges especially bottom of final two sheets, repaired with paper, light water damage on right side
Size: 420 x 320mm
Digitised material for Copy of the instrument of surrender by Hugh Whitehead prior of Durham to Henry VIII of all the monastery - DCD Misc.Ch. 428.
DCD Misc.Ch. 429   7 May 1444
?Draft notarial instrument recording that Robert Westmerland, monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham, as sufficiently demonstrated to the notary by their mandate of proxy, in name of the said prior and chapter made, read and interposed a written appeal by him, Robert Westmerland, as proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham, stating that, although the prior and chapter and their predecessors have for ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty years and more, and time out of mind, been in possession and are in possession of the right of presenting suitable persons to the bishop of St Andrews for institution in the vicarages of the churches of Berwick, Fishwick, Ednam, Edrom, Old Cambus, Lamberton, Earlston, Swinton, and Stichill, appropriated to them and their church of Durham, as shown by grants, indults, privileges, confirmations and compositions concerning the foregoing, which grants (&c) the proctor wishes to be held as invoked and entered in the present appeal; James, bishop of St Andrews, has daily refused to admit, just as he now resists ( renitet ) admitting, suitable persons presented to him by the prior and chapter for institution in the said vicarages, but unjustly intrudes others into these vicarages; and in particular he has refused and refuses now to admit John Loury, priest, to the vicarage of Edrom on presentation by the prior and chapter, and has intruded another therein; manifoldy attacking the title of the prior and chapter to these vicarages, to no little prejudice and damage to their right; he appeals to the apostolic see, subjecting the prior and chapter, himself in their name, his adherents and those wishing to adhere to him in this regard; declaring that, if need be, he wishes to alter the present appeal and put it into better and more proper form; and swearing that thus far ten days have not elapsed since the foregoing injuries, or any of them, were first made known to him. and asked the notary to draw up a public instrument upon the foregoing.
Witnesses: John Holme, gentleman, Thomas Balkoke, William Undirwode, and John Dale, literatus, of York and Durham diocc.
Notary: Richard Berhalgh', clerk of Durham dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority (eschatocol recited).
Done: nave of Durham cathedral, 7 May 1444.
With some interlineations and cancellations, and the eschatocol in a different hand.
Parchment roll, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 295 x 340mm
Copied in; DCD Reg. III, f.304r-v.
Digitised material for Draft notarial instrument of Robert Westmerland, monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham - DCD Misc.Ch. 429.
DCD Misc.Ch. 430   4 May 1576
Mandate by Canons Francis Bunney MA and George Cliffe STB, commissaries of John Pilkington STB and Rudolph Lever MA sede vacante to the curate of Chester-le-Street to cite kinsfolk of Robert Burfield of Chester-le-Street to appear in the Galilee.
Signed by Francis Bunney.
Dorse: Note of execution by George Brown curate of Chester.
Paper, 1p
Size: 300 x 215mm
Seal: applied residue in the top left corner
DCD Misc.Ch. 431   20 July 1576
Mandate by Canon Pilkington to the curate of Chester-le-Street to cite Isabella Burtfield and John Ruter, over the administration of the goods of Robert Burtfield of Chester-le-Street granted to John Burtfield, to appear in the Galilee.
Signed by Pilkington.
Dorse: Note of execution by George Brown curate of Chester.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 150 x 210mm
Seal: applied fragment in the top left corner
[DCD Misc.Ch. 432]
Now 4.2.Elemos.1b.
DCD Misc.Ch. 433   [30 August 1330]
Inquisition before Nicholas Megre the coroner of Chester ward about Henry, a common thief and formerly a servant of Dom Hawmund of Routh, found in the garden of John reeve of Chester at around midnight, stole a horse of Thomas Smith of Chester and a bullock of Geoffrey Miller of Chester.
Date: Whickham (Quicham), Thursday the morrow of the Decollation [of St John the Baptist], Pont. Louis [de Beaumont] bishop of Durham 13.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge, right end badly faded
Size: 240 x 95mm
Seal: 8 unidentified, on 6 tongues, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 434   [c.24 June 1332]
Inquisition before William Walworth sheriff of Sadberge and John Waryn coroner of Chester ward about John son of Thomas of Medlam and other thieves.
Date: Nativity of St John the Baptist, Pont. Louis [de Beaumont] bishop of Durham 15.
Parchment, 1m, bottom left corner torn off and missing, right end badly faded
Size: 115 x 235mm
Seal: 9 unidentified, on 6 tongues
DCD Misc.Ch. 435   [16 November] 1314
Letters testimonial of Thomas [of Kirkcudbright] bishop of Whithorn that, acting on behalf of Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham, he conferred upon Hugh of Wearmouth the orders of: subdeacon on Saturday Quattuor Tempora before Michaelmas 1207 (sic for 1307) in the Friars Preacher church in Newcastle upon Tyne; deacon on the Saturday when Scicientes is sung in the same year in the same church; and priest on Saturday Quattuor Tempora before Michaelmas 1308 in the parish church of Chester[-le-Street].
Date: Sherburn (Schirreborne), St Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury 1314, Pont. 20.
Parchment, 1m, upper part badly faded, [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 70 x 230mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 436   [6 April] 1349
Grant by John Bulmer lord of Claxton to Alice wife of Leo of Claxton, formerly lord of Claxton, of 4 messuages, which are cottages, in Claxton with the adjacent croft named le levedygarthe for her life, not already assigned to her as dower, rendering annually to Dom William of Claxton miles a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist, with reversion to the said William and his wife Joan and the heirs of his body, then to William's brother Thomas and the heirs of his body, then to Thomas's brother John and the heirs of his body, then to Dom Ralph de Nevill miles and the heirs of his body
Witnesses: Henry of Langton, Alan of Fulthorp, William of Mordon, John lord of Burntoft, William of Billingham.
Date: Claxton, Monday after Palm Sunday 1349.
Parchment, 1m, indentured, zig zag, number of holes through parchment, repaired.
Size: 175 x 260mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 437   [31 January 1323]
Quitclaim of Robert of Levisham to Stephen of Haliwell of all rights and claims for all lands and tenements in Claxton until the death of Stephen, held by Stephen by gift of Robert's mother Joan, until her death.
Date: Claxton, Sunday before the Purification of the BVM 16 Edward [II], Pont. L[ouis de Beaumont] bishop of Durham 6.
Parchment, 1m.
Size: 75 x 210mm
Seal: unidentified, on a detached tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub
DCD Misc.Ch. 438   [9 November] 1365
Grant of William of Levisham to William of Claxton miles of 3 messuages, 8 bovates of land and 4 acres of meadow in Claxton.
Witnesses: Simon of Langton, William of Elmden, Gilbert of Clifton, William of Mordon, Everard Fannell.
Date: Claxton, Sunday before St Martin 1365.
Parchment, 1m, some small holes
Size: 120 x 245mm
Seal: unidentified, on a detached tongue through two slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 439   [11 November c.1350]
Quitclaim of ??? to lord William of all rights and claims relating to ??? given him by his father Michael.
Date: Claxton, St Martin ???.
Parchment, 1m, left half of document missing, repaired (to original size?).
Size: 70 x 175mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 440   17 April [1447] - 1 July [1451]
Court roll for Claxton and Burntoft for courts held by Robert Claxton miles 17 April 25 Henry VI, 18 February 26 Henry VI, 17 February 27 Henry VI, 12 January 28 Henry VI, 21 November 29 Henry VI, 1 July 29 Henry VI
Parchment roll, 1m, badly rubbed and damaged in parts with some text lost, repaired with collagen and gauze c.1970, partly now lifting
Size: 550 x 180mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 441   [19 May] 1325
Grant and quitclaim by Leo son and heir of Roger of Claxton to Dom Adam of Bedale chaplain of a messuage and 4 bovates of land in the vill and territory of Claxton, by service of homage and an annual rent of 7d paid at St Peter ad vincula, with suit of mill and court, and the heirs of the said Adam when of age may have ingress to the lands after Adam's death without ward and marriage or any fine, and he indemnifies Adam against all services due towards Hugh son of Geoffrey of Northampton and against any obligations from him for the land.
Witnesses: Dom William of Kilkenny (Kyrkenny) miles, Roger of Fulthorp, Henry of Langton, Geoffrey of Hartlepool, Thomas Lambard, Robert Gervet, Peter of Whitelaw (Quetlawe), Roger Postel, William son of Andrew of Greatham.
Date: Claxton, St Dunstan 1325.
Parchment, 1m, small hole in centre with stain.
Size: 105 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No., on a parchment tag, through two slits in a turnup.
DCD Misc.Ch. 442   [9 April] 1349
Grant of Leo of Claxton to John of Bulmer of his manor of Claxton, rendering annually to him for his life £20 at Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions.
Witnesses: Henry of Langton, Alan of Fulthorp, John lord of Burntoft, William of Billingham, John of Beuleu.
Date: Claxton, Maundy Thursday 1349.
Parchment, 1m.
Size: 70 x 250mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 443   [5 April] 1374
Grant of William Lamberd and John of Claxton to William of Claxton miles and Isabella his wife (interlineated, to Isabella wife of William Claxton cancelled) of the manor of Claxton, with remainder to the right heirs of the said William (interlineated, heirs of William and Isabella cancelled).
Date: Wednesday after Easter 1374.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, some staining on left side
Size: 80 x 315mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through two slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 444   [?1378]
Appointment by William Lamberd and John Claxton of John Beaufewe as their attorney to deliver seisin to William of Claxton and Isabella his wife of the manor of Claxton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 260mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 445   25 May [1378]
Language:  French
Lease by William of Claxton chivaler to William Lambard and John of Claxton of the manor of Claxton for 20 years, rendering annually £20 in equal parts at Pentecost and St Martin, with distraint detailed.
Date: 25 May 1 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, letters cut through
Size: 85 x 330mm
Seal: G&B No.627 (damaged), on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 446   9 June [1378]
Quitclaim of William of Claxton miles to William Lambard and John of Claxton of his right to the manor of Claxton which he had demised to them for a term of years.
Date: 9 June 1 Richard II.
Endorsed (contemporary) as enrolled on the dorse of the king's chancery close roll in June year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 330mm
Seal: G&B No.627, on a parchment tag, through three slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 447   10 November [1418]
Bond of John Kemppe, John Nolle, Alan Sadeler and William Chaloner to William Claxton miles for 10 marks to be paid by next Christmas, on condition (on the dorse) that they deliver Robert de Bate of Sedgefield before the bishop's justices at the next session after the date of this.
Date: Durham, 10 November 6 Henry V.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 285mm
Seal: 4 unidentified, on 2 tongues, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 448   [11 May] 1366
Bond of Robert Hirynmagger and John of Wec to William of Claxton miles for £10 to be paid by the next feast of St Peter at Claxton for a loan.
Date: Claxton, Monday before Ascension 1366.
Parchment, 1m, some staining.
Size: 80 x 260mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 449   [20 November] 1323
Grant of John Makpays son of William Makpays of Claxton to Dom Adam of Bedale chaplain of a messuage, 4 bovates of arable and an acre of meadow in the field and territory of Claxton, on condition of payment of 9 quarters of wheat per year at 8 annual terms, that is a quarter and a bushel paid at each of St Martin, Christmas, Purification of Mary, Easter, Pentecost, St Margart the Virgin, St Bartholomew, St Michael the Archangel.
Witnesses: Dom William of Kilkenny miles, Leo of Claxton, Geoffrey of Hartlepool, Robert Gervet, Peter of Wethelaw, Roger Postell, John Abell of Greatham.
Date: Claxton, St Edmund King and Martyr 1323.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'cirografum' cut through
Size: 130 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No.1693, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 450   [8 May] 1353
Grant of John of Laysyngby to William of Levisham son and heir of Thomas of Levisham of 3 tofts with 2 crofts and 8 bovates in the vill and territory of Claxton with 4 acres of meadow adjacent given to John by the said Thomas, with reversions to William's brother John, his sister Helen, and then their nearest heirs.
Witnesses: John of Carrow, Roger of Fulthorp, Alan of Billingham, Thomas Lucas, William of Elmdon, William son of Benedict of Greatham, Laurence of Kelloe.
Date: Laysyngby, Tuesday the morrow of St John of Beverly 26 Edward III and 1353.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.1108, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a slit for a further tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 451   4 September [1375]
Language:  French
Grant by John Neville lord of Raby to William of Claxton that Claxton's grant to Neville of an annual rent of 20 marks from all his lands in the bishoprick of Durham will be nullified if Claxton pays 100 marks to him in five equal specified terms.
Date: Brancepeth, 4 September 49 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some small holes
Size: 155 x 290mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 452   [1398 x 1399]
Testimony that William of Claxton paid Robert of Wycliffe constable of Durham from the rent of the vill of Claxton 8s 4d.
Date: Pont 11 Bishop W[alter Skirlaw].
Similarly 13s 4d for the farm of Holome by the hand of Thomas Forster.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, repaired with parchment and skin c.1970
Size: 80 x 130mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 453   [24 June] 1310
Grant by Roger Heriz lord of Claxton to Michael his son of 2 tofts, 4 bovates, and 2 acres of meadow in the vill of Claxton, which were held by John of Hameldon, and a toft formerly held by Andrew of Breton in the vill of Claxton, and a bovate of land with meadow which were formerly held by William Pelleson in the same vill, and a bovate of land with meadow formerly held by Adam of Brereton in the same vill, to be held for life, rendering annually 2 marks at 2 terms of Pentecost and St Martin, and making suit at the mill of Claxton for the 24th vas, with reversion to the said Roger.
Witnesses: Robert Gernet, Walter of Burntoft (Brountoft), Richard Ster of Wolviston (Wulweston), John Makepays of Claxton.
Date: Claxton, Nativity of St John Baptist 1310.
Parchment, 1m, small tear of right edge
Size: 185 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No. 615, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 454   [16 December 1409]
Licence from Peter bishop of ?Toscolano (Tusculan) to Isabella Claxton noble wife for a private confessor.
Date: Pistoria, 17 Kal. January 1 Pope Alexander V.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 220mm
Seal: unidentified fragment, on yellow and white strings, threaded through 2 holes in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 455   [9 April] 1349
Grant of John Bulmer lord of Claxton to Leo of Claxton, formerly lord of Claxton, of his whole manor in Claxton, formerly granted him by Leo, for life, rendering annually to lord William of Claxton miles his son, for the life of Leo, of a rose on the Nativity of John Baptist, with remainder on the death of Leo to Lord William of Claxton miles and Johanna his wife and the heirs of William, with remainder to Thomas, William's brother, and his heirs, and then to John, Thomas's brother, and his heirs, and then to Lord Ralph Neville miles and his heirs.
Witnesses: Henry of Langton, Alan of Fulthorp, William of Mordon, John lord of Burntoft, William of Billingham.
Date: Claxton, Maundy Thursday 1349.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, variously holed on the right side
Size: 205 x 245mm
Seal: detached part of a parchment [sealing] tag, slit through a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 456   [2 February] 1335
Bond of Thomas of Levisham son of Robert of Levisham to Stephen of Haliwell in 52s 5d to be paid by the next feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross.
Date: Greatham, Purification of BVM 1334/5.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 215mm
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below.
DCD Misc.Ch. 457   31 May 1430
Enfeoffment by William Claxton miles to William Hoton of Hardwick, Robert Whelpington (Qwelpyngton) and Richard Buckley of all his lands in Claxton, Hoton, Horden, Haswell, Fishburn, Burntoft, Newland and Hulam (Holome) for them to carry out the terms of his will, that they will enfeoff his son John with the land in Hulam in fee simple, his son Richard with his lands in Haswell, Morton and Fishburn assigned to his wife until he is promoted to a benefice if he wants to be a priest, his son Thomas jr with lands worth 100s per annum for life with remainder to William's right heirs, his daughter Elizabeth with lands worth 40s per annum with remainder to William's right heirs, and his daughter Johanna with lands to the value of 40s per annum with remainder to William's right heirs, and pay his servants their salaries, and they are to be his executors.
Record of probate by the official of the bishop of Durham, and noted that as Hoton, Whelpington and Buckley had not been enfeoffed with the lands before William Claxton's death, then they could not carry out the terms of his will, and Robert Claxton sr son and heir came and was granted administration.
Date: Durham Galilee chapel, 31 May 1430.
Parchment, 1m, some small tears, some small holes through parchment
Size: 150 x 350mm
Seal: G&B No.3174, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 458   [24 May] 1369
Grant of William of Claxton chivaler and Johanna his wife to John of Claxton his brother and John of Carew lord of Seaton (interlineated) of all his land in the vill of Claxton which was held by Leo of Claxton his father, with the demesne of of the vill, a tenement and 4 bovates of land, and 2 acres of meadow, which were his uncle Michael of Claxton's, except for a new place and an ancient place, and 11 bovates of land and 5 acres of meadow, namely 4 bovates formerly held by Thomas of Bedale chaplain, 2 bovates held by William of Claxton his uncle, 2 bovates held by Andrew of Brereton, a bovate held by John Garbard, 2 bovates of demesne and 6 bovates of land and 3 acres of meadow held by Margaret del Botery sister of the said Leo, except for a 40s rent from the land called Losa... in the same vill and another rent of 7d from the land and tenements called 'Kellawland' in the same vill, rendering annually to William and Johanna £10 at the two terms of Pentecost and St Martin, with distraints detailed.
Date:Claxton, Thursday in the week of Pentecost 1369.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, hole through centre of parchment, right side damaged by gnawing with some text lost, some erasure and interlineation, faded, some small stains.
Size: 175 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No. 540 and 2231, each on a parchment tag, one reused from another document, both through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 459   [23 April] 1234
Duplicate of the next.
Date: Westminster, Easter 18 Henry [III].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, letters cut through, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 145 x 290mm
Seal: part of a parchment sealing tag, through a slit in a turnup
Discussed, and its authenticity questioned, in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.65.
DCD Misc.Ch. 460   [16 August 1235]
Fine between Simon of Dilston (Diveleston) and the burgesses of Corbridge granting them permission to build one end of the bridge on his land of Dilston, and granting them the line of a road southward from the head of the bridge to Holepethe, running through part of Dilston township, with the burgesses to repair the dykes on either die, and when the road reached Holepethe it was to turn east and keep outside the dykes bounding the Dilston lands; and Simon further granted to the burgesses a footpath eastward from the head of th ebridge down stream to the wood, and a cartroad 20 feet wide up stream from the bridge head t Potter ford, with provision made for the payment of parkage fees on any cattle belonging to the burgesses that might escape into Dilston grounds, at the rate of 1d for every 10 beasts, 20 sheep, 4 horses, 6 pigs or 20 calves, with the burgesses rending annually to the lords of Dilston a pound of pepper and a pound of cummin.
Witnesses: Brian son of Alan then sheriff of Northumberland, Roger de Merlaco, Hugh of Bolbeck, Roger Bertram, Gilbert of Umfraville, John de Baliol, Eustace de Laval, Richard Bertram, Bernard prior of Agustaldia, Otwer of Holy Island, Robert de Wicester, Peter of Holy Island, Peter de Vallibus, Robert de Mayneville, John of Thornburgh, John de Haweltone, Thomas of Wittington.
Date: Northumberland county court, Thursday the morrow of the Assumption of the BVM, 19 Henry [III].
Parchment, 1m, indented, zig-zag, letters (?cyrograph) cut through, small holes repaired, (ink?) stain on bottom
Size: 125 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.3733, on green and white/yellow cords, through a slit in a turnup.
Printed and discussed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.64-65.
DCD Misc.Ch. 461   [23 July 1304]
Agreement between Robert son of Roger lord of Corbridge and Lucia who was the wife of Thomas of Dilston (Dyveliston) whereby Lucia allowed Robert to land his ferry boats at any point on the right bank of the stream that lay within Dilston township, with the right of approach to the boats by the ordinary roads and footpaths, and she further sanctioned the holding in severalty by Robert and his heirs of the pasture subsequently known as Farnley and the Eales, with bounds detailed as the high road from Corbridge to Riding, the boundary of Bolbec barony, and the River Tyne; with Lucia to be free from ferry dues for herself and her household, and allowed to carry off tree trunks, boughs and bracken from the woods and wastes assigned to Robert in severalty, namely Farnley and Eales, and she is granted for life 30 cartloads of heather from the woods and wastes of Corbridge, and 10 cartloads of peat from the peat-hags, for the use of her house in Dilston, and she might take at will millstones and turves from the said wastes for the repair and upkeep of Dilston mill and its mill dam, with both parties ratifying the covenants made between Robert, the burgesses of Corbridge and Thomas Dilston, but the rent due from Shukhaulgh to the keepers of Corbridge bridge is to be remitted during Lucia's life.
Date: Warkworth, Thursday after St Mary Magdalen 32 Edward [I].
Witnesses: Lord John of Swyneburne, Lord Roger Corbet, Lord John of Vallibus, John of Eure, John of Insula Wodeburne, John of Normanvile.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 160 x 230mm
Seal: G&B No. 1004, on a parchment tag, tag repaired with thread, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.79-80.
DCD Misc.Ch. 462   [early 14th century]
Quitclaim of the burgesses of Corbridge to Thomas lord of Dilston of any right in 20 acres of waste and pasture in Puteley and Morburnhevid, with liberty to enclose, dyke, hedge or empark them, with Thomas undertaking not to plough the land, with the birgesses reseving the right to reenter the lands and revert them to pasture if Thomas died without heirs.
Witnesses: Hugh of Eure (Euire), Hugh de la Vale, Hugh Gubyun, John de Hortwaytone, milites, William of Slaveley, William of Tynedale (Tindall), Robert Wauclin.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, some staining, two small holes in centre
Size: 120 x 205mm
Seal: blank [sealing] parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.70.
DCD Misc.Ch. 463   [1274 x 1278]
Agreement between Robert son of Roger lord of Corbridge with the burgesses of the same vill and Thomas lord of Dilston whereby Robert and the burgesses granted to Thomas a piece of land called Schuchalu, with bounds from the dyke of Dilston field in the north , over the top of the hill to Hertishow in the south, and thence down to Devilswater, and relinquished their right to gather ivy in Dunstanwood and and in return Dilston granted the burgesses an annual rent of 16s in 2 terms at Pentecost and St Martin out of Dilston rents for the upkeep of Corbridge bridge, with distraints detailed.
Witnesses: Hugh de la Vale miles, John de Lidegrains sheriff of Northumberland, John of Halton miles, William of Slaveley, Robert de Hydewin, Luke of Kibblesworth (Kibliswrt) steward of the lordship of Corbridge.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, irregular zig zags, small holes in parchment repaired with collagen c.1970, some staining
Size: 95 x 185mm
Seal: G&B No. 3734, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed and discussed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.69.
DCD Misc.Ch. 464   [27 June 1342]
Receipt of WIlliam of Hall keeper of the bridge of Corbridge for 8s received from lord William of Tyndale miles for 8s annual rent of the tenement of Sukhalgh for the term of St Martin in 15 Edward III.
Date: Corbridge, Thursday after the Nativity of St John the Baptist 16 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 90 x 320mm
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 465   [15th century]
Language:  French
Copies of two Corbridge deeds between Henry lord Percy and William of Tyndale miles originally made at Newcastle on 20 May 18 Edward III [1344]:
1. Acknowledgement by Tyndale that he held his serjeantry holding in Corbridge by homage and fealty and a 12s annual rent, with Percy covering his tenant from demands from the crown for homage, fealty, and the annual crown rent of 10s, with Tyndale renouncing his pretensions to be freed, under the terms of the grant made by John son of Robert to his ancestor, William son of John son of Joel, from an annual rent of 20d and 3 attendances at Corbridge court, for certain burgages held by him in the town of Corbridge, with Percy confirming Tyndale in possession of the wood called Shaws in Dilston, whilst limiting his grant to the ownership of the soil and excepting the timber grown thereon, and further confirming Tyndale, and his men of Dilston also, in the common pasture appendant to their freehold in all the woods and moors of Corbridge south of the Tyne, except Linnels close, and ratifying the rights to estovert in Corbridge woods according to the men of Dilston by Robert son of Roger in 1269, and confirming Tyndale in his rights of free warren throughout Corbridge woods, except in the Linnels, and in his immunity from pannage for the pigs on his demesne, and further granting to Tynedale and his heirs the water mill of Dilston at a perpetual annual rent of 10s, paid in acknowledgement of the fact that the mill stood on ground belonging to Corbridge.
2. Confirmation of the grant that Robert son of Roger had made to Thomas Dilston of the wood of Dunstanwood in 1269.
Paper, 1p, sections missing from bottom left and right of document with much text lost
Size: 225 x 315mm
Printed and discussed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.88-89.
Original of 1: DCD Misc.Ch. 1473.
Another copy of 1 printed in: The Percy Chartulary, [ed M.T. Martin], (Surtees Society 117, 1911), p.296-298.
DCD Misc.Ch. 466   [18 November] 1338
Receipt of the community of the vill of Corbridge to lord William of Tyndale miles for 100s at the statutory term of payment for the arrears of the annual rent of 16s for the maintenance of the bridge of Corbridge from the land of Schukhaulgh before Easter 1337.
Date: Corbridge, Wednesday after St Martin 1338.
Parchment, 1m, small tears on folds, some stains
Size: 75 x 250mm
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.70.
DCD Misc.Ch. 467   [mid 14th century]
Grant of William of Tyndale to Thomas his son of all his rights and claims in his lands in the vills of Corbridge and Dilston, to be held by Thomas after William's life, and he will not sell or alienate it, in return for £10 if he asks for it.
Witnesses: Lords John de Swyneburne, John of Vaws, John de Camehowe, and Robert de Insula, milites, Adam de Maynevill, Robert Waukelyn, ??? Fabyn, Alan son of Richard.
Parchment, 1m, small hole in bottom, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 75 x 195mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.90.
DCD Misc.Ch. 468   [26 August] 1357
Grant by William of Tyndall miles to William Heron miles, Isabel his wife, Roger son of William Heron and Walter son of Thomas of Tyndall, of the water mill of Corbridge with suit of the mill, with remainder, if Walter dies heirless, to Annabel daughter of William of Tyndall, and then back to William of Tyndall.
Witnesses: Robert de Insula of Woodburn, Robert de Hydewyne Est, Gilbert Vaus, William de Hydewyne West, Nicholas of Hoghton, Thomas Turpyn.
Date: Dilston, Saturday after St Bartholomew 1357 or 31 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No. 2493, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.249.
DCD Misc.Ch. 469   [28 February] 1371
Quitclaim of John Forester of Corbridge and Custancia his wife to Walter of Tyndale for all rights and claims to an enclosed place in the tenement called Tyndalgarthe in Corbridge in le Smithigat extending in length from the old entrance of Tyndalgarthe to the east to the burgage of Lord Alan of Corwell to the west, and in width 50 paces to the north of the highway.
Witnesses: Dom John de Brounfeld vicar of Corbridge, John Mitford steward, William Ayrike, Robert de Hodespethe, John de Tyrwhit, John Fayt, John of Kendal.
Date: Corbridge, last day of February 1370/1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No. 695 and 1569, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.451.
DCD Misc.Ch. 470   10 October 1372
Appointment by John Forester of Corbridge and Custancia his wife of Dom Adam of Corbridge chaplain and John of Kendal of Corbridge as their attornies to deliver seisin to Walter of Tyndale of Dilston of the said plot of land enclosed within the tenement called Tyndalegarth in Smithgate in latitude from the old entrance to Tyndalegarth on the east tot he burgage of Lord Alan of Corwell on the west, an containing in length 115 feet from the highway to the north according to Walter's charter.
Date: Corbridge, 10 October 1372.
Parchment, 1m, small hole in top.
Size: 90 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No. 695 and undientified, each on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub
Calendared in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.451.
DCD Misc.Ch. 471   [9 July 1349]
Receipt of Peter Clark, receiver of the farms of the bridge of Corbridge, for 16s received from Lord William of Tyndale miles for the farm of Chukhalghe.
Date:Corbridge, Thursday after St Thomas Martyr? 23 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, faded, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 55 x 285mm
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Calendared in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.70.
DCD Misc.Ch. 472   [8 May] 1356
Language:  French
Grant by Constance, formerly the wife of Thomas of Tyndale, to Sire Hugh de Rughsyde chaplain and William of Tyndale her father-in-law of all her lands and tenements in Corbridge, saving their terms of years made by Alan of Felton before St Andrew last, to be held by them and William's heirs for the life of Constance, rendering her £4 in equal portions at Pentecost and Michaelmas.
Witnesses: Gilbert Vaws, William de Hidwyn West, Gilbert of Ebchester, John de Tyrgwhyt, Walter of Corwell, Robert of Hudspeth.
Date: Dilston, Sunday after St John before the Latin Gate 1356.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, some small holes, some fading
Size: 115 x 270mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.92.
DCD Misc.Ch. 473   [10 November] 1399
Grant of Thomas of Newham of Corbridge to Thomas del Mulde of Nafferton of two tenements in the vill of Corbridge in the vicus Grangiorum leading to the vill of Bywell [for a sum of money] paid to him in his great necessity.
Witnesses: John de Frissell, John of Mawndwyll, John the Mason, Thomas Murreffe, William Wright, William Hunter, William de Allymond, ?Gilbert Sponlond bailiff of Corbridge.
Date: Corbridge, Monday the vigil of St Martin 1399 and 1 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m, badly faded, small hole repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 100 x 295mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.452.
DCD Misc.Ch. 474   [20 May 1425]
Inquisition by Nicholas Turpyn coroner in Northumberland on the body of William Dod that Lionel Chester of Corbridge gent, who on the Wednesday after the Inventon of the Holy Cross in the same year (9May) at around the seventh hour after noon entered a garden in Corbridge where he was attacked by William Dod and others armed with swords, Carlele axes and sticks with premeditated malice, and trapped him there, and he retaliated, striking William Dod in the head with a spayth so that, after languishing for 5 days, he died, and Chester was taken in by Robert Collingwood of Corbridge yeoman, Andrew Hudspath of the same yeoman, Nicholas Burn of the same saddler, John Holme of the same walker, Robert Chester Scot of the same yeoman, Alexander Baxter of the same baxter, Thomas Scot of [the same] yeoman, and John Fawsid of the same labourer.
Jurors: Richard Wright of Bromley, Walter Dale of the same, John Walker of the same, Robert Rawe of the same, William Walker of the same, William Andrewson of Bywell, Richard Fuyster of the same, John Horsley of the same, Robert Davison of the same, William Knarisdall of the same, John Thomson of the same and John Dikson of Redle
Date: Bywell, Sunday after the Ascension 3 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m, some small stains
Size: 150 x 265mm
Seal: 9 small unidentified seals, on 3 tongues, with a [wrapping tie] stub
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.160-161.
DCD Misc.Ch. 475   [3 May] 1431
Grant of John Chester, armiger and burgess of the vill of Corbridge, to John Whytlok of Corbridge of a tenement in Corbridge between the tenement of John Bryge vicar of Corbridge to the north and the land of the chantry of St Mary of Corbridge to the south, rendering annually 12d at two terms, St Martin and Pentecost, with a clause for distraint.
Witnesses: John Bryg vicar of Corbridge, Lionel Chester bailiff there, Andrew Huddespeth, John Baxter, Henry Marshall.
Date: Invention of the Holy Cross 1431.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, small central hole repaired with parchment, a little text lost, some staining
Size: 160 x 225mm
Seal: G&B No., on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.452-453.
DCD Misc.Ch. 476   20 November [1453]
Tripartite indenture between Henry [Percy] earl of Northumberland, the burgesses of Corbridge and Robert Claxton miles and lord of the manor and vill of Dilston over Corbridge bridge, whereby the burgesses released the owners of Dilston from an annual rent of 16s from Shukhaulgh, (assigned to the keepers of the bridge in 1274-8); in exchange for Claxton settling an annual rent of 29s 4d out of Tyndale lands in Corbridge on the earl and the burgesses and their successors for the upkeep of the bridge, and he also released them from rents of a pound of pepper and a pound of cummin, granted by them to Simon of Dilston on the morrow of the Assumption of the BVM 19 Henry [III] (1235), and relieved them of the obligation of building dykes on either side of the way leading from the bridge end to Holepethe, and further confirming them in their right of way along the roads leading through Dilston grounds to Hexham and Penrith, and allowing them to gather ivy in Dunstanwood by view of his forester for the decoration of their houses on Holy Cross day; and the earl granted Claxton a piece of ground (bounds described) on the south side of Dunstanwood to hold at the perpetual rent of 1s, with the burgesses quitclaiming all common of pasture there.
Date: Corbridge, 20 November 32 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, some holes along left crease
Size: 470 x 420mm
Seal: G&B No.1964 with a detached fragment, on a parchment tag, with a further blank tag, each through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed and discussed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.111-114.
Counterpart in the Duke of Northumberland's archive at Alnwick Castle.
DCD Misc.Ch. 477   [mid 13th century]
Bond of Henry of Wittington (Witintu')to the house of St Cuthbert of Lytham for 4 bovates of land in the vill of Carlton (Karltun given by the prior and convent of Durham which Richard son of Roger for the salvation of his spirit and body in pure and perpetual alms on payment on condition of payment of an annual rent of half a mark, that is 40d each at the two terms at Pentecost and St Martin to the prior and monks of Durham at Lytham
Witnesses: Amaurice Pinena, Simon Blundo parson of Kirkham, Richard parson of Kirkham, William of Clifton, W. of Carlton, John of London, Abraham priest of Lytham, Walter of Clare, John of Selby.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 110 x 170mm
Seal: unidentified fragment, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 478]
Now 1.1.Finc.23.
DCD Misc.Ch. 479   [1295 x 1296]
Bond of Guy Dareyns to Adam of Menevil in 100s for distraint in the manor of Calverdon and Milneborn for a rent of 34s for a term of 20 years from Pentecost 24 Edward [I].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, “cyrographummm” cut through
Size: 70 x 200mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 480   [1295 x 1296]
Counterpart to Misc.Ch. 479.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, “cyrographummm” cut through
Size: 70 x 200mm
Seal: G&B No. 770, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 481   [mid 13th century]
Verification by William of Edmanelles, Walter son of Tunnoc and John son of Robert of Holnessette of the testimony of William de Fulesschal that he renders annually 2s to Master William of Kilkenny for an increased rent which [Edmanelles] gave to Robert of Coggeshall for land he held in Caltestre as the legal estate of Nicholas son of Robert of Coggeshall, that is 12d on 1 August and 12d on the Purification of the BVM.
Witnesses: Hamelin de Cluinny, Simon de Pinn, Henry serjeant of Stanley, William of Pelton, John dealbatore, Gibert le Noreys, Robert of Hekinton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 150mm
Seal: G&B No. 842, on a tongue, with wrapping tie above
DCD Misc.Ch. 482   7 November 1276
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Date: Durham, 7 November 1276.
Endorsed charron and triplicate (contemporary) and RS (19th century).
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to Guichard de Charron and Isabel, his wife, of land formerly held by Gilbert le Norreys with a water-mill and all the strother of Causey and land from the bishop's waste, bounds detailed, as well as 10 acres once held by Roger of Causey, which they shall be able to enclose, and they can enjoy the common pasture on both sides of the River Thame, and they may take materials for building from the bishop's woods in the ward of Chester, rendering annually at the bishop's exchequer 28s 8d in lieu of service, with the heirs of the said Guichard and Isabel to pay relief at 28d. [9 December 1274 x 7 November 1276]
Witnesses: Doms Robert de Neville lord of Raby, Thomas of Herrington, John son of Marmaduke, William de Yeland and John of Farnacres, milites; and Masters Alan of Easingwold, Robert Avenel bishop's chancellor, Peter of Thoresby bishop's treasurer, Thomas of Levisham clerk and Master Robert of Driffield.
Parchment, 1m, some staining, indented head, shallow wave pattern.
Size: 175 x 270mm
Seal: Seal and parchment tag missing, slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.23v-24r; (royal inspeximus 1277) TNA C66/96 m.16; (1801 certified copy of the previous) DUL SHA Deeds 1.
Printed (grant): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.175-176.
DCD Misc.Ch. 483   1 April 1279
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. April 1279.
Renewal of grant (Misc.Ch. 482), with the additional grant of 20 acres of the bishop's waste which Guichard and Isabel may include in their park at Beamish, and a water-source called Gylewelle, rendering annually 28s 8d at the bishop's exchequer in lieu of service. [9 December 1274 x 1 April 1279]
Witnesses: Doms Robert de Neville lord of Raby, Thomas of Herrington, John son of Marmaduke, William de Yeland and John of Farnacres milites; Masters Alan of Easingwold, Robert Avenel and Nicholas of Appleby, Dom Peter of Thoresby bishop's treasurer, Dom Thomas of Levisham.
Parchment, 1m, attached to Misc. Ch. 484 and 485 with string, some light staining, large stain on reverse, hole through centre of parchment, indented head, wave pattern, lined
Size: 290 x 250mm
Seal: Seal and parchment tag removed?, slit in a turnup
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.25r-v; Misc.Ch. 484 and 485.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.176-177.
DCD Misc.Ch. 484   [late 13th - early 14th century?]
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 483.
Parchment, 1m, attached to Misc. Ch. 483 and 485 with string, some staining, indented head, wave pattern, lined, some stabbed slits in the foot
Size: 270 x 280mm
Seal: no seal or parchment tag
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.25r-v and Misc.Ch. 483 and 485.
DCD Misc.Ch. 485   [late 13th - early 14th century?]
Duplicate of Misc.Ch. 483.
Parchment, 1m, attached to Misc. Ch. 483 and 484 with string, some staining, indented head, wave pattern, lined, parchment strip attached to the right edge
Size: 300 x 210 mm
Seal: no seal or parchment tag
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.25r-v and Misc.Ch. 483 and 484.
DCD Misc.Ch. 486   [c.1180 x 1195]
Ratification of the prior and convent of Durham of a grant of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham to Philip de Coleville miles and his heirs, for homage and service, of the vills of Thimbleby and Foxton.
Witness: chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, some wear, repaired
Size: 85 x 165mm
Seal: no seal, some traces of sealing wax, no parchment tag or turn up
Calendared and discussed: English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.20.
Printed: Yorkshire Archaeological Journal xvi (1902), p.159n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 487   [1217 x 1226]
Ratification of R[anulf Kerneth] prior and the convent of Durham of the grant of R[ichard Marsh] bishop of Durham and king's chancellor to the abbot and convent of Alnwick about the church of Chillingham.
Witness: chapter.
Parchment, 1m, two [filing] holes, lined
Size: 60 x 170mm
Seal: slit in a turnup for a [sealing] tag
Printed and discussed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1297, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.240.
DCD Misc.Ch. 488   [1217 x 1226]
Contemporary copy of Misc.Ch. 487.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wave pattern, 'carta' cut through, two small holes, lined
Size: 60 x 135mm
Seal: slit in a turnup for a [sealing][ tag
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.4r
DCD Misc.Ch. 489   [1217 x 1226]
Another contemporary copy of Misc.Ch. 487.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, 'carta' cut through, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner, lined
Size: 45 x 140mm
Seal: blank sealing tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 490   [1153 x 1154]
Confirmation by Absalom prior and the chapter of Saint Cuthbert to the faithful halywerefolc French and English, of a grant made by Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham to the abbot and monks of Newminster of Chapwell in free and perpetual alms quit of all tithes, and also the salt pans at Blyth in Bedlingtonshire and the water and fishing which they had in the time of R. of Bedlington, with, if any of his successors might wish to take the land away, the exchange of Wolsingham for Chapwell as given by his predecessor Bishop William [of Ste Barbe] by the intervention of Pope Eugenius [III].
Witnesses: William son of Thosti, Alan priest of Wallsend, Master Thomas de Sezevals, John of Rana, Ralph nobilis.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 180mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.1r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 491   [1235 x 1237]
Counterpart inspeximus by Prior Thomas [Melsonby] and the convent of Durham of the following ordinance.
Endorsements include (14th century) registered.
Ordinance by Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham concerning the church of Chatton and its vicarage in settlement of a dispute between Peter abbot and the convent of Alnwick and Dom Richard de Vescy vicar of Chatton and canon of Beverley, retaining the collation of the vicar to the bishop, with the vicar to have the tithes and land of Doddington with a manse there and the abbot and convent of Alnwick to have the rest of the tithes. [7 December 1235]
Sealed with the seals of the bishop and the chapter of Alnwick.
Witnesses: Masters Simon the bishop's penitentiarian, William of Arundel, Geoffrey vicar of Woodhorn, Michael vicar of Benton, Hugh de Gahirst, Stephen of Burton, Roger de la Leye, bishop's clerks.
Date: [Bishop] Auckland, by the hand of Henry, bishop's chaplain, morrow of St Nicholas Pont.8.
Parchment, 1m, small hole through turnup, lined, indented head, zig-zag, ?cirographum cut through
Size: 245 x 170mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Another counterpart inspeximus: DCD Misc.Ch. 492.
Printed (ordinance): English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.272-273.
DCD Misc.Ch. 492   [1235 x 1237]
Counterpart inspeximus by Prior Thomas [Melsonby] and the convent of Durham of the following ordinance.
Ordinance by Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham concerning the church of Chatton and its vicarage in settlement of a dispute between Peter abbot and the convent of Alnwick and Dom Richard de Vescy vicar of Chatton and canon of Beverley, retaining the collation of the vicar to the bishop, with the vicar to have the tithes and land of Doddington with a manse there and the abbot and convent of Alnwick to have the rest of the tithes. [7 December 1235]
Sealed with the seals of the bishop and the chapter of Alnwick.
Witnesses: Masters Simon the bishop's penitentiarian, William of Arundel, Geoffrey vicar of Woodhorn, Michael vicar of Benton, Hugh de Gahirst, Stephen of Burton, Roger de la Leye, bishop's clerks.
Date: [Bishop] Auckland, by the hand of Henry, bishop's chaplain, morrow of St Nicholas Pont.8.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, cirographum cut through
Size: 100 x 165mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Another counterpart inspeximus: DCD Misc.Ch. 491.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.5r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.272-273.
DCD Misc.Ch. 493   [c.1300]
Lease by John of Sadberge and Agnes his wife to Thomas of Butterwick living in the vill of Merrington of 4 acres of arable land lying in the moor of Little Chilton which was held by Henry of Merrington for a term of 15 years rendering annually 4s at two terms, the feast of Cuthbert in September and feast of Cuthbert in March.
Witnesses: John of Heighington (Heynton), Roger of Fery, Peter clerk of the same, John son of Alan of Merrington, Richard son of Mabill.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag, letters cut through
Size: 95 x 180mm
Seal: two unidentified, each on a parchment tag reused from another document, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 494   [22 July 1342]
Inquisition before John of Memmill sheriff of Durham by oath of William of Mordon, Peter of Brackenbury, Robert of Brackenbury, Walter of Bishopton, John Elstob, John of Thorp, John of Cheswick, Richard of Killerby, Gilbert of Wodum, Thomas of Bermeton, Gilbert of Overhowe and Thomas of Melsonby, that Adam Scot and William of Marske had had 5 cows stolen worth ?31s in the field of Chilton on Sunday after the decollation of St John the Baptist 8 Pont. Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham.
Date: Monday the feast of St Mary Magdalene 9 Pont. Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, repaired with parchment c.1970, some text worn away
Size: 95 x 260mm
Seal: 11 unidentified seals, on 5 tongues (1 split), with no wrapping tie
DCD Misc.Ch. 495   [10 October] 1308
Inspeximus by William [of Tanfield] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant, made under the inspection of lord Anthony patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Durham, to Stephen of Manley kin of the archdeacon of Cleveland for various pieces of land and fishing rights around the land already held by lord Stephen.
Date: 6 Id. October 1308.
With a further note on the turnup.
Grant by Antony [Bek] patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Durham to Stephen de Mauley his kinsman archdeacon of Cleveland, of all his arable lands and meadows in his demesne in the vill of Cliffe, lying between the water of Huse and the field of Osgoteby, between the cultivated land of Stephen called Neuland, the alder grove of Stephen, and the field of Loundray on the one hand, and the lime-kiln of Ribdik on the other, along with the fishery in the Huse and a cultivated land called Neskerre between Stephen's lands on both sides, rendering annually at the bishop's exchequer in Howden £10 at four terms, with a repair covenant.
Witnesses: Peter de Mauley, Edmund de Aynecourt, Hugh de Louthie, Thomas de Brumbein, ???, ???, ???lame, Gerard Salvayn, milites, Dom Thomas de Goldesburgh Lincoln, John de Orreby Salisbury, Roger of Waltham ?London, professors of civil law and his clerks, Robert de Osgoteby, Walter dictus Page, Geoffrey de Sufflet, Ralph de B???
Date: Waltham, 30 September 1308.
Parchment, 1m, badly faded on the edges with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 185 x 285mm
Seal: 3 holes in a turnup [for sealing cords]
DCD Misc.Ch. 496   [15 July] 1271
[Draft] grant of Hugh [of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to Adam son of Walter of Cleatlam (Cleclum) of 2 bovates of land in the vill of Cleatlam previously held by the prior and convent of the park of Helaghe (cancelled) which they had formerly granted to him which he had resigned, to be held by him and his heirs and assigns except for other religious men and Jews, rendering annually 6d (2s crossed out) at St Martin.
Date: Durham, Id. July 1271.
With cancellations and interlineations.
Endorsements (including) (14th century) duplicated
Parchment, 1m, indented head, irregular wave pattern, “cirograf” cut through, with an elliptical and stabbed [filing] holes along the foot
Size: 125 x 270mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 497   [c.1218 x 4 March 1234]
Counterpart ratification by Prior R[alph Kerneth] and the convent of Durham of the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Richard [Marsh or Poore] bishop of Durham for Robert son of Alexander and his heirs of forty acres of land in Cleadon (Clivedon) with a toft and croft. [June 1217 x 1 May 1226 or 22 July 1228 x 4 March 1234]
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag pattern, “carta” cut through, elliptical and stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 85 x 130mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.4v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.267.
DCD Misc.Ch. 498   [29 February] 1292
Inspeximus by Richard prior and convent of Durham of a grant by Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham to Nicholas of Marley (Merley) and his wife Nicola of 94 acres, formerly waste of his predecessors, on the eastern part of Cleadon (Clyvedon) Moor, as John of Hollingside (Holynsethe) formerly had, rendering 40s at the four annual terms, allowing men from the neighbourhood common during the fallow time.
Witnesses: Robert of Hilton, John Marmeduc, William de Latun, knights; Walter de Wessington; John de Oseworthe; William Ward.
Date: Durham, Pridie Kal. March 1291/2.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag pattern, two holes on the left edge, one diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the bottom right edge, right corner missing, turnup
Size: 115 x 275mm
Copied in DCD 3.5.Spec.3; Reg. I, f.ii.31v; Cart.IV f.78.
Original grant printed in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.32-33.
DCD Misc.Ch. 499   26 September 1495
Bond of John Marshall of Cockerton Co Durham husbandman to Dom Thomas Castell prior of Durham in 6 marks to be paid by the feast of St Michael the Archangel in 1497.
Date: 26 September 1495, 11 Henry VII.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 35 x 275mm
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 500   [1197 x 1208]
Quitclaim of Addoc of Consett (Conkesheued) to Walter of Andree for the third part of the vill of Consett which Arnald his man held and 2 houses in the vill of Durham, given on the condition of payment of 1 gown and 20s in his necessity.
Witnesses: Aimeric (Hemeric) archdeacon of Durham, Leo de Heriz, Roger de Audree, Jordan of Escouland, Gilbert of Haley, Thomas de Munavill, Ralph of Fishburn (Fisseburn), Roger of Coyners, W. de f Lumel, W. of Hilton, W. of Latun, William of Medomsley (Meddemesley), Roger of Eppleton (Epplingden).
Parchment, 1m, turn up torn.
Size: 60 x 180mm
Seal: torn slits in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Misc.Ch. 501-600
[DCD Misc.Ch. 501]
Now 4.2.Elemos.1a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 502   [27 October 1448]
Language:  English
Partition by Roger of Wodryngton esq and Robert of Claxton esq of the land which belonged to Adam Wasche in Northumberland and Hexhamshire; with Roger and his heirs to have all the lands held by Adam in the will and fields of Cowpen and also lands and tenements in Heaton by Newcastle upon Tyne, Shotton, and North Horsley in Northumberland, and Bingfeld in Hexhamshire; and Robert and his heirs to have the land, tenements and rents previously held by Adam in Bowfronte, Aydon and Brumley, with a yearly rent of 20s from the vill of Bradforth.
Date: 2 October 27 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 215 x 350mm
Seal: G&B No. 612, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 503   [1234 x 1244]
Ratification by Th[omas of Melsonby] prior and the convent of Durham of the grant of William Munkeman to Gilbert of Shotton (Schottun) of 16 acres and a toft in the village of Cramlington for homage and service, on condition of an annual rent of 40d paid on Palm Sunday.
Witness: the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag pattern, ? “confirmatio” cut through, two holes in the turnup.
Size: 95 x 180mm
Seal: slit and a hole in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.11r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 504   [19 January 1428]
Ratification by Walter Taylboys of Golthawe armiger of the dower share of Isabelle wife of Robert of Umfraville miles in the lands granted by her husband to John Ellerkar, Thomas Sauton, William Lambton, Richard Benyngton and John Erth clerk to have and hold the manor of Croft and it smembers in the vills of Fryskney, Wayneflete, Braytoft, Irby, Stepyng, Ingoldemeles, Burgh, Wynthorp and Skegness (Skegnays), previously held by Robert.
Witnesses: Hamo Sutton, Robert Feryby, Robert Schefelde, John Veer, Robert Forman.
Date: Hessle (Hesyll), 19 January 6 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m,
Size: 100 x 335mm
Seal: G&B No. 2370, on a parchment tag, through two slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 505   10 June 1519
Lease by William Cawthorne prior of Finchale to Roger Lumley armiger of the sheave tithes of Cornforth for ten years from the last Invention of the Holy Cross on condition of payment of an annual rent of £7 6s 8d at the two terms of St Cuthbert in March and September.
Date: 10 June 1519.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig zag pattern, damage to left edge and bottom which appear to be due to chewing.
Size: 160 x 255mm
Seal: 3 parchment [sealing] tag stubs, each through 3 slits in a turnup
Formerly: DCD Loc.XXXV:55.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 506]
Now 4.2.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 507]
Now 4.2.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 508]
Now 4.2.Elemos.2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 509   [thirteenth century?]
Grant by William of Coniscliffe (Cunisclive) son of Gilbert to William Lewhin and Helwys his wife of all his land on Chomlaw between the lands of William son of Matilda and Richard son of John, and all his land on Hennlandes between the lands of John Doclyn and William son of Matilda, and a selion on Brerysyde between the lands of Richard son of John and Robert de Bachele, and a selion in the cultivation called Henger between the lands of Richard son of John and William son of Matilda in the territory of Coniscliffe, rendering annually ½d at Christmas.
Witnesses: Richard of Hemping bailiff of Darlington, Benedict son of Odo, William de Bwrdon steward of Coniscliffe, William Page of Darlington, Ralph of Blackwell, Adam clerk, Peter son of Benedict, Peter son of Geoffrey, William son of Matilda of Coniscliffe, Richard son of John of the same, Robert de Bachel, John son of the parson.
Parchment, 1m, lined, water stain on bottom left, star and cross markings in ink on reverse.
Size: 125 x 140mm
Seal: G&B No. 679, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 510   [11 April] 1301
Inspeximus of Ralph son of William of Grimthorpe (Grymmethorp) of the following grant.
Witnesses: Dom Bernard of Langton, Hugh Mawburne, Adam of Eggleston (Egilliston), Walter of Thornton, Robert Gernet, Walter of Denton, Wydo Springger.
Date: Ulnymby, Tuesday before Tiburtius and Valerianus 1301.
Grant of John son of William of Greystoke (Craystok) to William son of Roger of Kylnerby of 10 acres of moor in Coniscliffe Inferior colendas et claudendas lying between le flaskes of Coniscliffe to the south and the moor of Thornton to the north measuring 20 paces, on condition of payment of an annual rent of 1d at Christmas.
Witnesses: Doms John Marmaduke and John Springg milites, John de Allewent, William de Allewent, John Waryne, John son of Richard of Coniscliffe, John of Carlebery clerk.
Date: Coniscliffe, Sunday before St Gregory the Pope [5 March] 1300/1.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some light staining
Size: 220 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No. 1139, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Original (grant): DCD Misc.Ch. 511.
DCD Misc.Ch. 511   [5 March 1301]
Grant of John son of William de Craystok to William son of Roger de Kylnarby for 10 acres of moor in Lower Coniscliffe (Conseclif Inferior) colendas et clandendas lying between le flaskes of High Coniscliffe to the south and the moor of Thornton to the north measuring 20 paces; on condition of payment of an annual rent of 1d at Christmas.
Witnesses: Doms John Marmaduke and John Spring milites, John de Allewent, William de Allewent, John Waryn, John son of Richard of Coniscliffe, John of Carlbury (Carlebery) clerk.
Date: Coniscliffe, Sunday before St Gregory the pope 1300/1.
Parchment, 1m,
Size: 150 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No. 1120, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 512]
Now 4.2.Elemos.5a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 513]
Now 4.2.Elemos.5b.
DCD Misc.Ch. 514   25 November 1533
Lease by Master Thomas Swalwell almoner of the cathedral church of Durham, with the consent of the prior and convent, to Thomas Waynman of Elvet of a quarter part of a close vulgarly called Uddesle, which his father William Waynman had previously leased, and also a burgage in Interpeth, that is the third bugtrage on the west of the chapel of St James, from the Purification of the BVM next for 12 years, rendering at the exchequer in Durham annually for the fourth part of the close 13s 4d and for the burgage 5s at the feasts of St Cuthbert in September and March from September next, with distraints for non-payment of rent, and reentry on the death of Waynman, and provision for thw widowhood of William's widow Eleanor.
Pledges: Thomas Waynman and Robert Wilkinson for Thomas; Eleanor, Hugh Sparke of Crossgate and Eleanor for Eleanor.
Date:monastery of Durham, 25 November 1533.
With various interlineations.
Parchment, 1m, indentured, irregular zig zag pattern, tied to Misc Ch. 515 by the seal tags
Size: 240 x 285mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 515   [1 February] 1534
Lease by Master Thomas Swalwell almoner of the cathedral of Durham, with the consent of the prior and convent, to Joan Trottar widow of a close named Little Coddesle and a burgage in South Street, to be held from the Purification of the BVM 12 years, rendering annually at the exchequer in Durham 8s for the close and 3s 6d for the burgage at the feasts of the translation and deposition of St Cuthbert, from the next translation, with clauses for distraints and repairs, with Joan and Thomas Hunter of Durham bound in 13s 4d to perform this.
Date: monastery of Durham, 1 February 1533/4.
Parchment, 1m, indentured, zig zag pattern, tied to Misc Ch 514.
Size: 245 x 235mm
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
[DCD Misc.Ch. 516]
Now 4.2.Elemos.6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 517   [1244 x 1258]
Grant of Bertram [of Middleton] prior and the convent of Durham to Matilda and Juliana her daughter of 60 acres of arable land in the vill of Coatham (Cotum) and 3 acres of meadow in Mikelunge nearer to the east which John Damundevill gave to God and St Cuthbert in pure, free and perpetual alms, rendering annually 12d at St Cuthbert in September, [of which 60 acres] 24 acres were Robert's, 24 were William Curt's, and 12 were the said John Damundevill's, [of which 12] 3 are in Bruneside, 3 in Mirecto and 6 in Wedocker, with reversion to the prior and convent on Juliana's death without heirs of her body.
Parchment, 1m, “carta” cut through, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge and a cut [filing] hole on the right end of the turnup
Size: 75 x 200mm
Seal: 3 slits in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.10v-11r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 518]
Now 1.1.Finc.27*.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 519]
Now 1.1.Finc.26b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 520]
Now 1.1.Finc.26a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 521]
Now 1.1.Finc.27.
DCD Misc.Ch. 522   [1279]
Grant of William of Burnigill (Brunhighill) and Walter of Koyebury to the free men of the vill of Coxhoe (Coxhowe) of common rights to graze animals in their demesne pasture and the pasture called ?Oxfrith except for pigs from the time when the wheat and hay is collected to the feast of the Purification of the BVM, and common of mowing and cutting and carrying away for the use of their animals, aqccording to the extents of their tenements, and use of the Coxhoe mill pond as they have been used to do of old.
Date: Durham, in the itinerary of Robert de Nevill (Newil), Gwischard de ?Charund, Thomas of Herington, and Alan of Walkyngham then justices of the lord [bishop] of Durham, 1279.
Witnesses: Dom William Harpin, Thomas of Kelloe, Nicholas of Kelloe, Henry of Kelloe, Richard of Tursdale (Trilisden), Peter Wlunard, Hugh of Peebles (Peblis) clerk.
Parchment, 1m, slightly faded in some places, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 110 x 180mm
Seal: unidentified, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, with a slit for a further tag
[DCD Misc.Ch. 523]
Now 1.1.Finc.31.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 524]
Now 2.1.Finc.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 525]
Now 2.1.Finc.23.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 526]
Now 2.1.Finc.24.
DCD Misc.Ch. 527   [14th century]
Coroner's inquisition into horses of Hugh del Furthe stolen at Cocken by Geoffrey called the Ma???
Parchment, 1m, badly damaged with parts lost and text missing, and the rest heavily faded, repaired damage to top left, repaired hole through centre.
Size: 130x235mm
Seal: Fragments of 10 seals, on 5 tongues, with a wrapping tie below
[DCD Misc.Ch. 528]
Now 2.1.Finc.32.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 529]
Now 2.1.Finc.60.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 530]
Now 2.1.Finc.66.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 531]
Now 2.1.Finc.35.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 532]
Now 2.1.Finc.61.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 533]
Now 2.1.Finc.70.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 534]
Now 2.1.Finc.72.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 535]
Now 2.1.Finc.42.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 536]
Now 2.1.Finc.64.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 537]
Now 2.1.Finc.40.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 538 + 539]
Now 2.1.Finc.31.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 540]
Now 2.1.Finc.76.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 541]
Now 2.1.Finc.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 542]
Now 2.1.Finc.27.
DCD Misc.Ch. 543   [early 14th century]
Grant by ? daughter of Softley, widow, to Elias ? and his wife Alice of a toft and 3 acres of land in Cocken.
Witnesses: Robert ?
Parchment, 1m, heavily damaged/faded/stained with much text lost, repaired with parchment
Size: 145 x 186mm
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a seal tag]
[DCD Misc.Ch. 544]
Now 2.1.Finc.33.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 545]
Now 2.1.Finc.21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 546]
Now 2.1.Finc.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 547]
Now 2.1.Finc.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 548]
Now 2.1.Finc.50.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 548*]
Now 2.1.Finc.18.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 549]
Now 2.1.Finc.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 550]
Now 2.1.Finc.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 551]
Now 2.1.Finc.41.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 552]
Now 2.1.Finc.32*.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 553]
Now 2.1.Finc.34.
DCD Misc.Ch. 554   [1093-94]
Charter of Duncan II giving to St Cuthbert and his servants Tiningeham, Aldeham, Scuchale, Cnolle, Hatheruuich, and from "Broccesmuthe" all the service which Fodan the bishop had. These in such quittance with sac and soc as ever St Cuthbert had from those from whom he holds his alms. This is done with the concurrence of the King's brothers.
Signa of: Duncan the King, Aceard, Ulf, Eadgar, Hermer, Hemming, Aelfric, Malcolm, Teodbold, Vuiget, Earnulf
Size: 5½ x 9¾"
Seal: Duncan. Detached but originally attached at right hand side.
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XII; Raine, North Durham App. I; Scott. Hist. Rev. vol. xxxvii. no 124. p.119 (which see also for a discussion of this charter).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 554. - Charter of Duncan II giving to St Cuthbert and his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 555    [1097x1107]
Charter of Edgar granting to the church and monks of Durham, for the souls of his father and mother, and for the good of his body and soul and his brothers, sisters and all his ancestors and successors the "mansio" of Coldingham; together with the "mansiones" of Old Cambus, Lumsdaine, "Regnintum", Reston, Swinewood, "Farndun", Ayton, the other Ayton, Prenderguest, "Cramesmuthe" (Burnmouth); with lands, woods, waters, tolls, wreck of ships and all customs belonging to the "mansiones" which the King his father held.
Size: 8½ x 3¼"
Seal: No seal. Tie tag.
Printed: A.A. Carr, History of Coldingham Priory App. No 1.i. p.321; Raine, North Durham App. II; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XIX; J Anderson Scotland Independent (1705) App. 2 (i).
Copies: Cart. Vet., f.100v; Misc.Ch. 6805.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 555. - Charter of Edgar granting to the church and monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 556    [1097x1107]
Charter of Edgar saying that he went to the dedication of the church of St Mary at Coldingham, placing an endowment on the altar, granting it the vill of Swinton, with its boundaries as Liulf had; giving also to the monks 24 animals to restock the land; and constituting the same liberties of "eundo, redeundo & manendo" as are kept in Eiland and Norham; and ordering to the men of Coldinghamshire that they pay to the monks ½ mark of silver from each carrucate.
Witnesses: Alfw' Oter, Thor Longus, Alfric the Butler, Algar the Priest, Osbern the Priest, Cnut Carlson, Ogga, Lesing, Swein Ulfkill, Ligulf of Bamburgh, Uhtred Eilave's son, Yuiaet Hwite, Tigerne
Size: 9½ x 2¾"
Seal: Edgar. Natural wax varnished. Detached from document.
Printed: A.A. Carr, History of Coldingham Priory App. No 1.iii. p.321; W.K. Hunter, Priory of Coldingham p.39; Raine, North Durham App. IV
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XX
Printed: J Anderson Scotland Independent (1705) App. 2 (iv)
Facsimile: A. Thomson, Coldingham Parish and Priory p.104a.
Copy: Cart Vet f.100v
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Archive - Misc.Charter 556
DCD Misc.Ch. 557   N.D. [1097x1107]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Edgar granting to St Cuthbert and his monks Paxton, as he held it, with its men, lands and waters; the monks are to possess it as freely and quietly as Coldingham, at their will.
Size: 4¾ x 2½"
Seal: Edgar. Natural wax varnished. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. V
Printed: Anderson Scotland Independent (1705). App 2. (v)
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXI
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.101r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 557. - Charter of Edgar granting to St Cuthbert and his monks …
DCD Misc.Ch. 558
Language:   Latin
Charter of Edgar granting to St Cuthbert and his monks Fishwick, both lands and waters, with everything adjacent, and especially the land between "Horverdene" and "Cnapadene"; to be held at the will of the monks of St Cuthbert.
Size: 6¼ x 2½"
Seal: Edgar. Natural wax varnished. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App VI
Printed: Anderson Scotland Independent (1705) App 2.(iii)
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXII
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.100v
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Archive - Misc.Charter 558
DCD Misc.Ch. 558*   [1095 x 1100]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William II to Thomas Archbishop of York, confirming Scottish grants.
Size: 7" x 3¾"
Seal: Great seal of William II. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Also occurs on 1.1.Reg.4, 8; M.C.973 Greenwell & Blair 3013.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch.973 except addition of witnesses "Willelmo cancellario et Roberto filio Rainioris" and omission of "Valete"
Calendared: Reg.i. p.94 no 365
Printed: Bishop & Chaplais no. 10 plate 9; Raine, ND, App. p.79, no CCCCXXXV; Anderson (1705). App. 5; New Palaeographical Soc. Facsimiles Series I Vol II Plate 45(6), with transcript; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No.XVI.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 558*. - Charter of William II to Thomas Archbishop of York, confirming …
DCD Misc.Ch. 559   15th cent. copy of 1095 original
Language:   Latin
Copy of a charter of Edgar granting to God, the church of Durham, St Cuthbert, William the Bishop and the monks of Durham the "mansio" of Berwick together with the "mansiones" of Graden, Lennel, "Clilsterhale", "Bricgham", Edrom, Chirnside, Hilton, Blackadder, "Cynebrycham", "Hotun", "Ranynton", Paxton, "Fulgeldene", Mordington, Lamberton, the other Lamberton, Edrington, Fishwick, "Horford", Upsettlington, the "mansio of Coldingham" and the "mansiones" of Old Cambus, Lumsdaine, Reston, Suineston, "Farndun", Ayton, the other Ayton, Prenderguest, "Crammesmudr", Harlynton, with lands, woods, waters, tolls, wreck of ships and all customs belonging to them which the King his father held.
Signa of: Edgar the King, Alexander his brother, Menyaniu Agulfi, Eyluerti son of Duncan, Oman son of Eghe, Edgari Aeþerling Uhtredi, Constantin son of MacDuff, Robert de Humet, Aetele, Agulf, Alimoldi his son, David
This charter was confirmed 4 Kal. Sept. (29 August) in the cemetary of St Cuthbert, at Norham, being present: William the Bishop; Turgot the Prior; Ansketill, reeve of Norham; Ilgar de Corneford; Walter de Valonis; William son of Almodus; Geoffrey de Aldrey; John d' Amundeville; Racho Lotharingus; Gilbert, Wilfred, Alimodus son of Makod and Anulf his brother in the year when William Rufus made the new castle before Bamburgh, against Robert, Earl of the Northumbrians [1095].
A description of the seal on the original charter follows.
Cf. Misc.Ch. 555 and 558*, 973 (Charter of William Rufus)
Size: 12 x 8¾"
Printed: A.A. Carr History of Coldingham Priory App no. 1.2. p.321.
Printed: Scott. Hist. Rev. vol xxxvii no 124 pp. 103- 4
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. vii
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XV
Printed: Anderson Scotland Independent (1705) App 4.
Printed: Monasticon Anglicanum i (1655) p45; i(1846) p238
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.90r.
Copy: Oxford, Bodley Laud Misc. 748. f.31r
Copy: Oxford, Bodley Dugdale MS 21 ff. 102 v- 103r
Copy: London, Lincoln's Inn Hale MS. 114 76v- 77r
Copy: London, Cotton Claudius D. IV. f. 55v
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 559. - Copy of a charter of Edgar granting to God, the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 559*
Language:   Latin
Enrolment of 4 charters:
1. Charter of Edgar [ Misc.Ch. 556 ]
2. Charter of Alexander I [ Misc.Ch. 562 ]
3. Charter of David, Earl of Huntingdon [later David I] to John the Bishop, Cospatric, Colban and Robert and all his faithful thegns and drengs of Lothian and Teviotdale granting to the monks of St Cuthbert all their possessions as on the day when his brother King Edgar was alive and dead and as he granted to them on Edgar's death. [ Misc.Ch. 760 ]
Witnesses: Queen Matilda and William her son, John the Bishop
[c. 1117]
4. Charter of Henry Earl of Northumberland & Huntingdon granting to the monks of St Cuthbert, Swinton, as in the charter of King Edgar, his wife [ Misc.Ch. 555 ] and his father [copy above].
Witnesses: Eustace son of John, Robert de Umfraville, Herbert the Chamberlain, Gilbert de Umfraville, William de Summerville.
At Huntingdon
Size: 6½ x 11½"
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 559*. - Enrolment of 4 charters:1. Charter of Edgar [ Misc.Ch. 556 …
DCD Misc.Ch. 560
Forged charter of Edgar purporting to give the same lands as in Misc.Ch. 559 to the same donee. The donor purports to be Edgar making his gift "by the licence of King William of England, superior lord of the kingdom of Scotland".
Seal: Grant seal of Robert II [or James I?], reverse only. Black ink. Attached to silk cord.
Copy: Reg. I f.90
Printed: Raine, North Durham App VIII
Printed: Anderson Scotland Independent [1705]. App. 3
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 560. - Forged charter of Edgar purporting to give the same lands …
DCD Misc.Ch. 561   N.D.
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander I granting to St Cuthbert and his monks everything they held, both lands and waters, on the day when Edgar the King's brother, was alive and dead, with all customs, etc, especially the land lying between "Horevoredane" and "Cnapedane" as the writ of Edgar witnesses [Misc.Ch. 558].
Size: 7¼ x 3"
Seal: Alexander I. Natural wax, varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.101r
Printed: Raine, North Durham App IX
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 561. - Charter of Alexander I granting to St Cuthbert and his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 562   N.D.
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander I to A[lgar] the Prior and all the congregation of St Cuthbert granting them Swinton freely etc, as the writ of King Edgar [Misc.Ch. 556?] witnesses. None of them is to be impleaded or is to reply to anyone, except to the King.
Size: 9 x 3"
Seal: Alexander I. Natural wax. Attached to strip from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.101v
Printed: Raine, North Durham App X
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 562. - Charter of Alexander I to A[lgar] the Prior and all …
DCD Misc.Ch. 563   N.D.
Language:   Latin
Writ of Alexander I to Algar the Prior and the whole convent of the church of St Cuthbert telling them not to enter pleas or into any disraignment concerning the land of Swinton, before it comes before the King. He is notifying the Prior because he has much to tell him "secrete" as soon as possible. Valete.
Size: 5¼ x 1¼"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XI
Printed: A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 563. - Writ of Alexander I to Algar the Prior and the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 564   [1136 x 1137]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I and Henry his son [Earl of Northumberland and Huntingdon] granting to Hernulf, his knight, Swinton, in fee to him and his heir with all its men and monies, to hold as well etc as any of the King's barons holds, by the same customs as Liulf, son of Edulf, and Udard his son held, holding it from St Cuthbert and the King, rendering 40/- to the monks of Durham without other services.
Witnesses: William son of Duncan, Maduc Consul, Earl Duncan, Ralph Huuel, Marsel Marmion, Walter son of Alan, Herbert the Chamberlain, Adam son of Edward, William of Lindsey
At Haddington.
Size: 7 x 3"
Seal: David. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XII; Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland i (1867) no.XXI; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. C; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.53.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 564. - Charter of David I and Henry his son [Earl of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 565    [1136 x 1137]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I granting to Arnolf his knight all the land of Swinton with the money, men and all things belonging thereto, in fee and heredity to himself and his heirs to hold freely etc as Udard the sheriff held it rendering to the monks of Durham what Udard rendered.
Witnesses: William, the King's nephew [= William, son of Duncan], Madd[oc] the Earl, Earl Duncan, Hugh de Morville, Walter son of Adam
Given at Trevercoir ?
Size: 6¾ x 3"
Seal: David. Natural wax, varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XIII; Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland i (1867) no.XXII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CI; ; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.54.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 565. - Charter of David I granting to Arnolf his knight all …
DCD Misc.Ch. 566   [1124 x 1136]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I confirming the boundaries between Coldingham and Bunkle “quas ego cum probis hominibus meis parambulare feci” (the peculiar latinity of this charter makes its precise meaning somewhat doubtful viz. from quas to feci. Perhaps perambulare is an error for perambulari). viz. from Midlesdeneheved through Mereburnesheved towards the west to Crachoctre and by the same street to Eiford.
Witnesses: John bishop of Glasgow, Herbert the chancellor, Robert de Brus, Pagarn de Braose, Hugh de Morville, Berengar Engain
At Roxburgh.
Size: 5¼ x 3"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XIV; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XC; Carr, History of Coldingham Priory, App no 2.1. p.323; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.41.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 566. - Charter of David I confirming the boundaries between Coldingham and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 567   [ 23 April 1126 x 24 March 1127]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I addressed to all throughout his kingdom in Scotia and Lothian granting to St Cuthbert and his monks, in alms, the following lands in Lothian:- Coldingham, Old Cambus, Lumsdaine, Reston, "Remintun", Swinewood, Prenderguest, Ayton, the other Ayton, "Crammesmuthe", Lamberton, the other Lamberton, Paxton, Fishwick and Swinton with all rights, customs, appurtenances, etc for the good of his soul and the souls of his son Henry, his parents, his brothers and sisters.
Witnesses: John, Bishop [of Glasgow], Robert de Brus, Herbert the Chancellor, Ascelin the Archdeacon, Pagan de Braose, Hugh Brett, Berengar Engain, Gospatric the sheriff, Aimar
Confirmed in the third year of his reign, at Peebles.
Size: 11½ x 4¾"
Seal: David I. Broken. Natural wax varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. To strengthen the seal tag someone has stitched it for 1½" to the foot of the charter
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 568.
Copies: DCD Cart. Vet. f.101v-102r [x] and Misc.Ch. 6805.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XV; Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Soctland i (1867) no.XV; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. LXV; Carr, App no. 2 p 323
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 567. - Charter of David I addressed to all throughout his kingdom …
DCD Misc.Ch. 568
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I.
Size: 11¼ x 3½"
Seal: David I. Natural wax varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 567
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 568. - Charter of David I. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 569   [17 July 1127 or a little later]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I saying that Robert, bishop of St Andrew's, in the king's presence at Roxburgh, summoned Algar, prior of Durham, and Roger, the sub-prior, granting freedom to the church of Coldingham from all custom and service. This the king confirms in perpetuity.
Witnesses: John, bishop [of Glasgow], Robert de Brus, Herbert the chancellor, Ascelin the archdeacon, Hugh de Morevill, Pagan de Braose, Hugh Brett, Berengar Engain, Aimar, and many others
Size: 7 x 2½"
Seal: Detached. Fragmentary. Natural wax varnished (was Misc.Ch. 585 [?]).
Copies: DCD Cart. Vet. f.102v [xiii]; Reg. I. f.19
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XVII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. LXXXIX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.30.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 569. - Charter of David I saying that Robert, bishop of St …
DCD Misc.Ch. 570   [1136 x 1147, probably c.1136]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I granting to St Cuthbert and his monks the church of St Mary of Berwick with its lands, tithes and all dues in exchange for the church of Melrose and the dues they had there, with the concurrence of Henry his son.
Witnesses: John bishop [of Glasgow], Herbert abbot of Roxburgh, William, the king's nephew, Ascelin the archdeacon, Robert de Umfraville, Estmund the clerk, Berengar Engain, Waleran the chaplain, Robert Grimbal, Norman the sheriff, William de Summerville, Robert de Burneville
At Berwick.
Size: 7 x 3¼"
Seal: was numbered as Misc.Ch. 584. Detached and in fragments.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet. f.102v.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XVIII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XCIX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.52.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 570. - Charter of David I granting to St Cuthbert and his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 571   [16 August 1139]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I granting to the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert of Coldingham and the monks there, Edrom and Nisbet in perpetual alms as Cospatric brother of Dolfin held them on the day when he was alive and dead, with their boundaries, as freely and quietly as they hold the other lands belonging to Coldingham.
Witnesses: Herbert, Abbot of Roxburgh, Daniel, Prior of Jedburgh, Ascelin, Archdeacon of Glasgow, William son of Duncan, .... [Earl Duncan], Hugh de Morville, Gervase Ridel, Alain son of Waldef, Gospatric his brother, William de Summerville, William de Groham
Date: Roxburgh, 17 Kal. September Anno M.C. [xx]x.ix. .
Size: 8½ x 5½"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XIX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.68.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 571. - Charter of David I granting to the church of St …
DCD Misc.Ch. 572
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I.
Size: 11½ x 2½"
Seal: David I. Attached to strip of parchment cut from foot of document. Tie tag. Natural wax. Varnished.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 571
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XX; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CXXI; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.69.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 572. - Charter of David I. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 573    [3 May 1147]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I granting to the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert of Coldingham and the monks there, the gift which Gospatric, brother of Dolfin, gave to them, viz. Edrom and Nisbet, in perpetual alms, with rights etc, and with the boundaries which were on the day he was alive and dead, free from all service except 30/- which they are to give to Gospatric's son and his heirs each year "pro conredio Regis" with exemption from army service and Gospatric will be quit of army service in perpetuity.
Witnesses: Robert, bishop of St Andrews, John, bishop of Glasgow, Herbert, abbot of Roxburgh, Richard, abbot of Melrose, Edward the chancellor, Thor the archdeacon, Hugh the constable, Herbert the chamberlain, Randulf de Sales, Galter de Ridel, Robert de Burneville, Horm son of Malcolm, Norman, sheriff of Berwick, Robert, son of Wido, sheriff of Roxburgh, Sain, priest of Fishwick, William de Lamberton, Aldan de Prenregest.
At Coldingham, on the Invention of the Holy Cross Misc.Ch. LXVII [sic. recte 1147] “illo anno in quo Rex Francie & multi christiane porrexerunt Jerusalem” .
Size: 10 x 3½"
Seal: David I. Natural wax. Varnished. Detached. Seal was numbered as Misc.Ch. 583.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet. f.102r.[xi]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XXI; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CLXXVIII; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.158.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 573. - Charter of David I granting to the church of St …
DCD Misc.Ch. 574   [1147 x 1153]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David I granting to St Cuthbert and the monks of Coldingham one toft with houses [in Edrom?] held of the king by Gilbert, priest of Stichill, for a yearly payment of 2/-.
Witnesses: Hugh de Morvill, Robert, son of Wido, Swein, priest of Fishwick
At Roxburgh.
Size: 5¼ x 2½"
Seal: Missing. Attached to strip cut from foot. Tie tag.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet. f.102v-103r.[xv]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XXII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CXI; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.161.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 574. - Charter of David I granting to St Cuthbert and the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 575   [?1138 or 1139]
Language:   Latin
Writ of David I to G[ervase] Ridel, sheriff of Roxburgh saying he is to place in respect the lands [at Edrom and Nisbet] of the monks of Durham which Gospatric of Dunbar gave them, until the King comes to that province .......
Witness: Hugh de [Morville]
Size: 4 x 2"
Seal: David I. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App XXIII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CXX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.75.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 575. - Writ of David I to G[ervase] Ridel, sheriff of Roxburgh …
DCD Misc.Ch. 576   [1162 x 1165]
Language:   Latin
Writ of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] to the sheriff of Berwick and all his trustworthy men and ministers taking into his protection the church of Coldingham with its men, lands and all appurtenances; no-one is to molest or hurt them, nor are they to be impleaded of pleas belonging to the King's court except in the King's, or his ministers', presence.
Witnesses: Walter, son of Alan, steward, Richard de Morville, constable, David Olifard
At Coldingham
Size: 6 x 2¾"
Seal: Malcolm. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.101v
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXVII; Regesta Regum Scottorum I The Acts of Malcolm IV, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh 1960) no.220.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 576. - Writ of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] to the sheriff of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 577   [1153 x 1159]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] to the Prior of Coldingham, the Convent, and all the trustworthy men of their land, granting that the Prior and monks of Coldingham, at their will, might bring their own men wherever they are in the monks' lands, to dwell in the vill of Coldingham and no-one is to disturb them on this business.
Witnesses: Walter the Chancellor, Herbert the Chamberlain, Richard the Chaplain, Nicolas the Clerk
At Coldingham
Size: 6 x 3"
Seal: Detached. of Malcolm IV. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXVIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum I The Acts of Malcolm IV, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh 1960) no.134.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 577. - Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] to the Prior of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 578   [1153 x 1162]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] ordering that wherever the Prior of Coldingham or his dependents find fugitives rightly belonging to Coldingham, they are to retake them without disturbance, and forbidding any of the King's men to keep them unjustly.
Witnesses: Walter the Chancellor, Hugh de Morevill.
At Berwick
Size: 5¾ x 1¼"
Seal: Malcolm IV. Detached. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXIX; Regesta Regum Scottorum I The Acts of Malcolm IV, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh 1960) no.188.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 578. - Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] ordering that wherever the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 579   [1153 x 1162]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] to the Prior of Coldingham saying he is to have all the liberty which he [the King] had confirmed to him [the Prior] by a previous charter viz. that he should have wood and warren in his land, and on-one should presume to intrude or seize them.
Witnesses: Walter the Chancellor, David Olifard.
At Castellum Puellarum [Edinburgh]
Size: 6¾ x 1¾"
Seal: Missing. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXX; Regesta Regum Scottorum I The Acts of Malcolm IV, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh 1960) no.189.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 579. - Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] to the Prior of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 580   [1159 x 1165, probably 1159 x 1163]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] granting to the monks of Durham freedom from all tolls of property, chattels and merchandise throughout all his lands.
Witnesses: Nicolas the Chamberlain, Richard, Chaplain to the King, Richard de St Alban's, Clerk to the King.
At Coldingham
Size: 6¾ x 2"
Seal: Malcolm IV. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag above seal.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.101v
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXI & XXXII; Regesta Regum Scottorum I The Acts of Malcolm IV, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh 1960) no.201.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 580. - Charter of Malcolm IV [the Maiden] granting to the monks …
DCD Misc.Ch. 581   [1159 x 1165, probably 1159 x 1163]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Malcolm IV the Maiden, as Misc.Ch. 580 but granted to the monks of Coldingham.
Size: 6 x 1½"
Seal: Malcolm IV. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Two tie tags above seal.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXII; Regesta Regum Scottorum I The Acts of Malcolm IV, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh 1960) no.200.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 581. - Charter of Malcolm IV the Maiden, as Misc.Ch. 580 but …
DCD Misc.Ch. 582   [early 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Enrolment of 3 charters:
1. of Malcolm IV [ Misc.Ch. 580 & 581 ].
2. of William the Lion [ Misc.Ch. 608 ].
3. Alexander II [ Misc.Ch. 626 ].
Size: 8¼ x 4½"
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 582. - Enrolment of 3 charters:1. of Malcolm IV [ Misc.Ch. 580 …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 583]
Transferred to join Misc.Ch. 573 (seal only).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 584]
Transferred to join Misc.Ch. 570 (seal only).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 585]
Transferred to join Misc.Ch. 569 (seal only).
DCD Misc.Ch. 586   16 May [1205 x 1206, probably 1205]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming the composition between William, Bishop of St Andrew's and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, concerning "cano" and "cuneveto" and "procurationibus" and "hospitiis" and "custodiis" and "institutionibus" of the churches belonging to the said prior and convent in the Bishopric of St Andrew's, and the "processio" and "visitacio" of the same churches; and the said composition is to be firmly and inviolably kept as the writing made between them testifies.
Witnesses: William, abbot of Melrose, Earl Patrick, justice, Alan, son of Roland, constable, Philip of Valoignes, royal chamberlain, Robert de London, king's son, William Cumin, William, royal chaplain, William de Bosco, Alexander, sheriff of Stirling, Masters Nicholas and Martin, doctors, Gilbert of Stirling, David Marshal, Walter Murdac, William Olifard
At Wedale
Size: 9 x 4"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment tag through foot of document.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.103v.[xx]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.460.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 586. - Charter of William the Lion confirming the composition between William, …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 586*]
Transferred to Misc.Ch. 578
DCD Misc.Ch. 587   [1165 x 1174]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion ordering that wherever outside the King's domain the prior of Coldingham or his sergeants find fugitives and men native to Coldingham and Coldinghamshire, they may rightly have them, and no one is to impede them.
Witnesses: Richard Cumin, Robert de Costentin, John de Vaux, Hugh the Clerk, Richard the Clerk.
At Berwick
Size: 5¾ x 3"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXIV; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.44.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 587. - Charter of William the Lion ordering that wherever outside the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 588   17 July [?1195]
Language:   Latin
Writ of William the Lion to the sheriff of Berwick and all his faithful men of Lothian and of "Merskes", permitting the prior of Coldingham to move his men of Coldinghamshire to the vill of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Hugh the Chancellor, Richard de Prebenda, king's clerk.
At Selkirk, 17 July.
Size: 6½ x 2¾"
Seal: Detached [numbered as Misc.Ch. 603]. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLIX; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.380.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 588. - Writ of William the Lion to the sheriff of Berwick …
DCD Misc.Ch. 589   [on or about 2 February 1194]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming the agreement between the church of St Andrew's and the church of Durham, between Roger, Bishop elect of St Andrew's and Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham; that the Bishop elect grants that the church of Coldingham be free from "cano & conevetho & procurationibus & hospiciis & onmibus aliis exactionibus & sinodalibus & auxiliis" as are to be the other parish churches held by the prior and convent in the Bishopric of St Andrew's and nothing is to be exacted greater than in the parochial churches of the Abbey of Kelso; the Prior & Convent are to reply to the Bishop for aids; the Prior & Convent are to have the same powers and dignities as other abbeys in the see of St Andrew's; and for this Bertram the Prior and the Convent of Durham grant to the church of St Andrew's and the Bishop elect the chapel of Naithanesthurii, totally and freely, free from them and the mother church of Edenham. This agreement the King orders to be kept as the writing between the Bishop elect and the Convent witnesses.
Witnesses: Hugh the Chancellor, Arkenbald, Abbot of Dunfermline, William, Abbot of Holyrood, Simon, Archdeacon of Glasgow, William Malvoisin, Archdeacon of Lothian, Roland, son of Uchtred, Earl Duncan, William of Lindsey, Robert of London, Rannulf de Sol', William de Ramesh', Henry de Graham, William de Cunninghesburgh
At Edinburgh
Size: 10¼ x 7½"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart. Vet. f.103v.[xxi]; Reg. I f.19v.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.368.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 589. - Charter of William the Lion confirming the agreement between the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 590   16 May [1205 x 1206, probably 1205]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming the renunciation and abjuration which William de Golin with Nicholas and John his brothers, and Emma his maternal aunt made for his relatives of the vill of Great Lumsden with all pertaining to it and the rights he had in the same vill for one carrucate of land in the territory of Swinton, granted by the prior and convent of Durham; the abjuration is to be kept, safeguarding the King's services.
Witnesses: William, bishop of St Andrew's, Philip de Valoignes, chamberlain, Robert de London, king's son, William Cumin, Alexander, sheriff of Stirling.
At Wedale
Size: 6¾ x 3½"
Seal: Green wax of William. Attached by parchment strip through foot.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 605 (with variations)
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LIV; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.461.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 590. - Charter of William the Lion confirming the renunciation and abjuration …
DCD Misc.Ch. 591   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Writ of William the Lion ordering that wherever the sergeants of the monks of Coldingham find fugitives and natives of Coldinghamshire or of their other lands, they may take them with all their goods and chattels.
Witnesses: Nicholas the Chancellor, Mathew the Archdeacon
At Forfar
Size: 7 x 1½"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXIX; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.113.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 591. - Writ of William the Lion ordering that wherever the sergeants …
DCD Misc.Ch. 592   16 May [1212 x 1214, probably 1214]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming the gift by David de Quicheswood of the Hospital of Aldecambus and the lepers, of ½ carrucate of land in Aldecambus held by Ralph the peltener with all liberties and easements as David's charter testifies.
Witnesses: Walter Cumin, David de Hastings
At Jedburgh
Size: 7¼ x 3"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LIX; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.521
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 592. - Charter of William the Lion confirming the gift by David …
DCD Misc.Ch. 593   [1173 x 1178]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion quitclaiming to the Prior, monks and men of Coldinghamshire 2/- which the King's sergeants of Berwick used to take for pleas and suits.
Witnesses: David, the King's brother, Walter de Bidun, Chancellor, Richard de Morville, Contable, Robert de Quincy, Walter de Berkeley, Chamberlain, Philip de Valoignes, Robert de Berkeley, John de London, Bernard, son of Brian, Robert de Reoseville
Given at Selkirk
Size: 7½ x 5¼"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached through foot of document by plaited leather cords.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXV; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.178.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 593. - Charter of William the Lion quitclaiming to the Prior, monks …
DCD Misc.Ch. 594   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion ordering that the woods of the monks of Coldingham, viz. Greenwood, Ristun, Brocheholewood, Akeside, Richedeneswood, Harewood, Denewood, Swinewood, Hundewood, and all woods and wastes are to be under the protection of the Prior, no-one is to take anything from the woods on pain of £10 forfeit, saving for necessary uses for Berwick Castle; the Prior and monks are to have right of warren in their woods and lands, viz. from the boundaries between Berwick and Lamberton to Bilie and to Drieford and to the stream which runs into the sea by Aldechambuspethe.
Witnesses: Richard, Bishop of St Andrew's, Ingebram, Bishop of Glasgow, Nicholas the Chancellor, the Abbot of Jedburgh, David Olifard, Justiciar, Dolfin the Chaplain, Hugh, Clerk to the King, Walter de Windsor, Robert Freton
At Berwick
Size: 9 x 6½"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: Misc.Ch. 602 [with enlargment of boundaries]; Cart. Vet. f.104v.[xxii].
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLV; Carr, App. no. 4 p. 324; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.46.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 594. - Charter of William the Lion ordering that the woods of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 595   [1173 x 1178]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming the boundaries between Coldinghamshire and Bonekilshire, to be held peacefully etc as the charter of David, the King's grandfather, testifies [Misc.Ch. 566] viz. from Midlesdeneheved by Mereburnesheved westward to Crhachoctrestrete and by the same "strata" to Eiford.
Witnesses: Walter de Bidun, Chancellor, Earl Waldef, Richard de Morville, Constable, Robert de Quinci, Walter de Windsor, Walter the Chamberlain, Philip de Valoignes, William de Veteri Ponte, John de London
At Jedburgh
Size: 7 x 3½"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXVI; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.181.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 595. - Charter of William the Lion confirming the boundaries between Coldinghamshire …
DCD Misc.Ch. 596   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming to the monks of Durham the gift of Earl Gospatric and his successors, viz. Nisbet, and the vill and church of Edrom with all its chapels and appurtenances.
Witnesses: Richard, Bishop of St Andrew's, Nicholas the Chancellor, Richard the Chaplain, Richard de Morville, Constable, W. son of Alan, Dapifer, David Olifard, Dolfin the Chaplain, John, son of Orm, Sheriff of Roxburgh
At Roxburgh
Size: 7½ x 3¼"
Seal: William. Natural wax varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 601; Cart. Vet. f.103r.[xvi].
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.66.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 596. - Charter of William the Lion confirming to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 597   [1165 x 1174]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming to the monks of Coldingham, Fishwick with all appurtenances; half Prenderguest and the land which Swein, priest of Fishwick had in Coldingham and Lumsden, which lands Swein gave and quitclaimed to them in the presence of Earl Henry, the King's father; and they are to hold freely, etc as the charter of Earl Henry testifies.
Witnesses: Engebram, Bishop of Glasgow, Richard Cumin, Dolphin the Chaplain, Robert de St Michel, Walter de Berkeley, Hugh, Clerk to the King, Richard the Clerk.
At Selkirk
Size: 6¾ x 6½"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLIV; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.73.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 597. - Charter of William the Lion confirming to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 598   [1189 x 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion taking into his protection the church of St Cuthbert of "Halieland", the monks, their men and possessions; and granting freedom from all tolls "de dominicis catallis"; and granting permission to have all fugitives from their land, wherever found, as the charters of King David his grandfather and the charter of Malcolm his brother [Misc.Ch. 578] testify.
Witnesses: Hugh the Chancellor, A. Abbot of Dunfermline, William of Lindsey, Robert de London, the King's son, Gervais Avenal, David de Lindsey.
At Roxburgh
Size: 6¼ x 3¾"
Seal: Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag.
Copy: DCD Cart. IV f.1v.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LI [from Cart. IV]; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.313.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 598. - Charter of William the Lion taking into his protection the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 599   8 July [1203 x 1207, perhaps 1204]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming the agreement between Bertram the Prior and the Convent of Durham, and Edward de Aldcambus and his sons, concerning the surrender and quitclaim by William de Aldcambus and his sons to the prior and convent of Durham, of the vill of Aldecambus, the mill and all other things pertaining thereto, in return for Greater Lumsden which the prior and convent gave him; the agreement is to be kept as the indenture between the parties testifies.
Witnesses: William and Walter the king's chaplains, Philip de Valoignes, chamberlain, William Cumin, William de Boscho and Gilbert, clerks
At Haddington
Size: 7¼ x 3"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LVI; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.445.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 599. - Charter of William the Lion confirming the agreement between Bertram …
DCD Misc.Ch. 600   28 February [1213]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion granting to Robert de Aubein and his heirs those 20 marks which are owed p.a. to the king for the "waitingha" which the prior and convent of Coldingham owe the king from their lands of Coldingham, until he or his heirs grant to Robert or his heirs 20 marks worth of land on the south of the Firth of Forth or between "le Muneth" and the Firth of Forth. These 20 marks are to be paid annually at Easter by the prior and convent.
Witnesses: Alexander the king's son, William de Bosch, chancellor, Philip de Valoignes, chamberlain, John de Maxwell, Master Martin, the king's doctor, Walter Cumin, Jordan Cumin.
At Selkirk
Size: 7¼ x 4¾"
Seal: William. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag. Noted as "very good seal" by [William Greenwell]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LVIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.600.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 600. - Charter of William the Lion granting to Robert de Aubein …
Misc.Ch. 601-700
DCD Misc.Ch. 601   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 2¾"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached to parchment strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 596
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.66.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 601. - Charter of William the Lion …
DCD Misc.Ch. 602   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion, as Misc.Ch. 594
The boundaries are described in more detail:- "from the boundaries between Berwick and Lamberton to Bilie and to Drieford and so by Mereburne to Crachoctree and to Eiford and the stream which runs into the sea near Aldechambuspethe".
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12 x 7"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment tag through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 594
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLVI; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.46.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 602. - Charter of William the Lion, as Misc.Ch. 594 The boundaries …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 603]
Transferred to join Misc.Ch. 588 (seal only).
DCD Misc.Ch. 604   [1189 x 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion ordering that no-one is to do any wrong to the priory of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Earl David, the King's brother, Hugh the Chancellor, Earl Duncan.
At Castellum Puellarum [Edinburgh]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¼ x 2½"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.294.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 604. - Charter of William the Lion ordering that no-one is to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 605   [8 July c.1203 x 1207, perhaps 1204]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming the abjuration by William de Golin together with Nicholas and John his brothers and Emma his maternal aunt, for himself and his relatives of the vill of Greater Lumsden with everything belonging to it, and the rights he had in the same vill, for 1 carrucate of land in the territory of Swinton, granted by the prior and convent of Durham; he orders the abjuration to be observed, safe-guarding his services in the said lands.
Witnesses: Walter and William, royal chaplains, Philip de Valoignes, chamberlain, William Cumin, William de Bose and Hugh, king's clerks
At Haddington
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 2½"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag.
Duplicate: Substantially the same as Misc.Ch. 590
Copy: Cart. Vet. f103r.[xvii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LV; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.444.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 605. - Charter of William the Lion confirming the abjuration by William …
DCD Misc.Ch. 606   [1189 x 1195, probably 1193 x 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion granting and confirming to the church of Coldingham and its monks one full toft in the royal burgh of Haddington.
Witnesses: H. the chancellor, Richard de Prebenda, king's clerk, Walter, king's chaplain, Henry de Graham, Adam Hareng', Bern' de Hauden, Robert le Bastard
At Selkirk
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 3"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. L; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.369.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 606. - Charter of William the Lion granting and confirming to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 607   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion.
Size: 6½ x 3"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 610.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXVIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.67.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 607. - Charter of William the Lion. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 608   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion granting to the monks of Coldingham that they and their sergeants throughout all the King's land are to be free from all tolls of property, chattels and merchandise as the charter of Malcolm his brother testifies [Misc.Ch. 580 & 581].
Witnesses: Engebram, bishop of Glasgow, Nicholas the Chancellor, Walter, son of Alan, dapifer
At Stirling
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 2"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLVII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.101A.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 608. - Charter of William the Lion granting to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 609   [1167 x 1170]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion duplicating Misc.Ch. 612 and adding the vill to the church of Edrom.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 3¼"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 612
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.103v.[xviii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLI; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.105.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 609. - Charter of William the Lion duplicating Misc.Ch. 612 and adding …
DCD Misc.Ch. 610   [1165 x 1171]
Language:   Latin
Writ of William the Lion to his justices and the sheriff of Berwick, forbidding the sergeants of the shrievalty of Berwick from having other customs or making other exactions in elemosina mea of Coldingham and Coldinghamshire of pleas and suits other than the sergeants of other shrievalties have in his other elemosinis in terra mea.
Witnesses: Engebram, bishop of Glasgow, Nicholas the Chancellor, David Olifard, justiciar, Hugh Ridel, Robert Avenal
At Roxburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 2¼"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 607
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XXXVII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.67.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 610. - Writ of William the Lion to his justices and the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 611   2 August [c.1203 x 1207, perhaps 1204]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion confirming to Richard, nephew of Simon, late prior of Coldingham, the sale by Ralph son of Elwald to him of one toft in Coldingham, and 20 acres of land, safe-guarding the king's service.
Witnesses: Walter & William, king's chaplains, Philip de Valoignes, chamberlain, William de Bosch, Philip de London, Richard Revel
At Jedburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 2¼"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LVII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.446.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 611. - Charter of William the Lion confirming to Richard, nephew of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 612   [1167 x 1170]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion announcing the settlement of the dispute between the church of Durham and the church of Croyland concerning the will of Edrom and the church, in the presence of the king in his court, whereby the church of Edrom was ceded in perpetuity to the church of Durham.
Witnesses: Richard, bishop of St Andrew's, Ingebram, bishop of Glasgow, Nicholas the Chancellor, John Abbot of Kelso, Earl Waldof, Richard de Morville, constable, W. son of Alan, dapifer, David Olifard
At Perth
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 3"
Seal: William. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XL; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.105.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 612. - Charter of William the Lion announcing the settlement of the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 613   [1166 x 1174, probably 1166]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William the Lion granting to the monks of Durham and their sergeants freedom from all tolls of property, chattels and merchandise as the charter of Malcolm, the king's brother, testifies [Misc.Ch. 580 and Misc.Ch. 581].
Witnesses: Richard de Moren', constable, Philip de Valoignes, chamberlain, Alan, son of the Steward
At Mitford
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 2¼"
Seal: G&B 3078. of William the Lion. Detached. Formerly MC 614, restored. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.103r[xix]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XLVIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum II The Acts of William I, ed G.W.S. Barrow & W.W. Scott, (Edinburgh 1971) no.47.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 613. - Charter of William the Lion granting to the monks of …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 614]
Transferred to join Misc.Ch. 613 (seal).
DCD Misc.Ch. 615   31 July N.Y. [1214-1227?]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II ordering that the woods of the monks of Coldingham viz. Greenwood, the whole wood of Reston, Brochehalewood, Akeside, Chirchedeneswood, Harewood, Denewood, Swinewood, Hunderwood and all woods and wastes, are to be under the custody of the prior; no-one is to take anything on pain of forfeiture of £10, except necessaries for the king's castle of Berwick; they are to have warren in the aforesaid woods and in all their lands from the boundaries between Berwick and Lamberton, to Bilie and Drieford and so by Mereburn to Crachoctre and Eiford and to the stream running into the sea by Aldercambuspethe, as the charters of King David [Misc.Ch. 566] and William [Misc.Ch. 594] testify.
Witnesses: William de Borch, chancellor, Earl Malcolm of Fife, Master Adam de Scone and Robert, king's chaplains, Philip de London, David Marshal, Heruic' Marshal, Adam Hasting
At Selkirk
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9 x 7"
Seal: Alexander II. Green wax. Attached to parchment strip through foot of document. Noted as "broken" on 19th century wrapper (destroyed)
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LX
Calendared: "Handlist of the Acts of Alexander II", p.12.
Exemplification (2 July 1450): DCD Misc.Ch. 1001.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 615. - Charter of Alexander II ordering that the woods of the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 616   3 March N.Y. [1214-23]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II confirming to Robert de Aubein and his heirs those 20 marks owed yearly to the king by the prior and convent of Coldingham for "waitings", until he grants to Robert or his heirs 20 marks worth of land south of the Firth of Forth, or between "le Muneth" and the Firth of Forth; which money Robert de Aubein is to receive yearly at Easter as the charter of William the king's father testifies [Misc.Ch. 600].
Witnesses: William de Bosch, chancellor, William de Valon', chamberlain, Philip de Mowbray, Geoffrey son of Richard, sheriff of Perth, Philip de London.
At Perth
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 3¾"
Seal: Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.. Noted as "very slightly broken" on 19th century wrapper (destroyed)
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXI
Calendared: "Handlist of the Acts of Alexander II" p.14.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 616. - Charter of Alexander II confirming to Robert de Aubein and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 617   5 June 13 Alexander II [1227]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II quitclaiming to the monks of Coldingham the aid and army-service with they used to render “de duodesima villa de Coldinghamshyre”, viz. the vill in which the church of Coldingham was founded; wherefore the monks are to reply for the aids and army-service from that twelfth.
Witnesses: Master Mathew, chancellor, Walter, son of Alan, steward, Inger' de Baill', William de Lindsey, Thomas de Haya
At Edinburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 2½"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham LXVI
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.24.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 617. - Charter of Alexander II quitclaiming to the monks of Coldingham …
DCD Misc.Ch. 618
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II, as Misc.Ch. 629, but omits William de Hauden as a witness.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 5¾"
Seal: Alexander. Green wax. Attached to parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 629
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 627
Printed: Raine, North Durham LXIX
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.30.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 618. - Charter of Alexander II, as Misc.Ch. 629, but omits William …
DCD Misc.Ch. 619   12 April 24 Alexander II [1238]
Language:   Latin
Writ of Alexander II to R. de Bernham, mayor, and the reeves of Berwick ordering them not to impede foreign merchants coming to the priory of Coldingham to buy wood and other merchandise from the prior and convent, but to allow them to buy and take away the merchandise.
Witnesses: P. Earl of Dunbar, Walter Olifard, justices of Lothian.
At Edinburgh
Size: 6 x 1¾"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXII
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.41.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 619. - Writ of Alexander II to R. de Bernham, mayor, and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 620   8 April 35 Alexander II [1249]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II taking into his protection the monastery of Coldingham, the prior and convent of Coldingham, its men, lands and possessions.
Witnesses: Master Richard de Inverkeithing, chamberlain, Robert de Meyners, William de Haya, Geoffrey de Bosch
At Tynninghame
Size: 7½ x 1¾"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXV
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.49.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 620. - Charter of Alexander II taking into his protection the monastery …
DCD Misc.Ch. 621   6 October 31 Alexander II [1245]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II confirming the gift by William, son of Robert de Scremerston with the assent of William his heir, to Richard the prior and the convent of Coldingham of all his land of Prenderguest with houses, tofts, crofts and all other appurtenances, to hold etc, as the charter of William testifies.
Witnesses: W. Earl of Mar, Bernard de Rippeley, William de Morthynton, William Giffard, Galfrid de Ferselay
At Berwick
Size: 7¾ x 4¼"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXIII
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.46.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 621. - Charter of Alexander II confirming the gift by William, son …
DCD Misc.Ch. 622   N.D. [1214-27?]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II confirming the boundaries between Coldingham and Bonekill as the charter of David his great grandfather [Misc.Ch. 566] and the charter of William his father [Misc.Ch. 595] testify, viz. from Midlesdeneheved by Mereburnesheved westwards to Crhachoctrestrete and by the same "strata" to Eiford.
Witnesses: William de Bosch, Chancellor, Earl Malcolm, ...... de London, David Marshall, Haruic' Marshall, Adam Hasting
At Selkirk
Size: 7¼ x 3¾"
Seal: Missing, but attached through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXII
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.52.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 622. - Charter of Alexander II confirming the boundaries between Coldingham and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 623   9 December 10 Alexander II [1223]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II confirming the gift by David de Quikeswood to SS Cuthbert and Ebba and the monks of Durham at Coldingham of all the land he held in the vill of Aldcambus and outside, in exchange for 60 acres in the district of Coldingham, and 1 toft and a croft which Waldef Pethum held and 10 acres in cultura de floris and one messuage next to the smithy of Benedict the smith, as is witnessed by the charter of David and the confirmation by Thomas his son.
Witnesses: Henry de Balliol, chamberlain, Patrick, son of Earl Patrick, Ralph the Chaplain, Thomas de Stirling, clerk, Henry de Stirling, son of Earl David, John de Maxwell, Walter Cumin
At Selkirk
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 4½"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXV
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.19.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 623. - Charter of Alexander II confirming the gift by David de …
DCD Misc.Ch. 624   30 November 8 Alexander II [1222]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II confirming the resignation and quitclaim by Patrick, son of Earl Patrick [of Dunbar] of St Cuthbert, St Ebba and the monks of Durham at Coldingham of the vill of Swinewood with its men and appurtenances, to be held freely etc as the charter of Patrick and the confirmation of Earl Patrick his father testify [Misc.Ch. 733 & 741] and [Misc.Ch. 765].
Witnesses: John de Maxwell, David Marshall, John Giffard, Bernard de Hauden, Heruic' Marshall
At Roxburgh
Size: 7¼ x 4¼"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral's Saintly Sisters Exhibition in the Collections Gallery of Open Treasure from 28 November 2017 to 3 February 2018.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXIV
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.17.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 624. - Charter of Alexander II confirming the resignation and quitclaim by …
DCD Misc.Ch. 625   29 May 22 Alexander II [1236]
Language:   Latin
Letters Patent of Alexander II to Th[omas of Melsanby] Prior of Durham, ordering him to deliver £40 which he sent by the monks of Coldingham to Durham, to Hugolin, “nuncio & famulo domini Reiner' Cardinal'.”
Witnesses: G. Abbot of Holyrood, W. Clifard, Justiciar of Lothian
At Castrum Puellarum [Edinburgh]
Size: 5½ x 1½"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXI
Calendared: "Handlist of Acts of Alexander II" p.38.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 625. - Letters Patent of Alexander II to Th[omas of Melsanby] Prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 626   21 July 8 Alexander II [1222]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II granting to the monks of Coldingham freedom from all tolls of property, chattels and merchandise, as testified in the charter of William, the King's father [Misc.Ch. 608].
Witnesses: Alexander, Sheriff of Stirling, John de Maxwell
At Kinross
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 3½"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXIII
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander II" p.17.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 626. - Charter of Alexander II granting to the monks of Coldingham …
DCD Misc.Ch. 627
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II, as Misc.Ch. 629, but omits William de Hauden as a witness.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 4½"
Seal: Alexander. Green wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 618
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 629
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXVIII
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander II" p.30.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 627. - Charter of Alexander II, as Misc.Ch. 629, but omits William …
DCD Misc.Ch. 628   29 March 17 Alexander II [1231]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II confirming the quitclaim and surrender by Patrick, son of Earl Patrick, to St Cuthbert, St Ebba, the prior and monks of Durham at Coldingham, of the vill of Swinewood, and all the domain of that vill with all appurtenances, freely etc, as the charter of Patrick made at Coldingham testifies.
Witnesses: Walter Olifard, justiciar of Lothian, John de Maxwell, chamberlain, David Marshall, Roger Avenel, Ranulf de Bonekyl, Ralph de Campania, Thomas son of Ranulf, Bernard Fraser, Thomas de Haye, William de Bonekyl
At Roxburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 4¾"
Seal: Alexander. Natural wax. Attached by strip of parchment through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXVII
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander II" p.29.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 628. - Charter of Alexander II confirming the quitclaim and surrender by …
DCD Misc.Ch. 629   16 May 18 Alexander II [1232]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II confirming to Thomas the prior and the monks of Coldingham those 20 marks p.a. which he and his predecessors used to take from Coldinghamshire for waitinga.
Witnesses: A. abbot of Melrose, W. de Bondingt', chancellor, W. son of Alan, steward, justiciar of Scotland, Patrick son of Earl Patrick, John de Maxwell, chamberlain, Roger Avenel, David Marshall, Aymer de Maxwell, John of Stirling, William de Hauden
At Berwick
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 5¾"
Seal: Alexander. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXX
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander II" p.30.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 629. - Charter of Alexander II confirming to Thomas the prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 629*   21 April 34 Alexander II [1248]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander II granting to the prior and monks of Coldingham that no-one is to take their woods in the barony of Coldingham for any debt or forfeiture.
Witnesses: W. Earl of Mar, Alexander the Steward, David de Graham, Nicholas de Sules, sheriff of Roxburgh, Thomas son of Ranulf
At Coldingham
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 2"
Seal: Detached from document. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. [Formerly Misc.Ch. 683, now restored]. G & B 3079.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXIV
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander II" p.48.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 629*. - Charter of Alexander II granting to the prior and monks …
DCD Misc.Ch. 630   16 June 27 Alexander III [1276]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alexander III granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham that they might hold their lands of Coldinghamshire in free warren and free forest.
Witnesses: Hugh de Berkeley, John “Cumyn' filio”, Simon Fraser
At Selkirk
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 2¼"
Seal: Detached from document. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXVI
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander III, Guardians and John" p.21.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 630. - Charter of Alexander III granting to the prior and convent …
DCD Misc.Ch. 631   4 July 31 Alexander III [1280]
Language:   Latin
Letters Patent of Alexander III confirming to Heruico monacho in Farneland, and his successors, 8s in free alms, yearly, from the farm of the king's mill of Berwick, instead of ½ chalder of corn which he used to have from the mill by the charter of William, king of Scotland; ordering the sheriff of Berwick and the royal foresters to deliver the same yearly at Whitsun.
Witnesses: John de Lindsey, chamberlain, Thomas Ralulph, Bernard de Monte Alto
At Berwick
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 3½"
Seal: Alexander III. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXVII
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander III, Guardians and John" p.25.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 631. - Letters Patent of Alexander III confirming to Heruico monacho in …
DCD Misc.Ch. 632   21 November 4 John [1295]
Language:   Latin
Charter of John [Balliol] confirming to William de Silksworth his sergeant, for his homage and service, 10 marks of land with appurtenances in the tenement of Cobbainstan until he can provide the same amount of land in another suitable place.
Witnesses: William earl of Ross, Andrew Fraser, David de Iberton', Gilbert de Haia
At Stirling
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 4"
Seal: John Balliol. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXVIII
Calendared: "Acts of Alexander III, Guardians and John" p.60.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 632. - Charter of John [Balliol] confirming to William de Silksworth his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 633   26 December [1327]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert I granting and confirming to the prior and convent of Durham 5 stags yearly from the royal forest of Selkirk at the hands of the chief forester, to be delivered to the priory of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Bernard, abbot of Aberbrothoc, chancellor, Thomas Ranulph, earl of Moray, lord of Annandale, king's nephew, James, lord of Douglas, Robert de Bruce, king's son, Robert de Keith, marshall of Scotland, Andrew of Moray, pantler of Scotland, Alexander de Seton
Date: Newbottle, 26 December 22 Robert I.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¾ x 7"
Seal: Robert I. Natural wax. Varnished. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXIX; Carr, App. no.5 p.325; Regesta Regum Scottorum V The Acts of Robert I, ed A.A.M. Duncan, (Edinburgh 1988) no.329.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 633. - Charter of Robert I granting and confirming to the prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 634   26 December [1327]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of Robert I to the chief forester of the forest of Selkirk ordering him to take 5 stags yearly to the priory of Coldingham (cf Misc.Ch. 633, Charter of Robert I).
Date: Newbottle, 26 December 22 Robert I.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13 x 5¾"
Seal: Robert I. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXX; Regesta Regum Scottorum V The Acts of Robert I, ed A.A.M. Duncan, (Edinburgh 1988) no.330.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 634. - Letters patent of Robert I to the chief forester of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 635   16 March 22 Robert I [1328]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert I inspecting and confirming:
1. Charter of Edgar [Misc.Ch. 555].
2. Charter of Edgar granting them Coldingham and all their lands in Lothian as freely etc as the king had them in his own land [Cart. Vet. f.100v.].
3. Charter of Edgar [Misc.Ch. 556].
4. Charter of David [Misc.Ch. 567].
5. Charter of Patrick, Earl of Dunbar, son of Waldef [Misc.Ch. 764] granting the monks of Coldingham the vill and church of Edrom with the chapel of Erceldon & the vill of Nisbet.
Witnesses: William, bishop of St Andrew's, John, bishop of Glasgow, John, bishop of Moray, Bernard, abbot of Aberbrothoc, chancellor, Thomas Ranulph, earl of Moray, lord of Annandale and Mann, king's nephew, James, lord of Douglas, Gilbert de Haya, constable, Robert de Keith, marshal, Alexander de Seton, Robert de Lawedre, Robert Meyguers
Date: Edinburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 15¼ x 21½"
Seal: Missing. Attached through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXI; The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland i, ed J.M. Thomson, (Edinburgh 1882) no.839; Regesta Regum Scottorum V The Acts of Robert I, ed A.A.M. Duncan, (Edinburgh 1988) no.340
DCD Misc.Ch. 636   16 July [1328]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert I confirming the grant and gift by the prior and convent of Durham to Richard de Wyteworth of 40 marks sterling of an annual rent, and of the sustentacio to the same Richard and one associate in the same prioratus.
Witnesses: John, bishop of Glasgow, William, bishop of Dunkeld, Walter de Twynham, chancellor, Thomas Ranulph, earl of Moray, lord of Annandale & Man, the king's nephew, Donenald, earl of Mav, James, lord of Douglas, Gilbert de Haya, constable, Robert de Keith, marshal, David de Lindsey, David de Berclay and Robert de Lawedre knights.
Date: Berwick-upon-Tweed, 16 July 23 Robert I.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11½ x 4¾"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXII; ; Regesta Regum Scottorum V The Acts of Robert I, ed A.A.M. Duncan, (Edinburgh 1988) no.352.
DCD Misc.Ch. 637   24 December 15 David II [1343]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of David II to the chief forester of the forest of Selkirk ordering him to deliver to the monastery of Coldingham 5 stags yearly from the royal forest at Selkirk, according to the charters of his predecessors.
Date: Stirling, 24 December 15 David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10 x 2½"
Seal: Small seal attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXIV; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.79.
DCD Misc.Ch. 638   1 July [1364]
Language:   Latin
Writ of David II to his sheriff and bailiffs of Berwick ordering them to hold an inquisition on the vill of Lumsden, whether held in chief from the prior of Durham, or by ward, relief and marriage.
Date: Perth, 1 July 35 David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½ x 3½"
Seal: Fragment only, attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXVIII; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.322.
DCD Misc.Ch. 639   8 June [1363]
Language:   Latin
Writ of David II to Walter de Haliburton, kt., sheriff of Berwick-on-Tweed, ordering him to hold an inquisition concerning West Lumsden and on what services it is held by the prior and convent of Durham.
Given under privy seal.
Date: Edinburgh, 8 June 35 David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10 x 3"
Seal: Privy seal of David II. Reddish-brown wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXVII; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.639.
DCD Misc.Ch. 640   1 January [1363]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David II inspecting and confirming letters patent of King Robert [Misc.Ch. 634] ordering delivery of 5 stags yearly to the priory of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord William, earl of Douglas, king's cousin, Robert de Erskine, knight, Master Walter de Wardlawe, archdeacon of Lothian, secretary, Master Gilbert Armstrong, provost of St Andrew's, Dom John H[eryz], knight, James de Douglas
Date: Edinburgh1 January 3[4] David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12½ x 8"
Seal: Missing. Attached through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXV; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.312.
DCD Misc.Ch. 641   24 October [1367]
Language:   Latin
Writ of David II to the prior of Durham and his bailiffs of the barony of Coldingham ordering him to give to Thomas Rayll' the two bovates of land in Coldingham and the office of chief sergeant in the barony of Coldingham, as found by an inquisition made by the sheriff and bailies of Berwick.
Date: Edinburgh, 24 October 38 David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11 x 2¾"
Seal: Fragment only of great seal of David. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XC; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.386.
DCD Misc.Ch. 642   16 June [1368]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of David II taking into his custody and protection the monks, men, possessions etc of the convent of Coldingham.
Date: Scone, 16 June 39 David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¾ x 2¼"
Seal: Fragment of great seal of David II. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XCI; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.398.
DCD Misc.Ch. 643   28 August [1367]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David II inspecting and confirming a charter of Patrick of Dunbar, earl of March and Moray [Misc.Ch. 793] confirming a charter of Gospatric [Misc.Ch. 778] giving to Coldingham, Edrom and its church, and Nisbet.
Witnesses: William, bishop of St Andrew's, Patrick, bishop of Brechin, chancellor, Robert Stewart, earl of Stratherne, William, earl of Douglas, Robert de Erskine, Archibald de Douglas, Walter de Haliburton.
Date: Edinburgh, 28 August 38 David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 15¼ x 9½"
Seal: Missing. Attached through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXIX; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.379.
DCD Misc.Ch. 644   1 January [1363]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David II inspecting and confirming a charter of Robert I [Misc.Ch. 635 q.v.] inspecting and confirming 3 charters of Edgar, one charter of David and one charter of Patrick, earl of Dunbar.
Witnesses: Dom William, earl of Douglas, [king's] cousin, Robert de Ers[kine knight, king's] confederate, Master Walter de Wardlaw, archdeacon of Lothian, secretary, Master Gilbert Armstrong, provost of St Andrew's, [Dom Jo]hn Heriz knight, James de Douglas
At Edinburgh, 1 January 34 David II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 16¼ x 18½"
Seal: Missing. Attached through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. LXXXVI; Regesta Regum Scottorum VI The Acts of David II, ed B. Webster, (Edinburgh 1982) no.313.
DCD Misc.Ch. 645   26 January 1391 & 2 Robert III [1391/2]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert III inspecting and confirming the confirmation by David II [Misc.Ch. 644] of a charter of Robert I [Misc.Ch. 635] inspecting and confirming 3 charters of Edgar; 1 charter of David; and one charter of Patrick, earl of Dunbar.
Witnesses: Mathew, bishop of Glasgow, Gilbert, bishop of Aberdeen, Earl Robert of Fife and Menteith, the king's brother, Earl Archibald de Douglas, lord of Galway, the king's cousin, James de Douglas, lord of Dalkeith, Thomas de Erskine, Alexander de Cockburn of Langton, keeper of the great seal
At Linlithgow
Parchment, 1m
Size: 19¾ x 14¼"
Seal: Great seal of Robert III. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: by Pope Eugenius IV. Cart. III. f.197r.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XCII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 645. - Charter of Robert III inspecting and confirming the confirmation by …
DCD Misc.Ch. 646a   2 June 19 James I [1424]
Language:   Latin
The act of a parliament held by James I (see Misc.Ch. 646c for details)
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½ x 4¾"
Seal: Quarter seal of James I. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
DCD Misc.Ch. 646b   2 June 19 James I [1424]
Language:   Latin
The act of a parliament held by James I (see Misc.Ch. 646c for details).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½ x 5½"
Seal: Quarter seal of James I. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 646c   1441
Language:   Latin
Notarial copy of an act of a parliament held by James I at Perth on 26 May 1424, where William Brown and William Drax appeared, both claiming to be the prior of Coldingham; it was decreed that William Drax was, and is, the rightful prior of Coldingham with its appurtenances; and since Coldingham had been burned and destroyed by the English, he was ordered to repair it.
Given under the great seal at Perth 2 June 19 James I [1424].
The copy was made at the instance of John Oll, prior of Coldingham, by Thomas de Carmichael, clerk of the diocese of Glasgow
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11 x 8½"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XCIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 647
Noted as missing 28 March 1960.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XCV
DCD Misc.Ch. 648   6 January 1457 & 21 James II [1457/8]
Language:   Latin
Charter of James II saying that since a truce had been concluded with Henry VI, during that truce the English may freely enter Scotland, and the Scots England.
Given at Stirling
Parchment, 1m
Size: 20 x 12¾"
Seal: Great seal of James II. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 684 (dated later)
Notarial version: Misc.Ch. 1488
Calendared: Raine, North Durham App. XCVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 649   23 October 1456 & 20 James II
Language:   Latin
Charter of James II admitting John Pencher to the temporalities of the priory of Coldingham.
Given at Edinburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¾ x 5¾"
Seal: Great seal of James II. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XCVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 650   28 April 10 James II [1446]
Language:   Latin
Notarial enrolment of 3 letters of James II, made in 1446 by order of Alexander Home of Douglas, knight, concerning the rebellion of Patrick de Hepburn.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11½ x 16"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XCVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 651
Language:   Latin
Letters of James II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11½ x 17"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 650
DCD Misc.Ch. 652   [27 December] 1293
Language:   Latin
Letter of W[illiam] Fraser, bishop of St Andrews, to R[ichard Hoton] prior and the convent of Durham objecting to their presentation of Master John of Bamburgh to the vicarage of Berwick, saying that he ought not to accept the presentation of anyone, according to the constitution of Cardinals Otto and Ottobono, who had not been ordained a priest or deacon, but he would reserve the next presentation to them as rather William Proctor formerly vicar of Fishwick has been presented, and so, if Bamburgh can be ordained deacon, he would accept his presentation to the vicarage of Fishwick, or another benefice.
Date: Inchemorth, St John the Evangelist 1293.
With an additional note at the end adding, given the merits of their presentation, a pension of 5 marks from the fruits of the vicarage of Berwick.
Parchment, 1m, with 3 lines of horizontal cuts [?for a tag to be threaded through]
Size: 150 x 240mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 653   4 January 1415/6
Language:   Latin
Charter of Margaret, Countess of Angus and Mar, quitclaiming to the monks of Durham the woods of Brokholes and Harewood and undertaking to preserve the boundaries between Coldingham and Bonkil as the charter of Ralph de Bonkil testifies.
At Bogby iuxta Hyrdemanston
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¾ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 2741. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLI
DCD Misc.Ch. 654   4 January 1442/3
Language:   English
Letters of Alexander Home "of that ilk", knight, and Alexander his son and heir, obliging themselves to defend John Oll and succeeding priors of Coldingham and their possessions upon having the office of bailiff for 60 years [cf. Misc.Ch. 655].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¾ x 6"
Seal: Originally 2. 1 missing and fragment only of other. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. III f.287v
Printed: Raine SS.12. CLIX & N.D. App. DC
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 654. - Letters of Alexander Home of that ilk , knight, and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 655   4 January 1442/3
Language:   English
Indenture whereby John [Wessington] prior, and the chapter of Durham, with the assent of John [Oll], prior of Coldingham, make Alexander Home "of that ilk", knight, bailiff of the lordship and lands of the house and barony of Coldingham for 60 years, and on his decease his son Alexander shall have it, and he will receive 5 marks English p.a. from the house of Coldingham for recompense and fee.
At Durham
Parchment, 1m
Size: 16 x 7¼"
Seal: G&B 2850. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. III f.287
Printed: Raine SS.12. CLVIII & ND App. DLXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 655. - Indenture whereby John [Wessington] prior, and the chapter of Durham, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 656   16 September 1441
Language:   English
Indenture [cancelled] made between John [Wessington] prior, and the convent of Durham and William [Drax], prior of Coldingham and Sir Davy Home of Wedderburn, whereby he is appointed bailiff for a term of 40 years.
At Durham
Parchment, 1m
Size: 14½ x 8¼"
Seal: G&B 2853. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Reg. III f.273
Printed: Raine SS.12. CXXXV & see ND App. DLXII & DLXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 656. - Indenture [cancelled] made between John [Wessington] prior, and the convent …
DCD Misc.Ch. 657   20 May 1442
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby John [Wessington], prior, and the chapter of Durham announce they are preferring Alexander Home to be bailiff of Coldingham on the recommendation of King James [II], James [Kennedy] bishop of St Andrews and the earls of Angus, Marr and Crawford, and other lords and nobles.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¾ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B 2850. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 658
Seal: Loose seal of Alexander Home. G&B 2850. Red wax.
DCD Misc.Ch. 659   8 March 1357/8
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby William de Bamburgh, prior of Coldingham, with the assent of John of Langton, demises to farm to Robert de Ellam all his manor called "Le Bernes de Houwood" with pertinents, for 6 years from Whitsun 1358, for 40s silver for the first year; 4 marks for the second, 5 marks for the third and onwards.
Witnesses: Roger Corbet, Robert de Clifford, mayor of Berwick, David de Kymbringham, John de Graystanes, William, clerk of Holy Island .
At Berwick
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2822. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXXXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 660   7 May 1444
Language:   Latin
Indenture between John [Wessington], prior of Durham, and Alexander Home of Dunglas and Alexander his son, whereby the former demises, with the assent of John [Oll], prior of Coldingham, to the latter, the vill of Aldcambus, for a term of 40 years, for £13 6s 8d to the prior and convent of Coldingham p.a.
At Durham
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12½ x 8¼"
Seal: Originally 2. Fragment of 1 survives. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 661   [c.1260s]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby G. prior, and the convent of Coldingham demise to farm to Patrick earl of Dunbar, all the part of the stream called Akesideburn, from Swineseleford to Elmedenemouth, for £1 p.a. to the house of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord John, once receiver of the earl, Robert de Coupland, Patrick de Lemocerton, Henry de Prendergest, Elias the Clerk, Adam son of Costric
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 2"
Seal: G&B 2810. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXX
DCD Misc.Ch. 662    [20 August] 1293
Language:   Latin
Letters of John [of Halton], bishop of Carlisle, executor for tithes and obventions of the king of England through the kingdom of Scotland, granted for 6 years for the help of the Holy Land by the Holy See, acknowledging receipt from the prior of Coldingham, collector of tithes in the archdeaconry of Lothian, of £300 silver of the arrears of his account for the second year.
At Kelso, 13 Kal. September 1293.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 2¼"
Seal: Missing.
DCD Misc.Ch. 663   [c.1380s]
Language:   Latin
Enrolment of:
(1) Letters of William Landells, bishop of St Andrew's, to the dean of the Merse, to cause Robert de Claxton, prior of Coldingham, to appear before him at Edinburgh.
5 April 1379.
(2) Letters of the dean of the Merse to the vicar of Berwick in pursuance.
Monday after Easter 1379.
(3) Letters of Robert de Claxton to William [Landells], bishop of St Andrew's, replying to the above.
(4) Articles whereby he should forfeit the priorship of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10 x 17"
DCD Misc.Ch. 664   [12 June] 1277
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus by Robert [de Insula] bishop of Durham, of the following charter.
Notification by William, bishop of St Andrews, of a composition dated 17 August 1204 between the bishop of St Andrews and the prior and convent of Durham and the church of Coldingham, concerning the can and cunewech [rents], procurations, custody, institutions to and visitation of churches in the diocese of St Andrews pertaining to Durham (including Aldecantibus, Lamberton and Fishwick), with Durham receiving rights and privileges in return for the chapels of Newton and Neithanthirne, mother church Edenham.
Witnesses: Richard [de Prebenda] bishop of Dunkeld, John bishop of Aberdeen, Brice [of Douglas] bishop of Moray, Patrick abbot of Dunfermline, Henry abbot of Arbroath, Wydo abbot of Lindors, Walter prior de Insula, Hugh prior of May, Master Lawrence official, Hugh chaplain of the king, Master Andrew de Murena, Master Stephen de Lillescl', Dom Mehero de Quentimilite, John de Wilton, William de Binile, Master Isaac, Master Richard, Robert de Heya. [1204?]
At [Bishop] Middleham, 2 Id. June 1277.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 14 x 9¾"
Seal: G&B No. 3124. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 1246.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.189-192.
DCD Misc.Ch. 665   14 March 1445/6
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument in which Thomas, abbot of Newbottle, makes a decision concerning the rights of patronage to churches in Scotland, by the prior and convent of Durham.
Notarial signs of Thomas Laing and William Arows.
In the chapter house of Holyrood at Edinburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 20 x 10¾"
Seal: G&B 3676. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Another version: Misc.Ch. 6811 (with witnesses and ten days earlier)
DCD Misc.Ch. 666    [29 June] 1294
Language:   Latin
Letters of [Henry of Horncastle] prior of Coldingham, commissary of J[ohn of Halton] bishop of Carlisle, principal collector of a tenth for the relief of the Holy Land, acknowledging receipt from Richard [de Hoton], prior and the convent of Durham, at the hands of William de Darlington, ...... [sum lost] ..... for the second year and £13 12s 8d for two parts of the third year.
At Coldingham, decollation of St John the Baptist 1294.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 2¼"
Seal: Henry de Horncaster. G&B 3652. Green wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 667   Friday, the vigil of St Thomas the Apostle 1364 [20 December]
Language:   Latin
Inquisition taken at Bonkil, on the vill of Greater Lumsden which is held in chief from the prior of Durham by ward, relief and marriage.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¾ x 3½"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 922
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.19r.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXX
DCD Misc.Ch. 668   [later 14th century]
Language:   Latin
Copy of an agreement made in 1272 on the morrow of Epiphany [7 January 1273] between the prior and convent of Coldingham, and the abbot and convent of Melrose, whereby the prior and convent quitclaim to Melrose the tithes of the fishpond of Berwick Stream, and the tithes of a croft and curtilage of le Bernys in Upper Ravenysdene in the Bardykys of Berwick, for 4 marks and 1 salmon payable to them.
Witnesses: Dom William, vicar of Stichil, William de Baddeby, constable of Berwick, Master Hugh de Hartlepool, Stephen de Baddeby, Richard de Franceys, (blank) de Ayton.
Paper, 1p
Size: 11½ x 4½"
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.19r
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXL
DCD Misc.Ch. 669   [later 14th century]
Language:   Latin
Copy of an attestation of a composition made on 16 Kal. August, St Kenelm, [11 July] 1127, between the bishop of St Andrews and the convent of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 230mm
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 1298.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.18v-19r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 670    [17 October] 1326
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of Thomas Stute of Coldingham, chaplain, granting to the monks of Coldingham 1 messuage with 3 tofts and crofts and 6 bovates of land in West Reston for 26s 8d p.a. to celebrate services in the chapel of St Nicholas of West Reston.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt, John son of Walter, steward of the prior, Rogert de Lumsden, Adam de Paxton, Roger de Fauside, John son of William de Ayton, John Ayre of West Reston.
At Coldingham, St Laurence the Martyr 1326.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10 x 5¼"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5951
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.15v-16r.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 671   [1189 x 1258]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Bertram prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Henry, son of Adam de Walerhope, that ½ carucate in Paxton, as Humphrey de Rapereslauu had it, for an annual rent of 40d at Martinmas and 40d at the Nativity of St John the Baptist (Pentecost cancelled) to Coldingham.
Witness: the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through
Size: 6¾ x 3"
Seal: Missing.
DCD Misc.Ch. 672    17 February 1309/10
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, enrolling letters of William [de Lamberton] bishop of St Andrew's, to Adam de Pontefract, monk of Coldingham, granting absolution according to papal command.
At Coldingham, Monday after the octave of the Assumption of the B.V.M. [25 August] 1309.
Enrolled at Berwick on Tweed, in the presence of Master Thomas Ive of Newcastle and Master Hugh de Corbridge, public notary, and others.
Notarial sign of Nicholas, called Campion, clerk of Lincoln diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m, lined, damp damaged, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 8 x 13¼"
DCD Misc.Ch. 673   [?1189 x 1213]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, grant to Henry, son of Unfrid de Rapereslaw, together with Agnes, daughter of David de Paxton, all that part of the inheritance (hereditas) of David which Agnes held.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood (Swinewde), Walter de Lindsey, Henry de Prendergest, Walter Frebern, Gregory the steward, William de Lumsden, Thomas de Nesbit.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “carta” cut through, lined, diamond-shapped hole in the bottom right and stabbed hole in the bottom left
Size: 6 x 3½"
Seal: central slit in the foot for a [sealing tag]
Copy: Reg. I. f.16
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 673. - Indenture whereby Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, grant …
DCD Misc.Ch. 674    [22 August] 1293
Language:   Latin
Letters of H[enry of Horncastle] prior of Coldingham, saying he has kept £50 of the £300 of the tenth of the second year for which J[ohn of Halton] bishop of Carlisle had acquitted them.
Date: Coldingham, Saturday in the Octave of the Assumption of the BVM 1293.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 2¾"
Seal: [Ssaling tongue] stub
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 674. - Letters of H[enry of Horncastle] prior of Coldingham, saying he …
DCD Misc.Ch. 675   [c.1236]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Th[omas Melsonby], prior and the convent of Durham confirm the lease for 9 years from St Martin 1236 to Oger de Tyeys his clerk of fishponds in Paxton upon Tweed, by Eda of Paxton and Robert and William his sons and his [her?] daughters Cecily and Matilda.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 7¼ x 2¾"
Seal: 2 slits in the foot and a trunup for a [sealing tag]
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.16v-17r.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 675. - Indenture whereby Th[omas Melsonby], prior and the convent of Durham …
DCD Misc.Ch. 676   [later 13th century]
Language:   Latin
[?Copy] charter of William de Lindsey granting to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham the church of Ercildon with 1 carucate of land in pure and perpetual alms.
Space left blank.
Parchment, 1m, left edge damaged, some staining, several lines of horizontal cuts, central stabbed hole in the foot
Size: 7¾ x 2"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 713 (for the most part)
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.20v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 676. - [?Copy] charter of William de Lindsey granting to God and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 677   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Copy charter of Waldef, earl [of Dunbar] granting ot the monks of Durham the vills of Ederham, with its church, and Nesbit.
Some of the witnesses are omitted.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 7 x 2¾"
Original: Misc.Ch. 787
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.17v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 677. - Copy charter of Waldef, earl [of Dunbar] granting ot the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 678   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Copy charter of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar recognising Coldingham's rights to Swinewood.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole in the centre of the foot, some staining
Size: 6¼ x 4¼"
Original: Misc.Ch. 733
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.18r-v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 678. - Copy charter of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar …
DCD Misc.Ch. 679   [1231 x 1234]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Ralph [Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, grant to W[illiam] de Bondington, chancellor of Scotland, the marriage of the heir of Geoffrey Ridel and the custody of his land in the vill of Flemington.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, carta cut through, stained, elliptical [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 6½ x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. There seem to have been two, attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXLV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 679. - Indenture whereby Ralph [Kerneth], prior and the convent of Durham, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 680   10 February 1435/6
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, enrolling the following bull of Pope Alexander IV to William Drax, prior of Coldingham, concerning tithes.
Inhibition, by Alexander [IV], pope, to the prior and convent of Durham, that none should presume against the papal privileges exempting them from demands for tithes from the increase of their animals by demanding tithes from the wool, milk and lambs of their animals on hired or other pasture.
Date: Anagni, 15 Kal. May Pont.6 [17 April 1260]
Witnesses: Dom John Binchester priest,
Notarial sign of John Berehalgh, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Date: the church of Durham, 10 February 1435 and Pont.5 Pope Eugenius IV.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¼ x 8½"
Original (missing): 4.1.Pap.22.
Another copy: Cart. Vet. f.37v-38r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 680. - Notarial instrument, enrolling the following bull of Pope Alexander IV …
DCD Misc.Ch. 681   4 October 1446
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument addressed to James [Kennedy], bishop of St Andrew's and other clergy of the bishopric of St Andrew's, by Andrew, abbot of Melrose, papal commissary, reciting a bull of Pope Eugenius IV concerning the petition of John [Oll] prior of Coldingham about the appropriation to the prior of Durham of the perpetual vicarage of Aldcambus, dated at Rome 13 April 1444.
Notarial sign of Thomas Laing, clerk of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Date: Melrose abbey, 4 October 1446 Pont. 16 Pope Eugenius IV.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 19 x 20"
Seal: G&B 3674, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 957*
DCD Misc.Ch. 682   10 November 1445
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument whereby William, abbot of Kelso, Patrick, abbot of Holyrood, and Thomas, abbot of Newbottle, special commissioners appointed by the Pope (at Rome, 8 Kal. January [25 December] 1444) to investigate disputes over presentations to churches and they summon witnesses to appear before them.
Witnesses: Dom William Heris prior of Holyrood edinburgh, Master Robert de Lawedr canon of Glasgow, George de Fawlow burgess of Edinburgh.
Notarial sign of Henry, clerk, priest of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Date: Edinburgh, Wednesday 10 November 1445.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¼ x 15"
Seal: (1) of William, Abbot of Kelso. G&B 3668.
(2) of Patrick, Abbot of Holyrood. G&B 3663.
(3) of Thomas, Abbot of Newbottle. G&B 3676.
Red wax. Each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 683]
Transferred to join Misc.Ch. 629* (seal).
DCD Misc.Ch. 684   31 July 1457
Language:   Latin
Charter of James II, saying that since a truce had been concluded with Henry VI, during that truce the English may freely enter Scotland, and the Scots England.
Date: Edinburgh, 31 July 1457, 21 James II.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 19 x 13½"
Seal: G&B No.3087 great seal of James II, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below.
Decoration: elaborated initial “I”
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 648 (earlier date)
Copy: Large Reg. IV. f.107v
DCD Misc.Ch. 685   1 December 1429
Language:   Latin
[Copy] notarial instrument, enrolling an appeal by William Drax, prior of Coldingham, to Rome, concerning his expulsion from Coldingham.
Date: 1 December 1429, Pont. 13 Pope Martin V.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13½ x 9¼"
DCD Misc.Ch. 686   30 October 1424
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument for William Drax, prior of Coldingham, witnessing to his receipt of a writ concerning "modum retornasionis".
Present: Dom John Noll, monk of Coldingham, David de Home, Hugh de Spens, Dom William Ben, chaplain.
Notarial sign of William de Cranyston, clerk of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Date: 30 October 1324, Pont. 7 Pope Martin V.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¼ x 6¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 687   9 April 1439
Language:   Latin
Notarial transcript of charter of William Douglas, earl of Angus, lord of Liddledale, of Jedburgh forest and Bonkil, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Durham and the prior of Coldingham the lands and woods of Brokholes, Harewood and Denewood.
Notarial sign of Donald Post, priest of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Date: 9 April 1439, Pont. 9 Pope Eugenius IV.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¾ x 8½"
Original: Misc.Ch. 795
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 688
DCD Misc.Ch. 688   9 April 1439
Notarial transcript of charter of William Douglas.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¾ x 7½"
Original: Misc.Ch. 795
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 687
DCD Misc.Ch. 689   [?16 May] 1462
Notarial instrument recording that [Richard Emerson, clerk of Durham dioc]., having in his hands certain letters of summons by Mr William Newton', LL.B., dean of Chester-le-Street collegiate church and judge or executor of certain letters of compulsion by John de Ceretanis of Interampna, LL.D., archdeacon of Sernen' [?Cernes] in the church of Bordeaux, papal chaplain and auditor of causes, directed on behalf of the prior and convent of Durham and John Pencher, prior of Coldingham, for citing Patrick Home and others, fearing lest the kinsmen and allies of Patrick Home do the same to him as they did previously (pridie) to Thomas Teodoryke, another executor, when sought out, by seizing, beating, robbing, imprisoning and maltreating him, as he accepts to have been so by report of Robert Ogle, knight and baron, and other trustworthy men, he pleaded that he did not dare to go to the presence of Patrick Home or to his dwelling, to the cathedral of St Andrews, the priory of Coldingham or another neighbouring place in order to serve summons, because of the ambushes set on the roads, bodily torment and fear of death; and that, with this plea made, in the church of Fishwick with a multitude of people gathered there to hear mass, Richard summoned Patrick Home and the others specified in the letters of compulsion to appear before Mr William Newton, judge or executor aforesaid, on the last day of May in the church of St Nicholas Newcastle upon Tyne, the place appointed for a decision, for viewing the rights and muniments concerning the cause or causes of the said prior and convent and John Pencher, prior of Coldingham, for making extracts and copies and identifying signs, seals and notaries' hands thereof; that he had true copies of the letters of summons made, along with a public instrument by Robert Bartram containing the tenor of the letters of compulsion, and had them affixed to the doors.
Witnesses: [Richard] Ogle armiger, Robert Sandirson, William Hudson, John Brady, Richard Ferrour, of Durham diocese; John Hopper and William Hopper, parishioners of Fishwick, St Andrews diocese.
that next, on the same day, he did the same in the church of Norham, where Scots had gathered to hear mass.
Witnesses: [Matthew Clerk], priest of the parish church of Norham, of Glasgow dioc.; William Wedered, keeper of the chantry of St Cuthbert, John More, keeper ..., William Browne, George Thostley, and Richard Ferror.
Dorse. List of Papal bulls under Magnum Repertorium order.
Parchment, 1m, left edge damaged with some text lost
Size: 125 x 285mm
Another version: DCD Reg. IV, f.142r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 690   1 July 1428
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, enrolling an appeal by William Drax, prior of Coldingham, against William Brown, monk of Dunfermline, over whether or not Coldingham was a cell of the prior and convent of Durham.
Present: David Home, Hugh le Spens, Nicholas de Paxton, William de Aldergraw, Thomas Purves, and various others
Date: Coldingham, 1 July 1428, Pont.11 Pope Martin V.
Notarial sign of William de Cranyston, clerk of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 16¼ x 11 /12"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 691
DCD Misc.Ch. 691   1 July 1428
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument enrolling an appeal of William Drax, prior of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13½ x 11¼"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 690
DCD Misc.Ch. 692   28 February 1442
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, enrolling clauses from a bull of Pope Urban III to the church of Durham of [12 August] 1186 (formerly 2.1.Pap.3, copied in Cart.I, f.19r-20v) confirming the cell of Coldingham, the churches of Berwick, Fishwick, Ednam, Edrom, [Old] Cambus, Lamberton, Earlston, and Smailholm as part of the church of St Cuthbert of Durham, and that no tithes were to be demanded from them, at the request of Robert Westmorland monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Present: John Binchester, priest, John Dale, Thomas Cokyn.
Date: the registry of the prior and chapter of Durham, 28 February 1441/2, Pont.11 Pope Eugenius IV.
Notarial sign of John Berehalgh, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¼ x 9"
DCD Misc.Ch. 693   24 January 1425/6
Notarial inspeximus of the following letters patent of James I.
Letters patent of King James I inspecting the following charter of King Robert III.
Charter of King Robert III concerning the rents, etc formerly of the prior and monks of South Berwick, granted to the monastery of Dryburgh.
Witnesses: Walter, bishop of St Andrew's, Matthew, bishop of Glasgow, Robert, earl of Fife & Menteith, king's brother, Archibald, earl of Douglas, king's cousin, James de Douglas, lord of Dalkeith, Thomas de Erskine, Alexander de Cockburn of Langton, keeper of the great seal.
Date: Scone, 9 March 1 Robert III.
Witnesses: William, bishop of Glasgow chancellor of Scotland, James Douglas of Abercorn, king's kinsman, Thomas Stimerml, Walter of Dormore, David of Dunbar, Fergus Kennedy,
Date: Perth, 30 May 1424, 19 James I [1391]
Witnesses: abbot of Dryburgh, John Hag lord of Bermarsyde, William Wardlaw and John Hag armigeres.
Date: Dryburgh monastery, 24 January 1425/6, Pont.9 Pope Martin V.
Notarial sign of Robert ?Penmen, priest of St Andrews diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m, diagonal-shaped [filing] hole on the left side, some stains
Size: 255 x 340mm
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. XCIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 694   26 April 1470
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument in which Thomas Wren, prior-presentate to the priory of Coldingham, appoints Master Peter de Mellinis and James Bovelett, proctors at Rome.
Present: William Alane, Mathew Richardson, Thomas Pewderas, John Duxfeld of Durham diocese, John Wilson of York diocese.
Date: church of Holy Island, 26 April 1470, Pont.6 Pope Paul II.
Notarial sign of David Hesilden, priest of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¼ x 9¼"
See also: Large Reg. IV f.202
DCD Misc.Ch. 695   16 June 1422
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, in which William Drax, Prior of Coldingham, showed and had enrolled the following institution. [Misc.Ch. 1295 q.v.].
Mandate to institute and induct by Henry, bishop of St Andrews, to Richard de Spott, dean of the Merse, informing him that, on presentation by the prior and convent of Durham, and on the recommendation of the same prior and convent and of other trustworthy persons, he has collated the office of prior of Coldingham to William de Drax, monk of Durham, and provided and personally invested him therewith by handing over his ring; instructing him, on sight of the presents, to go in person to the priory of Coldingham and to institute the said William in, and to induct him into the priorate of Coldingham; and, as a token of institution, to affix his seal of office to the presents after ( post ) the bishop's seal, subscribing the date, place, names of witnesses and form of execution in due form.
Attestation of induction, subscribed to the foregoing, by Richard de Spott, dean of the Merse, signifying that he has inducted William Drax as prior of the cell of Coldingham, and invested him therein with the keys of the church, chalice, stole and corporal cloth (27 July).
Witnesses: Dom John de Huton monk, Dom William Bene chaplain, William de Cranyston of Grayden notary public, Nicholas of Paxton, John Wardlaw, John de Cranyston, Robert Raylson.
Date: St Andrews, 9 June 1419.
Present: Thomas de Tang and Thomas de Ryhale notaries public of Durham and Lincoln dioceses.
Date: the exchequer of the almoner of Durham within the abbey of Durham, 16 June 1422, Pont.5 Pope Martin V.
Notarial sign of John Runkhorn, clerk of Lichfield diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¼ x 14¾"
See also: Misc.Ch. 698
Copy: in Misc.Ch. 1068.
Copy (mandate): DCD Reg.III, f.111r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 696   12 October 1442
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, containing an enrolment of letters of James, bishop of St Andrew's to Richard de Knoll, dean of Christianity of the Merse [see Misc.Ch. 1313] of the institution of John Oll as prior of Coldingham, on the death of William Drax, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, at St Andrews 18 January 1441/2, and of a certificate of induction by the dean on 22 January 1441/2, presented by John Peucher monk of Durham, before Master Nicholas of Otterburn MA, canon of Glasgow and official of St Andrews in Lothian, & copy of Misc.Ch. 646.
Witnesses: John de Straton and Michael Merchell priests of St Andrews and Dunlielden, George de Fawley, Robert de ?Nudre burgesses of Edinburgh, John de Murre, James Prielbas.
Date: church of the predicate friars of Edinburgh, 12 October 1442, Pont.12 Pope Eugenius IV.
Notarial sign of Henry, clerk, priest of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 19½ x 9¾"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Original: [of part of above] Misc.Ch. 646
DCD Misc.Ch. 697   10 June 1330
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument settling a dispute between the prior and convent of Durham and the abbot and convent of Kelso concerning the tithes of the lands which the abbot and convent held in the parish of the church of the Holy Trinity of Berwick, in this manner: the abbot and convent recognise that the tithes belong to the prior and convent, and the abbot gives to Adam de Pontefract, prior of Coldingham, 1d sterling.
Present: Master Robert Oliver, professor of laws, Lord Robert de Laweden, justiciar of Lothian, Lord Alexander de Seton, milites, John de Eychlym, Lord John de Wyliton, perpetual vicar of Holy Trinity of Berwick, Lord John, chaplain of the same church, Lord Robert de Wychton, chaplain, proctor of the same church.
Notarial sign of Nicholas, called Campion, clerk, NP by apostolic authority.
Date: Berwick-on-Tweed, in the parish of the Holy Trinity, 10 June 1330.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 11 x 14¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 698   27 July 1419
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, enrolling the induction by Richard de Spote of William Drax as Prior of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Dom John de Huton monk, Dom William Bene chaplain, Nicholas of Paxton (Paxiston), John de Cranyston, John de Wardlaw, Robert Raylson.
Date: Coldingham, 27 July 1419, Pont. 2 Pope Martin V.
Notarial sign of William de Cranyston clerk of St Andrews diocese, Notery Public by imperial authority.
See Misc.Ch. 1295 [Letters of Henry Wardlaw, Bishop of St Andrew's] and 695 [Certification by Richard Spot].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¾ x 7¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 699   12 July 1419
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument, whereby William Drax, Prior of Coldingham, protests that Richard de Wardlaw did not have "hereditariam successionem" to 2 husbandlands in West Reston, belonging to the church of Coldingham.
Date: Coldingham church, 12 July 1419, Pont. 2 Pope Martin V.
Present: Dom William Bene chaplain, Nicholas de Paxton, John Hering, John de Cranyston, Gilbert de Lumsden (Lumysdon)
Notarial sign of William de Cranyston clerk of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Size: 11¾ x 7¾"
DCD Misc.Ch. 700   [?1467]
Public notice of the excommunication of Patrick Home and John Home of the diocese of Saint Andrews.
Paper, 1m, worn edges, tears along folds, staining, some rust staining, holes from ?being pinned to a board/door
Size: 390 x 570mm
Printed full size: The Correspondence etc of Coldingham Priory, ed J. Raine (Surtees Society XII, 1841), p.viii.
Misc.Ch. 701-796
DCD Misc.Ch. 701   10 September 1471
Copy of a letter of Sixtus IV to Edward IV concerning the case of the spoilation of the priory of Coldingham by Patrick Home prior of Coldingham and John Home clerk of the diocese of St Andrews
Date: St Peters, Rome, 10 September 1471.
Paper, 1p, tear on bottom left.
Size: 250 x 165mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 702   25 December 1430
Notarial instrument of Master Thomas Roule Lic. Dec., proctor of William Drax prior of Coldingham, regarding an appeal against the provision on behalf of Henry bishop of St Andrews of Thomas Purbase to the chapel of St Nicholas within the vill of Reston by Dom Henry Brown dean of Christianity and brother of William Brown monk of Dunfermline, and also involving Dom Henry Vester dean, and an inquisition.
Witnesses: Andrew Haliwel, William de Cothrie, Edward de Lynton, Thomas de Farle, and John Wodman burgesses of Edinburgh.
Date: the NP's house in Edinburgh, 25 December 1430 Pont. 14 Pope Martin V.
Notarial sign of John Colun clerk of St Andrews diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 230 x 310mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 703   29 November 1461
Notarial instrument reciting the appeal of John Penshaw (Pencher) monk of Durham and prior of Coldingham to the apostolic see against the authority of the bishop of Glasgow.
Witnesses: Master William Laybron LLB, Richard Claxton armiger, John Belysis of Durham diocese.
Date: Durham cathedral nave, 29 November 1461 and Pont. 4 Pope Pius II.
Notarial sign of Robert Bartram clerk of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 280 x 380 mm
Decoration: elaborated initial “I”
DCD Misc.Ch. 704   28 July 1445
Notarial instrument confirming the authority of the priors of Durham over the vicarages of Ederham, Edenham, Fyshwyke, Stichill and Erchildon in the bishopric of St Andrews and the right of Robert Westmorland monk and proctor of Durham to distribute £2 from the prior's registry and the chapter of Durham to these vicarages. A number of documents are cited in defence of this authority:
An agreement between William [de Landallis] bishop of St Andrews and John [Fossor] prior of Durham on the appointment of Adam Ayr of Ayton chaplain to fill the position of vicar of Ederham, then vacant by death. Date: Chapter House, Durham24 August 1362
An agreement between James bishop of St Andrews and John [Wessington] prior of Durham regarding the appointment of John Loury chaplain to fill the vicarage of Ederham left vacant after the death of master Henry Broune is copied and cited to confirm the authority of the prior of Durham in making this appointment. Date: Chapter House, Durham, 4 November 1443
An agreement between Henry bishop of St Andrews and John [Wessington] prior of Durham on the appointment of Edward de Roule chaplain to the vicarage of Edenham left vacant by the death of Thomas of Hirdmanston. Date: Chapter House, Durham, 31 October 1433.
An agreement between Henry [Wardlaw] bishop of St Andrews and John [Wessington] prior of Durham on the appointment of William Brobus chaplain to the vicarage of Edenham left vacant by the death of Edward of Roule. Date: Chapter House, Durham, 20 July 1434
An agreement of Henry [Wardlaw] bishop of St Andrews to admit Henry Marchall to the vicarage of Fysshwyke left vacant by the death of John Widiuspone. Date: 15 May 1423
An agreement between Henry [Wardlaw] bishop of St Andrews and John [Wessington] prior of Durham to appoint Jacob del Yate to the vicarage of Stichill. Date: Chapter House, Durham, 13 July 1422.
An agreement between Henry bishop of St Andrews and John prior of Durham to appoint William of Stichill to the vicarage of Glastmeii and Robert of Sprouston to the vicarage of Erchildon, with an annual pension of 10 marks paid to the vicar of Erchildon. Date:Durham, 25 June 1419
Also mention of evidence in the registers of appointments to the vicarages of Aldcambus, Swynton and Lamberton.
Witnesses: Dom John Binchester chaplain, Richard Claxton and John Dale of Durham diocese.
Date: Prior's Registry, Durham, 28 July 1445.
Notarial sign of John Berehalgh clerk of the diocese of Durham, NP by apostolic and imperial authority
Parchment, 1m
Size: 550 x 335mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 705   12 April [?1423]
Notarial instrument concerning proceedings at Rome about the intrusion by William Brown and Robert Bowmaker, monks of Dunfermline, into the priory of Coldingham, brought by William Drax, prior of Coldingham (cf. Misc.Ch. 994).
Witnesses: Masters John Resboem and John Ordinghen NPs and scribes and clerks of Cologne diocese.
Notarial sign of Peter Schoenre of Goch? clerk of Cologne diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 470 x 575 mm
Seal: G&B No. 3716 (broken), on a string tag, through 2 holes in a turn up
Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 993.
DCD Misc.Ch. 706   15 February 1446
Notarial Instrument of Peter Martin de Canesrubeis DD dean of the church of Seguntium, papal chaplain and auditor, deputed to the diocese of St Andrews, reciting a citation with inhibition on the part of John de Lowry priest against William Parke priest to appear in the papal court in a case over the perpetual vicarage of the church of Ederham.
Witnesses: Masters Rodulphus de Bordeslo and Gerrard de Capella NPs and scribes, clerks of the city of Munden and the diocese of Cologne.
Date: 15 February 1445/6, Pont. 14 Pope Eugenius IV.
Notary: John Peter of Bolswerdia alias Brese clerk of ?Tinreten diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 335 x 445mm
Seal: G&B No. 3716, on a string tag, through 2 holes in a turn up
DCD Misc.Ch. 707   25 September 1444
Letter of John Oil prior of Coldingham to the bailiff to the barony of Coldinghamshire [George Holme?] mandating diligent and faithful inquiry of land and annual rent which was held by Alexander of Lumsden brother of Thomas of Lumsden.
Date: Coldingham, 25 September 1444.
Paper, 1m, attached to Misc.Ch. 708 with two string ties.
Size: 105 x 295mm
Seal: Fragment of seal applied directly to the document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 708   3 December 1444
Inquisition made at Lumsden by George Home bailiff of the priory of Coldingham into the case of Alexander of Lumsden brother of Thomas of Lumsden (as mandated in Misc.Ch. 707) detailing the lands he held at his death, and their value, and that Thomas is his heir and of full age.
Witnesses: Robert of Labbad lord of Edrington, Patrick of Nesbit, David of East Nesbit, Hugh of Spens, George of Ellam, David of Burden, Robert of Nesbit, James Houme, Thomas of Maddston, Robert of Eich, Alexander of Ellam, James Nesbit, John of Kellow, James of Paxton, James of Kellow, John of Spens, John of Ayton.
Signed by Robert Labbad and Robert of Eich.
Sealed by Hugh of Spens, Patrick Nesbit, John of Spens.
Date: Reston, Thursday 3 December 1444.
Mentioned in Thomas, Coldingham: Parish and Priory, pp. 228.
Size: 135 x 290mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 709   [1 October 1326]
Absolution by Gaucelin [D'Eauze], cardinal priest of SS Marcellinus and Peter, to the prior of Durham for Adam [of Pontefract] prior of Coldingham and the 6 monk priests there from the interdict impsoed on the rest of the kingdom of Scotland.
Date: Avignon, Kal. October Pont. 10 Pope John XXII.
Size: 135 x 290mm
Printed: The Correspondence etc of Coldingham Priory, ed J. Raine (Surtees Society XII, 1841), p.11-12.
DCD Misc.Ch. 710   30 December ?1419
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument whereby Conrad Konhouer, doctor of both laws, papal chaplain and auditor, cites Brothers William Brown of Dunfermline and Robert Bowmaker, Benedictine monks of the diocese of St Andrews, to appear before auditors concerning a claim of intrusion by William Drax, prior of Coldingham, through his proctor Master Thomas Greenwood LLD.
Witnesses: Masters John Langhon and John Pot, NPs and scribes, clerks of Osnabruck and Traiectan cities.
Date: Saturday 30 December 1420 [sic, probably 1419?].
Notarial sign of Peter Schoenre of Goch? clerk of Cologne diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 14 x 16¼"
Seal: Conrad? Not found in G&B. Red wax. Attached by cords through 2 holes in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 711   30 December ?1419
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument whereby Conrad Konhouer, doctor of both laws, papal chaplain and auditor, inhibits Brothers William Brown of Dunfermline and Robert Bowmaker, Benedictine monks of the diocese of St Andrews, to appear before auditors concerning a claim of intrusion by William Drax, prior of Coldingham, through his proctor Master Thomas Greenwood LLD.
Witnesses: Masters John Langhon and John Pot, NPs and scribes, clerks of Osnabruck and ?Traiectan cities.

Date: Saturday 30 December 1420 [sic, probably 1419?].
Notarial sign of Peter Schoenre of Goch? clerk of Cologne diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12 x 15"
Seal: Conrad? Red wax. Attached by cords through 2 holes in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 712   [later 12th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter Olifard, granting to the church of St Cuthbert of Durham and the monks there in free and perpetual alms 2 marks of silver p.a. from the church of Smalham during the life of Falco the Clerk, and after his death 2½ marks p.a., half at St Martin and half at Pentecost, for the souls of his father and mother, and ancestor and successors..
Space left blank.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some staining with some loss of text, repaired with gauze c.1950
Size: 8¾ x 3"
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.113v.[ii]
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.108r.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 712. - Charter of Walter Olifard, granting to the church of St …
DCD Misc.Ch. 713   [1164 x 1174]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Lindsey granting to the God and St Cuthbert and monks in Durham the church of Ercildon, with 1 carucate of land and all other pertinents, in pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: John archdeacon of Durham, Alan priest of Wallsend, Master Thomas, Andrew archdeacon of Lothian (Laodoneie), Master Richard de Coldingham, Patrick, dean, Hervey and Ronphar, priests, Master Thomas de Lamberton, Richard the chaplain, archdeacon, Richard parson of Tweedmouth (Tuedemuthe), Richard son of Hervey, Walter the dapifer, Adam of Wallsend, Elias of Wallsend.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B No.2873, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 676 (without witnesses)
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.115v[x]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 713. - Charter of William de Lindsey granting to the God and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 714   [later 12th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Vaux (Vallibus), granting to God and St Cuthbert and his monks 1 toft in Golin, near the croft of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem to the south, and a perch of land which Udard the fisherman held in the same vill near the croft of William Smallware to the north of Windgthates, and Osmund de Golin and his heirs are to hold the toft, rendering annually 4d at Michaelmas.
Witnesses: Robert de Hotofl', Gregory de Fenton, Walter de Lindsey, Richard Senzaveir, Richard son of Seleburg, Godard the Chaplain, Gumer the Chaplain, Simon the Clerk, Gilbert butler of Golin, Robert son of Adam de Brilton
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¼ x 4½"
Seal: G&B No. 2533, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 714. - Charter of William de Vaux (Vallibus), granting to God and …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 715]
Now 4.3.Sacr.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 716]
Now 4.3.Sacr.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 717]
Entered under Misc.Ch. 961
DCD Misc.Ch. 718   [1147 x 1160]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William of Oldbridge (Veteri Ponte) to God and St Cuthbert and his monks at Coldingham returning that land about which there was a dispute between him and the monks in the time of King David [I], with bounds of a stream running into the Tweed, at Hornnorresdene.
Witnesses: Ernald, abbot of Kelso, Richard, John and Rainald, monks of Kelso, Rabel del Chene, Thomas Abbet, John de Baiolf, Richard de Aldre, Ulkil de Haudene, William son of Thor, Alan son of Gospatric
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5 x 3"
Seal: G&B No.2544, on parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, now detached
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 728 with slight differences in wording
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 718. - Charter of William of Oldbridge (Veteri Ponte) to God and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 719   [later 12th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of John, master of the nunnery (monialium) of St Bothans (Boydano), and the prioress and convent of the same place, acknowledging being bound to the prior and convent of Coldingham to pay 12d p.a. or 1 lb of pepper for the tenth of a fee of a certain part of the meadow of Bilie, which they hold of the gift of Adam, son of Ylif of Aldengraw, and of Robert Laverd of the same vill.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 1¾"
Seal: G&B No.3680, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXLIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 719. - Charter of John, master of the nunnery (monialium) of St …
DCD Misc.Ch. 720   [later 12th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ranulf de Bonkil, for the souls of his father and mother and the salvation of the souls of himself, his wife and all his parents, granting and confirming to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Coldingham the land in the territory of Ederham lying next to Edere, and called Toddehalch, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Patrick son of the Earl, Patrick son of Adam, Robert de Upsetlington, David the Marshal, Thomas de Gordon, Mathew de Normanvill, John de St Michael, William de Veteri Ponte, Stephen de la Warderobe, Henry de Prendergest, William de Witeslade, Alan de Swinton, Patrick de Preston, Simon son of Thomas, Walter de Paxton, Andrew de Paxton, William de Lumsden.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.2767, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 720. - Charter of Ranulf de Bonkil, for the souls of his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 721   [later 12th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ranulf de Bonkil, for the souls of his father and mother and the salvation of the souls of himself, his wife and all his parents, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Coldingham his right to the woods and moors of the prior and convent of Coldingham, viz. Brockesholes, Harewde and Denewde and confirming the boundaries between Coldingham and Bonkil from Middeldenesheved by Mereburnesheved to the west towards Cratoketrestrete and then to Giford.
Witnesses: Patrick son of the Earl, Patrick son of Adam, Robert de Upsetlington, David the Marshal, Thomas de Gordon, Matthew de Normanvill, John de St Michael, William de Veteri Ponte, Stephen de Lawarderobe, Henry de Prendergest, William de Witeslade, Alan de Swinton, Patrick de Preston, Simon son of Thomas, Walter de Paxton, Andrew de Paxton, William de Lumsden.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5¼ x 5½"
Seal: G&B No.2767, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: Misc.Ch. 721*
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 721. - Charter of Ranulf de Bonkil, for the souls of his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 721*   [15th century]
Language:   Latin
Copy of charter of Ranulf de Bonkil.
Paper, 1p
Size: 11½ x 5"
Original: Misc.Ch. 721
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 721*. - Copy of charter of Ranulf de Bonkil. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 722   [1113 x 1118]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thor [Longus] to Earl David his lord, saying that King Edgar, David's brother, gave him "Ednaham desertam" [Ednam] and he lived there and built a church which Edgar dedicated to St Cuthbert and endowed with 1 carrucate of land; he gives it to the monks of Durham and asks David to confirm it.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 2¾"
Seal: G&B No.3002, on a tongue, [?withj a wrapping tie stub below]
Confirmation: David, earl of Huntingdon in Cart. Vet. f.112v.[x]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXII; James Anderson, Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotie Thesaurus (Edinburgh 1739) plate lxix; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No.XXXIII.
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Archive - Misc.Charter 722
DCD Misc.Ch. 723   [later 12th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Edward son of Peter de Lastailrig, baron of the king of Scotland, granting and confirming to Robert, son of Matilda of Berwick and all his heirs, 2 tofts at Eyemouth and 1 toft at Leth, for 3 fathoms of lace.
Witnesses: Alexander de Softelawe, William son of Hugh de Lastailrig, William provost of Berwick, William Beniue, Alexander provost of Berwick, William Neve, Rein', Roger de Pagrava, Clerk, Walter son of Alan
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9 x 2"
Seal: G&B No.2868, on a parchment tag cut from another document with some text including Leth, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 723. - Charter of Edward son of Peter de Lastailrig, baron of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 724   [?1189 x 1213]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Everard de Pentkatleht, for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his father and mother and all his parents, and for the fraternity and society of the house of Durham, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham, his claim on land between Ederham and Blenerne.
Witnesses: Adam de Bonkil, Patrick son of Adam son of Alden, Roland the earl's steward, Henry de Prendergest, Robert de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, Gregory steward of Coldingham, Elias de Elmden, David de Paxton, John de Kett', Richard Brun, Thomas Burdun.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 3¼"
Seal: Blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.115r.[ix]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 724. - Charter of Everard de Pentkatleht, for the salvation of his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 725   [1170s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Edward de Lastalrich granting and confirming to God and St Mary and St Ebbe and Herbert prior and the convent of Coldingham, 2 tofts in Eyemouth and 1 toft in his land of Keth, in free and perpetual alms, for 3 fathoms of silk lace (lacio serico) p.a. at Pentecost.
Witnesses: Ronfar and Hervey, chaplains; Waldef and Adam and Elias de Prendergest, Gilbert the priest, William son of Hugh, Robert and Waldef sons of William, Turstin Tricotin.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 2¾"
Seal: G&B No.2869, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 725. - Charter of Edward de Lastalrich granting and confirming to God …
DCD Misc.Ch. 726   [?1160s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter de Lindsey granting to the monks of Kelso the church of Erceldon, with 1 carrucate of land and all other pertinents, in perpetual alms, for the souls of King David [I] and his son Earl Henry, and Walter's uncle Walter, and Walter himself and his wife, and his predecessors and successors, and the hospital of Erceldon is to be free from all rendering of tithes, with the consent of William his son.
Witnesses: Hugh the clerk, William the chaplain, John chaplain of Sproston, Richard priest of Bothelden, Robert the scribe.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6½ x 3½"
Seal: G&B No.2871, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Slip in box (destroyed) noted that this and Misc.Ch.732 had been "Taken out by W.G. [William Greenwell] Sep 27 1906", but confirmed to be present April 2023
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXIV; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No.CCLXX.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 726. - Charter of Walter de Lindsey granting to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 727   [later 12th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter del Bois, granting to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham, for the salvation of the souls of himself and his wife, and his ancestors and successors, of 3 acres of land in the field of Karrudenes in pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Richard his son, Alan his nephew, Ralph de Wausant, Robert de Lithum, Padin the provost, Walter nephew of William de Spaine, Uchtred de Newton.
Endorsed including (14th century) describing it as Karuthers.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.2765 & 301, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.116v.[xii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 727. - Charter of Walter del Bois, granting to God and St …
DCD Misc.Ch. 728   [1147 x 1160]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Veteri Ponte returning to the monks of Coldingham the land about which he had had a contention with them in the time of King David [I] and which he had seized, with bounds of a stream running into the Tweed, at Horverdresdene.
Witnesses: Ernald, Abbot of Kelso, Richard, John and Rainald, monks of Kelso, Rabel del Chene, Thomas Abbet, John de Baiolf, Richard de Aldre, Ulkil de Haudene, William son of Thor, Alan of Gospatric
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 3¼"
Seal: G&B No.2544, on a parchment tag, through a slit in the foot of the document
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 718, with slight differences in wording.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.113v
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 728. - Charter of William de Veteri Ponte returning to the monks …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 729]
Formerly the loose seal which is now part of Misc.Ch. 718.
DCD Misc.Ch. 730
Seal: Fragment of seal of Thor Longus. Natural wax, varnished. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 730. - Fragment of seal of Thor Longus. Natural wax, varnished. Attached …
DCD Misc.Ch. 731   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Clarebald of ?Easby (Esseby), granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Durham at Coldingham 2 fisheries on the Tweed, one under the garden of Fishwick, and the other at Schipelwel, which his lord, Walter Olifard, gave to him for 8s p.a. at St John the Baptist and St Martin.
Witnesses: Dom William de Morthington, Dom Alan of Swinton, Walter, Andrew and Alexander of Paxton, Adam de Prendergest, John son of Elias, Maurice de Ayton, Adam & Bertram de Riston, Ralph the provost, Ralph the sergeant.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B No.2824, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup with a leather tie around it
Confirmation: Walter Olifard in Misc.Ch. 732
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 731. - Charter of Clarebald of ?Easby (Esseby), granting to God and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 732   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter Olifard, confirming to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Durham at Coldingham the gift by Clarebald de Esseby [in Misc.Ch. 731] of 2 fisheries in the Tweed, which he gave to Clarebald.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 2¾"
Seal: G&B No.2904, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup, now detached
Slip in box (destroyed) noted that this and Misc.Ch.726 had been "Taken out by W.G. [William Greenwell] Sep 27 1906", but confirmed to be present April 2023
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 732. - Charter of Walter Olifard, confirming to God and St Cuthbert …
DCD Misc.Ch. 733    [30 March 1231]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar, saying he had heard by King Edgar's charter and by other means, and had recognised in King Alexander's court the right of the prior and monks of Coldingham to the vill and demesne of Swinewood, for God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior and monks of Durham at Coldingham.
Witnesses: Dom Walter Olifard justiciar of Lothian, Dom William [de Bondington] king's chancellor, Dom John de Maxwell (Maccuswel) king's chamberlain, Dom Robert de Ros, Dom Ranulf de Bonkil, Dom Bernard Fraser, Dom Thomas son of Ran', Dom Thomas de Haya, David clerk of Dom Walter Olifard.
Date: the court of King Alexander [II] at Roxburgh, 3 Kal. April 17 Alexander [II].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 4¾"
Seal: G&B No.2806, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 734
Confirmed: Earl Patrick I in Misc.Ch. 765 [?]; King Alexander II in Misc.Ch. 624 [?]
Copies: Misc.Ch. 678; Reg. I, f.18
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 733. - Charter of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar, saying …
DCD Misc.Ch. 734   [30 March 1231]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar.
Parchment, 1m, top left corner torn off and missing with some text lost, centre of the foot also torn off and missing
Size: 7¾ x 5¼"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in the foot of the document
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 733
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 734. - Charter of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 734*   [?1231]
Language:   Latin
Charter of P[atrick], son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar, acknowledging that on the vigil of St Thomas the martyr [28 December] 1231, he received from the prior and convent of Coldingham 40 marks due on the Purification of the BVM from the 200 marks owed for the quitclaim to them of the demesne and vill of Swinewood [in Misc.Ch. 733].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¼ x 1¾"
Seal: G&B No.2806, on a tongue, now detached
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 734*. - Charter of P[atrick], son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar, acknowledging …
DCD Misc.Ch. 735   [?1232]
Language:   Latin
Charter of P[atrick], son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar, acknowledging on the day of St John the Baptist [24 June or 29 August] 1232 receipt from the prior and convent of Coldingham of 200 marks silver in part payment of his quitclaim to them of the vill and demesne of Swinewood [in Misc.Ch. 733].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 1¾"
Seal: G&B 2806. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.. Noted as broken ("cum sigillo fracto") on 19th century wrapper (destroyed)
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 735. - Charter of P[atrick], son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar, acknowledging …
DCD Misc.Ch. 736   [?1231]
Language:   Latin
Letters of P[atrick] son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar to A[lexander iII, King of Scots, notifying him of his quitclaim to God and St Mary and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Durham at Coldingham of the vill of Swinewood and asking him to confirm it.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B No.2806, on a tongue, with the address written on it
Confirmed: Alexander II in Misc.Ch. 624
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 736. - Letters of P[atrick] son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 737   [?1232]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar, acknowledging that in 1232 he received from the prior and convent of Coldingham 70 silver marks of the 200 marks which they owed him for his quitclaim of the demesne and vill of Swinewood.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¼ x 2¾"
Seal: Probably G&B No.2806, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 737. - Charter of Patrick son of Earl P[atrick] of Dunbar, acknowledging …
DCD Misc.Ch. 738   [c. 1231]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Patrick, son of Earl Patrick of Dunbar, to T[homas] prior of Coldingham, notifying him that he cannot come in person on the due date [feast of St John Baptist 1231] to collect the money owed to him, and announcing that he is sending Lord Robert de Anesey "consortem mecum" and Lord David de Burndune, his knight, and Robert de Lambedene, his notary, who keeps his seal, and asking the prior to give them his 100 marks for his use and the 10 for his wife's.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5½ x 2¼"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through a slit in the top of the document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 738. - Letters of Patrick, son of Earl Patrick of Dunbar, to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 739   [c.1230s]
Language:   Latin
Letter of Patrick, son of Patrick Earl of Dunbar, to his father, asking him to confirm his quitclaim to the prior and convent of Coldingham of the vill of Swinewood.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 2¼"
Seal: G&B 2806. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Confirmed: Earl Patrick I in Misc.Ch. 765
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 739. - Letter of Patrick, son of Patrick Earl of Dunbar, to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 740   [11 May] 1286
Language:   Latin
Letters of William [Fraser] bishop of St Andrews that on Thursday after St John before the Latin Gate [9 May] 1286 at Coldingham, at the instance of Henry prior and convent of Coldingham, indemnifying them from providing hospitality at an episcopal visitation.
Date: Berwick, 5 Id. May year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 55 x 215mm
Seal: G&B 3624 (fragments), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Slip in box (destroyed) noted "wanting Sep 28 1906" (see also Misc.Ch.726, perhaps this also had been borrowed by William Greenwell), but confirmed to be present April 2023
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 740. - Letters of William [Fraser] bishop of St Andrews that on …
DCD Misc.Ch. 741   [c.1230s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick, son of Earl Patrick I of Dunbar quitclaiming to the monks of Coldingham the vill of Swinewood.
Witnesses: Walter de Lindsey, Hervey the Marshal, David the Marshal, Bernard Fraser, Roger de Merley, Adam de Paulworth, Thomas de Nesbit, Master William de Edenham, Master William de Greenlaw, Alan son of Alan, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 6¾"
Seal: G&B 2806. Natural wax. Attached by plaited brown black and white cords through a slit in a trunup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 742
Confirmed: Earl Patrick I in Misc.Ch. 765
Confirmed: Alexander II in Misc.Ch. 624
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 741. - Charter of Patrick, son of Earl Patrick I of Dunbar …
DCD Misc.Ch. 742   [c.1230s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick, son of Earl Patrick of Dunbar.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 6¾"
Seal: G&B 2806. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 741
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 742. - Charter of Patrick, son of Earl Patrick of Dunbar. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 743   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick I Earl of Dunbar granting to the prior and monks of Coldingham one half of Bilie, viz. the half lying between the two Restons and Aldengrawe on one side, and Chirnside and Blakeburn on the other.
Witnesses: Lord Patrick the Earl's son, Walter de Lindsey, Sheriff of Berwick, Roger de Merley, Steward of Patrick the Earl, Patrick son of Adam, John de Letham, Adam de Paulsworth, William de Mordington, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, William de Lumsden, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 2805. 2nd seal of Earl Patrick I. Green wax. Attached by a parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Indenture: DCD Misc.Ch. 744.
Confirmed: DCD Misc.Ch. 1245.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 743. - Charter of Patrick I Earl of Dunbar granting to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 744   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Lord Patrick I Earl of Dunbar and Thomas, prior and convent of Coldingham, concerning the marsh of Bilie, sharing it between them.
Witnesses: Lord Patrick the Earl's son, Walter de Lindsey, Sheriff of Berwick, Roger de Merley, Steward of Earl Patrick, Patrick son of Adam, John de Letham, Adam de Paulsworth, William de Mordington, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, William de Lumsden, and many others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, cyrographum cut through
Size: 6¾ x 3½"
Seal: 1) 2nd seal of Patrick I. G&B 2805.
2) of Thomas, Prior of Coldingham. G&B 3649
Green wax, each attached by a parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Charter: Misc.Ch. 743
Confirmed: Patrick III in Misc.Ch. 773
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 744. - Indenture of agreement between Lord Patrick I Earl of Dunbar …
DCD Misc.Ch. 745   [1233 x 1248]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick II, Earl of Dunbar, granting to the monks of Durham the vill of Ederham and its church, with the chapel of Erceldon and its other chapels and pertinents, and the vill of Nesbit, for the souls of his father and mother, and of Kinh Malcolm and his sons Edgar, Alexander and David, and his son Earl henry, and King Malcolm, and for his lord King William, and his brother David, and his lord King Alexander, and himself and his wife, and his heirs and parents.
Witnesses: Lord Ranulf de Bonkil, Lord Roger de Merley, Lord Robert de Anesey, Lord David de Burdun, Peter the Chaplain, David de Graham, Robert de Lumley, Patrick the Clerk, and many others
Endorsements include a cross within a circle.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8½ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2807. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup. Secretum on back.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 746
Printed: Raine N.D App. CXXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 745. - Charter of Patrick II, Earl of Dunbar, granting to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 746   [1233 x 1248]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick II Earl of Dunbar.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2807. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup. Secretum on back.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 745
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 746. - Charter of Patrick II Earl of Dunbar. …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 747]
Seal now restored to Misc.Ch. 766
[DCD Misc.Ch. 748]
Seal now restored to Misc.Ch. 767
[DCD Misc.Ch. 749]
Seal now restored to Misc.Ch. 734*
[DCD Misc.Ch. 750]
Seal now restored to Misc.Ch. 793
DCD Misc.Ch. 751   [1141]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[enry], earl [of Northumberland and Huntingdon], son of the king of Scotland, taking into his protection and custody the lands and possessions of the monks of Durham.
Witnesses: Engelram the chancellor, William de Umfraville
At Newcastle
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 2"
Seal: G&B 1900. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CVII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CXXIX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.104.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 751. - Charter of H[enry], earl [of Northumberland and Huntingdon], son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 752   [1147 x 1152, probably 1147]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[enry], earl [of Northumberland and Huntingdon], son of the king of Scotland, granting and confirming to the monks of Coldingham the gift which Gospatric, earl, brother of Dolfin gave to them, viz. Edrom and Nesbit, with their churches, etc [Misc.Ch. 778] as he held them on the day he was alive and dead, as the charters of Henry's father, [David I] witness. [Misc.Ch. 571 and 572].
Witnesses: Ernald abbot of Kelso, Osbern prior of Jedburgh, Engelram the chancellor, Master Laurence and his brother Elias, Norman the sheriff, William de Lamberton, Haldan de Prendergest
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 1900. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet. f.111r-v.[iii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CV; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CLXXXIII; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.78.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 752. - Charter of H[enry], earl [of Northumberland and Huntingdon], son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 753   [1138 x 1141, probably 1139 or 1140]
Language:   Latin
Writ of H[enry, earl of Huntingdon & Northumberland], son of the king of Scotland, to Gospatric, Earl [of Dunbar] ordering him to allow the lands of his father's alms, viz. Ederham and Nesbit, to be as free etc as was granted the previous year in the presence of King David, Robert de Brus and other barons, until King David returns; and he is to return their cattle.
Witnesses: Robert de Umfraville, Adam the sheriff
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¼ x 2¼"
Seal: G&B 1900. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham CI; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CXXX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.78.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 753. - Writ of H[enry, earl of Huntingdon & Northumberland], son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 754   [1141 x 1152, probably 1141 x 1144]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Henry, earl [of Northumberland and Huntingdon], son of the king of Scotland, saying that in his presence Swain the priest quitclaimed to the monks of Coldingham and returned to them at Berwick, Fishwick, half of Prendergest and the land he had in Coldingham and Lumsden.
Witnesses: Ingelram the chancellor, William de Somervill
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 4½"
Seal: G&B 1900. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. [Tie tag] stub below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CVI; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CCXXXVI; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.122.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 754. - Charter of Henry, earl [of Northumberland and Huntingdon], son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 755   [1141 x 1152, probably 1141 x 1144]
Language:   Latin
Writ of H[enry], earl [of Huntingdon and Northumberland], son of the king of Scotland, to Gilbert de Umfraville, his constable and other barons, taking into his protection the land and possessions of the monks of Durham.
Witnesses: Osbern, prior of Jedburgh, Richard, prior of Hexham
At Jedburgh
Parchment, 1m
Size: 4¾ x 1¾"
Seal: G&B 1900. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CVIII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CCLVII; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.123.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 755. - Writ of H[enry], earl [of Huntingdon and Northumberland], son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 756   [1136 x 1141]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[enry, earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland], son of the king of Scotland, granting to the monks of St Cuthbert Swinton as the charter of King Edgar his uncle testifies [Misc.Ch. 556] and as his father [David I] gave it to them [Misc.Ch. 567].
Witnesses: Eustace son of John, Robert de Umfravill, Herbert the chamberlain, Gilbert de Umfravill, William de Summervill
At Huntingdon
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 1900. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet. f.111r.[i]
Printed: Raine, North Durham CIX; Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland i (1867) no.XXIII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CLXXVII; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.65.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 756. - Charter of H[enry, earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland], son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 757   [1141]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Henry, earl [of Huntingdon and Northumberland], son of David king of the Scots, granting to the church and monks of Coldingham, Ederham and Nesbit, as Gospatric, brother of Dolfin, held them on the day when he was alive and dead.
Witnesses: William the chancellor at Durham, Eustace son of John, Walter de Bolbec, Robert Foliot, Gilbert de Umfraville and several others and Hugh le Bret
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¼ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 1901. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CIII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CXXXIII; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.102.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 757. - Charter of Henry, earl [of Huntingdon and Northumberland], son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 758   [later 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham 5 roods of land next to the ailtivated land of Benerig.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, Robert son of the steward, Elias the butler, Adam Franceys, John son of Ingebram, Robert son of Reginald, Adam Cakefurlang, Patrick Scot, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 4"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 758. - Charter of David de Quickswood, granting to the prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 759   [probably 1116 x 1118]
Language:   Latin
Writ of David, earl [of Huntingdon] (later King David I) to John the bishop [of Glasgow], Colban and Cospatric and all his faithful men telling them he has seen the writ and gift of his brother King Edgar to the monks of St Cuthbert concerning Horndean (Horevoredane), and therefore he judges for them in a suit between them and his drengs of Horndean.
Witnesses: William my nephew, Osb' Chaplain, Hugh de Moreville
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 2½"
Seal: G&B 1420. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copy: DCD Cart.Vet. f.112r (omits witnesses).
Printed: Raine, North Durham XCIX; Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland i (1867) no.XI; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXXII;The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.11.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 759. - Writ of David, earl [of Huntingdon] (later King David I) …
DCD Misc.Ch. 760   [probably 1116 x 1118]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David, earl [of Huntingdon] to John the bishop [of Glasgow], Cospatric and Colban and Robert, brothers, and all his faithful thegns and drengs of Lothian and Teviotdale, granting to the monks of St Cuthbert all the lands they held on the day when Edgar his brother was alive and dead, and as he gave to them after his brother's death, and as Edgar gave them Swinton [Misc.Ch. 556].
Witnesses: Matilda the Queen, William her son, John the bishop [of Glasgow]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¾ x 2¾"
Seal: Detached fragment. Was attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet. f.112r-v (omits witnesses).
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. C; Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland i (1867) no.XII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.10.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 760. - Charter of David, earl [of Huntingdon] to John the bishop …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 761]
Transferred to join Misc.Ch. 762.
DCD Misc.Ch. 762   [probably 1116 x 1118]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David, earl [of Huntingdon] to Algar the prior and all his brothers of Durham, granting them Swinton as his brother King Edgar gave it them and offered it upon the altar, and as his writ testifies [Misc.Ch. 556]. The earl will not in any manner suffer that anyone should disturb or injure the monks in their possession of Swinton.
Witnesses: Matilda the Queen and William her son
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 1¾"
Seal: Torn away from document and numbered Misc.Ch. 761. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, sewing holes. Natural wax.
Printed: Raine, North Durham CI; Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland i (1867) no.XIII; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. XXIX; The Charters of King David I, ed G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge 1999) no.9.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 762. - Charter of David, earl [of Huntingdon] to Algar the prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 763   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, granting to the monks of Coldingham the easements of the streams of Akeside and Elmedene, for the mill of Aldcambus.
Witnesses: Gilbert de Home, Earl's steward, Walter son of Edgar, William son of Edg', William Olifard, Walter the chaplain, Patrick, parson of Duns, Gilbert the clerk, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 2½"
Seal: G&B 2804. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip reused from another document through 3 slits in a turnup at left
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCCXLIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 763. - Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, granting to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 764   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, son of Waldef, Earl, granting to the monks of Durham the vill of Ederham and its church, with the chapel of Ercildon and its other chapels and pertinents and the vill of Nesbit.
Witnesses: Lord Hugh the Chancellor, Master William Malvoisin, Richard de Prebenda, Hugh de Sigillo, William de Bores, Master Richard de Coldingham, Master Anger, Geoffrey de Anecroft, Gilbert de Whittingham, Robert de Muschamp, Richard de Merley, Stephen Papedi, Adam son of Alden, Patrick his son, Nes de Waleton, Robert de Burnvill, Robert his son, Gilbert de Houme, Gilbert son of Walter, Roland the steward, William son of Edgar, Henry de Prendergest, Edward de Aldcambus, Alan de Swinton, William de Nesbit, & many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 9¼"
Seal: G&B 2804. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.112r.[vii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 764. - Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, son of Waldef, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 765   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, confirming the quitclaim by Lord Patrick his son, to the prior and monks of Coldingham, of the vill of Swinewood, as contained in the charter of the said Patrick [Misc.Ch. 733 or 741].
Witnesses: Lord Ranulf de Bonkil, Lord Roger de Merley, Lord Thomas Grym, Master William the physician, & many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 3"
Seal: G&B 2805. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup. Secretum on back.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 765. - Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, confirming the quitclaim …
DCD Misc.Ch. 766   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick I Earl of Dunbar quitclaiming to the monks of Durham the land of Swinton lying between Fogo and Swinton, which he claimed from them.
Witnesses: Adam son of Aldan, Patrick his son, Walter the chaplain, Gilbert the clerk, Roland the steward, Gilbert de Paulsworth, Richard de Gordon, Adam de Gordon, Richard de Leynale, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, William de Nesbit, David de Paxton, Gregory the steward, Adam de Reston, Elias de Prendergest, Elias de Ayton, Stephen de Ayton, Reginald and Morice sons of Master Merlin, and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9 x 5¾"
Seal: G&B 2804. Green wax. Now detached. Was attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 766. - Charter of Patrick I Earl of Dunbar quitclaiming to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 767   [?c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Patrick I? Earl of Dunbar, acknowledging receipt from Thomas prior and the convent of Coldingham, of 100 marks silver, which they owed him for the quitclaim of the vill of Swinewood, and he acquits them of the debt.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 2"
Seal: Now detached. G&B 2805. Secretum on back. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 767. - Letters of Patrick I? Earl of Dunbar, acknowledging receipt from …
DCD Misc.Ch. 768
Writ of Patrick I? earl of Dunbar concering the mancipation of nativi of the prior of Coldingham.
Missing. 19th century slip (destroyed) noted, "Wanting Dec 9 1887"
DCD Misc.Ch. 769   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar confirming the quitclaim by Lord Patrick his son to the Prior and monks of Coldingham of the vill of Swinewood as in his charter [Misc.Ch. 741].
Witnesses: Walter de Lindsey, Hervey the Marshal, David the Marshal, Bernard Fraser, Roger de Merley, Adam de Paulworth, Thomas de Nesbit, Master William de Ederham, Master William de Greenlaw, Alan son of Alan, and many others
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 7½ x 4½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 769. - Charter of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar confirming the quitclaim …
DCD Misc.Ch. 770   [1273 x 1296]
Language:   Latin
Charter of John de Moray, son and heir of Lord Malcolm de Moray, granting and confirming to Lord William de Moray his brother, all his land of Aldy, with all its pertinents, for 1 pair of gloves or 1d. at Easter.
Witnesess: Lord Malise, Earl of Strathearn, Lord John Comyn and William de Fenton, knights, Lord Hugh, Abbot de "Insula missarum", Master Thomas, dean of Dunblane, Adam de Moray, Freshyn de Moray, William de Lychtun, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10¼ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B 2893. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 771
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 770. - Charter of John de Moray, son and heir of Lord …
DCD Misc.Ch. 771   [1273 x 1296]
Language:   Latin
Charter of John de Moray.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 10¼ x 6¼"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 770
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 771. - Charter of John de Moray. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 772   [1248 x 1288]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick III earl of Dunbar, son of Patrick, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar granting to the prior and monks of Coldingham half of Bilie, viz. the half lying between the two Restons and Aldengraw, and Chirnside and Blackburn, as in the charter of Earl Patrick his grandfather [Misc.Ch. 743].
Witnesses: Lord David de Graham, sheriff of Berwick, Lord Aymer, sheriff of Roxburgh, Lord Nicholas de Sules, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Robert de Montgomery, Lord Patrick Edger, earl's steward, Lord Robert the earl's uncle, Lord Robert de Powelworthe, Lord Adam de Morham, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Thomas de Nesbit, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9 x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2808. Red wax. Secretum on back. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXXIX
Inspeximus: DCD Misc.Ch. 1242.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 772. - Charter of Patrick III Earl of Dunbar, son of Patrick, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 773   [1248 x 1288]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick III, earl of Dunbar, son of Patrick son of Patrick Earl, granting to Henry, prior and the monks of Coldingham half of Bilie viz. the half between the two Restons and Aldengraw, and Chirnside and Blackburn as in the agreement between Earl Patrick his grandfather and Thomas, prior [Misc.Ch. 744].
Witnesses: Lord Patrick Edger, earl's steward, Lord Robert, earl's uncle, Lord David de Graham, sheriff of Berwick, Lord Simon Bayard, Lord Adam de Edington, Lord Robert de Montgomery, Lord William de Scremerston, Lord John Chaplain earl's proctor, Thomas de Nesbit, Robert son of the steward of Coldingham, Adam de Prendergest, & many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2808. Red wax. Secretum on dorse. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXL
Inspeximus: DCD Misc.Ch. 1242.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 773. - Charter of Patrick III, Earl of Dunbar, son of Patrick …
DCD Misc.Ch. 774    [29 May] 1279
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick III Earl of Dunbar, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham a feast which used to be given him yearly in the house of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Thomas Ranulphi, sheriff of Berwick, Lord Simon Fraser, Lord Hugh de Peresby, sheriff of Roxburgh, Lord Alan de Ormeston, William de Boddeby, John his son, Philip de Haliburton, John de Wyndscales, John the clerk, and others
At Duns, 4 Kal. June 1279.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2809. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 774. - Charter of Patrick III Earl of Dunbar, quitclaiming to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 775   [1248 x 1289]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick III Earl of Dunbar, restoring to the prior and convent of Durham the wardship of East Nesbit, with maritagium.
Witnesses: Lords Alan de Harecarr', Adam de Edington, Robert de Nesbit, Laurence Fraser, knights, Lord J. parson of Aldechamestus, Simon, parson of Chirnside, Richard, chaplain of Fogol [?], and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 5"
Seal: G&B 2809. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 775. - Charter of Patrick III Earl of Dunbar, restoring to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 776   [4 November] 1261
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick III Earl of Dunbar restoring to the prior and convent of Durham the wardship of East Nesbit, with marriage of heirs from that vill, except for 30/- p.a. from Nesbit and Ederham.
Witnesses: Lord Robert de Meyners, Hugh de Curlay, steward of the earl, John de Esselington, Patrick son of Walter, Thomas de Herinton, Richard de Eweng, Robert de Cockburn, knights, John, rector of Aldehamstock, Henry Gategang, and others
At Chirnside, Friday after All Saints 1261.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 2810. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnupo.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App CXXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 776. - Charter of Patrick III Earl of Dunbar restoring to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 777   [1140 x 1166]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Gospatric Earl of Dunbar, granting and confirming to the monks of Durham the alms which his father gave them, viz. Ederham and Nesbit and the church of Ederham.
Witnesses: Andrew the Archdeacon, Adam his brother, Nigel the chaplain, Ketel son of Dolfin, Ernald, Alden the dapifer, Adam son of Alden, Adam son of Gospatric.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 2½"
Seal: G&B 2803. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in the foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.111v.[v]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 777. - Charter of Gospatric Earl of Dunbar, granting and confirming to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 778   [before 1138]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Gospatric, earl of Dunbar, brother of Dolfin, granting to the monks of St Cuthbert the vill of Ederham and its church together with all its chapels and the vill of Nesbit.
Witnesses: William son of Duncan, Gospatric his son, Ulkil son of Meld, Rand' de Lind', S. the priest, John the chaplain, Gospatric son of Crin, Aldan his brother, Lambert the dapifer
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 2802. Natural wax. Attached by strip cut down the left side of document with sewing repairs. Tie tag cut from foot.
Confirmed: Richard, Bishop of St Andrew's in Misc.Ch. 1346
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXI; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No.CXVII.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 778. - Charter of Gospatric, earl of Dunbar, brother of Dolfin, granting …
DCD Misc.Ch. 779   [1140 x 1166]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Gospatric Earl of Dunbar son of Gospatric Earl, brother of Dolfin, granting and confirming to the monks of Durham the vill of Ederham with its church and chapels, and the vill of Nesbit.
Witnesses: Andrew the archdeacon, Alan the priest, Adam brother of the Earl, Ronfar the priest, Nigel the chaplain, Ketel son of Dolfin, Ernald the knight, Waldef de Preng', Aldan the dapifer, Adam son of Aldan, Adam son of Gospatric
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 10 x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2803. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in the foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.111v.[iiii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 779. - Charter of Gospatric Earl of Dunbar son of Gospatric Earl, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 780   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Mordington, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 fishery in the Tweed, viz. the fishery he had in Schipwel with "stelnette" which he had in the same place.
Witnesses: Lord Thomas de Lestalrig, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Walter, Andrew and Alexander de Paxton, John son of Elias, Adam de Reston, Bertram his son, Ralph the provost, Roger his son, William, vicar of Aldecambus, Ralph the sergeant, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2894. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 780. - Charter of William de Mordington, granting to the prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 781   23 January 1372
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of William [Douglas], earl of Douglas, Lord of Liddesdale and justiciar for south of the river Forth, saying he could not hold his court at Berwick and therefore decided to hold it at Coldingham because of the facilities, and this is not to be of prejudice for the future.
At Coldingham, 23 January 1371/2.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 13 x 4¾"
Seal: Detached and in fragments. Was of the office of justiciar. Was attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 782   28 October 1406
Language:   English
Letters of Archibald [Douglas], earl of Douglas, Lord of Galloway and Keeper of the lands and rents of the prior of Coldingham, assigning to Alexander de Home, established as underkeeper of the lands and rents, £20 of the pension of £100 owed to the earl by the prior.
At London, 28 October 1406.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11 x 4"
Seal: G&B 2796. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 783   5 October 1413
Language:   Latin
Letters of Archibald [Douglas], earl of Douglas, Lord of Galloway and Annandale, relaxing and acquitting the prior of Durham and Coldingham of all annual pensions and debts owed to him.
At Edinburgh, 5 October 1413.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2797. Red wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 784   27 June 1414
Language:   Latin
Charter of Archibald, Earl of Douglas, Lord of Galloway and Annandale, relaxing to the Priors and Convents of Durham and Coldingham all annual pension owed to him, reserving to him the office of bailiff of Coldingham for term of life and an annual pension of £20.
At Edinburgh, 27 June 1414.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¼ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2797. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CL
DCD Misc.Ch. 785   [c.1230s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, 2nd son of Patrick I Earl of Dunbar, confirming the quitclaim by Patrick II, Earl, his brother, to the Prior and monks of Coldingham of the vill of Swinewood [in Misc.Ch. 741].
Witnesses: Walter de Lindsey, Hervey the marshal, David the marshal, Bernard Fraser, Roger de Merley, Adam de Paulworth, Thomas de Nesbit, Master William de Edenham, Master William de Greenlaw, Alan son of Alan, and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2813. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 786
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXXIII
Digitised material for Charter of William, 2nd son of Patrick I Earl of Dunbar, confirming the quitclaim by Patrick II, Earl, his brother, to the Prior and monks of Coldingham of the vill of Swinewood - DCD Misc.Ch. 785
DCD Misc.Ch. 786   [c.1230s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, 2nd son of Earl Patrick I.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 5"
Seal: G&B 2813. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 785 (slight differences)
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 786. - Charter of William, 2nd son of Earl Patrick I. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 787   [1166 x 1167]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Waltheof, Earl [of Dunbar], son of Gospatric the Earl, granting and confirming to the monks of Durham the vill of Ederham and its church and chapels, together with the vill of Nesbit.
Witnesses: Andrew the archdeacon, Patrick the Earl's brother, Adam son of Alden, Walter, Gilbert Fraser, Richard the King's clerk, Master John, nephew of Robert the Bishop, Robert, canon of St Andrew's, Robert son of Seulf, Master Herbert, Cetel of Letham, Aldan the Earl's steward, Gamel the steward, Roger the steward, Edward de Aldcambus, William de Bolthebi, Stephen Papedi, and many others
This charter was confirmed 1167. Anno 1 of William King of Scotland [in Misc.Ch. 596?].
Parchment, 1m, lined, some staining
Size: 8¼ x 5¼"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: Misc.Ch. 677
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.111v.[vi]
Copy: Reg. I f.17v
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 787. - Charter of Waltheof, Earl [of Dunbar], son of Gospatric the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 788   [1166 x 1182]
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between the prior and convent of Coldingham, and Waltheof the earl, and the sons of Suanus the priest, viz. Patrick the dean and Edgar, Eustace, Edward, Alexander, Robert and Roger, whereby the prior and convent grant to Eustace and his heirs 2 carrucates of land in Renigton.
Pledges: Patric son of the earl and Patrick brother of the earl, Waldef de Prendergest, Edward de Aldcambus and William his brother
Witnesses: Gilbert Fraser, Adam son of Aldan, Ketel de Letham and Ketel his son, Aldan de Eidington and Adam his son, Adam the provost, William de Lumsden, Elias de Ayton, Dolfin de Ayton, Roger de Reston, Ralph dapifer, William de Cell', Cren de Lumsden
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented edges of the foot away from the seals, “cyrographum” cut through
Size: 9 x 4¼"
Seal: Originally 2. 1 survives, of Waltheof the Earl. G&B 2812. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3/4 slits in the foot of the document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXV and see also DCXL
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 788. - Indenture of agreement between the prior and convent of Coldingham, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 789   17 March 1411
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Menteith and governor of the kingdom of Scotland, confirming a writing of John de Ayclif, prior of Coldingham, made to Thomas Purvas about the "impignoratio" of the lands of Swinewood [Misc.Ch. 1253].
Witnesses: Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor of Scotland, Robert Stewart of Fife, the Duke's nephew, John Steward, Lord of Buchan, the Duke's son, John Stewart of Lorn, kt., the Duke's cousin, David Barclay, Walter de Curry and Andrew de Hawick, rector of Lyston, the Duke's secretary
At Edinburgh, 17 March 1410/1 and year 5 of his regency.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 14 x 9¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through 2 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLV
DCD Misc.Ch. 790   9 May 1418
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Menteith and governor of the kingdom of Scotland, admitting William Drax, prior of Coldingham, to the temporalities of that priory.
At Falkland (Faucland), 9 May 1418 and year 13 of his regency
Paper, 1p
Size: 11¾ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2733, parts. Red wax. Affixed to face of document.
Copy: Reg. II f.xi
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 791    [?11 August] 1327
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick V of Dunbar, Earl of March, granting to the monks of Coldingham special licence to construct an aqueduct on his land, near the stream of Elmeden, to their mill of Aldcambus.
At Coldingham, Tuesday after St Laurence the martyr 1327.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 4¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLI
DCD Misc.Ch. 792   24 May 1367
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick V of Dunbar, Earl of March and Moray.
Parchment, 1m, some small stains
Size: 14¼ x 9¼"
Seal: (1) G&B 2814. of Patrick.
(2) of Agnes his wife. G&B 2886.
Both natural wax, each attached by a parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 793
DCD Misc.Ch. 793   24 May 1367
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick V of Dunbar, Earl of March and Moray, confirming that the monks of Coldingham are to hold Ederham and Nesbit free from all annual rent, as set out in the charter of Gospatric, Earl, brother of Dolfin [Misc.Ch. 778] and relaxing his claim for 10s, one pair of boots and one skin garment.
Witnesses: Lord Patrick de Hepburn, Lord of Hales, George de Dunbar, the Earl's cousin, Alexander de Ramsey, Alexander de Rykklynton, constable of Dunbar, Robert Leche, steward, Richard de Ellam, & many others
Confirmed with the assent of Agnes the countess.
At his castle of Dunbar, 24 May 1367.
Parchment, 1m, lined, damaged with parts gnawed away and some text lost
Size: 13¾ x 9¼"
Seal: Originally 2. 1 missing. Survivor is of Agnes. G&B 28876. Red wax. Attached by a parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 792
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXLII
DCD Misc.Ch. 794   31 May 1429
Language:   English
Charter of William Douglas, earl of Angus, lord of Liddesdale and Jedburgh forest, granting to William Drax, prior of Coldingham, that he will not sue for a "settyng" of the lands of Brokholes, Harewood and Denewood.
At Bonkil, 31 May 1429.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½ x 5¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 795   10 August 1427
Language:   Latin
Charter of William Douglas, earl of Angus, lord of Liddledale, of Jedburgh forest and Bonkil, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Durham and the prior of Coldingham the lands and woods of Brokholes, Harewood and Denewood.
Witnesses: David ........, William Craynston, Alexander Hebburn, Hugh de Spens, Nicholas P.........., and many others
At Bonkil, 10 August 1427.
Parchment, 1m, badly stained
Size: 11¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B 2799. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Notarially transcribed: Misc.Ch. 687
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLII
DCD Misc.Ch. 796   4 June 1429
Language:   English
Charter of William Douglas, earl of Angus and lord of Liddesdale and Jedburgh forest, acknowledging receipt of 113 marks Scottish from William Drax, prior of Coldingham, which he paid for redemption of "setting" of the lands of Brokholes, Harewood and Denewood.
At Bonkill, 4 June 1429.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¾ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2800. Red wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLIV
Misc.Ch. 797-831 - Indulgences (of Scottish origin)
DCD Misc.Ch. 797    [26 December] 1273
Language:   Latin
Charter of P[eter] Bishop of Orkney (Archadiens'), granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert and making gifts.
At Durham, 7 Kal. January 1273.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9 x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxx
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 797. - Charter of P[eter] Bishop of Orkney (Archadiens'), granting an indulgence …
DCD Misc.Ch. 798    [14 September] 1254
Language:   Latin
Charter of Albin, bishop of Brechin (Breynens'), granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the Galilee at the end of the church of St Cuthbert [at Durham] in honour of the Virgin Mary (?), and the feretory of St Cuthbert, and making gifts to the fabric of the church.
At Durham, Exaltation of the Holy Cross 1254.
Parchment, 1m, some damage to some of the letters
Size: 6¾ x 3"
Seal: G&B 3599. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.x
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 798. - Charter of Albin, bishop of Brechin (Breynens'), granting an indulgence …
DCD Misc.Ch. 799    [4 March] 1257
Language:   Latin
Charter of Albin, bishop of Brechin (Breynens'), granting an indulgence of 20 days for each altar to those visiting any of the 5 altars "in fronte ecclesie Dunelm" for prayer or devotion.
At Durham, 4 Non. March 1256/7.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 3599. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xviii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 799. - Charter of Albin, bishop of Brechin (Breynens'), granting an indulgence …
DCD Misc.Ch. 800    [16 August] 1286
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [Comyn], bishop of Brechin (Brheyens'), granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion or prayer, and making gifts.
At Durham, 17 Kal. September 1286.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10½ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 3600. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xl
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 800. - Charter of William, bishop of Brechin granting an indulgence of 40 days
DCD Misc.Ch. 801    [26 & 27 October] 1248
Language:   Latin
Charter of Gilbert, bishop of Whithorn (Candide Case), granting an indulgence of 50 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion or prayer, and making gifts.
At Durham, 7 Kal. November Pont. 13 and vigil of SS Simon & Jude 1248.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 3631. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.vi
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 801 - Charter of Gilbert, bishop of Whithorn, granting an indulgence of 50 days
DCD Misc.Ch. 802    [16 June] 1253
Language:   Latin
Charter of Gilbert, bishop of Whithorn (Candide Case), granting an indulgence of 40 days for each altar to those giving gifts to any of five altars “in fronte Dunelm' ecclesie”, which he has dedicated, for devotion or prayer.
At Durham, on the day of the dedication of the said altars, 16 Kal. July 1253
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 6¾ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 3631. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.viii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 802.
DCD Misc.Ch. 803    [6 November] 1259
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[enry], bishop of Whithorn (Candide Case), granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion or prayer, and making gifts.
At Durham, St Leonard 1259.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 3632. Green wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxi
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 803.
DCD Misc.Ch. 804    [26 December] 1274
Language:   Latin
Charter of Henry, bishop of Whithorn (Candide Case), granting an indulgence of 40 days for each altar to those who for prayer or devotion visit either of two altars “in fronte Dunelm' ecclesie in parte australi positis” which he has dedicated, one in honour of St John the Baptist and St Margaret [of Antioch] and the other in honour of St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene.
At Durham, at the dedication of the said altars, 7 Kal. January 1274.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 8¼ x 3"
Seal: Now separate. G&B 3632. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxxi
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 804
DCD Misc.Ch. 805    [5 September] 1302
Language:   Latin
Charter of Thomas [of Kirkcudbright], bishop of Whithorn (Candide Case), granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion and prayer, and making gifts.
At Durham, Non. September 1302.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9½ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 3633. Green wax. Attached on a parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xli
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 805
DCD Misc.Ch. 806    [10 April 1295 x 1319]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Thomas [of Kirkcudbright], bishop of Whithorn (Candide Case), granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the altar of Holy Cross at Durham at the feasts of the Holy Cross, or making gifts to its lighting.
At Durham, 4 Id. April.
Parchment, 1m, some small holes
Size: 7 x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 3633. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xlii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 806
DCD Misc.Ch. 807    [14 December] 1254
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard [of Inverkeithing] bishop of Dunkeld, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those giving gifts to the feretory of St Cuthbert.
At Durham, the morrow of St Lucy the Virgin 1254.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 2½"
Seal: G&B 3607. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.ix
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 807
DCD Misc.Ch. 808    [17 December] 1273
Language:   Latin
Charter of R[obert Wischard] bishop of Glasgow (Glascuensis), granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion and prayer, and leaving gifts.
At Durham, 16 Kal. January 1273.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7½ x 4"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 808
DCD Misc.Ch. 809    [21 September 1325 x 1350]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Roger [?of Ballinbreich], bishop of Ross, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the altar of Holy Cross at Durham at the feasts of the Holy Cross, and making gifts to its lights.
At Durham, St Matthew Apostle 13.. Pont. 4.
Parchment, 1m, parts gnawed away with much text missing, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 11¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 3613. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.lvi
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 809
DCD Misc.Ch. 810    [29 September] 1302
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [of Lamberton] bishop of St Andrews, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion and prayer, and making gifts.
At Durham, 2 Kal. October 1302.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10 x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 3625. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 810
DCD Misc.Ch. 811    [3 February] 1256
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alan, bishop of Argyll, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham cathedral], for devotion or prayer, and to those leaving gifts to it.
At Durham, morrow of the Purification of the B.V.M., 1255/6.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¼ x3¾"
Seal: G&B 3597. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xiv
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 811
DCD Misc.Ch. 812    [2 November] 1310
Language:   Latin
Charter of Andrew, bishop of Argyll, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham cathedral] for devotion or prayer, and donating gifts.
At Durham, die animarum 1310.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¼ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 3598. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xlvi
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 812
DCD Misc.Ch. 813    [19 November] 1310
Language:   Latin
Charter of Brother Andrew, bishop of Argyll, granting 40 days indulgence to those visiting the newly constructed altar of Holy Cross in Durham at the feasts of the Holy Cross, or making gifts to its lights.
At Durham, 13 Kal. December 13 Pont. and 1310.
Parchment, 1m, some holes, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 9½ x 3"
Seal: G&B 3598. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip recycled from the edge of a music service book, through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xlv
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 813
DCD Misc.Ch. 814    [24 June c.1253]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard [?of Nafferton], bishop of S[odor and Man] and the Isles, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham cathedral] for devotion or prayer, and making gifts.
At Durham, Nativity of St John the Baptist Pont 1.
Parchment, 1m, damaged with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 6½ x 3"
Seal: G&B 3211. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.vii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 814
DCD Misc.Ch. 815   [21 August] 1277
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter [of Merton], bishop of Rochester, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those contributing to the repair of the fabric of Durham; valid until completion of the work begun.
At Durham, 12 Kal. September 1277.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¼ x 4¼"
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxxiii
DCD Misc.Ch. 816    [21 August] 1277
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter [of Merton], bishop of Rochester, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion or prayer, and leaving gifts to it.
At Durham, 12 Kal. September 1277.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 3207. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxxiv
DCD Misc.Ch. 817    [18 May] 1285
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, bishop of Dunkeld, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion and prayer, and bringing gifts.
At Durham, 15 Kal. June 1285
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9¼ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B 3606. Green wax, repaired 1997. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxxix
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 817
DCD Misc.Ch. 818    [2 June] 1254
Language:   Latin
Charter of Abel [de Grolin], bishop of St Andrew's, granting 40 days indulgence to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham cathedral] for devotion or prayer, and leaving gifts to it.
At Durham, 4 Non. June1254 & Pont. 1.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7 x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 3621. Green wax, damaged some lost. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xi
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 818
DCD Misc.Ch. 819    [14 October] 1277
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [Wishart], bishop of St Andrews, granting 40 days indulgence to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion or prayer, and making gifts to it or to the fabric of the church.
At Durham, Prid. Id. October 1277.
Size: 10 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 3623. Green wax. Fragmentary. Detached from document but was attached by parchment strip recycled from another draft document of [Wishart] bishop of St Andrews, through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxxv
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 819
DCD Misc.Ch. 820    [5 June 1253]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Clement, bishop of Dunblane, granting an indulgence of 40 days when consecrating a major altar in honour of the Virgin Mary in the church [of Durham] in which the body of St Cuthbert rests, to those visiting the said altar for devotion and prayer.
At Durham, the day of the consecration of the altar, viz. Nones of June Pont. 20.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 8 x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 3602. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.iii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 820
DCD Misc.Ch. 821   [12 September] 1260
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert [de Prebenda], bishop of Dunblane, granting an indulgence of 30 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion and prayer and leaving gifts to it.
At Durham, Prid. Id. September 1260
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7½ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 3604. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxiv
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 821
DCD Misc.Ch. 822    [1 May 1256?]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Archibald, bishop of Moray, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham cathedral] for devotion or prayer, and bringing gifts.
At Durham, Kal. May 3 Pont.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¾ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 3611. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 822
DCD Misc.Ch. 823    [1 October] 1243
Language:   Latin
Charter of Clement, bishop of Dunblane, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those contributing to the repair of the fabric of Durham, which threatened to collapse owing to insuifficent means; valid until the completion of the work begun.
Date: Kal. October 1243.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 3602. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.iv
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 823
DCD Misc.Ch. 824    [20 June] 1255
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert [II], bishop of Ross, granting 40 days indulgence to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham cathedral], for devotion or prayer, and leaving gifts.
At Durham, 12 Kal. July 1255 & 6 Pont.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 3612. Green wax, damaged. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xvi
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 824
DCD Misc.Ch. 825    [25 April 1305]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [of Lamberton] bishop of St Andrew's granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the altar of the Holy Cross at Durham at the feasts of the Holy Cross, and making gifts.
At Durham, 7 Kal. May Pont. 7.
Parchment, 1m, some stains, some slight damage repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 8¼ x 3"
Seal: G&B 3625. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xliii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 825
DCD Misc.Ch. 826    [15 March] 1274
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [Wishart], bishop of St Andrew's, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert for devotion or prayer, and making offerings.
At Durham, Id. March 1273/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 3623. Natural wax, damaged. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 826
DCD Misc.Ch. 827   [1270's]
Seal: Loose seal of William Wishart, Bishop of St Andrew's. G&B 3623. Natural wax. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 828    [16 Sept.] 1255
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, bishop of Caithness, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham cathedral] for prayer or devotion, and making gifts to it.
At Durham, 16 Kal. October 1255 & Pont. 9.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 3601. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xvii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 828
DCD Misc.Ch. 829    [27 March] 1268
Language:   Latin
Charter of Archibald, bishop of Moray, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the shrine of the Venerable Bede at Durham and donating to the fabric or lighting of the church.
At Durham, 6 Kal. April 1268.
Size: 6¾ x 2½"
Seal: G&B 3611. Green wax. Originally attached to strip cut from left foot of document but now attached by stitching through foot of document. Tie tag below.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xxviii
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 829
DCD Misc.Ch. 830   16 August 1309
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [of Lamberton], bishop of St Andrew's, granting an indulgence of 40 days to those visiting the church and relics of Durham, or giving gifts.
At Durham, 16 August 1309.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as duplicated with one part held by the master of the Galilee.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½ x 5¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 830
DCD Misc.Ch. 831    [1 October] 1258
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [of Bondington], bishop of Glasgow, granting 20 days indulgence to those donating to the upkeep of the fabric of the church of Durham, the repair of which has been begun by the monks; valid for three years.
At Alnecrumb', Kal. October 1258.
Parchment, 1m, some damage, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 7¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 3609. Natural wax. Detached, was attached by a tongue from the left, with a [wrapping tie] stub below. Formerly M.C. 833.
Abstracted: Rites of Durham ed Raine SS.15. App VI.xx
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 831
Misc.Ch. 832-900
DCD Misc.Ch. 832
Seal: The back of a seal split in two.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 833]
Restored to Misc.Ch. 831.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 834]
Restored to Misc.Ch. 807.
DCD Misc.Ch. 835   [c.1205]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby William de Golin, with his brothers Nicholas and John and his aunt Emma, renounce the vill of Greater Lumsden, in the court of the prior of Coldingham, and he has resigned the charter of King David [I] into the hand of the prior of Durham, in return for 1 carrucate of land in Swinton in return for a pound of pepper.
Witnesses: Walter de Lindsey, Walter Frebern, Alan de Swinton, Patrick son of Adam, Henry de Prendergest, Elias his uncle, John de Lumsden, Gregory the steward, Thomas de Nesbit, William de Lumsden, and many others.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, carta cut through, lined
Size: 8¼ x 5"
Seal: G&B 2838. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 835
DCD Misc.Ch. 836   [early 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Edward de Aldcambus quitclaiming with the assent of William his heir and his other sons, viz. Ralph, Stephen, Patrick & Edward, to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham, the vill of Aldcambus with its mill and pertinents, in exchange for Greater Lumsden, and for 107 marks which for his forfeiture and mercy they have paid to King William.
Witnesses: Richard de Parco, Laurence the chamberlain, Walter de Ferie, Alan his brother, Roger de Ferie, William de Kett and John his brother, Richard Brun, Walter de Lindsey, Patrick de Swinewood, Walter Frebern, Master Merlin and Reginald and Maurice his sons, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, William de Nesbit, Ralph the archdeacon and John his son, Gregory the steward, Walter Burnig, Elias de Prendergest, Adam de Reston, Reginald de Reston, Richard Forester, Elias de Ayton and Roger his son, Philip the porter, Constantine, Patrick the marshal, & many others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 4"
Seal: G&B 2734. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.114v.[vii]
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 836
DCD Misc.Ch. 837   [early 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Thomas, son of Robert, once steward of Coldingham, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Coldingham 2 bovates of land on the moor towards Lumsden, once belonging to Godric, son of William the cook, and all the lands in the moor called Stiwardsflattis.
Witnesses: Dom Henry de Prendergest miles, Adam de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Richard Franceys of Ayton, William de Ayton, Robert Hopper de Coldingham, Ralph de Swinewood, William Purvis, John son of Adam son of Walter de Ayton, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9½ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B 2981. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 837
DCD Misc.Ch. 838   [29 March] 1242
Language:   Latin
Charter of William son of Waldef de Reston, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham all his right in Whitestrother in other free places outside the commune of Reston.
Witness: the court of the prior of Coldingham.
At Ayton, 1242 4 Kal. April.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2979. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through the foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 838
DCD Misc.Ch. 839   [1239 x 1245]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Thomas, son of Simon, granting to William, son of Alexander de Chesholm his brother, all his land in the vill of Reston with pertinents, as he held it from the prior and convent of Coldingham, paying to him an annual rent of 1d or 1 pair of white gloves at Roxburgh fair.
Witnesses: Dom A[nketin] prior of Coldingham, Dom W. de Mordington, Robert and W. de Paxton, Bertram de Reston, Waldef de Hawic, and many others.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2988. Fragment only. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 839
DCD Misc.Ch. 840   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Roger, son of Adam de Reston, for the love of St Cuthbert and St Ebbe, and for his soul, and the souls of his father and mother and all his parents, confirming to the prior and convent of Coldingham 3½ acres which he gave to John Condam, porter of Coldingham, because of a duel which John ?won over him, and which John gave to tGod and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior & convent of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Dom William de Lindsey, Dom William de Mordington, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, Robert de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of Reginald, Gregory de Betyoc, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6½ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2977. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 840
DCD Misc.Ch. 841   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, son of Robert de West Reston, granting to William de Baddeby part of a toft and a croft in West Reston, on the west of his croft, from Kikilclohu and Wdhou in length and breadth up to Cartewelle and thus the stream called Carterwelle descends into the River Ey where a certain butt lies by the said river on the north, rendering annually at Pentecost 1d.
Witnesses: Walter, son of the smith of Ayton, Simon and Ralph de Swinewood, Roger Littil of Reston, and others.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8 x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2980. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham CCCCXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 841
DCD Misc.Ch. 842   [1229 x 1234]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of Gospatric de Little Reston granting to William son of Cantor and his heirs of Eda, Adam's daughter, of 2 bovates of land in Little Reston with 1 toft and croft thereto belonging viz. the 2 bovates which Thurkil Rufus held for 12d p.a., at St John the Baptist and St Martin.
Witnesses: Dom William de Lindsey, sheriff of Berwick, Dom William de Mordington, Dom Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Robert, William and Alexander de Paxton, William, vicar of Aldcambus, John son of Elias de Ayton, Maurice son of Merlin, Robert son of Reginald, Ralph the provost of Coldingham, Roger his son, and many others.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8½ x 3¼"
Seal: (1) of Thomas, Prior of Coldingham. G&B 3650
(2) of Adam. G&B 2968.
Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 842
DCD Misc.Ch. 843   []1218 x 1234]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam de Reston, granting to Elias son of Haldan, 3 bovates of land in Little Reston which belonged to his father and 1 bovate which Adam gave him, for the service due to the king and prior for half a carucate and for 2s p.a. payable to him and his heirs.
Witnesses: Ralph, prior of Coldingham, Patrick de Swinewood, Henry de Prendergest, Elias de Prendergest and Adam his son, Gregory the steward, Robert de Swinewood, Uchtred son of Colman, Richard de Cellario, Reginald de Reston and William his son, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 2¼"
Seal: G&B 2969. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 843
DCD Misc.Ch. 844   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of Gospatric de Little Reston, granting for God and St Mary and the promotion of the church of Coldingham and his body in pure and perpetual alms 4 acres of land in Little Reston, that is 1 acre near Henry Fanside's house, 1 acre in Farnebed, and 2 acres to the west near Homillescnol.
Witnesses: Dom William de Mordington, Alan de Swinton, Alan his son, John son of Elias de Ayton, David de Lumsden, John and Stephen, chaplains of Coldingham, William, vicar of Aldcambus, Adam provost of Coldingham, Adam de Lathom, Roger Cementar', William “cognomento Cantor” and many others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 3"
Seal: G&B 2968. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 844
DCD Misc.Ch. 845   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert de Paxton, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Coldingham all right in the wood of Restonside (Ristunsyde), and he would not take anything from there without the licence of the prior of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7½ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2912. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 845
DCD Misc.Ch. 846   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of John, once "parcarius" of Coldingham, granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior and monks of Coldingham 3½ acres of land with toft and croft in Great Reston which Roger son of Adam of Reston gave him for a duel where he overcame him, that is 3 acres on the west of Great Reston in Swynwoderig, and half an acre in Flaskes, and the toft and croft on the west of the houses of William son of Elgy .
Witnesses: Dom William de Mordington, Dom Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, Robert de Prendergest, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of Reginald, Adam Francays, Gregory de Betyoc, and others
Endorsed (14th century) including that John was porcarius.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 4¼"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 846
DCD Misc.Ch. 847   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of John Gray, burgess of Berwick, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Durham 1 carucate of land in Little Reston, with a toft, and croft of 3 acres which Adam de Fulden held; half a carucate between Freslawe and Stanisceleswelle and Morcreok and Echardeswaynes and the the other half carucate which thep rior and convent of Coldingham had in exchnage for land which they had at farm from the sacrist of Coldingham, and both half acres were perambulated by worthy men of Coldinghamshire, with 2 acres of meadow at Biliside and 1 acre of meadow at Homelknol and all the freshly borken ground {fresca) on the south of Lintelhalw.
Witnesses: Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, Elias Cancio, Adam Francays, Bertram de Reston, John son of Ingelram, Robert son of Reginald, Adam Kakefurlang, Patrick Scot, William son of Waldef, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 3½"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 847
DCD Misc.Ch. 848   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Maria, daughter of David de Paxton, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham the wood of Restonside "exceptis estuvarus meis racionabilibus ad carucam meam in Aldencrawe." and to her houses built nearby, which estover, having sought a licence from the prior of Coldingham, she had taken by view of the forester of the prior of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Dom William de Lindsey, Dom William de Mordington, Dom Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, David de Lumsden, Bertram de Reston, Elias Cancio, Alan Ridel, Adam son of John de Ayton, Adam Fraunceis, John son of Ingeram, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2910. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 848
DCD Misc.Ch. 849    [3 February] 1311
Language:   Latin
Charter of John, son of Richard, called Ploume, of Coldingham quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 acre of arable in Coldingham in Le Souhtcroftes between the land of Christiana Skayk and the crofts of the husbandmen of the said vill, which descended to him by heredity from his mother Beatrice.
Witnesses: Henry, Lord of Prendergest, miles, Roger de Easterlumsden, Robert de Haveden, Richard de Ayton, Walter son of Ralph, and others
Date: Coldingham, Wednesday after the Purification of the B.V.M. 1310/1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 3¾"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, thorugh a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXIV, attrib. to Richard called Ploume
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 849
DCD Misc.Ch. 850   [early 14th century]
Language:   Latin
Copy indenture between John, prior, and the convent of Durham and [Marion] prioress, and the convent of Coldstream on Tweed, saying that since John Swinton had lately granted to the prior and convent of Coldstream his lands and tenements in Little Swinton which he held from the convents of Durham and Coldstream, they confirm them to the said prioress and convent.
Date and place of giving vacant.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11½ x 9¾"
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCLXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 851   [29 September] 1278
Language:   Latin
Indenture made of an agreement between R[ichard Claxton] prior of Durham and Dom Thomas Ranulph, miles, whereby the prior sells to him the marriage of John, son and heir of David de Paxton for 40 marks, or the next heir if John dies before full age unmarried, with payments in the vill of South Berwick detailed.
Witnesses: Dom Peter of Mordington miles, Philip de Ridall and Walter of Barton burgesses of Berwick.
Date: Michaelmas 1278.
Endorsed with a note that the underwritten (not present) books were found in the common ?hall when Brother William of Appleby was librarian that is 1395.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through (?cirograf)
Size: 7½ x 7¾"
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1191
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.16r-v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 851
DCD Misc.Ch. 852    [30 April] 1239
Language:   Latin
Charter of Roger, son of Ralph, provost of Coldingham, in his poverty and because of the default of his service pertaining to his land, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Durham, all his land of Coldingham which his father Ralph was given by the prior and covnent, resigning his father's charter to them.
At the instance of 4 worthy men of the court: Adam de Prendergest, John son of Elias of Ayton, Robert son of Gregory the steward, Bertram of Reston.
In the court of A. prior of Coldingham at Ayton, Saturday after St Mark the Evangelist 1239.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 5¼"
Seal: Originally 5. 3 and a fragment survive.
(1) G&B 2955 of Roger son of Ralph.
(2) G&B 27648 of John, son of Elias de Ayton.
(3) G&B 2970 of Bertram de Reston.
Green wax. All attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 852
DCD Misc.Ch. 853   [c.1200]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph, son of Elwold, selling to Richard nephew of Simon, once prior of Coldingham, for 4½ marks, 1 toft in Coldingham from his free fee from the house of Godin of the Infirmary to the east, and 109 acres in the "campo" (parcels detailed) for 6d p.a., half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Ralph, prior of Coldingham, Richard de Prebenda, king's clerk, Hugh, parson of Swinton, Peter, chaplain of Coldingham, Gervase the chaplain, Adam de Bonkil, sheriff of Berwick, Richard the marshal, Gilbert de Home, steward, Patrick the Earl, Adam son of Aldan and Patrick his son, Gervase Ridel, Henry de Prendergest, Walter de Lindsey, Alan de Swinton, William de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest and Robert his son, Edward de Aldcambus and Wililam his son, Gregory the steward of Coldingham, Elias de Prendergest, Elias de Elmden, David de Paxton, Adam de Little Reston, William son of Hugh, William Pollard, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8 x 5¾"
Seal: G&B 2823. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup, with slits for a further tag alongside
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 853
DCD Misc.Ch. 854   [c.1200]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph son of Elwold, selling to the monks of Coldingham 1 house and toft in the vill of Coldingham, viz. the house which Girard the smith built, and all his land between Milnedene and Halidene, and 3 particates of land in Dedefurlang, for 30s paid him by Ralph prior of Coldingham with a corrody of 2 years..
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Walter de Lindsey, Gervase Ridel, Henry de Prendergest, David de Paxton, Elias de Prendergest, Gregory the steward, Ralph, Archdeacon of Lumsden, John his son, William son of Edward, Robert the provost, Robert de Cellario, Philip the Janitor, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2823. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 854
DCD Misc.Ch. 855   [c.1200]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph, son of Elwold, confirming to the prior and convent of Coldingham all the land which Haldan Braciator bought from him in the fields of Coldingham, and which he sold to the prior and convent for 1 mark, bounds detailed, rendering p.a. a pair of spurs at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Henry de Prendergest, Gervase Ridel, Elias de Prendergest, Gregory the steward, Adam and Reginald de Reston, Richard Forester, William de Lumsden, Ralph the provost, Philip the janitor, Nicholas the clerk of Roger the marshal, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6 x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 855
DCD Misc.Ch. 856   [c.1200]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph, son of Elwold, granting to God and St Mary and St Ebbe and the prior and convent of Coldingham in pure and perpetual alms 18 acres of land lying outside the croft of William de Celario for the souls of his father and mother and himself and his heirs.
Witnesses: Gregory the steward, Adam de Reston, Richard "firmario prioris" of Reston, Ralph the provost, Peter the chaplain, Michael the deacon, Philip the janitor, Nicholas the clerk, Hugh the cook, Roger the marshal, William de Thormodebi, Thomas de Nesbit, Philip de Celario, Peter de Pistrina, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 856
DCD Misc.Ch. 857   [c.1200]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph, son of Elwold, for the salvation of the souls of hsi father and mother and his ancestors and himself and his heirs and successors, quitclaiming to God, St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior and convent of Coldingham in pure and perpetual alms all his lands lying in the "campo" of Coldingham betwen the cultura and the pasture of the prior, and also all the right he had in Eyemouth (Eiemutha), as he has sworn before Prior Ernald and his whole court at Reston..
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Walter de Lindsey, Henry de Prendergest, Walter Frebern, Gregory de Coldingham, Alan de Swinton, Walter, the king's chaplain, William son of Edward de Aldcambus, Thomas de Nesbit, John son of Ralph the archdeacon, Adam de Reston, Reginald de Reston, Elias de Prendergest, Walter Pace, Patrick son of Thomas, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2823. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 857
DCD Misc.Ch. 858    [7 March] 1248
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, Lord of Prendergest, with the assent of Henry his son and heir, selling to Patrick de Prendergest, burgess of Berwick, Reginald "prepositum nativum meum", with all his issue for 20 marks.
Witnesses: Lord Richard, prior of Coldingham, Lord William de Mordington, sheriff of Berwick, Lord Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Robert de Paxton, Robert son of Reginald, Robert son of the steward, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of John, Patrick Scot, Thomas Franco, and many others
In the prior's court at Ayton. Witness the court. Saturday before St Gregory 1247/8.
Endorsed as being a manumission.
Parchment, 1m, two small holes repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 7½ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2917. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 858
DCD Misc.Ch. 859   [?1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of Patrick the Marshal, granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior and convent of Coldingham in pure and perpetual alms the homage and service owed by William Brun de Reston and his heirs to him [Adam] for land which he gave to William and his heirs in Reston, rendering annually 6d at St John the Baptist, and for heriot 12d and for forfeiture 12d.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Geoffrey Ridel, Adam de Reston, Bertram his son, Maurice de Ayton, John son of Elias, Ralph the provost, Ralph the sergeant, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2905. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXL
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 859.
DCD Misc.Ch. 860   [?1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert de Prendergest, quitclaiming Patrick son of Waldef de Prendergest and his issue to God and St Cuthbert and the house of Coldingham, rednering annually a pound of pepper at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Adam de Prendergest, Lord Thomas de Nesbit, John son of Elias de Ayton, Maurice de Ayton, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¼ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2928. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 860
DCD Misc.Ch. 861   [1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of John de Ayton, quitclaiming to Anketin, prior and convent of Coldingham, his right in Henry, son of Dolfin, and Walter his brother, and their sequels; and also Robert son of Osulph and his sons and their sequels.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of Gregory, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Bertram de Reston, Adam Franceys, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2744. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 861
DCD Misc.Ch. 862   [?1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram son of Adam of Little Reston selling Thurkill Hog and his sons and daughters to the prior and convent of Coldingham for 3 silver marks.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Walter and Andrew de Paxton, Adam de Reston, John son of Elias and Maurice de Ayton, Adam de Prendergest, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 4¾ x 2¼"
Seal: G&B 2970. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 862
DCD Misc.Ch. 863   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick son of Waldef de Prendergest, burgess of Berwick, quitclaiming in free, pure and perpetual alms, to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior and monks of Coldingham, for the salvation of the souls of himself, his ancestors and successors, Reginald, son of Erneway de Prendergest with his issue, whom he bought from Adam de Prendergest, as detailed in his charter.
Witnesses: Lord William de Scremerston, Robert son of the steward of Coldingham, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Ayton, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, Thomas Franceys de Ayton, Patrick Scot de Great Reston, Roger son of the provost, Gregory de Betya, John de Billingham, Patrick the forester of Coldingham, Thomas de Clif, clerk, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B 2924. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 863
DCD Misc.Ch. 864   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Henry de Prendergest, selling Joseph son of Elwold and all his issue to the prior and convent of Coldingham for 3 marks.
Witnesses: Ralph the archdeacon and John his son, Elias de Prendergest and Adam his son, Richard the forester and Richard his son, Richard de Reston, William de Lumsden, Adam de Little Reston, Maurice son of Merlin and Reginald his brother, Adam son of Ilif of Aldengraw, Uctred son of Coleman and Roger his son, Reginald of Little Reston and William his son, Adam son of Elgi, Walter de Ederham, Robert de Ederham, Ralph the provost and all the court at Homelescuol, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 2"
Seal: G&B 2922. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 864
DCD Misc.Ch. 865   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert de Prendergest selling Osulf Ruffus and Walter his son and all their issue to the prior and convent of Coldingham for 10 marks.
Witnesses: Patrick son of Alden, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, Elias de Upper Ayton, Elias de Prendergest, William de Lumsden, Adam de Reston, Reginald de Reston, Reginald son of Merlin, Maurice his brother, and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2927. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 865
DCD Misc.Ch. 866   [?1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam de Little Reston freeing Adam, son of Thurkill, to the prior of Coldingham for 3 marks silver.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Geoffrey Ridel, Walter and Andrew de Paxton, William de Lumsden, Maurice de Ayton, William the clerk, Robert son of Gregory, William Scot, John de Lumsden, Ralph the provost, Adam son of Ylif, and many others
Size: 7 x 2½"
Seal: G&B 2968. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 866
DCD Misc.Ch. 867   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam de Prendergest selling his right in Stephen, son of Waldef, once his serf, to Alexander, almoner of Coldingham, which he will uphold on pain of £100.
Witnesses: David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, R. son of the steward, A. son of Walter, Patrick Scot, A. son of John, and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2917. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 867
DCD Misc.Ch. 868   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Henry de Prendergest selling Roger, son of Walter, and all his issue to the prior and convent of Coldingham for 2 marks.
Witnesses: William de Wideslade, Gregory the steward, Elias de Prendergest, Ralph the archdeacon, John his son, William de Lumsden, Adam and Reginald de Little Reston, Reginald son of Merlin, Adam son of Elgi son of Fuel, Ralph the provost, Nicholas the clerk, Alexander Gratig, Philip the janitor and all the court of Coldingham at Homelescuol.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 2¼"
Seal: G&B 2922. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 868
DCD Misc.Ch. 869   [?1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard, son of Gilian de Lamberton granting to Stephen, chaplain of Lamberton, ⅓ of the toft which belonged to Matania and ⅓ of the toft belonging to Ewoc, and 4 acres of land in North Lamberton, with the bounds of 3 rods by the road going to Berwick which were Matania's, 3 rods in the same place which were the said Ewoc's, 2 small rods were are under Les Chestres, 5 rods which are under Hollawe towards the sea, 1½ rods between Hollawe and Snawdon, and a third of 5 rods which are towards the north of Lambton, rendering annually 1d at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Robert son of the steward, Gilbert de Lumsden, Bertram de Reston, Adam de Ayton, Adam Franceys, John son of Ingram, Patrick Scot, Robert son of Reginald, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 6"
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXLIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 869
DCD Misc.Ch. 870   15 October 1439
Language:   Latin
Inquisition post mortem in the court of the Coldingham chapter by David Home, miles, bailiff, by the jurors John de Raynton, Hugh de Spens, James de Quhitlaw, Patrick de Knoll, Adam Forman, George de Ollam, Gilbert Lumysdene, John Atkynson, Richard Wardlaw, Alexander Lumysdene, James Kello, Henry Cosour, Thomas Lumysdene, Robert Lumysdene, and Thomas Forman, on Patrick Blackburn who died siesed of 1 bovate of land in Coldingham finding that John Alanson is rightful heir, and the land is worth ½ mark p.a., paying annually to the heirs of Robert Railson 1d and to the prior 12d. and it has been in the prior's hands for 5 months by the resignation of Andrew Railson
Date: Reston, 15 October 1439.
Parchment, 1m, with various double horizontal cuts
Size: 11½ x 7¾"
Seal: Originally 7. 4 survive.
1) of David Howe. G&B 2853.
2) of John of Laur'. G&B 2866.
3 & 4) Not found in G&B.
All red wax. Attached to strips cut from left foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXXII
DCD Misc.Ch. 871   [?1232]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby H. Abbot of Kelso, and L[awrence de Thornton] and H[ugh de Potton], archdeacons of St Andrew's and Glasgow, reciting a papal bull of Pope Gregory [IX], dated Spoleto, 5 Kal. June Pont.6 (28 May 1232), appointing them to hear a case of dispute about lands, setting out the agreement between Thomas son of Ranulf miles and J. his wife, and the prior and convent of Durham and David vicar of the chapel of Stichil, concerning an exchange of lands including half a caructae of land which William de Bosco formerly chancellor of Scotland held with the chapel of Stichil, parcels detailed.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, with diamond-shaped [filing] holes in each bottom corner
Size: 11 x 8¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCL
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 871
DCD Misc.Ch. 872   29 May 1471
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument in which Anthony de Grassis, papal chaplain, addresses all priests, officials, etc, in the Bishopric of St Andrew's, concerning the intrusion by Patrick and John Home into the priory and barony of Coldingham.
Notary: Yves de Gay, clerk of Nantes dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority (eschatocol recited and sign reproduced).
Date: Rome, Wednesday 29 May 1471 Pont.7.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 15½ x 21½"
Seal: G&B 3701. of Antonio dei Grassi. Red wax, in a metal skippet. Attached by cords through 2 holes in a turnup
Decoration: elaborated initial A and outsize Antonius
DCD Reg. IV, f.206v (1 July 1471).
DCD Misc.Ch. 873   30 April 1465
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument of John de Ceretanis, papal chaplain, addressed to all officials, priests, etc, of the bishopric of St Andrew's, concerning the intrusion by Patrick and John Home into the priory and barony of Coldingham.
Notary: Anastasuis de Aprilatis of Interampenum, notary public by apostolic and imperial authority, eschatocol recited.
Date: Rome, 30 April 1465.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 12¾ x 14¾"
Seal: G&B 3693. Red wax, in a wooden skippet. Attached by cords through 2 holes in a turnup
Decoration: elaborated initial I and outsize Iohannes
DCD Misc.Ch. 874   10 March 1340
Language:   Latin
Letters of William [of Cowton], prior and the convent of Durham, concerning the excommunication of their apostate Brother William de Scaccario, once prior of Coldingham, who for all his mideeds and horrible behaviour had been removed from the rule of the priory, and had retired to parts of Berwickshire for over a year, and had refused the summons of the then prior of Coldigham Alexander Lamsley to return to the cloister, but had instead gone to the courts of the king and magnates without licence and had intruded into the churches of Coldingham and Berwick.
At Durham in Chapter, 10 March 1339/40.
Parchment, 1m, 2 diamond-shaped [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 10 x 6½"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 875a   [1244 x 1258]
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Bertram [of Middleton], prior and the convent of Durham, and Edward de Aldcambus and his sons, whereby Edward and his sons quitclaim to the monks the vill and mill of Aldcambus with pertinents, in exchange for Greater Lumsden and for 107 marks paid by Edward to the King of Scotland, and they will hold from the prior and convent 1 toft and 3 acres in Coldingham for 16s p.a., half at St John and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Richard de Parco, Laur' Cam', Walter de Feria, William de Kett' and John his brother, Richard Bru', Walter de Lindsey, Patrick de Swinewood, Walter Frebern, Master Merlin and Reginald and Maurice his sons, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, William de Nesbit, Ralph the archdeacon and John his son, Gregory the steward, Walter Burn', Elias de Prendergest, Adam de Reston, Richard the forester, Elias de Ayton and Roger his son, Philip the porter, Constantine, Patrick the marshal , and many others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “cyrographum” cut through, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole in each bottom corner
Size: 8 x 5"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 875b
Copy: Cart. Vet. f.115r.[viii]
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.12v-13r
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXLVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 875a
DCD Misc.Ch. 875b   [1244 x 1258]
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Bertram [of Middleton], prior and the convent of Durham, and Edward de Aldcambus and his sons.
Parchment, indented head, zig-zag, “cyrographum” cut through
Size: 8 x 5"
Seal: Missing (but see Misc.Ch. 875*). Was attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 875a
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 875b
DCD Misc.Ch. 875*
Seal only, probably detached from Misc.Ch. 875b.
DCD Misc.Ch. 876   24 February 1425
Language:   Latin
Letters of William Drax, prior of Coldingham, confirming the agreement between John de Paxton and Clement de Paxton of one part, and Philip de Nesbit, son of the late Robert de Nesbit of the other part, to which Philip de Nesbit got David Home of Wedderburn to put his seal.
Witnesses: William de Cranyston, Gilbert de Lumsden, William de Aldengrawe, Stephen? de Lumsden , and many others
Date: Coldingham, 24 February 1424/5.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¾ x 3"
Seal: G&B 2851. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXCVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 877   7 February 1424
Language:   Latin
Appointment by Robert de Ros, Lord of Cragy, of Thomas Dicson of Mersinton and Nicholas de Paxton as his attorneys to resign his lands of Paxton and Aldengrawe in Berwickshire to William [Drax], prior and the convent of Coldingham.
Date: Perth, 7 February 1423/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¼ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2982. Detached. Red wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
See also: Misc.Ch. 1109
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLX
DCD Misc.Ch. 878   [early 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Maurice de Ayton, granting to God and St Mary and St Cuthbert and the prior and monks of Coldingham, all his land on either side of the mill of Prendergest, between the pond and River Aye, in free, pure and perpetual alms, for the salvation of the souls of himself and all his parents.
Witnesses: Walter de Lindsey, sheriff, Patrick de Swinewood, Walter de Wideslade, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, Elias de Ayton, Richard Ayton, Elias de Prendergest, Adam de Reston, Richard de Reston, Reginald, brother of Maurice, Gregory the steward, Nicholas and Peter, clerks, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 4¼"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 878
DCD Misc.Ch. 879   9 August 1441
Language:   Latin
Charter of George Edward, serjeant of the barony of Coldingham, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham 2 husbandlands and tofts and crofts in Nether Ayton.
Witnesses: John Pencher, Robert Carew, monks, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert de Lumsden, Hugh Spens Esq., Alan Clerk and John Watson, with many others
At Coldingham, 9 August 1441.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¼ x 5"
Seal: G&B 2820. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip, reused from another document, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 880    [29 December] 1280
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph Nuncius, son of Alan Granger of Coldingham, quitclaiming and redeeming to the prior and convent of Coldingham, 8 acres of land in Coldingham, that is 6 acres in Beneflat given him by the prior and convent of Durham in exchange for 6 other acres of land at Schytenhowebelles, and 2 acres at Wydopmedu on Homerknolle which Stephen Stampard formerly held..
Witnesses: Peter de Mordington, son and heir of Lord Peter de Mordington; Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick; Adam de Lumsden; Gilbert de Lumsden; Thomas, son of Robert, steward of Coldingham; Robert de Mordington; Robert Hopper and others.
Date: in the parish church of Coldingham, Sunday after Holy Innocents 1280.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2957. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 880
DCD Misc.Ch. 881    [5 November] 1255
Language:   Latin
Charter of Gregory, son of the marshal of Aldengraw, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham 60 acres of land in Birkenside, in the campo of Aldengraw.
Witnesses: Lord Robert Menyres, sheriff of Berwick, Adam de Prendergest, Henry his son, Robert de Prendergest, Robert son of the steward of Coldingham, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Roger son of the provost, Gregory de Betyoc, Bertram Hopper.
Date: the prior's court at Ayton, Friday after All Saints 1255.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2887. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CC
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 881
DCD Misc.Ch. 882   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard, son of Robert, son of Mathew de Aldengraw, granting to Roger, called del Bernes, of Aldengraw, 7 acres of land in Aldengraw in various places, namely a croft of a third of an acre between the lands formerly of Richard de Cheshalm on the east and the grantor's land on the west, and in Driforde half an acre at Wyndiflat in 2 places, 1½ acres at Alexandermedu on the west, 3 rods at Bradstrother, 1½ rods under Harechester in 2 places, ½ acre at Westerwardelaweside in 3 places, 2 acres and 3 rods and at Wyndibuhtes 3 rods, for 3 marks silver and all the liberties and easements in the vill of Aldengraw, and 1d p.a. at the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, Robert Hopper of Coldingham, Robert de Blackburn, Robert, called Laverd of Aldengraw, Adam son of Gregory de Aldengraw, Patrick son of Alice de Reston, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 7"
Seal: Richard. G&B 2934. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App.CXCV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 882
DCD Misc.Ch. 883   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter, son of Robert, once parson of Edenham, granting to the God and St Cuthbert and the prior and monks of Durham ½ carrucate of land in Aldengraw, which he bought from David de Paxton for 15 marks silver, for a pound of cumin at Pentecost, and if he cannot warrant the land to the monks, they can reclaim their land of La Letham which they gave him.
Witnesses: Master Robert de Edint', Master Walter de Edint', Master Alan de Richmond, Master Abraham, Master Anger, John de Kett', Richard Brun, William de Accle, William de Hesswell, William de Bishopton, Thomas, Gilbert, and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7½ x 4½"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXCIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 883
DCD Misc.Ch. 884   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of Ylif de Aldengraw, granting to God and St Mary and the house of Coldingham and the monks there 6½ acres of land in the territory of Aldengraw in pure and perpetual alms, of which 5½ acres are at Wetelandes by Wluestortherflat and 1 acre is at Huttesunesacres.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Geoffrey Ridel, Adam de Prendergest, Adam the clerk, son of Elias, Reginald son of Merlin, Maurice his brother, Bertram de Reston, and others

Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2737. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXCVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 884
DCD Misc.Ch. 885    [23 November] 1327
Language:   Latin
Charter of Anabilla Cogan, granting to God and St Cuthbert and Adam, prior of Coldingham and the monks there, 1 tenement in the south town of Coldingham, between the toft formerly of William the carpentar to the west and the vennel leading to the house formerly of John the forester to the east, in pure and perpetual alms.
Sealed with the seals of Roger de Lumysden and Roger de Fausyd as hers is unknown.
Date: Coldingham, St Clement's Day, Bishop & Martyr 1327.
Parchment, 1m, with a [?contemporary] tear in the turnup sewn up
Size: 12¼ x 5¼"
Seal: Originally 3. 2 survive.
1] of Roger de Fauside. G&B 2826.
2] Not found in G&B.
Green wax. Attached by 2 parchment strips through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 920
DCD Misc.Ch. 886   [?1230s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood (Quikeswde), granting, for the souls of his father and mother, ancestors and successors, to God and St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Durham 10 acres of land in the territory of Coldingham in the place called Flores, which the prior of Coldingham gave him in exchange for his land at Aldcambus [in Misc.Ch. 1275] in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: T[homas de Melsanby?] prior of Coldingham, Robert Arundel, William Buhe, Laurence, Hugh de Alverton, John de Dorset, and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¾ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B 2945. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Confirmed: Thomas, son of David, Misc.Ch. 1013
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 886
DCD Misc.Ch. 887    [15 April] 1362
Language:   French
Indenture between John [Fosser], prior of Durham, and Henry, son and heir of Adam de Prendergest, concerning the payment of a fine of £20 by Adam, now of full age, to the prior, with security from men of the barony of Berwick upon Tweed, for the livery of the manor of Prendergest, as Henry had been a ward of the prior as Predergest was in the barony of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Robert de Hagerston and Alexander de Flex, of the council of Henry
Date: Durham, Friday in Easter week 1362.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Size: 10½ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2921. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 888   [c. 1431]
Language:   Latin
Document recording the perambulation on 14 June 1431, between the lands of Brokhol and Harwood, and the lands of Butterden, with the assent of the prior and convent of Coldingham and of George de Helham, by Patrick of Dunbar, Patrick Heryng, George Gram, Adam of Nesbit, John of Rainton, Hugh de Spens, Patrick of Nesbit, Richard of Edington, Thomas of Lumsden of Fastcastell, Andrew de Blakedyr, William of Manderston, John of Manderston, Thomas of Manderston, John Chirnside, Richard Sleight of Cumlyg, William Whedyrburn, Thomas of Edington, Robert of Edington, Patrick of Edington, John Spens of Dunbar, Gilbert of Lumsden, Thomas of Lumsden of Coldingham, Thomas Atkinson, Richard of Wardlaw, and John of Paxton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 15¾ x 5¼"
Seal: Originally 11. 8 survive. (1) of Thomas Atkinson. G&B 2742.
(2) of John de Chirnside. G&B 2778.
(3) of Richard de Edington. G&B 2819.
(4) of George Graham. G&B 2839.
(5) of John de Paxton. G&B 2909.
(6) of John de Renton. G&B 2966.
(7) of Hugh de Spens. G&B 2991.
(8) of William de Wedderburn. G&B 3006.
All red wax. Attached by parchment strips, all identified, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXXXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 889   6 July 1366
Language:   Latin
Declaration that the prior of Coldingham is not bound to answer suits at the courts of the Justices Itinerant of the King of Scotland, because he holds the barony of Coldingham in pure and perpetual alms by royal charter.
Date: Melrose, Monday 6 July 1366.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11½ x 4¾"
Seal: No seal.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1010 (In substance though not in form)
DCD Misc.Ch. 890   [1180s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ulkil, son of Uchtred, and his heirs Elias, William and Thomas, granting to Maurice, son of Master Merlin, his nephew, all the land which Uchtred son of Gilemichel had in Upper Ayton, for 10 marks, silver.
Witnesses: Bertram, prior of Coldingham, Johel, monk, Ronphar the priest, Master Anger, William the provost, Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of Adam, Elias de Prendergest, Elias de Ayton, Waldef son of William, William de Blacedre, Thomas son of Osbert, Ralph the dapifer, William de Canhus, Edward de Canhus, Stephen his son, Philip de Pethcous, John son of the Bishop, Waldef, son of Uctred, Richard Forest', William Forest', Adam de Bilint', Constantine, Robert Burd', Philip de Celario, Rogert de Hedint', Peter de Eyemouth, Uchtred son of Coleman, Patrick de Prendergest, Elwold Stirch, Uchtred his son, Aldan de Lever Reston, Reginald his brother, Adam Rufus, Coleman the provost, Aldan son of Dime, Gospatric Crumbe, Halden son of Meld de Renigton, Eisten Brun
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¼ x 7¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 890
DCD Misc.Ch. 891    [13 March] 1362
Language:   Latin
Inquisition taken on the age of Henry de Prendergest, his services due to the prior of Durham and the value of his land at Prendergest, by the men of the barony Adam of Greater Lumsden, John of Paxton, Patrick Raulson ?servant of the prior of Coldingham, William Russel, Gregory Jopson, John Ayer of Ayton, John Stevenson, Stephen Ayer, William Hobson, Hugh Marschel, Thomas Ivethson, and Patrick of Blackburn, who say that Henry is the heir of Adam de Prendergest his father and he is of legitimate age to have his lands, and that the land of Predergest owes ward and relief to the prior of Durham, and the land is extended at 45 marks but they do not know the value of the cottages as there are several, but anciently the land and cottages were extended at £36.
Date: the morrow of St Gregory [13]61/2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¾ x 4¼"
Seal: Originally 11. 3 survive. None found in G&B. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through a slit ina turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 891
DCD Misc.Ch. 892   [?1218 x 1234]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Elias de Upper Ayton, with the assent of his heirs, selling to the house of Coldingham 1 toft in Ayton, next to the land of Dolfin, which Ingelram built, and 2 other crofts, 1 at Austrum of Roger Figuli up to Caplesfen from the heads to the exit from the vill and the other on the other part of Caplesfen to the north which holds 5 perches of land, and 20 acres in the "campo" of Ayton in Faulaneflat to the north, for 6 marks silver and 3s given him by the Ralph prior and the convent of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Robert de Upsetlington, sheriff, Walter de Lindsey, Patrick son of Adam, Gervase Ridel, Henry de Prendergest, Gregory the steward, Maurice son of Merlin, Stephen de Ayton, Elias de Prendergest, Adam his son, David de Paxton, David de Aldcambus, Richard de Lumsden, Thomas, son of William, Ralph the archdeacon, Wililam son of Edward, Robert the provost, Robert Belle, William de Cellario, Thomas de Nesbit, Ralph son of Godwin , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2747. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 892
DCD Misc.Ch. 893   [?1189 x 1203]
Language:   Latin
Agreement between S. prior and the convent of Coldingham, and Elias, clerk, of Upper Ayton, that the prior and convent grant to Elias the tofts and crofts they had in Ayton at Austrum and Eilie in exchange for 3 tofts in the same vill, 2 which were of Osulsi and Aldred and the 3rd which was of Walifrei by the house of Erkenrict, with 3 perticates of land in the field by Stanbrigge.
Witnesses: Robert de Burnville, sheriff and R. his son, Patrick de Swinewood, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, William de Nesbit, Edward de Aldcambus, Adam de Prendergest and R. his son, Elias de Prendergest, Master Merlin, Gregory the dapifer, Adam de Reston
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¾ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2747. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 893
DCD Misc.Ch. 894   [c.1245 x 1248]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Sybil, daughter of Maurice de Ayton, saying she is in arrears to the house of Coldingham, and therefore she quitclaims to them all her land, viz. ⅓ of the land of Maurice her father in Upper Ayton, rendering all escheats etc to Dom Richard prior and the convent of Coldingham in the full court of Coldinghamshire at Eyton.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of Gregory de Coldingham, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Patrick Scot, Bertram de Reston, William, son of Waldef, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, John son of Ingeram
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2751. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup. Natural wax.
Another version [?]: Misc.Ch. 900
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 912 (except for list of witnesses)
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 894
DCD Misc.Ch. 895    [20 December] 1258
Language:   Latin
Charter of Elias Chauncum de Ayton, quitclaiming to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the prior and convent of Coldingham ½ carrucate of land in Upper Ayton. This he has handed to Dom Henry de Silton, prior of Coldingham, in full court at Ayton.
Witnesses: Dom Hugh de Berkeley, justiciar of Lothian and sheriff of Berwick, Dom David de Graham, Alan de Harecares, Adam de Hedington, Walter de Burdon, knights, William de Baddeby, constable of Berwick, Henry de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of Walter, Walter son of the smith, and many others
Date: full court of Ayton, the eve of the Blessed Thomas the Apostle 1258.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9¾ x 5½"
Seal: G&B 2776. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 896
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 895
DCD Misc.Ch. 896   [20 December] 1258
Language:   Latin
Charter of Elias Chauncun de Ayton.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2776. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 895
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 896
DCD Misc.Ch. 897   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Thomas, son of David de Quickswood, confirming the gift by his father to the fabric of the church of Coldingham, of 3 perches of land in Coldingham.
Witnesses: John and Stephen, chaplains of Coldingham, Robert son of Gregory, William the clerk, Geoffrey & German, clerks, Alan the sacrist's man, Benedict the smith , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5½ x 3"
Seal: G&B 2947. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Original, here confirmed: Misc.Ch. 5932
Noticed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 897
DCD Misc.Ch. 898   [c.1230]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Roger, called Pauper, granting, with the consent of his wife and heirs Adam, Betris and Emma, to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and the monks of Durham at Coldingham, 2 bovates of land he had in Ayton, with a toft and croft.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Adam de Prendergest, Lord Thomas de Nesbit, Simon, brother of the prior of Coldingham, Lord Andrew de Paxton, Lord Adam de Hedintun, Lord William de Lumsden, William de Muros, Robert son of Gregory, steward of Coldingham, John de Lumsden, Bertram de Beniston , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6 x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2906. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 898
DCD Misc.Ch. 899   [10 July] 1247
Language:   Latin
Charter of John of Jedburgh (Jeddewrte) and Mariota his wife, daughter of Maurice de Ayton, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham their land in Upper Ayton, viz. ⅓ of the land of Maurice, because of arrears, etc to the value of 10 marks. This was done in court at Ayton, in the jurisdiction of the dean of Mereskes and the vicar of Berwick.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord David de Haddington, Lord Ralph Noble, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Thomas de Nesbit, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Gilbert de Lumsden, John son of Ingeram, Gregory de Betyoc, and others
Date: the court of Coldingham at Ayton, 6 Id. July 1247.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 6"
Seal: John and Mariota. G&B 2862 and 2750. Natural wax. Each attached by a parchment strip through a slit ina turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Charter 899.
DCD Misc.Ch. 900   [c.1245 x 1248]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Sybil, daughter of Maurice de Ayton, saying that since the ⅓ part of the land of Maurice her father was burdened with debt, she has quitclaimed it to Richard, prior and the convent of Coldingham.
Date: court of Coldinghamshire at Ayton.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 3¾"
Seal: Sybil. G&B 2751. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a trunup, now loose.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 900. - Charter of Sybil, daughter of Maurice de Ayton, saying that …
Misc.Ch. 901-999
DCD Misc.Ch. 901    [11 August or 20 October] 1327
Language:   Latin
Charter of John, son of William de Ayton, granting to the monks of Coldingham special licence and free power to make a water conduit from Ayton through his land called Castelholl to the East Mill at Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, John son of Walter, sheriff of Berwick, Roger de Lumsden, William Ridell, John Frankes, Patrick the sergeant , and many others
Date: Coldingham, Tuesday after St Lawrence 1327.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9 x 3¾"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip reused from the head of another document of Patrick [?] through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 901. - Charter of John, son of William de Ayton, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 902   16 February 1247
Language:   Latin
Charter of the knights, free tenants, and all the court of Coldingham, stating that Sibilia, daughter of Maurice de Eyton, acknowledges that she cannot keep up her due service for land in Upper Ayton, and her land is to revert to the prior and convent of Coldingham.
Date: in full court at Ayton, 16 February 1246/7.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 5¼"
Seal: Originally 4. 3 survive.
(1) of William de Mordington. G&B 2896.
(2) of William de Scremerston. G&B 2985.
(3) of Adam de Prendergest. G&B 2917.
All natural wax. Each attached by a parchment strip through a slit in a turnup, with a further blank sealing tag
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 902. - Charter of the knights, free tenants, and all the court …
DCD Misc.Ch. 903    [5 September] 1254
Language:   Latin
Charter of Elias Chauncun de Ayton, quitclaiming to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 toft in the vill of Upper Ayton neare the spring of Pidematin and the churchyard, and 19 acres of arable land, 13 acres of which he ?gained from Maurice son of Merlin in the prior's court, and 6 acres which he ?gained from the same Maurice's daughters in the same court, that is 1 acre in the croft, 2½ acres in the east field and 2½ acres at Unpulle, for service to the king and lord of Coldingham due for a bovate.
Witnesses: Lord David de Graham, Lord William de Scremerston, Henry, constable of Berwick, John Gray, mayor of Berwick, Thomas de Nesbit, Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Robert de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden , and many others
Date: the prior's court at Ayton, Saturday after St Cuthbert in September 1254.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¾ x 5¾"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 903. - Charter of Elias Chauncun de Ayton, quitclaiming to the Prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 904   [c.1230s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Waldef, son of William de Ayton, granting to God and the chapel of St Denis in Ayton, 1 acre of land in Ayton at Prendrewin remote from sole for the salvation of the souls of himself, his wife Beatrice and his ancestors, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Lord Thomas, prior of Coldingham, William de Wideslade, Henry de Prendergest, Peter de Coldingham, chaplain, T. chaplain of Ayton, Elias de Upper Ayton, John his son, Maurice son of Merlin, Adam son of Dolfin, Ingebram, Robert son of Osbert , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¾ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 2753. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 904. - Charter of Waldef, son of William de Ayton, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 905    [26 March] 1276
Language:   Latin
Quitclaim of Alice, once wife of Robert, son of Maurice de Ayton, to Walter, son of Robert Purroc, all her land in Upper Ayton in right of dower.
Witnesses: Lord Peter de Mordington, Lord Henry de Prendergest, William de Baddeby, Simon de Baddeby, John de Baddeby, John Ridel, Adam de Prendergest, Richard Franceis de Ayton, William de Ayton, Thomas Franceis de Ayton, John, son of Adam de Ayton, Patrick the sergeant of Reston, Ralph de Swinewood, Adam de Coldingham, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert Cogan, Robert the clerk, and others.
Date: in the prior's court at Ayton, the morrow of the Annunciation of the BVM 1276.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¼ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2746. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 905. - Charter of Alice, once wife of Robert, son of Maurice …
DCD Misc.Ch. 906   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Simon, son of Elias de Prendergest and Walter his brother, quitclaiming to God and St Mary of Coldingham and the prior and convent of Coldingham all their land in Lower Ayton, viz. 8 acres of land on Holburneflat given them by their father.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, John son of Elias, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of Maurice, Elias Cancore?, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 2¾"
Seal: Simon, Walter and Richard de Prendergest. G&B 2930, 2931, 2932. Natural wax. Each attached by a parchment strip through a slit in the turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 906. - Charter of Simon, son of Elias de Prendergest and Walter …
DCD Misc.Ch. 907    [12 March] 1279
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam de Camera, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham all that land with a toft which he bought from Walter Purroc in Upper Ayton as detailed in Walter's charter.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest kt., William de Baddeby, steward of Coldingham, John de Baddeby his son, Richard Fraunceys, William de Ayton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, David de Swinewood, John, son of Bertram de Reston, Elias son of Roger de Reston, John de Alverham, clerk of Coldingham.
Date: court of the prior of Coldingham at Ayton, St Gregory the Pope 1279/80.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2777. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 907. - Charter of Adam de Camera, quitclaiming to the Prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 908   [c.1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard, son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to Walter his brother, all his "cultura" of Leycroft, which Robert de Prendergest gave him, rendering annually 1d p.a. to Robert de Prendergest, and 6d to the altar of St Mary in the church of Ayton, and 6d to the "Roele" of that church.
Witnesses: Lord Anketin, prior of Coldingham, Henry de Selby, terrar, Adam de Prendergest, Thomas de Nesbit, William de Scremerston, Robert son of Gregory, Bertram de Reston, Adam de Ayton, Adam Fraunceys, and others

Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 4"
Seal: G&B 2925. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 908. - Charter of Richard, son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 909   [16 August or 19 October] 1331
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Adam, son of William de Upper Ayton grants to St Cuthbert and Adam, prior and convent of Coldingham, 1 "placea" of land to the east of Duckiepool by Eye, 60 feet long and 50 feet wide, for the site of a mill and aqueduct.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, Hugh Giffard, kts, Gilbert de Lumsden, John de Rainton, mayor of Berwick, John de Paxton , and many others.
Date: Coldingham, Saturday after the Feast of St Lawrence 1331.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being for the site of a fulling mill.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 9½ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2745. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 909. - Indenture whereby Adam, son of William de Upper Ayton grants …
DCD Misc.Ch. 910   [c.1230s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Simon, son of Thomas, resigning to the prior and convent of Durham, for the sustentation of the almonry of Coldingham, the land in Ayton which he had as their gift, viz. a toft and croft by the house of Adam Pistor, with pits and 18 acres in the "campo", between St Ebbe's spring and Liteldene, rendering annually 12d, half at St Martin and half at Pentecost.
Witnesses: Lord Thomas, prior of Coldingham, Adam, clerk of Prendergest, Adam, Lord of Prendergest, Geoffrey Ridel, William de Lumsden, Adam de Reston, John son of Elias, Maurice son of Merlin, Adam Fraunceis, John son of Ingebram , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8½ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 3001. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 910. - Charter of Simon, son of Thomas, resigning to the Prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 911   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Stephen de Ayton granting, for the souls of his father and mother and all his parents, to God and St Mary and St Ebbe of Coldingham, and the monks there, 1 toft and croft in the vill of Ayton next to the house of Adam Pistor, with pits and 18 acres of land, between St Ebbe's spring and Litteldene, in pure, free and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Lord P. son of Adam, H. de Prendergest, A. de Swinton, W. de Mordington, W. de Lumsden, J. de Lumsden, R. son of Gregory , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5¼ x 3"
Seal: Fragment only. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 911. - Charter of Stephen de Ayton granting to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 912   [c.1245 x 1248]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Sybil, daughter of Maurice de Ayton, saying that she was in arrears of 100s to the house of Coldingham, and therefore she quitclaims to them all her land in Upper Ayton, viz. ⅓ of the land of Maurice her father.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of Gregory de Coldingham, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Patrick Scot, Bertram de Reston, William son of Waldef, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, John son of Ingeram, Adam Franceys, and others
Date: full court of Coldinghamshire at Ayton, in the time of Prior Richard.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2751. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 894 (different witnesses)
Another version: Misc.Ch. 900
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 912. - Charter of Sybil, daughter of Maurice de Ayton, saying that …
DCD Misc.Ch. 913    [12 March] 1337
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert de Lamberton, son and heir of the late William de Lamberton, granting to William Stubbe, burgess of Berwick, all his lands and tenements in Upper Ayton, Eyemouth, Coldingham and Flemington.
Witnesses: Lord William del Escheker, Prior of Coldingham, Adam de Prendergest, John son of Adam de Ayton, Richard Broun, Wililam Ridel, Elias Ayr, and others
Date: Ayton, Wednesday after St Gregory the Pope 1336/7.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 6½"
Seal: G&B 2865. Dark wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 913. - Charter of Robert de Lamberton, son and heir of William …
DCD Misc.Ch. 914   [1276 x 1296]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert Hopper of Coldingham, granting, with the assent of Patrick his oldest son to Stephen of Howden, sacrist of Coldingham, 1 acre of land in Coldingham called Stampardesaker in Scaceby, in free and perpetual alms, to support the chapel of St Ebbe on the hill (in monte), for 4d p.a. to the house of Coldingham half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Horncastle, prior of Coldingham, Philip de Linton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Richard Fraunceys, John son of Adam of the same, Peter de Prendergest, Ralph de Swinewood, Hugh the clerk , and many others

Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 4½"
Seal: (1) of Robert Hopper. G&B 2849.
(2) of Patrick Hopper. G&B 2848.
Natural wax. Each attached by parchment strips through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 914. - Charter of Robert Hopper of Coldingham, granting, with the assent …
DCD Misc.Ch. 915    [12 March] 1292
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert Hopper and Patrick his son, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 acre of land in the "territorio" of Coldingham to the east of Scaceby called Stampardesacre .
Date: the prior's court at Ayton (witness), St Gregory 1291/2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 3¾"
Seal: (1) of Robert Hopper. G&B 2849.
(2) of Patrick Hopper. G&B 2848.
Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 915. - Charter of Robert Hopper and Patrick his son, quitclaiming to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 916   [1245 x 1248]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Mabilla, widow, daughter of Constantine, granting, for the salvation of the souls of herself, her father and mother, to God and St Ebbe and the almoner of Coldingham in free and perpetual alms 5 acres of land in Coldingham, that is 4 acres and ½ a rod at Flores, 1½ rods at Pilemor, and ½ an acre to the south of Flores, for an annual rent of a pound of cumin at St Martin.
Witnesses: Richard, Prior of Coldingham, Robert son of the steward, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert son of Reginald, Adam Fraunceys, Thomas his son, Adam son of John de Ayton , and many others.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5½ x 4"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 916. - Charter of Mabilla, widow, daughter of Constantine, granting to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 917   [21 July] 1263
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard, son of Jordan Mus of Coldingham, quitclaiming a house in Coldingham which he inherited where John Curanter lives with 1 acre of land at Galustan by the moor to the prior and convent of Coldingham, for a certain sum of money.
Witnesses: Henry de Prendergest, Adam, son of Walter de Ayton, Walter son of the smith, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert Buring, William de Billingham, Thomas de Alnham, and the court of the terrar at Ayton
Date: the court of the terrar at Ayton, Saturday before St James 1263.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 4"
Seal: not found in G& B. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 917. - Charter of Richard, son of Jordan Mus of Coldingham, quitclaiming …
DCD Misc.Ch. 918   [c.1258 x 1273]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Eda Cantur, daughter of Adam, son of Cospatric of Little Reston, in her widowhood quitclaiming to John, son of Bertram de Reston 2 bovates of land in Little Reston with 1 toft and croft and buildings which he held from the same John.
Witnesses: Lords Peter de Mordington, Adam de Edington, and Henry de Prendergest, knights, Thomas son of Robert the steward, Robert Brunning, Robert Hopper, William de Anecroft, Robert Brun de Coldingham, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, Simon de Swinewood, Ralph de Swinewood, Elias de Reston, and all the court of Ayton
Parchment, 1m, lined
Seal: G&B 2774. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCVIII*
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 918. - Charter of Eda Cantur, daughter of Adam, son of Cospatric …
DCD Misc.Ch. 919   [c.1258 x 1273]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Eda Cantur, daughter of Adam, son of Cospatric of Little Reston, for the salvation of the souls of herself, her ancestors and successors, quitclaiming to Roger, prior, and the monks of Coldingham, 2 bovates of land and 1 toft and croft in Little Reston which she had from her father Adam, and which John of Bertram of Reston held, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, William de Baddeby, constable of Berwick, Simon de Baddeby, coroner, Hugh and Reginald, sergeants to the King, William son of Adam de Ayton, William de Hilton, Simon de Swinewood, Gilbert son of Gilbert de Lumsden, William de Cakefurlang, Elias de Reston, Patrick the sergeant, and the whole court of Ayton
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9 x 7½"
Seal: G&B 2774. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 919. - Charter of Eda Cantur, daughter of Adam, son of Cospatric …
DCD Misc.Ch. 920    [23 November] 1326
Language:   Latin
Charter of Anabilla Cogan of Coldingham, granting to Adam, prior and the Convent of Coldingham, 1 tenement in the south town of Coldingham between the toft formerly of William the Carpenter to the west and the vennell leading to the house formerly of John the Forster to the east, in pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, John son of Walter, sheriff of Berwick, Roger de Lumsden, Roger de Fauside, William Russall, William Marshal, Adam son of Patrick, Ranulph de Eccles, William son of Ralph and Patrick his son, and many others
Date: Coldingham, St Clement Bishop & Martyr 1326.
Parchment, 1m, lined partially
Size: 10¾ x 5¾"
Seal: Originally 3. 2 survive.
(1) of Roger de Lumsden. G&B 2881.
(2) of Anabilla Cogan. G&B 2783., each on a prchment tag through a slit in a turnup, with a further blank parchment [sealing] tag
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 885
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 921   [1260s x 1270s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of William Bruning and Beatrix, daughter of Robert Scryppe, heirs of Richard Scrippe, granting to John, son of Robert Page, 1 toft to the west of the almonry in Coldingham by the old pond, paying 8d p.a. to the house of Coldingham, half at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, steward of the house of Coldingham, John son of Bertram de Reston, Thomas, son of Robert, steward of Coldingham, Richard his brother, Gilbert, son of Gilbert de Lumsden, William de Billingham, Robert Bruning, Robert Hopper, Bertram Hopper, John Brikon, Robert Brune, Elias de Brafferton, clerk, and all the court of Ayton
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 7¾ x 3¾"
Seal: (1) of Adam.
(2) of Roger, Prior of Coldingham. G&B 3651.
(3) of Beatrix. Each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 921. - Charter of Adam, son of William Bruning and Beatrix, daughter …
DCD Misc.Ch. 922    [20 December 13]64
Language:   Latin
Inquisition before the sheriff by Patrick of Nesbit, Richard de Ellom, John of Ayton, John de Wederborne, Robert of Paxton, Patrick Brone, John Bell of Rainton, Adam Paxton, Gilbert de Lumsyde, John Ayr of Ayton, John son of Stephen of the same vill, John Crayke, Patrick Blackburn, John Haldmarkeyt, John Bell of Aldcambous, Alan of Swinton, Alan Reyd of Wystome, Hugh Warene, Richard son of Alexander of Hoton, Adam de Edington, Robert Brone of Rainton, finding that the vill of Lumsden is held in chief of the Prior of Durham by ward, relief and marriage.
Date: Bonkle (Bonkil), Friday the vigil of St Thomas the Apostle [13]64.
Parchment, 1m, one stain
Size: 9½ x 8"
1) of Patrick de Nesbit. G&B 2897.
2) of John de Wedderburn. G&B 3005.
and 5 others not found in G&B. Natural wax. All on 6 tongues with 3 further stubs
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 667
Copy: Reg. I. f.19
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXX
DCD Misc.Ch. 923   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Margaret, once wife of John Page of Coldingham, selling to Geoffrey de Castro cellarer of Coldingham the land once belonging to her husband to the west of the cellarer in Coldingham by the old pond, which Geoffrey bought from her son John Page.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 3"
Seal: (1) of Gregory son of Geoffrey de Coldingham.
(2) of John de Arasce his brother.
(3) Unidentified
None found in G&B. All natural wax. Each attached by parchment strips through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 923. - Charter of Margaret, once wife of John Page of Coldingham, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 924   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph Nuncius, son of Alan Granger of Coldingham, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham 16 acres of arable land in Coldingham, with ⅓ of a toft and croft once belonging to David de Quickswood to the west of the vill, all of which Lord Adam de Edington gave him [Ralph], that is at Haliden 3 rods, at Wytelawe 1 acre, at Mildnedenchester 1 rod, on Gose ½ acre, at Stobbethorne 2 acres, at Goseford in 2 places ½ acre, at Wytecherforde ½ acre, at Pymandelawe ½ acre, at Caldelawe 2 acres, at Laverokchester 1 acre, by the churchyard of Lumsden 1 acre, at Marketh 1½ acres, at Harechlowe ½ acre, at Castellawe ½ acre, at Kyppiddelawe 1 acre, at Redelawe in 2 places 1½ acres, rendering annually 1d.
Witnesses: Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Adam de Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert the steward, Richard de Ayton, William de Ayton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert Hopper, Robert de Mordington, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10 x 6½"
Seal: G&B 2957. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Copy: Misc.Ch. 928. (same grant, different witnesses)
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 924. - Charter of Ralph Nuncius, son of Alan Granger of Coldingham, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 925   10 July 1347
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard Frere, son and heir of Robert Frere of Coldingham, confirming, with the assent of Walter de Skaresbrek, Prior of Coldingham to Bartholomew de Skaresbrek, that tenement which Robert Frere bought from Agnes Roende by Simon Kay's tenement in the vill of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Adam de Prendergest, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, Robert de Paxton, Patrick Raufson, bailiff of the Prior of Coldingham, , and many others.
Date: Coldingham, 10 July 1347.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 9½ x 4"
Seal: 2 slits for [sealing tags]
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCC
DCD Misc.Ch. 926   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Cristiana, sister of Patrick, son of Thomas, late wife of Constantine, together with Mabilla, and Margaret, daughter of Adam, heirs of Cristiana, quitclaim to the house of Coldingham all the cultivated land near Hallecroft to the south up to the stream of Bethyoe, to calm the dispute between them and the prior and convent of COldingham over all the land which was Uhtred the Smith's, and for 8s annually half at St Martin and half at St John the Baptist.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Walter, Andrew and Alexander de Paxton, William, vicar of Aldcambus, William de Lumsden, David his son, Robert son of Gregory, Bertram de Reston, John son of Elias, Ralph the provost of Coldingham, and others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, ?carta cut through
Size: 5½ x 4"
Seal: (1) of Cristiana. G&B 2787.
(2) Not found in G&B.
(3) of Margaret, daughter of Adam. G&B 2731.
Natural wax. Each attached by a parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 926. - Indenture whereby Cristiana, sister of Patrick, son of Thomas, late …
DCD Misc.Ch. 927   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Gregory the marshal of Coldingham quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Durham and the almoner of Coldingham a house with a curtilage in Coldingham which Richard Brun gave to the almonry of COldingham in free and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Adam de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Robert son of the steward, Gilbert de Lumsden, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of Reginald, Robert de Prendergest, Elias Pistor, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¼ x 3"
Seal: G&B 2888. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 927. - Charter of Gregory the marshal of Coldingham quitclaiming to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 928   [later 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph Nuncius, son of Alan Granger of Coldingham assigning to the prior and convent of Coldingham 16 acres of arable land in Coldingham, and ⅓ of a toft and croft which once belonged to David de Quickswood to the west of the vill, and which Adam de Edington assigned to him [Ralph], that is at Haliden 3 rods, at Wytelawe 1 acre, at Mildnedenchester 1 rod, on Gose ½ acre, at Stobbethorne 2 acres, at Goesford in 2 places ½ acre, at Wytechesterforde ½ acre, at Pimanlawe ½ acre, at Caldelawe 2 acres, at Laverocchester 1 acre, by the churchyard of Lumsden 1 acre, at Marketh 1½ acres, at Hareclowe ½ acre, at Castellawe ½ acre, at Kippelawe 1 acre, at Redelawe in 2 places 1½ acres, rendering annually 1d.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Adam de Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert the steward, Richard Fraunceys de Ayton, William de Ayton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert Hopper, Robert de Mordington, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¼ x 5"
Seal: Green wax. G&B 2957. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in the foot
Copy: Misc.Ch. 924 (same grant with different witnesses)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 928. - Charter of Ralph Nuncius, son of Alan Granger of Coldingham …
DCD Misc.Ch. 929   [later 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Mabilia, daughter of Constantine de Coldingham, in her widowhood granting to God, St Mary and St Ebbe, and the prior and monks of Coldingham the homage and service of William Frre[rie], and 2½ acres of land which William holds from her, of which 1 acre and 1 rod ar ein the vill of Coldingham in a toft and croft in the east part of Prestrigel, and 1 acre and 1 rod are in the fields of the same vill, the acre at Crawechester and the rod at Reddelawesyde, in free, pure and perpetual alms .
Witnesses: Lord Ralph Noble, Lord William de Scremerston, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, Henry his son, Robert, son of the steward of Coldingham, Adam, son of John de Ayton, Patrick Scot of Reston, Patrick son of Colman, Gilbert de Lumsden, John son of Ingeram de Ayton, Roger son of the provost, and others
Witness: The Prior's court at Ayton.
Parchment, 1m, stains
Size: 6½ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2789. Green wax. Attached by a parchment strip reused from another document through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 929. - Charter of Mabilia, daughter of Constantine de Coldingham, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 930   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of the prior and convent of Coldingham, selling to Patrick Scot, brother of John Scot, land once of John Scot son of Patrick Scot of Reston in the vill and territory Great Reston whioch had been forfeited to the king of Scotland and which they had received from the king and his bailiffs, excepting that held in dower by Alice, John Scot's stepmother.
Witnesses: Lords Henry de Prendergest, Peter de Mordington, Adam de Edington, knights, John Ridell de Ayton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam de Lumsden, William de Baddeby, Richard Fraunceys de Ayton, Thomas Fraunceys de Ayton, William de Paxton, Patrick son of Alice de Reston, Patrick, sergeant of Reston, Patrick Scot of East Reston, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9½ x 6¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 930. - Charter of the Prior and Convent of Coldingham, selling to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 931   [early 14th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard Plume, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 toft and 1 acre in Coldingham for a sum of money.
Witnesses: Robert de Hoveden, Roger de Lumsden, Robert de Blackburn and Patrick de Blackburn, William de Potthou, Thomas Stute, Robert Wariner, Elias Bricun, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2915 and 2916. of Richard Plume and John his son. Both natural wax. Attached by parchment strips reused from other documents through 3 slits in a turnup.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 931. - Charter of Richard Plume, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent …
DCD Misc.Ch. 932   [4 December] 1290
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick Hopper of Coldingham, demising to James, son of Patrick de Coldingham, 1 acre of arable land in Coldingham, which Stephen Stampard once held, between the crofts of Scatteby and the burn to the south, and another part of the acre towards the burn to the north, for a sum of money, for 12 years, with reversion to Hopper if the money is not paid within 5 years.
He finds as pledges William Pet of Coldingham and Simon son of William of Swinewood.
At Coldingham, Monday before St Nicholas the Bishop 1290.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¾ x 4¾"
Seal: (1) G&B 2848 of Patrick Hopper.
(2) Not found in G&B.
(3) G&B 2997 of Simon.
All natural wax. Each attached by a parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 932. - Charter of Patrick Hopper of Coldingham, demising to James, son …
DCD Misc.Ch. 933   [c.1221 x 1234]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Lumley, with the assent of his wife and heirs, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Coldingham 1 toft and croft in the vill of Coldingham, which Thomas, Prior of Coldingham, gave him, between the houses of Adam de Carram and John de Hunsinghouere.
Endorsed (icnlduing) (14th century) that the land pays annually to the communar 13s 4d.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2876. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App CCCXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 933. - Charter of William de Lumley, quitclaiming to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 934   [c.1270s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, son of William Cantor, granting to Alice daughter of Augustine and Agnes his sister a toft with a croft of 2 acres in Little Reston, between the land of John of Reston and the toft of Elias son of Roger, paying 1lb of wax p.a. to the sacrist of Coldingham at Christmas.
Witnesses: Lord Peter de Mordington, Lord Henry de Prendergest kts., William de Baddeby, Simon de Baddeby, Adam son of Walter, Thomas Franceys of Ayton, Gilbert, Lord of Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert the steward, Robert Buring', Robert Hopper, Elias son of Roger de Reston, John de Reston, Adam de Coldingham, Ralph, smith, of Coldingham , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9 x 5¾"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 934. - Charter of William, son of William Cantor, granting to Alice …
DCD Misc.Ch. 935   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram, son of Robert the cook, granting to the prior and convent of Coldingham ½ carrucate of land in Renington, with guarantees if title is impugned, and he will exchange it for hisland in Coldingham or Dunlin or anywhere else.
Witnesses: Lord David de Graham, sheriff of Berwick, R. Noble, William de Mordington, William de Scremerston, David de Lumsden, G. de Lumsden, Robert son of the steward, Adam son of John de Ayton, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, Patrick Scot, Patrick son of Coleman, and all the court of Ayton and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¾ x 5½"
Seal: G&B 2791. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 935. - Charter of Bertram, son of Robert the cook, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 936   [early 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood (Quicheswde) granting for the souls of his ancestors, parents, wife, heirs and children, to the Hospital of Aldcambus and the lepers ½ carrucate of land in Aldcambus which Ralph Pelliparius held, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Patrick son of Adam, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, William de Lummesden, Elias de Prendergest, A. his son, Adam and William de Reston, Elias, Maurice & Adam de Ayton, Reginald son of Merlin, John de Lumsden, Ralph the provost, Ralph the sergeant , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¾ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 2941. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 936. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting to the Hospital of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 937   [early 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood (Quiquiswde) quitclaiming to God and St Mary and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Durham at Coldingham that toft with buildings next to the shop of Benedict the Smith, which he had in exchange for his land in Aldcambus, for 1 silver mark paid to him.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Lord Adam de Prendergest, Adam de Little Reston, Bertram his son, Maurice son of Master Merlin, William clerk of Midford, John de Lumsden, William Scot of Coldingham, and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 2944. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 937. - Charter of David de Quickswood quitclaiming to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 938   [early 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood (Quikiswde) granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebb and the monks of Durham at Coldingham with the will and consent of his wife and his heirs all his land in the vill of Aldcambus, in exchange for 60 acres in Coldingham and 1 toft and croft which Waldef Pethum held, and 10 acres in the cultivated land of Flores, and 1 messuage next to the shop of Benedict the smith and 100s.
Witnesses: Lord Patrick, earl of Dunbar, Lord Patrick his son, Lord John de Maxwell, sheriff of Berwick, William de Mordington, Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, William de Lummesden, Simon the Prior's brother, Walter de Paxton, Andrew de Paxton, Robert son of the steward, Adam son of Ylif , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2943. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 938. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 939   [1195 x 1214]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood (Quikeswude), quitclaiming all quarrels with Prior Arnald and the convent of Coldingham, concerning land cultivated or uncultivated, in the full court of the prior at Homelcnoll, and he will demand nothing but 4 wagon loads of stakes and twigs (de pelo et virga) for building purposes which he and his heirs will have each year in the prior and convent's woods by view of the foresters.
Witnesses: Master Anger, Peter, chaplain of Coldingham, William de Wideslade, Henry de Prendergest and Elias his uncle, Adam de Little Reston, Reginald his uncle, Adam de Aldengraw, Reginald & Maurice, sons of Merlin, William de Lumsden, John de Lumsden, Ralph the provost, Nicholas the clerk, William the sergeant , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6½ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2941. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 939. - Charter of David de Quickswood, quitclaiming all quarrels with Arnald, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 940   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter de Sympring and Cecilia, daughter of Marjorie Rede, quitclaiming to God, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe and the prior and monks of Durham at Coldingham that toft, croft and pertinents in Coldingham on the south part of Prenkymhow which belonged to Robert son of Marjorie, with also 100s for the fabric of the church of Coldingham, and 100s for the fabric of the bridge at Ayton .
Witnesses: Lord John Gray, Lord Peter de Mordington, Lond Henry de Prendergest, kts., Master Peter de Coldingham, Adam son of Elias Pistor de Coldingham, Thomas son of the steward of Coldingham, Robert Cogan of Coldingham, Gilbert de Lumsden, junior, John de Reston, Elias de Ayton, Adam de Lumsden, and others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 10¾ x 6¾"
Seal: Originally 2. Both missing. Each attached by parchment strips through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine: N.D. App. CCXCII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 940. - Charter of Walter de Sympring and Cecilia, daughter of Marjorie …
DCD Misc.Ch. 941   [1260s x 1276]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Stephen Stampard of Coldingham granting to Robert Hopper 1 acre of land in Coldingham called Stampardesakyr, next to Scatebye, for 4d p.a. to the house of Coldingham at St John the Baptist and St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord R[oger] de Wolveston, prior of Coldingham, Lord Henry de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, A. de Lamberton, A. son of Walter de Ayton, Walter son of the smith of Ayton, Adam Lake, Gilbert Jr. of Lumsden, W. de Billigham , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 5 x 5¾"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 941. - Charter of Stephen Stampard of Coldingham granting to Robert Hopper …
DCD Misc.Ch. 942   [1276 x 1296]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alan Carpenter and Amabilla his wife granting with the assent of Geoffrey and William their children to the almoner of Coldingham 1 toft and croft in Coldingham by the wall of the monastery to the south, for a sum of money paid him by Brother Robert de la Bowes almoner of Coldingham, for 19d p.a. to the prior and convent of Coldingham at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Henry, prior of Coldingham, Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, John de Baddeby, John Ridell, John de Prendergest, Roger de Lumsden, Richard son of Robert, William de Ayton, John son of Adam, Hugh the clerk , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined, stained
Size: 9 x 5"
Seal: (1) Alan. (2) Amabilla. (3) Geoffrey. (4) William.
Natural wax. Each attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 942. - Charter of Alan Carpenter and Amabilla his wife granting with …
DCD Misc.Ch. 943   12 May 1429
Language:   Latin
Inquisition post mortem in the court of the prior of Coldingham at Reston, whereby John de Ranton, George de Ellam, Patrick de Nesbit, John de Chirnside, John de Qwitlaw, James de Qwitlaw, Thomas of Lumsden, George de Redpit, Thomas Ade, John of Paxton, Columba of Paxton, William de Aldyncrab, Thomas of Lumsden, Gilbert of Lumsden, and John of Ayton, find that William de Paxton, father of Margaret and Annetta de Paxton, died siesed of 3 husbandlands in Aldengraw, and that Margaret and Annetta are rightful heirs.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½ x 7½"
Seal: Originally 7. 4 survive.
1) of John de Chirnside. G&B 2778.
2) of John de Renton. G&B 2965.
3 & 4) Not found in G&B.
Red wax. Attached to strips cut from left foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 944   [12 April 1242]
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus of D[avid de Bernham] bishop of St Andrews that, following the violent spilling of blood by a clerk of the school (scolari) of Berwick in the church of Holy Trinity Berwick, the bishop came and reconciled the church according to canon law to enable them to hold divine service, and afterwards received hospitality from A. prior of Coldingham at Coldingham, but this is not to prejudice the agreement between his predecessor William [Malvoisine] and the prior and convent of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 190mm
Seal: G&B 3620. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document, with a wrapping tie below
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXXX
Extracted: Marinell Ash, 'The Administration of the Diocese of St Andrews 1202-1328', (Newcastle Univ PhD thesis, 1972), p.348
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 944.
DCD Misc.Ch. 945a    [10 August or 17 October] 1253
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, son of "Cantor" of Berwick, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and Henry, prior of Coldingham and the monks of Durham at Coldingham, a toft and messuage belonging to his father in Berwick and all the land which his father had around Bradwell on the north part of the hall of the prior of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lords David de Graham, Alan de Harkares, William de Scremerston kts., Lord J. de Gray, mayor of Berwick, Henry, constable of Berwick, Lord Adam son of Philip, Adam his son, Robert de Durham, John de Hove, burgess of Berwick, Robert son of the steward, Roger son of the provost, Patrick Scot , and many others
Date: St Lawrence 1253.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some stains
Size: 6 x 6¼"
Seal: G&B 2775. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 945b, with omission of second half of quitclaim, and with some differences in witnesses.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 945a. - Charter of William, son of Cantor of Berwick, quitclaiming to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 945b    [10 August or 17 October] 1253
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, son of "Cantor" of Berwick.
Omits half of quitclaim "all the land which his father had around Bradwell on the north part of the hall of the Prior of Coldingham".
Witnesses: Lords David de Graham, Alan de Harkares, William de Scremerston, Ralph Noble, knights, Lord J. de Gray, then mayor of Berwick, Henry, constable of Berwick, Lords Adam, son of Philip, Adam his son, Robert de Durham, John de Hove, burgess of Berwick, Roger son of the reeve, Patrick Scot, David de Lumsden , and many others
Date: St Lawrence 1253.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6¼ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B 2775. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 945a with omission and differences in witnesses.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 945b. - Charter of William, son of Cantor of Berwick.Omits half of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 946   2 April 1358
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert de Wolsthorp, chaplain, of the diocese of Lincoln and attorney of Robert de Gamelton, chaplain and perpetual vicar of the church of Holy Trinity of Berwick on Tweed, acknowledging receipt from Lord John Symepenys, chaplain and John de Graystanes, burgess of Berwick, proctors of the prior and convent of Coldingham, of 11 marks 11s 10d sterling, in part payment of 20 marks in which the prior and convent were obligated to Gamelton.
Sealed by David Kymbergeham alderman of Berwick as others are unknown.
At Berwick on Tweed, 2 April 1358.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9½ x 3¾"
Seal: Unidentified, natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXXXVI
DCD Misc.Ch. 947   1246
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alan de Candela, quitclaiming to Bertram, son of Robert the cook of Coldingham ½ carrucate of land in Renington (?Renton).
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Ralph Noble, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Thomas de Nesbit, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert son of the steward, Gregory de Batyoc, Patrick Scot , and many others
Made in the presence of the prior of Coldingham and many of this faithful men in his court at Ayton, 1246.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2773. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip recycled from another document through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 947. - Charter of Alan de Candela, quitclaiming to Bertram, son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 948   [c.1245]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood (Quickeswde) granting, for the souls of himself, his wife, his son Thomas, and his predecessors and successors, to God and St Mary and for the fabric of the church of St Mary of Coldingham 1½ acres of land in the territory of Coldingham on Duneknol in the east part of Coldingham in pure and perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Anketin, prior of Coldingham, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, Robert son of the steward, Bertram de Reston, Elias Chauncun, Adam Frances, Richard de Prendergest, Patrick Scot, Alan the sacrist's man , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7½ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2942. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip recycled from another document, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 948. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting for the fabric of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 949   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick son of Elias de Renigton granting to God and St Mary of Coldingham and the prior and monks there ⅓ part of his land in the vill of Renigton, and ⅓ of his toft and croft, and 1 acre of meadow in Edlesinedue.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, John son of Elias, Bertram de Reston, Adam Fraunceys, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7 x 2½"
Seal: Patrick. G&B 2963. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 949. - Charter of Patrick son of Elias de Renigton granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 950   20 October [1365]
Language:   Latin
Letter of William de la Vale, chamberlain of Berwick on Tweed, reciting the following writ, which he has carried out.
At Berwick, 20 October 39 Edward III.
Writ of King Edward III addressed to William de la Vale saying that the vill of Little Lamberton was in the king's hands by forfeiture of Walter de Lindsey, worth 37s 4d p.a. and ordering him to restore it to the prior of Coldingham,
Date: Westminster, 5 November 38 Edward III [1364]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¼ x 10¼"
Seal: G&B 3730. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 951   [1189 x 1213]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham grant to Peter Bovenell the vicarage of the church of Swinton for life, for an annual pension of 10 marks p.a. at the 2 terms of St Martin and Pentecost.
Witnesses: Master John the archdeacon, Master Andrew de Muravia, Master Laurence the official, John, dean of Fogo, Master Peter de Baillard, Master Michael, Master Stephen de Lillescliue, Master Alan de Richmond, Master Alan de Creton, Master Anger, Peter, chaplain of Coldingham, Peter, chaplain of Berwick , and many others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, carta cut through, triangular [filing] hole in the centre of the foot, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 8¾ x 7¼"
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.108.
Printed: Raine, North Durham DXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 951. - Indenture whereby Bertram, Prior and the Convent of Durham grant …
DCD Misc.Ch. 952   [1189 x 1202]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham grant to Walter, son of Robert, once parson of Edenham, of ½ carrucate of land in Bondington which belongs to the church of Berwick for 4s p.a. to the church of Berwick at St John the Baptist and St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Roger [de Beaumont], bishop of St Andrew's, John the archdeacon, Earl Patrick, Robert de Upsetlington, Master William de Lin, Adam de Bonkil, John, dean of Fogo, Adam de Paulsworth, Master Adam de Hersil, Peter, chaplain of Berwick, Patrick de Houm , and many others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, carta cut through, stabbed hole in the centre of the foot
Size: 6½ x 4"
Seal: slit in the foot [for a sealing tag]
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 981
Copied in DCD Reg.I, f.i.9r.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 952. - Indenture whereby Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham grant …
DCD Misc.Ch. 953   [?May x September 1218]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby the chapter of Durham grants to God and St Mary and the abbot and monks of Kelso the fishponds of Woodhorn and Redehorn.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, carta cut through, stabbed hole in the foot
Size: 4¼ x 2¾"
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.14r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 953. - Indenture whereby the chapter of Durham grants to the monks …
DCD Misc.Ch. 954   [c.1189 x 1202]
Language:   Latin
Ratification by the prior and convent of St Andrews of a confirmation by Father Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrews to the prior and monks of Durham of their rights in the churches of the bishoprick of St Andrews, that is the church of Coldingham, the churches of Berwick, the church of Swinton, the church of Ednhema, the church of Ederham, the church of Lambton, the church of Fishwick (Fissewich), the church of Aldecambus, and the church of Eraldon.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, carta cut through, stabbed hole in the centre of the foot
Size: 6½ x 4"
Seal: G&B No.3679, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 954.
DCD Misc.Ch. 955   [15 August 1227 x 21 February 1236]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh, abbot of Dryburgh, John, prior of Dryburgh and Master Laurence [de Thorenton], archdeacon of St Andrew's, reciting the following papal letter, appointing them to hear and settle a dispute between the prior and convent of Durham and Roger Duze, concerning lands in Coldingham, whereby Roger quitclaimed to the prior and convent his land in Coldingham in return for shelter for his life in the convent of Coldingham.
Letter of Pope Gregory [IX] to the abbot and prior of Dryburgh and the archdeacon of St Andrews, appinting them papal judges-delegate to hear the complaint of the prior and convent of Durham that the abbot and convent of Kelso and the nuns of Berwick injure them concerning teinds and other matters, to hear and determine the case.
Date: Anagni, 15 August Pont.1. [1227]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 4"
Seal: Originally 3. All missing. Each attached by a parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCLVII; (and translated) P.C. Ferguson, Medieval Papal Representatives in Scotland ... 1125-1286, (Edinburgh 1997), p.284-286.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 955. - Charter of Hugh, Abbot of Driburgh, John, Prior of Driburgh …
DCD Misc.Ch. 956    [21 May] 1299
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [de Hoton], prior and the convent of Durham to W[illiam de Lamberton] bishop of St Andrews, presenting Master John de Bamburgh deacon to the vicarage of the church of Southberwick, vacant by the death of William de Angrham [sic].
At Durham, 12 Kal. June 1299.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¼ x 2½"
Seal: [Sealing tongue] and [wrapping tie] stubs
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.109v-110r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 956. - Letters of Richard, Prior, and the Convent of Durham to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 957   [1321 x 1341]
Language:   Latin
Letter of the monks of Coldingham to William [of Cowton], prior of Durham, concerning the visitation of the bishop of St Andrews to the parish churches of Coldingham and Berwick, excesses of William of Greatham, letters concerning the churches of Hersceldon, Aldcambois amd Hupsetlington sent to the prior during the truce, a composition between the bishop and the prior over procurations from the churches of Flaychanthyrn and Newton for the use of the prior for 20 years of £40 or 40 marks, and concerning the presentation of Nicholas son of WIlliam of Roxburgh to Lambton church.
Parchment, 1m, 3 pairs of horizontal slits
Size: 8 x 4¼"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXXIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 957*   4 October 1446
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument addressed to James [Kennedy], bishop of St Andrews and other clergy of the bishopric of St Andrews, by Andrew, abbot of Melrose, papal commissary, reciting a bull of Pope Eugenius IV concerning the petition of John [Oll] prior of Coldingham about the appropriation to the prior of Durham of the perpetual vicarage of Aldcambus, dated at Rome 13 April 1444.
Notarial sign of Thomas Laing, clerk of St Andrews diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Date: Melrose abbey, 4 October 1446 Pont. 16 Pope Eugenius IV.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 19¼ x 21¾"
Seal: Andrew Hunter, Abbot of Melrose. G&B 3674. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 681
DCD Misc.Ch. 958   [1199 x 1202]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrews, for the charity and love of the glorious confessor Cuthbert and for the salvation of the souls of William [the Lion] king of the Scots and the bishops, his successors and predecessors, granting and confirming to God and St Cuthbert and the monks of Durham serving the memory of the saint in Durham all their churches in the bishoprick of St Andrews, that is the church of Coldingham, the churches of Berwick, the church of Edenham, the church of Ederham, the church of Lamberton, the church of Fishwick, the church of Oldcambus (Aldecambus), and the church of Earlston (Ercheldun), and on a vacancy without the presentation of any other parson, may convert them in usus proprios in perpetuity for the maintenance of Christ's poor and guests..
Witnesses: the abbot of ?Kelso (Calchov), the abbot of [Holyrood] Edinburgh (Edenburg), the abbot of ?Jedburgh (Geddewurda), the prior of Tinemwe, Akars, Master Ranulf [de Wat] archdeacon of St Andrews, Master John of Leicester, Master William de Lina, Master Isaac, Master Walter of Driffield, Richard and another Richard chaplains, Geoffrey of Cranford, William de Wyvil, Henry le Truaunt, Ralph de Chaumpagnes, John dean of Fogo (Foghov), Andrew dean of Tyninghame (Tiningh'), Master Ralph Black.
Endorsed (13th century) as being confirmation of the churches of Coldinghamshire except for Swinton.
Parchment, 1m, lined for the last part
Size: 255 x 195mm
Seal: G&B No.3618. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXIX
Printed (with a calendar): Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.297-298.
Other versions: DCD Misc. Ch. 971 and 1341.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 958.
DCD Misc.Ch. 959    [18 May] 1267
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Roger, prior, and the convent of Coldingham grant permission to the Brothers "de penitentia jheu christi" (Friars of the Sack) to build buildings and an oratory in the parish of Holy Trinity in South Berwick.
Sealed with the seals of Gameline bishop of St Andrews and Thomas of Cartres (Carvoto) archdeacon of Lothian (Laodon).
At Coldingham, 15 Kal. June 1267.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 12¾ x 5½"
Seal: Originally 2. 1 survives - of Thomas de Chartres. Fragment only. G&B 3635. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup with a further blank tag
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCLII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 959. - Indenture whereby Roger, Prior, and the Convent of Coldingham grant …
DCD Misc.Ch. 960   [1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Laurence, son of William, son of Gocelin, of Berwick, selling to Richard, prior and convent of Coldingham, all that land with pertinents in Prendergest which he had as a gift from Robert his brother.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord David de Haddington, Lord Ralph Noble, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Thomas de Nesbit, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Gilbert de Lumsden, John son of Ingeram, Gregory de Betyoc, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 8¾ x 4"
Seal: Fragment. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 960. - Charter of Laurence, son of William, son of Gocelin, of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 961    1291
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas, Abbot and the Convent of Scone (Schon) appointing Richard de Kingorn and Master Robert de Carnald proctors in a case before Master Giffred, canon “Cameracens'” in the greater parish church of South Berwick on Wednesday after Epiphany 1291 (9 January 1291/2).
At Scone, vigil of ? 1291.
Parchment, 1m, parts of both sides and the foot gnawed away with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 9 x 4¼"
Seal: Abbey of Scone. G&B 3677. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag beneath.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 961. - Letters of Thomas, Abbot and the Convent of Scone appointing …
DCD Misc.Ch. 962   [1240s]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard, son of Reginald de Aldhamestock, granting to Patrick son of Colman all his land of Aldcambus for 7½d p.a. to the house of Coldingham, 4d at St John the Baptist and the rest at St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Anketin, prior of Coldingham, Lord Henry of Selby, terrar, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, Bertram de Reston, John de Billingham, Elias Pistor, Adam the janitor, William son of Walter, Robert son of Reginald, and others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2736. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 962. - Charter of Richard, son of Reginald de Aldhamestock, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 963    [8 July] 1255
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick son of Colman granting to God and St Mary and St Cuthbert and the monks of Coldingham in free, pure and perpetual alms all his land of Aldcambus which he had as a gift from Richard son of Reginald de Aldhamestoc [Misc.Ch. 962].
Because he has no seal, this document is sealed with the seal of Robert, chaplain of Colbrandspeth.
Witness: The court.
Date: Ayton, morrow of the translation of St Thomas martyr 1255.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7¾ x 5½"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXC
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 963. - Charter of Patrick son of Colman granting to the monks …
DCD Misc.Ch. 964   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Nicholas, son of Thomas, son of Duncan, of Renigton, quitclaiming to Dom Henry de Prendergest, miles, all his land in Renigton.
Witnesses: John Ridel, William de Paxton, Richard Fraunceys, John, Lord of Reston, Robert, Lord of Aldengraw, Adam son of Costric de Renigton, William his son
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8¼ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2961. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 964. - Charter of Nicholas, son of Thomas, son of Duncan, of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 965   [?1189 x 1203]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph, son of Elwold, selling to Richard, nephew of Simon, Prior of Coldingham, for 37s, 1 toft in Coldingham , from the house which was Godwin of the Infirmary's to the east of the fishery and from the road to the south up to iuriuum and 7 acres in the "campo" that is 3 acres ot the south at Stirkesdun and Benrig and Crosford, and 5 perches at Kellokeslaw at the north, 2 acres at Essokeshope and Brerilawe and Burnemunde and Shipesburh and 3 perches at Hanginden Chestres, for an annual rent of a pound a pepper in the week of Pentecost.
Sealed with the seals of the prior and of Robert de Burnvill, sheriff.
Witnesses: Robert de Burnvill, sheriff, Richard de Prebenda, royal clerk, Henry de Prendergest, Edward de Aldcambus, Alan de Swinton, David de Paxton, William de Nesbit, Gregory, steward of Coldingham, Ralph the archdeacon, Elias, the clerk of Ayton, Elias de Prendergest, Richard de Lumsden, Uctred son of Colman, and all the Prior's court
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 4¾"
Seal: (1) of Simon, Prior of Coldingham. G&B 3648.
(2) of Robert de Burnvill. G&B 2772.
Both natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 965. - Charter of Ralph, son of Elwold, selling to Richard, nephew …
DCD Misc.Ch. 966   [?1189 x 1203]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Simon, prior and convent of Coldingham, with the consent of B[ertram] prior of Durham, manumitting Haldan, son of Dune and his heirs, and they are to hold a toft and croft they had in Coldingham, and 20 acres in the "campo" of Coldingham, for 4s p.a., half at St John the Baptist and half at St Martin, with forefactum of 3s for merchet and heriot.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Edward de Aldcambus, Peter, chaplain of Berwick and Peter, priest, of Coldingham, Henry de Prendergest, Elias the provost, Gregory the steward, Adam de Reston, Uctred de Swinewood.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 5¾ x 7"
Seal: Simon, Prior of Coldingham. Green wax. Excellent condition. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
On display in the Cathedral's Saintly Sisters Exhibition in the Collections Gallery of Open Treasure from 28 November 2017 to 3 February 2018.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DLXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 966. - Charter of Simon, Prior and Convent of Coldingham, manumitting Haldan, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 967   [20 May] 1284
Language:   Latin
Act of commissary of the bishop of Catanens' [Caithness], the commissary being the prior of Kelso, in a dispute between the prior and convent of Coldingham and the mayor and "universitas" of Southberwick, fixing Monday after the Nativity of St John the Baptist to hear protestations..
Date: the church of St James in Roxburgh, Saturday after the Ascension 1284.
Parchment, 1m, with 4 arrow-shaped cuts
Size: 8½ x 3¾"
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stub
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 967. - Act of commissary of the Bishop of Catanens' [Caithness] in …
DCD Misc.Ch. 968   12 December 1342
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Cokenay, son and heir of Margaret de Caerlaverock, granting to Robert de Both' burgess of Berwick-on-Tweed and Margaret his wife, one curtilage between the lands of Henry Langton which Walter of Goswick now holds to the north and the said Robert del Both to the south and abutting on the land formerly of John de Raynton where Robert of Pontefract now lives to the west and his own land to the east, containing in length within the walls 31¾ virgas regias at the south side and 32 virgas regias at the north, and in width 16¾ virgas regias at the west end and 17½ at the east.
Witnesses: Simon de Stowe, mayor of Berwick, Roger de Paxton, alderman, William de Beryngdon, Robert de Pontefract, William Haldmarket and Richard de Lwock, bailiffs, Henry Palmer the clerk to the commune , and many others
At Berwick on Tweed, 12 December 1342.
Parchment, 1m, lined, faded
Size: 11 x 9¼"
Seal: municipality of Berwick. G&B 3728. Natural wax. Other one missing. Both attached by parchment strips through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXXV
DCD Misc.Ch. 969   30 April [1373]
Language:   Latin
Letters Patent of King Edward III granting to John Archer of Berwick a tenement in "Seyntemarigate" in Berwick on the south in a vicus between the land of Thomas of Ryedale on the west and a tenement formerly of Dom Thomas Gray miles on the east formerly William Ryedale's, rendering annually to the king and his heirs 10s and to the burgmale 6d in euqal portions at Pentecost and St martin..
Given at Berwick-on- Tweed, 30 April 47/34 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¾" x 3¼"
Seal: Edward III for lands beyond Tweed (G&B No. 3031(i), BM catalogue 751). Attached by parchment strip through seal and 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, ND, App. CCXXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 970   [later 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert, son of Patrick de Renigton, quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham half of his land in the vill and "territorio" of Renigton.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Peter de Mordington, William de Paxton, Gilbert de Lumsden, William de Ayton, Robert Hopper, Walter Ayr, Patrick son of Alice de Reston, Robert de Mordington, and others

Size: 7¼ x 4"
Seal: G&B 2964. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 970. - Charter of Robert, son of Patrick de Renigton, quitclaiming to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 971   [1199 x 1202]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrews, for the charity and love of the glorious confessor Cuthbert and for the salvation of the souls of William [the Lion] king of the Scots and the bishop and his predecessors and successors, granting and confirming to God and St Cuthbert and Prior Bertram and the monks of Durham serving the memory of the saint in Durham all their churches in the bishoprick of St Andrews, that is the church of Coldingham, the churches of Berwick, the church of Swinton, the church of Edenham, the church of Ederham, the church of Lamberton, the church of Fishwick, the church of Oldcambus (Aldecambus), and the church of Earlston (Ercheldun), with chapels and all things belonging to those churches for the maintenance of Christ's poor and guests may be converted in usus proprios in perpetuity when a vacancy occurs, reserving the episcopal dues.
Witnesses: the abbot of Kelso (Kelchori), [the abbot of] Dunfermline, the abbot of [Holyrood] Edinburgh (Edenburc), Thomas prior of St Andrews, Master Ranulf [de Wat] and William Malveisin [archdeacons], [Andrew] and John deans, Master Robert of St Andrews, Master John of Leicester, Master Walter of Driffield, ?Hugh, Master Isaac, Master William de Line, Master Auger, Master Alan of Richmond, Master Abraham, Richard ?, Geoffrey of Cranford, William de Alnoy, Ralph the clerk, Richard le Megre, Robert de St German, Pagan the clerk, [?]pincerna, Everard the Marshal.
Parchment, 1m, 2 large central holes with text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 230 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3618. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLXX
Printed (with a calendar): Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.298-300.
Other versions: DCD Misc. Ch. 958 and 1341.
Copy: DCD Cart. Vet., f.107r-v.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 971.
DCD Misc.Ch. 971*   [1189 x 1202]
Language:   Latin
Seal: Seal of Roger [de Beaumont] bishop of St Andrews, G&B No.3618. Red wax.
DCD Misc.Ch. 972   20 October 1390
Language:   Latin
Letter of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to Robert de Claxton, prior of Coldingham, repeating the contents of a bull of Pope Boniface IX concerning intrusions by Antipope Clement VII on the town and castle of Berwick and lands in Roxburgh and other churches and places, at St Peter's in Rome 16 Kal. Feb. Pont. 1, and appointing the prior to look into and correct the state of affairs there.
Date: his manor of Auckland, 20 October 1390.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 13¾ x 9¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through a slit in the foot
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DXXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 973   [1094-1096]
Language:   Latin
Charter of William [II] king of the English to Thomas [of Bayeux], archbishop of York, notifying him of his confirmation to God and the church of Durham and the holy confessor Cuthbert and William [of St Calais] bishop, and the monks of Durham of all the lands in Lothian which King Edgar, son of Malcolm [III] king of the Scots, granted to them that is the mansiones of Berwick with Greidene, Leinhale, Dylsterhale, Brycgham, Ederham, Cireneside, Hyltun, Blacedre, Cynebrihtham, Hotun, Remintun, Paxtun, Fugeldene, Mordintun, Lambertunb, Haedrintun, Fiscwic, Horeford, and Upsetintun, with the mansiones of Collingaham with Aldcambus, Lumesedene, Ristun, Sumestun, Farndun, Eitun, Prenegest, Cramesmunde, and Haedentun.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 7" x 3¾"
Seal: Great seal of William II. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag. Also occurs on 1.1.Reg.4, 8; M.C.558*. Greenwell & Blair 3013.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 558* except that 558* adds two witnesses and omits "Valete".
Copy: Reg. I, f.i.90r-v.
Calendared: Reg.i p.94 no. 364
Printed: Raine, North Durham, App. p.79 no. CCCCXXXV
Printed: Chaplais & Bishop no. 9 plate 8
Printed: Scott. Hist. Rev. vol xxxvii no. 124, pp.103-4
Printed: Anderson (1705), App. 5, 2
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 973. - Charter of William II to Thomas, Archbishop of York, notifying …
DCD Misc.Ch. 974   24 May 1368
Language:   Latin
Copy notarial instrument recording that John [Fosser], prior of Durham, John de Bishopton', subprior of Durham, Robert de Walleworth, prior of Coldingham, and other monks of Durham and Coldingham, on the one part, and John of Holy Island, vicar, as he says, of Holy Trinity, Berwick, annexed to the cell of Coldingham, as they say, attended and discussed the vicarage portion of the said vicarage; and, after discussion hereof, the prior of Coldingham said, with the consent of the prior and chapter of Durham, that the vicar of Berwick will receive £20 yearly, at four terms of the year from the prior and convent of Coldingham, and set out further rights and responsibilities of both parties, specified; and that the vicar swore to observe this ordinance of the vicarage.
Witnesses: Mr William de Farnham, official of the bishop of Durham, and Mr John de Hakthorp, clerk, NP.
Date: prior's chapel in Durham abbey, 24 May 1368.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 14 x 5¼"
Register copies: DCD Reg. II, f.261r-v & 346r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 975   [c.1339]
Language:   Latin
Letter of the prior of St Andrew's [to the community of Berwick?] asking for the payment with all speed of 40s owing to him which Robert de Toughale chamberlain of Berwick had been instructed to pay by letters from Richard de Hoghton sealed with the seal used by the king of England in Scotland and attested by an inquisition held by Master John de Bedale, and that Gilbert of Lumsden is excommunicated on account of the defects of the official in Berwick and the negligence of the escheator.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 9¼ x 3¼"
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXLII
DCD Misc.Ch. 976   [?1408]
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument whereby Thomas [Langley], Bishop of Durham, delegate for this purpose of the pope, recites a bull of Boniface IX [as also in Misc.Ch. 972] and says that Skirlaw died and he took over the bishopric, and confirms the agreement between John [of Aycliffe], prior of Coldingham, and William Weardale, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Holy Trinity, Berwick, in the vestibule of his church at Durham 26 June 1408.
In the presence of Masters Richard Holme, canon of York; John de Dalton; and Robert de Assleburne, deans of the collegiate churches of Lanchester and Chester.
Notarial sign of Thomas de Lyes, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 17½ x 13¾"
Seal: Langley "ad causas". G&B 3148. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXXII; The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437 vol.I, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 164, 1949), p.85-89.
DCD Misc.Ch. 977   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Simon son of Thomas quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham 1 carrucate of land in the vill of Renigton, with tofts, crofts, liberties and easements, for 15 silver marks which the prior and convent paid him, viz. the carrucate he bought from John de Hunningore [in Misc.Ch. 979] which he bought from Patrick Dreng [in Misc.Ch. 5975].
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Walter and Andrew de Paxton, Adam de Prendergest, Maurice de Ayton, Geoffrey Ridel, William de Lumsden, Adam de Little Reston and Bertram his son, William Scot de Coldingham , and many others
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 6½ x 2¼"
Seal: G&B 3001. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 977. - Charter of Simon son of Thomas quitclaiming to the Prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 978   [25 October] 1150
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrews confirming the gift by Gospatric, brother of Dolfin, to the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert of Durham and their monks, of Edrom and its church, and Nesbit, and also their right to the churches of Swinton and Fishwick.
Witnesses: Robert prior of St Andrews, Thomas prior of Scone, Osbert prior of Jedburgh, Osbert prior of St Cross, Adam the king's chaplain of Roxburgh.
Date: synod at Berwick, 8 Kal. November 1150.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 170mm
Seal: G&B 3614. Brown wax. On a now detached tongue, with a wrapping tie above.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXLIX; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CCXIII.
Printed (with a calendar): Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.144-145.
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 5960.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 978.
DCD Misc.Ch. 979   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of John de Hunsingore, selling to Simon, son of Thomas 1 carrucate of land in Renigton for 15 silver marks, viz. the carrucate he bought of Patrick Dreg, paying ½ mark silver, to the prior and convent of Coldingham, at 3 terms, viz. 20d at Easter, 30d at St John the Baptist and 30d at St Martin.
Witnesses: Robert de Upsetlington, sheriff of Berwick, Patrick son of Adam, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Robert de Ederham, William de Lummesdene, Thomas de Aldcambus, Adam de Reston, Bertram his son, Reginald de Reston, Patrick Dreng, and many others
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Size: 6½ x 4¼"
Seal: Fragment only. G&B 2860. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 979. - Charter of John de Hunsingore, selling to Simon, son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 980    [11 October] 1278
Language:   Latin
Charter of Emma, daughter of Elias Dunning, granting to Alan the carpenter and Mabilla his wife, her neice, a toft and croft in the vill of Coldingham, in longitude and latitude by the wall of the monastery of Coldingham on the south.
Witnesses: Lord Henry of Horncastle, prior of Coldingham, William de Baddeby, steward of Coldingham, Lord Henry de Prendergest, John Ridel, Richard Fraunceys of Ayton', Alan de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, and all the court of Ayton.
Date: Ayton, Tuesday after the St Denis 1278.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 5¼"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 980. - Charter of Emma, daughter of Elias Dunning, granting to Alan …
DCD Misc.Ch. 981   [1189 x 1202]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Bertram, prior and the convent of Durham grant to Walter, son of Robert, once parson of Edenham, of ½ carrucate of land in Bondington which belongs to the church of Berwick for 4s p.a. to the church of Berwick at St John the Baptist and St Martin.
Witnesses: Lord Roger [de Beaumont], bishop of St Andrew's, John the archdeacon, Earl Patrick, Robert de Upsetlington, Master William de Lin, Adam de Bonkil, John, dean of Fogo, Adam de Paulsworth, Master Adam de Hersil, Peter, chaplain of Berwick, Patrick de Houm , and many others
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, “carta” cut through, diamond-shaped [filing] hole cut in the bottom R corner of the turnup
Size: 5¾ x 5¾"
Seal: Missing. Slit in the turnup for a [sealing] tag, also a stabbed hole in the centre of the turnup
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 952
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 981. - Indenture between Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 982   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Eustace de Newbiggin quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham, William de Newbiggin and Burunild his wife, and Walter and Mabilla his children, for 15s.
Witnesses: Patrick son of Alden, Henry de Prendergest, Elias de Prendergest, Elias de Upper Ayton, William de Lumsden, Adam de Reston, Reginald de Reston, Nicholas the clerk , and many others
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a manumission by Eustace to the prior of Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 2½"
Seal: G&B 2900. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXLI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 982. - Charter of Eustace de Newbigging quitclaiming to the Prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 983   [mid 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Paxton, granting to God and St Cuthbert and St Ebbe and the monks of Coldingham ½ carrucate of land in Aldengraw, which Walter, son of Robert the parson of Edenham bought from him for 14 silver marks, and exchanged with the monks for land in Latham, as detailed in Walter's charter.
Witnesses: Henry de Prendergest, Gervase Ridel, Thomas de Nesbit, Elias de Prendergest, Master Merlin, Ralph, the archdeacon of Lumsden, William de Lumsden, Robert the provost, Robert de Cellario, Alan de Swinton, Elias de Upper Ayton, Stephen, Maurice son of Merlin , and many others
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6¼ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2908. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXCVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 983. - Charter of David de Paxton, granting to the monks of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 984    [3 November] 1328
Language:   Latin
Charter of William Masoun, burgess of Berwick, quitclaiming to God and St Cuthbert and Adam [of Pontefract], prior and the convent of Coldingham, a toft, once belonging to Walter de Lamberton, in the vill of Lower Ayton, by the marches of the vill of Flemmyngton on the east and land formerly of Adam Bell on the west, with two bovates of land pertaining to the toft in the "territorio" of Ayton.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, miles, John son of Walter then sheriff of Berwick, John de Lond', mayor of Berwick, Roger de Lumsden, John de Raynton, Henry de Swinton, John de Paxton, Patrick son of William, chief sergeant, and many others
Date: Lamberton, Thursday after All Saints 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10 x 5"
Seal: G&B 2889. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip resued from an ?account, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXXVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 985   [1172 x 1177]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Richard [bishop] of St Andrews to the church of St Cuthbert of Durham of the church of St Lawrence in Berwick[-upon-Tweed] in perpetual alms as agreed between the monks of Durham and those of Kelso, to be held quit of all exactions and synodals in perpetuity.
Witnesses: Andrew archdeacon of Lothian, Walter archdeacon of St Andrews, Geoffrey abbot of Dunfermline, John abbot of Holyrood [Edinburgh], Amfredo abbot of Newbattle, Roger abbot of Dryburgh, Aiulf and Patrick deans, Geoffrey de Leswade, Robert de Pert, Alexander and Albino chaplains, Geoffrey clerk of Tyninghame, Gill' de Wedale.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 60mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup, with a wrapping tie from the top of the turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLI; Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.195-196 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 985.
DCD Misc.Ch. 986   [1172 x 1177]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Richard [bishop] of St Andrews to the church of St Cuthbert of Durham of the churches of Berwick[-upon-Tweed] in perpetual alms with lands, waters, tithes etc, to be held in perpetuity reserving episcopal right and custom.
Witnesses: Andrew archdeacon of Lothian, Walter archdeacon of St Andrews, Geoffrey abbot of Dunfermline, John abbot of Holyrood [Edinburgh], Amfredo abbot of Newbattle, Roger abbot of Dryburgh, Aiulf and Patrick deans, Geoffrey de Leswade, Robert de Pert, Alexander and Albino chaplains, Geoffrey clerk of Tyninghame.
Date: in full synod in the church of St Cuthbert at Edinburgh (Edenesburg).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 215 x 75mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip, from a ?draft of this document, through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.199-200 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 986.
DCD Misc.Ch. 987   [1172 x 1177]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Richard [bishop] of St Andrews to the church of St Cuthbert of Durham and the monks there of the churches of Berwick[-upon-Tweed] in perpetual alms with lands, waters, tithes etc, to be held in perpetuity reserving episcopal right and custom.
Witnesses: Andrew archdeacon of Lothian, Walter archdeacon of St Andrews, Geoffrey abbot of Dunfermline, John abbot of Holyrood [Edinburgh], Amfredo abbot of Newbattle, Roger abbot of Dryburgh, Aiulf and Patrick deans, Geoffrey de Leswade, Robert de Pert, Alexander and Albino chaplains, Geoffrey clerk of Tyninghame.
Date: in full synod in the church of St Cuthbert at Edinburgh (Ednesburg).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 215 x 75mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLVI; Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.197-199 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 987.
DCD Misc.Ch. 987*   [1172 x 1177]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Richard [bishop] of St Andrews to the church of St Cuthbert of Durham of the church of St Lawrence in Berwick[-upon-Tweed] in perpetual alms as agreed between the monks of Durham and those of Kelso, to be held in perpetuity as the monks of Kelso formerly held it.
Witnesses: Andrew archdeacon of Lothian, Walter archdeacon of St Andrews, Geoffrey abbot of Dunfermline, John abbot of Holyrood [Edinburgh], Amfredo abbot of Newbattle, Roger abbot of Dryburgh, Aiulf and Patrick deans, Geoffrey de Leswade, Robert de Pert, Alexander and Albino chaplains, Geoffrey clerk of Tyninghame.
Date: in full synod in the church of St Cuthbert at Edinburgh (Edeneburk).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 90mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLV; Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.196-197 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 987*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 987**   [28 March 1165 x 1177]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Richard [bishop] of St Andrews to the church of St Mary of Kelso of the church of St Lawrence of Berwick[-upon-Tweed] free and quite of all exactions and synodals in perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Andrew the archdeacon, Geoffrey abbot of Dunfermline, John nephew of Bishop Rodbert, Robert canon of St Andrews, Robert son of Sewlfi, Master Herbert, Alexander chaplain, Master Abraham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 75mm
Seal: G&B No.3616. Brown wax. Attached by a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCLIII; Scottish Episcopal Acta Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.208-209 (with a calendar).
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 987**.
DCD Misc.Ch. 987†   [1239 x 1253]
Language:   Latin
Dedication by David [de Bernham] bishop of St Andrews of the chapel of St Nicholas Berwick to the mother church of the Holy Trinity of the same place which the monks of Durham obtained for their own use.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 155 x 95mm
Seal: G&B No.3620. Brown wax. Attached by a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 987†.
DCD Misc.Ch. 987‡   [1239 x 1253]
Language:   Latin
Seal of David [de Bernham] bishop of St Andrews
Seal: G&B No.3620. Brown wax.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 987‡.
DCD Misc.Ch. 988   25 November 1450
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick Hebburn, Lord of Hales, granting to St Mary the Virgin, St Cutrhbert, the church, the prior of Coldingham and the monks there of all his land in the vill and "territorio" of Coldingham that is 3 acres and a rod between the Gestmedowe on the south, the prior's land on the north, the road on the west, and Benelands on the east, and 3 rods by the churchyard of St Michael on the north, and the prior's land on the other sides, for the salvation of the souls of himself, his wife, his parents and all his benefactors alive and dead.
Witnesses: Archibald de Hebburn, uncle of the Lord of Hales, William and George de Hebburn, his brothers- germane, John de Otterburn, archpriest, James Cockburn, Thomas de Hume, Robert de Blackadder, James Whitlaw, Gilbert de Lumsden
Date: Dunbar, 25 November 1450.
Size: 11¾ x 6"
Seal: G&B 2846. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXIX
DCD Misc.Ch. 989   16 April 1434
Language:   English
Assize before William [Douglas], earl of Angus and David Home, bailiff of Coldingham, on complaints against William Drax, prior of Coldingham, by George Ellam, Thomas Lumsden of Fastcastle, Gilbert Lumsden and other free tenants concerning rights of common and pasture, and the award of the assize. Underwritten by thirteen plaintiffs, namely; Paton Hering, John of Raynton, John of Whitlaw, Paton Home, Richard of Edington, Andrew Blakedyr, Hugh of Spens, Ralph Bowmaker, George Wolfe, William of Manderston, John of Chirnside, John of Spens, and John of Paxton. Demand that all uncommoned and unpastured land be returned to its previous state, and for the prior to relinquish all lands he was holding unreasonably.
Date: Coldingham, 16 April 1434
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11¼ x 5¾"
Seal: Originally 13. 5 left.
(1) of Adam Bell. G&B 2756.
(2) of John of Chirnside. G&B 2778.
(3) of Richard of Edington. G&B 2819.
(4) of John of Manderston. G&B 2884.
5] of John of Spens. G&B 2992.
All red wax. All attached by parchment strips through foot of document, some with the sigillant identified on the tag
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 990   [1263x1276]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Stephen called Stampard, son and heir of William Stampard of Coldingham, granting to God, St Mary, St Cuthbert, St Ebbe, and his lords Roger, prior, and the convent of Coldingham, in free, pure and perpetual alms, 1 acre of land in the "campo" of Coldingham which Gregory de Betyoc once held to farm from William's father, between the Bolgin stream and Kole, by Scateby to the east.
Witnesses: Henry de Prendergest miles, Gilbert de Lumsden senior, Gilbert his son, Thomas, son of the steward, Richard his brother, Adam son of Walter, Walter son of the smith, Robert Burning, Peter Cogan, Elias the clerk .
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 7¼"
Seal: G&B 2993. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 991
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 990. - Charter of Stephen called Stampard, son and heir of William …
DCD Misc.Ch. 991   [1263x1276]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Stephen Stampard.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¾ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B 2993. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 990
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 991. - Charter of Stephen Stampard. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 992   25 September [1298]
Language:   French
Charter of Edward I granting to St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Durham all their possessions in Scotland which were in the hands of the King's enemies.
Witnesses: Walter [Langton] bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, John [of Halton] bishop of Carlisle, John earl of Warenne, Henry de Lascy earl of Lincoln, the king's "dear nephew" Thomas earl of Lancaster, Guy earl of Warwick, Henry de Percy, Robert le FitzWalter, Robert de Clifford.
Date: Carlisle (Cardoyll), 25 September 26 Edward [I].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½" x 7½"
Seal: G&B No.3028 (Scottish seal of Edward I; green wax), attached by cords through seal and 3 holes in a turnup
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 992. - Charter of Edward I granting to St Cuthbert and the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 993   12 April [1423?]
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument concerning proceedings at Rome about the intrusion by William Brown and Robert Bowmaker, monks of Dunfermline into the priory of Coldingham, brought by William Drax, prior of Coldingham (cf. Misc.Ch. 994).
Witnesses: Masters John Resboem and John Ordinghen NPs and scribes and clerks of Cologne diocese.
Notarial sign of Peter Schoenre of Goch, clerk of the Cologne diocese, public notary by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 575mm x 453mm
Seal: Peter [Echocure of Goth]. G&B 3716. Red wax. Attached by cords through foot of document.
Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 705.
DCD Misc.Ch. 994   1 December 1466
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument whereby Robert Mason, official of the Consistory Court of Durham copies letters testimonial of Thomas Halver, setting out decisions of Peter Schoenre of Goth in the case of the intrusion of 2 monks of Dunfermline into the priory of Coldingham (cf. Misc.Ch. 993).
Witnesses: Masters William Laybron, John Rudde, John Pcikering, and William Newton, Dom Robert Sotheron chaplain, John Orewell.
Date: Durham Galilee chapel, 1 December 1466 and Pont. 3 Pope Paul II.
Notarial sign of Robert Bartram, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, public notary by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 672mm x 565mm
Seal: Probably G&B 3174. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document, with another [sealing] parchment tag through the head of the document
Decoration: elaborated initial U incorporating 'ihesus'
DCD Misc.Ch. 995   [c.1200]
Language:   Latin
Charter of David, son of Ernold de Quickswood (Quikeswode), quitclaiming to the prior and convent of Coldingham 2 bovates of land with a toft and croft in Coldingham, which they gave in exchange for land and a wood he had in Aldcambus, viz. Aksidepeth for the tithe of corn for 1 year of Greater Lumsden, valued at 6 marks.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, Walter de Lindsey (Lindesheia), Henry de Prendergest, Gregory the steward, Alan de Swinton, William de Lumsden, Thomas, son of William de Aldcambus, Adam de Reston, Richard de Renigton, Ralph the provost, Philip the janitor, Nicholas the clerk, Alexander granger, Roger ruffus, Philip de Celario.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 6½ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2941. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXLVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 995. - Charter of David, son of Ernold de Quickswood, quitclaiming to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 996   [later 13th century]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph of Coldingham, called hostiar, granting to God and St Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Durham 6 acres of land in the territory of Coldingham, lying on Schytenhoubelle, which he took from Adam de Lek in exchange for 6 acres of land called le Beneflact.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, miles, Thomas son of the steward, Adam de Lumsden, Adam son of Walter, Gilbert de Lumsden, William de Billingham, Adam de Lek.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 8 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2957. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 996. - Charter of Ralph de Coldingham, called usher , granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 997   [c.1200]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Alan, son and heir of William, once carpenter of Coldingham, quitclaiming to Lord Henry de Prendergest, miles, all the land which Adam son of Philip gave to William the carpenter, with a toft and croft lying against the western part of the house which once belonged to Agnes de Durham, and also 1½ acres lying between Flaxiwelles and Kelloclawe.
Witnesses: Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert de Coldingham, Adam de Coldingham, John de Little Reston, Elias son of Roger de Little Reston, Patrick son of Lady Alice, Thomas de Prendergest, Richard, brother of Thomas de Coldingham.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 9½ x 7"
Seal: Fragment. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through 3 slits in a turnup
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 997. - Charter of Alan, son and heir of William, once carpenter …
DCD Misc.Ch. 998    [4 March] 1329
Language:   Latin
Charter of William Fleming de Lower Ayton, quitclaiming, to God and St Cuthbert and Adam de Pontefract, prior and the convent of Coldingham, 1 toft in the vill of Lower Ayton between the tofts of William Gatonet to the east and William Welscodde to the west, with 1½ bovates of land in the field and territory of Lower Ayton.
Witnesses: Lord Robert de Lawedene, Justiciar of Lothian, Lord Henry de Prendergest, kts., John de Elkelyne, John de Ranigton, Patrick the sergeant , and many others
Date: a court held at Lower Ayton, Saturday before the feast of the Virgins Perpetua and Felicitas 1328/9
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10¾ x 5¼"
Seal: (1) of William Fleming.
(2) of Roger de Lumsden. G&B 2881.
Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXVIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 999    [12 December] 1248
Language:   Latin
Charter of Walter, son of Elias de Prendergest, quitclaiming to the house of Coldingham all his "cultura" with a toft and croft which Richard his brother gave to him, in free and perpetual alsm, for the salvation of the souls of himself and his ancestors, and he has handed this charter to Henry de Silton, prior of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord David de Hadington, Adam de Norham, Ralph Noble, Robert de Paxton, John son of Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Robert son of the steward, Patrick Scot, William son of Waldef .
Date: in full court at Ayton, Saturday after St Nicholas 1248.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Size: 7¼ x 5½"
Seal: G&B 2933. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXIV